Miami Gazette April 26, 1934 - April 25, 1935

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Eighty-Sixth Year


Whol Number 6115










II 0wl'1I . p eil"ce.: SI1UAIlON Mr. and Following the custom of excclebl'at 'd the II' 56lh II cddlng an- I changi ng programs, which has been sta rted in ,the county, Farnler's nivcr. al'Y on Tue~day, . April ' 24 I The couplc have Irv d In Wllyues. 1 • Grange will take a program to Springboro, Moy 2. Members al'e ST. MARY'S CHURCH ville at three different times tlntl ============~=. urged to go to visit this neighbor H/'v. J. ,T•• ch e r. Rector have always dono . plcndid work at grunge and to back our program, Adjuatmellt Contract. 'Mr, and Mrs, W, B. Squir ~ 1.1r, and IIft·s, Moni Fulkcrson th Friencl ~ H om e. To , f ro ar. d Mr. Wheat I-'utll tb ,'uf'du)" art~r Ea. 1f r, spen t unda~' at the I'e ervoir, Approximately Thirty Student. which is as follow, pril 2!J. h\ II' h .... c- h 01 at 9 ::10; were aylon vi silor, Oil P eirc , the f amil y at t he hom and Are Slill Open For Mus ic Fires Family Orchestra Prayer and sermon at a large circle' or f,;entls in the com Enter Contest. From Fiye Mr. . M. Whi t·. of Lo uiijville, Sipen 11 ~ . H.. , . 'Weaver and son. ,I im· ;Ellen Moss Recitation muni y extend cllngrnlulati on and Ky., called on friends hcre, Mon · Xenia . vil,itors 0 11 Tu esmie, wore School. Pa ntomime In charge nc ere wi h for man y nJor( si ___ _ ' of Mrs. Stubbs day. FE RRY CHURC H OF CH RIST tlay. happy anniversaries, The world wheat situation has . , Vocal Solo Mrs. Fulkerson ( U ntlcnom inaltional) I(!ane rs aptha GIlS a nd water leaners Naptha Gas and wal \. nol Improved to any extent since Tho sectlOn<ll ~.omm rcml con- ITalk Mr. James Gibbons Whil~ Ga. for, t oves. ngl sby's Chester A. Wlilliamso n tcs.ts . were held In the. SChoOl , M u ic . ' Fires' Orchestra White Gas fol' stove. . Un leHby' s furnH.'I 'l' hard it discussed when ' nifre ll ~ n 'lce b(>~inning at Filling Station. bUlldmB: la8t Suturday, wI,th Mr. Reading , , Ruth Hockett Filling Station. the wheat adjustment program !J:;10 u. m, \1 it h Church .-ch(lQI BI:own In charge. ApprOXimately Playlet .... .. In charge ~ii ' s Doris Mr. and Mr l!. Leon Salisbury was 1>1" scnt d to them 'l ast fall. thl1"~Y students ~ook part, rep~e- I of Mrs. Larrick and family, of abinn, visiteu reo p ~r i tJ d. L ord" 'u pp el' and ~el 'mon hom la, t wc-ek after a Th 'I' is ~till 800 miltion 1>u hels a t ]O ::lO a. m. You are al\\'a~'s at scntmg Seve!! Mtle, Monroe, Falr- Music ........ Fires' Orchestra lati ves here, Sunday. relatives in I veland. of carry over wh eat on hand. t hi s ch ul eh , field . TownshIp, Morrow and WayThe mee"ting tarts at 8 :30. _ ___ Mr. and ?ill'S. On-ill Gray and Ang lin Mill 7, dil'd at he l This country will export only nesvIlJe, W, N. 'ears and fami ly are mov· ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH <laughte r, Barba ra, spent Sunda late home in St. .l oReph, Mo., on about forty to .forty,seven million In first-y ar typing Monroe ing into the larence Ry property Filthcl" Newl o:n Pa tor with relatives in Dayton. Monday, April 23, aftel' a long bushels during the year ending ran ked first and ,even Mile secon Foul'th street today. 1\1 t St A t " ' hurch illne~s, She lIas born S~ptemb I June 30, 1934. Comp ared with an ond, the rates beingrespeclively Mr. and Mrs. Lee Morri, or . ass a . ug\.l~ mc!\ 11'. RJld I'll rs. Morris Sherw od) 2 • 1 54, ill Warr n cou nty, average of 166 million bushels for '4 4 word and 39 words in a fifte \! n Dayton wel'e guests of 1\11'8 every st' ontl alld ,f ourth llntlay of :olumlJus, visitetl Mr. and Mrs . Ohi o, near Wayn ville, She wal! the past ]0 years, this 1933-34 minute test. Seven Mile and FairAmand~ Maffitt, unday. .. lot t he nlunth. Ca~1 he rwood ovcr the week-end , the dallllilt I' of th r luLl.' Jonnthon trade amounls to less than a third fi old qualified for first and l!econd MT d M FRIENDsMiEETINC and Martha Hain s. H I' early lif ~ the avernge and less than a fifth , ' place in advanced typing, with , n. an e rs. tal'l f anker, ofd to (lnd ~Mhool d"y" pe llt )'n t b c hlg . h fi gu res f or 192'..25. 0 ur ol'win E. Ary, te nant on the .T. Maso rutcs of 50 and 48.6, Fairfield and M 0 'l'he lat est r port 1\1" . Vcom II from II ~ " ..,' '''''I'C ., ~ () S ... I an I Fi l"l:;t. yu y . chaol at .I ::.1 0 a. m. r. Witham at laml n y s- Wn ynesvI·\l e. Monroe weI' award d first and , l~a~k e farlll on Col l e~e HIli , M s 0, w R 're U gues I b " o l d export mar k et 'IS gone- I'k I I.' a. r. . , ng es ee on um ny. 1\1 ting l or Won.hip a t 10 :30 pital ill thtH he is getting nlong ;'h wu s mal'l"i('d to tto . ,Mill . life-long fri t>nd wh o bas passed seco nd place in boo kk eping. Way- ~as mJ~red ab~ut ~0 :3 0 thiS mornMrs, Charles Lynch was taken to a. m. lIic Iy . April 25, 1 3, in Lebanon and away. nesville won first place in advanced mg whl lo ~orktng In the field ,. ~h e . shorthand , with Roma Hardin re- tractor w.hlch Ary was dl'lvmg 'Miami Valley Hospital Tue day ' -M.I'. ll lHI ~Irs. J ohn Fro mm and latcl' mov d to Wayne~villc and n July 1, 1933, the carryover of wh at in this country was 388 c iving an accuracy rating of broke 100 e . from th~ plow and afternoon for ma toid observation, WAY NESVILLE MI. E , CHURCH famil y werc guests of MI'. und lived hel'c a sh rj. t iml'. III 1 , Rev. G. C, Dib~~rt, Pastor Mr'. Me lvyn Banta I1t Delawal' I Mr. ami Mrl<. Mill s removed to million bush els. On July I, 1934 97 .4 ,)" at 110 words per minute. ran over .hlm, . breakmg o~e leg unuay: unday sellOol at !J :30 Ohio, Sunday. Kansa s and a litt! latcr to t. the carryover will probably be All other papers in advanced short a nd ~llas~mg him badly. HI son, . M:. an~ ?!r~, Jack, Kelley, of J o, ph, M (l., where th y hav lrom 250 to 286 million bushels, hand and all pap rs in fir t. year workmg.lD another pa~t of the field Cincinnati, VI Itcd MI.. and Mr. a. Ill. Morning "\\ oll'ship at 10:30. 1 1I'11'~ . J . D. TI' adwny is recover- since resided. which would be about twice the , horlhnnd was disq ualified be- h,eard hiS. lather callmg and h.u r- Nolan onnol' and fanllly on un · The ~ erm o n l<ubject will be I Going · ut fol' ; Noble ' ing II icely :from an op ration which ' She i flUl'vived by her husband , • normal carryover. The shortest cuuse of th eir failure to lIoore the rled . to hIm. Ary was taken Im- day. accuracy rating of 95 ~ which was ~(:dlatAlly to the McClellan hOBMr. and MI' '. J. O. CUI.twright, ~ At. :00 p. m. PI·~f. Lo 7.' . . 5~C und~r~vcllt at M.t ,lena n HOS- 10tt(1 and two s~n8, arl J, MIII~ crop in the last third of a century s t as a standal.d. pltal by Mr. Henry Westerman Hyde Park, incinnati , wen' dll Y chool (ln~s I'r~ll hav en lll' pllal Xenia. last F rIday. and Raym ond Mtll~, of t, Jo eph made is pOll ible to whitt'le into the and no report has yet om week-end guests 0 rs. annah chlli'ge- of th ser~"c, • and Ml', 1\1 Peler D C lone broth el', J ohn !Caine. , uf carry ov I' supply only abo\lt 100 the hospital. Rogers. Gar!;'t will givc the address, D em~~' and Pete)' t:n~:y Del~:s ~~ ; ~ayto n , hio a nd many .,·t'lalive~ I million bu. hols du~ing the past Wayne T~p. h,duatrial Tour. -_.. Oh ' t S d In and around W ayne~vt1le , Mr. seaso n. se of wbeat has no t deOn n xt at.urdt~y and u1)da y . I N . w lImna, 10, ~ pen un ay d.... M' II Ie b ra t e d i h e'l" . ' . of h d . Plans for the Wllyne Twp. [n - CORN-HOG SECTION J' pdl 28·2!1 the Annual Ilrmg with M ' Oil ' D ' d ' l '1 li n mfS. I S ce , clmed because t e epresslon. Mrs. JOl\eph Evans r turned home dustrial Tour are nearing como nr I'~ ncc of th D:tyton Distr ict t. I aVI an IIml y. golden wedding anniversary last Better times will not change the LIBERALIZES RULE Saturday evenin~ uftf'r spending plcllion and stud ents are looking Epworth Ll'llgue will be held in iI', and 1\1rs. Ray Hawke and year. On April 26 it she hael li ved. I consumption of bread a nd other the wintel' with her daughter in forward to a vel"y pleasant trip. Lebanon , The program open on' family, MI'. and Mrs . al'l Hawke, she would have been married 51 cer~1l1 products to any extent, The Arrangements have been mad e Oat. Acre.... for Puture or Hay Florida. aturday at 2 :30 p. m. and clo!lcS of Dayton and MI". and MrR. L e years. The funct'a] is being · held 11934 acreage for harvut, with to visit Wilbur Wright Field of unda y todllY, Th ursd~y, a~ 3 o'clock at , average yields for spring wheat, ·l\frs. Anna adwalladel' and nn Sunday at 4 p. m. It i~ hoped Hawke and family werc Not Conaidered "F~d Cropa" Dayton, the Zoological Gardens, Mi sCiara Lile visit d r.l r~ , Ella thllt !level'al muy aHend fr om here. !!,uests of Mr. anti Mrs. J, C. hel' hom . Bul'ia l will be in t. may produce about 700 million Pl'oct ~ & Gamble Company, the J oseph. I bushel~ of wheat. This is a mater- ' n Wedne~day tOf n ext week Hawke at a family dinner. Babb lit pTing Vall ey aturdar A recent rllling of the corn hog afternoon. Roo kwood Potte ry, the Cincinnati iai reduction from the average 'l'lw Wom en' · For.eign 1I1i sionary Union T erminal Company, and se.ction of the AAA permits fannSociety w ill meet with Mrs. J . B M r ,Carl onnal'd nnd two M"l'S. Mabel Lamb orner, ag d 860 million busbels of the past the Pl'od u~ rs' Cooperative Com. ers t o include oats that al'e to be Freder ick Robitzi!r, of New rabhe. A vel'y . plendid program children, of na~'ton , are spending 21 you ngest daughter or Robert few years, but still mO're t han the missioll As ociation- all of Cin- cut green and used for hay, or to Yo rk City, is spending his vacation has been planned. l\1i~s Elizabeth tllis week wi th her pal'ents, Mr. La'mb of Wuyn o~vllle died W d- a nnual disappearance of wheat, cinnati. The Dayton Breadco mpany be used for pasture, as part of the with hi s father. Mr. C. M. Rollit- Ho!!'ue, \ ' ho has sp,ent many year. and M l 'S. A_ ,Griffy. Mrs. Con- nesda~ ni ght, April at Miami 1625 million bu~h el!l, in this counat Dayton, and the Amorican Roil- to taJ crop aer ag of the farm zer and family. Il'Ol'king as Q, misdonal'Y in Inda nard and one of tbe children al'e VaUey hospital. try. ing Mills Company of fiddletown . rather than a8 a. part of the feed will be th speak r' at thj meeUng confined to the house with measles Funenll services will be held The wheat grower who s igns a Messrs. W. C, t . J ohn, My el' These Industrial Trips will be crop acreage. ---I r. Sam Shallat retumed to Saturday afternoon al' 2 o'cIo k contl'act is a . ured parity p rice on H yman and D. L, Cran e atte nded h ld during t he week of April 30, Pr viously, oats were considerCHURCH · h er honle in incinnati on Wed- at the hurch of hri t, corner of 54 per cent ?f the average crop probably on Tu esday, 'Wednesday ed a reed crop, and signers of corn R. A, M. inspec tion at Lebanon, WAYN ESVILLE CHRIST Summit an I t erc l' streets, Day- he produce d In .the base period, and Thursday of that week. Mr. hog , contracts were expected to Friday evening. ( ndcnomililational) n sda y aft l' a vi it with MI'. and ton. B u ial in Miami cem tery. 1928 to 1932. S ince he gets tbree Hatfi ld is in charge of the trip; include s ucb oats acreage in Mrs. Myel' Hyman and son , Bobt f d ti The meeti ng of the Mother's hester A. Williamson. Minister bie. Mrs. J annette Bloch, of CinMiddletown and Fmnkli"n papers paym en s or two crop re u c ons Mr. rabbI.' will arrange for trans ftguring up their total fee4 crops. club which wa to bave b en hel I ' please copy. I and since he l'e.duces his acreage, ]lortation and Mr, Brown is The contract places a limitation on May ' 11, WB postponed un Lil hUlch 'chool at O::~ 0 a . m. cinnati, mother of Mrs. Hyman, is he wiIJ actually receive parity handling the correspon dence. on the number Qf acres that can FlidflY, May 18. LOl'd's uppel' a,t conclusion. Ch ris- vi iling here now. pl'ice on more than 54 bushels out t inn Endeavor at (I :;!O p. m. Earl William RolJin ~on, 76, diod, at of every hundreq he produces in be put to fee<! crops on the indiviCalenclar for Cloain. D.,a of dual farm. l\tr . Hartl ,y Mo s en t ertained a the county hom in Lebanon, Fri- ] 934 from Ii yield siinilar to that Mrs. Merle Kern and daug hter, Woolnrd, Ll:ader. Evening evanSCMeI Oats sowed tor such a purpo e, J oan, DC Clcveland, were the week- geli , tic service at 7 :30 p. Ill . gl'oup of child ren at a birthday day morni ng, ane r an illness due of his base period. Just how much howevar, will be counted as part end g\lest of he r parents, Mr. and rlay~I' ml'clin¢ Hnd Bi ble study I arty in honor of Misses Ell en and to a. complication of dl a se . Th e mOTB, win depend uponthe amount April 27- Senlor Prom. oach Wednesday nt 7 :30 p, Ill. ~h l!- Mary M.oss, on 'aturday alter- f unel"lll wa s held at th McClure of his b nefit p,8 yments in the April 30-May, incl.- Biennial in- of the total crop acreage. The Mrs. J . D. Marlatt. church "herc yoU! feel at home. noon . The guest list included Funeral Hom e on Monday aitey- thr years , The contract simer eorn·hog contract limits the acre dustrial Tours. Mr, Mary E. Robinson, Ml's. ____ __ ..... - - ~1al. tha l\ial'tin, orma L ove1y, 9oon. In t rment \\'8S made ip will 11 his wheat O,n the open May 4- County T~ack Meet. S. W. age that can be devoted to all Erlr production is more nearly Alma Prendel'ga!\t, Opal Roberts. Miami cem tery. mark t , but his benefit payments Di ~rict Tennis meet at Cincin- crops for harvest to the number of Serena Herrick, Mrs. Ellen Goo n, Robert, of Dayton, were aVltl';lge in the n':>h nati. _ acres \planted in 1932 or 1~S3 , and central and Roxie 8ckett, Willi Faye Lo\\ is, - - - - - -- - -. will add to his returns fro m the th week-ond gue ts 01 MI' . Flossie ~ May o- District State cholarshlp hlchever is the latger. \\ estern t tc~ than e"'ewhere . Harriet Greely, Betty Braddock, crops of 1034 and 1935. and family. CareyThe contract provisions was Test at Miami University 9 :3'0 Produc t ion ill the outh has 'been harl()tte , Ry~, ~{el n Hisey, Sarah The grower who stays out of liberalized in recognition of the Mrs. Harvey Rye entertained the very low, and ill tlhe north Atlantic oa ner, Mommla HOB.k, ,J . an and •. m. the wheat adjustment program May 7cnool Di play (7-11 inel s mall 1934 8upplies 01 hay, owing member or the Argunot B ridge states, be low average, t .J(ln~ lIartsoc,k and Vlrglnta Pre will sell his wheat on the open _____ _ __ _ - I ton . A iter the afternoon was spent market at the goin g price. The May 8-Sportsmanship Brother- to winter killing of legume seed- club on Saturdily a fter.noon, The ·e P we bill in pluying games, d elicious refresh more wheat is produced, the h ood meeting a t gym, 8 p. m. ings, and also to take care of cases invite d guests were, robs, C. B, 0 r ~- ments of ice cream and angel Fcod Special'lt Name, Wild low!)r the pdce,~ is likely to be. !\fay l1--Junior-Senior Banquet. ",bieh, under strict adherence to Chapman, MI'S, John Preston and White Ros , foo d cake were served. S. W. District Track meet at contract provisionB, would have Mrs. A. H. Stubbs, hi n d th e eni~ i ne. resulted in so-called "free acres," Oxford. Ohio. Plant. That May Be Wheat Contract for rir_ Cro.... May 12-State Commercial con- or "idle Land" or far'll! under conU.ed a. Tonicl' Wheat IldjWltme'nt contracts) test, Bowling Green. tract. - --now ofl'crt'd t o Warren County ---...-.~-May l3- Baccalaureate Service at Tum now to greens to add vad· farm r f or the second time, are the gym, 8 p. m, NEW OFFICERS ELECTEI) ety to your III aI, ug g st$ Miss reo)elled to two groups of wheat May i4- Second emester Exams. . AT MEETINC OF Y. F. M. L-________________~--__~--~~~~~~~~~~~---------------------- Alma Carv in,' extension specialist producer., There are: May 18- Mother's Club meets at in nutrition for the 0, • , U. 1. Tilose who want to fill out ap Grade Building, The tf.' rm gl'('cns includ es all pliclltio ns blanks and ci.c:;:0;;; n~tr:.:a~c;::t:::.8_ __ _--,':-iI The , . . me In May 18- Report: cards and other the leafy vegctablell, salad greens, now for the first time. session at the home of Rhoades and awards at gym, 10 a. m. School a s weIJ as t he l o~\Ves that al'e cook dllCel'~ are eligible to r eceive the picnic on H. S, Campus 11 a, m. Jean Bunnell on Sunday evening, ed. Th ese gre n leaves act a second 1933 payment and all of to 1 p. m. .Commence.ment 8 April 22. Twenty-two pErsons t Pl'iJlg ton ics and l"1l'nk at the top t he 19 34 and 1936 payments, • answered to roll call and two p. m. of the list as protective f oo ds. 2. Those who grcw wheat only visitors wore present. Election, of May 10- Alumlli They lU'e ric h in iron and calcium in th years 1932 and 1933. These officers was held and the results as well as in vitamins A and C, and producers, who were ineligible to were as follows: Eva McMillan, TenDi. nre al ~/) good sources of vitamins take part in the program under president; Ernest Cook, viceTennis is expected to be a live Band G. . former rulin gs,' a re entitled to sport at W. R. ' S. tlJill spring. president; Amy Bailey, secretary. "Flom now unlil the tim e OUl' grow for harvest this ' year .85 per Many students are in~ere.ted and Stanley Bailey was lesson lea'der gard ens bl!gin to produce we call cent of theil' 1932 acreage. 'l'heir are anxio\J!i to play. , However, at the meeting and the topic was have appetiz ing greens for t.h~ benefit payments are less than due to the grading of the athletic on "Farm Problems." The next picking," says Miss Garvin . "These t hose for growers who grew held at the field and the opportunity ,t o serve meeting will wild g recJ') s nt"!~ foun d in fields, wheat each year of the past five. of Stanley and Amy BaUey. Sarah more persons, plans were made to meadows, lawns and roadsides. All No campaign will be conductJd build two courts w.heTe .we prevl- Braddock will be lestWn leadel', of t h m of c ourse, should be used bY the W arren COl1nty WCA to Ada Grace Underwood will lead ousl had but one. very' young. obtain new signers to contraetl, Considerable work on the the devotionals and Elizabeth Fur"'l'h~ dand elion is de licious at I Carl J . Miller, president of the nas will have charge of the recreathis time of Year, The hea rt call association, announces. Wheat (Continued oll pare 4) tional bour. be used as ,8 salad and the leaves Igrowers who~ cases coincide with .... cooked a groeens. It may be used 'l one of the three cited are urged HARTSOCK--STREET XEN IA PHOTOGRAPHER a\ope or in combination with other ~to inquire for detailed information greens. ' ,a t the county office of the 88S.0 CIaOBSERVES YEAR On Sunday, April 22, at 4. p. m. "The winter mustard, found in tion at lA;.banon between the dates o'clock Mr, Harold Hartsock was grain fields. and meadow s, has ' of Apt'll 23 and April ' 30. His fortieth , anniversary in married to Mias Margaret Ann ra thel' a sh arp taste and h best Figures on acrellges and yields business in Xel}ia is being cele· Street, daujfhter of )lr. and Mrs. combi ned with other greens. It turned in by the new signeJ'll will bl'ated -this week by J. J. Downing Harry Street, of Xenia. The ceremay be used raw 01' cooked. b e mu(!e publie by {lublication (or photographer, of Xenia. mony wa. performed at the home "Wild lettuce. is quite abunclan t '~:( p osting) and will theJ1 be adAfter taking a course in art and of the , bride's parenti, where the in' Ohi o. Whell young is makes an Justed to correspond with the. eUIIlworking a few years at portrait newlyweds expect to stay for the excellent salad d,is h 01' it may be Ima ry of t~'e contracts signed Jut painting, Mr. Downing added pho- present. Mr. Ha~ck ia the lion of coo ked. . fall. New signers will become mem tography to hill profession in the Mr. and Mr.. Ed Hartsock, of "Fl ea bane, sometimes called 1bers ?f . the county wheat control spring of 1886. He was located In Spring VaUet and the gi'andlOn of white top, i s another gr e(ln which ,a SSOCIatiOn . ' Waynesville for eight yean, mov- Mr. and lin. Charles Rye. 141'8, is abundnnt in some s ections of - - -- - ing to Xenia the latter part of Harttoek i. a recent araduate of Ohi o. It is found in meadows 01' SCHOLARSHIP OFFER April, 1894, when he purchased Xenia HIch school. Mr. Hartsock clover fielde. the Gatch galleries from the late operates tba City Service mtion "Curly dock which has a long, IS MADE &.', HOLBROOK W. B. Gatch. at Spring ValleT but expeet, to thin curley leaf is another tempting One of the Gatch galleries was have a permanent locatioD in Daygreen. It may be cooked and Altred Holbrook loeated at 18 Eaet lIark4t etreet, ton loon. . aened alone or in combination Lebanon ,h al announced in a room formerl, oeeupled b • - ---, with other areene, ive scholatAip otrft the Peopl~e sundinl aDd Savin.. "Usually a combination of 1Oh00la ot Warrell ao,...~,. ATTENDED CRADUATION eompan)'. The other ,aUel7 w.. The following letter is explana- This check comea in mighty handy GreenB is more pleasina than one 1bIp.. 00. . . . . tatdo. at . 48 Eut lIaln meet, pretent location of Mr. Downlnc'e gdlo. IIr. and lin. R. • , Hawke, John Henry Smith, wen known tory. I can use it very nicely to pay served alone. In cooking lP'eenl 'tu'~~01~"'~~~;~; it is Important to cook them until ..... til, II Dowalnl later combined tile !Emma B. lIeClu~ lire. L. B. local- barber, 8Upped while carry934 my taxeJ. Just t ender. Some greons, lucb a. torla. of t r. ..dioe at the Eut JIatn Gordo...... Bett7 Hartsock, lIiss inc wood Into his home lut winter April 12, 1 You can count 011 me a8 a :..~ ad...... where he tau lAIe- ~ .lo lliDel' all4l lb. Dlelt fIlm.r IDjuring his knee in the aceident. The Cincinnati Enquirer, booster for Enquirer Insurance Iplnach and ),oung dandelioll8, will ' ~ ." e " " carrlH 011 bill prof..toa ~_.., ....... w......lD.ured with the Ellquirer's Gentl"l~ nand I want to thank you for the need DO cooking water enept tIIat hiIIl ~~~.... ~ -. ~~1>II!!fo - "0 --, Service WUraDce Polie)'. I JOu promptn ill '1\ hirh you lettled which eli.,. to the Ih. S.ith f .... • aablac_ Coo illK the oJ_i... \0


PEelS ' fOR 1934 35










John H. Smith Receiving E nquirer s Insurance Check




.- ----







U.. E. Rosa. P. M., stamp , $\)~ F. J. THE MIAMI CAZETTIt "Tht!n '''u'U ha\'e t,,!'it! Heer Printing Co. 100 nolle proFor R•••lte rr..'. I ~U(·"8." DOll clipitu\lltl'd. "1' I1l1que . $1.80; C. H. . ChN'nical n't It!t )iou Jl'U \\ andering ar(\ und Co. Bupplies, $19.11; Drs. Euward in thiJ! blam{l wild rn ' o.lonl'." and Robert Blair, ervicl.'s" :12.50; It ",a. 1\ \ ilU~I'nO!~ . Th y had Griswold ervice St.ation, gas, ·ClYt'I·Ctl twenty mil(': by 1Io<'n. Tht' tire~, etc., $31.B3; Vul\ey Molor ,n~ \\0.. 11 ~mall ,lrellm, ,lug i. h Sales, tires, tub s, elc., $56. 0; W \\ inding Iik 8 nak in a hall w ti n or lh!e lBlC on the C. Gilmour, inqu I, ' .;!O; L.l.'b· ~ion 11l tlat ml'tine~ . Tht' Common Pi .... PrOc~il\l' adv rtising nullee, \'~tall) ot :'iary Ellen Thompson, anon Patriot 'w 19ra Hill. 10 med rOl in .:n'-.' ,If tional U CI'II!'t"1. i. to be gil' n to all p r $1.10; West~rn , ·t.ur, nUvl.'rtL ing th(' swouthwcl't. The ypr:~ b. ',.kd 0 .. Itt • \,,'l·. lJ. (. W. t'n notice, $1.10; ity of Daylon, /{un t !<tl1 nd high and dark in thl' I~ by ·0.. lIH' \\ ,\Ii!ll'l'\Il\lIH,1 stlll , int ft' t d. 5. 6; Leb111 the matl r of the estate of board of prisoners, north, a pin ~lothed bnrrier a~ rcl" lIld II 1111 " du \l1L~ G"1. ooperative 'Q. ~,h,al' d , . Mount d cea cd, Qrder anon Farmers' By BERTR their path. but all between \\ tlat Tht' ca. I.' ( Huh-~' It. ::;clw n coal, $9.61; Brown nnu Bunnel.l. !\all' of bo.nds wa issu d, brush. Th r w. 110 timb r. on'r "~ u> G.,l."truuI' Tll. hl. of In ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN th matter of ll\e e8tat~ of coal, $28.49; Trustees of PU.bllc scare ly a willo\ on th cr ~s, ' 1\0 n,'v r. n .infa·, t. i di",mi cd ur Cattle, hogl, Ih ep and calve. AH'lIirs, light lind gas, $6.0 ; K. L J hu . Mulforel, dee ased. the ex little Rhelt r in 0.11 that bleak without r cord. Norrie-Brock Co., live wire alld Horn lothing. tore, rent oJ plain Cor either man or ,bell.t, It In the ea ... 01 11 rry Oli~ lc- ~cutrl i. ordered to transfer and office-, 15; Follmer Bro~. l''. H. proiTes.ive ftrm for th& hltrhut ==-====-=:::::;::==-==--==-=-~=====.-:-=== 0\' y aid property to said widow market prlce. and good service. wa for nken by all \if save n lung v('!"Sus Ethd IL ne Dudl y. truction 0., tlnnl stllnllt n Union Stock Yerd,' Clne!"natl, O. Tht'~' rod!! another Illile or o. taking his calp? I'm awful occasional sage hen, n few squawk- ct ai, it is ordt'r d th l t; tru l (' pr upon compliance with the terms COli dredging cr ek, 77<1.4 5; Fllirley Tune in on R..dio Station WCKY "Why don·t you kick him out," aus about all tbi .. layb ing plo,'ers. badger that burrowed . cnt Lib'rty Hond. t.o Tre sury and conditions of payment for the em nt and s up- 12:25 to 12:80 p. m. for our daU, n ,)fl a ked. "alIt! pul in R cow- doe n't m an, anything. Maybe und rground and wo!l' es tha ~lunk n \lartment f the 1 nited late property. A bill of !!Ble i to be Hardware Co" x cuted and d livered to said pHe , $19ll.50; on limp tone market reports. man that knOW8 his bu, int:', 1" tb boy hav taken a ~h t up hel'l" un een. for payment. Co., sand and gravel, $306.!JO; R. widow. "I'll throw him out with to ~e .. if any RM stu ff ha trayed Y l lock diu cc ion Ill' tra· In the ca~e f Thl' 0., - - - , Elizab th Harding W88 appoint- M. Stanley Distributing bum that'll jal' th bonl'~ of hi, north. )faybo-w II, for in. Unc , ver e lhat de.olntion. Th y 3W onal Life Insurance o. ver u all(,(' tun,," Ruby tOl'lllecl "as oon 1 Wllllt to know m more ab<'ut ign of attle. if not the cattle l::1iz b th N. Gough,' et aI, Clluse d admini tratrix of the e tate ()f hitter shaft, $8. 0; Gri~wolu erMary Goonan Shearer, deceased, vice tation, gas nnd llupplies. 1\. 1 cnn and that will b~ ill a this Grimes & Gil on outfit. I Lh nwel\'t's. Th te wer ~ig n of was di. m~ ed aDd CO!sts, eLo. • • e y r. l'l! be t w nl}'-one uext can't very well wander off up therl' hot hoofs along the age hich I n the cns of harltel-s D. Mapl e and filed bond of $300 with sure- $123 .62; A. L. Walk in ,gn~, 1.85 O('tob r . You wntch me then." by 1l1~' elf. I could but [ don't they not d hOI)le parti ularly. tl'u!Stec for tht> heir!; of Eldr.idge tin . Charles Munger. Wilbur Weiter Welding 0., sUl1 plie , $4 0., gas, $128.64; nglesby !lnd Pauline Riley were Standard Oil "If ~ o u have proof that he's in· wtint to. Su ] fa l('n myself on Here and th re. Frc~h. Pa ing Pope, d ceased, v r!lus Ray W. McCoy{)i! 0., oil, $50.GO; FrankWAYNESVILLE, OHIO competent rou don't hav to wail you. I hould a' b en a man." . like themselve~. (ears and Eva M. Mears judg- appointed appraiser . The will of Clinton D. Watkins lin Vulcanizing & Tire 0., pint Phone 80 Bank Bid,. ut all," Don "aid. " IC he i nol "l'm darn d glad "ou're n ot," M" Id' 't h ' t e ment lo t he defendant for $150 deceu ed, was admitted to probate and supplies.. $ t86.80; J. W. aCllona s aren prop'rl)T protecting YOUt· int rests, trcmbled on the tip of Don' onl. men in "the coun try wh o ride I and costs. if he t· fus " you any rea on able tongue. But he didn't utter the shod hor es, Don remark d once In the 011 of B,e rtha Adam Althe Watkins wa aPlloi,nted ex· Lingo Hardware b .• suppll s nnd . urn~ for YOUI' own maint nance, word. lie "'8 \\'('11 aware that he to Ruby. . , I v r us Michael Adams, divorce de- ecutrix, no bond required. Albert parts, $263.72 ; Kilpatrick-French Scheurer, George Hackman and Motor Car 0., gas and upplies, you can appeal t o the di tricl had to do with a fa cinating young But ~h only sm ll~d. ~?manhk~ crce modified a to alimony. 0., • '. ourt and have a new administra· '" m. n who wa. also head, trong she abl~ d .b.Y h~r mtultlon. Don In the a~e of Thl~ :Monroe No- har1es Parker viere appointed ap $46.38; incinnati Oil ~ ork gas, $3.15 i incinnat i Oil Works lor appointed. Property law~ arl' and impulsive. Ruby wa quite h~d no mtultlon In. the. !lIattcr. He tional Bank versus Joseph King, praisers. The will of Eugenia E. Beach, Co., gas, $25.67; Blue unoco laDiad to protect orphan . A trustee cR.pable of disregarding hi advice dl~ h~ve ~neasy mtultlons abo.ut et aI, FI' d B. Cramer, h:ustee in 01' an executor ha to walk Ii of proceeding about her 0 n pur· thl girl. Llt~ was going t~ bl: ~hf- bankruptcy is made party defen- d ceased, was admitted to probate tion, gas nnd upplie~, $2.52 i In the matter of t.he truat creat- Famous Auto Supply 0., tires Ilnd ehn lck line, ·1 can lell you if you uit. in h i own way, if he offend- f l' nt fQr him a~tel' thH~ rId. dant. Frank . , n~ler80n is also hartle Bevis get a real 1(1 \\ Y l' to act on your ed her. . tverr hour . they JoggEd ~(lgether made pal1;y defendant. Judgment d by Item IV of the wlJl of Wal· tubes. $ t3ll. 0 j ter W. Voorhis. deceased. Dean E. Machine Co., bolt, steel rods, $9; behl,ll f." Whil e the range didn't exactl~' conVinced hmi ?t' that. IllS newly to plaintiff for $2,0111.33 with in. "Aro you ure aboul: that ?, ~h c1(ljllt r its women, if did have a tarted . ranch 10 the 03:-"eetgra S tel' t nnd co ts. Sal of real s- Stanley, trustee is authoriz;ed to W. W. Williams 0., torches, bur· endor e said bond called by gov- ners and wicl5 , $IS; J one Mach· k d. "I don't, know much about pn:tlr rigorou et of conventJous 'seemed remote, an unImportant talc ordered ernment. and is to take all ' other inel Tool Co., drills, etc., 11 .50; for th m. Th 1 were taboos, ju t 'i ncident. Thill was reality, riding ._ _ _ _ law or lawyer .," st ps nccessary to collect said Addis Service Station, ga, 93.62 "I don't either," Don said; "but . in a potit r ~ ocie ty there were \I P' the Sage beside Ruby Mac Suite bond and to accept payment there Ohio entral T leph ne .orporll· t- happ n to know about thot. chaperon .. A ' oman or 0 girl de- Donald, going a twoday ride into 10 the matter of the transrer of of in accordance with the regula· tion, rent. and tolls, $3&.5&; , est· Had m experi nee my elI. 1)' fled the taboos at her peril. Prob- a foreign country to a k II man f ther and mothal' were both kill- ably, Don reflected, a girl with he had never een how hi brand funds of WafTen eounty, to trans- tions of the Treasllry Department rn 'Star, com, ord rs and food Phone 78J oJ:f the United States. orders, $86; Franklin hronicl, ed in a wr ck on the anta Fe. three thou and cattle in her own came upon Don's sorrel hor e , fer fund. The will of George V. Scott, aeIn the matter of the transfer of The old man had a Ii ttl property. right could rid where and when up into the dark range of hills to carda for com. dish'" $9; Bpll ceased, was tiled in probate. will d and s e if RM aottl had trny~d there runds of nion lowl1,ship, to tran Press, printing postals, $1.50; Re had a will made, loo, appoint- and with whom ·j!h harl s . Irwin, administrator Trustees of Public Affairs, light, ~ ..----------~-f r fund . d a friend of hi . executor, and p rhaps e.cape slander. Bul she to their undoing. 43 YEA.RS OF SERVICE guardian over me an' two si ters, couldn't esca)) critici m, and There might be dynamite for Waunita • Haag ~rcrsus William of the estate of W. Phillips, welfare office, SOc; Office Outfit.younger'n me. And we w r soon most of 1t would comc from t~ose ome one over that. There might ' . Haag, for divorc:e. Gro s neg- decea d, filed his lirst and final t~r , office supplie", welfare o fI1c,e , accou nt. up a,ain. t it more'n you are by a of her own sex. $115.S0 ; ?tIrs. Mal'jori Wells, be explosions of various kinds ov r lect of duty i charlged. A ertifted copy determining the stamps and postal cords. 9,60; 'J. Don admi d Ruby MacDonald's this ridge, it they bumped into n. B. Melk • doing business a long s~. E pecial1;· me. This LEBANON, OHIO fell r r is d Cain with me. 1 courage if not her judgment. He Windy MacDonald and his cold- The Dayton ask t 'ICO. Vel'9U The inheritance tax on the estate of W. Lingo Hardawc 0., tran fer, We have a complete couldn't bardl~' get enough to eat. could carcely carp at her judg- eyed on with the itchy trigger I . W. nglesby 0" a corp., for Mary Ellea Thompson, dllceased, buzzer, witch, $2.20; Western Watch Repair SeM'ice i to be certified without delay. And I fought with him until tber ment either, for she picked him as finJer-or Tom Salter. Don didu't money. Union, t~legrams.. IU6) R. M. Prices Rea onable Robert J. hawhan wa appoint- Bradford, agent, AI Hinch, Nnt of was uch a fu rai ed it got into a companion for this expendition. really believe any of that trioed executor of the estate of Eu- office, welfare, $22.50; Miller Probate C;ourl B ad~ Restrung courL And the court kicked him Why'!--()n t.wo looks and a guess or the three tOlZ'ether- had ridden genia E. Beach, deceased, no bond Hardware and Furniture Co., J·\,wehy Repaired oft' the job in pite of the f ct that on didn't flatter himself th .. t her up Sage Creek. Why should they'? In the maUllr of th estate of he was my father' choice. 0 I'm inte~ t in him wal!l personal, af- And, contrariwise, if they so de- t lla J. Booth, decea d, Gail requ·red. Margaret Wund, Joseph seiS!oMl, welfare, $2.50; Griswold "THE HOME OF GIFTS" pretty ure that if you have ~y f ctionate, the !itt! Rame that sired, why shouldn't they? It was Thomp on, administratrix is or- McKinsey and Frank SkiDner Br08_, supplies, welfare, $15 .74; way of proving thst nele MsI. my ·tel'ously b gins to bUl'n be- a free country. A man needed no dered, directed and authoriz d to were appointed apprai!lers. Griswold Service Station, gas, William N. Wilke ~on. admini- 85e; Clyde ' Wharton, service, $5: colm is making a hash of your af- tween a man and a woman and passport to cro s the line. Range endorse said Liberty Loan bond, ends in the conRagl'aUon known men covered a hundred miles ~o~ a that hav been callcl<i by the Gov- s tTator of th e estate of Thomaa S. Morris 6 &. 10 to $1.00 store, sup· -......-.-.- - - - -- - - fairs, you can get him fired." WUkerson, deceased, is ordered to plies, 50c; A. B. Kaufman, cloth "I hope you're right," said a love. He djdn't know that he whim, a fancy. ae had done it ernment of the Uniited States. ell certain personal property and • • R Ruby brightly. "When I get back canied hi credentials of resource himself. But Windy MacDonald The will of Eugl!Oia_ E. B each, make return to court. Sales w~re ing lot indigent. famili e • $855.44: oft' this trip I'll look into that. Ye , and integrity in his look 'a nd would hardly approve ~f his niece deceased, was flIed in probate. Brown" Brown, clothing for indig PUBLIC IrIOTARY approved. Certiilcate of tranllfer hurts, sir, You can bet a dollar to a bearing', for discerning eyes to riding around lor a whim, with a Freeman E. Williiamson, ad min- of real estate ordered. Application ent families, $6; W. W. note. No. Ruby needed a man in stranger. , stockings a.nd shoes relief familie s Nalioaal Baal! doughnut I will. ' i trator of the esta,te of Caroline "y ou shouldn' 'be on this trip her bu iness, and he happened to Ruby's account of the RM cattle Williamson, decca d, filed his ap- for authority. to pay counsel fees $4.96; M. B. Hyman & Son, paid W'II 0 E · I cI granted. on merchandise furni shed famili s ra_. . at.t.. 03eU. be handy. business troubled Don in a fashion plication for authority to comat all." M. O. Pardee, Wa]te~oos and $5; C. E. MiI1itzer, supplieR, $3. 2 WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Don began his remon trance an.ew He was eager enough to helll her which he didn't mention to h r .l pOllnd a certain mortgage claim. Pauline Riley were appointed ap- Home tore, shoe, $4; March's "You don't bave to WO.r ry about Uelpfulne s was instinctive in him Under all that smoke there might admillistrator of the praisers of the estate of Elias j acket and shoes, $2.4'7; . Fred yOUf ' Hputation, do you!" Ruby as it is strangely enough in most be a spark or two. That wa why estate. Eula of Ray .Stnl'ty, decea ed, Folk, deceased. men who would di dain help for h would have preferred to pJay a tiled his inventory. infillired sweetly. es, for sewing project, 9.- DR. H. M. WILLIAMS Elizabeth Harding, administu- suppli them efve. H~ could see her lone hand. Where men owned "No, of coun;e not. Bu ~" 04 i E. B. Thirkield & Sons clothThe inventory <Of Martha N. trix of the estate of Mary Goonan "Then forget mine," she coun- difficulty plainly enough. It was cattle by thousands there were executrix of the estate of Sh(!arel', d ec~ase d, filed b er inven- ing for relief familie, . 112.16; )STEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN aad eled. "I've got something at stake the sort of thing he copld easily other men who had nothing but Hough, Mason Lumb r Co., ~oal for reS!JRGEON hades M. Hough, deceased, was tory. lief families, $36:25=;-Gwen Gross Special AllelitioD to R .. ctal aacl I want to know something about credit to a footle s windbag like ambitions to""'OWn." There were a approved. Coal, for relief families, $6; my own busin~ss. I'm not a Malcolm MacDonald. But it was variety of illegitimate ways of Inte.tiaal Dh...... J. A. Keller, guardian of Per. Mu-ir.... Lice•••• feather brain looking for thrilling wiser and safer, he felt s ure, for acquiring ownership. The cattle- melia Bennett, incnmpetent, filed Lebanon Farmers Cooperative Co:, LEBANON, OHIO'him to go scouting for her, than man always had that to contend Edward Fitzwater, farmer, of coal for relief familiee, $59.42; adventures. Don't worry about his second account. Franklin, and Miss Helen Allisoll, Morrow Feed " SUpply Co., coal l'llIioe I ~ , , 8 Phollr R16i ,..; what. any old woman in the Sweet- for Ruby herself to roam the with. There are burglars in towns. 1\' 1118 & JII.Dl 1I0 U \:lId&;. Mildred A. Mullotrd, admini tra- OL• L ebanon. grass might say about me riding plains with him on the trail of a Trusted bank officials abscond for relief families, $87.25; Jos. H . Joseph Bernard, baker, of Mor- Fedders Supply Co., coal for rearound wolh you. Have you notic- mystery. He told her that, trying with funds. There are weak trix of the estate o,f B. F. Huber, ed that there are fresh horse to persuade her to go back. lIe was brothers, even though manJdnd by decea ed, filed her first and final row, and Miss R~al Clayton, clerk .lief families, $180.25; Mason till turned. in 'that key when the, and large does not 'co\ret it account. of Lebanon. ~' Milling ..\ Supply Co., coal fot' re- r tracks leading up thi creek?" In the matter ojf the estate of halted for a noon camp. neighbor's ox to the ext~ntj pi pur"I have." C. A. Lit ch, machine tender, of lief $6.6 ; BI'adford erMary JWen Thompson, deceased , Middletown, and Miss Fay B. Vail vice,famili4ls, "I th ugbt you did. I saw you . "You're as petsistent as sin," loining the ox. coal for reli ef families, $9.distribution of secllirities by Willa Afternoon drew to a close. The 9()cretary, of Franklin. 14 ; Blair. &. LeRo y, coal for reslanting you,. eye down at them." she said to him fr ..nkly. "Why do Director of Fuaer ..1 S.nlce Cypress rnnge seemed to draw B. abot, administlratrix, ordered. "Horse tracks in a stock ' coun- you keep harping on that?" Edwin Kll.patrick, salesman, of lief families, $228.'75; W . . Tho ndjudication ,and determina"Beclluse it worries me," he said nearer, to rise high-er Bnd dark. It Leba non, and Miss Mavine Armi- Turton, coal ' for relief :fan1ilies, try is common as grass;" Don Our c(lnvenient location, sulta- ' "Persistence at anything ill natural ran away east and west like A :=:=============-", tl\ge, stenographer, of Lebanon. $94.66; East End Coal Co., coal pointed out. , ble 'surroundi ngs an d equipment "Still thi! fresh tracks of four I'm Scotch." gigantic, fiat-topped wall covered "It don't look like. we'll sight the f or relief families, $'74,69; Leb"So am I," she retorted. "Just with trees. A lowering un made a Double G to-night." Don said. shod ' horses heading north from enables us to Sel"Ve to the Be.' Real EIt.~e Tr.a.I.... anon Ice" Coal Co., coal for rethe, Rl\1 is not common. You know a. Scotch as you are. Otherwise purple haze over those distant Advantage. "We might not be welcome, if Margaret Requarth and Grover lid famiiles, ,50.03; Hudson Feed that jnstead of going down the I'd be sitting around home, com- pines. Notches where t:reeks de- \\c did," Ruhy rllplied. "Asking C. Requarth to The Miamisb\ll'Jr Co., coal for rellef families, $3; river I have a hunch tbese imita- plaining to myself. As It is, I'm bounched to the plain lay in black questions about st,olen horses." Building ;.n4 Loan A8Iociation, Brown " ~unnel1, coal for relief AMBULANCE SERVICE came up Sage Creek. Four llP in Canada, and I'm going shadows. "This isn't a country run by 10.41 acres in Franklin township. families, '26.01; A. N. Rapp, coal And they saw no ranch 01' habito thieves," Don told her. "The tracks. That would sort. of argue faIther. I 'd rather go with you, Wa,n...iUe, OWo Mary Shearer to Charlel Fink for relief famUies. $68.50; Geor- Pboa. 29 Tom Snlter is with them--ejnce because you look like a white tion in that empty land , though MQunted Police, they say, put the inlot No. 345 in Franklin. ge Carnaban, coal for relief _ __ _-.l_ _ _ _ _ _ _-'J hi horSi! is left in our pasture. man. BU,t I'm not going back till tbey had for~-odd miles between f,eai- of the Lord into any mad JOlleph H. Budde to Howard M. families; $3; Everett Early, coal Now why should Tom euddenly I've seen the head of SlIge Creek the m and Milk 'River and the actors who stage a c Smith, real estate in Deerlleld for relief families. $9; Lewis " go oft' on a pack trip with them and looked around the Cypress a Cypress was only a two-bOlli' ride over here. It a in't a g11nman's township. Drake, Inc., coal for relief familFOR SALE DATES CALL a'way. after the woy they've talked about liltle," country either. Well, we ' ·bet.ter Mildred A. Mulford to Richard iell. $$UiO.19 ; Frankiln lee & peel oll-r eyes for 'Ia good place to Gsellman, real estate in Deerileld Fuel Co., coal for relief families, camp." township. $69 j John S. Ricbardson, coal for "Yes, because, it isn't likely any _ Alphon so M. Lewis and Myrta relief families, $169.75; . Kroge" one would build a ranch away out to Dorothy Ventola, real ea- Grocery" Baking Co., groceries in these sagebru,sh flats , when tate In Harlan towD8hip. for rel~f families, $119.75; W. H. there's ehelter IIInd timber ill Ralph Brehany to Andrew F. Berger, 1'1'0ceriel for relief famithOle hills," Ruby agreed. "We'D Brehany and Thoma R. Brehaay liel, '8; Kroger Grocery &: Baking JESSE STANLEY hit ranches in the foothilla in the real eltate in Franklin townlhip. Co., IrfOceries for relief families, Edmon and Eva (. Stewart to ,114.150; Wr~ht'l Groceries, ,a.eae 310, N•• a...o.,t••, OW.. mornins, likely." That seemed probable. The great Georre Beck, real estate in rrocerie. for reUef families, '09; EARL KOOClLER plain between Mill" River and the creek townahip. Hendrick', Grocery, Ifl'ocerles for Cypres8 was hot .ILnd dry in lamW. E. Whitebread to John W. reUef familill, '6 •. 25; Woodrey's mer. Winter bUzards 'Would howl and Octavia Coleman, real ..tate Grocery, gTO~erlea for relief tamilKE •• or. · ••H unchecked across it monotonoul in Waynentlle. lea, ,28.50.; Merritt's Groceries, face, A ,headquarliers ranch , 011 Marlaret M. Killa to Charlet F. rroce,!el, 'for relief familie8, $10; that ble ak area WIlS unlikely. Don DicDon, 84.18 acrel in Deerileld Killer I Groceriee. groceries for began conning the creek bottom town.hlp. relief famlliel, $16; Coyle's GroCLASSIFIED ADS COST ONLY. tor a likely spot to camp. Roy Holman et al to William eery, grocerie8 for relief families III tbe early dusk he found F. and Susan FlI~k, inlot No. ,5; Newcomb'8 Grocery. Irocerlea _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~. ONE CENT PER WORD. WHY one. A little aside from the alink- 2B in Pleuant Plain. lor relief famUles, f8; Kroger'lI. ing stream a cqld spring bubbled Thoma. S. Wilkenon, deceased, rroceries for relief families, FOR RENT KEEP YOUR ATTIC FILLED out at the foot of a bank IIteep a s to Charles P. Wilkenon, aI, 196 'B~.60; Eltzroth'. Groceries, gro- FOR RENT-Se h WITH USELESS ARTICLES a mountain cliff. A few willows acres in Wuhinct;on' townahlp. celles for relief families, U8.25; Third stlr ~en r~~~t oUlla surroun ded t he spring, the lIrst Morton Van Doren, by executrix . Grocery. 1'1'0ceries for re'd L H ee . II &--troo THAT CAN BE TURNED INTO they had seen that day. Lush l'1'aS8 to The People's Bulldin&' Loan and lief famillel, .,12; Cole's Grocery, gal en. . • Gordon. grew there. They' cau,ld have a Savingll Co., 1l~.60 acres in Wash groceries for reliaf famllies, $6; MONEY FOR SO SMALL A FOR SALE fire and s pread their blankets ington township. Stokel Dairy, milk for relief COST . TRY THIS M:EANS OF withjn roach of Jlieketed horlles. Cauiul C. and Virginia A. Em- families, ' $29.60; Shilling'lI Food Don didn't mean to be eet afoot In mons to The Peoplea' BuUdlns, Market, l'1'oeerle8. for relief famil. FOR SALE - Bookcase, ki.tchen SELLING AND SEE WHAT A this waste land. · Loan and ,saTines Co., 192.69 lea, ,105.46; Charles J; Schwartz, cab inet, coal oil Btove. threeDIFFERENCE IT WILL MAKE He couldn't sleep. The fire died acres in Turtleereek townsbip. grocerlell for relief famillell, burner; Ice box, table, chain, to coals and went black and}te lay '90.75; Walter Keever, groceries Library table, stands, miscellaneTO YOUR POCKETBOOK, AS starin jr at the sk Yt thinking about Billa All...... for relief families, ,94.26; Collins: OU8 articles and a :few antiquel. the gtrl ,,,rapped in her blanket, ... Groeeries, eroeeriell for relief Mra, Bertha E. Bese. WELL AS TO HAVE YOUR E. D. Thompson, labor and re- f 'Ii ,83 J R a formless huddle less than ten pa.irs, $39.82; Sanco Products Co ami es, ; . . Coffman, 1'1'0STUFFY OLD ATTIC CLEANED feet from his own bed. It seemed Inc., cleaning compound, ,6.'79; eeries, for. relief fainilies, U23.48 FOR SALE-Six-room houle on Third Street. Fred B. Hendenon madness for her to be there. Don Killer Dalry. Farmll, milk, for ' reOUT. IT PAYSI thought of the ripple that would Lebanon Patriot, advertiaing time lief f8D)Uies, ,228.96j AUantic " run through .the Swee.-...... of for liatins taxes, $8; Weatern Star P.ctftc Tea Co., 1'1'0ceriea for r .. .. advertlalnl time for lbtbIa tax... Ii f f i l l . WANTED ' what h(!r own men would think. $&.40; Al Schwam. luppll... Uo; e am ee, .96; H. C. Hamilton Curiously he didn't trouble him· Clark County ean of patient, lor relief lamill.., self about what Salter would $10110 lira Ettuoth MnIeeI : E. IvinI, sroceriel for SEE US-tor Wall Paper MIIIpl.. think. He didn't care. But be $1',. laadll. ".10; Curlee Car- Palntlnl and allintertor decora~ cared trreat1y about the Uketnlood Ca~dl. fl' roD, 8J'OCftIea for rellef famillal'line. Thompson "S~.dltord, ml0 of other men-.nd women- Will Bryaa. 'Stalla $108. Wanrlck'l, If!'Oeeriea for meln\I~.PllIlX Rub, 'M acDonald after, ,7' H.r relief famW.., , '••16; W. W. W~h0L--co'" 70ar 001 to '_:~::,mu Oat, • for relief famle Ohio Wool Orowe" Coopdi . . .e · IL B. ..-0- , lratlve AlIOelati'oa, I,NO . . . . ,poaa.tIOD Boo It'OWln do. III out ot





1'''" .'.

Crooked Trails









Centerville, Ohio







Stanley &Koogler

------------------ '














Best of the Ne\vs Di rect From the Ohio State Capi

New Burlington Treval' C. Haydock i IIpending w ek with Mr. and {HI, W. 11. Lnl'kill anti children, neol' GI'eenfi Itl. , A. D1ckinllon an(l son have purchn.IHI II large truck Ilnd ar' I\t,illl:' long tlislunce trucking with hcatJqullrttlrs at illcinnali. l\!u. 'annie Ha\\ kins is fin d to h el' home by illll S8 . , M r~. J . L . o nal'd retul'ned 0 'u tlay from a vis it with hel' dllug let·, fr .. Iran Pettijuhn, of R ville, Ind. Mr, nnd M[s . W . t I·tail)ed to d inner on evening, Mi l'. Rawl y and Mi ~!\ Hankin s, of the Hi"h School faculty, 1\1i s Bean and 1i ~t;l Tom · I insoll nf th is Rc hool lint! their daughter, Miss Ruby Smith, a teacher at the 0 , S, & . O. HOnle , Xe nia. Following the resilt'llalion of Mr. and Mrs. Adams Dickinson a ' manager <>f th Mutual Te lephonc exchange .her, the board ha . hired Mrs, Mabel Fitzgerald, o r Dayton , Mrs. Anna Patterson has moved to Osborn to keep houRe fl)r a brother.


f.mllle., • ; .......Jr BlJerwM4I Co. g rocniel for relief la1llUltt, " ; County CDUt't Wm. Kelley, poe.rle. fo'l" ....Uer families, $13.60; Charlel Mount. g-roceriell for r elief fa 01 llIe!, I'; (Continued from plge 2) I, G, A. Grocery, 1l'1'0cerlel for re. grocerie fOl' relief families, $5; lief afmiliee, $381.16; Tracy'" Jo~ /line., grocerie. Cor relicf West End Grocery, 1I'I'0c('rlo& for tlllllilie .. , ,:II; William .Johnson, relief famili-es, $39,60; Krog r'1I groccI'irs for reliC'f families, $4; groceries for reliet families, L. H. Brown, ~rocel'ie . iOI' relief $81.25; Robert R eichel, grocerfl\mili s, $45.50;. M r!l. nuby Van ies tor relief familics, $184.75; L. Rip<;r, jt'roceril'~ for reli 'f families I& ~'. Market, groccries .for velief J 0.70; ~l('H en r y's Croc I' Y, /lrrO- fanllhes, $66; W. L. KIrby, gr()~ c rief! o~ relicf fl'lmili eR, $112.64; ' c ries for relief fami lies, $ 10.60; Hoppe's roceri 8 , ~roc(!l'ie~ fot' .Lukeobral's ,Market, groceries f01" relief familie. , , 114.u3; G. R. Irelief families, $15,50-, • Rossri'lun & 0., groceries fOl' re- Lingo Ha\'dware Co., supplies, lief fami lit's, 71.!J8; V rtlena H op $L65; Miller rInrdware and FU1'1li kins, groceries for relie f families ture Co" seed potoes, relief $80; . G3 .1 0; G, 11. Sanrlel'~, ~l'oceries: Shifflet's Gr,oecry, groceries fol:' for I' lief famil I s, $ 12.60 ; A tlan relief, $80; hifflet's Grocery, lie & PIl in Tell 'a., I!l'ocel'ie~ for g roce ri e!o1 f Ot, relief families, $4_ relief famili es, $12.50: Zug'r' Gr cerr, g'roeeri s f ol' relief a t of collection of the profamilie.s, 16; ~ubb~ ',~r.l'st F.ntl cC8. ing tax s on farm products for grocc ne for . r hef famllles,. 21 ,- which production control program!! 25 ~ W. A;. Tu rner, groceries fOl· lare in effect is r eported al less reltef fal11!lI ~8, $8; Hurry Vondel'- t han 60 cents each $100 collected hert., grocerlcs for l'elief families, announces tho bureau. of iflternai $ 12: Kroger's grocer'ies for re-' revenue. lief families, $23 j lIildebrandt - -- - ••~--r ceriea for ,'ellef [anlilie , $53. J', W. Rath, chairman of t he 25; Ch.arll's P; .Stublls, gl'{)ceries, In stitut of Am rican Meat Packf~I' rehef. :familIes, $ 193.50; . Atlan er s state lhat the packing industlc .& Pacln.c, Tea 0., groCel'les fo r I try pa rd approximately $269,000 rehef :famlhes, $375:26; Robin· 000 f or its Iiveslock during the 1 !Ion's G"oe ery, gl'occrles for reli l'f quarter of 1934 as d t famire $5' T I ' , , . compare 0 . I 8, .' ay oJ'S. ervlC .~ . 206,000,000 f or t he same period lion, ,UOCCI y, grocene for relIef dur·ing 1933 .

New.from Warren

D. L CRANE t I P ••li.lI.r Suh.crl,tl •• Price, 11.10 a V .. r OLUMBU, - With cUlldidatC!. PIt:, nl Ic \·,·1 (Of th,' Of&co PII..... ,.... , No lIZ Entered a t Poatottle• • t Warn ..· Ro 'II . .. ... . . • ville Ohio, .a ;ee"fl4 Cia .. Mall Cor governor and United Stale wal('r ~1I pril" 'l'hL~ i!l (\ • _co .................... , N•• III . K.Ue r senlltol' a~ \\ ell 68 oth·l' -tato, of the Mu . kinl!'um ullty on 01'cuunty and di~trict officers alretldy \ alio n Pl'uj ct and of the u ndcr· nctively in th field, an enrly stnrt 'Fuunel \\'ul('r Rurve~ b 'ing mad ~, AP1HL 26, 1934 n ,\!ri\l U ~ phnse of the entia'(' has b en Jllade in cnml'llignR to pI'ovidc, uffici LI win in the D m cl'utic lind Republ 11J'obh' llI i.. t can primary ell'ction which will \luICl' 101' the lllrg rubb,el' factor occur thi~ y 81' on Tue day, Aug· ie,; lOr 1o-"n /lel'pit th() lextensive ust 14. ' ecrl!tary of ' tnte Ge ... rge s tale I '''l,tvu lrs in-Ihat 'fiiei.nity. Business indices like bank clearings, car loadings and cloctric . . Myel's has . ent t o coun ty ~) wer consumption continue to show a gain over t he same w ek in bOllrd of election II labulation A lar~t' photograph of Andr w 1033. Thi~ is in part accounted Cor, of course, by t.he fact that a yeal' showing th offices for which nOIllJI\ck!;ul1 , hl'I'o Ilf th' buttle nf Ne\\' ~g Lhc banking situation was regarded as critical and we had on ly inations ~ill be sought on th e date Ol'leans :HId ('arly DemocJmtic pr . JUst. come out of th-e nallon-wide b'ank holiday. But aside from that m nli oned. It wn. uto outlined si lillnt. was phlr d un thl! wall of th ra has been an undeniable pick.u p in retail business and light Illunu- that members of the slate central t he oflicc of ecretary of ~late I'acluring .•rust how much of this is du e to the spendin of governm nt mOn I through relief agencie s, and how much to tho natural turn committees und county c ntl'al Cl'ol'ge S.• f reJ'. 10 t week \\ith' In the tide, which is being experiencod all over the world it i impos- committ swill b elect d o n thaI the o.;omplillwnt.' of BettiI!' M . Don . T l'm ' of latc central elson, lhe on ~ urv iving memb r Sible to slate. Many financial authoriti s soy that they will not feel date. ~ntil'el~' comfortable about the. ituution unlil there is a pick-up in the committee memb ers, Who al' ('Iecl oC th Don Is n family who preso-called heavy at' capital g ods industries, which are . still in the dold- ed by congre;sionlll districts , anti ~et'ved the H!!rmituge, Jackson's ntral committee mom famou home at Nash ville, Tenn ,. rum~. 11 such an accel I·ation. com ~8 in the near future we will un- of county I). fS, will expire May l:!, l()j , it in I II. Th portrait wa s pre· doubtedly be headed fOI' better thing in the near future, P rhaps ·no industry in the country is a better barometer of gen- was ()xpl~ned, becau se tha t is the sented to 1\1.. Ray Allison, a , is lnnl er'al conditions along the p ople them!lelV8s than the one dealing with yeu of the presidential primades. Secrctal"), of 'tate when :he visited ,1lI)tion pictures. The r is a r ason for this. The motion picture is the Candidates for all sta te offie !\ ex- Lhe II /lcient e~t9tc and also callEd ne great e ntel'tainm nt for thc masses. Of course our cultured folks cept auditor nnd justice of th on Lhe ccrctory ot tatoe or Tenllttend too but it can be slIfely said that the movie it! peculiarly the supreme court; for United St ates n('8, ec l'ecently. Ilivel' ion of what Wililam J nningll Bryan used to like 1:0 call the great senator, congrc:ssmen-at-llirge and 805 AUTO ACCIDENTS ommon people. Even durinll the darkest hours of the depres ion, di ll'icl congressmen; judgl(l of Tho annual l'pring meeting of REPORTED LAST MONTH mo~t of us found timl' and money to forget ourselves and our troubles courts o( appeal ancl commOn plea:' lhe Ohiu T eachel's Training Group before the s ilvered sCI'een occasionally. As Will H. Hays, head of the courts; stat senators and repre· will be held at the D shl ~' r-Wal1i c k Motion Picture Pl'odu('crs and Distl'ibutors Association stated r:ecently scntatives, and all ·c,ounty offlce~ Ho tel all day next aturday. Th There \V re 05 automobil a · in a trans-oceanic radio addt·css fOl' tM Cinematograph Tralle Benevol- except probate judge will be nom- !general th me will be cidents reported to the State Hi~h ent Funa: . ina ted at the prinlary. The state Training of Teachers for ' wny epal'tment a, occurring on "In the da}'k days of dopres ion, the motion pictur has beEn a great offices include judges of the su- cin l Education," r fuge for hU,m anily. '('he doots of a motion picture theater are magic preme CQUI·t for five full or unex- I lat higbwaYIil outside municipali- - -noml!! beyond which lie the> l'estful country of our dreams. TherE: for a pired torms. A possible exception Twic: e defeating the salps tax lies during Mal'ch, according to Ii little timll, one CII)'l lay a Ride worry lind realitv and live in a bless~ d in county officcs it! recorded. Th e ' last Thursduy, making' 15ve times availabl e s t.ati tics just l'eleaRod by l/l,nd of mnke-bt'li('vt'. MoHon nictur s hav made th(>ir contribution to state supreme court heard argum- in all und~r CIn e form Ol~ another, Highway Oil'ector 0, W, 111 !'reil. This number, howev 1', ill not til courag lind 8anily of nnlions."-Frank P . Litschert. ents la t week on th constitution - t he hou 'c of r pr senta,iives adofficially complete, a s ome , accidality of an act extending the term joul' nou to meeL 011 call of its ofnt may have gone u!1rep o rt~ d .. of this office two yeats. fl isl lea ders, I aving the muchForty-six persons were killed in muddl d tax situation up to the the 05 mishaps. Thirty·nine weI' The first civil service examina- senate. me n and seven were women. tions to be hl!ld under lhe I'(g ulol' P destrian fatalities numbered ] 7. schedule of the tate board inee The injured totaled . 294 men The Ohio State University Radio Station- WOSU February will be conducted Ma y nnd 1Ii 1 women. Th irty of th e inL, 2 and 3 in olumbu, incin·8:00 Mus i jur d we re pede trians. . . . , ... , ... E. M. Rowalt nati, Cleveland and T oledo. The 8:05 }<'arm Adjustment New!! , Moto'r vehicle colliding with II. 8 :16 ommon Mistreatments of Lawns .,,",.. . George M, McClure examinations held in March for fix ed object was the leading cause I 8 :25 Music employes under the stllte liquor 8:40 pray er ... icc for the Fl'uit Grower . ... ...... T, H. Parke and contTol board upset the u ual pro If F.r...,.,..inca ....e Un,der of lhe accidents, 3,15 01' 42,8 pel' A. L. Pierstorfi' cant being due to this cau e. Colgram of the civil service c mmiA' .. ." P. B. Zumbro 8:50 What Is Clean P oultry Rang Rulin. Permih BUlri nc wiih another vehiclc was li!'ion sion. Th& examinations to be held . ,. ... .... .Eunice Teal ump Now j) :00 Plan for next, accounting for 27 L or 3~.6 next week will be fOI' examiner Feeder. !l :10 Music per ce nt oJ the mishaps. " .......... ..".Wendell Paddock and inspectors in val'ious dcpa rt· !J :26 Makers of Horticulture . . The majority of the accidents .. ., .. , . , .. , .... ,. . H. E. Eswine ments, a branch mana~ ... in the !) :36 Zane's Tra~ A m od ill ation of the corn-hog .. L eon Havi tax divisi<)n, chief of the divi ion c ontt'act now permits limited pur- took place on straightaway road9:45 V getable Va rieties for the nome Garden .. ... of child hygien, two fi hand chase of fe der pigs, in 1934, by a 450 or 54.4 pel' cent in all. The greatest number of mishaps game PI:Ot ctor, tate highway hog ' pl odu (>t' fr'om other conpatrolman, draftsman, clerks and lr ct Rign t', ip excess of the 44 in Tlumber. occurred b tween and 9 p, m. The I ast accident,; field workers in tbe industtiul" re- average numbel' purchased by the were betwen the houl'!l and G and lathms department. producer in the 1932-33 period, 7 a, 11)., when 13 were repol1.ed. Much concern is being feH in it is l'epo rLed by the A. A. A. Pursuant to Governor George nder t he original i'ntC;!rpreta- Whit's program for reducing th Obio a nd other tates ovel' the gradual decline of the sub;oil lion of the eontral!t, a producer ever-mounting toll of Ilutocide~ in water uppl y, now that the effect wa not pel mitled to buy feeder Ohio, t he highway depal·tment is of the shortage is beconling mor pigs in lU34 in exc ss olE the aver making a tudy or IIccidents on and mor noticenbl il1 the agri- ag number pUl'chased 'by him dur the state highway syst m lor fucultural and manufacturing di s- inl!: the past two years. T'he amend ture safety work. tricts of the state. Pt'ecipitation in m 11 1- \\D pt'epared b~ the AAA to Ohio ha peen below normnl every !lecommodate th produc:et·, partiBanana in yellow ripe con tlitlo n year except thl'ec during the past cularly the catlle fed e r, who. e decade, and engineers 'and con· !<O~V fail to farrow or who does are completely digested if propservationist!! are turning se d ously not , ave e nough pig' in 1934 to erly mllsticated. Fully ripo, the y toward worki ng out the problem of fill his marke table hog allo tment. are ea ily digested by ndul t~ nnd 1n order to qualify for the extra child!' n. how to retard fl ow of surtace fe eder pig purcha e privilege, a wnt~r and to preserve or raise the .! I COil tract l!'ig n(Jl' will :file a request ,-========-=- - from lh county allotm nt com· \ "'ll 1!iI'I' RA'I' OI\'liI NOTICE I I> H II Il ... · kl · . · " I JI ~ li t !lIt' 1}:lrk I mittee, indicating the n.umber of l ' ll nu !I L.,: OF II E .lL E 'I ,, 'fl; pig to be bought, :Crom whom they 110 s n. H ar tRocK Its IU]lI1lnlatrator LI'I"I'I.I!:A H;ItIl:A . AN I AIH': III A . 1I1f'" .. III liMe lIome 01 til.,.. OOD' are to be bought, and the reasons 1(' Il()nl~ n Oll with the will ann~~Nl ~l rttCI .. ,r ttl 1111111. Llttl. AID.r1ca. • )[ lht' .. s tal · or .JII. ~. l'. Sale, (I Cel.l8e<\ &pnl 11 I VIII Mal k II} 1'.,11(" Dr. and Mrs. Oglesbee were in fOI' such purcha e. Tbis l'equest Plalntltr, . ~OW we art!" ~ .. lItn~ ~"III" 11' .. 1 II!" .. 1l"IU r."un 00.- • •111 beeom~ vs. must be signed by 1\ member of Cincinnati last week. Geor J . ,,·l\terhoIl6C, ~I aI., " UOOtlll:\1 oll na ~1I",e .tUl ....,... ' utllrclt~ ., .. /lthf>l. 1'.11'1 . "II ntlv : I The B. I . W. Class of Ill. E. tIle c o mmunit~ com~ttE~ and 01>D etendants. Btl" I IInew wllRt wlltl .. , W',t' !I.-lIll tl 11111 ... 0 1 COIlU~ t10' tuoae... No. 15(,174 Church met with Edith Mae and [)I'oved by th county allotment " ou bUlI ld S.l une 01 ~h"'.t' wlll_t U8fJrge NovtJIe and I u. IOlq William B rooks, In til p'ur"uII.nCe Or the uri! r lind aturday even- committee before tbe pigs can be IUllgll",nt <or lh~ 'omnwll ling hll~ "al'(lll ~;" .. rylllll\l!" 11 1 !It! I II bave II two·da, c.lellrat1oD 01 purchased . ing. ol,l ,'t o t \\'I\rr 1\ 'aunty, hlo, oallll 11011 pttaCflfUI btll II l't!)", I). lit rlbdllJIl M IDe 'I. 00 tbe Zlrd &Del The feeder pigs boulght under lUlU!.' In the 1\\.0," nlill ed cn~ • Mrs. Howard Graham entertaincau!'o! are gelllll/: "rlll ·th'~ J1)1 nO nl. III 00 lbe 1I4l11, I'll b. III &Del ed a group of ladies W e<lnesday to the te rms of the amendment must ,vIII ol(('r fun ~n l ll ht pu tl ll fl.lI c ll ')1l , 011 th e ,t h uay or ,MA Y. 1U34, nl ~ IUnelllnl! OQW . rhe t~O I\ 't!rn lllre am IOIllI · to u') lO broadcaat • have been farrowed on farms locat ,)'c loel! II. In .• OIl th e J.rcmlM's Lh a "600" party. , u""",rlb etl re,d ".tllte will be aro und til! Dl'luw &t!ru !:Iuo rlUUO Ilrel!tl ng to my twtn IIroUier, T):Ie P. T, A, met WedJ1esp.ay ed in the same county 8.5 the land ,ollowlng H'lul din th l,~ ~u llnl y of \Va.l' I' EHl . ' denl)" In I re" IUltlUlt!e, we'U D4! t:lanrorcl, al bome. 'I'be Admlral"l evening. The following officerll under contract and by SlOWS owned Slate oC Ohio, to ·wlt: . .. ' ,tuate In Lhe ounty ot 'Vnrr ~ n engu lfed In a 110",111111 t.wpeal, wllh III rUlda, la Uctober 16tJ:\. H, UI. were elected: Ml'~. H. S_ Tucker, by persons wbo have eXocllted corn a nd 'tat" C. f OhIo ond I)e l ng fl. blllllkets of IDOW awlrlln, Lhrougb wa, . I don't bellev. I told ,OU I...t president, ML·. H. J. Carr vice-pre· reduction· conlrll-cta as p·roduc r s " t Militar y Survey No. 2464 I)ou th. air before I iluglUII lSI) mUe an lbe Admiral 18 .pendln!! til' sident, Mrs. Wm. Lukens, secre- and who have no :feedelr pig base, '8 f()lIows:-helrln nlng at a ,11 the lin e (tn, ccnl r or th .. bour wind and the U1t!rmom.ler • Int.r In bla lonel, bilL Mara It tary; and Miss Claudia Gray, The pUI'chas ing producer, however Mhl<lletuwn lIoad ·xtcnd t d n O/'Oij8 wIll go. WilY U\l lo. IlIrCl 01 b 0' lU 00 .JOUt club mil II. It I. at 1I!1.11 treasurer. Mu sic was furnished by can'not buy a number of feeder the LILLie Mluml Rail Road thIrty thrt't' 133) {e~ t ost trum the !'!)nter a bove, 001, to tloutb 163.10 weal. !:Ie" aU COlD- the Junior orcbestra lind Mrs. pigs over hi regular ;f eeder pig or aid !tull Hoad ,b d: thenCe In a dlrpcllon Ilnd parallel lirop a"aln WD.D fortable aoCl "'ell allowanc e, in excess of any short· :-.iortherly We tall with Planck. Ith the C nt r lin of ~ Illd Uoad Ihe alorm .. blm tr... uenll~ b)' ra<llo. age in the number of I P igs which b 'd t\tld 33 f e et th r e (rom tW enty The Junior-Senior banquet wa ~h(t'e nn4 86-100 chains to a po int: I' b e ¥'atblllt, held in t ho gymnasium F r iday he is permitted by hi (!ontract to th alSlNn ' pOuo<le I baye gained ~ n ce N, 8~' 20' ]':. 14,81 01011"'18 to a Ilurioll lbeae lerr1· produce from his OWl! BOWS. 1" 0 1' s tok e: thence ~orth 9 links tp a After the dinner, a show evening. Iylol Itorme Ie IIDce leaving Nllw Vorl and .11 tbl a t the Murphy Theatre was e njoy- exllln pie, if F'a rmer A is allowed to t>lk e; thenCe S. 77° l5' £Ilst .'.15 l'haJns to a pOint : th ence S. 68' :10' practlcall, 011 and Olen Dere bllve galDed aboul I~ "ar ed. produ'cc from his own sows in Hl34 E. 1.60 chains to a pol.ot: thene N. • ' 15' li:. 1.70 chn:ln8 lo a )Joint II la Iwpoe.lble to cent. We'll, lalo mo,.. too, .beo Mr. and Mrs, John Reeder, Ot a total of 100 pigs for market; bu t 77 wltn .. B a birch %0 tn. III . N. 3t '4' travel even be- 0111 fUnou. work 01 preparlO, for Centerville, .were Sunday after- on flceount of dlsea e or other W. 16 link;' dl tant and a Valnul H Iween tile build· th..e tWlntel i . ' aul.bed. Coopea liP noon callers of Mr. and Mrs. F, causes, only 0 pigs Bre actually In. dla, , .G8,l!o· B. 57 links dtstan cc' th enc S. ~8 OS' E. 7.93 chains 10 a Inga In ~ I tt Ie Illdoora we'll ,et ",., IItUe UfIJ'o M. Osborn. produced for market, tben Farmer Hic k ory tr~& 20 In, ,d III.. t henc S, 35' 0.' I'J. 14.67 cbalns to Il poI nt : Amene. wlUlout ct .. aod "read, .eal mat la 00 A, .with the consen t of hi local Mrs. Fred Hatlan entertained e n" e A. 57' f: . • . 71 chaIns to a. Alphona. .upport .nd IUld· 0111 dt.t twlc. • .ee.. I ba •• the "600" club, Friday evening, cotn-hog committeeml~n, might ~h p"lnt ; thNlce S, 24' l5 ' W. 6.H Cubon. chn ln8 to the cen ter \fne O'r Ihe Old ance. Al pr...ot cbanl" m, mlDO aboUt Ita teatl Mr. and Mrs, Ed Clark and buy not more than 20 extra feed Middletown Hoad: &Dd DOW DDO It palatable anCl t.... thence N. 83 ' 18' Our COOk we ba •• a pigs from other contra,ct signers; W. 33.61 cllalns to th" place or be· family wero Saturaay evening IIbe Itruoa uP . b.twlEo ·all liIe Cllr, 1.1 \I '117 raUlIIlInl anO co ... callers of )Irs. G, M, MacDonald. is, Farmer A miQ:ht buy a gInning contai nIng Sixty eIght 31 - 100 ncres 'm ore or les8 CO .31 bUlldlo,! aod lbe m8ll1 ball. You taIIl• •U Ull aee. . . ,., vltamlnl ·Su bJct to th e r ight or Pr Mrs'. Chas. and Miss Grace total of not more than 20 feed er &D<I. calon. to enable one to cop. Lawson and Nancy LawIOl1 Ibould .ee thll crowd go.lnl to Smart are visiting Mrs. Mary pigs · in excess of any fee d er pig heirs with lIle nlora of til. .~tremell and 1l81l1gn8. t o lhe use, meala <lunnl II alorm , 'I'lle m.o allotment be po sesses und er the ~ trlp ot land 10 feet In width Haines. It was provIded should he Illld com. crawling UII tike rum aota lOW I.Dl'"'raturoe. II II ave,., , Mr and Mrs. W. P. iMcCat:ren terms of the contract. th ex treme S. E. COl'IIer ot Oul or lbe I/IOW thll co..... llealth, ,ur. ."rel_dlol bill Dol and daughters, Rhea and Evelyn, tn case a contract sia:ner owned , ot i' al e8tal~ abov d .crlb d tor purcl1J1OOlDfol1a. 'i_ qu.rt.... and plIll Ibemaelv.1 alool eoUr.. , ,.... owns, or will owt:\ no interest in )l08e8 ot a. road-way trom the landa and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gordon t saId Lawson" t o the turnIJl k " Ule Itt. Une. to the mCil. ball, Woe teNta, I worked 10 liard I " .... and son, Robert were Sunday din- any 1934 hog litters, he may pur- .\Ill' gatea and f nees heceuary to I IWPpeG .,,0 ...• be at lile expene e of th e said La.w• betide anybody caugbt ·outald. UI. .plreel &Del in 1934, with the, consent of ner gueste of Mr. and Xl'll, How- chase snns thdr heirs a.nd assIgns, all 8.1 IDa " . 1D00llure '' ' ' e ID, cloUi. C&IIlp 'lo one of tb ~ ae .torma! Hut loeal corn-hog officials a nu mber provided ard Graham and family_ by a certaIn con·l ract enIntl> bet wee.n Ja.lTJU C. Sale that doel n't bappen . ~'rom now, for lreaae co aJ IMMI" I Dad to ao The Baccalaureate services were of feeder pigs not to exceed 75 per atered nd Presto n .A. l o8.W80 n · and Nancy out. man, monlhe to COWl, we .ball De lO Ule IIUlll•• .to held in the gYlllnasium Sunday cent' of the number o:f hogs pro- Law80n, on the lStn Clay ot SeptemooDftne<l 10 oUr DUU(lInp, You I ta..e Jut teaniad radl, ~ evening. The sermon was given by duced fot: market fro m 1932 I' er, 1920, and whleh was dljly tiled (o r r~cord In the Rccord e r~ Otft"e C&D't fool wllil aoutb polar w.. th.r 104 eoIIooI aDd 0011... teaclle... Rev,_· Storch of Muon, Ohio. The litters, wbichever i higher. In of Wnro'en County, Ohio , on Sep wheo It'a wInter. ume dowo ber.: . . . . . . rolled .tIletr IOU,. 411. . . . invocation was · given by Rev. J, cases wber t he cont'rllct signer lpmb r 18. 1.920 a nd 'Whlch Is duly rNol'detl In Vo l. 107 pnge 3\\0 ot the I mUBt tell you .01Delb101 tbal 10 our CIlub••Dd b.". rMet.ecs pel' P. Thornbury. The High School has no hog base or feeder pig D ed Iteco·rde or 'Vanen Counly ,uclDated Ole the !lrlt time I IOnai raellom..aai.. rrom Adalral Glee club rendered several beau- base, i)r has nQt obtained a. tran8- Ohl .... And In addition thereto th~ I'Igllt of ~""I d James , Sale hIe helra It. 1.11 th. <loga will be,'fr1skIOl or BJTd w.IOOJalo. UJem &Del tIletr tiful selection!! . . fer of hog base from a .retiring 1nd 1l88bm6 to t h e"' "lu~II' e UH .. O't a c rfldn ,81 )rlng n1>out ~ OO reet North 11Iila on top of tbe .00W. Sud puP.....' A.. til... ,OUlll people producer under the t';rm s of the Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Sontag vis'~ I\st of the barn located 011 sa id eI.DI1 on. of tbese blistering atorm. ba.e been HIli tb • .,..UfuI .,,, I ited friends in Felicity, Sunday. contract or Administrative Rlllings ~ all1"8 C, Sal 'H f a rm, together w ith 1'Ight to ncase the sam ana laY' oom. up. Immedlllt.l, lbe dog. 11". IoU WOritlal map of th. The Eastern Star meeting was he may purchase up t(, ten f eeder \h" pipe IIlle th erefrom ~ t h prcmle es ltart dlillog do.n lolo tile now, Aotaretta an<l thetr memb.rablp held Thlll'llday evening. The in- pigs in 1934, or.• ald James C. Sate, abov e tl ser lb'd, with I he' rI ght ot entry t rom '/Fbtcb covers tb.m oomplel.el,. ID carde, all frae. m.tlltuall1 th., spection will occur May Hi. to time to k Oep said 'mrlnll' th .... IDlnutetl Lhere Ilo't • dq In Will .110 recel•• I. pel butlOna wttll Loans in ~xceSl5 of one billion ,,lll\1t> MiSt! Laura Ward had visitors 1 ~lLn a nd to make all n ee IRnr), r~' ,aid pipe lin e to tbe burled In IlshL And atter Ul. atorm th., til. club a.m. OD til... ft. teA«*- from Cincinnati last week, dollars have been g:rnnted farmers palu. the ground at lean ZO In ch ... a t aU oom. popplnl up apia anel 10 OD .... Iud til. hill. ad~ and their organila.tions by the 1,0111(8" a" I)rovld .. a bV 81\Id c... ntracu. frlakiDI or aleepiDI. SolDe .lpU 01 pupU. 10 OW' New ,.... . . . . . ---- • - Farm Credit Administration since lJetwe" n 80. 1<1 JamOJ .;. Sale a nd Bald I'H'aln n . lAwson and Nancy Lawgovernment agenCIJ was aon aforesaid. 'I'he at!! ment II'rllll orb. WIDd dowo bare II IOm.t.bloa mall. out cam for aaa. A rur.l edito" went home to ths I,y ." Id contract to I h 8altl created lut May. More than $840, I an.r dreamed of. It .. Impoaat' "amllerallip la til .. uunat Clu' ItUpper, V.I')' tired but with an unu C. Sal his hel~. and bl. to remalo out ID: It .for aDJ II aIIaolalel',.... It.... 0....... IUal .mUe U&,hting hie poor old 000,000 or the total wu dl!!bursed "lid lh eaaement ·..;:i...t;;r con tract to lIald l"r~,on by the federal l.nd banke. leQtb 01 tla. wttlloul ' ....101 &Jail! lied at Admlral BJrd.......- anel face. and Nancy Laweoil their anlgn., h~lnll' clOv.nantti upGHd or IIlIUmcl.aU, plOlacted Il'. 0811 po.".. II to f'8Iter. liRa.. 70. had aome lood luck ~~ ---with th e la.ndit and Irrevoca.ble eIpaN Of th. b.OcIr. A'read, •• ,reater ' IDtMeal 'a ........ aYlao .t lMt!" hta iJaq.ired. From 19 to 86 per cent of the r.ept aa JlroVI~ d In auch conti al! t. RaId rloal .."tate I. IlIllal." In 1aad lITeral ouea or r.....b 0"', tao. . .d .sploradoG. ,.. JobI' aII4I "Lucid I -.hould .., 10," re- population of China are t.1'1II ...., Wllyne Township. 'Warr"n 'Oll n(\', ...... ......... aDd ..... 'InaeJlal, receive our bl& m., aII4I ........ !!ponded the editor, "old Sql1ir. not enoulfh food is produced to Ohio. &tId have bpen· ,III{Y ReIaJ palllflll. \Nt DO alit, O&nI. ............ ...,... SkblMr, "ho un't paid anythhle IOpport the poPUlatiOD of the and r es ularly app1la8t\ .t 13,1125 .011, ab' muet be s..ld or npl I,, ~ than ......"',.. • ........ eIe&tb " ..&&IDJ OD Ida nbaeripttOli ter tea I ~·thINt. of the appraised value, eOUJItr)t • T ...... of _e, caaIJl. .... ........... .at .... ...... .Ir.. LIt 1ft aad .to"," hIa paper, '----


BUline.. Showing a Gain



!'•••••••••••••• •••••••••••




Farm ' ftiight 1 alks, Apr. 30




The Miami







""W la,









RcA :R'l'iIOr'1C

W ill find a buyer for whatever you have to sell. This IS a good chance for you. Take advantage of it.


Student. from the County in Cor.te.ta Here on Saturday





,Lone Stal Mineral Water Crystals

(Corttinued trom Paee 1) grounds i nec ",al'y to get lI1(~m into playing condition. 1"01' lhis reaso n Ir. leaver has been appointed to direct th work. Any boy who al' In'tere ted in playI ing should arrange with him at Alao, Texas Cryatala, $1.00 Once to help. L Hers will be IIwRI'd d to those who qualify, both boys and girls. Th ose wishing to leal'n th gam, PHONE 120 ven though you never played be. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - " " ' , fore, hould not hesitate to com out. Mr. Gar t, the efficient cOltch will welcome your presence.

Special Saturday Only





of 1emtwr of Ih


ontrol A ociation of Warren tate of Ohio

The foll owing is a statement f the basic information on corn acreIIg and hog pl' duction submitt d by individual producel' of Wayne township who hav ,igned contt'nct~ under th · lU34 orn-Hog Production Adjustment PrClgI'am of the Agricultural Adjustm nt Admini t ntion, Any person may make a confid ntial repoli, oral or writt n, to the county allotment commit~ee or to the community committee if he finds lilly statement hert' which h believes to b inaccurate. ign d) BEN T. BLACKBURN. hairman County Allotment am . HAROLD BECKETT, ELMER S. D RRELL.

Wayne Township ( 'umrlluuU)' C·umrnIU,·c-: ChaM ... T ...: 111-., " , 1~. Mf"ndpnhBIl. Il . C . FUl'n"., ltonuld 1I . IIl1wk~

1 Pro.hl (' r


,\.Iams .fohn ___ ..___ 1 123 Albers.. Ben S!!



Ar)'. C. L . _-,_-.--_1 131 141 Bnlllnlf("', R<)bt. }i'. R".,k tt . I ",n _ _ 117

:\ fj

M.'i Bourn, !!7Z BraddOCk. Frhl 72 lIradl Y. ltarl~1l I~. BrannOCk. J. R. _ _ l(1ft nrown, La,wrt1ncc __ ~2 Runn II, Rhoa~'8 __ )flO RunMII, lthod 8 _ ~ 1110 Burg '. Jl~nry Burn It Uroa. __ 1~4 lUi Dutter'North. Ern' t DUrlon. L. J. _ _ 02 h...,now tho Howard ~2 "irk. A. T, _ _ _ _ I. ~u ("ook. _ __ U:i

('ornell. ("orn II.

11 .( •

Lyman _ _ _. J)awllOn. MOQ(> _~ Doan • RI'I'~"II _ _ ._ Drok . _\Ibt!I·t ___ Da)l'.

DrRk .... ,,' . Fr. _ _ _ Drul.lll1nn,r. J-Iowfll'cI

)O)(lwaI',j J.

ar n

h/Ul. T , _ __


8ldw.-1I R. __ _


Emr cit.


I ___ Florence. Howard _.

}/'urnae. nllyl. _ _ Ii umae. Ell K. Fumu. li'r d _ _ _ I

FUma., FumaR.






111 !!;l !!:l


113 1



Oyot,er. J hn _

}ill..: "nU\Yt'r.

' a;:,


J.:. _ . n. _' ___'~I

Ha.ln,,". I':\·(·.·(·lt

Hall. LIar"

II IlJ'd In.


1,. _. __..

Hanlin. ' I'. 8. _ Ha..rrJs • •Tt·,tS"i(! _ _ HaJ't.nlln. Ju IlIi.! S ...\ . Ha.rt8ock. D rl _ ,Hal t "ocl<. J, V.

Ho lha w")' . ("0 rmll


K . .M,



Henry. Will. Sh ' lb)' _ .

Hili br ,ell t, .Ru,lo ll)h HO,lk, I'{' II 'r __ ._.___ . Hocke tt. I •. Enrl

~ t lr-.7

HNi S 104






.. 14 3"



l1i 210 120 226

"" ~~



:11) :tl



7t' :t:l 7.1 :JoH






200 1111










Jt) !!1 31 R



20 I '

II 10




711 :12


1\furrll)f, K""flt.hJt.n O·N~811.


Prrnderj;RBI. \\" . M.





















111 7


9.3 7















Ii. ; I (.1 ' \ 'I!;

12 11M)

J~.o I

til'. 4;· 127


~ f)

92 6~




8 3







t:', I


6 .. I




2 4 10


11 13

Ii H If 12





17 ](\



~~ ,


147 92

111 3(1





12 306





3 12 0 J




88 78

II 11'i

27 H 12 II





20 1 J~ 12 " I

24 17


Service for All






11(1 1:",;





are prepared to serve any family in this community in




a considerate, dignJ/ied man-


n er. Merchandise i. available





in a wide range of prices,


.but every call receives the

32 10 411 I










ame conscientious attention and reverent care.






li~its of creed or class. We


31 l'iM 1711 40

. 64 64 11ft








07 124 IOJ

White Rose- Power behind the enllne.


eli 130



21\0 4 ·1 54 $2 511 172


12 8 12



25 :!-I 4;1 \ 2.1

1:! :t~ I







RO u2


47 83 118 Ill.' Il]

12& M




H 4-1






!l 30

H 3:\



23 20

i h7



WI 97

(Ill $11






R ·24

3;; 2:i

. ~

HI 24 :!Il


!!:! 14

32 32 46




2!) 15 8



' 1)7

10 24 211





511 !!()

us 111





A 9 12

Ii H 14

1 '! I 8lI I' 1:1:




I i! I 4:1 I I



1 110 ·\0

Ladi•• ' Ore ....

Me.. •• Suit.


~J'1 116" :1M









7R 51 4


9 1~


Firat Public School in U. S . :rhe first (lulJllc ll~h"OI III the Onlted "totes was the lloston Latin school, e~tahllshetl III W:13. The . 6rst CUlholic sc;hool WIIS established by the Franciscan I11l1nl. 11I)::i t. Au · gusllne, ~")a " In 10(,)0. Thl' I1r t parochial . s 'hool CRt ilhll sll eel \VII!! St. Mary's Pllroc;hlal 'd lll I, fOllnd · ed In I'hlili oelpllill In I ~ 2.

- I============~~


13,2 9 :I




JO 19

:tl~l ,




III 41













10 18 17










10 10




Applicants for old age pen. ion!! be at least 65 years old, acing to M. L. Brown, chief of the division of aid for the aged in the state welfare department. In addition, an applicant must be ] ubI to prove that he or she has been a resident ot Ohio for at loast 15 years previous t o the time application is made. Residents of county infirmities, fraternal, church and welfare groups may secure aid if they comply 12 with the age, l'esidence and other qualiflcaUons of the law. Appligo to the county board of the county in which they re ide and ask fOl' ap plication blanks. The local board will cause an investigation to be made and refer the application to the state office at Columbus with a recommendation whethet· aid should be allowed.





I;' ~



70 40



!lH 4





260 ItO

143 240 ' 143



30 iii 63














11'0 231









Ill'l 1(10 14U

02 27 a:;
















3.3 4 7.2














110 302














3(1 7 117




"'7 .il




-~ ---





of(l 30 6L


7 7 14




Old Ace Pen.ion Limit at 65




Field Meet , Grad ... 1- 100 yd. Dash- Peter Vint; Willie Isaacs. 11.- 50 yd. Dash- Robel't Haines, Robel't Lee Payne. IU .- 75 Yd. Dash Howard Sheetel', Rus ell Siansbeny. IV- BI'oad Jump, over ]05P ter Vint, J ohn Boger. V,- Broad JUmp, 85·105-Howsrd Hall, Ralph Peters. VI- Broad Jump, under 85 Walter Saylol', Billy Spitler. VII - High Jump , over 105 harles Satterthwaite, Frank 32 LeMay, John Boger. VlII - High Jump, 85-105 Kenneth avage, Charles FiI'es. IX- Shot-pu R obert Hal·mon. . John Bogel·. Race- Winifred cott, HaineR. op-Step-Jump- Glen Hopkins.






~, .









1''i.l1 3




1.0mb•. II Lnrtlck • .r. p , _ l ....·J\[ a)·, J:'. \'. _

17 I»! Ill:! 1711




27 11.'< 124






27{) 211




22 7u












133 -JU







1!9 IJ,')


:12 Oil

J Il

20 10


73 HI






Il:'i 20


1~ , "


Mo.... Hllrlf,' J' __ _ MUI·ray. A'·ch


0 12 \I r;




1IlIchl'nol', C. K .. ___ _



1 lCi

111 7



1"rNtlth. -HH.Jll J,',




22!ng. R. P. ___ _ Llbbcc, 0. I!:. _ _ _. LlmlulIloo. l. K J, Willl<'l' LutlllllltOIi. iI. ucas, RoyAI____._____.1 Malnou8. Ral' Ma.rl a tt. O. fl. ___ .__ 1 Mc<111tIn. \..(.,. __. McMlIlInn. H erbert

i II

"0 2~





HI :111



2!< 31

4 12

411 2:1





31 M



HO 1I)t> lflll

311 JI








\I 1:1

III Ii'>


I:! II




1:1 HI



. :I :111


II IH 70 112 114





4'7 35 n

ehlr(nc,.. H Il L,


7 :!l


Roberl'lOn. O . W.




l:t tI M\,n, !" ' r ey J.... Itlr;>h. I r (1 1>. Rich. J. U . _



4 2




I~:! I~





7 16 17



ZOJ H 711 112 H







W eln .

l'rcwlfli' l;lUit, , 11 '~J\i '



H;olland, C. L. _ _ ._1 286 121) ·Hough. E, L. HO\lgh, J{enn < .'. 1If _._"':-_'~-:;=-_~._ I 1:I'0yl • Hoy! . I saacs. H e nry .____..;,.1 .fan 8 . nrl C. Jon .' e. J . Berne Jon l'8. L . A. _ _ _ _ _ 1

\\'. K ORborn. A. . 'Vctc·rH. \\'. L . ~ P c-t.1rIJ, ":Ol, ·rr "'.·t(·rA. Ie Il .




Ollliland G~o'r!P _ Gone. J . Q. & 1"1·.,,1 __ . Clirltalll. b. W. _ Oral II' .'. I". 11 . _ OrahulII. Harry L, Crill '1', fl"n n. __ _






• f;1J Ii!!

:IA 7.0










4.11 Ie! I;




4." W.


j\llr-n ...",.._._ .1 I~) 1~1 JUlians. flaI'l Ie Fu.lrcblld, Amol! IH

Fields, LawrenCtl Fire.. J..t,wle _ _ __


111 .


M. . ___ _ (' m 11. , • l!l. IInlmln8'll. J. P.











I B mlLfd. Wm. Bogun. :_,,.--..,-1 214 2\W) Hog n. JIM) Hog"r.

Cook. JrrKnk _ _. (ook. J. lit . _

Fair" Thel'e was a good attendance at the .. tate Fair" picture both in afternoon and a t night." Aftel' th pictu I'e, th e crowd divided into four Indian Trib . and start d on a treasure hunt. The Mohawks found the trea ure. neal' the jumping pits behind the gym. The treasul.'e was an all day ucker for each of the tribe. Following that there wa a winer roa t. The Juniol' la wish to thank everyone who helped t o muke th pictures ponsol'ed by th m a success. "S,tat

J. E. McClure Phon. 7


\\'('Il IU~l

WlIyn., ·rilll' ~ch~Liull't1


Ichlillt \\hu

til pillY at Utili tpol ,t! lhl'il' !.tume

l'iundny (Ill. (In account of l'old Inuthe).·. Th,' ~h,t'clll\nls will tl':lVel til l\Iu Itln!!\·ill· IIl'xt Sunday. April 2!1, to plu) lh~' tl'lI1m in that town whil'h i;: ~uid to be very fRSt. 11'. and 1r. Elld M una), of 'I'hl' Ruchy('>\ of K nul'ick field dt'fcatl'd the \ ~Ihnllil lcnm lust Dayton, called on Mrs. OUie Davis Sunday by u scor of 1:1 t(, 11. unday. The Buckl'Y" al' schedu led to Mr. and Mr. Wm. Peirce, of mel't th· Dn)' ton 'Ti!.terR, a wellary, called on Mr. and Mr. known fa:t colored team of that Howell Peirce, unday. Ilact' , nI.' .t. SUlld}iY, pdl 2!J. Mr. and Mrs_ Harl'y Stokes and MI'. 111'1 Cran were Dayton visitol's on W ednesda~.

Crown LI,dJ{t' Nu. 5:11'1, Kni~, htK of Pythiul'! hrld thei\' IImlulll ill. pection W ('lInl'l'Ja~1 l'vl'ning

~~~!~~~~~~~~~~LI April


HUNG AT XENIA BANK A lal'g pOI'!I'nit of the late Robert S. Kinb'!'buI'Y, pres ident of tho itizens' National bank, Xenia, for 13 years until his c1t'nth in 1931 , was pl'eserlted to the bank by his daughters, Mi ssCH Betty and Dorothy Kingsbu ry, at a me ting of the board of directors today. Mr. Kingsb ury waB well known here, as lit one time the Kingsbury lothing tOI'(' wa~ the l1lecca foi' Waynesville buyer..

ramou. r_

once lOki u pre-


mium quaUt)' at

eJ'tr. price. However, you c:aD

DOW buy &eouioe Rrd Bnnd .t DO




ar<l pri~ lI·•• n outll:aodioa •. By all m _ ..,."e in and inv_


- - - .. __ _-...


(t .A)

Waynesville Farmers Exchange Co. Phone 25 WAYNESVILLE, OHIO

CALL l 1R2'

General Hauling of All Kinds . .ALSO,

Local and Long Dis·t~nce Haul~ng

LeROY (Bill) MORAN Corwin, Ohio


A. LowA.



Set 01 ,



Ptkee ~u"Ject

clleD&4I wlCbout notka ..... IIIlUll' Statc

..... IM.


Caesars Creek

GalYlnnealed! Copper Beariql


M..s. Walter dllms, of Latonia, The It ball te~lm lit Lytle de- Ky., spent tbe first of this we k feat€d til enter~'ille t am by a with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Campto 7 ,a i enterville, b II and family . RCOl'e f Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mr . A. Z. Hartsock Miss Miriam Wharton p tit the wt/ek-end with Mis lara B. and children vi i ed Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hartsock and family on Lewis at 'ocial Row. MI·s. Mal'gUl'et J ohns was a din- unday. ner gu e. t Tllut'sday of MI'. and Miss Mabel Ellis, of Route 3 Ml'~ . GI nn John and cllildl.'el) in and Mrs. Faye Via called on MI" . Dayton. Lena Hartsock a the Friends The Ladi es Aid will me t TIl'xt Home on a~urday. ·W ednesday aft ernoon, May 2, at the home of Mrs. Earl hinn at The Friendship Club of M. E. Route 73 and Dayte)n and Lebanon chul'ch will give a Bake Sale, May pike. 12. Watch fpl' further announceMiss Gt·acc 'a\' uge Of Dayton ments. wal< all overnight gucst ~ondl\y . Mr. J ohn Gaither, of Cincinnati, of Mis Ruth Early. Mr!', Han y Burtlt t and Mr. and Mis es Alice and Agnes Hall, of M\'s . Wolter Kenl'ick were Lebanon Dayton caJled On Miss Kate Hall at the Friends Home, Saturday. visitors Friday. ' Mr. and Mrs. William Long Jr. MI'. and Mrs. Roy Nogg1e and and son , of Xenia, wer Monday son, of Troy, were guests ,of Mr. visitor, of the fot'mer's parents, and Mrs. A. O. Griffy and son, MI'. and Mr!l. William Long. incent, on unday. Ml'. and Mrs. William Long Sr., nteltai n d a number of neighMI'. and Mrs. Orville Gray and bor and fl'lends ·(In the vening daught r, Barbara. Mr. and Mrs. of April l7 in honor of their 34th Harol~ Osborn and son, Donald wedding anniversal'Y. and Robert, attended commenceeveral members: fr m here at- ment cxet:ci. es at POI·t William tended Farmel's G range at Way- Tuesday evening. nesville, aturdllY vening. Miss Faye Kelley entertained at Tho thermo meters registered 24 degrees h I'e 'i .edn day morn- B dinner party on Saturday evening. The guc.qts present were, Mrs. ing. R v. and Mrs.. Jo eph nker Anna Gibbons, Misses KatheriM and Mr~. Alice Miller pent Tues- Gibbons, Clara Lile, . Laura McKinsey. Eva and Edith Reeder. day in Dayton. A large del gatjo'n or folk (1'001 Mr. and Mrs. Will Shatzman here e1)joyed the moving picture and children, of Madisonville and show, "State Fair," starr ing Will lisa Letitia chatzman, of Walnut Rog rs At the gym a Wayn esville Hills. Cincinnati, were guests at Tuesday evening. the homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. WaiteI' Ken ric jc attended an all Raper on Sunday to celebrate the day District Illeetillg of the Farm birthday of Mr. Raper. Bureau Mutual Fir,e Insurance Co. at the hotel in Lebanon, Tuesday. Fl'ederick W. tarrton, on of {jss Bernice Graham sccom- Dr. and Mrs. F. M. Stanton, of panied her grandmother Mrs. C. olumbu~, now at Riverside MiliW. Albright of Wayn esville, to tlll'l' Acadamy, Gainesvil1e, Ga., Franklin o n · business Saturday. ha been placed on the honor roll Ml's. Mildred Surface and 10f that institution for his scholastic daughter, Wilma, npen! the week- jrecord. . e nd with !\fl'. and Ml'S, Warrie .. urfae and family I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hartsock and Everett Eurly a'nd daughters, family of Milford, and Mr. and Mis 'cs Helen and Ruth and Mrs. Mrs. Ronald Hawke and s~n, Kc ler Graham amI! daughter Miss Fran~, w~re guests ot Mr~. EdIth Bernice, spent Thursday hopping I Harns, ~rs. Laura Mosher a'!1d in Dayton. ~r. HarriS Mosher at a famIly Mrs. Margaret J'ohns spent Fri- dlllner, on Sunday. day and nturday at the home of Mrs. George J. Smitjl and Mrt!. her brother, Amos Cook and family Philip Zepf, of Cincinnati, have near Waynesville and accompan- I.'eturned home after a visit of two ied Ur. and Mrs. Cook to Leban- weeks with Mr. and Mrs. RaymoJld on F1'iday ufterno,on. to the com- Lang at Washington D. C. While munity sale. there they attended the Japane!!e Mes 1'8. Calvin Longacre and cherry blossom festival. Robert Burnet motored to De.arI , born, Mich., unday, where they Mr. O. J. Edwards, of Springwill have work for everal months, field, spent several day,a last week laying floor at the Ford Museum. with his sisters, Misses ·T rillena Mrs. Longacre and children wiII and Margaret Edwards who aCCom join them soo n for an extended panied him home on Thursday to tay. be pl'esent at the graduation of . Several relatives from Miamis- George Edwards from Lawrenceburg spent Saturday evening with ville High school. 1\[1'. and 1\11'3. William Long, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hartsock celebl'ating the bir~hd8y of the latter. The guests were: Mr. and and so n, Milo, of Middletown, Mrs. Harley Long, Mr. and Mrs. were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. OrviUe Reed and daughter, Betty George Hartsock. on Sunday. In and Ml'. Russell Reed and son, the afternoon they all visited Mr. and Mrs. Guy Kibler and .f amily Bobby. . and Mrs. Euphamia Hough at Dayton. .


inspl'etin~ offic~l'.



White Rose, the dependable Gasoline.


25. The di trirtVisitors deputy wei'''' [rum Leblln on, l\1~ ~on . South L ' llllnon , ~IH'ingbol"o and Bethany. After the end of th~ illRP 'lion a d Iici oOs IU11eh wa s ·rvtld.




CRITERIONJ, Suffolk Stallion

Mr. Robert Wilson and family Will make the season at my of Dayton, called on Mr. and "Mrs. Charles Shepherd Sunday Iore· place, 1 mile west of Waynesville, noon. Mr. and Mrs . . Delbert Con- on the Patterson farm, No.6. $l(i.oO to insllre a living colt. ger, of near Corwin, called in the Thl·s horse is 16'At hands high, ev~ning. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson, ,Rob- Weighs 1900 lbs.; red chestnut: the ert Wilson and Gt'ace Bogan went right size: the right color and the right kind to which to breed your to Greenfield on Sunday. The Y. F. M. held their meeting mare and get good farm horael. Season due when colt il ' foaled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. or wh.en mare is Bold, trllnll:ferrl!lU Rhoades Bunnell, Sunday night. Mrs. Raleigtj B ogan spent part or bred to other stock without my of Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. consent. Care taken to prevent acnorace Compton, who has not cident, but not responsible ·Bhould any occur. Lien retained on colt been so well rece:ntly. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Haines until season money il paid. and family and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Haines and children called on Mr. and Mrs. Zimri Hain'l's, Sunday evening. M;iss Edna LeEtming returned home last week after a visit in White Rose, the dependable Gasoline•. Xenia. , Mr. and Mrs. Wldter Wilson and ~1IIIII!"'1IIIII!"'1IIIII!"'1IIIII!"'1IIIII!"'1IIIII!"'111111!"'!!!!!!!1IIIII!"'1IIIII!"'1IIIII!"'111111!"'!!!!1 Mr. and Mrs. Raynlond Wilson and daughter, J eanneHe, took SundllY dinner with Mr. · and Mrs. Paul Peterson and family, of the E leazer n~ighborhood. Mrs. Lawrence Mitchner ealled OF DAYTON on Mrs. Amos Cqmpton and 80 n • A well known faat colored team Tuesd,y afternooln. Mr. and Mrs. Jrohn Bunnell of AND Hagerstown, Ind. , ealled on the Bunnell family, Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. RUlsell WilBon entertained 811e1ts t 'om New Vienna Sunday. MI'1I, Marianna called on AT the John Wilson IIralfttl'" Tuesday nilrht. Mra. Ru. .U



• Per cent of crl~al tensile atrenatb remaiDJnu In corda after lon,uleln dr.,.; Mil. SupertwlK Ordinary Rua Tire Cc.dl Tire Cordi

8,000"% 16,000 11% 8upertwi8t C«d_

82% 36% ~)'ear


_t_'fetch.., abeorbt Ibcx:k., aDd ~ atrona' Tborou,hly nbberbe4 to ,..let heat. It alvee "Itlna blowout protecdollin every ply. Alk ua to damoa,tnte.1




Four Full PU.,. of Supertwist Cord Insulated with heatrealatinal rubber.

• Her.'. a lot 01 tJr. and a lot of blowout-prot«don for a Ilttle .oaey. An nample of the .....ter ' walue that we caa IIlve you beeaule IDOI" people buy "GooiIyeara than lUiy odt. dre. See UI before you buy- we'll MOW you tile moet for JVUr mODey at aa), price you name.

Do Your




Tu.... ''Pinch''

anti Punctu,."

• u..'e a tube

_ _..._

daat pu.. atainat tlaerim tlaetoujb. _t rubber GoGel...... baa .... de_oped f . tu"'"

ThIcker rubber, t4Io. AIk to. . the Tu.Toae B-Vl



Datr-coa" little

. . . . . . . 1II8D7








Eighty -Sixth Year



The program for aturday night May 5, will be as follows : Music in chnrge of , Mrs. Bu rk.le. Remurk s on Comme rcial Dep·t.Mr. Brown. Home·E conomi cs on R mal k D p·t.- Mi ss Henkle . Grade buildin g Two Day. Spen' In Dayton And Few nUl1)bersoffrom Miss Lile. in charge Two In Cincinn ati Tbi. R marks on athletic s of W, H. - .Mr. Young. Week . W. Lotz. Talk This promise s to be a very in · r T h second biennia l Lou l's for tel'eatin g p]'ogram and all membll ac· get and come, to membe rs I)f the junior anti senior are urged wit.h the. teac~ers. eln s al'c being held this week. (IU uinted Elich family WIll bring a pound . in eharge T he~e 6IYull'l\ at' urrange d to ~c- of eats. Commi ttee Brown and ce Lawren Mrs. and . MI' quaInt metnb rs of the classes wllh er. Whitak Harold Mrs. nd a Mr. lhis of ries st indu l tht! principo d a receive Grange local ~ Th sec tion of the state, c pecially ro, pring-bo ~t e welco~ hearty lion 'connec the to wilh r ferenc May 2, at whlch tIme about 68 . . . r to visit that th ~e ,"dus~Fles. have wlt~ sub loc al m mbers wenl ov on the put later and , meeting eir th !!lueh achc:ol, In U C stU~I jocls . Ilrogrnm I ture, agrICul , bIology liS eh 1)~18try, at conoUllclI: elc. The schedul e for I A deliciou s lunch wa served hack. invited all and hQur IlJt~ a s:. fo!low us. IS the week - -_ _ __ __ InClOnaL I UnIOn T erMonday




THUR SDAY , MAY 3, 1!l34


Hi gh wa y 'P atr ol Active

I l

Tht W. r I" . ;\1.



nwt at lh CI'alloe with ~1r"

Kennet h W. Lotz and J. 1I,~u ~ h, U'NiRlllnt hosh·s: es. 'rhe ",l lIg, II op ' ned llY III 'ctlng was "Th Mornin g LiJrh t i< Dr~kin~, " Mrs. lIuWIII'r! rrhdeac ll n I ~ d thl' dl'votiolllll s, 11 ' I' ~ubjl'ct hl!ing, "Th Pcn~il'llUng L i;::ht in ~ci c nce and R (' fig-ion ," J\l 1~. L . \' . l3 t'c k, in charge of the flr0l{I'um , present ed th fu\1owinl! number>,. Vocal solo, '''I'he Lord i'l My 'hop. anL," Mt:<. F. . LeMa}". incin l\1i ~s Elizabeth 1I01!:<'. oC nali \las tben' inll'odu ced II i'! ~uesl ·peakel·. Mi> H.oge, IL returne d mi. siomll'Y f r(,m India , gave IlIJ in · t l' ting talk On th nt cou ntry ani tbe wll"k which she :ql<'l'i"nced il the .. the 42 y('al'~ ;;he 8P nt Followi ng lhis lalk by lIliss Hoge Mr. F. . LeMay conclud ed lh{ Pl'ogl'am by the \,cj('al 'oln, "Th, 11 Iy ity."


-- --



I A RETUR NED MI SS IONAR Y WORK Er ADDRE SSES W.F. M. ' M 1'". .J. R. hlll11 ~ n W ' dn~~ tl:JY aft"1'1I0011


Numb er 6116


Two Local Youl'Ig People Named A, Officera Of The OrgAni zation

e lec'ted by the W('I ounly Young Republ i::ans' lub lind other details of tbe J r~ani~aLi n comple ted at a meet III", hol d lu"l F"iday 4!vening at :-.[ morial nail in Lebano n. Nearly ! 10 young volers were in, attenLn nc ' lit the me ting with deL~· galio ns pl'cscnt fr om each of the I \ '(' 1) bill n .. hipi> in the county. A fealul'~ of lhe meeting was Ihe ~t irl i n~ 'ldLll'ess by Harty P. J fl'l'ey , Dayton attorne y and 11I'l'side nt of the Young Republ ican .. ' lub ot Montgomery county. In trac ing th history of the reo n party and the part 'it has IlUblicn I incin , Pottery od ,m inai, Rookwo in thc develop ment of the ',Iluycd y tla, nati ZoologiclII Garden!!. Tue Mr. J effl'ey stressed the nation, om· u. h R gister .-Nati onal of retainjn g the twonce imllol'ta pan y, Dayton D ' i1y News, Wilbul' syslem of govcl'nm ent. He ty lUI Com· IIU Br Wright Field, Dlly t(m ab led th " ell' DeaL" a s danpany. W edn sday- prodllc ers' 0attacke d t.he admini stragcrous ommiss ion Asso! Pbaaea of &etivities car· Operati ve Liv policy of governm,ental contion's High. and State Procter the b7 ati, oa ciation of Cincinn a Xenia ( 1' 01 of bu ine~s. Mrs. J. W. WhiLe Patrol iD improv ing Gamble , and the n ew WLW tranI'isito ,' toda . Mr. J effl'ey il:! 'u fOl'ceful speaker ~fety and establis h· rnitting station at Maso n. ThurB· und held the attentio n of his s busines a was spent Ian law can Hawk C. vehicle Will J. Mr. motor lIf)'s. and W&er Cornl'. f day- 1,'he pay~ n Rubber of interes t d listener s <lay. .wenal lCe are illustra ted Sunday with I'elat ! es in Plea nnt large group an hour. PllllY, lind the F rigidair e plante, visitOl' in Dayton on Wednes half r tlV fot' .. the accomp anying pic· Plain. one in downto wn Dayton , the oth I' Hobel' Hizur, ~ho had served as A m eting of the board was tIIHa. al MorAine ity. WIlS brough t tempor ary chair,ma n of the club Lynch hades MI'" follow· is an held lit the Friends Home on Tue Patrolm 1. home from lhc hospita l, W dnes. whcm a group met to discuss plans day. ... a JDOtorilt about to pass Track Men Named at nre t motoris for the nrga ni zation 8 veral weeks the and truck the day v,en ing. a Vack near the top of a hill. 8 0th ago, WILS named pel'l1lanent chftir· Coach Young, afler a week of Cleaner s Naptha Gas and water the truck should not be In the center lane EtXCept for passI ng. alDce tault, leaners aptha Gas and wat I' man o~ t he new club. Other officers esta!Jli~h the to ordel' in an tI' youl~, has 11amed the followi ng White r stoves. Ungles bl"s patrolm a by weighed beinlf la S. Truck White Ga ~ for stoves. UngleRby 's elected Frid~y evening were: Miss at this tl m~ --CoUrt" f Oal'ton, 0.11, N ... to represe nt Waynes ville In the Filling Station . '-do Tbla i. one of the Importa nt duties of the patro'hnen weaken 1ovel'loll( the nd withsta to te sta Filling Station. ' eu on n a Lebano in at oads atricc Dragoo , of Kings Mills, r meet the hack ldt county .. the 7.-r, when the Spring thalVs have , pre sident; Mi s Jane Thirki· Mr. and Mrs. Otto Seibold , of vi.!e Friday: weI' Smith trac:PR. of D. '. ... ' Mr. and M r recei ving instruc>after patrol l' n, secreta ry; and Boyd highw:l Frankli on eM, out start to about High jump, Wallac e Bernard , Cincinn ati, were guest. of Mr. and are ycles Wed· .motorc on a, L Two patrolm en in' incinna ii on busine offert'd service us Courteo patrol. own Wa ynesville, treasur er his son, on out t ~, Hender st rd afterwa will Frank Hawke i Discu s throw, Mar· Mrs. W. O. Raper on Sunday . .... from their lieutena nt, who n,-suny aftel·noon. SM" con "safety as acting to ye .,n d· high represe ntative s on a the ip HUlldre on Townsh Bogeri stalled vin Fox David IIr the patrolm en ranges from assi ·ting moto ri st! Miss Clara Lile was the week. again't drunken driven under I . were named by the dl'ive council Toletlo, ment of county enrol'e :mith, trict s a n Mal'k yard da h, Elden 'Ellis, Leonar d end gue t of her siBte\" Mrs. C. L, Ml'. carryo also en patrolm The ~.. o form a re,p resen· t roups Mrs. g and various Mr. ith w ' nday 'u Fran er ; Br ad jump, Wallac e spent . 'lIRueti olli from Governor White at Washin gton C. 1;i. Clliburn t. motoris 8 put commit tee and to to ve Shot ; plate per executi LeMay b:lm family. g tative Chade and , Bernard E. Andel' on :' .. Patrolm an is shown ind icating, an offendin various townsh ips the provide David Bop:er, Robert Gons; Two==~ Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClur e and ====~ ==================== Mr. and Mrs. R. E. White, of with local leaders. The followi ng -=================================: hundre d twenty yard dash, Elden family, of D~ylon, spent the week COUPL E ATTEN D LOCAL , visited l'l'll'. and Mrs. Wal - were named Friday ev-ening with Dayton Albert I"un, ~t:ile ; Fax Marvin e. Ellis, DEATH CALLS TWO end with Mrs. Mary .McClur y unday evening . Elz wr PARTY hunING Four WEDD i th ose from Wa hington , Hamilto n, GOLDE N Hawk~, Robert Smith FORME R RESID ENTS Wayne, Union anti Clearcr eek dred forty yard dash, Marvin Fox. _ Mrs. Rosalie Adams, of Topeka , ants Merch Wayn esvill The ary apLeonar d Franer ; Eight hundre d Kansas , called on Mrs. Mary unday afle,· townsh ips listed as tempor Mr. and Mrs .•J. ,Hawk e at· wi ll go to Lynchbu]'g mlth. Aclan) s at the Friends Home on pointm ents to the council : Williom L. Hartsoc k, 88, died at eighty yard run, Robert . her t team ball th play Weddin g noon to Golden John tlie tended Wa hingtQn townsh ip his home in Springf ield last SatUl;" Ilarvey Peter s; Eight hundre d Sunday . the ate]' party sponsor ed by The 'e, Oregon ia. and He was a Civil War g. ttlemY) Jamel> mornin hade day Mrs. eighty YUl'd relay Albert Hawke, and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hurley veteran and an ardent membe r of William Dayton H era ld, at Dayton , Tu!;- family wer guest!'! of MI'. and lIamilt on townshi p Mllrvin Fox, Leonar d FraneI' , n, were Kingma of , children and was day altel·noon. He outb Lebano n. Charles Jr., Lodge. on F. burg Shurts O. . . 0 Miamis I. at the James Elden Ellisi Mile relay, Ray T :Mrs. CHRIS ()F H CHURC on Sunday of Mr. and born in Wayne Town hip and his FERRY Morris Frankli n townsh ip At two O'clock 112 couples were Sunday . Davis, David Boger, Harvey Peters guests ' ( Undeno minatio Dal) Josiah Davis. was Christ He of n. here. Frankli rectpry spent the in Swain, was led life assemb early mlth. l't Roll Cheste r A. William son MrS. Emma Dakin, Mr. and Mr, ' sister of Massie townshi p - Wilbur McEpiscop al church and each lady Mi ell Mary and Louise Crane, wedded to G orgie Snlall, to this with was given a fresh r ose to weal'. A Guy Dakin, uf Xeniu, sp nt Sun· Carren, Harv e~ burg. ng and beginni Small service Charles late Unified the d week·en the spent ati, of Cincinn Senior Prom Mrs. Salem fowns lP - Curtis C1inle and Miss union eight childre n were born . Church Sehol at 9 :30 a. m. "Every group picture was taken of the day afterno on with Mr. and Th senior prom was held in the with Mrs. Maude Crane family. and al· of White n, are High W. J. You cele Shipma t Day! s of Neva nt ro f Canvas ton, Morrow . Mrs. r in Membe Harry, guests Lee. Anna gym The gym la t Friday night. Paul Turtlet reek townsh ip Springf ield, Jessie, of Cincinn ati ways welcom e at thil~ church. ~ chool and from thel'e, the party MI'. and Mrs. O. L Ridge and had b en d corated to repre ent a n. Byman , E. L. and Lee B., of New Jer ey"surv ive totel where Lebano 'c Myer n, oh J BlItmol Sl. Messrs. the to went Mr. a nd Mr!l. W. O. Ral1er called jl'"rand ball r oom. Appr ximetel y Thomas , Harry Cornell and George During the W. H. Whitele y boom Thelma ST. AUGU STINE CHURC H Wayne townshi p the entir~ cofl'ee shop was turned a th e home of Mr. and Mrs. B. S. fifty wfre in attenda nce at the af· Wate~house attende d lhe con;yoca,- on the 70's Mr. Hartsoc k l'emoved served hwai te, Waynes ville. were they !;uttel't and tHem to over IPastor \\'ton, .. es N edn W , Father William Port Howell at ents . werf served, tion of the MYBtic Shrine at IDay_ to Springf ield and lived there until fair. , I r Harlan townshi p - John Veidt,1 I Mass at St. Augustine's Church refr shment s of cake, ice cream day evening . with two m mtiers of the Juni(Jr ton, Friday night. group the , thi ng . Followi Monow tea. and his death. Sunday every econd and f 'Durth Mary class a sieling. D erfl eld town ship theater wheFil the service was held in the of the month. ankel', of 1 short /11' Loew' A to Mrs. went and , Mr MI'S. of Mr. Raymon Eyre, son cemete ry Monday comedy and car· Masvn and fr. and Mrs. N. p , Hudson , Maso n. , Miami of picture , chapel featUre -Laura Sides, is in Good Samari tan afterno on and the body was in· Debatea in Enali.}t II. Union townsh ip - William Ros. toon were held up by the manage r Bla tt uml children 0:( Manchestel·. FRIEN DS ME.ETlNG · l at Dayton , l'eeover ing terred there. hospita Golden the Lebano n. and of . outh Mr cla8ses of arrival English the guests d for ore were week·en o The sophom First-da y School lilt 9 :30 a. m. Weddin g party. from an operati on which he under· Paul ek townsh ip C108\'cr e. nglesbe R. 0.. Irs. conduc ted two interest ing debates went there last week. Meetin g for Worshi p at 10:30 ul'face, Lebano n. couples pres· many were Thursd ay mornin g. The questio ns There Mrs. Maude Crane a nd daugh. Mrs. Rebecca R . Wolcot t, age a. m. Before Ildjourn ment, Preside nt Word receive d from Mrs. J. E. were: Resolve d, That the rule that ent who had bee n marri d ju t a .1, May y, hud' as ditlDer guests on Su n· Rizar appoint ed, on enterta inment rs te Tuesda died years, 93 the that had says who g others mornin and this century Witham half H 4) (Contin ued on page social M,'. Homel' Hart bome In WAY NESVI LLE M,: E. CHURC doctor i8 now at the home - of I at 11: lOp. m. at her passed the "golden " murk by 12 day, MI'. und MI'. and Mrs. Jack co mmitte e to arranste for to pro· t P as t or R e vG. .C. D'b April born hter. and was daug club She' and the Ohio. of r, e Conove activiti is e:r, He I Wert. Van in Stoops th years. t James 7 1841' W Chul'ch chool at 9 :30 a. m. Brown and Mr~. Belle Hart, of vide enterta inment at future meete arren , coun y, .In -gainin g strengt h daily and ill get·, Chrission. conclu at nd, Inll., and Mr. Lore n ing!;. Thi s commit tee is compos ed Supper Richmo Lord's RogAnna daught er of Jacob and ting along fine. BOSS FISHER MAN of Lebano n. ers Haines. Her husban d, John an, f and Miss Mary i am J of Karl M Ernest m. p. 6:415 at avor ago. tian End ut' and' Those in attenda nce from here Wolcot t, died several years evan· g A. Wolcol t, Woolar d, Leader . lE:venin M l' . S. S. tahl, of FrAnklin, has at the Harvey sburg Masoni c in. She leaves oneAson,. W. Ser· m. p. :45 of 7 tor 'at propn'e service Smith, gelistic chair· H. d local Ralph iJ H' IIppoint been M just . h eId S a t ur d ay n Ig ht were, a niece, · rs. nnle ames an a is plannin g to attend MI'. the the SI' nelal'r Servl'ce Statl' n I'S, a~ spec t IOn M ra. L aura C'onner, mon subject , "The H eart ofBible t iece, '" man of the Ohio l\fusic Teache rs' a meeting of county preside nts to U ngIes bee, F . B . grea·n R 0 s Vass and meeting . Prayer . boss ." r. the Master D~ out, Witt et· at the H nd I rar a~ we can find ' C T U .... both ' 0 f thOIS pace. Associlltion. The Ohio Mu sic d k W .C The W• R H H t 'M1's. . 0 co ., • • • IU p. . held at th~ Qeschle r Botel in at 7 :30 at ~ s ayyou el1,ch Wedne :hul'sda y . ~ erson, · . . ar soc tb . t·IC a d m Irer 0f th e Study fisherm an of the spring. Since the Teache rs' As ociati on will b in Leolumbu of Mrs. Will Whlte1 feel home where church The m. s on Sunday , May 6. • of tbe St ...T 0 h n an d L . C. St. J 0 h n. uSlas en an was 4 the 3, of May , close u the Columb until Ilt conven tion first of April April 26, and . in spite -t home. this taken has and Gazette Miami rd, Woolla at Geo. held Smith be Mrs. Mr. and and 5, The meeting will basil ' season, April 30, Mr. chilling dismal day, a good meet· The fun· Mary Jane, Bernice and, Pauline paper for over '75 years. caught 63 bass and one channe l the D eshl er· Wallick F1 ulel. OF H ing was held. CHURC LE ESVIL WAYN on afterno this held Wool. eral will be cat. The lar,g est bass h caught Mrs. White lead in devotio nals Woolla rd, Mr. and MI'S. Ed CHRlSiT Membe rs of th Friendshi p club Bndley , (Thul'S day) at 2 p. m. at t. Pa~ weighed 3 3-4 Ibs., the channel ional) by reading the 145th Psalm, fol- lard, Mr. and Mre. Wm. ominlat (Unden l Funera Bal'ger & Vrank are goin~ to attend the meetfrom who Mrs. and cat weighed 7* Lbs. The last day lowed by repeati ng the Lord'e Miss Luey Emle,. Mr. Burial at Fletche r, Miami Home. lhe home . of l\1J'. W . E . I at ing Church the d attende caught he , Elzey ,Monday Walter and season, call the of Roll r Prayer in unison. Cheste t A. William son, Minll!te county. W dnesday aftel'nOO'll, at Stroud, .ervic~ istie evaneel weight Chrl.t total of prereadlnlr of the minute s of the : Sunday school at 9 :30 the limit 8 bass Sunday meet .fil·sb, at 1 :3Q will 9, May on. were afterno fish Word bas come fl'om Port Wil10:30. ' about, 1() Ibs. All 'these vious meeting were read and .p. Sprlne Valley, Sunday , Word haa been receive d of the 8.. m. Mornin g wOIrship at" minut s, at thl' liam, Ohio, to the effect that Wilor f o'clock Can rod. fly bamboo a on taken : be, . wil} ,,1;.Oved The. sermon Bu~, ject hom e of Mrs. A. H. Stu bbs. Thos( liam Dean Howell, about 42, had M1'II. Rosalie Adama, of Topeka , recent death of Mra. Ola Rogers. 'The Mother 's Day was oblerve d , at Takmg Our Rehl!:lo n Serlous )y. anybod y beat this ):'ecord? Bentley .Russell . 'Mr of sister Sprln,who have c.-u·~ arc urged to p:o t( died in a Chicago hospita l -Tuesda y of , doy Talbott first Dan the Mr. Mr .. Smith started ''\lith the followi ng program : "Who Kan., h League ~t '7 p. m. WIth Epwort Cal., co, Francis San in home her of the hom e of M I'S, Stubbs befol't mornin g at eight o'oLock, after an Cronin, hn rail, of April and fished every day, . will win," by Mrs. White; "A talk field, Mr. and Mrs.40 Rogers , who moved to Calif- Dean Hawke as lea,d~r. Mrs. D. La the meeting fiO t hat Hne s extendi ng over ten or twelve ati, going Clnelnn be t to gton, UI). Washin snow, or Mt. cold Mrs. shine, Patri, or I Anglo spEcIal to Girls,'" by A~ 8 p. m.. th.ere will be a 30 years ago, ie Xenia from ornia tmnspo rtation may be years. Mr. Howell was born In n of Frankli means of Stahl, S. season S. the of MI'S. and closing tact the Menden hall, stressin g the b~other, servIce conSlst mg of 80ngs and time of other one by surviveQ those who do no t have Waynesville and spent his early Antifol' of , f!c(!'l.Irecl take~ Wallace were RObert bass s by various About 15 of these "that lips that touch liquor shall and Dr. d for them. at the Walter Bentley , of Xenia and a five minute speecbe on the sub- out of the reservo ir provide visltol'S ways were colIege och ce Intluen "The life here. He remove d with hi. mine;", touch never Mra. C. C. Andeno n, Fort membe n of the church 'it's relatisister, AUen H. W. Mn. . and Mr. of home Mrl. by to Port William lIeveral ," family and nit~r Christia of one good mother of ject . t. Ancien :-:::::::::::~: years ago and and soon alter, :~-:~~::~~::~ ::::: ~~~~~ Wade. Several other readin ,. fol- 011 Sunday . ~~~~~ Sunday the ~n, onship to Educati, took a position in Chicago . School, Busines s, P ;r ayer, the Home . lowed, one about the Cadel Talkl He enlisted in the Marille s a. a on WLW every day at 7 a. m. and the Child. ician and was station ed at 'mu Wedin regard to the free ule of the each on meeting Prayer Florida , 'until the close sacola, Pen m. p. '7~30 at nesday ./ radio station. f thc war. SOon afterwa rd he 'Mra. Shultz ~eported on tbe slek tl'a!!ted a disea e that deprive d ST. MARY 'S CHURC H list. ALso Mn. White reporte d on ~ate In . p~incipal him the use of his legs. over f ' xtcnd 'dl to march PI the Tempe rance literatu re being Redor r. )tf!v. J. J. Schule ans are rapl y gomg orward streets and ending a l ' MI'. Howell receive d 'his educaand that the schoolswould K 'placed in May for the formal dedicat ion and downto wn Flail was Easter, after ' be Sunday Fifth Day Fair a"d 40; Temper ance ,1,,054. Ht ttppl'OX imlltely 2 tion in the schools here and Mllb, lng'll th To,vn The annual Wanen county baa. at lIermon :30; 9 ,at school d popular Church 6, most · ville'll $1,022. ter, Waynes ,of Lancas one at will g county countyw ide . celebra tion markin o'clock when the Odd Fellows ketball tournam ent held at Klng'll field and 1I01y Commu nion at 10 :80. observe . a flne musicia n. He Mills in Februa ry, wsa one of MV- 16. the comple tion of the new Lebano n take churgc of the wOl'k in the au - young men and Adjour ned to meet on the _ _ 4 _ _ at held al their IO!ltl, hill Bection B mourn ClalB to Tbe leaves to :. Ohio buildinl! In' ,. ~\\" n e th tourne of count)' en ditorium Town llall On Su,ndftY, May 6. ular date. in May and obM"_ TO MEET CLUB ER'S MOTH mother, K~. and the in father bis fifth widow, ranked will gton lodge n Wilmin fIeLebano • Both afterno on .and evening pro· Membe rs of the ~lower Million day at tlle lame 1P'01lll over U,OOO accordi ng to The atate among the "B" Hctlon als and Mta. B. S. Howell and one the of work tic ritualis lhe present week. Lalt the d, ced announ arrange urea • _ • . , IfTama have lIeen o. tIme. ,874.86 . The lectlon al at order and the. grand ma tel' of the brother , Harold, of ·Chlcag the re, W a n e n county tournam ent did a pouiDCvtlle Wayne Townsh ip Mother II 'afterno on event featuri ng the lit . The held . waa receipt funeral total The with the led in part a have and wlll 40 lodge ,1,064. Ohio I~" buln... of building ANNU AL IN'PEC TION club will meet Friday afterno on, formal dedioat ion of the ion of aldence of Ilia parenti at two ranked liztb Amon. the 88 eollnty of '1,280. 86. n Odd Fellows ceremo ny. At the conclus Lebano the by , bulldln Gnde the at 11, May will o'clock today (TJlIlnda,~. Ja...... lib paid Pauly fanl Mr. all work, F. basketb O. e O. 1. Buckey the ltat.e the In ted The allllusl lnlpeeti oll of the touru.m ent. conduc haa been Ladlre and an address by Frank B. speak from the stage of the new ment at Port WUDaIll. prolP'am l~ fol1ow The teama rite fav theJr lee to Paul" Middle town pOlltmaster and Illlditorlum. CliDton CoaB17 apln l~ the llat, erall • '_ ••_ __ Hia.mi Chapte r No. 107, O. Ill. S. 0 iton t w o ' a former residen t of' Lebano n. : ..._ beld FrIda, evenlDC, April the enat at. Wllabl planned l this tlol1 informa an competl ent e\'ening ' the tournam In In l ID tIM evel1i~ it is planned to I~. About 80 JIl'IOIl i were pye..nt aoatha -.0 om. a poll bulblet Mn. Anna Cad. reveaL Cout, tour- Devotio nals led houaew armlng is planned with a tourna- ,ear, Opell houle In the new build· hold for tbe lupper and 120 for the 01 ,1,'.'. tl. OtIaer eouDQ . aUader .',~,89' polled program to be present ed probab ly Ohio In _uta dollar ld .,ade inr aDd a Ihort program 18 beln, comme ncing at 8 o'clock. lit the In Miami Q1Iert"~ i1_111111 - meetil1•. Both tile clliIia. and... ... 1ftau pualat the tho1llU b:v Protrram tolll'llAc111tr1ct and al MCtioD at •• ; wen: Darb d b, Mayor W. C. Gil. arrallge Rye Harve, . FrICcI rOOIDl "ere prettilJ deeorat ecl widl duet county Vocal Warren ~e all ad in . 1."; Citizen melltl ..,oeHcI ,.1,16 mour, of Lebano n, .. a teature of Lots. potted plaD. an' cnat Iowera. ... and Mn. to attelld ~ • invited reeetpta are ptle .. nities Ia aent commu toarna at praen tath. freNa 11 Balpb JIaatt..... thia part of the celebra tion. let b~ • tetaI of A the ell«freta,. and particip ate in tile It" - . .:- . . faa. at 1 :80 o'clock, ColllJMDCl HI 1te heW • ~UlG~ .a.~. 01 ~~ . . . . . . &0 1_ 11:


VHI'l'~ n







w. C. T. U. lET AT




'Local Tou rnam ent Was Sixth in · pts State · Gross '34 ('' ' R ecel


-- -

Plans Go For war d For Tow n Hall Dedication On May 6th











r-------l~-----------------~ Hern to Edmund A. Cre Iman. r at aid llr1t!fty: ellote in Det'rfteld tow nahl". Ih(l~' al ." William F. Flit''' a lld S UAlin E. Dun pi I \1 oul ell t il' h~ Flit'k to William H. Pa!fl' lind ; U~I 6 cd the,,, cat.11 - wilh ttl ~c Mable Pace, inlot No. Z:J in Pie po H'rful len, (' S. 1'IIT our}l. Il'n. ant Plain. p(' rlt ap. l hi: mill.!, , On th , im Isabella Frye t o Robert E. Gar· of til cl·t'ek he saw clark obh·('t rhon. inlot No . 103 0 In J<'ranklln . In Jitt l!' du!< u,,, In day' rid e Austin Huff t o All on C1 mm on g ro neglect o.f duty. Com m Oil Plea. l hlly hlld not cen Ii hoof n6rth of 0Mar ie Roll ver us Bird Roll. to.. and LIQyd Cl emmons, inlol No. 268 thl' . ~ il k Hiv('r bottom • divorce. Charge ia gross negleot. in. Franklin. . "Thll l'S ho und to. be lhe h nl ROO,. FOR AND CONSIGN Audrey P. Smales versus Charlea Elmer E . B nnett ~o Lu ella H aft'· thaI 1)/I..l!ed U R." he ob eTved. S. Smales, fo.r divo.rce. Charge II man Kehoe, rea l cstat e in T urtle· Jour Cattle, bor., .heep and ealv•• ,,] wom.ll'r if th e rider!! ar t ill to No.rrlt-Brock Co .• !lve wire and gro s negleot. creek t own ship. Ry \\ ith thern?" Ruby murmured. He len Gibso n Camllb 11 to prol'r...lve firm for the hlah . . Mar y Jane Hemmer versus Fred " The y'r • catte red nut £razing,' marleet price. and «ood • . Hemmer, for alimon y, attorne, Glen Willium a and Emma Will iums Union Sloe. Y..rd,' Cincl."atl. O. !lon n~Jl Ii d. "Th. y'r not on th real estate in Deerfield tow nsh ip. Tuna In on ~adlo Station WCKT fees. costa and other relief. • driv e." • ,John H . Be an to J ennio L. aoua 12 :26 t o 12 :80 p. m. fo.r lIur dally· ' M. Do.wlar versus J ohn I " Ride r or no riderlt, 1 wan t to 1 t h ca. e of T h l otlroe Na- 1t{. Louella Dowler. for divorce, Char,e it er, 60 ..cres in Clearoreek town- market · report.l. hav(> a IQok a t th n~e ca t tl e," Ruby t io nnl Bank versl1 Jos ph K,ing ship. :.; t " " r\ I'\\' flui L Sh, .Iirlll'! ,. n. tlolI't 1)1"'" II ni~h t." d c1 ~rl'd ... " ill Yllu gu back with let al. real tal e t j) be so ld fol' 1l0t groBS neglect o.f duty: J ohn Spaeth and Lulu Spneth to WilJia m C. Turton venus Solo\. l1w\t. d with Plll.ity nd prule " r .Ion·\ knlJ w," Do.n muttt'f d. ml''!'' . le!i th n . ,2 150 s uuject to the Louis Waellemeyer and Amelia he dl.! n'! CII II' . Sh\ \' uId I (,Jl. ·'K·\ J' .till. TJ(' r~ hey co me. I an' "J ain! to p e t he wh,,1 s h IV morlgage of , Th Unio n entral mon F'red, for money. In the matter of the application Kaesemeye r, 11 9 acr 8 in Deerfield 1>on cm,ld hl'ar II 'J' -10\\. 11·l."ula. hl'ar. !'ide~. The )" won't , I.'e u s tbro.ugh,' Don nnsw red. Lite In. u.ra nce Co. hllll lh,rlj.! . . 'hi' D. 1\ IlInrn I, h unl,· th y run I'igh l in Ii us. " • hI; Fave him a gr~t t ul mile, In the C1I ' e of L oltie , tok s ver- of t he council ot the Villa.e o.f township, R. Wilds Gilchrist. et a l to J obn th u!r ht, :-: 'I V~ tikI' n nwn. And , A ,·ogue,. for lOle:. blur came 1'~ey loped o.ulh. a mile. five .us Wal t er Mc all\dle .. . et al, 1'e- Waynesville, f or authority io t ranll Paul. inlot No. 69 in Lebanon. J r fun dll from the ga. oline tax ex I" f.inlUit,'I)' etlmlllc('d thllt .om'· abrt'a4, filll n/!' t hat . hall ow crcpk , m. lr:. te n. I n a.n hOUr and a half port of th commi-sion rs on -writ The Mason Lumber Co. to Th h t, v" ", ith hi. a ,~i~bll'~, h(' '" ~ tr,)ug), nnd r a"'ed, alll e. Here they we re drawmg close. The h e rd of partitio.n app ro val. No leetian else f und t o tbe gene ral f und, t o WAYNESVILLE. OHIO Mason Build ing. Lotln and Sav\ngll tra nsfer funca. Vl,in~ t(1 lInenv'r fllml' faTe .kul· and (her a cow bowled, II low CIJOI lay on t he bank. in the creek bed, Ito tnk . Ord er t o It 80 Bank Bldl. William C. Sexton versul palll. Co .• inlot Nos. 67 and 08 In Mason dudder. ' ntJ", th ll t 'hI' \'od(' obro.all Il laining ~ou nd .. A bllorm I. Rang on the ~ench. ome grazed. Most In t h ca!'e of M:llddic WiI1iamlio.n et al. t(l R. Wolds Gilch riat, in e G. Sexton for divorce. Chatgc: hI I cH t n 1(JI)k I'lIIt ur h'r own tn- ca ttlE', xc pt In ' rl y ummel', were Iymg down, and t hey wer vel' us a r ol Williamson a divorce is g ross ,neglect o.f duty and will· Harry C. Burnll in lot No. 4 t in l '('lIt . D'''l hCIJ1cd . h· WlJuld. ,,111'11 YCtlllHt cal s p rsi- t in g t- loa wa ry to rise wh n Don a nd t W 8.l! gr a nte d t h plaintiff. Lebanon. Oth(.!·\fo i,l' -Il.· W1I "h tc h in~ 11)~t fro m t h -ir moth I'll in the Rub y r ode among ,hem. No riders In the CD o.r Willia m P. tagge ful absence. R. Wilds Gilchrist, et ai, to ~h()ull l 11 " r lu"'(' I.eeu, merely Tl ~ 01 a h rd, 1i<1 no.t bawl on a lappeare d. N o caml> loom ed any- IVI! IlS am ClaYllnan it hI ordered Agnes B. Gilohrist il'llot Nos. 41 nt 1m a {II!)t' rrand (\nl~' no- eh·iv(·. Thc .. e di d .. The dYag of t he where along the age. t hat plaintiff deposit 8uffiei nt e. Probate Court b lJdy would I'yet bf'ti vc that. Rilby h n l went b y, They could h ~a r the Th ey were all RMs. Ev ery hoof. cu,-ity for co t withjn 30 days or The inventory of GaU Thomplo.n and 42 in Leba no n. J. C. and Edith J. Hill to T he c>uldll 'l carl' w ll"lher th y oid Ilr cr.;a.k ot ]Ilalher, the jingle 01 bit No.t a st er, not a year ling. n ot I co e wilI b dismi cd administratrix of t he elltate of nl l. Bu h '. D6n. would. a nc.l ur. a railing I'O Pt! end sn p- immat u re be t. rn tl:em. on In t h ca se of ha'rJ s ' Hud on St ella J. deceased, was ap- Cincinnati Gas '" Electric Co:. H. M. and Elizabeth Scott to. The Cin he ' v "su The Masolll Holding Co. the proved. . And he cou ldn 't go about Iik a II II at Lal('~'1I rci catlle. nee a man saw Ruby'. lips moving 0 1\ Adria n A. Yeats /lIed hia applica cinnati Ga$ &: Electric 0 . ; W. . knl ht·t.'l't' nt , cuttinj!' 0 11' \\' aggin~ \ Mt' erl ply. Th n the t r ample twistell in h I' sad (,I I . He mad a defendan t is givn 20 days t~ file t "tlI(O. man Ith lit I mor and jingl of J/:cllr. the plainti ff r ough count himself, more of an an we r or other 'Pleading. tion f or the appointment of a and Mable B. Me lampy to. Th Ci n th n his hand could hardly ch l)'l o, lowin g , df l'\\ awll.y. w I' swallow- estim ut.e. I\r i e ft~'. In Che, caSe of William .. e xton guardian of Robert H. Yeats. et al dona t i Gas &: Electric Co.. ; Anna Betainger, et al to The ,cInc innati pio.n a young woman 'h o own d cd up and il nc·d in th impene· " Thl'c humlred Ilr (I" I· ... Ruby vcrl!u Paulin e G. Sextc)fI , it is OT minors. gas. $3 .62 ; The Barrett Co .• tarvla th ,. t}lOusand c 1,tle and a ranch' l Lral)le night. aid as last. "All cows. All R h . de;rcd tha t aervh:e by publication Th .following accounts were ap· lind wa proudly con. cious of her , "To·morrow," Ruby said i n Three hundrl.'d co. w~ anu not a calf b mad e on def e:ndant. proved. all owed and confirmed by $228 ; Mrs. Ada Co.ur t ney. ga rage Gas &: Electric Co.; Wm . Ida F. po. . i on. he wouldn't h im. I ))un' r, u1H" U look into tbi, ." at foot. ThllVI\ a Iittl ton mu ch of _ __ _ the court. to. The Cinci nnati Gos Shumek r Don wi. hed now that he had Tn)' ~ l()od by th ir hOI'. 11 a good t hing." New Sui..B. B. Ball, luar dian of T. Floyd Electric CO.j Wm. and Ida F. huPhone 78J . taken h r by h r white n ck nd l('j ng tim. 'l'he still n that Ii Ii on Sh frow ned, pOlldering ov t l ·j .• d uK ' F k jBall, minor. Seeond. I "r~ !Uc e l~ zle ve r us ran C. R Beckett, guaJ'dian .j! maker to. The Cincinnati Ga8 & drll!(gt'd her back to t he RM t hat th plain . 0 pro(ound it ca n be tho.! c cows and their lack of CJ ff. " Electric Co., the use of real morning. Bu t it "'liS t oo law. H fe lt, l ike rO$t a t . e3. rem in d un:- ~ priJ1l(. McKeilia e. fot' divorce. Charge H~ Geo. rge Beckett. minor, lIeo01ld. turned over and tril:d to leep. I n· broken. Th ey put tl, ir horse! on "No," ~h e w nt on, " It's not J . T. Riley, administrator of tblJ estate for lin e . William B. H~ner to J ohn Ha rd· , - - - - - - - - - - - - - , lead hi !'"y . rov d t h dark ky , pick t II ain. IInel crept Into their l'eBllonllble. You don't find thr e esta te of Emma Gilpin. deceased. 43 YEARS OF SERVICE Ing. US.67 acYes In Un io.n to.wn· mnkin a cloud bank that d ilted blankets. hundred dry cows all in one bunch " ThanJc ," Don said dryJy. "First Fir t and lInaJ. up from th east. H wonder d if But n l to I cp. Don lay Ii. ten· on any range 1 ever heard of. I wi h you ' d turn right around alld te lla Urschel. guardian of Rol. ship. it wo. uld rain . It wa cry dark. inll rol' th ound of Ruby' : ll1m· Wh re a~e t,h ir calves?" go. hom 'and lellve this stock.d e. a nd M, Gephart,' minor. Fourth. Very till. be r·br<' ul hing to lJ gin il !Oft o.n could no mOl'e answer than tective bu ine~ t~? me. It might George P ; Gates,;: Bill. AII_" LEBANON. OHIO I n th nt hU h his ear, clo to rh ythm. He heanl h r shift now she. eo me ~o sorn,e 109 !t" woman of the estate of Fanny M. RobilOn, · 'J . L. Dunn, mechanic. '83.86; F. We have a complete " I was right and t.hat f 01 uf 0. houldn t be ml~: ed up !D. deceased. Second and final. D. Hainea, painting and carp cnt r th ' ro.und , c u 'Ilt 9. re v rl:ie1'8tio'fl nno th en. fl~r an int rml nabl Watch Repal~ S.ryice to which ]I had li ten ed many t imp h \ h l;iPI'I'~d : Winuy MacDona ld was wrong- as '\ ~ ' 0 \" she flanbed. " It's m y af· Arabel Dinwiddie, executrix o! work, '24.15; D. W. Keller, servPrices Rea onable times. H e knew ~hat it was, Faint '·('Im·t you slee p'!" usual" ghe co.ntinu d angrily. "I fair, my cattl e. If my 6wn people t be estate of N. H . Dinwidc. la, de. ices. $5 ; Roy Burroughs, services. B ads Realrunl!' far. rumblinlCl making imp rcepti· 1 il t h.uh," she r plied. 'I 'm wait. to.ld him we ought (0 send tw o or I can't or v oo't do it, I'll ~e~ after ceased, Ninth . UO; Thomas Taylor . services, J trwelry R epaired bl trem ~rs in the rlh - hoo.fs inA' for daylight." t hree llllrp-eyed riders up aeTOS my own caltle lT~y~~ l f. Thl' IS up· 'Walter N. Allen, administrator ,8.25 ; Shartle 6 Bevis Machin t ramplinll'. hUI'\ur ds of th m ill 0 After that Don hims Ie found th e linc. 'V eil. 1 hUf\ to lind it out po ed to. be a Cll."lhzed country. I of the Eltate 01 William J . Allen. Co., ahaft, $2.45 ; L. P. Cavett Co. "THE HOME OF CIFTS" . leerl ilnpo. slbl .. He turned and for my. elf. Let's h ad north huve. a nght to l'lde where 1 pleu:; deoeased. Firat and Ana1. tar. ,121.94: Cineinnati Oil Works compact rna . He sat up. Nothing. When he t wlsL,.;. ne h had half a notio.n again." looki ng for my ,own stock. J will. Ab1'8ham Lillcoln KiDII', exeeu. gas, $19.07: Cincinnati Oil Works laitJ his h ead on t he folded coat to r i . and build a fir , but fo r· Oo.n rode fOl' a mile deep in H r tone pree.luded argument t or o.f the e8tat~ ot Izora Kille. de. rent, $12: Gilpin .... Son. gaa, , 34.· th at el'ved for a. pillow he could borE'. In the end be Jay pa ive, thou-ght alo ng t hat line. ceased. First, fi_1 and distributive 76: Kaufman's paint and 8UppJi s. hear it again . Stl> ck in motion. H I' waiti ng aillo f or dlt yli~ht to br ak. "LL t~n, lady" h e bl.'j!l1n then. "A ll ri~h t. I"I~ han d o~t Il? me Edna Hoff, guardian of Ansetta ,7.87; W; M. Lawl on, r epaint ,2.It ca rn e at 1 ~t, 11 pale glea m, a "Yo u know !lo.llHithing about this more adVice. I ,al,med III rld~ ~to Hoff, minor. FOllrtb and ftnal. ~O; The W. W. Williams Co., chain lay and Ii tened. It g rew. Wh n h e /lat up a IIE'co'HI timp ht' could henr mQ lI Hng f a n of pi nk and ro!\~ and Gil on and yo ur hunc h may be th~ ?Oub;CGG. 8,n &a~~l pohtt In Will Sheets. ruardian of Bertna hnband hooks. '2.66 : The DaytOn "IOTARY PUBLIC tho8e hoo! .. lie could h ar more 1)1'Il»!{(! , preadrng In the sky until right about him. The fact th a t lhi (]thu.lrlehS 0 b rlm::$. b 1. son aTo.h~ Kenric. b. feeble.minded, flIed hia Wood Products Co., shaft. $4 .78; ".ti•••l B . . . dilltinetly a dull uproor that was g l'ay light wi ped out the col r nnll Double G outfi t ha ~ its brand on IS Q~·se. ran (~ln uame s. 19 f ourth account. The Bevia Machine Co.:, making The inventory o.f GeOrge E. ateel abaft, ,17.10 : 1. K. Spencer, the bawling of ca tt! . The y were th e i Un cock 'd a seglYl ~ n of a two horses that do n'~ rightly be· mak s I t differE nt. We a re botb Dr... _ . E.tat •• Settled moving steadily a, dri ven lock ro und, yt:llow ye la zily 1\ ove the Ilon g to 'em, do sn't look. any too ~o.u"t~d o.n . JRM r hor es. That IYoung, admblistrator ot the ('stale sand and gravel, .79.40 ; D. W. WAV .. ESVILLE. OHIO movo. Don had no evidence but his hori zon. . "6od. Now the matler , of th a t DuVI /l uld Iden tify \I . )'ou call gamble of C F Cono d d Keller s~rvicea ,U;' Roy Bu r ... h ' tb C Hill . . vert eeease, was ' " • l'-eallOn, his experience. !o info rm By t h n breakfast waH ealen , ble Gon my sorrel don't amount t o vet·y ra nc er lin e .ypres! S appro.vea. roughs. service, ,7. 60 ; Tho.mas him t hat riders prel'sed that mil!!. lh ':( "ere pn ' ked and on the move mu ch, alth ough t hat lItarted me up knows that bran~ ~I'l d. Its r~n ge.. If Althe Watkins, executrix of Lh~ Tay!or, servicel, '8.26; The Ore. of ca ttl in the ni~ h t. B ut he 'os Th e fl oor of age' reek walt h reo That bunch of your cow. I were. a)one, I;1111s 1~ how I d .wor k, estate o! Clinton D. Watkin!!, de- gonia Bridge Co.• steel, 701.90; very ~·U I'C. cu\. with hoorll. They tared wilh bein' hazed so.uth in a · hurry a~d two of ,us don t make It !lny ceased, filed her inventory. F. M. Bowyer. pay roll, $14 3.78: DR. H. M. WILLIAMS /I f y, Ruby," he whispe red. incrl'lllln~ cUl'iollity. unspoken thl'o ugh the night. that'll different. d,1t ~nt: I d be an ~M . nd er In the matter of the eBt"t~ of Edward Simpson. pay roll, $175.6 lSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN .lId "Ye 1" he sat up in sto.ntly. qu '" tion.. Then they rod up on II that herd of cows with nary a scouttng arou nc~ to e~ Lf any or Charles M. HOUlh, deeease~, dlHri R. M. VanHorne, pay r oll, $276 .• SURGEON ' " 1h'3 r ' s D bunch of stock enm- t he b nehla nc] and gazed nway air among' m. That looks to m our t ult ? &d drifted thl.S fa r n orth Ibutlon o.f stocks and bonds order 48: W. A. Seiker. pay ro.l1. $1 68 .• Speci.1 AUeDlio. to !tect&! •• cI in' down t he ere k. • eems t o me south. Noth;n!!' moved within range 1i a n organized st al. Becau e a I wouldn t say o.nythmg . a botlt ed. 66; W. B. Schu.ter, pay roll , ' 205.: . 1ataati••1 Di •••••• they're b in' ha zed alonj:t. We b t- of the · c;te. h creek bed Lay lot, pro.bab ly most, of those COW!!, stolen h01'1l , when I rode mto t hl! I The estate of Buber J. Null, de- OS; Floyd Lemmon s. pay roll, LEBANON. OHIO Ler get ho.ld of o ur h Qr8e!i. 1U1' be t'mpty as fal' u t hey co.u !lee, as ad ca lves \\,ltl1 ' om quite reo Double G. I d ,! b~ cheerful stock ceased, is ex . ' Id Sweny. p a y foil. I t ~8 P h on ol'gani;p;ed," Save f o r tllOse ou nd in t he night cently. You co ul d tell t hat. J up- ha nd not worr,ym ovel' anyth ing, lt ax. Frances A N 'IJ d" tr '211.33 ; John MYers pay roll P hunlj J12 ~ ln. &. .l am . on I:Iltl14 t wa to b ' . u , a mm.1 ... -2'2 3 H L • , 11 s1ept a nd t he t rac k8. t h at paSlllng . her d pose." only ['d' th lIeet all it ha R u b y, as he d J'd b'.mse. ' I 'd Ii d tl.. tr ix filed her , first and /lnal ac- • • • ~: . . . Sclluyler. pay b 11 f ully dressed. Sbe C11st her bl ankets might have b en a dream. Rilby "Of course." seen WI ou. p'ry." . n . Jla oount. $199.90: Carl Dakin, pay ro.lI F"- -.~ aside. l t took no more tban a reach d lor tbe glasses in Don's "Every one knows that advice is Mount ed P obc.a post at Medicine EJ'z b th H d' d ' . tr $174.01' The' Gem City Blue Pri t _ _ _ __ an t alk it over with them. I . I a e ar lng, a mmlS a ' . n .. Lodge m Inute to lead up the picketed sad(Ue pocket a nd looked thrOllgh cheap," Don continued. "Have a If I Id ot b h f e trlx of the estatlt of Mary Goonan II: Supply . Co.., supphes. $5.12 ; hortes, to cinch sad dle on them. to them a Ion It time, wward Milk little pa.tience while J unloaded c~u I sp ~ a :n~ l' 0 bn : hearer, deceased, filed het' applie- Thoma Taylor. Bervices. '8.25; draW' all th ree up again ~t t he cut- River. When she lIanded them to Borne on yo.u, abo.ut thi!l~ wdeanI.e caVte.s , tranfie 0. tU~.. rta ation fo.r a certificate of tranlder. Ray Burro.ughs, services. $22.60; h d d bank. "Go ahead ." she repUe . "You're e. , con riVE) 0 n. Oll h • e7 The adjudicatio.n and dete:rmina. The Olllce Outfitters. repaire, Di ....l! lor </f FlIDerel Sen·lce "List en to ' m," Don said. a cow·puncher, and I ink you be!onged to thlat part1cul~r ranch · tion of the inheritance tax on the $1 .50; Waldron C. pilmour. In. "Funn y. Why I!hould anybod y White Rose-Power be- know your bu sin e s or 1 wouldn't er S COWl!, ?,r t o. those RM cows estate is to be given to all persons que.t, $12.70; 1'he Dayton Blank d rive cattl down this creek at be heT8 with you. I t old you be- back t h e r e . . interet!ted. Book" Printing Co., s upplies '43. Ollr convenient location. llUlla. night'" she whi peroel. "Ro.und·tlps hind the en,lna. 10re I'm not a fool." , (To Be ContInued) ___ Ma.·garet E. Folk, execlltrix 01 16; J. J . Vanderbrink. services ble 8urroundings and equipmen't enables us to Serve to the B ~· .t !'!~;::=====;:==::===:::;=========::=====::;;::===::;:=======:;::_:_!~~ iZi-:-~:-L2!liiiiii-~~Ei:i...!!'- filed the estate of Elias Folk, dec:eased. Hufford. stamps. $5 $S;; Advantace. , : WEm. ' her inventory. Transfers 01 !f0.16 .... 1'8•. I ra tzroth, services. stock ordered. The adjudication Ca.ndls Hymer, services. '5; Mrs. and determination of the inheri. Will Bryan, ' services, '10; Stella ~MBULANCE SERVICE tance tax on the estate ill to be giv Kelly. lIe.mees, '7 ; George Mil· Wa,De."m•• Olaio ler. sel'Vlces, $10; MI'8. Howard en to all persons interested. , In the matter of the estate of Sawyer, ,7; Helen Doughman. Catherine M. Hall, deceased sale of servieel, '7: Wade S. Brown, 8er· r eal estate ordered. vices, $112:60; C. d Dilatush J. T. Riley. ' was appointed ad. rent. of o.fftce. ,20: James Follen , FOR SALE DATES CALL ministrator of the estate of Dora &ervlC:el, ,16, Penn Morton, ser· Chilton. deceased, and filed bond vices. ,70. of $8000 with sureties. Harry Fry ..... ~ • Ed. F o,x and Charles Munger wer!! I ..... :ttill I. U•• appoint~ d apprais ers. Nnruelr lIven hy the 11I1IIAJlS tel In the matter of the e~ tate of .. rIous.1 v('rs. 100WIIIJ lind vllllll;ee ,M ary Go.onan Sbearer. deceased, are 'till In use, CIIlle<:lnU, In Ilhnd. $200 wall allowed to·J. T. Riley for 'hland. Otht'r, UlllY be fo.und Slicb JESSE STANLEY attorney fees. a. Monongahela lind \Vn PPol'Oma In the. matter o.f the estate of In WeRt VirginiA and Youghlogheny Florence A. Star'key. deceased. dis- aDd . Alle,rheriy In l'enll8),lvanln .. the ., DUNNO,.MARY_ ·THINK THAT EARL KOOGLER trib~tiQn of chatt4!1 pro.perty is or- I..t named stute being rlob Ln Oe .... dered. W. W. Wbitaker and Esther Nil namee. Eastern -New Vork i8 Da,to. Pho". 8UT WEkE CERTAINLY, W. Soutbgate, executors, filed their U~rally a"pplled with Dutcb CLIMATIC CONTROL KE.illore .ta. first account. . ·namee., Lou'sl!llla wltb Frtlnell. lint! Sales by James E. Burke, adruin . lI'I orl4a lind ClllIfornlli with thoH STEPP'~/I" REALLY WORKS ?" Istrator of the estate of CatherIne of Spanl •.h origin. M. Hall. deeeased. were approved. Lawrence A. Voorhis, ac:!mlni.tra tor of the estate of Welllncton S. T.rtl.. S.lIoc.te Bo.wyer deceued. flied bl. invenFOR SALE "ear tllat they may escape ta not tQry. Sale of bond ordered. cJae Oilly realOD that peea turtle" Violet B. Burnett 11''' appointed .... kept lymr OD tllelr back' In thl1 EOR SALE - Hi·qualit.y Chicks gllardlan of Itelt D. Burnett, Et aI, markell "b..e they are IOld alive, from flocks carefully culled and minors. 'and filed bolld of $1000 It · tanka of. water are aot pl'OYlded blood tested for B. W. D. under with .uretie.. Guardian authorized f6r the.m. The plaltron ot tbl, 'tur· perilonal 8uperVision by Antigen to settie claim. AfIlclaYtt on set- tle I. Dot firm JlIta those ot laad method; W. Rocks, Bal,' Rooks, Buff tlement filed. tOl'lU, alld "hea It ., lett, In all. up- RoeD, R. I. Reds, W. Wyan.--8c. A eertified copy or tbe entry de- rlaht poIItlOII on a !lrm Burta" W. Giant_l0e; Eng. WoLeg. termlninr ijae Inheritanoe tax on 7'" c. Let IlS have yo.ur order now. the eatate of Mary Goonon Shearer wbere part of Ita "ellM .. no.t IlIP' Wei8map'S Hatellery, MaBon, Ohio. ported b, lurrollndJIlI water, Ita deeeued, I, to be certifted without Internal mB 1 o.",ao. are Ilkel, to Phone 28R. delay. 80 eompreellCl .. to ea... enlroca· Jennie Allee Cumming! wu ap- tlOD of the anImal ,-,OR SALE - ! Boo.kcase, kitchen OME people don't realize that an autoor cold. Your engine wiD run at it., best.11 pointed adm inilltratrix of , the IIcabinet, coal oil stove. threemobile engine Is very sensitive to Spring's 01 the time instead of some 0/ the time. tate of Jacob Henry Cumminl'l deburneT; Ice box, table. c:bain, sudden changes of weather. tne Mobilgas regularly fOIi the next ft:'ll ceued, and fll.d bond of faoo Library tabl-e. standI!, miscellane· w..a Wu. W_t .. u.. with suretln. These chBIlges cannot affect your car if changeable weeks and notice the diffeJeoce. OUI articl., and a few antiques. .......... pua4ell: til .... 1Irup lin. Bertha, E. Hees. Minnie L. Kalford, eseeutrbl of you use Mobilgas. For this gasoline, as you More pep-more power-mOl e funl ...... of MtIoIIII to t.. pq&II the ettate ot Jehu C. Kalford, demay know, has Climatic Control. Drive in at lIle nearest MobUps dealer', 1Mtlt8UoD fA. war ... tile IItoIsJ ceaBed flIed ,h er ftnt aeeont. In simple words-Climatic Control means ,t he next time your paoline pup drOl» low. Lowell H, 8ehaeable, m......leaI . . . . . ,.. of d.tIa w....... tile enlf\neer and 11_ Rath &abelle ...... . ., aU ltamaa . .~ .. your gaspline has ..been specially prrad- and fiU up your tank with Mobilpa. Mobil- ' Bro.wn, IIChool teacher, of Le...OD .. wmte ..... justed at' the refinery to take care of any pa and MobUpa Ethyl are where JOQ lIarana 8. lAwfa" Iaepeator, of WOOl..-(l~""'" now to TIll. 01110 and all weather c:oMitiona, rain or Ihine, bot ICC the -len 0( the Red ~.-:>, Lebanon, and II_ ... Jnae Wool Cooperatmt .... Kart', teac:lller, of 1ANa0a. loeIaUOD aM bow 7011 wtlI aft luU ftla. for iitil' eltp. Low CALL'N. ALL CAl .. Time to dniD o.f your WiDler-wo.rn oil .... re6U 1.1 Ea.... T........ nockl of wool illdloate wilb ole.n . fre b Summer Moitiloll. pric.. late'. Liberal cull .~ Anna Lab to I'nII OiIIIr, t.Iot Stop at tIM .ita or abe Red Hone, .................. P........ II"n

" 'rh






Crooked Trails










Centerville, Ohio







A. H. STU 8 BS








Stanley I KoogltF-,Auctioneers







Noe. 101.. lOll ad I: It






---- ---- --- --- --


-- ---- -


Cr. a. Nt U••, TIM Brit womt'll to r I theIr 4ep... trom the Unl,en lty at

Cap t Cross Cha tter

Peat.... t .... R.port Q ••rt ...,~ l'u tmll h'rs flre

'''Ir/t''l! with lilt'

alue or all 'I"'~'/l 'P .. lnllll' I~ liP(! WllICOnsln wnl! cnduat ed In the to tlwlII, IIIIlI at,· f"'llIlr",1 Il) 0" IprlDC ot 1861S. wblm sllr ,ounll connt tlfr 1111 rU1il1. rl'c'I'h"',1 In ('un women rompletet1 theIr work tor IIl'cthJO wHh OOllie tlll'rt·"r II, IIII' I'U" lie. At the ..... \' or I'lwh "lIl1rl!'r, their bll'helo r. degrf'f' . lhe 1/0 tmll,t"f n·Il<I .. r~ II n' llIItt, rp ~lw\\'llI!( tt,,· :lIIIIlIIIIl "r rllllll po. 111::1' ,,1' IIi!' lltl' (rilln 'elr!'!1 Appl.ja ck Pr.acri "." li,t' d ~I':II" 11·,1 I'l" Th" oh.lellt COVY :danl of a coun. tamps till ring \\ Itli Iho ,1I'1""llIu" r t('I'(Plile rlod. . 171 '( 0 book Ullt ace try doctor' ot th IlCCUU111111tl'll rC'\'f'ull~. 17:10 has olae eotry whl're I borrel at cider wa. pre crlbed for a );lit. Subscl'ibt' Cor The l\1iUnli ,Qzette t1eDt.

Mr. and Mn. Charle Kenned y of F1orlda, were R'ueeta ot Mr. and Mr8. A. 1. Kenned y, thla week. The Masllie Twp Alumni met. at You a S••• c..I,tloa Price, 11.10 P •• D. L CRANE gymnaa lum, Friday ev~nlng, the .... at W.y N., liZ Eiltered at POltofflol Oftie. Phoa. . .. lld CIa•• Man The preside nt, Mr8. Florenc K r· a:t:r ..... Ohl(), ville. 411,000 Eatima. ted far Old III 'No. ... , R••ldoaco ........... ...... eey invited the graduai .es, faculty Penaloo a .. ===:o school board membe rs and wives =====-<:=_=_==~"===-"-=' ====_=_~== Estima t l; have been, made t.o to the large table and ' alumni apMAY 3, 1934 membe rs and guests to the card GoverJ\or George Whit.e that will ons per 46,500 ately proxim .return.-~==~=--~ tables. Mr. Homer Caskey -===================~== ed thanks after which 8 deliciou ~ be rec lYing pension s by the time chicken dinner was ~erved. Mrs. the present approp riation for the into Kersey welcom ed th cIa t of old age pc!Osions ex- I 000,000 of idle the .orpni2 ation and Rh a McCar- paymen pit'es D cember 31. It lis expecte d I' . It is e.sUmated that there. ill in this country $1,000, fo)' recapltall which would normal ly be used in the mortg'a g' market ren respond ed lor the 1934. clas . that about 27,000 per ,ons will be iduntial building . R. A. on the pension payroll shortly and bring build Toasts were given by Supt. If, ~~ is hoped, present effort 1008 n these funds good . Dr. afler the distri~utio'n of fund be· , Tucker S. H. Mr. , Francis They jobs. find will mg bllck ncur ~()rmal, close to a million men hidl~ker gins iuly 1. Wilbor Mrs. Cook, have Mary lhem of most will have. regular in~ome ' . after year in whichwill have money to Mrs. Heston and Mr. Howard A Ul'vey of sta te reliee rolls lle n finding th gOing extrem Iy hard. They lid that money will go through a Collett. Men's Orchest ra furnish ed h ws appr ximatel y "1 1,000 persp ' nd lor neces itic/! and luxurie supplie s and servlees the mosic for dancing . sons 05 or older who ar'e receivin g th usond und one indu trie , buying materia ls andand up payg buildin jobs more 'Mary g tate relief. Many of the~e will be Mrs. creatin , Spray, interest John and Mr. taxes puying . . t o pension s. New workers of of entitled typeil McNeal ·all for Paul rol18 general ly Harlan and dinner That is WllUt con b'uction revival will tlo tor the country Sunday were ton, Burling r is concern Durin .. In it s individu ul applica tion, 110 far a the propert y-pwne have been ris- guests of Mr . Mary Tucker and New Car b.iatr. tioDa d, it will lik wl s do this: B om buildin g costs. They March tamily. summe r. They are ing slowly, but steadily , 'inc the low r.eached last of most materia ls . Mr. and Mrs. Howard Surtace Total of 10,95], ne\\/ passeng er />till far below n01'mal- as a mutter of fact, costscommo dity pl'ice ad- and son Edwin, were Sunday aCter cal'S were rCKiste nd in Ohio durgeneral th behind u ed in buildin g huve lagA' d money with noon callers of Mrs. Mary Surface . ance. That mean that the billions of citizens who bave ing March, an Increae.e 01 7,032 boom starts Mrs. C. E. Leviey, Mrs. Sadie over th4l correspondini~ month in which to build and repair now- before this belatedfor dellar every worth er dollar's Mrs. Laura Shidak cnn still g t a whole lot more than 11 1933. when only 3,919 new pasall Reason and IIpent. Anti that conditio n isn't going to last much longer, unless pent Saturda y afterno on and senger cars were register ed. Three . present signs point th wrong way. l priced small cars com· will aid you in evening in Dayton Build now, I' pair now. renovis e now. That mottoflgurati of Mr. A. popuhl friend of r 22 numbe A put vely about two-thi r'ds of last ed pri doing your bit towlll'd achievi ng recove ry-and will S. Collett pleasan tly surpri ed month' s sales in the state. S! SEAL ocket. p your in y 1110n Saturda y evening on his birth· =.::=,~='~=-======= day. '-"--'" -Sta te Libra.." Senic. Ito Ho.pita la Ute Cral; LI'M'L m AMICKJUA. AlIITAIHrl'l j aIOOIl Vl'r)' Cllftereo{ from brown The Magee house whic~ Runks 01 Extensi on of State l.ibrary book CA, April a4. (vIa MftckllY b:lll~r8 'I'hey are dark are now occupy ing caught on 1\re through out Radio). We are like In arm, . di g . bla c ~ wltb brlgbl gray apotl!l. bau ls hospita to senlce e defectiV a to due Sunday at noon inllo effect by linl ID and cett.lng everything l ,ullleau or rur. and malle tbe darn· flue. The fire wa extingu ished by Ohio has been put n. be· brig.ade before the 1ire Paul A. T. Noon, s tate libraria read, tor the bl, ballle to come desl oolije I ever belt rd-a crOSB bucket a and a li, 'c ontainThe Ohio tate. Univer.sity Radio Station - WOSU engine arrived . The damage was mailer branch libl'arle books, are The 10DI ...ntaretlc nlgbl hilS de- tweeo the I rill or a cnnary the seals dOWD . light. Mr. Bob Ward' collar bone ing from 100 to 600 rural hos- IMlended upon UI J.Qd all day aDd tal nl moo None 01 8:00 Mu ie norLbern 8 als. the many tbe in tpr e d lik ents k illstalle bUI Agreem bere being ing ,had Dlcbt WI are I» • deep gray broken when he felI off of the :06 Falin Adju tment N 'w : Market C. W. Hauek was .. ".. ale Clin opeo lhelr . pitals. R ading materia l str Bsing ow. 80meUm•. wben !be Iky 18 Tbe W"ddell .' . Vcg tnble Growet· house. Willard has been degreea. 8:16 Root Storage nd the Gro\\th ! Forage Crops . ". C. J. The Masoni e Inspect ion was held the happier side of life adult pa- ..ercu t or a Itorm I. raclog , we moulbs prodl glou8Iy-l&O dliY~ nofor fsw A la7.Y! selected y ly lb are careful And the 8 :26 Mu ic. or IDII, blaekDeaa. Moet "... , ... T. H. P8l'ks and Saturda y evenillg. in vivid .... I»howe.e 8 :40 Spray S rvice (01' th Fruit Grower ... r, It la a !blcll. beavy fore tbe aUD aod tbe sellill (and all School closed Tuesda y. After tients, while picture books A. L. Piersto rtr Ulne, . chilfor chOllen been have colors was program a UI lee a dozen or otber crelilur s Incl~dlog t b e Garvin dinner, leta Alma ... , basket whlch the pa, ... ... ... ..... 8:50 With 4-H Food Club Girls ared. I rllo at Iwo dren. Horst . ......... ... Hulda given .. 10 teet awa,. Bome da,l and nIghts whalea) dl sapp !) :00' The Farll1 Family Goes ti1 College .. belps lIeall .OO tbe bay Ice. to 8care them. en .and • tbal McCarr and bt P. . W mooollc .. Mrs. ba we 9:10 Music . Ea:rl Tuss!ng daught en left for Speci.1 Leri.l. ti.. Se D COD. a lot. Tbll ablence of dayllgb t Is You know tb anlma le dO\YD here Saturda y !1 :25 Handlin g Polato Se d for Late Plantin g ......... aidered Eswme E. H. humaDs. b cause ...... , .... ...... spend will Road they l where Nationa 0:35 The Id 10 Dew to me tbat It Cl~es me tbe bav.e no leal or E , Cray Walhon dingr months. wllllea but lbe (be, baveo 'l been hunted wltb gUD8 0 :45 1\1uking tb Mos~ fro m Broil e;rs ,. ... . . .......... ... R. the summe Special 'session of the Ohio olcHlm en tell me ~nl, clubB. W II . tbe Crab I::a ler Mi Opal Lapp, of Walhon ding I gislatul 'e is und r conside ration for Thunen White McCarr I'll let Uled to tt. enaked ov r tbe Ice and (lopped In· Rhea George or Miss visited by Go"ern tioJl We'll make up ror to tbe waler or an opeD lead The day and Friday. the enactm ent of new .legisla It Deat lumtne r Weddell op oed one eye, look (J at Rev. William s, of Spring Valley, govorn ing banks and buildin g & WheD we lave me scornfully. and closed It agaIn. preache d Sunday evening at the loan compan ies. The legislat ion, in be could . church. I'.e talked with lbe tractor crews Method ist 'u D I I I b t for the govern or's oplnicm ' - ~~- - ~dispate hed in a, w ek's . session. mooth" 14 hour. and tbe dog t am m n wbo Bet up a day . Tbe lun II our ,Bouthern bllRel for lh e ellillorn· Ohio hs more buildin g and Joan rt nellt the in state state ill any compan ies than dUB to pa, US Itl tloos we're going to I<la Friday historic al data found COLUM BUS. OHIO . [lotb groups . October s. -ln re,ealled liburie sprlDg White al Gov. AUl\lat munieip 'tilt union, and Delt cOllnty and aturtlay , June 1 and Z. have --Tne Annual inspecti on of the every commu nity bas IS aDd "III we did a marvelous job ana bad a bol' t for the annual judging Praetie allyof historic al materia l in Masonic ' Lodge was held on Tuesbeen Comma nd., gI . . It a cbNr! rlble lime doIng It. Cli litain looes· contest by vocatio pol agricul tural a wealth day evening of last week. There emr speake r anothe forma. , Qjert.." I don't IIl1e to Taylor. William I~alne. Floo RODne other HJalma !!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!'.'. tudents of the high schools of the phasize d. Otlieers and moseum wae a l.rge attenda nce. A chicken lee Beal. killed aod Dick Black, .wlth their dog I !"'!!!'!!!!!'!!!~!!'!!!!!'!!!!!' ExpedItion erved. by the O. E . S. state and for the annual conven was aod supper rood bIg a ('d h estBblta in . leame. It elected tlere were dowu rs membe Commodore btll tion 01 Futur Farmer s of Americ a stafi' instanc mlle8 80uth B. H. Miller i confine d to his ell succeed ing themmost Ja .....,. ntlClllla..,., to preHn e lupply base ror U8 I 0 HUl1,fINC~ The e events will be held at O. S. home by illne s. thllt trlp mark mlgbt Vou bere. of bave We dOli, OUt and nSHIN G v Q8 tor la_til epartm ent of "elves. U. wilh the Stal . Chas. Menden hall underw ent an lOme III our on ,our club maplI. ustng tbe proper f!'OleD. all Hall, 100 of College his the of l and Agricu lture to LaU· Declare d to be the last resort to operati on for the remova ItorebaUIIII. !be rest out on Ute Ice legend tor the dog teamsAgricu lture, O. S. U., co-oper atin\r. enact a sehool relief program , the tonsils. Friday. South l..oll gltude 160.50 .lI n tude s Nature' o awa,-I mil.. Iral ... About 2,000 farm boys repl'esent.- n wly-nam ed Gunset t-Whltt emore The W. F. M. S. met at the hom e The expend iture for World War bl.l8lt leebol. You IInow, we bave Weet. in~ over 200 chool will attend gross receipt s tax bill was defeate d of Mrs. Raymo nd Carr on W dneB· V terans in the Indepe ndent OfWe've gal I\. big thlill comIng nro klDdl ot leal. dow~ bere. lbe the of thi most import ant event late Thursd ay 11 f()r day. riation Bill as amend- Orab-e at.n and th. WeddelJ .eaIB. later lbl. mODth - lf we're not b 8et senate Approp th by fices chool year among agricul tural anti 13 again It. Alter midnig ht Miss Beam and pupils enjoyed a ed and passed over the Preside nt's •• Ute lit· by too maD1 storms and blizzards. tud nts. The Ohio 'Future Farm('r that night the senate also defeat- picnic and weiner roast in th.e D. veto is the smalles t it~!m of all. The and tWj) kloda ot peDguln rl. Tbe Tbe Bclsnltsts bave told us tb ra Empero thl and "'d,lIe U. Friday day. COllvention will be held ed a one per cent ' general retail F. Beam woods, Tue bulk of the total felr War War lbout 200 wlU be 8 lot Dr vIvid meteor showMr. Harlan and pupils held a Veteran s goes to el'Vice disable d Crab-E ater leal. "elCb afterno on anI,! evening , when the sales tax proposa l 18 for to 16 .nd are erl aod they have built an obaervll.o HUN TIN newly eleoted tate Farmer s will ] 5 against , then returne d It to the weiner roa·t along the creek on veteran s from whom no Ameri- pouodl when tull, crown to..,.. So 00'1" we are 11.11 walttng to & FISH ING be aWaTded medals. Judging on taxatio n commit tee, later ad- the Taylor- Lundy farm on Wed- can citizen desired any money tIOUrarlOue Dghterl. wlUt Iharp lbls show to be put on by oble"e OPlln caD't Ute, b althoul teeth. Friday will inc.1ude dairy cattle. joutnin g to Monday night. A nesday evening . . time. Service disable d their moutbl YefJ wl4e wheD ,ob· tbe beaveuly bodlea_ l'Il ~Dl.l all any at taken ngine ring, wool, couple more cards are up the Mis es Myra Haydoc k and Ruth veteran s under tbis measur e will agricul tural Imall Dlb. about It. Curry attende d a pledge service receive thirty-o ne million dollars. 111111 orolwe anl aod poultry and ment. alurday gener· leg! lative sleeve, one being Have you and your friends Join. aod travel cra, neutral a an TIl., of ntilk of the Alpha Phi Kappa sorority allive stock, crops she p and in the house. War Veteran s, whose oYer lbl Ice like .erpeDt a. Tbey ed ol1r club yet ? Wby dDD't ~ ou get bill er World Of Bitting Wilmin gton c.ollege, on Sunday disabili ties were adjudic ated prewill be judged. There will be !levan arropn t, .eU ... Intere8t1ng and lOur Icbool teacber s 10 enroll tbelr rill hundr d single and team Attenti on of the nation is at- mornin g. Iy service connec ted back lellolO1ll t.o eat. allboug h tbelr neBb, entire ~laBl!es, 88 142 olb r teacber s sumptiv part B of spent t conai Mrs. Warne r Morris judges. The teams will tracted to Columb us by the !31in 1925 or before, twenty- nine or blubber, ban CSonef Tbe club Is open to el"Ihl e and tour membel'S. Entries .,ected address this Friday lIight of la"t week with relative& in Cin- thousan d will receive seventy -llve aDeler lbe coatlll, or fat :~~~~:":!' ~ like aU Ute blrdl ~nd el'JboCS, loteres ted In avlatlou , ex- {:U~~oB: iOI' ju!.lp:ing COI\ tests lllust be mail- b)' Gen. Hugh S. John,on . nationa l clnnati. "IU ••nd)'ou ... tbere compen sa· . ;. "...,. ,black, and lre former ir adventl th 01 and t n percen ploratlo g down bero, InclUdin Miss Maudie Peterso n, R. . N. tions. MOI'e than tWEmty-five thou s . animal ed to Ray Fife, State Superv isor l'ecover y admini strator. It is planare 00 exp Dses wball'ver to memo of Vocatio nal Agricu lture. Colum- ned that he speak in tlle state fall' was called to Dayton on a CIIse and of theae are tubercu lar or _hal.. , on aceount ot the arlchnes8 .malle runny, be .... Simply seud stAmped. clearly Tbe, .. bloo4 their or . bus, by May 20. Arrang ements will ground . Coliseu m, as he l'eque,t4ld Tuesda y. nervous shell·shock ed or insane res8ed envelope. or, 10 case ~~ '~~hr'~nll~~"n~D1~~7\~ be made for educati onal trips fol' a large hall. He wlll deliver .. mes- ' Word has been receive d by the eases. Betwee n ninel and ten mil- IDd8lllribable noll., baIt IruDt, half lelt.add teacb ers. tbe Dames a od 1>1, 1< ~llIu"" .1..,1 MOJ bl~ scbool or Paul and Cow. a thc bOYII to plae II of interes t in, lIIIge to the c:ountrf' over. nationa l pal'flnte of Wilfred class of moo like this t,o go will dollar lion 8 es or l!Iel r aDd pupils. r,.l?,;~~.:~~&feA\.\',:r ~h::;~. addr bome trans fte Wec1d,1I leatl are mucb bIg· and about Columb us. radio setup on tbe fature 01 the Wheele r tb,at they have been veteran s. F\>ur hundre d. thou and tor each, to A. C. Ab Ie, ~ .. ;\lg:'~~I~~I~:hg:tt: Itamp with in D WbS. camp pouodl CCC > 81' to t}1e Z6 , from W'lJblo ferred pro NRA in the United St..ltes if press, nocserv ice connec ted veteran Little Amenc a Avla· I ~;I~.'" ,1~!~5:~ t~ .ocl_1 tlt, y PreBtde Attorne Jr., [dabo. in the ror of camp week a a s Opinion Calitor pia to pension 1'0118 bona, po_1D1 10 Jauod. plana work out. the ent from taken cases, oD Club. Hotel Lex- I "llh $1.011 bill. Mil' , _. ExploraU I: lion now !beo .. weeki, Genera l of Ohio 101' 1933 are 01 1933 were tile am two or !br Ad y Econom the aod Lexlnglon orU.. l o-dat lO by Slreel 48th loglon. more 110wll unUI the, reach around availab le to attorne ys, judges, HUNT ING not restored . Thejr statue remain s 100 powacla. The, hue DO teetb but Avenue. New Yorls Cit, and our big other and ys aUorne prosccl lting · They are definite ly off F'lSHI NG c:.. ged. unchan Pole Soutb the of map worklDg tree and and crabe schpols bd no dUncul l, .tln, officials, librarie s, law 8ldg. roll. pensiDn , the will card rsblp membe aDd DtIIer orultac eaol and alh b, cru,b· rlrton all others d.esiring tbem. The I , Boat.on. M.... ately, Immedi IIDt volbe , three in wl&&lIo h, bound el .. ua are u TIle, opinior The British Ambas sador intro- laS them. umes, and are obtaina ble through duced a distingu ished' Briton at: a th e omee of the ecretar y of ..tate socLaJ gatheri ng in Washin gton the at the u8l1al, price of $6 per set. other night. The v~siting EnglishThe books have been prinled much. man said, "You know I intend to earlier this yl;lar tban usual. The tell my friend s in London all opinion s numbe r over 2,000, which about the lovely rec!eption accord · is double the number of the pre,:i. ed me; you know .we actually feel ous year. shy about coming over heret." ~'That is quite natur'al ." replied his Tqe prelimi nary rePort of tbe . "I, too, f,eel shy about hostess State Dlvisl~n of Insuran ce ' for a sto,r e when my chlrge into going 1933, which bu just been Issued, ~ B(:CO'Un't is long ove,rdu e." He and los· shows a large decreas e in Ib'e the Ambas sador figtlred it out next sea in this state durin, the year as day. comp8l 'ed 'With 1932. ' The falling cent. per oft' amount ed to about 84 Both Great .Britaln alld France At the same Lime, total premiu ml should ' make paymen t on their written in 1933 were about 8.6 per debts to the Amedc an people. In:" CLASS IfIED ADS COST ONLY cent lesl than in 1932. Total life stead they are preparl nc to build Insural1ce premiu m II in 1933 were more and biar~r wanhip t. .£onONE CENT PER WORD. WHY 1. 7 per cent lell8 than I n 1932. rresl should enact a pUJlitlve and .KEEP YOUR ATTIC FILLED Audito n are now checkin&, over retaliat ory tariff agalnBt ' both the annual reports of the insuran ce cpuutt:ies Ulltil . paymen tll are ARTIC LES USELE S WITH eompan iel. EUD}l nerl so far made forthco ming. This I!bould, in fact, a Wall there while tbat French indicat es be an embarg o . 'Lpinst THAT CAN BE 'TURN ED' INTO con~iderable decline Itl the bullnwlneB and champa ignes. Then MONEY FOR SO SMALL A ess of the lite insuran ce compan wouldn 't the French squea l_nd nation keteer ies the earlier part of 1933, repay! France II!! t.he·l-ac CO·ST. TRY THIS 'M EANS OF colpts I!Ihowed a marked increu e The only places ~"orth while in later in the year, doln, much to France Bl'fl the Americ an c:emeterSELLIN G AND SEE WHAT A . offset the prevJou s lauel. Reeapl- . le8. DIFFE REN E iT WILL MAKE tulation ot the reports IhoWI that Ohio ftH iruurall ce compu te. reSTATE .IENT YO R P CKETB OOK, AS T ceived premiu ml last year amoun t ing to ,8,599,584.152 and .uata!ft WELL AS TO . HAVE YOUR Statem ent of th$ owne~hlp and ad louea equal to ,1,1.7,9 54.14. manage ment of Tb,e Miami Gazette TUFFY OLD ATTI CLEAN ED The three groUP. rocel,, " ,211,869 pubUahed at Waylliellville, Ohio, u a"d Fear lut ma a premlu ID Conare 072.67 by the Act of OUT. IT PAYSI paid ,15,482,1151.98 In elalml. o• .\upat 24, 19b: Pablilh er, D. J:'. Crane, Way. Oblo .. a fertile fteIcI 'ot' .lIDphone linemea aDd ltate b.itb~ DeevUla, Ohio; lIa ~er aDd Editor e telephon to CE MENA EW ud ) aatlou torieal retIeanl b, both ..... eceue to clear D. L CraD., WaJII' ...w., Ohio. terVi~e In Ohio preaented it- workera .... Jt bllWrieal. w. . . . . . . . . . at tIM reston the crIpp.... &ad debrll awa,. Bondho lders. mortqe ee &lid huna "hea Nif art"aal naeet.tq 1ft eobatM1lII Jut rock lieel, of IlCllrit J boiliera , NODe. 1aDChe otb...... l dred.tOl ...... Are sea week of tile OhIo TIle precipice waa 4pamit e4 b,. . \IIItto and ."bJJC1'lbtd "'1~o~.1 Olltla-H Swon PClltUll the. IIIto eralbed odo&l u4 BJatorfcal . . . . . T .. hilllaWQ work. . to . . . . ...... Shell. . . . . Of 01...... . ........ iuJtOll loDe 4i1tutce Iiae aD State a ......... .... ", die ..... AbcMat 40 methll loth .., ...oi'l:HDiitiO]~~ L."~ 0. SI, ..... lrea... tur of two aatloDal ~ ... toIII of roclr ...... cat. ...." ....... tIicIe IWIIdt at a .. Tn





Billion Doll ars- Million Jobs

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OJitBorrow D you r Neighbors


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your ' -'lll!



Far m lvig ht 7alh s, May 7

Best of the New s Dire ct F rom the Ohi o Stat e Cap itol


New Burl ingto n

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Was hing ton


Only $1.00


ZOO·Ton. Ava lan che of Ro ck Crashes tnlo Teleplw~e Line





..... .,








M.... . lL Tu.... V.luaLI. TbirtY-ODe per cen t of the atudin agriculture and home e(onomie n"l·,lll t' or tholr fln.'r It, tur .. I\lId NO ACTION FRIDAY BANQU ET FOR MOTHE RS in the agricultural coUeaeH cof the dilltl111'1 h'l' " .. ItI 1\'"1')''' rmllor. the COnClrUCrea Mrs. Ed Lonpcre hu been ill l~ central stai Il are form r 4-11 welt lire en' Ii lu!<kH or th,· aurleDt 011 Apdl 17, Ih(' Wn 'n l'!wille At II mel'linK f the educational ub memetl!. There are more tha n hlllry 1I11I1\I1II1,lh UI' more YIlIUlltJ lp with t he grip the past week. JunioTA t imell a ' lJIony a8 t here were than -Il'lilillut huT)'. Gil'l R('nut hl'ld Ih~11' m etitlj!' nl cOnlmittl'l' of thl! Dayton Chamlwl' Mrs. Marltaret Johnll s pe nt moat tho cluh h"u e.. Thl')' deC ided til olf ommerCI! last Frida)· relative (If last week with Mrs. Martha years ago. h \v . II. Mnth('1' IIntl nuu~hter'j< tt' lh(' }lrlJPosed removal of AlHough near Waynesville. (Continued from Palre 1) R·... chibC the A PClL hJ,nqu<,~ to hI! !:Ii""n on . Ma.y 7, rrl'Ii Holbrook nllc)(e to that city Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jones a nd A new supply of the bulletin "The hll{hesl Ml'lil of .IUIIUIIOlty athl t~·~ mu. bclo",g t.o thl' Sport!! I\tu~h t o tht'ir ri i>l1ppoi ntm lit thl' l'nll!',idl'l·nhl .. int('rest wa manife t_, son, Milton, we re din ner guestlJ "Garden Roses" i availabl!! at the Gi'l :.: ut~ rl1l1l\l1t t'nrl-Y out the f'cl ill th~ plan bul no aclion w.a ' mnn ~ hifl Brolherhood ~hould be undal' of thll laUer's parents, Mr office of county agricu ltul'al ag nis clIullol h, · H\lIIIIII'I I ." sultl III Ll _ th~ 1 sng of ~htnntown, "llUtII til' wrllk· . k ]'h ' tt ' t · 1i i! Ethlll 1\1 IIdellhal1 vi8ited di sco ntinul'd. and R~ . olved. That and Ml·S. Edwin Nutt and family RO)Rer ~ lu ·en. (,' C mnll e IS t'rpor eu (l lan CuI' the hikl'. becllu. Cor free distribution. .. incinnati n unday . ne II of II fo b('(:om t h\' InNI. ur dancin ~ ~hou ld b e pumitted at I C:UllP will not bl! up.'n un til lat 1'. tIllDVC rl' f errl'tI Ii lIa I d I· POSitIon near Centerville. " or a trong OIl\n' I.: lI\'rl1 Ity." Miss Ruth Early s p nt the week On III il 24. Lli S O\lt~ debut d of thl' muttl'I' to the boar(l of direc . IIII'. . f. White . of Lou i vill • high sc hool parti~~s. Th affirm· 0 .., \~hnt to do at th fut ur lIIeetings. " . y. wa. a dinnt:'r gueRt of ~r. und tiv ~id of lhe fl rsl t debate was de· end at Wittenbe1'g coll ege, Spring- &OM I. 18TIt" T on 'i'I l\O'l'lm .eei l Hartman and field, the guest of her cousin, Miss .' n L I S .\I .I~ OF II IilA L E '1' \ '1'''1 It \I'll cle ided ttl dn IIW1'e eooking [II'. II . I'~ . unnmghum, preSident : Mrs. F . n. Henderson and family fended by Donald F O lllk ~, a ltd th~ negative Francis Thackera. hi~ing. and QuIllon I' :trtil'itie~ , of lhe L.(,banon co llege. atte nded on unda y r:..... 8 Ii . Ii Irts uck 118 ollml"lstro.l ol· 'Ladiea' Dr.... e •• 70" i<l by .1arjori,e Earnhart and I~v(' r~' one gre~HI thut Hfte r sl.'hool the ll1e&tillt:( but hilS no dt! finite Mr. and Mrs. Guy Roulzahn at- d bonl .. n ,m wllh Ih o will onnl'xe,1 Men'. S uih 6 5e .Illl\ , ' . !'llli ,d"C~lbC'1 i out t hey will hll\' lIlorc lime, plnn to move to Da yto n at this Rev. Rainsberg r, of ary, Ohio Edna Mae Sl,.Qup;; the affirmative tencled Ea.stern Star lodge at Way or til<' ,'/llule ofPlo.lrltlff, Quick- for qua lity d rycle anin 8 'wa the lun('h ()n guest 01 Mr. and sid e of the seco nd, waR defended by nesvill Friday even ing. alld take a jl'reul I ' intl're t in time. VS. Jane Cook and Ruth . lliis bury, carll'" I . Wn.t rllllllee. et tt l. . ~ outing. Holb rook this week is mailiRjl' Mrs. D , . Ridge today. Mr. and MI·s. Walter Kenrick DetenOan18 , li nd lhe negative by hnrl Jame and James Haines were , unday J1 ay 1 the meeting of th out bulletins for the 193 .. summer No. 1,,014 . ?tIl'. Lindl ey Hils, of Midland. and Robert Th o ma~. The affirma Girl Scout wa held al th club ~cho I ~e ~ion('l, ttle fir t term exnd Mrs. aft' I'noon guests of Mr. III thr "ur "un e ur h Ol't! rand jutlgm"nl vI till' ' (}Ul Uwn PIt"I.~ home a usual. Th(> tim Yo' 5 ' P nt t ndinlt frn m Jun e 1 to July 2 7 Mich., ~pent the week,end with tiyt:' WII , given the decision in each By,on Ferris in Lebanon. CLai~~J!~ ~·.:! ~ .•,. 'ourt r W arr 11 'ounty Ohio, duly case. Thp judg ~ were Mr. Lotz, in cuttinll: and e\\ inl!' on material Gnd Hie _ co nti term from July 30 Mr. and Mrs. Gt:'orge Mills. Mr. and .lr , H aro ld Whitaker lIla dl' 1,\ tht' tll,V\'\< nl lh"" Cll"e. I Mi s~ Robbins and Ml'. Br \ n. off"r (0 " ~n l al pnllllc ""etlon I Lr th ('Iub hous urlnin .. Plan, t o August 31. n tertained abQut sixty of their will evel'al local citizen nttended UII th . 7111 tI Y ot M AY . 19~~ . a1 . ~ we I'e mad ~oncerning the Mother - - ..- - old neighbors and friend s at o'CloCk \J. m .. o n Ihe nn·mlbe~ tl! the funeral of Dean Howell at roll wlnll' ,1'-IOCI'lb"d reul stal and , Daughter'l\ banquet. Th e KINGS HE RA t DS PLAN Crade M.... »c Fe.llyal cards ancl dancing, Saturday ven- I'ltu.nPd Port William, this aftel'noon. I II lh~ cutlnt v of Wa"re n, . me tin!!, ",as "ery informal and no Sto.le of 011.10. to- wit : . , The elemental'~' grades present. ing. TO ENTE RTAI N MOT HE RS .. 'ltunh lu the )Qu nty of \ '1Arr e n Court of Honor W 8 hel~. fro and Mrs. J ohn P.N!ston had cd theil' music festiya l in the gym Mias Oleo Hawke entertained to ana. Stull' o( hlo {Lnd b ei ng a. PIU't as gue~ts on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. W ed n e~d ay night of la t week. An six o'clock dinner Thursday, Mi ses of Militar y 'u r\'\l No. U0 4 bound ' el .. rOIlOW 8:-I'!lgln nlng at '" poi n t The' Kings Hera ld will hold a Chester Drury. 91 Cincinnati. . "COLONEL" SELLE RS appreciative audic!nce heard a pro- Helen Early and Mary Young, in as on the Ito r the c nt~r ot the old Ilwthel' and daughter banquet at gram of songs of a varied nature, honor of the birthday of the lat- lI11ddi lawn Itol\d '~lclld d IIcross l Mrs. Lena Hartsock c.alled at til Lilli e Ra il lload thlrt Y\ ter. ~ , • f . ell r " a COl'mer W aynes- lhl! M, E. ch urch thi e1i'ening at including two and thl- e part numl l\r~ ' (33) (,' I'l casl lrom th c nt r Messrs Wilbur Wharton and or sllld Ba ll HOIlII bed: t hence In I). ville hoy, now of Leban on, was 6 :30 o'dock. All moth ers who have the h me 01 her on, Mr. A. Z. ber., group, Ilnd 11 windNortherly dlr c llon Ilnd parall el Hartsock and family, unda y ehriF;tenen "Col nel" by cr tary daughtHs from . t~ 14 yeaTS, of instrument ensemble. Mrs. Bu erkle Frank Robinson went to work fol' with t h c nt<' ,· lin" of allid Roud • afternoon. the county Wednesday morning, b /I I\lld 33 t et thH fr om t\Venty H J H I f th N t' I F the chu rch, are Invited. directed and R btl Ed'w ard~ a ccernthrl'o nnel 96-100 chlline to Il p oint : e a lona e' l The Iollo\ving prog a has b e . . o( g , .0 on a bridge and road job near thenC ll N . • 2U' ] ~. 1 .87 c h aI n. to a ~ men d I'Blion of iml)lem nt deal I S in Mr. and Mrs. Erne st Rog r8, of panied. Phone No. 19 Morrow. s l ake.. 111 n p Norl~ 9 1Iltkll to a W shington D. C. a fter n l'hort talk planned for t he evenm~: . Dayton, spent the week-end with to.k . then 1:1. 77 16' East 4 ,'<6 Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routzahn and ~h8 11tB to .. ceIlOh.t on the eo Ie 't t' Tb t Ik ' TOll ' l to the mothers - ROXIe MI'1I. Netti R~g 1'. and Miss : til ft S. GS' 80' School Exhibit ~ . I us Ion. a \\ as ' arol ine ackett. daughter, Geneva and Betty l!:. l .50 chl1lns t o 0. point : thence N. to. the .pomt and npplausc wa (ou r R41ading- Jtuth Conn r. garet Roge rs. ' Parrnts and fri end ar' cordially moved "this week from Lytle hall n" 16' E . 1.70 c hnln. to 11 point wltn S. Ii birch ~ O In . dla, N. 32"" . I invil <l to visit tlhe chools at anv to their own hou e, which was W mmutes lon g. Reading---J an Baker. . 16 link. distant Bnd a. Walnut "14 , dill. S.6 >,ft' t,;. 57 link ' dla lan c : Voeal due t--Doris Beck and Mil- Mr .. lind Mrs. . E. Anderson ~ad t ime n xt week, ,~urin g the e ond badly dam aged by nre, and is now In Ih en c A. 2 • 06' E. 7.t\3 chll.ln~ t o 11 as dmner IlUNlts Tuesday evening, I annual exhibit. IF.:ach grad will ready for occupancy. Eighty-nine cents out of every dred alisbury. . Hi ckory t r~ 20 In. din. tllen c S , I 45' 11 ,67 c haine to 0. po int ; dol/ar lent by t he f d I'a l land Play, "Which Loves Mother Most" Mi II -Minnie Davis , of Dayton and have its own dhiplay; high -school Mes rs Robert Friend and Wal- th l· ne05' S.R 57' E . •.14 (' IH~IJ\a to a Mr, Frederick Robitzer. cla ss will also !Ihow manus riptR, bank 'com mLsioner since last Jun - Six girl. tel' Kenrick attended K of P Lodge point ; th ~nc S. 15' W , 6. 14 . . . notebooks, etc., to illustrate the at Lebanon Tuesday evening. have been mp]oyed in the N'financ Talk -Mr~. F. H. Farr. ehnlns to t h e C nler line or the Old Middletow n Roo.d: thence N , 83' IS' Mrs. E~lth Har~l s lind MISS nature of the work being done in ing ot farm indebtedne S. Mrs. Earl Shinn, Mrs. Allen W. 83. 1 hllios to the p illce ot b eEmma Helghwal1 Will b e gue ts of that l,a 'tic ula ~ department. gllllllng containing Sixty eight I1nd Eml'ick and Mr_. Albert Surface 31·100 MARKET Mr, and Mrs. harle!; Mo. her at .. er 8 fIIIor e or leas (68 .31). were jojnt hoste ses at the Ladies Subjc1 t o the right ot Preston A. , White Rose, the depenHyde Park, incinnati, Friday and Law,on • n c), Law.o n their Aid , at the home of the former, n Ira andIItld C ornm e nc e rr,en t Spealle r Ilsslgns. to th e UB e ot a dable Gasoline. The ladie of the Mt. Holly Saturilay. Wednesday a fternocn. I trlp ot land 10 tee t In width whi c h The commenCE~ment speak r tor church will ho ld a market in the It WAll provld d 8 h ou ld be laid ott "Wi~=f:==r=::::=;:l;=l~~~~~~~ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller and of thi. year will be Raymond J. Jef?tlr. and Mrs. E. T. St'I'Qud had the ,,"treme S. E. orner of Ihe old Zimmerman building on Main son Ear'" Mrs. Ech ler and Mrs. ren l e8\1I 10 above dea rib d tor purtreet, on Saturday, May 5. Every a s dinner gue ts on Sunday, Mr. freys, p opu lar klOown a the Yan- anders of Covington, Ky., were poa"" ot 0. rOlld - way trom th landa and Mrs. R. H. Wadsworth and kee Globe Tro ttl~r. Mr. J effrey is o r suld L.a.W8008 to th lurnplk . I =f~~~~ thing good to eat. Come grandchildren, . Betty Lou Wad s- a gra duate of Mt. Union College. unday guests of Dr. and Mrs. A. any gllle .. and renc • neceaaary to t= b -at til<' expene of the aald Law · --- ~A. Smith. Mrs. Em ma Tho'ru ton, 'worth and Paul Spate, of Dayton and ha s an un ~ls uany wide ex80na th eI r heir. o.nd alslgnll. 0.11 1111 t-::=1.1I!.il! VE TER.AN · CARRIER RETIRES and Mr. and 'Mrs. Luther Perkins perience as 8 lec1turer. H has been of Independence, Ky., a sister of provided b y 11 .erto.ln contra.ct n · t r d Into between J am "s' C $ale Mrs. Smith, is making them all exand, daughler, Jean, of Pasadena. at different times, a sQldier, a Ilnd Pre. ton . l..u.",.. on and Nancy 1 1::::~=======l~===~~~ Law8on , on the J n allY lit Septem· • journalist. an editor, a world tended visit. William C. Kersey, veteran rural T he services a t Lytle chu rch b er. 1920. lind which W8.I eluly tIlet) Stretches look. and i. built like real Mr. and Mrs. John Pre ton en- adventurer. a syndicate writer, an mail carrier of Oregonia, is retirCor r ecord In ' tll. Hecorder, Office ' . . I n caskets, as in every Wa~r n County. OhIo. on Sep- f~llce. Turn. smallest ducks and h~e. ing from the service this week tefta ined the members of their cv.ang Ii t, :I teacher, an artist, and have changed for the &ummer Of t e mbl'r 18. 19~() ana which Is dilly hClit bantam•. Lastslonaerthan nett1nal months, fro m a fternoon to :tor eother kind oC mercha ndise dinner-bridge club f r om Cincinnati a bu~ine$S man. His topic will b e atter 31 years on the job. ora d In Vol. 107 page 350 of the of la.tne .o.a" "e yet coats m uch J08:l. n(lon. One Sund~, the S unday ref Oe d R cords 'Of Warren County. .. ..... On Saturday evening, Covers weTe .. Above the Clolld ~ ." there is II wide range of choo l will be at 9:30 and p reach- 01110. And In .. ddUlon thereto the F,-"II's rust 2 ways' laid for Mr. a nd Mrs. R olwrt ---,.. righ t ot 8al(l Jam". . Sale his hel ra • quality a nd value. The F_e r Cattl. ing at )0 :30 and t he n ext Sunday Ilnd asslgn8 to the lCcl ulllve use af a Ande rson. Mr. ' a nd Mrs. Wm. LOOP AWARDltD JUDGME NT fu neral director who would preaching at 9 :30 and Sunda y "er laln Iprlnl\' about .00 tee t Nort b Key.tone Chic·M cth h do u proFew r cllttle are on f eed in t he Hopple, J r., Mr. and Mrs. Wade EA8t 0 t I he barn locat II on la14 tected from rott. I ts heavyGalvannealed serve his public well, BY COMMON PLEJ\S COURT chool at 10 :30. Starting next Jo.rnelJ corn belt tates. On A pri) 1 t he Shepard, Ml'. and Mr . Fred . ale·. farm. togeth r w ith t . d' -, be unday with. Sunday School fi rst . th rIght to ncaa" Ihe Marne ana IllY ? U ~rcoatlDlt,~n lUrolUcop!Xr a rreduction in number was estimat- Pentiarge and Mr. and Mrs. Frank must select products which a pipe line th.erefrom 10 the J)reml st'a anll J n~er 1lec:1Ion aaute added y eaH d at 12 per cent under the n um ber W esterman. ()f aald lamea . S.o.l l'. abOVe de.crlb- ! of (et:\ce lervice at lowest coat p er y eu. Fronk Loop I' ~taurllnt proprioffer the most in materiHatcherymen pay $15,0 00, 000 d, with the right of en t ry t rorn A b ' 1 B 11 't 01 a year ago. But there are more etor. at Leban/ln, plaintiff in a time t o time to k eep laid '1l)rlnll' '" va ue. y a means aee 1 . M'A, als, design and equipment, for the eggs t hey use, 6250 carMr. and .Mrs. Russell W ilson en. damug suit against the Village of than in the spring of 1982. cl an a.nd to make a ll nee uary refor the price paid. We deal tel·tain d the following .at "500" Lebanon faT a 10'88 s uffered by him loads of them. This p rice repre- Jlllire. 111114 Plfe line to Ibe burled In the round a ' Ieau 20 Inchee a~ all ' Saturday even ing: Mr. and Mrs. in the collapse of the Opera sents ~ premium of $6,0 00,000 poInt, with the most reputable 1\ provided by laid co n1ractp ' Tran,po~ latiD" I .. Newfou.dla.,d over the price of regular market betw en s Itl Ja'tn..... ' . Sale a.nd .alt) Rhodes Bunn ell, Mr. and Mrs. Eli manufactarers in this Pre.ton .\. l..Riw . on nnd Nanc ' Law- I In \\'lnler ",nco barbora are Furnas a nd children, Misses Ruth House walls JaDllary 22, 1933, wa eggs, a ccording to the nation al eon afor aalel. The eallement gr&nted awarded a judgment of $llOO in field, and can guarantee floten. dogs are the only meaul of rane, Grace Hockett, E va Mc- common pleas >c ourt at Lebanon commercial and breeders ha tche ry b)' ~ald contraet to the .ald .TllJJ1e!l . Sale hi. heirs and .8Ilene torever I very article shown in our truus j.lvrLut!oD lind com munication Millan and Mr. Herbert McMillan, coordina ting committee. Rnd the ' ll8elllellt JlIranled bv 8&1t) last week. The judgment was with In nortbero 'ewfoundll1nd. ~"'ll 'Ia oC Waynesville, MI'. and Mrs. Charcon lro.ct 10 said h eston A• .Lo.weon diRpJay room as a quality and Nancy Law80n theJr h eir. Ilnd 0... II hI' ... carried by sled,e ,over 200 mllet les Doster, Misses Nellie and Kath in $69 of the nmount a ked by aaaJgnK, b e ln~ cuveoant. runntnll 1aIw.~~ c: ~~"':,..,.c:I: I)roduct. MI'. Loop in his case filed March 1 with th lande and Ir revocable ex- ....... ..t • .-ooou••, rrom tbe railroad terminal. TIll. leen Graham and Evelyn Tucker 1933, cept 118 provided Irl Buch <:ollt~acl. ' distance, Ilowever, would leem short and [Mr. Charles Ea!!ter. of Hare 6Rld r t'al stale Is sltua,erl In C, Donald Diliatush, Leban on at[0 Illl AI!lskftD moll mao. Oae of veysburg; Mr. and Mrs. Walter - -SALIt - - - - - - - Ohio, WayneBllld TownBhlll, County, torney, represented the plaintitr in - - - - -FOR II. ml,ell "'arri'll hRv e b!'en /l n ly o In Ala. ka. Hartman, of Wilmington. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and regtllar l y 1I 1)lIr818 dOlt 13, ~6 .Q O. • tl\e damage suit:. T he village was from KOJz bile to Point Barrow, a nel' musl b a()l d tor not 1<'88 tho.n \'epI'Esented by lWaple & Maple, at two-thirds oC the appraIsed vaIn!!. XC__ streicbes 000 Intllo!l over treelell Terms or enl t!. ca.h. 6.! --c-torneys of Lebanon. A motion for FO R S ALE-Plants, cabbage, t osnow bar ren8. Ilod a loog rllcky matoes a nd perenn ial flo wers. ROSS. H . HAR.TSOCK Waynelville, Ohio Phone 25 a. new trial will be filed within t he ',A:" adrnLnl8lralor de bonis non shores. WI tb never II Ita ke to wark next few days, it was stated We d- Geo. P eterson , 1 mile f ro m I he will anne d pt th e esWAYNESVILLE, OHIO tile trail, nesville on Bellbrook pike . · m3 tat e ot Ja8. .' ale, (l ec 0.8 (I. nesday. A2r. A second suit is pend ing in t he local courts as !I res ul t of the collapse of the wnlls. This was also :filed March 1, 1933, and asked lor Two Clolla. Are 10 $2,168.24 l'Cpresenting da mages claimed to haVE! been su ffered by Pr~weftt Seam. Frank Loop and Clemen t Satter~.iJliaa thwll ite doing. busine s at the S. & L. Ice Cream Company. Of this Appeal'ance of shiny streaks on amount, $1,199.76 represents damthe spring suit aft er pressing may ages to the furni~ure fixtures a nd be avoided if special precaution. equipment of the company ; $619.a re observed, according t o Mi s 48 for damages to t he ice crea m Eunice Teal , clot hing specialist plant; and $34,9 for the Joss in business resu lt ing from t he a ccif or t he O. S. U. ' Miss Teal says t he luster i dent. ca'Used by fla t tening t he r punded threads un der too much pressure, BAKE SALE or by pressing un t il the fabric is dry. The streaks are m08t a pt .to The Frien'ds l~ip CIIW of M. E . appear along t he seam s, plackets, Chu rc h will hold a Mothers' Day and wh el'e the lining laps over .t he Bak\! Sale at the Hawke-4May faci ngs. offi ce on May 1. 2, beg inning at 1 0 SUitable equ ipment f or t he pres- a . m. They willi also have plent y sing process recommended by t he of f resh dought luts. Leave advance clothing specialist are a soft, ordel's with Helen Hawke or Ma rne well-padd'e d iro ning board a nd liatfteld. ' two p ressi ng cl oths of differ en t weirbts. MASONIC NOTICE Brush the sui t well before pres- -'-sing to r emove all loose dirt and Reg Ular comlll'lunieation of Way. dust. Lay on the board and smooth IJ"!'VUlle Lodge :No, HIS F. & A. M. out caref ully. Place over it a damp Tuesday evenillg, May 8. Beside. cotton fabric about the weight of t he routine of business. Rev. J. J. cheese cloth, using a light colored Sehaeft'41r Reej:or o:t St. Mary'l cloth if the suit is light, and dark church, will give an address OD colored cloth it the suit is dark. t he "Lodges o:t the World'~ ReT. Over the damp cloth place a heav. Schaetrer durirlg his tour around ier cloth of the weight of unblea- the world visi1ted many of the • Here's the treat new tire announced ched muslin or canvas. Press with lodges in di1ferent countries and by Goodyear to match the performa hot iron. his addres s is ilure to ~e interestance of the modern motor car with The sturn created by the heat tng. removes the wrinkles. Very little Sojourning brethren and aU ita. faster tet-away, hillher speed, ADd heret • .the pressure is r equired. Lift the iron masons ought t o heu thi.e addreu. quicker stops and smaller wheels that as it is moved along to avoid E. C. ClRANE, W. M. stretching the fabric. ~ueed all makes of' nOD-skid tire F. B. HENDERSON, Sec'y . The heavy cloth holds in the ------~ -----~treads to wear faster .•. Come in, steam and prevents drying out to -Thll maneioul Dew G-' AllNEW CENTURY CLUB MET quickly. If tile fabric is press ed , the new "G-3" In your alze" See wby Weather with Ita lDany adYaD--'.- too long, and becomes dry, a lu staa.over any other tire OD the The New CEmtury club met at it Alves 43% more non-skid mlleaae ter appears. This may be removed market coat. you nothtna extra. the home of M' r a. J: B. Crabbe on and ~lowout-protectlon in EVERY by wetting the pressing cloth again and steaming the shiny places. The Friday afternoon, April 27. Roll ply. ' See why it coats more to bund. call was responded to by state steam removes the luate... flowers. And since it COlts you no more to buy~ Two papers were read, "The we adnae you to put on a set SUNOCO GAS ea.. T.II .f F .... Lone Star State," by 'Mrs. Mary - AND OILS Sclentiate III Europe claim that Cross and "When the Last of the now! they can tell the exact alre or nah, a West was Won," by Mrs. Ra)'Jnond new rlDI beIng added eacb ,ear, tor Conner. PRESSURE GltEASE lnatance, to the ac.leI of the ber, Mn. F. U. . LeMay and Mary rin,. Eva LeMay furnisbed the mualcal CUP CREASE Dumbers for the proaram, playin, ~---a piano duet after which Mary WILLARD 0 •• w•••• ,. C•••cll BATTERIES AmoDr the KIkuyu or Alnea there Eva played a piano solo, "Bacb. b a couDcll of old women 10 eTef7 8101' Buttons." The next meeting of tile club dlatrll:t; the, collect r oala ptrlodleall), to preleDt to prll!tltL The, win be held at The LIWe IIIn Oft Ka, 215, with Anlla Cadwal. oceuIonall, I De troubleeome wo.. lader aa~~~ ._ _ __ .... the tine . ....11,- ~1 1Uf a ,oa!. Ohio


Bei ng








------ - --




Mal'- \




Protecting Our Patrons

.- ..----



late Classified Ads


WaynesVl·lle Farmers ' E hanere Co•



See If .herel




- -.._---

PrlntlDI •

The tlr. that wor. out ·. rake., drIver.,

CItra-everythIng but Itse" I


.. A.. --








Eighty-Sixth Year


ActivitIes of the Schools Du ring Commencement Week---Other Notes -~



Whole Number 6117

THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1934



F ormal application for a F('deral l mile!! above its ou t! t, Caesars ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH all otment of $ 12,000,000 f o r tlood reck an d East Fork, Cour miles Father Newton, Pasl'or co ntrol a nd cOllservuncy "ork ' in [tbove Batavia . for RowE'r boxes. A. II . PROGRAMS FOR COMMENCEMENT WEEK Mass at St. AU2'u ~tin e ' s hUI'ch t he Little Miami HiveI' bu-in wa ~ FNlera l fu nd. . if all oted, are to every sec nd and f ourth unday made t o th e J<' cderll l Emergency be used exclu ively for engin~ ring , Mrs. Flo Howell, wife or B. S. Adm inistra tion ' of P ublic Works IInci .co ns tluctiu n cust . Th e ConBorn to Mr. and Mrs. Walwr of the month . Baccalaureate- S ... nday Evening, May 13, at 8 Howell, died at her home in Port Johnson, Friday, !'.faY 4, a daugh . y es~e l day by l hc l\lial11i " l'':U!ICY Dh.tricl wi ll s~pply .an FRIENDS MEETING o'clock, at the Gym, Rev. J. J. Schaeffer de- William, Sunday morning, May 6, ter. River Consel'vancy District . At Lite add itiona l $ l ,800,000. With whIch First·day School at 9 :30 a. m. sa me t ime Lieutenant Colonel ~o defl'ay CORts of f lght-of-ways, livering the .ermon. . at 9 :30 o' clock. Mrs. Howell had Buy your pic and cake for Meeting f or W orship at 10 :80 Roger G. Pow 11 , Unite d tate~ eas~'m ' nis an d damages,. making been in very poor health for eV- Mother's Day at Hawke-LeMay of· a. m. f1istri ct E ng in er, inci nnati, was. the t()tal CCll't f the proJect $13,Comm'e ncement- Friday evening, May 18, at eral years and the care of her son, fice, MIlY 12. l'CQU sted t o muke 11 compI tc anu 800,000. 8 o'clock, at the Gym; addre •• by Raymond Dean, who was buried last Thurs- M R A Deci sion to fil e the application WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH d etail ed s urvey of the district. ,r. • • C rOS!1 w h0 s pen t th e D' The $12,000,000 , if ob ~a.ined, fOl' the Fed eral uHo tmen t was brought . upon 'complicated day, J. Jeffrey •. winter at Sardinin, arrived home Rev. G. C. lbert, Pastor ",.ill b used to con truct two flood r~ached Tuc~ day by fo r mer GovSunday: Sunday school at 9 :3 0 dis ases which she could not over- last week . oo per, former a . m. Next Sunday is Mothel"s .co ntfo l relarding bU8in s and two ernor l\fy crl\ Y. Alumni- Saturdayevf!lning, May 19, at 8 o'clock come. The funeral was held Tues· c\,mbi n d fl ood cont l'ol and lito rag Judge Hugh L. Nich ols, Batavia, Mrs. J. E. McClure and Mrs. C. Day, and will be properly ob erved day afternoon at her bome in ' r es rvoirs. Tentative site of the and Howard W. Ivin s, Lebanon, at the Gym. William at 2 o'clock. Interment M. Robitzer were in Dayton on in our church. The Mothers w ill basin s and reservo irs arc the upp r Di rectors of the district, at a meet have entire charge of t he Sunday was made at Port Wililam. She ill Tuesday. School and in the regular mOrning Litt l Miami fou r mi les a hov ing at Leban on. Da ta co ntained ' in survived by ber husband, B . . S. Messrs. Charles Ellis and Mark " pl'i ng Va lle~; T odd Fo rk, two th a pplication w as compiled by Baccalaureate Ser"ice Thil Sunday I Cccilllartman, World History. Howell and SOD', Harold, of Chi- Wilson attended the Kentucky worship service the sermon ubj ect .--======;====- J ohn . Van Horn e, Surveyor of will be, "A Tribute to The Good cago and a sister, living in Wilming Derby on Saturday. - - - - Warr n oun ty , and . C. ChamTh e baccalaureate service for Mother ." ton. The Howells who 1ived in Ei Grade Tel" bet·s, of the Morgan Engineel'ing ~he Ilcniol' cll\ss will be held SunThere will be no Sunday er en ing Several people from here attendRecently published ' results Waynesville tor a number of years ~.o m pan y , Dayto n day evening, May thirteenth, at have the sympathy of the entire ed the .funeral of Mrs. B. S. How- sel'v ice in the church because of T rritory covered by the Conight o'clo I< hi th school auditor- show that Waynesville ranked high community. the Ba~calaureate exercise a t th ell at Port William on Tuesday. ser\lanl!y in the eig/tth-grade teats given istJ'ict comprises viriUlll. High sch ool. tually the ~nti r e l, 765 square The f ollowing progt'am has been Ma.rch thirtieth. Roy Crockett was W will tak~ advance orders 10r Prayer meeting and Bible s ludy mil S oC drainag acre of the Litgiven econd place in the county, Mrs. Sasnn Jane Smith, 77, died arranged: Friendship Club Bake Sale May (lac h Wedn esday at 7 :30 p. m. being only . the and one-half tl Miami a nd its tributari s, and at the home of her daughter, Mrs. 12; leave them with Helen Hawke Processional Next Wednes day lit 2 p. m . is includes parts of Hamilton, Greene liynlll The ongregatjon pOints below the student with high- William Bernard, on Route 3, Fri- ')r Marne Hatfield. the regular time for the meetinl{ The \: aYllllsville Me rchan ts lint on, Wa rren and Clermont est ranking. Other students from [nvocation R v. J. J. chaeffer day, May 4, after suffering a heart i of the Ladie ' Aid Soci Elly. j our neyed to Lynchburg S unday, ' co unties. When the project is com. Mr. an d M rs. W I'lh ur Le Fb e u, ! Mu sic '.. High ch 01 Glee Clubs Waynesville who secured high attack. She was born June 9, of Loveland, visiited Sunday with WAYNESVILLE CHU~CH OF and welle ve r y succes ful in the i," plet ed, 64 p r ce nt . 01' 1,127 criptuI'c Reading .. ,,, ............ .. scores were Jane Furnas, Ruth determination to t ry to defeat the squa re mil es of the total drainage Conner, Anna Treadway, Vivian 1857, near Wilmington in Clinton MI'. and Mrs. Philip LaTl'ick and CHRIST ' .. Rev. G. C. Dibert great Dumford . This is qu it e aroa will have rese {voir control, county. Surviving her, are five lions Mrs. Frank Hoffman. Vocal. 010 " )\1r8. Alberta Buerkle Conner, and Howard Hall . (Undenominational) a feat fo r th e boys since it is wen According to tbe application for The Sermon Rev. J. J. Schaeffer ElIswOlth, Dayton; Ben, Osborn; Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Stump and Chester A. WlUiamson, Minister known th ut th e r ekn own ad onni e t ho F ed ral allotme·n t · the project Indultrial Tour. Mu sic ... Glee Clubs Ellis, Cincinnati; Carl and George Church School lit \):30 a. m. Mack cons idercd Dumford good is a co ordina~ed prog ram for flood On Monday, April 80, seven cars of Waynesvl e ancj. wo anghters son Paul, Mrs. LUI ell a Krononr, of Ben d iction .. Rev. G. . Dibert of students and teachers set out Mrs. Edna Buhrman, Osborn and Miamisburg, called on Mrs. Sarah Lord's Supper at conclusion. enough to pay his b oaI'd ior one cCl ntrol, power deve10pmen , water Lippincott, Sunday a1;lernoon. Moth ers will have charg of the season at lea t. Our boys, however nse rvat ion and r iver regulation. William Bernard, Waynesville (Continued on pare 4J Commencement Pro,run Chul'ch chool and everal feat- seemed to lik e hi off rings and It i called a necess ity to the proThe funeral was beld at two Because of the local Alumni pj'oc eeded to gather 6 nice hits off tcction of lives and property of a Processional ..... "'" ................ O'clock Monday afternon. Burial me~ting, the regu'lar Grange meet- ures appropriate t o Mother's Day him in tho fix-st three innings. large number of people; to the will be enjoyed. Christian EnHigh School Orchestra MEMORIAL was in Miami cemetery. iflg has been post.poned until May The second inning reully decided protection of interstate traffic and deavor and vening evangelistic Invocation ... Rev. G. O. Dibert 26 (or which timu a Mother's Day service dismissed t\tat we may all th e gam e whe n Mike Weller led commerce, postal facilities and alutatory ... Bernice Graham Word has been req.eived of the program has beeinplanned. Mrs. Rebecca R. Wolcott, daugh participate in the Bllccalaureate off with l\ beautiful singl , was im oth r governme.n tal functions and Music . .... ....... .Orch stra ter of Jacob and Anna Roger Mis es Lois lLawson , Marion services at the gym. Prayer meet- mediately sacr ific ed dQwn by prop rty; to the conservation of Addl'ess .... Hal' mond J. Jeffreys Haines, was born in Warren county death of Mrs. Carl Cle"a ver, at her MU, ic Orchest ra near Waynesville, Obio, April 7, home in Long Island, New York. Frye and Mr. Edward Schaef!er, ing and Bible study each Wedn s- Hopkins' bunt. Treadway then natural resource!! ; to the industrial cit' w a base on blllls and pitcher: agl icultural and social life of the al dictol'y .. Robert Gons 1841 ; died at the home of her son, Mrs. Clea er, whose death oecur- of pringboro ~Irid Mr. Loren day at '1 :30 p. m. Smit hso n's sing le sco ~ d both di trict, and as a relief for unemred suddenly on Tuesday, was Reason enjoyed .'unday at Clifty cholarship Recognition William A. Wolcott, in Lena, Ohio Miss Alma. Reibold, of Falls Indiana. men. Th e l\1 erchllnt ta1\ied again empl oyment. . Corinne Robbins Tuesday, May 1, at 11: lOp. m., formerly ST. MARY'S CHURCH Dayton. Mr. Cleaver 18 a former ' in the eighlh without a hit. Mik e Th propoltC d Pl'oj ct, the applll't1:usic ..... . . . . . . . Orehe tra age 93 years and 26 days. Death resident of near WeHman. )(nv. J. J. Schaef!er. Rector The Argunot Bridge club met r eached first on an errol' by P . cation sets out, wiII I'educe the Presentation of Diplomas caused by infirmities 01 old age. May 13, Sunday alter Ascen sion Young, stole econd, went to ~hil'd p eak ftow of a 1913 flood in the at the home of Mrs. Russel Sali8- - - --. .... .. , .... ,. .. S. S. Ellis She was one of the most popular bury on Saturday afternoon. The Church school at 9 :30; Mo rning on J. Younl,"S high lh.·ow an d Little Miami at . its outlet, which B nediction .................. , .. :.... .. and beloved residents in thjs com- ENTERTAINMENT AT invited guests were Mrs. Morris Prayer and sermon at 10 :30. 'cor d wh n McLaughlin error d was 180,000 cubic feet a seeo.nd, . Rev. . A. Williamson munity. Being 8 resident 67 years HOLBROOK COLLEGE Fulkerson, Mrs. J. B. Chapman, mithson's gl'ound er. The flnal run to almost one half itl! natural coming here following her marMrs. Ota Hidy and Mrs. W. E. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST cain e wh n Satterthwui te tripled I iie. It will reduce the stage so Atllmni Prorr_ riage to John Wolcott, Jr.·, FebruOn Thursday eveninl\', May 10~ Cornell and as Davis ra n f or atterth- ~ that there will be no major des(Undenominat'ional) waite fl'om third was scoTed by I truction of railroad s, highways, J)res ident's Greetings ... .. ... .. . IIry 28, 1867. Her husband, Jo~n at eight O'clock, the puplls from Chester A. WiHiamson MT. and 1\lrs. Walter Elzey enTUl'ner's sing le. 1bridges and other property. Flood . Mary G. Earnhart '08 1Wolcott, Jr., preceded her In the department of Dramatic Art tertained Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Church chool at \I :30 a. m. Smith son pitched air tight ball heights will be reduced to a level n ading of Minutes . . ... ". ..I death. 46 years ago. One 80n bless- of Alfred Holbrook Conege will Kenneth Elzey alld daughter, Mar- Lord's Supper and sermOl1 at 10 :30 onl), nllowing six hi ls and two where communities could provide Sybil Hawke LeMay ' 08 1 ed tnl!! union who haa been :faithful present a play: "Snapping out of . Roll CaJl to care for her since his father's the Depression," by Mrs. Henry jori!!, Mr. and Ml'!!. Kenneth Evans a. m. A Mother's Day program and of thes were sCI·atohy. The entire complete flood protection by loc~ Toast to Class of '34 .. ...... death and such a comfort in her Closson, in the auditorium of the and daughter, Be·tty Jean, of Day- Ilermon. You are always we lcome WayneHvilie Mer chants team play- protection wor ks, it is contended. t~, also Mr.'s mother, Mrs. at this church. ed good ball and Lynchburg did The unit of the roject nearest Lucille St. John Bland '26 last declining years. coHere. at Lebanon. On that oceasLaura B. Evans, of Bluefield, W. not have a chance to Score, the Cincinnati w Re ' pon se from Class of '34 . ...... Sh~ was a member ot the Lena ion Molly Halstead, one ot the PROGRESSlVE WOMEN'S CLUB boys being s plendid in the pinches. ervoir on East Fork, four miles Bernice Graham '34 Baptist church and was ever finest interpretive dancers of this Va. Nex t Sunday's game will be at above Batavia, with a drainage Music willing to take an a(1tive part in era, will give a group of some of Mr. Frank T: Hawke and his MET LAST TUESDAY EVENING Silver Lake, neal' New Ill'lisle, area of 844 square miles. This reToa t . Bux-nett ' Butterworth '24 the community and church as long her most beautiful dances. Rob- cousin My. Chades F. Hartsock of and we are informed they play servoir will have an all-year avP r esentati on of Loving Cup .. as her ~tren.gth would permit. ert Blair, Jr., will be the solo pian- Milford, are enj(lying a motor trip The Progressive Womens' club good ball the re. Come out and s e crage continuous power output ot iI Raymond Davis '08 ;;~l'vlvors include one aon, iat. The Lebanon Granre orcltestra to Washingtlu, with their uncle Mr 3.400 kilowatts. The reservoir on Election of Officers Wllham A. Wolcott, of Lena; one will furnish music: There will b'e G. F. Mosher and Mrs. Mosher 01 beld their , regtllar tn~eti?g at the the Merclylnts. aes ars Creek, which enters the High School Song sister, Mr~. C~arle8 Satterthwaite, no admission charge. The public is Cincinnati, taking in on their way Little Inn on Tuesday evening . .. Dakin's Orchestra of. Waynesvllle,; three gr.nd· invited to attend. Little Miami three miles south ot many points of historic interest in A.fter the dinner hour the business .. WA YNE SVILLE MER RANT. Music Waynesville, "w ilL have a power out chlldren, Charles E. Wolcott of The east for the plalt is as Virginia and other locations. meeting was held, thc new officers AB H R PO A put of 1,750 kilowatts and will Piqua, Chester W. Wolcott, . of follows: Franklin Wina Co.ullty Field ""et Shelby, an<l ·G oldie Wolcott RogMinister Chester A. Williamson who as follows, taking chal·ge. Mendy, 2b, _ 5 1 Q 0 2. serve a drainage area of 236 Mr. Bristol, Forest Hutslar: Mrs Franklin high school wqn first ers, north of Fletcher; six Bristol, Helen Rothman.: Sa\1y of the Wayne!lville and Ferry Miss Elizabeth Henkle, Pre ., Dr. Laul'en s, 85, 5 0 0 0 square miles. place in the county field meet held great grandcbildren: two Rephews, Bristol, Grace O'Bannon; J. Jr. Churche of Christ is attending the Mary L. Cook, Vice Pres., Miss Ellis, ct, & l b 5 0 0 4 Sufficient stot'age space will be Peck , 1 b 5 ~ Q () reserved in the reservoit'under the at Lebanon last Friday. Lebanon Charles Jtye and John Rye; one Bristol, Howatd Sawyer; Dick "National Restoration Assembly" 5 3 Q 1 proposed pllln to sto r e a seven·and ranked econd, and Wa;ynesvUle niece, Anna E. Haines, of Waynes- . Waddington, Adam Johnson; Mr. which is being !held in Cincinnati Helen Welch, Sec'y and Miss Stella Turner, If M . W e11el', 0 . 6 2 2 8 On -half-inch l'un oft' from thA,.. ville. . Waddington, Sr., Howard Sawyer; this week, from Thursday till Qaugherty, Treas. · third. 'f A sower h 0 f persona l gl ts was Hopkin ~, 1'1 ~ Q J dl'~linage arcas l\bove the dam. The Funeral l!ervices were held Miss Maryln Murphy, Jean Hamil- Sunday. This is Ii Bi-yeady conven Eldon Ellis broke a twelve-year remaning I;pace will be reservoir record by running the hundred- Thu1'8day, May 8 at 2 p. m. at ton; Miss Manville, Aileen Hast- tion of the "Movement to restore then tendered on Mrs. Mary Hun- Treadway, 3 b .. 3 1 1 2 Frank" Barger Funeral home at ings; Sid, oft\ce boy. Robert Blair the New Testament Churcb. II ter Mouser, whose mnrlrage to Mr. Smithon, p ~ 2 0 2 storage for power development, yard dash in 10.1 seconds. Ohio, Rev. J. W. Poor- Jr.; J the maid, AIl~n HastA complete feport of the meet St. . 0 0 1 water supply and tream regulaThe next meeting of the Men's Merle Mouser took place on lUlirch +Davis, will appear in scbool news 24. M TS. Mouser recei ved man y ~!'!!'!:J::!..!:!£!!:~L.....2!!-...!!..~!...........!!....~~.!:..f.!:'.h!.!: · o:.;n~':-:-':7~-::-==:l"!'::=-'L.:'=:---::=nrr-_-::-_ _~ and Easy club wiJI lie held Roy C. Wolcott, Mmard Wolcott, week. One Wednesday evening, May 16. The beautiful and useful gifts and Chester Wolcott,. Charles Wolcott, 3 D 12 4 27 22 0 be located on th e upper Little MEETING POSTPONED subject for the evening will be, after these were all opened and Totals Charles Rye, John Rye, Charles Miam ~ Addition which will guaraD"What Can the. Citizens of the admired, the evening was spent in Electl N_ O.ftjce:ra Satterthwaite. Interment in playing cards, LY HBURG tee a minimum fl ow for the lowe,r United States 'Do to Keep this The regular meeting of the Members the Sportsmanship Fletcher cemetery. . The invited guests were Mrs. J. Little River many times the averCountry out of War1" A general Woman's Auxiliary of St. Mary'!! Brotherhood cast their votes MonAU H R PO A E age low flow dU'ring summer monchurch has been postponed from discuB8ion on this subject will be W. Lotz, Mrs. has. James , Mrs . dily for officers for the coming year May 11 to F,lday afternoon, MI\Y appreciated. The place for meet- L. A. Garst, Mrs. L. H. Gordon, Archer, as .. 3 0 0 1 8 1th ," the application recited. "The Marvin Fox was elected president, FRIENDSHIP CLUB MET Mrs. E. F. Deppe and Miss Faith Newton, rf . 4 1 0 40 0 0 beneflts of this regulation will then WITH MRS. W. E. STROUD 18, at the home Of Mrs. C. R. ing has not been atIsigned but will Tomlinson. Betty Hartsock, vice-pre8ident, and P Young, 3b 4 1 .0 1 4 2 extend to impl'ove navigation on probably be announced SundBY. Frazier. Frances Ell is, secretary. McLaughlin,2b 4 a 0 4 2 2 the Ohio River. Resultll of 'the election -were Mrs. W. E. Stroud was charming '. Penquite, cf . 3 0 0 1 0 0 "The b'u iJding of the prQPosed . made known TueacJay evening hoateea to the Friendahlp club Butler, If '~1 0 2 1 0 reserVOit·s will provide an oppor:': when mem bers of the organization Mal' 9. The committee aB8iatln, Brewer, Ib 4 0 0 7 0 0 tunity for fOl'estry work and for gathered in the gym fClr a eom- was com)108ed of Mrs. Dallas ' , 'J. Young. c . 4 0 0 7 1 1 the development of public pal'Q blued business and social meetinr. Dumford, p .. l 0 0 0 3 0 on marginal lands. The addition of TII~ program included gt:0up aing- Boger, Mrs. Joel Stokes, and Mrs. L. C. St. John. Mrs. Hastinp·open . Pfiester, p 2 0 0 0 4 0 n number of lakes in a reiion aling, a reading by Bernard Melloh, the meeting with a poem for "._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I ready po esaing great naturcl a reading by Rqth Hockett, sev- ed Mother'1 Day after wbich Mrl. Totals 33 6 () 27 19 0 beauty and historical interest wiD eral numers from the German Clifford Buzick led in devotion.. be a national .asset of continu ing band, and .. sesBion of the "Dor Bases on balls of Dumford 1, value." Court." Talk. were ,iven by John The finanee committee solicited of Smithson 2. 2 bas hits, M. Th e Li ttle Miami Conservancy Thomson, Mr. . Lotz, Mr. HatAeld, among tbe members tor the pie and cake sale M.y 12. Atter the Well er, McLau ghlin 2, Butler. District was created under , the Mr. Garst -and Coach 'Young. base hit, atterthwaite. Pas'S d Conservancy Act of Ohio by a deRepresentative sportsmen were usual routine ot bus'Mea • short ~' " GO ball,. J. young. E"rned runs, Way Cl'ee fil ed October 5, 1933, in the chosen Monday at the 'regular literary program followed. -= --O~v ne ville, 3. Struck out, Smithson 7; Court of Common Pleas, . Warren el ction. Those receiving the covet- P.per, Mrs. L. C. St. John. Dumford 2. Pfiester 3. Left on County. Melnbers of the Conserved honor were Wallace Bernard, Humorous .ea·d inr, Irma Rich. p~ ba es, Waynesvill e Mel'chants ]0. ancy Court al'!! Judges Charles V. David Boger, Vincent Griffy, John Reading tor Mother', Day, Mrs. ~f Lynchburg 8. Hit.s off Dumford 0 Dechant, Warren County; Frank Tomson, Robert Smith, Bernice J. P. Larrick. .Mrs. W. E. Stroud. in 4 inlling., of Pfiester 6 in 5 in- M. Clevenger, Clinton (1ounty; Graham, Ion. Crane, Franees Ellia Damty refrelhmenta were then ,~~ nings, losing pitcher Dllmford. Frederick L. Hoffman, IJamilton Betty lIartsock and Ruth Hockett. served by the committee. _ ~- ~ Umpires, McLaughlin and Buzick. County; R. L. Gowdy, Green • .- • Scor r Armitage. Time, 2 hour.s County, and Charles C. White, Pn-School Dar of .... la••r. 24 minutes. Clermont County-The Cincinnati - - Ran for Satterthwaite ill lhe Enquirer. Children who wllJ enter sehool ADDIlESSES LOCAL MASONS for the flrl!t time nen year are 8th. -------_.------'being entertained .t tbe IrI'8de 4-H SEWING CLUB TO B8Iular communication ot the SCHOOL BOARD MET building today (Thursday.) Thla ORGANIZE MAY" feature WIS planned to tamUlariae Muonlc Loclre, Tuuday eveninr, the beginners with what tbe, wUI Ma, 8. At the edueatlonal hour, School board met in regular ses• see when they start to eebool; It Rev. J. J. Scbaetrer, of . D&Jton, sion Monday night. Bills wet'e 111" The flrst me!'tmr of the .U deH".red • aoet ezcenent addre. will alao live teachers the oPPOl'lowed and paid and tlie welfare of Sewing club Wlll be held . . , tunlty of meetlnr tile new PllpUL Oil the loq. of the world. Be not the school was discussed. The at Gran,. BalJ at II p. -. onlr cIa.crIbed the lodpt vlatted, board will meet Tuesday eYening, Graddy wilt with .. at bllt alIo an admirable biator, May 15, for the purpose ot employ th.,e .ad ~ the WtIIrk f . Dldrlet S......... T... of ~ of the .......t ft_ .nd ing tea bers for the comTng year. folJowin.,... AD, c int.reated -Ia .... .. The foDowiq Waflleni11e euto.. of tile ~ placea enta participated ill the DIatrlet YIIIMIl. to coma to ..... State Seholanblp teet111ae14 at Os· - - -•• - ...- - .bout oar wo1'1r. The ~







.. -..---


Wor'ld's Bleakest "Dungeon" Cages Byrd






men. But he wall vet y ruriou about the MacDonllld Rnd Tl'm Salt~\', wh)' thl·)· wero! lOK"Lh,'r, how they would explain th(·iT presence to Ruby , untler the cit'. eu 111 to ne ..". And then he wall fixed by th 101 k in Murdy MacDnnald's' eye. Tht' boy's ~aze was steadfastly Common Pica •. Proc:eeclinr. up on him. He had gr enin. h y . Thor was something in them that In the case of Iflum 'I' 'w. Mill r made Don ('ampb 11 ~ighten, modI! \'e lI'Ll I nna 1. Miller, divorce him suddenly wary. Murdy's fa ce grnnted to plaintiff. was e pI' s~ionle s-but hi I n the cas of Th By BERTHAND W. SINCLAIR w re not. nd Murdy had two ceptance 'Ol·p. ve rsus .Herbe notches on his gUll. Don remembel' Jlulf and lildred Rulf, judgment d that. La plaint ilf. lIe scarcely hard what Ruby In thl' case of F ran k Loop, dosaid to he r unclt'. He watched ing bu. in 88 as Loop' Food Shop " , ·uw >,OU'I' (' talkin' liS . " Rub y ".0 lung 1\$ they keep their dis· Murdy. alter, t op. There was a ver us The Villnlse of Lebanon. <I ,'dll I' '(\. " ]'11 S~, t.hnt you don't !.anc ." Ruby murmured. "I hope look _about thi hone t mnn, thi R Trial completed, Verdist for plain hIM' anything by lhRl, listt' r Don- I hav n't got you in a jack pot. II friend of lift' ampbell' in the ti ff at $1,100. nlll nmpbt'll. Just now I'm worry· "Ne,-er was in one y t 1 didn't far-oft' Sweetgl'a s Hill!;, tho wa In Ihe case olr Thll People's ing' o\,p r IMt cattle. Do ~' ou up· get out of," Don rea ur d h r. much of a menac e as the que r Building, Loan -Savings Co. v I'. P"~<' n~le Malcolm anel 1urdy o long as they kept their di • glow in Murdy'!! green eyes. su. Willillm B, Hayner, et aI , ac· did !l'o down l!lk Ri" 1'1 I 'ancel Well, he h,d nn active brain Young MacDonald 's hol' figi t. count approved lind rcceivE!4 dis· \\ ond r1" lind it was busy with pas ible con- ed. He jabbed the bea t suddenly charged. ,'u did D on . H wond el' d sb ut. ling nei . ntil ~o D1ething crack with his spur . . The bound the In the cn e of . Tl11l1 ~alter tuo. He wa .. a blunt· ucl if omething did- he meant to brute gave brought his alongsid ministrator de bani non, with the Spt,tlking s . W 11 a~ a direct·think· keep on his way. Don. He aw M\lrtly's right hand will annexed of tIDe estate of Mar· ing y ung man. But he didn't 1 \\' scattered grazing cattle shift. It was a if he saw double- tha J . Richardson, decea5ed, voie what w g in bi~ mind. uegan to . how on slopes that lilted all if hi perception had becom e W. 'hester Maple', execu't or ,of the A couple of miles pa t· their iTi g ntle tiers toward the Cypress lightning fast- for alter was also estate of W- F. Eltzroth, et aI, de· Cllmp Don po inted. wcaring its dark mask of timber reaching for hi gun. murrer overruled .. Defe.ndant, Lee "Yonder s a rider." all along the southern face. In five . Now Don wa a l'em arkably agil e Bone, granted 20 day additional T hey polled up. As Don 1,"eached miles, if lhey held traight, they young man, both mentally and phy ti m to answer. (or the gla~ es thi hor emlln would be among tho pin . But ieally. Also he de ired not only The American Loan ReaJt-y Co dropped out of sight. A nlile there would be a ranch belore that to live, but to live victoriou s over ver us George F: Bellham, et aI, fart her they aw him bob up unle ,the brand book lied. his enemie . He had seen a good order of sale ordere.d returned. like a jllck·in-the:box, , hOI ing They p8 sed the firs~ of the graz deal of gun play in hi s time, In the matter of tran fer of bri fly on the cr t of a littlc pin· ing cattle. Th bed of the Sage without ever having been involved funds of Warren ounty, transfer ncle. He had in reased hi di tnce narrow d, deep n~d. Willows fring in any himself. He knew what a lottunds granted. Within tilDminutes they marked ed th stl' am. Clumps of gun wa fol'. He knew also thc ad. In the matter o,f the transfer of anoth~r oft' to the left, a,t of popullu' st udded the bottoms. vantag of qu ick motion and a funds of nion te)wn bip, .transfer age reek. The glass told then] The shm·t grass of the plain was I!o lid ba, i und er his feet foJ' of fu nds granted" . In th ca e of The New.Y,ork not bing, save that it wa. indeen changing to bunch gl'a that wav straight shooting. Wherefol'e he ca t him elf Llf Insurance (,. v rsu,~ Wll11am II I ider. Neither man remained I'd like l'ipe wh at in the sun. long in sight. The line of a fene lifted far nimbly out of his saddle a ]';1 urdy Luwh~rn, . et ~I, e()Ofirmation, d d "One over here an' one over ahead, a dark thread across the reached for hi gun, thu putting and dl tl'lbutlOn. , .. . there," Don commented. "An' both gold grass. From one upstanding the thick body of a hor e between / In the .CII e ~f Ehzabeth. Man· of 'em wary. That's hardly accord· knoll. like a low island. they him elf antI both young tacDon. aoos, 1\ mmor, ven us Roy MIchaels et aI, demurrer III tained . Phlintift' ing to Hoyle, Wonder if there's g t a glimpse of Instered build- aId and Tom Salter. And as his feet hit the ground granted 30 days additional time to ing!'. For half an hour they had any behind." They twi ted in their saddles. !'e n nothing of these flanking' be bent and fired und t the neck plead.' . of his horse-not at Murdy. but In the cas~ of Tom Mariano An exclamation ~( urpri!e e· rider. c.,ped Don. As if his wond r"Ruby," on aid, "if that is at alter. almost in alt r' face, versus R~y Mlcha,~ls .. et 811, demur· which had ~en mo t1y a je t-had the Double G we had better pa ss He didn't reason about that, J' r sustn~n.e d. PI~lntlll' glranted 30 I asked Murdy was the deadly one. The days additional tune to plead. /ffiaterialized . to conCound him, it up. Medicine Lodg they Il8W a rider sitting motion· lift· about thnt post-lays right ame sort . of look had fla h d In the matter of th employment Ie on a low rise a mile or more at the west end of the hills. We over his face a he reached for of ~egal counsel tC) as is~ the prose in the rear. Don lifted the gla es_ can make it in three hours from hi gun that Don had once een cutmg attorney oJr Warrl!n county Before be had them focused this h reo 1 d just as soo n the Mount. 0'11 the face of a wolf .slashing at a 0 ., in the court ?f' appeal of Wa.rrearward horseman moved down ed Police knew we were in this hound with bared teeth But Don' s ren Cq.unty, 0 ., In the calle of Wlloil' his perch. In a moment th low country- any way. It would be gun roared at alter fi; t becnuse Ham Ertel, an infant, by Dai y ground had swallowed him up. wi er considerin'-" a pal·ticular sort of hate 'and con. Keiter, a s next fl'iend, plain tift' in "It looks to me," Don said de· Out of a hollow, squarely be- tempt. for tbe )JIan IIW~Pt. over him error, :ve~ u The Board of County liberately, "a if they were sort of fore them, rose first the heads, aa Salter bored in with his lips Comml loners,. of Warren C.o unty ridin' herd on us. One on ach ide then thi! shoulders, the bodie of parted, eager to kill. ~., d~endant In ~rror, now pend Another bebind. -Yell, sir, I • ure fOUl· mount d men, confronting Murdy miMed witb ,his first shot tn~ on the dockE't of said cour~ wish .y ou'd gone back home thi them at a distance of fifty yards. - by incl'les. Don felt the wind of bemg number 172 on tIle docket mornin'. I got a flash of that hom. "Aha !" Ruby exclaimed trium- the bullet on his face, But he thereof, I?esn E. tanlell' authoriz bre beh.ind before he disappeared . phantly. " We'll ee what ,they didn't mi s, He saw Salter' ex- ed to asSIst the pro ecutlng attorHe was watching u through a have to say for themselves." tended arm witb the black muzzle ney. Oompensation fixed at '400. lIBir of gla"8cs. I 'd say thing was For the riders, 0 close now, of a .45 ~~eping in an are, stirIn the case of The Stat;e 01 Ohio apt to tighten." . that Don cou ld &ee the whites of fen in the air. Salter's mouth versus Beverly. S'm ith. Defendant their eyeballs under gray hat opened wide like a fish snatched pI aded not guilty a be stands CHAPTER XI. brims. were Windy MacDonald, from its pool. He folded up like an charged in said nffidavit.Trial is Bl.zing Gun . .. MUrdy, T om alter. The fourth empty sack and rolled sidewise oft' set for Tuesday, May 1. Stre ight up the age they rod was a round· houldered, middle. hi plunging hor e. In th ca e of Nellie Marianos Don could never realiz~ in v I'SUS R~y Micha:ls,. et ai, demurkeeping on high ground back from individual ~ith a long nose, a the bank of the creek. Parallel long, droopIng, straw-colored mUll. detail precisely what happened re r sust8lned. PlaJntlff granted 30 with them rode tho e di tant hor e tache. But he was ell mounted after that. Guns cracked over hi days additional time to plead. men, like Indian scouts hanging and the highh aded bay he be. head, behind him. His own anIn the ca e of Harry Otis Me· on the /lank of an emigrant train. strode carried a Double G on the swered as fast a he could throw lung ver u Ethel lone Dudley, the fore sight on a ma.n and pull et aI, app~ichtion appr017i!d as to For a time they would nnish. left hip. They met. 1'lfce didn:t compensation of trustee and atThen momentarily one 01' anothe r . would appear. ed .to Don as if these four barred of being hit. tomey. . • "Keepin' us spotted," Don said theIr way. But that, he reflected, It was like being caught in a In the. c~se of Muon Shu~ts verprobably just , fancy. He whirlwind full of thunder and S~l! Chrl tIDe ~hutt8, motion as"If we wel'en't sus])icious we'd w never notice anything strange wa n't apprehensive. The range lightning. And like the whirlwind Signed for hearmg May 10, 1934 about that~ II wa a public highway . open to aU it passed quickly. He found him. at 10 o'clock. •. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . self standing by a dead horse- his ~n. the case of Elizabeth Eddy to • horse a dead man a few feet Wilham E.dd;.-, a divorce Y\'8s grant away. A hwndred yard distant ed the plaintiff. M1urd.y MacDonald was galloping, In the case of Ida ~ay Sout;h weaving in his saddle as if he versus Roy o~th., a dIVorce was were drunk. The man with the pale granted the plaintiff, eyes . and drooping mustache flogg. ed hili horse with a quirt, vanished New SlIi .. into the hollow out of wbich the ·ment In the matter of the employ quartet had come. Windy Mac· of legal counsel to assist the prose Donald was nowwhere in l'ight. . t ~ u lUg attorney of Warren county Ruby sat on her motionle s black horse, resting bot.h hands on the \0 the court of appeals in the dehorn of her saddle. One hand held fen e of the case of William Ertel an infant, by Daisy ·Keiter. &8 next a whitehandled Colt that dribbled fl'iend, plal'ntl'ff'I'n-error versus a pa]e wisp of smoke from it muzo The Board of County Commissionzle. er , of Warren Co,unty, defendantShe· looked down at Don __ftUgo~-Ul-ll4lt''-4YelIr---------1f-L!.!~I.U:4...w.IW pencling on tlle dock. 'd you hit?" IIhe croaked. et o.f sal court, being number 172 ~·N·o." on the docket ther'eof, to authorize "I am." She put one hand to her th e emp Ioymen t (,f counsel to asside. "I'm getting dizzy. Ob, DonI SisTt hthe xroseCIUti~lg attorney, Those dirty, theiving, murdering . e ....,ntra Acceptance Corp. versus Herbert hounds !" 't Hull' W Eand Mildred If COgnOVl. • • Hoffer ie a e caught her a be slid, gather. Hu, ed her close in his arm s, cried out the attorney. Th e Mutua1 B Illi lding and Loan at the sight of blood seeping through Co. versus D. A. Harrison, , et aI, ' H the h ldbosom of her black (or 8 h lrt. e e her so for a second money. . • begging ber to speak to him, car~ The Standard Oil Co. " a corp., ' f Iess 0f t h ose fleeing, versu s Harry Hill , or Dloney. ____ killers, careless of Tom Salter in the crass at his feet starin .. vacan"I 0 Probate Court • y at the uy. CHAPTER XII. B. G. Fitzpatriick, eucutor of the estate of Cynthia Evans deAI ' d hi A ' R omance III A. H olpital cease d, u e 8 urat and final aeSomethln .. like two weeks later count. Don Campbell came jogging down The inventory c,f .RoBS a. Harta steep hill intq the town of sock adminiatrat(lr of the eetate Medicine Hat, wb~ch $its by the of Thomas Elmer Rogen, d~ceued Saskatchewan River, forty miles was approV'8d. northwest of Cypress Hills. He . Eljzabeth U,rdit)g ad.miDiIItrardde beside a man in a dat.brim- true of the estate of Karlr GooQOn med Stetso n, brigt)t scarlet tunic Shearer, deceased, filed heT ached· I f db · an d bl ue b reec h es With a two-ineb \l e - 0 e ts. yellow stripe down each outer A copy of the e11try dej~nili.liine seam- thus heralding to all and inh~.ritance ta.x on tbe estate undry at a great distance that he of ~lias F?lk, 'deceaaed, is to be was a constable 0.( the Mounted certii\e~ Without delay. Poli~. The Inventory ,of C. G. EulallS, They crossed a sage.grown flat of tlhe estate of Ray to enter the town, an orderly coli. Starry, deceased, ill to be, eiven to ection . of etores, hote~, dwellings aU persons interested. spreadlDg on both sides of a rail. Josepb F., ~uardian of th state f W Ib H" t k Th ey crossed this e e 0 I ur .... cltlnney way r.c. track to a minature barr.cD. The decease~ filed rus Mcond aeeount. po}icema~ ~oint~d out a large In tm matter ,of the estate of brICk· buddlnl' two blocks north. Florence A. Stark, 1" decj. . . .; db "There's the hospital s ir" laid t.rlbutibn of IItoc~ ol'der~ld. he, "where you'll ftnd 'th- 'youn.. In the matter hf the ,•,.. .tate of ~ • lady." Lydia E. dec~~1 MI. .Don dismounted b~fore this edi- of real 6ce. He removed his spura. enter- ! In the le state of _.. a L_'I __ I f .,.. .... an d approach e d a deale laAob ~ .... 0 to addreu a uniformed nune. Pre bonda HnU7 he as stepplne Boftly down a COI'rIdor behind another uniform trb: of th. " peNOn. .. uabered through a 811..,... door 111&0 • NOlL aDd:"::~:;~~~



Crooked Trails



Quality PrlDtlDI

The Miami


MTHEWARREN OR PAST WEEK ' the estate of Elia!! F Ik, deceased, filed her final account. Exceptions to the first and final account of George Depew, administ.ratrix of the estate of Hiram Del) w, deceased, were sustained, Alma Seig, xecutrix of the ell· tate of Jacob eig, deceasec;l, filed her application for a certificate of transfer. In the matter of the estate of Peter Noll, deceased,J., exchange of certificates ordered. Garland Hil~ filed his application (_or the 8ppomtment .of a guardIan of Ella R. Lane, Incompetent. The will of Eudora L. Whitaker deceased, was filed in probate. J. T. Riley, administrator of the e tate of Dora Chilton, deceased, tiled his inventory. Release of cer· tain properties covered by a said mortgage is ordered.' In the matter of the guardianshipof Robert H. Yeats, et aI, minors, he'aring in said matter is contin ued to May 7, 1934 at 10 o'clock. Three days wl'itten notice is to ~ erved on Albert E. Yeats minor. Jeannette Bant,a , an minor. filed her affidavit in lieu of account.

- Power .....




Washington Senator J. Lewi of Illinois is a famous lawyer , oratol' unn states· man. He is best known, however, for his pink whiskers, ~ancy vellts and faultness mann rs. His chivalry is proverbial. Recently while dining in a small rcsLuurant in southern Illinois, he compliment ed the trim red-headed waitress about the Excellence ot the servica quality of the food, her exp rtness, and incidentally hel' pulchritude. Suddenly, he got this: "Soy, big boy, don't hand me that line. You're working th wrong side of the street I've been kidtl cl by ex· perts" . •

ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN Jour Cattle, hogs. sheep and cal"•• to Nonia.Brock Co" live l'lre aud proaresllve firm lor til. titch .., arket priCeII and good lernc• . Ualon Stoc!.: yarde' Clacilln•• I. O. Tune in on Radio Station Welty 12:25 to 12 :30 p. m. tor our dall, market reporta.

Congressman Turpin of ,Pennsylvania lost his new spl'ing hat in the cloak room and WII S creating quite" rumpus. An un ympathetic' colleague suggested that he pick out a good $10 hat Ilnd beat it. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO "Ten Dollars, my ye," said he Phone 80 Bank BId,. "I paid two-fifty for peevishly, mine and there isn t anot her 8S good on the rack."


Dr. Wirt, a satellite of the Steel (Bteal) Trust, complains about the President's advisc l·s. Wirt is a publicity seeker with a book for sale. Hill silly charges were utterly disproved. It i far better to have in an administration men such as Secretary of Agri · culture Wallace, Profee 01' Tugwell, Frederick C. How e, Donald W. Richberg, and othel's, sometimes dubbed the "brain trust," men all Secretary of the interior Fall, who served sentence in the penitentiary for graft and corrup· tion; F.orbes and Miller who held office in tbe Hoover Admini tration and went to prison for corruption; Dot .t o mention Harry Daugherty and Walter Brown.

F. T.



Real Ed.'e Tr. .afera George D. Stanton to Roy Bor· roughs, inlot No. 736 in Franklin. o car Robersofl and Co?a son to Omar Hollingsworth, real estate in TurtJecreek towtl.ship. Frank J. Mardis and Aliee E . Young to Laura Mardis r al estate in Turtlecreek towllShjp. William Shumaker to Georce E. hUmaker, et aI, real estaw ill Phone- 78J Turtlecreek townsrup. Leora D. Shumaker, et aI, to William Shumaker, 87.41 acres in Un ion township. Hazel I . Shumaker, et aI, to Leora D. Shumaker, et aI, 6·0 aeroea 'OTARY PUBLIC in Turtlecrek townllhip. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS William Shulllaker to Georg. E . Bad Shumaker, et ai, 39.34 acres in STATE OF OHIO Turtlecreek townlhip. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Willa Dl'aW1i - • E.ta._ Seul.d WAYNESVILLE, OHIO The Pe ollles Building, Loan and Col ....... , OIaio, M.y 5, 1934 Savings Co. to Pearl P. Black, in· lots No . 61 and 66 in Harveysburg tlNI PRWI!: ONTRAl"r t.tea 1II.1e " ·ork,. Nat'on.1 John H . Rboades to Lambert B. a er,. ... __ tel•• , ......J..... DR. H. M. WILLIAMS Rhoades, 40 acres in Clearcreek .No. _ 0 township. ')STEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN ..41 Mary Goonan Shear r deceased Sell I d prolloaala will be rect'h'.d SURGEON to Elizabeth Harding, ~t al real at tine otfl ce of th Slale Highway Dlrect.or of Ohio. at 0lumbu8 hio Speci.1 AU••tioll to Rectal ••eI estate in Franklin township: until two o'olock I). 01 .. Easte ..; la Db..... Frank and William Fink to Eli- Standard Tim. Frida)'. May 26. 1934 . Improvementa In : LEBANON, OHIO Babeth Hardinl', real elltate in !lor fPl'opoaals NOl. 1, 2 and 3 or lhls R 8 Phone rue. proJeet to be aw&rd d t o the /jam .. ho ne 12 Franklin township. IU one contract) 1 vln. & JlUnuOn Bldlr. Frank Fink and Elizabeth Hud cObtracto r "ro_.1 o. I Wa.rren ount)'. OhiO, on lion ing to William Fink, real eltate in ~orrow IBrldg ) or the 'Incinnati. Franklin. ~neavl11 Road. S, J-L No. 10. U . Robert Tinkler, to William J, lRout e No. t~. In III Village of Mo.. ~,.---__:---.- - - -by con.tru<:Ung 1\ (l ncret Brolwn, real e!ltate in Deerfield wllh conlinuOUI ateN hE-amI! town hip. II. U ', 0', &4' cent l'r t roo.uway 30' nd LW A. C. Fordyce ~o Henry J, Mur.. mew..... .BrIdge 1'>0. W A· 2~· Directol' of' Fu Serrice Fork _ phy, real estate ia Wellman, 1_ 52 ft , or O.Q40 mil . Roland and Okla Davia, Eugene eillUrnallC. coet of co nstru cll n, R. Mueller, John W. COli, et (or PQffiPletion. Decemb,'r Our convenient location, BultaFern L. Heydt, Marion V. _ ..L..L__ L[",.,... ble surroundings and equipment Marie Keltner to tbt State Pre_I N •. :I enable. us to Serve to the Beat Ohio, the uae of real elltate Warren ounty, hlo. on part o( highways. '!! ctlon Morrow or tbe Cincinnati. Advantaae. S Zanetlville Itoad. S H' I ~ S. E. lrfardia. deeeased, to Frank Route No. n, In 't h e' "IHng: or AMBOLANCE SERVICE J . Mardis, et aI, real eitate in Mo~row. b 81'aGIng roadway. build . In~ nOOUllary dralnng-e 8t"Ui:ture Turtlecreek township • and paving ,with POrllanll C" m ~ "t P ..... 21 W.,.e ••me, Obi. Theodore Ehrenberg, Her~rt L concrete. Wldljh : Pavem nt 37' and 28' 6"; Jtoadwa)' 4 ' and 42 ' and Mabel Alice Thompson, Olive Lenglh 2602.66' or O .-I~2 nlll S. and Henry Spinner, Fred and Eat1mate~ coat or ~on9lrUl. tlon ' Golda C. Elbon! to the State of "3180.00, .oa~e II t ror compl Iron D c m. Ohio, the use of real estate t or b r 1, 1,a~.· FOR SALE DATES CALL highways. •..... _1 N .. S Jacob Sell', deceased, to Alma .·~_l Aitl o.e. .Net 1·.,Uet... te Seig, 86.12 aeres in lIn ion town. Warren CO\lnt)'. hlo, 011 part (}r sbip Section Morrow ()It the InclnnaU· . • ZaneavUle ,Rlo!\d, . H . No. to, . S. A. C. and Ella BaYlOre, Anna Routs No. 2Z, In tbe Vllla ..e of Mor· Vella Palmer "'-M row. by paoln.-: ""ad,wIlY, draining . , ,na"ees areonet, and ".vlng wltb P~rt1and ceme nt et aI, Clyde Malin to the State of concrete. Width: l'.vem nt 28'-6'" _...1._ Roadway -42'. ' O h'10, th e ule of real _ t e for Lellcth 143.35 ft . Or 0 .021 mil JESSE STANLEY highways. Eallmat d coat o( p ..netr.uClion U.~1tt.oO. . .va e.e t f or completion, December" . . . . . 110, N_ B.I'II.,•••, au.. Bllb AU..... 1, UU. A of ",ompllance on the EARL lCoocua W. C. Turton, coal. $18.75; Ifn . which wlll. be tur· Ira Eltzrotb, --m . _. , _ ... , Helen JoUrp08e aha.ll b ~- .., "" 1lted by all bldci ra KE ••or••••• Doughman, services, $7; Candis th ElC8CUtiV Order Hymer, erviees, -5,' M- WI'II by th e ,Prel ld«-nt On 'I" .Only .·bld • • ccom· I::::============~= Bryan, services, $10; Stena KeUy c rllfteatea 8ha11 11 services, '7; Mrs. George HlUer: to ~o~~ f~:':4 ~~e ~~dl . services, '10; HI'lL Howard sawrequi r e 8ubcontrael0l'. and • ye-r, services. 'I" -7', Oftlce, furnlahlng maltand luppllea equipment, to III·g n BHullar s upplies, $6(;; clifr Brant. serTiees cer leatea before maklnlt awarde - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ .a-'___, ,1', ltOractor. or pu~cba.e. Buchor.ubeon· •-I.' H. H. WUlia-- - -........... or de.l.rt..... .. m l>optell Wbleh FOR SALE K. B. Oswald. burial ..mcet, .ball be fllrnlldled to the co ntracting $100; Gem.. Cih> Blue Print'" Sap ofp~erda. "I h n. have been pro.ramm.d for FOR SALE - BiJluality Cbi~" ply Co., letterinc aDCle, 94c; £auf t e eo.atructlon of tbl. proj.ct In f . . . .... man's IUPpU... .$ ••77,' Lebanon tb.e lI.IDount <1f , In the rom "oeb carefully culled and event 00. ntraGt unit J)l'lce. Indklate blood tellted for B W D UDder House. dun.en tor jury, $e.'t: • tota oo.t of the ,p roject •• . • . C. C. Oolllna, elerk, court bOll., f.Ja~ned In excea. of th e amount of penonal sllpervillon by Anti,en '946 Kaul' U 80- t~: '.:;tr~T~~~ 'lPf~~,::te .,e.rll<ilJebcet Imethod; W. BIl1' ~ocks, !uJt " '; man. lapp Ie; OC; .hortened If neee •• ary to .. ~"ep ..~ .. Rockl, R. I. -R eds. W. Wyano - "c. Horace F. Compton, eompenatloa co.t of tb k h .~ f .... ,. W Gi -$1; L. P. Cavett Co., tar. ,429 ••'; allotted tbe.".:tc:,r Wit In th e und.,' • anta-IOe; Enl'. W. LeI'. The Barrett Co., •• --'a '''''1.60,' ITh.e National ·Re.mpIOyment S.r- 7~c. Let UII ha"e your ~rder now. . . . . . . . .r.~en·a.Da erVI 'l Cad rplenter. HLocal Office Weisman'. Hatchery, Mason Ohio. Franklin Vala·-i~....... - Co., Lebanon.' .. n F: oor,'urn"h orntheBI.o;c~k_' Phone 28R. ' m81 ........... &1nJ Oh'o. Tires and to-a, .. •• --., e'ho • -III, -an em ~ .,. .·7.· .. v.,.... ...., ~..tul bldd.r ploym en~ lI.t • Shovela, Inc., el'llll1c. buJIiq aDd f;~r!d ~~~~u..r~J~~~.• hall ;be u - FOR SALE-Sweet potato planta, shovels, '3.90; Flack Eqlltpaellt TIll. mInImum .a~e paid to al\ 85e per hundred, 01' three hunnati Oil Worb, Co., $· ~o~C,.l c::::~~ :r~.:t'~~ e.T~oIOYlld dred for '1.00 All kind ...arden Cincinnati Oil WorD hour. . per plants, 10c dozen, three dozen 25e. 15; Sheehan Service PI, o~~~ 11~~:~~I~:f\,.~~lt. to aU On Ferry Road. Strollse Broth.ra, $(J3.99; Ohio ConJrated 0;0 •••....,.. (!Io,ecl 01\ tb la contract 'h~' 1 Route No.3, Waynesville Ohio. Co., sewer pipe, ,«.85; O-nia ,1.00 pel' hOur. ' • 3 Bri --.Tbe minimum paid to all m 1 dl'e Co., steel, $tl.81; Waynft Group S Workers em· FO ville Farmers Exehance, eement, P)oYt d on tbll con'traet ...U be 800 R SALE- 3 fr ah J.e rsey cows. $194: VUJace of lIorrow, Ease- Pe.f.heoUC:;'lnimum w . .e paid to all Unusuany ~ood ,one8. [rene Hen for higbway pul]lOlea, $3500 ~roup 4 .emi-akllled work.r. 8111- de.raotl. R, R. I. ·ml'l Anna L. Brolm. ~aiver of dam- ~G~Y~r t~u~~I. co ntraqt lihllll be ·$150; CharJ. Poppe, waiver The minimum •••• paid to all WANTED of damages, $75; ClaciDllatt Oil ~,,:!ug.,:.::.e~t:.Jla::r5:cm:~~)'~u~n Works Co., Eiaaemellt for Th. aU.aUolI of bidden .. dlrectpurposes, $8171; Sue E. ~b':t~r:If'-:'~~af::rJ:I~Vt~ ~c;,~~~t:c'i WOOL-Consll'l1 'Your wool ' to Euement for hl-.ay pu......... to HIe or 40meatlc material. The Ohi WIG C u 'SO '6 -r~. . . . electlon elf Jabor, .a.. ~ hOllr. or 0 00 rowen oop00; SIJaaIl L. Vandenoon, IIt"PIo J )'tIIe.. t. and cOftdltlona 01 el'lt1ve A.loclaU<> n. 8,000 otber Easement for bleh__y PUP.... = : - l I t . and h!,nd labor lro"en do. In 8 out of 10 yean ,2550; Jlae Ford Anderson.... ftk bJdd_ mu.t .ubmlt w ith hi. wool prh:es are lowest .t Ill_riDC ment. for bleb".,. PIll'POHl. ~~J ~~~~ed~C:~ltntl"(.~).omor uthn.t time, Liberal cub advance on .... 800; Gao,.. aad Battie tI te4 .... ~ .. ..,.. oe.lpt I 1W E••.-.nt .or ....... _ p n _ ::..rna or -to In no .,.ent mor_ E xware 0 woo. lIyn"vlOe FarJDeN .. &' . . . . . _ _... _..~...... Dollar. Co .• local repreaentattv. $8710: A. I. 8eb..,. &lid Cant. ...... IIPIClflcall_. are on SEE U"'t Smith. Eaaament tor ......,.,_ til. I~ ' Ciee 1ttJh. ltate 1I'.h.....- or Wall Paper . . .pt.. .eoo;f 'lIcmow Lam_ ,,_ ".~)' Iree:or_~4 eltM14ent Paintlnc atld all interior dec...-t ~ ...... "'''' Dlreetor I"· Th . or NO'" _'!It I''''b''!..~ ua_ to __ • OftIPIIOn -... S tandl101'Cl. -ml0 A. . . ...... &II I . pupoeee, 0. W'. IIIIftRBLL, for war Dll'eotor


Centerville, Ohio



Stanley' Koogler, Auctioneers 0.,._ Pu..






=.' ,'IO.'",O.? aD. .... aD,.





, P ...u...... S.b.erlptloa PrI.., '1.&0 • Ollie. PJ.o•• ,. . . ....... .. No. 111 Entered at POllottlee actI WaY."'Iville. Ohio. aIL~"d a •••_ Re.1 d _c. .. ............ .. ..... No. 111 Matter




MAY 10, 1934

Let U. Open The Door

Ca itoI Cross Road Chatter

ft . .

4 Million for Relief In Ohio

Total of ,4,712,706, or about '90,000 more than in April, i8 the federal government's eontribu tion to recovery in Ohio in May, Govern or Georg White has been advised by Harry L. Hopkins, f,ederal emeraency relief administrator. Approximately the same number of men will be given employment this month as in April under the federal works divisie)D, which ~pplanted the CWA. There are now approximately 55,000 Ohioans at work on federal workS divis ion jobs.

By Henr,. A. Wallaee In 11 civilized lands today we stand appalled by the tl'agic non:lenge of mit! ry and want in tile mid t of tremendous world stoeks of s!jential goods. cianee has given us control over nature tar beyond the wlldeJ!t imagi nings Of our grandfllthers. But unfortunately ihese utl itud s, relill:ious and economic, which produced such keen cientists ond aggressive busin es men the civilized world over, make it impOIIibl f or us to live with t.he balanced abundance which now would be ours if w were willing 1.0 accept it with clean, understanding hearts. I am deeply concerned in this because 1 know th"t the social Inachines set up by this administration will break down unless they Old-A.. Pen.ion Blank. Dela,.ed are inspil'ed by men who In their hearts catch 8 larger vision than the hard-driving profit motives of the past. Our people on the street and Application blanks for the Aid on th oil mu t ch"nge their altitude concel·ning the nature of man of the aged, originally expected to ·nnd the natUl'e of hUnlan society. The¥. mllst develop the capacity to be aVliilable May 1, have been de('nvision a coop rativ object and be Willing to pay the price to attain layed for probably 15 days. The it. They must have th e. intelligence and the will power to turn dllwn blanks will be distributed by simple solution!! appealing to the short-time selfish motives of a parti- county commissioners or I:Ipecial eular class. local boards. No blanks will be If we could rid the general maslI of our people of that paralyzing l'.avUllla'ble for public distribution lear which breeds and grows at a bare Bustenance level of wages and at the central office in Columbus. pric ,and which IIpreads in time to infect the whole of business and society, it i conceivable that we could proceed in time from an economy of denied plenty, with heaping surpluses next door to bitter hunger Status of NRA Hi,.. way Work to an economy of potential abund nee developed to the uttermost ungrudgingly shared. It is mean and niggardly in a land so wide and NRA projects put under conl'ieh as this on , and many others, to stem the currents of p.roduct~on, tract by the Ohio Department of and to deflect the things all men d ire into channels so IImlted~ for a 'Highwaya will reach 202 with the privileged few. It is bad management. Perhaps we can ~volve In tbis awarding of nine jobs remaining ('ountry all economy that dealM in potentialitIes Instead ~f in de!li!ll. on the schedule under the original Perhapll in time w sha l\ 1> able · to unleash the productive eapa~ltles national recovery highway fund of all our im\ustries, including agriculture. and turn ol;lt for the WIdest granted of ,15,484,502 to Ohio, eli trib ution imaginable the kind of goods 'which AmerIcans and people Highway Director O. W. Merrell throughout the world in $I' 'neral. so achingly. gesire.. has reported to Governor George The purpose of the New Deal is to r VIVa the feelll~g of mutual ubligations and n ighborlin II which marked our early pioneer I\ettle- White. Total of 193 NRA projects ments, and to make that spirit , If ctive throughout the l!lodern mter- have been sold .t a cost of $15,dependent community , the NatIOn 88 a .whole. I wonder I.f one reason 073,817 of which '14,691,294 is that th peopl in tho e simpler lIocietlcs were ~ore nelghbor!y and national recovery highway funds. I 58 inclined to pr y upon one IInother, was not 5lmJ1ly that their fe~r Seventeen of these projects have was of l)oture rather than of their fellow 1!lan. They k~ow for eer~ln been complet~d at a cost of '514,lhlll they did not have to gouge other men 10 order to hve and prOVide 500 for th il' OWll. They weI' free men, secure. They were not driven by . that fear of nameless forces which haunts both farm !,nd elty ~aces thl'oughout thi world now. They were not forced to strike out O"io Top Nation'. Safe.,. against th e remote, anonymous forces; and to .b~ ,uncompron:"smg, Record hal"d and mean in self-d fence. 1 f el that in all CIVIlized countnes we Safety record of Ohio miners 01' all heal·tily sick of 80ch meanness. . That a enforced rn aness h85 throughout mode.m socle~y bec~me for the tlrst quarter of 1934 is fl real mcnace no one can deny. The breadlines testtfy to thl' reaht)'; better than the average for the Ii million fOfC~d sale of :Carms in this country tell another part of the nation as a whole. Between wretched story; and then you have only begun to take co'::!nt 01 all the J:anuary 1 and March 31, 24,492 millions the world over who live in constant and degrading fear that men enrolled in 426 mines in the the same thing may happen to them tomorrow. Ther can be no flnal an8w~r to our present dit:Bcultles; there ~an state had 528 108t..time accidents, hardly be ven a satisfactory tentative answer until we cieefde whlcb or 12,568 tons mined fot- each lost wa we want to go. That question should be debated througho~t time mishap in comparison with A m ~~ica and on the · hi~hest po ible plane. It should be debated In only 6,40S tons mined for each aconire!~, in public forums, in city and in country IIChool~ouse mhie~ cident for the entire mining .indus ing! in every state. Thi time, our courlle must not be deCided be n try. los d doo ra eithel' in Washington or ,on Wall street. The people must be I t in on'the problem. This time, let U8 open the doors and debate ur future course lhroughout the length and breadth of the land. Be ... lt Pe, For Tobacco Cro_ra Benefit payments ,amounting to about "160,000 will be received by growers of burley tobacco in Ohio by June as a result of the federal prodUction control proThe Ohio State UnivCl'sity Radio Station- WOSU Total payments for the years 1984 and 1935 will .reach ap proximately $697,500. Burley 8 :00 Music H SI' h ............. , ......... ·'·R MiUerlPa:d acreage in Ohio will be reduced :06 Farm Adjustment News :15 Milking Hny in a New Way I ... .. .. . .. ..... ... . . . . . . • E. A. Silver about 42 per cent in consequence of the farmers' production control 8:25 Music :40 Insect and Disea es of the Garden ,............... T. H. Parke anrftd program. The first payment, exA. 'L. Piersto pecteB to atrive by June, wi]] be ... .... .. S. M. Salisbury ,20 for each acre taken from proPasture F eeding for Milk Production 1\ :60 y:OO pring Tonic . ..... ." ............ .. ' . .... Mrs. Mary Gedaugh Idulction. The second payment i.s to !): I 0 MUBI . Robert Clark be determined by the sales v ..lue 9:26 Intervi w with 11 Stat Farmer ....... ... . . . ...... ·· II E Elwlne of the crop when disposed on the Il ::J& market. Profesaiiln 9: 4& ~ .- ..... ." , ....... .......... ..................

Farm hight lalhs, Mal' 14 'l

~:r~~i~~S~ia::l~f vS:te~~:~; '.

·a~d F~Od·i~s~c~onHObb·~ ..


COLUMBUS-The fift.1l annual district-state high school contest WBS held last Saturday with tests and programs riven at t.!le five statE!- colleges. The purpose was to. det rmine the best pupils and the best schools of the state from a scholarship standpoint. A total of 5,050 pupils representing 2.00 teams from tbat many county, CIty exempted villages alld private high schools participated in the te ts. The eltaminatiQna were c.onducted at Ohio State univerSIty, Ohio university,' Miami oniversity Bowling Green Slate coUep and Kent State college, with the state divided into five districtll. Each team consisted of not to exceed 30 members, and tbe teste covered tlften subject! contained> in the high acbool curriculum . . Studeflta and teamll received rr.del o~ 76 per cent and over were declared atate winners. Thele will a ..emble ill tbe auditorium at the Central High School Columbus, at 10 a. m Saturday' May 19, to receive ' lI~te scholan:hip awards. The lltate High School Senior awardll will be made at the Hme time. Many aeetions of the state be npreaent ed. Ray G. Wood, State dIrector of scholarship testa,will b, ill charge

scaf[olding that WI.8 erected in the rotunda of the famous ,tructlM'B wal removed last week. revealintr a pleasinc view.



rapl.... •

Two London newspapers "cov· ered" Ihe search for Ihe (tcsper' ado. John Dillinger. by tran~~l · Iantic lelephone. When the pursuit cenlerrd in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Police Chief Thomas Dahill of 51 Plul received Iwo calls from I·: ng· land, one from the London Daily Eagle and one from the Lon dOll Evening News, a,oking for new development!. "It'. Quite an inlere"liog slory over here," said the I.ondoll New. reporter, in explall;itioll of the overseas intuview.



Bobby Jones, of Radnor, Obio, wbo ' will reach home next week after a 16.000....U. trip to Hawaii and weatem statal al national preThe- State Department of Acti- , ,idlnt ot the F. F. A., wfll deeerib. culture has issued a list of Obio his remarkable ~ip in ~Jl interview county and independent fain to be in tale N.tional Farm and: Home beld this year, with the dates of Roul' national broadcaat at noon each. In addition, th~ ()hio State Ma, 14. lOll'" who is onl, 7 Fair is booked for Aqu.t, 27 to yean of ap, Ipoke almoat dailJ September 1. Sevent,-three COURty to farm and civic orranlutiona faira -.vOl be held. .tartintr oft when DOt uta.Ur tl'aowelq. with two, Greene and Lowan, the • Under a new polle)' lDaururated first week in August. The last cobnt)' fair .-ill be Putnam'a the recently by the state UbAl')" the second week of October. The fint thOUMnda of vola_ Oil Ita IIbe1ns Independent fair wUl be Ashle,'s are at the diapotal of til. hunatea ....acu~ 1-8 and two lndependallta of all tile RaW'. m.tItutionl ff1r will be AI iaM AI Deeembar, Blut the ...... Ja napon. . to tbe ot· fton', Deeember 1_.14 and Put- 'ar IlIOn• b, PaIlI A. nam.AUen at Calumbal Grove 1'. MOOD, . . . . LIInrIaD, tIlat tha Deeember 18-19. aWl ..... maJ Mft ,... 1l1li _ _ of &heM boou. tile clrnlatloa of 'l'Iae tatarior of tile vut d. .a or tile 1Ulral7 bu beea tnbled.

the Btate Roue II


The last three years has ahown a larte decrease in tbe number of penona Jlaturalbed in Ohio, according to flcurea compiled by Secretary of State Georee S. Myers. In the statistical year ending .June 80, 1938, there were 8472 persons naturaliled in the state_ Thia compares with the pre_ _ ____ ••_ __ cedlna "ear's total of .,606 .. a de Cash income fr9m sale of creaae of 23 per ceat, and a as farm product. ha the United cent decreue trom tbe 19~1 ~ States is estimatfd at ,408,000,of 6,&711. The ~latlonlhip b earlier yean Ihowl the liSS taun ..OIlOJ",°uf,"O~ 't:rrf!~°':l!:~ t~:~Z:t to be 11 per cent above the 1980 raise tM estimate to total of 2,709, and 6.8 per ceat above till 1920 total of 8,282. In 7,_ 00_0_,_00_O~ _ •._ ......_ lOSS, 19 per eent, or 651, ~f' thOle ,-turaliled WIre born in Ger From 1928 to 1984 numbe~ of manJ~ 16 per ceut in the Brttilh cattle (beef and dairy) increallInlands, 18 per cent- in. Italy, and ed'in the United states ftom 67 12 per cent . .ve Poland .. their million to about 67 million. Dairy native' land. Thus about 60 per eattle numbers increased about cent ()f thotle naturalised came 22 per cent, beef cattle numbers from four couDtrt... . by a simila .. percentare.



--- ....


Best ·of the News Direct From the Ohio State 'Capitol


., ......



Trucks now handle 81 per A f~w pench blo,llOm" have allcent of the bop, 60 per cent of, pured on lOome or th(' hardier the calvea, 46 per cent of the cat-I .. ,. R I tIe, and 26 per eent ot the 8heep vanE-he uc~ ~~ Champ lUll, oc IMr. and Mrll. on 17 Market.. Along with this j l'Kt r Rnd Snllth Havell . These and Mr. and Mrs. and daughter Ruth, of tendency to more trucking there varieties, hllwever, make up only delightfully Ilurprlsed follows inerea!ed tranflit 108 es, ac- I a "ma ll p rccntag .. of till' tl'!' in Rellson Sunday ,~~'ft".. cording to the Ohio Livestock 105~ Ohio. Elbel"tn .and HRle IIJ·!! II Cail Mr. G. M. MacDc,nald. Mrs. PJ'evenLion 8s80ciation. : urI! this year. H. , Tuck r and Mrs. Cllas. Gord n att nded a W. T. C. U. meeting in Lebanon, Flriday. The " Wi1Iing Workers," of the M. E. church met with Mr!'l. E . M. V iIIars Monday eveninlg. The Sun hin e club met with Mrs. Mabel Hosier, Monday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Snell and son, Dwain, of Morlterey, are spending th we k with Mr. and Mrs. J, W. n II. Mrs. Mary Surfa(!j~ was in Middletown S unday vil;iting relatives. Mrs. Evelyn Shumaker and daughter, Marjorie, were Sunday afternoon callers among their many friends. Charles Gordon and Evelyn McCarren, of Walhonding, were week 23 end visitors here. WHALESI Many attended the Old Fiddlers' contest given by the· Sunshine I club at the gym last Friday even- LITTLE AMEUlCA , ANTAHCTI mous blue Whale Jump clear oul 0' CA. Apnl 30- (vla Mackay Had tbe "'lIltH with three kllhn whaleling. , 10) . Llte goes aloo~ with Ull . attac hed to 111m Miss Laura Ward and Mrs. Ed On tbe way down I had 1\ long, Dakin are on the sick list. Their Ilmootbl1 but busil y Outdoors II 18 many friends hope for them a nIght-li me and we doo'l Btray 1010 'talk about wbal 8 will! OIDmon 't any more lban we ba ve to I Ilm dtol OJ rt6llD . cOlDlDo\iore of tb p speedy recovery. About one hundred attended , "ClDnIDg to get IlCCUllomt'd 10 t;xpedlt1on . whQ baB navlgaled tbee wat ra Illor than nny !Dall th Masonic Inspection here last thll nlgbt IIt&-24 bou ra a day . Pl;'Ilctlcally all the men ar!! ke ell· alive. having lrliVI.'I·S d th ' Antarc Saturday night. The Eastern Star will have their Ing dIaries, Bome of wblch 14'111 lilt r Ilc Ice-pack Il~e 11m II In ench dl inspection next TuesdllY evening, , be tUrne<! Inlo books. I SUP IIOl4e l:io lectlon Since Ills tlrsl trIp dow u " ar tbere bas been very 11111 11 lit er bere In 191 I wllb Amundsen. dl.B May 15. ' . Mrs. Anni e Von DorEIn entertain al'J effort. We"'e all Deen too bUSY . coy rer of tbe Soutb Pole. H tol\l cd her niec e from Dlayton last ' In fact. we baven't Ilaa tllllt' to 118 rue abODI tbe !!1l0rlDOUS el!!el wbal ten 10 more tban a tew radIO pro Ing shipS. Ulostly N~rw ginn . an rl week. · Mr. Everett Villars spent the grame. mOllt of wblcb reacb us 11)1 called "WhRllng factori es." which w .. ~ of Nf> 7nAIand or AustraliA corne to. and sometimes Ibrougb week-end with his family. The Friend' QuatteJrly m~ting :--~~~-!: ' Ve are sllli dIg · tbe HOBB ICt' pack lind capture from ing tUDnel s. I'bla 700 to 1I00 wbales Bcb In II slngl will be held here Saturday morn• 8lmplebutback. BIla80n I thougbt Ihls Wile 8 sbame' ing, May 12. :·eaklng We dig nd-lol<l lbe Command I tbat tb e Quite -a number at"tended the I I reucb leY e Q wbales IDU I soon be exterminated Passion Play at Wilm'ington last eel de!!p 10 Ille al Ibis rale. week. .uow. lint: t:IICII ··!'Jot·· ne saId. "They will never The Givic League will meet at <I de wltb bo~~ ~ 01' De extermInated Tbere are count the h ome of Eva MacDonald lood or IUIlPlles leBB thou sands of them In the wal· Saturday evening, May' 12. . Iud roottbewbole era around tbe Antarctic contlnenl Mrs. Frances MacDonald, ot hlng oyer wltb and tbe wballng sblpe cover only Wilmipgton college will be the big block~ 01 Dara a tiny fm ction ot tbese woten. speaker of the evening. " It cos·ta about $J .60U.UOO to out· Supt. Francis and family re- , Dr. Thomoll C . 81\014'. In a few turned Sunday from a week's visit ' Poult.r, our\,re or Oay a tbe lit olie ot tbt'se eXI!edltlonll and tr , mand., Pro Tem.enUre lunnel ,I Ibe average ca leb go a down ttl with relatives in West Union. : covered many teet <leep Wltb oIUow- around .00 wbales tbe ellp dltlon!! ~ ....---dnft. Thle bouse 01 Ueqrge !'Jo- will lose 1D0n y and will be aban· DUSTLESS TRAVELS ville'. wbere I live 18 now com. done<l . ~xI)edltloD. wltb smaller FOR OHIO M40TORISTS pletely buned. Tbla snow. ellpecla l. Bblps can nev\:I lJ}ake serIous 10 ' Iy 00 tbe lurtace. Ie 80 fiDe and roads on llle buge numbers or , dry tbat It can sneak througb we wbalea 10 Ibis regIon:· Embarking in a ·fore-sighted pro- Unleat openIng. If a bole Iwo Inches Tbeae whaling fa ctorIes are tregram to pl'ovide dustlesli travel for In diameter Ie made In a tunnel. mendoua steel elllllll wltb great Ohio motorists and rurnl residents the entire tun Del will be blocked openings In Ihtl bows tbrough this summer, the Stat.!! Highway up In twelve bours. wblcb tbe wbales al Mu led . They Department has mapped out plana . W. are all alone bere on lbe Ice. 8IDell awtul. The actual wbale kill for the oiling treatment of appro- All lbe pengUins. seille and gulla Ing Is done wlLb smllll. pow rful ximately 1,275 miles of secon- bave lett us. tor beaven only fall mOLor boala , called "cbaael's. " dary state roads. knowl -bere. Even the whalea.llave uBually live to a factory . Every The progl'am will get under way ,one trom tbe Oay or Wbales. scrap 01 a whale 18 used . 'rbere May 7, Highway Director O. W. wbere lbere were bundl·eds ot tb m II no WlSle \\' hatever. Merrell has informed Governor a montb ago George Novllle I\\'eara ADd now lbe (\oy SCOUts ate White and will be comJlleted June I b. II going to catcb one next Octo· JoinIng OUI club Sw II ! I wlsb ev· 15. Individual project;s will be ber snd II laylog deep plane for ery Scout In AlIlerlcA would Join pushed forward as rapidly as pos- Ibis personal conquest of bill. becaflse I'm Bure our actlvilles will Tbey lell me wbale meat II very be of great Inte~e8t to all of tbem sible in order to have available an improyed oil-treated rOllte free of line eating. black but tender and Tbe latest troops to enroll ID A dust for the heavy volu1[Jle of sum- amazIngly lIourlsblog. I'll probably bod,. I learn trom tbe Club by rad. mer traffic. know all about lillB "ben we cap. 10. are tbose 01 th/! Oblo Soldler8' The oiled road is one of the Iture a few DaKt lime the lun ~Blts anCl Sallora' Orllbans Home at most economical in th,e low cost , UI. Unfortunately. bowever •. tbe Xenia. Ohio. and lhe troop at JUg. field. While considerable damage beat wbalee to eat are Ule blue b)l, Idaho . tb e latter wltb lO~ has been done to this t~lpe of road wbales tor ",bleb I bave a great 1IC0utS. To dnLe 166 school and col during ~he spring thaws due to the i r..llnl of Iy~patby on account of lege classes have enl·olled and eRcb severitY of the past winter an ex- , th. meenneAl wllb wblcb they are memDer bl\s ree Ived tbe blue mem cenent riding and dustleSIJ is treated by tbe killer wb'lIl .. Killer berablp card /lod tbe beautltul 20 lf.t turnished throughout the year ex- ",bales! Tbere·a 8 beastie ror you! b)l 27 .lncb working m p ot A.narc cept for this short period with a re In m1 opinion tbl. \e tbe crueleet Ilea all without coat. and lbe leach lative sma)) cost per mile for re- anImal In tbe ...·orld. Tbey lire era ba17e recf'lved a personal radio pairs and new treatment. .maller tban the oUler wbales by message trom AdOlira1 Oyrd. Teacb . Approximately two-thirds of the man1 tona. running only up to el1! aod, Scout Master8 should give work on the oiling program will be around to reet trom polnled nose .bome address a or pupils or troop done by contract, while the re- to Glpplnr tall . Bul they are 80 members and enclose 3e atom p tor maining one-third will be n ..,rf".' ...."_1 feroclou. tIIat tbe bIg whales , OD eacb. Otbers deslrtng to JoIn tbl a ed by the highways department ' wlllCb the, pre,. buen't a cbance. fast growing {liltionsl organization . labor. Tbelr pet blblt I. to IttaCk tbe bIg wltbouL cbarge, should send cleat· In Warren cf)unt.y a total of 8.4 blue wbale. eat out bll tongue and Iy self·addressees, 8tamped en "elope miles of secondary state roads are .et blm Idnft to die mfaerablJ. to C. A. Abele, Jr., President, to be oiled. This inolud~~!1 8.4 mile Comlog throuS-b the Ro.. Sea 00 Hotel Lexlngtoo. 48th Streel and for retreatment. the Jacub Ruppert. 1 . _ an 411101' Lellingtoo Avellue. New York ' City.

Timber prices in Ohio are increuinw, but not unifonn1y the state. --,-- - ...- - - cWa_ Br.n.. Col•• Cblllese blOul. coin. of abOut 100 B. 0 .. were made Ill.the Ihape of Uttle kal... aDd otber traa. artlclel. tliua IDdJeatiDi that tba coin wal worth the artl~l. repretleDted. .~


CalIf. . . . . . . . Illata J_.... It a maD fOu14t Jump .. fJr In eomparIaon to hi. own wetaba .. a Oalllol'llla .... be could ~eb tile IIIOOQ In ten Jump.. TIll." tile .. tlmate otreJ'ed bl Scl..... Ne1l'l

........ ................

---_. ............ ----



White ROIe,-Pow hind the enlln•• pi


CARY'S JEWELRY SHbP LEBANON, OHIO We have a complet Watch Sen-ice Prices Reasonable nead. RcsLrll rig .11 wclry Repaired _ __ "THE HOME OF GIFTS"





---...... -.-.--


ROBBERS' NEMt::SIS A joslh:d telephone· pr'oyed to be the slip Ihat led to the capt~re of two filling station bandits in Barnes· ville, O. In makinl; I h e i r cn lran c~ Ihroilgh a rear wind~)w of the slation early on~ Sunday morning. t:he robbers ' accidenlly . knocked over a lel ,e phone. throWlng the n:ceiver off the hook. • "Blclcks away. in th,e telephone exchlm.e, a light flashc:d on , the switc:hboard be'ore Chloris Henderson, night tele,ho.n e operator. . Thinking it was an ordinary tall, .he operator answered with he, ~sual "Number, please." There was nf) response. Then she heard noile. lIer tbe line, which were made by he rummaging of the two robbera. Trsjned 10 .ul1lect ir'reguJaritie~ n .aeh case •. the operlltor immctiately notified the poJic,~ wbo har· ·ied to the filling Although the :ore the officers .....i".. ,~ 1P captured Ius t robbery on a ~..."'....... .IilUnce from Barlllll1,ille. valued at more thaa ~red.












WHA'l' A








It • 62-'p ", mOlll"l, m.... ,I •• c,",mlll' lull o~ "Wl~

IItbl... clUDDin. MId "appl ••• tol1 •• ndplclur., ysl J.a.b lll l n fo rml.tlou about I UN. revol vCltO.1Iablnl tacl'e. glun t • • • ch.DI .... bed pi .... \0 o.lItb and 1 _

I.. .


HUNTING A. FISHING f--»- Bldg. eoe.o". M....



, tie


K. of P. children' Hum. Mrs. Mllrgaff't John.s entertained to 12 o'ck k dinn r Sunday .• Ir~ Mar)' Doster, M.r. and Mrs. Chat'le!' HOHter and Mis~ Caroline U8SlIm, of neill' WilminghH1, Mr. and ~Ir~. lenn Johns and children, Paul and Vivian, and Mr. Elizabeth mith, of Dayton and Mr. Mal-tha Hough, ot Wayne~ ill . Mr. and Mr~. Wilbur Foulk entertained to dinner unday n number of relative in honor of the birthday of the latter. 'rho ., th d M d enJoytng e ay wel'e, r. an lIh . Thoma Turner lind son John Mr . .and Mrs. Hansford Tewell and fa,nllly, Dr. and Mrs. E. ~ojfer , MIsses June and DoriS Rohm on, Billy Hoff r and Millard Tewell of Franklin, and Mr. and Mrs. harles Evans and Mrs. Florence Kirtz, or Dayton. . _ __

Bread Company, the home prNent from th Episeop 1 pari A ctivitia o( tlte I. "CDayton Miami Maid BHad. ~I! In Wllmingtun, I.ond,'n, Wa hWednesday's tour tarted with inJEton, . II., Xf.'niu and Wayne_School Durin. the Producerll' ooperative Com- ville. mlSlllon ompany in Cincinnati, ---- - ---Commencement where students wer·. given an illNOTICE


Mi! Julia Chatlf'ton and her moth!'l. llrt'. A. R. Charlfton, Litt": BI'II)" Thunla ha. lh~ J1f.'llt the "H'ek-end "ith Mr. and m a I" . )lr,. Willinm Tl'x~nburjt', at inMr . Mllrjtan·t Hadl·y nnrl ~h •. dnnnti. (:'1\1\'ln I ..,nKael·!' WCI!' 11\ 1)0)ll.n :.rl . CI)'de Wharton and Rer,)JOJllllnA' . lIIall Lltld Mi!<" Velma ~mith atMr.. fOn'1 Whal'tlln , of Leb· (~nded lht> dediclltion service "f al .on ~p nt ~ev rul d, )':\ IIIH Wl'l'l< j th(, 111'\\ Opt'ra hou. at Lebanon at the> home or fr. and !Ii!'!'. I~'cle Sunday all rnoon. What'ton. .. II". and MI'. 'harleh Gehhart ,Phylh~ 1 rk f. I?ayton wa a nlld falllily, of 1iam ishutIC \\er • unday guest of .Ml,n~m Wharton. Sunda" visitoJ' of 111 r. and ;\lr:>. Donald and VIrg1UlI\ Foulks Ilt~ tend ed a party in Dayton Friday II ·my Foulks. evening at the home of Mr. and Mr. and Mt'.. 1)'1,1 hULL and Mrg. Edward Drew in hon r of the 'l mily mo\' d from Wa.,n ville birlhda of their 80n Irvin. . tu ["'Iank Tl'I 0I1'-I)n'8 Ill·opel·l.y . Y , MIS lItary Young hBll b .en ill h re, !;nturciay. MiF~ ~ l\firillm Whllrton, Ev Iyn j\lI' everal week~ and WIll be lind Francis John and Dorothy unable to fini h thl8 term of scbool Graham look part in the ~chool pro aivin Longa re, who has .em~Iam at Waynl'8ville Grange ploymt'nt at Denborn, MICh., Sat!l l'day veninlt. "pent the week-elld with hi s fam· Mis~ H I n and Ruth Early were iI here. shopping in Daylon Friday. Mr. and l\hs. Charles Clark and Little Janice and Ph IIis Burnett Mr. lind Mrs. Waltcr lark spel)t spent the week-end with their atul'day in Dayton. ~r ndparents, lr. and MI'. Ed Mr. and Mr . th Furnas and Thomas in Waynesville. children, arah Corine and Buddy , , l\lis Virginia Foolks i spend· ;wert' unday gue ts of Mr. and tanley Brittian, neal' Riching this we(!k with DI'. and Mr~. J. Mr E. Ho/fer and family il'\ Franklin. mOIl'd, Mrs. William Brooks has been Ind. iU for a couple of week~, but is Mrs, Kesler Graham and daugh ler, Mi Bernie pent aturday some better now. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gerrard shopping in the Gem city. nnd children ved from the Mr. and Mrs. Ed Longacre in Brown property to Dayton, Mon- company with Mr. and Mrs. Wilday, where Mr. G nard has em- bert wank, of Dayton, motored to incinriati, Sunday and visited Mr and Mrs, John Fite and family. White the depen- Mr. and Mrs. Don.ald Hadley attended th alumni of Adams dable Gasoline. Township, near Willmington Satur day eve ning, of which Mr. Hadley is a member. Mr. and !'lIra. Joseph Githens entertain d to a family dinner on unday, April 29, celebrating the 78th birthday of . Mr. Githens. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Forest Gith ens, Mr_ and Mrs. Elywin Stubbs and FranK Githens, In caskets, as in every Dayton and Everett Githens. other kind of merchandise Mr. and MM!. Harvey n",Tnet motored to Cincinnati Monday. there is a wide range of The latter's uncle, Mr. Ben 'Rosquality and value. The nagle accompanied them home. As funeral director who W<1Uld they WE1'e leaving the city a car serve his public well, from a side street hit them, damag must select products which ing their auto some, but no one was hart. offer the most in matenMiss Velma Smith a nd brother ale. design a nd equipment, Hermon attended the funeral of for t he price paid. W e deal their aont, MJ'lj. Charles Smith at with the most reputable Waynesville, Monday afternoon, Mrs. Smith was a former Lytle manufacturers in t his resid nt. field, and can g'u arantee Everyone is cordiall y invited every article shown in our to attend the Mother's Day service display room as a quollty at Lytle church next Sunday product. morning. R v. H. H. Lafferty will be present. He will preach here every two weeks at \I :30 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick E. McClure aod James Haines, in company Phone 7 w\th Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cast, of Way nesville, motored to SpringW.yneaville, Ohio field Sunday. They visited Mr . Mat'shall Harlan at the Masonic Home, also Ferncliff cemetery and


Mother's Day. A. H. 1\11': Ilnd .1 r.

spent Lake.


MonlS \"el!k-end at

rnhnm lndian

Mrs. Paul Bool'lIm, oC Bellbrook, v-i;;itl'd friends here, Tuesday evening. Plenty of those famous MethodLt doughnuts at B~lk ale, May 12.

(Continued f rom Pace U rol' 'in innati on their first indus. tr'ia l tour. The first. tOp wt\s at the recently.completed U nion Terminal Station where a guid explained all the details of this great terminal constructed at· a cost of $136,000,000. They then went to the R okwood. Pottery and to the neighborjnr glass works. Aftfr eueing dinner, the afternoon was Ilnjoyably spent at the Zoological Gardens where th'e Biology class round specially interesting exhibits. . On Tuesda)l, the group went to Dayton, stopping first at the National Cash Register Company, where guides conducted the students over the entire factory. The next stop was at the office of the Dayton Daily News. Here guides explained the workings of a newsper office, and gave each student a copy of the "funny paper" of the next unday edition. A photograph of the entire group was taken and the picture published in th News Thursday. The afternoon was sp nt at Wright Field, with its countless attractions, und at the

Mr. lark ali sbury is villiting his parents, Mr. and Mr. W. P. Mr . Raymond Wil On pent the ali bury. week-en d with her parents, Mr. MI·s. J . P. Larrick spent Illst lind irs. Ernest Hurl y, of ' ncar Friday with the Rab . family lit New Burlington. Mad isonville. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Haines Mr. and Mrs. Frank Andrews nnd family were dinner ~uests of Mr. and .Mrs. Benjamin Carey. and and ons, of Dayton, called on Mrs Mr. and I\lr8. Herbert Carey of Emma Hamilton, Friday. nellr areytown, unday. Mr . Howard taniey i sick at Mr. and Mr . A. Z. Hartso k and family of ncar Wilmington, called this writing. Mi s June heets and Dorothy on relative bere, Sunday. Bogan visited the Wayne ville MI'. and irs. al'l anker of High school on ·Tuesday. Mason, were week-end guests . of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Sears and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. J. lB. Gons. family visited Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wilson Mr. an d M rs . .C,. B . Ch lipman, 0 f , ampbell on Social Row, Sunday. and -daught r, Jeannette, were din IIcr goe l at the McIntire home, Dnyton, were gUiests of MI'. and Mrs. E. C. ran and daughter, near N w Burlington, Sunday. Mra J, B. Chapmsm on Wedne day. Barbara, are Duyton visitors toMr. and Mrs. Raleigh Bogan !'Ifr. and Ml·S. Herman SUI'face, day. attended the funeral of Mrs. Ben of Middletown, visited Mr. and Mrs Miss Louise Henderson was a Howel l at Port Wililam, on Tuesorg Hart ock, Saturday ev n- week-end guest at the home of Mr. G day afternoon . and Mrs. Joseph T. Willhoff and Mi s Helen Leamjng and sister, ing. r.iargaret, went to the "-H club Mr. und Mrs. E. L. Thoma were family, at Coldwater, Ohio. meeting laet Thursday atternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry BurSJHtrlay dinner guests of Mr. anll at the home of Mrs. Je se Hill. nett. and hilch'en at Lyt1l!, on Sun 1\11' . fra Rich and family were Mr. The fo llowing guests were enter- day. and Mr . H. R. Moss and family, tained at dinner on Sunday, at the and Mr. Gilbert Frye, home of Raleigh Bogan and family :Maynard Rich , of O. S. U., giv n in honor of Evan Bogan's' OIUOlbus, spent fhe week-end with Miss Catherine Branstrat o r, birthda y which was one day last his parents, MI'. and Mr" J. B. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. V. week, Mr. and M1s. E. O. Bogan Rich, Branstrator, has been employed a akes, light or dark; . pi s, II high school in tructor at Clarksand family of Dayton, Mr. William Smith, of near Moraine City, Mr. covered or one t:rust, at Hawke- ville for the ne'xt ~c:h ool term. S he and Mrs. Weldon Wilson and son, Gerald, Q! near Xenia, Rev. and LeMay office Ma~r 12, 10 :00 a'. m. will replace a married teacher whQ lost her position because of a n ew Mrs. W. E. Bogan of near Spring- on. rule now in effect in t he school, ~Iiss l\fary Louise Lukens, o! Miss Bl'anstrator will graduate Valley a nd lb. and Mrs. Horace F Compton, of near Burlington. Harv ysbu1'g, spe·nt the wi!ek-end ft'om Wittenberg college, SpringSome of Gur people attended the with her grandmothel', Mrs. Lena fteld, this spring. "Passion Play" at Wi lmington, Hartsock. Last week. Mrs. Joh n K. Preston entertain-, Mr . Olive Curl, of Dovel', Ohio, cd a group of lrlends at a bridge Sunday May 13, is Mother's Day former matron of the Friends luncheon on Tuesday, The guest More and' more each year sons and Hom , called at he home on Sun- Ii t included Mrs. Robert Anderson daughters are showing their re- f day. Mrs. Wm. Hopple, III., Mrs. Nixon membrance of t he beautiful cus- j M r d M E l l i P '. h d Lutz, Mrs. Frank We tennan l !drs tom of setting aside the second d. . an rs • owSe d ell cMe. a Tom Lloyd, Mrs. Wade Shepard, Su nda 3' in May on which to pay las mner &:ues t s on on. a~, 1 ses Mr . Leslie Webb, Mrs. Fred Pent. t t r1'b u t e t 0 our m!> th era. 0 n thi 8 and AnnaMaster LOUise and Mommla Hoak ilarge' aU of Wyorrung, Cincinnati JUS Benton Honk day those of us who al'e so fortun- I . an.d Mrs. Wallace Graham, of ate as to have her with us do. well M1·. and Mrs. Walter Cast and Middletown. . to express our love, our gratitude Iseveral friends, visited Mr. Marsh- I Mr and Mrs J ohn Ry~ Qf and tender ~eve:ence that only a all ~arlan at the Masonic Home in Mount Holly, Mr : and Mrs. Charles mother can msplre. Sprlllgfield, Sunday. I Rye, Mr. Cha rles Satterthwai te, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= The Farmer~ club met Lau ra Conner and 80~ Earl ;;.. atte nded t h e f un eral 'of the M. E. chur~~h. Mr. Morris their a unt and sister-in-law, Mrs. ilve~as hostess lit tbe m~eti ng. Rebecca R. Wolwtt at Lena, Ohio , T hursday, May 3. Mrs. WolMI'. and Mrs. Wm. Watt, of cott has been a stlbscr,iber of The Fra.nklin, called on M~. and Mrs. Miami Gazette fo r 66 years. George Hartsoc\" Sunday af~r­ noon.

Caesars Creek


Protecting Our Patrons

sight to ~toekbuying as followed under cooperative systems. The I \\ ill Hot b 1'1.'. ponsibl for my Kahn Packing mpany entertainwile's 01' hl'l' mot her's cI bt ~. . ed the group at luncheon lind conHAR LD C. RAHAM ducted them through the packing -m17 house afterwards .. On the return _ _ _ __ trip to Waynesville, slops were I R th d made at the Tennessee . hcmieal Wh te 05e, e epen~ Company at Lockland, and at thc dable Gasoline. new' transmitting station of WLW at ~son, which was being dedicat-


ed that evening, On ThursdaY' th group visited the Taylor tre t branch of the Frigidaire Corporation, Dayton. Guides conducted the students through most of the fa«tory and explained the more important facts about the construct jon of th frigidaire unit. The next stop was the Dayton Rubber Company, where students were privileged to see Dayton Thoroughbred tires, belts, etc. in construction. The. lost ity branch stop was the Morain of the Frigidaire, whel'e the machines are assembled and shipped out to dealers. ATTEND "GU E ST DAY"

; ~. with our customers Every Employee

Today all that ia changed. Mothet1l and wives find It is possible to enjoy leisure time in their h om", thanks to electric accessories to be had at your local stores. May we su,&est you avail yourself of opportunities to do yoW' home tasks electrically '1-


REPRESENTATIVE IN OUR COMPANY each employee considers himself THB com PIll'Y. To the end that custo m ers may be properly taken care of from the greatest to the least important n eed, oUr employees are trained always to conduct themselves as representatives of a company such :a s ours a re ex· p ect ed t~that is, to be p repared for whatever the customer wants in the way of service. We ask you to remember thi!l. Have no hesitancy when you , need us to call us.

EASY to do Business With US

ELECTRICITY, on the Farm THE LAT E ST statistics fro m the government sho w that almost one million farms in our country use electric service for ' a variety of laborsaving uses. Think ba ck only a very short time w hen electricit y was not availabl e t o fa~mers . Wives fpced dru dgery from sunup to ~ undown. N ow a lo w cost service is a. va il able. ~

MOST PEOPLE prefer to do busin ess with 8 company that is o perated in aound business ways. We pride ourselves that lJlis is the method. we pursue. Customers (to the number of more than 100,000) in the territory we serve, lonl ago discovered that what we .,ree to ' do we will do. In ahart, we adhere to the old principle that the customer must be satisfied. It is a good bUSIness principle to serve users of our ljIervice in the manner they desire. In this way the customer , is happy, we are happy and relationships o~ a deSirable kin~ are maintained.



WOMEN Live Longer Today YEARS AGO women w re worn out with their hous hold duties long be fore th(y were very well along in years. A s an example, Lincoln'. mother wa s barely 40 when she died.



TAKE THE BILL you receive from us each month and divide it by the number of memben of your family. That will give you the cost per peraon per month. Then divide it by 30 days. That will give you the coat per . person per d~. The result will aurprise you,

Misses Janice and Ith yllis Burnett, of Lytle; silent the week-end with their grandparents, Mr. a nd M I' . E. L. Thoma s.

Mrs. C. R. Frazier, Mrs. Edith Banis, Mrs. Anna adwallader, Mrs. 'Ronald Hawke, Mrs. L. H. GordOn, Mrs. Emma McClure, Miss Emma Heighway and Misses Annie and Mame Brown represent. ed the Woman's Auxiliary. of St. Mary's church at the "Juest .day" luncheon and meeting at Christ chur'ch in Xenia, on Wednesday, Rev. and MI' . J. J. chac/fer Were pl'ellent lind Rev. Schaeffer gave an lnteresting and instructive addres in explanation of the liturgical co lors of the church . Guests were

let Us Show

Mrs. Fred Gons and daughter, Helen Margaret, Messrs. Elias Oglesbee and Ro bert Gons were Dayton visitors (Ill Tuesday. .



La d le.' Dre ••e •• 70c Men'. S u it. 65c Q~i c lc.- for quality drJcleanill&

• I


D.R.SMITH ' Phone No. 19

In this climate, fence must have real fiabtina qualities, or rust will socn weaken it and then destroy it. R ed Brand Fence is a two fisted fiahter. It iights rust, fil1lt, w!t~ a heavy Galvannealed o uter costma; second, "4ith a real copper t>c:aring inner section. Double p'rotectlOnl T his two-way rust protection adds years to its life and $aves fence dollars for you, Let's talk it over. ~J

Waynesville farmers [xchange Co. Phone 25


Wayne.ville t Ohio


The Mother's :Day tabl'eaux for t he Gl'allge meetilog of May 26 will pl'actiee at G ranl~e ha ll May 12 at 8 p. m. Those alJked to take part please be present. Mr: an d Mrs. R oss Hartsock and childr en , Mrs. LIma Hartsock and Miss Ethel Mendenhall attended t he "Passion Plal~' f at the Murphy theater in Wilmilngton Jast week.


Mr. and Mrs. ]!ioss Harblock attended the wedding ot the latter's nephew, Mr. Roblert Baker to Mias Gertr ude Moellelming, at Cincinnati, Wednesday.

43% MORl .Non-Slcicl



AncJ h.r. 'I the

GO'O D ,'NEWS This marvelous new G-3 All· Weather with IUmany adftln-

taaes oyer any other tire on tbe market coata you nothlna • estta.

• Come see thIa brute-for-punlahment ...;. CbII

areat new "G-3" that Goodyear has


tested, proved out under terrific abuse, to more than ofteet'the harder wear put on 'dreI bJ" today'. (..t-stepplng,fast-stopplna automo- I bUes • • • It'. a COItliertire to build but Dot t., b"y-conlid~ that importaDt fact too .. you look It over and we think you'll eay: "~t on. eet." SUNOCO CAS AND OILS







Come an d see what we have t he F ri endshi p Club Bak e Sale

The Boy Scouts will probably take charge af tlile Memorial Day services, May 80. Plans have not been arranged butt a &'Ood apeaker for tile af~rl1oo ln is anticipated. The prOl'l'am will be published in a later Issue.

FOR SAL Plants, 1 anu 2 yeal' old perennial flowel: plants, ~o­ mato s, cabbllg , mnngo lind sweet potato plant. G o. Pe t erso n, 1 mile from Waynesville On B i1brook pike. ' mlO

....son. for lJuyln.


Mrs. Opal Reason was hostess t9 t he members of tne Happy Hour clUb on . Tuesday' afternoon with Mr!!. Warr en Bra'ddock, a SSistant hostess. !l'he pr1ojfJ,"am con sated of numbers. appropriate -for Mother'B Day.



Mr. and Mrs. Leon Salisbury a nd child"en, of Sabina, called on Mr. and Mrs. W. p , Salisbury, Tuesday eve ning.

Mrs. Flossie GarEY, M·n . Smith, IMrs. Hannah Taylqr, MilS Lucy . Emley. • MeIllTl. Cheater a8Te~ and Ernl!st Smith spent Sunday at the home ot Leander Carey and family , near Dodds.




La te CIassified Ads




Eighty-Sixth Year





Whole Number 6118

THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1984




I t, is said that. the Harv eysburg Susan Jane Smith, daughter of Miss Anna Marshall died lit the Friends Home on Wednesday night .rohn and Katharine Cottr II, was bonk paid iI Ilivid e nd of 75'1.' Lo ut' posito l'R on W t!tln ·sele y. " after an extended illness. Miss born at Newmarket, Ohio, June 9, 1867, and quietly and unexpectMarshall had been a resident lit. the edly passed away at the home of home for several ytiars. her daughter, Mrs. William Ber\ [s Waynesville to have Memorial ' r--::;~""-----""'--" Funeral arrangements will not n.rd, I on May 4, 1934, at the age of Defeat. Silver Lake By A Score Day exercises at Miami Cem etny be made until the arrival of rela76 years 10 months and 25 dllYs. Of 6 to . . this year? llv 8 thil5 (Thursday) afternoon. She wall united in mariage to The Wayne Town hip Trust es Superintendent J, W. Lo.. Will Th e Waynesville Merchants .with the help of council in former harley Smith, March 5, 1880. Two SUlpcc:h Que.lioned B~ Head Townlhip S,etem To Uleir union were born nine were successful in winning their 'yean '!lade adequate appropriation Marahal Joy But A .... children, two of whom and the second game of the Iseason b de- Ifor thiS .observance but failt!u to Another Year do so thiS year and many o r our husband have preceded her in .. ' . Y Given Re.le •• e death. Left to mou'rn their loss are fea.tln g SlIver Lake at Silver Lake, citiz.ens are wondering whether two daughters, Mrs. William Bet:- OhiO, by a scol'e of 6 to 4. This the day will pass with ou t th e = =======:====== upcl'inte nden t J . W. Lotz waS Loot which consi ted of cash, ralle hilS liard and Mr. Roy Buhrman; five was a very clo~ely c(mtested game lu8ual homage to v terons wbo MI's. E. I' tainetl as sup erintendent 01 clothing and two pistol was obsons, Carl, George, Ellsworth Ben and although the score sllows some ,have given their lives in war: of Wayn e T ow.nllhi p schools for tained Tuesday night in Waynesand Ellis; sixteen grandchiidren, Trors there was some very splim- the past and other lov~ d ones wh o Thomas lork is ver y another yea r at. a meeting of the ville by bu rglan who visited not one brother, Frank M. of Brook- did ball played. Silver Lak scored have gOlleto greater reward. hom e on Fl'anklin road. b anI of ed ucation Tuesdai night, less than foul' residents. held for t he purpose of selecting Born to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon ston, Indiana and a number of re- fir~t when McDonald singled in the This Cll tomal'y appropriation of Mr. a nd MI·s. arl Mc lure, a nd Breaking in throllgh a windoW Simpson, Saturday, May 12, 1~S4, latives and friends. thud followed by Bm·trons single. $25 was made lOr a suitable family , of Dllylon. visited MI·s. the teaching . taff for the 1934-35 in nch ca th thiev s worked a son. The greater part of her life ha B. Weller th n let one get jAway speak er and other incid ental exterm. with precision. be~~ spent ill Warren county. for a few feet and both runners penses which includ d hi.ring of Mary McClur , Sun day. Members of the board were unAt th home of RUIIBel Bentley, Fadmg health made it necessary advanced to seco~d ~nd third .re.. a band. Thi s has not been provid d . MI'. an d M I'~ . J . C. Hawke spen t cer tain as to the len gth 01 next Dr. A. T. Wright is visiting his lhey obtamed tw revolver. It for her to spend the last years of spectlvely. Brown s smgle scOred Shall Waynesville citizens peryear's school term, no action is believed tni was t.he first re- on Alfred and family, at Colum- her life in the homes of her chil- both men but Brown was retired mit this annual observance to fall S unday a t t he Oh io l asonic home be ing taken. It was agreed in pringfi Id. ide nce visited. At the home of bus. dren . In these homes. she received when Storck grounded to short, into di card' that the durati on of the term William Phillips $2 in ea. h was very loving care and kind consid- Storck being safe on an attempted - - -'- _...- - - · Mrs. Emm a Fa n Dakin. of X nia would dep end entirely on tax secured. Th'1 thieves gained en. . M~" IIn~ MI·s. ehas. A. Fisher, of erati~n that her declining years play. Collins then d<,~bled scoring I is lhe gu e·t t hi. w ek of h •. sister, collections during the remainder ll'uflce through a s id window I CJnClnnatl, wel'e guests on Sun- reqU ired, Storck lind Gautz illted to third of t his year and the fi rst part of Mrs. J. W . Wh it and family. At the home of Mrs. Edith' Hal" day, of Mr. and Mrs, W. K. Allen: Her greatest enjoyment was making the third Oillt but there next, but hope was expressed that ri '. on Main s!r et adjoining the Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark spent found in association with her chil- w~re three ' tallies on ' the b.oard for a full nine-month term would be U Mr. and M r~. Ho ward Sta nley, poss ible fOI' students of Wayne po to fflCt;, a wmd~\ was e ~tered unday in Dayton, the guests of dren and grandchildren and abe SIlver Lake. o~ Route 1. are a nnoun cing the township. and a SUIL of clothing belonQ'lIlg to Mrs. Clara Brown . was vitally interestad in all that B. Weller. scored the Merchants conc~rned them. ftrs~ run smgle h~lIlded .with the Attacks upon Sh eriff William ~ blrth of a daughte r, n Wedn sday Olh r t each ers named for the Frl\nk H!lwke, which had b n re- \' • cently l'et urned from dry cleaners, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Thomas were Her quiet, una suming and as Istance of Colhnl!. WeJ~er sin- Hufford concerning treatment of May 16. nex t year's t rm are asfollows~ was taken. Paper cov dng In which I guests of their son, Seth Thomas sweet disp08ition endeared her to gled, stole second~ stole third and ' lwo pl'isoner confined to Warren irs. hn .. H ar tsock, of "Route ' Hich School lh suit was wrapp d wa to'und at and family at Dayton, on Sunday. the members of the family and to ' scored whe~ CO.lhns made a hi~h county jail at Lebanon , prompted I, suffered a broke n kn ee. cap Co rr ine Robbins, Principal, R. F. the l'Car of the Walter Elzy home .... d M nearby. ....r. an r. Earl Murray, of all who knew her. Her pa ing throw. to thud In a iD attempt to that official to invite an investiga - w hen she f e ll at her hom e, last Hatfield, 1. A. BTown, Elizabeth leaves a lovely memory in our get hl.m. The Merchants got two tion of the grand jury Into the Friday. Henkle , A lbel'ta B. Buerk.le. ClIlharles Kibler report d th 1088 Day on, were Sunday eaUers at lives, of one who wa trlle and m?re 1[1 t~e sixth when Smithson.. matter. of a pail' of trousers and ' $8 in the ~ome of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver faithful under every condition. trlple~, !dIke Weller walked and Bertie Mill s spent s veral to n Fl'izzell, coach. Mrs. As a result of this probe the Grade. ca. h from his residence. DaVIS. She ,Jllet the. changes of life with on Mike s steal of second Br~wn I county inve tigating body com· days th e first of the week wit.h her larp. J , Lile, principal, Eva Mr. Kibler told officers that two Mr. and Mrs. Zain Armitage, of cout-age, patience. and resignation fumbled the ba~1 allowing Sm,th- , mended Sherift' Hufford on the dau~titer, Mrs. h ster Cutler and R edel', Ola Harts ock, Margaret E. mn who 'suid their home was In Lebanon, visited Mr. Ed Armitage She was a faithful devoted wife a lIOn to score. Mike t;hen scored on condition of the jail and uphelc,l family at Norwoo d. mith, Alice M. Campbell, Laura Cleveland and that they were re- at the home of Mrs, Maude Crane kind loving mother and a quiet Hopkins' single, malleing the score him in the treatm nt. of the two d McKins y, Charles James, Rayturning from Cincinnati where on Sunday. ' dignified woman receiving the three all. Mr, an Mrs. C. E. "\ndel'son nlol'ld BI'Sddock, Wade Turner, . prisoners. they had delivered a truckload of deepest respect and too highest . Th re w re no more runs for The report of the grand jury and sons spent Sunday. With .Mr~· I Faye Kelley Dorothy M. Da MillS Ruth Larrick Wall the sup' Y, Susan Douglas lind MISs MIDDl e chickens, had taken a room at his regard of all with whom she came either side until Ule ninth when follows. Cook at Snrin Valley ~I\cey .CartEl', J. B. Crabbe, Vocapet guest Sunday evening at the in hom for t.he night. . contact. our boys really !tot busy. :rreadway Sh rur Wm. Hufford requested , ... g . tlono.l Instructor. They were qllestioned by Mar- home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert She, with her husband united led off with has ftl~t hit of the that the grand jury investigate Mrs. Harvey Sackett and fam IIhal Joy but rel~88ed. after none Cleaver and son, Robert. with the Christian church in Way- ganle. Mendenhall !ilDgled, Tr!!ad- charge made that two prisoners ily attend ed 8 family dinne't at the of the stolen property could be unable way topping at s.84!ond; Laurens Morris and Huse Robin on we re neaville, in 1913. AJthough Miss Virginia Hardin with a home of hel' moth r, Mr . Call'oline found. party of friends from Foster. for many years to take an active tben doubled SCOl'lllg both Tread· not given propel' treatment while Barne tt, at Bellbrook, Sunday. Sh riff William Hufford was call- pent the week-end with friends part in the church, her life has way and Mendy_ E:11is grounded in Warren county jail. The followMoth~r'8 ed from Lebanon and look part and relatives In Kentucky. · been a beautiful example of Chris out ~o shol·t and Sll!ithson doubled ing report was made in this mattian faithfulness and service. s~oT1ng Laurens; MIke Weller then tel': Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Robitzer and in the inve$tigation. We mourn htlr passing it is sl ~gled .advan~ing L:llurens to third During our session we visited MisS Beatrice Robitzer were dinThe Wayne Township Mother's A. L. 1<,ing Buffered another stroke Fdday evening and at the true, and we shall Iniss her gentle Mike Immediately stole second the c9unty jail, examined its state n r gu 8tS on unday o( Mr, amI club m('t at the Grade bu:ilding Friday aiternoon, May 11. The present tUne is in a precarious pre ence in our homes, but our and. ~olh he an.d Lllurens were in and condition, and inquired into Mrs~ J. . Marlntt. loss is her gain. Her glad reunion POSItion t.o score but the other the discipline and treatmellt of Dleeting was opened by singing condition. with the children gone before and boys c~uld not con:r1ect as B. Wei- the prisoners and their habits, diet Mr. and Mrs. Russel Garrison ' ISmilee." Devotions were led by Dr. J. E. Witham arrived home wit t e companion with whom she ler whiffed ' H opk IllS wa lk ed and and accomodation. In view of a and Mrs. Rose Haynie, of Colum- Mrs. F . H . Farr. The first grades, h h Mrs. Mary Silver vel'y delight.- from Van Wert, Ohio, .last Friday. trod Life's pathway for more than Hart~ock made tb~ third out by re'p ort which was called to our at- bus, were guests of Mr. and Ml's. under the direction of Miss ReedWare very much pleued to anfifty years, must be our conpensa- fan~lOg. Ob, well, J·t was plenty. tention, concerning the alleged.r· H. mith, on unday. e1' and Mr . MouseT, put on the fully entertained the Wayn Town lIver Lake made a valient at- mistreatment of two negro pr isonMr. and Mrs. F. J. Bates and following program; M iss Bonnie ship' club on :May 10. A nounce that the doctor is gaining tion. She has onl~ gone on ahead and tempt to. come baek in their half era, Morris and Huse Robinson , by three children, of Oakwood, were Peters, acting as announcer. pleasant social period was enjoy- strellgth daily. d before going to the M. E. Mr. and Mrs. Ota Hidy enter- Mother so dear to us here, will o! the mnth. Gantz., first man up, the Sheriff's office of this county, ~uesl!i of Mr. and Mt:S. E. C. Welcome by Ruth Wical and Jack church where a fine dinner WIlS tained at bridge on Tuesday even be waiting at the door to greet us Singled advanced tl) second when we made a very carefuL inve!ltiga~ Cnol! and family, Tucllday venCrane. Song- "Rheumatiz" by Margaret seTV d in the basement. After re- ing, .Mr. and Mr~. W. E. CorDell when we cross Life's portal into Haines wal~ed, weJllt to thirtl on a lion thereof, subpoenaing no les8 ing. fielders chOice when Ranies and than nine (9) witnesses. We find Clark, Lois-Myers, John-Philip, turning to the Silver home the Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Miller artd Mrs: the Home Beyond. Icenb~rger were retired on a and respectfully report to the Mr. and MI' . Oliver Davis, Mrs. . and James IIartsock. pl'esident called the meeting ttl J. B. Chapman. "We o~o~ee<!.s:I~~' f()~ she ' gave us beauti:!ul double play and scored Court that these two prisoners Nettie Kepler and Miss Rach!,!l A Flay "Nannie Etticoat"-sevl.'ral order and the invocation was offered by Rev. Dibert. The roll The meeting of the Men's Free And giving, brou"ht us to a w~tetndour sPlfenh~id shortstop com- were arrested by police officers of Davis we Sunday evening guests children. higher plane .. ml e. one 0 ]S ltew errors. the village at Lebanop, Ohio; that of Mrs. Lida Pence and "Uncle Three songs by first grade children call was answered by 'Tall Stories' and Easy club haa been postponed ThiS shortstop, I.aurens. makes they were intoxicafed, resisted Steve" Phillips, at LeQanon. "Ten Little Indians," "Three ond found all familiee present until 'Wednelday evening, May 23, and deeply mourn . a errors as we havt' seen but you arrest, and endeavored by physical dogs and one cat," "How do because of the various local activi- We mourn, with th exception of two. Mother. I • wh d t tt d ..... Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Mengle, of I Miss Elizabeth Eul14sl!. of Leb- ties d¥ring COIDlIIeneement week. A noble 1!0man whom God saw 0 0 no a en t,,,eae games will force and violence to prevent said M dM dM L you do, Partn:er?" .. be ot the o~inion that anyone officials from fulfilling their duty; Jo:-o~s~~d M~: :~d M~: ie~~et~ Miss Helen Moss then gave the fit to give. anon, was the Bpeaker. She gave a Mt. and Mrs. I. E. KcClure atA would make errors if they covered that the Sheriff of the county was ding "The Telephone." ; talk on a journey which she had taken a year ago. The itlnersry in- tended commencement exercises n surely, when the porlal opens the ground that thill boy CQVeTS. He not present at the time and was St. John at Hubbord, Ohio. on Sun- Vocal duet, "Mother and Home' clu<\ d the Mediterranean Sea and fO.r nUl1lel at Mercy Hospital, at. To"":::'tlle one we Jove so well gets them in left tleld, back 01 (Continued on page 4) day. by Mrs. Harvey Rye and Mrs_ J. pus in third, back of secoilid and any place Mrs, RUB el Benson, of leve· W. Lotz, accompanied by MJ'8. countries adjacent. Sh is a fluent Middletown, Wednesday evening. that it is P0811ible for .im to I d " t d 1 • M tl Fulkerson. peaker and her de!criptions Welre One of tlIe graduatell ls a -ft:iend The angel bidding welcome will else SILVER LAKE an , W. VIS)P.e leI' of Mrs. McClure. " . ge t to an d b eI'leve me he Is fast. ' Mrll. ali paren.s ~ul'Y overr. an the Playlet--Mrs. Ralph Hastings, enjoyed thoroughly. done o nY'th It sure ,is. worth the price of any AB ' H R PO A E week-end and returned home on Mrs. Nelson Watkins. Well Mrs. DOTothy Silcott,· home deMr. and Mrs. Fred Hartsock and wor y ervant, thou, wast ball game to see t:his boy come in Tuesday. During ~he businesli session the monstrl;ltion agent of Montgomery family, of Milford, Mr. 'an dMrs. faithful ttl the end." and pick up grounders. Th~ throw Mc~onald, 3b 3 1 1 1 0 0 following officers were elected for county, Miss Elizabeth Grady and Robert Walton and son, Bobbie, of to first is like a shot when neces. Str.l ker, If .. . . 2 0 1 0 0 0 Mrs. [da Stok es omt Mrs. Ada the coming year: , several thers eave .short talks. The Moraine Farms, Mr. and Mrs. sary and with thl!'ee hits in this IBartron, 1b . 4 1 1 8 0 1 Coul·tney had 8 . guests on Sunday President. MI's. R. H. Hartsock. guest list inc1ud~d Mr. and Mrs. (J. Archie Hartsock, of Dayton and Card of Tha'" game he looks to be the best short Brown, 2b ...... .4 0 1 1 3 1 MT. and Mrs. H. D. Olt. of Sabina, Vice-Presid.ent, Mrs.-.Frank Van . EulasB, Miss Elizabeth Eulass Mr. and Mn. Bert Hartsock and We wish to expreu our thanks stop that the writer has seen on Stor.c~, If, 58 .4 1 1 3 1 0 Mlil. Gail B ai, of Miamisb ag, Often. and Mis Elizabeth Grady, of Leb- family were guests of Mra. J. L. and appreciation to friends and any Waynesvl'lle t..,am. Collin, c.... ker S cretary, """". 1U~ L . V . Bec. k ~, G t f 4 01 2 120 01 01 M1'8. ELI a Baker . • M1'5 . ora Ba , anon, Mrs. Dorothy Silcott, of Hartsock On Mother's Day. relativea for the kindness and Tht\ Merchanul will go to au z, r .... . . Mrs. Mildred rites and son, John, Tr asurel', Mrs. Adam Melloh. Dayton; Rev. and MrtI. G. C. Dib. . appreciation Mr. and Mrs. W. P. SaliSDtiTY sympathy extended in our bereave- Miamisburg next ~Iunday, May 20, Raines, ss, 3b .. 2 0 0 1 1 1 of Wilmington. ert, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mendenhall for a game with the ...., 1II ' Icenberger, cl 44 00 00 01 a 0 00 t· .; >;-~d-isburg IGh M' d M ' . W'lb CI k h I was e x~>end e d t 0 th eren,ngprell 1am Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Clark and had as guestl at a tamily dinner ment. Reds and this should be one hall een, p ....... ... ~ . an IS. I lIr ar at lent, ~r8. Louis Fires. on Sunday. Mr. ' and ' Mrs. Leon The Family Mrs. L. V. Beck. game as we are in~~ormed that they Ttl 36 - 4 9 27 17 4 ' as <llOner . guests on un day, Mr~. A dainty luncheon 'Was served - - - • ~ "'- -. The June meeting of the club Salisbury and family, of SaMna, have one of the best amateur 0 a a .... Mary Carmony, of Lyt~e a.nd 1')11 , dul'ing the social hour. . DAY-SHOEMAKER will be held at the home of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rye and teams insolltherll Ohio. These -E. J. Carmony, of SpI·mgfield . In children, Mr. and 'Mrs. Russel and Mrs. L. V. Branstrator. Charles W. Day, son of Mr. and games are well worth seein'" and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9- . the evenl!,!g Mr. and Mrs. c. w. Saliwury and family and Mrs. Xu. Lyman Day, and Miss Mildred it won't be long lJ,ntil the. Merch- Way,. Merch. 000102003- 6 Yqullce and children. Mr. and Mt'~. BACCELAUREATE SERYICES Russel Benson, of Cleveland. THE LITTLE MIAMI Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walton enter- Shoemaker, of Dayton, were mar- ants will be seen. on the home S. take .. .... 003000001 - " P. J. Flory. Mr. and Mrs. Claude WERE WELL ATT~NDED • TROOP ' GIRL SCOUTS tatned Sunday at dinner for their ried on Saturday afternoon. Mr. grounds. Riggs and Mr. and 'Mrs. E. J. Day is-~ -du.";' f W 'J Two Base hits--Laurens, Smithson Cl k I) ~ D t . d "'_ 80n, e Kith a nd I i~ ' ..... ~- a"" 0 aynesVl Ie . The score'. ar , a supper Or ny enJoye Th e ba~ce l aureate ' . e aynesvl'11 e G'Ir1 "",outs, ••e~In-1 aw, M rI. hlgb school. The couple will make Gautz, Collina, Striker. pot-luck at on, the Clark honte.a services at W Th their mothers and the committe, Louis Blaek, who were eelebrating their home in D.yton where Mr. WAYNESVILLE MERCHANTS Three Base hits- Smithsom )lhe gym unday night, May 13 members gathered at the Scout'l their blrthdafl. ThOle present were Day is employed. Left on Bases--Waynesville Mel'Mrs. Frank Holl'man, mothe~ were well attended The graduatlnw clubhouse on Tuesday evenlh3. Mr. and Mrs. Ral~h Bleek and • _ ••_ _ _ Alt R H PO A E chant!! 11; Silver Lake 6. of Ml's. J. P . Larrick, who for thr ::lass and high school faculty After a sumptuous supper the daurbter Jl18I Dorothea and Mr. Mendy. rt, 2b .. 5 1 2 1 1 0 Double PlaY!l-Laurens t o Mend n p~st month .has beenUi, is impr.ov- fOI:m~d a processional a~ the schoo] w Icome was given by Jane Cook BIl4 Penderatut, of ' Dayton, and 'nat'. S._tlll.. Laurens, ss .. ... 5 1 3 6 3 2 hall to Ellis. . ing slowly. Hel' Son Mr. C. E. Nor- b.ut1dmg and marclwd In the gym and was responded to by .Mrs. F. Min Eliu"etb Mullen. . The prlnclpeHtJ or Monaco tor. Ellis, Ib ... ,.... 5 O. 2 7 0 0 Struck out-:-by Simthson B; by ris Sr. ~nd wife of Kansas CiLy, Mo and to the fr~>D" where the fln$ U, LeM$y and foUo.elI b'y various A 8'a80line tractor lank let loole bid, 'Ita Inhabltanta a«ell to the Smithson, p .. .. 6 1 2 0 B 0 Gheen 9. her grand son, Dr. C. E. Norris JI·. fcw rows were for them. forms of entertainment given by t h R ,ambUo, table., but uempta them M Weller, If ... 2 0 1 1 0 0 Bases .on Balls--by Smithson 2,' and wi.fe, her great grandson . E The program for the 'ev~ning w~a t e ogoen-Simplon garage on from taxation. T urner, If ... . .. 2 1 0 0 0 0 by Gheen 2. f 01IOW!!: and shook the! town. Norris; HI., and gl'a11 daughte· all. \ a Monday, Th.e principal featare oe enter- Mark Rogen was arranging to B Weller, c .. ,, 6 1 1 8 1 1 Earned Runs -..... Waynesville 3; Patty, of Chicago, w.el'e her gu eM!>. Hymn The Congregation tainment was to have the mothe1'8 soJder the tank but he hit a pocket Happla_ aM L.c:k Ropkins, cf ... ·.4 0 .3 1 1 0 Silver Lake 1. over the week-end. Sund.a y guests [nvol'ntioll Rev. J. J. Schaeffer dress as girls, and the scouts to of ga80lIne and the tank exploded UDcle Ab UJI be does Dot "now Confer, 2b .. .. ,, 3 0 0 1 0 0 Time of Game- 2 hours, 23 were, Ml·. and Mrs. Wilbur Le- Music High School Glee C1 b dress as motherS. k ki b - h Ie h I a Hartsock, 'r! .... 2 0 0 0 0 0 minute8. Feber, . of LQvelllnd, Mr. Stetson u I l ' th _ Seve-I noe ngb"standea .. 0 were in the ceiling. cJipture R ~a d'IDg ........ . ........... " .. .. . ere were l' Y cou DlO .Aared to I'" et ler happy folk. are IDck•v • or T rea dway, 3b .. .J 1 1 3 1 0 Umpires--Cobaugh, Shuler and Larrick, of Lebanon, Mr. and Mr;:. · ta, tbi t S Th s ' "but ' ' no one wu hurt. DCIIy tolk. but tbatha.... _ - _ - - P ren dergast. ers an d c 0 mm]'ttee m e mhe.a p .r e _ death ploeaa aDd are luckhappy; ,0 torether or Saber Turner an d Mrs. S0 II' T ur .... R ev. G. C. D'b 1 ert ent. ..=.'=" ::'."" •. ;::. = = = = = oeal Solo ,... Ml·s. Alberta Buer!.l. A CORRECTION .~ The Sermon ., .. Rev. J. J. Schaeffer











New Officers Elected For Club

Farmers Club Met La8t Thursday





---- - ..----

In last week'8 IlIue of the MIami Gazette we announced that Mlu Catherine Branstrator, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. V. BraDStrator had been employed to teaeh in the Clarksville schools nnt year. Thll 11'81 an error, Kia Branstrator has been employeel by Wayne ttlwn.blp ce,ltralised school• . Clinton county to teach at Lees lU'8. _ _ •



:::::::::::::::~::~:::::::::::::::::::::===::::::========~===::bT=O=taI =S=



'FINAL CHAPTER OF SCrlOOL NEWS AS ·eHRO.NICLED ,BY' S.CH.OOL REPORTERS :::!~ieti~~· ·: ~.. 'ji~~: ..G.G~.e D~~~:. ._-::-:--=_:-"""""::-_~_____~":'"-:__~______________•_____~_______..::...____;:;.:::----------------! lNFORMATI . ~N WANTED I'

J_ior-S-Ier R_nptIoa The Junior clus extended the annual reception to the membere of tbe "nlor clala Jut evenlnr at .the C)'1Il. The menu eouiated of fruit eocktail, fried cblekea with cream .,.." rleed potatoei, buttered bee", ereaaMd

Iponded. Betty Harteoek gave the Junior tout and Charles Hartsock tile IInior tout. Mr, Hatfield .poke r the faculty. Cecil Davis read eel eJIa. will, and Robert Cleaver a: ohn SeUl pve the c u prop latter part of the e.eDinc . . . riven toca1'cla,tabletenDII .~ and c1ancina, IArrJ Prlee'. oroheelIIm lnta tra farnilbed m_ for the oeeu-


. -=~baDaD" :-d, COLLEGE PUSENTI PLAY "e ho I I " IIUI..... of ~ ~ The P1a7, --&.o. . .t UM aD, IjIUpho 11'01 be preII.ted b, tta. AWetla .-..d tU Department of Holbrook 8 0 - . , . _. . . . . . tout ..... .adltotla _ tile hwha at • 11


=42~;, =6=.1=5=2=7=1=5=3J:S~c;0=r~e=r=A~rm~it:-a~g~e~. =====:::J~n~e~r~,~o~f~M::a~r:ti~n~sV1~·~lI~e~.

e:_- cre: :'!"

!.,.i'foecl :"...'0err7



in behalf . of -the freabman . elaaa and BerniC4! Graham responded for tbe Seniora. )fr. Hatfield, Mias Ro,bblnl and IIr. Brown gave brief talke.

take part in the state tl'ack meet number qualifying, 49 were In the which will be held at Columbus first grade, 36 in the second, a4 Friday' and Saturday of this week In the third, 36 in the fourth, 72 in the ftfth, 88 in the sixth, 23 in the seventh, and 30 in the eighth. Warren Count~ Fie.ld Da~

R....II•• Cinle Aw..... p r - at Dlatrict Meet A total of 338 elementary Eldon Ellil fait ttack man from atlldeDta out of 460 caroUed Waynenm. placed Aecond in two qualiled for readlna circle .warda events at the Southweatern Dilltllil year..'.~d wilt b. riveD diplom tnek .eet held at Oxford . . or It_, depeacllq OD wUther 1aat ..... III the preliminary trytills iI the Ant , .... the at1Ul.t Is oata on J'rtda, be placed in the neeMq award. In 0 ...... WIld of tile mea ellai"'e to compete ...... muat ,... tIIne Ia Use . . - . . . SatUrda,. Then he .ue... beo1Ia ...... tile . .in event. ucl IQ tile loo-paod




Information want'Cd as to where aboutK of grave of John Uowell, ' who lived near Waynesville on a farm purchall8d from lohn C)e.,.. Symmes and cJ,lIed in Decembe.., 1825. He was buried on hi' f _ with Masonic bollors. Comm~ with H. J. Ko,",U, 410 Com.... for the children when the clal Sq., ClDeinJlati. village and rural, met Frl day, May 4, to contest ag$iuat DA1'& CHANCED each other in vadous ttuk. ad r Beld eventa. . Wayne Twp. entrant8 did very de pupiblarave a pod wen. Tbe of themselves and the tanen. Bella. ~ ~~""iiiii"'" hie" ICO,... ~.~~

T~~ ~~::e ~~~~nd~o~! :a~:~

._ ---...




t·doy, n cu in tht' bunch. You r---------~~------------------------------~I.TONI ROOTS FROM 4J YEARS OF SERVICE SWEET CLOVER ACRE ",e. 1 talk d PN.'tt}' ruuCh to thi G.-in. ~. H . a kind.a tam . on f ~ n ak thip!. He tried tu talk him· Sweet clover is really a biennial LEBANON. OHIO elff nuntl into hein' n elU)'they,h"n hI' hI.' "8.Ip upIlo", against Iii"," root crop. like the beet an d th e We have a complete turnip. It may produce a8 much a~ .' .. (hat wa) I got ,th key t o the L_______________\______________J 8 ton! of roots to the acre, gr~n Watcb Repair S.nic. "hul" combi nation. . Prices Reasonable "Th )' b n workin' on th R [ Comma. Plen. Proceedia.. J hn Iron8. ~t al. The Lebanon· weicht in the fall of the year It National Ban" and Trust ia sown, according to Pro/essol' C. Bead.l!l ReBtrqng fur t",6 ea on • Grim e & GiLon In the ('D . (. of Ethel Colt', minor Co. granteu leave to IIle answer J. Willard, agron omist at the O. S, J welry Repaired and SaIL r an' your uncle an' by her next frie nd . Tennie Turner Mu rdy. Lockie kn ew about i~. t (). \.'ersu M. ernom 01 . rule allow. and cro petition forthwith. U."THE HOME OF GIFTS" I I At that period'in its dev lop· Thf1 luea wa, t o make akill n ' whi e ed. m nt sweet clover hilS its greatest Old Windy had th running of the Be\'el'ly Smith was fllund guilty New Suita WEight of roots. In the year after outfit. Th ev'd haz cowswithc Ive a h n~ slall ds charged 'In t he affida· Oth a E . S am ver us Eth e I B. seedin'" the top may gl'OW 6' to 8 ' north along the age in th e \'I·t lilhd an'd Will!! fined ..'"260 and Sam, f or d'Ivorce. · Ch arg e ' .. ~ IS feet tall, alld mak COrl'cspon d'109 ~ ummer_ In the Call they'd sep· co t . .. gro neglect of duty. Iy large yields, bu t the roots do antte ' "m, keen,- tne calves in a In the cnse of Alt.A~t "". GI' bb"" 'and Ether Tennenbaum versu8 Ad am not weigh as much at the end or - - . - : - - = =-- I . • " pa lUre an' run the cows back to Ell n Gibbs ver us Harry "Barn· D. Carpenter, et ai, for money, the second year all they did at the Huh}' sat p,OI'P d up ill bed. ur' l t OO. Soun Il~ w ~o~ you . started Milk Riv r. After a while Grimes horst and Jary Barnhol'$t. de!en. foreclosure and equitable relief. end of tbe seeding year. .Tounlhl hy pill(l\\~ . :he dropped a I fur lO\l' n ~hl : 1edlcm Lodge er· Gil on would put the Double G Idant" motion sustai ned and th¥y E. D. Thompson versus S. A. One ' of the chief function s of WAYNESVILLE, OHIO 1 , 1I~d of col d "ilk nnd a pi C IrCll nt an' t hree buck trooper-s tart on the cah'e . They'v built up a ., al' g rant d 60 clays to ans wer. Stilwell. Cognovit. roots is to serve as storagc or. Phone 80 Bank Bldl . .. t "mbff,ider an I h,·I" (lU t b, lh ~d \\ i h me for the Double G. T~at herd f ver a thousand head I In th ca I' of The I rrow Lum· John D. McLeran versus Elinore wbere starche , sugar and long-·llo ed f eller that r de wlt.h und r the Dou Ie Goula llothin', bel' o. of Morl'Ow, a corporation, McLeran, for divorce. Charee is n materials elaborated in one hand. to him . .. 1y Ll'rd! I'm glad to . (., yuu," 'em \\a there. He had a h Ie in hI. at your expense. , I ver u Edith Greely and W. P. gr08 neglect of duty. season, are stored t or us in the -h. ~lIid. ··Th i.. i. Ion :()fl"~r han leg ,0 he co uidn't travel an' h~ was "An'my orrel horse spilled the heritt, d fend ilnU\ motion 5 U 8 · James C. Ro versus Lula Ross next. th,' middle o f Lon{' ome PTB il'ie. ready to CTa" fish. H was GrImes. bean. Murdy st ole 'em, $0 Grime lained and they are granted 60 for divorce. Charge i~ willful abo Most of the root growth . takes :it rlown lind gh ' c an lIccount of I Gilso n had pull d hi . f reigh t. He say. Grime claim the kid hod a days to an !<wel'. senee. place after October 1. Consequent ),oll r:,el f. W y didn 't you com to \\'a' J ack GiI~o n , all right. cra.... in· for orrel horsea." H e has,' In the maUer of Emmer J . , Raymond Fry versus Georgia Iy. . .ya Professor WiJlard, if the ~l'e OJ ~(lo ner '" .. 0 the I! rg ant tart d one Ruby confi r med. "He loves horses, Munger as R ceiver of tb Har· Fry, for divorce. Charge is gro top growth is harvested for hoy at non pull et! u chair up b ide the policeman aftel- hint, sent another but he' cra:y ' nbout a good·l ook. v y burg Natio nal Bank of Hal" neglect of duty. that time, the root growth stops. ],(>.1. to I'aise the alarm at Fort Walsh ing rorre!." v ysburp:, recei'{er authorized to Ten.yeat average tests indicate " Hoy, a re you a nyway?" ht' an' a po t t Ea t End. Then ·we "Well, he brought 'em to the accept bonds. of Hom e Own rs Probate Court that the root 'g rowth of sweet I"ked. ~ot ' hol d of two or three rancheJ'1ll Double G next da y, an' rebranded Loan orporation, plos cash clover cut for hay in late eptem' "Uh, fin . 1 can go h m a ny an' to re d own the Cl'eek after them' m Oo Bra"ged that he'd have' em amount equal to that due on said The will of George V. Scott, de· ber is less than half that of sweet time n ,they cay , if I' m cn fu l l dry cows. We hazed 'em- back to for hi special mO'unts after h e home mortgage at dat of final cea ed, was admitted to probate. clover not cut the fir t year. huw I move around," he said . "1 1the ou ble G. They had a p.asture wa through with the RM . T old ettlement. The inventory 01 Altha W. Wat.· A practical application of thi would hav go ne th good Lor d full of calve . _ ~ o t of them cow Grime! to rid 'em to keep 'em In th e case (If E. D. Thompson kin" executrix of the elltate 01 iftl[ormBlticm is in planning f or 1. now8 It'll no fun tR ying her in cla imed their own. The.y hadn't gentle. Grimes did . Darn good reus. A. Stilwell. judgment to Clinton D. Watkins, dect'a ed, was pastur crops. For examp)e : . Of b d- but I was wa it ing f or Y Oll . 01' , branded 'em yet, but of coune it thing for you he did. Sal ter's plai ntiff for lOI .19. approved. two plots of sweet clover on the Phone 78J t o hear from you anywa y." was a clea r case of steal. So they horse bein' by my camp wa just In the ca e of J oh n D. McLerall The inventory ot Elizabeth university farm at Columbu , one "We got everyth ing dead t o ' got Grime in jaiL" an accident. Somebody dld turn vel' us Elinore ?~cLeran, service hy Harding, adminiBtratrix of the es· cut for hay October 1 last, was 6 Ii .h18 " h tpld her. "Did th Y Ruby star d at him. There was them loosc on Milk RiveJ'- some publication is t.o be made for de- tate of Mary Goonan Shearer. de· to 8 inchel hig\1er May 7; the k ep you posted1 1 ent word t o inquiry in h r eyes, other feller crossin' the countr Cendant_ cea ed, wa apporved. other. not cut, was 12 inches high yo u by Sergeanl Palmer la t time "Gilson they cor nered on the in a hurry. Anyway, that don't In the matter of t he Li t.L1e Miami Fann ie Viola Boxmeyer fll~d he~ The .uncut plot wall in condition to ...OT AR Y PUBLIC he wn in." . FrenChman a couple of days later matte\'. River Con ervancy District, presid application for the appointment ot furnish pasture nearly 2 weeks be ·'Oh. they didn' t t ell me much, He resi. ted arre t on' got himself "An' my two sorrel got away ing Judge Charl es B. D chant a guardian ' of Rose L. Yetter, a fore the other. excepl- w II, ' you t Il me now,' killed in the scrap," Don continu o fro m th Double G. Buc.ked old authorized to 'Vocat e jOI\rnal en· minor. For soil improvement, th she urged. "A serg ant came in ed. "Old Wintly, a raid, ha van· Grimes off one dayan' ran away tri s heretofore filed and alsl;> Z. O. Worley, trustee of tbe will amount of nitrogen returned tothe wm. Draw. • • E.Ia... S.ul•• and henlmed and hawed and said isbed. o's Lockie. I made a flyin' with hi ll saddle. He was leadin' th e reenter an cnt1l'ies va cated . of Isaac Jones. deceaeed, flied hiB soil by plowing under the crop WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Mr. ampb 11 II nt hi compliments trip t o the R .I alter we got the m other. I gue they tore right outa on enancy Di. trict cl'('ated eighth account. cut for hay last year would be only The f ollowing accounts were a.p. half that returned by the uncut miss, and he'\1 be in to 8ei! you cattle tnight ned out. Borrowed the country. They'd come from t he under the corporation nom of The pr ently, mi ,tha.nk you." Cliff' s two rider t o hold her down south, so they naturally headed I. itt! Miami Con ervancy District proved, allowed and confirmed by crop. - ...,--- - . -- - DOn laughed at her imitatio n of until you got arollnd to tend to it back. Horses do. If 1 hadn't hap· with its office and principal place the court. . OR. H. M. WILLIAMS an mbarra . ed Engli hman. youMlelf. liff was plumb flabb er· pened to locate at Antelope Spri ng of business at Leban on. Directors Pearl H. Magee. aruardian ot " ay, I hated to ee you hauled gasted about Sa Iter . Murdy's in J might never have een 'em again . appoint.ed, Howard W. ]vin5, 3 Hugh Watson Magee, et ai, minors Whit. Rase- Power be- ;)STEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN aJllI hind the enllne. SURCEON off to town in that wagon from the },ort Benton, in hospital They grab "An' of course, Tom Salter was years, Hugh S. Nichols, 6 years Fir t. Special AU•• Uoa to Rectal aad post," he id. 'I wanted to come bed him on Milk River. They're there a t Cliff's that night we locat· and Mye rs Y. Coop er, 7 years. J. Gilp n, tru tee of the estate of l.tdtiD.1 Di...... along myscU. But, of course, I holdin' him until you say what you ed the Double G in the brand bo ok burt instructed directors to deter Sarah G. Trimble, d ceased. Fif· NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS knew you were all rirht, and I had want done. It'lI up to you." He figured I' d probably take n mine th e Ilm O ul~t of aid that can be tee nth. LEBANON, OHIO to get bu ~y with thol policemen. " And alter?" notion to look into this Doubl e G obtained from the U. S. Govern· Clifford Stitt. guardian of Ruth STATE OF OHIO I'lon 12 . nea P\bon e Rl65 l vlnl .. Jarh Ion Bldll. You were lucky, weren't you. Tw o ''~b , he was dad. wh n he hit brand business. So when he found ment, etc. Glelrk of Courts order· Ann titt, incompetent. Firs,!;. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS inches farther In might have killed the ground, I reckon," Don said out we'd both started off that cd to take no action under Section Willard Apgar, administrator of Col........ OIlio, M.y 5, 1134 you!' • calmly. "Murdy would 'a' been too morn in' he tore down to the RM 6828·7 until further ol-der of the estate of Emm, Apgar. dece.. "Have you seen th t woman any only hll's tough. I'm kinda glad. ahead of us to warn Murdy. The m court. ed. First .and final. NIT PRIClIII ONTRAC'J' more that came in with me?" Rub y though. 1 didn't kill none of your WIlS his ciga\'ette stubs on the In the ca e of Lillie C. Canby Bertha E. Hellll, executrix of the 'Val .... S I.IN .....11<e " ' 0"'. N.I'o •• ' He_very __ '1'1 ••1 ......J..... asked. people." mantel all right. They had a pow· versu Mary E. Messick, et aI, estate of Alice Chenoweth, decell8' No, GG-D "Fle'll try to kill you, if he ever wow an' concluded they better sale of Liberty Loan Bonds ordef- cd. First and fioal. ".Mrs. Gore1 No. Met her hus· band once or twice." II: ts a chance," Ruby brooded. "I beat me to the Double G, put Gil· ed. A. A. Sprague. executor flf the aled proPOllal. lI' lll be r celv d Director of F .. aMAI S.nlc. "1 mUlt Bend her omething nice liked Murdy. too. But he's a wolf. so n wise, an' get al1 them RM cows In th case of' The People's Build estate of Alice B. Everson, oe,~eaJl'1 at Dh otflce of the Slat Highway when I get home," Rub y murmur· He alway wanted to be bad. His off the upper part of Sage Creek ing. Loan and Savings Co. v reus ed, filed his second account. {j'~~VflOt~:f ~,~l~c:t p .OI~~bu~·aal~~~; Our convenient location, .ultaed. 'Sbe wae awful good to me. My, finge rs always itched for a gun." before 1 showed up there. They Louisa Gotthardt, executrix of Sta.ndard Tim. Frida)'. May 26, 1914. I'm a soft thing- and 1 thought I .. om of 'em won't itch no figured I might use my head an' the estate of Charles Penkawa, de· ~~~~~~~: ~:.~ttl~: and 3 or thl. ble lur-roundlnl'l Illd equipment W8J) as good as a man. It wa only more," Don said soberly. "1 shot tumble to what they were doin'. helped to keel) your from gettin' ceased, is In'ant,ed 90 days addi· project to b. a.warded to .th e 80me enables ua to Serve to the But Advantase. in the flesh. and it made me sick. all the fingers off his right hand. "Of cQurse, they didn't know suspicious about how he handled tional time to file inventory. eon tractor '~:':'::"I c~!~r:ct) I never had anything hurt so." th ey say. H e'll have to do hill shoot you had bought int() it an' was your cattle, to have you all stirred Addie Stark Higgina, executrix Warren ount)', Ohio, on Seetlon ,tA .45 slo'" is not very nice," in', if any. lefthanded from now headed north with m • They had up about a man." of the estate of Owen S. Hiains, Morrow .8.rldll"e) of the In Innlitl · AMBULANCE SERVICE .. d h I '1 f h'l h Zane.vlll .Road , S. IL No. 10. . s. Don egreed. "Even ir it i n't very on . I expect that'll tame him con· no i ea anybody saw 'em hazin' e ay 51 ent or a W J e, er deceased, tiled her application for ~(OUt No. 2t. In I.he Village or 1I10r· W.y•••"iII •• Oblo I I Y ou' I'd embl y. I guess th a t' s a 11 save d th a t herd 0 f RM s d own S age ft nger8 pIC . k'109: at the w h'It e coun· a certl·fteate 0 f transf er. row. con8lru tlnll" 8\ a elcoperet you , r not so£t. bridge by with contlnuOUIJ. 11 nm e l deep. 'And sat u" there and blazed awa.y.' I'v me. that lucky firs t shot that crip. Creek in the night. But they spot· t~pane. Don looked at her uneas· The inventory of Margaret E. (three •. 4 ' 80', 64 ' cent r to ' he . d Wit . h a piece Folk. executrix of thi! estatll of center roadway tw o seen "men quit for Jess. Old Windy pled him!' te d ua wh en we ro d e bac k to I 0 0 k I' ly. H er re db lLlr, .. Id Brldg/> 80' No.anll WA.22. did. He tore off> as soon as the first " Poor kid," Ruby sip:hed. "But at them cows in the mornin.' They of ribbon, was like a fiaming cloud Elias Folk, deceased, was approved A ~'ork . gun cracked." he brought it on himself." kept outa sight. When we lUl'ned ab out her head. Her gray eyeB reo In thfl matter · of the es_ta';it~e,:.·..;fl-~~~~:_:~~ :~~~:.~~t.. g[ °c~~Oat~J~ti.:in. FOR SALE DATE! CALL "Hall be--they- luJ'ned up II:ny"He's -1I--ttIIi'"ilf-e&l!<~&ft'-iHr_m_t&-Ht&t'1ott__M~aln they trailed us, like garded him with that same mixture Dora Ch.ilton, deceased, SI where? How about Murdy?" take," Don agreed. "Still, I got no we aw. When they finally recog· of CUriosity a,nd wistfulness that real elltate was ordered. pleUoll. 9 "No, your respe ted uncle ain't animosity against him. When it nized us both an' saw us headed had lltin'ed hirn at their first meet· The inventory of Lawrence been seen "ince." Don frowned. come to a show down ' they for the Double G Ranch, alter ing. And wheJl she smiled at bim, Voorhi , admini8trator of the e.Warr n ~~o~7~, 20n p rt ~ . U "We sent word to Fort Benton to kinda put it up to him to get me. put it up to 'em to head us off an' it eemed to Don like the sun tate of Wellington S. Bowyer, de. ectlon Morrow ..f tbe <-"nclnnal!· . look out for all of 'em. an' th ~ He wa!J tryin' to protect his own 'Put my light out. Mu(dy was to breaking throug.h clouds. Only. he cease (I. was approved. ~~~v~~· J:~a\lin . 'th!f, VJI~age' ~i. Mounted Police patrols looked out. crowd. r think Salter was tbe low· start it an' Salter would chip in." told himself, he had nO' bu iness to Emma Crosson, guardian of Morrow. j)y gradIng roadway. bUlld · "Wh at d'd th ey t h'10 k I wou Id t h'ID k t h'mg8 l'k log ne(!e86ary dra.lnage .truotur I l e t h at. An d t h en, Edna Mae Crol8OD. et a 1• d Ih er and paY'lng IWIith J'ortlan4 I'emenl• JESSE STANLEY do about a killing like that?" Ruby again, he asked Ihim's elf moodily, fourth and final account. COncrel.e_ Wldtlh : PAvem ent 31 ' nnd • • 28' 8" ; Road .... ay ' f a.noi 42' Pl. ••• S20. N_ B.nU•• tea, O~'" stared at him, wide eyed. why not? He was used to taking ~rtrude Jonel w8J) appOinted Leng-lh Z 60UO' 0 0.492 mile. "Oh, Grimes ~aid old Windy chances. He could be determineli executrix of the estate of ~orge 8Ulmlloted. COlt or (lOIl8uuctlon. . tf3 1110.00. EARL KOOGLER figured they COil Id run a bl ul1' on e nough- weII , it wasn't that. V. Scott, deceased, no bond reo Date 8 t for comJ)leU~n. Decem. D.,t_ Plao_ you that would keep you quiet. It simply seemed to Don that quired. Ray Law, J. Karl Gil· b r 1. 19U. They were pl'etty desperate. he had come to a'l forked trail. christ and GOI Sieker were ap•_ _ .1 1'1 ... a "Eamor. "Any way, it all come out in Ruby McDonald had seemed desir· pointed apprail!ers. . '. FMe . .' Ahl nee. , •• ".rtlet•• le ·t h e wa eh, " Don 0 bserve d a ft cr an a b l · h h th d t I h f W'JI" E G Warren County. Ohio, on pa.rt of e enoug w en ey 1'0 e ·0· n t e ease 0 I lam ' , ra· Section M6rrow O't lb Clnclnllatl. interval. "Gilson an' Salter have gathel' lOOking for thieve!. Now she ham, administrator Qf the estate Zan nlile H~a.d, B. H:. No. 10, U . s. passed out of the game. Grimes' ll looked too much like an unattain. of Lew-nce E. Taylor. deceased. ro Route 22, In the Vllla&,e of Mor· .~ ..... byNo.81'&0101; ~ .. adwaY. draining get \1 long stretch in the pen . It's able goddess, lying among pillows;' versus W. E. Hayner, et aI, c~n· and ,p.vlnl[. with Portla.nd (letment a clear case, an' these Canadh~n a hite soft" throat risin'" out of a 1I L!rmatl'on, deed and distribution. concrete. r'av m nl 28'·6": .. lloadway Width: .2' . courts don't.l\taSte no time. Grim!!s lace tl'immed nightgown. Don William E. Graham, adminiatraLength 143.35 ft. or o.on mil FOR SALE admits they stole O1ost of these s hrank humbly to very small di· tor of the estate of Lawrence E. E.Umat~d cost -of ' A UJjf7I1.00. I d cattle from you. They'l bring mensious in his own es~imation Taylor, deceased. flIed hi. sche u.., a.te tet for completion. December of debts. . l'1 9U • tlcate at' SALE - Hi·quality Chicks Murdy back here from Montana when he JOOkjld at ber. _ _ _- -t..rlWJ.w..........'-"'J:,..O'-".Cl!.Ll...,..~¥lJ.U-1lA.;1'- you " I reckon that's about all,' The will of James . H. Jeffrey, form :hi'~:';ffi'~b~~~4-.J.!'.OIID flocks carefully eulled and want to prosecute him for rust.lin'. he said, rather laniely. deceased, was filed In probate. testedfor B. W. 15:' under"Or attempted mu.rdet·," Ruby "Is it?" shel a sked. "What about Harry Z. Gray was apopinted to personal supervision by Antigen , muttere~. "They certainly meant my I'eputatioj~ that agitated you take the depolition of Eatellah methodj W. Rocks, Bar Rocks, Butr to kill you. They came near killing so? l s it going to be torn to tat· Stiles, as to the I!ignature of W. E Rocks, R. I. Reds, W. Wyan.~e. me. What would you do, Don? ters? After me ridiD' around with Putt, witnellll to 'Will. . W. Gianb- lOc; , En&'. W. Leg. About MUrdy, I mean." you for two o:r three da)'s an' get- . Bessie GroM. executrix of the 7%e. Let UII have your order now. "What they t"l'ied .to do to me tin' mi~ed up with rUltlers in a estate of Emma Gray. deceued, W6laman's Hatchery. Mason. Obio. don't give me no grudge," Don gun fight." filed her fint and final account. Phone 28R. mal said slowly. "Th Y'I'6 your people. "Oh; I suppose there'll be talk,' Frank Frazer, Manly Frazer, FOR SALE-Sweet potato plants, "I know," she sighed. "1 hate Don said uneasily. "I can't do Lyle Frazer, executor-s of the ea86c per hundted, 01' three hunwhat they tried to do. But I hate nothin' about that unless 80me· tate of Zaldee Venable flied their dred for $1.00 All kindl garden to think of Murdy in the peniten. body makes a break In my hearin'. aale bill. plants, toc dozen, thre& dozen 26c. tiary, too. Uncle Malcolm and "We've given them lomething Tbe will of Milton M. Jaclc. de10.. ...,.". On Ferry Road. Strouse Brothel'll • . Lockie have got away. What would to talk about." Rub, propped her. ceased. was filed in probat.e. Route No • .3, Waynesville, Ohio. The will of Allee Scott was ad· you do if Murdy was your cousin. self up on one elbow, a gleam of . t m 8l Don?" mischief shining in her eyes .. "Le~'1 mitted to probate. Albert T. Scott Don thought a minute. He could give them alliother mouthful. You was appointed' exeeutor. no bond FOR SALE-3 fresh Jersey cowa. put himself in her place. take me bomle, and then take hold required. ' Unusually good ones. Irene Hen In the matte'!' of the estate of "Give him a runnin' start," said and run the RM for :rne. I've rot deMlon. R. R. 1. tm17 he. "Let him hit the trail for parts have a range bOBS, somebody I Mabel Freeze, decea.ed, Roy 1,. unknown. He's done as a gun' fight can tl·\lst." Freeze, administrator Js authorised FOR SALE-Three burner Neseo er, unless he cultivates his ' left "An' you t.hink I'll do?" Don to settle claim for wrongful deatb .e- 011 cook stove. Inquire at hand. He'd never show up in Mon· ask~d. . to &11 Gazette office. tana again.'" "Sure you"l1 do," sbe answered Marlrap ' U - _ 1 con ~'r. PO)O~!cll' F OR SALE _ Meadow Wasbing "You're a white man, all right,' promptly' "Of .course you'll do" ~ 2, ~g ' h I I ' I with •. In· Ruby murmured. iiI just can't bear "When I 'qujt the Square and Elsworth F. Bina~ paper anser m n mum wall"e Jla 4 to all IMachine, f M H H Delco t Itmotor 1 W to send that kid over the road, CompaQs this fa it," . DOll said slow. of . Wayne8ville and . Mrs. May Group 2 aeml·.kllled .workera em. qu re 0 • • un '11', ~ . ay.. II B f W '11 plo),e4 on thla conlra.ct ahall be ~8vil1e. 8 m17 even 'i f he is bad, and crooked. I'm Iy. "I swora I'd done my la8t lick Be e Igis 0 aynesV1 e. 11 .00 per hour. '. ' da S lte I' I I!lal'd I'd ----Tbe minimum 'Wage workera ])aId to em. all FOR SALE- PI ants, 1 an d 2 year f unny. I , In g Ja d you k'll I e r . for /lny b 0 dy 'b'ut mylltll. Group 3 .eml .• kllled I'd have felt awful if you'd killed never work for wages again. An' R ••I Eetat. T,...f.. p).oved on tllla contract 111..11 be 800 old perennial .flower plants, toeither Uncl~ Malcolm 01' Murdy- I've got mysEllf a good little ranch William and Enola A. Lawhor~ P~~o~'lnlm\lm wa ..e ~Id ftI all matoea. cabbage, mango and sweet much as they deserved killing." located in th,e Sweetgrass. I don't to The New York Life losuranc:. Group • •emj·eIWled ·w orker. em- potato plants. Geo. Petertoll. ' 1 Don laughed at her vehemenC1!. know." on thl. contract ""aU be ma'le from WaVftesvllle 0n B·'l Co .• 67.366 acrel in !furtlecret!k .ploy('d 150 per hour. ,,, ..... "1 wonder," Ruby went on, look Ruby settl(ld slowly back among The minimum "'....e paid to ..Il brO'ok pike. .mlO lng at him !iloberly, "why Uncle her .. mows. She lltared at him fix. township. Group I> common l.bor employed 011 " Benjamin P. Killer to tbl. colltract .haU be 60c per bour. . American Trust and SavlnThe attention of bld4er. Ie dIrect· Malcolm made that play about him cdly for a minute. WANTED bein' so dead set against Tom Sal· "I think yOUl're the stupidest man of MiddletoWn, real "tate·~ :~btl~t\~:..·':.~c~r:~r~:l~Ya~ ~~~~c~ ter, when all the time they were I ever knew,r' IIbe said at last In Ball. . to ~he u .e of dome.tlc ;mat.rl..l.~ rustling 0" Ine I'n partnershl'p a veru aggrl'(!ved to"~. eeleetloa at labor, wa..,.. houn o[ .. II . '., , '~ H F C t t C t f employment. and CC!pdltlon. of WOOL-Con.1en now to The Ohlo Tom wanted to marry me. It would Don towered over her for a .. omp on 0 oan y 0 emplo~ent, an.d hand labor It ' I f h d \.. d Warren the ulle of real estate tor melbo... . Wool Growers CoopeRtl"e Aa· have rna d e It a 0 sImp er or t em secon • my It lIe , hurt. h . 1Ihe bidder muet .ubmlt with hi. soelatioD' ad know you will cet all 11 I had. Once or twice I Then at fUcker of hiS wayl. 1J14 • certlfl.d elleck In .n amount fall valae for JOar clip Low h e MCaso~_ ~~dlJalqBu'~ aDd ::~~::i!~t!'t~tCr:ttl!'e,.~mo~~: lItocka of wool indicate 'hIPft thought I might.'" half-el oaed "I got lort 0' curious about loalc allde TID.. 0 • .., ....., thall Tea TIlollMa4 Dollar. tlricaa laW. UlMl'aI cub ....... that, too," Don eonfi!saed. "Hap· him. Thla la, lot No. 98 In Mao.. "1t.:.CI::·':l.4..•,..In_ttoaa .... 011 an made. W.,..ntne I'annen pened to mention it to Grimes. He ldAed her on American ACIN. ._ . fI . r._"~~.""~be ....~r"':: EuluiIl,. Co.. LoeaI llepnaa. lure did talk, that man-like con· Ruth II Karts. 84 aena In ,. .. ,• tm. fenion waa rood for his sou\. He . _... IIt7 ~_ tIi.2'!C;-: lin toWll.up. ~t aeF . . . aI11rNe. ••• said old Wind, figured a woman B. IIJrtIe -.IE0. . . . . .aau.. ,.... DtrI.....I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _w.. eo darned contrary that if .. he made a h oIIar a boQt Tom JOU .. . . . ..-N lllaft7 hllll, lII'IRIIIn'''' afilll'l'laD.. t



Crooked Trails










Or .No Charge

Centerville, Ohio




Sl 0Iey &.I00gler Auct.·oneers



Quality PrlntlDI



111• •1



=====-===========::::l """':~-



Capitol Gross Road' Chatter




PULU.h_1 S.Lacr..tlo.


'1.10 •


RUlJulnna, daulfhter of Mn. Elmer Curry and Luther Lumpkin, m'al' Spring Valley. T. . Haydock hal returned 1\11'8. C. P, Nug«lt> j" the! guest ! a four week.' vl~it with his of her pllr('n tij in G~orll'('to"'n. dauKhwr, Mrs. W . U. Larkin and family, of Greenfield. The Ladies Aid of the FriendH' B eef Program church met at the home of )\1'1:1. C. Jud~t' G or"" ltittL'nuur of D. Miars on Thursday. . Pikdon ~W' !I)lpujnil'u a m(,tnOl'r The regular meeting of the of the clIlIInlltt·, IIf 25 cat lIe Dorcas club was held at the Annex rudel'll I\mi hreed('r~ who al'e on 'l'hur day . meeting ill Wn. hinjrton to cil'uil a A brooder house be longing ' to production cont 1'01 pI'o j{1'am for RIlY Reeves burned on Wednesday the beef indu~lry. D 'fure j.{oiuI(' to eveni ng, of last w ek. More than Wu hington ht· /net with a gro up two hundred littl-e chicks perisbed. of 25 cattlemen nt th(' , S. l J. nih' has been mftde t 0 gather ideas fro1l1 Ohio cattlllf Announcem th .. o e ap~roac 109 marriage of men.

New Burlm.toD

Mr. and Mr. moved to the Alpha stead. Miss Evalyn Tuoker returned aturday evening {'rom a motor trip to Flot'ida, made with some girl from Monroe. She reports t.hat they had II fine time. Misse>! I{ len Ral\dllll and Ada Gmce Underwood pent S aturday in Dayton.

Ollie. Pho.o ... , .............. N •• 112 Entered at poatorrt•• at Way!! ..R I... ville. Oblo. .. J~.e""d Cia.. llall

Apport-"•• t .,( FecI.ral R.lief Allotmenl of $4,712,706 approved by the federal relief administraMAY 17,193' . _===::a:::=_~Ition for relief purpose in Ohio _ ===================.=-during May goes for general unemployment relief a nd ru ral rehabili tation to the exten t of $4,500,000; for transient relief, $125,000; for puring the last :lew months there has bc:en growing criticism. from the national re-employmeni service many quartel's, of various ~overnmentlll activities--plirticuhuly thosll $34.081; and foJ' student aid, ~ Miss Lucile Tucke'r and Charley ,::=============~-=:-:-= which 'are of an experim ntol nature, and are without legisll!tive pre- $63,626. Incidentally, t ransients Qsborn spent the week-cmd with " I~~~::;;;:;:===::::::~~!!! cedent. And, in return, the defe nders of experiments have natu.rally willing to work will be given an her sistet', Hauietlt Clark and I opportunity of sel'Vi ng the state in been more ~e'alous and aggresijive in bringing their beliefs and argufamily, of WalhondIng. They were throughout 10 light labor camps m nts before the public. Ohio. From the transient cente.,s accompanied home by Mrs. Clark A grave responsibilit~ rests on both these groups--those who de- approximately 2,000 volunteers and children. . fend and those who criticize. The American government is .att.empt- will be ought for work at a· nomThe Friends' quarterly meeling, ing to do II great and fine thing-to bring more happineSl!, more oppor inal $1 per week, plus board, on held here last S,aturday was tunity, more useful leisure 1.0 the average man. There is no pllLce for various stat and local projects. largely attended. criticism and denunciati on which is purely partisan and selfish, and The men will be transported to the The many friend :s of Edwin I presents an ell'ort of those who al' politically "out" to get themselves work camps, where a pTOgram sim- Shidaker and family were sorry to back "in". And theTe is no place for enthusiastic praise which is like- ilar to that prevailing in CC hear of the loss of tbeir barn by 1ire Saturday mornling. wise based on parti an grounds, and represents misguided loyalty to a camps will be put into effect.. The bou se occupied by Mrs. political group. . There is unque lionably .feal' on . the part of many citiltens that Hil'bway Patrol Ac:tivitie. Durin, Amanda Starr WIIS badly damagApril ed by tire Sunday Imorning. in conducting its experiments, the government is IO!,ing sight of certain Better motor vehicle law 'observMI'. and Mrs. A. S. Collett and American tundamenlals--that it is endangering the 'e xistence of economic and social individualism, that it Is weakening the founda- ance and highway safety were the son, 'Robert, had Sun day dinner objective of the State Highway at the Wilson School in Dayton. tions of demoeracy. There i fear that we are nearing the shoals of Patrol in stopping 18,450 motor Th C" L met at th · Ies d ' A'I eaguemaid Saturday fascism, and n burenucratic dictatorship. That is the issue t hat. must be vo h IC urmg prl, acco~ d'Ing t o 'h eeof IYlC Eva MacD 24 widely discus ed, by both the friends and enemies of the new order. It the monthly report submitted to o m . . C Governor George Wbite by Colonel evemng. wIth , Mrs. Frances MaeMt:lI::URSI sh ou ld b discu!!ssd frllnk ly, fairly and authoritatively, and all ' ,ides Lynn Black, patrol superintendent Donald a8 the spell,_lk_e_r_.__ Nhould be heard. · I·LI!: AMI!:KICA. 11/111 "HI:-n· aoup. beel. Iamb, o. Ileal meal, twO Neither dogmatic \)rnise nor partisan criticism does service t.o a The vehicles stopped i ncluded CA . May 7 (vIa Mat'llIlY ItllmO) vegetables, dessert aod colfee or gov rnment, an administration, or to the public. Honest difference8 of 9,727 passenger cars and 3,623 commercial cars. Last month the meteor sbow rs ar, DPIUJtI· cocoa lIIot Wllcb' starving dOWD pinion, honestly argued and thras hed out, are of immentle benefit. COUI.fy Court rulTbelle patTol issued 3,169 verbal warn. • We bave been walChlng lbem bere as yet. ings, received 2,186 information every nlg hl alnce "prtl HI. At II ret Tbere are lew ' regulaUona In tbJa requests, rendered assistance in tbe atwoapbere waa murky and vial. camp but lb08e few are 8tncUy en· 2(5 ca es and investigated 211 acbllily low , I{ecentll'. bQwltur. t he rorced. We all adult•. OD a cid nts. Recovery of stolen prop- estate for highwaY!I. air ball clenred and Ute bet\vens aeMoue m18810n. and lbere Ie DO The glavity 0{ the housing problem. in America can be simply il· erty included . 18 motor vehicles Rudolph R. MUI!ller to Alyce lustrated by a comparison of the number 01 :lamiliu provided with new valued at 4.,900 and other property Mueller, Teal estate in Wasllington bave put 0 '0 a wonderru l ebow lor greal Oiled or C11aclpllne. We arc: UII. allowed 00 meals a.cept at regulal to",n hip. residential units in r cent years. valued at $821.75. On tbe 8Clence bul1d1~ . UIII houre. 01 coure8. wben partl B Grace L. Myers to Carrie WatIn 1922, some 370,000 families secured n ew hornell. In 1926, when Hailiell. 01 Wllsblnglon. , II. 0 .. our come ' In 011 Lbe lralls hungry Lbey kins, inlot No. 68 in Mason. the all-time high was reached, close to 600,000 home IItruetures were State Li~r.ry Seniee for Sllmliler ,eo rlgbt awa)' or Il8 soon as John B. Pownall to George L. meleorologlst. anrl tbe other IClen· are built. The ten-yeal' 8vera'ge from 1921-30 was 361.000 units each year AI Carbone, 01 Uambrldge, Mas8 .. Camp. Pownell real estatel i n Loveland. caJ1 get 80melhlog ready. Every · In 1933, new home construction tJroppedto leSl!l than 30,()00. Travelling book servlee of the Louis Fred to Sollomon Fred, inboo), mllSI gel up for brelikrael Making the problem still more severe ls the lact that during de- State Library will be extended.. to lots Nos. 6 and 6 ill Lebanon. 'I'bere II no IIngertng In bed. as Pl' s&io n doprecintion and oDsole cence of existing homes w~re more summer camps throughout Ohio. mucb W8 would like to atay In t han normally great. Thousands of houses literally went to pieces, due State Librarian Paul A_ T. Noon Bill. AI).1»wed our warm cocooo·llke sleeping has nnnounced. Already requestll to lack ol upke~p. Ohio Central Tt!lepbone Corp. tor 8 few extra winks, ThOBe who The result is tnat a heavy percentage of our people live in sub· for book loans have been received re1\t. $54.26; Ohio Central Teleare ~ ,, Illi and rreezlD& CAII·t standard dwellings. Doubling UP. with sev.e ral families occupying one from 16 summer camping groups, phone Corp., tolls, ~31.85; Reif's bear Lhe slgbl 4)' olbere stiU eoJoy· including Camp Fire Girl couneils Electric Shop. lamps, ,8.64; TrulIhome, is commonplace. 1t W8!! recently estimated that 0&,000,000 '"g tbe IU.1l1')' or the bagll &lid loon Boy Scouts of America and Girl tees of Public Affairs, light. $61.48 families lived in this manner. And population shiftll have gOl, on, de· Scout camps. Collection qf books hllul them out. Exceptlonll to this are ... AltOn Wade, of Weal Holly· pr s ion or no deprl)ssion, creating tremendous home shortagell in vari- containing poetry, adventure stor- Mrs. Ira Eltzroth, services. $6; 1'00<1. calif., a geolOglat without any Ies and tales of the home, scho,ol Helen Doughman, services, $7; ous localiti s. . roetl ·to 8tudy . who II actina as our . jump and out-ofdoors will comprise t he Candis Hymer , sel'vice • $5; Mrs. Batt t times are the herald of stimulated construe' WiJI Bryan. ervices, $10: Stella nlgbt watebman, and Clay Bailey, hipm ent of reading material first in building is coming as certainly as the tides, and it 18 going to Kelly, services, $7;, Georgia Miller 01 tlrawley, Callt., oUJ chisl radio ~dvanc building cost&-both for materials and' for sk illed Labor. The to these camps. services, $ 10; Mrs. Howard Sawoperator, wbo II alwaya on radio MIKE wise property OWn4!I', with money to spend, is beginning tCl realize that yer. services, $7; Columbus Blank watcb 11.1 nJght. f~M~08~:tI~~:a Ono of our. t •• m le.dl,.. Ohio Sec:oDd In Loan. this i8 really the time to build and repair, while bargai n priees still Book M1g., supplies, $4.60; Lyle No men are sllowe<! away rrom _8 wllJ eoltd )IOU Ohio was second to £llinois by Blank Book Co., warrants, $138; lI.ta built an obeerveUon tUl' tile ltatlon alooe. "bey mlgbt get exl t. the bare margin of a single loan Burroughs Adding Machin Co., rei or pyrallll glass wbtcb II Ilgbt IMt too eal1l1 lrl a suddeo blizzard for the largest number of indivi- service, $6.56; .1olhn Law & Son lnd won' t bresil., III lbJa tlll'rel rour III till ADta.rcUc etarkDeell. It II not dual loans Irom the Reconstruc- gas and oil, $7.24; Columbus pf the science rellowl lit 00 a r. absolutely blaok night bere all lbe :Lol~~1tnl'rbLi"n~~'~I1~ . Olllu..'\.lltlan;t bll tion Corporation from the date of Blank Book Mfg. Co., supplies, $3; rOlVIDg platform aDd each cbeckl time yet. We get a eort 01 ~ylllb I>lall b , r. 110 ebaped Co m. II'~ 1J'Utbsr.1jh Lutheraheath.. ita found, February 2, 1932, to Stakalta ~lfg., Co., suppli B, $4 3.- up a.1I nlgbt 00 the sbootlng atars abaetow ror about lbre~ boure II. day ,'}'ul. iLoU. I l un .. bat ,Oll tt lor huatlnW. /ICIIII December 31, 1933, II report '15; Columbus Blank Book Mfg. Co be observee 10 ODe QuadraDt 01 the whlcb the velerll.DlI tell ' me II day· ",D<' lin I ...... plD5 lrtPl. I ceived by Governor George White supplies, $3; Columbus Blank .lI:y. Tbll II being done UJlC1&r the light. Mayb e somebody 8X1)artenced The Ohio State University RadiO Station-WOSU \~M tiih~J..n~=. disclollCs. A total of 632 individual Book Mfg . Co., sup'plies, $20 i Jobn \llreclJoo or Ur. Tbomas C. pouller, 10 London toga mlgbt recognize It ~I~~ l1l<I"" I<><1a1 to loans were made to Illinois and fion Watson Co., supplies, $3.80; tblef 01 ou r group of la 8tlenltsttl, 811 daylight. I don·t. All Ilgbts HUNTING 8:00 Mllsic 8:0o J Farm Adjustment New .. , p ' ' ' ' . . . . . . . .. . " ...... John W. Wuichet G31 to Ohio. Other leading state, Bell Pre 8, postals and printing, wbo la I.n commaod bere wblle Ad· mUllt be out by 10,30 p. m. U'I a A FISHING 8:16 Su dan Grass for Summer Pasture ............ .... " ... , .. ,Earl Jones were WiscDnsin, 582 : lowa, 662: $3.60; Office Out:6tters, supplies, mlral Byrd III off 10 bl. but 1Z3 good bea.lthy life. I like It and am frone .. Bldg. Pennsylvania, 546: Texas. 498; $8.65; Mrs. Della Hufford, feed· mllee away . At bome Ur. i'oulter Ie ttrrt"lD& ' 00 It 8:25 Music ' ' .o.ton. M.... Mic~igan, 0&86: New Jersey, 4.29: ing prisoners, $3,54.48: William 8:40 In ects Bnd Disease of the Garden T. H. Parks &; A. L. Pierstorft' IndIana, 421 ; and New Yor k, 384. Huffo,rd, waahing for prisoners, head of the Icleoce department 01 If you willb to Join our rut·grow · Jowa We81eyan College. at MOUDI IDg Club, wllbout coet or obligation, 8:60 How 1 developed my "·R Dairy Herd .. . .... .. Lawrence Hayes $37.36; Duro Te!:t Corp., light PI_nt. Iowa, In tbll 'meleor' 0:00 001 Clothe Cor Spring ..... . , ." ...... , ........ Edna Callaban Predict. N.tio ••Wide Police Raolio bulbs. $20.95; Trustees of Public ahower observation buslneu dnwn a.nd get II memberShip card, blS free work log map of Antaretlca S,..tem Affai rs, light and! gaB, $36.89; here be Is ... o'rklng wllb IlIly mele· and. later. a handsome lapel bUlton, :10 Music 1 tl :26 Care of kin and Hair Coat of he Dog ........ D. W. Ashcraft Complete .we b of police radio Thomas g. Corwin" Jr., radio tubes orolo«1ca1 slallons tbrougbout tbe wnte to me al our Amertc&II head, 0:35 Father of Erie Canal ViSIts Ohio ...... ...... .......... H. E. Elwine communication throughout the $6.60; John Law It. Son, gas. oil, world and a lot or new knowledge lIuarter.. Simply send a lelf..d· 9:46 Origin and Development of our Dairy Breeds......... E. E. Heizer United States, ushering in an era etc., $59.96; Thomas Taylor, at Celeatlal ways 8bould come 01 It. dres8ed. stamped eoveJope to of more effective law enforcement services. $8.26; Roy Burrouglls, Our dally routin e ts all In work· Arthllr Abele. Jr., Preslderl! LIttle is forellCen by O. W. Merrell,state services, $15; K. L. Horn Cloth- Ing 8bape oow . We rise at 1. get AmeMca Avletlon a.od Expl~ratJon highway dit'ector, who is the guid- Ing Store,rent, .15; Offiee Out- Into frollen clothes. thaw oursetvc:a UI!lb. Hotel Lex ington. 48tb Street ing spirit in the coordination of litters, rental on tltpewriters, $4.10 out a bit and bave brenkfaet at 7.30. and Lexlllgton Avenue New York' radio commllni4$tion effected Obio Central Telephone Co., rent, By 8.10 we are at work. l.uncboon N. \'. If you a teacher or leade; among the State highway patrol. $7,26; Fred O. J&,me9, dog bones, bappeD. at 12.30 and dLnner at I).ao. or &.notber organtzaUoo. aeod names ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN city poUce and county sheriffs $2.10; Horace F. Compton, com- For breakful we bave dry or aod bome addre8see of eelf a.nd throughout Ohio. Ohio already ill pensation and damages, $30; J . L. cooked cereal wlLb real cream .and membera anC1 a B-eeot etamp ror ,our Cattle, hogs. ,beep and cal".. Norris-Brock Co., live ~D. COLUMBUS _ Receipts of outside by Warden Thomas, who in the front rank of states utlliz- Dunn, mechanic, $77.97; Thomas milk trom our own COWl!. bOl cakell eaob. aod everytbIDg wl1l be lent to to progressive firm for, the Nt Secretary of State George S. i. determined. that no more prison. lng the magic facllities of the radio Taylor, services, ~9.62; Roy Bur- or baCOD and egg.. and colfee. you aDd tbe membera ImmedJately market pricel and good ae ee. in connection with law enforce- rOllghs, bervices, $Hi ; John Myers, LuncbtiOU Ie • buffel , aft'alr. u8ually J t you're a teacher enroJlln8 a CJae~ Union Stock Vard.' Cincinnati. 0. Myers' office were given a big ers 81111.11 eac:ape. boost one day last week wben a ment. and it is the hope of High- pay roll, 1228.80; Harold Sweny, of lIaodwtohBe. soup and co!!'ee. you'll get a dIrect pereonaJ radio Tune in on Radio Station WC)[Y , 12 :215 to 12 :30 p. m. for our dao, Notices were forwarded to way Director Merrell to enli t the PIIY, roll, $207.48; Floyd Lemmons Dtnner .Is our blgl;est meal. with meelage trom Admiral B rei check for $7,525 was received market reportli. ------~--~--~.~= y • from the New York Central Rail- county bo~ electionl lallt eoop'eration of every police de- pay roll, $181.44; W. B. Schuler, road Company. This was the lar· wee~ by the aecretal')' of sta\~ partment andaherijf'a oftlce in the' pay roll, $216.61 :; W. A. Seiker, ~--'gest single check this ye$r, and stating ~ounty recorden W\ state in the, coordil1at~d hookup pay 1'01), "148.2 1~; R. M. Van . ~~~~ ~~~~exceeded the largest paid last y'ea1' be ~I.ected thiS year becauee of a inaugurated by the patrol. This IHorne, pay roll,. ~,305. 28; Edward by $2,400. The payment wu made deCISion by. Ute state supreme far-sighted vieion of opefating ' a Simpson, pay roll" $l89.6a; F. M. to cover an increase in the capital court dec1a~n. uncon8tituti~!,al unlfted police radio II)'stem in Ohio Bowyer, pay roll, $185 .06; L. G. stock of the railroad company an act p&lle last yea!:. eix~n Ing will provide the most adequ.te Andereon's Sons Co., guard rail from 7,000,000 to 10,000,000 the tenna .of these owC. I two proteetion p08!lible fo~ the Jives material, $11.90; J. K. Spencer, shares. The fee was computed on yea~. It b~1 'fle~essal')' !~r and property of ita citisens In Mer- sand and gravel, $163.60; Mrs. C. the basis of one-fourth of one cAandldatea or t B o.lce , at i e rell'. opinion. D_ Watkins, gra,re l, 30c; Waites cent per share on the inerease uguet prlmary. to II e pe It ani Garage, parts, $25.90; Oregonia tbe number of Ibare.s. ' plul a illin, in theIr Nlpectlve count~a b! Bridge Co., welding rod, $1.26; S. fee of $26. Other receipts the June 16. .A laIye number of candl' Ohio'. I.come Rot.ra. Gai. C. Alexander, cable and hoisting, day added approximately 11,40.0 datee for variOUI offtcea iJ. in the Gain of 18,659 in the number of $198.60; Henry Ludington, . gas, to the railroad check, making a field thit year, a~d Clf course they individual income taxreturnl filed $91.15; A. L. Toshie, gas, $62 .69 banner daily record for the office. also must file tlIen }l8titlons On or in Ohio lor t982 as compared with John Law & SOI1I, gas, $aO.16; , before June U. 1981 hall been ' reported by the Franklin Motor Go., gas, $119.65; census bureau. Returns filed for William ' J. Ayers" 'Service Station, Seven safety campaignl for prevention of accidents are now bein' Notlfithatandina much pre_ure. 1932 nllmbe~d 19fi,710 qainst gall, $13.58; Franklin Vulc. It. Tire CLASSIFIE D ADS OST ONLY conducted throughout . the Iltate from blooded Itock 177,052 .for 1931. The lltate was Co,. gas, parta and repairs, $84.80 ONE CENT PER WORD. WHY under sponsorship of tbe Division and other oqanll.tiona to have seventh In the total number of re- La Mar Body Shop gaS, $1.30' of Safety and Hygiene, Indultrial Ohio State Fair eonftned to this turn I for the county whieh increaa East End Wreeki'n g Co., 1 bumpe: KEEP YOUR ATTIC FILLED' CommiPlon of Ohio. Indultriel ltate tllta year, the mana.. ment ed from 3 •• 06.a37 for 1981 to $1.50; F. M. Bowyer, stamps and partiCipa~ng in tlle individual cam of the annual .XpoeltioD b .. decld- 4,078,640 for 1982. telephone calls, $3.30; Gilpin It. WITH USELESS ART ICLES pair are conatruction, wholesale ed that it IhaII cOlltlnue open to Son, gu, $32.21; Miller Hardware THAT CAN DE 'TURNED INTO ns petroleum distributors. mlnin•• oil the world. Tbit d84lilion ill baaed Ba.k Depoeit. Saar ia S.I. and Furniture Co., supplies $8,refiners, meat paCkers, quarries on the bellet that It is more beneD fi it i di . 62; J. L, Dunn, latlle chuck and MONEY ' FOR 0 SMALL A 'and lime burnert!, and dryers and ficial for Ohio agricultural inter41 n e n c:atlon ~f jmprove~ drill, $11; David Biggs, maintaincleanen. Som.e 200 concerns eate to be In competition with ex- ec:d~iC a::ondltio~1I In Ohio III. jng lights and barricades, '2.60; COST. TRY THIS MEANS OF then employes are takinr part. hlbito~ from the country at laree an k n at'P ,atnl recorded in Thomas Taylor, aervicts, $9.63: SELLING AND SEE WHAT A than with lltate producere only, be- G ree~urcel deposits, Roy Bunoughs, servicee, $26; D: te baa. been W. Keller, aerviees, $66; H. L. 'lliam D. Overman .baa caUIe dl8playa brollrht from other d~~~~~orTbeobargelt' DIFFERENCE IT WILL MAKE etatea add to tM educatioDal value a YIIICU. e D ~ports, III re- Schuyler, pay rc.n, $188.72; Carl Dr. WI been apopinted cllrator of the of tbe talr ,aDd rellilt in Ohio farm aponee to c~l~ of March 31, Ihow- Dakin,' pay roll. 1201.14; . J. K. TO YOUR POCKETBOOK, AS Ohio State Archaeological Museum en etrivtnr harder to meet ,out- ed that OhIO •• 36 IIcenaed band Spencer bridge timber, $ US.68 i WELL AS TO HAVE ' YOUR to succeed Dr. Harlow Lindley. aide competition thall thq would had total reaourell of ,l,f51,349,- B. L. Apgar 501'.18, bridge timber, ~:~l!eo::r~~Dkn~:ie:::"~ft~'!n:;' oth.twile. Stake ,race entriel for :r'e ~ ineJe , 0f,.!.7~U,S8206 ,'71.28; Orelonia Bridre Co., lteel STUFFY OLD ATTIC CLEANED ean Meta...., eepeciall v al it relates the State Fair h.,.e exceeded lut 1::8 wit: s.~ ba bern er'rUd' blue prints, '7.150; l"airley Hard., , year'lI by 66, an iDonue from 93 T • n repo . ware Co., cement and allpplle. OUT. IT PAYSI to the Ohio valley, He il alao an to US. Thl larc8lt.1UlmbeT of ell. ota! depoaitl weN 1874,904,910, , ••. 36; L. H. Gordon. ,a. and re~ expert arehlviat. Dr, Overman h.. triel wu for the two-7......1d pace aD iDcnaae of II5I,lle.709 Iinee palra, ,'7.211; W. C. Turton, cebeen a ruident of Columbua. 88 hi all, Th. MeOIld Ja...-t the Deoember 30, 198a, call, ment, '118.20: Fred Kahn Motor , _ _,__ nllmber waa 81. with tiM co,eted - _. Co•• parte, ,11.38; Vamous Auto Thlnra are ItliTlna around the GOftl'ltor'l lltalc. of ,t,1I00 .. the eatbDatecl b7 Supply Co., Illppli8l, '11.42; W. Ohio ptDiteDUary tbe.. cia,.. WIth coal •.....e.pen at 10 to IS plr cent. B. Madden Co., IUPPU... $251.14; three DillIDIer papten clOlll, __ • Sheehan Santee StatiOD, .... 119. parded and three other connct8 011. bichloride of 1Del'C1l~ tablet 15 ~ Few......Leen 0 ..... and Iron who W ....... 0"'" tile walla hi a plat of will control rad. PrIae 4hclbI. Ip . . . . of pld ap. Co•• Broue eutlnra, ,tc.BS; L. P. ntuaed. ftrIpnt .......... aN ilia pd eab..... IUftOts If poureel ,..... to be no tara Cavett Co., tar, $240,"; Chlclnltelq tak.. to fartller tile fC(W. tau , . oeearnd Ie tldI, the Ifth uti 00 Won. Co., .... ,11.10. I _ • of U. III the opIa. ••


............... .. ... .... N•• III


All Side. Should Be Fair

News from lWarren

___"--__ ____

t ...

Wanted: Millions Of Home.

Qnlv $1.00





Farm lvight la/Its, May 24


Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State capitol

- ---




."til' .......



of !'rd••• 11


--- -- -- -



NOTICE your board dill lOme loll. which do not crow pure ill I1nd would alfalfa U I'Ct'S!! fully. I '\\ III nlll til' re Jl\ln~ihle for my l'r wllich th.. Immedlat4!ly after dinner there WendeU Sa1isbur}', ot Sabina, "lither good ,,(llnan bOlll' t" 1'<'n would and will be 8 poultry program of an came unliay to spend the sum • wife'!'! or h('l' moth,'I"s dt,htM. • n 'all ht'r r .. "anl ill Heaven "h n - --- hould pruper! t. hour built around p~llet I~arinr mer with his grand.parents, MI'. • 1ll1'T HAROL]) C. GRAllAM M . Emma W(oll,,' ~l)il'lt (o,k it, P U I do not that any elln. 1problems. 'fhe Expel'l.meni Farm and Mrs. Allen Emrick. --- -~ flight to tht, gl'cat til yond on lu-l (Continued !r~m ac! ,. siderllbl" num of pnrpnt5 in I thill year is attl'mptmg 0 r;ar Mr. and Mrs. Seth FUrtHI!! anti tJlis ((IUllt,. wan to shirk th ir I pullct!l on the second .flooT 0 ha children spent aturday in DaySUnllll) veninI(' Ilt h\'I' h?llll', the 50 :,'81'0, cllI.~h In 1\ new recold J , () l Pa/,wnnlO Av('n lIl', HlIlllllton tmll! und "l1\ll1ng the bo e ball FRIENDS MEETINC (1hligation~- to their chlldrl1n or I harn in an effort to sidestep. teton. blt-s. '" ·11" WlIS thl' In.lth"r of thl't)\\ wer her accumpli. hments. pal; thl'Ol on to public officials but Jdangers ' of. disea , par~slte.s, Mrs. Ada Chenow th, of enP"rr\' G. Well~. M thi5 pillc ,and The high schuol iris, not to b~ Fir t-day chool a~ 9 :30 a. m. think nMrly oil )DarCI\ts pr fer to foxe and thl ves, enc~ of wtch In tend Ill.", was a dinner gue t Sunth ' .;1 thll' of 1\11'1'. 8ml PllWClJ, f {\utl'las '\!d by th~il' smaller is~erR, Meeting Cor WorshIp at 10:30 care (or their own ehildnn. !pal1lt years hall taken I~ tol, 'd day at tbe hom of Ml's. Belle O\'t'gonia. lalso won two first.. In he 60 a . Ill. I uo however want to ear nesUy The attemoon then .wlll c?nclu . e Scott anu family. Ml's. Mue " ~st of St. Louis, Mo. a !it'r p oC('jlll bolly wa~ t4!nd rly do, h Evelyn Fur!1 s won nrsl Bnd recomllll'nd to all par nLiI havitlg wi~h another i\ Id trIp WblCh WIll Mrs. Kesler Graham , Mr . MI\r. w!'iteM: "I'm only 28 years. old and I iel tu 1'\"\ on 1:1 t W\ld ne.dny ~lIl.Jy Burtun fourth. Polato Tace AYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH children about to enter .chool to take in the orchard ~ndhscvf ral garet Johns an Mi 8 Bernie Gra. weigh 170 Ibs, until tak1J11i one ui't('Jllhl1n , in tht' Hnllliitoll cem('· til 0 \\ nL to the Wayceh, .11:1 Rev. G. C. Dibert, Pastor be Ul' of the (!ondltion of the foatul'es not observed m t e ore- ham were Dayton visitors atur. bOle of yOUl' KUI'schen SnitI'! Just ,1 w;cks ago. 1 now weigh 150 Ibs: r tl'l·\'. J:;,ldyn IIllllin took first With W un d'ay: Bible tudy and health of sllch children and if any noon. Those wh? hay not been day, ' hllv mol'c en~I'~y and further ;'h .. 'llIany l'eilltlv '!' and fl'il!llds Jan ook 11 vt'!ry close condo The pray r D1 eting each Wednesday lit doubt exist to consult th ir family (IV r the farm III I'C ent .seasons Mrs. Mary Carmony spent IIlso more I'v never haJ a hungry nlOhnv fhe . ympllthy uf till in this r lay tcnm, Burton, Bourne, ook' I7 :30 p. m. phYHiclllns. will be highly {lleased the Moth r's Day at tQc home of Mr. m ~ n t ,t the·ir ,Iarkes l hour. allli Bra~no('k, w n second place. Sunday: unday chool at 9 :30 I Ie I sure thllt if any case of large num~er of eompallBons and and MlIl!. W. F. lark, in Waync . l~ llt Colks should take one !luH Oh! ~lI.\' ,I ar children, can it!Je The hlgb scl.lool boys mad« a a. m. MornIng wor 'hip at 10 :40. gro s neglect 9 n the part of any Ie Rons whIch he who comes may ville. ' teaj;p on ful of Kru~$!hen Salts I~l Il hu .~ , v ry fine howmg. Th Illost out- I N xt Sunday is Pentecost un· parent.<\ t owards theil' j:hildrens see. _ _ ' Mr. and Mrs. Porry Weller, of glll's of hot water 'very mornJllg And ,lid ollr III lh!'r di : "tanding tal' of the day as Eldon , day and the subject for th e morn. health should arLe that it; can be near Centervill, were undoy b [Ol'C \>l'eakfa st- nn 85·c nt bOIAnd (0 h'l' ('hil<ll'cn bid adi u, Ellis. "Tootie" made a new.record ing'sermon will bl!, "The Meaning individually by propel' officers dinner guests of Mt.. and Mr.. tie La. ts 4 weeks- you can g~t And now 11\ !I in the . ky1 in the 100 Ylll'd d~sh, bl'eBkmg t;he of Pentecost. without s ubjecting all chHdren to tanley Bai1ey and daughter, Kl'usch n at un~' dl'ug store 1n America. II not joyfully satl~n(ld ~ • • . old record of 10.3 second whl(h Epw orth L ague at 7 p. m. with examinatioTl by a county phYSician Phyms. afte\' the fir~t bOLtlc.--Money buck Milis loriS Ann HilI. ()~ near had tood for the la ~ 12 years. Ha rold Fox a l ader. The parents right to control Rumors are floating thick and Mr. und Mrs. HIITOld WhitBk to 1'1' n Brillr. 1111 nt a w{'ek m Day. l"''I'!mer plac d sixth III .the 100 Evanll: listic sel'vice at. p. Ul. and cat'e tor !hi child should fast around the COUll~y about the and childl' n, Richard and FI'an. t on, rec nlly. . yard dash. not be overriden by county officials orn and Hog Reduction Program cis 'Were unday cvening ' dinncr e\l('ral from tblS place attended , The :.120 y l'd dash was again all WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF except in case of extreme neces- oITered the farmers by the govern· gU~flts of Mr. and Mrs. Warren L~diet' Dre •• ea, 70e the funeral Wednesday afternoon Ellis, Bernard tied with three CHRIST sity and the valriou~ b08.l'ds of ment. Many unreasonable state· Howland, in Dayton. Men'. Suit. 6Se in Hamilldll . of Mr • Eml!l8 W I~s" other War!' n county boys for the (Undenominational) education, who lue a1\ ay~ willi ng men-ts ar being made by farmers Mrs, Marg\ll~t ,lohn!; spent Quick- f or quality drycleanina wife of J ohn W. Well. III HannI· first place in the high jump. li'o)( . Chester A. Williamson, Minister po pufol'm their duties have ample as well as other elas s of Sunday at the home or Mr. an'd ton. . .and Franl'l' made good sllowing .in authority to eare for the. itu ation No doubt. a gl·eat. deal of thIS IS Mrs. Allen Emrick. Sevel'al from a dl ta~ce attend ·. tne 440 yiu'd da h. mith Peters, hUI'eh chool at 9 ;80 a. m. exi$ting in theilr respective dis. due to the delay 1ll the progJ:am Mr. and Ml'~. Melvyn SWllnk ancl "d chur h at ~r ell Bnar on last I nd Hawke :ran th long distance Lord' upper at conclusion. tricts. bl'ought about bec!luse eaclj children, of Dayton, w ere week. ·~;": r ' . " . an(1 did well. Boger, Gons and Fox Christian Endeavor at 6:45 p, 111. nder conditions a they at, pl.~s county has had to walt on a~ al; d guests of !\fl'. altd ?vIr. Ed 'ntul"day evemng. (. ~Lr:·ANEIlS .~",,,,,,,,,~,~'I"'\.. MI'. and Mr .. Virgil Mllllck 0,£ w re the weight m n and gave the Ruth Pennington, Lader. Evening alit exi~t I therlL'foNl do not rec. lotment of co rn acreage and ?g Longaere. Mt. Orab, fr. Ilnd 1111'S. M. . F•. other chools a run for their evangeJi tic service at 7 :46 p. m. ommend the adoption of a com. from the tate . Boar~ ·of Revu\; Madems ora ,Johnl'1, Olli Ro~t Jonc~ of near Harv ysburg, . vi Ited money. Prayer meting ;1fI(1 Bible tudy pulsory 8y tem for the physical (1t. olumbu!!. ThiS boal d r~fused iO zahn, Mildred urfac, Je . sle Roy Drumm?nd and famIly, of F, Hawke, Bogel' nnd Bernard each Wed nesday at 7 :45 p. m. examination of cbildren about to make allotm?lIts to countIes unt LongaeN! Rnd M i,ss Whul'tOll near Oregoma, Sunday. '!lve the other conte tant all they nter chool but wisn to repeat all counties In the state subl!litte nttended the Mother s club eotel'in the high and broad ST. MARY'S CHURCH my r commendation to the parents the tabula,ted data the tainmcnt at the Wn ynl'sville gym Mr. and Mr . Orlando Brannon, nl)v. J. J. Schaeifer. Reetor f children about to· ~ch~ol lI.nd non.slgners. ThiS meant c~n Friday afternoon, Mrs. Mary DIl~l!:e and dRughter, I ' Ilmps, In the 80 relay, Bertlard, Edna, of spent Sunday }Olt FraneI' and Ellis won 4th May 20, WhitsundllY. Church to on ult. their re pectlvc famdy !\Iderable delay for the counties lr. alltl Mra. Kesler Graham and fiel'11t)on With Mr. and Mrs. K. pIn 'e while' the mile ; lay team schoo l at 9 :30; sermon and Holy l)hy ieian if any doubt exists as to who turted the:. program early has daughter, Bernice, attended a fam. E. T.hompson and Kathleen ?erc. Fran r, Peters and Communion at 10:30. the health of thE'it' children: they to walt on the ot er il y dinner Sunday. at the hOllle of MI s Thelma Ross of neal Ore· took third Respect/'ully sllbmltted: countIes. . Mr. and Mra. Albnght, at Wayn p. gonia attended church hel' on . Edward BIniI' As a. result reports are bemg ville. • • last unday evening. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST f( alth CaDI. of Warren Co. circulated that the program has 11'. and Mrs. tanl y Bailey en· Several attended th unday Eilhtb Grade New. (Undenominatiollal) b en withdrawn !lnd t.he farmers tertained the y, F. M. of the Phone No. 19 school convention at the church ne of the largest and be t eq· Chester A. WiIlia.mson will never receiv,e th .11' paymen~s Friends hurch, of Waynesville nt on last unday afternoon, uipped class R of the Wayne-sville nified beginning with for making this reducbon: There I. their home here unday vening. Mi5Ses Ruth and Helen Polson, chool i graduating from. the hurch School at 9 :30 a. nl. Lord' absolutely nothing to thls report. Mrs Frank Robinson, frs. and Roy Polson rel.urned t.o their eighth grade this year. upp rand sel'mon at 10 :30 a, m. The govcl'llment ha m?re tban f~1 Cbarle's lar~ and Mrs. A, home near Wel1ma~ after spe~d. Of the forty-seven in the class, You are nlways welcome at thi~ filled their obligations tn all prevl· Thompson spent Rtlll'doy in in .. several months In Dayton WIth only' four scoTed les t han on.e church. ous program, such. as tobaeco and Dayton. their father Wilbur Polson. hundred pOints out of a possible wheat, and they Will do the sam Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routzahn and John Rose, of Go hen, Ohio and t hundred in the State Eighth ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH in the corn and hog progra.m. daughtcr., Geneva "nd Betty, en. lady friend, Lulu Miller, of g;:de examination Father Newton, Pa tor - - -- Many people are c',Cpressmg tht'he tertained to six o'clock dinner Cincinnati, were callevs . here on ' • h We h~al' a lo.t about a "Brain opinion that the contmued drou Tuesday Mr W KYoun g, Mi' last Sunday. I Elghty·three certificates, or Maes at St. Augustine'!! Chure Tru t." The ]>teEfidcnt frankly says will reduce the surplus of ,agric~J1. Geneva'~ tea~he; of the Waynes. Misses Kathleen Thompson, tWEnty.jive per cent of three hun- every second and fourth Sunday he trusts in bra.ins. am one aid tural products l!O much that wlth' h 1 Doris ' Hill and Otil'J Rich ang a dred thir~.thrc pupils of the of the month. a member of tM "Brain Trust" is the reductiorf in acreage we a~ V1 lI: !~n~~~r of friends from here trio at the ~hurtlh he~ on lallt county takln~ the test were awal'd: - --- - - - -.any(ftle c.onrICct~ld with the Roose. Headed for. a i? the United attended the baecalaureate service Sundayevemng. ed, ~e receIved seventeen, or Bp velt ndmmi!;trat.oll who hll~ better States. ThlJ! opinlon III erroneous at Waynesville Sunday evening. Mrs. Bes i~ Drumn~ond, son and proxm1at~ly ~me fi~th ?f all. awa~dthan a high school ed~catt~n and due to the fact that we have a The graduates from Lytle thi daught~r, Mu!s LUCille, of near e~. ~ron~~h , MiamI UR\~erslty with whom you 81'6 111 dlsagre' \ large enough surplus of products year are MiBBes Bernice Graholll OregOnia, called on K, E. Thomp· dlstllct,'>\ e I ecetved ten cen;lticates ment. on hand now to carry us for an and Ruth Early. Bon alld family Sunday evening. of merIt and placed one 1n ~he - .- ontire year even if we have the Mother's Day was fittingly obCharles Wei Is spent the week first one .pereent of 13.. 1)21 talu':!g The Warren County Di trict (n 8n e,Wort to conne~t v.ery j I1hortest crop thIS year the world served at the Sunday School ana with his siater, Mrs. Mary Roberts th tellt In the tate, SIX were ~n Board of Health. wOl'ker VI' lth every possl~le JO!->, Jhas ever known. . ch~rch service here Sunday. and family, near Kingman, the first seven pel' cent, twenty 1ll Gentlemen: th gove~'nm~nt ~a8 estabhsh~d In The administration at Wa.8hmg. Ei hty five were present at SunMr. and Mrs. Mylah Powell and the tit'st eig.hteen per cent and 1 beg to report to you the fol· most OhiO coun.tles, a, Nahonnl ton has oft'ered farmers of Warren d g School' including several family of near Olive Braneh spent twenty one In the first fifty per lowing facts together with certain reemplo'yment oltice. The purposes county $400 000 in payments dur- ~~t ' Sunday altemon with M:. and cent. • ' recommendations upon the fol- are to aid unemployed men and ing the yeaT '1934 if they will .agree Mrs.' HaINey Burnet en MM!. P. G. Wells and family. . The total average score for thd lowing subject. w.omen to ecur,e work nnd to fur: to Teduce corn and hog-s. ThiS pay tertained to dinn~cr Sunday. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. :T. D. Smith, Mr. claas was 123.5 compared to 118 My attention has been called to III h every emploOyer,.prop~rIYt qual~ ment will mean a great deal to the Ben Ro nagle of Cincinnati, Mr. and Mr~. Arthur Knight and son , for the county. the que tion of the medical ex- fled el!'pl~yee ,--thiS WIt OU cos future of Warren county. Ce . Harvey Monger of pri.ngboro Paul, nnd William, R. Shiflet, of • - amination of children about to or obll~atlon l? worker o~ e:pl~~ Iy no one be w.illing to let un- and Mr. and Mrs: Harold Whitaker Oregonill, attended church here on enter scbool. el'. 1t I ~ nah,~~all e~rllll nt true rumors stand tn the way of a and children and evening callen:: last uDdayevening. · That the physical condition of con tructwe service. better future for the peol'le of were: Mr. Mrs. Rue Dinwid . Several attended church at 1.. the children about to enter school War~en eounty. die Mrs. Mabel Dinwiddie and Gnen Briar on la t Sunday to 'Y ~ He ran JUry should be closely watched is of - -4O , Miss Antha of Daylon. hear the little 14 ·year-old girl course 01 prime inportance. . __ , r P It is not the function • eac1... • (Contlnqed from page,. ) . . of the t leven DemocrJats deserte d th e of .."'rass roots. Gra5S with a shal, ;;;;:;==;:;::=:::===::~ 1 on Iy ca IIe d 'to0 th e 8SSIJ!' t anee o~~ th e make count)' health commlsSloner 0 party' ranks,' voting against , thOIS 10'" 'White ROM, the depen---~ J ' ti f th .. root system suffers mote for PhOli. 25 physica examma ODS 0 0 • .toater dUl'l'n a a dry period than ffi h ~ '" dabl. ""-solin. village 0 cers 'IV en sal'd· 0 ffi eera residents of the county, t hi' s IS a measure. All Olhio DemocratIc 'd con t does grass with longer roots. UCII. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO




Lost 20 Lbs. of Fat In Just 4 Weeks


























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Health Officers Urge Child Examination




S'.t. -IF E d ,.en xonerate B .... G d •

Protecting Our Patrons

In caskets, as in every other kind of merchandise 'lhere i!l a wide range of quality and value. The Cuneral direetorwho would setve his pUblic well, must select prodllcts which oifer the most in material , design and equipment, for th.e price paid. We deal with the most reputable manufacturers in this field, Qnd can guarantee every ntiele shown in 'our display room as a qUality product.

J. E. McClure Phone 7 Waynesville, Ohio ~


Waynesville Farmers Exc~ange Co.' •

~re~~nM~~~~~~w~~~~OOWbe~e~~~~M~wort~iliep~~'~~~~~~~~;~~;=d==::::====~===~=~=~::::===~~=::::==~~ practising physicians. . It is suspected that my colleague, ~

two men in the Werren cou.nty jail We further find that dunng the, incarceration of I t~ese two men in t~e co~nty ~all 01 ,warren county, Obto, every atten110n and treatment, medical and otherwise, was aiforded these two prisoners. We commend both the local village officers and the sheriff's office I"or ' their actions, in this matter. We are of the opinion that police officers, in the execution of their duty, should and ' musb use such force as is neCes sry under the circumstances til repel a vicious and unwarranted asaault upon them. . We IUrthel' respectfully report to the Court that the rules prescl'ibe~ by the Judge have been faithfully kept and observed. We do not finiJ t hat any of the provisiotu\ of law for the regulati()ns of County Jails have been violated; and we eOTlllllend the S~erlff of this coun y UPOn the excellent condition in which we found said jail. Respectiu lly submitted , J. L. MENDENliALL, Foreman '" Lebanon, Ohio, May H, 1934.

The various boards of educat10n are re ponsible for. the ''Physical conditi n of the attend· ing the public schools In so fal' as phy icial examination, immu'n ization etc. are concerned, and the law 'authorizes boards of education to appoint scbool physicians. Of cQurse the, persons most con· cerned and most 'l'esponsible for the h~alth of the child ne its par· ents and in this county the great majority of the parents are quick to detect any condition of the child that needs attention and to remedy it, the standard of intelligence of our people .is high and they are fully can SClOU.S of t~e importance of PfotC)ctmg thel1' children. . , For the health ,au.thofltJeS to seek to compel all , childr~n about to ~nter school to be p~yslcal1y ex· amIned by county ~hyslcinn.s (wh~ mi~ht be unacquatnted With t~e children) would be an autoCl'atlc and dictatorial use of power not

White Rose, the dependable Gasoline.



- - - - - -..........-,;,,;.-----'i

Spring Bedding Plants We have a large allortment of Spring Bedding Planta.for


ongl'CSsman Truax, does not think much of Wall street, 1111the debate on the 8tock Exchange con trol bill, oppose d by stock brokers, he divested himself of the follow. ing: "Somethirlg has been said about teeth and tusks in this bill. Both of them a;re too light for me. I would equip it with triple-plated coppeT.riv,eted. razol'.h(med, sp~ar.points stE~eped in the poison of the d~adlist snaKes of India." _.-COngTessman Wm. ThQln ...(D), of the Sixteenth 4istrict, attained a further honor last week, He was called to the Speaker's chair and in the ab ence of Speaker Rainey presided, over the House during the consideration o~ the important revenue bill. lie perfonned the Spenkel"s dut~r in an impartial, dignified and highly effective manncr. Herbert Hoover, an Akron rilal estate salesman, 'and Justin Harding, of Warren county, are candidates for at tbe Republican primaries. To be re·elected it may be necessary for me to defeat one of the8~ bearers of an honored patronym. Representative Will Rogers, of Oklahoma, namesal(e of the famoul cowboy humorist, was elected i1l 1932 on the 8ilrength of that ""eU known handle. Now Will Rogers, a truck driver, is opposing bim :for J:e·election. Tough on Will. Also in Oklalloma, Andrew Jackson JOl"dsn is running for CingreBB; and a William Cullen Bryan il a candidate, not to mention Robert E. Lee who ill oppising Congress· man Wilbur Cartwright in the third Oklahoma District.





Order today. See our displa y at the' greenhou.e on Route 42, the room next to the Lebanon hou.e. Price. rea.on~ble.

_ at



ewett P. !tIulford A Co. Ohio

On Friday, JUM 16, an all·day Field prograni, will be held at the Clermont eounty experiment farm. The forenoon will be devoted to a hay program with R. D. Lewis of Columbus in charge. Demonstra· tions wm be given ahowin, Jlay in different stages ,c uring and the effect which dl t practice. have on the lipeed urlnlf. Con· slderable attention 'Will be ,lven to the matter of mitlna lOod hay from timothy meadowi. Tbta alone will repay any f.nnel' for comin, u timothy t. C1uite wicht, IfrOwn In ClermOlit C01Ulty, A. block that will f.'III~aI. eoin.llmt ulldo_",

Ha~e you


$een the


Wiel.r Roael Imprint ShowI

Difference I



~ -costlle, ' to build, yet costs you nothln, ext,.1 • Ceaselesa and unmerciful ' abuse on the touahest roads-worse treatment than you ever give a tire even with your fast-sprinalna, h.aherpowered, easy·b~lna car-that's what the new "G-3" took, better than any tire ever bunt Wore I ••• Come see the treateat Goodyear ever offered-let UI point out ItI marvelous 'featurel and quote "f)U on a aet.

GOO.D NEWS This marvelous new G·3 All-Weather with Ita many advantalles over any other tire on the market coats you noth-

IDa utn.






Eighty-Sixth Year




Whole Number 6119

THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1934



By Alber, T. Reid

local Grange m eeting this Salurday nfglit,MB)" 26, ~i 1other.' night and the following pi ogram haR been prepared. M Ullie' in chnrge of Fl ossie Fit·cs. Rcu rling- Mrs. Eli FUl'lla ~ . ~bllt "Resolved that Old Fashioned Mothers were t.he b st." Affirmntive, Mra. Gibbons; negativE', Mrs. W. R. Salisbury. . Mu ic- Alton ~nd Eal'l Earnhart. R IIding- Irma Fires. Tabl aux- "Life" 1~luact.ers-Mrs. Eli Furnasj DO l'othy ue Furna~. Ri chard and Frances Whitacker, William and Mary Moss, Frances Ellis , Mr. and !\{1 8. Arthur SWI\l'tzel, Rob rt Wilso n, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wll ltaker, Charles, Do ris and Irma Fires, . Mt·. and Mr s. C. L. Duke, Mr. and Mr,. Robert Crew. This pl'omi<e to be an interesting program and visitors will b we lcome for the lecture hour.

MI',. Li7.l':i(· A . ['1'llb1c dil'd at


the home of hl' r s'm, Crabb .' unduy nigohl at. t he age of 2 yell I'''. l.'h~ flllll·ral WIl S hl!llI I\l 1I1l. ~tC J linK WNln l'sduy af\et·noon, Rcv. G. ,. Dibel·t, officiating Surial wa mu!le in PI a!<lInt cemel ry the l' .



J. Jeffrey. Cave A. Edward G. Ha l'lsock, 4 8, died al Inl p1riol Add ...... To Tke Xenia, hio . Tu e~ day afternoon. JI 'Is s lJl'v iv d by one ~o n, one We ll Filled Hou •• HOlDe ·Cround. sistl'r, hoi. Win. Gutherie, of Daylon Itn(! one brother, William Hartsock, of Cillcinlll1ti. 'I'he lo neral TIl Waynesville Merchants re/I F I iday eveningj May 18, a will b held a t Middle Run church corded theil' third straight win as capacity audience attended the ThulRda~r aCt m oo n, ol 2 :3 0 they def Ilt~ d the MillmiHburg Reds o'cl . ~k , li:ld r A ng{' 1 Qf11ciating. cOln m ne m 'nt "xe~ci es held in at Mitlmisburg in a very hard Burial will be mad c in thl.' Middle lh gymnasium . Th Htage waS atf ought contel:\t by n carll of 4 to ~rilctivl!ly decorated in ftowers, Riln e metery. 3. This was 11 very nicely played fo liage and Hl"camers or the class game even though the box score A. rr . o· enl, ,Tt'. di (\ at hif co lor, red and white. 1175 shows 4 errors for the 1I1erchants '1"0 the music rendered by the home in Wa ~hi ngt o n . H. on \<' l'iand 3 for the Red. Most of Hig h sche J Ol'che h a. the memday. Th e fun eral . ervi wa llcld these en 'orR wct·c not mad e on in Washington ; . II. Monda)' bel'S or the graduating CIIlSS, led C!lsy chan ce. a nd lhe best of all uflernoon. Burial was mad e in Mt. by two Junior. marched into the •• 61 ball player!'! make eno rs in the han and took their plac s on the Stel'li ng cemetery. prof{'$sio naJ closs. .lta!1,e, followed by Supt. J. W. It wall a pitchers battle from the Lolz. Principal orrin Robbins, 1917 beginning with Smithson allowing . 'Ellis, pl'esid nl of the Board only 4 hils and , triking out to of of Education, Raymond J. J effreys the Red !!, whil e J ncob all owe d 6 gu' t P Ilk r, R ev. G. C. Dibert hits and garnered 4 strike out. and Rev . . A. Williamson. The Reds were the first to sco l'e ·Rev. Dib el·t gave the Invocation in the sixth. Mendy threw high on and Be rn ic e Graham, S nior class R. Whe lers bad grounder which p l'c ~ lde nt, dfJivered the salutatory. threw M nuy olf balance and the The 51st meeting of lhe Alumni After a number by t he orchestra high th ro w aJl ll wcd R. Wheel r to . 01 the W. H. S. was held aturday WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH upt. Lotz introdu ced the speaker. proc ed to second. Moyer t hen evening-, May 20. Rev. G. C. Dibert, Pastor Ra,ymond J . Jeffreys, grounded to third and wa thl'own Aite1' a social hour at the' High . u nday chool at !l :30 a. m. Mr. J ffr ys, popularly known out at first. R. Wheeler !laded chool building, happily spent in Moming w01'ship ilL LO :30. Th e t hroughout the country as a hard for third and attertbwuite lIleeting fri end and classmates selnH)n su bject will be, "The, world trave~er, adventurer, soldier thl' ' w high over thi rd allowing him and registration , the. President Making of Il Prop l' fe llloria!." joul'nali t, leclurer, entertainer to pc ore.Thi is unusual for Peck I Mary Gray Earnh rt, '08, invited Epworth League at 7 p. In . , ith and radio artist gave an inspiring so don't take it too hard. R. all to go to the gym for the lunch Virginia Hardin a s leader. tal k to the graduates and brought Wh ler thfn pounded out a thr e and program. a me sa ge of encouragement and bagger to I rt field which was lhe 'A roiind 250 alumni and f riends Middle pustor fi rl\~ hit. al1owe~ by mith~on. were seated at long tables prettily At 8 of p. the m. R<,v. S. Run 'E. Baptist Angel, interest to the most appreciative ch ul'ch will be with u and preach. audience. L hIgh flied to Snhth on and thJng decoratt!d while the Waynesville On Monday of next week at 8 began to look pretty good .agaln Grange .berved a very nice two Another selection by the orch. p. m. is the r(>gular time for the estra pr ceded lhe valedictory by but Laurens muffell DIck ys course lunch. meeting of the official board.grounder which allowed H. Wh()el • Rob I't Gons, Miss Corrine Rober to score. Z. Henry whiffed the The meeting was call d to order Bible study and prayer meeti ng bins awarded scholarship recognibl'eeze for the third out aJ'ld the by the pl'esident, who extended a each Wednesdny at 7 :30 p. nl. tion to Mi s Bernice Grahem and scor was 2 to 0 Miamisburg. The pleasant greeting and word of welMr. Robert Gons, who have done OF WAYNESVILLE CHURCH core in their half of the seventh come to all. commendable work during thei1' . CHRIST as atterthwaite ingl d with one Reading of minutes of last Wayn sville Troop No. 40, Boy years in chool. <lown. Mik e Weller wa safe on yeal's meeting followed, then 1'011 (Unde~ominational) Scouts of America will have Th usual custom of presentaLehighs muff 01 II pop fly Smithson c.all, by the Secretary, Sybil Hawke chal'ge 01 the arrangell1ents {or the Chester A. Williamson. Minister tion of diplomas was observed by doubled coring Satterthwaite and L May, '08. About 129 member local ob rVllnce of Mlemorial Day hurch choo l at 9 :30 a. m. S. S. Ellis and Rev. C. A. WilliamMike .( ollowed aero 9 the pan when answered to name. The earlier Mr. Paul Grif!y is visiting his next Wi!dnesd~y, Mal' 30. Lord's ' Supper at concl usion. son pronounced the bendiction The sam flower committee that Miss Sarah Smith spe nt the Jacob nlade hi only wild pitch of classe were conspicuous in their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Griffy Christian Endeavor at G :46 p. nl. which closed the exercises, makhas Ecrvcd f or mony years, under week-end' with iri nds in Lytle. the game. Turn r grounded to absence, only three answt!ring Earl Woolard , 1 ad er. Eveni ing the membertf of the class of Miss Alice Gons was the week- th djrection of Mrs. H- E . Hathathird 1'C!tiring the side. The ' Reds present to the flrst two hundred lIlr. John Fromm pent Tue day evangelistic servjce at 7 :46 p. m. L9 34 full fledged memb rs of the end guest of Miss Frances Ball, at got snother in their half of the n.ames called. It is .to be hOJ)ed the way will be at the Town!hip house and Wedn esday in Dayton. Sermon subject, " RaisIng Money Waynesville High School alumni. eventh on a base on ball a in- older alumni will revive a sentim- Wilmington. in the morning to recleive all donaand Lowering the Church." Prayer The f ollowing are the graduates gle and a double. The Merchants nt for old W. H. S. Bnd have full Walter Elzey has be n ',ery ill meeting and Bible study each tions of flower and Boy Scout MI'!!. Vernon Simpson and baby Jacque E. Adam s tied on a single by Treadway a attendance next year. will call at homes h~ town lor ince aturdllY but. i better at t hi Wednesday at 7 :~5 p. m. WaHnce M. Bernard Lucile St. John Bland, '26 wel- daughter were brought home fTom donations. double by Mendy and a double by time. . Charles E. Burton atterthwaite in the eighth. The comed the ela85 of 1934 to Alumni Mercy l{ospital on T~esday. At 1 :30 o'clock t hE! Waynesville ST. MARY'S CHURCH Lafe Conner school band wi\) ass'emble at the MI'. and Mrs. E. J . Burton, of Reds were held ,scorel in the ranks in a cheery, happy toast. A Mrs. Grace McCune, of Lima, Post Office corner and give a short Elyria, IIrc spe ndin g t.heir summe( )~f)v. J . -J. Schaeff er_ Rector lona E. Crane eightll and ninth but the 'Merch- pleasant response wall given by Cecil M. Davis vacation here . ants got on in the ninth putting Jacque Adams. repre enting t his spent the we~k.end with her pl'eJiminary concert. Trinity unday, May 27, Church mother, Mrs. Eva Miller. Ruth r.-Ear~y----_-_".-_ _ _ ., the game on ice when M. Wt!lIer year's graduates. The program at the s!X!akers school at D:30; sermon anU Hoty stand in the cemete:ry will begin Mr. and Mrs. Cnl Sanker spent Communion at 10:30. Robert O. Gons on a fieldA sJ?lendid musical selection foldoubled, .went to third S h Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gons and promptly at 2 :30 o'clock where the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Bernice Graham ers !: h olce as mit on was lowed given by Winifred Armi-. E . thrown out at 'first and scored on tage '3S I a R'IC h '30 d Dean family and Mr. has Oglespee one of the Scouts wm deliver the O. R. Unglesbee. Roma Dale Hardin FERRY CHURCK OF CHRIST ' '33' r!D B t' . harlc A. Hartsock T urners sacrifice bunt. t age, WI th ea nee aR 0 b't I Eel visited friends in Eaton on Sunday Gettysburg addre ss and Wade MilMis Charlotte Rye .is vi iting (Undenominational) ~ In NI HaysJip leI'" of Middletown, will be the he~ aunt, Mrs. Ru sel Ben on and This iSI 't he kind of a ball game 'Sl aeco'rpanist. Mr. E. F. Reifsnider, on route 3, Chester A. WilliamsolJ Ruth Hockett I thlat keeps the crowd on their toe . Burn t Butterworth, '24 gave a underwent a major operation at speaker. The program will be 101- Ifalnily at Cleveland. Uni fled service beginning with Rub y E. Jame 10wC'd by ·the usunl decoration a most evel'y minute and this team toast ;representing the class of ten M' . V 11 h 'tal T d is one of the best that our fans lam I a ey ospt on uos ay exercises at the Mernorial cann on hurch cb'ool at 0 :30 Q. 1'11 _ Lord' Jeanne Meredith Miss Jesse lark, of Cincinnati, years ago. Everett Charles Miller hav\ had the pleda~ure of seeing on Raymond Davis, '08, was scbedMessrs. Harry Prater, Italph which will be conducted by the was the week-end guest 'of MiBS Supper and sermon at 10 :30 Il. m. Sermon subject, "In Debt to Richard C. Miller Emma l:Ieighway_ our orne groun 9 for a long time. uled on the program to present mith, James Gibbons and Edgjlf Boy Scouts. Evet'ybody." You are always welGarland' Osborne The Memorial. Day exercises this Next Sunday will be the team the loving cup held the past year Smith are spending today at Indian year have been made possible by Mr. and Mr . Morri Sherwood, come at this churcb. Ruth Marie Peck flrst appearance on the h o m e " L grounds this year when they will by the elas of' 09 to the cJaSll ake. the business men and other public' of Colllmbus, visited MI' . and Mrs. Neva Peters Ruberta E. Roberson meet Martinsville. Martinsville de- haylll3 ~~ largea' attendance at Mr. Robert Fogle, of Covington spirited citizens who raised funds (Jarl Sherwood on ~unday . ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH feated our boys in Ii prlKticc game tiUa yeu II meeUne, ~ut was con-. J{y., visited Mrs. . (Jordie Truax wh.ich had Margaret Evelyn Rogers in previoills years. been D d U' E F D ... . . d r. an ... rs. . . eppe, .... ISS Father Newton, Pastor ear]y- t his season and for tha fronted with presenting tbe cup, and other relatives here on TUe!!- appropriate Ernest L. Sheets b-y the townabip E\izabeth Renkle and Mr. Paul Mass a t St. Augustine's Church reason this might be a game we from the clsss of '08 to the clasa day Robelt L. Smith trustees. Winters spent Sund'.y at Indian evet·y seco nd and fourth Sunday worth seeing. The underatandinc of '08, the Occillion makinlr a . John 8. Thomson -- -~ Lake. t he month. is that the game will be played 00 creat deal of fun, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Banta ar· Lucille Thompson NOTICE The nominating committee then riV'Cd on Thursday evening from Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kelley,of FRIENDS MEETING (Continued on par. t) vted the n officerll for Delware to make their home here Cincinnati, spent tbe week-end Following our usual custom we with .Mr. and Mrl!I. Nolan C0l1n4!1rT-F'lrSt-(lIi:Y'~!I'm:ot"-m:"'it':-3fj'<1':--r:rr.t~~UlI44w~....t~LdlL---,--_~.J = next year, will be glad to furniish our cars to Meeting f or Worship a t 10 :30 President, Boyd Hellderson, '29. Miss Aljce Gons with a party of anyone wishing; to go to the me- and family. ·Vice-Pre.ident, Roy Ellis, '28. a. m. y friends from Wilmington, attend- tery with flowers; Phone 7. MillS Csrleen Hough, of RidgeSecretary, Irma Rich, ·SO. ed Tree Day exercises at Western ville, ill viSiting her grandparents. . James E. McClure Treasurer. John Cartwright, '89 college, Oxford, on Saturday. AUTO ACCIDENT ' Indictm ents were returned Mr. and Mrs. Vern Hough and - -MI'. Kellison (Supt. W. H. S., aga inst ten persons while chargell family, th~ week. Mi~s Mary Leah Edw8l'ds and 1'909) wa~ present with Mrs. KellIS NAMED SUlRV~YOR The Woman's Auxiliary of St. ison and made a ' Mrs. Sarah Wit hrow and hel' ets- .lIgainst fOl;lrteen others were ignor Mr. GEorge Edw.ards" of SpringMuter CharI.. Connard , grand- ter, Mt's. Kennon Dunham, promi- Ie~ by the May grand jury in iesMary's Church met on Friday fleld, )Nere guests of their aunt, Sam D. Henkle, has been ap- Bon ot Mr. and Mia. , A. O. GritTy men t Ci ncinnati women we t'e il1- sion at Lebanon last week. The afternooJ), May 18, at the home The meeting -then adjourned, the MrII. Emma McClure over the week pointed eounty 8ury,eyorj to fUl the is in St. Elizabeth hospitlll, Day- jured S unday evening ~hen th ir j\lry complete d ifs investigation at tables cleared and the re.t of the of Mrs. C. R. Frazier. . end. vacancy caused by the death of tQn, with pneumo.nia. Rev. 'J. J. Schaeffer conducted evening waa spent in dancing. automobiJ , swerved by the chauf- Inoon Monday and reporte,d to the Mr. lind Mrs. Herbert Marsha]], John S. Van Horne, who died last the devotional service. Scriptural Music being furnbhed by Don feur to avoid hitting. a motol'cycl e cou~t shortJy alter one 0 clock. Thursday at his heme in Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Kibler find that cut in from the side ove rturn .FIfty-three witnesses were quelQuotations were given in respon" Sellar'a orchestra, of Middletown. Qf Chicago, Ill., and Mr. and M1'II. The appointment WIIi! nta~e by family and Mrs. E1rphamill Hough Marllhall Haines, of Dayton, were ed on rouill 42 betwecr: Way\! . _ t~oned by the jury in its' lllvestipto roll call. . the Warren county commissionerll visited ' Mr. and Ml's. Vern t lon of 24 cases. J. L. Mendenhall dinner guests at tbe Friends Home at tbe~r regular mE!eting on Mon- ' Hough and family, unday arlcr- ville and Lebanon. The program for the annual APOPLETIC STROKE on Sat~rday. . The two women we re "taken to of Waynesville served lis foreman. meeting of tlle 'Woman's Auxiliary RESULTS IN DEATH day. . noon. of Southern Ohio, to be held in the Blah' hosp ital at Leba n Indictments were returned Christ Chul'ch, Dayton, lday 22 M1'. Simon Gasset. of route 3, Mr. and Mrs. A. Eaton, and where t hey were given first aid again st Roger War~ and Howard and 23, was read. The meeting .was Thomall D. Fruer, 66, died at was injured in an automobile . acdaugliter and Miss Surface, of treatment and then taken to Cin-' Coyle, charged with larceny in ta open with the Corporate Com- hill hOme, in Lebanon Sunday, fol- ciden't in 'Dayton on Monday ~ven­ orm~r Rel~dent Dayton, were callers at the home cinnati, where Mrs. Withl' oW is connection 'with the theft of coal munion' at 11 a. m. Bishop Vincent lowinlf a stroke of apoplexy. ' He ing and was taken to Miami Valley of D. L. Crane and ' family Sunday now a patient in Christ ho 'pital , ' /r om freight cars at Frank1in. preaching the sermon. Mrs. L. H. had been in ill health alnee last hospital for treatment. afternoon. suffering from severe body fuises. Both are in jail at Lebanoll. when he retired all village Gordon,Mrs . Emma H . McClure , January .,. WaJlace Bernard and LeMar Field K. McIntosh. (Jlift Bagby was taken to b e\' A Mrs: Dunham and Mrs. Edith M. Harris were marshal, a position he had held for Observing NewII~,aper AppreciaMr. and Mrs. E. L. Tho .... as ha 2' . Earnhart attended a Wayne Town .. a U home. She was cut on the right and Dave Childress, all of Clncmappointed D ele~at~s ~h this meet- .. ·yearll. ship school play at Osborn on non We~k wllich 'Was spons!)red as dinner guests on Saturday, Mr arm and head. The chauffeur suf- n;tti, were indicted on charg.s of ing, and Mrs. • . omu, )Irs. Funeral services were con- Tburaday evening. Charles Smith, lut month by the Calltornia News and Mrs. K. J. Vail. Mr . and Mrs. fered bruised legs.. breaking and entering a railra.d C. R. Fruie)' and , Miss Emma ducted Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 M d M f pap Ill' Publisherl! auociation Howard Reynold and chUdrell, 01 .. - car with intent to steal. They are Heighway, Altemathes. o'clock at the Otrwald funeral ~.:na m::;b!:~f~:h~:St throurhout the stal~e, the Fontana Jefferson county. IDLE WILDE CLUB MEETS charged with thefts Irom can at At the close 01" t e buaine. IM!S- home: Lebanon and Kings MiUe. AU are and was graduated from the 0,- Herald, as a memlber of the asTh f 11 . d' thO sion the followlng Program was Besides bts widow, !,Ir. ' Frazer aocietyalso partic!ipated and ofe a owmg are liP en mg lS held in jail at 'Leanon. given: la survived by two sona, Will and born High school this spring. fered a letter cont(lSt to residents week camping at Dunham'S camp Charges Lester Allen, Everett Mr. and Mrs. K. J. V,iJ and Mr. of the community .and district. on the Little 'Miami river. Th e Tdlewild e birlhday club Reading ' from the . studybook, Charles and a daughter, Mnl. Paul "The Never Failing Light," Mrs. Holthouse, all of Lebanon, and a and Mra. Howard Reynard and two The contest lUI ed lor answers Bobbie Hyman, Earl Conner, Dean met at the hospitable home of Mr. Fry and John Allen were indicted Ronaid Hawke, Mrs. Emma H. Mc- lIiater, IIrL Harry Murphy: children, of left'erson county. to the statement: "Why I like to Hawke, JQhn Sears, Clyde Fromm and Mrs. W. A. Kellner, Wednes- on charges of breaking and enter__ • Ipent the week-end wttll lira Anna live in Fontana," and tbe aim of and Charles Burton Earnhart. day evening. The time was spent in ing in connection with an anced Clure. Reading, "Tbrourh the Valley TO SPEAK AT HOLBROOK Sheehan. On Saturday evenlnr, the contest was to rive the gam es and siunts and three dif- po~ltry theft at .the R. B. Luhle1 of the Shadow,"-lIrs. · D. L. Mr. and Mra. E. L. Thomu and a chance to pClint out with their' Mrs. Edith Harrill, Mr8. L. H. Ie rent groups 01 mus icians enter- farm near Waynesville. They .... in the count7 jail at Lebanon. Crane. Mr. and Mn. Alvin Earnhart and Clwn wC!rd. the many-fold advantB- Gordon, M·rs. Emma McClure and Wined with music and songs. The spealMr for the laat Gen- family enJ'o'led a dinner at the re. that Fontana hM, and also to Mra. C. R: Frazier repTcsented the At the hour of. 10 p. m. we wert A Letter from Pine Mounbin Two other Indictments were ... ~1 E_"_A"'~ for the "ear at Woman's Auxiliary of St. Mary'S served with ice cream and cake. turned by the j1lry but are 1IOt e.... Settlement School,-lIi. Mam'e .. ..... J home of Mra. Sheehan. IItimalate the popular dogan, Browne. Alfred Holbrook College II the "Know your cClmlllunity firat." churcb at the aDnltal meetinjl: of At about midnight the crowd ad- made public at dda time. Rural Work In the Church-lin Bonora"le Arthur Hamilton, forJb• .and Mrs" Oharl.. Andrewa Our old friend, L. A. Zimmer- the Woman's Auxiliary of the Dlo- ~o\lrned, all 'havinlr had a good time Lee Hawke. mer .,.aker of the Hou. of Be· and flOD1l" of C1armiJ1e, Mr. man, .of Foothill , FOl1tana, eese of Soutbern Ohio. held at and looking forward to meeting at )l18IIionar, Not.. 1>1 nNe p~.. of Ohio. lb. Hamu- Charhs Shephard and Ian and ofters the contribution: Christ cburoh in Dayton, TlICsday. the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Members. tea'. topic! II a timel, one and will 1c1aupter, of New Barlblcton and ''To work out the open when IIr. and Mn. Charles James and Reallon June 14. Durine the I/OClal hour, dalnt, of blterut to til...neral public Mr. and lin. 0harIeI Boran and one pleMft, tel able to breath family had lUI dinner «uests on ~Dn~ 'i:e::~. ~:~~y' refreshment. d. Dr. Robert Blair, lamoaa Leb- famll, and ClarY, of Wa,- the eJ.... trail and to drink of Sunday, IIr. and Mrs. H. E. . _. _ . ' . _____ • ..OD ......, will ....der ....rsl Deeville called at til. 8aftford 0001, tre.b 1ft water, to Spencer and family, Mr. and Mn. ' 110m. on Sa• . , to NDdnd\PJaat bow It will Ray .Jam.., IUleea Ethel and Edn. Mr. and lira. Myron Tho• • of, In of Ia_ 'I'8t1l biTtlNla,. . tJIe mouDtaln Ja.... ot Xlanallburr, Mr. and Dayton, and Mr. alld lin. Wln. . Merc:h.a,nta To ' Mee t


Next On The New












T en True Bill.

Ma Meeting Of Woman'. Auxiliary


--- ..........






Turnl Journali.t




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. - - - -!I-- - - - - . . . ; . . - - - - ,Ilmpro edDiet I. ROM THE W AR EN Sprinl Fever Cure

ahuut. BI~ Jim MllcD nald bUI I fo>r,h int,) an Trupti 1\ (l,r ( I '(' Th ,)Ul'th"U (> w .:II rt ' .. I, II till! con tAbll' llU hinll th" 1'1')' • Iltc(', n.t th~' r pul:w, 1.'d h) Sulfur aact C_e Made )"JIlng Yr. ,J .. n(·~. I'ushinlol' I h clln· Oldf...hioa- ta, New ,[,,\Ill: nnd lh., Ihl">(, 11111 ,blratl'"".rlea . 'ttl· h fl alnn. "I"UIlKIIIl' hn ' l)' I d "1 db d f ,3260 Com mon P Proceedi ll •• , 0 ", et a , an .. e on o. ,~ I to "1 th r . old! r .All'''"'· und ~lll . h"r 7 ....... [t yo u hav~n.:t suffer ed 110 m uc 1 llIi h. at n WlI1k line! nu,lg,' fr(' m IIl-1h \:<I~t' lltuz~ 1 ;llury Gut- 2 r n Pence was appointed this year from s pring f ever yo u " H o I'st" H~' n Bnrl V of th(' lelY \~I>U· H II)' 111 nil A . Gult<ll'Y, d ~r. y , C th t t f Em may lay the cr dit , very probably. Kmc:(,.. H I'IIII 1'1 \'\'111. h d dept It',n a d'l\" II' i.' Kl UII! Ii the pluintiff. 0 nllmsptrator ° d e eS a e ~ filed to an I'mproved die t, de clar, es Mrs. ill (hi.' t hick of the III let'. III the cu:.t' '\)!" Hlllller A. ' toute n mb a d ' f l!,r.lcOeO'O ~tehas d , ~n Ed 'a ' I 'louten on 0 Wi sure .. es. Mary E. Gerlaug h, cxtens lon p C'. l h ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN " 1 d l\ 't lik' thb dnnum if I IllIOUj.! \ rhUg \\ I( . . A ugust BL unn e, Lexecut or of t he Cattle hoe', .heep and calY•• d c'l all'st l' n nutritionll for the 0, S. hU do '" -hout II ]\{r Hu;'n t Ht raJ'or uMough, t ai, Fronk Brandon wa • ~ ., . d d' d l"l ta te 0 r ernard unn , dece&lle Better method ll Qt cook ery, t . e Norrla.B'rock Co., live alld I . . Pottle. "I'm m d to look l\ fool. appo."~tl' :U~l~ IO~ n I em. fi led his application fo r a oe .. tifldiscovery ot the importanc e. of Vl\'('H . PTER I. ftrm for tlIe hlehat ' hI' \·rll·d .•. \\ h. t [ mean I,. not a nnd so' Johnst n and the mnje t\ l'U!'t1tlllll or l'1 e , e c. f f aml' ns and the new mphasls u p~ n prol1'eeltvs market pricel and good lervlee. he 'aid t.hol f llow 1'1! tb~ In\\'• h Id ~p to ridil'ul nnd r or the ~state R: a~~.oh trlanSs cebr.war b er" was ap- f rul't,. and v~ getable I'n t he dUlL Union Stock Yal'd.' Cinel __ t!t O. njl)l' R.\wll' ~ 1\1111\ \I, ~ lIl~l ""1 .. 11 f "hat ,. I V In the T (.~nHI dt '('el\.'~d I>pt!ul ofsus""IC ae f til ,hr\'l' 1I11\t+'!l:I!"~ "Ill) ~tlt .1I1 ne '·l'r. It'Clnteml,t d nil y l1u r tau t, an Ii r -- , ~ ~, , pointed executor ot t he e'"te of have made Ihe sulfur and molasses Tune In on Radio Station Wulty \"!'(,!(hl'l") ".\h:·· ole-h,' " :\l r. Jon ,: . anti ~nl l fOIlIt. I' ttlp !" I lain!:, toO . U . d .r t.s An na Schwarberg, deceased, n o ure- ot our grandf athers oldJa h. 12 :25 to 12 :80 p. m. for our dan, jll\! 'm'l1 l ' I" .111111 M ' ,! ne! J:H"oh (": I""hcl''') d \\0 r~lu('t lItly. "A nd 0 it ~l'm to mil!" cri~d In th II.S~· 0,£ nil IS d bond required she 8ays . market reportl. ' ~mh h ;\t J.::~ 01111 : mHh dl~T" l'p .illn I, (',.1 Jh)l"t~'rh]--h(~111Il\he:'kfor :OIl'. J(lhn~on. "IW v \\'~re i(l lu' to Th~~'t;~~r dUI'~:~d~nlrl\lte;r~~te~a~o Fannie VioJ~ Boxmeyer, W&II ap- A quar ter of a centu r y ago, says I I ~'Ith ~ ttlll . tir~ to. i .h l! hllblla· lh, u·,·n, tl1l1L'." I I I. ~ I . -e: ht'ed y u, P ott l'..~ ou ~ur. u 'h' r fil I ' din guardian of ROlle L. Yetter Mrs. Gerlaugh, we had to b con. , 11 011 of Aln"nm ~I: c.\.la"hr )1 - brio t Iill 1:. [Ill.! t"IJ th~ eourt. m the !ello\V \ '0. an Ignorant, friend ua~ le:vft In \\ ~cl~ to k ~ P ell ~ and fil ed bond of '18,000 tent with foods held ove r, sto.recl 43 YEARS OF SERVICE J311 ~lllChl'r. thu- d ~,tn ') In)!' ~"Id n.>nci t' nd ,·h·ltl Enl!li h. all that le~. tlUa tlel' and ootlaw, and hint· In t ~~SI1 0 ran Oi)i> v r~u l'etie ' in t he cellar or ground, drl d. hablt 'l lion "r lIll\ld(' I mi . by th~ h(.> had ]t'3tn ul fr,ml ~13l'!v r nd I·d at things cone 'rni~ ~~l; ~c 'nllllge. Leba~~n, moug ust Lu~ne executor of the ickled or canned. u unw ..' tlon ·ri.\'i(1u,l~ Inll't'nllin~ "Big- .J )hn" ~la(')) n Id of lhe him. nd l'l' 'hat ame of it - the 'Ion or nl!~\ trill overru e . of ~mord L1lnne, deceased Canning had not ach ieved t he LEBANON. OHIO tht 'I dl' of th (' . tlid ~tacl":l. lo- ! umin.: ,Ir lhe J"rilrt' un the \\'na\;a re p ct ble young man him elf In the cat: 'Mil; ki~~~'~~ ~::~ fil d his final account. of method know n t o Lhe .. ('t hI' I' "ith lhl' JiH'. u f 1'1'l'tllin ,jO r n. • lrl . . in' u, th lie in three language uran . t Idbe~ht II'. etY,'",<I Georie E , H all, S. C. Alexander , and by ~pringtime fol~s We have a complete ...otht r Ill'I ;I1M; t. "it. AUII:\I:t "' 11\1: ' h'Ispert' d - to nn(I t h a t. fi r(1·ea t III " . 1\ t a I lg Watch Repa;" Seniee Th.. llIall:l.·tm(c . r egml t 1 eth • e p aliii l1li .The People's and Harry Fltzgeral d were apvery hungry f or c rtaln bl 1 On aId Hill "1'\\ 0 Billukt't" :ab. t- !!,I't \lt'r . L'rg·J b,' Ptltt1('. Mr. Bun- cllle(or bl' rn tin' \I , li\<e drunken .nl \. e cLc e, 0 d \ ' 1' 0 )()inted appr aisers of the eetate of and mine ral sal 8 in P rices Rea ona e . I ~n ani n t ngs . tl~ and I.ittle Sll1 nk B nr. I1l' ask.1 ))0 tur Hamma!r t h I! ,:r1'l1 omo, an d yo u 'tt' I III , th t'll! \H'lh BUI. Illig " F K"bbe I . d . Jacob H enry Cummmg8. de~as eel . their dI•ets h II d b tln deli , B ads Re l rung Th e ('hnrlte W8> mlldo by Mnc- \\ h,'I'I'a!:>o ul- •• f th~ burlled habit.a- f n . P 31' I'llz ed tlon d!!u~t lll"kl.d ~tlfAced ~~ ~~I~~ to sC~~e 'pla~llti:' ~r~~ JUde~ The will of Ch~les d R. Jambes, eient or .lacking. Hence, sprIng J~lwelry R pa ir ed l rt 3' h ' r. bu hi. fliend Doeh;!' IImn- thlll. (I ow. ' on I e I. n 1 f d' l' Ii' Kibbe' and Ad- decea ed, was admltte to pro ate. fever. '. "THE HOME OF GIfTS" m I' of lh ~ '1\I"1'\S"l1 had written "['II t .. 11 \OU that, Bunn t." 1'e- ' YOU uon't ha\' thnt doctor ou t ~n .llIt ~ca : th ~ of Jean nette James was appointed Some f ood are excell ent t Oni CS it out in proper El1l!li~h. ' Ul" n II H'lIUIIl(>\" nll"gre .. ivel ·. " I fOl' Jlltl'tit rin' your fa~e with i~- d~e.j?' -IkIb~.~~ •• I:~ 1e sum executrix, no bond r-equired. Fred body r eg ulat ing, . or tonic, Til. Ihr e magi trat ~ Inokcd klP w lit. country. I v b n ther ~ult . . 110 Inan of br d1l1' or cq 1. ~I 111 c. res . O. J a mes, J ohn G. Vail and 80ware those valued a s ~ sour ce -::~==~====-:::::=:=== wi e. ~llI.jor I'Qttle. (Iuit e approlHi· \\lth ~"llr' fri~nd P(lttle and I've bilLty \\ould. tak fr m r oya.lty it· ---ard Reif were appointed appuis- of, minerals-c:ompounds of calntftly 10 ked th '1\ best • f the b e n here wi h b tt r men. ] \ . If, I' ll r Ign my commlS 1 n of New Suit. ers. . cfum phosphorUS, Iron , cQpper, thn! . - ,,",1 1)1'1 \he \Y klldogglln at ju tiel' (,f the. P<'U e aad tell the William . Roof, 8dmini~tratol' . W. W. Shudl , Henry HamUton iodin~, etc.- tho e valued as Ii At a word-or Wll~ it Ih,· 111011 h of a ribota:ry tr JIl g<1vel'nOI' why." . of the esta te o~ J cob Roof, decerus and Ha rry Harding were appointed aOU1'ce of vitamins, and ~hose val·-(rom on (1f the ma 'hich i· known ttl.o m a Gunwad "1\Ie, too!" xelnll11ed Mr. B un- .. I ver u Alvado[" Roof et III for appraisets of the estate ot Alice J . ued fo r their bulk. Mo t Important AI sdBjr 1l\cIv ~r !rot to Cr k and . ,) oth 'r~ ae 91enbhre<!.' net. " 1'11 tell. hi, . xcelJency I ~'l'- ~~struction of eOlntract; jud ~\ent ~co tt, ~ceased. , o f the regulatory foods ~re milk , ana a ddr d th COult. 11 d .. lI('li "I und r..tan,l that It wa be- fa e to ~sso~late In any capac!ty Hnd direction of t:he cour t, Ma r y EI ie Snook, executrix of eRR, vegetables and f r ulls. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO up for the oeca,inn in hi~ \'E.·l·, best y nd th ' b. llntial'ics of tha~ pal'cel l with II,· red l'o\~Brd, ~a~o~ I lift'Ol'd ouc h ver.;u Bertha t he estate of Lealie E . ~no.o'k, ~eGreen leaf y vegetabl s,. car rota, Phone 80 Bank Bid •. ('loth , - kilt nnd plait! alld (Ioubl t (1f lund which \\a: appropnnted to , or no Il1I1Jor! Put that In you I 1>1P( ouch l or oiv or e har i.. ex- ceased, filed her allidavat In beu cauliflow er, celery, endive, dry of final aecount. , . legumes, parsnip, rh?barb, t ur- _ _ _ _ _ und SPMran- that gold n High t.he "c.>tt I(,IU ttn t of the c olony of an' slll oke i lind J hop!? it .tran- tt'('me 'cru lty. ' Ol'villl) Alii on Ill'. us Evelyn Garland Hill was appointed nip., and milk, add cahcum to t he lund"!,, Ul an afr • ting figure. He ('otti!<h immigrant to which thi, gle y o u ! " , I t fly abro d 'ide of aelic into :\rDelv~1' belong"lo, c nd that Mciver I Then Mr. Bunnet and ?1r. J ohn. Alii o n (01' divorce. Charge is g uardian ol Ella R. Lane, illeom- diet. Many of the fo ods ~hatcon . • • their hl)l1or.. Their hQnors hiv~r- L nothing 1Il01'e than II masterle:5s I ton~ walked out on. thetr brot~ r !\llultl!r'y. petent, and filed bond of '~OOO tain calcium al~o con tam pho · ed. but h ld their gruund ano trlttd ~t)ulllter." _ nlaglstrate, .. breathmg hea:Vlly ____ with sureties. phorus. Egg, liver, and gre~n to look intelligent, mi~taking the I " I know nothing of the boundar I through theIr no ,.es. Ilnd repalud P robate Cour t In the case . of Charles F. Bod- vegetables al 0 are good iron t omcs \l ild l'peech of lh . u I for th ie of the .land . old by 'our (riend I hurriedly t() a friend' hou. ~ nnd gen, administrator of the e.tate of A fiM vitamin A f ood ma y be hig-hl), consider ed. nd mor .l~a.~. but 1 have the honor i jnform you I did" hat they could to I e.! 111. h~t I hadt: . Irwin, exec utor of the Florence J . Arlrlll. deceaeed, ver- made by combinatl.on8 of green rf' longua~ of Irg.1 that what I have heard from my pu nch, the m mory of th mdlglll - e tale oj J. A, Runyan, <lee eLI_cd, s u George M. Arkill, et al, Alton veretable and mllk. Green a nd and icero. p jump d Doctor friend lacI,' rand jUl't now told , t! s to which they had be n s~b - filet,! hi thi r d account. F. Brown was appointed cuardiao yellow foods f llrnish generou s Hammer and olfer d hi: to ~1 0U i lhe truth in eve ry port i- PE cl 0 hot and high wa the~r tn· T he ~chedule oJ1 d ebts of £Jiz· ad litem. amounts of vitamin A. Th e red s interprete r. 1\:[8 Iver wa cuillr. I know 1lothing of 1ajor djKnati()n that .they di? n t l/: IVC n aHh H\l rding, administratrix of Albert T. Scott, ellecutor of the ' is Cull of vitamin C. down. , Pottl ' b~undarie8, and not much tho.ught tc? theIr unfinc hed Dlagis· the t! tat oI Mary Goo nan Shear· estate of Alice 1'. Scott, deceaaed, Whole grain8 are good sour~e! "Don't trouble your If, Dave, • more of the law lhan yourself, terlal bu 111 ~s 01' to the escape. of CI', dEcea cJ, was. approved. flIed his inVentory. of vitamin B. So are yea .t, mll.k, I!aill MacIver•• till .1> aking BunMI- and that.'s a good n ad· Jame! Megg and J acob nnth. The e tate of .E:mma Gray. de · Robert J . Shawban, e.xecutor of and vegetable . Fish OIls na tive to ngue. "I w . giv a en· mitting ab. olute ignorance of the Th y drai~ed 8 bo \~I, then d part· ed, is ex mpt fl'oll1 inneritanc e t he estate of Eugene E. Beach. de- and eggs 8upply vitamin D. tieman' education in my father' s ubject- but I know a n honest ed lor t heir re pect l"~ homes--;-o ne tax. ce ased filed bis inventory. _ __ __ . Phone 78J hOIl. e, and I'n do th o e three loons J\\an whe'n 1 , ee him, not to m n- fo r King's H ill , six mile; Willa n, nbo!;, Ad mini tra trix In the matter of the e.tat. of ' Vp there the politeness to suppo e tion a gentl man. And ·M acIver'. the other for Go~ fi~Ic1, ('\'en ~II Il d the e taw of fll1.'y Ellen Tl10mp_ Aary E. ' Waterhouse, deeeued" Rumpke, Teal elltate III Dee! field that t hey were given the arne." both the on llud the ot)Jer. as I 11m down r lvel .. - nch In II robe-hnl'd on, de eased, film) her fir t, fina L sales approved aDd distribution or- townlhip. He add)·es. ed the court in the my~lf; but [ could point yOu out fll igh behind a blood horse, nch and di ll'ibutive Rlccount. d ered. Georee W. Ruppert to Zella A. !<till bre~thinA' bot And hard Ad~ian A. Yeats wa Bpp-oint.e d The will of MUton M, Jack, de- Nash, 66.2' acres in Massie t ownlanguage of C. Ol'nelius Tacitus. , me ""ho ar n. ither. Their honor brac d th m elv "nd my adVIce to you Ilnd through hl no e. ullrdl< n of llobelrt H. Yeats, mm- ceased W&II admitted to proba~. ahip. "fOTARY PUBLIC and exchanged desp rate eye~cor- your distingu i hed a ociate, B unDocto r Ha~m rand ifr, Jone M.inni~ M. Jack W&II appointed ellMichael Schwarberg to JUI ... '. "" I•• al B_II ner glances. Maclver pau ed expee net is to jail the e rogue. Megg caught l a da)!' Maciver by the ecutrix no bond required. Ernest Schwarberrer. 1.23 acres in Union a ntly, as if for comment, econd land Smith, and to catch a nd jail elbows nnd hurried hi!" alonj!; the l hl'fle men and provisions enough Gorsuch, D. E. Heywood and EI- townabip. Will. Ora.e • . E.tat•• SeUI.1i of silence followed. during .whicn t he third rogue wh o wa , with him, street to~' ard the Kmg' H ad . for 'wee ks if all Ibe wan ted was II ~er Bercaw were appointed apWAYNESVILLE. OHIO their honors gaz d at their h ands and to di cover the party , bvi- Big J oh n ' ~l acDon~ld Iln d Mac- ew hundre dweight of moo! meat p ointed appraiaers, Billa Ano._ in their lap . MacI ver poke again, Iously II cowardly, 10\\, !lIcoodition Iver's fait hful Ma~lc t f?ll~ved V hal' between him and Pott le 1 Jeannette Jamel, executrilt of John Law, Sharpening Lawn ~~==~~~~~===~= thi tim(! in Fret)ch. He rattl died en my <If 11'. lac lver- who clo e, Big J ohn till pl'OClal.mlng, I ('uught some lants of the eye the estate of Charles R. James, Mo_r I; Weldinr Wheel, C. R., off- yard of it. Again he pau ed I hired that scum to go up the in Ga elic, his singlehanded vlct~r~1 pa: ing ~tween tbem. I'll speak deceased filed Mr inventory. ,1 76' Mary E Hopping rent of DR. H. M. WI LLIAMS xpec antlYi and again their Waakadoggan and tr'y to bum ov~r tbrc(' ru ffiaJl ~rmed w.lth to the governOl' about it. I'll tell The adjudication and determina- omee 'for Co. S'upt, of 'chools tD ')STEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN ••ct honors fi led to respo nd. fac I vcr in hi blanket. There's kmves. J ones wa .till ~hu~khng him nil I know alOd all I sus pe ct." Uon of the inberitance tax ' on the A\Ilrust I, 1934, $50;' George C. SURGEON Th en young Mr. J one , an of- I David Hammer's oplnl n and and Hammer W8. tIll brIstling. .• peaking of tlhe governor, bere estate of William A. Carroll, de· S h Adjutant, RUB ell McEI- Special Alt'-.tio. to Rectal aad flcer ' of t h e infantry Tegime1)t, th r 's his advice; and if you or " There's law for yo.u!" . barkeq come RuggleBt~ln," ~aid Jones. ceased is to be given to all per- fP~hr,po t Memorial Day AllowgatTison in Kingston, ·tood up at I· sto ne don't !ikl' it, ~nd n ~he. doct or. 'There's JU lice and "Oh, L rd! Wha~ a sight for a poor sons i~tereBted. · a~ce, $26 i' Bert Reese, Command. latealiaal Oi •••••• tbe bac k of the roo m. friend to ee a friend of mme to JU tlcel Pottle and Bunnet and Mll cer of a reglment of · the Une ! An authenticated copy of the Fed B Craver Post Memorial LEBANON, OHIO "Gentlemen, my iri nd Mr. Mac arrange. "hatever you wllnl to do J ohnston blnckguard a~d Dear Heaven I 'Whot boots .a nd last will and er, r . 6', M. Cole- l' hO"B 12 Hee Phon JU G5 .. k illS.I Coulson, deceaaed" is hereby re- man, Adj1lltant, Loveland PO!!t I vln. .111111('8 n lUdg. h er haL-had the honor r . spurs an swagger ~n d o"ter!l ing you eloquently a nd t~, t~e J a fingc~ by pulhn~, a Doctor , t J1 our .fnend M~c that filed in probatle. The Riggs N~- No. 266. llemoJial Da, Allowaoc I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: ",:!-!!L!!-~_~!'!'!!!'!~ p oint in three languages sa Id yo ur frlel\d Pottle. . the gell.tlemen .appr?achmg u~ tional Bank, executor filed thetr ,25 j J. Lisle Vorhis, Commander Mr· Jone . ' Ther WII confu lon on the make htn~ ami hiS R lghl.a.nd vam appli<!ation 101' a certificate of Ralph P . Snook, . Post No. 186. .., _ _ _ _ _ _"-~_ "I d on't b elieve a da mm word bench.. Ther were c~eers and , ties look h k an ashman m a duat t ransfer. . Memorial Day Allowance. ,26; Sol of it !" exploded Major P ottle. I confUSIon an d laughter In the body th m O. \ b re d that utthroat ,torm. I haven't the exact French The estate of Benjamin H. 1111111 St a G A. B Pod Memorial • • l of ih e COurt, with Mr. Jones lead-, Lunk go to? An~ tha~ mug tav(',:' for it, or ['d tell bim m)'lleIC." dece&lled, is exempt from n:ve~ilow~c~, '26; j. M. Con.. ir'?' queri d Mr. J one~. Major P ottle 10 t color. ,ing t h e cbeering~ On6Utb~es and , nero What of him. W hy t~e. de~11 To Be :ontio ued ) tance tax. ov! Granville Thurston, Post. Director of Fuaera! S ~r"lce "You m i understand me, sir I" th clerk of the COll rt ran almles~ly I would he fit out an expedition of ( ! I Ray F. Millll, adminilltrator of G K Memorial Day Allowance . I









I ., ' .



















Centerville, Ohio








the estate of H. Milia, deceased, filed hiS first and final account. . In tM! case of Anna J. Rankin, IWiministratrix of tbe e~tate of Minnie MOOn! Waten, decealled, veJ'Sus Charles H. Moore, et ai, sale o f real estate was ordered.. L. Earl Thompson was appomtei administr ator of the estate of J. Lee Thomp on. dec~ased, an.d filed bond of $40,000 With luretles.



the crank.shaft, you r car begins to "breath~I"

On every other down stroke of the pistons, your engine d raws air-mixes it wi th g asoline and makes the " gas" th at



run. your car, , That's the reason wh y Mobil-


gal ha. Climatic Co ntrol. The

weather is always changing . Ordinarily thes e v a riation s . atrect the "gas" mixture. Loss of pc"~r iot very apt to result. 8u~ Climatic Cont rol giv es Mobilga, the ability to mix h~lI(r w;tb air·-all kjt~d! of air. Every d arge of fuel th at reaches your cylinders is full-powered. Every drop of gasoline flJorkJ. Certainly, this is wha t you want from gasoline. Why n t try this ~iGCll Look for the sign bc.-low.


I T' UIlPRI ' ING .. . tb.dJawent ..... ..,atrClOD4llltloDa you m ee' on • SUlIcIa, elteraooa·. cIrt.taa, K>W7 mlleteD



Stanley &Koogler Auctioneers


, the ignition' switch- step on the starter. With the Iii-it tu", of



Edw. and Blair, Our c(lnvenient location, suita· medical services rendered Veri ble lIurroundinp and equipme nt Mmer during . April, '16i Mrs. enables us to Serve to t .1I C lit Howard Sawyer, servic es, ,'7; Stella Kelly lIl!rvices, '7; Candia Advantace. Hymer, se~ice~ ,5; Mrs. Wlll AMBULANCE SERVICE Bryan, seryices, ,10 i M~. Helen Doughman. servieell, $'7; George pa.-. 29 W'JII •• "m•. OMo J4i11er services, $10; Mrs. Ira ! Eltsroth, serviees~ ,6; Clark ,-------------- -- County Hospitalization Eldell !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""!!!!!!!!!!!!!~__ _~ Baker during April, ,106; The FOR SALE DATES CALL --~ Columbull Blank Mfg. Co., Mania .. Beve.race, Cosmetic and Malt Licenses, Auditor, $ 3.80; Tr$cy hester B. Augspurger, mechanic Bone, uttering Sealer ot Wta. I; of Hamilton , and Mi Agnes Oor- Meas. Truck. '1.20; Drs. Edw. I; .)thy Schuermann, of Blanehester. Kobt.Blair, Examination 4 Rudgel Aubrey Wab.on, steel worker, of 4 Biggs children for admill ion to Cadi 1(>, and Miss Joan Hohveger, Ghildren'lI Home. ,8; Blair Bros. of Carlisle. Hospital, Service rendered at JESSE STANLEY Ivan Shuck, steel worker of 1'aU during April, 1034, $36; , ..... 320, N •• Barll •• lo., l''Nc.>urn~l't, Kentucky and Mrs. Inez Griswold Service Station, Gas I; R anic. of Million. Oil for Sberitr's ear during April EARL ICOOGLER '10.75; The Hubman Supply Co" OaF to. Pboa_ Real E.ta!. Tr_.f.r. 6 mop heads for .Jali, '~.ll; J. M, ICE.more 1'18 O\\en S. Higgins, deceased, to C,on?ver, ~ervice. as Member Sol: Addie Stark Higgins and Adda H. dler s Rebef Com,. 6 months, $20, I i Leb Harry Z. Gray, salary as S~reFl ' emmg, rea estate n anCln_ t S Idi ' Reref Com 6 Flora LehJ' to Horace G. Cook, tar), 0 0 er s I ·k '· Inlot Nos. 123.23 -22.24 -33 -34 ' months, ,90; Karl D. Da l~.. • . Morrow, '1 " ·In G premium on Inau~ance, Fall' __-"_ _ _ _ _ _- _ _ _ __ and 1 JD. a so " 10 acres dB 'ld' ,178' The West roun UI mill, , Salem towmhip William D. Thompson, deceased, ern Star, 600 Government ~nvel. FOR SALE to Willa B. Cabot, iDiot No. 36 in ope' for Pr?bate Court, '17 , Wal. Lebanon and 121 acrell in Turtle- ! dron C. Gilmour, Inquest Jam?s FOR SALE _ HI-quality Ohicks creek township. Presley, '&.90; Waldron C. <?1l. from flocka carefuUy culled and Anna Glancy trustee to Anna mour, inquest Susan .JI~e Smith, blood tested for B. W. D. under Kahlen, real est~te in H~r1an town' I'VTO; Gem City Blue Print" Sup peraonal supervision by Antigen ship ply Co., Erasers AI Lumber Cray- method; W. Rocks, Bar Rock!!. Buff B~rnard Lunne, deceased to Au. ons for Surveyors, $1.49; H. C. Rocks, R .. I. Reds, W. Wyan.-8c. :' gust Lunne, inlot No. 114 in Mol" F\Ilrett, 100 posts, Surveyor, $40; W; Giants--lQc ; Eng. W. Leg. row. Harold Martz, gravel, Burveyor, 7 %c. Let us have your order now. L. J . Hardwick to Antonio v.n- $386.60; Van Camp Stone Co., Weiama'll', Hatchery, Muon, Ohio. t PI' 245 yda. Sand. AI Gravel, ' .366.76; Phone 28R. mal I .. I t N 36' PI arJ, !n.o o. I.n easan aln . The Standard Oil Co., Gasoline I; .' . Wllbam W. Wires to Emma J. KerolMme, $19.3&; The Kilpatrick- FOR SALE-Sweet potato plants, and John A . Jones, r-eal estate In French Motorear Co., Gasoline, 3Gc per hundred, or. three bunC<Jzadd~le. $76.U; W. A. Hause, psoline, dred for '1.00 All kind. prden Myrtl~ L and Val Purcell to $U 79' CiJleinanti Oil Works Co. planta, 10c dozen, three dozen 21c. Mary ,~etnthel, 6 acres in Deerfteld 1 Ia'ree, d rum Iubrieant, . -85.21" townlhlP , On Fe...... •• , Road . Strouse Brothers, Th ti· N ti I Lit I Weiler We~ing Co .• Osnen AI Route No. a, WayrtelYllIe, Ohio. lIuran~e c':.o~ C:th:~e JL ;ac:'; supplies, rarare. '&.61; Waynea-m8l real .. tate in Fraaklln toWDalUp. YiJle Service StatioD, ..-oUne, MeaalDa Co1ll8oa deeuHd to $1.88; Onawold Station

Engines "Breathe" like Human Beings.a.How AIR helps to run your Car! ' SLIDE INTO YOUR CAR

A $26;·~.

~_"_.8_.__ dl_8_U_._D_t_.~ __ eo~DO~doD---.-.-.-~----t-..-~--..__ m I~ ___.~~________________________..,..........__


.: I

lieU... CODO..... Ii., 1-4 ..Nt. III GuollH • 81lPPU.. ,18CUI; WANTED Deerle1c1 towuIiip Tool . . . . . . Co•• Ioeketa, Lacy A. 1l00n ~d B. C. Moore on Co•• 110 o.L on 'W ANTED-Can to walb aDei to LeODai'd 1(00N. 11 .... bl Vc;~ COn pollah. Jolla Sean, CIJde J'Iooma to c. L. . . . . . o.r..., Ph01le '78. ml40 aDd E J IIwpIa, real..... .. Claebnletl Oil WOOL-Co....... 701lr wool to Deert~ •~ a....,. , lUG- The Ohio Wool Oro en Coop-

W;:te~c:'-:t. rn.. .....

w!. ...


Co., , eratl" Aa.oela$toa. ,,000 otMr ..-owen do. I • O1It 10








D. L CRANE P.bu.Ja.rI5ub.crIP.... P ....!. '1.10 • v_ OSe. Pho.. .... No 111 Entered at POltofflce at war::t. R••i N• ville. OhIo. .. _~"lIdi CIa.. I ..... .... .... ... . o. I II Katt.1" MAY 24 ,



The Redskins Are Comina! A short time ago th e Chicago Tribune printed a cartoon that. hit th e predicament of the average American nearly on the head. It pictures "John R. TaX'payer" and fllmiiy, attired in frontier drUB. hid. ing in anll under a cove r d wagon. sUl'rou nlied by an attacking "Tribe of Taxeat 1'5 ." who hnve come out of the " American Tax Wilderness." "h e unIortunate "John Taxpayer" is saying in nsponse to frightened llplJ nls from his wife and children. "There a s so many of 'em I don·t. wh ere to start shootin· ... E very citizen is in that position now. The tax·Indians, of course, won't do him physical harm- but !.hey are highly can nibalistic so tar 11 8 hi pocketbook. hilt savings, and his property aril concerned. Th ey are destroying jobs by ' d raining the !!prings from which paylolls fl ow. • The y are captUl'ing omes and fUl'ms--because their owners. in thesQ dllYs of fe lluced income and in CT a sed taxes--ean't pay the levies a gain st them. It's hard all right , t o know where to start shooting- but unless that stllrt is mad e. thl'() ugh the un ited effort of the millions of both workers Dnd employers of the country, the Indians are going to have un ea y time a ~ the massacre. The CUTe lies in opposition to extrava· J.(ance and to legislation which goel! outside the proper spbere of govrnment, at the taxpayers expense. and opposition to oftlcial s who pro pose or {ost er such practices. A g enuine movement along t hese lines should be st a rted. And every citi'Zcn who has a job. owns a piece of 111'~ p er ty. 01' hns a fllw dollar invest ed, belongs in it.

A Gra ve Responsibility The automobil e gol ofT to a bad s tart in 1984. Returns for January show an inc reasl! of close to 17 per cent in motor vehicles fatalities, a compared with January, 1933. Th death total for the month was 2.400- only v ery slightly less than in the same month of 1931, tIle year which e. tablished the existing "hIgh" fo"!' fatal automobil e accidents. That record plac a heavy responsibility on automobile- drivers aUld traffic authol'ities. The reckle 8, t he incompetent. the discourteous, continue to rule t he highways. They are, of co~rse. in the minority, 'representing lesB than len per cent of all motorists. But they men· lice the lives, h ea.lth /lnd propery of t.he ninety per cen who are eom· pete nt, cautious and courteous. Th l' e ate three distinct phases to the automibUe accident problem. One is traffic law s--the state or community which lacks a realonable, modernized traffic cod e, thoroughly and efficiently enforced by high\'.·ay police, it itself. encouraging accidel1;ts. The lIecond ph.lle is the licensing of drivers--as yet, only a pl'oportlon 01 states have set up machinery (or checking on the experience., the ability and the physical attributes oC motorists. The third phase is the car itaelf-miJllons of automobiles which are defective In brakes, teering mechan1sm. liehts or signal devices are permitted to use ·the streets and hia~waY8. Every ...e ponsible citizen shou ld Btand squ arely behm~ proposals design d to 1'eform, perfect and improve legislation concerning one or another of these factor.s. The automobile is killing 80,000 people every year--a nd no one knows where death, behind the steering wheel will tri ke next.



Farm lvight lalks, Mal' 28' The Ohio State Univer sity Radio Station-WOSU :00 (\ :05 8 :15 8:25 8 :40

Mu si

. Adjustment News ..................... ... John W. WUlchet. Why Do We Have Poor Hay? ... R. D. LeWIS and C. L. Blackman Mu&ic Insects lind Dl ease!! of the Garden .. ........ ..1'. ~. Parks and A. L. Pleratorff 8:50 Cultivating orn in a Modern Way ....... " G. W . Mc Cnen 9 :00 Rural Women and Consumer Education .............. Adele Koch l<~arm

;;~~~ ~~:~8

New in Rock Gardens ...... , .................... V. H. Riea "'. 35 Ohio's Canal!! ......... ...... ............ ,... ...... .H . E. Eswine ., P B Z b U:45 Control of Coccidiosis . . . ..... .. ..... .... .. . • um 1."0


Best of the News Direct From the Ohio .State Capitol I'nland of this year was ,.-129.66, or $6.63 Oh 'o's COL UMBUS I lakes i'neluding Lake St. Mary'lI, Ie s than a year previous. India'n Lake, Lake Loramie; Port· age Lakes and Buckeye Lake, aTe William Aaron Sel%, Steele High beinl\' restoj:ked this spring with School, Dayton; and Elin~r Imo-

Beech Grove

attended the funeral of his lather In Alabama lut w~ek . Mr. and MI'II. K. E. Tbompson Mr. and MrR. Frt!tI Nash, Harold A c.-ircular de"l'ribln« the PDI'-Cbal!. Gordon and E erett Vii· and Kathlt>en of this place. had and Curti" Nash. D<,lorc~ LaMar pORe and UIIt' ot contractt'd aerea lar. were here with hOI'lle folks tor their Sunday guests: Mrs. Lew and Viola Buehmer. Dr I layton, on farmK undcr contract with the over Sunday. .I Emery of Wichita Kansal! Rnd Ispent Sunday III thei,' plllee here. AgricultUral Adju tment Admlnb. Mi>lR lIl lrH' W e ll s of t hi!l place. l~ati?n i. now available for free Miss Lucille Tucker lnd ~i!lter. daughter Helen. of' Marlon. ·Ohin. Harriett Clark lind daugMer. Mar· Bnd ~rl!. Mattie (O'Neal . urface is vil'ilin J!: h ' I' sist <'t. M I'''. Mnry uls .• t.n bUt Ion nt th e 0 ffi ce 0 f • county . garet Ellen, spent last Wednesday of Piqua, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Hob <'1t 6 lind fllll1'lly o f KinJl: rn a n. agricultural ag!' nt~. It oull,"e~ the i"tjt~a~~'c~;b~ati:~r oill~he1'llb7ri~~: John lyder, 80n James and MiSl\('s ~~l i l\11 hel h a ll d Mll ry Moore Ivhari ous methods lOI' handling lhe daughters, Mis es Lenora. Vivian, o f Hamilto n. have bN.'n ~i!; iting I t e acres taken from the produc. days of Mesdsmes Carr ilmd Clark. r;hyli 5 and Lorene. of New lleb- their grand mother hen, M I' ~ . J ohn ,I tion o f corn and wheat. MI'. Br~ce Carr and family -trave IllJOn, Ohio; MByfred and Modena Edy.ards. wh is quil l' PQo/' ly. . - - - -moved mto the property vacated PoweU Elbert Wells of thi s plac e ' Subscribe for The Miami Gazette by MI'. ha~ . Voiers and wife. Ij:cldy • Wells, Cecil' Lamb, and ' -Mrs. adle ~e.aso~ ha: returned William R. Shiflet, of Oregonia. I G"o wing' 500 chicks in n brooder from a short VISit With her grand-, John Rose. of Go shen. Ohio, and is delrim .. n Lal to the prodl1cLion of daughter, Mrs. Rhodes BunneU. Miss Lulu Muller of Cincinnati, h i!{h quality pUlIcts. En tern Wh Ite Rose- Power be-Mr. Edwin Randall, of Cleve- were here on la st unday. Jloultrymen I\r~ accepUnll: the pra - hind .the engine. land. s pent last Wedn :sday with ' Mr. Milton Eakins of lhi. plac e lice of re ducing the n umb ci' t o 250 _ _ __ I ____ _ __ his fathel', Dr. Randall and fa 11 i1y. Born to Mr. and Mrs. G orge Wall (nec Helen Gra,ham) an eight pouno son last Tuesday_ Hi name is Fred Graham. Over one hundred attended Easter tar Inspection her e last Tuesday evening. Dinne·r was servo ed by the Ladies' Aid. A few from our Masonic Lodg e at tended B meeting at the Leban on Masonic lodge last Friday evening The Mi ses Rh'ea and Evelyn Mc Carien spent the week-end with relatives here.

Harve),abu I

traight Washington Vice President Garner is one 01 the strong men in the administration. Incidentally, he is not a profiteer. The American Magazine offered hi~ two thousand dollars for an article he had written . He wrote "Nobody would pay J ohn Garner a dollar a word for any article, and nobody can pay Vic e Prcsident a cent f or it. II yo u wanl to publish the article, you nre welcome to It." Air Mail . rid s submitted by priVate companies are one-third of the (ormel' excessive rate e'ranted by Postmaster General Walter Brown . Cancellation of Air Mail contracts and making new con· tracts will results in a great Sav· ing to the tax·payers.


The investigation of th e Army Air Corps is in full swing. If the Army Air Corps cannot perform efficiently and safely during peace time. in the co mparati~ely simple task of carrying the mail. what could we expect in war? "They did Quite a few from hel'e attended not know the routes." In time of commencement exerdses and war would the routes be familiar? Alumni at Waynesville la~t Friday Might it not be sup posed that our and Saturday night. fliers would find many unchartered Miss Laura Ward is entertaining routes 'in actual warfare'! What her niec'e from Dayton . about instruments? Why are army The Hilarity club !lpl!nt Sunday planes inadequately equipped ! with Howard Graham nnd family. Whose duty is it to draw up sp4!ciMiss Dorothy Davis of Dayton. flcation.? Somebody was at fault spent Saturday night a,nd Sunday long before the brave young men , with ber parents. started to fty the mails. If they Roger Gray. a form er Harveys . ",ere not accustomed to nlgl1t fly· burg boy, is here from Abuqu er. ing. mUlt we alsume that they will que. confine th~ir WIU' ac~ivith!s to ---_ - - - -about the same houn as those used l or traini ng ? It appears that Bomebody in authority has been grossly negli· Mrs. Minnie Marlatt and Mrs . gent. The air service is the most Stephen are on the ick list. impol'tant of our national defense everal attended the wei~r r oa st and upon its complete competence la t ~hursday ev~ning .a t Mr_ and depends our national safety. W e Mrs. Elvis Michael neal' New Burdon't care a rap who carries the Iington. Air Mail. or wheher it is carried. Mr. and Mrs. Everhart spent but ~ do care most pointedly Sunday afternoon with Mr. and about t he ability of our fiiers to Mrs. P. A. Ryon. navigate the air in time of war. Mr. and Mrs. Earnes,t Eal'lihart and the latter's sister, Evelyn, The Recipl'ocal Tariff Bill gives went to Kings Mills Saturday even President Roosevelt power to ing for commencement exercises. change existing tariff rates up to Mr, and M11l. Burgess and son, fifty perce.nt. It is certain he will apent Sunday with her parents, Mr not. increase rates. He will. in and Mrs. Lon Morgan. many instancea, lower tariff duties Mr. and Mrs. Elvis 1Ilicbsel, a~nd and t hereby fulfill another Plat- P. Michael spent SundB.y with he r form pledge of the Democratic parents. Mr. and Mrll. Herbert Party. This in order to increa!!e Marlatt. our trade witb foreign countries Mrs. Roland enterloained Mr. who heretofore have r aj ed tariff Marc.a DiU and family 0.1 Lebanon, walls against us in retaliation of and Mrs. Etta Baker over the .t he prohibitive l'ates of the Smoot· week.end. Hawley·Grundy Tariff. Industry Miss Audrey Crawford spent will be sti mulated and farm en and Saturday and Sunday with Mr. factory employee will be benefit- Crawfnrd and fam ily. ted. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert entertain. ed Thursday, Mrs. Bessie Bratton. Congress enters the last lap of Mrs. Clara Moore, MICs. Maude the most. remarkable se8llion of its Moore. Mre.. Clem ~~immerman j history. New relief financing to the and MYB. Scott. all of Dayton and extent of one billion five hundred Mrs. Burn JontlS, of Ll~t1e. million dollars to include a housMrs. Annie Lucas spent Thurs. inr program and the application of day in Da.y ton. five hundred million dollars to___ - - _ ward publie worb.tofurtberstimu late employment is the chief item remalmng to be enacted. The President wants this. He also Ii wants the ~ffnate to pa8sh~heh RheciprocaJ T an measure w IC as Ohio motorists must. cooperate already passed the HouBe. in the state·wide safet y program This will be done. The President's to "help themselves make streets hands are firmly at the helm. Fol- and highways tltlfer" an analy sis of lowing adjournment of the Con· the causes of accidlmts being gress which will probably ta1<e made by the traffic bureau of the place early in June', the public will Stale Highway Department reveals lee the New Deal in full swing- and Highway Director O. W. Me ra success. rell hns repol'ted to Goverl')or White who ordered tbE' state.wide The Stock Exehange Control safety campaign . to reduce the meaaure. which is one of the motor vehic.fe accident toll that the President'8 pet billa, passed the element of "penonal responsibillSen.te with a wtJoop. As aoon ill ty" must be imprinted de epJy on the House and Senate in joint con· the minds of motorists to Iltlsurc

Mt. HoJly

Motorists Must Help I • f Sa ety Plrogram

_ _ '2-__


AM ERICA. ANTAltCTI- llllng lik e a fraternI ty InlUaUon. CA. May 15- cvla Mackay llad- wllb mucb bo rseplay a.nd bazlng. 0) . My. my I What a lime we ba.d Tben a blg dinner followed' ast Friday (tbe 11th)! Wednet!lday by motion piC-LUres. At th e end ev· faa tbe etghth annIversary of Ad· erybody was v 'r,/ tlr d a nd p lied I1lral Byrd's flight over tlJe Nortb Into bed. excellt rour of us. My Pole 10 we planned a tittlng cele- bunk look ed very gOOd (0 me but traUon on Friday by knocking olr I sud!lenly found myself wltlJ a new IVork and Initiating all tbe new men )ob-ofHclal m leor watcher. Alton e tn thlB expedlUon Into tile famous Wade. geologlsl. of Wesl Holly· '78" club. WOOd. Calif.. Alton A. Llnd ~ey. bl· This orga.nlzation la made up of ologiat, of Wesl Newtoa. Pa., and lien wbo bl\ve been on vaMoua ex· Ha lpb W. Sml lh. allllllUle pnol. of ,editions with AdmIral liyrd beyond Frederlcklown. 0 .• and 1 had to latitude 78. nonll or aoutb. We bave stay up 11.11 ni ght In tbe littl e c upola !lere tbree men wbo were on tlJat on top 01 tb observation platform f'lort.ll Pole expedition. Lleut..(;om· staring al lbe SKY tlJrou gb an "eye mander O~rge o. piece." Ev eryth ing would be black. Novllie. wllo aillo Then suddenly a littl e blink of IIgbt flew acroas tbe and a SWIrl streak ac ross tlJe Sky. Atlantic to "'ranee The eye pl eee througb which w.' wltb tbe Admiral watch enables UB to plol the dlr~on tba t senaaliOD' tlon and cou rse of .t be meteon. o~ al trIp 01 tbe air· which 13 bave b en observed ,~\ plane Amenca; one nlgbt. Un one occasion 22 we': " W I I I 1 a m U . reported In a. elngle bour. Haynes. o. Wash· 'fhre e Ume s a day pilot balloona \J\g\.OD. D. U., lbe are Bent up lO great distances to veteran meteo rol · cbeck Lbe velocity and direction or ataw~rt 0_ Paine. agist and Pete the wInd at vo.J1ou s I v Is . 'ril e lu· Durtlam. N . H •• Dem~. Of Waeb. veBUgatlon ollerrll lrlal magn etism Dog Ellpert Ington. D.O .• DOSS Is going on constanlly. In facl. our or our tractor grouP. boLb or wbom Bcl entllic work llnd reaearch will allO were members of tlJe IIrst Byrd conttnue all through tbe wInter Antarctic Exped lLlon . Tbe exc"&- nlgbt. ment started wltlJ a line lecture I juet received tlJe wondertlll 111 a.Jnes oa a SUbJecl somewhat aews from til club secretary by strange to us- tlJ e Nonb POle. Ve ry radio tlJal 24 ~ scbool a.nd college Ulteresllng. You kno .... conditions leacbers have enroll ed tbelr enUr are Quit., dllfel'ent up tbere and cl&!lses Ill! members and bave redown 11 ere. T he North Pole has 110 celved p rsonal radio mes sages H U T ~O land around It . Tbe SoutlJ Pol Is from AdmIral Dyrd and tbat ludlv. N.~. . . '" on an Im.mense pl ateau 01 Ice. Wllb ldual membe rs b[ps are comIng In & FISHING land und e~ It. surrounded by buge. at a greatly In creased rate Includ· ~:,6:-Jm.6If:~'r.~rt: rocky mou.ntalns down which Inl several ea.cb trom Elngland. ~~:DP~:~~i1:~cfDl~~ stream countless enormous glacleJ'll France. Swltterland and G nnany . nl uabl. lnlorm.Uoo .bou. . UM . revOlven. Olb1DlrlaGkor riven of Ice, wttlJ "Ic&-l'all!," I don't bow that bappened ~.~~::~~-: ~Ban.Jri= wblch would be wat'erlalls If they because these atones are nOl ap· .'0 weren't frozen. more than SUU leet pearlng abroad. Dut It may Intereat hi,h . The animals a.nd bl"!1S nre you to that tlley are apo ar· all different and lbey have many ,Inlln approximately 120 A1ll rlCtlJan :W:~.~;'I'lo.eJf.t~:r.ol~:-:":'::1 more varieties at tlJ Nortb I'ole news pap rs III e ve r)' State ln t' . t than we bBVe ber . ullion and Ala ska and tba t we n'ow This "' bole cel hraUnn wns orol\.l· bave more th an 1 .OtlO ll1emb rs In cast to AdmIral Uyrd In tltll but our club. M mbtl rahllJ Is fr Il.Jld down at ljeUS and be repl1pd with lh re are no exp nse8 wbat VE>r a wonderfUl messaKe In dot5 a nd All tlJal Is n eijsary Is to send a dubell. He could hear all tbe SOngs plalnJy self·adll rrssed. stamp d eD' we aanK for bim aud everylbln ~ velope. or If yoU ILre 11 lea che r. bUl he cannot talk with us- only name u.nd add]' 88 or 8 If and l10me 8end code mesp.agea by radio. We addr slIes 'of PUI)lIs wlUJ a 3c S la tXl ~ . I !tad a moonlight basebRlI gnrne (or eaell . to C. A. Abele. J r.. pres· HUNTING planned with an Indoor baseball but lIent. Llltle Ame ri ca Avlu.tlon and A. ' F'ISHIN~ a rtp·snortlng blizzard 'Prevented It. ExploraUoJl Club. HOlel Lexington . f ra Bldg. The Initiation of "78" club tnembel'll 48th Street and. IJl)xlngton Avenu.. l Ito.ton ........ took three hours and waa som e- N ew York . N. Y .



Only $1.00

F R E E' _WI


~~~~ili~caW~~~~~re~~~.fu~~~~~~~w«~of~eu~~~~ the Ohiq Division of ConservatIon Washington county. ranked first this remedial measure will go to Statistics reveal that 21 per cent -~======~===~========~~~=~=~=~~~~~=~=======~~ - - - - ----- - - - - - - - Mn~n~_T~~~~~ri~P~~~g~bQud~h~~ool~Whl~H~~~~~~

dd~ro~m~.~hl~ .

gram of stocking state waters with students of Ohio. it was announced -- - _ - • way system are 20 feet. or more in game-fi sh of other. kinds has ~Is~ when state IlChoUnhip awards A .d f f . t't' f or width. Yet the tr.affic bureau statil! b n proc~ding With great acbVl· were HUlde before a large audience co e 0 aIr compe I 10~ tics compiled for a t nth ty. These co"sist 01 large. lind I at Central High School, Columbus country elevators b~came effect· period reveal that on 1this type of small Qlouth black bass, catfish, last Saturday. Second places went ive May 21. It apphes to 16,000 wide roadfl. n early hal t of the ae . cidents oCCur. rock bass and bluegills. Efforts to Robert C. Jones, De Vilbiss elevators. were made by tile division to ob- High Sehool, Toledo, and Betty . The traffic bureau analysis cite tain wall-eyed pike and <!I.o me mus· Hamilton Fairmont High Sehool, Slxty· five per cent of the meat that while the wider roads are de. ood comea signed and do tarry more traffic . ' kies for' waten auitable. to them" DaytOn. All awarda were the re. r offered. for hu!"an In a special bulletin Conservation sulb of teltsln ftve state districts ~nde~ f~de.tal ll'lllpection. InB~ec. yet "excessive dangerous speed Commisaloner W. H . . Reinh.a rt I April 2S: He.Jen Vi,.cinia Falla. tlon la hmlted to t~ose establIsh· and tboughtlessnellS' work hand In giVes dlr,\ctions how tb. e CrapPI!8, Lake Township acbool. Wood men!-, engaged in Interstate or hand for responsibilHy of the major portion of accidents. a popular fish, in all pa~s qf Oh~b. county. waa ftnt in th SUi rrade foreIgn traik!, can be most easily cauabt by dls- tests and Sa-rah ,Grace Dodda, Mt. "Motol'lsts must help perso nally ciptes of 'lsaak Walton, including 1Moriah Ij!bool, .Teffenon county. Practically aU of the tobacco to cut down the accident toU by women and children. T~iB fish bites aecond. The Trumbull count)' echol grown in P~erto Rico is now under making speed conform to existing best on small minnows and Ute best arship team p1aeed flnat and Sum· cont.r act wIth the Secretary of conditions. and above all ljeeding equil)m ent is a light cane pole with mit eounty HCond. Aca.demy of Agrlc.ulture. Ten thou.sand grow. the warning signs and keep the bobber and hook. The best place tJ Ilmmaculate Conception team, Can. ers ~Igned • It was the first pro· mind on driving and I~he hand on fish is near stumps, logs or brush ton won fint place among priv.te ~uctlon control contract o~ered an the stllering wheel," the report under the water, with the. eork bigh scbool. and Caldwell Higb mllular. possellSlon or terrItory of obaerves. about 1/1 inches above the h ook, as ~am first M exempted vlllqes. Of the Umted States. It i, indicated that while Ohio _ has many miles ot goiod highways a rule. "When the cork bobs and cit)' high school teaml. Mt. Vernon !roes out of sight, )'OU can pull," placed first. The highest -rankine Secretary of State George S. for use ot commercial and pl~as . the directions Bay- and then, oh individu.1 aehool on Count)' teams Myera from the votes cast at the ure can alike, there l!tiIl remain s boy-maybe. waa McDonald; Trumbull county. Nov~mber, 1933, election show many improvements 'Lhat can be • Over 1,500 winnel'll b)' aubject. iome interesting facta. One of made aa funds ~I'e avall.ble to . The forthcoming annual report regardlea of sdIoo1 claaeifteatlon il th~t .n average of 26 per further the pubhc Slltety. Many of Auditor of State Jos. T. Tracy were also announced. cent of the entire number voUnr existent roads were c~'nstruc~ to for 1933 will show that Ohio's polio failed to vote on the four .tate meet the needs o~ a decade ago. tical sub-diviaiona reduced their The. market tor municipal and wide luuta aubmitted. The numller but the enormous l.ncrease In vehitotal indebtednell8 $9'7,448,877 other bonda baa improved appreela votilll' was 2282401 which w.. eular trallie Qver ce:rtain erosalJIite of heavy bl)" .nd the I.neral ...el of prlc.. 882,100 leu tban' the' ;ote at the s~te routes ~as developed r.pldly d urInl th e year In I d d..... baa riMn, accol'1i1q to E. C. GaDa· presidential election of 11182 A" the au~mlblle became a uni.,er. d relleltIand itl epre. on em_a •. ~ ..e her. I ormer __ .... ""r 0 IUIUC. 0 I concluaion reached from _ stud)' . aal meanl of tran sl'ofOO'r,tiO villaces townahipi ....1 n, I't i II coun H. c es, d • d to&al I Akron, who baa beeD 6naaclat ad· of the ftcuree ia that the ate-wid. elrplatned. This In tur< will neceaand achools ()w~~ a ~Dlq vlaer 01 the ltate IDd1I&trial eom- lubJeeta beat uduatood by the .Itate · that the ltate hlrIJwa)' de,,81.111.881 IIlluioa lIYeral ••Ilth.. It II Mr. I. received the 1aIch..t .CIte partmeat continue Ita aafet}r m .... thla yeai' whO••~::·8:~d';~ to .~ on the ~-;tty.thna pal' eant 01 tho~ Drel by fDrtber ImPl~n. road. they owed '19:; d d ~ til. paralaue ael .... of boDda br the balloted OD old ... pen- tMollP .U",inatJoa 0 ~ eu"_ c..... pat redactloD tb e......on. ad to be, a eo.. aion.. 10 . .t OD Npaal 01 tala wldenill.. and ot~er malnten:rear " .. by th. cl Ie, 1'1 ataat cheek oa eoUaettoaa of. 1Dter- OhIo 'f1 per cent on aDlle work that will AI!d to the aaf d.croe... 'J&8,1. . . ad pmdpa}. Th. 00IIlIBiIaI0D _ ad at.)' procram .. as U. 1mon the 1910 ~ the II fot .mloaa of . .t oa raIe. hicaD acollOm· eapIt.a . . . . of. title de" the bI'IeItId III the . . . ..... IIhow ... JdIIa8Il ..



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R l.--tI anof Propert, 0-....1 of W.,nelyill ... Cre.. tinl'

Merchar t. Win A Hard Fouglat Game

SOLVES in·chool.el.... beloqa to our und., Mr. Zlmrl Haine IIpent Tun· with her lister, lin. Horaee DIFFICULTIES day ('ompton of New Burlington. Mra.


Witla Miami.burg ' In view of ,t he fnl't that tlu'TI' x i~t al'uunu ~{llll' hUI1lPs nnd othl'T builclin)ts in the villuge of (Continued from page 1) Wa~"1le. "ill!' nil" ac('unlulation of th,,' Ilew ground!' at the High akheR. can.. gal'bnl:' and otht'r rubbish and WIIl'i \\ hich jl< un"igh. ~chool Gym. Why not come out tly and nl ~o Ilnh alth y. I. A. K. and ee your own boy, play ball. ] l\. Muy r of Waynesville; do hereby ord('r thllt all ~ u h abovc;o nnlll d 'ondil ion" hI.' COITl,(·ted. A the SlIme lin1l', 1 \\'i ~h to l'om 111 ('lid most of out citizens who a t 1111 time~ k(:ep their prem ises in n 1110, t tidy find h althful ('ondition Dotle thi iWl'nty-t hi rd day of

Humer Haines and children called' P ..riod Blue- in the evening, 111 is, June Sheets pent Friday with Dorothy Bogan. A,ronomil" Mr. and 1I1r. Howard Stanley lire announcing the birth of an 11 pound daughter. Miss Edna Learning Is visiting her aunt, nellr Xenia. Mr. and Ml's. , !ilford MiBr and daughters, Reb ca and Ruth Esther, of New Burlington, were vis.itors at our church Sunday mc;u'll ing. MI'. Raleigh Bogan and daughter Dorothy, attended the funeral of Mr. Abijah 'Neall at Washington

lny. 1984.




(Continned from Pal' U live in the c.o unt~y, this is (he desire of moat every man of the city, arid the realization of all who live in Fontana. In no other place is co-operative community pirit so revellied as in this progressive and industrial little c ity, with chul'ches, and ~o cial organizations for all, there is no lack of social activity. The excellent local educational facilities and the affiliation with Chaffey- school, each child is give n an equal opportunity to develop his particular talent. Fontana Burpo se all other simil ar agricultural sections becau e of its ideal weather tor div r sified farming, poultry and rabbits. Fontana has a 'fine bank, newspapel', plunge, mail service, library. woman's club. fire depart. ment, hotel, mercantile establishments, paved streets and street igns. and many other advantages as any other city of its size in California. After having lived here six years these are my reasona "Why I like to live in Fontana." For his contribution, Mr. Zimmerman received $1.

Phone No. 19

Protecting Our Patrons In caskets, as in every other kind of merchandise there is a wide range of quality and value. The funeral director who would serv his public well, must select products which offer the IllOst in materials, design and equipment, fot the price paid. We deal with the most reputable manufacturers in this field, and can guarantee every article shown in our di ploy room as a quality product.

RI!V. G. . \!lfl"ert and family are ViAiting the pat't.'nt8 of Mrs. Dibert at McComb.

upt. and Mr . J. W. Lotz and d'l!ught r are visiting relatives at Forest, Ohio. 1\1rs. R. . Weaver was hoste@! Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke ...pent Sunday at Indian Lake. at a basket dinner giv n at her home by th members of t.he sew, Mr. All en Kibler is visiting this •ing club of the Bel'ean cl a~ in the week with his 80n, Mr. Guy Kibl~r Reform ChUl' h at X niB. Wednesand Camily, in Dayton. clay art rnoon .

Mr. and M I·s. J . ariwright. of incinnati, apent the wl'ek· en tl with Mrs. Hannah Rogers.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Evans and daughtel', Betty Jean, MI'. and Mrs. Kenneth Elzey lind daughteT, . H. Marjorie, of Dayton called on I\h, Mr. and Mrs, Roy J o nes and and Mrs. Walter Elzey. unday family, of N w Burlington, spent evening. unday with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mrs. Laura ides has returned ompton . home 8iter staying two weeks with her sOn, Raymond Eyre, of Dayton FORMER RESIDENT Mr. Eyre is recuperating from an TURNS JOURNAI.IST operation which he underwent at


- --White Rose, the dependable Gasoline.

Good Samaritan 1I0epital reoeat17,


White Rose, tlte depen'dable Gasoline. Ladie,' Dre~.e" 70c Men'. Suit. 6Sc Quick- for quality dryc:leanin.






, C"~ANER~

w........ molt wi." uted "'.pen ...t brari4I tena of

'f's Galvannealed!

A heavier and better mu: coatin&. More copper In the Iteel. That', why Red Brand lutl yean !OII&er-cOltl ltlll per year. It', a nationwide wc:ceIII. An outatalldin& value"

Galvanneallnl-. p!f....ec1 ....... pJQCeM few ~tlAa rence ..,ire-12 u. S. petara. Orat I1eat·tnstl,.. 0 ...... et IUO· F.llrelibeit. fIlM ,~ lIavy m..., roatinl ri~t Into tbe capper-tteei wIft. No _ dUD. _ " yen coatin" filled .nib p,1IIboIa. a....- feaR life ~, , ........teed- /n ..rit;n,1 . , ell ..... CICIIIIII ill alii! _ tbU . -....1* r..- yal_ '

It', • ndlcaJly ''''p''''''ed ~ ~



fielda,ear _ _ l1li tJ. II RIGHT!

Waynesville farmers fxchaBge Co. Phone 2S

Waynea,..ilIe, Ohio


J. E. McClure Phone 7 W.yneaville, Ohio

e D.O· I~T Caelara Creek


Mr. and l'tfr . Lee Hunt and son of Cleveland, called on Ev rett Haines and family, FridaY~~'l:l"'lti:w;-l-l.~~"''' Mrs. Emelrson S in c1ait· 1', Mrs. Horace ompton of New Burlington, Thursday evening. Mrs Compton ha been seriously ill again, but is ome better at this writing. Mr . Luther Haines and daughter, Phyllis, pent Mother's Day with Mrs. Haines's p8ll'ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Laird I of Camden Ohio. They returned to thei!' home Monday e\1Eming. Mr. and :Mrs. Audl'CY Crew, of Itt. a lot safer, mo~e pleasant and this neighborhood, are ' announcirig t he bit·th of a daughter, Betty cheaper In the end to .tart out on Jean. Mr. Weldon Wjlson and family Dew tlre8-particularly unce prices of n~ar Xerlia, were Sunday even- are8tti1_ low ••• And because Gooding callers with Mr. John Wilson and family, Mrs. Wilson is much year makes the moat tires-by miIbetter. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stanley, 0:( UOD..-and 80 often the biMeet mODSabina R. R, called at t he home of Mr. and Mrs. LawTence Mitch- ey'. wort.h at "elY price-It's a lot ----.~~-ner Wedneelday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert, Walton Some of our .members attended 'Wiler to choose new Goodyears - • • and sori, Bobbie, of Morain e Farms the Waynes,ville High School com- <lome and see why more ,p eople buy spent the week-ena with Mrs. J. mencement F r iday evening. Ernes\ L. Hartsock. _r Sheets, a member of the graduat- Goodyears than any other tire-:just

Drop them off here

before you start out this week ..end or next Wednesday

Quality Prlntlnll





'1 NIW GOODYW All-WOna The Goodyear tire of all time - 41", more nOll - Ikld rubber and more the tire that out.rlpe and .Gutlaltl them all. Seeit! ' Anel the bett neWIl of aU: Tbla maryeioul new Goodyear 'G-S' with Ita many ad·

. (If it -

name your price and look at the Goody. . it buy.!

"anta.Mo,er any

other tlr. OIl the maritet coeU fOU nothln. estn.



I:r,b,aen. .... ut



'0 aftl'

SIa'e IIIeI ilia




$4~.~ .11%



The Miami'


A 800d low·priced tin - \'Alue only Gooelyear can




'o-ssrYrA. ....DWAy

$4... "HI".10

4 .•·21

Oth... In propGl'tion.

SUperior to hlp·

eet-prlced tlr.. of '

many other



$S?.~f $6.S0 ".to





'7.40 ' .....,. Other llzaI la proportloD. '





z:::: Eighty-Sixth Year





The Lates1t Ne,Ys

On Thursday evening, May, 24, the Wa~ren Oounty Rural Letter al·,lel·S Association met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. KerRey. at Oregonia, for their regular me-eting and to welcome D. D. Donehoo who has been transferred to Oregonia. The carriers and reo Ro.. H. Hartaoel< Out For tirecl carriere from here, with their familie., were present and Tree.aurer and Sa.m D. Henle" enjoyed a bounteous basket dinner Fo1" Suryeyor and pleasant 80cial time.

Whole Number 6120

THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1934 -




All Slat.e Hig way Pal.rol Ofwel'e 011 notivl! patrol duty IJl!c(Ol'uliufI Day, May ;W, in 1l1' (\Cl,1' to a 'sure maximum 'afety iot tlie h avy volume of boliday traffic. olonel J,..Yllll Black, patrol superintendent ordel'ed that every bighway patrolman bo 011 duty Cuba To F u rniah The Oppo.itioll from u. Ill. Memorial Day until 2 For The Merchanta Neat a. m. the next morning. Sunday 01. Black pointed out that the palrolm~n WOl'e espccially vigilant in I'ender;ng any pos ible assis· ~ ----Decoration Day was the first tance to moto1'ists as well as keeIJ With the deadline for tiling homu game o,f the SUBson and It the great amount of holiday moto!: petitions at hand, con&id rable was ind ed a mirage. We naturally t ravel flowing safety. mterest is being manifested in ... supp o~e d thnt Lebanon support"ed Waynesville and Wayne township over the pt:imary election this fall a ball learn but to OUI' SU I'prise we This is undoubtedly due to the found dift' I·ent. At the end of the [act that Wayn $ville, for the fir t third inning Lhe score was 10 to time in many campaigns. will be 2 in fa,vor of Lhe ,Mnchant.s and represented by at least two names WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF th ut is when our boys let up to' see on th Republican ticket. CHRIST ~088 H. lIartIJock, who will Te· (Undenominational) if L ba.non c uld do anything at til" as postmaster, is circulating a all; nod with Smithso n just lobbpetition as candidate for treasurer Ohester A. Williamson. Min..ter obBerv'cd in ing th rn ovel' a8 one might in Memorial Day was while Sam D. Henkle, who last Church School at 9 :30 a. m. Waynesville by a large number of batting practice, the Lebanon boya week was appointed county SU T· Lord 's Supper at conclusion. Chris ciLizells.8lHl fOI'rner residents, who went out and got 8 :few runs for veyo'r , will be a candidate for the tian Endeavor at 6:45 p. m. John unexpired term of the late John Se8u, Leader. Evening evangelis-;;;;;~~::~~~~~=:;;;;:~~~:.= visited !lliami cemetery iNm eady themselves. It was impos ible for S.· Van Horne. tic service at 7 :46 p. m. Sermon = morning until evening, taking i our boys to obtain earned runs Hartsock will be opposed by J : ilubject, "The Cue .Against floral remembranc to place on because Lebanon handed them Lisle VooThi!!., Lebanon. Mr. Hart. Christ." Prayer meeting and . . runs before they had a chance to the gl'aves of their loved ones earn them as their record of 13 Rock has made lin excellent Way· Bible study each Wednaaday at nesville postmar.ter and should poll 7 !45 p. m. The church where you sleeping there. From near and far errors shows. Woe nre sorry to a large vote in not only this but leel at home. they cl!me, to pay homage and show the home folks such poor other sections of thc county, as ---honor to those who rest in OUl" baseball in the opening game but welL Both men are active members ST. MARY' S CHURCH Rogers and Simpson, this week beautiful cemetery. we are certain they will have some ., • good teams here in the near futuro of the Ralph Snook post of the ~~oV'. J . J. Schaelrer. Rector completed moving their garage Waynesville Tt·oop No. 40, Bo~ so that the Merchants will have to American Legion. from the Odd' FeJl.)ws building to To date ther has been none to First Sunday after Trinity, June the old F:ord building on Main Scout.ll of Arnerica, had charge of step out and do their best. Mr. Thomas Clark,. who has street, where they will be located R I f I d announce opposition to Mr. Henkle ~. Church school at 9 :30; Morn· the ,p rogram for tbe day and carCuba will play the Merchants on . colt McClure, of Turtlecreek Ing Prayer and sermon at 10;30. b 't '11 ' bl t t in the future. . oy I'ons, 0 y e, Oblo, was I ied out their work very efficiently the borne ground unday, June 3. d H D B'I t een qUJ e .1' I IS a e 0 ge . In town on Tuesday. t o~ ns b... 'I' an . . al ey, 0 around now. Larger and more convement In the morning flowers were re- Cuba had a .good ball team last . . year. Our pItcher mithson was Franklin township will seek the FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST . . . . . . . quarter are pTovided in this new MI'. and Mrs. Curl Frye spent celved by the cIJmrmttee at the with Cuba Ja t year and he will be Republican nomin tion for county (UndenomiutioDal) Dan Brown and son, of Dayton, location. Both of these young men Sunday at Indian Lake. Townllhip House. opposing his old teammates in the Chester A. WnUamaon vi8ited with friends and relatives have been bU8inesspartnersinWay commissioner. Oarl J. Miller, pres· Tho afternoon prog1'8m began game Sunday. This should be ent comml8sioner expects to retire Unified aeJ;'vice beginnln, with here on Monday. nesvlIle for several yeal's and are Mt'. and Mrs. J. O. Cartwright thiS year. hurch School at 9:30 a. m. Lord's well and favorably· kno'~n to a Qf Hyde Park, Cincinnati, we;'e in. with Ule usual concet·t by the rather interesting as he will . Will R .. Lewis. county auditor, Supper and sermon at 10:30 a. m. M.r. and Mrs. Lee and large circle of friend s and patrons tow ~ on Saturday. H' h school band at the post of- u!ldoubtedly try very hard to beat , 19 . . hI former team mates and tbey 18 a candIdate for reelection, aa Sermon subject, "Putting Bap- famIly, of. Norwalk, were In town who :wish them every success in Md ' .. well as Alle~ Huffman, recorder. tlsm in its Place." You are always Decoration Day. their new bUSIness venture. ed ~~.a:ndM~~s.\t~; ~~'g~~/:~~i fice corner and c0!1tin~ed . at thc will naturally try to knock Smithspt!aker's platfIJl'm 1II Mlsml ceme· son out of the box. This will be The latter WIll probably be opposed welcome at this churcb. I dd't' t rt .. by Georgot' B. Johnson, of Lebanon M rs. Mary Hopkins, of Dayton, n a I Ion 0 expe garage son, at Troy, Sunday. te.ry where Mr. F. y. LeMay, loe.a l rather hard to do 8S this lad their spent the week·end with Mr. and sel'Vice of all kindll they are local Two have announced scout leader, preSIded, really is good when it is necessary candidacy fot , county coroner, ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH M J C H ke dealers for Firestone and' Dayton Miss Alice Campbell will enter. After the invocation by Rev. to bear down Waldron • GilmouT, the present Father Newton, Paltor reo . . aw . Thorobred tires, as well as offering I s~mmer school at 1i-1ianli Univer· C. A. Williamson, cout Eldon _._ __ D.L. 0 rane, w h0 b as b een Ill.'J'109 ev ry el'vice t he motorist might. Slty, Oxford, June 18. incllmbent and Dr. Herschel Mass at St. Auguatine's Ohurch Ellis gave Lincoln's Getty8bur~ WAYNE VILLE uERCHANTS , •• Williams, both of Lebanon. every seco nd and fourth Sunday tor several months, is cOlldn~d to wish. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Tho1nas Addre Ii. A selection by the band ' AB R H PO A E C. Donald Dilat.u h, prosecuting of the month. his bome tor a rest. ?'hey have reclmtly been IlP- were guests of Mr. and Mrs. MYl'on preceded the introduction of the speaker, Wade E. MilleI', Ilperin· Mendy 2b ...... 5 1 1 2 2 1 pomted as sub-agent for Ford cars , Thomas at Dayton Sunday "ttQrney Wl'll seck rcclectl'on .. Mr. RoIlS Hartsock was n lunc~. under the Bryant Agency, of tendent of Miami Valley Ohllu- Lawrens, ss ' . 5 ' .1 1 3 3 1 again thja year, a well as Arthur FRIENDS MEETING eon IQest at the Rotary club In Xenia, and will lIc,t only serve a Mr. and Mrs. Ira Rich and tauqua. . Smithson, p .... 5 0 1 0 13 0 Hamilton, state repr sentative. First-day Sebopl at 9:80 •. m. Franklin, on Tuesday. authorized Ford repres ntl.tives daughter, vi ited Mr. and Mrs. Following the addrClss adjourn· Peck, Ib ... , 3 2 1 S 0 0 Hamilton will be opposed by T. O. Patter on, it is understood. Me tlng for Worship at 10 :30 Miss Barbara Jean Crane is , but repairmen in this district as M. T. Rich and family, at Bethel, ment was madl! to the Mcmorial Davis, cf ,... 2 0 1 1 0 0 cannon where the monument was Ellis, d, 1b .... 4 1 0 6 0 1 I. m. visiting Ifr: and Mrs. Paul Boo rom well. ' Su nday. covel'ed with flower and trumpet- Turner, 1f ...... 4 1 1 1 0 0 - - .. • Ell tern Stsr Market, 9 :30 era ftom the band sounded "Taps.' B Weller, c .. 4 2 1 8 3 1 OBITUARY WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH at Bellbrook, this week. ' . Rev. G. C. Dillert, Putot The Y. F. M. met at the home of Saturday mor~ing, at. LeMayClo$ing exel' iSBIHlnd drills weI' eadway, 3b 3 3 1 2 0 1 Edward Hart ~ck, son of Sunday : Sunday lehool at 9 :80 Ada Grace and Ruby D~le UnderHawke Agency. Everythmg good given by the cout.s, thus ending Hartsock, rf .. 4 2 1 1 0 1 John and Ehlla. Hartsock, was bom a. m. Morning w01'llhip at 10:80. wood, on Sunday evenmg. Ito eat. another Memorial Day observance - - - - - Total s ... ..... 39 13 9 27 21 6 March 12, 1886 and departed this . , Di ' S ri ---.... A' d M life, May 22, 1934, aged 48 yean At th18 service tbe Itrict upe n Eastern Star Market, 9:30 ",J.S es nme aname Brown tendant, Dr. J. O. Bickel wj)J 'be Saturday morning, at LeMayA study. of the bog quota allot. , were dinn~r guests of Mr. and NEW CENTURY CLUB HAS • 2 months and 10 days. witb us .nd pre&eh and .Iso con· H k I Ated Warren co unity, under the Mrs. S. M Sellars at Lebanon on LEBANON l'ractically his whole lite "all duct the bUBme.. of tbe Fourth a ... e nsunnce ._ncy, AAA program, s'hows that total Sunday." , INTERESTING MEETING AB H R PO A E y s~llnt inthth~ viciniRt' ofthWabyne8h- Quarterly Conference. Mr. Loren Reaa01'l hall returned hog benefits to far/ner& wHl ~xceed "r. and Mrs. L. V. Beck ancl . Wolie, 2 .. b .. .... 6 0 1 2 3 2 VI e on e .. arm were e c I1Te Epwortn League at 7 p. m. At hom;; after spending several da yS by ,15,000 the amount estllllfl ted JU. Th New Century club met at I Doudare p . 6 1 0- 0 6 2 stands, During' the la!)t four 8 p. m. Rev. J. J. Sch.efl'er, at the World'. Fair at Chicago;' when the program was annouliced. famIly IUld Mr . and . MI' . W. ~ O. The Litt.le Inn on ~riday after.. Thomp8~n, 18 . 6. 2 .4 4 6 2 montbs of his earthly days he was Rector of the local St. M_ry's B. T. Blackburn chairman of ~per spe~t Decoratton Day nsh- noon, May 21>, with Mrs. Anna Gray, rf, If, .... 4 3 1 too confined to his bed in the hospital Episcopal Church will be .. ith ua Mr. and Mr8. Perry Sac~ett, of county allotment committee, finds , lOg at IndIan Lake. Oadwallader as hostess. Th re- Leveck, 1b ..... 1 0 0 7 0 2 with ~ brok~n hip. He e~dured his and preach. Bellbrook, s~nt Sunday wlth Mr. that, even after tlhe overstatement lYr: Walter KUbon anel rand- gullir business meeting was hel.d. Burgess, c .... 2 0 0 1 1 0 uft'~rlr;r Wl~ much patience. "arid Wednesday: Bible IItudy and and' M7II. Harvey Sackett and is repJoved from the contract ap_1son of Da:v.t;on were guest. ~{Mr ReIlPOJ1SeS to rolJ call wet'e glven BIvins, c, Ib .. 5 3 3 7 1 S fortit~ e a~ wall appartendtly ~- prayer meet inr eaeb Wednesday family. plications, hog payments will total Ilnd Mrs Geo~~ Hendel' on and by state capita ls. Two paper" were Oornelius, cf ..5 ·0 2 0 0 0 ef· w teni uneie~. e S co~- Ilt 7 :30 p. m. Mias Anna Lee Crane wu the '324,000. The original estimate fam ily, Wednesday and Thur day Tead, "National Park~:" ~y 1\1rs. C Ivins, ]f, rf .. 4. 1 2 0 0 1 P ;~adtO 8 ~ n an 18 aVlor auest of Mr. and lira. Earl Carr was ,309,000. ;rhe percentage ~f of this week. J. L. Mendenh~lI and ADlma~8 of Russell, 8b .. ..4 0 0 1 2 1 ca e . tm o r n e . . , and Ion Russel at Lebanon on overatatement In the county )s t the Northwest,' by :Mrs. H. Eo Edgington, 3b 0 O . 0 1 0 0 He leaves to mourn th~JT.loss, a COAL DEAJ.:.ERS MUST a' ' , . ' slightly less than the average fun4 1 01'. alld Mrs. J .. V. Mulford, of Hathaway. ______ _ ~b~etlvhe yeMar °Wld lIopn, HW~~~mk' a REGISTER AT ONCE Sundy. for the state by the ~tste Board of Lebanon, called On Mrs. Franct! I Ejection of OffiCl,ll'S was held and Totals ........ 42 10 13 24 18. 13 ~o . er, . r.. ~. . •• """c, ~f Dclcto~ A. T. Wri,ht atrived lesa than in some other of tbe Nicholson at the Friends Home, tbe following were eJected : CtnCI~natl , a SIster, Mre. Mi!lnle . . home last week after a visit with corn belt states. Sunday afternoon. President, Ml'!t, L. M. Hender1 2 3 4 5 6 '1 8 9~~::r~~aof ~~::.' :;d r:efl~:e: Oh~:' :~!l !p~;!d o~ftI~i!~n~:: bisl aon, Alfred and , family, at Mr.. Black.burn. !lays no blanke~ Mr. and Mrs. Cha),les James and p~~;~e .iCC~~~:~~~~rit, M~~' ::.ow~~ Mel'chantlil ... ,31603000 x-18 Ohio, lUi well a~ a host of f . gistraLin.....Y[amn county, it w• • 00 umbue. reductjltO n ~111.tsbe m~de f ~ k~he fami ly were dinner guests of the Hathn;"ay ' Tl'('aS~l'e1' 'Afrs W E Lebanon ..... 0 2 0 1 0 0 2 2 3- 10 and neighboTS. announced yeeterday by the ReMr. and 'M1''' Ernest Martln, of cth°mm t ee Itn I 'Nt OfI' 0 cthec III latter"s mother, Mrs. Ella Folks at Corn~ell- , , . . . Bases on "Balls--Doudare 3' Smith . d th' d e overs t a emen rom e con- G fi ld S d " . ' life is a to in volumes three ta.t!. ~olid Fuel Co e Au orlty, Cleve~a.Dd, were "eek-~n guests tract application~l. He 'p'o ints out reen e ,on lin ny. During the social hour delicious son 4. . . . The post, therypreaent and the yet ~lv1slon No. 2J. with headqaartere of }(ra. Marpret Martin nand Mr. that much of it is unintentional. Mr. and Mrs. George MilJll. refrell~me~t . were served. The Two .Base lilts---Davls 1; Corto be. III Columbus. anel Mn. J. L. Mendenha • due to a lack of farm records. Mastl)r William Strouse, Mr. and gllest It ~ mcluded ~fI'8. J. B. Chap· nehus 1. . • The fir·s t is finished and layed All r~tallera ,sel.Un~ coal in the )(1'. and Mrs. Ot vi11e Gray and Farmers who have presented Mrs. J ohn Fromm and f amil y 'Were man, 1\h8se8 Annie and ?dame Three Base Hlts-.-Thom.pson 1, a.way, 8~ . <?hlo coun£ie~ In the . ~ll' daughter, Barbara, visited Mr. satidactory evidence of production dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bl·owne. . Laure ns 1; Satterthwalte 1. The' second we are readin, day by ~IVISIOI\ are required'. to reciater and Mrs. A. C. Bowman and family during the base period need have C. Hawke, on Sunday. . ~he nex t meetmg of the cl ub Ho~e Run~-Hal1;sock 1; B. Ivins day. Im.mediatel~. Mr. Lewla to4a, H- at Franklin, Sunday eveni~. no fear of a cut i:n their individual . W.:, ,b e held nt the home of Mrs. .1, C. I".ms 1. Tohe third and last of volume three celved offiCIal regiatration 'b lanks quotas, he !laid. !'II'. ,and Mrs. E. C. Crane an,d Mana Elbon on Jun e 22. HIt by ~Itched Ball-Edgington Is locked f om sight God keeps for this count,. Mr. and :Mn. H. A. Col'tlell a n d . A i ' chJJdren and Dr. and Mrs. E. F. -- - - by Smithson. the key r , . When local coal dealerlJ have Mr. alld 'M;rs. W. E. Contell attend th~~~lal:u:1e~h~f 1h eApr~:u~~~~~ DepPe attended the HagenbackY. F. M. MEETING Wild Pitches-Smithson1, Doudare . tilled these out they ..rUl be for- cd the funeral of Mr. )(oody Price e ' . Wallace eireu at Dayton, Friday 2. Sleep on, dear brother, in peace- warded to the Division Code at Wiiml~ton, Friday afternoon. eontrio} p}antadebPE!ndfs upon uSlngte evening. . 1 . f . th 'Y F Earned Ron _ Waynesville Merh ful rest A th 't h d rt t Oolum I . genu ne quo aile or eac coun Y The me bng p Ilee 01 e . . ' chants l' Lebanon " For why this is, God "kno\Veth beat, b u orll e·la:,a Mr. and 141'11. J. C. Hawke at- Without a genuille base it will not l Mr. and . Mrs. 'Earl Davis, Mrs. M. on Sunday night. June 10, Struck Ou t--Smithson'10' Dcluda ti en • rt'fi t aNI 7 ' . For all ill hope and »eace and ~~ ban .~: dir ;~: ~ c~ ee tended the funeral of Mr. Chal. be pouible t o reduce hog produc- F. R. Miller and Miss Helen Mil- will bnt the White brick meetin/!' love. l W e mal . e -:- en Hipe, at Bellmont, on Saturday tion be 25 per cent, the goal 0[ 11er, of Oakwood, we~c g uests of houl!e with Mr. Lawr~nce F~J'1las Loft . on' BaseIl-WayneaV'ille ' Mer1,Jntil we meet in heaven abo"l. In all prob.bllity the dutnbut1- afternoon. Mr. Hine the father the program. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Jtldge, Sund'ay as host. Mrs. Russel WIlson Will be chants 6; Lebanon 10. on dOf tbethneW ~~ be In-law of Mr. Oarl Hawke, Dayton. Extreme care exercised now by ~fternoon. Jesson leade~., Mr. RIl!{m ond Brad- Umpires--Schuler and Frederiek. t . r.... faoo . county aIJotment committee", al( . dock, devotIonal IMde:- and Mr. Time- Two hO·u rs. . . Gon e where no storms of sorio.. , ma e on tion for this incluetry. Mr. and Mr8. Ed .M~rrel and tbourh acting all a delay to pay_ T. C. . Tony) Patte~son.' of Leb Stanley Bailey, recreatIOnal leader _ _ __ ...~_ _ Sweep o'er 'his troubled breaat; llec1ltrati.oll .t this time 11 daurhter and MI __ RobbIn HamU mInt of cash berleflta willl'eault in anon, called at the Miami Gazette _ - .....- - ,Gone from 'a dark tomorrow, GRANGE PROGRAM limited to tho.. dealer. who did ton, of ' Lebanon, Mr. and Mr8. L. a .etter underetl~ndinr of the pur- offic e .on T~e8day. Mr. Patterson NA~ FARM HEAD IN To evetlastinr lilt. not p.rtieip.te in the Divisional H .•Gordon and Mrll. 14ary'McClure poaes of the pro,gram, In the opin- has IUs p~tltlon out for State ReFOR JUNE SECOND Code Authority eleetion of ~reh enJo,ed Sunda7 at IndIAn Lake. Ion of Mr. Blacll:burn. presentative. RURAL RELIEF PROGRAM MASONS INVITED TO ret\lttation '" It w ill operat ,e a I110 to alsure .a Mr . an d MAlI Th e progl'am prepared ,.or ~ the DAYTON GATHERINC bn or send U at theirthe ti It direct I _ :r. and.... _n. Myer H,man an d ra. en H 0Ie, 0f . s ex- .on, BQbb~ and Hlu Stella reduction in hog numbers. Thl! Lytle and Mr. and Mrs. Oli fford Torn FO!lter, ·o f Hamilton, twp., Orange meeting of June Z is as 101 . y ma nee t IlIe: ---- . peeted that .all dealen .II! ~oal In Dall8berty and Charlee Burton price rise that lwill f ollow the reo Campbell and family, of Social has been appointed farm uper· lows. Invitation bas beel'l extended to the 86 counties of the DIVlthalo~ will Eamh~, apent .eve~l daj 8 at 'ductlon in tb e lI,apply will more Row} visited MI:. and Mrs. W. N. visor for W~rren .county. uncJ er. a Mus ic in charge of Mrs. John Gone e .next Indl.n lake th.. week. than oifset the slig'ht nduction in I Sears and family, on Sunday" new plan whlc~ WIll fUl·~llSh. l elte! ~ea.ding--Juanita Br~nnock. Waynesville Masons to attend ' a b.e rerfatered ..Ithln m~etlng in the Masonic temj)le, IIlxty da,.. benelit payments he said. to farm families on Teltef It was Thi'Ee minute talks-Dayton, on tbe evenln« of June 8, ._. JI.... D. ~. Rld,e wu hOlte.. to "W~n will 0"; cheexs ,be heret' Corwin E. Ary, tenant On t}le announced this week. It ~s expee.t"Easier Methoda of !Joa.. at which time I)am B. Squire, DEATH the memben 01 th, ' Arpnot Thl. is the quel11ion most frequent. T. 0. Hawke tarm at Coll ege Hill, that the new plan Will be 1\1 Cleaning," Mr.. M. A. Cornell Grand Master of Ohio, will b. the BricIP clab at her borne on Iy a.ked of the committee. It II waa brougb~ home ;from the M~· l operation by June 1, . and w!l.1 reo "Man's Most Important Work bonored lJUest of the e~ht blue Mila Marl Woolard, ace 10 Saturday afternoon. 1111'11. Earl impoulble to aet an exact date. Clellan , on Monday. a.nd. IS ,suIt in aiding many· Impovlrlsbed Each MOilth," Mr. I. D. Riell. lodges of Dayton. ),Iara, died at the WOGlard bonae Davia, of Dayton, M1'I!. J. B. GoftB A large number of tabulating recovermg nicely from InjUries farm residen~. . '. " Woman's MOlt Importaat The meetins will start proftJptly on Maia Itreet, thla (Thurada7) and lin. Earl Hockett were the .nd statistical work l'emains to be received aeveral weeki ago. . County relle.! boal.d, who WIll Work Each Month," HrII. W. Bat 7:30 o'cfock, and all HalO.. of momiac, after • .plOlo..... ru..... invited l1IetU. come before co~traeta can be fol'Miss Henrietta Poeling, Messrs. aId t he superVISor, l! c.omposed Cornen. , ~ Waynesville .nd yJeinity haY" ftShe.... born In Corwbl. the Ml' and 111'11 Lee Hawke warded to WalJhinrton. A final Hilbert Bisdor! and Al Schoeler of E. Tyler Sho~lI:h, rel.lef dir· "Our TOW1l To-day and ......orceived a cordial invitation to at- daachter of the lata aeDry .nd , family had as ·dlnner euelta . Oil aia'nature mus~ be otalned after of Hamilton and Mi158 Louil!~ ,ector; Oarl J. MIner, of row," Mr. I. L.. lIendenhall. tend. Bull.. Woo1ucf and apent her l DlContion Day IIr allel Hn. an contracta .re typewritten. The Hendenon attended a Founder's the board o~~~unty co~mlslll0~e.. Recltatioa--Joha HaD. life ill WaFDeeville. SulllvaD ~Uor, Mr. _c1 lira. c:ommitee wfll bul)' a week Day pageant presented by Miami 1Lellter J . . I er, COlln y agrlcu · • • ' Ill' to IDnive ber, one Paul Moot'e, ., LlIIDbertoIa, Mr. !:nth::. ~-::~ Unlvel'lity etudenta a.t Oxford, on 1~~~~;~ej.t'B~· ~e~~:~::~i. gr;:: tAD OP lUI. . . . . . ' CLOTHING CLUB fIlET brodIw, Edward Woolard, of n.'- Iw Kn. II. L. PanhalI and Mn. an ultable il made Sunday. bunau prel i4ent; E. J. Beeelle. Thll Good Oat ClClltbi: 01_ to one llIter.:'_ 1I!d IEm. . Slirface. in .:a..ndtaal It II reported that theater roere Eliab&eth Graddy, ho... c1ellloD::Id Ita.-:°R!:=DIJ~ Ul':~J.-:~ wru.. eOD: lira. ......aNt TbOlllu, Mn. After the arrlve at will lOOn. be able to enjoy aU-talk- lstl'ation agent, aid lb-.... Jo,!! ;~~~;!;I= G~im wen aUo..... to .....n dm Ute faural...,.. at tM j Wanda Grift'ith . . elllhlnD, of . ...un pue iq motion pietur.. In W.yneevtlle Ja.k. truetee i 0 ,~Wl'"# · 1 tlli r I MfiiDI the ~ CIlrt.& .. bat .... Q'SteftJ. Thla D. D. Bralreleld, of Sabma and orphan', .nd ch Id:ln I ~O • 'ftI written at tile Carrol 8rakdeld, of Xenia, will Work ..~ ltart TIMN are, tile . . . . ed espeet I





----_ ---









Hog Paymetnta WIll T I $324 000' 00 ota " .




b E-:r•..'!!! e.....



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_*'" _n. d'




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~• ._~. :::=i.:fOr.,Ope"'~~;;_

r-----li-----------------..... FROM 'fHE WARREN r FOR PASrr WEEK

fistols at Davbreak

C om m OD PIe • Proeeed'DII

conftrmation, d 'ed and distribution

the estate of Martha A. ColURI, decealed, filed his ftrst and Rnal account. E. C. Morriaon, D. E. Heywood and F. E. William.on were appoint ed appraise", of the estale of J. .ThomplOn, deceased. In the matter of the estate of Elbridge Barris, dec /lsed, 30 day!! 1\'as I!J(tended for time oC sale. Ruth McClure was appointed ad· mini8tralirx of the estate of James W. Presley, dece.aaed, a~d filed of $1000 Wtth l!ure~les. Carl er, George Perrme and Foley were appointed ap·

State. r portioa early truck crop. advl e of mor nap bean. I c.bbage anll cllnlHloup ~. I.. " cel· ery, green peall and "pinach, and about tho I!am~ amount of al!pllra· rUI, peppers and atrawb rries. A Ilational ra(lio program by the United States Department of Agri culture for homemaker hus be n ohedu led monthly. The firs t broad cast is June 6, through the Nati· onal Broadcasting CompanY'1! facio lities. It may be heard at 10 :30 to 1 :80 p. m. over 48 stations.

New Suite ' Ruth Gebhart VUI!US Homer ma t ion, de .. u tl lHI di It'i buli oll. alt~ fi r. . t.; . < ~ 10 th ell " Cit 'alll ud Richard G bhart, neglect 01 duty, ~n tma ..d~:. a~. \'(,.I ~. ~ntl .T. )Iillet, et AI, com. Greenben-y Be~rd versus Lottie .. . . . • . xc ellenq . T hen Int. ston!!t :!, th~ dere ndant ure May Beard, for dIvorce. Charge is ('II APTER II. 0 dor Hammer and A Ill.! d ir J) OU re a I ~ \ ~,r man t hun I am. by Igronted I j) u r additional time t o gro s negl ct of duty and .adultery " I Illl' t bt!' a f (>(lI-" nupped th (> ~1 8c h'er pl~ ented t h mselve at a f~lI month. . fil l' p]"auing. In the matt r of the transfer of d ClOl·. ' J) t. . lcelling dogil He. D' yc GOyernmBnt House a t four o'cl ck ! .tr ~0~t1(' H art~' 1\ b~d~illlr of In the 'a·' 1 of Miron hutt ve r- f u nds of The Board of Trustees of M. Scott, executor of the e8· WI\J'It our killed fMen(1 to take t o sha rp. cn-ant in a maroo n-and- ho ~e~, a more I a n dIn! l e gh!"U hrisU ;l h~tt s the cu lody ITu t'llecreek township, to transfer of Larue L. Rankin , deceased, 43 YEARS OF SERVICE Crt mm inl? hi g ntlema n', educa· buff II\-cl-Y had no more t hll n a ee.? ho..:~ pro.u( ufll h.~ u re of IS of mi nor child 11r 0(' 'to d fe ndant' lfunds. filed hili inventory. lion and b i~ p digl'ee do,,"n t he p n d the door t o t OOm th un t he it a'do.neud t~r~ U~'do ht~d · ea·?i~~dd Plaint iffi t.o pa)· 1.50nWeekfor j Nella Tracy versus William E. E. Oswald, acbninist1'8tor of r.ti jf I1l'1'k of that gild d popinj a y governo r him, elf appeared a nd th n ti' . ~n a IPhT! e d a. ~ltr\ ~ c ~ UPII rt of child. . Tracy, for divorce. Charge is gross the estate of J!lsse Wilk~rson dcLEBANON, OHIO I II re in t h publi street?" welcom tI them with fla tterin g e IS , Y N l r () I ~ II mlnl ~ LrutJon , . . • neglect. ceased, filed his sale bill. " It 1I' 0u id b mil. in.'l,'· returne d co rdiality and led th t l 'ttl In th e " cond v al' t he widow of a T he cmlt! or Chff'ot d oucb verGI 8 d B ' S . E. E. Oswald, administra.tor of We have a complete h eom 0 a 1 e{ lat e a tt orn!'y 'O(>n~ 1'91 of the l \ r O- su Berths Cou.~h W II di mis ed. 'b YCSh etrmcGB awsyer, a mlhno.. Wat". SeMliee 'ned 00 1111'• •T on l!~. " I'd lay illS mon ey on book. It r m a re 0 . h d ,., h Th ea of The ta ndard Oil or, y es er . awyel', er estate of Harry Ross, deceaB d COnte Il me LO hN' e . . l' I ' .' . d ' rathe l' and next friend versus hiB sale bill. Prices Rea onable tht' Highlander , ble s hiR man gy log slt'uck r ub y and gol den a nd vmce a opaz lights in the belliI'll of th ree If a th er' h o~,. in King ton ~l'om . n ? versu Harry I 11 I d t<:.mlsse Cedric tanley, a minor, t~r money In the matter of the estate of Beads Restrtlng 8pO(l rnn I:' .' larence Arthur Brown, Jr., a Christina Bllchanan, decea.sed, ad· J(Jwelry Repaired a ptaln Ru~}tle,gton met and DC· d canters on a ro. wood table-- round of Vl It S. a mo ng relllt~v lO \\ Ilhout r ~cord. co. ted th l' m wlt hm a r od of the port a nd B [a rc old brandy and a 1th e old countt y . . he had Inset u- I In th cn. e of harie Beck ver· . minor by Clarence Arthur Brown dition.l assets that should be in· "THE HOME OF GIFTS" lavern doo r, with .a bland smil for pal sherry, . table green ~ Y l' a nd nn im crut- ~ u Pal Il azelwood, et ai, t he de· , Sr., h'is father and next frien d: eluded in said .inventory were ap. the doctor nnd Mr. J ones, a peak· The doctor aid tlt at he alway! nblo low s mtle. he had a slender f endunt . , .J ohn 13utt, Dan Butt and versus Cearic Stanley a minor for ed eyebrow tor :MacIver'/', e COllnd a nip of brandy to b an C.1C . lneck. thllt . om how ~u,,~st~d t.h e Jo. ~ Jlh Rtdd<>11 hllve l ea~e to file Imoney and damages: ' The bond of C. Donald Dilatush fln f' ry, nnd a n n~abJ e salu~ \ hl ch ce\lent thing f or th dig ative or_ l ?an ~tng of nymph t o Pnn s ptt'· I thell' ';\n s~\' cr.,' Confi r ma t IOn, dee d adminiltrator of the estate of induded th e ent Ire g~th erm g. gaDS if taken a t exactly fi ve m in_\m g In a leafy " ~de of rcad?" She lund d t tn buhon . Probate Courl George W . Nun, deceased, was reo "Docto r, I've b en In str ncted by utes pa, t four of th e afte rnoo n. po se~se d two (hm pll' ; one III h ~r I.n t h ea of H . B. [elke, doing duced from $7,000 to $1600. MacIve r t ook sherry. The governor Jlawlcs_ left chee k a nu th" ot~ er In bllsiness Os The Ryton asket Co A .c opy .of th~ entry determlnmg In the case of C . .Donald Dilll' his nib to pre ent hi compllmen to yO\! a nd a Mr. McIver, and his t ook port, remarking that the best Ihe; , Iendlr left . bo~ l d!!r. r hc~e \ cl U, The . W . nglesby Co., a , the I~herltance tax on the estate tush, administrator of the esta~ of invitati on to both of you to dine preparation he knew 101' a bottle thlllg5: eye. and , nllle a nd ne<-k corp., jud~ment to the plaintiff in of WIlliam A. C~olJ, deceased, is George W . NUSI!, deceased, versus WA YNESVILLE, OH.O and dance at €iovernment Hou e or two· of p ort after dinner wal: a a lld. dimple. amI othPl' or h~ r po . the slim of $63 1~.G 3. t.o be certified Without delay. Ruth NUSII, et aI, order of 8ale Pbone 80 Bank Blda. this vening," he. caid. "His nib gl ass of port before dinner, Mac. sesslon s. "lm ost. perhaps ClUjte. ~ 1n the mntt!'r' of Em ma J. Mun]n the matter of Edgar Carson bsued. will b g lad to see both 01 you "" er'l! 'Palate wa plEased ith the I e~ch an ~tn~ , pla )·.,d ~ he very de\ tl Jee r, n receiver of the Harvey . B~rger, deceased distribution, In In re: estate of Charlell Penkawa eotly--e\' n II early 3 four pale sh erry ; but his tomacb un· I '" tth ht. ex ~ 1I ney s haJ'd h nd burg 'ational Ba nk of Harveys. kind was ordered. deceased, the chedule of debts o'clock- particularly his Highland used to wine. and bred t o High- , and , ~o. on d heart. hurl(, rec eiver a u thoriz d t o accept Th~ will of James H. Jeft'rey, de· was filed. The inv~ntory 01 J. T. Riley, ad· gentleman. ~ hom I ve not yet had lond spirits, d'i d n o t so mueh 8 K To shol'Len n lonsr !ItOI' ' . Lh e .~o\'- d ~1I tor property desc ri be d in peU ceased, was admitted' to probate. lh h()nor of meeting." regi t r ibl arrival . erno r wooed and WI):) t hat wluO v .ill n, H e. Pe.titi on grontee! as to Iifford Stitt, guardian of Ruth minlstrator of the estate of Dora "Ala dair. this g orgeous person Doct or Hammer gave his exc 11. llnd ~a {' ~ I{'Hl n 11 d ~l1tt e l' lI ~ U Q .tccep ting fun d~l, etc. Ann Stitt, incompetent, tiled a Chilton, deceased, was approved. aptain the H()norable Peter ency Ii vivid description Of l he I!-ranll bull In Ct·I(·bratlU rt of ht s~c 1n the caae of Lillie C. Canby new bond of ,20,000 witb sureties Blanche Carollne Barber, execu· i of the Grenadier farcical attempted trial of th c es~ ; and. to get bnek. to ;\luJld81r 'I:('r. us l ary E:. Messick, et ai, In re: estate of R. Van Treu, trill: of the estate of LO\Jise A. Ruggleston, Guards, who i' j:J t now condes. 1 llows whom MacIv er and h' m n MucY\'or'l' st OI' Y, ~h '" td ow. dlt u~h 11nal account a ppro\' d a nd tru Lee deceased, sal~ of timber ordered. Barber, deceased, filed her inven· cending 1;0 act the govern or 'lI had brought down fr om G1 nbhr ec l r a~d only chtld nW'n l!l·d both II i-char -ed, The following accounts were ap tory. a id-d -camp," aid Hammer, ' in The governor showed neitber sur- lhe d lMnel' Ilnd the l) t\l1. IIr r nom In th caBe of Heber Hizsr ve r· proved, allowed and confirmed by Rub, Van Riper, executrix of the Gaelic. llHe hal! requested the prise nor excitemen t. "':Il S Florette Lytton. H er age w a~ " u~ edric Stanl ey, a minor, et 01 , the court. elltate of D. Victor Van ~lper. delpI aBure of your acquaintance and "I b lieve both Bunnet and J ohn- : \, Iliht~ n; nnd that made he ex nct· t he def endant ii !Cl'anted 15dl1Y8 Otha E . Slims, l!J(ecutor of the ceased, tiled her inventory. deliver d an invitation from his ex. tone t o be as hDnest as they havo , ly .DID t€en y 1', her m ot h cr'~ ud ditionnl time to fi le motion, de· tate of Amanda E. SamB,' deceas Gertrude Trimble was appointed . cellency." proved to be in eomp tent, " h e said JUOIor. But for those. years, unu nnlt r r or ot her pleoding. ed. Second and final. administratrix 01 the eltate of MacIver doffed hi bonnet and pleasantly. "We can't expect too t he color a,nd cxpre,slon ~! hcr Tn the Cll e 0:( J. f. Shields verMildred A. Mulford, adminiatra· Herbert L. Trimble, deceased, and bowed. Ru glestown bowed. The much from our voluntary mag i!ltra eye , she mtght hllv b<.>cn ml tllk!'n su C ddc Stan.ley, a m inor, et 01, trix of the estate of B. F. Huber, filed bond of $6000 with sureties. Phone 78J Highlander straightened him self ws. As to the accu ed, it is qui te f~ r h er mother at, \'en ~o f<h?r ~ a t he deft!nt.lant ils granted , 15 days deceased. First and final. Charlell Waggoner, GU8 Sie-ker and like a lance, returned his broad Ievident that they w re nothjng bu t dl~tan ce .IlS lhe wtdth of Il tlrnm . . dditional time il1 whi ch to file mo· J. A. K-eller, guardian of Pet· Fred O. James were appoinwd ap· bonnet to his golden h ad, and tools. They had ' nothing a ltllin t tabl!' . 1.1 IS L)ltton's eyes wet' l ion , demurrer or oUler pleading. melia Bennett, incompetent. PJ'aisers. cocked it. The guardsman, straight lour young friend here, so far as d~rker and t nd rr t hn1' t he The en e of 'fh e People's Build· Charles S. bwio, administrator The will of Loui! M . ABllnm, dea8 a lance, smiled condescendingyl ( can learn ; nor had the f ellow wtd ow'". 0 dark a nd t~ntler w r c ing-f, Loan & Savings Co. versus of the estate ot John W. PhilliplI, ceased, was admitted to prob.te. "Now you're acquainted with Lunk To.morrow will be time they that wh en Al as~ l\tl· I!l.clvc ~ ,TQh n J. b on, ct al, is dismiased d ceased. First and final. Ho.w ard Phillip Allllum was ap"fOT ARY PUBLIC bim, but don't be too sure that yon enough for us to disc,ul\S the mat. first ncouniered ~he ll' A'r ntle reo \, ithuu! record. Will Sheets, guardian of Bertha pointed adminil!trator and tiled N.,I•••1 B ..II In the ease o,f State ot Ohio ver Kenrick, feeble·minded. Fourth. bond of .9000 with su.reties. Earl kn()w him," said the doctor in ter. Iltove always made a point of I' gard he almost ml st.o()k thellt fo r EngU!h. "He's a gentleman of u. ing my brain a. little as possible tho eyes of Flora MIl~ Dol)ald. And FU S Fi Id K McK innish, W. E. Frances A. Null, administratrix J. Meal', Dr. C. P. Krohn alld Willa Dra .._ • , Eat.... S.ttl.4 very ancient family and true High· during the hour precedinll' dinn l'r W? n ,he look ed agam , the. be- IGraham was .Illppointed guard to of the estate of Huber J . Null , J08eph McKiDley \'rere appointed WAYNESVILLE, OHIO land temper. He's not t() be judg- and 1 don't intend t<l uae it at 011 ",lld crm~ . r 8 mblnnce Wil. even I trans port defendant to the Ohio c aBed. First and fin.l. appr.illen. ed by his wordly possessions." to-nigbt. This Is to be the best more trlkl,ng a t fi rs t: and th e mor tate Rl,fofmntory al Mansfield. W. W_ Whiteker .nd Esther W. It is ordered that the will of C. "Quite 80: and of a ~ ntleman's party, the best dinner, and the b CB t h look d, the grea ter the rese m- \ ln the case of Th e People'll Southgate, executors of the estate E. Hartman, deceased, be admltt~d educ.tion, 1 und rstand," return· ball ever /ttven In thf llrovince. \ blance became. Building, Loan IlTld Savings o. of F)ol'enc A. Starkey, decealed. to record in probate court. DR. H. M. WILLIAMS eel tbe eclrgeous calltain polit Iy. for it is to celebrate a very great (To Be ont in ued) vers us l\1alindi~ . Zl' cker, et ai, J. W. Collins, administr.tor of The estate of Horace G. Bogan, JSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN ..d ~~====~~====~-=--~~~~------~~~~=_----~~~~~~--------~--------~~--~----~~~~--~==~~===-==~~==~~==============~ deceased, ~empt from admin· inheri· _ tance tax. isElva D. Bogan. . SURGEON istratrix flied her first and final Sp.eial Att.Dti_ to Rectal alld aceount. IlIteltlllal Di •••••• Esther W. Southgate and W. W LEBANON, OHIO Whiteker, executors of the estate I! R t' 8 Phon" n165 of Florence A. Starkey, decea~ed, l'hone !vln. &. .Tnmeaoo Bldg. filed their second and final accOl,lnt In the matter of the estate of Elbridge Hllrril1, deceased, sale of real estate is ordered. HI--T~~;'~~.d-H,ol1ing ~head and , admini · trators of the of Margaret Director of FU ••Tal S.,,·ie. Hollings~ead, deceased, filed their ftl'1lt, final and distributive account Our ct'nYenient location, aulta· Alice Gilmour was appointed administratrix of the estate of ble lurroundin... and equipment enablel us to S \'Ve to tha Be.t Jo eph Gilmour deceased and tiled bond of $10,000 with 8uretiefl. Advantace. Thomas Hunter, Z. O. Worley alld Albert Parker were appointed ap. AMBULANCE SERVICE praisers. Way ••• yilla, Ohio Phoe. 28 Paul W. Tetrick was appointed admhiistrator of the estate of Flor~ W. Tetrick, deceased, and filed bond of $1000 with sureties. Frank W.tkins, Roscoe Case and FOR SALE DATE! CALL John Ranker w~re appointed ap. praisers. .













F. T. Martin .





Centerville, Ohio




New "life" for your car in Gasoline that Mixes Better with AIR!



Tbia ai.p1. diq_ .bow. wlt.t ..P..... wileD ,.~

"h, oa the Gu."

ow MUCH GASOLINE does your gas . tanlc hold? Ten gallons-fifteen. twenty? Multiply that figure by several thousand and you have an idea of the amount of AIR your car uses to a single 6lling' Here's the reason: ·Before gasoline can be burned-it must b"e mixed with large quantities of air. It's easy to see from this that the power you get depends on how well your gasoline mixes with air. Slow-starting, sluggish pick-up, loss of power may easily result from a poor-mixing gasoline. That's why we stress Climatic Control 80 much. This exclusive feature makes Mobilgas mix better with air-all kinds of air. It delivers a uniformly good fuelmixture in all kinds of weather-hot or cold, damp or dry. Naturally, that means better performance. Full fuel value. Quick.-startingfast pick-~p-dependable power! Try the gasoline that mixes better with aid Stop at the sign of the Flying Red Hone, and 611 your tank with Mobilgas.



DOWN INTO DAVY JONES' LOCKBR. The men who dolt'.o ioto the .e. io Uncle Sam'. "pillboata" are no more ~epeodeot on air thllll the motor io your car. Air i. vital to botb.


BRIGHT AND SUNNY when thia pioture taken. But • uodoWD brio" woloe... Rain maY com. before bomo i. ,eaobed. Tbal'. why you need , .. oline witb Climatia Control.

THB VAPOR PRBSSURB TBST. Mobil,.. , ....hId tbl'ee timel-fir.t.t the refi-r, thea I• •to,..e, eod 0 _ after it bu r.ched tM pu~ wta.n .......1.

SATISFIBD wida die W89 1M, ..... perto.....;. or ooId " . . .r. dry daYI _ ....p-It ..ak.. ao dill'.~. SIM baa MoIIiIgu ia tb'e ...........

H~)t " ..tbe,



Real E.tat. T'aDer.... The Morrow L~~er Co.,S ue E. Lewis, Susan L. V.ndervoort, Mae Ford Anderson, The Cindnnati Oil Workll 00., A. J. ~eurer Il!ld. Carrie Smith, M.artha J. Poppe, Georce and HattIe L. Kengle, A. M. Cook, Bernard . Lutme, Tbe Trustees of the Prellbyterlan ChUrCh, C. P. Krobn, The Cincin' natl Oil WOl'k!! Co., to County of Warren, the use of real estate for highwaYI'. Alma Seig to Geor,.. F. and Marie . Scott White, 86.12 aeres in Union towuhlp. New York Life In.. Co., to Lucretia Hopkinll, 111.45 acrea in Turtlecreek township. , . John J. Ironil to C. P. Krohn l'eal elltate In Union townllhip. ' ROlleoe and Alma Estf,'lp to Ralph W. Olevenrer, inlot No. 816 In Franklin. John A. Jones to Clifford T. and Elizabeth R. H.yell, real elltate In Harlan toW1Ublp. Eaper Peterson to The Cincinnati Gas " Electric Co., real estate in Hamilton townllhip. ShiM Kirby and Jennie Kirby to Bill Hamilton, iDiot No. 366 in Franklin. Berirer to Mat7 GpolS, real estate in De.rfteld townlbip. . J obn S. IUcbardlon to Ralph W. Olevenger, inlot No. 791 In Frank· lin. Sam John.ton .nd Julia Johna. ton to Ro.coe Eetep and Alma Eatep, Inlot No. 316 in Franklin. Atwell MeCray to Hallna Ruth 24.07 &erG, in Wuhl~n town~ IIhip. William Burr.melr to han.,.. Bure-melr, 100.48 acl'es in towDIhlp. .


Auctioneers· JESSE S LEY P••••' 320. N.. B;',


ol;k' -

EARL KOOGLER, DaytoD PhQlle KED1IIo,. a.a8

CLASSifiED ADS. FOR SALE FOR SALE - Hi·quality Chicks from ftockll carefully. culled and blood tested for B. W. D. under penonal supervision by Antigen method; W. Rocks, Bar Rocks, But\' Rocks, R. I. Reds, W. Wyan.- Sc. W. Giant-IOc; , Eng. "w. Leg. '1 "'c. Let UI have your order now. Weisman's Hatchery, Mason, Ohio. Phone 2SR. m81 FOR SALE~Sweet potato plants, 85c per l1ondr~d, or three hundred fol' f1.00 All kindl garden plants, 10e do~~n, three dozen 26c. On Ferr:r Ro.d. Strouae Brothers, Route No.3. WayneSville, Ohio. ·mSl . SWEET POTATO PLANTS Spealdll&' of Sweet Potato plants you can eet them at Dan Hockett's on rout& 73, 2'" miles Eaatof Waynesville. Phone 6&Rll •

. 1Ia.., B~ OanaOftr to IIlma. I. WAN'1'BD-CarI to walb and Carmon, .nd Orpha 1'. Clark, nal polllli • .lob. S...... CI,.cl. Promlll estate in Wayne to1nIIihlp. fton. '8. ml' Alice DOlOaoa ud Paa1 DoUboa, Inlotti Noa. 190 aael ••1 1Il I'raat- WOOlr--Ca..... BOW to ft. Ohio lin. Wool 0 ....... Oooperatln A.. IIOCWIoft ... bew ,.. wID ·" , .... fw JODI' eIlp. Low


he It. ......


D. L CRANE Ollie. Pho ... . R••,....c. .... , ........... ..

paLII ... _, Sus,.crlptioD Prle., '1 .10 • Y.r No. 112 Enlerc:'(1 at Po.tottle. at Wayn .. - ville, Oblu. aft J:ec"nd Cia .. M.U N 11 lIatter




MAY 3 1, 1934

- . = : : : : : : = = = = = == = 01 nil th~ faCl ol



Strai ht

, during April, $10; r1 fourthll th~ stlltl'li Ifoct fav<Jl'ably, I; th .. l"ll'clOI al "allege will be a L. H. 8: }o;nv. tor I 17; Franklin Chro mt!mory. Mis. Ruth Curry wa~ guest of ' fo l' W@lfare Office, ~ A summary made by the honor at a Bridge-Shower given by IBrown, Groc rieR relief !\lemuel'. of lhl' ('ongr()~~ir,nal Mr!. RU8sei Lumpkin, of Wilming- familil's dul'inll $7f!.50 : L. (',ml1liltH'invt'Mil!':\t il1ll llllocondllct Motor Vehicle Bureau of the ~l'l of pa~senger CRrs registered in ' ton, aturday evening. Mrs. R. W. W. Smith, groceries, $ 6: Carroll's Et lor c I·tain ' hicu~, '-l'der-nl jud.r eH Ohio tor th present year shO\\ II Duffey, Mi s Myra and Mrs. A. J. Store, groceries, $26111.76; Miller are sufT lin~ from Il1ll0l'hil' dY ~t'nLumpkin were among the guest~. Dulry Farm, Milk fUrl ished reli f The 1I0use, by l'Vl'r.,..h Iming ltlry. Thi ~ ' in ' iliiou. di~us c hus that of the ral's ope l'ating Mrs. MalOY Mills who suffered n families during April, $333.46; \ote, authorized an appropriuli n b(,(>11 a probl~ m thel'I' fur mo1'C on Ohio highway. are over 5 YClal'S stroke of paralysis last week i ., K1'oger Grocery & J~aking Co., of four hundred million dollal's for than a Yl"nr. Mnn !, oth!!I' Ohi ans old. Out of 1,155,930 pasl\engl'r 80mewhat improved. I Grocerie. , 05.2 5; Kro'ge.r Grocery new Federal highway con ·tl'uction. vi~i ting th (' l('nlu r~ ,r Prn,p' p~ cars ' l'egistered on April 1, 19 :14 , Mr. Bishop Dickinson of olum- , & Baking Co., Groced!! , $85.35; Congrcs. mun Bob S crest (D) Exposition hu\'~ bee'll ill al< u l'(!~ lllt 692 ,968 arc over 6 years old. Statistics compiled show a total bug itl a guest in the home of his Kroger Grocery & I~aklng 0., made an excellent speech arguing of the conl.ligion. Ncverth('h1i\~ th a so n, C. 1\. J icldns.o n Rnd (~miJ y. I $76; West Side Gro('.ery~ grocel:i{l for allocation of twt'nty-fivc pel" Expo~ition is being condu('ted fot· of 6,-1:13 pnss!!ngcr cars 1'egi terNl in Warren county RO fat in 1934. Mr. IIOU Mr. ·W. A. Smith, of $22; TI'ustees of PubliC Affairs, ('('Ill of this amount f or I'ural pos· anoth r Yl'al·. Springfield, were we k-end guests light to May 1, 1984, Welfal'e of- tal and school bus 1'oads. This A )Ced rl\1 gl'!lllt (, I (our hundred Of these 2,787 cars were five yeat of relatives here, fl ee, 60c; ~di~h L. Weav 1', . I I am endment was ado('lted. ongre 8 lhousRnd dollars wa ~ a ~lwd . W , old. MI'. and Mrs. O~an Tur.ner and rent and Gas Bill for Franklin of- , mall J nkin (R) offered this in the lI ouse ~ayed th' lll~ ('Ioy<'I'S March hatchery report!! point to son , of new Phlladelpllla, are fice, $21.99; Kroger Grocery & amendment and all Membe)' of ' two hundred lh ousand doll nts and guestll of ' ~hcir parents, Mr. and Baking Co., gro_eeries, $68.; D. C. 'I the House 'from Oh io Bupported t neal'ly succeeded in preventing a reduction in ~a lable chiel;s to 8 Mrs. A. 'V!. Turn.!!r. . Elt;zroth,, $2:3; Glltnore' the advocates for more aid for ' any appropriation. Co ngressman per cenl under 1933 ~nl s • . Memllrtal servlees were held In Grocery, Groceries, ~~13; Groger rural'roads Blanton in lhe deblltt· ~nitl "Let the 1\1.~. hu rch unday after- Grocery & Baking" Co. " g r o c e r i e s , ' the peojJlj,' of hi eng~ 'Rtal;t1 un n' 0 AI' d' ~3' 60' K G ' & B k ' . ' 0 n. all~e uu lence was pres. ..... , roger rocery 8 The reutesl l'llcket in the world thell: own botlomll." ong l'e,. ~m :tn , Api'll" 01 193:.!. ra mers got $4.81 nt. to hear the inter sting address iflg Co., groceries, $'160.86; J. R. dig t c W ' ht Britt n rejoined, " It i u!<t can't be or th con. umers' monthly bill of by Rev. Peters of the M. E. Hendricks, Groceri es, $136.48; ~c~or ng ongrts~~an rig f done" . 14 68 f or 1.1 imponant fooda Church . A delegation from the Great Atlantic & Pac:iflc Tea Co., Gil man a t ex~\ ~ . e t aJ>us:, 0 • APr'n of 1'13 4 f armers got $641 of American Legion Post in Xen ia , Groceries, 1106.; Sa unders Gro· IOVb61'nkmen lIcre I Y"Tmh ernAs 1 0~-' 011 " I I lh 17 pent for the' same nd Ii ' d f th 0 S cery groceries' $28 50' W H Me II an cr. e says, e mef!(age S ClI1'l.y an( uncmp oy- f d . a a 11'1ng squa rom e .., .!' . ' -.' - can people have been impl'ovel'ished ment insurance nrc r ceiving mu ~h 00 s. ~n (\ S. 0 . . Home, also took part Henry, grocelles! $1 '4.23, T . l,J. by the e international swindlers." lconsideration in Con I'e ·S. Ab out ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!! In t he se rvIces Woodrey gr ocenes $23.50' Cha~ . . f ., i Mr. and Ml~. H. E Reeves of of. Schw~rtz, groc~ries, $1'44.26; TChere IS a f stron g . mOI,,:emt~nt m thhl'~le hEUI?chl'C!lhund fHQty years ago t R· h dId . k' dMERossPM stampsior W el- ong-N!sl!I Or nalona lzalon 0 f WI Izal et wail uet' Il,so me- WhlteRose - Powerbe. Ie on f , . n, t'! wehre wee ~en fa're 'office' $4' 0 ., banking and to take from the bank body th ougb t of t he poor house. hind the engine. gue s~s 0 lves f ere. , • th e l'Ig . ht ta 'Issue currenCl· . , " th en ~e h ' I be t l er Th L d'I ca A'd h M E - . - - ---ers IfIC~ a~E' ,oun,

New Burlington

from Washindton

__ _


that co ntri bu te to 8uccess in bu 'inc $ or in investment, patience is foremost. Without patience, failure is almost inevitable. Study the history of any Buce 8. flll bUliin ess. Invariably the ownel's bav bee n willing. to wait. Divid nds have been of less interest to them than eUl·n illg'S. Earnings hRve been of less interest than suundnl" ~ nnd growth The h " ' \1 ' t 't fl t ~. v n lw~nty yeal'S f ' lh Y al~e 'Il een fWlhl~g dO ,wal ve or en- or - e rCII IZnl The stoc k . on ' 0 tell' eSl1'es. ' . . . llIark t ~s nttractlv,: to most people becau se It offer8 the pportumty for a qUick turn. If you need money for a holiday next month, the 5tock mal'ket prom ises it. But who among all ths people yo u know ever becal11 e weulthy through quick turns ill the market" Those h t k I h . W .0 a e mon y out 0 t e market are men and women who buy stock to k e not merely for II year but fOI' five or fifteen years often for . " h" 1·( l ' h Y b ~ e. e C hCO'dmc (Iatl'lnclr . 111 thC - corpo~aht~onIIS 1ft w lch they own h .rlares.and a on otlelr sloc k asfmt. uyastoughtheywere Ilctive in th managcm nt. Th same type of IJutience is typical Qf proprietors of small businesses. Earnings are nOl mo ney 101' self-indulgence, A fair share Chur:h ~e~e~t : he °ho~e e of 'Mrs' NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT waYh~ of Id~~ng t~;~r.!t ~~ /ave be long to nle bu ineil!! for its protection and ex.pllnsion. Such patience E. . Lemar, on Thursday . 1!J36 may be the la t ~ime that etx.c anlte< rl -4! ~Utl. or e outhnthe archaic obsolete electol'iol , am pen an prtn mg prell>!; (' . R ev. an!I M1'80 Curless is uncomm on and that is why so few succeed when they go into and Estate of Anna A. Marshall, de · II '11' b I' d I Icu ndle f or the lec tric ligh t· lhe bURin s fol' themst·lv _8. Their impatience leads them to rob the enter- daughter of near Blanchester, ceased. copegeldwl t e" pevr'!l tte P to·de ectt horSe fol' the railt'oad Bnton~(,bil fo) me l'ly. . locate<1 . here , were wel Notl'ce 'Is hereby c, .PI·ven that L . aTheres anuto nboli Ice h the r 51 elec-' en '1 and ail·plane. Nev<!'l'theJ ' ss we still · . ' 1) 1'I Be 0 f a d equa t e w r k' lng capItal. . resoen lu tion A . fit II l' .... d h f 11 th comp vl!lltors in our commumty M. Iiend erllon , whose Post Office t 1 t th h W pI () a, e pas Im c con$1 ts In w1'Itmg own t e names 0 a e Sunday Addl'ess is Waynesvillle, Ohio, hilS oral college intro;ldueed by Senatol' 0 era (! e poor ouse. c carl' )Ieople of ulJstnntilll means in )lour com munity of whose affairs y o u ' been duly appointed as Adminis- Norris failed by only two votes Ilf Ifor our. needy aged by metho~s in have p rsonal knowledge, Wh'ut ill the- so urce of their investment intrator of the E state of Anna A. securi ng the necessary two thirds. vogue I~ 15 . No problem IS 01 om '! Whence cam their principal ? Note how frequently it ocMarshall late of Wa.rren County, Therc can be no argument again~t great~r Imparlance thnn ~n mpl.oy Ul'S that th IN fur·tune cume fro l U single so urce. Often stock has Ohio, deceased. abolitiOn ,of this unwield y alld hm~nt Ifl · e : a nbd (reefing wh it ) l rows rOn:'l CIIII'C be n h Id in on e co POI'u'l' on ,~ .. two ' gellel'atl'ons There were d""'p D d I' 23 d d -I U undem ocratic ipstitution. We have sldr an d. Wflnbk1e(ld . ,.,., . . .... ~ ate t li S r ay 0, .uay pMsed from the ta .. e coach an aD1CJ ety y 0 age :lCC UTI y cROOT FOR AND CONSIGN dips in the lJusineJ;s cu r ve .<Juting those years but depressions do not 1934. ' . . S .. , . I t· I'our Cattle, hogs, sheep and calv~. . . RALPH H AREY tallow dip, and thnUock mu ket g1 8 a Ion. to Norrill-Brock Co., live wlrJ allt alarm th p~taent man. lIe does n~t expect to a cqui re an md~pe~de~t (Ccntinued Fron Pa~e 2) . ra. Certainly, the President and ---- - - --('ompetence In a y~al'. If he can gam a twenty pel' cent appreciation 1ft Cartridges, Chains & Snaps for j14 Judge of t he PI'obate Court Vice President should be elected Ten years ngo ther were f eo\ progreS&ive firm for th& high ... prices and good lernee. fiv y a rs in addition to dividends he is 8lltisfied. Dog Warden, $2.65; Thos. Taylor ___ _ ~n County, Ohio by direct vote. The nex.tcongress is c dit union~, or "buby banks," market Unio n StOCK Yard.' Cincill_tl, Q. Th table of compoun d interest is the bible of finance. Every Services Ull Chainman, $22; Roy White Rose-I~ower be- likely to adopt this resolution by which provide credit to perSons of Tune in on Radio Station W(JKY young man should know this one fact by heart: "Five dollars saved Burough s, serviees as Engineer, the necessary two-thirds vote a rid 'mall means. Today th pre an 12 :211 to 12:30 p. m. for our dan, market reJ)orta. . weekly wlll amount to almo t $10,000 in twenty years at six per cent $40 .. D, W. Kel~er, services, . as hind the enllnle. as soon as legislatures of three~, I 2300. inlerest, e mpollnded ~ mianIlually." Many men who could save $100 engm eEr . ~55; J. L. Dunn, ser'lI~es I~!!'!~~_~~"""!~'_"!"!~~~~___________~"'_~~~_~"!!'~~~~!"""!~~_~' ~~~~~~~'. weeklY are ll'ying to get rich 1)y quick turns. Do they know that $100 as MechaniC, $86.33; Carl Dakm, .. t f Id . th $199097 h th Supt., Puyroll, $159.04; H. L. faye d. we kI y' .b eg'lIIlling ~ ol'ty, wou g ive e~ , w en . ey Schuyler, Supt, payro1J, $136.24; • UI'O , Ixty, at SIX pCI' cent Interest, comp?~n~ sel'lll-annually? John Myers Supt., payroll $219.90 For' mo. t of us, uniortunawly, SIlV Jng IS too slow. We · hear of Harold Sweny. Supt., payroll, oth t. w~o at'c getting rich Quick, and so wc sell out our amaH business $156.76; Floyd Lemmons, Supt., and dUI1lP OUI' eq\.lity ipto speculative I'eal e tate, 01' we take our hald~ payroll, $146.28; W. B. Schuler, won flaving!! and buy 011 msrgin in the stock market. Thus we lost the Supt.,. payroll, $178.98; W. A. foundation of n comfortable fortune fo r our old age. Seiker, Supt., payroll, $118.14; Edw. Simpson, Supt. $180.35; R. M. VanHorne, payroll, $278.83;' F M. Bowyer, payroll, $174.08; Zain Armitage, $and and gravel, $203.1 , 61; Franklin &: Tire Co., 4 tires and tubes, $156.08; Franklill Plumbing Co., Pip{lB &: The Ohio 5tl\te UnivCl r ~ity Radio Station- WOSU Plumbing supplies, Fai rgro ullds, 8 :00 M.usic $159.89; Lawrence Field, 23 LoS :O~ Farm Adjust m nt Ne\\s . J ohn A. Slipher cust Posts, $9.20; Oregonia Brid'l'e :15 Finding Funds to Finunce Olll' Farm 01. FI'nnk , D. Rash Co., Steel, $114.36; Edw. Simpson :25 Mu sic Stamps & Phone calls, $1.45; J. K. 8 :40 Hou nd Table on Fal'm and Gard n In. ects and Diseases . .. .. . ... Spencer, sand &: gravel, $246.60; '" . . .. .. .. ....... ....... . .... Parks and Pierstorff D W BI'shop repa' . g tt rs :50 "Everyday 'j)r;tctice o( Judgi~ 1\' on a .Stock Farm .... ,. 9. w. Gay . . , . Inn gu e On 9:00 Home D monsl1'alion Work 111 RelatIOn to Federal Rclle! . , ...... jail, $175.06: Kaufman's, cheese You ALWA'YS HAVE GAS, when you use Pyrofax Service. , .......... ... 1................. Nelhe Watts cloth, tub and matches for court 9: 1 0 1~ . ic . . _ houlI.e, $9.24; Mrs. Ira Eltzroth, That'. no idle statement, for here are definite reasons why !1:25 Futul'~ Farmers. at the Umv rSlty .. .. . .. . .. ... . ..... Bobby Jo~e8 I se""!ce8, $5; . Hele? Doughman, 9:35 Facts lind Jo'uncle of Old a'.lal Days ....... . .R. E. E8,:"m~ 8~fVIces, $5; Mrs. WIll Bryan, serit', true, 1J :45 Quality Roughage Relfuce!l Milk C08ts ..... , ........ C. L. EI~ck.nan. 1 Vices, $10; Stella Kelly, services, ____ ~_ -$7; M rs. LiJlie Urton, services $10 - -&lTS. Roward Sawyer, services, $7; 1 The Pyrofa:x aystern baa two cylindera, one for use, the other for reBell Press, binding for atrve. WbeJll the cylinder in ~ is empty, the reaerve il turned on. Treuurer'8. office, $1; Wm. Hul~ Iford, sheriff quarterly expenses You then OC)tify your distributor and be promptly brinp a new cylinending MAiJ:ch 31, 198(, $26.'17; M. E. Ross, P. M., stamps for Comder to rep18lce the empty. The Pyrofax reaerve-cylinder system makes mon Pleas (Jourt, $6; Columbus ' OLU MB11S- That pirit that in the state, being, in effcet, a : Blank Book Mfg. Co., 15-Teetimit impoqibl~e ever toi be without PI. moves mankind to meander in t~e chai n store tax. ~t is . practically ony of Witness to Will- Probate pringtim is again in evidence ~n th SlIme I1S the Ulble blll that was Court, '76c. 2 We pride Cilunelves on the speed and dependability of ow. service. the state capital as it bas been 1ft defeated at the recent special sesolher years frol)\ iIIr back until . ~ion of the legislature except that We ~ways have an adequate ~pply of cylinders on lUmd-ready, at Reli.r BID. nOw. Youth and middle-aged and It provides that the tax shall be older people have been visitiRg pnj~ into . a Bchool. Telief fund Ohio Central Telephone Corp., an instant':, notice, to be delivered. We have com.,lete 8n.d up· to-date points oC interest in Columbus while t~e mon~ de1lved from the M.ay Rent, April Tons, Welfa!'e ofdelivery eq,u ipment that will !let PyJ:ofax Gill to you whenever you more and more as brighter and Dible bill was Intended to pay old fice, $~ 1.76; H. M. Coyne, 8erviees warmer days have come. Always, pensions. ~ food ~i8tributor, .montb endneed it. of course the State House and Ing AprIl 80, $6'1.60; Jeannette State De~artments :Suilding and According to the 1930 federal Payne, ~rv. as Reception aec'y . .t,i ·3 Pyrofax i. tnade by the oldest and 18J'1est manusurfou ndin!l" gl'ounds have been ccns\l" Ohio ranked fourth in the mo. ending April 80 1934, $17.50 ; included'. Lovinr pairs, groups of United States In· value of ~ pro I G~ce maker, Servo as Stenographfacturer8 ojr compr~ gas in. the world. They school children and their in8truc~ duced, with a total estimated I er 1ft Welfare office, ~ mo. ending tOI'S, parentll and children, Jleop e amou of ~o,OOO, .Earl H. , April 10, ~82.60; Myra B~hr, abeolutely I~antee Pyrofax Service. from far and near some touriSts Hanefteld, Director of Agriculture Se~. as viSItor, ~ mo. endIng wwring costumes strange make states in a foreword to a publica- I A.prtl SO,. ~ Car allowance, '~6 ; up, go from point ' to point, enjoy- tlon just issued by the Division Llftnle Wllhams, s,ame, $~6; Willa ing the beauties of the. skillfully of M.arkets giving COmplete in- Beedle, same, $~6, ~hrlstlne Bund landscaped state 'lawlls f ceding form.ation about the Fed~ral-State.l ren, same, $~6. Fmtb Tomlinson, and admir ing the ever-interesting I' Egg Grading Servic.1! in Ohio. This , same a~ ~unlo~ Case Worker, IAJ 'l:'hJo io how t he two eyll"den "tc ifihlaned. W hen tbe (tnt-in State House squinele, and inspect- is the flrst book of the kind ,otten mo. en~lDg AprIl 80, car allowance utc: ia emply. you turn on the ing the paintings and carvings, the out by the department. It mark.s 1$67.50, Eetty K. Oswald, same a8 fC"terve. Thi •• ~ ,u(ea au \IlliOl r1r uPlt<l ."Pllly a( . ", murals and man aments and many another step 'by the department in ~tenorral?her. welfare- otftce, endother eVidences ot Ohio's ~eat- its efforll to raise the standard of I mg, Aprll SO, .$3~; M. H. Coyne We Are equipped (". ness in war and' stateamanship as eggs produced and !lold in this , Sa~e, Food Dlstrlblltor, ~ mo. prom pt d,.li v~ry eer vi e C'. indicated by 8ags and trophies, state, and to provide a uniformity ending, May 16, &: Car allowance, N L"W cylimie:-S , II.r e alwllY I un J.·md. a 0l.1 up .. to·datC" and statues and portraits promil- in grades. the lack of which }>l'evi- $67.60: Jeann~tte Payne, Ia!"e r qHip mt'Jlt rUOjl!n the l"7\ ' cuoualy placed. Not a few also stop ously ,ave Ohio a poor Reception Sec y. ~mo. endmg IDclo" to you. to register their -names in the b1i as an en atate. May 16, $87.50; Grace Baker IIIme book on a stand In the State HQuse steDOlrl'ap~er welfaN oft\ce, ~ rotunda. Enginee~ In the State Depart- mo. e ndrng May 15, $82.60; __ men~ of Public Works hav'e been Betty K. Oswald, same, stenogra. co p'l' tatist' tb t pheT, weUare office, ~ mo. ending, Entries of teams of .high sehool Ie mllilflfh: P ~cae ~k ed~: .~~ May 16, $86; Elizabeth Hathaway fal'Jll boys for the jud'gmg eon.tests b:c~us~ of ~igir~les t~~t IlIh~ve same, clerk in welfare office. ~ to b e held at O. S. U. Vocational . Ak d dj "'t t mo ending May 16 1934 ,20' Agricultural Congress at O. S. 11.. t I!, rondanlt:tbace.. er- Wiila Eeedl~ same ~ visit~r ~' rl Friday and Saturday of this week f ory..... uvimpare20 w tehavebra!e mo ending iray &: Cal' ailo",year., e so"'.. . -66 Ch I ' '. . I g'i large numers or a pre OUII have.b een arflV n n ace In rainfall in the U IIquare ance, . . ; r atme Bundren, promIsing a record. attendance. milell of the dilltrlct wa. 7.86 in-, $55; Linnie Williams, Same, !l0Y.s wl.n compete with each other ches as the average for the tour $66; Myra Bahr, same, $66; Faith In Judgmg dairy, !!tock and other vi to 1984 Th d Tomlinson Same as Junior Case Bgricultu~al pro~uct~. A' 8Ched~le p~~ 0:~8 Inches' in ~99~ Wo.rker, ~ mo. M.a y 16 " Car aIof oeducatl!)nal tnps I,!cludel! ViSits 5.31 inches 'ln 1992,3.12 inches in lowance, $67'.6.0; P. B. . Lukinz~eal to '!lany points o~ mterest, . an 1932 and 11.12 inches in 1983. ,roceriell furnIShed. rehef families bavmg ~ortle !elatlon to agrlcul- Thill ear there hall been a further durin, Ap~1. f'; Frank Sherwood ...., ~ •• "~",, . , ...ther" . . . . . . . . . . IIftIoIIIt ... f ... til... ~ dlatributors-but you cap see U! t they, too, live up to Iha t~ sdl!!O:l. ture. FrIday mgbt is set aside for decre!.e In the water fall. Beeause Co. grocene., f'; Chaa. P. Stubbs I. tt.!. ,, ~ ,tb'lrIl IaIat ........ ..,..". . _ ... fu "Anyweolher" r'C.,lIy rnetn. lonu! \hl n\ll to u." IOU. ",',. .a Bobby Jones ~c~ptlon dinner, of the abortqe, every e.ort haw groceries, $114.26; Great Atlantic T1Ua PrTolu cIIatributot hal - 1 ' conlu",en on it· _ t ...n.l ~~tIoa Ie To .......,altMm tIae deliver Pyrof.X' U.J , in t hc r", nQr:h . 'rtuou h '!ct-;' ..... Bet tIIe7 let their PyroIul The distributor'. ,,:,lth a~ndance limited to .676. been made by tb department to " Paclftc Tea Co., lrTocerin, ,78; .... of P)ToIa:~ ....YaIeace .. not. , _ . A."....... InowanJ biLter tll d, lti1'5C .turd;'" dults llikd fll H ~ \·lIr .. boet........ P,raIu". ~ up .Dd dowu the lalres, O\J~tandmg state and lIatlonal prevent water The en- Verdena Hopkin.. Irl'Oceriea. $64.... _,lin ...., -'IpIt oItilla f . pIue .... daIIYend dill...... ~ wlicacYlr lICIIdod. den to Pyrofu U 'I..'r • • IJ., ... 11_ tIllIDt qnculturaJ leaden will be present gineen Itate that 80 per cent of 110; Rllby Van Rlper, Groceries. and State Future 'artner keys will the rainfall In thl Ponca,e Lakes f136. 70; B. E. Ivins, ~oceries, be presented. watemed .ho1l1d ~ lnto the ,9; t. G. A. Grocery, IToceries. HOT WATER • REFRIGH.'.~: :'·. lakes and reee"ol.... Tb.,. a1ao ,164.35;.Joe Hlne&, rrocerles ''0. ": HEATING" At least ODe ltate-wtde initiated It&te that the water table ot the 60; Weat End Grocery, poeeriee, bDl prom~ to be lubmitted to entire It&te w'bleh m..n. tlte depo ,17.2&; Conner'. Groce17, poeer· tbe next eaneral _mly, wbich tb to which wella mutt be dug to lea, tl0; Cal. Oroeer,o, Peen., wUt meet the ftrat Honda), in obtabt a permanent .1Ippl, haa te; Great At1antte A:Paelftc T.. Co COM'"'' AS SilVIe! FDI OA . . . . . MDM" wh,,, '. ' " "". cony'. J1IJl1l1lrJ'. 1931. The propoeed bill rapidly decHa.. in and '1910. poeeri-. ,18; Gnat AtlantJe 6 now before Secretat'J' of State - - Paeih T.. Co., lrl'CMerl.., ta8.10; G~ s. IIJuI for approval 'a loll I ... The E .....r Groeer? 6 Balriq Co for... 0• • It ~.. for lie.... poeeri-. taI8.IO WrlIht'1 OnIe. to be .... b,- .tore· m_ that ~~ pooerl..




14 '


News From The Court House




Anytime • •• Anywhere • •• Any weather Pyrofax Service never fails!

lalks, June 4


Best of the News, D lreet C. From the OhIO State apltol





Beautifu. New Magic Chef and Estate ' Gas Ranaes complete for as ~ittle as

.8•• 50






c..... ....:_-0.__ :-so.......








Highway Patrol Planl' Radio Hookup

Culling Cow Herd =~~-=====I Is Expedient Now


Sprin« Rather Than F.U I. Time For Butcher



But('hcr!'\ will ha e a lo t 0'£ dairy cows on their haneL if man y 1\[1'. and lItr~. :"I Ot'l'i8 Graham flll'm ~ ~s fo ll w the sugg slion of "pent t h week-end al Indian Lake . L. BJnckman. exten!'ion !;pecial. M ~ r , Roy Noggle, of Tr?y, A. Illt in a nimal hu ~b llndry [01' ' he O. . . 10 . .en!fy, ha Jam . and Vlncent Now i the lime to cull the dairy G; lff! at~ ndcd th e baJJ g an,c at. herd, the speciali t declares. H e mClnnah, on Wednesday. point.'< (Oul that many Oh io farmers M A d " Ill'e in the habit of waiting until t'S llIan a Maffit "'~o nas been ill for the past several weeks, is fall to cull, and by waiting. they r eported to be feeling better at end th it COW!! to mark t at the t hi time. same time lhat the western catUI!man culL hi h rd at. the round- :Mr. Bnd Mt·s. J ohn Iny, of CinTh ink of the Cl)sts. Automobile li p. Thl res ults in a glutted mlll'- cinnati, br oth r a nd si te t-In-Iaw Stretches, 100'" and is built like rea] of Mrs. J . D. Marlatt, vilfited with accidents eost each year m Ole than fwee. T un ,. .malle t c:hick. and live- keto new ears. Sa ve that mont'y and There at·c noW more than 26 mil r elative here on Memorial Day. liest. bantams. Laltalongerthan netting buy something l70U ~eally wa nt. of _IDe ,a\ICe. yet cc»t. m u ch Itt••. lion dairy cows on farms , the largest. number on r cord a nd more MT. and Mrs. Lloyd Davis an~ Don't in '>'est in, tombstones . Fights lust 2 ways I re 1'\ e ded to produce th e pres family s pent Sunday with ~Ir, and T his III one of 1& serice of a fety K yatone Chic· M esh it doubJy pro- !It milk . upply. Average produc- M rs. Howar d HUI'ley an (1 family, , ubjecta releasedl by Gov. George tectedfromru.t. Ju heavy Galvannealed bon of milk per cow dropp d from at. Kin g man. Vhite·through 0 , W. Merrell, State outor coating. alld it. r tt.l cop$>f:r bear- 4750 pound, lh average of four II i ~h way 0 1rectur. in inner .ectlon ••sure .dded yean yelll'S ago t o 4354 pounds t he preCharles Lynch and rami ly have o( rence serVice at low~t ca.t per year. sent average. These production moved into t he Charle S hutts A bi& v alLle. By aU mean. lee it. ao-A) figure s are for Ohio. property on Fourth street. In April the proportion of cows In milk in Ohio was the s maUest Mr. and Mrs. harles Phllips and ! [01' ny April Ijince 1926. Althou gh son, Ch8l'ies Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. POlU t the total n umber of cows increa cd Bert Van Cleve all of Xenia, were ----10 per cent since that period, the g uests of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver I Six of the eight. men arra igned a moun t of milk produced ffmain · Davi and family on 'Wednesday. I in common pleas court at Lebanon ed allnost constant. ' last week t o anS\1~er to indictments Blackmail suggests culling, f or 1111'. and l'Ifn. Earl MUTray a nd' r et ur ned against t hem b y t he May (lOo1. 1100II . _ " I... .... ,_,..I •••_ ~. ...,.. a.,. the butcher, COWl! kn own to be at- Mrs. E lla Murray. 0:£ Dayton, l gl'and j ury,' plea ded g uilty and fected with garget. abortion a nd visited Mr. lind Mrs . Oliver Davis were i mm edi atel~' sen tenced by the other ail ments, as well a the low and family, Tu esday evening. court. Three ware given p en lten . H tiary scnt;ences. CIne was sentenced • producer of th e herd . R b r t h t th f d 't _ MISS e.len Greet,'e underwent to t he stat e ref ormat or y at Mans. e leves a . ee ~I u~ an appendlx operat Ion la t Montion IS sucb tha~ culh nlr. whIch I II day at 131alrs HOflpitai at L ebanon. field a nd two were g iven' 30-day n ow the ex~edlen t. .th lng to do, he' i getting along 'Very nicely. sentences in t he county j ail. Pbone 25 may be come Imperative. • _ _ Evel"tt Fry. 22, charged with breaking and en tering in connecWAYNESVILLE. OHIO Entertailled for Bride·To-Be tion with a poultry t heft near !!!!!!~~!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!"!!'!~!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!'-!! I U RCE DRIVERS TO GUARD Wayn esville, pl.~aded guilty and In honor of Miss Harriett H unt was sen tenced t o a year in the "... AGAINST CHILD MISHAPS . -whose marr iage to Chiles Wads- Ohio penitenUary. Charles Lest er W ith another school year at a n wo rth will t ak e place ill Ju ne, a Allen and J ohn Allen, indicted on e nd. lughway Direct or O. W . Mer- ca rd party a nd Dlisee llane ouB the same charire, pleaded not reLl hilS iS8u d an appeal for Ohio sh ow er was given Saturday night guilty and will be tried in t he motor ists to cooperate in Governor by Mrs. T. G. Wadllworth a.n d Mrs local co urt. . Georg White's !!8f ety prog ram by J. L . B row n a t the home 01 t h e Clifford B8gb~' , 37. Dave Childbeing particularly car ef ul about former in Da yt on . rell , 37, and Fileld K. McXjnnis h, their driving during the vacation Mr. Wadsworth is thtl son 01 28. all of Cinltlinnati, plea~d In caskets, a ll in every period. . 'U r. an d.... 'l ..... ..... fI!. H • H •. W • d sworth , guilty tel indil:tments ch.rging other kind of merchandise W hen 1iv~s of Iittle ch I dren aTe f ormer residellt s of , Waynesville. th em with brealtine and entering there is a wide ran ge of a.t stake, Merrell cited, driven can n ot dodgoe their r esponsibility. quality and value. The Motorists, he added, muat be funeral director who would extra careful during the vacation serve his p ublic well, days when the youngsters. teles 'mu t seleet p rodUcts which ed from claas-rooms. are likely to offer the most in materiforget caution. "If the re is one thing that als, design and equipment, should mean careful driving to a for the price paid . W I!: deal motor vehicle operator it is .. group with lhe m ost reput able of },oungsters playing ' n or near manufactureI'll in this the st~et or highway," MetTel de· clared. "Motoris ts can follow no fi eld. and call guarantee better rule than t o drive a s ., ery a r ticle shown in our t hough the children are their own.' di play r oom a8 a qualit y The highway director a110 reploduct. minds the parents to do everything within t heir power to keep the children off the streets and hirh, ways, especially where the volume of traffic is very heavy.

Citizenl \0 Telephone Information to Sbtlonl at Findlay, Colum.ul

d Local Man, Sentence I Th f For try e


Waynesville Farmers Exchange .Co.

Protecting Our Patrons


J. E. McClure

Phone 7 Waynesvill., Ohio

White ROle-Power behind the enllne. :I

Quality Prlatlal

White R. .,~the dependeble GelOline.

The spring' ditltribution of fish Ohio lak" and streams by the divisi on of cons I'vation will include approximllte ly 160.000 breed er fi sh fro m Lake Erie and 100,000 fr om Lake Rockwell and Barberton . The stream will be posted and close d to fishing for at least a mile above and · below th e point wher e t he fls h are placed. A con ign ment of breeder fish for Warre n county arrived May 18 being liberated in Tod d's Fork in Salem township. "l' he consignment incillded 60 smallmouth, 66 rock bass, 260 ca t Hsh a nd 250 bullhead.&. All fi sliermen 1Ire requested to coope rate in t he pl'ogram fol' ~tter fishing by n ot disturbing the closed ar eaa until the water . are op ne d for fish ing July 1.

Late CIassified Ads.










SALE- Fresh c ow, Guern soy J rltey, /) yeoTs old. J. n. Sackett R. 1. m!ll S ALE- Gard en Plants , all kinds ; extra go od Tomato plants fiOc pe l' ] 90; Cabbllg ~5 PC I' 100; Swe(!t PotAt o Illllllts 35e P?r 100, 30Q for $l.O~, Over 40 kmds f hal'<fy Pel'enma1 flowers both 1 an~ 2 y sr old. Geo. Peter1 mIle . from Waynesville ?n Bellbrook pIke. ·m!ll


Flo~ l .


Named For Floreace

----_ ..- - -

Chi.,a ..o Nud. in l New York Ohlca,o'lI VOllulnUoa II' as oaly • few hllllllre(.\ when ~ w Yo rk bad mort tblll . 200,000.


More than 90 per cent 'of the in~urance companiel, bank., mortgage companiell and other financial institution., holden of wee numbers of farms, are coclJ)era1:iD11t'

Ladi"' D........ 70c Mea'. Suib 65c Qllick-'''~ qualit, dr)'c'-aaht.


, " .eI(


'R S MIT H •

Phone No. 19


Subllcrlbe fo r The Miami GazeLte

Now Opea For Buslaes. In New Location At The

Ford Garale Rogers & Simpson Firestone and Dayton ~horobred Tires

Gas and Oil Expert Repairing Sub Agency for FORD CARS


LITTLIil AMEHI 4JA. AN 'I' Alt~ 1 York . as king fc,r a loan of ,16. TICA, May 21 ( vI" MI\~kay Hit · wh leb be "romptl, arranged b1 I'lldlo) - Eh'ery day I reallz~ 11101' Il nd IdfO. N'ilt sueh a Igood Idea, that. more \\rba t n wonlf r ttJl' !\C'I41rlllllc Contra ry to Ule general belief. age we Rr e IIvt ug In . ll ~r41 we I,re. LltLl e America III built 00 • blanket '6 or us, IIvh;lg 00 a sheet of snow ti l about 40 feelL of snow. nol Ice. and Ice with 1600 feet or wa te , UIJ ' .t1 tbougb the re maoy feet of ICe der us In total darkn()88, 23UO Dltl~ .. ude r l be snow . ThiS ' fact glvell U8 from the nearest hu man hllbltlt!lol1.. II. great scare ,e very IIltie while. aod so surround ed wl lll Ice. so we We'llne sItting nl clloner. or arour.d or It SO anll 4.0 reeL lh lek r OJ b un· tile table workln.g, aod all 01 a Iud· dredl of miles. tha.t all t he com· den (.be Mu.e w111 give a lurch and bloed oavlee and Ice breAkers III the s hiver. maklog lUll bold our brelllh world could nOl rea ch us. An u yet a nd wouder Whlit .18 gotng to ~. we bave electriC IIgbt and maoy peo to WI. NoUllog bu yet and we're boplng- .. 'rheae are called temblors and a.~e exactly like mo;xl· erale earthqu) sbockl. and tra[)kl.y. we don't llke tbew even" littl o bit. 'rbey t ell us tb e), are due to tb e ~etllln g · o~r tbe snow aulJ lliat 1.lttie America IB lem Porartl1 out 01 danger, We JilbllOI'b these aSBur· IIccee but back III OUt mInds thel'!" lurks tbe tbougtlt tbat th!! lIe abock. may be caused by 80me dlsturballco under tile lce. Aod we wonder what III goIng to hallP,eo lo our Antarctic vlllag __ and UI--Ilelt October when our h;Jodredlt-Of,mlles-wlde Ice foun· ration statu. to melt. Our tubn.l.. 'wbere we etore our OUf Radio Engln,., fOQd. beclD~'IDI to ameU like a _ _ _......._ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ butcl!er', Ice bcl!lL 1'be1 are rull of , other l\Uurlel and throug~ the ml ... cbop,pect up aealil. We got about halt we of radio, we kllOw prett1 well ot the GUO aeaJ.I w~. bad to kill In what II lollll on. In the relt ot tbe before darkoe.. prnented UI from ' world. Three .mall locldentl dlU'lllg worklnl': on the bay ICI! aoy 101lIer. the put few weekI. lovolY'lui Com- Now 'We have pJeoty tola.t u. tOT' mander No..llle. with whom I live the wloter. Tbel relit are Iyln, ouL In, a lItUe hut we built on the way there oli the Ice. We'll dig them out down. made me ponder lhue thlng8. of the now wben cIa;U,h~ retllm. In one of the newa broadcasts we tn AUiWlt. We I~eedn't worry about .... receiving we leamed that bil wild animal. laking them away. ta"orlte baaeball team,. the New There are 110 Il ucb nlmal. dowD York Yankee., were abqut to open here. Spnng IIilU8t be well IIIld.r' tIl"r sea.80n, which gave Ueorge a way up where :~ou live by now. "d chaDce to radio hi. 100II wlllbea tor like to lee a fe'w !lowers and .ome a lGClCeutul .euon tull of ho~e bird •. ~ell. whl~n the weather geta ruDIl, to Col. Ruppert. owner or the too bot to pleas. 10U, thInk of 11. team. and Babe Ruth and Lou Oeb· In Little Amen,Ca-ln the and rli. This mel.age, we understand. 36 to 60 belOW ••ro. w.. delivered to the team Jut b. W.·re about to PllbUab a Dew lot tore the arat pme aDd wl11l. It of beau~fU) blS 10'* It IT~ lDCIl cUb't make them wtn It. an workhl.l map. of AIltaroUca to HIld haPP1 to now the, ba". woo aJ- to new member. of the club. It IOU moat ."ery game since and are waF baveD't joined yet. DOW Is the tim•• out In front. Learnlns that bt. oil! No dUM or olber apeul. . II. .· friend. Hal Skelly, aIIout to bershlp card, lIlap. I.IUl .vel'Jtbhll open In a aew pIa,. COIIlIIl8Dd.. No. el.e rr.e. Blmpl, .. nd .eU~ YiU• •enthim a m.....1It of loocJ ed. It.aIDped ellvelope. or. II roa are wUI OD openlDI nJght and Uck· a ttllClier. IICOUt m........ IAIIon led ·to cet word that the pla7, ComlDBDder. or he..t or aD, I1'OUP "eame What 11&,:' proved a IUb- lala..-ted tn ..viatiOD. uplQraUon ItaIltial IUce... a. told m. be ny_ture. uul "Iab to _ran . Iaopel It rIlDlllntll ret back antS . .Ure o~taoa. IIDd . . . . . OM ... It. Som. ntD I W. ap8CIt aome adcII.....e lad • • oeDt to . . . . . . co BroadWQ III about for 8Mb or rear ....... lUi. Not all or oar aaataoll LIt... ua. werId an" ..._~


The dorIo. ouce E urope'. moat LO T- Palt· of Ti n Snips in Waywidely eircuillted colo, wal olmed n eaville . Pl ea e notify Ed tor the cit, of Florence, once a St,ndiford. -j7 Ir.. t flDlDc1a1 cecter.

fr eight cal's with intent to stn!. Bagby and Childr ess were lenteneed to serVe not less tttan one year i n the Ohio penitentiary and MeKinnish was given a year in the Man,lfield reformatory. Roger Ward, 19, and Howard Coyle, 18, both of Franklin, plead ed guilty to incHctmenta chaqlng them with the theft of coal from railrolld cars at Franklin. Ward was fined $25 and coats and sentenced to 30 da,a in the county jail. Coyle was given a SO-day jail term. The other defendants againlt whom indictments were teturned by the grand jury ten day I ago, 'have not been arrafened.

White Rote, the depen'deble Gasoll ....




Better and morc effective law enforcement in Ohio through tlle use of radio and telephone facilities il the goal of thc State H igbway Patrol in operation of Its two radio broadcasting statiolls - WP GG al r;'indlay and WPG O on the Ohio ta te University farm north west of Columbu . The Findlay station, which was built by the Buckeye State ShcTitb ' Association to fum ish police radio service 10 26 counlies in nort hwelt· er n Ohio, was turned over recently to ' the patrol so that it migbt b~ operated in close co-operation with the new Col umbus statio n. Welcomea Crime New. Both broadcnting stallons use the same wave len gth, 1682 kilo· cye\(;5. Beca use of this wave le ngtll duplication each station will stand by fo r alternate broadcasts, givin g \Yay to the other in emergencies. Ihus obviating the possibili ty of con lusion. Any information of a criminal na ture win be weleomed from the pub Ik at the stations, according to Col Lynu Black, superin~ndent of thr patrol. However, if Pi individu al wi hes a message put 1),1 the Mir it must be arranged through some sher· iIf s office. ch ief of police or other en for cement officer. Study State. wide System Citizen s nlay reach either station Irom any telephone in the state. F OI example, the radio station at Find lay may be contacted by li mply caJl. ing Long Dislance operator and saying : "I want the State Highway Patrol'. radio . tation. Find1ay, 0 .. Maln 1231." The Columbus l tation ma,. be reached similarly by calling Lawndale 1125 at Columbus.


Under Bryant Agency, Xeni'a , OhiO

50-Ie.. THE BRAKES ..........8'" to...... 2 ....... COULDN'T TAKE IT ft''''' COULDI BUtfHENEW _


"ery -Ic.p H up .nd deyl"

DELIVERS. ----,.~.-% ::.::.-..icI


. • You must this huakier, handsomer, new "G-~tt-Goodyear'8 treateat tire-the tire that came forth ,a champion ·from teats which abused Catl, wore out brake Unlnas every 72 hours-the tire that has proved JDore than a match for today's Job on faet-startlna, blah-speed, qulck-stopplna'modem automobRes ••• Once you He tbI8 coetUer·to-buUcl but fIO-costlier-to-buy champion, we know ,ou'D want no other tire under your wheels.

TbIa Dl8nelou. newG·3 AllWeather with It. many ad· va~taae,


any other tire 011 the market

COlt. you jloth-

lila .tn.





Eighty..sixth Year


CLA.RENCE J. BROWN ,ENTERS STATE RA.CE FOR NOMINATION AS GOVERNOR p, &: A. M. NOTICE Mr . Brown. Forrroer Secretary of State i. Wld.I, Known Regular communicati\ln of WayIn the, County nesville Lodge No, 163 F. & A. M. Tuesday evening, June 12. VisitOf intel'es to many Wayne ing and sojo urning brethren are townsll~ residents was ' the welcbm E. O. C~ane, W. M. announcem nt early this week of F. B. Htlnderson, See'y. th candidacy of CI81'ence J. Brown, of Blanchestel' fOl' the Repul>lican nominathm ap governor of Ohio. , Mr. Brown fOl'mer secretary of state is widely known to Warr-en cCiunLy Republicans. ' _____ In cOJmection with the anThe Miami Girl Scouts met at nouncement of his candidacy, he t.he club hou8o on May 22, and , Did in part: . practiced signaling. A local natur"In announcing my candidacy alist offered to , conduct the girls for the ~ publican nomination for on a fie l~ hunt m the n~ar future. The Girl Scout!! met In Ma~ 29 Gov rnOT of Ohio [ do so with the Cull rl'111ization of the gl'eat re- at the Post office corn~r and hiked sponsibility and the unusual oppor to Scout Roxy Sackt;tt 8 h0!l1e. On tunity to sel'V th people of Ohio the way they studied d1t1erent trees and took notes on th,em, also went through the Miami Cemetery and practiced the drill for the Decllration of the cannon for Memorial Day. At the Sackett home lunch was eaten and games were , played until time to return ' home. On Memorial Day the d~cora­ tion of the cannon was performed by the Girl Scout!! after which the Boy Scout buglers sounded taps. The 'Program waS coneluded by • the Girl Scout!! singing their chant and taps. The Scouts met on June- 5, at their "little hou ." The Brown Owl Patrol is planning to tay ai, night at t he club house on next Wedne day and cook their supper. If possible they will stu dy stars I1lso. The Swastika Patrol is going to have a nature hike on Friday.




Whole Number 6121


Wayn es ville CitIZens Revive Sewer Probletn

Th ~ Ladies' Auxiliary to th(' National LetlN urric:r'. Association (If Warren county ht!ld an ol'ganizut ion me tillg at the home of M)·s. W. . Kersey on Friday evelling. Mr!l, "' I·ench. Di, lrict Organizer; r Washington C. H. WH prese nt and gave a brlC1f talk. Officel s were ~Iected and the 1'eBU Its wel'e llS follow : President, Mrs. ' DIIY, of Pl easilnt Plain; Vice-PI' ,Idt'nt, Mt·s. Harvey Rye ; ==~=============/FT========~======== '~=====Secretal'y-Tr aaurer, Mrs. End Hllrper, Lebanon.



~~~~~::~~::=~!~~r o::



'econd . unduy after Trinity. ViI\.l'e Boue! Decide. to Fl •• 1t Miss Saub Smith is vi iting reNew Rutin, Announced On Wt..,.t, latives at Springboro. June ] O. Church school at 9 :30 ; Sc"'erl In Slim mer a. EmerCorn-HoI' .n,d Toba~co tomin g Pray '/, a.nd ermoll at Master eth Hoak underwent a Mrs, John K. Presto n attended 10 :30. No ~e l'Vices during Jul y Irency Mealure ContY.,ct. ton sil operation on Monday. a luncheon In ' Middletown ;)n Tu es and Augus t.·


Mi s Winifred Nutting. of DayWord h" from day. ' ton, visited Dr. Mary Cook ,Iut Washington by county agricultural Food nllll'ket in we k, agl!'Ilt. Lester J , Mill er, announc- building, E;aturday, d 'fi t' C II h t L d' I h Mr. And Mrs. Howell Peirce and ngo t e mo I ea Ion 0 a w ea, U les.


An echo from the agitation under way lW!t rail COl' a. sanitary selVer syste m for Waynesville was heard at the meeting of council

(Undenominational) Chester A, Wiltiamson Corn.Hog, and Tobacco contracts. nili ed se rvice beginning with MI . L. M. Henderson spent Tues- This new ruling t'emoves all ,'eMT. J ohn Stal ey, of Daylon, is hUTch Seho I at 9 :3 0 a. m. last Monday night in the f(lrm of a day in incinnati. strictions on the planting and har- viSiting his sister, Mr, Maud e Lord's upp I' nnd sermon at 1 :30 lettel' il'om Dr. Edward Blair, B. m. county health commi sioner, who Mr. and Ml'l!. My r Hyman and vestinA' of all fOI:age crops. By Fetter. .A Child's Day Missionary recommended immediate study of t on, Bobbie, visited relatives at fOl'age crops ill meant any cr PI' used as pa ·ture or hay. Thi s mean Miss Emma Peacock, of Dayto n, Day Pl'ogl'am wil~ be p.l'e~ented ~t the situation with the ~w of imPiqua on unday. th ere ar no restrictions on th is ited her cousin, Mrs. Gtol'ge J. 8 jJ. m. Don't 1n1 s i111Ii. You al e . , always " elcome at thi ahul'cb. pr ving unfavorable cl)nditlona Robert Haines, Jr., is .enjOylng number of acres a farmer can Smith , last week. thlit now exist. a visit with Eugene peil'son at plant to soybean", oats, bar l!'lY, millet, etc. providing it is pastured ?frs. Maynard Weltz, MI·s. Bel'ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Thi, I tter was received simulaTippecanoe City, lie Mill and Miss Lena Earnhart h d · Or ilia e mto ay. d Fa'he" Newton, Pastor taneou sly with, a petition on the wel'e Dayton visitors, Tues 119· • • ,Mr. L. A. King i feeling much th f Restrictions on e use 0 con. Mass at St. Augu stine's Church part 01 27 representative citizens better this week and is very much tract d acres are j~lso modified to Mrs. Lucy Dyke, of, Dayton, IS every second and fourth Sundllr and business men askin'" that improved in health. p£'rmit planting anld hal'Vesting of ." h d ht III Fest ' .. all forage crops e;ltcept corn, and VI Ihng er au~ er, t', 01' ()f the month. something be done at on('e to reo MillS Alice Brittain, of Columh Graham andfamJly, on I·Ollte 2. . , to, permit wi thou rest'l'iction t e FRIENDS MEETINC lieve ihe !;lltuaUon along Mam bu!§, is vi!liting her parents, Mr. pa~turing of the Mnracted acres Mr. and Mrs. Harry MlsseldirH', stre t and Mrs. Walter Brittain . and harvesting of hay from those 01 Witchita, Kan sas, are visiting First-day School at 9 :30 a. m. . I ' b f '1 Mr. and MI'!!. J. W. Lotz and already seeded. With t his new Mr, and Mrs. Ollie Miss Idine. Meeting fOl' Worship at 10 :30The p ell of mem el'S 0 co.unci daughter have returned after a ruling in effect fa,rmers will b H S ~ II. m. fOlWloWSl: h d' d 't' c ns pm'mitl d to make hay or pasture Mr, and Mrs. erma!, ur~acc, e, t un erslgne C1 lZ viait with relatives at Forest, Ohio all contracted BCI'ES left in Bny of of Middletown, are visiting Mr. WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH and business men of The Village ' of Waynesville, hereby petition Mi ses Lola and Irma Sear!! were the re d uc t Ion pro,&r ams. ' If' th ese and ' Ml's. George Harts()ck this Rev. G. C. Dibert, Pastor your honorable do body to abate the dinnel' gue ts of Mr. and Mrs, Rus- acres have _be n left idle th y can week. [[ Id se l Campbell on Soci al Row, Sun- pJant SoybellO& on 'them and rai e Mrs. R\Jth Janney I\ud Mis Thursday ~ 1'he LK~g '!I h ra ~ following (] scribed nuisance: h will meeL at the e ay 0111 a Dul'ing the summer mont II day. a "'ood forage "rop. ' . " th el'e emana t es a rna st nauseatThe . removal of t'belle restrictions Luella Janney have retul'lIed home 2 :at) p. Ill, Rev. J. J. Schaeffer, of St. under the; gives the con- from DeLand, Fla., to spend tb Sunday: unday School at 9:30 ing an(l intolerable stench from Mary's chureh spoke at the Sun- tract igner a great advantage ummer, a. m, Morning worship at lO:~Oh' the various manholes or openingll h ' . th f H ' h t JoJpwot·th LeagUe at 7 p, m. Wit in the storm Hewers in the bUllinesa . day vening service at the M. E. ·llat awaits the nex t chief execu••• OVe'l' tenon-signer since earMi s Barbara ames as I'e urn- live cott as lender. ur annual .'ec' l·on Or elsewhere. Th ls eondimer who has ,cooperated with t he ed to ber home aftel' spending the • \ church. tiv of this State. governrn"nt can s till pasture or week as the hou e gue.t of Miascs hildren's el'v ic will be held at tion being ' due tQ a few citizen II . , t.h d' A d 1 t' ~ 1600 Mra. Clifffford Busick and chil" u 8 h "Fully npprecmtmg e con Ie ega ~on o~ some harvut n forage crop off the land Ruth and Virginia ornell at Day p. m. w 0 have c,onnec t e d the'II' p lU'lb " _ Wedn , day: 0," W >~nesday ~lf lng ystems directly into the storm tion of the times and the keen In- Ohio F , F, A. boys together with dren and Mr. and Mrs. W. O. rented to the government and ieresL all citizens, are tak ing in their instructors met at O. S. U. Raper were Dayton vi itors on Rtill T celve a g~'od Tental pay- ton. next week the Frwnd$hlp club wIll 1se\Vers, All this can be avoided and governmental affairs, I ball give Ilast Friday a nd Saturday. The oc- Tuesday. ment from the government. AcMr. and 1\Irs, W. N, curs and meet with Mrll. Silv 1'8. Bibl e reutifi d by the installation of all i!lllucs in the coming <' mpaign ca ion was to confer State Farmer Mr, 'and Mrs. Lloyd Davis and c~rding to MI'. Miller the l'ental daIJghter, attended High school study and pl'Uyel' m cling each septic tanks at Il...YMY small cost. This stench is unbearable and 18 a th eriou8 discussions th y 111 rit. degrees, to e'n ter into competitive family and Mr. and Mrs, Josiab paym nts will not be reduced any cOlllmenCemtlnt. exercises at, Gen- Wedn e~dny at 7 :3() p. m. . " The present Democratic , ad- , live s~ock and grain judging and Davis visited relatives at Xenia, becau e of this new rulil)g. This terville, Saturday evening. , direct menace to the health and ministration in Ohio has sought to t t() enJoy themselve,a gene~ally. A Sunday afternoon. ' nlean!! a farmer can g1'OW a 1\ll'age . . WAYNESVILLE CHUReH-OF comfort ot our vlUBg(l. entrench its 110li t.i al machine in number of educational t~lls had crop on land rented to the govMiss. Henrietta. McKmsey, J)1'ICHRIST We pray you to take immediate eVHy department of State govern" been planned for conveDlence of Mrs, Ruth Janney and Miss Luella ernment and stiIJ receive a l'ent.n) mary In.structor In t he Astabula (Undenominational) action in thi matter. ment, anti to extend it into every , t~o!e boys who mIght have the Janney visited Mr. and Mrs. Wal- payment to 10 1.0 $25 per aCl'e chool, IS home to spend the sum- Ch t A w 'n' Minister Discussion of both t he petition bme. . , ter Williams and family at according to the Iertility of his mer with her mother, Mrs. Alice es r . I lamson. of citizens and the letter trom Dr. county. ,villoge and tow nship , "", h h d I t Ik about Th He tnp!i were as follows; Cen- man on Friday. land and whelher' it is under a McKinsey. Church chool at 0 :30 a. , m, Blair followed with the result ,n llV eDr on new a tral Ohio Co~p Stock Yards, , Lorrl'!\ upper at conclUSIOn. cou ncil voted to undertake the findmg the , \n!lans of b redve~. Columhus Pilcking Co., Ohio Wool ' and Mrs. W. B. Russum and tobac,co, orn-Hog: or Wheat conl\~l'. and, l\ft~ .. Omsl' Bau'd, f Cl)hristian Endellvol' l at 6 :4.6 p. m, flushing of such sewers as were ~ICS"; none Iwllat.ever a o~t, a op"" Growete A8Sociation, Ohio Farm Miss Margaret Ru ssu.m, of Day:ton tract! IndIanapolis. VISited " Mrs. J U la Mary Jane Woolard, leader, Eveni th' condition a an mg th.e only. attitude toward !r0v, Bureau Federation, Moores &: RosS are visiting Mi8Ses Mal1l'aret and These modificatiolls were brou· Do~ovan and dMt·. at~d fi~rt r~;t ing evangelistic service al ~: 451 Pt' ~~u:r;;ncy ~easurc, ' l'tnrnent whIch ma~es ~ew ;even. Milk Co., Smith Agricultural Trillena Edwards. gh t about due to the continued BaJ'rd severa l ay e III 0 e m. The church whet'e you:. e a Dr. Blair'a letter to Mayor A. lies unn ecessary~ lmphftcat.lon Of Chemical 00 .• Ohio State Univ~rdrouth throughout the United week. home. K. Day was as. follows: , g~v~rnLn .nt and economy mad- sity crop plote, Ohio State Uni- Miss Maralyn Hym~m, 01 States which has caused a shoJ·tage Mr . Wm. Glover and daughter, - - _. ~ On May 31st tinsp-eeted some n\lnlstl'atlon, .In8te~~, w have verslty poultry farm, N. W. Giles Lebanon, is spending a few days of fo-rage croPfs. . f narlene, Miss Ruth Glover, of storm sewers in WayhesviUe, wltnessed the Impos1tlo~ of numer Gr een'houBe and market garden, with Mr, and . Mrs. Myer Hyman Final date or ~lcceptlng 0 new C"'l'ncI'nnatl. and Mis!! Eva McMillan that are being ueed as 8anlt~ry ous new tax~s and an. increaSe 01 'B F 't F d th A I and son, Bobble. contracts with cis'a r leaf growers, Th' C • t arm ~~ e .'. . and revision of the, old contracts by were guest8 of Mrs. Maud e Cl'ane sewers. I! 0 course, IS can rary millions of (lo ll a~ iii State ex- rown, .rul dit U f 1itical U. bu,ldmg. ,In addItion to thelle Mr. and Mra. A. O. Griffy, way 01 the rid,e r o.ffered by the to- on Thursday. to the rales, but as this has been pen ureill-mos y or po needless to say, these boys pauo- Vincent G\'iffy and Earl C;)nner bacco section of tbe AAA, is Bet the custom lor so many yeare, we pel'sonne . nued a number of C01umull ted Mr . and Mrs. Carl Con nard at June 16. Bertha Filer is Val dictl,lrian of should be slow to take drastic " l.t .ia t~pical of t~ .present theaters. and iamjly at Dayton, Sunday. Producers wh o opera ted und r the graduating class at Cincinnati measures to remed y this too adrmmsh'atlon tbat while It could The boys from Waynesville on cigar leaf contra,cts in handling Bible Seminary this year. Mi S The Wayn sville :Merchant!! de- abruptly , find no funds to pre,:,ent hundreda this trip were Robert GollS, Cecil Mr. and :&'Ir . MYTon Banta, Mrs the 1983 crop in Warren county Filer grAduated from Waynesvill e I ated the uba Cubs last Sunday However. there is but one perof schools trom clOSing or to pay Davis, Cecil and Mr. Raymond were urged t0cf'a:y to execute a High school with the claa of 1930 on orne 'r mament soluElon to thl8 problem, the sala.ries 01 thousands of 10nl Robert Furnas, Harden ,P eters, attended a reunion at rider, if they haVE! not done so, to Anna Cadwallader and rf 3 to 2, making their fifth and that Is the construction of · teachers, it was able to $Ilpplf the Albert lIawke and Richard Sat- Union school house on SU,n day. be attached to th,e 1933 contra~t, Mi~l SOlaJ'8 Lile were gue ts at a straight win of the seaso nl in a sanitary sewers. means ·Services at St. , Mary'45 church if they wish to aVlllil for themselvea famil re union in honol' ' of ' the ball ~all1e that w~uld gladden the I would, therefore re.comqtend to nessto put Ohio into the liquor teEthwaite. bU!!li wfiithd an attenda:t iiq~~rEntries were made in ,the will be discon,tinuo.d during July the benefits of th,e new pr()vi slons birth ~annivCrsary of Miss Lile at hearts of. any good baseball .fan. the ('ouneil of Wayn esville ,t hat a wel as to ~ vast s,ums .0 ur et" dairy cattle, general live stock ~nd and August 'and will be resumed of the new provisions of the 19 34 t he home of het: ne])hew, Law' i Sur,e~y thiS was one of the mo.t stud)' of the problem be. scriously agument thiS machIne 1\1 other poultry judgin« conteBts; the s&conll Sunday in Sept~mber. program. renCe Lile and family near Xenia exciting of ball gan:e and as gOOd comme nc d as soon all p08llibl.. bureaus and depar.t mente of state. On Friday eveDing at 7 o'clock Blank rideTs ml~y be obtained at S d ' .as one would see In any clas a f Any as istance 1 can be, to you, "The people of Ohio are today the ' State Farmera of Mr. and MM!. Raymond Lang, of the office of the County Agricul- on un ay. teams. will he a pleasure to me. awakened to the failure of State America held a banquet in Pom- Washington D, C. arrived on Sun- tural Agent at Lebanon. According Miss Mildred Hartsock of Mil. Whil e the visitors secul'ed 9 hits ReoCCUrl'(\nCe of tbe sewer government to function during the erene hall where L. L. Rummell, day for a visit with the latter's to County Agent Lester J . Miller, 10rd MillS Kathleen Kessler, of off Smithson they were unable to problem brings to mind a propo181 past three years. They are demand Honorary State Farmer and Field parentel Mr. and MT!. G. J . Smith. 76 per cent of the last year's Caht'l>ridge City, Ind." and Mi S do anything with him in ~be la t rail to seek federal aid in the ing a reduction in cost of iovern- Editor of The Ohio' Farmer, preIlignera of contracts nave investi- Ru t\l Dowden of Lizton, Indiana pinches with the r su it of havmg const'ruction of a new system but meJit; the elimination of wute eided as t,o aatmaater. Reeponaes Mrs. George Sellars and daugh- ga~ed the 1934 offer and 50 per were week..end ' guests of Mrs, ~1 ,of theil· men stranded on the .. 'Which was rejected by council and extravagance; the Bubmerginr were a8 follows: "Future FarmeTli ... ' L tt! MGrB'h DOn ()fSeSliparrnS bao~do cent haVll tound the new p roviBions Edith M, Harris and family. , sack .. Our boys only nicked Gray jalter piea.sure was brought to of the less needed operatij)n~ of of Hawaii and the Welt," by ~1'~. o!e ra am.. g , to their liking. ' ' fo r 8 hits, yet they were buncbed bear on . the past of !lome, citizeDS 1("0verl1ment for the propt'r protec:- Bobby JOllee, President of the VISIted Mu'Is Sarah Smith, Sunday Growers may ch'oose one of three Mr, and ,.Ml's. Ernest Hartsock, ' enough to earn the thl'ee ruhs that against such a program. F tion a\'ld conduction of the man! State . • 'P. A., alIa president of afternoon. IIptions for their' 1934 acreage, and son, Mllo, Mr.. and Mrs. H~r. decided the g"me. I Tlrere were many who felt at es ential governmental activities. National F. F. A.; "Future Mr, anll Mrs, Lewis Pohlman They may reducj/one-third, anA"- man Surface, of Middletown, MISS The Merchants did the lh st SCOl' !t hat time that WaynesVille should "The problem of a taxation Farmera of America,:~ by and dau,gitter, Mildred, of Cincln- half or 'they may (:hoose to grow no Doris Surface and Mr. Ilnd Mrs. ing in the fil' t inning whe n Men- bave tallen advantage 01 the oppor program and the maintenance , of Ralph A. Howard, State Advl$Ory nati, were Sunday guests of Mrs. tobacco at all. ' George Hartsock spent t he week- don hall wa lked and Sattert hwaite tunity to secure federal aid whereOUI' ,educational syst em can and S~e'y.; talk, Dr. Geo. W: Right- Pqhlman's uncle, Dr. J. E. Witham At extl'a payrnent of $3 lIer end at St. M8l'Y's Lillie, near ~nlackcd ahome I un in the bush es. by 30 percent of the entire cost of must be solved. Many divisions 01 mlre, Pres. Ohio State Umversity; ~nd Mrs. With'am . contracted acre is given tho.e who Celina, The Mercliants did not score again ~onsl;ruction )"ould haft, been aD government elo e to the people Introduction of iueat:s by t~e accept the provisions of the rider. Mr. and, Mrs. Ronald Hawk e until the fifth, Elli fitst man up outrigh t gift fro m the government and affecting their dally Iivel' tOalltma.sterj talk, Charles S.' WJ1MI8Ses Jane and ,Jean Hartsock. entertained Miss MUdrlld Harts<>ck tripled to right and scol'ed on with the remaining 70 percent such al public utilitlel, hlahw8)'1; liamll, aviatioD ' editor of COhUD- and Mastel' Owen Hattsock are of Milford, Ohio, MillS Kathleen Laurens' single which run was the paid in Municipal bond, bearing' Dispatcb aDel the addrea of vi-aiting their uncle Mr. A, Z. Re. ler of Cambridge City, Il'\d" deciding factor of the game. fOUl' pel'cent interest, but secured public welfare, WOl'kmen'lI com· pensation and conservancy can do the ~.Dlng b~ T.l.. Taber, Kalter Hartsock and family, ' near Wi!· and Miss Ruth Dowden, of Lizton, The Cubs got their first run in by tbe system itself. _ Ilnd must be made to better .." , ofStaNatio na1 GraJlle aDd RODOruy mlngton, this week. Ind., at six o'clock dinner on Satur t he cond on McNeels. s~ngll\! Th e feeling exists among bullinte F armer. Lucas' walk and areys ,SIng (! css men, however, that if the tile average man and woman of Ohio" ·' Degree,a ot State Farmer were ,M r. and ' Mre. ~d Schwart'l, of day evening. which ~cOl'!!ci McNeaL Stn~th30n aewers .are Rushed frequently this • - - • conferred upon 62 candidates Buckeye Lake ~slted friends he~e _ _, - A Childrell's Day Missionary then retired th s ide with two men ,!umll\er as council' haa p'romiHd. trom ~iouli de.partments 01 th. on Thurllday, enrou,t e to Franklin program will be presented at in pOllition to score. Theil' second Itliis w!ll bring at lealt temporary atate. ' , to visit their Ion who ill camping Partial relief tram the prolon• . h h L h h 14 h ' Id h' Ferry Church, Sunday night, .. une run came In the mnt \'v ,ell aur· ~relief to .. lituatioll t at I 01,1 d th Requlremen'" for receiving thhl at the Chautauqua Irro~nda there. ged routh at !lll ,Ie t IS 10 at 8 o'clock. Everyone is invito, ens made a wild throw of CarlJlan~ not be permitted to eonUllue. de -ee are ••~ - . - h~-b --d in its gt'il~ for " the k' past . h f d h' II UII owe d Carman ... ...... " . , .. au ".r. and "n. Howard Case, o.f section • _ • paratl"'el" - - ell...lble eacb'" severaI WE ek• came t h IS wee In ed. Arrangements are In c al'ge 0 groun er W 1C a H d fr m B" 'e~ .. d Lebanon, vilited Mi.. Emma the form of scattered showers that Erma and Lola Sears and Mrs. to reach eeco n. e !lcore 0 BAND CONCERT ,ear. 071 mut a~ no ....a e Helgh.,a)' laat Wedne!day. have played strange pranks. Mildred Campbell. second on two fielders choice!!o lower than B In all hleh eehool Mr. 'Georae Henkle haa ,eturnTauday alte,rooon aections of A Smithson seem8 to be ahoot the Th'" 1 object. for thl four "ears, he ed home after Ipending a year in eastern Wayne township received Attacked by a rat, Carolyn nn best wn~.. have had in a pitcher 40r e oint -r, eOD&!-v...... ' 0 .... __ 1._ Only r outine busineaa occupied mult be able to preside# at meet· k C Hainee, infant daughter of Robert qUI'te .o~e time. He i.n't only a !eason .. ," ... a. p. IL ity. hca"" ~ ... &.._ J the attention of Wayne Towruhip know parlimentary law, New YoI' ... rainll.• while there was com- Hainet, of Corwin, was given treat IJplendid pitcher with plenty of ITh u nd af ..In,_. ,... 1~., Oil ~L_ .... board of education membel'll at have a well deftned s)'Item of Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Mweldlne parativel,Y no rainfall in Waynu- ment for severe face lacerations stuff on the ball when necessary, McQure Fun'" Ho.... earn.r. , their regular monthl? lIleetiDl proJecti and and their rue.t.. Mr. alld lin. ville ?r areu west of the Little in the omce of Dr. E. F. Deppe he i8 ailio a fine bitter and handles Tbhl .......... 'oolltrib.W Monday nllht~ Approval of blU. ed practice uel a dlblte IIlten- HarrJ lllaeldiDe, of Witchita, MiamI riV~ ~Mae ahowln were Tuetday lIlamlnl. Accordil1l' to numerous chances with 110 far' not ,whtt wall the onl~ bUlb.... tranlAClted. lion ot eanrlnc On hi, Improved KafllU, wert diann rUelta of Mr. accompanle y a aeveN wlnd lateat report. the child it recover- a wobble. ~~.., At the nut rlplar practl"I' in til. f1Itare. Our OWII and lin. Vietor earp.ntA!r at storm, which uprooted t re. an ci 1118 nicely from tbe accident. We understand that Turner will eollOfttt July 2 it Ie expected that tbe Robert Gona, of Wa,....vm. lIidcltetown, Wedneaday eWllIww, JI'arm:=~nd~hl:C-Hetion report Mr. aDd M.... Road Benl on and not be with 011 f or the reat of the :~=:.:=~} board ril draw up tha badret for ,.... ODe of the • ....tul eudld b ff -'_ _d bl a L_.... f ele 1_ d t eeaaon .. he Ia IltartiD, to the 198'·1. term, th. ........ oJ datil to noel.. till' d.... II .... tOM PlaDek..~-o..I_cwe crop. to • 112 e.-we co era., ic........, 0 Ye ..n • Ipen th f tUN' an4 hlGb wm 4etermllled .., tIM .,.. ........t " . . tile . . . . ... ...... - - wttII wbeat bead.... "~ 1Iaot't. It the w~ wlib Mr. aDd JIlL !:...18 ~ u This til _nat of ......... to mow .... W. P. 1Ir. aDd tb' P •














-it .' .



Ithe Btu..,




... , .....




a knif 011 \I J(ril1d tone. "A hillw , Howard Sawyer, Brd. & Carf How- Subllcrlbe for The M.iami GueUe d'", 1'8\" '/ Given anll taken untiel .rd Saw)"fr for week ending • ~ including Monday, May :28, '7; - - - the gOI' Ill'" '., 1l1l,f. \\' YUII lrlL1.y HI1I.....dl'~I' 1\'!" lie )l\\'itcht' d to Stella K"lIy. Bl>ard anti Care Mc- Whit. Rose, the d.penOatl1ic. "Yuu tnl, :l bl,m, r.tac1vc r Kinley Kelly. '7; Mrs. Will Bryan, dabl. Galol.l ne. ynll, II 11 ighlllnll ~l!ntl('Il1un!" Board and care, atberine Snow, I "'!y f,u'!' took it; and pity t h $10; Candis Hymer, board and I !'a".enllc'h fool who t<t ruek It !" , , c a r e Le-wi. Hymel', $6; Hel!'n Iwhilll' 1'l' t1 Maclv I". c.,mmon PIM. P,roc:eedin.. testament of rhos, D. Fl'Illler, tor Doughman board alit! care Clifford rn t hl' a~e of The ~H(lt .. o f Ohi o application to admit will to pro· Doughman: $7; Mr~. Ira Eltzroth, " Will ytlu llPoio~ize £ul' thllt bill"""'" a,'kl';) the 11(1 'le)!, of the v('r!!u , harlell Lest!!I' Alle n, d • bate. board and eare Alice turkey, ,$5: cap tain. rClIdnllt hanged fli jl (If not guilty MrR. Lillie Urton. board nnd a I'e .. I'll l' e\,e1')' I' '<I-kn cd, , trull- tv A'uilt~, lind was se ntenced to Probate Court VerI Mill r. $6; Wade S, Brown, in the Ohio LEI Th ompso n, a d mmistrator . S rv. as Do'" inl! Sc()t(!h h!'uA'ul' in h~1\ ft,·!\t!" not I ss th8n 1 vear ,~I\r .. Ward n, $112 .50; • . 'la t~ R.. formatory. f h Solvay ales Corp., 01. hlorida rl'pJil'd Rugglcl'lon. .H" , d k" 0 t e estate ot J. Lee Tbompson, ' ou, re run ', I n Ih",~ Cft,h (I f hla l'les L, B ck eceased, filed his inventory . for Vl'Uag of F)'Sllkll' n ' $6J .00,' IT! 1'1" II ' b " \. I' " u ~ 11 , T'T .L'R ...., a" lII~ton oot \\"g~ t'e tinghelw ou ru a HII'. Vel'l' 1I8 Pal I-h~ze lw u()t.l, ot aI, it is ' In the matter of' the estate of Ruby Van Rip r, gagoline. $7 .4 : , , Ijly on lhe to of one of his elegant .. You've troulIll' eno ugh ori your ordel'e U" thut the clerk pay to Pal Lillian J. Small, d~cea8edJ ale of . Hutchinso, n's lnd p ndent iI 0 ., ' I II II' b ( lII 'lU,'"1 all(I .... iJv\~I'·huc k led shors. He we not hund~ nlJ'{'ady, my gay young c\)ck lIazt' lwo , t 11 1\, .. r ~I1JU~ 't d in full his laim of bonds ordered. gasoline, $1.80; T~ Hubflrt 81'08. t111\'or of t1w, I!(\\'~,' rnol"l' \\ inl'''; btl t I dallcin ... at th(' ll'lOment, nOI' were WiUHlUl dl'l\" ing av Hamm r's 4' Co., electrodes, t1!2.09 ', Cincl' nnati ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN I .. ...1 , Morris Bourne ill .uuthorized to Oil Works Co. gasoline 'I' t I nOal ~ .. lhnnk.~ to hl~ HI I'! I1Inn, 1 h !'fltI un, I ihtnp nny ludi<!s withi" six or, even iil' • Come along with me, both of The ca! o( Th e Miami Valley $(\.27' Gil- Jour Cate. l"eelJP a nd _.. cahel ~ ,n I I 1', I'nl'n" I f l11111, ' .B ut" hat I) f It ' ? "1' d com" qUI tl y. " re ei ve and Jleceipt t or prop-ty of pm.& . ' ,&sollne 't o Norril-Broek. 0., lv... ' ., I' ~I'lm I h Bnu liS "I" )I .... yar(.,~ J: I you; 1m BUI'I(lin' and Loan A ~~ ociati o n ver" D ~~ Son $26 26 ' _ ... tl t ... lh Th t t h ' ,~~ rotby Bourne, et aI, minors. , , ' . pro~e .. lv. firm for \.he II n __ , I h ey n1l'Rnt III I' mOI'e II 111111 an th oughts wcr,e bul'Y, in [\ plea, 8111 ey wen 0 l e go \'emor s se- us Henry E . Liber a,p , t aI, is dis'l'h e a ! E tt Sh 1c" Shartle &: Bevis Machin Co" R - mar et pricel and r "d 111(>11 an,l Ill.le, litH' nl r , of confu~ion. \\ i1h Flol"E'nc LV,'tton eluded ludy, picking U" a Mr . tnt· ..sed. n me 0 vere an lias . i IF I v l. Ii I t k Th d'" h been chanred to Everett Pence. palr nr. $14,60~ Blai d 1- 0 Z U.loa Stoek Vard.' Clnlliaftat!: O. t:lll'r l, uut ,0 tt , u" 0 11 8 ~ 8 ; ' and FloI'a MacDona Id. H e treed hi- 'par on tht' way. e o("tor s ut 1n thj; eliSe of The tat of Ohio equipment Co" parts. $83.68; J, Tune In on Radio Station WultY . tl1:1 t comJ'luny nne I th a t tOl' Wit ' Iwul conul1cnl. Wit • h Ollt a t h-e d 001', th II I'It a can dl c at th v~r. 11," II'ff Bn"'by, Morrow Brant d. In tbe Anna J . Rankin, d 11 n" lh 'Il1g In . tratrlx ' eae.e of ..o Hal'dware Co., upnJi ~ 0 ,.. a minls of the estate oW. rLin " .. s 12 :2& t.o 12 :80 p. m. for our a , tilll(>, ~llln e. But when, n moment later. fell('n fil' on t h h earth. H e x- was uppointed guard, M ' . hi paTts, $186.97; W. M. Lawson market reportl. hi th ca~e of Mill,tha McCabe I/Inll: oore WateMl, deceased, sharpened, $2; L, P. av- _______.........~~~~~ [ncIvt.'I' bt'hnVl'd vlith dl' C))'um, (hI' hc('1 retllrned to re t on the plained the Itua ion to 1\-, pal'k, If \\1'Ih (IS I' I'lOC,, ~l\n1l.' 'pot, h e 100 k d to see ..,' h 0 , •h (l wa Il ml" "'tIle· IIge dCI ' 1'1'!an .... CI·SUS William Me .abe n divorce versus Charles H. Moore . et ai, · (\ (I 1\11 I lll'!I hIm"l' fl t 00., tar. $761,4.8; Howard T. - - - ~ lon thl'IJu .. hout th!' (·lnj)l)l'ale din- "ccupied th W lIinaton boot, It w lh two hottle of po rt b e hlOd wnR granted the pla 'intiff. con ion, deed and distribution C00, k 8an. d gravel an d stone, r_ - - - - - - - - - - - - ' " .. " . 1 . ' Lee rma Bl'andenburg, administratrix n ..r. li e had h en tl'llint'll to the WIlS ap~ai n the Honol'nblc P ·ter hl: wal te at, 1I t hou and ncres of 111 th case of Th e Stat'e of Ohio f h t · $58.40. 43 YEARS OF SERVICE el "'ant lem ny of the 11lhle in !Run-nol Rton . who tood with his l!md Il Rtabl of fnst h(H' es nd fl 0 tees ate of Zellia Brandenbu1;g ... ",., . ' ,. , ' a vet'SUa Dave 'hi ldres, Al chwartz decea sed, tiled bis affidavit III lieu hi~ fatl\ r'~ hou ~c. thtJugh ~her(' the I long and ,gl'a fill s arIel buck hl~h 0p\IIlon o.f. himself ~n Illl appointed guard. of aec.ount. R " Ii.f Bill. In.s~fS and most of Ole eh~h~~ had tumed f!lirly 10 him. 3uthonly on e~ lqlle~t , POIOt!! of I" the mnller of th-e transfer by G 81 LEBANON, OHIO been mpt~' and u wild gillie 1)1" j "My fo.ut, ~ir, if you plen!'e," h nono1', and equ ln ~ "llmen~, Do.ct. the Village of Waynesville, State us 8c1c was appointed ap· L. & C, Market, groceries furnWe have a complete t\\O hlld pa H,\J a. powd(')"('d foot- , Inu rmul'cd in Fl' nctJ. or Hamm r (llrplalned the SItu 8tion of Ohio of certain municipal praise r ill place of Earl J. Maag, ished relief families during April , n Caplam . R ut('I( l cHton turn (I a b' k Th e d can t . , .'"66 '" Watch Repair Service mt'n. But th C f orll1. 0 f tl\ th m,g rte fl y t 0 M r. S par. eTS funds' trans! r of funds h om the appraise M A 'r of the estate o:f Loula $6 ,, ; W . W , CI'me, gl'ocene Pricell Reasonable hsd b('cn .1\ rart f hl~ ~cnllemen ~ AUlIhcd and contempuou~ face up- of th ar~ ('11001'1 lit I st ood. on ~he gasoli~e tax exciSe f und to the ' 88um, deceaaed. 50 ; Walter Kever, gr.oeerie8, In the matter of the estate ot $166,76 : Watkins grocery, grocer· ducali on. AR Iv th~ rqtlil'ment of (III him, and at Lhe same tim re- help tI hJlI'Isplr to a bl'l1nmm general fund. B e ad ~ Reatrung the taule- thl' ~ih' I' nd cry:tnJ,' move d th~ he I with il ~rinding rosewQ ~I tabl ; and Ruggle ton , The cn. f The Milllni Valley hules V. Chamberlain, deeeased, i S, $7; H. C. Hamilton, gr~ceri&.l J owelry R paired nd nnpery- he hod n Vl'f c(>n it!' motion. g13!<~.... Building and Loo,n As 'oc ial io n sale of real estate is ordered. $82.76; L. M. Scofield, groceries, "THE HOME OF GIFTS" qual, ev n in ·the ~r lit hOIl.!' of i "Dit! you peuk 1" ollked Rugglc$ M ~. ~ park . BIt!. Wlt~ b con~mg Vlll'SU Ivah B. Harri t, ai, WIIS The will of Thurman F. Bercaw, $24' Scbilling's Food Market , ,Iennora, the anc ~lJ"al hQl)le or ton in Enldi,.h, "or was it th e gl'Rvlty, that h~ \Va. qUite c.0nvlllc- dismi cd without r'cco rd. decea sed, was admltt~ to probate. ,229_40; Herb Hoppe, tuel and ·tho head of his family. But did he : 'h cks on your kill T heaI'd'"]" er! that th~ genU mon In ~he I n the case of 'l'b(l Miami Volley E~ta Bercaw wall apPOInted ezeeu- groceries, $92.76; 1. S. Richardson gape a nd start! ILt the glittor and Mil Iv 'I' Il'ot nuthi ng of thAt but SClul t tumc .Rnd g? ld Ince had m· Builuing and Loam Allsociation trtX of the estate, no bond required tuel, $151; Owen G1"O()8S, fuel, $6; shine and glor~r of it unclel' tll(> Ih(' !In '('I' which a ccompanied it, tl'.n,dc.d by h iS llc l10n t~ )Cpr tiS versus 'M, J . Fo ndl~ I·~mith. et ai, D. E. Heywood, H. D. MeVey and Warren County ,Lumber Co .• fuel, oft. radiance /If the wa candle? Th e M I' urpri , ed and sho ked CritiCIsm of the per~on O( c~aracter firmation , deed and di tribution. F. A. Hudsoll w re apPOinted ap- '9; Lebanon Ice & Coal Co., fuel. • • • Not he. Royal ly it II could not him , It wa,s evident to l1ill1 that the of lhe g~ntleman m th kilt, first fnth ells of Th(~ Miami Valley praisers. $6.26; Lebanon Farmer' Co-op. bJ!v cast a calmer and m' I' casual Englishm!ln waR a ngry with him. by standlllg on the kiltecl g£'ntle. Building and L aln Association The inventory of Louisa Got- 00., luel, $21.77; W, C. Turton, glane ov r that ma~n ifl c nc. I But why should the Engli bman man: toe and afl~rwal'd by up· v'r us J. W. Ware, let al, confirma- thartIt, executrix of the estate of fuel. $12.64; Franklin Ice & Fuel Madv r at betw (On Mi~R Lytlon b e an~ry with him or ·witli any playltlg ~ glove to hiS fllce Ilnd th.lJt tion, deed and distl'ibutlon, Charles Penlcawa. decea ed, waB Co., fuel. 17.50; Joseph H. Fedders WAVNESVILLE. OHIO al)d an eld('l"1y mntron wilh a face 1011 ? What aHed lhe blazing loon? he, olhngwoo.d park, wos entlr· In the case of Thl~ Miami Valley approved. upply Co•• fu~I, $43 ,60; Allan Phone 80 Bank Bld._ ely at th se rvice of ull concerned. Building and Loun ASliociation L. M, Hender On was appointed Rapp,fuel,' $6; Brown & Bunnel, like a war hone. He addre!! d the Was he drunk1 matron p(llitely in hiR nati",e ton· , "My foot," aid Mtlclvet" jn su h 0 it was agre~d that Doctor versu Jesse Mentz, et al. confir- administrator of the estate of Fuel, $6.26; East End Coal Comgue, b£'cau e her ea t of cou nt!)n- 'Engli h a9 he had 1 arued from Rammer l'epre. entmg' MI'. MacIver malion, deed and eli tribution. Anna A. Mal'8hall, d ,ceased, and pany, fuel, $18.89; Blah~ tit LeRoy, once remind d him 01 . ome of the Liul l' moke and ,],wo Bla.nkets. ho uld ,call upon. Mr. parks, reIn the matter 01' tl;1e will of filed bond of $200 WIth lIureties. fuel, $40.50; Thieman'S Shoe & • • more ru~ed of his n a ~ive hill!!. "You tlln e! n him too much, pl' sentlng aptam the Honor.abl Thoma D. Fraser, deceased, it is Ross H. Hartsock, W. F. Olark and Repair Shop, Shoes furnisbed reo ur pre ume that to b the lan- Rugg l ~t()n." P eter Ruggle ton, at noo n, and ordered that will be certifi d to H. A. Cornell were appointed ap- lief familieB durini April, $UI8; gllage of the P icts and Scots, "aptain Ruggl ston t() you, l~at mum was. the word in ~hemean lerk. of Courtl!. Th e will is to be praisers. Fred', Store, baby IIblrt8.& sboes young man, to j udll;e from your dammil!" bill? Followmg that piec e of admitted to probatt3. In the matter of the estal.e of J. furnished relief families, flO.34; p~tti oat lind ba e 1m e ~nd tho "Dammi t to you I" busmes!!, pactaI' Hammer returne,d In he ca e of The People's Lee Thompson, deceased. sale M.rI!. Ma.r jorle S. Wells, stamps, 2 re icule with hair nil, which I The 0 , D. .' flu shed and con- to t.he dmlnl:' room and Ala dalr Bl1ilding, ~an and Savings Co. bond~ was ordered. . DirectorIes,. Transportation, was admiring beturc e took our temptuou cou ntenance fairly MacIver to the ballroom. Tbe A . vJ!r us Everett Stubbs tal conAlhe Wardlow. executrIx of the AprU, all; LeWiIi .& Drake, coal seatl. But the language m 8ns no smok d. MacIver' eyeS appeared D. C. and fr. Spark remained in firmation, de d and di tribution. estatb of Kate Kammerer, deeeall- and feed furniBhed reU f families more to m than a mu(,h Gr ek," to throw off spark. Th nostrils of the ecluded study, s ated at the In the matter of the transfer ot ed, flIed her ~~t acount. . April, $56.39; E. B. Thirkield & . aid the matron. both young men went while at the rosewood tabl , emptied the tl.r~e fund of board of trustee Turtle- I Howard Phillip A urn, admJnlll- Sonll Co., Shoes" flannel for reThen h chatted to h(,,' 'ench ba c, a if pinched byin vi sible fing- decantCI'S, and fel l asleep in their cre k township, trlln 'fer ~f fund t.rator of the estatl of ~ui_ M. lief tamllie during April, $27.~4; which ~h e recog nized 1\ after er.. chairs. Maciver had ano her dance granted Assum, deceased, filed hlB Inven- The Home Store, Shoes &: clothmg len minutes or it. ,he LOO excep- ,"This way," croaked "Ruggleston with the lady with t.he Fl ora Mac . ___ tory. furnished reliet families, April, Phone 71J lio n to his pronunciation. Mi s He turned and le ft thf ballroom, Donald eyes, Ruth McClure, administratrix of $6.79; M. B. Hyman .& Son" payNext morn ing l1'adver told Big N_ Suite the estate of Jam ~ W. Pre.ley. ments on Clarellce Atkinso n Suit, Lytton t ur-ned ft'om Captai n Rug- 1aclver .followed him, In tbe hall, I!"leaton on her oth r ide and de· in the gloom the staircase. John 1acDonald and theMalicete . The Pe1)pl"l1 Building, Loan and deceased, filed het Inventory. US; ()hio Central Telephone Corp. fended hi pronunciation. H look- Ru~glest(>n baited and 'turned and that certain important matters '~ving Co, versus Lina M. heelS, Hattie B.a,:bee, executrix of the May rent & April To))s, C. W. A" d into h t eyes; and that was the ~lappe d t he Highlancler lightly 'wo uld detain him in town until the et aI, for money • .foreelol!ut'e and estate of Lllhan F. Moon, deceased '5•.10; Ohio Central Telephone • • across the mouth with a glove of foll ow ing hornlng and perhap equituble relief. filed her application for a certlA- Corp., May Rent. April tolls, F. E. IIfOTARY PUBLIC third tim, il' Jome , being in love, left the whi te kid which he 'had removed later. In the matter of the last will and cate of tranBfer. R. A. Offiee, $9.26: Kaufman'll. table with the lnd! Ii that night, fTom hi hand tor the purpo e. " Is It about land?" a ked Big The inventory of Robert J, Shaw [Iupplies, furnished relief families . . , han, e,xecutor ot the estate of dUring April, $85.40; Dr. Robert Will. Draw" . • E.ta... S.u..4 A nd a Sh .lam\' was governor, 1a<'lver r coiled .., if he had been ' John. a1l til entlemen did the lIllme, . truck witb an 11.1'.. Every "That. among other thingS," rc- ment" and you 11 have wlnl.d al)dd Eugema E. Beach, dec~a8ed, wal Blair, x-ray treatment furnished W"'yuEGVILLE. OHIO but , m of them slole back to the and n rve in him jerked ond froze plied MacIver, thinki ng of the pow ~ ectual to YOI\J ~ gent lty an approved. A. E. Vincent. Weltare. $30; Brad ft ... .. decanters and the gleaming mah o- as if he had re(!eived hjs d at h sev n fect of ground which would I~arnl~g before YCIU re many days W. E. Graham, administrator of Service tatlon, Gasoline :fur-I,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!!!~ {tnny al th(l fh'st opportunity. sb 'oke. F or low s econds he stood vel'y probably be ' r qu ired by him- 0 ~~:• t d b t the estate or Lawrence E. Taylor, nished Wm. farks during April, I' Dancinl( wa one of MacIver'S motionlef\s ,~roml Se y ou 0 o. my es, decea ed filed his 8chedule of debt. Welfare 85e; Ivin8.Jameson Drug ohn polite accompli hm nts. He could wit h blank e 8, e a I'e w. n•. e caSe 0 ar ell • oilien Co., drugs turnished--reli f familie , returned MacIver gravely-; pe rform the most intricate step!\ stone. Th n, in a queer whi5per looking shrewd . "You're a friend ~y best for .the honor of all true laltlrnm,strator of the estate of FLor during April, $11.88; J. W. Lingo with hi gaze on his partn I" S gaze or his m'o tuer ~ongu'e, he v oiced of th e governor's, . Maciver. no Rlg~~llnd heatts 011 the Waa1<adog- ence I. , Arkill, decea ed, ver~ulI Hardware Co., Axe Handle, 3 axe - - -II!" wltho\,lt a Jook or a thought to his sometb ing of his staggering emo- doubt ,of that; and governor!! and ga~. J h 111 D Id d Tw George 1\1. Arkill. et ai, sale of real .& File, Welfare, '8.90; McGetc:hDirec.or .f FII••r.1 '.nice ' f et or hel's. And at t he waltz, a lions. ueh are abl to mak e gifts of land Ig' 0 n ~c ona an 0 estate ordered. in'l! Pharmacy, Medicine furnished 1'1 form of polit e divel's ion, he " A blow! <A slap in t he Incel A wj~h no mol' trouble than a !!crat. Blanket and Llttll~ Smoke et ?ut Etbel Van Derveer, administta- relief families. April, $4,50; Clint's Our convenient 10catioD. lIulta· was a w nder. Looking into l'tli S bl ow on th mouth I" ch ot the pen. It was a great man f r hom e ~ h~r~ly nfter noon, bhu- trix of the estate of WiUlam J. groceries furnillhed relief ble Burroundlnre and equipment Lytlon' . hadowed eye~, he could At that moment Doctor Hammer 1 saved from b inp; r oa 8ted to de11th I~ un USP I~\oUS of the. real and Vanderveer, decealled, 111ed her apduring April, fiO.50; Ray ilT,l.gine that it was Flol'a Mac- ,appeared, 11 it from nowhel'e. fI in hi blnnket a few night!! baCK, tr8~1f. Ala~dalr M:aclvr dIn tow~. plication tor a certicate 01 tran.. groceries turnillhed relief .nable. UII to Serve to the B..t Advantaa'e. Donald i.h lhe sheller of hi!! strong appeal'cd between the two tall ingl -handed against three, and ~tor [ammel- ea Ie h o.n r . f er. Th adjUdication and deterduring April, ,16; John right arm_ Iyoung men, 'With his whi ~ kers maybe four. Use youl' jlld~m(!nt Sp~rks, .that sportsman avtng re- mination of the inheritance tax OD Gay, Moving Robert Baker to It .... ali midnight, or t hereabout, bristling. ullder your .broltue. Bnd that' m81~e? III ~ow~ f~,t' the purpose ot the .estate is to be given to all per. Manchester, Ky., $50; )11'11. AI AMBULANCE SERVICE wbun AJI1 .dair faclver became I "What's this?" he asked in a John MacDonald's ripe opinion. rece lvmg hIm. sons interested. Hinsch, Rent of oft\ce for Welfare WaY•• llyil\.. Ohio P ...... 2. 8"31" of the fact that Lhe beel of voie as' hal'sh as the comp lain t of Take your lim e and use your jl,ldg (To Be Clontinued) T h.e will of Thomas D. Fraser, "F. E. R. A.• April, ,45; Albaugh deceased, was flIed in probate. The Good Drug Coo, Bttedll & Truss matteri to be certlfled to the Robert Reichel. Groceries furnishcourt o:f Common Pleas. ed relief families during APl'i1; • FOR SALE DATES CALL • The inventory of Jeannette $209.25; W. H. Berger, Il'oceries James, executrix of the estate of $2; Miller Hardware & Furniture, Charles R. James, deceased, WaS saws, and seeds furnillhed re1ie-f approved. families, April, "6.75; • R. Cof· fman, groceries and supplies furnillhed relief familie. April, f226.R.I E.tat. Trall.f.n 85; Albert Wallace, groceries furJamee B. Davia t() Charles nillhed relle:f families 4.nri..-I---lr:JI'-~c.aJL3II~A.:!IIL:!II"'''''L.Lew, teal estate In Lebanon. 18.150 ; Cbas. Mount, .-r"" ..,ri ..,., Gertrude Strip pel and Maggie Oollina" Son, P .... 320, N.~ •• rll•••••• May HarringtoJl to George- M. and Wm. '77.76; G. R. Rossman" Co., iroKate Wolf, iniot No. 99 in Mason cel'iell, $88,60; Wm. Kelly, grocerEARL KOOGLER Willie and Edna Bail' to Geot'ee leI, $~: .R ay Kautz, Pet ,IM ldland Harper, inlot No. 3'19 in Franklin. Grocery , Co., groceries, ,9: O. O. N. G. Hartman, deeeued, to Hildebrant, gNeeriel, ,72.60; A, KEamor. Itll George H. Hartman. et aI, 262.98 Shiflett, . groceries, $7.60; New. acres in Wayne township. comb', Groceriel. $7.76. O. C. Hartman, et ,al, to C. Estol ~--Hartman, et aI, 262.98 acrel in OHIO STATE ENROLLME.NT Wayne ~wnllbip. George E. Hartman, et aI, to C. SHOWS BUSINESS TRENDS Elltol Hartman, et aI, 262.98 acres FOltSALE in Wayne township, ' Student eDrollment at O. S. U. Addie Hartsock to The Dayton year hall re8ected the gradual FOR SALE- Sweet potato plants, Power and Light 00" the uee of improvement, in bualnese conditi36c per bundred, or three hun·r eal estate for lines. dred for $t.()O All kind! garden Wl11iam J. Van Derveer, dec.eas- ons, the "giltrar'B report ihowa. While the enl'ollment each plants, 10c dozen, tbree dozen 25c. ed to Richard P . .van Derveer, 1'8al quarter thlt year haa been a little On Fern' Road. Strouse Brothers, estate in Franklin township. Amanda Catherine Petre to leu than fol' the corrsspoDdini Route No.8, Waynesville, Ohio. Harry L. Petre, 27.715 acres in term a year aro, the deficienciell *j28 Harlan townsblp. S-T~R.O-I:.B-ANO BREATHE! Srroke.nd breath. I YOUR ~NCINE bil•• "beat," too. CyUndendraw SUN BRIGHT AND TRA",IC HEAVY-Thl. .ntl_ been decrealne. SALE-Fresh cow, Guernsey FOR Tb.....Immer "no",. that thl!re·. no power In ber In a lIupply of "1JljUI" made of Air mlsod Wi th ,...18 ruonlna on .Ir that II hot a,,11 dry. A re ... mil.. Autumn quarter enrollment ",as . Jersey 6 years old. J. H, Sackett '(rOb unltatI b r breatbln,larlaht. SbemuethaveaLr. farther on, It may meet a mower or • _Una braue. ollne wSlh "yery other down etroke of the platon•• Bill. AlI..-d 7.6 per Cetlt under the previous R 1 ' m31 J . year, the winter quarter total wall • • . ames Follen, Servo a~ jal;lItor 7.1 Pft' cent leu tban In 1993, SWEET PO,"ATO PLANTS _ f YOU D~[VE A CAR- st~dy the dia~ according 1:0 what the weather man says. with air. Sudden weather changes no 2nd floor Court House mo. endina and tile ofBelat apring quarteT total Speaking of Sweet Potato plants 3~, $1.6: Penn Morton, Servo ju~ announced, is but B.2 per cent you can get them at Dan Hockett'll Naturally. your "gas" mixture changes, Longer affect the "gas" mixture. The fuel gram .above. It helps explain why as ~anltor, C-ourt HOUle tOT mo. under that of the previoUS spring. on route 78,· 2" milell Eait of many motonsts are failing to get all the too-unless your gasoline is a "good charges fed to your engine are uniendlDg M!lY 31, '70; C. Donald Rent ot office fo't Pro!. Of the to eol1~ell at Obio State Waynellville, Phone 65R11. Dilatu8h, formly powerful and rich. . mixer" with all kinds of air. po er they should from their gasoline. Atty., mo. &ndinB Kay 81, fZO; elx have reported mer..lss for the Your ca. can't burn liquid gasoline. It That'swhySocony-Vacuumdeveloped Your car is always at it& best - rutlWoodrow.Weil.Stan.,. Co., 200 IIprin~ quarte~ommerce and Clima't ic Control, .. a pr adjustment at must tlrst turn gasoline into "gas*' by powered-fast on pick.-up-r.~sponsive to WANTED Appropriation ledger allest. for tion, medlelne, phal'lllaey. and mixing it with lafge quanttties of air. tbe refinery to make Mobilgas mix better every touch on the gas pedal Auditor, UO.I"; TIle JohnlOu- veterlriary medicine. Agriculture Think what that means, The condition Try Mobilgas - and see how it im': Watson Co., 100 leta of 2 clearette had one I... Itudent than a year WANTED--Cars to wath aDd of the'air is constantly changing with the proves performam.'e of your car. It's sold polieh: John Seare, Clyde l'romm lieenses for Auditor, f",'70; The Oftlce, 1 coupon book of for the lummer Phone 79. mU weather. It's hot or cold, damp or dry, a t dealers who show theFlyingRedHorse. typewriter rlbbolll for Recorder, _tartiq June 18, aN eom $9.60: Fred Procter. I CrtllliDal ill rapidly. university olleiall WOOL-Con1len your "'001 to ApJleannce Docket tor Clerk of ..,. Th. ftrat term aJicia Jul,. 26 The Ohio Wool Growe.ra CoopCourt, ,85 ••• ; Ohio Pen. IU... and til. noond clotH on :Aqult eratl.. Aaoclation. 8.000 o~el' Sal.. Dept.. Soap ohl.,., LaUDcIrJ 81. &mel._ ma)' attend ,lther or erowen do. In B Ollt ' of 10 leaN Soap" ToUet Soap tor Blaadl'. botll ..... liON tIaan .00 eours. wool prlcea ate low,1t at theetln. '18.10; CoIIl1ll'_ BlanIc Book ba '0 cleparhMnta of IDltruatioft time. Liberal cull .inace OD ... CompU), "0 _ . .0" for _ haft ..... ·. .enle4 tor th. _ . tf wool. Wap...mell'arnltn 'U: Wm. 81aotwt1I, 1uY... I... me . . .tllL Co•• loeal NPlWIIltaUve ltor lleaodal .... for laO. . . . . . . • - ••- - -

I fistols at Davbreak


I. ... ,f.







r Mart.-n Auctioneer



Or No Charge

Centerville, Ohio





Stanley &Koogler

.Liquid Gasoline won't Burn .. . Engin'es, like People, need OXy£tENI

ow. , '








rr.MDfES BE777iR WhH.DR

t.O; Gill ~ m.. Nat &.ni.Co..... . ~l;:. J:r;;=;

~!jC:;l---~~-!:~-:o--:--~. ~


P.bUlh.r/ Sublcriptlo. Pri••, ' •.10 a Yea, No. III Entered at POltoUle. at. Wayn •• · vtlle, Ohlu. al ;'cAnd Claa(l Kin .._ c . .............. , ..... No. 1111 Vatter

D. L CRANE Ollie. PM •• '.. R. 'J__

J NE 7. 1934

Draining The Blood From Indust Anyone who Jooks dUbiously o'n the al'gum lit that ta'Xes atand in th e w.ay of business rcc()very would do well to take a glance at t he expel'I(!ll.ce of Am ricall industry dul'in'" the past few yeal's. " I J eJ'(~, f(lr l'xample, is what hapl' ne " to a co n A~n whleh has II . u~ ' ~rOS8 Income of about $220,000,000 8 yeaI'. In 1929, a year of boom prosp I'ily, it paid out n.l7 C~lItS in lIIXC1l for eac h dollar it look in. In lO:l l it paid out la.14 cents. In 1933, wherl conditions were ex. tr m Iy bad. it IJaid oul 16.38 cent. And the proportion will probably be hlghet' sti ll in UJ34. Thal particula)' bus'ne . b' e -b t 11 " d t ' • • . .1 SS l S a Ig on u lima In u rles ar m preCisely th slime Po!utlon. As matter of fact, they have had tougher I dd ' I ' . ~ ~ , .'ngo l urlnj( d PI' Sl ion th~n huvc lar!'e, concerns with ~reat cash IC. eIV s-nncl hnve eon n riSing proporLlon of hard -ea.rlled dollars go to lh govl'l'Il t M th t Id h b £I f ' I . III n. on('y .11 cou . ave "cn usc .or expans on, tor ral mg wages lind !!hOlte nmg workmg hour, ;for puttlllg more men to work- the taK collec tor got. Evet·y wOl'k r nnd inv\?, t or has felt the adverse eft'ecta of that, and lh probl 111 constantly g rows grellt r. Honc!;t tax reduction, that really rcduc s the co t or governme nt and doesn 't. simply shift the burden by Iiti I l' 'h po ~a s Ill' L-~f.hnnd,.would be u powerful impetus to industry, to indUllb' lnl ,exJ>n~sl on, to rncl'~asei,l cmplOY~l nt, to gen eral r~covcry. You can t dram lhe finanClfi1 I.lIood fl'om indUstry and expect It to go fO l·w8I·d. <=---= _ ____ ----

Farm hight 7 alks, June '11 The Ohio


'L/niverility Radio Station-WOSU

8:00 Mus.i!! ;0 5 lo'arTll Adjustment News .... ,.. . ... '.. John A. Slipher 8 :16 'l.'ha Money You N ed for urrent Fal'm Purposes ... . ... .. .... . .. ' .... .. ........... .. ...... ,. WaIteI' F. Gahm :25 Music, 8:40 Ro und Table on Farm and Garden Ins cts and DiSEa ses ............. . . ...... ...... P arks &. Pierstorff .. ... ' ... , .. ,... C, W. Gay :50 P (ligree R gi!ltrat\on .. ,... ............ ., , ...... Minnle Price !l :00 Vacation amps fOI' Rur I Women 9:10 Mu ie !J ~26 What Hnp» n to Pho phale F rtllizer in the Soil? ...... ,........ . , .. ' ....... .. , ... " ........... ,.. Richard Bradf\~ld ..... ,........... . ....... H. E. Eswine 9 :311 Early Railroad!; In Ohio .. ......... , ........ .... .. . . F. H. Beacb 9:46 f'ruit PI'O pects for 1934 ~


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-'-_ _ _...,

Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol

lsi h·d of ~ixt~.lh·/' membt'r.. In . • t,·ad "I' .IIIC· I 'unl!Tt ",.lImn fliT ~"~I 'I th,. ~ hund, (,.1 th"u~an.1 lll'upl.,. \.11" for ('Hch \·ight hundred




Woman Lo••• 41 Lbs. of F.t

Hcv"J'al from here attended Illu)1lination Night at Wilmington l IIUtH.BIIU ""lrJtI hi' alollllt I i~ht. enllu~ la~t Monday eVI! ~ing.' WaShl·n~ton Blood Pressure Down Too M r~. Howllrd raha1l1 has been ;; s~ndinR' It few ua'YlI with h I' . II Oh io W"lld W at' vdcran Acting on motives of economy, daughte r" ,11'5. Hel n Wall IInc] WIIX('d l,ul'l l('a\ ill n'urnlng 8 check ConA .. t'~Ft1lan 'Illtl' il!hl (D) elf III the' \" 'It'l Ull ' Atllllini ~tratiCln, said to have been occasioned by an fflmily . "1 have been t.kinK K"ulclut,. all ged overdraft 01 nea rly $7000 l\liss Dorothy Davis lu\(I a girl, suys, "pity thl' pIl\lr t:unj.i"l·'~ p""vidcd. in r('~torin~ Salte for my bealtb. aDd for bi.h in the cou nty 1'ond an.l bridge 'Cd 'nd of Dayton visitulo relative Congl' ssman. Due lO Lhe s~()I'L tllO t\\\'llly.nine th"UHlnr\ V('t(,I'on~ to blood pre.. ura "nd rheumati_ and funds, County S urveyol' am D. hel' ovel' unday. Iyeal' .tel'm tint! the neCl'1\~lly ftlr the I'llIllpl'lI satloll rol l ~. who. c d i~iI' it h elp ed both. My. blood pre. .ur. Henkle has mud Il 8\vl!i!ping ,'e· Mr. H. . Tucker od family I'ull nmg ylll'Y uth r Y('UI', II (' ,m· bilith)~ \\' '1'" IIt'te rrni nl'<l to hUVl' waa .. high AI 290 wbell I at.rted to take Kru.ehen. I weilrhed 2:55 duction in hil'lstalf by Lhe (Ii ~mis III and Virginia Davis attended De. gJ ~~ .man I (ot c ~ .to b~ a '\1l1kin~ b~l'n RI' 1vic~ ('omll'cll',1 that tI and now I weigh 214 that i. 101in. of several <)IT)p l o~ . c rulion el'vices at G 'r mant (.J wr\ , p tltlon and a 11\'1~'1r p\,ay!:'\, , j,ll' v~I("an \\'a~ im'li~ihle fol' CO tnpC't1 41 Ibl ., in aboul nin .. montha and 1 AR B r esult of tht' wholc ~all! IllY Ky. last W dnesday. vat s. Abl~ut lh time Il scr~ oll K. l'lItiCJn if h) l'llrned enough mom's feel fin e." Mre. W . Eckoff .. A half t a spoon ful of Kl'usehen oft's, til sUl'veyor's staff .Wll~ re· Many from her attended D . , hard.wul'k~ng on.",'I' \:" man cltn~lI ~ to lHl)' all incOlll' tux. One Oh l , duc~d to a skelton organrzation, cOI'Btion at Miami 'em~' tery. ,tb e ladd el of se nlOrl~y t o Il POlllt vetl'ran. ilL I~u t. WIlS 'U fO l'tuna te, in n Kia.!! of \VB 1'111 wat'r every m I'ning S AI,'E L Y tak(>s oft' unMost of tho e dism[sge{] weN Misse. Evelun Tuckel' and Dnro. whel'e he "eally haij mftu !l ee :lnd II wrotu: D. emo ratrc . apPointees, . . ' l't hea lthy l nt by he lping t u rc-e ta bgiven po I· . thy D,avis ' aUended Commenc(' mC!nt Ican.d 0 ~o ~ . go,( d f (II','h..~ J) u1.'.I(' "'1'1WI I LI l! (:I ICC k 11 f f Il d Cu" lJJ ur tlon by the late John •. Vall Even~i ell a t Bethesda Hospltnl of hIS dl lll~t, so m SP l u ut "III Wi lh (\ thl' e-cenL ~tllmp I ~(,l1d lo Ii)'h propl'T rundion ing of body organs- at lhe nm time it ellerHO l'ne~ wllo died in the midst of an ur es 'rraining eouri< lll st Tu es. me ~ut n!{llin t him wit h thc dC'you. ~j~('H ami help build up robust unexP lre.d tnm as c~unty urv yoI' day nighl.~{i s~ Elizab eth Black. c1al'ahon that ht: ~1I8. L e n the]'!' It lo oked ~Iu i.t e r(Jo ri. in dnys of nlll. h('nlth. FCle l yellrs ;'oullger- ACT H enkl e IS a R publican, Bnd wns ford forme"ly of hel'e was one of 1 ng nough and It 1Mbm\! to mil k!! But now It )s n t nlln tu hold, it and LOOK it. ne bottle lasts 4appointed rc~~ntly to fill the va· t he graduate '. In c.hange ." , , I paid a lux in thi,ty-thl'ee, · k~ . You clln.gel Kruschen Salts caney cilused by Van Horn e'" Mis Dorothy ShambELugh is not ongl' 8SIllan a l'lwn gh t. con· So, good (Jld check, :i:!tr ' wc\l L< ,It any dl'ug t re in the world. death. . II d h t d to M' • cloded his 8peech on the WOI)8 tlf II' thee," . . so we an as re urne JamJ . I " Thus relieved of theu' duties by Hospital for treutment H er many ongress man, sal<, Th e Gov rn· I PUBLIC SALE the Burv '101' are: CharI 8 E. Kun- fri~nds hope for her Q' speedy \'1'- m'e~t has taK en on so ma ny new 1~()lIrtee n y,eH'"s ago. directl y 'I _ _ __ k er, deputy surveyor, Harlan tp. · eov ry duties tl,at a Congre~. 'mall ha, Il O aftcl' t h ' World War A~si~t an t II I d 'd" R B h . '1 .' . t' l. I 'I t Jl . k t • . . I av ng I eu to 1'(l1l1 0Ve DIy oy . urroug s, elV) cngme ~ r, Miss Laura Ward is so mew!1lll more .lIne () gl~ a 1' . ~ '.' rop :('e\'('tnl~y o f the Navy Rooseve lt home. 1 will ~(' IJ ul Public A.u ction Frankhn; Tbomas Taylor, chalr- impl'oved at this writing. busy, n~!l ety.five I) r eat of 1t.IS tun !) I \\lt~ n 'ked by his chief, Secre tary at my hom e at Mt. Holly on man. Lebanon; R~bert Van Hor~ e, Mrs. Everett Villa I una chilo a~ , \\ ~11I1g" lette l'f\ a nd culling (III of the Navy Jo. ephu Dani els, to Saturd ay. June 16. 1934 maintenance englnee~,. !t'ankhn; dl'en spe nt ' the week.end with her dlff lent dera,rtm nts. H~ u~es nt , u~"i~t i,) I'('~iew ing ~ncle am' s Comm encing a t 1 o'd ock p. m. a?d Frank Bowy ~r, dlstr~ct !luper- si ter, Mrs . W. P. McCanen alld vcn .~nv" t n~e to prepa, (' C) I make summ oned hl~ old cllle!. Ambll s- hUI'p lh e f oll owi ng Visor, and entlre main tenan ce family of Walhonding. speecbles. es, troubles or. no ~lIdol' I ,(niels, fro m Mexico to a , H ousehold Goods and ome crew, Mason. tl'OU ell, ongres81llon artnght !'Ii"t him in I' viewi llg , the battJ (' At! ' Eden Terry, wh o was report d The mony f~i end s . of ]\fiss Rachel is a cl\ndidale f ol' reelection. fl ~ ,t n ow t he e un l of 011 in th e n qU()~. PETER RU YON as a ca ndidat for thc county sher- hQmbnu~h wlll .b(l ()Ieas.ed t? le~rn wO~'I~1. q y ift" H office on the RepubliCan tlck- of her be.lI1g successful I? wlll.nmg It is n f uet that !'om' 'o np;rl' ~. Stallle y & K~g2!'!.. Aud. et was placed on th civil engine r a ~ree trrp to the World Fall' !It mon Ilre employment age nts anri p o t occupied by D. W. Keller who hlcago. The cont~st was ponso.l·. glorified errand boys. I'ictur ~ lak n of tho r~vi w White Rose- Power beis $aid to hav quit foll owing. the ed. by the Entel'pll1se club of Wl1f ..ou l·tpe ll y£'nl's ago sho"l'. ~ sslslan t hind the enllne. lay .off's in the surveyor's office . mmgton. ongrllsaional lend ers are trsing Secl Hal'Y Ruosevelt 1<nnitng, ~ncl Inman Munger chief clel'k in Tlte W. . T" U, :ponsored n ' to force adjournm ent of 'ongrI:'81< eC.l'ctnry r th e I a".y DanJel~ the office still retains his position Food Sale he18 aturday afternoon ' 011 June f!t h. Jl' they succt'\!~I, n )(l loklllg g'1 ~II.n. At the ~Im(' ere· NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT ~ut is r~ported seeking another Band conceds will be held her week's. news letter to my constitu· I tl~ri ~!I~I~~~ ~~;lm\lntl'libg t~nl Job. this summer commencing this Wed en ts WIll bl:' my last, at le~\Sl until ' ~ I C \lr .• 11 . e ,are CI 00 ' Estate of Anna A. Mar ball, deSurveyor Henkl e indicated that nesday evening. l~eKt Jt\nuary. Anxiety of fo mo mg townr~ .the Wdhlte .Hou e. You eeas d. th offic e would be placed on a The Woman' lvic l ea ue will ongl'esRionnl I aders t o forc' ad- appelll' mlltn g an . aYlllg to you r. Notice is hereby given that L. part.tiro basis and that th s kele- ' ,t 'th M R .. g. joul'nm nt i~ r ally du e t o the fact sclf 'l am golnR' to be there some M. Hend erson, who se Post Office -"" I'd b mel! WI rs. ose an next th t t ( , b'll lillY' n th other hllnd I look d Addre& is Waynesville, Ohio, has t on 8 t ILl' \You ot~ h old forth Satul'day aftel'Doon June 9. a wo extt'eme y Important 1 '. ,. J' 1l ' ]' , until work piCKS up, In the county. . ' may under houSe r ul e be called up SO Ul, " kno" log n vel' I e b n duly appointed as AdminisH enkle also said that there was " Mr. . Cha . Garner spen t u!lda y for debale and vot Monday, thel·tl. trator of the Estate of Anna A. a p(Jsljibility that those dismi sed \I Ith hiS mother. Mrs. Mary Finch. June 111h. Th es bill s al'e th c --Mar, hall late of Warren COUllty, might be re-hir d on a part-time Ml'~' Hannah Creswe·11 has been Frazier·Lem ke Bill and the Me· odlin!!, m oth gg are expected Ohio, deceased. plan later on. . pendrng a few days at her home L od Bank Pay·off Bill. PO",onully to commence hatching early in Dated this 23rd day 01 May F ortbcoming state gasoline tax III town. it is my hope that we do not ao· J une . Th e moth, began to em(!rgc 1934. Mrs. Laura Shidaker spent Sun- journ ~ntil after con!<iflerlng both I1t Wooster MIlY 17, at Oak Harbol' mon ey will wipe out the deficit in RALPli H. CAREY th road and bridge fund, it was d a y evening with Mrs. Ida Howe. of t hese bills. May 1. ami I1t Lorain May 21. Judge f th Probate Court sa id . 01 Dayt on . , ounty aRents are supp!i d • with j14 Wart n County. Ohio - - " --,Mr. and Mrs. A . S, Collett: spent There arc f UI' hunth'c d ulld the d tnil, o/contro1.Sproy sel·vic(> Although maximum yields of Sunday wiih his brother Ro bed thirty·five M lnbers QC ,UIg"I'C"S- talks 111'0 heart! oach Mondoy ot v •• THE MIAMI GAZETTE timothy arc reached just as bloom- Collett and wife of D~lyto n. that js two hundl'etl and thirty·five 11.45 1I. m . ove~ WLW and al For R.lultl jilg is completed, maximum .Yields too mallY. The first CUll- 12:50 J) m. over WTAM. of probein are attained by the early blOom tagt'o NOI'malty in Ohio this White Rose-Power beis dut'ing the third and fourth week of June. hind the en.lne~



--- .. -----




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LUM:BU The first exa mlnn ' secret8.ry Akron Cleaners, P re8!le rs to be held by the tate Board or and Dyen Union;, Ml'S. Lola G. CosmetQlogy wer~ conducted ill I lark, Columbus, and Miss Eva 'olumbu ' thl week fOI' central Hand, Cincinnati. After studying Ohio. Thoa for 'the northern part l a complete report on wages and of the late will be held in lev · hours in the industry a s made by land June II, 12 and 12 at the r the division the Board will recomCleveland Law chool. Examina- mend a minimum wage for women tion covering the outhe rn part or and minprs. th tate, ill be conducted in ---Mem Qrial Hall, Cin~innati, June 18 1 "Do you know your fi sh?" 19 .and 20. All examinntions . will Wheth r you do or' don 't, you may begin at a. m. study eleveri species of inland fish to your li~a s content In 'Oie arce Entertninmenl or at lea t diver ~ ion of interest from the ullual dull pools north and outh of the State routi~ i provided for inmates of Departments Building. Columbul, the Ohio Penitentiary by high now that they have been repleniehcIa motion pictures every Friday ed and stocked for tile Bummer by evening and reJigiou service the Stat Conservatjon Divisic)11. every Sunday. Then th te are also Tw nty-ftve of eac:t\ ot the follow~rtain sports, softball and volley- illg varieties have been placed or ball being the ('hief ao urce of in- will be placed in theae Jarge pools: terest along this line in the sum· Large-moutb blac)e ba!ll!, smallmer, with keen competition be- mouth black bus, rock bUB, white tw en cell blo k and department croppies, black erappies, bluegills, companies. The "tnlkics" are Ulade and pumpkinseed iunftsh. One hun possible through Miss Amanda dred channel catflsb,80me weighing TlIom8s. daughter of Warden and a8 much as ten pOllnds. · IIDd 100 Mrs. Thomas, and the liberallty of bull-head catfish .. well as one motion pictul'e producers. Religi- dogfish are also ineluded in the OUt lCJ'vices are held in tour separ- quota. Over 100 goldfish from ate chapel, Protes t!!nt, Catholic, Lake Erie, some nine iJIChes long J wish and Christian Science. At- have been put in the poole, and 300 tendance at these services ill volun- inOI'e will be. added. tary and i said to be larger than when compulsory, Entertainment Officers 01 the Ohio State Archae of SOJ1l$ kind is also provided on olo&,~cal and ru.torical Society holi«nys. lire making a special appeal for new members aa part of the pro· The econd state minimUm wage gram to renew and expand the acboard to. be set up under the- new tivity of the organiUition. As an law to regulate wages for' women inducement to increa8e membermet in Columbus Monday. This ship the annual dues have been board i studying the dyeing and reduced from ,6 to A contribut cleaning industry, one, of the mosting membershipc08ts,6.auBtaining complex in the state. The members mem~l'flhip '10 and life memberare as follows: Publie repre.enta- ship $100. The director and Becretives, Dr. I. M. Rubinow,' member tary have Invited the members to of t he State Unemplo~nt Insu1'- forward a list ofindividualB who anee Commission, Cincinnati; Miss are interested in Ohio history and Amy Maher, pl'etlident Toledo Con- archaelogy and who would be help~llmer$' Leagll'e, and 'Mrs. H. hI members ot the organization. Krecker, Athens; employer The-re are believed to be hundreds sentative8, Albert J. Graham, of persOns in Ohio who could rendpresident Ohio. State Asociatioll of er valuable servieeas members of Max Read, Akron, and E. J. Stry- the Society, Dr. H. C. Shetrone, bel Jr..; Cincinnati; employe re- North High Street and Fifteenth pretlentativel, ltfl.. Mary COli don, avenue, Columbus, ii director.






"Hello ......'1 Tbb I. Pw. ...._-tered wtIether _'11 liD t.o . . to: • -w till. ~



'"Y_ CWI . .100011' W.,"Il ban time for u.e- .. Oh, of COW''' :1'00 ~ .II .botat II. - " " CU>d I little ahopPiDa: utd art \MoCk , . eIoce,.ou "'ve PyJOlu. tool You'll. ...w to a:eu. me,. I'm .....u.u.c1 ~ .... Pyroiu oval. It ..... beat coabol. PyJOlu JaM.ved _ ...1< that [ ..."t ' CU>d d i _ tri1l be dGuc to ID7 ~'. _ help ~ abcMIt it \0 peofIe. . . "'" Ia I

... oe._I·,___" H...,.. .u..- at atL I'Ye pu~ the wbole..-J Ia the

.. 11 ......... _

.. __

...... _ ..




)'011-. ....,.

""*' 1 11K beCk.."

..., _ ....

She ha,s more leisure no"" ... with PYROFAX


LITTL.t.: 1\ .\II';I.tCA. AN1·ARC· 't know wuelher It was a do, , 'I'ICA. May ~11 (via' Mackay !ta. doC drl ver that bit blm About d!o)- l think It II about tIme 1 pve tbe wen are wearing full you a re.'p ort on our live Slock. You · beard •. The relt of UI are shaving !thow, we have a varied ae.ortment regularly . I Ihave eveJry 111\1 with . of domestio anlmall here leading oae of Commander NovUle's elec· " tr1e ruOI'l 10 J don't need wa.rm the 'Itrangetlt life that bOUle water. Tbe rest of tbe IIbavera have were ever called upon to lead. And ther are thriving on It. The pen. terrible time getting il n the cook's gu lns. eeall, whalee and skua guile way to melt snow for their ahaving. I bave aU bad the lense to depart for We are In areat need ot a barber. parts unknown. probably the west Cutting eaell other'. b8Jr produeetl cout of South America and various BOIDe startllnc and comical results. We are In need of exercise now DUler, warme. places. No AnaroUc our outside work til nearly over wlnte", ror them! d the atorma, darkn'381 anAl cold Yesterday a tew 01 UII lIad an elab. us trom wandering much orate ceremony In In the opell. Wfi are putting up the cO"lbed. We a punching bag and a couple of leta wetghed the bU')! 0' parallei We ,a lso will do 80me walking Illd , skll ,ng wben lbe You ma, ber that ""eather permit.. Tile doctor II watcblnc our diet very closely. We are lndlng It dlfllcull to lIeeli blooded CO~., .Klondike. oUl'lelvel and our cl'othes clean.· \ bad a bull calf on Tbe popular pastime III Iteallng bot LIRoy Clark of the way through water from AI carbone, our Cam· Cambridge, M .....tbe HOII Sea tee bridge. Mae•. ! cook, bIJlt even ,w hen Our Comml..u)' aDd that we cbrts. w.e 've .tolen It we ha~le to be very Bo.. tenecl b1m 1oereful utnl' It for fear of Budden berl'. WeU, let me teU you that Je&'rhere 11 . a dltrerence of ~ berg now 360 poundl! Ell. aa thlrty-Ilve del~reel til tem· IttrleW ellaperoD II Edpr COlt. Or betWeeD the lower .ana upIII our Ileeli,ing ,quarters. .Lrcade, N. Y., who, tn IoddlUoo to ah' rilling creates a .lltua· belna OUf carpenter, ta allo our cowherd, or cow,b o" or ahepherd. wMoh the man til the upper or whateYer the Utle la tor a man 11 peraptrtDI'. w:l th bla cloth· who playa ,nuraemal4 to a ~oct throwli open, .'hUe the man COW8. Twice a 4a1 CellI: mllkl Klon. II bundle4 un. rr••il1J. When 4111:e and her two 81ltera. I'oro\uult " .. b our cloUl&ll we baven't lIoutb,em GIrl UMl Deerfoo~ .o' w. room to bau¥ tucm Ul) til Ule bunJc NEW PYROFAX PRICE SCALE.Withlhenew1934Pyroi'u: , bay. oodl. ·and oodlea or an. milk bouses. 'J'hey freeze hllstantl1. wben alidiDc price scale, the mOTe B8I you UlIe the lCSl you pay per cylinder. with our mM.a a1l4 In Ouf cooiling. bUIl« III the :It.her buJldtll«s and 1\ You can DOW alfOld to \Pe Pyrofu forHe retI\1Iat.. tbe temperature Of II almo"t IDlP'lllslble to dry them. our cowbarn UDder the IIlO...S. ourSpeakllJl of weathelr, we are hay· ri.. the catUe daU7. reedt tllelll. Inl!: pleDty of Il her&-- Itorm., bUa· beda tJlem dOW1l ud .,.ell alcePI zardll aDd eold SUch ai, t bave never III the barn. H. hal tor other Ileerr .But wbere ,~dmlral 8,1'd In. c:ompaDlou OIU t ...o ca... Snu.· la, It la eyen wone. TIle 10Weit tem· ahoea. ...ho baa ~ t.iIe8 011 . . . perature ...e·ve had haa beell 10 d. toot. &D4 O7elon.. and one ot the CJ'88I belo... lero. The Adm1ra1 hall IlIIqWIDO clop. W. Dcnr ban 11. alread, reported 71 belo.... IUI4 tIae o. " C clop ucl MY. pupa, all ID Pod willter 1. JUlt commenclnl'l coDdlUoD. m&aIt dOC .... t1Jo 1IaIf- J'd IUle to ... a pera4e 01 . . . . pouDd p('rtlou·" .... a dq. of OW' club. l it ...owd .u. ft, pu"- w.....v...... U DCMIDIIa to ,.... n.~' GI thea. If ....... wtrIatat. pi tHeIl_ ..~ Uk, to, JoID uclle.NOelV. . . . . or ........... 0IUr *iJaIL card. bJ, Bolitll Polar CJaaIL ~. _ ddnn tupta. U .tor aDII _ COM'Lnl GAS. SlaVICI _FOR G~~\lSS HOMES trip&. all eo.& or·...... 16'1.....



EVEN' tbouah you don't have ... maina near your home you may atiD have the wonderful advantages of real la.. For PyroCax Service brin&l you lu-in cylinders. PyroCax .gas burna just like recWar pipe.line &'IlL It make& a clean, bot &.me the moment you turn it CD and light a match. No waiting for • fire to come up or burners to ect bot. , And you can now ,get this complete. las lervice Cor abot:lt the same COlt III a stove that uxs old. ordinary rudal ~ You pay $10 ..... hen you order and let con~ent terms on thc · ~ The ' cost of gas ranges va,ries, depeildiDg CD I tile type you select. But all model. caD be paid for in easy inata1laleDta. Tho. las itself it incxperuive to uae. "

Beautiful New Magic Chef and Estate Gal Ranges" complete for as little as

S89.S0 Installed With Pyrofax Equipment



. . ,. ., ..... . .

..... e.m... ...... ....

.ev , . . ... (..a)."'''' •



. y R 0 FAX P aa, ... ~



p,JOlu ... Ie delivenod to 70UI IMIaM la qou.. den and imtaIIed '" tbia atbactin catliDet. Yhave'two eyliDden-<me f... !auoedIate __ , 1M other ror ~e. WbeG. _ I. ~, tha 18oerve it turned - . ClOd tlMPwraraa_~ tbe empty with • fI1U cylimdaw. You ..... _ _ act .... rOC' Pyroru a.Yb1a .........

laraat compulY 0I1t8 kla41a tile ......




.. ........ .(.!





TRY OU R CLASSIFIED COLUMNS Mn. Margaret Johnll, Mrs. Mar, .', \\ sundll)' .JUTlI' 10. LrllchFOR RESULTS garet Hadley and MI'. Arline IoUI·1t 'I ill play thl' It'rchnnt. on 1" uI' !:l'Hlntl~ allli thi8 is all" ball Mnl. Therle. Jones IIpent Thurs· Jonel! and on and Miss ---.-- _~ g'111111' that you ~~t>uld not mi, ~ as da"I in Dayto\l , G ra h am spen t Mon day of last White Ro....- Power beMrs. Morrffi Wharton, of Leb- week in Dayt.on. (C'ontinued from Pare 1) lIlt' Iltlll',j Jhll111\lId, \\"h\l Was with Ihe l'hilad lrhin Athll\tic~ will lio anon, spent last week at the 'home Mesus. Robert BUI'nett and hind the line: tlw Int,'hill': lor LYIlChhlll·.. .... and Ill' , 'Is IInd"t· a tly all.1 l"u~ r can of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wharton. alvin Longacre r turned from 1 1'J'~·pnl"ati{)nK 1I1'l' going ati lid Additionul hOIlOl';: have been ~"\11l1 tlW runJl£'I' 1'(. 11 I·t'll 111111 It'' hr 'I ill pl'ohnbly 1M' out flll' blood MI·s. Ruth Weir and on James, Delll'born, Mich., Saturday, where ~----------------------­ L t 1 k . k for the open in'" ('If a new motion attained by IIludents of Wayne ~ I1\ I" t "" 1t' mil C'. 1\ qUI ('r )"t•• a:\ oUI' lwys ('ILused him to r('liI' pidul" of Detroit, are making an extend. they ha,'c be 'n employed f01' a lhealer in Wayne~ville town~hip Hc hools. according to Lad i..' Dre ..... 7 0 c I" .. n ,I 11 Il' I"' 11 ( 1"'111 th ~ tlU tft l'11I frrlm the box when lht'.Y nwt at with all till kie ant.! ' 0 un d programs wOl'd received thi. wee~k by 'uper I.'d visit nt the home of Mr. and number of week, laying 1I00r at M.,,·. Suits 6Sc I 'Inn anx am3 t eur P 1uy 'I' I hIl I 1 l,ynt·hhul'R". Sn1ilh~on will unirs. William Bergdall. th Ford Mu eum. inll'ndcnl J. W. Lotz. hovt! nolit' ~ foJ' n Ion\!: ti~l('. d,;ubtl'dly lIT v ry hard to n1ll.k nbout June 16th. Quick-fo r q u ality d ..,.cleaDiDI Mr. Imd Mrs. J. W. Kerchner Mr. and MI'S. H l'bert Meredith Mr. Lotz haR just Ibeen given 1.1 ,llInJ!' l' 111I·I>UI')' hO\H'\'~r tnt (I thi.' 1!U11l0 1111 01h,')" victory f or th Thi nl'W" lheiltci' in th/O FOI'II and family and Mr. and Mrs. and fnmily, Mr. and Mrs. Law· , 1'hOOlI1 S /l 1i ill R\JndIlY' ,l!UtlH! :lnd Merchunts n~ Smilh80n broth ,' i building \dll b opet"at d by D. D. the informillion that in th(' sLate Duke 'I'rickey and family. of Day- rence Brown and family and Mr. \\ f elll that hI' pln,ct! n v rr mllnagel' of the L~'llehburg lellhl flnd '. W, Brakefield ~nd will be lunk\Jlg;:; of tlldents in the vari· lon, were din her gu sts on Decora and Mrs. Clarence Edward!; and (' ... ·dillll.ll. J:(anw. WI' h.t Ii H' ihnt 11 in Ill! thl ganll' houlrl b~ known the Twins Thl.'lltCI:, A ous s holuJ"ship te t9 held during Lion Day, of Mr. and Mrs. Louis tnmily of near Waynesville were CLI:~NE~S local he hall 1\ ch!lllc" of t.1l"mg care (\f 'worth comin!! to s . simi1al' hOll. e i8 opemted by the the pa t : chool year, th .. - ... f<chools have Iour 'DlI t tanuing Trickey and !\f1·S. Alice Miller lind evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ih:' . (>CO l1tI lin. l' l' ol',it i(ln al(ln~$ial' I BrlLket1elds in SAbinu. Ohio. son. Harold Whitaker on Wednesday M Lau re I. Hnd \I Hh H Ii ltle rln~'- , W Y ' E 'VI LE MER H T IC Bt'st piclur I! will be offered slud nts l'eceiving special mention Frank Rogers has purchased a of last week. These al'e Roy E. rockett. inP.' tOA'ethc]' thi~ hould mnk(' n AB R H PO A E Wayn sville patron at the theater mdwich shop and filling station Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hu'l1t rt!ceiv. Eigh th gmde . ta te test; .B tty II. tty f ll"( l'olllbinat il1 n Ill'ountl Mendy, rf . :l 1 1 1 0 0 \"hich is undergoing complete re· on the Dixie Highway near West ed an announcement from the th k 'y. tonI' HICk. , Lnur en ~, l'S I t) 1 2 I 2 tleco)";lltion at this tim . The best H,u·t ~oc k. English 'I; Jane ook, A4exandria, and' took possession College of ,Medicine, of the UniI.l\n" u!'-k Ilny 011<' If P,·('k can ."\: ('Ucr, cf .1 0 1 1 0 sound quipm nt is being installed English X; and Glenna Woollard ' Monday. Mr,. and Mrs. Charles versity of Tennessee, at Memphis, 4. 1 3 12 0 ~ under th dir etion of D. D. Brake En~li8h IX. ,'ma k that ball, ome out und SI! 1'(' 'k . Ib of the eonfel'l'ing of the Degl'ee of fild, of 'abi na, who i a man of In the district scholluship tesls Pennewit will assist him. l\fr. and M,ra. Glenn Johns, son Doctor of Medicine upon II gra~_ _~~~!!!"!'!!~~~~~!!'!!! Tholllp. on. 2b .. 0 0 2 4 ~ wid cxpcrien in thi field hav- h Id la t spl'i ng at Miami univerand daugbter, took dinner with duating claa of thirty, on June , -Whlte- Rose, the' depen. 1 SII~i~~I~~nr,' pC ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ing serv d for 16 yellr IlS operatnl' sity, Oxford, Wayne township and ell'vic man in som of the .tudentR carl'ied off sill:nal honors, Mrs.' Margaret Johns on Wednes- 11. Their son Morlston T. Hunt, is .a member of this class and ha dab Ie Gasoline'. 1:rc:ad w a y , 3b .. 2 0 0 0 2 0 IS1'g r theat 1'. of Dayton and in that out o( 47 outstan<ling day of last week. Messrs Clyde Wharton, Allen a position awaiting him. Friend • • bIll" If 3 1 1 2 0 0 othe cities. ~t udents from Warren county the New seat .at'C be ing in taliI'd local chools pl'ovided more than F:ml'ick and 'Wendell Salisbury here are pleased to learn o'f Dr . . Phone No. 19 made Il business trip to Springfield Bunt's success. ' ,.._ _- - - - - - - - " - . . Totals :U 3 27 20 3 while the int.erior of the llOus is half of this number. Monday. heing give n a new coat of paint.. A number of members and BA UB. While the wl'ekly programs have ANNUAL MEETING friend of the .Ladies' Aid enjoyed AB ~ H PO A E not been determined it has b en t he annual picnic Wednesday, I) 1 0 1 0 0 J'ec iued to make a charge of 10 The annual meeting of the lot hold at Roser park near Ridgeville 4 0 2 0 0 0 cents for all patrons. ownel'S of Miami Cemetery AsMrs. Jess Harris. who l'eC4!ntly .. 1 0 0 0 0 0 Pear] Fannon. of abina. will be sociation will be held i111 the hapel underwent an opera'tion at Blair's th)" '5 2 1 3 0 101'111 mannge l' in charge of lhe Grave J Wh e1"t' on Monday, June 11. at 2 p. m, 110 pital, Lebanon, is not so weU 5 0 2 II 1 0 Twins theatel:. victory? A iull attendance is desired. at this time, but hopes to come .3 0 0 1 0 0 . W. Brake'field, is a widely Death! Wh ere i~ thy home soon• . a 0 0 0 1 0 known business man of X nia, sting? NOTICE Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Jones Mr •. and 1 0 0 t O O being connected with the itizens Pope Mr . Therle Jones and son attend" 1 1 0 0 0 National bank of that city. Crown Lodge 538 Kn ights of ed the commencement at Centera 0 0 9 1 0 Pythias will decorate iJhe gl'av~s of ville Saturday evening, The latA stea-dfa t. faith r(!'deceased members Su nday morn· ter's bl'other, Herman Nutt was ~ ~ ~ _~ 13 ~ move. much of the sorro\\' ing June 10. All member are 1' 1" one of the graduates. 38 2 9 24 19 o of parlin'g, by teaching Mrs. ]\{ary Boitnott. Mr. and (tu sted tomcct lit hall lit 9 that death is only a tranMrs. Frank Brown and Cri 15 Boito clock and bring !\owerll. 1234-667891933 'D ODGE 'SEDAN nott, of Tippeeanoe City, were M rchllnt .. 2000 1 000 x-, 3 sition to II better xiHere is a fi sh slol'Y for "ocal week-end guests of Mr. and Mn. Cuba Cubs .. 010000001- 2 EASTERN SlfAR 1933 CHEVROLET MASTER COACH t nee. It i our ta k to un~lers to shoot at. Guy Routzahn and daughter. . Bases on Ball --off mith on 2, nlake the . la!\t rite synlcc()rding to a letter received Miss Eva Wharton spent last Miami hapter No. 107 O. E. t 933 CHEVROLET DELUX COUPE 011' orey 2. by Dr. J. E. Witham from Holmes balk of thi (aith, a leave· week with her uncle and aunt, Mr. , will meet in reg-cllat' ession Home Run atterthwaite 1. Stoops, of an Wert, neph ew of and Mrs. Arthur Greathouse and taking made serene by 1933 CHEVROLET STANDARD COACK Three Base Hits atterthwoite Mrs. Witham, Mr. toops gave th'e Monday evening, June, 11, at 7:30 sons in Dayton. the as urance of a future Visiting members welcome. I, Ellis 1, Carey 1. natives of the lndian I'iver country The Children's Day exercises Edna Harts()ck, W. M. 1932 CHEVROLET DELUX COUPE reunion_ Two Base Hlt.s--Camp 1. In northern Michigan som thing to will be held in connection with Minnie Fronnm, Sec'y. Wild Pitchell-Carey i.. talk about. . the Sunday School · and Church ...... - - 1933 CHEVROLET SEDAN truck Out- by mithson 8, by On a recent Ii hing trip into thot service Sunday morning. AUXILIARY TO MEET care, 9. territory Mr. toops land d a 27E~ Mrs. Mabel Dinwiddie, or Day1932 PONTIAC COUPE Left on Bases - W aynesvill~ 6, pound muskegon after a bottle ton and Miss Sarah Burnet, ot . . Phone 7 Cuba Cubs 11. lasting more than 16 minutes. The Th Woman's Auxiliary of St. Ea t Palestine, Ohio, were Sunday 1931 OLDSMOBILE DELUX COUPE Earn Runs - W'a ynesville 3, fish, nearly 50 inches long, estab- Mal'Y's Church will meet on Fri- afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayn esville, Oh io uba.. Cubs l. Hshed a new Te ord for that vicin- day afternoon. Jun'~ 8. at two Harvey Burnet. 1931 CHEVROLET SPORT COUPE Time of Game-I hour, 63 min, ity. Pietur~ were taken of th o'clock at the home Clf MI'!!. L. H. Misses Mary Young, Cleo Hawke , ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Umpil'es--Craig and Prendergast. catch and apP!!1lt'ed in newspaper Gordon. and Bernice Graham were dinner 1931 CHEVROLET COACH in Mr. the vicinity. Tbi ofmeeting the guests Sunday evening, of MiMes i Stoops is the son of Mr. nature a dollar will soeial,Mto in replen· th and Helen Early. 1930 CHEVROLET SPORT COUPE and Mrs. James Stoops former ish the treasury of the Guild. A Mr. and Mrs. W alter Kenric'k Waynesville residents. ' full attendance is desired. and James Haines, il1 company 1930 CHEVROLET BUSINESS COUPE with Mr. and Mrs. Ha.fold Binegar of Springfield. atten ded a birthday 1929 ESSEX SEDAN dinner Sunday in honor of Mr, C, Ml s Martha Elizabeth Jo.y died R. Binegar at his home in James1928 FORD SPORT COUPE town. at hel' home on Third treet, SunA very large crowd attended tbe Wedne day ufternoon, June 5, day, June a. he Will" bOl'n near Keystone talking movie Friday Waynesville, the daughter of Benthe W. F. M. S. met at the home jamin and Angeline J oy, July 29, evening sponsored by Everett of Mrs. HaT~ Williamson with 1858. She is survi'ved by one Early of Lytle elevator. ' Due to the extrenle heat tbe show was Mrs. G. D. 1\11115 and Mr . L. V. nephew, narles P. Joy .and one given in the open Mar t he fjlon.Sif<t(>l'-in-law, Mrs. Gordon Joy_ tOT. A number of prizes- were ThQ !unu'al se vice was held LEBANON, OHIO TJle meeting ovened by singing WednesdllY afternon at the Me- given to the lucky winners whose "Blc. ed A Burance." ture Funeral Home . Mrs. Ruth ' Mrs. Archdeacon conducted the Munay officiated and Rev. G. C. devotional ervice, hG.r tcYpic being Dibert assi. ted . Burial was made White Rose, the depenin Miami cemetery. dable Gasoline. "The Life Was the Light."

Cubo I. DeFeated B~... Merchants 3 •2

I him tlo it.


118mea were drawn.







'- 1

- - - - - -

A Symbol of Faith

Guaranteed Used Cars ALL MODELS

Makes Real Catch In Indian River








---- - - --Death

Interefting Meeting


&fck Of the Wheel..;

·the Man Back of the Man,


After a short bu!!iness ses. ion the fol1ow~ng ' program ,prepared by Mrs. Wilbur Clark was gl'eatly enjoyed by all: Duel, "Flower S()lIg." Mary Eva LeMay and Doris Beck; )·ead· ing, "Ant's Wings" Hnd "Mayon. aiss~" Mrs. Martha Hough; "The Canaidate, Prepal"ntioJl and Ac· ceptance," Mrs. L. V. Beck; "Aitel' Many Yeat·s," Mr' . Ken· neth Hough; duet. Mal'Y Eva Le· May and DOI'is BecK; reading, "The Three Fold Furlough," Mrs. J. W. 'Wbite; duet. "End of the Cobble to~e Road," Mary Eva Le May and Doris Beck, The , meeting adjourned to meet with Mrs. Maw CroSlS in July.


Late Classifi'ed Ads.


.. -----

Within 17 months farmers in Ohio, Indiana, Tennessee and Kentucky have oppliE!d to the Federa l Land Bank at Louisville for 86,999 .loans aggre@:ating $304.,00(1,000, accol'ding to Col. Frank D. Rash, pl·esident.




Hot ,..cI."8_' ~~~.


Miss Eva Brittain 'visited friends at Bellefontaine, on. Su nday. Mr. Paul Bell, of Toledo, is a ~uest this w-eek of J I)hn T urner, at

tbe nome of Mr. and Mrs. Hatvey Sackett and family.

WANTEJ) --------------~----

An opel'atlon for t he removal of tonsils was llerform~!d in the offi ce of Dr. E. F . Deppe Thursda y morn ing on Earl Moran who is recovering satisfactorily. Ib-. DepPe was as ist.e d by Dr. HarloM A. Ray, of ·j7 Xenia.

- - - -- - NOT ICE The Ames' Poultry an d Egg Market has been moved ' to the Barnhal't' property on Bar nhart hill, Phone 48R2, •

' =:======~==~========~====================-

This triple-powered energy"backed , of course, by financial responsibility, forms t he b ackground for Success. Personnel is important; no denying that. Materials are necessary; no getting away from that. P ower is essential-from that fact there can be no difference of opinion.


,"ey ciite"


oW'Vleak Til••

E very successful industry depends upon three essential factors:-Men, M aterials and Power.

It is the personalized interest our compa~y takes in its industrial and domestic customers tlult mak~ possible a cont inuous, reliable service. We always are prepared for tltiJ maximum dernIInC1 01 induatry or 01 the residential uaer 01 electric current. It is our business to satisfy our cuatbmen.

·,oW -".11arel cl\te" \:teior~

If you've escaped trouble 80 far on thin old tires, thank your lucky 8tara-and have us put on ne~ Goodyears!-blowout protected by patented Supertwist Cord In 'every ply. Let us show you why the public buys MILLIONS more Goodyears than any other tire, Try our real tire. service! '



4'% More Non-Skid Mlleaie •• ,Flatter Wld~ Tread, " • More Non-Skid Btooks ••• Wider Rldlni Ribs • , , More & Tougher Rubber (avera ge ,of 1 pounds more per tire) at






BATTERIES P~e4 he... II a proftlometer The devlee rerbtert an I1UIkoI achille' which II belD, uaed b, or raised spot. which III&~ tIM ~. state hlJb....y department &0 pavement. It disco,," bam,. oj . 1heck up on cOntractors In deter. only 8-18 of an lacla III ~ 01 deptb on concrete .ncl !4 of •• ..tal......hether road eODst ructlon I i ncb on brick aDei bltlllllhlou au ..... apeel6cationl concernln. faceL aJIIIIIMtrJ of road aortae.. I Althou,lI bat 0•• protno_ " '1'IIe pI'OllOlDetI~ machine II at. ' uled b, til, bilhwa, . . , . . . . :MIhed U 1M aide of a bittllway at preeellt, 1&II to 0Dt ta. . . DoW'll in the in u.. 10 .... ctVel' th. tbDqll"~itl"J."








A_Val... I'or U.M.."

T h e Qu a lity T ire With ... T h" R etlcb Of






Eighty-Sixtb Year




Merc ..... t.



at Bellm .... t

CHILDREN'S DAY AT CRANCE MAn Thrill" R.."oJwer in Her Fa ••


Merchanh to M_t" BellmoDt

Whole Number 6122


and Tak .. .$15 hom Ilturd~)'

Sunday, June ]0 being the 26th wedding anniversary ot Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Simth, Beveral friends s urprised them by dropping in to help ,*lebrate their silver anniver ary, The visitors were Mrs. Rose A. Haymie and Mis! Mabel Smith of Columbus, Mr. F " H. Gray and eon Herbert, of New Vienna and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Al'chdeacon, of Dayton. Mr. alid Mrs. Smith were the recipients of several nice presents in silver and the day was happily spent.

night, June 16, th annual children'!! program will be given at the local Grange meet · ing. Mrs. Ella ook. matron of juv nile grange will have entire charge vf this lectur hour after which Mrs. Warren ' Braddock will tak chot'ge of th usual treat which is alwnys provided on this occasion.


Miss D01'is Hawke reporta that The Waynel\ville Merchants adon Tuesday about nooll as s he Wal' d d another win to their st'l'ing of sealed in her cnl', parked on Eaatvictories making the total six, by ern Avenue in Chillicothe, a man defeating Lynchbul'g on the home grounds by a score of 6 to 4 in a appl'oached the car and asked for very fast played game. The time ten cents with which to buy someof the 'g ame was only 1 ho'Ur and thing to eat. 27 minutes. Dumford, the exAcc rding to Mi s Hawke's 1'8athletic pitcher, waB not with POI't as sh e op ned her purse to Lynchburg as we are told that he Is now getting a try with the Cingive him the money, the man cinnati Reds. We sincerely wish thr ust a revolver in her face and that he makes the grade. took $16 from her pUl'se. We were disappointed because The mnn dellcrib d as about six our own pitcher Smithson c o u l d ' " feet tall and looking disheveled, fERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST not be on hand. It was either work fled out Ealltern Avenue in a Ford at his job or loose it and of course Tudor, driven by a second man. he could not alfol'd to lose hiB job Police and the sheriff's offiee were to pitch thill game. Manager Salis" (UndenominatioDal) bury advises, that he will be. on Chester A. Williamson called and highway patrolmen Sunday serv ice ~i11 be held in were notified about 20 minutes hand lIext Sunday. The boys got by very well however. back of Mrs. Morris Silver was hostess union with other thurches of after the hold-up, Jacobus' pitching, He did very well to 80 members of the Friendship hrist of Xenia Area at the Xenia especially in the pinches. club of the M. E. church, on Fairgrounds. Bible School' at 10 BUNNELL- LONG . T~e Merchantil atarted the scar. Wednesday afternoon. u. m. Morning sermon at 11. I~g 10 th? fourth when Hart1lock The meeting was opened with a Afte rnoon program: Lord's Supthe per and se rmon at 2 :30. Charles slRgled W1th two down and prom. hymn, the club motto an ptly scored on Laurens' triple. Lord's PTByer. Carter, mini tel'. olumbin, Ave., The wedding of Miss llildred Laurena scored a moment . . hurch, Cincinnati will speak both Louise Long, daughter of Mr. and later when third baseman ' Mc- . During the regular busmess se8morning and aHel'llOon . Come and Ml'. Clyde Long of Whipp Road L. B. Ha.1l ,~ead a. letter enjoy a · • pirituaJ fea t with us. and George Latone Bunnell, Ion Laughlin missed the throw in an slon attempt to get Laurens as he was :from Little H.argle, a. child for You are always welcome at this of Mrs. Chauncey Bunnell and the coming into third. The Merchants,who~ the club IS promotang an ed· churCh. late Chauncey Bunnell of Waynn 0 added three more in the flfth ueatlon. ville, waa solem nilled at 1 :80 Treadway led oft with a aingle: The program cOllsisted of variST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH o'clock, Wedne day morning, June Jacobul fanned. Mendenhall tripl. OUB aongs by the club, stunts and 6th, at the David'! Reformed ed leo ring Treadway. Thomplon membe1'll readinr favorite poems. Fathel' Newton, Pastor Church , Lebanon Pike. was sale on C. Pfeiaters bad throw During the social hour delieious TIME FOR PAYING Mass at st. Augustine's Church The Reverand M. P. Sehoepfte, to Ant and Mendenhall scored on refreshments were aerved. The every second and fourth Sunday of the David's church per· the same play. Thompson was ceu. committee in of tbe meetTAXES E:x1ENDED oJ the month. the ceremony. ght oft first making the aecond out ing wu compoaed of Mrs. Mark The attendants weT!! tbe Misses M. Weller walked, scored on Sat- Rogers, Mrs. James Lovely, Mrs. Time fOI' payment of June taxes FRIENDS MEETING Hilda Long, sister of the bride, terthwaites double and Hartsock ~ame Hatfield, Mrs. Morris Fulwithout the penalty hlU been ellFirst-day School at 9 :30 a. m. and MarjDrie Puco and Mesan. filled to center. No more scoring kerson and Mn. L. B. Hall. tend~d to July 20. Meeting fol' Wo rship at 10 :30 Bunnell and Kermit Lonr for the merchants. E. B. Ml[JRRELL, ushers wel'e Messrs. Roland Lynehburc did not-staTt seoring OBITUARY Treosul'er of Wal'lren County. and Hugh Lawson. until the sixth When Newton IfOt __- - WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHU bride wote a gown of wbite on ftnt on a fielders choice. Con. At h ' M' R' V Oft . . 't' Miss Alice Gons spent the week Rev. G. C, Dibert, Pastor organdie with a veil caught with over ainrled and both men acored tel' mont s of failing health, I Ita an en I VISI lI'18 blossoms and carried white on McLaughlin" single. Ag-ain in weeks of painful unrest and long friend s at Dayton this. week. ~:rie~~~ Mi s FI'ances Hall, at Friday: Choir practice at 8 orangeMiss Hilda Long a8 maid ot the seventh Smithson \1iRnt to sec. dreary days and lIirhts between m. 01' wore a gown ot pink orranond on Lauren's wild thl'oW to life and death, the weary sufterer, Mr. and Mn. A. O. GI'iffy and lee cream ocial at Mt. Holly Saturday: 'l'be Little Light Bear with blue accessories and carfirst, to third on C Pfels"an B,'n- Mary Woollard, daughter of Henry son, Vincent. vis ited friends at F 'd . L d ers will meet at the church at 2 p. pink roses. Mia. Marj'orie Pa... .... and Rachel Wha t W II d CincinnAti, on Saturday. tl ay evenmg. a ies Aid Sp· m "" gle Bnd both scored when Archer r on 00 ar , ciety of the M. E. C h u r c h . ' co wore a gown of blue orpndie tripled. Archer was left 8tranded ThurBdaY morning, Mr. and Ml'II. Myer Hyman and Sunday: Sunday school at 9 :30 with pink accessories and carried on third and Lynchburg could ayth.'" d S'"d' aged 60 years 7 $on. Bobbie, visited relatives at The Womunls Auxilliary 9£ St, Mr. and Ml's. L. H. Gordon were ad' FathehT's Dhoy wtillSbedobservd- pink roses. aY8. . d Mary,'s Church met on Ft'iday Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. e III our cure nex un ay an M:t;s. Schoepfie, organist, Mr. score ,no more. mon II an aft l'n<lon, June 8, at Ithe home of B. Murrell, at LebaJlon. the fathers will have ~ntire charge Clark Haines, 80loist and Mig Even without the rerular pitch- .When '!.uite y~ung she united Jamestown on Sun ay. • erll this was a splendid ball game WIth the Christum Church .at Several membe'r s from here at- Mrs. L. H. Gordon. of the 'Sunday school. Mornini Katherine Routsong, '\'ioUlIlat furand any town should be Pl'oud of ~ubington C. H. during the mm. tended 0, E. S. IlI,pection lit WilMrs. Anna Cadwa!l1ader (tonMrs. Chester Garbutt. of Can- worship at 10 :40. Epworth Lea- nished the nuptial music which inthe cla68 of baseball that the Mer- lltry 01 the late R.ev. Boden. She mington on Monday evening. • ducted the devotioliial service. ton, Ohio, was the guest of her gue at 7 p, In. Evangelistic sef- eluded, Oh Perfect Love and At chants are playing this year wall an eunest and consistent ' Quotations from Scripture were aunt, Mrs. W. B . Allell , last weelr vice at 8 p. m. Dawning. Next S,u nday. June 17 th~ Mer- christian all her Iif:e. Mrs. W. N. Newland, of Chi- given in respOD e to roll call. • Wednesday : On ,Wednesday of Following the ceremony an inctt.ants are booked to play the BellAlways of II delicate constitution cago, is visiting her brothel-inAite,· the close of bu si ness the Mt. and Mrs. R· 'y Hawke and next week the Ladie's Aid Society tormal 'leception was held at the m~nt Mercbants at Bellmont. ah&, enjoyed little, if any, health. law a.nd sister, 1\11'. and Mr • W. program was taken UJI as follows: familY, of Dayton, w~re guests of will meet at 2 p. m. Bible study Long home. Neither ?f these teams have been A lew weeka ago thete was a H. Allen. i Piano Solo, Mrs. John Gons. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke on Sun- and prayer meeting at 7 :30 p. Jll. The bride is a graduate of Cenbeaten slllee the regular pmel decided failing of strencth, ~e Reading fr om the study book. day. I High school add the Da,· were started and this Bbould be grew wone rapidl)' until the frail The regular meeting of the "The Never Failing Light,t' Mrs Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Barden. of WAYNESVILLE CHURCH Junior Tenchers' CoUere and one of the clauy pmell of the body could no longer withstand Farmer's club was held at the Will Scanlan, Miss Clara Lile. Columbus, are spending thi!! week CHRIST has taught at Cellterville tor the Beason. Our managt!r states that the lavaces of diaeaae and the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Brans· Missionary Notes by Eigbt Mem- with Mrs. Ruth Janney and Miss (Undenominational) last four years. The poom is a Smithson wiU be on to do Iweary soul drifted into the Bleep of trator today. berB, piano Ml1B. John Gons Luella. Chester A. Williamson. MinUter graduate of WayneSVille High the hurling and it sure wjU be an death, from which she will awaken Mr, Mary Hugg, of Detroit, Report of the Annuali Meeting at Church School. at 9:30 a. m. School, t he Warun County Noreycfull to see these &'Ood teams I nO more until the resurrection Mich., returned boole on Monday Dayton, Mrs. C. R. Frazier. Mr. Bryan Prendergast and Lord's Supper at conclusion, school and eolle.. hook up. mornina,when her body "sown In after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. J,. Delicious refre hl'11ents were family, of Cincinanti, were week- Everybody who possibly can is and is at present 8 member of tbe weakneaa" shall come forth in all L. Menden'ball. served during the' soeiial hour. Mrs end gueats of Mr. Jesse and Miss urged to leave immediately after faculty at Centerville Hlih schoo1. WAYNESVILLE IlERCBANTS the beauty of immortality. E. B. Merrell, of ~banon, Mrs. Catherine Prendergast. the morning Silrvice f~r Xenia Following the reception. the briMiss Julia and Mr. Ru sel Brown Mr. John Gons. and Miss O1a Fairgrounds, wher Chl)fches of day ~oupl~ l~ft b~ motolt for an AB R B PO A B "Oh, wby ahould memory, veiled of Centerville, called OD the Mis es Hartsock were guests of the after I Don't torget the big Mid-Sum- Xenia A rea are observing their eastern trip mcJudmg Wallbinjfton Mendy, rf .... .... 4 1 1 1 0 0 with eloom , Annie and Marne Brown, on noon. . ,mer Clearance sale that started at annual "Fellow$hip Day." After- D. C. . . r- -- - Hyman's store this ·morning. Come noon sel'vices at the Fairgrounds The bride wo~ for travehne a Thompson, 2b .. 4 0 1 2 2 0 And llke a sorrowing moutner Sunday afternoon. M. Weller, c '." 2 1 .() 10 0 0 craped, and see for yourself the wonder- will bAD'in at 2 :30. Christian En· sma.rt ensemble 01 brown and Peck" Ib ........ 4 0 1 9 1 1 Sit weepin•... 0 e"• a.n empty tomb Mr. Arnold Linton and eat l ful ,bargains being offered there. deavor-..M-6-:46 p. m· James Arthur whI t e. I and Mrs. I d d . . 'ro Cathel'·ne J d 'd Mr. and Mrs. James Beirne and leader. Evening evangelistic serHartsock, . If ,... 8 1 1 1 1 0 WhOle capU,e has escaped' fami y, of C evelan , were Sun 80y U pan th ell' r t urn th e,Y WIIJ b e lI I ~ aurens, 8lJ .... j 1 r 3 2 1 . a ft ernoon gue~,t S 0 f Mr. an d Mr. 1 or an WI ow d b' at hom.e with the gl'oom II mother L B. Weller, cf, ..2 0 0 1 1 0 Tbe joy. we lOSe are but foreCast, Samuel Butterworth. of th~ lat J oh J 'd ' d' d t ' aughter, of Cincinnati, \Vere .viee , at 7 :45. Sermon u Jact, ' Ellia, ef ..... .. ...1 0 0 0 1 0 ADd we ahall ftnd them all once h h e n 01; an, Ie. a guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. "What a the Devil T eaches." Prayer for th.e summer. Add'e S 'th meetin and Bible sludy each Mr. and Mrs. Hemlan Surf,ace, ~r orne near Wellman, Friday Anderson and M, CHARLE'ION REUNION Treadway, 2b .. 8 1 1 0 2 0 1II0re, mght. rs. I ml, .. Jacobus, p ...... 8 0 0' 0 10 0 We look'Ibehind u. for the past, of Middletown and Mr. and Mrs. M Jo d bl ' . T' on Sunday. Wednesday 7 :45 The George Hartsock visited relatives IS. r an was )m m \ppechurch whereat you m. home, Relatives of the Charleton famat Piqua, on Sunday. rary, Ireland, June 4, 1860 and Mrs. 1\Iary Hopkin s and son, _ _ _ _ _ _ B I1t ,I 0, t. an before.'" ST. MARY'S CHURCH ily gathered ~t the hOflle of lb. Totalll ... ." .. 80 6 6 27 20 2 She leaves to mourn their losa was brought to t~is country by Kenneth Hopkins and faJllily, of nov,. J. J, Schaefter. Rector and Mrs. Samuel Charleton &lid one brother, her twin lister, Mn. The Happy Hour club met at her parents, Patrlck and Ellen Dayton, were dinner guests 01 Mr Frank Miller and her Aunt Mary the home of Mra. Earl Hockett on Foley, when sbe was four years I and Mrs. J. C. Hawke, Tuesday, Third Sunday sfte,' Trinity Mr. and Mrs. Ch.nles Harvey oa LYNCHBURG June 17.' Church school at 9:30; Route 73 unday, June 10. Thia Wharton, who miniatered ao ten- Tuesday afternoon. A number bf old. evening. Moming Pra,y I' and 'sermon at day al80 being the 87th birtladay ~ m,rly and faithfully to their loved c.h ildren were present and gave a he leaves to mOllrn their loss AB R HPO A 2u d b Chi'dren'. Day pro"'-m. seven sons, two daughters' tw~ Ml'II. J. S. Filer and daughters, 10 :30. of the elder Mr. 'Ch.rll!toll, Cbaa. Archer, a. ...... , 0 2 8 o 0 one .-' M'18S B erth a an d MrS. J. S. H art· 1~ arin, h f er tUne.. and death;' brothers, one sister and several _ __ _ _ _ Sr. a bounteous bubt clJaner Newton, of ,..... 4 l O S 1 0 a ..o a ost 0 relatives and frienda M1s~1I Albert A. and Louie Elam g rand j:hjldren: •, sock, spent last Monday with Mrs, was enjoyed at the noon Jaoar. ' Conover, c :..... 4 1 4 ' 7 21 The funeral servic,a Was held at Flier's sister, Mrs. <;. C. Sparks M I'. Harvey 'Elam and ,two nephT/ler.were 57 present, DUlely: H'eLaug'n, 8b · ' 0 ' 1 ., 1 0 Carll of T..... eWII, of Xenia. called · on Mr. . and St. Augustine ohurch Monday and son, WUliam, at Latonia, Ky. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Fdermood and Penquit, Ib .... 4 0 1 10 o 0 The family wIIhes to expreaa Mrs. Jo!!iah Davis, Sunday after- mOl'ning, Father Newton, offlciatMrs. Anna Cadwallader, Misses family of Beavertown; IIr. CharWlUiama, If .... 2 0 0 0 Mame Brown and Clara Lile aclei Charleton ST. and Hr. and Mn. o «) rratltade to their friend. and noon. ing. Bu~r, If .. .... .. 2 , 0 0 0 Miss Thelma St. Jobn accornGIRL SCOUT NEWS companied Rev. and Mrll. J. J. Emmett E)~roth and Hi-· Loui .. Smltblon, lIb .. C 1 .0 e 1 olnl'lriliboll'l -.tho 10 kindly aaajsted . d Mr, an d..... Sch aeuer .. t 0 C·· A Children's Day program was Charleton of Lebanon, - Mr. ud .... rs. K enne.~h St. .lDcmna t'I, S un day in any wa" and alao to panle J. Pfeiater, r f ' 0 0 1 o 0 Oll The Girl Scouts on Tuellday called at the 01 Mrs. Frank Charleton anelfamll, C. ptel.ter,' p .. 4 1 1 0 9 1 thOle who have shown Iympathy In John to their aad be....vement. after spen 1I1g tree wee s th \ afternoon J e 2 PI orne 0 av. arle8 Reed. of Franklin. Mr, and M.n. W. 1. them at Hubbard Ohio. ' un . . ans 'Were , . . The first number wall a reading, ' m a d e to paint the I!halls on , the Mr. and Mrs. George Hartsock by Bobby Lee Drake. Charleton and family alld Leete. Totala .. " .... " 86 , 9. 24· 16 2 JJUeI on b.u.:-:.otr Co PI"'r 2. • . •• .. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Filer, Mr. upper ft?or of the c:lub houle. It and Mr. ' and Mrs. Herman Surface The 'following Japanese program Starkey of Morrow; Mr. and lin Two Due Hlta--ftom.,.. I, Bnd 1\11'11. J. L. Hartaock and the deCIded fortheSwastikapatro\ will leave this afternoon on a was given by 23 little folks: Charleton , and hmUy of Satterthwaite 1, CotlO'f'el' I. Misscs Eileen and Lois Cornell, of wll1 hold a ,sale on June 16 at the motor trip to Loudoun COUDty, Greeting, song, by all; Scripture Cincinnati; Mrs. Alvaretta DdJ , Three Bue Hits--Lau.rlnl 1, Dayton, attended a ",'edl1il\g on :township nouse, at o'clock. Iva." to visit )frs: Hartsock'lI Les80n by 5 boys; Prayer, Jimmy 'a nd son, Mr. and M1'8. Howatd Mendenball 1, Archer 1. The W. C. T. U. met at the Thunday evening in Cincinnati. June 11. Is planned for brother-in-law and 8ister, Mr. and Hartsock i The Cherry Blossom Fairchild and son o:f Dayton; otara Double Plays.-B. Wener to Sat- home o"lIra. 1. L. MendenhaU on ..... ..: M Fil d d hte pover-mght hike j,n Swut- Mrs. Rice Sllapp.. song, girls; Lantern Parade; Sewell -of ClaTksvilJe; 'M r. and , terthwalte, lIartlOck to Thomp- Thllnda, aftamoon, JI1D8' 7. ' mI'. w. . er aug r, Ika atrol. On the f,)lIowmg Wed. Three Jap!\nese Monkeys and Mrs. Harold Harlie and famD, of The tin called rd IIi.. Lena, of CynthIana, KY·"Mr. ne~day the ' couts alre to go on a Mrs. J. S. Filer 01 Ferry WIth American Girl' A talk about Middletown; Emerr Charl.toa of Ea~-:;d Runs--Wayn_vUle lIer. b the m::'id!:-~t1on!~a 0 eer R. L. FIl,:r, of Paris Ky., and Mr. field bunt. Mr. Davison" Biology Iher daughte~, Mrs. J. S. Hart!!ock. Japan. Minister ~nd , boYt; WhIat Lytle; Samuel Charleton. AlYa Plln. 'llarr Croaa andw,:i- Sidney FlIer, of Dayton, ,,:,ere re- teacher at Holbrook collere, is ex- of Waynesville, s,?en.t co."me~ce- ling Sol-o, Buddy Filer; "Jesus Charleton; Mr. and lin. ~.. ,chants 3, Lync:bburc s. Struck Out--C. Pfelater 6, laeob til Lord' cent guelt. of Mr. J. S. Filer and pected to accompany the rirls and men~ week at Clncl~nati Bible Loves Me to in English and Japan· Haney and eon, IIr. aM lin. , I a pl'Qer. Mrs. Filer, at Ferry. H. E. Cunningham, pre8ident of S~mmary where. Mls~ Bertba eae; "We 'Thank You," 2 J Charlea CharietoD aad eIIiWnn. bf~I:~ Baa__Merchant. Flower lIi..ion DaJ' w.. 0&Larrick that col~ge is also to be preaent I FlIer graduated. WIth high honors girls and 1 American; tableau. II_I Fnda and RlIth Aa. Barlenoeel &lid the followlna procram Mr. and Mn. J. P. en- at that time being valedictonan of a clalS ot 22 "Tbe Children'8 Idle, JIB; reclt&- vey of near W.,...vIlIe. Lyncbbura 6. " .. Jivln: . tertained the members of their --_ .- - the largest clan that has ever tion "0 Great Gift" Bobby .. _ ••- - Utnplres--Prenderrut A Trout.. It. vocal 1010. "AU Ban the "600" ~Iub Saturday evening. CEMETERY MEETING rraduated from the Seminar,. ?furp' by. 1 wine. -'! ,ent were !Ilr.Mrs and Ralph Mrs. Tlme of Game-l hoar,.'7 mlau_ P01Nr V __..of 1 _ Name" ,lin . ,L. Those A H Stubbe Mr and --- , The ChuTehes of Christ of Xenia Ofte~tory prayer, Bobby ]du . _ . nedbw. "The Life •. ,. d' The annual meeting of the A.....• will ob..n. their annual phy·, Ofterill"', clo8ln .. aon'" and 1".I"I~ C. II •• " .... TomHuon. Butlnp 'and Mr. an Mn. Mark ..... It ... _ THAIIItI ~M.._.. Ropn. Miami cemetery AlIICICiation was i'Tellowahip Da)'" at the Xenia Benediction. cARD fW " -, "!foftla ;WlDclowl,'~ 111'1. held on Saturday aftemoon at tile Falra'rouncia. Sanda, lune 1'7 Tbe total olferi... w .. '23·'oI·1ii~~"~ii. 0-; _ ..~~_~' IIr. and lira. L. B. Gordon, 111'. Chapel. ' Blbl. School, with . .en ieleet: Tbia w\ll be lent to the lladdea -;~:=~::'. 1II!~'.III11-r • and IIJL I. B. Cb&plIlan, Dr. and The tru.teea, 1Ir. II. It.. COl"IleU eel hom the partlelpatlq claurela.. I \n 0eaIra, Jap.n. • ._. lin. 11. E. Bathaway, .r. an4 and IIr. Carl Duke '"" ......eeted will betID at 10 L m. 1I01'J11q sei-•- • Qi L D. lin. E..... ~ . . Stella DaUChelit)" .... ..., ... at 11. 'Atternooa propam at ...... Gala Cllarl D. uaJI~. mbdltiP',






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M-Ira•• Lice.... George Pierre, labol'el", .ot Frank lin, and Mrs. Ona Todd, hollsekeeper, of Franklin. K Isic C. otting, automobile mechanie. of Hamilto n, nnd Miss Virginia Browlr, of Morrow. Eugene Paul, mill wQrkel·. of Franklin, and Mi ~ Eve lyn o.>avers, Franklin. Arthur W. Spurling, farmer, of Cl arksville, and Mi ss Anna Imhulse, of Ma on. Robert Campbell, factory worker of Franklin, and Mrs. Margaret Cole banks, factory worker of Franklin. Dilve.r H. Weber, factory worker of Kings Mills and Miss Mary Frances Haney, teacher, or Morrow.

White Rose, the depen-

glanced Iluickly hut dable Gasoline. Sl'1l 1 hingl~' intll th doctor's eye C~mon Pleat PI"ClIc:eedin,. sua Cedri~ Stanley, et aI, leave Is t h .. n into Mudvet"~. H ill !<wift suspicillll wall Rtil1ed. He chuckled deIn the ('as(' or F.stel Wright. ver- granted Newell Thompson to file fllrentilllly. sus th ,inl,:illnali & Lake Erie answer. " I \\'3 afl'ured ful' a moment ye Raill'olld 0., et aI, motion uverrul In the case of J. M. Shields vermeant. mischief, i1'," h ('said, with I'd. sus Cedric Stanley. et ai, leave is thaI r SP(! clfu II , guilele • con1n the cas f Mal'cella Th r,m- granted Newell Thompsone to file tiding smirk of hi~ whi h mo t uf a80n versus Duvid 1'homason, a cli- answer. : ± =====-_ - - . his social ! upcrior~ accept at it In the cas of Helen ?t1cKlnn y HAPTER IY. "p<'rted fath l ' sho t ~)ack at you rne valuf', aOI) with which few of who was restor'ed to her former versus Hermie D. McKinney, adiname of Mal'cdla Pre ·sel. whell h Wl~8 ducllting \nl in hi ~ ellua!., and none of hi. InIn the case of Alliee Bowman vorce is granted the plaintiff wbo " Tberl"B ~ot to b(. II n1!'eting. thut part iculal' branch of p lite feriol'f'. were acquainted. anti lweil Me my, ,executors 01 was restored to her maiden name RI ark." "tile! the d"dol'. " athin!!, learn inK? That's th e point. Thal' "Don't be Il fool," "eturned ' (,I (' ror Il. Inc1vl'r'" II lnt! of V('l'Y the esiate of hristy Me ray, de- of Helen L. ROB. t llc t I','L" . Hamill I" FOR AND CONSIGN 8n('i~lIt fnmih-. d vii ::t doubt of it; cased, I'erllus John M. 'kinner, et In the case of Marie Roll versus "f'v been nut b fore. nn yoa • a the tav rn r ,'etired, warn- al. confirmation, deed nndistTibu.b..p aDd ealY.. nd \(In jf 'h e Wll , ll'l there' no Bird Roll, a divorce was gratited Iol'ive me a l'hym(' (01' Flora~" ~d hi a si.tant and the hnl! dozen !iv. ~ati. the plaintiff. (tU stioninll the gl'ntility of 11 gue t th. i: ... "FloI'll? Th chit' namll is Fl or- cu _tomers in the bar not to get liOn. I'f th g()\' rnor. But I'll not (urcl.' In the ca e of Vada Sparks vel'In case No. 15282, The Miami cod. ... ane . ' xci ted iC tht'y heard the popping it. My pl'i~cipal i a reasonable Real E.tat. Tranafera Ualoa Go explained hi of pi~tols overh ad. as it would be sus Solomon FI'ed, cause is dis- Valley Building and Loan A!5!IociaThen Mach'er IIlIl·n. If YUli principal will admit reason fol' hi~ mvked attentions nolhin~ but two genll emen upstairs l11i sed. tion versus Perry S. Eby, ~t ai, Sarah J. Gileren to Haniet Lu- Tune In on Radio Station WOKT In the calle of Mae LeFever ver- service by publication- is to be cille Holmes Fisher, inlot No. 80 12 :211 to 12:80 p. m. for our datl, th t he wns dl·unk. there's the end to 1is8 Lytton. Doctor Hammel' . hooti ng at \\ icks fill' a wager, sus Jam e~ Eberharot, et aI, mal'ket reporta. r the mattel'," wore. then turned with the candles and the Miallli Vaney B.uilding and made on the' defendant, Mary A. in ,South Lebanon. ' '''n,at hand onwly "If th MacDonald girl's eyes a bot.t! of his best port. The can- Loan Association was mad party Richards. Madge S. Sharp to Wi11la I=:=:======:=::=:==~ my d Ir £Iii.," I'eturned Mr. ' pal'k. hallpened to be green, I sU]'lpo. e dies weI' lit Ilnd RtoO c\ on the In the case No. 1628.1, the Miami Fordyce and Susan Fordyce', inlot "But no chance. That's the Il\st you would hav mad an e~hibi- chim n y piece, one at each end of defendant. Valley Building and Loan A!5!Iocla No. 664 in Franklin. In the case of The State of Ohio tion versus Perry . Eby, et aI, 43 YEARS OF SERVICE hing in the world my mlln wlll tion of the g-reeneyecl , id ow, and the five-foot. hell. {aclvel" brace Clay Hedger to Leo McDermott admit - that be wa drunk, 01' even lIO had Sir John Hard ~tall(li ng on f hort 'pistol. lay on a table at versus John Allen d f'~ndant plead service by publication is to be real estate in Deerfield township. cd ' guilty to the indictm nt fi led made on the defendant, Mary A. { Ma.linda C. and Louis C. Zecher sli ~htly und l' the influenc(). I wa your toes and slapped yo ur face!' t he far ('nd of the I'oom, loaded the me at his age--and ~o were cried the doctor. "J never heal'd of and primee!. Doctor Hammer gave herein against him. l lmposition of Richards. to The People's Building, to The LEBANON, OHIO ~ au, Hammer- honestly of the uch madne. s. If Ruggleston wa In the case of Stanley Holiday People's Building Loan, and Burley grn ious permi i! ion to reo selltcence suspended if he serve 90 We have a complete day in jail. opinion that 1 could carryall the swnN! of it, there'd be no fight. main and se e the SpOl·t. versus Goldie Holiday, a divol'ce Savings Co., 104.40 acr es in Turtle Watc" R.pair Senic. 1n the case of olomon Fred and wine in thl' wOl'ld without hawing H 'd· laugh his silly head off. I was granted the plaintiff and cus- creek township. MacIver took ' up the pi tal, one Prleee Reasonable Louis Fred versus The . Fred Co .• it by so much a .a fiushed brow; believe it.'s my duty to infol'm him with eithe r h nd, anll stood edgetody of child given to plaintiff. Oscar Ernst Walter to 0 car a corp., et aI, the first and final nnd if I tolled in the ditch, or fell of th Beads Restru nil: truth of the lnat.tcl'n to th candles. Th doctor Bnd account of A. B. Kaufman and C. . Walther, inlots Nos. 688 and 'do~' nlltail' , I laid the blame on the through hi Jl.rwelry Repaired . econd, of the publican fell buck Irom the C. Eulass, receivers, was confirm689 in Loveland. New Suit. ditch and the stairs, in all good Knowing th truth, he line of fire . Maclvel' ,'aised bis ed, l'atified and approved and reHarry M. Linder to incinnati "THE HOME. OF GinS" faith." apologize handsoln Iy." light hand and let fl y. ne of the ceivel' ar discharged. Mae Leli'ever versus Jame. Ed· &. Electric Co" W . S. and " In that case, my man' the The golden lIighlandel' eyed hi narrow yellow flames blinked a,nd In the case of Lotti{~ Stokes ver- win Eberhart, et ai, for pal'tition ~abel B. Melampy to Cincinnati challenger." fdend coldly, consideringly. vanished. MacIver turned, present of reul ~state and equitable relief. Gas &: Electric Co., the use 6r real RU s Walter Me aDdles,s, et al, eon"Quite 80." , "No blow was ever wip d from ed his left ide to the mantel Gertrude McNeill verSU9 Gordon estate tor Jines. "aptain nuggle ton. as the the face of a Mllc!ver of Glennol'a piece, raised his lett al'm and di - firmation. deed and diistribution. Wilbur R. Carnahan to Harold McNeill, for divorce. Charge Is In the case of Hebl!r Hizar vel'· hallenged party, has the prlvil. \,~ ith handsom ap'ologie, ," he . aid. charged his ~econd pistol. The B. Carnaham, real estate in Harextreme cruelty. ege of naming the weapons." Doctor Hammer r nliz d the u e- l1am of the cond candle blinked Charlel! P. Wilkerson versus Nell lan township. 'Quite o. Hi choice i pistols." (ulnes of llursuin'g that point far- to nothing. Everett ,Stubbs, et al to The W. Wade, for partition. Other details of the meeting were th 1', having the blood of clansmen MacIver smiled, No one spoke for and down the big river. Now he The Miami VaHey Building and Peoples' Building, Loan and SavWAYNESVILLE, OHIO orranged. Two glasses of old in his own veins. ten se cond or so, though Ben had what promi ed to be a bright Loan Asociation versu Perry S. ings Co., 7,65 acres in Turtlecreek Phone 80 Bank 81d•. brown . heny were poured and Twenty minute. lat I' a beH Barley dl'ew in a breath with a dis ielea. It had sprung il~to beiDg at Eby, et al, for foreclosure and township. ipped.. jangled in th bar. Ten b lis weI' tinct, but entirely respectfully, the instant of the eli charge of equitable relief. Ca.rl and Caroline Schaub to "There must have been ome- there in the ". II, each hung on a so und of whistling. The doctor MucLver's pistol, 8S if the extinguThe Miami Valley Building and Christ Weishaupt, inl ots Nos. 729 thing behhld th wine, 80 to speak,' cuiled spring and l1urnbered for wus lh.c first to peak. i hed candle flame had transmitted Loan Association versus Perry Eby and 730 in Loveland. said Doctor Hammer reflectively. the chamber to which it was at"You win, Alasdair," he said. a sp8l'k to his ehafty brain. l\uth L. Petre to Harry L. Petre et aI, f or foreclosure and equitabl "II; requirel! more than a skinful o'f tach d. The taverner looked quick " Barley, draw the cOTk." He caU d upon Ii' gentleman relief. 27.75 acres in Harlan township. MacIver diu no more than mois. whom he knew to be in good tand wine to drive a well.bred man to Iy. th n thoughtfully, ut the nurn. The Board ot Education (If LebMargaret Fowler versus Ernest the Inci i1ity of standing intention b l' of that jangling bell. It was tell his lips with the superior wine ing at Government House, talk ed Fowler, for ·divorce. Charge is anon Village chool District 'to aUy On another gentlemen's foot." th number of Ala. dair MacIver's Bal'ley drank a gl a s to the health for a few minutes about a new gro B neglect. Mary C. HQrn, real e tate in Tur"I'm of the same Qpinion," re- l'oom. ond prosperity of the gentlemen, consignment of old brandy, then tlecreek township. turned Ml'. Spal'k, ying the sherry "['11 tend to that mYlIelf" he then s tarted for the door. asked a few apparent:ly irrelevant The New York Life Ins. Co. to Prob.te C_rt in his ~la$s... ounds sh rry, this. said to his assi tanti and he un"One moment," said Doct01: Question concerning Sir James Daniel M. and Mabel H. Collette, ]t' been thre times across the rolled his shirt sle v 8 and donn d Hammer. "Ten "hilling for the Murd' grand dinner and grand The inventory of Jeannette 101 acres in Massie and Wayne Atlantic i{1 wood. I have a s u - his jacket. " It's thnt young cotch port and , ten for the plaster; and ball. He went away from there James, executrix of the estate at township. pieion there i a lady b hind it." man IV twas dancin' at Gover'- keep your mouth shut about this with his suspicion confirmed and Charles R. James, deceased, was James M. Henl'Y, deceased, to "I {eared as much, damme!" m nt house till dawn." candle snuffiing for it's no credit hi idea waxing brighter. He hast- approved . Hannah Henry, et aI, 109 acres in Doctor Hammer went to ·the Honest Ben Barley wa int.~l; est- for a man of my age and position ened home, harnessed his gray , In the matter of t he estate of Hulan township. . King'lI Head, di covered Ala dair ed in the gue t from Gllnwad to make and lose wagers." geldin g and hitched him to a Howard C. Keafauver, deceased, Hannah Henry , deceased, to Phone 71J MacIver . in his 1'00111 writing reek on the Waaklldoggan tor He passed two gold coins into little red pung, and 9E!t out for distribution ~f assets ordered. Charles E. Henry, et ai, 145.34 vel' es, ~nd , informed him of all another reason than the fact that Barley' hand; and as Soon as the King's Hill, the rural home of Mr. The will of Eud81's L. Whitaker acres in Harlan township. 'Particulars of time, place and the gentleman had dined and door had closed on the taverner's Rigby Bunnet, J. P . the road was deceased, was admitted to probate. Arthur and Ruth Smadbcck to condition$. The Highlander ex- danced at Government House. He heels, he refilled his glass. good and the gelding owas a stepper The- tollowing accounts were ap- Carl Schaub, real e tate in Lovepre d him elf as being entirely was beginning to think that Mac"I never saw it better done," he Barley's brain w(lr'ked busily to proved, allowed and confirmed by land. . ' atL fied with the arrangements]v r, who was quite evidently not aid. " I couldn't do it a well my- the merry jingling of the sleigh the court. "fOTARY PUBLIC Mr. J. and Freda Fondersmilh and thanked the doctor cordially the friendless immigrant depicted self. But how about twenty paces? bells. He found Mr. BunMt at Minnie L. Mulford. executrix of to The Miami VaJley Building and for hi t rouble. by Major Pottle. might make a 1"1 might splatter a trifl of tallow hhl?smpea'1'tll?c~pkaintl~onal'ntrhif1i: ewxcaenlleanfctyerS the estate of ,Jehu C. Maltol'd, de- Loan Association, in lot No. 86 in Spribgboro. "You're a cool hand,' aid mOl'e valuable patron than Ole at twenty," added MacIver. " wnla Dr._ . . Eel.... S.ttIM ceased. First. r Doclor Hammer. "Ver ea. is it? major himself. He wa having dif"Just so, A drop of half an hospitality. Barley told Mr. BunJ. W. Ware to The Miami Valley WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Joseph F. McKinney, guardian Jingling rhymes when you should ficulty with the major. He was inch. p rhaps. Thill i a very sound net a very interestilllg story, in of ,Wilbur H. McKinney. minor lec Building and Loan Asociation real be out in the open air stea4ying growing a trifle weary of the wine and I'm glad to see you have strictest confidence. estate in Franklin. ond. yonr nerves Poetry.!..1_W\!¥Jlbsa:t.t~mllJlIll1l1r1UJe.!!!l'l+-~.a-.m·8 meth{)d~ nd his sen e enough to I ave it all to me.' "D'yc tell me so 1'" exclaimed Margaret E7-F-orllr,-eltee'otrirlJf't:-~~t&:!~~-&n~ Emma C. Duffy of pl' paratjon iii that for exchang- bluster; and he was beginning to Ben Barley returned to the bar Bunnet. "But it'saga;inst the law I' the estate of Elias F.olk. deceased inlots Nos. 9 and ~ ~" ing sh9ts with an officer of the doubt the major's impOl'talfee in only for long enough to say i1.few Barley remi nded him ,respectfully F'inal. . Grenadier Guards?" the general scheme of things. $0 words in his as istanl's ear, after that he had COm& to a s portsman Perle T. Eichelberger to Rosa Elizabeth Hardlnr, adminiatra. "I'm prepared," returned Mac- he PI'Csented himself t<l MacIver which he donned hat and great- and a gentleman and, !f he might trix of the estate of Mary Goonan , Schumaker, real estate i1l !ver pleasantly. and Doctor Hammer in a clean coat and stepped out. In the joint make ~~ bold an admired patron Shearer deceased flrst and final. Clearcl'eek township. "Can YOIl !'hoot?" jacket and bis best manner. c'lipllcities of taver·ner and impor- and frie nd , and not to a magisz. Worley, b-ustee of the es- O~ie Kirkpatrick to Frank Kirk"!lfy father gave m a gentle"Mr. :M aclver and I have Ii little ter of wines and spitits, he had a t trate. ~r ..B.un net hastened. to rea8 tate of Isaac Jones, deceased. patnck, 71.72 acres in Harlan Our convenient 10caCloD. lui... man's education." ",ager on the subject of snuffing wide acqu intance among all !sure hiS vIsitor on t~at pomt. ble aurroundlnp and equipmlDt Eighth. to~ahip. .. 0 I've heard; but did your re- I!andles with pistol balls," said the classes in the little town and up (To Be Continued) enabl .. u. to Serve to tho Bed A. A. Sprague, executor of the G.eo.rge Nunner, deceased. to eBtate (II Alice B. Everson, deceas- Katie Nunner, Teal elltate in Hamil Advanta,•• ton township. ed. Second. Emma Crosson. guardian ot Edna ---AMBULANCE SERVICE Mae Cross9n. et al. minor,s. Fourth Bill. AIIo",.,d and final. The Stakalta Mig Co., 1 grip P..... 2. Bessie Grols, executrix of the '% doz adding machine papers ________--._____-' ... estate of Emma Gray, deceased . Probate, U.36; Kaufman's, First and final. Chamois and Sponge for Memorial A certified copy of the entry HaU, U.08; March Brothers 1 flag FOR SALE DATES CALL Memorial HaJJ, $1.98; Trulldetermining the inheritance tax on the estate of William J. Van Der- teea of Public Affairs Light & Gas v~er, deceased, is to he certifted Memorial HaJJ, ,2.99 i W. H. ' . Anderson Company. Suba., to Without ~elay. The WIll of ~homas D. Fruer 111 Page's Ohio Code Service, 1934 to be recorded 1D probate. Mary J. le811 disc.t · '9.50; Lillie Urton, ser' FTaser wa~ appointed executor, no ces; $7.50; Mrs. Ira Eltzroth, bond l'equlreq. W. C. GUm!)ur, aervices, $5; Helen Doughman, JESSE S1'ANLaV Charles J. Wagg?ner and ~lfred services, ,7: Candis Hymer, serTI QUtO GASOLINE won't bum in Brant were apPoJRted appralBers. vices, $6; Mrs. Will Bryan, ser- P'••• 110. N_ ,a.rU••t ••, .ow. L YOll, r engine. But gasoline The inventory 'o f Albert J. Scott vices, 110' Stella Kelly services mixed with AI R forms the power~ ~ecutor of the eltate of Alice J. $7; Mrs. Howard Sawye~, serViee; EARL 1e000LEit S.-ott, ?e«:eased, wu approved_ '7; Stillwater Sanatorium serviees Da,.to. PIa._ ful "gasH that malce~'your engine go. The mventol')" of H. M. Scott, pany, 100 applications for clgarleE_ore .... That's why AIR has a lot to do executor of the . estate of Larue L. ette licenses Auditor's office $2' with the way your car performs. Rankin, deceased, was approved. The Columb~s Blank Book 'Mfg' The inventory of Blanehe Caro- Co., Mfg. Co" 76 sheets for Gen~ Perhaps you have noticed it-that line Barber, executrix of the es- eral Duplicate 25 for Classified at night particularly your car tate of Louis A. Barber, deceased. ,16.25; The Wutern Star, Print: seems to run better than during a was appr.oved. , ing & Fu.rnishing paper for Tax hot, sultry day. The estate of George Nunner is Duplicates ,85" The W PO. SALE exempt from inM!ritanee. tax. Kate Star, Ad"':, sale, ~f, Morrow Weather does make a difference N~nner, executl'ix .. flIed her perty, 15.&5; AI Schwartz. ex..... andthat'swhySocony-Vacuum abon for a ceJ'tlflcate of pense sealer eonv.tlon Ma, 23 FOR SALE--Sweet potato plants, engineers developed and perfected ,In the matter of the estate 1984; $2.80, Wm. Huff011l, sheriff: 35e per hundred, or three 'h unClimat ic Control. L~e Thompson" deceaBed.. ~he Stamps for ' Shariff's omce. '8; dred for $1.00 All kinds rarden Widow elected to take certain per- F. M. BOWyer. ltamps, used by plants, 10c 'dozen, three dOlen 25c. In simple words. this means a sonal property. Supt. of Road Dilt 1 II' Bur- On, Ferry Road. Strouse Brothera. gasoline that wo~ks well in any In tbe matter of the trult creat- rouche Addlnr :Macbine' Co. 'Main Route No.8. WaJllelville, Ohio. weather-rain or shine, hot or . -j28 ed by item ;3 of 'the wl\) of Nancy Service on pros. Atty. Adding cold, sunny morning or foggy night. J. Hopkins, deceased. the reslgna- Machine, 1 year, '6; F. J. Heer tion of the Lebanon-CItizens Na- Printing. Co., -12 ~tijions hI' S~EETki POTfAS~O PLANTS ,' With Mobi lgas you get brilliant Bank an~ Truat Co., as truR- Tral1llter of Funds for Phos. Att pea q 0 weet Potato plaJltl performance all tlu time. It starts tee 'was accepte4 and it is to file $1.76; , .MiUer.Br,ant.Pierce C~' can c~t them at D&J\ Hockett's quic~. Gets away fast when the its final account within 10 days. typeWriter ribbons tor rr08. ,Atty.: ' 7S, p~~ ~ilea . Eaat ,ot lights g , green. Has that e.xtra The will of James .Madl.on WadronC. Gilmq'ur, inqliest. _ one 65Rll. "pull" when hills get steep. Henry, deceased, WIUI admitted to '7.50; Columbu8 Blank Book lUg. SALE-:.ThOuaands of fielil probate. " Co.. ':onnl ,for Probate Court and Cabbace Wh y not ,c hoose this gasoline Etta Bercaw, executrix of the '~9.25, Weiler Welding Co., OxySpecial prices on hundred. that mixes better with air? You " Carbide, 110.80; W. H. Anthousand lots. Geo. Petel'lon, of Thurman F. Bel'ea", decan buy it wherever you see the ceased, flied her Inventol')". Ohio Cos:an y, Subs. to Page'll 1 mile from WaJllesville on Bellaign of the Flying Red Horse, Ethel Van Deneer, admlnt.tra- C rt ,9 60 "R for Common Pleas brook pike. -j15 trix of the eltate of WIlliam J. 011. • ; 01 Burrou,ht. ee" ftJENDLY DaVia I ADOther thiDt _tori.t.Ub Van Derve-er flied her firat an. &II Encineer. "'2. 60; F. D. ·Rainea, IN 1111 GREAT Soooay·VaouulD Leboratori••• a Painter. ,9.66; P. :M. Bowyer, ftnal account. ebout buyi", Mobil,.. i. the Frie.lII, Servi.. of .... of bi&bly Ikilled ea&laeer. I. workia, Di,bt WANTED , p&yroU, period end inc lIa, 29 d~len who .ell ' it. You'll "ut to GIO_ 1Maok. ud d.y to &lve you. paoliae tbal i, wutber-proof. The estate of Jacob Sei" deeeaa- $127.09; W. P. Stitt, .tone UO ed, is exempt from inheritance tax lilt- WIl'8Ch ,ra"el $1 16' N •D NOTICE - The Am ..' Poultrr Alma Sale, executrix tl.d her ftNt Brew. .r, Pipe. and Huleet . hu been and flnal aceoUDt. 80"7.1', Oanp rent-trueJca, A moved. to the Barnhart properQ The adjudication and 'determlDa act-lla" .. ; L. P. Cawtt ~o Baruhart hlb. Pholll 4881. of till InheritanCle tax OD the 1400 GaL tar tor Gen. Patchine' eJ7 of t.mtaa F.I5ooIl, ........ t..,..80; 8h...... Sel'Yiee ·IWIQO:L-.CO:....ra DOW to 0 ... la to be 81"eD to all penon ID.. '11.11; Thoe, ._

fistols at Da'Ybreak










Centerville, Ohio






Stanley &Koogler

Did you know that Engines Breather... Why Gasoline m.ust Mix with AIR I

Auctloneera '




'15; F:'"rii '




In the


__. . . .,


, PATROL SURVEY REVEALS I ment was organized only two DANGEROUS DRIVER TYPES ' ~eul's ago. and has liut ten tltatlon~ 10 operation at prellcnt. I The tttnt4.'-wide 4.'llg mlll'keting ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY ~1I1 vcy taken amon~ stal" Hi$th program, a new ad~itio~ to O~i~ way patrolmen in northeastern I Farm BUI'eau ~4.'rVIC e, III an InD. L CRANE . , I S....rI.t1_ fl.1O Y';'p ('astern Ohio ciLed the six most I novlltion in this state. It!! purpose Crower. Tell of Unuau.Uy Spotty dung-erous types of drivers. The i. to miHe the quality of Ohio pro- The SAFE Wa, t. RHuee :,.::..~a., ,No. III 1II~lr:'·1>II~!. to·=~GI &Jla:aL~' ...... ......... .......... Ho. 11. . ~".r survf'y action was taken iJy the rlucf'll egg" Fel'neau said, by hav"For 3 monlh. I· .......d Kru.. President Roosev Il's message to Pro.peele Becauae of l>lllr()i in Coopl'l'ation with th jng all the eggs 'm arketed t hrough =-:= -==Congres on the war debt was the Seuon leveland Safety ourlcil. 11h(' fa~'m bureau cooperatives can- chen Salta- I' •• loat 45 1....JUNE 14, 1934 last word in common ense. It dIed and "'raded undel' "'ovem- tak_ 6 incb•• off bual- 3 Itottl. He ---. The most hnzardous drivers as .. '" . Irave me aplet\did Mra. h ld appea I to a II A mel·lcan~. S ou ' ment specificatio ns and by ll'c nsec] Carl t o Id the wor ld th a t I" '. was Amerl. b inqicated by the survey wer : Wihon . nothel' light apple c1' IP, a out cnnrllers. Egg produce nrc paid A half tea poon!ul or Krusehen FI"g can dollllTS, taken from American half lhe size of last ye,lr's, a nd 1. Drivel's who weave in Qnd accordi to the quality of their of hot every morny...!~~-------t-1@1k1ln~ that furnished the confi ned lnrgt'ly to' commercial out' of traffic, not necE'R'lnl'ily ggs F The taxpayer w\l) find a certain amount of encouragement in 1'0- H~t~~i~e:;:"I;:~~:~lIIpg :phl: \~~I~ 0Brchanl~, is r!l~ort d b~1 I. • 1:"' :sp eding but making it difficult for eggs ~bul'~inLg.../;.L!lt':-OI-l)~I)!.lII'~icLe[).;slllolf!,nl~t:-h~c.l:lellJa1.l9!J;t_LHiI'g-4,or-c+alR<1e-r~C;ed~u~ce~S!lA~F~E:(lL.:\!'i~a~ne!l!fhact.t -cent treasury figures conccrnin'" expenditures for the eleven mont hs aeh, ~ xteltSlon speCla 1St III other highway-uscrs to (Jperate erll markets, farmel's have an in- the ame t.ime glli n ph ysical atending May a 1 . " a right to expect to be repaid ; fruit for the O. S. U. Ra Cety'. • centive to impl'ove t heir quality . tractive-nes8. On bottle Lasts .. Th ' that if European nations did . not , Light blo m Ilnd frost inj ut'y ' in • . . Equipment to properly refri~er- weeks. You can g ' t Kruschen Salts . e deficit, aftel' subtracting public debt retirement, was $3,287,- pay t heir debts of hon r .Amerlca n southern Ohi o, and severe ""int'I' :.!. Drunken d;1\Icr5 who drlVI' atc e/!,gs after they are purchased at any drug ~to\'c in lhe world. 466,000. Mr. Roosevelt'~ e tim ate of the deficit, made some. mont hs ago taxpayers must. injury to many it'ees in northeast- c!lre l ~ssly and w1thout thought of i. in. talled in all planta. Eggs arc - - ' . rn Ohio, are respon~ib l e, fruil ot her s safety. sent to market in reft'igeratod NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT was, $7,3 00, 000,_000- more than twice ~h e pre1lent deficit, with only a month or the fiscal year left to go. The preSident's House Bill may growers tol? B eac~. . ; J , Drivers with llad yesight, '!'lIt'ks anu railroad c~r~ .everal Reason is that. emerge ncy spending w'as much leAS than anticipated be abandoned until Jllnuary. Let Baldwin IS deCidedly off thIS operating vehicles as fast all those tIm a wee~ so as to mInimIZe the Estate of Anna A. Marshall, de~.. Where the budget authorized total spending 01 about ,11,000,000,000, us hope t hat thi Congress will re- yenr: Rome B Duty show~ the most with good vision; but eeing only I()~s of quahty from th Unl they c~ased. only $6,370,000.000 was spent, of which emergenl.'Y payments came to main in sellSion a not her week, if conslste~t prospects. WIth marry half as well. Are graded until they are sold on Notice is hereby given that L. $3,680,000,000. Routine governmental costs were $2,790,000,000 as necessary, to pass this important proap~ctl~e fuJI. c: rops . Jonathan the market. M. Henderson, whose Post Office com pared with $3,477,000,000 a year ago, 110 the Administration's legislation. Home owners will be are Yleldm~ well In northern and Although Ohio is at an advan tage Address is Wayne.sville, Ohio, bas . f . h d b id b greatly helped, the building indus- central OhIO, but e.lse\.~I~ere the _ in point of neal'n -s to the big mnr been rluly apPol'nted 6S Adminisprom1SCS 0 economy 10 at fiel have, to a su stantia egree, een try w.iJ1 be stimulllted, equities. of bloom was spotty 01 lacklllfP on .. Anna A. " . .. . .;... mOI'kets it ranks sixth in the tratoT of the Estate of fulfilled. TreasuI'y income was well over the precedin'" comparable dltton of Dehclou a IS strOllar ex home ed owners will be somewhat . ~ . ,country quantity Marshall late of Wan-en County, .. perlod- $2,700,OOO ,OOO, a against $1,700,000,000. ret.oor and purchll ingpower will ~ p~ that. frost. Injury IS repo rted Ferncau inpomted outof, production, llecause of Ohio deceased. . .Ihe inditr rent quality of its eggs D~ted this 23rd day of May The unspent emergency money, however, bas been appropriated be given to many of our citizens. III southel n .Ohlo., ony may still be used. It is generally ~lieved that Mr. Roosevelt will Congress should not adjourn Stayman, hg.~t Tn southern pa.rts throughout the stllte as a whol . 1984. use It during the 'comlng fiscal year in which tbe Administration will withuut first passing thi measure. ?f the state, ls almost; a full CI~p. , . The prescnt farm bureau egg proRALPH H. CAREY make its strongest drive aguinst the forces of depression. handling of home mortgages In many. secti.ons of the nort~ern OhIO poultrymen are enJoy~ng gram, which is expanding every Judge of the Probate Court The new drive will1'equire money-and plenty of it. By the time th rough private institutions and half. Gtlmes 18 spotty a,n~ hgh:·1th benfits of ~o~ernment .grachng year, is designeci to put Ohio on j14 Warren County, Ohio this is ready, Democratic leaders will have pushed the last of the mak~ klans for home improvement Mc Intosh, Spy and <?retntng ale and cooperatIve marketing, 8!< on a quality basis. - -- -- - bt' ble It w'lf a 'd greatly report.ed well set In northern shown by the premium of si x cent " _ ...- - money bills through .t he House, where all appropriations' legisJation ~o~~eo r:~~:ery' .of ;nd~stry and ports of the state. " 8 dozen paid fo\' quality eggs marNOTICE OF APPOINTMENT .PUBLIC SALE lI1ust, under the Constitutioll, originate. It was the President's wish 'd I t ummel' apple varlE!hes are ket d through the l+~arm Bureau ----that t he money be appropriated without sp ecific instruct.ions as to how proVl e emp oymen . bearing well in northern Ohio, ooperative Association over the Having decided to remove my it is to be spent, leaving. it entirely up to him. Represe ntatives weren't only Jair' in centra l Ohio, l\ve~'age Ohio r eceipts 0'1 better Es tate of Martha Elizabeth J Oy home I will sell at Public Auctioll tlulte willing to dQ that, and under the new bills a percentage of the Tbe House was debating a bill and in the southern purt of quality eggs of the leveland mar- deceased . ' at m; home at .Mt. Holly on funds have been sp cifically alloeated. Some of the prinCipal alloca- to appropriate one million dolla,s 1the state al"e round largelly 01'\ high kat at the pre ent time, U. W. Notice is hel' by given that Saturda" JUlie 16, 1934 tions are: '100,000,0 00 for highway construction; $66,000,000 for for the Agricultural Adjustment sites only. Felneau, marketing expe l·t of the Chal' le!; P. Joy whose Po t Office Comm-Encing at 1 o'clock p. m. Admi nistration to extermi.nate A11 other f ruits are Ii(rht in the hio Farm Bureau report·. addr S5 is Waynesville, Ohio ha s sharp the . following (or public buildings; a maximum of $600,000,oqo lor PWA work. In chinch bugs. Representative Truax south, but in the northern portions Producers in the state sold been duly appointed as Executor Household Goods and soma actual cash, the President will have something over $899,000,000 101' orrered an amendment tbat one- of the state sour cherries promise 1,900,000 dozen eggs worth of the Estate or Martha ElizaiJeth Antiqueil. relief purposes. It is aid thot the President will uk for an a~dltional half of the amount must be used a half crop, sweet cherries some- $325,000 and some 800,000 pound~ Joy late of Warren County, Ohio, PETER RUNYON $ 160,000,000 or 80 for drought relief. "to exterminate 'bugs' in the A. what bett r, plums and pear very of poultry worth $110,000, during deceased. Stanley & Kootler, Auct. ' Many more millions will likewiile be available, il Mr. Roosevelt A. A." The House laugh d when .well , and grapes a fail' to good the year ending May I , 1934 on Dated this 8th day of June 1934 wants thern. Thai deficiency bill empowers him to di~rt for relief all a moment later Speaker Rain ey, C I · O ! I . . a cooperative basis. This good C. Donald Dilatush , Atty. money .repaid the RFC. The bill likewiSe gives the RFC authority to absentminded, said, " Without obAll small frU It are Eight, and volume has been built up in a comRALPH. H. CAREY White Rose-Power bebuy bond s 01 political subdivisions which have received PWA construc- jection the am endment is agreed where drouth persists, are near paratively short time. a the Judge of the Probate Court I d th I tion funds. , to." failure. coop rative egg mllrKeting move- j28 Warl'en ounty, Ohio . h n . e enl nee




. . . . . . . .,. .

Straight from Washington


Takel 6 lache. Off Hips aDd BUlt




==:::..==================. . . . -========-_ -=--A Few Trealur







ThuI, the Administration will face finandal difficulties in the immediate future. It will, however, meet strong opposition trom taxpayers' group which think the magnitude of appropriations, 1'Cftected in higher tl1xes, are delaying, rather t han .helping, t he trend toward reo covery.

Farm lViaht 7 alka, June 18 e The Ohio State University Radio S~tion-WOSU 8:00 8:06 8:16 8:25 &: 40

8:60 9:00 9 :10 9 :25 9 .:35


Music . . Farm Adjustment Newl .......... " ........ ,. ,... ,....... J. W . WUlchet Cooperative Finance for Cooperatives .......... ,... John E. Brown Mu ie Round Table on Farm and Garden Insecta and DiseIl8es.. ..... ........ .. . ...... .... . ... . ...... _ ................. .. ParkA &; Pierstorff Meat for Summer .... ... .. ........... .... ............ ................ L. E. Kunkle . 1._ forW D ays .... ...... .... .......... Al rna Garvm . · h t I u1 DrIO"" arm D eI If!: Music ' COR d · Id" [s Your Binder Ready for the F )e . ....... ,..... ............ . . ee Pioneer Amusements .......................... ..... ...... ........... H. E. Ea.... ine The Trend in Dairy Manufacturing ............................ R. E.

T e ongres!llona e ec Ions will apPI'oach the plane of n Presidential contest. Dem'ocrati... victories will be interpreted as endorsements of the New Deat. Son1e folks simulate horror ~nd sbed crocodiJe tears over t he fact that fOJ' PUIPO e of constr uction, to give em pI yment to overcome depressio n, ten billion dollars will hllve been Rpoent du ring t he first two year of the New I)eal. Thi s, however, sets no record. During the Ulineteen months, from April 1917, to November, 1918. our Govern ment spent thirty-two billion dollars for purposes of destruction, plus ten billions additional to the Allies. A t this debt of honor ha been repudiated by European nations, our total expenditurea for purposes IIf destruction wall forty-two billion dollars.


'"0...1- ..... .... ....tN _~

paIt7 ~.lUr7.


-I Joere ~ A..t __ r_ PyftII&a PI ...... it_ ~ ~I .......... _ doat old.. ncI..Joot ....J-eIx>ft ...... ~


10- AIIII ...........t . . . . didD't do me

a .... ..,.s. I . . . to lie _ _ _ b7 tIM ead aI tIM d.Q:'

"I ..... It, dartJac. na.t·..... . - ...." I_ted to lit P7rofas. It malta your wod. to lDudt . . . . ...


" ADd jllat tbIDk, 8teft, aU l')T9(u'. ""-atqee, thua lUI oodMIar7l1Coftl How .bout a bite to eat ~..... _ .. to bed,"

it 4i4a't coat mud> _

"1-.14 _t. but It'• twD



wicJa or ' smelly fuc1a•. For eftIl ....... you don't .liw near a palNiD., ,aa . . . Itill enjoy the wooderfu1 'of

.tv.. •.

reel pa. ~fu Service brinp ,.. . . - in cylinder.. Pyrofu ps burDa jaIt like regular pipe-line ,aa. It III8IB • clean, hot flame ~ moment you liPt it.


You may have a complete PyrofG . . ~ inatalled in your home fell' ....... as $10 when you ordc-r, and get QODwaiIDt tenna on the balance. Tile CXIIIt C'Il 1M

----_ ..----

ranges varies, depending '011' the type.,...

select. But all models may b<'! paid for ill




easy instalbnents. The



. u......

",:=~~";.""":.' .. ot



of . ..... , willie

laM of


cas it.leJ:f

ia DOt

to use.

Come in and see us. w.,'U ','le ~ to t:dt over your own particu~ r~_......nta.\ '

Beautiful New Magic Chef and Eatate Ga. Rangea, complete for aaUttle a.





1\.,-0 LONGER Deed:pou" up willi J. ~ a~~, bameJlooOat

:~I~O:~i~~~g::8S~:ai~o~~d ~:!

,nation's capital except w"en public COLU MBUs.-Over 46 per een~ will center at tb6 State House busine811 keeps them th~ in atof the people of Ohio are without Grounda, where will be the Head- tendance at sessios of Congress adequate library service, State quarteTII, regiateraUon, hospital 01' committee meetings. The people Librarian Paul A, T. Noon learned and other tenta. The convention should rule. Congressmen should bear in mind that th ey need to after completing a recentsurveyof will be held in lIemor\al Han. contact their constituents and the state. A map has just. been com pleted , howinr the towns havinc A dri~inc fountain bas been that six months mingling with conlibraries and thollC that do not. A placed in the n ortb lobby of the stituents will result in more reaeries of radio talks by Mr. Noon State House that bean tbia in- sponsive government and hetter. describinc the state library aervice ICription on a bronKe prate : "De- laws ~or all. Furthennore, at and giving book revleW8 resulted ill dlcated June, 1984, to our fAtllen, present, the administration should an average or 62 book requests the Gr,.nd .A'f'!D" of the Rep~ic, be given a chance to catch up with followinr each broadcast. The 1'C- 'by tit" OhiO Department Da.· legislation. views by radio will be reaumad In tan of Union Veterana ot the the fall. ClvU 'War, 1861.tse6." Dedication will take place next week as a '!'he or"inal Tolla of Ohlo'.c -«'lt u .... ~.,.HIf-r..,,,,,,~ , ~ constitution, lia'ned at ' Chlllll:othe procram • · The Kibler girls entert.ained in 1802, are in .custody of Secre· ' . quite a number of people tary of ·State. Geol'le S. Myel'll. He ')(llk aDd water 8Ource" should with a picnic supper last Th1,lr is aleo cUltodlan of tk orilinal 'be especially ruarded now beeaule day evening. Supt,· and Mrs. Francis e ntuconlltituiion adopted In .18'6,1. Botb of heat and drouc'bt -conditionl, of these predoua documents are the Ohio, Department of Health tained Mr. and Mrs. Homer Caskept. ln a fireproOf safe under lock Water should be . boU!8d ·be- key at 8ix O'clock dinner on Wedand key, as the secretary of state fore drinkinc wbe. obtained from nellday evening. . is P¥nollally .reaponaibJe for their surfac:e luppliel or other heretoMr. and Mrs. A. S. Coliett, enl atety and perpetuity. The 1802 fore unused soue.. now that the tertalnedon Thursday evening the constitution ia the only fint-band, dry weather 'h u eaused eprlnp and and Mrs. Howard Graham and tangible evielence in existence of weUa to become d..,-, Dr. H. G. Miaa Kathleen trom Harveysbul'l; the Boverelrnity 'Of the state 'Of Southard, director 01 health, urCe! Mr. and Mre. Joe ChIpman, Mr. Ohio hence ita I\fl'eat Intrinalc H. alae ia.ued • . atatement warn· and III'S. Lester Gordon, Dr. a.nd valu~. The fint constitution II lnr of the daDcer at this time of Mrs. H. E. Hathaway, Mr. and Mrs written on paper that Iho.s . the diarrhea ' and enteritia, commonly Irvlng Welch, Mr!! . .Mary McClure, -rav&ees of time. It consists of 22 know. as "Bummer complaint." Mial\ Helen Welch .a nd Mr!!. Emma pagell Inl.'ludinr two papa of Tbia lUne., 10 ciaDProue to in- McClure from Waynellville. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Carr enterBirne:a. These al'@ . headed by tuta, 11 due more to the efrect of Edward Timn, president of the bot weather on the milk lupply to tained for supper last Sunday even convention. The _!enera represent- homel than to -bot weather itaelf, inr. eiI ~dama, Belmont, Clennont, Dr. Southard aald. Typhoid fever Millll Carol Lee Francis has been Fairfield, Hamilton, JetJenon, ROil alIo can be ..educed and prevented visiting relatives at West Ulllon Trumbull and Washington COlliitiea boUlnr a)l spring and well w..ter for a week. . Included amoDlf the qnera were and all ~th.r uDtreated aupphee, Mr. and Mrs. W' . P. McCarren five future cavemon, TitIln, the depUtnaeat deelarea. land Mr. and !,In. Chas. GQrdon, Tbomu' Kirker, Jeremiah Mon'Ow, . IiIpe,llt the week-end h$t'e and the Thom.. Worthillaton and Samuel . AU -..t.t.denl reUet ..-ncles Miue8 Rhea and Evelyn McCarren Huntinrton. The second connltu- ~at1lav. bH. located iD the W,.an returned ~Ol1le with them after a tion i. enaroued on larre sheet. dott. buUdlq have been moved t~ pleasant VJsl.t hete. . of parchment and is ' much more the Pure on blilldiq, Cheatnut ~. and Mre. Ira Hamock, of durable than the other. It was en- and Ria'h streets. where these )Jur- 'Dayton, .pent Sunday with Joe rolled by D. H. Mortley of Mi!- eau. are more eonaoUciated than Davia and family. Harold Boran of the U. · S. Navy Connellsville, who.. skill as a pen- they have beea. , Tbla HIDOvel reman la much evidenee from this nlted In more room hI the State fa vlaitm. hill parenti. document. Wm. MedlU was prllid- !Departments buDcHDe for the older We were BatT)' to heal' of the eat dd Wm. H. Gill aecretal'J of oac.. to tile WJaDdotte ulldlq. death of Mrs. Jordan of near the eoiultitutional cODvention OIITlMee lattft iaelacled the ata~ Beec:h Grove last Friday evenine· 1851 plau,J1la board, cIMelon of proba~ The funeral w.. held at Way_ tiOD ud" parole, ~ cU"lon neavill. Monday morning. • Tb, annual Ohio G. A. R. Ea- of tuatloD, Itat. board of barber - - - -. -~ camp.ent ,rUl ~ beld ID COla.·IDaIDIa.., Ohlp tnd. eocIe and NOTICE OF APPOIHTMUT bu aut ....k beciDniq Tu....,. . . . aaIlk dl¥lalon. . with .aD7 ausnlal7 ""PI partlel----- Estate of James Gona deceued. . -.....,..The G. A. JL. II I I . fnqant c a _ of law Notfee fa berebJ rt'Hn that J. Q. War vet..... · p ana, . . . . Iaq 'acn, .. the ftelel. late Gou wboM Poet O81ee AcIcIreu is .,..981, . . . . . ... aM ~1IIr; iD WAJIleevtDe, Ohio .... been dlllJ ~~~ .~ foe. 01' IDOW . . . . . . flf .. AclmlDlRrator of the

it aD, amd I ' ll boo... _ _ ~ ... , . . .. . , . " .



Most Congressmen will, upon adjournment, return to their h ome. districts. This really should be com

Best ,of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol

.o ..... tIGolWa ••• - ·

"No,.It ,"",'tt We doe't .... to . . . . . a lie .. _ lip, witll Pnol...... I ~•• bat . . . . De . . . . . I

,89.50 Inatalled


S E R V ICE .1

With .Pyrofax Equipment

He... are other convenience. you can have with Pyrofax And pre.ent

PyroflU pricee ma1r.e them extremely economical.

Witlb the Dew 1934 pyroru price ec::alc. the more gas you uae the 1_ it coell per . C)'1iI1der. 80 you can noW have Iteamin&·hot water in the bathroom whenever you wut it ror ODly B Jew cent•• day!

, H I ~.

_ ·ral'ripnttor."" 'lJOi!ed r_. il:e .m


to ban: •

Not.biAc better than • lood........

cube8 ......... 7011 ",.nt them •.• all ror .bout 10 cenl, _ d.Qt It. t.iny e malin \.boo ice in OIl, .......... rerric.........·

before the fin 1, li&!>ted:<>ne ohbeae I'" room· beatero wiU booy. tbe bath· room wann •• toa.t. in no time at all -for ODl'y • few ecoto .orth 'of


reaI1F po,.

1>yrd1... .........

"'t~ Oil

chilly Autwna day.



T h:. W ,\ .


., C R K S

•.V yO" neYft' " • (.oIt' 01 ..... lar ... ~_ II t.upty t he rue:r . i, -. ........ aa., .1Id I ... i'~. _ _ r ~;; ...~.. Cl." ply wI ,h • rull c:yIIoodoo-. V_ -a _

.elVe'!. 'l.':Ul t


worry .1;<;,,: n", cottn. _



I :..

1,,;,:,<,1 ... C'lA ,del ond 10 • \If It.lOe In·cy .............. . .. , i ...:-eUc. ' . "'" .,...... t1" •. ~ ,.... • • ..", . " . , t 0 cyfvlt...en- OIIL fOR .~_.....It.ta '' ' t the ...... . ~ ...

foW I.,.."... a.r.x.

.. __

. . t~d by tiM! .....nlt cam_ 01 Iu ........ Ie &Ito



WnEN YOU OiDklCQ:-.·.,:;j~IE'O




at Ct'ntf'rvlll(' aturtla)' ('venin,. (" • •I....'II:R BIRTHDAYS CELEBRATED RI'Ut'I'l 8mnt'U iA now tayin, .'01111 "'.I nil' It! tltI, .ul llual r"II(Irt or ttnrvt')· Rllrnt't attended 11 meet- in Ililylon "h.'I·l' h l • has "l1lpl,lYMr, and Mr.. James Lovely with lllnm l I .. lt1d .. r~ ,\. o~laLlun : Inlf lit tb Milk ,r: II1nli itln In nwnt . Waltll /' Underwood entertained a He"••••• <.. Iumhu. ThuI'llda~'. 'II'. lind ,M r~ . . ])onold ~ ., .. ,' ., . 1,~U . On number or friends at an elaborate It1lJ'lnl \ 118!'H .. .. .... , ItIS 611 ~II ,l!:liulw't h O'lith of DII)'l n I'nlertaillt'd bIll liltl ~ I\i~l'es "I' the friud chicken dinner laRt It'riday FOIIIHIIIOunK ~1 : 50 wa " a Il'u("~t Sunday afternC)(ln of funnel' from Ileal' W,llnllnglon Is t evening. The dinner waB in cele- UI'''H t Oil Ltlll.l18 ", . . ,., o96 ,O U )f l"1l. Margllrt't. Johns. week. Fuurteen pi the !liilt ell m mLration of the birthdays oC Mrs. NUl' l'O WNl m U ll .. " ~OO , OIt 11'.. J e s Harris I'cturn('d from MI':, MIIl'Y Carillon),'. h tlllse ber!! of the Good Ult lot.hing 11'1" );{llc\ , • • "., 198.0 0 Miss Fuye Kel1 y an\! Mrs. Lovely a nd Mr, Underwooll. Grnv Hllfhl8. , 0,00 th,' Blair hospital Frida)" lind i!' looks beautifu l with a Ill'W cOllt of club held theil' thil'd meeting Those pI'a nt lnclud d Mr. and 1'("' P l' tU lll al'~ ~60 , OIl Mag~i e Burnett al'C visiting fl'i\'('('uvet'injt nicely. white paint. Wednesday afternoon at the 1'''~' m~1I1 Ill' n oU' 1.r.O~ . ()O MI·~. Mitchel Whit and family, 1<'11)","r8 ~'lo\ ,., , & (1 f;v{' ,tt Early spent Thur day in 'rh hl'~ WI' II bl' a pro(~' III I'n honol,' home of Ruth onlner . After enl\. in Hillsboro. Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. WiJliam' Til e SOlO .• . ,., ,GO , , eo 11'. and Ml's. How'al'd Archdea - op mng . . h th e 4-"U Bo ng th e Columbus, of Fnt.hc:r's Day ot the ~unday WIt Ula Members of the A rgunot bridge Hauk, Harvey burg, Mr, aud Mrs. Itt!tllnd on Olla . , con wel'e th "'u sts of r elatives at lb ' d t d H(' filnd on Gil. . 1.95 • ~ .8 ~.9~ Mr. Mlu'y ClIl'monr i I cov rhour next 'ull da y mill'" jng ... u ua U81ness W8S con ue . club went to Cincinnati on W d- Lee Lov ely and family, Spring. ' I , . Buth",'vil1e n unday. D ' th e \Vor k perla . d th lnl{ (1'0 11\ .1 r f cent. I 111(' .8 lind MI S. Margaret J ohns and MI'. Ul'tng ' e nesday ond njoyed a -lunch on boro, Jam es Lovely, Edgal' Smith. Wll . RbI to .R1H'ncl • und{l~' \\;llh 1l' alld MI's. ,alvi n Longacre wer 'MI'. alit! 1111', R. G. Miller en- following demonstration wcre bridge at the home of Mr . J , O. Lenol'a Jenn Lovely, Norma LoY'1)"'".~I!.I I\'ug ij ." •• , • • $ 1,()fI"T,Or. nnd Mrs. ". F. lat'k ilL \\ lIyne - Dayton vi itot's Tu e day. tertaineo Il number of frie nd lit. g iven, .. rrect Postu re While Cartwright H yde Park. ely, Clinton Fannin, Lewis Thomp- "IIII'I I! nln l'y ,_ . 1.1[00.00 vmMrs. . 'tal)Ir.' y llnlley. Mr. and .'('veral pe:. OIlS ,from here , D,t . 8 steak roa t, last Fl'iday ev ning. Sewing," Mildl'ed Coolc; "How to 'l'I' ea" u~ n l' 8JtllllT 100,00 son, Lawrence Duvis an<l Jesse thread 0 needle, tie la knot and 1n,8ul'[I '1('0) .. , .. , 7 7,80 Mr. and Mr , Fl'~nk Taylor, of Pennington, Waynesville. Inl o ... · H , . . . .. . . ( 61.00 Mr . 'l'herlt~ ,Tones lind so n a nd the children II day exercIses !r'. U o yd Davis and family and we l' a thimble," Roxie Sackett; an Francisco, allt., arrived on " I 1'u'X . .... ...... . 14 , as Afte~ the thnner, hour a gel1era t.lIta II 1 1'~, ic fill el" attt'nded lumni FelTY hUTch undllY (! V nlng, Mjss Sue Crane visited friends "How to buy , a Co mmercial Pat- Wednesday evening f or a visit , PUI'"hfllJed , ,', nO,oo 11", lind 1Ih-8. ~'I'ank urmonyof n ar Ridgev il l . Tue. day evening. tern," Ru th onntll"; "How to with Mn" Edith Harri s and Mrs. good tune was enJoyed Ilnd Mrs. ,'cletlhullf ..... . 76,25 Piqua were wee k-end guests at alter a pattern," Ruth :Salisbury, LauI'a Mo sher. L o.vely and Ml': Un,derwood re- /'lU II"I I" II ' " ... ,. 71f14 , 1r. « Ived sevel'al mce gifts. 1'0_lalfe .... , . , . lhe home of Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Harvey MI'. and Mrs, has, A. Fi!!her. A g neral di$cUS iOTl of "What a . ~6 Prlntlnar ,., ... . White Rose, the depen- Burnl'l and al 0 called on Mrs. of incinanti, called on 'Mr, and onstitutes a Finishe,d ArticJ e," Mr. and Mr . Ha rry Patterson 4 , O~ nOnk HOl< n .. n l ~.2U I .. A"s'" 1)" .. _ dable Gasoline. J\la ry annony lin d II". and Ml1!. Mrs. W . H , Allen unday after- by the club closed the meeting. and daughter, ()f Blanchester , Mr. il.Oo. Dry weather Is favorable for l:Ha eh "k 'rill< ., ..• 3,3 ~ Eli Russell. \lloon. The next meeting will be held at and Mrs. Ralph Linn and daughter chinch bug development. Flowers IIn ti !)hrtll'R .. •. ,.,. 1 ~ 7 , 64 Mr. and frs. K e IeI' Graham M 1 1\1 J M K' f the home of Vivian amd Winifred' and Miss Anna Hoyle s pent Sunand daughter entertained MI'. and r, an( 1'8 , ()e c Insey, o . anneI', July 27. day at the Jr. O. U. A. M. Home 1t('(,.. lpl ~ "!I~e,' d frs. J ohn f yers and daughter , M~rrow, ., w ro ?nday guests ,of. _ _ _ ____ at Tiffin, Ohio. llI8bol'I!Nll,,"t $ 1. 218.57 L.diH' Dr-e•• ea, 70c In tead' of 19ht cents a bushel Bn,llltIC(' JUli e I , I harlotte of Dayton, to dinn I' MI S.. Ahe {cKlIIsey and MISS STROUD FA MI LY R:£UNION Men' a Suit. 6Sc Iq33 H;1,13 Miss Evelyn Furna was badly payment, less local admini trative Bn I 11.11 C J Uri I , unday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. White Mennetta, Quick- fl> r quality drycleallill& scald ed Mondoy while carrymg a cost, the second wheat payment 1934 " .. .... . 1.7 9.70 and sons of ol umbus were even........... , 1.7 9. 70 L, H. G01'don hn a supply oJ ~ore than 75 lllemb ers of the kettle of watel' from the kitchen will be IIine cents a bushel Ie s A nl!h ing gue ts. cou ll te ,. ,.". 76~,3u • J Miss leo Hawke entertain ed at application s and qu stions f or tr'o ud famil y from Ohio, Indiana to the basement of her h ome. Mi 9 local co ·ts. Raising the payment G Sh"rl.'s Ling!), P r. Sto k .. 300,0 dinn er Wednesday evening in the 1.34 -8 6 chaueffer'$ Iicen e ex- and K entu cky gathered at Wayne Grace Hockett suffered a siJ'!li1a~ one cent add ~3.500,OOO to the H~81(l enc In amination. CL£ANERS Park on unday to ce,le brate the acciden t at her home. total of the second payment. The orwl n •. ,.,., 1.500.00 h nor of the birthdays of "Misses '11{J81l In MUlUn.1 sixtieth wedding anniivEl"Sary of first payment, n ow in the hands of " flom Hclen and Ruth Early. Other e , ... ',., 2.936,00 1is :! Jan nnd Jean Hartsock Mr. and Ml'9. E_ T. !'troud, on Ge orge Henkle, son of Mr, and 'all growers, wa s 20 cent! ,a bushel NOI . • , .. ', , .. , 14.565.70 ~uest.s were, Mis es Bern ice Gra- spent Tue day night with their Route 2. Mrs , . D. Henkle, or Toute 3, wa ham and Mary Y oung. Total ' . . . " " .. ' ~1. 83,06 o gl'andpal'ents, M r,a nd Mrs. Car Mr. and Mrs. troud wel'e mal'- ; one in a group of more than 4,000 Onlnn o In rp tua l CBre Mr. and Mr!:l. Walter Kenrick roll Deathl·age. I?u n a ,11111 I, J9 3S .• . , $ ) •• 377,79 ried in P endl eto n counlty, Ky .• in studen,ts who ~ere .graduate.d from and James Haines spen t Sunday White RosePower beVnlrl In (lul"ll1g ~"r .. 260.00 1874 anll seven children were born Nelv ') O.rk Un~ crslty at OhIO Feld afternoon and ('vening nt th e hom fiss Louis ['anc lind h r to them there. In 1904 th y moved I University Heights, New York, all hind the enllne. BIlI" n l''' .Iun .. I . 11134 .•.... .,14.0 27 ,79 of Mr. and MI'S. W, G. Haines in guesL, 1is Bunnie Kellogg, 0/ Dayton. Their neph w, Robert Cinci nnati, spent the week.end to Wayne ville and untU recent Wedne day. Haines, has been quite ill, but wa with Mr , Maude Crane. ~:~~ ~~' ta~~fndg.wa9 nctively n- 1'I1~ss Anna O'Neall arrived :Crom : Improved. Sunday. Their daughtel', IIrs. H. Fl. Flonda on W~dnesday to spend W enden alis bury. who is spentt MI·s. Mary ~ c lure is visiting the s ummer WIth ~r. a~d Mrs, L. Ing the umm r with his grand- her sister, ill' . hidlaw at Duluth. Wadsworth, Mrs, George ud, of Dayton, Mrs. B, T. Vice, Mr , M, He~derson . MISS 0 Neall ~c- I •• parents, 1'111'. and frs , Alle n Em- Minn ., a nd will enjoy a fi hing trip rick , left Fr-idllY, with Ilis par- in anada before her I'eturn home Otho Henderson and Mr. Maude compamed Mr, W . ~. Kerser, MUls Phone No. 19 Crane and their ~ons, MI'. W. E . !EVelyn and the MIsses Ehzabe,th ents and 81 tel', Mr. and Mrs. Leon Stroud and Mr. Claude Stroud lind Elea~or . Clark, of Oregonia, Mrs. I. D. Ha rris, of entervill e • ali bury and Mi Miriam. of Davidson, of were all present at the reunion all ' trom theIr trIp south. abina. for Chicago and a :lew and Ml's. Jam . Chicago, ate g ue. ts of Mrs. Alice Sunday. d ys visit at the World's Fail'. Mr. J. S. Filer, of Ferry, Mr. Mrs. Margaret Johns, and lit. MeKin se ~t and Miss H enrietta, toand Mrs, Harold Filer, of near Bell and Mn. ' Earl Thoma and son. day. G.. M.d. of Se'...... brook. M rs. Gladys Haines, of CorWarren, attended the Meade8e'l'l'oge Is used to make gas. Of Idn, Mr. J. S. Hartsock at .WayMr. and Mrs. Ronald Hawke and 111gb heating vnlull. It 18 nl8() u ell neeville and the Misses Eileen and Dailey reunion at Dayton Thursday eveni ng in which Mrs. John's son, Frank, and Mr. Harris Mosher 10 drive el1gln~ Lol Cornell of Dayton, atunday guClSts of Mr. and little grand·daughter, Vivian were tended graduation exercl ell at the o Gravel Where is thy Johns was one of the PI' formers, Mrs. F, C. Hartsock and family, at Group loans t(J financc project incinnati Bible Seminary Thursvictoty? activities of 4-R clubs Ican now be day. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Whitakel' Milford. obtained from the farnl credit adentertained several "friends at 6 Death,t Where is thy Miss ,E mma Heig hway returned ministration, ,throuJh ,a responsio'clock dinner and bridge Monday Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Peine sting? in honor of Mrs. Percy Simpson home on Wednesday alter a visit ble adult. The minimllm amount and Bon, Richard and Mrs. Bertha P ope veral days . with Mrs. Emma that can be loaned,; through local Brickett, of Toledo, were weekand Mrs. Frank Reid of Wa hing- of Barn tt and MI'. E. V. Barn hart, production credit aSSOCiations, is end gucsts of Mr, and Mrs. , Howell ton D. C. who ate the house A steadfa t faith re,60. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard at Cincinnati, Peirce. On Monday they motored moves much of the sorrow in Tinney of near Waynesville. to Oxiord to attend the commence of J)arting, by teaching Mrs. Henry Foulks, awed 76. ment exercises at Miami Univerthat death is only a tran. pa sed away vel'Y Buddf)nly Tuessity. Mis Mary Louise Peirce, day morning at her home here, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Raysition to a better exi.aComedy, Micky McQuire in after ah iIInes8 of several month s, mond Peirce, is a member of the tence. It is our task to graduating class. • Mrs. Foulks had been a life long make !;.be' last rites symre ident of Lytle. She Is survived bolie of this faith, a leaveMr. LaMar Earnhart entertainby her husband, two daughters ed at a 6 o'clock dinner undaY' taking made serene by and one son, Mrs. Mabel Warner evening at his (:abin a8 a surprise <If Middletown, Mrs. Imo LinneTthe nS8urance of a future in honor of his father's birthday. man of Da}>ton, Wilbur Foulks of rEunion. The guests were: Mr. and Mr . H. Lytle and several grand children . B. Earnhart, daughter and SOft, in Funeral service was at the resiMr, and Mrs. Madison Earnhart dence Thursday conducted by Rev and sons, of Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. Dibert, and interment in Miami ---''--.-:.-~-"-......- -~---1_~__"....,_----II+e,emetef" , Karl Babb and son, of Xenia; M.I'. and Mr . Ernest Earnh art, daugbter and son; Mr. and Mn. E. F. Ohio Earnhart and childred and Mr. ~ White Rose, the depenVo.J. N , A . and Mrs. A. R. Earnhart and sons.







t I ===========:--::::









A Symbol of Faith

W 4YD•••1118, 0111.






"Wheeler and Woosley" ,

"HIPS--HIPS·.HOORA Y" . "The Touchdown"

Sunday•.• Monday, June 17···18


J. E. 'McClure

Katharine Hepburn

"LITTLE WOllEN" .dd.d

Columbia Sna pmota


dable GalOline.

28 LIGHTS AND GAMESt LI""'W!l "M~;ItIC A , AN'I A111;'1'1 CA, JUDe. (vIa Macka)' Ha.llo) -ADd wbat do )'OU t,blrlk WI! Itl:" till lo no-w 't Arooe r)' , rio "'MII! ,


.P rlDtIDI • 1

The _I

work - lecture. and Itud)' on tile lH!or II 01 tblng. neCesSal'3' tor UI to k'lOW down bere, Theae Itudlea hove a lomewbat greater value wltl! us now than our work did We are not alllult ily ~ nOuliOtI; ar· wben we were In Ichaol or coil ese, IOWI around ),el bUl Wtj are ~uIDK to. Lut nlghl Co~mllllrt"l N"vllie Tbe knOWledge of lOme tltUe tact 0 / climate. or trlell or the Ice. 111&)' unounced thlt. If ,we nave an), lIave our lIves l ome da,. You 8hould bear lOD1ot of th. dll. Ume at a ll to pi )' arltJl 1lI .. lI un com.1 baCk nelt Augus t. We are culalonl thlt 'take place. 'rbe), ant ,01111 to have an 8.I'Cbery conlell, II held In loud voice. a nd range Our dog Bled men ana I!:agal \.:01, dee" and lenalbte ~blt080!)h1 ~Ilr carpenler.are ulILklll8 a conll,'ete to rldicu/oul lbeO'rleli acbout l'I&, ,011, and keeping tropl· outfit ot bOW 8 anll a rrows ana. a rc b, 81'3' beIng one 0 1 the mo~t rl lllicull cal " lib 01 eta.mpa, Speakln& of aDd acleutUlc o. II po I'lli. Il IlVlleal! stamps. some of tbe pj~opl e who buge.,)' to thlli particular crowl!. I seol coverl dOWD here. lalt )'ear t b a \I g b t t\18rl! s bould be recelvlDg tJ:lem ba.cll DJlglll be a "· a bout now . properly and li a r prubl;un con (lUI own nMlI letters eb~uld be a1'lI8I:ted wltb our I'1vtng, About 'a lbl rtJ or' the 'mall ",rcbery acUvlllel we brougbl With III or wblcb ar· but t b e c r a IV a rtweo 00 the Hear of Oak laDrt. went lalt nlgbt Qul!:kly bac.ll, on ber 10 ~'ebTUar)' fLnd IbOllld :!Olveo It. II 00- b• .-eblol Iu delUnatlon at thll curred to IDe 't aal Um .. 'I'be reat will comll out with II anyb04)' IhOt ui out Jo'ebTUary-1t we come out. at a tarlel and Evel'3' ol,bt there II a 10Dg loud ml.leII It. til e at' dllcuaaloo- enUrel, rutlle-on the Rlohard B. Blick. row would travel probabl e date wheD the good old of . Orand Fork., a lolll: UDder t'be "agablp. Jacob Kill/pert. wll) cODle N. 0., Surv.yor ,now flnd "teaming bnclt , to tllke UB borne. be fouod, I wellllon.m tnl8 and It Will tbe ICII pack De ,too tblck and . W88 det:taed to liang a couple of bIg tougll ror ber tlO get th/'ough Tit : p'eces ur beavy canvall In back of 80 we 'l ball bave to spe'nd at leut l the largeta and thUi! make lbe ar' another winter on Lbe 1C:e-- maybe roWI drop gently onto the aaow. tWG,or three, ,waab. wllat u thGUClltr 80 wal.Ch ont for detailS 01 the lou!' Hut It'a a p08l1bllll)', . oament of tbe t:Joutb Pole Archer)' Our outdoor work II all over now Leag'lIe Uirel! or four mooUlI from and we are delloltel, Inldoora tor 1l0W. lbe nelt three ,molltb_lIt1i1Oners of We . bave lOll or other LOurQa· UtI! a,t orma and darkneu-.,..](cept In ,meDu. ' Half ' ollt membera are the tew calm boura WileD we aan l)ltcsae Genii. aDd 10Dil .aDd loud are ~lIe abort, torehU,bt8d wailla , or the argUment' and " poat morteml" alll tripe for Dovelty andl eserer.., after, our evening games of "con· 'I'be varioUl lrroupi are tremeDd· tract." We Drought 40111'0 with UI oUII, bUl, maklnl dellllite plaJ18 .. I.ta of !JI. fucl~aUDI aDd tan- for !JIe Ilichte, tractor Itrlpe. 40a tallallll number pUIa/e, "Imp," and. s l - . )GUrD.,1 and oUle'r UplO,. 10 addlUoD to Lb. um. apent Indt· tloal aDd eetantllc queata aest ,Iduall, worllll1l out Ul. vanoUl epnol ,autumn wlUl YGII) . 'I'llMe comblnatloo8, we are 10lDI to Dve IIlaol .-11\ be pUbllab ed bj,re dUrin, lOme recular contuta for prl... the winter nl,bt- and ttI,en lbey11 BoIDe of 'Ule IClenUlte Dye beco... all be cbauled. ~uClb .. -••te &monl espuL u.cqammon'l aa· e.plorerat oUlet 01 our rayorlte pUtilDel la Our club la lUll 11.0410 tile W. allO bave mon. members aow! If aDd do • 101 or naclllll. JoIDed. b, all meana 'rIae aclepUatt! pracUcall)' ariel' qu" DO eoa. or obllPtlOD. wor.tAI,' ..t,,, or da,. AD' ua. w., cant aDd our Itll lDap or jIUJr.a""U.l& til., oao eODOIatrat. CIA ..., wlU . . MDt If ,ou11 I. . . 01 "'1'000lIl1, or ........... DaIII. ud add,.... UiI • w...." .ultJea\. la ...... , ftdl ar ..... Ie rtbu . . ....1111 ...., ......... •. . . .,.aalu.

Are Your Tire. safe for SUmmerl DoIt'1 Porg,t D"",.,. oj S-." Growl ., R •• tls G" t H.II,,. Watch JOur epeed-lf yqur tInI an thID I Hot roids quICkly eap tlleir 'fatt--:-atnaath-tlu!y're liable to faU you at ..., moment. Better be we thaD eorry-put on Dew Goodyears DOW.

Come In-eee the Ilreater Talue we ofter bec:auae Goodyear Deal. ...u the IDOIt dtet-b, millions! DrI•• ill for a tin lnapecdOD, Ilet an aecurate report on tile coadidon of your dreI.



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Eighty..stxth Year






Whole Number 6128


1,...---------:,..c[j,eet~ 6t:pltYu!., O/iW- - - - RANGE AFTER RANG{; OF ROLLING I-IILL~j PICTURESQUE LAt(ES I





Man, Pal'U Of Th. Stata HaY. Had Good Shower. Which







Will Help Lat. Crop'

With the deadline 1"1' nUng petl. YALE OflllE WEst" A father sharp decline In crop tiOll1 lallt Friday, and leas than prospects for Ohio due to the pro· two months until the AUgUHt IH'ilonged drouth was shown in the mary, lines are being laid fn .. one Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Branstrator ' ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH June 1 report Issued today by ot the mOlt Ipirit·J(\ fights far very hospitably. welcomed the Fathel: Newton, Pa!ltor Glenn S. Ray, of the Federal Crop nominations witnellsed in Wcll\'On members and friends of the Wayne Mass at St. Augustine's Church DepoTting Sel'vie&. Since JUlie 1 county in years. Township Farmers' Club on June many parts of the State .have had Fifty-nine candldlltell have fllud 12. every second and fourth Sunday good showers which will be of help <3OtmI 01= ON sw.TE f the month. 'Petitions for variou <llTico'l in..! Iu.lAbout sixty partook of the ex· 1\,0,.,......, An.. A nAnlO',:( PICTUMl".L'QUE "'JiliN ____ to late sown spring crops, to !lome ing the central committC!lll. cellent dinner. The afternoon ICIJUII: ~ I<MK"'K= '--"'" ,-~ hay CI'OPS and to pasture. In several instances lCep<ll,)hcan meetinc was held on the lawn. OF lAKES. ANE FISHING, GOOD C;WIMMING AN:; FRIENDS MEETING Winter Wheat on June 1 gave BOJmNG. NON A SlAT£. ~RK. CAMP AND WAS BUILT MOQE First·day School at 9 :30 a. m. promia!! of 28,968,00 bushels com· incumbentl ,will be . opposed, while The annual electloll of officers llO lea8 tban five candidatell, two resultltd aa follows: J. Harvey PICNIC ~I AND COTTAGES. ' fJ'tltlAN A /Il?IJ. tTs ORIGINAl. Meeting 1 01' Worship at 10:30 pared with the May 1 forecut of on the Republicall and three on the Sackett, presidentj F. U. LeMay, ' ._ . / , ~ BUILDINGS WERE COPIED R<Orv1 a. m. 32,468,000 bushels. Production In Democratic aide of the fence have vice-president; Mrs. W. A. , /( ~"~ 1933 was 34,732,00 bushels. Tbe their eyes 011 the Sheritr'! offi~e. SwartrJel, secretary·treuurerj L. ( ! "THOSE AT1l1E EASTERN UNIVERSIlY. WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH condition of the crop on the first Arthur Hamilton, member and E. Hockett and Carl Duke memr• .;7, .I-~N THE CAMPUS I9THE AR9l' Rev. G, C'. D'b t P'~ of the month aceraged but 62 per__ f"IQ~/,.......rt\I\A""""OF-n.I" I er. as ..... r former spe:sker of the House of berB of the executive committee. -\ ? uo~oc.V~'VKl HC:)I In'" hoir practice lit 8 p. cent of normal compared with 80 Rep,reaentative:s win be opposed by The program committee had Al.1.EGHENIES. Friday: percent on June 1. 1933. 84 per· T.C. (Tony) Patterson ot Leb· planned a James Whitcomb Riley • m'SundllY: Sunday school at. 9:30 cent on June 1. 1932 and 76 per anon. Both are Republicans. For program. R.oll call wall answered a. m. Morning worship at 10:40. cent. the 10 year (1932-31) avercounty auditoTI, Will R. Lewis, by "Quotations from Riley. Mrs. , .J The sermon subject will be. "A age. Many fields are reported to county auditor, will have oppo!i- F. U. LeMay gave a life IIketch of have snort !ltraw and the heads of tlOD. He is being opposed by Riley and Mrs. A. S. Collett read Wortt,while Vocation. Epworth wheat are rather ahort in numer' ..... League at 7 p. m. with ChQ1"les oUs I·nllt&nce-. ano tb er Repu bl Ican, .... eI on W I'l - a poem, "Wh en J 0 b n Left th e I ~ Bon, of Kings Mills. Farm." . Whitaker a s lead t. Evange istic Rye declined from 82 percent In the race for county com. The p:uelt entertainers were Rev It1QIifNlOTOS COURt- , / services at 8 p. m. of normal on May 1 to 67 percent miuloner. there are three Republi. and lrll'l. Tilford. of Xenla. ¥rs. ~=~ ~~ Monday: On .Monday of next on June 1. The forecast ill now calls and one Demoerat seekins Tilford P08le..e. a voice of rare ,. v'e k at 8 p. m. IS the regular time 644 000 bushels compared with a ~~ : : r te meeting of t~e olhclal Icrop of 688,000d bushelll in 1933. nominatloll. H. D. Bailey. of Frank (lualii)' and bas specialized in the lin, Scott. McClure. of Lebanon. old spiritual 8l>Ogs. She accompanTfJl: MEMOQJAl TO WIWAM McKINLEY. MA~ Wednesday: Bible t d d Oats aver.,e but 46 percent of and Jltmis Nixon 01 Lebanon are lea henel! on tile guitar. nn .., NT AI r ...: n./ IN AKRON IS'rnE WORlD'S GREA1tSf BUILDING OF prayer In@sting each ~~d~es~~y ntloornmaoln' tl'beecolrOdw, eMstanJyUneoalt c~nelddis' tile RepublicalUl; Walter A. Seiker "Rev. Tilford pve an "up to lYR£D YI<CStDE I IN !;~ILI\WN \Jt:J'.tT£K1, ~ISTYPE, IN IT WERE BUlcrlllE. AI~IPS AIa<oN II of Springboro ia the Democrat. ,-the minute" talk on pre$ent day :11 CANTON. 'f$A SN:R£D 9HI2INE VISITED BY AND MJ~N. tTaMRS 8l$: ACQffi AND 'MlILD f.UD lit 7 :30 p- roo !show a poor stand. the growth is For IIheri«, there are two Re· litoationa .nd problems. He. ex· llOJSANDS. ASERJES OF&AUTIFUl REllIEWOOl~8UILOING AND1tjEWASHINGlON WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF extremely short. and the crop is publicans. William Rufford. in- pres ed himself with a humor and FlECflNG POOL~ AND A'GREAT FliGHT OF ~Jr.NU.jl'-UT ""'i'THE SAME TIME. ITIl' UI'Ir'V'TlIII...1 CHRIST already heading in several loca· eumbent and CharI" Ellil of Leb.- cood fellowllhip that although one crrrnl' I r'AI'I ~ 'TUE MONUMENT: "IV 1'1 "'" ~I r.:> 1"1UKt: 111M!' t ies. No forecast of oat production anon, Democrat! in the race are did not thoroughly acr M at all ;;"P'i) I.UW IV In ® ur,wf:),IWO OIL co. tf'OIf/O 2(X) FEET HIGH. (Undenominational) will be made until next month. '· OM>~,...,. atjpllrAHtlo9tatbl S Chester A.. Willlam80n. Minlater ' The June 1 condition of Spring Olen Pursley. Mainville, ROJ Fite, times it ,,&8 taIIen with a laugb. Lebanon and J . Robert Baker. A friendly ceneral diacu ..ion Evangelistic services now going Wbeat was 48 per cent against 69 Wayneaville. followed tbe projffam. on. Evangeli tic D. R. Dunn I percent one year ago and 80 perFor clerk of courts there is one The cueat lilIt included Mrt, preaching nightly, ervices begin cent,. t.he ten·year a.verage. Barley Republican alld one Democrat. C. John K. Preston. BQn aad daurhter DEATHS at 7:46 p. m. Pt'ogram for Sunday; conditions on June 1 averaged 46 C. Collins. Republlean incumbent. Irfr. and Mra. Ota Hidy, Kr. and IJun e 24, Church School at 9: 30 lpereent compared with 63 percellt and Harry Palmer, Muon. Demo· Mra. J. L. Mendenhall. M Ch a r1otte V . ",m ' ea, d 70 , a. m. Lord's Supper and sermo n th on June 1, 1933 and 81 percent, j rs. t . and Rev. t have 81e d pe titl onl. cra, ,and Mrs. T iIt ord. died at the home of her 80n, Iby B1·0. Dunn at 10 :30. Christian, e en· year average. ROil Hartsock, Waynelville, He· The club will meet in July with Fuunce, on root.e 3, TUI!sday even. 'Endeavor at 6:45 p. m. Lola SearB, Pastures on 'June 1 were very publican. and Inman Munger, Mr. 1.1111 Mrs. A. S • .Collett at ina. The funeral servil:e i being Leader. Evening evangelistic ser- poor .alld in plaees had little feed Franklin, Democrat, will make tbe "Hole In the Wood.... h ld this afternoon at Lhe res ivice at 7:45 p. m. Sel'mon by BTo. l!tt 10 them. The averare con eIlrace for county treuure.r. • - • dence. Burial will be mnde at Bell. Dunn, Meeting continues. The 110n on June 1 was only 1i1 perFor proHcuting attorney, the brook. . church whet'e you feel at home. cent of normal compaTed with 89 namel of two Republicans. C . Donr---perc-ent one )lear .,0. 72 pereent aid Dilatullh. Incu.mbent. and WIl. Mr. and Mrs. Ot. Hldy spent Miss Roma Hardin is in SpringST. MARY'S ' CHURCH two years ago and 82 percent, the 1Iam E. Hofer, of Franklin 'Will the week-end at Springfield. Ted. infant son of Mr. and Mrs. field taking a course at bu Ine s ten.year average. appear on the banot. Vernon impson. died at Good school there. )tev. J. J. Schaelfer. Rec~~ Apple prospects at thi. time inFor . surveyor tbere ' ill be Sam Mtases Tri11ena and MargaT~t Suma itan Hospital on Wednesday ; . .. Fourth Sunday after Tnnaty, dicate a light crop. The averale D. Henkle, Republican Incumbent, Edwards spent Saturday in Dayton moming. The f uneral nervice was MISS Fran~s Hall. of Walmmg- June 24. Chu rch Rc~ool at 9:30; condition on June 1 was 80 }lerand Roy S. Burroul'ha. Democrat, . The" R CJobs of Warren county ' M~. and Mrs. M~r Hyman at- held at 2 o'clock this afternoon ~~' A~' tb~ week-end guellt 01 rviee at 10:30. when members of icent of normal with 66 percent ODe of AlFrlan kHIID' d are IpolllOrln, a tour to the tended abridge-shower at Xenia, (Thursday) at the Mc'CluJ'e Fun· IS Ice ops. 18Waynesville Lodge N 163 F. & year ago, 49 percent tw.o years_ro . en utlman, county reeo~ er World'a F at Chiearo thla lum. Sunday e.vening. eral Home, Rev. G. C. Dibert. Miss Etbel Mendenhall spent A. M, are invited to attel1~ in ob- and 63 percent, the ten-year averwI11 be oppo••d in tbe Repubhean mer. aceordlng to County Arriculofficiating. everal days last week with Mr, servance of St. ~aptlst D!'y' jig for lune 1. . primary by Geo .... S. JohnlOn of tural Agent. Lester J. Miller. Mias Clara LUe is visiting her • - .. and Mrs. Harley Plyroir~ Peaches suffered very heavily ~banon, while lira. Van Horne. July 12-13-14-1& haa been Ie. alater, Mn. N. P. ClybuTn at FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST from the low winter temperatures. wldow of the late county suneyor. lected for thil date tour which wUl Wuhincton C. H. Miss Marjorie Earn.hart is villit. (UndenomiutioDal) most buds and, in some Instancea, ing her aunt. Mrs. Karl Babb and , Chester A. Williamson trees themselves beine kiUed. Th. h.. filed her petition for the Demo- be ov~r the Ble Four Route. The cratle nomination. route and time of the train is u Mr. W. E. O'Neall, of Orlando, family, at Xenia, this week. Unified service beginning with June 1 forecast is for a crop of A. newcomer iDto county p~lI" follows' I Fla., af!ived in town on Tuesday Miss Alice Hall, of Dayton, call. Church School at n.'30 a. m. Lord's 182,000 bushels compaTed with the tici Dr Herschel Williama B e ' for a visit. d h ... ., light crop of 456.000 bushell l..t J.a,. II Ret.ra Jw.. 14-11 eveni1lc e On er aunt, l'Oiss Kate Hall, at Supper and sermon at 10:30. Ser- year and 1,223,000 bushels the 6Lebanon ....11 ofer op1<6 . Publican f{; • , ... Franklin, 6:10 a. m. 6:&& a. m. Ralph Vance , and son, of the Frlendll Home. on Friday. mOil "ubject, "Questions Answered pOlli on to the present county cor· Middletown 6:B~ a. m. 6:40 a. m. Pleasant Plain. were guests of Mr. I .. • and Lessons Taught in the Trans-. year averare. oner, Waldron C. Gilmour. Mauda 6:40 a. m. 6:26 a. m. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke. on Sun. Ml s~ ~orls H~nder~on, of C~n. figuration." You aI' alw~ys welPears give promise of a crop of For the Democratic eommlttM. Clncillnati 8:00 a. m. 6:80 a. m da),. clnnata. Issp e l1dmg thIS week WIth come at this churCh. 261,000 bushels IIgalnst 336.000 th~re are conteata In several town· \ This tour will enable people of . ' Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Henderson. _ ,_ _ In 1933 while the foreeut of a'IIPS . ' the objective being th •. COli" Warren county to spend two fun Mr. and Mrs, Rellmsn anddaugb. The Waynesvj}Je Merchants lost Cherries is 2,745 tons compared trol of the central committee: da- at the fa)'r. The entire tour ter. of Dayton. called on Mrs. their first game of the season last work Missas Alice Qonl will instart ber with 2.806 tons last yea!'. . summer school structor RI ch1.1'd II • C ox .and S • M. 11.... ie J~ arranged so that all aceomodo- .... m.aqare t Ma rti n, Sun day af ter. SUlliiay , when the Be.lmont Mer· . • - Deerfield townahlpj D. W. Billhop tiona will be taken care of even to noon. chants gave them a real trounc- in Wilmington College, on Monday . MEASEL-PENNINGTON d tour ' is to\u O!u; ::: In a beautiful ceremony amid an HamUton; Roy II. Comba and AI· $11.60 for adults and '8.70 for for several w~eks ill slowly im- have .theil' ,~ad day whe.n they were Emmet Wise at Norwood, Sundal'. lartistic arrangement of oak lea•• bert Ertle, UDlon; Kel1ar lIoak chUdren under twelve years ' of proving • meehn". thIS team. 01 course w e . . and cut-garden 80wers Mlsa B..... Dnd John P. CIUDDlha... Wa,.e: ..... This colt oven transporta. . ' klIew that they would have a ba.d Mr. C. H. Kuns. 01 Chicago, Ill., The Wayncsville Troop No. 40 • •nice Pennington becam& the bride Jobn BIa,..r and Carl Belehler. tion bot!) wayaj two adml.ions to Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Grijfy anli day ome time but ~a~ed to see It called .on Mrs. Mary ~dams at:no · Scouts of America entertained of Mr. !tUB el M. M~aael in Todd Franklin, Howard E. MC?"'ian the Fair, b,ua tour ' of Chicago, 80ns, Paul and Vincent. visited MI' wh'en w,e. w~re .meetlDlr Belmont. the Fraends Home, on Fnday after I th~r faihers at a banquet on 1H0u~e, Monday evenine, .JGne. 11, and Cora 1'ho~n, .....1•• John lodging at . hote]' for two nights. and ' Ml·s. Car] Connard at Dayton, Crew S 'pltchm.f: wasl very good .noon. I Monday evening. June 18,' in the ' at eight o ~clock. . ' E. HoldeD: Balem; Wilbur Hutt, transfer of 'ba,rage, entra~ce to on Sunday. a. tt~e , boys . ~bly gSltQered , five Miss Belle O'Neall ha removed 'social rooms of the Methodist! Candelabra holdmg lIfrbted taP.~Iearc,.ek, D, M. Adami. Wash· several attractil>nl 'on the groul\ds . hits off his dehvery and some of . L C H ' h h Sh rtl It 6 -3 0 '1 k ers added to tbe charm of tile ... Inrton. and Edwin Sotll Harlan,. and a Iree bor lunch comlnc back Mrs. Orville Gt.ay and daughte r, ~hosewere of the sCTa,tch variety. here 'from W~shang"on . . and ,c ure ' . 0 y a er . 0 c oc ' coratio,ns. Miss eell& 'It 8e1a • There are but three CODtesta KiM Barbara, viSited My. and Mrs. /l ou Weller the o~'I" Wavnes- taken room III the home of Mrs. a group of 38 made up of fathers, I -d Ch i'> N c t . '1th l!. , In on the' traln. The only additional A, .C. Bowman, at Franklin, 'Sun- ~ile ' boy cross t. h:/plate.r·;nd IMaRie Burnett. . onts dand toutta~Ofb-ltown 'lguestsl' wedre eLOI' P~Pnnnl'ns no+oon umr~el'c1' offtl_~ the Republican pl'imarJ for com· expenle would be ~our meals while d aft h' . .. I sea e a es c evere y e. ~. v ,,~... -'"' mlttee~lI: W. 1l.. Roward, Harlan In Chleago. ay emoon. , ! IS. dId n?t bappen unbl the .nlntb Mr. R. F. Hat1ield and Mrs. conted in the boy scout colora, and s18~r ot tbe brideent.ered 1:0 ·t ownshlp; Joaeph L, Davia, lJeerRuervatiou can be made at the Mr. and Mrs. Lindley . Mills and mnmg. Mlk,e le~ off with a 8I1lPil~. Mame Ratfield spent Thursday and khaki and red and soon showed the Itrams of 'MendelllllOblls Wedfield; C. E. Ha-:nerj 8t.lem; R. D. COllDt, Ar:enta oSce allytime be- daughter 01 Midland Michigan ,S atterthwaite smgled and Mike I Friday of last week with Mrs. C. their appreciation of the bounte- ding March. She wore putel print Van Meter: UnIon; W. 0. Penee. tween now and July 10. Last year were' we~k-end guests' of 'Mr. and stopped at second •. Both ·runners C. Watkins, at Cbilli~otbi) . ' OU8 banqu t dinner. •~ voile and carried a bouquet 1St , Clearcreek. R. E. LeJtoJ ud 200 people from Warrell Mn. G. D Mills. advanced. when .Snlltbsl)1l grounded Chas. A.ndel·RO O Sr, assistant pmk roses, larkllPur, and mignoDHarold Ham. Frankllft; Bd hoek mad. a li-,\t-r t'ou'" to th efa'~.' out to tl\nd. Mike sooted on Hart· MI Betty Shade and Mr. Mar· t er, ' had •che rae • f th etta. mua . Beou tr mas . a white 80wn of hea.". enhauer anc1 Wa Iter Shl• ld a. Ham U • _ , •. ." Mrs. Emerson Earnhart Mrs. sock ,s Ion". fly to rig h't and Tread- ,i on Wh'tak I er, . 0 f Dayt on, were fo th eveninar 0 whicbe I Wearlll&' ton; Harry M. ~ M..... ; John Fromm and Mise Ola' Hart. way fanned end ing the ball dinneT guests of Mr. and Mrs. MOTe ~rog e , ~ crepe and a tulle veil trimmed witJl as amf 11 r John C. Hawke, W.a,...; C. J, W... HOI PaVWIent. sock attended Eastern Star in- game. ' ' ris Grah,am. Tuesday evenin&,. ast· 0 ows: D'b t rose-point lace and. car'ryinir .a bo.... Mho. "-1\ ...... rtJ ,,-Th B i t b ~ d' t" nvoca, Ion , ev, I er . goner an d GuJ~' pe· , 1"\.0_ s~ection ,at Dayton, Saturd'a y e e mono oYe s:~ore 1n .,e M.essrs; Orvilie Gray, his father. Welcome to Fathers ... Leo Conner. quet bf white r~se8 and Itll~ of creek, aDd FNd Rqerneyef, uue D . Irt, nlrht. I . , f o r th-etr first. :Pu.tterbaugb J. T. Gray Chester Car y and Response .. ,.... ..... .. Ronald Hawke tbe valley, the brIde entered atOll•• k Rbi' d d h b II R d' J b R The groom entered with hiS beat Washington. " smgled. Went to seconld as Tread- F _ _ ____ e Judge Abel Reisinger, of Eaton \\ray threw Johnson out. Hoefling ran 0 .ns?n at.ten e t e a ea lng .. ... ......; ...... 0 n unyon man Terrence Meuel hit' broth. . FhIal adju.tmenta have been and his son, ' Roi Reisinger. of doubled and Putterbaughstopped game at ClIlcmnata, on Sunday. IAdd~8S ...... MIddletown ScouteT The ceremony w~ ormed made in the Com.Hop: eontracta In Canada, have been guests at third. Boomer then s ingled SCOT· I Mr and Mrs Stanley Se)lars ~Beadlnfig ··I·"R·.... : . RoFrbert llsymatn by Dr Wi.lliam J Huich:::'prr-ul - n coual-.. A~rdln ... to tbe . wee k·.... EI'las 0 g1eg· mg . P utterb augh all d ' Hoe fti ng. and Miss . eeelveB ' omd Mcou " of BeTea Colleee. . ....._.I , Wa U,. ~I' . ..... - . ... 0 ...... r. Brady,. of Lebanon, and I " . ene.. I:!! 11 h- ent t U · AUotment Committee. the I:on- bee. . Schalnat singled an~ Boomer stop- I Rev. and MT8.. J. J. ~chaetrer we:re T~Ir;:.... .:.:·,:::::·,:".::·.:·:".. ~::.r WiI1~a~lS Miss Pennington I. the dau...... . tracta are beiDa tJped and ~ Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ker.sey and ped at ucond. Sane w~t out, dinner lUests of Misses Annie and .' Spring Valley of Mr. and ~r9. H. C. PenalDctoD The Idle",Ud Blrthda, club met ~ ~w::. ~e =4e daughter. Mise Evelyn, Qt Ore- Tbompson to SatterthwaIte and Mame Browne at the Friends As an additional feature. of of WayneSVIlle. Slie is .. erad_a .t the couatIT home of Mr. and:' 1l if ~ m~ gollla; called on Mr: and Mrs. R. both ru~ners advan~ed to s,e cond Home. on Sunday. interest a motion picture film. of Berea Collep:e, (e.... of '11) f .... 0 Mra P L. BeaaoD, o. the eveDinc • .. al'ND COUD Y H H rt k 'd f U S d and third respectlv.,ly. Thomas I· 'is D t A F' Id" and has for several yean b ...... ot jun~ U celebrating the ' birth. Ih()lIld ree. . thefr em adjut· • i a 1I0C an am y. un ay walked ftllh1g the bas~11I but Crews Sunday afte.rnoon callers of Mr, cou~ a~ ar th r~.eo ~. I!istant matron at Ladl" IIell. days of OPal Reason aad Davia payment 111 about thirty day- even ng. ground~d to short, for the' third out land Mrs. Samuel Butterworth wa~hll ownl lnn:r :::~ Mr. Measel Is the 80D of 2ft' Fum... · , Aceordilll to Mr. ·MIll.r, count, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Davis, Mrs. Belmont again &cored in ' the were: Mr. ~nd Mrs. Jim O'Dell a!,d from e F::nkli~ o;;idd~Il:::n and . and Mrs_ ~enTy Meuel of Som": , r'n Valle.' . set, Ky. He finished hie jualor,.. All of 'the meDlbera were pres- qricu1t"ral acent, the tamlers Mame Hatfield and Mr. R. F. Ha~ fi~th. Wlth one down , Plltterbaugh famtly, ~ISS. S~rah Burnett, Mus ent aad quite a number of vi.lton. will be nodi". come to the head 1e1d attended memorial services tnpled and 1IC0red w,ben John.on Ant,ha Danwlddle and Mrs. Mabel Sp 1 g Y• _ • of colleae work at B.raa .. 11M A tew mulieiaU' were here from quarten fa tIl.1r tcnraallip to of the I. O. O. F. at Lebanon. filed to right. Tben with two dowD Dillwiddie of Dayton, and Mr. and and be II now cOGnected wItJt ~ Ciaelnnatl and fu.miahe.1' 1OJIl. the tlDal ......ture on their Sunday afternoon. Hoeftlng alngled. Bo(!mer sinrled Mt'S. Burnet of Leb· M alonl To Attend Prudential We lnaulanee eo.. very nice Hledlo.... eoDtnw:t. Bel... of contracted and both Hored on Laurens' two anon. pany at Danvlll.. KJ'. ' The men preMllt aCral for , . . . . or mula. of Mr, and Mrs. R. H. Hartsock, bue errqr. Sine ftied to c.nter reMG' Mary'l Out of tOW1l petta were lit. aad C 'd the pri.. ftcht that w.. ha, will be a b" ladue• •Dt for ..... John Fromm and Mrs.. Lena tirinc the side but there were five lIr. an.d Mh~' Harry th inniS • . Mn. Terrene. 11....1 of LexIJw.. e that evenl.. all l&?men to tIleir ftnal Rartlock. attencJed the inspection runs over the plate in the fourth are spendanr t IS e home ton .... Je.le ...... ~e retrealun~tI cona.ted 01 .....ure IUId eoo.,.,.te · In thll of Aealia chapter at Masonic Tem· and tfth Inningl. The Belmont of Dr. L. B. Hall urln: t~nd aD- Members Df Wayne.vUle lodge ,of ' . . . IIIn. R C. ream cake and etn.......... · procra",· pie, Dayton, on Thursday evening. team again aeOTed jn the ninth lienee of Mr!. Hal an c ren No. 163 F. 6; A. M. have received • Icel : wa. 'deel4ed to . . .to . Fort PlaaJ ebeek-up .110.,. that War· Mila Vlqlnia Hardin left Sun. when SIDe, fint man up ~rl a~ ~illtdlr,:he -;renta o~ Dr, an invitation trom Rev. John J_I Ie leale . . . - 4 tilt .... eomat, wID reeeM eel u4 IICIOred .. Thomu waa a, r. an ra.. m. a. a Schaelrer, pastot of at. MarY'1 Hn. ...... Ane nt wo~!.!'...._~...... ......, ,.'0,000 II the cia)' for Oxford, Ohio, where Ih. on Laurene error Thom.. Wtllt Weat Lafayette, Oh10. Epiaeopal Qhureh to attend aer- II... __ day Oil _ J ' , . • __ ' pleted a4 ...., II atteDdiq wlllmer a e l t o o l . · . _.. • S.L. I' - .. Etta PI-. ~_"!!. ... Laella laue, alld eeeond Oil a rid pitch to third en Mr. ud lira. I. Q. Gon., VIces at that _ureb Ull_y morn- wore • tIIIIn1... P. 1.. ....... ...,. . .__._a. .... enteNd IOlaool there oa a leW.n chole. aad ROred 011 Mr. ud lira. J. B. Goill and lDC, SaiIlt Johll Baptist Th· j..l.... ______ • - - Zl....thalen 10ftI' 11' to ..-.r Hila ~ Goa eatertalaed at service atarttnlr ..t 1. :a8, ill 0........ which ended the aeorl..... dillner on TlleedaJ. Ja4re Ab.l Ill. ~ I helle. . till. ......... or Baton, 1Ir. 801 ReIs An appropriate . . .0 • ..,. Mr.... tile

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I Tho

Idlewild· Birthda, CI b M e Th'u rMla,


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1..-------....;1 1 ----------------.. · s OM 1"'HE WARREN N EW

lUll Ga~ t hin fe-Jlv w? Gillman, tMetor), orker of lAb. S"b rlbe for The nobv,d)"d h(' t uul ~m,ugh fo l' that. " anon. " I\U llnl' \'<! hi" nllmt'. !IiI. lind, Charle, Loyel.,... punch pre.. th..,r!!' no denyin' he'- drunk. Bun operalor ot Dayton, alld Mr.. Mar Ilet was lilway a hf'ttin ' tool, l>ir, c lIa Pre"el. of FrankHn. (tr unk (l r ~ob er. O'y e mind hi With Reliabl. Serum wllgel' on ap' n axb)' " Blu e Boy R••I E.t.t. Traa.I. . and Virul Lv dilanc Judge An derson' h J Sparrer Ora. by t\\ 0 Icngthl!-COinmo n PIe.. prjxeedia r In the ca e of J ohn N WaRer William S. Norria to T Oma8 . At a rea.onable price anti al l eC llnse he wa tit out with . ' nnd Clarice Wager ve rsus' Cather. ~nd Sarah .E. Stanle~, 131.16 acres I n th ca~e of T he · tat~ ( (Ohio II~ F. Wager, et al; confinnlitlon, m Frankli n towllshlP· lh .. judI( '." " II 's 8 Cool. d " i1 a doubt of V(lr u Ch rl l'. Le1!tcj' A ll n. AI ~ dl!ed a nd distribuct.ion. J uhn M. !;klnncr, O~ aI, t o Atwe ll Ph_ 17R4 ill But wh "s h laying a wager in (hwa~h w app. in t,ed g uard to ltl th case of C. C. Eulass, ad. McCray, 100.04 acres In llllrla D [hi ' affair? And why against Rug- a .I. l m tran P?l'ttng t he d fen- mini trator de bonis Tlon with t he township. , _ ~ gleston'! And " hat. do\:s he know dunt t o the OhiO tat(> R f01' n! - will ann ex d of the e tate of Mar· William McCandl 8 ~o W. C. . of it? It i · public pJ' operty- c m: trY. . t ha J . Richartl son, deceased. ver· and Emma Lewis, r cal e tut~ in HA)1TF~R V. bllll ~tOl'Y-llgO "18t my word?" mo n talk ? It so, Hard wiu put a tn th case of T b ~ tat 010hlo u W . Ch e ter Maple, execut or at lea rcreek township. "('altn rOlllself. sir," retut'ned top to it" Everett Frye, W. E. Ora· the e tate of W. F . E ltzroth de· J C S· l o G Ol'g J , YUII . lIW t h e can, II e ~n u f · B111' J .y. "0' - Pqt t I ' !\ po ken "Bunnet'' _ got his rea~on8. Reas- . . • d d t 0 asSUl . t cea ed, t aI, the plaintiff . "is grant. Waterhouse ameli . 6831 a acr ~ In Wayne. HAnd .l a,ol' ~Jl;lm. was.ppo.lnoe guar ' d w\1h ~' OUI' u\\ II f!y ~~ .. he ad- word a1l A'l)nd a lin)' other It n· on n oug h tOI' him ir H '11 wnl. m tran portatlng the defendant to ed leave to file J'eplv to the answ· h' " . J . n hon d to Bi!n B ar- ter' down anyth ing, Hamm tl ('man 'a Wl'ltl dNI. r t Us '•he Ob'10 tate P e m't eo t'lary. ers of W. Chester Baple and Le town .Ip' d d to "At n)n f ull puce" ir; nnd 1 y no III tter what lIalll s ' yer 'i mayb tor Illv 0' the doctor In tbe CII e of Hurry Oti Me· V. B li e. LI~han F . Moon, e~ea8C, wi th th' I ft h~IMlI Ill' denn 1\'; Wilh hon t: .may givl' to our lit.Ue agree ~ nd maybe for fear. nd ir J u.m. lung vers~s 1!=th el Ilonl! Dlldley, In t h ca of William P . Stagge !'Iattle Barbee, e t ai , inl ol No. 294 thf1 right - all a~ cu"y a en czin' m nt In .a moment ox exciteme nt. " Rec nd butler, he was t enin° et ai, applIca tion. to buy b9 nds ersus Sam 'layman , cause is di s. In Lebanon. ir:' 'm here to-nhl'ht to put money in me thi mornin' there'll consider. granted. miQ ed. Elizabeth Brant., d ceased, to I. mRzin'! nd who':\ t~e p r~on y ~. poc~et. I'ir; an~ n1aybe a f w a bl feeli n' among l the so-called I.n !he calle of The Miami ,:,al~ey Alice M. Shawban, inlot No. 124 '" iIIiltl( t." w8'l:el' . aK'Aln ~t thl gumea III my wn. . gentry hereo bouts aga inst t he n ew Buddmg and Loan A811oclatJOn N ew Suit. in Morrow. ROOT FOR A"D CONlle" m~1 kS1ll1I1I s u~c,~; \0 the 1.. ue of I H~ told the .. ory. of th off Ir, him treatin' them versus. J . E. Eberh rt,. e~. ai, conAlice M. Shawha.n to C. P. rour Cattle, bop, ,b••'p and ...,,~ to Norrl.. Broek Co•• Ii... thl ah- a.f f8lr. t b lIH'~n the wtld Highlander and Imore off.han ded no.l' they're ac. Brma tlon, deed and dl tllbutl on. An na T eniJi versu s Be1)jamin Krohn, inlot No. 124 In MoJ'Ow. • ••lve ftrm for til. ' ... Ii The Uiv I ncr _ pok,~ a name. . apt In the ¥onorable P ter Rug· customed to. aptom Rugglesto n The case of G eorg~ .J , Water T nill, f or divorce. Oharge is ex· J. W. Kibler to C. P. Kro hn, pro prtce, and !rood.. .. 32.1l acres In Salelt1 township . maXet Damu th~ fellow.I crl~ SqUlr ,gil' Lon; anll to that h added a n- Ispilt a glas 9' negus onto Bunnet' house v~r8u Jame Ir~l!, Leffel" treme crUelty. Ullloa Staick Yarde' Cl••laaatt Q. Bunnet. "Ith brlghteniOg ey 8. oth r tory, the s cond being an ' we kit IS8t night a n' did n't even on, a mlllor, et aI, partit Ion order ' . R 0 F ' h Tune in on Radio Station un made a fool of me in court, ab.olute creation of hill brnin. He lexpre s hi regret 0 the econd. ed. Protiat. CollrtLydia E. ~UkY to oy , ~~c , U :25 to 11 :30 p. m . tor our daD, and a bigger fool ot himself. I'll aid that he had been ordet'ed to Ibutl r was tellin' me wlJilst. treat. In the ca e of RoSl R. Hartsock, 82.33 acres In Wayne tow ns ~p . market r.porta. be glad to tea h him a Ie son t,. ' at·I'Y two cllndle~ to Madv r's in' him el! to tl'upenny,worth 0' a. admini tutor, d boni n on A copy of the entry determining William R. Morri s, by admlnl S" 1' 11 be glad to ~ e that myself. Toom, anel there had 10unrl Doctor ' UIS' "um Well sir you knuw with the will annexed of t he e tate t~e .inhe ritance tax in tbe e~tate of trator, to Roy O. Finch, 1'13.91 yer hon or, And about a g ntleman 'Hammer instructing th Highland- ' quire Bun~et'~ nal'un." of James C. ale, deceased, versus Lilh~!, ~oon, deceat!ed, IS to be acres in Wayne town ship. to hold th takes. ir- a gentl!'- 'r ill the use of pi stols. 'Maclv l ' "Did h e approach you in George J . Waterhouse, tat, con- cert lfie wl~hout delay. Melvin Townl!end and Ev )yn ,. 4 '" YEARS OF SERVICE m n of di~cl'eUon like yer elf, sir, had handled th wea pon as if matter'" flrm ation, deed an d distribution. Mr~. Marie H. T~ylor and Allen Towneend to W. S. Norris, 13 1.15 '" who'll keep a poor man's name ont nfraid they would explode in his I " Bunnet' He d id that, sir He In th e ca e of Wallin ita . Haag I Thlr kleld wel:'eappomted ~ember acres in Fran klin township. CARY~ of th maher?" finger: and de troy him . Re had waved his ';lOney i n my fae ( iittle versus ' m lam L. Hug, divorce to of the Board of County VIsitors. Atwell McCray to O. R. Bohache ~ LEBANON" OHIO " ]'\1 have one here, waiting for trembled like a leaf. t hough cold knowin' wh at I'd bee n h ea rin ' f r om I plaint iff. Care of child, te.. to In the matter of the ~ust creat- and Charles BihleTt, 16.0'1 aer es in the bold maju,r and his money." , ~ober. The fire-eating doctor had the second Butler abo ut a p'n Rug I plain tiff. Defe ndan t to pay $2.50 ed by Item I V. of the Will of Wal- Harlan township. W e ha ve a complete Barle.y produced gold and bank be()n cruel sharp with h im, curs ing ' g leston shootin' t h stem! out per week in a dvance beginning on tel' W'. VoorhiS, deceased. trustee Atwell McCray to Charles SkinW.tch R• .,.Jr S.nrlc. not()s, wbich f l'. .Bunnet cOllnted, like a logger. The doctor had I fro m under win gIll e at ten he 4th day at Jun e. authorized to purcha e bonds. n er, 29.iH aeres in Harlan town· Prices Reasonable nlade a note of, and pocketf'd. \gl'abbl'd a pi tol from fcfver'$ poces an' him urun k as billy· beI n the ca se of Audrey P. males . In the matter of the estate of ship. " And I'll ~ouble i~, Ben," aid t.rembling hand and hot the wick am.'" v !'Su!! ~harles . . males, ~vol'ce J ame. C. Sale, deceased, order of Ephraim Dimmack to, Loui BO~8 Bea da Restrung Mr.13unnet. Very fTlendly oC ~ou off OM of the can dles. Then the "Did t he f How s it?" to plamtlff. Care of child to ale I ued. . . a nd Mary Bore 39.114 scres 10 J(:welry Repai red to think of m in this connection: di traded MacI ver had pull ed '''r h money sit? I saw it -an' plaintiff until furth~lr ord er of Paul W. Tetrick, administrator Franklin township. " THE J{OME OF GIFTS" nnd r'lI not forget it. And yo ur trigger at t he oth I' candle nnd cover ed fo r ty p ou~d of it I;' court. D tendant to pay $7 per of the estate of ~Iora W. Tetrick. Flinn K. Reeder and Kati Reed , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _", name and t he entire mat.ler i safe made a hole in the c~i1i n ~. It had "The br oking ' f th win . week in advance beg inning on the deceased,. til d hl.s inventory. e r to Ev rett Re d~l' 63.07 aeres c. with me. That's om of the Boll· been a distressing exhibition. and 8 1a u a t ten paces" e 4t h day of . The will of Ahce D. Howe. de- i n Washington town hip. " Thi~ very mor~inn', before ceased, was admitted to ~robate. Herman ThiebeJl to Wililam Heb ington brandy at your, Ib?~t Ben. I Honest Ben had been lad to leave him wi~h a bangFrank M. HOWe was appomted ex- beler a nd Emma Rebb eler 17 acres Help yourself ; · and III Jom you the r oom. in a nip. It' 00 bad you don't. " If t hat r~d ·headed loon can't l ove r " out and pinch ed him. He left the ecutor, no bond required. Mrs. in Ha milt.on township. know the e xact tim and p la~e, fo r shoot, why th hell rlo s-he fight?' "And Bl.jOnet 'laid a wag er wit h warm bed, lit a Cllndle at the Adda Han~jnson, Georee . Hall and Velma B. Drake to Kal'l D. akin it. I~ ollld be w~ll worth ~~I~g." a ~ d lhe m ~jor. "Jf he's got you?" hearth , shaved and bathed ,i n ice. Kent La~r)ck were apPoUlted ap· and Ruth I. Dakin, real elltate in But w~ ca!, t hel~ learDl,n the ~ elther tb e Sk,lll lIor the , lIy for I " Forty ' pound. He ha d hundreds cold water, ' dressed in hill best, and praisers. . Lebanon. W AY"E!VILLE, OHIO r sult of It, Sir , An that 11 b Ilt, why doesn t be eat dll't? It's trenn '. Ask him ." spread t he cont nta of Doctor Ham .J . Q. Gons was a ppomted ad· D• .A. Harrison to William J ohn· Phone 80 Buk 81". enough knowledge fO l' )'OU and m be~n done b f ore, by bet.ter men I . . mer's package on lLb c table-all mlOlstrator of t he estate of James son inlot No. 126 ill Franklin. sir ; and too much f ot i ajor PoL· ' that t hat swaggeri ng aVllge-so I ~~t :b~ matord was not ~ulte without sound 01' hatate. He br~ak· Gona. deceased, and fi led bond of Fr~nk Hughes and arab Hughes tie." l 've b en told." sa I S e . e as e O1 or-: questIon s, last ed a t hi leisu re on sand '45,000 with sureties. EU. Oele8' to Minnie ChaWin '1 5.16 acre in Ben Barley smiled fr equenl.1)' " Th e swagger'" all out of hiUl an.d ~e same ones ,Il g j{' and /etiwlchIlS. two raw egg'S, and a little bee, Thomas Corwin and Henry Franklin townabip: at hI, tb \lghts duti n g hill h01l'\e- now, eir. I 's Hammer' forcm' celve /lnsw!!!;, to a l. e app Ie rum and water. Wills were appointed appraisU'8. E va Hageman to Douglal\ Hol• • ward dl'iv~. Arrived ,he stabled and holdin' him to i for the to ~ botJle bof b.lue g!a{! to~ cour· He blew out the cllndl and rais· Mal,}, J. Fraser, executrix of the lingsworth real estate i/l Turtle· the gelding smartened up his dre s honor C)f Scotland, t o judge by his ~geh an.' Ii ~ m~e 0 hC oc t ' t~ waf ad th_1! blind at ~ne c,f the wind o~ estate of Thom~s D. Fra er, de- creek tow~8hiP • • ~tJ ~ e o . t e ru. o . He gave ten mlDutt~s t o th e rals- ceased, filed her lnventory. Evelyn H Ja qua to Douglas Holand made a hearty supper . Alter talk. There's Highland blood in ot upper he called on Major P ottle, t he doctor , too . by what he was B~;~ey s ,"for~atl~n a~d equIPpe~ ing of th e sash, whi ch was frostIn t he matter of the estate of li ngsworth ' real estate in Turtle· The major did not want to see sa yi n' . The captain struck the ~ courage 0 ta e a vantag~ 0 bound in the frame" He went out Chal'le Penkawa. decealled. the creek tow~sbip Honest Ben but be lacked the kilted lad on the mouth; and Ham- It.. He ordered a h Ol'se and sleIgh. feet first and Jaced crwn across the hearing on the sched ule of debt, is Elmer Shock to RUSMI Mentz courage to send his eXCUIle!! to t he mer saw it done. Tbe poor calf's ~~ tr~!Isf~rred b not~8 h ~nd sill, and lowered hilmse1f. He was continued to Jun$ 20 at 10 o'clock 10 acrell in F ra nklll) township. · • doo)'. The fact is, he n ot only reo mor e aleared of the doctor nOlOhe tom 1 8 rong ox 0 IS poc e . hanging fully xtel1lded when he The inventory of Howard Phillip J enn i Kirby to S E Coyle ingretted hi past ('. sociati on with be of the Englishman; and he' Arrived at King's Hill, Major f elt the icy ridge /)f t he kitche n Assum, a dminIstrator of the estate lot No ~6s) in Franklin' , the taverner, but he was beginning got to tight one or t other of them. Pottle entered the house alone. roof. He traveled the length of of Louis M. A sum, decealled, was Fra~k R Combs to joaie Wills to fear the f~llQw. He cursed him. 80 he'll atand up ' to the captaln. Ben Barley ~hrew a robe ?ver t~e thlt roof on handsl and knees, approv~d. real elltate 'in Olearcreek township: self f or the sense! ess hatred whicb There'll be a dud Hi ghlan~er horse, l~t a pIpe, a,n d rem~ l1~ed dlS- dro~ped from that to \pe shed onto T~e . mventory of Ru th McClure CorneliuB Rile)' to Pauline W. had pr~mpted him t \> that mad layin' . out 80m where before long. eteely m the sleigh: ~l thlO, the a pile of cordwoo d. admlnlstratrix of ,the estate of Riley inlot No. 407 ' in Franklin. Phone 7U , a nd futIle and disuttoU8 attempt Now if it was n fight with broad- maj or found , the mllgulded BUll· MacIver f ound Doctor Hammer James W. I:"resley. deceased. WSB • on the Hie of Ala dair MacIver . swords or axes or club!:!, 1 wouldn't net and a very re pectable man awaiting him at ' tlhe rend ezvous approved. B·II. Allowed MadoeFs ! The action of a fo ol! He put it lIaat MacIver to dQ Ms part from farther upriver, and accom· behind the town. "rhe doctor carThe inventory of Ruby Van 1 hould have tried to scrape up a and maybe more'n hill par t; but p~islled hi busin~. S lVithout a ried a case of pi tols and another Rlper. executrix of the esate of D. ~rville K. Brown, P remo on Ins. ( riendship )vit'h McIver, licked t he pistol' 1>eyond him. He's afe~r hItch. of surgical In.' tn'm..... d V~"., Van RIp". , ..,Mod. w .. Ch'I.....•• H. m•• Ch"l~ "OTAllY PUBLIC brogues and flat tered edo' the tOQl in his hand. But MacIver ~ upped alone that night started up a wide rOf.d slopinll' be· approved. J . Schwart z, Starch, Oxydol for ~tl:"--;---1ttzlfllrn.t~'Ill1r1t<lr.1!'DTT1r'_trrlt:t_;ttre+r,J1n)tm;,;;...u.:".~,.._Tl../' .. 'rl:__fao.e on t hen went for a )o~ walk in the tween walls oll>lac.l!UU:I" an be adjndiCP t ion and determi Cou ~ House 4.72; Lillie Urt~n, ild4!rness and sung low and it e doctor tills rim up with frosty starshine. He called at ed for fif teen minu~es in s ilence. tion ot tb e inh eritance tax on the lerV!Ces, U'I. ;-,Mrs.. Ira E ltzroth " .....aI B..k to all tho! mangy immigrant _ liquor at the last m inule." Doetor Hammer's quat'ter On his " I didn't sleep," !Iaid the doctor. estate of Be rtha Kavanagh, deceaa lIerv~ee., $5 ; Rel~J'l Doughman, ·.,U.. Draw. •• E...... I ...... Anything but the crazy, reckless "Mf.cJver's nallght to Ole. alive way back to the tavern. The doc- " Damn the nighttime I I t's a ll very ed, ill to be given t o aU persona in· services, ,7; Candls Rymer, ser· WAYNESVILLE OHIO thing he had done. or dead," said Major Pottle. " Bllt tor gave. him a package co ntain. well when a man's up a nd in com terest.ed. vice., $5 ; H rs. Will Bryan, ser· • Distribution ordered i n the mat- vices, UO; Stella Kelly, services, " I've no ~oney for you," he what was that talk of putting ing beef sandwiches and r aw pallY, but bedtime-th.,t·s t he 8llid to Barl-ey, 1,)utting on a bold money In our pockets ?" eggs. He was in bed by nine thir. hell of it lit my ag~. That's wh en ter of t he estate of Stella J . Booth $'1; Mre. Howar d SayY er, services ; _ _.....:.....:_ _ _ _ __ face. "I'm at an entire lose to Barley told him. ty and sou nd aftleep by ten. He a man of my age (Cets to thinking deaeased. $7 ; Clark County, S oepitilizatlon, .. guess why you claim mon y h om "] don't believe it I' cried the awoke at exactly half past four, as and worrying. " Maude WittUnser, e xecutrix of $1.08.50; Tha Oflle, Outfttte re, sup me. Who'd b elieve your cock-an maj or. "Lay a wager- eighty jf a han d of his wateh bad reacb ed (To Be COlilftntled) th~ esta te ot Anna T. Geerinl" de- plles f or Auditor's Otlce, , 1.60; • • !!!!!!!!!!!!"'!!!'!~...~!'"'"""!!'~~~!!'!"'~~!!'!"'~~~~-~!!!!'!!'!!!~!""!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!~'~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ account ceased, . filed her fou. rth a nd final Jobn Law" Son, Gas, 01'. tube tor OJ,,",o ... t P....... I~ Sealn of Wta. A Mess.. ,8.16; In t he ease of O. W. Mor ris, ad. The Weltern Star , 500 Gov. ministrator of the estate of Wil- Envelope. f Oil RecoriJer, $18.35 ; OUI' c(ln.enteat 10caUon ••ulta)jam H. Morris, deceased. ve,SUIL WUUam Hufford, Sheriff, wa8qlng bit l ur roundinp .nd equipmea' Lydill E. Buk)' and A. B. Morrill, fo r; prisoners during May, $30.93' ,nabl.. u, to Serve ~ the confirmation, deed a n distribu- Mrs. Della Hu1fOTd, Jeding prison. Advantare. tao n. era during May, $292.56; Tbe The will of Jane G. Lewill, de- Sta~lta lUg, Co., Sup'pliu for AMBULA"CE SERVICE ceased, was filed in proba te. Shen":, '8.25 : John Law 4l Son, In the matte r of the trust cr eat. gaB" all, w.ashmg ca.. and May P ..... H Wa,••• "in., Ollie ed by- lum 3 of the ..,11 of Naacy Stor.age, $67.44; Orville Keever, J . Hopkim deceased Oharles S llel'Vlcell as chainman, ,2.76 ; Roy Irwin was' appo inted • trustee aDd Bu roul'hs, eeTVices all engineer, ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2S!!!!! gave bond of $1100 with 8uretl... ,22.50 ; . J . D. Dunn, serv ice~ 8 S The will of Frank C. Cleave r, de mechalnlc, ,46.23 ; Edward SI"""""+-- ' - .ALa DATa. Gu.~ _ _ ceased , was filed in probate court son~ payroll period endillg May 31. The will of Martha Elizabeth 1934, '170.~2; M. C. . F9~e:rna~, . J oy, dec.ased was admitted to payroll penod ending May 31. pr obaW. Cha;les P. Joy was ap. 1984, f 251.89; W. A. Seike r. pay· pointed executor, n o bond requir-. roll period ending May 81. 1984, 00. George Harb ock Walter Ken. $128.76 ; W. B. Schuler, payroll rick and Ross Ha~ock wer41 ap- perio!! ending May . 31, 1984, pointe d appraisers. , $17~.68; Floyd Lemmon!, payroll JESSE ,TA"LEY The nam~ of Harry Ti1fany has period endJng May 31 , 1984, PIa.a. ale. B.rUa,._, ow. been changed upon his petition to $168.87 ; Harold Sweney, payroll Harry Spaulding. , period ending May 81. 1984, ' ~ 79. EARL KOOQUa L. M. Henderson, admlnilltrator 48; John :Myna, p ayroll period D.,. . P .... of th e estate of Anna A. Marshall. ending May 81. 1934, .283.16; H. ICE••_ .... decea sed, tiled hiB Inventou-. L. Sehuyillr, payroll ending Hay The estate of Alexander 81, 08.85; Cal"l Dakin, payroll . endinlr May 81. 19"34, deceased, is ,r elieved from Admin. istration. 92.77; William J . Ayers. easo· IWUt'S HOW AIR i. witt. a-li.. , .. In the matter of tbe estate of ,3.88; Fairley Hardware Co., to produoe the " , ••" wbiob ru.. 'our ..... Lillian F. Moon, deceased, dlat'ri. supplies, ,16.42; Harold Msrtz, bution 01 a u ete Wall ordered. grav~l. '~08. 40; W. A. Hause, The will of Jane G. Lewis, de- paolme, $54.10; Oram Shoup. , FOR.ALE ceased, was admitted to probate. guollne aad kerol enll, U9.70j W. - - -____....:.._-,-___ HAT RSALLY HAPPENS when you T. B. Griswold Wall appointed ad- C. Turton, e~ment, $80.80; Frank FOR SALE-Th ' da I fl Id .tep on the ',' gull? A valve minist1:ator and filed bond of Vulc. &: Tire Co., guoline. parte 4l OUAD 9 e opens. Ai, rushes in-mixel with , 5,000 with sureties. Edward Repaira, '266.86 ; J . 1(. Spencer, grown Celer y and lat. Tomato gasoline-and "gas" is fo~ed. Blair, Robe:rt M_ Blair and Charles gravel, $189.20 ; Cincinnati Oil ~~e~~!~t p:nta, 85c per 100: Waggoner were appointe(l ap. Worka Co .• gaeolill,e, $2.99; A. L. 900 f o 2p6c.~ 10°1' That's why Mobilgas has Oimatic pr aisers TOlhie, GalOline, $41,21 ; Addis . r • . , eo. , ....non. Control. Thisgasoline mwlS bntn' with Kath~ril'la Aseher adminlsba Service ~tation, 1U0line. ,,92.21; ~11e k fr~: Wa,nesville 011 fenair. because of this featute. tl'ix of the estate of Frank Asche\,: Wa~e.vilJe Service StatiQn, r oo PI e. . j21 ' deceaaed, filed h er fi ret and fin. ga!ohae. $148 ..24 ; Lebanon Lum. SWEET POTATO PLANTS _ I n other word. - every drop of , ber Co., Scr~en l;Iold . &: Bra.. . Speakine of Sweet Potato planb Mobilga. works_ The rellult i. uniChain, 39c, Kilpatnc1c·French you can get the.m at Dan Hockett·, formly good car pef~rmance-the M.niac_ Motor~ 00 .• gasoline. ,,40.18; on rou" 73, 2~ mlles Eut of kind ,of performance you wantHary Rill, ruoline • .sa.l0; Frank. Waynesville. Phone 8&Rll Carl WilSon Oeder. gravel "ork- lin Motor 00., G8IIOline. '18.44; • , regardle.. of the weather I SALE-Sw..t potato P...... er and t ruck driver, aad llial 'Elva John Law A Son. ~nlle, 'U.GO Try Mobilgu next time you need Grace Creamer, of Loveland. Ita.n Motor eG•• parta, $1.06 per hUndred, or tllree "tlaPaul McComas, 8hoe worker of The Standard 011 Co .• keroNne, for '1.00 An kin'" prde gasoline. You'll alway. Lebanon, and Miu Pauline Yeuel f4.91; The l.e,bDer Auto Parts. lOe dOlen, do.... lie. it at the lip of of Lebanon. be., Vacuum Tank. ,1; Tru8teee Road. Btroa.. Brothen, Ioooay.v_... oqa. find th~ Flying Red Hone. Robert .lunlor ,MurraY', of P01Ie Main, U...t bill, garace 8, Wa1llentJl.. 0"0. at lplA, MoIIlI,... of Wap ...iUe, aftd II1II 0 " , , •• 11; L R, GordeD. IUOlh,. A oJ. Vlqlnia GeU_, of IAbanen. TIn , npairln, ".18; Weiler FraN R. MeJaap" . . .1daIat • Iteel. of .lcIdleton~ .... 10M t..ea. Cox. ..001 teulaer of . . . . . Robert W. fMtot7 ......

~'vund ~tl;!r1inll'


r ••t Your Ho••


fistols at Davbreak


:!taU wen











Or No Char••

Centerville, Ohio








SlanIey &KDOgIer Auctioneers




'Ull Ct!!,



wo'" ...






Capitol . Cross Road Chatter

Ohio because of the droucht I! el. IN' ......',. .. OF PUBLIC HEA.ING Wh timated at from $22.000.000 to hind t ... _ ..... '23.000.00(1 by the agricultul'HI I!lltpnsion llervicp of . S. U. On tice i. ht",l'IJY given that un thl' ISSUED EVERY THUllSDA Y the basi of a urvey conducted by day of July. 193", al 8 o'clock Friday. June 22. ill Poult!')' Da, .• a public hearing will be at the Ohio Arricultural Esperi. county agents throughout the !ltate D. L CU'" • • s.....rt..... PrIM. a the agricullural extension SErvice on the Bud" ,t l1\'('pared by mont Station at Woolter, ~e ............... .................. III IInt.ed at Po.totflae at w.(f.... fnund the ~hrinkage confined alTownship Tl'Ulltccs of Wayne ........ ......................... M.. III ,\,111 •• 01110, a~~ Cia.. II During the ~I\ate debate upon Pe •• ioa. To A." Effecti.e, I. most entirely to wheat. oats. pa~of Wurren 'ounty. Ohio. for NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT the President·s Reciprocal Tariff Jvl" tUI'es and hay. These crops W('I'e he next succeedin,," liscal yea r Ohio's old ag~ pension 8~ tern ia decidedly the hardest. hit by the endin~ December :J 1st, 1935. BlII. leveral Senators indulged in JUNE 21, 1984 learned dillcours~s on revenUe mat exp cted to go mto effect 10 Jr1;lly. ~ I'" weuther·: The findlllg do s not Suth hearing will be held at t.he E ta.te ot MarUla Elizabeth Joy tel'll, telling how complic"ted the, wilen first checks lUe t.o be. mll.lled IlI\c1UdC frUIts, vegetables. pow- office of the TOW1Iship Tru tCl' S, tarltr is, etc. This was too mUCh j to all persons whose appheat:lOn toes and corn. the laiter two Cl'OPS Main St .• Waynesville. Ohio. Notice is hCI'~by gi ven that for Huey Long. He said "there i Cor aid hnv been approved. ac- noL being far enough advanced as L. H. 0 RDON Charles P. Joy whose Po !It Olftce Clerk Wayn e Twp. address is Waynellvi1le, Ohio h.. hoeuspocus about th'e lnl'iff I cordi ng to M. L. J3t-own, chief of yet t.o permit an intC'lIigent estim--. "No system is perfect." said Call1liuB E. Gatel. past n-;;~;r.;;;-r-nr!r.v~;ote for your copper you VOle· to the aged pension division. Bo,ards ate. been ' duly appointed all Executor the Seattle Chamber 01 Commerce recently. "Certa(n}y wI'ong-doers protect the sugar of' my state. are now organized in nearly all of Recent rain. I. the service has in- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING of the Estate of Martha Elizabeth hould be punished. Abu8es should be corrected. . • Wise govel'nmen- That is the way it is done." the 88 counties in the state. and dicated, bl'oug t arneasure of I'e- On Th Villalre Of Wayne.vill. Joy late of Warren County. Ohio, tal regulations.. , is needed in many directions--bu it is not nee, investigations are under way 10 de lief, but it was slre. s d that ~ e deceased. PL'esid ent Roosevel"s mossag~ termine the eligibiHty and actual Igreat deal of moisture is needed ', Budwet Dated this 8th day ot June 1934 essary to d estroy't hat which we gained in a century and a half of pro· • ~ ~ d f r gl't!8S. nol' it is necessarll. in the desire to cure one evil, to go so far to Congr-e88 laying down a consL- nee S 0 app lcants. laoon if benefits from the recent N" . C. Donald Dilatush. Atty. as to destroy tbe fundamental rights of institutions and of men." r uctive social program- old age I ---precipitations arc nol to b~ lIulli otlce LS hereby gIVen tha~ on RALPH. H. CAREY All genuine progress must be built upon the :foundations of the pensions, unemployment insQrance Pupila Sian Safety Plede·s fled. I ninth day of July. 1934. at Judge of the Probate Court past-on that which has bee n learned through trial and error and lonl and hous ing resigned to make it Elem nblty alld high s(~hool l Governor Gorge White haR r<! - 7:30 ~'clock p. m., a public hear. j28 Warren County, Ohio . Ch b I . I pOUG1'ble "fo" Amarl'can famill'es t,. pupils of th state numberinQ~ ap- quested $500 000 of fed~rel money. mg WIll be held on the Budget ellperlence. ange which diamislle8 the past as e ng entlre"i unwor· Q~ ,~ t I 105 (lOO 1\ • d ' prepUJ.' I b th C '1 f V'II live as Amen'cans should" wl·ll. prOXlma ey , ave slgne to aid Ohio's drought- trleken ( Y. e ouncl 0 I age . NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT t h 'I of- consideration muat ineyitably do great damage an d little per· fifty years from now. be regarded til e, saf et'I ipd VIII e of W e ge. 0 f tb e G.)ver- farmers lind has al 0 urged em. of .Wayne ' arrene oun. t y, manent good. To keep that which time has proven valuable and worth- as a great state paper. nor s Safety Service Commission ployment of farmer's equipm nt , OhlO, for the next succeedIng E tate of James Gons deceaaed, spons'ore~ in conjunction with the for the highway department ' fiscal year eo ding December 3 Lst. while. while eliminating that which is Inimical to the common welfare, Notice is hereby given that J. Q. is the purpose of the partriotic American. The oext Congress will be call- tate Highway DepBl'tment. An weed-cutting program. 1935. . Today we have an excellent example, in many countries. of what d d educational program in fUl'therSuclJ· llearing will be beld at the Gons whose Post Office Address is ffi f h C e upon, un er President Rooseuncontrolled ;teal to make changes can do. Germany. Italy, RUlsia. velt'. leaderllhip to provide for Lhe linea uf street and highway Bllfety'ol R.dio Benefits Cited (I l e (' 0 t e lerk and Council in Waynesville, Ohio has been duly appointed as Administrator ot the . d d th f t t h t bi d b r f recast th t es A . h d f 'I has been carl'k1d on during the past C d't ' h h d ' Township House. come i n mIn - an e ac a un as 0 serve s 0 a pr merlcan ome an anti y; to pro sehool term amollg schoo ls, par- . on I lOllS ave c ange so raA. K . DAY. Mayor Estate of Jam~s 00n8 1.te of War. ent syste ms of government i~ those powers will either collaplle or be vide a higher standard of Jiving. ant-teacher associations. auto dlc~l1y In recent years that states R. F_ HATFIELD, Clerk. ren County. Ohio. deceused. . ntlrelyoverhaul d. is ignificant. Ruman rigbts were abrogated, tra- based on clubs. civic organizations and eim- l whl~h do not .set. up .syste"'!s .of J28 Dated tJ:tis 6th day of June 1934 Decent homes to live in ilar group. Governor G~~orge ratl~ communIcation SImply I~Vl~e ditions were forgotten. dictatorship with a vast lust for po\yer were RALPH. H. CAREY Judge of the hobate Court eet up.-and a feeling of rebellipn grows con8tantly In the hearts and Old age security While gave hi personal coo,pera- cr '!I mals to tak . refuge .wlthm 528 the minds of their peoples. Unemployment insurance tion to the movement in line with thelr contlnea, J{lghway Dn'ector Warren County. Ohio We are seeking to do great t hings in America. We can do them A chance to every worker til b.i s announced pJan to create a I O. W. Merrell has declared. It is only if w temper tbe theQTies of the present with the experience of be gainfully employed. sense of safety consciousneJilS on I planned, .he added. even~ually ,to the part of Ohioans Bud tbus re- MIl~e OhIO the, best pohce-l'odlO' th e paBt. everal of Ohio's Democratic duce the motor vehiclar accident eqUIpped state 111 the countr·y_ I Congressmen were , all a-twitter toll. FfElS FINE F ... me~. Re.dy to Cinch I ast week. They were victims of a practical joker. Ex-Governor Cox Ohio Crop D.male II H ••• vy Bu.a "I .~ uaing Kru.chen Salta not had been in Washington for 8e";- 'I'otal shrinkage of crop vailles in ' A~ded by the appropriation ot for reducin. bvt for ita bene. eral days. Speculation 'W8S rile in $1.000.000 by Congress, farmer~ only ficial e6eoct.. 'It keep. the whole regard to Governor White with. • - in Ohio a lld throughout the Middle body in conditio.... I have b_n talcThe Ohio etate University Radio Station-WOSU drawing 88 candidate for Senator lion Finance Corporation to pur- west are rlreparing to fight the in. Kru'. chen for One year. my 8:00 Music i n favo r of former Governor Cox chase asset of closed banks. Con- Icinch bug, destroyer of. gTain and weicltt w.. 186 lb.. I now wei.h 8 :OG Farm Adjustment News .................................... J. W. Wuichet or Congressman Charlie We~t. gre s provided that depositor,s will corn. .120 Ib a. I recommen.d it to all my frlenda.'· Mi •• Elene.. Medio. 8:16 Where Farmers Have Equality with Industry ........ Ralph G. Sams V81'ious members of the Ohio De- be paid 011" by purchase of theBe YOU, too, can achieve the youthmocratic delegation received tele- assets at a "Jibel'al apprais,al in 8 :2G Music fully slend er lines you want-you . 8 :40 Round Table on Farm and Garden Insecta and DlleaBes . ............ grams "Cannot understand your anticipation of orderly Iiqui~iation can SAFELY take off un· M()st authorities on dog$ fitly htoo. , ... ,.,. : ...... , ............ ......... .......... Paru " Plerltorti' arbitrary attitude against party over a period of years instead of althy. beauty-t'ohbing fat.-sim 8:60 Part-Time Fal'ming in Franklin County .: .... ........ John Sitterley .harmony in Ohi o Senato}ial race on the basis of 10reed sellinlr val- t hat a normal. healthy dog should ply take a half teaspoonful of 9 :00 Brinalng the Garden into the House , ..... .......... Anne Biebrieher -call at Shoreha.~ Hotel for con- i.~ a p~riod of b,uslness d.~pres- be bathed as infrequently a pos- Kl'uschen Salts in a glass of war01 fer nc e at a clock. James M. 810n. ?,hls law wlll~laee . more sible. Bathing removes the natufal water every morning. Then watch 9:10 Music oil of the skin. They recommend. fat go--notice how you feel more Cox," Members called at the ap. money In every county In OhiO. Lively ,......... C. E. 9:21> Problem in Rural Life .. .. .. ,...... /....... , point d time, which wall at inter. tead, frequent combing and nergetic- tronger- healthier 9:85 E.rly MarkeUn, Method . ..... ,.. .. .............. .. ............ H. E. Ellwine vals throughout the day, and spent The President's Rou e Bill. en- vigorous rubbing with a damp complexion clears-eyes brighter. One bottle lasts 4 weeks. You White Rose-Power bet:411 Il.kera of Horticulture .... .. ................... .. .,.Wendell Paddock a lot of ti me in fruitless efforts to acted during the tinal days 01 this cloth to I·emove the surface dirt can get Kruljchen Salts at any , locate the former Governor. One COllgressiOlt'lal session. autharizes from the hair coat hind the enllne. drug lItora in the world. was 10 diltre8sed upon flnding t hat One Eillion Five Hundred Dollars • ~e E~~e~denU~ can~da~ had addU~n~ for home ~anL Undu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ebeeke4 out, he put in a long dis- the beneficent provisions of this tance call fOr Daytlln. Ex. Gov. law. home mortgag-es will be JIItand Cox did not know what he was 8rdized. interest rates will bj~ lowtalking about. The victims are now ered, homes will btl repaired and On the war-path to find the perpe· tenements unflt for human habita COLUMBUS-The Monroeville cbarre of six divlaions . in the de- tutor of this hoa)C. tion by A mericans will be abated. team, composed of Richard Metz, partment. Employment will be given and , Harold . Rug,les and Dennis HohOver One Billion Dollars will be pUfchasing power restored to . . ler won the ,17'6 cub prute! , of. Facilltlea for care of 660 ad aet uide to enable the Reconstruc- rna ny of our people . fer~d by the Ohio State Granp to ditlonal patienta the coming year the wlnping team in the ,eneral and &00 tbe following )'ear will be l1vel1toek contHt at the recent an· provided under the program for nual vocational arricultural judcto ltate institutions in&, competitioP. The money Ie ~ to IrQ throu,b. The be ul4ld -topa, expense. to the are to be financed by the National AlTicultural ConlTesl1 at It&te and federal ,overnments. Xan... City. A complete list of all The seneral auembly baa already .... 1·4. to 'bUl' <De or tbeoe Pyrolu ••• tIftoI _ ,.. _ at . kl Jwrt CUI't thtIak 70U CDOIICh. .Jla. I _ _ 1'. . DOti<ed • diJfeteDOe ia tQY wile ..innera baa been ilsued by the adopt.ed two acta to provide for ci".. me P]Pro(a&.l didn ·t tDCOIDpiaia. mwrie4. How 40 ,.. .. II,.. ....7 - - aU woro out rro... labori". bllt owwlterinc OYeI! thaI old. red-bot coal Ohio Future Farmer. Schools parti the ltate'. sbare. Olle providel "Well, I'll IldI ,.,... Jlal ~ . . . . . _ _ dlat old co.l.tove 01 0 ..... OW'1nddio, etDVe ~iBl7 tool< the pep out 01 me. AAd ci'pating numbered 193. 18 mote that $660.000 Ihall be placed in • ' IIIUda ..... oiJM:e you . . . . _ ........ ...........,. ia 1M 24tb. CoW4 ,OU . . it IA· I~ .........4 oboveliDe coal _ ' t ...u.s b)' \JIoeD , .. doi,.. _ . bit oI,oocL" than in 1988. The Ohio Farm lpec:iaJ fund from the pay patietlt Tbat'a ~ J .... bet-.. ..,.,.. II . . . too. Look at mi ..... tMY . . . . .__ BU1'lall $12& pri&e fOf a trip to a fund each year fro follt yean. and lI.... - - . .. National Vocational AlfTicultural the other approJ!matea ,1150,000 convention waa won by the New annually for t",o from this Vienna teall'l, Boward MeXeuie, apecial fuDd, Tiaia will provide 70 Donald DariS and Robert B~ard. per cant of the diired appropriaThis W&l In d~iry ca~e j~q. tlou, .nd the P. • -A. authorities , J I Hlabeat Individual kJl-elau ",tn· have tentatiYeJ, proved the reo nen included: LivutoCk, Richard mala.... ao per cut desired. The OU can give your wife .n the .... Metl, MonronUle; dairy cattle, moat letloua Deed for enlargement derful advanta,,11 of real . . .... Marvin Btnrotb, Supr Creek, Put of ltate Inltltutlou como {rom 29 ~ou&:h you don't live near a ... ...... man cOllnti CTOpl Identifteatlon, the I..... DUm"r of inaDe, feeble LIGHTS I For Pyrorax Service brinK' you . . . - . Ralph Lnlie. Houllton; milk judg- mlnchd Hd tuberc1llar p.tients • cylinders. Pyrofax burns jlllt like ..... inc. Rlebard Dyer. Jackson town· who an. on waltiDa llsta for whom lar pipe-line las. It makes a dela.W ship, FnnkUn countYimeat juclar- there a.. been no room In lltate Ll'M'Lil AMERICA. ANTARCT~ el ectric Iigbtlng eet. 'rbe on~~)'lI n CA, June 11 (vllL Maclay Radio) del' unit wlllghs 35 poundl. Is nj, inc, WOllam Jenn" IIIme tolmaldp boIpliaJa. flame the moment you tum It em ..s Talk about the Bouth Pole aa a aum· cooled (and bow!) and gOUierntlll .nd countJ; wool juqirw, Earl li&ht a match. . A IrQlden ray brlcbtened the mer I'tIIOrt I , Never have 1 .eeD 350 watta 11 0 volt8 . Blane" lit. GUead; poult.rJ, RObAnd the best part olit allla)bat 70U We are living be re 8UTl'Ollnded b!' ct.rlt MIlooI altoatioll last Thun- .ucb weather-ot, ratber. felt It. ert Clymer, Weaterlilht, can now get this complete ......... da, _he. D. H. Button, lupertDten Here. In the Ibort space of two garagea. A.II our automotive QUI~' for about ~e I8me cost aa a etove tt.t The eleetlon dlvWon of See.... dent o~ lnanee ill the It&te depart· IDOnth.. our thermometere bave ment or planes. tractors and SlIOW, used old. ordinsry fuelal You PI')' tary of State GlOqa S. KJen' ment of .au_tlon, received word dauCed un and down all the way mobi les 18 underground. or, rnth ! when you order. and let alDYCDiteDt oSee wu ellceptionall, buy the from WuhlliitOn tJiit a Ncom- from 60 degreea below leTO to 28 undel'8now. W-e dug out big bot 8 .' th~ Bnow. wltb ramps leadll:' terms on the balance. The COlt c:lpe put . . .It receivilllf and. IllIpectlnl ••adaUo. bad been made to allot aw.o... For three weekll 1I0W' we 10 down loto them. and. Just ,a s lhl' ranges varies, depending 011 the ~ I.....e lIumben of ,etltionl ftlecl ,,_,•••••11'·,.5t9 to Ohio to pay teachers have bad a recuJar beat wave and wtnler nlgbt descended up'rm tI ~ you select, But all models can be pad numeroaa candldatell for nomina- ill acbool dlatrietl "'ith leu than Admiral Byi-d, out tbere In hJa stowed OlU macblne.' 10 them li nd for in easy installment.. The PI it.llie tion to .tate olllce. at the prima.., &,000 popalatlon and levied elcht au",·burled but, hal radioed lome covered tbem wttb bJock8 or 8'DOW not expensive to use. . AUglllt U. The clOlI~ hour for OJ more ml1l1 for CUlTellt ellPenlell of bt. frtllnda In New York to come or tarpaulins wb,cb the 'SllGIW lluJ. fllinl was 6 :30 Friday ' ayeninl. without bavirw redueed the levy in • Come in and see us. We'I be . . . 4ow1i and him In hi. "wonder· already roored over. Five days are allowed after the P.ut three 7ean. The money i. to talk ovc!: your own ~ , . fill aummer ",on.'· It Is notblng, Tbere 18, not a great deal to tell da~ for proteab. Then the ncre. to.,. uled to par alariee to teach· quirementa. • • • bllUanl ta 011 tbQ way, tor about our actlvltle. al the moment " tary of ltate will prepare sample ere who haYe ftO othel' incomes. U8 to .e~ a change Pete Demas, our Greek cblef mil , ballot ' form. contamiDC the dm. - - ••- - New of 56 de'grees III I/o cbanlc. baa beell appoInted t,o whal of Democratic candidatea on ODe D ' few houra. But, I cooslder the meanest Job bereseparate ticket and thOle of Repooped up tn ntgllt watohman. He open8 UP til( publican candidatu on anoUaer. ChUdre'n'1 Day wu obHl"fed at II 0 U II II a, the I phlce every nIght after wl!"ve r6 '(hue will be lent to county boards both churches on Sunday aftercbaneel are not tired at II) o·cIOtlk. to clear OUlt Btah of election., where the ,nam.. of noon annoJl.ngullmuob'. air, and ebtvel'8 all nIght tn the count)' and diabi4:t c:andl~teI wlll II • H F C to h h TIle aclentlatl.'" k.ltohen, until be IIgbta the Urea 111 be adaed accorainwll to the .... been~rio~l; ill ~ peclall, wmfam the momlog, about an hour betOTf H&TlIel, of we gel up at 7,SI). Our cJalJlel hi Ipeeti",. locatlollL ",ee" III wilbUr improYld. lacton. are all navigation, dog and traceor tran. Th. HDW realdo. of the and' bothered b, portatlon. radio. geology, tltology. Th. emerceDe, period 30 da,. StanleJ famil, .".. held at the With Pyrofax Equipment under which the Induatrlal Com· home of 1Ir. and II.... Orent ,,1oIIarII""UIIIU,tIle uncertainly of &ooIOgy, meteorology and l!>byalc, i Ir.. fill ....... .the temperature/J are colng Oil every da,. We al'6 minion of Oblo baa operated PhiJ1lp. on SundiJ. Dee Driver &Dd are a bit llVor- filllnc Ollr headll wltb uleful knowl under tbe Dew law .ince it became The Do....' SocietJ met at the etrecti.e lIa, 16 uporecl Iut h~ of lin. G. A. PJdIHJIe 011 rle4abollt01U'te.foundationbreU- cdee and It keep. UI b~IY . Onl NEW PYROFAX PRtCE .SC ~lE.Witbthen-I934D.-1IDe 1111. , Important tblng we ·a re learlline te .....~ ....... week.. .u a ranlt tile commlallolt TlnmldQ. . w. ba.... plut, 01 Upt IlIdool'8 the valve of Ima.1l thing• . 'ulually ..,... .... -'e, tJ;e more Qat you Wit! the lese you ~ IJIr ~er, requ..tecl tile Stat. Ctril Sentce . . . . . . . . Ir. Ie ....odelJaa nt ' 0CllJ blaekDeu outafde. The waaled. With us old cotu, rae-. ~ou CD _ "ord to UIIC: Pytofu forCommJaalon to certIf7 tile - ..... of the employee In til. Department T~ Ladi.' Aid of the Prtencla ........ aN upted b, keroselle .ocke., ItJ1ns and ot~er cut-oft I lui,. and elec:trtc IISbt. W.e laave Item. al1l prlcelell tOr • ~, ou"lld of laduetr1ai Relatlolia who are Clnarch w.. entel1ailled 1ft 8Uc\bl. for appolntm-..t under the 110", ef IIr. aDd lira. Horace ..aetnc lull \ampa and lOme guo- purpOlel. 111 certatn.l, be all old .. _ _ tWl_ to poW . . . . . . . lIM laDtena.. AJld DO mOilquitoa or Itrlll, ad paper bas ..vel' when. I ne" fa,,; Tb..e emplo,. number IIJtchener on Thanda,. de.- ancIlAetaIIed IA till. a~ c:eWMe. '1'_ 812. The Dew eet takes ft"om tile lite. A. W. Turner in Cln. GUIer tDaect. p.Uler around them! get home.. ... ... t_C7IiDden_I.. 1·. . . .1. . - . _ .... '01' _ . Whoa _ .. __ director oJ Indu.trial relatlou the einuti on Saturday where bar a.bIdNi IIJI'd took with him to tIitI The club reportS to me II,. radio adYaDoe w-.tller b..e .1' LOa. ef that Qulle a n\Jmber of memberablf! pOWI' to ad.inilter the workmen'. Infant arandlon. Dallas BOPIl, the eaIIIt7 wItII • ,00II .,..,.... Y _ _ ...... 'D ltnlMIIII producta fOr lUe IIcbUq, carda alld map! aent LO II.'" memo eOJI$enUtion la" aDd confen that • patlftt in _ bollpital. ' 1ft .... ,.. ..._ ....... _ power aD the mdutdal com.'" • _ . --It. . . . aacI oookJq. Thillaciuded bere are belDg retumed b, the PCIII! 1aIpal.....,. oIlte .... 1M pIIaraa of Tydol &UOUlle and maned "not fouad." .....Uel lion, which heretofore h.. beeD in 8ftMD pIIona aI Veeclat 011 for ilia addrelll.- "110 .ucb cit,," ''monel ellafl'e of the fullCl and on aU etalml without power of &po Kelder paoU.....eotrie pIIerator ." etc. Therefore. 10U . . . T.. aI lIeroHDl tor Ill. ba.,u't reeeived your card Iltr map . polDtlll.t or diNCtloft of e.plo'-IIaOIMIIILIk.... .allea.1 ............... _.,. . . . fuel lD&7be 'ou lent 1U1lOur la, ... No" tH lnd1utrial eoabualon . . . . . ., I IIa4 to ..... all tllla eorreotly or not (lOlopl:ete ;1-~UI:h . wlU' Mye eo...... eIIui'e .f tIdII ........ Na4IJ .. PNperIJ martl84I 80 lend III ~ la 100II ........ Ie die ... ......... lor trip.' 'l'ocIa, we lq. Otben ..., JoItI 0.JulIIUlIt Ia ........ " .... w ... tM radIO.. _t ud .....,. crud .... 1dI ...., Ie . . . . . oat. map.r AataraUta ...................... .., adctr.a an4

Straight from





------ ..---


.......===================::a.....-_:o=::c::=-====-_ The Palt And The Prelent




. . .

Reduees From 186 To 120 Pounds


Fo'rm hight 7olk., June 25 ,






Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol


'a. do,_ ,.,..' .............. ~J-.


Kee.p her l the girl you 'married Y


New BurliDlto.


Beautiful Magic Chef and Eltate Ga. ' Rangel, complete for al little al


:.! :0

.8'.50 In.talled




. _1.t.....s_ ... dIe..,..,._....... ~,







........"., . . . . . _



~!o!9_~!! $1 FRED'S FURNITURE E





Save Now. Come to

Waynesville, O.


Great Sale

Clothing, Shoes, Dry Goods, Dresses, Fumishings, Rugs, Mattresses, Wall P,-per

Mrs. am Henkle. near Two bulletins 01 timely inter-est BAND CONCERT ne ville a nd in tbt! afternoon acto Ohio fArmers. available at the compani d Mr. and Mrs. Henkle offices of county agricultural dable Gasoline. The third band concert of the A large crowd enjoyed the to the home 01 M.l'. and Ml'tl. Clina~ents, ai' : Chinch BURl! and .se son will be held Thursday even~_ ~~~~~_~_~~~~~~~~~~ Father' Day service at Lytle ton orwin. near Xenia. Their onb 'ol, by T. H. Parks; ing, Jun 28, 8 p. m., at the Mcchur h, Sunday mllrning. Misa Ruth Early and Mr. CharAt th special meet ing of town lind Eradicationg anada Thistle. lure corner. Thi concert will be r Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Jones at- Ie Morgan announced Monday spon ored by , n. R. Smjth and The council held on Monday vening, a by C. J. Willard and R. D. Lewis. tended a sale at Mt. Holly Satut. that they were married in Indiana contract was awarded to the 1':. B. Waynesville Nationa1 Bank. on June 7. Thi ca'me a8 a surCon tr·uctlon . company, 01 Hamil· day. The concert on July 6, wilY be to their many friends who pri Mrs. Margaret Johns was a dln- wi h them p~·osperity. After a bell~p o n so red by the LeMay-Hawke ton, Ohio fO I; tbe surface treat· Candidate for ment of North treet ft om the n r guest Sunday of Ml'8. L. B. Hall .and children, near Wayne _ ing Monday evening they left for Miss Frances Ellis was the gU~l!It In s ursn~e Agency. traffic light; to the race bl'idge to ville. ' Dayton, where Mr. Morgan hall of Miss Barbara Gray last week_ b& treated bom curb to curb. This employment. company offered the lowest of the WANTED Mr. U. M. White, of Louisville, Mr. and Mr. Allen Emrlck were Subject to Republicall two bid submitted for the work. un!iay afternoon guests of Mr. Ky .• called on friends here. WedPrimary The places for voting for the WANTED-Widow woman to help and Mrs. A • . ornell, near Ferry. neaday. August U. 19S4 August primary and November Mr . Wilbur Foulks is quite ill CAre for invalid mother, Anna at this lime from the effects or a Game Food market in Zin\mel'man The Gjri Scouts met at their club election wel·e ·' de ignal d, the Koyle, Waynesv ille. 0 ., R. R. 3. outh precinct at the home of =~~~=~===~~~~ bu m. building Saturdal'. Mt. Holly Calvin Longacre left Tuesday Ladi • hOUSe on June 19th and, as plan- Walter Elzey and th North premorning for Monroe. Mich., where (Continued from pare 1) ned. painted a part of the furni· ainct at the fire engi'ne hous . Mrs. J. P. Larrick and dau Mer ture White Rose- Power be~e . will be employed for awhile in the teams makeup. I1een, spent Frida)1 evening at . The Brown Ow] spent the night hind the enllne. laymg hard-wood floor. Next Sunday the Merchanbl will Miamisburg. at the club house and studied stars CHAUFFEUR EXAMINERS The young p~ople ~f Lytle meet the strong ;Jamestown team with Miss E. W. Nutting as teacher APPOINTED FOR COUNTY churCh he,ld a oc,tal meetmg Mon- on tbe home gl'ounds. Last yeal" Mrs. J . C. Hawke lind ,Mr. Dean She also attended the afternoon day evening at the home of ?tIro these teams met twiCe and they Hawke made a business trip to meeting. '. . ontemplating a heavy registra Ladiee' Ore ..... 70c and .Mrs. C. L. Duke. were very int resting game!\., The Cincinnati tadllY. The, Swas!>ika Patrol en.Joyed a.n tion of chauffeurs dUring the next Me ..•• Svite 85c MI'. and Mra. R. ~. Moler, of game on Jame town ground& our over night hike the arne tIm . ThIll month, Registrar Frank We t of olumbus. are ~pendmg a couple boys took. but 13 innings were re- br:~gt?t· t~:~o:~OO! ~i~~i 2ya~~ patrol will offer candy and lemon- tho Bureau of Motor Vehicles an· Quick-;--for qu.Jity !lrycleaai•• -of ~ee.ks at th,elr farm .near here. quired :for a final decision. The Hospital, on Wednesday. ad~ for sale at the b~nd concert nouneed that 227 deputy license Phone No. 19 ~:~~~hlsV~~ei.led by It. and Mrs. gt.amd e on hWanYfnteh vEle. grOUndd Willi thHI (Thursday) evenll~g aDd on regi trars have been appointed Mi Charlette Ichbaum. of Ie i n t e an was Mrs. Ru sel BensQln and son, Saturday. June 23, Will. hold a chauffeur examiners. The e regi . !!!!!!!!!!'!!!"!!!!!!!!!"!!!!"!!!!"!!!!"!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dayton, is spendinlf the Bummer ~ecause of rain. A large Roy. 01 Cleveland. are vi ittn&, foo~ ~Ie at the townshIp bouse, trars will receive a'Pplicatlo n with her grand paren,ts. Dr. and crowd IS expected. and Mrs. W. P. Balisbury. beginnIng at, 9 a. m. . blanks with physician's certificates . h On Wednesday of dns wee~ the and give all qualified applicants Ii Mn .A. A. ....~mlt . Mra. J. p , Larrick and daughter t ed 14 D ds - ~ Mrs. Amos Cook and son. of WAYNESVILLE MERCHANTS Lois Jean visited W.edne~day with ;oof aCtcSOmpt~Ol L b r. aVlch onI' written e.xamination on the state _ , - - - - - - - - - - - - , , , nesr WaynesvlUe.• spent Tuesdav "B R H PO W I La' k J L b up , 0 ou e anon 00. motor vehicle laws. All individuals " A A a ter rrle 0 e anon. and a w~lI informed naturalist, on classified as chaulJ'eur must " ago~~!dh~~dl::. her daughter. Mrs. Mendy. rf ...... 4 0 0 1 0 Mrs. Earl Munay. of Dayton. a field hunt at Dry Cree~ Run. The register ~fore July 1.1934. and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lo1\g'acre were Thompson, 2b. 0 1 2 6 called at tbe borne oj: Mr. and Mrs. couts ~ade th.e acquaintance of will be licensed for II. period of one Oliver Davis, on MOllld~y alte.rnoon many different 1Oseets. year terminating July 1. 1935, called to Dayton last week by the M Weller. c ... .4 1 1 4 2 o Grave! Where is tby seriouB iIlnesa of their 1it.t1e grand- sPec.k! Ib ..... ., 44 0 1 12 0 ~ A. fecellt ruling of t.h attorney vietory? 0 () 1 4 0 ' Ml.'. and Mrs. MOll'ris Fulkerson TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION AT general stat d that' all who are ml t 1l80n, p ... . B bb S k h tak lion. 0 y wan. w 0 'Was en B W 11 It 3 0 0 0 0 0 d M d M W 0 Ra o Death I Where h~ thy to M. lami Valley hospital after Tr·eadewa~r. Bb " 4 0 1 0 an r. an . ~8. • . per EVANGELISTIC CAMPAIGN hired primarily to o~rat a motor tlng? bavlOC hemorhageB and nose Laure y, . 3 0 1 1 2 0 were Dayton Vl!lItors on Tuesday vehicle are chauffeurs and must be bl d g' tiT . ns, liS , 4 3 evening. E r tD R D f Chllli licensed. Inclpded in this elassiflPope on ab~eutthe !!m:. 1 Ion remams Em_. ef .. ,.... ,3 0 0 3 0 0, vange IS . ' . ' • unn, o. - cation are public utilities operators "'r. and "'rs. Donald Hadley en- Hartsock. . ... _,. 1 0 0 0 0 0 .Mra. SteUa. Evans and dau~hter. cothe, . O~\O, IS , conductIng an r-ular and subltitute school bu A ateadla t faitb re~ .m MISS Helen, of lJiayton, spent e"angelLsbc camptugn at the Way- d-"t nd 11 own h moves milch of the sorrow tertained at dinner Sunday Mr. - - - - - - Wednesday with Mr" and Mrs. W. n~ ville Church of Christ. Some of trlVersh" a .a hi ers W 0 o,p erl and Mrs. Ralph Webb and family, Totals ...... , .. . . 34 1 5 24 17 3 P alisbury ' th to ' h I s t a e ve IC e .. or reo of partinc. by teaching Saturcla,.. Ju.. 23 Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Crites Hartsock batted for B. Weller in" epIc e pan 0 use are at Chauffeurs regiltration in Warthat de!lth is only a trail, ninth Miss Ella Lutz and Mr. Cha ' s. follows:" , r e n county may be made with: an d family. 01 Willmington, and . ~h~rsday. The Three R a of Lebanon Esther Stibbs' Franksition to a better exisMr. Morris Hadley. of near ClarksHawke. of Dayton, were guests ot Rehglon." ," in, tence. It II our task to ville. Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Hawke, on F 'day "Counterfe't Ch ' tl hn. H~len Ber~er. Mason, Geo. E. Mr. and Mnl. Therle Jones and BELMONT MERCHANTS Wednesday. Ity ,~I • I rl anCarnabam; and Waynesville. make the Jaat ritel symlion, spent Sunday at the home of AB R H PO A E Mrs. W. N. Newland has returll• ahrday, I fDoes it Matter What L. H. Gordon. __ - - bolic of thill faith. a leavethe's parenta. Mr. and Mrs. Ziegenthaler2b 4 0 1 2 4 1 ed to her home at Chicago a:fter III I Believe. U I am ' Honest and Valu e of U. S. THU S.......Moll.--J_e 24. 21 taking made 'aerene by Ed, , Nutt. near Centerville. Mrs. Putterbaugb, 3 5 2 2 1 2 1 visit of two weeks with her sister. onscientiou9 in That Belief." Of' the 850 dJlrerent .pecil!1I or the aaaurance of a future Jonues's sister. Miss Alma Nutt. Johnson, Ib ,. 4 0 1 11 1 0 Mrs. W. H. Allen. Sunday morning. "The Preacher trees In the nlted tnt~, 180 bl\ve reunion. aecompanied Olem home and ia Hoefling, If .... 4 2 2 1 0 0 With A Big Voice, VAcant Stare economIc vRlue. spendinr this week here. Hogel, e ......... 0 0 0 , 1 0 0 J.adieB of the M. ,E. chllrcb will Slid Wooden Legs." --~; -~========= in ,Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Trickey. Boomer, () .... .... 3 1 2 6 1 0 hold a home-made ice crea'm and Sunday nigbt, "The Way That Kinlrdom That CaDJ~ot be haken.· Mrs. Alice Miller and BOn. Ray. Schalnat, cf .. 4 0 1 1 0 0 cake social it the bllRd concert on i~ Right and Cannot be Wrong." Thursday. · jS~ld the Dead be were SundaY' dinner guests of Mr. Sine, ss .. ...... 4 1 1 2 2 0 McClure's corner. Thursday evenMonday (June 26), "The Four BUTied?" " Phone 7 =============~ Thomas, rt .. .... 3 1 0 2 0 0 ing. June 28. Saviors." These are unique and logiell1 Crews, p .... .. .' 4 0 1 0 9 0 M TuesdAY. !'The Four Baptisms." Bible sermolls. packed with human Wayne.ville, Ohio , White R,.., the depen- - - r. and Mrl. OliYer Davis. Miss Wednesday. "Receiving the interelt. Totals 35 7 11 27 19 2 Nettle Keppler and Miss Rachel I dab.e GalOl ne. ,,,,. ".. DAvis apent Suuday in the home =========~==~====~~=~=====;::=:===~==:-==-== -==~~::=~~==~~~~::=~~~~~~::=====~~~ of Mr. and Mr•• Peter Demas. at 1 2 3 4 6 8 7 8 9-' New Vienna. ~

White Rose, the depen·

Council Leta Bid For Street Repairs




County Treasurer

Late Classi6ed Ads.

Local Girl Scouts Have Busy Week

Merchants Lose Their First






A Symbol of


Faith '


W.,.••••IU., O.

berybOOy IOc Buck Jones

'Thrill Hunter' Edmund Lowe and Ann Southern

J. E. McClure

"Let'. Fall

In u,ve'!


.......IIIi. . . . . . . . .III.lIIillliiil• • • •!I'III. . . .~IWay

esvUle .. 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 1- ,) 7 . - -...- - - ~ 7 ENTE.RTAINS BRIDAL COUPLE

B~lmont , .... 00023002 x-

Base~ on Balls-.; Smithson 3. Two Baae Hit&--Hoefling. Three Base Hit&-->Johnson. Sine. Double play-Thomp80nto Laurens to Sattertbwaite. Wild Pltch-Smitbson Earned Run&--Waynesville I, Belmont 3. Struck out--by Smithson 3, by Crews 8. Lett on Bsse&--Waynesville 6, Belmont 7. ' Umpire--Perry. Time of game 1 hour 43 minutes. - - -___ •

In honor of Mr. a.n dMrs. Gtorge Bunnell, Mrs. Nelhe Bunnel1 and MilS Moni",ia BunneII entertained at dinner On Sunday. the :follow ing guests: ' Mr. and Mrs. ChBS. Bunnell, of Richmond. Ind. ; Mrs. Margaret Bunnell and MisfJ Margaret Bunnell, of Dayton; Dr. and Mrl. Herschel Bunnell and Mrs. Olara Dunn, ot' Lebanoll; Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Bogan. of Spring Valley; P4!. and M1'8. Glenn Davis, Ro~rt, Roger. Nellie Mary and. Marjori~ , Davis. of Wellm.a n; Mr. and Mr8~ Clyde Long. Messrl8, Roland and Kermit Long, Miss Hilcla Long, , Miss Marjorie PllSCO and Mr. Hugh Lawllon. of Centerville, Mr. ShOuld pasture and hay crop. and Mrs. Earl Hockett, Miss Ruth f 'I f d h W Hockett, Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Gonll al rom. roul t arren county Mr. and Mrs. Kellar Hoak and farmers WIll see more of th~ !lew family, Mr, and Mrs. Rhoades Bunforage crop, Sudan Grass. IJI the nell Mrs S rab M d M OPilliton of Le~ter J. Miller, county R08~oe F~r~. ,urray an 1'.

- ~ 'IfI'1a

Sudan Gras. Is Good Forage Crop

apn .


- -.- __



7iIuA. (J)fMl





lIIDoOth dreI IOOD 'Wear

daD&eroUlly thin .... become weak'l.u!cldy rlladl "the d._Un•• " Your ,.... laertaee-Irom egg, puncturee, . _4_ btowout.. Don't rIIk your Deck 011 hot ~4. with ttdua&erline" dreI when eafe IWW

Sudan GraIB il one of t he mOlt ' eallly, arrown and mOlt dependable DEATH TAKES AllJTO VICTIM ot emert~ncy hay and pasture ) crops, he laYI. A native 'of Atrica, Clarence Barl\~s, 22, Mt_ Ster· it arrows well in dry weather. once ling, Ky .• died sbortly before mida lltand ill secured. night Tuesday at BlaiT hospital, GoocJYearl COlt 10 Utde. Let Seeded in Jate or Early .June, Lebanon, trom a f'ractured skull , ua lnIpeCt your tJr.. ,for . Sudan grass y ields good pasture I received when the automobile in within five or six weekI. hirly he was ridina: in the rumble good results have been secured seat, collilled with a bus en route trom July leedinrs. With !luftlcient from Cincinnati to Dsyton TUIIImoisture one acre will support two day afternoon, at the intersection or: three cows until frolt. 10f Route 73 and the, Dayton-Leb· Seeding may be with a grain anon pike.' . drill,' ulinc th. wheat side in a Barnes had ~en pickecl up by a double ,feed drill an~ drllIhig ' /lolid Mt. Sterling school teacher who as for small grains. One.balf to ~n was on her way to Micldll"town to inch of cover il all that II ' nec. visit her ailter. The teacher and eSBary on the heavier soU types; another woman esc,ape4 injury. It one to two inchea on the U&,bter 1II'aa said the driver failed to beed Boil types. ' the IItop sign and clraahed into the If the soil II dry, cultipackin, bUll. " after laedln, r ..ulta in quicker B.rnes was removed to ,erminatiGII and a better ltand. Blair hOlpital by Carl Duke. farmen report to Mr. Killer. • -A very common seediq rate b Y . F. M. MI~ETING 20 to 25 pounds an &ere, but thla amount rna, be varied to trom 16 The Y. F. M. to 80 pound•• For puture, thllFurnu .. hoat, havter rate. are preferred. meeting house on "l;u,.u.,y B"VllIllrur. aeedtnar produces a coaner ba7. Jalle 10. The more dHllcalt to cure, but dOH Dot te!'eat at the DI'C!••;~,t nelua the ,..ld. Prlnda CoJlf'l~eJlc:.r For two to three tolll • . , I Cape 1Ia, upeetH. Bu~-eat, well"'" I to w.bleh til.. lI'O'aplcllq)ltcta ...... fa palatabl.. COWl . . . . . ._ =S=~""'''''II eoattata IftIe ram .....Ili. tlllllI tIIat of ..... _~=:~=





















Eiahty-Bixth Year


MERCHANTS DEFEATED A total of bas been received from State Auditor Joseph 8Y JAMESTOWN INTracy as Warren county's ahare of the excise paotine !'efund. it announced last week the GAME HERE SUNDAY office of County Auditorfrom Will R.





Ti...... A Fut Colo....., Will PIa,. the



S ...... ,.


OWER WAlER RATES The Good Cllt Clothing club met tlje home of Winifred ARE BEING CONSIDERED. and ivian Ten members answered to roll call by naming Lh e nr finished l1l'tic;le in their fOR WAY N ESVILL E project. lrtc:luded the busines JUl1tl

27 a't t



Whole Number 612'



Lewil, Lebanon. Of the total amount. a su m amounting to $10,000 will b& placed in the county road fund, while $3,860 wUl be distributed to 11 townahips in the county. ' Each of the townships wl11 receive approximately $860. - - - - - ...- - -

etillg was discu ion 'of J1 float to exhibit at the counly fail' and OIlT community service. During the work hour the girls 'j udged their first flni!hed article and Winil'red onner and lona Crane gave a team demonstration on "How to l'ack a Suitcase." A short recraati,on period and dainty refreshments this most enjoyable as wellended as pre>fitable meeting. . III

Baard Alfthorillu Th. J.taUatl_ Of Matan A.


A. Po•• ible

The Waynesville Merchants Wl!1e Th e Tru tees of Public Aftair. def.ated by Jameltown in a hard held their regular meeting on hitting conteat. The numben of Tuesday, June 26, 1:934. Billa hits were equal but the Jamestown wer alJowed and 11 fl!w olltstandboys made their hits count. a little fug wat ~ r accounts were dlaelUBed more than the Merchants. While it was played rather loosel)' I have The ques~ion had been preBen"" leen worse ball gameH. ed to the Board whether any perJamestown Icored two in U)e first son othe~ than an authorized employee of the Water Worka had & inning. Galligh er singled. went to second when Smithson threw right to r move water meters from Jenkl out at lint, advanced to S.... Fouad in Ohio; Tell the line. The question had arisen third when Sattetthwaite rot How to Eradicate Weed IJ\ when objection had been made by H.rris unalaisted .nd .cored when Wid. Chemical. the Sup~rintendent of the W.ter Hartsock made an error Oil PikerWorks to the fact that a plumber in,. &'I:ounder. Plkertnlt IItole lecBoud Will Tr)' To Have Their had removed meterll trom the linea ond and scored on Tiddl double. Canadian thistles do produce Tu; PrGlram Enacted Be. without the consent or knowledp l<"udre fanned retirinr the side. seeds that win ITOW. In five of the of any Water Worke official. The · In . t he past six year. seed prod uetion . was fore the Gellera} A••embl)' I .meltown acore d again matter was quickly decided by the third. Harris walked with on~ noted in south central Ohio by R. board since a state law governa down and Icof(!d on Pikering three D. LewiB, e.xterution agronomi t S()hoolll will open thi faJ! a the situation and prohibits rebase hit. Piekering scored on a for the O. S. U. Collected and u ual ~! th Ohio l"lU'm .Bureau ha mova) of a meter from the line or fly'to center and Fudge grounded tetlted. these Beeds were found to an ytlung to say nbo~i It, Perr~ L. tampering with Bame by any perto IIhort. Two more for Jamestown grow. ro n. pre,sident sa~d to?ay. rhe son other than a duly authorized in the leurth. Sessler singled with It is commonly believed Canada boud of t~ustees in bl-monthly emp10yee of the water department 00& out went to third on E. thatk! do not reprodUCe from session at CO,lumbu/I adopted a tax The Superintendent of the Trouts ' single an scored on Gallic- !eeda in Ohio, according to Lewis. l}l'ogram which they wlll try for Water Works reported th.t he hee fly to center. E. Trout stole This belief, he aye, led to careenactment before the G.eneral A.s- had installed ten meten and the second went to third on Smithson's l~ne .. in cuttinr thilltles b.efore sem~Jy beca~se they beheve It WIll Board authorized th,e installation prOVide suffic~ent revenue to pat of about twenty more as time throw which was wide IIf the bac they bloomed. and Icored when l:lartsock mu1red Two procedures must be tollowilchtlOl operatmg expe.nses, ,b ased permits. Sueh ,,"ctlon is in accordthe throw. Jamestown added three ed to eradlc.t& C.nadian thistle: Ull .ability topsy, and I apphca.b!e ance with the policy of tile Water more in the sixth. Sel81ar sin,led first, seed production mUllt be to a!l classes and groups of CltlZ Board to m ter all ervice as lIoon en~, I.n th~ state, . . , a.8 possible. with one out and seored on E. checked by preventinr bl08soml Troutt triple. E. TrQut and dam,- from maturin" and second. exist.'l he situation 111 a..senou8 one, The qllcstion of water ratell was £11'. Greenremarke~l. ~any schools discussed but laid on the table her :tollowed hjm acro.. on Oal- Inc patchea must be eradicated. IIrhen home run. In the eichth Eradication may be accomplished the state. especially In the rural until some, future date wilen there Jenka walkt> hlllles. Cine sin81ed with chemicala or by exhausting district. will not open next fall would be a full attendance of tbe then IIcor '. -ftb - and Harris. the ~Ie:rve supplies of food in the. unless legislation .Is fort~eomini in B,oard. It is the idea that some Fudee Ai u t retirinc the side. roots by mowing or hoeing the the present speCial seUlon of the downward revision in the rate. ]n the ninth B. Trout .Incled and topa. r General Assembly. or fOrEseen in might be made. nole aecond, Se8sler W8ll hit by a Small patches may be treate.d the regula!;" sessio n to be held next __ • January. The Ohio Farm Bureau pitched ball. Both runners advanc- quickly wltb a pee-ially prepared ed when Laurena fumbled E. mixture 01 sodium chloride and is pledged to PI'Otect the educaTrouta ITounder. Seuler went out limetltone developed by agronomtioDal institutions and more es· Dea~h the baae. but Harria hit into a ist. at the Ohio Agricultural ExFRIENDS MEET'INC pecially the rural 8chools. it is dOllble play. periment Station. The mixture M' N . h f 01 11 pledged to efficiency in operation The Merchants seored in tbe cannot be prepared Bately or 18 eva mit, () rtey, I., First-day chool at 9 ;'30 a. m. Mi$s Elizabeth Fox ill visiting Mr of the, but .a1.80 in,,' ade· Carlton Per.... Roush, 69. died at is the guest of Mi s DoriS Hawke. Meeting for Worship at 10:30 and Mrs. C. E. Anderson and fam- quate e d dca t ulna1 f aCI1Itl ea. . ftret as Mendenhall linrled. went economic.lly at home. his home here'.1on Wednelda)' at 7 to econd ' on Thompson'a Bacrilice lCere are the directions for using Mr. and Mrs. Clle Cutler and m. ily several day this week. 111 presenting the report of the &. m. Mr. Roush w.s a well known bunt, to third qn a wild pitch and ,the material given by the agron- aon, Francis, of Norwood, apent Jeaislative commi~tee to the.boord Iman in Dayton and surrounding seared on a fleJderll cho'ce. In the omiats: the week-end with Mrs. Bertie WAYNESVILLE M. E., CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Myron Thomas, 0 J. M. Hodson, Pioneer. chaIrman, iug tOwnl. He was conne.cted with toul'th the Merchants rot three. "Mow the thistlea before the Mills. Rev. O. C. Dibert, ,Pastor 'Payton. were guests of Mr. and S&i~, "In vi w of the fact that the Tbe City National Bank at Dayton Satterthwaite alneled, etole second ftQwer bud. open. A8 soon as f.o ur FI.iday : hoir projltice at 8 p. m. Mrs. E. L. Thomas, on Sunday. OhIO General Assem~ly haa not lfor a 'number of · )'~rs and ..a. and went to third on a wild pitch. , or ftve inches of new growth apHisses Trillena and Margal'et Sunday : Sunday sch,ool at 9 :30 "' . enMted a comprehll1181Ve tax pro- active in political affairl in that Hartsock fanned . LaurelUl ~rlpled , pA.rI, applv the chlorate-limestone "'dwards entertained the member Mr .. Dan Brown of Da?ton , lS gra.m. and since conditions are fClty. He was a memb~r of' the . . . .at "the rate of 600 to 600 '"" Un s wee k rna!l d a II t h.e n\o're acute b y th e Ohio Societ" of Sons of- American .corine .Satterthwaite. Lauren. mixture of the Arln1not Bridge club. on a.h m. Morning worllhill at 10 :30. 'p.endlOg several da"" ~"'-. T e sermon ubject will be, "True With Mr . and Mr 8. Alb rt Cle ay er ten 1'1)1'11 I'Imitation " d t we t Revolution. " seored and Smithsoll went to sec- pounds an aere. Extend t~ appll Tuesday afternoon. • itizenship. Epworth League at aflI ta.menf men. tb f ondo on Fud,ces bad throw ot , cations three or tour feet beyond 7 p. m. with Ronald Hardin as M d' U C F ,., h f a r e rma Ion 0 e arm ' Mr. Roush ill lurvived by one Smithson'. -ounder. smitblOnjthe viaible e d - of the patch. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Collett and r. an mrs. . .....,os er, 0 bureau tax program with lIucb ad- fste M D ' S d d •• -~ leader. Evangelistic services at 9 Cincinnati. were the guests of .MI'll ; ...tmen". and modiftcatl'O~~ aa a~ 8 hr. rsR' hailiSY dny er an one Itole tblrd .nd scored on B. Wel"U new .prouts .ppear rener- 80n. Robert. werE guests of Miss Ed' H . d T'~'" .~ . '~ nep ew OUI ny er d to aUy over the area make a see-on d ~ ' on S.I m. condiR ema1ft! '. • ed to th• Iel'8 j nII e Id out. U' _eft d 11 ·1 II e _aty W'l I gum, at X en la, un"ay p. Wednesday:Bibl tudy and dayIth ' arrl8 an _ family on hqrs- nece8l8ry by present . . were remov e ••cond r.tlrina thSj .ide. applieation .t the rate of 400 to evening. • tions and as are consJStent WIth Stubbs Fllnerlll Home where fUDIn the Afth tM. Merehanta cot 600 poun. an acre. If s~routa . . prayer meeting at 7 :30 p. m. The. Mi Louise Crane of Wyoming, the resolutions ad~pted by I the 'eral services will be. held Saturday one when M. Weller slnrled, went are oeeaaion.l, after either the lira: J. O. Cartwrlg.h t. o~ Cln- W. F. M. . will meet wilh Mrs. Cincinnatf, spent the week-end delegate body at lts.1a t annual at 10 a. m. Rev. J. J. Schaeffer. of to third on Peck'. double and ftrat or "cond application. treat cinnab. spent T~esday m town a~d 1'08S on Thul' day of next week. with her mother. Mrs. Maude meeting." St. Mary's ehurch ofticiatlnlr. Bur~coJ;ed on Jenkl' error of Hart-- by '&potting' witb chlorate-lime- was the over-Tl1g~t guest of Mr. Crane and Miss Anna Lee. The report of th committee as ial will be made in Woodland sock'. erounder. In the seventh. the atone an area at leut one foot I.n and Mrs. D. C. RIdge. WAYNESVILLE, CHURCH OF . . finally adop~ed by ~he board of cemetery, Dayton. Miss Grace McNutt of Elkart CHRIST M1SS Olive Allen attended a tru8tee~, whIch consltutea tbe tax . -- -- - .. - - Merehants Irot one more as Peck diameter al'ound eacb IIprout. dOllbled one out and scored "If the treated area is to be Y,nd.. a fo.mer 'secrAta' 1''' of the' , . (Undenominational) party given by Lawrence ,Program of the state farm bureau. REPORT ftEVE "LS 'D E .... ND J" " . I on Miss Cbester A.. Williamlon, Mini.ter Shields at XeniJI., on Thursday calls for the following legislation " ' ' ' . .oA on Lauren I I i DC Ie. T wo more in planted to a eu1tlvate d crop, 'b ~ e D ...."n Y. •W. C. A. called the el..htb B Weller -'-"'led lItole ..... -1 ..- tin t .b d law d ;r~ evening. based upon ability .to pay: A per. FOR COOPERATIVE PROJECTS ..~ n may e ~ .Ie Olive Allen, Thursday. afternoon . Evangelistic m~etings will cond . I' h . . .. . sOJ¥I earne Income tax aw WIt second, stole thll'd and ecored until cultivation has been gtven • ahead of Tbompson oil Tomp,'a chllnce to clean up the few reMrs. Aliee M.cKinsey and Miss tin ue. Evangelillt D. R. Dunn is MISS Elizabeth Ho~ht attended iradua ted ratesandlowexemptions .' ·.... b . •. bringing Bible mes!Jages of unu- ' co~men.cement e. x~r. clSea. of th.e intrreases in the rates of certaill The Ohio. Farm Bure.u now'" hollie run. I n tile n in ... ... Wle _.rc • maininr liproutll." Henr.etta McKinsey were dinner 1.. d • S v' U t f C t i t "'as many paid members as were Manti rot one more on H.rbock·. The job is not done, the arron- guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. s~al e arlty an. power. er lces nlVerll) ~ 0 moman I, as J' ~I- items of the present intangible tax . home rlln and th.t .neled the omlsta .l nd. until the lut sprout Collett, at Harveysbur", Thursday LoDlghdt,IYD at Ch7 ASh' SP~ogrlamt' 9 '30 day evenanlr· law. an increase tn utility excise cured durmg th.e entire year of , .. r s ay urc CdOO a ta ffi' t t .. t th' 1933, M. D. Llneoln. tlI:eeatl•• lIuehanla ecol'lng wIth four run. ia 1dUed. . " . . M.r . and Mrs. A. S. Collett en- X~I! IIU . clen 0 . o"se. e~r seeretary of the Ohio F.rm Bartaa short of wlnnl..... The ftpe-texture, . non-cakinc Mr. and Mr8. ChM. James and a. m. •Lord s ~ul?~er .~nd 8e~lrlOn tertained Mr. and Mrs. Ernest savmg. due t9 t~e ten mIll t d t th b d OI tnat.n Next Sunda), the Merchanta will ..uta" ot"lOaiiam c orate and family weM gue? of M.r. 8!,d at 10.30, Oh:r\sban E,ndeavo~ ~t Gillam. of New York ' City, at nt, .~trlc~ , conomy ID f:P~~~ontbIY :esS:: at Columba meet the Dayton Ti8en on the IImelltone c.n be applied 'readlly Mn. W. O. Hutchison ,and family 6 :4.5. p. in. Evening evangeilstlc breakfast on Thursday morning. government With such changes 8 S lat I. . . home ground•• The Tigers are an by hand throul'h "a lawn f~rtillzer ..t Dayton, on Sunday. 8ervlc~ at 7 :4~ p. m. JD. R. Dunn ' . will money and not impair the. S wee~ .. . . . . ' hro . th ' preachmg. Th church where, you . M.n. Lee ltawke, ' Miss DO"1'l11 service needed, 81'1d a general re_ The s prmg fert.ltzer tonnar' eltbroadcaster, of t qh e ferMfss Sue. Crane Mills Barbara feel at home, . Hawke Miss Neva Smith and MI s , tail ales tax with low rates. with ceeded t~e 19S3 volume f"r the. (Continued Oft pap . " - -- • . tUber attachment 01 a train drill. Jean Orane and' Master J a c k ' Marie Macabee were Dayton visi. exemptions for ballic farm supplies s.al1le pen~d by 65 % a';ld tber. are CountY.lgriculture arentl are IUP- Orane 's pent Wednesday at the FERR.Y CHURCH' OIF CHRIST torfi, on W~nesday. such u seeds, feeds and fertilizers l~ bulk 011 plants now In operation " .... 0 . plied WIth a bUlletin deecriblnc .t~ home of Mr. ·and Mrs. Forrest Gra. '. • to proYide whatever revenues are with. 74 tank tr':l~ks, lervin.. in ~ methods of thistle eradlC8--ham and family on' Litle Road. ( Mr. and Mra. .~arold Wllb~m.Bon, abllOlut&ly neeesuty for the opera- 26 dd'l'erent. cO,untiell. a8 apinat .S ICDlC nner bon. It ia tree:. _ • . Hr~ and Mn. Herbert Becketol Cllester A. Willl,a mlon 'R ichard and 111 Luella Wlllla!,,- tion of the schools not produced one bulk 0.11 plant In 1933, the Unified service beginning with Bon. of Dayton, spent Sunday wlth by tile 'foregoing farm bureau officials f(!Ported. K1tUEY-BALDWIN of Florida, Mr. and Mrs. John Church School at 9:30 a. m. Lord' Mr. and Mr. H. H. William son . ' The Ohio Farm Bureau Service On Sunday. eleven of the t1Venty-two memben 01 the 1925 Williams. of Toledo, were week- Supper and sermon at 10:80, Ser~ and Miss Grace. EVANCELISTIC CAMPAIGN Company bUBlneBil. botb wbole graduatinr clalS of Wa,.eavUle A weddiriC of interelt to many end gU'ests of P. L. Rea On and mon subject, I<The Sig'Dificance of . sale and 'retail. for the past Ave l:Iiah achool, torether wiUl their In thia community j)ecurred at family. th.e Cross." You are always we1-' M,I;'. and Mrs. J. B. Gons visited WILL CONTINU£ months of 1934, wall almolttwi" ,a!JIme, and cuesta, c.tbered at B].lf"cl\eater W.dnes4ay evening Mis. Jes~e Clark, of Oincinnati, come at this churc)l. Mr. a"d Mrs. . C~rl Sanker at the volume of the same period lut Camp Ruth for a picnic dinner. J~ne 20. wben Miil D.wn Jla)dwin was a goest of Misses Trillena and Mason, aturdaY.nlght. Mr. Sanker . The evangelistic ~amp~igll lit ·y ear. Th,e presentyeal;. to da~!I' Tho.e preaent 'Were. Ill'. and lin. daupter 01 lin. H.llIe Baldwin Margaret Edwards at the Argunot ST. AUGUSTINE ICHt)RCH who has bee~ .ver), dl tor the past Ithl' Churoh of Christ wil, continue has wftnessed th.e Latgest volume · few W~ks1 18 much better. tintllJuly 8 or later. Eval)gelist of automobile insurance in the hl.Th omaa Bu'rton. Mr. and IIr•• E, "• of that place, the bride .of Brld'g e clu"" on Tuesday afternoon . Father Newton. lPastor " D .R D ' tt ti d . t '. ,, ' f th t f b j t. BlIrtoD, Mr. and ¥n. Albert Wil- Mr. Joaepb Xenel, BOn o' Mr. and Ipent the night: lit their home. Mass at St.. Augustl ne'! Churcb Mr. and Mrs. John Bolin, (Gladys htl u~~h ISh ' a ;ac ~gl crow ~ . or 0 L ' a I ar~ uren ~~~ lS t orce .lu son. Mr••nd ~. Harold William- and lin. WUliam ICeraey, of Oreev~ry secon d and fou1'th Sunda~' !'larlan) of Lebanon, are anoounc- m g Y fWI d b p,eec th r. flllCO nb so rl\epoj ~ . Ion and 80n; Richard. Mr. and lin conia. IIr.K.ne7 .. an instructor Mr. nd Mrs. T. S. Hardin and l h . th 11111: the birth 0-(' a son John Har- an d pro oun u easl y e new arm ureau re murane. Harold Beckett and cbtlclren. Mr. in the LebaDon High school. sons~ Ronald, Tresslar and Lanlling t e mon . Ian, born at st. A.nn~'s Hospital, stood Bible meS3ag!s. . .' company el!tablisbed April II, and Mrs. Herbert Edwarcla and The ceremora, .... soJemnized at spent the week-end in Kentucky . Dayton, Monday June 25. Some of the toPICS which will 193 •• had paBsed tlle f2.000,000 two 10111. Mr. and rMrs. Chaa. the bome of the bride's mother in They visited the broth ell ot Mr. probably be discuBiled by the evan- mark for business in force. Th..... maD,1UIa h JlloIIilJIia, IItaa O. BJ.-ach. . . -' aHCI.n-tblrt, o'eloek H81'din who ia very ill in the hosMr. and Mrs. Orville Gray and gelist are as tollows: "What Think is also a gNat deal of prop•• in HartaoeJc, 1Ir. 101m X..., and t.n tile . . . . . . 01 immediate pital at Oynthiana. daulI'hter. Barb8l'a. had as guests ye ·of ChrisU" "]s Jesus Coming tbe cooperative marketing proMr......baIt ADlt. 1Ir. . . . 1IrL. :talllillte .... a few lIlYited peatll. on Sunday, Ml'. anll Mrs. Rustlel Again!" "Detective Vision," l'ls jects, as wen as in the tarm bure.u Bower, of Sprllirft.ld. IlC~Q" ..... TIle brWe I • a lftCiuate of Mrs. Frank L. l'ay)oT of San N ~l; 01 Cincinnati, Mr. and Mra. 'l;heJ;'1! Such a Thing ' as Sin?" ag,:icultural er;edit pro,ram. 01 1Jr'. and Mrs. E. J, Buttoa tor Blancbetter Blch scbool and taur Franelseo, Calif., Mr, and Mr!l~ F , A. C. Bownlan and family, Jim- I'Disd'pleship or Delusion ~ , • - .. t. tt d~'" wn-'--" 0 "I .... F ' O. Hat1;4loclc and family oi Milmie O'Ne",lI and Avery Cnok, of Which?" "Th"'ee," . "Where Are BAND. CONCERT the week-enca IUIIV preaea • en ... ........... n 0, e .. ~. Ql' f'o ' rd. and" and Mrs. Ronald ' • and ~ Fran klin. · Tlaou 1" and othe'I' vital,. up to the Th'e p Icn.i c w.. en j _... 10 mu eh ' the '..... ' - tJar.e ..... , n she 'h.. .· beell Hawl«! family. were ,Sunday that it wu deeided to maD the *.'!~IqJ[i" the....ClarIamlle aeho~1a 'g uests of Mra. Edith Harris and )Irs. C. B. ChapMan, of Dayton. minute_Bu_b_j_ e c!,:.. _ The 4th eoncert will ". Tbara reUl'lloll. an anlluu . . .eJ.. . of 'II 1aJI". _rn;.aIkllooL graduate of f am I] y. .II! VlSI . 't'Ing U...·r. an d.... J • B, Ch ap day, I u Iy .." a t 8 p. lD. a t u_""J ' Be latu . Mrs. _~ rare I The memben of ... .I man this week during the absence NEW CENTURY CLUB MET corner by Th. W.ya..9Ule 8aad. who were not 1»naent on Bundq attended W~ 00II... and . A large gathering of ladiet! of of Mr. Chapman who is malting a Thll cOllcert la lilY-en tor the Leare: Loll Daldn Mulford, IIUdred cnduatecl trom OhIo S.te Uni~ the Aid and Missionary Society of bUlinetlll trip out of town and will Mrs. Maria Elbon entertained Ka)' Hawke 111m...." Aceae7, Hole Campbell; Edith IIcJtibboD nnitr iD tH .... of lS81. , For the Prubyterian church of Spring join her here for the week-.end. the membertt ot the New Century with tM ccnapBmnta of IIr. Amaa AtcII]ey, Th.t.... Graham G!'&7, the put two ~ be . . been tile field. Ohio, met at the borne of ~n clllb at her home, Friday atter- You wUI And thia ftrm tile wriw. KatlaJeea Bencleraon Noble, de- voeationu apleaitural inatruetor lohn K. Pre.ton today for a Mr. and Mrs. Georre Hartaoek noon, JUM 22. ThOll. prelent re- of .... old ad nllable ltD. of .... ceaaed, Marpret lIadatt, deceM-lin the ..... ac!hool at Le.on. hasket dlJ\ner. Sixty guellta were and 'Mr. and Mrs. Herman Surfaee sponded to roll call with namea of Insurance. Oln thea! • -trial tbe ed, . .,aaond B..c1doelr. wtJIiI.aa IIr. and lin. KerNy. loUowing pretJent. returned home on Thursda,. after famoWl trees. .eltt dna. )'011 _alit IDMlnUlee. Tboma. Ken." It. , . , JIIv- • two weeka' wecldlDt trip, ptan to spendhl~ a week with HH. HaJ't,. Two Vfl1I Intere.ting papera II.., woaea IUI4 ....... ra, Bopktna, ,earl On, ... Bow. make their 1l0000e In Lebanon. III'. and Mn. Ralph MilleT enloek'l .llIter and brothe!'-In·la", were read, "Talbtiv. Tl'e. Ria.. ... .... . . . , walle fill al'd Ooot. • teltabled a number of fri8llda.t. Mr. and Hn. Rfee Saapp, in LOU- f tile Soutllwest," II, lin. Joh" ...... . It . . .. • - • ..... Of G...& ~ atak rout at eamp Oft Weddouft cOllnt" VlIPnla. 1o Fromm and ''Wild LIte of ..... alii u r • and KI"L Sheth. . AtJutic ... ... ..... _ - - ID t:Ida .... ,.... K?~ln.. ad JIIn. ThOM J. B. .. . . . . aU . Galc Coaat," lin. W. .aItJ .. .,.....,. aU wIIJ lie III 1Ir. &ad .... Bert were called to Sprlqboro Ia8t 6. Come.. ,M . . of tile .... ' ....... of th• •adela l . Tile ...






Carlton Perry Roush Called B,


• . .



...... we" •.

f 1925

p. . Di


.. '11'' ' . _1_-






--- ...... c.e.

-_.....- --.........


















tOI' • ~ertlftcatl! tit transfer. Coyl , inlot No. 2ee la FraDklin. It. O.wald, .. rvlcl., ,35; WW" flied hel' fint alld final account. William H. Brown to LilHe E. Beeclle!, servieN, ,1)5; Llnnle WUlemcN, ,1)1): Chriltlne I 'The Lebanon·Cltlzena National Cooper, 88.60 acree In Salem, Bar· llama, Bundren, .ameel, ,65; Faith Tom Bank aJld Truat Co .• trustee of the land andWuhlnlton township.. tru t created by Item 3 of the will J. E. Eberhart, f't al to The MI. Unson, eel' vice!l" $67.60; E UleHathaway, services, ,20. of Nancy J. Hopkin!l, dece.aed. ami VaIley Building and Loan As· St'cond lind flnal. sociation, 100 acres In Tudlecl'eek arrington P. EI1i~, executor of tuwnship. Common P I••• Pr~eeclin•• Jt:dgar Bawyer, d ceased, to Min Subllcribe tor The Miami Gazette approved. . . the estate of Gladman H. Ellis, de· mar Mo t.eller: a,dnllnlstrator of ceased, Illed hi inv<'nt ry. nie L. Bowy~r, et III, 82 acres in 1 h" clIse of Robt'l'i ''f yl r 1\ nd til 1'. tllt(l f ~hzll • hop,Parcl. u In the matter of the tate ' of D ~rfield township. J. A,·thul· T y101' v J'su~ J . B. cell,s,ed iiI d hI apiJllc tlon tOI' a W~llingtoll . Bowyet', deceased, Laverne Ayers, et aI, to Minnie 1 ling rOlan, receiver. WII disllli~l! - celtltlcate of irlln ' sale. were II ppt·oveci. AllowRnce t.o L. Bowyer 82 acre in Deerfield VOTE FOR I d. 1 rothy Burgfm " r, leU I'dian. of widow authorized. The ndjudica- township. Clifford Reeve ct al to Jennie In th e case of The Kcl1~' S~l'il\g al'l M. and La\\ r nc Leo ZWlck, tion und determination of the in. ..:..==-='- ~============-= lit'ld Til'e Cu. vel' u H. J. Hay 5, minors', 1i1 d, h r JiHh !i~count.. hel'itanc tax i to b given to aU . and William M. l{,u~t, 19:12.lJ4 r. li n e~ li d, n~ if to cl sr his vi sion . nction is dismi. sed \\Ht)out record. Matti Gl'Imm. dmJnls tratr~ of perSons inter ted. acres in Turtlecreek township. The va of Mab 1 Martin vel' us thtl estate bf Edward T, Grlmn), 'I'he will 0-[ Frank . 0\ Dvm' d Union Joint Stock Land Bank crow \ iuged. !lCI'OSS th clearing "U '11 /tt'l noth ing WOTS C' than 1\ Hn d pi~he d n II tr et op. Otto fm-tin is di~missed. d('ceas.ed , filed her pplicatibn for C fi Red, was admitted to probat. to John F. Hutton, real estate in CANDIDATE FOR brok n fi nger r t \\ ()," ' Did"Two." T he case 0/ ThE: merican Loan n e rhficat of tran .fer: h, fil d h !'Ie, P. Joy, executor of the Wayne and Harlan tOW1lstiip. Ill cr . .. \lld 1\(ln' L \\ony about m ,1 Th(' Yl1U lIj{ men l'aL d th!'ir right o. a cOl'poraUon ver us Catherine her fi rst, nnai and dlslnbtl1lve ae· e tate of Milrtho Elizab-eth Joy, The Cincinnati Oil Work!! Co. to Dav . 11 's 00 high·st r ung ~ o b~ I h nd" each t thl? level of til I Wagnel' Ilnd Edw11l'd A. Wagn er is count. h h u('cealled. ftled hi inventory, incinnati Development 0., real dang r Us ol thi, /tame, H ' tI'l t (l , g ~ouhJ er .. T he m~7.Zle s of the di_llIi ed. In t e 1l1aU r of t e estate of estate in Salem town~hip, Subject to Republican 10()k 001, ilh h is Janll\ 18 kllc!a.i- I pu;tolR 110ll1te.d !!tl'a!ght up at th!' The ca. e of Ja ob Fro t ver u St.ella J. Booth. de(:ease~, attorn Y Patrick Gaynor, Ileceal!cd, to Primary, Augu t 14, 1994 Marria,e Lieen... Ann Gaynor, et ai, inlotll Noll. 477 t al mann ; but he J id not deeel' l cloudl !t, r lghtenmg dome of Ada F" ost is dismi ell without fees w '·.EI . aliow. d. GOll Thornpv me, f or I t.ook Iii lIleK~Ur in hea\' n. The mu t u e of Ruggle· record. ' . on, ndmml trn trlx ~I d h r sched L~ ter Adran Mount. medical and 478 in FrankUn, :hi y e:." . , 1~ton '!! P~ t?l s~ ooki 8!ld Ruggle tOll The Case of Calh rine Ooodpas- ule of debts. Th e adJudication and interne, of L banon and Mi s Ruth "lie's been tJ pphlll'!'. pOl'k t ell c urse~ 't" m hI S shakmg hart. te r ver sUs Muriel Goodpostol' i determination of the inheritance Maxwell Baker, of Lebanon. Billa Allowed m e. Til mol' hi h n d lUlk s. t he I Thl e. disml'ss d . "'I'thout "e co~(1 tax is to be given to all persons in· Edward Liming,}[laborer, of Ma· M S II K II . $7 ; ,. 1': h d i h . , . , d .. D rs. te a e y, servIce, .ftC man ma e B r g t turn, ~ t In th ca e of William . TUI.ton tel' te . son, a nd Mrs, arri d ixon I\fto~. Will Bryan, services. $10; mor e diffi cult your mark will b e. , "'X'herc'll be murk enough. nev r thte ~am (' t ime .slrai~hten~nG' hi!! versus olomon Fn"d. motions The I ollo\ving 8 cQunts w re ap· hou ~e keeper , of South Lebanon. Candia Hymer, service, $5: With Reliable Serum J nr. Of Ielbow and droppmg hl!\ wrl~t. Th e u iained Fiftee n day~granted to proved, ailo\\'ed arid confirmed by Ralph ' H. P ox, factory wOI'ker, Helen Dougbman. ervices, $7: and Viru. lOy u wOl,lldrl't kill the poor b,:o reports sound e~ like on e. Cap. file pleading or amended petition. the t;ourt. , ' 01 Ll'hanon , ane{ lil; Velma N. M EI b , dev,i1 ?" , Itam Rugglellton tWllched, but s~it In th Cll e Qf L wis Barber v r- Willa B. Cabot,. administratrix Atkinson, telephone operator, of M~:: I~~lie u;~:~~ se~~!~se8$27.:J At' a rea.onahle price Mac1yer rea. ur d t he doc to r on fell ed in. lantly, The horee tosed Its I'ty ot 'Franklin, et al tl'tle of the estate of MalTY Ellen Thomp Lebanon. DR. W. FRO,S T ft ' d d ' I d Ml's. How&t'd Sawyer, ervicell, I d d h thn point . I lea ,a n t e C ~QW apped up and quiet d, plain iff t' pay cosl!!. s?n,. e~ea e . F Ir st, fina an $7 ; Columbus Blank Book &. PhoDe 17R. Dawn wa g raY !II ng the a~ t away. crawing d risivcly. The 10 th e ens of The State of Ohio dl !ltrlbutlve. . Real ~.tate T ran.f.r. Mfg, Co. budgetl! for auditor's of. wh~n th Y l' n h d th hon . moke drifted slowly. The second anal, in.1PO ition of hal'ies, JrWll~, eXEcuta,· and lice, $50.05; The' Burougbs AddR. M . Robin on to Vit'gil E. Tay- ing Machine Co., ribbon and Audi. ground, which was a tump~' cleat·· sta re~ at Ruggle ~on, who continu- sentenc is u~ p nded upon condi_ ltru tee of the es~~e of J. A. Run· ing in 8 \\'ood o f fi rs and , prllne . to I' nd v ry Btnight. with his ti<) 1l thatdef~ ndant giv bOlld of )'8n, decca ed. Thll'd. lor !1nd ,Dor othy Jane Taylor. real tor' adding machine, $1; Stakalta The doctor exomin d Maclver r ight hond still extended and till $50 and that he pay $1.50 per A ugu t Lu nn. xecutor of the estate in Franklin. 0., 1200 concll,lding paybands and rubbed , them wilh gr ipped on the enlP~ pistol. They wee'k for support of millor child, eS.tate of Bernard Il.unnc , decca ed. Margal'et Hannller to Albert J. ment receipt tor TTeasurer, SUi; brandy. Mr. park and ~ptain mov d udd nIy. lmutaneouaJy, Delendant I, t o pay cost!!. ,FlIlsI. _ , , Scheuerer, real es(at in Morrow . Burol,lghs Adding Machine Co., III the case of J B lingerman Roy F, ~hlls , adnllnlstrat.oY' of harl s N. Williams and Myrtle Main, on Treasurer's addin1 machRu.ggle ton arriv d ten mmutes and ran toward the guardsman. later hI a. pungo park driv!ng. I But th pi~tol dropped from his I'eceivel' vcr u T'ayl~r BJ'othc.w!I, the tate o.f Benjamin H. Mills. E. Williams to amu I A. Palmer ine April 24 to November 14, T~e capt8," ha.d pent the r~d lingers b fore the;y r eached et ai, judgm Ilt rendered {or de . decea ed. Flr~t and fi~a~. and Catherine Pa.lmer inlot No. $7.75: Columbus .Blank Book Mfg. WitH hI second. Toey had com ' b,nt, One finger dangbng . BI.o.IUl elldant _ _ ____ J. W. 0 11111 8 , l!ldnllnJ trlltor of 762 In Franklin. Co., Cosmetic Receipts & Beverage by litUe u ed and unpopu]ou way dripped , pattering on the ~r~l!tY I [n th· · casc of Hilda Taylor vel" the e tate: of Martina A. Collins deLillian A. Schroth to C. W. receipts lor Trea urer, $8; Banksand th beJls had been removed now. ~lacIver rela'JC~d and JOI~l!d 1 ~us Wi~ljam F rr st Taylor mo. ceased. Fn" t and I1nal. . . . Downard, 25 acre in Salem town- Baldwin Law Pub. Co., Deibel's fro~ harne s and s~afts before the r the other; . He resched them Just lion of defendant for reducti on of Elva D. Bogan., admmlstratl'lx ah ip. Ohio Pro bat Manual Supplem·ent. Btart. Mr. park hltehed tb hOI,;! a,\1 aJltaJn~uggleston agged to paymentJI by defendant f r support oC the e. tat~ of Horace G. Bogan, Jes ie Z. Jamc to Maria E. 19S., ,3.50; Barrett Brothers, 100 ROOT FOR. AND CONSIGN of n1inor child approved decea ed. FIrst and 1\nal. tockwelJ, inlot No. 384 in ' Frank· cost bill , 50 inherit811ce Forms to a smell fir and blnnketed It. his kne s, whlt.e a II sbeet. Cattl•• boca, .hup .nd "'va Captain Ruggle ton tepped to a I' Back at th.. King' H ad. Ala· " In the matter I3f the e tate of lin. f P b t $725 D Ed d NoJTla.8roc\l liv. ~. bare humm ock and stamped his dnri ifaelvt"r dispo d o! 'econd - - - -Joseph McCauley, deceased, order Moses Beel to Amy Montgomery or ro a e, . ; rs. war pro n lv. arm Co" for the _ ... booted feet on tbe 'frosty mos . \ breakf t. He had r eturned alon e New Suit. of sale at real estate ordered. 60 acres In Franklin township. and Robert Blair, Medical Services ma!a:':t prie.. and !rood a. • rendered at Jail dllring l\lay, Then park and the doctor 100ked \ trom the clear ing in the wood, Edna Ro ellt! ver sus An on R oaales by T. H. Zen. executor if Louis C. Zechel' to Ernest Zecher $27,50; Griswold Service Station, U.I•• Siock V......• ·Cla.I._JI. a. over th grQund and paced ff Doctor Hamm I' haYing driven ell , for divorce. harge i gross the estate of Laura J. Zell, decea - and Anna F. Zecher. 160 actes in Gaa and Labor on Sheriff's Tun. tn OD Radio Station Wc-Y 11 :211 to 12 :80 p. m. for our daDr what was requ\t'ed for th~ir prin. away with park and the wounded neglect. ed, were approvec:ll., Turtlecreek townsRjp. d" M $16 10' Wald mar ket rep orta. cipl" polite purpo e . Maciver and Engli hman in hi!! ,profeS!lional Grace B. Millard versus Alon:r;a In .the matter of the estate of Ernest Zecher to Anna F. Zech C~r Gi~:r!~:r, :%quest: $~.50; Ru&,glet on ignored each other. capacit.y. He had walked in at the Millard, at aI, for alimony, attor- 1George Nunner, deceased distrlbu· er, 160 acres in Turllecreek town. anon Lumber Co., lumber, $22. 6 4: Tbe. seconds loaded the pistols. front door with a cas\l~l air, as if ney fees, injunction, costs and oth Hon of assets orde~ed. ship. Blair Le. Roy, ~ sacka cement. whi!lpering together grav Iy, Then he had been abroad fQr the go oil of er rel~f. John C. impkins was appointed The V,rginhm .Toint Sto~k Land .. each led his principal into position l)is appetite, and had been va.tly Vera Telthest(lr vel' us Emil admini8tratOl' of the estate of Allie Bank to Fr~nk1in W. Schuermann $1.64.; 'Karl Snell, Gal'lla-e rent 43 VEARS OF SE1t.VICE The prinCipals stood twenty paces relil~ved jlt fi.ndtng his room exact- Telth tor, for divorce. Charge Is \'tl. S,mpkinll, de,:eased, and finel 134.56 acrell in Harlan township, truck ,No. 17 April and May, ,.; .part, each with a pi tal in hi Iy all he had left i the window Mgl ct to provid and extrem bond of $40Q with BUl'eties. Russell Mentz tQ The Miami 'Val- ~~~Ii~:.\~~; 'j.o~~ ~~~g~;aar;~~ . " right band. Th light was gray stili op n alJd the nr cru Ity. ' The estate of Jacob Nichwitz. ley BuildJng and Loan A ociation, LEBANON, OHIO and clear and sufficient. 'l'he young iehed. He had elo.!led the window Kentucky Joint Stock Land Bank deceased, Is exempt {tom inherit-real estate in Franklin township, Co., Supplies and Parts, .38.· We have a complete men bad been Jllaced 0 that ond built up the fire and pu1Jed the of Lexington versus hayles W. ance tax. • G. W. Cole, deceased; to Wealey 41; The Baker Mf~. Co., ~lutc~ W.tch Repair Semel neither had an (ldvantage of light bell; and the taverner him elf had Schaefer. et aI, lOr money, :fore. Luella M. Youlng, guardian of Cole, e.t al, inlot No. 1169 in Frank- Teeth, $1280; I incinnatl 0 Priees Reasonable or (found: They received their answered ' the bell and taken his cloll.Ure, sale or rea] e tste, ap· Thomas A.. Wi1lillms., incompetent, lin. :~~r~~e~;t:U'o~, '.:a~·;I~~e and Beads ReatrunK . Imple instructions irom Doctol' order andfetched his breakfMt. polntment of receiver and equit. filed her s.eventh account. M~nnle Moore Waters, by Anna lies and Repal"r ,214.68; The Jewelry Repaired Hammer, -first in English, t~n in Ma Iver's vanity was touched by able relief. The inventory of Etta Bercaw, J. Rankin, administratrbt, to Lll. Watson Co., Paper Gaelic. They faced in op-posite di- the defer ntial wal'mth of Barexecutrix at the E!state 01 Thurm\lIJ cida Brown, real estate in Leb· of Cou:rt, $110.50: Th "THE HOME OF GIFTS" rectlon •. The captain 'ilia breath- ley' .ttentlon. ' Prob.t. c.urt Proc .... la.. F. Bercaw, decea.sed, \Va appoint- anon. 0 tfitt R ' I inK very fast and short, and a "The fellow evidently knows a . ed. Ray Dutro. et ai, Harry Ivins e u era, epllt . p .ten nerve In his left cheek -was twitch. gtlutlel1len when he ees one," the The ~nv?n.tory ~ ~arl T~Otmp!- Julia Wi11iamll was appointed anc:j Mobe l B. , (vms, Thea. and ~~!c.;,:~~rnC~:.!'r,o~arC::~~~ts6~~; ing; MacIver breathed deep and Highlander nflected. . 8On, a mll1lstra r o e es e 0 administratrix oJ~ the t:state of Anna Honerlaw, Jr., Charles S. Blow, without a twitch oof nerve What hill reflections might have J. Lee Thompson, decea&ed, was Thomas Williamsl, de~a8ed, andt\l. and Gladys H. Ivins, to The Cincin. Clerk of Court, $50; The Office or mus Ie. Th guard man's face been had 1'Ie been aware of t h e ' ed bond of $1~)0 with sureties. Jlati Gax &. Electric Co., the UBe of Outfitters, 1 bottle tyPC cleaner • • • Probate Court, 60e. wore nn expression that was at taverner' activiti /I of yesterday ld b' . f Fred O. Meeker.. George Ball and I estate for lines. _I . 'h t. an d ~f wou I!,nnd po . • d ap· EI'lza SL.. eppar, d d ceo ed , an d )ast nlg h df~1soonf Id b sessIon k t4! 0 Ber t W eIs h were appoln.e oncc desperate an d contemptuous. lu,tel'noon Reli. f Billa T he Highlander looked thought- the fa ts that the smirki.n g fenow an ItS ~ t~O Ma I and;o 8 a~ praisers. Omar Mosteller, real estate WAYNESVILLE, OHIO lot had visited his de erted room and a resu 0 e ae v~r e ense.o The estate of Edgar Bowyer, de. townShip. Phone 80 Buk BI". " One," cried Doctor Hammer. drawn- a true conclu ion from ii, th~ ltfact~er h~~or!. I a que tlon ceased, is e-xemp't from inheritance l[ji,-:::=. 6f.:~~~~T-~-.i==~+V=::r.~.-=~~ Captain R\lggleston shivered and and drawn a second true co no wor consl erlng. ta-x. Minn ie L. Sowyer executrix I , moistened hIs lips. Maciver Ai hed ion from hi reappearance, and (To be Cont inued ) of the estate filed her application

.fistols 'at Dav~reak



'X IDr. H. M. Williamrl

..=;===;;.o,;:=. . . .


Treat Your Hogs









F. T. Martin Auctlone.r



Centerville, Ohio ~on.

Speed ••• Power•• Pick-up depend on how your Gasoline mixes with AIR!




Nall...1 a..Ir_ ."... Willa Dra_ • • E...... Sett'" WAVNESVILLE. OHIO

A. H. STUBBS OIU oonventent IOC.tiOD, tutta-'

bit .urro1lll.dlnp and equip.e.' .nabl.. ua to Serv. to the . . . AdvaDtqe.

"ERE'S THB "WINDPIPE" of your car. Tbi. IIID". bow liquid , •• olial it turned iDIO, ...... " Air comea i. at ·t he left;-meet. the' ~•• olioc

. pray at tbe aecdle valve- thea pu.e.

OD to

the oyliode,. .. ........








engine' wllten you were . trying to start it ? You got too much gasoline into the cylinders. T here wasn't enough ail': • You can't even s~ art without air. Arid, of course, you can't have full power, smooth pick-up or fast get-away -with a gasoline that fails t(> mix properly with air! That's where Mobilgas 'is diWert;nt fr'1;", other gasolines. I t 'has a special feature called Climatic Control. Climatic Control makes this ga,soline mix better withair. All kinds of air- hot or cold, damp O lr dry. It saves power, gives better performance. Try this gasoline that mixu b~u" with ai,.. Sold where you see the sign of the Flyina Red Horse. rD YOU EVE R I'FLOOD"



Staoty IloogItr Auctlon••r. IU•• • TAIIUY ........ 11_ ..............

.,.,... ......



MIDNIGHT aU da, Ioqi He IIIId dlat W. IV , . . ....... at 1IICk. lid .... u,• .... MobilCU. be t it II.,.,. ......... __ ar !lw. 10

'''I ....




•• I.

KE. . . . . . .



Sunday. Cincinnati, who wUllloon leave for Whl R ....., ThinuDIr appl. :=~ moat proft~bl chari.. cIJ7 .. Band ~oncert drew a RUlllia. hind t he I nl lnl. appreciat!\'e lludil'llce lu l Mr. and Mra. E. J . Carmuny, of Prof. and Mrs. Ralph Fl"I~ncis day ni~hl. Springfield, were SUliday anel" ISSUED EVERY TBURSDA Y U.I ... Stal., ' W......... have returned home alter II two . h·~. C. G. Randall noon guests of the fornH'l"s The Uoltec1 Statu lias G.OOO IIIlIee week'a visit with relatives iII West quite poorly. moth!'!, Mr. Mary Carmony. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING of ocean cOaltllne, al1n or D. L CRANE I I ... rIPtl......,.., fl .1O a Y-.. Union . MI'. CharieR }O~a t r Mt·. and Mrs. Guy RQutzahn lind On the Ann"al T a. Buell.t oavlrable rlvton IUld 8,100 IDII. or -- - . ....... .................... N .. 111 Blnt.r.4 rtaa. at ..• Mn... D B tJ n derwoo d h as been M'Isses K 0 thl l!en an d Nil' of an(I " kh .pent . 1\1 Obiat Poato a.e"114 CiaWaya .. Mall e Ie C la· L'r. Iurs. B e n 'l.[a"' ~"~. ....-.c. ........................:.N• • III "., o. ~tt.r entertaining her isiter fl'om Texas ham were Sllnday evening ~ uC!sts . uturdllY evening and Sunday, NClliee i~ ht'reby ~ivell that on the Ihorellnt, 00 nn\'lllable lak_ Twa· tJ·nln. .t~le. are acceulbl. to Miss Chari tte Thomas is taking of Miss Lucille Tucker. fishing Ilt • l. Mat·y'~ Re@cI'V(lir. 3rd day of Jul~'. 1\134. at 8 o'clock a ix week's cour. at t.he on, el'Mrs. Ernestine Moo),e and chil· Mrs. Ruth Savage, of ent r- p. m., II puhlic hearing will be ocean-Iotog v~lM!l •. .JUNE 28. 1934 vatory of MUfiie at incinnati. dren In!'!. with an aut.omobile accid· ville me.ved her household goods /leld on the Budget prepared by Prot. and Mrs. E. L. Hatton, of ent while returning 'home ;unday I from Dayton here 18 t week, to the Town ship T)'usLecs of Wayne DOCTOR TOLD THIS LADY Cincinnati, were callinr: on fl-icnds evening. The machin 'U}lSE·!. but part of the house of 1\11'. and MI'~ Twp . of Warl'cn ounty, Ohio. tOl' HOW TO ~AFEL Y here Saturday evening. liD one was hurt. 1A. C. Thompson and spent Sunday th e n xt succeeding fiscal year Mr. and :Ml's. W. W. Welch 8'rltl Mr, a nti l\hs. Munger. Mr. and evening and Monday here. ending December 31st, 1 !J35. In a recent editorial, the American Builder point to the need fln,"+",....... and Mrs. Harry Ba rbeau bnd Mr. Wlll. Lllk(>n~ and Mr. and ·M1'8. - - -- - -- - - Such hearing will be held at the stimulating homebuUding ' as an aid to general recovery. Sixty per boys wereentel·tained by Mr.' and Carl Moore ~pent Saturday even· office of the Town l1ip Trustees. cent of all urban homes in the country need extensive l'ol'airs. Fifty Mrs. E. B. Dakin recently. It was ing at Coney I land. Main St., Waync$ville, Ohio. per cent still Jack such es nlials to civilized living as piped hot water, ft celebration of lhe forty-ninth Mrs. a rl sbom hall beeln very L. H. GORDON M.... Helen CHen. " A. inside flu n toile~. and central heating system. Twenty per cent are wedding anniver.sary of Mr. and ill. Clerk Wayne Twp. pb".idan ad"i.ed my m ........ to . d d d h d bl' , f iii Ad' 1 Mrs. Welch. Pomona Grange will be held lak.e KruacJ.en Salt. 10.. o" . b dl '" a y uvel'crow e, ue to t e ou 1011' up 0.. am es. n III rura Mr. and Mrs. Wales Smart visit- here aturday. I immediately .tarted takhac lt 0 area the condition of the average home is still worse as far as com- ed relatives here last week . Miss Rachel hambaugh ha s J<eNOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING m,Ylelf. I'bed 192 and aft •• forb andconvenienceB are concerned. Mrs. Pauline Villars and chil. turned home fr om 8 week's visit at for On The V,lIag. Of Way:nenille t&klal 3 bottles J now ~ilh t~5 It Is reliably estimated that the present housinlj: need total about dl'en and bel' mothel', Mrs. Lallra the ntury of PI'o"res8. ,Poultry Speciali.u Trainillil B cl t and neyer felt .0 well. It. a tODIC u ,. a. Reduce well a. reducel' ... Miss Vil'~inia " Davis and S.1l sately and sensibly by . 800,000 units. If they could be built and cost but $8,000 each, a very Shidaker, called at lhe h ome of modest estimate even at present low construction COIU, cl08e to Ernest Butterworth last Thursday Loui Snell 0.1' vi iting in Mon· School. Notic is hel'eby given that on takin~ a half teaspoonful of KrUll600,000 of new purchasing power would be re leased to 6nd its way evenin~ and. at.tended Band conc rt. terey. th ninth day oC July, 1934, at chen In hot water every morningthrough a hundred industries and trade., and into the pockets of a at Waynesv'IUe. . -- ..... _ .. ~7:30 o'clock p. m., a public bear- you 'll be ov~rjoyed with your imlegion of. workers, Btorekeeperl! farme1'8 and persons in all callings. On Mr. and Mr . ETne t ~~nal11, ~f Chick buyers in a yea r or . so ing will be held on the Budget ~roved health and slender, stylish , . h c t.Id Ncw York, have been vl81tmg hl~ yt e may order theil' one-day old chiCks prepared by th Council of Village figure . One bottle lasts 4 weeks. the average, about ~2,OOO,000,000 of that--e11r ty per en wou go parent a, Mr. and Mt·s. Will Gillam. by Be.J( when thClY pUI'chase from Wayn ' viii of Warren County You can ge~ Krusehen Salts at any to labor . . hll:t~herymen . A n~et h ' e next succeeding , • drug store 111 the world. .. Mr. and MI's. [yde LUI'cy en Mr. Dnd Ml.'s. hades Clark commel'clal - OhIO, f or'" th~ It ill a sig'nificant sign that executives in all hnes of lIIdu.stry are t~l'tajll d Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hart· spen t Satul'day in Dayton. od of determining sex 111 ChiCk, Ii cal year endmg Deccmber 31st, continuallY stre sins the need for stimulating home·buildlng, as well sock and ·Mr. and Mrs. J oe Davi!! l\11'~. hal'le Pennewit. o,f near developed to a science in Japan, is 1935. a8 other types of eonstruction. Nothing would do more to speed reeov- artd son, Richard for dinnel; last Bellbrook, lUl n t Sunday her being introduced widely into the Such bearing will be held at the grand .mother, Mrs. L oUie Caref. United States. · . office of the lerk and Council in C. " Tony" Patterson ery. "Build ollT~elves into prosperity" is im eXCilllent slogan to romem· ber. of 1801.5 Charla!! J McDal'gh 1 Harold Whitakel.' lost a vBlllable Federal departmeTlt of agrlcll.l- TQwn. hip Hou se. aged 92 Urbana ' wa ' elected 0 , hors e with lock-jaw, Satul'day ture experts are now engaged 10 A. K. DAY, Mayor For . A. R.. c~mmande~ ; Simeon Chap: night. teaching membcrs of the. pou.J~ry R. F. HATFIEI:.D, Clerk. STATE REPRESENTATIVE man, 90 Sunbury sen ior vice com MisR Alma Nult returned t o her depal·tments of state umverslbes J28 - - mand r 'and F. S.' Layton , Marion. h('ll1c in entetville Sundal{ after the methods employed in Japan · IF elected, it .hall lie my pur. junior vice commander. Mrs. Vin- ' spending a week III the h IQte of Members of the department, 0 f NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT po •• to attend the .ellioll, •• d L ___________________________ nie LaRowe, Findlay, lVas chosen Mr. ~'nd 1\1rs. Therle Jones.. poultry h1:'sbandry at t~e O. S. "ot•• The Ohio State University Radio Station- WOSU p .. e~ident of the Women's Relie! MISS Helen EIl!'ly W~9 a dinner ~re pla~ntng for a penod of such I .hall b. for Warre. County Corps;' Mrs. Nora Kohler, Martin s guest Sunday of. MISS Wanda an structlo.n. .. Estate of Martha Elizabeth Joy 6 ... t. 8:00 Music F rry, prt!Sident of the Ladies of lark, w~o is spendmg acplUple of Foll.owmg their. penod of it.'. deceased. I ,h.• 11 be for tba ta" payer 8:.06 Farm Adjustment N ws ... , .......................... 1ohn A. 1ipher the G. A. R.; Mrs. Gel.trud e Barnes wet'ks ~' Ith her par~nts, Mr. and structlon at .Washlh~on, t.he hlo Notice is hereby given that before tlIe ta" 8:16 We Can Still Plant for Next Year's Hay....... D. R. Dodd Connea1lt, presid I)t of the Daugh. Ml's. "alter lark. ~oultl'Y spectalistB will hold a scr· CharI s P. Joy whose Post Office 8:2 ~ Music ters of Union Veteran s of the Civil Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roger!, weI' les of scho.ols for batcberymen. address is Waynesville, Ohio ha HERE IS A. PROBLEM FOR 8:'0 future Farmcl'!! of Am rica in Camp .................... C. !. George War; Mrs. Ann Lockyer, Steuben. Sunday afte\'noon guests of Mr. Male chicks may . be separated been duh' appointed as Executor T HE VOTERS: B T ville pr'e sident of th Auxiliary to andl\hs. She.l'man Rogers lit West fl'om th females With 80 to .100 of the Estate of Martha Elizabeth 8t60 Let's Go Camping .. ..... ,........ " ... ...... .. ............ ,.. r\lce om Son; of Veterana of the Civil War Carrollton. per cent 'llccuracy by those tral~ed Joy late of Warren County, Ohio, Total ta".. IHied. in W ....... 9:00 Interpretations from RurD! Housin, Survey ......... Thelma Beall Chester O. Bigler, Toledo, comMrs. Margaret Johns ret.urned 10 the Japanese method, .accol'dmg de~aBed. CotlIIty 1913-'383,245.0 3 • • 9 :10 Music . mander Ohi.o Department of Sons hOlll e !onday after spendmg a to E. L. Dakan, professor of poul. Dated this 8th day of. June 1034 Total ' a".. I•• lacl iD W ..... \I :26 Activities of 4-H Recrl!;ation Period .................. Wm. Smith, Jr. of Veterans week at the home of Mt·. a.nd Mrs tty al the state university. C. Donald Dilotush, Atty. County 1933-$7'3 ,181 .1' . 9:35 The American Eagle ........................... ....... ,... ,H. E. E s w i n e ' ;'Ilie Sudace near Lebanon. By buying only the females RALPH. H. CAREY 011. t a".a ili ON . ... 9:46 Some Makers of' Horticulture .. ,...... ,.' ......... Wendell Paddock f H lth Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hadley iarmel's may ra.ise pullets lor their Judge of the Probate Court doubled i. Ih. -"ort . pace of The State Department 0 ca w"r.ei week.end guests of lltr. and laying flocks by purchasing only j28 Warnn County, Ohio t_".ly )fe.,.. If the b ..all...... Harvey, near half the u ual number of chick, _ _ ..._ __ is sounding an alarm this week 1\11' . . Clarence not applied, th_ 'What?· again. t .dangers of lockjaw be Clal ksville: thus reducing feed and equipment The startling thing ii, that cause of the near approach of In· Ev I'ett Savage is spending the costs. The males will be dispos d NOTICE OF APPOINTME NT while no taxes bave more than dependence Day and its attendant summer with Mr. and Mrs. Jo eph of to those who specialize in pro. accidents. Fourth of July ha been Githcn and hi brother, OJ'ville, is duction for the broiler market. Estate of James Gons deceased. doubled in twenty yearll, our dubb~d "Tetanus Day" by some staying at the home of Mr. and The technique of "chick.sexing" Notice is hereby given that J. Q. population 18 on the standetl1l. health authorities -who know the Mrs. Robed Bunt. may be lea.t oed jn two days to 11 Gons whose Post Office Address is You ... tal. I..ialata .. Ie the dangers of infection from burns hs. Wilbur Foulks remains week. Waynesville, Ohio h88 been duly hociy that .ntakea tJ.e Ja• • , COLUMBUS- OJlce again the ecbool•. and lacerations cau cd by fire quite m. Mr. and Mrs. Tc,m Tur. _ _ _ _ _ ••_ __ appointed as Administrator of the pro"l'" fo r t he aM". tea .a· lltate lecislature i8 "In our midst", crackers, fireworks and other ex· ner, of Franklin, are now !lllying at' Estate of Jam s Oons late of War. p.ndit....... Why 1I0t the 1ewI.· AN NUAL FIELD DAY referrin.. to Columbull. Tbe )e..iala Displaying the same pluck and plosive powder and gas com· the Foulks home. " tUN ecollomi_ .. _ ...,. 11Ml1. ren Coanty, Ohio, deceased. tora were called by the governor to perservance that has characteri£ed compounds. Most cities and tQwns I'llI'. and M rl!. Walter "'ltitaker i. deinl? n..n _ woa•• Annual field day at the Marietta Dated this 6th day of June 1984 meet Wednesday in apecialseaBlon their comrade., 81 Civil War veter have prevented the sale of . fire· entertained at a flnnily dinner, n.ec1 no ~.w t • • law•. RALPH. H. CAREY to en.ct emerreney bull din .. and ana att ended the annual G. A. R- works by strict ordinances, but de. un day, in honor of the latter's 'l' ruck Farm i8 scheduled for the Judge of the Probate Court loan le"llation. One proposed act encampment in Columbus last !lpi~ efforts covering many years flirter, Mil:s Anna Meredith, of afternoon of July 7. E. J. Boddy, ': "8 T. C. PAT TERSON. W C Oh' "" I I t f th L d"" arren ounty, 10 would permit of the federalization week and marched in t he parade. no law has been enacted to l'egul agrtcu tura agen or e . an Republican Primary, of e:datln~ building and loan com· Hundreds Qf ~embers of auxiliary ate their sale .o n a sate·wide ba.sis ~!"'!""'!"'!""'~~!!""~!"'!""'!!!!!!"'!""'!!!!!!!!!!!!!:!!! N. Railroad, is principal speakeT. August, 14, 1934 pani... The I'Ovemor i8 expected organizations were also in atten. and thus prevent operation of. F?L\owing. his address th group White Rose-Power beWhite Rose, the depen-Political A dv to extelld the call to include legiala ,dance. Boy Scouts did admlt1\bh~ sales stands outside corporation Will tour the farm and study ex· . \ion for temporary relief of service in attendi ng the vete.-ans limits. dable Gasoline. perlments underway. hind the enllne.


Ha n ey. burg


- --...

u...IS... .

Red uce Fat

,New Home. Needed









=======:-========-==========;::;:=== c: -

Farm hight 7 aiks, July 2



Best of the

Ne~s Direct

From the Ohio State. Capitol



_ _ _ _ 252

ET THE · ~-MGIRLS! One of These Coca-Cqla Gir Is Will Call At Your Home Waynesville,Soon and Give You FREE One of Our Handy Station~ry' Coc~~Cola Bottle Openers I


Tbe Baady ~ Box

" I




Thts Stationary BoUie 0,... ean alw. ys be IOUDd w ..... onee lnstalled in kite..... ...



.The New Six·Box ,

AHalf Bozell BettleS If c.c. ia the NeaI .BuIIy tarIfill Cuto_Easy te BIy~ Easy loWry Home.'

"It W &0 be pod to Itt: n IH it ...', ,

BoUled Coca-Cola 10 Yoar Refril eralor lasures a Pure Deliciels Driok for E,ery .emHr ·If Your Family ad some Treat for Your GIats


"U IIad to be !rood to ptw...... tt .....

AI I. t D I t- J l ...e~Ran. e,-ea CCI

orld Trout 2. be equal to the. Double Plays-Lauren. to Men- In tralnln~ and eq~lipll1erlt. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! denbaU to Satt rthwalte, White Rose, the deptn;y ame . n to Piekerlnr. Cash payment the oldler'. d bl, Gasoline. \Hit by Pitched BaU- Mendenhall lion os never had chance tban ontlnued from Pan 1) by E. Trout, Seplar by Smith- . heep tokill 8 aa far as all c<llot·"d I am lind it hl)uld be ~o n. e lar by Thompson. 801!810n of the Con~88 is conIVh; of f11n 10 • e thi~ galn~. Pa8lled Ball e slar, M. Weller. The Hou8~e of RepreaentaWild Pitch E. Trout 2. paaaed it b~' an overwhelmEarned. Runs--Jamestown 8, Way- ing vote, despite :President RooseW YNE VILLE MER HANTS nesville 6. velt's warning tl~at the bonus AB RHO A. E Struck Out- by Smithson 4, by Itruck at the ver~' heart of bis reft'ndy. rr, 2b <I 1 ) <I 1 0 M . Weller I, by E Trout 6. covery program. The Senate, on Thomp on, 2 p-I J t 0 :l 0 Left n Bases amestown 9, June 11, defeated it 31 to 61 and M Weller, c, p 5 1 1 4 1 0 Waynesville 9. ' on two previO\lil o(!caaioDs defeated Treadway. 3b 0 0 0 0 0 0 Umpires-Prendergast " Pullam. The President was BAved the . .5 2 3 12 0 0 Time 01 Game-l bour, 48 min. nouble of writing a veto meseage. Peck, Ib Hartsock, 3 1'£ 5 1 1 1 2 3 - - • 1 2. 1 4 l ' ---Phone No. 19 Laul' ns, as ., .. 5 The. House of Representatives i. 1 1 1 ~~~'.'!'!'!!!'.'!'!'!!!'.'!'!'!!!'.'!'!'!!!'.'!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ , llIithson, p c 5 0 03 3 60 0 6 an intellectual andpolitical arena j DIlVi, cf <I , • h h h B Wil er 1f 5 1 2 1 0 0 In WhlC men fig it to t eir utmost _ _ _ _ _ _ , lor their districts: and states for their political c:onvictlons and 42 9 14 27 17 6 traditions and fo~' the welfare at -their country as they see it. He JAMESTOWN' _ who gets along or holds hi own in A E The House Military AfI'airs Com this erena wlnll and deeerves the AB R H PO mitte will remain in session moat agnomen of c()mpetency and Gl1lve! Whel'e i thy . ability. James G. Blaine BAld: Gallighet', If 6 2 2 1 1 0 Yictory? Jenk , S! .. 4. 1 0 3 4. 1 ot .the umme~. Startmg and s~n- "There is no placE~ On earth where thy o D ath! Where Harris, rf .. " 2 1 1 0 0 sabonal testimony concernmg a man finds his true level more ling? Pickering 2b .. 4 2 1 2 4 0 Army officers and airplane con- quickly than in th4! American ConPope Tidd, cf ......4 0 3 0 0 0 tracts has been developed. Demand grees." Cline, ci ........1 0 1 0 0 0 for removal of Major General _ _ __ A I'teadfa t faith reFudge, 3b .. ..4 0 0 2 1 3 Fouloi8, Chief of the Army Ail' 5 1 1 13 0 0 Corps, has alr6ady been made. h The " 73rd " ·Cong1ret\ll B Trout 1b moves much of the sorrow ... d closed . h J its S slar, c . 3 2 2 5 0 0 Chal'-an Rogers "har-d at ml tune of parting, by teaching ~... .. .. - dl'shones 18IstorlC Th' seS810n C d'd-llIg0re d E. Trout, p , 4 2 3 0 9 0 ty and corruption and predicted a . IS ongresI8 I !D an that deat.h is only a nan- - - - - - "far renching scandal." talked less tha!' any of Its pred~c $Ition to II better exisTotal 40 12 14 27 19" The young lieutenants who flew esson. AI 0, WIth one. exception, It tt'hCC. It is our task to the air mail al1d met death during ~as the shortest ~~ssJOn of the a time of unprecedented storms ongrea on recol . make the ]a t l'ites Synl123466789- -bolie of this faith, a leaveMerchant .., 1 ()·O 3 101 2 1-. 9 because of faulty planes and deCongressman Art Lameck told taking made 8i!r ne by Jame town .. 202 20 3 0 2 1- 12 feeth'e material lind failure on the part 01 their superiors to adequat- this one: a great executive assemthe a urance of a fu~ure Two Ba e Hits-Harris, atterth- ely train them, may not have died bled a few at his closest adviserB reunion. in vai n. for conference on 'his latest pl'Owaite, 2. Three Base Hit_ Lauren, Picker ject. ODe pronounced it "grand.' ing, E Trout. "Let no guilty man e cape" aid Another said it was "great." A Home . Run_Galligher, Thompson President Grant on hi storic oc- third expressed th,e opinion that it Hartsock. ' casion. Thi applies to .corrupt was "magnificent." In the back Phone 7 acri1ice Hits-Thompson, Fudge. Sr/11Y office)'! from the highest ground sat the fourth member of tolen Bue Tbompson. Satterth dow n, who betrayed their country the Advisory Board or Brain Trust Waynnville, Ohio waite, Lauren mithson 2, to pro1iteer_ Our Army Air Service He ""as called on. "I am no yes Da"\; • B Weller 2, Pickering 3, as a re ult of action tollowing this man," he replied, ") ay It is perTidd 2, B Trout, sIt'[' 2, E investigatjon, will ,within a year, fect.






St·ral· dht from

A Symbol of Faith


GIRL SCOUT NEWS The Girl Scouta meatin, held at the club hou•• on Tuellday, June 26 was in charJ't\ of Lieutenant Sear.. The program waft as foUow.: . "Hello" Bon&, ,By Group of Motto, Promises and JawlI . Group Patrol Meetinga Talk . .. . .... , ., Rev. Dunn ourt of Honor. On next Saturday, beginnning at 9 a. m. the Swa tika patrol will hold another food sal, Orders may be telephon d to No. 27.

White , d ..... GOollne.

PeIitic:aI HAROLD D. ( Jh.) BAILEY We are authorized to announce tbe name of Harold D. (Jim) Bailey, of Franklin Township, as a candidate for County Commiaaionor, subject to the Republic Primary election, August H, 1934.

ROSS H. HARTSOel Candidate for

CODDly Treasurer

'Subject to Republican FOR REPRESENTATIVE Primary . Augu~t 14, 1934 I a~l a candidate fo-r Representatlve to .the General ~s embly of Ohio BubJect to the Primary to. !'!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'.'!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'~ be beld August 14, 1984. Your FINAL ' SIGNATURES vote and support is respectfully t.di..' D........ JOe solicited. Men'. ISc Final signatures for the corn-hog ARTHUR HAMILTON Quick- for .....lit, contracts were made yesterday and today at the Township house by fllrmers in the tow nship. Fil'llt ALLEN HUFFMAN adjustment payments are expected · Allen Huffman announces his within the next thirty days. CLtANEIlS didacy for nomination for reIt was announced last week that Warren county will re~eive appro- election to th'e office o:f County -=~~~:::=~~::::=~===~ ximately $340,000 if the 1125 Recorder, subject to the Republl· contracts are completed and sent can primary election on August 14, 1934. to Washington.


T~ID. Creek

J. E. McClure

....;.;...:...;;...-.::.-----.=-------------------------------------:---..----- --

thy, a week ago laat Sunday.

I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!'.'!'!'!!!'.'!'!'!!!'.'!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' TIlY OUR CLASSIFIED COLU ....S FOR RESULTS



"a.. ...... .,. _ ..,.."... 0.. _

-Ioa't it ....,t.laoIr.

-----." ,..1 ..... "It'. ~ Y_ - . doe _ IidII

....._ 1Qf Bat " - c.a ,.... blow • ,!*·r ..... _ ....r·

p ...........

J. _ _ Ia two

........ _

buIb_. _

u.. ....... ODe for ~ - . doe ot.ber •

·It __ be _

,II _ . . . ,. DO "'"""'- with boarDed· ........ Mod _ Me. dIrt7 _ to ....... _ - ' d ...... _ N



High School in Mr. Smith is tM son of Mr. and Ai re. Ernie. Smith, of Dayton and is employed at the Frilidaire plant. The couJlle wiJl rellide in Dayton.



'T heater

W.ya•••IU.~ o.

"" ''''''''''''-.''''''''''''~

10e Everybody. Satllrday, J __ 30 KEN MAYNARD In

Fiddling Buckaroo Comedy- Cla rk It McCullou,b in "Kicldllc The CloWD Arolllld" 511nd.,.-.Mo"d., •• JIII,. \..2 . JEAN PARKER A: TOM BROWN in

."Two Alone" Comedy- Mick.e,. Mh..trel.


.AN 1....lIiaw A W ..h A ... Coo Ii.. S,.t...... Will Be R..d,. Satnda,.


White Rose- Power .... hind the enllne.

------~--.~--~-------~-- ~


Get S.t for a "Safety Fourth'"



I "'o.._la,



. FOR CORONER Dr. H. M. Williamll, of Lebanon Mrs. Margaret Antram and .au th' orlzes th e ann () uneemen t 0 f d'd acy f or th e R bI'Ican tami~ have returned to their ·his ~an.1 epu home after villiting friende and nomanatlon for Coroner. ot Warrelatives in New York. Rev. Jane ren County subject to the primary Carey 01 Chester fllled the p election of August 14, 1934. Quallduring the absenCe 01 our minister ed for the office both by education Rev. Mary Antram. and experienc.e, Dr. Williams reMiss Jeannette Wilson is visit- spectfully solicits your vote but ing her aunt Mrs. Lothair Winfield "~te8 that his. profe slonal . duties and family, f)f Dayton. WIll p~event blrr~ from maklng an Mr. and Mrs. Frank Braddock extensive campaIgn. called at the home of Mr. and Mn. • - - --Walter Wll on, Su nday evening. SMITH-CRAHAM Mi8ll Phyllis Haines ill visiting' her grandparents, . Mr. and Mrs. Charlell Laird of Camd.e n, Ohio. Mise Kathryn Graham and Mr: The New Burlington and Ray Smith were quietly married ars Creek W. F. M. S, was held at on Tuesday, June ,26, the cereCreek Wedne day after- Dlony being performed in the Methodist parsonage at Bradford, Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Carey and Ohio. . ~~'.'!'!'!!!~~'.'!'!'!!!~~'!!!!!!''.'!'!'!!!=~=~_ _ _ _ _ _~_..._~!!''!'!!'!~!!!'"'~~~~~_~~_~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!~,~~!!!!~'.'!'!'!!!~ Igranldscln Rendall were entertained The bride is the econd daughter - - - . - - --at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ray. of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Graham mond Wilaon and daughter. Doro- on Lytle Road and was graduated


. . . .111-

.... w..... ' ..,. 1_".,...... 'T'" tile..pea ...,...,10 _ ......

......... - , , .. It Ie Ii ... tOVIeL



"A04.,.. _'d _

/t'ee Driving on New Goodyears! .

..... _1If1doea1 'fttat ___

,--ca.- u.. ........


to ..... ' " ' " ' - _ I


.....;and a SummerofTroub Ie..

t ....

'" the ....... 1'. . . . .

VROFAX i.e PI stored iQ.. cylindera.

It burna with a bot, clean flame. It'. m.tantlyeootrolled. No Wllitinc for bum· en to let bot, at a fire to come up. The moment you rum on a F'yrofax burner ' and li&ht a match, the JIIaIne ill there - full beat and ready to WOI'k for y.pul We have a new plan tlbat makea the coat of .Pyrofax equipmelrlt almoIt the aame u the COlt of Itove. that u.e the old orclliaaryfuela. You Plll' $10 when you order, and let convenient terma on the balance. The price of IU J'lUlICI variea. depending on the type Y4!)U ee]ect. aut all models can be paid fitx" in ~ in. stallments. Stop in lOme time 800n and wel1 &ladlYe1i 'ain Pyrofax Service toyou.

Beautiful New Magic Chef and E.ta'l e Ga. Rangea, compl,e te for ·a. little a.

cuba ..~ )'flU • •nt them ••• t... about 10 _ • cIo¥. A tiDy

... ______ will bo". die betll.-_ .. _ I a 110 d.e at all - (.., oal7 • I ... ceDI ••octll Clf

PyraIaa ... loaM _ _

. thi. ~ relr\aentor.

the Icc lA





_ ..... '1bet • .,.

)'flU _

rJll ,,!It af .... f . . . . . . _

tile ,..., •• 1. t ..ra.d 001' an:! til. P"roI•• . . . . . . tbe - "1l':Jr W1tIt • , ..... cy'!n<!er. You .....


_ - . , . .lxNt DOt .-<lac .... ,q~ Ppal_ -*'e ia • _ _ _ bJ' th" 1a1C_."~ tlfl.. 1ll11d Ia tbe ..,. kI.

01 IlEAL MCIIl~'"

Protec:tloD-CO.t YOU aotlWl. atra • · Intb......t


If ·Your Tube.

·' .P lnch" .nd







. . . . . . . M ..



JUde 011 fbi Bit Super-Wt TIna tb.N_Can ....




AltJorow Ch,.,.,..,. ,..,





i • •",pl),




Punct.ur.-u •• Good)'ear TuTone Heay)' Out)' Tub"! Tbicker. tou,b.r rubber •• alnl1 rim . UI'IU plnCb- , ''''. cballn,. Coal I few c_rl than Itan rd tub •• -wortb dollar. more In the atopi they

..,.... _ .. .wi...... to "..., ......,. .. C)l1iadtn tbat .... 1aat..aJed Ie tIoio y.,. ~ bow hi • ,,~; .ada-I_ I .. Uaaediate ...... u.. otIMr t• ..







Inatall ed


lieu.- _ drills' A _ don . ...,.. _ . . . . apc.t. Oaeoltbne



With the DeW 1934 PyroCu price Kale, the more ... you 'lee the 1_ it COIte per cyliDder. So )'00. am DOW bavc Iteeminl-bot water ill the betJu-09ID wbenev.. you WUlt it for oo1y a Cew CBlU • day. .

.................... .....,s.-


. . . .stt

And pztlNnt J7roIa prloN mal. them extremely economical.

It wW 'reaJbo pay,..,.. to .... n . po refri.......tor. N o .poiIed rood. lee



With Pyrofax

H... .a .. oth.r ccanwni.ncet you can tla". with

SPECIALS 'or "0,.., the Fourth"


Th. . oat t1Jo mooth. ,ou'll drift fartIa_, , .. than at IUlJ oth.. MUOn. Road. will he hotter, toomore danaeroila 'or thin weak tlrel. To &0 placel ....." to ••old trouble aad lou of time, equip DoW with hUlky .." .ure .....ppln& Good,eara - every pi)' blowout~ protlc:tell with Jlat_ttd SUpertwilt Cord. Get toda,'. low,.....iacI th......t .. valueweofter'*;&u.Good)'... DMJen Iei1 the moet tlree-b)' mllllona! See u. ri&ht .".,1 AU 11». all pricee-la auar.nt,*, Good,....




"G..3~' ClOODYIAa ALL ~ WIA'HI• Get our . . . iD,....




Ei,hty-8ixth Year


R. F. YOUNG OffERS Mre. Laura H. MOlher died at her on Sunday morning, aged 72 TIMELY ADVICE ON home years. For several yeara she had been unable to enjoy iood health FIRE PREVENTION and passed quietly away in her


~~-------------- ------------------------------------------

,---------A.Jo~.., 6cpl.tYlA~



Spark. oa Roof.

n_ 0..

aacl PI .... a •• the late I. H. Harris. private banCa~


Half of Fir..


ONE·FOURTH OF lndependence Day was not cele. extent in Way brated to a'ny TO fAllNCOME IS nesl/iIle. No ,obserlla tion was made and other than the usual fun derived by the children, PAlO fOR l AXES hom cap guns and other various g~eat


fireworks, the day was quietly spent, A large gathering of pic nick $2,200,000,000 Paid for Tall•• Iers at Wayn4} Park provided a 19131 For 1933 tta. A_ual ~autiful display of fireworks in Wa. $10,500,000,000 the evening.

sleep on Sunday. The daughter ot Oefecli..

Whole Number 6125



of Waynesville, ahe wall a lifelong resident, having spent her entire life in this commllnity. She ie survived by two daughters, Mra. F. 'C. Hartsock, of Milford, Mrs. Ronald Hawke, of route 3; one son, Harrie Mosher and one aister, Mrs. Frank Taylor, San Francisco, Calif, The fune.ral service wu held on. Tuellday afternoon at the residence, Rev. I. J. Schaetrll'er, of St. Mary's church, officiating.

- -----


How the people of the United At thia time of the year, when States have experIenced .n ineverything is "powde.... dry, a crease in cost of goverl\ment ia word even to tbe wille with reg.rd disclosed in some recent ftrurea to flre prevention, i. a lood thing made public by federal agencies In R. F. Y.oung. bead of the fire inTHE RRST BUILDING IN OHIO- LAND OFFICE OF1l4E NORT~­ More seaiilon tickets for Ohio Washington. For example, the WEST LAND CO.WAS BUILT IN 1788. WrrnlN ITS STilL surance division of the Ohio Farm State University's home football people of the United States paid STURDY WALLS ARE RilleS OF MARlmA'S To BureaU-laid today. Th6 extent of games this fall have been sold to PIONEER DAYS, tWELVE MILS OOWNllIE SCENIC date than were sold all of Jast in taxes in 1913 a total of ,2,200,fire 1088e~ on farms alone is OHIO R<.OM MARIETTA 19 BlENNEQsesson. according to Henry D. 000,000. Ten years later, or in fl00,000,000 a year, and farmers \-lASSET ISlAND. HERE. AARON BuRR, Taylor, director of ticket salea. 1923. the total taxes paid by 'TI1IRD VICE PRE<;iIDENT OF 'mE cannot .fford to ignore preventi.on The increased sal s, Taylor citizens of this country had ,rown UNITED St'ATES, CONSPIRED Wffi.! practices this year, says, are due to a keen interest in HARMON Bl£NNERHASSET 10 Ohio State's football prospects to $7,200,000,000. For the ~e.r To havt! 80me knowledre of u~der 't.h e new coach, Francis S(lh- 1933 the amount is $10',600,000.INVADE MEXICO AND FORM what is cauBlni rural flrell Is cerA NEW EMPIRE. mJdt, and also to t.he fact that 000. Such figures have drawn attainly a ltep in the direction of persons ~u.ying se~son tickets now I tention on the part of .erioull their prevention and control. De-I are ~e~ .!h~lce seats, minded citizens to the queatioll .. fective chimneys and fiues .nd to what shall or can be done to resparks on roofs are ' the cause of OBITUARY IIduce the tax load of the American more th.n one half of the Are. people. The United State II Labor which occur in rural dwellings: WA YNESVILLJ; M. E. CHURCH ~eath came peacefully and \ Depart.ment shows that the 'eorner Other cauaes originating in dwellRev. G. C. Dibert, Pastor qUietly to Mrs. Laura H, MOBhel', ' ings are I.S and oil fires, atoves, Friday: Choir practice at 8 p. on Sunday morning, July 1, 1934. grocer .has been forced to charae GQeN BURIAL t-'OONOS, MEMORIALS furnacea and their pipell, hot aahes m. Mrs, MOBher had been an invalid approximately .16 % more for alld their coalll, .Mr. Youn~ stated. Sunday: Sunday IIchool at 9 :30 10 LONG DEAD INOlAN CHIEFS, . for some years ' but except tOI' \ fo od th~n he did a year ago, and Referring to caua.. ot barn a. m. Mornine worship at 10 :40, complaining of weakness due to the Natlonal Ind?8trial Conference ARE.IN MouND CEME'TtRY. firea, it is estimated that lightning Epworth League at 7 p. m. with the extreme heat, had seemed as ' Board discloses 10 a recent report 'NEARBY lJES GEN. PI.JTNAM accounts for about one·sixth of Charlell Whitaker a8 leader. OGI • PUTNAM'S N-tD MARlmA FOUNDERS. usual until the end. When she did that the total number of employeel A HISTORIC GRAVEYARD. . -~"l~~/. the barn firea, and spontaneous Evanlelistic lervice at 8 p. m. ,. i~llJ R'( AGO, IS not come downstairs at her usual of the federa~, 8~te and local combustion amount. to about one· Wednesday: Bible study and bou.r on Sunday mornng, her son governments 10 thiS country now HAtlTIUS EUM. IN IT ARE THE LARGEST ELM l'Re:E IN /HE tenth of them. The other principal prayer meetinc each' Wedne8day at went to can her and found th.t ~ggre~ate 3.122,000 persons. Thfa ANCIENT FURNITURE AND UNITED~ATES 19 IN t-1AAlmA. calillee are matches, ImokiDI', pow- 7 :30 p. m. t.he spirit· had slipped quietly away IS an mcre'ase of 19 % from 1922 MANY POSSESSIONS OF 4!r macbinery, etc. To prevent 10.. in sleep. to 1982.. • TIUS GROO G£NE'RAL- • lea from spontaneous combllition, WAYNESVIlLE CHURCH OF Laura Han'is Mosher, daughter When It is taken into cO~lderaYoung continued" hay ahould be CHRIST ==============~==========.-=======================- of Caroline Bunnell and Israel ~ion that, according to Indlcationa Hopkins Harris was born in the one-!ourth of the total inco~ ~~~:~~oncU~:Ou~defor:e (Undenomlo'.tlonal) BIRTH ANNIVE:RSARY f amily home on Main street, Jan- (which m~ans one-fourth of aU . apinst leaky roois and leaky lides Cheater A. WUUameon, Ilinilter uary 16,' 1862. There her girlhood money which everyone receIve. in of barns. "I woul4 suggest the Church School at 9 :30 a. m. was passed and there she- was the United States) now goes for MI'. and Mrs. Earl :Murray, Mrs. following," said Mr. Young. "Add Lord'a Supper and sermon at 10:· martied to John Jacob Mosher, some form ~f. taxation, the grGwth Ella Murray. Mr. Ro,bert Adams, ten pounds of Bait per ton to damp 3Q. Chriatian En~eavor at 6::.i6 p. June 6, 1883. Atter the deaih of .of. thil . condItion III ~ore eully reall of Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. hay u it is 'placed in the mow 01' m. Mari~ Pine, leader. Evenin&, her husband and her father she abzed. It baa been estimated that Clyde Everhart and on of Mit'l. ltack. Also begin to ventilate the evangelistic service at 7 :46 p. rn.. .l,'etuIned to share the old home everybody in tbe country woro dl l.own, Mrs. Edith D,emas and 80n hay u freely 8.tI possible immedlat· D. R. Dunn will preach morning with her stepmother, Mrs. Edith three , months out of ey-ery yeal!. of New Vienna, Ml'.. and Mn. ely alter ltorace." and eveninl this being the lut ._ _ __ , Paul Everhal·t and daq'g hter, of Harris and spent the remaining not to BUpport hi. fa,mlly, but tG ''Do not forget that Wllte and day of the eYaDI'e1il1tic campailn. , years of \ler lite ther~. pay for. ~e .COlt of belOg' govern.ed Miamisburg, Mrs. N~l ttie Kepler, rag. IIturated with llnued or I Don't mila the rem.ining lIermons Mrs.~,~, Joy IS ~onfi ned to her MI'. Ralph A. L. King was taken to th e Three childre were bom to Mr. I.'ubhe utdjtiea are preaentin~ a mith, Miss Rachel n series of advertisements honne other dryinl oil., heat apontane.!ot the camp.ian. The evaneelist is home With illness tbls week. Davis, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Davis tate h ospital at Dayton, last !,nd Mrs. Mosher, Carolyn Tenn: up.on thill lIubject. They point out , ously and cause many fires," Ibringing rreat gOlpel sermons In&;', n.ow Mrs. Fred Hartsock, that they do not have in mind, ot Young said. "Thele Ibould be nightly. The church where you feel Mr. Qn~ Mrs. Kenneth St. John and daughter and Mr Oliver Davis Saturday. The Kini'll Heralds met with EdIth S., n.ow Mrs. Rona!d Ha,,:ke course, any desire to escape tbeir burned immedi"tely or p1aced in tat home. are 8pen~lng a few days at Hub- gathered at the h omEl of Mr. an~ Mrs. Oliver Davi , to rcmind Mrs. Roxie Carolyn Sackett tbis (Thuu. a!1 d I srael Harris \\ho I!ved With just Ihare .of taxation, but they a cloud metal receptacle." bord, Ohio. Oliver Davis, that July 4 was her day) a/tel'n.oOn. hiS mo~her. These, With th:ree feel that discrimination .,ainst ------~ FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Truax and 69th birthday. Mrs. Davis received grandchildren, Mil.dred Hartsock, their particular industry haa bee. , (Undenomlnatioaal) Mn. Cordia Truax spent Sunday a numb r of nice pr~e~: ents. After a Mis Ruth Pr.azier, of Detroit, Charles Ha~tsock and 'Frank engaged in. For an example, The deligbtful lunch wa !Iuved all de· Mich., i visiting her sister, Mrs. Hawke, remain. to mourn the losa Dayton Power alld Light Comp.ny in Cincinnati. . Cheater A. Wl1lIamIQn parted wishing her many more Har old Smitb. of the~r beloved mother. pays $4,000 every worklnl day of Unified .erviee beginnlnc with MillS Jesse Clark of Cincinnati happy birthdays. . . Durl~g ~he later years of Mrs. the year in aome form of taxation. Church School at 9 :80 a. m. ia spending this' week at tb~ -- ..... MISS Ailce Gons was the guest Mo~her s life! her health ~88 t,wo Approximately 16c out of every Lord's Supper and llermon at · Friends Home of Aliss Elva lJeck at Dayton, ovel: ~rall to .perT!,llt active participation doUar it coUect! from customera • 10 :80. Sermon tubjec:t, "The Li,ht 1 the week-end. In outside mterests but ahe w~s, s spent for taxes. All thia comLloyd Davis and family and Mi ss. Joaepb A. Keya, a formel: reo of the World." You are alwaY8 • . . . . I for many y an, an able m mber pany points out, it is a at tbla, church. Winifred Conner motored to Lexwelcome .ide.t .of WaynenUle. died .t hiB 1II1I~s Grllce WIlliamson VISited of the New Century ~lub, a mem- truth that "Jower ratell for lerriee ington. Ky. on the Fourth. bome in Chicqo, Sunday, July 1. her Sister, Mrs. Paul Hauke at bel' 01 the ,Waynesville Chapter and higher taxes do not CO hand He fa lurvived bY' hil widow, lin. ST. AUCUSTIN" CHURCH Troy, ,last week. of the Eastern Star, and to the in ,hand" Mill Rita Van Often ill the guest , . end, a most loyal and devoted . .• _ • Jean Keyl;' a Ion, Lym.n A. K.y. Father Newton, Paator . of Misa Marjorie Edwards 'at MlsB Frances ElliS, of route 1, member of St. Mary's Episcopal ---',.. and three alatera, Mra. Eva Sele, Mall! at St. AU~8tine'a Ohureh Sprinarfield, this week. was ~he week<end guest at Mis church. ' of LOI Angeles; 'Mrs. Ev. J.o1l81. every second .nd fourth Sunday To those 'who knew 'Mrs. !d0sher of Mlahaw.k., Ind., and MI'II. f the month Mr. and Mrs. · James Lovely atMr. and Mrs. Morris Graham Barbara Gray. Minerva lIIilll, of Ft, Worth, T4!JI. . _._ _...'Ml'. and Mrs.Olifford Busick and she needs no eulogy. Her bfe and tended tb.e double-header at Cros.- spent the Fourth in Dayton, The funeral wu held July 3 ley field on the FO\lrth. 'Mr. and Mrs, Earl 'Coyle spent w.ords were an open book. She was unller Muol)ic aUllpicea. Mr. KeJll FRIENDS MEETING 'Mr. and Mrs. Otto Seibold, of Sunday evening in Dayton. kind and generous to all the reMr. Joe Van 011 en wa th,e guest Cincinnati, were week-end guests lations of life, a loyal friend and w.. a member of MYltic Star Fint-clay Scho~l at 9 :80 a. m. MillS Ruby James is visiting her devoted to her children and grand Lodee No. 7G8. He wu in the live Meeting for Worship at 10:80 of Mr. Ruful Conner, near New of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Raper. Burlington, on the Fourth. uncle MI', Ray James and family children, in whom her deepest inThe 1934 harvest .of whe.t Is .tock broker.,e bUllineN. m. l'tfi sea Elizabeth Mullen. Mary at Miamisburg, Ohio, this week, tereats were centered. turning out to be a fair crop 'a The Keys family rellded for many • - • Mr. a'nd Mrs. Morris Sherwood, Savage and Messrs.. John Thom p- , There remain, to mourn her the county and is practically ftnilb yean i'n the old toll pte hOllle .on of Columbus, were guests of ,MI'. and Keith Walton spEmt Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hawke and paSBinr,-besides her children and led. Threshing started lut week the Corwin hill comilll' down froID Y. F. M. DELEGATES ATTENDI"G CONFERENCE and Mrs. Carl· Sherwood, over the Coney Island. family, o~ Dayton, visited 'Mr. and grandchildren, , her stepmother, land the job will soon be over for the cemetel')' .nd in qrly day. the ,Fourth. Mrs. J. C. Hawke, ~n Saturday. &Irl!. Edith Harris and one sister, another year. father ."as tll", toll late keeper when, tolls were collected. On hit Six memben of the Y. F. M. are' l Mrs , Kenneth ",0 ugh and ' Mr. and Mrll,.r. E. McClure Mrs. ,Earl l1'ockett, of Route .1, Mrs. Frank Taylor , of .san Fran - I.. 'Alt~?u~h the yiel.d wilJ " death 'the family continued UJe dele tea to the Friends Conter- daulr~~~ and Mrs. VIOla Harlan visited Mr , McClure's parents, spent several days last week with cisco. ' short. 1n some section. of th. work until road tolls were abanea ,t C M N J near l are vlsltmg relatives at Galesburg. Mr. and MrS. Perry Sackett. near hei' mother, Mrs. Sadie Reason, at The funeral service was held at cou,,:ty, Lester J. ' Miller ~ount~ exdoned. eJIAtClaent&I'c CI.atPye, belna!'held uris week Illinois, this week. Bellbrook, Sunday dternoon. Harveysburg. the f.amily residence, Rev, John J . tensIon agent, 8tated Jalt week • Schaeft'er officiating and interment that the local yield will probably 8tartint toela" July Ii. Tholle in at~ Mr. and Mrs. Merle Kerns and Miss Ethel Mendenhall Vlent -to Mr. Lee Lemmon was taken to was made in Miami cemetery. 'average around 20 buahela to aD . LICENSE PLATES NOW te,n danee at the meetine are Mi8les daughter of Cleveland spent· Philadelphia, Pa., Oll Tuesday to the Soldiers Home hospital last Those attending from a distance acre. The five· year .venaee for SELL AT HALF PRICE Ruth Tomlin.on, Ruby D.le Under Tuelday'and Wednesday ~th Mr. spend the Fourth with friends . week and will remain there a were Mrs. Frank Taylor of San Warren county ia 21.6 bUilMh. From there she will 1~0 on to Cape month for treatment. Francisco, Mr. F. N. Harris, I The IItraw is Ibort be~uae of wood, A,nna Loulee Hoak, Ethel and Mrs. J. D. Marlatt. Oblo motoriJta are now able, Mendenhall, Meun. Lawrence May, N. J. an~ join the dele~ates , Joseph Barris ana Mrs. Graether, eontinue4 dry weather ~nCl the since the flrat of July. to purchaae Furna. and Ernelt Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Collins, of from WayneSVille ~t the FrIends ~r. and Mrs. D. R. D~nn and of Centerville I Mr. and Mrs., Chal'- grain in many placee Is thin on th. liceDle tqa for both p . . .n..r • _. Dayton, spent the week-end here Conference. family. and Mr. C. A. Williamson ' lea Mosher of incinnati, Mr. ground. I ' . COALE and removed the~r household goods , " were dinner guests of M . r. Bnd Mr$ 'S amuel ""osher, Mr. andMrs.Ralph Acrea- in the county bu , h I to Dayton the "'rs-t of the week. MOB Oh It d la t W N S d f IS'.... e.....n and commertial ve ic el at on.. MRS. M...RY DU hall the annual rate. CALLED BY DEATH II r8. .. . apmnn illS e .8 • • ears an ami y, on un- Mosher, Foster Mosher,. ' Carl reduced approximately 10 per: cn' Passenger eat rates effective Mr. and Mts. Orville Gray, Miss wee\, ¥11th Mr: and ~r8. J, B. Chap day. . M,o sher, .s. F. Mosher, Mr. and Mrs from lallt yea.. beeaule of the fanD man 1and Sh" went to d M Columbus on "and Mrs OSClif Wade and W ort h'109t on, M' . t',on 10 . tb e f • d·enll .."., sinc;e July 1 are as f 01 Iow.: Iii h. J Barbara, Mr. Chester Carey and T Cli Mr arlanna Wor thi ng- ers ' partl clpa y p. or I.... '8.1i0; mote than 26 h. Mn. lIa~ Dupale, aistel' of Mr . Frank Robinson attended the thues(a . d e JOlDe ·l'd h~pm~n Mrs ,'Rillie Bu;nett of Yankee ltQn, Mrs. 1esli~ Jackson, Edith crop reduction progNim. Contract p. and not mON than za II. p, n: IIIrs. Ho~el1 Pelrte~ ..... brougl\t .ir show at Wilmington .on the Mere Ii ~~ o~ct.omph'nle th Lm .~ Str~et called on:M.r and Mrs I Crisenbeny, Mr. and Mrs. Landis, signers cut tbeir aereaae 16 per over 28 h. p. and not more thaD 82 bere from the McOlellan ho.pital, Fourth. ans teh' t 0,_ w ere ey WI Samu~1 Butter~orth SU~day after: all of Cardington; Mr, and Mrs. B. ;cent but a majority of non"~ers k h. p., ''1.10; over 82 h. p. aad Dot Xenia, on Thunda, and died a t , ., spen d e nex wee. nooh. C. Poole, Mrs. J. O. Oartwright increased their sawini'. more tban 28 h. p., '10; more than the. FrieDcla Home early Saturday MISS Beatrice Robltzer accom· Mrs. Russel Benson and sons, and Mis8 Jessie Clark of Cincin- \ ApproXimately 9,000 acrea wen 86 h; p., '10; more than 88 h. p., momlq.· Th. bod)' wu taken to panied Mr. and Mrs. Merle Kerns R.ob R4y and Richard, returned to Mr. Everett Houston, ' of Day- nati. . abando'ned by Warren CGOl, . ,12.10. ' Selma IIIIAl fu....1 aerrioea , were and d~ughter ~o Cleveland today her home at Clevel8llld, on Sunday ton, has become a member of the wheat growers this year in aecor Oommerelal .ehlete. .... lle.1lI- he1cl at the laom. of laer brot.ber-ln- and will remam there for an ex· after a visit with Mrl. and M1'a. W. famil¥ at the Friends Home for MEETlNG DATE CHANCED dan.ce with reduction contraetl,. P. Salisbury. Mr. Henaon Ipent the summer, MI;'. Houston is in The first 1933 wheat wal ree. . . ed on. cnduted aeale of f . . ac law aDd 1IIater. Mr, and JIri. tend('d v'isit.. ordinl to ,t he welrht of tlllewhl- ThGII\U ~ 0.. 1I0adQ. Mn. Nettie Rogers and Misa the week-end here and the real ' estate business at Dayt.on The Good Cut Clothing Club at local elevators ~t , ••r jut ele and .re charred .oDe-halt of ,-- 1t(argaret had as gueats on the led hit f,mily to Ipleveland . Mr . and Mrs. Howell Peirce, Mr. meetUig has been changed to Fri- before the Fourth of luI,.. the eatabUahed rate. SNYDER-LINTON Fourth, .Mr. and Mrs. Milton. Shee- Sunday. '1111'8. J, L. Mendenhall, Mrs. day, July 13, at the borne of MilFRIEND'S-H-IP"tl"LUB han, of Centerville and Mr. end CurUs Tomlinson and Mrs. Lena dred' Cook. , ~ . • --. lira. Chu. Clark, of Lytle. Week-end guest. of Mr. and Harteoek attended the funeral of Members pleue remember to -BAND CONCERT Of InteNet to aneral in thia Mrs. J. P. Larrick ~nd Mrs. Hotr~ 1IIrs. Peiree's aister, Mrs. Mary bring' food for our community ser· The Friendahip Clllb wlll meet Tbe lith band co"".rt .m be cllmmuDitT '.. the .1lD0Ilne....ent :liisa Eva Lippincott went to' man were: :Mrs. , Chu. Dowing, Dugdale, at Selma, Ohio, on Mon- vice basket. _ _ _ J u l y 11 at the bome of lin. 1ra Tbunda, eveDiq lul7 11, 8 p. m. of· the ~e of lIi1e Ethel Dayton on )fonday to meet Mrs. Miaa.. Frannie, E1ira and NeU ' at MeClu",. corner. by Bett7 UD~a, nlee. of Or. aDell Pr.nUaa Geor,e, of Detroit, Downing, lb. and Mrs. Richard day. . EASTERN STAR NOTICE Rich. Wa",eRille band. It .W be lin. Ollar•• CarroQ Linton• .of lIiehipn, who il vi8iting for two Joh1lll0n and daulhter, of Mra. Kellar Hoak, daughter, ., p.!~~..;o:.~";-~:a.::.:.= IOnei 1»,. the followlSW N.., York Ctl7. to Ib, Barold Weeki at tbe home of Mr. and Ky.; Ill'll. ROlli O'N~!all aad .on, Monimia and lion, Benton, Mn. M~aml Chap.ter No. 107 O. E~ and all . . . . . . an upd t atof W.,.....w.: Browe..•• aaJder. Oil Tu.....,.. Ian. 18. The W. A. Lippincott and other reIa- Jimmie, of Hollywood, California Harry Smith, Mrll. Eli Furnas, S. will meet In re~lar leuion tend 0 ant, IIyet' Ryman, GordGn·. Ser- II"". ia. aleee of Ill'. Samnl tivea here, . and Mrs. W. R. .of lIIessrs, Fred and ROlcoe Furna" Monday e~ning, Julp 9, at 7 :30, ' • _ . '_ __ vice Statioil, CoyI,'1 lleat lluket, BatterwortIL d lln. KeUat H at d Columbus, Georcia. attended t~ 'f uneral of Elia. ieitine members welcome. CIlANG& MOnca E•• Ilftl'llart. U......... lerYlee --IIr. an ,.,:. ~" Th .'eak fry at Blackburn at Filhertown, Pa., last EDNA HARTSOCK. W. M., Station, l'alktnOD'. .......... llAUIAG& oUIKOUNCED family, IIr. and lin. DI 00M' pruent at even Wednesday. IIr. Blaekbum WII MINNIE FROMM, Sec'y. tlon Bldle 8ndlo and TIae LIttle . and famUy. Mr. and lin. I. Q.!IIU1er'. eamp on I B- tile hUllband .of the late Anna Fur. - - -_ -, ~ • GoDI, lin. Char'" HOUlrh, II... 1118 ..... : 1&. •. Bla kb .. 1I"""'ot.."... 1Ir. ad """ON 8.IIOD- IlODIII"a 8W1De11, II........DDetlt IChapman, Mr. and HarY', nu e um. F. • A... II, NOTICE n W. !lope 011 ce..n will 10ft, fill ' ' Ko" Roeeo. Parau BUu Otrfee. ,a,. ..d daupter, lin. Mr. aDd lin. CIUrorei Buatek 8 ....... =r..;~=-; to alL ~ ....., bM anel, lluter JIattIaew Tarur ,lob K.. Preaton IIr. an ap8lldiq • fe.. cia,. witll the ta.... .. to.... at a ..p~ panata ___ "'.....__ _ 6a 0lI10. 01 .... ldter at IIclJl." aDd nemll6 ...n_....

----_ ..








- ... ----




---.. - ..----






... =


M.n ;

-----------VaI.e .f U. S. T_ \\'a delirhLed to hear that your townahlp. 01 tile 8:10 durerellt aped • ., aIYl'ctiuns .... not sel'ou I)' enRalph II. Stuta to lela BiD, in- treM In the Valled 8tatee, 180 b.,.e lot No. te' ill .....nklin. gaged in the Lyttun q al'ttol . And Joseph L. Marlatt to John W. ecoDomle value. when I told him how Qu'd givell me your word not to n th e Elllf· Marlatt, real ..tate in Wa),ne townsbip. Iishman a seriou$ inju 'y, and the mastel'ly manner in wh ch you had Roy R. Andrews to Ralph Foae - - - - - - - - - - - - shot away his trigger finger, he AncHrBon, teal estate in Salem VOTE FOR , Common Pie.. fendant ordered to lIay tl0 per townehip. was but Rool'ed with Iltinlil'ation ~nd gratitud . III the cas of Luuella M. Dow. week temporary alimony, aillo to " pay $26 to plaintiff's attorney. Th I'e' II lI1an after my own lar VIll' II J ohn 1. Dowlar. DI. Bill. Allo"," h aH, and ye t nothing more t han a vorce to plaintiff. :ustody 01 mi. Mn. Howard Sawyer, services. 4.uatter in the ey s of the law," nol' hild to plaintift'. New Sui.. $7 i Mrs. Stella Kelly, services, CANDIDATE FOR In the mattel' uf t,he estate of R The Mof]'oW National Ba.nk, of $7 i Mrs. Will Bryan, services, $10 says he. 'Ther' a friend I'm ==='-"'''-'==-...:::.:== ..:;::-===========- - proud to nam e all uch- a gentle- an Tree, deceased. Motion over Morrow, vereus Thomas WilLiaml Candia Hymer, .ervices, $6: Helen 0.£ part and br~eding, with nltorneys exc:ept. ' . henrt !" h exclaimed at last.-"The b rulud, ~ an d Alic& W IlIlams. Cognovit. Doug-hman, serVices, t7: Mrs. I ra H APTE R vn. mercy and discreti on is In the CAse of Tl1ie Morrow Na, I U devil himself can't match yo u fOI' A d I' d b b Harry Z, Grlly and Charters D~ Eltzroth, &ervicea, $6; Lil ie rton SubJ'ect to Republican Maclver'~ heart urg ~I him l(l pI'ide, nor the holYPl'ophets for courage. n III pro ll to e e- tional Bank of N[orrow versus Rose M. Ctorer versus Edward Blank Book :Mfg. Co.; Beverage Primary, Augus 14, 198 • • t 'C)ut I'mlnedl'otftly {Ol' lem'tln. ' Y' 11 d k holden to him- which I am, devil Thomas Williams and AUce Wi!- Stores, for divorce. Charae is I1censes " Applications, Auditor's vaulty. 0\1 re a . I'ea y to coe 8 doubt of it, for did ll't he fOl'ce Iiams, j udlrlllent tel the plaintift' .. old Ilnd GI~nbhl' c, but his pddt' youI' bonn et at SIr Jam ~s, an d thisgay young cock of a Ruggle- tor '"12 60.10 and costs, neglect of duty, $2.70; Drs. Edward and I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .~ld h'm n ha!<tvJ U·'epartur e doubtless shoot aWAy ' a vl~rega]· Robert Blair, Hospital eare, ,85'j "' I tl'lat ~. , ston to d clare himself before witIn the caee of 'I'ruman Cas on from King ton would. und('r the linger, without waiting to ask how n sses in the matt~r of the young verSUS ' Mo1'ietta Ca.s on. Answer P"'At. CoW't C. C. Collins, Clerk, Court costs , ilcum tances, look very much he ca me to know he kllOw or what lady who' so SOOn t.o be my ward wl'thdl'awn and leave grant.ed t o case No, ~41S8, ,6'.83; D an E . J. Q. Gons, adminletrator of the Stanley, Attorne "v fees, $250 ; ],' kn~ ft l·ght·, and an appear nee of he ..wants you for" ' . a nd step daug h tel'. And i! 'It's I and file answer and cro J,-petitioll forth jlight wOllld 5UTely sugge t shame What doe he kn w? Y u sa id he needs bing now n o more lhan estate of James Gons, deceased, Dean E . Stanley, Attorney feea, With Reliable Serum "1' f H1' to some minds. 'ham ! Be he !~ne,:,' all about it. And ~ow : he a squat~r on the W akadogglln, wi*he case of The Waynesville filed his inventory. ,500 ; William Ertel, Compromis and Virua The w£ll of Addie M. Dowdell, and Settlement In all claimll had dOne nothing to feel I,shllnu' d de\lI dId he com~ to know It 1 I ve land he'll have, by royal grant-or National Bank, ~I corporation, At a rea.onable price against Warren County particulof. On the contrar)", h bad don got no more vamty than YOllrself. I'm not the governorl Drink versus Frank M. Diakin and Ada deceaaed, was filed in probate. something tu be proud of. Ruggle- Dave Hammer. alld 110 more than hearty!" . A certifi.ed copy of the entry de- arly. of the claims eued on in case ston had be n at his mercy i and any self-re pecting Highland gen" , . Dakin was dinn issc!d WIthout 1'eo- termining the inheritance tax on No. 14136 in Common Pleas Court Pbo•• 17R4 'MacIver had been merciful. He tieman's decenli pride. What does That s how he talked- SIr co rd. the estate of Wellington S. Bawyer and No. 162' in Court of Appeals, had shot all' y one finger or th he want of me'! He may get what James Bard and no other-and the The case of O. 1l~. Gray, super- decealled, is to be ce,rtifl~d with- $900; Wade S. Brown, Servo as JIlan who insulted him aOlI declar- hI! doesn't ·ant.. Bun as yet nowhe1'e near the yard· intendent of Banks of State of out delay. Do&, Warden month ending June d bonor satisfied. Was there "Keep your kilt on. The governor arml An~ he's stiJ1 talking i;, the Ohio, in charge of the liquidation Frank Croll, administrator of 30, 112.60; Waldron C. Gilmour, another llIan in th province, was at ,park's hou e. waiting for a!" e. vel.n. By ~ und own he n be of Merchants and 'Farmers' Bank the estate ' of Christopher Gephart, Inquest, $7.60; C. L. Duke & Sonl high or low, from ir James down, u., when w got three. He'd I!.melt thinkIng It wa s h~mselC"taught you of Blanche ter, "er~us R. D. Drake deceued, filed his inventory. 19 shrubs planted in front o( iih either character or skill a rat. He was amazin'ly mild. Milk the use of the PI tols. et ai, is dismissed without record. Charles J. Waggoner, W. G. Court Hc)uBe, '6.65; L. G. Kennett enought to match that pel'for- and water. The effect green eyes "I want not hing from the .gover. In the case of amuel Rickard Hockbill and H. E. Warwick were linoleum Wax for Court House, appraisers to reappraise $22.89; Gem City Blue Print" mance? None with mark manship has on him, i seem. Rugglston no r nor any man for defendlDg the vel' us Cad J. Mille1r, et al county enough, certainly. And h could blurted out hal! the story without honor of my I'ace and name.," said commissioner s. Fir'st motion to estate of Mary Holzlin, de- Supply Co., maps, $8.28; Orville think of no reason f or tearing the waiting for a que"tion. That }1aclver. amend petition ove,l'ruled. Seco~ iJ ceased. K~ever. Services a8 Chainman, r suit of that highly creditable young cock wa unnerved, devil a "And wh~t true Hig hlander "lind third m(,ltio:ns sustai ned . J ohn Kamps was appointed ad- 76; Merrill Funeral Home, Ambul performance. The gual'dsman was Idoubt of it. He said that your a t- would!" returned the artful Leave granted plai\ltiff to file a.m· mini,strator of the estate of Fr-ed ance service for Catherine Meeke. not likely to feel the inj ur)' for Itentions to Mi Lytton were more do'to\·. " I w~ uldn't myself- and end ed petition fortll1with. Kamps, deceased. and ftled bond of $6; Edward Simpllon, Supt., Pay more than a week, except in his than human £le. h and blood could onl y half a Hlghl~nder, and lowly In the case of ,lames C. Ross $20,000 with sureties. Joe Don- roll, $175.20; M. C. Foreman, prid4!. Hammer bad completed the 5tand. He described wllat took born, The crown IS til sOlJ rce- C)f versuS Lula Rosa, a divorce wae nelly, Josph Schustel' and Obarlell Supt., PlY roll, $224,40: W. A. ROQT FOR AND CONSI~~".. amputation, of tlle fin ger without place, truthfully enough. all wordly and material reward granted the plaintiff. S. Irwin were appointed appraisera Setker, Supt., PayroJl, $127.60: W 'to°uNr ~t..tlB·' bO~C' o·b··ll~.aD:!t:d --. . . a moment's los8 of tim~ and had "Hi exc lI ency asked him, in a [or honest men lik4! and me, In the caa& of Clarence Arthur In the case of Earl J . Maa&" ad- B. Schuler, Supt. Payroll. ,164; pro rr~ for th. ... cleaned and dressed the wound voice of honey. if he had heard Alasdair, my lad. Did David Ham- Brown, Jr., a minor, by Clarence mini kator of the estate of Will- Floyd Lemmonll, Supt., Pay 1'011, mar':., prie.. ud &,ooel •• • efficiently and promptly. him aright. Had h e mentione d the mer ever .refuse an in crease of pay Arthur Brown, Sr., his father and ard J. BUchanan, decea ed, venue $205.60; Harold Sweny, PayroO, Stee. Y.nIa' CI ••I...,!. O. A for the law? W n, what of lname of a lady in connection with or a mention In di patches! Nol n ext friend, versus C d1'ic Stanley G. C. Knapp, administrator of the $186.40; Joh1l Myers, Payroll, Tall. In on Radio Station WCKY the law~. I.f word of tho affair (the affair! The young fellow didn't Alld where'll you find a pro uder a minor, defendant. i granted 30 estate of Christina Buchanan; de- ,312.70; H. ,L. Schuyler, Payroll, 11:21 to 12:80 p. m. for our .U, hould get. olli-4nd he could not deny it. He had mentioned the man than Dave Hamme r, 'milit~ry days additional time to file motion cealed, et .1 the ,500 additional '243.90; Carl Dakin, Pa}'l'oll, muket repon.. imagine how it could- who W'ould name of a young lady upon whom -or civil? Nowhere I Not even if demurrer or other pleading. bond given by Earl J. Maar, ,184.40; J. L. Dunn, Serv., as -==~========:;:=~ venture to take it to t he la~ ? Not all his thoughts and affections you looked into the mirror. Come In lh case of Glady Berenice admiJlist1'ator, was apprQved. Sa~ Machanic;, '57.60; Orville Keever, ;. the governol", certainly; 10r the in· were centered and he wu only along with me." , Sawyer, a minor; 'by Chester B. o'f real estate ordered. Serv, all Chainman, $19.25; War- ~~------------'\ suIt had been given in hi own' waiting for an opportunity to ask The governor recElived Doctor S~wyer, her f8th~r and lIext In the case of Charles F. Hod- ren County Lumber Co., Lumber, 43 YEARS OF SERVICE hou se, to one of his guests, by a permi88ion of that young lady's Hamnler and Alasdaire M.aelver in fr~end, versus Cedrl~ Stanley, a gen, administrator of the estate of cement and Lime, U3.11; L. P. f{entleman of hi' staft'. If Any guardian to make all offer of his his little book·lined Iitudy. A fiN mmor, thtl ~efend~~l1t IS granted 30 Florence I . Arkill, deceued, ver- Cavett Co" a60 Gal. tar, $166.03 lawyer tried to tell him Alasdail' heart an hand. Be said it right burned on the beartb. The rose- days addItional tt.m to file !Do. IIllS George M. Arklll, et ai, dis. Lewis" Drake, cement, li~ a~d LEBANON, OHIO MacIver that the only' thing a out. He waa quite eloquent, wbat' wood table was still there; and tion, demurrer or other pleadlD~. tribution of funqs ordered. Sewerj $81.9.; Oreronia Bridae We have ~ complete pntlem~n could do about a slap with the pain in his hand and the still- all at MacIver's first and , l.n .the case of The. People 8 The inventAlry of ' Paul W. Tet- Co., Steel, ,46.73: Zain Armitage, Watch Itepair Ser.i". in the face wa to go to court and brandy he' d swallowed to steady second experienceB with that table BUlldmg, Loan anld Savmgs Co. rick. administrator of the estate of Sand ud Gravel, f116.49; J. K. Pricel Rea.onable .ulk then he would make a his nerves. --decanters and glasses stood on V?rBUS Cla~on ~la'1'k, qet al.. ser· Flora W. Tetrick, decealled, waa Spencer, Sand and Gravel, $64; monkey of that lawyer. He Was j'Sir James couldn't conceal his it. His eJl:ccllency'. manner wa VICe by pubhcatl.on ordered fOI' the approved. W. A. Selker, Garaae rent for No. Beade Reltrung not aahamed, and he wae not sati faction. It'e no secret th,a t cordial but poundel'ous. His move- defendant, Trl·State Looseleaf , A certified copy of the entry ,de- 6, and 11, year 1938, $48; Gilpin Jewelry Repaired afraid' and though his heart yeam young Ruggleeton'l a great catch ments and speech were slow, con- ~eat Tobacco W rebouses Co" COY t rmining the inheritance. tax on " Son, Gasoline, $18.~6; J. D. "THE HOME OF clns" ed fo; Glenranald. hill pride told - heir to a very t'espeetable title sidered. One could see at a glance mgton, Ky. ,. the estate of Stella J. Booth. de- AdamI 00., Parta, $36.88; Frank him not to lIa ten hi depal'ture and a vast tor tune-- and a n'oted that the great man wa an arena In the case of (~al"t'le Eberh~rt ceased, is to be certified Sherwood Co., Galoline '1.62; Cin from Kingston. philandere1' l and it's no secret tbat in which the gove1'11l0r, the high ~ers?s Ja.'"~s EdWin Eberhart, In - delay. eineillnati Oil WorkaCogreaee'15, Doctor Hammer called oli Mac- the green·eyed widow's second and just and imperlloruU official. Jllctton dl solved. , ' In the matter of the estate of 87; Wl1Iiam Shotwell, Janitor at Iver early in the afternoon. ambition-second to her ambition struggled for tempolr~ry mastery In the case of ~,race B. MIllard Laura I. Zell, deceased, extra- Memorill HaU Mon. ending June "You're to come to Government to become Lady Hard- is to \lee over the lover of grleen eyes and versus Alon~a MIllIard, et al, de- o1'dinary campenutlon to T. H. 30, 1934 $20; Blind Pension, • • • HOUle initante'r my boy," aid the Mr daughter the Honorable Mrs. red wine and good-fellowship. One Zell, executor, and attorney feel Quarter ending June 30, 1934, doctor. "His e~cel1ency's orders. Peter Rugglellton. Sir James ill could see at . a glance that the my 'eye on you ever smce. . M.r. Mac were allowed. . f"'8'.60 ·, Penn Morton, Serv. as .. • 'He knowl all about it." e.vidently in sympathy with both lover and good feIlow had been i nIver, I've brought the lIubjectJohn E. Holden was Janitor Court HOUle month endiQg WAYNESVJLLE. OHIO MacIvet'. gray eyes hardened her ambitions. So the poor young the ascendant for some time palt. this ma~ter-your services and val adminilltrator of the June 80, 1934, ,70; Lewis of! Phon. 80 Baak BI". and brightened. man made hiB declaration then and "Mr. MacIver, I've had your ue to the crown- to the attention AJice ~. Holden, decea&ed, and Drake, Inc., 10 bags white 'sand "Then wlty does Ite lIend for me, there, with plenty of encourage- case under con"ideration ever of my honorable council, and 'i t filed bond of $7,000 with sureties. f~r Court Houee, tI2.50; J. W. _ _ ----..~~_ if he knows all about it--unlell8 men~ from tb governor. since our first meeting at the givea me gNat I~leasure, in my Albert P~rker, E. A. Ludlum and Lingo H~ware Co., buekets, "And after that. and a round tJloose yard back there in the private I!s in my official capacity. Fra?k Skmner were appointed nada, brulhes for F. E. jt'll to apo]ogiz41 to me, for Butt,e ring inllult under his roo!'!" The' of punch, we drove to Govern- woods," he said. "Hammer, you to . inform you that-to make Pi'alse"!. $12.79; C. Donald DiatuBh, · . • ' Highlander's voice matched his ment House, where I put Rugle- t1'anslate, there a dear man. Under known to you_, Well" my dear CarrIe offiCe for Pros. Atty.• ok. .. . ' d in my best consi(leratiolrl, T llay your felJow, what d' ending June 30, 1934. ,20. ehould come to me-put his little private and in str,i ct confidence, I value to thill' provinc~1 of mine, to t f ' x:t L d d f tate of John Adamll, dec ... ··ed and -- -. . . , k t 1-1 SI J th f b B 't' h N rth A . t th gran 0 81 een .nun re acres 0 jaek-m-offlce dipllty ID hie poc et 0,+ I' ames ~ rest a t e swnr rl 18 . 0 merIca, 0 e em- 1 d'" filed bond of $1500 with eureties. alld c.ome to thil. house inlltead of 1 explained your attentions to the pire.Get that, Dav~,. Help your- anM~cIver could Inot find a word Henry Eisenmenger, R. C. Bo)'l RTfON ~ orderlng'me to hI house." Lytton chit-her t'ellemblance to self. I was deeply bnpreslM!d by t t't f 'nut b and C. W. :MulI(I'E!r were appointed Doctor Hammer laugbed until to the MacDonald girl. the kind, th~ integrity and force-force, o~ ~~! s~~lin~r o~ h:artec~~:;: appraisers. his ~yell watered. gentle brown e)'es and eo on. qUite so-of your character; and 'd d t'tud ROilS Farquhar, administrator of "Man, Alasdair Maelver~ hilt 'Green (!yes for me,' says Jamea; by your erudication and natural ca PTI e an . gra I e. the e tate of Benjamin L. Faryou're a joy to my Highl8l'!d "but every man · to his taIIte.' He pacity for leadership. I have had THE END quhar, deceased, flied hil inven~~________~__~~~~~~~~~~__~~~~~~__~~~~~______~~~~~~~~~~~~~tory. , , • In the CUe of ROM Farqultar, A,ric.I.\a.. ShHkiats" 4-H ~~ administrator, ek., veraue Andrew Mr., Ere.i.. .... Pla.t Phone T. Farquhar, et aI., sale of real estate ordered. Additional bond of ,2500 given by plaintiff ia apo • , prOv~d. Reforeltation went on apace in In the. matter of Tobiall Bretney Ohio this aprin,. More than 6000,"OTARY PUBLIC incompetent, expenditure of fundll 000 tree. were planted, accordine ordere~,. to a ,eport by F. W. Dean, exten· Natlea" B... CJ HattIe Barbee, executrix of the lion forester for the Obio State estate of Lillian F. Moon, dece&&- Univertity. WII.. DN_ •• E ..........W .filed her firat, Anal and diltri Not all 01 the tree.... re plantWAYNESVILLK.. OHIO butlve account. • ed by work,n in the a soil eroOmar MolteUer, adm.. ietrator .ion campI. Students in voca~ouall ~!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!f!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!! of the ~8tate of Eliza Sheppa"d, de &Ir1~ic\lltttNc;-f'ltell,"t'tt--el-+H-fet~____- - -_ _- - - _ . cea1!led, filed hia ftnt and final ac· cluba, municipalitiea . count.. . f"men did their share ' of the A., L. KIng is .alleged In~ne and plantlnc. eJihauIUn, the available •• . u,- Your eogine "breathes" appltcatio~ III to be made tor lupply o~ le'edJinCI fllrDltbed by Dlr.. t.r .f F.".-a I.m.. Jile you ~o-ancl for the same entrance mto the. Da~on State the state forut nursery at Hospital. lIarietta. reason I Your bOOy turns oxygen Our con••nlent. locatloll. .111.' Fred Howaer anel R. o. Crilt . into power-and dou your car! wer,e appointed administrators Worken In erosion campI plan.t- bl. lurroundlnp alld .qui,..... the estate. 01 William Crilt, .d foulJ; millioll tree.. A half mll- enabl.. u. to Sel'V. to the . . . The engin~ draw. in air. The carcea1!led. and rued bond of ,4400 more .. ere planted by worken Advantqe. bureter sends out a gasoline spray. with sureUe.. In cOQerYation campi. ,Students of The tWO mix-and make the" gas" The estate of Eliza Sheppard, voeatlonal apiculture planted AllBULANca saavlcll that runs your carl ceased il ,eJl:empt from inheritanee 280,000 ud 4·H for..t~ memo tax. ' , ben 170,OOCl. , .... H . W~.w.. ow. You ,don't have to be an engiThe in~ntol')'ot L. M. Bender. Four-H club ~embenof Tutneer to see that gasoline can be lion, administrator of the e.tate of county planted 79,000 wasted ,a nd power lost-if your fuel Anna A. ,M anhaIl, deceaaed, is apliettin, a record docs not mix property with air. And proved. P~~~~c~~~acou ..ty4.H'en club II county paa SAU OAT.S CALL you know yourself that weather


I fistols at Daybreak

, ~ , Dr. H. M. Wiliams Coroner _






Treat Your Ho••
















110 --+ill


Or No Char.e 71J



For Speed and Power •.•





changes constantly. That's why ' Mobilgas has Climatic Contro1. Thi. feature makes it mix bettlr with any kind of air. What does that mean i No power loss from daily weather changes. Power you can always count on. Quick starting-fast pick.up-any time and all the time. ' Certainly, that'. what you want from a gas,o linel Why not try ," Mobilgas next time? Look for the Ii,n of the Flying Red Horae.



M.rna. U ...... John Vill80n Hill, farmer, of Morrow, and Mi.. B.len Aliee Merrill, nune and houMil:eeper, of LebanoIL William G1'aey, truck dri....r, of Dayton, and Mn. Lucille Grayaon, cook, of L~banon. Everett H. Doue, carpenter. Morrow, and Ki.. Ruth K. Bamber, of CozadclaJe.



th .. lond _)IOIK ........ - 7 ...b ... ..,u........twe&tlN'" of th.loed. YoblJt.p .._ 1Dl\ltUft, ."..,./,."., ~G1lA.DIR.

,.... •"t_ .......


'I'OP'.-... ..........-. drop.,,.. ........ ......

".UNNING Lin A mh. That'. on.....altef at..dc Cloia...... No _ _

w.... tile _Claw, ~

~~~Mobilg rr MIXES BB2T.11R WJ1B ~


R_I E.tat. Trau'.s Carl and Carollne Schaub IKlltlMamle Burridae, ree' ..tate Deerfield towaahlp. Katherine Burridp, deceued, John W. Burridce, real ..tate Dedeld toWDlidp I Ella Grovea, et aI., ,to J. Stoutenboro., lnlot No. 110

to In to



FIol'eDe. I Arldll, bJ

tOr, to Geo," If. AItiU, 40 . . . . In

~B~·d.a . . . .,


c. ..... et aL, IaJet Mo.

Lo_ 0......




Stan.Iey &KDOgIer

ed 11,000, In Portatre county, 14,000, ud In TrumbuU, 11,000. Forty thoUMnd more ke.. were planted thia y..-r thaD Iut. A thoulUld trees are .upplled free to each forestry club member wlao to plellt thea on hit , IIore "Cluld have beeD JESI& STAilUy. ,ltad lIot ' ~e luppl, of leed f t _ .................. ow. become exhauated. , Since ' , . nearty 1,600,000 heel have EAIlL KOOOI •• been furnished 4-H clubs for tht. D . . . . .' pUrpole. A tbCluaand took part thia ,ear in the propam. KEa.. . . . . . Student. III voeationaI acrieul~ tun alao ut a new reeord to be their mark Hoth.r ,ear. Treea are fumillled vocational qriculture ltudeDti OD the bula aa "-B clab members. PlaIItiDC b llIpenia by inatructon in a,rlculture in tehooa tucl ta I toa coua- ,.: all:" n b poa $ALE-WlIlte Collie ~ .., en J Cll~ '1I1'1Iett, WapemJk ... I... "1,000 tn... ebaaa hi Lytle road. Wa7llerrUle Olllo l poa SAI.ll-A 1'udI' . . . . tile ~ of R. • A rood 0.1, "'7 ~......:

Aue't lon••,s· 87'"


:i =- :~t~ neo~:r'e::..:T.'-b V..... Pot!. ,...,.. -~---




indlvidul 00DIN T....... rll '



.......... •





- - - - - - - - - - - -- - -

- --



BuHerlbe for by t 982 dIan.poHa and Detroit until the and payrolll 4t per the low point of the bllillin,eal de- Itate'l quota of IrQvernlMnt IUp' T. C. "Ton," Patterson plied creolote was exhauated. pression. of the ",hut belt is reportAll WhIttR. ., for I88UED EVDY THURSDAY C. C. C. Quota For int severe chinch bug infectiom. d.llit STATE REP~ESENTATIV£ Ohio hall a quota of In Iowa ~ 1I!i million gallons of creD. L I • ."~IS.'-rIJI"" t • .IO a 100,000 men t.o be to the oBote had been elllployed to reIf elected, it .hall be my pur. 011. . . . . . ......... .............. N.. 111 IIIItar.4 at Po.t,:.!!'e'4 all civilian conservation during peal ~he insect . Othel' staws re· po•• to attend the ae .. iona and _ " " C ••• ......... .................. ....... N.. III ...111 •• 01110. ~tt.r R.Ii.f For OWo Depo.ltoH Helped July. The nl!w recruits will be port hke troubles. . ...ote. By Go". Whit. young men, war veteraOlS and ex- l The bugs mature m wlleat, billI .hall be for W.,ren County . .. .. perlenced woodsmen whl) will re- ley and oats, and when theSe' crop~ 'JULY 6, 1934 Depo81tore tn OhiO aVIJIgs and 1 th se h h d lPP d out are cut they migrate to corn where firat. I ....11 be for the tax p.yer to they do great damage Th e tar loan associati ons are eligible for p ace' ll °b wd ' °h ave d rc Ie "'t8 un d er ~ h e H ousmg ' ISC arge pt·. or bene." act pas- or I WI1 e lines are laId down before the before t"e lax .pender. led 1n th~ clOSing hou rs of th.e re' l y • first rOW8 of corn to be protected . HERE ISA PROBLEM FOR cent lIeS810n of Congl·es!'. It IR es. l ' Repelled by the odor. t he bugs THE VOTERS: There ill a &,\,oWing feeling on the part of those in a ,._.-..:~::.; on::....:"'+t,io.iIDl,nha....'e....d...."that a tAltal of nearly a \Motor Sa~et:e:::~c~h~ra-ed By crowl along before the line and Total t.xe. I . in know the Cacts that government farm relief measurel have made' their liars is tlE"d up in Olli o 0 • ' fall into post h oI $ dug at inte)'- Cou",')' 1913- $383,245.03. el most conapicuous succeBlles when they have sougnt to help the farmer l~titution8. Legislation to tlna ble . ]~Cl'!ply conceme d 0v: :. t~e slug- ' vals. Kerosene is poured Into holes Tot..1 taxe. I.. yied in W.rren help hllJll\elf-and have come nearest to failure tihen they have simply savings and loan aS80ciations to ihermg toll Oft dedatha, UlJ1unesdsnbd to kill them. Count)' 1933- $793, 186. 19 . avail the'."selves 0: the llew f e~- ~avy prope~ y amage. cause y I Parks says the severity of the Our ta".1 more than tried to change a condition through legislative, judicial or executive law t8 th object of the OhiO hlg~way aCCIdents, Govelr. George infes~tion is due to accumulotGen~ral Assembly call ed in pecial ~h lte has .called up ~ n the motor- ing dry seasons. Chinch bug8 doubled in th.. .hort apace of fiat. twenty ,eara. II the are ·p.~,by Governor George lsts Of..0hlO to pay . be,ed to the thrive during such weather. It'll an old axiom that doing a thing for a person isn't nearly 80 seSSlon not applied, then wbat? worthwhile as showing him how to do it On his own hook, and that Is White. admoJlltlo~ of PreEHderlt I Almost all farms in cou nties The startling thing is, that .~~, DtOf'aMl, _ as true of agriculture aa anything else. When oftlcial aeencies have ----velt that those. who USC! the h~g~ along the western edge of the state whil e our taxes have more than . . . . 1•• _......... .... worked to build and trengthen the farmer-owned cooperatives, whieh A,ainu Auto T.r aad Ca. Fee ~ays mu st reahze the ~:espon slbl - 1are reporting the pl'esence of 'the doubled in twenty years, our _w ........ ..... I'eprellent concentrated individual efforts, they have produced excellent Di...anion hty t hey ~,ssume when ~hey take bugs. Less severe iniections are re- population is on the sta nd till. results. the wbee~. . Iported in counties in the eastern Your et.te leri.lahlre i. tbe Two constit uti onal amendments Th e aCCIdent probl~m IS squarely half of the Ohio wheat belt. tbat m.k.. tbe lawI, tbat ~!..-~..r.:l body The cooperative. bave the "'reat virtue of .... rmanence. They are pI'ohl ' bltl ' n'" .L e u f t te t t th t t G .. y~ .. w, se 0 s a mo or up 0 .e moo~l s, . overnor Bugs we re first reported prest." ex· ';;'Wlit;.r,"" not subject to change as Is an administration or a political party. They vehicle fuel and license tag reven- White Cites, .addmg t hat the ent June 19. They will contim~e to pro"ide for the are Immune to political conHideration...-they don't depend on voters ues for any purpose other than f or thoughtlessnc~s and clllre l~ss~ e8s Ido damage until about the micldle penditure.. Why notl the le,i.for thejr existence. They can determine upon ~ policy, and pursue it may be submitted to t he of the moto~lst are t he· prmclpal of July, 'when they will disappear. latur. e·conomiz. a. eyer, indione year, five years, or twenty years if it is advisable. of Ohio in November. Th e cauSe of aCCIdents. Anticipating unusual trouble, vidual it doin,? Tb_ we would .fc:-!.::m The Roundly man aced cooperatives, consequently, are getting Ohio Highway Suers' Federation ongress passed a bill authorizing need no new tax la.a. 11.0/l. T. C. PATTERSON somewhere. They are winning out along a dosen front_ winning in has obtained approval of petition Indu.try Mo ... ed Ah...,d In State expendi t ure of a million dollal's ~""~ .t'!1l_II1I.' ,.. their tight for stabler markets, better prices, and a fairer break for the ~ornts for the amendments from Ohio mployment and! payrolls for chinch bug control. The 187,Republican PTimary. .. II~ . . . . . . tarm producer. They eminently deserve the great mea ure of agrieultu- MecretarTY Oft ht.ate <?eorge S. showed increases fol' 1!ilay over ,000 gallons of creosote representg I yers. 0 ge t e question on the April. The increase in Ohio emp loyed Ohio's share of this fund. \ _ _ _A_U__U_8_t_l_4_,_1_9_34_ _ ral, public and official 8u"'port they have been .... iven by those who ball()t 260000 s 19ners · ... , 0 f vo t ers ment as applying to 5,7CI7 industr- - - ___ _ __ understand their motives and tbeir methods. will be required. ial establisbments amounted to 2.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~ HU~TINQ Two major units of i he United per cent, while the incNllse i n pay'. FISHINQ IlIdu.tnal Cuee Filed rolls for the same pericld totalled tates Department of Agriculture', White Rose- Pewer beI • Trane" the bureau of entomology and the Ohio workers filed 1,578,269 in- 1.8 per cent. The fi rms reporting ~ a-toa. ..... 'L ., 1 IY It II(g , jury and occupational disea se to the labor department. at Wash- bureau of plant quarantine, have hind the engine. be en merged into ne. The n ew l -_ _ _ _----------------------~ claims with the state .industrial ington s howed total ennllloyes of commission from 1926 to 1933, ac 517,000 with an ineresise weekly unit will be known as the bureau The Ohio State University Radio Statlon- WOSU eording to the Safety and hygie nce payroll of $11,333,868. Industries of entomology lind plant quaran8 :00 Music division of the commission. Indus- showing greatest increase in em- tine. r h statistics were flrst ployment were cement, brick, til S IP er trial accident 8:06 Farm Adjust.ment News ............. , ........ J 0 hC n A • Wild ' 1926 . 1 n t h at year an d terra co tta , bl as t f urn aces. ed In 8:16 Replaclnl New Seedings Killed by Drouth ...... -.... . J . I ar 220,786 cases were filed on pay- steel work, sawmills, structu'ral 8 :26 Mu ic rolls amounting to $2,042,9 66,989. iron work, stea m fittinl~, machin e 8:40 New Electrical Machines for the Farm .... :............ I.- P. Blauser Claims had decreased 40 per ce nt tool, electrical machine'I'Y, railroad 8 :60 A Pr0WlrTam for~Better BlItter in Ohio ...;.. . .: ....... ·0.... 1. HH. Ehrb repair and rolling mills .. 9 :00 Hot eat h er menJlB . . ........... .. ... _... .... .. ....... .... 8 ug es 9:10 Muaic forma tory also has 3,276 male inTran.ient Help G.ine ---mates. Number of destitute transients Mr. J. W. Fro.. write.: ,41'"e 9 :26 MUlic in tbe 4·H Clubs ...... ., ................ _.... ..... Wm. Smith, Jr. aid ed by Ohio relief ,commission uaed 7 bottle. of Krulchen aad reo 9:36 The Bobolink .,._. ,........ .. .................... .. ........ .. H. E. EBwine While chool activities in Ohio has been teadily incrE!asing dur- due>ed from 272 to 210 Ibl. with DO 9 :46 Hlehlights in the Flower Garden ....... ............... Alex. Laurie ended generally in June or earlier ing the pa t five months, Teport ill effecl. what In f.ct I feel ' mUA:h belter .... n Ioflich.y.. for .ome ___________________________• this h _'- has not been true in rural su bmltted to Govern,~r George -_rl. A.• a pol,'ce I r-om:i"", school of the state where Who I R d h th t z w, Ite revea s. ecor s II ow a ..eDd KrUlch.ea to hrother office,. vo~tionlll agriculture is taught. 9,400 persons were aided during to k.ep iD ......I.tion weitrht aDd W~t~ such tudents !l~d teachers June a compared with 7,662 in .... Ith... . thiS 18 an all-year. activity, at least May, 4,387 in March alnd 3,446 in Kruschen is ,the safe, healthy from a praetlcal standpoint. February. sensible way to lose unhealth Y L _ _ _.....,.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-' These pupils must raise crops and _ _ _- surplu fat-simply take a hp)i . tl b d stock during the summer season teupoonful ~very morning in 0 COLUMBUS-- Notwlthlltandina IItate. water conaerYa on oar. as a part of their cour e and their glasl of warm water- you'll feel reeent ralna bave greatly enhanced w~~ Ulrvico-op:.ratiwng Wlthi thl e kf~d- teachers must direct tbis' work The so good-so energetic. You'll gain . 1 II enoa Ie ceo amer II 00 Inlf tat . di'd d . I ' . lin strength and ambition-you feel erop prospects, a ~ener. II ortace forward to even greater things in II . e III VI . e Into e eve~ dl~Miss Lucille Tucker entertain- years younger and look it. By reol water exists 1ft the United Salt Creek valley, however, than trh,:ts contamlng 63 counties, m ed the MiSSel! EUzabeth and Elean- ducing excess fat you'll be apt to Stat. and abroad to the extent eonservancy dams and prevention W u:h 196 teachers have charge 01 lor Clark of Oregonia and MiSS / live years longer. that It h.. become a matter of of 1011 erosion. 20ft schools. The tea.chers l!'re Anna MacDonald at dinner on One bottle lasts 4 weeks. You crave eoncern. It is therefor. of . aUoWild 80 daya vacation which Wednesday of last week. can get Kruschen Salls at any interest to Ohio people that one they IIcatter over the year. The M Chas Bradbury directed the drug store in the world.





. Capitol Cross Road







When "Farm Relief" Succeu '

.-""'_- ...

G... .... ~'=~~ ....:.: ;


Onlv $1.00



~~--...... Ilgr;':\....':1


============================ rrarm

A·.-alat 70


Ju/" 9





Policeman Loses 62 Pounds of FAT


Best of the News Dl"reet From the Oh."o State Capl-tol



~~~~~~~~m~~ ~~~~~thellta~oo~~~~~W~~I~-~[~th~wm~~w~~~=====~~======~===~~==========~========~=~ come the laboratory wheft the co.metoloD law Wb complete cultural instructIOn are Cham- da 'ght ~~~~~ft~~~~~~=~~~~=~,~~~~u~~ ~~H~~~~~ ~~====~-~~---~---------------------~-----~ U Hamilton, . Jack on, . J~ffer~on, ville, spent the latter lpart of the Lucas, MadISon, MabonlDg, Seloto week with her mother Mrs Sadie ,. kingum, vaUey towardll materlalia- who, had not obtained t~elr first Su~mit, Trumbull, Tusc:.arawas, Reason. ina a valt water cODservation pro- year II lice nile by July 1 will be re- UnIOn and Vinton. Mr and Mrs Clyde 'Le~icy Mr quired to Palll the ltate ex.amina. . , .. ject bl' joint federal and ltate tlon before the will be lIned and MJ:'s. W. W. Welch, Mrs. Sadie aetlon. But impoundlnr ot water lieensel To be :ble to take thele With the smoothness of clock Season, 101r8. Elsie Hc)ckett and in numeToua daml ill not alone suf . . t'oD"the applicant must wo.rk the general assembly adopt- Mrs. Laura Shidaker Ipicniced on lei,nt. Wuhing of IOU il e&uinc ::=~":r~dit of at least 760 houn ed seven emergency building and tbe lawn of the Welches. Mrs. George Beaeh is visiting mUlionl of dollars of J0811 to farm- from a reeo tiled Khool of COl- I~an acta and. three special school en In hill aectionL Salt Creek etolo Tht i.a lao true ()f out- aId meallures In two daya last week friends in Cleveland. ta~~pen.tona "I'h 0 wish tAl besldea appropriating $126,000 for The W. C. T. U. will meet at the 'Valley, comprised of 100,000 aenl eaat of Zanesville hI the XUlldn- 0 ...k' Obi Ii r4e' ocity baa the state industrial commission. hom of M • H. S. ~rucker tbis 11&111 mer watenh.ed, ~ beeni : : : b:.n e:t.biuilied l!~tb other The 1IC)~001. lelrislation permits Thursdaly jlftern?on, J 'ul, 6. • eet4d by the SoU Ero.ion Ser- tat d tol la school dIBtrlcts to borrow money Mr. Barry WIlson, of Daytpn, v e of tbe federal lovernment .. II ell un er a coame ogy w. in anti(!ipation ot tax collection spent Sunday with his.J3arents. Mrs oJllt section in the United Statel to and to borrow f~eral money to Chaa. Gordon and Me,ssrs Robert Populati()n eqaal to tbat of ' a. pay indebtedneaa. It also included and Marie Gordon visited in e eriment In developinl soil eontI.-vatlon by .trip croppllll, lone ,ood-llaed ci\7 illhabitJ Ohio'.Z2 amendment of the budget law to Walhonding, Sunday, lWrs. Gordon rQlationl. improvement in pasture ltate lutltutionl, a4lcording to the conform with the ten-mill limita- remained for: a longer visit. Mrs. Sadie Rea on entertained altd woo otI, aad tertacill•• Th... 1Mt mOJatbly NpeJl1 of the Depart- lion on real estate. The buildIng t¥fl1 tAl~." would retard aile IMIlt of Public Welfare. Inmatel and loan acts proVide means at dinner, Friday evening, Mr .. a"d ftow ol w~ to lower 1...1. &Dd in all · I••titutioDjl numb41r 85.784 whereby "uociations may obtain Mrs. Rhodes Bunnell-llnd Mr. ~nd PlJOtect u.. .,0. It baa been eal- one third of th... b,lne womeR federal funds and insurance and Mrs. Earl HoCkett a)lld daughter, elllated that an ave..... of ten tou aad pl•• The elcbt .tate hospitals otber relief, and Btrenelhen state Miss ·Ruth. Mrs. Lida Walker and chiJdren, o IOU is IOlt aDJIua))y from evel'J for insane contain 17,277, a lIttl, control of lIuch Institutions. The awe in ' the lIulkiDIrUIIl vall" by over one half of the total. The len ate allo conftnne'd the appoint- of Cambridge have been visiting and Mrs. A. L. ellOlion. equal to a yearly loea of 01110 Penitentiary baa the larre.t ments of Lockwood Thompson her parents, ",000.000, accol'Cllnl to David C. population, ',898, ineludinc '81 at and George O'Brien to the board Kennedy. . mer, executive secretary of the honor ~mpa. T liquor control. Mr, abd Mrs. GU)l' Carr, of . I Broo'Uyn, arrived hero op Sunday e tor .a two week's visiit with 'his mother ' and relatives. Mrs. Henry Murpbiy, of Wellman, entertained theilr strawberry piekers with a 'Party last Friday evening. ... Mr. and Mrs. 1. 'W. Snell entertained company at dilliner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chl\l'les Doster entertained the Card I?arty, Saturday night. Pomdna G~anlre WIUI well attend ed here Saturday. The Civic League hlBs a quilt on display at th'e store of lira. Jra Syferd. Anyone ·i nterested may calland see it and if' they desire OLASSIJ'IED ADS COST ONLY may leave a· bid o.n t!ame. ONE CENT PEa WORD. WHY

be solved in wJlole or part. A fair



.tart haa been made in the J4u.~ state eOllmetology board t~at a

Lower rates for service and higher· taxes ...

do not in band








110"'" 1'0.







w. cannot escape them

How shall we reduce 'ihem?





Bani_ To R.~l Worlit la~...ioa 18. T_tF-Fi....e 'rean Not ~n 25 years bave chincb bugs thre.tened Buch. a larlJl proportion of the corn .:rop in Ohio. III more than 40 couutiell in the wheat belt of the state tannen are battling the inlect invaders ,rith tar lJDe repellents. B1 the end of June the 187,000 pUons of cresole fumilbed by the eovemment had been edlaa..d In the buildh\g of more than a thou.. and mU.. of tar barrier liD... And fanlen, count, . .nta; and T. H, ........ emulon eDtomolOlllt tor the O. U., wen ICO~ tile

....... __ 01*


• •

The subject of taXes is one that .has . ellerybody in tbe cOlmlry now works become of primary importance to · three ·m onthsout of each year, not to the citizenship in all cOWltries. Tax- suppOrt his family, but to pay for the ation forms the only source of reve· cos[ of being governed. The U. S. Labor department statisnue for Government; therefore, it Is necessary. Whatever we may think tics show that the corner grocer has of taxes, we cannot escape them. A been forced to charge about 16 per mHtakeo idea some people have is cent mote for food than he did ~ . that they do not pay taxes, simply year ago. The Industrial Conference because they do·not report regularly Board ~hows the total number of at tax - collecting agencies and pay employees of the federal, state, and over a stipulated amount based on local governments· is now 3,122,000, an increase of 19 per cent from 1922 property hol~ings. The Nad. InduStrial to 1932. People of the U.S. paid Cool'erence Board has estimated . that one- S4,OOOaday in taxes in 1913 a totlllof $2,200.000,000. For 1923 'o"",/) of tOtal for Taxes the amount had grown tioDal income (which I.ike evcry p.uiotic citizen, me means one-fourth of all Pllblic Utili., wlllU co bur its to Seven Billion, Two share of caution. Fo. OUr Hundred ~illion Dolthe money which every- ;"" OWD com.,...,. we IIOW are pay. Hllnl e""1 lars. For 1?33theamowu aae.receives in the U.S.) iDa to. ,.,.." My .. IN ~n for cues. Approalmafltl)' , . , isTeoBWioa. iveHuo· DOW for some form out of evu]' dol.Iar weU collett





01.cuatioa. A striking apre. to be sure, but in· lICapable. It allo hu •••• i.dieated that



holD aaICCaIeft J.CIU for __ form of taIL Wbr_.bould die

dred Milli

lMHr , ... W,. ItI.iitL

C..,.dG.,..,., ,"""

Public: UtiliI)' be ditc~ ....... u illl coda,? ,~

, , , . 1M

let.. • •., . . ..." if


('10".._ .


----,lea 01'14 Wh ..t produ~lIon ouuide BUllta and .hln. now ••ems Ilk· I, to be about 7 per c nt IH. than the crop 01 la t y.. ar, and tbe per ~c.>nt world lupply aboul '!DaUer, accordinr to the urrent l'oV"emment report. China is r · portlld having a b tter crop, Ru~­ .ia • pOOTt'r, then last yur. "


Political Announcements


FOR REPRESENTATIVE I am a candidate for Rapre. a ntative to lhe Gell ral A embll' f Ohio ubj t to the Primary to h ld August 14, 1934. · Your vote and SIlI)J)Ot't i rt'spectfully olldt d. ARTHUR HAMILTON

County Treasurer


METEORS BY MILLION ..... . S .....I======I


ALLEN HUFFMAN Allen HuWman Ilnll Ounc cundidacy for nomination for -reelection to the office of County . Recorder, ubject to the Republl. can primary lecHon on A ugu at 14, 1934. FOR CORONER Dr. H. M. Williams, of Lebanon uthol'lzes the announcement of his candidacy for the Republican nomination for Coroner of War· reD County subject to thll primary I ctlon of AUgUBt 14, 1934. Qualid tor the office both by ednc.tion a nd experi nce, Dr. Williams re!.'I pectfully BoHcitl! your vote but .tatea that hi' profe sional duties will pr v!\nt him from making an Jtten8ive campaign.

HAROLD D. (Jh.) BAILEY We ar authorized to announce the lIame of Ilarold D. (Jim) Dailey, 0,1 Franklin Town hip, &Ii a candidate lor County Commlaaioner, aubj ct to the R public PrlmalT eleeUon, A\jfu t 14. 19S•.

tittle Thing. The IIttl tbinrs matter 11)0 t in funeral lervire. The perfection of our .et'. vice hal resulted from viC' iJant atteaUon to amen detail.. Every piece of qulpment or ' merehandi~ u ed by IU ill first carefully e!C&mlned by a member of our ata". The renlt i.. a laultle fllneral that i. • dirnitled tribute to the de eased.

Dan •• Jr., of L.xlngton. M..... with on_ of our dOf t .. ",. at Pr... ur. Camp. l 'I"I'Lbl AMto;IUUA. UI 'I ' &'''~ 10 tile w teor all,",." or Jlllle e TICA. JUDI If (Wla Macla, auG 1 ....... er. a •• lo, about tllr•• Racllo) .-I bav. lu" com. dowo tim .. I,bal oumb.r. ADd w. b II ... trom the aatrooomtcal to".r att.r blm I Tbll II a caretul caloulatloa obalrTtn, tnlUoDth m.teor. baaed 00 Il two mooth,· oblenaLloD Wa, be It wal m, equllltootlll An" by 11,._ obaen.ra. In all probabllltJ bow. It I, plleb dull aod I'm cold lbll I. due to lbe ,reat depUl 01 tb, aDd Ureci, but I IIlU,t ,.t lbll ,tol7 atmoapber1c canon lothe.~ laU· olf to ,ou 00 Ume. tud.a, aillo to th, compl.t. freedom I am DOW a ,..I\llar m.mber 01 trom duet. amok. and vapor down wbat ... eall tb ......teor Part,," her. at lbe bottom 01 the world. b.lplll, Dr. 'fJlomu C. POUlter, or The.e oblenatlona wtll be COQ' Nt. Plealaat. la .. cbler of our Iclen tloued uo1.11 tb. wlot.r nLebt IIod, tllle ,roup and ,.colld 10 COmmand 10 Auau,t Ilnd we ,boulc1 ba .. ,om. be,.. "bile Admtral B,rd la olf ID ..el7 Int.reaUo, Dew data apd lbeobtl but 118 mUu aw&,; Jam.. II. n .. wblch ,bould be of ,reat valu. It.rrett. ot Bea,er Fanl, PL; to all ..tlOnoman. , Work of tbla kloG m.... &b. wIn· Ralpb W . Smllll, a"lalor, 01 rred.rloktown, 0 .; aod Earle 8. Per- ter IIl,bt ID lJttI. Amenca " • .., In· klH. ot N.w Brun.wlok, N. J. lereettn, and It baa certalal, ....0 lllaht DOW for a"eraJ w..". we m. , ebaoce to aCQlllr. IOml .real ba", aat ID . th. ob""aUOD tower, knowlll4,. a.allabla to oDlJ a f.w about wbleb I told 'OU 10 a pt... lou, peopl. 10 Lb. world WODt.r wbat ,to.." oba.nlo, aD ar.. aboul 11 1'1 b. abl. to do with till. lEoowlade' mil., tn dlam.ter aDc1 to ao atma- lat.r 00 I !'rom oowa to ..... to . . Ipbene deptb at about )00 mU ... 10 tronom,. From a.lallon to ablJ) aa. Dr. Moultoo', book, "AD lotroduo- ,llaUOD to oootract bnd,.. 81;1eb t. tlon to .atroDom,:' "blob I am ut. aroUDd til. 8outt;a Pol.r And .tud,IDI, b. calolllalil tJaat, U It 0 .. 1 How I'd lib a bot .,.tII, wttll bumalll,. p.lbl., ". could ,...1 . .p and btc roulJa CIt... t _ obae"" at aD1 ....D tim. from tao , lIIo1dtotall,. w. beard perfeoU7 to, mlllloQ (D.teol'l dall,. ID the rowacl·b"rouad cleeoripUoo 01 othlr WOrda. lbat oumber 01 m. th. aa•. oaroara ~t. Boa, teol'l are 10 moUolI alid beadll4 batU., towull th. aarua ''''17 da, wtlblA Scbool, and 0011 .... are oloetq til. cenoP7 atmoeplle,.. wIlli up are but lOt ..UN wblob til. wortd 'a aurrounded. 01..... ba•• enrolltcl III ow ..ab. LaCkIl, onl, comparaU"el, UII7 U J'Ou'~ tote,..ttcl la pi,", of a of them ....r raacla 011 at lb. aowar eDd 01 ~ til. . .rua. belD, burned b7 Ula ,"aMIld a Mlt4clcl...... atamp. UOD eauall4 b, Nih lbroup ed . . .lope to .e at ow ....n... our atmoapbe .... TweDt, mlliloD tull bMdCl1l&rtal'l ud a bl_ ISsed meteors bltUq til. eutla all IIItp carel uad bl. wortJa. . . .., or at 0Ilc,! wen. w. abouldD't IUt all AatareUea will be IIDt JOQ. au IODII .'dlout coat ., obllaaUoll. BlapIJ Or. Pollltt"'a calowalloaa, bow· &r1bur &"1e. Ir.. prftld.lIt. ever~ dUfer r." .. tbo.. of Or. Mout- LltU. Am.rlca A,'aUoll &Dcl. . . tOil. Dr, Poulter die,.. are at ploraUOll Club, Hotel lAaloctoD. leatll lblrt, mtllloo ...teol'l a,lDI &ltII &treat and LulA,toD A".1&., lroU1I4 'JIo l1)aee ••eD cia, ant tJaat York. N.Y.





"Ia.,. ,OU



"ba. • .....

I 4W7'1"-a..



Tbeater o. ...... "'tOe Everybody



"King of Wild




"Flying Down to Rio"

.IID" .

J. E. McClure Phone 7


SWaDk, who remalnl at lIiami CIII............... ChIDeh bap ..... been rlported ValllY hOlpltal. Ie much wone. In a number of locatioraa in Ohio• .Mila Bernice Graham untertainCount,. .,ent. are prepared to ed the rirl, or the W.,n_viUe lIupply directions " , r their control home of Mrs. . Morri Miller, the 8chool, at a miecellaoeouB .bower, teader on Thursday afternoon. for Mrs. Chul.. Marean. SaturThe' July meeting o:r the "Ladies day aftel1loon. Little Frances Miller and her Aid" i postponed bom the 4th, White Ro.., the Wednesdayj' the l.lth, and will cousin, Nancy Whitlock, of Zane.· Evangelistic campaign at the dable Gasoline. be held at the home ~) f Mrt. J. B. vill , are spending this week at the Cbureb of Christ will c10le Sun. Jones, Girls c~mp at Chautauqua grounds day, July 8. Mt'8. Margaret Jrohns apent Frankhn. Satyday with Mr. an!~ Mr . Harry Mrs .. Harry Graham attended the Mrs. M. 0: Baird has been conMcGinnis in Waynes,nl1e. weddmg of her brother, Henry fined to., her hllme witb iUne a but Mr. and Mrs. hs~r1et1 Morgan Saylor, of Dayton and Miss Ruth is better this week. are now staying at 'the home of Kemllton, of West Alexandria for Everett Early and the former bas Thur day eveiling at the bride's Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Egbel·t, of employment at Lytle elevator. home. Xenia, were guests of Mr. and Mrs Cal'n Longacre, who is work· W. J. Baker, on Monday. Mr. and Mn. Guy Itoutzahn and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick ing at Monroe, Mich., came home spent Wednesday evening of lut Saturday and returned Sunday, Russel Salisbury and SUbject to Republican Mr. Primary week in Tippecanoe City, guests taking his family wbo will sojourn daughter, MillS Doris, attended the AUi u t 14, 1934 of Mr. and Mrs. Fran'k Brown and there awhile in . a cottage along Mrs. Mary Boitnott. the lake. night races at Dayton on t he ~;;;;;;;;;;;;; ! Mn. Ella Cecil of near Sidney Walter Kanrick is planning a Fourth. Is vi iting at the home of her home coming of the teachers and Master Clair Dibert returned coullin Mrs. Will Gr.lI.ham. pupils of Lytle scbool, at Lytle L.di .. ' Drea •••• TOe The' wh at In this Siection which ,chool ground, Sunday, July 15. A home last week after visiting a M.D'. Suit• • month ",Ith his grandparents, at is now being threshed Is yielding basket dinner at the noon hour. Quick-for q ••lit,. McComb, Ohio • . better than anticipated. Over four Misses Cleo Hawke and Helen thousand bushels were! delivered at Early entertained at 8 miscellaneMr. and Mrs. Albert Cleaver, Lytl el(>Vatol' on TUlesday. Ous shower Friday afternoon in MrB. Edith MilcLardie ret.urned honor Of Mrs. Charl~1! Morgan, at 80n, Robert and· Mls8 Ruth LaI'Tick to her home in Dayton Monday the home of MisM Early the follow visited relatives at Dayton, Sun. evening, . aft~r pencling se-veral ings .guests, Misses Bernice Gra- day evening. clays wilh he r cou. iml, Mr. and ham, ' Mary Young, Helen Friend, Miss Mary Leah lildwards, of Mrs. Harvey BUl'nct. Eva Wharton, Wanda Clark, Mr. and r.fJ-s. Arnold Bridges of Thelma Coleman, Kathryn Smith Springfield, arrived Monday even- White Ro.., the depenDayton were g uest over the week and Geneva Mae Routzahn and. ing for a' visit with her aunt, M1'8. dable Gasoline .. end or Or. and MrR. A . "A. Smith. Me damel< Lowell Thomas, Donald Emma McClure. Mrs. Margaret Johns was also a Hadley, Jbrold Whitaker, Calvin Miss Velma Armitage. 'of Spring Saturclay evening gU(~st. Longacre, Mtldred Surface, Stan. Mr. Rudd Saylor of West Cn- ley Bailey, Kesler Graham, Therle field, spent the week·end with her rollton called on relatives here J ones, L 8lie Gray, Frank Robin. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Armitage and M~ Winifred. Sunday~ son and Gdy R·o utzahn. Anna Marilyn Whitaker is enWe are starling a rope walk in Mr. and Mrs. Chester Noetker tertaining Reba Surface this week our town, A. D. Hole claims he can Mis Mary Young lrave a party make -any and all izes of rope out and children and Mr. Joseph Monday afternoon in honor of her of binder twine, anything from a Noetker, of Mariemont, villi ted Mr. ister, Mildred's birthday. sm.all quarteT-inch rope 10 feet lind MrB. Philip Larrick and family . lIfr. and Mrs. Fron}c mith spent long to an inch hay rOPe 200 fe t on unday. unday in Dayton, at the home of long. He says be il! going to BPecial Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Coleman, Phone No. 19 the former's sister. ize in making ·Ia so ropes for the Mrs. F. F. Coleman, of Norwood, :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ MTlI. Kesler Graham and daugh;1 boys and every .boYbetween the and Mrs. Laura Foster, of Mt. ter, Bernice, and Mr. Martha ages of even a.nd seventy IIbould Healthy, Ohio, called at the hom Graham wer Dayton hoppers have and learn how to use a laniat of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Crane, on Monday. rope. The old l!8ying I "give a Bunda,. Mr. and Mrs. Char'l e Clark In man enough rope and he .will bang company with Mr. andl Mrs. Milton himself," but be say the modern Sheehan of Centervillle, pent the way of putting jt is, "give 8 ,ood 4th with Mrs. Nettie Rogerll and man enough rope and he will pull grand·daughter·, in Waynesville. himself out of too h~le. W.~._.ID Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Pursley ----~ -~ and family of near Middletown NOTlCE OF P'U BLIC HEARlNC visited Mrs. Belle Scott and Everett Early and family Sunday. 0. The W_~ Tow••hip R.raI S.t.cIa,., J.I,. 1 Mr. and Mrl!. Jam,es Nash. and S.h... B.....t sons of Canfield spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrel. Harry Gra· Notice is hereby riven that on ham. the 16th day of July, 1934, at 9 Horlel" MI'. and Mrs.. Ray Smith and o'clock p. m., a public heariD, Thousands of wild, hate-l1I8dMias Mildred Graham and friend, wm be held on the budget predened animal!! t\rlltinc a of Dayton, spent the 4th with Mr. pared by the Board of Education human enemy. With REXand Mn. Forest Grah!am and chil- of the Wayne Townablp Rural THE WONDER HORSE dren. School District of Warren County, OomedY-FITS IN A FIDDLE Mrs. Ada Chenowdh of Center- Ohio, lor the next suceeding fttcal ville IIpent Sunday .ftliternoon with year ending Deeember 31st, 1936. ........ Mrs. Frank RogeJ'll. Sitch hearlill will be held at the Mr. and MTs. A. n. Hole were oftlce ot th~ Board ot Education, en~rtained to dinner SUllday at Room 16, in the High School Build the horne of his twill brother, John ing. Hole and family in Dayton, in S. S. ELLIS, Pres. Mu ieal Romanee Staged In honor of their 59th birthdays. R. H. HARTSOCK, Clerk the clouds 'With\\" all 1t~\"I!(l that the other leI· Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gabelman, DOLORES DEL RIO I,,~ CUll t', "cciQenti.~ the reat rs. W. G. Haines arid lion, RobComedy-MIC, K EY MOUSE D ' tht I' l plc you may be that other were dinner gu'estll Sund\lY of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Exclusive of benefit payments f. !l1)\\. Thi~ i. (Jlle of a pa!cty Hl'les fromrovernment farm prorrama, Mrs. Ed l[..ongacre are cash income or 01lJo. farmers in r. In O(A h~' 00\'. Wili t through 18J),enClljnK ~veral day!! In Dayton, May was &; per clnt taraer than in () W. l\(el'l'ell, ·tate Highway DI. White Rose-Power ..... as their little &'1'an~I'lIon, Bobby the same month lut year. hind the en.lne.


£! '



- ~


"Yolr Idver:tilil, of

- - -. . . --- ....---""T-- . -


+ Qa~Uty ·



The '!"orldlll mightiest amllsement entourare, the Ringling Bro and Barnum & Bailey Combined CirCUli with its gljlantk 1934 program of new world-wide wondel'B, mallY of' which have never before appeared in America, is definitely scheduled to exhibit in Dayton, Friday, July 20. The gorgeous, vastly enlarged inaugural SpectaCHl, "The- Durbar of Delhi" stupendously introduces the multitude of arenie · marvels that succeed thi pOmp()U8 panoramic display. The great new intel'national congress Qf featur s presented In the. aeven ringe and atagea, huge hlppo<ttome track and the maze of aeriat riningl includ s tile recently imported Otari Troupe in tile most 8$tounding mid-air featll ever wit1\e8lled. These intrepid performers fty from all points Df the com· pallll at the same time in periloua lorward and reverse fHrhtll tbtourb apace from the lofty aerial crOl1l.. The Otaris with suc.h art-nie no~ bles as Mile, Gillette, Europe', sensation. of the air, now appearing in this country for tbe first time and the celebrated Torenc. Dolorell, Merkel., WllIolI and Spurpt Troupell, all new to thil continent, are among the 800 ' men and women drcua stan prftented by th~ bir show this year. The cireuB beArt on its fOllr long trains of 100 double-Ieqth deel railroad can mon Qan 1600 people, 60 elepbanta, 1008 m.uarerie aoimalll aDd '700 honetl. The great COD CoUeano, tumbling forwarcbomme ....ultln. tight wire ,tar h.. beeu recalled from Europe triumph. to join the ~..t RlnallDc Broe aod Barnllm .. Bailey CODlteJ1a~oa of Stan. Th. c.l.breted Wall.nda Troap of hiIJI wire thrillera, the famoUi LoJaIa•.,..aId family, world'. ereatat bareback ride,., DorodlJ B.rhrt, .Od darill8 honewoman In Iliata,,, III8nIfi0ua Yaeo,', ~=: Yom K. . acu_.


MO-qf-~IOI·SIID ~..::~


is'lll WIOI." ..,. a North c.rollDa car ..... 1'1ao baa . . . G·3'. perform f . moatlll OD mountain roads. "Ia ·M , 0pIaI0D You Ha•• 7~ Monl"

Report. pourllli In from G·a ueen eyerywhere read Uke tbeMl: "43% more noo·aJdd mU....

Is too conu"atiYe tt -

"60% would be c1oeer"

-"Feel I'll racei•• I"" mOifenon-akldmUeaae." . Maybe we haYe put tlae aellre low; but~. year'. 43", .tatement II baaed on the .tobjh..t tire te.t. ever de\'I....ipeecllDj up to __Jam.

mln& on brakes-ew.,.

fewaillea-dayaod Dl&ht -toua,her UI8 tQamoat people "ye tire.. Come 1M thta wouer(ul new G·3 that uThe PubUc Teet ,l..t" "181M bett. thaD we dalm-dl.coat· Uer·tlre·to·buUcI that coat. YOU aotbbla Oltra to buJl







Eighty-Sixth Year




-- --

cont-racts, and other payments will The Waynesville Merchanta eas- be made In October and February ily defuted the Middletown Re- it i8 announced.

~~:~Ito:~~:e:e~ch::~. c~~:l~~~ SI7 000

Sewerage System t Installation Urge Here ANNOUNCEMrarr OF L11 , SERVICES AI THE CHURCHE~.I SUNDAY



he allowed 11 hits they were ke pt I ., scattered and ethe Reserves were unable to Bcof a Ingle r un off' _____ WAYNESYILLE CHURCH OF __ hia deUvel'Y. Some say Elil. is wild . CHRIST ... Iy t wo wa1"aBJ ean Myers of Dayton is the Mr• Ben H owe, II 0 f P ort W 118m 'll' ye t th ere were . un euest of Betty Davis this week. (Undenominational) Oh I'o , was I'n t own on Monday.. g Iven t 0 th e R eserves. T r ea d way E. Tyler Shough county relief did the c~tc~ing job and did a director, announced'thls week that Mrs. Ida Hammond, of Asland, Cbester A. Williamson, Minister Mrs. Hartley Moss and .children pretty fall' Job of It. Tbompeon ov r '17,000 hall bji!en appropriat- Ky .• ilj vi siting her sister, Mrs. A. Chul'ch School at 9:30 a. m. were Dayton visitors on Monday and Mendenhall handled Iota of ed for reUer, FERA and rural reo K. ~y. Lord's SUPl?el' at conclusion. Chris afternoon. tian Endeavor at S :4,5 p. m. chance around the keYltone sac" covery work in Warren county Mr. and Mrs. MYTon Thomas Verdena Fox, leadel'. Evening Mi Minnie Davis, of Dayton, with but o ~e wobble 0,!l Mendy. As during the mohth of July. The a fi41lder thIS Tompy boy &,eta them appropriations are slightly greater visited Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Th Omas evangelistic ervice at 7:46 p. m. was the week-end guest of Mr. and T~e Meuhants ~eally ha~ their than the JUli e allotments whiCh Tue day afternoon. Sermon by the mini ter. Prayer Mrs. C. E. Anderson and family. baltlng eyes working and It ,was 'otaled approximately ,13,000. meeting and Bibl e Study each Mr. and Mr. L. V. Beck and W M-. Dunham', of Lebanon, for . • II fI I'llt man The July allotments were anBure. t.i me. M en de n ha, e d nes-d By a t 7 :46 p. m. Th e n th ft t Ik d W t to children visited relatives in h 1. h f 1 t h mer resident at the Friends home en 1I0un(led by the State Relief Com. Arka"S88 the past. week. ·c ure.! were you E!e a orne. '(isited Mrs. France Nichol~6n o~ up I e rs.' wa e. lIec:ond on a wild pitch by Staton. miu lon lut week. Monday. • Mr, and Mrs. Carl Sanker, of FERRY CHURCH ')F CHRIST Thompson grounded out to shol't, ae~ond. La"renOf the total, ,10,118 is ap . propn • "oldl ' n'" Mendy II .. D (U d enom iDatI ODa I) Mr. a nd Mrs. James Brannock ate d f or re Jje f purposes. Th IS com- Mason, M dspent M the 0 Rweek·end U Iwith bn b at out a hit• and~ ,Mend .. Bcored wh n Perratt threw to third. Sat- pares with '9,893 for June and r. an 1'8. • • ng es ee. Ohester A. Williamion ue announcing the birth of a Mr. Seth Thomas, of DaY,ton, Unified service beginning -with daughter, Donna Mae, July 11. terthwaite doubled throulrh short 19,4JiO.75 for May. and Laurens scored when Little For ~ER~ work the July ap- sp Ilt Tuesday night with his par- Church School at 9 :8 0 a. m. Miss Jesse Clark ha returned to threw wild to t hird. ,Peck talOng p~opl'iatlon IS ",,436 a s compared ent!! Mr. and M.... E. L. Thoma s. Lord's Supper and SE!rtYlOn st 10 ;. her home in Cincinnati afte r spend third .oD the error. Hartlock for WithMay U,549 for June and ,3,360 30. .Tbe Bi-Mbnthly Rally of the Hiss Elizabeth Mullen alld .Mr. X • ing a weel< at the Friends .Home. fanned and We ller grounded to . ema A rea Ch urc h i!!8 of Ch nat M·•. and Mra. Ed \\'ar d RIe"", 1.Th e ruraI recovery program ap· Keith Walton spent unday even- wi II be he Id here Thu rsday evening second. an d Davia opened the second with a propriation for July ill '2,600. This ing with Miss Dorothea Cable, a t July 19. You a re alwaY8 welcome family of DaytonJ called on Mr. double. Treadway lingled. ' Ie conll~erably larger than t he Dayton. at this church. and Mrs. Wm. Scanlan, Thur day evenin... stoppe d at third . .Em. walked, fill- J une all otmen t of ,9 72. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Zuercher ... in~ the bues. MenckDhall fanned. The rural recovery prosram was and children, of Pandora, called at ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Mrs. Luella Ramsey, of incinDl.Vis was cau~ht at the plate on the la t to be started in Warren the home of Rev. and Mr • Dibert Father Newton, Pastor natl, spent several days the last Thompson's erounder, Tomp), county but bas developed into one last Sunday. Ma h week at tlle home of her br'other, . f La th • h . d 85 at I!!!t. A ugusl>ine's Churc beln~ .. e. ureDi en ~me OL t e maJor epart.. entl of the 10 d d h H. H. 'Wililamson and famUy. throurh with a lingle scorinr cal relief oftlc:e. . Mr. and Mrs. Lestel' Jam es and every secon an f ourt Sunday Tr adway and. Elli&. Peek fI!ed to Durine June the following lltock family, of Blanchestel' visited MI". f the ,-nonth. J . V. Hartsock attended the left for the third out. and farm supplies were and Mrs. Charle James and automobile races at the new Day. No runl in the third and fourth ed: three eowl, llve hOrlles, two famUy, on Sunday. FRIENDS MEI~TING ton speedway On July 4. 1n tbe fUtb HaNock walked mules, 600 baby chicka, 26,000 Mrs. Mary Cross and her si ter, First-day School al; '9 :30 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. P . L. Rea&on were .... ith one down, ~tole second and pounda of seed potatoes and 75 Mi May Weatherall, of Engle- Meeting for Worshi.p at 10:30 guests of Mrs. Sadie Reason at advanced to _ thl~ •• Wener blUhels· of 80y beans. The wood, Florida, left the first ot the m. grounded out. Davu wu safe when ill8' tracta were alllO planted it i3 week on a tri-p to Harveysbura-, on Sunday. Perratt drew bia foot off firIIt and annouDced: 17 acres Of ' po~toes. Mr. and lUrs. Frank Andrews, ~ . H artsock scored on t b e error. 14 acres of .0rt'Ui:II two acres of "Lo mr. ren "amleson, of Lebanon WAYNESVILLE M. ,E. CHURCH"~ lion, George and Mr. and Mfa. Davia went to third durin, the broom com, one' ~e;e of tomatoes was the dinner guest of Mrll. Rev. G. C. Dibert, Pastor Harry K. Hamilton, of Cleveland, araument ~ut Treadway grounded anel tbree acres 01 cabbace. Maude Crane and daughters on Friday: Choir practice at " p. m were gueBts at the hom~ of their to hort. No ruJ18 in the abth. In In an attempt to carry out the Sunday. unday : Sunday school at 9:30 mother, Mrs. Emma Hamilton, on ~e fifth Laurelll led oft with a poJic)' ol centraliaation wherever a. m. Morning worshJp at 10 :40. Sunday. stngl.~. Pec~ doubled, Laurena pOlllble the relief ofIlce maintain. Mr. and Mrs. Hflward Hurley and The sermOn subject 'i"ilI be, "Hia holdlnr thlrd. On Hartsock's d ld' f children, of Kingman, were guests Life in Ours." Epworth League Mr. and Mrs. ROB!! Hartsock and grCJlInder to ahort Daniels thre", ~o::ha !"as Inm:~e~et!..t:::::~ ~:v~nday of Mr. and Mra. Josiah at 7 p. 1)1. Evangelisi;ic service at family had as dinner guests on 8 p. m. Sunday, Mr. snd Mrs. ~. H. Death h?me to eet Laurelll, bllt La~ren' last week. In the lutul'e the entire dlcl not try for home aad Hart- count, proeram will be administer Mn. Oliver Davi3 and Mrs. Wednesday: On W'edneada'f of rage, of Oregonta, MISS Martha Nettie Kepler callers at the next week llt 2 p. m. js the regular Deatherage, of Dayton .and . Mr. sock wu sat~. W!lIer fouled to ed from the oftlce at Leba Gibbs. Davil IIlnrled leorinr _ . _ __ _ • non. home of Mr. Steve Phillips who is time fol' the meeting of the Ladles Arthur Counce, of Cincmnati. wun"a and Peck. Hartsock Hop • quite lick at his home in Lebanon. Aid. Bible study and prayer meet· ~ I,'. and Mrs. Charles Bogan and ped at secon40 Tread..ay Iineled ing each Wednesday Ilt 7 :90 p. m. family, Mr. Charles Shephard and sco ring Hartsock. Ellis doubled and Mrs. Robert Alderman, You are cordially invited to at· children, Mrs. Darrel Bogan and IeOI in&' Davis and Treadw~)'. Men. Mrs. Vern Hough and aon. Panl tend these meetings. b b M E S d denhaU and ThompaOlt fanned but " and Mrs. C. P. loy visited Mrs. .- _ _ _ a y. rs. vere~t tevens an " daughter Mrs. Wl1110n Shephard there were r; runa over f or th e l n Boup's . brother, Roy Com en Scattered showers whIch have and daughter and Mr. Frank Crew Third of a aerlel of ten union and family at Muon, on Sunday. been forecast fol' s:everal days were guests at a birthday dinner at ning. , . In ~e e1lMh LaUHftl! .I~trlecl. outdoor velp8l' meetinra wiu be B G C D'b rt d f IJ y were forthcoming -Thursday bring· the home of M:J:I and Mrs Robert , Peck IlInrled. Laurelll stopped t held' in the park adjoln!n, tbe Day ' M e~ D' ~n: Man Id a , 1.n g slight relief from the intense l willlon in Da.yto~ on Sunday second. Hamock fanned, Weller to P bli L 'b S d rI!I... ay . rs. a ,m heat, although aidjng p8l'ched , . fauned. Davia sinakd fiUillC the 1 \ . U e I I rary on un ay attended the-Bible school at fields and pastures but little. Mr. and Mrs. J . L. Mendenhall y bases. Treadway lingled acorina ::n~\!: fwtJ)be ~::kL d fte';:lIe Chautauqua, t:uea Farmer ' iit this !lection bave . Mr.and MrtI. Howell Peirce, Mrs: Laurena and Ellia pounded to 8~-1.- m'-I·I~-r of '''e S":'ond· Re· ay a oon. practically completed thresbing Margaret Martin. Mrs. Lena , au....01 DaJton WI "'" • 8 h ort f or thi I'd ou t. form Misses Trillena and Margaret with an average' yield being report Bock,. Mra. Rosa Hartsock and Mia Nell;t Sunda,. July 11. tbe Mer•• .. • Edwards entertained the members ed in most sections. , Marne Brown attended the funeral chants will play the CocaCola R.v. W. G. Dad Kershner, of the Argunot Bridge club on Com. pasture and other crops _of Mrs. Della Ellis Foster at tea.m trom Cincinnati. Thia III one ~or several Yearl conducted a Tuesday afternoon. The invited are badly in need of 11 steady rain Butterworth Station on ' Monday. I of the best amateur tealDl arouH "ol'lunr devotional .period over eata were :Mrs. J. B. Chapman although tbe drouth bas not reach Mrs. Foster was the sister of Mrs. ed proportions in this vic.inity. Ruth Janney. Cincinnati. If th~ lIerehaDta have radio station _WLW In Cincinnati and lIis8 Jesse Clark. 'n)'thin, like one of their !rOod will be pHsent and lead the con~ daya this wUl be a flne ball PJlle. lillliq', a.v. Kerahner -- -,. no", PBltor 01 the Conrrep_ r JI!ft~~ #'Vir. O' .l:. :~.. WAYNESVILLE MERCHANTS tional Ohrtttian ehtrrchi'n P)eu~ ~...... 'TUU -, AB R B PO It. B ant HUJ. Ohio. ' OHIO, ~ ~llL<; . PICTU~E QIV92 ~ At-aO ITS SWEEPING ISlANcr PrelidillC at the service Sunday WIU ALWAVS BE ONE OF 'mE 9TATE'S ~ ICQt.WfI1C SECllONS .1llE O~IVE Mendy, 2b .....,4 1 ,t 1 • . & 1 will be Dr. Walter ' W. Rowe, TbomplolI, III, II 0 0 ! 7 0 minuter of the Central Reformed OF ~E aJlMNG RiVEQ .AFf<)I2()S MAGNIJ:lCENT·VIEWS Of -mE Laurenl!, 8b .... 5 S 4 111 · 0 0 churCh of Da)'ton. KENTUCKY I-IIW3. ""'G\."" """"" A-.nIHEnl""" HAN 1'fO 1CV'..f. IV'" >< I~, P eQk. 1b.......... 5 1 a 10 0 0 Amplifiers 4nlta1led in the nark '-KM'\CAl CUrF, 'RrAl"li liNG .1100' _. ~ 2 0 1 0 0 V~I<' .. t;H..1'1 '-i Dart IOC I.... <:J. .... . make It J1OIIIb.e tor motoiarta to FEET ADrAtr: TIlE st~TELY 01-11 0 ' , ~,,,, '''' I B. W~ller. If ...... 11 0 0 0 1 linen in OD the Mme.. from park ~ JUS~ oP ~~ON . Davia, rf ....... ,5 · 1 3 I 0 0 eel autoi in st. Clail" Poliee have Treadway, c .. II 2 3 , 1 0 8ivH permiaatoD for diqolial ATE . 52, QE 1 , N A Ellis, p -.......... -, 1 1 0 II 0 parI". . charlq the ""ice. Tbia CEN1lJRV tel) ~19 REGION WI>S - - - - - - arran.,.ment ~.. ' made primarily DtvcJTED TO 'ruE MANUj;taURE To*-la ".,.. .-- 42 11 15 21 18~ . 2 for tile beDdt of oat of town On~G lOON AND PRODUCED autollta who drive in and enjoy MUCH OF 'mE CIVIL WAR tbs aervlee without I.vlq tbeir Ano.AtI.AENT. can. """'11-\1'1 MIDDLETOWN RESERVES AB B B PO A B At the ll"t meetine th. speaker Sloan, " ........ 11 0,. 0 0 0 0 ",as Dr. Phil Porter rector 'of Billet.. If ... .....II 0 8 1 0 , 0 Chrbt EplacolU chureh. aev. John .M,ere, 8b .... ,... 4 00 1, ' 01 ' 1 1 W. Danford of the South Park .~ . 12MI\.f:S NORm· Little, ct ........ S 0 1 I(. B. dlarch. ... the .., Jut \\'E5r ($ .WJTU ITS 2S SQ. Daniell, u ...... 8 0 I 0 I 0 SaDcIq. 'I ~lILfS r3 LAQGE':)T ~ IN OHIO, D. Glb•• Ib .... , 0 0 I I 0 liON tUD 100 were iD FRoMl'l-\E SUMMIT Of CoDDE.R\-100 QJOOE C. Glbba, c .... , O l e 1 : attn••nee at teell .ot tile m.e&TOW£JJ. ;~E TOURIST GElS A MAGNIfiCENT a,\ VIEW t)F'U-lESURRQUNDING PelTatt, 1b .... .. 4 0 1 11 0 0 tnp. Staton, p .... .. .. 4 0 2 0 10 -.,-" ' /'RJI>ff.KlrPScrowd-:<'~~ [rV)="" A. D"If.lS - - - - - GtaL SCOUT NEWS I U:OIIIO!1TAT& ll/iJII",,<<;:>1::) ~"J... . Total. ..... .. Ie I 0 11 !4 10 4 , WIVDEPT. I'\. 40





B . l






11" ' I '1'1Mercbants .".1200 1 0 1- z-11 M. ReM"ea •• 0 0 0 0 0 ! 0 0 0- 0 _. B.... OD balla off .. ule I: Statoa .. • Two bue Bitll-SattertJawalte l)a'fll, 1, Il1IIa 1. to Sattertla",a"


Whole N,umber 6136


- --

CORN·HOC CONTRActs GRANGE HAS GOOD PROGRAM SENT TO WASHINGTON _ 1-...L..l.......u'-aullIO" lecture hour~ 7 was in ch!lrge of the following Corn-hog contracts, over 11 00 cOmmittee: Mrs. Lewi s Fires, Mrs. of which were s igned by Warren L. V. 'Branstra tor, Mrs. Ira Rich county farmers. were sent to and Mr. Lewis Fires. Washinrton last week, it was anThe fo llowing pl'llgram 'was nounced last week by Letter J. given: Miller, county agricultural agent. Music S. S. Ellis Government checks totaling 'l'alk Mr. H. . Williamso n Stron, CoeaCol. OIltfit ,o f Cinein- ,170,000 are expected In two New Vienna, Ohio we kll, says Miller. Music uti Will F,,,ailh S. S. Ellis The '170,000 represents one. Stu nts Mrs. Fires Oppoaitioa half of the amount due on. the

senes S\lnday by a scbre of 11 to


rile Girl ~tII met at thalr eblb hOllH lalr I. lIuch to tIaeIr dlaap,.lIl~t It .... anDoa"'''' tut til. . Ia no room tor .......0 .....' CI_ t - ..... a... lIi~n _ .. _.... II' ...,ou . .p. Varl01l8 plalla tor C8JIIPiaa' ~T dIIcaIHd, bat noth teWH TIM lDet at tile .•hab 10. After .tIIa pMroIa . . 0,..,..


r ............ ucI

- - . . . .1 talked

m ..... ad ..... ,.., U

A' " 1


'"'(.... .



Waynesville was well represented in the larg~ Warren county de· legation which attend dam et. ing la st Friday night at Spring_ field, fOl' larence J. Brown, candi A ' 1 bl F date for the R pUblican nomina. F"l!deral Fund. Are "a. a a or Uon for governor. Wlm'en county sent lhe largest To Report delegation fl'om any of the nin e counties of the seven con. gre ional districts, all of which Con~ iderable more -pressu re wall were represent d at t.he gathering given to the Pl'oposal that Wayne. Mr. Brown spoke at the meeting. ville iD!stall a sanitary sewerare sysU::rn. Mayor Day presented to Wayne ville was represented by CQunc'I'l the folio W l'ng letter'• ROBS H. Hartsock, J. W. Lotz. William Stroud, Percy Reason, Mr. Department of Health and Mrs. J ohn C. Hawke, harle>! Columbus, Ohio J I W h dR .1 J uIy 6 , ']"SA ames, rving ele a n aymonu ... H a tft eId . . Hon. A. K. Day, Mayor Waynesville, Ohio. Dear ir: On June 28 a representative of this dep!l1'tme~t visited Waynes.vm for the purpo e of makin'" all inve i"'ation of a complaint• reo ceivcd thi -office from , a Wayne ville citizen, alleging the m isuse of a mU)'licipal storm sewer Tell. of 28 Per Cent Fe_I" Pi •• Which discharges to a Bet weather Sued and 38 Per Cl!nt Cut drainage course on his property. In Sow. The inve tigation ' of the condition ,comPlained of, as well as conditl· ons resu ltinlr from t he misuse 01 Farmers al'e in d ad earne.s~ other st orm aewers, was made in about .red ucing pork production, I company with Dr. Ed . Blair, di. accordmg to the Jun e surv y -of I trict llcalth commiuionef of pigs sav.ed 011 farms. Pig saved in Warren county. A. co'n ference reo the pl'lng of 1934 we l'e 28 per lative to sewerage corrections wu cent fewer in num-ber than a year had with you. aro· 'Phe number of sows being re- I The misuse of storm sew ere u tained for faU farrowing is do~vn practiced in your village, l'es~lts 38 per cent fro m the ,a ll time high in very objectional condition.Band . rccor d 0 f 1ast year. ,t h ere is little questIon but that Th e spl'ing pig c-rop in Ohio i complaint ll arising th erefrom are I' ported as 28 per cent , reduced, ju tifted: It is incumbent upon the same figul'4ls given for t he council to tak definite action to· country as a whole. Likewise, BOWS ward' the correction at lewera... kept for tall farrowing i down 98 conditions. , per cent. -~ring the present demand This sharp curtailment in pork fo r sanitary facilities in the modproduction was Influenc ern home, .the IIt.lsfaetory lIolutlon three force according to an in- of your prob m 18 the installation terpretation 'Of the l'eport by econ- of sanitary sewen and lIuitable omillt!§ in the college of 8gTiculture sewage dlspolal faci~ties. Such an of the Ohio St~te University. undertaking need not be p~rtlFirst facto r in impol.tance is the cula:ly ?ul'denso~e to your COJllreduction progt'am of the AAA mumty iJ a defimte and compreh' h k t b' b b h e nslv~ plan lind program of , 1mW IC see S 0 rIDg og num er . in line with effective demana. provements are adopted and ~olAnother factor is th,e unwilling. 10w~d in II ~tep by ~tep fashIon. ness of farmers to feed relatively HaVlng optallled a sUlta.ble plan of , high priced grain to 1I0gs at pre _ s~~erage and. sewa~e dlJl)osal faci nt prices. And th ird, the drouth, htles, y~u.r -YlhBge IS In an excelcutting leed supplies gave Im- lent POSitIon to take full. advaapetus to the downwa;d trend. ~eof federal ~unds .whIch are · b Ittg made avaIlable lind which The number of hogs ov,e r gil( for some time in the future very months of age on farms Jun e 1, as pro b 11 bl y WI'11 con t mu ' e to L.,., _ ma de compareq with t he numbel' on available for public work relief. farms a year ago, declined 31 per It may be possible, therefore, to cent. reduce the cost to your community Little change was Tloted in the of at least a portion of tbe improportion of pig saved from lit· ts v~siderably. ten. The initisl st ep to be taken t. Reports wet-.e obtained irom all to have all en'gineering study of states through a ~urvey I>y rural you~ local conditions made . by mail carriers. which you may be furnished with a comprehensive plan of sewer..,e improvenlents, estima.tes 01 CO'l t ami y athenng of these improvements and a probable program of procedure where . by 'the most needed parts of a A very pleasant fl\.mily ~athel'M d proposed system may be undering met at the home •of T. an 't 11ken 1\ rst. It i s "".ecommen d ed , t Ml'S. Paul Hauk, PIqua, on he there.fore, that you employ a com4th. '1;'hose ~hO en)oy .d.:h~ ~appy potent sanitary engineer l.r thil occasIon an d t~e b~n~ uW ' lI~ner serviCe and that in this way ,oa were Mr. ~~ f' WI lam- [prepa'l'e to undertake 88 you can a son, and . 88 race 0 aynes- program of sewerage and lewer vill~; Mr.. Lu ~l1l\. Ram.s.e y and SO~ I disposal improvemi)nts which' will, Earnest,of ~n~tnnatl . Mr. an least untim~tely, satiafac.torily MrS. R. J. WIlliamson and son, serve 'your village. Robert, of Cleveland; Mr. and Yours truly Mrs. J. F. Cafferty, Mr. and Mrs. F H WARING J?sia~ CBtrerty anil ' little s~n" • Chief Enllin~er JImmIe, Rev. George SmIt h and Miss Edith Cafferty, of Frank . .. ' lin ; Miss Mary Schickendants, of • Several artIcles h~:ve. appeared Albuque.r que, New Mexico i Mrs: m the columns of thiS paper from Mary McKay, Dr. and Mrs. Edgar (C\,ntlnued 011 P.... 4) Skerk and little son, Billy, Mr. and . Mrs. Harold Williamson and little NEW CAR SALES Ilon, Dicky, MitiS Luella William. son, 'of .Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. Jay REACH HIGHEST PEAK B. Cooper, of Miami. Florida; MI'. Cecil Sherk of Minni)apoJi s and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hauke. More new alltomobUea were .old •_ • in Warren county ciurinlr the montb of June than in any liqle BAND CONCERT month .during tbe put two ),ears, it wal annouaeed last week br Clyde C. CoUlna, elerk of coa.... .The St.h band. concert 01 the who .... ont ftsuna Uao,nnlr tW season WIU be Thurschy, July 19. a total of 117 It. . ean had ...... at 8 p. m. at McClure's corner, by rerllteroed at Ida dart. tIM the Wayne.vUle Ichool band. Thill month lIlei1adlDl tnea. coneert III alve.. for the 1'.lrls, TIl• ...,.... . . . . . . . . till HarcI~reofCompaD), with tb, com- natdIJ.' plem,ata Mr. Cllas., tllla ,.... .III . .tile .. .... . . .1






d'S. .



a ...

The coneerts-~ f . have beea wen attended and it Ie hopecl the lila. lovlq public ~ . .e ud enj 0 1 ..... 1-::f"~'1';,~=-­

...... .


u., .

..... of Jr:=1

d ed record biDd r lor neurder'a oftl(!e, ,5.&0: Lyle Blank Book



If::n:l'::~t:Uc~';';l~etT:er~:~: Outfttten, pada .lIel taco, $1; L.



WITH HUGE CIRCUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!'!!!"'!!"!!!~

P: Cavett Co., M. T. tar, 880 gat,

,97.38; The Ohio C01TUpted Cu]Men ancl \. rt Co., culverts, $247.50; Walter 100 ' World.Famou. • • • • •• Com moD P .... Procee4i... vel' UII The Welltern Southern Life F. Lawrence, compo and damages . St ..". , on • •• ••••• , . b f Insu 1'>11 nee 0., etc., C! u e i dis. for ea ement, road No. 80. $1; J. Women Are.le HAPTER 1. gil'ding up IllS 10m. e ore An Ofmi d without record. K. Spencer, lumb r, $D6.10; W. N. Show', Thrillinl Prolram ___ deal: lind th n hI' 'stepp d. lip to In the ca e of John D. McLaren CO". tool8, llaUs, etc., $20.f>0; Cinthe stateroom door. TWice ver us Elinore McLaren 8 divorce cinnaU Oil Works Co., gas, $5,70; kn ckl'd loudly. Hi back was wa granted the plaintiff. Na,." Suite W. B. Sclluler. postage stamps, $2. Ringling Br'os and Barnum &, ! urn!'d to the crowd of inl()oke In th case of J. Wilber EarnNorman Irwin versu Josie L. 42; Ruby VanRiper, ,asoll ne , $14. Bail )' Combined ireus. truly ~he by this time; so l1obopy got a hart versus 10hn H. Rhoades and E\'ans. Replevin. G. IL. Schilling 22; H. S . onover, wire, li5e; W. Gr atest. Show on Earth. mak1n~ view of his face. Lambert R. lthoades, Chartera D. and Dean E. tan Iey are th eatto eceiver and ' r M. Lawson, pick. ch'I e I an d re- its .,urand llnd gloriou 19. 34I tourh ofI But they could S e~c .. pik "M a'pI was app o'nted 1 r neys. pairs, '1; Ernest Marsh; labor an.d the continent and defimte y sc <,Regan' fac as the pilot. opened filed bond of U 000 with sureties. Eber Joe Ihle ver us Helen Barie material at sh rift"11 residence, uled to exhibit in Dayton on Frlth<' door. H stared queerly. In the eas of C. W. Siebert: !hIe for divOf~, Cbarlge Is gro II realdene~, 84.30; Penn. R. · R. Co .. day, July 20 has a!;!S mbled from "['Ill Rip Wutherbee," the versu Julius Ve:tendl motion for neglect. Frank . Anderso n and frt. on upplies for sheriff , 90e; the four corners ot the earthyoungster aid. ' n w t.rial ov rruled. Robert W. Brown nrc! the attor. Clarkson Chemical &. Supply Co., and points in between- the greaL· nd Regan, nis face jerking into In the cae of Truman Casson ney!. toilet tissue and roach powder for e t aggregation ,of clowns in 1111 I'veI' pu kel' d a ~ must m~n'A mou· ,un e pr ssion of instant curiosity versus tari tta Casson a divorce Tholnas Prickett versus Nan s herift', $28.91; Hllbman upply amusement history. . 0 was granted defendant. Cu~tod)' Prick tt for divorce. Cbarge is Co., 3 dust mops lor sheri/\' $4.67; One hundred and fifty interna, ~~!!!:!"~~~!'!!!!~~~~~~~ tl, do. But in the nd people (01'- whi p red, "]'111 damned I" J.\()t his qui ,alnl<l~t expl'C~ ionl s audibly that th knot of pectators of children to defendant. Pla.mtHr gros neglect of duty. J. W. Li'ngo Hardware Co. balance tionall~.J'a.mous funmnkers cavort face; lhey nlenlbel'cd only hi. h(' rd it.]t dded to tbeir wonder to pay $10 a week for upport o~ Gladys Grote versu lJe9 J. Grote due on stove section, home and and caner about the • even rings, silence. ment. Th next minute Re~an minor childnn. h i 0 B ks" h' "1 ~e Il tight.mouthed galoots lStood back, ~Ianced harply, reo In the ca e of George V. for divorce. C arge Il' gross neg- clipper for sheriff, $2.6; , an - and stages and the huge IPP()' . . f th " ntIull" nt tLe onlooke-, and Ie t of dut)', Baldwin Law Pub. Co.. Deibel'S drome tncK this yellr ill tbe 010 t Wl'th Reliable Serum in m time," the engIne!.'!'' 0 l'. ," s, ." Ob ' P b M I f PAtty . e t t'o h ld the doo¥ Apen for his visitor. 10 1'0 . anua or ros. stupendous circus pres n a I n d Prophl!t. sniel observe . en • v d probate Court $3.60; The Office Outfitters, sup· ever offered. an d V'1rU. r in atcbez ·undc~· Weatherb~ passed in, the dOQt l s. natch hed" without a WOJ:' , J' f P A~t ' .4 90' Ohio ' 'At,a reaa10 nable price P oke~ play th'.hill that dldn t malle no more slnmmed shut, and the crowd di • Weatherbee!hed her. 1h~ will of Perry m. Kenrick, de pIes or ros. • y.. •. • . Clowns have IIlw8.ys been an inl' aw Round than a windy tomb. An' ] Iler d, mumbling. Neverthelel!S, Wh II. the bench behind wa cea ed was filed in pl·obate. LL BReUPOt~erf cop S:bttt~O O$h~.O portant part of the eil'cus and the seen pilots on the upper rlv r that they all seemed to manage some· cramm d with visiting p i l o t s , ' t t f. aw u e ,. n or 1'0. y., •. amu ement. world was amazed an d Phone 17R4 OI tl I b how, W nty minute~ later, to be smoking and squirting deadly ac. In the matt r d led e;;6 e 0 88; Ohio Central Telephone Corp delighted when an even hundred ~!;of:~~t t~~!ab~~ ofu~elk n~etci~~ about when Regan came forth with curate' tobacco juice at the big Lillian J . Small, ~ce'~r'h wa~ rent various ofllees month endi118 of theJ'll we~e brought together 'for 'II' rd . BlIt this ht:'re Rip W ather· the youngster who wanted t.o be a bas cuspIdor. Rip Weatherbee $~~~e~IO~!t~~aw'har:u~ a=ro~'!t, Jlily 31, U8., $65.60. the first tim br Ringling Bros and b ' got em 'laid ouL c Id. If every cub pilot. stood alone, unhe ded. ometlmes. attorney for I gal ervice renderBarnum &: BaIley. But when 150 b dy'd 'a' b en like him they And eVeryone 01 them heard hi: ba k turned, men nudged ~ach d ' ReU.f Bill. of the funniest clowns imaginable would never haye even go t up th e Regan's word as he told the cap- other or muttered to Regan : e The following ,accou'nts \\' re apGreat ,o\~lantie &: Pacific Tea Co. ~ere placed on tbe a~e progJ's'!' tain up on the hurricane d ck: "W\'vlt's that you larnin' to be a d 1I0wed and confirmed by groceries 'furnished relief families; 1n II. simulttineou dl play thlS human languagel" And tbi eloqu ence, in tim , Le· "Thi ' i Weatheb e, c p'n. I'm lightn}n' pilot, . pike- f~~v:o~:t first half of June, $144.01; Ray pring'kthe enth~eia ~ of circu· eame the Ii is~ippi' verdi t on takin' him on a steersf!1l1n." stot'e lnjun?" But. never II sIgn David W. Hollinitshead and wigert, same, $16.1)0; D. C. Eltz goers . new no oun s. Rip Wealherbee. That fir t day be But speculation wa n't quieted did Rip Weathel'bee make of recog James H. Holling head, administra l'oth, same. $22; W. W. Cline,. The big show, how evel', has II boarded the prophet Daniel she by tbi simple ann uncement. The.y nition ; never did the exp re~sion 01 tors of the staie of Margaret HoI. sam~. $57 i Elmer Collins, RaJlle, je~lou s l y guardedreputatlon 10'1 wn ti d up at airo tOl' repair. forgot what a customary thing It hi face alter. He ,Will! thel'e, he lingslfead, deceased. 'first, final $16.66; Ch.nles J . Schwartz, same, dOing ~he n.ew and unh~llrd-of and When he s ked to ee Regan , one was to behoM a pilot take on an liP seemed to say, to learn the n sis· and dlstributiv~ account, 56.50; Chas. P. tubbs, same, thet~ IS ~vldeJ?ce of thIs throug~. of the steamboat' two pilots. there p~ntice. B cau .e this didn't 8 em sippi, to learn twelv hun~red EstM!r W. Southgat,e and W. W. $22.60; TrRcy's West Side G out Its gl,anhc performance thl~ waS a tilt r behind him. Thi~ be- to be a customar)' procedur. at all miles of water, ever changmg, Whiteker executors elf t.he estate same, $17; Elbe~t Wallace, " I. sea eon. ROOT FOR AND CONIIGIt RUse Rip Wutherbec was hardly omet.hlng furtive in Spike Regan daily dltrerent; nothing ebe matr of Flol' ~ce A. tarkl!)" decea.sed. A.... sa",e, $99.50; E. Whitenack, Besides the clown , there ar(J 800 our Cattle, ho,-, aheep ancl the kind of oul to expect to be manner made it somehow different· teredo And,' after a hit, ~ople Allie Wa:rdJow executrix of the same, $4.50; Elb.ert Wallace, men and women arenk tars of in Noma-Brock Co.. ~_~~. interviewing Ill! exalted a per on· and the heavy flush that had come began to accept Weatherbee the estat of Kate Kammerer, deceas- $25.25; Taylor's Grocery, same, ternational eminence, many of prOjrrelillva Arm hr tb. ~ . h_ age as one of the lightning pilots into Rip Weatherbee's face made way he was--thls for hl' simple ~" First. $4; Carroll's Store, same, $77 .75; them touri ng t he American con tin mark.t priu. and ~C, ~Q.' ... ft' erance even m re p ro. reason that no tho f a.ce . .Van . Del'veer, . .admmlstJ'a. • U.lo. Stock V.rda'Statl~1l •• • of the Proph t Daniel. He wa over t h at ,,1 mg on "h ~ e Ethel Zeiger's General Store, same, ent for the f\ rst tIme. Tun_ In on &dlo I ... . mod st ven fot: the rough tyle nounced. He wu positively bluRh. ot the river could change him . trix of th ~ estate of William J. $68_60; Wright's -M~rket, same, Several of the producing clowns 12:25 to' 12 :80 p. m. for our U, of th~ river, in hi attire. His ling under the captain's IIcrutiny. Onee a striker. up for a breath Van Dcrveer d ceased. First and $232.75; Ruby Van Riper, same, bave introduced plendid ideas into market reporta. dungaree were discolored and hi He app ared so badl}' confused of ir and a little foolin, as well, f l n a 1 . ' ,74; ,L. &. O. Market, same, $26; thi year's all new ,and greatly en- ~=~====::;~=-==== flannel hirt was ragged. Only his that twice the master of the Pro· said loudly to somebody: "There's .' Alnla eig executrix of the J. H. Helldrlcks. same, $98; C. C. Jarged opening B'pectacle. The DlIf- ~ ;;rmanner-intent and stubborn- phet Daniel had to repeat a remark that. there tight.mouthed galoot estate of Ja~ob Seilir, deceased . Fannin, same, 114-; Chas. O. bar of D lhi in which more than and thOSe black, narrowing eyes to him. who come on at Cairo. 'Spect he's First and final. Hidebrant, same, $100; Schilling's 2,000 people and animals take .3 YEARS OF SERVICE that bent on hi qu tioMr were "Funny busine s," the chief too damn good to talk to poor The will ,of Katherine J ordan, Grocery, ame, $61.40; Kroger part. The Durbar heads a list of compelling. en.g ineer grunted to a wiper. ''But whites like me 'n' you. Reckon h decea ed, was admittEtd tl) probate. Grocery&: Baking Co., llame, features newly a sembled that will Under the disconcerting stare of there's no tellin' what'U come outa needs a takin' down." Edward P. Jordan '>\ras appointed '248.26; r. G. A. Grocery, Spri ng. compel the vast 1934 program to those eyes the watchman of the Cairo when you're laid up for reThe other stirred uncomfortably executor no ' bond r'.quired. Clif- bora" same, $14; Meritt's Groeery, be recalled with deep pleasure for LEBANON, OHIO Prophet Daniel t,irred uneasily pairs there." . becauae theye ,was no getting away Iord Be~kett, Howard McKay and 88me $S8.(l0; Cbarles Mount, same a. 'lifetime: , We have a complete "What you wfnt with Miatuh Re"That tbere's a mlgbty queer- from the fact that, whatever ele John P Cumings wt!re appointed $23; W. H. McHenry same, $58.. AmoJ'l.g them is a great new eon· Watch a • ., Senic. gan, sonny'!" M! asked. He didn't actin' whit.e man Mlstub Regan's might be charged to him, Rip apprais~l'I. 50; Verdena HopkilUl, same, ,52; gr~SiI pI the WOf'ld's fore most acl'oPrices Reas9nable mi. the queer, 1Iteady way that took on for his cubl" was what the Weatherbee was not a wilek·lookGertrude Trimble" administra· W. L. Kirby, same, '4~ Midland batic champion leadell! and somerBea ds Re t rllng the other was watching his face. stoker before the middle door de· ing citizen. Big shoulders he h4d; trix of the estat-e 01' Herbert L. Grocery Co., ~lothing and grocer· saulten presented together in the 'J welry Repaired' and a neck lit. a steamboat stack. Trimble, decased, filted her inven- ie, '10; The Franldin Chronicle, most amazing athletie contest ever GIFTS" Rip Weatherbee muttered orne· cIa red to the furnace room. thing to himself. It seemed to the "Got a sorta dead·look' iace, an '''Shut up, you fool I" the tory. 2000 tecord case cards for relief witneued and a senes of thrill!! in "THE HOME OF watX:hman t bat his word werl;l he don't say notbin' a·tam" a pas- Jltriker's companion sn apped. "You T. B. Griswold. adlrnjn lstrator of administration, 'SO; The Western novationa including a startling being repeated in a cmious sort of eel' wailed nervously. "Bad fixln' to get a bust in the eye!" the estate of Jane IG. Lewis, de. Star, printing for reliet administra new sensation presented by the way. Then be said slowly and in a·comln'. Watch an seel" But, back tUTDed and less than cealled filed hiB inve'lltory. tion, $42.60; M. E. ROJIB. post- Great Hugo. But that. in the end, was the ten feet away, Rip Weatherbee Lewis H. Whitakel7 waB appoint~ master, Btamps for relief adminisThe great combined circus ~ ill a flat, toneless voice: "There'. a steersmaa job open queer part about t he whole never even turned around. Even ed executor of th. e estate of tration. $20; Dr. John Zettel, ,1l1li- arrive on four -long trains of tOO • • • . here, ain't there! I'm a .Iookin' bugineBll. Because Rip Weatherbee when the striker continued: "I'm a Eudora L. Whitaker. deceased, no ses furnillhed relief families, '42.- double.length steel railroad ears, for a cub pilot birth.. Somebody did not bring. bad luck to tbe hard customer an' I' m 'aimin' on bond required. J . C.' Aunker, C. C 60; Ivins.Jamell Dru~ . Co., medi- brinlin, over 1, 600 people, 60 alesent word to Mistun Regan I was Prophet Damel. From the day he makin' monkeyshinea with some· Denman and Ellas :uobinson were cine furnished l'Elief famiJie!!. pnanu; 1,0 09 menageril! animuls coming along here." Then he stop· $tepped into the immaculate pilot body," there wa n,o motion from appoin1;ed appraisersl. $4.39; Sontag, Harveysburg, doth and 700 horses. WAYN'ESVILLE, OHIO ped. ,h ous&-with its wheel a higb as the cub pilot. Angered, contempu· The inventary of !ilal'Y J. Ftaser ing and groceries furnished reliet •- • Pbone 80 Bank Bid •• Onc again the watchman was his head, its wire tiller-rope and ous the stl'iker pushed his friend executrix of the estnte of Thomas families. $21.84; E. B. Thirkield ,. n~tvou!!ly conscious of that lln- bright bralls knobs for the bells-: aside and strode aTound in front D. Fraljer was apprc)ved, Sons Co., clothing :furnished relief scrutable, unwavering stare ~bat he went his the Mis issil;lPI of Weatherbee, For ~he first ti~e The adjudieation land determina families during w~"n'ii[;"'~:!!;""''-II-f s~med to co er every sQuare-mel-R ewcomer ap'peal'ed to reahze tion of the inher\taJ11Ce tax on the 's, same, $1 of his cOlUltenance. Finally he nQd· Renga stood at his whee], sliding tbat a menace was in his vicinity, e tate of Lillian J. Small, deceas- Ii, Bunn&ll, 2 bu. _r corn, for redad and jerked his thumb toward the spok~s, a. e~eroot. c,ocked ar- He 8traig~tene ~ his ~urpriaed gaze ed, j to be given to all pe~ons lie! families, $1.26. Tbe ~anklil1 a !It:atero~m door. . rogantly In hl~ Jaw,. RIp '!eather. turning into 80met~lng level ~nd interested. I~e & F~e} Co., coal fut1lJshed re"He's III there. Just glve a up bee stood bes,l de hIm, tllS eyes searching as the atrlker f aced hul'l. Ray L. Freeze, adlministrator of bef famlhes during first half o~ on ~e door." Then he sto d back. learning to read the heart of the Not a word he said, but his intent the estate of Mabel Freeze ftled June, $9 ; Griswold service Station ..... _ Are Firat N. . . of Raral aware that other members of the river, to tell wind reefs from a bJack eye.. were ataring. his first and final ac!count. fuel, 88e; Jos. H. Fedders Supply steamboat's crew-stokers. -deck- bluff reef. He didn't o~n hill , For an instant the stri~er waver The will 01 Addie M. Dowdell, Co., (!olil, $4.50; Lllkeits' Dairy, Hom.. Aa S-a S, i hands. and engineerB--were star· mouth unless Regan drawled: ed before those a])p aiBin~, curious deceased was aklmit'ted to probat~ milk, $14.11 ; Milltr Da'iry farms. It Occup";.. I ing at th strallger in a curious, "This helte baby hates s~oal water eyes; then. snioli;er from his III tb~ case ~f J j , T. Riley, ad- I18me, $228.72; Stokes Dairy farm. _ ____ puzd d manner. just naturally. Gotta keep her well companion nerved him, and he ministrator of the .!1!tate of Dora same, $26.88; Frank Sherwood b For a minute Rip Winkle halted, in hand. Take bel' over." And when stuck his jay out. He even closed Chilton deceased, versus. OBcar Company, groceries., furnished reIf y?U ad ,500 to spend tor pulled hi dungaree.s up like a man Regan cried l "Cramp her dowlIl his ~nge1'8 into a fhlt, his right arm Chilton' et al sale of real estate lief families durin, June, $31i.~5; imprQvlDg your hOUle, how ~",!"",!!,,~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'l curving as a mlln's does when be. is wal!\ ordered . . ' ' Ribe~ Reichel. same, $100;50; L w01l1d you spend it? , -:: - - -- &oin .... o hit someth,ng for Keeps. Harry A. Sattertlilwaite was ap- H. Brown. same, $34.60; J . R. This question recently was an· Phone 78J III!i.._~__....IIIIi__. . . . . . . . . . . . . •But •' s wned by 18,469 Ohio farm that ended his preparations; pointed guardian I)f Bettie Lou Coffman, same, ,U8.75. families in nine coullties In ,whicb for abruptly Rip Weatherbee', Satterthwaite, a minor, and filed ".. ~ a lurvey of rural hou$ing <,oJldimouth went into a deadly straight bond of $181)0 with SUJ;etMs. Guar tiolll waa condUcted. line, one big shoulder t eared back dian is authorized 1to compromise, " Miss Thelma Beall, in charge of like a falling str~ak of light. settle and adjust all claims againat . the lIurvey, now makes her report. "OT ARY PUBLlC Three minute" later the striker E. D. Bailey 101' injuries sUltalned Mrs. Evere~ Villars w~ unfor- ' The greatest number were in. was $tumbling to hi feet, one in an automobile accjdent. Tbetunate in runnll1!...~r hand. ter~d in paintmg the outSide of N.tI_a1 B_II _ grimy band on hill jaw, his lament guardian filed his first and ftnal to the elbow 'hroua~ the bOUle. Next most popUlar items Will. 0.:.-- . • E.tat•• S ...... .....J. for the benefit of atf: "Cyclone account. of bel' w~bin. m.~!!~e Ia.t mentioned were repair andrefurn. comin'! An' l?y the Valley 0' The inventory of Charles P. Joy day mornIng. ~Ithough no bones illbina' interior walls, ceil in&' and WA"NE5VILLE, OH~ Shadow 0' Death, it's executor of the ed..te- of Kartha brok~m, It has ,l>een very repa))' andrepJacement of struck I" Elizabeth Joy, dec,e a.ed, ' was ap· pamful. •. screens, doors and windows, And FOR SALE DATES CALL That was the last time 'proved. The Missell Evelyn, VlrglDia tbere were money left ' ever attempte~ physical ' The inventory oj~ Corrington P. ud Vivian Tucker were- overnight over they would install It water horse-play .with RiP . W1!atherbee. Ellis, executor ~f the estate of. ruests of Rhea and. Evelyn Mc- system. ' And the httle meet~ng with t~~ Gla~man H. EDIS, deceased, was Carren of W~lhondmg 9n the Six or lIenn rooms comprise the striker had made RIp automaVc· approved. . FO\1rth,. average farm, house. The house is aUy a part of the Prophet DameI. In, the matter A. L. KIng, who \I The many fnends of Mrs. M.aud heated in a goodly 'n umber of Queer he was-would always be; to b~ a4mitte~ int!o Dayto.n State Anderson, of Xenia, we~ shocked fireplaces; by .far the but he bad . pr~yed that fear H DsPltal,. and .IS ~uJ.plied With prop to hear of her death Jut weeJc. creater lIumber use stovei, and "ESSa STANLEY , not a part of hIS .q.ueernesB. Those er cloth,"g, It 18 ordered that a Several fro,!! he,r e attended her amon, those surveyed some 3000 I~vel, eve~ppralSl!1g eyes were war.rant for tb~ eornveJllnc~ of said funeral ,,)\leh was be~d last are equipped with furnaces and PIIe_ UO. N_ S ...U•• t ••• ow. dlltturbed In then compl.acent .pa~lent to ~Id ho.pital 1118ue to Saturday .~~ern~J1 In XenlA, 2000 depend upon circulating course by no man; they hesltated Chtford BUI.ICk. Mr. C~pln Lippincott is ,bull: Matera. EAJU. KOOCLIR • ., before notbin~-not.eV'en an over· __ among frIend, &lid relative. after About one hOuse in eight has a Jy. plaYful striker WIth a gash for Mani... Uc.... .pellt several months witb b.tb room, but only half ar& piped Da,t_ Plao_ a forehead and . a nose tha~ ~d . . dall,bter and famDy in Virhot ..ater. One houle In five ICE_o... I . . . been hammered Into the P?W1listlc Joseph D. MaLhn, ~ocery cl&l'k glnla. . . has running hot ancr~ coM water. litany 01 wbarf rowS. In ~Ime the of Loveland, and MI8S Robert&SeveraJ . from. here at~ende~ the One.tbird of the houle bave ind ' , Coneert In WilmJnrton laIt pumps. oor crew of th~ .Prophet Damel even Charleton, of .Lov'elalld. becal)le a lIttle, proud of this Glen Hopkins, dairyman 111 Wednelday m,ht. More than a third of the home Mr. Barr Nolder alld Horrill Shi- are equipped with kerosene- I , buman curiosity of theirs--tbis Blanchester, and ' Kise FloreAoe tlghtrmouthed cub pilot who spoke Jones, housekeepe:r , of Harve,1- daker were runts of W. P.Ke· /fUQUne stovee. In 1500 of t:: ----"'II~ ~i~ first to nobody and who. answered burg. • Carren and family Mveral daY' bomell ~ 'ill used 'for codkinlr, PO~ SALE , _ _ in mono syllables. Hill sdence wu --last week. and ,i n 200 electricity Re.I Ellatl! 'T ,...,.." . ~he Kilarity club, with a few Gasoline' or kerosen~ la~pl!! .ie FOR SALE- Pure Cider Vinepr , making him into a celebrity; ash?re thhe was evfen defende: Th& Village Clf Morrow to CO!Jn- Ipnvllte,d gSuelsta'iIPenpt. Isunday at used in 70 per cent of ,t M hOll)es; J. Lo' MlIldenhall, PhQne 45R12, 1')1 ee e B w mm ng 00 .' acetylene in 2 per cent piped agalns t e sarcasm 0 . 0th eT crew . "He's ~ s hU,~-mo'Uth" maybe," ty of Warren rea , e8tate 111 Ot)Jr. and Mn, Perc, Reason" of in per cent, electrietlty in SALE-Wbite Collie Pups. t1;tey, admItted. He don t talk ~o rc)~alter F. Lawrence to County near ~aynes'Vl1Ie apent , Suncla, per cent. Power liliel lupply elec. Clit! Burnett, Waynesville and mor n a cotton bale. But he 11 of Warren the uSIa of real estate h11 mother, Mrs. SadJ:e Reason trietity on three.fourths of the Lytle road. Waynellville, Ohio. whale the panta o/\'n anybody Mt. Marioll Gordon vt.ttedill farm. that use it that comes givin' his lip." !or hiehway and road purpo.ea. Waynesville Jut, week witt) his . , SALE-A Family Carri.... And presently the crew of the The Board of JH:ducation, Leb· lIon' Letter ancl Wife. • -. . 100d OJle, very beat materiaL Prophet Daniel-the whole river, anon Village Schj~ol district to Mile Lavon. Osborn entertained NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Tuner, R R 3 WaJMITille in fact--was beginning to repeat Dellos Worley, U'nlon School in several of the yoan,er .et Sunda,. 0. .... w. I something els~ ' about Rip Weather· Turtlecreek townsl i p . . evenine in bonor ot her .ixteenth be~. He was a pilot; thOle intent Carlton P. Rouslll to DaiS,. Roulh birthda,. annivenal'1. ...SWEET POTATO PLANTS black eyes were made to aee reef 87.21 ,acres In Wayne townahlp. ' Mr. Ilobert Franken" of CillcinSpealdng of Sweet PotatD plaDta ripples. Those big h4nds were born natl is 'ViaitiDl bia aunt, Jln. 1IU7 Notke il bere~ aiYen that on you can get them at Dan Boekett'. to Bpin a big wheel in a ahininc Billa Hain... the 16th day of luly, 193'. at 9 on route 78, 2~ mileti Eut .f pilot houlle. Nights-up there in ,Mila DorotlJ, Davia, ' of Da,ton, o'clQ(!k p. m., a public ltearilllr WaynelVlUe. Phone, S&Rll.

Treat Your Hogs







-- F 'r Mart-In REPAIR WITH $500 - Auctioneer • -

SATISFA CT. 0 N Or No CharD'e

Centerville, Ohio

t ........


Har.v ev.burg


Stanley &Koogler





P -Iatl.-


_ -.



' e Til _I


T....... R

SeC ......._.. • .ra

tab!, d:rknh~lIs I:!~ alo::,e, ~":e:h~ h;;: i~ t~a lee ::atten ,"re lOiq-Weatherbee uemed in .J.aent It was a ,not, 10Del, the killd of. Job for. with .,... 80






MI'8. ITa a.len

lI l'8. WUI a ~..... U ete




:!:th::' ....k-end wltb her par- ;=-b~h~ B~~~e o~lI~:!.t~~ .. _ • of tbe WaJDe Towuhlp Rural ...,.1-DiatrIet of Warren Coallt7. ••rvIc_, 110 i Tender plaD~ ......,. ttame tor the 11m lI1IeMCHq taCat t'1; lin. bettw a. aonb tick of the . . . . DteemM 1911. ,7 j BeU _ . . . . . 1eaIIl..... .... .. tile, ,6: -nicea, ,7;


of . .



ROPE-An, and .l~kinda of' bud mada hard laid rope m.... . to order. . . . from lIIleet pad- of twine. Lal7i.t I'OpeI a .,.eIa1ltJ· A.. D. Bole. 8, WapeaYllle.·jll











- - -----


Polleem Lo 62 Poundaof FAT




s...... ....

PriM. *1.10 a


Wan'en county eUl'm 'rs \\1\" have sign ed Wheat-Tc, hu cc,) cpup cnt co ntrl1cla bay\! I·oct·iv· or $41,262.4 5 ill uellctlt fi l'st of ~\J11('. A",,,,, ,, nn up to th JQLY 12, 1984. ng to a repol·t su llmitled Lo Chester . L>nvi ' by J ohtl n . Payne, comptro ller of t h Agricul tural Adju tmC:!l1l Admin istralio n. Getti~1 Tb ' total of lnc stille of hio Unifor~ .traffic law8 and ordinan ces In all states are vital to any ng t o this report ill 1,640,. accordi all wefT movem ent dllng-ned to .reduce the number of deaths and injuries . Of the tow1 $316, tUM 156.65 nts-a a 8 the econom ic 10811 chargeable annuall y to automo bile accide was paid tIl tobacco g'l'OWer & ane! on 32 1.223,26!1.6 1 to wh at gl'o~v cr . f act that was emphasi ~d by the recent Fourth Nationa l. Oonfer ence hio The total s do not inclu d treet and Highwa y Safety. SKIING. BOOKS, RADIO ' AND DOGS! corn-hog paymen t!! which ber;lln to With Secreta ry of Comme rce Roper presidin g, the Confer ence apto nlove f rOD! \Vn hington l o hio prov d a model Uniform Vehicle Code which all !tates are aaked lale in J un e. T he til·~t ellrn hog ors' copy or adapt. First in importa nce in this Code is a Model Operat pay men t will exceed $5,000. belore teat or ation examin s an'd' Chaufl'eurs' License Act which require Total renta l nnd benefit pay. Four llwardin.g c!!rti/ic ates. Twenty -one statea now have such a law. for t he entire nit~ d t ales ments other states g lv~ the licens e to private operato rs on applicatiOn and the $ 120,656 ,528.:18 to colton include m age . CHART ER No. 2220 farmers, $68,:373,426. 17 to whellt tate~ have no Iic ~nse at all. All but six states have a minimu i ngly, the six will R e..rve Dllirict Ko • farmer , $9,623, 2 J 0.69 to tobacco l'eqUl~ ment, rangmg from thirteen to eightee n; seell1. car. a 2,055,2 :1 3.55 to run to wheel a Report of tbe conditio n of the f a r mers lind .permlt anybody to grasp Waynel ville Nationa l Bank, of corn-hog farmcrs UI) LO .June 1. Oth 1 laws in the Uniform Code are : aMr . Payn e also repol'ted the exWaynel ville, 'In the State of Model Motor Vehicle Admini stration ; Registr ation and Certifie dOl. of bUllne l" pend itwe ot $57 .7 5,22 .50 [01 the at Model ; Ohio. Act y Liabilit Civil Model ; Act t ti·Thei An and ti ~ n of Title the remo val o[ s urpIu!I hog'$, wheot ~n June 30, 1934. HiKh. FInanci al R spon ibilit y Act ; Uniform Act Regula ttng Traffic on bulter and cheese. ASSBl'S ways ; Model Municipal Traffic Ordinan ce. --- -. -- -~FCMlrtiI a. Am.rtc a.n Llttl.· to IGfI.& ' Ice l .... . tile t Nationa acrou elilcoull the ellt and of er equlpm tAlan. tOYing ou, , ...10 Albert W. Whitn ey, Associa te Gen eral Manag 340; 22 .. .... ........ ft. Overdra h lh e nllll1ber () f flll'l1ls wrtter. ntwa Althoug .nd radIo our r of left .. Chart.. V • .I. Murph", m.nt United st.t •• Oovarn Bureau of Casualt y and Surety Und rwriters , who was a membe 64 .986. ~ acquire d by the fcdel'al land banks ... ... ... . . .. .. ....... lea b ~urft Wa sc p. eYeDlo tile . ing . !lOW ellplain CTl· in AIlIUU CA. AHTA..B t~ omltlltt ee which arrange d for the Confer ence, said, S<,c uJ'iU u lruarlln l ~pd lJythrough foreclo sure increased 60 Ill!.t II llov<'rll Un it d M. JUir • en. Mac.., HadioJ ..... blUldred bOOks wlUl c0..IIcUoa. pur p0ge of t he Uniform Code : l I\ .... l lra pel' cent in 1 93], and an otht'r 1;0 to 00 0 20 ment a.. Df lb. m.1l pret.r rom.antl it -ilia 40lDp Ilowa lIere UII8 llI'd (or / prlflelp,,1 ... . • fi. I pet· c nt in HI32, the nUlllbcr "As anyone can realize it is vital for a state 1<0 control those cra­ au~Ob'o aue! ItOn. .. cr,woU Olher bondl. .tCHlk.. ....n4 shall ID UOrtoWDI loa &JIO" UIa& .. wllal ,. 6 5.3 G8.1)0 acquire d last year inu'eased onb' permi ts to us its highwa ys. It shollid have the right to say who I wee ... 8 Da•• aecurltl .. ownea . . . oaU tit. tWllleJa tUUler tbe QOW pJIJ .. 'rbree tJmet prac• driving ODO.OO , 5 per cent. " whose tho.e !houae. e .. ln nk .. penaliz B to then and place, eGUDd first drive in t he ~ l...a wHIr mmq pIcture Ibo... Ir1tb flxlb. alld p re ... ... Furnitu ...... others. a.57 t'aramDuD&' W • r . lur ... .... . . .. . " .UI .U 9.S9 tic al'e dangero us to the lives and limb, of . . . . . . ua. mm. t growers Who f ea l' I' idu e them •• Me lU Gop. NoW Eatat e owned otbar 1.000.00 t Frui bl ..d & .,., lIrOUIel'l, UDlted .Arttlltl UG neal "The' oLher acts of t he ClI de are 0 reaso nable a to recomm end than ,b&nklnll' bTIlOllae • M&cIl 01 DQPPl. un wjth their l' gular eprll cs rou Hel an.", Fed Ith .L \\ .. nu"rv l o every driv e ..... ...... .. ..,. ..... 0nI7 tour tIlIa Dmaru b t 't I'e ort t may 1 16,GSB.9 . ....... .. Bank I' " BE" ' . 0 li U S I u.e s praYF I8 hrea ... ' ,u h In vaull and bl!.lancee 8 :00 Musi . . . . a ... ..... a&D •• round pIOk ap ra410 pro,l'IUI on bUlle tin extensi n a In d moetl, ~. . . ..... wl tll olher <bank . ...... 4 Z.9H.S7 mentIOn ..... ..... ....oom.... hi 00,· 0 . . . . and Ita Contl'ol . n o. Co dling Moth .0 and check. Out.lde 1U. OI)U1.1111 • ., .. \ aval'1a bl e f rom all county cxtensi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DOW ....., Utu. WJX.&j ' IUId WM. Y. Ita410 ~ tber c••h Iteml . .. ... IOOd ..,••• Ufdetn ptlon run d with ..... .. liar. I'al ADd 1DI8eIU••oua. caaoo UN II ,.., on agents. r Trel\wur les Sla d nil ~ it ed and dU f> from ~r Uil ....... ...... ..... toot lit tile 0« u.. allMDce Of electJtCI - ~.0(J 2.~00 . •. . .. .. ' r eil"" u4 1'r lOlrIIIII SlaLeu .t........ .lIDP. lbunden er Lemke Farm Mort. ... ..... Frazi e Th 117 ...... ... 8CIbtq aM eo .. otber ..WleNl le... Ilacaa:r Jl&cUo, Tolal " . etll .. .. ........ Ul0.691.H gage Bill igned by Presid cni Tele&1rtaplI, cs. Roos velt Jun 28 should r es ult in . , . , . . .. ID1 1MJdl. Ke&IOI l' . 0 " ' " '"til t'oItal our ta mll • LJA:l3ILlT1JC8 The Ohio State Univer sity Radio · StatIOD - WOSU . virtual st oppage of fa r m fol' aDql It .. ~ ....... ..- U,.,. 10-, . trom dello. ltl. except U. Demand Wuiche t _ overnm ent dello.lta. a latel, . . . . . . at DOme. rquJa~. uane am. a .. &be 11 :05 Farm Adjustm nt New8 ' ..... '" ... :.......... ... J. W. urcs. 1t p rovid s f OI' a!lju tclos and fund. public Wertz . . . . . . to . . CIIIIt UUDlI MU ... clar. l'hla .. c:er1a1Dl, a bclOlL ' ' ' ' rd t u a farmer' 8 debts dow r~lVa banll s . . , ..•. • $1 34 . 75.61 ing 8:11> Crop Prospectil . .. .......... ..... .... :,........... ............... V. R. olher f o . h '. IOD. ,." ~ Time depo. lta. ..xc pt ONII, ta....... . rm fa S hi of e valu d ~ ppraIse t e a 8 :25 Music . oI poeLal UVIIlArI. publl(\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,..... ., wtUS III durm, USia perIOd and1 provide s {or an int~ re st rat~ of and runda 8 ;40 New Bull tins for t.he Farm and Home ... . .. .. J. E. McClintock _ . . . . . .. Defore lb. terrtlo IabOn olhe r bank,. ,. . . ..... . 43.560.2 0f Cray - . I. . . . .., _ u a - . . "'. . daft.Dw1U ~r cent pluB sma ll pay ments I(unda or State. ........ ._• •r ....... p ubll 8 :50 Keepin g Up Egg Quality in Hot Weatb r .. . ......... R. E. • 11M atMn. . . . . .1deIl _ ... _ on th principal over a perio d of n . Callaha ,,-r.lrlct Edna .chool ..... . , a ..... ....... counlle .. ..... .. . ..... .... pot That ! . :00 r. {) RemOVe or other lubdlv.l.lon. ..... I . . a ...... ..... 1IIDe am,.. sa UC&obe or munlclp.IIUea . . ," 2 0.9 4 ~ . ¥ 6 five years • ~ .. use wQ. IbcI , . 9:10 Music • _ _ _ UIdaJ ... .... 1>\>111. of other bank 'i!. n Palmer B. W. .......... .. .... ies Activit nity an Commq ... and Inclu.Unll' certltled out· 9:25 4-H Clubs The annual special Climp for l . . eo .... W ...... .r~Of ......... . . . . . . hler·. check. Elwine ca. E. . H. . .... . . . . ......... .. !DU . . CftM • , . . . . 14 .97 rUI'al homem akers, wbo I'eilld e III . . . . . . . . . .., ....... u:S6 Hummi ng Birds . ..... . .. ,.. ...... .......... .. _ . ...... . . . ... dDIrII .... 'nK IIta.nd Gourley 'rotal or It nlll .16 to 20 : countie8 now plannin g on cam p, 9 :46 Mulchi ng Plants as 8 ystem of Culture .. .. . .... , J. H. ..., - rae MrO . . . _ IIIIIL to ~ membe r 01 GiV. _1M ( a ) Secured by pJetS"" . lit UDltaa UI. Ma, aaroqal of or) is scneduJed for A ugll st 6 to B at ( .... and ...... loan. ot ...... ...., . ... 7.862.80 n . tmenu II 1m' IUdtI Ohio near . tics .' Reservs tiCIPIPOIt tala Camp ... WI by ...... ...... .: ....... a. .• CD .... (bl Not 8~ur ecl ' and .. IdU ons are mnd e with 1I1is3 Minn ie plC!d.. of loana . " . 'bID..... ft. Ii.; UlCI ~ to ..,... 10 til... 1'IIe cia' rIIl., .. eaq (or) In"".lPrice, State lead er ot home demon... a Kg .... at ....... ...tao. . . II'OWlDI UHI UIi. 1D.IDM menta . . . . 1181. 739.22 agents, at the O. S. U . .. stration teI:.ted . . . peopl &0 . . . . . . . . . . . . DI'ICQ ...... - . , . . ... .,-. Total (c ) 8IUI act.autt an. 0IIl1a ..... ...~ ......... ....... ,. uan-. aYlatloa au...., 8 .0 o.woslt . .. '199.402 wttlaollt allll!.iwe GIl . elnClreula U,.. 11°1.. ..... a.rt 0. eau., .. DIarIIuI ., tIaIdar, . no,ooo.OO tI~nd Ln.. . . . • . ... • . . . . • . 8IUI )olD White Ros., the depe n- White Rose- Pow.r beTo olL OIIUpti . ........ • . : . -. . account .... , . Capital . . . tour Point Cedar at tlon Ataocla 1Ilau,h. great ....... COLUMBUS- A .tock. 1 000 . hind the en,ln e• dabl. Gasoline. ay . ...... ..... N. Y.: ..... ..,.... L aap 01 lbe 80ata Polar haru. p ..r ,100. 00 per ter of pesta of the bird and animal days beainn inc tt1is Thursd .. 1eI',"d reUed ataIIlped .• hare. HOd Jl1 wltO ..... 000.00 W .. ,100, . . .. a.w . . . to d ex~ete ll .. Jr.. ...., kind has talcen place in Ohio aillce Some of the propoaa Surpllla . . . . . \ . h. 009.00 are of an • ., . . . Ud .... ~ otr • •8IOpe 10 ..u..r ..,.. ed protltea year ago through the activiti es come ~fore the- auocia tlon enda ...... ... ....." &ad ftIUI HODDe, .....&. UW, &...naa aYllLllaa .... Undivid np( . , . ... ... .. .. U ,29 4.UG IIc LUID8tO Hotel of the .,000 membe rs of 180 a radical nature. One reeomm OIU, tJoa IIspJora ~ . of all fill MIll • • ; ... AJ"-t . Total II Pltnl chapter ! of Future Farmer s of the tion is for appoin tment elective . . . fill" 1121.2 94 .90 r I, ......,. ........ 411U11 Ie,... .... IAJ:1qtO II a ..... A cou nt .... the lng abollsb by jud&'e_ of division the to . s ,... wrtte state. Report au ..... Be Y"'" .. ,. .. ... ...... an . . . . . . 01 justice of ment Aboliah " eyat,m. lftt 'l'oln.1 Llabl .... JIUaI:I vocatio nal arrleul ture show that there . . . . . . . . . , . . . . - ....... ....... .... comple t, add It. .UID.... M .....or••4a•• 1.o.,n. and tbel!e fnm· youtb~. acting in rroup peace courta 8I'Id lubatitu tlon recetnd . . . . . . . . . h . . . . . " " ' aD .... " ... I • court of limited 1nv". ttn"nUt Pledll'ed t o ..Ip c..... .... or individually, kil~d 146,669 for of a county 1 '" o •••a...... ...... .... cae anall ....... d. . . , lea Lh.bl1lt $ ure --- l1lit..... Ao.- 10 ............ II Oov4! rnm ent ......... Still .. United aparrow " 19.600 ltarling s, 6.478 jurisdic tion 1If alao tohibe propose _ .. 8 . . . . . . . . .. II TLl... roposal58 h aw .... p ng .... . . ... 1 63.89 3.76 .. 772 , . 4 . ar·re&c . most curillel JIG , ... 1red,.. 1 .... a' crow.,; .... .,. U,.. ,l,eon b.u t It may not . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ana.- tr . . , . IIdI . . , ....... ..... _ ...... Ot.her atoclrll. bond., . . . . 11 .987.60 . ... .and .... .... lIecurlll 131 owle, .7,8~9 mice, 29,OU rats comee from Toledo, ..... ...... fill_ _._ .. ... The Lucas - _ _.• II. ... and d'.count • .. , . 12.700.00 !Aana ho-, 878 .round .- and amaUer num. reach conaideratioD. . • _.... " a _ .... reeom Total Pi edif' d {eltc1 udlnjt of other lo-calle d pata. Eat County Bar Auoeia tion baa _ _ court. tbe of nlDt aboliaJu mended were 882 ~ '·"aI8eou nh/ . . . ... : . _'_ .&_8 1. 26 of pelta totallin drouth. 1929.30 th" of pniod .. ·In -----. -the atate suprem e Pledged : destroy ed. Spme doubt hu ari••ll of appeala . with of 111 membefll ill l t circulat ing Alraln (a) as to hawk~ beln, really de- court to eonaUt I 'tbrMl m.mbe n .ach ~ot~~~:~ang~11c· ·· 1 50 .000.00 IItru~tive and permisl lon to kill division . of the of fl.e leut rounlf. 8ti S.... I". counat In court . holdu. ter here&t Sch_1 Need. Met wn them ma1 be witbdra chief eitl.. of the atate. r o~~I)::~~~:~~" ~~ell'ot:~ in schools public the of Needs or munlclpaUtiea . ... 38. 681.25 der of 193' Resolut ions 'Were adopted at a remain the for Ohio .tate relief Too tal Pledged . . . .... • 8 .5 1.i!5 ~onferenee held in Colombua lut A n •• project in ated have been met 811 a rel.u lt of the D,lea!! inaopr been baa work reamaU of Ohio, County of WarreD. ,.: that i 81ate or mendin Govern .recom by ,we.ek leaders hip display ed DrowaM. . Record I_pro. .. a in, 1. L. X. H.nderaoll, C..bllr or Ill. re.eent third the at White SerVOlri be cre.ted on ])rlvate or inc of two laetorie George cture ~~:-~t';,'te4tbeb~~;,CI 4.°tat:::~Il~~ pu blicly · owned land in Ohlca by one of ..laich ...iU maaafa the Death rate from drowni ng de- special session of tbe IUlle legislatrue to the b..t or m1 IEnowled.e for d prl)vide be will u.le of relief labor .. a drou~ht re- ..omen'a COttclll prmen ta and Funds ture. ellned from 6.25 per · 100,000 popand bel!ek KB:NDBIUION CUIII.I' meet an hel proJec:t. Tboae preaent at the other chain. The iaetory worken I18lariel5 h Illation in 192' to 8.99 in 19S3 in payinr teacher s' and milOY schooll lo,ed"bed a8d aworn to befote bills, e confeN inc. represe nted the ltata will eon"t caf lJnelllp overdu ing h.ealth of ent departm aetl::e: O~io, stat. ~!: y.hJaa!tI~~~llY'ot~:·PubJlI\ m remain of ty wa~er co..rvatlon. board; atata reo- will be palel "Ith D18llul necessi the with faced provide d under the ftgul'es ahDw. The decreaa e reftects ing closed for faU terrnl! will be Correc t-Att.. t: . lo~st. cOlIHrvaUcm dlvislo.n, Ohio 100 ds or food on creater precaut ions in swimm ing in operati In put When Jan. .. J.-. rell.f atate r, foreete .tato , service 11011 110 spite of the increas e ot populatioD enabled to continu e. of Govern or w . H , AT,L.E N plannln e board and the qrlcul · the tw~ faetorle a will emplo, At the beginni ng +,--T~t\ere were. 3087 deaths by uri':r:-er= -.r. tlon.--Nerotia tural eJ[tenaion bareau , divi.ion of penOllL ~t~M~I;'~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ m~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ 41~ ~~6 ~~~ ~~~ u~~ d ~mf qualifte s ~~~ ~~~~~~~~aprm~~~ ~~~ . The decade 192(.3S , a yearly average weak IIchool district ment of Ohio .State Unlven lty. J. ToledO 10r the _8 purposeted b of t.pproll imately SOli. Th~ largest under the law to obtain state aid, conduc bein~ ar. n ope,.to l 8IIsiJitance S. Cutler, Tegtonal directo r of the tbe .but at present tlnancia number was S31 in 1927 andHow-· . the Olio Snrpln . ·Cor·po rat'.......n com: sm&Jles is bein ..... ..'"I'ven 839 'SUCh·lc· federal aoU erolion s~rvl.ce, wu t wa. 277· 'i n 9.88. WI I w w re. Jltate t I the of n e nH!mbe re- POled of alon Te- where other source. . u;r revenu ·a Iso pretlC1lt . Th e Te80 u 'on.HenI~ef comlll'••on. None of the ever the Saiety Comnna quest Adjuta nt Genera l F. D. " be have broken down •. Th;! govern or c.ut!0n ~nd "care that quest.l;l lold. be 'will ~oda d tacture de'80n, chairm an ot the atate reo ThlJl cOm- hopes to enlarge upon bis planl tlmes_ all at ed exe~cla ure to lief eomrnl .lon, to aeek f.deral mwlon is l'ntrWlted with further - land include the kgialat rel financia ent fundi! for the proj.ct . It perman more adopt best for es mea8ur .. safety The Ohio J>koidon of banka. an. ~ce 01 session special r comme nd.d that the propose d reallothe at ! methodl emoT v that the Connea ut Mutual mteNlat of Ohloln s by GO. 8ervolr l b. used .. aources of IUpin Septem ber. . 'l'rlid Co. alld lb. ,L ind. Whltit. aild _ _ __ ply tQr live ltock whoae ·01fllen ' Dent are haulinc watet. FQr pe.... Aetiy. III JUDe Patrol lleensl!d been have Co. a BaJakin ulle the, can be adopted to pro~d, S~lf-I)elt,.etio. - lac,..•• ' . o.,.n ud that .tepa have been ll, reo Foateri ne of , better motor . Total of 12~1 dea.thlt from sui, a ..ater luppl, for Irr'-atio .. ng of vehicle law obJJC!rvance and bigh.. Ian ,ear, creation . re.terat ion of pound taken to esp.dit e til. reopeni war safety molltvated the activity clde . occurre d ln OhIO as Lorain of BaIlk {lIt, CLASS IFIED ADS COST ONLY · poatbU ptloll .eompa r17.'1 of water with lub·irr{ rate a makll~g in Patrol y Highwa of the State . ties, and control of exceaaive loocl . m1910 14.35 ?f ONE CENT PER WORD . WWi motor vebick s ed WIth a tate NOTIC E OF PU8U C HEAR lllle stoppin g 20,007 of .elf 1Iletbod .leadlne wate!,_ pre~ent e thelTb to ng accordi JUDe, durlnr s, .wllicb wu KEEP YOUR ATTIC FILLED . ., monthl y report 'submit ted to destr~chon IS firearmdUlnni 1935. Eatl, opport unit, to put to .prac Oa ,..,. ...... T.... . . . caMS 616 1n uMd ARTIC LE Govern or Geor&e White b, Col. WITH 'USELE SS EWcad ea .. . . . . then tical test the buUdln c .and loan Lynn Black, patrol 8uperin tendent Next wa. han~11I,(, Z90j and . be wiD o .. eekl .. two lawl enac:ted H,. poiaoninar, 189. THAT CAN BE . TURNE D INTO Notioe .. ......, ...... tat on Tbe Yehlcles Itopped Incuude d com. Jiven uaocIa tlou of the Ita. Suicide s un dell ·19 yean of. ag. 5%72 and eare er pauenc 1786 :SO 8 at 1,16, 11llJ. of _ eM lft11 MONE Y FOR SO SHALL A the Ohio Dtm\on of BpUdlDc have increas ed about 160 pei' cent . . rill merlcal acn. in ,.ulclde8 for Loan AIIocIa tion.. Su~ntndent o'oIoek p. a, • pabltel aearbla d ages ·peak the bu~ i8sue~ patrol the months Last COST. TRY THIS MEANS OF Paul A. Wanie r appOinted 101m C. be _hi on the JIa4pt pnpaNot 588S1 verbal ",arnln gs, receive d OhIO are during the fHbes. 80ercI Twp. Martin, Ipecial au~Utor in the deSELLIN G. AND SEE WHAT A of Warren Count, . 8039 informa tion requeat a and in,. •• Sef l p.rtm.n lo to haft ebarae of a I l l . i. at.. Cooper Corree· t.. llnr veatlp ted 2),6 acciden DIFFE RENCE IT WILL MAKE . Meet r.orpn lutlon bureau to dlrec$ Ohio, tor th. next .uccHc ical deIleal ,ear ..dine ~ber Slat, tlonso rdered for mechan activiti es under the n... fects, auch as brakes, lighta, lIeenle TO YOUR ~OCKETBOOK, AS Martin took chatp of tile work IHI. State Highwa y Depnrt m.nt purand lipal deviees, number · »laUI the at held he wID hearIIw object. main Three HAVE YOUR lut Thuraclay. WELL AS lluant to GoYemor Ge<~re. Wbite'. . of the a.N of"lIldaeatlon, ill ed 12,58Z. of the DI. divisIon wlll be: PInt: Jlrorram for further iD" wet, .will . .. Ran,,. . lhiildbw STUFF Y OLD ATTI CLEAN ED To coopera te with uaoeIa tiou lIIat RIP 8eIao81 collabo~te in ewry ..ay ponIbl . W _ t .. Hit...,. · OJalo. bart'. arU; VOIuIlt tatl orpnlH ... d.lre to ...ltb the Zard annual nailona OUT. IT PAYSI I. W. BAllRI B, that the, DI8J' faderal..., obtaiD the metrolo · ety conrrel ll and up r-lition to be in lona 8t WarDl4l Clerk 6, to 1 r Oelebe nd Clevela InllUl'8llce or a~ new in held d recorde wa. ,leal annala of Ohio - - - . - ••- - W. Herrell mon.,. Second : To coop....te ..ltII thiB , ..... .... only. on. da,. Hiibw a, Directo r O. .... IS I' HIlI. III DO" don. ...ocla 01 r M.rrell D~eto own.n ced.. allnoUD baa r weathe State. United month, lut meDts 4rrance lIqut"t lan who wiIh to .....1. coathe of r membe a iB j • Itlll'eaU neor. aho.., with ' Third: Han.... of . . . fro aafet, co........ trol of ca..... commlt eee for two , normal below ata... temper puton • •• .. _ .. ,,,- To 1IIak. etr~" the NbblJt ta. COD· cia,. (the '1th 8Ild 12th) with u•• tnr ....,,. On tion f.tan I of tit....... 1111 t... ...... 2'7 ud Ilonul teIa)ltlr atuna, PII".. . of . . . ." ....... Un wItl. .... ....,. ..,. - --l[IndIIIIIw aU I..... ..... .. Ie I"~ DOnI81, tile . . . ...... .

at 'War"'" (Mic. . . . . . ..... ....... ... : .. ... ,N.. liZ lI:nt.r.4 at Po.toM o. Clu• •an R...... ..... ..................... N •• 118 -.111 •. Oblo. a~",.1a4

Mr. J. W. Fro.t writ... "I'•• ...... 'I boltle. of K ....... D aDd r.· duced frolll 272 to 210 lb.. with DO III .ffeea. wlaat.y er. I. ract I f_1 m_I- better lIIaD I ..... for .om. ,... ro. 1\ • • police officer I recom......d KruacM .. to brother ofllcera to keep i.. replatt on weicht health. " KrU chen is ,the safe, ae nslble way to lose unh sU1'plus fa t-sJmply take a teaspoo nful v r y mornin g in B glass of warm water- you'll feel so go od- so en rgetic. You'll gain in strengt h and ambition- you f el years younge r and look it. By reducing exeess fat you'll be ap t to l ive ytla rs long r . One bottle last 4 weeks. You can g(·t Kruschen Salts at a rlY drug store in the world.

--'- -

The State a T oret her







att__ w.


Far m !.ig ht 7alk s, July 16


..... .., ..,.a ......

1'0'" .




Best of the New s 'Direct Fro m the Ohi o State Capitol



---ban.. *


C. aplto1



Cross ' Road Ch atter














. . . . . .muI ,...... .. •

__ • ,...we.


two. I to 1'1 -'"'-



Sew.",.. Sy••m Orderetl/n.talletl


leuion On 1I01lday, Jull' tor a public b..rin. tb. for the year 1985. The bud,t't a. approved calla for tbe followin, expenditurea: General funds $2,6'711 i Street 'unde $1,500; Water fund '1,900 and Bond Retirement $1,241. Of the 11I;~~tI.:.=~~~~~~~il above only the General and Bond Retirement funda r·e ceive money ========1 = ==== from the ~ner.1 Property and Mr. George Ptstt Jis on the sick Classified property taxes. Ii t thi$ wt'ek. JOUII'IM,d






he depen-

HJ:~ ;;;;~~OnN

Andenon Ellie, 81, died at St. Elizabeth hOlpltal, Dayton, Satur(Continued from Pa. . U dRY morning. He w.. born in Clin VOTE FOR ton county July 19, 1878, the ,Ion t irlle to time in regal'd to the un· of Silas and Mary Kinaev EJIIs. t' at's/actory condition of the storm ' The urviverll are two dauahten, S ewers in Waynesvill , On eptember l8, 1933 'veral Mr . Thelma E11is, of Centerville l\£l·. and Mrs. J. E. McClul'e were a.nd MrS. Mumma, of Dayton; one Lebanon vi itor . Oil WetlnesdlLY. c itizen'l! m t with ouncil and a CANDIDATE FOR majority of tho e pr sent pro· sillter and sever.l niect'!l and t estecl the propo ed aelion of pro· nephews. MeSS1'S Clifford Buzick alld :Ralph Farm r now may plant corn or iTs. Morri Fulkel' 011 has a Tbe funer.l w.s held on Mon- mith llpent TuesdllY fishing at I' grain ~or&'hums 011 " ontrllcted" IeIdeding to have a surv Y Illode for ncres to I' forage purposes, accorda sanitary , werage sYlitem. On ni ce and nephew fr.m [ndiana a day afternoon at the MeClure Indian Lake. ubj ct t Republic~n ing to word receIved today by L hat ba is the matter was laid upgue ts this week. Funeral Home. Burial 'Va8 made in Prima , Augu... t 14, 1. 3~ Mias Emily Jacobs, oC arll.s\e, Lel!lEr J. l\!iller, county agricul- .0 n the table. ince that time espeMrs. Wililam Lon~ spent Thun Miami cemetery. ~ Ohio, is visiting her aunt, MillS t Ul'at agent. from stote adjustmep t chdly during the pring and sum- day and Friday with her daughRev. G. C. Dibert and falllily !Z2!L _ .. _ nler of thi$ year continued pro- ter Mrs. Ethel Long snd family w ra . lu~cheol. guc~ltlI of 'Mra." Emma Heighway, this week. officials, !" . The ruling was made June 30 '0 0 ' MorrIS Sliver on Wednesday. t esis have been mad concerning Mr. lind Mrs. Nelson W/ltkins l he odor at the variou openings near aft n. Ladi~. ' Ore... _, 70c Little Patsy Baird, daughter of jo ined n lJal'ty 0 r ou L·of ·town and IIPpli ell to acres "contract d" n the sewers and the above letter Miss Wilma Ames, of WaynesMrs. W. O. Raper was caned to Mr. and M1'8. M. D. Baird is in or re nted to th gov rnment under Men'. Suit. 65e . iIS a ra ult of one such protest. ville, was a auest of Miss ~n va incinnati this we ek by t.he illness Miami Valley hospital with typhoid friends and sp nt th wee k-end at th t erms f wh at, corn-hog, and of her ite r, J\1i 8 Letitia fever. Her condition Is l'eported to Indian Lake. Altbough the letter does not de- Mae Rouliahn, last week. lobacco contracts in 811 states, mand that immediate action be Mrs. Ralph Johns and daughter, Shatzman. lnt nei d to r elease land f or the be improving. l.\{r. and Mrs. Chest l' uU~ r and taken it is the opinion of tbanna •• re spending a couple Mr. and Mrs. Fl'ank Lutz and son, France , of ' Norwod, were production of f orage wh ere !lhort [ }'o r and ounei! that it would of weeks witb relatives in D.yton. Mr. and Mrs. Otto S ibold, of CinBirthday Part,. week-end guests 01 Mt·s. Bel>t ie is 8 consequenc of dl'outh. the ruling does not relax ony Of ~he be advi-able to proceed .t this Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Johns are stay. cinnati, were guest., of Mr. and Mills. fundamental provisions of th e con Mr . Lloyd Davis entertai1led a -=~=~~~~~~==~~. time when federal aid for such pro ing at the Johns home in ber ab- Mr • W. O. Raper on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B, Gons were tracts. The fundamental purpose ill jeet is still available. Council is senee. group of children at a birthday mind.ful of the fact that any inThe Wallace groce'r y was enler· , ~r. and Mrs . .,J. E. McClure party in 'h onor of her Ilion, Joe, 011 dinner gue ts of Mr. 'a nd Mrs. to r duce ul'plu of corn, wheat crea e in laxes is highl~ llndesira ed again Saturday night an robbed Vl81td tbe latter II Iparents, Mr. Monday afternoon. Those present Victor Carpenter, at Middletown, and cigal- loaf amI burley tobacco. and Mrs. Perry SIlc.k!ltt,. near Bell- to help Joe celebrate his sevenih on Sunday evening. ble. However the expen e could 'be of a lot of canned goods. Some 500,00 aCl'eS of land in spr ead over a period of twenty-· Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones were b'l'ook, Wednesday e\,enlng. Ohio arc thus r eleased for grow- birth anniversary were : Janida Miss Josephine RoLbins nnd Mill8 flye ;years which would keep the e!'tErtained at twelve o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sur face, Lou and Roy Hurle)" of Wilming- McClellan. of Midletowll, c.allt'!d ing emerge'ncy fOl'age c rop ~. A annual outlay at a rather low dJO~er Sunday . at the home ~f of Mlddl town, are visiting Mr. ton, Martha Martin, :'a1'ah Edith on Mrs. E. C. Cran e and children, I'uling of several weeks ago lifted other types of forage crop ucb as figure. their Bon and WIfe, Mr. and MIS. and Mrs. Edwin Rllmby several Conner, Raylon 'Crabbe, Ruth Monday evening. soybi'ah a, sudan gra s and other . Helen LeMey, Wilma Dibert, DonAction will be taken by Council TherIe Jones. days this week. Corn grown on "eontraoled" ald Buzick. Joe James, Matthew l'tliss Dor thy Harts ock spent the to have 5 0 me survey made, The Mrs. Margaret Johns spent sev citir.ens of Waynesville will be ral days. last week with Mrs. Mar-I Mis Mary Crane ~s spending a Turner, Kenneth Bradley,! past we k at the home of b er aereil mu t b harvested before vacation of several wee ks with her and Bobble Osborn, War ren Albert fl'iend, Mi given an opportunity to info rm tbe Hough, near Wa)7lesville. Vivian Ogleabce. at CIII'8 . tart to form, -~ --Phone No. 19 themselves on any and' all proposMiss Thelma Coleman of Well- mother, Mrs. Maude Cfane and LeMay, Charles an4 Clair Dibert, Wilmington, Ohio. Joe and Jimmie Hutsock and Food Prien Hieber ~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! als and to voice their opinion on man .. is spendillg thill week at the Miss Anna Lee. . Mrs. Laura onner and son, Alton Earnhart. . the advisability of procedu~. home of Mr. and Walter Ken Earl Wesley, spent 'atul'day and ' Retail pric of foods w 1'e 16 The Village Council met in "d. rick. Mr. and Mrs. Will Strdu(1 and' unday with MI'. W. A. Wolcott per cent higher in May of this Mr~ Donald Hadley i taking son, Harold, Mrli. MI!lude Crane, and her mother Anna E. Haines at year than in Maya year ago. "pri· Miss Ethel Mendenhall's pla~ at MIIl8 Mary Crane and Mrs. B. T. Lena, Ohio. ces of dairy products were 8 per tbe Friend'. Home .t Waynesville Vice were Dayton vi itots on Tue tient higher, of meOLS 16 pel' cent, for a couple of week.s. day. Mr. and Mrs. Calman Crane, of and eeN!als 26 per cent. "Live wire" i. more \han an e1ee,. . Mrs. Mary C.rmony accompanMrs. Wilfred Squir,ee and M1. ea Dayton, have removed their re i. led ~er 80n, Mr. E. J. Carmany, of lIIary and Anna Crane went to trical term to Howard Hubbard, cable dence to Waynesville and are liv· The little things matter Tobacco Price. rtpairman of The Ohio Bell TeleALLEN HUFFMAN ~pnngftel~, W, the Carmony reunCincinnati today. Misl! Mary Crane ing in the Vandervoort property mo t In ,funeral e.rvi('e. phone Comp~y at Columbu!. It has Allen Hu/fman announces his Ion at Mllln B park, lIorth of wi\l remain in Cindnnati until A m rketing agreement now in on North Street. a far more significant meaning. The perfection of our ser. Saturday. candidacy for nomination for re- Da~on; o~ Sunday. elf ct a ssure grow l'S of cigar election to . the office of County ~~as Ph!litl Clark, ~f Dayton, .18 Mr. and Mrs. Albcl·t Cleav r I~af of the stemming grad . pl'ices vice bas resulted from vig· Recorder, Ilubject to the Republi- yisltm, thl8 week WIth MISS MlTMr. and Mrs. Ira llich aod daualld son, Robert, and Miss Ruth approximately double those reilant attention to small canprim.ry election on lam Wharton. . ghter, Miss Irma, Mr. George Larrick vi it d Mr. and hI!. c ived last 11 ar. and 50 pcr cent Mrs. Margaret Johns attended Hartsock, Mrs. EIIlIler Sheehan, 14 1934. Charles Day at Catlettsbul'g, Ky., higher than tho e paid dudng the details. Eyery piece of , a . Republican rally with friends and Mra. Maggie B~i rnett attendtwo days last week. . cady part at th(! sen on tor at equipment or mercbandlse from Lebanon, at Springfield Fri- ed the funel'al of Mrl;. Frank K nleast ] 8,500,000 pounds of their Mr. and Mrs. R oy Noggle and holdings. • FOR COROJIIER day evening. ty, at Springboro, Tue day afteru ed by U'S is iirst caref\ll. soI\, of TroY' and 1\{r. and l\1rs, Dr. H. M. Wil1iams, of Lebanon Mr. .nd Mrll. Elbert Wallace Inoon. ly examined by a member Darrel Brakefi Id Bnd family, of authorizes the announcement of entertained the former's sillter .nd . abina, were gue t of MI'. and hiB for the Republje.n family of Fralfklin .t· dinner on M Mt·s. Fr.nk Ken~y, lust.e~ of of our staff. The result III Mrs. A. O. Griffy and tanlily, unnomin.tion tor Coroner of War- Sunday. r. Howard Archd,e acon,dlea at a faultless funeral that i. day. ren County subject 0 the .p rlmary Several grangers from here at- I her ~ome in ColumbulI, Saturday eJection of August 14, 1934. QuaU- tended the open air meeting of I evenlD~. The body 'lYa removed a ditrnifted tribute to the Mr'. and Mrs. Loren Hadley and FOIt tALK ed for the office both by education Springboro Grange Wednesday i tc? Sprmgboro and funeral serdecea!led. children, of n ar Newark, Ohio, and experience, Dr. William II re- evening. vlees were held .therc~ on Tuesd~y were called here the first of the FOll S LE- 160 English Leghorn spectfulJy solicits your vote but Mr. .nd Mts. A. C. Thompson af~rnoon. BUrIal W88 md\ie In week tOI' the funeral of Mrl!. hene, laying 50 per cent. Leona states th.t his professional duties entertained the latters sillter and SprIngboro cemetery. White making an electrolysis lur- Hadley's aunt, Mrs, D l1a Foster, Hall. jIg will p~event bim from \11aking an family from Penn. over the weekThe Happy Hout club met at vey of tile Columbus-CirCleville u~ at Butterworth Station. extensIve campaign. end. the bome of M"1'8. Ra,ymnd Willlon der,round lon, distance cable with a Mr• • nd Mn. J. B..Jones !'ttend. on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and- Mrs. N. P. Clyburn, of feUow worker, George Allard" HubPhone 7 bard noticed what appeared to be an Washington C. H. were w ek-end White Rose, the depenHAROLD D. (Ji..) BAILEY ed the funeral of theIr COUSIn, Mrs Mr. and Mn. Richard Mieh Mae Kenty of Columbus, at 'Mr. and Mrs. Fra~k Rozelle, of extraneous coil of copper wire in a guests of ?tns. Anna Cadwallader Wayne.ville, Ohio 1 authorized to annou.nce Sprlngbo!o church Tuesday after- Lebanon and Mr. and Mra. J. W. manhole. and MiEls Clara Lile. On unday dable Gasoline. the of H.rold D. (Jim) noon. Friends from here who also Foley of Indiana . visited Mrs He 'reached [or the coil. But in- they spent the day with 1\11'8. Ella l ~~!!!!!!!!"'!!~!!!!!!!~~~~~~"!!!' Bailey, of Franklin Township, at a attended were, Mr. and lI(n. Ed Anna' Sheehan on' Sunday . •tead of cold, non·resistina copper. he Babb. at Spring Vall y . candidate for Count)' CommipiOll- Longacre, Mrs. Charlell Mullenix, . discovered to his alarm that the coil Ml'. and Mr . J. P. Lan'ick and :=!~~~=~~~~~~~~.~ er, subject to the Republic PrI- Mrs. William Creighton, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Merrick Lovely was lituaUy & "live" one. It wi•• mary election, Augullt 14, 1934. Peter B.nta and Miss Thelma .nd children, Mis8 Margaret Revel nest of 16 snakes, rang\ns in len~ Mrs. Frank Hoffman had for their guellts a ff#w days the p t week, Coleman. of Roxanna, Delawme and Mrs. from 18 to 30 inch.. Candidate for • - Mnvin Illatton, of r.![t. The cable fIWI succeeded in killinc Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Norris, ot KanFOR REPRESENTATIVE , , MJ!!9uri, Mrs. Rqss W. F. M. S. MET visited Mrs: Co' P. Joy and the reptl eI WIt a maii\:1o e 00, ut I am a candida~ for Repreon Monday. . the next time he'll be more ,ul~icioqs O'Neall and on, Jimmie, of Holly sentative to tbe G~neral Assembly W. F. M. S. met with Mrs. Mary of an innocent.lookinl coil of copper wOQd, California, and Mrs. W. R. of 9hio subject to the Primary to . Subject to Rephblican wire to make sure he doesn't try to Alexander, Columbus, Georgia. be held AUiUlIt 1', 1934.. Your Croll8 July 6th with Mrs. Editb White R-"-Po·wer be- Iplil-e a pi.ece of cable to a aec:tion of Guests at tile Larric.k home on W.~a Primllry Harrill and Mrs. G. C. Dibert .... v _ vote .nd support ia reapectfuJly Sunday were Mr. and Mre. Frank AUfUst 14, 1934 snake. • hind the enllne. solicited. F.gin. of FayettsvilJe. .istine. Sat.rd.,., Jul,. 14 ARTHUR HAMILTOJII The foJ\owinr program wall given: TOM KEENE SOllg .... .. ..... .......... , . Love Divine in WILL R. ' LEWIS .... Mrs. Howard Archdeacon Will R. Lewis, count)' .uditor, Devotions, Unf.iling Light ........... . Mon~.Sa.,ersl has authol'iled us to announce his ,...... ......... ,. Mr.. Archdeacon candidacy for the Republican Gro~p of Son~ with Califorlllia W... tber GOO.DYI~1l nomination of county auditor sub· Nearer My God to Thee, Rock ject to the party primaries, August of Agel, My Cou ntry Tis of Sun.-MoD.-Jul,. 111- 16 u., 1934. Your vote will be ap- 'rhee, Battl€! H}'mn of the Republic preciated. In the Sweet By a nd "By. One Recitation, "The Secret" .. ......... .. ... ." ...... ............ . Sarah Conner Night" FOR RECORDER Duet, "Who-Io-ever Will ......... . Georae B. John8on requesta ·us with Ollve Scott and Vivian Co liner to announce bis candidacy for Reading, "An Eigbt D.y ExpanClark Cable, Claudette Colbert Warren County Recorder iubject sion Diet" .. Mrs. H.tfield Walter Connolly and Roscoe Tremendoul welcome-hut. to the Re~ublican Primary, AUiUllt ReCitation, "His Handa........ :..... .... . Karns .......,0110.. announcement a. 1934. Mr. Johnson never be· " ...................... Charles Dibert ~f lenlationa' new Goodyear tore a candidate, ie ably qualified Duet. "The Old, Old Story" ..... .. . .. to fill the omce and l olicits your Olive Scott and Vivian Conner tlre-:- keecwuI and factory on, , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- " support. ' Comrade8 .of the Second Mile, ..... " Jump-Users l8y "43% more . .. ... .. ....... ...... Mrs. J. W . Loti non-Ikld mlleate" underReport of the School of Misslollll at Chautauqua. Ml'I!. A. K. Day atatea it. lI4iuion.ry Benediction.

IXIDr. H. M. WaUams I Coroner







---_......... - IJVE WIRE!!


Little Things


Poll·ii-cal AnDouncements

Late Classified· Ads.

J_ E. McClure


-TW'I•• Theater ...ln.,

County Treasurer


"Scarlet River"



"It H'a ppened

10e .E verybody




eJERVICE A leriel of .rtidea that will run in thil Ipace each ..:-_1 week. They are Itoriel of people you know and ' relpect, but whOle unlel. filh lervice leldom, if ever, receive. public · re. cognition.

Our Loclt' Heroe.· Watch For Them!

R.H.STU8BS ~'liiNddt.. atOl'tt 19




FRIENQSHIP CLUB MET The Frtell4ahip Chab met at the home of Mr•. Ir. Rich on WedneBd.y afternoon with over forty member. and guelltll pre,ent. The meetini waa opened by a song by the dub after which Mrs. Stubbs led in devotion II. The ullulll bUllinell8 meetin, fol. lowed durin, which it wa. voted to diaaolve the elub throuch tile month of Auault; The financial committee ,ave a favorable report and the vl.ltiD, committee reported on the lUoell! 01 Mrs. BaIrd and daoghter, The foJlowlng program was enjoyed: . Mullie ..... ·.. .. ~ ... Mra. RobeI1 Furnu Reading , ... .'-....... ...... M:ra. Ira Rich Piano Ilolo c... . . .... .... . _. ... Doria Beck Rec.itation ....... ....N.omi Earnhart Mulic .................. ... Jeanne Fllmas Recitation ... ,..... ... Bobby Haatinp Stuatl .... ... .. ....... .. ... .. .. ... Irma Rich A IOcial bour followed which the followlnc committee eerved re1relhmellta: Mn. AlviD EarDurt, ](n. L. V. Branltrato!', l1l'i. IN Tinnie, 111'8, Ira Rich and .... Irma Rleb. •


-_ ..---

lIoml laid u P'" at elx o·cloak diue, Oil TueMq evela, the followif ,.etta: Mr.•nd Hal'. C. C. BaJua lin. P ....l Eu ..... lltee EUsabetil ....... lin. Ronee Stoll:-. lin.



IAIOk Wllat YOII Get-No Eatn ec.t: 43CJ'o Mor. MiI_ of ....1 IlOIl-akJd .'etl, ••• Flatter Wider Tread ••• More Ceoter TnctloD (16'" more noo-akkt bloclu) ••• Heaner Tou.... Thad <.....e of llhe. IDON rubber) ••• Supernut Corel Bod, (...pporuheaYle.- trea' .fely) .

We've never teen the equal of it-the way ear owners bave flocked in, .ooked, listened, bouaht new .0-3'. these la8t ten weeka-snd It'. the l81IJle everywhere we hear.. What', more" peolltle who iot G-3'8 montha before the public :a nnouncement, report it'. better than claIm.ed! They cite mUeaae recorda to prove they're iettina better than the '43% more non-skid mileaae averaged by Good~ year'. teat jlleet. Buy no tires untO you let UI show you thla wonderful new Goodyear AUW.ther whleh elves 10 much more aafety and service without coltlna you a cent extra! Sure, we have Goodyears at ALL Pricn r Because . are the laraest eeUlna tIrea, you aet more for .your money no matter you pay.


14.40 ' ....·)1 14.91








, Eighty-8!xth Year


Whole Number 6127




ON LIBRARY BOARD ,SCHOOL REUNION AT At the annual meeting of the LYTLE TO BE ANNUAL Evanston, Ill. Library board last week, C. M. Cartwright, a former Waynesville resident, wu reeleetpresident. Evanston's mayor AfFAIR IN FUTURE edappointed Mr. Cartwl'ight on the


The 7th band onccrt of t~so n will be Thursdl\Y, JuIy 26, at. l! p, m. at McCluro's COl'ncr .. This concert is sponsored by the Kro ger Grocllry Co .. A. K. Day and J ' If Smith, The first a well known gl'oeery the next an up-t u·date dry '" good store nnd the thiTd ,a first board In 1911. In 1917 he was ('Is , meat ms(ket. Wayne..,lIIe At'blet .. Will Tra....1 N_rl, 400 former PupU. &IMI choaen president, serving sev n It is hoped you Rfe enjoying the To Cub .. S..n-d.y For T•• da.ra ~ At School years in that capacity. He then beconcerts. Lal'ge attendance is came the library's finanCe chairurged each week a the children Return Came \ isLAND-DOTTEO Il mlAN enjoy playing to a large apPfecia man, but in 1929 he wal recalled to the presidency .nd hall been lAKE WAt; CRr:JiT CO BV tive. audience. "'A I k th t h ~he executive held since then. The next "ncert will h ' Th e Wayne5ville Merchants were =vera wee ago, e eac ers Mr. Cartwricht ill a member of MAN NEARLY A G:NTURY v e given eas ily d ~feat d by , the strona and pupils of. Lytle)1 BCho~.lyreceiV- the libr.rlanl retirement fund and AOO t6 AH:E~ER FDR for Jim Lov~ly. ocaColn team out of Cincinnati ed as to owe:' g of ou are 8'VVI V"V "'A ~ "I'" IT COVEnt: la~at unday I' n a hard 'hittin "... ball . invitations It d t li the annuity committee and the flre in~, 1-'1..,:>, Ie) lOve. 0 a omecllfmLID J h I surance committee of the AmeriAN ~ ()I. : ~LY 10 Al 'fl.IE SiTE OF fI, RKovERY ArvIERIOW ~ame. The score being 12 to .t teachers and pupils 0 yt e 8c 00 can Library Auociatlon. n. l'ROODS, UNDEQ Grn Sr G.AIR.WEQE RJ(JTU) ~hlJ WS that it was quite one sided, _ _ __ _ _ SQUARE MILES LAt>'\~NG ~ INDIANS IN 1791. MORE 1lIAN f:IJO DEAD yet. lhi ' was a very good played fl'om 1876 to 1928, at "Lytle IICbool 'ground, Jllly 16, 1934." Signed AND PICNIC SPOTS ,ARE li 11 g'a 1l1 e outside of the pitching of Wolter Kenrick. ' AVAILABlJ.. STATE RoU1l3Z 'MR£ UJTON'fl.IE. ~IELD HE. FCXlT WAt; 1axw ell. The CocaCola garnered Mr. K(lnrick who now owta the NfAR lAKEviEW BUILT BY GEN. WAYN[ 140 VEAQS 17 hits off MI'. Maxwell in 6 int d ...... 1.-- t·,· ' A,.,.O f"I.. rT~"I"r" ROUTE 119 tnat not a few of the mar- nings which proves that Maxweli Lytleac h 00'J lIrope.rY,an 0 lDDt:~T ~ . \.IN::!I""!: L IlI\I\£.J riages can ummllted in Warren can't lake it or else the CaeaCola hO\lses ~ course of construction county go on the rock is indicated ar extra strong hitters. In -the thereon, wlla A pup I'I 0 f L-I oJ ...1! Bchool in his boyhood and later by Icrk of OU1'1.8 lyda next ,l our innings Ellis allowed 6 As the reault of an a!leced Collins for bis annual report. hitl but they were gQod for only Ilerved for many yean as clerk of the Board 'of Education, .lways shooting affray said to have taken Collins, in his repol't, reveals two ru ns and we feel that Isn't 110 working for t he good of the school place follo;win&, an argument over thnt ] 21 suits for divorce were bad. and tb community. a woman, William Schaller, 26, fil ed for the year ending June 30, The ocaColas started right out Wilmingfon, ie in the county Jail that 3 were decided upon, and Fifteen t acbera and 310 pupils at Lebanon. t hat 38 werc pending July j, at the beginning of the game. . Newhart first man up grounded and gue&ta responded to Mr. Ken· rick'. invitation and gathen!(!.t Schall~r, It 18 said, followed .t he Thil'ty-seve n Qf the divorce out to short. Conway eiR6rled and ~ WllJ H suits were bTought by hu bands, I ollter, stopped at econd when M.cke the school ground wher a bounti. a ut omo b I e o~ _ 111m while 84 were instituted by wh'es ~ingled. Shebesta went out swin&,ful ballket dinner dinner wa. en- I H.rve YIIbu.... -., .. Itift e a d ance on, Ohi 0, S un da y a!l d \VII... ~ Nineteen divorces granted ing. Lahm doubled 8coring both joyed under the trees at the noon hall a t lrf. . \ and one was refuseuwere to husbands. h ur flred a shot through the rear WID~ \U/' '\ l" were given to wives and Conway and Macke. Hawkins sin. '. f dow, narrowly mllsing leveral of I nOne '''as refused. gled Lohm stopping at. third and D e'I'II htl uI remlDl.8censes 0 the occupanta. I AilE I nnAMIE w.'II.,.. '-"" ONE OF 'n'1" '" hi d d th d f th school days were enJo~d by o l d . ~ lVKl-< ...';) v,~ In!:. A total of G;JO ca.sea of various K~e er groun e to IT or e ~chal1er dentea the . charp, GREAT INDIAN I-lIGl-lWAY1], NEAR ltIE kinds was bandl d by the common third cut. 1n the s~cond Webb fan school mates," teachers and pupila during the dinner hour and early .. ymg that instead of finn.. the BETWEEN Tl-lE AUGLAI2E AND GREAT pleas COUl't f OI' the y ar CoUin's ned, Strathmann smgled and stole afternoon; I.ter Mr. Kenrick call- Ihot, ~e burled a .coil through tbe MIAMI RNEQs11).l£ ROUTE FROM lHE. OHIO TH~ It; A SAYnIE 5TA1E~ BEST fl<3HING figures sbow. ' econd. Newhart .walked and C?ned the company to order and after ear WIndow. Shenff WlJllam Huf· 10 0ETQ01T. AfQENCH J[S(JIT MI;'9ION ONCE 113 AT l.AIo!£ T~E LM.8ETWEEN CEUNA ' _ W8.y singled tilhng the bases. a trumpet duet by Willadelle Kur- ford ltated that. buJle~ marks were STOOD N£AR8V. ON SrATE I2OuTE. 6bNEAA MINSltR. AND 9r MARYS. NEAA\.: , V 2S QI'IUARE MIlS IN EXlENT., Macke forcing Strathmano oyer .fis and Paulin Friend )(1'5 Dora plainly visible In the HOBler car, 19~ ~ 'f' SIDNEY JANE CHANDLER Lhe plate. Shebestn fanned and Nelaon ,Ward,e a hiChiy ..ieemed and is Beekltlg the run with whiCh =~~ 1£ THIQO ~ AQTlAClAL LAKE IN -mE 'M)QlO. Lohm flied to left r tiring the side: and gre~tJy beloved teacher of the s hota were fired. _® S1ANfJMJ) OIL en ttl' OHIO ~rtY Of A.f(E FOR ~PlN6 AND PICNICKING. Just 84 yeal'8 ago to,day Sidney In th third the CocaColas really ruty years ago, W48 ,iyen the After the allll'ed IIhootlnc, in 0Iu0 1GatI 9 Jane Ptittit was born, t)le second broke lo()~e. Hawkins ftnt man up child of William T. and Ruth Dan. hit a home run over le1t field. place of hono.. on the afte~oon'lI which no one w.. inj\lred, oceuprogram. panta of the Healer cal' stopped at iel Pettit at Roa hester, near Koehler followed with a double. Mrs. Ward ,ave a mOlt intereat- a fa!mer'lI hoWie .nd notifted the Morrow, hio. Webb lIingled, Koehler holdi~ ing talk in the same forceful kind sherIff, who apprehended Schaller 1ll1 , While she wns till lIel'y young third. trathmann singled IIcorlna Iy, ~napirln&, way that her puplll early Mond.y. the family moved to helbyville. Koehler. and Davis threw Webb r~member 0 well; many of them - - • Ind., whet'e she spent h r child- ot at third on the play. Newhart remarked upon the flne influence hood and young girlhood. theJl doubled Strathmann atopplq that Ille had been in the c:ommun. At 16 years f age he cam at third. Conway singlell acoriq tty .. teacher, church worker and back to Ohio to make her home St,r athmann, ~ewwt st~pped at doctor'. "Wife. with an a.unt, M s. Sarah Jan thud. Macke Singled scorlDlI' NewRRY CHURCti .... ,p CHRIS'" Ohandler. attendin g school at hart. Shebeeta and ~hm both FE i Judge F. M. 1Iamit ton, Of C D=--=---... ~ Waynesville aod . Morrow Ohi o went out at firat unaSSisted. No cinnati paid tribute to the rood old MIS. Hannah Taylor has been (UndenomiutloaaJ) Mr. and Mrs, Ota Hidy spent the and afterward teaching fOr S6V: more scoring for the CocaColas neiphorly days and waYl of his -quite ill but is !Iowly improving, Chester A. WIII'I.mlon week-end with friends at S'pring- eral years in the chools of Wayn until ~he slx~h. Macke sin,le~ 'a1'!d boyhooel and called to memory The Wayne Township FarmeTB' Unified sefyices belrinning with field. Ilnd Clear Creek town hips. as Ellus let lt get through hIm. ID many incide.nt8 in his life when a club met on. ,J ul, 12, at tbe horne lin, Cliffo rd Buzick and children Church School at ~I :30 a. til. On Septemb~r' 6, 1 71, she wa~ center field Marke scored eully. pupil in Lytle achool. of Mr. and Mn. A. S. Collett. Tllis visited her brother at Urbana~ LQrd's Supper and sermon at Mr. and Ma·s. J . Q. Cons vi ited united in mal'riage to Edwin Sheb~8ta and Lahm both proceedMiss Lulu SoUers, police woman home baa been called "Hole in the Ohio on Tue day. 10 :30. Sernion subjec!:, "Measured relativ II at Mt. Sterling, Ohio, on Chandler at the old Miami Valley ed hIm ho~e runs and Hawldnl of Dayton, called to mind in ber Woo." and very appropriately baa by the Cross'. " You are always Tuesday. College of FrieJlds n~8r Spring- Ioll0v.:ed wltb a single. ~oehler happy manner. many of the sehool it been named. The lane from the Mr. and Mrs. .Tames Lovely and welcome at this church. bot'!> Ohio w)lere Uncle David and also SUlgled but Webb fhed to mates and friends of former years ro.d to the homestead ia one anel children are Visiting friends and Mr. and Mrs. PaUl Gustin and aunt' Sarah Jatle Chandler were short and Strathmann hit into a ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Grover Britan enjoyed a motor superintend nt a-n4-matron ouble play which stopped the paying especial tribute to lrfn. one half miles )o~. Amoq the relatives in KentuclQt. Ward, her beloved teacher. teveral hUndred acrea there are 60 trip to Virginia last Sunday. For 63 years in love and 'mutual sixth ,inning rally. , • lrfr•. Kenrick read letters from acre. of pl'imeval for.t land alld Mrs. C. A. Deppe, of ,Franklin, Father Newton. Pastor understanding they trod the. path EIlI ;started , pitching 10 the Wellinrton C, Smith oJ LOB one of the larg~t IUcar campa in Ind" III a guest at the home of ber MasB at St. Augustine's Cburch Mrs. Mary Marhoefer, of Cin- way of life together until Novem- sixth With one on ,,:nd n~n.e gO!\. Angelel, Cali!, , S. A. StilweU of thil lIection, 600 Dew trees havina 80n. Dr. E. F. Deppe.. every second and fourth Sunday cinnati, wall the guest of Mr. and ber 1924 when Edwin Chandl rand wo succe8sful In retlrlng the Lebanon, Ohio, and Opha Phllllpi been reelntl, plaated. f the month. Mrs. W, O. Raner on Sunday. was called home. .ide without f.urtnel' scoring. In I~h t 0 f T oronto. Ohi 0, W h 0 Rev. W r .. The noon hou, l' found a '--e d G, C. Dibert lind famil¥ U Four children came to thi 1he sellent hEll II! go t th em Inone, com --iii vilite hi. brother at West nion, FRIENDS MEE.TINC Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Cole mall, ordnI' In th@el-hth we r eO'J U nable to be' prea-nt ~,- company pthered tosether for the " or home one of whom Alfred Edwin two , •'""I·pe .,. ~ . r " mendin. Mr. and ...... Kenrick for UIUa) rood dinner. Ohio, the flrst of the week. Norwood, called on Mr. and m.n. died in infancy. ' , Lahm tripled after Shebesta ~d their interest in this reunion and A th First-day School ati 9:30 •. m. D. L. Crane Sunday afternoon. To Sidney Cbandler the world fanned .and scored 011 Webb. IlD· ~xpre8tllnr their .etret at not!~=~eI:.~e~ qf M;~t!~~a~~: ~~e:~~t ~::a~r:l lrfeetint for WOnlhip at 10 :30 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Engles, of revolved arou.nd her home and her gle. In the ninth they nicked Ell" being able to attend. tion otle-d by -'_. Tho-rnbu-. ~ d M W B Squi e m. Kansas City, lfissol!ri wete "uesta eblldl'el). Their inte rests were her for one mor ,run on Th.acken dOIlArthur HamlltoD, of Lebanon, Tb h·~...... ~~ ~r. an rs. _. r 8. of Mrs. 'Maria EtboD Friday and interests and their welIare and ble, :U;utchmsons alOgle and State Representative, rave a "'b~c: !!:e:. ~:rJ~:I~e prol1'am Ilr. Frank ,Carman, a former WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH Saturday. success h r greatest ~oncern. Mackes single which counted lor a forceful talk caIllq to mind hill R ftatl -B, I' u ' Waynellville resident, is seriously Rev. G. C. Dibert, Pa.tor To some life may have t?tal ~1 twelve I\uns fox: the Cln· ec youthful fancie. whe~ a boy in Gona. on e en , ·...r...l'et ill at hk home In Dayton. , Friday: Choir practllee at 8 p, m. Mr. and ,Mrs, Russell Wilson and · seemed a narrowly circumscribed cmnatl bOYS., . Lytle school, pald lovinr tribute to , Sunday: Sunday school .t 9 :30 daughter, Dorothy, IIIpent Sunday on~, since she never tra.veled far Th~ Merchants did tbelr ,se~rlnl many of his teacher. and deelared Sonar- Doroth., Thofllbury. Mr. and 1011'S. W. B. Russum a. m. 'Morniog worship st 1():40. at Dayton, guests of Mr. and Mrs f.-om her own fireside but 80 greal only In the first and, fifth mnln... his conviction that Warren cou~ty Recitation-Naomi Earnhart.. and claurhter. Miss Mal'garet, of The subject of the llDorning set- John Kennedy. were thll reMurces that she ear- Mendenh~lI, first man up hit a is "One of tbe very beat,'· Son.-Rozie CaroHn Sackett, Dayton are spendinr a few days mon will be, Stabilitl~ and SacriMr. FON!8t Crane and daughter ried within herself that life wa , long lIy over the bUl\k In canter Mise JCllrfta and MIA Friend Mary Eva Lellay with MilIIies Trillena and Margaret ft Earth League at 7 p m not only deh for her but was en- field and Koehler touched it with another tl'umphltt duet, a medle" Redtation-.John PeI'l7 Sackett. Edwards. ~e. pW I 'd . , M.arjorie, of ' Cincinnati, were riched for all those who came in. his hand but was unll,ble to handle which nl much appreciated. Recitation-llan EYa LeMa,. With D.ean Ha~ke, all ea er' guests of MTS. Maude Crane and " the position in which .., IAK Mrs J V 'Hartaotk and daugh- Evaqehatlc serVIces lat 8 p. m. ,l family on S , . SolII'___ ata:l. a, Ruth ••. ' M'ollday: On next lltlonda¥ at 8 In spite of days tilled with home he was standing and Mendy cam. Elmua J. Carmon" of ~~ an enterta-ininl' talk of He)en Lelia". ' ter, Dorothy, attended funeral . f or t h e 'U_ ' I all the way home. After ThomplOlI field •• .. .~ 1 ~ of lrfn Ida Burnett at the Dayton on p. m. is the regu Iar itlme "IJ. an d M1'11' ,CI yd e E g bert, 0,.# duties 8 he f oun dtm)e II ways to Reeltation-Roxie C.roline Sack S t ~. . , mee,t ing of the official Board. Xenia, called on the latter's pal'- keep abre$st Ii! the events of the and Laurens wel'e retired Satter. rerniliiAcence of .,.at &chool day. at Lytle as pupU and teacher, aDd ex- etL • a ur ay. WedDeBday: Bible Itudy and ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Baker times and to keep alive her inter. thwaite was hit by a pitched ,ball. A clenr play bad been arransed Masters Matthew Turner snd prayer meeting each Wednesday Sunday evening. est in good books, an interest EUill ran for -Peck and scored on preil8ed hopeful optimism, unul1Ial In tha.. time., for the II;Chools of b, lin. Om.r Bolliqaworth and Jack Crane spent, today at tlle at 7 :30 p. m. Y\>u wiill tind Il corwhich continued until within the Hartsock's double. B. Wlilller sinthe preaeDt and future. "n. W. A. Swartsal. . home of H. C. Burnett and family, dial welcome at any olr all of these Mr. and Mre. N. P. BI~tt and last f\1w weeks of her !ifi!. gled andHartsock scored from MeMrll. Helen Herbert Bay... a The hOlt had invited J. )l. Earn- ne~ . Lytle. services. family of, OhIO were Soon after her marriag-e she and on the play, an attempt was former teacltel', "hOM hOIbe is ,ban of Lebanon to speak. Ile baa . week-end eUesta of Mr. and Mr. joined Lhe ociety of F.riends and made to catch Hartaock at the noW at Tamp&, I'la. expNll8d her a ,1ft for memolllsi~ poetry and Mrs. Alice Md~illaey and Mi$s WAY~ESVILLE C~I\JRCH .... OF O. R. Unglembee. as,long 'as health a~d tr~ngth per, plate which was Ilnsuccessful but , pleasure at belDI able to attead, qllotetl poeml, from the lIeGufrey Henrietta McKinsey ~alled onMMr. CHRIST Miss Beatrice Robitzer returned mltted she 'Was ialthtul tn at~en· B. Weller was thrown out attempt t~e reunion and impreeeed upoa nad.n, WUllam Cunan Bryant. and Mrs. J . M. McKmsey at Ofb . t d ft d' dance at Its meetings both tor WOr Ing togo to second on the play. In UII tbe fact that abe. had came 1400 lamea Whitcomb Riley, .E d-" A. row last Sunday. , (UDdenominaUonal) om<\!. on a ur B..y- a er; spen mil' iship and bu ~ines8. St\e was one ,of the fifth Tbompson just -reached .. .I. Will'-~i iste a week with her aunt, Mrs, Met'le d hi If d h miles to do 80. '. GUeR and leVaraJ enUDliDOoema Memben of the local Eastern Cheater 11>. .....1<10, - n r Kerns and family at Cleveland. ' the few remsiningchartermember! out an got mse a goo ome Church Scbool at 0:30 a. m. of Farmers' G'r8ng~ and a membel run which accounts for all th-. . Mr. WIllIaiiI Hunt of lIotl1'Oe, from bis own pe•. Seriral other Star chapter anel their families enOhio, Mn. Kabel Pierce Farr, lin lUelta .deled brief remarb. joyed a pit-nie supper at Wayne Lord's Supper at'concllusicin. Chris· Mr. and Mrs. J. B, Gons, Mr. of the Wayne, T o ~'n8hil) Farmel:s' scoring the Merchants eOl1ld do. Orp~a Ca~ony Clark and lin. The p_ta were .1 foUow8: Park on Wednesday eveni~. tian Endeavor .tEI:46 p. m. and Mrs. Victor Oarpl!n~er and a club. Oh well the Reds got ,b eat wone Beasle SmIth Anderson ~f Wa,. Jloward Collett, Will Tibba... Bernice WooJard, lellider, Evenln, party of friend's from Middletown he will be greatly r.n'lssed by (Continued on pare 4) nelVilIe, Obio, .Dd 1Ii1i. Ada Flora TUlbah and lin. George Jin, Emma McClure, Mrs. L. evaqelistic service at. 7 :(6 p.' m. spent the week-end at Ft. Loramie her children and one gfandchild ======= SelJers ~lldolpb, 01 DaJWn, ""' Den1l7 of Wllmiqtcul, Kn. Thom. B. GordoD, Miues lttIame ' Brown Sermon subject, "'l'b~1 Lordship of . , , . with whom. she w'a s a great chulTl DEATHS Mr. and Mrs. RUM!!I Wilson ,and and by other relatives and many sponded to caU with britt talka, bUrJ, II.... lkuoa, tl1'l. Sh~daker••nd Adeline Alden were D~yton JIIUa." Prayer; meetillg and Bible after wbleh the alH1Db~J ",Te.r. m~ Kn. Cuke" of Han. vidtoJ'l\ on Thunday. study .aeh Wednead"y at 7:46 p. daughter, Dorothy, ente~med friends. ' , . ' bu J II.. Earnh " . m. The church wherel you feel at _Mr. and Mrs. Rh9des Bunnell and Those nearest; hel' who remain I Mrs. Lawrence Peeljl. d~ed ~t bar and Mn. Kenrick a rilln. vote thanks for maldna poldble • mOlt and1'l'z. Wort art of Lebanon IIr. and 11....- Orlando Battin, of home. M~. and Mr~. George Bunnell on to mOUT,n ber los nrc ,h er son and ROm& on the Dayton-Xenia .pike on enj9J11b1e oceuloL • ., of K01'N1Ir. , Selma, Ohio, wer.e amon&, the out- __ .. ~___ FTiday evemng. wife, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis W. Chan) Sunday. The funeral service WAi Upon a motion 1t7 lin. Th. lI..b will.... wltoll ~e of~town people 10 attendanee at ' . . . dlor two daughter-! Ruth A an held on Wednesday afternoon .t the eom.,.n7 anallimoulJ' .'fOIed to otIl.. Waren . ola. at ' the funeral of Mrs. Edwin Chan· AUTO MIS_lAP , Ml'I!I·hAnnha B. Ge0If: h~8 r;;~~n Eliz~beth W ' Chandier one g~an'd- Beaver, Ohio. Burial was m_de in make the L..t:le School 1teU1l101l a - - - WCIIDda 01l ....... 11. dler on Monda.,. ?d to fer orne, altt f ~it, lC - child ~rtr~de Adel~ Chandler the cemetery at Beaver. ""Th Be --'n be )In. Merle Mowser,. of GranvlU~ andMI·s. Marion Fauboer of Xenia 19an a ter 8 VI8 0 ... 0 wee ks , , ' She I v h hu b d d yearly event, and a committee II Id e t ~ m.. na ... ~ , her mother, M~. Michael, of with Mr. and !tIrs. W. A. Lippin. a siste!, Miss Rachel A. I'ettlt and d ht ca:; OT F , 8 an an one ehosen to arrange f.,r the e a home ot Mr. and lin. Ohio, and MiN Corrme Robblna, Mt. Holly -ere ba· y .'--I..en up cott and family • Ii CQUllln as dear to her as a sister, au,gh er, - ary r.nces. year's meetinar. ' C. L. ~.. ......... because they were reared together T e Peelea forme1'ly lived on tile " • _ • of Frankfo1',1, Ohio atE guests at and bl'Uiaed on Monda¥ when the Misl Adeline Alden, of Colurn- Mn. R. Alma Daniel Fife of 'Day- J . L, Mendellhall farm on ~ut.l. DNItKZ IICM"KIWS the 'home of Mr. 'and Mn. L. H . car which, Mra. Fauber was drivhlg bus, la apendlng the summer at ton, Ohio an<J a nephew and' wi(e Gord,on this week. Tan iBto tha path of another mach· The Little Inn. Milltl Frances Mr. and Ml's. Walter D. Chandler Laura E: Ward, 80, died at ber GIRL SCOUT NEWS , JIr~ and Hi'll. Josiah Davis .nd Ine traveling llorth on route 42, at Alaen who is now at Chautauqua, of Hawaii. home in Harversbura late Wed. Mr. Everett a.uioJl aDd IIiIIr IIr. Lloyd Davis visited IIr. al\d the intenec;tlQn in )It. Holly. Mrs. N. Y. wilJ join her .I,tel' in a few The Cuneral was held .t tho nCllday night after an illne.. of The WaJlleavWe Girl HeGu. Dena HopkiM were q&llet17 ..... lin. Boward Hurle., and lamllyat Faubel', It 18 laid laill!!d. to ~P" weekl!. · Hlcksite Friends Hou~e, severa) montha. ' She ltAi the at their elub bou.. 011 tied II, Bey. G. C. DIbert at tile Kin,man on Sunday. MiaS Juan- Ihe approached the IHID hlahwa, Monday .fternoon at two daul'hter of "Dr. Wm. and II." 'attemoon, lut, 17. The lIethoc1l1t pahoIIap W. .a ....' Ida HurJ.y returDed home witll and c:raahed into th4~ ear comln" Mn. Mame Hatfield an~ M(IS , and she wall laid to rest in beau- Kiphalt W.rd. She OIle topic of d _ _oll ""AI e'NlliJw. tbem to Ipt!nd the week. up the road. The ' In~lentity of the Sue Crane "fI'ere auntl at • bridal tiful Miami cemetery, ' brother, Dr. W. J. Ward uacl ... the Ant aIId HCOIId patroh eom.... It..rlek Ia the 8GD of lIr. man in the car on route 42 wa. not shower for Mrs. RaJ Smith, forThose In attendance at the tun- IIbter, lin. A.oa V . .Dora. .... pleUal' ptana tor tIleit .......1 IIan7 It......t of Oentemlle &ad llr. and M1'8. Jtoberl 'WU"n , aDd determined bet he recaived DO Mri merl, 1118& Ea~hryn Graham, at eral from out-of-tQwn Mr. of Barv.,.bU!8. eampina a' "......... father on a lara IO'~ two e1dldrell, Kr. and lira. Arthur OUI iDJury. the home of Ill'. and Kra. Forst and lin. O. T. . , wUt .. pollnda, neg JIniUHD. of dlat ...... Wlboll anclilt. Wlllo1l, of Graham OD route 2, laat Tbanday Ohio; Kr. aDd lira. aooa at •_ • lin. Iteulelr. ... ....... of DQtoa. nrpriMd tIteIr brother, ..ellilll· eria and lira. Sllan ......._ Mr. 1M ....................... IIr. WIlIO. II" birtll· Uial Raby Jamu ret1Ined on South Charle.ton, ad ,... • . , . . . . . ..... IeIIeoI W. . . . . ., eft1It1lct Mr. '... lira. PrldaJ after of ard alld ~~..l" ... ., lilt f . 1M ... of .......a 1Ir. ... Brown of I.e_on,






















_ _....

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r ,ardin, hI» partn r. Once, ratbu llayly, M evea otr red him a cheroot. And Bullock, hll littl. plrUke eyee curioully IUtted, took It. He IItudied Weatherbee. smiled. "1'hank~ kindly," and he drawled. And behind Weatherbee's back. he tudied hi partner apin. When Rip Weatherbee began to wear a cI an shh·t and a waistcoat with brag~ bultons on it, the Prot)het DJlIll~1 grinned; when he b gan to tWIst the Lusks 01 his Pike ounty mustache into tylish shapes, the Prophet Danil'1 laughed out loud, They knew what it was, even before W ath rbee brought th lad)' abo t d , one Sunday afternoon at New Orleans, aut ,af~er, they saw ,Annie Trayers th.r .dldn t blame hIm, Like one of them whitish magnOlia that. Miss Travers," the mate sighed romantically. And en pike R gan shook his head






'28.17; H. L. Schu,ler, pa, roll, $186.60; Carl DakIn, pa, roll, $148.80; The L.banon Lumber C0., re d ox ld e paint, '6.60; J. K. Spencer, aravel andaand, '2~.10; L. G. Anderson'. Sone Co., ~uard rails, $9.88; Charles Cook, bridge plank, ,64.30; John Law &, Son, 18 gallons oil for cleanlng COUI·t bouae, '2.70; Ohio Central '1' I h C· . p or~., !iolla varIous offices perIOd endmg June 30, 19a, $34,80; John ton and Johnston, labor and material on court house and J'ail $6.28' Reil' Electric ' , Shop, lamps, Rockets, labor for court house and jail, '11.21; Th I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ Book Shop, blottel'!j, tow Is, Ted '" ink and toilet paper for co"urt house, $22; Trustees of Public Affairs, light 2 months court hou se period endin'g JUDe 80, 111;34, $61.With · Reliable Serum 45; Tl.'uatees oJ Public Affairs, light and gas at jail, 2 months perand Virus iod ending June 30, $33.!l2; Dr. At a reasonable price Hei\J'y M. Brown, medical ervices, $25; Mra. Howard Sawyer $ervices ••• '7; Mrs. Ste.1la Kelly, ervices, Pbo.e I7R4 ,7; Mrs. Candia aymer, rvices, $5; Helen Doughman, services, $7; )Irs. Ira Eltzroth $5;

••••••••••••••••• _ •••••••••• _ •• _ _ - - - - -_ _~~-----_::_------------.J CHAPTER !L . Weutherbee looked like an1()ul'llful Common P ..... Proceedl... of real estate ordered. The estate teed undertak r.Like fli R the ---'---" is exempt from inheritance tax. "11 "s 8 !lhut-nlou~h, 1l1aybe," th strlk r!l and tokers hung around In th case of Nella Tracy vel' UII Th eatate Of ELihbeth B. Baily Ilv,,1' \\'1\. rPlleuling. "But he call Bullock. And lhe fellow showed Edward Tl'acy, J~ divorce was decea8ed, is ,exempt from inheritIIt'k hell outa any 8teh 7 bully. that hI' liked It. He mok d his granted the plaintdl'. ance tax. Mary B. Chapman and And" -th~y J'('peatt'd this with the good Havanas put Il "ide curl in hi In the case of Wililiam C. Turton Emmor D. Baily, executors, filed most l'(di h tol aJl- "he's a-gain' to hili!' with bear gl'ease and ogled versus Solomon ~rt.d. the plaintiff thei~ tirst and tinal account. bl' an lice pilClt, 'fur he's done. the lady pas engers o~trageouslY is allowed thirty dolY to plead. Alton F. Brown was appoint d "Killin'. ain't he?" Regan de~ In the case of Sylvia Garrett executor of the estate of Addie M. Mind what I'm sayin·... For him~el'r, 88 betON, Rip manded of W athl'rb e, "Never versus George W. Garrett, cause Dowdell, dece~ed, and. filed bond ~ ,.ath~1 () ~lIid M little as po _ set'n such a dude in all my days!" il! dismisaed. of ,10,000 Wltb suretIes. E. C .Ibl .• pel!ch ~ emed to cmbarras. But the pilot merely hool< his . In the cas o~ Th People's Build- Dunham, A. J. Scheurer and h!ln. But on lhing, didn't botber head. "He' a card, all right." In.g, Loan and Savings Co., versus Edgar Ludlum wereappoin~d aphIm : N()w. t l~t, ~hat long We8~hel'b e said slowly. 'rhen he Lma M. Sheets, et ai, judgment to praisers. . solemn face ~as IlghtHlg. nd, spat ooly. calculatingly for the the plaintift' (Ql' ,1468.56 with in- The adjudic~tion and determinaaltln~ ill the pilot housl'. stan ding and box eight feet WBY. terest. tion of the inheritance in the by hi wheel' IlS .1i sis \ppi It wa in vitabl ,in lhe end, In the (lase 01 The MonrO(! Na- estate of James B. Davia, deceased thundel:ed, by, RIp Weatherbe that the two pilots should clash. III app~'o~a!, tionlll Bank venu s J o eph King, et is to be given to all persons intera8 gnnIlI ng. E,' en 'if lherl' hadn't been a girl in T~e gIrl s face wa pale a un- ai, confirmation, deoed and distrlbu- ested. [t was until Sllike Regan It-which there muat cut Ivory; and her eyes were blue tion. William Careon, administrator gave up pllotlng to accellt the cap have locked horn. The very fact as t~e Gul,! .i n pringtir,ne. S,he In the ca e of Otha E, Sams ver- 01 the estate ot Louella Carson t8incy ot th Prophet Daniel and that, 11, senior pilot aboard the wa.~n t small, but beSide RIp su Ethel B. Sam8, a divorce wa deceased, filed his affiadavit in lie~ '. eatherbee became a rul,l-fleclged Prl'phet Daniel W atherbee rank- W~athel'bee she looked little and g'l;'anted plaintiff. ot account. Jlllot, tbal h cam up With Bull- ed Bull()ck both in offieial rating dainty. It was one reasOn why In the calle of Lmian D Burk~1 The will 01 Laura Ii. M~8her, de oc~. It was not, until Regan had und pay wa, enough to make a pike Regan's pupil lcept looking verSU8 Clarence Foley cau'se is dis ceased, wall admitted to probate. ~llId: "Got n :pal'~n('r for you, Rip,' man Iik the newcomer uncomfor down at her as he IIhowed her the mi~!led tor want oj' p;osec:ution I. H. Mosher was appointed admlnlind the n(Ow pilot cam e aboard tllble. Not that Weatherbee vasn't gingerbread trimming in the pilot ---__ . istrator and filed bond of $16000 th ' Pl'oph t Daniel~ that Wcat~er- Roft.spoken, h was. When, after hou,g,e; bu~ there was a funny, gen New S'Ult. with Bureties. Charlel T. Ellis, Bert Reli.f Bill. b ~, for t?C first time, gazed mlo four hour off, Bullock ware- lie light .1n t ho e usually intent Hart ock and Eall Hock tt were the greemsh. ye of A~a:n Bull- peatedly lale fol' his wa~h, eyCii that told Rip would have James Whisman v I'SUS Elinor nted appraisers. Orville L. Layman, M. said 'n othing; even ed pl'o"tectingly down at her no' ~isman, for d.ivc~rce. Charge is Catherine M. Bodley, guardian of ical ,services ten'dered Wurren la, k. Tb~re, 10 the capta~n s office, Wl'atherbe WIth Sp1ke ~egan lookmg curi- though lateness was the unpal'don matter whethel' 8:he was littl or gro s neglect of duty. Catherine G. BOdley' and J. Alfred eoonty relief fllmllies. $76; J. A. ou.l~ 1m, the two nlen !lhook hands able sin ina pilot houM'. And not. trikers nodd d genially, see larellce St phenso n vel' U8 Har Bodley, mino., filed her amended Nock, M. D.• sam, $96 i . . A. shqrt, l"'\l"ed r~l1ow, ,BullQck when the other, tanding behind the two togethe . old t phe~ilon, ej; nl, partition. final and distributive account. . Stahl, M. D.• same, $79; Dt·. W. looked abno t small In compari on the wheel it! the daytime as "Ws purty seein' the way that William. Gnlham, administraE. ltoffei', ame, ,21 i Blail' Bros, with the tal1, lanky ~gure of Rip Weatherbe steered the boat. made there gal looks at 01' Rip," an tor of the estate olr Emma E. JanMarri.,. Lice•• e. Hoepital, same, $125.50 i lvinsW ~therboe. And ~eslde the young r~marks. still. the youl\gster kept engineer muttered. "Purty and ney, deceas d, vel'SU!l paude W. Silas O. James,' shoemaker, of t.T~lmeS()n Drug Co., Bupplies, $12; ster II sol mn, qUiet countenance. hiS mouth hut. sweet." Stroud, :Cor personal Injunction n's Phal'maey, pres¢ripROOT POR AND CONSICN s But he noticed that Weatherb e mandatory injunctilon and otber r' South Lebanon, and Miss Marie. Bullock's face looked -wide, spread Only flnce, when Weatherbee HeIsinger, shOe&aker, of L~banon. tlons iurnillhed l'ellef familie, ,our Cattle, hop _beep and caly.· ing, and ~0i8~ . He looked f or I driving hi hoat t()ward Hat lsl::d seemed as ,IIilc!nt ali ever. The girl Ii f. J. Carl ROBS, laborer of Franklin ,.10.50: Nr: Jno. Zettel, pror s- to Norria-Broek Qq.! live wU' atl. ~ minute mto RIp W .atherbee' and trying to k.-ep all sense didn't peak much to him, either~ and Miaa LUy M. Frazer., ot Frank- slOnal serVlce and glasses for t· - proCrellllve 6rrn hr the h"h_ Probate Court Intent black ey s--and ,looked awake for the bad turn did he 80 tar a ,vords went. But ther lin. lief familie!!" $17 i Harry E. Rud- market pricn and ,I:ood ..nt... away.What he saw th re mad bim show indignation. Then it had been was in interchange of lingering A .c~rtifi~ copy of the entry de Joseph EdwarA 'Mango. ld, steel man, 11 examinations, relief famil V_IOD StClC. Yard& sense the kln.d of IlPpraillement scarcely his fault:, CroBsing over to glances and IIparlding eyell. It n1· ternumng the inhlsritance tax on worker, of Columbua, 'f '110 Ch as. C. ,Hildebrant In on Radio StatIo".. -.... -and Misa •I~, Of'; that made 1nm un~onlfortable. the. window, Bullock turned and most made Rip Weatherbe look the estate of Llllilln J. maU, de- Freda Marie Uphold, of Lebanon. groceries :turni8~d relief fatnUie~ tor;p2~: p. m. fo"t our r And Weatherb e llaw that which lfaced b.1m: "Mind that snag abov handsome. ceued, i to be certified without Gerald Eurene Boak, of Ger- $111.60; Howard E. Ivins sam • made him thoughtful. th~ lloint--" he began "Sn t h It was only natural that Adam mantown, and Miss Helen X-ouise '8; H. C. aamilton, IIBme ,ilO.76; _ - --"A Ng'lar cricket, this Bunock,' hert" . ' a c Bullock should be introduced to delay. John Kamps, admini.siratol' of Reynolds. . W. H . McHenry, Il8me, $96; OharRegan observed to Weatberbee And. pitting curtly into th AnniEl Travers. It was ae natutal the estate of Fred Kamps, decease .Elmer Kidd. truck driv~r, of lea Mount, same $35; fl. E. MeVey later b a' 'd W h . that he should set him el1 to show e \,:~e:p~li~~~:~' t ~7' Charles . Ml<ldletown, and Miss RosezeUa same, ,,71 i P. B. Lukin~1,J ai, 43 YEARS OF SERVICE "You said' 'cricket?" W atber- c;d~8 cu pl or, eat el'be Wln- oft' before ber. Eagerly he got out Snell, houseke:epe~, of Franldin. same, $13; Elbert Wallace. prop., ~ee repeated. ,He !Ohaok his bead. "Better make a square cro Bin' the guitar; softly he sang "Father [[win, executor o,f the estate ot same, '200.26; Merritt's Grocery MaYbe. He 18 kmda spry, tbat there," Bulock went on serenely in Heav~n, the Day is Declining," James B. Davis, decreased, for an same. '~O.50; J.' R. Coffman, m~ LEBANON. OHJO teller." And he moved off, shaking "I ain't aimin' to butt . b whil~ the mote sentimental wept allowanee for e.xha compensation R_I Yr_fe... $368.25; Carroll's Store, $204.26: his head. better'" ln~ u furtIVely. Shameles • regardle s of We have a complete upon account of the ex~raorcijnary. Joseph King, et al to Austin T. Verdena HopkinfJ, lame. $67: 1I rb Watch R.pair Service Recan W& right; Adam Bullock, "H~n; ' ~anl" Weatherbee grunt- Rip Weat~erbee's .~resence, Ada~ services rendered h $lid executor Smith, U5.83 acrell in Tqrtlecreek Hoppe, lime, $613; J, H. H ndricks Pr~c;es Reasc;m ahle sbort al1dbOw-legged as a cowbol, ed 8."a"'el,/ "Had'~ b t" Bullock dId hiB tricks fol' Anme in the adminlstrat.on of said estate towp.b~p. ' same, U22.20j I. G. A. GrClcery -aa · I p ry as a eric . k et. H e f ound go !let down . . ' somewheres?" n" you e...,r Travets' . aa D "da Rl'lItrung and also lor authority to pay eoun Mary Hotslin, br executor, to same, '9; Elbert Wallace. prop.: 1av9r with the crew at once. Ria For a minute. reddening in u I A~ ft~t the- girl appl.auded. en· sel fees for le,al service rendeNd Carl L. Miller, inlot No. 61 in Leb lame, $5; L. &: C. Market, same J welry Repair d , aprawlina, 1008e featUres seemed a]>lotches; Bull()ck swa1Jowed ~i~ thus)utlcally, exchangmg httle by C. Donald DilEltusb to said ex- anon. $8; W. W. Cline, flame, $511.76; "THE HOME OF CIFTS" alway. crinninl'. At biB trick at milltake: His lip curled; and he complements with ~ullock. But ecutor in the l!etW!ment o! ,sald esB. }o'. and Lucy C. Dye to W. M. L. H. Brown, per Midland Grocery the wheel he whistled and lauKbed didn't ~em so genial, so . cricket- suddenly, a.a Bullock a gaze be- tate, was allowed. Mada Ford, 100 acrel in Tur- Co., aame, '69,50; Wright's Growith visiting pilots; when a scow like. Then his mOl.lth damped shut ~am~ b~lder, "he seemed to dra'!\' In the matter '0;£ the will of ~leeree.k townlhip, alao all build- · cery, per Franklin National Bank, ========::::===~~ pulled in aCr088 tbe bow of Ute and he stamped out of the pilot Instm.ctlvely away from him. It FllAnk C. CleaveJr, deceased, the lOgs and improvements situated same, '443.'75; K'rol'er Gr eery &. Prophet Daniel be crackled tbe house. He never relleated his errol' ~ntihzed .th~ man; he overreached widow, Marth J. Cleaver, elected thereon and an implements, tool. Baking Co., lIame, $800.65; The at~olPbere with cbolce, enlivening "How're you two h~mons makin' hlmse1:f, h18 eyes looking at ber the to take un~r "l'ilL Marth" J . l' .. P • Grocery C0., sam. ... IVe , t oc k, and other ehattele situa' G-reat A.... • • • ' Plofanity. Be knew a lot of fancy it together'" Reta k d way some lIIen looked at a woman. CIeaver appointed executrix, ted thereon, (except household $662',l1; J. A. Schilling. sam, swearing that delighted the deek- Weatherbee ~ few daYBnlate~s:: And, Weatherbee's back being no bond requIred. Ed. Cla.rk, AI. ~urniture) aU crops now &Towinr ,181.10; Charleel. Schwartz same hands. And at night when lie wondered at the the ·' . ' e turned for the momefl t , Bullock Talmage and Rarlly Cline were ap- thereon. ,106.60; Fred Sherwood Co., Same "Pretty rood," ~he rijof~:dded. muyn:- ured : "I'd I~ke for to ' ~e pointed appl'aiSel'lB. pluckf'd on his guitar "Buffa.lo J'rank tmdAnna Kazkllko to $67.50: L. W. Smith, sam.e $11' WA YNE5VILLE, OHIO Gal_, Can't You Come Out To- "You 8ee we und~l'lltand seem you 1iI0me tIme ashore, MISS The schedule (~~ debts of GaU' County of Warren, the uee 01 real Charles P. Stubbs. same, $34.32; Phone 80 Bank BId• • night," the texas deck wall au- another better now," And o~: Traven. Just you 'n: me." Thompson, administratrix of tbe estate for bi,hwa.y purposes. Robert Reichel, arne, ,1'62.60; G. dible with admiration. They swarm chuckled softly. , (To be Cc,)f\tmued) estate of Stella J. Booth, deceased _Gharle. J. Cla.rJt to 'Emma M', R. Rossman. Co. same $14.. 76: Outwardly Adam Bullock gave d round. him, begging for more. No groBs is really satisfactory was happrpved. ' ' Gruble, ~eal estate in Wayne town Woodr~Y'1I . Grqcery, same, $41 And be bent bis shoulders over, no ~ign of animosity. l}neeasin,ly in heavy ,s hade. Ground covers " T e inventory ~)f J. Q. Gons, ad- ship. Tracey s West Side Grocery" same, lifted a fair te~r _voice, singing: he- planked the Spanish ruitar, recommended are "'eriWl.·rt1c:le. mini8tr,~a~t~or~0~f~t~h~E:)~e~l~ta~te~~O~f~;r'ia~m~e~.sird~~~~~~~~;..~tl!L~..f~~.~.~.b~"~;;:;M~i~ll!e~r'B Dairy, per FrankI' Gons, a • IlTbere was a woman in out town, sang, and winked at the lady P'8~ ajura, E"glish ivy, and various 101m E. nolden, . 417.79; Stokes In our town did dW'tlll. sengers in their little bonnets and forms of euonymus radlcans. in Clearcreek m I l k , ; William the estate of Alice W. Holden, deVeda Whitacre to Dairy. milk, $12.63; J. S. Sbe loved ber husband dearly, . w.asp-waisted dresses. He even . r" _ and Leo Luellen; 28.25 Riehardaon, fuel, '~2.18· ,Brown But another man twice 1,18 well.' smiled in friendly falbion when ~~~~~~~~~~~~~=' ceased, filed his ilDventory. he encountered Weatherbee in the Whit. Rose-Power The will or :p,e rry . Kenrick, Clearcreek townahlp. "Bunnell, coal, $1; Joseph H: Fed lJe had all the tricks and gea- pilot houM, changing watches. ... deceased. was adlmitted toprobate. Andrew Turner and Jennie Tur- dera Supply Co:. coal, '9; that appealed to the rwerDan passed. Weatherbee relent hind the enllne. In . the matter of t'he estate of ner .to Lucy Plowman, inlot No. Farmers Cooperative Co., thll mall Bullock. Beside blm Rip inr a little In 'hIs ·earlier .keptlcl;sm Louella Canon, ~Ieceased, trande'f 271 lP Franklin. coal, '~.18; Blair" LeRoy, coal. ~:'::::::'i~t7.~~~~!!!!!!!"!!"'!~~~~~!jF!"!!!"!'!"-:~-~l'!~!"-~~~~~~~~"!"'~-~04~~'!!!!'!!~~!!!!!!!~~~~~~~!'! Schwane, Ruth Fo.ter to Anthony U8: K1nl' Br s. Co., transportareal eat.te in Deerfield of C. C. C, boys to Cinoinnati township. " $35 ; Allen Rapp, coal furnished Ebl)a J. Ballentine to Charles reHef faniilies, $0; J. W. Lingo Phone 78J Henders.on, real estate, in Union Hardware Co., tools furnished relief families, $28.05; Kaufman's township.. T. U.· U. Woodl'ey to Lulu M. clothing and 8upplieli furnished reWoodrey, inlot No. 123 in 'Mason. lief familiel, ,,253.64; Reva Anne Andrew T. Clark and Laura 'May material for .ewing proC!ark to· S. Sidwell tllill 'a nd Elsie ; Brown .. Brown, same, \lOYAllY PUBI..IC I. Ellis, 40.10 acrea in Wayne U; Fred's, rubber sheeting, overtownlbip. al~, shoesfor relief famille!,!' $5.06; , William B. Goodman and Emma Gnawold Bros., . 2 mattre~ell 1 cot L. Goodman to Wilbur Snyder pad for relief families, '20,76; Dra_ •• It ...... S....... 30,76 aer~s in Clea~creek tOVln8blp The E. B. Ttiirkield • Sons Co., WAYNESVILLE. OHIO outing, shoell, etc., for re ~~~~~~~~==~~!!!!!!!!! fandliEls. -$89.9~ -Miller Bard- BlUe"AUowM w.are • Furniture Co., ~ds furSAU DA.TES C~ t "Lillie Urton .ervicea ,27 50' ntshedrelid fa~ilie* ~uring May 'Ftanklin' ,6.00 Albal1gb-Good ' Drnr Co., billheads for auditot;'8 olUce, ,38.s andaeeds . for c relief , 50; John 4w "Son, ,, gas, ... oU, May, ,9.60; R. 1\1 , pa~ch, fof. seal~ of .,weights and agent, ~nt ' for meas~tes during lIme ,6.10' Tbe and FERA, Kay, 193 Book Shop, 1 ream VI~tol' bo~d for 5; March Bro•. , st~ncUII and record.e r, '~.50; William Hufford, pap~rJ 'for welfare omce• . ".16; JEII& STANJ,&Y I.waal~tnlr for pr!.loners dU1'illg June WillIam CarlOn, ' cledc, li,bt · to 19; Della Hufford teed: U~S', SOc; The We.\ern ...... 'lOt "_ ·•• '0. . . . . . . . . '"".''' .... _ dUring June,' 1984. Star, 600 ,record cards for Llb·.AJlL KOOCWtR ' Weatern Star,' 200 anon, . '8.89i Ol;lio Central Tele~ OaF'" PIa... ,.. m,' for derk of court., C.o., June rent, Kay tolle, ICE __ n . . . . . F. J. Heel: l'rlntina' ,Co., 60 Welfue omce, $22. Ohio. . Telephone Co., telephOne reot nnIDlmo,nll" .q~ , ~n••el' and 'cro. ALL .SBT FOR THB ST'RATOSPHBRB-~ .... tub petiti!)n for .clerk, '1.410; John and tolla, Franklin Welfare oftlee, 011 IHMnI. Tlaey'd .".r Iiv. to t,U the u1ewl,tbout tbi. Ur.. ~"i'" ~w. Son, p., oU, ,labor -and '2.70; Weatern . Union Telephoue aupplle., ~ car and .torac' Co., telegrams, '2,4&; 011106 Outabertra can. '82.07; Waldron C' fitters, rental of equjp~ent " and OU'VE Ill!AD how aviator. often wear gas mash attached' GOmour; posta"e .tamp" fo; auppUea for W_ltare omee, T"AT~ WHAT W& MEAN to oxygen tanks. But did you know that they also have cllroner, '8; Onille It..ver 'lIer- '1&: If, E .•o... .po.tmaater, ItamPI --~"IIIIIIi to provide extra air for their mginesP , . '. 8V "a.IMATJC CONTRO,"' " , cba~n, ".18.; W':ldroD 'for Welta... ollce, $40: Ray S q _ F O R ,SnE C. Gilmour. inqUest, ,7.70; Wal- er\,. groceries furnt.hed · relief ...;..----~~-...."..-"'---~ The ,eason is that a gasoline engi~e must have air-or it droB O. GllmoU1', tnquelt; '6.90: fam~iell durinr .a,., $1,0.76; Owen FOR SALE- Purl! Cider Vinepr can't Tun. In fact, it useamore -air than a human' being. Waldro" 0 .. GUmo!1r, inquest; '7.- Gr~ ~f ton of c?&1 f~rni~ed J. ,t.. M~nden~all, ,pb9n& 46R12. .Waldron O. GilmQur" inquelt;. Welfare familIeS dtilin, . , 8; ,. , Now see what that means in your car. AI the weather SALE-White CoUie PUpil. , ; John Ban, pay roll, '92.&0 Tbe Olllce Olltfttt81', CQ., 1 bot~e changes, the air changea-and the quality of your "gas" ni:,h'i·."~ Simpson, pay roU, ,158.80 typ~ cluner ,for pl'ob~te cQurt, B:rnett, . Waynemlle and mixture 'varies. M. C. Forman, pay roll; U08.40; 60c" William CoDliIa • . Son, 1ft'Oroa • Waynes\1lle, Ohio• . A preadjulttnent at the refinery; called Oimauc Control, W. B. Seiker, pay roU,. $98.60: eUi.. fumiehed relief familles SALE-:-150 Engllllh lAehorn F' B. Se~u~r, pay rl)\1, $141.80: 4UJ1nr'·~~0'97; D. Q. Eltcroth, hena, layinlr 60 per cent. Leona makes Mobilgas mix equally well with any'k.ind of air that . LemmoDB, pay "toll, '187.50: ....' ~';'.j , Hall. j19 your car may" brellthe." Thul this gasoline always givel Harold Sweney, pay roll '86.. you the IOrt of satisfying car performance ~hat you want. Jobn lI,ers, pa,. roll. $19&' J "OnC~ OF PUBU~ ~EARINC FOR SALE-Plaid grown cabbace Dunn, aervIc. .. . mecbanJ~ 0.,..,. ...... T plante. 8&c per 100 or 800 for Try a tankful or two of Mobilgaa. Stop at any half of JlIlIe, $48; GUpi11 • SOll. · E4h1catl_ of ,1.00. ~o. PetersOn, 1 ' mU. from .arion that shOWI the lign of the Flying R.ed Hone. gasoline, ,'.04: ~a Armltap. Wayneevin., Oll Bellbrook plk•• Notice" lIenb pen tbt IP'IInl, '87.1'T; L. I. Pe.. ce, ~Ir mteetrte 18th da, of 1984, at elllaati on Cia 0 cloelr p. IlL, a public hearlq will 80' Robert b. held on the Baclcet FOR RE!qT-Garqe for ODe or $8081' R 8 Co .,. til. 1IuaI. Twp. 01 two can, ebeap. lin. Buaa 81', ·,•• DOftfI, JldueatioD of Wam,. COWlt" Scalan. e.1ll 1i1le, ".tl' TIle tor-- 6. . . . aueceecllDt



r"'------------· . T



reat Your Hogs




-.,------------'' 11 C ' ARY'S JEWELRY SHUP








M artln •




Centerville, Ohio


That'$ fl!nat , turns Liquid GASOLINE


into Power y~u can ~J~e


ChrOliicJ~, 10:O~

StaDI~'Y '&


Auctl oneer.

o_'orr". ....



t: I..t



H;· p;.."

" . Btat:S~ ; leU J






::=t 1_ , . . . . . . Dte.mber 8la, •




E. O. Bolander of th~ teach('r~' training corp! of Ohio State UniD. L CRANE I I CrJpdo. PriM. '1.10 a Year vel'lIity has been given a year's Ji)~tr..·~b~:. to.=~C:4 ~la:aU':a~- leave of absence to act a.s &l!llistan'l. state 8upervisor 0:[ vocational agl·l• ........................ No. 11. '.:tter 'ulture to Wke the place of J. B. McClelland, who ie aillo on a year' JULY 19, 1934 leave of absence to act as dh'ector ~===""'==============""",,"__~::::I==-===-IE of emergency chools in the tate 'relief depa11ment.

:=:.!••..". . . . . . . . . ru .N•.....112_ls....

Brown Gaina Strength In Race For Govemor

The Ohio Electt'ic Light and Republicans In this couniy wlll be interested to know how the Power League has been organized ,ubernatorial contest Ileems to be shaping 1 se. om a n@lm.:at-otlrhilrtlrn"--mrtVrnrnmt'ffrllfHi1i<tftit-"ttl!rtt1 number ot th northern Ohio city new,Spapers we gather they too have and PQwer compani~s of the state a notion that there is collusion between the Sparks and Morgan tOI'ces to conduct 11 campaign fol' the prevention of accidents. H. C. Crain, fat' the benefit 0'( the Maschke candidate. The Akron Beacon-Journal which has been supporting the Sparks Canton, was elected chairman, M. G. Irvin, Norwalk, .secretary, and ambitions last week carried a rna t interesting cartoon showing their R. H. Crone, Cincinnati, F. M. lavodte fotlner mayor and Morgan, the Maschke tool playi!)g ball on Zaxley, Bellefontaine, and R. S. the aam team, indicating that they too have scented the teamwork Metzg r, Toledo. members of the bing demon tt'ated betw en the tVl'O. !'ules committee. The campaign The fact that Sparks ha made positively no headway with his Will run to January ~, 1935. 'a spirations lends all the more evidenee to the appearance that the uncanny Cleveland bo s of bOBses has made a deal for Sparks to tear According to the annual repQ~t down t he outstanding candidate with the aim of aiding Morgan. of the Ohio School of the Air' for 01110 l'epublicans Ilr til'ed of Maschke's political deals and will the Hchol yellr 1933-34, just isnot. "fail" for it in pite of his effort to bandwagon hig candidate, sued, the numb I' or listening S alloned political obs r'iers see the Clarence J. Brown strength .'chQol pupils during the year was mounting daily in all ections oi the state. His known ability and 50,18l. This is based in 246 rehonesty are household words all over Ohjo as a result of hia outstanding ports out of 182 fl'om schools public service in the ecretary of state office and as lieutenant u ~ in the broadcasts. ReqUests lor uggestions, from school principals g_o=v=e==r=n::::o~r.=======~==:=============== for improving the program brou ~ ght many r·eplie .


Farm lvight 1 alka, July 23 'rhe OhiQ State University Radio Statioo-WOSU.

8 :00 :06 .8:15 S ;26 8 :40 :60 9:00 9:10 \):26 9 ;36 9 :46


J. W. Wuichet Rai ing Bee r Calves in Ohio .. ," ............. ...... ..L. P. McCann Music 1. P. Blauser ome New Electrical Machines for the Farm ..... W Icome to Int rnational Baby Chick Meetinp in leveland . . . ............................. G. S. Vickers Where Are W Now7 .,........ ............ .... .... : ... ...... Lelia C. Ogle Music 4.-1{ Tours a~d D monstrations " ....................... ... 0. C. Oroy Weather ign.s . . ... ......... ......... .... .... .. H. E . Eswine Marketing the Early Appl ................... F. H. Beach

Fal'n;' Adju tin nt News

........L ...........

Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State C~pitol COLUMBUS - William Green, pre$ident of the American Federation of LabOT, returned to the leene of. his earlier trimphs lut week when he came to Columbus to addre the jubilee convention of the Ohio Stale Fe~ration of Labor. In 1911·14 Green was presiding pro tern and floor leader of the state senate. He introduced the workmen's compensatin aet and led the successful fight for ttlis law and the anti-ser en mine law. Befor entering the senate Green mi;ned coal in Coshocton county. He was president .01 the Ohio Mine Workers Union from 1906 to 1910, a.ndsecrelllry-treaaurer 01 t.he United Mille Workers of America from 1913 to 1926. In December, 1924, h& was elected pre :ident of the American Federa-


tion of Labor to lucceed Sanluel Gompera. All of thil time be has retained his residence at Coshocton. As it happens, O. B. Ohamman preltclent of the Ohio Federation of Labor, served In £6e Ohio houtle from Dayton when Mr. Green was in the lenate.

A veil of deep mystery and " a cloud of speculation have been thrown about a small house boat anchored last week, in the Scioto River opposite the State Departments building. While the incongrous habitat of the bi toric stream has been in the vicinity of the imposing state office building for more than a year, its unknown owner has never before bad ell'rontery to shove it beneath the very windows of Ohio's imposing structure. Th& incident has raised the que tion of official authority over the Scioto river in Columbus. According to Public Works department eneine'ers, the Tiver was under state' contl'ol for canal purpo eS from 1883 to 1911. In the latter year control of the slack \I'ater In the l'iver from the dam near tile ~oot of Main street to the site of the penitllntiary was abandoned by the state and the bed and banks of the river between th pointB named trans1erred to Columbo. by legislative act. In March, 1917, a law was adopted authorizing the governOl' to deed forever to the city of Columbus the title to the tate dam, the lack water and the bed and banks from the dam to the confloence of the Scioto and Olen tangy rivera.

Thirty-tour of the 4,200 men in the Ohio Penitentiary are laying Aceording to the Ohio Health the groundwork for a businells life Department, Fourth of July futaliwhEn rele.sed. They are taking ties this year w~re only. about a commercial course in the prillon one third what they were the school wl.t h an avid interest. Book country over in 1981. Drowning keeping, shorthand, commercial caused most .deaths, 70 0t,'t of 176, law and arithmetic are the special t~ree . in Ohlo. A~tomo~lle fatalisubject. studied. The cia.. made tle! were 69, two In OhiO. the 1Iigh &\'erage of 98 per cent 1 !!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!~ lut lDQllth. The.. lPec.la11y irateful to Warden P. E. Thomas White Rose, the depenlor encourqfq this branch (:If the _bIe Gasoline.

• 2,000 Miles Creosote Lines Check Chinch Bugs

IiuIl . . . . .

engine r. It til plan lied to Inelude SublCribe tor The future bfautlflcatlon work in the relrUlar road c:onlltrllction pr0l'rlUl1 on projects where l·t'llIbltle beautification ill dl'{'med advisable land· Bcaping \\ ill b provided for' as a lIupplementary part ot th C\instruction contract.

IChooL Bomer E. Lee Is the eMIian instructor.

New Burlington Mr~. Lucy ompton, who has been ill for several weeks, w the recipient of many beautiful rmembrances, on Monday, it being hor birthday anniv rsary. Mrs. Sar'ah Lytle entertained relatives from olumbus, on Sunday a :l E. R. Lumpkin is confined to a hospital in lIliJdletown, wh~re he i.s S('~ll t: ( ·EI .I':UHATIONI recovering from serious cuts and bruises sustained in an automobile accident, last Thursday even in g. Mr'. and Mr . Robert Duffey. of Middletown, wel'6 gue ts in the Curry home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Oran Tur'ner and 80n, of New Philadelphia ar ..... '•• ""... Telatives here. Earl Copsey, (:It pl'ing V~l1 V, delivered the sermon at the Unloading baml)Oo pOl .. on the ball 10. 'or neg, Ind trail ",ark.,.., oto. Friends' thUl'ch, Sunday n10rning. Mis Hannah Whit on entertainAbel. II the c.ntral "gura. .ed a large group of r laUves at AMl!:tuU}k. ANTAttl} walen or acc:onl1OD Oro . No her hom'e , on Sunday. ·I·ICA. Jul)' \U • vIa Mutta, Ita lak el1l I Miss Mae McKay spent last week I call nardly bold Lb. pencil to dIO) --.()ur blgges( mlo·wlnter boh· lll.. .tOI')'. Yeaterday IJW ",it.h relatives in Dayton. day-~'ourtb or July! And (110 w" wrlle »0""\10 , Nay, LIn at, 8IId I lOt OU Mis Leila L mal', accompanied bave a Ume! njoying a l!.'veryboo)' ewore on work 101 ttl bllDOS In varr p&lDtuJ oondltloD by two gil'l friend s. i through the East. day ncellt Clay Belley. or l:lra,wley . worlllA, 00 tnt! 1111 OUrtl ..~oodor The Ladies Aid Soeiety is sponCallr .• OUI rallf<t allln . A I 4!'II·bllllfl. 1"1111& In IU underanow bnpr. I our Cambrl<lge. Ma~K .• COOk: alld arD IIOW worklDI wIth Ut. anatlon: soring a Illwn fete On the M. K the aog roen . l 'lle)' WO)'K Rtf tb\! 'lang InstrucU.. IIUI darned UJlo church gr'ound!! next Friday even· I!om rortable It I. too cold-about ing. time becallse lbedog:t! !!nll I Til '08 --Dlze holiday. and Ur.ay 118 ve La 01> ;iH·40 below - to tall. oft our bl. \Cloves to "orla on Lb• •achlnea. fed and bave tbll" quarters Cleanl!O Many elms throughout Ohi o al' W. liael to. to Il.s Jbe platons, and regardleBB at oat ~ and ce"~Dra every tim. our 110141111 came 111 con- Infested with European elm scale. Uonl. tact w,tb tile metal tIIey frOIe to It "'or tbree da,.. AI C8rbfJul' bar! and tor. olr a lot or .kln. Lots of b eD the busiest human wltbln a rUD. eb' thousand III lies or til e t;oll til POle. ODe or OUI cow. II 1101l! " 'bll And be dId ooble work! Here II Ure mornIng I vlnte4 tb.·cow barD and m al we Pllt away lC' CHl'Orale LIIe belped Edgar Co•. of Arcado, N. Y., Decillratioll of I nd "~Indenc_ V4!1. doctor ber. !fe bad Ipent a wbole table IOUJl. roaat flroaled turlley. day and nl&bt aUl1lll'li b.r &lid abe Blood Preslure Down Too wltb dr88llng and cr:aoberry lIauce. lIeem, , lot beUer. I!lxpert 4aJrymen muhed potatoes. glravy . cr_mM .001 II • carpenter, not a cow. peu. bot apple pie. cocoa. cotree band) are radlolal IU to be careful ". h beeD takill. teru •• hen and lOme at our t'ew remlllnlnll In OUI contact. wttb tile baby bull Salta for h_lth, and for hiah ctnra. Home reput! earbone al· because be ma, ChaD.. bla docll. ..Iood ........ lIre _d "'-matiarn and most bad to protec:t bill kltcben mOOd Iud den., wltII traale .... ult&. it helped hath. My biood ......ure wlUi /I machlnf! guo I!:verybO!ly '01, t allan try to keep out or Ill. wa. a. b!,h a. 290 wM. I atartcd to take Kru.ch_. I weidled 255 uDteere to belp Lbe cook on boU· 'fb'~ tell 1110 by radIO Ulat club day,. Uecelttul crealturea. moal 01 memllel'llltpe are alowtJII lIP wbUo and ao-.. I wei'" 214 that i. lo.laa Uiem. Tbelr oul, ObJE:e1 II! to de"ouf peop'e are awa, dul1Dl tIlo bot .n Iba., in about Dine 1II0Dtha and I f_1 6a.... Mn. W. Eolllofr. delle&eles wbeD bls tlack I. turned. wealber .• could au ....y .... a bac A balf teaspoonful of Kruseh n 10 the afternoon. atter lbe baD' of !.bat weather bore. eapeolauy the in a glass of "....arm wateT evel'Y quet. we eDJoye~ tlbe Paramount sUD II,b~, In tllil treealla, darlm... morning SAFELY takes off un~uDd picture. "'I'be Smllto, LJleu· Tbe club rou. are 100 OpeD, bow- healthy fat by helping to re-eswb· tenant." and blld • nlolay aong fell enr.•0 If you'd Ub 10 Join, OD"r. Ush proper functioning of body Qrwblcb wu enJoyedl by Admiral I, ".thout COlt. aad ,et your trao gans-at the same tim it -enerByrd . orr In ble burled but. Batley membel'lbtp Clant &lid AJttarotlo gizes and helps build up robust health. F el yeats young r- ACT brought In scores ot Imeeaa,ea from map, aIm ply ••ad a ....,-a4cl.reaaocJ, it and LOOK it. One bottle lasts 4 the outllide world. l.leut.~oll1Jllan· IllamJl'l4 en,.lope to m. at our weeks. You can get Kruschen SaltH der .... C ScbloBsbal:b. of Braclley American beadquarters. .A.44rMa at any drug tore in the wodd. Beacb. N. J., of our javlaUon ,roup, Arthur Abele. Jr.. PrealdOilt. Little wu so enthuslutto a'bout CartMloe'l America AylaUon &114 IDKploratlon proWelS with tile 1llIlIet. that be Olub. Hotel LoxtDston; 48th Btreet appointed blm,elt btll maoa,er &II. and Lutnlton AnDuo, Now York. olfe...d to matcb Jilin ., &IIy aDd tbe material wID be MIlt you "Dtalonllt 1n a IkU race, bem. prolllPUr.



.. - ...---



6!.."!",..,_W. .....

,. a Dr. li0iil1li. _'~uUOI"UD" Mil

... r:'rapPl",.Oit.



Woman Loses ...... la. eII:':ri 41 Lbs. of Fat ~n'i;"'$1.;



nluable Ill1ormau.... ,.UDI,r..oIv_ ....1. . ~~

loU.... aew,.,. ...... I,." ... !lubecrlbe _ Mil •• wtllMlld Jllll

FREE b~"vt'~" allllle 'FPla , ~'fr:=1& l.d.orD .......

. _ lor

l .... .u' UI'hII. _roil _

..iTtCrl':.~ . ...... ~

HUNTING . .. 'ISHING fran ... Bid,. hawn, M....

White ROH- Power behind the enllne.



Cross R.oad Chatter

the maintenance of dustless detours and the mowing of weeds on detours and keeping them mowed .

N_ Facea For Geaeral luae ..... I, Membership of the Slat Ohio I General ABlembly will see manr. "Newj o_i" For Cc _ _ La.... qew facell, only 16 of the incumll The common laboTer haa notl bents re-el~ction. There been the "forgotten man" in the are 160 ca!'dldatell I~ th ' field on adminil\ti:aUon of fed:eral. funda on the two 'm.IIlOl' party tIckets for the NRS highway ptojects in Ohio u a 82 state senate ppsitlons in the result of the cooperlftion !riven to August prlm_ry. the national recovel'l' procr&m by ---Governor Georee Wlhite~ Analysis of the mOlley diatril)ution on the Plans for continuance of the first 24 NRS projecl:s undertaken roadaide beautification program of in Ohio indicate the great. benefit the State Highway Deparlment received by commO~1 labor taken tbis faU and into the from the [1tnu of th~l unemployed. through pring ·h ave been outlined to Common labor was ,.aid over half GQvernor G~ol'ge White by Danall -~0.24 per cent to be exact-of D. Dup~, Jr., state landll.. ape the total payroll exp.ended Oil the project!• . E~n greater benelfit8 will be received by cO.m mOn la:bor under the NRS program for ' (lbio aJ)proved lIy Governor Whit<e ~ under the &Tant of $7,865,OU in federal highway fJlnda for tb" year beginnine 1uly 1. Approxillllately ".,000,000 of these fundi ..'ill be upended on secondary 1'08418.

Spurt of 3S.9 pel' cent was . g\steI;'ed in Ohio emlployment. COllditions during the illrst sixmontba of this year over ttle coneapondiDi period of 1938. H01lfever, employment in June dElelfDed 1.S per cent fro.m )fay, the lint letback In the> Ohio indulltdal employment improvement which 1Itarte<l in ;tan uary. June empl.o)'Jnent never the leu remained :26.4 per cent above June 1988.

Stat. DoaItloa U. S: Tall P., ..._ t Feckral tax col1~~ioDl in Ohio the ftacal year endiq .June 80 almoat doubled thOle of the previoua;year. Total ~~ent In the state for 'the "..1' " .. fl24,622,867.12 .. eompar~ to f69,477,801.42 in the previoas JUt. Salot~

F....... Sa.-I ·Fartberanee of Qoyenor Oeorce White'. propam to make driYina III Ohio lafer for 1D.0torllta wiD Hsuit from the &nD01I1Iced plan of the State Htchwa7 Depu1:meat to eoannvate OD the aafltr ,hue of w.tnru 'asaiDteauee operatlo_ c.ifttot inapeetlOll 01 all NIdpe . . . 1'Rl0ftl of foil..., u:... w ..... i1l~ wit1l III"t




















y ball to Satt.rthwaiu. III, and bandUlI, alfalla aeed. Hit b)' pitebed ban ttert.h"alte Alfalfa a.ed producti4ln belran in OUIt CLASIIFIED COLUMNS or by St.ratbmalln. commercial quantltl.. in weaterll It II Itlmat d thlt 5 Ju!r cent .. eelm I - , . . d U h C 01 Oblu fanners will find it de...arne rl1l1l--..erc ants., oca Ohio about 1930. Since then, yieldll alrabl. to take IdvanJare ot the Co'" 11. of one.half to lib buahela have White Ro.., the depenproviaionl! of th Frasier-Lemke Strike oute--Strathmanll 2,]{ah II been obtained. Average yields apall 5, Maxwell ., Ellis 1. proach two to three bU8h~ls. dable Gasoline. ~.:!!~ ~h~~r :1 ~~'::;~~~~~i:~~~~!~ (Colltillued from Pap 1) Left on baae_ Waynesvllle 4, The annual aJlembly of tbe MiThin lltands, torether with abuntion by investigating the provilll- than that and 1 claim it's no bad CocaCol.. 11, .. iunl Valley Chautauqua. near dant 8unshine and ~ittle rainfall QJ1B 01 the bill. Mtmbt'J'1! of county ball gam _ when nine Inn in, are Rita of Strathm~nn 8 !n 6 IOnlng Franklin, Ohio. open8 Th.ureday, during blooming p~T)ods, 8~m to - , - - - - - - - - - - - - " farm anu home protective cQmmit- played with only error. ' ,oil .Kahan 2 I~ S _ JR~inga; ~f Mi88 Alice Oglesb 11, of Spring July 19th. In spite of the fact t hat tav~r.8 ed productIon. yL\rle~ated t e. are in position to explain Next Sunday July 22nd the Mer M~x\lel~ 17 in 5 lOnangs, oft' Ellis Vailey, called on friends bere Sun- the Chautauqua plan has 8urtered varieties ha'le provC'd m OhIO to th m. chanlll wi\) travel to Cuba, Ohio to 8 1~ 4 lDnm,.. .. day afternoon. s 10 of public patronage during be surer seed producers than the play lhe Cuba ub the!' . When Los~ng pitcher Maxwell; wlnnmg the years of tile depre'8ion this common alfalfa. =============~ the Cubs played on ollr ,rounds pI~her Btrathmann. Evelyn, Georgianna and Marion tlme-honoled institution 0; the Higher yleld8 and better quality June 31'd the core was 3 to 2 in Umplres--Prendergast and Ann- H oblit are visiting relatives at Mlami Valley bas cat'ried on of seed result when the second, White Ro.. ~ Power be- favor 01 the Merchant" so this .strong. Cincinnati th~a week. thl'ough it all. AM a family umthan the third lrTowth is left seed . hind the enl'nt. should be a pretty evenly matched T~me of game- l hour and 6 0 . mer resort the Miami Valley Chau ~"'. . .""''"''''''''''''''''''"'~''¥ y Saturday, July 21 ""!'!!'!'!!!'!'!'!!!'!'!'!!!'!'!'!!!'!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~"!'!' game. 1 haven't, been Informed by mmutes. t Mrs. Cbal'n~ dAnt~'amf' of.IDa , tauqila has JTown Ilteadily_ People Agronomists say that threethe monag<er who will do the pitch - - onton, a Jome t .le a!'ll y at who have not visited the grounda :fourths of the seed pods should be TIM McCOY _ _ _~~~_ _~~_ _'"'!' ing for theMerchants yet, but you the Friends Home tor .a brtef stay in years are amazed at the steady brownish blaele at harvest time. If in L.di .. ' 0 ........ 70c can rest assured that manager yt Several from here lattended t he growth in improvements and the a mower with a buncher is used Mea', Suit. SSe Ii bury i doing his best to furluneral of Mrs. L...-";'.-.I Peele at facilities :for wbole orne recreation when the plants arll tou h, less Quick-for Il. .lit, .ryc.... nlsh Waynesville with a goad ban Mu Sarah Burnet of East Beaver, Ohio, on Wednesday alter ,!,he 1934 assembly prolrl'am, seed is Bilatte~d, th~y ny .. This A hundred motors ronring to WhICh features daily and evening of harvesting eqUlJ)Dlent I reclub. Palestine Ohio who is spending noon. victory and de.ath , the sum~er in'Dayton is visiting attractions, from July 19 10 .c\ug- commended above other device8. (Added Comedy) WA YNESVILLE MEB,CHANTl:\ at the home of Mr.' and Md. Mrs. ,L ogan Hyslop, of Nampa, uat 6, offers the best to be secured Th.e seed crop cures rapidly if Harvel' BUinet, ldnho, niece of Mn. Hlowell Peirce in lectllres, plays, concerts and left lD small bunches. Storage in SUiD.-Mon.-Jul,. 22-2S CLEANERS AB R H PO A Mrs. Margaret John8 pent is a guest at tbe Frien.ds Rome this novel entertainments. . barn of ~ well covered s1ack or Mendy, 2b .. 4 1 1 1 4 0 Thursday Ilnd Friday at the home week. Th.e Miami Valley Chautauqua threshl~g With a c~over huller or Thompson, sa..4 1 1 2 S 0 of her eon Glenn Johns and family Mr. Van J . Bean alnd Mr. Neil unIque in. that is serve/!. the peo- wen-adjusted gralD epnrator Lau.'ena, 3b .. 4 0 . 0 2 2 0 in Dayton'. Curtis of Abon. Ohio were gue tB of the Valley without profit to any ~hou~d ~e p rompt, becau e see d 115 with Peek, Ib ... .3 0 2 12 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hadley M d Individuals. All excess of receipts readIly mjured by rain. .T he better adapter tbe variety Hartsock, cf ",, 2 1 1 0 0 0 tended the Hadley reunion at Ft. ~~st ~/~e ~:k~' V. 'Hart8ock the over expenditures must go tel beau FRANCIS LEDERER and Ellis, cf &; p .. 2 1 0 0 1 1 Ancient Sunday tifying the grounds or bringing orIginally used, lhe older the ELISSA LANDI (Added Ollrtoon) B. Weller, 1£ ,, 4 0 3 8 0 0 Mr. ~nd Mrs. 'Walter Kenrick, Mn, Chas. HopkinlJ, and daugh- talent to itl! platform. Chautauqua mea~ow, and th ~ol'e e.ed gen--SHOWS . Davis. rf "" . 4 0 1 1 1 0 MI'!!. Allen Emrick and Miss t r, Mi88 Mirfam, of Hyde Park, belongs to the people, but it i8 ~ration8 grown III ' OhIO, tbe TWO - 7:30--9:00 M Weller, c . • 0 0 I> 0 0 Thelma Oolem n were Dayton visi Cincinnati, were gue!sts at the not supported br taxation or Fedthe ad pt!'tlon of this Maxwell, p cf 4 0 1 1 5 0 tOI'!! Thursday. Friends home over th.e week-end. eral or State ald. ~ you haven't , grown e~d ~V\1\ be to Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Maler of .. vi ited Chautauqua in ret'Snt yearll 10 the same ectlon, agr0110rnl stll _ _ Totals ... .. . S. 4 10 27 16 1 Columbus are spending a few days . Little PatBy. B~lrd contmues. to do 80 within the next three weeks declare. , at their farm heN!. . Impr~v~ at MIamI V~ilIey hospItal and see what a groull of unsell1sh I~:::::::::::;::::::~:::::~ Mrs. Wilbur Foulkll who bas and It 1S hoped she wllll be able to men have accomplished. . -- Phone No. 19 INCINNATI COCA COLA ,ill f I k I or Bev ra wee 8, a be removed home sOOn!. AB R HPO A E b een QU 1..., Newha~ 2brf" 2 1 1 0 o mucil improved and able to be out Mr. and Mrs. lare'nce Weymer Thacker, rf .. .. 1 0 1 0 0 o again. of idney. Ohio were visitors at ~ W .'. Conway, 3b .. , S 1 a l l o Harvey Burnet mad a businesa the home of Mr. and Mra. Clifford The McPherson reunion W8S held HUk:h.nson 2b 3 0 1 1 2 o trip t41 Columbull Tae day. BUlick and famil)' at:! Sunday. here laet Sunday. . Macke, IS .... ... 6 2 4 • 4 o A larl"e 'crowd thofoughly eDMr. and Mn. C. D. Miars and Mr. Ben Howell wl'th more than Sbeb ta, 11 .,. 6 1 1 1 0 o joyed the home-~omlng of the hundred ruests f:rom the Sun- daurhteTII of New Burlin~n n.nd Strong. -b .. ,. 0 0 0 0 1 o Lytle chool here Sunday, which o was spon sored by Mr. and Mra. day school at Port William, Ohio, Weldon Wilson andfamily'of near The little tltit;lg!l matter Lahm~ tb ...... 6 2 3 to 0 o Walter Kenrick. njoyed a picnic atW,lI.yne Park on Xenia, were ~sito1'8 at churcb Hawkina, rt of 5 1 3 2 0 Sunday. . most In funeral service. Koebler, of Sb" 1 2 0 3 o Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bailey and Sunday. Mis8 Ladoma Si"I1clair ' and sister 'I'h ~rfectioJl of our eerWebb, e . ,..... 6 · 0 2 '1 1 o daughter attended a reunion 'of Full line of baked goode on Sale Loui e, attended Franklin ChauStrathmann, p 4 2 2 0 2 o the Bailey family, Sunday. in the old Zimmermaln store room tauqua Sunday. vice haa resulted ftom vllKahal_ p ..... 1 0 0 0 '1 o Mra, Margaret Jonns attended 01) Saturday. Pie, cahs. bread The New Burlington and Caes.ilant ,attention to Iman - - - -- - -- the funeral of Mrs. Edwin Chan- cookies, chicken and T)podles. Ada aril Creek W . C. T. U. met at the T o~i s ........ " 47 12 28 27 21 0 dJer at the Friends church at Dakin ~ detail. Every piece of borne of Mrs. Lawrence Mitchner Waynesville, Monday afternoon . . Tuesday afternoon. equipment or merchandl8~ 128« Ii 6 7 8 9Mrs. Clyde Mount and daughter Delegates to the ~k'". F. M. conDon't forget the Wornanl el!!! uaeci by us II !lrst carefu.lMerchants ,.. 3 '00010 () 00-- " Mi88 Edith, of Dayton were viei- lerence at Clpe May" N. J . return- wedding and Lawn Fete to be ll eld CoeaCola :'" 2 1 , 0 0 8 0 1 1- 12 tore Tuesday at the home of Mr. ed home on Saturday and reported here, Tuesday, July 24. A good IV examined II)' a member Pilon. 120 WAYNESVILLE, OHIO on ballll--()l1 Maxwell 2 off and M1'8. Allen Emrick. a most enjoyable tim ,e during their time for all. All C!hildren under of our 8taff. The rHult 'is Ellis 1. Mr , and )(n. Glenn Brock and stay there. six adlll itted free. Two b•• e hl' - H-"'-oc:k, Lahlll, daughter, Betty Jane"of Indianapa faultleu fllner.1 tllat ii ....- ....... ). II d MAl' B II: d Mr. and Mrs. Ed.n~und Brlckett Koehler, Newha'" 0 III ca e on an d and Bon and daughhr, of Toledo ed Mr. withand Mrs, Horace Compton of I; : : : : : : : : : : : : : :;: : : ; : : : : : : : : : : ; John WlIson viSit... Thacker. ~r8 M M n.h II Ice S roc d a dipUled tribute to the Three bue bi'Lahm. . ...I . ttaryan d d th a.h un ay an . .rrived 4In Monday .!venln a for a New Burlington, Saturday afterHome runa-Thompaon, lIIellden- ahere eo a en e e orne comang visit with Mrs. Brich.eU's parents, • deeeued. noon. Ml'.. Compton is much Republican Primary AUlu.t 14, 1934 better. Mr. and Mn. Howell Peirce. haU, BawkilUl, Shebesta, Lahm. .... lit! Venna Bruscup of Miami, Double playa--Macke to Newhart ---,-to Lobm. Laure ..e to ' Fla., W88 a guest, Tuesday, of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. J . V. Hartsocli and and Mrs. Walter Kenrick. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert . Mllr. Alice Mahan of near Green Crew, Melin. PhinElall Coale and ~-========for D_I:&:_I 1___ ville and Mn. John Brewer, of Frank Crew were ·rule sb on I"VIIIUI IUl88lDcelleals Centerville, called on the tormer's day at a birthday ct!lebration for Phone? mother, MrI!. Lottie Carey, Tuea- Nfl!. Abe Cook at Sprin"boro. Wayne.vUle, Ohio day at the borne- of Mr. and Mrs. Fr-om Warren County Mr. and Mr . Chllrles Brisneld Frallk Rogers. FOR CORONER High taxes 81' detrimelltnl both to the tax poyer and wage Mr. and Mr8. W, H. Smith and and daugbter, Rutb, of Newark earner. I:f taxes w l'e redueed, the tal( payer would hO'f8 more Dr. H. K. William., of Lebanon Mr. Marion Daurherty ot Portland Mn. Bert Shepll1:d of ColumT. F.,..... N .... b,.. Sa, cash with which to employ labor. Thertore it elected to the ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lalllth.~ri:,ea the anDouncement of Ky., spent a couple ' of days lut were dlnnl!r guelltB of Mr. and next General As Inbly of Ohio, I shall fight for th rights of ~._i.ta his candidacy for the Republiean week with the tormer'. ,niece, )(rs Orville Gray lind daugbter, t he tall payer and wag earner, llominati4ln tor COl'oner of WarFoulk8 and family. . - Barbara, on Sunday. - T. C. PATTERSON VOTE FOR Mr ..and Mrs. Harry Burnett and County aubject to the primary HISTORY election of August 14, 1984. Quali- children, Mrs. S. H. Bunnett, and Mr. a"I1d Mrs. GUl' Kibler Rnd Increased inter.est in alfalfa ed for the olllc8- both by education )(rs. Mildred Surface and daulh- I;a; and MfI!. Euphamia Haugh, seed productionia- reported from Hoover's vo~ i.n Ohio 192 . . . ~ ,G27,54 6 and tefltPllerienclie'i Dr. Williams re~ ter, spent the week-end with Mr. of Dayton, visited 114r. and Mu. western Ohio. The department Smith's vot in Ohio 1928 . ..... .... ... .... .. _ 864,210 sPec u 'Y 110 C ts your vote 'but and Mrs. Calvin Longacre and Vern Hough and farDily Thu1'8day arronomy at the Ohio State Hoover's vote' in Ohio 1932 " . ..•. .. ...... ,... . 1,227.679 states that hia profeuioDal duties at Stony Point Beach, e¥enin". Mn, Euphamia Hourh re- venity il reeeiviDC numerou. )'toollevelt.'s vote in Ohio 1932 - .. ,.. .... ............ 1,301,695 CANDIDATE FOR wiU prevent bim from makine an Mich.even They esteneive campairn. Sunday in,.all returned

SIron. Coca Cola

Beat. L-lOal Merclaant.12 To 4







L I e







"Man of Two· Worlds"





10e Everybody

Caesars Creek

_TOe'.,. -L'V _p.BAY Kills and R epeUs Insects

Little Thinga

85c .alloD 5 lor SJ.SO

Houaehold ,Fly Spray Pint '9C Pint

Waynesville Drug Store




J. E. McClure







"Tfiat's our story an. we're



State Representative

:i81~·n~ed~fio;r~~avlal~~t.;::::::~=q:u~lr~ie~l:ab~o:u~t:m~e=tb~O:d:s:o:r:h:a= 1'Ve:I;t.-t~~~~~~~~~~~l:~~E~~;=~~~=::~

HAROLD D. (Ji_) BAILEY \ bUrl Weare authoriz.d to unollnce !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!'~!!.!!!!!.!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the name of Harold D. (Jim) Dr.•nd Mrs. W. E. 'Orleabee and Bailey, of Franklin Townabip, 'u a the WilliaM,on family IIpent one Comm_l.onJut week at the Relervoir. . candid,ate White the depen- el', subjectforto COunty the Republic Pri.lane Ellen Flte has redable Gasoll"e. , , mar y eleetlon, Auru~ 14, 193.4. home from an extended :: to her uncle, Wilbur WilloD ~~~~~~~~~~~!B -----~ family of Roanoke, Va. FOR REPRESENTATIVE I am a candidate for RepreMr. and Kn. W. T. Jordall •• ntative to the General Auemb17 iMen entertainin, their rrand f Ohi bj t to th Pri dau,bter, MilS Louise Hartaoc:k. 0 au ec: e maTJ to The D, A. I. claaa witb their o be held Aupat 14, 1984. Your Candldat. for vote and aupport ia reapectfully ~ber, Mrs. 1I. S. Tucker had solicited. picnic at LeSourdllvUle last FrlARTHUR HAMILTON day aiterlloon. The' Mi.les Nellie . Boemln, Charlotte Thoma. a"d ~ S\lbject to Repljbllc.a n and Elisabeth Blacldord, of CinPrimary . WILL R. LEWIS cinnati joined them there and all August 14, 19U Will R. Lewis, eouaty al:lditor, enjoJed themselve. untn a late -==~~==~===~== bas authorized u. to IIDnounce hi. Mn. W. P. McCarren. and ' candidacy for the Republican nomina'u4ln of county auditor aub- daurbten .spent several d.ys here home folks and returned home ject to the party prim.a ries, Allpat 14, 1984. Your vote will b. ap- _UIIU.'" afternoon. Virginia Davia and Vivian Tucker preliated. accompanied them for a visit. The W.yne Twp, ,.armers! clUb met at the, bom~ of IIr; an~ Mrs. FOR RECORDER Geol'lre B. Jobnson requeatslll A. S. C~I~ett laat Th~rsday. !In. to announce bis ca.. diuc:, for Laura Sbidaker and. MTB, S~die Warren County Recorder subJect ' Reason we~ among the inVIted to the Republican Primary, Aup.t rue8~ farm~" 14, 1984. Mr. Johnson Mver beMn. Helen Wall a,nd baby fore a candidate, Is ably qualified Ipellt la.t ThursdaJ .v~n.lDr . at the to All the oate. and lolicits your home of Mn. Everett Vdlars. IIUpport. . Mr. anlf Mr.. William Luken. IIpent tIM week-end at the Relet'voir. Band Concert wu well att-endALLEN HUFFMAN Allen Huffman announcea ed lut Thunday evening. The Civic L ....e wu held at candidacy tor nomination for re,election to tbe otftce of Coun~ the bom.. of Mn. A. S. Collett lut Recorder; subject to the Bepubli- Saturday afternoon. . can primary election on Auru., Mr. and MJ's. ToPl Welch and 14 1934.' . family, of Ft. Dod&'e. [owa, are , : here for a visit witbhia par,nts aad other relatives. . CLYDE C. COLLINS Several from here attended the Clyde C. Collins announc~a his picnic "lven by the Alumni of the Johnson wr()te, "The IDAIl candidacy for nomination lor clerk Cbeater Townabip Hip aehool ·at behind tbe plow b.res of courts, .abJect to the W.ytle Park, Tueaday evenin". .ture'a sUBtainin« bosom to can prima". election on Tueaday', Ill'. and 1Irs. Brice Carr and • faJDiliea of his brotben." family entertained Mn. ROlle Th. fal'pter ~ "Hia Brother'. August 14, 193". Mr. and lira, Guy Carr and Hereeper." MUllon. are nourl.hbert Carr and tamllJ at dinner - ' b" th. Had, and labor of C. DONALD DlLATUSH Monda,. evenll'• whOle love C. DOaald Dilatuab. ......aIt1an haa ...cI. th.m hla eaadldac, for ......eetIo. to F........ Set -DiItV of clYlllaa&ioa. the ott. . .f p~ attol'MJ. Y0!U' l'eepeeVull" aolleltecl Eleven per cent f."er .... Were Mt til CODlDl.rdal hateheri. in til. peried of la• ...., thlOqb . ." Subject to Republican Primary, AU&'11£t 14, 198.

T. C. "Tony" Patterson


TO IT!'-'








, ~TOFIES eJERVIC~ 7/u ,

-----_ ..---




0-3 U.ters Ileport 43* is Too Modest....,..They're Gddng More Extra Non-Skid Mileage Than nai-B~t We Prefer to Be Con,ertla'title



tb.-'., qul~e an uproar over our G-3 advertIIIna. Peoplle who iot the &rat G-l'a put outy ...

montha belron the pubUc ann6uncement-u.y ''Jou're pull~lDa1 your punch "--clte mUea&e r~d. to prove 43«J!o more non-skid life is an under-atate__to Very IIIkely It .a Jow-nf)' likely the G-3 does do bett8'-but, by .peedln" up to 50, Jammlna on brabI, lftI'y few lJ1l1M day and nl&ht. ill harder drttIn& than moat people do, the Goodyear teat leet eatablbbed the avenae of ~ treater DODIIdd wear-1Uld we'll .tick to that 8&ute becaUM: Tbat much utra lafety at no um COlt Ja pleat)' to oIert If hafe yet to ... thla UllUlna new Good,ear , doa·t walt I.....~ in

0'" Lew Prkftl l.eoIc H.reJ

Built witla Cord 301'"

-4-40 Aitel' '5 .... ",lid 01 hard \1M much



It Jl,t hiP

G.I'. iltUI ha" p'ent~oIt~,eft.-or•.

.....t • ..,1


, Eighty-Sixth Year



Whole Number 6128


__ -;C22 _ _ _ _ _ _ _



MERCHANTS 0EfE AT Mrll. Marymotmrr n.+--+--t::Ya:~JeN~ ON ~ ~~U£ ~L' Al<I, H~R1CAl. AND Mrs. Chaa. B. Herrmann, who was NATURAL HISTORY MusaJMS, '1t:lW92ING 6UILDtNGS AND FACIUl1Ec.:: stricken with paralYllil last WedRUNNING AND lROTTl RACE9 ",SWIMMING H~ING, ~I(S. PQEsIOENT GARFIElD'S CUBA CUBS BY 16 TOnesday night, at the liome ot her MAKE u.EVELAND A VISIT. daughter, Palo street, is improved and it ie 10 SC OR ESUN DAYconsiderably believed will recover, the stroke being a light




The ei~hth band concert will b(l ~PP~NG given Thursday evening Augu~t l! , I at Mc lute corner, at p. nl. 'rhis conc ert is given rIll' J'lm ~ Lovdy's Recreati on Pat'lor with 706 Pinto Lhe compliments of MI'. Alnun. What a thrill to hear a band, with th ,blending of all instt'um on_Weatherfor~ , ents· in harmony i come to the con· Thi, h The Count,', Third Boa. Texall DaUy Herald. Merch.anta to PIa,. Double Bill cert lind encourage tl1e children. .-.~ Th y 'hope you enjoy the programs I"ue During The Year, MaJ.1., Sllnd.,.; Flrnn F'1,en _cl The next cOllcet't will be spon· A Total of $75,000 the Local Old Timera sored by Th Farmers, Exchange THE DEEP ONE or AN1ST' MUSEUMS. TW£ and The Madden Lumber Co. The WayrLoavllle Merchants out "'I'VI,.."..t'\I'V\~I'IOf"'ir CI.£vEl.ANoMUSEUMO~NlTISIN1l1ERNE hit and defeated the Cuba Cubs In>cv~'CIJ I<VfoII< 1I1e: Am GAROEN. WITH ITS llNY LAKE AND Wanen county is offering for In a tree hitting l'ontest at Cuba STEAMEQ'S WHISllE MAJE9llC SHANg. NoTED FOR fl"AUAN sale on August 20 a· $15,000 Is. last Sunday afternoon by a dnal ANt-.()UN(?3 11£ DAlLV sue of county relid bond!! in acThat . terrifyinr pre·historic OEPAlmJQE Of BOAlS BOUND AND I-\rlrnCAN ~NTI~.~EDllVAL IVORIES cordance with a resolution adopted score of 16 to 10. While this man Carey is a very good pitcher the monsters roamed thil5 section of FOQ.aDAR PoiNT ANI) AND ENAMElS, AND I1S COuJrr by the board of county commisMerchants hll,d the old batting e)'e the country long before the ~"IN.BAY, FOI2 MOONOQGAN CONCER~. sioncl' at their meeting last week. Ttlc current i sue as allvertised, working and slammed the ball far dawn of history was proved UGHT EY..cURSIONS AND is to bear four percent interest and wide. At the same time Smith- liust week with the linding, at the son made a good come back and Van Camp company's gravel .pit at GQfA1LAKfS emEC;, R ' lilthQ..ugh bids may be based on a bela the Cubs to 7 bingle!, while Morrow, of a huge tuek, identified PuFFING ~ PUll OQE'LAOEN • port of passenger car regis· dll1'el'ent rate of interest if desired VESSElS uP 'nt!' WINDING tratlons for the, fi1"st qunl'ter of Thebonds will be Rold at no· le.s . 'b 1 d • were getting 16 oft the 8S htod 0Jv. In!' .... ."h .. ows an Increase .over .I.asi than pa~ and accrued inter""t our bOV8 avang e onge ~o a giant 1"3" ~ to deliver", of Carey. The Mer~hants mas Th on. t k h' h d' d ' 'AHOGA yeaI' m num.ber I) f reglstratlO nF the highest • reaponsible bidder .• creditable .."'ame and b Re us, Ww rt IC was · lBcovere an d ~'evenue 10 evel'Y cas ~xcepi based on the lowest rate in interI Played ,8 ve"'" ve h'IC Ies h8.vlng . mO,r e th an 3"u h or.Be est. charged themselves ,with only two y o y e z , secretary ' and h dlIi . was ent reaSUl'er errore durin'" .. the contest. t d 0 fh' lterm, powel', W hlCh requires a $25 regts- Th' . th th ' d I· ·f b d ' In the first Mendy walked. coun ere w I e gr1ng for gratration fee it is annouT\ced, , IS I e ,1' fe Ie on lS~.ue ThompBon went to second when vel ab~ut 36 feet below the surThi $25 regl tration da s con. to be old by the C~U1)ty durm~ Haney threw bad to drat on face cil. the earth. The bone was sists of the lar,g er typc of Cars, the put yel1r ~nd brmg5, the total Tompy's slow roller and Mendy about eight inches • in diamete.r, such as Pi erce. Arrows, CadUlacs amount of rehef bonds ISllued by pulled up at third on the play. and three feet long. was of Bohd and Lincolns, several ' models of Warren count~ to $76,00? A year Laurena fanned for the fuat ou ivor1. hry lers, Franklins, rackards a t ago, $30,400 In poor relief bo~ds SmIthson hit a home run scoring Studying the curvature and least one make of Hupmobil s, were sol~ to be retired froOm excise Mendy and Tompy ahead of him. other a.pects ~ o~ th~ tusk, &oologAuburns and Studebsl<~rs. tax ,recelpts. A total of 1,163,413 passenger In J~nuary of ~hiB }fear a $30,Hartsock and B. W-eller farmed. ists. of the Umvennty of CinclnIn the Cuba half McNeil was I18fe lIaH, wbo ~ere called to impect cars we(e regislered during the 000 rehef bond I ue wall lIold. when Wildman mufted biB ound- tb~ find, deCided that the bone was TWlCmNG TRAILC; LEAD that quarter of the present yenr, Both tbis and the current issue of, er and scored a moment I~er on orlgi~ally about 20 feet long, and OVfR THE CUFf'S AN D r suIting in a total revenue of $15,0?0 are to be r~tlred from Baken triple. Haney fanned and that It ~ad belonged to the masto· JosT.ACENTlIt2Y AGO, MOIi1MONS BUIL1 ntIS ntROUGW1~~ NARROW $10,404,177, an increase of 6.67 ~ lIelectlve lIales tax re~elpt • rol M M"C OF NEilSON I t'1V'C',S C'rfl·iTE. nMlI.lliO in number of re.,istrations and • --. outh fanned. ~ Ellis then let don, whIch roamed the earth more - , th • than 86,000 years ago. UNIQUE ""nURCH IN "THE 'THEN OI2MON CAPITAL, n;) I. LtIJ'.:>l: JII'\ t'1'II<J'. 8 10 >1 • I b L aurens row atgetfirst away Part . ot the tu ~1c: d'IIIn . tegra t ed PI""" ,nrol"ll'E 1.1"," "' ...10 t::htu. I 'EfY' J S~I'III ALLPAI<TS OF lHISWILD), BEAlfllfULREGION.1l1E . ~., Inofrevenue. n t e firsl B. Bryan safe andleavlnr Baker \"IUN:J\.I(V ,,11('''-' . n<\II·IM I\:t: 0 cyn quarter 1983, 1,092,4'76 cars !!cored on the play. CaTe'f walked It wal unearthed and ex· WENT 10 W9 OEAlH IN CAJmlAGE,ILl.. WAT£QS OF TIlE I.::iRAND RN\;.Q. NEAR were Tegistercd and $9,624,411/ . but Lambcke Immediately fan1'ed. posed to the a i r . . AND lllE CHURCH AS AWHOLE MIGRAlED RoVTE US. 422, 12 MILES NORTHEAST OF • taken in by the bureau. The total ,I n the second Ellis was safe on Mr. Wertl preflented .the tusk 10 lJrAH. EAgr OF C~lAtJD ON RoUTE 306. ' R~ trNNA. increase over 1983 figures Is 70,Lambckes error. Wildman walked to th&. U!liveraity of CaneinnaU, .VI: fO 988 in number ot vehicles and Dnd M. Weller sacriftced both men where n lS on display in the de· @STANDARi)(JlLco. atOll/O 6«rJ:"'i"9JfOllto "lfI4d11M4If.."""",""hio~.)t.Dn. $779,758 in revenue. _ _of __ .. _ _ loology. _= Pal'senger vehicles requiring 'I'tt20 .. P.rce.. tap I ..-Cn... to eecond and thir.l" rellpeetl·vely. partment IMendy singled scorjng EIJi. and -license lee ga ined 27.32 '10 show· Wildman. Tompy singled Mendy GIRL SCOUTS ENJOYING ing that more people in. Ohio arc holding: aecond. Laurens sin,led CAMPING AT CHAUTAUQUA either using their luge ears again Bcorin~ Mendy while Tompy etopT'H~ or putting more money i.n new I'eded at third. Laurena stole secoutomobiles. ond. Smithllon grounded out . to The Girl Scouts who are enjoying Motorcycle 'registration picked Hog price. at the lIe~n prinsbort, Tompy seared on the playa week of camping at the Chauup 4.8B'1. durin}t t~e first. quarter cipal markets in the middlewellt Inand Laurens "",entto third. Har\- tau qua rround. at Franklin are of the pre ent year" 320 more be- creased more than 30 per cent $ock singled Bcoring Laurens and M~sea Ruth Salisbury, Ruth Con1933, bringing the total regi. during the month of June, it Ie B. Weller fa"ned. The Cubs haH ner, Rita VanOflen, May TreadST. AUCUSTIN IE CHURCH = tration for the present yenr to reDorted by the AAA. Thill Is one of the second wall a one, two, three day. Dorothy Bourne, Ph'yJlis Col• Father Newton" Pastor 2,266. ' of the largest percentage increas.. Mr~. Cl eve conner i vi ditlOg hel,' Mr, and Mn!. J . O. Cartwri"'" : ': • Pl'C . d f or a Ilm • I'· ordcr. , lett' E"'elytl T Fur n aa , J ane C00 k Mass at St. Au .... lstine's Church - In '1 e on recor ..r .. U"ld d C k Th brother, For t Roblit an family. ... of Cincinnati 'were in town on I gt} f . led off with a any ..... re 00. eae airlR every second and :fourth Sunday Saturday. DEATHS en I 0 time. In the third . double and went to third on a wild from patrols one and two are nav Miss Sal'llh Smith visited Ia t f the month. ' 'rhe average price paid by pitch. Wildman fiied to center. ing one grand time, a nice cottars, week with Mrs, Belle Scott at ____ Mr. Tel'r 11 Macey of Detroit. packers for the leven EllIs scored on M. Wellers 8ae1'1- accesll to the various forme of Lytle Michigan, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. lii'ank W. CaJ,'man, 68, died at markets-Chicago, St. Louil, tlce bunt and Mendy grounded to amusement and camp life in. genFRIENDS MEETING Bert Harts(Jo~ and family. the home of his daugbtel', Mrs. Kansa.8 City, Sioux City; St. J-=--~ ihe ,p itcher. eral afford genuine pleaaure that Mt'. .John Fromm and son, Clyde First-dily School at 9 :30 s. m. Raymond Davis ill Dayton shortly eph and St. Paul veraged In the Cubs half Baker fanned the girls Will alway. remember •• visited Mr. and Ml'll. J. J. FroWirn Meeting for Wonlhip at 10:30 Mr. and MIS. J . P. Larrick spent after nlldnight Sunday, He ' ha.d l' hundredweirht dUt'ing the two Haney grounded to 'third, South a highlight in their girl scout li1.e: at Dayton on Tuesday evening. m. ' Tuesday evening with Dr. and Mrs been ill for lIeveral months and we.ek' period ending June 23 or walked and F: Bryan hit. a bome Mll. Ralph llaatilll'l. scout S. L. Burkhardt of Goshen. the cause of his death was du e $1 per hundredweight than tbe run. Carey fanned. . leader, .a. unable to accompany Mr. ' snd Mrs. Chester Cutler and ---to heart condition. average paid by packers at these In the Merchants fourth the ,roup on the trip but Mi... Francia" of Norwood were WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH Mr. and Mrs . Raymond Conner Mr. Carman wss born near markets during the two weeki per. ion fanlled and Laurens Irma Rich and Ifl. Ruth O'Neall guests of Mra. Bertie Mills on Sun Rev. G. C. DlbEIrt, Pastor visited the girl scouts at Chauuu. Ferry, the lion of Wm. J. and Mar iod ending JUIWl !I. I Smithson singled but was o~ Sprlnrfleld ar.! chapel'onlnl the day. . Sunday IIcbool at, 9 :30 a. m.. qua on Wednesday evening. garet Murphy Carman, ' June 29 1 As a reault of thu sharp advaDce, am A,....ut. In the Cllb"anI.alf Lam ,Irts and ere probably having There will be no Epworth ' I 1866. •He spent rno t of his life t he price of hog's at ChlcaKO duretoually aa mu ch f un as th elr . '-_ Mr. Norman James of Blanches. and Cox fanned. V. 8 .... .. lb. E ulene F oster 0 f F os"", ., an popped cha-h .. League nor preachi:ng .ervice dur- ter, Ohio is visiting Mr. and Mrs. near Wayne ville and at one time ing the 'week ending June 28 avo , to Tompv st s"cond. Comer has come to make his ome Ing the next two Sn.ndays, Julv. ~ a restauran t nere. After re· eraged 4!4.71 per hundredwel .... t Th e tro op commiHabl with .... .. 29 Chas. James and lamily this week. had In the• fifth ~Bartsock ht 'man • __ was unae the family at the friends and August 6) ' moving to Dayton lJe was employ- or approximately U·88 higher up hit a home run and the lien to Becure aeeommodationll fortbe Home. Bible study and prayer meeting Mrs. Ellen Good and son, Robert ed at the Standard Oil company. than for the week ending Jllne 9 th.-ee men Went out In order. In loaal t1'00P at the seout camp in ea('h Wednesda,y at 7 :30 p. rn_ of Dayton, spent the week-end He leaves his widow, Nrs. and , 33 cents Per hundredwelabt the Cubs half McNeil Bl.J\,le4 but Middletown 10 It was -.reed upon 'Mip Velma Armitage of Springwith Mrs. Flossie Carey and fam- Ella C~'rman; one daugbte~, Mrs. higher than for the correspondlnc to makT~.... rrangeml~~ta at C)lautau· field spent the week-end WitAh her WAYN£SVrLL£ CHURCH OF ily. Raymond DaVIS; two grandsons, week a year earlier. was thrown out at lIecond to stretch It Into a double. qua. I N l'J'Oup .wct last Sunde,. pa,r ents Mr. and Mn. Vt'rn rmione -grandaurhter and one sister, Administration ollleisls point flied locente.... Haney walked llut and Will return next Sanda.,. At tage. CHRIST Mr. and Mrs. E.' B. Murtell of Mrs. Harty Cornell of Toute 3. out that when the Ptice equlvatwas retired immedlate17 tT7ing the meeting of the acoutl who are (Undenominational) ' Lebanon and :Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Mr. Carman wa!> Il member of ent of the ,procetsing tax of '11.16 to steal. ' , ~ot at camp thil week on Tllesday Miu Ma.ry Lou Sowasb ot Cheeter A. WilliaU;IBoJl, Mini.ter GOl'don were Columbus visitorll on the Odd Fellows' lodge and ser- per hu.ndredweight being collected In the I(erchante lIisth 11. WeI- plana lVere discussed relativ~ to a Mansfield, Ohio is spendinr the " Church School a,t 9 :3~ a. an,. Tuesday. vices. were held at the h,ome ot tor benefit payments to farmel'll. ~er grounded Ollt to CareY. Mend, ~=!:.: ::~:'a~~o:o:~ girls in w~ek with her aunt, Mrs. D. C. Lord's Supper at conclUSion. Chris Mrs. Marne Hatfl,eld spent sev. ~:l'a. Raymond Davis on Monday Is add:d to the cltrrent open mar8ingled and Thompeon tanned. Tb Ridge. tian Encleavor at 6 :4~5 p.;tn. Ernest eral days last week with ner daugh ,nlght. ,The body .was brought tQ k~t prIce, the ,t.otal actual. COlt to Laurenll I\it for three baeell MOre mothers of th. scouts were 'Mr. and MTS. Jaole8 Lovely and Woolard, leader. llivemng evan- ter Mrs. C, C. Watkins at Chillico the McClure . Funeral HomE. where paQ8:l'1I ~t Chleele eaptn, the ing Kelldy and SmitblOn l'l'Oundtd preHllt at the meetln, ana.slated childrell l'cturned home Saturday gelist,c lIervice at 7 :46 p. In. Ser- I the Ohio ' . funeral scrvlces were held 0\1 week- el)dmg June 23, jlmounted to out to third. 111 the CUbe half tn plane fol' a eate ,n ut: week, the mon subject, "What the Devil ' . • . Tuesday afternoo n, Rev. C. A.. $6.96 per hundredweight. This Ia South led oil with a home run. F. date of whieh will be anllouJlced lI~ht after ~ visit with frlel)ds in Teaches." Prayer Meeting and Master8 Ted. and Frederick Williamson ' officiating and ' Rev. ,2.68 per ,h\lndredw!!(ght or " Bryan "popped to ' .eoolld and later. . Ke..tucky. ' Bible study each 'Wednesday S~~~er of White Plains, N. y. are FlemmeL' of .th~ Reform , cbur~h, per cent higher thaJ\ the ave~. Cllrey a"d Lambeke fanned, • - -Earl Conner Jr., returned -home 7 ;46 p. m. Jfhe church where you VlSltJng their grtmdmothel', Mrs. Day to? ~sslstmg. Burllil was cost of bogs to pllckers at Cbicaco LEADS DAIRYMEN on Saturday after spending several feel at home. ' Daisy Snyder:. ' . , made 10 Mutmi cemetery. a year ago when the open market , The 'seventh wae a ble for both team•. Hart80elt d&Y$ with bitl, grandmother, Mrs: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. James and price was the sol soUrce of inB. Weller"L lingled I,IId' EDi. WlUiam Lo'k~Il8, d-i Anna lil. H,ines Ilnd W. A. Wol , FERRY CHURCH OF"CHRIST f amlly " Mrs. Rann~" to hogaverage produeera, and it is . h Wild . .. -,... spent Sun day at the ' home . " Landin, 77" died (lome the highest "'m'ount paid ,lowed wl ... 'a om& ruD. ' man Hat'veyibur" Ohio, continues to at Lena, Ohio. (Undenomi.... UoDal) of, Mr and Mrs Hl\rry Spencer at her hom e 10 Dayton early Sun· b ". 1. '"t Chi ' In ,was hit and K. Weller . . . l&Ie 011 lead I'n . .L. produetioday hnt10 !'fling. ' Th:;: b 0d y waf! any Y'Pac",ets or DOgs a since calo . . . . of milk In B d Ch t .. ' WI Ulia . " and family at M4amisburg. week or art'" month April e . Mr. and ,Krs. Glenn lall and el er "" maon broug to tllbbs l' uneral Home .~ . V• Bryane ~rror, Wildman rolng the Warrea, County Dairy Herd or daurbter, Barbara Lou, ~of SpringUnified sel'Vice beginning witli Mr. and Mrs. James W. Davis and fun ral servicell 'W~re held 1931, 'When the . prIce avera'e 1 ·• to third. M. Weller atole Hcond. Improvement Aliaociation. ' Mendy slDgled ~orlng Wildman, 10 Ma, hl. berd averaged 41.2 t>oro, were guests of ' )(t. and Mrs. Chu.rch Sehool at 9 :30 · a. m. and family of New London, Conn. there 011 Tue/!day afte\"lioon at. thait month was 2~ per hundred M. Welkr ItOJlpiJIg at tIIlrd. POUIUD of butterfat, whlle in June L. C. St. John on Sunday. L01'd's Supper 'a nd sermon are visiting Mr, Davis's parentsl 3 :,30 o'clock. Rev. C. A. Wj'lliam· we ght. . '10 :30, SeMlon subject, "Tempta· Mr. and Mra. Oliver Davis. son officiating. Burial Will!' made The recent ancre~l!lnc Itreqth In ThompliOn . . . throWn out at Int, and Jul,. they averaaed U.S Ibs 'M. Weller 1C0rsel on the plat and r ..peet[vely. Mn. Harl Harvey of near Leb- tion." You are alwa,Ys welcome in Miami cemetery. Mrs. Landin is t~e hog ma.rket 18 partly arelecLaurena, ended the innt... b" Mr. LukeJla feeds a balanced anon and Mrs. Mary Shidaker of this church. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lutz: and the sister of Mr. Amos Mendenh'a ll h~n of tne Improvemen~ of approin, out. In the Cuba balf McNeil ration alo». with a ,mixtura of red were gues~ of Mra. Lena • -.. Mr. and, r.!n. Otto Seibold, of she al$o leaves on& (~tJghte(, Mrs. ~lmately 20 per cent In coneu.era' doubled. with two men oot. Balcer ~d nreet dover pasture The at the FrIends Home on Cincinnati, were guests of Mr. and Lucy Goo~, of Cincinnati. Incomes o~er 1\ year aro, but was bit })y a pitched ball and , bettet feedlar and .care ~f his edne!day. Mrs. W. O. RaIreI' ,on Sunday. . another maJor factor for the eur-Haney walked ftDinc the b..... con that he baa rivet! them -Illce rent improvement has bUD the ent South singled Korin, MeNeU ._nd Jopaed the auoclatlon hal tnore . 'Mia Irma Rich snd Mr. Gilbert Born to Mr. and. Mrs. Cle11l Mr. Frank Hartsock died at his marked adju.tment In marked 1Up-' , Bakel" with lIaney ,toppma at thaD paicl him for the expen,e of Vt.ite.l trlehds in Sprin.r~:t~r:~'1a~:h:yeeb08!;:~i~n'.j~81~ home ..on the old state rond o'n p\ies.Inspectedsla.ur,htel'oibopat thir.d. F . Bryan hit his lI8Cond ........ n.., -'1 -- .... d I-pro....-I of Sqnday .ftemoo n • Miss Rut~ . ' I Ii" route · 3 late Wednes!lay ,afternCt9n~ Ithe Beve.n principal pointe durlq ....~I. __ .... _ ... nil O'N 11 t d h 'th tL~ 22,' a babv Mr. HIll' t80Ck h a d b 'In 1'11 hea Ith Ith e ·t wo week s en d'tng JJlne 28 dehome ruD 1COri1i6 B ...., aDd South hla herd ea re urne ome WI lI"m ~ gu.1, , m.lriam Ann'. , een. ' atIIl ....... _ better reahead of ~Im aDd ~tuaed"" m1tia. -:-. Illldwilispend tbe week witb Miss Mr. and Mrs. N. P. BlaH and fol' several 111«?l1th~. • elined about 88 per cent from the tirin&, the ttcia. •_ • Rich aa chaperone for the , girl Warren County will recejve children of Mansfield, Ohio were He lea'Ves blS Widow, Mrs. AJlnl\ slaughter during toe preeedlq In the elchtll Smithson .bi,led eco,uts at Chautauqua. $10,872 from ' . ~lilltributiouof called her!) on Tuellday by Uie Hartllock; one half-brother, Alva two ,!eeks, and stole !!eeond but HartIOet, B. BIRTHDAY c:auaUTION liceD8el tar fees maci& July 20, Re- death ,of Mrs. Brown, aunt '01. Mra. Harts?~k. of rouj;e . g a'1d ' th:ee Ral1~s ~bich relieved drouth Weller and Ellis all ,three ,fanned. ' Mrs. C. E. Norri!! of Kansas City gi&trar hank' West of the Bureau Blatt 'whose funeral 'was beld at half-Sisters, Mrs. Josepli PeMw,tt, conditions an many parts of the A pleaant da7 ID eelelJratioll of Mo., wbo for .the past two .wel!ka of Motor Vehlclee reported, to High LQba~on on Tuesday afternoon. 01 routo 3: Mr~. Lelia Lnnlb, of hialtecl Qle teeeat beav,: tier birth anllivenary was honor- baa been visiting with Mrll. Frank wa, Dir,e ctor O. W. Merrell. This Columbus and m·s. Foetel' ;Mote, of Utrht hogL Tilt C1lJ'o (Contlnuad on ad 11 ClInt Boa S Hoft'matt and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. is the ftfth dilltribution made durMillS Mirl~)n Sali bury visited of Franklin. adjWltment also II a .refteetion GRANGE HAS A ,I 'L on unday. Larrick snd family left Sunday ing the present year. A portion friends and relatives hel'elaatweek 'Funeral services will be held at of the Administl-atlon'i e«on. to GOOD PROQRAII Aboat thtrtF .reIatt... and friend. for. "eek', visit at Sprinrf\eld,.c of the money goes to districts or On Sunday Mr. and 111'11. Leon 2 :80 Friday anernoon II' the Mid - redueoe .upp'. tile fOl'eJ*l't ' of were pres.e.t at the home of 111'1. by Elizabeth lIallen registratioD within till. county and Sall,bury and- Master Wendall dIe Run Baptillt ChUTCh, Eld(>r tbis Beason throqb relief par__ Ro. aDd remembered her with and Walton. lOme to the COUDt.y proper. epent the day with Mr. and Ml'll. Angle olftciating. .' chaees and the 11.a .........eJ The Gran.e prorram for Satur- lowl, ..,. aDd 'or Mn. Olifrord Buzick ill attendFoUowin, ill the ' amount to the W. P. Salisbury. ~- - • , marketing procraa The pdeeda., nl,ht, July Ill, ... In charp 111&11, .or. blrUada7& In, the World', Fair at Chlcqo districts within Wa ren eount, and Miss Henrietta McXiaHY was 275 fHEASANTS WERE deet8 of . . . .m .... . . , of paat maatera with Mr. )(. A. Thoaa .ho eajo," tlte da, .ere this week. 1Iias Shirley and Muter the county proper. ho.t... to the membe1'l of the RELEASED IN COUNTY adju.tment . . . . . . . . . . Cornell, cbairma1L III' __ ..I . ._ V -' ____ .._ Don.aJd acc()mpanied their mother Corwin .... ........... .... . 26.00 Brldre club on Tuesday temperuib.,., ..........V7 ..... Th. foUOWlq n\llllbera ware en•--- 0,,_ - . ..... and 91.1Ohi d ill mal Pruklln .. '..... ". 700.00 Tb eats t Itetinc Of bop ........ ..., j )'ed ' 111'1. Geo... 01..... IIr aDd II to .....e" 0, an • re n Rar'f'I bare 1000 e JrII presen: ApprOJlimately 275 pheasants early_ '.Uh oa . , ....... Due~JI"" Boa1e Saekett ...d Walter Ud jllllior, Ulere .ith their rr&ndparent:. dur Lebaa~~ ........;:.. ,': . 700:00 ..... Mn. J. B. C~apman. Mrs. W. were releued for propaptlon pur- ely - ' . '~::~ liary Eft Lelia,. ... .Ilaad inc tile a~nee of their motller. LoftJaad .......... ".... 10.00 E. ComeU and 111111 Olive Allen. po ... in varlolD' parts of Warrell for • ~ _ .......__ 1 a••lllaC .. , ......... _., JeaD ..... "IDai'd 00_ Ill'. and M1'I. I. Q. Go. . IIr. '11...-.... . .. .... ... lin. Ellen Good and IOn Rob- count)' lut week b., Game PJo- 80.... . Talk- HOllin.. euto- .... 1Ir. lira. I. 8. Oou aIId Ill'. ....,.,. ......... .• .. &00.00 of and lira. Batr'J tector C. E. Bines. .~~~~=A~"':.i"':riaEi Food" JIQal_ Bnddoet. 111'. lin. Oone attefttlecl tit. Plaia ... 11.00 lin. no-ie Ttle blrdt were releaMcl t.Iaat GaI_Itte, .... . . . Deaa~ ..... 10,80 Ban- the .~01I of tile





























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of oou

- - - - - - ----pmbllne. and wo • Elvil Nixon, derk of Lebaaon, ; 'U9. 76; MiUer Rard are and Mill lIary M. Crawford, watt- • Fur. Co., Seed for garden proThne was tile broad, clean, tlrer IIweep of the Miuwippi-that was factory worker of Lebanon. jectll, $60; Dr, ROSBl!lI M. Brewer, Rip Wt'atherbee. There wall its reM of Lebanon. medicine turnl hed relief famUie! dllrlng lut half June, 1984, $11; lolid l\lrt.cefroth -- that wu Adam Bullock. Real E.tate 1YaDafera GI'iswold' Br08" Household neces. [n takinr the coune ot action he O. F. Kibbey and Addle Gertrude 2ities, relief tamilitl during lallt did, Adam Bullock did not deviate Kibbey to Howard Allen Carnell hal! .rune. H);l ll, ,190.78; Helen particular))!, troln the ways of' Common PI ... Proceediaa· filed her second account. and A. B. Carnel, 164 act'es in B. Berger, Depty. Registrar Truck HAPTER In. W~8therbee's arm? "No hurry," orthodox steamboating! he simply --In the matter of the guardian. Washington townlhip. license for Sam Ragland, $12.20 l 'Bullock said musingly, "That gal ovel'l'eached hiFlillel!. What he did Th ca~ of Lillian D. Burkel ~hip of Robert H. Yeats, et a!., Ernest R. Luker and Emf1'\a W. Lydia) Monfort, rent for Isabe ~he tUI-n~d Instinctively t()ward waR made lor me. he needs a tObk Tlerve; but piloting gives a v I'SU~ larence F(;,ley i ' dismissed minors, Adrian A. Yeats, guardian Luke~ to amue.! Thompson and Logltn, $4; nerb Hoppe, gl'oceries W. atlll!tbee' br08d back. At the feller like me, an' not nl) yellow. man nothing, if J'lot that. The Bul- without record. i. authOl'iied to payout funds. Medora J, Thompson, inIot.No. 1 2 & oul furnished relief famll1es, Mmc tlBI!! B look of dlsmlly crOll· back IIkc WealherbM!." He picked lock who had steered the Prophet In the cas of Rlaymond F'I'y vel' In the matter of the esta~e of inn Malon. $42; Kt'oger GI'ocery- 8: Baking I! hn fa e. It app€!ared a lmost up his guitar lind llcgan LO t'ing. Dank!l down floodtlme chutes sus Georgia Fry, 8 divorce was Thurman F. Bercaw, dec-eased, dis Howard S. Conover and Benjam 0., grne I'ies furnished relief a it he lelt alon lin odd thing, It was a pleasing song, but its ef- wa. not u Bullock to . hirk other granted the plaint~iff. tl'lbution of fund' ordered. in F. Burdge to Fred G. Richard /ami1ies during. la t half June, by one stnguta'J' ha1.lI. rclous "I'oceedin" . And when In the case of Frank Beal, et aI., k I . bee was c I0 e feet was marred hlllsmuc.-h as Weather B II k' I . . . . The will of Permelia V. Wikolf, and Fanny Ric ard, rea estate In $76.50; Blair Brol!. Hospital, medL • eyes, 8 - h mad~,0 UJl his mind to lick .Rip plaintiff in errol', versus The townshl'p. I de~a8ed, was ftlad for probate Franklin • ellough to be t l)UC II e d ..uY her ou t . defect: Adamd u oc cin furnished relief families dur.,.. etc" cJ bnnd, Bulloc" S8W "'"1' way na1'I'OW4', were now loere 'II' athel'b e, h went into it "'ltb Dodd anning 0 ", a corp., at a., F 1t V S . sam n 0 dges t 0 Raymon d L . Ing la t half June, ,147: Schillings a. ~ ~ "''''. I I I t' I' ht ' ran . titt IS to take deposition r adion. "he ain't rillyin' on slits of co d,ea eu a mg Ig. hi~ ~yO!l wide open. defelldants In rror, the judgment ot Addie Perrine, witness to will. Fitzpatrick • .inlot No . 572 in Frank Gl'occry, Groe ries, $76; Ttacy's a Weath rbee," he muttered to Mm· Now, if Rip W ('lIthcrbec "'M o~e , " Thel'e'l! WIlYS on' ways," he of aid COUI·t of .cl)mmon pleas hot The following accounts wer ap. lin. Gro~I'Y, Crocerles, $24; L. and self... he's scaJ1ed ill' can'l talle of th rnyslel'ie of the ol~ is IS- muttered to himself, hi upper ~ip Worren county i affirmed by ,t e prov-:d, allowed and confirmed by Jamea H. Predmore to The MiamI Mark t, G,'oceries, $51.26; keer of ber." He repeated more sipi. hi pilot-hou~ , partner wa twitching. 4lHere's a purty gal an court of appeals. . the ocurt. . Valley BuUd~ng and Loan ASBociu loudly- his words plain enough Olle of it ('ommonplace. Adam II big jack-1'8bblt; an' it's up to In the case of Elizabeth Marition, inlots Nos. 321 and 322 In U •• fur even W Iltherbee to hear: Bullock wa n typ . Against the Ule'.' He welcomed the coming bat anos, a minot·, by hel' father and Maude Witt.ling-er, executrix of Franklin. THE MIAMI GAZETTE h · tle, warmed t 0 'It In ' h'IS own pe- n )(t f r Ien. d To marta M . nos, versul the estate of Anna T. Geering, de"Ju. t you 'n' Itle, Miss Travers. t Il'ty·y ar b anner of -teamboat ~. . Hannah Cora Unglesby to Amos F~ ~1."It.· h t swep t th e bl rIver, 'U I'lar, .z• ur t·lYe manner. F Roy '1 ' hit 'How 'bom it. ome time!" Then m.o k eta or aIong II IC ae 9, e a,I rno t·Ion 81.18- ceased, fourth and final. Ungle by, inlot No. 393 In Frankhe laughed contempuou 1y. be· pilots like Bullock were every-day t im he had mad up hi mind up· tain d and service of Itummons up- Katherina A cher, administratrix lin. ' Lewis Barb\!f to National Real. eause he saw that Weatherbee specimens. On the mighty refi'ain on one ppint.-there was someth· on the defendant, Roy Michaell, of the estate of FrBnk Ascher, deWhite ~ose-Power behadn't heed d th ehallenge t aU; 01 team boat whi tIes ~ u!11e ing outlandishly Queer about Rip is qua hed, set a!iJ~e and held f01' cea ed, first and tlnal. ty Management Co., real estate in hadn't v n turned round from hl~ dt\wn- and hundreds Ilk tnm. Wcatherbe . .. It Ail')'t just his tight nIIught. Mattie Grimm, admlnilltratrlx 01 Franklin. hind the enllne. IIc r u tiny of the water. Fol' t.hit'ty y ars. the r igtl of the mouth an' his long face. ' he told In the ca e of Tom Marianos the estate .of William A. Carroll, .' Jan\es B. Wills, by administrator ~~!!!!:'::'"~_.~!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "I can't wait," Bull()clc wa" mul· st amboat, he and his brothers did im~ elf. 'lIt's sOmething ~lae." Vet'SUB Roy Michaelis, taL, motion d.eceased, first, final and distribu- tQ Jfirman King; 116.10 acres in What it actually WBS wa the 8uatainild and service of summons tlVe. Turtlecreek township. terillg all he hool\ hands with het. their stuff. They we rt there at ~he "W('atherbel' aill't got. gUl:! to bi~ wheel. jangling b~1l , curs~ng Vi ry th~ng that had first puzzled Upon the defend~it, Roy Michael, Dorothy Burgemeir, guardiall of Do~a 'McCauley to Ladie Koer. stAnd in the way~tandin' right the COW S ; th y weTI' 10 the pilot the whole Mississippi: it was Rip is quashed, act asillie and held for Ca-tl M. and Law~ence Leo 11er, 20.20 acres ih Deerfield town. there hile I wa cuttln' him out, house snarling through th tube to Weatherbee'" perpetual. evcrlast· naught. Zwick, minors, fifth. ship. an' not sayin' a word." He chuclc- th~ engine room: "tand by I" silence. . In the ease of Nellie Mariano8 CI' to D W tk' ddt led: he wook her hand leisurely \ hil tb clice of the lead men ry four hours, to be Roy 'Michat>ls, et aI, motion Luella M. Young, guardian III Wn tk: a cease, 10 nchoed around them : "Mark three! exact- Adam Bullock can\e in ned and service 01 summons Thomas A. Williams, incompe~nt, . . a ID~. • acres n ' ' . B 11 k th seventh. Umon . townshIp. fondly. . "So"'e t,'nle- oon, m·"bd'· be Half twain!" Like u oc ey elQ~c contact with Rip Weather- upon th defendant, Roy Micha I D d W TId d t .. .. executrixdeof ~attie aVI Taylor, , ' real ay or, eceaae, a ked " the girl. " We'll have time drained their bourbon,. bit'IIIto bee' s silene , It haunted, pe tered i, quashed. set a ide an held for theMinnie estat L ~fBowyer Edga': Bowver, e tat~ in Maine0 to"'et". - r. You W"'l't 'n' see." What HaVana!!, Ilnd shaved Twal €!rait hinl . It W8 n't natural for a man naught. ~ III PIiOD. 17R4 first and flnal. e. • did'" he' " 'care tha.t co Weatherbee had like 1\ mon peeling an .spp1e. If t.o be so tight.nlouLhe(l! it wasn't 1q the ea e of JIleleQ L. Bizar, ceased, The Lebanon-Citizens National v. MattIe Tay)or, deceas d, ~o turned round now, confronting tbey were good, they dIed young, customary /01' iI. nlan to say so a mino~, by her ~'ather and n ext Mary Inez SlIldel' real est + _ h · h k 1,'ghtnlng pilot. If th y were, on l'lttle Ilnd apparentlu l,'sten to hven friend. Walter Hl'zar, versus Wal- Bank and Trust Co'., trustee of the . . . • a 111 them with a flush in IS c ee 8, rk Bilk th y J ~ estate of Nancy J. Hopkins, de- MaineVIlle, ' oc . hill eyes darting from eme to the t~e other hand, Ie .u oe, . e. Ie s. It annoyed Bullock, when tel'S. COwan. moticm sustained and ceased, second and -tinal. Carl ch~u b to Rudolf Stem, otht'l'? What difference did it make clung on until a mammoth ,v,II they c.hanged watches, to maktl a llervic of 8Um1}'l0~IS upQn the deThe inventory of T. B. Griaw Id real estate In Deerfield township. tbat they w nt down the gang· War shattered the steambo~t 8 I'em rk to Wea.therbee' big back Ccndant ill q,uashedl, set aside aDd administrator of the estate of Charle M. Hough, decea. ed ~ plank togethet, tbe girl's hand in glol"Y and sent them to bartendmg and obtain no nawer. It annoyed held tor naught. Jane G. Lewis, decea ed, was ap- Martha N. Ho~gh. 18.89 acre,s In ='=====--=-:===~=====:::========~ him to ~ay ometbing and have In the case of The People's proved. Wayne townshIp. =:: Weatberb e I'ep at. with that Building, Loan and SaV'ings Co., Chloe BowllUln filed a,p plication Stella Hartman. et al.' to Ed. S. f\lnny star; hi very words, a i! ver us 0 car F. Kibbey. et al.. con- for the appointment of a guardian Foust•.142.98 aerea In Wayne uncel·tain of tl1eil' meaning. It firmation. deed and distribution. f R h M B I townshl. 1 lt cou ld mean onI y I n th e case 0 fCC owman, F re derIC . k H artman, by guar d'I~n wasn 't na uTa. • • E uI ass,t O rUJI In ut re. to ay the estate ot et R. a., Van one of two thing. tee, versus The J;>o,~ds Canning Co TI'es, deceased, The Lebanon-Cit- to Ed. S., 271 aeres ID liRe's eithel' goin' batty," Bql, judgment _to plaintiff In the sum of town8}lIp II! 00 izens National Bank and Tru8t Co.,... . . ROOT FOR AND CON51G}II lock decided, "or be's broodtn' ,,10, O. .administrator, i8 authorized to remary .Inez Snlder to AliCe I'our Cattle. hop, .beep .nd cal... Everyone in this section to enjoy t~e biggest OVer s()mething. Borneth;n' tUI'1'ible ~fund to Ft\ed P. Johnson certain and Fr!1-nk Weh, real estate m to Norris-Brock 00., live 'Wire aM too!' New S,ut. money which Johnson had paid to MaineVIlle, . procrelljve inn f-?r til• . hlP'" exposition in Clintun County'- HIstory t And b cause it was p1easanter Ada D, Sanders v,ersus Alice Dol- the Ildnlinistrator upon a contract John Lo,!g and Magg~e .Lo~g to market prieta aud cood llriI... Clip and Use ,1.'his Coupon. to beli ve that hi\! rival for Anni iboa, for money an,d damages. Rob for the pUrcbAle of certain lantl in The. MiamI. yalley: BUlldmg a~d ~:~~.a l:t:.1r ~dt·S~U~I:W'~.& Tl'a~rB'bf Borne af\'ections . be ert W. Brown and Elmer T. Phil- Oklahoma. Loan Asso~latlon, mlot No. 48 m 12 '.2"'" to 12 .'80 p. m, lor our dan, guilty disq.nt, might oppressive h Franklin lips are the .ttO"I,eY8. T e estate of David W. Taylor, " market reporta, 1 GarAeld Sandenl versus Allee deceased, ' is Ilxempt from inherit.. Ed. S. Foust to Aletha R. F()u~t, crime, Bullock clung to the atter ~elief. his Doli boa, for momlY anddama"'ee. an~ acreB in W. ayn~ townsh.lp, ~Q tax and transfer of real e-- 142.98 R II t-h It; m ..dert rus enmity for t I P .obert tA. Whlta,ere and VIola . 0 ou e , pa ..ner seem 1 ino tura t; Marion A. Cook versus Ruth.. L. tate I'S ord'ered.. It gave a sort 0.1 mora mpe us 0 Cook, for divorce. Charge is exThe estate o( Mattie Taylor, de- WhItacre 0 A. Paul and , Thll coupon will admit )'ou his hatred, was nothing cenaed, I'S exempt "rom I'nherl' tance Voeda 43 YEARS OF SERVICE and your pllrty to the WI' either mora)But of there natural abollt bhe t reme crue Ity. ~ ~ r w V. POl'ter, real estate HI Mormlflaton 'alrgrounda IIny 'elle . p l that Bullock took to gratify In reo Franklin Ohristian Church ~~e~~3. transfer of real elState ill ' ' "',,. thll Wllk by payn\ ~nl hil animosity. In that he we.nt even of Franklin, to borr-ow money and Bill. Allo"" of lOc .,.r peraon lerVi ce encumber real eat/lite. The inventory of Frank Croll, b on d h II I f kl LEBANON, OHIO I chlr", I In the matter oJr the "Transfer administrator of the estate of The W4!stern Union Telegrams f eYl .. t e. m ~I 0 a rec eS8 We have a complete 00 0 .. a raver Plot. of Funda" of De~!rfield township Christopher Gephart, deceased wa. tor S~riff's office, ,3.42; Soft , PRgSENT AT GATE I Watch Repair Serwice It wasn't only a girl, in the end, to transfer lunda. approved. Water Laundry, washing curtains Prices Reasonable that made Bulloek's plans what __ ' _ The will of Pennelia V. WJkoW, fOe; E. D. Thompson, labor, lum. they turned out to be. The pale, Probat. <:ourt decealSed, WAI admitted to pl'Ohllte bel' and cement at jail, '''.85; Mrs. B ads Restrung The will of Jamell Winslow HeBlie Urton., service, $17.50; Mrs magnolia-'WlIite tace of Annie J(,~elry Repaired WEDNE8QAY . Trav~rs contributed to bis incen- Lewis H. Whitakerj executor of ton, deceased, was ~dmitted to pro Eltzroth, services,$5; Mrs. And THURSDAy 0 Ui "THE HOME OF GIFlS" tive, his hatred of Weatherbee ad- t~ estate of Eudo. a L: Whitaker, bate. Edna H. Wilson WAI appoint- Helen D ughmao, serv1c 8, $7; , ded to it; but it wae something de€!ealed, tiled bis inventory. ed exeeutrix. no bond required. CandLs Hymer, 8ervi~8, $6; Mrl;. 14 Thrilling Acts - Mary Wiggins In Person more tangible and alluring that Margaret Lee Cook, guardian of Freida B. Dilatu.b, Alice Sageser Ke1ly, services, $7; Mr$. Benjamin F. Lee, U aI., minors, and Gertrud. Trimble were ap- Howard Sawyer, 'services, ,7. shaped Bullock's scbeme. In a back room of a Vicklburg p()inted apprai ers. Columbua Blank Book Mfg. Co., FRI. And lAT.. Is:a:I;~:n~B:u:I~~~c~k~sa~t~a!t~ta::bl~e~w~H~h~aJ ' ~~~~~~ • •~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A~to~om~137~0;A~ GOOD HORSES - "LL ~w~"'I'fii:iil~'1-::-ImTIfD---:--; +overtopped bil 01lfn of the estate of rent 01 garage. $36/ name 'Wall Marks and, next to the Prophet Printing Co., 2 books Prophet Daniel, he owned the boat, wanted ridda'nce of hill rival. Willard J. Buchanan, deceased, That was what made him, that versus G. C. Knapp, adminietrator , $6; The Columbus FIREWORKS NIGHTLY - 7 CIRCUS ACTS finest ISteamboat on twelv ' hunof the estate of Christina Buc"a, nJI C II tiMfg. Co., 1 Recol'd. of Ph WAYNESVILLE, 80 BOHIO k BId dred miles of river water. That May morning, murmur seductively to Adam Bullock: an deceaaed, et al., confirmation 0 ec on. '8; Franklin one all , ,. wall the rub: Mr. Marks, staring deed and diltribution, Chronicle, Tax Notice for Trea8U1'- _ _ _ _ _.....____- -.....- .....~ envy at ~he amount Qf passenrer AJtbe Watkins, executrix of he er. $1.60; Tlle Western Star, 200 - - - - - - -.- - estate of Clinton D. Watkins, de. of Marria,res for Probate ceased, flIed her application for a , •. 26; The Columbul Blank Book Mfg. Co., Forms for Probate certificate of tratJlfer. In the matter of the estate of Court, $18; The Columbu8 Blank E rna J. Seou, decealled, trat)sfer Bqok Mfg., 60 DeP. Sheriff's Bonds of bonds ordered. for Sheriff, fl.60; W. 1I. Huft'ord, Th4! 41l1tate of Louis M. Aasum, Sheri", qua terly expenlle, quar,ter June 80, 193., ·, 26.86; deceased, is exempt from illheritance tax. fllni" .. r ....1 Carioadjnr • Diatl'. Co., The e.tate ' of Clinton D. Waton ' Dillin.tectant and Soap, kina, deceaaed, is exempt from in- 60e; Ora. Edward and, Robett Blair heritance tax. medical services at jail during . The adjudication and Jane, ,ao; Griswold Service Station of the-'-1nberitanee tax Oil, the oil and ,al tor Sheriff's car estate of Gladm.n H. EIII.s, d. June, $U.10; Herschel F. ceased, ill to be given to all per- J.mell, labor and material on Phone 78J sons interested. Sheriff's cars, ,6'8.88; Ohio Martha . N. Hough, e:x~utrix ot Reporter Co., lube. Obio Law BIdthe estate · of Charles iii, Bougb~ 1etin fqr 1 year, $6.88; Waldron 'C filed . her application for a cer;tlfi- Gilmour, inquese, $6,70; Waldron cat. of transfer. . C. Gilmour, inquest, $1.70;, The Emma B. Whitacre, eexcutrlx of Standard Oil Co., ga.oline, ,69.97 NOTARY PUBLIC th~ esta~e of C. C. Whitacre, de- Walter B'o ttl, gasoline '4.1.; TayN.t"." ...... ceased, filed bel' first and tlnal ac- lora Seo-ice Station,, '20. count. . 70; J. C, Hawke, gasoline, $162.- Wnla Ora.. • • It. D. E. Haywood waa appointed ; Central Service- G.ra..... 1'880WAYNESVILLE, OHIO adminiltrator of the 'CItata of Per line, '29.93; Sbartle • Bevis, aet melia V. Wikotl', deeeaaed, and Berews, 90c; Weiler Welding Co., flIed bond of '18,700 with Bureties tank., '11.65; The CincinFO• •ALE DATES CALL L. Earl Thompson, E. C. Mordlon Co., oil, ,Sl.58; The lCiland A. R. Compton were> allpointed , 1!IotorcAl' Co.. part4 and gasollne; "'4.87; Fred • ppraisers. Ed~a B. WlIllon. executrix of Kabn . , Motor . COmpallY, parts, estate of Jamel Winslow H ..- ,18.04: JoltnlJton 4: Johnlton, lumton, daceaaed" ftled her Invento1')'~ ber, ,10.76 j Henry · Ludington A certified copy of the ' entry ga&ollne, ,78.66; Griswold SerVic~ ~d4!teJrmicnirul' tbe Inheritance tax on station, "Bollne and putaj '116.JESI& STANUY the eltate of Pbilliplna Seibel, de- 29; W.A. Hau••, peollne, ,39.14; ceAled, i. to be eertifted 'Without The Lebanon Farmera Coop. C.G., ••••• 110. N_ ••rn....., ow. H&a.DlC IN TIJ& Bauza. ~'re ~ to . . . .. delay. cement, '14: Fairley Bardware Co _ ...... day v, ...... oil tile The alIptI8I' Chloe Bowman WAI appointed cement and BuppJiel, '219.84; J. I!ARL KOOGL&. wIIo...aac.. the ~ot~ 01 tbl au wID come to guardian of Ruth May Bowman. et H. Xlpp, lumber, ,8e. 0.,... P~.. aJ,mitJora and ftl.d her bond of KED_ore .... '1600 with 8oreti... Relief Billa -=:s, THE SAM&:: THING that fiends the$\! .get a different quality in the "PI" mix. John W. Scull .nd L. Earl ·Milhir ,R .... -..... .. F ur. ' c 0" 'sililboats skimmiJ)g ~)Ver the wav"s Th omplloD, a d mIn IIJtratora of tbe ture when the ail; changes (rom damp to neeeaiitiea flU'niihed k~p' the cats in the other picture rolling dry or cold to warm. of Emn:ua J. Scull, deceased, ·tamlliel, ,98.158; GrLswol~ . .iftly- along the highwlIY. ]n one case, her first, final and diatribu- Brother., Bouaehold neee.uttiell L That's -why Mobilgas has "Climatic account. furn,ilbed relief f.mlli .., '22.21; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ it'l moving alr. In the other - it's air Control. This feature make. Mobilpl POalAU George E. FrybulIrer, exeeutor Dr. Bolfer, Medlclne furnilhed l'8mixing with galOline to make the "gas" mix better with any kind of au. of the eltate of . Edward CoDOVer. lkf famnies durtnc Jut half June 1_ _ _ _,--_ _ _ _ _ _....._ your ~r bums in the cylindell. deceaaed, 6JecI bia nInth ae001Ult. 198. ,28 D Orvin L So why not: get the gasoline 1;hat give. The adjudication .nd r. • .• LaYmon, FOR SALE-Pure Cider Vinepi' Ordinary gasoline doelln't mix the full performance aU of the t~e 1 Buy it tion of til, inll,ritanee ._- on ...,,- medidJle famished relief f.mIHea J L Mendenllall Phone 46JUI .... ... duriq lat half JUDe, 1984, $SO: ., , • aame with allkindl .of air. So you often at the lip of the Flying R.ed Horae. of Ka17 ~oJIJln, deeeaaed, Jean A. Noek, M. D. Kedieine fur'SALE-Whit, Collie Pape. \a to be ciYlIl to all penonl In- nlahed re\ief famUles durilll' Jast Cli« Bumett, Wa)'1leulDe aDd terI~~~ cue f 1 T au 1...., ~84. 'CO; Dr. Edward Lytle road. WaJllenUle. Obio. ad mIItI-A°f.~ C. Ko,.,. _edtclna tamlabed re......... r 0 - . aRab of net fudHaa dmiDc Jut halt June _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.... Do,. Ohnton, cIece..ed, nrlllI 1934 'SO, The Stokea Dairy 00 . POll RENT OIe.r CIIOton. at aJ, eonftrmatfon, 1Illk' tamW-t nltat f..,ilaI da; f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'--_ _ __







New Deal








Congress f Daredevt-I'-

Harness and Running Rates







Centerville, Ohio



SllDley &Koogler Auctioneers



no...... ...



dete..... ' ;




IlENT~ for 0 . . . . two can, ch..p. lin. .....

iDr1a8t halt lau, 1814, ....G,; FOB

81Id d1NibatiOll.

IIiUer fI_ _.1


mOk faml.hed

JutLahall •• 8a.nlaD.


-~ I


ment ot funda for ~e completion Mr. and Ill'll. ot airport projects by the Federal' t('rtain\!d company Ernereeney Reltel Administration ton laat week. James Gillan1 ot has d.layed Itate work on a1 of ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY tne projeeta in Ohio ailOUt six ' Iut Wednelday with WALDRON C. GILMOUR At M d D. L CRANE I . ' . . . .u.... '1.10 • Y... weeks. The Stat.. Bureau of Waldron . Glhnoul' announces OtIc....._ ..... ........ " ... " M•• III B:ntered at PlIMofflCl. at Way... - 'Aer~nautie8 announced this '" eek ton :~lJ dB. !~ his candidacy for oroner. ubretel~ed fr?m the F. E. R; A. tu Wednesday a..I..... .. _......... ,........... M•••• 1 .lIIe. OlllD, .....- : : : . Cia•• "all practically ject to t~e Republican pl'imBl'y Insure compit,tlOn or of thcse projects in a falrly :oatis. Mr. and Mrs: Caro,1 Deatherage Tuesday, August 14, 1934. factory manner. The bureau hopes ofnElar OrElgoma called On Iriends JULY 26, 1934 to be able to announce pillna ht:!l'c Thursday aft moon. HAROLD D. (Jim) BAILEY The Sun~hine Clu'b held their ~=====z=======================-~==a==-:._ shortly which will insure Com plction ot all the ther pl'oject start- picnic at Harmon Palik last ThursWe are authorized to announce ed, but Cor ~which no special alloca dliy afternoon. the name of Harold D. (Jim) Th~ tion has been made. Wurk i also MI'. an(! 1!' . PeJ'c I A~!:'''Jl!...Jffi~eBaanil,t1idl''tOef Franklin Township, as a , "What we wunt ill a transportation system that will adequatel y a I lAC ory on on, oren, 0 l.IyniesvilIe tar County Commis ion· perform the transportation service required at a given time, expand or 28 oth-e~' fielfls. Warning against one day last week wil~h Mrs. Sadie to ' the Republic Prlcontract to meet the varying needs of commel'ce, and aillo provide, in comlllctlng hl.lzardou contests in Reason. ~ugust 14, 1934. 80 tal' us pOf:lf:li~e, the stability which is required, In the interests alike air races is issued by th.e bureau. MI'. and 1\11'. Tom Welch and . c?ildven were Saturday evening of shippers, investon, laborel'll and the taxpaying public," said Harold C. Moulton, President of the Brooklnes Institute, recently. ] am a candidate for RepreAn impol'tant con! renee 011 th dlnnel' guests of Mr. and Mrs.E_ It is to be regretted th t oU'!' present system bardly resembles this resjlonl!iblHties (1£ Ohio teachers B. Dakin . . to the , General Assombly Ideal: As .many authorities have pointed out. there i8 a V'lt amount of of vocational agl'i('ulture wa!; Mr. Nathan Gray of neal' WayOhIO subject to the Primary to waste in the operation of lIur various common earrier&--a valt amount under \'(ay at O. . U. this week nesville pent last week here visit-' be held August 14, 1934. Your vote and support is respectfully 01 duplication of facilities, for which the public, i:a the long run, must from Monday to Friday. The first ing friends and relal;ives. · two days were u voted to aCQuirQuite a large <!roW'd of Masons solicited. pay. The fault lies in our transportation policy. AR'THUR HAMILTON The Interstate Commerce Comml88ion ha said that all carriers ing the 200 teacherll present with from Dayton were h ,relallt Saturthe provisions of th A. A. A. and day after noon and put on the s hould pay comparable wages~ render reliabk! service and bear equal other state and federal relief agen Thil'd degl'e~ work .f·or tbe local WILL R. LEWIS tax bUl'denll. Leading authorities believe they should likewise be regul- cies in relation to farming. The Ma Ollie Lodge. A si" o'clock din~. ated by olle agency. Achieving theM things w()uld ,give us a lIne start three days viera to be in nature of T1e1' W,$S served them 9Y t'be EasWIll n.. Lewis, cOllnty audit:>:', tOward solving the growing transportation problema. a general conferen~. Two of the tern Star ladies. Widows of our has ~uthonzed us , to allllounce his sp akers were ilion S. -Myel' Mason were honored guests. They can~lda~y for the Republican chief of the Compliance Section: included Mesdames lEJmma Cline ~om1l1ation of county auditor 8ubA. A. ·A., and L. H. Dennis, secre- Anna Harl'is, Mary llucker, Ann~ Ject to the party primaries, tal-y of the American Vocational Stimson and Le~a H:al'tsock, Mrs. 14, ~934. Your vote will be apAsociation~ both of Washington, Ralph Francis wife of the candi- preclated. D. C. date was also it1c1udedl in the guest -- - - - list. The Oblo State University Radio Station-WOSU FOR RECORDER 8:00 Music liarveyaburg The C.ivic Leag?e an~ Men.'s George B. Johnson requests us , ommumty .clu~ "?th their famll- to announce his candidacy for 8:05 Farro Adjustment News . .... . " ..... ,................. , J. A. Slipher 8:16 Lime: It's Necessary for Economical Production . ... . Earl Jones . Misses Marjorie Shumaker and les held then pICnIC ,at the school Warren County Recorder subject to the Republican P~imary, Augult 8:25 Music • Marjorie Starbuck of Port William grounds Tuesday evenling. • - -.-14, 1934. Mr. Johnson never be8:40 Progl'e s of Production 'C,edjt ASliociations ,.. , ...... ,B. A. Wallace spent a few days last week her Birth Ia On Decline fore a candidate, js ably qUlI,lilied 8:60 Futurity Show Pl'ospect. Obio State Fair .. . ........ D. J. Kays with Mr. and ·Mrs. Everett Shuto .fi1J the office and soliCits your 9 :00 Getting Rid of Sum me,· Household Pesta ... . ........ ~ T. H. Parks maker, support. 9:10 Music Alan and Donald 'McKay of Tlear The birth rate in Ohio is on tb :26 The Ohio Junior State Fail' Program . .,.. ... .. B. P. Sandles here are spending several days at uecllne. Statistics cOn'lpiled by the ALLEN HUFFMAN . Bureau of Cen sus di closed 9 :96 Some Poisonous Weeds .................. ... ............ H. E. Eswlne the World's Fair. that there were 96,&30 birthll in Mrs. Chas. Boer tiel' and daugh 0:45 New Planta from Old ...... ,....... ......... ..".. ...... ..L. C_ Chadwick Allen Huffman announces his ter, of Norwood wer here vis it- the sta~ during 1933: or 14.1 per candidacy for nomination for re1000 population compared with election to Ure office of County ing friend one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Stump 15.1 in 1932. The 0111io rate is Recorder, subject to the Re.publiand daughter Mil'iam Mr . Emma lower than fo~ the country at large can pl'imaJ'Y e\eetion on Augu!lt Cline, Jamis Cline and Mrs. Pearl IVhich showed 2,064,9 44 births or 14, 1934. Mueller of Toledo were gllests of 16.4 per ach 1000 popu)a.tion. Mr. and 'Mrs. Fred Harl~ Satur- The national rate ' is 1932 was CLYDE C. COLLI NS 17.4. day evening. Our 'band played at a lawn iete Ohio's infant mortam~ ' rate last Clyde C. Collins announcel! his C0I..,UMBUS-Already the man- The circulation tbe Ant five management of the Junior State Fair ths of the year 1Wal 80 000 mote given by the M. E. Church at New yeat· was 52.0 death!! per 1000 candidacy fol' nomination for clerk births as compared to the na,tional of courta. subject to the repu~li­ i. in a deep quandary beeauM of than halt that for entl:e p:evioU fI BurlinlP:ton Friday evening. M111. Ina.hane has returned rate of 68.2. The ficures are for can primary eJection on Tuesda y demandl for l'o'om for tbe thOUI~ yearll. home after an absence of a few deaths of children unf~er one 'Tear Augujlt 14, 1984. ' ands of exhibits for which entriel of ag . . weeks. are becinnjDe to COme in. It.... Even the Ki Id 1 E I . dilftcul' lut year to find lpace for • lei n om 0 e glum C. DONALD DIU TUSH the 14,060 exhibiton who Ihowed • aee Dg to obtain knowledge in the 11 department. of the from Ute State of Ohio. In re. C. Donald Dilatu81! announee8 · . aponle to a requelt from tbe BelJ unI01' F air. his candidacy for re-election to Smce this dlvlaiOD of -Ian C0I1~1 t N Y kS the State Fair wal ltarted there a' a ~ or ecrethe olftce 01 prosecuting attorney. bas been 100 per .cent IDcreue ' tal')' of State Georce S'. Myel'll has Your 8UPPOrt respectfully Bolicited d h forwarded copies of OhIO lawl enh eac ye,:r, an . t. e .. me ratio of acted in 192'7, 1929, 1931 and growth 1ll agam pr~miaed. More 1938. The laws 1Were sought fqr FOR CORONER than 1,000 applicahon. have al- the 11Ie of the Bel,lan forei • alH. M. WilIiams J of Lebanon Dr. ready bee~ filed althou,h the 81\- lice at the capital f Ba''''' gn nual premIum li,t . is not. out yet. . 0 ..... um. authori:z II the announcement of hiB candidacy for the RepUblican Four-H club.1 Future Farman, nomination for Corone~ ot Warhome economic, manual training A beautiful Jake on uninhabited ren County subject to tbe primary and vocational a,rielJltural cl....e,· St. Ignace Ialand, North. Shore of , election of August 14, leu. Qualicity and rural hi,h Bchool., Boy Lake Superior. Ontario, is to be ed for the office both by education _ Scouts ancl farmel'll' institutes are named in bonor of lIr. and Mra. and experience. Dr. Williams reamone the Junior Fair exhibiwl'II. Jame. W. Stuber of Columbul in . reeornition ot their recent viait spectfQlJy solicits your vote but . All .choo} teacl.el'll in Ohio on and exploration of this unmapped states that hiB profeSSional · duties active duty will receive . before wild ilJland in the lt~_ will prevent him from maJdbc an extensive campaign. September 1 a communication Superior ~me Reservoe. from · State Librarian Paul A. T. Lake" i. locatad be),olld Squaw 841 Noon Informilll them of Ute elt- Harbor In the habitat of caribou tensive. book service the library mOOltl and bear. St. lIDaee Island OUR COWS AGAINI will ,provide durin, the comina hu n~v beell explored, and here ~~iiiiiii !!ehoo} year whenever requested. the st "couten" or brook Books luitable for supplementary trout lb e wotld .... foulld in the readiDI lelected by the teaeben cout owatea:a of Lake Superior. tl)emlelvt!s or by the trained IIbra- They rante" tarae .. e"bt rians ot the library , wm b. for- pounds. Mr. 8 ..d lira. Stuber made warded through -the t,,,velinr pl<!turel of bi, .-me ,and obtained The SAFE Wa, to R.duce library division. These collec:tion. • w ...lth ' of data andmaterlal. range from 50 to .6 00 bookL The', "We m&de pietur" of mOole 10 "Fo. :5 .,oath, I'.,. .....d K.,.I. ell" Salt_I'.,. toat 11..library's individual loan · cloM w. eould lee th.m wink their ~k_ 8 inct... off l.uot--3 Lotti•• also ofters aid to teachers, cues eyes," Mr. Stuber ..... Be i. head ••.,. ."a-dicl ",ult.:' Mr.. and .tudy ,..oup. for club pro- of the Bureau of Educatloll of the C.rI WiJlO•• programs, debate material, ready Oblo DiviliOIl of Conlarvation. . A halt teaipoonfuJ of Kl'u8chen reference, etc. The travellnlr ~n a ,lass of hot water every mornlibrary contain. 1"0,000 'f011na.. An unelltpeeted Ing II the .ecret how overweight folks can l'educe SAFELY and .t the . lame tillle gain physical attraCtiv.(lJlOBI'I. One bottle lallts 4 week~ You can &'lit Kruschen Salts ..t any drt~~ store in the world.


Ohio ranked fourth umollQ: tht' states in motor vehicles registered in 1933, regiatel'ing a totul or 1,544,314, accol'cling to iigul'es com piled by tIll! . . Bu I' au 0 f Pu bile ROllU!'. Th totul n U mi)I'I' I't' i~6tered throughout th~) county was 23, 2'7,21)0, a declin of 1.2 pel' cent as C01l'lpan'd wit h total ~egi tl'tltion 101' 1032.

Tran.portation Ideal


White Rose, the dependable Gasoline. ~~



Prim.ry 14, 1934


1. C. 44Tony" Patterson for

Representative to the

G4meral Aasembly Political Bo. Re~ have made a mess of thing!\, to your sorrow.

Farm Aiglat 7alks, Jul)l30

Best of the New~ Direct From the Ohio State Capitol

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'"

'l'he people, through the ballot, is the onl)- CUI·I.'.

IXI T. C. Patterson

FREE Hou~wives

Wrtte u. for a f... 10c bott1. of

U"uU Va .....,



,.1lI Include

lb. tr. . . .to'7. " How 1 Becam. Rkh U.1q UquJd V .... Or. buy .. 'rolD )'our d .... r. which <-ar-

. . tt..



...... "aluabl. ".rllli. le, .. d. ma"1. ... dell,"tflll .ilv.rpl.. labl.-

........ vith )'our 101tl.1 b.autlflally Il_. • ••,. • ..,.d 0" each plece, fof' • v-.wy .m.1I to cI)ver en.,.."',,.


aJId il'o.......

EXTRA SPOON FREE If FOU will ""all II. Ibl. ael vltll . . . "ertlflcate from tb. bottl.. ),0" Itu •• ..,. wW •• nd ,au DDe • • tra t«a-

. _ a fir.... to.,.b. r wllh .U".rpIAt. , ......leet for \10. <;o, l. Only • . . . . . .".ap'''' ",I,,, .a.h ••rll1l •• I •• w •• u........ U, ••Uv .. rpJe'o w II eI,-




A _tc ....d brl .... you tlt. 10" ltCltlle _d .tor)'. 'n•.


Wonderful For DusUnl P~llsh lrrl

8RdPru4n· 1111 Pianos FlWnftufft Woodwork AutomollJles UQurD VENE ER CORPORATIrJN M U"odd Vena r O:d,., 8<111a10. N.Y.



------ ...---

Takes 6 Inches Off Hips and Bust




Heart to Heart. Talks with our ELECTRIC



N THESE da,. 01

eoae. ,fOr ttU. .

that, ~ • otber thiDa. WIly is it tbIIt . ' Code ,.. tile Hca.llwUe .... JIiOt been ~~? . Someone baa figured out that lis houn.· . day ought to ·c:ompriae . time required for ' household dum. If you are apendina more than lib boan a day, bad you not better take an inveiltor)' of your Electrical 1el'V8Pt.? Your electrical store bas them at

reuonable cc.t. Thete really il no good teaIOI\ to . break down under the hou8ebokI load. winter or MUIIIIIer, at tile low COlt at wbida Electricity is available to ,.,....


White Rose - Power behind the enllne.



















...--- --- --- --. IJljr~ N:~UI" Tbermo nletel b n have re~.tfred 106 lind t07 d~. tor v ral day the pallt week. Card n corn hrubber y etc are badly rl~maged b the erlrl'm e ~,eat and drouth. .

"1I D. , -



By 16 To

Sur D'" n...on

Jllftd toal.d

1'0--81 & men aDd 1188 women. FIfteen 01 the laJured



c:a..uS IFIED COLU....

Miu Maudie Peteno n R. N. baa were pedestrla_n_ •• _ accepte d a lupervi aory position ill a_It Depoaa., Gaia Y_ SupPOrt Apprec iated a Cleveland Hospita l. and left tor Report . from state banka in her new ",'ork on Saturda y. Ohio'll larger ciUe reveal tbat VOTE FOR Mias Ruth Reeves in compaDY trlore than forty million added dolThe Cubs went, out in order in with her aunta. Mis ell Jennie, lar have l'olled into their tills durtheir hal!. Elizabe th and Josephi ne Reevn. ia jng the '12·month period ARTHU R HAMIL TON ended In the ninth 1IVilman led off with enjoyin g a trip to Michiga n. June 25 last. The repo~t.R refiected At no time In the hiatory of this a Bing~ and .~,le aecond. M. Wei· Republican nl\didnte lor Mr!!. Jennie Reeves, Mr Whit e Rose, the ".pen II. the lrent\.h ned condItIOn of th county and state has 110 much de· tanned anell Mendy ground ed Miller and daughte r, Mrs.. B. SamU stute's dabl. Gaso line. financial instituti~ns. pended on the voters, who August the pitcher . ThompSOn aingl d Shanks Jr., Misses Marian na Evana J4 \\'ill go to the poUa to select Y.I ARREN COUNTY Wildll'\an. Tompy st9le Ilrld Helen Haines attel1ded a candida tes to contest tor offices in PrimBl'Y Electio n A ug(lst 14 and third and was then showet fo~ Miss Lucille SCtllINY , Govern or Wbite Stn.... Safety , Volunt ary compliance not only No mbar. cIIQght off third. Thursd ay at her home 0" the witll the traffic laws but al80 This with i _ pecia\ly _ true where canVOTE FOR _ __.. _ Next Sunday 's game will be a lower Bellbro ok pike. the alety require ments dictated Whit R didates for the Bt,te legislat ure double header, Flynn th d Flyel'll from Ervin Reev 8, a membe r of the by ordinar y intellig ence and pruare selecte d-for at the approac h- Middletown wiIJ play the e ose, e epenOld O. N. G. ret'Urne d Sunday from a dane is the realizQtion of hopel! dabl. Gaso line. ing ' sessions of the geMrai assem- Timen from here. two weeks st-ay at Camp PErry. for a progl'easive reducti on bly statute s of importa nce will be the Mr. and Mrs. Carl Conard and tenific death and injury toll in written into the laws of Ohio. WAYN ESVlL I E MERCH ANTS taken Th family .of Dayton , were week-e CANDIDATE FOR Mnd annuall y by the motor car. TheBe IItatuttls will ~ect the lives J gue/lts In the home of Mr. and ra habitua l practic e of courtes of every man, woman and child in y. eon- ~------'----~--~-------J'-BR · B PO A E J . L. Conard . August 1. siderati on and COOIJeratlon at a~ I t Warren e9unty. ..5 S 3 0 0 0 Mr!!. E. M. Patters on of Dell timee on the part of mot rlBt Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn wank and Import ant lIehOol and taxatio ll 111 1 2b 16 2 2 6 L 0 ?tloin s, Iowa., Mr. and Mrs. childre n of Dayton spent Sunday measur es will be passed Ed. recomm ended by lh ll governo r 8R Subj ct to .Republican and for ' § .• ~ 1 2 1 2 0 Tobin aJid daught ev ers Ding 81"e guesti with Mr. and Mrs. Edd this reason it beehoovel! th. voters mithson of most elfectiv mcan of prO . Prlntary , Augu st 14, 1934 , 11 .. I> 1 3 0 13 0 re.1ativ.ea here. Longacre. taction from the ever-n10unting to end men w the ~egj latul"e \ Hartsoc k, d .. 15 1 2 1 0 0 Donald ' Reeves of C. C. C. toll of automo bile .aceiden\.!! . . Mr. and Mr . Harold Whit.aker whose experie nce and _ Jtnowle The little things matter dg. B. ~eller, If ." 15 1 ~'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!~ 'a nd children and Mr. and Mrs. of the people stand them in good EI~'5, lb .. . . .lS 3 1 1 1 0 camp at Clearfield. Ky., W"II home 2 6 mD 0 t in funeral servke . lover the week-e nd. Lowell Thomaa ,nd daught er were stead. Nation Recovery Poliel•• Wildmall, .3b ' ~ 3 1 0 3 1 . The Ladies Aid of the Sunday evening 'gue8ts of Mr. and M. E. Ohio's eJ se coo~rlltion under The per£ectlC?n of our sel'uc)l a JlIan is Arthur Hamilto n, M Weller, c .J 1 0 14 1 0 church ' held a lawn fete on the Georg Mrs. Warren Howlan d in Dayt.on . eandida te for re-elect ion White with the recover y to the Ice has rc ulted f):ol1l'vig· --church ground s Friday evenln e policies of the natiolla l admini stra Mr. and Prlrs. S. H. Burnet t were geneFaJ assembly, where he haS Totals 41~ Hi 1El 27 21 2 which was very satisfactol'Y in a con .Candi date for unday afterno on gue ts of lIr. ably served 8l! 8peake r and .m ember ilant attentio n to amlin i \"efteeted in the re-employfinancial way. 'Music furnish ed by mellt of approx imately and Mrs. Earl Burnet t and family of the hOUSe f r a period of eight deta ils. E ery ~iece o.f CUBA CUBS the H.srv~yllburg band was greatly men during June I!nder the18,400 near Middletown. yeaJ's. NRA AB R H PO A E appreci ated. equipm ent or mercba ndise Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Davis highwa y fund grant to the. state. 'Knowing and appreci ating 2 0 - - • Oincinn ati were over Sunday problem s of the farmer as he the McNeil, Stat ubject to Republican Highwa used y by Depart -us is first tareful ment i guests of Mr. and MI'8. Calvin Mr. Hamilt on will, as ever doea, Baker 2~b '''' :: ~ ~ . ~ 0 0 . Primar y prepari ng to get under way the in the Haney e ..... 1 0 14 1 1 Iy ex mined by a m mba Auaust 14. 1934 Longac re and children. road improv ement prog-ram undet past. suppor t measllres 01 benefit outh: If " :: 3 2 1 0 0 Mr and Mrs. Kesler Graham of our stal!. The result is the $7,865, 012 of federal highway to rural folk. .As manag er of the ' F Bryan of 'I 2 2 1 0 0 Mis' Bernice and Mn. C. W. Alb- ~ianli anning Company, funds allotted 1.0 the state for the he i C~rey. p' u faulUcs funeral that,is II 0 0 0 19 0 year beginni ng July 1. Last year's g~~~~~s ~~~~~~~d~~i:~edM~ :~tal~~ ~o;s~~~n~m:~~ ~ni::::: ro~iCr~e .. ~b ... : :~ ~ 1~ a dign ifled tribul to the ~ ~ grant was $15,400,000, and Mra. A. E. White and Bons. bome..own r .and taxpay er d eased. he haa V Bryan as .. ~~ 0 0 0 1 1 one of wh,om, Bobby. ha recently, ~Iways ma~"fested great .inte~s t -. _ - _ - _ Ollio F.r_n Luck)' been operate d on for appeDdic\tie. In tbe PUbthc .8Cho ole, ~hllcd~f tlart Totals ... 3~1 10 7 27 28 3 The lot o~ Mil!8 Jean Patch, of MilIe .... ville ~ow bese \1\' 1th fl nancla Ohl'Q wheat farmen I cu· _ __ 1 .. hes • II is vi8itin~ at th~ home of 'Mr. is not and 80 bad when compar ed with t M· Fl'IInk Smith Mil!8 Ka~\.-· n 128j 6 that ot wheat "'rower s of otere mue rearu:e th e Importhe rs. . . '" 3 6 ' 0 116 '1" 80 9. 1-16 .... J tance in this particu lar time of Mercba n.. .. ".L nation at large. Ohio tarmer s had ~nte~tamed to a p~rty Friday even streM that 'men who have had ex- Cub.. Cubs Phon e 7 ' .. 2020 0160 0-10 almost. an avenlre ClOP of wheat ~~~ mg 10 honor of M1B11 ·Patch. perienc e in legislat ive proced ure ~!=~=;;~~~~~ ___ while ·the rest 01 the country had Mrll. Margar et Johns in com- rather than those Who are untried Wayn elvill e, Ohio , Stolen Bues Mendenhall, one that Is way below normal , the - -- pan)' with Mr. and Mrs. Os,:ar ahould be returne d to the next Laurenll, Smithllon, Wildman, M. latellt crop elltimates Howlan d of Dayton , waa entllnaID- general BRembly. show. Ohio's Mr. and Mrs. Orville Gray and ~~~~E~5~§~~~~~ Weller, Thompal)n 2. wheat crop wall forecast as 29,- Miss ed at dinner at the homeo f'M r.and Barbar a visited 'Mr, Voters of Warren county will Sacriftc e hitll--M Weller 2. 573,000 bushels as agains t3j,812 .- Joseph Wolfe at Clarksvand Mrs Mrs. Albert Surface near Lebano n do well to con.llider Mr. Hamilt iJ1e on , on's Bues on blallll-Smith80 n ., 00· last year and a five-yu r aver- l;iunday. on Tuesda y evenin. r o~ 1ut week. qualillc ation when they go to th., Carey 2. age of 29,678,000. Mr. Everet t Early, Mr. and MM!. polls Au.gust 14. Two base'hi tll- ElJis, McNeil. . The 28,000 fanner s in Obio Charles Morea n and Mias Helen M. A. Cornell is attendi ng th~ Three bue bits _ Laurel1 , are under wheat reducti on who Early returne d Tueada y eon- Centur y of Progre s a~ .ChiMgo Baker. tl'acts with the governi nellt wiU this week. after Ipendin g. a week at the CenHAROLD D. BAILE Y Home rUn&-~ lmithson, Ha~taoek rceive approx imately $600,00 0 of tul'}' of Progre ll Fair at Ohlcago . Harold D. (Jim) Bailey, of Ellis, F. Bryan 2, South. the total $80,000 ,000 repreae nt. Mr. Am08 , Fairchi ld will leave Ifr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick . Mr. Frankli n townahip, il a eandida te Hit by pitched ban- Wildman by the lIecond inetallm ent of pay_ tonight for a Vl8it with relative and Mn. .James Johnll, Mr. and On the Republican ticket in W.~a the Carey. Baker by Smithso n. ments by the Agricu lture Adjust . lind friend$ at his home in KenMra. Charles Clark, Mra. Walter coming primary for nomina ..,,,,.. tion Wild piteh-(:are~·. ment Adminilltration on the 1988 tucky. K~nrick. Mrs. Marrar et Johns, for the oftlee of county Sat.....y,. Jul, .1 commi .. Earned rllnl--W aynesvl 1lE Mer. wheat CI'OP reducti ons. More than Frank Rogers and William 8erg- aioner. BUCK JONES chanta 10, Cuba Cubs 8. $1.260, 000 was distribu ted in Ohio dall attende d the funeral and Mr. Bailey la a farmer and tru.. in Strike ou~b y Smithso n 13, by at tlie ilrBt inBtaUment paymen t. ial of Frank Carman of Dayton, at tee of Frankli n township, where Good crops of, boney are being The statesm en who convene he Carey 18. Inciden tally. Way~el total lvme Tuesda y afterno on. acreage in our State LegislatuJ'(l' or i.n has relided for the lut 12 yean. Left on buea-,- Wayne avllle Mer princip al fteld crop, ill Oblo of harvest ed this year in areu of Ohio where drouth resistan t - oar Nationa l Senate and - Mr. Bailey' . platfor m 1a one of ebanta t, Cuba Cube 2. .eason wu about 8.6 per cent lelll legumes lIuch ,as the sweet ATTEN DED RALLY CongTeS!. have a responsibility economy in rovernm ent ,and his clo~rs Umpir e_Cra'lg and PreneJer- than lasty4!ar, a rovemm DIANE IN LAIR, WARD ellt crop d If If al gHat as any create~ by experie nce and ~u.llfications gut. grown report for the state Indicate BOND and NlLER WELCH . ThQ e from here in attenda nce s. an a !~! _ • .....:..._. _ the heeds of man. the oftlce of commillione-r Time of game- 2 houra 3 min. at the commu nity picnic and plaee him. in' good poaition to Hi?! the Bull Eye for action. Give dU6 credit to the resave utes. Hiala_ , T. . . . Acci...... preeeDtativell who work for fislt fry in ROil count)' near the taxpaye rs of Warren thrills, Romance county _ Availab le It.atlstica rath.ere d your interes t, whethe r he Lyndon, Ohio last IndU8tr y met depreSll ion Thurad ay ma y dollars. 11 th by curht ! d duties of hitt oftlce in a manner by the State Highwa y Depart l'eceived your vote or not. were John C. ment tailine volume and atttmpt itlg to Hawke, E. man we oug ? an satis:tactory to the rood people of PUl'IUA Dt to Goyern or Geor. . maiDtain prieea.. Alrricu lture I!'cL. Thomas, R. F. Hatfteld and "i~. pleulnl r persona ilty. h~ Wart:n ••••• ••• county. He Is actively ·i d. White' . program for reducin.g auto Irving Welch, County , dilltrict and ftldtendtl ant~. suPP?r ter a:; cepted lower Pl1ces and mJ!intaln. Icon- entlft d with Ralph P. Snook poat eides in Ohio show th state candida tea 'Were riven an op641 aeiden~ r. ed volume , Manufa cturing output eni ~ 11 noma"a te a :e ee of the Amerie an Legion. ported occurrl ne on atate hicbwaYI Wall reduced 6& per cent in portuni ty to make brief talk.. e~ he Will carry on the ~utJes .of Thos., voting the Republican outaide the BRUCE CABOT It BETTY municip alities during June period of 1929 through 1932. Agrl The Hon, Dean E. Stanley , pro-' hll omce to the beat o~ bill ability ticket . woola do we)) to cO~8lder Fifty-e ight persons FURNA S. A -tb.1il1~ epic of W4! minent WafJ'(\n county attorne y and in a manner pleuJD , to a~i 3'iuuwd~ r e killed I.n caltu're , on the other band, reduced youth, love -and adventu re Dr. William l' fitillelll and qualiftc a·the mishaps. Forty-t wo we~e men acreage of leading crops six per wal preeen~ and rave the princip al ' Mrthr. a ~radu~t ot PHCl>NE' 19 0 10 tiona for the post; when they go to and 16 were women. address of the day._ Mr. Stanley No ern 1,1lversl y an efol'/Jler Pedestr iaa cent, and inereas ed number s ot Yd polla in the primar y Auruat .14. fataliti es number ed 16. The spoke ver), blehly of the qualiftca- served 81 prlDeipal of Maume ILLE OHIO in- cattle on farma •• e an "'!'!'!W!!'!!A!'!Y!'!'!"!'!E!'!S!'!V!'!'!!'!!'!!'!.!'!'!!'!!!'!'!!!'!!!!II'!!! Itiona of Clarenc e J .. Bron, re- Kenton , 0.. schooll. He en'!'! pUblican candida te for govern or. li!lte~ In the hilrh army In 1917 as a Whit e Rose rrPow erbe- Political obeel'V4!n In ROBI county .erv~ nine mOllths iD note the 1ncreaa iDl Itrengt b of during the World war and hind the enlln•. - Clarenc e J. 8rqwn in that county. hemorabl), dilchar red as a . Fil'8t Lieuten ant. He il a membe r .;-:-:-::::::::::::::::::::::::~ of the American Legion.

IXIDr. H. M. Williams I

Mi.. Barbar a Korpn aDd broth.r , Richard of South Bend; Ind., ",lire gue t.8 at the home 0 their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mr:a. Elbert Wallacl' Thul'aday and Fnday. M4.'ssl·s Morris Miller and Walter Kfnrick p nt Fl'iday after nooll At theform er's recentl y purchQ~ed farm II ar Trt'bein s. east of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hadley were week-end guest! of relative a t WilMington. Mrs. Margar et Johns spent Sun, dll)1 at the home of ·Mr. and Mrl!. Atno ook -near Waynesville. The Ladies Aid will hoi d theIr . next meeting at the "nome 0 f Mra. Cleo Gray, Wednes day aftem


J, re un ay ---(OoDtl nu.d from p ... .n



Cor one r

Little Thi ngs


ROSS H. HARTSOCK Counly Treasurer


'~<:'TOp'1 E .S

CapitoI Cross Roa d . Chatter


<Y ER VIC E ".,.


J. E. McClure


Th ea ter ..YIII••

------ -








"The Figh ting Code "


•'Mid -.hip man Jack " .

IOc Eve rybo dy

+ Qa all t)'

Pl tat iD I

+ T he

WILLI AM HUFFO RD As candida te for the Republ ican in the prima1')' Aueult 14 Sherift' Willia/JI Huft'ord Deedll 110 introdu ction to the voten of Warren county. When he wu nomina ted aDd elected to the oftlee he now holds two yean - ~ ~uft'ord made a :lew promlaee to the people o:l this COlJlltry. Thele and countle u an of whlcb have bien benefteial to the taxpaye1'll and peace and order of the communlt;y have been kept, to euch a degree that at no time In history baa ·the adminl etration of the oftlce .eone '0. smooth ly or operate d 110 efficiently as durin, hla term. Few if any crimina l acta bave escaped bia notice, and be hal durthe past two yean pl'l~ctliealll,'i elimina ted chic"n .,teaUn , In , Warren count}! and haa run .do:wn aJUt aolved many cases which ml,ht have eseaped the attentio n of an 'oftleer leu alert. POBllelllllld with a' pleasan t perIOlla1ity~ "Bill" Huft'ord Dever..'n .. ' .... hall seen to it that the IaWl of the atate and county have been observed" and If a ..ln · nomina ted and re-elec ted will undoub tedly serve anothe r term in the ' eftlcient man n4!r as in the past. ' DR. H. M. WILLI AMS When voten CO to the polla. ODe of the very fint thin.. they uk thema el'V_i s thia man quaUfted for the omee for whicb h. II runnit'l l! :When Dr. Henche l M. WiUlaIaa announ ced his intentio n of ...k1111 the nomina tion for COUDt}! corone r on the Republ lean tlcut in *he prilur1 Auru.t 14, aU who bew him {and hia friencl aare Dumbered by the hundre d. in reo county} realized lie II well qualUled for the oftlce he leeu. A 11181001' re.lden t of Lebano n, Dr. WIJUama P0lle" . a wid. IaeqwliD1aDeeabip In an lactiOns 01 _I.n~r.


JI!II....~W ad •

ot a P. . . . .

kHD InteNe t ..

to . .

Yea .ar-p eople who aot~ the new G-;J All-W eathe r befo,e It we. advertised and have drive n this marv elous tire many tboua ands,o f miles, are .In&lna lts paliae aloud er than our aa"er tllina doea! P,rtlcula rly do they lnalst that the new G..3 alVei bette r than the "439,'Qmore non-s kid mile.. aae" we advertise! All we uk ls. befor e you buy tires &lve u. a chanc e to show you why 0-3 uler s boos t It ev.n .tron ae, tban we do! .


"G 3"

NEW ' ,


BuUt with SuJ*.wl't ConI ••• Cen·


t_ traction ; tou... thick tRact; full



I.oc* l-at No lam Coat ••• More Mil.,. of real non-sk id ..ftty ... FiattIII' Wider Tread ••• More C••I t . Tt~ctlon (16" nonaIdd blocli:a) ••. Heayler To.... ... TnacI (.'reraae of 3 ..... IIlON rubber ) • , . SlIper twilt Corel Bod, Clllpp ortl _rier tread "ely) '



_---~~::-:::I u....".,.., ..t tana If."

...u•. No

abl- • .., on froDt Utde ......,aft..




4 04• 4 0"


Orber liaNla pro.

portio n npartl y

IIIOUllt td on .he...

"lew lIMe"."'J ..... _to •cr.-."" '..... -~ ., ••",·.....,ia NI.





Eighty-Sixth Year



MERCHANTS WIN. TWO • Tax Notice law. (Amend· GAMES; 51 MARTINS ed The temporary B No. which provides that If real estate and personal ta1es which are deHEHE NEXI SUNDAY linquent are paid in full prior ~enate

II.. Old T1'!Ilen Prore N.

Match for MarehaAt.


Whole Number 6129

ticptcm UfU.c) · --..----.-----'-. ,

\WEE! . ~'. fC) A ~IU CEJE('TM: IN A FAMCV; ' 1OOd)G0\t A ilW'tMOn4

6A~l . I-¥JQ!:I.


The Waynesvill e Merchants were beaten by th6 Middletown Merchantll to-day bli the score of 9 to 3. The score Clf this ball game looks bad yet it was a very decent gaine. Smithson starting fot the Waynesville boys was pounded for 6 hifs and 3 run a in the ftrst two innings. Ellis was then placed In the box at the start of the third and he 'Wa8 evidently cold .11 the 'Middletown bo,ys opened up on him for foul' hits an dfour runs in the third, After the third Ellis pitched very nice ball allowin, only four hits a:nd two runs for HARRIET E. FURNAS the rest of the game. He al80 struck out 8 of the Middletown bOYII il\ the seven innings which he Harriet E. Fuznas, the daurMet' pitched and belleYe us theSe Mid- of Elihn and Heater Kirk Underdletown boys looked like hitters. wood was born In Clintoll county The lecond pme between t h e ' . . M.~rehants llnd s few of the old near HarveYllburg, Ohl0, Fifth time ball players with a few new month eighth 1866. faces in their line up was won by Early ill Ufe she was attractthe Merchants by the scOl~e of 8 to ed to that beautiful .ide 01. life 2 and waa a pretty good played which ftnds 'its expression in mush: ball ,a me. . and flowen. To her , they were The Merchant.. cban,ed poait~on alw.YI a lIource 01 inspiration and of mOlt of the.r players which a way to the Aner things of perhaps made the game more ell:· life. citing, . On nintb montli twenty seventh By inning': . 1888 she was united In marriage 1 Crane llied to thJrd. E. But· to Edw'n S Farnaa To thi ullion ton to third, T, ' Bu~on doub~d thet'e :am~ three ~n8, s!th E., and Gon. grounded to short. Lawrence W. od Ell K. Furnas. In the Merchant. halt Mudy On Hcond month twenty.•eventh


rum~. -:..olt.,).'\.~ ( ! Il~CUlI~ NEVw' f'Ef(MINN ., ' ',',1 ~JNiIL ; iJ":.~:C


met th<!ir club hou,;e on July Th·'It 'VlaY,leilVille , 24th. A few mothers of the scout R attended this meeting and a[ter


discussinga various for flnancing week's plans camping for patrol 3 and 4 it WIi S t1ecideci to bake cooki{ls at the Lel\1ay home on August 9. All tho se interested and wish to help may leave ol'ders at LeMay-Ha.wke Insurance office, Patrols 1 and 2 spent the week ot July 22 at ha utauqua. The cou ts met. at the ch~b house on July 31st and anticipatinK the usual hot weather in August, it was decid d to hold no meet Ings this month. On Augu t 9 Patrol No. 1 is to finish painting tile club house chairs.


()I: ~E ~11ON'3 Ot.1m'AN()ING OONIiEQING





Twa i«9000'. GtN~ OF Ttl!: UNION Al<MI~, u.s GRANT W{:b BORN IN llNY Pr. PlEASANT ON lllE ~IO. IN T~[ VILLAGE, MUCH AS IT Wf6 A ('tN'nJ!N AUO. STANDS A REPLICA a: ~~ HUMBlE





rrou~~~ "~nL T~~~lI ~3Ith~U~"was~~en~~ _=============~===~==~.~=====~=============_ grClunded to .hort; Sm~thlon Edwi S. Furna. met hili ~ath In




·lHEQuH:N arv ~. ~i~·l l. O~ r~ MA..ll5'i,Il' 0.110. ·MII. 115 ~ iI~ ',i;;'::J

to September first, the penal~ ties imposed on taxell delinquent June 1933 and before may be remitted. There is no law under which the penalty on th'e December 1933 installment of real estate tax can be remitted .. Therefore In order ' that all those whose tuea are unpaid may hllve an opportunity to pay same without additional penalties, E. B. Murrell, County Treasurer, appUed to and received from the' Tax Commis8ion of Ohio authority to keep the collection open until September fint. ' E , B. MURRELL

Micldlatowu M..... h_t. aad Wa¥. D .....



HO ME AT LEBANON "Uncle" Steve Phillip. Suc:c_1». to Pnecumoni. After Seyer•• Month.' 111_..

"Uncle Stev " Phillips, 92 yeul old, one of America'a greatest race hOl se driver, died at his home In ban o.n on Friday from an attack of pneum onia contracted several mont.hfl ago, said to have been caused by sleeping in bis balle· ment to e cape the intense heat. Upon the th'st iIlness he was reLAURA E. WARD moved to Miami Valley hospital and after he J:eturned home Laura Emzette Ward , daughter !teemed somewhat improved. At the age 01 25 "Uncle Steve" of William and Mary Kiphart Ward, was born in Wabash Co.• b gan a career that covered 6j In oiana, February 3, 1854. yeo1'S as a drivel', trainer and Died at he r home in Harveys. owner of trotters and on Friday burg, OhiO' Jul y ) 8, 1934 at th t his car~er was ended and the eye. age of 80 years 6 months 15 days. which were once regarded a8 the She was of a family of six keenest in the country when tbey children, Almira, Alpha, Armantha appraised 'a horse, were clGsed, John, Lauro. and James, a1\ of In 1886 at the age of 25 he be. whom except two, Mrs. Al'mantha came the youngest driver in AmerVan Doren and James have pHssed ica when he raced at Xenia. Since Lo the Ql'eat Beyond. Almollt her , then until 1932 ' when he drove entire life wa spent in Harv eys- , "Fr drlck McKinney" to victory burg and on the farm in the vicin - ' on the Fay tte county track in ity, coming h re when n child Washington C. H" he sat bebind eleven years of age. scor~s of 'Winning trotters, mAny Those of Us who knew her uest of th m his own. realized and IlJlpreciated her His career even befor~ that of .. sterling wortn and character and driver was an exciting one. When she needs no eulogy today to re- Admiral Farragut ran the Vicksmind us of her life of devotion to burg blockade "Uncle Steve", then her family slid frien9s. in Ms early twenties, was on t11. On the death of a sister, Decem admiral's ship. The rudder broke bel' 19, 1877. two motherless chil- and the young man was among the dren were taken into the home volunteers to go down the lIide of Bnd much of the care and rearing the ship under heavy flre and of thos children devolvi!d upon make I'epairs. He I aves one brother, Charle8 Laura. Then Jater came t he 'year ()f caring for an invalid mother Phillips ot Xenia. and three nlecel and after her death, the aged and two nephews there ifour fath r was her especial care. nieces Mrs, Nate Monroe, Mrs, Twenty-th"ee years ago feeling Oliver Davis, Mrs. Nettie Keppler tbat sh and her brother . John of Waynesville. Mrs. Lida Pence were no lohger able to care for of Lebanon snd Mrs. Flora Davi. the farm, they bought a home in of MaBtln. Harveysburg where the later The funeral service ,WIUI held at tbe home of Ml'Ij. Lida Penee in years of her li!e were spent. She' was a charter member of Lebanon at 4 p. m. Monday• Warren Chapter O. E. S. of Hal'- Borlal was me,d e in Miami cemet. veysburg and filled all offices in ery, the chapter with honor and ,dignity --~ and the meetings were a gl'eat delight to her. Laura was greatly intercst'ed in the wQrk of the. Method i t chllrch of Harve.ysburg and es" -'JI<CCiaUy-iD- . unday IWholH class ()f which he ""WI a member and the numerous kindnesses of the class, their calle a.nd flowers help, MRS. MARY A. LOURY ad greatly to bfJghten the many b Our. of her sickqes8, Fune'a~ !!el'vice for Mrs, Mary When h realiled that her life A_ LouV who pa sed 'away luly was drawing to its close, death had 26 after sevel'al months at faUno tenors for her and calmly she ing health was conducted at her would discu s with members of home at Xenia, Ohio Sunday after the family her . pS$s lng: away and noon at 2 p. m. Burial 88 Maule when that time came she slipp d Creek cemetery, CedarviJIe, ' away so peacefully and silently Besides ber husband, sne leavea that those 'arollnd her could sca r. the following children: Mra. Myrcely realize that she was going. tle 1Jol1ingshead. Lebanon; John L. Truly it may be said of he r and Mr. Marf Rizor at home; " Well done good and faithful ser Todd, at Dayton and 'Mrs. Rhea vant, thou hast been faith1ul over Ludin~ton of this vicinity. She a few things, I will make thee also leaves 19 grandcbildren .nei ruler over many things. Enter two great grandchildren. thou into thE joy of thy Lord. - - - _ . __- _ _ MRS. MARY LEONARD BURNS

accident. between home and tblrd t~Y1ng to lClore and wu ftnaUy re~roed by a , In the I'l'eat work of mot.ner Crane 2 Ramby fanlled. Schiller lin- and home maker Ihe always had gled over lIeond. H. Burto. tripl. the trail of ill health and ed, IIcoring Schuler. Graham ftied to overcome. Handicapped In. to lett and H. Burton ac:ored on ",a~ abe "as. unabJe to take an the play. Buzlc)l tanned. .ctlve ~.rt an her meeti~ and B. Weller at the Merchants, communltYI but Ihe alway. enFRIENDS MEETING ftied to riWhf. Hartsock sin,led, coura," ber children in t~e se 1::== = = = =====-=== •tol e leClond and went to third as lelds and on all refonn questions oold sale by Girl Scout First-day Scbool at 9 :3 O a ' maO' Ml'. and M~s, Fred Gon and eh o family were ."'lIfton Th..~a'" _il-y, August 9. Ph' one orders for :Worship a t 1: . . "visltors . Crane thre-w Ollt La urene. M. . . . took a hi-h .. ltano" on Wel~r doubled Icoring Hartsock. On seventh month twentyMth ~o LeMay-Hawke .t\.gency. m. Monday. Wild mall rrounded to ahort. 1934 ahe became suddenly ill and 3 Crane fanned. E. Burton two d.ys later ' wu caned home. Mr. and Mrs. Myel: Hyman and Mr. Woodford Henry of Kensingled. T. Burton f orced E . B ur- .. She wiD be greatly missed by son, Robert, "I·sl·ted • relatives WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH tucky i the guest. of M'l'. and Mrs Rev. G. C. Diber1~, Paator . ton at secolld pltcitel' to sec-and. Ml' three 80na and ~ve grand Cincinnati on Sunday. James Lovely. fanned. .ha1f:-Mendy ground children Willard Corinne, _ M...!'. a nd Mr8.. H C. Coleman of Sunday school at 1}:80 a. moo Gons Kerchante Seth E, Jr., ~ B., E.,Sara .-ad-Dorothy Mr. snd Mrs, Carl Sanker 0 ed to sbort. Thompson singled Sue together with two aiat.ers Norwood called on Mr. and Mrs. Mason vill.ited Mr. and Mn O. R. through third. ~Thom.P80n atole JJII.n:' John Gillam, Mn. JOMph D. L. Crane Sunday afternoon. WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF Unglesbee on Sunday. !econd. Davia was' il8fe on Crane'. Heston and one brother, Dulel CHRIST Mr. ~nd MrI5. John Fromm errol' Thompaon ,oing to third. Underwood. al1 of whom peatly Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mason of lIOn, Clyde, villited friends at (Undenominational) Smlthso.1l ftted to Ncond and B. cheruh her' memory. Dayton were guef!~s of Mrs. Springfield Sunday aftrrnoon. Welfel' flied to third. Che.te~ A. WilliamsoD, Kinilter A,manda Maffit on Sunday. - 4 Ram by "Open~ ",ith a ,ainele. Golle will be her welcome at the Cburch School at 9: 30 a. m. Mr. alid MrS. W. B. Squires and chultr flied out to left. H. Burton Miss Ruth Gearhart of Dayton door. Lord's Supper at conclusion. tlinrted Bendine Ramby to third Galle her pJeaaant amile for eve~- Mr. and Mrs. James Loo;ely were j the guest of her sister, Mrs, A. Christian Endeavor at 6:46 p, m. Cincinnati \'illitore on Sunday. and was eauwbt Itealine, catcher more; Evening evangelistic service at H, Stubbs and family this wee". to Nllond. Graham ftl~ to ritfht. . Thoueh her IIOU} teeml far away T.he conditiop , of Mr. , SamUcel 7:46 p, m . . Sermon Ilubject, "A Hartsock tlied to right. Laur. , Not much change is seen in the Blltterworth whf,l has b~n con· Great Christian." P,rayer meeting condition of D.L. Crane who has ens and M. WeJler' fanne.d in the With her loved on.. it will ltay, and Bible Study each Wednesday )lercbantl half. ' Het spirit in our litetl journey ftned to his bed for sevenl week , been confined t() his horne for two at 7 :45 p. m. The church wllere remains about the !la III e. . 6 Smith flied out to IIhort. oe'er, montha. you feel at nome., Crane funed. .E. Burton waa We Will abide for evermore. ),{e&l1'1l. James Lovely, JeSM Mrs. Kathl'yn Turner of Dayton on MendY'1I error. T. Burtoll Thomas, cbas. Bradley and Jesse visited Mr. and Mrs. F. B. HentrJ'Ounded tCIaecond and V. Weller Prenderpst attended the 1)all FERRY CHUR.C H OF CHRIST derson and her son, Matthew/ on touched E. Burton for the out. Carel of ~ game at CincinnatPfuesday. (Undenomlutional) Monday. In th, Kerchants balf of th.e We wilb to upre.. our thanks Chester ll. Williamaon Mrs. Elsie Wilcott of New York fifth Wildman filed ollt to center. and appreciation to friend. and Mr. and' Mrs • James Hawke . b" ·th City and . Mrs. Est;~~~~om--Ol~---'--c---a!'X1il1T"1'"imrr1rR'r----t=:;;::~~:..:-~ linCled, nole .eeond, ....'nt.~ila1ttv'.. for and . dau,hter, Mill~ ChU~i~~c:::rIC~t ef~~~lft~ ':"Im . Lebanon were guests at Mrs. ____ Wl'~Q':.' o~u~~e ~~:a~al~~rnB~l~', tMendy o third on a paSI· b.1l and -ond extended . in ou.r ha ot Lima called on Mr. and urc ,. , . . Laura Sl·d.e s 1m TueQda,"'. ... b tb .,. ... ' S,atul' · d ay eve,n. Lord's Supper sermon at . 'J t S I" tI',sy The 9th Band concer. y ' e died last evening 21 .when H. Burton threiw Jow to....third reavement of our mother. 1141's. J., , ~. Hawke ' 10'3'0 Sermon and suh~ect ' ''The . h R ' neaville band ,will be August WSaturday ' t H July ' Thom~soll alii! ' Dtvill fanned. Seth t; Fum.. • Famlly ing. . " . • .. ~, Misses Irma RIc, q h • a, I - ,.' F ,at the arren Coun Y ollle. . 6 as . Jd d ht LawRn~- I: Willard ' ' . Soul ~ WeltlU'~. Y01~ are always bllry and 10na Crane are apendmg 9 spo nsprecj by The armer s Funeral sel'vices were ~ld at anI .. ::bJ Eli X. Furllu .. Family'. Meears. W!lght. o( welcome at, this church. this w(lek at the 4 H at the grave in Lebanon cemetery at golr • - • bua and Elliot Wright of DetroIt, Camp Rook, near Frankhn. . d f k " o'elock Monday afternoon In rou .... ecl oiit to abort a.Dd Schuler Mich., called of here OD . .and can building supply your nee s or stoc' charge of the Rev, H. S. Mable. ftled .... out to left. . FRANK WILLIAM CARMAN day by were the illneea their fatber, ST; AUG UST INE CHURCH Mr. Alvan' Barnard had hiS material. In the M.rebantl ball' 9-nithion Dr. A. T. ,Wright. Father Newton. Pastor automobile stolen in Dayton SunThe concerts ha ve been well aton Pace 4) Mass at 1St. Augustine'll Church day evening and has not. r.ecovered tended and it is hope(l there will MR. OTTO MILLS Frank J.WUliam Cannan, lIurph7 MIn of and - Mr.famll andv 141'11. for dtne n'o Test. and Kal'lraret of ""aml' burSpence,. a we- every second and f ourth Sunday it nor been able to flnd any clue be sLi Il large!' crowds C William Word has been received of the <I..... ~ ·of Mr. 'v f the month. as' to its di~appell~ance. of the seasol\. orne anis furnish e J ) death of Mr. Otto Mills, 78, forCarman, waa bo m J UM 29, ,I 886 dinner guelt. on Sunday - __._ _ _ _ _ youJ'~elf. as Jim McClure ud departed thla life ,July . 18, and Hi'll. Ch.r_e. Jamell and tamMr. and iT. C. Hawke visit- Ing chairs fin those Who do not mer Waynesville r~sident who died 198~. ., ily. MARTHA ELiZABI~:rH IRVIN cd Mr. ,Steve Williams ~t tbe K. wish to stand. ... at his home in' St. ' JOlleph, Ko., Kia IChoolcla,. besan in DiI, of p, home and Mr. Albert Haine's The next concert will De August 'l'uesday evening. He leaves tWG trlet Foqr, 11.,- tJle home Hr.•' and MI'I. Robel't Walton and Martha Elizabeth Ii'vin dat&gh- at the Masonic home in Springfield lu .sponsored by \Vaynesville Drug sana, Carl J . Mills and Raymond h. born, aad bere ,on, . Bobbie, i)t Dayton and Mr. ter of John · Irvin a1~d Catha.rine on Sunday, Store, Clint's Market, Lee lJawke, Mills, both of St. Joseph. His wife Clf the' maDY aneJ Mrll. Bert HartsOck and family Swall'ow Irvl' n was born in WayOrvllih G~a" and A. H. Stubbs. Angeline Mills died on April 23. ' .. b .. I I -.... ~ of Mrs• J • L • Hartsock neavllIe Ohio, Deeem;ber 26, 1846 Mrs. Lillian Fife of Washing~. " ... _ _- rtmaiDe",Unbro.en were .-...... '--__ The couple celebrated their Allred Holbrook eoll.... ot'tho, on Sunda7. 1 ton D. C. .nd son, Earl and golden wedding annivenary laat ra~is.d at Leban.on.. nearl,. a Mn· and paued aw.y in Indlanapo Is, daughter, 'Miriam Jean, ot WilBIRTHDAY CLUB MET year and would have been married tury -co, will ,remOVI from Leb... a bOl'Il mll8lc:ian, lovin. Mr. and Mra. Ray Beck July 26, 1934 aged U year8 and mington are visiting Mr. and Mrs. 51 years on lost April 26. anoll to Much.ter, 01110, ....Iy in mllnc ad a m.mber o! f.Bmily of Standard, Arkansas ,ar. 7 months. On February 21, 1866 L. H. Gordon. The funeral serviCe is belnr The Idlewild ' Bi rthday club ha d September i.t ... anDouneed last muaieal OrwallilatiODS }1Dtil rived Sunday evening for a vi it she was marri~d to Thomaa T, their July meeting in honor of Mr. held today (Thursday) at St. Joi,. 11. . CUIlJilil. . . ., reMD~. 01. two weelta with the. fonner's Dodsot) and , to this union there week b, Messrs. .Oscar and Wilson Edpreaident. ' At . . ...., . . . . . ~ a brother, 'Mr. and Hr8. Lealie Beck we're born fou,: child,ren, Wm·, H. wards ot, springfield and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker in the eph and burial will be made there. fCll!m of a picnic at Harmon Park of tile Lrtl. JIeUsodilt and dau~htei'8. who died · in the year 18~1, MinDr. CaRn. .".,..... wbo made a 1IMIDMl' Herbert Edwards of Denver, Col. cL t er, "'-t-'" ...... u-L La6"'... - . --....... __ Il_~~" recent A-'< .....p to -;;-7 .ancue. D,_ " , VA ..... • ""'K'" The , 'ollow,'n" . local a....I,.r. nie C. and JOllep;Ji W. now living In called · on Misses Margaret /lnd in LebanoTL M~S. HARRIET STALEY At 7 :30 the bask~ts were open. 0 f wi~" ~-..- "'h .......·-- ''v.. -u-''.. m in Kentucky .... ,. a Indianapolis and Harry L residing Trillena Edwards on Saturday, that he ba d conCBc t e d e it',liDS WI ' " ....waD ...... ' went to ~.Dixie Da. Mj·s. Harriet Stal(lY, 89, died (ld, the. contents -spTead on Ii that to..... wIth thfl ,.liIt ~hat F.ft7 ll. luu ai.n c. r,talned 1\lsterday to try their luck: Mesara in F~~~~:' la~:~~~:" years' of her Little Patsy Bair~, daughter of long table and all present had early Saturday mornin, .t the pro~erty value4 at ,21,00 ~J bit membenbip. Buzick, Ralph Smith, life she had ljved in Indianapolis. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Baird, is re- plenty to ea.t_ home of her 'son, John, at _lamlaturned over to tile eoUep for t On A~ II, 1887, Mr. 'Harold Osborn and Everett Funeral services were held Sun- ported to be slowly ' recovering at burg followin" an Ulne .. of 1eVUN. Runnl.... The. next meeting will be held espenael of the man and ilia T. Sween- wen M' . V II h 'tal f hat sehool we re- -'110 -·aranteed '" ..Wle L. - , clau..&.da" I8ml ad ey w , a't the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. John el'S1 weeks. Two other dtUdren mart1...a aad to one , afternoon in In';l \.! .i anapolil and f to bOSPI i rom '1lne .. .waa .. .... burialSO,in 193t. · Waynesville Monday, of wastyphol ear.e f ever.e a ser OUI 1 ! C. Adams on the evening of Aug- survive, WUtiam Stale., and Mrs. .Manchelter ..citiHns. tet', Gracej bon. 'Mr. Fr-ancis Coleman O'f Nor. luly . ust 22nd . Charles Tobia., of Darton. d A. number of atudenta alrea.y Moat of ble life WIle apellt Oil wood anel hill grandmother, lin. Ettll Larrick. Pres. Mrs. Staley wal a Ilf••lons rebave been obtal.ed, It is lAid. ' farm Dear W...-w.. R. Laura Foater, of lit. Bealthy Those attendi~ the burial were Mrs. W. E. O'Neall and ""ns, P. L. Reallon, Sec. sident of 'Miam~buq. She wu • T~e IChool will open in Ilan- resided in W~ c011lliJr1l .-topped enrout. home from a Mr. and Mrs. JOI. D. Dodson, M;. Charles and Hugh, arrived from ~ sister of the late ,John H. cIa..ter on Septe1nber 11. VOlt all Darton fouteen ,.an _",.._un tbl! New Jenplld states IUId and Mrs. T B. and Irvm Orlando, Florida on Thursday For manJyean IIh. Stalq GRANCE PROGRAM of ~. preaeDt mambal'l of iIM he ... empJor-d br tile Canadi Oil lIond., evenilllr to call R. Dodlon, C. n.r0dIJot evening to join Mr. O'Neall and her husband live4 08 . . . at.atr wUl CODUD.a on tile f ..1Il~. on Compan, lIatll the Oil Mr. and 111'1. D. L. Cran.. . MDI~' ICdOdTaI II ~nMn e lIin Anna w~o are bere. They ex- The Grange me'~ting Augwt ••. and Mlamisburc-C • •mu. . . p tIE. Alth III nao.. ftN laW e a ' , r. to rernalD tor Mveral wet'u a ~_ . . . III b I charge of the palt led where they "rille ....17 part April hIa IIr. OIl_mIDI B. Jon.. and Mr. and aa'Tr;l' . of vlalt with friena. .nd reJatlvea. w en h I were in "harp of tIM WI 61... 6 10''--- would nIDOft to d ..... Prank B• .10. . . of LIttle Omaha, N.brub; F. Lur,rs with Mra. Eli Furnall, c a r- whleh ltooel th. . . . .... ....,. ~......- , AJbruu Tialttd W.,...... Allen and E4tth MI'I. Clifrord Ridie and auch· ma ..... uN to n a... III". Aaderaon, Mr. BicThe olel toD ..... Theae ladln ai'tl wotkinr for a edauten alld IloIIrut Cull Iv ... Dartoll, tel', Milia Amy, of Chlcqo, m., very entertalnlll' hour, 80 let'l ItaDcIIa&. one ao. ............. lfttla... ...... -d and Emma Banett of Clncln .............. It II ,.. • ......!.. Ohio;. n. Waltu an Dati were peata cd . . .. Emma live tbem a .ood beariaar. A c.__ Granp P....,,, ,,18 aJeo flo. aD4 Bell8ll,.." oa liN. Au....' U lit the !AI_., lira. tor



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"OTIC! OF APPOINTMEtfT cr vel, 2000 ,arda, ••00. would aU b. o..r. uAll," Bllllock • r.peated, chuckllne. "but tb. ahoutln'. An' e~n tbat'n be over ...1., BIU. ElIlat4! or Mltry Wuullard, de· by tb.D." cealed. Rip Weatherbee, .trolled about E. Whiteneck, lr~oceri,,\1,.2 Notice iM hl'rt'by gIven thlit May the boat that a!temoon, found her Robert Relcbel. croceriell, $154,&0; Miller who8t) Po t OffiCI! Ac.ldl'elll is crowded wlt.h plante1'tl, brokers, lbert. Wallace, I. G. A" Harveys· Waynef(ville, Ohio, haa Iieen duly and commercial travelers. On the bure, grOtlerill8, $lJli i Elbert Wal· appoint d .. Admini ll'alrix (If the hurricane and texal decks he C_lDoa Pie.. ot Oregonia. lace, I . G. A., Waynesvi lle, groeer Estate of Mary Woollard late of to the pilot houlle. among the taU beaven _____ Taft Collin, factory worker, of ies. 125.25 1 WilJiam ollins & Wanen ounty, Ohio, deceased . HAPTER IV. Ad8m Bullock was or th ~reed lig-ht, striped parasols. But he I th tt f E J "un Fl'anklin and Miss Clara Belle Son, Ilr cerles, S113.50: G Ol"ge Dated thi 26th day of July, n ma . er 0 .f mmer 0"~ Fraftkl·ln. "Five lhoueand dollars of hard, that spawned Allila. of was quieter than ulual - which t.h H ....y'_ Doub, "" ~. Hawtnorne, groceries, $]0. Ii 0; D, 1934. r ad)' Inoney, It' yours t r the P(,f ia, lind ort z: in hi heart he meant he was Jll'actieaUy dumb. It a recelVer 0 e Irve 1;Virgil W. Shoemaker, laboror e1 (J. Eltzrotb, grocerie8, S31: Car. RALPH H. CAREY taking. You don't hAve to do tIluch \la [I wl·ecker .• 0 he . tood. that no crot that Rip Weatherbee Nati~nal Ban,k. of Harveys- Wa ynesville, aJ:)d Mn. Ella M. Sur. 1'0U'S Store grocerie ' $'72,1)0; Judge of the Probate ourt n a d rk nigM he rivel' hell- May 'morning in the pilot hUe of and Annie Travers were going to burg, petillon grant.ed as to accept face, factory worker, of Lebanon. Kroger Grocery & Baking CQ., 816 Warren County, Ohio , (IV rybody kn WI! that." The steam the Prophet D niel and planned bis be married. It co'uld never have ing bUild, e t c . . . Jam es F. Frender, mechanic, of $310; L. ?Ii. Scotleld, groceries, . k A h' , . In the, ~a e of lE:hzabeth Man· Dayton and Mrs AnnT '11 f $ lioat owner '\0 ed. " nyt mil' game. Little shivers of excItement been a eeret, with that. new, Eager ano,!!, a. /TIIDOr, by be~ lather and Franklin. • a ern , 0 $21; Mrs. A. M. Hinsoh, l'c nt, 45 i The Inicrnlll.ionul Baby Chick Kaufman'S cloth1ng, U6.75; West. Assooiation is holding it annual Jillble to happen. nags fl oal;lnt\' po e sed him a his yes roamed lilrht in Rip W atherbee's eyes. next frIend, Tom l\![artaIlOs, versus downstream, a mistake at the over the glory of the steamboat. But if he h~d been ail nt before, Roy Michaels. Motion sllstained ern Union Telephone ,CO., t~le- meeting at Cle,(clul\d this year, ,,-he I uch a rlliglli happen to and h came to a full realization crew stood aghast at his and summons qUlulbed as to Cin. R .. I, E.ta •• Tr_fen gr-am$, $$.17; Ohio Bell Telcpholle 30 to August 2. Ohio /.lily pilot ml ther )'ou are !" of what he wa doing. Cunningly peechle sness now. ti and Lake Erie ~ailroad Co Co" telephone rent;- $3.20 ; Ohio tHIB tciler'ym nand Jlollitry {Ilrme)' • Growln' more tight·moutb all the case ' of Tom Marian08 John Long and Maggie, Long to Cent.ral Telephone Corp., ~Ie· have b en invited. It's th largest' Bullock squirmed. " I'll 10 e my hel d"'elt on the long, sharp line job. I can'l; rip the b lIy of . a of the Prollhet Dani I, her two tall the time," 1\ straker observed to R M' h i t l t' The 'Miami Valle)' Building and phone Corp., telephon rent and IInnual poultry meeting In the teamboat op nan' k e JI\ Y j b.' fancy-topped chimn y with the Captain R gan. "Don't never seem .8 oy IC ae s, e a, mo Ion Loan Association inlot No. ~8 in t .olls, $21.80; Tru st es of Public world. The 0 b r man made a gesture d "iee glintin'" ,b etween them, the t h' t tall" 8ustatned and summons quashed aa FrankJin' Aff . r ht itt 60 F ran kl'In eo 0 open IS rap no more a- . tod fenda.nt, Cincinnati and Lake. Claren'ce Cl'#ton to E. M. Beck, aus, Ig , ,... : ot disdain. "There's other boats paddle boxes gorgeous with pai,nted Captain Regan flgeted. like a Erie RaUroad Co. u Chronicle, adv. and Pl"inting, other job . And tbi flve thout<and un. Down bJ' the big be11, cool ~an under fire. The striker noted In the case of Nellie Marianos 6:1'>5 acres in CleaTcreek township. $13.26; Weste rn Union T legraph dollar ,. His voice died away Bl1d er ne, stood aptain Spike It- remembered the le~nd that veraus Ro¥, et al Motion Ethel B. Sams t>O Otha E, Sams, Co., telegrams, $2.10: Mary THE MIAMI CAZETTE F_ ft •• vl .. tanta\i~ingly. Regan. Bllllock laughed harshly as there was 80m seer t between Re. sustained and sumn~ons quashed as 157 acres in ,Harlan township. Qu igley. cash relief, $24 j The Of· ' /Marks i right; it can be done,' h realized how dHf rent would gan Rnd Rip Weatherbee. People todefi!ndant CincillnaU and · Lake Fred Can- to Anna Lake, real flee Outfitterll Co., rental on filing estate In Franklin township. cabinet :fOt Welfare 01l\ce last Bullock whispered to lIimself be R gan's bearing before the day ~ n said it had ,80me~bing to do Erie Railro~d. through dry lips. "Any pilot on a ended. Like the quick, eager WIth Weat~erbee a perpetual silIn the case of Mae LeFever vel' ~Udred S. Dakin and I. E. Dakin hal! of Jun 1934, $9.30: F. H. night watch might a eident'ly rip gl"nce ot a hawke. Bullock'.s eyes ence. ~nd In curi?us, absentn:'ind. BUa James Edwin l~berhart,' et aI, lo French Bauer, Ine., ~ corp. 8.38 Gloeckler, grocerie8, ,34; Verdena White Rosa~ Power bea 1)0llt open. [t ain't like it hasn't surveyed the Prophet Dalliel. ed h!lbtt of r~pelltlng words aImed No. 15277, the dofendanls, Ger. ael' s in ~arlan to.wnShlP, l;Iqpkins, groceries, $55; ZeigoeI's hind the anllne. !lever happ ned b fore. An' five Down below, off watch, Rip at blm. The rIver had grown accus trude Dimmaek and Albert I. The First Nattonal ~ank to General Store, groceriell, U6.50; thou and dGllars- _ ' SlIddenl)" ~ eatherbee slumbered peacefully tomed to Weatherbee's 'peouliari- Dimmaek are g'r anted ten ' days In Da;vid Brunk, rtal estate In Salent A. Shiflett groceries $22· Blair ~~~,~~!,!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!,!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!! omething s emed, for the first Thetbougbt of Weatherbee'si!,noc ties; but it till wondered over which to,iUe pleading. . township. &. LeRoy, ~08], $10.60; Howard tim, to occur to hi!!'. HI . e~ whole bUSiness them-boped, some. day, to have In the case of Mae LeFever ver. • Helen B. Bowyer to Anna Bet- Ivins. groceries, $10 :1'>0; King , na~rowed, a~d be IJcked b\ .. lip made the ma~ in the pilot ho~se Ithe mystery solved. sus James Edwin Eberhart, et aI., amger ,. 233 acrea. in Turtleereek Brothers Co., ,transportation, qutetly. ~IP ~eatherb e. . b~ ~n. He'd fill It safe I!'nd sure. No Now Captain Regan eyed t he No. 15278, the dMenlt nts, townllhlp.. . . IlO: Marshall Roberts, groceries, With Reliable Serum muttered. It mIght be thIngs ml takes, no blunderln'." Bullock striker disdainfully. "Love don't ll'ude Dimmack and Albert J Carl Komng to S. S. WhIte, In· U3; T. U. Woodrey, groceries, him elf. "Every thin' never make a loud.mouth outa a Dimmack, are granted ten days I~' lot No. 32 in Mason. grocerie I $25; Elmer Collis. 11'0could be kinda fill~d"to took like proini d and Viru. Weather~ee done I~. Th~II, 8ud- fiXed up pretty.'.' man, sonny. An' all pilots is which to file pleading. Mary 'Inez Snider to Allee Weill cerles. U6.50i Ttl Midland Gro· At a rea.onahle price denly, hIS ~aee . bnghtenmg, he All th~t n:'0l'n!ng ~e worked out naturally siJentlike." The case of Gr,~en~erry Beal'd and FranlcWeill, real estate In cer Co., groceries, $97.75; Dl". tu~~~ b~ck~? hili te.m pter. the detaIls I!I hIS. mind. ch~eIdng "Maybe," agreed the, striker. versus Lottie Ma Beard is di s~ Halltilton township. Harry t:. Rudman, medical, $43; DR. W. E. FRC)ST I U do It, b~ saId short~. He and r~che~k!ng hut plan, hIS ex· Bllt he couldn't help recalling the miMed without record. May Ellen and L. S. Penn to Th McGetchin's Pharmacy, medicine, . PhoBe 17R4 got ea erly to hlS fee~ whll~ the planation, ht eve y move, There loquaciousne a of ~dani Bulloek. In the caBe of H~!rbert. Hizar Dayton Power and Light Co., the f 11 .1) ; J . 0:. Hendricks, groceries hip ~:V,ner e~u~,kled WIth satl8fac· mustn't be any lip-up. or any It .amost looked lIke Reran. was sus Cedric Stanley, et al demurrer USe of real estate for lines. ,84; Wr ight's Market, groceries, tion. 111 do It, Bu~lock repeated. jo~phole left for Weatherbee ~ trYing to make excuses for hIS ex. of defendants, Paul and .fohn Big. Anna L. Harris, et al to the ,274: Jos. H. Fedders Supply Co .• For a moment he Ill!tened to the WIggle through; he must make hlB pupil, as if he were trying hastilY IeI' sustained. ce iver of t he Harveysburg Nation coal, U.50; Chas. 'Mollnt: grocer· long ,!a~l Of. a ateamboat ()ut on own position afterward as uni!,". to cover up the thing with jocularin the ease of J ) M. Shields vel'. al Bank, real e$tate in Harv YII· Ie • '10; H. E. McVey, grocerie!, the ahllllng rlveri then he grasped peachable as human ingenUIty ity. sus Cedric Stanley et al demurrer bul"l. $89; lvins.Jam on Drug Co., the other's hand. nodded and was eou ld arrange it. But it wa going Meanwhile, Rip Weatherbee of defendants Pa~l and' J ()hn Big. Dora ChUton, by adminl trator. medicine, Sge; Frank Sherwood ,00 IrOne. to be simple; he saw t.hat long be- stretehed his long legs abou.t the ler, sustained: . to Clarence Clifton, 30.t6 acres in groeeriea, $19; Fred's S~ore, cloth· __ Clearcreek township. ing, 12.87 i Schilling's Fo od Mill'· Bu.t hi~ brow 'Was furrowed as fore the aftnnoQn wore away and, dec.)ce of the Prophet Daniel, and, he <went. tip the gangplank to the having 1)een reli~ed by Weather. up in t h& pilot bouse, Adam Bull. Lou A. E. Lacy, et. al to Mary M ket, groceries, ,76; P. B. LukinProphet Daniel: and his thin, bee at noon, h e in turn took over oek slid the wheel while he emitted N_ S,.ub Sinclair, 47.63 acrea in Wayne rbeal. rroeerle , '82i Tracy's West twisting lips,.were whi pering: "I'll the wheel again at four. At eight his dry, intermittent chuckles. So Ollie. Muon VeI$US Lee Malon, township. Side Grocery, groeeriea, $24 i Chas do It I An' it might be it Can be o'clock tbat night the .watch wo uld the af'temoQn, like the mOl"ning, Th,e Flrst.Mason lIank, of Mason , Minnie L. Mul:1ord, executrix of J. Schwartz, groceries, $43.50; I .. made to look like this here change once more, With Weatber· ended; and all at once tbe river and Tbe Norwood :Hyde Puk Bank the. estate of Jehu C. Mullord, de. & C.Market, Il'Clcel'ies, $IH.26; Weatherbee ",al the man "'ho bee going into the pilot hOUle, hj& was twinkling with lights and & Trust Co., for Illimony. ceased, to Minn ie L. 'Mulford, Inlot Ray Swigert, grocerie , $18.25; W FOR AND CONSIG" dOlle it" 'Twice he bumped ,Into trick to last until midnight. But people were stnaming down to the Ed",ard Conner vilnus Jane Cra No. 38 in Leban~n. W. Cline, grocerie, $64; E. B. IbMJ) aDd people as he ueended the stain , before midntcht was reaelled it saloon for supper. At eight o'clock mer Conner, for divorce. Char~ French Betainger to Anna Thirkield & Son Co., clQthing, Ii.....~ aft. r ~~~~=~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~ Bullock s urrendered the wheel to i8 gl'OU neglect .~'f duty. sin,er, et aI, 528.55 acre, in TurUe $7.32 / W. H. McHenry, groceri II IDr'owrettllh • firm ' til. ~ Weatherbee. He wa!l studiously The C. Co~., 8UCCeSS!)l'II to creek to:nsbip. • $30; I. CoWman, groceriell, 5f!!t"~~' ~I~~"'!.'~ agreeable as he prepared to leave Midlanll Acceptance, venus John A~na n etsingoer to 1I le.n B. $131; RubJ VanRiper grOCl'ries, In on Ra-;u;;' StatioD W the pilot houae. He commented on Gay. Replevin. yer, 171.30 acres in $80.60; Dr. Edwards, Medicine, 12:215 to 12 :30 p. m. for our , the swiftness 01 the current, point New York Lile Insurance t>Ownship. 6: Cbas. P. Stubbs, groceries. market reporta. Arthur and ~uth Smadbeck to $66: Chal. O. Hildebrant seed ed out how close he had been 8bav~ venus William BUlrggraf, e~ &I. ing the shore. "Upstream'lI hell in money, fOl'ecl08ur~!, marshallng Carl SchaUb, resl estate jn potatClea, $60; Frank C. Ander· a current like tltis, ain't it?" Bu))- liena, ete. field townabip. Tent $12: G. R. lto man & oek nodded to himself. New York LifEl InsuraJlee Charles Brown to State <If groceriee $84.50: H. C. Hamil '", But Weatherbee, his back turn. versus Ethel Ebnlel', and the use of real estate for ~on, groceriea, $162; Chas. O. 43 YEARS OF SERVICE ed al he worked the wbeel, made Ebner, for money, Hildebr,nt, groceries, U21; no reply. It angered Bullock. That of real estate, marahaling 01 Townsley Hatchenes, Inc., chicks damned, everlasting silence! co ta, etc. .nd feed furnished relief famili s LEBANON, OHIO "Why'n't you talk to a rnan now ~_ during June, $5.60; Leiws It We have a complete 'n' then '" he exploded sharply, Drake" Inc., leed for cattle fllT· Watch Repair S.rYic. his nerves on end. "It'll Uke pullp...,loate COllrt nished reliet families during June Prices Reasonable in' teeth gettin' a wo.rd out.. you, In the matter Cll the estate 0 BiD. Allo_d 7.7.0: C. O. Hildebrant, Beed pota Weatbubee!" Joseph G. Keys, deceased, the apJames Follen, semeea as janitor toes furnisbed relief families dur. Beads Restrllng J ttwelry Repaired And atill there wall no annver. plication of Frank Bnndon ,ex· $16; Penn Morton, aelYieel as ing June, U46.21i; All R. Aesley Still Rip ' Weatherbee's broad ecutor, for the. raltlfteaUon of his janitor, , 70; C. Donald Dilatu8h, Mill Co., aeed furnished rural reo "THE HOME OF G.IFTS" back faced Bullock. A sneer came having esigned clsrtain contracts rent 01 office fOl" Pro.. $20; covery familr~8 during June, '30.· jnto Bullock's face. "rUlhow bim with the United Department Dr. W. C. 22i J, W. Ltngo Hardware Co., to·night I" he snarled to bim..)f. of Agriculture recov· "I'll get hl$ girl, ·five tllousarid minUltratloD, comllooditiea division, , service., $27.10 ; Mrs. Ira Elt. erf during June, 'U,~5; Member Republican State Central Comdollars----an' I'll crimp him Into corn an dhoe aeetion, was con· roth, aervicell, ,5; Mr.. Helen Townilley Hatcheries, Inc., ehicka mitt•• 7th Conrr...lonal Di.trict the bal'p,in I" 'firmed and approved by thilr court. Dourhman, reavices, $7; Candia !urnlahed reeo~ry familiee, dur.. • .. At that Inatant, almost as if by J~mes E. Burktl, a:uardian of Hymer, service., ,5; Mra. Stella tng Jun., ' U5.9Z; Morrow Feed &; instinct Weatherbee turned BenJamn P. Kllllel', lD8&M, filed Kelly, servieea, ''1' Mrs. Howard Supply Co., feed furni shed recovlooking' at his partner over b~ his ftrs~ and flnal account. Sawyer, aervicell, The west- ery families during June, $9; shoulder. Hill face was calm and The Inventory of Jobn E. Holden ern Star, Adv. Hearlnr on Budget Kaufman', Store, se",ing mater· WAYNESVILLE, OHIO 1 cheerful; there WI!! no indication administr ator of th& ~tate of Mlgt Co., 1-600 page Record 9f Ac ials for farm club wl)rk, '4.24; Phone 8C1 Bank ~ld" i of animoeity. "Goin' to be tight Alice W. Holden, deceased, w.. ap cOUrlts No.n 10r Probate, $30; George Rhodell, hauling horses, • Primary Election. Auru.t 14, 1934 trave1in' to-night, Bullock," he pt:owd. Wit. Shotwell, service. as janitor, 'U! Rob.en C, RoolB, sernces -- - - .laid quietly. "Got to keep my Martha, 1'. Clever, 'executrix of Memorial Hall, '.20; J. W. Linco cllltlpac1clng ~ield, ,'.;!O: H. A. eyes open, I reckon!" But Bllllock, the estate 01 Fran:tc C. Clevever, de Harwa~e Co., • oil wi~4 nalll for WeLtl~ . plOWIng fleld , $35.87; dellPite hi, retlolution to keep cool ceased, filed her Jnventory. Memol'lal Happ . proJect, $1.35; elma Sweny.! millteograpn work, • eould not succeed now. Why ehould Minnie M. Jack, executrix of Jeff Thompson, tuning twopianoll $1; Velma ~wCJ)y. ~ime9gtaph he bother about replying to a man the estate of }fHton M. Jack, de· at !rJemorial HaU, $5; SchilLing's matetlab, $2.34; George Peterson who gave no heed, to his own pleas· ceased, filed her inveDtol'J. Food ~arket, lupplie4 furnished tomaito plants furnshed, $26; . . '. an tries He turned abruptly away, C. W. ~o!,ey flied appl1eation for MemorIal HaU, $2.19; Lebanon lee Fruit Store, seed potaIUpport wbile Rip Weatherbee stared won. the admlsllon of Artie ~offey into ~ Coal Co., 1 ton coal for Memor· fl2. 90 i . E. B. deringly puzzled after him. the Dayton State HOII)Jtal, tal Hall, $&; George Kraeer, reo leed 1I0ta~ea furnish. Down'in the saloon Bullock ate The estate of Zaidee Venable d. pairs and labor at 'Memorial Hall, W. H.,-Madden, bllild· little; hiB nerves were ehreddine ceased i. exempt; fro~ Inberit- tl .• J. W. Lingo Hardware Co., furnished recovery .... .... • _ under the strain, and he stared un ance tax. feat~r dUlter, key, paint ac:ra,Pen U6.44 ; Waynesville IJ ° ceasinely at ijIe 'big clock. Onee The estate of Charles M. Hough, sancl paper and naile, $1 .80i CIltExchange, cement '26; Regan paeaed by and said ple.s. dec.,aeed, Is exempt from inherit· J,: Schwar1l, oil, oxydol, 10da and Sherwood, Ieee! Jl8i:atQes, antly: an~ tax. . ammonia for ' Memorial HaU, Alf R. Bealey Mi,1I,1eed, Ph~n. 78J (To be ,(lontinued) ble, administratrbc of the estate of 22; TriJ.steea of PubJic Affalra, ,teo: Carroll's Store, seed Herbert L. Trimble, deceased, was light and gal at Memori ..1 RaIl to $21.23; W. ,A. llauae, approved. ' lull' I, l1lS4, $9 .:'8; W. C. GU. leed po~toea, $14 ; C. O. Hnd~ Martha N. H(Illgh, widow of mour, illqueat, '7.60; W. C. GU. b~ant, seed potatoe8, U89: 1. 'W. Charlill M. Houch, deceased, elect- mour,, ,a.lO; Waldron C. Llngo HardwaN Co., tooll furnish ed to take under the will of dece- Gilmour, inqQeat. ,11.'10; Kad recovery lamillett, $5.06. Lewi$ -rOTARY PUBLIC dent. ' Dakin, premo on inaurance on cl I)rake, Inc., teed, 155 ; Karl N. . .al . . . . Artie Coff.y, i.uane, I. to b. ad- buUdinp' at Pair Grounda, '180; W, Minn, ...d potato.., UIIe , of mitted to the D'lyton State HOI- Wade S. Brown, Nmcel as Doc op_rator, ,n.2Jl N. S. WlIla Dl'awa ° • E.tate. pital. ' Warden of Wan.D Oonllty tor service. of ~Il a~d team w.y..aSVILLE, OHIO A certlfted cop" qf the eDtry de- luI)" U12,60; J. L.. Dunn, N1", Hoppe. ,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!! terminin. th. lI)lileritanee tax on vices as ~edwalc, The Ore. reco.ery famlliM, ,80:' . ' E~'Ip" from the estate of Jaulea , B. Davia, de. P. Lumber, ' U08.65; Orville loe! e. Xalabary, rental of eroulld roa .AL& DA.TU cALI. cealed, is to be certiAed without Keever, ,Iervicee a. chailQllan, una for IOl"Ihum, ,25.60;, Frank' ,: . "~rthur Hamllto-n, who ha~ sel'Ved Warren County most erellitably as our reprue ntatlve to the Ohio General Assembly, tS8 candidate .for renomination and re-election. . delay. ' May 21lJ July 3, July 5, Jo1y 8 Un F'l'\llt Store, . 'seed potatoea, As speaker of the House 'o f ReprelH!ntatives, he showed marked ability and won the respect The adjudication and determina 'S.60;L. p, C.vett Co., )I. T • .,a; ,2,15; Th& Ofllce .outfttten, ,ren· oj hiB fel1 ow.mel!lberll of both parties. Largoely t~rougb hjll efforta, tbe act providing that ~ portion of the inheritanee tax on tbe $14 ••8; Frank SherwQod, rasoline tal on Jetter ille, 118.80; Z e i r e r ' . . tJon ot. the gasohne tax should go to the townshIp roads' was passed. which relieved tbefallmers, estate of Thurmain F. Bercaw, de- ~!lteriat, ,44.80; S. B. McMaben, Gener-al Store, /)I!ed potatoee, '27; , of many thousands o:f dollars, all all expenlea on these roads came from prDperty taxes before c,e aled, is to be riven to all penon, repairs to )(addiJkl, ' •. 76' Ed. Jamel ~. Foley~ lemul plOWing, this act: became a law. , . interested. .' ward Simpson, ltampe and ' tele- $86. Another act for which Arthur Hamilton worked diligently wall ' that which relieved all In the matter of tbe e\ltat6 of phone ealla, 12.eO; Central Ser.. . • - ••-,- - prpperty along State Routes. ThiB act aleo IBved many thousands of dollars to the property JESSE STANUY owners of Warrell County. ; . ~elUngton S. Bowyer, deceased, vice Garage, I'UOlin8j t21.tO: J. NOTICE OF A PO dIstribution of a8llet. ordered. " Lingo Hardware CO' parts and P INTME~T ..... " 1" N_ B ...II.,..., 0Wrt He h~s pl'oven hj~ loyalty to his 1ellow-citlzens of Warren county. He is respected and trustI ed by otBclaa and busmess men promment throughout Ohio He stands on his record and in our Anna Betsingelr, adminiltratrix 8uppliea, $131.20; W. A. selker " E tat f .La EW d De judgm ent the best intere!Jt6 of the people of Warren County will be served by retur.n lng him to of the estate of Jj~rench Betsin,..r, garage tent for lanuary 1 (0 sea un, . " ar .• BAAL KOOGLER the Ohio House of ReprtsentativesY , . , . deeeaaed, filed her aPll'lIc,tlon for 15, ,26; Kelsey'. ServJce Station, ce~,d. . a certific.te 01 ti~anlfer. She also gasoline, ',10.28; lICn.Ada Not ~e .. hereby I1veD that Jam~s KE.......... filed her firat, final and distributive Courtney, ,arve rent Dtst. 5 POlt Ofllce addrell ,II Ohro, R. Il~ No. I, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ aecount. April, May and June U2' Way:. Excerpta frQm Robert J. S~awlban, exeeutrix of neavilJe Fannen ~xchall~, IUP- tt.. bUD appolntedasexeeutor ~ ARTHUR HAMILTON the eltate of Eu,genia E. Stach, pli.., cement, fence and bolte, the Estate of Laura E . • Ward deceased, tiled hie sale bill. "211.20; J. Ie. Speneer, sand and late of Warren County, OhiO, de· U At no time in the hiatory of tbis county and state has 80 much depended on the vote~ who D. E. Heywood, adminiltrator 01 gravel, U3.70; Oreeonla ceased. . ' Aqa-ullt .1~ ij) will .go to the polls to se~ect candidates to contest for offtce in Novem.,er. the estate of Pennella V. Wllkoff, Co., relnforeinc ateel, $C2.85: Dated this 26th day of July, ThIS.18 espet;lally tt'ue where c:andllUatea for the state leiis1atul'e are selected-for at the a,proachm g le8810ns of th~ general ....mbly &t:atutes of Importance will be written into the law. deceased, filed his inventory. N. Adama, B. P. Lumber t15' 1984. PO.SALa o Ohio. ~he.e ltatute•.wl!1 atrEet the lives of every man, woman and child in Warren County. The inventory 9f John KampI, ohn Ban', paJl'OlJ, 1189: Dea" E. Stanley, Atty. Knowln, and appreelatI1lJ' the. problems 01 the farmer as he 'does, Mr. Hamilton will, .. ,ver administrator of etaate of 'red Simpson, payroll, $144; II. C. luclre !t':~ .,a~~:R~Y rt FOR SALK-White Colli. PupL in the p~t, ~upport meuures C?f benefit to rural folk. As manager of the Miami CanDin, C01III Kampa, wa. approved. Forman, payron, $19"-40; W. A. a18 Warm Count.. O~I Cli. BurDett, Wa)'11enm. ad he II VItally eOllcemed WIth the interellta of the busin... man, A. a fathe.r , 'hOme-CIWDIr and ' ~ A· of the entry S.iker, payroll, ,".10; W. .. • _ • #I 0 LJt\. road. Wapert1U •• Oldo. 11.r , h. haa al,!,aya mani!~ ereat interelt in the public achool. whicb .... now b...t wit Inane.1 dUllculh-. " inJl'rit:anC!. tax Bohuler, ,wUO; J'l07d IA_ODa ' P. . ''';lOj aarold Swa" ....... _ _ _"'-_ _ _ _ _........ Vote... mot real,.. the ".PORanae in thll ,artkuJar time of ave. that men who haTe had to all ~ paJ1'Oll, 'IL'd: .J.... _ _ ,... .......e. lJI ~tJ'n procedure rath.r tbaD thOM who .... lIDtried. should he retul'lled to the LOIT ....rat .......,. IDt.ilNln.lI. roll, 11tl ••0; B. L. A. '.1letta nt!tltd "s.wace DJI,V oters of Warren County. will do well to eonalder Xr. Hamilton, 's quaJlfleatlonl "hell they Bro'wD~ .XtICutOl' 01 the roll, 'IU.aO; CuI JMIda ,... for Raral Ow.DIn.." 1WI LOST-PoeIr.thocIk on lIala SL to the A..,..t 14th." 1~1.'II1Dowt.cWJ'.c1elI, de- t15l.atJ 11817 .. CIaa1Ie ..... II'IPria.ted aad II qaIn .~- , Return to S..... Ll&er ..




u.. .


Treat Your Hogs



I. T.


To the Republican Voters Warren County

Experience Be.t Qualification


8. De.toa

Member Republican State Central Committee

Experienced -


Qualified - Unael6.h






Hal contributeCi liberally of hi. time alld m6ney toward party succe...



D.--ton C-mp-,· "n'CommIOtt-, ...!!ro,,,

M a rt-In

will be appreciated.



-Or No Charg.


W. H e'l.. •--..f!u.ton, nllirman Urban.a •. Ollio

Centerville, OhIo-

;=~~~:=;~==;:~===~:::=:::::~~~=~~~~::::~== ~~~~~.~~;~~~.~~V~



·Yote , ·P or Anha~ Ba.Uto. P •••• ·



rhe Franklin Chronicle

SIgntey &'K00gler Auc.t loneera

The Miami Gazette






. . . ." .... 6 . ._


-_tati•• Committee,


Tornado lB....... _



...... at tile

fit tile


oaet .•

01 th.





Secretar, of S....., all lorelcn cor· poratlolll in Ohio have been called UpOII to make their payment!l of proper Ieee to cover bu.ineKIl t1'an : ISSUED EVERY TBURSDA Y actions in this state for the ~urD. L CRANE " I S....rI,.....ri••• , .10 • Y.r rent year, Thel!4! outside cor'p 0rati om.,. pL:. onll are taxed under lhe hlo lllw!! _ ••.. ,; ."."",,,,,,, .,, " •• III lCnlere4 at po.tor•••• at W .."".. • th b' II d t' R......c. N 'I' Ill •. Ohio, ... '~AIIJ4 Cl ••• Mall on e same a SIR us a omes IC .. ,......... ""....... . ., lIa Matter corporations doing business in tht' ~tate . The 1axes are based up on the proporti on of it capital alloca AUGUST ~ , 193. ted to Ohio. Approximately 60000 In taxes wi/) /low into the Slate TI'eosury from this !OUl'ce.

.u".... ,

=---Praise F or C~operative Management

In a recent speech, Chester C. Davis, Ag riculturel A.djustment Administration director, said that t he hi story <If dairy cooperatives shows that the following four main objectives have been reached: A larg r share qf consumer's dollars fOI: the producer j elimination of unCuir and destructive practices in distribution and processing; de. v 10pIllent of leadership able to cope with leadera of agencies with \I hieh a coop rative must deal; extending to a ll producers ,;11 a given mal'let the responsibility for doing their part to maintain stabjlity. Achievemcnts like these, made dUl'ing Borne of tbe most trying years th nation has ever passed through, show on what a sound founda tion the cooperative movement rests. It haa ahvaYI been a stabilizing influence; it will be remembered that during the farm riots of a tew months ago tbe maj or CO- OP8 did lIa much 8S any agency, privat or official, to bl'ing order out of chaoB. It has never been swayed by giddy theories; instead it ha~ kept firm ly to the line of proven metbode and ' ' time-tested ideas. If the cooperatives can accompli h 0 much during bleak depression, it is difficult to exaggerate their potential achievements, The Am rican farm r has real cause lor feeli ng of confidence ill the future.


Hon. Earl H. Hlln feld, Director of Agricultur of Ohio. aMounC1.'s that the 'week or August 27th to September let, the ' 84th Ohio State Pair will open its gat s to tlle citizens of the tate of Oh and the nation. Plnn. have now been completed to hold one of the largest and besllait·s v I' held in Ohio. In making plans f or the fai l' this year, Director Haneteld ha kept in mind the purpose of portl'aying th~ educational features of the exhibit of evel~Y department. The Ohio Stat.e Fair is known throughout the nation !lS one of the leading expositions of its kind. The live stock, farm products, industrial and educatiClnal ibits during the 1933 fair were greater in number and excellf>d in quality 'those of any similar 'agri· cultural exhibition.

on Thursday enning. X. £0;. Thomplon .m~~,., ml.l)' received a beautiful M~Kay famil~', who the world's lair. John Itolle of G friend, of Cincinnati, Fred Nash Of this were ~aturday evening calle~'S on X. E. Thompson and family. fillS Nanty Smith ot~ Ogden, is visiting Mi Doria HilII of ncar Green Briar this w~ek, Otis Rich, Mr . and MI' • Thomas Rich and Betty Rich . lt lbert Rich and tnm ill', Nell i Mary and Roger DaviS, Mr. 001 mlln lInd daugh. ter Thelmll and Mal'ie, Kenneth I,piney, Alb ~t Mountjc,y. Mr. and Mrs. A, T. Hill, Mr. and Ml'. J. D. Smith, Mr. and M:rs. Arthur Knight and son Paul, M, G. Goodman, Misses Nancy Smith, Kath. leen Thompson and Do.ris Hill nt· tended the baptism at Rochester on last Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Moore are visiting relatives ~md , friends in Iowa. Mi s Doris Hill of mear Green Briar spent , few days recently whh 'friend in Ogden. lC E. ThompsoTl , Albert Montjoy. DOl'is Hill, Kat hle en Thomp on and Nancy ~ mlth at· tended Church at hHksvill on last Sunday evening.

---... ---- -


Farm hight 7 alks, August 6 The Ohio State University Radio Station- WOSU 8:00 8:01) 8:16 8:26 :40 8:60 9:00 !):10 9:36 9:46

Music Farm Adi.u stm nt News . .......... .. ... .. .. , .. ' ... , .......J, H. Slipher F rtilizers for Wheat and the New eeding " ... ... " .. R. M. Salter Music hio's Annual Poultry Tour ...... " .. ...... , . , .............. R. E. Cray The Fall Veg table Garden .... ,. , .... ...........'.. " .H. D, Brown .. Clothing Chat ..... , .......... ... .. :... Eunice Teal Music _ The Loeust or CiCllda ......... ...... ...... " ........... . " .. li. E. EswiDe The Consumer Want Bettel' Milk ......... .............. ,.... .. J. H. Erb

Political AaaolDCeDleDb HAROLD D. (Jim) BAILEY We are authorized to announce the name of Harold D. (Jim) Dailey, of Franklin Township, as a candidate for County Commisaloner, subject to the Republic Primary election, Augu t 14. 1934..

T SII,. I. Her. J.1t Illtrd ... t·w.)rkl'(l ,,(Or I)n )f or,' tr t'll dl@ or tarntloD lin 1''1'' , (If," Mid t ' ll 'I.. I~hf'n. "'" a thnn of decay. talker dal' tryln' too con~hll'e fnll\H of lumplD' be dnn't bont·!!tly b('lIevEi Corn bl_lt." Exlt'nllion of th 'mat.urity date (lll ou t tanding hOtes of !t0vernm nt corn loan borrowers 'w .. elt~ Dutie. of Hold' n~ C pa D,. A holdIng cOll1pany 1 (lIlt' rurmed t nded from August 1 t~ Sept.m~ tone

to eODtrol the poliCies or otht'r com- ber 1. plmleo, 'll'hoaelncome .conslata of FOR REPRESENTATIVE tbe dlvl(/endl and - Int,reet from 1 am R candidate for Repre- stocks, and other I'blliR tions ot the White ROM, the lIentative to th~ General Assembly .companlet It owns or leases. dable Gasoline• of Ohio subject to the Pl-imaTy to be held August 14, 1934. Your vote and support is respectfully solicited. ARTHUR HAMILTON

d .......-


WILL R. LEWIS Will R. Lewis, coun ty auditor, ha authorized us to announce his ca ndidacy for the R-epublican nomination of county a uditor subject to the pa~ty primaries, August 14, 1984. YOUI: vote will be appreciated.

vi ALDRON C. GILMOUR Waldron C. Gilmour announces his candidacy for Coroner. Subject to the Republican primary Tuesday, August H, 1934. FOR RECORDER

George B. Johnson requests us Rond! made from cast·iron mold- to announce his candidacy for log8 which bave I)8S ed evere testl Warren County Recorder subject In England , are ,old 'to Ibe outt'skJd, Ito the Republiaall Primll'Y, August Ice-free and guarlll1te~ ~to lust twen· 14, 1934, Mt. Johnson never be. ty f enrll without reJjaJr.. fore a candidate, is ably qualified - - --. - - - to fiU the dIce and solicits your support. A He.v,. Dri.I'.r Su,sr rane drlnkl wllter coploUI' Cut. IrOD Road. f·rsi •• d

Beech Grove

l\'[l's. Hazel Marty and Mrs. Arthur Mart of Ogden, Mr. anr Mrs. M. G, Goodman, Mr. 'and Mrs. J . D. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Knight and 90n of Oregonia, Mrs. Rober.t Mountjoy, (laughter and son Albert, Otie Rich. K, E. ALLEN HUFFMA.N Thompson and Mi Kathl~n :1; 1,000 acres closely pll\nt d IlbKathleen Thompson of this place sorb as much water as Ii city of huAllen Huffman announces bia )Vere among those whtl attended man I>el nl;'IJ Occupying tl!ll tl m s the candidacy tot' nomination for rePrayer Meeting at the Hill Home ar B, IJ ttl flndll)' of lK:lenti til. election to the office of County Recorder, subject to the R~pub1i­ can primary election on August 14, 1934.

CLYDE C. COLLINS Clyde C. Collin. announces his candidacy for. nomination for clerk of courts, subject to the republican primary election on Tuesday, August U. 1934. '

Best of the News Direct F rom the Ohio State Capitol OOLUMBUS- Tourista travelinr througll Ohio from other ata~a , are pleasantly surprised by the natural c:enj!ry and - many points or histo rical int.erelt within tbis state. Here tbe ancient moundbuildel's left their historic ,wol'ka. Here also many of our best highways follow almost the exaet course of the In'dian trailB of long ago. No leu intere ting are the windinr rivera and their borders Hned with overhanging tree . Add 1,.0 all of this our cool Lake Erie on th north and the beautiful Ohio River on the south 'Wo have a few of the reasons why Ohio is regal'dd by tourists as one oI the mo t intereating a~d ch arm ing of an the st tea of tbe union. This w~k Secretary of State George S. Myer is ending to the boards of elections of the eightyeight counties in the state, the abstracts upon which will be reported tbe result. of the primary election. . pr cinct by precinct. There art 8.652 precincts in t he State o~ @hio, and from the- returns reo ceived by the Secretary of State, the nomination of candidate. fClr

state omeea will be d41t~rmiMld. There are tWelity-aeven candidates secklng nomination for ltate of' on the Dem()cratic ticket, and forty.two candld.tea on the Re· dates are to be nominated on each ticket.

C. DONALD DILATUSH C. Donald Dilatush announces his candidacy for re-election to the office or pro.ecuting attorney. Your support respect.fully lolicited

During the put week many farmers in Djne cou.nUes of the state received cheeks from the Federal Govern'ment. These checks reprelented 50 9'0 of thilir allow· ance lor reduction ' of com acreagel! and ,2 per head on their hog prodution allo wance. The nine counties participating in the di tribution were: Erie, Fulton, Ottawa, Champaign, Pike. Vinton, Seneca, Montgomery and Melgll. Numerous checkl are being mailed to other farmen in ttle balance of the counties at the rate of several counties ilacll day. Only -thoR farmers who cooperaW with the Government in the reduction of com and hOI production are entitled to receive Iueh IUllds in com pen..tion o~ limited production 01 corn and hora.

T,hrouah omcial .ction


Thl. tr.ctor, with now bod)", wlJl carry flv. hl.tory'. mo.t amuln; trip,

of the



vtoulJ taa.. ....


Vote For




1. Educational qualificatiou to .num. , the poIltiOD of Coroaer. 2. Fint tilDe ca•••a'e for alice. 3. Two ,ean . .~iee ia World War. Y.u ••JPC»n .. APJllII'"


..... 1........... ud •. ........ . . , .......... -.lEe . . . tnetM



611U·.UIeJtoUlIa.....,... ltdtbN ........ ,.. fNe, • beaaUflal ... work-

. . . . . . oC AataNUca aDd 1& . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AW..


The Board Men.bere are: Robert W. Bal'khurat, McCon n I ville, in charge of Boys' C·li lub; Wahnet.a Strahm, Picker. ington. Girls' 4-H Clubs; Virginia Goddard, Salem, Juvenile Grangn Bobby Joncs, Radnor, Future Far _ners of Amcrica! Lloyd ~. Sharp Carl'ollton, VocatIOnal Agriculture Harriet Gier. Edon, Home Econolll irSj Perry Ritchie, Jr., Dayton . en~raJ School Shop; Ralph Schirtzinger, ColumbQs, 'ity School Gar. great exposition. den.; William ~ardner Der!', Mar· In 1933. every county in Ohi ll ieUl\, Boy SC!l)uts o( America: was rcpre!;cnted Rlllong th~ 14,O() ) Gretchen M~c1( s trot,h,. C.olum bul , young exhibitors who dl phlY~O Cam p Fire G· .. l : W~1I 1Q m Brumm. their handicraft at the,Junior FlIIr l )c!Jt~l1 . l edcl ftn'll!nnes: E·' Th is year nearl y $ 11.000 In IHem 7,'r,·v. n. :,'1/1\:'(', F'n ' rn~ :e' lmtl· \ t r ," t :'~, ium ; ;s being off I'd.




~'J'7 DOHlble precaUtlOD II IDI tabL 'I'b. traotor ......

Pro&t by palt experience and return to office a man wbo bal proved an efficient public: aervant. AUl'uat .f, 1934


trame telilperature. to wblcb the maeblneB will be lIubJected bave in' trodllc d two probleml, Itbat of guo, UDe vaporization and lubrieaMoIL The gasolin e tanka hav4~ been thol" ougbly washed and 1I.1I1!Ci with the wondertul ~el AdmlraLl Byrd s& leeted for thla greateilt of automotin Polar upedltlons. I!~~ tractor 11.. a capa.clty or 1751 galiona 01 ga.IIOllne, oarrled In tWell tanka. The radlatlors have Ii_n provld, ed wltJ1 coverl aDd all openlnp In the engine compartments have been lealed In orllier to , keep the carburetora and ltltake!'folds as 'Warm a8 P08Blble. The eJ, hauat manltolda have been deflected SCI that they elthaUi$t dJrectlJ against the dllrerenttalbolJBlnl whlcb will Inaure luffieJent heat In the dllrerential to provldle • contlnu· OUII clrculaUon ot oll. OlD each ma· chln.e a specIal 011 tank ba. been mounted In the engine clClmpartment over tbe engln~. 1. Pip!! runs trom thl. tanll to the ctapkllue. Heat , trom the eliglne kee~8 thia 011 ",arm at .11 tlmes and when it become_ necessary to refurnish tbe 011 III the cra/lkcase tbe ope.r&ltor 'NUl onlT bave to open a petcock land run In a aulftelent quantlty. Hel1!l Is one of the mOlt Interest· Ing mecbanlcal pOints ,of this trip, Two Ipecl"l g.sollne atoYea leD· eratin, lUI extremely III,gb beat are bellll taileD along. When the en· glne Itop_ for any r~)n the.e ItOV" wUi be lillbted lmmedlately and placed unilel'lleath the en.glne and tbe dllrel'l!intlaJ. TIIIII trip Is"the lirat ot ttl! ktnd ever at· tempted alid II both formidable and ba..rd01ll. J bope to teU you a lot more about It nest week. Tbt. 'I Ute "-,Willi of a lot of eaoltlq aClYeDtUrei tn wldoll I want all ,Oil club memben to Ihare. Get eut Jour mapa and mark Ws straq. ~ourneJ OD. It wbu 1111'. you tile deta~ 01 It later. U JOU .... DOt .. member 01 lb. cl1lb. DOW a ."ell tim. to jedD. It coati ~ 8lmp.,. MIlA a alIut7 uIf. ad~ .tamped _~Ilope .. at

LITTLE AMERlCA. AN'l'AaC1:I· CA, July 20 (via Mackay Radio) -Tomorrow nlllbt! The .tart of the moat astonlabJng Joumey ever Jll&de b, muklnd! &n Intrepid group of Ive men wW leave bere in a little Fren.eb tractor. braving the Aptare· tie .nnter mlAt, howlm. bJlua.rda, temperaturetl of 10 and 15 degree" below lero. drltta of Inow 4.0 .nd 60 leet d.ep JUld a wllderneN ot bot· 211(L..1.erJml=J~L-7.:....:.~'-"---..:~-I~Io:m~I... crev..... covered with thin of .no .. They w," attempt ~o go 123 miles down to Bolling Ad· v.nce Bale at Latitude 80.13 South to g.t Admiral Byrd out or'bJa' tlny burled hut .nd' tiring him back to the etvillzatlon ot Little America. &nd probab1, two of tbe n\i.lnber will remaln there to make' meteorolo&lcal ob.ervaUonl unUi the lun comeo back to UI on AUglat 22. $Ome undertaking, eh T The trip II brl.U1ng with deadl, d~el'll. liot tbe leaat of wblcb Is Your Support the J;IOlIIlblllty'that the tran, 'mark· ad out laat "ebru~1'1 with lJtUe or'wlll be , inge ' colored ftaga on bambOO IUCke. bu been obliterated bt the Appreciated howllne, Iwlrlll:lg bUnarda. -Polltlcal A4y· .And am I buaT! Tbe luccell of the trlp IDd the IIvea ot men will depend entirely upon tbe ,m· dent tuncUonlDC of the little tractor, and the quality and operl.tlon of tbe guaUne and lubrlcaUnl oil. ~. tue! engineer I feel a great aenae of reapon.ltlllIt7. I have bad to drop m, avtaUon work and asilit Pete Oemas, 'Wasblncton, D" C., and Bernard W. Skinner, 6r Winthrop, M.;, · in . the preparation of the tracto ... for tbe trip. While only ODe tractor .nU ltart, two otben will ,b e hel4 In, readineas to, go to Its reocue at a moment's nottce. TIl. leader of tile trlp will be Dr. Thom.. 0. Poult.r, of MA»unt PI_nt. Iowa. an" with him ril be BkIDber, wlao II a treator driver, R. Walte. Jr., ra4lo operator 01 ton, It..... and two othen Dam.. ba...D't been anDolllloed

William Rufford for

FOR CORONER Dr. H. M. Williams, of ~banon authorizes the anno.uncement of his candidacy for the Republican nomination. for COrGner of War· ren County subject to the primary election of August 14. 1934. QuaJied for t he omce both by education and e x,p erience, Dr. Wmiam s reo spectfully solicit. your VIIte but that hiB pr ofession al duties will prevent him from making 'a n ex~n8ive campaign.


These boys and girls ILre bet-s of the Ohio St./lte Junior Fait' Board, which will hold its sixth annual exhibit in connection with the Ohio State Fair at Columbus. August 27 to September ;1. Ea~l H. Hanefeld, Director of Agriculture. and Cpu. M. Beer, State Fair Manager. through B. P. ·Sandies. Junior Fnir Manager. ar~ making every effort to assillt and encourage boys and girls through. out the state to take part in OhiCl';


The present day ear hal all ~he modem . .fet)? teaturea. Thf'Y lifE

built in. The present day driver joesn·t have these built in teatures. He mUlt tAink Safety at .U times.

This Is one of a seri", of· safety subjf(b teleuSl'd by Cov. Georg<! 'whitt' through O. W. Merrell, Sta te H i~)lw"" l) ir4'4:Jor.



















gu sb, r. W. S. Sellen aad tar registration.... Welt announ· Sabaeribe for The lamlGuette Zoo at CinctanaU. ullday. _lat r, Mr. and Mrs: C. II. lIeKay oed. )feura Evnett Early and Therle lind Mr. and Mrs. A. E. McKay Warniq wu riven by Wef't Jone~ pent Monday in Ciacinnati. Gama; lind famUy attended the Medsker apinat allowing person!! other Kiaa lIal th. ROlnagle ot London Your Support ApptHiated Donald Foulks entertainl'd a .-J reunion at Peele Park on Sunday than owners of motor vehiclee to Ohlll il vleiling at the home of her 11um~r of YOllng friends at his eN ,-.ext unvCl;)' VOTE }~OR Members of the Mill I' family lJ" licensed to sign the application uncle and aunt, ~r. and Mrs. home, Friday evening. blanks. attended their reunion at. the lIurv y Burn U. Mr. and Mr.. Harr Graham (Continued from Pan 1) M.... G1~nna Eln wiler of Day· hum tlf W. C. Miller on th Xenia ton called on friend here Friday. were Lebanon vi itor Tuesday. Pike on Sunday. singled but W&!l thrown out at Bi. C.Il. 1ft Coal Minilll Mi e Helen Early and Bernice second by T. Burton trying to fr. and Mr . Donald Hadley and Mr. a nd Mrs. E. F. Schweikeet R publican Candidale for M r. and MI' . Th rIe- Jones and Ion Graham spent Tuesday in Dayton. mak it a double. B. Weller fan. and daughter. of Hamilton, were Owing in large measure t.o spent Iturday ,rening in Wi!. gue t of Mr. and Mrs. . P. G0gernor White's having led lhe Mr<'. John Hill of Richmond, ned. HartBock ainl'led and !!tole minKlQn . Noggle, over the week.end. WARREN COUNTY Inti .• is visiting at the home of seeond. Laurens fli ed out to left. way in ironing out mine labor difMt. Slid Mr Harold Whitaker h r ~ on-in·law and daughter, Mr. D. J . Noggle is spending a few ficulties, coal production in the 7 H. Burton fan ned. Graham Jll'imnr~r El ction August 14 anu ehildr n, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell and 11'. eth Furnas. day In the home ·of his 80n , C. tate showed a n increase of 40.4 ingled and stole second. Smith Thoma and daughter, visited th Mrs. Carl Albright of Wayne. flied out to the pitcher. CraM Ic:=== = ====:=== =- p, Noggle and family. per cent tor 1933 over 1932 on Raymond Craig is nursing a the basis Qf figures released by Mr. J . B. Crabbe attended a ville pent Wednesday with her grounded out to third. Ellis first man up hit a home Smith·H ug~e coniETEIDce at Col· misplaced shoulder al;ld other pain the Ohio Department of hldus- Wh Ite Rose, the dependaughter, Mrs. Kesler Grabam and tul bruise8 all the r su It of a trial Rela tione, Division of Labor dable Gasoline. run in the bushes which ended the umbus last week. family. tall Friday evening. ball game. VOTE FOR Statistios. Ohio's 1028 coal mines Mr. and 'Mrs. . Donald Hadley Mrs. A. W. Chenoweth i8 enjoy produced 5,630',090 more tons last Mrs. S. M. Benllon of Miami · entutailled relatives from WiIl- NeJlt Sunday the Mel'chant!! play of year than the previous year. St. Martins at bome. St. Martins burg is visiting Mr. and Mt's. ing a visit from two niece mington at dinner Sunday. Boston, Masi. have one of the best amateur James Lovely IIJld family . Tabulation of coal production ,. Mr. nd Mrs. Frank Smith and teamll in Southern Oh io. Mi Effie Burnet.t of pl'ingGeorge Henkle and Maynard ,fie ld, was a visitor in the home 01 by month indi 'ated that th maxi· famjly and their guest MisI!I Jean Palch., spent. the week-end with WAYNESVILLE MERCHANTS Rich spent the we ek-end with Mr. and Mr8. Chas Mendenhall, mum was reached during August CANDIDATE FOR ",h~n 2,241,763 tons were mined. friend s in Springfield, Ohio. friends in MiIleievill~ over unday. AB R H:PO A E Minimum tonnag mined was in Mr. and Mrl!l. John Myers and Mendy, Sb .. 3 1 1 2 1 1 Mrs. Lucy Compton is seriously April when only 978,982 · tons Mi 8 Barbara Jean and Maste r daught~r of Dayton,. were callers ,..,~ """",,"~,,,,,,,,,,"""~~'Y Thomp on , d 8 0' 1 0' 0' 0 Jack Crane are gue sts of their ill again, 8uffering from a com. were produced. Average monthly at the home of Mr. and Mra. Subject to Republican Saturday, AUltlat .. p Iica't ion of diseases. DaVis, rf .... , S 0 0' 1 0 0 aunt at New Carli Ie this week. p r oduetion was 1,630,00'0 tons. ler Graham, Sunday e~ening. Primary, August 14, 1934 TOM' KEENE Smithson, Ib ,, 3 0' 2 4 0 0 ----.-~ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lon,aere a.,e B.Weller,c,lf3 0' 0 6 1 0 in 'Mr. and Mrs. J . B" Rich enter· September is the ideal time to ~!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I spending t.his week in Dayton, Hartsock, ss ,, 8 1 2 1 2 ' 0 tained 'Mrs. L. B. Hall and chilo plant evergreens. "' hile the former il doing ~ome r.e- Laurens, If . ' .3 0 0' 3 0 0 dren at di/lner M'ondf,Y evening. pair work at the home of Henry M Weller, 2b ,, 2 0' 1 S 0 0 Mrs. Cora Bakel' and Mr8. aylor. . Ellis, 2b , ..... 1 1 1 0' 0' 0 Kennedy, Julie Haydon, Rev. and Mn. H. H. Lafferty and Wildman, p ,, 2 0 0' 1 8 0 Mildred Crites and lion, J ohn of White Rose, the depen- Jl;dgal' Wilmington were guests of Mr8. David Durand &. Creighton on of pringboro made leveral dabl. Gasoline. Candidate for Chaney calls here Monday evening. Ttl 26 8 8 21 12 1 Ada Courtney and Mrs. Ida Stokes . The wind storm south of here 0 a s ,. . .... on Monday. Ohio Fann Crop. ~rati.ell" ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!! Sun. -MolI.- Au,uat 5-6 last Thursday did a lot of damage WAYNESVILLE OLD TIMERS Good Mr, and 'Mrs. . a.f" Cartwright, at tbe farms of Orville Phillips, AB It H PO A E of Chicago. I11inois will leave Ohio farmers are relatively well Subject to Republican Ed Thomas and blew a nlll'J\ber of Crane ss ' 0 0 1 " 1 Saturday, August 4 on a sea voy· Primary trees down at the home of Ben E Bu;ton, '2'b ' .. 3 0' 1 2 1 Q age of several months during off compared to t he drouth·striekAu8'\lllt 14, 1934 WANTED STUART ERWIN A ANN James. T Burton If ' 3 0' 1 2 1 () whieh time Mr. artwright will reo en areas farther west, according SOUTHEk Mi88 Flora Tjbbal , Mrs. Eutene 0 , . 3 0' 1 5 0' 0 cuperate from a recent tonsillar to Dr. J. B. Parks of the O. S. U.'s - - - -- - - , . . - - -- - department of agriculture. How- WANTED-Wa hing an'd irortArlin Judge, hick Chundler, Miller and Will Tibbals of Will~ R::uY" ~f ' ..... 3 0' 1 1 1 0 operation. Patsy Kelly. ever, farmers in' the state, Dr. ing. Mrs. Lon Beckett, Corwin, called at tile Ill'. Schuler, cf 1 2 0 0 Whit. Rose-Power be- m{ngton From the Stage Oomedy Hit Messrs. Eddie Eyer of Spring. Parks cited, may face shortap of Oh~ 82 and lIIr •. Walter Kenrlc.k Satul'- H Burton, c a l 2 5 1 1 by Dani 1 Kuaell. hind the enllne. day evening. . Graham, 3b ,. 3 0' 1 1 0 1 boro and Raymond Elyer of Day- seeds for oats, parley, forage tuart Er\\ was the family ton celebrated the b:irth anni~r. crops, timothy, alfalfa an red ===~~~~====~~ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nutt, M1I18 Buzick, p .. 1 0' 0 0' 0 0 sap, he mal'ried him to save ~Ima and Berman Nu~ of Center- Smith, p . ... ..2 0' 0 0' 6 0 sal'y of the latter a t the home of clover when the next planting him from hiB family. Be sure ...:... _ _ _ _ _ their moth\ll' Mrs. Laura Sidea on season arrives due to the pro· White ROle- Power beville were Sunday dmner guest!! to see "The Party's Over.". hind the enllne. of Mr. and Mr . Therle Jonel and Totalll .. ,, " " 28 2 ' 8 18 18 8 Wednesday. Mr. Raymond Eyer longed hot weather. son. will I'emain for a vis'it with his Corn, he explained, call stand a III!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=!!!!!!!!!!!",!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=~~~ Mr, aod lofrs. Glenn Johns and motMr until Sunday. ' lot o·f hot weather, while wheat cbildren, Paul and Vfviin, of Day. Stolen bue&--Men!ly, Thomp· . will b e above tMl average for Ohio H arry L'lzar hall (~ n Ice ' I·ttl . ld In tC)D, were Saturday night and Sun. son, Davi 2, Hartllock 2, T BurI e an d f ar better t ban t be Yle , flower garden at the rear 01 the other parts of the nation. He day guests of Mrs. IM arraret ton, Graham. Joh ns. Two bale hit!!-Smith on, M. IGA store. Of what 'Was to rme rly added, h owever, that the oats crop Mrs. St&nlev Bail{lY and daugh. Weller.• T Burton. a eoaI 8h e d an d a ' d ump h e b as was very poor. Three base hit!!-H Burton " Mrs. Walter Ken. tert Phyli.ll. and e Ieare d away an d rna d e i n t 0 an --riCk atUlnded a ahower for lin. Home run-Ellis. attractive ftower plot of which he Need.,. Get o..r 11.000,000 Paued ball-H. Burton. . h ' 1. 8 very prou d an d enJoys Doctors and health authorities agree that the ,Everett Kenrick. at the hOme 01 d II s oWlng S>-te ""el'lef Comml'8slon report b Eame runs erchants 2, to bis friends. HI n M rs. Lawrenee ElliC)".... a t Cenlld· Old Timera 2. to Governor George White shows tunera} director is one of the rno t important workers ville Friday evening. Struck out -Wildman 4, Smith $6,458,657 in federal, state and in t~e cau e of di ease prevention. , a nd .. MidI' 6. Mn• JMCaTY carmonys rl local nlief funds adminiatered E f p nrue, Left on bases-Merchants 5, _ _ _• needy Ohioanll during June. Of son • . armony 0 Sanitary cience has contributed much to the called on Mr. a lId Mrs. Tony Old Timen 6. REv. Boyd, of Ironton, formet' , this amount, $2,987,780' went to profession. Today every po sible pre'c aution is taken , Geisler and family Mra. Etta Hita ot! Buzick- S in 2 innln&'8, pastor of the FriElnda Church approximately 162,760' famlliel to prevent the spr ead of di.sea e to living persons. Clepinger and dau~ter Mi .. off Smith, 5 in 6 inningl. preached here Sundalr morning. A and ''',500' to Bingle persone on Edith, Mr. and Mra. Everett Clark LOlinr Pitcher -Smith. buket dinner was ef joyed at the tile sbate's relief rolls, $2,184,212 Had such car been emp loyed centuries ago, many and Mr. ~nd Mrs. Claude Riggs in Umpire&--E. Ellis and H. noon hour. to 62,0"6 familiel aDd 5892 tingle of the ,t errible plague that swept throughout the Dayton Sunday afternoon . Ramb~. Mr. and Mrs. J. F, Seibold and persons employed during the world might never have happen~d. Mrs. S. B. Burnett, Mn. Charles Time of . rame-l hour, 20' son of Middletown were week-end month on FERA worlea projects, Clark and Mn. Calvin Longacre, minulies. guests of relatives here. and $286,614 to 24,798 transients This organization i parti ularly scientific in its attended the burial of their cousin - - -... - ••- - The W. F. M. S. met with Mra. and approximatel), 25,0'00' rural method. We are awal'e of OUl' respon ibie position. Stephen PhllliplI, at lIiami Ceme· E. J. Mendenhall 01;1 Wednesday fainiJies aided by ttHI rural retery Monday afternoon. of last week. habUitation program. as guardians of publi health. Mr. and lin. Harvey Burnet The festival at the Friends' The newsPAper'. miuion is and gue8t Miu BOlnagle attended Cbarlot.·Thorn.. baa reo h h F'd . I was a '''uc one 01 enlightenment and each · hd d' da .ID ... C urc rl ay evenn .. - Mo•• a._l_-t 111-.1 ReaL •bIrt a y B Innef ~~n y for, turned home after taking a course cesaful event althollgh the rain ---.Ia...:;"_ man and woman in various t lIelr unc le, arvey JIIonger, at at the Conservatory of Music in prevented its beine held an the departMenta-Editorial, DUli.. , Springboro, celebrating hill 79th lawn as planned.. Stepl!I have beell taken by Rene88, TypOCfllpbie, Preas and MiM Anna MacDonald is viait· Mr. and Mra. R. 1). Collett and glatrar Frank Wee 'Orilie Mo;l'no'riittf---;;-f---.._, Circu1a tion-II helping UI a1l Mr. and Mrl. Harry Graham en· )'nl' 'U'_. lIarjorie Sh k f ·ons en)'.ooed a trip to Kentuckv Vehicles Bureau to guard a~alnst • enjoy the advantage of the dinDer thl'l _lOB uma er 0 '" J " .. • tertal"ned to 6 o'cl~'~.. Wl1liam. over the week-end. careJe.. and illegal practicel in present &II we plan for hapThursday evenine lit. and lin. Mr. W. P. MeCanen and family Miss Mae McKay is speilding the bandling of automobile licenle pin8!!s of the future. Henry Saylor and ·Mr. · Riley of Walhonding were here over the two weeks on a trl,1 through ' the application... "There will be a . ...... •••••••••• Saylor of Dayton. week-end. Soutb. tightening up in the investigation

Merelaant. Win Two St. Martin. H .., S

L tl

IXI Stott H. McClure I Commissioner

'X IDr. H. M. Williams





Capitol Cross Road Chatter

ROSS H. HARTSOCK Cout, Treasurer


Late Classified Ads.



"Son Of The

"The Party', Over"

::::::3 1



~ERVIC~ . ••••••••••

A Public Health Guardian

New Burlington


b arve,.. urc

U.·.. ''''ll'''''........




baby were l'Uellts of "M n. CharJeI lIr. and Mrs. George WallTbey and Gordon Saturday evening. left Sunday morn in, for their new home in Baltimore. PHONE'19 Mr. and MrL Clyde Leviey have WI. YJlfESVILLE, OHIO returned from a motor trip ~~~~~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ through the loutn. . Mr. and lofrs. Wm. Lukens attended a Mail Carrier'a Associa· tion meetinl' at Walhonding Jalt week. . . Muter Ernest Moore has been on the lick liat bu, II much better at this wrltln,. Mias Dorothy Davia IIpent Sunday with her parents. M·r . Tom Welch of Ft. Dod,e, [owa, ball returned hom.e after a two·week'e vil!lit with hia' parente. Mrs. Welch and children remained tor a longer :vilit. · .' Mr. and Mrs. G. M. MacDon· aid and family spent Sunday with MI'. and Mn. Ed 'Clark of near Oregonia. Several from here attended the funerall of 111'1. Hattie Furnall St4!phen Phlllipi Monday after Doon. , lila Mary Eleanor Hawke I. attendiDI '-B Club CAmp at Camp Book t~ week. KNo Ma?)' Tucker ud dau,b. ter 'L1IcUe .pent Sunday afternoon at the home of Jno, Spray and Illter of near New Burltnrtoll. Th. )Hcond annual reeltal o~ the Younl' Artlat'l KUlie club ot near HarveY1bul'lr wtll be beld at the Harve)'llbur, urn Tueaday, UI'Ult 7 at 8 p. m. All a.. Invlted Prorram ill .. 101l0ws: Prelude C minor, Rachmenlon Rae Thomp80n. , Mllnu.,!: in F, BJck -Geneva

:Jiuu!Nd 'lIiNdtIL

called to Waynesville Friday by and Mrs. Seth Fluma. theMr. mne. and death of tM were for· mer's mother, lin. Edward 'F~r1IU. Funeral service wu held Monday atternoon to which a num bel" of friendt! from here atteDded.

Q.aUt,. PltatiDI

The Kla.1

Benuet in G, Beethoyen _ Geneva Kibler. And.lI~, Schubert-Anna M.a c. Donald. Spring Song, lIendellohn Helen Rae Thornbury. OJ Trovatore, Tantane Dorn Dobby Thornbury. Don Giovanni, Mo..rt Geneva Kibler. Merry Farmer, Schuman Geneva KIbler. To the· Evenin, Star, -Bobb7 Thornbury. A Day ID Velllee, Nevin-Lois GllIaD. A Alba b TJte OoDdallen Soq. c LOft Boq. d Good Nlrbt. NaftIIau, NnID


All..... Pada......


'iM~r~.~a~n~dM~rs~.~W~.~V~.~La~C~k~e~ya~n~d;in~t~o~iU;e~raI~~n~o:ta;.iri~Z~in~g~O~f;li~c;en~l~e;;~~(~::::::=:~::~:~~~~~~;;~.,. - _._

- ~ -- -



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More accident....-5~ · tim.. monlare due to iklddlna than to "bloWout." or punctures-that', the l...uraoc:e reCord-that'. how ~portanuea1 DODskid lion your tlrea! You Dot onlt iet trip that Itop. you q,akker. "The Goodyear Ma..... of Safety"-,.ou iet ~p that last. 43S lonaer-p11ll blowout protection in EVERY ply-wben you put the new "G_3u OIl JOur wh.eels. And It costs you Ilothln& ntra! No wOllder thls tire II the moet ,.,.ctneular aueee.slD yean. Come ... why and you'll b\lyl



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y ••I. DeuW. a.rank. .. A&aIlUl' ruocI ' h• •rda. ' J A"lns. def~fI for life.

rllll Noa-SId4.






-- '

Whole Number 6180


_ _



BIRTHDA Y pARTY ANNOUNCEMENT OF COUNTY GRANGE PICNIC INDIANA .YEARLY MERCHANTS WIN 15 A lIp4!cial meeting 01 the local TO BE HELD SATURDAY M Mr. Adam Melloh entertained a TEACHING STAfF fOR 4-H Clothing , club wi\1 be held ' 'SERVICES AT THE MEETING PROGRA noon group childt'en Friday afterWednesday afternoon, at the bome county Grange picnic will be in honor of the third birth19l~·35 COMPLETED INNING GAME FROM ofpurpose Mrs. 'Morris Ful~erBoll 11>1' the CHURCHES SUNDAY grounds, held Augullt 11, at Lebanon fair FOR IHE WEEK day anniverslIl'Y of her daughter of giving the demonstraThis is for all subOl"dinMllry Ann, more practice. AU mem ate members and their families of __ The following guest who enjoy please be present promptly WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH the county. ed the aftemoll n were: Phyllis AT MEETING MONDAY 51 MARTINS ,SUNDAY attionberstwoteams o'clock. Rev. G. C. Dibert, Pastor Come early, bring a well-filled Indiana Yearly feeting wil1 be Martin, RichQ1'd heehllll, Jimmie 4.H CLOTHING CLUB




The Good Cut Clothing club held basket, enjoy the program for the held at Waynesville, Eighth Month Weltz, Ann Weltz, Bobby HastLocal Team Will TraY" to Sabia. its annual picnic at Wayne park 'unday school at 9 :30 a. m.. afternoon and stay to visit with 11th to 16th, Seventh-day, the 11 th ings, Beverly Jean Lotz, Helen School To Opea last Wednesday, AUlrUst 8. A old friends and make, new Ones. The following i . the program : . B ck, ~ennie Lee Braddock, Don September na. F4~rlIa, Sunda,. to PI..,. With th. pleasant time was reported, the OF Dinner ' served at 12 o'clock. First-day, the 12th- 9 :16 ' . m. Rye, Charlotte Rye, Marjorie ConThi. S&hl.. T ..m main att:ractlons being a well WAYNESVILLE ~HURCH First-day School; 10:30 a. tn. ner, LaNora Lovely, Norma Lovely RUed table and swimminll'. CHRIST . Each family to bring its own table Meeting for Worsbip: 2 :3 0 p. m. Betty Braddock, Willa Faye Lewis, . t'Ion con t es.tI f or team service. address'. "huakers 8~d Peace, Past Ray I'In Crabb el S ara h Conn, er Eli mma Did we have II ball game' Well (Undenomioationa1) ~ The WIll/ne T owns hiP B· oar d of let this tell the story. Fifteen in- demonstration, style reviews and Cheater A. Williamson, 'Minilter - - - , and Present," by Profe sor Willis Doris Beck, Richard Williamson, Education met on Monday DiSh' nings of tEnse, shrewd, hard health contestant will be held 01),' Church School ,at 9 :30 it. m. SHall, o( Wilmington College; even of Dayton and Patricia Ann B ck, for the purpose of appolntiq tbr•• fought blU!eball before a final de· Thursday, Au.ust i6 at Harmon ing- session to be announced later. of Arkansas. new {acuity members for .the comLord's Supper at conclusion. Chris 0 --- . - - --f 93 · 35 Th I ciaion was reached. The result how H a II i n Leb anon I t arti n8 prompt- tian EnlUavor at 6 :46 p. m. Even. Second·day, th 13th- Bl Oa. ing school term 0 1 ... . 01 ever was never in doubt in the Iy at 12 N. All the girla ~king the ing vangelistic service at 7:46 p. m. Meeting' of Executive Commitselected are as follows : writers mind with Tangeman project "complete outtlte" in ' the m. Sermon subject, "A Convel"Slon ' tee; 9 :15 a_ m. ~voti onal meet· Russel E. Frank, of Bowlin, doing the pitching for the March- Good Cut Clothing club are urged to Copy." Prayer meeting and . ing ; 10:00 a. m. Business ses ion, Green, Obio, will repl~ )In. ants. St. Martins should not have to be on time at this meeting. Bible . tudy each Wednesday at reports of committees; 1:20 p. m. Alberta Buerkle as mUlic inatrue. s ored but they did and perhapa 7 :45 p. m. ,The chutch whete you Report of Assoeiate committee on tor. ' Mr. Frank l~ a artaduate . it was best as the fans sure got feel at honle, Irldlana Afta it1l; report of of Baldwin-Wallace Conlerplenty more baseball beC}aulle of American Friends Service cern· vatory of Music and comea it. However i.t was no fault of mitlee.; 8 :00 p. m, Lectu):8' by ~~::!:~::~~=:;~!:~~ here well recommended. He pla,l Tangemans that St. Martins cros· FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST W '11 Board IF'L T A Anna J. Branson, subject to be the piano, violin Bnd all wind ine BCd rubber, yet one of the runs aro .". e a. • 0 ct announced later. strumenta and has had experience must b shown a s earned. This (Undenomluatiollal) 0. Plaa A: ~~r Third-day, the 1~th-9:15 a . m. Charlene Elgin of Cedarville in cqnducting choir groups, el•• boy Tangeman Bure can hurl a Chester A. WOliamson Moothl, Me4ttiD. Devotional meeting ; 10:00 a. m. wa. the guest of Mrs. E. li'. Deppe clubs and orch.e straa. Beald.. ba eball and it i8 well 'w orth any ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unified service beginning with BusinESS session: Queries and on Monday. filling the pOllition as muBie man's time and money to see him = ____ Church School at 9 :30 a. m. Answers; Fint-day School Redirector Mr. f'ra:nk is qualified to perform on th~ mQund. Fifteen Lord's Suppet: and sermon at The question of a lanitary sew- port ; Treasurer's report; Report. Mr. and 'Mrs. F'. B. nenderson teach History and Engliah. strike outs in the first. nine in· Miss Jessie Clark of Hyde Park, 10:30. Sermon ,subject, "Rebuild- age system eliminatinlg tb'e present of Friends' Bonding Homes at left Wedn e day morning on a trip As coach, Karl R. BodenbeDder nings and twenty two for the en· Cincinnati, is a guest at the Ing the Walls of Jerusalem." You unpleasant condition existing in Waynesville and Richmond. i 1 :30 to Florida. of Defiance, Ohio, will replaee IIr tire game. Ten extra aSlliata by Friends Home. are alwayl;! welcome at this church. Waynesville, was rc!vived, at a p. m. Young Friends' Session: Kennison Younr. Mr, BodeDmeeting of Couni:i1 Monday night, Thomas Kennedy and evera} other Mrs. Howell P eirc and Mis bender, a coUege letter man in himself so he sure had the boys hitting to him a good part of the Board meeting of the Friends ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH when names of engineel'6 recom- Young Friends from the Eastern Ethel Mende nhall were Dayton baseball and football a~ Deftan. time when tliey coulll hit at all. meeting was held 'fit the Friends mended by lohe state health depa~"t Meetings are expected to be visitors on Monday. college, is especially trained in The opposing pitcher B~rBt, de Home on Tuellday. Fathjlr Newton, Pastor men! to make a sUrY'ey hue were present; 8 :00 p. m . To be announc basket ball" track and Physical, serves considerable credit also. He Mass at St. Augu tine's Church read to members ()f the local ed later. :Mr . Ada Jenkin and Mr. How- Education. He is alao quali6ed to pitched a splendid rame of ball Mr. and~ Mrs'i J. 0d' Cartwrighht every second and fourth Sunday board. Fourth-day, the 16th : 19 :00 a. ell Peirc wer Wilmington visi- teach Mathematics and Bloloeical and only allowed thirteen hits in Ware 1I1d~nFID..r ~ ,eCw • ays at t e l the month. No action looking toward the m. ' \lfeeting ' for Worship i 1 :30 p. tOt' on Monday. science. and fanned or B all' In h Icago. B ' S · : Ad vanceth ~ fifteen l' nnin"'B • hirin~ of such an engineer was m. usme88 eS810n Cha. (acDonald. of HuveYI. eighteen of ollr boys, Any mo Mr. and Mrl. George Watertaken bowever at Monday nieht's ment Committee Report; Report ~r8. E. F. Earnhart and Bon, hurg will fill the pORition of elewho can do that is r servine to be returned home on Sund9Y FRIENDS MEETING brief session of coullicil. of Indiana Yearly Meeting Peace Charles Burton, were Dayton mentafY Geography instructor and called a pitcher.. after a Rsbing trip in Canada. • ehool at 9;30 a. m. In' a letter address'ed under date and Service Committee; 8:00 'po shoppers on Tuesday. is able to &Bsjst in )(UI~C and In the very first innma Tanp ~. W h' t 10 30 m. Play to be given by WaynesD d man fanned three men after walk.. Several members of the Friend.; meetmg f or ors Ip ~ ; of July 6, council w,as advised by ville Young Friends. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Buzick ALhletics. ,Mr. · Mac onal II. inll one and allowed a eeratch hit. Imli!f)tilng from. here attended QUarm. F. H. Waring', chiefi engineer, to nd children and Mr. Ralph Smith graduot of Wilmlnlrton co11eee. Oftored in the ,,-t ti t SIS d - - - .. - tllke advantage of j~ilderal funds, the 16th: 9 :15 a . m. visited at Sidney on Monday. In addition to the selection of The 'Merchan'A ... .... uno mee ng a . e ma on un ay. "'1a I Co It. Devotional Meetin ..)· 10 :00 a. m. DEA THS now aval'1a bl e t 0 bea r pal. taac' h era at t h e meet Ine th e UIual but the run wall not earned. ' f th e sewage prC)l'Iec t a nd sug- Businells Session: Report of Mrs. A. C. Bowman . • th e gun t0.. E ar I Ea rnhart 18 Mendy fanned but was' at 0 h of d Frank h - businesa routine was tran....._ . 'tLa I s t ep to be Friends IntelJigencer; George lin is visiting with er aug ter, and bil Is were au b d , appro.,first when Young dropped ~ the ball ••,.. ur. an d M rll. Be n S ml'th an d Funeral ervjces 'for MrS. Sarah gel t e d. th a t the 1m m itte Thompao n forced Mendy at sec. family of near Osborn, tbis weelc. Ann Anabee, 76, widow of Daniel taken would be the e:mployment of School Reporti Epistles from other Mrs. OrviJIe Gray and family. , ed and ordered paid. The annual . t 0 S t u d l~ l Id Yearly Adjournment. meetinll.'S; 1:30 Business i en dar was 'IU blIlle 'tt d ond. Thompson went to third on Mr. and Mrs. Will Stt'oud anq W. Anabee, who died Satu~day at an engmeer oca con '1- &eBJIion. Mr . Fred Hartsock and daugh. !lCh00 lca aild mithsons single a.nd scored on Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Larrick motor- the home of he.r daughter, Mrs. tions. ______ ....____ ter, Mildred', of Milford, are visit· approved. The board diaeuIHd illPecks erounder to aecond. St. ed to LoulsYille J{y. on Sunday. Ra~ Eagl" Sprmg V~lley, after As a result of thill Is tudy, council ing Mr • Edith Harris and family , 8urance on school bulldinp and Martini leored both their runs in " suffer ing two paralytIC strokes would have at its di!~posal a comt buses with a view to the ,reatelt the third. Baret was safe when Mr. and Mrl' L. A. Gust have I within the last two weeks, were prehe~8ive plan of sewage 1m., 0 eer~ . Dr. Conner Mo s of New York safety posaible for the childr.n. Thomp80nmufJed his grounder. ~turned home after .spending the held Monday at the Spring Valley provements, estimat~!1 of coat of City Was the guest of his brother, It wa$ decided that the eomiDJ a R&,I doubled the only extra bU6 summer in Chlearo. Friends church. Burial in Spring such improvements and a probable _ Mr. HartleY Mo and family. lall school term wJU open on Septemhit""that St. Martins got and Borst ' Valley cemetery. course fo financiEll procedure week. ber 4, the afur Labor Day. advanced to third. Borst scored on Mr. and Mrll. Jamell Welt and Survivlnc are five daughters, 'whereby the plan could be carried Columbus, Ohio.. August 8thMr, W. C. 'Huffmlln of Colum. Due to the mignatlCln of K'Youngs grounder to second, Ray son, of Lexin~n, Ky., vilited !'drs Mrs. Amol Mendenhall and Mrs. out to completlon. "More than 1200 volunteers are bus, former teacher in the schools Lile, Misa Reeder waa appointe. ' ,oing to third. Ray Icored on Maude Crane and other relatives Ra)' KrU&', near Spring Valle)'; • - - --driving the state getting out the here, wa a guest at The Little princ.ipal at the eralle buildiq. Hill. grounder to short and St. here last week. Mrs. Charles Armentrout, Auburn, MASONIC N4)TICE vote tor Clarence J . Brown lor Inn over the week.end. The office of principal in the Hilb Martins was done for the, day. The The play, "Dream of Queen Wash.; Mrs. D. R. Thompson, Mid. Governor," said Major J . S. Bailey chool has been dispensed with. Mereha,n ta scored alain tn the E8ther" will be given on tbe lawn' dletown and .Mrs. Ea.le. She leaves who had charge of coordinating Mrs. Anna Cadwallader and Te.@.CherB at the grade bu$tdmw lixth 18 Tallgem.n , Bloated with a~ the Frienda Home '9n the even- six g~andchlldren and a brQther Stated eommunica.tion of Way- thill work. Miss Clara Lile were guests 'Of Mr are al follows. one down, stole second and scored ing of August 16. ' and luter, F. M. Hiett and ~rs. nesville Lodge No. 163 F. It A. "There are no paid workers or and MI'6. N. P. Clyburn at Wash· Grade 1, Mill! Reeder. , Mary 'Mldllieton, both of Sprmg M. Tue~day evening, Augult 14. r' h' " 'd ington C. H. on Thursda. • on Thompsons double. No 's coring for eight straight innin,i'S for Mr. and Mrs. Jamet Rartaock Valley. Visltin,. and sojour~ling brethren ~~ltO;:' .:n t~h graUl' 881 Grade 2 Section 2, Mi88 Hartaoek. either side. ' were guesta at a family dinner are welcome. l.or 1 ey. e wor was or· iss Lily Benham has resigned Grade 2 and 4, aeetion I, K'The Merchanta threatened in the the home of Mr. and MrA. J. S. Mrs. Lucy Graham, 37, died at E. C. Crane, W. M., g~lllzed h b~au!le ~f the nUl)lerou~ her position as teacher in the Kelley eleventh by filline tbe basel. but Filer at Lytl~, Bunday. the home of her mother, Mn. F. B. Henderson, Sec'y. ~f ~~~ ~~te.~~me rom every par ~eeb~i~~e:~:to~l:r ~~-:n.eW~I~re~pe~d Grade S Miss Carter. could not connaet in th,e pinch. S t . . . • Rebecca Cook, at Harveysburg 'on ' G d 4 ti 2 M' M XI .MartiDs did not even threaten !Llil Dorothy ~&80n and Mil. Tuaday after a lingering Ulnesa ot EASTERN STAR "Me, and women are contribut. . . ra e ,Iec OJ) , IS8 C Dley. after thejr lood toryun'e in the ~hce Gonll, of Wtlmi~n, were about" yean. Th. f"neral lervlce r' • inc th.r time and. 'paying their Mrs. Nellte Evans, of Calt , I S Grade I) section I, Miss Campthird: In the fifteenth with one dinner, 'guesta on Sunday of .1Ir_ was held at the raidencl! on Friown expen8e to ,et out 'the fun the gUest of. her brot~er, Horace bell. ' Miami Chapter No. 107 O. E. S. strength of the Brown vote. We Zell and .famlly at Xema and call· Grade 5 section 2 Wade Turner down M. Weller hit a splendid tri and Mra. J. Q. Gonl and famIly. day aftemoon at ODe o'clock. IWv. pIe to left field. Taoceman lollow C A Will' ... i B wUl meet in reeular seuion Mon- feel it is unusual and unprecedent· ed on fneRds here .W dnesday. G d t' ; M' Da Mr. and Mrs J. W. Loti alld . ~ lam80n o.. ,cJat ng. \lr· day eveniiIg, August 18, at 7 :30. ed and maintain it is the biggest 'U Cl k S l' b p n fa e ,Bee Ipn , liS y. d with a . bard lingle just about a daughter, Beverly Jeall, leave to- lal was made in the SpriJla1ield Visit,i ng membe...· welcome. volunteer movement ever register. •.. r. ar a IS ury aeeom a · Elementary teachers at , th. loot inside of drst bale and the day for a vitdt of two weeks with church cemetery. ed in behalf of any candidate for ied by Mr. Roy Gwinn of Chicago, High School buildini: ball,.ame WaB over. , relatives at Forre" Obio. Edna Hartsock, W_ M. nt:, arrived on Saturday for Ii Besi~s pitcbJng a &'Ood pme ."t William' Clark, 68, died very !Iud 'Minnie Frl!mm, Sec,'y. Governor." visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs I) Grade 6, section 2, Mr. lIacTangeman scored one run after Mr. and l{rti. Rhoades Bunn~U denly at his home in Corwin. at -. W. P. Salisbury. . onald. , hlttin,. a aingle, and waa reapon· are 'anDouncinc the birtb of a 6:80 p. m. Wednesday. Coroner - - - - ...........- - FORMER LYTLE RESIDENT Grade 7, section I, IIr. Bradalble for the winning run by hit- daughter, Carol ,H., at McClellan Gilmour pf Lebanon was summon. other injuries when )lbe Blipped on CALLED BY DEATH Mr. R. A. Cross was the dinner dock. tin, another single with a man on hospitA~ Xenia; on last Thursday. ed and ~~onounced tlie cause of the steps leading to the basement guest at the home of Mrs. Maude Gra e 7, section 2, Mill! Smltb• to acute alcoholl·sm. of their home. Flllneral service Crane and family on Sunday in J . third. Three hitl for aiJ: t. imel up Mrll. Bunnell and the baby were hl'S death dne u Sidney Lamb, age 80 years, a celebration of his birth anniverGrade 8, -Mr. amel. is go~d enoueh for anyone. removed home on Taelda-y. The funeral aervice will be held waa held in Dayton Monday after f L I'd d Laurens a180 lOt three out of ,ix h M CI F I H noon and burial ""s made in ormer yt e resl ent, passe aary. Home room sponsora for BiCh d . ht lad to Little ~ill Patay Baird waa at t e e ure uner,. o~e on Mlami cemeter'" bel!'e. away Thursday morning at the :::r-::-::::-:rt.cchool. an 'We were IbJI "y S Me brourht home from Miami Valley Friday at 10 a ••m. BurIal WIll be J home of bis daughter, " Mn. Earl Mr. and Mrs. James Wes an Fre hman, Mr. Brown. this boy come back in his hitting. hospital this mOYllin, and i. made in M,! aml cemetery. He She leaves her h"aband, Frank Randolph' in Dayton, after a pro- son, of Lexington, Ky., Mr. and One of theBe waf a nice double. covering satlalaetority f~m her leaves four slSters and two broth· Woolley;- qne daughteir• .Mrs. Lou' longed ilIneSll. Funeral service was Mrs. E. T. Stroud, "Mrs. B. T. Vic e Sophomore, Miss Robbin •• . To lum up hoth of the.e teallll Ulne•• of typhoid fever. era. . Dively and three 80n8, William, held at the residence SA'tur'da'lTl and Mrs. Maude Crane were din. Junior, Mr. ·Garst. ' played very nice b..e~l1 with one , J't{alcolm and Melvin, all of Day. afterilOOJl and bul'ial at Woodland ner lrUests of Mn. Irene HenderSenior, MI!. Hatfield. or two .xception. which I am The Y • .F. M wl\1 mEet with Mrs. Frank Woolley died at ton. cemetery. Those from here attend 80n last Friday. High school instructon alld not goln,. to name_ Who am I that Faith and Ruth Tomlinlon, 8 mo., St. Elizabeth hOlpital, Dayton Fri· Mrs. W . oolley wals before ,h er ' th f 1 ... dM subJects thllY will teach: ... critlc IIe th e bOY8 wh0 are 12th Ethel lIendenhaU unera were! an 1"8 Mr. "Y'ack Rich and Bon, Maynard .... and I S hou1.. day 'night following a fall at her marriage, Bertha Br~wn, daughter IDe Allen e. Emrick, Mrs._r. Margaret - r. Brown - Comme-Ial ~~ out there trying aU the time. lead~r home in the morni"", at which time of the late William and Emma J h .M d M Walt K proved themselves outstanding 2nd yea~ French. the ~x seore do it if pOl8ible. • ~... 0 n8, r. an rl. er en- local .fi sherm.en Thursday , night by Mi88 Henk] aome Economlct Not Slinday the Merchante will lIr. and IIrao. James she 8ufte~d a fractured skull and, Brown, of Lytle. rick and Walter Clark. landing a 21.pound cat flsh, 36 and English. travel to Sabl~, Ohio 'where they of Chicaeo. nt. and lin. L .... N. • - - ,= ==================== inches long, the largest catch ot Mr. Crabbe-Acrieuiture will attempt to take the strone Haula ot CenterviUe w .... guem 8 veral seasons. Mr. Hattleid- Mathematici ••d, Sabina team into camp. Am- not (If II.... Alic. IlcKiDae, and . Science.








1 200 V I un . W orkin For Brown



i~~:~::f~~e~p~~i~~~~~: He~:~~:~

=:n:.:. JUd.e and, team lor this PDle ' and I 'k now MI'I. MeClain and h.r Uttle aa._ that all ,t he fans like to He him ,Chrletlne, who live on ~e play baaebal•. W. feel that he will Ridg,. farm, call~ OD lin. J...le enjoy playing with the Merehalita Tl'IP£ .t her bome III Dayton, r.. ·and I know that the bop .U like cmt y. , to play with him. Dr• .and 1(". L. B. Rall and WAYNESViLLE IlEllCBANTS children have removeci their reo AB 11 H PO A B IIdebel But Bic Bad Mendt;rf " ,.,....6 0 1 0 0 0 Road, W..... Gron. )(0. Dr. Hall ThomplOn, .. ..6 1 1 1 8 1, fa . in _ _art lIowaDiI Xn. JlaIl SmltlJlon, 2b .. 6 0 1 2 ' 5 0 and ellOclren wiD join blm touy.


Peek. Ib .... ,.,.6 0 1 16 0 0 Lauren I, Sb .... 6 .0 8 1 1. 0 Hartsock, ct ,,,.2 0 0 1 0 0 B.W~Uet', d .. S 0 0 0 0 0 navis" d ...... .. 1 0 O· 0 , 0 0 Ellie, I.t ..,.8 0 1 .00' O.. lIvbrPkkk Ellis, If ...... " .. 6 0 1 0 0 0 1(. Weller, c " .. 8 1 2 28 0 0 Tan~eman, p .. 6 1 S 1 82 0 - - - - - Totals ..... "" . 63 S 13 45 41 1 ST MARTINS .. • AB II B PO A 2b ..... ....,8 1 8 6 a ~ YoQJIC, c ." ..... ., O. 1 19 : 0


BiD, ~ ...... " ....'7 0 I 0 0 WaUoll, ab .... 8 0 0 I 1 0 SL urot e, If .. ...... • 0 0 a ' 1 0 VaDa-bam, cf 8 R.k, wi ........ 1 1.-. lb ,.. :.... 1 , ... .......

)lr. and II;" M.rle Kerns and daU&'hter, Joall, of Ole_land, ar. med here OIl Wedneada, to spend the week.-d wi~ tlr. and ](n. Jeff lIarlalt ..ner enjoyinc ' a vautio.. trip tbl'ouah the East and - 0 4 J . - ...._ ..- WI. . . . - - lira. Alice lIeXlDMy and Mlal Bearhtta win puta over the w~-eDd of IIr. uad lira. Joe ..a.. 11 t IIorrow. IIeownll, ancl f am,.. On SUDda, tber ea,JoJld the da,. at JIueheeter, O1aIo aDd S.rpent lIoaDd. .... aDd II.... Bapaoll. ])a'"


.... , . .0" lin. I'nak ...._. __ .a ..... _ _ _ _ _ ........ ., .,.,.. .....- ---....... ad M... 0 1 I 0 0 RaJa ad ......... of I'leItIIa O i l 0 0 ' " Mr........ ~ on.u. 0 1 ., 0 0 1 1 1 ..

• - - - -1::11:.';';

T;O The .,V ote rs .

.W arren county voters should realizE~ more than ever before the importance ot going to the polls in the primarl" next Tuesday, J\ugust 14th. Conditions in the' nation, state and (~ounty have never bee~ as they exist today. The vote of every citizen Will Olean more than it ever has in the past. Issues of importance are at stake. " Public officials who have served efficiently and ably during the pa t I few years of'st-ress, shou d have the worthy consideration of the vo.ters. Particularly is this true of Warren county officials who have , proven h' themselves during ~ IS period. We therefore recommend for nomination in the Primaries next Tuesd ay th eo f Iowmg I' t h . . 't' cand'd 1 a e8 avmg OppOSI Ion. For Representative:, ARTHUR HAMILTON. For Count y A uditor: WILL R . LEWIS For County Sherift: WlLLIA ,.,.,. HUFJrORD. For County Commiuioner: HAROLD u,


For COUDty CoroDer: DIL H. M. tig .t. 0 For Proaecu AttoI'D-" : • -~"""".a&<JI"'jl

~~~~n~:r %s~~::~:~~~~~!~! an~:~~Bri:b~:~~~~;_h~_g~:~c::: Canada where they will be 'the guests of Mr. and J't{l'S. Roi Reisin and son for two months.. Mr. I. G. Monroe of Coh,lmbus and Mr. Paul Deafenbau,h, of Bellaire, Ohio, called on rrfisses Annie und Mame 'Browne Saturda),aftemoon. Mrs. Anna Cadwallader and Mis d h' d' Clara Lile ha as t elt' mner guestS at The Little Inn on Wednesday evening, Rev. and Mrs. J. J. S.c haelfer and the Misses Annie and Marne )3rowne•.

Mrs. Helen Grahatn and daughter, Barbara Ann, of Detroit. Mich lelt on Monday to visit her father in-law, .... .... ~. H enry G rah am a t Dayton, alter a three week's stay with ,Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McClu~.

Mathematic•. Mr. Garet- Literlltur. and B ... tory. -Mr. Lotz- Hlstory ana oaee Practice. ----,.-.. ---~ BAND CONCEItT , Tbe 19th Band conc.rt wUI be Thursday evening, Aupat 18 at McClure's corner. Thla concen .. sponsored by The WayanYiUe Drug Store, Clint's Market, A. B. Stubbs, Orville Gray and 1M Hawke, well known bUlin. . . . . of Wa)'1leaviUe. The 'neu concert wiD be epoMOr ed by Stok. Dalrr....... . Simpson, P~\U R....nat, 9beeham Garap, Ladles Aid, lliuia Gazette, Twin, 'l'Iteatft, BaJ CODner and Chu.. Anel.....


Horace Shaner is in McClellan hOlpital, Xenia, where he was taken laat Frida), Di~ht. He under· W4!nt an e..erweDCY op.ration for appendicitis and il reported to tt. recovering nicel,.. mMtI... Mra. Bo.. H. Hartsoek ' waa IoWa: h08teas to the members of anrtllPHi Bridp club ell ...... ~-afWIDOC~.

ne l...tted ~'




A..... , . . _




-- - - -


------- - - - - - - - - - -

he had Ilw.,. hat.d W ath rbeehit d hll but mouth alld queer, ex aiperatlllg wa . That wa the man "ho WI. IOlnr to cover hi. trick. what! h • Bullock, rot a ..Irl, a bir j() ..... and flvtl thousand dollars. "Nothin" to It." Bullock told ~ _ _ _....... _._ ...... _ ............ __ •••~o_o.... _____ o. him. elf hal'. hly. But the paln\s of _..I W'lb M b u .. hi. hallds ere damp with sweat. CommOD PI.,.. Proce...ia.. I ur onteomery, oo ....eeper Candidate tor RtIYi and the long roller fr.' m a I' ab vet Rill Weatherbee stood ----of Lebanon and Mia. Evelyn Mae CHAPTER V. sterll-whe h'r spIn hlng the IHHtdie bedd his great wh~el. He was In the caee of Anna Terrill ver· Wil80n factory worker, of Foster.. boxe!' of the Prophet Dnnit'1. Now ~rlnning to him elf his mind on a sus B njamin Terrill, adlvorce was "Not ,no zin' to-night. pilot '" Real Eltat. Traa.f.... And ttl th r, t rtled by th there wt'r only the lonely. windy girl ith a fllee ",lUte as magnolias gran~d the plai:ntift'. The case of Thle . I. T. Corporl'eAllutjon thnt he \ 8fI milking a tlighl ound of th riveT: Rnr! they En)l'yth\ng, for Rip Weatherbtle, Loula S. Miller to Huel Brookes how out of nims If, nodcll'd bellt in chill l'chu ~ al'ound Adam W8l; breakin right. He was a river ation, succe sorel to Midland At- inlot No. n in Lebanon. Bullock's heal·t . He found him elf pilot . n ow, . accept~d and made. ceptaru:e ! Da)'ton, versus John quiei1y. The Union Saving Building and "Ju t goin' down no"'. cap·n." staring liS footsl p w nt pa t hi~ All ad stretched a visla of con- .ay is dismissed without record. Loan Co. to Amanda P. Britton. In ~e case of Stella Friend vel:'Pre.ent incumbent in pre.ent offic. 12 yean 'He went down to hi bunk , hi. door; di cov r d weat on His brow fluent. brllve days on a rushing. real estate in Hamilton township, wAt"h pJ;Opped up on a ~able be- as slowly th . hllnds <If hi1!o watch boi terous riv r, for Il man who sus Robert Friend, motion i all· . EtMI B. Auliker to Clyde G. had rightly learned his trade. The igned for hearii~g on the August fo~ lIim. Be IImcked continuou91y crept ro.unr! toward midnight.. Your Support will be Appreciated p abovt'. the gingel'breatl pilot Ililo -hOuse clock t() ld him it lack· 13 and a copy of the motion anl;i a Erbeck. inlot No. 68 in Mason. at th long. villainou Havana ; to Adam and Eliz Louis Bisho,P to midnight; copy of thi8 entry are to be erved - PolitIcal A/h now .nd a ain h indulg('d him elf house, he kn w, ·tood Rip" oath· ed but ten minut Primary August 14, 1934 abeth Roesoh, Inlots Nos. 321, 322 oule! hear Bullock upon the f,iefendant. Ith a iitabl b ttl!! of genuin erb e- th mall whom he wa already h In the ca e of Ruth ~bbart and 323 in Franklin. ourb/In. 0 th night wore on. going 10 hI' ak for good; the cellow elimbing th ladder. Four hour Adam . Roesch and Elizabeth ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~=~~~~~~~~ A nel pr s ntly the only sou nd that whose gi ..l h e wa going to take; sleep, now, before the next watch versus Homer Gebhart, a divorc:e Roe8ch to D. B. Hollingsworth, L wa granted the plaintiff c: me t Bulloc' attentiv ear. whose .eoior piloting job h wa~ . h yawned comfortably. turned June, his wife, and Orville Hol- 100 acres In Washington township quest, $5_90; The Colum bus Blank going to anne; and who WIIS bead as Adam Bullock's short, In the ca e oj~ The Union Say· wef !.he dry rattl of chiPII below Book Mfg. Co., 1-200 Pnge Pound Iingsworth, real estate in Franklin wher a group 01 planters wert:' going La be acrificed to sheld him squat fingers stood in the doorway. ing Building and Lo~n Co., versus . The Mutual Building and Loan Keeper. Record, $10.; L. P. Cavett "Early, nin'~ you?" he inquiT d Molli R. Shields, et ai, th~ de· playing poker; now and then 1I Adam Bullock. It made it Ie hard Co. , tar, ,74.43. Co. to A. B. Je tice, Jr. anc' Fran. Bill. Allowed cCln8cien to reaHze thftt genially. "You got ten minute flciency judgment entered in favor on hi pas ing steambollt whistling hoarccs Je$t\ee, inlot No. 949 in Frank Edwin Armitage, filing sa"" 40c; more belore your watc:h." of thll plaintiff herein against tile lin. Oregonia Bridge 00., repair to , B~lIock ;"aved one hand in mag- defendant~, Mollie R. Shields Ch,a r I.aura J. Zel) to T_ H. Zell, e~ al bridge, $70; The Cincinnati Oil ' Figurel on the state of at1'airs in nanimous g~sl;ure. "Couldn't slee l> les. L. ShIelds, AI,!anda Po~oc:k 155.12 acre8 in Wayne. township Works, goalloline, $14.25; Lahman May, r leased QY the governmellt, no more ' might Il~ well take her Britton and JesslIlmme R. Bntton. and lot No. 8 in Waynesville. Service Station, ~asoline, $3.70 i tell ot 17 per cent larger indusOV'l'. Gei clown an' have a, snooze h(l~ been paid and fu!ly satis6ed. Lew WilBon and Etta Wilson to J. K. ,Spencer, lumber. $84.42; C. trial production, 30 pel' cent more YOUl' elf." His tone was one of ThIS ~ase. is compromIsed, settled Mabelle K_ Beutger, Inlot. No. 282 Ernest Marsh, labor and material factory employment, and 56 per simul t d genero ity; bu t there ~nd dlsml ed. in Lebanon, at jan, ,7.90 j J .. W. Lingo Hard· cent larger factory PIlYl'olls. The as II false note in it that caused In th~ case of !'lorman "Irwin Amanda P. Britton to Tire Union ware Co., 8ponges, tape, wa hera, compad On wa, made with May of the other pilot to IOQk up harp versu. Josi L. Evans, thed~ten- Saving Building and Loan Co., hose end for court house, $2.10; last year. to remember it queerly ten minutes dant IS granted 30 days Within real estate in Hamilton township, Mrs. Lillie Urton. eervieee, $27.50; later. ~hich to tUe an81~er or otber plead /)fartha Elh:abeth Joy, deceased Mrs. Ira Eltzroth, service, $5; , Due to the limited time that I havll for electioneering purHe surrendered the ""beel wil- lng. to Charles P. Joy, 37 acres in Helen Doughman, aervices $7; Mra W.,lte Rose- Power ..... Jingly enough; h had had hard 1n. the case of C. O. Eula .s, tTUS Wayne township and lot No. 3 in Stella Kelly, services, $7; CandJa po e • b caUSE! of increased Office work, ] cannot see all the Voter~ personally that I wish to see. ho ever, th~ Warren going of it and it wa . entirely cus- tee, versUa .Th~ lDodds Canmng Cc.. Waynesvil1e. Hymer, services, $5; Mrs. Howard hind the enllne. County Recorder's Office has ' been conducted in nn efficient. tomal.Y, ethical. f(lr one partner E. B. MUl'tell, t.rea urer, is made Thurman F. Bercaw, deeea ed, to Sawyer, eervlce, $7: Joseph 1l.'n<J economical manner under my management, the I'eceipts of to relieve another a'l ittle before party de!end,ant, With leave to Etta Bereaw, 157 acres ill Deer· Ratte, 14 photographs "f 7 prison. Ule omcc being ufficieilt to pay all expen e for alarie and the watch went ott. " W~/re c:<omin' plead forth~lth. , field townllhip and lot No. 114 in en, $11.26 i JInivel'8al Laboratoriee. lIuppJie . on Vicksburg" Weatherbee vol. M~s. Carrie I.. Jack and Mrs. Mason. supplies, $92.821 Trea urer of unt r\!d aft'ably...L:t was too dark arne Law well'6 arpointed trus Durin« the la t twelve month Federal Land Bank MortTrustees to Deerfleld township State, county's share maintaining gag IJ on farm land in the approximate anlount of $375.000.00 on th river now t.o be able, im. te of the Orphans Asylum and to Pearl Eifert, inlot No. 189 in Agtic. Extension work, ,1050 i With Reliable Serum lutve been recorded toget~r with approximately $80,000.00 in mediately, to~t bearings. Bullock .hildren's Home for the term be· Deerfield township. Waldron C. Gilmour, inquest, ,7 .• and Viru. amount, of Home Owner's Loan Corpor~tion mortgages on town nodded. For the first time Weather ~n~~ng AUguste 3. 1934 and end<?sc:ar F. Kibbey. to The People' 70; Waldron C. Gilmour, inques~ property . . Also the filing and indexing of F~deral Crop Loan At a rea.onable price bee was aware of the smell of mg ulrUst 1, 1.)40. BUlldmg, Loan and Savings Co.; '7.70; Waldron C. Gilmour, inChattel Mortgag in the approxjmate amount of $20,000.00, whisky on hi breath. But Bullock thi$ is an additional work, c:aused by the (leprellSion. and ha drank every day; a thi was noth. N_, Suite b~en perform d by my excellent Deputy and myse!.f without Pho_ l1R4 ing to become concerned over. He Karl PcnkawfL and Ida Keller eXtra co t to the tax pay r of Warren County. . gave up the wheel. yawned, and (nee Penkawa) ver us Louisa Got If fe-nominated an'd elect d, I JlJ'omise the same high muttered: "'Bliged to you, Bull- thardt, et aI, te, set aside will of efftci~ncy and economical management of the Office as in. the ock i I am kinda groggy," and went Charles Penkawa, dece'ased, and pallt. down the ladder. The boat was de· other relief. Respectfully, Stel la FTiend verllus Robert. l'Serted; the decks empty. But Weatherbee had lready reassured d. of divolrce. Charge is ex" himself upon that point. treme crueltt· Juat about lhe moment th,at Rip - -'- Weatherbee llut his hand 0)'1 his Probate Court stateroom door, up there h the T. H. Zell, executor of the estate pilot house Adam Bullock of Laura' J. Zell, deceased, filed his peered quickly, for a certificate of through tbe g lass-plated windoW. tranefer_ breath suddenly came in great The ~nvento'ry of Lewis H. ROQT FOR. ..,ND COl'lIIGil • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . His jerks and his heart ·h ammered Whitaker, exec~ltor of the'estate ot rour Clattl./ bop, abo.p . . . ~ painfully at his ribs. Keenly, Eudora L. WhitiBker) deceased was to Norrie-Brock 00., U". ~ ' pron'tMiy. em. fDr tit. quickly, his eyes went out upon approved, . man.' prie.. &Del rted the black river; as swi.ftly he In the matteI' uf the estate of J. \,1_'-_ Se..Ja Y~' c~~ found what he was looking for. C. Evans. d.eceo.sed sale of real e8 96 Tun. In on Radio Battoa There it was--a bluff reefl Rip. tate 18 ordered. 11 !211 to 11 :80 p. m. for oar .THE TRAC'roR COMES BACKI plingly, treacherously the water Frani H . Mount is appointed ad market reporta. went over it, plainly, reVealed now ministrator of"' the estate of Ed· over the bow iJ;\ the reflecting ward C., deceaaed. and lights from the Prophet Daniel, It filed bond of , '8,000 with sureties. was bad-just how bad llullock Charlel! S .. Irwi.n, Charles J. Wag· 43 YEARS OF SERVICE kriew. One turn' of the wheel now goner and L. S. Shawhan were aplind he could sUp his ateambeat pointed appraillers. aside to !!afety. But he wos not Edward P. Jrordan, executor up there that night :tor safety. Ab- the estate of Katherjne JIl.<:U .."'........'+4i LEBANON, OHIO ruptly, shutting his eyes, he drove ceased, filed hiill inventory. . We have a COJllpiete her squarely onto t1)e reef. J. O. Cart'W'right; guardiall of Watc"'~ 5.",1_ (To be Continued) Charles D. J.rmey, imbecile, filed Prices Reasonable _ _ _ _ _ '. his t hird account. Beads Reatrunc D. E. Heywood, administrator , Mr. Howard is the publisher of a Republican newspaper PUBLIC SALE Jewelry Ropaired ot the estate of John E. Crlat, de· LITTLe AMERICA. ANT .. H .. ,.. ' .... Cra'llr11q aMa4 OD au. ~ in Madison county. He is a ]oyal Republican worker, a member "THE HOME F GIFTS" The undersigned will offer for ceaSed, filed his first Anal and di.. , CA, Jul), 30 (via Mae.a, IUddelllJ .pl..- til. h..u 01 two 01 ot the Madison Cou nty Republican Executiv~ Committee and, s Ie at public auction on tri\>utive account. ,.\0;-0111' U'lctor part)' la my oraq. paolln. ell"Ullll. ThWl if elected to thi all-important party post, will co-operate fully Gertrude Trimble, administra- wlUlout A4miral Byrd! AllIS til. beacoD w.. dlsco.,.redl TIle with regular Republican county c6mmittees, seeing that each of Saturday, AII,ult 25, t. 3 .. tri.x of the e8tate of Herbert' L. had reduced the ..ow 1MeeOn the nine counties in the Seventh District get a fair and square At the late l'esidence of Laura Trimble, deceased, filed her first II trtp It w.. ! Dr. PoUlter ud tlDJ mOllDcS but Uae lUll. wtDele deal, but he will not submit $0 the dietatorsllip of D. C. E. Ward, in the village of Harveys- and final account. ' fOUf com.paa,l ou reacbtcJ our dOD. WI QM creat (&yor of un.. Pemb~rton, C9lumbu8, lobbyist, who iB doing everything he can burg, ' Mas.sie Township, Warren In the .m atter of the estate of of (uoUne. oU ud food 60 tile brllllAllt dl'Ullla AIlel Cou nty, Ohio, beginning at One I..rHLHlt!1I Gons, deceued, sale of' real .~O\ltll or Little America but 1lle,y tile J to thad It..H. to keep/ .Howard from being elected . .How.ard beHevES that this o'cloC!k p. m., the personal pro- estat.e is ordered. !ll\d to travel 131 mnea to Ket tile,.. lobby dictatorship has b~come so bold that It is time it was PeTty belonging to the est~te of The will of Laura E. War d. de. and it wu utterly tmpoe.lbl~ to 10 cbecked. As a loyal Republican we apIlCal to )101,1 to help. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Laura E. Ward, deceased.. and ceased, was admitted to probate. 4D Y further without the mOlt Pboo. 10 Baak 81", being all of the personal pr.o perty Ward wall appointed execu. tl'dle dupr. So Dr. Poulter 'WIael7 mentioned in Schedule A_ of the tor, no bond required by request ~~lded to tUJ'n back In tile III1dJlt inventory at her estate. of will. Ed. ~cFarland, E. Dakin of a terrlAc: bUut.rd anel See large bill for list of articles. and Walter'J ordan were appointed "ration, for AIlotller tractor dUb Terms: Caah. appraieers. 60lllni AclYAIlce SU. to brtng oar H. ~. Ty.on, Chairman, JAMES WARD May Miller was appointed ad. tl'&der back to u•. And It w.. ID7 Wilbur H. Hume, Secretary As Executor of tlle last wm millistratrix ot the estate at " 1'lQe-recl paolln. drum. that iiiof ,L aura E. 'Ward, deceased. Woollard, decl~ased, and 'filed ·,owed' them. to and the 50 mlle-u. Londo~, Ohio. Stan\ey & Koogler, Auets. of $1,500 'W lith sureties. Rollert ...t aU, the trail allP llano.


Silence .00.

Prosecuting Attorney Firat Term Candidate


Letter From County Recorder To Voters

Tre.t Your Hog.


Allen Hulfman,


For. State Central





P . &rt


Howard for Committeman Club



Stokes were :nppointed appraisers. Febr.ual'J. Lleut. ~§~~§§§~§~~§§~§~~§~§§~;~~§~,~~F~r~a~~~~W~i~~~Q~n~,~c~l~ e ~~ ~ ~~E~~~~~E.~~~aa~~ Charles P. Joy, exeeuto'r ' of the, my boa•• requeated m. to ~ 10

Vote POl' rtbal' B.llllltOD 1'0.. Il.p....e ..tatlve

e8tate of M~,rtha Elizabeth Joy, deceased. filedbis applicat ion for a certificate 13f tranlfer. The adjudicl~tion and determination of the inheritance tax on the estate of James Gona, deceaaed, to be given 't o all persons


Excerpt. from ' The Franklin Chronicle . "Arthur Hamilton, who has served Warten County most cr~ditablY as our representative to the Ohio General Assembly, is a candidate for. reno mination and re...:election. ' . .As speaker of the Houss of Representatives, he showed marked ability a nd won the respect o! bls fellow-me.l'!lbers of both partiea. Largely t~rough his eft'prts, the act providing that a por· tion of the gasoh ne tax should go to the townshIp roads was passed, which reUeved the farmers of many thousands of dollars, as all expenses on these roads came from prope'lty taxes before this act b'e came a law. . . Another act for which Arthur Hamilton worked diligently was that which .relieved all p.roperty along state Routes. This act also saved many tho usands ot dollars to tile property ' Qwnea:s of Warren County. He has proven his loyalty to bis fellow·citizen s of Warren county. He is respected and tru$ted by offil'.ials a nd busines8 men prominent throughout Ohio. He stands on his record' snd in our judament the be~t i nterests.of the people of Warren County will be served by returning him to the Ohio House of Representatives." ,

Excerpts from The Miami Gazette ARTHUR HAMILTON At no time in the history of this county and state has so ml.\ch depended on the voters who . August 14th will go to the polls to select candidates to contest for office in November. ' This is esp(.'Cialily true where candidates for the state legislature are selected- for at the .fproaching seMion8 of th!! general assembly statutes at importanc'e will btl written into the laws o Ohio. -:rhelle statutes .will lIifect the lives of every man. woman an d child in Warren County. . Knowang and app;reclating the problems of the fa rm~ .. as he does, Mr. Hamilton will, aa ever III the put, aupport measures. of benefit to rurll f olk As manager of the Miami Oanning COlli· pany, he III vitally concpmed VI';th the interests of the busIness man, As a father bome-oWDer alld taxpayer, he haa. always manifested tp'eat I.n tereat in the public schools. which are now beset ' with ftnaaclal ditleultles, . Voters mUlt realil~ the importanc:e in thil particular time of stress that men who have had ridee in lerlelative procedure' rather than those who 'a re Ulltried, s hould be returned to the .. ".rat'. o ' ... of' Warren County will do well to consider Mr. Hamilton's quantic.tions when they 10 to t ... poU. Aquat Utll.'· II

Hamilton for RepreleDtative Committee,


\.AI-u ·I1QJ"

The wlII Oj~. J. '14'_ Oonover. deceased, wa.s filed in probate. Ilarr'y H. Pence. administrator of t he estate, of Emma C. Pellce, d ec~ased, tiled his jirst and final account. The adjudic.a t ion and determina· tion of the inheritance tax on the estate of Martba Elizabeth Joy; de ceased, is to lie giv~n to all persoDS interested. , . Etta Bere."", WIdow of Thurma~ F. Bercaw. dIBcealled', made appllca tion to elect u nder the will of nid decedent.. The executrix. filed h~r j~or a certificate of t'ransfer. The · will 01 J. M. Conover, de· ceued, ·was admitted to probate. Julia Williams, -ailministratrix of the est.fe of Thomas Williaml, d~ ceased, filed her inventory. The invenloory of Edna H. WiJson, executm of the eltate of James Winelow Heston. deceaeed wall approve~1. James War d, exeeutor of the estate of . E. Ward. deceaaed filed his The deceased,


I. H. the eetate ceued, 6leet

ThUl ended





tolllahlni t.rtP8 eYer taka " ..... l!o.U 00 a al~,e two dl'UllUl of 1'7. With til. Bap buried It aot 101 guolloe. aile cue of·Veedol »oBilbl• .~ 10 OIl. bJ ooa,.... ·A·r 011 aod t.o tina of Wbll. tile crew w.. Rot ald. to 1'l1eee were to be ca.ched at AdmIral BJrd, It .. Sue. I£I1OW1l .. camp Amuodlen. UJiD. ~. lU"rtorl~ 184 . .. , 'fbe depot ".. aet up to pron4e of tractor traD8portaUoll for ' tllel, ·foocl alld equlpmeot lor til. ,,0!tL I I.... ~. t.,..11 \i&ttlea retumlDI to Uttle eaoratarJ to U ~. '






r. ~artln Auctioneer

SATISFACTI' 0N ' Or No Char••

Cent.FY'.'e, Ohl, Phone 71J

A.ttlerlea lrolD tile ,460 m11. ,ractor IOIH IOIt at a platlan . , AdIIilral and do. team tripa we Inteod BJrd'. hut wltIl Ua1a artl~. 10 JOU .eke t~ tile Polar plateau. 00 . Il&Il pt 18 Id.. 01 til. tlad 01 luNae 1 laet d.y of Marcb. Capt. IDDee·Tq" .ll.m. ta o4er'" uow. 'l'blI ' WOTAay ,u.Lle ~or . returned from BoUlq AdYAIlc. 4~ed by VIctor ~ b · : tlu. IIld reported that 'o ur caCh. npfl1 o!Ieer, .. raaU7 All ,,:. Camp Amuodeeu ".. .no"ed 0nl7 • feat wld. .VU and . . . oot vlalble. Wltll 10", aM , feat IaIP It _Ilia Dr.... • • . ............ t .. ct III mlDd w. all eolllldenHl It 01 two tIda alat.baum ! WAYNESVI~, OHIO ~robabl, that ualeu the Baa I1iOIl . . . . . . . . OIl 0I'd1AarF PIIU" I ~.. well marked ud, Y11lbl. tJie tpIJ ~'''IU'', ' 1utor part! under Dr. Poulter" ~ .~ ~...,.., hre ' ~ DATaS CALL .·oold ,baY. creat dUftcolt, to ~ ,r,,,,,, IIIoat N: 1Mbt ' ~tLt1q tbe beacoo at our .. ... ,,..s ' hi ~ 1IMItete. k Veaterday, atter OIeir . Uina to .. .. Iaf·re of 'waterproOf '~'"' . a loa. ebat "Ith Sklll.II' . ,..... ..... two lIalf..tllah . . . nul Peteraen, of M.rrlck. L. 01 kapok. 'l'IWI . . but.arm I " ~I. Y. Tbe, aald ~eJ w.n 00Mtn0U0a Ie ~ t.optber b' l ~;,ell abOut til••ucceHfUl ud ...u "pta. poJItI.. ..... ME ...... ' .,leat IwIcUODlni of tile tnlctor uul a 800r. & repIIIa fill :tt ruel anel lubricating on. Indlt b, Pope aad Oott1e .T~L&T ,' .IlI Y trouble ... cau.,ect bJ Ie .." _ ..... . . . . . la toe at . . . . . .10. New ............. "i9w1ac IlIto ud plUl&1q Ill' lila WOrI4"a ....; ta Cblcap. • \, ...\rullretor latake. llec_l~ III a ...., r.. " ... DOW til. IUO l.UU. ICOOOI •• IUOT'al 01 tIl• .carburetor to caeaa .at ,..,. to .. aad •• aJaaU com; ~ Som. JoII at n d.,... ....ow ........... aueo.ou.. ,·)rj) ! At ~pproal. .telJ the aooau_ III 1WRorr. To keep 10: .t th. 51 lID. Bua. til., laM to .wa ..... ..terpnaee . . ..,. aU emr loOIllq ' tor JoIa oar .... .nr. en. lOuthllro tnIL "aaoe tIlta oaet. aM ...... til. _uaele .. "to.. cleet . . . at AatuaUca ..d ...... to " ua....... trItII ...... t-. . . abIlpI, caaaoa. . . at tile .=.dl .. ..... AI U. ....t ~ die ..".... IooatIOD ....... _, 'If' .6ddr.t I.LlWe


,.n. ..


.'.'Wfd , '0••

St80Iey;&K00' gler.


AUCtl on••r.


a ...........



................ ..,.,.. . _ ..... 1M

... ...






- - --- - - - -


----------.. bI the houri



from Jut ,ur. The broadealtl will be frolll 2 to 8 p. m. each Khool



D. L cllANa • I . . . . . . . . ] h ................ Y... OIl. . . . . ........ ....... ....... .... III lint..... a' PHtotlloe at . war ....-


Yill•• 01110. . . _~ •• Ola.a IhU


° ........................... "~ II. llatter -=====o::::::=-==o-=:__-===-=~___ ..- ___:0=:::===... AUGUST 9, 19St •

Five Mllbon Job.

. The l.mportancC! of hom~ buildln&, .nd repairing in the fight for recovery was well 8ummarized recently 'by Bernard L. Johnson, editor of the Amerlean Builder, when he said: "The tremendous decline In expenditurel for home buildin&, from an average of $3,000,000,000 • year to le88 than $200,000,000 in 1931 a.nd 1932 was a major cause of depreSSion .nd unemployment. Stlmula tlon of home building and repairs . . will eventually rive employment to 6,000,000 men directly or indirectly dependent On buildIng tor their livelihood. Home building is a local industry • . It 'L1 t t · k . . •• WI pu men 0 w()r In their own home towns at then' own lobs, and will give bU$ineBB to loeal contractors, lumber dealera, hardware stores electrical and supply shops and other local busineale•. " Every type of business and worker i8 beneftted when. wave of building .nd modernizing sweeps through a community. Every dollar . spent starts a great financial circle- the money goes to workmen who. pay their billa and ate able to buy more producta~ it goel to stores wl)ich in turn are enabled to meet their obligationa .nd restock' It gON to farMers and to doctora and in the fol'Dl of taxes to rove;nment. . '. . , ' , Eventu81~y. it comes back, With lDterest In the coin of better businelll, to the orl,lnal. spe~der.

da" with 16 mlnutel ginn to eaeh lubject daily. The cradea I.ned wUl run from one to .tw~lve AmOJlI the lubJeets .r(' amgmg, civil rovemment. Invent ora .nd inventions, n.ture studies, history dr.m.logs, story dramas, current. events. Itorles, ,eography, modern problems, enjoying leisure time, literature, touring America by plane, are appreciation and health. An il)estimable number of pupils, teachers and home f olk!! listen in on these education prO&-r&ms. - - - - --

Nev.r B.for. a Candidate For Public Office I am a candidate for Repreto .the Gcnellral A!sembly of Obio subject to Primary to be held August 14, 1934. Your vote and support is respectfully solicited. ARTHUR HAMILTON


Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol


New BarliDltoD







HUfford' . ,

for 2nd Term ..

Sheriff Profit by pa.t _..-ieDce aDd retarD to oIice • maa who .... ptOy..t .a

.Iici_t puWic "rYaDt. . Y

program toofreduee accidents the hJPways Ohio lBhows that on traffic aeddenta. occur ai/out equally durIna daylight and d.rkneBl!. Durine the Mllra of darkness only 26.4 per cent as much traffic is on the higi\waY' and. yet approximately half ~h.e accidents are produced du.ring this time. In other words, eve'n though threefourths of the Clnll are off the roads at night, .t he .ccident rate Furt"erance of the State High- rem.ins virtually . the same a8 for .....y Department'l . provani· of the' heavily trll\'elled daylirht ro.dalcle be.uUfteation is .ought hOlll'll. b, DaIlU D. Dupre, Jr., state The lIurvey also indicates that hichwal' lalldKaP' ~hiteet, ID .n .cddenta during the hours of daa:-k • ppeal to lando.....r. to reiraiD neBl! tend to be more severe than from ..-tlt.., fene, wire dlrectl, to during tbe hours of d.yllght. The trees. reason. for this higher lIeverity Sach • praetic. .ceordiDg to laid to Irl'eater speed and a Dapn, _ua. the tnea to 8ro. I rellul&tllon of, .1ertne88 on the bark llreUH the win aDd wh811 It lip-en roau, toI. D"~ tomo.. the wire tile ,re ter f.tigue .nd . . . ... .. . . . . . . . . . of the driver .t night.


$ 60, (l(J(l. () 00.

Republic:an Candidate for Warren County

WILL R. LEWIS Will R. Lewis, co'Unt y auditor, haa au~ho rized UI!I to .Dnounce his candidacy for the Republican nomination of coun t)r auditor subject to tlle Party prlrnaari es, August 14, 1934. Your vote will be appreciated.

Master ~aynard ~,ro8t ~8 !1 unfortunate tn breakmg hlS arm while playing with so me other boys oneMda y WI eek' B I d rs. AI' e! oerst er an daughter Miss Nellie are here fo r a month'~ vacation ' Mr. and Mrs. E~erett Shumaker have gone to New York for an extended visit. Mrs. Herbert Carr entertained the Latin cla8ll of Wilmington college last Thur!day ev ening. Mrs. Charles Go.r~on returned home Satua:-day evenmg from a visit :wIth her sister, Mrs. W. P. Mc Carren and family of W.lhonding =======~==================,' Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clark' and chil- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . Gren of Walhonding were week-end r •. · IL guesta of her mother Mrs. Mar y ALLEN HUF'FMAN Tucker and family. It It' .Mr. and Mrs. Homer C.skey ~Ilen.' a,nnouncea his :.---"~------------------------J have returned home from a visit to candidacy for nomitlation f or reelection ' to the office of Count y the World'8 Fair. The Ohio !t.te UniverBity Radio StatiOD-WOSU MiBl! Behm Randall is vacation- Recorder, 8ubjed to· the Republi- . 8 :00 MUllic ing in Michigan ' with som e girl can 'primary .electiQ'n on A ugust 8 :06 Fnm Adjuatml!-nt NewlI ........... .,. ................ .. , J. W. Wuiehet friend s from Wilmington . H, 1934. Mr. and Mrs. Rhodell Bunnell 8 ;16 Making Soybean Hay .. _... ..... .......... .... , ... .............. R. D. Lewis are reeeivin&' eongratlllations upon CLYDE C. CiOLL1NS 8 :26 MUllic 8 :40 Effect of Drouth on Crop Production .............. .... ,.. G. W. Miller the.•rrival of a little daughter in Clyde C. Collins announ ces his home on August the econd. . 8 :69 Hens and Hot We.ther .. ................ .: ................. C. M. FerguSI,.. their There will be an open air meeting candIdacy for ~omination f or 'Cle'C~ 9 ·:OOCanoing Hhiu .... . . .... ...... ........ ... ................ Mn. Mary GerJaurh t urd . " Au· "'li st 18 of courts, subJect to the republlb ere "-' DO> ay eveom", e-' . I t' T d 9:10 Musie Mr. Dowdell of Dayton will give can pn.mary e ec 10m on ues ay, 9 :26 The Exhibits In 4·H Club8 ............. ........ ....... :...... HIlIIla Ho~t an illustrated talk and there will August 14, 1934. 9 :86\hoppers .................... :, ..... .. .......... .... ........ ..... ..... H. E. Eawine be two mU8icians come with him to 9 :46 A New Deal In Flower Gardenl .............................. Gus Poeach furnish music. The screen will be C. DONALD DILU'USH • placed on Mr. Snell's store room C. Donald DilaiUlsh announces lor the pictures to be shown. hi. candidacy for re-election t o The Woman's Civic League will the office of prosecuting a ttorney. meet with Miss Eliza})eth Clark Your support re8peetluny 80licite4 Saturday afternoon. A picnic supper "ill be enjoyed after the meetFOR CORONER ing. Dr. H. M. WiI1ian~s, of Lebanon Mrs. Harold Graham ot thi s COLUMBUS-A. very remarka- 000 were printed. About 2,300 pl.ce, but formerly 01 Waynesville orizes the ann ouncement of ble piece of furnit.ure ha. beeD ..ta been dilpolled of throulh died at her home Tuesday 'morning for the Republican pl.ced in tbe reception room of the v.rlou. ch.nnels provid«!d by at 8 o'clock, COlroner of Warthe Department of PubUc the law, principally to lIlemben The Collett-McKay picnic will ren County subject to the primary State Department. Bullellnr· n ot the lerial.ture. ltbrari. and be held Saturday at the same place election of August 14, 1934. QualieOisi.tI of a large tabl, ltand American Leeton posta. Because Mr. and MH. E. B. D.kin, Mrs. ed for the office botih by education composed of thousand. of piecH of tile larp Dumber ,tUl on hand. W. W. Weleh and Mrs. Tom Welch and experienee, D r'. WiUiams reof w.lnut, white holly, mah~, it recently baa been eutGm.ry to .nd children were shoppin!!; in WiI- spectfully solicits ;your vote bu t and cherry, inS(!t In blocka aDd permit other military .nd p.triotlc minlton I••t Thunday afternoon. states that his proi'es ional duties strip", It waa both des\l1led .n4l o~nl..tlonl, luch Veterans 01 The Friends' MI.mi Quarterly wi11 prevent him ftlom making an by John Bernhardt; .n old Fore,-" War polta, SODI and meeting will be held .t Cae8al'$' extensive campaign. German patient o~ Loneview Hoa- Daupters of Union Veter.ns. [Creek this Saturday morning. Rev. ___ _ AI E pital, Clncmnati, in the Ihort AlIK!riean Red Crolla .nd school Folger of . Wilmington wiJI be the period of three months, Superin- librarie. to have the .ets on PILY' IIpeaker. Be leavell Wilmingto'n HAR.OLD D. (JiIlD) B L Y tendent E. A. Baber writes. This ment of poat.ale, amounting to church 800n t() go to Indianapolis We an authorizE:d to announce stand is .. part 01 furniture reo ,1.82, when the boob .re sent by as minilter there. the name of Harold D. (Jim) cently placed' in Director John mail. Theile and similar orrani..Tbe W. C. T_ U. will hold their of Franklin Township, as a McSweeney'. oftlc • . that w.. tlonl .re welcome to tile boob if county convention .t the Baptist for Counlty Commissionby state hospital inmate.. The let ordered thrqugh the aecr.tary 01 CbllJ'Ch in Franklin all day on AugsutlJe4:t to the Republk Priinclu~1 two wicker d....enport. atate 0' the .djut.aDt "Der~. uat 20. 'Milia Mary Irvin, the ltate .. l ....Unn_ August 14, 1934. and flve wicker chairs ..t the vice-president of the org.nisation Lima State Hospital, .nd • tlooked Up to lallt week only on. city WiU be the Ipe.ker for the NOTICE OF APf'OINTMENT aUk rug Toledo State Roe:- Ra~nna, h.d flIed protest aaainat day. She --will haVe just returne~ ___ _ the n.w rat. which the .tate Pllb- from Swed~n w!tere the World. E tate of Mary Woollard, depita). lle utillti. eomlDiulon ordered the ('onvention IS being beld. ceued . • - • Notice is hereby given that May . P.ul JIason, State Depart Ohio Bell T.U"iaQlle Compa~~ to ment of Health .ditor, h....eturn- ...... City Solicitor 'W'ud Sqer Miller whose Post Office Address 1S .d from a brief -.aeation .t Putr "preMnted eIlat eitYI be!,9re the Waynesville, ' 9hio, hal been duly in-Bay, where he inilpededStoae eomm....on .t Ii bearinc"'t week. I . . [.p:poillted I I Administratrix of the Biologieal Laboratory of Ohio ll. ch...... that the .n." rates .. Mr. ana. Mrs. Frank Le18t a~d of M.ry ~roollard late of state Univenity, ac.compani6d 11,. ftJUtd for all exchaDaea in Ohio are son, of Mi.milb1ll'&' are guesta In Warren County, Ohio, dec ased. E. H. Blnnl of ColumbUl. The too hfeh in the accrecate .nd do the H.rlan home. Dated this 26th day of July, tr.velera were especially interelt.- not man the reduction ordend bJ Mr••Dd Mrs. C. P. Nonie, 1984. . eel the work of M9or.1 IIt1JIIe..ta the commiaaion. Sapr aIact and Mrs. Willard Sebule, Mr.. and RALPH H. CAREY Judge of th<& Probate Court and uliatantl to tile director. JL chary" t!)at tile new rate. 'a.o1' Mrs. L. G. n.ines .re enjoylnl a Warren County, Ohio C. Osborn, who bave be.,. reclpl- Ke..~ U apiDat Raveno., IMina vacation in northern Michig.n. a18 ~. ents of lummer IChool Ic;1Io""'" lower althoqh the toWIl8 in praeIIr.•ad Iln. M. G. PhUlJp. and el,en by the Central 01110 A....... etiealJy all reapecia aN .pproxim· 10D, Xr. aIld Mrs. Raymond C.rr, NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT an~ Ituntel'll' Chab of COl_lUll, .tel,. aUk.. It baa developed that C. D. lIian .nd dalllfhters .re of wbich IIClUl'1. BiDnl .ad .....D thOle .zclaQPa whale rat.. World.'s vilitors this _ek. Eltate ot lAura E. Ward De.rl Eight of th... IIboiar WeJ'O protwted w.,. .,.nted reo Mr. and Mre. L. S. Holland .re ceased. shipe haVI been, .warded - o.e bate.. which run from 48 1-8 to .pendlD. the week In the home of Notice il hereby Iriven that Jamel . each ye• ..-nd BYI of the redpi- 100 per cent from the ortainal 'Mr. and Mrs. Lllther Hainee. Ward wh-ose Post Office addreBII is enta .re .t tile. Laborato2'J tht. amOllnt. eoUected in 42 ........ --= .. t bI! II III t h Harveysburg, Obi C), R. · R. No.1, year, all m.klna aood reeorda.n. from 1935 to 118•• It bppeDed ....n. &Alb lam~r,. er has b.e en dulyappcl>intedasexecutor , Anale,., · Clqb I. the onl, aporta- th.t. • prolllh'IDt cltiaeD of Xent bome in Soutb Burlington, of the E,q.te of Laura E. Ward m.n'. club in bfortll America pratelted ."IDii the old rates Friends Q1 Earl Holland Itave late of WarrenC,~u\'lty, Ohio, dewhich reaularl, m.... luch • ~OD- there, .nd' ailea relult that cit, wu le.rned ' of his mariage to Min ceased, ' trlbution to acienUftc edll.catlon I.. CNDted.. refund of ,87,88'1. The Emma Je.n Beckett.of Wayn esDated this 25th day of July, coneervation. ' total e~c'" ch~. . .ere held to vine, wblch ,occurred In Oovington, 198..4. b. ,12,16'1,878, of wbl,ch .,74', K,.~ July 22. DeaJ'l E. Stanley, Atty. Much sp.ce hi two of the .tote 541 was tor toU chaqe.. At tIM Mr. •nd K18. W. V. Lackey, , RALP1El H. CAREY rooms .ttaehed to the oIlce of hearina the telephone company Mrs. J~mes McIntire, Mra. A. W.' Judge of th~! Probate Court Seeretar), of State (Hoqe S. uted for a rebun... on VIll'louI' Dr. H~ven arid Mra. C. H. McKay a18 Warren County, Ohio II oecllJlled b, approldmat- crouad.. 1!ere Sunday gllests of the Reeves ••• ely 1,700 ..tII or 89,100 .ohnnnea ..", .I laten In Mason. of the Omeia! Rotter Ohio 801cUert · ProIraml elvi... the aelledule of 111111 Mildred Robinson 01 Day- DRIVING AUTOI~OBIL~ AT Ballors .nd Maria.. of the Worle! th. Ohio School of the Air from ton, .nd niece, Fawcett NIGHT DI~MANDS~ARE War ' of 1918-19-. Eaeb ..t 'eoDtaiDa ~ptember 17 to December 21, spent laat. ,week with C. V. Robin28 nluJM'. UDder the orlelnal 198', Iui.e be....nt eo the aehool. Ion, . the tl f B A survey ma!ie~ by the State . . 0 f th tate f law, .dopted M., 7, 1919, 10,0 0 0 e. . rom 0 ce 0 en Miall Mariama Peterson 0.1 Departtrlent in connecseta were .Iltl\oriled, but on1, ',- H. Darrow, dlreetor. There are DO Yellow Spaings is villitine re..tive~ Governo:r George White's

r 'a rm lYfI" h. t 7 ell,,8, A U"ust 13

George B. Johnson Recorder

I wi ~h tq take thl~ oPPol'tunity to t ha nk a ll thQS \\'hom 1 have caned on during th campa ign now closing fOl' tho pl e a~ a nt way in which 1 have WALDRON C. GILMOUR . bct:n received.' I deeply regret that lim e Waldron C. Gilmour announces his candidacy for 'oron er ub would not permit me to !:lee . : .. - eve r'Yone, as [ will always cher· !;ct JO t~ Ref'1:~lcllt9 3fnmary i h v I'y highly ' the mnny new ues ay, ugus , . aCQUaintances I have formed. FOR RECOflDER Thank You, George B. JOhnBOlll requests U9 CEORCE B. JOHNSON to annOUnce his (;andid,acy .for Warren Couhty Recorder subJect to the Republican Pd mar)" Augul!lt 14, 1934. Mr. Johmlon never beYour Support Will tore a candidate, is ably qualified Be Appreciated to fill the office and solicits your support.


011. hundred thou and f rmen eooperatlvely ma naged pro1"",,+1.," credit Ii soeiatic)ns in the 'l (I'W month ~. Thl' fllllt 8 I<I,eln · lion" have Ilfu"irlt>d ~I· (>.lil, thrClu!l'h the FeA, aOl ountinl( t \ III 111'C lhan

----------------~' I

To the Republican Votera WarreJi County

Experience Best Qualification


in 1930 and 1934


~. . .

... {



.. ~ ..

Per Capita (:01' 01 Slate GoverllmeD'

19JO 1934


• • • $13.81 - • • _ 7.92

WHIT2'S tCO.nomy helped

Vole tor



SberDlaa S. Deatoa Member Republican State Central Committee Experienced -

Qualified - Un.el6ah

Member Republican State Central Commithe 7th Congressional Diatrict

IX I SHERMAN S. DEATON Primary Election, August 14, 1934

Has contributed liberally of his time , and money toward party succe.L Your support will be apprecil(lted.

Prim.rla "'\I&WIt 14th

Deaton Campaign Committee, Harold W. Houston, Chairman UrbanQ, Ohio

IUIl.d b. lohn P School... Q "lrm,"

Whle. to. S. n". CoMmie,•• N.U H ou.. ColtJliIl.... ' . O hio

The Comfort and Conve~ieDce of Cool(ing with a

Modern EI otrie



CT Many of our custom ers ha v~ provided them Ives with th is ltiodt'rn AII· Porcelain Waldorf Electric R an ge through our N w R enta l P lan allQ-l~.-S(;l-g(;»l:~~~ml~~~+m~~-UlC-~I-_ _-.:...!...:Q ioy and satisfac tion th a t this up ·to. the · minute ran ge provides. It io no tonser necessary 'for you to sp end a large su m of money fot the PtU'chase of a n electric 'range arid another larce sum for its installa tion. All of this cost is covered b Y. ~ sma ll ffi')nt hJy payment of $1.50 or Sc a day. .

in Thom.s tbla C9mmunitJ· Ha,dock who haa beeD worldnc iJl the KroKer Store in bubeen ttanilferred to Spriqa. Ml1akmelons are on ole DOW,.t local patches, bere. • - • PRESERVE TREES ALONG HIc,HWAY is .A'SKED

u.. •

0..,. ~ board be , . .... to tile' tNt! whIa two Dalla Pel til. t .... wi... , . . . . . to ... 1D .......... tnewOl .... tone It oat __...-,_,..

* .,.... ~



A -- r1crn Electric Range is an economical. sale llnd on ti.ely Ct;';3;lC:a ~:o cookin~ applJanoe. Let our rural represcntative show you how little it cos t-s YO:1r neighbors to enJo7 lIlodwn Eiectric Cookillil. We knot'l and want you to I.'now. A SI{ HIM.

.T he·sister appliance to 'th e Electric Range is 1!he N eVI Au t o:n ntic Dayton Electric Water Heater-to have one in your home is tQ experience a freedom from hot ·water worne.1UCb _ . . you have not dreamed of before, You need ne\'er look a t it on e it is instolled. AaII our lit..... Rep2'esentative to ten you how economical, cl ean. dc:pc:\de 1<.' (lnd safe it --$'.7S ... month will connect it to your hot·w.. ter system.

The Dayton Power and LllJIII~,. o



Candidate for

.County TreaSUTe~


Louil l'ri kfY Mr. and M family att(lnd"u at Gt'ol·j,!"l.' town Little Betty ~Ill'nt SKtUl'c1ay

" HI-

Pink hJ~ can be 1ftaClto prod lice blue f10wen by addt. . lOme alum to the loil. " ('alllpb~lI her grandAII('n lIole.

and0 ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _", parl.'nts. PlIul Mr. W.hite O}UnlUU8 i --~ \'i itlng at the hOlne of his 'u ncle Subj rt to R }luhlicnn Ability lo p rfol'lll the dulil.'s of "nd Aunt, Mr. lind Mr '. Kesl r Primary 'r>h'. and Mrs. E. L. Thomas atAugll t U, 1.:J office ill fa t overcoming the pl·e· Graham. {A'nded th Brown-Thoma reunion judice among inwllig(tnt vot r to Mr. und MJ'l<. Frank milh and o on Sunday. _~~~~~~!!'!'~~~'!!!!!!!'" t.h officl'·hnld r "htl hus serv"d family Rp nt , unday \\ ith relllUv s one, l"o or rO~l\ib ly III {)I'e t e rms in in Dayton. Ml'R Ralph is enterthe posi~ion in "hich h~ may sliek All n Hole a~t,~ nc1ed t~e Cad ,I tal~i~g hel' niere, Miss 'Mary Reba k rl'-e lection, TahemRcle 8erVlel~ Elt Jndlanapoh~ t ' I SO li f Maso n th O . ,1 P •••• , itizens whu have the lnt r at \.U1day anQ also 1d~ ited hjs cousin l'plen ,0 , III we. of lht! ommunity at heart l'calize there. . Mr. Bnd Mrs . Morria Raper that th hig h sl. e111 ilmc y canno II'S. !I~/t)' Ti ~".Ji,e of Mi~dlt!town OilYtO il called at the home of Mr. b IIUllin'o ill Jnllny oftices until is sp ndlng thIS week wIth Mrs, and Mrs. W. O. Raper on Tuesday. t.he mun in chlll'ge hu~ had sum- B II Scott and 1'~milY. cient (' pel'i ' nee ' to di~chal'ge MI'. and frs . .~v(!retl Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Fulk~son ""'-''''''''''...~,-......'''''''''....''''....., -...". uu Lie ill n mllnnel' satisfactory to of H ~c he ~el', N. \'.. WCl'6 Monday celebrated their fir!lt wedding an· Saturd.,., AU8uat 11 its patrons and lh e county. evening dinner gut! ts of Mr. and nivel"lla.ry i.u Dal/'t0n on Sunday. BOB STEELE Often III \'Y is heard, "he ha Ml'S. Lowell Thoma and dau Mer, L (' Lemmon returned home on I.Je n in ollie laO many year, let Betty. in 'om one Il'sc have a cb!lnce at it." 1r. and Mrs. Therle Jones and Mouday dter spending one month Perhaps in II few scattered cases so n, Milton, attende4 a birthday at the Soldier Home hospital in If this may hold true' but for an in. rty f or the laltE!r'S grand·mot1!er Dayton. telJig!'nt vOler to' consider it n TI John at enterville Tht'i11. and Action. Also d Mi Ii Rose Mary Bentley visi . comedy lUrli\ IIY evening'. last week and until Tue day of point against the candidate i indeed folly. · Mr . . and Mr. Harvey Bu rne t, k' h 1 Sun. 4: MOJ). Au.uat 12.13 Will R. Lewi • V nnen county's MrR. Marga.t'et JI)hns and W~lter ;~e A;:~t n{e atives at Xeni and auditor wh Is seeking tll Be- Clark attended. the Republlcan KATHARINE HEPBURN .. . . . . . publicutioll nonlination and ubae- ~nlly at Cnte)<Vllle Snturday even MjsslIs Phyllis anel Janet Burnett in qUlilltly e lection to the tht! office I n g . . Of near L,ytle, are the gueatll 01 he now holds, is thoroughly CQnMr . !ohn ~Ill l ' turned to her tOOll' gTandparents, Mr. , and Mrs. Th nllwspaper's mission j$ v rsnnt with not only the dutle of home 1':1. R~chmond . Saturday, E. L. Thoma.. hi;; office bot with the PI' bll'nls of alter a VISIt With her chlldren, Mr. I one of enlightenment and each tb.e faYnJers and homeowners wh o lind :M:1'~. Seth Flirnns and family. 011 aturdllY W. E. O'Neall took man and woman in various . Master Ri.chnl'dl h~blker under the 101l0,,;ing ~Or8 fo~ II visit at pay the taxes. departm n Editorial, BusiAs a ·rl.'sult during his cun-ent II ent a ton811 op{leratlOn at Xenia the vyorld s Fall' In Chlca~o: Owen ne ,Typogl'aphic, PrE and term taxpayers of the country hospital Thursda.y and abo had Hartsock, Billie Moss, David Boger Circulatlon- ls helping us all w r ngl:e ably surprised when tl,!,eral,teeth e)\:~ra~ted. He is Bernard, MeUoh, Leo Conner and enjQY the advantage of the I ubstantial reductions were order. dOUlg file Iy at thl time. Hugb O.Neall. They are expected present as we plan for hap.._~~~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.", ed, making it asier for them to Mr. nnd Mr8• .Allul Emrick, Mr!\ home thIS (Thunday) evening. pine 8 of the future. ~~~~~!ii!i!!~~~~~~ meet th it· tax obligations in face Margal'et. Johns lind. Mrs. M~rtha MI'. and Mrs. harle F, Moaher of r~duced incomes. Hough were entertamed at dJllner y White Rose- Power be- ·'Billy" Lewis i kn WI\ favorably ~ u.nda at the hom" of Dr. and o~eirCi~~~~~~ti: :::~:P~::~e ~~ - Poll Ural Adv to people in all ections in Warren Ml . J. W. Ward neal' Harveys- Wayne.svill e and Charles Hartsock hi n d the enl t ne. county as a public officer who hIlS burg. . . # Milt 1\1 d r Willte K k d o~ ord are making a leilurely "",!!~~~_ _~_"'!'".....~~!!! tb ir interests at heart, and should r. an . 1'8. r enrlc an motor trip through the East and ;:: r ceive the on ideration of R~- ~ame. HllInes WElre und y e ven- ' lI d IlIIIii..__...._-~-..- -...IIIIIi................. . "..O~ ~ 19 Subscribe for The Miami Gazette publicans when they go to the Ing dlllner g~ests. of Mr. and Mrs. WI pen some. time at Belgrad41 W AY NESVILLE, O HIO polls Augu t 14. Thoma Collin, In Dayton. Lake, Maine before returning !!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!'!!~~!!'!' - ~-~!!..~!!....!!!!~..!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!! _ _ _ .. _ _ M.1". and ~l"S. W. F. Clark, at horne. Waynesville WI re Wedne. day Mjss Gwen Evans of Philadelphia guests of Mrs. Mary Carmony. is spending thilf week at the , • Dr. and Mrs. Ern st Rosnagle 'Friends Home and will remaiD .for . daughters, of London. MT. Yenrly Meeting which will open , ~~Ierle JOlle ~ attended the XenIa childl.'en were dinner guests Sun Saturday and continue until Thufl! Fall Thur day. day of Mr. and Mr. Harvey day of the following week A [~s . harles lark pent . atur. Burnet. Miss Mart.ha, who bal! l1umber of other persons ar~ ex. Doctor and health authonties agree that the day m Dayton. . be n vi iting here., returned home p cted to arrive with!!) the next funeral director is on of the most important workers Ml·s. 'Marg~ret Johns \Va a dlO- with her parent!!. lew days for t~e meeting. ner gue~t Fuday at the home of Mrs. Mary Carmony, M1:io in the cause of di$ea~e prevention. Mr. lind MTS. Kenn th Sough. Alice Clark, MI·S . Margaret John!' Mr. and Mrs. Erne t Hartsock Mr. Alice Miller spent · last Mr. and Mr . Wa,lter Kenrick and an~ family have removed their reSanitary science ha contributed much to the week with I' lathes in Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. James Johns attend . sidfnee from Middletown to their profession. Today every possibl pr caution is taken Mrs. J . B. Jones returned Mon· I'd the burial I~f ?lorrs. Bertha home on rout '73. Mr. and Mrs. to prevel1t the spread of disease to living persons. day evening after spending several Woolley of l/ayton at Miami Irvi., 1tfulford who occupied the days with her brother and wife, cemetery Mond~,y ~f ernoon. .Bad such care be n emp loyed centui'jes ago, ma ny Hartsock house have moved tQ the M.'. and Mrs. Bernie Dill at ClayLittle Betty ~rhomas, Richard Whetzel property on North stl'eet. of the terribl'e plagu that swapt throughout theton, Ohio. and FMncis Whibker attended a M iss Emma Reighway en~r. world migbt never have happened. Mrs. . . Sweetman and chil- bh·thday party fot' Phyllis Jean dren of Dayton pent last week Howland, In honor of her 7th tained at luncheon for the pleallThis organization i ' pal1.icularly cientific in its with h er parents , Mr. and Mrs. birthday at her h.ome in Soutlwlrn ure of her guest Mrs. Clifl'ord Ridge of Chicago, lut Tuesda},. methods. We ar aware of our respOD ible po ition ~!!!!!~~~~~~~I!'!~~ Hills, Wednesda,y. aftemoon of Those present 'were Mrs. Editll OU'LL b. inspired by Ohio'. last wee~ Phyllis Jean accompanas guardians of public health. glori.. in agriculture, industry and ied little Betty hOble tot' the reo Harris. MTS. W. H. Allen, Neyer before such intered. Frank Taylor, !4r11. Anna Cadwallmaindel' ot the week VOT·E FOR ader and MiS/J Clara Lile. i"9, tiducetiOft.1 exhibits, luch . nloyHarvey Burnet, .in company abl. entertainment . Come to Ohio'. with Mr8. Mabe'l Dinwiddie, Mr. and Mrs, Roe Dinwiddie and Miss 182 'MilliC!R, u. D •• tIl B••• it. grMtest State Sarah Burnet of Dayton, left E ARL .R . BANEFELD, Wednesday mOTI~ing for a motor Ohio ben~ficr.ries 01' life jnllul'- Dinetor of Akriculture trip to the weel;, St. Louis and anee polieies were paid ,182,000 ,CANDIDATE FOR CHARLES )(. B EER, other points of ilntereet. Will a110 000 in 1933. The st ate's total. Fair Maul er visit their brother and w!.fe, Mr. howe9"er, represented a drop of W.~D and Mrs. Whittil!r Burnet al; Sey- ,10,500,000 compared with paySubject to Republican mour, Mo .• bet~lre their r etu,m. ments in 1982 .. Primary, AUgll&t lil, 193\\


xC. Donald Dilatush

T ..I.s Theater

W ayae.v IIIe, 0 •

.. Respectfully solicits your

support to the office of

Hidden Valley"

Prosecuting Attorney


10e Eve r ubody

...., .....



Primary Augult 14, 1934

3iuz.eJud 7JiNdot


Lytl e

A Public He'alth Guardian



IXI~r. H~ M. Williams I



White Rose, the dependable Gasoline.

To The 'Republican Voters' of Warren County ,


My Quali6cationl For Office Of County Commis.ioner la93-Born in Williams County, Ohio. The son of Rev. David H. Bailey. D. D., minister a nd la.lId owner. ~1899-Attended P ublic Schools. Grad,uated from t he Bellefontaine, Ohio,.

High Scbool in 1912.



••YIU'; 011.0

Pia. . . 7

·Come see·the tire that's the '.talk of America!' .' Announced in April, it'a goma etronaer than ever 1ft Au&uat-thla sensational new "G-3" Goodyear All· Weather. The word', out-spread by "G-3" uenthat U'a even better than we advertlae. They .y ..~ more lllon-skid. mil",e"i. too modest. They _, ita greater Center Traction "'ips 80 much bettet-etope care Sit) much quickei-there'e no ·compari80:a1' with other tites. Ail which's sweet mUllc--and make. our sales zoom! Take a few minutes-come see 'What It'. aU ·about. You'n ~ wen re~ld! '




..... ' .-<.. .

1916-Graduated from Ohio Northern University. 1917-Principal of High Se,hool at Maumee, Ohio. Resigned that position to enlist as private in t h e United States Army_ Selected as a candidate for Officers' Training . Corps at Fort Benjamin . Harrison. R eceived rank of First LJeutenant at Fort Benjamin Harrison ~ Sent to France t o serve, u:ntil t he conclusion of the War.



1919-Honorably discharged from t b e U. S. Army as 1st Ljeutenant.


1920-Principal of High Sc hool at K enton Ohio. 1921-Marl'ied to Macella J oh nson, of Lebanon, Ohio. Moved int o W a rren ounty whet'e I own and operate a 120-acl'e farm in Frank lin Township. . 1933-Elected Trustee by the largest vote ever given a candidate for Township Trustee in Franklin Township.


4 .... 11




'D. ".lilli"


TOII&h thick ~c Tnetlon Tr.cI. Built with Supertw", Cord. Full Ovenlae. LifetIme G....... tu.




o ......'... -'n ......1Ion. 11ft _ I I .....


~.c.......jee. Ie

c................ -'ca .......... II aft'............

No ,ExUa COif! Flatter. wid~ AIlWeather Tread. More Treet1on(16CJ'morenon• kid b 1 0 c: "It • ) •


Ita DOUI"&

YII~ ••A"1I&



,.~ In, t4-.rela. 2. ~t1J

Heavier Tou.ber

Tread. Supertwllt .ec~' lor llte. Cord Body and t3CJ' L.::....--~--:r More Mil. of RIAL Non.SkId,



EightY-Sixth Year



Whole Number 6181



Few Upsets Provided In County Primary



The uililiarried members of the Grange will put on the program this Saturday night. August 18, with irginia Hardin chairman f thE! com mittee consisting of Jllmes Unofficial tabulation gives the and Kath erine Gibbons. Republican vote in Wayne Township a follows: For Goywnor N SNWSW E 92 66 78 40 56 Brown 1 1 ================~r===~~==-=~======= ========= _:. ~~=-,===== Elden Haigler L 1 1 WINS NOMINATION 1 1 Harrison 1 HiJI ...... 1 2 1 3 . 2 =--~ Morgan 3 1 Sparks Mr. and Mr'!!. Walter Baker 1 2 visited th ir daughtet lind ~o n-inlaw at Xenia on Sunday. Lieutelant Go.,ennor (OFFICI AL) 10 13 11; 7 7 Me ·S I·S. Clifford BU 2:ick and .. . . 22 22 21 10 12 Ralph Smith spent Monda y fi hing For Govel'nor " ...... , . 1 11 12 7 9 near Chillicothe, Ohio. W.ldl'oD Cilmoll.l' Elimin.ted From Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Beck were Clarence J. Brown .. ' "'' .. 23 16 23 6 18 villitorl Jlt Cincinnati on Monday. John A. Elden Mr. and MI·s. Edwin Barker of Noyen.... R.~ce ; VotiD, .... d 'u W B S ' Charle E. Hal'trler ' For S.cretary of St.te Vincent, d Mr. and Ml's. ... r. an .lUrs. • . qUlles .. . .. .. . . R M' Ky., visit I t Fr'd .. Ii....,. S . Braden .. SO 1& 31 5 18 o,y alnou s as . IllY· were guests of friends at abina .Frank G. H al"rISOIl on Sunday WI'III'am I" H,'II Emmons ... ,.. .. .. 4 6 5 S 2 M' D ' H d f C' ....ollin" ."','S6 votes l'n W < > r r e n ' Daniel E .... M:organ· ... ...... . .. Hummel .... .. .... 4 12 10 6 12 IS!! orIS e)J eraon 0 tnr .. ".. ..... M;r. George Mills is confined to C N 1 . S k ,.. ... ........ . Scott .... . 98 27 25 13 17 ci~lDati is sp.endlng this week with co"nty against approximately", . e son par 5 ... ..... .. MI'. 'and Mrs. L. M. Henderson. ti electorll' ,his home tbis week because of 922 f th ,D m R bOIIl' e t e ?crla tCT d Y'B' illne88 For L.· -·te--nt Goy_or For Treaaurer of Stat.. M d M M d W It cpu can vo era 1n as u a a • ~- ~ • r_ an rs. aynar e Z P r imary election, gave Clarence Charles Ander on Jr., is visiting Wm. F. Jones .... ,... . Day .. 70 51 59 27 40 are announcing tlie birth of a son, J. Brown, candidate tor governor, relatives at Spring Valley this George E. Turner .. . . ... Hanfo.rd ... ..... 7 8 13 5 4 Don Edwin, on Tuesday night. a hUie vote of 4,530, official totali week Charles A. Bl'ach e~ ·.. ..... . 56 in the county r e v e a l e d . ' Paul M. Herbert ...... ........ 1,909 For Attorae,. C.n....t Mr. and Mrs. John Werner of ..." ' ''h Mr Br'cke r cw upse t were pr 0VI' d ed In ~ e . • and Mrs, E . C . Crane and I r .. .... ...... 69 4.7 61 22 37 Da.yte>IJ called at the home of Mr. For Secretary or State CLARENCE ,1. BROWN and Mrs. W. O. Raper on Sunday. final re ulta. Voting in the county two children visited friends at was heavy. . Dayton on Sunday. Edward J . Hummel ....... , 466 FOl'mer Secretal'Y of State Clar For United Stat... Sea.tor MI'. and Mrs_ Morris Fulkersqn Arthu]' Hamilton, h'cumbent and Mi-~s Trl'llena and Mar"'aret Milton J. Scott . .. . , ..... 1,955 Coxey ....... ,... : .. , 1 3 4 1 5 a, ,',ended ~ reunl-on of the Fulker"are " ". 002 ence J . .nQtrlinatiolil Brown wins by the gubernaF 775 5 1 58 28 cand Id ate for t h R epu bl'lc~n re- Edwards visiting at the Geo. C. BrEaden ........ 1'3· 8 " torial n large Lessb .. .... . ...... 3 40· 8 son family- at MUllcie. Indiana, on nom i nation fOr representatIve to World's Fair In Chlcago_ Ralph W. mmon .... II. am '" '.' ... ".... . unday 2. 4 the ieneral assembly had a 1,400 majority. Vorys ..... ..... 5 3 3 2 2 ' lead over hill opponent T. C. MTs.. C. W. Henderson spent For T......urer of St•.'te ,wanamaker ....... 1 2 11 4 8 fessrs Alfred and Elliott Wright (Tony) Patterson, tbe official vote last week in Dayton the guest of Harry . Day .... 3,487 W6l'e called liere Wednesday night ILewls A. Hanfol'd ............. 607 For CODI...... m,an .t Lar.. by the death of their father, Dr. being 3,084 fOI Hamilton and her SOn Donald and family_




1'~:r!lJ ~;tte(jr!')



BaUey, of Hr. aDd Mrs. A. O. Griffy spent I Franklin township, was the Re- Sunday at tlle home of Mr. and For Atterne,. Ge....r. Publican's choice fol' nomination lUI Mrs. Darrel Br-.kefteld Oat Sabina. John W. Bricker . . .. , . 3,074 county commiBBioner, Mr. Balley Mr. and Mrs. Windell Deere and polled approximately twice as Jean, of Franklin, For Uait... Sta~.. SeDator323

~:~~sv~~e~t:o~is :~o o:::t~en~:


}!~~~rS~' !!~~~:.,



Benlier ..... ... 8 a Conrad .... .. ........ . 1 ~ 3 Harding ...... ". ·65 ·47 Hoover .... .. ...... 8 6 J eWreys .. , .. ... ... 15. 8 Karger ... , .... ... 1 1

171 WA:NE~VI~L~i~~' tE./~URCH ~~~:~I~ ~ . "':.'.'.': .' 2~






SABINA BY ' 5 TO 1 SCORE LAST SUNDAY Sabina Will PI.,. He,.. N.d '_0 day Au,uat Nin.t_tll The Waynesville Metch/lnta were defeated by Sabina ·at. Sabina by t he score of 5 to 1 last Sunday in a nicely played b1)t unfoTtunat. game for the Merchants. EUia went the full route for the Merchants and pitched a game of ban that should have been won as be only allowed 6 hits and one b•• on balls. That is a nice K~me of ball tor any pitchers system but the brakes were against him and the . It ish my h Merchants b ......11 opinion' t rat t e reason sue gam•• a. e lost is because the""Merchant. inability to hit with men on bue.. The pitching fol' Sabina wa. most o'rdlnary yet 10 of the Merchants were fanned, and Borne of these trike outs happened with men in position to score. 1 am not trying to ride the boys but it tl true that heir hitting strentrth ia not up to form and especially in . d• the pinches when hits are neede This weakn~8s mUlt be overcome to lIome extent or other games wl\1 go the route- The ft.eldlni of th e Mercdan'~hwas h t 11 an d Ist1u!luab"t ve.ry goo Wlu one excep on u fielding alone will not win ball games. It take runs Bnd the.e boys m~st hit If they e:llpeat to cont.lnue Winning.

ftr~h:he~(!~~~:~ns~~l'e:be IDpm~

3 A. T. Wright. 3 Mrs. Marne Hatfield and !on, Mendy first man u.p drew abue on 40 21 28 Walker, sp(1nt Tuesday and Wed- boys and advanced to second 011 7 8 10 h I t II d 18 4 9 neada)' in Chillicothe. tb guests of T ompson'l! sinw e. (lons 0 ow. 1 Ml's. C. C. Watkins. . ;ith a ~ice single dhic~h scored

I: 2~ "1! 1:

m:~~Ythi;d~nd~h~: .ttem::~I:

with Dr. days er•. ::::" ., .:Vii s Lucille May Graver of McClure. Simeon D. Fess .,... ...... 3.576 ev_.. 16r. as or a~'de P8J'k, Cincinnati was the make the plate while Sabin. . . .eIn the race for nomination as Mr_ Ralph Watson, of Dayton Edward Lamb 170 Friday: On Friday of this week Fer J~. of the Supr_ Court guest of Mrs. Maude Crane and ond baseman had tlae ball but sheriII', WiJJiam HuWord, wu and Mr. Loren Reason visited at John M. Vory 152 tb re will be a meetinl:r 'of the daugbters over the week-end. was thrown out at the plate. Peek riven a total of 8,037 votes aa'ailUlt Toledo and the . Great Lakes last Ladies Aid at the Church at 7 :30 (Unexpired term ending Decemand LaUltenS faDned endi", the inFor mb at Larre p. m. There is so:me very imporber 31, 1934) A number of friends of Mrs. ninK'. rn the feuTtb tbe Merchant. his opponent Charles E. Ellis, of week. Lebanon, who poll d 1,894 votes in Mr. 8l1d lIrs. L e MOlTie of E. C. Lampson .. ., 134 tant bu ines to be .cahred forhat Fgetllt·ger ...... ., .. , A75 2141 395 172 2 85 Ab.mrtJlhnda .Maffit rem 'tmhbered A~rder hGad splan.ddid . 0hPport~j.ty I Wh.~ the official tabulation. L. L. Mal'shall .. ... ... 1,189 this meeting and it 19 ope d t at. 0.1' ....... .. ........ .. I a n n~versaTy WI a.... • ens opene Wit a II~ e an. Waldron C. Gilmour. Warren Darton surprised Mrs. Amanda George H. Bender . •.. 364 all of t~e m~mb4!n will .a ttend, Liggett .., ......... 88 29 33 9 22 shower On Tue day. mad econd when Wical threw county's coroner, wu eliminated On unelay by bringing her a nice J. F. CElnrad . .. .... 274 who pOSSIbly can. Nickas' ............. 13 14 20 2 6 d M I I low to ftl'lt in a. att,mpt ~o catch from ~he November ra e wben lie birthday dinner. Juetin W. Harding ..... .. _ ..... 3,090 unday: ~und8Y 8c~ool at 9:30 Mr. an r8. G enn B and ~nd him. Peck grOUDded out to ArR wal defeated by Dr. Herschel Mr. and Mrs. 'ames Babb of M. Herbert Hoover ........ .. .... 5'0 a_ m. Mornmg w(],n hlp at 10 :3~. For u.J~.e of tile Supreme Court daughter,. Barbara Lou, of SprlDB- nnd Gon. made third on the pla, WllliaD18, of Lebanon who aecur- Dayton and Mr. and Mr8. H. C. Raymond J. Jeft'reY$ ......... 269 The Communion of the Lord I (Unexpired term ending D cem- bOlro Were su pper guest. Of. Mr. and stood there while Laurena alid ber 81, 1936) ami Mrs. J. B._ Cons Sunday even- ·Hartsoc\( tanned. In the seventb ed 2,520 votf!l arainst 2.136 tor Coleman IJ f Norwood caUed at the Alfred G. Karger ... .. .. . "., 813 Supper wiJI be 0lbserved at this the ptesent office holder. home of Mr. and Mrs. D_ L. serviee. Epworth ,League at 7:00 Boyd .............. 30 19 80 17 1 6 inir· HattsocK alnKled with one 8OD•• Allen Huft'man, county recorder Crane Sunday afternoon. For J.d,e of til. S C rt p. JT4 with Charl,~!! Whitaker as Williams " .... ,. S8 84 317 14 24 :Rev. Bert Op er, for many years stole lIecond and ltood ·there to apin won the nomination tor ou leader. Evangelistic service at 8 . anissiull1n~y tc:r-tndla and a. tormer .vatch B. Weller and M. Well.r county recorder, when he scored a Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis, nea (Unexpired Term Ending Decem- p. m. The sermon subject will be, FOI' Judi. of ·tIa. Suprem. Co.u rt school mafe of Rev. G. C. Dibert fan out. In the eltrbth Ellis doublber 31, 1984) I'What Manner of Man?" (.Full term) was the supper guest at the bome ed with none rone, went to third decisive victory over George B. Ruth COOK, .are receivilll conJohnson, who abo sought the Re- rntulaUons on th~ birth of a 10- Willia g. ~iggett ........ ... 1,914 You are cordially invited to at· D 65 29 38 15 19 of the latter on Monday. on Mendys grouneler to the pitcher P ublican 11Ominatlon. The vote "aa pound baby girl, Judith Ann, on Andrew . Nlcku ..... .... ... 598 tend any 0'1' aU of these meetings. Gay .... ........ ..... "2 0 and died there while TbomplOll ger F J 885 eiger .... .... . 51 .,4 4 182 d M W ~1. t T ' ,. ons '"'ound Huffman, 2.768; Johnson 1,626. Wednesday. o~ em . ... .. . . H I 16 . 0 21 6 I' rl!. .....8 er Inney flied shOTt to left and ... M r. an W Iii m Ha~t 2 368 0 mes ,. .. ..... .. 1 .. d f '1 '11 I th ft t f 1 • Will R. Lewis, county auditor, I a .... • .. .. .. . .. , J 11 3 9 6 1 5 an amI Y WI eav; e 1'8 0 ed out to third. Again in tbe. -lIinth defeated hil .pponent, Nelson F I. .. f .L_ "'_ C L.t WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF '.. : :.::::.:::.' 16 12 19 14 9 hloOmriedafowl'htehree Peck opened Withh a Singlet' LaurWiI$on. ot Kingll Mills. the vote ... . . . . . or JU••• 0 ..... '""pre... OUr CHR1ST .• " ens followed wit a slnwe, Peek being 8,363 tor Lewis against Mn. B.e E. Pat~en of Vtrglnta were (Unexpired Term Ending Decem(Undenominational) For Repr."Dtatiy. winter. stopping at seCORd. Both advanced the 8'U ta of lin. Mary Burton ber 3 1 1936) when Hartsock grounde4 out to 1 386 Wileon. ' R epu bllcan . cand'" . the p·-t 'few days. . CI-lnton D. B oyd'...... ,............. 2108 Chester A. WillI.maon, were tLl Ivat es W h0 , . Mlnl.ter Marshall ·.., .,.. .... .. 76 67 64 33 43 'Mr. andh Mrs. Irving L t Welch bi thd n ' rd and both d,'ed on second and . d th e f .' ChurchSunper School at a. m. F J d a!Jlong 1n .t ehonor gueljt;8 ay third respectively 8S Treadw..... lIr. i and ¥rs. R Harold William- oy H . w'n' 1 lams ..... .. ........... 1570 , Lord's a' t 9 :80 conclusion. f'o. C f A I dll~neJ:' of a 1;Jra Wr W ' W'lre un.oppo..d recelVe a ~. lowing vote: to~ Clerk of courta, son and little 80n, Dick, were ca11" o r u,e 0 Ule ourt 0 ppe. a . .' . . fanned and M. WeHer hit an e.., Clyde C. Collins, 3,666; for county en.t the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. For J.d,. of the Su.prem. Court Christian Endeavor at 6:46 p. m. Hamilton ............ 81 53 70 30 47 W~Ch glven by Mrs. Welch on groun4er to second. That teU. the surveyor, D. H enkle, 3,763; H. Williamson and family on Sun(Full Term) Evenine evan&:elistic service at Su day. Merchants story. for county treasurer. Ro.. H. day· 212 7 :45 p. m. Sermon subject, "Why For .....h.r of State CeDtral ComDr. and ~bll. S. S. Stahl and Sabina scored three in the third. Hartsock 3489 • Earl R. Lewis .................... 1. . Must Jellus Di~ on the CroBB'l)' mitt .., MaD MIi'. and Mrs. Oscar Hilton of Pow ers on first hit by a pitched The la~~t ~ajority of the canRev. G. C. Dibert and Arthur H. Da.y ................. . ... 2,069 Pray~r meeting B.nd Bible Study Franklin were Sunday dinner ball and was caught at seeolld 011 dldates who h"d opposition wa. tamil}' retum.d home last Thurl- Frank W. Geiger ........ .. ...... 2.043 at 7:45 p. m. each Wednesd.y. Deaton .... ... ,..... 54 4] 47 21 24 gue ~ of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Zurfaces' grounder, Sudace beiq secured by Pro••cutinlr Attorney day after a vi,it of two weeks with Harry B. Holmes ...... ............ 657 Th e churcb where you feel at. Howard ............ 19 19 23 11 24 Allen and Miss Olive. safe at first. Ohitty single4, Z.rDonald Dilatuab, who polled a relatives at Macomb, and Lab- Harry W. Jewell ...... ..... :..... '51 home. face stopplhi' at !lecond. Da.,ia total of 15,678 ~otea ...I.,st hla aide, Ohio. ___ 'M, RAil 'Mrs. E .. rl Ki",berl to third . and Noon hit .. a pohent William E Ho·er l F~r R.p ... _ .. ti.... to C. __ .. , Wom-and children and M'r. Jack Wi!. home run scoring botb TU n ' ; -.. .Com-I'tt tied total ' f i . , Hr: and Mt'II .. Edpr Benan re- L. ·T. Marshall 1•.•• ,': ...... , .. : .... 8i72. FERRY CHURCIII OF CHRIST SOl\. of P·.·anklin called at the home In the sixth 8. Weller .';;;i~d . a In n th~ a Demoerat.·ranka 0 , . . .t h ~ only Jlo' tutned tbeir' home ' Detroitt (Undenpmi'u tional) GeJ>liy .. .. :........... ,62 44 61 22 33, of Mr. and Mrs . Ray l\fainops on Noons /iv.,. to eenter and NOOD n dav tomornint . ·f tel' .ain plea.n· - contest, that of t~e nomination for vfs1t ~th, t be tormer's mother For. M~"" of Stat. CeDtr~1 Chester A. WiIliamloD For. Sl.te Sen.lor Sunday. Bcorded the hb.~11 WI as blOlt ill tit. she.rlff, resulte~ . In \'ictory for a )Ira ·lulla Bergan and his brother Co .....ittee, Mu Un ified service beginning with .. 13 17 22 ]0 Members ot; th Wayn town- wee ~ . 01' aw I e. n t e leVellth Wayne township' candidate, Rob- J • Bellan ' Sherman ' S. Deaton .: ......... 2.368 Chul'ch School ILt 9 :30 a. m. Martin .... "...... 28 ship Farmer's club attended a R. :nmt safe when K, WeOer ert J. Baker who polled 930 votea a m e . . Raymond B. Howard .... ,....... 1,421 Lord's Supper a nd sermon at M lller ...... ........ . 63 35 46 22 union meeting of the Fran. klin, dr?pped hiS bunt, with one. doW'll, again_t 760 for Fite and .28 lor Mila ' .Myrtle Miller, trained 10 :30. Sermon subject, . "Shall we . Lebanon and Wayne township Flint went to third. al Wieal . 'Persley, according to UDOtllC". nurae. of Sidney, Ohio and alllter of For Memb.r of St.te c..t.... Know Each Other in Heaven'!" For Rep. \0 Gea . A ••emhl,. Farmepls club at Sharo n Park to- g.rounded o~t to E.I118, SUl'faee tablliations. Kra_ CDfford BUJllek baa come to WOlD.. You are always '~elcome at this Hamilton .t . . . . . . . . . 67 51 59 28 39 do. ~mgled scoring H. Fhnt_ The teorJ. C. Hawke, Wa)'ne tOW1Julp'. care of Donald and Shirley b 2 992 church: Patterson ...... ..... 26 13 29 14' 22 y. mg was. ended tor the day and it Republican candidate for county who bad their tonlils .re- Laura Dow Gilb y ......... ...... , . Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke had was a nICe game to lIee any wa}'. central committee polled a total of on WedneHaY morninw. For S..t. s...tcw ---Fot' COllat, SUn'e"or as dinner guests on Suni"y Mr. Next Sunday the Merchan~ w.ill 284 vote.. . , ST. AUGUSTI'~E CHV~CH and Mrs. Carl Hawke an!l alt. meet the same team On the bo... Chari.. 1. Waaronel', ehairman Mr. ·and Mt'II. Ern..t , K1lburn, Louis A. 'M artin , ....... " ... ' . .. 1,074. Father Newt.on, Pastor He,nkle ............ ,. 82 82 75 8a 54 Ral)' Baw"e. of '" Dayton, Mrs. r,ounde and we hOpe, to lee • of ' Warren eounty's Republican nee Be..l, Woollard. are annOUM- J. Lowry Mlller .." ..... ,......... ,2,650 Male at St. AUlru.tine'l Church RSllpb Vance on'd sori, Junior, of diWerent result. central committe. who WU op.. jne the birth of a ntDe and on..half • - .. every second and fourth SUfiday For Clerk of COllrta Pleasant Plain, Mr. and Mrs. John Come out and· w.tch the Merehp'o led in Turtleer~.k toW1ll1aip by pouJ)d ball,·daui'bter, . Nellie XatbWri~ht f the month. Collin~ ..... ..... .. ,.. 66 5.2 68 39 46 Fromm a,nd Mr. and Mrs. Lee ants serap for this came. Guy Thompson, Icored a deelltw, 1'Jl1, lui, 2 8 . . HlLwke.

W~rh·l·nagtnd,nHraD·· I Wc·r~:. BM~wna~~


tthh~ywweel'lkl fnOlarkMejta~eil'~ L



Dr. A.. T. I. Called By Death

- _.-

vtctOl'J over hla opponent by IKlu Luella WUllamaon in comFor COIIDt,. ComlDi..ioaar D better than a t'w°1~~n; mwP • pan,'With ber brother-in-law ud FRIENDS MEETING Bailey ............. .. ., 45 40 59 24 28 the vote db:':I,t, Tb O;ton &I,. slster, IIr. ud lira. Paul Hauk of WleI.l, 'KDO_ w_, PIa,.I. Firllt-day Sehoo,l at 9 :80 il. m. McClure ....... ,.. 80 19 14 14 .12 go~erE~n"Niek" ~ROY~':f Fr~nk- PiquatM left On lIon4ay 1'IlomlnK to ' .claD DiM Wad••ada7 at Meeting fttf Worship at 10:30 Nixon .. .. ,........... 12 7 18 6 16 Itn town.hip~ lCored a victol'J over vtChlslt Century ~f PrOlP'fl ....t R~ida.c:e m. . his opponen~ Harold 1IartII, In .. cap. ," . .. - . -Fot' C... Ilt7 AlIdltor 'Close niarain of 118 to .,1. · ~.. BeUe O'Neall bad u d"ner D.~.•A. T. WrIght, ai, ~eteran FAREWE':IL PICNIC Lewis .... .. ........ 62 49 73 28 89 Ed. 1(~'llbaDer, . defeated gueata on lutThunday,lira.. VI. phYSICian. who bad practIced in ____ Wilson .. .. : .... . .... 26 13 16 8 20 H '1' Wa v n .... V1l1e for the last 30 yeat's . Walter SJ1leI4e in am) tOn town· E. O'Neall and dau,ht~, Kiss . ' -,.. . . h . Several relatives apd friends of F Co R d . , hip by' 29 to 63. . . Abila, of Otlando, Fla., Mrs. Frank dIed Wedne~ay at 6 ~. m ia · . . I ' or . unt,. ecor er Othu committeemen nl)minated ProDer and daupter, . Marjorie home on ~.In street, ~fUowlnr an Mr. and Mrs. Edl!t~JI ~ergan p an- Huffman ............ 60 38 61 17 44 but notoPPoled wer&: W. C. Btith and Ilr. Fl'ankO'Neall of llIneH w~lch had extenaed over. tbe ned a farewell JI1CntC for them Johnson ....... 40 24 21 11 13 ~~, D Clrf\eaJ'lcdree..kj WJoaeHJlh L.d qolumbua. . P88';h!w:O:e:r:rosiah and Emily Sund~y evening. The hPichnic wafS T --..., • O'WAr, . Tb W . h D w · ht held in the grove at t e orne 0 For Co_t, r ••• unr 1kr1_.. eeC eE j 'Hamer Salem ' omu rig t, r. rl, WIUI . 6 8 38 57 .JIari;baboi-bei llaule; Do V.~ Kener. aative of Sprinrboro, Ohio lam.e. Bergan and t~e following Ha~ck .. .... .... 91 6 6 Meter, Union; Fred Rueme,.r. Howard L. McGuinn 'Won a place eame hel'e tn 1905. famIlies weTe preaent. For SIa.ri. W ..hlnetoD and J. C. Hawte, on the DemOCl'atlc committee over known in thia and .Iurrollndlnlr Mr. and Mra. Edgar Berran, Wayne. lira. Cora Tho.peon by • .,ote of communltiel, Dr. Wnght w.. an Mrs. Anna Gibbl)fts and family, Ellis ... .... ... ..... . 62 42 , A. .plrlted 1Ft lill to 1'1. III Deedald townabip aft'able and keen·minded pntleman ·B t H rt k d family Ilra_ Huffor.d " ........ .. 35 80 61 ~8 • v .... _ IW.,- __ .a 11 .. well an an able pbyalclan. .r a soc an , D .moq over O." - • \'Ott YOD ' ' --'~.. b two to n., ' WiDifred Muon anel dau,ht.e, trol ofthe the .mOcra CDlU1t,..._cntnl 00. ofover 111· to-118.• B'. • ...u....~_ . y . aatttH, "hd Ion Btaler. of Al1tert Ilnel wo. oYer 110, II. prot........ ,t he Ohio Stat.erMllclrtld of Mr. and Mra.. I'nnkJin towIllillp elldeavored to Coo.... III O"'OD II, a UDlveriit, at Co11Ullbui 8Ild IClliott Orvill• !l'1Iftta, and lin. out frOm tM . . . . .'" til. Yet. f4 II. to 111. Ken. RoO of Detroit. BII wU~ ..... Doaald of Xenia, FIord .....0 Bo&cI.eD ......L . of _lIP' tawuldp defeated .11 aed•• kim la death I ~ -.0. B. of Darton For Ccc_ lea ., 1'1 YO* fnaa oppoaem ,.... P. b, 1...,.. aIIten. lID. aDd cia.! Gilmour 48 88 89 20 CuI "clller, dte ,... of lU to II. ... BamIkIm K4Inv of Ceetenm., ~ liar' rl. Dayton ..... WUUaIu ......... 10 8. 62 18 89






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II "

Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Hartsock and WAYNESVILLE MERCHANTS daughter enj9yed Tuesday evenAB R B PO A. • ing at an ice cream party at the Mendy. rf .. .. .... 8 1 0 0 0 -0 home of ?tlr. and Mn. Stan ley ,Thompson, 89, 4 0 1 8 I 0 Cook at Springboro. The occasion ' Gons, 2b, cf .. ..4 0 2 4 ·2 " WIIS in celebration of Mrs. Cook's Peck. lb .. ... .. .. ..4 . 0 1 8 0 0 bj~thday. ' . Laurens, 3b, 5S 4 0 1 ~ • . ' . r V H k Hartsock, I.f .... 4 0 1 3 0 0 Mr. and M·l's. .. . arhoc B Weller, cf ... 8 0 1 I 0 1 and daughtel', Dorothy, were in- Treadway. 8b .. 1 0 0 1 0 0 . d t t t t M: W 11 vlte gue~ II o.a dsumPt 1l0huS ham e er, e .... 4 0 1 0 0 1 ~i' ~ir~:e~d o~r~.u~::, ~ay~o~,;~~ Ellis, p .......... 8 0 1 · 1 4 0 ton. The event was in honor of .... ..'.... .. 29 the marriage of their son and :::r~~!el~:n~~~/dr. and Mrs.

34 1 --;

ter, aad


12 -;

betore a .lim rlrl with a white ...-------~i_-----------------. 'rac and mutter brukfnly: "It ' Bullock. I'm tl'lIin' Y()U, AUllll'! I N . wun't .ven at th. whPeI!" l3u t the vel'dict C)t the t'1'owd wa attainst him. "Allers wa som!'thin funny about this Rip Weatherbee," they I ld h I COIllQlOn Pleu P~_edin.. the estate of Mattie Taylor, delIAPTER VI. savagel . "How th, de\'il-" ~fght'm!~th :~e~~ n~·i~.1 ~~n~~ cellsed, filed her first and final ac· ~ But suddenly RIP , Weath(:rb~e Hst.nin' to what hone. t folk had In!.h case of , illiam S. Root, count. The (I'ash, plitting thund 1'O\1S- knew the WOf t. He kn\'\\, that hls to ~ay. Broodi n'. 1 bet you he's 118 admini t.·ator 01 the estllte of ' . The estate ot Howard C. Kea. 19, tock d llle PI' phet I Ii~~ boat ~ad bl'en , ma h d on his done even WOf.e things than Roof, d~cea ed, venus AI- lnhel·ftance tax. Lottie C. Kealaua leaf in a black squllll, hurled RIp I \\'lltch, he kne,' , too, I ~at the mashin' a team boat I" An\"! they v!dor Rouf, et ai, adminiatrator, ver, administratrix, filed her Weatberb e clean int.o bis tatt>- empty pilot hou told , Its own were words that tuck. Tw() days ttl distribute funds 0111 hand. fust and final account. 1n the cllse of Edna Roselle verIn the matter of tbe estate of om, smacked him against a bUTlk tale. Adam Bu\l~ck bad I wrecked betor!! Rip Wealherb had 10l)ked 11lld . But he wa" on \lis leet In n the J>rQph~t Damel and Red; and calmly, contentedly uh ad at a An on Rosell, II divorce was Jacob Roof, deceased, ordinary Ilted the plaintiff. . compenllation of !laid adminlstraminute, racing for th pilothou e now h~, ~IP ~Veath rbee, , to d long vj ~ta of pleasihg yeat'1l; now ladder, while the steambo at hud. there hcked. HIS very I;ll'e ~nce at he stal'ed dej cwdly at thc hard, In the case of ~rll'ud McNeill tor is fixed at $91.53 and the comct.-r d Anlf swayed Ilke a drunkard. the wheel, .the fact that It .tlll1ack- malignant tace of the river, versuH Gordon McNeill, II divol'ce pen aUon of Dean .E. Stanley, al





!~~u:~i\~rr~~ d~:vew~~~ :~ift~~

,p~~~:~ Stobe!~;:y~~~yW~~~ f tH~ ~a~t \()Id h.i~ v~J'8ion

::/d, was not at ~h foot of tbe ladder he had run t"e boat on the reef. ..u {ore Ad am B uUoc. k Th e secon d Why deny it'. He knew now wh)' he had crashed the reef, Bulloek Adam. Bullock had relieved him had tl d fronl tht' wheel. And be ten minutes ~head 01 time; knew I d t ' d W eath b ' d t al 0 the meanlDg of those CQnatan la II 1m he h d er} eetis e?~r u~e furtive . imm rin-g gIanoes. But h we - e a amp e me .... gaIn ' . hi own stateroom by' the time tile braced. hl8 shoulders turned wildly other pilot careened into the tilting 01'\ Spike Regan. Even above the crazy pilot. house That as wby roar of the p8ni~ urging below as he sprang fo; the wheel Rip hi voiCe cal.'fied: "I didn't do it, Weatherbee SUddenly made 'a'staT' Spike! I didn't do it.!" And then tlinlr discovery, Tb pilot house t "e uproar drowned hi S words, wall empty; Bullock was ~one, At that mom,e nt, gallantly assand nobody stood at tbe wheel. i ting lady passengers into the But it was , not untn two mi nute.. lifeboats, Adam Bullock grinned. kter, when Spike Regan, a mate,"lt worked j'; he told him elf and a couple or deckhands llooded gt'inning crookedly. "I put the the pilot house, th.t Rip Weather. damn thing over!" be~ realilted another blindi'ng, In the two days that pa,sed be tunning facL tween the time of the . maft hing The pilot-house clock pointed to of the Prophet Danjel an,d the 4'Xactly five minutes to twelv meeting of the inquiry board to hi own wa"ch w·· not "ver. No e. tabU h the blame fOT her f .. te, • wQn det now.. that..., ~plk, ev Regan R'Ip Wea tb e1' bee. kn w '• he rea I "heIl Iltared agbait at him: no wonder of the river, lie kn ew what it was tbat borrol' and doubt stood in the to go clown sunny strt' t s whUe other'. 'eyes. For Regan wa people perked heads his way, yellin,: "Good Lord, Rip! Wllat whi8~ring: "It \VA!'! him ~hat happenAd' I" And from the deck- done ' it. It was him t hat sm8shed below, •• the Prophet Danl'el be- the Prophet Daniel." fIe wa made -. -n to uomp like a w.ry aware of the dlstru t, the "Mlephant cames'I'dewl'8e a ha-h bur·t of ed feeling of the old Mi women's screamin'" and heav", because she ;s a mother who doe o '" J ' " not fondle failures. Rip Weathermascull'ne oaths. "1-[-" Weatherbee b .... n, b' b e walked the path of oute8llts.. handll "'ra8pl"" the now useless ' a nl\rrow, stumblin a lane between -.. dollCls of innuendo,.. su ~ picion and wheel. • "You've "uni. herll' Re'-an eri'ed accus.tion. He could 'stand be,tote .. • •

01 that a.a mg 0 ~I e egan; and he kn ew the copta]n Daniel believed himof Bthet eProphet ' ., .. u onvlne· ing the steam.boat owner was an othe r matt 1', he had refo d to ~e it In the tl8l\le ligh t. "It' 'I t' d " , one pI ~ 5 wor agl.llllst nn· other hc SId sharply to Regan, "And the fact . r maIns that it was Weatherbe Wh~ was there lit the. heeJ, .five , O1mu,t es be~()rc his watch e~~ed, You saw him th re youI' ell. An attempt to C(lW Adam Bulloc\< had be n equally futuile. He kne~ that he was saie, sec urE'not~lng could s~ake his to ~y. He d~Dled ~'\'cr haVing ~een up in the lltlot hou e .at th.ot tIDll'. H swo re he was pulling hlS cloth 1\ on wh n t l." Cl'a$ h ca~ ll . Nt 0 yet h aet h c IOl>~ed l,nto RIp Weatherbe(l.'S ac:cusmg eye ; llut h was not afraid eve n t 0 face th em. H e was arrog· ant, cocky, when th day dawned for the meeting of the inquiry boat'd, He went to its meeting confi?ellt, a sured that he could stand hiS "'roand. . H had no oth t course open to 111m, anyhow; to slip away now ,vould only m alJ the los8 of the senior pilot berth which he wa going' to obtain by Weaiberl,Jee's. di missal, but would ea t uspicion ali him II weU . 0 he hoi ted a bottle of bourbOn, with effect, and appeared promptly the inquiry board. He did !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!".!!!!!'!!!!!'!~~~~~~-~-~ . flmch a little before aptain Re. t! g an'8 tern gaze,' he did tremble visibly belore Rip Weatherbee'.s lIAvage stare; but be stood his __ ground, just the same, I '"




0.- .Bail..,

W ,


At State , Fa. r W,. II Be P0 p uIa r e

bay. a universal apPel41 and we COLUIIBUS (~pecial) - Sealnr can promise you tbat you will find a dreea cut. fit. made and put on a . much of interest to you in their mod.l all ill I... thaJ~ an hour ia baskets, dalla, textiles, woodcarvone of the feature. women vllitora lng, small pottery, pewter, broom., to the Ohio ' State Fait· at Colu1l\and so on-articles too numerous bDl, Aqult 27 to Septe 4bfr 1, will to mention. enjoJ at tbe Ityle I' ·OW and clinic The interest in ' knitling- Is at iJI the ,popular Woman', Boilding. wbite heat these da~ , nearly ever! AD .xhibit of pictures of many woman finds that ahe needs a outstanding artllts alao wlll be a knitted dresl in her f ..ture. . Thf:re will be a di play of yarnl Ti¥u'e will be forty paintinp ant' ill aorts of knitted garments, ..Iected from the annual May .hnw in Clevtllnd, forty .elected from Afghani anJ aece sories. A com. petent and experiene.ed woman will the annual ahow of the .Colomblls be in charge to an.wer all YOUI Art from the Toledo Men', question8 and help ,'QU to gct Club .ta~ted on your. knit~ing- prl>jects _ibite in Cine.l nm,ti Many of ThiS demonstratllln Will be a great these plcturea were prill ' winnen attn,etlon to the v'omen of ·.hl In tbe local ,abowi. Aloon, Athena, State. Dayton. Delaware, Lima, Youn({... to'Wll and Yallow Springs wUl be npreaenied with from one to a dOleD or mon pamtinp. An exhibit of the .rta and crafb of IFlnIaod will do hODOi' to that Uttl. country tbat 8tal'dr 110 high hi our elteen!. At til ! preaent 1Ime COLUMBUS (Speeial)-For th, Fialand remAini the only toreii'JI first time in its history the Stat. pYe11lmel1t wbich' h•• 1Ilet all pay· of Ohio will hold a FoOd Sho," it Dlelita on' its inJel1t:ed ....1!1I8 to the eo~nection with the, Ohio St~t;. United Stllte. punctually and in Fan. the 84th shOWing of whlcl fun. We are happy and p~l)ud tQ . opens in Columbus August 27 an, elva ita handiwork a, place; Their continues through Sept. 1. ' crafte inch:C:e exquisite \land· Food manufacturers and distrib woven rugs, linen II, woolens and litors from all part_ .,f the cQUntfl .oodearvin~, all bearlilJt-the faeel· have alrcady reserved j pnec, an. natin. colon of th\l l3alUc art. ' tb" show ~romli!les to be one of th A 'Iarp of iftountai~e1' be$t of Its kind, aceording t crafta are to .,. oft'erect for cU.pla y Charles M. Beer, State Fair Man

Hold Food,Show

At State Fail



Weiderbold verSus Edward F. Weid~r. bold, Cause i ~ ' assignEld for hearing Augusl 16, at l() o'clock. It i~ alo ordel'ed that motion and copy of entry be ser.... ~d· on defend-


IItt}o;nt?e a;/f::'estate of Laura E. Ward, deceased, sale of personal goods and chattel is o'r dered. ___ _ M.rri .... Llc.n ...

Lzin, • Tire ·Co., auppll • fa.'TO; The Famoul Auto Suppl)' Co .• Aoor mat., $1.6&; WaItes Oara"e, parll! and Iruppliee, ,86; John Law & Son, rlUolin., $23.21; J. C. Hawke ialloline and part., '102.29; Tru..!teeil of Public Aft'alrs, light at county garage perio3 ending July 31, 19B4, $2.70; MOI'ro w Hatdware Co., nailil, $4.76; WilliAm J. Ayers Service Station, ga oline, 90c' Kesler Grahllm coal oil 70c; L. P. Cavett Co., t.a'r. $121.U4; H. L. Schu.ylet. payroll, $I 0.80; arl Dallin payroll $197,60- W. C. Turton. 'lime anl cement, $S6.~ 40; W. 11. Madden and Co., cem ent and supplies, ,L4.:!7; B. L. Apgar & Son, lumber, $21.60, _ . _- - -

Capitol Cross Road Chatter

IId.nee or the I adel'll in the S natl! and Houlle in agricultural, Allserts Mr. Lincoln. He i8 • eapablll peaker Rnd will bring a mel~age ()f \'ital illlpt)l'tanc e tn farm people a~d others i.nterestod In the restorol-,lOn ot agrlc~lture. Mr. Gray wIll speak during th mee!.ing of farm bllrea.u people ~nd others frOTll the lollowmg countle.8: Prebles, Butler, WUI"ten, Hamllton, M,ohtgomery, Gr ene, Fayette nnd linton . The 111.t'm bureaus of thes-e counties are !J)onsoring this district meeting. They extend invitation to all l'ul'al and cit.y. peopl(' interested to atteQd.

Thel'\) illX' well over 200 l18CB 01 electricity in a gricultu r , and now uses lire being found each yenr.

White Rose- Power behind the enllne. ht

' Paul E. Reige. factot'y worker, In t.he case of Rose Stroer ver· of 'payton. and Mrs. Marie Black, Speed Lo.a. to F.rm.... ,HI Edward troer, II. divorc e was of Wayne "me. " gl'anted the pleintiff. Walter E. Gray. faetorf worker, COII~quen't Upon Governor of Clarksville, and, Miss E<tna H. George White's appeal "to aVQid With Relia1,lI'e Serum , N •• Suite, Whitacre, factory worker, of Mor- 1'orc:l08ure and beavy 1018 to lend Mildred M, Weidetbold row. " bbth Ohio and the :tederal and Virua Edward F. Weidel:he,ld, tor diArthur E . Siscl}, molder, of L b- government are spE!('ding up the At a rea.onahle price \,Ol'ce. )18l"ge is extreme cruelty. anon, and Mi s Margaret Hirseh- machinery to loosen the flow of Helem L, Hizar. minol', by ber back, of Waytle,ville. $17,000,000 to di tressed farmers father a nd next friend. W Gordon Marconet, factory work- thtoughQul the state, Cooperation Pbolle 17R4 lUzar, versus Walter S. el', of Lebanon, and Miss Blanche the county rehabilitation repres 'for money and damag,ea and oyder, of MaineviJle. fal'm loan association Herbert L. Kerr, Elme'r T. Phillips county relief commis· (lnd Robert Bro'''' n' arA the a' R lEt T f and &'Tangea i"s enlisted in . . . . , ~ \(' e . . a , . ran. er~ the pro ' -. am Il' ft 'he burden of torneys. 0 h S E . 'Faris Noble ver~u I teve Noble, t a F,;. ams to thel B. Sams, dept from the shoulders of the 203 acres in Harlan township, whose predicam nt has tor divoJ'ce, te. Charge is gross J John wel' ghted by the nl'gle ~t of du ty. h ro Gonll, Sr.', decea8 d, to 0 r. ~ons, et al., 28,1)75 acrea in ' YHeVA'..... of drought, and also to aid Probate CGIlrl ',I.'urtlec:reek townsbip. the crell'itor. John {lons, d~ceased, to George A certified copy 0 :[ the entry Gon , et 1" 156.416 acres in TurMilliooa Civen Ohio by U. S. tlete mining ·the inheritance. tax on tlee!' ek township. 0 966 59' th e e ·..... ~te 0 f J am~s G01'18', de Geor"'e Gons, deceal!ed. to Frank bio was givent $179, In .. d II ,0 t t e d •• t b t'~ d . h t Gons, et al., 302. '8 acres I'n Tur. emergency gran s an a 0 men s cd 1 e, '" 0 e. cer Ille Wit ou t.lecreek township... durmr ' .L d d J w,e 12 month n e un ROOT FOR A"ND CO"NSIGN e ay_ 30 1"34 Th t ., 1 n th e ma tt er o~~ tlIe guar d lan' Martin Gons, dec.... •• ed, to L Q. d' ' " .h e amoun re~resen"· .. our Cattle, hop, Ihee), and cal .... tr' nJ I Nom ••Brock Co •• hv. w1f.. a'll. ' CODiover, ail In- Gon and -"" "'- "'" Gons, 302. ..A S acres .e Ioud dIII' . tItgrants I0 y, /:Ih'Ip O.~ S. H ett Ie d" no'1. oans ted to prorre.llve firm f?r the bJatbut d in Turtlaeraek ton<nehip., lOC 11 e • even y I trl.,u , - d I t t f b d conlpe en • sa e 0 on s or ere. " h d h'ld ' tb market pricea and rood I.m ... George. E Y oung was appoln . t ed Harmon McKI''''ney to E11'za .... an d e I $"707' 11\ .. .... c. eac tat maJ!,II!woman hi Ulllon Stock Y.rd.· CIIICI __ tl, 0. ex e ut crr 0 f th e es tIII',e 0 f J • M, Kinney, real eshte ' I n CI"-ont s e woo u ave re«l ve "'. .... ".B t d Tl h 12 h th . Tune in on Radio station WaXY mont11 s de 12 :211 to 12 :80 p. m. for ouI' dallJ Con over, d eeeella, d an d fil ed bon d and Warren cou' nti·e8. t hu uf ,dng t1 e same t ! $11 000 'th ' 0 .Tohn Paul and DoUboa to Harle e e era rea8ury co ecte market reportl. 0 , WI sur~etles. • K. Rhude, Inlo' No. 29 I'n Frankl.... y $1U,522,861 from. OhiO, in income Brown, J. W: Bratto[1 and W. C. ~ AU ta d h I . t e11 appra isers. M.ary F. Stevens to ... U'ari' e T. I :x.ea an ot-' er mterna revenue T ur t on were appoln -18"3" J..L ' <Little, 26 acres in Hamilton tow"- enea, . avera••ng.. ' , .or eael' ••~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Th e ! 0 \1 OWing accoun .... were ap.,. I th tat -S d II d d " d sJiip. person ,n e II e! . . .9~. per .. prove , a owe an ~!on"l'me by capita I than d f t-h 43 YEARS QF SERVIC£ the court: • Eliza Stoutenborough, et aI., to . e81 receive rom ~ e <lWe'\1 get this OV~I! quick, genHattie Bal'bee, exO!cutrix at the Charles N. Deardoft and Walter national ,overnment. tlemen," the tate inspector t old estate o)f Lilliam F, Moon, de- Deardoft, 149 acres in Franldin Fol' every $~OO the fede~al thmem, ,,IRooking ahfound his little ceaeed. First, /inal .anddi8trlbu- township. gov~rnm~nt. receIved from ObleLEBANON, OHIO 0 ceo eport8 5 ow that tbe boat tive. Emma Z. Smith. to Pearl Smith ana It pa.ld Jr.) to the Buckeye .8ta~ We have a complete Itself is capable of bein~ repaired Dmar MosteUer, 8,d ministrator and Maud Johnson, inlots Nos. 662 '6. aome of whleh, bowever W!11 Watcb Rep&ir S_"ice -tha~l<B . ,to you,r effiCient work of. the estate oJ Eliza Sheppard, and 518 in Franklin, repaid the s:o~ernment~ater In Prices Reasonable Cap~ln. Regan. I ve got the report deceased, first and filial. Hulda A. Newcomb to S. L. taxes on salanell, propertIes and Bealia R~.trul'll of Pilot Weatherbe~ ~ere bef~re Harry A. Satterth'll'aite, guard- Simpson inlot No. 92 In Spring- in other intarnal revenue eollec· Jewelry Repaired ~Il, and I co~!e81l thiS IS less eaSIly ian of Bettie L:>u Slltterthwaite, boro. dISPosed . of. ,He fr~wned, and minOr, fi~ t and final. Be sie Bryant to The Loveland "THE 140ME OF GIFTS" tapped hiS desk-top Wltb a foreRoy L. Fro()ze, admmiatrator of M.utual Building" Loan Co., real finger. the e t-..te of Mabel Freeze. de- estate in Union toWJlllbip. . Clo e cooperation of Ohio under ~To be Continued) cea ed. flrst and tinal. Amos Ungleshy to Helen M. Governor, George White with the ==========~===~~ Mary B. Chapman and Emmor Racy, inlot No. 893 in Franklin. tlon resulted in a severe blow PUBLIC SALE D, Bailey. executors ' of the estate Joseph Merke, et ai, to Plin1 H. unemployment in the state. During .. . ' of Elh:aheth l3ailey, -de!-Cea~d. tirst Whitaker and Lillie G, Whitaker. the first six ,m onths of 19~' nearly The underSigned Will offer for and final. 98.76 acres in Turtlecreek town- 60,000 ' persons were 1)ut to work sale at public auction on In tile matter at the guardian. ship. the national re·employment seT Saturda,. A_.ulI 25. 1934 -f.,&8i,~rt#--~fl-k-¥c)ttrtlr\r-eclI1rlli'Md-1m-J-r-Le&'-1kJcIM~~H<da~H."Ptd-1pnee--ift.-tII.e ·lIt&tt..,Ninety per cent WAYNESVILLE. OHIO At tbe late tesidenee ot L\luta ,Dayton State Eliza. mage, 103 acrea in Ma88ie town. o:t the8e given employmnt were Pbone 80 E. Ward, in the village of Barveys- beth Yoong was authorized .. ahip. men. -..... Bank Bid•• burg, Massie 'rown hip, Warren guardian to pay pren:lium on life Omar Mosteller to Lottie Norria Comp1eben8ive atati tical survey real ' estate in Deerfield township. on the unemployment situaUon in County, Ohio, beginning at Olle insurance policy. o'cloek p. m., the personal proIn tile matt~r ot the estate of Ida F. Shumaker to William tM! ,Buckey. atate is bel nil' underperty belonging to the estate 'of Ralph B. Parks, decea:sed, transfer Shumaker. 27 Acree in Turtlec:reek taken by the natipnal l'e·employLaura E. Ward, deceased" and 01 stock authorized. tOWnship. • ment lIervice under H. R. Justine, being alJ of the personal llrOpejty Ransom L. Gibb8, executor of Ell .. Robinson to ~a M. Robin ... Ohio director. The lIorvey is being mentioned in Schedule A. of he the estate ,01 La\lra L. .,Gibbs, de- son, Inlot No. 15' Un Deerfield made in the 715 coun ies cov8l'eeJ inventory 01 her estate. I ceased, filed his applic'tion tor a t9wnship. the national re.employment ser See large bill tor list of articles. certificate of tran~fer. , He also Jesec Gro88 to L. G. Kennett, and is to contain every imagin ' Terms: Cash. filed his fitth 4nd Anal account. real estate in Franklin tow",lhip. able Item on unemployment data, JAMES WARD " George E. Young, executor of . Charle$ N. Deardotr. et aI., to ai, for example, how many or088"~ Executor of the last wiIJ tl\~ estate 01 J. M. Conover, Aled Edward W. peardoft, 118 acres in perlona are unemployed'!' and ' of Laura E. Ward, .de~ea~ed .. his inventory. ~ Franklin towDship. , are the.odds of a ,blonde eetStall ley It Koogler, Aucts'.. Carrington P. Ellis executor CJf Ge9rge Michael/! to The Love. tlng a jo.D qUlckel' than a redhead.? Frank Wllson, Cletk. the estate (If Gla<im'an H. ElliS, land Mutual Buildinc • Loan Co •• - deceased tiled bis first and lInal real estate in Loveland. FERA Echaeat~ Pro.ra. In only two previoul! years o:t account.' William Cox and Mildred Cox More than 2,500 teachers, afl! Phone 78J the twentieth . century bas thlB apThe will of Martha J . Ralbe, de- to The Loveland Mutual Buildine bellrlr Vfir' etbpll)Yment and pIe crop been smaller than the ceased, was ftlild in p:robate. Loan Co" real elltate in Love aboat 60,000 pupils are receivinr -=~~~~~==:=~~~~~ crop £Qrecast this year. These The Lebanon-CitizEll18 Natiollal IanMd. . HOld • instruction In Ohio under tbe feder 8urice . awa • executor 0 .. a1. emera-eney relief adrninhtra. yeal'S were 1907 and ' 1921. On and Trust Co., Iidmini.trator July 1 the crop was estimated 45 de bonis non. with ~be will an- the I!state of Mary Holdin, de- tration's educational" program. lIer cent of normal. nexed of · the e8tate- ,)f James B. ceased, to E. :e. Southllrd and WD-, These .,f iturel do not include colMOTARY PUBLIC Wills; decea~d. 1lle.d its first and da Southard, Inlot No. 69 in Le\):. lege etuilents ~eln,g cjven /lnanelal anon~ '. ' aid by FERA or teachers and pupfinal account. Buill Laura L. G~bbe. deceased, to tIs inVOlved in the administration's Carl (;.B~rnhart waj5-appointed .... 11.. ON.. • • Ea..... __ miniatrator ot the estate of Ranlom L. ' Gibbl, inlot No. 49 iD Ichoola extension program. WAYNESVILLE. OHIO Florence E. NiUe, 4,I!ce..ed, and Franklin, More than ' 250 ilUterate adults filed bond of ,800 with sureties. Rachel L. Clarkson to Arnold, are beillg ~U&'ht to read and write !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Marion Howell, Geor,le Sellers Rorel'll, .·U.16 acr.a in Walhinc55 teachers. In · cour••s, FOR IALII DATU CALL Clyde Campbell were appointed ton tOWlllhlp. bu far fewer pupila than ' Ant.

Treat V,o ur Hogs






:, t









Centerville, Ohio



~o_Jalmd tHo~~~iD'


















apprailerl. The Lebanon-Cit'lenl Natioul rellC)arltaStChal II • ' Ub n .... utI..-ul ow ..... p. Bank and Trait Co., a dmil'liltrator of the e.tat. of R, Vlln Tr•••• cle· . Blla. AUowoa.I cealed, filed Itt third and' Kaufman',; Sup~l1.. for .....,."._ firial aecou,n t. . In, Court Hou•• Ind JaU. WlIIiam C. Ker")" elCeeutor ,01 Trultee. of PubJic ,A«atfl. the estate. of 10e S, Kersey, de. Ii,... and Fountain 6 mo... ceased, flIed hi~ fourth_.ccount. Ohio Central, Telepbo~e Corp. In re, ~.8t'ate of R. VanTreu, de- toll. varjous oftlce., U6.70; Ohio ceased, ,2000 a year Is" found to Central Telephone Co., rent veribe a rea$onable ailowlmce for laid oUS OmCI., '55.50; Relf'l Electric widow' and the remainder of al- Sbep, labor and repail'll, at Court lowance over and above $2000 Ie ' ,2.60: Dr. Henry M. Brown here by disallowed. set- a8ide .nd medical servieee ,25' Clerk h.eld for naugbt. C; O. Eulau WIU County, h08pitilib.tion ,90' Treas appointed administrator upon the. urer of State, )1O~Pit8li'zation resignation 01 -The I,ebanon-Citi- ,101.43: Mrs.'d Saner: zens Bank & Tr,ullt Co. He gave servlc,s, ,7; 1(1'8. Lillie Urton lerbond of $200Q with stJlreties. , vices, ,27.60; Ml'S; Ira'oth. Wal.ter KeJ!rick was .ppointed lIerville"" 15; Mre. Helen Dou.rh· administrator of the eiltate of Per- ~an, servicell, '7; Candls Hymer, ry E, Kenrick, deCeaSI!d t and filed se.rvices, ,5: 'MI'8. Stella Kelly bond with sureties. Dr. W. E. services, $7. The Western Star', og Iell bee, J . L. Men(I enh a II an d 200 marriage lice.n881 for Prob.te Ross Hartsock were ·al?poin.ted ap- Court, • 1..0; William Hulford prailtCl'8. , washing tor priaoners during July, In the matter of the estate ' ot 193.,' $«.16; Mrs. Della 'Hutrord, Andrew Breh_ney; d~ elis- fedtng prilOnere durm, July tribution of assets i8 , f416.99; C. C. Dlehiman '7; .Toh~ In the matter of Law Ii 80n,..... QU ~nd July Laura E. Ward, d .torqe on 8berlrl ear, $&6.67; bonds is ordered. The Gem Cit, Blue Print. Sappl, Frank M, Hewe. of the Co., drawlq pencUI. ,a.08; The elltate of Alice D. dec...ed G.m Ctt, Bhle ,Print. Suppl, filed his mvelltory. Co•• mapa, '4.18; W. A. Belker. Alt. W. Drake appointed ... IOi .lou Barr pay. admini.tntor of the of Eta (llem wmla~ paJGlln. deceueci. ad Hael . . C. Co~a fl000 .ltll IJaIore, ,..; Fred A. SIlld.r. .. lelallltr the _ _ of DM1d -'tnltII


etMId; ....




avera,. for the country.



P ...I...


Stanley' &K~ler ,Auctlon••r.


Approximately 21,100 pinon., wUl rloetv. old ire penalou from the .tate bJ september 1. accord· ITANLJ:Y Ina ~.. "'port , lubmitted to Governor' Georre W)llte. First cheeks mailed out by the divi.lon .AltL 1t00GLJ:a of aid :tor the apd -of the welfare ,. .. de~artment went to 1.100 pe~ns &Jlu aboat ' 20,000 more applleaICE...... .... t!ODl, it is estimated, will be eerttfled durlnlr AUlUlt. • - -- , NATIONA.L FARM , LEADER . AT DISTRICT MBETINC ___.. ' '_ ' _ ...'...... ._ . ' .......!'iIII...... ' • FOR SAU Cbeater H. Gray~ nationaliy _-:-_ _ _ _-:--_ _ _ _ _ __ known Washington .1.islative re' presentative of the American FOR SALE - Fricjdaire, ,86 i F ar~ BIJreau ...... d Maytag washer, $40; Heatrola. r e eration, will ad- -80. Weblter Tlnn-, Corwin. a16 cireSI a farm bureau district meet- ,. -# ing at Lebanon on AU&'llst 20. 80SALE--Seed Rye. Ruuel cording to Murray D. Lincoln, e.l[MUrray, Middle Run and :rel'l')' ecutive secretary. Ohio Farm Bur- Road. 8M! eau Feder.tlon, Columbus, ':Mr. Gray h.. been ftrbting lepI.tive battlea for farmer8 ill _ _-,-_ _ W_AlfftD~ _ _ _ _ _ __ the nation'" c.pital for I.veral yean. as ofllcial '-1'epl'ellllltatl?e of WANTED-Sw", 01' 6e14 COI'D the American Farm Bure.u Fed- ,fodder ill aeld, H. IL PHd,... eration ill carrylna Ollt ita pia... Route 8. -.11




tor larm relief 1..........." ..,.

IbIll'W rte.

IIr. Lillcol•• "Be wtehhd a pawv po1lltr, ~ \ldu.... .. tile ,... PIa.... 4U11. • 01 tile A~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___



••• •




The ict' cream . ucial giVt'll by tht' P. T. A. last 'rhutsdar ni~ht on the I'Chool rrounds wal! well attended. Dr. and Mrs, r;arl {<'ro t and BO il visited in Peebles last Sunday. Mrs. H. S. Tucker pent. the week-end in Kentucky. Mis es Lucile 1'ucker and Anna MacDonald culled 011 Mr~. Rhodes Bunnell aCld family last Saturday evening. Dr. and Mr . W. K OglC!sbee en teJ'tained' relativ es la t unday. A few from here at.tended Quarterly Meeting at Caesar 's Creek last Satul'day,. Mrs. W. W. Welch entertairted the following gue ts Sunday in honor of the 80th birthday anniver ary 01 her husband. MI'. and Mrs. E. B. Dakin, Ml'. 'and Mrs. [rv~n Welch, Mr. an~ Mrs. Earl SwaIn aCnJddL~ra. MC~tn Mr. ;~.dd ~rs s, lalura dl at el' Y eM eVICTY, rW an d. T,. 001 e Cl 1 an \ 0 children Dorothy and Paul. Mr. and ?tl1'8. Bob Snl8rt and children of Shar()nvill were week end guests of Mrs. Mary Haines and attended \he lIett McKay picnic on aturday. . Mr. and M1'8. Raymond Brook and child ren attended the Brooks . .In I n d'lana Sun d ay. reunion Dr, and Mrs. am EIH on formerly of here but now at West Union and Mr. and Mrs. Scott, brother of Mrs. Ralph Franci, called on friend s here Sunday


D. L CRANE 1 I . . . .11 ..... 1••1- .rill., ,1.10 - Yar at P08to'''o. ft .. • 0Ii •• PJ.......... ,. ........ ... M•• liZ vIII., Oble).. lIee"ft4 at OlaWa .. ~al\ R..I..... .. ,.......... .......... , No. III "atter AUGU T 16, 1934 =~·========~=================r~======~


Combating The Fire Menace Fol' th~ put fOl'ty year, lUI org-anintion with which too f w persons are acquainted, haa been doing vital work in the interest of protecting th lives and propol'ty of tho American people. That organization is the Und tWl'jters' Laboratories, cstabli hed and maintained by the ' Nationul Board of Fire Underwriters. The function of the Laboratories is to discover, through exhau iVe te~ t and experiments, facts concerning the merits of all relaiing to til-e pl'evention and fire protection, ~nd to distribute the in lormation obt ain t1 to insurance companies, insurance inspection bur aUII Ilnd imiJal' bodies. Ilnd thence, through t hem, to the general 'Public.. So v'aluable has this work proven in preventing and controlling . fin, that sim ilar ac.tivities have been sta.r~ed by other branches or 10surance, 8uch as caaualty. automobile"and burglary. An example of what the Laboratories do is found in the tests ,m ide to det rmi'n e the fite-resistance of various building mate.rials, The mat rials Bre built. up represent a seclion of a wan enclosed in a rlgi,d stee] frame. One side is subject to heat, reaching. temperature of 1'100 de"'rees fahl'enheltl' n an hour. At th end of· that time, if the . . . . . materials a.rc to. r celve approval. tbe anner be t hot . waU must d not • b enough to pernllt the sp read of fire on the anterior, an It mUB e without cracks. EYen this .rigorous teat is not conSidered aufti cient, ho'Wever Atte.r the fir treatment, the heat d ection of waU is deluged on the hot Ride with a fire hoso-and if that heroic measure does It apprec ia. ble hllrm it fail to pa s th "examination!' . Everything that I rtltin to fire, from sprinkler systems to shingles, receives tests of this character, and the results of the work the . d f . n.d· ··~tte" nd safer horne and Laboralori es hBve carrte on. are ou In.,.., • a III e of busill 8 , and material s of all kinds. •_ -


Farm hight 7alks, August 20 The Ohio State University Radio Station-WOSU 8 :00 Mu ic 8 :05 Farm Adjustment News . .. ....... , .... ... ,.. , .......... J. W. Wuich g :15 Visit a Hybrid Corn Field ..... ~'I. G. H. Stringfleld 8125 Mu ic 8 :40 F. F. A. nt the Ohio State Junior Fair ... .... ,..... 0. S. Hutehin on 8 :50 Selecting Fruit for Fairs ..... .... , ..... . ............... F. H. Beach 9;OOWhat to See at the State Fair .. , .... , , ...... .. ......... ..... Thelma B all 9 :10 Musle ••


9 :26 Shall I Go to College-DialogQ8- between. Farm Boy and' '' h




RelatIves and friend of Mrs. Fb~ntc.hhd ~elpSed dher to celebratq her

ay un ay. The funeral of Mt's Lucy Graham wall held last F~l day nIter. noon at her home and was bried at Springfield. Mrs. Marlha Mathra and on of Daston is visiting her mother, Ml'S. Starr. Mr. and Mrs. Ira HartBO ck and Miss Dorothy Davis sp nt Sunday with Joe Davis and family. Virginia .J;)ayill returned with them for a week's vi!!it. Mi ses Eve]yn ~ and Virginia Tucker jointtd n group of . their ol'ol'ity girls in Wilmington IMt Saturday an~ all are enjoying . a week ,at IndIan lake. . Rev. Laft' rtyof prlngboro pre. 1r

Mrs. Tom Welch and will r~turn to their Dodgl>, Iowa, thlB week deli~httul vi It with Mr. W. W. Welch. Mi Mary Virginia Sabina was the week·end h f unci and !lunt, Mr. Mrs. A. . C() \I I!tt , at .. Hole" ~lturday Din ner guests on at the home or Mr. and 1111's. A. S. Collett and 110m were the fol lowing from the Coll,!tt McKay picnic: Mrs. Jennie McCune and Mis Vil'ginia of Kokall'lo, Ind. MI'S. Anna Little anu Mrs. Mary Carmen of Rochester, N. Y., Mrs. Martba M;cCune of Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. Joshua CollE!tt and Miss Elizabeth of Piltsburg, Pa .• MI'. and Mrs. Robert Collett of Dayton, Miss EIJen Smith of Wil· mington, and Mrs. Mary DClsler.

New Burlington



t::<lult' of Mall' W,w1\al'd, do. t:state ot Lat1ra E. Ward Decell""'(1. . ceased, . Nolic{' i~ h 'nLy Klv .. n lba~ l.h.y ollce ill horeby giv\!n th.t 1 ..... Mill I' wl~()8e l'O~.l Offic Address IS Wanl wholle Post OfficI! .ddr_ I. Wa y~e~vlll(" Oluo.' .h as b :1'11 duly Ha,'veY8bul'~. Ohio, R. R. No. I, apPointed liS AtI'll1~l\;tl'ull'~ M till' has been dulyappointeduellecutor Eslllte I)f MAry Woollard luie DC of the Eetate of Laura E, W.rd WaIT!'" 'ounly, bill, cll!~,{,Il!\ed. Ilate of Warl'en COUlIty, ' Ohio. deDaled this 25th day of July, ceased 1~34 . RALPH H . 'AREY Dated this 26th day of JuJy, Judge of the Pro hate ')Urt 1934, 816 Warren ounty, Obio Dcan. E. Stanley, Atty. 99040. Warr<>n cou nlies sharI! amount· - - -- - I' RALPH H. CAREY . JUOge of the Probate COIut ed to 4,914, Drouth Countlel a16 Warren COllnty, Ohio

- --------


I .

J uly 17 the number of officially ' -::=========7!~~= d['outh c o untie.~ mount- \= , d to 112 . Uali al'e .. m I'ge ncy" White Rose the depencounties und hal:C Ul'e " ecoJld ary Id bl G lin' e drouth" counties. a e aso •.

dl' ~ ignated

80 Dayt .....ft After Au&,u,.t

MatlU"e Hardy 1\'1'8. am hanks and 80'n' Jesse 'L spent laet week with l'elatlives in ineinnati. - ---Rev. arid M(8. Peters and son About the middle of August, spen.t last week at Epwol'th. League there are in Ohio appl'olClmately Inshtu.te, Ch~utauqua, Ohl~). , 65 days oi growing seaSon bt!lOl'e the .FWrlelntdB tender vegetables are killed by Ch.Ladhles tAld itOhf M ,ure me W fB. a er frost, and approximlltel y 80 days Mltchner, Thul'sday afterllo,on, to grow and mature. vegetables Mr• and Mrs. Orai'\ Turner and that are not killed by light fro st. son of New Philad~lphia . are In thi lattel' group the'l'e are II guests of relatives bere. number 01 veg tables that can be Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry sown between ' Augu t 15 and ScpSieber, August 11, a son_ . tember 10 with reasonable assur. T'he Collett McKay Rellmon WIIS ance tha t maturity wiJ) be reached held at the usual place on Satur- before killing frost occur, declares day. There was a large atte:nda~~e . H. D_ Brown, professor of vegetacd ~~~88nd r~;s' p~-r~'tsC~~',f ~~~ bleTgard el1in g nt O. S. U · Id •. . urn ip, h e sa),s, ~e h ou relatives near Cleveland last own b fore August 10 but. a a week. rule plantings as late as 'AUgust 20 Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Len~ar are often reach an edible siz. Late attendil1g the World's Fail1', this planted tUrnips are less likely t o we~'k. " be injur dby the larvae of ea.bMI s Blanche. tephens of Sprl~g- bage maggots. fie!d. is IIpendl.n g tb-e week With Leaf lettuce, radishes, mu .tard MISs Leona MIller. . . corn salad and spinich may all be Mr.. and Mrs. Everett lIIan planted as late as September 6 in Det~olt, Mr . . and Mr!!. El!",e Ohio. Th best variety of spinach BI~1r, of 'Xenla, visited relatIves for use at thie seaSOl1 is old hele last week, Dominion' it is reSi!!ltallt to mosaic ----,a disease :.vllieh frequently attacks MORE LICENSE the fall crop. Later plantings of . MONEY DISTRIIIJUTED the same variety can be winteredover succe sfuUy in' southern and central Ohio, during some seas!,n s Responding to requests of according to BroWD'.

Ch~do:·~l;o~:dt~t e:;:::~ilI be a ~~~\l~f::~~IW!~~o:O

........ ' ........ ,.... ............... .......... ................. J . F'HCu;n~g ~: free lItu trated lecture on the 9 :36 Bumble Bees .... , , .. .... ,.. - ............................ ,. _ . . W street next Saturday evening nme n"· Under 10 Mill Limitation . · . L I Go ver..., ..... , . Friend!$' Yearly Meeting will be 9 :46 F Inanctng oca ........ , ... , ' ............... ,.... ........................ ...... .... H. R. Moore held at Wilmington this week~

eau during the pa t week. This i the lIecond dilltribution mad I.' by the bureau within the la~t thl'l~e weeks. 'uYllholril l!ounty will r dvt' tbo lar'g est share amounting tu $237,98 .8l), Hamilton wunly embracing Cincinnati, th ~ ono largest city in Ohio, will receive $11",616.20. th er counties receiving large hares are : Summit, $8G,652; Franklin co unty, $81,201:60; tark $49,063.60; and Mahoning 42,


to counties in Ohio. F rank West announced thati . da.ted August 9, toaling $1,365. 486.'8 were sent out by the bur-

wholo family to ... the greatest sh,,~p, ~t· live stock, poul try agrlcllltural products in Ohio', history. Music, fun, tire works for everyone. Colo...1 pa. triotic: revue, "Forwardl Am.rl~l" with ca.t of 500. nightly in front of ·the grandstand •

You're invited Ind expected. !AIL B. HAMEFlLD,

DI-.tor of Agrlcullu .. CIUS. "lUI, fait Monoll"

~e ::it~va~::t ;:r t::ve~:~~e:::


planting fall garden th t Jl d k' ll d crops, ao a a wee 8 are 1 e , frequently it is possible to bl'oadcast the seed. Early frost killIno t of he in ed

Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol

itiNG the B exhibitions of +'e. and


the weedll that appear. However adds, the best gardeners plal1t rows so that weeds can be ki1l· by one OJ more cultivations,


Dr0lllht No Bar To State Fair

COLUMBUS - P etitions con-lboats 811 well 811 cottages and camp taininlr 275,000 slgll8tures weTe slt~s must be en..aed several days filed witb Secretary of State ahead. COL U M BUS (Special)-Th. George S. Myers last week to s ubdrought will have no d'ect upon mit to Ohto voten In November A lecond and revised edition of the agricultural a.nd horticultural proposals to amend Section 5a and building and telephone directory exhibits at the torthcomlnr OhIo 5~ Of. Article XII of the state con- of Ollio . Department. of State haa State Fair at Columbus, Auc\I.It llt,tution. Amendm~n~ of th~ first been iuued DY the Departmellt of section 'Would prohibIt ~atlon 811 Public Work.., T. S. Brindle. property ot motor vehlclel on director Tile new directory eonwhich license fe.ell have been pa.ili tailla lilt. of the departments and and woul~ restrict use of l uch diviliona jn the Ohio Departments ::leee to hl,hwa, and related pur- BuUdln, State HOUle and Anllcx pOM!S. Article 6b provides that aDd oth.r buildings containing 87 ea oline ta?te8 shall not . exceed state ollcea. It &leo Ulta all state three. centa1per. pilon alld lIbail b41 emplo,.. iD ~eae omcee by Ilame, DOG TROUBLESI r"fstrlet d to hlgh.-ay conBtr1lction also II~in, the ke)' positions and LI'I"fua: .'Ul.UU~ ~"'AKC'n. pro•• &II lot.r8!lUnl .spertment ror a~d aUle.d p.urpo.... At preae-nt penona boldine them in each de· . C... AI1-'-' 1 (Yla Macu, Ka. • ucb emiD.ot aatuUlta. 110 tbe 8C"D thll t~ 18 d,vel'ted to reiHl' and partmen. The ftnt directol'Y was _.w ralllDI tbe pup I 1s is the only N- published' a ,ear ago. It il put out clio) :-Now ua.t \Ile e!Cttam.Dt other object.. &re no . lerendum that Will be submitted to lor interdepartmental us e only. about lII • .t.ractor trip wbleb fat led :~~:::t::!Ot~ • voters this fear. Tbe petitlO1lI . , tobrtDI .dmlral B,rd Mei! to Q8 aIde ... Itt 01 lcal.. 00 Wblcb It were submitted by the . Ohio Rlebbaa ....D " . , to lb. d.• t.alla ' I. w.s,lIed eacll t'IIOlo,rapD' wa, UICrB Federation, . B. Palmer Public 8chooll of the 'state were ,_ ,o tll., attempt, ow III. lI.r. . . . are tallea 01 It 4&11, to /IJIow Ig PltaSkala, prelident. Th. petltion- beneAtled to the extent of $4,&64,- once DlO" Nlumed Ita oormal roll- p,..,...... nO I.. food \a 1II . . . ured era' committee conaiata of Palmer, 889.08 Jut week when the aute Une. 10 Iplte or til. ,real amount aDCI wel.bld to a fra.cllon o. u Fred H. alOey, ClenJand Ge~n•• auditor diltributed hill sum call. 01 autoiaoU~. ~pment •• lIa... OUDO.. 'I'1l1l pup. Orpb.n UO' • . 'W. Fellows, Steubenville, . .d JOI ected .. the itate tax on intal1gi- w. . . . . . . Moual, concerued oYer DO. tile prld. 01 Ule Klent.lllc d. A. Gardner, Cincinnati. In lub- ble , property for tbe year 1984. our IOU 01 dOl po.", 4.lter all. UI.... rtmeat and .. 111 probabl" wloO CHARLES M. BEER mittinlr the propOtl8l, one petition The distribution wu made on the I "'.At rt .... Fair MaD ••~r do.......UII a mo.t mpo..... pa , ul' wltll a lupenorlt, oolllpltl&. il made to eover the two ptopo..d tbe damy atten· of our tranaportatJon aet·up. and, rar fOUl da,. DOW w. bal'" oe.D amend menta. • dance. Payment wal . made ' to durlnl the p!at fe" moolbl, w. lookln, to. oDe ot GlUI beat- 27 to September I, according to count, auditol'll, who distributed bave' loat 40 doca, tIome of til... lead do,a. 'I'Ob, 10Milect .c~UI lbe Charles M. Bee. Fair manager. Commenting upon this year'. . th . the fulld to schOOl districts. The u_ . All pubhe lIehooJa in .• state "tate auditor aleo announced dla- illed from ~.tural _ . oth.r Ill,bl aDd Drolle loto ILllt t10~ Fair, Beer says: wall oP~1I at the uausl time, .bout trib\1tion' of $468.801.99 to coun. pemmlcao cfl(:lie. at6 teo po:UOd~ or "Even with reduced al!propria. ball of them September • and tiel for poOl:' relief. T.hls lum ,epre It and dllapllearect. II:veryt,ooy ID tions, whlclt have been neceuary the others Sept.mber 11, I. W. lenu the ' .moullt collected in .tartlld lOOllln& rur blm 1,110 during the past several years, we Fichter, _ulstant ..tate director of July from the' lI8lective .1.. tax. . rI.lled UleU I1VNI III 1lI. have malJltained the high stand· edUcation, laid this week. Of the total amuaement aeltnt. al,lIt loolllni ror fllm out ards of this great exposition. all will oper.te lon,.r th.n the Ilonl paid ti47.117.51, tb' t.I"&II. No trac • . Yllllleroa,. · "We take pride in announcing .ft':lt toli~ monthl of thl 1C"001 fUI J UI.04, cOIDIetica $14\844.58 wbU. work In. 00 UI, en"II" or lb. that the Naticnal Shorthorn Show year dependl Upon wllat and maJt '10 887 91 . bll atrp,an. wlUl Paul I:Jwao. •• will *be conducted at ' he. Ohio State reUef tIl.y will ree.t.. flnther ' •• bad to ao In.ld•. lb. fuall.,re. I'be Fa ir a., ain this year. The Draft than that pallgcl at the Jut IPe'_ ••- - doo..... OpeD aDd lh.r. fa:, I'ob,. Horse Department will ahow itl etaJ I...tO-n of th. I'Platurl, Mr. IS YOUR CAR SAFE 10011101 ,.,., 11I""llb. Capt Inn.. ulual array of champion. even Fichter .ta.d. Tht Ipteial aelllo-n ....,...,- '1'&1101 IlU . .Dl.DCed '1'0',. 1.0 tile though the snles have been ex~ re1lntcl to provtcitcl helpflll . .on the hl.ll"ay can be boot'IOW tor ,01Da ".WOI~ " t;"el'1 tremely heav!, among Qur fXblbitporary aid -.nd mad~ it poulble to . onl,. tbrourh the opera· ollbt COmmander NO'lII. '~l d l:a"L 01'8, reducing, to lome extent; tb, cle.r up ,19,000,000 of tehool of • •ehtcle that fa in ~od IDD_Ta,lol k..p opeli 1I0U88 ,or Isual number of show animala. debtll for thls yea'. Thla dOlle operatinl' eonCUtloa, the highwa, till coffee onGlen. 'I'b., ar. I. "Reportll from th. member in by enadlnl' three me8llure., one 'departmeat'l I&1lty semCe eomToby-who. \lNnt AWOL bUlJ m,kln& ootr .. 10rUle... 'u ..... . oharge 01 the Sheep Department to authorla. boarde 01 education of mlaJon ..n loat onrboard ,from till lIaa- aDd 'prepartol IIIllk tor two. indicate • bigger show than ever .tate .td dlltrleta to borrow mone, It .. futUe for the, hlah"a, de- .blp J&cob Ruppert on lb• •a, puppl_ uaat lb., b••• ver., IIttl. before, with ~ome new ex.hibitor•• and t.luenotes; ope. to provide for partment to clniM wa,1 and lie"" One broke &Wal. waa- tim. 10, u,tbllli ~I'. I!:~e.n II w. The Swine Department will be fundlne e:llltlnr indebte-ndnell by lIleana lor travel lIlet)' If daroqh clered off ud w, .. ere Wlable to are able to r..cue tbe bll CI ..el&nd larger th an in former yeara. pleclrl1ll' deUnquent taxel, &!ld one the lie, Datu. of the v.hleles Dnd 111m. tracto.!' wblcb we bad to ILbandOb Even though we were confron1ed to pennlt school cUatrictll to .,ote them...... IMICU'It7 -Ia pne- Our f.~ Iltle,. 0 1 o.w pupa are • ., mil.. out ou Ule trail aDIS wblcll 'rith the drought thil! year, whicb a levy of tax.. Olltslde the t.. tieaU,. lmp-.tble. ' '11nl . careruU, reared. lOme Is DOW undoubtedl,. co.enid witll th rea tened to impai!' the arricul. If you can- .ft'ord to op.rate an even bJ band. CommaoderNo\,lIIe snow •• e IbaU Itlll Deacl .I IIOlre do... tural and horticultural departmill limitation. Wh.t the telloola wl,l be able ,t o do .fter J.a nn &r7 1 alltomobUe )'011 can .afrord to keep and Capt. lnn...Taylor adopted ptro Tbe, rol"lll aD Importan, ,.;1 or IJI. ments, the recent. rains hllve depends upon ' what relief lerlll.- ODe in repair. Auto men report poppte. which b.d beeo delerted eQulpm.nt fo. Ule a1pulDI lraClC~r made It' possible for this show to tion, if an,~ the leglll.ture will that the cal' that enjoJ8 a rea'Ular b, their moUler. Tbe•• were ratled and dOl team IIplOration. planoM present its usual array of the enact at special lesiionl In Sep. eMclda. and eoaditlonlne CON the on til. boltle aod are now ,rowlDl alonl t.lle Due . Of UI. I./u ..o MallO finest specimens thaC; are .hown at tember and November, Mt. Flchte owner Ie.. ia the loq I'Iln than rai)141, . Ho.",er. llIe, ar••UII U• . mountalas No"emller or .... any fair ~~~_'_ __ luted. tbe car which t. nerleeted. ID' In tile I\lU. bul willi tile two Ue, . tNl .e Ibatl probab., 1Ia~. to See to it that )'Oar brakes a,e roet.r ratll,n. Kec.nU,. Of anoth.r .et on wl~ Ule dO,1 .e bu.. . Bar Politic. i. Old Aa- Pen.loa • ' FilhinJ at Marblehead PenlDlUla .fe, that )'Ou~ hom 8Oandt, that litter or e.,IIt, ODI, ODe .u",l.ed. 'l·b. excltemeot oy.r our aU.mpla Admlaieu.ti_ Catawaba, akLealde, Put-In- ,oar Ul'hu are in toca .nd not Thla oa. w.. brougbt In ud I.n to IInna AdmIral B,rd back to Ut· Day and illand. of Lake Erie Is too brlcht, that ,0111' tirea are With C&pt. Inoft.TaJlol and CODi' tI. AID.nOll b, tractor b.. cauleel Gpvernor George W1Iite's admin reported the beat this ....On ~ Dear the blow-Gut ataae, that )'our III8.IId.r No.III.. Tb., ob.ecteel a '.....' ru/IJI 01 Dew lIIem"'" to ition that politics must not enter man, yean, .ceordliq to the wlndlhleld wiper . .d other rainy lUODIl1 aDd concocted a ",-lalloll_1 0111 CIIull U 70U baweD tolned Illto .dmlnlltratlon of the old !lge atat. coa..natioD diviaion. w..ther aenicetl work. _ _ .. Tlaal Diehl uaQ, P,laeed tbe ,el Mad • el_1t7 penalon law hu brou,ht .Iurance caUliea of pielEerel and 'Whitt ..... RlcUq III a ear that ia aaI. II a ••,.11 borD pup Iii a bol, 110., a .lamped .DYllo\MI to m. from II. L. BroW)1, chief of the aq ..... made. with IftIID7 pick- pJ....n. aidl. in one that II an- DUI'II'" botUe oa the lIoa aDd •••n.... b../lQlI&rton. .,allnlC.. division, that civil service metbods erel three to eYe pon_ 8011'" II a dU that not ... D, of tato 0.. ..I. . . lallOratotJ ArUlur ....... Jr.• I'rlllllllea:~ were bein. uaed .nd that a1ao for Total catehea J'IID .. IiIP at 101 ua .... to tak.. ..., left It OD &Ia. u.a III Dr. A....... ,nauOD u, .Ij:roraUctl each place to be 6Ued in the old JIG_cia with partia 01 II.. ..., nroqll the ClII&rM O.......... our ........ .... HOIeI "'tqtoD, York are pen.ion lilt an unbiased in...... ~ 10 to 80 poa•• of III 01 . . . . 0111&. ft, Ha\ Aweau.. -.. vutlptiotl ia made iD tile collnty • . , aN WIdW .... II u_ where tile ........ Brown















0... ......t.



.., ............... .,..•.,

"':"~5~~~=~1 -'at. ,.... ....... ......

.... a


..... baa

tIIU ..., to


The Mla.l



40 this yt'ar'~ of the leadinar featur~1I of Late Ohio Stat('< nior Fair, TEACHING whi h \\ ill be held in ' olurnDulI th \¥('ck before Labol' OilY, Aug. 011(>






Sr .. G EAT T RAe T I 0 H "

HARLEm Rhal? 40 • 'EOPLE • 40 ~



.., 1 A (, f


1\ N [)

CIa'ssied Ads


u 't 27 to September 1, in connection with the Ohio State Fair ae:cording to State Fair officials, will be th appearance of the Warren ounty 4·H Club, Band on he I<'air Grounds 011 Wedn sday, August 29. n invitation trom the Junior Fair Management to Lester Miller, Warren County Agent, inviting this 50-piece BO}1s' Band to the Ohio State Fair, has b en tlccept. d, In tbe pa t, It has beell the policy of the Fair Manag-ement to invite a few outllt.anding juvenile bands if> play at Ohio's great exposition. The invitation, which this Warren ounty Club received, was du to the efl'ol'ts of My, Miller.


..... 0

WhIt. ,the ........dable easollne.

LOCAL 4·H CLUB BAND SUbKrlbe tor The Miami a••ette TO APPEAR AT STATE FAIR ___ ' __




_ ...- - - - - - - - - - - - : Ladiu' Dreuee, 70c Men'. Sui", SSc Quick-for qu~lity dr,clHllin.

F'OR SALE- Bartlet Pears. J. L. Mendcflhall. ~~~~~~~~"!!!"!!!~"!!!!'!!


White Rose- Power behind the enllne• ,

!!!!!!!!"!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!,!~~~~~~~~_ ~ _~~~,!"",!,~~~~~~~,!,!!!!,!!!!,,!!!!!!!!~5-

Card of Appreciation To lhe voters of Warren county I de ire to express my appredation and thanks for th support given my candidacy as , , R presentative to the General A s mbly.


Arthur Hamilton (!TOo~' IES



,A Public Health Guardian vious J..' lIir ,

The Boy ~ou~ of Amer~ca incorporated Feb,uary 8, 1910, WIUI Irl"ant.ed a Federal c.harl$r, June 15, 1916, . protectinr it's name, badges, uniform, inaignia, etc. Wood· roW' Wilson 'was made it's Honorary President, William Howard Taft and Theodore Roo~velt. it', Honorary VicePresidenta. ThUs wonderful movement brings boys up in the ' open, facing life's poul. bllltle" 8S well as responslbiliti...


A. STU 8'BS U. I I

~ __ ~ _I 12L: .. __~_

~ ~1.

JliQHf 19

This importan t uept) rbll~n~ oj th(! ,Ohiu ::)latc F~ il' cmhrac ' 0, prac· ticall}' l!\ ery 0 1' . nn izell slul~- wid jU\' nil' ~r"up In Ohio, II')c\u led amung th 5e gruup~ are, epu(u4 Ilivbio ns [or Boys' and ir!.· ,·11 lubs, Vocationa l AgriC'ultnre stu dent., l"uture Flll'mcrs of \m<!I" iea, H ome 8 colloll1ic tlnil l"utucc H O.D1 emil k I! r II General School Shops, Juvenile CrL1l1glll$, ity School Cord ns, Buy caul of America, Camp Jo'h'c Gil'l , Model Airplanl)s and Fa rmer ll' I nsti tull! Posters, The J... iveSlook Dllpartlllents ot the Ohio State Junior Far. parallel those 01 the op n cilia e~ ill the State Fair. Besides the livestock cIa! as in which Ohio Boys and Girls may compete, hey can also vie for premiums in the homemak. iDi', clothing, stock judging, wool, veretables, art, shop and nl,lmerOIl other worth-while endl'l,vors. In 1934, almost $11,000 in premiuml are beln ..: otJered. Only boys and girls wbo ar~ resldenh of Ohio are eligible to compete tor th· ell' prel1l10ma, A separate and com.,lete premigm list covering this d,partment is published and will be .-ent to interested persons on

White Rose, the depend.ble Gasoline.


DR. B. H. BLAIFt 79, CALl!.ED BY DEATH . Dr. B, H. Blah', 70, Lebanon physician for tho past 46 yeal's, died at his .home Wedn sllay evenjng hortly befol'e 6 o'clock. Dr, Blair, whO had , been in failing h(!alth for the IlMt year, had been confined to hi hc)me for less than two w eks, D ath was du to heart trouble :il'Olm , hieh he had suffered lor som~! time. Fu neral servjces will be conducted Fi'iday Elfternoon at 4 o'clock at the r,e!lici e nce in Lebllnon and burial will be made in Lebanon cemetery. , Dr. Blair i ur'\'ivl!d by two 60ns Dr. Ed, and Dl', R ob rt 1\1. Blair, practicing ph:(sicilans of Lebanon; a dal,lghtel', Mrs. Nora B lie Crew of Dayton; and I) brother, the Rev. J. Edw~u'd Blair, ]i>resbyterian minister of Washil)g~::~_ Mort.,e Loaa A\id For F.rroera Governor White ha$ made an appeal to the 65 c:ounty {arm and

home committeel! to help 2,000 Ohio farmers in having their mortages l'efmanced through the Fedem] Land Bar~k at Louisville to prevent ioreclosUll'e. At the 88me

The llth band concert will be T)lul'sday evening, August 23 , at l'ticCI ure's corner. Th i~ concert will b sponsored by bas, Anderson, tokes Dairy, Rogers & impson Service Station Peck's Restaurant. heeban'R el'vice Station, The Ladie Aid, Ray Gonner, The Miami Gazette and The Twins Theater. The next concert will b August 30, sponsored by a group of in· teres.ted frie~ds whose names will be allnounced next week. Evoery· body welcome.








J. E. lIeClare

Ban.I.: Report Show. ConScIe_.

Ohio , tate banking depa~tment figul'CS tell a story or returning confidence and optimimt. In a tatement based on roporta on June 25 last the department reo veals that total rellources snd de. po itors oi tate-supervised banks had increased sharply during toe past year, reflecting "continued and future stabilization of banking cO,nditions.'" Covering the year June 30, 1938, to June 26, 1934. the Ireport howed that the 475 reporting panks, ineluding 36 conservator banks, had increased their combined resources from

~=W=A=~=E=S=V=IL=L=E~:=O:H:I:O=~~~~===~~~~~=~~~~~=~~_~~=~~~~~~~~~~time~e g"un~b en~~~ $~~~l~,"O~ $1~2~25L02~ -~ appointment of , Leland Ijutch· Thus, within the yea, eroureea of Berea 3illd Winslow Smith Cleveland astleld agents for state farm and home cqmmittee will contact county commit-

Doctors and health authorities agl'ee that the funeral director i one of the most important workers in the cause of disease prevention. Sanitary science has contributed much to the profe ion. Today every po sible precaution is taken to prevent the pread of di 'eas to living per ons, Had su h care been employed centurie ago, many of the terrible plagues that swept throughout ' the world might n vel' have happened, This organiza.tion is particulady . cientinc in it methods. We are aware of OUt· r spon ible pO/:iition as guardilin of public h £11th.

P"o.e 7

Wa),.e.vllle, Ohio

To The Voters of Warren County H;indly permit me to xpre$ to you pUblicly my lIiocere BPpredation of your splendid vote 01 conlldenee ,in me.

$43,000,000. Combined deposits of reporting banks increased nearly $50000. Ooo- from $897,633,728 to 277,967.

on tires




Tou ... t"lelt Cent... Tracti~

E ectric

• Under our new rental ,plan, we will in. stall an electric range in your kitchen without initial ellarICe.


don't htlve to buy an electric ranet ' Wltil you have actually tried it in 'Your kitchen. We know that only an electric ranee

brUlp you truly MODERN cooking. We Imow that electric coolrina lives you elaht ~ f~aturea that cockinl with fuel does

This permits you to try elec tric coolcing i11 'yow home: without making any in v estment, D'l-ririg the rental period, you pay for ,the service as registered by' your meter, plus a 'monthly charge of $1.50 for the range, If you keep the range your monthly pay· ments will be 'applied in fUll toward the purchase price at any time" 0 .... after renting th e range for ,60 , months it becomes yo~r p,'operty at no additionaJ cost.

not give you, We wont you 'to lind this out for yourself. We want you to ' discover fOI yourself th e cleanliness, uniform results,. waterless cooking. time· saving and other modern features of the electric method of cooJdq.

Ask ,AllY Rural Represen'ative

I P8


Harold D.


Tread. Built wltb Sypertwllt Corel, Full OYeRI,•• Llf.tlme auataatM. Ut·ll U5-1'




Gooel,..,. .rip .sl/·slop quic....,1 " ,400 te'" "ove ', it I Smooth ti'r•• .'iel 77~ 'f cufher-other n.w tire••lcicl 14-. t. t'~ Jartherthan "G.I" All ~W..,.lh.r.1 When ,OU IIG_ 3" ,our wheel.-looic what,ou let' No Elt'f a Cost! Flatter. Wider A 11- We at h e'r Tread. More Cen· ter Traction (16% more non-,kld block.). Hea\'ler Tuuaher Tread. Supertwiat Cord Bocly and nile 1\1 ore M lIea of ~EAL Non.Skld ....

.' "

elimbedmo~ 'than

It's the



Brakes stoOP your "heel~ut it'. the GRIP on your tires that atopa ),our !Car. Grip IS vltal--1... Ul'aIICe recorda ahow 5~ tlmn as many accldent. are caused by sklddln& as by bl()~uta or punctures. Grip-the qulckeilt-atopplfta &riP of any tire-I. " .... t. the New IIG_3" Goodyear All-Weather atvea Y01l. , Center traction artp! Grip that laat. 43~ lonter-twice as lona as on other tires teeted aaalnit it. What a mar&lD of aafety. that I.! What a reason for uG-3IDa" ),our car today!


Otlier .1... la 'proportlOil. lipert tit. mouatln.. Prlc:ea , eUb,.ecc to cllaa,e wltbout not ce, Illite ' , •• , It , ..." additional. ' "

. t9JS StrI4t-ComfOitl.


Worn ' by tbe ne" c:a~n b. . .,U), put on ),our car. World 'a , moet popular lowprea,aur. tir.. by • 5. to·1 lCorel Come lee whyl









Eighty-Sixth Yea'r


D. L. CRANE, 72, CALLED BY DEATH AFTER ,LONG ILLNESS Funeral Su"iet" Set For F·r i . ., After_ at St. Mary's Church

Daniel Lester Crane, 72, editoT and publisher of The Miami Gaz tte I'Or 26 )lean....died at his rc id ence ori Third iltreet shortly after 7 :30 o'clock Wednesday morning. !MJ', Crane, ",ho bad been in tailing bealth for the put )lear. had been confined to his home fin the past three months and du~ing ·that time had lost strength gradually until his death. The son of Jlldg Daniel and Louise Crane, pion er Warren county resident, .Mr. Crane wall


Whole Number 6182


BAND CONCERT The last band COncel't of t he Beason will b Thursday evening, August 30. a.t Mc lure's' c.orner. This concert Wlli be spon~ored by the followillg interel'ted friend of · the bam!. .Mi. Clara J . Lile, Mr. J . W. Lot2, M~. J. W. White, Mrs. Edith Harris, Mis Ruth Chandler, Mrs. D. C. Ridge. Dr. R. S. Weaver Dr. E. F. Deppe, Mr . Anna Cad. walladel'. Mrs. Mary Cros8, Mr. Walter Cast. Mrs. Truax, Mr. RO~8 Hartsock, Mrs. Lena Hart. sock, Mrs. B. H. Williamson, Fred White, Miss Marn e Brown, Mrs . Mame Hatfield, Miss Freda Harvey Ml.Hs Etbel Mendenhall and Mrs. Geo. mith. . The band is plea ed to know it has 80 many interested friends and hopes to give a 'few of the old time favorite pieces of rn usic on this program.



0. L. "Lee" Crane Daniel lA!ster .ane, who for nearly 30 years guided the dElstinies of The Miami Gazette, has gone to hi. eternal rest. His wa not an over-abundance of wordly goods -his rew8l'd was greater than that-the respect of his fellow men, a host of friend , a life well spent and a zealous interest and concern for the ommunity ih which he lived . " 'Lee" is gone-but the memory of him will remain for 10001g.

. I

born at Ridgeville, Ohio, July 8,

1862. His lathet' died before bls birth and sho~l)' ariel' the family

moved to Wayn Iville. With til,! -exception of 20 years Da"i,,1 L ..'.r Cr.... in Sprlngll Id, where· he was eon. l' h' =======_=.:::-=-=-:-:.:=x:x.-=""",--=-== ' nected wit h t h II 0 rowe 11 Pu b 18 1Il~ Th. Miami Ca••tt. ollie. will be clo..d all. da, Friday for .... fun '.I!yie•• of D. L.


ANNOUNCEMENT OF George Henry Be/ wa8 born SERVICES. AT THE ____ Augu $t 2, 1802 near BwUrling. ton, Obio, a.nd nloved to anen The play, "Th Drea m of Queen county at the age of two, neal' CHURCHES SUNDAY Esther." ,sponsored ' by th ~ Y. F. Harveysburg, where he resided J~ew


Stat .. Dep&rtm~nt of H~alt" Wlil MEMBERS ENJOY Be Asked to Coop.. .. ate La A COOD PROGRAM

Tb. S.n ..,

Aftel' a short businesS meeting Saturday evening the .unmal·ried members of the local Grange e ntertllined with the fo llowing pro. gram. Trombone 010 ...... Charles Fires Vocal Duet " ... Virginia Hardjn . and IJorua Rich Talk . Mr. William Michener Piano Solo .... ,... . Doris Beck Duet ,.........: ...... Vi rginia Hardin and Irma Rich The committee l'c8ponsible for thi lecture hOUr of August 18 wall compolled of Virginia Hardin and Jallies and Katherine Gibbons. In viel of initiation in Septem ~ bel' the degree team will practice at thil hall August .26 at 8:80 p. m. It is hoped thllt a ll member of' th.e team and those willing to help wit.\"! the singin will be pl·esent. .

10nday afternoon Mayor Day and lerk Hatfield called oa County Welfare Director Shouab at Lebanon ' in regoard to FER A sewe~ projcct. They were told at th time that FERA. would furniJh all the labol' Ileceesary for the In· atallatio.l\ of a sewerage .y.tem and sewe rage dh!l~os!,l plant at Waynes,·il1e and possibly a 811,1a1l percentage of the cost of matenal. On Tu ~sda)l Mr. M~xwel\ Mac· arla.nd of th .united ,statel Pubhc Health Senllce worklne In cooperation with the S~te Department of Heal~h was In Waynes· ville and took 1I11 the Mat· ter with. the mayor ~nd An effort Wl.1l be made to ~cure the cooperation of the State Dept. of Health ih making a survey of the villai\"e for the project.

M. tor the Yearly Meeting and un til maturity. which was postpon ed until Mon. He ~aa (me o! III family of WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF day evening, wa given at that tw elve children of tne late Mr. CHRIST C..-.. time and was w 11 attended. I and Mrs: Harrison Bucn. (Undenominational) AI; the age of 15 hI! united .with The lawn of the Friend~ Home C!ompatl9, 6 years at Cincinna~i and pl'ovided an ideal se tting tor the the Caesar's Creek FJ:iends church Chester A. Williamson, Minilter 2 years at Urbana, Ohio Mr. Crane I!taee and the audience wa seated of which SOCiety he remained a Church School at {) :3~ a. n;" resided hi entire liletime in W.y· where it cQuld view the performan. faithful m mber untill death. Even ~ord's Supper at conclusion. ChriS _ The Waynesville Mercb.Dta 'Were ce ,well, at a slightly lower level w~h limited oPPO"t~ll1~ty, at an tlan Endeavor at (l :'1) P: m. Vel'.' . IIgain defeated last SundllY after. nesville. . H~ was Ul)ited in mal'l'iage ' 0 Mr . W. S. AlleJi was a Dayton below the terrace. . early age he chose tbe profe ion de~a . Fox, ~eader. Eventnlt e van· . ~. L. Harlan was a bUSiness noon and on the home Broundl by Flota 1.t. Wo~I'e)l on ~ovembell 19 visitor on Tuellda~. . By, the klndn of Mr. Phillip ' alJ a ~eaeher, whi(!h he followed gehstlc ~ervl\:le. at ~ :46 p. m. Pray· "lsitor hel'e on Tue~day. the Sabina Merchants by a sC!ore of 188' and to this union w fe born . LarrIck the lawn Was well lighted succell8fuily for 5 years and alter meeting and Bible study e a c h . . . 5 to 3. This was rather a clo •• two sons, Dor e'Y., who Was Idlled Mr. Will LippIncott was a Leb· and Mr. J .. E. McClure furnished wards all expert aalesman of books Wednesday at 7 :46 p. m. The . ~I : ~ohn ~alne8 of SprlDg~eld game at that but there wall some a the age of 14 yean in tbe anon visitor last Monday. chil'l:'! tor the audi nee. and ch ool supplies a el well as that church where you feel at home. IS VI Itmg friend s and relatIves very ragged ban playin, perform. Black Opera House Aroe at SpringEach mcmba!; of ' the cast gave ot' 8 larmet. he1:e. ed. The Waynesville boys totaled 7 field in 1903 and Ethan C. Crane. Mr. Arthur Zell of Er e, ~~'! 11 an excellellt pe,'tormance and the H~ W88 fort.u nate in inheriting FERity CHURCH OF CHRIST Dr_ and Mr. E. F. Peppa lett errors for the game which. is very In 1908 Mr. Crane returned to former Corwin l'eaident, i pray ~as thorol,lghly enjoyed and phYSIcal and mental s~engtb be· on Sunday to enjoy a vllcation in unuSllal fOT then.' as th~y have Waynesville from Spl'inaBeld and frf nds here. iapprccaated by all present and pro. yo!'d the average. I;IIS love .of (Undenomlnati~Dal) n rthern Michigan. done some splendId f1eldID~ for since then had been active in hi B . i h Id nounced a decided success children was one of }:111j predooun· Chester A. WUlIamloD most of the lieason. Th "o erran . the ciVIC . • The athaway reun on wasDay's e as well as hiII great · . beglnning " . tl a a only neWlIpaper worlt and lit th t Lyman The announcer was . Charll!S a ting tra'ts I • nlfiedserVlce aL 9 :30 1\11s8 Anna Lee Cl'llne wall the were vGry «III y s . Dos£el.' who r ad a synop is of the fon.d!1 eaa .,for 'Poetry and en!,oyed a. m. with Church Sellool. Lord's wee~-end guest of Miss Martha .am~d two 'of their T u nd Way and bU8in~SI lite of ~hls commu~~ tn ~ul:::r. camp II Ity. Identified with the Repllblh last y play. The ca t of charllctel' ate reclt!~g, The Haunted Well, a~d Suppel' and sermon at 10 :30 a. Jamieson at Le'banon. nesvillo would bav~ won tAla can party he took an activt! part in Mr. Wilson Edwards of Spring· wele ' &!I follows: and The Farr;ner »:t the W.heel. . m~ The young peopl ",ho attend. g'ame if ~they had pl~ye~ air tiaht Wanen county politics. field was ' a Waynesville vi itor on The King u F . He was ulll~d In marrJ~ge to ed Tri~State Chri tian Service Misses Je"si lark (lnd Ren. ball behl"d Cline. pltehlnl'. CUn~ He was a member ~f Wayne.· Wednesday. Mordecaj . ,,, ....... a~:e:(Chau~:~ Bertha Irma Wilson, of Fal~field, Camp will tell us about it. You are r~e~ta McKinsey were Cincinnati howev~r produeed three of t~e er. ville lodge. No. 163 Free and Ac· . ' . Hegai R e FP ,Ohio, August 29, 1914 and enJoyed always welcome at this church. vl8,lO'r s on Monday. !lors hlmllelt 110 I believe he .. dir,Q('pted Masolla a past maeter of Mis. ViVIan O«lesbee. of Wll- Esth .......... ,. D d urn~ nearly 20 yeaTS of ha~JlPY wedlock, ec~ly rel!p,onsible fOT the loa. that lod,re and a member of the mington is tM guest 01 lIrBI Doro· Meesbra ' Z~beel .: . ~~tb Ch~:~~r two years of ~hieh were spent .at The Waynesville Band will The 8coTln~ ,!as .. follows. b Lebanon Chapter He was a loyal thy Hartsock. Hanana CI H k' Lakewood, Oh!o and the remaln!ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH present a band concert at Spring the lIecond 1nDlnir Cline w,alllled and devoted member of st. Mary's t -2 Koosh '.. "... , Ed'tb aMra dO])hlnlsJ i'~g. ~8 years In Hlln'eysburg and Father Newton, Pastor Valley on Sa~urday evening. Williams first man ull Dew.... . $5 perman en wavell n9W "' . ..: . .. I en en a VICIDlty. . t S Astin' Church b'Unted to Clille alld was safe Oil EpIScopal church, a member of the 50c extra foy sh'a mpoo and linger- Kazrna Sh,m el .... Edna Hartsock He met bis tragic death August Mass a dt . ~~ ;hs S d Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Earnhart Clines error of th.e bunt WUliamI . vestry and a lay reader of that wive. Truax Beauty Shoppe. The Lady Ozoona . .............. n ...... . 16,1934 at the age of 72 years and e;e:: :~~~h. all au un ay and family of Dayton are spending r.e achina second. Both runD.n church. . . M'ss Donna-Irvin or Blancbester ... " ... ,.. . Ada Grace Underwood· 14 daYI!. · e a few days with' relatives bete.. we,re ufe wben Manker IlAcrtAced. Bad Mr. Crane 11ved until. I . thO k ·th h Jakosha . ...... ... . .... Amy BaUey Besides bill widow he leaves tQ H Flint fanned. and thinca looked ,5 EE N Mr. Anna Oadwalladet· as b~tter but Wycol then amUbed .. November of this year he and Mrs. ]8 spending IS, wee d';;l Ral e~ The Princess Zuecca ......... "......... mourn theIr loss on~ aiJIter Mrs Ct'ane would have oblerved their l\~nt and uncle 14r. an rI. p .... ,...... . '...... .. Eliubeth Furnas James Kerrick of Wa3meavill~ FRIEND M TI G cC!nfined to her home several days doubl ' wb'ch seored Qbth WUltama lolden weddinlr ·anniversary. Lmn, Ni~e JeWish children- Cara Oor· 'two bTothel'8, ,Tohn c,f, near 'liar" First-day School at 0 :30 8. m. the fit'lit of the week ~lth illness: and ~ew:eBe, ZUrlace doubled Theo.body will lie in .tate at the Mr. and Mrs. Chelter Cutler and tone.' Set; Jr. Furnas, Anna veyeborg and Samu'~l of New Meeting for Worship at 10:30 Mrs. Dr. W. E. Hunt and Mrs. scoring Wycol and Chitty Ilied to MasonIC temple here from 9 a. In_ son Franeis of NOl'Wood, are J U18e, enton Hoak, J~n Mexico and a numbel: of relatives m. Emma Thorne of Selma were second. until 12 o'clock Friday. Special ruestafoT this week of Mrs. Bertie ~n.e and Owen Hartsock; Vu'· as well 8!l a host of friends, guests at the Friend~ home ov~ Waynesvine g ot one in the He' Masonic s rvicetl will be held a~ 1 Mills. EI'h~Jap ~st()nRand ~o. Shank:. alpecally ,!mong the children. WAyuESVILLE M. E. CHURCH the week..(!nd. ond on Ellis' walk, Davis' sia,led, p. m. fot Masons only after which Ir . e on o8e .J>laid&-Eva - - - ---" M. Wiellers single and Clines walk. the body will be removed to St. J. V. Hartaol)k lett for northern McMillan, Mabel Wilson Esther Rev G. O. Dibert, Pastor Mrs. Mary McClure returned rn tile fourtll Cline drew BlUI Mir '8 chInch whel'1! 101 rvlces will )fiehigal) on Saturday stopplnc and Ruth Doate~, Flor.mond ro , I . 8 home on Tu sday atter pendir\g off fir ton' H. Fli n til crounclet, Reed, . Faith Tombn on, Freeda NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS Frida~; Choir practlce at p. Ule summer with her sister at Flont being .afe. Wycol liq1ecl b hId at 2:30 o'cloclt with Rev. enroute to visit friends at HAkron Joll/! J. SchaeWel' officiatina. Bur· 'f or a few days. . ThHarv.t!h A~a irdace Undenvood; m. Sunday: Sunday school at 9 :30 Dulutb, Minn. Flint going tosecond. ZUrface POPlal will be made in 'Miami cemetery: 11 S ith d e WI 0 n or .........:........ . C t T E B Mur . h' 10 4Q p'ed to Cline bllt Chit.... 10Uowecl 'd u ' Mt. and Mr.. Bas m an .................. ..... Floramond Reed OUD f reasurer . . - a . m, Morning wors IP at :. Mr. a.nd MI' . Jo ' Wolf and'M.r . with a singl.e wh·.c" sc~~e'" FUn. . h' S t . . u vlv1llg are IS Wl ow, _rs. family returned Sunday from ,_" ..... ,... ... , Mabel Wil,ion rei) caIljl the. attenti,on of ~x Epworth League at .7 ,P. m. E)van- and Mrs. Ellrl Re der at Clarks. . . I '\ .. .. Flora. M., Crane; one .Ion,~t~ C. week's vacation with relatives Midam: ., ....... ...... .... Ruth Doster payers to the fact that the ~ lUitie I!ervices at 8 p. m. . ville were djl1n .e r g\1ezst!\ of Mr. and . Bot two !110re iD .t IlI Crane; one sister, MIlS .sue Crane Pleasant Grove. Ky. Deboriah .... Ada. Grace Underwood cplJeetion c)OIlCS at. ~oon . ~n', Monday: Next M~nday at; 8 p. Mrs. Orville Gtay !lnd daughter, elghtl) a T~omp.on sl~l •.d with and tbree !rrandchHdren. . .. h Adah Fred' H Saturday, ~eptembet fiust. / m is the regular time for the meet Mi$S Bal.'bal'll on Sunday on~ down. La.u ren" singled, TholllP - - - .. Mr.. L. A. King l'etuJ,'lled ome. .Marth~··.:: .. ::.'::::.:::·: . :. Eva ~c~:y Neither payment In ea8~ nor ot the olf\cUil board. , ' . .' . ' Bo.n eoing to third. Mend, tII_ from the. hoepital in Da~ton on Ruth . F 'th T r · n by check can be accepted after Wednesday! Bible study and Mr. lind Mrs. J . W. DaV18 and connected for a nice hit.lll alae" Tuesday and is very much Irnprov- Electa.. ~·.:·.·.:·.:~:·.·,:··...... aEathe~'lnD:s~~ ' that date. • praYe.r roeeti.~g el'ich Wednesday family have re~urnE!d to Ne1" Lon. center which Davis attempted to • cd in health. Charlotte T"oll1as ianist ' at 7 :30 p. m. • don, Connecutlcut after a pleas. tra~ aDd let !ret away fl)r 8 . triple ., , P • ant visit with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver which scored both ThoIDptIOn aad Hr. and Mn. Ralph Linn and -- -Davis and family. Laurens. Mendy died 011 third .. 'daulrbter and MillS Donna Irvin Go.ns grounded ~ lIecond for an lJ)ent Saturday e"ning with KiN . !taMA , _... Mrs. Ella Folk altd Mr. . Ru.saelJ out and Bart ock :tanDed. TbtI . A~na Hoyle and parenti!. ~ ~ ~~ Zciglerand children of near was the end of Wa)'lletlViUq IGOrl>eatb came to Mrs. Addie HartW a Uac:& Treadway and Mill Tl-lE RASWING WAmS Of ~ ERIE! OR=£R\NG €Xa:u.~ 'FIS\-IIIIIG . sA'1l!ING AND Chillicothe .ylslted at the home of mg. .. ·~OATING.' mE nocrURE<;QUE ·ISLAN . I)s WITH ~E\Q. I-lOTEL<'>. o:rrr~es ~ND CAVES, Mrs. Folk's d~ugbter, Mrs. <lha..• . Sabina gotlll).other in ~be Dtlltb. . sock at h~r homa on Fourth Do h M 01 i 'Were St.,'eet· Friday, Au~ult 17, 1984 rot., 14c ~ THE BEAuT'FULrCmIV~ A/'IO ~~~'lsro~\C I~. 'OF TI-lE REGION MAK5 rue I s .James .and family, SundaY.Zurface made Beco~d wMnDa~ after iii bdef . nines. arielnt' trom rs. eotle .' '3A,NOUSKV AR£A NG. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hawke, pean muffed hill fly., Chitty singled Zurtl\e heart tro11.ble to which IIbe 'b I , ay. , Hawke and Mis$ ATtn Weltz at. face IIt~pping at tblrd~ B. Jl'llat Mary Carolyn Lukens ot Har. tended the polo tournament at the ground~d to Laurena at ~ird . . . been subject for some yea11\. · Sbe was take.n ill on Thursday alld her veyaburg spent the week-end with Miami Valley Hunt Polo club in Laurens ~aurht , ZUrfaee at u.. children .ent for; children and her crandmotber, lin. Lena Hart. ..., . plat&. Chne thJ:'8" Davia out at grandchildren were -with her when· lIock, at the Friend. Horne. Dayton Sunday afternoon. first while Citty and B. Flint ad. ahe d~d on the af~ernoon ot the '. . Mr. and Mr~. Fred Hawke and :vanced to third and aecond rllPtctfollowing day. ·Mrll. H~k, "u Mr. and :Mn. Virgil R. 'Ott family of Clarksville were guests d born in Kokomo, Indiana on De- Dayton and Jlr. ara . Mra. P. L. of 'Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hawke the (Continued on pace 4) cember '24, 1861, the clau~hter of RNIIon have retur.n ed after a last of the week. They Jef.t on J'o~ and Abipll Alennd .... and mawr trip throu,h ~ •••at. Saturday tor Tampa, Fla., where DEATHS lilltit; ~ 14111. J., L. . JladaUof 1(1'. and lira. maude lUna of! tbe~ wlll mil'k e their home. Wayn_ville .<and ~. William Alex Dayton and IIr. and .Mr.. Wilbur , Miss. Olive AI~en in c~mp/l;ny MJIll. Addah Ua.r tsock. 73 nAQ an.der ot Cineinnatl. When Ihe Wall Olar~ a1'a ap.ncliJIlt leVerat daya but a airl, .he ~a~e to Ohio tq ltve at th.e World'. Fall' In Chicago'_ . with Mr •. and Mrs. Oscar HIlton ot Old died at her home her Fri~ and in 1880 married .Je"e L. .,. Franklin 'motored to East Bank, aft~moon at B o'clock. • Ha~k wbo ' preceded her ill ,Mr. and )(11\. Henry Penlnrton W. Va., last Thul'aday where they Mrs. Hartsock wu the wid", death !PUl' yean aao· .S be )eaves .and \WO- clau~hte.... lean and "Henwere .the guests 0'1 Mrs. Vernon of 1. L• .Hartsock, . a promiDeet four children, Archer A. Hart- rletta, of Ferry, called on ' Mr. and c;....PI'ERRVBanmster for: the week·en~, re- farmer of tbia vicinity. ,"01', 15 sock of Dayton, Fred C. Btu"t- Mrs. Ra, Mahto. SUDday atterOHIONATIONAL I turning home em Sunday, years following Mr. Hartsock'a re. 1Iock 01 Milford, BertO. ,Hart:aock DOOII. . 6l,1AROTRAINS , Mr. Clark Smith of Hogan, tjrement from active farmlq die of W.-eiVllle, aDd:' lira. Blith. ' ,.. T.' ........ AI'!<: couple lived here "aster Bobb, ButbIp anderHEQ.... Hf:.Kr.""" Montana is viSlting Mr. and Mr!j. · . . • Wslto.n"-of Da'n4- n and ftve -"d. "VOl •• tl f dleiti FREQUENi REC. E. Anderson and family. Mr. SurvIVIn, are three Ion... A. A. cblldren, Mildred, <lharl8l, Betty went all opera Oft a! appen I VIEWS AND NI/W' Smith in eompany with Charles :fr. Hartsock of Dayton, F. L. Halt. and Daird Baiteock and BCIbbJ at McClellall hOBPltal, Xenia, ElJY£QS. STATE and Harold Anderson spent .)lev. sock of Milford, and B. C." lIarI:Walton, in tb.e mind. of all of Thuncla, Dil'nt al1d is reeoverlng tlouTE 2. WEST eral d~ys this week in Cincinnati WaYllesville; ODe ct.~~ wbom IIhe will have the immoml· OF R:lt2.T the guests of Mrs. .James Beirne Robert Walton• .of atr.,op ityof metnol'}'. , CLiNtoN and family.' near. Danon: one brotlMr••• Mri. Hartsock tor many yeara, A. Alexander, of CIDeIDDati, .... wbile rearing bel' family, wa. :Mr. and Mrs. Clar.ence Young, one si&ter Mra. I. L. IIarWt ., active in the varied intereeta of the daugMer, Margatetta andsoD\ W&JlIenll j e. farm communities in whlcb ,be C1llrence, of Anahem, Calif. called Funeral lervleea ....... laelcl . . . . Uved; and alwa,. abe dlapJa,ed In on Mr_ and Mn. D. C. Rid~e lut day momina at 10:10 o'cloek U adversity the fortitude whleh 18 • week enroute home after tourilll ruicleDe4l. 811nal ........... mark ' of the ploaeerllla 1Pirit. the' country in a bUB converted into Miami eea.ter,.. • • car and in which Mr. had _ _ __ From e ~ a made clever and 'colDfortal:lle m•• ber an of earl,... the JlethodSlt copal church... wen her ......d quarte.... . and ehDcttu. , In reeot famq healtaa did Dot permit her to .. ~ i1l




















eh.reIr or e.oamditJ eoaeena ad .... Uaol'bId herMlf. _ . Ia tIM faIaIl, who are left .. _ _






Bot btl! ... II t r of t1l. te of m- 80M ed, Works. ,aauli~ '1 , 0; The will of Frank Jl,art ock, d.. naU m D_ illu, deceased, alld W, A. Rau e, ,asollne and nail.. ftl d bond of ,lOC) with luretle • ~('~d, was filed in probate. ,14.80; L. H. Gortlon. "pail' and The Inventory of I. Il. Mo.ber, I • The will ot lIIa'lT E. HoppiDlf, decellsed, Will filed in probat•. The admini trator of t.he stat.e of pal'bl, ,IIi; Bord n's Tire and Batwill Wall admitted to court. Hazel Laurlll H. Mosher. deceased was ap tery Station. Ira ol\n(', 19.12; Fred Kahn MotM ('0., part~, U ,72' • __ •• _ ._. _ l l'tlitch~ll \la! appoInted eX4!eutrb: proved. Hal'ry Hill, g'1I}\oIiJJC', $24: Th~ Allen 'fhirkllJlll wa, IlPPointed C . • m) honl! t'equired Ed Johnson' St~ldaJ'd Oil '0., gaYuHne, keroor Amanda apPl'8i r of ttle eslatt: W PTER Vll. did ~1 P hinl ju. t i n t im e; Reit an oqsmOn Pie•• Rroceed .... ' ~. UII\'Y HU IIl~:I~ I\n~! \,' lJ A .~o la- ( '\j nton W, Ratliff an(1 harlea H: B. lIunt, decca eel, in place of . sene, gt'ease. $21.29; Ol'iswohJ J)u ~h Ii his mUll d o ~ n i nlo II (,hllir In t,h e ca .. of C. . E .lU n \' ' ISI,! t'rhry " '.)" .ct al; Yo ung were appointt'd apPJ:alsers. W, Munger, who i unahle to at- • erYic(' tatillll, gasoline an\l supA C('I·t ified copy ot the ntry lIe• 'ow bourbon ~\ hi ky is capabl (' nd turn ed to tuct' Bullot'\; , Ann trun~ , I' I U\, The Vodd~ IlIIning Jut!Kml.. n$l7~061 t5 ; phllll llfl' In the pli s, $'i6.!)7; The hal'tle It Bevis tend to his dlltietl, 'C L' I ' I ' J !lU III (I ~ . I. t '· I·n ' · th • h I Machine , 0 . , 2 bolts, ~6 . 52 i East or man y things ; in t hil" cll e it wa. till en y t er \I'll . a t rllnJrt! light l •. , • • ""U :I . 1S nllt lOt'lle to I ) th r tIll F .1 " l lnlng e In er iance tax to dd I h Thomos Brehany, administrator 'n th ' f lh t ' t h I 1' \ D del l' 1\ I! C 8 ~ o. n I'lcnu v r- I,n 1)"'ld n th t t f M H 1ully qUill to 1h 0 t8!lk of Inok ill j.( I ~ ~e~ 0 e cap Illll 0 t e t!1\~e \I' (, " unn ng 0. to . u n b"CI F ' t ": ~ 0 ec es a (! 0 ary 01· of the I' tate of Andr ew Brehllny , En t! Garage, gasolin , $29.37 i 'ij. onover, nails and suppliell Adan Bullock III az nly confi dent. P roph t Da rti I, l 'lH' tat \' , in!'pl'ct- t h... omillissionel' of BUllol' I ~E" to Pa t y rl~ nld'l;r\Jl~~rlall t nrk- ?d~n, d ect.'ased, is to be certified II llCased, tiled his fi rst and flnl11 • $6.06 i Th Kilpatt le.k-Fr nch Mo: 11 repoatt'd h ifl II ot"- t hat h or sow that g lare , W nde~ed t i t. , c ounty, Ide 0 f 0 \' tlIltt orn nl ey f eo~,perw e \\'' Ilh, ou t delay_ account. . 1 h II 11 ' . B II k tor car Co., gas line and parts, hild not bet"n in t h ' pilot hOlll!e tor .Il c aw H" 00, pll~:dpcl and n l c matl(' of lrlln~! I' of • G : F. Brown \Ya app ointed ad1 ~ t 7.43; Fai rley Hardware Co, sup· . at l" lISt f oul' h Urs b f o1'e th til (!()lIC I'tcd, HI ' mouth sng!l',,\l Il tuml" f B Ilrd of Tow n hIp .1'rus.Il1i/ll trator oC the: e tate of Anna Marri ...e Li~n.ea · I mAsh cam" 11(' lin " Li r !' i l'llle as Regan f aced him. It eas of D rneld Town!'hip , it is ., New S~ill. , BI.'Jle Brown, dec I/.sed, and filed plies, $S8.84; Frank Sh rwood o. ", hi B.r dull nl (m nip Weath. ,IYo u're !lure a bc)ut it? R t'g'l\1'I ol'rI(!.I'<'d ~h :n, the peti tiQl1 e.l' tr~llsT~(' F d,,: al nlll 11 Llr III Ul': bond of 10,000 with uret·ies, C. Hurle), Kindred, fac tol'Y workllr s upplies Qntl g asolin e, $17.72; t>l'be 's lip ; , aw, too, " ith a b gan, -hi .e y(''l Tak ing Atl ilm Bull- f~r 700 from the QH solsne r eX. ~nc. o . .,;r" l us Thomas B, turdl- H. Young, C. . Eula and Char- of Carli Ie lind Miss Mudge Wat- Slo i!' It LeRoy, Rand and cement on, of artisle. ' nt, et a i, fot muney, fort.' clo' ure le S. Irwin were appointed $7,60 ; A,ddis Sel'vice tation, gas~ trl!mor, the gn9.~l d. knott£' d lhl!l 11 k. '-I· YOll didn 't kno\\' the l1 ame , I.'ll nd to lh~ Gen ral F utl d. , William 1" . Th omp on, f a r mer, lin , $'79.02 i L. M. Price 0., I~ n ­ of the tall, lanky ' pilot , But. he of the nl.nn who otl'~red Wetl,th~rI n tl lI£' . 1S2!H, Th .Mia!lli l!IIIl of r eal e ·ta le And ()tb el' r lief , prai r8 . , of Lebanon, and Miss f~ll n a J, ~ II and f rllme, $1 2. \\' nt on ill l the am" Th whi '- b £' 0 \(11\(.'\' to wl'eck th(' boat'>'" Valley Bu~hlmj( anl! LOlln A s oClanoy B Il net t Vel us er n . t L . ha rl s F l{odgen d " t Baldwin, of Lebanon, ky If t hi!> blllgu'e, Qu eer, odd shOll in v Perry '. et a l. for divol'ce, harge is t or (If the of ' Loren Banta, shoo ..... orker, of it ms.le him ll nxlou t o pile even que tioner's y ~ nOw ' Ju(lgment t th pllllntdr in th e gl ~ n. glct. A rkill d .(!eased filed b' h d l' Lebanon, and Miss Ag nes Gilmo ur Oliltl the hell d of the man Bu llock h-encl, <lr t()l(l s um of , as verr!;u Mytr,tl,e Wil ey ot debts. Th e !.ute :: aboe \Yorke r, of Mon ow, b hated, you I couldn ' t - r ', old "0 , In case, 0 , l 62 2, The liami a George l ey BUl;on 8 . , ver"Wl (II par ~tl(~n, tltc. from inher itance >n ' J II it .. ~lIl1 LIZZ ie Cott . ....x. Th e a d mm· Estel ' E. l{eg meyer, radi o op· . 0 it \\ ,5 th'a t, pre~(>ntlr, h w • . 100 (lark to ' t.h h ' Iac~s, 1 11- -------In n ~t III for on'c I~ I'otor filed his first and final ac- erato r, of Wayno8vilJ • and Miss saying : " I kiJ1da thought !lomethin' \\'o uldn't .have knowed .... 110 th Y1l'lIrbo y which hlld been : t nding. 'Ph VII'" I ~o· ~r'St ' k t. d count, Mary Anne tt o AndN'w, f Ore· With Reliable Serum 11k thllt m~ht h ppen- that Wll ' if ~ hadn't h eard Weathe1:- half, fill. (i, o ~ t he. table. Like 3 Ban k, 01 gi n ~al'iel~on 0 anP . '~o;ge G, Rook was appointed and Virus ~V~"tbe'J'bpo mIght pul~, so~ethin ' bc",'s VOice." uddenl)' he wo, un- t ~rdlc explus lOn ~t bl'~k. on th(' er us Ji u ton Kindred e~ alcoI ' odmlnlstra tol' of th e tate oi hke t ha.t. I wa" wa ' hll'l' hlnl all easy, $haken. It couldn't hf.' pos.! shll ILlr; fh~ Stat", m tlll etOI' mon y :lo)'eclollo l'G d ' lara De lle R oo k, d~eea ed and At a rea.onable price t.he time. You se. om thin' fun" ibl e ~hBt, at i he IMt m ment, h jU,mpeu, I I tllrt)~d: and Bullock ment ~f roceiv ~, ,nn a pI10m ftl~d bond of $50 with su·~eties. Real E .. tate Tr.n.fera nl' hapJ) ned a week before th had gwen himsjtlf I\w y. His ,eye [cUI'sed. Loo k! R n houted. nion J i nt tock La d B k ' f R. , Dol's, C. W. Mungel' and J T nt aplnin Rl'gan, as t he Both men did, . . Detroit Jon' od an t 0 1 Ril ey wer e appointed Augusta J{al1.sock, to masb , I didn't want to y nothlu' Phone 11R" bef ore, but-:" other repes.ted :. " Pitch-black dark I .And, foil WlO$C hlH .0Ul ' tt· tch ed for pefso:al Jui The will of B. Hunt, de Et hel Baker. et al, 32 acre· in Tne .. tat. m peetor Ie ncd f or. huh? oUld n'l s e 8 , tllinll?" Ihan.d, t hey I cnelu nIp W 11th 1'- forecl osure a nti t'quilnhle !elief. ' cE'ased, was admitted to probate. Clea rcreek word. , It. I, , Yl> ur duty t(l " I) uldn' no thl n't • Bullock brQad back. .H ha u nol even Lil!inll S, Kenned ver ' us Cbes. George P. Gntes WIU! app oin ted ex· Perry Hartsock, et a l to Mi ami ' t 11 e stirred ! t er A K en cd' Yi . d' ecuto(, and filed bond 01 $3600 Cemetery, 32 acro~ in .11.' rCI' eek ~=~= .-~========~ anythmg whIch Illay t hro w hgnt gasped, tre mbhn g. " o llldn' on ·thls matter," ~'our hal1d lef Or(! your fa ce I" . " I call V lIt n iron n erv4! !" th horg e ' is g-ro n ~~I ~r f t'~rce. with sureties. H, S, Conover. H. L. township. "W~ll-" Bullock began . H Anti' lil t Ia t, like II. wift curtain .lni!!P ctor b Ilil. But Regan stopn ec u y, h ny nd C. W. Mtmger "'ere apNew YOl'k Life Insul'ance reddened. " A 1 \\ as ayin' )ust tiAl', t he con( rn the line of II d hlln, P b C poin t d op,prEll er , Co. to Clarence Eyler lind M.ary bout a week befo!'e t~e . mash IVOI' I' Y wont fror:, pike Regan' " l\ Ul' VI', hell !" he e xploded, . ro .ole 'DUrt I lin t Hine!l, ~al'dian of Addte Eyl r, 67.356 acres In TUl'tlecreek .cllme 1 !oun~ out 0!llethin'- that fnce. He did n't turn ,wen to look " That'~ to ~ ove to you that thi A ~ ~'ufi~d copy o~ .t he ent ry Dowd~~, an incompetent person, township. Lawrence E , Taylol', decell ed, W atherb e we gO lll' crook d. It at Weath rbeti, who had go ne to cock-an'-bull , lory of B ullock's i cont lJllDg the ,d e~1 1 mlnatl n of l fil et! tllS first aod final accoullt. was j ust, acc.idant, my findin ' it the willdo~, his back turned d\!- a l ie! H e lies. wh n he a ys h e tax, on the e tat!!. o~ Bertha Th e will at Martha J . Kalbe de- by administrato r. til George E, out ; bot I did, j ust th am." H e Jeetedly to the room, Tnere was heard tho two talking ill tlle da l k I to b e cel'U- ('ea ..ed, was admitted to pro bate, Hall, inlot N . 3 47 in }' ran klin , ' sta d lit. th e /loor, t ryin to colled som t hing gol amin g and l1'lurn- H lie becnu Rip l\"catberb e tied t.o ~he audItor. LOllIS Carl Kalbe was appointed Th e First Nat ionBl Ban k to Roy bis tbough ts and worch, H ~'d make pha nt jn ,pike R ega n' eye. now can't talk wiLh anybody it) t he T Ile Jnv eni.ol'f ~ f 'Martha J. executor, no bond required. En och Puckett and Be ulah P uck tot, 125 thi~ good-Nmo~ the 1a t v Hg a t b Y' fa t ned upon dam Bull: duk, li(,':1 got t o be in t he light l eaver, executnx. of th e estate of Chamberlain, H rbert Emrick and aCl'es in Wa~hington tll \\l nllhip. ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN ot dO':lbt about hL, part in t hee Qck; something '11'I)"Steriou, con. "'he~'e h clln _ e the per , on he'. ' "Fi :nnk J . I a ver, decca d, was Albert Kolb 'Were appointed ap- ,Georg1l Barnhart and Lizzie J , wr e.c1nng of the P rophet Dani '- Relent , in their depth. he tut'n- talkm' t~ e 'em c)o e nIJu gh appro~ed. . . pl'aisel'l!. Bernhart to Eva M. All n, 02 acre four CaWe, hOK8, .heep and cal... ~e'd Ib this ~eatherbee for keep .. ed to the tat inspeet <>r :' to r a~ their. lip He lau gh ed Th e 1n:- utory of MlIl n,,) ) 1. ~aek ,al.c s of Clint Hines, guaJ'dian of in Warren and Clerm ont counties, to Norril-Brock Co., live 1fire all. progreaalve ftrm the hldl..t It wa one night at New Orleans " You heal'd t hat tory, !tuh ? now, • EveI' . ,mce ,RIP Wutherbee ex cutrllt I the ~stl\te of Milton Ad\h D O;\\ldell, incompet.ent, wer Emma Loui a Penkawa to Karl market prieel aM rood I.",'" in a aaloon. [ tepped oul: into t he You n eard Bullock say it wa 0 ca~e t o tb rlver people h ave been ~I, lack , .d e~e8 ~d, ,~as approv~d. appl'o~ d and confirmed. Penkawa and Ida P nkawD Keller V.lo. Stock Y.rde' 0b ck )lard ~ of !. a breath of air, dark he couldn' t e a t hing, an' a ym' he wa qQ er. Th ey aid ,The adJu~l(!lItl~n a nd determmtl The' Inventory of Alton F. Brown real estate in Hamilton town ship. Tune in on Ra\flo Statton WOK.,. e talkin' toe t,h r yoet W athel'be was accep tin' a yo u could lIa~ t hings behind his t lon of the Inh~rltl.l'nCe. tax on the xecu tor ot the e tate of Addie M. an' I seen tWo men . A. GOBS to Bess ie F. GOMj 12 :211 to 12 :30 p. m. for out' claD, On, of ' er,n w~ a man with a bribe from an unknown lIlan? ba~k an' gel awa~' with it. f esta.te o~ . Carolme .Wilha nlson, de· Dowd \!I.1. deceased; wa~ approved. 29. 0 acres in Clenrcl'eek town~ multet repon.. n VOice [ dlcb1' t recognize, an' the Well, III prove that story' a' lie- I course 'yo u can, but not in fr ont eased: I to be glvc to all perThe m~ntory at D. E_ Heywood ship. otbel' was Weatherbee here. I an. tha t the ms n who made it Ii d of him, where he can r ead you)" sons Interested. . a dministl'atoJ' of the e tate of Emerson G. ,Jones, e t a.1. t.o couldn't see their face ; it wa when he swore h didn't run t he UP ., See th.e matter of tb . tate or P ermelia V. Wik off, decea ed, was S. Jones, 15.04 acr es in that dark. But I could hear what Prophet Dftniel on t he reef !" • Bxactly," Regan , aid, cros ing Grace H echt, decea:! d, dl pOBnl of approved, Harlan town hip and 1.96 acl'e!\ in Bullock squ irmed' the State ha ppily acro, l he l '()Om t Q t Ollch funds or.d red. A cel'tified copy of the entry ' de- GOllben township, lermollt county r 43 YEARS OF SERVICE tht:y was mutterin'. It eems thi other feller was offerin' Weather- inspector tared, Captain Regan Rip Weath erbee Oil th . shouldll l'. Th e \HlI ot Am~nda B. Hunt de- t~rn\ininr; the inheritan.ce tax on Thomas S. Jones t o Erner on G. b e money to wreck the Prophet said : "Walchl" and j el'ked his Weat herb e instantly the Te. ceased, was filed 1n c.ou rt. th e,tate of Martha Elizabeth Jones 16.04 acres .in r H rlan to wnDaniel-" thumb ov r to the broad bacK. oi Ii t in hl!! friend's fa!,:!!. But Bull- The es!-&te ~f Lumnne Gibson, de \,)Oy, d eceased. is to be certified lIhip and 1,96 4I'1 II in Goshen LEBANON, OHIO .only Spike Repn's leap topped Weatherbee, till star ing from the ock's mouth Will! hanging wide c~~ed, IS relieved f .rO n\ administra wlthQut delay. townshIP. Clermont county. We have a C)o'mplete IP Weatherbe all h flung hlm- window. They watched. And sud- 0p;,n, II Regan grinned: !tton. adjudication and tl\e deter'Emeraon G. Jones, et aI, to L. W.lela R..,ur Senie. . elf acro the roqm at ~he snarl- denly Regen !tung out his arm and Rip Weatherbee's , tone.dea! !" ~h~ est.ate of Jac .~ Ro?f, decea mmahon of t~ inheritance tax on Maude Jones Anderson, 12 acres in Prices Reasonable tng :lace of Adam BllU(lck. But he cra hed to the flQo r n huge glas (THE END I~ IS nempt fTom ,lIlhel'ltance talC the e ta~e of Cynthia EVlln!!, de- Hadan townsh?p and 5 acres in Beads Restrung ___ . Goshen L. Maude Jones And r80n township, Cl ermont coun to ty Jewelry Repaired I Emerso n G. Jone ,12 acre In Har"THE HOME OF GIFTS" lan township and 6 acres ill Goshen town hip, Clermont county Emerson C. J ones, at al to EmeraQn G. Jonlll!, real estate in Harlan township and Goshen t ownship Clermont county, . Eva M, Allen to George Bamhart and Linie J . Barnhart inlots Nos. 81, 1(8 and 20 in F'rIlnklin.









h\l~k' hi~

the l ~lon












Treat Your Hogs

.O t




Y(~rgUs rn~nt'Y, '

b~ ~

~t\vILnagh, ,dece~sed,























Bill. Allowed Kaufll')an' , plaster for npairs, Phone 80 Banll BI4., 39c'; Kl\u fma n'& papet for jail I'es~------'::""','~tee.,.. , -9<le;-.h- W....Lingo HdwCo.• uS'e of stove at Memorial· Hall and court houee, $1; Clark county hos pitalization, 442; M1'8. Lillie Urton sernces, $2'7,50: Mrs. Ira Eltzl'oth serv!ces, $5; Helen Doughman, ~rvlCe8, $7: Candis Hymer, servo ~v~s, $5; Mra. Stella Kelly, servlees. $7; Mrs. Howard Sawyer s8l1iees, i Drs. IEdw, and Robt: BI~lr, examination, i Woodrowwed-Stan age Co., ledger sheets tor ,scbool books. j The Office Outlitten, mucilage and bond paper for auditor's office, $2.85; The Columbus Blank Book M1g . Co., staPhone 7U ples fot audi tor. 8a.60; The Colum bus Blank Book Mfg. Co,. under~ taking contract, forms for head· auditor's otllce. $13,25; John Law &: So!" gas tor sealer of weightt! an~ measures during July. $7.99; 'tOTAllY PU c The Western Star, supplies :lor N., B' prosecuting attorney, $9,75; Co, lumbus Blank Book lUg, Co., bonos and tllxshl1 e ts for tre.sul'e.r Wille DraWll-.o E••t.. s.e.... $1.2 .85; The Office Olltiltters reo WAYNESVILLE, OHIO pairing typewriter for treas~rer $1. 76; E. 13.. Murrell, treasurer' FOil SALE DATES CALL 1l01ltage ~t&mps for treasurer/s 01: flce, ,a ; Miami Gazette tax notices Hcre'~ the cer's route ove~ JIIoutau. aad Jili1ii!1 WIder "el'c~.~ a~olPherie llOilditjona froiD N~, Yor' to Saa tor treasurer, $1.'72; L. S. Tufts CISCO. Tbetripw.8madeUDderlupervilioDofA.A.A.CoateetBoard. burial of indigent 801di~r $100: Joseph Davis, ICrvices as ~embe; of soldier's burial committee $1' James Dumtord , sel'vices as :Oem: ber of soldier's bur,is! committee JESSE STANUY $1; - Th~ Columbus Blank Bo ok Mig', Co., 100 Summon!! in Answer lind Crosa Petition: for sheriff $3 . ~~.De . SIO. N_ ••rll...... ow. ' LebanOn Lumber' Company, 2'bar: EARL KOOGL&a rels of Bawdust for jail, $1 : Blair Da,........_ ~I'os, H?IJPltal, medical setvices at KE ••• n ·. . . . Jail ~urmg :uly, $26; Griswold Service Station; gas, battery, oil, and . grease for sheri1!'s cars $8}'44; ~ . C. Cummings ,repair~ to sheriff & cars, $59.49; W4!stern Star, adv., ,826.60 i Kaufman's, 2 boxes cartridges 10r dog warden -~"'---!IIIiI-"""~."'. .2; Frank Robinson, services ~ " r.od~an fo r ' otle day, $2.75 ; Wi!. FOIlI.u.& bam,' Bergdoll, slirvices as rodman :lor~ ~ne day, U.~ 5; Orville Keever SA LE- Estate Heattola. In services as chamman 2% da.ys good condition, $40. B. Hen'$6,88; The Onnnia Bridge Co' derson. bnridge material, $53.73; Lewis &. FOR SALE-Seed R R---- 1 rake, Inc., cement and supp\' .M . • ye. __ $7055 ' J K S res,' urray, Middle Run and Ferry • , • . pencer, sand and Road d.d gravel, '26.56; ZaM Armitaare • --sand,' and ,gravel, '160.48, Kauf: - - - - - - - - - - - - man s pal1lt, 98 i The Lebanon WAJn'ED Farmers' Coop. Co" cement $11. 20; TJle . Oregonia Brldg~ Co' WANTED-Sweet or 'field com lodder in aeld. H. B, Ford,d., brid.. tl~ber; $1IM'7; The L. A~88noD I S-onl Co., lumber and Route 3. nan., $4.57; The Lebanon LUIllber Co., lumber, '8.89; Ray Mm. I'lllT1I .'I'1I)V--:HIab8lt market price hlmber, . ,162: WafllellViUe Farm: lIaid for Ii". poultrt. EmeIt en' Ezcbal\re Co., cemeat and sup Hartljock. Phone 45R1. pU.., '8$••• ; B, A. Stewart, 1110"- - - - - - - - - - - - iq " ...... $I; A. B. »riner cut. POll aarr

F. T. Martin Auctioneer ' -'



of the recoro. ~.oalt-lo-eoa l run to p~ve boweconontical ,i tj W ero ~ Am ri~ in a modern catusingll 'modero molor

fuel, A 11 tile way aero s the counlr1 fhe Airtlow ISI(lpped ooly at Mobilgu 81l1tiQo • MoLilgaa aorl MoM loil were Il! d oxclllMvely, The g08 tank 'VIIS kept under lock, lind k ey. Lee Old.ficltl,A.A.A. CODWill UOlml repre8.eUIRlivc. keept orG· 'w cbcck of everY o\llu:e of 38 used 011 the trip. The picture Iho'WI Old· field 10ckiDg tbe ~a~ ,t onk, and tbe A.irflow all rwdy to start on jt81hriIJ· ing c!Ol!8'Contineot eoonomy trip.




Centerville, Ohio


Stanley &1~ler



AT UJiI , FIlANCI!lco..... toul coat for ... "od oil ooly 133.06! Thal's the remarkablencwoollSt-to-coa tr cord wilh Mohilg.. and MobiloiJ.

"HJ bat's of! to ~Iob ilgll8 and Mobiloil," Harry Hartz, who piloted lhe car, said. "Tbey {uncljob . perfectl y uudcr all condi tions." OF 'lVEAi'ar.1I theAidlow pUDned Ibe colltiDenr: averaging 21:4 milcs pe r 'gollon Clf Mohilga . l\tobilg~s functioned pedectly througb mil weathers, ill all altitudes up to 7.000 feet WjUlout carhueter adjuilmcnL THROUGH ALL S01\T·S

=ri!a..-r'....=;,,'d~~~ a:. ~ On Cenifi«ue 01 Performance "'T '"r" OJ ..... . ,, 111. 011 .. aanc.llOn number 3068,






tilW....... ..••0; The &rrett - - - - - - - - - - - -

Co., tank KtIde, f4. '1'; The IMh. :~ ~ . . . . IM., 1 tract "beel -;




Ita..... ...,. IliIht rAaII. '~...~

1 1 , Wi



t. rni h Ill\! in bonol' of Harold Na h Lalt month du.' patrol I'('cplved "f II. 1"11 - nd Juhn I(ull continu· 4,.aVO information retlul!8t, in· lio h n. ,mllnlC th(' PI/. t two ISSUED EVERY THUltSDA Y veBtlllated 266 accidenb and reo fllrl 1111111<' "1I"u~h to 1>. pte ('nl ___ covered "tolen property valu .. d at WcH'! Lula :\1ul1('1' or ( 1I11'i1l1ln1i, . D. L CRANE , I P . .U__ P ..... tIM • Y... The office of St.'cretBfY of State $7,8110, including 2:l motor vehi. MI'. And Mr~. (,1111'" I'll JOIUIl 1'I1Idl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ N•• I II Entered .t Po.tottlco Wa,n ..• Gellrge H. Myers waK a beehive of '''5 an d ot h t'1' proper t y tlnuJo:'hh'I' a.·I·ni.·!" Mill ('('lin lind yllle. Oblo, a. JI""1Id at CI••• lIall cIes at· .7 • ,"" Na .. h, White Rose, the d......a..."'" ......... ..... ""'" No, 11. lIatler activity on primary day and the Ohio WMat Yield Looln valued at $456. ASt!istanc w~ ~ D(II·,lthy, Ed KIlth. CUl'ti 1> 'l.)re:.; LII1\1!\l', Viola l\ot'hnH!l'. dable Gasolln•• Ilntire night followinll. Eight extra ,. . I' nil red by the patl'ol ill n ,. telephone line had been in~talled '" mter wheal,pn o~ calles, and 6,237 verbal wllrinln~ ' Hlll'ulil Nngh. F.II1IPI', Rnl1uld IIl1d Kl'nneth Nash (If lJas <)u, Ohio; 10 I'eceive return from the 88 33,360,000 bushels IS pr dU:lted for were issu~d. MI'. all.l MI.' .•Tnlll~ !l HO"l', :\fr. and county board~ oC election. In ad. Ohio by the U. S. uepartm'ent of PUBLIC SALE Mrl!. Gerald UMe atld nn Tholtlllil dition to telephone opera\;ur8, a agriculture in its CI'OP report on $100.000,000 PWA Fund. of Richmllnd, [ndiana ~ MI'. and large force of tabullltur~ anJ condition as of Augu$t 1. Thi is The und rsign d will offer for Ohio has benefitted.. tu thl' • . • . • ' Q bett~r ('rop than was expected Ml'fI. Pel'I'Y Brun ~o n fi no childr '11. 8t.attsliclan , consIsting of experts July 1. Winter wheat produc.tion in tent of $lOO,~OO,O(}O. from the $..1 Perry unr! GE' l'altlin; Mr. and ale at public auction 011 Saturdey, AlI,,,.t 25. t.3 .. In years gone by mllny Chicllgoans were induced to open Ih>1nn.'; .... flO~1 state de~artment.s, co· H)33 was 34732 fiIlO bushels. 1 700~OOO,~OO In Public WOl'k. Ad- Irs. ~;d . ~ nider and chi1 (1 I'E'n , Ma r· At the latE' I'osidence of Laura in banks thl'ough gifts locks, scales, booke, ete. Reversing the d In assembltng and tabulating The arl'i~ultu'rf de 81'iLment's minlstl'e,tlOn aBotments. Of the ""':~-~_ ~=-~===~ E. Ward, in the village of HarVeya· onlm', the -fil'8t Nat.ional Bank o.f EIIglewood ill offering d IUK8 returns A.. K. . 0 t P"(I 0'"" lotal allotted to the state only - rt' I on all state contests. Oh' lIiany ~gull - Cl:OP I~P r ~ lr ... 0 burg. Massio ,],own hip. Warren to its 'd~ po sitorB having small accounts if thl!y will withdruw them. po 1 ICB no a e In. 10 were shows smaller prospective lproduc. $31 !386,400 ..was for nonfedera.! Co unt y, Ohh), beginning at one Pl'csident J. W. Nichols-"100 Per Cent Nichuls" xplained the ~180 present to obtal~ flrst-hll.nd tion fOI' COrn potatoe tobacco p~·oJect". TillS tiguI'e compal'ed (I'clock p. m., Lhe per onal pTO· gift ye terday by saying that the bank could not afford to keep the tn!ormstio~. The e! chon machm· and tame hay' thnn wa3' in~licat d with non-fe.lleral al1otment~ in pe r ty· belong ing lo the estate of .ery functIoned ~moothly once b d' . J I 1 h'l other state IS low. The l'emulnlng Pilla II accoun"". ~ore throughout the state and Y co~ Itlons on uy W Ie 68603600 il tt d ~ Ohl ],aura E. Ward, decealled" and "Believe it not," Mr. Nichols aye in a message to his depositors Secretary Myel'S extend d his ap- threabl~g ret~rns show a Bome· in I~an ' and a g~a:ts °to being al1 of the personal property "the FirsL National Bunk of Engl wood is giving something away. Be· preciation not only to all election "'dhat h111i'her Yield than wa expect- companies agricultural ' expe~i m nti(Jned in Sell dule A. of the inv nt9r y of hel' e~ tate. for.e 'onaiderinJ(' a service charge, ware first offering those mall officials but also, to all public of· e Aelll'. el' in th~ setahson. t • ment far~!I construction or lalA? . . Is t hroUg h out testate h nth oIncrease In e po a.o crop . ' . ' ~c large bi1lfor Ii t of articles. w h ose f • f the h' h hIghway, constl'Uctlon of post. Ilvtngs Ilccounts wilh balnnces of $100 or les8 a brand new de I uxe fi cIa Term. : ush. Pl1ncilprovided they will close their accounts within the next thirty duty it was .t oco-o-pel'ate fol' an lI;;hts l~f8~~SO~:;0~~.e ;his Clro~g i~ offices and f d.eral buildings, river JAME S WARD tlIlYS. What II brcllk. First you were giv n II premium to open an ac- orderly election. estimated af 8,480,000 bUElhels as and ~urbor lI~provement, All EXl'cutor of ~he last will count, now you UJ' ~iven a PI mium to close it. An immediate with· compared with 8,064,000 in 1938. tstructlOn of Nat}(J!lal Gua~d camp of Lallr a E. Ward, deceased. dl'Uwal will avoid the possibility of a charge. Tn addition to an u nu, ual exhibit The important fruit etops Of flood cQnt~.ol, aIrfield Improve, Rlanll'l Y & Koogler, Aueh. alfs "Money has become a bind /1. Like commoditjes it has a value so whl<;h the Ohio Department of Ottio- apple, peaches, pears, metnts, re, Ph ,atnd rePtlncement at Fr ank Wilson, Clerk. Health wilJ have at the State Ji'air ve erans oap a l c Ion'" as It can b put to SOm0 good use Beyond that point it is Cli no cherries a nd grapeR- are relatively M h' hi , e . th t ... • di next week, the department i also light this season according' to the oney w IC came to s ate con· issuing a special tat Fair edition r ' l'indirectlY through the ivil W ()rk~ worth. Not only are we closing the small acc". unt~ but we have tlnued the opening of new accounts until such tIme as W can 'afely of th Ohio He alth News, int.,lnded eport, . Administr.ation and the ivil ConWhite Rose- Power beand profitably invest our exce8sive ca h to vi itors at the " B i g . . . servation Corps i not taken into hln' d the engl"e. "Und r th regimentation of this so-called new deal Bound indus· what the Health DepartH·ahwa" Patrol Acl",e consideration in thes e allotments. try I afraid to bol'fow and bank!\ are IDaded with idle ment means to them. what it is Beiter motor vehicle law obsercurrency. ,,_._ hicago Tribune. going for them, and the limited vance and highway safety rnotlvat· Hi.h.way Exhibit Feature. Fair financial SUPPOl't i hu to meet its cd lhe policy of the State Highway g)'eat re ponsibiliti 1'. All t.h re- Putrol is stopping 22,225 motor Repre. entiltives of tho val'ious gular activities or the dep8l'i1'l1ent vehicles during July, accor'ding to . phase of activities and functions 1\.. ar covel'ed in this issue by those th ttll t b ' tt d t performed by the tate Highway responsiblefo1'them, inc1u(Jingthe ,e mon 'I l'epor ~u ml e 0 Department, the department'll cx. . 1 .,. D O(J,rernor George WhIte boy Coy h'b' t t th Oh' tat T," • I __....,.,..---------------=tII~--------- ulteetol', r . H. G. Southard : aR· Lynn Black, patrol superintendent C. J a. e 10 e ~alr m siSlant dir ctor, James E. Bauman The vehicles stopp d included 16,- olumbus .August. 27 to· Septembel' The Ohio !Slate Univer ity Radio Station-WOSU and the chiefs f the divisions anp 452 p'as~ng rca nd 67 '73 co _ 1 will ?e mtel'e tmg from both Ur) bureaus. In addition, the em r· mercial cars. CO~'re~tion~ ord~r~d educah~nal and an informat. 8:00 Mu, ie .. .. .J. A. Slipher gency activitiee and responsibili. for mechanical defect!! found up. standpOint, acco~dlng to .detalls 8 :06 Farm Adjuslnt lit News . ties which have been thrown on on checked cars were for 9652 announced by Hlghwa~ . Dlrect?r C. L. Blackman and tbe d partment thl'ough co-opera. 8:1 G Making Good Silage Out of UI' Corn . ' O. W. Merrell. The exhIbItors WIll Earl Jones tion of the state with the fed raJ - - also inc:1ude demon tration -bv :25 Mu ic government are c ncisely set libraries and librarians h:as been both the State Highway Patrol an~1 ... " .................. E. D. Tussing forth. Be.flidee the regular semI· compiled by Paul A. T. Noon, the Bureau of Motor Vehicle, 8 :40 Ohio Potntoes for hio :50 Rural Women at th State Fair .. " ... " "." .. . " ...... ,Fair V.isitors monthly distribution of nearly state librarian. The list cal'ties which are administered under the introduced by Thelma Beall 6,000 several thousand copies will nam oj 217 such Iibrariies. Of supervit;ion of the Highway De9:10 Music be di tributed to F~ir vif\itors at these. 126 a1'e owned bt school pntment. 9 :26 The Farm Doy hoose His CoIlege ., ,,' .. ,...... Farm Boy and the departmental health exhibit, districts, 29 by municipalities and - --.-- - .. - - : J. F. Cunningham one·fourth o.f the ManufBctu"('ers' 12 al'e privately sllpported'" Practi9:3& Bate ". . . .. ...... ,,," .. ,,, ,, ... ":... ,, ..... ..H. E . .~"""'UI' " Building No. 53, on Stat Fair cally all of the public Iibrslries are 9 :4[; \I . U Club at the Ohio State Fair .. " .. ..," ,., ..... " .. .. ".W. H. Palmer Grounds plat. Each article will be supported by intangible talK money under the state law and h'ave ex· signed by its author. t nded ·their services to the A cl\talogue oC Ohio public county wherein they are located. Centerville High school Garden Party and Community PlclIic at CentervilJe: school' grounds August SO, 31 and September i. • When the me s call sounds next Thursday at 6 p. m. announeint C LUWB1.1 Twenty·flve J l'omeville sch.ool, Adl!and , county the · opening of the .gigantic community picnic plans for the biggest ehoc)ls of the tate to()~ van in ~60 pOinte,.tenth. The JudglDg was event of its kind ever att-empted the Dairy' nay Vocational and \I.B In Holatetnll.Guernse,ya and in thi vicinity will materalize. The judging conte til at the Ohio Agrt- Jer8eys. event will be Centerville's com· cultural Experiment Station at munity Garden Party sponsored Woo ter, August 10, re!!ults of According to Director of Agriby the Centerville High school hav JUIlt; bew announced, A team culture E arl B. Hanefeld, the x· band for the bel)efit of this organ· flom Alexandria sehool, Licking hibitll at next week'. big State izatlon. Three evenings of fun, County, consi ting of Jam 1'bom Fai"("wJ1l be up to the uBual standfree music, good 1\81:8, dancing, a8. Roberl Dl'umb~ld and William .~d and the entries i1'l keeping 'w ith games of all kiTids, free prizes Stier, won tint place with 786 past years. Prospect. are excellent and opportunity to win splendid points. The next bighest were as saddle hone "how, with many new articles of all kinds are promised tollows: Do1& ,chool, ltudin stablee. The Fair Will maintain itli by the committee making arranl:e· county, 780 points, second place; b-igh l'eputation for showing Rne. menta. Barnellvill.e school, Belmont draft hdrull. There are .more en· A group of more than forty procounty, 7211 points, third; Barlow trie ' in this clalll than lalt yeat. minent Centerville men and women Rural sch ool, WI). hington County, An extra musical attraction' will· are working with W. A. Driscoll, 726 pointll, ' fourth; }lolmell. be a band of 300 boys from general manager and Clark Baines Liberty school, Cr.a wford County, echools 80attered ~ over Ohio director of music in the Centerville 706 points, lifthi Dalton school will play daily under direction schools in making plans for the Wayne county, 695 points, sixth; Louis E. Pete, of Asltland High big event. This committee of men Hilliards school, Franklin county, school. A large chorus. of male and women will be in charge of the 692 points, seventh; Green town. ·vole .. from tb. a..nd 'Will_lao sina projecL . ship school, Wayne county, 690 A feature newr before siven will Larr-e crowds a'l'e ex peete and polntll, eighth; ltocUord !!Obool, be the .pectacular "Forward everyone who comes will . find Mercer county, 675 points, nlnth; America" pqeaJlt' '.onda, nlehl as many things of interest and value. baalluful n


0Ii" . . ._". . . ,. . . . . ,S."UI,ei-


Bank Offer. Gift To Depositors

. . .-__




. _.JYflgh taRs, 7 l'L A ugus t 27 F arm

Community Picnic At Centerville

Best of the News Direct From th~ Ohio State Capitol



Beech Grove '

Elt.v·e n.on LIT'I'LE At.1EItICA, AN·I;ARtrl'l· CA; a.UgtlSI 12 (via MaCkay ita· dIO) ': - " l last AdmIral Byrd lias been rea.e\ted. I've just beard It ovei the radio trODl' ADlor), WaIte. I'll tell you all ab~ul tbe detail. In the Ded story.


HW Ie ........... to I". . . . . . . . . pi.... o""f

....111"' of .... fllllll" 0"'1 III;"ute .t thIt ,..,'~ ,....t fI.I,.• See .... fI ....t of .,ri~lturlll o.hiltiti, the · IIIW Food Sh_, the ••eittll, 'liCIt, • • nl,ht ItOno show, tho ley Mid·


• .." the




"Fwwenll A_rico'" and hUlldrMIl of otIt., fI"e e",ecflOllIo Me"


fillle .ecetiOll fI",.

flM' tho wIIoIe fe",lIy. . . F..~RL

B. BAXEFBLD, Direct-r.oI.A .......... CBAItLES M. BEER, ' Pair. . . . . . .

come In and bang Ule. ~pel't( tot'e Ibowder waltln" fpr t.helateat report. The performance of enl')' type or paollne eactne under these terrlbhl "eather condItion. ' bU been .tmpl,. ..remarkable. Everybody bere' co.ntlnuell to arood bealth and spirits. I DOW ,,81,)1 lit You 1tab". rubber turns brittle In poundi. a rain of 16 POUlldl IIDC. extremel, cold . temperature•• 1000es I.eavlna New York. I started to IJfO" Itsel~etlclLY and breaks. Tbat'. tile a beard but It was of l\&ell a dl..p· malil trouble tbat overlook our see- polntlnl 'Dature tbatl am 110W ,ba.. . olld ' tractor expedltlon to A,d· IDe .. ..1')' . da)'~w1tb ' I.D eleCtric mlral Byrd out or 1I18 lonel)' but 123 · rBlGr. ·Or. POLaka. our IIQj~tor from mile. away. Dr, Poulter, 'Pote [)e. New ZealaDd. .m ak.- a dotaUed diu alld Amor), Waite w~re malllq montbly phy. ICIlI eDmtnlltioD and apleoelld 'pro,real In lbe IItYe ,M,. that appareotlr the Aa~rctl~ French tractor 23 mil. aouth ot , II d41n, u. all ,oocI. n.t a.etap after the, bad dug ooe bU,O rain 10 .elCbt Ii pound' pel Bledlll load 01 food apd .uppll•• OUI man. Walter lA.IIOM JI' of Ne,., ot a 90 .'~t , deep ,erev. . .· IDt~ York: our arcbeoloct~t. bowenr. :wb1~~. 1t Iuld fllllt!D., wltb Dema• . (One wa, beJ;oud tlta.t . ·.H. baa aklll alone saving tb. tractor. ,• .nd ,.tDed It pounds. , TIl• . freedoDl Ita erew from a lI\mlla.r . rate. I len. fro.1iI coldl 18 mlraelllolll. elpeclalb tlte .fan belt broke. And aD . did, ,tile 10 'Decaute tbemlll "Jltae. tlae.. lIew ODe tJI.)' put In. AD.d 10 did .& 0, ,eln. r ciarallis'I,. Man, UIDe8 tltlJ oUl.r, ''Mlf!0 the CIUtcb got out ot ruill. out· o. quarte,. w.~b . rql'ter kllt.r anll tbe lenerator . ",.nl '0 d"~ Into frlctd tUDJleJ' r.Ila 'II' roo,. ala Ur. fouller ,...Ulecs It. t.rtn, ~O d...... below I:ero In 01' ... ImpoII'bl, LA? go 00 . "he, lett der to· . .t to lb. m... bait or do BIl tlle two .Iedge loads .01 '00 errand moat.' of th. ttme wlihout pnoali of paollne, JiJ Pllonl . or lto""I~1 to. put, OD coata or 1l.1JD1ta. ~ food and carup1n& eQulpmont for II'I a wooder w. a"o·t all laid up our thlnI tractor to plell up 00 III "Itil peOIlDlOata but til. &ltIllDCIe o. journ.,. lbroullI tbe da ... n.... PI'III8 dowo b.,. IIlI u .It 011 wbleb w.. s&art.ld 00 "'Mda, . loot ..... Slrnan! IIlUno.r. 01 Wlnlbrop, . n. OI~b II 'lIl1 01)811 to m.m...... Me.. beIlIU. wlao com .. from WuIl· '111" w1tboUl aciR, U4 a bll..... D. C,. aDd 1 wo'rlled Dlpt "o~ . . map 01 &ntaNUca ud aDd da7 for til .... da,. On uao ~ IDllllbel'lla.lp oanI WID 1M 'IDt Ie tora. Wh•• I ,.,t bome' I eQIICI't to aDtIIod1 Inlorelted In a~OD.... 1M a ,... alitollleU. . . . YOII ad,oata,. wlao wrttee .e at tile 1b000d bI b.... wbu OM 01 ~.. AIIlerieu Ileadquarte.... IhDc1 01.... lrMtOr I'IIeH oal UaW uae tr ...,~ ....,....... ....,., . . . . . \lie ........... DNa- 10 h .. ~ lAo ............ ..., _ . . . .. , lie ....... ........ . . . . . . . . . 1lOU. after _ . . " . . . ..... .... . . . . ........ ....






ttl.,. ..

.. ..

'Ne . .Ier . . .

P. G. Wells, K , E. Thomp son, Marie and Oharley Wella, Kathleen Thom pson, Mr. ana Mrs. BiI'd Powell , Geneve Powell, Nolan and Fritz Powell, Milton Eakins and family, Robert Lewis, MI'. and Ml'S. Dan Lewb, Lota Lewis and Opal Lewis attended the community sale at Lebanon on last Friday. . A. B. Talmage who was bitten by across dog one day last week is getting al ong as well as could 1;le expected. .. Little Albert Le Talmage hus Teturned to his home in South Lab a~ona.fter spending several days WIth hIS lather and grandparents at this place. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lewis Rntl child re n and Doris :Hill spent Sunday in Xenia. The young folks of the church here have organized 8 youn g folks . meetihg with Robert .Davj president.. . ' Elm er, Ro nald and Kenneth Nash ot. near Dayton are visiting theIr grandmother, MI·s. F, T. Nash. We are sorTY to report . H. MQrgsn seriously ill at hi s homo near ' Freen Bf'ial'. at this writing. We all hope for a speE'dy and permanent. reco~ery . Stel~a R~se has ~turn ed to her home IJl l'!lIIIers, O~IO , after s.pend ing several days WIth her sUiter Mrs. F. T. lIT. sh ., ' We hll:ve. recelv~d the news of ~he marriage of ~I$.S Emma Lamb o~ lIear WaynesvllIe who WM' mar· rled in Kentucky last week . . Mrs. E,!e~yn Sams is in . a e~itIcal condItion at a hospital In


6,.., ......

we ................... Ie . "



Dayton. . . Glenn DaVIS and famJiy, Geo. W

Quality Printing


Davie of Wellmart attended the Cleaver reunion on lalt Sunday .t the home of Clint .Clea~er. P. G. Wells. MarIe, Dorothy and Ina Mae Wells and · Kathleen ThomplOn of this place attended the flllleral of Georle Beach at his ·bome in Harvey,burr on Satur cia)' afternoon. ~r. Beach Wal accidently ldlled. in Darton on Jut TIIursday aftemoon. Mr. ahd ..... Jl'Md Nuti entel'-







The Ga


____IIIW___• •_.iI~

~ ~

H. Flint. :tb l'owel'8, 311 Wyr.11. p


g ~ TLocal Bo)' Placed

_~ 12 _~

Under $1 ,000 Bond

tribut d by the to110 lDr ),01Ul1r trlen: Charles Bunnel, Donald Foulks, Jacque and Dirk daml4 and Harold troud. In IIpite IIf the cool weather the rdreshnlents uf icecream and cake WEre enjoyed the number pr<'sent which conQf twenty members of the dub with lh eir familie anti ~ ix invited gut' ta. The next. ot' th club. will be in the form t , a weiner roast at the hom of Mr. and Ml'S. Charles Zimmerman on Sept mber 27.

as 5 On Monday Lyle Tinney faced ---,r(Continued from Pa,. U trial before Justice of Peae e Lloyd 12 ~1 456 7 S9L. d le.· D.......I 10e tully on tho play. Thomp on then WaynclIville 0 1 ,) 0 0 002 0:1 Oavis Oil a charge of snooting me. cd Willillm's gl'ounder allow- abina MeA'. Suita, 65e ollllideraule 0 :1-41,>• •1 0 000 1- 5 with intent to kill. _ __ _ . fl' • • lei )t I. • Donald Hadley ing hiH~' to core on the errol", Q _i".-for quaU t ,. clr,.cl_ a l ... testimony was Mard and as a •rt ~ nltllY IMnillJ{ to !'pent..! this ,Dewe 1Ie funned retiring the side. r ult Tinney was bound over to ( lit tit World's fnir, hicago, Next Sunday, August 26th the Ne w Bur lington the Warren county grand jury f III ('om paJl~ \\ ith Mr. nd Mnl. Waynesville Merchant will play ~ __ under bond of $1,000. I< ell' i - .1 ren.:'" Haney of ncsi' lal'k:;· l\larlinsvill at Martinsville. 1\1 isses Ardene, Beatrice and The warrant for Tinne~r's arrest ~ \;t' t" ~ lth "Ille. Wilma Stanfl Id 01 ncar Ne, was igned by Fred Blesi of Dayh r n - ...... J ~i. kr, . h. ~1r. and Mr . Walter Kenrick and WAYNESVILLE MERCHANTS Vienna were guests in the home of Ohio, Bl esi claimed t.hat all lie .' !!!!!~!!!!!!~!'!'!!!!!!'!'!~!!!!~!!!!!'!'!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!& James Hain attended th Siad AB R H PO A E Mr. lind Mrs. R. D. Colett last ton, and Joe Harris of nea l' Waynee- "'" ~~~~----~!'!'!!!!!!!!!!~ reunion, at , pl'ingboro, unda)'. Thontpson, ss .. 4 1 1 1 4 2 k. ville weTe riding on the road neat White Rose-Power be- 1\Ir. and Mrs. Uarold Whitaker Lauren, 3b ", 4 1 1 0 6 0 Donald and haa. Cull tt spent a the Tinney fa rm on' route 1 last ". 4 0 2 0 0 () of lust week with t h it' unele Thurtlday ni~bt be, Blesi, was shot an I 'hildren sp nt. Sllturday aud M~ndy, t"f hind the engine, . .. 4 0 0 3 2 0 aunt Mr. Ilnd Irs. Oscar Stan b'y Tinney. Tinney denied the undllY at the reservoir at abil'111 , Gons, 2b guests of Mr. and Mr. Lowell Hartsock, l! . 4 0 () 4. 0 J field near New Vienna, charge and entcl'cd a plea 01 not Th omas and Mr. and Mrs. Warrep Ellis, Ib ... .... 3 1 (,) 13 0 () nev. Peters is' ,e njoyhlg a vaca- guilty. . 4. 0 1 0 0 1 tion at Lake ide. . ' Howland. They all returned hom Davis, cf , Sunda~ e"ening. , M Weller, c 4. 0 .1 6 1 0 Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Larkin and CLOTHING CLUB NEWS l'veral from here attenlled t.he line,]l ..... 2 0 0 1 8 3 childl'cn of Grecllfleld and David play "Th Dream of Qu n E sther' - - - - - - Lurkin of olumbus were weekC . at lhe Friends' Hom lit Waynes. Totals ..... , , 33 3 6 27 21 7 end guests at the home of Mr. and . The Good Cut lothing · Club T. . HaydOck And family. ~Ids met ~t t he Grange ~!l1l T~esville Monday evening. A nUlllber of relatives of this SABINA MERCHANT Th SCl'aggy l'eunion WaS held ' day mornlDg and had thcm sewmg grad d b)!. MisA community attended the Folks reAB. .R H PO A E at Rest Haven P 'llrx on Sunday. n S Rndfofrd ' . Ml' and Mrs P 'F McKay are emon tratlOn gent 0 X ema. ~"""-'-'-"""~"""""""'''..''v union unday at the home of Mr. Zu!face. ] b . 5 0 1 J4 0 0 on a 'tri" thI'OIl'glt~'No'rt"~rn MichT~ese girls hav.~ done 'some Fri.-S.t.-Au•• , 24-25 and Mrs. David Pope, near Yankee ChItty 2b .. ;, .. 5 1 3 0 3 O. J' creditable work thiS summer and ". KEN MAYNARD St. Taylo!,' d , , 3 () 0 0 1 0 I Jga~arner Morris who i con6.n ed are planning (m 4lnishi ng t he in :Mr!. Jo eph Gras i, son aDd B. Bhnt, rf " 1 0 0 0 0 0 to~· h b .jl " with a picnic in the near future. daughter and Mr . Eva Haines of Davis, cf .... .. 5 () 0 1 0 '0 Ii I~ orne Y J ness, IS lmprov____ __ Piqua, spent Sunday night and Williams, C " 1 0 7 0 0 ng 8 owl~. Monday at the home. of Mr. and Dewe ese, s. .. ,5 1 0 1 1 1 ~fl·s. J\hce McMillan h.a~ returnWINS HEALTH CONT,EST Mrs. Walter Kenrick. Manker If . , 2 0 1 3 0 0 ed from. an extend d VISit at In--Sub.-MoD.-Auc., 26--21 Misses Eva and Miriam Wharton dlanapollS, Ind. At the 4.H Health contest held JACK HOLT were W ednesday guests of their ---. - - - - -. r -- - , Quite a number of Methodi ts held at Lebanon last Thursd in 'mele and aunt, Mr. and Mr . atteJlded th Ilistl'iet picnic at Dick Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Greathoul!e and sons in Peeles Park,. Wednesday of last John Adams, won first place IUId is I wish to thank the Voters who kindly 8upported me in the ~'Whirlpool" Dayton, week. now eligible to enter as Warren recent Primllry Election, as the Republican 'Candidate1:or with MI'. and Mr . Wilbert Swank of Arthur Mcintire who works in county's representative at the Coun ty Recorder. Dayton spent Wednesday with Mr. Xenia scaped seldous injury when Staw contest in Columbu . Jean Arthur. Donald Cook, and Mra. Ed LongacJ.'C. hi automobile w:as bad ly damaged Allen. Jenkins, .Lila Lee. Respectfully M.r. and Mrs. ' Harry Graham MOllday, as he swerved into a tree IDLE'WILDE CLUB MEETS rate held the ligh t t hat revealwere Sllnday dinner guests of Mr. to avoid a coUis:ion. The accident ed his ainister pa tI and Mr . Kesler Gaham aDd occuned at what is ' known as Five 'M r. a nd Mrs. John Adam!! enterdaughter. ==--Point, in west XE!nia. tained the Idlewilde Birthday club TWO SHOWS -7:80-9 :00 Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routzahn and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Fulkerson ---at their country home W dnesday daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Ben spent Sunday in Cincinnati. ev ning. The meeting this month Hawke spent th week-end fishing Was in honor of the birth annlver, _ .;.._ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ ..,., at Fort Loramie. Miss Josephine Banta is pend----!!arie of the host and hostess. Mr. alld Mrs. John Myers and ing her vacation with friend s in Mis5 Helen ~l1lndall has I'etul'nMU$ic for the eve~irig was condaughter of Dayton were Wedne _ Xenia this wC{!k. ed bome after spending two week White Rose-Power be- day callers at the hom.e of Mr. and Ml', and MI'1l. Harv ey Sackett in Michi~an ~aml)ing with a group and Mrs. Joe Kersey, Mr. Jno . Mrll..Kesler Graham. and fami! attended a reuniQn of orol'lty gIrls. hind ~he 8ftllne. Frtends from here attended the F y d Mis l\farjori4~ Shumaker of Spray and s ister, John and Evelyn ~~~~~~~~~~=;~~::. funeral of Albert S\\'ank at Miamis nea l,' al'lllersville Sun ay. Port William is visiting Mlss Anna Kersey. Paul McNeil and Marjorie burg, ,Thurllday. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Frye of MacDonald Shumaker. Several from here attended Mr. and Mrs. Bert Graham and Dayton and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mr. ana Mrs~ A. S. Collett and Doctors a nd heal h authoritie agree that the famill' of Grand Rapid, Mich . Frye spent Sunday at Indian Lake. SOil, Robert, att.ended the uT\ion Yearly Meeting at Wilmingtoll. funeral director is one of t he rno t important wo~ker8 spent Wednesday and Thursday me ting held at ::;haron Grove last Mr. and Mr • George Denny and with the former's brothel'S, Mr. ,~lss Pauline JJowman .of Frank" Thursday. Fa'rmc!l'l! Club! of sur- Mis Ruth are enjoying a motor in the cause of di ease prevention. ' and Ml'l!. Harry Graham and Mr. 1m 1S the guest of her Sister, Mrs. rounding counti~'s attended. L. T. through the west. Mrs. Denand Mrs. Kesler Graham aDd Orville Gray and family this week. I Marshall, the Republican nominee Sanitary scjen e has contributed much to the nieee joined them in Anderaon I ••••••••• Ind" and accompanied them on daughter. Mr. U. M. White of Louisville spoke. . p-~ofession. Today every po sible precaution is taken Mrs. .Therle Jon~s wa_ tendered ' Ky., visited Mr. and Mrs. F . B: The tragic deal~h ' of Mr. Gorge their trip. to prevent the spread of disease to living persons. Mr. and Mrs. A.. S. Collett were a. surprise Sunday In honor of her Henderson and f amil y on Sunday, Boach .oc()urre~ III Dayton !a/l"t lIad $uch care heen employ~d centuries ago, many bIrthday. A. i)ounteous ba$ket din. Thu rsday evemn~:. Fune ral servlce1l dinner guestll of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ner 'was served at the noon h~ur. Mr. Robert Chap man returned were held at bis home Saturday at Reiling in Dayton recently. of the terrible plagues t hai: swept throughout the 1\Ir. Raymond Edwards of. Way~ Those enjoyinl the' occasion were ; home on Friday after spending 4. p. m. and burilll at Miami cemeworld might never have happened. nesv ille spent Saturday with his Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Dill, Mr. and neal'ly a year at Springfield ?ilis- tery. Mrs. Chllrles Dill and daughter, souri. Mrs. arl ' MOII1'e. has been eon- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charle.!! EdThis organization is pa.rticularly scientific in its ' fined to her honu! with a severe at- wards, Madeline .of Clayton, Mr. and Mr .. methods. W~ are awal'e of OUJ: responsible position Richard 'Moore, Mr. and Mr, Mr. and Mr . Glenn Al exand~r tack of rheumatjem. , Several from here attended the MIsses Rhea and Evelyn MeCar. burial of Mr. Harry Bal'beau Walter Moore, MnI. Ft-ed TUl'ner and Mrs. O. C. Alexander of Dayas guardians of public health.• and Mrs. John Zimm\lrman of Day ton called on friends here Sunday ren, accompanied by Chules Gor· Miami CemeteTY Monday at 4 p. ton, M.r. and Mrs. Edwin Nqtt, Mia' afternoon. don, came homEI last Friday and Mesdames Be'rtha Gordon, ~Ima a.n d Herman Nutt of CenterBurial of Hal'l'y Bal'beau, of Ba : re mained until S~nday ev.ening. garet Tucker and Eva m.,CJJum&JU the Misses Charlotte . Th,omaa l VIlle. Mr. and Ml'l!. J . :0.. Jones, tavia Ohio former Wa nesville t Bill and Donald ':Il)ars went back and 'Virginia Tucker atteJ'lded Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jones and 'd' t ' diM' y. them for a VISlt. s.on...Milt ' reS1 ~n was rna e n lalJll cemeBand concert was well attended Warun county W. C. T. U. con---. _ tery ' onday afternoon, last Thursday nlight. vention at Franklin · Monday. Supt. and Mn. Francis and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Witham of Mr. and Mr!l~ G. M. MacDonald SANITARY IN STALLATiON Columbus were Sunday g uests ot entertain d the f ollowing at a daughters are . visltinlr in Weatl MADE AV'A ILABLE tllei!" uncle. Dr. J. E. Witham and family dinner llut Sunday: Mr. . Frank W ilson is quite Mrs. Witham. and Mrs. E. C. Clal'k .and daughThe Boy Scouts of America tel'. , Mrs. Mary 'ruek~r and family at this writing. incorpor ated February 8, The United States Public Health 'II Service recently placed Mr. Max'Mr. and ~rs. ~. ,Q. Gons and 1910. was ~anted a Federal well Macfarland in charge of daughter. Ml, ~l.Jce are e nJO~lng charter, June 15. 1916, protecting it's name, badge!, 8up~rvj8ion of the improv t'nent of ~ two 'reeks VJ~lt wi~h rel~hves t he sanitary conditi olls in this 10 Texlls and MI ourl. uniform, insignia, etc. Woodrow Wilson was made it'.s county to work in cooperation with Mr. and Mrs. Morris h e~wood Honorary President, William the S~te Department of Health of Columbus were week· end Howard 'faft .and Theodore , a·nd. the l:'E~A" , Th$ program guests of the forme,'s p~rents, Mr Roosevelt. it's Honorary Ylce-. seeKS to e hm1nate dangerous and amI Mr • Carl Shetwood. President/!. This wonderful unsanitjlry. devic~s wltereyer found movement brings bOTS up in Mr. Jam' Gibbons and Miss for tb.e protection of public health in the ,COU1'lty. . ' Katnryn Gibbons au spending this the open. facing life's p088ibilitieS) as well as responsiSanitary equip'ment will be in· week in , northern Michigan. staUed in cou~try homes and bilities. , other public places at no expense Mr. AI choeln of Hamilton Bnd •••••••• • to the individual owner except for Miss Lou is e Henderson wel'C din· the material used. uch cost varies ner guests of Mr. and Mi·S. J . B. GOODYIA. SPIEDWAY from $6 to $16 according to the Gons Wednesday ev ening. T4Uab thick Center pr sent condition of the buildings. Miss ane Chitwood 'returned to rili'aed()n , Tread. Built It is possible tha~ sOll)e time in the futiJr!i\ such installation will be her home at Dayton on Sunday . PHONE 2.9 with , SUI.ertwlat Cord • required by healt h authorities but after Rpe nding the wee'k with Mr. WAY~ESVIJ.LE, OHIO Full O,-u8Ize. Llf~tlme and Ml'S. Orville Gray an~ daughat. the ptesellt time it is en~irely auarante4~. voluntary. ~owev er the present is ter. ' 4."-11 4.75·19 opportune time to have lIuch 'Whit, Rose, the depen- an Mrs. Harold Snyder, nee Ethel impt'ovement made when the cost Lynton" of New York City, was 35.70 . $ ... 5 dable Gasoline. is reduced to II minimum. the dinner ltUellt of Mr. and Mrs. Otber llHii In proportion. Samu el Butterworth today, ThursEllpen tire ",ountlna. Prlc.. day. lub)ect to chana. without nodce. IIRte t a l , If aay, additional. Ml;S. W. H. Allen w.a s guest of honor at. a birthday dinner given in celebration of her birth anpiver ',' !al'y by Mrs. F. ' F. Stahl at Franklin last Wednesday e.vening. COLUMBU S (Special) - '[,he tion thia m~mmoth didpla1, em· . bl'acing every phase of agriculture ' Mr. &1\d Mrs. WilIi'a ln. Thoma! fJ'eatnes'& of the Ohio State Fail' • ~ognizeal the world over, Earl and its allied i dustries, ia khown of Maineville and Mr. and Mrs. Mot~n'ists who tot ' the ftret G~l's' put out-- · I. Hanc:Jeld, director of agrlcul· liS The Ohio, State ~air. Harry Burnett and family of months before the pubUc announcement__" "For the past eigbty-four fears Lytle were Sunday dinner guellts ure, says in <4 statement calling No '! If n eo.r! !:tention to the B4th eXllo~itio n to It hall faithfulfy recorded the rise' of Mr. and Mrs. E . L. Thomas. "You're too ~~est!" Many of them report 51" . t er, wi" AII-W. tber Ie ' held in Columbus, August 27 tread: MOte CeRier ?f th~ Ameri~an fa~mer not only Mrs, Ronald Hawk; was hostess to 100% more non-~d miteaa.e. Wh,. then, do o September 1. Tnct lon (I6 ~ more m ~hlO, but In every sta~. of the to the members of t he Argllnot we insist oa only '-1%rWell, 43% 'i s a de8nlte ~Once each year," says Di rector Ublon. This ~rQllt eXposltll>D hal Brid e club Tuesday afternoon. non · .kld bloc kl) . growl) to be one ,o f t he foremost ~. J H • • , .. , Touiber test.-car-proved' flQure. Very likely it i, low for The Invlted guests were Mrs. . of its kind in all the world. Tr ..,pert w lu "'l'he 84th Ohio State Fair will B. Chap~ and Mrs. Frank T aynorow use-because the tests ~blch ettabllshed : Cord Bod, .ad 43 ~ be no cx.c:eption. Again, as in t~e lor. \. . the 4.3% avenae were &rueUinQ: can. .peedlna up Mor., Mllea of . Reel put, its mammoth hall and pavi. The Y. F. M. will meet on ., ' Non-Sldd. li?ns will be .llled .. nd overflowin, Sunday ev~ning with Mabel a nd to MI; lamnUna on bfakes, mile af~ mUe, da, . with the ,inest products of the Russel Wilson : Ruth Doster is uid niaht. Very likel' moat motorists wlll aet land. It win portray to thousand, Jesson leader, Dale Underwood, reof visitors the skill of roaster creation leader and Ernest Cook, more than 43% more non-skid mileaae. But Cl:t.Ctsrnen. It will paint for them devotional leader. . WlUoAaD .bini alona with 43~because It', plenty a golden picturll of proaperity and BATT••IU the rllturn of better timer. Mrs. H. R. Mos, a nd dau,hteJ'1 to deliver at no extra cost. COm. lee the tire "'the. succeSJi or this year'lI expo- entertained the following rueatll CHAMPION SPAIUt that's the talk of the n ation. sitio n will not alone be clue to tbe at dinner on T hursday, Mrs. Hollla ft.UGS I!Iforts of Illy department but Emery and childl'en, Mrs. ,Charlet could only ,be pOII&ible tbroui h the Hartsock and dauahter, Mn. J ohn PAIl PULL UNit spiendid cooperation and a •• i,ta nct Rich and Mrs. Ira Rich and da~rh­ IULTi which hal come to m. and m ) ter.. < aSlistanta, from everJ qua rter oj The McKinsey-Zell reonion wa. State. held at SwarH!e P ark, Xenia, on Aa Dlrlldt.r ;)1 Agriculture oj Sunday. Thos from here in attellthe S~te of Ohio, I invite you tc dance were Allee McKinle,. JoIn ~Itb Jour tellow eit:~n. b Mias HeD»ietta McKlnaey, lb. ud plalUlIDe DOW to partieiJlat.e In aa~ IIrs. John Hawke. Xl'll. .Jou attetHI tbi. nposltiob. II, 1'r0Jll1ll. IIr. aad lin. O. ~ wiU e s d.,., ... Laura JlcKtuq, &0 ...b lour trip ... lhra. . . . I. n. ·.~~.J Total~



27 17




I wish to thank my ·friends for their loyal support during the late primary


,Wa"ne••II._, O.

Will R. Lewis


"The Tral'l Drl·ve"

Card Of Thank.

Allen RullDian

tOe Everyb ody


A Public Health Guardian



- eJ. E. MeClare


....... ,

R.H.STUBBS :JiiA.eIud 1MuLot

State Fair World Famous, , Says ' D,i rector -Hanefeld

··l'ou'r. too inod.stl"







'"I", p."








Whole Number 6183





Hi.h School To Be Held 0.. Openlq MOJ'llu,a

The 1034-86 8chool term will open on the morning of eptember 4. Morning bus schedules will be ten minute later than previous yearl, the ftl'st bU8ell will arrive.t the building at 8 :15 II. m. and second bultell at approximatel>, $ :4& s. m. Noon intermission will be from. 11 :~O to 12 :50. To in U1'e the gwateat degree of Bafety each bUB was given a thorou~h in8pection by the state department and each bus driver wa given a physicaJ town,hip exan1inaUon. Wayne msin~in8 one of the most up-to~ date transportation systems in ·ol.\thern Ohio. Teach l'S new to the school systern were in Waynesville this week prepara~ory to starting work next w Elk. M 8ST8. Wade Turner, Ohal'~ le8 MacDonald, Russel Frank and Karl Bod nbender are the newcomers in the faculty. High school registration will be compl ted on the opening morning of school. Home room teachers will be in charge and wlIl auist the pupils. especially those w~o are new in the school. Textbook! and supplies will be dilltributed ~uring the forenoon. Elemental"}' grlldes and high Bchool will meetinregular class s~88ion In the afternoon. Pupi1s will again have lree use of textbookll and parents are requested to assist in the care of the books. High Achool pupils wUJ again be' assigned lockers which, i1 de!h'ed




As previously annQuneed the two Grange meetjngs in' will be taken up with degree work. September 1 the first two degrees will be conferred by the usual team, thus .dispensing wilh any Hterary llrog~am. It Is boped a large number of membel's wln be . n,esent to gree.t these n~w membefs. . ____ __



-.l( I I : . J O





M' 01' All W d lSI lve en spent e nesday at Xenia. . Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Earnhart and sons are attending the State Fair today. Mr. and MrfS. Howard Florence and family spent last week-end in Kentucky. · . Mr. and Mrs. Clif\'o.1'd Budck and A. L. Kin&' were visitor, at Sidney on Wedflesday. .

n, How.yer, .t OrlaDo.T Ile leader of the Good ut tion Meetln. lub will be at the Grange Rail September 5 a t 2 p. m. to m e~ witll the m mbers of Prospects of a sweeping RePlJbll the club. can victory in Wanen county tbia Th on article to be sent to fall were forecast when reports the cou nty fair and the r ecord from reorganization meetinp 1 " book o ( each grl expecting to com Monday ni"ght indicated that wolle plet Mer project. must be Ilt thi ~ perfect harmony prevailed in the meeting. . ranks of t~e G. O. P . organization, - - -•• - • a storl)1Y seSllio n was held by the Democrats. While John Bigler, Franklin township road contractor, was defeated in the August primary by I Carl Beichler in the race for Democratic central committeeman, I Bigler succeeded in retaininr a place on the 04!mocratic e;ucutive cQmmlttee. S. M. Magg, of Foster, ', was named chairman of the county Mr. Lee Le.mmon le:ft on Mon- central committee by the Demoduy for 8 . trip through the we~. 1 rats succeeding Dave Bishop, of Lebanon, wllo had held the post for Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Smith are ' se veral years, ' . yacat'ioning th i ~ week at a re~ort Charles J. Waggoon-er was reIn northetn IndIana. . I talned as chairman of ,he Warren Mrs. Orville Gray and Mi county Republican executive comBarbara were Oincill na ti visitorR mittee while R. E. LeRoy, of on Wednesday. Franklin township, was named secretary ~md Fred Hegemeyer, of Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Schaeffer of Washington township was select.. Dayton were dinner gua ts at th .ed as treasurer of the oreanlation Friends Rome today. Other members of the Rep\l.hll' can committee are as follows: Eel. M :~ Alice McKinde y ~ndxMi!i'lI KnoCkenhauer, W. , C. Pence. Hen~ietta spent Sun 8y 1n ertia Joseph L; Davis, W. R. Howard. C. the guest of Miss Mary WilkiA. E. Harner, lIarry Osborne, R. D. , " Van Meter, and John C. Hawke, of The Mother. club W!lI meet at WayneSville, who was named chair the Grade bU11ding F'rldf\Y after- man of the latter group noon Septlfmber 7 at 1 :45 o'clock. . Membel's of the Dem~cratic ex..



I ~. ___


._-DU··~IE'C' OF 1!EARw,SPEAQg L ""




R«Jf-fr:rKlft'5cm;:,ru ' OlIN> 67ATEIIIGf./,lV/iV

~~~ O;:~U/>f

Mis! Jean Boone of Dayton was the week-end &,uest of Miss Wlnifl,'ed Nuttin..






.... .,




LA""',20 MIL'" F ST f"I,l'f"I"'MBUS ON



. ~tVOU"'ItKf /434 on,." o;;;''''':;,nl>:'~':'.' S, ..... :









~~s~~w~ap~.fu h_~h~~~~ ~==~~-=~==~============~'n.~,==~===~=~===?~~~=~ safekeeping of sehool .suppliea. chased the blaeksRJith lilop of Supt. Lotz has announced that Ch.. Rye GORD VINE MAKING acboM buildings will be .open on . . UP FOR LOS)T TIM£ tl\is Friday and next Monday from Mr•. W. O. Raper is in Clnein-

at that time Mr. Elmer Sheehan has 11 head It was anr;ounced unofficially re- ot .Swiss cattle on exhibit at the cently that state commissioner of IOhlQ State Fair this week. High school atbletics haa approved Mr. and Mra. Otto Seibolil of the ne.w Wart. en. County .Sehool. Cl'nftinnati were guests of ur. and lolA .. Athl e t Ie .A S!OCI8 tlon whi ch IS made Ml'II.~ W. O. Raper on Sunday. up of Hlgh~ 8chool8 of the county school system only. Mr. and Mra. Carl Sanker of In the elementery grades See- , Mason were week-end gueat of tiona 1 and 2 will be divided alpha~ Mr. and Mrs. J. 13.' G<IDS, ' betically. Section. 1 will be com. MISS Henrietta McKinsey lett posed of pupils whose . laat name tart with a letter in the first part Monday to resum~ ber . chool of the alphabet: seetlQn 2 will b duties .at Ashtabula. made ~p of the remainder Qt the Mrs. Butie Mills has been the pupils 10 that grade. ...ueai of "'I'as Edna Howland at F h b f\ f ..... . or t e ene t o. readerl who West Union Ohio the past week. faIled to which see the of faculty ,. memb r8 washst pubJi!lbed in n Dr. and Mrs. A. 9. Shelton and recent is ue. it. app ar below: family of Cincinnati visited Mr. ___ and Mrs. A. 0 , Gritfy lallt week.

D ...o-




Mr_ and Mrs. O. R. Unglesbee are attending the State Fair at Columbul.

who i




.ils re~~em~/~!!h~~~~:3rf!~ea~~n;::: ~~t~t e:r~:Pi~~~ Jh~~/Iter wishing to com.e :for assistance

Stormy SeNion H.ttl


~~~~~~i~~ft~~~e~~~~ ~r. Ma~g are LoUis Keller, Maineto Waynesville to spend a pal't O:f/ VllIe• Albert Ertel, South Leban~n, the winter. H. M. Alams, Oregonia, John B~. . Jer, Fr.nklin, Frank Beyer, Muoll

ct San Francisco, Calif., have come

EXPECT MORE SOil 'FOR FREE TESTING Ernest A gord vine at the home of HARVEST PREOI"uIEU home g1'~~l1~a;:O~in:~~~~~I' ~~ h:: b~~gH:::~a~~~~~ndn~::r:::~y~ Butterworth on lltoute 3 o'n North street and no bope The mem.,ers of the Democratic

which was planted by Mr. Butter· ill held for hi recovery. central committee are as tollow.; worth's Bon Burnet, beforel the dry Tb"_.FG1lI'tbe of Pre•• nt Acr.... Th MItt f '1 h ld b S. M. Magg, chail'TTJan, Carl n Ye r. ,rI)1I01ll, epa - weather set in, grew to a lair sized / e ar a . ami y e a a!- Beicbler, Dave Bishop, Howard Me f .at Teet. 45,000 vine and then when t.he dry To Be V •• For ket dinner J:eumon at Wayne- Park /Guinn, Albert Ertel, Keller Hoalt, S '1 . weather' set in apparently stopped Few... Sun~.IIY. About 60 members of the Louis Keller, Edwin Soth, John E. 01 • gtowing. family were pr lIent-. Holden, D. M. Adame and Wilbur Hutt. Two weeks ago Mr. Butlterworth Mr. liQi'ace Sawin of Richmond, Owine to the revived Interest in noticed that the vine had corlle to Fully three-fourths of the llrt!8- Ind. and Mr. Fred Gepl1art of -.--::~use of ;fe~tilh;er8, the department U1e again and marked the' length ant season's acreage of soybeans Dayton were business vi sitors in of agrono,ny at the O. S_ U~ iA of the plant. The .next day he in Oblo will be harvested for hay, town on Monday. . P'l'eparing to te t a larger than measured it lind found thlit it had Is the prediction of agronomists UIIUal number of soil 8amples for grown 1,1 inches i~ the 24 haulS. Qf the. O. S. V. Ma.,y iarmers Mr. and Mrs. 1rwill Z 11 and farmers facing soil fertility prob. In the next five days it ~rrA.W u wbo . heretofore have grown BOY- Mrs. 'Mack Herman 'lind son were lems. ·.,. inches. 11h1.s gord vine is nrl dently beans for seed, this year,. owing to Sunday guests of MI'. anll Ml'~. J . In five years the departll'\ent haa working overtime to mak42 up tor a shortag 01 good. forage '>':U1 1L Smitb. xor--~teated 45,900 samples submitted lost time. make hay. V ' agents' 0:rt:es. Testing is free. Soybean hay, if harvested at the Mrs. Ralph ance and son, Our dear friend and love,d on• In addi I'on to testing the soil proper stage in the development I ~I.I. n. lor, 01, Pleasant }Jlain, Ohio, hu "'one where there wilt' be 00 samples, agronomists of t he de. : . QI the plant, mak~ a hay with I Vl It C d Mr. an d Mr . J. .0 . H awk e more• dissapointments and no more partment Ilugge ts soil' managefeeding value& quite similar to on Tuesday. discouragement, to J'eeeive the ment practicell which are expected alfalfa. . . Mr. Preston Vaughn of Bell- gifts that ~d has reserved, for to result in more -efficient and . I Some. dlflicu}ttes are to be lex- monte, Dayton, is the gue t of his him, where t~erc wil! b, no Gr.d. B.nidi •• T ..cI..n Mr. and Mrs. Myron Thomas 01 economical produotion on each soil pected 11\ makmg. soYb.ean hay. ~s I grandparents Mr. and MI's. L. more night. It .'s good nl&,bt bere, Gl'ad o 1 ection 1 and 2 Miss Dayton were Sunday diTtner Samples are testlld by F. J . a !onge crop It differs qUite D Chiles ' a-nd good mormng up there. Tber. Reeder. ' . 'g(Jest~ of Mr. and Mu. E. L. Iter, who determines the acidity markedly from the common gras-' . IGod's love like a sott mantle of Grade 2 S t· 'MiS! Hart- Thomas, ~nd recommends the a'm~~nt ot fle and oth~r leg\UDes. Pods and Mr. and Ml·S. Harry Such~r and loveliness will eqtold him, .~~ parsock. ' , ec Ion l, . " . ' . \lrlle nece8~ry for sWeetenmg the FERRY CHURCH OF t:I:HRIST seeds of ·the soybean make up a fa'l1lily of Dayton visited Mr. and haps ·f rom the R(lavenlanotller • Mrs, W. E. 0 Neall ~nd famIly aoU of the partic~t1a~ cbaracter_of (UildenomlaaUollajl) con.s iderable proportion of. the .Mrs. C. E. .Atlde1'S6n and son a golden star will shine down. Gl'ad~ 2 and 4, section 2. MIM 1eft the flrllt. of .the wee,k t or the . sample. . weight of the bay, as much all ao Sunday. His new lite will be like th"I'taKelley. . . • Orlando, Florida after ependlnr . To suppfement . the acidity te~t Chester A. \Vill~lon to 40 pet: cent s.t .t he stage of ' . gr·ance of a garden whtln the dew. Grade 2, section 1 and 2, MIN a few weeb here. ,t he soil is subject to an "active ,Unilied service be~nniln&, with maximum yield. Mr. B'!U Mrs. H~race Sawin Al'e lof night rest upon. it A plac. ca~el"d · " section 1, Miss Dr. and Mr&. E. F. Deppe and calcium . test." Salter · !lays t~i!l Church School at 9:130 a. rn. Lord's The percentage of protein ac· annou~cmg tb~ bIrth of a son , ,where ~ere will be nQ more reat"a e , Paul Winters ' visited friends at test ~ea~u.1'e~ the degree ~ whIch SU)Jper and SeTmon at 1[0 :30. A tually incl'eases from the time that F~ederlck Corms~ on Sunday at lessneslI or pain, none of the worMcJ i:n3eYi; 1 IIi.. Cam • Jackson Center, Ohio several daY8 the ~ct!V6 c~Jloidal . portl0!l o~ 8h~rl se[~on and ")(orl~ About:eee~begin to 10rm in the pods Rlchmon~, Ind. . lries' that thi earthly life plac. belI.l,'a e ,section , p the first of the wee'll:. the. 80)1 IS' aatls~ed WIth calcluD:\.' Trl-Stote. . You are alw,ays wel~ \ untIl the leavell start to drop. In Mrs Kathryn Turner ot Dayton upon us. 5, section ThlS ~est also tndlcates how well come at thiS church. the common hay crop.s of Ohio the IS visiting her pal'ents. 1111'. and Mrs I . We sym~athi~ ,,!ith his dea.. T 2, ML-Wade Mr. and . ~II. I . E. F~ier and the -IIoil will deliver other nutrient Bon WIle who W111 mIss hIS tendel'. prou~~:~~ , Mn. S!ldl~ C,Qnner, attended the elements, particularly potash and ST. AUGU!jTINE CHIURCH . during the seed formatiQf) stage.. Matthew this week ' !tection 1i1ld cal'e, we sympatb. " 6, sectioil 1" Milll! Day. Prair'l~r . reunio~ beld at Ft. Anciellt ph08pel'ou8 to the crop.. . . . Another ' dilJlculty' is . that soy- • , . lwith , his )Io~, who will misl the lov., --Ji_ . " •. Iast Su.ridaY. ~ ,. .\npther test determines the c01;lFather .Newton, :a~·tor beans b'ecome .)'nore ...rather th'an Mr; Chas. James and two sons o~ • good father. ' EI.meDtar,. . Teilc"'rli At The · , · , tent oJ ··active alumin.urtl in . the Mass at St. Augustine II Clturch le811 difficult to cure fol' hay as the Bob and .Charles Jr. left on ~on' l He was always on the. side of . Hla" School B.ildu. 1(iBH!l IMa.e Treadway and Jewel ,soil 'Acid Boils containing much ever,)' second and ' fourth· Sunday growing se8son progresses.. day to· !,!pel'ld the w ek at the ju tice an4 tr:uth. Jiis frlebdahip " RUllleJJ . 'X'readway . active aluminum are the lines, ac- f the month. . There . ill much disagreeml1t WOl'ld'/l Fair in ()hicngo. . ' jwas a beautiful and worth"hUe . . Gradtl 6, sectIon .2~ Mr. Mae· and l!llll ~wson spent last Sunday cording to Salter, that'1'equire most about the best time for hilrvest' thing, tor his friendship WII-t the DonaJd. at I:ligh Bridge Kentucky. lime ing soybean hay, according to . Mr. and .Mrs. J. C. Ha\1o'ke kind that Iltood the test, th. kiad do~:.ade 'I, lection, 1. Mr. Brad· Mr.s. J. E. McClure ia in Miami S~lte~ finds tha~ most. Ohio ,oils FRIENDS MEETING Ohio AgronOJ"-ists. Veteran grow- vlsJted Mr. Sam R.aln() ot Be~l- that could always be depended _p.Grade 7, section 2, Mill Smith. Valley hospital recuperating from are deCidedly low I.Il avatlabl~ phol School at 9:BO a. m. etl disagree among them~elve8. ~~ook ~~f.daYt e~eq~ng an~ repol't , OJI no matter wbat happened. Grade 8, seetiotlll 1 and 2 Jdt';. m~or operatll>n "hicn she phQfus. Only 8'ardening so~ls tre- Meeting far Worship a,t 10;80 Some general prin~lples, how- IS con 1 Ion 0 e ImproVlng. ' His will be a great lOIS ~ Ida James. underwent On Monday morninr. quentIy come t~rough thlS t~st m. . ev~r have been d.etermlned thl:9u g h Mr. and Mr . E .. J. Burton and home ~own for he Wall well ImOWJl . : . . . 'avorllll)" Ocoaslonal1 ~ fiflld sods results of . expenm~nt s~ation tests Dr. and Mr$. E, F. Deppe. returJl- and ~eloved by a!I, not otlJy in tht! Miss ,Sara J. Stansell of Cha~ t,hat ~nce )V~1'tl heaVily tr~ted . Although the t;naXlmum ' dry ed home Su:nday after !Wending a ' home . town, but In 8 great p~ of Ho... p~. lor HI... tanopea; Tenn. ia· .pendi~g a few 'W.lth , P~O,8Ph.ate. fer,tiliZerS give .a WAYNESYILL£ M. ,E ~ Ci:tiORC.H weights o~ le.a ves .. and , stems week at Lake Clare. Michi~an: the lIurroUlid, in&' , . country. Tbe SclM.ol da~ · ~ere .. the ruest, of MriI'l hrgh test. ... . . Rev. G. ,C. Dibert Patlto. ' occur by .the tlme ·the pod C8l!es . .. '" home .p~per tha~. tie edited 10r ' lO 'll'reslnnln, Mr. Brown. MarJie Burnett. ' The s)!pply , 01 ava11ablepotash ', • are fuh-slze~ and . the seede are ·Mlss 'B~tt¥ Bernard has return-· many ye,u's, was alw.l ys a . cleall .. . ,,' ' . .' "in ' sOils vAries ' ·conlliderably. Friday.; Choir praetiee- at 8 p,~just beginning ' to enlarge. the- ed hot;ne 'atter a .v islt of two W'llerq;'.one. · . . , . .' Sophomore, ¥illS Robbins. Mr, and ~1'1!' George, Hartsoek Sandy solIS , and highly alk'aline m. : ' . . gre~teBt ' combi"ned !Iry welt-11ts of with her coul!ins, Mr. '9,l1d Mrs. Let us nqt grieve tor him but Junior, Mr. Garat. and thejr ~e&t James Thor,n•• 80illl, the 'agroDQrnist finds, u8\1illly , SUnday:. IICho, 01 at 9 :30 leaves, stems, 'p ods all.d se()ds, and Omel' C,ottrell at Brookston, [nd. rather . be glad that hi. 'paba apd «)O~tillu.d 'O ll P... ') -- Griftlth .of· riqua ' attended the are deticient in poqlh; ' a. m. MorllIng wOl'llhip 'It 10:~O. the greatest. yields 01 pl'otein •. are . carel! .1'e llver, and tl"Y to Uve .. ..=,... State .Falr Wedne.qay. J • Testa of nitrate content, in aiJ- Epw~l'th Le~gue .t p. m. With reached three to four weeks later . Mr. ~·l1eljt. E. Er~. state exam- ,'moeh like him 'as wi!! c~n; ' for hiI Mrs. Ha . Wad.worth at Da _ dition to the· .other tests, aTe <:eacd ,DavIs leader. E,v., ngel~ when the seeds in the pods are mer,. Is III '\\':ayne.8viJ!e this .'Week \ life ",,:a8 a beauti1ul example, .· aDd ton \a villtir:; her p~rents Mr a%d usually run on. gardening or ·tr,u ck ticaervlces at 8 p. m. three·fourth!! full size and the I ma~ng an e~a.;mabon til of th~ the BIble says, oh r grave wber.1a lin. E T Stro d d la ·tng soils. . Wednesday: On Wedn1esday , of leaves are starting to brown or , b!l~ ~. of the I erent peen 0 thy vietol'Y. Ohl death wbe~e ia thy tivea h;re' tbia :ee:" ~ er re Directions for Iratherin&, soU .week at 2 p. in. The Women.'s yellow. the Village. I,sting.. . ." • . . . • . samples .may be olltained .from the ForeIgn. Missionary Society will F eding trials wlth dair.t. COW l, Mr . ' N~lliePerI'Y and SOil, I When we laY" alide .thls ea.",I, ~I~ml Vall~, Chapter Fut~re eoun~y agricultural ~gent$. . , meet WltIt Mrs. F. U. LelKay. be~'r out that so.ybe,n h~y' ~ut at George 'and Mr. and Mrs. F. ~ob- body we r~ally. e,,~rinto life for' FUoture'lMr I ~f America of lb' - - • , thIS later stage 16 'ugher 11\•. tee.d- urn an4 son, Floyd. were ~aUers at the first tlm~, . De.a th la ,ain., DOt Wayne townahlp eehool won 2nd . HAW~ . £ FAMILY Jt£U.NION . ing vslue thaneal'ly 'Cut hay. the home. Mr. anci Mrs. J . R . l~s8. He \tas ,ust. begun to ltye, b,," Me;"berl of ,the Clark'vUle 011 place in aehotarablp el.... lit .the' .' " WAYNESVILLE CHURtCH OP · • . Smith Sunda • ' . ~~ those whQ nqt understand, b~ Timers assilciation will hold tbeh Ohio . Stat. Fau. thla week. . . I On last Sunday,. August 26, the ' CHRIST' MOTHERS' CLUB PROORAM .. Y • dIed. May Goll bleu him a.4 the tJtlrd annual reunion and .. buket aftrulalreunl.on 01 th~ Hawke f~m. (Undenominational) Miss Jl'ma Rich accompanied Miss falnity that he had to leave 'her. picniC Sunday it Ft. Ancient State kr. od lin. M. ,D• .-ird and ily, descendants (Jf the late PhUlp Cbelter A. WillJaiUon, IIIlalatu .. .. . Elizabeth Graddy, county home on earth. We Mould ' thank God park. The uaoelation II COlD· dau,bter, Pay" have retl1nutd and Emma Collett Hawke, wu .. The tollowmg prol,am has been demonstration agent. to the State that we do not have to live Oil posed of present and former resi. lu~_ .tro~ IDdia.a where the, held at Wayne Park. Had the re- L C;.urc~ School a: 9.S0 tim. !Plan~ed for ~he tint meeting of Fair this week and is assisting with earth for-ever, ~t be hal ..... r den.ts ot Clarluville, in Clinton Wtl'I oaIJ_ b, the death of aD union been held every year lince C: .:. i~et' at:?:: us on. the Mothen club on Friday, SeP- : the 4-H club exhibits. it pOl!,llible tor u. to . .ter a ..... l of. Ill'. Bair.. county. une. the beataning of the custom thie E flS lan En eavOl'I ' t!l • . p. mt' tember 7th at 1 :4.5 p. m. I beautiful lif. ",GIld ~. n....t, . Id h k d tb 17 h ven i ng van,.e 18 1C service a Mis Beulah Bernard visited her that H ..J- "--'_-.A Th e re.uQ Ion 1Vill ft! t un d er Mr. aad Jln. OIIear fliltoll of year wou ave mar e e t 7 :«6 Prayer meeting and Bible Devotions ,. . .. Mrs. G. C. Dibert U d M W B. • lB•• D " . . . ~ 9 o'clock when the JUHtI La Antell Calif II I annual reunion but on three yean· .... S C1 b parents, ....r. an rs. m. or and onl, Son to . . . . tIiIe ",,"Ie be reaia~ered. Thia will be • •... ~_ r. durinr that tim no reunion was ,,~d)' each "ednesday at '1 :"6 p. a:nSi ......... i · '''F' U··LeM u n,ard on Sunday after being the for UL From OIla who .... lowed b, an ~tiOD ~ie, held. maitnc rear til. 14th Ill. The church w)lere 'OU leel at a DI ,.".... 1'11. • J ·w L ~y guest of her unele Mr~ Betl Smith (SIped) II-. L,..... and buaba. . ...tOil. ;;=--="B~'''''d ...__r· &n ... obHl'YIlnce of the famil, tndltloll. bom~ "' .:"" ............... ,... . . et°"b' and tamJlyat Osborn, Ohio dUling O1L .. sumd at aooa. I.e Aboat 80 ,.eabtra of ' ... r.mJ17 • _.. ..·p;~~; ;Ui "b~ ' f~lIow;d tb.e summer montlta. A ..... Ia the afterDooa tile" win • we" preeent alld after a HuDte.. BURNET REUNION b, the relular busin... meetinl'. - . ..riel of pm_ and .............. lluket dinner tIl'I ball.... .... . . ..._ __ ............ TN 0. 0. ......ak. of IIIOD w.. lteJd. The olleen appo'Iat.. The Bamet Reunion will be beld mn a.a. c..p... ........ of t1te ..,........ to &1. oa .. to Mn'e tile orpabatioa or- a' tile lao... of DoD IIartIocIl Sa. I








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,.. . 111'.1. C.



By. ~rw.:;:..::.~=:r=


. ....'-',-_ _ __

01 the .ore than t. 0 mmtoD of our arreat, fr~e uUlltr ," l.. O. Hild.brant, ,IUl.50: tona of erapea produced annually, IIfflrhll!d tho &'irl \\hh erlou~ face. Lewia" Drake, Inc., teed, ,lI.7&; California produ~e 88 to 90 per ~~. I • IllllUi:h hl'l' ('~'('t< dll II l' d nWI·til}. E. B. Murrell, corn, '26.37; cent. Ohio and Pennll)'lvania about "I'd Iikl' tll have ~tol'pl'~I, ~ bi,t;' Geor&'e Rhodell, heuUn8, $6; JC.ut 1 jlt.'r ct!nt R h, N,'w York 3,~ per man'a bor.a collar and paint, $12.· cent, and Michill'au :I per cent. young mDn nrlmlttC'l!. I tI like , _ _ _ ,_ , to ,:tulh' 'em, Ill' ~'O\l lIay, your in26: Farm Bureau Mutual Auto Inc . .- - -...... ----.----~-,-'---~tiluti()il;; flnd yullr p.,opl.:, YoU're insurance, $37.66: GI' at A. &. P. T(ltal Unitell Sta~eR act-eage f(lse HAPTER 1. Tnt.> gil'l ~1IIi1'11, tht'n tjukU .. !Spoke lin odd lut, I dare 1;0.)'," • Tea Co" lIural', $6.16; :)t ve Kibby 'HI per een, in the dt! ad of 1020 ngain. "Yc~. ~'I'\I would hay found us Common Plea. McM1llan, deceased. ploying, $]Oj chwarb Groctll')" to 1930. u\lden gnl~, CVl.'n molt' ioll'nt ". 1.'\' rtbelll.~. in ilpil' tIC ~OUT ·0," she 11 ·d." nd 1- 1'111 g('l· In the lllatter ot the estate ot sugar, $1.88; Lebanon- itizens No ~~""'!!!~_ _ _"'!!!"'!'!!!"!'!!"!~~"!!I!!!! than it . pred t'e SOl'f:o.; . \\=(').( ovt't (,piJlion, and J ... L(I\\'eJl'$, 1 like it ing nlY firsl inn'r('lssiot} elf th In the en t~ of l\fa.ry J. ButtOl) WillisM Me andless, deces8 d, sale ti()nal Bank, rent, 'l25 i Fo Mutbl' :- - --th~ d eI< of hI.' gr til Llnnli !iller 'T'h "av('~ :11'<' bl·autiful. ml}' off F;ngli~h. Delightfully . atiEliactory verst! 1'thlynlmj W ti,ltll the final of bond's is ordered. Car Co .• gas, $l~; Albaugh~Good White Rose-Power beIt RUJ('ht IO()t!(~ ('orner~ of • emdR'~ thl'r on thl' ky-Iine, ~ l\ how Ih y nr<', t ou. S range i n't it, bow nccount 01 Raymond Hatfield, reSales by J . T. Riley, .dministra· Dl'ug Co., garden seed, $107.0&; h I 111g Ilnd olt el,lp 1\ hipping them high the whitt' ne If< do"h nltuinsb . UTllri~ed W lit' to find people n eei" r, is eonfil'med, ratified ~nll tor of the estate of Dora , Chilton. Office Outfitter!S, carl1l$- rent un hind t e enl ne. vi orOll. I)' . It Ren t sh(n't curling thl' -rtly sky!" we e p, wn? ';.t il> milch ll>~. IlJll'l'P" d by the clltlft. (lC{lcased, were approved by court. letter file, $9.45: A. Hopp 0., lo,k$ ab.out her templtls flying illtl> hit S"' C'lJt till' h riztln with 'her ", toni'shin!! wh n they prove to In the ca. e of MIU,'Y Jan HemIn the estate of Gorge R. Sare, $6,66; Lebllnon Farmers hilI' Ily s: it t nrc the pa!t 011 !!Ionce, whil", hi~ {ollow d slowly. l>~ totally tlifTutl>nt froln our anti- rri l' ver 'us Fl'eo I1emnler, a \Ieceased, $200 was allow d the Coop. Co" feed, $28,67: Ohio n· ;'No doubt it iii an \lId 't.o ry to ciPlltionl!," dlvo1'c wa gl'anted to the dden- tru tee as compen at Ion., Fredetick trl,\l Telephone Co" telephone lind \ hich . he w writing out of her This lin' pi th\lUght was qllite dllllt on answer and I~ rosl\ petition. W. ,Hinkle, 'tl'U tee, tiled hl fourth calls, ,7,46; Weetern NUll', l)ap~l'r, hand. s he ~I'o"')led bJin411 after YQU," site ·f.lIltinucd. :<eeing him the I'tt r. h l' chair slip l~ d. lIml unilllpl'l.' . ed. "I bav JIIlV'l' 1'0, e!.\ too involved t.u follow. II aban- In the caRe or J. Wiber Earnhal't account. • $1.70; V Ima Swency, 8~ nCI91 With Reliable Serum '\lith II heavy 1'1'111 of the ~h ip i'lid vef(Il'c. 1'hi" hI my fll'llt ,'orag e ." dOlled it cheerfully. VCI' u. John H, Rhoade and LamThe !o1l0~Ulg accoUnts were IIp- $1.56; Western Union Telegrllph and Virua "There' . hardly 1\ oul on deck,' bert R. Rhollde ·, jud~lllent to the proved, alll'lwed and confirmed by Co. teleprams, $1.68 j P. O. Mon· Tllpiilly (lown the IIteep inclin to- he smoothed her table ,,'ard th rail, S nda gave little IInd' ting red hel' pen, preparing h vII!unle 1"11, looking up nnd plainllfl' .for $4,516.04, Order 01 the court. fort. maps, 90c; Kelsey's Service At a rea.onable price el'Y of l!isma)" thton felt hel' clown· rcsume the interrupled let.ter. UO\\ n its wet length. It tipped gid· sale h~ i~ u .in S day s if not paid. Emma B, Whitacre, executrix of tatioll, tires, $31.64; Mol'I'ow hill COllTlle Rbl'lI ptly ancsted. "It b my ~eco ncl," he I' $pond d. dUy. as the liner plough E,'d through the estate of C. C. Whitacre, de- FHd & Supply Co" feed, $120.7 0; Pboae 17R4 "By Jove, you know, \~h) d n't ,,[ wt'nt over to . eu' York two the WRve . In ne heltered cornel" ceased, fint alld final. Joe Mal bury, plowing, f4 .60: , New S",il. G eorge E . F ry b urger. executor Esther Stibbll, license tag, , ..l> ,60 i you ha "e ollr chair tied." we ks ago." two fQl'm , apPIll'ently ibanimntc, he luoked up at her r ·cuer. roll ar m , what a short stay! wcr xtend d jn teamer chaifii'; Henry 1(. Lanlping vel' us Olle of the. state 01 Edward Conover. Great A. &, p, Tea Co" food fill'. nished relief familie! during July He wa the oung Eoglisl'llnlln S11C' E"idently you didn' like our coun· pnllitl cou'ntenances with. closed Hudson f I' dissolutil)R of pat'tn r- decea~edL.ninth. had noti d pacjJl the dc.ert d IlI·Y. ~'Oll are )' 'turning so soon." .yes barely visjblc amid Vl'llumin- shrip, Iiquidntion atr assets l ae· Jo)m w. Scu ll and L. Ead '708'. 89; Kroger Grocery & Baldng deck, 1\ lllackinto, h c v'ering him "I didn't stOll I ng enough to find ous wrappings. Tllc piquant, '. mil· counting and other ··reliet. Thompson, administrators of the Co" food furnisht1d .-eli f iamiJilffi houldn't have liked it, Ing face of tll Aml'l·ican girl wa ' Fllllnic Highfill, IU~ infant ·by J. e~tate of Emma J,. cull, ~ecea8ed. dllring July, $978.91; L. W, Nls· from neck to hee-Is, an iI·skin cap Oll t. Oil his hend, l\ ,brier-woou pipe ill thou~h I lll\l' sa)" Non e ()C u do." tM one bright spot in the ticene. W. J ohn on, hel' ialtl1er Bnd next FIrst, filiAl and dl, ll'i\)utlve. be~ chickens, 'Ru l,'al Rec<Jvc~y hill mouth. ' • enda !o~nd thi i?teresting" be "Why don't you w!llk?" he aa~ed fl.jenO wr~Us ElIv.:in B. Rig-him fo.. J~me~ E. B~rke , ,guardian. pf gram, $400: harles 0, Hild b~ant 'Oh. thank you I" he said, /'1 eLtled dehghtedly In bel' chilir. uddcnly. '" oU wouliln' mmd dIvorce. hllrge I~ Irr(lss 11 glect . .B nJeml1l p, ~IUel', Insane. , First seeds. $4; T om Ware, plowln, don't kn o.w whel'e r should have "Really?" she quel'ied. "Now walkin' with me bein' an onlln .. cial Inveistni nt Trust and .final. $3.7&: J. W. Lingo lial'dwal',t,l 0., Ian (jed, or perhaps 'oceaned'-" ~ hy, I ,onder? Why is ih · you can, if I am a 'stra ngel', o. v rsu.~ Tom 'l')hllmpson al1d Anna Betsingel', administratrix. building repairs and tools 1 9,08; he pall ed, balf laughing at hel' don't like us?" you?" Joh)l Gay for recovel'.)' 01 Pl'opety. of th estate of French Betsingcr, Lebanon Lumb to., ref eble play upon words, Sellda "Why, by Jov. you do s uch "Th II aI', tactful creature t" ommcrcial Inv f!~tn1ent . Trust I deceased. First, final and distl'ibu$66.67 ; E. H. o. ver. UR Tom Thomp on for re- tive. seeds, $6.05; Elmer ollis, grocerlAughed easily. The man' y S nlet queel' thing!!, you know. yqu l))\lI'mureri ('nda to herself. h 1'5, quite unr sponsive. American. We're alwa)'s hearin' "What d'ye . ay? 'he balanced COV"I'Y of property. ' The inventory of Edward p, lor- ies. $8; W. H , Bel'ger, grocerie, ROOT FOR. AND CONSIGN " I wouldn't let the steward tie about 'em." . hirns If skilfully as the de k incHn ~--dan, executor of t he estate of Kath .76 ; Blair Bros, HOlfpital, medi- rOil r Cattle. bol'll, .hell.p and cal".. "Ye; like whal, for instance?" ed sun .mOl·e, "TC yOIl acienProbate C,ourt erlne Jordan, deceased , was apse1'vices, $2; Or. James Arnl)ld \0 Noma-Brock 00., live wk. &114 my chair. I hllte being tied up; 1)ne Ie Is 1\0 'cribbed, cabined, and Momentarily h wa at a loss, Wic enough t\l " alk \In tlti '" proved. lIerv\ces, $2; Dr, Jame pro&,realive. ftnn f')r U\. lita'b'" confined." but soon rallied. "I'm not '!lcien ti fie' enough . apd The e tate of Andl'flw Brehany In the matter of the estate of medical services, $1; Xro- market prlell and &'Ood ••m... m Again he glanced At ,him fol' "Well, divot'ces, you know. You l'm too c:om~ortable. I wilt finish deceal\ed, is 8Xf pt, from inhe,'i. Andrew Brehany, decel,\ ed, trans... ger Grocery & Baking Co" tood, UDlcUl Stock Y~nIa' ,C ID.i._t.!: Go my letter inst nd!' She gtAVe ali tance tax. fer of real estate is ordered. $9; Office Outfitters, office sup- Tune in on Radio Station W\ll[Y Iympath tic r pon e, meeting ar always gettin' divorce.." 12 :25 to 12 :80 p. m , for our dan, blan,knelSs instead. "Not 11" exclaimed enda with illlperious little ge ture of di mls· (l eT!e e(~teit :!e~;t~~r~~C~~I~~~Y~ ·The inventory of George E. plies, '6.26; Ruby Van Riper. gl'O- mn1tet repottl, "It' dangerous to be slidin' a little laugh. " I never did I" sal, atHlhardl), knowing why or laltha J. Cleave!', executrix of Young, executor of the e8tate of J. ceries. $64.88: Carroll's gr ceries, about that way," he said, still hold He stared. Ilow he found him If re U11ling his th e.'' of Frank Ie. Cleaver, d • M. Conover, deceased, was approv- $1: Kroger Grocery & Baking o. injf ber chair firm. 'It's a good deal "I don't see what you're Inugbin' 10nc'ly promenade. . ed. . groceries $219.65; Chas. P. t.ubbs sat r to be confined. As for cabin 01 course, it ain't you I mean; Regardl S8 of difflculHes Senda's ~:~t~~a~~e~f b::a:~L~~.cation for a d The WIll of Stephen C. Phillips, goceries, ,5: Ray Swigert, gl'O' _ , . , - - - - - - - - - - - - ' \ r don't like 'em mylielf; beastly it is, I mcan, the whol of 'em." fountaln pen flew ov r: tbe paper, Th.e estnte of Ru'rus H. Taylor, ecea ed, was fi.led .in probate. ceries, $6; Schilling's Food Market 43 YEARS OF SERVICE e1os~ hole•• ~ut if 'you want to b "Well, .I'm one o'em," she I traeing in sprawling character eased, is relieved from adminis. harles S. IrWin, exe~u~or of the groceries, $11; Myel' . ~yman, Ilettm' out 11ke thls, you'd better asserted Jorously. Aunt Rose these scntenc : ' f . stat~ of Jamea B. DaVIS, deceased clotbing $16: E. B. Thlrkleld &. V let me ti~)1our chair." should be entertained by this in My lastpag blew awn)', and I :)I~~:::e;.nd distl'lbution 0 estate 1S Ii.led bis tlr t, final and distribu- Sons O~., clothing, $19.57; T. U, Lt;BANON, OHIO end~ rose. He dragged the chair lurn, she re olved. POOl' AUnt Rose might hav rollowed it over the Cb I H e ne r I a D R'ch tive account. Woodrey, groceriell, $17; Zeiger' We have a complete to it!! formel' positi()n, fastening it shut ill the uffy stateroom, fear rail hnd it not been for a timely I EI~.g I y~a 'pproint~d I The inventory 01 Frank M. Howe-, Genel'~l Store, groceries. $48; The Watela R.pair Sc"ic. curely. Though she waited, ell:- ing to move until the sea was calm Tes~ue. The kn Ight errant proved ~n(, . '1 th W~\ a f E abo i!Xecutof of the estate of A lice D. Great Atlantic &; Pacitic Tea OQ., P.tleell Reasonable peHant, he made no attempt to '~A,nd the way you'l'e alway to be that ab mination of deso~- "rallies 0 e es a e 0 mma • Howe, deceased, was approved food , $247.25; W, W. Cline. gro. readjullt her disarranged rugs and l'unni n' abou American women tion, that dense impo ible bei)1g - - - - The inventory of Jaml!!! Ward ceri;, $42; Wright's Mal'ket, per Beads Restrung pilloWB. So s~e 8at down, tucking - without your husbands." I've $een on the stage all m'y 1i1e body else if you clln't be happy executor of t he eUat!! of Laura E. Franklin National Bank, $28,50; J. J welry Repaired herself in witb elaborate difficulty "But suppose 1 haven't any bus· but did not believe really ex.isted, alone. Frankly. I'd like that better. Ward. deceased, was approved. R. Coffman groceries, $87 ; E. H. "THE HOME OF GIFTS" Imilinr the while., bands'" suggestl)d the girl demur· the typical EngliShman. He , aY8, But, perhap the j,unior parttlerThe wilJ of Lucy D. Sniith, de· Gloeckler, groeel'ie , $6: Griswold "There I" abe uld at last. with ely. . ' \8y Jove," "you know," atld ship in a wholesalc irrocery isn't as ceal'ed, was admitted tQ probate. Service Station, gasoline, 8$c; la",hlnlf eles. "I'tIl quite lettled "Theie you go aga1h, Of course "rinhllt)';" h~ clips bis syllables; absol'bing as art, allid you couldn't . Bertha M. Baul was found to Chas. O. Hllde~rant, groceri\! , $0; .nd comfortable onc more, thanlca I didn't. an an you. 1 mean, all of all ju t a8 hntural lIS life-in it fill your life. as t intend my Insalle and is to be admitted to J, H. Hendricks, groceries, , 'S6: to your neat ki~dness. It in bore ·em,.....1 mcan- " he b und red Sblgeland 1 . work shall jm mine. Some time, I Dayton tate Hospit.l. Verden. Hopkins, groceries, $U: to be dillturbed In adeck chalr~Bo helplessly. But why am I wasting the httle hope you win hear of my picture August Ast and Ann. Glosler, Kaufm.n's Clothing, $5 ; L. & C. h.ard ~ arran&'8 on~'s self unas~nda 1. aned b ck ,among h l' ink left in my pen wt'iting about - in' the Sulon' And in a far-off were appointe~ administrators of Market grocerie8, $l6; The Mid· • • lIlted. cushlon With another little peal of bim' dlly~who knows?--you may be t he estate of !lhzab~th Ast, deceall- land Grocery Co, erocerie8, $27; "It's all • bore, crossin' the At· girlish laughter. cleAr and rippling , Out here in the nliddle of tbe just the bit 'Proud lio say that the ed, aJld filed bond with sureties. W. H, McHenry,' groceries, $16.· lantic." be vouchsaflld, still re- a a bell. As he gazed at her, be· Atlantic, dear Ralph, there's plenty dl~tiIlgui hed arti tr is your old and Hemy WiU, Jr., E, W. Dumford 60' Geo. F. Miller grocel'ies, $5. WAYNESVILL!. OHIO garding her with indifferent gaze. wilderep, thl'ough hi!! consciousnes!! of time and space to think; and I vlllued ft'iend and Samuel Snider were appOinted • , Pbone 80 Daak Bld,c. "Oh, do you think so? A bore? pentrated the truth that her merry feel morC and more ~onvinced SEND,!\, WALLA.OE appraisers. ' Why, I love it. Possibly. then you dark eYIffi weill! charming; that be· that thi is best. It i a duty t(1 1n the mltter of the estate are 8eulck." . ncatb the tam 0' Manter of .snow- give my little talent a cbance; and P.. Don't thin1c me awful con· Lee Thompson, deceased, d'l!l.:r1ou-ILS. • . . ----"Seuick!" with disgust. "No. white wool dark locks 6u~tered in sUl'ely Paris L theflowergarden of eeited and illy. 11: ounda 80, I tlon of certain bonds is orde Y I'm not seasick. Nobody need be ntrancing ri.l'Igs; that her parted the world for ar. It would bave know: but really l'rn fl'igntened to Sale of certain bonds ia ordered sick if they'd get out on deek and lips took bewitching curv~s. In· been crimina) to reiuse Aunt death o.t 'the thoug!ht of big won· 50. stir about a bit. But this weather voluntarily he laughed, nlso. Rose's offer to bring me abroad for de~!ul p,arls. , . . ., Frank H. Mount, administrator is nastY. Rain and wind ever since "And really, you see, I haven't a year's stu dy. Even when we ar An 19nOt'1l~t, pl~OV1 nClal . boor, of the OIItate of Edward C, ·H.we lett New York." any," she. allSul'ed him, su bduing sightseeing 1 mUljt learn; an4 afte\, was the cau tiC connment. of Nlnt mo.n, decased. filed his inventory.IA:mG'a. Them Ant Vitamia D. "Perhaps yoU agree with James her mirth, "However, jf I bad- she leaves me in Pnl'is-Oh. the joy Rose whe.n Send a . graph.lcally. relodlsed, Soft Curd, RU8seU Lowell," he Bugeggted, any number of -h usbands - I of bard work, to tind what art ~rted, ~he morm~g , mterV1!w. Mari. . . Licea ... - .a..u........_~r-Il4J-~r.-~ne sea was should go off Bod leave them just hold for mel You are a dear boy DQn t Judge the li,l;!ghsh 'l.Y:....wW'O"+--;;,.......~;:'-'''=~ made to be from tbe as often as I felt like i~." Ralph . I do like you, But to set: !"l'y denr. 'Some 01 tlhe mos~ cbarmPau~n E. Pre8to,n, mecbanic shore; that there is nothing so de- "But you cann't, even in America tl d\>wD and mal )1 you now, plan lilg ,me.n I kn~w, are Enghsb. And Frankh and lIlss Leora ~ Some newer kind8 of milk are. perate.iy monatonou.- as the have more than one? I thought it a trousseau, and hunt a flat, when don t all,? w h.lm to. ta~k toyou- French! telephone operatoT finding a place on the housewi1e's ocean;" wa wives those people had; what I m~ht be c10ing this-don't you muc.h-:-" lth hIS abslUrd Ideas about Franklm. doorstep thsae mornings. In some "Sensible chap." c:ommented b~r d'ye call 'em Mormons'1" see, Ralph, J si mply couldn't? America. On~ can see ~e ex.p~ct~ ma.rk,eta didributotll are featuring new acquaintance. "I be on board "Plainly, you mu t comeltJl:ain, So, a 1 said, I it best to bave to do away With cOl1ventlonahties. E.tat. T ....d.r. vitamin D, milk iodized milk. homo Phone 78J "Oh I n-no-not this voyage." to stUdy the people and instituti· no 'Promise. You must find some(To be Continued) Hugh J . Farrell, deceased. 8enlaed milk, .• nd 110ft cU,rd milk. !!!"!!~----1T."--~~~~~--""'!~!"'"-":,,,,--"!"'~-"":---~---------~"'~""!'"'-""'!~""~~~~~'"-.!'"r Laura Farrell real estate in Frank- aecordinar to J. H, Erb, darry techlin. nologist at the O. S. U. Emma R. Britton and James P. Some of tbeae n.ewer milks ate Bri tton to J. OrU8 Norman 109.30 from cows fed special rations; • • acres in ClinWlI and Warren others are milk given special treat'fPTARY PUBUC Sies. . , , , B••1t Andrew Brehany; deceased, to . the fat, .J>10tei ns and Thomas Brehany, ei a),rea) estate milk Sll&,.r 1n raw pulk cannot ·be W.lIla Dr.... . • S.u'" in Franklin township. changed thl',oagb feeding different WAYNESVILLE, O~' IO Andtew H. and Elizabeth E. rationS' to cows, lIeveTthelesa, says Crane to Martha D. Crane real es- Erb, one of the cbief factors af- !!!!!!!!!'!'!!!"!'!'!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!"!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!"!'!'!!!"!!!!!!!!!! tate in )lason. . f~ting tbe 100dvalue of milk is FOil .AU! DATEI CALL Cynthia A . Smith to Leslie GD- the rati\ln. ' bert real e$tate in Mason. Iodine content 01 milk call be Bi rdie and Joe Bradley to Mra. markedlr iner,eased. by feeding a Viola :8. Atkins 92.38 acres in I'ation hlrher 1n iodme content. In -lh!~Wil-l~oMlHtlo;----~--.JCaa:aiII~iCt.iOlla of the country,. the Irene Berger Madge CooRer, lO-calLed ~oiter .b elts, .the ordinar.y real estate.. in Deerftelc\ township. ' ~OW feeda are deftetent in tbur .HarleY W. B'rqnk and, Heren elfl)Den V aod the mUk .ill deficient Brunk . to Abdrew Putman and also. \' JESSE STA"UY Belle Putmall, :inloU NOl. 77 ' ,and Erb says "iodized milk," obtain-' ....... 110", N_ ••~ •••••, ow. 78 ·inMason. '" ' " ed' by leeding cbwsa ration blghin hene Berger to Anna Dearmond iodine, i. 'a pOBllibility, although EARL KOOGLER relll e8tate in' Deerfield to..wIIship. tbe method . apparently b I'ather OaF'Ralpb Brehany, to Ancfrew F. as I- way to reinforce ~ B.rebany an dThomu R. wltb thiS element. . real elltate- In FrankUn tOWl\.blp. AIthoIlIh an important .ouret of Geor,e P. Orain to, Lealie GUbert B, C. p, aDd G, milk is

I A n A ,-,-QI r Internatrona




Treat Your Hog.




;r SS 18


EW KINOS OF MILK NOW BID FOR FAVOR F• . '. IMart.-n Auet oneer



Or No Charge

Centerville, Ohio



Stanley I Koeller .~


.Iao_ __ .'H


"(tam. 1n COII~ D. IIlourc. • milkoffor ••1, .' . , ~ore of the: vitamin , ,. • I, i'lpona{bl, for ,trOll, _ ...~. ._ _...:_ _ _....__, bon .., Thl• . mUll: ,'-proFOR SAU by leediq COWl • cpnc~. '0Ul'~ ;!~mln D, DO~- FOR SALE-Cheap for c~h. 1 BiU~ Allowecl methods of ~btalnl.w the LiD~.f table, 6 ' dlningt:oom · rUIlI... are irradlattnar the cham, 'IIook cue and other furnlThe Christ HOlpital, services, $8; Karl D. Dakin, '" b I ture. J. D. Marlatt. Phone 13.R2. $37.51; lin. Lll'J-I'l ·Urton. unueJ ear on are amps .a nd . Titamin D concentrate to SA....... ,27.50j M~.IralIDEltzroth, -;;~;';'jl:h~:~ Ie ~ Kent~"" q ......, Wonder $5; Helen Doul'hman , BentC", and some adults dinlt Beans for c.nninl'. L. V. Brana,7; Caridi. H~er..ervicea, ,6: tr:ator~ Phone 115R2 ~ -.27 Mr~. Stella Kelly. ~rvice", $7'; Mra .m!~kw;~~~~li FOR S.ALE-Elltate He~uola. III Howard ~awYer:. ~rvicel, '7.; Day curd , the atolDacb, cow'. 190d condition, ,,0. F. 11. Henton Stertcd Works CQmmlUlon mUk form • • hard ~bbei'y curd~ denon. ' . repa~red Dater Now'i on IOJI!.e 'markets. loft curd · . Repalrtd~ '6.11; The Star mUk iJI available. . FOR SALE-,...Seed ~ye. , .....1 F.o rms for Olerk of Oourt, L, Some of it come. from COWl )luna),. Mi~dle Run and Ferrr P. Oavett, M. T. Tat, $91.80: have been fonnd by teat to hi 8f Weldin&, Co., Carbide and produee a 80fter curd mDk. other OX7len Tanka, SlaI.30; Oram 'd latrlbutors make 11. . of .lIroc. . Shoup, allPPUu, ,7.81: I. W. Unc" knOWll II the base uebaqe (:0., parta and. IllJIpll... ment, invented by Dr. J: F. Lyman '167.81; GrOll ServIce Station, 4)f ·the.O. S. U. Still.tblrd method market prtee ,alOline, ,29.68: Waldl'OD O. GU" is to homoaenk. the ml,lk. Th. ltv. poultr,. BrDeIt moll1', IDqueat, '''.70; Th. Coillm- curd of the bpmotenlsedmUk ta I HllrtlIOC]L Pboa. bUi Blank Book life, Co., not a. 10ft .. that produced b, the fo ... Probate Court. '15.110; hue a~ metllod Elb demuter of Lebanon. Ohio, ~O Iarp elan.. · I , envelopea and IDlIH enTelopaa, '8~- ' • __ - _ _ re..aUenna l etltate Muon. ,s.inBr1i.cupto LucUe W. Mocker 1nlot NOl. 14.1 and In in $PrlntliofO. ',' '. , ".J HeJU'Y El. Llb'ec.p. to Myrtle Lib. cap Inlot No. 169 In FranlUln. .


ts JlOlST -and .....".. do....." the

cpeed of ell" "" .. 10I1()u la your qllDdeft•.

MelITO. OAT. '0\11' en.lne mUJt t.~. air •• ft coma, mill It 'l"ltb f,aIOltne. and tbus p",ke tb& ...ll.... tb,n burns In YOW' "nalne.

, D IO

YOU £VEil feel that your carran So.socorty-Vacuum engineers provided bette.r at night? 'If yol,l llse ordj-.· Mobilgas :witb Climatic, Con,tro!. This nary gasoline, you were probably right'! . special preadjusttn~n.t> made at the raCOol, moist, night air mixes differ- fi~ery;, makes t~is 'gasol!ne mix bettet entl y with most gasolincs th an the hot, . :-V1th air-any kmd .o f air. dry air of the d aytime. It gives you a Night or d~y· .:.. in dry weather 01'

different kind of "gas" mixture one that Seems to give you smoother performance. . :Sut you can't always drive at night.


damp - you get the be~t performance your car can give, FuJI power always. Quick starting and smooth pick-up. No

DAY Am II DRY. . . . rUle.


a dllrerent kJttd of mbt'urc In JClIur "Data••

"in-and-ouc" performance bec:ause of the weatller. The sort of resullu you Want from a good gaSoline-no matt~r what the weather or the hour of the day or !light. ' . A week or two of driving t~!UI the whole sto~y. Just stop at the Inearest station thatshowat~e.ignoCthc Flying Red Horse. Fil1 up the tank with the gasoline that mixes better with air,





1111 with loca11awl to halls, aehool hOu I,relaUD. etc.


. Harve~.barl

'The last annual report of State Mr~. Jrma W. Bl'ach sp~nt the TI'caMun'l' Harry S. Utly t lis of a w~k·end in Fairfield vhliting ht'r mother. pllck&ge in 8 vault in his depllrt.D. L CItANE t , . . .II .... s.lNcri P tioa Price. ,1.10 • Y.... merit. that haa an unusual history. Mis Edythe Surface of Colum· 0Ii•• P".,,, .. ,, .. "". ' . N. 111 Entered ., Poetofrtc. at W.)'~"- The package, a uotation suy~. F.all Seedi... tar tD l,us spent Sunday with hel' mOlher It....... '. • Tille, Oblo..... ~~""4 Cia.. ~II ce .. . ,.. ... .............. .. N., III _ttor "contaiM a tin box in which is Mrs. Mary Surface. = enclo ed th~ olunlbu s Centennial Sprill, S....u.c', I. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Welch and Album, to be kept in the vault of Opi .. ioll children of Detroit spent a efw AUGUST 30, 1934 thEl' , taie ~reasury until June days hel'e with hil> parents, Mr. t!J76, to be then delivered to t h e . and MTfI . W. W. Welch. ='-committe.e having charge oC the Septem~r IS the pr.ef,erred mo~tb I Mr. and Mrs. B. Ploughman and second centennial cel ebration in for seedmg lawns, In the opimoll ~hilqrell of FaiYmont. W. VtI ., are olumbu!l, Ohio, as provided fo of George ~ . ~cClur,e,~ co-a';1thor !>ere visiting her sister, Mn. Mary The cause t safety has 8 very simple and important A. B; C. The by joint.,.!'£80lution pa ed Allril 11 of the bull~tm Lawn!1 published Tucker and family . letters mean- Alwaya Be Csr(1ful. 1877. O. L. , Vol. 74, page 535.65. b'y the OhiO Agticult.ural E:xten.! MI'. Glenn Snell, in company That motto hould ,govern conduct In every home, in ev ry place The nolatlun is sign d by W. G. /slon Service.. . \I, ith four Wilmin gton College of b,u siness--and especially in every automobile. pecau~e it is constan. 1;>e hlel', c hairman committee cen· Fall seedmg of lawn grass. 1S I adics, is ' visiting the World's Fair t1y violated, thou sands' of people die needlessly each year, 33,000 of tennial celebration. The album is muc~ to be p~e(erred to spring i ll Chicago. . wTapped in heavy papt'r and seed mg, according to ,MCClure. AI' I ?tlrs. Laura Shidak~r and her h t em ' in motor accidents alolle~ and property damage run s into the sign e(1 lind sealed on the back by though September ~S~ the most .grandson Roger Gray have Tcturnbillions. rn no other nation do accidents take 80 great a toll. 14 cashierl! of the Office, beginning fav~rable month, seedllllg i.n Octo~. ed to Albuquerqu . There is nothing difficult about "playing safe." The main thing lo with Henry S. Babbitt, 1879- er ~s fal' better than wa!tlng until , Our band played at the Spring remember is to n vcr take a needless chance-nevel' do anything un- 1883, and ending with W. A. Bail. spring. . . Hill school house nt a ocinl given nece Bluily tha,t might lead to injury. An automobile driver, for ex.- y, .1931- - -, prellCnt cash ieI'. He advances as hiS reason the by the Ladies' Aid of the Olive ample, can probably paes cars on curves nine hundred and ninety-nin May we all Jive to njoy the next fact that lawn grasses gl'ow poorly Dranch chul'ch, last Friday evening. iOn ~he hot dry summ1er!1 common to ,They will play at Port William this times without anything happe. ning. On tb thousandtt. time be' mav kill ,columbus centennial. ' an d lIlju . . re. The element of risk . . always th . fe- a ". an d Illaun IS lIttle . hlo' and as a resu t of • fall seed- F 1,'Iday evenI'n g. thought will l'educ it to a minl'm"m The ' tate Board of Cosmetol ogy In g· lbhe youn g grass jlSh 8tron g er I Several of our boys were ford the t d bl • t' , k t th e can· Thel'e is nQ grenter and more.. absolute wllBte than that caused by I h a ex t en d.6d th. e lj en dl'me f or ra- hant , etter h a e to w i stan ' . ~n8e 10 lIecurlng wor: 8 .f . . .. , . newal of hcense of beauty pal'lor 0 weat er; l'lng factory at Corwin. OCCIC ellts: No kmd 01 wl1ste po~ e ses le81J~ ushficatlon...-theunavol~ap! owneu and operat()rs without ex- ' New s~ed lllgs, he says, should be I Qoite a numbe" are plaiming ~ccident IS ~o ral's as to be almost Ilon -eXlstent. N~arly every aCCident Ilmination many tllites. The latest kept mOist for at lell~t three to to attend the State Fair this week. IS caused becnu e someOne' was recklevs, careless, Ignorant. R member extension is to September 15, ,fo?r w~e~s. The .dlfticulty 01 , GTandmother Carter has reth A. B, C. of afety nd you will be doln( your part to eliminate which the board annOunces will be dOing thIS In late . s!,rmg and early turned home niter an absence of ha~ards that menace every citizen. the final dllte. is an addltional reason ~or several weeks. Her on from De= . __. _ _ , avoldmg , the season tor seedang troit spent the week-end with her 'l.'hel·e will be no special ession the lawn. at the Kennedy h(>me. ' of the present general assembly in • - --Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jordan are September, as had been anticipat.entertaining, their rranddaughter ed. At any rate, GQvernor White, thia week. , in a statement given out last week ~~The Ohio State UniverSity Radio Statlon-WOSU tated tohishave belier that it would be The W. C. T. U. m4!t with Mrs. futile the legislature meet Carl Jones on Tuesday of last 8:00 Music previous to ,t he coming elcctlon to week, . 8:05 Farm Adjustment News .. , ......................J. A. Slipher consider matters of finance and Dr. George of Willmington de· f or '" ~ F erguson , t axil. t Ion. ' H e there f are announce d livered the sermon al; the M. E. ' 8:16 F ee d IIlg .. a II ' Eggs ., ........ ........... .... ..' C. m. that .a special session wiJI not be Church Sunday morning. :25 Music W, E. Bogan preached at 8:40 What Are Rural Young Men and Women ,Thinking? ,..... '....... ... held h~n nI h No ~~m b r 19 th e da t e theRev. Fri ndJ!' Church Sund.a y even. ..... '" .... ..... ... , ....... . . .. ... ,.... William Smith, Jr. to w Icb e a JC)ul'ne the legis In- ing. The Centerville Community Gar8:50 Utilizing Milk on the Farm ...... ...... ,............... ... ... J. H. ' Erb ture in June. In the meantime, Mrs. J . E. Hill and daughters den Party will open this Thursday Y:OO Beauties of Our Out-Of-Doors , . ... .. . .... . Mrs. C. M. Gibson maln y chool districts and muniei· and Miss Mary Brunk spent Sun- night with a bang. The party under ' , 1 0 MU"I'c pa ities hal;'d pre d for revenue th . . f WAD' 11 9. o will pin their hopes for reljef to day at the World's Fair. e sl1Pervtlllon 0 . • risco !) :26 Financing a Coli ge Cour e , ....................... Farm Boy and levie at the election November 6. Mr. and Mu. Fred Slyh attend. and Clark Haines will be held at H. W. Niaonger _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ ed Mr • Slyh's family I'ellnion, near the Centerville School grounds Raridan, Sunday. August 30, 31 ILnd Se.ptember 1. 9:35 Ground Moles ...... ", ....... .. .......... ,................ ,..... H. E. Eawine " Miss Marjorie Hlaydock and 1hel'e will be a f.-ee band con· 9:45 Somo Newer Fruits ............................. " ....... W. W. Engle Sunday School Class held an eo- tert each night with aome oC the joyable party in the basemen~ of moet prominent soloists in the the church Thursday ad'ternoon. Southern part of Ohio. There will be many Miss Ruth Reeves Is the guest of her aunts in ' Mason. games such , a bowling, dart Frank blnley conti,nues in very ganles, milk bottle games and 'pony poor health. tides for the cb~ldren. State', P lat' at 6,836,000 MISfl Helen Haines hi a visitor at $everal valuable prizes are to I . . ~ opu 'oD be awarded each night. COLUMBUS- Thhl week the,dOwrI to mUniCIpal courts than any U. S. Bll'reau of Census estimate the Century of Progre!u. The country store has much to voles were counted to determine chief ~ .. ecutive in the history of for July 1 1984 places Ohio's pop- -- .. oiTer in the way of prizes. A style who of five early prominent Ohio the state. His latellt appointment ulatlon at' 6 83S' 000. Ohio is rank· Co...... ~ P ..... r.1D Pa~b show will be held each night on the new I)ap~r publishers and .editora was that of Charles F. Smith of cd forth r ' am~ng the tates in •• Dance Pavilion Bnd there are also shi)\I1d b Jected to tbe Ohio Jour Youngstown to aucceed Judge P9P\llation. Ahead of, the Buckeye Ohio tal'mera to da1te have been many other educlltional ellhibits nalism Hall of Fam this year. Louis, T. Farr of the court . of.ap- State IS . N ew York WI th 13 , 059 , 000 paid $1,188.636.30. f'or cooperat- such as a Flower Show and an art More than 100 historians and news peals of the Youngltown Qlstrl~t, Pennsylvania, 9,826,000; and ion in the corn-hog relduct.ion pro- exhibit. papermen alld 'Women of the state -whC) recently d'ied. Illinois, 7,870,00$. , Igram of the..all'ric.u\t;ural adjust.. A 60-50 dance wilJ be each served on a commitUe toselect by d t Ohi ballot foul' out of five nominees _ '" ment a mIDIS ratlol!1. 0 II night in our new dance pavillion. for this distinction. Since 1928, Books of many year!! ylntage, H"hwa, Accident, for Fiut Half ~o urtll in the Ii t of litates receivThul'llday night, Augu t SO, will 22 Ohio men prominent in journal. are among the thousands of vol· 1934 lrtg the greatest benefit under the be "Home-Comin~ Night." All peo ApIH'oX'illllltely 4,000 automObile eorn·hog program. pie who ever lived \n Centerism were elected to this honor. ume~ , o~ laws, rep~rts and other Those voted on this year were pubhcattons etored 10 the office of accidents oCGurred on state high. vine and their friends are expeet. were Moses Dawson, editor and ~ecreta~ of f ~htate Ge~e ways outside municipalities in Ohio that ~he gains had been carried cd J~d~ey p:iegs::t~iIl be Band Fes. owne'r of the Cincinnati Advertiser yers. ne 0 ese, cons mg 0 during the first half of 1934, ac. ove nto the present 'Yur Vol. 1, Revised Statutea of the cording to available stati1sticl comr} .' rtival night featuring several pro· ( now Enquirer), from 1823 to State gf Ohio in forde Aug 1 . With 2101 more st?'re tn opera- j mlnent bands such as Brookville , 1840; John axton, editor, and • • , piled by the State Highway De· tlon for 1938 than lin ~929, the Band, Lewisburg Band and others. owner for many 'I lirs of the Can· 1880, .lI nd pubhshed in the same partment. In the 3,994 traffic mis- volume 01 aales, howl~ver. showed SaturdAY ni"ht the Grand P1'ize ton Repository. Samuel J.Flick- year, l~ 74 yeara of age, .. the haps reporieq from January 1 to a d1'OP of 61 per cent :from the pre . £' I" Sh"l . d EI . ' inger, prominen Dayton, Colum. dates Indicate. The;..,..Ja.wli-w~-e. une SO, persons klUed numbe1'ed depression year. '70lume tor ' a -."ros ey ~ va or eetrlc Rebus and Hamilton owner, editor collated by ~o~ph R. Swan, With 291-232 men and 69 women. 1938 was find at $l,417,lG9,000 {rlge.rator, ~Ill.. be awarded to and corr spondent; John Mclean, notes on deCISIOna of the ~lJl'reme The!le deaths illcluded 79 pedestri- againr.t $2,864,831,000 in 1929. some lucky lIldlVldual. The- number of proprietors activ T~e pro~eed8 from all these c~n'founder of the Lebanon Welltern court by. Leande1' J. Cntchfteld. an.. InjUred numbered 2.928, of Star and also Ohio and UnIted The pubh hen !ere Ro\)ert Clarke. which 1850 were men and 1073 ely I engaged in their o:wn stores in. ce.sllOnl! WIll be for t he Centerville State. supreme court judge. and • Co. of CinClllnatl. Over three 'Women including 182 pedestrians creased 19 pet' cent a'nd there was High Sehool Band, the spo,!)$ors of , pages of this volume are devoted I ' . . this Garden Party. WilUam D. Bickham, owner for to apprentJces. An aee included in a 89 per cen~ lIlCTeaae,tn the. 'nom___.___ ..._ __ a long period of tne Dayton Jour- the book and adopted in 1881 pro-C.'uu, Repod Da RetaIl Trade ber of pa~une empI'Dyes wlthl an A study conducted during the acco~panYlng. inerwl& of 68 per nal. The voting is in charce of Dr. vides for arbJtration in con troverOman C. Hooper, profesaor emer- siel except when titletoreale.tate first four ' months of this year by cent 10 pa.n plme payrolls. ilu8, school of JournaUsm, O. S. i. involved. Anothel;' rather an- the U. S. Censull Bu\:eeu sbowed ~e ratio o~ womenl employes 1'e U. dent book in the collcedon is Vol that in tla& nine successive month .. mamed practically u.t\chang~d at 69. Ohio ,Laws, consisting of acta after the New Deal 35 pet cent I.n 19Sa ccntlpared with Several hundred dairy farmers 36 per cent In 1929. ,oovernol"' George Wh.ite in hia adopted by the 60th general as- ployment in Ohio retail in Warren County are planning to nearly two te~ml!l of omc~ ha. sembly in 1872. It wae printed by menta showed gains. The census No Food Shortaco ill Obio have their herds tested for Bang's' probably made more apPOintment, Nevins " Myers, state printers, contained IItltistics only up to There i8 no dllnge~ ,of a food disease (Infe~tious abo~tion) Columbus. The book is, mach c1ut Jantaary, , 1934, but th~ belief is of judges from supreme court shOrtaee in Ohio on a,ccount of Ute "under the proviSIon of Public No.





The ABC Of Safety

' .Fa rm I

ftiigh' 1 alit s,


" I Sep ' 'ember 3

' New Burlilllgton



REPU'TATION-Ona of, America 's lergest and b..t.hewII businesl col1.8'" Chart.r.d by th. Stol.. af Ohio ta conf.r degrees.


, COURS&S--Complet. in .very d.EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIEStoll Indudin" Busin.u Administra· tion, High .. Accountancy (Walton). • Athietici. Khool pap", .ocial .....,... -011 help glv. tho calle •• at· lunior Accollntancy. Slg,elariol Sci· mosphere and p rovide a bit of p!.y .nce. St.nography. 01 01,11 qS .hdy. INSTRUCTOIls.:-M.mbe" on th. faCility, many of them famous in file world of All .,I'Gt.d be· cau.e of "willing~"1 to help" a, well al for their troinin ; and


BUILDING. iQUIPMENT-M 10 m I· Jacobi occupi.. tllr.. flootl of ill larg. bulldillg, at Second and ludlow. It II IIghi. airy. a pleasont piau to work ond study. Hundrredl of typ.writo,.. computing machi~el. multlgtaph..

duplICating mach in.. , dictophonOi. ,tenotypel. boo .... p· Ing moch!n.. on- which 'Iou I.arn to operot. the tool. of bulin'.I.

EDUCATIONAL POLICY-To troin you SO that when you th. acid test of actual busin... ,",pII1Vm.nt both you and your .mploy.r will tie ~oppy in YOllr choic. of MiomlJacob, Colle". for ~u'lnell traillillg. E~PLOYMENT SERVICE_M I ami· Jacob. luppli .. a large molarity of all the office allhtanl for Oaytton bUllne... W. cannot guo rant. . ..... ploym.nt. no ho.e.t coU.g . . .but wo do Ihow aft ,mazing rHOIIi for ploc1ng oboyl 90 p~r c.nt of 011 th. Slood .tlldon" wIIo 1I •• cI _ employment ,.",Ic••

MIami.Jacobj Ttoin" 9 Se", .. a Lifeti,u WRITE. TELEPHONE OR VISIT US TODAY

Cap·IOtol C ross R oad Cbatter

Best of the News Direct ' From the Ohio State ~apitol

EVENING SCHOOL-Fat ' t"o •• who ca,,'t eUend dey cla .. Som. In· strudotl, same II/blocio. sam. all· found trai~i"9.








Dairy Herd ITo Be Teited In County

~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~;~~~~~ Ramaower. ~~~~i~to~aCU~~.~~ . director of the O. S. :he dairY farmer Will

,B ille. ·• .,iI" Better T_a. a••, DAYTON, BNIO,' ·NEXT WEEK

:Sept•.3rd, 11~5th, 6th ,

Hor.~ · Raeln. Each and: Nlaht Lar._ Exhibit., Free Altr.ctlona, aand Concert. ~e~1II Puillna'- · Conte.t, Chlldr.n'. Day -- , Tuesday, Sept.niber4th. S.ptember 4th. ,Lo•• of Show., 41-m•• _nd SoIdl.r.' . Day - Wedn... Rid... ' tilly, "ptenaber,5th. All Children end SoIdIe,. .....ttwd tr•• uldll SIOO p. .... ondllY ..........d , "

VALUABLE PRIZES Given Away Elich Nlaht

N •


be reqUll'ed to sign a Federal C9ntract or agreement and re~urn same to the U. S. Inspector \n charge ii.Tti...-----:--;;-----.,..-;:-""':---::-"7'----'--------~I_-~-,;: Columbus b~fore a ~lood test WIll , be made. ThiS test Will b~ made. at F?deral e~pens8 and mdemmty WIll be paid on raactol'8 to the firllt and sec?nd tes~. The mdemlllty for grades canStat F ir Attracu F... mara not ellceed ,20 and the indemnity . • .. , for pure breads cannot exceed $69. Farmers and other rllral r ••id- the f.rmer reeeives the net sal ..e-nts together with large numbel'8 vage when the animal Is slaughter of urban dwelkra thr-ourhout Obio ed. The total of the in.demnity and are paying tbeir maiden or anollal the net 8&1"a&'8 cannot exceed the vilit to tbe 1984 Ohio State Fair appraised value, The amount of in Columbu. this week. 'The 86th the end.mnlty i.e determined by State Fair thi. year oll'era a pro- iubtraetlng the net salvage from cram autatandinr in a,ricultural the appralMd val\le. . Example: U a grade cow 'w ere display. The beat brltd .tock' atld ftnest products 'of the farm are en- apprailled at, ,35 and the· owner re· tered in the various exhibits, at- ceived ,20 net tor salvage, that is, tracted bJthe more ~han ,1,,0,000 $20 ahove the cost of tTanllPortaheine ofrer81i in pr,e miama. The tion and sale costa, be would reo younr bOys and giria ot the 'state ceive ,15 indemnity. are attracted in Iargle numbera to . If a purebred cow were app-rais. tile Ohio State Junior Fair. ad at $100 and the farmer reeelv· .;. tid ,25 net, for salvage. he would , D ..... 'EllPOC~'" ia St. . . . E ...olI. receive the maximum indemnity of U. agticQltural extellsi~n 8ervice and Obio's AAA adminit\traior. Prof. Ramlower polnt;ed out, how. ever, that the August 1 chop estim ales showed that crOJls will. be below normal, but , add,e d 'that, the Buckeye State needlbave no lear of a food ponic.

Quality .



The Department lof Education 800,QOO atudents wt~I _\attend pub. lie IChoolt this fan. Dulin. put acbool year the, public school enroll,nent wu 1,806,665. The dtcU.e, the eduetjtlon department reporta, ts allltlcipated in rural acre.. becauli4e . of lack of fund. with which to~ l.end Btucleaw acbooUo ' ,


Dairymen should keep ,in mind that this test ia voluntary and free of ~1tpens& except the farmer must be p:resent to help draw the blood 'Imple. ' . A~cordlne to lilT. Killer, County AlP'lcultural Agent, DOW is the time to teat and clean up the dall'}t herds in ~ Warren county. Contract blanks can be ll6eured at IIta olllce in Lebanon.

.. .....

The tllaad

C'lydo of tll\\·n. Ruth, nll.r Mr. and Mr~. Kl'~1 r GIlham ant.!I bo IS Juat h\Jme front W harton. , 1ft 'ht r took Il molo,' trip to II. H. Lafferty 1\lr, sud Mr~. Tlwrle JUnt', and <(,h~llo:l' th und"'y hi. laNt IH.'lmon berClre • d d' ' u . t of . I lell e... -, h on wtlTe • till CI:-' IIHIl" ~ ~' . C i t at Lytle c-hutc nuxt :SUI!~UIIY Mr. ami Mr., Ed-- in Nut! nellf Se\,~11l 1 JX!r~onli 10m lere a - illig. (Continned from P ••e J ) Centerville. tl-nded the .. ~IIl. ()f MI~~, V~n n~ Ml'.. . W. A and little The I, adie,' Ai(1 will I1Il'(>t vn Bl'ulI.cur 01 STl)'IJ)gb 1'0 t!stu,' ~a). J ckie Hughs Ilf Wa y ill .. Weft' enior, Mr. Hatll It.!. WedneR<iny ... eptC'mher I) at the l\1iss B~rni~1' Grahl1~ vl~I\;d ITu ~dllY guests ut the h, me or MI'. _ hQme of .MI'>!. Wilbllf FouJks. north Tue;'dll £>yerllng hcr frIend MISS IInll ~11'~. Kesl'r Graharn. H ilt. ach_ 1 I.atructo r • ADd home

of Mr.



nOllU,U" I&Aool Bell W(ll End , Vacafion Sept. 4 fA


Mr. E. A. Younlr tlC ,"'I·ankfMl. MI(h. is villitinlf at th home of hi I<on. Earl Y(lUnR lind family. ~i, ~arah BUTlll't. o~ Dllyton, i , IIp.-ndinf[ • feW dB~'8 at the hOille

of Mr. and lIIr . Harvey Burnet. Mr~ . .MarJraret J()hn ~ att nlled the.' eal of th late Laura Ward lit Harvey, bur aturda)' aftel·nuoll . Mr~ . Morrt' Wharton ot L ebanon i, . p<'n~ing thi we{'k at Lh

White Ro..- P......... hind the enl ln• •


L.dl •• ' Ore ..... 10e fro tint! 1111'8. Ch rles !I1orgall, Subjecu They W ill Teaeta MI'. and Mrs. Carl Frye are at. Men'. Sulb. G5c .11,. B lie ~cott lind lis He l e n . Lending the Grand American Trap QIliek-for qualit~ drJcl_Di ... ~al'ly f4'p nt unday at the home of Mr. Brown - Commet'c.ial and hoot at Vandalia today, Ir. and Mr~. Ralph Uald\ in at t and 2nd y ar French. iIIiddl(llo\\in. Miss Henkle- Home Economics, Mr. George Smith vi itcd hiB .k nd Mrs. lien E~tnri(!k and and Engli h, son· in-law and dllughter Mr. and Mrs. Margaret :Tohn, attended th Whit. Rose, t he depenCLeANER"! Mrs. Philip Zepf at Cin'cinnati .lust fUJI tI !'II I of J o ('ph 1'homus at the MI'. rabbe- ~griculture. G.sollne. week. home of lti $on. Earl ':rh{)mas on Mr. Hatfield- Mathematics and Soeinl Row, MQhdl,lY aftlel'llOon. . Science. Mrs, Bel.t Van Cleve and Mrs. _ ~_ _ '-!""";'~_'!""'_ _~_ _ " Mr. and :Mrs. Eal'l Young and W Rohbin _ Engl ish and Chas. PhiIJip~ of Xenia vi. ited Mr. family !lnd Mrs. J?mma Lacy were Lali~.s and Mrs. Oliver Davis and family .....,. ent rtatned to dlllll~r Sunday at '. on Sunda the home of Mr. tlnd Mrs. Orville Mr. Bodenbender clenee. y. Y ull'g in Daytll n. Mathematic!. Health ond Phy leal Ml' and Mrs Earl Murray oJ Mt', nnd MI' . Hal'vey Burnet and Education in t he upper gradell. D t.' ailed 'Sunday afternoon their guest, Mi ~ Laum Ro !lagle. Mr. Garst-Literature and Hia- atarh ~ho~e of M'V lind Mrs. Oliver and ld~_ and Ml' , Harold Whlta~er tory. Davis a nd fam ily. ~"""" " '~"'..., . . ., ....3, ...1 .. . ...'-..._'-,... lind ch Ildren s pent S\llld~y ,Vltlt St 1 M .. J' h 11{ t MI'. Lotz- Hi tory a~d Office Fri.-Sat.- A II,. _ ep , r. and ..,rl!. 0 n aynel' a The Ladies Aid Soci y of t he Urbana. Practice. d It BUCK ,JONES Mrs. Wi1l1an1 Brooks was brought 89 M:. E. church rne~ Tuell ay a erIn h om e fTom McCI Ellla)~ hos pital, Te)ttboo.lca Needed noon to discuss pllins for the LS1!. REPORTS OF LNESS! • .In good m eals to be served at the. Warren Xenia, Monday evening: and is imAnyone havi ng coples,. fair. ' pl'oving J1icely. , co ndition, of the tollowlOg text- -- -. - - - ...,.Mr s. ~{ary Boitnott., ]fro and books and wishing to dispoll6 of f rs. Frank Brown and little Mil- them for a nominal fee JIlay do s O FORMER RESIDENT with dre I Bo.itnott of Tippl'c.a noe City, by getting in touch with J . W. ' AWA~DED DECREE DOROTHY REVlER W Cl' e week-end guests of Mr. and Lotz at once. I Ml'S. Guy Routzahn and daughte:rs, History of American Literature and all visited the ZOI) at Cinem- by Halleck. Th e. many friends of Herbert S. SUD.- MOD-Sept, a---3 nati Sunday. Bible Te:xt by Lallfet', Warwic.k at Youngstown. Ohio. WILL ROGERS MiR Velma miih D~nd bro~her History of the AmeriCtln People formerly Qf ' Waynesville Will be Herm"n, enteJ'bined the :followi ng by Muzzey. ' interested to lellrn t hat Mr. Wal'in guests to dinner Sun({j~y : Mr. n.nd I New Biology by Smallwood wick has just r eceive d th P. H. D. Hero'. e tractor th;it .aved Admiral 8trd. Clyde Wharton a~d d8ug~ters Revely & Bailey. ' degree in history from the Ohio IT'fLE AMERlCA, ANTAltU'fl· vel7 dleappolnUng. The tra.ctor Mr. and Mrs. MOrrl!1 Whltrton, , Essentials of Solid Geometry by State University Convocation. CA. August 20 (via Naclr.ay Ra- made le88 t.han a ,mUe a.n bout. Tbe Messrs Levi Greatholls,e and Loren Smith. TWO SHt)WS - 7:80- 9:00 dlo): - ConcernIng the reportl ca.aip waa Quiet. Everybody wae Routzahn. I Es ential! of TrigQnometery by Graham nnd Mr. and Mrs Reever, Morss. . Kesler wblcb I understand have been wide- glum and Irritable. Beroard SkIn· White Rose, the depenAgriculture, 1:exts in use thiB 11 clreulated 10 ,t be United Statel ner and 1 re-fueled tbe reserve trae· Harry Graham attended the f~ndabl. Gasoline. that there I. an epld mle ot dyaen· tor whlc:.b was Iltandl1tg by ror a eral 01 their aunt at Wayn!) Ville anrl the burial at Mellllortal Park ter)' or otber 1II0e.. amoug tbe 66 poa.lble emergency eaU. ce metery, Monday aft,e rnoon, o.t UI bere at LUtle America. loan· The tractor party milled one r&R.dio P~lP'am A urpri e party Wl 8 tendered Ia, onl, ooe tblng-It lsu't true. dlo Ichedule. whlcb Increased the lIfisli Gene'\le Mae ROllltzahn Mon111 m)' ItO.., week I empha· tension back bere terMlleaUy. But day ai;ter-noon eelebrat'ing her 13th Home Demonstration radio pro· sized the fact that everybodY bere It. was maklng&ood time and atter birthday. Th Ose who enjoye,d the Is 'l.n good bealtb and 8plrltll- every 58 boura had pUlled tbe 60 mile occallion were: MiSl~es Evelyn lJI'ams are now , broadca~t on t'he aln.le man. Tbere II not a case of bue wblcb I wrote Ibout • couple Fl'ancis and 'Ruthllnna Jonn , Mil" first Wednesday of each month at IUnea. In eamD and we are In DO ot weeki ago. At 67 mllN thtJy iam L. Wharton, Alnna Marlyn 12 :80 to 1:3 0 p. m. over WLW at White. Rote, the depen- need Cincinnati and WGAR at Cleve. of generoullly offered outsJde palled lbe a bandoned Cleveland Martha Hia1~t, Margaret land. The United States Depart. Ubi. . . .lIn•• Doctor and health authorities agree that the medIca.l attention. The Admiral, tractor whlcb we Intend to relcue Young:. Wilodine ment of AgricultUre arrangell the however. Ie very weak. Ancl who In time tor the ellploratlon journey. funeral director is ane of the most important workers'tte Kurfu!, (~eorge ne Me program. wOUldn't be altor beIng burted 10 a ~ter on. in the cause of di ease prevention. and Betty Louisl' Routzahn IIlti. but under the anow for tour At mldll\&bl FrIda, we recetlecl and a balf montbl and belog pol· the welcome aod reUevJDI word Sanitary science ha contributed much to the Del' were Sunday dinner guests of loned b1 fumea trol1,l a keroeene tbat . the 8011l1tB Bu. ba4 been profes ion. Today every po ible precaution is taken Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stanl y and Itove? He ba. carrIed on lib a true reaobed aad that tbe AdmJral wu to 'prevent the spread of disea e to ' living persons. fam ily of near Sabin •. "portlman. and bas lived up to the a11.,e but not well. Apparentlj be Mr. and 'M rs. Raymond Wilsl)J't Mr. Raleigh Bogan attended • highest tradition. ot polar 8lIplora· bad IIn4-.ooe considerable lufferHad such care been employed centuries ago, many daughter. J eannet,te, . Mr, and reunion at Fort Ancient Sunday_ lion. Tbe Iclenllflc recordl he baa Ing. He wu weak and unkempt and of the terrible plagues that Bwept throughout the Mrs. Theodore Melnti're of New Mr. WiUiard Haines and Mi. ~ePt will prove of the grelltest 'fer)' tbln. Thll thlnnell, of courle, Barlington and Jean · Furnas of world might never have happened, rna Sinc1ai~ were appointed ra.lue. according to Dr. Poulter. the W&8 due to m. alnutrHloJl loduced br Wayne ville attended, the tate delegates from the uLive Wire" ead or our lIalence depa.rtment wbo bls not belnl able. to prepare bl., Wednes day, This organization'is particularly scientific in its Sunda)' School CIaSIl to attend the ed tbe tractor erpedltlon wblch food durIng worst pel10d at hili Mi s Esther J ean Haines i Frhnds Camp at Clifton, methods. We are aware of our responsible position 'eacued Admiral Byrd. Our leader 1II0elll. Tile inembera of tractor Visiting her grandparents, Mr. Rnd guardians of public health. la already Improvlo& 10 be~lth and part, were completelf woro out and 1\11'8. Benjamin Carey at Highland Mr . and Mrs. Joon Wilson we aU feel t.bat It will be onl, a Immedlatel, turned to atter letUn, Mr. Junior Seibold of Middle- Robert Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Ibort time before be II back wltb UI know the good news. Except for town, Richard Fritzgerald of New Walter Wilson and Enos WilllOD QI aU ,r eads to' c1 lrec.t 111 Ig tlie 80me trouble wltb th.e generator8. Burlington, and Robert Bogan 01 att~nded the ', S,a llard Reunion OD amulng ellplora.llooa we bave plan, Pete Qemas reported tbat the IJtUe Dayton were Saturtiay dinner Saturday. Qed tor OctOber. November and De- Frenob Citroen Itractor, 'lbe 1'1dol of Raleigh Boge.n and lam. Mr, Donald Haines i& tipendin, eember. I'asollne Veedol motor all, Prlmul week at the State Fair. l The preparilLtona tOI Ul l n! galOllne' IItove and tbe otber eqUIp. Tasso Terrell ot near New rr"·~.iN "" t-'Ud-w~f81I1rat,..tt81rnl'rto r~acb meot bad functioned perfectly and a .r eturned home Tuellday Bollln, AdvlI:DCe Bale , by tracLor bad, ena.bled them to complete . aftEr a pleasant '\I1eit with hie were. earned. 00 Quietly anti grimly. foume1 and lIaYe the' ur. of daugh er, Mrs. Homer Haines and rhla time. bow ever. tbe equlpm.e nt leader. ' Mitch- family, to be earried Willi out to an absolute minimum and the load ot gaeollne From now 00 I mall bave a was Increased 10 more tban 3()() gal· ot moet Int reaUng Dappenlngs lonl This tOletber ",Ith two relate to You In tb m(lllntlme, The little merchant who months' food supply tor tbose brave don't worry about our bllaltb It II eries, " Ext.ra" is a worker of m n Dr Pqlllt r Pete Dilmaa and perfect. And the Adml,ral. we feel ~ . • \1 . real impllrtance. FrolJl th~ Walle •. were \.be malol will regaIn hla 8treogtb In jig lime ranKs of: the news boys have Iteme 01 tbe tond , 'rbe club secret• .., reporta Lo m~ nr'isen thousands of lamoll8 'nslead 01 an bOllrlY rll(llo Icbed . b, radio lIlat lbtl ~club now blU an" iJlfluential meh. With ute II wu arrarll,!ed to CDUII.uluilcati\ 2'.000 members U ypu Would IIk4 ~ride they say, "I was once a eve", rOUt bours 10 order LO ell mI·- \.0 JOIO. entirely wltbout cos t. an~ . hewsboy." The newsboy wm nate the delays call d 101 by' 1\ receive a memberablp card and • alway b a romantic figure in more (requen t scbedule 'I'uesday ,btg rree worklns rnap of AntarclIoa Ame ~jcan Hi tory. mornIng, at 2:30 tbey left. Tbe de al¥lpl, ,end a clearly sel f·addrelled partllre was uoostentatlous. DO pbO .tamped ' eO'felope to me at QUI tograpblng and uo lIag· lVavlng OJ Amertcao beadQuartera a8 rollow. Ito}Jplna to change tires in heavy traffic Cbeerlng; merely a ten,e "Oood·bye, A rthu. A.bele. Jr.. Pre81dent good luck I" After the departur•. the LIllie ..mertca Aviation and Ex spoils a holiday-not to mention the rilL upedlUon executlvell gathered ploral\on Club. Hotel LeIIlngton 3iuu?ML~ Better pu.t on new GoOdyears-world'. most the radio roorn 'every four boura tor 48th Btreet and Lexlactnn Avenu-: .PH0Nf' 19 the reporte . Tbe Itrlt f8-botl....~were New ¥er~, N. Y. popular tlres--then your :will be safely "'-~~=:;.~==--



-b a eate•.





'The F·Ightlng .

R anger "

"Da vid H.rum"


10e Everybody


A Public Health Guardian

---Cae.ara C:reek ----.







lIoClare :

w.y....m., OId.

Enjoy Your Labor Day Trip ,on New GooCly,ears

.......,. .





equipped also fort.he fall and winter .to foUow. ' l 'oday's prices ' are low- take 84~ vantaae of them! Come In, let us fix yo~ up--eU s'zea-aU prices.

GOODYEAR SP •• .,.WAY nick touah



block ••• ,.I1 • ...,1t1 8u~"!'.. c,







1~I"tar -Trae·

tlon tr. .d-Fulll Over.lze- ' Built wIth Si.l~=r~wbt Corel.


















30x3Jh .... 40








4.50·21 '




'New Iy.,. c..••'Iftc./ tlon • read wJtIl . . . .

PriceeiubJect lo ,chan, . out notlc•• Slat It ~all , I' any, ad4ItIOlna l.


See It! IAt UI oplaln it, .etuall, d"l~ 43% More)lll.. of ....', ·N on-$kld. Colli nton to'

build but bu,f

Db . .ore


Prica l ubJect' to chante

wltJiout nolle. . State t u. If any. ,additional.



. Law Del)'









Of' , All



Eighty-8lxth Year


WORK OF CHECKING Samuel Butterworth, 89, died at h,. home on Nort.h street about 2 :30 o'clock Saturday morning OVER WAYNESVILLE'S following a lingering ilIneu ' lIe·v era. months. A l'etired farmer, Mr. Butterworth was bo,rn near 800K5 IS FINISHED Way· nesville and had spent tile past thirty years in town. He ir. of

State E •••ia.r Co• •eDel. CI.,k survived by. his widow. Sarah Butterworth, one son, Ernest and • ael Otber Olici." oa four g'randsons, Carl, Glenn and Gilbert Frye and Burnet Butter: Local Recol"llh worth. . The funeral service was held at Ernest Erb, who for the past the residence 'Monday afternoon week has been examinin~ the at two o'clock. books of the village or Waynes· ville, Tuesday completed his work here and on leaving was 'Mgnly complimentary for Clerk Raymon F. Hatfield and other officials on the condition of the municipality's reeords. While the repor~ ot the repres· entative ()f the state a\iditol'" office will not be forthcoming for Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Mainous nearly three montha, Exammer spent Sunday with friends . at Erb Indicated· that Waynesville's Mason, Ohio. books were in exeeHen.t shape and Judge Charles F. Marl8berry, of that bis report would be to that Cincinnatif called on Mr. W. H. Allen lut Friday. effect. Mr. Erb was here In 1931 and Mias Alice Gons is teacbing in lIuggested some minor chan~es in the IIchool at Martinaville, Ohio bookeeping particularly in the re- this year. cords of the waterworks departMr. and M,... Sam aaines of ment. He noted with satiataction Bellbrook visited with friends in that thelle changes hd been made Waynesville on Monday. and th J'ecords kept in accordance Se:rvices at St. Mary's Episcopal to hill 8 uggedions. church will be resumed ,Sunday. He added that reports in Way- Se.,tember ~. neaville were u e9 mplete and thor Mrs. Ruth Janney and Miss oqh .. in an)' waterworks depart- Louella were dinner guest" at the ment in the entire state. Friends Ho~e on Sunday. Ue sUl'l'ested that several delin..Mn. 1). L. Crane i, visiting her quent waterworks account. sbould ,iat.flo M""" Harry Walter at Lebbe certlf\e~ to the county auditor anon' everal days this week. for collectiOn" ~ pl'ovided by law s . for municipaL-Qwned pllblic utili. Mrs. Carl McClure and two dau~htera of Dayton are the ties. . • - cuesta of Mr•. Mary McClure.



Whole Number 613"


r-------. . . . .

.£~£elta txpltlrAe.

. - " ----



On Sunday, September 2 thc Burnet reunion wal:l held at the borne of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Z. HartI\ocl< and family, eight mil s ea L of Wilmington. About ixty members and friends ofthefamilywere prescnt to enjoy tJl e bounteous din ncr and a lOng t o be r emembered day. It is hoped that the reunion Ho ElqWe.,ecl That Gonl'1la-t will be held next y ar at the home pe of ?th. and 1\(rs. Harvey Burne t at MiCht Ful'fti.h FUDd• Lytle. The occ.asio.n this year was Y01' S"I'''." saddened by the <leatb of Uncle Sam Butterworth who had alway been sllch a deal' and beloved Efforts to . remove ·unpleasant aile figure in the group. unsanitary conditions brouibt -----: about . through Waynenllle'l antique sewaire Yystem, wiIJ beeon tillueu by members of WaynelVWe council Friday -night when a .peMti:·O·QlE£: C/lSlL6, WIlE~ RI LEV wroi'E,~Wf.lEN nil: FOOST eial selUlion of that body wlU " IS ONllIE P\JM"K1N~ IS ON STATE RouTE Z75, fAST OF WESI' held to meet with an FERA r.· UBErRY. IT WAS BUill BY Q)L. DoNN ~TT. CIVIL WAQ HERQ presentative of Cincinnati. AND IS JlJON A MUSEUM WITH RARE AND The principal stumblinl block BEAUTIFUL COUEGnONS. in the pl'ojp:esa of plans for _ mod ern sewerage dlaposal system In FEET &Lr::tN THE UM~ON£ I. HLlg, I~JE Waynesville at present i& the qu.... MILlS ~OO OF BELlEFONTAINE, ON tion of raising fund. with which RouTE ZlS. AQE n1E OHIO CAVERNS. l-1ER£ Mr. and Mrs. Howell PeIrce 8re an engineer who will make the visiting at Selma today. CARVED A lABYRINTH OF WINDING PASSAlGES necessary survey will ~ paid. M mbel's of t he council pointed UNEO OOCX OF STARTUNG o)LORS.Wlfrn ~fr. W. S. Graham enjoyed a out that the cost of sueh a surve7 J.lUG£ t'QWMNS OF GREAT SfAlJICTlTES fishi1lg trip over t~e week-end. would be approximately $460 and AND STAlAGM IltS. The annual b<lard m etlng wa s 8$ the village ir. without the nec· held at th e Friends Home on essary tunds the mo~ey must b. forthcominl .from l ome , other Tuesday. souree. C. . Moore, of Wa$hingt;on D. Hope that the government mirbt C. visited relatives herl! the first be able to come to Waynesville'. 01 tbe wClek. assistance was pointed at the re!5 . gular meeting of council last Mon· ZANE CAVERNS, IN (.l()NOR OFlllE Mi s Rachel Pe~tlt WIll make day night, and the FERA represen ~ STURDY ZANE FAMILY OF PlONE.£QS1 HAS BUN her ho!"e at the Frl ndl Home for tative is meetinl wIth the c:ity , -rn 550 CAllED' ACHARf.1ING QEALM OF I1\NTASV ~ the wInter. fathe rs Friday night to talk over T~e ~OF OHIO,lllE IllGHESTPOINT IN E9TATE. I 1"r""~lr'" ,UTlltVAnE r-,.,.ves IN .TI I r M~VI'''''. FEET ABI:NE ~..A LEVEL IS ON STATE RoUTE 32,1WO AND ':II:V~ ..,......T IM c", K V\ "It: 1<1\11'1\:1 Mr. Ilnd Mrs; Walter Johnson sucb a progr~m. A HAlF MILES EAS'T OF 8ELLJ:~INE. A MAGNIFICENT T~E ClIAMBERS ARE S1>C-cTACULAQ WITH ll-lEIR and family visited relatives in Payment Of regular billl and Kentucky last week. th euthorization of paintin, and PANORAMA OVER FAR ~EO P\.AlN9,OOTTED WIW B~\LUANTLY COLORED WAlL~. cleaning of the trallle lichta' ·_ .~V1 LLAG££ AND ~QEADEO Wllll HI~~WAyg. ®S1ANOMD OIL co. 01'0#10 7 Hugh Ri~ of west Palm Beach Main and North. streets concluded &1(: 02""'" /93of (}f%lioad Moo/> at vourSDnb S'utbl .. . ~---IVas tbe guest of hi. father O. M. the buslnell8 ot )fonday evenil'lra session. ---:============~~======== Ridge, Sunday night. ... Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis and OBITUARY daughter of Dayton visited Mr. ·. l:. Samuel Butterwortlll was born and MT . Ed Cook on Sunday.


. _..




_._- ---

530 PU pliS '


----_ ---

w. C. 1. U. HAS

Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Schaeffer of ENROLl:L TUESDAY 1:\e8r Waynesville tWE!lfth month twelfth, 181H and pas sed away at INTERESTING MEEnNG Dayton on friends here Wed his home here in Waynesville nesday. eall~d

W• F• S. ElECTS Mr. and Mra. Joh,. Fromm and aon, Clyde, attended th~ Montgom ' . h tl t 1934 H el')' county fair on Labor Day. When the 8chool bell ealled the 'nmth mont rs, - . e wi:' • OmCERS fOR '. pupils to order on la8!: day the 80n of Edw.-rd alnd Hanna , . Mr. anq MH. 1. C. Hawke an enthu iastic group of young Rogers Butterworth. t' aD visited their lOn, Ray Hawke and people pr~sented themselves for As a ehild he attended the SurCOMING Yr.IU\ family at Dayton on Sunday. attention of their teacher. ar Grove school, but each page


The W. C. T. U . met at the home Mr. and Mt:8. J. 1,>. Larrick spent of Mn!. W. H. Madden Augu t . 80 Labor Day .at the Montltomary ST. MARY'S CHURCH county fair in Dayton , 1934 with a full attendan~. Rev. J. J. Sehaetrer, Rector Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Thoma the .18 Devotionals were led by Mra. Services a' .S t. Mary', Epiaeopal M. d 11 0 R 'J~e total enrollment for the school of his well tilled life was turned he G. C. Dibert reading the Firat of Majneville vi!ited Mr. and Mrs. church will be relumed Septemb ... E. L. Thoma on Sunday. The W. F. M. S. ~f the M. E. are ~~j:;iDlr ';eek at the Cen _8 6;30. The ~rade building IIh~w- learn~d many ':lew iElssons. Psalm an followe!! by prayer. 9. 16th Sunday after Trinltr. churc:h met at the bome of Mn. tu of Pro reas in Ohic a ed an ennllment of 269, the High He was manled ~o Sarah E. Flower Mi88ion reported for Mr. John Staley of Dayton is Churcb school at 9 :30 a. m. aer· F. U. Lel,fay on Wedllesday attel;'ry. ag • School buUdinc 261 which separ- Burnet tenth month l:wenty.third, the year 68 bouquets of flowers visiting his sister, Mrs. Maude mon and Holy C.mmunieatioD at noon with Mrs. Mary Cl'oas and MI'. and Mre. Georee Hendereon a~ly numbered 18'1 in the dePlI:rt- 1878. Two cfllldren, S,teUa B. Fry Fetter. 1():30 a. m. Mts. Raymond Conner assist..,,, and cl'1,ildren and 'Mrs. ,Julia m.e~tal rrades .nd 124. in the High and Er',leat Butterwo.rth came to and 31 sympathy carda Ijent to boateue.. derson vi,aited Ml'~. Ir~ne Scbool Grades. plea thlS union. I5hutins. ?4r. and Mrs. J. O. Cal'tWrig~t TIle meeting WLIS opened by a ~n on Sunday. Tbe en~ollment by grades is as He was a bi'r thrilrht member After the bUl5iness session the of Oincinnati wore in W!lynesl1i1le ST. AUCUSTINE CHUIlCH lonc, . . 0 I • of Miami Monthly :Meeting anll 10Uowin, program in "Gigarette " today. Father Newton, Paator· "What a Friebd We Have in M Mr. Dan~ RB II JIja Reeder .. """.""", . " ... : 42 for manv years a most faithful waa rendered: ·Mrs. J. L. Men- Mr and Mrs' J B Cbapman and MaliS at St. Aurultine'a Churcb n d linS::a:k e Jftu." and devotionals "The T. lt th a.;? rid.. lIise Hartaock .. _......... " .... 38 member of Farmers' CJranc . denhaJl- R4!ading About Hotels- $on "Robert 8pe~t I~!lt week at the every second and fourth SUDda, g th~' Triple Light" Mrr. . Howard Arch t~n , n Chi ~~ a e 0 tad • 4th llIlu Kelley "" .. , .. ,.. 2S He hall been well known and "Lady Drunka Being Thrown Out' Ce~tury of' Progret!.S exposition in f the month. eqo. 8rd Ilia Carter ." " .. " .... " .... ,.. _,89 highly ellteemed in t'hls eommun- Mra. Dibert - "Why I Do Not \ Chicago deacon. . a r In Durlne the buameu seuion the llrL Thom.. Hunt anel )In. Uh 1IiIa McKin ..y ... :,," .... ... . .88 ity for more toan e~:hty yeara in Smoke." Mrs. B'e ek-"To The . . I nominating committee r.ubmitted Hilda Ta,.lor of Sprinlboro "ere 5th Mi. Campbell .. " .... -. l 32 which time bls integrity and I8nM Youth of America," by noted The' retular meetil)g lo! the Y. FRIENDS,IMEETING tbe followinl name. for oftlcen peata of II.... Jamel Lovel, lut 5th Mr. Turner ...... ,.... , ..... . ,,, .... , 81 of honor were nevelr cilled III men. Mrs. WiliiaDlson - F. M. will be held with Mr. ' and First-day Scqool at 9 :80 a. m. durlnl the new year. Frielay eYealaa. 6th Milia Day .... " ... ,," ,........ . ....... ... 26 Question. Friendsblp was a trust ")tadam Shu", manhit denies Mrs. Donald Hadley at Ll'tle, Sep· Mectin&, fol' Worship at 10:80 President--Mrs. Kenneth Hou,h . 8th Mr. lU.cDona,ld .. ' ........ ,...... . .80 he beld with reverenCie, a spiritual eve~ smoking. ,1tfrs. Silvers - tember 8. VIce-Presldent--Mra. F. U. La.111.. Alive AUen "Ill renme 7t/l Mr. Braddock .. ". ,......... " .,, 28 jew.l he ever kept briipt. "What cigarettes a te harmful," by . ~ C f cr' tl m. Kay. ' . her position.. teacMr in 'be 7th Mi. Smith ..., .. ..:., ......;" .... 27 His mother lathler brother a doctor. Mrs. Cross--"Nicotine. MISS L.0uIse ran8' a .nclnn~th Recording Secr,tar:v - )trl. R. Xenia High aebool on neitt Mo~- $th MI'. Jam" ..............·.. " ...... "".5Z Jo.z.", . '''eI f~ur eietere Abaeail' Destroyer" very amazing in1!orma IS apellslpg a week$' vaca tlOn w d W"'Y"'E· ~VILLE ~. E- . CHURC" ... 0 onner. ' d-" ....... -1... .. . ........ " . crane sn ~ •., n A ' ..." rnoRlJllea ..r. B _ rown ..... " ..... '.... 50 Saale Ella Chandlelr- and Mary tlon til" e lng th a t every sec on d a her mother ' MrS!. Maude , 11 d II E I Wilk... Sophomore. Mis. Robbins ".,., .. .. 26 Lllito~ anil hi. daughter stella thousand Pllckages of cigarettes Miss "'-nna Lee. Rev. G. C. Dibert, Cor.' Sec'y.-Mn. A. K. Day. Treasurer-Mrs. Bo.,.ard Arch. and RoaenWU:non of eM:r~ Jun!on )fr.. Gant .. :...... ,,,.,,, ... ,, ... 26 have preceeded him t,othe'ir Eter- are sold and that if a school boy Mr. and Ml'B. J. B. Gons anll Friday: Choir practice at 8 p • .deacon. · row were Htl on SUllda, of ilr. Semon M.r . Hatfield ,.... ... _.... " ... U nal Hom.. ' would .save the amount of money Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Crane attended m. . Mite Box Treasurer-Mn. lIame and Mn. ~ H. Gordoll. The Vocational Arriculture de- He lea"" to mOura hil departure I that 3 packages cost. a . day for the races at Coney Island on Labol" Sunday: Sunday 8c-~001 at 9:30 Hatteld. ' to date haa enrolled 80 his wile a four ~rand-l twelve years and put It In the bank Day a m. Morning worshIp at 10 :80. Supt. of Lilht Bearen-lln. G Mr. aDd )(n. (lha. ltlbler and Domestic Science De- Children' (Jar~ Glean" and Gilbert with interest it would amount to . Epwor th LEague at '1 p.m. witts C. Dibert. famil), will remove their relidenee 28, the Commercial De· Frye and BUl'1let Bu~\erworth and ,3000. At the conelusion -of the Mfa. H. H. Wadllworth of Day- Harold Fox .s leader. Evancellltic Supt. of Kin,'i Herald..-llra. from tolfll to their tarm near Well approximately 70 dil· man}, relatives and j'nends program adjournment was made ton returned home on Sunday 8~rvice at 8 p. m. . F. U. Lellay, ill'S. lIary ~.... man th .. week. pupil, and the Aeademic . until the regular meetilll in Sep. aiter spending the week with rela· , Wednesday : Bible Itudy &Del aNiltant. ' - - Course approximately 30 pllpils. OU1: bl,'other lind nur fdend hall tember. . tives hert!. prayer meeting each We4ne.cla, All omcel'l were IlDaminoual)' Mr. and Mn. Philip Zepf aael Each department bas entolle!! seylone; • _ -a .' at ,7 :30 p. 'm.. ,eleetell. _ . ' , Mr. a.~~ Mrs. Bay Lanl, Of. Cln. lIup-i~ w~o are 8pecial~zing in He haa left this. world of care. NEW POST SECURED Mrs. Ada Courtn~y was tb~ The Annual Conference will be The followln~ prepared cinna!:1 wel'e Cllesta of Hr. aD.d department. Pupils are We'll mlu him much" out still we ' guest of Mr .. snd, MIS. odd 'i81 . held in Grace Ohurch .Jam.-owD, hy Mn. Dibert wei then enjoyed" Mrs. G..1 Smith, Oll SUlIday. con.lck~ble interest in kllOw BY ;JUDGE HARDING ton and family at Sprmg '!'a ley Ohio, beginning next f. Tu.iclaj, Son,-"Blened A.uraDce." A 'llumber ot people from here otr,red lr'l th.e music de. He's happier ov~r 1;be,e. on Wednesday. September 11th and confinulnlr to Articles on "Stewal'cUhlp," lin tt ded~"""" 1 to t t Orchestration . dassel!! and Judge Justine W. Harding, of Miss Miriam Ellia of Columbus Monday September 17th. 1. W. Whit.e. ,Ml'l. Ma" CIo.... a en un po 0 umameD a ...aln bein" organized _and He has his' friends in earth . -, the Miami Valley Built Polo club ..... h Franklin hall been appointed 8JI is enjoying a weeks' vacation with DIM~"Sundo"n," lin. J. W. la Dayton SUDda, and Monda,.. pupil. who wiah to do 10 may ret . eaven b' special counsel assigned to the her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Lots and Mrs. L._ V. Beck. ' PiaDo techniQlM. . Whose preaelDce II enfJoY"bli Ohio Recovery Administration, ae- Ellis and Miss Frances. WAYNESVILLE CHURCH 0 .. A' MlalioDUY Stol')', "The Run· Mr. laek KlIos of ~w Y<ork • - • But now he'll ive in per ect S8, carding ·to an announcement of At . " . CHRIST a.Waya"-Mra. ·K enn"h BOUlh. (lib' w.. lUeIt of Mr. and R. HENKLE With nO'\le o.t eartb'. aUoy.. torney General John W. Bricker. Mr. Ota Hldy returned to .hlS (U d inatlonal) R di..... '~en I Give ·to rore- u_ S D H lot d • __ Z) . d' : .. home here last week after bemg n enom .ea .... au-___. . ell... aD AIIm., over' , . RE«;EJVES APPOINTMENT He tried UI do hi. ~Ity here 'J udie Hardm Is a former mem- ill t' th h .of hl's aon at Cin- - Chellter A. WilIiamlOll, KiD"" len MlUlon."-by alx ladl... the lAbor Dar "..k-Rd. _. __ ~ Whate'er he thoUI·ht wu rtahtj of the Ohio General Assembly . a e orne . .. . . Sbort talk on "S~swardJhip". - George R.. Henkle ha. beeD He based hiB creed on Christian and baS 'also -served botl) a8 United cmnati for Bome time. Church School at 9 :80.. 10. • . Mr. G. C. Dibert! .. IIr. u~ lin. )latt , IIdClns~Yaeei'etary of the local or· faith . States Distriet Attorney arid Fed .Mrs. Rut~ .tanney and daughter', ~orll's Supper at ¢~nc1ullon. C~ "The Life of ~. Doane"-Mn and I(n. . O. M. RI~ were ~..y- lanization of F~deral Farm Loan Upon the "Inner Ldsht." eral Di!;trict Judge in the Terri- MislI ;LoueUa were dinner g\lestsof -~Ian Endeavliori at !J .4.6 p. :n;'~:"J A. K. Day, . ton .,..1to... on, ASlociation liucceedinl S~m -D. H~' tr;; to f 110 ' . th path tory of Aluka in _recent years. Misses TriUena and Margaret Ed~ Ill.If Sev_nge at cb.!JervlC!T&he .;..~ . DismJaeaI Duet;;-lIr.. L. V~ IIr. and Jln. Lucien. Frailer of Henkle, who baa relilrlled, ,aceprd e s o.e · a w III e - - _. d M. d m. ermon su J e ct , ""'!__ .. Beck and Mrl. Loti Ol'lfOnlawere dinner roests of . an anDouneeme~t of the ' That JeBus C~ria~ Ilad trod COMPTON MILLS REUNION war s, on on ay. ! o~ Power." Prayer meetinl .a4 '''' Mr. .and lire........ V. Frasier on Geofse Henkle 11 ·th e Ion BJ ~ttinl inapU'at1(~n and ~ Mr. and Mrs. J . J. Munsell and BIble Study eaeh Weclnetda, .at Can' For· Sund..)'. o! Sanl Henkle. " Directions fresh from God, At the thirty-filth annual re. IMr, and MTS. Herbert MunsellJ)f 7:46 p. m. The church where yOIl , . Sam Henkle has plaDned to reo Ile may have ,erred lat time., no union of the Compton.MilIs famil Columbus, ",,:re guests Of. Mr. and feel at home. III'. aael Kn. Job XetlDed)" of liP ever aince he wu appointed doubt-ies,. held at the c8.e sar,screek IMrs. D. C. Ridge On Monday. :....-____ . I I .Dayton _lP...t the week-ad with county surveyor but has continued CH , CDIIT , . 1Ir. ad Kn. LymaD Da)' -lad Ai aecretary .in ord&r to finish up - The belt will go &.Itr_y; ., Friends ehurch near New BurlingMr. and .Mrs. J. B. Chapman and FERRY G:HUR 0 , The Warren County Welfare as- ramO,.. a .lIt1m"r ot cues on his books. 1Tie . • -cr0s8 someti,mp UI leave tOD, Saturday, September 1, ' J. F. son Robert were Columbus visl. (UndttDo01lMtloul). Tit. Federal Farm ,Loan Aaoei., our own Seibold, ~lddletown, Ohio wa~ I~:" I tora on Mo~day., Mr. Rober~ reCheater ,... WUlIamaoD . aoclatlon ia maldq It poulble tilla. . oa on the relief IIr. O. A. Deppe and , ~r. (lbal. aUoll i. a local pri:vate flrm under And tak. the bes'tenwaTd. way. elected vlc&-pr..ld~nt. Mrs. Mmple mailled there with frienda for a ' .-u.. ' ye ar for any pers F Deppe of Eranklin, Ind are rvi I do ' Compton, lIecretary-treasurer. visit of several days . Unified service be,lnniDI' "."Y til ,- tr :... . lilt to .h ave ;", ~....11or v.,.. tb~ peata of their IOn ~Ild b;other u. sur .9~ ~ree~~' But might we ,.aT 118 lome have The picnic dinnel' was enjoyed by . . ' Church School a,t 9 :80 a. m. Lord" tables ~ann ed ree 0 carr· . Dr Iil F "'-- thJa k. UfJ . ~ oa aid, . U fteli" ti h MrS J E MeClure 18 expected Suppet"and lel'mon at 10:80 a. IL Bell1lJibl C Frida" September U • • • ~--. wee by the membersbipof the In a low and tremb1inc breath: a, a r w IC ~ ere was a .very to ret~~ h~me from Miami Val- Sel'Jllon .Ilbject, HGiYiDI UJ." and contlnuln~ each Frida,. after Mr. and Kra. J. V. Fralier hact . The membenhil!..._ish -"Could we but llve 1\1 be has lived inter~ting pro&'l'am and bUSm8fi8 jley hospital today and i, recuperat for announce.e.t of Bome that da. an, pel'lOD who" DOW . . over ptltl on Batorda" .... of bob~ipln'l::'We'd have no fellr of death." seuTo. h d eel lati din&' Batisfactorily trom bft recent and EnDpllatic Camrecelvinc reUe! aid lila, briDE an, Kr. aacl .... I'red lAoaard of _e meat ena e ec... a wo un .r re vel an operation. are alwa,. "eleome a& fruita or veptabl.. tIley have to JClD.. KUla, Oblo . ot dlrecton wbo ia tlU'Jl Cu4 .f n..... friends were In attendance. ThOle the Towaship hou.e aDei can It . Ita 0..-0 o.c.ra. . J. from a distance were: Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. RaJ1l1ond Peifte • _ ••_ __ there. Th., wUt be ree.lved Quick 0l.1I8n. ODe .., .ervice The direclon are bert Cowan, We .wiab to exteDd our/ .ulCire lin .Irvin Harner, Whittier, Calif. of Toledo, Ohio are the . .uta of tbere and c:ana and will be OIl JIHIIhaIr. Salte neelved by 12 Melvin Phillip&, Karl Cowa.., W. for tbe many ac", of lin. lIae Compton, Huntington W the former'S parents, Mr. and Jlrs BOy SCOUT lIa.1 f\lrnllhed them without coC. o'clock .GOD wUl . . Ntvned the P. Goodman andSam D. aeUle. ~ III dur::"'ba d Va., Mr.. W. A. Compton and ehlJ Howell~. at tile ......... The 80, .oat lIo~. AD, other eltlaeu who ha•• _ . .......... • - • d..t of our u. n ....... Pomero" Ohio; Mr. Edward Borne ........ cia,. tbis "..Ir. will . " t _ . , an, fruita vor ftPtabJel IDttable HOllE ~"G IIUla and Edward Thoma., Brid,e a a' tIM • tor e&nDlq to al4 . . OD tIl"M ":!~st. J::'" 0'11 Sarah Butterworth and ramlly port, Ind.; ·Mr. and ,Mrs. Fred Mrs. W. P. Salt~ry ntudied lin a:: relief lilt are ..... U eoatl'ilmtei"~Id~ a u u A"Dual Bome ComIDI of . the __ • Fred Webb, Peru, Ind.; Mr. and bo •• on SUDda,.. r tIMID b, ,1'IIlIrlq Ill. . _~!I a.tiN _001., creet CIIrIIdu cllurelt IIOTHUI' IlEltTINQ Jk~l~~~~::d .evert::i~= f...o, ai "'.., Ie'" ~-= «*0. ~.~~ ~ Ohio; elMeluul. IlPeral.,. of tile t.ed M • Tu p













: ,Couat-'. Need-










.... Aft...... ...



.., PaIr.1In.

I}.t...... V_ott.. .....!:..!:

"....,...t at ........_ . . . ., BeMaD


Ralph K U" food. '.'.6D: H. E. eVe),. food, $12; W. H. MeHenr)', food, $116.110; E. R. Ro .... of ~'oung man" Co., load, Cha.. P. Mr. G1'anville to join her a ~ he Stubb., lood, f127. Wund Dry took these constitutional. or" hen Good. Co., rlothinc, $12; P. B. !<he at, to dnw his chair npar Luklnrbeal, tood, $49: Mason ~he laughed ~o much. this h I The d cks kept w t, and in a ' som· Jight.h arted Am rican girl. He did ' - - - - - - - - -.....---~-------------..: Druar St'ore. medieine, '2,75; Dr, CHAPTER IL btll' glooll1 st.acks (If fulued deck alway understand why, but it CommoD Pl_. Pr_eecli.... tTi were approved. She ftled her M. WilHam, medicine, ,8. "But the conventionalities hav chairs remained mute \\'itne t' to Dmu~ed him, Rer gay badinage fir~t and final aceount. ~('en ohst'rved," an.wer d the girl, the di comfort of th ir "\Iner, m de lh dull da)' on hipboard ln the ca I' 01 T1I(" People's G(lorgoe E . Younar, administrator }lutUn, hel' v;ind--tos8 d lock in Now and thell a pale. enfeebl din· ,as 1~ slowly. Building, Loan and :.vings ~(I. I of the e tate of Emtr\a D. McMiIorder before the t ilet glas. divid\lal ' truj('gled f rth, on to One an rnoon, when a pale verau Clayton lark, en al., pi in· lan, deceased, flIed hie inven\.ol')'. ", lh calltain ellme alOng and di~appellr with eVl'ry indicati n of watery sun hint' glinted through tift' t recover f C'heElt r ami) ' August Ast and Anna Glosee1', the t"'·o m~ by my chair. The a ute misery. Trav I we light this the rain cloud she found him bt'll and layton Clark ~he ' sum 01 adll\lnistratoI'S of the estate of oaPtain said he'd noticed we were blu terin, spring weath r. few iOn I'd by the companionway a 39,,2.17, inter st, etc. EJir.abeth Aat, decea ed, filed their the only tw~ people left at I1i women in di h~vel d attire ven· she came from a late luncheon. In the ca e at OUie J [a on ver· jnv ntory. " I W8.! \\'aitin' for you" he an. su L e MallOn, checking account Bert C. Hart!Qck, was appointed illble. 10 he lIItroduC4!d ull--1lll1 pro. tureu from theIr tateroom to the p4!rlv. One couldn't have a better Illdit> I saloon, and there encamped n ounced folio in her oll'd cit ad. r lea ed :tron1 irdunction and clerk adm inistr"tor of 't.he estate of Ad-'w'_...... Blick. Farm.,.. ,oc al po~or on snipboard than taking , nieager meal ~'ith :inwerd justing hi tep toners. ' i to tratl mit cop)' tobank. dan H. Hartsock, decell8ed, and Th.,. H;a". Some HaT the c~pt~l1n . n~w coul? one. protest. About tb,e h,tp the ~ole "Ind I'd?" her eyebrow raised, In the case of New York Life filed bond of $7,000 with aureties. 'For Sale A.untle I Tb m~n name I ,Gra n. cheerful pot wa th sOlokmg- then lowered. b gave him a quir.. Insurance Co. versus Ethel Ebner J. Will White, Wilbur Clark and \'lU t,u!,rt Gleld GranVlll. 1 room. Here the ~en, mainly G~r. zical glance. "In Anlerit'a, the men and Jos ph Ebn r, defendants ar(l Charles Robit2lfr were appointed n the pas. nger nan and Am ncan cOllimerclal come after us!" granted 30 days lea"e in \ bich to appraiser . There seems tobe enough hay in loolced hl,m up list. He live near ~e~ter, he, t~ld traveler ,s~ught solace for the "America; I wa goin' to Colo. plead, move or d~mur. ' Obe K. Miller, alleged to be in- Ohio to carry the dairy cattle and me. Ob, Aunt Rose. thmk of hvmg ,WO of theIr o~trepeat~d. en(orC4!d rado when I went, to :Am rica," he In the case of tildr~!d M. Wie· sane, is to be admitted to the Day· ot.her livestock through the winter n ar Cbe tel'; t,hat dear, quaint, ,'oyage. From. Its pN!cmct ~oated replied, unheedin, "Ranehing,' derhold versus Edward F, Wieder· ton tate Hoapital. but it is not evenly distributed old h, elrter, you ve wId me bo, ut th,e odor of cigar sm. oke, mmgled "ou know. I've got a frl'ond out hold. Jr., defendant i pay plaintitT dIg n t d b tb d f h ffil d t I ~ L over the state, accol'din g to a sur· an m . 01 g 0 see. an eln 'W~ so un s o u , mg c;.al' ,ra· there." $6 per , week alimony pE!ndente Ii"" Marria,. Li~.D'~ vey of the forage situation by aucb an llulensate blo~k ~ that! thnff chip men I'oll~es, and "And why didn't you'" queried and $36 for pla intiff's attorney Delbert Jones, of Franklin, and members of the staff of the Ohio Vf II, m)1 luncheon toilet 1$ ~ade. laugllter. , , , Send. with idle indjl\'erence, pon~ fees. , Mis. Florine Purcell, of Franklin. A . I lEt'S . I ve taken off. my tam and pmned ~referrlng f~esh all' and an oc· dering on the lovely hade ot green ' In the maiter of the will of Charles Shinkle, linotype opel', grleu tura JC enslon ervlce. up all lilY RY)I:tg 10~fs' It doesn t caalonal wettmt to, ,u pleasDnt in the water, J"ust the Frank Hart ock, deceased, probate ato!", o! :Franklin, and Miss Clara Farmers in Westerl) Ohio rep~rt ~atter how 1 look, he. I ugh- scene~ encountered wlthlll,. Senda ere t of the wave. Ho~ would one judge. witness 01 will, Will Is cel" Cookt', of Franklin. bay above their minimum nee II. ulgly: answered th!l dubl~u x- remamed on de~k. Rolle~ in h~r get that in paint? What combina. Ufied to court of coltlmon pleas ~::;~o:~ea tsthe north~8tern White Rose- Power be~ ..e 100. on, Mrs. DIDsmore ,' face. rugs .and "'.raps It was a JOy to he tion 01 tubes would prodllce a for hearing. R••I Eata.e Trall.fen :r~ere 1.8 ha,~dly anyone In , th swaYll~g With the motion of tbe emblance of that tantalizing elu- In the case of Gladys, Grote ver· G, W. ' Branham to Joe and Mol. ~~~e ;:;e ~::~;~ :~o'::~~:I~ hind the en,lne. dmm,~r?o.m. ,~e8 el, readjn ~atche of fav~r- sive tint, appearingfol" an in'stant su Leo J. Grote, a divorce W88 suppJie have lhr e times . h' , ... h granted the plaintiff Ii Slimkle, agreement torent real· Tn.... " . .. MH. Dlnsmore groaned faintly" It I' authors, 'Pouring over gUide l th ' n.. bel' Il ' ttl h I b k . d II t th 0 e eye, vams Ing In a ureat , . e tale ill Frankll'n township hay to sell as the 133 drawl -e s aw more 00 s, ~r gazing ream y a . e to return each till1e the white-tip. In the case of The tate of Obio . • closely about. her plUmp shOUlders. ea. Pan. trange, vague, Ia cmat p d J"ft d h' h 'ts h d' versus Carl MaIJory Hazel Herd to Ernest and Mary in northeastern Ohio who "This weather can't last for· ing; galleries. galliers, ~reat e "No~:e ~ '~th I~ I'~ e~. k was guilty of indi~tment France Kirby, Inlot No. 49 In they must buy. The dllil'ymen (lver, even in April," she eaid ill a masters; the came and went, ask)'n' • aln !~, I e a k adn aO"aill t him and is entenced t.o Mai neville. of the northeastern seet.ion are o ~s'I"'" atl'o "W . I 'd th t . qu on remar e ... r. .. Elzie H Walker et al to W A concerned about the price tone of fo -od w< '''', .... • n. . e vIa 0118 ami e 0 Ing ave, Granville with genial humor. one year in the state 'Penitentiary. . ,. , . • , t' d' I oAf h In th matter of HI" will of Armstrong, 85.11 acres in Frank· will have topay tor hay. all be outot the RoarIng Fortlea Her future beckoned and' allured. b fo e I " Wb b d ' , .e,e In&, eo a ~ g ance v au' ''' li n township Although the 12 3 farmer in· enr I~~g'h' h f 1 en s e walke the Bhppery, .u n. ghty displea ure hi smile tur ned rrank Hart!!oc1t, dee'~llIled, will W'II' J. Sh d ' terviewed in the northeaJt setctiOI1 asp"", t III ope u p1'opb cy certain promenade, eyea sparkhng, to bew 'ld t I" th found to ,be Frank H8l'tsock's I lam . e1'woo , by execu· In-'- and waves cont'n ed h' h h 1._ I . 'bl ' d ' I ermen, proc almmg e . tor to Harry M Sher'wood ] h.ave 1203 tons of hay less than : I u 19 • C ee"". g o"',~g,. oWing raperles, innocence 01 bis intention. The Will to be admitted to probate. ' • ,rea el "" • WI RAln descended In spiteful gusts. revealing her lathe young !lhape, girl's sen e of bumor triumphed; Papers to be ce ified to probate tat~;:aW;re~~SV~l::~n to O. F. :~:~ ~~~::~~~enti~:i~ll~mbu;e:~t; annoyance became aniu ament at court. B o n d M E C h i n 547 tons. They stat d they "will such naivete. Not to be outdone In tbe CBse of Th.e State of Ohio lo~ ~o, ~~4 ina~ba~on;c ran, • use oat. straw, silage, and will ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN in candor however he replied: versus Carl Mallory, MClrrow B rant Anna I. Bolin to John Bolin Jr ; "have big· silage crop and CaW., bo.., sheep alld cain. Norrl.Broek Co., lin wp a •• " I don:t care a' traw why you i appojnte~ a etJ ardd}O das tist In et al,' 66,38 acres in Turtlee;eek late corn't; "will use a pit silo", didn't go to Colorado," traneportatlng t he ellen an to town,ship. and dropped similar remarks to proirea.ive Arm f'lr the Iilab'" market prie.. and &'OoeS ..rit... "J. sa~u , nowl" return d her com- tlleI Ohio State penitentiary, John D B I' t ~ F til fOIl ' U • 0 In 0 . .ary ranees the jnte-"'ewe...-U.I•• Stock Y.rd.' CI ••l __ t.l, 0. panton, lost in the maze Q! her n e ease 0 Ie .m.ason ver- Bolin and Flo~en e BB Ii 68 88 'Many report saccess wltb emu· Tune In on Radio Statlon WO&'1 IIwift changea. sus Lee Mason, et al., the defelld'. T tl c k t 0 nhl · gency erop. such as soybean" 12 :25 to 12:80 p. m. I"r our dan, " Wh y IIhould 11 Yet. at t'lmes ecree to ownl p. , I ant is gl'anted 80 ciaVlI ~ ' to file an- acrel . Ada111M. ar Stanton The Miami sudan grul, late corn planted marke' ~.porta. could flnd it in my lIeart to regret swer or other pleadinir· Valley Buildinr and Loan Al oeia. thickly. and mentioned relief from th4t you did not. reach your goal. lion, inlot No. 167 in Franklin. good late pastures. I mean," she proceeded, atoning, New Suit. SU8an L. Gillum to M. Mayden According to the Ohio crop Jame E. Burke ver us Emma 11 Parris real estate in Union town. eatimatea there II a ahorta "Colorado is intere8ting; and the c~imate-OlY 'stt;r always says it Burke, for divorce. Chargell ship. 1,229,000 tons. The 'crop is . , YEARS OF SERVICE gives h er new lite. We spent a grosa neglect ot duty Il.nd ~xtJ'eme Cbarles 11. Reynolds to El'Ilest U per cent 01 the average forage charming sumfller there last year, cruelty. Reynolds relll ~state in DeerAeld production. .~~ -?nly Tom e?uldn' t go--my brotl1er The Mutual BuHdilli ' and Lean to~n8blp. LEBANON, OHIO 1I1·law. BUSiness was too pressing. Co. versus WillIam E'orr~st Tay- Della M. B;orton to Platt S. HOr· NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT We have a cowlete It w;aJi .a particularly good season lor and Hilda Bernice Taylor, lor ton 20 acrea in Wayne township. ____ Wate" a.pair Senie. in hIS I~ne . too good to lose. So he money, foreclosure anld equitable Howard Allen Carne! and Anlla Estate of Harriet E. Furnas dePrices Reasonable Cornes to A. B. Carnes 164 acres stayec\ to look after the dollars, reliel. and Elsie and I went without him.' Sally Brown ver us Carl Brown in Harlan town.hip Cealed. Beada Restrung' '.'O.d!' exclalme.,d the"youn g ma~ for divorce.. Char"'e ill "'rosl neg: :Pau] Car der and Ella Uarie , N~tlee is hereby given t hat J"welry Repair.d . Laurence W. Furnas whose Post • f ) th d N WI eep ~e Ing. ow, you lect of dut.y. C8l'der to Milda Brenn(lr Meinking . Former PreAMent of Red CrOtl8 ODe "THE HOME OF GIFTS" know, an Enghsh husband wouldn't Milo Merrill, doin" bualneli8 lUI 10 acres in Deerfield townabip. omce AddreslS is Waynellville, , stand: that. My 8ister has been Merrill FUDenl Home, veraus Hal Mary E. Coebran to O. F. Brown, Ohio, hall been duly appointed Of Few Women 10 lleceive marrIed twelve years, and she has SimplOn, f or mane" o'nly, inlot No. 234 In Lebanon. Administrator of the Estate of b # Barriet E. Furnaa late of Warren ,, 1'hit~ HODor n~ver" een away from llome over In the matter of the last will County, Ohio, deceased, nl~~t. . , ,and testament of Frank Hart.a,t>ck, Bma AII-.I D ed h h "'An AmerIcan wrfe wouldn t deceased for applicaUon to admit at t is 29t ... y of August e, 'OAVlO 8. rN.QALLI stand that," flashed baek the girl will to p~obate. Penn Morton, services as janito!; 1984. '(.1Il.# ....II. 01010 "." c.JJ CoMllli,,_ court houae, ,70; James Follen, M C Drake Atty . hId t :OOh d.i~ ai~'fi ~'~ngli8hmen Theodore C. James 'rersus Harry I14!rvieell as janitor aecond toot' . CHARLES B.' DECHANT It ... at tM eloae of the bitterl,· proper attention. ~ ..",1_ Wlt e Ortl, se s usbands." C. James, for divoTc,e Charge is COlirt house, U6; C. Donald DilActing Judge of the Probate fourht FJ'aneo·Pr1l8slan War that were found tor thOlie In need. Thellj mus "American girls are keen on gro I neglect. . ahlsh. rent of otBce. Mra. W Clara Barte1l, one of the few womeD after hOltllitl.. had cealed, new marryin' WAYNESVILLE, OHIO 'em, an-yhow," he said, Harry H. Haunost rvenua Lillie Court, arren County, Obio. to win I n wa ,dec· roblems arose, and Cisra Barton Phone 80 Balik BlcIt. Drated with the famous ron 00 c r,e 0 • distribution of tor once f1,nding a retort. "And a ftrd Wymer and Hazel 'W-yme~~~;;t~~tif:~~~~~~~~~~~I-~O ...... Helen lervieell, ,,7; .. GeflllaD1. work to tbe poor of th. eitiea of. very good thing. too, You're all money, foreclosure, sale of real PUBLIC AUCTION so tich over there. 1 dne say ~ow, tate and equitable reUd. <landis Hymer, servlcell. '6; Stella ~ aDd GermaDJ' had betn Stranbur. and Pari •. <:' have been ulled to luxlJry all K I waClnc fuociolll wartare. Batt!.. Shortly aft.r ber ret urn to the your life and have a bIg 10rtune, , ely, serviees, ,7; Mrs. Howal'd Located ~ mile south of CenDe1U ud bee. stained with the United State. she waa inetrumental like the resU" Pro..... Collrt Sawyer, services, $7; :the terfille, Ohio, on thl\ Dayton and b100cl of 11.... 01 both nadDns. In oreanilin. thl A met1ean Red Senda laughed. Ether K. Sellers -woaa appointed bus Blank Book Mfg. Co., hever- Lebanon Pike on o.Ua atalbd amoq the arm_ Cro.. Societ, ancl became ita firs' .. 'Askin' questins' ie a vicious administratrix of tllla estate of age. applications and licenses for IIoD_T. 'Sept...... 10.. I'MuaaDdI of wouuded and mud· ' Followin, the COIlf. . she lated aoldierl requlrecl medkal aiel let, the Red Cros. h.. ,rown Iii habit confined 101ely to America.... Lucy D. Smith, deceBiled, and 1lled allditor, '2.25; Woodrow-Well- at 10 a. m. Stanaril! Co., 1 1book warrants for U head of Dairy Cattle 3 ..bleb ......oefl1Uy 1aekin•• Food siM and rang.. Today, the orranl • she mocked. "I don't mind telling bbnd of $6,000 with sureties. you that you 're very wide of tbe O. W. Morris, adnpni8trator of sberlff, $10.76; Sanc:o Products Co HOfIes, , 76 Roselawn Leghorn .... IcaI'CI e-1II tbe low... da. . . . Uoa ..rvea lauDlanity in peace u eitiMllr)'. Bada wu' the IltuaUOI1 well .. in war. aeUet wprk durm. mark. We are poor. My fathe)' is th e estate of William H. Morris, Ine., 1 case .soap tor aherift'; '9.- Chicken. and Supplies, larwe and WMla the Graad Dacbeaa of Badea d.preasioaa and at the scene 01 a physician with a great famil.y of deceased, filed hi8 ulle bill. 30; J. W. LlIlro Ha.rdware Co., 1 complete line of Farm Implements .,~ lor bel, from Clara Bat- diuater.; maintenanee of public girll!. My aunt ill giving me this The estate of EIi%a Jane Kelaey, w.~er baek, 3. ftaahh chta and bat- Household Goodl~ lot ot Rare Antoll, American sc!sool teacher aIId healt.b and nursing lervices; bome trip abroad; I'm going over to~ a deceased, is exempt from Inlleri. tenes for eherilr, fl0.80: ~bu. ,I . tique8, 16 Tons 01 Ray, 25 A. 01 II1U'M who had proved, her .bllity hfrMoe and of the siek- year, to atudy." tance tax. Waggon~r, agent, premIum on Corn• .. relieve buman autferinc b)' ber the...... 'but a f.w of it. ,.... He was silent. adjusting his slow G. F. Brown, adltlinistratol of 8lJ1'Ve),or s b~nd, $7:fiO; Waldron Thls' is a larre sale and ab801ut_lYWea in oatinc for t.M .scUml tim. ac!tivitl... perceptions to this new point of the ~state of Anna Belle .Brown, de ~ •. Gilmour. m~~st, ,7.70; ely aella atJ we ate leavlnr the fill u.s, CivU War. . Clara Barton's name will llv. IODI view. ,Tbey rounded the forward Iceased, flied. his inveln tory. S. Brown, seme. . . dog farm. Phone 7U Clara Bartoli ,ane••Nd the call. In the memol'J of humanity, a1l4 d kith sh. th roug11 the wind Haze1 ~n h 11 e~Elcu tr'lX 0f t.... of WarrenH. county for }USS EDITH HATFIELD ee w a ru. Ice, ue $112.60; L. Schuyler ftarowiq bu whole enera,. Into the th. work ab. bepa will be c:arrlecI F. T. IllU'\in, A,u et. ' work. . . labored day and ai,ht tit on "" a ~toful and apprtclaUye and spray, ,alnmr t he windward estate 01 Mary E. Hoppiq, d~eaa- ,181 .60: Ernelt Dakin ' ' $1.85; The Ohio Corrugated Centerville, 0., PlIone 78J. _ _ tIaa\ the a.d Crou 8oei~ peopl•• Today. red·blooded Amer· side breathleB8 and buft'ded. Here ed filed her invent-ory. Stanley Sellers, Charlel S. Irwin vert Co., culvert.. ,,234.86.' 8 Daviel IUdar., Dayton Ohio. _ _ ~, Hfrerlu••" .. .ave leana in ever,. .tate are proud 01 the canvas guards were in place. IlriL IIiUtarr b.ptttils, were or· their m.mbership In the Red Crou1 In I~h.e 8e,mi.obscurity they eould and J:1arl ~ar~er WElre appointed Lamb, atone, ,1.13; Carl ADaml_8_'_6_1_ _ _ _ __ " . 1~ aDd JI- into 'o~ . on.. rlad to have the Clpportunio 01 wa \II com f art. 'IOTARLPUBl.~ _ _ ' appralsera 0 t e elltate of Lucy D. roll, fl90; lIatold Sweney - - e 11M 1t'OUIIdecl aoldien .11' baYI C&ITJiq Oil for Clara BartoD. (To be Continued) Smith, deeeaaed. ' 1'011, -18 , .60; John M-rs, p-~======~===~~~==~==~====~==~=======. ceased, wasof'Certified to the com '~24,40; W. B. ' Sehlller, pa)' The will Frank ,Hartsock, de'" ,,--# 9f Common Pleas. $161.2:0; Earl Buore, pa)' K. E. Thompson apellt Saturda), Wille Dn_ - • It.tat_ The schedule of c\..ebta flied by '$7.2.0 ; K . C. Foreman, pa;v aftemClon in Wa)memlle. ' ' WAYNESVILLE, 0"10 Charles F. Hodgen, adminiatr/ltor ron, '~2'7; Clem Williams, pay 'loU )fT. and Mrs. R. P. Barrett, 01 of the estate of .Flor.mce I. Arkill, $:.lO().SO: John Barr, - pay roD, Wilmington. Clinton county, E. decell8ed, wa. approv'ed. ,118.26; J. L. Dunn, aerTiee. . . A., 01 'PhUadeIPhil, called FOIl..Ai.E DATU CALL IIr. and ~n. ~. J. lIunay L. Earl Thompson, adDlinlst'lator mechanie, '60••t; I. K. of tbe eatate of J. Lee Thomp.on, land and crav.l, f84.06; afternoon. deceased, filed his ,,'plication for ' und..,d crav.l, "07.'I Ir aDd)( No .,.... Lelq a certlfteate of trallilfer. Frank SherwoQd Co., nee nelma Taylor, of near Ger: The will of l!Iary L. Gre,c "'.. coal oU, "'8.29; Clnelnnatl lnan'town are ,t he proud lIatenti of ftled In and admltte,tJ to probate. Oil Worke, CPOlIne, ,,1.16; Rob- twin b01l" Jilbml. and 0811. H. Greig waa apE,ointed eseeu- en Relehel, . paoline, '8.78: Th. 'llaw. Le1wlc ill the rreat tor, nobond 'required. Gao.... Pa~on Blue PrInt Co., blue print It. E·, Thomp.on. , JESS& ITANUY Gatea; Josiah ClUfe..t;), ' and Robert 98e, J. D. Adama. yoke alld .h.u Powell, If near Ore. , .... '10. N_ . .r ....... OIM Boys were appointeli appraisenl. pins, ,8.47. ' Ch'l1fCh bere SlIn· Robel·t W. Brown '!IV" app.olnted CLASSIFIED ADS COST ONLY executor , of the estate ot Stephen Reijef BOla il 'viBiUq In CiD. &AIU. KOOOUa C. Phillips, ,dece..~d, no bOJle reLouise Whipple, mileace aa vIa. c i n n a t l . . D~~ PM. O~ CENT PER WORD. WHY quired. T.C. Cluilltie, Menard itor 1st half of month, $17.2'; Albert ](ol1l),tjolalldMta. DonI KE.......... . KEEP YOUR ATT,IC FILLED Delph an4 JOleph Ziuliii'erman Christine BundreD, same, ,21!.69: Hill lIJIellt Sunday at Loveland. , ~====;======='~= appointed appraisers. Myra Bahr, same, '16.8': Willa Earl Balter of Blanchuter, and ~ ' '-WITH USELESS ARTICLES E. B, 'Murrell, A. O. Murrel1and Beedle" same, $16.74; Linnie Wilof CinCinnati, .ox. and C. H. Murell were ,appointed ad. Iiams, same, $21.92; Faitb Tomlin01 Tullia, Oklahoma, TJiAT CAN BE TURNED lNTO· mileare ot junior ~Ie ",orke.. SAturday with Mr. and Mra. ministrators of the estate of Celia MONEY FOR' 'SO SKALLA A. Murrell, decea9Eld and filed half Of AUgUat, $19.78; 'MerJ . Mllnayand otbers of Hamil· q bond of '2000 with sureties. Sam Coy~e, iJdltlage of food dis- ton ,alsO visited the lIurraYI, Fri- ' FOR SALE COST. TRY THIS iM EANS ' OF T. Johnson, Ed'. 8hayhan ' aDd tributox 1st ball of August, '~1 .• day. James Clevenger were appointed 02 i W. A. Haclle, food famished lIr. and Mrs. Bird Powell and SELLING AND $EE WHAT A appraisers. , telief' familiea 'during July, ,a.'50; Sunday mominr vlaitors of Mr~ SALE- Kentuc~ Wonder . DIFFEltENCE IT WILL ~AKE Thomas O. ChrjBti4~ Iled bia ap- The Home. Store, clothlnc and lin Thomas Powell and Beans for canninar. L. V. Bra'1l8plication for tbe app~~intment 01 a nished relief familks durlnr dau,g hters, and 1Mre Sunda),. after trato'l, Phone ll1R2. -at'f ' TO. YOUR POCKETBOOK, AS guardian of John R. Poinlett, .,.45: MeGetehin Pharmacy nOOn c:al1era ot lira. Bird Powell. FOR SALE-Eetate Heatrola. In incompetent penoll. AUlr\lat 27, cine lumillled relief famlliea dur- brother, P. G, Wella alld family. WELL AS TO HAV~ YOUa rood condition, ,",0. F. B. aen1934, at 9 o'elock i8 the day lit ing July, ,10.29; Kmer Hdwe.. ](ra. llary AUell anti daoehtert STUFFY OLD ATTIC CLEANED tor hearing of application. Furniture, ollce equipment alld Mrs. lennie Keever, lin. Illes deraoll. The e..state of George Camp, d. bouaebold n~. .IUea. f126.08. Harrillon, Ill'll. IIlldred Harvey 01 OUT. PAYSI cealed, 18 esempt from inheritance Frank C. Andenon, rent, 'Ill; Lebanon and Jllra. Ida Howe ,of tn. Dr. Arnold, meeth!al lervleel. apent ~l1eaclay aft6f11OO11 In the matter of the tnat creat- '&0; W. H. Be~. food, f810. with IL B. TbolllPlOn and lamO)" ed by item foar of the wiD of Wal- Dr. 11. O. BriqH, mecUcaJ ..rvic~ Elbert and Charll. "ella ~t ter W•• Voorhis, dec....d, aal. of Will. Colllae .. Soli; ' food, ,'le; 8atarda7 ....1liiIc 1D WaJ1l~Ue. POULTRY-Ht,h• pM bon. 18 ordered. '. Dr. F. A. DUataait. medlcal .....1M ban - tile A. B. Tal..... Jlald fer 11.... poultrr. . . . . . Vir'all O'BaniOD, admintatrator lees. $84; l'raaJdla I.. a farm witb Ita COllteat. bame. Hutaoek. PhOIl• •IBI. ' of the eatate of AJldrew O'Baaioll coal" f8; Joa. R. ....... do. . Jut KOIl.., a"hto P. G, deceaHd, lied hla tnt, a...1 and ftle., Wella ltJ. on tile farm. distribution accollnt. E. B. e .. __ e _ __ III tlae of th wDl of BobO. ert O. . .8a.;==:"R~'d.I""" ..... ........."!;,.....

An Affair International

w th iacama~lon ~~p~djQ. It the habit

of )'outh.













--- -- -

F. T. ·Martln Auctioneer



Centerville, Ohio


Beech Grove


S...... .

Stlnrey &Koogler








~~~~~~~.....~~~~~, . . . . . let




uth. . and ha, fever beto leavin. IUId "'.1 ClUite ill on the 'W11 there. The bam on the A. 11. Talmagtl farm waa de.troyed by tire Mon. day night. . Mr. Glenn Snell has arrived home ~ter . a week's visit at the Worl<! IJ Fair. Mr. and Mrs. George Denny and daughter returned Saturday fl'om .. vi it through the W~~t. -

callle to the 8&,000 .lrwlir It is expected Ohloalll will rer,eh'l!! additional cheeks on " .taw ranch o.ll,.,..rv ",III there be anY I[aan~'r in&' to about ,8,000,000 brirtginlr ot hortaae In forage and the total of the Buckeye State to ISSUED EVERY TBUB8DAY won't be leriouB, nearly '13,000,000. Ramsower.· D. L CRANE I , . . .u... t .... • V.... _ _ __ DL..... , 1'0 toM at Wa,D.. 38 CCC C_pa Thi. Winter OIl ...... _ . .............. .........N.. 111 lI:ur~1:,:.o. a.·_-.e,,':. Clu. lIall' Coo... rate i. Safet, Mo"elD_t a..I..... ............... " " ..... .. N .. I I ' Katter Safety movement launcl~ed by Thirthy·eight Civilia'n OonBel·va· the Ohio Safuy Service dom mia. tion Corps campH in Ohio will ac· -sion to curb the mounting autocide c.ommod!lte 7,60~ young men e~ . SEPTEMBER 6, 1934 toll 1$ r eceiving the whol 'l tenrted listed m Pre 'l~ent RoosevelL II endors ment ot t.he autl~mobile forest army durmg the coming ==.================----~-=-=-=-clubs throughout th etate. :Pledges1 ,w inter. These camps will include of cooperation are ~ing received all 33. f the present camps now daily from the automobile clubs by' established throughout the, tate Reports Ihdicate that 1934 is seeing more men, women and chilthe Safety Set·vic~ Commission. It and five othe~~ last yea l', which ~re dren lUlled in automobile accidents than in any previoua year. Figures is the plan of the Safety· Oommie. to ~e recondltlolled alld reoccupIed ion to Ie sen the existing ~,ccident beginning October 1. supplJed by the National Bureau of Casualty and Surety Underwriters situation prevent unneCeS8'II'Y mis. . The State's quota of CC men h ow t hat for the first six months of thi s year about 20 per cent more ... hap!\. save lives and make Ohio a IS J 5,906. Only ab~ut half that people were killed th .. n in 1933, and the worst driving months are • 8afe~ state for its reJIidents and numbel', however, Will tbe housed ret to come- September, October and November. In 1933, nearly 31,- Prospect. Bn."telu for Fal'III.... "t d\ll'ing the ix.month period begin. VISI orB. ' . 1,100 persons were killed. If you add 21,1 per cent to this number it will The outlook for the farmer in ning October 1. The othel' half will amount to 37,200, with more than 1,OqO,ooo persons injured. The Ohio is showing a promise ot Babi.. HaY. But Chalice be encamped in Indiana; Michigan The economic loss will jump into the billions. ~el' things. Th~' farmer is receiv. Ohio country babies have 8 and other states. What is the matter? It 'not pO!l8ible tha't the drivers 01 the Ing 1\ better price for his produ.cts better chance of Burvivillig than _ _ __ country have ceased to think. They would not admit that they are wll· today than a year ago, a~cordmg bobie!l born in the city. Provisional Ohio Alao Rec:oYerin, Ing to wipe out ,0 )' cripple the population of ~ large city every year. to a stu~y of f ma~'k~tt prlc~s. 'He f data :tot 1938 comt)iled by the U. Gains in wages andnumber of Yet t hey do so and e min.-Iv thcy don't care ' Inoiwlk recedlve1s ar h . eh\' er pr,.ce ~ or S. census bureau show a mortality • , .. ~ •• h' m an a so a Ig er pl'lce .or rate f 611 n<>r 1000 births in the employes since inception of NRA .. There must be some kind of a new germ In the air w Ich infectB ' trains and livestock Considerably 0 . O''f h t te . and Ohio recovery admini tration Wheat P roeram Us all. ,Pei'baps it is the sp,eed bug. In tiny event, is compelI!' us all t9, higher prices are ~Iso in effect ~1l3r891 arel18 0 b~ ...e s.a 't a~~lt~st codes have been reported by a White Rose, the d....n. h 100 0 . ht.l ' f. II. lhpopulatjon S In .. Ie CIThe lea maJort ..ty. a f mom b e r II 0 f th e Oh' 0 eTh so dash somewhere or nowhere .In ou.r cars d ay or nlg .. or no pressing or livestock. On the other hand, of 10'Pel' O()O or more . l wh eat p fO g ram for 1 '\35 " dable Gasoline. reason Then we c()me back to the same, place. in the same hurry If a however fe.e, d prices are higher Oh' 'fi t'. . 'th Association of . Trade Executives far as government contract sign ' . . • . ' ff t' . ' 10 gures are a variance WI operating under code of fair com ers are concerned, calls ior a n I'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I man, woman or little cnild re!l ~ts in the way, it Is just too bad. If , 1ft som~ cases 0. se tmg the m· those for the entire statel/ which . . . ~ I" anothe- car, 01' bus, 01' tree, or stone wall is iii the way, that is just a cr!alse In th~ price to P,J:oducers. show a higher mortality rate in I PetdltJo~. Defintai~e p.rodg,etss. hu bh~eh lIcreage lOper cent und er the base the plight of the farmer .1 I 99 . 000 ma e In cer In m us f1es w IC Hel.,.'lCe of the farm, instead of tJlc . tough b reak. , IStd, Ibene under codes tor several mono 15 per cent call d fo r, la Rt seallon. ·· h b l'b I ' th tt f d . . I won ld have b een mue h worse i n the '.fur st a57 1areas--6. urb"'n ratepet 1 Our aut horltles av een I era In e ma er , 0 rlvmg l'u ea, ltbe face of h igher feed prices with 1ft • ... thB to a year, according to T . T. All a rei\ult the numb'll' of acre!cl . and regull;lUons. : On the whole, driven are l~gally ,allowed plenty ot out the advances in products Frankenberg. president of the et aside from wheat productio fl peed at all times. But this liberality does not extend to the point prices. S~coDd in Cor... Hoa p..;,meDta Ohio A sociation of Trad Execu· on tileS(! :tal'mB will be two.lhird ~ whet'e the ~uthorltie are willing til have an ' army of people killed every I Incidentally, H. C. Ramsower. Ohio farmers Ilave 'received tivea. of th number $ohandled last yeal' year. The motorists of America should realize that the time ~il1 come head of O. ~. Univ~r~itY'8 agricu.l- ~tlarlY $6.()~0,OOO for . th!eir part l when the authoritieB--Te pl'esentatives of themselves an~ their neig~. tural extenslon div!s~on a!ld OhiO In. the Agm~ultural A~ustment $500,000 in Special Federal Tu~. Trench Silo. bor will past! ~tricter ngulations and enforce more stl'lhgent peneh- federal AAA admlntstratloJl, an . adJuslment program . .The amoullt , ' . tie ' If people will not exercise care for themselves, SQci-ety as a whole nounc ed that there need be no con is more than !arme~8 of any DU~Jng the 11 .e~1 yeal' L934 • .. ' , cern In the state over the upply other state have reoelVedl except clOSe to a half mIllion dollars waA R suits of a study of trench mu l exercise It for them. There appears to be no other way out. of hay, alfalfa andclover to feed in Iowa, where the payments I paid into the national trea ury by i10s in Ohio indicate they are as = cattle, Only if the state relief COYl1 have mo1tnted to $8,143,UO. B - : 46,230 special tax parers in Ohio sa tisfactory h re. 8 S in othel' mi ssion adds any great number of ,fo re the 1934 adj ustment program More than half of thIS, $354,005, !;Itates, where they have been i n '1. was cont.ributed in taxes on distil· use about 10 years. Corn silage of quality 1\)ay be obtained in ~ight =======~======== led spirits and fermented malt goodellrth trench with littl e 10SII malt liquors. spoilage or waste if proper ... tiol! are taken, according The Ohio State Univereity Radio Station- WOSU R. C. Miller of the Department 8~OO Music of agriculture e ngineering at the 8 :05 Farm Adjustment News ..... ...... . ............... John W. Wuichet O. S. U. Miller anticipates a more ~lCtended use of trench silos be· 8 :15 Lessons the Drouth Taught Us ...... .. .. ...... .. .... L. E. Thatcher . . Ohio Exp. Sta. cause of the :tol'8jfe shortage and the necessity, thel'efore, for more 8:26 Mu ic . silage. Be has prepared a set of 8 :40 Liyestock Auction Sn Ohio ...... .. ........ .. ............ .. Geo. Henning There is a popular beliet t.hat dil'ection for. digging a trench silo 8 :60 Chrysanthemum! lor the Milllions . . ....... " .... ....E. W. McElwee to drive your automobile 'a t Tlight These dil' ctions al'e in the hand 9 :00 Oanned Foods for the Family .. .. .. .. " ...... ...... Alma L. Carvin is 0 great risk. Th truth of tho. of county agricultural agents. 9:10 MUSic matter is tha,t \Inder general , con·I ~!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!~~!!!!~!!'!!!!!!!!'!~!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!!'!~!!!!!!!'!!~!!'!!!!!""!!!!!!!!'!~ 9 :26 Eradicate Bang'& Dileale Now ..... ... .... .. ,Dr. A. J. DeFo etl ditions driving after sundo\yn ' Is 9 :36 Earthworms . . .. ...... .. ... ......... " ..., ... ", .. ......... H. E. Eswine j)racticallv as safe as in the day9 :45 Your Balance Sheet from Poultry .. .. :....... ........ ., ",P. B. Zumbro light hours. . It is, of cou1'8e, safer to travel ilIumiDated streets than depend en tirely on your own ca)"s lights to brighten the path your car will tt:8vel. Modern lmprovements in illumination have worked wonders On a number of thoroughfares. It is necessary tohave plenty of COLUMBUS-The state di~ia· date for luch eltaminations at the light lor night driving. The light ion of ~on.ervation will soon liber neare.t .tate ullivenity or college. must come from your car when it ate 1260 coons in Ohio forests aDd AI! an additional aid in clJrriculum is not provided by roadside lamp!!.. game I.ands. TheBe coona were rear guides, four volumes in arithmetic Th erefore give the proper ed on the state coon ranch at alge~ra and reometry, and two in amou.nt of checking to your auto Milan. All hunters and trappers Ameri~n andworJdhiBtory have Jigliting sy tem. You can well im· were warned by the diviBion o.lft· been added to the old liat. agine what may happen if your c!abt that no ex~UIle' for capturing car suddenly loses itself in dark. or killing any of theae coona beMany applictiolll uking to have ness while t~8.veling at night at a fore the open le&llon November 16 relervoirs built in river aud amall· brisk rate of speed. will be accepted. Anyone who er stream basins have been receivDon't forget to have your rear takel a coon unlawfully will. be fd by Gen. F. D. Hlnderaon, light ~Iso teBted. It doesl) 't help prolecllteii. according to Clay E. chairman of the ltate -reHef com. the difficulties betore yOur cal' but Harmon, chief of the bureau of miuion, 1011owio& his approval of Loadlnll lI.eolin. on II.dlle. for. tractor trip at Little AmlN'lca it provides equaUy at! valuable a enforcement. Bunters will a180 be thia plan of cOlIMnaUon khat W&ll AMERICA. ANTARCT1. 1 shall have an IQter..&!~g atol') safeguard in ~reve,ntlng a motor· held responsible for t.helr d~S, l'ecommellded to him recently by CA. A1II. 21 (via Maclta, Sa. to tell ,ou and. we llhall lIIwe m&C!4 ist in the rear trom crashing into and squirrel. hunteu~ a~e eapeel~ Iy various .tate rdl and one fed· cUo): M)" my. wbat .. lot or newe a new contribuUon 10 tlae uplora your vehicle. The- state haa done. its part warned a,.lnst k' nr leoon UII a", eral reprfteD ..t in. The ,1M al till. week! Tbe blelllll'd lun baa 1'&- Uon aclence. We were to1F1!Dc Hall' lully, Jt was at&ted. outlined' 10 far provlda that not tW'll..... Admiral O"rd II reeo.erl~ BOn on a sledge. He comm,unleateC through mar king, signing, and deonly the appltcatl~n bat all d a t a . . . . · th drl er' b signating roads. Do your bit I th d cfIPIdl" ....e bad my lirst ~or ",Ith JUDe In e v . seat , d d to EYer,. county In which there la nee e comp ete e prop0B:« trtp ID the AJltal'Cue gloom and mean. or two IIghta on tbe dub. t hrough use of an auto lighting '!!~!!!!!!!!!'!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!'!'!!!!!!!'!!!"!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!~!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!_ a vocational a.ricul~ural depa~ project. eome from county relief don't like It, and I have deY.loped Even ror luch a ahort ti1P ,'e bad tc system that does its duty without meat (78 in IU) w.... repre.ented chairmen. a n.... came-paracbute akllng. carr)' complete trail eqult>ment 01 ctlusjng glare to other motorists. at the Ohio State Juniot Fair lut Sdme Uuill. but onl, for tbOle bent • fuel. .taVeB. cookerra. radlc week. A, year ago ther.e were 45 , The old Rate libraf7 roo~ on . OD Iulelde! More about that Den andCl,) on becallie ot the Future Farmer exhibits; thia 'ear the ..cond boo!;' of th. State HOllBe tsme. at' beIng .c au.b,t In one there were 6', divided Into four were furtber diamanUed th~ pailt bUlWllni blluarda .bleb d_ el..... : Lead,r"'lp, tcbo1&rthip. w••k wilen much 'valu~bJe walunt IUPt OD lIebedule. the .~ rewIthout .warnlq and malle thrift .nd famina ability. W.lunt lumber inco,porated in Illelve. and tW'llM to u. on AtlgIl.t 12 and we ImposSible, Alter reaobl.11:8 Townuip IIChool, Pieb,.a,. cOllllty varioUI 1lxturu wu removed. bad a crud celebraUon over 1t with l»re8aure RIdge we -..poaalble trail alld 'navlgated " won ftnt in leaderahip; Anna Some ~ carvin,. jD the wood tlU'ke1 and mince pie. Altbough the achool, ' SMlby county, tnt . I" worlc ~re included In the mater· temperature waa 110 below lero. a comp...., We palsed. towetlDJ A.... 'A '" Slcill I. Invalua!.l. acholarahip; Barlow Rur:al aeltool ial. Man1 of the bturea, 8II~!iAI+_ croqp or III .ent ou.t 011 ."II • . to tidies of lee and detoutecl aroWld Wh.n Au. Cr..h•• Wuhinrton county, 8rat ill thrift I, poata, are at leut 76 years old. the top or a rlcige on tile Bartier. Impq8lllble bummocks. It ..... . weird and Butler tOW1lahip, Monta'omel'7 The shelvea were taker) to Ohio a inn, from bere. to give Old Sol and lD the balf lIIJbL Thf Into Tr•• county. tirat in farmfnr abUlty. Unlveraity ,for Ulle there &tid the a w.lco~e. O~4uall)'. Jut before rough uiieveD lurtace lookeo' Radnor/ Deleware county, ",on other material to the Ohio St.te noon. a pUe grey IIgbt ."r4l&d over and forbidding . 'Ve coulo Fint aid training which James E. first premium" amona ~e .J8 Jlefpnnatory at lIa"*ield to be et.l')'tblDg, ebanging to a plnll and the trail JBlt b, t!he otheJ Blanlceru, emplo>,ee of The Ohio Bell • ..Ving III 'and out. retrac. Telephone Company at Toledo. gained , Ichooll! -that bad ,v ocational a,ncol remade into furniture an,d · fixtures lye110w opot dow n b, tbe bot1&OD. tursl fann shop ,xhiblbl. Vocation • - • . then. .ure eoough. up came a and IIOmetlme. eYe!! cllrcUq. It through hi. tele· al I,ticultural .tudellta .xhlbited Har-ey' '-,L u'r a lWe corner .ot tJle IUD Itlelt-tbe was evident they bad beelll In dUB . phone job proved 600 .... ep this 1 ..r compared with . I1nt Ume ",e. had, gued upon It fl,lf eUltiea several tlpJ'e . &n~· bad waD invaluable to five 200 . lut year. Jintrlel in all , IlION Ulan four montha. Now. every 4.ered for fXlJlea trytnl' to let boy s who were cl ...el at the .JunlC!r Fair Incr.... Kr. and lira. Walter Jordan tbe IUD wttl pay us a longer ~b, routrb. " seriously injured ed to 1700 thla ,ear from 1200 in IJI"nt Jut: Thunda)' in "Columbus and longer 'f"lalt and Ilnall, remain We ItfOpI 'II IIh~rp IQOIIC)ilt for ere ' in ail automobile 1938. Dr.. C. H. Lane, l,peelaltlt ." the Stite Fair. ' "IUl 118 114 bOU rl! 8 day, Wbat II cur· V&IIIIiIII ' and nan'ollil, avoldecl .ev. accident enroute fiom the U~lted Statel Dep.rtDr. IUId lira; W. E. '· Oaleabee terence tbat Is going to' make la, our eral. in Ule Pl'eaaure Rlqe an! from a Michigan mellt of Education, a vtaitor, h\ch· and .111'....d Ilrt. Earl Frolt .nd Ilv. . 1 Fltt, ·men penned Into a are.. or Ice that have .• uJ\.lt; to .ater Y. M. C. A. I, prallecl man)' pbaael 0' . ·thl IIC)n lIaJDUd were Sunda,. viaitGra tew little blita .urr'Ounded by dart· Level ane! oUier .......,.....DUAf camp to Toledo Junior Fair, deelarlne the Futll~ "t the Zoo. D. . . . enow and bowlln\! wind. can buge. grote.que roMDaUol:IB 50 and recently. Fanner 'Izhlblta the b..t in the lin. IJ.1II& Ellis, lira. Ida Ben certalDl, on each otber. De~~a. reet blgh. 0, narteaUoD we Illa4E Blankert. was nearby when the country -t I....... drb;k. lila Etta Arnold and IIr. I could "rtte a book about tbat. 8 II1Ilel .. one bour oyer "e AIDE au tomo b 11 e, in Carlton Anclenon, of Xenia.. were , When Dr. Poulter and bll tractor terrain and UDder tbe BalIDI coadl ' which the boy. The atate relief commluioll l.-t Sunday afternoon calkn of ·Mr. part)' arrived at Admiral Byrd 's but ttOQl tJlat req\llr8d 11 bonn tol and driver, E .. J. week addressed lett"rs to aU and 'Mrs. 'Frau WUson. I..t weelt ODe or their Ilrsl mell' thl' other tMctor Uped1UOIl. 0111 "JLaJ~'MI:l:i., Lorenr, were ridcounty relief . directorS and .ca.. Mr. &n4 lin. Bomer CUkey ha~e cae- to iu "'Id. "Please bave tflltl new method of nnigatlllil. prayed ing,crashed into .u,.rvilon u1dna' them to m~ecl to Germantown "ere Mr. cleul, marked In crll va1l8ed area blgbl, auooentul and 1'1 tel, ,ou taet the unlllturallled CMkey hu been liired to teach. between Wttle Amerlcll ·and :S arrter all about " later. It """ m, ArBl a tree. He hurried to their aSli stance. LOl'mz was fatally inj1.i~ed and all of in tJaeir counU. and 1ft the ichool there. . " and' througb PrPllIJure, Rld~." It eXPerieace on the . ADtajioUe tn.11 'from tham whether they 1I'Ou14 Mr. and Mra. EVentt Villars .... 1D thI. arel lbat tbe .t ractor 10 the darkael. and it I. IlOmeWIlt; the boys were badly cut, two of them also havin, brOken bones. be lIapPMr in the land of their entertained th. former's Illater and 'p &IQ became 101t. narrowl)' .. ca~ I aball reinember aU IDT,. Ufe. J'J'&nI! The ~Iephone man immediately ap· birth. "It la Gllr ,tJm to .....n oar an4 mother ove... the week .ed falUn« IDto a .crevaa8l! anG tile 1,. 1 cIon't like It. One iii.. a eon • . .t.... .,lUl UOO pounds 01 8Clul~ .taDt teeltDa or uqv an4, aaaID plied ' temporary fira~ aid and rqlhed reUef load to the 8featellt ext.nt poulble before the arst of the Mr, and )(rw. CI,de Ditto, m_ .wu .wallowed up co tbat it II not the 10ft. y"yet, dartaL. . the injured by ambulance to a hos· year," the communication . eall!. dauabter --' BOIl ,ot Van Wert, Ibl tractorcr,w live boul'l ot more tem";"'l el.l!lli. bid I pital in Jackson. ¥ich. Arriyu. at the hoipitaldUl'in, a The eommialioa hU foand that. Ohio, and 1ft. Gllnll Weld" of Ft .-& It out. lmt)leil,ateJ, UIIOD ... !Ilea..., bt thIck bl"-1I1_ aaat famDi.. call be r,tumed Dlucb W.JD., Ind., were Su..,. even- cetpt of tile lDuaage Ha~ld I. JUDe. . _ 1 'to IM&r rou dOWll ODIIW- c:hanie in the nunet, Blllnkert., in 'abaence of· an, Ifeater authority, ormore ecollomicall, than can I... call.... at the home of lit. and 01 Dart-. Conn .• B4!ruar.! Skinn .... II.eI,. '. be kept on rllief roUI h..... lin. Frank Wilaon. 01 WbatllnJP, ..... Ke,Det.b Ra"'.OIl. . No. tIIat the lUll 18 MN I am pnised the incominr .taff of nurs~ date 118 European. ~lId III Mr. Jolla Tucke........t teYerat of Cbt. . . . an. 1 ..... 9rdered to COl.. to baye ll'ODderflll abpto for elDel'psICf relief to tbe .uffuin, can. han been "repatriated,~ da,. of lut ...u: at OGlambua. let lato trail e1otb.. aDd .late the tell lbe dab ma:sHn ID aa... -. AlthOuch Loreoa'. injuria were Hilt to tIIelr natm c:ou~. atteadl... stat. FUr. ......... traGtor out tor tAle weMl, .tori.. Yoe ItDO,'. ta.. ta &181, the recovery of the five boy. OnIJ perIOD' Who wlab to re1llna, WON baa ben neelTeci laue of plII'JOM 01 ID&I'kJIlI uae trail DO tor .embenIIJp III IIda aael wllo baTI Jobl or reJati'" to the d_Ua of lin. Claar..,. RlUGn, ~ .... terrtble ..... elM. All JOU MYe to lIP to pt I ... np.\ll largel1 becaUM Blankert&' _e fo~ the•• aN returned. of a-towa. We left at 1t:1O .. III.. toIlcnrioI mlmberablp card .ad .~:".. well UIICIIteIl treltmeDt hid prevented Repal_ Walker lbe fatat17 Ylatble tI'aO left bl Ih'. 10 a lDcb woltiq • 01 Aat. Wec:tloIl. o..rat Secretary P. B. Williamud IIfII tIu7 Caw f)f .Ja.... ....... ad Ida . . .. "W8OD IUId areUea .. Ie . . . . . . a ... 110ft of the Y. lI. C. A. at Toledo, clll'l,'Ieanaa ....1.......111 I1' . . .· weN 1I0Jadap tIfteraoon eaJ. ~ ............ " . . . . . . .. . . len ·at tbaIro•• of Ill'. and 11ft. 01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . all __ ....." praiIed die ......... wClrkar'I

IUWeri ... with

II. . . . . _.....

Ohio's UFinest" Aids Traffic and Safety Wo

Ca pi to I

What'. Wrong With The Motorilta?

Cross Road Chatter




-=======o:======.:=====::. -=====-=====d:c





.7aIRs, Septem b'er 10.





Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol






. __--__













..... ...1Ib1

G. .. MMllo·.W, . IN..... - ..... _,. of




.. _ _ ....... II ......


............ .

. . . . . . to tIM


Il0)'l.. ..,

DEFEAI CUBA CUBS SUNDAY Ea.. £ad C~c'" Who Finiabecl

pitcbed ball and atf"" a8<ond a moment later. Tr"d\l\~y grQunded tu eecund and Smith tri"1! for Laul'ens tit hon'., but mil! ~d and .11 1A cre de, lfllrt,;o('k fanned and KJlis gro\Jllded out to Mort. (n the seventh b,.Ilh teams S(or· I'd again .• Bulh tripled with nOlle down. stood Oil thinl while grounded t<l Warnel'. Eakins ground to Thomp on and 'outh &lor d while Thomp 0 11 threw Eak in out. mith s ingled and Carmen doubled but Flovd fanned for the third out. In the Merchants balf M. Weller walked mad second on wild pitch and lIc;ored from s cand on Warners single. uba scored twl,l mOI'e in the ninth. South fil's t man up hit 'R hard driven hom run over center field. arey popped to second Eakins singl d. Thompsol) missed Smith's grounder and Eakins 'a nd South were saIe. Carm4!n doubled coring Eakins, and Smith was caught at the plate trying to score. Floyd grounded to second for the last out. Next unday the ierchants will play at hOOle and tb~ East End 'cles wiU be the oppo ing team. Thi s is a snappy young ball club ju t ou.t of tbe Clal'k, cQunty league. Fini hed just three games from the pennant winner/! .. In the last game 01 the league thIS team drew three thousand fan i!.

Labor Day, Omc:en for n~xt. GU8~jn, prelldent; vice president; Mrs. ~ec:retal'y and ." .....1111 ...... Kendall aSIlI~tant treallurer. Win Gustin read the following l.eUllr ,from a rela1tive in Los Angles, California: "Grel!tingll from alifornja to tht' Gustinll' at the lith annual reo union a semblEd. . . My liea~ .Gustin COUSinS: In SpIrIt I am wit~h you to·day. So please count me Ipresent at roll call. Though I'm a tllousand miles away.



fty of It, exi.wAee. "From the fruits ot the experi· ence gained thus far. however. OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS when the legi!tlature meets again. it can have an accurate eBtimatl! of the "eedll. and we feel sure that Whit. Rose-Pow.r beit will provid the means to carry hind the .nlln•• out th wishes of the peopk! as ex p.re88ed when th~y 'passed the pen. !"'!!~~~~~~!!'!!"!!!!!'!!!'!!"!~!!!!!!!!""''!!' 810n law~ and gIVe U8 adequ,ate ..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...._ _ _., help so that. all p.enllion apphcaLadiea' D 10c tlons can be mv.estlgated and. pased upon as qUIckly a pOlISlble. M_·. Suita, Ilc • _. Quick-for IIUaJitF clI'Jcl_ai ... ' EASTERN STAR NOTICE

Statement by A. D, Haney. old ag penlion Investigator for War ren County, Mi Louise Henderson was the " hi lers attempting to under. week-end guest of Mi s Henrietta mine the Qld age pension law set PoeHng at Hamilton. up by the voters of Ohio in the {erchants delection last November by seeking ft'at tJ til ubo ub ver deDr. and MI·s. Ray of Xenia w .. e to eet pensions On the strength of ci iVllly unday. bS a !lcore ot 11 guests of Dr. and Mrs. E. F. De}Jpe false statements regarding their 'u nday evening. to 4. qualifications will be 8hown no 'Regular meeting Warner, th ' Dew pitcher lor the oj' Miami mercy in the future in Warren Chapter No. 107 O. E. ~. MonA! rchantll did a ver)' nice job of MI'. Robert COIIl'tney a.'~d Mr. C'-CANERS county. . hurling. While he ~l1owed 10 Sylvester Ashcraft of COVlOgton. day evenin&,. September 10 at ~'Such cases have been the bane Ky .• called on Mr8!. Maude Crane hits h kept th "' w 11 scuttered It has been a grElat disappoint. of the local pen$ion 'office , ever 7 :30 p. in. Visiting members wel- ~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!'!!~!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!~!'!!!~ alld s emed t o be ble tobear and daught rs, Wednesd.y. after. ment to me to be to attend since it was opened, Beside the come. do, n in th pinch.. Edna. Hartsock. W. M. ~ ..- - - - - - - - - - - ' \ .,....' ~~ as at one time I had 'hopes of meet danger someone not entitled to The first coring was in the Minnie FrQUlm. Sec' y, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Mu~el1 of jng with you this y.!ar. While not it getting a penllion, there is the tllird. With two ,down Warner was Lebanon and Mr. and Mrs. L. H . a de8<lendent of your Jeremiah. [facts that thepetsonsmakingthe86 fe on E. amps error of his MASONIC NOTICE Gordon attended the Grand am a de cendent ofh! brother Rev applications a-re taking up tbe grounder. Thompson singl d. send Amel'ican Trap shoot at Vandalia Alphens Gustin, which makes John ~ime of the investigator which ing Warn r to second. Laurens hit on Friday. and Maryone comlnon Ancutul. could otherwise be spent approvStated communication of Waya long single and Warner scored It was a happy thought that brou- Ing worthy and deserving cases. nesville Lodge No. 163 F. &. A. M. when ,E;akins dropped the ball. 'Mrs. F. B. Re.ndenon was hote SIS ght about the orga11lization of the "The state law provides for fines Tuesday evening, S ptember 11. Thompl!on followed over the plate ~"'...."""'~""""'''''~''' to the memberl'l of the' Argunot Gustin reunion. PE!l'llIlit me to say, for persons seeking to get state aid Visiting and 80journing breath· Fri.--Sat.-Sept. 7--8 b fore EaJdns could l'ecover nlld Tuesqay anel'noon, and perhaps you may be interestcd by making fa l e statementa. ' and Bridge club on ren are welcome. ' LaUI /18 made third. Gon ' flied to invited guests were Mrs. J. B. in knowing. that I am a Profession In futore, t\lis law will be enforced E. C. Crane, W. M. second. Ch~pman and Mrs. J. Q. Gons. 1\1 Genealogist and in my reseal'ch Such steps is neces ary f~r the pro F. B. Henderson, Sec·y. In tbe fifth the ~fercbant8 went ZASU PITTS . for data of our ancestors, J lind tection (If the persons really ention a rampage fOl' 5 hits and. COI.IFive comedy stars in a high .Mr. a?d Mrs. J. Q. Gons and that our Gustin amcesters when tied to pensions. and to guard the pled with C\1ba crrors scored 7 MISS Ahce returned hOnle on moving irom one 110cality to taxpayerS against imposition. Op. Moles do not eat bulbs. They are pl'4l8 ure giggle l>rama carnivoru!. Mice. which uSe thl!il'. ruos. Warner first liP was afe S~turday .at~e~ a two ~eeks' mo another u8ually kept. \n c1o~e touch portunity will be given anyone de~ runs. eat the bulbs. . S .....-Moa.-Sept. 9- 10 when E. Camp let his ground r get trip. TheIr Itme~al'y Included with each other .aJlld it seems to siring to do so to withdraw their by. Thompson made a beautiful WAYNESVILLE MERCHANTS its with relatives in have been a trait that was handed applications .before pro!Secution sacrifice bunt sending Farner to AB R H PO .A E Missouri and TExas. down througl) man)' generations lire started. . second. Laurens grounded out. Thompl>on, 2b ~ 1 1 1 I) 2 . k d and at last formed this wonderful "The Warren County pe~ion M d M La J P r. an El' r s ... trlC an ' d . f a Gus t In ' A ' ffi ceo since "t abort to first Warner holding sec· Laurens. . .. 4 1 1 2 0 0 da ghte .lllnua I R eumon. I was openell> on lza beth tt d d th e I oa with and. Gon trjpled coring Warner. GOl'ls. cf ' ........ 5 1 2 0 0 0 # ural r. f M L' a lekn, e h If As you all know the fanlily July 1, 1934, haa invelltigated a a . Peck singled coring Gons. TreadIb .... ' '" 1 2 U 0 0 b~une Rudy Vallee. Jimmy Dl,lrante, the 0W' J1 ' rs. T arr .c s t M name has been so methmg of a t ota1 0 f Onl,> h un d re d cases. Of ' POR SALt: I ~amd urnec. a ar. pu.zzle to the d~18 cendent$ of this number, seven have been _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ way was safe on E. Camps error. Treadway, 3b 5 1 1 0 I) 0 ro r, Alice 'Faye. Adrienne . Amos; P ek making ,second. Peek etole Hartsock, rf ... ,5 1 1 2 0 0 GJ'egory Ratoff. Cliff Edwards on un ay. . Augustin& Jean (or John .Gu.stin) fou'!d to be wort~y. and have been FOR SALE- l Shro]l hire :Ram. third. Hartsock doubled, IIcoring Ellisl If ....... , oil 1 0 0 1 0 'Oixie Ounbar, G rtrude MlchMiss Ruth Chandler will leave bllt I am happy tOllay, thl!! IS no oertlfied for pensIons. The balance Lee Engle It 1 Peck and Treadway. Hartsock M. WellEr, c .. 8 2 1 8 0 0 this week t~ teach in the school at longel' a problem " to be solved. are being held because applieants l ei Richard Carle. Warren •. stol~ third. E.1lis was saCe on Me· p .. .. , 2 2 0 10 0 Oedarville Ohio. Miss Elizabeth Esther Hymer and George Whit.e. LeRossignol was the references, and responsible relati· ____ _ Neils fumble of his grounder and _ _ _ _ _ Chandler 'will resume her school mother of A ugustilile The LeRos- ves are slow in submit~lng the in. Hartsock scored on the play. M. Totala .. .. ... 38 11 11 27 21 2 work at Hampton Road Va. next signel. Genealogy in notes OD eon- formation sought by the County White Rose, the depenWeller singled ElIIlI toppinr at week. • , trast gives the follc)wing explana. office. dable Gasoline. second. Warner up for the .e.cond CU "There are still lIundreds of aption. Gustin is tbc nbl'eviation for time in the inning tripled scoring BA CUBS Mrs. F. C. Hartsock, Mi.lls Mil· Augustine and issl()metimts used plicatians awaiting investigation. Elli_ Ind M. Weller. Thompson AB R H PO A E dred Hart ock and Mr. CharJe in court rolls instElad of Augu8- We are trying to take car of the grounded to lUtort for the third Carmen, cf .... 5 1 8 2 0 0 Hartsock, of Mil:ford, MrS. Frank tine . Au.gustine was a common most needy caaes first • . out. , Floyd. 2b. p .. 5 0 0 1 3 0 L. Taylor of San Frant:isco. Calif name in the Le R;~ssignol famil. '~I have been informed by K. L. In the sixth both team. scored E Camp. ss ...... 4 0 2 0 6 4 and Mr. and Mr . Ronald Hawke ies and nowhere throughout the Brown. chief of the Division of one. Carmen leading off for Cuba McNeil 3b .... 4 4) 0 0 0 2 and son. Frank, ,were Sunday din· Le ROBsignal Gene~llogy does the Aid for the Aged of the State WeI tingled. Floyd fanned. E. Camp W Camp, lb .. 4 0 0 11 1 0 ner guests of Mrs. Edith Harris. name appear spelt 'with a final E. fare Department. , at Oolumbus. doub~d scorinc Carmen. McNeil South, If .....4 2 2 1 0 0 The JTlodern funeral d~rector performs many Mrs. Ruth Janney and Mi s The accent is on the sylbable Gus that all cases senl to him from flied to Laurena at short and W. Carey. rl .. ...... 4 ~ 0 0 0 0 aervice for the bereaved family-services which no the' same as in Gu, ~ tin. ROB ignol this county .are. disposed of in his Camp erounded out to Peck at Ea~ins, c ..... 4 1 2 7 2 1 Louella who will leave tran lated . js Ni,lhtJngale Jean office within a minimum of three one else has the training, e~pel'ienee or equipment to for their winter home in Deland. Int. For the Merchants Laurens SmIth, P. 2b, .. 4 0 1 2 6 0 provide, This prote ion has grown up in re ponse t6 Florida. spent the Past week with tran lated is .robn both names days after they are received. wallred, .tole lMIColld and third u - - - - both being of ~'rench origin. "Mr. Brown ill Ul'ging that Ga.M'a need of modern society. . and M1'8. Roderick .Barden at Mr. GOlla fann~d. Peck was hit by a Totals 28 (10 24 18 ·7 Columbus and Mr. and Mrs. Loren The libarian in the Genea· nor George White at the next 118l' cost of the funeral naturaJly includes a Hadley and children at Newark, O. logy room of O\lr (;;eneral library sion of the legislature ask tIlat is a relative of mine by marriage body to provide more funda for Stolen ba8e8~Lauren8 3, Peck char tbi prole ional gervice. Whether it is White ROIl, the deptn- 2. ,Treadway 2. Hartsock 1, Car. Mr. Bnd M'ra. Dick Dumford of and has been a grl!tll~ help to me in the pension division to get addl"- itemizeu rseparately or added to the pri e of the men 1 . Stokes Dairy Farm are moving trying to straightell out some of onal personnel to speed up In. ....... Gaso.ln•• casket "witb complete service", it is 8i legitimate and next week to Youngstown OhiO, the tangles in the nllun..e of SOme of velltigation of the pen,ion appllea Bases on ball5--0tr Floyd 2. necessary part of the funeral expense. where Mr. Dumford will . have the earlier generatit~ns. The three tions in tbe counties. Governor Wild pitch-Floyd. Double pl$ys-E. Camp to charge of the Heberding herd of A Iphena Gustin about the same White i II IIYJ1Ipathetic, and ts Like any other professional man, the funeral Jerseys which now hold the age and aU three in the .Revolu- keenly aware of the nece.ity for Smith to M . Camp. director has made an in e tment in education and world's record for butter fat pro. tion War has puzzled me about u such actloD. , Camp 2, Carmen 2. much as did the family'. name but "The present lIituation is the equipment for the service of the public. To consider Three base hitll--Gons 2, War- duction. J believe that problem haa alao result of undemimating before ner, South. him as a mere retailer 'Of merchandise i to miss the Home runs--South. ~r. Jess. Thomas. attend.ed 8 been solved. I should dearly love the old age l)enalon divillion wu most important and valuable feature of his work. Hit by pitched ball-Peck by family reunIon at P1Qua on Su!'. to correspond with aome of . my organized what. itl! need. would be. • Floyd. day. ~a9ter James Thomas Griffit.h eastern co~ins and while I have It was nece.. aJy ftl'llt tomate an Earned run&--Way. Merchanb 'Who has been the guest of. hiS a great dear of writing to do, I.m appropriation, and the be8t the 7 i Cuba Cubs 3. uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. sur~ I ahall alwaYfl find time to legislators had to on in axm. Strike out,i--Warner 7 Smith George Hartsock for t~e past two write to my kin 101k!!. the amount wu trUetawork b~" . , . weeks retu:r.ned to h18 .home at Q.n September 2 the same day on the estimates of requirement. Left on base&--Wayneville Met Piqua with .Mr. Thomas. . of your reunion I upect to attend in other ltatea which had peulo. chants 7, Cuba Cub., 7. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hartsock af.mily picnic at one · pf Ollr law.. Ohio'l old . e penalon lie. putment started out under the . Umpires-AdamI and E. Bqr- and 80n. Milo. and Mr. and Mrs, beache. and handicap of abormal timet Konton. Herman Surface surprised Mr. As 1 gaze out oyer the water, omically. and tbe estimates bave Mrs. George Hartl!ock on Time of hour 42 min· While the wavel lap the sand at gOlle awry in the fil'1lt few 'months utes. . . . Saturday evening when they army teet, . LoslOC pltcher-Snnth. rived bringing with them delici- ['U be thinking of my far off OUR refre.~ments for a .celebration cOIISi nil II , . 128, 66789 of the birth ' anniversary of Mr. Whom I IIhould dearly love to Merchantl! .. 0020'7110 x-ll George Hartsock on that day. meet. Cuba Cuba .. 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 02- 4 • - ...- - Best wishes for a happy r4!union Mrs. Minerva Gustin Bu~el1. 3rc1 ill The Clark eouat,


· Ii.


T ..I.s Tbeater



W.,.••••IUe, O.

"Sing And Like It"

Late Classified Ads.


"George White'. Scaridal."

IOc Everybody ,'

An Important Consideration





..... 7

B.' lIeClare




------ ..---

GUSTIN FAMilY Those in attendance were: ' O N M. E. Gustin, Jobmalla Guatin, Gqetin, Everett Gustin, Ora Mr. and Mrl!. Allen Emrick atANNUAL .REUNI John tended the Cornell reunion at Gustin. Marje GUltin, Joe Gustin,

Waldme Park, near Sprincboro, Sunday. The ftftb annual reunion of the 'A number frol1l here BaW de8cendents of Jeremiah Elkanah "David Hnem" at Waynesville Alphens and Benazah Gustin was tbeater Sunday and Monday even- held in th~ Harman Park Lebanon ings. _ last Sunday, September 2. 193.: Mrs. Elizabeth Smith of Dayton Nearly . a 100 members and was a Sunday guest of her sister. friends of the family enjoyed Mrs. Margaret Johns. bounteous , feast of good eats at , Xr. and Mrs. Kesler Graham .and ,the noon ·hour. After , dinner the couple 01 daYB last week at the following p~ogi'am was given, State Fair, Coluinbui and alao president, Will O. Gustin of Way. :===========:::I~~ visited Mr. and · Mrs. A. E. 'White nesville presiding. and lonll. Singing of America. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morgan Welcome address by Mr. Hiram spent several dayalut week viJit- Bain who hal been In the family ing relative! and friends in over 40 years. Indiana and Michigan. ' A talk by the president regud. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gray. lue the management , of our arrived from Davenport, Iowa, reunion who had visited the GUI. Fr, Tuesd~y and a~ spendinr several reunion at Andenon~ Ind., days at the home of. the former'l the one at .Piqua, Ohio. parents, Mr. and Mi'll. George, M. E. Gustin. hiltorian ~or our Gray. . made a ' Very intereating M'r . and Mrs. Ha1'V~y regarding our eal'~y ancesters. and Mr. and Mrs, S. H. Burnett . Gustin nQw in bill 85 y~r 'was ~nd Mr. a~d Mrs. Donald Hadley th~ oldest one present. attended the Burnet Reunion ne.... Mr. Bert Lowman of Anderion. Ind.; Mr. Charley Jones of Betb~l Wilmington Sunday. ' Miss Virginia Fpulks in com- Ohio and Mr. Vet Smi~h of Mid. pany with several friends. sP'tot dletown, Ohio made interesting the I.llt of the week and Labor talks. ' Day at the World's Fair .t ChiMrs. Jlllia G. Clark our sec lie· eago. ' tary gave an iJlterellting talk of 'Mra. Maud Hudson of the ancesters. was a Sunday. guest of Mr/S. Mary Memorial Trobutes to deceased ~Insrnen wer,e adopted as follo~ Carmony. . . Miss Bernice Graham is attend- to' Mrs. John Gustin of Dodds, 0 .; ing Dickel!son's Secretarial School by, Mr. Hiram Bam. . in Dayton. She started Tuelday Secretary report by M". Clark, morning. no objections. .tand approved a. The little merchant who Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet Nad. criea, "Extra" is a worker of attended the funeral of their The 1985 reunion will be held real importance. From the ~Ie; Samuel Butterworth •• at th~ lame place on the fll'1lt Sunranks of the J;lew8boys bave Wayne.ville Honday afternoon. day m September, day before ariMa thoull&Jlds of famous Mr. aud Mrs. $tanley Bailey In company ' with Mr. ud lin. Mark and intiuential men. With Pride they say. "I was once Il Roren of Waybeevllle .re llpend· Ohio. ft • •lbo,." Tl\e newsb(ly will ibi tbis ",.ek ., ~. at Cbl- , II.... Wilbur Foulkl ...~ed C8l'O. . Mr.. S. H. Burnet alld lira. be . ' romantic Biure In AlaertcaIL Hletory, IIr. and IIiI. Charles Obarleton Wharton, entertained tb. .lId ehUdrn, lie..... Emery alld Aid at her home, WedAesday after Samuel Charleton atteJlded the Iloon. Rey. B,len 1. Se.reh ot Lew Glbba RellnlOIl at the home of Mr, ton ChrUtIall Taberuele. Xenia aDd lin. Deerinc, at Cambridp PIke, DQt:oa, pYe • intereat CIt7. lll.d., 811DcIQ. talk. lin. IIr. ad Mn. Charlel IIlIlIelllztlDtlnc)D Iroila udBobert

, ~T091~S

eJERVICE ••• ••


a ••

Melvi GUltla, Paul ' Gastin, Xn: Blam Gustin, WllI Guatln. MI'1I. L. Gustin. Lola Gu-t1n. Margie Gus· tin, Harry Guatln, Iriom Gustin, Georg Guetin, lira. lrwln GUlltin. M. ~Wltill, Ah'ert C:;uatin, Alverta Gumn, Ob8l'~<!u:8ton, . MI'. and Mrl. crolept. Cite, Mary Seaman, Mr; and 111'11_. Be'rt Lawman, Char lea M. Jon... !lmmla Gustl~ Kendall, ~ennle qustln B~IIJ" Hiram Ba~. Mr.. and Mr •• R088 , Kendal1 and fam.lly, Mrs. Estel Woodridge and family, Mrs. W'Ilda Foust, Mildred Gustin Thom,p lon, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hugel, Emma Roden. baugh. ·Jo.eph Rotte. Mercel Rotte, Mr. and Mn. Vet Smith, Marte Smith, 'Mr. lind Mn. C. L. Babcock, Ida Xarlnt, H.~y Marlatt, Donald lones" Leu Jone.. MI', and Mn. F. A. Horton and famlly, Mrs. Sarah Lamdrum, Hershal ~ll!d1'Um. Paul A. Stockey and famdy, Ed Jones. Hal'l'J Jon~8. Wilda Soutlr.ard. Mr. and Mn. Robert Baker~ Jennet Bak· 61', Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Blair, Jennett DIan, Ruth Blan and Paul Stocke.,:y:.,.._ __ BOUD OF EDUC~T.ON MET LAST MOINDAY NIGHT

The WaY'rle TWJ~. ' Board' of Education met MOlnday, SepteI'Dber S, .in regular 8elllloo, at .whlcb time flnal plana fo .... tb. opening of school were dla,:U88ed-.,..amonr them tranaportatijon facilities grouping of pupilll, purehue Reading Olrcle bo~)ka and subscription to m..asin .... Driven con. tracts were flied al~d tranaporta. tion InliJl'aDce plln:lK!d. Bill. wete preaen~ .nd paid.'llt, fOf iCbooUn.ol Utica Special children of Hlah 8ehool drawn up bet"een tbe Board of Education .nd the iIOI1llll!,1'.



141'"0'" Lilft.i_ O ..41rCII,u,d

Here'. a Goodyear witb a

1-. n.t

GOOD'YEAR SPEEDWAY .... whIIlv••ertwi"' ..c.Ir4

of f~8Ilda-ulen who .,.. tettl,n, real artp,

realeafely, ~lmUeaae at , mialhttlow COlt. Come ... your Speed.ay- a areateUalpleofthe&reattr .alue you bi Good,... at every price.

4 .• ~-2j

95 $4. ""

'PriCetI subject to chan,_ without no lice, St.t....... " •• II an),. additIonal.


FEATU,RES Ce.ter 'rractlon for treater lrip .•• TOllth thlcl tt~ •• ~lUbbed

. ..dewana.. •• Blo1vout Pl'ot~ in EVER 1 pi,

8, '

S~pen;,..t Cord•.



. a&LTI

tha,',' tht "a ••• word lor U~ More N9n.Skld M 1I.",e,l1lt No IUn eMt! • JUlt SII)' · "G.3" fO ..I and lee Ireat.., Good),"r eYer buUt-l.tett editIon of th . . .- -



.um OIU


TlU aap'AIIII.,.

I.moue AIl -

Wa,her, world"1 lar.-..,.In.

for·.' ,.,..


Eilrhty-Sixth Year





,---------,£~.eez:t& 6cpG:nA!.





~ulES The Reeder reunion was held nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. J ohn EAST SIDE CYN ' D A Y Reeder Sunday, September ' 9th. , The day wal an idllal one. After a dinner of which about; HERE . . LAST SU . sumptuous relatives partook, t he afternoon

September fifteenth will be inpection night at Farmers' Grange Rnd a full evening program is being planned including the regu~ lllr bu si n~ss session, the coniel'ring of the third and fourth degre'es, a short Iite.rary progrllm and ending with refreshmen ts and a social time together. The literary numbers are as lollows: Music ... ,. Mr . M. A. Fulk~r80n Playlet--irl cfiarge of' Mrs. J. P: Larrick. Talk ' ''''', ......... ~11'. Cad Duke Music . . ....... The Fire' Family ome and boost YOUl' grang with your presence.



Wall spent in music both vocal and Poatto_ ladi...s WjII Meet 1M instrumental, also various r adings given by the little oneil. A M...c .... t. at 'I'he Local Fi.leI paper, "Trait.l of the Reeder Sia.d",., UI Family," was read and cau ed . much laughter. Game and conThe WaynesvIlle Merchant.l were tests were enjoyed by young and ddeated S\lnday ' by the East Side old. Cycles from Middletown, Ohio. Another y ar the reunion will The fielding. was about the poorellt be with Mr. IUld Mrs. Geo. Reeder that the local 'Merchants have and family. . put up 'for tbis !M!alJon and -was the ___ - _ _ direct cause of the loss. The Me-rchants ' had a total of ten 'errors at. the end of the game and the Cycles only had one earned run whiCh they got by the home run oute. Ttle Merchants had three earned runs which should have been plenty to win, but you can't win ball games by giving runs to the opposing side. Warne r e' pitched a very. excellent game and Mr. Harris, of the D. R. ,It WllS no fault of hill that this mith grocery, is taking a vacation game is resisterix! as a loss for the this week. Merchants. The scoYing was as follows. A. D. Haney, of L. ebanon, was a In the hailf ofd the first business visitor in WaynesVille I d .h H 'l ·mer .IncCycles e W\t two own. I . Wedneaday. R ton llied to left and Schuler got under the ball but let it through Mrs. Charles Anderson and Mrs. his hands allowing Hilton to reach J _ V. Haptock wert' Dayton visithird and Riner cored_ Matson tors on Monday. fanJled for the th~d out, Th4! Cyel II scored again in theJr Mr. HenrF Fox, ell Miamisburg, half of the fourth. The Merchants was the guest of ~. Sarah Kimreally "ot generous with them. merle, on Sunday. • Stewart fi rst up IItruck out. Myers M~ssr8. W. S.....'nRlm Singled to short right anc! made Sherwood left 'l'n"tIf.,v .econd when Davil slowed in re- few days at Indian coverin~ tM ball. ThompSOn threw bad on Riner's grounded a1\o'WMr. and Mn. W inr Riner to reach second and Mr. and Mrs. W. Myers to aCOre. Hilton doubled the week-end ·a t scoring Riner. Thompson then mulfed Mataons grounder untU M.tson was Yf~ Peck returned the 1..&1 L' I to the plate but it was too late to get Hilton who ICOTed from second on the play'. Matllon .ttempted third and Weller's throw was bad and Matson came on home Britton flied out to first. Cr'istman was safe on another error by Thompson. Ascraft grounded to

~:~:! ~:f;::Ei~~~~~i:r:::

Whole Number 613G


JoflNNY APPlSEED ( JOHN 04ADfv\AN) . WAC; A QU£EQ.I-~AU:·l£GtN[w<Y ~ARl:dtQ Gl2fAllY B8..0V£D BY THE EAR1YstTTLEIO.

--- ~~~ ---



.::: Miss ·Ruth Hockett hll! been' ill with grippe. Miss MaOl T. B rown was a busi. ness viSitor in Columbus, Monday Forrest Ridge, of Cincinantl, visited Wayne sville l'elatlves Wedn~day.

Dr. and M rs. R. S. Weaver lind lIOns spent Sund,ay at S~pent Mound. .





© S'(ANMRD C¥t Co. Of 01110. G.t _ _ mf

STQAIGHT Ntll2SERY RO\ 19, W~K.'W WIll, SOM~Y . REroRiE9T OUtO'STQEELE~ AREAS,'3I-IOULD & SEEN AT TIlE O~IO EXP£I2IMENTAl. STATION IN 'MX>SrER. HERlAlS'Q COuNllP.)S tVnl"nIMEHTY' Anr I"AnnlED ON 10 IMnt"V-.Jr" LII ....t.K '''I';> ,..1: ~~ ",/(VII\;, OHIO FARrv'S. *"'~. 15



WAYNESVILLE ASK S TREAT SEEDWHEAT TO f~RA FO R FUNDS TO t~~~in':h:f~~c~!W~o~~~~h~o:i:.: PREVENT SMUT IS The Pl:ogressive Women's club met at Tbe Little Inn Tuesday


Miss FNda HQI'\~ey, of the Friends home, pent the waek-end at. Clarksville.




Miss Mabel ook of Dayton is a guest thill w~ek in ' the home of Dr. Mary Cook.


5.-. Hi.h


oRch BodenbeJlder hu started oft· ball practlc~ apd ie workin. to ge.t his team into shape for the fil'llt "arne ' the week after nex," The county league includee &even teams; Leblulon, Franklin and Ottel'b in are not playing loft ball this tall. Soft Ball Seb.c.... Tuesday, Septemller 25-Car. lisle at Harveysburg. Kings Mills at Mason, Springboro at Morrow. Friday, September 28~ltillP Mills at Carli &le, Harvey,bur, at Mason, Morrow at WayoeaviUe. l'uesduy, October 2- Maaon at Carlisle, Harveysburg at Sprincboro, Waynesville at KinKs Mill •• Frida", " October 6-Kill'" • Mma at Harveysburg, Carlisl& at Mar· r ow, Springboro at Waynesville. Tue day, October 9-Morrow at Harveysburg, Waynesville at Mason , Carlille at Sprin,boro. Friday, October 12-Waynelville at Carlillle, Monow at Kirlla Mills, Mason at Springboro. Tuesday, October 16-Sprin,b-o at K,'n,'1 Mill u a 0 t '" . I, ... I n a It!0rrow, Harvey'.bur~ at Wa,u ... ViUV • l"riday, October 19 i Touday, October 23, Fdday, October 28dates for postponed rames.

. ao..ter CI.b .... Mrs. Juha Henderllon attended Baptist Association held at· Chau- .The Booster Club of ~ayn ..vUl. tauqua grounds in Franklin Sun- HIgh Schoo) met, Sepday tembeT 12 for tM ant time. It 'W" .. decided that an edltor-iu-ehid w.. Mr. M 'd Mrs LewiS Edwards, 01 to be appointed by the sponaer, Mr Wilmington, ca ll ed on · Mrs. Adll Brown, to be the leader of tM Jenklnll, at the F.riend Home, onaroup. Sub.editon and a ..utant. .. Sunday. will probably be appointed by the Mr_ Frlll!k. Fox and daughter Verdena ViSIted friends and rela- make the club a bir succe..


:!:!~~-i~~C~:!~t Tht~:t:!o:'Ul

MAKE SEWER SURVEY ~~~i;~~~p~~~:iE:r!~~~::~~~t~~ ADVICE OF SPECIALIST central




lllinoi! the put School meetings are anticip.a ted. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin The hieh ICho~l enrollment DII. Following are tho' officers: Strong, nee Marietta Guy, of Cin- totals one hundred thirty, witlt Petitioa P .....ated to Go ....r-'1l..e.t Elizabeth Henkle, preilident.; Dr. Cop"" Carbo Date Duet Ma,. Be cinnati, Sunrlay, ScptembeT 9, a twenty-five in the I.nlor clue, A. __ ,. .. Finl Step ia ProMary Cook, vice-president; · Miss A..,lied to Seed Before 80n, Edwin Jr. twentY-Beven in the junior, tweDt, Helen Welch, . secretary; Miss five in the lophomor., and flft,po'" Project Stella Daugherty, tl'eal~urer. Mis! S_iDC Mr. and Mrs. Max McFarl,n4, three in the fNahman Clau a 0'"~ near Cinc·lnnlltl ·, hav~ taken .' clara Li Ie W.811 'n amed chairman of ., . First · steps toward the actual the membership committee and ".Loss fl'Olll stinking smut, OF roo-m&-rn t he home. of Mr_ and Mrs_ Mix'" Cbo.... Elect. 0Iicer. . H aw k e ch a il 'man 0 f th e bunt, of wheat exceeds that of any Morris Graham. 8 ta r t 0 f wor k whi ch may 'resul t 'In M'llIS DQ'1'lS The memberl of the hi,h-ecbool a complete sanitary sewer system program committee. er wheat disease in Ohio. This Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson mixed chorul met with tbeir iDfor Waynelville, as taken .at a • ---is an expensive way to reduce the and sOns, Mr. and Mrs. John atructor, Mr_ Frank, on Sept...meeting of cou~ci1 Friday night ~F h t ... t t A L Treadway Vi8i~ed Telatives near bel" 6, and elected officerl for *h. when application was made to w. ea crop, POI~ II OU . .' .' Oxford Sunda coming .year as follow.: Belt, ltate FER A officials for necessary T' , Pleratorff, exten"lorl speclalist lQ Har~'ock, prl!lll·d-n l. ·, Ruth SaIl•. l' ~ ~ llae Tread· fund. for" preliminary survey. II plant pathology for the O. S. U., Mr. and. Mrs. Ernest Rogers, bury, vice-president; The CO!\t of this aurvey would "and decreases, rather than in- Mrs. Elmer Rogers and Miss Mar- way. secretary; Ruth Larrick aDd be appro]limately $150, to be fol~ b h' f gant Roger/l, of Dayton, spent Ray Van Often librarian. Tli. lowed later by a 'molle complete ' ~r(\af,ell. t e purc asmg power .o Sunday with friends here. mixed chorul b~1I eilrhty-ft~ ••ID. the Ohio wheat. grower." . .-. t orsurvey 0f th e Ioca I sit ua t'lOJl, th e Mrs, J . S. Flier accompanied her bers enoII ed an d i s IOOIUBI' COlt of which WGuld be much ST. AUCUSTINE CHURCH Wheat smut IS cajlsed by a fund bt M' B tb t C· . 'Ward to a year filled with worth18S er a 0 mcm- hil . I . .. • aug er, greater. F th N t P . which attacks the seedhng natl' W ' here "be I'S ent~rl'ng the sem- w e mU.Blca actIVIties. A representative of FERA a er ew on, am, r ., Th h h h Kau t St A tI Ch h plant' before it el)'lerges from the ilUlry for the coming term. . e Ig -~ 00 I oreh~· e..... m.... •• from, Lebanon, Ohjo, was presa . upe ne I urc und and rows alan with tift! September 7 and elected.. ita ent at the meeting and out- every lecond and fourth Sunday , g . g Little Miss Barbara Eve Hart- officen : Frank LeMay. preeicl••t; lined to council the steps nece8- f the month. to maturIty. The Imut balls sock is spending the week in Day- Jane Cook, secretary. Bel. . .-r)' tosecure the funds. broken at thre.hing time' and ton the guest of her aunt, MrI\. Greene, librarian and lAo Conner, Money for the sewell project FRIENDS MEETING spores eling to the healthy Mal'y Cornell and children. stage manager. would be furnished partly by grainl!. Seed should be se· ---FERA, the remal'nder by the vl'lFirst-d ay •Sc h Mrs. T. B. Brannock . 00 i at 9:30 a. m. ed..fJ:DJ]LlWlJ.tllI$-Jl.eld.l"...JLl~"-t,~~;":~;:::';::; f h spent Mond Make PI~D' For Fr....._ 0.)lage of Waynesville, this fund to Meetlnl[ for W ors'bip at 10 :30 si ble. If tbe farmer is not sure ay . e f? e 011 an be secured through the iSBuance of . m. that the seed III amut free it dl\ughter·m-Iaw, Mr. and Mrs. Th~ Juniors held a skort bOliD . . bon.cIs. IIhould be treated with copper 'carr James Brannock, near Oregonia. meetin~ Tuesday for the pu~ Wayne8vill e would be called up· bonate dust before planting, ad~ The Woman's AUlj:iliary ' wi1l 01 makmg ana.n gementl (or tlle 'aD on to' bear less than half of the WAYNESVILLE M. £. CHURCH vise's PierstGrff. l'roceed as follows e t ·th M Ed·th H . t th nual Freshman day. A com~itte. entire cost. The labor costs, estiRev. G. C. Dibert. Paltor ., m. e WI rS'.1 arrl8 ~ . e -was appointed to complete th. mated at approximately 1L of I' Clean the ballS, seed thoroughly. to re- Little Inn On Frld~y aftemoQrt, plans for the aIYair. . , ~ FrJ' d sy' Choir . praet!lce at. 8 Jl move 81l1Ut chaff', shrIvelled September 14, at 2 o'clock. II. full . the total, would be paid by F E R A , ' . and weed seeds. attendance is desired. ·Sportlma,,".p 8J'otlae~ and in addition 15 percent of the m. r;naterial cost, making the burden Sunday : Sunday sch,oql at 9:30 Place olle bushel of grain in 1\ Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Mainous and The Wayneaville chapter of the on local property owners much ' seed t~ea.tin~ macl1ine. D~rections 80n Donald, spe nt Sunday in 'Cin- Sportsmanship BrotheThood will le811 than if the municipality should bUIldlng .s uch a machlOe .may ciunati and attended the orphans holq itl flnt meetine at' the pm, undertake the project alone. WAYNESVILLE CHllJRCH OF free, from county agrlcu l - f~a8.t held ,at the General Protest(ContQaued on ,ace 4) Need fol' a modern sewer syStem ' CHRIST acents. ant Orphans Home. = in W."nellville has been a"';tated (UDde~ominational) Scatter over the seed 2 % ounces .. Summer dinner Mr. 101" s~e time arid came "'to a Cheater A. Wimamloll,. Ylnlater 01 50 per cent metaIiic copper Mr. and Mrs. J . S. Filer enterand Mre. W. N.' t1b. cJimax durinc the. ilast ~unimer carbonate, or, .i f the higher grll'de tained Mr. and Mrs. Dave Goodand. Kr.. L W. wo h ... 't' . d bU' Church School . at ' ~I :80 a •. m. material can not be had, 8 to 4. paster Sunday evening. Mr. aood Inobert aDel _',cm.JqJ.", J 0h n w en abusineSs yetI IOn men IlIgne y _aln Lord's . . S'onl, 'a and property h ' . Supper .t conclullon . ounces of 20 per cent metallic pasteri!! a valuable ~mployee of J. Se~ra, of OnenvUle and owners, 'Wal presented to council, O . rls~l8n Endeavor .at 6:4.6 p. m. copper carbonate. the police ·force in Dayton. ----"- . Mn. Evel'ett sean. d d h fl Evenlnc evangelistIC service _t . . em an' in" t at ,utters be. ulI~ed. 7 :46 p. m. Prayer meeting .a nd Tu.rn the ~rum 01 the seed Mr. arid Mrs. Tom Burton, in The arlt meetin~ of. the WayM. Mra. Suellen Elliott, Bible study each Wednesday at treating machlJ~e 40 l'evolutions at company with Mr. and Mrs. WitTownlhip Mothen club for the Wllliamaoll alld two cnilclchildrElll 7 :46 p. m. The Church where you' the rate of 30 turns a mi~ute. ilam Drake, of Indianapolis, for· . . '. he current Fur was helel I'ri~ay anlt the :Miuel I:ate arl,IOlive WILL OPEN S ""TURD""Y feel at home. Sack the treated grain and sow merly of Waynen.ilIe, will visit te Tb Flr21entdShtihP ChlUb meft ~afte~noo~ 'at the Grade buUchn.. Bott of ceatemlh ft ft t ft rd he 1 h m er a e ome 0 - -.. Mra; R. B. BartIock pr8lleliD~. Mn the ADDle-U. an!llIlem. an~ t med a e;w;i s. If ' t Word's Fair, t is week. Davia .F urna., ,wi.tII Kr.. Bu.lek G. C•. Dlbelt had cbuse of th. d.• BroWn, OD Soda,. . . Squirrel hunting Beason wnJ FERltY ¢HORCH Ol~ CHRIST . reate see, erstor cautIons Miss Verdena Fox has accepted acting a. Jlresldent. The lDeetlq votlonala. . . open Saturday, September 15 and (Undeno~inatJ~IDal) IS JI~ison~d and. r.etl~~red unlit for a po.ition in the Mont"omety opened with devotions b, II.... The aeeretary, ,..ra. L. V. Beck At their hQme in RII~~II.~_ on continue until October 1. Cheater A • •milamlon ' feedme hvesto:~' _ \oounty schools. ShQ will ..have Fur~as. The lecreta17'~ and tnutendered her re_lenatlon and ~ra. Sunday; Mr. alld . Hunters wlll 'be ttlnlted to four ' . .. . . . ' '. . charge of Fifth grade work at lIrer 5 . reports were r ..d and a p1. B. Cr~bbe .... ~o succeed Hourn celebrated . anni- Iqu!rre18 a day; .ccoTding ·to a Unllied serVIce be~lnnll'" with APPROACHIlIfG MA,RRIAGE Harshman. a suburb of Dayton, pr9ved. Durm, tb. roll 4!al1 , ~r. · • . ' '. veraary of ' their and copy of tile digest o.f . Ohio ,.me Chu.r~h .School at 9180 •• m. WAS ANNOUNCED . ' . members ~lpoDded 'aDd '1 DeW A Ihort progw:aln w.. riven, IIrs. allo th. birth of the IaWI. No Sund.y huntlnr will .be Lord II Supper anel I~nnon at Mrs. Ruth Janney and Mias names were added. . Frank LeMay .readlq t'f\'0 poems, Ifonner'1 Uncle, Hough. 10 :30 a. m. tLouella, who left Tuesday morning The Ladies AlcI .lIOlkiteci a.ona hy Ediar aueat. Supt J. W. Loti I ThOM peHDt were and lin. Non-residents of the state ~ID Home Comine, SeJiltember 28. On Saturd.y evenin, ~rs. C. M. their :.inter hom:. i~ ~e)'n~ the memben for Hlp at the f~ • ..ave • 1II0rt talk and introduced Ed Hou. ., of lit. Ill'. and be requireel to pay a fee 01 U5 25 Detailed announcemeni. next week. R9bitzer entertained at dlDner and a.j were mner rues 0 r. an It belo~ the ....... to . . . the new teachera. who iD turD r. 'l ira. Vern Hoq. before huntin" While reaidentl' of YhoU b.are alwajl welcome at thl. brldae for her daughter, Mils . Mrs. J. L. MendenhaU, Monday new oIBeera th. foUowiDa JacIMe IpoMed with a few remarb. Ilr. anel .... Roben will be uaeaaed ,1.00 for c urc Beatrice, the followln~ gue.ta: levelling. ~ere voted to act tha coaIq The flower .box .Dd pletu... were WapenUl.. . Mrs. Georre John.on, Mn. Saron M nd M Lee Adami Barley Pneidmt.-llra. ClIto1'cl ·....rcl.d to lit. Reeder', aad lit. __ _ _- - ST. MAlty'. CHURCH Dakin, Min Jeannette Bahr, of of ~n~e.r C~~rado are~..... eat. Vlc~PreildeDt-Iin. 11..... ftI. McKiIIHJ~. rooms reapecti"ly. On 1I0nu, ~; ·MIse lIary Leah Edwarcla ']I W H -'11 .- u kenoD • EDt.rtala'" Fer c..... Bev. J. J. Rector Spriqfielcl; MiSe ~~by Smitb, B'.r~~ :;~t :he ft~ ~tth~:.:rk ISecHW.rr-Iin. • _. HAPPY HOUR CLUB lix~lntb Sunday New Surlinlton; Mia Louile u • delepte to the Internatlo~ ~ at Orane, Clncinnati, Kl.. Luella " ..ociatloD of Electrical bapet.,...... . . Mn. Hen.., "Sattll'th...... lermOD WlIliamlcm, Da)'ton: )(n. E. F. -ton in Cincinnati ,.",.... _ ........ h. . . . to ~e . . . . . . of D.ppe, MiueI lAD. Earnhut" . lin. I. Ra- Hoar club, ,......, Doria Ha.te aDd IIllry Ja.epblne th. home of . . . . . . . .... MlUer. wen IIr. Dhta ......--

run in the . fourth. ~ck walked with none clown. Made second,. Warner crounded 'o ut to aecond. ia attendine Treadway · tarlned, making two the annual Co·nfElrece. of the M. U W Il~ d bl d . 'CO h h' Za '11 d own. m. e "I;' ou e, seormc "'. c UTC , In at nesvi e Peck t h an~ Schuler fouled to the this week. ca ~h:rMerchanb "'ot another in Mr. . Robert .. lingled and h ome S un day a f ter the aixth when Peck went to third on Warners Ilnrle. the pa.t week with Warner going to *econd on the lum~u8. right fieldel'8 slow return. Tread- . Nanc.. Lou, f' fan d 1 th fir t 1. W I " 0 S e WI ay I IDd ~~ ep k o.u ft. e - Mr .aDd Xl'll. E. C. been h noar- lick but er 8takin, ng e third. sCurlngSchuler ec Wit ner l70 unded 'is rapidly improvllll'. CODd'ti I on out to Ihort to ftnt and Davie 'Xr. and Mrs. Hunter &'J'ounded out pitcher to first 'With two 1'\1nl left on the bases. . ' .nd 'family, ot- Route SUD'-h h ., M1"I I n til., &event . .t e Merchant. day din,-er pestll of got another as Thompson ,inaled Ed. :Murphy, of near 6......,·v111a • • -with none out and wept to- second Mr: and Mrs. J. H. with ... thrown out .ec•• Layren"" w." and to firat. · ThompSOn st.ole third Mr. and lira. Clilt i of .s Gona walked. Gonl ltole aeconcl. Dayton, vl,iiied 14r: siater, Peek rrounded out seeonel to ftnt, Mra. ROle A. ~.yme, umbull Thompson seonne and Gonl mak- Sunday; tng th.ird on the play. Wamer Mr an'd Mrs G H d walked and Treadwa" fanned w i t h ' ... .n . IOn, of Oxford alld Halel two more runs ready" to acore. Bechtold, 01 Port Texa. ),he Cycle. scored one in the were Sund~u "uest. eighth on Matlons home run which Mn. J: B. 6abbe and an ",.s their only earned of the rame. . The Merchants added another in 'tM ninth. Laurenl w.lked made ' second on. wild pitch and third post, '.Americali anon a p.. aed ball .nd "'ored al nual m' eetl·log held laat _ ..... u . Gone rrouuded out to flrllt unaa- week. silted. Peek then doubled but Warner flied to :rlaht· and TreadMr. and Kni. 1.. V. an" . daughters will move houaeC) hold 10oda', Tueaday of week, (ContiJlued 011 to Green. Forut, A~Ir., they wiU make their home.







,qe ======-==========-===::;1 MOlH~RS' CLUB









.... • . . .


0I1I_ _1t,1:1. Befon foar dhlner"wbich ......... aDDouncement Irnoull-. .... of



An A .£.£a:r 'nternatl·onal TT~



itorll can't be admitted t Ilrt'IK'nt. The fam'ly' hin mvurnin'; lhl'<'1l dlJath~. one them at the "Yet!, mem, I r adhinabout




Ludlum, purlllacilt of Morrow.

time. and very sad th y wer ,It Martin V. Free.e, deeeued, to the lady an w" '11" red t!ln1pathetieaUy Ollie F. Free.e. et ai, 8/1 .'7 aeres in d ' t hi '11 W ~ WI • ayne towns hi p. I'uppmg a ,>I Ulr In 0 CHAPTER ID. viol t droopl1lg I.IlI\, on hel' 80~t ing hand. "Then we (nu~l wail un. George Camp, deceued, to Hal. dark hair, gav ht~ l'tl~ e. Tht tll another time, a. 1 fear d. The Common Pi.... • belongs t(l .. id estate and ill sub- lie M. Camp, et ai, 160 acre In "Y'" lh t(' th odd W8, not the sehoolglrJ g-omg acro s estalc :lnd title went. to 110 distant j ct to the dispo~al of !laid admin· TuTtlecl'eek township, (lU "now,' . Il 5, ,\n() . ,!ll·. to ~t~dy. tll i! laughIng conllla n lon "l'llllIV;. (lill they not?" I th f I Arthur illt.rator. I ..y. tb Ie n CIIS 0 ipr nce May Gaynor Harding et a, to 'W'Y ynu hn\e, !lemlln guls 11k of difficult dt'tk Jlr/)n1~nsd s. Y t. yuu oir al~nel'" he tlbSeIn.·-ed hOyrtl Y wh~n ~hd turn.,d her . miling eye IloutuCjSd'e ~theemf' ml'Jayll hI' YmOUt'~htll~u'!:' Dt'own, a minol'. by! lar nce Ar· Hallie M. Camp, admlniatret~ix Ann Gaynor inlotll NOlI. 477 and "Alon~ 0 I _ y s- 5ee. ou h' ~ I I ~,... ~ , thor BNwn, r., hi ather. of Ma· of the esta~e of George Oam'p, de- 478 in Franklin. IlIPPoBe-~el1, you mu~i y member up~n tnl, .te ,S ~lI~nt(ll n('~ cvurla!l:~. I~i dl s~nillf.ul t'xpre. 'ion .reve~ led on, · versus edri(' 'Lanley a minor ella ed, filed hi ~ application for a W, A. Armstrong to 'Eh:a H. and \1\', I a.rn ind ~ndence early. W wall wlIllln" 1111', ~l .. ~Il. hI" tll~ati.on ,of the Jllherltor the defendant is granted leav to certificate of transfer. She also Bertha. E. Walker 86.11 acres in ~1' not. brought up hke the Eng. (r'ytll to find you, ~c ~alju. , au from "ho\Jl"td .' "Th new hearl' (' ,notion in thia l a~e. filed her first, final and distribu- Franklin township. IIsb" kno, , l'v be-cn thmkm about jU!;t tukin' posse~!lio n," He paused, In the ca. e of GladYB Bernice ti"e account. The New York Life Insurance 'ou are quite different,' he what ,)'O~ !laid t h other day. 'l~ tq the ound ot quick- Sawyer, minor, by hester B. The will of Benjamin U. Blair, Co. ~ William Lall, 148 IIocrs in Igreed. 1binking of his 1 t rs and A nll.'rlCa the men come nfter li S. tt'ppm.g hoors. 'E:e COOlin' down awye-r, ber father, ver ua C drie deceased, WIIS admitted to' probate Turtlecreek township. their f),iends ltlajdt!1) 1 adie of I [a ha. yery 1\'0011 I W ~n, you see, the \J'tlve. memo Hi! you care t taf)le)" a minor, defendant is Pruderu:e Lyons, deceased, to advanced y lIo'rs or blooming 1llaid' I've com afte!' YOU; to heJIl YOll een 'im, now ," h lIug~ested with granted leave to file motion in this The. following accounts were a])- Ruben Lyon, 4 acre. in Washing· In tbeir t en lhey met life with a ?n hOI and Ihro\ll;h the customs, a thrifty thought of futl1re- tips.. caae. ' ~~~v~~~r~!lowed and confirmed by ton township. he itatln H:nidity quit di linct If y~u like." "ThaVs 'hn, mem--<ldvin'." III the cll8e of Henry K. Lamping William M. Springer to J ohn . fl'om his young wom~n's alert asMlilS Wallll('e gav\! h(>r "Jerry Tnt' porter !tcpped back ~o the rsu OUe Hudson eau!!e is setatherine M. Bodley, guardian of Springer, 13 .85 acres in Union urance. lie recall d the rlej cteo little- laugh. "You're v ry kind lodge a~ a band OOle, bigh. teppi~g ~Ied, compromi ed and djsmls ed therlne G. Bodley and J. Allred and Salem township. Frank Frazier, Lyle Fl'azier and "Iring(' " dis]llay d beneath large- bu~ I th ink \ e do not n!t'd. your hOl'!le cam thr.ough t~1,! gateway. without l'e ord. No co-pa,·tnership Bodley, minors, Amended final and . di tributive. Manley Frazier to Thomas L. Gor· erowned sailor ha ts et uneom. aSslstnnee, A\lnt Ro, e. thts I Mr. A bl onde young man, III the trap, existed. , . promisingly Jow do~'n IIp.on their Granville." , en 1\ glanel' at. the ladies, then Tn the ca e of the Mutual ;Build0 : E. Heywood, administrator such and Eva M. Gorsuch, 61 acres brow . Their shirts "dipped" dis· The lady gay!! hi llt a mUl'mured dl'~ W up s~dd Illy. To , jng the ing and Loan Co. ver Us . Willinm the estate of John E. Crist, d .. In Clearcreek .township. piritingly in the baek, despite ap· word, accompani ed by a tare rGtn$ to hi groom he sprong Fo:rest Tl\Ylol'~ ~t al ~ourt ap· cello ed, first, final and distributive. Oltver Kenri~k deceased to Mag. pllanc s obvio us In tIle region of through her g()ld·mounted lor· down and hastene? tow,:,rd them, pomt.o; Walt~r Fltt receiver, Bond Gertrude' Trlll1lble, administt... gie L. Kenrick, 25 ac~s in Frank. the belt to retain th m. This girl gnette. his h avy fnce brlghtenl1lg. tc) be given m lim 'Df $300. tri'X of the estate of Herbert L. lin township. .. ty nunt, l\!l·S. DinSlllOl't', has "Why, lt i Mr. Granville!' cri ed ln th ,e $e lIf NOl'mah Irvin vel' Trimble deceased, tint and final, .Joseph McCauley, deceased to from tbe white tam re ting jaun ~ tily on fluffy dark lock to the ~ pt h r !.atel'oom aIL th enda. he yielded hilI' hand to hi us Josie L. Evans the rlei'enda'nt J. O. Oartwright, guardian of Dora McCallley.68.03 acres in ~ervent clasp. " What a surprise \ i granted 30 days to file an ~Wer Charles D. .Janney, imbecile. Third t~"' nshtp • . heavy sole of her slim hoes, WII S v r, ' supphhuented Miss W ltaut trim graceful. He bo~ cd awkwardly. we were xpectlng tosee the earl; r other pleading. H H P . . Henry DItter and Mary 8 . BitThnt e~ening while frs. Dins. "Ye·es," he stammered. Th waiting in ttlH! tourist fa hion," In th case of Mariaret Fowler arry. ence, a~mmt8trator t r to Oliver Huntley and Alberta more languidly' occupied Mrsel:f , weath r ha been vl!ty nasty, $he continued gaily, her yes Vlm1U }.i:t'Ile t l~owler, a divorce of the e tat,e of Emma C. Pence, Huntley r 1.11 4!state'in Harlan with her dinner tray, Sel\da s.e t op. 'and the voyage was dull; r ve been alight. "Think Of it! /I real, live was granted the plaintifl'. rleceaeed. First and final. . township. po iLl on the ststeToom sofa. laWfUllY bored.'· Engll h earl! To be s ure, Il.e i In the cas No. 15231. Jacob Ranson L. Gibbs, executor of the George E. nail to Myrtle M. . "Allnt Ro c,' she said suddenly, "Thank ~ou," .the young. lady rather ne~, but th en, I've nev~r Ehling Wil1i~l~l.C. Manning. estate of Laura L. Gibbs, de- Mcl{nlrht, inlot No. 347 In Franka michievou8 gleam in her eyes, r~marked 1.nexphcably, w.lIle a seen ven. a new one .. ~nd how dId at al. mottons. I, .2, 3, 4 an~1 5 ceased .. Fifth and final. lin. Carrmgton P. Ellis, executor of John Mayer and .Mary Mayer to "people on board don't know I rIpple of mIrth ero ed the coun - lrou get lIl, when VlSltOl' aren't overruled. M~tion No.7 sustatned haove a chaperon. I'm uppO$ed to tenance of her stately a\lnt. "Rap· hadmitted 2' " Defendants given 20 days to plead the e tate. of Gladman H. 'Ellie. de J. Shep McKnight, inlot No. 8 in "You came t o' see the place?" In c se No. 15232, Jacob Ehllng ceas d. Fil'st and tinal. Franklin. be a. Jone, lorn d ru sel traveling pily. your boredom is 1111 t. Ware all by myself." at th dock ; in all hllur we hall a\1 he asked, his e'ye never leaving ven.u!! William C. !lIanning, E:t all The Lebanon.Citizens National Rueben Lyens to Frank C, Ole"Only 8 very stupid penon would tbe"s.cattered, to m et no more." her dark, glowing face. A great mot~Qn 1, 2, 3, 4 Il~d 5 overtuled Bank and Trust Co., a.dministrator rich and Emma OJerlch, real estate mi take you for the sort of girl But 1 bOI) not," he re~nrned , bJack hat surrotllld d it like a mohon No. 6 8U t.aJDe~. Defen- of the estate of James B. Willa de in Washin~ton town hlp. wbo travel alone," W8. S bel' l "If I knew where you ar.e to be in halo, a white parasol ove.!' ber dant granted 20 day I.n which to cea~ d. First and final. ' . F:r'ank. G. Simpson to Simeon G. aunt's complacent reply. London- I'm goin' there soon-" should r tUfnl hed an eifeetive furthel' plead. Th~ secQnd account. th 1 Pattenon and HYJ"tle M. Patterson "Aiid really, yDu know, this per· "enda:, here is the sL~wal'd 'w lth ba~.kgrou~d. .enda n odded. ment to aid aceount. . ~::p~:; real estate In :Rrallklin town hlp. on ~ouldn't be. called astute-my lour . b~8, ruthle, sly , Int~l'rUPted And 1m dt appointed. 1 hop d P.robate Court third and final acount of The LebCharlet A. Grah~m and BeTtha Engh~h acquamtance," laughed Mrs. pm more. "1 thtnk It would to h~ve my fir t peep at qn old harles B. Decharlt, Judge of the anon.Citizens National Bank and I. Graham to Fleml~g Investment the gtrl. be wise to go forward. Good· Eng]] h ca tIe." ommo n Pleas Court wHi act aa T · Cd" t Inc .• 142.62 I\cres In Clearer ek 'lOb, it as the Englishmanl" morning Mr. - Granville. It bas "You shall'" It exclaimt'd, with Pr'obat . Judie during the absence t Ttust f oR aV1l'1lm~ r c;I the e~- township. a e o . dan d 'd' dec.~te, Washingt~n D. Ca~der to Carrie MH. Dinsmorenodd~d, smiling. been a great pleasure, I'm SUl·e. unwonted d. eci i n of utt ra.nce. of Ralph H. Carey. "What is the man like, child? And Good-by." "Come, I will take you in." L. H. Cregg, exe'cutor 01 the ea- wer~ approv-e .an sat a mlnlJ ra 81\,&1 acre In WashingAlon e he tood by the nil, "B\lt-can you?" Mrs. Din smore tate :01 Mary L. Gregg, d ceased, i~~ lli~b~r~y dlscharced from fur- ton township why do you talk with him?" "There ia no one else," Senda. watching a slender figure down demurred, eyebl'ows upraised. 111 d hi inventory" r I y. .. Do,.. McC~uley to John Ehmann anawered pl.intively, "He doesn't the gangplank, aCl'OS~ the dock, "Ye-es," . he hllsitated. "You larence Steph.~nson, executor The fourth account of WlhlaJJ'1 C and Ruth C Ramsey, &8.08 acre accept hints and he is unavoidable di appearing within t he custom know, I didn't tell you on hipthe e tate of S. W. Stephenson, Kersey, exe~utor of tbe eltate in Deerfield own~lp. -".On d ck. As tQ looks, he it! a big h()use. Then h moved slowly. board. I wa goin' to, .that last day , til d hill Jlirst and fin al ae of Joe S. Keree.,. deceased, waa ap tair m~n, pink skinned like a baby ," enda!' It was· a pretty. \Inu ual It'll the l'eason r came bome, you proved, alJowed and confirmed. BII. Allowed Hulda A. New(1on'lb, widow of In the matter of the will of who livell out I" the BUn and wind. name as strange to him as its know. They cabled fOl' me. You HI. clothes, they're impollible! owner. Should he have fo~nd 11011 know, I'm_ the new earL" Harry Newcomb, Sr., decea ed, Frank Hart80C)~ dec asect, the C.' Ernest arab, labor and m~tane he says the most astounding girls like her, he wC)ndered. had His blue ey s never left Senda's eJected to takll un.~er will. The (lB- original paper authenticated tran- erial, ,8.60; Mrs. Howard Sawyer thlnts. But tnere's only on~ more he pe~ervered-in America? dark ones. His ruddy color height- tate la exempt hQDl inberitance script Is to be reeorded in the Will aerv!ces,. '?~ Mrs. Stella, Kelley, day between UII and Liverpool," And acro~s the bu y Liverpllol en I'd as hI! tbus announced him· tnx. Georg P. Ga.tes. executor of Records of this court. serviCes, Candia HYmer, Ihe ended joyously. streets, through the s\lbway to self. The unexpectedness Qf the the estate filed hi!1 application for The elltate of John A. Murrell, !lelv!ce.., $', Helen Dou,hman · "Thank coodneul" •ejaculated Birke.nhead, out into the gre n situation struck enda dumb. a certificate of transfer. deceased, is exempt from inheri. service., ,1 Mrs. lra Eltzroth' , the elder lady, with pious fervor. COUDtry, went with him the part"Really'" murmured Mrs. DonsThe estate of William McCand. tance tax. . services, ,; Mrs. Lillie Ur~on' · In the Irilh Sea, wave grew calm ing glance of her merry mocking mOI'e. ri ing tp the occasion with less, deceased, is 18xempt from ' in. The adjudieation and determina- services, '1 i Chas. J. WaRoner: and clouds rolled away, The 'lineT eYe&· the ease of the society veteran , and heritance tax. tion of the Inheritance tax' on the Arellt, Pre~. on Bond of Depu· , entered tbe Me1'l!4!y ~iver at last "Nothing could possibly be more extending )leI' well·gloved hend. In the matter of the estate of e tate of Edward T Grimon de. in Tre&llrer'a olllee, $40' Trus witb dry decks, benatb a lum- charming," said Senda three weeks "It is most kind ot yOU to illVite Hirain Depew, Ileceased, settkl- \CeaSed . is to be giv~n to aU' l1er- of Public A'~in• .light a/'ld 'water mer sky. 'l'hen from staterooms later, as the carriage in which he us. We shall be delighted and hon· ment of claim is authorized. sons i~terested and gall atimorlal HalJ $666' amel'1red radiant beinp almollt un- and Mra. Din more were seated on~d to view the castle with the Michael Schwal'~,erg, exe.cut<>r of . E '. . Kaufman's, na-es, brush~s, p~int rognbable to one anotheT. Garm. tur~ed into tbe n~Trow streets of a Earl ~f Berwi~k, and to con~ratu- the e tate of Anna Schwarberg~ ~t Mu;r;L~ a!mMI8tra~orruodf. tor repa!r orisl Hall, $9.66; ent$ du .voyage were discarded, and quamt old English towh. "'l'he Inte tum on hJ$ good fortune.." deceased filed l1jll 8tatement in . 8 .e 0. 0 n . u~e, . e J. W. Lmro ardwal'e Co. latch in land apparel peopJe surveyed beautiful country roads'; the (lear "Please don't," hi distress aug· li u of final aCCOll1lt. ~s a~pb.catto~ lor a certlftcate of lock, bolt, n , .2.76; Sta~ley E' ' one another with Ull-concealed lanea, the bios oming hedge~ows. mented. "I ain't used to it yet. I George E. Young, exeeu~r a! raDS er. , . . 'Work ~ doors and 'win-dow~ e tate of J. M. Conover, decell8 The estate of MaTtID V. Freese, at Memoria, Hall, ,1' C ' wonder tbat fellow passeDKerB the perfect May weather. And I don't like it. You kno"",, [ never were 110 .. lIJuppo.ed it alwaY8 rained in Eng- dreamed of !l~oh a tblng, We're the filed his application .f or a eel'. deceased, is exempt from inheri- Marsb,. labl,e.pairin~ h~1I MemtT---"-----Girtifi'ffl'le wandered dlIeonllolatel, land I Now if we may see the other bgmch tance tax. L. admin- orial Hall, 1.60; J. X, Spet;lcer abo lit seekinr a familiar white ta.m castle-" ,were four of 'em, al1 young and Ray L. F.reebe, administrator of . lumbel', '.OSt-TM Oregon~ and .sweater. Even the deck chair Before, the high well ~d strong when I ailed for th e$tate of Ma!rtin ~. Freeze, lcount. ~ Bridge C~, bridce ateel; '6,.40; taeann.r Mi .. Wallaee'lI name had walla surrounding Bet'Wlck . Caatle Am~nca. No one evc!' .1IUPPO eel 1 deceased; filed hill application for ~abel E. Bla.rr and Robert M. The Onto C»l'lUi'lted Culvert Co. di..ppeared from its a.ccuatomary Park, while from the arched gate· wO\lld inherit. 1 was goin' over to a, ce.rtiticate of tJ'8nsfer. Blair v.:ere appoJ1\t~ ~,xecutorll of eulveTts, .06.50; Pierce'& Supe: :pla!!e. He b.d nearly giyon up way by the porter's lodge. a porn· make my fortune ranchln', as 1 lit the matter of the estate of the estate of BenJamm H. Blair. Serviee Stijon, g8ll0line, $16.30' · Itop. when he heaTd her voice, and POUII individual in plush and knee. told you. I'd ha.vl\ Iike-d that 1\ Jot Christina BucbaDlan, deceased, it ill deceased, no bond required. Char- Ruby Va lUper, ploline ,7.20: d.erled hill' standing by the ra.ll. bre~ches approached them. better. I ain't hen on bein' an ordered that the deposit in The les J. Watnroner, Charlee .S. Irwin L P. Cav~ Co., tar ,916'0· A L' ~er street gown of mode cloth, "Himposllible mem," he replied earl I wasn't! brought up to it." Southern Ohio Saving Bank and and. Carl Stiles were a"pointed ap. Watkinl'1!0od fu;nllh~d' rei let lIer hat of the same color, with to Mra. Dinamote's inquiry. "Vis(To be COntin~ed) T~8 ,co. '8mQuJllting to '1535.85 prallers. 1ami!lea riq July, ,.; , H. C. ~wrence.~. FurJlu wal apme The '.8iMidland J. R. 006'!!!!!!'!!!!!.'~'!!!!!~-.....~~!!!!t~~~~!!!"'--:"~----~~"!!!'!!~'!!'!!'~~~---------~---~-~~~,~!"'!!'!!!!!~~~~j pOlDte~ administrator of the estate Hamilton man, sa~..f9; Gro_- -_a_ - -R • _ _ _-__1..... - - - -....._Q _----- -.... -......------...---......... -~-








White Rose-Power behind the enllne.





of Hanet E. Futnu, deceased. flied bond of ,2400 with suretie.. J. Q•. GOM, J.. L. Mendenhall and H. M. Sherwoo.d 'Were appointed ap.pra~n. , The eta.te of James A. B~pkinl deee!lsed, III exempt from lnberita.n~e tax: Lucinda Hopklna, ad· mlD.llltratnx filed her flnt and final a~cotlnt.

Co., am~ "3; Zeiger's GenStor, lame, .46:25; Ra]pb aa • ,6; T. U. Woodre sam" U, Clint'_ t. G. A. Ma~: ket, sa~ $9.50: Oram Shou., SAme, ~.150; M1'8. H. S. Smith: ~me, $ , Blair & LeRo" coal furnialled et family duriq JUly Ruby 1InRlper, food turnished relief imiliy lluriftC July $19 • Cb... (' Hildebrant,' f12: .Bay S""rt, .ame, .7.60; A..Shli flett, line, Robert ReieheJ, lame, 16; P. B. Luldngbeal, ~; Elbert Wanace, I. G. A:, i9; E. B. ThirkfeJd 4 Son Co., rthill&' tU!'1Uabed reliat tamili durinr . July $20' Wrigh Market, food fur~iah!!d r~ lief f~iel during July •. $19: W. H. eHenry, .arne, $17: OhaL P. at ..tne· $12 lvine-Jame.on Dr\ll . ',. drUB furnl.hed reUd tamill durlq JuIY. fll.08: l:auf. DIaD'I IothlDIr turallbed r.Ud (lurina July. ,111- .8 I , Food Mark.t, fOod four. famill.. durtna .Jaly A•• P. T.a Co'


:Allee Gilmour, administratrix of the e.tate of Joaeph Gilmour, deceased, ftled her Inventory. . . ;rhe wUHlf Margarfl-Wllmotb. d!!Ceaaed, was flJed in probate. A eertifted copy of the entry d... terminlnr the inheritance tax 00 the I!state of Edward T. G.,imm, deceased, ia to be certifled without delay. . ~abel E. Blair and ~obert III. BI~I~, e~ecllto~1 of the estate 01 BenJamul H, Blair, deeeaaed, med their InventoyY. . The will Qt Della A. Foater, de. cealed, wa. Ale d In probate. . L()~tl~ Stok.. flIed Mr appUcatlon :lor. tbe appolntm.n't C)f a C\1ardlan .of Chart.. IMter Crockett, Roy !lucen. Orookett and SDiitl\'. _~' Helen INn Crockett, qliDon. RlcJa.rUl.n, fur: Lloyd OoUiv.r an4 .•Leman 001. famUI.., liver wer. appointed UmlalattaCo _ e '818. W C tors of the ..tat. of C7nthla aarne:' , • .is:' :aianhari , tood . furatahed reU,f Colliver, deeeued, and fUad ot '4000 with luretl... famm . • d\lriq July, ,88,150; The Ay~rl, Orlando Moore KroreiGroeery A ' BaIdnW Co., !hltacre were' app.o inted, 67.88; Ohio' Cenu.l Tete• . " phone iOrp., refit T&riOUI olllees The will. of Marpret Wilmoth. Sermber '511.60. . __ ••_ __ decea..d, ill admitted to probate. .' The estate of David L. Hutr-.! . mall, deceased, ill exempt from InI ~W herttanee tax, The estate of Jobn Lamb, M- ' S b' . d". . . ceased, ia exempt from inheiitaJlee c opene _onday with • tax. . . pod . 9Jbneot. Jam.. Beam The estate ot ,WOllam J. 8ber- Prlnf!n' a"th To~]JnaoJl, inter' Beam prim81'7. wood, deceased, is exempt frolll in. Dl~_ heritanee tax. · ...... ~. COIDpton, who hal The e.tate of Pet.r P. Benham, .,.. iQor 10 lotlc a ti..., il eon· deceased, i. uempt from IIlhm- elderabl lmpro••d. . tance tez. . .•• -'d.I(,ra. Pet.n eN attend· The adjudieatJon aDd determlhat tlon of the inheritance tu 08 til. aad lira. Horaee ..tate of ....ed Kampe, cIecea.... II 9. a ' IOn. to be Irfven to all p.rI01lIlD.... BoJIaD..t 1_ .0.1 __ ed. . .. .. .eJlUlq wft:b lI.r lOa Barl ucl

,II . .

. . . .DINO ova. TH. HIGaWAY you, oar eoalraatIJ dr.wII•• ,; . . . . It wlda '.1011 •• , aad t~. lIIak....'.1 ... It' UI" iliON air tbea ~0U-




CAN'T ... TID Dfn.UlUiQ&-or feel or .... U it - 'ut wida rMllM roll . . t llllooth,r, iliON uDiforlD perforlll_.

.....'... ,.0.

· Y ·in

from your school books t.h at nothina burns withqut air. And that's just as true of the galOline your car-as of the coal in the locomotive'i tender. Gasoline mQst milt with several thousand timel aB much air to make the "g.a s" that tuns your car. Alild even little variations jJl ·the weather, changing the air ftom hot to «;old, or from. damp to dry, can' alter the quality oly-ouf "ga~." People say we made Mobilga. "weatherwi~" whe~ we gave it Climatic Control. What actually happened il that we made this gasoline mix better with air. And the reBult it . smoother performance, steadie~ power, quicker Itaning. Try Mobilgu-and lee what we mean. You'll find it at any station that showl the Flyinl~ Red Hone. OU'LL RBMEMBER





aal.,. !tn.

ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN rour Cattla, bOPJ., ahe.'p and to Broek \;0" 11.. I!ro ...1.. ftrm t?r the tit JDaXat pric .. and cooa. ... UnIon 5.';'11 V......' CI.el._'~~ . Tune In on a.dlo Statton W 1. :211 to 12 :80 p. m. for our daD, mlrltet r4!portl.



CARY'S JEWELRY SHUP ., LEBANON, OHIO We have a complete W.ld. Repair Senic. Prices Reasonable Beads Re8trung Jewelry Repaired. "THE HOME OF GinS"



.. .




' WAYNESVILLE, Phone 80 Bank ]11". c

F~ r~ Martin . Auctioneer !

SAnSFACTION ' . 0 N Ch ,r . 0 ara. Centerville, Ohio Phone 78J


WU" 0..... . .



Stanley &loo~er Auctioneers all& ITAJlUY

..... au. ..................... EAIlL 'ltooou.'


It. . . . . . .. .

CLASSIFIED . . ADS. roalAU FOR ' SALE-lCeJltucky Wonder Beau fo1' eanlllnC. L. V. Bran.. nator, Phone 116R2.. . eal'7. FOR SALE-18 Ewe.. L, C' St. e John. .7

WAIIT&D POl1LT&Y-Hlabe.t marlret prlet paid for .... po-Itrr. .....

IIutIock. Pbo... .11&1,


------the red·and.pId eoWe, • period of B<mehead Jim Tierney, the de· ad.a..tqeI net ullIU~ teetive, will rive the reader many ine the lummer HOft. uciting hourll in the months to MotoriDr will M more pl.....1t ISSUED EVDY' THURSDA.Y come. ring the 1!ext few weelu Itt..... William Heyliger, whose true·to· or the cooler tempera\ur.. c.r D. L CRAn I • P_..... ls.~~ PrIM, " 1.10 • Y.... life, &,l'ipping vacatlonal storleR driver, will be able \0 travel for OIl. . . . . . . ....................... N •• 111 .t Poatotftca .t Wa7lluhave won him wide acclaim trom dlltanCfl wi~oot IUIl'.,. . ., ..... ......................... N •• 111 "lIIe, OJalo••...:::;rll~ Ol ••e Kall Farm.ra· Inc_ C~ter parents and librarian. ali weil ~B the fatiJr\le tbat eom.tilll,e re· • Ac~~:E===a-==--=~ -===~~~~.. ...__~-=~===~~~ ' f 'h . d the hearty approval of boy , IS foM'll warm weather Oh 10 armer!\. oas !naome 'k' . ' S ff . • f •. ing 1933 was' 14,196,000 g~ ' at ":O! l~lg on .ne\\ . st~rle;t. til s of Ohio countrJ land SEPTEMBER 13, 1934 =::::o=;=o:::::::o=================,......,"""'===~==-_ COLUMBU A letter recelVell cases for 21 days )8 adVised. than during 1932 according to th "nteIS are mtcrVH!~ lOg famous g the colorful autumQ aealOD U S Department of A I'ic~ltuf(le coaches and athlet and w~rhJbeen extolled in poem and from MI'l!. Nellie Bmery Hen son of Paola, Kiln., by Secretary of Over 80,000 books were 8!mt to l~ addition to this incl'e! c Buck~ I flowned ex plorers, lo bring bOYH Now is the time for motorstate Georg~. S. Myers inquiring publio, private .and parochi~l ele· eye farmers received ,2,138,000 in the color and fun or $P01'ts and to see th~se beautiee flnt.hand. One question is inevitably asked the who un~rtakes to ~hat.tbe mIlitary .. status. ~f the mentary and hIgh sc~ools c~uringlAAA 1988 rentlll and benllfit paY' lt ravel. !.A, sho,t jaunt over any road tha~ d I t h man Squu'l'el Hunters or CIvIl War August by the stllte !Ibrary II) r • ments, making th total cash in. In short,. THE ~MERI AN Ip88les through the real rural dlla v Ie or eac others how to do something. , , days has brought OUI. some inter· spon to letters maIled by tate come $16 384 000 gl' ater :for 1933 ~OY, und~r Its new l)tlC , ~vill con .tricts 01 Ohio will unfold mahy It the man happens to be a stockmarket counselor, the quelltion is : esting :facts. after investigation of Librarian Paul A. T. Noon offering than 193'2 Value of Ohio rar tlnue to gIVe boys a magazme that beautle8 that will well repay the If, you can make money for other people, wby can't you make money Ule records Irl the adju~nt gen· free library service •. In .on.e day Jumped I~om ,114 164,000 ~~ , me8sures up to th~ best standard tourist tor the trip. , for yourself, and why do you want to bother with telling advice. eral'a offic~. !drs. Henson IS one of la8t ~eek 1.8 school lIbrarle8 were f146 668 000 over th: eriod lrom I set by. ad.ult m8&,azmes. Send your Winter travel over the beat of The answers are many. One former advi8er aays in the commlSSIOnel'l! of *e Kansas supp,lied WIth an average o.f 200 1982' thr~ugh 1938 P !<ubscnptlO n to THE AMERI AN d t b pi t b . nOY, 7430 Second Blvd., DetrOit, roa s may no e' as easan . e· a recent book that the profits from his advice and his mode it market Federation of Women's Clubs, and books each. The demand ~,n the f . ' her father W 1\1 Emery was a state traveling library sen'iee is Michigan. Enclose your nnme amI eause °h ~he darkd~ri and ,lodomlher opel'atlCtn8 are sufficient to make him financially independent. He says mentber of th~ f~mous o~ganiz:a- heavier now than it has ilVet. been. Car CLed. ' Effec:ti".. add res and the proper amount IIf atm~bllJlI ~MC con. It ons ~n t. that he has no desire to be known as a big plunger and never stake. t' f h ' d II d t d Checking stolen cars in Ohio 8C' money the THE AMERICAN POSSI e InCOnvenlencell. everythinIP . . as suc h ,men d o. a e h as no wish to fend Ion <)Ohioolneagainst guar s ca 0 eF or~y-two. alrpor"" . . .- an d 1. d.' . ' C~I'Id r n e8p~cla . Uy wen. ill j OJ . ~ .on a 81 ngIe ca:mpalgn Gen.e Kirby "in mit cor~lJIg to motor num~I' of the BOY will soon be headed YOUI' way pile up IfIllhons. He Is satIsfied With a mollest competence; hlB ego de. Smith's Oonfederate raiders who fields In various stal'es' of construc vehIcle by the Bureau of Motor loaded with reading thrills. the Illihts of OhiO landscape durlDe manda no more. threatened the state at Cincinnati. t10~ or haVe justbeencompletedin Vehicles has' proved of in~sti. • - • the aulu~n season. The trip, will ~ eduoatlonal for the~ and tbey Such explanation are uncollvinci ng. People continue to wondel·. Mr. Emery enrolled in a company Ohl.O, ae~ording to Capt. Fred L. mabIe aid not only to ~tate HI;8'h. They observ that books on salesmanship are frequently writt n from Miami township, Clermont SmIth. dnec,tor of .the atate bureau . way ~atrolmen and pO~lce officlal.s Will be ,able to. under.tand better . tl county The company al 0 inclUded of aeronautics. Thlrty·flve of theBe of OhIO but also lo polIce authorl' some of the pomts of their echool by aaleam n who ar".,. OU t 0f 'JO bIi. B 00 kII on 8t oc \an ark et opera on . " •. t M' f th t' f d' h O' t d' etten come t f • ,,, b k d " five others of the same name They are mUnlClpa, alrpor s. 0 e les 0 surra un mg sta....,s. hlo S U les. . . rom unllucceSi ul ope~ator~. Many ~o.• on a vertlslng were Ca t. L P. Emel' co~mand latter ~re new ~elds: located lit Is one of the few states providing See Ohio this autumn I P Y are written by men Who are undistmgu18hed praciltlonen. e of th E 'J E Oirtlevtlle, MarIetta, N(ll'Walk, 24-hour servle on all motor vehi· ---The true ~xplanation of this paradox is probably something Iik.a. Greorgfl ~:~;;pa~~'nry' A Eme:~ Port Clinton, Sharonville, T'o ronto cle reiistl'ation inl01matlon. A rec . PUBLIC SALE thl~: Theory .~nd practice require dlft'erent temperaments. Few men of and Edwin D. Emery. Th~ "s~uir. Van Wert, Wilmington and Woods ~rdof . all atolen license tags is " ~ctIO~ are dIsposed to analyze why th~y do. things; ·they rely .on rei Hunters" were not eligible to fiel~. Another new one is at the also kept at the ~otor Bureall We want to thank the business T~e unde.rsigned will olrer at mtuitlOn. 'rhey get slight 8ati!faetion from teaching, whereas thl> member-ship in the G. A. ~. Mrs. NatIOnal ~uatd field . at Camp headq~aTtel's. RadiO system of men and friends of Wayne ' vi lle nlllural teacher is delight~d to PllilS his knowledge along to others. Henderson was told because they Perry. WhIle cc;m structlon elf han· the Highway Patrol acts as the fOT theiJo generou and loyal sup- Pubha Auctlon on Some of the most succe sful teachers of aalesman.hip are jj() piti- wer never muste;ed into the gars was not oontempla~d when medium for disseminating stolen port to The Waynesville chool Saunda,., S.t...... r 22, fully incompetent. II all'smen that they are' com eUed to \1m 10 United States 8ervi~e. Gen. Lew the C. W. A. proltl'l!-m for airports c!1r data, . which is avails,bIe at . all band for the Concel·t !leason. It At my I'esidence on Miami othel' to sell th . . ., .Th J h IIPth vi p./' Wallace wa tb ir commander and ~as be~un III.8t De~ember, change~ Itunes durmg the ~ay or. mght. LIl!t3 was their kind genero jty which Street, at 1 p. m. the followlnr s elr servl~es. e sa esroan W 0 se e set" cell DllUle they numbel'Cd 15,500. In polley and mcreased 100al ,01 all cars atolen m Olno are given ade the concerts possible tor Bou8ehol~ Goods n~ore o~t of the enterpnse than th xperts. How4iver. this does not interest have resulted in these highway patrolmen each day. Waynesville thi pa t ~Un1mer. We 1 Heahng Stove, Cherry Cbe. dIsqualify tbe eX~ert8l . Itr.uctures ~eing plann~d 01' being hope one and all will patronize of Draw~rs, "'alnut Bureau, WalOne of the lug producers' among maurance salesmen was asked to b A rep just iil~ued by the iI~te built at nine fields. Th~le are OId.A,. Pen. ion P... these business men to show their lnut Table, KItchen Table, Bed, Ohio old age pension paymen~ appreciation for th ir kindness in Bedding, Rocker, Clothe. Rack, Ilddres8 a convention on the al·t of alesrnanship, and all he could think . uresfu °bl~nsPffiectlon .and BuperVIS- GallipoUs, Mansfield, 14arietta, "1 . , .. ' Ion a pu IC 0 ces glv compara- New Ph'ladelphia Ports 0 th ' . Lamp and Dith811 oI t Bay was, . tell them that Insurance IS a good thmg." He was so tjve financial tatisties of the 110. I .' .m u •Tfor August, the ,8econd month duro (lng the C;lOncerts. The I busy selling, that he never had refiected on the method he used. As a citi{!j! and 763 villages of Ohio Wfi IlldloughdbY;Z' WII~llington, Woods. inc, which pensions have been reo ts and chairs were furnished I ChAitso 2a BAne lets °tth TooCll' Tbool e an anesvl e. . d f th' ... t by Jam .. E ' M cClllre e8 , xe, y e, row ar . . t ae her h. wa$ z e r o . . Tabl~1l show the rece.lpts an~ ex-l _ _• _ celve , ro?, , e s .... e !fovernment .. Wood, Etc. In 'vlew of tbe foregoing, what IS expert advice worth? It depends pendltures ot all of the municipaliA new check hst of Ohio state by ~ged IndIgent l'eslde!lts, am· The foJlo~mg are thll contnbu.TERMS CASH on how the advice 'l used, and the capacity of th buyer to Uge it. ties in 1933 as well as the debts, I pu.blic doc.merlt, has been isslled ounlling to '~8,286.09. ThIS sum rll rs to the concert fund. . GEO ZELL . One man can get rich out of all idea; another can barely make a , Jiving. salary and wage expenditlues and by the secretary of state for the prese~te an mcrease of $7~,288.50 X:amesGE. McCluAe,~. ~. Sm;th. W. N. Sea... Auct. benefit of citizens desirin&, In- over uly. when total pensIon pay· ~&'her F rocery, E' h' ay, elf Evef(ltt Sea~s Clerk To mo~t people advioe i worth approximately What the)' pay for It. tax levie of the dties. . . . formation as to what pUblitcations ments were $13,996.60. At tae mIt, armers xc ange, Mad~ " T o t he exceptIonal man It 18 worth a thousand times what It coats. . t db' t t d end of August 660' "el'son8' had den Lumber Co Browne's ReG • - ••- - Th ' f h b ·d· 'd dl " 1 'f . b h' The state departm nt of health are prm e y varIous ~ a e e· .. .. ., ~o~ 0 UI W 0 uy a vice avol lappo ntment 1 we ear t IS l'epdrte that there have been no pal'tmentB. The list contains titles been certifle~ to the stafe auditor taur~nt, ~er ~yman, Gordon' NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT ,In mmd. A fe",; can 'get rich out. of advice that sell. for ,60 a year; new CalleA of sleeping sickness at and desoriptions of state docu- for pensi0!l checks. 'In July only Serv!ce Sta., ~oyle's ~eat Mn~e most of us can t. Clyde and vicinity for the past two mentl! issued since April 1 lind also 1100 pensIon checks weremailedServ!CeS~atlon.S?hlo .Seryu~eEstate ·ofDanieILesterCI..De weeks, and that those affected with catalogues a num'beT of older doc. out. tatlOn, RI.dgc StudiO, The Little Deceued. ' In~, Chaa. Ander8~>n Sr., Sto~e · 1 Notice ill bere-by given that . _ the strange disease are recovering um(!nta. The pamplet, containing ,I.. . During the past 16 years, 1,400 eight pages, is of value to (:ollegea, HUlller for Sw••t. Dalr!, Rogel'll &; Simpson Se1'Vlce Flora ~. Crane, whOle Poet 0 • • ~Ight aIRS, persons have died in Ohio from l8Choo1s, libraries, IItudentll, famiOhioans are eating more candy ~ta~I0S' P~CkSS~t~ tau~a~t! ShAid i Addresl!I III .WaYl)ellville Ohio, h.. . thi~ cause, !howing that it IS not ers, sportsmen, attornttts and thi8 yea~ tban in 1933. CQnfecqon ~n 8 ;,rvlce rJ.?n, . a I~S tte been duly appointed ~ Ad.lnll' Il new disease in the state, How-' readers in ,eneral. Copilee are Ii!'Y consumption in the Buckeye T ~ onner, laml aze tra~rix of the Estate of DaDlel The Ohio State University Radio StatIOll-WOSU eve r, until last month there is no belnl sent to all colleles, c:ity, rur state for the first seven ntonths of L w~;s 'fthea~er'I Faj1ey HarJdwa~e Le ter Crane la.e of Warren record of the affliction having ever al. private and parochial high this y ar ia 16.8 per cent above e ay- a~ e, nil. gency. ames County, Ollio, deceased. . 8 :00 Music usumed epidemic proportionll.lschool libraries, bar assodations, thAt for the corresponding period L.~lvelr; Chn~; Mar~t, "karnes. Dated this 6\h day of September 8:06 Farm Adjustment News '1 . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . . John W. W.uichet From July 26 to Augu8t 27 laat 58 newspapers and other agfllBtlel in of last year. Ohio consumers' sweet ~ ~1l r~g Aor~ S ebb ~wke, 1934. 8; 16 Fact and Figures on the U. S. Corn Crop . ..... Guy W, Miller casea occurred in a local outbreak the "tate. toeth caused. them to pend about B rVI e M'a y , M' . j'd ~f'!Ie RALPH H. CARlEY 8 :26 Music . in and about Clyde, oausing eight . $160,000 a month, a report from Rr~~n, r8. ame a tft e , lS Judge of the Probate Coun 8:40 ' -Ii Achi vement Progranls .... ........... ...... :............... C. C. Lang deaths, Most of those afflicted were All records for registrntion in tile foodstutrl!l division of the U. S. Ch'Ddlerb epp J. W. ~otz, ~. S. S27 Warren Count" Ohio. ~. H:~v:k ~ T , Jf8. A ena 8 :60 The Making- of a Florist .,.. ..... .. .................. ............ Alex Laurie of advanced year, 21 being 66 the larK!! book in the State HOUle commerce department shows. 9:10 MUlic or over. The only death under 68 rotunda were broken wid,e open ' C ' rs. ruax, r. nna NOTICE OF APPOINTIlENT 9 :00 Jolontjromery Oounty Women Make Rugs Mrs. Robt. Trowbridge years was a child of four. The de· during five daye 01 State Fair Safety SU..... tlOIU adwalla~r, Mrs. . Cross, P'Yedo ' partment-~ has I'ssued a bulletl'n de- week, when 930 "erllons wrote Suggeatlons . . \VllitamMeon,d nb Freel EnrIewoo, d Oh 10 .. to make the people WhIte Misf8. Ethel 11 Eltate af Harriet E . Fum.. dl9 :25 Rural Adult Eduoation .... ..... .. .......... , .............. .E. O. Bolender scribing the symptoms ~nd nature their D.amea on 30 pagea of the "safety conscious" and reduce !If rs G' S . h W 1 e a, C/iM d. Hilliards', Ohio of the disease. Quartine of all rerister (31 names to a pllII'e). the number of motor cal' accidents • eOW(l~~a~k ':o~~r ast. Notice i, hereby clveD ·that !'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!II!!!!!!!!!''!!!!!II!!!!~~''''~~!!'!!!'"!!!!--''!!''''~~~_!'"'"~''!.....'!!!!'!~~~_'!!!'!'~'''"!!~~!!!!~!!!'!!!!!!!!!II!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!II!W in the .ta~ have been l'eceived by The Waynesville Band AlBocia- Laurence W, Furnae who.. Pod the Obio Safety Service Commis· tion. · ' Office Add...... fa Wa)'1l..nn., slon from various industrial con· Parents 10 the Band Children. OhiO, baa been duly aPP9bated. .. c rns, civic groups 'a nd other organ • _ ••_ __ Administrator of the J:atate GC izatione interested in safety which Harriet Il. Fum.. late of WaneD have been enlisted in the stateCounty, Oblo, dec:eued. wide salety movement inaugurat. Dated this 29th day of A • •1t ed by the commission. ItS •. Among the suggestions are com C. Drake, -Atty. pulsory testing of the mechanism CHARLES B. DEOHANT and tires every 80 dal'l, enforce Actinrr Judee of the Probaw ePee ding laws, enact a drivers' law Court. Warrh Count,. OliJo. streslling particularly the responAlthough the 8ea~on ending S20 sibility and reliability of drivers, Labor Day is generally recombed .... bear down on the intoxio.ted as the .busie,t for tourists and gendriver and II()rap all cars carrying eral pa88t!nger automobile traffic White R_ _ Power ..... ~ less tban "0~ NRA value, the on the roads we are now entering hind the_...... Idea bein&, that no ooale.r or used zs car dealer be allowed to sell cars that are fit only for the ·scrap pile. 9 :3& The Brown. Rat II :'5 4~H Club Conrreu Meeta on Campus


Cross Road Chatter

Best of the News Direct From the. OhloO State Capt"tol




, Ad vile.















I September 17











---_.- ---


Next Weeli:


Baw I. Ohio Abo.,. A_a•• National banks in the state of Ohio can boast a bdter rec;ord than the average for the rest of the country, according to J. F. T. O'Conner, national comptroller of the currency. L.~t year's general banking holiday is now but a memory for most of the national institutions in thi. state, O'Conner declared.

September 18, 19, 20, 21


Stock FieW. With Rae_a' Some time after. ' September '15 mor~ than 1260 racoons will be freed from the Ohio state coon ranch at Milan and placed in Ohio forests and pme land•. Conserva. tion Comml88ioner William H. Reinhart uu that .hunters epecial prej:autione to permit the liberated coon. to become adjusted . ~ their new eJlvlro.nment belore huntlne them. The raccoon hunt. ·Inll sealon opeDe November 16.

One .of Ohio's Greatest Count, Fairs . H~meu Racing on WednelCl_y, Thursday.and Friday Aftemoo~s

Bi, Li~~~tock Show and As.;cUlt.irai Displays. Hi,h School 'Footb.1I Game Friday AftemoOD, Lebanon Hilh VI. Franklin ·HigH. ' ~'~ H

Club Exbibita Amolll the B••t.




Friday at 1·1 A. M

Here', important news tor the boy. ot Amerlea. THE AMERlCAN BOY-YOUTH'S COMPANION, the Qation'. quality ma&,uine fot boye, .h as been reduced from f2.00 to 1.00. The three·year n.6Q, hal been reo

Lota of Showl, Gam.. and Rides.

,~;~nl:E~~b:to reduce thecoetot I~ N BOY to readers;

. I

Fourth Annual Warren County 'Baby Beef Club Diaplay. Auctic'h r




time we have bee.n

a'se •


. Qaal_ty PrlDt11ll

Griftlth EllilJ, editor. "", 'We have "ectad lIav· I.... that .make the cut pOllllble, and we think 00,.• •UI qree that the new price it big neWl on the readiq , frout. We· bope boys wiU help oa to apread tile lIood Dew. b, teUine their friend.. " AIOIIC with the out In eoat, the ......1Il••• p.bllahera are plaalliDr that wU1 Hatmae to . . tM ..... ta letloll• ...uea., Iud


III \~:!~~~1'Jaeof faftrlte



'or th



of her parents

IIr. and MrtI. F. B. Hlmdnaon, Mrs

J. B. Gon and Mr. Glln (lnultaind at canis on Wednesday evenHln. l.h following guest : Mr. and lira. D. J(. mith, MI'. and Mr. Ronald Hawke, Mr. and Mre: J. H_ hllpman, h'. and :\'1'• . Harv y R • Mr. a1HI Mrl'. L. M. Hender8011, it. unci frs. Lt'pter Gordon. (r. ftlld Mr . Ross Hart. ock, Mr. lind Mol'S. J. Q. GonR, 1r. D. ('. Ridr lind Mi s Trillena and Margal'et Edwards.



<YERVICE • • • 11 . . . . . .

MTa. BrocllaDt, Mr. JOHph follow : Group A-Pr..hl nt. ar- White ....... HaiJlt' and two trienda and )In_ Earnbart; Vice Preald.nt, hind the Mlln •• Katb rine. Morrisoll and daughter Conner: Secretary, Ruth 11,11 of Cincinnati, were iueet. ot Salisbury. . fis Ruth (' handler It'ft Sunday Mr. anti Mr . Will Wilt and Mr. Ah!. Keziah Tbompson, on Sunday Group B --Presldt'nt. Pbylli for edarville, whel'e she \\ ill teach and Mra. Chari!! Let Vl!f. ot , Colle~t.. ; Vlc;e-President, Ruth LarLadiN' D,..-. 70e in Ih(' public .c hoola. Franklin, call d on Mr. I nd Mrs. Mrs . •D. C. Rldgf ha a her tick; Secretary, Mary Burton. The , Gtlorge Hartsock, unda , guesU! In Dayton, today. Mn. F. oei tiell will prepare a prorram M•• •• Suit.••a. Mr, and MI'&' Allred Wright and B•. Henderson, Mrs. J. B. Gona and consist ing of various literary top. quilt,. drrcl_l. . _ lon, Tom, at olumbus, sp nt The Mi .e Aldrid~e, of olum- MI Louisec Henderscn. A theater ics ami will (:ompete against each . . Wt'dne day In WaYl\esville. bus. were dinner lC'uetlt Cl! nS8e~ party will be followed b! a dinner other. Mr. Hannah TB 10 1' \ '1 ihllg Annie U. and Mam T, Brown, at at tht' PeerlellB Pantry 10 The senior section ha n similar relatives in Dayton. MI'. tlnd Mrs. Russell Martin anu The Little Inn, on Wednc~s day. bllrg. organl·~ation. Its offi~rs al'e Group daughters w r guest of frit'nds ,. ..~ 11'8. F. H. l"arl:' i vi . iting' ht'f near Ridgeville, on Sunday, Mrs. Mabel Dinwiddie, Mi B MI'. and MI' • Harold Williamson A-Marvin .Fox, pr~sld nt; Mile islcl' at Be ch GI'OV , 1111.1. • . ' . Antha 'Dinwiddie and ?iITs. Jim return d on Saturday from their Treadway, Vlce PI' SId en : Betty Miue Crano IS pendmg a O'Dell and children of Dayton fishing trip to Michigan, Little Hartsock, . ecretal'Y . .Group BMr. Mert Baird was a bu ine few days at ' the home of Mr. and were und y callen of Sarah Richard, who has been vi iting b Ruth P nnl~gLon, pr~8Ident; Ft'ank __ ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'... visitor in Indianapoiis, WednesdllY. Mrs. H. . Burnett, on Route 8. Butterworth. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hawke. VIce presIdent;. Helen Williamson, accompanied hi . Green~, secretary. InterestlDg proThe onner family reunion was l\frll. Frank Stansberry snd grams have been made out fOI' to their home in Dayton . Mr. and Mrs. Howen Peirce, ullday, at the home or Mrs, daughter, Mi II 1\1:a1'Y, spent Wed. Mrs. . M. Hend reon nd ,Mr8. these lrT0up al 0, and we hope the ollner. nesday with relatives at Oakland. Dudley Keevel', or tM Friends Mr. Ru~el Benson, of Cleveland Sgeiety will broaden the viewpoint Mr, and Mrs. Myer Ryman were Home boal'd, ' are in Dayton on in d bis family over the week· aAd interests of the literature stu· H. W. B edle, of Dayton is the in incinnali Sunday and Monday business today. end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. dents. gue t of Mr. and Mrs. George in ob ervance at the JewlMi New W, P. Salisbury where they llave ~'"""""""''''''''''....'''',.,...,'-. Waterhouse. ited ~he pa st week. Mrs. Ben so n Mr. and Mrs. . B. lIenderson, Attend Summer School Y%r. Fri.-Sat.-Sept., 14--15 Miss Louise Hend rson and Master and two -son, Richard ond Rob The teachel'8 who attended sumMrs. ar) ervis .lind 80n visit d , MI". and Mrs, George troud and Matthew Turner will leave Sunday Roy, returned to C I~veland with ZANE GREY'S mer schools and the institution in Mr. and Mr . B. E. J ohns in Da'Y. son. Carter, spent the w ek-end morning for Sara ota, Fin., wbere Mr. Benson on Sunday. which they ,ere cilrolted are as t on. last week. . with the former's Ister, Mrs. Otho they will spend the winlier. Miss flertha Filer retumed to follows: Henderson. with • t Mrs. Florence Davi Huddle, 01 Cincinnati Bible seminarY after a Mr. G81'st- Nortb·Western {l.eorg O'Brien, laire TrevQr Tile Wayne 'I'own hlP F~I'mers Madisonville, and Mrs. Lou Tfrry two weeks vacation with her parsity. ~l , Br ndel and Lucile Lllvern Merchants club member were entertamed at Johnson, of Cincinnati, were call- cnts Mr. and Ml'S. Joe Filer at Mr. Braddock- Wilmington the home of M.r. and Mrt'!. Carl ers at the home of Mrs. Sarah Ferry. Miss Bel'tha is entering her lege. 5un.-Mon.-Sept. 11;-17 Duke, today. Kimmerle Wednesday dternoon. filth year and will be assistant Mr. l\facDonal~-WiJmingt0!l teacher to the president of the lege. JIMMY DURANTE - LUPE Miss Elizabeth Chandler left Members of the Ladic~8 Aid, of eminary fOI' fhl! coming year. Mr. Turnel'- Wilmington College. Here VELEZ Tuetlday for Hampton, Va ., to the M. E. chUl'ch, 1.ook their . Miss mith- Bliss Business Colin re ume her dutie8 a t Hampton In. uipment to Lebanol~, today, ~ veral resi~ences ch~nge8 a~o lege. (Continued from P.~. U sHtll te. where they are preparing to serve lakmg place thll! week. MIl~8 ~attle, Miss Campbell-Miami Uni\'ersity. "Strictly way popped to ' the catcher nding 1\{r. Forest Crane lind daughter, m als during tbe Warrlen county Cook has movcd I.nto rooms In the Miss Day- Miami Univ(!r ity. the game six to four. ehnlcs Rye re Idenee: . Mr. and MI 8 Carter- Wilmington College. Miss Marjorie, of Cincinnati,. werc fair. Next Sunday the Merchants will d inner "'ues·· of Mrs. Maude rane f ..". h ' Mrs. M. A. Fulkerson w}!1 tlecupy Mr. Brown- Ohio State University Wot trength I, Wot Yolningl .. .... Mr. Fl'ank Day, 0 •• Inc Mis ,Cook's home on Mam street; pillY the Postown Indian Oil the Wot Pa. slon I family on Sunday. Ky., pent several daYil last week Mr. lind Ml'll. Will BI'adley have home grounds. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Kibler and with his parents, Mr. and ?tIr . ,A. taken the Elmer Rogers home, Mrs White Rose, the depenWAYNESVILLE MERCHANTa family and Mrs. Eupbamia; Hough. K. Day. His moth r returne? With Rogers and MLs Margaret haviJlg of called on relatlVcs and him to his home where Ishe IS hav· moved to Dayton for the winter. dable Gasoline. AB R R.PO A E here. Sunday. ing a delightful visit. Simpson and family will Thqmpson, s 5 1 1 1 2 4 ' M occupy a bank fiat and Mr. and Laurens, 2b ." 4 1 0 " 2 2 Mr. Lelia Swank and Mr. S. A . Mr. and Mrs. Cbarles Myers, r Mrs. Everett Sears will take t'he p====~;====~~=============== GO\'l', c( . ,.... 4 0 1 4 0 1 - - - - house on Third , stl'~t vacated by Peck, Ib ....... ,. 3 2 2 11 0 0 the impsons. Warner, p .... 4 0 1 0 13 0 Treadway, Sb .. 6 0 0 0 0 0 Yeq'r )I. Weller. e .. 4 0 4 8 0 1 The modern funeral director performs many Schuler, If ..... .4 0 0 2 0 1 ervices for the bereaved family-ser'Vices which no Davis. rl ." .... 3 0 0 1 0 1 1511 Luey Emit'· .njoy.d a varati')11 fronl her dutle~ at lht' po t fllc la t wt'ek.





"The Last T.rall"

Lo.e To Eaat Side Cycles La.t Sunday


- IOc Everybody

We grownup have a pro. f undly k.lndly thought tOday for the school teac.her, who iuided UB through the dark mYllteries of Reading and 'Riting and 'Rithmetic. patient instructors deserve our heartfelt appreciatiol.l and 9gery reward witbin our means. ••



-...,----4 9 27 17 10

.A.H.STUB8S /l'Unehtil

~AST S~: iy~t;!S A






1 2 1 2 0 0 0 ()

2 () 0 2 '1 0 2 11 0 1 1() 0 1 1 0 0 3 .. Q 1 0 0 () 10

0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0



8 27 17


Totals ......


one el e ha the training, experience ~r equipment to provide. This profe ion has grown up in response to a need of modern society .

(Continued from pal'e 1) rhursday evening, September 18, it 8 o·clock. AU memoe,. are uxgcd to bring their parents. Fri.nds a're cordially invited. TheN! will be initiation of new members. Many pupils have joined but we hope to increase this number with· in the next six week.&. Thuraday evening Mr. Bodenbender, our new coach, will speak. Members of the committee are elpeeially anxious for ,t he Freshmen to be present.


stewart. ss .. , 5 IIUI'-\ E 29 Myerll, 3b ..... 6 __ ..," Riner, If '" .... Ii WAYNESVILLE. OHIO Hilton, c ,.. , .. I) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!I!_ Matao n, 1 b .. ' ... Ii Britton. cf ...... 4 D Cristman, 2b" Alleraft. rl ...... 4 Turner, p .' .. , 3

An IQ1portant Consideration

School Get. Under 1+ay; Soft Ball to Be Played

Totals ......... 36


"CAnDtll.~1 V. .J. H . It .



128 ' ,66789Mercbants ., ., 000101101- 4 Cyclet ...... , 1 0 '" 0 0 0 0 1 0- 6

Orlr_i_ Litlratarl Societie. The Junior section of American literatnre has organized two lit· erary .8ocieties, eacb having ~lect· ed a set of OffiCel'I, They are as

Stolen base. -' _ Thompson 2, GonB, 1, Peck 1. Wernet,' 1, Auraft Bases on Ball~8' Turner 6. Two base hib G&ftS, }I Weller Peck, Hilton 2. ~ome run_Matson. Passed ball_H ilton. Wild pitch-Turner. . Earned l'uns--Herchants S. I!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!! S. CyclH 1. Struck out--Warner 7, Turner


White Ro,' " the dependable Gasoline.

The co t of the funeral ' n8 turnlly includes a charge for this professional service. Whether it is itemized separately or added to the price lof the casket "with complete service", it i a legitimate and nece&$ary part of the funeral expense. Like any other profe's sional man, the funeral director has made an investment in educatiQn and equipment for the service of the public, To consider him as a mare retailer of merchandise is to miss the most important and valuable feature of his work.

.I. E. lIeClar• Pia.... 7 -



Left on base~el'chant Cycles 8. Umpire-Buzick. Time of game-l

----_ --...


Innel·Taylor and two of tltb dogl th at will taici Quoin Maud Mou~t.ln., 50C'mllea aw,~y.



to th.

L1T1'LE AMEHlCA" ANTAltC'l'J- lett :~Ione on llle sillds:e sltlmmln& C..,.. Sept, 4 (vIa .Mackay Ra- over the ice at a speed whlcb I am , ld:1o) - Labor Day was a reAl labor willing to swear waa ,60 ml1esao ~ay wllh UII . We labored (loom early ,h our. Anyl1olv. It Was d,IrD faat, too .ID the morning until Illteat night rlUlt for comrort. oat ollr work ot getting I'BlI.d¥ for the My "ajlhllgb~ bad dropped out of raotor and (log sledge trips to tbe my hand and the(e was ] .Ummlng :Queen Maud Mountalne and the alr- along the hard packed Bnow at ter· !plane flights pr esplorat)otl we · rUle speed In utter darlknes •. Some l~haJl be lakinl In a month orao thrlfJ! S cretl)' r Can tEll\ you) was 'from now. scar d tad ath. Dut not ror long. When ) am not ' working on tbe we all C;lU'ry sbeath tractora ) am very bUBY asslsUng , knlvel!. With a; rew aluhes I cut the Stevenson Corey. of Wlnche8ter. chute looae and evelntWl,lly tbe Maas,. our 8upply officer, In addition sledge came to a stop. Skinner and to my 'normal work with the avla· Orlmmlnger ran up all excited and NOTICE tlOD gang. My work ' wlt.b Hal'Old breathless. bi the glOOlm they had Estate of Frank IJartBock, de. June, BtII Bowlin.' Paul Swan and vaguely , seen the chute liy loose POll .ALIt ceased Bill McCormack. the autogiro pltot and they thought I Wall attached to . ' from Lansdowne,' Pa.. hail , been It. We 'found the' paraclh ute lIevera. ,.OR SALE-1 S.hropshire &m. Notice is hel'eby given that Anna lltremely Interesting. All the airndred yards further along on th~, "l_ e , R 1. Hartsock whose Post Office address ' Lee En• and pre· snow and 81\Ivaged It. But you call 'c raft are being overhauled . ' ill Waynesville. Objo" R. F.D. has " , , , FOR SALE-Nearly, new Estate heen duly appointed a. Executrix ared for bIg thIngs in NOvember. bet that we · wlJl eQullP the sledge Heatrola. D. M. Coll.~. of the Estate 'a t F)'allk .YO'lInl'''' The engines ,were found In surprts· wltb brakea , before we, try this new , f W ' C Obi d .n.gly good condition. Tb,e ga80ltue game again. which we expecL to do FOR SALE--,167 AtWater.Xent la~ 0 arren ounty. 0, e· tanka have , been el'lanOd and In·, shortly. If this llien aplpeale to you cabinet radio. Will Bell for -,aO, ce~:~~d this lOtb day of Septem- '1pected and ' the overhaul work tty It out ne~t wlntE,l'. You may Oall, before Monday. .L. V. Beck. bel' 1984, ' " :jbould be completed by September brea.k your neck but ~ guarantee ~=====~========~==~, 10. This 1D0roing 1I0me of lae you' will have a , new thrill. ' ;;; , Dean ' E. Stanley, Atty' l)row\'l returnedtroin , lbe Day or Every dlly' the sun II, vJsiUng U8 RALPH H. CAREY ,_ White ROlf. the d.penJudge of the Probate Court IWbalea. ,A.ltbn Wade, gll()/oglst;' lor a longer period and we are beWarNn Oounty, O~io, from West l-lbllywo\)d, (lalJt.• had ginning lo ~et accuslomed to the 827 d --a.I.,Gasoline. . hla face and ba.oCls badly frostbitten lJgbt after the long I:pcmths ot lotal wbea he wall haullng a sledge in da(knellS, I never know Hght was tbe race at a strollg wind ,a t from so Important. Our drsposltions are 1.0 'Lo 6,0 degre ' 1\, below zero. Tbey ,beginnIng to loip,l'Ove and I espect IIdti't Jlnd any seals this tlme 'but' tbat wlaen the- IIlln 181 with UI t4 l>~ul Siple and othel'tl have dlscov- hours a day ' we shall again be II ?red 8QJIle and w~ are tryIng to lind ha~py little faD1Uy. ; ' 'lilt llj)W If iheystay bere all winter Admlral Byrd Is', con~ ~ r go away aa we tbougbt. staoll), atler [be wealiLlleBl! c.aUle4 You remember. lallt week I tQld by bls 10llg Isolation and the fumes ' ()IJ about It fast n.ew' game 1 have [rpm his sto,ve. He- Is, IltiU out ther eveloped lIud recommended tbat (n his hUl wlUl Dr. Poulter. Petll ,'ou try It !lOme time wben you want Demall and Amo", Walle but we ell o commit suicide. Here'. the dope. pect him to return here lIome ,tlm (1 Jernard Skinner, of Winthrop, Me .• wlthlo the next month to start thP 'vbo III called ~Rlp" becAuse he II bIg exploration aoUvities we came .. ..ell known parachute Jumper. down here to 'perfornll . I elpeet to llid I took out a .Iedge and a pa..... be, able to lell you lIt:,me very u . }bute the other day and (leelded to cULng ·tIIlnga trom n'~';' on, 10 If do lOme I1perilDeDUDC In "para' ,OU have not ,.et Joined our olub ebllte lranlportatlOD." George Grim· DOW Ia • Iwell Um. t<1 do It. TIle" ruJqer, oar aaal.tant meteo.-ologllt, Ia DO claar.e ...-bat.vel for ....bor "rom Wuhlnrton, D. C., JOIDed U8. Iblp, Dor for the btg IIWIlr.,llUr--tII18( w. trelLked up to the Barrl.r ...-h"re of tJle So1,ltll b wind wa' blo.IDC about t6 memberablp lUll.. per bour. We 'uteoed the clearsy .ellr-&4lldnllhldl' ltalllll"lCI ~racl&.te ~ tIM pulle4 9 lope to 11M at &b. Ai:tDerl••• ri, ..rd. DId • take Mr· I'll Quart.... AdcltMII

Estate of Alfred T. Wright, deceased. ' Notice is hereby given that James E. 13urke whose Post Office ~ddte8s ill LebanoJl, Obio. haa been duly appointed as Administrator of t~e Estate of Alfred T. W late of Warren County. Ohio, de· ceased. Dated this 1lth day of September 1934. HALPH ~. OAREY Judge of the Probate s27 Warren County, Oh

Late ClasSified Ads.







8,400 ,top tesu show

Imooth ·ttres aUele 77% far. ther-and other new 'tlnl , IUde .4% to 19% fartherthan New <;.3 All·Weathen. Goodyear. &riP belt, stop quickeat" ~use " of their' 0ENTElt TRACTION. NoW' IDlproTed ad ~e ' ~ lonaer-la,tln. ,in ,t he new, "G~S. t I Alao-aaaln.'t the slJ&h~ hazarci of blowout. -:1- aet the prptecdOD of patented Su~t Cord 'In


.....",EA. ALr'L~WEAT.HE'


EVERY ply.-Why FIJrt With

OeDt... Trac:tloq't~ -rtllbed a1c1ewal1t -8I1pen"lIt , Ctn'-Ilfetl ...



14.40 ,


108 . ~ bay. 'f'J'be Goodyear Martin of, 'Safety" at DO u~ COlt?

,,. , Pat _ N. . o.a'. aDd tK-at DO ...... c.t-''TIae


MarIbI 01 'I", .... Mo.r Jlauw' TIdckIr

Wl'.' AII-W•• tla., Tr •••• ,...... . ." . . . - - . .. 111 ..... 'wllll ~ .. PlaY""








Eiahty-Sixth Year

11 11




WAYNESVILLE HI GH Mr. aroi~~A:IHi: died at her pleasantly entertnined at a picnic CHOOl WINS f'lRST hom n ar liarveysburg, Friday, dinner on SundaY, at the home of S September 14, at 3 :30 p. tri. Nine The

f::::~: :~::E:ere


Mr , and Mrs. Clarenee Edwards: MI'. and Mr , M. E. Sherwood,

~~ ~~!;!~:~ul~d~:u~~:e!{r~Urh and Florence, Mr, and Mrs. Rich-

M. L. BrowD. OhMof of tke Dhl.JoD of Aid f~r dae Aced. Elt,IaiD.


Whole Number 61S8




ehildrl!'n survive: Mrs. athedne Deitrick, 'of Waynesville, Ml'Ij,I ===========r==.-=.:=

BALL G ME'~~~:~:sth :i~:~n~f ci~~~~anii,:~:: Marie Clark, West Carollton: J ohn

S.m'. Sweet Shop Team Fro.. Dayton Will Pl.,. H.... Next Sunda.,.

atd Price. and son Dicky, all of and A rthur. of Cincinnati, Jacob, Columbus; Mrs. Arthur Kibler Fre.ltm... Da.y W.. Celtebr.ted at home. George at Ft. Thomas, I\.nd daught rs Frances. Mary and Last wecI.... 4. LaICal Ky., and Frank. of Dayton. ' The Wayt1esvillc Merchants deSonle provisiona of Ohlo'B old Ellzabelt of it'cleville. Mr. and Funeral sel'vice were held in feated the Posttown Indiaos Ion a age pension law which became efHi.I. Scbool the Catholic church at Wilmington good boll game la t Sunday by tbe Mrs. John. Segal, on Virgil, and fective July 1 are mjsnnder8tood ~r:~!:Jr:~~~~~w~iI daughter Agnes of Loveland, Mr. Monday at 9 :30 a. m. and burial licore of 8 tG 4. Warner did a by many persons, A. D. Haney, and Mrs, Ralph Houston and son Waynesville won its first game wall in Wilmington cemetery. Rplent!id job of »itchlng altho the • old age pension invelltigator for ThOmas. o'f Spring Valley, Mr. and Ilf the season. downing Cenltervtlle ---Mr. Carl Hawke, of Dayton. viRi l· box ~cor shows PoaUown with 12 Wal'l n County. S8Y" HI',' and Mrs. E. F, Earnhart Mrs. C. A. Taylol', of Ft. Wayne, Tu sday evening. It 'was Ii great The infant child ' of Mr. and d Telatives here Wqdnesdny. hits. Warner 'did not jet down' for Such miauriderstandinga fr ... 'apent th~ . week.end at Celina . . In\l,: MI'. and Mrs. Jilek Watts• .gllme and the boys show.!d that Mrs. Wayne Planck, of Day· a moment and showed ' splendid ' d T ues d ay mOl'nlllg 'Mivg the nerve an d ' fl ne pIC ·t h'mg eSIH!CI. . Ily quently r suit in unjuat, criticism Mr. and Ml's. J . B. Gons were o f S an F ranCI' ~co , C,8l .; Mr. and they couldb handle the balli. How- ton, was urle " Rachel Pettit will "end t' w-int~r at the Friend' Ilome. in Plnc ' hes. ' ' C·har Ies K'bl of the law it8elf. and those ad- Dayton vidtors, Wednesday after- MrB. I er and ' daughter, ever, they were a little rusty in in Spring V a Ii ey Ceme t ery. ministering it, Mr, HlIney said. Li2zie. Mr. Allen Kibler, Mr, and IIpots for they 'made quite a few Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Fl'omm v\!;itMendy got back in tile rame To clear up some of the points noon. Mrs. Clsrenee Edwards and daugh~ eJ'rors nnd showed that ,Il little after an abse nce of a or 4 weekll ed l'datives in Dayton Sunday. f or about which misunderstanding la Mra. Allie Servis and son Rob. tel' Reba, of WayneSVille. batting ptactice would do them no anll pounded out 4 n Ic~ h't 1s most gen ral, the following resume ert and Milll Martha Cook were in - - -.... - - harm" ' Mr. and Ml's; A, F. 'Mell oh visit himself in five times at bat. of a statement by M. L. Brown, Cincinnati, Monday. The l1nal score was Wayne8ville ed relatives in Hamilton, Sunday. The top of the batting order aU Chief of the DiviSion of Aid tor 6, CenteTViiie 3, Th~ line up, hit very. nicely with Mendy's four. Miss Beatrice Robitzer is in the Aged of the State Welfare Centerville-Weidle. cf: Yeazel Mrs. H. H. William son ill visit. Cons with 2, Warner with two ana Department at Columbu8, was Cleveland, the guest 01 her aunt, 2b, Lewis. lb, Billet, 1f, Purdin p, ing relatives in Dayton and Piqua. Peck with two. Laurens and Mrs. Merle K'61'ns, made public by Mr. Haney: Bradford S9, Barnet Sb, Martin e, '''AQ ~t,S. W. N, aud EV·"r. t ear Thompwn each got one .nd "The guiding purpo e of the old ' Mr. Harry Schwartz, of LebWayne&"iIle motorists who haVe !Vl" ~~ ~. q T ompys was goo d L'lor the "I'rcult Woodard. Decker sf, Burt. Flynn b . . . D .. . age ,pension I.w in Ohio is to iive anon, was a business yilllt.or iii ~, ' been pAtking their aulomobH!!s in were u, iness VISitors III ayt on The Indian~ drew first; blood in r aid to thOse who are elig.iole under Waynesville, ,Tu~!lday. , front of their homes at night, have Monday. d ' I With a d ' f thO t . i ! ' Wayn sville-41l en CJ ' C:ook ab, h the sec on mn n&,o own T~ IIe names the several provisions ot the law, I) If y-uve Jurors '"' become rather wary of t e prac· . D NI'xon singlAd, Oll the' hit and 2b, Davis, Griffy P. J . tice since Ia t S un day mg . ht, wh en Mnl, IO.d , Alexander. of S ay- run Hel o in"'el' " and are in need Gf such aid. It i8 Mr. and, Mrs, J : B. Chapman and wh 0 WI'11 serve a t· th e 0 ct 0 b el' Hawke I ' h sl·n .. led, Nixon cf, Youmg ss, ton, ca Ie on 1'e abves ere" un· important, therefore, that lIpec;al Mr. Robert D. Chapman were Cin- t erm 0 f th e W arren co un t y com- Boger, Haine the coupe owned by Lester Go rdo n f roi ng to thud. Kinley followed court were drawn from Conner lb, D. Boger sf, C. B. Will! stolen from his re idence, reday a tunoon. with another sinale a'-orin" Nixon mon pleas attention be giver) to the extent cinnati visitors Monday aCternoOll. h i t th t Earnhart 'd, Peters, Foul!!s. If. d . hOI ' .. .,.. .. ' th e JUry that aid Is actually needed, a8 evid w ee a e cour move to a pomt near t e g esMr. Leland BeleW, o( Falmol.llh but Selby flied to right lor the Mra. Nettie Kepler is spending house last week. The fifteen e;rand Dced by the l1nancial and physical farm bet.ween Waynesville Ky., was the gue t of Mr. and Mrs third out. . , condition 01 the applicant; the the week with MrII. Lida P~nce and jurors will report on Monday.•• Day completely A. F. M 1I0h, 'last week. The Menhants tied this in the lIource of income dU'r ing the lallt MiSB ' Lura ,Lou Rogers, at ~ebanon October I, the first day of th~ Fre hman day, one of th<e events third. With two down. Mendy new court term. Petit jural'S bave h I "~ II to believed they roUed Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Ridge and . I d d ' I d G . year, and the probability th.t aid , M' E H ' 11 C· s ing e an s.o e seeon. ons .. nMiss Francel.Alden returned to been 8ummoned for Tue day, Oc- of the C 00 y.e ar, espeCllw y from the same 1I0urce, other than C I b day fter spend Juniors and Freshmen, j'eU this from its parking place in .JSS . mf!l~ eJg way were tn- gled Bcoring' Mendy. Wa... ney WaR T o urn us. weeks uel ,aThe Little- tober . C year on o Wedne"day, September 19. front of the Gordon borne, tod the safe on an e'Tror by Peak, Gonl public relief, should be continued ing aeveral at G 23 d'J J ; h cmnllh VISitors, Thursday. during the enlllling year. ran . u),ors enm.e owan, WheQ the Fre\lhmen. app.!ared at hill I1el;\rby where they starte t e Th condition of M~B. Oharle8 going to third. Peck flied t"o Kjnle, Inn. "In some 10calitieB the belief Leb~non, Carroll Hl1tha~ay, I1 Y- schoo l on that mornmg they had motor. Rye, who ha been '1ery ill, is said in center rlltirlhg tb~ "ide. ems to rath r generally pHyail The annual Home Cominll of ne Vllle; Nell Bolmer, Kings l\Illl~; apparently cbanged sex, incliviThe car was , found ab~ndol\ed to be very mqch improved. The Mel;chants tallIed two mOrl th.t anyone over 65 years of age, the Oregonia United B1;'ethren H~ward Cook, Leb~non; CarrJe duals whom we had knownl as boys the next day With three bres, all in the sixt.h. Warner first up , ainand otherwise eligible, ill entitled church will be held Sund.y. Eleenmeng r, Frankhn; Frances L appea ed ill dresses and other of which were practically new, ~li8 Bertha File!', of Cinc ll1- gled and was forced at lIecond by to the maximum aw.rd of $26. qctober 7. Goddard, Lebanon; Stanl.ey Earn- feminine attire while tholle whom the battery, and other accessories nati, was the guest of Mr. and Mr Peck wh() was 8a/e at lirst by • 'this i8 not the intent of the law. h.rt, Lebanqn I John Le~~s, Foster we l1ad alway" known as Irirls had gone. ' . Jam Hal't&ock J on Satu.rday. step. LaUre\111 Singled, Peek stopA. K. Day return~ home Howard M\KI~er, Fr~"klm; George overnight changed t.o boys with Some of the aplllications t:.eeeived Marshall Oharles J oy, who m· . , .. ping at 2nd. Thompson grounded Bhow the applicants in t'xcellent Monday, alter • pleaaa~t visit Hartl y, WayneSVIlle; Morrow flaming cheeks and lips. After the vestigated, said he believed the Mrs. Ed Deitrick attended t~ Lo Krait at short and aU thre. physical and mental condition, at the home of her son In Win· Sheets, ~\.)anon; Robert Friend, asual bantering, the cia sea settled thieves po~essed an automObile func~al ?:l her mother, Mrs. ~Ietn runners were afe when Kraft well able to perf()tm a tull day'a chellter, Ky. Waynesvtlle; W .. R. ~oward, Pleas clOWn to work and the .F'r~shmen &imilar to the one owned by Mr. at Wllmlngton, Monday mornmg. fumbl~d the ball. M. 'Weller then . Gordon. Miss Glenna Marsh. of Dayton, grounded' to third and D. labot', and the aid .ppJie~ . for is Memberll of the Friendll First ant Plain; Mo~rls MIller, Waynes· were partially forgott;en. At 10:50 an assembly 1NaB callspent the week-end With her par- th'rl!w wild to the plate .Ilowiq that of unemployment rehef, .•!'d Day school enjoyed a picnic .t vill~; and Juha Bradbury. Orenot becau e. of the lack of .blhty the Franldjn Chaut.uqua g.rounds goma.. ed at the gym where the F'reshinen fnape' ,.t,"on ents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank ):iareh. both Peck and Laurenll to Icore. to eorn a hving incqme. In luch q n Sunday Petl~ Juror~Howard McClure, were initiated In the llrellence of " Treadway lanned and HartllOek caleB the award IIbould be low " Grange Mr. and )lr , Cha1'1elJ Withem, grounded to seeond for tbe tbird FrarikJm; LeWIS Drake, South ~eb· the entire high choot Tine initiaenough to require til at opportuni.Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Beck and anon; L. C. Mounts, Leban~n; tion ceremony was enjoyed by up"" of Dayton, were guests of Mr. and Ollt. · , ties to earn the addiUonal income daurbte1'8 were Sunday dinner Hazel Carr. H~rveysburg; EdIth peT" classmen and Fl"CShme,n but at _hs. C. E. Mendenhal1, on Sunday In the seventh the Merchant. necessary to provide an adequate lI'uesta of Mr. and Mrs. J. B, Eme1'So~ Frankltn; Emmet the same time no one Wafl hurt in ' Saturday, September 16, was . . added five more to their credit. Cia ks~l1e; <?e~rge Roby, Plea - any way. Noon ended thue activ- annual inspection at Waynesville MISS Clara ~~Ie and MISS Mame Mendy led off with a linrle arrel etandard of living hall not be Crabbe. ant Plam; WillIam chnell, Pleasand thing proceed'ed nor- Grange with the County Deputy '1'. Brown VI lted the Warren advanced to second as Gonll follow neglected, and tbuspreve~tthepen­ Master: Mr. C. D. Crockett and County fair. Wedne day afternoon ed with a single. Warner singled to sion law from cre.ting a clull of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Calvert and ant Plain; William Villan, Clarksable bodied paupen content to live daurbter, of Sprlnlrf\eld, were ville; Evel'ett Early, Waynesville; A wiener rORst at night closed M1'II. C.rockett a s insp M.i s Kate Han, of the Fri lI.ds lett $coring Mendy. GODI aDd gueat. of Mr. and Mn. Howell H. M. Sherwood, WayneSVille; the (lelebration. off the lltate treasury. Duranll th,e regular Rome. will spend the wi,nter at Warner advanc~ to third .nd Peirce, on Sunday. "Somewpat'li,"ilar to such easel! Harry Palmer, MasoJl ; Ray Drake, sian, the thtrd and the home of hOI' nephew in Clncin- econd when ' Selby let the b.ll eo • re those whetQ the applic.nt is ~ Mia. Hany Settlemyer,of OUve Clarksville; Clifford C, Anderson, HOllie Ec~ca Diapl.y. were conferred on the, nati, past him. Peck doubled, IICOrin• the degree team composed Gons and Warner. L.urenl flied George Ger rArd Mason; Iivin~ on a place havin, a g1\l'den Branch. spent SlI1Ida, wit~ hj\r Oregonia; The Homo Econ()mics .class haB .. II MaeOD: F re'lA El150 fruit trees, or place fOr poultl"/, or mother, Mrs. Fiancet N.Icholson" B. B . Ba. th .. t t· follOWing bfficeI's: Mr. and , Mr, Ray Hawke, (ll out to Selby in left. Thompson hi' perhaps .n theBe SOUrCeB of food, at the F,r iends1 aome. Hason; bCharleS. h,Vdak" NeHss, Leb· !~lp'S~:ae:cr'd~~ay :t !lrthe ;:~e~ Master, lohn Shultz;, Overs 4!J', Dayton, and Mr, and Ml:s, J .C. a home run to left field KOrina anon; naJ:ry I iI er, arveys- County Fair. The girls, ulnder the Morris Hawke motored to Portsmouth, Peck ahead of him. ' which 'In the p.ast bave fut;nished , Cornell; Lecturer, d L'e banon. a large part of the food requireMr. and Mrs. Paul S.vage, of b urg an d T qm W00. Rich; Chaplain. Mrs. ..... Sunday. The Indians scored three I~ .... ments. Middletown, were Sllnday dinner - - • (Continued on page, 4) Swartzel; Secretary, Flossie Mrs Patterson and IItU daugh. ninth but the. Merch.nts lead .wu "When the applicant is quite old cuesta of Mrs. Belie' Dinwlddie and Fires; T~asurer, B. V. Smith; · 1e k 'teo much. With one down Nl.xoa in poor he.lth and even alllictecl Mr. and Truman W.rdlow. 0 C Steward, J. B. Crabbe; Assi tant te!'h of L~bB~n, ;r~n~ ~~t weed singled. Helsingeringled. Nixon with ine.urable dililease to the eXI Have Home C,o~·l l·ng SteWard, Roscoe Furnas; Lady wlt.lller Tot er, a p ynn an. going to second , Kinsey lIinglt!d to Mr••nd Mn. H.rry McGinni. T A sistant Stew~d, FranceI' Ellis; fall'll y . right and Nixon scqred when tent ot needing cOllliderable peraonal, the~ beinar 110 rel.tivea ate at BeUbrook helplllar In th~ G.atek. eepe~• . •Ronald . Hawke; Mr. and Mrs, T. B. Brannock, Weller dropped the throw In on P lamgt , V Irglnla H. ar d In; Ch o ri · of Ore"'onia, Ii~nt Sunday with th bounce. Kinsey ma d e laeon d pr Qthers to provide such, yet eare of Ml'I. McGlnDI.' brother, The Ferry .Church of Christ will t M C L Duke Ceres E v a " d HI' hi d th la instituti'one) care is not necesaary, Mr. Olivet W.tkins., who is, .erl. observe its annual Rome Coming, el,. rs. . , ;.' Mr. '1'. B. Brannock Sr. and an e lunger t r on e 11 y. a liberal .watd "hol.\.ld be made. It Qualy lIiclt. ,September 28. At the morning U J McMillan; Pomona, Juanita Bran· daughter Juanita Selby singled scoring Kelatnaer in such calles that shoW' the benefi· " Mr. and MfA. Lti~ a.-ke, little. bour the young people will present nock; Flora, 'Evelyn PeterB. , . alld Klnsey but was cauarbt ' at cent purpose <If' the law providln, Mis_ Anne Wel1l1 .nd Mr. Don ,a ,pageant ,e ntitled, "The 'Lost This team walH!omplinlented by Mt. and Mrs. Myel' Hyman were seeond trying t.o stretch it Into a aid tor the ared • . FRIENDS ~EETl'~G t he Deputy for its drill and degree in Cjncinl!.a~.i Tue"day night and double. D, Billett went out, TreadHawke were guesta o( < Mr• . and Church." T" Lord's Supper will "The intent of the law is primar- Mrs. S. D. ChancelloT, at IUmber- beob ervedat the aftemoon ' ~rF,i rst-day School at 9 ::30 a. m. work. ', Wednesday in ob tlrvaJ1~ of Yom way to Peck, ending the game. ily to bel]. people ' help tbemselveII, ton. Sunday 'vice, which begins a\ Z:30 p. m. )leeting for Wouhip lit 1/,):30 Following the business meeting Kippur, The Day of 'Atonement. The }Ierchants will pl.y s..... and ' to ,)t'ot,eC!t' them when . they Ben. S. Thisselle ot Bowersville, a m. 'following program was given H k h t Sweet Shop team out of D.ytoll .re helplell8 and penni188ll; not to Mr. and MH. E.rl 'Murr.y '.nd dynamic Gospel preaoher. wi11 in charge of the lectut'Cr; f~;' Deadn awGe was Kt e guu d next Sunday. This t~.m be.t take them entirely out, of the com- Mrs. Ali~e Munay, of Dayton, bring the afternoon message. WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH Vocal Solo .... MrIJ. M. A. Fulkerson :n,t M AI'S, teorge rnt: n,. Steiners out in the league they Rev. G. C. Dibert, P,utor Playlet, with 101l0wing charactel'fJ: r. 0 el Tms , rong: a eu petition Qf industry .nd the ranka lpent Sunday at the bome 01 Mr. Everyone i8 cordially' invited ,to i d MM!. John Shultz, Eth'e l Men. home in Dayton , Monday evening. (Continued 011 pal' ') ,oj! labor and put them on the ltate an d II ra. 01'Iver nIV II all attend. Ftiday:' Choir p:ractice at 8 p, m I R ,. pension payrQll so they will no tel', .Mia Raiihel. _ - _ Sunday: Sunday school at 9 :8 0 den hall and Char otte 'Y e . . Mrs. Edith M. Harris~ Mrs. Frank longer try to help tbemllelYell. No and .... . "~reo G. D. II . UII, .nd BEGINS FIFTH YEAR a. m. MorJ:l;ng ~orship at.. 10:80. Talk, "Care of Trees DUl'zn~ L. Taylor, Mrs. Ronald Hawke and MO'. one h.1I a ~ight to take away the ~ .u f th 'Il bE Dro~th" .. ...... ;' . . C, L. Duke MI'. fIurris MQsh~"( ~isit'ed Mr. and AT LOCAL CHURCH The .theme ,ot , e sermon WI ' • Ple,ylet, with follOWing characters. Mr", Fred Mal'bock and family' at' William Strouse will,·Friday Belf l'ellpeet and initiative of ·or uldiand, }Ullh., W,h ere they will . ! 'What About It,'' E.p~,orl~h I:-ea.gue M 'D J M R ., another person in '~t- , m.nner. "''>eais of. ),fy'' and ... ~. ~eJ'Il ones. Lanlck r. .oscoe , f ill , nev. G• C, D'b I er~ re t'urned ear1Y at 7 11'p,1 m. Evangelistlc servIces at ' furnas, Mr. Phillip and Milford, ' S unday; ' We want to help the w,ortlby ~ed ,41I: ih~ enot pa.u,perite them." .L ~dle:v M I; , ' , " the ,week from Z.nesyllle, .where PN' Monday' at 8 p. m. is the Mr'. S, S. Ellis. ' Mrs. MlimEl Hatfleld and, Mrs, ~ '" ' , Anila .Dd "' .. · s of the M. re"ular time for the meeilna of Musi~T : . ,Charles and FloBsie F,i rcs Callie Cross were j6itit hostessils ,ai ~---.--. Ruth h e a't'"'in ded th e 'se· , ,,,,lOt;!. The' ' Miue. 'ii, I.. 1 ' E C f T th tisla tio .. • T,he members and giaest were a six o'clock dinner, Monday even· Nutt and' _1'11. Camp Del , of near f. t.0!1 erenc~. 0 e 118 c n tbe official board. ' ' T-be September meetilltr , of tIl.~ .' '. nls ,P&rISbi.on er8'. "'''v n",. Mr Wednesday: Bible study and invited to the dining hall wbere jng, honoring' Mr. and Mrs. L, V. Wayne Township Farmen' Club , Centerville, were ruNt. of Mfllle& a Dib rt 8 If ed to the the followhig committee served Beclf· ' Annie U. and Mame T. e 'w!' apm aS8 n. . prayer meeting each Weclnesday at Tefreshments: Mr, and Mrs. lra was held at t~ ~lto1'"e of Xr. and Tbul'l!ld.y afternoon. WayneSVIlle church an~ 18 began. 7:30 p: m. Members of the Argunot Mrs. ~ C. L. Duke. ". ,. n-il'lg the fifth year of hiS po,torak Rich, Mr. and Mrs. M. ~. Cornell, brl'dge club ,and a "few invited T'~he snacious grounds IIIJ.rrolind. , Ho-· Graham .nd Mia h ' • Mr. and Mrs. John Shultz: .. 'H 1 D '.... • ere. ' , YNESVILLE CHUIRCH ()F _ .~ _ _ guests were ent~rtajlled at the ilag the Duke hom(l are notable for , ' .t.w ewer. n • .., ..OD Rev. Charles ~. Coulter s~~cee41s CHRIJT hOl,lle of Mrs. S. D. Hen~le, satur-jthe beauty ot the ehrubberr an . . -• " day .nd- ViJited '"itJa Mr. Rev. John C. BIckel as lIuperJnten. : . GIRL' SCOUT N£WS d f ' h fI t ' th L_-' . The Weiman'. Auxdl.u;y met 011 Wbitak~l'~ of 't.~pa, FIll., who .i ' debt of the Dayton district. _ (Undenohlln.tlon:_l) ay , a terneon. ,. flowers. t us re ec mg e c.....• l'. '.t. the Little ' Inn, ..... '... b UIIn... . C helt e rA. Williamson. l'" Vi i"', H ~ ' Iy' , aeter of the the ~sual host. good dinner, . '-d S"pte-"er .. UUI .....y .....n.o., - - -- n .....1: The Waynesvil i'e Girl ~couts met ' M,r. I:-0UIS ammerLe an d <L.aml "After with 'M n. Edith, , H. H.rr~1 ~I " ' , .- , Church School at I} :80 a, m. at, thei.r club ho,u e on Septembet of Xema, wer.e guests of l"'It. fl nd a 80Ci~1 hour together the .fterhOlte,l. ' Th\!mee~ill' viaaopenedMr. •nd. Mrs, Glenn AlellAndel', ' BJRTHDAY DINNER Lord's Supper" atcpnclullion. C~ris 18. MiSB Lile, our ' nt!w captain -and Mrs. W.R: Allen, ,on Stlnc!ay. Mr. noon meeting was called to ord.r by Mn. C.dwalladj!r. t~e Rev. -Glen~ary .~d Mr. Br,u!:e , " tian Endeavor at 6:46 p .. m. Even- our two lieutenants, Mis. Robbin!! Ham.merle IS supel'ante)'ldent of the by the pI'eel'dent, Mr'. Om.a r BollJohn J. ClcliaeA'&T ¢oaduetinl the of Dayton, were callA ... elaborate surprl~e dID 7 ..:: h I 0;> , d U' ' ver J . . . . inlf .vangeU.tle service at : .... p. and Miss Smith were Inesent and Xema BC 00 s· i n - w " r t h. Th e roll ,eall, an. .- d ' devotional exerciles. Roll cal\. and, at the ' 'ome Of Mr~an -1'lI. ner wu served . Sunday at. the m. Prayer meeting ,eacll Wednestil d 1: th . ..~ y .,... readiitg of the' minute! followed. C. R~e, SUll1la,y ~terlloon. " of Mr. and . Mr.1I.. day at~ 7 ',4~ p. m, ' The church au ne so~e o , .e program. Mrs, O. D. Osborn, Mrs. Ed to J.)y naming fnvorite .booQ, tOlln. ., Th-e meetlDgs Will be. one. hour Jame"on and Mr,. Forest Darn. five families absent.. . M1'11. C• dwaII a der. th en read a ltr .nd Iln Walter Fitts of Lynch of W lyneSYI IIe. 1ll hono.r 0 f whe'r e yot] feel at J,omE!. d h 1£ long hand work Will con A S C 11 t t - ti.... tribute to 'the D\~mory of loin. FrankU" Ilr. ~nd JIra.. lb~rice Mr. Lynch':, ftftY'ninth bil.·th~ay. a~ , a a b .k t d hart, of Springfield, >,\!ere guests of . . a ~ t gave. an an e~ L~ura .D . MoIhll' w~o 'had aeryed HUllte~ -;_'.. tamll ' ot toQt. 1. They~ receIved m.ny beautt~ul Sist of ~adwork, as. C ry ,an Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith, on account at the Unt9n picnIC .nd , faIthfully .. aecretal7 and tre.... -er ..,;~ ftt .E.•nd "'.ra. W. bouquets. The. day was .spent in FEItRY aHURCH OF CH,RIST perha~s, pottery. mouldmg; there Thursday. . the Laugherty sisters layond .ttI. ha t t - •• .,.-.......... ... (Undenoml....... olll.l) there WIll be a ltJlke a t least once a club with a vocal duet. Mr....nea urer tor more , t n t"4Mn J ...... N.S..... abd 'tamil, Bllnda, after- .,;m~s and PlctU1"e. tak~n~ Cheater A'. WUU&lmlon month; all members must paSI:\ one. ?frs. R, Ii . Hartsock was host· :Meyers gave a ve.ry Intereettna acThe rllllllal' pro.8I'-"JD wu, . . .008 "'. ' .. .' .. ' conllated. , o.f a f.mlly rro , of th'e ir test each week and ess to the gtaduates of the cl.lisses . count of his trip to YellowlRon. I ,ollows: " • •, ", the four geney.tioh, of Home ,Coming, Lord's Pay', th ey b 't f th eet A f h 0" Reading-Mrs. F,1red Hende~n , Memberl 01 the ' Tri~State clUb, were prelent all ' follows: Mn. Cball Septem~er 23. Church School at ,are a sen 01,' re,e m . - Q~ ' '10 and '12 0 , t e regoma this past ,$ummer; of elJ)eci&l ~'Raadinll' ,from the IItudyboolt, tl.e· ~ C"'ul'ch of . Ly' neh, Mrs; Orville Campbell, il~. 9 :30 a m. Sermon at 10 ,:30. Basket ings W<lthOut !' good cause, they school atl a picnic dinnel' at Wayne terest to the group ·were '~la re.. LI...... Milia n -,., ,. i will, automatIcally, be dropped Park, on S1-tnday. m~rks on the drout.h In th.t leCUOR '(The Never FaUi~ ...t a meatiq of th~ Sam.e,1I Monroe and daughter, Lora dinner .t ,noon. Afternl)On aery ce from 'the scout troop. of the country. Annie Bro'l1l'1l. tile hom, of Ilia JUrr lane Jean . . · , ~:30, at which tim.~· • drama Th t t' '11 b Wed Mrs. W. H. Allen was a prize _"1- ...... ,. ton, Tu--...... ev~nln"', The ...,al'·' -ere U'_• •n'd -1'11. will be pretlen~. ~ ' G011- neld.y, . e nexSeptember mee ang Wl26, e when• winner in the rose d'vi Anoh.e r guest Ipe~er of th. Tribute to Dr. Dudolpi.. .... n T.lIller t-"'d. laO&' , ... ua nu........ '(Ye b egm.. I 8 Ion a t th e afternoon Wall illtrodllced .1 Mr. -Mn. Fruier. Orville Campbell and lion Ronald ~I , meetin&, in the TOl't'nahip ffi '11 b I t d third annual ftower show, ~hlch Xillionary Not_Mr.. Ronald lIiIa c.therlne Glbbonl had u of Wilminlton; Mr. and Mn. Rou .. at Bellhrook Monday, Sep- 0 cers WI e e ec e . . h Id i th C t 'l1e town Jacbon 01 the Better Basta... a Hawke, Mi.. CUe and lilA PI'ID. lIet I l l " .~ lubeheOll, Wechlesd.J Ja.eI Monroe aDd dauarbter, Lol'a tember 24. Services each even;nr , :hi~ h:lI, ;riifa; :~d~r~Saturday. ~~~=a~~~:n.~: del'l'ut. lin. ClUrol'd 80,.. o,t Glendale, ; M;. •nd MH. WiilOn at 7:'5 p. m. You are .lwa)'ll COUNTY FAtR IS Th h VI wa& sponsored by the A d.iDt)' lunch .... lerved dar- CaUt.. 11... 0 CoDner. of lion WaY1l8 of Sabina; IIr. anel welcome at this church. , BEING WEU ATTENDED Co~~:nity Garden' club. :~~f:~1 ':e~~lItI1:-'\tp~rponed .. ~I inc the social hour. GlletItI of the BaDta M01llea, calif. and lin. I. Lee ADdera and children of ... aftemoon ..ere IllueI Trill..... ,1I,Clue. William.; Mr. and lira. ~...., ST. MARY'. CHURCH Wayne,ville alld vicinity i, well Sund.y guestl! of Mr. and Mr!!. trylne to ,M. tllat ,labile .... and lIarpret E4JwarcIa"lIrs. PIaU .nd children. of wn~ .... I. J. 8oba"er Rector represented at the Warren Cou~tJ Rolla Bolton were · M1'II. Ch... full value tor t ...... ....,. 'fta.. L. Ta7lor, II.... DatI, Bnrder . . 1 ' 1 1 . . . ; lin.. RlchatcI Cam,lHIll ~ , fair' this ' we'~' Those .ttendlnr Dewey, Mr. Oeo. WllIson and Mr. keeR reeordl of ...,. ·tJpe 01 11111 AideD. I () and famil, of Wapenille; Mr. S....nteellth Sun'-, after intAreltllll ezhlblte in the Chall. Dewey, JI'. of Jasper. 0., blllln... tbat edlta . . . . . . . . . : - - -... - • • and lira. Walter ...... _ Churcll aehool at 9 :80. and hounlloJd ana Prof and lIrs. F. K. Andrew. ot thaD aJ" to opea t ' .... ROTICB ,...., of !.atoilia X,. and WID_ Prar... ud Hnnon .t etc. OlarknUle, Mrs. bai. lIartiD, of lie. ThIa b1InM CaapbeU o' W~D. 10:'0. of til. major attractioDI of Plqu•• III'. Thornton WilllIoll. Dr....... - - -... - • .. the Wa1'Nll CountJ and J[rs• .Jolin Paul Botto" f . pi Beef aUb aIllbit and ' TIt. eMU'" wu laacl$loll of til. 1IIrdl ,...~~













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('"lorado ranehmall that • dead rnder blad-. ....10. f:ngll h ... rl. But you will nnt tiie," Lelhller Aato Pan., IDe., 111' rt'a~8url!d him. "You .... 111 lin • p*riI, '89.06; Smith'. S,rvlce S~ {UI' yar lind yt:ar, to ('njuy 11 tion, Ur.. and tube, tiD.21i: Kil· patrick.French Motorcar Co., cuthis," Ht·r eye followed th.· sil,' uy ri vet· flowing p('acefuJly between oline and part.. ,25.84; The Fa••----..." , '-.--.-----Ktt'en banks far b low them. then mout Auto SUj)pI1 00., parts, '72; HA1'TER IV. Ml ill . mall dan~er f d teethln. snu~ht the walls of the ast1l' , ·jsi· Henry Ludinrton, ,uollne, f27.42 ComllllOft PI... to so~~ suitable pets.O.n to take the . S. Conover, lIuppUel and part.s. The attention of L\lrd i"ielt1e, Earl ble II twt>en tht> trees, What you Send" found "oic suddt'nly, of Berwick, wn~ absol'bed. What nlU t do is to fill ..he great' house ---depo 1~lon of Kat~erme A. Stab· $99.06: Waitt!8 Garage, parts and "It' Iikt'th rubinn !ights!" we're painted counl rCei\ !\ of l~fe "Hh 11eopl lit gaiety. Invite [n the case. of Alma Ruft'ner ver· ley, Stmon L. ~eJS, Richard L. oils, $45.36; Harry Hill, gasoline, abe exela imed, "V :by, ho,,' cun you I oy Von y~e, Rub.I'I~~. .H?lbem. you friend!'. Haven't you i t ... r ?'. sus J i:ll!lO B. Rufl'ner. Divorce Brummer and William C. Lambert '5.95; Kel8ey'8 Serviee Station. h Ip IlkinR' it! 1)0 ttlk us in and I c()m~ar ~d wltb tht' "l\'HI gu·l . lace "Thl'ee, hut . they don't want to granted plaintit!'. ulltody of ehil. witnesse to the will of Della A. 0.76: Vaney Motor '4.35; The Morrow how ils YOUI' J105SE'~sions! Aunt nt 11Il' RIde? Whot we;e dead.8nd. live herc. They came for a few dren giv n to plaintiff .. Additional FIl~ter, . deceased. Joseph . ,SageRo. , thl'S i~ bt'tler thlln anything I!t0ll(! qu~ns, an,1 ladles vf .hun or days. they and my moth e\' . ' ou sums decreed to pls~in t.lff. Costs to melser .IS to .take the d~poeltIQns. Co., lumber, ,28.8 0; W. A J ever imagin ~I!" The earl, touch· II} .court dress, nd ~ou~enJrs. of know, we've liv d always in 0 little 1)laintitr. Mattie GrImm, admln1l1tratr?: of supplies and lasoline, ~d b~ h r mood, !<miJecl as he gave 1helr long pnst R:lory'1 Thl rod~ant place, almo t a cottage. They're In the ca e of Olilie Mason vel'· the estate of Edward 1\ G;nmm, John McKinney, maintain. ()I'do~s t() hi~ groom, and seated maid fl'um acro .tll 5 a sm l~ed happy enCJu.:h there, Tn 'Y IuIv Lee Mason, et lal., motion fo:t deqeaaed, filed her appJi(Ulion for lights, 50c. Weller Weildini Co himself facing the ladiell in their I\I'I~ spatkled. I.ooklDg fit ..and 11 t - th ir fl'iends Ilnd their work, and an oreler of this c:ollrt or~ering a certificste ot transler. S he flied and carbide, $20.66; J. 1C. cll'riago. enIng to her he fUTgoot hIS lOll ely. the). \\'8Ik about. nnd make th ir the ddendant, ,Lee Mallon, to pay her first .and final account. neer, sand and gravel. $43.06; So th y nt red the \)CUUtiflll lord'iv state. Own clothtls. Til 'Y'I'e ~'ather old, to this plain tit!' a r'easonabl 8um A eel'tllied copy of the entry deH. Madden" Co., ·e ement and winding, drivt', bt't" n high walls j "!-low tor th gardens lid, the :\'OU know-1'm the youngest. It per wt>ek as alimon), p ndente lite, termining the inheritanc e ta.x h. ,77.96; Lewis &: Drake, Inc., wh )'(> ivy l\llng j n hellvy lI1a~sl' . . pa.rk; the best part. ~'Oll know,' he ain't so eM)' to change. They said together with a reas,o nable sunl to· the estate of· Fr~d Kamps. de$18; Waynesville Farmers' 'Farther on lhl'ly reached n p n· aId when they return d to the the el'vants in livery made 'em ~ applied upon attorney fees is ceas d, is to be certified without 00•• cement, ,33 .1S; The d rou lI' w y flank d b:-: high I gt'eat llall. . nt!rv()u;;; my mother said she a Sign d fOI' hearing September delay. Lebanon Lumber Co., paint and towers. NaTl'ow "\\'indow~, forbid· "Thel'e ouldn't be anything ' boultl die if be had to stay here. 10, 1934. at 10 o'clock. Sheriff to James Ward. executor of the es- lumber, $15.64;Falr~y Ht.rdware ding . port IIJ1i!! Ullcl turrets, ali i bette~ than thi s," crl d , cnda, 1 haven't any friends. The e serve defendant. tate o! Laura E. Ward. dect>ased, Co., cement and lIuppties. $6 •• 27; were reminiscent of day long glanclIlg from ttl marble pav:. J)eople Who have ~e n psyin' visits In the case. of S,amuel Rickard tiled hi schedule of d ~bt8. ~riswold Service tation, gas :dur. g une by. . In(lnt to the car"t>d oaken I'afters they Ilin't my kind. And til only vel'1lUS ~rl Miller, Qt at, tlle. de:rhomas C,. ChJ:istle wall ~p- lIlC August for man~ler NatIonal "Berwick hit ' !to many mtere t· far ~bov~. Throughout t~e g.reat chum I vcr had is in olol·ado." 1endant IS Il.rdered to plead Within pOinted guardIan of John R. Pom- Reemployment serVice, '10.49; Ing historlcal associations," remar· GothiC wJn,do\~s sprea? Wide vIew "Li ten '" cri d S nda, holding t en ,days or Judgment may be taken sett, Inco,,:petent. ~nd filed bond Barr tt Brothe rs, 150 inheritance ked Mrs. Dinsmore. "Th se tow rs of wood and rIver. SUits of armor, up her hand. . agalOst them'. of $.100 WIth surebes. ' , blanks for probate, $6.75; M. E. no,,", thev must dute from t.he heavy old carved chllirll and settl s l~al' and 'ilvefY tbrough the lh the ease of lJ(lw ard A. Stou. In t he matter of the !!l.Itate of Ro!!!!, p08tma ter, stamps fo~ com. ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~_"'!"!!!'_"'!"'!~~~!!!!!!!!! tw lfth or thirteenth century, do were lIbout them. Two f ootmell till ail' sounded 1\ chime of bells. ten borough versus Edwbd Stou· Mary ~oollard, deceased, 8al~ of ilion pleos, judge, $6; Miller Hard. ::: tbey not too . lingered ' llnobtru ' vely nellr th Through pelo Ul'es and palaces ten b()rough, el aI., the'. order of etocks IS ordered. . and FurnIture Co., household White Rose-Power bewher 'Cl' WI! may I'oa.m sale heretofore isu.ed 18 recalled Flora M. Crane was appomted lIuppliea fUl'nished relief families Again di comfort, like 1I garment entrance door. d scend d upon th earl. Then, . over welf. kept S]c;wly distinctly e~ch note. and sheriff is ordEll'ed to l'e~rn adm!ni tratrix of the estate of $1.75; W, W. Shuda, wood fum~ hind the enllne. "I don't know much bGut 'em, walk bet~een smooth 1a~' ni!, music 1 and pure it' rang while said order, further proceedmp Damel Lester Crane deceased and ished relief families, ,a.60; Faith he cQnte~ed miserably. "I'll . end 8cro~s. a pleiurees,9 ue foot·bl'ldg Sendll's memOl'y supplied the . filed bon~ of ,4000 with sureties. Tomlinson, mileage aJI junior clise tor the man that's in the habIt ~f spanning th anClent moat, thoy Iwords and her eyes rapturous and . D. R. SmIth, F. B. Henderson and worker. last half of Au.u t, $22.23 taKin' vi~itor ubo\lt. II knolVs It ~tJntered to the gnTdena .. It was glowi~g, h Id tho ~ <>f the man New Su,i.. ROM !t. H.artsock were appointed Linnle Williams, mileage as villitor all." , h~gh noon. Thl;l sun w~s bright, the tanding b std her. The people'$ Building, Loan and appralsets.. . . . last halt of Augu8t, .$13,86; Willa "Oh, 110!" prote ted nda. mr "'as clear ~nd. . LIIl. A s they Savings Co. versll John W . Wild. I May Miller. admanlstratrlx of t Beedle, mil age a.s vJ!litol' last half moved by bi . distress. :'W~'d reached 'n . ent Invltmgly pl~~d be Be it vel' 0 humble. ther 's Mer, et aI., for monl~Y, foreclosure, the estate of M~ty Woollard, de· of Augu~t, ,17.96; .o.hristine Bun. much rather not, J1 you don t milld neatb a gIant ?8k, Mrs. DlIlsJnol'e .plac like home. appOintment !l:t recEJiver and eqllit. ceased, filed her IDventory. dteq, ·mlleag as v,sltor last half Iroing with U8 yourself." dropped upon It. . Rome, home, s,,~e ~, sw et honle, oble relief. Th.e wiJI of Della A. Fo t er, de· of. August, '19.80 ; Louis\! Whipple "I'd like it. It' a belUltJy dull 'I am oeflllly tIred," she an· There's no place lik home, there's ____ ceased, was admitted 'to probate. mileage 8 S vi itor laflt half of Aug Probat. Court The adj udication and determjna· ust, $20.79; H . M, Coyne, mileege hole, you know; nobody amusln' to Inounced ,,-ith a weary smile. "Go no place like home! talk to and nothin' to do," on, happy YOUllg people. who call tion of the inheritance tax. OD the as fo od distributor, last half of "How can you call it dull !" ex. wall< lore.v~r. Let me re t in the "How be.avenl)! !" the girl said ad~~~i8~~:~~:0~r t~~ ~~t!.~ ~~o~~~ estate of Lallra ' E. Ward, dece .... August, $16.83; Kaufman, upplies claimed tbe 'girl. Tbey had ente-red IIhade Ilnbl you come back." eOyletal:;,ire:ar: itu~~?nIY climm~d her na Belle Bro wn, deceased, was ap. ed, i to be given to all persoll1l in· $2.94; J. W, Lingo Hardwate Co.. ROOT FOR. ANI> CONSIGN Senda herself sank down on. a terested. supplies for court house, $4.90; C ttl b aheep alld cal... tbe inner court. the wide swe~p of velvet lawn bEneath the May shaded bench on tbe terrace of the "The chimes . of . St. A~drew6. proved. The adjudication and determina. William J. Pftanzer, labor and reo f!uNorrl .. B'ro~:-Co. Ii... ~ eel sunshine, the long rembling fa- 'great greellhouse, forther on. They'r always rmglD' dlt!'erent .Ro~el't J. Shawhla~ filed his apt tion of the inheritance tax on the pair s at court bouse" $10.40; Wil. pro~e..lva 1lrm h~ the hla'b... ' cade of the residence, heavily I "It is all. 0 beautiful," she aid tune eacb day but all ot: 'em deadly plication for a comlllUssion to iSSUe estate of J, M. Conover decea8ed is !iam ,J Pftanzer r pairs at jail , market prien &nd food I,ntl'. draped in ivy, spread before them. ior the twentietb time. "r tbink dull. Make you think of tombs and to be given to all pel'son interest. $160.15' Ohio Central :relephone U.Ie. Stoe" Y.rda' CI ••I__'" Q. "It is," lie in isted. "Just lot me you are a most ungratefut person." churchyards. Give me s o m e t h i n ' . . ed. ' Co,. tolis various offices, $28.80; Tun. in on Radio Station WCItY taKe y<>u througb thoee enlpty I "It! beautjf~1 enough," b e. gave lively. J !iked orne of ~holle t~1ll~8 sunhght sending back the o~t. Pile The inv~ntory of Frank H. Trulltees of Public Aft'airs, .water 11:211 to 12 :80 p. m. for Ollr daU, rooml. The p1ac i big enough for ,gl'Ud g1n g assent. I hearel an New Yo~k; what 11'\ It of the slry. RO'iN love l y, ove y, Mpunt, admmistrator of the _ate at.,c ourt hOUB ,15:1,0; Trustees of mullet re.,orta. a r giment, and there's nobody "The n what more do YQU want?" you call 'em-J'Bg-timel" the 8c~nebwa:" I L d Fl Id' of Edward S. Huffman, de~eaaed, Public Aftairs, light'at court house ~~~~~~=====~=~ here but servants." she fla shed up at him. "You ought Send a BlInk back in .helplesB And In t e m~erv~~ ' or e e II as approved. ,42.10; Trustees of Public AfI'airs Under his guidance they walked to be perfectly happy. Oh, of laughter. . . fsc~ alow: ly b rlght4~ned . " The estate of Anna Bell~ Brown, light at jan, $38.53; Dr. Henry M. through tbe 'IItate apartm ents, lcourse, it was ad-all those sud· "Oh, dear me, how queer!" she • If, you only would, you know! deceased, I exempt from inherit. Brown medical service8 ,30' Mrs Iplendid, empty, silent; the serie8 !den death$, But you hardly kne)V said. "What a fre~k ot fate tD put he saId at la t. ance tax. Howard Sawyer, servIce's, f7; 43 YEARS OF SEIlVI.CE of drawing-rooms" boudoirs, bed~ tl;aem, you say; you had never you here. And it II a. waSte, too; §hc glaneed UP. puzzled,., E. B. Murrell, A, C, Murrell and Stella Kelty, se,vic:es, '7; \janOlS. chambent, galleries. Tbey viewed even seen the poor little . boy~." you'd make a spUmdld cowboy. "StaY. you kno w. ~top bere" C. H. Murrell, administratora 01 llymer, services, ,5; Helen marquetry table&, cabinets of Buhl IINo. ,but you know, it seemB- Now, I should be perfectly ha~py , O~! no, )Ve ~,n t spar e tim e the estate of Celia A. Murrell, de- man, services, ,'7 j Mre, Ira LEBANON, OHIO carved wood, tapestried waUs, and well, it's gha t1y. All those peop~e to. liv among these bea~tiful to vi lt, thank y~,u, and Aunt ROSe ceased. 11led their inventory, zroth, services, $5; Mrs. We have a c(lmplete paintinrs every'iVh~re. Now and Ilyirl' 80, yoU know. It eem 8!1 If th\nil'!I and 1i ten to the chlm 8, pr~!ers Lo?don.. . , L. H. Gordon ad J. A. Wilker- Urton, llerviC8, '10 ; Maude Watch R.,..up S.",ie. then Mrs. Dinsmore referred au.r· -well, l'd rather b in olorado." for ver." Again ahe looked down I wasn t th.lJ\,~~,n, kno~, 80n, administrators ot the utate doff, services, $17.60; Trea8lur,erl Prices Reasonable ..[ ,see," She nodded thought· at the river winding among the about hel' ata'Y1n he b undere , of Susan C. Wilkerson, of State hospitalization of KnI""',r. reptitiou s)y to the tittle nd· bound book, benath her arm. She fulty. "You would rather be a live reeds and l'ushe , gl anling in the 'altho ugh you could have her If filed their ftpst and final Cook, The Stakalta Mfg. Co., Beads Relltnne I you. wanted i to-·anl all your The inventory of Aurust Ast forms for auditor's office, ,14; Jewelry Repaired fa~1I1!.,Ther~,1I room enough, I was Anna OIo88er, administrators The Johnson.Watson Company, "THE HOME OF GIFTS" th~nkan -you r~ Irood company, the estate of Eliaabeth Ast, for auditor's office, \'75; , yo.u ,know. You ve always got 80roe ceased, was apprond , Law &: Son, PI! for sealer of thin to say: ,You ,ehaft' a. fellow James Ward, executor of wElighta and measurea, .5.07; and laugh; .It 8 chl,eriul. I vegot estate of Laura E. Ward, Office Outfitters, penc.ils fOr treas. to get mamed, .yO~, kno.w. The ceased, filed his sate bill. urer, ,1; F. J. Heer Printing Co.. WOmen are aU brln,~n t~elr dau~h Tl1e adjudicatioll and determina. forms fol' treasurer, ,39.20; Stakters here already. Now, If yoution of tbe inheritaneoe tax on the alta Mfg. Co., pads for reeo'rdef', • • • estate of Andrew Johnson, de- $13,~~; Stakalta Mfg. Co., pencils, .. enda s~>ran~ to her feet. " T?eldea I ~be 41l[clalmed. ~eased, ia to be liven to an penOn. bands, pen holders for Don t! co~;I must get back to mterested, ' judge, $2.80; Clift Brant, services WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Aunt ROlle. buria1 com .Rapidly sh~ , bunied ~own the MIrrriap mittel', '1; Dr. Her chel Williams: Phone 80 Bank BI ••• walk, Lord Flelde j~o)]o~lr\g. . services 8S member lIoldier's bur. "I don't see," h4~ &aId l!Iulklly, Charles Glenn Relli. , mill wI.rk. • 1 I "why you won't think about it." er, ot Franklin. and Mrs. Mary 11. la cOl1lm ttee: ,1; M. H. Oswald, "Oh, think about it!" she cried, abelle, Frye. of Franklin. burial, $100, Drs. Ed~ard an~ hastening' inward. 't[ shall! I sball <?Ji,!ord~. Bicke, police blllcer of ~~be~ :xtfo~a~n, rt~4; • • never forget it. you may be sure!" CmclDnati, ' and JlI88 EstbeT P. e t e'la:~? Tb a rW ' t ve s:.:e"I wanted you to stay to lunch. Dunham, of Morrow. mden rti'. • 't 'Ie JO' e8 eWrn L' r, " ... id .. h 'd I Ii ve semell, . , 1. . IngQ ~on, ,",e a galnJng er III e. ' Hardware Co., .poona for jail, SOc; Thele 8 a very good luncheo',l, to· R..I E.tat. Tr_f.... Trustees of Public Alraln, water at dor,; I Ifave particular"orders, Osceola, John and j.U, '44;89; M~. Della But'l'ord, You re ve~y • kind, answered Welch to William J. Pftanaer, real feeding pri8one~ during August, Sen~~, reco~-el'lng ,.herself, and estate, in Lebanon. . $579.88; William Hufford" wash. speakmg graCIOusly. Thank you 60 Nona F. Bogan, et al., to C. G'. i~ for prisoners durinc August much., ~very~l~g! btl~ we ean Erbeck, real e.tate in Muon. ,69.68; Blair Bros, Hospital, medl: not stay i It 18 qUIte 1Illposslble. W~ Augusta M. Rabenstein to Alma cal lIe,rviceIJ at jail du.rintl' August. -:we lIave an urgen~ enk&ge~ent. Merkel, inlot No. 39 in Franklin. $27.50; .John Uw " SOil., JIll and We may find her In the C~?laters Clemma E. Webster to oU, washing car, ahop labor, ,72 .• sU,~este~ Mrs. Dinsmore. West- McClain, 37 ·acrell in 0.4; Waites' Garage. labor on Phone 7&1 ~lI01ster I~ sucb a, great place, it township. PontlBc, ' .1 0.16: Hathaway Stamp ~s rather hke bunting the proverb. The Morrow National Bank Co., i1lk IIradicator, 85e; The Gem lal needle In a h.y~rack. And per· Susan L. Vandervoort, real eltate CIty B1u~ Print and Supply Co., ~aP8, '19.30; Waldron C. OjJmour hllps she has alre~dy gone. She wa, in Morrow. t~ meet some trae[~ds later and Edward T. Grimm, de~ased, inquelt, ''7.90: Fred O. .Jam ell,. -.,,VIsit an art collectIOn. She sees a Mattie G'rimm, 135 acres in Ham. ~onea 'for impounded doge, ,2.95; 'fOT4RY PtJ81-IC Hatbaway . Stamp Co., m~\llding new on~ every oay. Fortunately we ilton ,townahip. ....1I.......... have friends who ~1l1\ endure more , Speed Ledford . to 8t&mpa for. National Reemploy"ent of that so' ~ . of th1l1g ~han I ,:a!,," vestments, Inc" 5~ acre8 Office, 85e; IJarryZ: Gray, .t ent . D...... ·' . • E ...... Satt'" for August, . National ReempJly. Tbe l~dy, ~I~bed Vfe.rJl~, . ral.s lD' creek to'Vnllhip. Recorded WAYlIf£SVILLI. OHIO he.r 1111 gnette as shll .pause,d to su~· Jolin A. Murrell, decealed, ment OIBee, '5; K. L. Born Cloth. ve.y a ~luster of fruh Howers, 1al,d B. Murren, et al., 56.60 acres inc Ston, rent for August, Na. tnbute a~ the feet of Sbak,e8pear e Washington townshlp. tional . Reemployment Office, $10; ~tatue. . Solomo.n Fred and The Office Outfitter.. uled type. ft)It.AU DATU CALL ,Lor~ Flelde ' nodded abs,enti),. ,Citizens National Bank and for National Reem'ployment HIS blue r\.ved. amooully Co., to Baul Brooks, real elltate $16; Ohio Central Telllabout, searchJDg, thE~ choir, the ·a isle in Lellanon . Corp h n e t d t 11 t~e nav~.. Impatie~1t1y , he bit the Bessie R~ynold. Beam to ·An. R~:m:loe1~:ntan omc~ , . , ends of hiS ~lond nnustache. 'l'be,re thony Kitz, 93 "cree in Harlan '6.90; H, . L. Scbuyler, pay roll, , ' . ' . $169.60; Carl Dakin, :pay roll, were many slghtaee,ra, b~t the !Ibm towuflhip. erect figure. he .SOILilht was notAntho~1 K,itz to RQbert Doyle, ,203.55; . John Barr, Pay roll, UC . among t h e m . . '. 93 acres In Harlan townahlp. $127; Clem William., par roll JII IT. NUY . The:y saunteted .UltO the south Robert Doyle 'to Charl.a Brauer $1'3.20; 14 C. foreman, pay, roU: ' la ' :A 1 1;' 81e, then thpough I,he narrow do~r 93 acres in ' Harlaq townllh.ip. . ,8U: Eall ,Basore. ])ay roll, '114.~ I ... New ••rIIq .... ~nto.the cJQIsten. After the cblll ~dwin Chandler, deceaaed, to 60; W. B. SChuler, pay roll, ,no.. _,___ RAIN OR SQINB. 760r O1Ir perform. at itt be.t WHAT A RELmFI Freab air P\lt. "'e" life iD Tou. Il!tenor the, warm 9~tslde all Lewis William Chandler. et aL, 80; Itarold Sweney, payr!))), ,117. aAItL KOOGU. with Mobil,... The reuoDIt it mixea better with air. Ia tbIJ .alDe way, YOllr Gar Cet. it. lifo .rolD the air. struck them like, Qenedlction.:I'he 140.40 acrss in Wa1fte ~wnahlp. ' '. _ • Daptcllt ..... I , earl shrugged hia broad Bhoulde~ ,Zoe Haryey to Tifr Worrell; Inbreat~ed deep. by ~eaves moved 1ft lot No. 895 in Fran!tlin. Ka_ .... ow MANY TIMES Ja~ely have you said. mix equally well with all kinds of air. They the hght breeze. Upon the arr.... John W Karlatt and

















F T Martin Auctioneer

Your Car Can,' i Start until .Gasoline Mixes with AIR 1


Centerville,. Ohio


StanIey & · .KHgler A tloneers



., It's

so hot I can't breathe I" The engine

Beech Grove

'called this exclusive feature Climatic Coot·rol.

in your car might like to 8ay the same thing! With it, there is fio more ioss of power or piclt. Your 'car constantly needs. air to make the , up through sudden weather chan~s. ",as" that provides your engine's, power.

And that same stuffy, 'oppn;ssive aIr that you object to has its efF~. ct., on the way air and gaaoline mix to make "gas.". But our engineers found that certain preadjUltmelitll at the refinery would make Mobilg~s

You get tQ~notch car performanc,e all'of the time insteild of some of the time. And that, of course, is what evel'Y car QWner wants I Try this gasoline that mixes better .with air. You can buy it wherever you see the Flying

Red Horse.



plot sUl?bea~s d8lllced. Foo~eps Marlatt to' Peter A. RunYon and ~n the 0~p08Itec.ollonnade echoed Anna Belte Ruo)'on,' real estate in In the qUiet of the I?lac!!. Wayne town.hip. Through a. Cr~mMlRg stone arch ,H allie M, Camp ' to Donald P.

S",yerill from' 'a dlfltallee atteDd~ ~hUl'i:h at Green Bdar, last ni eve ~•• way not far dIstant thll Bun felt Camp•• . et al, 160 aeres in Turtle. and Mrs. Rufu8 Roberts upo!' a girlish figuTe. Sh~ 1~l\nedcreek township. . Icbildlren .and Mn. P. G. Wells agalnlt the, rough " stone, · sittinr Goldie Laymon to RaJeieh Alta were , oppln, in motion~Ms. ,Her 8;own , of some m,o n, 161 acres in Harlan town,hip last Saturday. sheer silken ,ltul!, f.~ll in soft folds Irene' Berger to' Ollis Dane, and Gustin, of Wayneslille call· about her. Ret head was upraiaed, Hettie. Dalley, real e8tate in nee.... K. E. TbomplGD Sunday her dark eyes reeted on a tablet. in Aeld townlhJj). the wall. ~rd ~~de ~ave a sll'h Luvenia Squier to Bene Squier folks of the church of ftatilfactlon, qUlckenlnr his pace MurraJ, real atate In ~ldln a . .lulr rout 011 Friday No~ until they stolod before her township near Barveyablll'C. did she notice the~n. Then I l o w l y ' Mabel' Terry and M.. she came back to present. W.n. ot tb. place were "We've been for you. 'peita ot K. E. ThomPIG*' Dl1llJDor., John f28S' J. and familr. Senda, dear," "LOrd Flelde . Ie UI, aDeI L Mr. ad lin. P. T. If......ter. we"y,e'" followed tatae. oa Bonda, 111'. " . of 'GcMIIIeIa, II... Lala . .. . .. 1' .of


half wutired I lilt , .... nllll~DIIII "I dOIl't well_

" the



......_ ......._ _ _ _ _ FO S L'"" 1 I:" L C S' JR A - . 8 :"",w·e .. . '. Ii ohn. I FOR SALE- Kentuek)' Wonder Beans for cannln... L. V. BraJla. · trator Phone ll1R2. '.11 '

FOR SALE-Near.,. new Elta. HeatrolL D. II. OoU. . . SALE-W.....d paper In rolla. Paptr Ifapldn..' I'aJl llu Pap.r Plat-. Th. KluDt Ouette. ___________ _

Mr. &ad lin, Cartla W~ Viola ........., o f ! - - - - - -______





ped Inc:lllded 16,916 PUIUC cars and 6,2110 commudal cars. The underal8nld wiJI ofllr- at E ......1 P....•• S..... H......t Latt month the patrol reciveed ic Auction Oil Ohio hall the seco nd largesL u,a"5 in/ormation reque!\b, invelltto priaon population in tbe country. 19att!d 259 accident, rendered 118. SaturU1, Sap......r 12, 11M A t my rellld@nce Hland The federal decennial census or silltance in 51 fi calles and illsued 5,856 ~'erbal warninrs. orreet ion! at 1 p. m. the Jollowin, country and municipal penal usehold Goods stitUtiOn8 showed 1&,417 per ons order d for mechanical d tenets were committed betw~n January found upon cheeked cnr t otaled I Heatin" Stove, Cherry CIt..t ~f Drawers, Walnut Bureaul Wal. 1 and June 30, 1933, only N~w 13,967. , ut Table, Kitc hen Table, Bed, York with 37,824 baving a higher tOlal. l :edding, Rockel', Clothes Rack, ~,amp and Dlshea. In the ratio of male prisoners Also a fin e lot of Toole, Tool I t· h per popu a Ion, owever, Ohi o \\IllS Chest, 2 Axes, Sythe, Crowbar Wood ;Etc. TAXES SHOW BETTE.t TIMES T MS CA . IlOO,OOO population of ;1.6 years and GEO.ZELL A grellt deal can happen In a year- and high government offi cials, All 01 the problems and ad.vanta Income tax collectIons tor the over. l<'or worn n ' the ratio was Sears, Auct. llc tex~lle employ r8 and tex tile workers ar realizing the bitter truth of of t t~e t putt s~h.oi>lll w111 be I year ende4 June SO, 1934, 49.2 with 13 other st lltes having Hog lll'ices are tligher thnn that now. ' ' PUre,Stend eSt to be cltl7.ens of the indicated times aloe better in Ohio, higher percentages. they Itave been sinc~ 'eptemher ~u,,,,",jf~ Sears, Olerk. A I"tle " J1I e a eBa plan y means of the. ~ . . ,.. , ~-. O'Ve l' a year ago. on J uly 17, t' he flrst N RA code went mto radio under develop d by tn ~act b ave been Impro'vmg more . J 93 L, and pr()spects are lavol'able Number of Bu_~ C~OWI for e en better pl-1CeS during the NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT effect. Thls -:vall the textile code, held to be a model of ita kind. It tbe Department of Super~nten- l'8pidly than in the couilltry as a outla:-ved chll~ .Iabor, cut working hours alld raised wages, improved Ilent-s of the Natiolla l Educatiqn whole. The annual teder~11 revenue t BuseS operating In OhIO hav e in- coming ye~r, according to official$ ---worktng conditions. Spoke men for the NRA and the industry made Association. B. R. Darrow, direct- lreport showed the BuckEl e state's I ~reased from 4234 in 1926 ~ '1601 of the OhiO Fum BU1'eau, at Est.ate of Alfred T. Wrilht, dl3 t' R~i~~r~l' ~rank West of Colum.bus. . ceased. sp ee~es an~ statements, a8id that the co~e marked a great step for- or of the Ohio School of Air, re- bill for the past fiscal yel~ to hav ~~ ward In 60clal and economic eVQlutio n. turned la t week from Washington . e e 0 or e Ie e ureau . reports .. J>l'ICt' were much lower tl year Notice i' hereby ,given tbat Todav the te { 'I'11 '1 t ' . 1 i th th d D. C. where be and two others of been the largest ill the c(luntry ex· Deerease from 7~20 uses m 1932 ago when we had a big spring pig E. Burke whOle POl t OSc. ~, x I e ml 8 are al en save ... or a ew n e sou • an '. . t f ' N Y k P l ' to 7601 was reg tsterf,ld last year i L b Ohi h b there Bre no hund to guide the looms Almost 600000 workers have a natIOnal commlttee 'prepared a cep .or ew or, ennay vania, H R ' t W t ' • h' crop and prospects of a big fall I'PSB s e anon, 0, as een . , pro wh b h 1 III" d C l'f . owever, egis orar es IS o. t e crop It looked if h d duly appointed as Administrator le'ft t heir jobs, and tpe greatest strike 'in American history hBS begun...· er~ y ~very. BC O? mOlS an a I ornla. belief there \vill be a slight in' BS we w.ere es e Neither side snows s·" of .. . L "th d' ",' I f superintendent 10 cittes With radio , Income tax I=ollections for 1934 . h . t d I thO ed for ,2 hogs unl S8 acbon 'were of tll Estate of Allred T. Wrilht I.. ns glVlng quarter,."o are Ig"lng n or a stations wil1 arrange fOr broad. were '37,895,741 as compared to crease In "uses regl.8 ere or 18 taken," say!; the officers. lal;f! of Warren County , Ohio , deEurope had reduced ul'chasea ceased. long, unhappy battle. Last hope for early settlement collapsed when casts. In Ohip, th most pressing : $80,286,464. in 1933, atl increase year ofticl~1 flgures are final de perate efforts of t he government's labor board failed. The problem of the schoql th,al of of 2S- per cent. The gain for the not yet avallable. Thl!~ report does of hogs from us by 8 to l~ millll Dated this 11th day of Septemworkers demand till shorter houn, withont wage reduction, plua a finances, is expected to receive !country as a whole was but 9 per not include 8chpol buses. head annually but we still rais~3 ber 1934. clo~ d sh?p .and further. complications lie in the threat of sympathetic most attentio.n. The tir t 8eries of Icent. . . the hogs anyw~y, they say. ubstiRALPH H. CAREY stu kes wlthm other maJ or industrie_and that is the lItUJJ 01 which a broadcasts WIll start early next An even greater gain for the Beet, Ap~le ..nd Crape Crop. tution of trucks and tractora fo,. Judge of t he Probate Ceurt national general ' strike might be made. Heads of the textile union an- month .and run through National state was shown in mi eetlaneous U. S. Ag~lc~ltural De~.9;rtment's hor es had reduced consumption 1127 Warren County, Ohio • _. nounce that finanCial contributiona are flowing in from all branches of EducatIOnal Week. The National1tax collections. which jumped from estimates IDdlcat.e Ohlo.s 1934 of coi'o, but we still raise d as ll1uch I bQr, that t hey will have a war-chest adequate to pursue t he Btrike Congress of Parents and Teachers $39,192,336 in 1933 to '73,914,- ,sugar beet cr?p 18 lookmg up, com a8 ever. The bumper CI'O P of NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT to what they hope will be a successful outcome. However the n ation's through l\I~. Darrow as chairman 431 in 1934, an increal8e of 89 app)~8 ar.e fal~~nftfownb and ~r~pes , 1932 had mad corn even ch.e aper hi ' ' o f a com.mlHee ha also prepared per cent. The average gliin for the lU'e anglng II t8 Y a ove t elr ii- land stimu lated the g reater hog 'I:' pure as n~ P~W~I' wl\l be reduced by abo~t .7,000,0~0 8 week as long an extensive program to be given ' coulltry in' millcellaneou8 levies was year average. Of the 10 principal production. ""state of Frank H~tlOck. dlas the strike IS m eJJect- and everyone Will feel the til eft'ect.l!. over a national network everY 70 per cent. beet sU8'ar producing states, only I .. ome say the drout.h and not ,ceased, . • , The whole tuture 9f the NRA and. more important still, ot employ Thul'aday from 5 to 5 :30 p. m. beOhio showed an increase and that plnnn<!d prodUction saved the ho Notice II hereby given ftiethat Anna er-employ relations is in the balance. The gravity of ttie crlsifj cannot ginning October 4. ' E . • only 2000 tons. The indicated 1934 market," tarm bure~u officials eon~ I:a;sock w~l~ae' ~~~t 0R .; a~dre811 b over-emphasized_it is literally packed with dynamite. .tlm.te lacre... In Traffic crop was 330,000 short ton . Th : tinue. · ''It'a quite tru thqt the b n arll!sv e'Gi 0, . E' • hal A I)r:ol)ze tablet erected between Traffic on the sta te highway 1927-31 average was 231,000 tons drouth by reducing feed sUfJplies \ ;etbe ~t;!. a~ ;ec:tri: . the State House and State House f!ystem of Ohio during 1934 will ~he state's 1934 apple crop was ' will te'nd to hold hog productio~ 0 8 0 an aT lIOe Annex, on is claimed to be s how ~n increase of apPI'oximately e!tl~ated at 3,888,000 bu bels I down i n 1934, but the hogs now ' ~~':8e~f Warren County, Ohio, det~e exact s~ot whel'e Abraham 6.3 per cent over 1933, according agall)st a 5-~ear avera,go of 6,658,- \being marketed were farrowed I Dat;d thi 10tb d f S te , r Lmcoln dehvered a memorable to an e tlmate made b17 O. W. 000 bushel.!l, 193( gl~pe crop at long before the 1934 drouth start- be 1934 II ay 0 ep m . t..-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _J speech September 16, 1869, was Merell, Director of the State High. 24,140,000 tons agamst 5-ye8l' ed. Dr E 1 At dedicate4 last ~unday wi~ a~ld"l'es- 'Vi.ay Departme~t.' This itlcrE!ase .in- average of 23,724. . "Th e drouth has delayed the rise can. ~:tPH CAREY The Ohio !tate Univer ity Radio Station-WOSU se~ ~y prominent offiCials and dlcates a relabon to tb.e upawmg General crop was pndlcted to ,in hog prices: instead of helping it. Jud e of the P ob t C t others. The dedication oecurred 75 -from the depression, sinl~e the yol- be about 75 per cent (If normal The May drouth brought to ma.rket 27 g W r a e our ·8:00 Music years to the day after t.he addrelll ume of trafHc has ste$diJ,y declined alld 12 .per cent below last year's thollsanda of hogs from the n orth- 8 _ _..!r~n.. -County, Ohiu 8:05 Farm Adjulltment. Newa ................. ., ..... , .... John A. Slipher w.~ giYen, according to local hissince 193.1. Traffic decreased 5.1 production. west Bnd fpl'ced pl'ices qown. The NOTICE OF AfPOINTMENT 8:16 What Soil Teats Help a Farmer ............... ...... .... ,... ,.. F. J. Salter torlans. • late SUnlmer drou'tll ~rought in ')ler cent 10 1932 und er 1931 a n d . :26 Music __ 1.4 per cent in 1933 under 1932. Ht.bwa, Patrol Acta.. unfinished pigll from the southwest 8:'0 Some Mechanical P1'ob)eml in Irrigating Fruits William H. Reinhart••tate com. Composition of trafllc on the State Highway Pat~o l stopped and prnented a rapid increase in Estate of Daniel L.elter Cr6lll. and Vegetablea ... " ........... _........................ Virgil Overh olt mi$sioner of consel'\Tation. was state highway system during the 22,212 motor vehicles during AUJ- priees, and only when general rains Deceased. ' 8 :50 R cent Trend in Vegetable Gardening •. ' ... ". Or. H. D. Brown elected second viee president 'of the summer months ot 19jU reveals Ul)t to effect bett~r motor vehicle in August. encouraged farmers to I Notice is hereby riven ·tbat Q:QOFarm IIomemnkel's Interpret Their lob ...... ..... , ....... Minnie Price International A oclatlon of Game 90.~ per cent pall8engelt car. and Jaw obaervtmee and highway hold b"ek hogs did the market real Flora M. Gralle, wh08e POlt OfRu FiSh and Conaervation Commi..Bsiori 9.6 ,per cent trltcks as compared satety, according to monthly re- 11' re pond to belt r prices, Address I" Way,ellvlUe, OhIG, bas 1I :10 Musio ' "Better hog priees were created been duly apPointed .. A.dminia9:25 Wint. rattle Feeding Suggestions .............:, ........ L. P. McCann ers a t the sesaion held at Montr~a) with the 1933 summer tj~atJic of 90 port of Col. Lynn Black, patrol 0:36 Skunks ....... _......................... ,............ ........ H. E. Eswine. last week. Mr. , Re iohal1t was among per cent passenger ears ,and 10 per superintertdent. The vehi.cles stop- in spite of the drouth, and the corn tratrix of the Estate Qf Danill pre!ent. . ' hog p'Togram was mo!ltt)y reaponsi- Lester Crane late of WarrlD 9 :'6 Late Fall and Early Spring Pasture, ................ _........ D. R. Dodd those _~ _ _ _ ble. In t he last year th AAA County, Ohio. decl&lled. bough t 6,200,000 head of 1933 Dated this itia day of September spring pigs; 240,000 bred 80wa 11134. ,RALPH H. CAREY that would have raised 1,000,000 Judge of tbe Probate Court fall pigs, and around . 1,500,000 Wa.rren County, Ohl •• ligh t hogs. The pork from theae 827 pigs except that :Crom pill too lllnall to butcher, was turned over NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT to the I.\Jlemployed and did !lot get COLUMBUS-A .new federallcentll. . During the coming year, the into commereial channels. Estate of Harriet E. i'ur.... decorn loan on the baa1! of 55 cents boys of America will get a half"Every experi811ced ~ ...elltock ceased. per b~ahel was announced last A directory minimu!1l wage fare ra te to adventure and fun! man knows that othel'wlse we Notice ia 'he1'C!by given ~ week 10 a telei!'am to the .tate de- order for women and mInors em- 'J'HE AMERICAN BOY _ wOlJld have had a complete collapse Laurence W. Fuma ",bOtNl JlOIt partment of agr!culture, whicb haa I played in t~e clea~ln, and dyejng ,IYOUTH'S COMPANlO. N, the of the hog market, and in many dis Office Addresi 1.1 ".~ been ad mlnistermg the loan act occupation In ,OhiO (other than nation 'a leading magazine (or boy~ t.rict8 hoga would ha1l'e been Ull - OhiO, ball been duly appointed as under the AAA. The tele&'l'am !ofHee work) became effectiVe Sep-, formerly $2.00 a yeaI', now coats s~ leable. Without t he processing Admlnittrator of 'tile Eatde of /" eame fr~m ~m . .S. Bradley ~f the tember 10. Tltia regulation, to be f1.00. A three year subllcription, tax to finance the program, tbe Harrie~ E. Elana. l&te 01 Warna comm.o dlty Cr.~dlt CorporatIon at enforced . . . directory or®r for previously $3.50, coati! only $2.00. market would have had to take the County, OhiO, dlCeeeed. WaahJn~ton. Present borrowers 90 d\1YI, provide••11 bOUl'I, rate of . Griffith Ogden Elli. editor q1. Dated thia 29th day of Aucalt 'burden . of nearly 9!000 ,000 more may pledge corn now un~er seal. at 35 cetlts with tim~ and a half for THE AMERICAN BOY, brings hog8 thIS seaeon. WIthout the-belF 1934 ' Ilew rate only 'a fter 1'em~pectlon all hoars over 40 per week. Store boys the bearty lll!Iurance that the efit (J1 t~e program, the market M. Drake, AttT. ot crib al)d collateral," it wal \ clerks in dry cleanine eatablilh- new prices will in no wa,. atrect the 42 would be lOvery bad shape now." CHARLES B. DECHANT I/tated. It was sugge.ted that the menta ma)' work 4S hours before editorial contents of the mapzine he farm bur eau wa1! one ot the rr: Actin, Judr- of the Probate PLAYlNG IN THE SUNJ department have it. inl pectora or the overtime rate a-,plt... Approxi- It will be as large .. beautifully nat.lonal . farm ~rganizati(lns that Court, Warrefl County ObJo. sealer ready to compJ.etc reln- mately 3,000 women and minors printed, as fu1\ hlp-spirited as ISted In securlDg the pa8sage of S20 I ' LITTLE AMERlOA. , ANTARCTI- yond !.be Ba.) of Whalee al fa r a. the Agricultural Adjustment Ac t spection befoTe the new CTOP are affected by the new wage. FaU- adventure a. ~ver. , .....- - CA. Sept. 11 (via a.lack ..y Ra- he could lee. We bave lhbug'ht all tal' the purpose of getting better ' comes in. The new order meanl ure to comply with tb~ order may "THE AMERICAN BOY's leadthat farmere may ~orrow JOvern- reault III the publicatIon of the ership hal been no accident," Mr. 110) :-Tbe return ot dAi~yllcbt ba, along Lbal we were ~ut In b7 • prices for basiC agricultural pro- White Rose-Power ... ment money on corn valued. at 66 Ilame of the employer in lome Ellis· states. "We publlBh the maga· ~ a mArked Influenc.·oD all ot tile toUd abeet of Ice !!lttendlDg for bun. duets. hind the enllne. ' cents per 'b ushel instead of 45 neW8paper. FaUure to keep or fum zine in the firm belief that boys f'2 meD 10 lh" camp ..n~, I presume, clreds or mllea. ThIs \8 ' one of tile uotl, tnt, previoua basic value. lei rec()rda requb;ed il punllhable dele"e. magazine as ·l!'ood a .. any a almllar effect 00 ,AdIlDIr.a1 'Byrd m at . IULer~tln8 sclentlflc dlB<;Ov, The governmEnt bas aillo extended by a fine q! f26 ·to ,UO foreacb publication ,for £ToWn-ups. So we Uld the three, men wit!) 111m at '801- erlea of this e.xped1Uoo &,0 far. The provisions ,of the corn loan act to d~y of violation. ute the beat ilIuatraton obltailrlalille l1na' Advance Base, A new spirit big Ford plane Is ' being dug out January I, 1986, Itom September . -well-known artista who work tor pervades the 'ellUre gro'up ana the trom under eight feet of .aDOW It baa . reeted for dve years 1. Loane amounting to '700,000 First euminatlons held by the the biClflt mquinea. We send Irl1tabl1lt)' and the ahar]) tempere .ha-ve already beea made to Ohio ltate civil serviCe commluion since our .taff writere .11 over tbe lIeveloped during t.he long. gloomy IIIDCe the tiret ExpedlUon left. The8e da),lI, when we are 10 bU8,. farmers on the 1988 corn crop. lut June will ' be eOlldllcted Sept. COUn.tTy dining up th.e interesting wlDter night are dlaappea.rlng. Each the bulldlng8 are deserted. lIany 01 them were made when 27 and 2S. They win be confined tacta of aeienee, interviewing morolD3 before the lun Ilctually apthe market price was around 80 e.,tirely to poaitione in the divl... world-famoul ellplorers, talking peared, aa the faInt glow 00 the !.be ttove .. out aad the argwnenLl bonlon tncrel\8ed It wal · ~etlted by forgotten . In , live week8 our to coacbe8 and atl!letes. traJl pafllE/s will leave with theIr = "We encourage and allsist our l ta.DI!.tlcal aroup tractora and dog Iledge. on th e IrJ"W writers to go everywhere for of lun worship100& and daDgerous exploration material- to. Haiti, Atrica, , the pe~ . Each day t~ the Queen Mau~ Moun· South Seu, China--and bring back UDtU AUgU8~ . 23 t&1na and olh~r diatant apot,. All oj adventure ·for. AmerjQ8n bOYS~' We the ~'un ' a"proact). aIr or ten.slon Ilea over the whole hire experts on hobbi,es and boy ad , closer to the .camp. The· tractors ara all overproblem8 to adviH boy." and you,,&, bOllion pntil the tJ.auled and ready for the trail e&· men. Theae steps account tor ' our group were reFlaming Cros~ em Whil,e Bae~poDacl 'aept the big Cletrae which lies out posl~ion a~ the quality magazil)e warded flnally t;Jy In the anow67 miles 80Ut.Il of It. :tor boys, and we shall eontinue to a gUm 1188, or ItI Adopted ..~ Symbol CJ' . ahinlng edee apIts carburetor ~aa' put oUI of busl· take them." . Merey Twelv~ iuues .of fun and excite- p_rtng Just over bach, of Brad It,. nea8 by t.Ile cold but H 18 Dot 10 any ment . for '1.001 Three yeais for tbe dlatant Ice aeach, N. J., one way dall1aged and was Invaluable . jii' .:'<' D, DAVID S, INOALLa .-..-1 .. ... ,~J. J' ,2.001 Spread the nedWI amonl barrier. The day- of olu r avl~to,.. to the expedition In Ita early trip. ", . til .......... OhIO ItoII c.JI 1'_II1II_ your 8\ln . yqUr oWII U,tl,t 11'88 only dayllgh\ b3' courtesy . PreB&otJy we are goIng oul to gel It. .,. ditect to THE It " .. gre1 a~d eerie Oil, the Ice but It will be hrougbl In as aooll aa tbe 'hom 'o n. end of the world to th. deepl, lllto Ida 1II&IIlOI'J. BOY, 7"'80 Secend It,.was da3'Ught nevertbelell and a weather moderates. ...... the ftamln, recI e~a 00 a returDed ,to btl beloYed IwltMr· Blvd., Detroi!;, Mich: SerVice on welc_e cbange ,from. I~he ImpeDeI haYe been livIng for the past white be£qround baa '*01)1. land. tUN to write "T_ Sou,,'" your.ublcription will start with trab)e blackness of th.s Antarctic rew months In the main a4ll1lnl.Imcnm a. till badc. of ml", and Soll_lao." aDd to formula" h ' . , if al,l1t. trat100 bUilding 10 an upper bunk NIl.. tor lufteriD. humanity. but pJaDI'for a penun_~ world-widl t e lasue you spec y. WIth the adv~t of (Iayllght the 'over Steve Core),. or Winchester. r... reallH that it wal tbt th.. of orcan...... to 'e ufterllll ' - - - -••- - weather teemed to get coider and M..e.,_ oW' SUpp ly olllesr. The ... ~ 9w1aa wbJeh tUrt!ilhN &be de- I. tilll. at war. B..u.t1. . otblr 1-he ll1en lIlIed on mor,!! ..nd more 80clatJon. and the argumenta here ..... twtllll aimplt .billl... ,bUaathrop" aDd promlDent lar Iftl D c1othJl1&', eapeclally .ocl~lI . Out ·wln· bave b'een a liberal education to me _bl... dlYlduala .. _paUl, wWI ... It .,.. .. 1869 that Jean M,1U'l ideal," orpDlIIed th.lnt Our community was shocked and ter Ihoes. all rigbt tor ·Indoora. - aD unparalleled poat-graduate DuaDt, a SwI.. phUantbropllt wbleb, to lIoaor Ita louDder ,and 1118~~QeneQ by tbJi death of a .most were replaced by tar 1I1ukiulti and couree Bupplementlng my work ·at tnftli., III ltalt. fGOad .liaM1f bJa - ................ Ita . . . . . citilell Wm. A. Sayers. II~Y7 leather helmets replaced the Harv..rd. I have acquired great aelf· ID tIM tar1KaleatpfOY!.... of to.. a nd - - - . . . . . . . siC..... , was an active member of the wooleo helmet8 we bad beenweu- confidance because I ,have In«, ADd, sa .the bOyt b,~"o to play to do so wany things. , I can ·now !Ia...a.. wUa AWltriaD tnIoPi aDd tile . . . . . ., ... wbI........, E Ch b h U • . ...-:;.., of aJUecl F alld 8.r- _~ .............,... . , u r e , t e' ... BlOruc Lodge around or work outstd..a. numerout do anythIng from obaervlni and 4IafQ ,,,.ttallonl Riet In the IJIood, On ·..11 ....., foaa.....,..... .Eastern Star. FUl\er:alservicea calee or fJ;'Ol~bltten DoAte. '. nd to" checking m eteo~ to properly fold' !lattll of Solf.rino. Ne.rl, tort, b, .I.." B. .ri DUDant, the Red held at the' chuTeb Saturday all4 tiDllera' begaJ;l to a~,pear. ThOlle In, ' parachutes. adjWlttng m&ID&, u..u.-Dd .en !Ued a. tb. tftrea CJ'OIII II.. "'iIo~ 48"raatloll". and burial. Il)ade ' jn the ,ot UI who were workf/lg outdoora tOB or butchering a aeal-not fql' til Napoleon III IWept back tile 1, Into tile crutee' .f all ,.:1" >!" ha.e had to .atch each other oloe6- gelling my really great prolieJenc, • AUltrl... 1I0rd... 'l'houI&Dd. 'more tIOCl..., I .. r-* of BlltI1l'iU. D. Larkin and clll,)drell Iy to cheek tbe telll·tale .. a. plaIn an.d 'ancy wIelder of a wen left WOIJndN and Dluthttd hila been brM...... far beJoDd the IllaYdoc'k of Mr. and Mra. T. C. patobea tIIat tudlc!ate freeltDg facee anow sbovel. That'18 ODe art I am .. til. wake .f &be flroeloUl com- orlclaal 'tbou..., of "ialatA=riIII and !amil,. a part of aDd muat be attlll14ed to lnataoUr gOln, to try to ro~.t the mlnutl '1 .... "'til 1Itt11 or DO atteaUen.. to duriai tiIM of war. ....._ tbeIr ooaditioD. and tilda, the .... CJ'Olll Ita. Dorcas club met wltb Mra. II,· nabblDa IDOW 00 them au4 ,et· I let, home . UIIC out 01 tile estreme cold for a Up where 70U are coIl8," are ~ • DaaaDt, a ••utral aQd ...a ...... read, alld ...... .., ~DaJ· Mcintire 00 Thuraday. wbU •. A martN eIlal),l allO oc- openlDa· Atreacl, almott 400 eD! "kat, HUlna til. tim "oed u ~ u Ita .11'" Helen Hainea has elll'oilecJ cumet tn oor Uym. condltiolW. nu... Ure cl~ have enrolled In 0!1~ ......, Mnlce. obtained .,lIat eo- neoN t..te la the at Cedamlle· coll.e. he could rrom &be war· ~ at ........, la &lie ... Mr: aDd lira. J. L. Conard are ... till wiater Dltht It ~.. our club, Ud tbOUll&l1da of other peopl1 til. Croea ~ ucI &be all , Red villtilll claqhter at Biqt- .....t to 'OI'eIfather In the HYin. Intel'eltld III Aviation, uploratloll edv.nture. U ,00 .YeD't J~a" I. C.... MtMUes aN ..,rW .. .. vme. hid. Mrs. Conard aIIo quartere /\fter m.... aDd ~e . . . . . ~ _ ..... 01 tIM Jola with fl'lnda Oil • lab .... trfp '"'1 QU"UOJI UDder tile IlID '4a1 ,et DOW ta a 'ruIcJ tim•• Mlmbefl .... Dtpi. Th. eoal IltoHi w........ IIIlp, b" worklq IUD Of tile SOUUl ..........., t_ paid • sen and to llleh..... .. Walk eI III.. To. lin. On-me 8ricbl 'Pm the H& aDd Ill. arl\UDenta ••• laotter. Polar .....OD aDd 1D.....raJaJp ~ Row all tIaIa 11 . . . . . . w. ••• •... all tI'M. a 01,.,. led UI . -....d wltII hlr lOa at ceo ~ all ODIOI'tUItr to . . . . . . . . . ., ........... atIUQe4 euap at Clearlold K7. Mr• •d lin. It. ..... aDd .......10 aDd . . Meeor.••• .,..... .....,..,.. Il~. . . . ... ........ .. "*-.......,. AMltt .......... lIro ucI • L. 1011 of ltate emplorment Hniee, department of Incillst.ri&J relationa. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - am II_ted with the United Stat" ISSUED EVERY THUItSD~Y employment llervlcel Te ts will be manalr&rI at t.h e Aleron, Co)umD. L CRANE I I Pu.... ri.. ll........ ,1.10 a Y..r bus, Hamilton, Steubenville and OIIe. . . ._ ...................... N... UI lIlDlered at POitofra.,. at Wa,.l1 .. ' Toledo OfllC fll , assistant ma.nagers "'.".e N III 1I'lIIe. 01110. ~"ad 01"1 lIal1 at Akron and Dayton, senIOr in......................... . 0. Un terviewen at Akron , and Youngstown, junior inlerviewer8 in. six cities, statistical a sistantll in 11 SEPT~ MBER 20. 1984 cities, and a . field supervisor for ~.==============~==========~~_==m==~=__ ltate wide employment. All except the la t named must be 'I'el!id~nts of tbe county in which the employoffice js located.


the week-eacl with Claude KruJr of Enlrlew~'od. W. N. McKay Conference at Samuel Wlleon it home by iIIneu . ---- -

CaptOtal' Cross Road Chatter

T extJO. e Strike Coata Nation $7,000,000 Weekly

cent trlleu..


BEllER HOG PRICES !~S!~:~;eo~ftb:7~.~ ~~i~~a:ersw~~~ ARE DUE TO AAA






' . Farm hlght 1 alks I

Sentember 24

Il.l t!r:



Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol





-.-;.-- ...---






Quality ·






New Bu I'




0' Per......0' .........

'M& ....



-Dl, .....eD,,"'"






lMotIe......,. ....


tertat~d tIIt'ir famllt.s and tb Band nd their 'amill.. at a lovely dinner laat Thursday vV(lDing. The conct'rts have cJo!led for thill sea· son. 1111'S, EVil Mac})otlilld had aa dinner gue t lut Thunda,Y lhe lIlesdames Esculene Walker ot .Jamestown, Gertrude Clemen of Cedarville and ~rtha Gordon. Miss Vir.nnia Davis of Dayton. pent SUlld8Y with her pal'~nts, 1I1r and ~rs, Joe Davie. lIlls Rhea McCarrell 1l'9V('5 lhis week for Delaware to nt I' college. - - -- - - - --

·11e Wi'.n.


an the pict...... of tarmJq hIllerS.. for TIle of eJeetrleitJ to \hie eo_..,,''"' to the 10 eat ftaure in oar bietory, yoteRa,. .ad tod.,.. Po.ttOlUn Th new dome.tle ratti, now hi Mr. and )In. };vt'rctt Sh~ma efl'eet are .. follows; ca..... B ••d to PIaF at Fair Whit R' P Io..a_ ha • return d from a viSit In Firat. 30 kilowatt·hours @ .07e e ...- ower.,... 'VOI.t. (Contlnaed from Pa.. 1) pel' kilowatt hour. The German band will play at. hind the enlln•• Millsea Vitglnia Rnd Vivian w re plllying in and are touted Next 50 kilowatt·hurs @ ,06e tile County Fair today (Thursday) Tucker ent rLaincd t hI' li~e8 a very' fa t. t an,. per kilowatt hour. Members ot the band are: ChIde. Vlrlinla Davis, Rach I hamhaugoh You ~hould eo Warner pitch. All over 80 kllowatt·hours @ LeMay, Frank Lel\4ay, Leo Connn Ann" MacDonald, Rhea ahd H is one 01 th st adles and gnm.03~e per kilowatt hour. ' Ray Van Often and Edmon Marlatt Evdyn Me arren at dinner reo e t pitchers eV(,f seen here. It has been pointed out by the Mr. Frank will direct. cently. management of The Dayton Mr. lIf rion Curdon ba belm Pow r and Light Comp..n)' that Sporu .......l1ip Brotherllood Held Walter T. Elzey i now agent quit puody bul i much illlproved WAYNESVILLE MERCHAN'fS with. these new, lower rates, many Firat Meetin. f r the WeRr-u-well Shoe Co. AB R B PO A E custom rl! who have up to this time The Waynesville chapter of the Your patronage will be greally at this writing. Mr. and Mr~, Harry McVey have Mendy, l'l ., /) 2 4 1 {) 0 re[ltricted their use ot current for Sportllmanship Brotherhood held appreciated. nloved to ?tlrs. hI,T), Haines' prop Gons, cf /) 1 2 S 0 0 t~al" that the ~os~ would be too ita first meeting lit the gym Thura tlrty teeently vacated by O~C8T Warner, p f) 1 2 1 9 0 hllJh (elthough It ,1s a proven fact day evening, Sept mber LB. ""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SontAlr and family. Peck, Ib 4 2 2 10 0 () that electrIcity in the homo is the A most int resting program was t: Ir. and Ml's. J. W. Sn n ani.! Mrs. Raymond Wiluon i with her Lauren s, s .. ,, 4 J 1. 1 , 1 0 eX1>ensive feature ot the given during which Mr. , on SPetlt last Sunday i n Monteray Thompson. 2b 4 1 1. 3 1 2 budget) may now u ad. awarded the pins to the representa vi iting relatives. mother, Mrs. EI'ne t lIurley, of M W lIel', c .. 3 0 7 1 1 dlUonal current for a va.riety of tive lIportamen to'r last year !lnd fro and 1ofrs. harles Gordoll, near New Burlington, who is ick Treadway, 8b 0 0 0 6 1 hom u e nd labor Bavlng appU. new members were installed by Mr. H nry Satterthwaite, who nal'tsock, If, 4 0 0 1 0 0 ancel without in any way incnall- Mr. Lob. The II w faculty Mr. and Mrs. Everett Villars and IOU8, Dr. lind lIlrs. W. E. O,les- Ita ~een on the sick Ii t. jim· - - - - ing their electricity expense over bel's. Mr. Bodenbender, Mr. Mac. Iy d e L evicy provIng. 37 8 12 27 ]7 4 t h.. l!as. t Th e same 0 f course 18 . D onald and Mr. Frank. gave short 'b ~, ... ,,~ r. an d "r ~,rs. Mr. and Mr . Til IiIO Terrell and Total and Rhea McCarren attended the BOn Paul and 'Asenith Terrell a -m the commercial u e of lee- talks; these were followed by an tuneral of R. W. KaylOr, 1ormel'- nursfrom a Dayton ,Hospital POSTTOWN trlcity under the new lowf.'r rates addre by Mr. Hatfield. ~""'''''''''i'''''''''''''''"'''''''''1IWW Fri.-Sal.-Sept. 21-22 ly of her at BeUefontoin last vi ited in the hORle of Mr. and , AB R H PO A E applying to this employment of ' M H Current. The downwat'd swing in Junior Hi,h Choru. ' Sunday afternoon. Tile Woman' Civic Lea~u enr om~r Haines last week. KInsey, c£ '" 5 1 3 2 0 0 M A d M ffi electric rates , by The Dayton A Junior.High chorus is a with t rd' atn CMlrs'l,RalpSh Ldeamlr1g SeJ~y, If .. . 5 0 l 2 0 1 fS' ma !) a d "~; I entLier~M , ined Power and Light Company is in orgllniz~d, consist,i na of _ &-u oe a 0 umuus un ay and D. Billett, 3b .. 6 0 2 0 1 1 011 un d ay, MT. an lU rs. ee or· kee . a w'th th Co '1' " ANN ' SOUTI-tERN, NEIL visited Mr. and Mrs. Jos ph T B 'll t Ib " 0 1 5 0 )'i, of Davton. pm~ I (!. , mpany 8 po ICY 8i.x~y-6ve members of the eventh HAMILTON, PAUL KELLY let, .' 0 3 .. ' 0 ~ long adhered to, giving the cus- and Eigllth grades. White Rose, the depen- Westall and Mr. and Mrs. Allen e. this pictur I he took 0 Saum. . Eklridge, 2b .. " 0 0 1 1 Miss Marjorie Earnhart is tomer th~ benefit of a .cheaper CO,lIt Mr. Frank, the music instructor dable Casollne. chance with love ~ Mis.s Jeannette Wilson ~ra~t, ss .4 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 pending the Nmainder of the for ervlee without many , way is doing everything hi' his power to ~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!"~ the w~k-end with her eousiu, Jean M~I\GiJl:frt .: .. .. ~ 0 0 0 1 we k with friends Ilear Dayton. reducing ~he character of .the make ' it a Ucces&, He bo~s to SUIl.-Moll.-Sepl. 23-24 . ._ _...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.... Furnas, of near Waynesville. N' " 2 3 11 0 seMee WhlCh for .0 I()ng a tIme mak it as good as the High school L.ili ..' D....... , 70c Mr. and lIfrs. John Wilson IKon, c ", .. 1 2 0 10 0 Miss Elizabeth Henkle, l'!1rs. E. has been a predo~lnating. feature mixed chorua. F. Deppe and M... E. C. Crane of customer dealmg WIth the _ _ __ ed on hi brothel;' Samuel Wil on HeIsinger, p .. S Gods Destroy" Mell'. S.ib, SSe who was s.ick on Monday. Mrs, - - - - - - Bre in Cincinnati, todlay. local utility. Inyil'" to Ohio Stat. Q.ick-fOl' ....Iit,. drycl_.i... Ed 'tb u . Total .. ," 38 4 12 24 18 " S me of our local resld~nts wh o With The boy of WayneSVille High' . I .~Jlmes called on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. ROB Andrew$ and have applied this new rate to their Walter onnelly, Robert Sebool have been invlb.ed to attend Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mitchner 123 ..~ 56789f,a mily, of Oaklan·d" mpe"t lall"t latest billa have found all appro· . ~ •• t o~k d')nne!' With Young and Doris Kinton Mr, Jlnd MrI!. Mel''T hants 0 0 1 0 0 2 5 0 x_ 8 Sunday with Frank St'l 'nsberry and ciable savings in thelr electric H.igb School DI\Y at 01;110 State A hero to the world, an idol Unjversity, Saturday, October 6, Horace C()mpton Sunday.took din. P ost' t own .. , 0 1 0000 0 0 3- 4 family , The followin ... guests service costs. Any customer can Special arrangements have , been to hi~ wife, a coward i~ l1i9 "I d M L demonstrate the same thing. .. heart ner at t he home of Mr. lind Mrs. St I b K' T B'll tt JJ r. an rs.. V. Beck, Mrs. ---.-~ _ - _ made concer'n ing the price ot ad~~=========~= Raleigh Bogan and daugllter, ,S un. , 0 en as.e_ msey, • l e G . C. Dibert and Mr. P. U. LeMay mission and tran portation to QalLlit,. E .... .;.. day, in honor of Mr. Edyth NIxon, HeiSinger, Warner! Pecle, attended M. E. Co.nference at Although New York and ~ther Columbus. Indiana Univer~ity will Brandt and Mr. and Mrs. Querney _ _ _ ---~-_ Zanesville, Friday. eastern markets ~re the best be Ohio State's opponent. J d M t Br.ay and daughter Lois Marie of brothers three sisters one half , M'" 'B b d' M Add' C ' , I~ ar ara eRn an as er markets in the ~orld lor quality b ts. . Ie ompton, brother and sil!ter with hi parents Jack Crane are gue!Sts of M I eggs, they are the poorellt for low rs. a el Fitzgerald and son8 him in death, his mother Paul Boorom of BeUbro:k' quality eggs. Howard and DIck, of New Burling paBBing away but eleven months t o d a ' , ton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harner ago y, of Spring Valley, Mr. and Mrl!l. c. W. Warstler, of th Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Mainous Forest Compton and !!o n Frank, ot Bretbren Church, conducted the lind three children, Reba, Imonear Ne;w BurUngton, Mis!! Ella faMral services at the home of ~ean and Charles I~f Hamilton The model'n funeral director t>erforms many Co'!"pton of Roxanna~ Mr. ~i1i1am slIter, Sunday at 2 o'cloc k, were afternoon callers. at the services for the bereaved family.-. ervice which no SmIth of near ldoJ;'alne CIty and speaking comforting word read- home of R. S. MainoUis and family M~. and Mrs. Evan Bogan and ing hymn, "Sate in the Arms ot aturday. ' (Continued from pare 1) one el e has the training, experience or equipment to chIldren, Robert and Marjorie of 8" and "We'll Never Say Good supervi,s ion at MiBB Henkle, have provide. This profe.ssion has grown up in response to Mrs. Frank !-. Taylor, who spent ~uite a lot of wo"k to make Dayton. ' n Heaven." Rev J. I. Kaylor a need of modern society. - - -- - • charge of the serviceI'! at the summer WIth her mother, l\{TI!I. thIS dl8play a lIuceeu. Amona the OBITUARY tbe Jacket cemetery where Edith M. Harris, wa joine~ ~y her variolls articles dill.,layed are drellThe co t of the funeral naturally includes a he was laid to rest. husband o~ Tuesday ELDd on Thurs. &es, bJouse~, pillows ,and searfs charge for this professionalervice. Whether it is Tho e serving as pan bearers day mornmr Mr. andl Mrs. Taylor that the lfIrls hsve made. They itemized separately or added to the price of the RoUie W. Kaylor, SOn of John : Homer Brenner, Charle It;tt for t;heir home iin San Fran. have a properlY-Bet table and casket "with complete service", it is a,legitimate and W. and Malinda E. Kaylor, waS Ollie Harmon, Dr. Geo. CISCO, CaM. tood models that will make a well born in Logan county, OhiD, April bId I Tb I II nece sary t>art of the funeral expense, 28, 1877. Departed tbil life at Harmon, Alvin Mohr and Rev. J. Mr. and Mrs. H, L. Roe lind aance mea. eya 10 av~ CUI E. Bookwalter. ' ned vegetablH and pre.erv... A chi1dren, Mr. and Mr~,. J. B. Chap. "oom that they have lamiahed Leads, N. ~. September 11, 1934. Like any other professional man, the funeral When Rollie grew to manhood man, Mr. Robert Clhapman, M;r. properly will also be of interest. director has made an investment in education and he became interested In Creamery Card of 'nank. and Mn. Ralph MilJe,r and family, equipment for the serv,ice of the' p~blic. To consider We wilh to upreas our heart 'Mr. and Mn. W. E. Cornell, Mr. F F A Dl I work and havinr taken a courle at bim al3 a mere retailer of merchandise is to miss the Columbus University h~ worked 'at felt thank. to our neirhbors and and UMra • Rasaell S.Ilillbury and 'l'h F a, l th most important and valuable feature of his work. this. trade at Waynesville and Hal" also to Mr. and Mrs. De- 1am y and Mr. and Mrl!l. R. H. , e . . . . OYI are UI nr e TIM! greatest lervice the veysbure Oblo until be "Went iJlto Nyse, and Mrs. Rock ot Le_de Hartsock and famiTy enjoyed a 88~e dl play at the Warren eountJ world has ever known ill also bUBinesa for himeelf at 'the latter N. Y., lor their many kindnesae ste.k raaat at the home of Mr. and tan' that th~y used at the .State its greatest privilere-tbat of place until his wife's health fail. during the time of qur deep so.l"row ~rs. J. K. Preston, Friday even. FaiT, wber~ It won .second prIM ill parenta,e. And . children ed and they moved to DeLand, MTl\ Mae Ka t mg. the edu~bonal claaa. It Ie.tur. in 1922. B th y?r _ _ ~__ the outlltandlng side ot vocational "Whether till in their youth or £!,OWD to maturity IIhould The past three mOnth. Rollie, ro ers and SIster. education. The dillplay, cOrulllta of iCberish their father and with bill wife, had employment Those from a dietance attending a motor that revolvell a cylinder 011 mother. \ ~--~....-'~---I-lI~~~_J-lI~ine Cataldll moun.' tbe funeral were: Mrs. Alonzo tiline of New York from which Cruml'ine and two sons, MT. ,and place they h-.d planned to, on Mrs. Harry Crumrine, Mr. Wil10rd dWabhlelt~!.'.!,Hllne' the. depenthe day of his death, for Ohio, to Crumrine from Wabash, Ind.: Mr. ..... ____ way b~ck to Florida. _ daughteT, Mrs. Ruth Noble and .Wide spread J'edu;e~jon in elec. ~ Rollle was married to MISS Mae children from Dayton, Ohio; Dr. tnc rates for domestic and com' I Sne)! of Ha1'Vilysburg, Ohio, June and Mrs. O,lesbee, Mr. and Mrs. 1~ 1906, wbom h~ leavea ~o mourn C1l'de Levier, Mr. and Mrs. CWas. m~rcla customers of The Dayton hU5 departure 'WIth two brotbera Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Power and Light COlllpany have ===~=~======~ Clyde C. and JOleph .H. Kay)er; Villers and children Miss Rhea been. announced for thi!! comai_ter, Mrs. Jesee. A. Yoder all McCarren from Harv~vsbllrg, 011'10 m~l\lty. The rate reductions, whieh t 8 11 f t'. Will have an appreciably advanWhite Rose, the depen- one o nel;':r ' e e ontame,. with a hoat Mr. and Mrs. Maurice KI\$'lor, and tllge, to residential and commercial da~le 08SOUne. of frJen4' and relatIves. Three Mr. tvan Kaylor, trom Si~ney, O. i'lectric use~ here, brinr the COlt



Mendy. Bue8 on ballt- DT ., ,- _ ••• I, Bel· sinrer 1. Two bue Three Home Double ridge to T. Billett 1. Hit b)l pitched bal - Treadway by HeIsinger. Pa sed baUIl-Nixoll 1. Esrned runs - Merchants 6, Posttown 3. Strike OUU Wernetr 6, Helsin· gn 9. . Left on ba es - Merchants 7. Poettown 8. mpires----Bu~ick alnd Phillips. ,(,ime ot game-l hour, 51 min.



Caesars Creek


TW'I•• Tbeater




Wa),a•••me, 0.




"Blind Date"




"Whom The

tOe Everybody

' ~TOp'IES

;; taDM


WClyne.vil,. High Win. Solt Ball Game



An · Important Consideration


F A b ••






..... , ~.

" Wa,.a,nID't.-.0Il•o ~;;;;;;;~=~=~~;~~~~~~~;~;~~~~;;~~~;~~~~~'


You wanted. , ,

Cheap* Electricity ., .



Here it is!

"WI GoocJ18U'Deat.n, JOG bow, .... , more dree tbaa aD7 otIIIr ~ That'. ,. . , Good,.u em 11ft _ thl!



• '. , your eleclrj~ "pplian&e slo" ;s prelu:red 10 quol, 'YOU priies 0" ,Jabor.s",,;,,: device! all of whi&h mea1l adflantllgll lor ,our home . .. we halle given you II NEW LOWER lUTE. This ;s ba.rg'';" time lor d,&Ir;,.iI1 users.

• • • • Give yourseH. your wife, your ~reD the benefit of atL~ga that

are poasible.

•••• while 'you are looking ·a round ' for ,B argains tor,the home, doo·t ovel~· look thertew LOW Rate for ~ectricit;r that is now in effect here. You always wanted CHEAP ELECTRICITY. Now you bave it. .,.' • there are many wayS in 'w bicb home work ,can ~e lightenedthrougr)!l the use of eleCtric current. Mayb41t you thought you .couldn't ·'afford it4" before. There is no excuse for thinking that today. With the NEW LOW RATE. Electricity i. today tli ••


thli Speec1fttfGr • 'Joe 01 ... troubIetr.- . I f.... . pleGtr f . th.prtc. ad It l1aa a Ceoter TnIctIoo tnId f. qulck'•• na1 Good, ,

all but Oft



IaEVEay*-metilM ......... ,. pedectloD of IDa. . . . ~ W~1e Ihl~ ."OUl' fvJ1 ......'!






Dayton Power and Li h


bIMMt alae to ~ at fIt."- YOII ,


E. MoClare






4.40-"2 1







. . ....,.Gt ..~wl....t ..... ............... ..,•••• d .d



PEOPLE WHO ARE IN Several local Itudents have left and others will soon leave fell' uniGREATEST NEED W ilL ofversities and colleges in pur ait highel educaUlin. Their name school. in which they are : .HI CONSIDERED·FIRST andhaveRuththeenrolled Hockett and Doris Salis-




Whole Number 6187


-- - -

SCO~:~~~: MEETING I NlV/S Of THE 'SCHOOl UI;;h\~:~~in;ou~n hel~~~~~s~:~: ASCHRONlCtEO' BY. eptember 26. The meeting wa;;·




~l~~na~ a~~ ;~~e::~fngt~of ~~::t



songs. In the patrol meetmgs, th . scouts discussed the kind. of hand Mr. and ~lr s . J .. K.. Preston were work to take up; what form or Centerville Hilh Defeat. Local bury, Miami Unive1'aity; · Rome Mr. J. P. Fromm snd family were 655 Application. Ha. . a- Fi&ed Hardin, Sprin~ft Id Busines Col- Dayton visi~orll Sunday. L .... Det.,&tioa of Local 'votera in CinCinnati, Tue day. nature study tu rio firsl; also the lege; Maynard Rich and Julian Expected to At1tend Mr. C. E. Michen er was in bringing in of neW members. 'Th e hl Thi. CoWlt,. Siac. Miss Olive Allen spent Saturday La.t Tuuday Evanln. Crabbe, Ohio State UniverSity; Catherina pr ingfield on bu siness Tuesday. monthly dues 8l'e ten cents. The ' JUM 1, 1934 . next meeting will be on Monday John Turner, Wittenberg Coli ge. in Dayton. Charles LeMay is recovering afternoon, October 1" at 4 o'clock Th Way ehs didn':t s em to be Mr. Lee Lemmon returned ln$t Trees will be the topic ' studied. Wayn e township vot(jrs are ex- from a severe 1lttack of quinsy. Approximately 20 .p er cent of quite up to par Tuesday evening week from a wester n trip. to turn out In large num pected the applications for old age penand were clefeated by Centerville Mrs. Julia Donovan . pent F r iday ~[r. and Mr . J. . Hawke vi it- berE! Monday' night, October 1, for with her sist er Mr!l. Jane Wrigh by U BCOr., of (; to 4. The ddeat ~ions filed in Warren Oounty have ed l'~lativ s in pringfi eld, Sunday a meting in Lebanon Town hall, at Springboro. might be blamed on the rain or ob been investig-ated since the local when Clarence J. Brown, Republlthe kind of fielding done. Th. rm property insurance. Reold age pension office was opened Master Bernard Me)loh will score of the in ning was as followa d"" drat .s, annual payments_ W. spend the week-end with r'elalive~ on June 1, US4. accordin, to a Centervil1 e ..... 1003 0 1 0 N. , ears, [nsurance. in Indianapolis. lltatement made by A. D. W !I~neiVille . . , -1 0, 0002 1 Haney, local age pension investiga. WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH T)yo important league games will Tom, Dick and Harry Co. will be Farm property insul'a,n ce. Retor in charge of the olBce. Rev. G. C. Dibert, Paltor be played Boon, one with M4)rrow at t he gym Thursday . evening, duced rates, annual payment. W. Announcement was made at the Friday: Choir practice at 8 p. m_ October 4. The Waynesville ~1ercbant~ d F.riday, Septemb el' 28 and 'tuesday N. Sfars, In surance. feated t he Sams Sweet IHlp te~m October 2 with Kings Mill,. ·P lease aiM time that instructions have Sunda)': Sunday ~cho ol at 9 :3 0 been received from M. L. Brown, a. m. Morning worship at 10 ;40. ni r . Lawn'nce Fu l'na and son, Mr. and Mrs. Raym nd Burnett f1'om Dayton in a very exciting ano come out and boost your team. Chief 01 the Division 01 Aid for Theaermon subject is. "Building W~1l81d were din ner guests at the of Dayton called on Mrs. al'ah hard hitting contest by the SC l)r( the Aged of the State Welfare our Life by Building Othels." Pllend s Hame, Sunday. ButterwO,rth Sunday. of 10 to 8. TheSe boy from Day. BOIOaten Club Meeta Department at Columbus, to exert Epwortb League at 6 :30 p. m, with Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Brow n of ton sure coulrl wallop the ban a TlJe Boosters' Glub held its every eft'ort t() place every · per on Winifred Conner as lealler. Evan. Mrs_ GI'ace McCune of. Lima, Xenia. visited Ml'!? Sarah Butte t'. the bo:lC: score shows but they cu uld third l'egular , meeting Wednesday, who ill eligible for a pension and gelistic .ervlce at 7 :80 p. m. spent the week-end with her worth on ·Monday. not bunch theil' hit eno ugh l during the- extra-curricular period. who is in actual want at this time Tuesday: On Tuesday at 7 :80 mother Mrs. Eva Miller. defeat the e bOY8 of OUI·. 'l'h e Merchants did some right fair. hit- Frank Hawke, edltor-in.chief. and Mrs. T. :0. Brannock and .daugh. on the pension payroll beiore cold p. m. tl)ere wjIJ be a meeting of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Houtz, of ting a nd they I' a lly hit when \h e Mr. Brown. club sponsor reported weather sets in. the Sunday school board, Thi il! tel' MillS Juanita visited relatives the following a sirnments: Celino, were guests of Dr. nnd hits mennt run. What they could A sistant Editor ... Cecil Hartman The statelJlent from Mr. Brown, the time for the election of officers in Dayton, over the week-end. Mrs. R. S. Weaver on Sunday. not bat in, the we t bOYII delivel'. d addressed to all investigators fol. and appointment of teachers for Fox an See the "talkie" movie sho w at ed to them through t he errol' Sport ....... " ... Marvin lows: "As the RUmmel' season nears lthe coming ~ear. Mr. and Mrs. William MohT, of Ruth Sslbbu.,y' . the gym, October 4. Free admi an end, and autumn with it~ cold Wednesday : The Women's Dayton, were gllests ot Mr. and sion t.o farmers and their .fa milie . rOT~~ gam e was oored Il fo llo ws: High-Sc.hool Music Betty Hartsock weather draws near, it becomes in- Foreign lIliulonary Society will Mra. H. C. Burnett, on Monday. R. Thom·pson fall led to Tr eadway Grade Music ..... Ev.elyn I'etera Sunday dOnner e t of M' d creallingly important that every ef· meet with Mrs. D. C. Ridge at 2 :00 at t hird in the fi t' t. Rish doubled. OrgsnizationlJ ....... ' Jane Cook and fO.rt be exerted by the Divl!ion ot p. m. Bible study and praY'lr meet- Mrs. Ira Ri~h anl!a~ilY wel~~ ~r. ,Mr. and Mrs. ·Ed. Hiatt, of Wi!John Kellner AId for the Aged to go. over all ing at 7 p. m. and MI'll. Hartley MOI5B and family Clarence J. BlrowD mington, called on Mrs. Mary L. Armpreatel' doubled, scoring Riah. peck unllsHigh Scho(ll Clas!! Ne-ws........ ...... applications lOr aid whIch have Adam at the Friends Home, Sun- Dunham grounded lo A~mpt estel' g Ing to third ........... ' Juanita arannoek alsted, Dr. and Mrs. E. F. Deppe. Mr. can ecanelidate for gc)vel'nor will day. been tiled and taken car im,medi. WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF on the play. D. Thomp on fan ned Grade neWS . .. Ann Crane and CHRIST and Mrs. E. C. Crane and children speak at· what probably will be one . ately of all case which can quality Mary Burtqn lor aid and where there il evid. (Undenomiaatlollan were in Springfleld, Sunday after- of the mo t important political Mrs. Amelia Williams has re- fo,' the third out In the Merchants hal! M nlly Special Feature and SocietielJ ..... denc~ of actual want. Such eaae., the.ter. WUlIamao III l~- no n. gatberinga in thl, section turned to ber home after several .. .... ..Ruth Pennington and ~. D. n ....r of the state during t;he fall cam· weeks visit to tl'iend in Cynthinna ..ul'ounded out rleoond to first. M. where the applicant 18 help I. . and Barbara Gray haIJ no tunds of his own or prop. C~urch School at 9:~0 a.!l" Mr. and Mrs. GleDn Frye .ot paign. ' Kentuc,ky. Weller was afe and made second b uty. and has no outsld~ aid avail ~ord' .Supper at conclUSion. Chrls- Dayton spe,nt the wl,lek-end With While the meeting will be in the ·Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Day and on an error by R. Thompson and Assein Iy Program II •. , ............. .. . ...... . " Marjo~e Earn~~ able, either ;from relativel or !lan Endeavor. at 6 ;3~ p. m. Even· 1tbe former II father, Mr. C_ W. form of a Republicam rally, many d,.ughter, Dorothy spent Sunday Gottshall, on the 8Bm~ play. 'I friends or irom public 1I0urcel, 109 evangelilltic. lIe.rvlt~e ,:t 7:~0 p. Frye. partisans of the oJlposite faith in Xenia the guests of Mr. and Mrs Warn r doubled scol'ing M. Weller. Ad~lDistratlon ...... ances Peck doubled scol'ing Warner. Typists ......... Irene PeteTI and should be pushed ahead of aU m. Prayer meehng and Bible study M Baird and (but in accord with t~le policies set Lee Hatfield. Laurens doubled scoring Peck. _ . Ellen Guy r. t!~da:e~de~' J~ funer-al of forth by Mr. Brown) . are expected . ?thers, Blnce it 18 an Impollibil- each Wedneeday at 7:3~ p•. m. Thompson grounded out pitcher to . Brlef e~planat)ons and dilcul· tn att~ nd this gathedng. Mrs. R. B. Davis and daughter, Ity, with the limited funda avail- Plea.e note c.hange of t~me'5 for to Baird's aunt at Indisnapolis, ~ 7 able, to clea:r all pending cates at eveDlng IIIITVlcee, f rom:, Friday. MI'. Brown, widely knQwn of Dayton, spent the we ek-end fir~t and L~urenll was caugllt at Slo.ns as to the duties of each chtor ~ 1I0wed. The rem~lnde~ of throuthout Warren c</ul\ty both as with ~r. anel \\frs, Ed. Cook and the plat8 trying to cOJ,'e. once. UTg~nt cases should takll 7 :30. The church where you feel No SCOI'es by eit,her side in the the perIod .was spent wr~tlng varl Mr. H. M. Sears and Mr. Wilson, a business. man and ttriend of the Mr. and Mt'lI. Carl Frye. precedence over calle_ where the at hl>m~. s condo rn the third, the Sweet oua news Item.B. All ?dlto1'8and applicant is now receiving a meu01 Greenville, were callers at the farmer and rural folk" needs no in. Dr. lind Mrs. . Austin Pattel'lIOn, Shop boys tied the score. Rish, IIrlit members of th18 org,.n1zatlOJl must ure· of relief from public or private FER.RY G:HURCH OF CHRIST home of W. N. Se!&rs, Wedn4!sday troduction to the electorate of of Xenia, and Mias Janet Scott, of i ...J d' A t t 'pl d have an average of B or above for uP , s nl'p , rmpl'es er n e • . h' h h 01 wo k 50urces, either tempora.ry or per(UndenomilaaUoul) afternoon. Wayne township. Columbus, called on Mis!! Olive scol'jng Rish. Dunham grounded preVIOUS ,1g s<; 0 r . Cheetet A. WUliamlon A product of Blallichester. Mr. Saturday evening. Allen manellt. ,T . Ml' . May MOI'an wa removed out second to first, Armp rester Li~ra..., Sociati. • hOIle actually in want, .nd M~etinll, under the auspices of to Miami Valley hospital Tuesday, Brown knows and understands the 'Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Day and scoring on the play. D. Thompson unable to help themselves, ale thi church, are being conducted WMre she underwent an elperation problems with which communitiea dauglit(\r, Miss Dorothy were the fanned. Johnson made second Tb e Junjor Ind Senior Literary like Waynesville and vicinity are ~uests . of relatives in Lebanon those whom' the law is intend~d to at the Townehlp Hall in Bellbrook. for appendicitis. when Peck multed his fly which Societies are having their first pro benefit primarily. Services niahtly at 7 :46 p. m. Proconfronted, and with his ,wide ex. several days last week. was a . very hard cbance. Zolman grams F1'iday~ September '28_ The "It should be kept in mind' allO gram fo,. Lord's ' Day, September Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hancock and perience in state ollices, having program is a contest between the flied to short for the thi rd oul. that tM .ppropriations for old " 'e 30 as follows; Unified seTvice be: family, of Dayton, called on Mr- served most successJ:ul terms as two soe·ietiee of each cJass, and In the fourth the Sweet ' hop pensions and for administrative !rinning with . Church School at and Mrs. G. J. Waterhou e, Sun- both 1ieuten~nt.g01~emoJ" and Mrl!. Eva Miller and .Mrs. Grace boys could not conned but the eon ists 01 Bible readiog, ' book . purposes, both, for the remainder 9 :30 a. m. Lord's Supper and ler- day afternoon. secretarY of atate, should give wen SUDd'ay dinner review!! and ~xtemporaneoua de· Merchants got two more. Laurens of this year, ~re very limited. mon at 10:30. You are always wei. . Ohio one of the mos!; efficient and guests o~ Mr. ..nd Mrs. Ralph singled. Pitcher Wagner threw bates. Therefore it is . mOlt Important come at this churcb. Mr. and Mrs. VIl'g11 Hugool, ~ee far-seeing governors this common- Miller and family. . ' The contelltants wiJI be judced that the ltate •"'et th".... mOlt •aood Evelyn areCharles announcIng C a d,,!a II a der .and M'ISS bad on Th01"pson's grounder and according to their selectioll of the birlhNeeley, 01 a son, New. wealth has had. in 8e17eral decades .' M rs. A ~na Laurens made third and Thomprlon for the money that it has avanable ST. MARY'S CHUR.CH ton Sunday Septembe 16 The Republican lrubernatonal Clara L11e were 1n WashlDgton. . second. Treadway grounded out to material, content of material and snd talce CUe first of those Rev. J._ J. Scbaefrer, J1e:; t I r. candidate is not only. ably fitted I H. one day last week, the guests of the manner in which they delivn (Continued all page 4) \Vh bthere is the mO!lt want. Next Eighteenth Sunday .fter ity, Mrs. C. B. Chapman, who ac- for the high position he se.eks Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Clyburn. their 3ubjectl'. The ju u,es will be Mr. Glint, and other membera 01)tea t e legi lature ,.m have more September 30. Church IIChool .t companied Mr_ Chapmsn on a through buslne s and, political COftaccurate ftgul'es before It on "the 9:30,' Morning Prayer and sermon bUlline88 trip through the South, tacts, but i equally conversallt Beginning Wedne day, ~ Septem· -~- the faculty. returned home with the needs Of 1the "common ber 26, all evening services of the ~UESTIONS estimated n~eds for pension.s and t 10 30 for investigators to handle all the a :. man" as well_ Waynesvllle Church of Christ will ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Mr. ,Robert Vandervoort and Mr. Brown will und,oub'tedly have begin at 7 :3 0 instead of 7:46. Upper Graue N. ... casea tiled. and it is the bope of the divisiOn that; ample approprlafamily bave moved hom Harveys· a mes8age of importimce for every Mr. and Mra. Russell Stump and Tl1e pupils of the Sixth. rrade tiOnB wiU be mide to insure that Father Newton, Pastor burg to the J . L. Hartsock resi- vote!' of the Nortbern area of the Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Shank, of sectio n JI. are showing outltand· all who aN! entitled to relief in ' Mall at St. Aupatine's dence on Fourth street. county, and it IS n\,ost important Dayton were Sunday dinner guests ing interest in their work . .Tb4!y ate any degree will recei.,e the fuU eve!')' Iec:oncl and fourth" M d M that a large delegat;ion from this f M d M LAG putting forth a fine effor:t which, F h f h ... r. an . tS. George Hamilton 0 r. an rs.. . arst. d a t d th moun ue em. or t e present . t e man..... _ and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Morris and section ' .o f the county be present . Q_ I find chinch bugs thick ' as time goes by. will fin them We muat ~o the beat we can with daughter Georgianna were Sunday Monday evening. Mr. an~ Mrs. J?hn Cr~nln of my corn now being harvested. I/~ acquiring an C1Cception~l, well· the funds auilable." FRIENDS MEETING guests of Mrs. Amanda Maffit. The meeting will ~ret under way ~r. Washwgton, Clllcinnatl, were S(,lW wheat in this field wiJI the lmgs l'oun~ed knowledge of ~ography Inveatigator said be baa alread, Firlt-ciay School at 9:80 a. m. at 8 p. m., with music furnished by unday aflemo!)n caller at the destroy the wheat this fa1l7 as slxth-~ede students. Project taken .teps to follow out Mr. Meeting for Worsbip at 11)~30 Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lobaus and the Mason band. home of Mr. and Mr.s. W, ~(. Allen A- No. They will not if you will worle is planned and should Brown'l instl'uetlona. m_ daughter of Cincinnati, were _. ·t til th t ti t attract the attention of many wbo "'Up to dat-e, a total of 666 ap. • _ • gllests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E . . . ' Mr. a':ld Mr!_ R. H. H~rtsock W:I ~n e prope. me 0 heat sow are interested In the pupils and plications havebeell filed in this Michener, Saturday and and family apent Sundny WIth the t e w eat. By the this subject. Attendance for the CClunty for old aRB penslo.ns, "the I~ • latters parents, Mr. and Mrs..C. comes up Lhe bugs w111 be In wmter past few weekil ot ~chool is fine. inve.... -atoi .said,. ',' Of thl's number. Free far..m mQvie 'lIhow at the New H. Deatherage of neal' Oregoma. quQarters. h The enthusiasm which exists in ~}lI • gym Thursaay evening, October 4. - I am s art of pastul·e. I want th G hI ' th S The p'rogram includes a comtldy Messrs. Erwin Ellis, Edgar to sow rY'e early· for fall and e Y c..asses e ev· we have im'estipted 110, and 27 have been. cerHfted to the IItate '. . and a trip through modern ste,e) Miss Faith Tomlilnson has been SSD1!tthh, Harold 0d' Rkalph winter wm headquarters ·a t Oolumbus to be qlills. appointed case au e,i'visor ill t.he ml ate sl1en 109 • 18 wee at fill and .chmch bug tak e It? placed on the pension payroll. WIl'TeD County lUef Office 8ue- Lake in Northelln Indiana. n?t.. Chinch bugs "The ' local jlenlion oftlce was The annual Home Coming of the gu!~S'oliheHHa:!:yr~o:g e~:!!p'te~ cee.dlng M~. Marj0t;ie ~. We~IB, Mr. and Mrs. ehas. Anderson and may 1.nJure It .If It 18 B~wed. e~.rly. t Geography th4!y will undoubtedly Church of Chrilt wae held " reSIgned. MiSS Tomlnnson 8 appomt aons were dinner guests of Mr. Plow I t . under In the sprmg if It be be outatanding as students in tbil Qpened Ju,ne 1, 193" and prac. tieaJly all of our time the 'f irlt 'lrith a lar,e attendance_ of the Ordllt Eastern Star at a ment was eftective September 16 and Mrs. Frank Fox and family of , comes m~ sted. l course. The correlation of such • month waa taken up meeting apthe re&'Ul~ BlbI" pot luck supper Thursday. ev~ning. and Ihe entered UllOP her duties Route 3 on Monday evening. . Qhll~ch . bugs ~estroyed. all course with practical everyday plica!ltli for penslo!l1J and heJpJng Lord'. Supper Mrs. Mr. ILnd Mrs. L. M. Henderson laat week./ oI the prmg barley I~ my nugh- life is quite in spiring. . them fill . ou~ their appt!tatio·n ~nterviUel a~companled M d M L H G d The new supervisor is the daugh M.r. and Mr .' F. C. Hartsock and b~rhood. Can [ sow \~mter barley , The boys in the Seventh grade blanks. So that the number 'o f . lIildred CabJpbell, . 1'. an . . rs. • . . ' or.ort ter of A•. C. Tomlinsop, Qf Way- f~md1, 0.1 Mllford, and Mr. and wlth ~afetY 1 . . . • physical' education class have or~pplicaticrll!l finaU)' t"velti,.ted t)Je, Gatea 'of the Tl!'mple,'~ left :Mpnday mormn~lor LexmgShe is a "r.,duate Of. Wa"- ;Mrs. Ronal.d Hawke and son were l A- Ye.8. ~I~ter barl~y o.ccuIlles gsnized 8 sor'ball team whifth the" and dis"' ed' of 'r,e pre,en•• Mr. WiIliam$on brou"lIt .abei.l.~Jp ton, Ky. are, expected to. re- nesville High· sehooll .. . and of . the " Stl n~jl~ A d I.nner guests 0 f M ~ iI ",08 ... rea11 Y i ,ul m ......... e. bil . Illb';ct ~orp.eThey today. ~,.r8. \ t.he n sa me pOS.1t IOn, a s Win tet wh ea t havl\ named •the. "juhior Cuba of onJy 8 month. ,fi.eld WOrk. _ J'. echool of Social, Administration in Edit h H.rna. ~ d probably WIll hurb or aboul Waynesville." Game are no.w "F th ... th ' S t · b •• ~' ·. .. ... A M R D' 'dd" th C 11 f C. Oh' the same number of bugs as wheat " h dId 0 t s f o~ ep em er, "Memorie At the nOOn hQur 'a boulIteoulI .Jur. ;:~i ;i~wid~~e ~:;1 M::~ e oege 0 . ommerc!! at 10 Mr. and Mrs. J . E, Lile and Mr. and rye. I b~mg sc. e u e . a es or came. or e ...on lv Mr. Brown has Ue~ed to the diMer ,... served ' in the State Vll el1llty and 'hllll been and Mrs LaWrence Lile and Q H W ff f . b i WIll be gwen later. office ' here a quot. of 100 new ntha Dinwiddie were Sunday engaged in we1fllre work in Mont- dau"hter 'of Xenl's "'ere gueots'of °t Ie dectlved ItS uhr~bn ~ 1 Both sec.t ions ·of the eilhth names to be. placed on tbe p' enllioD. b..I e_ment of tbe church. afternoon callers at the home of ... d W t' d ' " over was e an 0 es roy I er. k'mil' lD . d U8trl.ou.. •• ,_ b f .d .",ry an arT.e n coun le8 an Mrs. Anna Cadwallader and Miss nat'l ng chl'n~h bugolJ. gra deat. e wor payroll. Similar quotal bave 'been n t e .a temoon .a rama, en· Mrs. Sarah Butterworth. M h f tb b be ~ • t th ••'-ned to. ever'" "ount.. slllce 0 1S en Cla1'6 J.i1e on Sunday• A- Not very effective e year are now J " " ill .th.., titled "The Lolt . Chureh,~' was Me M H I a case arc worker it! year the U Warren . i n Ohio . ' The beingprojects arrangedor .. Both sections wUl a _.. bued on o state. population. Thil , bJ' the JOuua people ~- ame a~fie d was a guest county office. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Tayleit· Most o~ t~e bugs hIbernate , In make a trip to the Observatory on qu. I,stem was Inauprated "Ith 1011owto. eaah , ~~i:a:~~r~~s:hae~~rf:~ ~~~~r:f Miss. Tol)'llinson wiU be in charge and daughter and Mrs. Elma AU8- Pflallces Idlfficult fto bUdrn, Isuch a·"f the Wilmington College Ciampu. at atter a st.udy of conditions over lIan of the World .... H.ney Hole .o f case workers in the county t in. of Wilmington, called on Mrs. ~ en eaves 0 wo~l 8, c umps 0 Wllming-ton, Ohio, S'aturday eVeDthe. It&te to let each county o.e Jlia Wite ...... ... .... .... ,.. Erma Sears and ,}In. Ralph Kuhlman in whose duties include the jnveatigat- . Ada' H. Jenkirts at the Friends tb,moth y and qense g 8!iS too wet to ing, October 13,at 7 o'clock. The,

,;..:-==. .::-,;------=--=--=.=.

.--- .,.--









Su~day. M.a. Fallb Tomlinaon Caae SI.pervlaor

t~me t~e v:



I A_._~ly ~iJI.


know 'lwhat a oft1~ fall'.. worL~ con,UtuteB f'o r It. .u u the ..... month exceeds :its · quota, it tldolnr exeel._e"t; if it mee~ the quota, it il dOlnl ,ood; and If it falla .,elow the quo~ it Ia doing poor, provid. inC there are no ezwftll&tinc local i .

Their Son ...Son - ....... Everett Hunter Their little ....... ,Edward Lin" • His SUlld.y School. ·Teac:her ....... ... ., .......... ..............; Lola .. .................. .Johll Sean Spirit ...... ,............. Ru..~ll Mattln Po!,)r Woman ... MUdred Campbell The proer.m waa conelllded II rcu~taftc... , "Ith two Mlections on the aeeorth~'~~~:i ~:c:!'"~ ~~~.!:~ dlon b7 Ill'. Gerald Barpock, alld bus a total of 21 approved appllca. u_duet b, IIr. and Mra. ;forrest t d till hi. 8 cia bt- _rtin with clarlMt aceompanlionel'''~en 1Il!:"~ ond:cs.., JII ~ .....t pla,ed b)" their eoD, Ruuell. or.... WI . . Mr. ...... Bell_ -TbllMll\.Of aowe,.. • _ • .I .... au.."'""".. ILflrln, ad. POMONA. CIlA.NQE TO dretl Oil "Oar . .rut 110•••" M&&1' A.T IIIAdlltVlLLlt • - •




Saturday e.vening. t',on 0 f re Iiearn. f f iI' wh0 are ap, Miss Leada Werntz, _eft SeJ)t. plicants fQr aid.. les . 13 for: Weatherford. Texa., where . _ ._....-_. lIbe expects to I!pend the winter with aunt Mn. lta~heryn Herr. YOyNG FRIENDS MEET mann and help care fill' her grand. W ITH ItO!lCOE FU RNAS 11 MEW t ' rI. . ary . el'n s, ----,..,ho bal been ill for ...,etal weeb. The Y. F. M. m:e~ at the beime Ifr. and Mrs . .Joliah Davis, Mr. of Roec:oe Furnas Sundaj evenln~ and Mrs. Lloyd Davia and 80ns, IIr. with Laurence Fum~ a8 devotionand lira. Barry Stokes, Mr. and al leader and Willard Furnas Mra. Joel Stokee, IIr. and Mra. AI. re~reatlonal leader. Ethe~ Mellden Earat.-... and 10". 'U , and ball,a.,e. mOlt Intereatln. report .... - r f th _. t ..... F t )Ira. ErnHt Bartaoclt and loll at- 0 e co .... erenee a &AILe orea •..... __ _..... the _--nthart reallt.... whlcb ..Planadie attended ' d fin AUIUIt. teak f Harmon Parkt LebanoD, Banday. ".re"" • or a I ry MIGHT at the bome of Mr. .nd Mrs. n lira. Frau B . . . . . Ban)" Bmith, Frldayeve.lq. the lIa MOau.. . . Moll eonnext .....tbIc of the rroap to ller ........ of wDI be laeld Ottobel' 16. at the .... .. 1; .. II_-r..u. Btbtl





Home, Sun day. urn.What k'rtd f w the set e wi 11 observe t h e moon, whi h, at Q • . ~ 1 a . ea r . • v S that time, will reveal its lecreta Mr. and }lrs. J. W. Lob weTe as a chec.k to the chmch bugs? through the telescope with out· the guests of ~r. and Mrs. A. P. A- A raIny June wth frequent . '. Porhr at. dinner bridge. at the· hard rains that bur~ the newly (Continued onp.,. 4) Porter home in Morrow on Wed- hatched bugs. . ... ~===========: neaday eveninlr· Q- Sho\lld 1 plaPt corn next to MOTHERS' CLUB W · ILL wheat or rye? Those wer~ the Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Blaekbul'n fielda tbat became infested last MEEt OCTOBER I and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Davil!. o'f summer. Dayton, were callelll at the home A-If your farm is located in a The Wayne Towndlip lIothera' of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Ridge one community that 8uffered from club w\l1 meet at the Grade blliW- ' evening last week. chinch bugl last Bummer, you ioe Friday aftemooD, October i, Mr. an d 'U ~~on Sa Ii8 b ury snd should avoid • if pOlJllble, locatin" toUo'" . at 1b:45. The-_ .. b .... PIOPUl f II }II' d 111 ' R UMe11 S 11 the com fielli eapecially late baa een arra__ y .... propaa bau'! aDn y. allrLd Mr. an d !.... ra1- planted corn' Joining a field of committ -, Ya'nd f-am . D tI.. : II P WI - - H. L RVe and childl'ell were ·Sun: wheat or rye. ThiS will guarantee evo ou, n. . -. ~; cia eli e _ ._ . . . _ d 106_ freedom from the fir.t brood of IOnc. It)" •a Y r .-.... o~ au. an DUll. • tJ b ' JIia Clan ......... W. P. Salisbury. ~:t.tu:out Hessian fl, bls of the Gr... butllfllil lira. Peter Dem.. and family of fall! lin. . , . , . . New Vfeua, ..... ".,.l"ee ~lId A-It "ill be with ilL Walt for ••• &:!"u_~ Roberta Ion. . of ClaeiUatl, and )'OIl\' tJ.fJee deW. " IIu . . . . . . . ef Wu.Iactoa. Q-WtIat II tbe 87·f~ M.·'1."li_.~. ~ • a1llll

,::::==:. ___ 11

:~~ur:i~Cl:dth:ndf::d!:~n:J! n;o~




eogra~ I~ th~ HeSSjal1l!~::~::a~II~:r'St~i~ltceo~;::8~:8~a~~:~






--- -'-


maD need not lack amulement In London. And as he . ' " there r ... plenty of pIs." . "He lAp that, doe. heT" Senda laurhed Ahortly. "I hope he may find one Itb the m,ialiollary spirit! As fot I shall be an L------..l~-----..,r_------------~ CBAPrER V. • thoughtful. Take my advice, wait artist. At I a tme, - I think 1 shalJ. 1 There bave been many, lio called i ·t d t Com_ Pie.. prOceed'DI_ was approved. I . . a little. am not 0 sure 0.1. I as I use 0 H. D. ¥il~r filed ble application true statementll ot cond tlons In h Sallda'i IY awak ned thoroui "I don't want hel' to ,P'O'" serioulI' be, at home. Over here there is ao In the ca -;-;;£ INorman Lewis tor the appointment of a iuardian Cincinnati Milk hed. 1 am not I. h urveyed his frock coat, he objected. "I like gay. ch"erful much 1 it is 0 wonderful! So many . d' of Lulu ~1'lter. I'ncomnetent. to be' egotistical to the point . tl ngs-b eau tif uI th'1n~8, WI'th versus Josie L. Evl~n cause IS IS' .., ' I an d 1 a Ione k now an d his hilfh hat, hh genera) w II. pe(lple about me. " pam O1i ed without r ~'ord. A wanant for the.. conveyance 0 f aaYlng aroomed and London·tailored ait "Your propo al is 1U0. t flatter. name we hardly know. What num iltoo Jones of Florence Hassler who i to be tell the truth, but 1 am g-oing to with something lik appreciation in ing,' continued )\frs. Dins more's beN have ta ted bhut the first fiavor In lhNe cays~ ~f('e~tral R R C~ admitted to the Institution for tbe try to tell the public the truth a her fiance. , 8 th' voice And I will "peak to of ucee s, and ow many mu t versus w r " .. F bl M' d d . t b i d to r see it. "It doesn't scem ghastly to rre: h:~ S~fJl don~t b too hopeful. h!we failed I What am I. to think- a corp .• plaintiff l. to give ~ddi. S ~ 8 .~n I' ,IS 0 e Isue Atter many months ot work, ' f th .. Legis1atur ""rly in ).933 and rm tlll , .among tombl!lon s. Ou; YOU~g p ople ar not easi'ly he drooped pathetically. Her eyes tional security fo'r co til Within . A' S nl e~. t th d know" turned to the lights twinklln on daYR in the urn oJr $100. warren Or e conveyance 0 . , .. . fi d I've become atr ngly attacb4!' to ID I/ue.nce , y o u . , t h e embankment and the Thames. In the c~ee of The people's Build Mary Hassler, wb~ i8 to be ad- passed a law which was intended '.Tan Lister, dea'r childe'- the . ,!l S ~ beastly way to bri~g ~m 'If I don't succeed-" ing, Loan and Snings Co. vetsus mlt~d to. the l~lItltlltion :tor the IIhould help all the "whole milk" "Yes; if you don't succeed?" John W. Wilder, et al. ~. F. Brown Feeble ~Jnded IS to be 1saued to producers, in the Cincinnati Milk poor baby I and ju L DOW I'm 50 up, saId the young man, I~ Imappointed receiver and filed bond S. H. Smdel',. . . . . Shed. This law is known as "The interested in El'izabeth J., whQ pote,";t r~ge a~ the sYlltem: , Half urged MM!. Din more gently. 'had the gNat h(lnor of erving the girl In Engl~nd woul,d )~mp . t Senda threw off her despon- of $600 with s ureties. HowaTd Phllhp Assum, admlnls. Burke Bill." It provided for lair Queen Anne during her entire the chance, and If th~y dl,~n t then d ncy. Her f ce brightened. h In the ea I' ot The taLe of Ohio hator ot the estate ot .LouiB . M. and equal treatment for all Milk w raised her h ad with a resolut versu James Stevlens it is ordered ~SgUlll, deceased, flIed hl!l applica. Produ~rl and allo provided for r ign as body laundress.' I n't that pe?,ple wo~!d make ~m. a quaint claim to distinction?" Indeed ! The .!ady ~Ql) as expr ion and hook her aunt'. that a nolle proseque be entered. hon for a ~rtificate ot trand r_ the settlng up of nlacbinery to In the caBe of Ollie MasQn verIn the matter ot the estate of carry out its provision. This body, Lord Ficlde' gazJ and MI' · ud.d enly fro ty. Ther~ 18 no oc- hands vig()rou Iy up and down. "I hall succeed '" she cried. su Lee Mason, et al it is ordered Stella . ~. Booth, decealled, sale of in the CI,nc.lnnati .erea, i8 known Dinsmore's lorgnette turned briefly cas:~)Jl, h()wever, f~r ~I WaJla~ to the table, tb n ~ought again the to Jump at anythmg. that the defendan1t Lee frfason is bonds 18 ordered. as ' the • Cmcinnatl Control Com. fresh young face before them. Lord Field stalk d moodily be· One wa'fm afternoon in lale Sep- to pay weekly aiimony to· the A ~e.rtified copy of thE) entry de- mittee." Tbey set to work on this "Lord Fielde's motor·car is wait side her between the clu tered tember enda Wallace walked slow plaintiff ' termlnlng the inheritance tax on task on October 1, 1933, and haV&ing. He wants u to go out with columns 01 the aisle. Unseeing he Iy up the wide rue Soufflot toward In , th~ case of Commercial In. th e8ta~e of Ella R.. Brown, de- ~orked diligently since ,that time him." Mrs. Dinsmore aid tenta· pas ed the monuments of states· the Pantheon. She rounded th vestment Trult Co. versus Tom ceased, I!I to be eertltied without ~n an effort to secure equal oppor. ~~~~!"","_ _....""!'"'....""'!!~~~ tlvely. men in the north tranl(lept. Gloom· oOl'n r by the Ecole de Droi~ Thompson lind Jol~n Gay it is or. delay. tllnity for all producers in the ;:: "Ye ," he lIa tened to add. ily he ,vent out the open door ot eyes resting indift'erently on the dered the buck i property of market. Of course they have not "You've never seen my motor. It's the great triple ~nha~ce.. . ornate faca de of St. Etienne du plaintiff .. Bond is ;rel as d. , Marri.lf. Lic..... b '1 n 100 % suece ful in thill at- Whit. Rose- Power bea Fren'cb machine, and a beauty. Near t. Margaret waited ~1 Mont. A few steps farther she The case 01 Esther Tennenbaum Roy Wilson, farmer of Loveland t owing to the faot that all This weather i 80 fine. It'll a beautiful motor-car. Sunshine turned into a na,row thoroughlare versus Adam Carpenter et al is and Miss Elizab th Shearer, hoult8l in interest, or at lea t those hind the enllne. without record: keeper of Foster. who should have b en interest; d in ahami! to be wastin' it in these gleamed on the bl'a!lS work, ,lighted leading toward the Seine, and mu ty, dull, old place!. Let ~s "get the coat of aT.mll .on its polished an arched gateway entered The case of J. B. Clingerman, John Harold Knapp, in truetor the success . of the plan, have not out, where-where there's 80mI" panels, Nle IlverJe of chau~ ur a tIDY court. • receivel' for Tb [Iltercitiea Oil Co. of Veterinary Medicine and MisB worked for Its succes ful operation thin' doin'I' I learned that in and footmen. The car wheeled IDto To the .friendly "Bon J?ur" of versu Robert Taylor, et aI, is Loui e ClaTk Brown, librarian of The Milk Producers Uni!'n came America," he explained with a pl~ce as gracefully and. alm~st as the concIerge, the . greeting of dismis ed. . Lebanon. into existence because there had joyous laugh. "WeJl-there's sun nOiselessly a ': bird, dlsperstn.g. a Gustave, who, all smiles, h88te~e<l In the CGse of th~a People's Build· William. lfufford, Jr., deputy been 80 much favotitism and ine- ' and air nd's nlethin ' doin' on the group of plebeIan llansoms, ehclt· to open the hOUSe door, she Tephed ing Loan and Sa'vings Co. verSus herilf of ~ebanon and Mi H~lcn quality shown among producers. trand, in Piccadilly, and PaU ing a murmur of admiration from with a fOTced ch erfulness. With John W Wilder ,e t al service by B. Berger seoreta'ry of Franklin. Finally when the X. I. O. A ,!l0. Mall." the touri ts lingering at the Abbey lag~in~ steps she passed within, publication is ordE!red for J ohn W. Vernon'Lee Meece, farmer of cut great numbers of shippers who • The girl'lI eyes reste"d almost door. . ' " hes.ltahng at the f?ot or'the tone Wilder and Sarah T. Wilder, defen Waynesville and Mis!! Mary Ellen had reasonable bases oft' from the pll)'ingly Up(m him. . Mrs. D1D~more B 8ml le ~eturned staIrway. Then swiftly she turned dants. ' Snell, of Waynesville. market and !!upplanted them with "Ye , Aunt Roae, you IlO, If you 8!! IIhe agam addressed her com- through the salle a manger, merg· In th' case of The People'! new hipp rs who as y~t had no like," she said gently. "You know, panion. ing by means of a long open win· Building Loan al~d Savings Co. R_I E.t ... Tr.D.f.... ba&e, thus making it possible to seI can not, I promi ed Mr Morrell. "Really, 1 am sorry we are leay. dow in the garden. .. versll Lina M Sl~eets et a1 con· Albert A. Irons, deceased; to cure lar'e quantities of milk on a ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN I mUBo't keep her waiting." She ing . 0 aoon. But we hall meet ~he 1i~le ~pot .was restful and firmation deed and di;tributlon. Lena M. Iron 92.48 acres in Tur. butter fat baeis, wh n at the ame four Cattl., hOll,. • hetl~ aD~' rOM. agam? You may always find us sohtal'}' In thiS mld·afternoon. Ora ' ____ tlec.reek township. time they quoted a good price for to Noma-Brock Co.,~... . _... "Then, this afternoon?" suggest through the Baring'll, you know." the high walls enclosing it, vine~ New Suit. , Mary A. Barr, decea8ed, to Kar- base milk but so a)'Tanged that pro l1'eaalve drm f')r the ... ed ihe e.arl, di8appointment heavY "Senda, dear," aid the hady threw out gay stre.amers of yellow 1 I . ' . k lIlarket pricn t.Dd coocl I. ... upon him. . that evening, aa they stood on the and red. Some late Dowers bloomed Virginia Burnell versus Charles tha Turnao, et a ,rea estate m only a small amounL of tbe mil Ual St II V......' CI ••I._U Q. "No, it is impos Ible. W.. terrace of a hotel overI00 k ·ang t he in the narrow beds. In the centra I Bu.nell, "or ,. divorce. . ..I _ Loveland. shipped wO\lld be base and Tun·.-ID ·OD Radio S.·tlon W~Y made otber plans." She cut a Embankment, "of course gravel·lltrewn space stood chairs )Jarian Detro 'versus Phillip L. J. Lee Thompson, dec~8e.... to the highest price, them came the 12 :28 to 12 :80 p. m. for our D, lineerine look ot revet toward he ill undeveloped. But he' is young and small iton tables, where colfee petro, for divor(ie. Charges are Mary F. Thompson, et ai, mlot ;No. Union. merket report-. Elisabeth J. "I'll be with you at be will improve. And the ca!!tkl, and 1;'01ls were served on pleallant gr0811 neglect of duty and extreme 66 In Mason. The enraged and mi used farm. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ luncheon, Auntie. Thank you, Lord the title, the distinction I Not for mornings. cruelty. L. Earl Thomp$on and N,et.tle A. ers then proceeded to form a new ;;; Flelde, and eood·by• ." the world would I urge your in· Senda bastened to the most . The Mutuat Building and Loan Cox to Mary F. Thompson IDiot No aSl.lociation, as above atated, to -'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~-Wratbful, the earl faced Mrs. clination. StUl, if I might go back cluded corner. Seating herself, Co. versus Grace, Millard and At· 55 in ~ason. look after thOle producef. who had .3 YEARS OF SERVICE DJumore. . to Bulfalo and say 'my niece, the tOIled her hat to the groun., ODZO Millard, fQr money, foreclos· epbmus L. QartWright, decea8- thus beeb deprived 01 ~ fair mar"You promillecl to speak to her," CQuntesl of Berwickl"~ Sbe took ed hel' elbows on the table, ute and eq,u itable retid. ed: to Emma ~.Ttwright inlot; No. k t for their milk. In a recent is. be .iel. . Iii'" hands in her soft be. her chin In her bands, and Stanley A.. Si\versteen versus 6 In WayneSVIlle. aue of "The Veliey Enterprise " . t0 th I S d e"er- John H. Mount, ,et ai, for money, Hester E. Keeyer Drake, deceaa.d 0 th er IDC al pap~[s ter bap· ' LEBANON, OHIO 1ook Inil' In u"es · , I .... -U. I mean too. But ones, e faced the garden WR t. he A F K II I ._. an We have a complete .I.' na , fOI'eclosure and (~ther relief, ed, to my . roe, et a , IwOt .' . mined to have it out with he!:!,elf, No. 90 Mason. peared an ,article stahng that Watch Repair Ser.le. Ilot here, not now. 'tou mll8t let YOUDIl face with eyes halt lau me chou.. th" time." ing, balf seriOUI. then and there. ---Amy F. Kroell, et al to Mary C. th~re were aeveral. loads?f. Prices Hea@onable Topther they turned te depart. "Alaa, poor dear! so given Ovet Gustave, at the doo. leading to " Probat~' 001ll't Keever inlots .Nos. 16 and 90 in gOln~ to F~echthng Dany. In ""y niece,' like other American to pompll and vanities I" smiled the cuisine, observed her witb The inventory of L. H. Gregg, Mason. Ha~Llton, OhiO .as eurplus milk. Beads Restrung ,irla; baa her own plans-her own Senda. , sympathy. The young American executor of the Eistate of Mary L. Charles Scnnell. de.ceased, to Th~s statement 18 unfair and Jewelry Repaired ambitions. She baa wished to be an "All those beautitul things at lady ""a. triste. Not so did ahe Gregg, deceased, was approved. Frank Schnell, et al real estate In 8trlctly trD., fOT m.ost of the "THE HOME OF GIFTS" artiat Ilnce Ahe wal a child. It Berwick," pureued MH. Dinsmore. usually enter the pension. Mais Bert C. Hartsa'ck. administrator Harlan township. duce~B whOSe .mllk IS now baa alwa,s been her del ire to work "They mean nothini to him; every nonl her was a light step, and ~he of tbe estate of Add~h . A.. Hart· Louis M. A8IIum, deceased, . to ~amtlton, OhiO, have been ill a Paris studio; we are burryin, thiDg to you. He is gropine, 108t in smiled-t()ujour8 she smiled. Gus- sock, deceased, filed hIS lDven.tory. Mollie ASl!um, inlots Nos. 39, 26. ang milk on this market for from =~=====:=-==~~~~ on there to-1IIorrow beeaulle she ill hia environment. You could belp tave shook his head as again he Anna Hartaoclt was appolD~d 8 117 and 118 in Morro.... five to ten years and have had 10 impatient to beatn. As you can him find bim.elf." answered a Rummons at the door. executrir of tM estate of Frank l 'John R. Irby to Fanny H. lrby bases in this market for those see, marrjare lIaa no place at "Oh, if you put it all a dllty to a (To be Continued) Ha,rtsock, deceased, .no bon~ re- f 203.06 acres in Harlan township. years. Whereas: as a matter of . .. .. ~ .nt in her mind. And all that fellow.being! I don't wapt to be a ' - • qUlred. Robe~ Std,es, Clifford Alice E. Ru'uum and Willlam fact, several hundred new proia .eeinr ill ao new to ~r. She ill mieaionar)'," the girl contended. White Rose-Power be- rr.aith and Le he. Slllltb were ap· B. Russum to Edwardl duel'll who never earned a base pinlnr a realiution of life "Then you will leave him-to hi d th I pomted th appra,lIsers. and Margaret Edwards 69.10 acre. bave been put on by the K. 1. O. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO .be , ill 'growinr more serioul and ehance~ A young, handsome, titled n • enl ne. The followmg IlCC\lUnts were ap- in WaYDesville townllhip. AssQ. to take the place of tho~e


An Affair International








for .



om~emuk~No~m ~~e~

Ford ancl }{ada Ford 37 Turtlecreek townabip. WiUiam O. Mo~fort to Frank Spencer and Carrie B. Spencer inlot No. 22 in Mason. Magrie L. Kenrick to Marguer. ite Eagle 26 acres' fn Franklin township. Emma Cartwright to Hannab J. Davis inlot No.6 in Waynesville. W. T. Foote to Frank Schnell, et al 130 acres in Barlan townahip. Alice .M. Howard to W. R. Howard inlot No. 29 iD Harlan town· ship. W. R. ,Howard to The Morrow Feed &; Supply Co., a corp., inlot No. 29 in Plea!lant Plain.




M am-In

strict trut these later .producers Mary Inez Snider, executrix of on the market, and espeCially t~o8e the of AI,attie Taylor, dewho had no base w?uld certaanly ceased, first and 'ftnal. be those who could 111 all bo~est,y . ' . "Fred A. Snider,. administrator of be laid to produce surplus milk J1 the estate of David W. Taylor, deany on~ could be aid to be really cea8ed, tint and final. producmgt surplus. Charles F. Hodgen, admillistra· We ILl an orpnization. with all tor of too elltate of Florence I. due ,respect to dealers, believe that Arkill, deoeased, first and final. producers should bave cost of pro· Lotta C. Keafauver, adminietra· duction for their product. And by trix of the e tatE~ of Howard ,C. the lIame token we beJi.eve that Weafaaver, decleased, firllt and deal~rs should ~et a sufficient finall·· t H' d' f Add' priee to permit them to give good . 1D Illes, guar lan , 0 Ii! service, good quality milk, pay de. Dowdell, person, first cent wagea to employe" and get' at and fillal. " . least a. fair return on investment, Phone 78J Thomas Brebany, adminIstrator jUllt what we m for ourselves, for of the estate of Andrew Brehany, [ a!l8ure you, my dear reader, that deceased, first an~ doal. Billa AIIow.d we cannot hope to win our point Frederick W, HmlUe, trustee of R L f t I un by selfishness On the other hand the estate of George R. Sage, de- h ay udc~, ~llIe . 01 ~ 1011 Cjo t we cannot ho~e to live unless we ceased fourth OUSe an Jal c eanmg pro ec , • execu tor o f th Ch a1''I e8 S . Jr'Wl0, e U6',Airs . Maude Deardofl' .• ' lerT- get what is rirhtfully our•. lOTAllY PUBLIC . estate of Jame$ B. Davis, decealled Ices, ,1'7.60; Mra. Lillie Ur;t0D, After examining the reports of ~-- "" first" tinal and distributive. $10; MI'II. Ira Eltzroth, eervlcq, several hundred . teats made by A certified copy Of the entry de- $5; Mrs H,elen Doughman, !lervlc", dairymen on thel~ herda, and al80 wnla Dra_ • • termining the iIlheritance tax on $'7; Candls Hymer" aervi~s, '5; tbereporte. of ~he 0 : S. ,U. , and WAYNESVILLE, OHIO the estate of J. M. Conover, de. . Kelly, . aervicell, ~7; , Mra. Purdue Umverslty, w~ have ,f ound ceased ia to be given to all per- How.ard Sawyer, esrvlcel, $'1J that average productlon COlts on sons i~terested. Wes~e~n UniOD, tele.lfram for one cow for one year as la follows: James E. Burlle was appointed s~erlff!l ?1!ic:e, "c; GrUlwold Ber- Enail8('e 6 ton ' @ '10.00 .. .UO.OO FO• •AU DATal CALL f AI StatIon, l ,bay ' ..................... " .. ..., .. 60.0 0 - VICe $11 62 M gas t for It sherlfl"s M tg c a2rtons a dm"InlSt ra t or 0 f the e8 tate o 0 e fred T. WrigJ1t, cle~aBed, and filed .: o~n on,1 1,: r'Y' pasture .......... ..... ............... . 9.00 on _\. neurance, . 'SO : 800 Ibs. 20% Dairy ration lS.00 bond of $600 with sureties. The estate of S. K. Stephenson, " Meeker. p~em. on IDsur· Labor, insurance, incidentals "7."0 M Gem GltY,lBsIUse Total ,.... "" ... ,............ ". .... ,17"."0 deceated, ia exempt from inherit'2-986.801; TC ance tax. . - UPP yo., map., . ; . Lottie Stokeel W81 apPoi~ted , ~Iank Book IU,. Co., From the same record. we find guardian of Chairlea Lester Crock. reliel bonde, f,21!. Wm. tbat the aver~e production fOIl a ett, et aI., and ftlled bond ot ,1200 . services al radman, 2 dairy .oow al abOVe Ihould be JESSE ITAIIUY with aureties. ' .. ; ~lalr " LeRoy. rravel about 8118 lb.. p~r ,_r "bleh ft... New ••r........ OWe Exceptions to inventory of Julia Iti. ; Blair • LeRoy, cem&1lt, make. the COlt of produclnr milk Williams, adminiltratrix of the 1'1. !land and gravel., $10.88; L. P. Cav of "0/.. B •. F. coutent '2.S6 per EAJU. kOC'MlJ • • tate of Thoma. Williams, deceased ett Co., m . .t. tar, ,91.60; Harold cwt. ' Da,... ...... are wel.1 taken. ~rheo will ot Thom- Marte, rr.vel and und, ,176.S8; Our o~ly purpose 18 to secure ICE. .;"" . .. . aa Wilhaml, dec(~ued, was filed lu The Western Star, daU, reporte honest and tair treatment for all c:a rds• $'l6.60; .Walter .Bo~tl, euo-. producers, rerAl'dleea of their afprobate. . The inventory of Alice Gilmour h~e, '8.0") CIncinnati 011 Worn fiUation. We reprHent producers admlnistratrh: of the e8tate of Jo· Co". gasohne, ,S6,97; Griswold and will continUe to do 10; and we sepb Gilmour, deceased, was ap:. S~rvlce Statio~, labor, pa~, sup. . stand ftrmly behind the "Burke proved. pheaand llrUolJne, '1'7".69; The BliP' for by ita provision, every Anna Hartsoc.t, executrix of, the Shart~e. Bem Ilaehine 00., bolta.producer in the market il promise'd 1_ _ _...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ eatate of Fran][ Hartsock, de- ,8; Cmcinnati Oil Workll.. psollne a square deal. . _ FO.SAU ceased, filed ber inventory. , and kerosene, ,25.26 ;Fred ,Kabn The present plan illaranteea to The will of Samuel Butterworth M.otor Co., parU, '1.11; Morrow all bone.fide producers of whole ' deoeased, W811 ad'm ltted to probate. Garage, gasoline, ,S.60; ,T he Mol" mUt a market for 118me. and in FOR SALE-IS Ew~~, Lawrence A_ Voorhis, admfnis· ro.w Feed" Supply Co., barbed View -Of the past attempts pun. John. . trator of the estate of Wellington Wife and. staplea, ,8.40; The lab, penallu, and intimidate pro. FOR SALE- Kentucky WODder Beana for cannlne. L. V. Bna. S. Bowyer, deceased, tiled his ftrst Standard Od CC!" oil, crease, bra. duc:en by threats of no market, let and final account. sene, f18.?6; Cincinlllllti Oil Worn me say that the dealen and the Pho.,e IlIR!. • . .T L. M. Rendenon, executor of Co., lI'8ao11ne, ,6."8; J. W. LfDIfO producers groups, must lee that all the estate of William J. Sherwood Bardwal'e Co., parta and IUPPUea, prodUCeR are fairly treated ill the FOR SALE-1 open wool Ram, J. deceased, filed his'firat and ftnal ac ,"2.17; 1. K. SJleUcer, lumber. future. A. HartmaD, R. I. Phone ~ew count. ,71.60; The OrelfOnIa Brldp 00., Tb f tu ill tIli II I I oIu Burtiqton 148. r The will of Geol'l'e H. Beach, de- blue prints, bridal It.el. U'.8'7; bette: :.. the ;..~;: q~.._ FOR SALE-I! dIM Wheat DrIll cellled, ."... ftlad In probate. Gene Baker, payment in tall for t "'-_.... ri." -all ith woo rtU'_& ' ttacb eIlt. C 0 a "8nuwf,p C• ...u .... wua W .... ....r. m " ' In the matter ot the trait er ... wlndlhield. ,8. ated b, Item four of the will ot • _ • be heud '.ton the 01110 link.Com E. III.hen.r. Walter W. Voorhia, deeeued, ..Ie eo... ...... ml.IOIl Oil Septemb.r It. 18 . . at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - of b01lda ordered. . ' I p. m. at the State Bide., WAln'mt Th. adjlldlcation aid cletermlnA flll'th., uteDIIoa of time Oil CoI...III1" OIdo, .1141 I a. . . . . '_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ltioe of the bllI.rita... tall 011 tIM corn 1 _ with the Co_odItJ that at that tim. th. prodaetta will 1fANTmD- To btiF --te of Blla B. BroWD. deeeued, Credit baa bHD be ,.••• • Ill...., taer.. III prlee 'fte '1'011 Ociewba II to .,. .... ~ all perIOD. Ill. Doaaeed. tro. LebfMa, 0Idt. "




Centerville, Ohio


Jt...... Ie,,'"

Weare happy to announce that 200 of these beautiful, modem electric ranges are now helping to make 200 homes brighter, cleaner, and more pleas· ant places in ' which to live. 'Winter, with its accompanying rain a~d .snow, wind and ' slc~t, will

lOOn be with us. Remember those trips to the wood house, the coal bin, or oil drum. Remember wet ashes on the floor and thc lumps of snow all speckled with coal and soot that fell from the coal .cuttle. Why not tet us install one of these fine new Electric Ranges in your kitchen now, and we will see that it gives you the . same ',Yon · derfw service tl\at


many other electric range users are enjoying.

There will };Ie DO soot, no ashes, or dirty coal buckets, no smoky flames, or disagreeable fumes. Electric Heat il clean, .teady, dapendable, and economicalalways. We will inltaU this beautiful ranKe in your kitchen for the small .um of $1.50 per mO,n th. payable with your Ii&ht bill. Try it-there will be no re~r.t •. ~.



, •

Stanley &Koogler Auctioneer. a.o.







ea..... c..,


& Li ht CO.





bHll cholen for this dlattneUon.



D. L CRANE I I . . .U..... ri......n.., '1.10 a Y.., at Po.,o"loa n..• OIIc. . . . . . ......... ,........... N•• III ~tr•.r. ~blo, .. hCntl4 at 011.W.. .. Ut.1l R..uI.6c . .......... .............. No. III MaU...

Great aa il Ohio in literature and consenalion of productll of nature the state is without any recent standard boolLl on its native bird. and fishes. Some yeara ago some very dne publications on th tate's leathered Inhabitants were printed. The m08t elaborate and costly of theae was enttled, "IUus· trationa of the nests and Eggs of Birds ot Ohio," 1!y Howard Jones, A. M., • M. D., of ircleville. In a pel'iad covering ' about ten ' years Dr. Jones and his family brought out two volumes of beautiful color ed paintinlls of nest snd eggs but with few bil·ds. The pook list 292 species of Ohio birds a of 1881. These volumes ar~ in the state lib l'l~I'Y. Anothel' ouhstandiny wod<; was "Bh'd! of Ohio" by William Leon Dawso n of Colum· bus, printed in 1903 and listing 320 pecies, Another similar pub· lication Is "The B.irds ·of Ollio" (1908) by Lynds Jone!" M. S.c. This was published by the Ohio State Acadamy of Scienee, and few copies exi t. to fish, the Ohi o Division of Conser,vation ha l'ecenUy com· pleted a series of mimeographed desrriptions of the leading flutive varieties. 'l'his work was entitled, uA 'preliminary Study of Ohio Fishell" and wa issued by the Divi ion of Fi h and Game in 1926

eel braUon of 1Mr 4 niv!!r ry. Mr. ancl Mn. Rolla Weanr .,. th proud parenta 01 an • 'AI Ib !lIr. and Mrl'. Earneat Earnhart Ilt(l'nded the Earnhar~ reunion .t Ha\'mon Park, Lebanon.

Capi Cross Cha



CCC Pro .... m Accomplishments / f the Civilian onservation Corps in Ohio are mninfold and productive of a great amount of permanent futur beneflt to the staw. More than 4,000,000 young tfees hay been planted in Ohio tbls J ar by m mbers of l~he CCC which in addition has bu-iltover 24,000 soil erosion prev'ention dams since the fir~t camp was opened in the state 15 months ngo . Other work accomplished by th~ cec Robert Fechner, national diye~tor, reports, includes tree and plant d,isease eradkation, forest nursery activity, 'Iandscaping, etc. In all, there are .pproximately 8000 men nOW enrolled in the 38 Ohio CCC camps. 'ren of these camps are now engaged on ltate park projects.

Estate 0'( Samuel Butterworth, Dec ased. Notice ~ hereby given that Ern(l ~t Butterworth whose Poat Office Addt'e II is Waynelville, has been duly appointed .a Ad. minLt~ator wttlrthe will annlxI4 Fred S. Sexau r, Presi(lent of the Dairymen's Lellgu.e..C.oopexatille 01 the Estate of Samuel Butter· Association, InCI, recently si/oid that diliry producet:B may sOCln find it: worth late of Waliren CountJ, n 'ceS$lll'y to again bring into play the cru~dlng spirit with which they Ohio. deceased. ~:s hav a~tacked thcir marketing problems in the past, and added: Dated this 19th day ot SeptUl~ "Organization can do what the government cannot do because in gov· A NEW INVENTIO .! bel' 1934. rnme~t, in party pqlitics and in public 'interest there is no crusading , RALPH H. CAREY ... LITTLE AMERICA. ANTAll·TI · tbree lights on tbe d&Sbboa.rd 01 spirit thut will cnrry Il project forward. The machinery of the state is Judge or the Probate Cour' CA. Sept. 17 (via Ml,I.ckny Ha· tlle traclor and operated trom tb.~ 011 not ff ctive because it cannot be mobilized and into it cannot be plac· WarTen County, Obil dlo) :-Plealle aU ow me to Introduce sledge notltled the drlveT to bar d that spirit of the crusoder. That can come only when group of to the world for the II ret time a lett or rlgh t or to keep straight p ople 80 thoroughly believ~ in what they are doing that the motivating new 1nvenUoJl which baa revolu· abead. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT forces behind them are not selfish, but instead there ie a deep desire to tlonlzed the use of t~aclora for pol· In the apertodlc compass on the do thOSe things which are ben flcial not alone to themselve!, but to ar exploration. And tet me give sledge the oeelllationa are consld· Estate of Al!red T. Wriaht, 41' theil' neighbol's, thl!il' state and their country." . , ered1t rtlht now for tble new Idea er&bly da.mped out. Tb18. together ceased. Notice is hereby given th.t to KelUletb Rawson. of ehleR-go. with the amooth running ot tbe In those words, Mr. Sexauer gives an excellent picture of the our nt.vlgator. who worked It. out sledge and \.he absence any mag· James E. Burke whose Post Oftico "secret of succelis" of the farm cooperative movement. The best farm Hi,t.wa, Patrol Acti.. Sn collaboration with Harold •. neUc dlsturbanoe made pOBslbl\! \ddre8s ia Lebanen, Ohio, h ... bee. co·o\>s have always been crusaders; their problems have changed from duly appointell as Adminilltrator y IIr tl> YCII1' as old ones were settled and new ones arose, but the cru· Total of 628 arellt, rnad e IWle, O·t Stamford. Conn .• chIef of very acclJrate dead reckllntngI navl of the Estate of Alfred T. Wrldt ' avldlon Iledlon. gaUon on our experiments trip OUT I d sading epirit was never lost. It was sh.a red by management and inem· by the State Highwlay Patro ur· d .....eatest difficulty 80 tar en· Tbe Inlltallatlon prove t vel'}' 8UO Jate of Warl'4!n County, ObiQ, .e· The •• ing August, accorditlg 'to the man· ,t. I trl t. ceased, bers alik every person connected with the organization, whatever his In trail ce88M over .... e mos n ea ~ ' u ntered co k BI thly report of Colonel Lynn ac, d t lh ' Id capacity, worked tirelessly. faithfully and to the utmost in advancinlr Dated tllis 11lh day 01 Septlmcourse to be foun ' n e wor . navigatIon by trac· atrol superintendellit. b tb rid bel' 1934. the int ' rests of all concerned. Violations Involving driVing with tor hal beeD tbat na.m"ly. throug e preS8ure . The cru ding spirit that (larried the co·ops through five years of RALPH H. CAREY d" . or teeplnc tile ina· g.e l. In tb Is spol It Is necelaary to Many thousands of people visit fictitious licenses, re-ckless TlVI~g. chlne8 on a lelect. wInd around. twist and turn Judge oC the Probate Court depression is the best asset they have in meeting the issues of the the capitol building at Columbus impt'oper lights, dr\vinl\' whit eCS oourae. TIle ex'tbreadlng a way through thea" $27 Warren County, Ohio future. ,ach yellr for the fir t time and all tox.icated, failure ,to r egl!ter ~~ o~ pedltlon bae been huge upheavals of Ice. And now admire th interior view of the vehicles and oper:a t i ng hWI loud' -ul nne4 with Rawson and June bave devtaed thl!; NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT vaulted <lome ot the. state bouse. chauffeurs' \icens~s whereStatt e ~~ h~" navigation new 8),tltem of navIgation wblch y Few of them realiZe however that ing callsel cited b A1t e t e l~ InItruments obtaJn. wlll aUow ue to' follow tbe crooked Estate or Frank Hartsock, el... in the 'b asement of the state house way Patrol during ,ugus, a~c~T I" able. N.."lration In trail by compaSS without the IlIght. there. a!'!! Ion&, psallage-ways r.e · ing to the monthl-y r~poft 0 . ? tn.ctors, however. eat dlfJlculty on our f()rthcomll1& ee~ti~e is hereby given that Anu mindln.g one of basement avenues t:~e~r.~:::~k, ~~~~: ~~pe~~~ I. more than a trip to tbe Queen Maud Mouutalos. 'Hartsock whose Porrt Oft\ce addre .. The Ohio State Univer sity Radio Station-WOSU found III lIome of the cathedral$?f patrol totalcd 628 for tlie month. que.tloD or .upert· My work with Rawson and June is Wayne1!Ville, Ohio, R. F. D. haa 8 :00 Mu ic Europe. The sta.te house W8.S bUIlt One arrest for murder iB included 01' In8trumenta. It on ' tblll project certaInly leavell me been duly appointed as Executrix 8:10 Th Indian Tribes of Ohio .. . ...... " ............... H. E. Eswine many years befor~ mod~rn rn~th. among these. Other eitatione were Ie C8llirrally known wltb a aeDae ofreapeot for tbe men 01 the Estate of Frank Hartaock d NY who navigate over theee white late of Warren County, Ohio, de· :20 O~i() orll Forsge for thc Drouth Areal ....... .. ..... Earl Jones ods oJ ~onstructlng found~tJons mad 'for motor theft, failure to that the proxtmlU were 'put In use. ~hc foundatIon of stop after an accidElnt, overload~d of mlW or electrle of Arc. 0, watrtee of 8UOW and loe. And It t8 ceased. 8:S() Music tbe state house IS made 'of mam· hi l I l t brake.s and failure CUlT8nt to a com· OUdf dcalrpln on JUlt one more eeientl1lc cOlltrlblJ· Dated this 10tb day 01 Selttem· 8 :40 Play of stone betwe n ve . an a ryma . lion you e&11 cbUa ... up for thl 8 ex· ber 198'. . T 1 mo'h • blo~kl! '" t filc e,. b 11aut Y I paaIl call1ea , ..11... .. 9:10 Joys and Griefs of Everyday Sewing .. ,...................... E un1Cle ea which .l'un long passage-ways with o . e l o a e. done of the compaall needle due to pedltloD. 111 bave to cht.nce my Dean E. Stanley, Atty. 9 :20 Effect 01 Light on Laying Hens ................ .... ......... E. L. Dabn curved ceilinga of ton . Ycars ago -..,n.tlo at~llCtion. A trador. be- mind about the one 1 plent)olled RALPH H. CARilY these passage·ways were dl·vl·ded I_true-t. $,0,000 " J \l d ge 0f t h, e 'I:>•• COllr.~ . 9:30 MUSIC IDI enl mas. of ~eta). has mad e [aat week~McCol1Dllck •a ae ria.I0.,. nO b a"", various sectiens and rooms Al!out 60,000 pUIPil are a 'f'et1 unsatisfactory mounting for eervatlon tbat the ROSIl Sea t. tree 127 ' 'Warren County, Ohio (1 :35 Some Es ntials of Fruit ~torage .. " ... .... , ............. F. S. Howlett,. and allotted to different atate de. giv n instruction 8~nd mori! than a comp.... particularly because ot toe. Wh n lie thoulht be. was - -.parltmeilta for t~rage p~p08e8. 21)00 teachers being employed from Ule enctne t" drtven a genera- looktng at open water throu,b the NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT On account of the thousands of under the Federal l8:.mergeney Re· tor with a uria.ble volta,e and mllJ'ky atm08phere from ten thou· sand feet altItude. be was teally vollunies o;f law , statistical reporta li.f Admiliistration's program in power output. E8tat~ of Daniel Le.ter CrItlDI, and other publications, required to Ohio. TlIese figures do )'lot include . In the body of tlte traCtor I. In· )ooklng: at bard green lee. He diS., Dlloeased. be pubUshed by the Secretary of college students bellng given finan· etaUed a ralilo cenerator wblcb 18 covered that tbll weell III a new Notica is hereby aiven that State as a matter of record, more cial'aid by FERA OIT teachera and opented iDtermlttently. These coo· fllg:ht. So, after all, we reall, are Flora M. Crane, whOle Poat Oftlca space was allotted to this, depart- pupils involved in the admini!tra· 4IoDII lIa"e made It Impo.. lble to fol· surrounded by an It or and Address is Waynesville, Ohio, baa COLUMBUS _ The quelltion, In addition, the bure.u of markets ment. tban to others. tion's rural schools extension pro . low an loOCurate course. Kenneth we don't Irnow wbe , ,t exteodl been duly appointed al AdmiDia· "what do you do anyhow1" occa... is charared with enforcement of During the past year Secretary gram. 'Kaftan, "01'lI:lnlwlth June. nnally for fI~y miles or H t II l10dred. teatri.x of the Estate of Daaill lona1l1' asked of E. A. Flemminlr. laws a1feetinlr fruit and "egeta~le of State George S. Myers bad a 4.,aed "metbod whtcb prover' I,rae. WIth achools and coLlegel open Lmefo Cllane late of Warren hief of the State BuJ'uu of Har· IIltand.rdization which tends to force of trusties assigned by 3.D.,. Week fClr H1IIlten UO&l ud emclent. Tb.e, InHtalled we are gettlll« a great hJsh of new County, OhiO, deceased. . kets, is answered by him in a ,,,. improve packinr and handling of Warden Thomas of the Ohio Nimrods who purl~ue t~e elusive OIl a Iledel a .peelal sprlpg lUI· member. tn the c,lub. If you baven't Dat.d this 5th day of Septelllbir pag bulletin describing the activo garden and orchard productll. Penitential'Y fOT deaning and wild duck can figure, on three days peuton mOWltlnl tor tbe oompu•. joined .Imply lIeod me a clearly 1934. __ itie . 01 the bureau. This division renovatin&, these basement floor each week for 10 weeks in the no Iledell Itlelt was equl~ped wIth Be1f.4ddreued stAmped envelope at ltALPH H. CAREY of tbe department of agriculture The election of joltrnalists of rooms to impro,!e . their con~ition blinds. William H. Reinhart, con; a winuhleld and a plaee for the the club'. ,AmerlcII.{l lter.dQut.rte.-. J uqe of the Probate Cou~ Wanen COUlltJ, Ohtb. was established 11 years ago lalt the past to the Ohio Journalism and. mak~ mo~e . spaCe available. ervation commis H>ner. has an· obieJ'Y8r to Btt · oomfort_blT "bile and Ir.. memberablp card and bl, S27 WhIle domg thiS wO:k two or three nounced a s,e a on opening atehlnc the compalll durtn, tha _ _ ___ • March. Market report8 on live RY stock, grain, wool, butter, en' and Hall of Fame has resulted in the small rooms w~re dIscovered ~om.! October 4 and closin~ December 8, ;;'p In WI .pot a COlll'l)&1I1l wat worklna map of AlIt&rct1ct. wt\l be T poultry are received by wire :from choice 01 Samuel J. Flickinger pletely filled WIth broken furniture with shootinlf allowed Thul:sday, ~tad and a ,lgnal 8fl t em to the eent ,ou. Addr~a Arthur Abele. OUR CLASSIFIED COLU..,.. city m'arket centers. The Columbul (1848-1929) of the Ohio's State and current pamphlets 01 50 yeats Friday and SaturdllY each we~k. dr1yer ol the tractor wu In.talled. Jr .. President. LltUe America Avl.. fruit anti vegetable wh()leaale mar- Journal D.yton Journal and other allO but ulele88 now. Thia wastage The d~tes follow af4!deral ,,-nange· The Idea was to tow the Iled,e don and lIlxplora.tIon . Club. l:Iotel ket prices are collected dally and .' wal removed and the walts cleaned ment limiting the ee8son to SO 1teariPI t.Ile com pan about, SO raet Lexincton, 48th Street anll Le1lng· Whit. R---Power .. _._ similar reports are received by this papers, John Soton ,(1'792.1871), and where the spiders ran unmo}. days. Other regulations forbid behind til, tractor. .A .yatem of ton Annue. New York. N. Y. ---...division from 6 other large cities. founder of the Repository of C.n· e.llted throughout the yeaTS electriC shooting before SUIllrlse and after ===-",-='"-,==========;=-= ==.= ==='======= hind the .nll.... These market report-s are diatribe ton, and ita editor 10r fiUy-five' hghts, shelves and clean quarters sunaet instead of the hal!.bour ""!'!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!! uted to Ohio prodUcer by radio, years, and Moses Dawson (1 'l88- now 1urnish mue1~ needed IIpace leewa110rmerly allowed and only spent Sunday .wit.b Mr. O. J. Ratt· :; current ope1'8ttons. 12 inl'.tead of 16 are allowed for Uri sock and famity. n~wspapere ' and other agenciea for 18••• editor of the Cincinnati Ad· disseminating such infOl:maUon. vertiler, preeSece..or of tbe •- • the bag. Mrs. Harold' Kellil,l and Tiny Shipping point inBpection of freeh Enquirer. Eigbty-six present-day ----. Quite a number lrom bere ·at· Osborn spent Monday at New Bur· Appro ....1 for Sofety Mo... _ _ t tended the County Fair last week. lington. fruita and ~eletables, the Iradlll8 new.paper men and wo~n of the standardization and inspection of state voted, • two·thirda vote beina Favonble ~Iponse is being Scbool was dismi88ed on Thursday Mrs. Morris Dill, who has been egg'8, and the in pection of toma· neeeuary to a cboi~. The election. staYinJ. with her mother, Mrs. Rol · elicited on .11 sides throuihout the and Friday. toea at canneriell have proved to be baY6 been held annua)ly lince 1928 state by the program of the Ohio The ma.;,riage pf Mr. Chas. Cook and, r tUrned to Lebanol' Sunday. • valuable aid in improving the. b, the Scbool of Jouhiallam. O. S. Safety Service Comrpiuion, work· Mrs. May Burns, of Goshen .on Litt e Joan Kellia entertained quality and price of these products U. Twent,.flve men have thu. far ing in conjunction with the Ohio Sep~ember 16.came as a sutprlse about twenty·flve little hlendll in Mr. AlISon L. Earhart will be in Department 01 HighwaYII, to 1ur· to hIS many friends. "!!!o.tI!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ charge 01 the Ohio Emerarency ther the movement for the preven HI': and Mr!!.. W. W. Welch. en· Schools to operate in War~n tion of accidenis. School children tertamed relatIves fro m Indlanl/o county. ' are amoni those commandi!)g the last Sunday. The Ohio EmergencY' Schools aim and purpose of' the Safety Mrs. H. S. Tucker and dallghters AdminiBtration, with the approval Se~ce Commill8ion, which places a~d ~nna. ~acDo.nald were shop· ot tQe State Relie! Commission, particular stress 011 accident. to pmg III Cmcmnatl last Saturday. adopted tbeplan of appointing, in children The commi88lon on the Mr. arid Mrs. R. H. Francia and eaeb cOllnty, an Emerrency School other h~nd, is not negl~ctfuJ of daughter~ spent the week·end at Chairman, an4 recommending the the. fact that parents lUI well u Weet Union. . orEnatlOn of a local Emergency children are- in need of eafety The P. T. A. held Its first School Counoil. educatiqn and is working to cre.te m~etlng of. t~e school year last 1n._WAtren cou.nty this council and develop in the local communi· Fnday evenlll~. Mi~ Glo!)a~~.~~:UI-_...:........E..._-:-_":-_.,. conlliBts of the following penona I ties a 8enae 01 rE'.'ponalbiJity tor Y~ung, . an1llndlana 'ttlI'I of k r Mr. C. II. Bohl, County' Su-pt. of both child and adult ~ety. mmgton ~o ege was e spea er 0 chairman; Mr. E. Tyler . • _ . the evening and waa grcatly en· , , Shough, . Director of the 'County joyed.. Rel"f Commluion' Mr ]I H Du.,-inll The Eastern Stars enJoyed . luck sup~r Thur~day eveni . 'Druhot, Supt; of L~bano~ Schools~ Mr. G. H. Gerke, Supt. of Frank. to their: meeting. A fe~ lin Schools' and Mr. A. H. Porter ._ _ _ • Wayneavllfe and New Bur· 01 M~rrow SchoollJ. ' Nearl every atltomobile driver hilgMt~n chva?t~r~ werTe gu es t8. spent t-. d' 18S ugmla uc k e r Its 1 th a du lome 0 e sug~s. has a 1eebng e>flOlnedanger urmg S t d i ht and Sunday with <a> Instruction nlg~t driving wh\!n th~ road il· M~s~r ~e~~ith Bogan, of the courses a!l: Turkish Sol:d M iltook band ~u'!c foz: ~h08e w'ho have lummation or that of .lIlS own car S rin field nei hborhood. Emblem for Religio.ul not been lD a position to c.rry Qn does not meuure up to visabllity PM' It L I M~11 a Lebanon l their 8tudiee. of the daytime, the Ohio S.fety I It~~ MO!da er was Symbol (I) Commercial course.s for Service Commissio:n·l'eports. V. sMra. Irma 1~lIch ha returned tho"e who did not receive thll train Some 01 the spclcial precautions h e ftc h t ' • \ in Fair By DAVID 8. INQALUI '-, ' .. . inlr in the high s~hoo[ . of "don'ts" d'Urinc nisht drMn. floW ~ r . a 8 or ViS! • SEPTEMBER 27, 1934

·T he Crulading Spirit





Farm hight 1alks, October 1


Best' of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol


b arvey.



Don't .'


Road Darkne'l

Quality ,P ..latlal



ct.. I......... Ohio Roll CfiJi eoaaauu.. It (e) A courae m cbild plyeohol· are: , .. ' e Y·r. . and 'Mra. Robert Vander. lt . hoU"'h a. l moijt every m . an, Oriuluall" ,It lurelJ. u.. eo .. Og~:rc~~~~\o teach adults to ttDh°,n't P~i'~._on the~rfadJ e~~: voort and children have move.d t(l A • Id tod k the hatant forcea came' tfl .....rd thl w your g ... on. mpo.. Waynesville 'Woman and 'cbl . ay nowi . ~ C J It. t IhEM amo read and write Enarliah al well .1 to judp whether II lisht i. movin, M d it Cll Gordon and r~e hl:~~~ha~f r!~~rd!.edanC::: 'to the ::rk '~f 'a~ other c~un.. In fe1I~r:a1 education or stationary untlil you ar. quite Mr. ~n~n MrB~sG. MacDo~.ld Ito~y from the, land of the . MOo ,.nl&&tioo pllClpd to the Hrvlel There i. also proVllllon made for clolle to it. : and daulrhter Arina were' Sunday bammedanl. where Turkllb lol· of all rae. aDd aU creeda, ad tb e :mt.ifntenahniclde Off Nurstwery . D(m't race wl~b carele. drivers evening dinneJ' guests of Mr. and dlln, f_rfu) that the blu.l,n , with ••lice to"..-d DOlI" ODl, bl Seh 00 ls , .or c. . ren '? age~ 0 out on an evemng lark. The rec· M~. Fred Clemens and family, of nOla repl'lllll1tec1 , n.." rl1"lo", Tuqq dl4I napleloll aJat Iio", to'I:Obur,.tn~~llve. Thle chi1.~re~ ord!! .show that d.riven under 21 Cedarville. . 'made nllCftJ&,17 the subitltl1tlOll of .tbat~ t1M . . . Crou 'W'" fo~ tel WI e ,. ..e elU'e o . compe. en years of age ban 50 per cellt Mrs. 'Anna Stinson has been a brlUla..t cret\cent tn tile ftal 4?f 1II.kta 4IrutIa ...... ·to will ·coaIl· ~eachers .n.d a warm lunch will h more ~hance of c~raekln, UP " than visiting reJatives and 1riends in merey. . .', denc£. ' " at the n~on hpur. . drivers between 215 and 35. ' and around ,Wilinll'utton . ' It WI., ill the latter part of the , Where.or tho fla~ of _Pod... meetln, plac~e . ~f c1auea Don't try to locate· en~ne Mn Ina Sbane'is entertaining 'a alnetHnth century when Turln!y. white e",blasoned 'WIth tbo ,roe. provided by the com· troubll with. Ilgil,ted match. Galo· niece . , . . Serbia. Montenearro•· Gre~c ~"d of '. ~.r: I!lid 'beeD lIi1fu,I~, tbe . . whici) cwae • . are held. line baa • way o~' explodina .wheJJ Ladies ()f .Tonah·s Run 'Baptillt ItUlSla bKame enlnarle.d. It.I~ : .:, ~~~r!~ t~;t=h:.tI~a=·!t:~ The8e may be in school hOUles, matchel .re lit at: elose range and chu~h will aive a tea at the hOme abnOBt leventeta mil:'on . d~ " ,rs a MW reIlJCio11. E"D the tentlet chul'cMI, lod,es, vacaQt ltelre· when the petrol . explodN you'll 01 Mrs. A. S: Collett, "Role. lor relief work, the R~d mi .. :Bl.rJtlon8 of th_ who eared rooma etc. ride more than 15 milell to the pl. the Woods," Wednesday at 2 DON into tho atrec~ ~real (-r ·t"- 1:-1. " ... _ -~J ... Uae 111 order that teachers may JOD. 0 tob 3rd Mil Mary nvide nJief for 'Uff'l""II~ 1101. v --. qual.ify they · muat be approved Th f f til p. m., c er . II 1_ _ 'allCl eitlleDrJ IUb. P,!rhafltl dJlng couleS IlCI't alia,. tlte d ..p- b 11 '8h h d]l B hl He are a .'" 0 e pre- Will1la. Xenia, the ape.ker for tbe .... Iud tt) " r'XItP.Ci fe.r. of tit.. lIobam· y ~. .our an r. 0 cautions to take.t nilht wheD wiU ci~ aome "~"""'''.I :i:ho~~e!1:nbrourht ·~~~::i madanl. Senl tIM . . . .te plication blanks must be flUed drivlna. Tbe wiater ing incidents of her trip of b.tt1.-; g8VP need of tile rebllliou,~ and flied with the coant,. will natural Ucht the globe. a iel for thl1YlctImll _ d h '. t tbe aUittlde. and whtllh 11· viIDr. of day to the ..eDlat • - ••- - ~o::: ~7 an a e ~h~' h'ld, Re.i took \he For lDfonnatlon ... 111'. Ear- 10 'it will be to )mo" low tile helll (,: t~ ,.f hluinl crON a n d . t WarreD Cout, Belief haacll. ,our und'" mrbt drlv 01 'J the'r he.lm In I\a place, a • ..,. Le~oa. Ohio. iDe GOndltioRL . _ .....lcln.. CH!lCe1lt, an ohjeet .• - • DrI.e JOur 1!11~. al1d , . , . . " lor! f _A _n ......... ..... -'~ht Almo.t .. it b, .lrMle. u_o IlC 0 a... " ... ,.e.... -" or lioll1 wu l'*Weutf ,... fOllM to be 411. to pn.eace ., iJa ,0Dl' ... . h!I OM qri. fa cIfnna.

tn:ft :.

:t .




M t.











Tile MlaDd

lb. Elb rt WaUaee h•• purchas. d a new detlvery truck lor hia

r. G. A lort's here and at Har"')lsburg. A number of peopl from this romfnunlty attended the Warren ounty Fair laal week ' ?tfr. and Mrs. J. B.' Jones and Nr . K ler Graham wel'e guesta at a birthday !1urpria party for arl . Pick4)ring at Centerville On Wed ne day evening of lallt week tanI y Bailey h Iped with tho digplay of the FlliI'ley Hardware ei. , Rt the fair week. Mrs. Wilb\lr Foulks hRd the lucky numb r which drew 'the Aladdin Lamp Mt. and Mrs. Carlton Cook h"it lallt we k for Morganton, N. C., whcl'e they bolh have mploym nt i'l'll. Ida oop r of Rout .4 to,

White R-"', th'e depen .. V_ dab •• Gasoline.


M.... Glenn Juhn and chUdren, In Dayton. Mr. and Mr •. l.iberman Roger, uf Weet Call'Qnto~, spent Tue day and Wedh .. day "'lth Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers. Mil'S Laura Rosnagle, or Cincin• was the we k·end guest of Mr and Mrs, Har" y Burnet and !'tlr. and Mrs. Harold · Whitaker flod children.. . A number ot friends a':ld nei~h bor!l pent aturday even,.ng "':th Mr.. and Mrs. A. A. ~mLLh, e ct· thell' departure fOl' thclr new bome in Dayton. They movea Tue~day. Bv r tt Earl,)' had a flne dIsplay from the Lytle EI~vator at th Warren Cou,nty F,8.I1· last. week. Mrs. Ber~lIe Dill, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dill and daughter ' o,f layton, ca.lled at lbe homes o~ Mr. and Mr . J . B . Jone8 and M.r. lind Mrs. Th rle Jones Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emdck, .Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hole and lion, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Wo:ller Kenrick and Frank



Mitt D t Sweet Shop




Theater •••III.t


"Cockeyed, . Cava I·lerl"

at the


High School Gym


. Waynesville, Ohio ~hursday, Oct. 4, '1934

. ~TO!lIES

at 8 p. m.

tOe Everybody


", OM, DICK and BARR'\:' CO." An entertaining flve reel farm drama. Plenty of good, clean fun and romance. Built around the experience of two young men, who start out to climb th& up-grade road to success ' on a badly run down farm. You'll like Tom, Dick and Harry. You'll 8}'mpathize with and, often chuckle at their dlfftculties. You'll rejoice In their victorlea. You'll like the two young women who inspire them to win. Incidentally, you'\) get some valuable pointer8 on modern farm management. You')1 hear actual farmers tell what they are d'oin8' to meet 'present C;on4itionll, and how they are doing it Thl. picture is dift'erentl Don't misa it. - "MODERN STEEL AND WIRE MILLS"....'-See ~teeJ In the makiNr-bi, open hearth furnace8. containing ~45 tons of "eethine. boiling, bubbling metal. Watch them being tapped off Into huge ladles-molded into blr 5,000 pound inrots-then rolled down and dowlI 'tiU they come a'a t like white hot serpentl, 450 feet long-then finally made into wire, fence, nails barbed wire, and other products. A thriller Indeed I


"UPS AND DOWNS"-A sreedy, spectacular, anima~d ,.1:e track comedy. It·s chock tul ot humor and laughl!. You'll enjoy it.

'F R E E!' ADMISSION TO FARMERS AND THEIR FAMILJES Through the courtesy of Ute Keystone Stee] • Wire Com· pany ot Peoria, Illinois, maken of famou8 Red Brand Fence and KeYlltone Steel Fence Pastil. thill wondedul full Bh:e "talkie" movie IIhow, including more than 6,000 teet, with lIound on ftlm, comes to our farm customers and friends. • blolutely 1ree. Yell, everything is free, ine1uding . . • . but-come and lIet in on a . real surprise. Rem mber this Is a "good will" entertainment-with no obligation a any kind. Remember, too, that thl8 ill not a miniature OE: home movi A Ihow. The sound and photography are comparable to the prodoctlona IIhown in the best thea ten. Don·t forget the time and place.


An Important Consideration

...... , -.I.





B. II.Ciare



Thla Free elltertainment is being madepollsible by the

Waynesville farmers Ex. Co. . Phon. 25


, . . .1De lor Th. Guett. W,.ur, Mildred Yo Dill anel aulrered painful bru RU'len Stallsberry. 7-Seetlon 11. Mrs, CharlN Rye wbo h .. be@n Robert Peek. Carlen Runyan, at the home ot ber dauarhter in White ROle, the ........Marjorie Shutta. William StrouiIe, S~rin~ Va.11ey, return~~ home cleble a.selln. taken to Dr. Qnd MiI·iam Wharton. Tuesday, With ber condlbon very • where she r ceived mUch Improvt'd. Grao Millie Mr. and Mrs. Charle), Rogers and ~r daugbter Lura Lou, lind Mrs. Lida Ladl ..• Drese.., 70e ere an. ec.ea Th~ first. and second e(bon! of Pence, ot 1-ebanon, were caUer at M-', Sulta, 61c Sam. the tllgh~h grade gave two debght the home of Mr. and Mra. Oliver Quick-for qaality di,ocl__lq ful nlurneaJ programs this week. Davis, Sunday. . Team The programs were as follows: Section I. Mra, AlIna Cadwallader, Mis (Cont,nlled from P'ac. n Song by Class. Cl.ara Lile, Miss Annie U. and " MISS ' Mame T. Brown were gues~ .f irst unassisted and both runners Readmg anf.! . diSCUSSIon. on of Mr. and Mr . Raymond Mont. were held. Ellis grounded out to Be thoven by. Tlessler Hardm. gomery at Centerville Wednesday !2!!!E2 the pitcher and both runners were GUital' Solo-"My Wild rri~h ' still held saH. Davis , .r ounded to Ro e,'l by Audrey Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Larrick and , the pitche}' who boot.ed the ,ball Di cusslon OJ) Mt Vernon by daughter, Mjss Elixabeth were. ulloW~l\g Laurens t~ $(:ore. When Anna Louise Hoak. . guesl$, one day last week; of Mr. the plteher finally did ~ret the bait Piano Solo-"BI k H k Wand Mrs. Walter Rabe and Mr. he threw for Davis and! Thompson b Mar Ad m a aw . and Mrs. Louis Rose at Madlsonstole home while he was making y Pian: SOI~by Ruth Graham. ville. the play. Section II . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur White and W.,,~ The Sweet Shop boyS got two Song b~ ClaSll family, of Columbus "nd 'Mr. and ,...,.....'""'''''''''~''''''''...'''''."..,~ mote in the · fifth , liein'g tne score R a d' . . . ... Fri_Sat.-Sept. .28-2lt aguin. Rish led oft wi,th a three Sousea blyngOlol'vne MfaamyOKUSenffineUy8.ICJans. Mrs. KJsler Graham and daughter, b A . Id of Lytle, were recent guests 01 BERT WHEELER ROIlT. Rogerl;l Home C'O ming tug . 8$'gt;.1'. rmprester. Sling e ,scorQuartette Old Mr. and Carl Albright. WOOLSEY at Ferryattended 'church, the Sunday afternoon RISh. DUliharq fhed t~ short. D. Cross Road singing_HLittle Store" by Mildred M,r. lind 1.1r. Paul Duke. and T?ompson tripled, SCC,l'lOg Arm- Young, Wylodine Kurfias, Geneva Mrs. H. H. Williamson has I'ein family have moved from the PI ester. Johnson i ann,Eld and Bol- Lamb and ()ha Ie Ho Ie turned home after a visit of t;everal tenant house O.n Dr, Herman's man ground~d out Warner to Talk on "Tr~p ~o J''& Fair" days to relatives in Dayton and farm to the Sllln~ place on the P ck. . by William Mo s Piqua. Dayton and L~banon .pike. . No runs in the sixth and both Guitar Solo b' Harold Stroud. . Walter Kenrick .attended 8 meet- Sides got three more inthe seventh These prOgra~8 are given for Mra. Edith M. Hani8, with Mr. They're out of Jalt! Thoee I~g 0:1 the ~arm Bureau Automo- .111 the Sweet Shop half Armpr 8' the ben tit of the cIa sand re and Mrs. C. 11. Mosher. of Cincintwo Unkll1~ble bIle and FIre Insur~n~e at the ter singled and l~le Btacond. Dun - sponsored b our musical instruct- nati will spend the week-end with De nv r Hotel at WlImmgton on ham singled, .scormg ,Armpr ter. or Mr Fra;k l'elaUvea in Mortow county. Sun.- Mon.-Sept 30-0ct Monday of last week. D. Thomp on single!ll, DU.nham 'M 'F . k : I t · . Mr. and Mrs. RUB ell Campbell stopping at lIeeond. Jobnson 81 n r. un IS a 110 8 ar~lll.g ·pum.o.The New Century Club will meet have purchased the Frank Thomp- gled to left and when E:lIi lumbl d Ie 8~n8 at:. the grade bUildIng thiS With Mrs. Mary Cross Friday aflet' Up" son property here and will m<?ve the pick up Dunham co)'t'd. D. wee . noon. with there soon. Mr, Campbell drives Thomp on made third land J obn80n Mr. Elias Oglesbee and ' Mr. alld S~ENCER TRACY. PAT pecond. Shuss fanned. Gottsball 'Mrs. Fred Gons and family a~riv­ PETERSON, JOHN BOLE " grounded out second to ftr t, D. ed home TU~8day evening after a Thompson scoring 011 i,he play and visit of several weeks to Mr. and Johnson going to third. Wagner Mrs. Roi Rei inger, at Alberta, fanned, retiring the side. Canada. In the 1I1erchants half M. Weller led off with a single. Warner hit r a long home Tun over center field scoring Mike ahe" f him. Peck ••• doubled. On Lau..-s groun er to Mr. and !'t1rs. Raymond Conner short Peck ~as caug:ht between were Dayto. n .visitors, · Monday. econd and third for a put out, Laurens being saf.~ at first. . An evening's entertainment free Laurens stole second:. Thompson ab the gYITI, Thursday evening, The modern funeral director performs many · flied to hort. Tread~,ay doubled October 4. services for the bereaved family-services which no corin&" Laurena. EIli8 grounded to one ~18e has the train~ng, expel'lence or equipment to Mr. and Mrs; Howell Peiree tlrst 101' tbe third put Out. provlde. This professlon has grown up in response to No mOJ:e scoring ~olr Sam's boys visi'ed relatives in Toledo se••ral a need of modern society. ' but the Merchants got two more in days last week. their half of the eighth putting the Miss Mary Ellen Edwardl" 01 The cost ' of the funeral naturally includes a ' game on Ice. Davis led oft' with a Dayton, spent Sunday with MillS charge for this professional service. Whether it is single. Mendy singled, sending Reba Edwards. itemized separately o,r added to the price of the Davis to third. M. Weller flied out casket "with complete s.ervice", it is a legitima.te and to center. Davis scoring on the Mr. and Mrs. Matt McKinsey will necessary, part of the funeral expense. play with Mendy going to tbh'd occupy Mrs. Sheehan's bungalow after stealing second. Warner was on North street, Like any other professional man, the funera.l safe when the third blBsemart mufDick Hamilton, of Cleveland, fed bis grounder, Mlmdy holding dir~ctor has m'a de an investment in education and third. Peck was safe on an error visited his 'grandmother, Mr. equipment for the service of the public.. To consider by the short stoP. Menay scoring Emma HamUton, last week. him as a mere retailer of merchandise is to miss the A country's future is deon the play. Laurene hit into a pendent upon its health. Denmost important and valuable feature of his work. Mrs. Stanley M. Sellers and Miss double, short to sec,ond to firat, Jennie Bardin, of Lebanon, were ti!!try is one profel8ion that retiring the side. hatl Science as its guiding guests at the Friends Borne. TuesIn the ninth Tompy ended tbe day. star. lte ' ranks with tbe game by makina a doub.e play unmedical practitioner who pracassisted with a man on second and Mrs. Anna Cadwallader and Miss tisel prevention of disorder!!. tbird. Tbe batter lin,ed to Tompy Clara Lile wel'e entertained at the If health come8 fir8t, these who caught the ball and tOllched ome of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence doctors of dentistry must resecond for the double., today. (leive our whole-hearted appreciation Bnd co-operation. WAYNESVILLE Ml!lRCHANTS MillS Emma Beigbway ill recover W.~a_.IU.t .-E ing from the elreet.. 01 a fall at her AB It BPO A o borne several daya aao. when sbe Mendy, rf ..... .5 1 1 0 0 M Weller. c, .. .. 5 2 1 10 1 o Warner, p ........ 6 2 3 0 10 o Peck, Ib ........ 5 1 a 4 1 1 Laurens, S8 ...... 5 2 2 3 0 1 PHONE-19,.-caUl£ of ~ cinaes . more Thompson, 2b 4. 1 0 4 2 o I WAYNESVlIr,LE. OHIO Trcndv.ay, 2b .. 4 0 1 2 0 o accidents than blowoutt-Decomet ===========~ Ellis, If , ......... 4 0 0 4 () 1 Davis, ef ........ 4 1 2 () 0 o d4nge1"OUS CIS winte1' approac~

called on ..... Ktsl.r Grabam d.y afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Duke Rpent saturday e\"e,n!nw with )11-. and Mrs. Ed Longacre. . Mt. and Mr . Raymond Davi and ~?n", of ineinnatl, visited 'relatl\"j~8 here the past w ek. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hadley ~pent unday with I' el~tives n ar Wlimington. . ' M.r. and ?tlrs. Melvyn Swank and faml~y, of, Dayton, spe~t Sunday evenmg With tht' latter s parl:'nts, Mr. and Mn. Ed Longacre. nev. William M~r'tin, the new pastor here, and hiS lady friend called lit Lytle Sunday afternoon. Mr. Lee !dss()n of Mason, spent Tbursday OIgbt with Mr. and Mrs. Charle. Clark . and .returned with them to the faw, Friday. ?ttl' . Robert lIunt returned on Thul'sday of last week after spend ing a week with her son, Dr. Morriston Hunt and family at Boa~ Ala. Mrs. Margaret Jobns spent Sun~ay t the bome 0 f Mr. and

White Rose, the dependabl. Gasellne.

Wayn.svill., Ohio



Totals .. ,....... 41 10 13 27 14




1 I)

1 2

Totals ..... ... ,. 44. 8 19 24 18


Sbll8l, c .. ........ 2

O. 1



Gott.hell, lb ' •. 5 p ...... 4

o. a ,I

0 8 0



o.'clock In the

128466789Merchanta .... 3 0 0 2 0 0 a 2 x-IO S. S. Shop .. .. 102020300- 8 Stolen Bases-Mendy 2, Lauren. I, Tbompllon I, Davie 1, Amprester 2, Shu88 1. . Two. baae hits-Wluner. Peck Laure'll., Treadway, Rlsb, Gott. shall 2. . . Three base hits--Armprester, Riah, Thomp8on. · .' Home rllDs-Warner. Double plays; C. Thompllon un.a sllsted. 'Rish to R ..- Thomp8on to Gottshall. ' Earned runs-Wayne.ville Merchante 6, Sarn8 Sweet Shop 7. Left on , bases -- ,Waynellville Merchants 7, Saml ~;weet Shop 9. Umpires-Stanley and SwanK. Time of game-l hour and 68 minljtes.


anon. Town

ClarcnceJ. Brown Republican' Candidate for Governor ' will be the principal .~aker.




1., for w_ • •_ ..... tt-

l - a..t1on



bay Goodyeara thaa .a, other tire. SIoCe It COIta)'Oa aothlna . utra, wbr Dot ha•• thla JDarala of aafety OIl fOUl' car tool

. ~LoDAerNoD­

Skid Mlfeaae ••• .No Extra Cost. '



',1. Aaain,t road hazards. 2. AaaJnlt defects fot

ute. . .



twlat ~ " II..

Uma ,uaraate.d


tb.Ick u.d f. . . .

(ContiJIued from pq. 1) .tandinr clearness. T.his should interellt )'ouor and old. For further information, Ite the Khool newa at a later date. .....

tlrea JOU ' elide l~ to~'" fanh.. than on new leG-an ~_ .,.., AIl-W_th... That'a the . Goodyear M....... of Safet)'.... · . bta reasoa 'w hy , more peopl.'


TnctIoa . for q1llck nope aa' toq,"

School ~ ..ftft.".I••



alae-wltb Claler

New. 01 Th. ScAool A. Claron.ic:leJ By



)'ea~Prmled stJf~ by 8,400 tests. . ~ea )'OU mUit IUcIdeDIr Jam OD your brabe, IUl acdclent oet.a ... matter of Joch... Well, atop telt. OD Illpper1pa"emeDt mow: OD amootb· dreI you Illde '17", farther, OD otba'

SAldS SWEET' SHOP AB H" BfO A II Tb()mpson 2b 5 0 0 .. .. 2 Rish, 88........... , 5 3 .. 2 2 1 Armprester, cf 5 3 .. 6 0 () Dunham, rf .... 5 1 1 0 0 0 D Thompson If 6 1 a O · 0 0 /oh1)80n, 3b .... 5 0 .1 1 1 1 Zolman, c .... ..8 0 1 3 0 0


MonCiay Evening, October 1

For quklcut stops buy '''0..3'2


"uuGQod. ,.....,.... ....... ...... Value,.,.



moat tlre.-'~ aaIIIloDal 4.40-81


.,.t••. ......., ............... D ....a.d 10' I . .t o •

........ Now ,.. caa 8II*t








n. -


Eighty..sixth Year



Gina Caadidate For Goy.mot I .. Leb.-

Many Warren countalns from WaynesviJ) and vicinity were In th audience of 1,600 last Monday evening at Leb.non 'town h.ll to greet Clarence J, Brown of Blanc,.este1', Republican candidate for governor of Ohio.' Majority of. the counties of the .aventh congressjonal dilt1'ictwere rep~esented at thi- gatherl·ng. , .. • Charlel J. Waggoner, chairman of the Warren countypresided Republican execlutive committee and i ... d d th . ilk f n~.o uee e prine pa spea er 0 the evening, Mr. Brown. Congressman I,.. T. Marshall, of . enla,djstrlct congressman from the enth ud c.ndidate forSevre-




WAYNESVILLE GETS 'The Warren County Home Ex- SHIPMENT OF ME'AT tension Council will meet Friday . ,

October () to make final and detail plans for t he 1934-35 Home Demonstl1lt ion lll·ogram. The meet ing has been CAlled lor 10 :30 a, m. at the office of the County Home Demonst;l'aLion Agent, Miss Elizabeth Graddy. This winter's program includes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!J the co nstruction ' of hooked rugs; a stUdy of today'!! cl othing problems -.--~ sewing machine clinics; household account 'keeping; some help in reF~ee admiBBion to the Htal.k ie" t' d movie show at . the gym tonight. cl'ea lon an progl'am planning; ' ' . and meat canning, Mr. , Mert ~alrd left .Mondar on Women who enroll for the rug a busmeM trl,p to Indlanapohs. project will have a study of color, design and type of construction The Progressive Women's Club most appropriate for the needs of wIII meet at The Little Inn Tues- eac h home. Th e formation of origday, October 9th. inal patterns will be encouraged and old and used material will be MrB. A. H. Stubbs entertained used in the constrllction , Mrs. Hartrum, of Germantown, The rug project will start in over the week-end. 0 cto bar and alI women who are Mrs. M.ry Kauft'ung of Hamiltoll interested in making a r ug are spent the wee~-end with Mr. and asked to enroll with their townMrs. Adam MeUoh. · ship home council member or with toe County Home Demonstration u rs Maud C!wineh t f D Aient a· once. .... .. ear 0 ay-. ton spent the week-end with Mr. - - -- - - - - .nd Mrs. L. A. Garst. Mr. Morris Graham sustained a . broken bone in hill foot while ==========~===-

Whole Number 61S1

OCTOBER 4, 1934


Duck shooting w,i11 be permiton Thul'8da'yl Friday and Satu rday of each week from . ,.. October 4 to December 8, it was DI.lrlbll~loft W.II Be MilO F~iday announced by Conservation Com' To Familiea Olli Relief mi!sioner W. H. Reinhart this Roll. w ek. 'the stat conservation council e tablished the open seaso n in conformity with fed ral Distribution of 3,000 pounds of regulations. The Ohio Division of fresh frozen beet to relief clients Conservation has issued regulaof Warren county wiU be made tions' covering the of wild next Friday with D. It. .Smith's waterfowl on the days mentiongrocery the distribution point in ed. Shooting will be permitted h' Wayne towns Ip. from sunrise to Sllnset only, and The meat will be a~'ailable to use of airplane, automobile, powel' Wayne township reilidel1lts on pre- boat Or 8811 boat is prohibited, senlation of their Iw'plus com- • Each duck hunter must obtain a modity identific~tfon cards at the ' $1.00 fedel'al duck stamp availspecifi4!d places. able at post offices, whieh mu t be According to· Merwin Coyne, of attached to the state hunter's Lebanon, who i& in chall'ge of this license. work, the beef in the pI'esent con- - -•• - - - - signment must all be given out on this one day. Additionl~1 supplies v i II be received every week for ted


WArNE TOWNSHIP SCHOOLS Down.1I by ·S ir.". Kin,. MjIJ, T_m BT

W ...yceh.

5 to " Coli nt

Mr. L. D. Chiles i serioll Iy sick MI·s. Daisy Snyder left Wednesday to visit f.riend s in Chicago. ' Mr. and Mrs. Harold William on were in Waynesville Monday. "Tom Dick and Harry" wjl1 be waiting for you at th41 gym tonight.

WAYNESVILLE GETS Ml·S. Hannah Taylor is h ome ' afterr a visit to relatjy s in Dayan indefinite period. . SHARE Of TAX FUNDS ton. Other distribution plfmts in the

Wayn e8vi ll e'~ soft ball te.m lIlet its third stl'alght defeat wb. . , they eame in, on the shOl't end of • 5 to 4 count at 'the hands of • !trong Kings ' Milia organization, Tuesday night. ' T hings are looking· bad for OU1' local boys but tbe season haa jUlt swted and our coach .IIS determined to bring his boys through. This Friday night out team will meet the Springboro team. It II to be remembered that Waynnville lost the county-league trophy by a defeat at the band. of pringboTo lallt ,ear. This is on~ of Waynesville'. ble games and we want a good turl1out. Next w~k we will meet M.I.n there.

election also gave a brief talk as did J .. dae Sim'on Ross, of 'Cincln.. • county al'e as follows: HarveysMe8$r . J oe Thompson and D. E . n.ti, who spoke in the place of burg, Jeffe ries re taurlant; LebStandi!ord were in Dayton, MonJudg Francisresident M. Hamilton, forIb t t Receipt of $100 from t~e state day . mer Lebanon wbo is also anon, 122 West ... m.U eJrry s ree ; 1\ C!andldate for reeleetioJl tbi. fall. Franklin, Regional t ool house, of Ohio from liquor and beer tax Mrs. W, A. Fannan and on Gr.d. N_. Various Republican c.ndidatell Sixth street; Springbor(), Zeigler's and $213 from I[asoline tax dur- Pearl were Sobina visitors last Mi ss Reeder IlOW haa 41 In her for county offic!!, including Ross grocery; Morrow, town hall; Pleas ing the- past month was reported Thursday. fir!!lt grade. They have made rre.t H. Hartsock, of Waynesville, who ant Plain, McHenry'8 grocery; at the regular monthly meetine of progreSl! in decoratin~ their roO. Is "eeking the cou.. ty tre-.urer's Maineville, Reich I's grocery South Waynesville council last Monday Mr. R. E. Sherwood was a busi· with attractive IIqutrrell .Rel .. ,. operating the Toad Bcraper. ." Lebanon, Van Riper's grocery .nd night. ness vi ito!' in Cincinnati, Monday leaves. POBt. were se.ted on the stage .nd .... each was introduced the audlMr. and Mrs. Carl Sanker of ....ason, town hall. Routine busineSil including the a:t:ternoon. Mis8 H8l'tsock1a boys .nd airtl enee. Mallon were Sunday dinner I[uests payment of billa and discullsion of Mr. Walt\lr Reed, ot Florida, are certainly going to be bealthy Mr_Brown In 11il address de- of Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Unglesby. Frequently we hear oC persons other minor business occupied the \llllled on Miss Emma Heigh",ay , children oecause they brush their clared that the time had . • rrived ~ho have served in some capacity attention of members during the TbursAay. teeth and drink their milk eacb Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fisher of f or 11-1 • ~ when the people mUlt decide lor mty year&, but it is' usually seSS1on. Olorning, themselvell the coune which their Cincinnati, visited Mr. and Hrll along lome line in whiCh there apMayor A, K. nay reported that Miss Stella Daugherty spent the Mi s Kelly has had perfect .t~ lovernment is to follow. He de- W. H. Allen Sund.y .ftemoon. pears a fln.ncial remuneration for no word bad been received from week-end in Dayton, the guest of len dance of ten bOYI .nd ten for i a combination of emMra. Morri. Graham, Mrs. Ada service renderedi but the Methodstate FERA. officials concerning hel' cousin, 'Mrs. Grace Good. girls in her room f or the put four ccieney and eCOl\omy and said sach H. Jenkins and Mra Lena Hart- ist church of Waynesville holds Waynesville's request tOI' tUtlds to weeks. Mond.y, October fint, ei,bt a go.l III obtainable UDder deter- lIock were In Wilmin'gton Monday the unique dist.inction of }laving finance a preliminary survey of the Mrs. Goldie Surface, who i ~ pu~i1s had pet'fect spellinr recotell mined Jeadenbip. . ' until the last meeting of the Sunproposed sewerage improvement employed in Middletown, 'Was a each one writing ten word •• Referrhlg to the "am.zing pl.n' Mra. Howard Archde.con spent d.y School board a teacher, J. Win '---project. Sundar yisit()r at her home here_ The first month of school b.vof Martin L. Davey to • Wednesday and Thursday at White who ha taught a cl.8I! in Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H.stinp Hope was expressed however Mr.' and Mrs. Morris Sherwood ing been completed, Mr. Turner. bond moratorium in Ohio, the Re- the home of Mrs, Ch.s. Mullinex that school for fifty years and it and son, Bobby were l'n Dayton that 8tate officials would be able reom has again adapted ttlelf to t 0 i IVe a de fl m·t e answer before of Columbu spent Lhe week-end it Ichool problema. ill with the deepest regret on the Sunday. Publican nominee said that onlv~ I n L ytI e. th i ' f with MI'. and Mrs. Carl Sherwood. diutlter could follow such a 'Pro- Miss Lucille Rauch and Mr. Paul part of the class as well as tbe e next meet ng 0 council as to They have an enrollment of 29, gr.nI .nd pointed out that. the wnole school that his health maqe Mr. and Mrs. E. L,. Thomas whether the state would be able to Mis, Bernyce Hyman, of Cin- the boys uutnumbering the aiI'll, e:redlt of the .tate, county and P~us of Miamilburg were Sunday his resi,nation necessary for a visited relative& in OilY ton last provide funds for the surveyor cinnati, spent the week~nd with seventeen t Q twelve. cities depend on p:rompt pavment la.lnm~r ,uesta of Mr .•nd Mrs. Car- time at least. " Thursday. not. hel' parents, Mr, and Mrs. Myer Notebooks are belnr UHd In hll' A11 other services to the public of intere8~ a"d prlnicipal. " The man Orane. Mr. and Mrs. Paul E:verhart of Hyman. tory, TheBe are beinr prellareel moratorium wouJd block the sale of Mr. Lloyd Callen, of Earlanger, had been laid a ide, but that Sun- Miamisbilr"', were WaYlli esville visi FIRST FALL MEETING M J W'J Ed d durin~ claS!! period by the Pllpin• • ny contempl.ted bonds and reo Ky., was a ~uest .t the home Of day School elas ·seemed to have .. Mr. and rs.. . I so n war S They will be used by the pupil. for 41uce the vaJue of those alre.dy ia- Mr. and Mta. Adam Menoh on woven itself into hi8 very 1i1e, and tors W dnesday. NEW CENTURY CLUB Alnd daughter, Miss Mary Leah of reference t11roughout th'e re.r. The .ued, he .aid.. day I..t week. with the hope t hat he might .gain Several members of the local Springft~ld were week-end guests cla8!1 i preparin~. IIbr.ry, comBrown discussed the Irrcreaae Of be able to ·take his accustomed Grange attended Pomona Grange Mn. Mary CroBB wall hostess to of relatIves here. posed of readinf circle bookl and penonnel in state gonmment and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Earnhart place, he could not bring h.imself at Maineville on Saturday. the members of The New Cenlury Mr. aJld Mrs. Walter Ellia and others that are lIuitable. A member .. id th.t public mon.,. that .hould .nd f.mily visited Mr. and Mrs. to the decision to sevel' his conClub at tneir first meeting after Mrs. Ma1:y EUi!! of Harveysburg, of the claSi will be in ch.r,a fit have been 8pent for public impro.e Albert Helton In Sprinlrboro Sun- nl!ction with hill claBB. M.r. and Mrs. J. p, F lromm were the summe\: vacation, on Friday were Sunday afternoQn guelltl of the library. mentl! h.d been upended for ular day afternoon. . He ,is a taacher of unusual abil- in Columbu8 Sunday, the guests afternoon. Roses and dahlia pJac- MrS. Sarah Butterworth. The enrollment of the e'-hth mentl b.d been expended for salalb. and 'MTII, W. F. Hockett and of • wide general knowledge, of Mr . .and Mr·! , M-elvyn Banta. ed about the Tooms furnished most grade i fifty-four. The elau Tiel "paid thOle feedln~ from the lira. Cora White of Dayton called knows his Bible and. knowlJ attractive decorations. Twenty-two Miss Oora Stiles. 'formerly of i8 taking a ively interel' in the public trough." the home of Mn• .P. D. Dakin how to pre nt his lessons to bring The fr~e far~ movie Ilhow at the members responded to roll call Corwin ; is. now a resident of Way- Junjor High chorus with mot. SPEaking of the hi"h.w." departtbem .to cla88 in an interesting gym to Dl,g ht, Includes a comedy with "vacation efthoes." ne ' ville, having moved in with Mr!!. than three-fourthl of the cl... . .the , dep.rt- Sunday afternoon. ~ lI\ent Brown 88ld th.t way and then ..1._ w apply the le880n a~ d a t rip th roug h , m'p d ern I t eeI T.l1e program ope' n ed with a 'duet Etta Surface for the winter. participatinr. ment had s\gD.lly f.iled in It I parMr. .nd Mrs. Albert SlonAker to every day needs, . mllis. "I Love a Little Cottage" Mrs . The accompaniats for the dllt poq .nd that almollt eveQ'l:hJng III'.•nd M.s. Ridenour of No teacher in the school holdll 'Nr and M'r: Le Frawke were F. U. LeMay and Mrs. J. H. Sack: .Mr. pnd ;Mrs. Carman Cra!le, section are Ruth Gr.ham .nd had been practiced exeept th.t for Da:rton called on Mr. and Mra. A_ the record for f.ithful attendance in Pleas.nt p~'n S~nday (uellta lett. Mrll. Anna Cadwallader read MISI!es ~~Ih~ a:d ~~an~ee8n ~;tkl~; Mary Adami; for the Heond . ncwhieh It waa • c~ated. He _ s.ld stu~ba Sanda, afternoon. is held by lfr. White. For of Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Va~ce and an original paper on "Fascinating ;::ger:~:I~~~era~ dayeS la8t~ w!ek. tioAn, Ev.el·I'!~1 JpohOgn!:, Is held anI. th.t • million don.n • ye.r could many years he wu in his 801'1. Egypt," and Mrs, J. C. Hawke , mu...... r • •• m be ..ved 11\ the dep.rtment and 1Ir.•nd Mrs. Geo~ Mills and every Sund.y mornillg withI gave a reading entitled "The Old Miss Winifred AI'mitage left every month. For the. month ~ more .nd better highways built. IOn returned home after a out ml!l8ing a seslion of the school Mr. and Mrs . J. C. Hawke weN Ways and the New." A duet "0 for incin.nati Monday where she September tbe folloW1R, eomnut- - -.....~- ••- - - delightful visit to Mr. and Mrs. and his faithfulness called forth guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray PrOmise Met 8ung by Mrs. LeMay wiH take a course in beauty cul- tees . were ap~ointed: . Lindley Mills, .t .M ldl.nd, Mich. f.ithful attendance on the part of Hawke at their home in Dayton and Mrs. SacKett, dosed the pro- ture at the Florence Frey Beauty Fll'st Sectlon- Dpl'othy D.Rmcl. 'and although a busy Sunday. gram and a pleasant Bocial t,i me Shop. . mondJ Opal Henderson, WIll.rd Af ter Ipencliq leveraI wee ks.t bjs man he n'ever allowed "'usI'ne"s to \ Fu·n-s '" f M d .. ' .. L U a witb delicious refreshments, follow . • .. • . t he d",onielo J!. an interfere with the careful ,p rep, Mr. and Mrs. James Davis and ed. . Mrs. G. E. English and son, Mr. Second Section- Henry Putkel, Men enha I, MilS Lillie Huft of IU ""s Sund.a y SAhool daughter, Miss Ruth, of Columbus ' M IC ' h- Robert Hyman , Evelyn John.. . ' • haa tl ~ Mrs. lrvi.... Welch assisted the T . am E n, g 1-IS h ,0 f Ba d A x,e,. Board of M. re t urM d to h er home in C mcmn. le"'·on. called on Mrs. ,Sarah B u t t e r w o r tin hserving ·... l yn J 0hn 8 an d uoThe Sundav~ Sfthool ~ DO hostess ' her guests. Igan, VlSi te d t h e f ormer 8 18t er,E ve aarlaR E. Church met Tuesd.y eftning Mr. •rld MI'!!. W. F. Cl.rk ~DWe misl his cheery greeting and Saturday. Mr . Laura Side several days last Acbterman were appointed ae_ for .t be .nn~al eleetlon of officere. tel'tained with • f.mily dinner bope th.t ,soon he m.y be able to Mr, and Mra. Seth Thomas and week. reporters until the Cla88 election, Afte~ iervlnr leven years .1 Sund.y in honor of IIrs. M.ry take hiB .accustomed place .mong family bave m(lved from Dayton GIRL SCOUT NEWS , which will be held Friday, Octob.r eaperlfaten~ent, R. _ F. H.tfield II.'" Carmony', Utb birtbd., .D- us agaIn tor althou,h we may 1to. Cleveland, where Mr. Thomas Miss Emma B.eighway, Mr. fifth. tendered hll reqn.tlon wbich was -, other good teacher the claSt! .. Frank Hawke. and , Mr. Harris The perfect spelling for M_ iver .. ry s . . has a position. The W. aynesvllJe Girl Scout,s me t Moshel' wel'e dinner gue!!'~ of Mn. Day's room bemnnl'n" Sept.mi.-- · .ccepted aDIl the foUowinr o t l c e r e · will never be the same until Mr. "" '0 e-." elected: ~r. and Mrs_ ~llen D. Jlole and White .returns all our teacher. Mr, and MIa. E. f~. Thomas at theIr c!ub house, October 2. Edith M. Harris at The Little Inn 24 included'; Betty Braddoc~, Elton EarnSlIperlnhncieut, Virginia H.rdln; Mrs. Russel Campbell. Ion. and Hereafter the claM will be kilown were ihe guests of M]·. and Mrs. The !".eetmg. was opened by the Sunday. . ASII.tant lIuperintendent, R. F. daughter, Bobbv .nd Betty, called as "The White class" William Thomall .t tbEdr home in !epetltlon ,of the scout law .., prom ,. . bart Freda Ellis, Marth. ~ lse and motto Mra. Robel t Shies and /Io n '1 ' N Lo I d' ., p_tfteld; Secretry, ' L~o Conner; the ~ome of lrli. •nd Mll. W. (Signed) One of Hia Class. Maineville on Saturda»,. Th ts· t d' d f th Charles and Mr. Jacob A. Seott Dona d Law~on, orma ve y an :.bilatant aecrl!tary, Earl Conner; N. Sears on ' Sund.y. '• - • M d M W L Sh h d t e scou s uleAves Ie 1I0m I'etutned home Satul'day a f et erQ the . t nven'ln'" ~ .. Dorothy I n M''ssFranner. <Iamp beI"~ .s 4ftb .. rs ee an an mns r• an • . "'--"-urer, CHILD DROWN-~ IN . . d • ' ,. common ,.. , e 'afte1' spen . d'mg t h e pas k, at ......... ... H e Ien M. H .wke·, •Pla.niat, :..... d 'U S W d h' patrol meetings wee L I F ' h d ' '· --d·' Beb. 'Edw.rdl: A!I8illt.nt Dr. ian ... rs~ R. " eaver an c lldren spent Sun ay' In Kings Th ".. I h ' D ft c Oh ' 0 y e ox as' no tmil8e awol' lil . p_ist. Ruth Conne.r; Chorilter, Ions John and Jimmie vieltA!d CISTERN NEAR RIDGEVILLE Mills with lir. Raymolad Dunham e nut meetmg wll be aid on e an e, I. lIpelJing since scho'ol bet.n., MrtI. Morris Fulkereon.l Anlstant Mr. and Mrs. Ch... Nlaoqer .nd and daughter, Rebecca. Mond~y, October 9th when pottery Mrll. "-ROSe Haynie and grand- Lou Arthur, Wilda Mae Achte.... choriatet'. Helen M. H.wkel C.rl .t thllir home in West. While playing about the y.rd . mouldmg and leathel' work will be daughter, Marian Greegor, of ' (C&nUnued all pa,a 4) Superlntende.nt ot Cr.dle Roll, Manchester on Sund.y. . of her grandparents, Mr. and Mra Ml'8. E. C. Crane and daughter taken up. Columbus, and Mr. Herbert Gray, • .. d t f ' 0 '11 R'd '11 Barbara Jean, Mrs. E ,. F. Deppe, S d .h F1 orence Da )/; Supe rln""n eD 0 Mri. T. B. Br.nnock, Mr. •nd rv1 e Woodll, near I geV) e, Mrs. Maynard Weltz and MilS of New Vi enna, spent un ay Wit Home Dep.rtment, lira. . .or.nge 141'11. Albert Br.nnock and Mary, the year old daughter of Doris Hawke are in Dayto.n tod.y. ATTEMPTS SUICID.E Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Smith. Raper; ~ome Oeparlment Vilito:rs, dau~btel', Miss Juanita Brannock Mr. and Mrs. Orville O. Woods, Little Mi8$ Anne Elzey Fa~d with 'a rrest on a minot' Mr. 'and Mrs. Bryan Prender·OD MJ1I.Charlea, Anderaon, Mra. !Val- an~' Mr. T. B. Branlloek Jr. pUled fell into a cistern and was drown•.~ er ' Sbeeh.n " Ili--jonar" luperinweek-end in Geo-eLw ... . Ky. ed Monday afternoon. is spe1ldin'" this , 58, made g&8t chlldren, and Jim~ . e, " " 1 " '. •• W .. • charge, William Price, . and ~ WI t PI AlmaC·· t' ten.d .nt, Mrs. Ralph Hutln-; T,he child's body was discovered with her .. "randmother:' and a"nt. lnClnna J, " an" unsuccessfu l effort to end his mle; t1)",th nVIon 'k ace, d ·th ;M' ... AIsfitantL lire. A. K. D.,: Ltb.......n. Luella ' WUlJamson , .nd by its mother, ,,:ho made a se.rch Mrs. T. B. 'BranDQck alild daughter lite with a razor at hiB home in 1i:therin: antM~~nJeli::l Prend~~~. The fint meeting. of tb. yeaI' of Clyde J"romm .nd Frank LeM.y jr Dorta H.wk. entertained at the the baby when it was mlsain, Ju.nlta. Lebimon it is reported. ut ' Ithe Wom en1s Forell'D,A few ehaneel We)!e In the Hawn kome with • kitchen tbe 'houle. g . . society was a very intere.tine ODe t ..ching force for the cominlf year &lid brl. for Mils Be.tAlthough the child's fathet Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Miller en- and was beld at the home of lin. The followlna Dew te.chen were ric. Roblber, Saturd.y evening. rushed the victim to the Blair hOIPRENUPTIAL BRIDGE PARTY tertained to Sunday dinner Mr. ID. C. Ridge with Mrs. J. B. Crabbe elected: Mrs. Bartle, 1(0", llias ..' . pital, she was dead on .rrival. ----and Mrs. J. W. Edwards and aad Mrs, J. W. Lotz auiatant hoetIrm. Rich, Mr. Turnerl Mt. Mr_ and, lin. Bobert Walto.n and - - • Complime.nt8l'Y to Miss Martha daughter, Mjss Mary Leah, 01 ' U8es. Crabbe . Mn. 'Maurice Fulker- Ion, Bobb,. aad 1&'. and II;n. A t MASONIC NOTICE Timmerman, of ' Springfeld, who Springfield, Messrs· Wallace Bel'The sub ject of the devotionll 00. son, 1(;" Ralph IlutlnP. lira. A. Harta9Ck., of Darton" WHe , Ayleen M.inous. who iii em- become. the bridll of Chades nard and Edgar Smith. ducted by Mrs. A. K. D.y, .... H, B. Willl&la.on tJ1d 11188 Helan peata. of ..,. ~ Jlra. Bert BartStated communication of "'av in Hamilton, SIlent Sunday White, of Fremont, Mich., on . "Contemplation' follow*" b, pre),u- w...... lock aDel IUluy, FrIda, e.eniBll. nesville Lodg. No. 163 F. Ii A. ~ M"lSS Ad a I'tne. Alden , Who haD er by Mrs. Z~erer. .... _ pare.n ta, Mr. .nd Mrs. October 20, Mi8l! Alice Gons en---''--.... ...--.,....:' Mr ••nd 111'1. V.moD Ka!noul! M. Tuesd.y evening, Qcto~et 9. RaJ Malnou!!. Sbe lI,aa accom- tertained a delightful bl'idg·e pal'~y flperit the summer at The Little After a short bUli"e.. ....0Il, .nd little d.ughter Lavllrne .nd Visiting and loj9uming Jlrethren pan led by a friend, Miss Eliza Friday ' evening, at tbe nome of Inn, returned to Colum\lus on the following ptogram .... .enjoJ" P.-y Jeail, Mt1Imed home lut welcome. . Shearea. , Dr. and ·Mrs. RoSCOe Peelle, North Tuesday, Miss Alden waS the What A Friend We Have la - .....-,...-.... lroDa Muon Lake RHort, E COW M Spring stt'eet.· guest of the Missea Annie U. and Jesus-Society. Alberl 'E. :&rtin b,~d o:tro:~ Wk, _,._. 'PeDt the lam-, F: B'. g::~r80~. ·'Sec. Mr. •nd Mrs. Fran'eie F. ColeMiss Gons' gu~.t-list inc1ud.d Mame T. Brown 011 Friday. . A Message to tbe Auxlltarr - . h ome near mer. . ._ _ man of Norwood, ,.re .nnouneing MiBl! Timmermann. luest Of honor . Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hart, Mrs. Mrs. Kenneth Hou,h. 78 early Tb.utlday mornlnlf, s.pthe arriv.l of a son, ~ndrew John, bel' mother, Mrs. George TlmmerRe.din" "The J.pan... W.oaaaa tem...r 27. He la lurnved bJ hIa Mra. E. P. o.ppe .Dd III.. Doris ON RELIEF September 28. The young man II m.n, her sl.ter, Mias Ruth Timmer Belle Hart, Mr: and Mrsd· LaMWl'ence Spe.ka"-lIln. Hata.,d. AUI D a.· .... 1 three IlOna Ha t._ --'II b h h e of ~ ~ and --~ n, , w_ petta at • lower t ... r. lIn d Mra. H . man, of Springfield; Miss Susan Brown, of Richmond, In., r. Mrs Women Train.d for ~ FoHlt, Delao and Albert; 0 . . Ki~ ill konor of 111* B_tric. When Chas. Bnnn'oR, ' eoloreci, Coleman. of Norwood. White, of Fremont, Mich., sister of CMI[ar"'enTcoemCmraieddHOftekrmOfanDaayntodn w'ere' tic service .. ,I. . . In oar St1I4Ir daqhter, lira. Edna Da~ uacl Rob''''r .t tile kome of Mise of Wilmington, died a faw daYI h b'd I M' Er ~ B k lin F U tell four arrandchndren. Funeral lunette Babr In LebaDOD, frida, hia name waa remo••d from Mr.• nd Mrs. l. S. lIartaock .nd t e rl; ~!18 the home of JoIr 00 • •• . ,• .ten wlTe he,d S.turday afteI'. ....nilll'. . county relief roll lor the ar.t f.mO, will be among .t beth Laqua, of Cmcmnatl; Mrs. J. Mrs. L. D. Chiles. Vletrol. s.IeetIo••• "lie ... nGOG at the F.ITJ Clau"" of ' . th.. ill more than a year .nd It a dinDer tn honor ' of Q. GOD.a, Mr.1. John Gons, Mn. members II.. '· ' Christ aad barlal w" ill IIlaml Mr. aad lin. JL H. BartIoek .nd . . . found be b.d two hoa..., two C01'llell'. ·b lrthd.V Fred GonS·'jdof warnfeavlHlIlell; bMiIs Mr•••andteMr~_d~· :;;o~tlli:we~d"l tin ~~, rat" ~.:-= ~ &Del lit. aad lin. lou .atoe and ,8000 hi euJa. tvenlq .t aner, 0 I o~o: ...... ..Mmete,.,. SUrWood ad famll)' ., O , . . . , n l a ' : ' __ , )In. CorneD IIcDon.ld, Mlsa to Sunday dinner honoring Mr. Darton. a ellRrln.... of , . . . .....)' with Mr~ &DCl lin. Jllaa })Qr9thy Locke, and lin_ Amle O. Melton, of 1ioUl'J' ..ork. A. Z. B...e.oek at tMIr hom. east ~n and lin. Ilia DOl'Othy Muon, MI .. Chris- Ceda"Ul., Ohio. _ Mrll. Meltcll1 "·-ji..... .,~ -. ,.- .f W~ "'_1 Dartoa. and tiDe Stem.eta, llri. Oarl R. tha 4aarht~f 01 Dr. aad lin, Wen Uo to the ~,..:.t;~=~ aee&iq 01 Shaab, lin. lIapard Davida, of BeUbrook .nd .... united In .. • No. 10., O... a.. J(JII IIarpntba Bauman.. lira. to Mr. Kelton 011 llapt.u!



S•. S. Board Hold. Annual Election

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.a .......Boar .. -r:•

- - - - - - i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . , I b r a u t . food, UOs'50: • B. Gloek. Bubletlbe tor The Miami Ouette ler, food, IU.50; Blind Pensiont, I~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I ,983.60; The Franklin Chronlcle,l= . F M S b ld II d adv. Tax noUce., ,5; Chu. J. Tbe W. • • . e an a a)7 Walloner, atent, premo on Treas· .meeting at the home ! Mra. L. urlr's Bond. ,185; S. Conklin In"., AetenAv. pre.... Ed. on Treasuter's ,,______________ ..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.... G. Haines on Wednesday. ~ . p. r_ , Mias Marjorie Haydock enter· e~, C RAPTER VI. ty little rh'er,' some d~y. Ii ten· tailled her Sunday chool cllls. on Bond, ,185; St&ltalta Mfg. 0., ing to tboes lov Iy chlmes--wlth Thursday evening. Commoa PI.n_ Proc .... la.. Smith, same, U8; Mr. S. Fred, type paper for Probaw Court, youl" The M. E. Church held an in. --lito rage 1-01' federal foods durin, ,'.15: The Western Star, Vouell· Ab. this waa well. Perhllp8 ·he Lord Fielde's face grew c!arkly formal rec ptio11 for Rev. and Mt The case of Flirman King, et ai, July and August. $21; J. R. Coff· ers to r Probate Court, S6; Stakalta mlcht ch r ber, this handsome red. Peter and family on Thur!lday versus R P traus Is dismIssed man, ,(~Od' ~rnlshed ,/el~e:8 tamil· Mfg. Co., Certificllte....for Clerk 01 1 0UII , Engll h ,entlenlan whom "Oh. forgive mel" he exclaimed evenin . The ent-ire community is fot want of pro cution ies clur ng UgUllt, . 1 2 . ; Courts S1.66; The Omc Outtittet's <lWltave had admitted twice, three swiftly repentant. "[ had to, you glad he has been returned for Roy M. Bradford i hereby ap- Midland Grocery 00., same, '22 .• enller8, pen points lor Clerk of "timet bel re. There wa a coat of wouldn't unde .t-and And I'm" v· another year. poin ted 'R trustec! of tbe Orphans' 60; L. &; C. MILrket, ame, $50.25; Court, 86c' Hathaway Stamp Co .• arma on bils card case, Gustave had age toooday: [ want to hurt orneMiss Ruby mith has enroll d Asylum and Chit/lren' Home 10 flU Zeig r's General Stor , same. $76 .• typewriter 'ribbon. stamp pad for astutely di eovered that, the first body ('ve been dreadf~lly hUI·t my at O. S. U. for a year's study. the vacancy caused by the death 50; Chas. J. SChwartz, !\Arne, $44.- Clerk of Oourt, $1,08; The West· day. elf," Her ens met hi dark and Miss M\lry nllckelford of Lees. of E. T. Dechant. ' 50; W. H. McHenry, aame. $.62; ern Star, bills of I13le. and envel· In the ease oC Harry Haunost Herb Hoppe. same. $36; 'Vi. ·R. ope8 for Clerk of Court, $17.60; The yo\,ng A~erican l~dy' faCe heavy with pain. E.ven in his angry burg spent last w ek in 'the home however, ~'8.!I qlnte deVOid of wei· di appointment hiS dull senses M dM D MI d ver us }{owat'd Wymer and Hazel Berger, same, $9 i Dr. Mary Cook 1reasurer ot StatA! clothing for come. Quickly se"!tive, the quickelled hi heart stirred. Again ~f :;. an r8... an an Wymer, tbe defendants are grant- nl dical $32; A. Shifi.ett, food, $16 of Epileptic' Hospital. $46. lareon beat a hasty retreat. Un· she rested hH chin in h r hands , aUfr :~d Mrs Elvi Michael hav ed 30 days to \f\ll~ answer or other · Marshall Roberts, anle. $36.60; L. 43; . Wade S. Brown, services a,s discerning; the earl rushed upon ber arms revealing oft curves . . ~ e pluding. S. Arthur. same, $3.60; Dr. John Dog Warden of Warr.en County, his fate. through the thin sleeves of her m~~d to 11 f~~ ne~r Mt. ~~lIY. f In the ease of Eva Mae Jefferies Zettel, medical servic!!, $85.50; $112.60; The office Outfitters. "Oh," she ald ' ungraciously. "It white waist. \ e ~aflen sac ~.r8 C U D by Dovie Watson her next friend. McGetchln's Phatmacy. supplies, erasers for lIurveyor, 26c; J. L. i you ." "AJI Bummer I've been on pro· p~tng a ley ?,wpnls. IPS~rte s,~otn. vel'sus Lewis Jarredes a divorce $11.21; E. Whiteneek, tood $2.60; Dunn, services ·as Mechanic, $52 .• p sy aln 18 et 0 • '. _'T racy •aW "1 told you yeste.r day, at t h e bation, working in Chapuis' aludio. beorlng ivena at th~ Hi g h chool ' wa granted the. plamllft' and '.Ile e t S'd .1 e Groc~ry. same, 80; John Myers. payroll, $204: Louvr. I wal coming thi after· Ob 1 did long 0 to be an artist! I go t b i2 It · was restored to her maiden name $8.60; R. B. Gilmol~ &; Son, same, Harold Sweny, payroll, $112; John noon," replied Lord Field. to have even a little success. I gave .ng e\h lot a ver~ amu.!. of Eva Mae Watson $8: Ray Swigel't. same, $7.60; Barr, payrQll. $l.05.20: Clem Will. e "Yes, 1 believe YOll did. I had up the best thing in the world for ~~g ~'~fe "~~Ie ~i.e:mr:: lb; : ~~ In the case of Gedrge Bacon ver G. R. Rossma.n &; Co., same, $118; lams, payroll, $121.20: M. C. Fore forgotten." Her voice was weary. it. I didn't kn!>w it was the be t c~st are :' Marjorie a~d Myra sus ~izzie Cottman, et a1.. motion Ruby Vl\.11 RIper. same, $.148 .28: Ulan, payroll. $8615: EaTI B81Iore, "But you knew I w cOJJ\ln· ... then but lve been flnding it out, H d e k Le M'll M'ld d T sustamed. Summ,:ms quashed. Case Edw.· C. Morey. M. D., medIcal sere $98.80; W. B. Schuler, be persisted. He settled bim.self i.n all this long, lonely. struggling ay °F . ' tonL t 'k' t fe ur- disJJ\issed without record. viCes. $75: E. B. Thirkield & SO'n $ $148.80: J. K. Spencer. I thOlng, 'I'4!52' 4 06 ; The War· a chair Opp01l1't e beNl, pIaemg h IS summer. Well, t bere's no use think ncr, H Iones d CI ump k W In, Ik In the case 01. Helen L. H'Izar, C0., co . ' R • B • 0'1 I mout an d gravel, $7. hat on the table. "Queer little hole ing · about that. That is over and ak ow I~; M a~ C aa erd k d an infant, by heir fatller and next & S?n. food. $5; F~'ed's Store. ren County Lumber Co., supplies done with. I never even had an dau;ht:rs ~~rj~ri~ :~d oc an friend, Welton Hizer, ver~U8 Wal. clothmg. $30.13; LeWIS & Drake, for surveyor, $71.83; W. H. Me. ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-.!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in the wall hepe, ain't it,! " . "Yea. it is odd." It wa . with an answer. to my letter. And Paris is spent the week.end 'th M ter S. Cowan. leave to file motion Inc., fuel, $6.13.; The Mid!and Gro· Henry. Ilupplies and gasoline, $82.· :: . efi'ort abe spoke naturally. "And so large, so gl·and. the galleries M W D L k' WI d r ' l in this action fortbwith granted. eery Co., food, $10G; RIchard O• .10: The Cincinnati Oil Works, White Rose-Power beintue ting. too. Once upon. a time are 'so wonderful. Instead of being rEi· G ' 'ft I~r m an ami y, _____ Bl'idge , medical services, $8.50; ga8()line and dhtilled water. $3.12; all thi!l was a cemetery, year ago, inspired I am oppressed. What i ne ":;11 e h : d to New Suit. Dr. H. Jtf. Williams, medical sere Frank Minnick, tool repairs. $1.25 ·hlnd the enllne. f9t the house is old. you can see. it. anyw.ay1 A gir!'s success Think the ~~me a:l Mr. :nda~~~v;ames Violet N. Yotmg vel'SUS Floyd v,ces. '1~; Elbert Wallace. Lytle Fl"a~ Sherwood 00., ~e~osene a.nd -============~~~ But somewhere underneath us," of ~~rle Bash~lrtsefff' wforkingA, Conner where she will .spend the Young, fot divorce. Charge is !OOd' $2;. ~ll5bOer5tO' wHaUaece' Ba.r - ~Sat8tolhne~ '28.81~; S~14thl s49~e"'Ce :: l be tapped the ground with the toe agQntzmg, and dymg- or ame. . gro s neglect. ' veyab ur... '\' . . • . . R amI· a on, gaso me, ~ . , o( ber aJim 8hoe. "are buried Ie pictures in the LuxembourgMr C H M K h t Mary Kremel' 'versus Israel Kre- ton. food and fuel. $162.60; Car· Armitage, grlwel and sand, $287.· peopie who made history. among on is all cracked, now.-and a S . . . c ay was 08 ess f d' Oh . . rol1's Store, food, $66; Great A. 73; The Oregonia Bridge Co., reo arge 1S gross & P. Tea <;:0.• food, $796.80; Kro. pail'S to bridge, '398; R. L. Sd. them. Marat. Sometimes, moon- tawdry little tomb over by the sartyturdaf . ~f~~rnoon ~o fr~ Jarg~ meerie r !Voree light ni,hta, I look down from my Trocadera~ Oh, 1 don't know why pa 0 re a lves an len s o n g C. ger Grocery & Baking ' Co., food, uyler. payroll, $192.70; Carl window and imagine his ghost I'm saying all this to you! To-day, Mr~. Lenna Bea~ Peter,~on of - -- $878.46; Schilling's Food Market. Dakin, payroll. $lM.35j Tbe Ore. walks among the vit;les and trees. 1 I asked ChtlllUis to tell me frankly; D~~ Pa Tbe br:t\jas :~wer Pobat •• Court food. '90; Mason Milling &; Sup. gonia Bridge Co.. bridge steel, fancy it meets the ghollt o.f and he did. Ye , he was frankl" y a i arge co. ec on 0 eau· L. Earl Thompson was appointed ply Co., fuel, $6.50; Mrs. R. M. $4.80; Zain Armitage. gravel $6.Charlotte Corday, and they talk It she gave a bitter Iiltle laugh, "and and useful gifts. admini trator 01: the estate of Bradford, rent of room tor sewing 06; The J, W. Lingo Hardware Co Mary ' H. EIliso.n deeased, and project, ,6: The Albaugh Good for Rural Recovery Program all over together." . . kind, too, in his way. 'Lee petites ·'Gadl Gha tly dull way of eho es'-Oh yes!" she dropped her filed bond of $20,000 with auretles Drug Co., supplies, ,9.13; Jean· $22.45; Albaugh Good Drug Co .• amusin' yourself, I call that:' he face into her bandl! with a sob. ' . Robert W. Brc)w n • executor of nette Payne, salary, $87.50; Grace seeds, same, $3.10; A. Hoppe" 0 said. . Gustave, . assisting the chef, tbe. estate of Ste:phen C. Phillips, Baker, salary, $32.50: Betty K.. feed, $0.16; Lewis • Drake, Inc., dece8:8ed, filed hi Inventory. Oswald, saJary, '3&; Linnle Wile feed, .$ 1.40; E . B. Murrell, feed, Senda's laugh was mlrthleas. stood at the door of the cuisine, LOU18 Cal'l Kalbe, executor of the Iiams, .salary, $37.60; Willa '45.60; Joel C. Malsbary, plowing ·"WeU. you know what 1 want to waving to and fro a wire basket talk' about, I dare say." he contino fiUed with freshly washed lettuce. estate of Martha J. Kalbe, decease Beed le, salary. $87.60; Christine $7.20; W. A. Hause, bUilding ued. "You know, you eaid you'd Matters were not going well in d, filed hi inventory. Bundren salary. $37.50; Louise material, $76.80; Miles Scoft Id think .bout It-that day at Ber· tbat interview by the garden walt Horticultu.ri.te Ur._ Liberal Uae Francis SeUers was appointed .W hipple. salary. $37.50; Faith gravel for Rural .ReQovery ·Pro. wicle. Now, I haven't changed !"y Gustave was interested, 8)1mf Sluuh feW Deco...t'.. administrator 01' the estate of TOl11linson, salary, $62.50; Eliza· gram, $7; Warren County Lumber o. 1 James A. Beel, d:eceased. and filed beth Hathaway. salary. S30; H. Co., cement for same. $14.41; mind at all, I've s~n a lot of .l lrl8 pathetique. Then, with an imllatbere ain't one of 'em like you. tient exe\amation he hung the Purpo... bond of $SOOO with !5uret~es. Wile M. Coyne" mileal~, $18.1S: Linnie Johnston &: Johnston, lumber fol' 1 want you more than I ever basket on a nail, and answered a bur South, JQbn Wil80n ~nd How· wmiams, mileage, $26.70; Willa aame. ,.7.915; Morrow Feed &: tbougbt I'd want anything. You've third summon., trom the house All trees and shrubs with very ard McClure were appomted ape J. BC('dle, mi1ea.r-e, $12.11; Obris· Supply 00. feed, 184.66; Alt. R. 43 'YEARS OF SERVICE tried thia-" he cut about · him a door. few exceptions, can be planted suc praisers. tine Bundren mileage, $30.96: Eesley Mill. feed, ,26.80; Tbe Leb .omn,hat. conwmptuoul ,lance. It When he reappeared, eonduc;tinl' cessiuily this tall . in Ohio. In George P. GatEls. executor of the Faith Tomlinson. mj}eag~. $2'.08; anon Farmers Coop. Cb., feed, ain't muck like tbe gardens at a. 8econd visitor, Mbs WallAce's tact, adds Victor H. Riles. exten. estate of Harry Newcomb, Sr., de· Louis!! Whipple, mileage, $30.96; $22.98; Merwin Coyne. salary 8!l Benviek. Perhapa you're ready for face was still burled in her hands sion specialist in horticulture for ceased, filed his :first and tina I ac· Lewis Brothers. food, $26; ~"iIle tood distributor $50; James Follen LJ;BANON, OHIO a change." As footsteps crunched aeros the the O. S. U.• shrubs become better count. L. Layman, medical serviCes, $15; services a8 janitor, $16: Penn Mor· Wa have a complete Senda's . eyes followed his about ravel Lord·Flelde touehed tbe established if planted in the fall Ernest Butterwl)rth 'was appoint. L. &; C. Market, food, $'15.50; to~, services 811 janitor, S70; C. Watc" Repair S.nic. the little. ~rden. Her t~oulht lIew girl's arm. if planted in the following ed administrator ot the estate of chilling's Food Market, tood, , •• Donald Dilatush, rent of office, Pricell Reasonable to Berwlck castle. AgaIn 8he saw . "Don't," he said. "Somebody i sprinl. . Samuel Butterworh, deceased, and 78; W. H. MeHenry, food, $40: ,20: Mrs. Maude Deardoff, ser· Beade Re8trung its muaive towe~, its irrelular, comin," Bies declares it to be virtually filed bond of '10,000 with Bureties McGetchin's Phannacy, . supplies, vice , '17.5 ~; Mr. Lillie Urton. Jewelry Repaired Ivy-draped weUs, Its carde~s and Senda pressed· her handkerchief dmpoll8ible to have a well planted O. R. Unglesby, J. L. Mendenhall $11.96; Charles Mount, tood. $10; servicell, $10; Mre. Ira Eltzroth, "THE HOME OF erFT!" laWDS under the sun o~ a. stIll MaYan instant to her e~B, pushed back' garden without the use of shru ba. and M. A. Cornell were appointed Midland Grocery, tood. $7-' i Ro·t.- services, $6; · Mra. Helen Dougb· da,. She saw i~ galleI'M8 and draw her disordered hair, and turned to· although everg~ens may be used appraise1:s. ert 1teichel. food, $64.; Charles J. servic~. $7; Mrs. SteUa Kell} ing·rooms, their ~rleeless works Of ward the intruder. in their place in a few case.. In the case of W. W. Whiteker, Schwartz Grocery. food, $31; A. $7; Mrs. Howard Sawyer He wu a tall, young American, itA garden is more than just aDcillary administrator of the es· Sbiflett, food, '16; Mrs. H. S. services, $'7; Fred Proctor! b!ank =~~==========~~ art.. Bow '!"ould tt ~ee~, she won· dered, to View all thlll wltb th~ eyel clean shaven. dear 1eatured, alert. 1!owers," Rles continues. "Beauti· tate of W. M' It.issick, deceased. Smith, food, $4: Frank herwood book for treasurer, $72 .50; Miami 01 an owner. to feel tbat th18 wa. 1115 teen, ealfer eyes sOllght fol a they inay be. some sort of a versus Cri1~a ~i81Iick. et al service Co., food, $19; D. R.. Smith, 1004. Gazette, 2 tax notice tor treILhome! . Senda's; he hesitated then advanc· setting i8 necessary. This setting is by publication IS Ito be made on the $26.26: Trusteu of Public Atfaira urer, $1.'4. • • • 6upplied hy trees. ahrubs and "Jawnll defendanb!. . . water, GOc; Cbatles P. Stubb.. • - • And at the word Inlier memory ed swlftly. rang again the chime, of St. And Lord Fielde and Gustave itA .bllckground not only sets off L. Ea-rl Thompllon. admlDlstr.ator -food, S27; Van Riper, lood Andrews. beheld the &irl arise slowly as if in the garden to advantage but pro. of the estate of ~ary H. Elhs~n, $24; WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Home, bome, awee sweet ho e 't!rn.-ln "er !aee dawned a vides privacy and 1>rotection from deceased, filed llils account WIth rent. $8; E. Whitenack, food. $2.Phone 80 Bank JlJ"• • Sh6 l1led to the earl with lower- radiant light. Her tear·filled eyes sun, wind peop-le and dogs. Shrubs vouche~s for settlement. • 60; Elhert W"llace, Waynesvil", • l,ng, bl'Owa. dilated, her. lips parted in a may be used arollnd tbe margins The mventory ,of. Mapel E. BlaIr food, $18.60; Elbert Wallace. Hal'. . • 'You "I~ yesterday that the tremulou8 amde. She stepped for· of the yard to form this back. and Robert M. Bta~, ~xecutol'S ~f veysburg food, $l25.7f); Wm. S. Mona LI~ wall an UCly woman ward with outstretched hands. g~ound, which serves u a decoTS- the estate of Be.n lamm H. Blair. Wark Bro., food. 15; We8t Side . with a You, said the "Oh, Ralph!" she cried. ation as well as barrier, or shruba decea~ed, was ap,proved. Grocery, food, $18.50; Wright'. . • • 'Venul de Mllobadn t · enough Wile Gllsave piJo~d the Earl of may be ueed as accents in the Th~ will of Geo:rge H. Beacb, de- Market, $194.50; Chall. P. Stubbe Colonel Lynn Black, lIuperlntep 'ao I' You said you cOUld. not see Berwick safely out of the Gorden general ~esign, ' or as decorlltive ceaeed, was admlltted to 'probate. eame. lao; Zeiger" Gerenal Store, dent of the State Highway PlLtrol &1Iything pretty about \hl! Winged of Eden. Tben he returned to his unite in groupa. In the matter of the estat~ of food, $8.50; R. B. Gilmour, &: Soo, has announced that the patrol in Victor), 1''' She thrust UI(!IIe ac· bullet .of lettuce. "T.he houae lhelf, dependinl on Stella J. Booth, decea.sed, atto~ney food, 1215; Miller Hardware II: Fur- connection with ita school bu. in. euaatioDa at lIim with rapier·lIke But now be gazed within the its degree of architectural design, fees and compensation to admlnis- niture 00., household necessities, r.~,ldity. • . • door way the euisine. hili face needs shr':lba around it to add to tT8trix wer.~ allowed. , $20.42: Virginia Van Horne, cub apection program stood ready. to I don t see what the Mon-' studiously averted from the pair by lb! . beauty. Shrubs wilJ hid~ an .~ary O.ilver was appointed ad· relief furnjllhed tor ,month . of Au. take necessary action a,amllt what eTer you call her- haa to do the garden wan ugly foundation. nllnJstrah"IX of the elltate of Sarah gust, ,'75: Mary Quieley, cash re- motor~ reported by scnool bus with it." he declared, "or the (THE END) "In gardens divid'ed into sectioDIL Becker, d.eceased,. ~nd filed bond of lief furnished for month of J\ugult driven for iailure to stop in ape · Venus. Or that woman with -winp many people use ahrubs to enclOlle $1200 With sureties.. Georre W. ,24' City Ice Semce ice for Wel}i' h l b ' th t · 81Id no head. None of 'em .is at • - • or separate one part from anotber Skinner. Eugene Dunham and Wi I- far~ omce, Augu~t. $2.10: Velma pr~c ln g . ec 00 ~ees 111. e ac · Berwick ..There's plen~y ~f pictures Tlai.tle He,. __ . HaD? KeUy wer·e · appointed ap- Sw~ny, pencils, .$1.90; ·Owen Groll o~ reeelVlDII" of d18charll"IDII" pas· and atatues there, a8. It ls. Enoulh pl·alser8. fuel $3' Blair Bros. Hospital, . Phone 78J to laat ua all our livell. I dare ..,." Tons and tons of RUBSian this· Attwacl Club CooP'" Ohar~!, H~ber Throckmorton melical ~ervice!l, $163; M. E. ROil In cue. where tbe bus An Our lives! the girl shuddered tle&-t~e common. tumble weed of . was appoanted adlmlnlstrator of the Y'M" stamps, ,40; Weatern Union doea not feel free to file an afft. "Don't YOll eee! Can't you under· the plalDS are hemg conserved u Delegatee from 63 counties at- estate of Dalondo Stansell Throck· T-elell"1'&ph Co teletrams davit due to the fact that he mlaht standi" she cried IIharply. I don't emergency teed for livestock on tended tbe Ohio 4·H Club Congreas morton, deceased, and filed Trustees of ~blic Affair's be lIDable to identify the olrender like you! I wouldn't ~rry )'ou for farms i~ eeveral seetio'!! of Col.or- at the Ohio State University Sep. of $7~O with sureties. $2.70; A. M. Hinsch, rent, definitely, Col. Black baa advi8ed HEN~ERSO the world. I should. die. I'd jump ado, OWI»II" to neceSllty arilllnl tember 17 to 22. Total attendance Apphcation b81l b~n made to the Ohio Central Telephone that' the bU8 driver get the license 'IOTARY pu.uc , was 460. mahlLger of the Ohio HOkpital for telephone rent and tolla ,24 number correctl" the locatio!). the into 'the river- that peaeeful, prete from tbe drouth. time.: etc.• of the violation and pileptics for the admiSllon of said City Ice Service iee ·for ~eliel Natl••al a-k Lelia McCoy. durin&' Allgust, $1 ..20; The forward, a written complaint to W .. 1a D ... _ • • It...... Seta'" ---Cbronicle financial theta State Hllfhway Patrol headquar· . WAYNESVILLE. OHIO Marri••• ,24; The Office' ' . ten in ColumbUS. George Rerman SmUb, minister and rent of equJpment, /l'he registration of the violator of Franklin, and Mis8 ~dith Marie H. HendrIcks, food, $1 l wtn be- checked at1 Plltrol head Caft'erty, of Frarnklin. Brothere, bousehold nec~l- quaTten and a l~tter of warning Carl Hackman, machinist of Fos ties, '18.88; Wm. Col!ins " Son, sent to the owner of the license PO. IALE DATa. CALL J ters, and Mill l~uth B.ley, in- food, $105; Walter. Larrick, haul- number. iDCludinll" a copy of tha apeetor of Foster, inr. $6.7&; H. C. Brant, coal and law violated. . ---ice, 13.60; Griswold Sernce StaA ~Ue. Col Black aid, will be set R_I E,tat.1 Trud.r. tlon, 'U, 41.60: Wrilht'~ Market, up In tbe State Hlahway 'Patrol Ray MeDonoulrh 'e t al to Ar- food. $2157.25; Miller Dairy Co., headquarter8 lIatin, all Ilcel\M thur and Mary S.ehjotman'real e.. :food, '$1588.96; Sto~!!. Dairy CO'l number. turned in tor this viola. tate in Wa8hinitl~n Townabip and mi~k, ,170. 7~; Blair cl LeRoy, fllel tioll. Subleqaent offens.. ,wlJl re.Ial• • •TANUY in Sycamore Townsbip, Hamilton '6, Coleman II Market, tood, $18; ault ina .biahway patrolDJen callcounty. . · D r. Wm. Hoffer, services, '2~; Inar on the sc;hool driver to de . . . . . . rU...... OWe CLASSIFIED ADS COST ONLY Lina M. Sheets t;o Ed. M. Jo1m .. Oram Shoup. food, ,24; Blue Ban termlne i:f tbe e~d,.. ce is lufBcient ton and M. R. J(.hnston inlot . No. grocery, food U; ~r. Jean A. to juitlfy theftline of chargee ONE CENT PER -WORD. · WHY EARL KOOGI •• 72 in Lebanon. . Nock, medical. lIervt~ell, . U158 agalns~ the rapeatins violator, Den- ...... KEEP - YOUR ATTIC FILLED Lina M. Sheets to Ed. M. Jobns. Shurts BrOil. Dairy, mIlk., $20.18: Black explained. 'ICE . . . . aN' tOn and Frank W. Soutbard real Mr. :;.Fred, rent, $15; Dr. N. A. W.h ere ~e State Bighway Patrol. WITH USELESS. ARTICLES . estate in Lebanon. ' Hamalton me(Uealllervic.e l ,21.60: men see the vioJationthemselvell .r_l _ THAT CAN BE 1;URNED INTO The Peopl~'8 Loan and · Wm. A: Lukens, food, ,41.89: they will be able to arrest the of Savings (:0. to R. W. Franklin Ice ~ Fuel ~o., 11l~1. offender and ftle chaqH immedi. MONEY FOR SO SMALL A 40; Kaufman 8 clothing, $69.16: ately. real estate "In Harlan township. Edwa.rd Muhlen:poh to Vernon ~r. O. L .• Layman, medJcal se.. W. leel tbat there la a certain COST. TRY THIS ,M EANS OF Schrie,:er real elltate in Salem !~~:'. J;6, : . ~'f c~lp,ei6~0~d, amount otedueation~work to be SELLING AND SEE WHAT A towns_lip. ,. ' . 811. oo~, o?, '. r. dona by calling attention to these PO• •AU Adam D. Carpenter to Eather S ..S.t erbn g Stabl, medl~al sen:lces vioJatloDi and hope for Tery DIFFERENCE IT WILL MAKE Tennenbaum. real estate in Clear- ~3 'M E. rereY,il.o~d, ':~h H. satisfactory result. from the pro. FOR SALE-Keifer pean. C. E. ereek townshIp. . . c ey, 00, ,ran e1'- eedure we intend to take" CQJ Michener, Wayneaville, Ohio. TO YOUR POCKETBOOK, AS Ernie B. Patrick to Sam D. wood Co., food, 416; Dr. Jobn Zet- BI.cIt declared. • WELL AS TO HAVE YOUR • _ • FOR SALE--l open wool Ram. J. Henkle llO aeres in Hamilton tel, glauea $60; W. A. Hauae food $12.75; T. U. Woodre v , . tood, A u _ _ . . . . . 1 Phone Ne. town,hip. , 1" NOTICE OF APPOINT .... NT • u.arwu_, STUFFY OLD ATTIc CLEANED • Orion F. Crain to S. S. White 2':.H. S. Conover, nouaehold Me_. Burlbllton 1...A. • ·04 real estate In MUi)n. . essltleB, $2: Lewis Bro•• food, • OUr_ .IT PAYSI Dr. H. M. WiIlialD8, medical . Batate of Samuel Butterworth, FOa SALE-II diae Wbeat Drift Mary C. Keever to Tile Firllt son Bank inlot No. 90 in MuoD. vices, tlOO.150; H. C. Brant, ie, Dectued. ' wltIa FertiliHr a~hm.D~ C. tu:rnilhed tor care ot mUk for reNotice II hueby clftn lliahea•• . ~lief famili ... '4.76; 1Jb&uab Good En.. Bulterwortla " . . . _~_ _ _ _ _~_ _• \, .11Ia AI..._ Drug Co., aappiJea, UO.ll: Dr. A ..... ill W.,....w.. 0IaI0 WAIITD E. H. fumbh· Jamea Amola, medical ... beta 411117 ........ .. Ad;W' ed reUet 'alnUie. AUlDllt. '20.00; Dr. R. Bnwv. .........r wltIa til. trDI ....... W... - . . n - T ., -1daa. cal aemee.. II Clint'. of the Kllate of Baa. hu.... 0 Q r - o r. '17; R. B. atlmo'~ir ,.; Or. F. A. mltdlealll A. liar,ket. I. .. "01111'" .~ The To~ 00.. DIaII, 004, tllniehed relief

New Burlialtoa

An Affair International


















A tl ue oneer


CentenlHe, Ohio


L. M.



Stanley &Koogler Auctlon •• rs

'.0. "_ ••






.edIcal .........





CapI" C ross Ch a

PU'' ' 'I




could not pay tn... "Under theee provillo of Sult-Dl9iaioDa tace Ddcit pension law, the applicant oWDI... Loeal su b-divi I()n~ 01 Ohio 08 a non inC:,lme-prod UI,: Inlr property" whole tUe fllcinl( a d flclt of 136, t th b i h 000,000 in 1036, aepor,ling to C. pu \In I' /lAme a8" all , eon. A. Dyer, pr eident of the Ohio In . who haR nothln" so tar a. eomputter-Or ...... inzation Tox Asso(!iation. ing the admoundts 0tl thhe penalon ' la N C • _ pI. _ "concerne ,an a t e .ame uIIlO Ow ~1'Il ..... AiD e cry, Dyet said Is for replaee· th t I h d I f d' b d d eruga person w 0 save. ur ... A new eorn loan plan wh.lch will nt taxes. ce un mg on 9 an his or her life to buy home h•• be effective in Ohio Iproviding tor . of d.elinquen~ taxes, nec'I$3~0 a year. . his or her equity tn it proteeted loans ot 55 cents pell' bushel at 4 easary tn . varlo,us sections of the Fourth the a~phcont f!lU!!t not under the trust aj'reement. Whll. J>(ll"C nt on ' 1933 and 1934 COl'n tate .. It 18 pomted out t~at the have any responsIble rela~11(e8 who the property is held In trUllt the stored on fal'ms accolrding to state IlItl\te Itself wl11 ~e~d approximately able to take ca ,'e of hIm or hel' owners are assured of a home for l'equhements has been ,26,000.000 ~ddltlonal rev enue foJ' " There are many othol' p tree. and to free and an~ounced by .t~e A.gricult~re old age penSlon s and poor r lief. lin the law de igned to pro t ct the their jiving expense II, Thus,' their ad~ustment . admmts!,rabon. Ftve . . state and the taxpayel', anti to frugality pays them In the peace pnnclpal pOInts of the new proPromot. Cbald Safety guarantee that pensions shall be of mind and security aft'orded gram are: (1) tne nc~w lo!,-n iif ' 66 County SU~rlT1tend nts oS Tlaiej only to lhose. really de~~ving them il) their own home, as compl'r cents per bushel as compared to ISchool throughout Ohio fcel that them. The8e will be e xplain~d In ed with the less tortunate penslon~6 cents last year; O!) the matu!_ the tate Higbway Patrol's sy t m ' detail to any dOllbting Pl'o~p cctive ' er who did not own his 0'1' her I mv . est iia~or or home and is compelled to rely on It y d a t e 0 f th e new Ioan s WI'11 be 1\ t' IC "mspectlOn of school bUS- Ilapp I'Icants by lIe Jun 30, 1~35 ; (3~. holders of equip ment and bus drivers in the Ictel'ks in ooy of the county p nsion the uncertainty 01 r'enting a home" notes may II th~y WIsh call the various counties is pt'oving effect· offices. loans while corn. IS at or above 85 iv in inc teasing the afety of "One provi iOJ! about which con- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cents on the Ch~cago mark~t; (4.) school children. Frank C. Ransdell, siderable misunderstanding has White Rose- Power be the borro\V~r Will. bl!. requlJ:ed to presid~nt of the Ohio Counly ' al'isen i~ that regarding property , h take out ~Tlma~y lnsuran,?e cover· Superintendents of Schools has Istocks, bonds or life insuTanN held Ind the enlln•• il'lg fire .hghtn~ng and wlndstor~ ~om.mended ~he highway p~trol fo·r by pell$ion appli nnta. The law is (~)co~~ on Whl~h Idl\~S e made. I!~ mterest In sa!~gulI.l'(hng the ," ry clear that In . such cases, 0 u.~~t ?~e w!~ e~Pborary hves .of the chool chlld:ell who ,where such PI'OP~I'ty or other valnll or uns I e Crt s I no e: ac- are tIansported to school III buses. ble posseSSions ne not income pto cepte? t OT loans. . Various county schoo' supel'inlen. d.ucers, 01' the income from them Inel~ebtal1)', . OhIO farmers to dents have also comm nded th~ total less than $300 a year the ~ate have received ~6,96?,620.06 patrol for this work, which is being appJi ant is e ntitled to a pensi on 10 corn-hog pay"!entll, and a total carried on in coopel'ation with the sufficient to make up a tots 1 inof $23,044,000 IS mpresent~d in Stale Department o( Education. come of $300 a year. providing the re~~a]!I a~d ~eneflt pa:ments ~ the applicant complies with the reg. ~n Ire w ea, corn, og an to· Heavy Relief Load for Winter ulations and turns over to the · aeco program. More than three-quarte~·s of a tate in trust hi or her property. million needy persons in Ohio iace This doe not ":lean t~at they al'e 22.7 Accident. Il"er Da,. the coming winler with the pros- make an ()utrlg~t gIft to the Average of 22.7 Elccidents per ])ect of. being entirely dependent tate. If the J',teJI lon e-row nsahome day has been l'cpol'lbed Qn state upon f ederal, state 01' local relief, he or she remains in it aftel' turn · highwayEi outside mu 'nicipallties in the Federal ,Emergency Relief Ad- ing it over. The propel·ty is held in A.· 'L Columbus will be the meetinr Ohio for 1934 up to Sept'ember 1, ministration estimates. Approxi- t1'u~t, and on the d~llth of the lylg &1($, 0 place during O\!tober o{ 26 conve n compi led by the traiilic bureau of mately 100,000 of th ese persons pen. ioner th!! amount paid out for _____________________;-____.-.; tlons~ four · of them national in the State Highway Departm ent. are little children under six years penslons in. that ca i. cllmputed. l . cope and the others state gather- 1 From January 1 to August 31 old. La t winter there were be. the property dispose. of, and th The Ohio State Univer sity Radio Statioll-WOSU ings. Two of t he most important there were 6,031 accident reported tween 1100,000 and 700.000 per. state takes out what it has ell-I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8 :00 Mu ic sate eonventions will be the Ohio During that thne 403 per80ns were sons on Ohio relief rolls, pended for pensions and turns over 8 :10 T h th Sh • .. .................. "... R. E. Eswine State Medical As~ocia~ion, October killed, an aver~g.e of 1.6 per lay; the ~alance to the ~eit·s of .the White Rose- Power beW E Dunham 7-9: and the Klwants Clubs of 4,272 penon! lnJurecl, an average Duck Seaaon ~ ..... October 4 ~nslo n er. If the heus so deSIre, hind the enlln.~ ecums , e awnee ... .. 8:20 Fall Manage ment of Bees ...................... ........ ,' . , . OhIO, October 22-23. of 17.1 pel' day. Th erj~ was 1 death "'~ hey can 'arrange t1) pay the state 8 :ao Music ---per 13.7 accidents s,nd 1 injury Ohio duek sesson will open I 'hurt the amount of the pension deb t I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!"!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!! 8:40 Play ......... .. ... ................ ................ .. ...... .... WOSU Playel'S Farmers of Onio are voting this per 1.2 ~cide nts. day, October 4, with hunting per- and take the property intact. The 9,10 Review of Women 's Camps .............................. ,.... Adele Koch week to determin(j their views on mitted on Thursday, 'Friday and state cannot make 0 profit on the . Agr Icu Itura IE ngmeeJ'Jng ' , Saturday of each8. week thereafter t d 9 :20 Fllrmerfl' Inquiries In ........................ the federa1 .com-hog curtailment Grocer,. S.le. 5.;,." Up.a.rd, until December In addition to llroper t'les b 'd' ~ lD rust, an , of ... .. ...... .. ... .... . .. , .. ...... ............. ,.... Department Staff program for 1985. About 75,000 course, where they are held in 9 taO Music . . farmers of t he state signed conWholesale grocery sales during the state license, the bunter must trust in the name or the state they 9 :36 Breeding New Vegetables .. ......... ,...... ....... .,.......... Leon Bavi tdrac~ thsi yen to reduc~ bog pro- August were the largest in Ohio obt~linblthe $1 f ed eral duck stamp are exempt from local state taxa. . 0 It L uctlon 25 per cent and corn pro· ~ ce October 1931 Ute 0 S U's IIval a e at pOS t 0 ffi ces. tion. That is only f air, because jf 9 :45 FIre PI ventloll ............ , ...................................... ,. . . acy duction 20 per cent. for which they b:reau of b~sine~J'esea·rch r;: - - • the owner i unable to loop hima,e receiving approximately $17, ports. The lIales were 11.2 per cent elf or herself, he or she surely ~~-~-~--~~~~~~~~~~-~~~--~~~~~ p~~r ~~~ J~, and U p~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cent ahead of August, 1983. The c;:: 0 Every hen that drops into a molt gains, the bureau said, were due Mrs. Malissa Curl IIpen a few 'O at this time, Is out of the produc- principally to an incrl~ase in prices dllYlJ last week in Dayton. and increalled volume of charge Harry Hosier and family hav e tion race untU late fall. L-~~~~__~~~-----------:.----_-J -======-==========-======~====-===,. I erty. moved back lo the Madden propCOLUMBUS--Jack Dunn, past government p.ys all wage costs Mrs. Mary Tucke r snd ons, president of the FutuYe Farmer!! of under tbi. plan. Some of those em· Harry and Harold, and Howard MocDonald spent the week· end at America A oeiation of the ployed are 'skilled work~u. A reWalhonding visiting Roy Clark Hawaiian Islands, will be t he creation room has been titted up the comIng week of Bobbie for the women employes at tbe and family. Jones of Radnor, Ohio; president Routh end of the 16th door of the Mr. Sanbourn spent the weekot the National F~ F. A., and of State Offiee Building, where part end at his h\lme in Higgln port. the vocational agricultural divis- of the library ill located. Paul A. Miss Evelyn McCarren and ion of the State Department of T. Noon. atl'te librarian, baa \)een Mellsrl\. BlIorr Nolder and Morris Education. Mr. Dunn will visit commended by the state rellel ' dihidaker .spent Sunday with Rh ea McCarren at Delaware. some of the schools of the stat~ rector 911 hi' ability to give emwhere vocational agriculture is ployment to all who have been reMrs. Sadie Reason 'bad a dinner guests Sunday, her . brother Christaught. A recognition meeting in ferred t9 him rellOl'dless' of their pin Lippincott Bnd her aon P. L. his honor will be given at O. S. varied capabilities.: U. thisFYiday evening. Dunn is R(!ason and family of Ileal' Way · returning a visit made by Preaident nesvl\le. P eople of Ohio have reason to be Jones to the Hawaiian Islands last thankful that tbe'attempted etICBpe We are sorry to learn of the eerlous ilInelB of Mrs. Will Mcspring. 01 members ot the Dillenger gang Elwee, mother of Miss , Winn'i fred from the deatl1 row in the state McElwee, one of our effid nt penitentiary 1'1" not .uc~es.fuJ. It The Obio state library is now teachen. . riving employment to 140 men and would bave been • disgrace to the MI'!!. Bern Carr visited' her womekl from 7 to 89 hours eaeb state and • reflect ion on the offidaughter, Mrs, Raymond Adams week under the FERA. The fedeBI cial. rellponslble for the !tate's and assisted them in movIng. f LITTLE A.MERICA. 'ANTARCTI· vef7 1lne 'beau and 18 DOW dolq II Many from here attended the Re OA. Sept. 24, (via Madr.a, Ra' dOl team. Dr. Loul. B. Potaka 01 publican Rally at LebanoJ) Mondlo) ;-Work, more work and then New Ze.alaod baa ail uncQn1 uti day evening and hea rd Clarence .UU· more work bu been the o.r~er 'I t, '0 aI, usefUl artlel.. IOlt 01 J . Brown. I.'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 01 all the daya .llIce the .un baa IWrled b, the t1.~ O,rd eXlledltlon Mr. and Mrs. Rhoades Bunnell returiled to u., If only the 6tudentl 1:he Doctor dl8a"peaJ1l In th.e mom· ,and baby daughter spent Saturday UItd "lOClateo of our learned .• el· Ini .nth a pick and aitovel and r& evening with Mrs. Sad ie Reason. aUeu c:ould peek III at Little tum. at ooon with anythlDl fl'Olll One hundred or more attended Amertca for a day th87 could un a pack. .e of damtnc needlea to the an old fashioned belling tor tlIe romantle curtalD or explora· rear ule or an 014 tractor. Tbe Charles Cook and bride Tuesday U. ad perbape .mUe at the lCeue clay. DeTer tack IJltere.t and DeYel evening. " p~tecl. laclt work &&ad . . . o'cloclt eacb Mrs. Everett Villars is enterJ'or 100lance. let me ploture the DI,lll wbeD CODlllW.llider Novllle taining Mr. Villari' sister and InoUe, arra,. 01 IJ\01leere of the .bOUt.8 "'U,hU OUIe" ,Ive.., ono I, mother. 'Miss Ruth CI!lave1' entettained "B.BA...," meantDI already &lliMp. the "Ooy. Alter ,E ll' All thll . -. OD all a fevertlb the Junior class and Mr. and ~rs. perteDce." 'l'bere 18 . pace, not because '· WII iJ:e lIelllt Rerbert Carr last FI·iday. Quite C~ drlveG bllt IHic&Ule ' '"e welcome a pleBsant· evening was 2pent and Dr. Thom.. the cballce to ,et OUl: ·aucl lluaU. all were trIJated to a water melon POUlter, or Iowan Welleyan CoUege. But 't hll buatUn& cerl:alllly maIlef feast. repatrIDg the door UI llul18!'f. Wbl!1d' fOIl Uke to UOW , Mrs. W. E. Oglesbee and Mrs. 011 a tUJlnel en· what 1 bad for br8akta*l thla mom, Munger were guests at a meeting Ln,Y Well, bere II m1 aienu : ot the Lytle Ladies Aid WednestlSDce and mutter· . Red er08!!' Officials Await ~rpathi." toe dAre threats Tomato Jll1ce. aralle·nutl wit b day. acaluat the nellt cream and 'ua..r, two lrted ..... , To ·u.rr. rOt ~i~k lind loJu.r ed maD that break. It. aod baeon, tout, .UII.Wberry ~ )'aul SIple, of Erie, and C\.lll8 of bl&ctl:. colfee. &Dcl Altou ·A. Lind,Tile real bll e*clte~.llt 'clurtDc By DAVI P a. lNOALLB • .,. 'of W.,t New· th,. week, wat dlRtIlI: the bIa 'Con. Cll.I' .... n . 011'- ffeJ' Cui ~,.. tO~ PL, are ltag·Alton A. , dor airplane out of .th'••lloW. TblI, prUaJ acrOll. tbele~, 810101111\ II tho maebJue tbat A.elmlra) Byrd lAte on the lorty nilrht of wbite-eJa4 n1llMl alld doctors weal .DOW under· a load Welt Newton, luleud8 'to use ror Jd,1 loq ~p 14, 1912 the marniftcol'lt new I... the famWar arm"n~of th\ • 'Tl I " d th .... Red Oro.. .walted hol'.,ne . . ptbqe ean.. PenftL CIXIlloraUoDa. Tllla and"aIl the otheJ .team.hlp' tan c .• pc . rou.u bacl booD cJOoecI to tile ,ulic' oab ot· Earl P.rklna, ot New Brunli1lriCb, outdOOJ' work ' [.beID,· 'done with A campaign to iniltruet the the No~b Atlanti,~ lin bel' aI.alden and 0 . . .1. ware;. .n. &t J .... ,. Ind u.l ... I dl..... t pu~Hc on the principal provisions ... oua, .. · .. ·DC ou the~-eter ' ---e"-- ~ I ... it III R o-_ ... n ._--__ ,'"" ..... ....... of Ohio'8 old age pension a\V in an '-vo,.... Aboard here manf a ool.8ble tbl'Oqh tile MrrW'a........hlp cre" a .... or coal w1l ..... , ' ........... 6 decreea to 80 de ...... : bolaw el\'ort to cut down the number of who had .a rranced to sail 81peel.II, Il,owlJ 1ft. The anal 10Ulil ~ easea filed In which' the applicants for this event marvellecl tbat hu· U\o rattle and ...nlf of wlneInIa anel and Arthur ZUbD are cl6artna out 181'0. nore ~W be a ...1... c·' .... raU·on' . I·f.l . h a .Wt, Dr. Charles Q . Moreau, of IUD haDda C41lIlcl blilld a lIbip ~hat cbaJu. tile clatter of _~..... ft 1'uiM. Okla.. la W"BIbI1Il clime. an4 cannot qua I y .. or pensIons a s woUi '. .tDk. ft.unnin, .t full dock. all ......... upIa ..... AltoDle carbone, our cook, JUlt down here uext monUl.. We are .y,· been inaugura~d by the Divi!jion .peoct u.. "nb of N~wfouDd· ~ . . the tho . . .; cauUoDed 'Pal Ie to watcb the 'bread tnc plaDa to have _De utnorcU· 01 Aid tor the Aged of the State lanel ala. anilbed '·on laI... •• ~ - . I _.~~.leat~.l . In We oven.. . urll7 bll dolDp' OB October 10 IJ1 according to announcement by A. I eberlf ' eept ...... ell - - - _ . .a It \au beeD wor1l of aU 1UDeI. all Jaollor of Ule lint UlIllYlN8f7 of D. HaneY', Investigator in , charge C Who~ the "Carl1athl.·' uri II..!. of Th. pnn." ".. , Ute .ullll o. the, l • ..cob Rupport 01 the old age pensio n office lor .ummoned by a wi~'e.~ "p"fIIlor roU. Into place. It. wu .. thoqll dar IoOC e.,.r "D~emeteorologlllta, the liun, apo r._... - .rort"'I" 1\I, 1"·3. ' Warren county. peared. Ttiere . are . . .00 . .Oc.·tber .. who w.nt down with lti•• hlp, over a . ...trainlnt haM l.-d teadIoI Oeora. Orhnmlnger' aDd WilHam Wo actvucecl tile clattl two day. 10 Ap.,roximately 20 percent of the aftMn hundred of thllfle aboard mouth. All IllIItIaetl..r, order to have tile Cl\tlebratJOD on total number of .ppljcat ion blanks .... 1000t In the dim reach... of th. leaNCI to faefl tllo momoat "fI~ C. Ha.lneo. IllIlDI that e,el'J Atlantic Tho aurvlvora w.... _aid know wbattalr tIlOM mouUt of Ule .DOW metter and 'UI" tho &ft.el1looD of the .blr oadcut ovel taken out at penalon oft\ces over e1lqln. to ref.... 8oaUn. In Lho, IfOlllht .UIl ltv... A ..... ,eyor Quln Blackburn Jut otrel'ed tho ColumbIa Detworll, OD WodD.. the state were never even filed IlfaboaU. No hUlllaft bed., could woma" at ~ top ." to teed the cow. ror Iildlar Ci'l U ' day, October 10. YOIl 8", wllOD It·. when the prospective applicants .tar I tha\ ter watar and IIvo lor Ifalllfplank. A err" 1\ a methrl , be WODId build a traJl IM)I for Dlm. I o'cloc;t ID the afterDOOll ~,It lound they could not comply with a-- ~., wore tak.n ....reI .. i.Dd tho erowd panoel .. • dt'.._. ... -Id be heel ."....... J01IIlC III" na forward. VertlJ &lie PUI'\.ut. or aclOllee 1., I.... Sa 10 0 clock lD N." y~ .. OUt the provillons of the law as to eill· trW tab place . . Ute ,ibiJity, K . L. Brown, cllief of the qalek1J .. ...ey COi:ancla na~ Within.. .n tMae .ur- t_U. . bllt It' koepa 118 btl do.... but 1CIu ·Il... 1& OD Division of Aid for the Ared, told :t;.w:.r:,:u:Dd . . .1IlpltltDl mora had ..... lIItem..... \, lted ....., TIl. "rut111tJ or tile lIIen to Uto ropIar DIPl 8FI'd IllVeltlptor A. D. Haney. Another • all, ~ ... 'for their pu- en. TIMIr ""-, eon· .... ~& ·ow _.I .1 _ _ ttutl.u. nIatI.,.. ~1 ......... W. lla" aaaaurao. b......." 10 per eent of the .pplicants . . . All weN 'froaon ..... - , . . . . ~,.....Itl ............ all bated .Dow ....... aDd a nally . . If roa 1l.'.D1 Inaablo 'to compl,"th the law lowlac inv.-tIPtlon. \ate.TIIne ...,. littON tile ......... n_ wile ...... " : : oeIJeD& CIOIIlJUL TIl.. boOaaH "'1IIy IOD. - . -A. ttlltemm frolll Mr. BroW'll - .. ~.. aoUI!'de1l .... YfIk ~-=' tIM ~ eold tIM ..... . . d.....a IIOftIIq ~tI all liedie ..... 01. . . . ......... . . . . . 1M-.:~==~ to IDv.tI..tor BaneJ foUo". .... 11M a ~ "EYlI"JODo before maid.., aa _ _ ....- ......... _ _ _ ...plleatioll for all old qe HlWCIII had the foolhardy elcapade resulted in the killen gaining their freedom, It would have put the stllte in the lIam cateaorv &.!I the ISSUED EVERY THU~SDAY .. , Ilnd Int.owns and eitiel! in Ohio D. L CRANE I • S.ltaeripU•• Prlco, 11 ,10 • Y.r d ian. \Vh~re the 8a~e gro.up of OfIieo Pbo....... ... N 111 EDtere" at'"_ at WaYII ..• outlaws dId su(!ceed. In simIlar at· R_,"'c. . ......... , .. N°' 11. ville. Olllo, all_loett""d CIa.. lIal1 tempts. The l'eaponlllble stat/! of.a u . 6cials who took the neces~ar'" pl'e......................... .. ,. J .... to prevent the planned es· cape are at least entitled to comOCTOBER 4, 1984. mendation for the preparations had made to foresta)] the act Pierpont and Makley, which reo sulted in the lat~er's death by Farmer shooting and provided the biggest Few have suffel'ed ' more from hard ti mes than bas the average newspaper story of the week exfarmer. In compan y with all other national groups, he has ~truggle d cepting only the revelations in the pravely against what so metimes st*\med impossible odds. He has faced sellsational Lindberg kidnaping. the spectel' of absolute ruin. the destructiol'l of savings and work of a Still another chaptel· in the story life-time. Even natu re took a hand against him, with lhe greateBt 01 the Dillinger outfttwill be wl'itten on October 17 the date drought in r cent history. set by the stat.e 's upreme' court for It is to the farmer's great credit that he has never given up. carrying out the death sentence Though di eouraged and disheartened, he has not lIuTrendered to the meted to Pierpont. ' 1'orces of despail·. lnstead, he has used evrry resourCe and maintai ned . his faith in a bettel' futUre. . The annual report of Auditor of The agricultural cooperatives are largely responsible for this itt- State J oseph T. Tl'acy for the tltude. They have never wavered in their intensive efforts to bring 19:13 has just been i s ued in Il order out of chaos, reco:vel'y out of depression. 'they hav(j been im- elotb-b?~nd volume of 600 png~s. mune to political 'influences' farm relief efforts have 'been tried and In addlbon to 1)umerous flnnnc~al diacarded, but the co.o ps r ~ain. 1'hey al'e responsive to t he farln~l"s statem.ents,. th.e repo~ contains . , . "I h . I 'ti H h ImuCh IDfol'matlon coverlDg numerdesires Bnd h 11$ ~Ill-he and hIli fellows contro t e lr __ ct V I • es, e as OllS ~tate departments and public lie en them ma.klng progress at times when onl~ retrogreSSlon seemed fund. . p08siqle, and when all the eardl in the economlC deck seemed stacked against him. Thos. M. Gregory, chairman, L. In many particulars, the agricultural outlook has greatly improv- E. Nysewander and J. W. Bea1\, ed recently. Farm income will be bigher than last YEar. Market con- member8 ot the Industrial Co ditions are. gene.rally better. The work of t he cO-OPe hall assured the mission of Ohio, . and Thos. P. average producer that he will get a larrer share ot the final selling Kearns, superintendent IIf the state priee of his produce than .in the past. 1n brief: the doudll are really division of ~afety and hygiene, are lifting and the .farmey's future looks brighter than fOT so'm e time. on ~he program of the ~nnual , NatIOnal Safety Congress IS ses- -,= . sion at Cleveland this week.


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Victories For The

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a citizen of Ohio at lealt 11; yearR I~rol'e making application, and hov lived at le~st one year in the county in which upplicotiun is made. "Third, to be el igible for a pen. , the appli ants'lI lolal income, "d' earne" an from Inveslment other sources, must be under







-reet Bes t f t he News DlState CapI"to} From the Ohl

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lIloaW , ........ 1Mmaelf


H."".,un,. 01 'nt.,." At School

Home EcolWlmiCi



Eth,,1 LviII Young.


Outdoor Movies Coming

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Mrl. Elhm Copsey autlered The Advanc d da ~ in Hllme another str.Qke last Friday at the Ec. i u~ing a Il~\\' tt'xt. "Th~ Girl home of het' daughter, Mrs. Ben L.41ie.' D....... , 70c Today-The Woman Tomorrow," Hawke. (tonlinu d from pare 1) by Hunler, which is nloat valuablE' Rerman Smith alld sister, Miu Mau'. Suite, esc L:. _ _ man and lair ])iherl hav mi sed and inter sling. We hllve been Velma and Clyde Wharton Quick-for q.&li'~ cIr,cl...i . . only on~ word, The. sJXlllina- con- tudying th importancc, f a pleas Mrs. Gayle Evans ill in Miami atte'nded the Hamilton fair Fl'iday teau pOlnt so far are 42 to 46. ing IIpp('at{lnce II nd how this II1&Y Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hadley Valley hospital fot; treatment. Mi 8 Cartllr's third gradl' has 11 be acquit' d through lhe care of . . . all spent the Week· nd with My . and Utrht to Db ~rv in r~.dink. the Ilkin. teeth, hand, hair, a ,Mr. and Mrs, Ii. M, Carey W81'e Mn. William Hadley and family The drivel' I strong. Policemen well a5 through lIorr'('ci post\lI·e. Dayton visitors Monday afternoon at Blanehe$ter. al're~t tho.e going thro\lgh the red 'rhe girls ha.v been s('winll' on . Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones attendIf~ht and thoa driving Luo fast. their first ):)r je<:t, om III lIIokMiss Lola Sears underwent an ed the bome,c011ling Jlt Mt. Holly Thl i a timtlly waminl!'. illg dresses IUlll blousell, and othel' operat~on T\leRday for the re- church Sunday, The followinr p.lpil in Miss al'ticles. AI~o seve-ral have been moval of her \Onsils. Mrs. Mal'gllTet Jollns was a week Kin! y'. F'ourth grnde have mild ' wOI'king 01\ II book e~ rug w~ich bas '. end guest .at the home of ,Mr. and . perfect irade!! ill Jl lling in~ tbe proven to be most Intereslmg, The condition of .Mrs. J. D. Mrs Earl Thomas on Social Row. B~lin, who has been very lick, i, Harvey Burnet made a busi nes b ,inning 01 school: Cia •• Officer. sald to. be improved. trip to Columbul Tuesday. Helen Hisey, Jean Hartso~k ~nd , Mrs. Mary Carmony w s a The Higb School das es elec.ted lie!} Iv s. J~mes. Lovely and famtly . ~re guest at a family dinner Sunday, Perf ct 8p \ling for the week of their officen; la t w ek. Re ulUl movmg mto t he. Stephen Phllhp honoring her 84th birthday, he14 W.~ae ptember 24-2 , in .8 ctlon n., were as follows: , niora-President, Harvey Peters The "Little ThcAtre ·ltd r the StArs" or til pl'operty on Mam stroot. at the home o~ Mr. and Mrs. W. ~""""~"''-,~,,~''''''''''''.......''".,. 'bcth grade are: Fri.-Sat.-Oct. 5-8 . Mr. C. E. Michener wa in. F. Clark in Waynesville. M81·tha Martin, Billy Melloh, ic Presidf:nt. ·Ma.e Treadway; dlowlnlt to a tl111 house. For the thll'd yeol' lll e "Little El'le anti lhe Al't Ml1seum in Cleve. Peoria. Ill., Monday and Tuesday Miss Uenna Bruscup of Miami, BUCK JONES Mary Yo ,Emerson Miller, lar· Seer tary, :l\fary Allen; Treasurer, Boger. Thealel' ndel' the Stnrli," Of the 11311d: \llld o[ the Bille Helle al Cas' attending a co;nvention. Flodda, wa a dinn er guest Sunnee Price, Alma Ro , Opal Rob· David in JU'niors President, Donald StalHlal'd 011 o. (If 0111 , Is tlllll·' tnllo . I day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. erts, Susan SaylQr, Roxie C. Sack· Foulk 1 Vice President, Franees I In uddHlon to "nQ\ utICI~1 Ohio," Miss Betty Lou Arthur spent the Walter Kenrick. Ing \lIe stutt'. . ett, Wayne cott, Ruth heets, is; Secretary, Barbal'll Grl,ly; "lIe company J showing I WO I\l~' I he 1)I'o,p'am llldudes a ' two I'e I we ek.end with her grandmother, Mrs. Ed. Hopkins and son of Evelyn lIIith. Leona Tinney, Milo with Cecilia Pal·ker. Treasurer, Ruth Larrick. , (lll'eS made e. PIl( lally t OI' thi >' or'~ fe.lItul'e IJll ed "'1'h Tw() DoctOI·II." Mrs. L. F , Arthur, at Corwin. WayneSVille wer Monday gueste Wad. He fought fOI' hie life.. She Sophomores - Prl'1\ident, Doris OfOI\I'am . I II thia plcltu'c n young 'mall. the of Mrs. Stanley Bailey and Surface: Vice PI' sident, Margie fought for his innocence I 7th Grade Section I. The first III a. lWOI'('el' t<Q UII I Oil or a uoctor. lea l'll to cure the Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cornell, Mrs. daughter.• lIar, ret Bergan, Albert Haga, ; &cretary-Trea urer, Elsie movie call u "Benlltltul 0111 0' and ailment/! ~f autom obiles by ·aUella· Russell Salisbury and Bon were Rally Day will be observed at Mary Ello LeMaY', and Dorothy Mae Wical; New Reporter, Rita ~l1owlllg 11101·0. Ihau . 11 ~;.'IJ\·e of in ,;- tli ~er v l rc Mcllool or lite Stand· Dayton visitors this afternoon. SUD.-Motl.-Oct. 7-8 Lytle Sunday School next Sunday Macfarland. Van Often. ~ce[\k and beaul)' 5 1) Is in Oh io. al'cl 011 '0. An In I'C Sllug )llot in the afternoon at 2 o'clock, and mOH ARD DlX 7th Grade ectlon II. FN!shmen President, Roy 'T'be plclul'e I' 1I8es fl'OIIl lUlIl ' I·· 1'lIn lhl'fl Ugh the I irlUl'e. Mr. and Mrs. F. C: Hartsock, of Bervice at a, Rev. in ~rah Miller, William Saylot', Croeket.t; Vice Pr ident, · harl II grQuud scenes ill 0111 of Ohh,l'J\ S vel'al I'eels or comedies Olll' Millard and Mr. and Mrs. R. M. in charge. Majorie hutts, Erma. Shockey, IA:nClE!rSCIII; ee.retary, Viv:iarr CO,n· r mous cnvern ~ l<l .:dl'plrllll' "Iews Illele the pro/p·jUII . . Hawke. were in Delaware, Sunda)' Mr. and Mrs. Horace Wharton ot the Y·RrWgc. nl ZI\II('~ ,l1l e and The "Lilt! Tb()at r" \I'8I,'eI8 In a of Dayton spent Sunday with Mr. Wilma ThomA, Dorothy Thomp. ner; Trea urer, Naomi Ramby. tile> Serpent ~Iound . Evel'Y (0 011 "J)ec iQlly C01I ~tl'U ted Il'uek and Is Mrs. Ellen Good and son Rob· and Mrs. Wilbur Wharton. lon, Margaret Vint, Anna Ma~ of til atot WBs vl sHell.3nll the pl .· Nlulppec1 lO' JlI'oJect Bound pictures. crt, of Dayton, spent last week The LJldies Aid held their Watkins, Miriam Wharton and with DOl'othy Wilson Junior Liter.ry Prorram t.lIre In lullos r lies In .1111 l' ell '.rhrougb an \1IJP;cnlous d.~vlce tile with Mrs. Flossie Carey and family October meeting Wednesday afterB sure to se~ this picture I Thll :runiot Literary society bad Park, Youngslown : aloll ~ thE' Ohio nlclul'e tllrl)wn through an /I .. noon at the home of Mr/l. M8l'garet White Rose, the depen- its 9 cond meeting and first pro. Rivet" ; In the zoo at III liloaU : or I veiling In the I'eel' 01 lhe truck .Ups a!,d Downs, a race tt&:ck J ohn with .Mrs. Suriace and Mrs, of the year Tu sda)" Oc. Ohio's In t remalnlul; blockhouse agnln t a. 11111'1'01' III")' refle 'l a 11'\101 ~;~edy, . 18 on t he p~~gr8m WJth Trimble as hoste88. liable Gasollne~ tober 2, 1934. The chairman in &nd the home qf tomon'ow In there to a large 'C' reen !lUnch c1 .mh' Dick and Hany at the g)1m Several families from here at~=:~~~======~= charge ot the mee~ing was Marc MaJlstleld . lhe slle of Fan Detiance high \)o,'e the ft'onl bumper. tonlg t. tended a board meeting 01 Lytle, ~~~~=~~~====~ jorie Earnhart, president of group III Dellan e , of lhe Stal Capitol at Theile pictures will bEl hown in Miss H. r. exson, of New York RCid Lion and Springboro churches ~: A ; t he secretary . was R uth Sals· I· Columbus; of Schoeubl'UlIlI, Ohlo '~ WayneavI'IJe on Wedne~ldav even· Cit y, was the guest of Dr. and at th e Ia tter PI_,CIl S o. nday ev. emng. . D · . 1 11'51 Il !'Iuan lit: ot the I'ng, October 1 vnth, at 7 :30 at Mrs. E • F. Deppe a few da- tllis .. W a It er Kennek 18 sel'VlDg on H klnt elUem C' r • I b ury. ,,th e U n it ed Sta t e8 pc t·t· , The program consisted of Bible 'aves In oc 118 ounty · 0 uU ce Fulker on's Sohl'o . rvt·c',e St.atl··OIl. week. I Jury In reading, current events, book Cincinnati. reviews, monologue , and 8n ex. Misses Trillena and :Marcaret Mrs. Morris Wharton, of Leb· temporaneou debate. The fQllow. eente d their numbers first and the Edwards . visited relatives at anon, spent last week at the home Blanchester, Wednesday and Thurs of Mr. and Mr . Clyde Wharton. ing procedure was followeQ in pre. cont~stants of tbe sAme number To live in heam we leave enting the numbers to the class. for group A immediately followed. day. • Mr. and Mrll. Thomas Hardin In the opinion of the judge, Mr. ' and children of near Waynellville The contestants of group B pre· behind, 18 not to die. Garst, group A had a slight lead Mr. Boyd Hende rso n left W~d· were Sunday afternoon gue ts of CAMPBELL. :::================'I on group B in the total number nesclay for Cincinnati where he Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Graham and NO"rIC' 1hl () EI.E(,~"ION UN 'UX of points. The meeting was, then . "~ will take a cours in an embalming daughter MillS Bernice. ThOle who leave us are I.E"V .~ EX.... E (,.,. "'JII!) adjourned. school. MH. Margaret John"• attended ' " OF Dot gone. ' Their memory , 'l>l1:~ ..." .J, I..UU:t'A'I'IU WAYNESVILLE CHU,ftCH MiS!! Sue C,ane spent a part of the Repub~iean r.lly at Lebanon Unr~}ls, deeply enrraved 'N\ill e h! h . by Iven that In Seaior Literary P~.ram CHRIST . last week and this at the home of Monday nlrht. in our hearts. The fun.e ral llurllllanc or 1\ n 30luttun of ~he The S ' enior Litet'8ry Contest was (Unden()minati!lr~l) H. C. Burnett and family Dear M1'& Everett ClaTk, Mrs. Palm er . Che.ter A Williamson Milll.ter Lytle Mrs. Pape and guests of Dayton Board or '()Unt)· <;,orumlash)n rlJ at service should'be a reverent Wa.rt .. n "nL)I, 1"0. r)/UI~ Il 01\ Lhe held September 28, The Senior • " ' . spent Tuesday afternoon with Mrs 10111 Cin.)· or SI'IJlember U3~, Were B ' h'<UJo of tbe ChuI'ch School at 9 '30 a. PI. ' { . ' and loving farewell. In will be ubmltled \0 a' Io'ot ()l[ the group was In C al ... _ . ' L d' S t I . '() Ch ·s r. rs. Cliarles B. Chapman undet'- Mary Carm.ony. . uch a spirit do wq serve rh:p~ ~~M~l~R "~~[~nTI~~nt~ g! Senior Program. The ~rogram was or ES dupper at ~o;g USI;. Ev rl went an operation at Miami aln. Daniel Fox of Dayton anll het;! In ~he OUnLl' or Warren, Ohio as follow : ~ian n eav?r ,a : 'IC~: at' '1 .;~- Valle.y hospital tbis ( Mrs, Ray EaJle, of Spring Valle,. our clients, se&klng always t Ih\' I'elru lllr plll.c <H voting Bible R eadi ng, Dramatic Dec· rng evange h ~tlc erv 'r. ," morning. have been helpiq care for t heir to create a beautihl ~~e~~~~n~~er.:rl:3~I.a~b6th(tu":~I~nd~~ lamation;' current events, original Prayer meeting and Ellble Btudy sister Mrs. Ellen Copsey til last Memory Picture for the I "Ylnf, a lax In xc 8~ ot tire t&n short story, excitiJlg episode, book esch Wedneaday at 7 :3(1 p. m . The Mr. and Mrs. 'Robert Haines lew days. e living. {~~~r~nm l~~I~~n 6~ro ~~; 1~:n:J~~o~! review, extemporaneous speech. cbu.rch wbere you feel lilt home. f~milY of Corwitl were Mrs. Henry Satterthw.iu, of or provldlnK fund. tor the K4'nHal Group B-Chaplain, Juanita dmnet' guests o~ Mr. and Mrs. near Waynesville spent Wedneada" reo Brann Qc k • Eld on Ell'IS, Grace FERRY "HURCH OF CH"IST S Har ~. k conlltruetlon. r 01l8truclWnl a.nd 8.lld repair ur ronu ... ft. ... oc. with Mra. Margaret John and' 8ul"taclng A country' future. ill debrldll'es In 88.ld county at a l'a.t.. not Dovle John Sears, Dorothy (Undenomiaatioll8l) . w'all a "'ue·t of the La~i~ AI'd'n IlXC 'elling 1'h mills tor 2 Y"au J' .. J Sh ts Mrs. Herman Haller hee Geneve .. '"''' a ... I penr;ient upon ita health. Dentom men ~lnK' with th Yllar 1934. Borupe anu ames ee. , A. Williamson R f X . M R I h L . t he aftemoon. Th P 1111 tor II hi E1ueti n will . Group A-Jane Cook Robert Ore1'8, a ema, t'!I. a p eWI. M d M W It K •k tistry Is one prate ion t hat be 0)) n a.L (; ; 30 o'c! ~k A, M . nil . F R th B 1 Services at Bellbroo~l Townsbip 01 Dayton were callinr on relaUvea r. an r!i. a er enrlc r mltln OP"n until 1l :31J o· 'Iock p. Thoma.s, Marvtn 0][, ~ oy. e, Hall 7:45 nightly except SundllY. and friends here, Wednesday. en.tertained t() dinner Thur day,' hall Seience as itl! guiding Plao... 7 stat'. He ranks with the Mlu Edna McEwen of Springboro, M. ~ FlaIL rn i$ln ndard 'f!m ) ot sI<Id Evelyn Peters, Kath erme , Smlth Everyone cordially invited. Lord's medical p'ract~tioner who prac· and Albert Hawke. day ·s y order ot . d d Day PI'ogl'am 'as fo11o,vs' 1Jnifh!d The condition of .Mr. Elvin Fire. Dr. and Mrs. Emil Hathaway of tises prevention CJt )0)1(' UonM or WIlt .. II • " pl'ogram was Judge .an service beginning wit h ' Church wbo has bllen contil1ed t'G hil Wa,nesville, J!8... Harvey Burnet l! hea ltb eomeJ! f\X1It, the e crItICIzed by oU; cl~s super~18or, School at 9 :80 a . m. J..ord's Slip. several WEeks, ~emaiD II about the and little grand-daughter, F ... ncl's doet.ors of d uti try must re· Da.led j;~lIlell\l) r 2 ~ bfl, 19~~ . Mr. Garst. SectIon D won WIth a 0 ~O Y ·lI8me. Whitaker total score of 622.2 %. Section A pet and sermon at 1 .:~I. ou are . • ___• _ __ ceive OUJ' wbole·hear ed ap· !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lwId a score of 6-12.7 %. The classes always welcome at thlS church. Mrll. Mary Robin.on, Mrs, SetGRANCE NOTICE preciation an~ co·operation. ena Kerrick, llra. Ellen Good and enjoy thE lie programs alld partic••• ipate in them with enthusiasm. ST. MARY'S CHURCH son Robert, of Dayton, were SunMaineville GraniC! wOl be at . Rev• .1. J. Schaeffer, Rector d~y guellte of Mn. Flol'Sie CareJ Farmen' TheBe groups. are to seled names Grange Sa day, Octto'%' their re pective groups 1I00n. Ninetenth Su nday after Trin a!ld family. 8, to put on program. Senior .g roup A will have charge ity, October 7. Churdl school I a ' , oftlcers will till the chairs ~ __ ... _J ~ of tbe next program, October 26. 9 :30; sermon a.nd Holy Commun. Mr. O. N. Lewis, of Indianap oUI the business session. (JU.TUYUiU. . ion at 10 :30. Ind., Mrs. H. E. Legler, Mn. Joe Let'lIl'ive them a hearty wele.ome .... aNf 19 White and daughter Kary Lenore 5JMITUllla_hip Brotherhood ----.~ spent Tuesday .a1tel'noon with Mr. WAY~ESVILLEj OHIO ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH The-following atudetlts ·were ap· and Mrs. .1. H. Smith; Alum (aluminum .uIf.te) i$ ~~~::====:;=::;===:::; P9inted . a s committees in the Father l-;~wton, Paator ulled to acidify \lOll for Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Rqbitzel, Sportllmanship Brotherhoo~ WOt'k l MaSI at St A9gulltine's Church and other acid Boil While R..e, the ·....nMr: and Mrj. J. D. Marlatt, Mi .. Membershil? - Bernard Melloh, every aeconci' and fourth Sunda, Beatrice Robitlter and Mr. Lou IPUla"l. d_.e GalOllne" Christine McClain, Frances Wat- f the month. Printz ·spent Sunday in. qnclnnati klns. ' the guests of Mr. -alld Mrs. John FRIENDS MEETING Sportsmanship for promoting Clary. sportsmanship- R"th Salisbury, . '. . FiHt-day School a~ 9.30 a. m. David Boger, Edna Mae Staup. MI'. and Mra. F. H. Miltenberrer Ways.Methods of encoura~ing lleetin, for WorshIp at 10:80 Mrs. Martha Jane Miltenbercer, sportsmanship - Cecil Hartman, m. .. Miss Nellie WatkiDf) and Mr, Milo Marjorie 1iArn.bart, Ann Crane .. Visitors-Providing hospitalit~ WAYNESVILLE M. E,. CHURCH Miltenb.rsel' .were Sunday villiton at t he home of · M,,; and. Mr•• O. for visiting spectators and receiv· Rev. G. ·C. Dibert, ing visitinr teams:-Mae Tread- ' Friday: ' Cboir practice at 7 :30 C. Ar\:hdeAcon .In Dayton. .Leo Conner, ' Juanita Bran- p. m.. .' . Russell Saliibury '~1l8 taken to .. . Sunday: Sunday scbool at .9 :130 McClellan hC)spital, Xenia, S.a tur. 'P ublicity- To boost the club ·a. m. Next S\lnday i ii promotion day, where he lubmltted to an and take care of advertising games day in the Sanday schc)ol, alld also operation tOT appendicitis. He Is I m,eet;jl\j~S etc.-JaI1e Cook, Dorothy the time for the new officers and recov~rinr nicely according to a Boll rne, Frank Hawke. teachel's to take cbarge: late report. ThEse committees held their firet Morning worship at 1.0 :40, the meeting October 3. They started to subject of the morniin g sermon Mr. and lIr•. · Carl M;cClure and work on their a8Signed duties and me, "Whatever, WhenEver, chUdl'en, Mr, and Mrs. Whitaker ot PI'operties need improveme·nt. received allvlce from tbe facuUy Wherever." D,Iyton, Mr.e. _Mary HeOture, pro W orkine~ need employment. .., Epworth League at 6 :30 p. m. and },frs. H. E. Hathaway and and officers. . with Inez Jamell as l,e'ldet. At thli Charlotte Rye enjoyed a picnic at We merchl!-nts need business, Of The Taac~.,. meeting we will also eJect t}J(l new ROBer'!! Oamp Sunday. Recognizing' these facts the govertlment is The teachers of Wayne Town- office1'8 for th~ cominr year~ Mr.. and Mra. W~. Bradlet enship 'Schools are planning to have .Evangelistic lIervlce at 7 :30 p, m tertained Mr and Mrs Geo .. conducting a campaign fo benefit all parties meetings every two week.s on WedJlesda~: Bible IItudy and Tenbuseh and 'Mn ~o: Jr. r of eoncarned, as well as to keep as many as Wednesday ~ven1ngs, bet:ween the prayer .meetlng each 'Hamilton, Mr. 'and Mrs. N: p'ossib le off t he relief rolls this winter. hours 01 four .and flv,e. .' at 7 :16 p. m. Crockett and lions .B illy .nd These meetings wtll conslst. of .• - ---and Mr. Jobn Bradley of CincinBy joinjn~ in this program you may ann.ouucement;s and other routlDe en Pierce on Friday. .nati, on Sunday. 1 Prevent further deterioration of existing bUI!1D6llII; brJef dlscussionll of Mr. and Mrs. Gin.lti'e arul family , . typical probl.em cases in the school of 'Dayton visited Mrs. M.argaret Mr. .• nd Mrs. Charlea Hartsock buildings. and Mr., and Mrs. Ira Bich visited and reports and dlscussioJls of p'to- Martin Sunday atterrroon. Avoid later increase in coat of .labor and fe8S ional, 8cientiflc and general Miss Kate Collins entertained relatives iii Bethel, Ohio Sunday. Miss Jennie Rudin, of LebanoD 1IDB'8c-hI'TnIctteD . . .......... discpveries which have or probably Mrs. Boswell and daug'h ter of Daymaterial. will effect instruction, interesting ton Sunday. . Mr!!. W. H. Madden alld Mr. Fred 3 Help kee.p down the cost. of relief for unemhelpful facts growing out of Mr, arid Mrs, Harrlf Settlemyer Grauman were Sunda,. .guests ".",-pla de" GoocJ~.., ployed (which all are taxed t'o maintain) and ' or periodical read· ancl. grandson of Orl~conia, Mrs. Mlu Addie Madden at "'_.....···..auq-;at.low eoat. A,aba.)'aU • .t current educational informa- Et~ McCrav and d.llughter, atld LeWisburg, Ohio. ...._~cIea1 the . . . 4- Have the satisfaction which comes from a and recent p~rtlnent school .. I . . legislation. Mrs. ' Shaw of Middl~~town oa kd Mr. Fred Devitt has 101d hla Oda....... Ia good job well done. On Thursday night, September on Mrll. Frank NickluiOD Sunday. ' property on FranJdiJl road to Kr. Producers /lod distributors are cooperating 27, the faculty of Wayne TownAbout 25' members of Y. F. II. Milo Beel. Mr. &lid 1Irs. Wllbu 1I.,ardae: ship schooJs enjoyed a weiner enjoyed a IIteak fry at the home of Stansbel'1'7, who occupied tbe Dewith reduced prices ·on materials. 1.....31 loast at Camp Ruth. The usual Darry Smith on Frida,r evening. vitt hOOle, have removed to the Why not make a close inspection right now of games were played and "a good Mr. and M1'1I. James Davi. and W, S. Graham In Fourth time was had by aU." daughter, Ruth, Mr. G. Morrow street vacated It, Mr. Howanl ".70 ".15 roofs, chimney, windows, weather boarding, and party of Dalton who have taken the former tloo~, etc. . , Wa'c11 TId. Space guests of Min home of M.... lonathoa lIabI. on Marne T. Brown Third eeet. You may call On us or your carpenter who . Watch thl. space for further Mrs. Fiaher of Deln~IEtr. '-U.U. . .lllU ill be IJad to go over your problema with you. Information concerning the trip to and Miaa the ObMrvatol')' on the Wilming. Xenia aIled on ton CoU.. ampUl Oft Saturday daJ afterllooD. niaht, October 18, at 7 o'clock. IIr. and lin. F. All eODcemed, " and be lIurpri.ed MulDe

. ecfi.




••III•• O.

"The Man Trailer"

"Hi, Greatest Gamble"



The Last Farewell



J. E. IcClure

•• I'", •


W.ynelville, Ohio






...... -*-_ ..i'....,






••• • STU ' BBS


Eigbty-Sixth Year

_ I!!S _~


Whole Number 618&


__ . _ _





Miss Clara Lile hall been very 1110 For sick with qllinsy.

Preliminary ID" .. ti.atioa

Of Sit..atloD

l\lrs. J. K, Preston spent Tues· WO)'1lelVille Dereat. Ma.on By • day in inci'nnatL

Miss Juanita Brannock attended home-eominl' at Oregonia Sunday.

Mis Louella William on ill con· fined to her home with the gl·i1l .

Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Murrell, of . Mayor A. K. Da.y, thlll week was· Lebanon, rlsited fl'i nda here Mollnolified that approval had been day evening. give~ Waynesville'sreques't fOT: Mr. and ldrs. Wilbur Clark spent funds to finance a preliminary Rllr- Sunday with Mr. and Mr.ll. P. J. vey looking to th completion of a Flory in Dayton. • ewerage sY.i tem, thus eJiminating Mrs. Walter Williams, of Kingunsanitary and unpleasant condition. that exis~ in tills community man, was a Waynesville visitor Tuesday afternoon. today. The grant, according' to oftlcial, calls tor an expeJlditure of apPfoJlli mat-ely $160, which will be used in a preliminary survey ot the local situation. Mayor Day. who visited FERA officials in Lebanon, was not infornled however when en&,ineerll would be available to atart 'Work on the Waynesville project. Need fol' such a IYltem in Waynesville bas IOfllr been advocated, and completion of the project wJthin the near future ..,oold mean the elimination of a nuWlnce that has long been a dark Bpot upon this community. Although agitated by reeidenta luny month. ago, the .ituation came to a climu during the past aummer .hen Dr. Edward Blair, Warren coun~y health commiuiont, recommended to council t/la. ~ liteps be taken immediatel, t9 limina ~ the -unsanitary conditions brought about by the antiqllated lJewerage system existlne in W,'l'neavllle. . SI nce .L .,.,at time counc,'I h as b Nn con9iderin~ the ptoblem, With the result that the request 'lila. made r cently fot PERA funda to complete a lurvey that 80me est.imate of the coat of such an im·




,--------~1,oQ 6qJ~rJl,




Mr . and Mrs. Russell Wil son ,were Middletown visitors on Sun· day. 1\11'. and of Route 3 brook.


Judge A. . Ri inger, of Eaton waR t.he week. nd guest of Mr. Elias Oglesbee,


Mr. and Mrs. H. C. ol e man, of Norwood. called on -rellltives here SundllY afternoon.


Mr. and 14rs. Matt McKinsey ond Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Rldre were Dayton vi81tora Tue_day.


Mr. a.nd Mrs. Harvey Plr1eitarcl and Mr: and Mrs. Leonard Tlnne, are .-pendinf a few days in tbe Eut.



__::::::::---.. ~-- ::::..;;;:_;~__

. StAre 1loU1£ 56.

~ -~~ - ~

Mr. and Mn. Harvey Pinckard, of Cincinanti, 'W~re week-end If"Ueats o! Mr. and Mrs. LeonaTd Tinney. Mr. and Ilrs. Raymond ColUI,e l' spent Sunday in Dayton, rue. of 11fr. altd Mrs. Ohll'lel EdwarcJI and family.


OlD u''''S r'\Ir', NrAn t. ..... , "'I/r, ICADS I'~ V\VI: J.bH U\vt: I..U'\ I:I-\K


@ STfJNDARJ) OILec. of G.t4nN1l'!~ Ohio

""I llIE


n. rU'u""

A IV'Uf"o rr f'1'V\U

lu.'1J'Ij1 r .. nI"

L\JvIwu I rKVI" """"" &::f'.KI.T C3tTTt.~S KEPT WATCH f.GA1NS'T £AVtG:. INDIANS. /SJ1ANCt6T£Q Al.'1J, ISlltE Bll<rn~ OF GEN.

"I nuUI ,;)MEKI'I/oUV.

..~ __ SoIwo~

Mr. and Mrs. W. ,Ii. All en anti Claude Riggs were ill Cincinnat: one day last week.



TU Cild1\)' evening WayneaviUe defeated Mason 6·2 in a grand ,ame. The fellows playeq "bang·up ao(t ball" and they deserve a big hand. Wayn esv!lle dl'opped a softball game to Springboro last Frida:f, ni~ht by a 'cor of 6 to 2. Our boy played a good game but tn.y were unable to turn back tbe strong Springboro organization. 'rh e team needs your support so plan to attend the game at Cal'li1le Friday. Also Wayn sville will play its IMt game of the .8 allon with HarV'eys bur~ 'on next Tuesday October 16. The game will be played here . ,T eaai.

Robert Allen won a boy's tennil MI'. and l\Il'~. E. C. l'ane and singles from Iiia contestant from children visited r lattv ~ at Nor- Kings Mills by a score 'ot 6 to 1 Dorothy Bourne and Phyma Colwood, unday aft rnoon. lett dropped their Slit in the arirla Mrs . Hannah Rogers is visiting doubles by a seon of 6 W 1. Mr. 1l1l0 "Mrs. 1. O. Cartwright and daughters in Cincinnati.


9JMMIT OF .'.......L.rJ.OMI .. I, AT

\.iN RCX)(Y I A, rN"<1rrn Ii/ LANVO II t:K, n'lS



pr~::~;\~~e~!:eb:et:~~::ken, dn~~ti:na~e~rs.~~l:n~ith' ~~~~ the govel'nment has olfered to Lanc's pareftta, Mr. and Mr .




.Miss Marjorie Earnhart visited ~rlends in Columbus over the week· d d tt d d th Ohi S t en an a en e e 0 ta e football pme. Mr••nd )Ira. Lee Lovely and family .ere guests 01 Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lovely and family Sunday evenlne.

fur ish all labor, and bear part of Ole material costs, the ~mainder of which would be finanted b, the municipality throu,h a municipal bond ipue. - - -- - -

James Drannock pent Sunday in Bell.

Th~ Break:fi Ids are installing a new h l\!8ting Ylltem in th e Twin s TheateT.

Mr. and &ITa. O. M. Ridre and Hi Emma Heighway were Cin. ~j nnati villitol'S Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Click and famlly were Sunday afternoon wiers at the home of Mr. and Mrs G. J. WaterhouBe.

I\I r ~.

to 2 Score;


Mr. and Mrs. Harty McGinnis The' 'following teachere and have Tcturned home aftel' a ' few st.\1denls attended high echool da:r weeks spent in Benbrook, at Ohio State Univer ity last- Satlll' d MI'1I. Mary Gilliam and Mi.s ay: Wahneta Hubble were guests ot Mr. James, Mr. Brown, lIr. Miss Lola S arl! FI'idaY aftetnoon. Qa t, Mr. Bodenbender, Mr. Bl'Od' dock, Mr. Crabbe. lb. and Mn. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Archdeacon Lot.z. Charles and Harold Andereoll nnd 80n Bobby, of Dayton, were Leo Conner, Orvill41 Perrine, Cecil Sunday guests of Mr. and ·Mrs. J . l-lartman, John Kellner, Robert H . S mll. . b ~-Hiatt, Charles Earnha rt ,Ear1 .,....u htlrt and Rl>beri De Jamette. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman .R oberts, Mrs. Earnha'r t and son Alton alao of Center-.:iIle, were gues of Mr. made the .rjp. Over twenty tho... and M}·s .. Hal'old Osborn, Thurs. and boys and girlll from vario\JJI day eVl\!nmg. chopis in th state ,athered fol'

INTERESTING MEETING guests V.M~:~n~~~,a o~a~int:i:;~ti~~e~~ :~~lld~::\:::ln~tte::!~:It,edo': of MilS Emma Heighway, on .fol·iY·lleven thOusand. The f.ature


Geofl'e J. Smith.

-.- - - Wednesday. of tho day was Ohio State'. thirtJ"Miss Iva Newwa.y's School The meeting of SatuTday, . thre~ to nothine victory over )In. Emma Barnhart and Mr. E. presented io pantomime by mem- _ 'October 6 will be Tememb red by Mr. and Mrs. O. R. UnJ:le8~Y Indiana. V. Barnhart of Cincinnati are 'the bel'S of the Wayne- Township local granger$ as a pleasant and spent two days last week. WIth gueeu of 111'. and Mn. R,alph Mother'B cLub an addreas by Rev. Mr. and Mr.s. L .. ~l. Garst spent profitable meeting. Mr., and Mrs. N. P. Blatt and . G..... Newa MilJer, thlR week. G. C. Dibert, 'a vocal Rolo by Mrs.. the week·end In Highland, OhlO. Maineville Grange, represented i amll y 1n Manchester. M Kath T M. F. Weltz with Mrs. J. B. Gons ·Mrs. Verna Kelly, of Springfield. by about ' 35 members were t~e Keller Roa'k . 'nd family and The perfect Jlpellen ton, rwa'aa the ?uo._t uo·rtn ehre~ °bfrotDhaeYl': accompaqilt provided a very pleas is the gueBt of her I~unt Mrs. Eva guests of Farm r Grange at thiS ·Mi. 8 Mon1mia Bunnell Saw WLl! DA}"S room for {he put week are. .. .. ~o ~. t th e ular M'il L' k t' EI/Sie Bogan, Bettf Braddock. program a e I er, tillS "ee . lme. . ' Ragerll in "Judge Priest" at Day· N LId D th D ill in-law and alatel', Mr. and Mra. .Tohn B. Gonl, Sunday. monthly meceting of the club, FrlAfter a short bustn~8S meeting tqn Friday evening orma ove y AD oro y ,.. Albert Elmore Martin, lOll day a1ternoon. Mrs. C. B. Chapman is recover~ du ri ng which Maineville officer. . gar. James and Lucinda Martin w.. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lovely were The flower bo,lf and pictuTe ing after 'an operatilon at Miami fill ed the cbairs, the following proMr. and Mr. ClaNnce E\lwards We hav 41 in our room. born January 3 1871, in Pike elinner l'Uests of Mr. and lin. Dan were awal'ded to Miss McKinsey Valley ho pita!. gram was given, jn ch~l'ge of Mrs. and daughter, Mias Reba, and M.l's. arc 26 boys and 16 &'irIs. We bave Miu Martha Deathtr~ of Day- Kathet'ine Barnett, lecturer: Sadie Conner attended the homo· (Continued Ott pee. 41 count,y near W~ver\y, Qblo, and Lave.lY at. their home in Bond Bill and MilS IReedet:'s roomll ~departed thiR life at hi' laome nul' CinCinnati, Sunday evenine. spectlvely. ton, Bpent the week-end with Mr. Vocal duet-~,ther Tu1t and Rllth at Oregon is on unday. HarveYllburg, Ohio, Septemb~r 2T, Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Gona, "Mr. Refreshmen~ were served by and Mrs. Ross H. Hartsock and R lld~:;ie'Aurelia Girton. Tne Warren ~u.n ty Groce1'S an.d 1984, at the aae 01 63 yean, 8 IIrl. J. B. Goni and their a committee cOTJ1p risin e "Mrs., 1. family. Tap Dance-Azalia Ann Hindman Butchers Assoc. labo~ held . th,8lt H. Sackett, Mrs. L. V. Branstratot, 1 thL b t months and 24 days . . J(re. Xathryn Turner, visit. . . Mrs. N. P. ClybUrn, of Washing- Reading- Dorothy Stock. l'sgu al' m~n . y lISlness . mee mg Afier the death of hI fathe, h. An~ient SUnday afternoon. Mrs. Philip LarrIck, Mrs. B. V. Piano Solo-Vir ... ene Swank. Mon~ay night at The Little. Inn. was lorced at the age of 12 to ' Smith, Mrs. Clarence Edwards and . ton C. E. was the guest of Miss .. 'make his own way ~ life, IIpend1nr Mines Tt:illen~ and. Ma,...ret Mrs. RUI,seJ Salisbury~ Clara Lile and Mrs. Anna Cad- Playlet b}' several young peo'ple, . Mr. Albert Shutts is in Lebanon Property turned over to the .taM much ot his early boyhood da,. in Edward &pent tlte week-end at - - ---- wallader on Tuesday. ThE: guests were then invited to with the family of his . son Joe, in trust by peUl)ne drawinf' 01111 the vicinity of Wa.,erly,' Ohio, but tlle home of their Jirother O. J. Mr . Anna Haines has retu.rned the dining hall where. a tasty who is in. th Blair hospital, reo age pellsion under the penaion ~w later ' made his bome neat London, Edwar~, and fa~1I7, near Sprineto hel' home In Lena, Ohio, after lunch had been prepared. covering after an appendicitis enacted a year ago In Ohio it .wI Ollio. field. ... operation. subject to state and local taxatio., a having spent a week with hel· At the a&'e of 26 he amliated • daughter, Mrs. Laura Conne.r. r,ir. and Mrs. Frank Thomas en. under t.he provisio.n of the law, A. Mr. and. MrL Elmer Sheehan, tertained at dinner, Sunday, Mr. D. Han y, investagator In cha~ himeelf with tile Preabytnian church at Tarlton, Ohio. Mill Rita LllkenB and lIelJlrI. Ed The annual Warren county corn Mr. and Mrs. 1. P. Larriek and and Mrs. Madison Enl'nhart and 01 the Warren Cou.ntJ Old Ae. 'On May 18, 1896, M • • Quit- and wm Lukens .re . cue. of hU8ki n e contest will ba heM Satur- daughter Lois Jean were guest! daughter, or Dayton lind Mr!.!. pen I~n offic., was miormed in a ed in marrlap tl> Allie Lea Drum. Mr. anel 111'1. Carl , Croll and 10Dl day, October 20, at the Willlon Saturday and Sunday of M'r. and Laura Sides. bulletlO reeelvet.! today from ltate To this union were born fi chUdren of FranIqin, Satu~ ..-enine. Harvey taI'm, loeated one D)i1e MI'8. Richard JohnSCID of Walton, Th e Friendship club met ' Madquarters conecting a prevlou. For..t, ~In~ Alliert and an. InMr. and Mn. l!!lmer $he~han south of Wellman, on the Wity- Kentucky. October 10, at t he home o,f Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Charl es haw and statement on the matter. tant lIOn, deee8l6d. · entertained at ' Sunda.y dinner Mr. l'IesviUe Clark8ville toad. ' Estellll Shs-ner with 23 members sons Jfmmio and Peter, Mr. Wil~ 1:he bulletitl from the state ollle. Hi, ~tter ~.1'11. were apeJ}t in and Ml'Ii~ ElllB ' McClure .and. ''The' co~petlti?n is open to ev· ba~~' ~~~. ~~~'iS:°~~~~e Rae:: :~: and se;e1'al villito~'$ present.. Jlam RII-es~, Mri!. Harg~ret BUfine11!01l0ws: . and around WIay,aelVille. B. baddauehteJ: of Spri.boro and Mr. &ryone 'r eslding In Warren county· S .{' B t f M d' '11 ,,"t DUTlng tne bUSiness meebng the and Miss ~aTgil!'et BLinnell of " Attorneys for the divis.l on ot aver)' pleaaant and forriviq die- and Mra. Walter She.n and two and the winn-er . will represent the e~ l:st ;h:rsgay w~tl~~~~. Lar~~~k 'c ommittees for 1935 w~re read: Dayt.on, were SundllY guests 01 aid for the aged have ttl•• position illwa,. t17incto Ipread aona· C-Ollnty In .the state, contest' to be and family. . . . Devotions, Mrs. A. H. Stubbs; Miis Monimia Bunn'ell. the old ·age pension law do •• not sunshine alone life'. path. ' . held in Plckawa)' county Novemfinance, MI;S. Chlll'les Anderson, . exempt frol\} taxation propertJ HiB health beean faUI ... 0111, a The Woman'l Aoxiliary of. St, bel' 2. Meas.n . Edwin and William Mrs. IrVing .Welch and Mrs. J oel Dr. C. Lloyd Strecker, Bupcrlll· turned over to the state in truBt II, few months aco and all ~t Xary'a Cburcb .ill meet at the _ __ • Lukens and Miss Rita Lukens of Stokes' Bowers, Mrs. Walter. tenc.\ent of the Ho~e .f or t~e Ag~o persons drawing pension•• Pie... earthly aid co-uld do Hemed to no home of Mrs. B.rt Harbock on SMITH-CAF'FERTY Pendleton Indiana were gueBts of Sheeha'n and MillS Irma Rich. at College , f:IilEI, ClOhCIn'hlltl,S sp~ e ignore previous statements on th. avail and be paued hom thil Ute Friday aftemoon, .O ctober II, at 2 Mr. and Mrs. Elm~r Sheehan over It wss votcd to have Ii reception at t~e M. . e urc, un ay matter." in the quiet of • cool Septemb.r O'clock. A :full attendance ia de· A . t -dd' I b t d the week-end. for Rev. and Mrs. G. C. Dibert to mornmg andMwas ~eCdinD~ebr gues~ ----.,.-... ---- - - ' mom. aired. qUIll: we 1I1f; wu ..ce e ra e which all the church will b~ invited 'of Rev. and r .~. . I ert, '· 'om·~maker. I . t hla I , at Hyde Park Community church, T.h e A t B .I CI b . , t fOb n • vi e eB V8ll 0 .moum ",~ , ! Mr. . and' .)(ra. Leo De.tach and Cincinnati, on Sunday . afternOODj t rta 'bl'gduSnot ~J:I 'afeh u . waSt Th,;, Will be an even 0 c-ta er Misses Mary Jo Miller, Mary 1 da°ell_r, .. famU of S .0 nil' wife, a IlOna, eld r d 'Se tembell 80, wh.en BiBho Leiter en e I e a u' ...J7 ",;,rnoon a 117 lD tJte chu~ch bll ement. . Leah Edwa(ds, Lena Earnhart, U y crandcbU4ren, 1 brotb.r, 1 lIe,",e. E D YUid ~~ , ~ Man ~th, I a th • 1 the borne of Mrs. D. C. Rld,e. The . The follQwmg lll'ogl'am waS en· I,.ouella William son Looise Ctane ug aiDa niece alld cOUlin and hoau of B',dy' f "Canl"- a.:. r ••n ra. m Ul illted ei 1I1,!.!.!__r- eerDe- InVited ~ests werl!: MrR. J. B. joyed during the social hour: t1nd Doris Hawke' ' Mrs 0 M fri d " , 0 lIe'lIlIBtl, ••re pe.b mony, u.n n ....... _e r. Gona, Mn. W H ,'-lien Mrs E · I J M . d'th ,. . . en I. . of Mt aii4 ¥n. .I It Presto d GeQfI'. Herman $mith paltor of . ., . . Plano so 0 .... . canoe ere 1 Robi\zer M)·s. E. F. Deppe and Warren County homfimaken wUl lIay his aentimente be well ex- famll'; over tll. w'eek..nd. n an the Franklin MethQdl:t . Epl8copal F. Depp.e. Ml'., J. B. Chapman and Recit,ation " B~bby Hastings Mrs. M. R. Weltz were l{uests at a begin their 1934.36 home. ·dem...~ prelJlled in , tile worde, of thl poet · , and Mias tdith Mart. Mlaa Ohve AlJen. Rea~mJF"" '" , Mrs. McClure shower given for Miss Beatrice stration program in October, yf~ Tennyaon. . ~tJtertDe Uld Oli,.. ,dauahtet otlih:. ,and ¥no SWldayaitern,Qon callers at the ReCItatIOn ............ yvonne Stubb Robitzel' a t the home of Miss ~ean a study of a di8tinctly Alileriean Suuet and' 'e••nine ltar, . ,n terialned on Suda" the . CafPe1't7, of Fra"klio,' home of Hr. and · Mrs. Elmer Vo~1 8010 ,.,. Mrs. M. A. ~ulk~rson nette Bab-r in Lebaoo!" F~Jday craft--that of hooked 'makiD•• And one clear call tor me, lolkiwini' ,.latlv. hom Da)'ton; bride was attired. in blue Sheehan were Mr. atld. Mrs. Deal"th D~lnty Tefre~h1l)ents wt e ~e;-e8d nj~ht. MI·s •. Baron D.a~1Il assllted' Miss Elizabeth Graddy, . HOlD. velvet trlJllmed in ,gold Sheehan a.nd twa dnughters, Mr. by the follOWing comm tteJ!. F r r· MItiS Baht 10 entertammg. .Demonstration Agent, atawa that And mar there be no moaniDr of 1&. anet Kn. Frallk L. Allen anll , th. bar, dauP-...... Mltb AtlCleraon, doth and carried an arm boqllet and. Alvin Ean[l.bart and son, H. E. Sath.way, Mr? F. H. ar" beautiful retlults may be attained When. put out to Ilea. 111'. &ad Mn. Waltler Allen ..~ of Talunnan tosel. . Alton, and Mr.. and Mrs. Cheater Mra. S. D. Henkle, MIS. Sh an er and Mr. and .Mrs. George BlInne~J, in his project at little 01' no coat. Vlqillla, aad lira. The ""emony wu witnelled by Croc:k~tt and d.u&,ht:er, Clara. ' ~rs. ~()bert Werntz. .M ~~. Nell.l e Bunnell and MIs. 1 Colonial women ereated ,mt;D, But llaCh • moYiIl. ElIIo" of Oenter,ille. " . and lira. Jobn F. - - EdIth ,OaVI(;, of Route 1 called on ,rugs of quaint and artistie ' d ••"" . aRleep, I. b__ tl . .. and Mrs. J01lah B. Mia. 'Notm.a L'ovel>: ~.ntertain.ed TH.E L1:t'TLE MIAMI the .great allntand uncl e o~ Mrs. but only aftel;' lIavinr odd bits of Too full lor lOud and foam, _ a " a10 their 'Pl......~' IOn Jam••, of 'FranltUn, Saturda,. alterDOQnln honor ·of , SCOOT TROOP Da~18 ana Mrs..., Bunnh,ell a.t Midland . outgrown ,armente and b~ cloth- ' When tut· wbicb frOID Ollt couDtry boa,_.oD til. Darto.·l.ebRamsey alld IOn her .. s.ister, Nody JI~Jl's birthd~y OhiO, last Su!'uay. ~ e great. .aunt lng, (lyein&' them with the julc. of. the bOllllell... 'deep . anOD .Pike, . . . . . Blaaehtt aad and Mra. anmverAry. The auest! · were! . ~TS. !ane WIlSon wdl be. nmety· be.rries, bark. and roota; alid ___ Tums aplll bom... l'-!rle U., ...e a lamOy 4liaaer Followin. the . ADn Me11oh, ltoaemary MulTht Girl Scouts met at their nIne I.n Dece',llber and th.e ~reat me for themaetn. the. cnadeet ..rt. . watia the 'oUowiq relatives pree. a".rtha and I'hyllis Mattin, club house on Monday, October 8. uncle Mr. UrIah HoeketJt, IS mnet Y of tOOIR e.ould th.y ..tart their TwUlrht and evena. bell, ent: lin. IlaW. Ku.... JIair, 111'L at her borne In Barbara Walker, Gladys Rye, The lieutenants took charge. be- one. B~th are' very ~el preser~-e.d "booklq" of tile de.i8u whlcla ADd after that tJie dart! C. Bulall, Mn. Will ....... lin a.d M.ra. 8allth ~eft O.ll a SbirJe7 Busick, Yvonne Stubbs- Ieause Miss Lile, leader, is ill. After for th~lr age alld enjoyed. the VIlU t they aketched .itll charcoal. Alld rna, tIler.- be no IIdn. . of BlI••ell, lin. Horace Sto. trip wit" A_nDle. N. C,. a"dlie Philllp., Marjorie Conner the uBual opening tht girls went to o.f theIr nieces and theIr great· Women of todaf oaD IDalte ,.... farew.U, . ·Herchel 811=, cd LeINtaoa dutillatlon. . and Don.. Jlae SiDllplion., their patrol meetings, where they great ne~l1ew and wife. . of IrJ'ftter beaut)- with the . . . . . WIaeIl l embark. .oJ lin. liar, , cd Wa,.... The brHk Is a niece of MI'. B. 011 .oada,. a eroup of latudied tree leaves. ~hen they Mrs. J. D. Marlatt entertained of colored ~ d ......... For ' tho' from oat oar bellne of e. . WUUaJuon and fa well ·bOW1a _ .....lton Robert p.lay~ soft ball until tIme for the . a slnall companf, Saturday evelliq tooitl whlah are a,..uaw. for \bile ad p.... Mr. .... tIlia colllJlllllli*,. I'1aruIIn honor ot birthda, t all~rmir (If tap" for the p1...."" of her IfaDd. The parpoee of tlsla The loocI ..., ....... tu. - - ~. Thoee w.... : ,~ - - dalll'h"r, KIBI "triee Rob'"er, ltud, II to teuIa t:t.. ..DOIW.... lilope to . . . , JI'IW . . . . t... UC&PTJOlll TO JlAITOIl Bardta aad ltoaaJd '1'ruII CCC EXAMS SET "ho18 ~..rr"'. to RaJ .Yohnaon, of of pod ..... . . . ..., ...... 'WIleD 1_" ...... ... ud lin. Joe Lehanoa, tak.. plaee this month. eo.... III Ioor :;';=~j~ -~,,_ ...... tilt Warren COllllty'1 quota of 2$ FoUowinc ~e elaborate four-I. - . . . . . to liar- lao,. filtbe CIIftlltt CCC contM!rip- eOUrH dinner the pesta he1lUlled ,.... 1~=~-_~;;,--'- laioa "eat to Clneinnati lut towell wbleh .e... to ~ 9, for their the proapectlv .".. eel ere





Date I. Announced For Corn Hu.kin

Mr•• Eltella Shaner Entertain. Club



J!t! Is

St dR·" M k-



tla... '



















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EEK E. 8\1 ,






nna E.. BiJl

~per, \I ! Lytl.. II Ob~ Ranl'J&' f o( Ban. a nd Do


.e Blue Ball CnaM'. e la.\. AS rreU. dec., u ap1Ja\1d Holmes, farmer. 1 IA ha. rove d f ~ C H Tb In tory of .M.J i ,r ad· u> an ft.. ' e J Imin ratris ot e te of lUry ooJJarct, e4. was appro.. ~ RoMn ul. r A R


- -- -


~::::e~!B:~ ~:~o: ~ La '~ HHn.~ F ~ I~o:' Su · ~. t:~: 61 g ae-:~d C7;'!~~~ aTd Co n proved, allo d and co by {f(



D t, a di- the c n.. ' nUf_ \"~I '13


. DLal!I (

iflll, admir.i.:tratrix

t~ te of AncSffW O"BanioD, HDlJring, the last two d cadet a di oree deu~ Fi • final and dinribtho by adm • 1I'aming hawe been wntinllan, ·ff. ' tive. ' N, to Ila.rT7 L. Boi"enaJlllS. inlo fro;n the u!le plolred ranks of ()u-o"'n out that we must rlfvite 01 lam . a Morn M lL tonebrabr, exec uix . '0. 16 in Le n~n,. " ~tllo alld I ree~i e c pensasoelal and econl/mie sy tern. lit g d' lB ' tor of e _tat~ of o~rt O. LttclJe __"ieboJ Gail , Thomj)l!OD tion Cso FERA 1ulld t'nder the but 'few if &.ny of th ammg. eotijiD. ~er, ~(_d. Fi anI! final. and . l\1e lat, 0 S.arrr L ter-!Il o.{ the A~l II year, ome have been heeded," Pen), L. d' JlITenec epbeuaon, x«tIwr of R enos iolo . '0. 1& in Lebo ' -(0,00 tltIemplolfed tue t' ..ere Green, Hiram, ,pre idellt, Ohio late of S. . U'PM D. de- anon.. e~Jo)'ed to promo ~ adDlt . BurKu ~ deration, wrlt1DIJ c...ed, ft and Frank Sc U. n aI•• t4 hlon UOII, tb u,c ~op;~ bad ne er In the cUl'Nnt ue of the "Ohio RallJe , Camp, admin' ratriJ: BnllD and !brie Braua. l 30 urea ~n drEat!led 01 in former Bure.o Ne ," olllcial pubJirl Bunc of, e ~ 6t Georte amp, de- ill Harlan 1owuhip. n. aceordin tel s:ta~ fa,rm rcation.. . Ha",lIIe .. n. Arbert L. B ell- ~eued. Final ~ d · riba,tive. nr"tJ eCra7 to W. S. It ece, bureau d5eial. BOlwe-ve•• nhrl), W ~t dld the demand of the Ray L. Fr Le, admin' atoT of et aJ., 64.76 aera in Harlan town. all of these onemJlllored teach~MI labonng mal) or llis organlutioo £cI atd N lion Arrnatomg, t, e te of amI) V. Fceue, ~e- ip. .e~e 1n c~rge of sc:lloole in the . mea? !ten he • ked for a work&>taiDtit! in ~or .... The State of d. Pi and linal Daniel Morgan, et ar., to Haria C!lles and only nl')t lIe", Were e:stab men: compensation hndt old age Ohio, ddendant In etrQT. Lbci~da Hopkj adm inlst.nt~ri1 D, ill T. Tea) tate in Turtle- I h d in mrsl &t'C io ,they re- perwoDl$, ~nemploymen~ ilI'UI1lDCe JIJI d Calf tty r by .p. of the estate of James A. Bop- ereek to ip. port. " and liltewue &be demand of t1:le pol. a e b., of the 1d.ieTa. Iti , dee aud. firet and final. Carl Schaab to Tom Bunn. rnl "'Thi year the I1rral people of farmer or real • tate o... ner for' Rend eo mlu..-e, W ta e the place J. ·f'. Zimme'J'lnalJ .. apopinled estate in De-erfield to D hip. bio --ill haye th .:ame advanta- !ower taxes on his prope~! Pres nt. b,. tlle deat 01 I. M. adminutrator ot ~ erta~ of A ~ Cora B. Andenon, deeued. to ges as their city coQ in!! in being Ident 'Green asb tbe question. KU , d , And :rued boad jnnie AndeMlO1), eat, 100.15 able to adlutt. chools in and tben an, ers it ihu : f~ lowina th de~ o-{ 411,000 it Qre ·ea. ThDIJIU aCN ill Harlan towMblp and Cler their OWIl neighborbood with the "D~'t tt all mean that some f nun" ere 10 nd pi~lY of tbt'fiU, William aDd Ed. mont COlint,. privll ge tor eturu,. unemployed part f oUr popu lation 0 'h er than flle h r agalD em lart Wet" aPPOInted appraiae,... Roger ompOrTO to Ed in Over, wachen tor lead t*hip who will re the b Ie produeers 01 our ulth d IIO~ and eo eh William E. Grabam, adm inlrtra- wa r •.real e in D rfield ceive th lr pay Jrom ERA fundl.' 1have. "been omewb,at ~llisb ,in 'I'll. o! OhIO VI. J oh n DM, Lor 01 the I.e of lAwrence E. 0 hIp. )' Murre)' D. Lin~:C)lo, execlJtiv hanng t e benefits of tlI I.bor! aJ 'fur Worrell TayLor , 'd cea&ed;' w psy ~ J. FI'aJlIt Tbomp&on to Mildred ctelary. of the 8"tate fann Thu. ~ tln~ the la-borer•• Producn ta « of Ohio va. Plet Gab- T. Rile, extra eomveo .tion the Ca.mpbell, inlot No. 19 in hys. or anUation . Mr. L ncofn returned .er, demandmg tbat when old age aref. aum (Jf Uf).. ville. this week [-rom a ~c()nfer-e/]c(! in or unemployment ove rtakes him The tate ~f Oh[o . Mib I p the m.altet- of the tate ot .Harry L. lones and Stella E. Wuhingt4n with o'/licia of the that the govemmeo~'Vid. a tepben C. Pbillips, deceased. JOM to E , G• .Jonee, real te Federal Emergent)' Rec()very Ac c?mpuJaory plan for earln, for BraJIdOb. The ta of Ohio IF • Cy Gra),. .49.96 _ .. allowed R~bert W. in HarlaD to1l'J1lhip. , where be ecQl'ed 'authority for hIm, and the. lanner derrUl;nding Alfred 0, Devitt to Lida Bt'411, thdum bureau 0 denJop plans thu utTao.rc!ln~ plan be laid to 10 tlte- matter o! Emmer J. Kun· BrI)Wrl a. compenqUon. ler, as receln:r of the Ha... ,.. FAI, lben H cht, adDIinlnrat4lr real tate In Warne township. to establ' the ru-t;aJ llebools. PI'{: rve hj 8ubmtenc:e and t~ lJura Naticmal Bank ot HatJe}'1- of th tate of Graee Recht, deThe plan of the Ohio Fa allar his tax burdenlL b q, application panted t~ ae- ceued, iiJe4 b' linal aeeollnt. Bil.. AIIo..... Bureau call f OI! a commlttee "We aU r~o~ni Ee that indiYidQal uptiq bcnIet William Dare .. as appointed . 14r. Howard Sa yer Kn'iee8, each coullty to help find uitabl freedom of action ' a sacred ri~ht I- .... eaae of ,arion A. Coole: prailfr of lhe te of CyntbJa $1: Mn. Steni Ke)}y••e~ce, ,7' teache" among lbe Dnemllio ed preae,;"ed for the benefit 01 the ft, Rotb t... Cook, a divone wu Jan. CIIlllvel', dee_d, i~ tile , Cand' H:JIIler. eerv:k • '6; 'M ...: their respective CJ)llnU , ~nro1J Amencan. J1eople. None 01 us wl\o ~ tJae plabltlfr. plac:e ot WUJum A)'ea . Hele-n DOQ« ervicea 41' pupils, decide wher! ~DOJ, h II lIave tbe Inte1'e$t.l of ~be Ame:rlcan Ia t matter at thfl Littl, lIi}laurice H. O.-ald, e:ncutQr of IlP'll. Ita E;ltnolb' niceJI' 46: be, establislled and e.,rovide fa~' people and ollr American I' . .I Co~anq Diatric-t all «11- the e tate of MIU7 HOt.JiIl, d-e-)(n. Lillie rton' Hrvieee,' $10: liH lor cJau .ork There . ,..m ment .at heart 1I'001d alit to do tn. terM by thil e~llrt In the ceal4d, filed hi.a 1I:rst and final ae- Mr., Maode De~rdofr, tervices: no exp 1\ tor e;nollment. AJ>- anythmg to . e~ang! or diCN altne e&M are hereby ncated. eount. U"1.50· The JobDlIOn-WltIoo Co plieantl mu.t be ovtlr lixt-een ell that PJ'I:nClpk! many lIenl Cllatla B. Dt!eban~ linn authority 'I'be ICheclole of deb. of James Ft!derai Land Bank Forma l or ~: of age. Eac.h el m meet w.~. to f"OUr all ntriea. . Ward, executor of the utau of · corder, ,t.60; William Bufford houri, OQe evelling • w~k. " Howeve.r, IS It not the detllJ'e of TlI «! . ot Jam.a. E .. Burke ... Laura E. ard. deceased, w ap- brill, stam~. $3; Gtor~ KiJlee~ In ol'd I' to I'eacib the grute the ~mencan peopl~ and tbe m ... II. ,Burke dllJll d 'Wltb- proved, • em !reicht. $117' Ohio Pen number 01 peoplf countit!a will Amencan larlJler we ahalJ, "lit record. • Walter :Kenrick, ad~rator ItUr• Sat_ DePt.,'1Oa 1160: probably orgalliz~ units of five througb our, fa~ opnizatiol'll and In tit of hmlle Ria'hftll, of tbe HtaW of Perry E. Kenrick OJ'qonia BridCe Co P~ont;" t cia ' all of wlliCllb will b . other organlzatton. help w prodUCe • 11 m'A.t. bl J. W. JolllllOn, her deeeaeed, filed hia Inventory. bridge '199 ' Oreroriia"Bridre chare~' ()t one teacl~er An e ~n general Jegislation alld ~overn faU.e an.d nut friend, Y\!. Ed",in In the mat~r of tlIe fttAte 01 bridge' matetial, '16.86; Gulg Re: adults or mot'e fn • ru;,u co!tDlQn~ mental eontroltha" will" a.1e,uud. 8. BidltJl the ddlinclant it arnt Stella I . Bo:otb, deceaMd, diat~- f\ninc Co oil and p.a ,336-7 ' tn ity cali appll'eation and ob In a ~ner.1 way, certani of the ed 20 da7lill wbieh to plead. bution ot funda .. ' ordered.. te'l'naUon~1 Harve teJ'1 Co: '. - tain. techer lor: an 'd " uneth!w and un~onomieal .nd In the UM of arion A. Cook lial7 Oliver, admin' tiatl'i-x 61 and bolu, ''l.U; The Ci;;cln~ 01 study. '11 ellfed u~clal PJ'OUdur~ that have beeQ ... .Ruth L, Coo'll. amended e.ntr'J the ntate of. Sarah Beckel', de- Oil Woru Co.,.... $4.9$; The will Qe' reeolllmendt'd d~:;:,~on u dunng the lalt few .... filed. )loUon IWltained. De- ~. .d, tiled hel' InYe-ntory. Western Star advertiiill&' ,22 a perm.n,'n\ intereJtt d " • fendant to appear Thumlay, Oetc)Thomas B. FOfItet w.. .appOinted 20 E. B. Thld~ield . ' Son ~.. rural Ijj;e creati .... an We. eal!. thtougll OUl' atrt'4t fann 'Jd to .~" e8lalUe 1fby .abe adla.minllltraf'rU-ot-the law and Jl:rinciplea ';hfct'-h orcannatlon: Green • 11 DO~ pan bW for coo1;. Yo ter, deeeuta, and fiJed Dayton safeguard the rights of .ociet . an . tempt of coart. ' bond of $1,000 wilh IItlretiH. Had Harv and au blilhin, a foundation I y, . 111 tbl5 country wbich Ie th. cue of LilJiaJI G. J[eoud7 Georce Cutler, Ed. Knockenbauer 8tone Grocery fo~' the hope that the entire nati or d In ~very rerard superior to ... Chetrter A, Keluutd,* " diYo:ree .nd Herbert ]\OClII. were appointed '88; Ebner CoU\.u food '9 '66-' E' may more- quickl), bare in t~~ evelo}>ment of any sodali'tic and " 17811Ud the plaiJIt-itr. appralae1'l. D. ThompllOn, eup~li~II,' H: abundant life. ~~~~entalJy operated or regKartba N. Bourb , executrix of A. HaUH, tood, '12.50; Carroll'a -. b: ahle ~:~~s iet-up. We 8ha11 Mew 511fb tu ea~ of Charlel X. Hou,h de- Store, load ,3 j Colem.n', !4arke~ tl . ' ,h • great cqoJlena~ , Nh,a J[elJl. wersui 'IT.ber K~JliI c+ued. AJed her ant and ftnal ac- food, t9; G. R. ROlllman • Co Ve lD!!Urance M ,t -up in tilt. for dl.Ol'et. C1Iarre 1I ,ro.. nec' CO\lllt. . food, U6.60; Dr. John on medj~i ,, ~ount~y, nc J to control a balance of leet of dut)'. I..eJIIl M. Ironl, I'~ardl~ of Her- aeryjc~, '16; Joe Hine~, {(lod, er::o it: powe~ and tunJi II Tb. 'tnt-Huon Bank verma Ie~el J. IrQnll"a mmor, flIed her '12.60; W. W. Cline, food t62.60; ratH 0.1 caplt:al at ll>~ tta II. InUer and Charles C. ilU- inYeniory. . . ' W. W . Cline, food, 17; Herman bus' whIch ".11 domInate ley 11>1: moneJ; foreeloa-un and olh- ' The estate of Wilham H. Monu rnedieal aervke •• $27; CoJl!nll Grof lDeu operati~nl of oar flO ttquitable relief. deeeased, i,. e~emPt from inM!it- ~ei')', food. $6; Ruby Van R'jer -a"fm population.' anc.e tax. . . food, $7 i Bercer'lI Grocery, A ~ou~ 211 persoln.l Who took out • - • Pwoa,at. c..l't CherI.. Fitta, Jamea ' ~'hdner $'7; Herb lioppe, food, ' 50' appJ~catto~ blanks fOr old ace and P.e-rry RamlliJ ' ~ere, appoipted ~,e MldlandGl'ocery. Co. (~od' pensIons JD Warrel~ County never ' O. W. )(ortls, administrator of aJlpra,aere of the utate of Dalondo $9.I5Q. . " filed them, aceordllDg to a stat4!th. elltate of WiUiam H. KcrrrilI, StanlelJ Thl"~kmort4>n; dec.ealled. • '_ • ment made today by A, D. Haney, • 'eeaHd, ftlell Iilll flMlt a'lld Anal ac Tht adjudication and detetrnjna C p och.c • investigator in cbarge of the old, .ouot. tlon of the inheritance taX on ibe .... r ~age pension office for this county. ;1(. Sellen, admlnlatra- estate of B-enjamin B. Blah, de· In the y~ar8 following the last "All of ~he8e pe~ons tailed to 'tria of the ..tate of Lue, D. Smith ceqed, wu ,Iven to aU perlon. ,ln- aeven drouth, eorn production has rue applic:atlOns bec:aute after the, AalOCiot_ T.U. of ', cleeeaaed, Aled her Inventol'7. tere.ted. " . rison an average of 49 por t had secured the b~,ank. they were ' The Inventory of Bert C. HartJohn F. Dooley , tiled bis appli~a~ Acrea,e ba8 Inere..eiJ 7 per ccoenni not ~Jjg!~le und~r ita terme f~r Fillai... i. V........ .oet, admini.trator pI tbe eRate of tion tor appointment of a &'Ilardlan alld acre )'ields 39 per cent. , pe~,810n, Invest!gll!t~r Haney ~ld Wort. ' Wll, w"...EI.

crne- I



-r: i:










__ ..

~ Grove __ . Rev. J U()n BJddl cum lilt llnll ~d F i d I r en five )'hU Ill' t"If lit Richmond Indiana la,t. W l!k. Xari Cook and brother " Bud" and Iri ndl, 01 TJppecano Ity, were S lln<iay calle,.. at thl' h0l11 ot K. E. Tbompson wit Il'ri,d dallptu lCatbleen. M' Mari, Well. 01 thll pia lIpent the w ek.end with her .hlOOt Mn. art "Roberta and family nc r Kingman . . lurphy, of Wellman, call d on K. E. Tbompson Saturday motn


The many fri end8 of Mra. Bv lyn Sam of thill plac ~II be I d t.o know that he Is much impJ' ved "t thb wtiti~. Mrs. K. E. Thompson and dlupter abel spent Thor8day afternoon with • ary All n in LebanoD, Ohio. Dorothy, Ina .MI and Little Alta ells of tillS place e lied Oil Kathleen ThomP80I1 alul'day afternoon. Ed cGinn, of Clar viUe called 1 K. E. Thomp.!\01) Friday evening. The man)' friends of L. D, Chiles of Wayn. iDe will e 80rry to learn be • quit~ poorly at thi. writ-inc. We all hope f or a speedy and permanent reeoyery. The McKay familiH spent Ul)~ da, at Doyer, Ohio. iIe Opal L. Lewi. (If near Wellman', called on Hi Kathleen ThomplIOn Sunday morning. Josbua B~elf of Oregonia. ancl Rev, WliUs ~arvey of D.yton, chureh he!'e on last Sunevenillg. Wmis Harvey IBnl picked o~ his guitar many beauUlIlJ IeJectionJ. Orlando Brannall andwiJe and Mrs.. Kary Dodge and daugbter, of X~llJ&, spent Sunday afternoon Wlth K. E. Thompson alld lamll),. The Coleman tamily,_ of \Ven,entertained company from on Sunday. J. Murra~ and wUe att~nded home eomln$" at Oregoma on I~t Sund.y. . K.~..ThollJP.on spent Thursday CoMll'ln and Wa}1lesville. - -- - -










~~~~~~=~~=~~~~=~~~~~~~~==~ . ~~~=~~~~.=~=;=~ ..






















White ROIe--PowerbeI hind the .nl ne.

ROOT FOil AND CONSIGN rour (J.We, bop, 11I••p and calv. to Nor:rle-Broc:k Co., Uy. wke _4 prolNlflvl firm hr tJa. Il..... market price' and .1004 ..riIM. U.loD Steek Ya"'" C'_I._", O. Tun. In 011 Radio Statioa WOJt~ 11 :28 to 12 :80 p. iii. lor ollr &taU, repol'tl.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,.,._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , ~3



Walda Ropail' '."Ic• Pricea Reasonable Beads Restrung JEl1l'elr'1l Repalr.d "THE HOME OF GinS"





Rally Day wa.a- oblewed at the ' • • . • E. Sunday ~hool, Sunday. Mra Fitsguald and sonl How~" atd and Diu, Mrs. Addie Compton WAYNESVILLE, OHIO and ' MW\ Katberine Gri1llth of Phone 80 Buit BI". Dayton enjoyed a motor tnp throulJli Southern Ohio, Sunday. Donald~.. of tcc camp at CleariieJd. Ky., was at hie bome OVer tile 1I'~ek~nd. •• and lin. Luther Lumpkin petta of relatives at Pittebur~ Pa. Mr. and lira. C. D.' Miara enter. tained aneral '-tan Telatives to dinner on Sunday. You will eojPJ tlle "Plain Sister" play at the Hiah Sclaqol l)1lildin~ on Frid~y nilrht of tills " ..~ lira.. liar)' Lemar it viIIltinc hel' -alater lin. Welden Heller near


F T Mart.-n '


Centerville, Ohio


lit. and Mrs. Ra-y Bl'eakaU hav moved here, from Xmia. e _ _~ _____ ~ ErQai_

Phone 78J


- "--,

The~~d~~~ all over tbe atate. Ia«:cordlnr ,to in"'- - - . - formation I have rl!ceived from M. New facta of intet'e at to HE~DERSON L. B:row n, ebief of the Division of growen are detcribed in a IIIIQrARY PU.LJC 0 lthe proceedings of tbe ~ot lea than ,128 billion pounds Aid tor the Aged o,f the St,lte WeI. face Department.'; " Da.1 ~eetinc ot tile Americ... of loll are removed fr()m fanna in Mr. BrowlI bas woed a special Aaaoclabon ot Vece-table ' tbe United State. each yen by loil bulletin on th& su,bJect to eounty jU8t, publilthed by H., D. Brown fio .. D .. _ • • 2 ..... S...... investigators, ahO'lllllng tb e statu. Worthinl{ton, Ohio, aeereta1')" • • • WAYNESVILLE, OHIO IOf the work ot tlle pennol! divl- the, uaociation. ' NQT1CE OF APJIOINTIUlNT Ilion al1 over thel atate -up to An artiele by H. R. October 1. He "),11 In part: enid .,l'onomiat of tb, . , , "Since the Divillion ot Aid for Auociatioo, Estate of Samuel Butterworth, '0. SAU DATil CALL the Aged sta~ , oper.,ln.r tbil ' . and moat dectin of De~uecI. summer apprOXIOI.-teJy 120,000 plYllW fertilizer to weetabl.. Notice II hereb, liyon that person!! in the 88 I:ounties of Ohio to appl, it in banda at the lide Butterworth wboae PoiR U , ' h.ave made appllcationsfor pen- the row. and alia-btly deeper than Addre.. Ia Wa1DuvUle, O~o 81on8. , ' seed8 orroota ot trans !anted dul7 appalollea as Ad- , "A survey Octlober 4,' ebowed 8eedlinlrl. ' p , mlbJltrator 'WItb tll. lI'Ul .nnexed that a total of about 60,000 c.... Smalley showa that It il Inad of the Estate of ~mu.l Butterhave been d.lsJ)osed of in s,ome viaable tG mix the fertiliaer wo~b tate of Wa~n COll.DtJ'. JE•• E .TOUY , manner, and that there are about . lOiJ. , ' ., OblO, dlCeaaed. ' . . . . . .D. It_ ••rD..... ow. 7 0.000 ~88es still/I waiting inveatiDr. Charles Chupp of Cornell de b Dated thlt Uth daJ of Septem" , .ation. , , .' scribes hill expenmenta 1I'itll er 19"_ The ,6 0,000 ap~plieation blan:D copper oxide as .. lun,le-ide. R4LPB R. C~Y .. " dieposed of are alecountedfor u treatment ' IUeC_uUy Judie 01 the Prob~te 'Coun follows: dampin, otr dieeases of &pinacb. Wanell 0011l1t" QlIio O_.ON ...., "Tw~nty.flve , tIllollland persona b~nli, peu, beets and earrota. . Who took out hlarlks did not for~ Copper oxide ia almost Intolubl. ' ;: maHy file them after worken had and is "annl,u to moat leedt. ' ~O'I'I()lC GF &J.ECTro O~ TAX '0tie over ~he blllnlcs with them He reports allo that I.I!1VY IN UCES. 010' T8JD and applica,.b learned they could bJight is e:auaed by th" UN' '....1. LUIIT-4TJON not with the ellglbllity term8 of the cucumber mosaie viJ'u L pension law. 111 a lilt of inaecticldee 011',.1'11_1 DU1'eu.nClf, I'OIt .AU "Approllimatel~ 12,000 penon, proml.. U lubatitutea f()r have beu ~rtifted tor pen.lortll eals, Dr, L. C....r of ~..elph. FOR SALE-Keiler pan. C. •• The total payrOll is not '180,000 ~.o, lieu derrl., pyrethrum and a ~onth. , barium fluosilicate. . Michener, Wayneavll~, 01110. , About 13,000 a plic:ations "ere ' Symptona ot etarntloll tpr FOR SALE-Wand paper 'I n tefuled after inY~lstlcaton diu.plertlIker .Ielllntll are ducrlb rolla, Paper Napkin.. ,..11 aIM proved them, or the .pplicanta by I. C. Ro"'o of til. Oltto Paper PIa,te.. TIM ......1 aunt.. voluntarily their appll. Acrfeultural Ezperime.t Station. :~~...l~m~!!!.~!,!)

L. M.

St!InIey I KoogIer'







Thla recotd three ID01lthe


leuh. 1rI'iMIt tIli.,.... . -·than ero.... Nltropn ItarYedad pIMa the 811. tarn anP to ,eUowIal III


ofIeu '" In '!'he biouoa ....,.. . . . ., eo....I_1 .Ja.. ..Itat

lli=i=r.~ -=


·-::......•.c' - -;.T

THE MIA I GAZETTE ---------------------------ISSUED liVERY TBURSDA.Y


SalIM".".. PrIM. f •.10 a Y_r III 'lCnt.reel at Po.tottle. at Wa),nu.

.......... ,

oa.. Pr.... .. ............,...... III.. .......


.. ... ,...................... N •. II.

Oblo, .. Jlecnnel CIIl.. lIall Matter

OCTOBER 11. 1984


Da vey, Good Does Martin L. Davey take hie ideas for governrMnt from Ruey Long, the reckless and descredited bO$s of Louisiana? Tho thought is provoked by bis llrl)miset! as lurtl lor votes. And by his ' utter disr gard for advise of his party leaders. who ,roundly @p nked him in the party convention only a few weeks ago. Mr. Davey, the tree specialtst, with a total lack of knowledge on public finance, is already on two sides of more than one highly ~on· trovenial issue, promising aid to both sides, expecting the people of Ohio to name him g:overnor and then hoping he will fo.r get the othcl' promia s he made and (10 their bidding. In th.ia role Davey is entirely humOrOUS, that is, as a straddler a~d promise he is highly cultured ae is Huey Lan", the Kingfish' of Louisiana parishes. But the business of government is serious and this is no time for a promi er. Seasoned minds that think straight and act judiciou8'l y are needed. Obio has not in our day, and probably not in iu history. witncsse,d .uch a con um'mate pro miser a8 Dave)'. Tne peopl have n right to \plow before electien day just how Davey will art out these promilel aqd upon w.hich ground he will atand. Th 'rt and not until then will tbe electorate be able to determin wbat he means. , Ohio will not elect a barebae~ rider who attempts to ride. two nalCs headed th opposite direction.

have been appointed b, the tate e-ommittee and mo.t ot these eommunity chairmen in every area throughout the IItate hav" now ap· pointed their local com,mitte8fi In cllnned!on with the co.rnplet!on of this all-lITlPortant surv y. ThIS aur· vey is being made on a purely public.spiriteo basis "ith no s~laries being paid to any officers 01 any membtll' of any of the eon)mitteee. The officer of the Ohio Executive Committee are as fallows: Chairman. Emile E. Wat; vic chairman, Mrs. Carrie S. Moon~y; secretary, Hon. George S. Myers, secretary of stale treasurer Hon. Harry S. Day, treasurer o~ state. Among others on the committee al'e Govern()r .G eorge White Attorney Genel'lIl Jobn W. Brickel' Lieutenant 'Govel'nor Charles Sawyer, State Auditor JOB ph T. Tracy and Hon. Carl V. Weygandt, chic! Justice, Ohi o upreme court. A total of 37 of the most prominent men and women throughout the state compl'ise the ExecutiVe Com· mittee.

r, B.Ii_. ".pro...



Don't stake the balance of


life a,ain.t • possible IIlvlng 01

minute•. , Drive carefully I This II one of a aeriel Oof Salet, Subject. relftsed by Gov. Whit4 tbru O. W. Merrell, Director oj Iii.h"".y•• five

There are deftnite indications of recovery in the retail and ""holelIalc grocery and meat business in hio, according to statistical sur. vey made by the national food and Governmmt Will Purc .... e Foddel' lP'ocery distributors' code authoriand Stoyer ty. The survey based on answers to Locally queries received from more than 2700 wholesalers and retailers in Ohio. The urvey showed th r wa I In an e ff ol·t to pt'ovide '!orng(l COl Il. 24.2 loss .in the ind~p ndent re- , foundation het'ds on faf1l1li in the tail grocery field between drouth belt, thll ·A A A iw promoting ) 9 29 and 1933. Which hilS b en ' a corn f~a~I'cbaRin offset by an 18 per cent increase in j Warren county is allntted 580 tons volume of busine s from 1933 to Iof the 31i,0()0 ton Ohio quota. thEt present month of 1934. In tlte Prices offered for the !ltov r nre chain grocery t1~ld there was·a 1'e- $ .00 to $8.50 a ton shredded and corded 9 percent increase in 1 baled. The price for whole stalks vol u,:,e of business and a 25 per bailed i ' $7.00 to 7.50 a ton. ent !ncrea~ of sales in the \ holeF odder prices are $ .60 to $9.00 sale grocery field. shredded and baled, and $'1.50 to • ~•

World opuaal:aon

Totals Two DiDion


The total number of people IIvm. Jr the world on January 1, 193J, wa. 2,040,000,000, according to an uti. mate rccciltly completed by the ' Statistical Department of the Amer.ican Ttlephone and Telegraph Com· pany.

The number of telephones in ice in the world on the




figure up to approKilTlale!y 33,4OQ,0(XI. Conseque ntly, there i5 an avenie of one telellhone for every .ixty-OI\e perION in the world. • -:- • Greatest shortage of hay Is in the north central states, which nor· ma])y produce hal! of the to_I cvop .and most of lh comlllercial Bupphes. ~~~~~==~~~~==~

$8.00 for tha whole stalks .baled.


To sell his forage to the go v- White RGse- Power beel.' nment a farmer must do four hind the en,lne. th ings, according to directions rcceived at the office of the ounty' Full illf filiation was received . Agricultural Agent. He must sign lllst w ek by the department of a contract. He mu t notify the agl'icultul'e concerning the second County Agricultral Agent when ('xtension of the corn loan plan. Hudun, c-,t~b ..,.d Educ.tional the forage is baled and l'eady for This new authorization extends the ship ment. He must load the bale ' Exhlblh Fe.ture on ears at his local station. COrn loan privilege to July 1, 1996 from Jan, 1, 1936, with 55 cents Event Ten tons is the smallcsl amount th e govtl;rnment will purchase on per b\lshel for eligible corn BlI the loan basis. Quantity of corn may Sh.rp I_r•••• la DeatJb R.te W 'th 1 f 11 I 'd contract although two farm ers mllY I pans care . u y III , a com- pool their forage to pl'ovide this be determined on a crib measul'e· Increase in Ohio'S deatb rate is t 1itLee. of 3~0 Plckaway county necessary amount. ment of 2'12 cubic feet per bushel. All forage will be in~)1t'cted at Loans may .be called PI'ior to July noted by the State Department of fa~m people 18 preparing to enter1, 1935, if and wh n No. ~ cash Health. Deaths increased 1& a day tam a crowd of ] 5,000 farmers the car door by a federal inspector Should the forage be uncalled corn shall b quoted on th" during the first six month!1 of 1934 November 2 at Darbyville, wh~n Chicago Boord of Tl'aqe at 86 ?ver the sam.e peri.a d of 1j)33, rail· the fi1th annual corn field day \\"tll for, after a contract had be n ~ign ed, the farmer will l' celve th e cents or more. The interest rate is mg the death rate fro~ 10.9 to be held. 11 .6 pEr 1000 populatloon. The The farm of Mrs r W. S. Carpen· sales' price callcd for in the confour per cent. number of deathe reported for the ter is to be the scene of acti,v ity,' tract. Thousands of hio people were Ji/:st half o~ this year :was 40,683 Hlls king c.ontests again are plan A quantity 01 applications for attl'acted to Norwalk this week compared with 37,705 for the fiMit ned Rnd sponsored by The Ohio contracts has been received at the elaborate hu.lf of last year. Farmer, farm publicati()n. The 1 office of the County A~ricuJtl'al beaause of that city' celebration of it 126th ann iver· Fewer. pel'Sons committed suicide agricultral extension ervice of IAgent. White Rose- Power besary. Of historical interest i the however the .n umber dl'appi ngtrom the Ohio State Unversity is ar· Stover- is defined as e.nti re har- hind the enllne. The Ohio !tate University Radio Station-WOSU fact that Norwalk was the capital 660 to i77. Homicides dropped ranging a series of educational vested corn plants from which al' 8:00 Music of the old Firelands district. This from 247 to 228, whHe 16 graves demonstrations apd exhibits. only have been removed before 8:10 Logan, Chief of the Minl'oes ... , ......... " ........ ............ ,II. E. phase of th~ celebration is featured , were dug every day dUrin@: the first Contestants in the husking con- baling. Fodder is dldlned as lh en8:20 Ohio's Record of Performance Program .. .............. Edward Amiet by t~e "MaIO Street Mu eum," dis half. ot this .year t~ ~e~:eiv the tests will ~ limited to the win· tire harvest corn plants from which 8 :30 Music playmg endless valuable antiques. />o(;h s of aCCident vlctlmil. neTs of 40 or 50 county contests n6 part has been remov d befol'C 8:4.0 Home,. Sweet Home ._ . . . , ...... ........ ............ WOSU Players A home-c oming. banquet was featscheduled for the latter t,wQ,weeks baling. . . 9:10 R ourcefulrte in Hom.e Furnishings ..... ............. .. Ruth Prewitt ut'ed TlIe8d~y night, lind T~lIrBday Co~t of'Food Goa. VIP in October. The winner of the state • J I 1A . I A ti 't' wa set .a tde as governor s day, contest, in the set.nding COI'n divis E . tar t fi I 9:20 Reportmg on tne Year 8 Vocal. ona gncu ture Rc A VI tea ... .. with Governor White AI>Pl'OXlcllltely tat . x~erlmen II s ofn( the cow's Howard. . and the- two . . . . ·s three per . cent· . Ion will r~presen t th e s e a t a vitamin C content ..... , .. .. . ..... ..... ...... ..... ...... ................... . • c~ndldatell who deSire to slIcc.eed ~nc.~ea~ In the bcullt .o f f~Od !II OhIO national ~ontest early jn November feed inftuence the amount of this !) :30 Mu ic hflnn as Hspeakeri~' The Not:W'alk Re. . udt~ng de~tem etrte°ver t ~~guBtdwbas There III no national contest for vitamin in the milk. 9:36 Imprea ions Of EngUeh Horticulture ,." ....... ..... ...... J. H. Gour! y ector· erald slJUed ~n onu8ua1l1 to lcate .lD a s a J!len ~8sue y huskers from the 'shock. 9:45 County 4.H Club Council ....:............................ . Claire Hummon larR~ and well. !lIustrated special R~te Reltef Headquartl!rs. The A new feature this year is a de ,!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!oro!-'!!!"!!!!!!!!~~~!'!!'!!!!'!!'!!!!'!!'!!!"!!!!!!II!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anmversaty edition. pnce of pork and PQrk products monstration 01 the most efticient sh~wed the largest jump. Eggs a.nd use of fam power in plowing, with Without any fanfare of any sort dairy prodqcts, wlth tractor and hOl'se drawn imple· Ohio's most dignified governmen- w.heat and cereal, were slightly ments. A livestock feeding demonstra. tal hody, the Supreme Court, re· hIgher. Potatoes als,? m.6st of the sllmed its labors in September. vegetables and frUlts 1111 season tion assures a cattle and bog show The figure show that the wOl'k of were lower in Septembelr than in · It h~ planned to present an . analysis of the farm adjustment the COU1·t is steadily increasing. Aug.ust. CIting pllee ave~agel! in four programs, showing their influence COLUMBU8-A vitally impor· that we cannot wage an effective The last year 'h as been the heavie t tant and much needed work ls be· and intellilen't combat against this in its entire hi tory of more than ~rea&---:urban, sernt·urba a, rUI'!lI- on cropping ystems and efficient mdu trial and rural -- rehe! farming operations ing performed by the Ohio Exacu. dt"eaded dlJeue in Olio until we a century and a quarter. A to.tal authorities declared that ave ragA! .. ' _ __ tive Committee on Spte Sllrvey of posselS the facts wbicb it is the of 936 matters were filed, and the prices Cor the rural area we,-e the Infantile Paralysis. The personnel purpose of this sur;vey to ob~ic. court disposed of. 193'. This rep470. Yeara t and the lowest for the ot this Executive Committee it The State ExecutIve CQmmlttee resented an increase of U. per highe rural·industrial area during Sep. one of the mOlt repreaentati~ and haa declared October 12, Colum- eent over the preceding year. Many tember. At average rate of con$umpUon outstanding in tbe Itate. The Plll" bIU Day, as "Diaeovery and Cenills new and important questions are of corn cereals, one yellr's corn pose of thit survey is two-fold; Taldnr Day" of Infantile Paralysis now pending before the court. crop would produce enough cereal namely. to ascertain: First, the in Ohio. It i8 recopiled tbat the Ohio's banking laws,· criminal laws. Another Di.tributioa of A"b Fee. to ' Jll!t the people of the United number in Ohio afllicted with in. laqer cities will not be able to the Wqrkmen'. Compenllation law fantile paralysit and their prelent complete their lurve, by October and many others are involv~ in Last major distributio:n 101' the States 470 yean. ph)lllieaJ and . economic condition. 12 but It will be completed cases soon to be decided by this present year of motol' vehicle' .'Second, the orthopedic facilitie tb~ouchout the atate. .. lOon after 8upreme tribu nal. license fees to Ohio cQu,nties will Better Re.ult. Jf Fenced available In Ohio for the treatment that date .. pOlllble. App'roxlbe made October 15, ac(~ording tQ of infantile paralysis. It is reaUsed mately 12& eommunity chairmen Tbe. forty-fifth annual national Regi.strar Frank West of tb~ Motor -======-==::;=========~=======-===== fox hunt will tie held in Ohio this VehIcle B~reau .. A.PPl1oXlmately Ohio farmers who keep their beef _. year. Coming to this state for the $.600,000 wtll be dlstrlbutted at this herds under fence get a much high first time, this great IIporting evenl! time. ar percentage of calves than west· will be conducted at Jackson durRecords of the Motor Vehiclels llern cattlemen. Ohio State 'Univering the week starting October 2~. Bureau sbow that ab~ut. '1,000- sity ligures show that in 1952 ten It is sponloNd )ly the Ohio Fox ,OO~ more ~as bee~ dlst:rlbuted to Ohio herds produced a Cl'O-p of 93 Hunters As ociation. Thousands OhIO counties. dunng the present per cent. In 1933 the same herds from all parts of the tlnited States year than 1933. produced a 91 per cent crop. are expected to visit this part of - - -- - ...~-• tbe state, where the hills and Ciaaret Re't'en~..e valleys and forests are well adapt· . . . ed to the pursuit sly reynard. ~Igaret mokers of ~hlo up Main eventa include the Chue unbl October 1 have contributed a Futurity for a $600 prize, tbe total. of $8, 60 IJ,48.1 iow.~rd educaforty-flrllt all-age race and a horse tlQ.n In t~e state,. It is r~,porled by show in which nationally.known Fran~ !*f.'ller, chtef of the cigaret mounts will partieipat~ for calb tax dIVISIon. Circulation Nan, in FOdorfa, cnd CIlP award. Othe~ non-IlPort ---Talephone. Exciting Fora, P.ri.Mat•• 1 Betti..,: T ..a events ' at Jllckson the same week To Editor in y::Jr.::r::--..:.--t-.--.----------,----::----":...--.:..--..,.,-'--~'IHsr will be the eighth district confer· Pal' betting at three ence of the AmErican Legion Sun· (~R race tra~ks has netted the . state W.;H~~ N ew.paper Olen dream. of raport· day,' October 28, and the annual ,3G,926.66 in taxes. NM tax on , .... \ exposition of the Jackson county betting amounted to ~;17 ,.800.06 . iug a, .• tory of a hold·up Agricultural and Industrial As- from the Thlsledown tr'ac;k; '12, while it i. takin, place, but .e1dom Sh HO!'~pi'"' nt-i_inal get the oppol'tunily. ,sociation. 881.90 from Belilah Park, and H. R. Adler, however, who it a Nud.'ulI! fHf. l'-uII...d Au ...·ri.·un ,6,244.61 from Bainbridlge. circulation man for the Toledo LIME CONTENT OF SOIl.l ·E'-..p !4'iiOlittry .. New.-Bee and nof a reporter, iol F........ Aichd by U. 5. R.lief IMPORT~NT TO CROPS the "break" ~t man)' newa hawk. tly Ot\VID ~ INOAU.8 • Rural .rehabilitation p.r ogram of have wailed for .11 tbeir live. when ell"I, ..... " u",.. IC~II C.II ('........, .., . ,Lime eOlltent of the soil usually the N. R. A. baa beneftted more the First National Bank III FOltoria ' loW':'" tbem ~bload...",d. in laDIl. determines tbetype. of forare that tban 1100 farm familie!! in Ohio , was robbed recently. Adler wa. near when the bandits "'ft rrown, acco'rd'lDI"O t·" 1 d '1n ft at'm"" ,",.... ~U fortc! in the Wllr h ld iAcan ' " 'a TY,.... 1918. tey htd a ,roup 0 f can.,.., ",.$ an d pans Bre b' eID&' d eveIope :,,, muuilized and put !!\to ~ t! "e'l "' and a fl-*t i>t mO\Ol a-O[lomy dep' artm~t of the O. S. tile .tate in increa.e thiis number fought their waf out .of tbe bank !U r.pidly ur elfllClivcl, Mil c;a" thl! " .~ lupplylns n.. ,I, (o,r . l...' I\mtrlclln Red Cros:!. Thlls f·a ct truckll woou· U. Alfalfa can . be grown ooly aD to 10,OO~, it is reveale<ll by A,. L. with machine gun.. With the rewas di!ll\unll~"I4~()d in thl.' World ~nc" \\Tar 1100pl\a:l. throuahout..bat- Bolla which .contain a natural sup- Sorensen, state dIrector of tural porting instinct born in nery new.· War when. ollly lIix wlltik~ after tio.torll Jo'rance , ' ply of .lime or which .have . been rehabilitation. Farmers. 'p icked for pape.r employee, h. collected a Quick .pecIh. 1'1·lIlIident.'. d;:clllra.tlon tbat With lucb a ...rUm. Midi.,. liberally limed. Red clover doe. rehabilitation are pro'.. ~ded the word picture of tbe foray .ate of war ultllfted, lUX com~et. menL to i'" credit. tb.'1~ u.t well on soils which have received meanl ' of selfrecoyery through a latora and daabed to tb. Dure.t ~1l~':!S~I:,:dw!~fl:~~.:;t to reo:.a of t.he 'rl~\" O~ ~ " ••1,..:aaaJ one·half to two·thirds the lime ap· contract system, agreeing to p~y telephone. Heara Spectaton' Shout. I >I rk fOI fo~cign .hllies. ~~: well But plicationa neceesary. to prepare back in caah or products tbe money On the other end of the line ill peno~acer.!.'f .. noe!... ,I ,he ...ahae of . them for a.Ifalfa. Aleike an.d ,imo" spent to restore th.e farma to a 11\ Ifpl~" of .on thethe fad tl."t t.hou· diUI~ - po f 0 t were. h th ey can 1ee d an d Toledo wa. · the .man.ains editor, and. hod dIed battle4\.,lda of R Crog adminlltration. t h y esta bl tah t b emee I vee WIth listening to Adler a. be gave a rapid~\lroJII, war .till teemed dlatant The n. . .papera -l \Ita nMloa ' clllty' on very acid Boils unlelll c~othe their familiee. .' til thos. who "Int about their hay. tol. u.. fMtl . . . . . dille manure has been used liberally. )fo~y or commoditie.s obtained fire description of the ~old·~p a. it peaceful PlIl!lllib' hare ~~t.~ hOlDe, ~. "Mnevv IItOr. 01 "..... 131uegrala paature will thrtve 011 from l'eh~bilitated tumer!! are was beini enacted. He kurd of the ulltil t:bat dtly WhlD me 11.... auferl. . 1Ia.. beeIJ p ...... . lOila 'Vibose lime content IS satis- 'used to aid other rural citizen •. kidnaping' of two bank employee., aa~atrdeoidl _ otrd!.~lnAm~Japi...I' factorY for red clov.e r if fertiJ;.er Surphia products .thus l1nade avail- of the macliine I1UI balta wltbthe ft..abed from Washington to all the Cvaroll.. , r_ . . . . . . rlcl. 'Arnerictl hiad declared d lied bl· d t th police and of the .cene. in the Itreet, wu wlAr. Immediately, .1I' \Va. excheall l'eC!ord" ·.how the orran I..•. ne~ s are II1l'pP • a e are ~ume In 0 0 er with people 4ivin, fot cover and nlen& a. ,confereneea ",ere e~lled nvillC up to He ConerlUio... bullet. flying a. the bandit 'automo· bet1Netl mllltal'Y and naval leadwhidl .,rovld_ that t.bls bile sped Oqt of town. .1 rde war cI .... do not era, . . . sa. oc 0 ra were -CIOlltlmae .... earr, While the circulation man reeled la_, .. a aurprlsad populac. --"011&1 .... . IlIter~ off the exciti~ eventl after tbe f ..htried to wake Ibelf fl'Om the HIm· _w of ion ·of a radio .port. announcer, the Inc ~tma,. In wblcb war elOlJds III. :Ie editcar aI.o received backmanaaiD, ea~ them. ~oaz ground atmo.pbere of tbe caeapacle. , &Qd Adler . .I telepboninc 10 dOH to Jliek up broIdcutI frOID radio ltation Ihe .eene of action that abouta of r ' fer WLWat Ciacinnat;, tile world'. mOlt excited ipecutorlOll the Itreet could powerful dation. be beard diatiac:t1.J ha the Tol.edo F" bu a ready aoMioo for the editorial room. . problem. but IOI'IIe of his .!i,lICl'Iber. are ratblr diappointed when tbeir telephcn. are reatored to iIanDaL PlUeDt After the troabIe an her line . . bell. _ patron caW the Ie. . . . . . . . . 10 ...... ftIII'd _ _ ....



Capitol Cross Roald Chatter








1 alks, October 15



Best of the News Direct F rom the Ohio State Capitol




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WORl D W 4R ([!VIreS H t;O . Iltl(1 I't) -- - .

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phone Users Hear Lullabies; QIi~"

Remed)' Brings Regret

ca:'1=iU:-: ..




The Miami


New. 01 1;,.. Sclaool A Cia ·clecJ Bv SeA I Reporter.


ENTERTAIN WITH ... .0" Lytl. unday ehool lut SUlld y. nd HUlh Rarciin Lui..'."....., 70. Lawrence A lal1ft! ('rowel wa prl'll'nt. M_'. '.It., ... Mr. and Mra. L. H. Gordon en. Mr. and Mrs. RUII. ell Campbell n tTI ... ndR and 'alvin Lonper • wbo hal en- and childl'ell . of Social Ro" art' • r, _1 ., Mr. and I'di'll. W tertained their "600" card clab Quick- for •••lit7 ~c""i. . on Friday' eWll'inl, plo)'1'11 nt In Cleveland, spent tbe moving this week to th Graham and Mrs. Edwin i:l;llIua ...,r, k· nd wich hi. family h~re. property. which th ~y r o~nt1y Helen Randlill and ~~t!'8dllmlaa Tho. preaent were Mr. and lItra Mr. and M . Glenn Brock, (If purchAlled. atton, Mary A. S. .Collett Mr. and Mrs. How. (ndianlpoli , ~p nt Saturday and 8t'd Graham. Mr. and Mr. Chu. Mr. and Mr. Harvey Burnet (Continued from PICe 1) MacDonald anentleGI Gordon of Harv-eysbur,; Mr. Earl FERRY G:HURCH OP CHRIST ::lunday ith Ilrs. Alice Br ck and wl're in Dayton Friday and the had a p !'fect at1tendance lor 8tlV' lodg~ at Wa Shirt, of Xe.nia; and MislI He]e n (Un<tenomiutioDal) rl. Mary Marshall. I Iter saw Will Rolters in "Judge eral day.. ~venmg. )(1'1. Belle Scott, E ereU Early, Priest." Their ou In )Ir. Edith Our teacher has read us one read A few fr?m her~! attended the Welch. Mr. and Mra, J. B. Chap. Cheater A. Williamaon • (t. uno,! Mrs. hllrles Morgan and M curdi accompanied them ing cir Ie book, Ute name of it was Hom Commg at regonla on man, Mr. and Mr. 1. D. Welch, ni hUy . at Town hlp _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' ' " Dr. and Mrs l H. E. Hathaway, U ' /lrah Slnith attend d the home f th week-end. .• u~, The Pup." he has just stlll't Bellbrook, throughout this Bro'Wn county fair Tburlday. MI'. and Mrs. All II Eml ick were (!Q bn the book of Abe Lincoln. W Mr. La Rue arr and family oC Mr • Mary Me Itrre, Mrs. Emma A home force evangeli ti H , Me lure and Miss orlnne Mr . All n Emrick, ' Mr. and entertained to dhmer unday a~ like it ~ry much. Kansa ,ar visiting hi' mothel', campaign begins at Feny October Robbi.ns. I Ir. Walter Kenrick and James the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde We have a library in th bac1~ of 1\f'rs. Rose Carr anci lamjly. 14. Lord's Day program BS (olJOW:'l Delieious ~6fre8hmente were Unified service b ginning at \l :80 H iru!1 spent Friday in Dayton and Mount and daughter in Dayton. our room, We like oUr lelsons very Mr. Tom Bradbutr, Oft 0Breg~~ia PrieQt" at Kelths h O t 'h . M' 1lI was a rec nt vuesi. 0 er....,rt the hostess, sel'ved by .aw "Jud... ~ . Guy Routzahn is having a new mue. ur eltc. er IS 1 i .,.c· C d · ~I d •h with Church ~chool, Lord's Suppel' Mr. and Mrs. Charles lark and . lCitlS 81"1' an laml y sin went WIt and sermon at 10:30. You Walter lark were Dayton visitor cenumt porch lind walk at. hi ' " Yh' t d' d b h them to Columbus c)n Saturday to EXEMPLIFIED WORK residence '. eave u. a out w at Our i .. always welcome at this chul'cll, Sat.urdtt . ' .. homes and buildings are made of. w. tness the football game. Our ,"-"""""""""""'''~ ~"'" Fri.-Sat.-Oct. 12- \ 3 Joel E . Smith W8 very ill Everett Kenl'lck ~f Cen· Some of th children brought hIgh cho} was w,eU I'epre!!ented Exemplification of InitiatoTy ST. MARY'S CHUROt dB", but is improved at this time. tervllle, sp nl,. Monday With I' t h 1 H there. . one to sc 00 el n work "'a presented by the o""ce•t M some nnes Rev. J. J. Schaeffer, Redor Mr. and ?tlr Harold Whitaker IS er, r. tanley Bailey and H' d Ell ltf CI' N Plnns nre being made for the "E h I III . " Lowell Thomas daughter Pbvlis I y 8n en · os, 88 eW8 dinner which is to be served by the of the O. . ' S. at t e regu ar meet and fr.. a n·1u ""1 ..... Twentieth Sunday aftel' Trinity .~ , ~ • Report.ers. " ing of MIami c.hapter, Monday ,vith October 14, Church Rchool lit took a motor tl'ip 10 MII~' ,·i1!e. . Hllrvey Burnet ha b 11 real The Se~ nth Grade perfed spel- p, T. A. for tile R. publican tour night. Ky., Sunday, for ~ ever8l days with larYll- lers f or last week were: Margaret arl?Und tthe county on the 27th of Members of Leb non, Harveys- 9 :80 i MQrnJng Prayer and sermol) ROBERT ARM.STRONG J\f~, Belle Sc~tt i ill and unde\' gltls. . Berga.n, James Bourne, Betty Jean th M8 mon h . . . burg and New Burlington chaptera at 10 :SO. ANN OTHERN irs. JeSl!le Longacre a~d Mr.s, Dakin. Marjorie Dakin, Anna rs. Anna, tm 'Dn and Bruc wet'e guests at the meeting. the doctor's care at thi$ tin'll'. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Snlith and M.argaret J ohns ~pent Frl~ y .!n Campbell, Helen Faul, Albert. Haga Carr and tllmll,Y. 8Jpent Saturday Following ~he work a delicious ST. AU(aUSTINE CHURCti UttlCl Ilon, of near Centervillf, Dayton and ~nw Judgi) Pnest. I Chari tte Radman, Rose Mae in .Indlana visltmg , Mr. Bnd Mrs. lunch Qfice cream, cake Jlnd cof\'tle Father Newtc;m, Pastor SIIII.-Moll.-Oc>t. 14-15 "'ere Sunday guests of Mr. and Allen Emrick and Clyde Whar" Lawson Carol I udingtQn' Dorothy QUin cy Carroll. was served. Ma88 at St, Augu~tine'll Church ·MrA. Frunk Smith and family. ton made a bu ine trip to Cincin- M F '1 d ~ ElM' d· h 11 Mr. and Mrs. Clharlel! Gilrdon second and fourth Sunday lie ar an an" ar en en a . W' I . t . 't 1 t ,., C • ' T td M rs ..... ary armony. In com- natl ues a y . . The Seventh Grade boys defeat. were I mlng on VUlI ora as month. pany with Mr. and Mrll. W. F , Mr. and Mr . EdWIn Nutt .son ed the Eighth Grade boy in a aturday afternoon; Clark of Waynesville wert~ Sunday and daughter ~f near Cente}'Yllle, game of soft ball Tuesday, At Mr. and Mrs. ].d McFarland with dinner guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Paul were Sunday dmner guests at the h " . . came down from Dayton Sunday MEETING First·day Sc.hool at 9 :3 0 a. ·m. Flory in Dayton. home of Mr. and Mrs. 'l'herle t e p~ese"t tIme ~h yare planm,ng with some friend and spent the ANN HARDINC and J HN RaUy Day was obse d t J aChampIons ene.s to d~ tel mlne the JUlllor day here. for VVorship at 10 rve a ones. BOLES ~!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mr. 'Jo eph Vuker met with an Th ffi' f th E' hth G d Mr. and Mra. A. S. Collett were accident Tuesday morning a8 he f t~ 0 Cel'S () e Ig ra e luncheon guests 011 aturday e Judge and Mr . Chas. Dechant of ",e============::=::=a White R.... the depen- was taking his marketing to Day- por 'd Ytea~al'~: .J h Rev. G, C. Dibert, Pastor ton. The upset at the Hunt S~~~l t~~ M~~I;;l ~e::t. Lebanon. d Miss Be.trice Robitz dable Gasoline. corner, and wa damaged He was Th tb ffi '11 b I t I Mr. and Mr . Hctwar Graham, Dayton Monda y. Friday:Choir practic at 7 :3 0 =========~===~Islightly injured. ' e 0 er 0 c.ers WI e c e( Misses Kathleen and Nellie m. the nFext ~etehtlng, . . t Mr. A. O. Devitt will leave Fri. Mr. alld Mrs. Hansford Tewell at M t· Grnham were SI~nday dinner Sunday: Sunday school at 9 :80 d h'ld d Mi J R b' r. . ran e mUSIC !liS rue or tuests of Mr Frank Warn r of day for a trip through the West. m, Morning Wor hip at 10:40. all c I ren an. 88 une 0 m· has bEgun th violin cIa es and is . . son, of FranklIn, were Sunday I ' e hI · ayton. . subject of the morlling erMrs. C. B. Frye visited Mrs. J. afternoon eallen of Mr. and Mr p anntng to start orn D asses soon. unday evening dinner guests of will be, ''In . Building the D, Bolin, ot Lebanon, · Monda,. Wilbur Foulks and family . ldr, and MJ'S. A. S. Collett and son World, God Builds the MaD." JUllior PI ..,. Robert were Mr. ~Dld Mrs. Levern Mr. and Mn. J, B. Jones, Mrs. Miss Betty Tellis, of SabiDa. has Epworth League at G:30 p. m. daughter, The Junior class has cbo en for Wilson, Mrs. Lillie Warren, Mrs. joined the torce at the I. G. A. Evangellstic services at 7 :30 p. m, Kesler. Graham nd Mrs. Therle Jonel! and 80n, Mr. and its play this yellr a three act com. Raymond Riehard!S()O and 80n of store. Wednesday: Bible study and To live in hearts we leave Mrs. Donald Hadley att.ended a edy entitled "He Was A .Gay Wilson School, Dayton, prayel' meeting at 7 :15 p. m. A't 2 Grange meeting at the gym at enol'ita." Tl'y Quts have been held - -The conditiol'l of Mr. L. D. p. m. is the regular time :for the behind, Is Dot to die. Springboro Tuesday vening. in the pa t wec!k for Ule various BROWN TO SPEA.K Chiles, who is seriously ill, is no meeting of t he Ladle ' Aid Society CAMPBELL. Sunday afternoon ' callers at the parts und r the s upervjsion of the AT WQ'~EN'S RALLY better. home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey faculty eommiUee consisting of Thole who l~ave UII are AYNESVILLE CHURCH Burnet were: MislI Nola Bates, Miss Robbins, Miss Smltlt, Qnd Mr. .__ Mr. ·a nd Mt"i!. Barl Harvey weTe CHRIST Illlt gone. Their memory I William Bates and Guy M!lore of Garst. .This committee. wlll make Friday aftel'nOO~I, October 12, Monday evening callers of Mrs. (Undenominational) lintrenl, deeply eng,raved Columbu$; Mrs. Edith MacLordie, .the fina. seleetion of characters. the Women's Republican Club of Sarah Butterworth. In our hear~ The funeral Mrs. Mabel Dinwiddie and daugh- Rehearsals will begin in the near Clark count~ is holding a RepubliMiss Alice Britain returned to Chester A. VVUllamlOn. lIiniliter Church School at 9 :80 a. m. urvlce Ihould be a reverent ter, Miss Antha and Mr. and Mrs. future. can Rally at three o'cloe" In the Columbus Saturday, to I' sume her Rue Dinwiddie of Dayton. ballroom of t he haw nee Hotel. studies in the School for the Deal. Lord's Su·p~r at c!lnclusion. Chri aad loving farewell. In Han Endeavor at 6 :30 p. m. EvenMiss Virginiai' Foulks spent Teach. . Meeti., To this meeting. ,a ll repUblican 11,leh a spirit do we lIerve Mrs. J. B. Chapman and lIill Inlr evangelistic service at 7 :80 p. wee~·end with Mi s Miriam Ellis . Tbe teachers of Warren county women of the 7th di trict are being Our cUents, seeking always Emma Heigbway were dinller m. Prayer meeting and Bible in Columbus, While there 8be at- will hold a meeting at Lebanon invited. to create a beautiful each Wednesday at 7:30 p. tended the Phi Delta Lea, o.f which next Saturday. The program will Clarence J. BrovPn, Republican guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Miller churc.h where yop feel at Memory Picture. for the Miss Ellis is preeident. con ist of departmental gr()up dis- candidate :1-or Govern .... r '11 b ' today. OfficeJ;"s of Lytle Sunday School v, WI e the principal 8peakj~r. cussions and adclre ses by visiting livilll'. M ~ mbe s of the ,Happy Hour club for the ensuing year are: Superln- educators. I ' " tendent, M'f.8. Eva Graham, Assist. A arge an,d enthillsias.ic gather- were entertaln~d at the ' home of BIRTHDAY CLUB ant Superintendent, Mrs. Jessie --"'-ing is anticipated as "this is the f\.r8t lItnl. Eli Furnas, Tuesday .fterLongacre; Treasurer, Miss Eva Football . event of its !clnd to be held in this noon. GuardIan of our serenity as The Idlewild Birthday lub met Reeder; Secretary, Miss Cleo On Saturday, October thh·teentb district. The meeti·n g will be in· well 88 protectors of our ilves The Wayne Township Farmen' a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charand properly, these public. Ha.wke, Assistant Secretary, MiSll the Miami Redsltins will play 8 ..n- formal. club met today at the home of Mr. les Zimmerma,n on the evening of Helen Early; Organist, Miss BeT- over College~ of Indiana, in a foot· - - -.- - .........:..._servanbl stand ready, each and Mrs. Omar Hollin,lIworth near September 27. A large campfire In twenty-four hours, to respond nice Graham, .assistant organist, . ball K.. me at Oxford. All Oregonia. tbe WOOd8 with plenty of weine~1! to a call for aid . Th Ir nature. Miss Virginia Foulks; chorister, school st.udents· 1rom ''''''cc'''.~ responds to' the call of duty Mrs. Anna John8; Home Dept., Southwestern Ohio --_ .Miss Louise Eycke and Mr. M. and marshmallows to rout, and as naturally as t heir <Je}lartMrs. Cora Johns; cradle roll, Mrs. invited t o attend thi! .Ali s Ruth Chan,iler, of Cedar-Sullivan, of Anderaon, Ind., were plenty of go.od music, were thorment answerl a general alarm. Arline J01)e8; librarians, Misse as ~ue8ts of Miami Univer- ville, s pent be weE~ k-end witb hee guests of Mrs. F. D. DakiD, Sunqay oughly enjoyed by everybo dy. The evening marked the eight, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!! Miriam Wharton and Mildred aunt, Miss Rachel F'ettit. evening. wedding anniver ary of Mr. Young. . Mrs. Lena Harts<tck aqd Bon, A. _ .....te Rose, the depenMr. and MTS. A. H. Stubbs Ilwd-Xrs,-z1mt1Mt'man' and aU pres· F. F. A. Albia"al Ele~ti_ Z. Hartsock pent Sunday with daughter were dinner guests of ent wished them many more years dable Gasoline. of ~~e Future F arm. e rs Mr. and Mrs. Sta~y ' and A meeting Subscribe for The Miami Galette ~nd Mnl. Harold Smith, Wednes- of 'happiness to~ether. of America was called to order on family, of Centervillle; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Friday, October 5 for the pllrpose The Y. F. M. wllil meet Sunday day evening. The next meeting of the club ....SNE- 29 01 electing oftic,era for the year. evening, October 1', at the home Mrs. A. H, Earnhart , Ind son will be held at the home of Mr. Tbe nominee's ' for office were of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doster, 01 Alton spent Saturday in Columbu. and Mrll. Hartley M088, October 19 WAYNESVILLE, OHIO as follows: Harveysburg. with their cousin MilS Virgil Vale For President-Noah Newman Miss Je. sie Clarklaf Cincinnati who III ill. and Rob ert. Cleaver. Noah Newman spent this week·end the BOme, ' Miss Bertha Colletti and Mrs. I Mr, nnd Mrs. owen Peirce was eleeted. Grace BaUard, of Wilmington, For Vice President - Robe spent Sunday in Selma. Thoma. CharhlS James and Lel\fi s Helen . Randall, of Harveys- were guestl! of Mr . F. D, Dakin, Mar Earnh&l't. ltobert Thomas was bUrg, and Dr. "campbell spent yv ed nesday-afternoon. elected. Tuesday in Dllyton. Mr.. and Mrs. Rue for Se c,\l~tarl/ --Ricliard Sat . Miss Virginia Boatright, of neal' Mrlj. Mabel Dinwiddie and terthwaite, Carli GI'eene and Le, Hillsboro, was a guest. at t he Antha Dinwiddie of· Dayton, wer/! Ml\TEal"ohart. LaMar Earnhart S lime Saturday. . Sunday callera" at the ho.m e of. Mrs chollen. Sarah ButterwoJ'th. For Treasurer~A.lbert Hawke" Lester Shaffer a,nd Robert Cleaver ' a~larl ree Mr. and IIfra. C. E. Michener and Robert Cleaver proved to be the children and Mr. and Mrs. HattT popular candidate. Mr. and Mrs. Zimri Haines en- Lewis WeTe at Wooater Experlml!nt For Reporter"-Leo Conller and tertained to dinner Tuesday ·Mn. Station Wednesday, the occuioll James Sheets. .fllmell Sheet; was Charles Handman !md Mrs. R. L, being Feed Deal~rs Day. elected. ' , ComptoD of Cincillmati, a.l!d Mr. For , Watch -- Alber t Hawke, ,Jobn Compton, of' Asheville, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke wilre Robert ' S attert~,waite and Robert Mr. and Mrs. RllymoDd Wilson in Spl'iD,lield Sunday and vi.lted De . ~al·nette. Tllere a ' tie ,be-- were glJests of ~r••Inil Mrs. Ernelt Mr. Alpert HaiDe.s at the Ml\Jlon.ic tween Robert ,;Satterthwaite and. Hurley and wife on Sunday. . Home: The eon~ltlon of Mr. Haines Albert Hawke. tots were cast and M~ and Mrs. Luther Halnea and who hall been Ill, il ,reatly Imt he lots fell to Robert Satterth- family visited with relatiVe!! at proved. , waite to serve 'lls walch for the Camden, Ohio, on September 80th. Mrs. James .E. McClure wa. ·.. year: Mr. Walter Wilson and wife guest ata UlJen shower ,iven at With the newely elected o.f.ficers were dinner guests 'o f Frank Bra·d · the home 01. friend In Dayton the F. F. A. i~ planning a very dock and wife Sunday. . Wednesday avening, fo~ Mill St. definite prograIll for the year. Ralph Leaminlia on the lick Jilt John- brldlM!lect[ <\f Dr. H. B. Properties need improvement. • - • Mrs. Raleigh Bo,'a n wa. a pelt Herman. . of the ~adiel Aid aociety of Workmen need employment. SpriDIr Valley Friends church held Mary Silver alld her Dephe1l W e m~rchants Deed business. --at Mn.W. E. Bogan'l on Jut ,W. Tlbba1a, of WUminrton, >re'T he BaPtist :M:ls8ionar), Wedneeday. turned Monda, eveninc after a Recogni~ing .these .f acts the government JS held a tea at the home of )frs. Mr. and Mll. Tn4!oaore McIntire visit of several d8f1 in the home conducting a campaign to benefit all parties Cassie p~lIett 01) Wednesday after- and Mill Jeannette Wlhon were in of Mll. ·SUver'1 brother, Mr. T. H. Doon of last ~veek. Miss Mary Dayton Su~day afternoon. Stokeli, at LincolD, nl. ' conc.e rned, as we'll as to ' keep as many as Wilgus of Venia was. the epeaker Mn. and Mra~ John Wilson' called ' pOl>sible off the relief rolls this wint~r. ,... W ld Wit Mrs: Raiph BalUn", entertained of the occ~sion and was enjoyed .by on e on Ion and family of • all. There were 'fifty or more ladies near Xenia, Saturday. . a etoup ot little foJlca from 9 to By joi~ing in this program you may In attendance. . The Young P~Oltlea meeting 'of 11, Wedrresday mornillll, in cele1 Prevent further deterioration of existing . The W. C. T. U. met at the nome Caelars Creek heM a meeting at bration of the third ' birthday anbuildings. of Mrs. Harry 1'o.cker on Tburlday the hC)me of DorQ1ihy Bogan Sun- niversary of her Ion Bobbr. The SkIcIa ~ tlmeI afternoon. A ..leasant fi ... a mas day eveniDK, Septelmber 80th. gu,lt lilt included Yvonne Stubbe, II' .......,. M d M Zi .... . . d Ann Rogera, Mary ' Ann "UeIJoh, A void later increases in COl>t of labor and Ucldent. than btOW'outaape1!t planning the work fOI' the r. an rs. imrt names an materiaL coming year a.( ter .t he recular Mr. and Mrs. Everett Haines and Richard and Warren Sheehan, and amobth tlree IIdd " " UU."n<H'' ' meeting wall lteld.. The children, E.ther J~,an. Carey Lee Rorer W.tkibl, Pat!ly Baird · 3 Help keep down the co.s t of relief for unemfarther, other tln8 akIiI next meeting ",HI be at the home lind E rro I Dean ca II e d Oil u~.. ora~e Martha D. ibert, Martha Wardlo-', .. " an d ' WI·'f..J, p)oyeu (which all are taxed . to maintain) and Comp t un of Mrs. J. W. Sneli. eo S . un d ay a fte'l'- Da"n), las d and D l>avid H Hartsoek, DoIIIll' to 199(, fmh.,. thaD new' ·M rs. ,E. Munj~er and Mrs. Mary l'Ioon. . .an onnr endel'l!oD, DanDY 4 th ati. faction which comes from a UG-3" Good, .... All. Tucker were 'lIhoppinc in Dayton Mr. Howard Leaiing and family Simplon, Eileen Brown, Beverlr good job well done.' on Thunday. of the Eleazer neirhborh,oodand Jean I1>tz and PhyUI KartiD. Weathtin. Thla .~ Mr. H. N. Kelley and dau,hter Mrs. W. P. McCarreD rduroed lIr. and lin. Jeue awcett of near . PJ.'odu er and distributprs are cooperating Maraln of Sefetr" bome on SUDd.r after a TiJlt III Old Town called . Ralph Leam- Mia FaYe entertained at diDller with r duced price on materials. WalhoDdlllg. week. Sundar, Ilr. IDd lira. FraDk J[eJley nothtn& atn-Iet . . . . . . Why not make a cJose inspection right now of Mias Helen RlIIldaU il recoverin, has return- and famUy, Mr. arid lira, Berch on your 11M "0."'1 nicely from a .nlDor operatioD at with her KeUer and lon, IIr. aDd lin. Fred roofs, chimneys, Windows, weather boarding, Hale'. Hq.pitali Patton and famUy. IIr. and 111'1. floors, etc. 111'1. Llda Baj;ton II entertainiq IIr. Zimri Jamel Carllale aDd brother aDd · Jt·.Dq~~1 h.r daupt.r aId family of Hart- MI'. and lIra, H.o'ml!t~ _. were III•• Adelaide IIImer, of D.... JlllJI. You may call on uS or your carpenter who weD In WllmlDatoD ... temoon boro; Mr. and lin. BOlD'3£: a.. t .. will be Irlad to IrO over your problema with you. 1I'r.. Anna B~ anel Mr, IDd lira. BUllnell of b....., liN. Cora KeOollll ad J.A ..' _ . .-.... B.len and tamil, were CelltenUle took ~tb bome Mr. t{oab Wallace, of W rmatnc elillfter lIl-ta tolb Suday. IIr. ael:lln. OUe ...... ael Mar, Tacker Uj' falDil7. lIuter Robert of Darton . . .tar Mr. ...,. Datto. _ Dr. Bo74 Of WtlllltNton QOke Char", Ion.. of R. No. 1 Mr, u4 Xn. r.,........ aacl tIM P...... CInatU Sunda, ael I'ltIIerald, , ...U,. diDIl r




Theater Way•••vlll., o.


"The Hell Cat"

0;17 _:). ' 1"'J.1C"~IUFx;RIENDS · , e


r was

"The Life of Vergie Winter,"

lOc Everybody

The Last Farewell

J. E. McClure'

Friendl Home News

Waynelville, Ohio

...... ...


- _

-=------ - ••---

R.H.STUB8S 3Um!Iu:d




YO.Jr, ••••1. 10.








Att'. ,..


... ,..



Ei,hty-81xth Year '



Whole Number 6140


GIRL SCOUT NEWS ANNUAL SESSION OCTOBER MEETING REPUBLICANS H0L0 The I~C:::;: h::T:;:he 100al NEWS Of THE SCH.:OOL~ . =. .=. .= 'r,he Waynesvi lle ..G· Scou GIGANTIC CARAVAN SOUTHWESTERN OHIO at their club house on October TIN G; Grange meeting Satur4ay, October WAYNE TOWNSHIP 15. Th 20, will be jn charge of Mr. and worked on theiT SPIRIT'EO ME E WILL TOUR COUNTY Mrs. S. S. Ellis and Mr. and Mrs. CHRONICLED BY tree badge Afte" the AS TEACHERS' ASS'N. , Dallas Boger. FARMERS CLUB leaves fallen the girl will Jllet


~quipme.n t.


' We know from experience thllt fORECAST this means a gQod time, so come to the meeting at 8 o'cloC;k and . County Wo...... r. IWar CaDellciatel stay for the. pr,Q,gram: . The committdt asks that anyone AIM Other S...-. at who has it, bring shelled popcorn. - - -... - o..eOftO'I· n'O' a swe nm'g Republlcan victory in Warren county dUI'ing the election November 6, approximately 60 county oftlciale, candidatea, mem.bers of the cen'ral committee , and worL-ers, • ~ gathered nt t he Lebanon House Monday nignt.. Optimism and enthullia m for

. . r....... ..


the tate and county ticket prevaile(l at the gatherin&, which according to Republican leaders Willi indicative of· lubatantial majorities for all on the tiic)cet ;n the ballotinr ne month. Waynesville aneJ W.e township were well repre!ent~d at the I h· h d 'th di meet nr w IC lltarte W) a nner served at 6:30 o'clock. Approxinlately If) persona from this section were in attendance. Immediately ' following the dlDner county chairman. Charl.1 J. Waggoner, who Pret!ided or4f!red the radio on and all liatencd to an turned addre ao z-om, Toledo by .u Clarence J. Brown, R epu bli can candidate for governor of Ohio. Mr. Brown forcibly brougllt home his policies on the state's lic:bool problems. all of whicb met the hearty approval ot Warren county Republicans pr nt at the meet.Inlf· . This was followed by a brief address by Judge F,r ancis M. U.milton, native Warren countian whQ ie eeking re-election all Judge of the Oourt of Appeals. Judge Hamilton thanked Warren county work fS 'for the Illpport &Ccorded him in the pa t and asked that he be given coneld ration in the coming election. . Chairman Waggoner then voduced Jane Thir1cield, of FrankUn, and Heber Blzar. of neu Leb11IIon, secretary and president respectively. ilf the YOUntr .Republican organization of W.nen count)'. Mr. Hiu.r in a brief but 1 'bl talk outl' ed the planl orcl f hi)n d e '" an purpoles () II orgaOlu./on, ...... d thOt Ii h ad st•.."lIll1ng angera a e a e shobld certain New Deal polie\ea be allowed to go their wa), without 0JlPolition. M.I.. Lida Frost, of Lebanon. waa D xt Introduced, and in her inimitable manner urged women as well as the men to as the)' have never worked betoTe for the Republican ticket. She told ot a recent viait from Kra. Ka'herl'ne Kennedy Brown, Da"• ~ ton. national cOJlPllitteewoman from Ohio, during planll 'scuu'ed lor - awhieh meeU .... of were dl 'W' arren COLUlty i~pUbllcan. ';~·men




Mr. and Mrs. L. V . Bt'anstrator in Wilmin'"ton Friday ..,. 1\lr. a.nd Mrs. A. F . ".elloh vi ited relatives at Harrison, Ind., Sunday. Mrs. Mary Silver and Mrs. L. V. BMrandstrator were Dayton Visitors, on ay. Mr~. Manle Hatfield spent aturday In Lebanon, the guest of Miss Bone. Mr. Fred Burkhardt and sen.

Da~n, visited Mr. and M)·s. John

DaVIS, Tbunday. , Mia '11 " H h ' t C· . ti "'lrlam erslf eY'd 0 tnClnna , waa t he wee -en ""e t of Miss "lice Campbell. .,- ., 6


}Ira. Howard White, of Dayton, called on Mr. and Mrs. Walter Else)" Monday afternoon.. . Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hisey and 1amily spent Sunday at the hOllle of Mrs. Anna Doal'le at Zoar. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. McClure and daughters, of bay ton , lIpent s day with Mn, Jbry McClur .

Plans fOr a gipntic Repuhlltake up leather ' work. The scouts Five thQ'usand teachers, includ- I!an " Run-Around" to be held The regular meeting of the took a .shott hike following the ing those from this county, will Saturda)', NovembE!r 3; were ' Wayne Township Farmers' Club meeting When (h y observed dUmeet at Cincinnati, Ohio, Friday announced l)y Char'les J. Wag- was held October 11th at the fel'ent kinds 01 tr e . The next and Saturday, October 26 and 27, goner, chairman of the War- b('nutiiul hom of Mr. and Mrs. n, etin'g will be held on Monday, W.,.ceb. ED" Soft· Ball S...... for the annual sessions Qf the ren county committee at the Omar Hollingsworth. Perfect October 22. WltJL Two Southwestern Ohio Teachers AS 7 meeting Monday nigbt. weather ad~ed to tbe ple-uure of Victoria. so,.:iation, according to the anWhile full details and in- the day. nouncement made by Joseph tinerary were not alilnounced at - All families ~ere represented Wayneeville is really on die W. Fichter, assistant state d this meeting, it is e)LPecied that with the ilxception of two. Th , L ~'d th h "warpatb" no~. aat :&l ay eJ' of education and president of t e several hundred automobiles bountiful dinner Which this , hardefeated Carli.le by r the whiteassocia't)on. will join in the caravan which vest month 'affox:ded, WAS enjoyed wash score of " to O. It took the The progl'sm (or the e two days will visit practicall), evetysec-' by members and guests. The .team a while to get on their feet nBB bee.n planner,! to include gen- tion of the county. The meeting was called to o).'de~· but now that they're up they're era] sessions in Music Hall and and after group singing the ind . ht, . going Tue pulled BY ntg down one. the Hall of Mirrors il\,tb e NeithervO,catJon was 0 Ifere d b y R ev. F ox.• -___ again strong. the ganr a land Plaza hotel, and department- lfACHERS HOLD The bu iness meeting followed victor'y by a big IICOle of to • al meetings tbat will bi! held in aft.Er whic;h Mr . W. R. Lewis very Mrs. E'. T. Stroud i~ sick 'rom Harveysburg. It wall a gooeS d t C'· t' int t· stlngly gave a retrospective grip. 1 Mown .ownd Idndclnna l·b d ANNUALIMEEIING descripti on of two au~o tripl;l showing for the last rame of th. USIC an a . resses y outstan which she had taken. M'l'. Ru ell ntterthwaite i .season. ing a rtitlts and I speakers win ~eaRev. Fox was ll)troduced by the seriously sick. at his borne in Dayture the genera e sions Fri ay host. He .talked on "Poult.I'Y." He ton. Ten on Lo_ Grad. H_r Roll morning and Ilvening and SatuJ,'. h hId I Ml'SIS lIa.... ock'. honor roU for day morning. Di cU.lIsions at the Sevc.ral hundred 8clhool teachers f:ave mnn}> pomts e IlII ea11le n Mr. an4 Mrs. Walter Ca t wer ...." • departmen~ meeting'S will be attended the annual fall meeting a~:o ~~s\~~ ::e:!~~~~g o(h~~~a::,d Wilmington vi9itcm, Monday ' even- :Jrns~:, M:~~s Lo~~~~~a.n~~~t: combined }'I,.th addresses, deliver- Saturday of the Warren County. Rev. aahn, district superinten- ing. Annlce Johns, Ruth Helen LeMa,. cd by peakers who have gamed h' .. h b fecognition by their work. Office.ra Teac e1's as oelatlon at t e Le - dent of U. B. Church of D~yton, Mrs. W. O. Raper returned home Bonnie Dell Peters. also will be elected by each group anon school. . wa next introduced and bis re- Sunday after a two-weeks visit in The secund grade celebrated . The teachers were ,addressed by marks were mt.lch enjoyed. J . . L. incinnati. Columbus' Day by making Colum. One of the mat.ters to be brought ' . I Mendenhall gave his view of the bus booklets. be/~re the ociation will be the Dr. L. A, Pechstem, dean of tbe 1amendments which are to be voted Mr. Ed Hopkins an~ son Pal Miss McKinaey'. honor roll for outline of plans for ob ervance of college of educatiOn a·t the Univer- on at the coming electi!)n. The were busines visitors Ih Dayton. the six week included : Belen Biaey ~chool Sund~y,. t~e wee.k follo~- slty of Cincinnati, Charles W. guests were a followlI: Rev. and la. t Thursday. Ellen MOIl8, Jean Hartsock. lng the assoclatton s sess-Ions. It Cookson, superintendent of acho ols Mrs. Mm, J. Fo~ of pringboro, Mr. and Mra. '*". O. Rape" "'ere [n Miss Day's room no on. has planned. to carry the School SunR d M H h M d M VY • .. d t to. ft.... t.ilt day ro II hur h f at Urbbna and Dr. E. ,;Y. Ashbaugh, ev. an r8. a n, r •. an 1'1!. d' tL S d f Mr ond been tar 'Y or (le ... q~ t p . II'rllln . 0 a c e es' 0 f ..... ~ . . . L ea f 0 f L ebanon, Mr. an d Mre. W •. MmnerM gue.s l', F Ikun ay 0 .... w......1 ..... ks. \nhe t.wo On tbe hol..,or 'D rol,l all FaIths In the state 01 Ohio. 0 lulaml unIversity. C. .Xersey of Oregonia MislI Gen- )·s. orrIs u, erson. Frieda and Alten EaEIIThis s pecial event, a8 weil as Prot. WHlis Hall of' Wilmington eva SWllrtzel of Germ~ntown and Mrs. Fl'ank $tal1sberry and h.rt. American Education Week follow- college, led II discussJion and con- Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mendenhall. daughter M.iss Mary visited rela- Miss Reeder bad 27 children with ing, will be fo tered, by the 42, ducted devotions. Music was furThe club will be entertained in tives in Oakland, Sunday. perfect attendence for the ftnt alx. OOQ hi o teachel's, all of whom . b d b th L b h' h h I Nvvember at tile home of Mrs. weeks will attend teachers a!lsociation nls e y e e anon 19 sc 00 Martha Hough. Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy, of Wilma Dibert of tile Third meetings O~tober 26 and 27 in orchestra. . . _ _ _ _ _ Dayton, spent the week-end with "'liB ver, mueh iaterlllted ID. their five rC! pective districts. --1\1r. and, Mrs. Lyman Day. Columbu!, so she brought a littl. - -- M..... and Mrs. W. E. Stroud and poem .about .him. Wilma Foul made INDICTMENTS SOn Harold and Mrs. Maude Crane a booklet of Columbu•• e ItOI' . were Dayton visitors Saturday. On Friday they wrot a J , about Columbua; the A elau RETURNED Mr. C ciJ Davis 'is able to be out secured the pietllrell 101' it. A happy and than~rul grou» of altel' bC!lng confined to his hOIllleWe had 10 girl. and 11 bop. Methodists gathered i iD the church HARTSOCK about two week s beclluse of mne.!s with perfect attendan~ for the bn ement at 7 o'cloclc: Wednesday . first school term, S.ptember , &0 October 17 to welcome back their Mr. and Mrs. Wilbu r Stansberry October 12, inclullft. We 110.,. the minillter, Rev. G. C. Dibert and his ---and dallghter ~nd Mr. Frank good attendance will 4:ontlau•. family. , The Wom~n's Auxiliary of St. Stan berty were ' In Dayton, Mon· Our IIpelling contest for the.paat . d' A pot-luck supper wa;l served to Mary's Episcopal church met with day. three ween eaded Friday WIth. a evdent cn In Ictments were. re- about 125. Mrs. BeTt Hartsock Friday a1terMrs Belle lIart returned to ber 8core at 138.138 poiau with L,I. ~u~rc~ ~~p~~~e~c~~~~s~~;nda~~~:' Mr. F. U. LeMay represented noon at her attractive coun~ry home 'in Richmond, Ind .• Sunday, F~x tbe !ilnner. The 10liDe t .... floon at 3 o'clock a four. the church i.n .. "wele,)me" address home. A1t~r th busine s es 1011 after Ilpen(iing two weeks witb reI a WIth ClaIr Dibe~ for leader. \a cIa'" seo-I·on. to the Dlberts which wa.s respond- the followmg program was pre- Uvea here. , p~annjng a aurpll.e for the cham 01 ed to bv Rev. Dibert. A to"st by sented: .. ' pIon sp lIers.. ~h"., , grand •;"ry c·onsl·u-<: .. ·red 3Mrs. 1' .. Rd·" f rom th e, 8 t udy b 0.0, k 116 J h'me Ma Jnoua 0 f D e- ' Th e f 0 11oWlng tbre e. ...... ..1.'_ "_'I. U Will White "nd I >he follnwing ea lug •• ~is!! osep ....ases. I'gnol'od 1 A. contl·nuC!d two ,... Y M G H.... k d t h' h 1. i d d d n'" tbe _.....t '" .. program was then en:ioyed. rs. ,e?rge an oc ; re~ lng, roit, Mie lli\'an. spent t e wee ...- not m sse a wor urI.. ..-and examined 110 witnesses. One . ". "A Rebg'lon that Does Thmgs," end with her parents Mr. ilnd Mrl!. three. weeks: WtJda. M•• Acbterindictment was not made public. Reci~tlon ", ....... , B.o bby HastmgB Mra. Ronald Hawke; missiollarY Ray Mainous. nlan, Jeanne Balcer and Bettle The ca e of ~rnest Ee,tjley, R~adtng .... ..... Mrs. Mfary McClure report, Rev. J. J. Schaeffer; read. \ Davis< with ~on-support., was con-, Pla¥let Po;tt. Walter Sheehan and ing, Mrs. Lester GordQn~ reading Mrs, D. C. R~dge, Mrs. O. M. We did not have an), "Honor tinued for investigation, whil~ that Mrs. WIll St, Joh.tII. "Daily Bibl School Vacation Ridge, Mrs. Mat McKinsey and Roll" t his term but hC)pe to have of Everett Williams, charged with Vocal DueL .. ~r8. M. A ..F~lkerson "Mrs. Lee H~wke; reading. Mi~ Mrs. Ed Hopkins were Dayton Jone for the next si¥ ween terln. robbery. was continued oWing to a~d ~r . Chfford Buzlck. Mame Brown. visitors, Tuesday. Our Fifth grade flection I pla)'ed the absen~ of Ben Leuere$, one of RecItatIon .. Ellen Motls. DUl'ing tile pleasant sociul hour baseball with the Sixth grail. principal witnesses. Reading ... . Mrs. Ralph Hastings a dainty lunch wa served by the Mt:s . W. n. Allen ~~tended a Section I on Monday. The calll. Those indicted are: Vocal Solo ..... " Mr. Russell Frank hostess meetmg of the Centerv-II e Gnden ended with a IICON! of 18 to 12 III ""'ill' H I h • - • I .' ts M 'V Club Monday, at the home of f h' fi! h d ." lam urtt, mana aug ter I . Ilvlted gues were r l!t ema Mrs Henry Dickson favor 0 t e t gra e. Alfred Gregory, a88aul~ and bat- for breaking and entering. KC!lIey, of Springfield, Mt's. Cora· . In Mr. TUl'ner's Grade Fi.,e. See- , tery; Moae Kirby, indecent exIn investigating the case of 'Macy, ~rs. Tom Mason and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen en- tion 2, report carda were puaed J one~. a !II!au It w ith William Sunday, Dr. out thi,s wHk. Frances Johna. 1''' po.ure; Ral-h q> ..,. Hurtt, who was indl'cted Donald )laaon, of Xenia alid Ml:s. ~'~ c!l" ....ftl'n ed at di"ner ., intent to killi' })Iormal) Morga.n , for manslaughter i-o connection Maynl\rd Weltz and daughter. and Mrs. S'. S., tAhl and Miss celved all A'~ for the flrat term. : Dave McDonald,opel'a.t. wIth the recent death in Franklin Mary Barton, of FraJlklin. They an trying to put into UN ing a motor car withou,t th'e per- of Grover Slaton, killed by Hurtt's MILLER-HARNESS , . the. mater.i~l whl~h they lea1'lled iD miasion of the owner, and John car, the grand jury examined 10 . Mr:" Myer Hyman ~nt~rta1Ded hygiene, Prac.tIce What Y. . Noland, etealillg an automobile. witnesses. Announcement has been made of S IX CIncinnati friends With a lunCh Learn" hal become the motto of Johnson, Rufus Crosby, Recommendation that examining the marrige of Mills Lucile Harne s eon .at t?e Netherland Plaza in the cia s. Powell, Le"ls Fowler, magiBtrates exercise their jurisdic- ' aDd Mr. George MIIJe.r, lion of Mr. ClnclDDatl on Thursday of last The seventh grade, Sectioll 2, Spence)!. Hurle), Spencer, .tlon wherC!~r possible, especially I and Mrs. Frank ,Miller, which took wilek. under superv1si o n of Mi. Smith S.m Grellham, Lester Biatt and in cases of misoomeanor, was made ' pla~e in X-enia, Saturday, October Mrs. John Treadway and daugh- had perfect attendance for th. Clarence Gray, all were indicted by the jury. j 13. ter Anna Gay, Mrs. George' Hen- week of October 8 to 18.









Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hallk, Qf Plqu, were guests of Mr. and Mrs H. H. WllIlamson. On Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Gray and daughter MiIIII Barbara spent Sunday with relative. at Clarksville. Mr. alld !III"II. N. P. Clyburn, of Washington, C. H" weN guests of Miss Clara LOe, :t'hul'Jlday evening. C T The W. . . U. wi meet at the bome of Mrs. F. H, Farr, Thursday alt...... 2'" -"oon • Oc·~ber ov II. U J ~ G 'U 1 mrs.. . ons, mr.. . B. ~onlj an lIiIIII Helen Marg.ret Gona were in Lebanon, Frrday. Mr. and liIr.. Russell Bentlev and Mr. Carl Conner visited IIr. a1)d Mrs. Guy Hockett of Grove&port, Ilonday.


Mr. and MI'1!. Cnarlu M;oderwell of Chicaco, wete ruest.. of M.... An ..a Cadwallader and Mi.. Cla~ Lite, on Sunday. Mr and II.... £Terett Kenrick of C~Dterville. Ipellt Sunday with Hn. Kenriek'i .... renta. Mr. and " Ma. Ed Hop bu, . lI1'I.. Emma Barnett, of CinelnlIati, wu the dinner ,UM ot Miaes and Marpret Ed. warde, on Sunda,.



Reception Given For The Dibert: Family





Leballon within a week or 10 days, Mrs.. Bro"n will be present at thill gathering. the date of which will be ,announced lOon. Arthur Hamilton, Wanen COUOtTl representatl'ft to tile nen general allembly, was then Introduc.d and a briar bl1t Informal MH. Harrii_of with lIr. and addre;' toldin of t,he troubl •• that M.... C. Edith F. Mosher ClneillJlati, 1 belet the lalt ~neJ'&1 aaaembly, vUIte4 rela"", in .t. GJlead, .onl====::;========::;======== alld upreued the hope that III tile da~ and Tuuctay, . ,' ~ . " ,~ Iia a'~ nest ieuion. a , R,publlcan ' IrOVC,,Mn. R. S. W••.,er 'Will attend 'TUU. nor, namely ~larence J. Ibo~,. mee'ttn, of the ~"aD cIa.. of would b. le1'\'1Or a. the state I the Reform Sun~y sehool LA~IA 19 ~CXED Wtn-l II\lD1AN l.OQE, AND QICH chief eze4:utive. Xen'-, tonia'ht.. AlONG 'mE PlACID TUSCAlZAWA9 121'11:2 Other candidatell introduced and . , OF 'THE who made bdef remarn wne.. lIr. and Mrs. Glen Bland and folio. . : J. Low)' KW.r, tor ltate daqhter, 01 SpringbOro, were dinMnator; Clyd. C. COmlll, for clerk ner go.1UI of Mr. u4 JIn. J. B. of eommon pleu ' court: Harold D. GOlia on . Mr. ' Erneat Butterworth, IIr. BaUI,., 101' COUDt,. eommJaliooer: Alren Hufl'ma.n,'for COUllty re....· k -a"-- alld lira, JI. A. enJo),N CorqeU and J(n. cord er :R 0111 H • na " . .oe..,. ~ --.,- Florance ', a motor ville. for cOl1nt)' treaaurer: WU- trip throuah ,outham Ohio. SnnUam. HI1fl'ord, fqr Iberift: Sam I). d , Henlil., ;for lIurveyor 'and H. M. a. WiIllAmll for cOl1nt,. eoroll'r. Mn. Edith Barrlt, lit. . Barria An oloq\lent .nd Iti1'rin. adlireia MOlher and lIr. F:ran~ T; Rawke A11N'l" OHIO VILwaa ck!llvel'!6d by C. Donald Dlla- .~.~ . . of lb. .••4 II're. ' "red LAGE,;OO tUlb, 'VIaTren QOllnty's prosecuti~ Harbock and famil, ot}Illforci on RETAINS 1tIE ATattorney, in "Whlcb he declared S,lnde,. . M'OSPWltRE OF AN ~IENT EUROPEAN COMMUNITY. that one, of the Ifteatefft .chleveITWAS; fOUNDeD EAl2lY IN1HE,LASf CfNTUIZ'( BY' menta of hill life wOl1ld be ree.1ocEvaqelJatic ..moes be&'&n "KING" :IOSePH 81MElEk' WHOSE "A>\lACE' STAN09 liOn for the aIsth .eonlentt.. term the ,J'erry Chareb of ~ Mon- , to the otic. hC! now )lolcl.. da7 of:. th~ week. . 8en1c_ wlR be OP,POSirrE llIE INN ~WN ~ERE. AND. BASED ON.TIlE , . held alpt1y (acept Satarda)') at , ~MON OWNERSHIP OF ALL As a cllmax to the ~Ielldld 8 o'clock for abollt thne .eea. . PQOP8lTY. Protrra~ the auembly l\11tenecl · _ . " ' '. • ltIt undIVided ,iil~relt to ~"D Mrs. WUllam Bradla, ~d M~ $ta.ley, long an. 'a ctlve workll' in Karth. Cook cnt-en.l••d the Warren coupt1 for th,e _epllbllcaaBulldeH aDd Primary ..... 01 GNAooENHUTTEN, . eaUI. aud whOle abUity aa a the Chl1relaot Cbriat at a. weiner STAlE 36 pabllc .peaker baa ' pined him rout hi Sll7der'1 woodt, a.turdaJ. UH~HS- , fame ilot on1~ ID lila bo•• COIlDt)', lin. 't B. Bra k aDd claapbllt tbroqhollt tM eDtIre ltate .. tar, at a 90 INI>••IL , ftIfPI'IN tan,. ..... for 1ANSWW: Ml6'SACRED Hr. Stanl." aa ~ ,.YI a WIIHua 8jma)' at the ho. . of 1Ir. IN 1782. AMONUMENT IN cl.r picture of tit. pro'l... ad 11ft. C. B. lI1H)' froDdlll the DattoQ todar. ..,.... 'Inm~wAS poiDWcf ollt tile toUr. 01 1*1__1 . . El<ECIED H~ IN 1912


:..." "









."'1uuIta-::. ..-- .ra. "I'

prietIeeI~~Ia\==~:1 .. tol.p"';.

'bJ-the certahl ,








derson and sons and, Mrs. Julia HendersoJ1 spent Saturday with relatives near llamilton.. H. A. ·Col'nell and L. C. St. John were in Dayton Saturday night, to witness special degree work con fened in the Masonic temple by Masters of all IQdges in the seJ:6nd Masonic district.


F A I .• '• • • IIItlA' • Tile Gr~n-Hand F y F. A.. boy. s ,ar. haYlq their \ Initiation Fri,. day night. October 19, 193'. ft. work will be supervilled by 1b. Cr abbe, the instructor of the organization. · Refresbments wiu ... served when the Initiation II cO.,pleted. Come ever)'bodyl

Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stroud entertained at dinner Sunday, Mr. SPOl'tlillallaiaip B........... and Mr . ' Jack Brown and Bon Thu'1'sday nigtJt\ October 18 the. Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Har~ will. be a bie Sportsmallahlp m.... and (laughter Janet, of Richmond, i~g at tile gym be&,innlne at • 0 clock Iharp. The commiteee baft Ind. and Miss Loull!6 Crane·. • a bi&,.program prepared and a Rev. G. C. Dibe-rt, pastor of the speaker. Everyone eome and boOt' M. .C hurch, attended a this organization. ' committee meeting 'in Dayton Monda-y when arrangements were S_ior Lit.r.~ P ........ made for the dls.trlct conference , , to be held November 1 at Frank-, WedneBday, October 10. tJa. ... lin ' , . ecutive comJl'littee. met .e&ial u . , program committee. The troGp , A John' Turner, aon e>( Mr•. J. H. has charge of pro&,rarn.' The Sackett, has, been selected meeting will be October 26. TIl. member of the varsity debating program ill 8S follow.: . ' .' SQ\lad at Wittenberg college. Be is 1 Bible R-eading...:..:Ruth Hoyle, preparing tQ represent 'wm~nberg ' 2 ·Current Events: . in debateli! which will begin in De-A. Noah Ne~an. ceiQb·er. . , . B. Fran". Hawke. , a Humorous Dlalo,ue: Mr,and Mts. Georrc; JQhnllon. A. Carl Cook aDa II•• Tr..dand Mrs. B. F. DakIn, of L~b­ way. anon and Mr. Roy Jehnson of Jane Cook IUId Pa.,lll Bopr. Cleveland, were entertained at the 4 B. Book Ren.",,: home of Mr. and 'MYa. C. It RobitA. Normall 1IendltlL ~er a'ld daughter Miu Beatrice, B~ Lellar EanIuIrt. Sunday. 5 Extemlloraneo. De.... : A. RObeTt De , ...... Dorotb 80.......





B. ChMIMl. . . . .~






SQnd.y alternoon. mil",; WOTe out m c.r; wal to\\'e4 lIIr. Mereer aDd daucllter in .twlce. blew O\lt leVl!n Ures, Ann and Mr. and Mr•• Cockerlll burnell out a battery and brflke a Bm. All..... tatement of ownenhip and ot Leesburg viaited Mrs_ Louiae pi lon rod; drove (lvt'r 40,000 management of The Miami Gazetie Flte and daulrhter Jane on Sun- mile!! of Ohio highways; picked up William Shotwell, aerviCeJ .. janitor Memorial Hall, $20; . published at Waynesville. Ollio, aB 71 hobos and two ",trls; thumbed 1'rulteu 01 Public Affaira, light Tequired by tM Act of Congress on MI II Anna MacDonald was a my wily 1,762 miles; wus broke August 24, 1912: Sunday dinner guest at the bome most. of the time j missed six enand gall Memorial Hall, '3.26; lor, decu ed, ill xelllpt from in· Xaufman's putty, cheesecloth for . ~r. John From a Dayton, Publi hlOr, Flora M. Crane, Ad- of Mra. W. P. McCarren and gagementa because I didn't llav!! heritaDc tax. Memorial Hall, '10.2'1; Chaa. J. Vi Itor, Friday. ministratrix of t.he Estate of D. L. daughters. the lllOney to lCet. there; held two Crane, deceased, Waynesvllle, Prof, and Mrs. R. H. Francis while their mothers camIn £"'e case of Nina Kellis venUe Georgia Depew, adminilltratrix of Schwarh, supplit!8, ,8.49; John1011. . ' Depew, dec ea.lJ ston &. ~o h nston, Ium ber, putty, Mr. Ross Hartsock and family Ohio . Treber Kellis, the delendant is or· the estate 0 t H Iram and daughters were week·end visi. paign d tor me; d Idn't hove one de red to Pay to the plaintllf $8 ed, filed 'her final account. etc., for Memorial Hall, p nt uDllay in CincinnaU. Manager and Editor, Flora M. tors of Mr. and Mrs. ~omer chance to kiss a widow; drank 371 rn the estate of J. M. Conover, '1 .22; John Law til:. Son, ga and AI J 0 . . Crane. Adnlinistratrix of Estate Caskey last week. ul1P 01 rott.on coffee; ate Ill4 t ereach week and to pay ,SIi to J. T. Geo.rge. E. Young! executor, di t rio oil for Se.ptember, Sealer of Wts. spen~' S~nd~ C!~~;~!~ a~ti~~mllY of D. L. Crane, d ceased. MI'. and Mrs. Joe Davis and son meal8; mi ed 29 meal : ahook lUlt!y lor plaintUI"a attorney. In the cUe 01 J. A. Schilling bution of a eu III ordered: Meas. $8.03; The Columbus y , Bondhol~er8. mortgagees and Richal'd spent Satul"day night and with more than 20,000_ vcr UII Walter Frazee, judgment to A ~ertifled cO'pyo~ the entry lank Book Mfg. Co., forms for Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Bloch, of other security holders, ~one. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ita p ople; made ov l' 600 talks ; drew the pl.lntiff in the eum of $2J6.30. terrnln)ng the Irthentan~ on probate court, $l2j The Western. pring Valley. visited Mr' and Sw~rn to and subscribed before Hartsock of Dayto~. uf'Kif(ns on a quilt fol' a Ladies Aid In the case ot J. Wilbur Earn the estate . of Oaroline. Wllha,macn. star, bar dQck ts fOr Clerk of Ml'S. Myer Hyman and family, Sun. Ine thiS 15th day of October, 1984. Mr. and Mrs. Chal'l(l& GO l'don en- Soci ty; talked enough to make in hArt versus /ohn H, Rhoade and decellsed, I to be certilled W1thout Court, '60; Geo. Killeen & Son, day. L. M. HENDERSON. tel"tained company f"om Dayton pl'int ] ,000 volumes: was chuBed Lambert R. Rlloade • ord r of /lale delay. , . ' ' ex preiS, 50c; Wll'I. Hufford, sher. Nota~y Public. on Sunday. ' by d\,)gs twi~e and a bull ~nce; lost I rec&o1t4!d. Lena lit. Irons, ~uard!an of iff, washing tor prisoners dUring Mr. and Mrs. Ii:owell Peirce and .. - Rev. Williams of Spring Valle y ]3 Ibs. in w~lght.; lost 1,268 In the eu ot Anna Raub vel'!lU! H rschel J , Iron a minor 1I1ed h r eptember, '5~.93; Uubman up· Ml'1I. Huntington spent Sunday In preached at the MethOdi t church hours of sleep and almost 10 t my ply Co., cleaner for sheriff, $4.32; Cincinnati Sunday evening. wife; was promised eJlough vote!! Dudley Raub, • divor ce was rrant. first account. .d tbe plaintiff. .E~, B. Dakin wa apPointed , ad . . Lebanon Lumber Co., sawdust f o r · - - - The Junior 01f1119 of the High to win the Presidency and lost t.he mlnlstrator of the estat.e 01 herilf, '1; Mrs. Della Hulford, Mr . and Mr . Harry McGinnis, Not much news this week every- school will give a play at the nomination by 56,000 votes--but New Suita George H. Beach, deceased, and feeding prisoner during 01 Lytle. were Sunday gU~stB 01 body is getting ready for the Re· Gym on the evening of the 25th of 1 made thousands of wonderful Harr y J . Stauverman ver.gU8 ftWI~ldl' bon~ Qkf $30 0 wdithL s~retied ber. $5G8.56; H. C. Cummings. reo Dr. L. B. Hall 8n~1 family. . pu~~:nR~~~ ;~r8u:n~'WhO has been thi month. "Constable Jerry from friends ond had lots of fun." George W. Stauverman. for parti· I lam ...u ens, C1y e !Vlcyan pairs for Buick, sheriff'. ,3 ; John Ii d Fulton's Ferry," a comedy in three • _ ...- - ' b I C • • D. Cooke were appOinted ap· Law & Son, ga , 0)'), grease, shop M . r. B. S. Howell, of Port con ne to' her with typhoid acts and one that is hilarious with tion and equlta Ie re iet. fever lor several weeks, is able ' to . Fir. Loa. Great J. A. Schilling versus Walter pr';Use~. . labo.r for sheriff'. cars, '39.23; M. WilHam, was in t l) wn' today. be up and around. clean fUn, is the title Admission Fraze. COlrlloyit. H. Zam Banta was appo)nted ad· :E. Roe •• P. M.. stamped envel· .Ml'S. P. G.• .Wells and child~n ot e1dO. and 20 cents. Everybody invito Fire los e8 on farms amount to J. T. Riley VeNUI! Thoma!! J . ministrato1' of tbe estate of Lewis opes lor urveyor, $6.52; W~ldron Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Davis, Mrs. th lid h approximately 100 million dallal'S Parker, for injunction. V. Banta, d~ased, a~d filed bond C. Gilmour, inqUEst, $'7.30; J . K. Lloyd' Davis and son, Cecil visited IS I? ace VIS te er il'aughtel' Mrs Tbe W. C. T. U. will have a fish a year and cause 'll socrif\ce o f Beverly Henson" an infant bu of UOOO WIth Burettes. Ambroll. e Spencer, aand, gravel, lumber, Mrs. Maud . Gage, of Xenia, Satur· Mary Roberts and family near sup.... er Saturday e vening at the 2000 to 2000 lives. aceQ rding to J F N th J'" d D d d Kingman, one day last week. .. Dai y B. WOl'tman. her motiler, ox, a an .....&.~nroe an •an ,116.01; Ohio Central Telephone By. Several ' attended the gymnasium. beginning at 5 :30 and the farm Ilre protection committe e and next friend versu Phillip Holmes 'Wer,: appomted appr81s.ers. Corp., rent and tolls for NRS office Coming at OHve Branch last Sun- continUing during the evening. of the National Fi\'e P 1'otection Henion, for divorce. Charge is . The adjud.. cati~n and determtna· ,7; The Book Shop; carbon, T·he ,Misses FII)renc& and Geror buy what you pr efer. Plenty 01 Asso ciation. erou l\egJect. tlon of the ,nherltance tax On the and pad for NRS officel t rude Waymire alnd "Mr.. Edwin O. da~iS8 Dorotby Helen Robertson. good music. 41.St.~ of Esther )t. CO.Mver I to Harry Z. Gray, rent. for Waymire, of Oakwood, called on f H b h d th 'J Menrs. Wm . Lukens, Prof. R. About 100,000 farm e!:!! gr ew Proh... C_rt be gIVen to aU persons mterested. bel' NRS office, $5', K. L. Miss Margaret ~V. Edwards Sun· arveys urg, a e nll,,~or- H. Francis and G. M. MacDonald I the m tt f th est te f day afternoon. tQne to break her thumb while d dId D T s u~ar b ets in the United State. The inventory of Robert W • .Ell' n b th ; t,e~ 0 ~ ~ af Clothing Store. rent for Sep· playing ball at school recently. atten e 0 ge at ayton On ues Their annual production is 10,000, In e 1 8 rt e~easeo.' ~~ e 0. tembe: NRS office. ,10; ReWs Mise Trillena Edwards had as Miss Edna Polson, of Wellman, day evening. Brown, executor of the eatate of St h C Ph illI d d perllona prope y II or er"". Electrlo Shop 1 double plug 101' \Va a S.aturdllY C)vernight guest of The many friends of Mrs. Sue 000 tons. ep en.. I Pl. eceaae, was . TM will Qf Laura ·B. Ingle, cle- NRS offic 15" J L D dinner guests, TUle day, Mrs. Mary Morria Haydock will be sorry· to I ~~~~!!!""_ _...~~~~~!!!! approved. . d d 't~ed b t e, e,. . unn, wa«es Hopkin" of Wesl~ Carrollton, Mrs. the Misses Mayfrey and .Modena .. A certifIed cop)' of the entry de. cReu.e 'T w8s a ml '. tl) • p.r~d a e. mechanic, '48; HlII'oJd Sweney, Stanley.... Sellers, of Lebanon, Ml'S. PoweJl of this place. hear of her death on Tuesday after b wal!l a~polD"" ex· payroll, ,116; John Myers, payroll terminlnc the Inberitance tax to be OXI~ • oc, P. G. Wells. daughter Marie al)d noon at t~e home of her daughter, White Rose- Powerbe- . paid on the eatate of Laura E ecutrlll~ no bond r~qulled. W. W. 1227.20 ; , John Barr, payroll, ~i&am~n~ke and M s. H. H. Elbert and Frankie Richard. Mrs. EdWin. Shidaker. hind the enllne. W.rd deeeaaed ia to be certified Shurts, Jolin Har~mg and Rex D. $96; Clem Williamll, p yroU, $124 son, of this place and Rufus Mrs. RaleIgh :r~~lor, ~f peland, witho~t delAy. • Snook were appOinted appral!ers. M. C. Foreman, payroll, $231.25; . The market for the public libTary Roberts, of near Kingma'n, Ipent Fla .• has been Vl~ltJD8' !~lend8 heN! EarJ Sa ore. payroll, $96; W. Boo on last Saturday, yielded almost Sunday in Hamilton. .Mr. Ina Shane 18 b.rhkmg up her A certUled COP1 of the entry de. termlninc the inheritance tax to be Marri ... Li_.. cll.uler, payroll, $138.40 i Carl $60.00 and the trustees take this Mrs. Edith Davi and daughtera borne here and Will a~companY' paid ~II the eatate of Benjamin H. Raymond McComas, laboror, of Dllkin, payroll, $J60; H. L. Schuy. oPPol'tunjty to thank all those who Nellie Mary and Marjol'ie and on ~~.\~a~?\to bel' home In Deland , Blair, deeeaeed, is to be certified Lebanon, and M.iss Nettie Parkes, ler, payroll, $157.20; The Wund contr ' buted by donations, pur- Robert of near Wellman were 0 e. 11n e r. without delay. canner, ·of Lebanon,; Dry Goods Co., RuraJ Recovery chase or ervioe. bopping in Dayton, on Jast Satur - - -.. The application for the apPOintHarvey Glancy, farmer. of Sewing Project lor August, 168; day. JEFFREYS DEFEATED: SAYS ment of. cuardlan 01 Lulu Miller, Clarksville and Miss Doris Holanon A. K. Day, Material for ~ecovery Mr. S. S. Ellill is in Oincinnati Mrs. Dolores Nash and brother, . incompet.nt, is dismiued. lin.pbead, factol')' ~orker, of ,Leb. Sewing Project, August, ,4!1.60; S lving on the FI,dera1 grand jury, of J;>ayton, spent the week-end HE HAD LOTS OF FUN The inventor)' 01 Flora M. Crane Boward Brown HilI, of .Gahpolls W. R. McHenry, same, ,37,60; Mrs. F. T. Nash here. admlnlatratris of the estat& of and Mi~s Zelia Mae Roblnaon, of Ftank Sherwood Co., same, '59.40 Miss Esther Rendenon spent When Raymond J. Jelfreya Daniel LHter Crane deceased i, Oregonia. Merwin Coyne, service as Food week·end with Miss Edna Multurned in bia statement of expendi I N ' , Earl JOlleph Fox, laboror,. of , $50; Jeannette len at Ferry. . appro"," arvey. urC tl1res to the Secrewl'Y' of State, as FOR A~:'.~O'::: The lIITeatory of Louis Carl ClarkavilIe, and Mj s Jane Malatt, a8 Rec. Secretary, $3 require.d by Jaw, fo~ hie camp.ign Ii". wire and Jtalbe, aecutor of the .tate of 01 ClarkSville. Baker. services ae stenogra. Miss Alice Cal~ey was a Dayton Mrs. Frank Shidaker entertain- seeking the nomination for U. S. In"n..·....oai'.. til. lilab• ..~ I. Xalbe, dec...ed, was .p. $32.50; Betty K. Oswald, shopper, Saturday. ed for dinner last Wednel!lday the Congrea man·at-Iar,e, he. turned pri~el and cood ,erYl... ,"N. . Real Eatat. TI''''W. _ as stenographer, ,S5; ~in. ing ladies, Meadame Cecilia in the foUo.winl absolutely truth· Stoe. YaPdt· Cl ••lo-tl, 0. Mr. and Mrs. B. V. Smith I\nd Crawford, Hugh Rardin, W. W. ful report of wnat it cost him not lD the m.tter of tile eatate of Harl. D. Miller to Evelyn Ross nie Wililams, serviees as visitor 111 on Ra 10 statlol1 WCIY Dakin, Clyde Leviey to be nominat4!d: to 12:80 p. m. for our "U, Alula L Bone, deceased, Bale of an" Heber Ross, real estate in $37.60; Willa Beedle, aame 187.60 Mrs. L. C. St.Jo'hn were shopping Welch, and Mif t nie M. Madden. "I was donated thr:ee hundred r.port&. ho....hold .rood. ia ordered. Turtlecreek township. ChristiJle Bundren, aame, 137.50' in Dayton, Monelay. Francie S.Uers, admilliatrator 01 Silas Rolland to Nona Rolland, etLou.ise Whipple, same, $37.60' MT!!. W. O. Kersey and dauahdollars worth of radio time, forty =~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crew and the e.tate of Jamea A. Beel, dec:eas aI, )0 acrea in Wayne township. Eliubeth Hathaway, same, ,30: M tel', Miss Evelyn. Mrs. Ed Clark .dollars worth of mata and ninety ed, aJed hla in.entery. lila May Dondaro, dee eased, to B. Morey, same, $18.75; Dr. F. A. Mr. Phineas Coo" viaited relatives and daughteTs, Mias Elizabeth and dol1arll in caall by friends; spent ' 43 YEARS OF -ERVICE South Charlel,ton, Sunday . in • AlIIUlt Aal' alld Anna Gloaaer, John A. Dondaro and Hay E. Don- Dilatuah, medica~ aervices, '21i; Eleanor, all of Oregonia and Mrs. six bundred and one dollars and ~ admiDllltraton 01 the e.tate 01 daro. real estate in Lebanon. Or. Henry M. Brown, same. $25; Mr. K. N. Houl:h left Tuesday tl) G.. M. MacDonald . and daugh~r, ninety-lour. ~ents for travel" EUulletll Ast, deeeued, rued their Ray E. DondatO to John A. Don- Obio. Central Telephone Corp., attend the Grandi Lodge of Masons M~lIS Anna spent Saturday wlth postage, prl"Ung and other expen· rents v.riouB oflices" October, which convenes iln Cleveland this MI8ll Mary Harlan.. . application for a c.rtificate of daro, real estate in Lebanon. LEBANON, OHIO ses; took 7 ~ monthB Of. time from tranafer. The Prudential Inllurance Co. of 1934, 165.60; Ohio Central Tele- week . The Woman'. ClVlC League met my beilineu; Ilept 17 nights in my We have a complete . at the home· of MrIl. W. P. McCal'- car while parked on the public D. E. Heywood, umlnistrator of America, to Ch.rl.s C. and Rosa E phone Corp., tolls varioua 'oftices Watch Repair S.n-Iee Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hyman and ren Saturday evening. Delicious square or various Ohio towns; th. eatate of Permella V. Wikoff, Bauer, 178.60 aeres ill Maseie town period ending September 20 Prices Reasonable deeeued. filed his .... bill. ship. '3~.80; Mn. Lillie Urton seTVlces lamily and Mr. and MT!!. L. A. refreshment WeTe served at the drove all night eix times to keep Beads Restrung Zimmerman an!! family were Sun- close of the meeting. Mrs. W. E. engagements the following days; The wiU of Edc.r T. Dech.nt Mary L. Edwards, deceased, to ,LO; Mrs. Ira Eltzroth. serviees, J(fWelry Repaired wu admitted to prob.te. William 080&r J. Edw.ltyda, et aI, real estate Helen Doughman, services, $7; day afternoon 'I'iaitors in Dayton. Oglesbee was re·elected president slept on the back 8eat five ~ightll - - __ of the organization. while aomeone else drove m)' car; "THE HOME OF GIFTS" E. Deebant waa appointed exeeu. In Wayne township. Howard SaWyer, servic4!II, '7; , ., no bond. Zeqllired....1 OIC\.r J Edward., et al to Tril. . K. Spencer, 2 loads wood· for Mrs. Barr Barbeau and SOil ale t on a park bench two nights: Robert' an aml y. 0 Batavia ran out of gas 19 timel; carried Sam Bllrdce .nd Chatlea Mount lena and Margaret W. Edwardll Court House. '6.60. caIJed on Frank WilSOn and family &,alOline in a 'can a total of 23 3-4 were appointed ap~raiaers. real 4!state in Wayne townehip. • -John F. Wooley wu appointed J. M. Conovel', de-cHHcf, to. Roy U-i'.lOIil OF mLJCOTlON ON TAX p.rdiaa of II." Dooley·, .t ai, C. Conover, inlot No. 8 ~n Lebanon 1.IilVY I N BXCB.. 0)1' .THB # TEN .It.L LlJllTAoTION IIIi non, and tied bond of tt200 Crawford A. Perry. deceased, to Nell 111. PeTTY, inlota NOli. 99 and with Iureties. . Notice I. h6l'eby ' Illv n that tn ~ur.u .. nc. ot .. Reeolutlon or the TIl. wm of 'Lulu Ta"llor was ad- 100 in Lebanon. 08rd CountJlCOmmllllon r. be "The Smith Brotbers Cough Up tbitted to probate. En. ,. Sta'ftley Carl Sehaub and C.roline SchaulJ W arren01County, Ohio pa"l'd on the . ' w. . .ppolnted eJtecutrix, no bOlld to Raymond Fumieb, real estate in 30th day of &jpt~rniler. 1931 there thus did the W"U Street Journal will b •• ubmtlled, ~ a vot • at the headline an editorial concerniJlII Nquired. Will It Lewis, Helen Deedleld town.hip." I)eople or .ald Wal'Ten County .t . '..1. • Elizabeth Aat to Anna Glouer, tbe N()VEJoIBER. hlLR:CTION to be the taxeB palq by tM Smltb IleGetehill .nd Audrey Townsley tie tid thin the CouDtr of \Varren. Qhlo Brothers of coul;rh·drop fame. And were- appointed appraisers. et aI, 196.68 acres in TurUecreek a JllaceHIe . or 6thVOllng h f h ." h tthereln.e :regular on a.. y t e acts s ow '¥,.at t e concern Tb. . .tate of EU..beth AIt, de- town.hip. t Nlovember. 198~. !.he QuestJon of must cough lonll' and hard Indeed . • ea~, ill exempt from Iflheritanee NOIla Rol1and~ et al, to ErMs\ 01evy nl' a tax Sn excess Of the teq , . Recently the, Simth Brothers tIIZ. E.mbart, 10 acres in Wayne mill lImitation tor the · bene fit ' ot wtarr n ,cao Ubty. ()hlo for !.h. purpo.e posted a aign ill a restaurant the)' Wlllialn E. Graham, admini.tra- towutilp. °eon.truotlon. prov lnl' tunde· tor the Keneral I' t' , th elr . vanoUI • :reconetr\leUon. re- own, 18 mil' taxes. tor of the .Itate 01 Lawrence E. Hellry Nicely to Frances P. 8 u,r'taoJn g and repair ot roads and There are 24 . 01 them and caell Phone 78J T.ylor. deceued. filed hi' flnt alld Black. inlot No. 68 in Franklin. b r d Ke. I"n aald county ILl a rate DOt· .. :r ' • tlul account. L. V. Morris and Martha MorriS eJ[ce ..dlng 1 ~ mille tor 2 ycara Ill ' distinctly ui1lerent. They tn· WJth thq year 199.. clude a federal, a state and. city . EUa T. Stanley, exeeutrbt of tile to Emor), Urton and Lillie Urton. cOTmhmenpClnll1r e ~. tor .alll ElootioD wllJ II I' h d h ..tat. of Lulu Taylor. dee...... 34.' acre. in Hamilton township. b ~en at 6 :30 o'clock JL :M and tax; an 0 • te .ep one an c: eel pen ~m ED t untIJ 8 :30 o' loCk P. tax; gasoline tax; stock and fran. 4Jed ber.inve~tor)'. William A. Lewia to Francea B. I. F. Zimmerm.n, administrator LewiB, 86 acrel in Turtlec:reek da.y~ at ern Stanrtar6 Time) ot lIala chiee taxes; prj)ceasing and grOIl By order ot the Board ot receipts tax, all)d ao on. :At the .0T.t\RY PUBLIC of th. eat,.te 01 Auplt Aat dee... townllhlp and inlot No, H9 in LebElectl9n8. or W..J:rrlf R0ci'~.ltr~~~IO. bottom · 01 their list was printed ed, ftled hi' inTentoq. anon. Natl~. .al Bilek"'" Clerk. ,jWe Do Our Part." . The estate of LaW1'ence E. TaT~ Vena Younc to Marietta <;asson Dated S ptember 24th. 1934. The Simth Brothera are in nC) "IDa Dr._ • ' . EdataSeUW =;Z~~~~~=~~=;~~=:=~~~~~~~~77==:~~==:~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~ different pQ8.i tion .!rom thousands WAYNESVILLE. OHIO ~"",....~........- .............",.~....----~--..........,....,.......'"-ia",___""",,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,IJl"IIII"''''''''''' of other bUl!lrlfeelea, ' large and arnall, These bulii,.elBea are reae"· the point wbere taxation i. beFOIl SALE DATES CALL coming the larlrelt aingle item of expenlle--many examples are recorded wbere mlor. II paid to cov. a almpl. bona• I,." ..... _ . . erDment tt..D to workerl, with __ , little or n9thlna: left to tbe o,.n," talt.. on a new .p..~A=M""_,_" Many ot thelle buaineue, .... ~ ...~ bltol~Dt I ........w., pIMa" . "11ft aou o~. add bat· r.achin., th. p~lnt where It wUl b. 4.....-u ....po. . . roD 01' P lmpoulble lot them to ~e.t tb. .Iele dOWD cake, J01l ereate tom.. ... powder. 1aIt, &lid i1Ipr. aDd ~. . . . ITAJlL&Y tax collector'a ' demancD:-wber. thIDc daat JD&ktI 'ealDlDe ...... 11ft topdwr tllnI tlmo!l. Add 1Ml&o th~y will · ftnll it oheaper tCI · uk ror thenclpe aacl llla(jinil aer. OoaablDe ene. mot. ad ..... 110. New ............ a... go out of bUll.hess and . ~Ivare . mueallile ....ta to !'Ill fol' ..... 01&: add to · lour mSztUH, at.lrl1Da uaW 8OIlI' .Ie clampened. Acid what they can now,' th.n to beJl . Choeolatt •• ,...•• ".11 • .taL 1t00GU. GIIoooIate ad bl",; Ulea I IIfW . . . . . on operatlnr. ~ 1 ..lData. \ CLASSIFIED ADS COST ONLY lIelt • ."'''lIOODe batt. ID I:dz The entire Cla use of economtc: ~=_ IIaIII-. U ...... .... "1De1l. pui oftr low lame; ... recovel'Y is bou.~d up With the tax ~ c.......~ .. ONE OENT PER WORD. WHY ...... , ~ nd lUI' QW C1aOtoqb. problem. We want employment, • en na-. auIIr ....... IF mls... Ou thla arraap '"...... KEEP , YOUR ATTIC FILLED inveltment, il)ldustrial " develop. • ~r:aaM J11enf,.-but we cannot have thell\ I W " " ...sua WITH USELESS ART'I CLilS by establishing tuation pollctea .. . . . - _ .., .....11........ ...... r ....1 estate in Franklin township.




Beech Grove








F. T. Martin

Chocolat, Glori',. rla,.e D,.sm,l


Or No Char••

Centerville, Ohio










uW ..











- III....,..

~~i~~~~3 I___ ·CtASSlfIEO ,ADS. ..._ ...____ do...



. ....,......--_ ........ ,..............






The word cIoea not ,... fer to O\U' ....... state intI do ,.. '0P" In

c......... u.......... ea..



Auctioneer. . D.,........

I II.., - . wtIIpljIM aDd ........ . ....te OY8Il (150· r.) 10 mlDatea, or that throw men out of work, ' . frighten invelto;rs, and pal.'al),nI BUt lour OIlC•• &44 ba~ UBttI LoOaeIl calle troth .. Idea indus•..., ., . lq powdQ aDd aalt, ael .Ut too o! p&Il with .pat"l'. Tu~ upllde .. iI' " • lether three tllD8I. 1'0111 1111&1' Ilo.,. OIl.4flbWltll pia_PIlle oil top. All o.f us are cougbll1g up with II'&dualJi Into en wh1tea. 1'014 0antIah wid, wllp," oream; It d.. the Smith Brotbera. III ell yoln ad ftnUIa. 1'01e1 lit ~. Serve ____••._ • loilr lTl4aall1. TIleD 1HIa' Ct\ooIlato cn.ted Cuatard Pie ehocolate.· .Ielltl, but thoroqhl,.• Tum Into lIxlo.lncb .,aa w~ch ka been areaaed. lined with 1IQ8I' to "OHIO,., NIPPON wlthba % IDch or ecIIe, &Dd apia all IreuecI. .Balle ta bot Ofta ( .... I _ _ ftIIIIIa PHONE OREE'I1NG P.) 11 mtntea. 01' utII .... QulcklF eDt" CII1aP .a.-. 01 ~ A familia;;;t;"to native. of ad t111'1l oat 011 elotli COTeNcI wttII he Buckeye, State j. bema powdencl ....... . . . . . . talMll'. ht!ard iu a London lelephOlie Wrap t. clotlt ad 0001 _ ..... cuballse these days. When cold••.,..... w1tb ~ In preparation for the (n. , cream. Roll .. lor ~ roIL lJoftJ' wWa cbooolate ooatIII& IllWUrBtion of radio:telephOlle Hl'Vice between Eqland 1114 .. .ct. '" I to...... 1 ..un ............ lap~, Londoa telepllolle . . . Uocolate. ....... are leantin,.- to "OIHo" and

teUJOoB ......

Stanley &Koogler



FOItIAU I -----~----..:.---

SALE - 30·40 Remingt,on. bolt action Rift..,; 30.08 Sprinafield rifle. In lood cof\llitlon. Inquire at Galette Olftce. FOR SALE-Keifer pears. C. E, Michener, WaJn••ville, Oblo. FOR SALE-Wued paper III roUI, P.per Napldlll. lI'IaU tI.. P.per Plat... TIl. MiamI Guotte.

W ANTBD-Rol'M abolllll, plow work, PD'''' repalrlq. 8Iaop In rear of Gordon.. Oarqe. wm ea1l .t farm to do 1boeIq, .... wOld.



111 of the major com-hOi count.f.. in the ltate, Ihewed that 14,'77 .dminiaterin, the law. Viol.lion of contract i(PIeta favor a plan for - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - the act carries a penalty of not White .............,... 199r, and 10,112 oppolle eontinumore than $SOO fine and not more ISSUED EVERY TBUJl8DA Y illl the program. than six montha In a federal priaon hind the ......... In the 78 Muntiell 1140 farmefS or both. Thia migratory water fowl \\'ho did sign corn-hog contracts hunting act is not only a game provoted. They opposed continuing EI.ctricai Wav •• FI~ Over tection law. but is also based upon F.rmer, O. K. CorDI·tIo. PI•• the program by a vote of 846 to a sacred treaty with Canada T.I.phon. Wir•• at whereby the United States agrees Obio farmers have joiMd with 294. Sp••d Farmers in practically all counto protect the birds which usually the majority of otber farmers in OCTOBER 18, 1984 are reared in Canada and migrate the Middle West in JPlacing the ties opposed a change in the type When you telephon ' your Aunt =-'-stamp of approval on the .grieul- of contract. In Ilnswer to the sec- Rachel in Omaha. your conversaond question on the ballot, "Do While Ohio I fourth among the tural administration's corn-hog tioo is as clear and direct as if you auae. n urea epre.IIOn states in population and third in ' program. Complete r~eturns from you favor a one-contl"8ct-per-farm were talking across the street. " wealth, it is 47th in per capita co t 4& Ohio counties voting on the udjustment program dealing with Oue of , the reasons for thil, ac· Nobody in the world knows exactly what cause~ depres8ions, not of .state gov rnment, which leads continuation of the f,ederal COTn- grains and Iives,tock to become efeven Senators of An'ny (llllcers," says Neil Carothers, Profeesor of the Obio Health News to observe hog pro'duction contr~,1 plan lor fective in IflBtl'!," the vote was cording to The Ohio Bell Telephone Ji:c(>nomicB at Lehigh University, in an adicle in the New York Herald. that the state division of vital 1936 showed 10,208 votes for and 18,672 opposed to 10,042 in favor Company, is the tremendous speed at ",vhidl electrical wavn carrying Tribune Magazine. "The economist, ·who ·know quite a lot about de- statistics, department of health, 7,11 0 against. The corn-hog pro- in t he group holding the pl'esent your voice travel over telephone contract. Non-signCl" of contractll pl'essions, admit that they cannot isolate the exact cause. They know has 20 e mployes comparetl with 86 gram provides tbat the farmers wires. They speed over wires as that it is not ,t he gold standard or the stock e~change or farm prices or in ~ew York and .1 6 in Pennsy~- who agree to retire certain aCI'eage oppo ed the proposed change by a rap idly as loo,DOO miles per second the rich grinding tbe faces of the poor. In ' face, they know there is no vania. No do~bt thIS .Iatter t.act )J! from the growing of corn and to vote of 845 to 214. Less than 40 per cent of the and are olle of the swiftest things in . one reason thiS state 18 47th m per limit tbe production l>f hogs will one cause but a combination. . • • • contract signers in the fllate cast tbe world. "0 . d . . . . I' t ' . h capita cost ot lit ate government. recel've I'n return benej"t.s from the , eprc Slons 0 not ongmate In non-capita 18 lC countrIes s uc as " If it weren't for their speed, long ballots. India. Economic I;!reakdowns in such countries are reactions to depresMailing of 1,000,000 publicity government. Preliminal'Y returns from nine dish.nce ttlephone c:onversations s~on8 in capitalistic countries. Do not ha tily conclude from this that pamphlets to inform voters of ---states, totaled when the vote wa would be disjointed affairs at best. I!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!t White ~a.- ...... _ cllpitali:m is a ·Cailure. The non-capitalist countries have chronic mis- Ohio on two proposed initiated ~t.le Amendment. to Ueceive Vol. about half completed, showed For example, jt is 14,000 miles from ___ rvw. . - ery and recurrent fomlnes. The .. wful spcctac~ of children starving to In nts to the state constltu" The two proposed coOnstitutional 171,469 farmers voted for the con- rew York to SYdney, Austnlia, by death ' by thousands is to be seen only in China, which has not developamendments--one prc,viding that tinuation of the program while radio-telepholl~ circuit. If, instead of hind the enllne. tele'ghoning, one should shout loud I,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ed capitali nt, and in Russia. . • . . tion is unqer way by secretaryof motor vehicles shall n,ot bb taxed 102,649 voted against it. enough 50 that .A ustralia could hear I' "JU&t as they besltate to assign a specific cauae for depression, so stllte, and will b completed next as pet;80nal property the same the sound waves, it would requir~ do the 'e conomists refrain from proposing a patent ' cure. They know WEe k. The work i being done in year they are licensed by registraabout 18 hours for the sound waves that the one C\:lre is that on . remedy fur all human ills- time. . .• the hall of the HOUSe of Repre- tion fees and the other limiting the of the voice to reach Australia from "Trying to force recove l"V bv statute is like stanQlng up in a sail- sentatives. The amendments pel'- state gasoline tax to 8 cents will New York and another 18 hours for , , tain to related subJ·ects. One pro· be subml'tted to vote of the people the answer to come back by sound. boat and blowing on the sails. The speed of the boat is determined by pOSeJI th.a t motor vehicles shall be Novenlbel.' 6, 1934. , Yet in 1113th of a second. the forces outside it. • . . It texed for Pllblic thoroghfare purThe amendments both provide telephone "Hello" from New York It ie natural that we should attempt to abnormally force recovery, po «IS only and the tax derived against further diversion of gasoand it is almost inevitable that sucb eiforts should Jargell' fail. Eeu- from such source shaH not ~ di- line tax funds or mo'tor vehicle F...,.r Repori Loues, is beard in Sydlley, Australia. In 1/13th of a second . sound travelS nomic laws wbich are 8S old as organized government cannot ,long be verted, by transfer of funds or funds for purposes other than 80 feet. So it might be said about Bu.i" ... Ie Larler -.I ch'cumvented-pl'ecisely as tbese laws ma)le depre sion , they even- otherwise, to any other object. At the original intent of the levythat, by the swift flight of electric tually present us with the cure: No one conversant with the history of PI' sent motol' vehicle license funds namely highway purpo·ses. PropollExpe_ ..... waves, 14,000 mile, of space is this country can believe that it will not pull itself out of the doldrums are being used for poor relief 'an(l tens have cited that the amendsqueezed into 80 feet. school supp ort as well as highway ments are in keeping with tlound _but nat;ural, not. artificial, lorces will deserve mo t of the cI'edit purposes. The otber amendment governmental policy a,nd represent, During t~e fiscal ~ear qf 1933-84 wh n that Is done. propo es that the exel e tax on an opportunity for th~e tax p'a ying the standmg of farm---, ga aline u ed to propel motor vehi- motorist to bave an assurance that owned gram elevators took a tutn des shall not exceed three cents 1\ "gas" taxes or auto tllxes will not fo.r the better. The yea! before 40 gallon, and shall be used for pub- become exorbitant. That the per cent of the compames reported ic thol'oughfare purpose only, in. amendments will not cause any a loss; in the year recently closed The Ohio Bell T e\cphone Company IIeluding the control and protection hardship to any present beneficiary this percentage was reduced to 21 connects and disconnects an average of of traffic, and shall not be traO!!- of now-diverted funds is evidenced Theile figures are t.aken from an nearly 1,000 telephones each working fen-cd for any other pUr)lose. The by the fact that the next General analys is of farmers' elevator ree· day. [n the entire Bell System. the Tht\ Ohio State University Radio StatiOD-WOSU pamphlets also contain the argu- Assembly must provide a perma- ords. c~mp~eted ~Y B. A. 'Yallaee, daily average is approximately 25,000 8:00 Music ment.s presented fOT and against ncnt tax progt:am that; will aecom. speClahst 10 gram marketing for such opcrati()lls. 8 : 1 0 Cornstalk at Point PleJlsant ... .... ..... .. ... ... .. ... ...... H. E. Eswine ' the propo ed amendments. mod ate theSe needs. Impartial ob- the 0 .. S. U. Rec.ords of 1~6 Ohio The volume of telephone shihing is 8 :2() The Fifth Annual Corn Field Day ....... ................... R. D. Lewis sel'vers have indkated thair compames are mcluded In the due largely to moving from one resi0utdoor exercise for state opinion that the amemdmente rep analYIIll!. 8:30 Music dence to another, new subscribers and ~allac~ reports tha~ ~olume of tllose who order their service in and 8 :4.0 Home, Sweet Home ,.... ............. ....... ...... ...... ,..... WOSU Players p~isoners bas received strong en. I'e ent an opportunity' for taxpay 0: 1 0 .h om Garden to Table ................ ... .....•...... .. Elizabeth iQraddy dorsement by Ohio Penitentiary in ers to hav~ a pertinent voice in bUlllnes IIlcreased, n smg from out frequently. 9:20 The Year witb Ohio Coop raUve Grain ElevatorB .... B. A. Wal1ac~ mates because of. it beneficial ef- th amount of taxation and the $8S,OOO per company last year to fect , the News of tbat institution aIJoc:ation of moneys collected. $102,000 for this year. The . in9 ;31) Music crease was dUe both to price rlsel! SulJseribe lor ~be Miami Galette declared in ita last issQe, "Surpris. t_ _ _ 9:36 I3torage oC Vegetables ., .. ........................ ... " ..... ..... ., E, D. Brown ingly infrequent nowadllYIi does and larger tonnages handled. .. ........ ,.C. C. Lang S.fety For Scboool Cbil ..... . .... ....... Winter Activities of Local S-H Club Expenses were further reduced. 9;45 one eee the sic.kly, pallid complexion that was once tbe inevitable ' Intensification of i'ts efforts to The average amount of business, " lot of every pri oner," the convict' enroll school childrenl throughout $102,QOO per company, was bandeditor writes. "The summer-long the state in a progralm of 8afety Ied with almost the indentical program ot outdoor recreation has has been made by the Ohio Safety amount of ellpense Incurred ill proved a Ane source of good Service Commission 1'ollowing the handling $83,QOO of business last health to the inmate body, whose National Safety C!ongrell in year. Expenses were 10,7 cenh ,p er practically every mem er bas jn Cleveland last week. Representa- dollar of salell. Salary and wage cuts accounted some manner 01' other tapped the tives of the Safety Service ComCOLUMBUS-By reason of the vided for violation of such election source- reaping a sun·bronzed millsion . are cooperlting with for the greater part of the saving, slate political campaign now get- law. countenance mirroring '. healthier school authorities in all parts of dropping from 48 cents of the exting under way, Secretry of State mind and body," be continues. The the state in inculcating school chil· penSe dollar to less than 44 centa. Warnin, that the migratory sports prngram a es1ablished in dren with the principlles of safety. The only large increase in exGeorge S. Myers ha,s called attenpense items was the re erv~ for tion to the provisions of the law wat~fowl hunting 'tamp act muat 1933 by W rden Thoma is /leilher bad accounts, which this pa t year forbidding circulation of unBigned be strictly obserVed to avoid being pampering nor coddling, but inHitibwa, P.trol Aeti". was just three times as large as campaign material. This has fOl'ced to uy "roodmorninc" to a stead is sound penology, and higbly received in always been a sOllr-ee of trouble In lederal judge, w•• Better safety and traffic law for the previous year. Mneftcial in its ultimate results to Financial condition of the 126 • few sections of the state. ~cre- . Columbul from W ••h!nct;on tallt both prisoners and society, the observance on tl1e highways of tary Myers also called partlcula"l' week. The nob~e, receIved by the prison organ declare • Ohio motivated the SI~te Highway companies ranges aU the way from Patrol in stopping a total of insolvency to a boo~ value of $600 attention to tbat prpvision ef the atate division of eonllervation, law prohibjting corporations from states that more than 700 federal The state division of banks an- 141,690 motor vehicl,es during the for a $100 share. Wallace sums Up' hil analysis making any .kind of campaign con- agent.· besides state rame wardens nounced the following banks were past nine months. Col Lynn tributlons. Last year a few corpora and volunteer wardena will be on licensed to reopen in September: Black's report, w·bich coverB with this comment : "Farmers' liona not being cOllversant with the the watch for violatora in the The Bank of Bere., The Commer- from January through Septt\mber, elevators ·as a group are in sou'nd law, made some conttibut!on8 to United Statel, and of coune Ohio, cial cI: SaVillgB Bank of Berea and shows that 101,061 p8S8enger financial condition. The percenceriain political caUIeI, Th, latter betnl OD the rreat lakee with many the North American Bank of cars and 40,629 commercial carl tage of financial weaklings is hepfovision of the law appllea Dot emall lakea, will receive her ahare Cleveland. Two were . e10sed tor were stowed by Hig;hway Patrol- low that of busines. ia general. Every year, even in depression only to ~ontdbutiC)ns toward IIlee- of the federal ...nta. The law , re- liquidation: T.he :Minerva Banking men. tlon of undldatea fOr oMce but quires that every duct bunter over Co, and the ditiMns &avings BankTo improve traffic: safety eor- times, has seen financial progress.' allo to constitutional amendmenta 16 , ..... of ... obtain a federal ing Co., Barnesville. recitions totalling l.OO,OOO were and other iaaueB. Penalt1ea are pro- huntinc stamp .t • poltoftlee, coat· ordered for mecharlic:al defects --Cound upon checking ears. During PUBLIC SALE the niJ)e months the patrol received 27,380 inlormati,on requEsts, As [ am guittina ~armiDg I will rendered assistance h~ 3792 cases, sell at auction on my farm located investigated 2065 81ccidents and 2 miles South of Lytle, 7 milea i8llued 38,176 verbal 'warnings. Northeast 01 Lebanon, 8 .miles West of Waynesville/ just oft' State TreDCI To,.,an1 R.i,iq 0_ C.I,.., Ro'ute 78, on the Lytle road, 'on Octo'er OIel. A . . P~. . jo. R.II.f .. CI_r, S.,....... i • •1 Wecfa.... Oct Iter 31 1.34 Old are pellaion l'elief will be H .., y, 0 , granted in October t~, 13,000 mOre . Beginnlnr at 9 a, m. the follow- .aged and needy pel..ona if the -tng chattels: quota set by the Aid for the Aged Ohio farmers intend to raise , '1 Horse. 2 Mules, 1 Ponl'; bay Division's fulfilled. U ' the Old Age , more of their own beef "alves and ,h orse, good worker and puller, Administration fulfil1i! this month's buy fewer of them from western team of bay mules, weighing about quota a total of 70,0100 0 '( the 120 'range .c attlemen. 2.400 Ibs., good workers;.37 Cattle 000 applications which have been The trend in' this direction is e.o nsisting of 20 head of milk COWl. IUed will have been taken care of, clear, according to L. P. McCann, Theile cows are about 'a11 youna .ccording to M. L. Brown, chief extension IIpecialist in animal has. I and consist of fresh and close up of the state division' bandry for the Ohio State Unil. springers; 14 head of Heifera; one versity. Guerneey Bull, 2 yean old, this is McCann points out that it bas OIl.. Ie Mod.1 Foi N.w NRA been clearly de~onstrated in re• full blood bull;87 HOI' conaiatIn. of 8 Brood SOWI, 1 Duroe ••1. National Indultriial Recovery cent years that beef calves can be Iloa, 48 pip, SO Sboat. that will Board, to iQener81 Hugh produced cheaply in Ohio, and that Mabel Boardman,' Secretary 01 Red Crou, weilh about l25 Ibl. eaeh. Tbil is Johnson'auceeS80r aa the rul~nr force of such calvu are not subject to a fine ~unch of hop.; 55 Sheep I NRA, plans 't o mak4~ a study of ,s hipping fe~er nor. are t~ey set Devote. lJretime to Pub~ , Serviee that Will run In age from • y ..~ NRA compliance in 'Ohio as the hck by shrmkage m trllnslt. . down. ,A larp col1ec~loll of Farm- ftnt step In setting up uniform Last winter 14 farmer8 kept IIJ DAVID .. 1Jf~ In.. Implement.. Deleo Plant witb. compli.nce relul&tliona for an complete feed eost records on OItIaIWlCall~out the b.tteries,; Harnelll; 18 ton lltatel. The Buckeye State's com- their beet breeding herds. They Alfalfa Kay. U tons. Soy Bean pliance adminlatration will serve as brought their cows througb the . . Back In 1900 without ecmaulUq ......... ~ for IVc:!a,'e to • hay,86 acre. of corn; Farmall the laboratory in wlhich the Nati- year at a feed cost of $12.17 per ber aomebody'p\lt doWJI the DaIIle q1l.a~ent4l1 or ••nizaUoII Tractor and plOW8l 800 mixed anal Indultrial Recovery Boud cow. Puture was charged against of ii.bel Boardmall .. • IMIIlMr wtu.t la .... ' ....leleDt 0, Chicken.; " GeeBe, 80 Docksaod hopee to uncover the secret of sue- each cow in the herd at the tate of ::. &be °U"C=to~ ·0001 . .ad 'fur~eYI. . cesaful procedure. 'NRA omcials, $1 per month, and other feed at daa' Am ..... like pllttiDi down the Mr. USow . . . ~~L... that Terms o~ Sale Cub. be10te and lillce tlhe chanre in the rate. current in the com'" PrMhI- ~ . . . "'... fa I . . . ~D'~ WaynesvUle M•. E. Ladies Aid NRA admiDiatrawon" have expres· munity• U. N... Deal. ' 41.11••• ·n .........· '1 .. . ~ will have a lunch stand on tbe aed praise for . thE! manner in The herds, compri.sing 600 ~_ at all old ~ faID- .. .. .,... 111M 1& ~ groundl, . . wbich compliance measures have cows, had a 03 per cent calf drop. Ilr ue 1uJd for yean been pro... ~""'" See laree bills for particulars. have been directed ih Ohio. I'eed cost to produce one calf ~ ill W..hlJlcton. But enD . , JOHN MURIN · -_. amounted to $13.78 . .. a 70UDI cirl aM was thaD ~ "'~'won ~ Sbank " StauA'er, .A ucts. _ Lowest feed cost· per calf ra~led • aocIaI biittiarll1· 10 CleftlUd abe ' . fill MaW , Boardmall" Trotwood " Brookville, OhiO. iii the 14 herds was UO,6~; .hlghiq $1. Tbis mOlle, pa,. the eost 01

Capi Cross




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Manv Phones Moved Daily by Ohio Bell



Farm l\iight 7 alks, October 22


Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol



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=~~~~f;~=; £--=;t~ ~ WMn n:~ eoFIIOR AM PROGRAM est';r~setd:r-: le~~~~d primarily on oeP~ ..... StaMI. .... u....... of ..... coarse, rough feeds ·such as atover .::...~Mout aDd lOG! . . . ,...., --,aq, Of eaeh 100 buaIMIa 'corn unulable hay and ~traw for carry.. !on Itu4Ied ...... - - fIf' ..... leu I In a ... produced in til.e Uilltecf State&, IIlI' Ul e dry cowa throulrh the wln-

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to 18 Refw •••_ .. ow. aTe fed to l' ella ~ hab.1 to hone.. 10 to 14,477 AIIPMft aU poultq, 1 bulael to I. II-. 0..... ~ WI .Ie .... COlli_eel by • of ,.t..; . "ttl... ud t hUla_ .. IQto • To am. eo la,... . . . . . . . II trial 11M The balaIIoe II ailed f . PUt7-nln. per MIlt of tb. Ohio r. .-....... 1111 _ . . . . . . . . . :..-...... tara.. who alped coro-bOi Fst. or - - eoDtnetl wt.. the Alricaltllral II - -..-. ~.. AcUWltmellt AdIaIIlidratioa ' ...or a . . . . . prepam for 1931; ••


rIIIi •• buahela are fed

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tar. A few uled better "rade feeds Including ailage, and one or two added grain. But for the mOlt part S8YS McCann, the feeding pr~ctic.s followed ,bY the l ( ,b reeden kept th. willtertnc coat down to a "try low pobat. 81n.. keepl... recorda ...enl of the farm.... h.". expanded tbelr beef brHCIlaa her"'; Done h.. redueed.


Ifra. Ell. op ~y hall \.U'en much o for a vl'ral day at the hum ot Mr. and. MTII. Rl.n UawK . The Ladif'tI Aid are planninr a Hallo .'en odal on :Saturday e eninl', tbe 27th with priz(ls, pro· j(Uh\ and lunch. 1'. and Mrs. J. B. Jone, Mr. R'n d Mn. AII"n Emrick were Leb. unon visitor Friday.

da, e••nlae. IIr. and IIrs. Stamey Bailey and dalllthter, Phyllia were Dayton viallortl 'rue day afternoon. Ml1l. Calvin l.onpere ami children wert' " ek-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Swank lind ~r. and MIS. Melvyn 'wank and children in Dayton. . ~lr~, Ke ler Graham" 10 com pan)' wlth M~" and Mrs, WIll Kersey of Oregoma and Mrs. John Myers and daughter ~f D,lIyton, left W dnesU8)' mornmg to spend u week at the World's Fair, hicago. Mra, iolet Burnett, of CassopJi Mich., Was in Lytle IlwhiJe Monday he sold her prop rty here to , Earl hinn and moved the l'emainder of her house·hold good to l'!1ichigan. Mr. ' and Mrs, Ed Longacre left by 1Il0tol' Saturday morlling f or Agusta, West Virginia, 10r an extended vi it with Mr. and M1'8. . E. WolfQ;d Rnd other relative. The church service, with Rev, William Martin In charge, will be held every two weeks at 9 :30 a. m. and Sunday School will ,be at 10 :30. SeJ,'Vices will he next Sunday the 21st and again on Novem. ber 4th. Everyone cordially invited

tlDm hla ••tomoblle, wbich baa been toqulpPt'd with loud apealter" Information that the Kent candldBt~ would IIpeak there wu receiv· ed lay S. M. Maalf, chairna.n of the county Democratic committee, who was in olumbull thi8 week,

B, Mr.. .~~~f!~~~~=~~il

We are f~ ling very lonely ST. MARY'S CHURCH Many, we loved h~tve gone away; J. B. Chapman and J. K. PreatOD Re•. J. J. Schaeffer, Rector Mess)' • A. L. King and Clif\'ord And it seems to us, that someone were in Cincinnati, Wednesday. Twenty·l\rst Sunday after Trin· That we love, gOl!8 every day. Buzick were Dayton vIsitor. unMr. and Mrs. C. B. Frye enjoyed ity, Oetober 21, hurch school at day. But we hope Bome time to join a trip through southern Ohio, Sun. :30, Morning Prayer and sermon ,.OR SALK M " al'ah Easton and . daugh . MI'. snd Mr. J. V. Hartsock and them dllY· at 10:30. Mr. :Brown, of St. t,t'rs. rtfl se~ Mllry and Juhll w r \laughter Dorothy, were in Dayton, When we leave this troubled Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gona and Mr. Andrew's church, Dayton, officiat· FOR SALE-Keifer Pears. Apples ~\turd8Y dlDn~r guesb of Mr. a.nd Saturday. globe • Ill' now ready. ,J. L. MendenGons were Dayton vidton ing. MI . Louis Trickey !\nd M1'8, Ahce In that home beyol1ld the sun-set . , . Tuesday. hall. Mrs. Morns Fulkerson and Miss Where the roses 'never fade. Miller and 8 0 n . . ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Helen Hawke were shopping in Mrs. A lice, Br~ek r making an Miss Doris Henderson and Mr. Father Newton. Pastor Xenia, Tuesday. When God sends His golden ehariot EO t nded vitut With ~!r. and ~rs , Boyd Henderson, of Cincinnati. And we see it swing real low; Mass at St. Augustine's Churcb I n,n Bro k and !amll~ at Indian· spent Sunday here. Mr. Tom CaIT, of i1verton, We will try to clim1:1 aboard it every second and fourth Sunday White Rose, the depenapohs. Ohio, was 8 business visitor in And go where thE' l'08es grow. dable Gasoline. Mrs. Margaret JohllB was a gu st Mrs. J. P. Larrick and daughter f the m<?ntb. ' Waynesville, Friday. at the Ladies Aid Dleeting at HarElizabeth visited last Friday with Near the banks of life's switt river FRIENDS MEE'I'ING YRburg Thur day afternoon and Misse~ Trillena and Margaret W That are deep silver sand, the Terwilligars at Carmago, Ohio. lent Thur day night and Friday Edward spent Wednesday and We wiII walk the stree18 of Jasper First-day Scbool at 9 :80 a. m. _ - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . , Miss Mary Jo Miller hall been Thur day in Dayton. at the home of her brother, Amos Ladie.' 0 ........ , 70.. With friends, in the promised absent from the telephone ex- Heetlni' for Wonhip at 10:30 In. Cook alJd ~amny neAr Waynesville land. ' M_'. Suite, esc change this week because of iIlneslI Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Squires, Mr. Harvey Burnet. is able to be out Quick-for 41ualit,. dr,cl_alq and .MI'. Charles Cornell vi ited a~"Ilin ahd spent Friday afternoon There Whel'E life is all immortal Mr. and Mrs. C. H. McConnell, WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH friends in Piqua, Sunday. Lovlie8t place, G ~l d ever made, of pl'ingfield, were gqests 01 Dr. in Dayton. ,R ev. G. C. Dibert, Pastol' , Donald Surface, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hatllaway, today. Ft'jday: ChOir pl'actice at 7 :30 Mr. and 1'4t·&. James Lovely and Is lJur home beyond the sun-set Mildred Surface, broke his arm, AI Where th roses IIleller fade. daughter Miss Norma were in Wil. Friday, while playing basket ball newS A: H. St~bbs was called to p. S~nday: Sonday school, at 9:30 ... mington, Sunday evening. at th Springboro school. He wa LeWisburg thIS week to ~ake c~arge a. m. Morning Worship at 10:40. taken to Dr. Blair's in 'Lebanon to s TOniC iJ1 Mrs , Bessie White and daughter of the funeral 01 Mathias Delsher. The Bermon ubject will be, Miss Geraldine were week-end ~"ft~ I' • "Some Fruits of Worship." Ep. Robert Beckett and daughter, of Mrs, Trilla Farquar of near t' anous guests of Dr. Mary L. Cook. worth League at 6 :30 p. m. EvanMrs. Emma Barnett, of Cincin· Cynthiana, Ky" have been visiti Rl~viUe spent Tue day with her Mr. and MI'!!. Mitchell White, 01 nati, was the guest of Misse8 relatives and , friends here this gelistic services at 7 :3 0 p. m. mother, Mrs. Lottie Carey, who i Wednesday : Bible study and (Continued trom pue 1) Lebanon, were Sunday guests of Annie U. and MamEI T. Brown. on week. not so well the past week. prayer meeting at 7 :16 p. m. Tue day. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick. Mr. at the Twins Theater, W dnesday, Mr. and Mrs. Jamal! Lovely. Mr. and Mrs. William Thonlas, Our Annual Rally Day and Dr. Bailey CampbelJ was in Cin· and Mrs. Ther~e Jones and 80n, October 24, There will be two , of Maineville, weTe supper guests Home Coming will be , held , on and MI' . A; H. tubbs and Mr. cinnati, Monday. Milton, w ... re dinner guestl Sunday shows, beginning at 7 o'clock and daughter are dinner guests of of Mr. and Mr . E. L Thomas on October 28. Keep this date open and Mrs. ' Ho:well Peirce, Mr. ot Mr. and Mrs, J . B. Jones. continuing until 10 o'clock. "The and be sure til come. in Germantown, this even- Mrs. Maria Elbon lInd Miss Ethel Sunday. Mrll. Margaret Johns and Mrs. Most Precious Think In Lile;' is friends ing. Mendenhall were Diayton visitors, Letitia Kenrick attended a dinner the picture. For information and Mrs. F~anK H~f\'man lind Mrs. WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF Monday. given by the Repubiclan . Com- tickets ask any Junior CIa sman. Etta LarrIck viSited Wedn.-day CHRIST Mr. and Mrs, F. H. MiltenberMr. Rufus Ker ell, of Oregon ia, mittee at the Lebanon hot...l. Monwith ,Mr. and Mr . E. Inskeep, of ger and Mrs, Jane Miltenberger ( Undenombtatlonal) relatives in Middletown, was a dinner guest lit, tile Home on Springfie ld. 1'•• ADDUal J_ior Riac Selection visited Sunday. Ch,e ater A. Wliliamaon, Minllter Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Martin and Mr8. George Johnson. of LebThe Junior Class room was a Church Scho.ol at 9:30 a. m. anon. Miss Beatrice Robiher and Mrs. Ed Kendall, of George. tamily, of C\~veland, werE recent of turmoil. excitement. and seene tord·. Supper at conclusion, town, Ohio. was the guest C)f Mr . g~ests of Mrs. Margaret Martin. C. M R ' bitzer are tn Cleveland Mr discussioll. Friday. Oetober 19, Christian Endeavor at 6 :30 p. m. Mr, and Mrs. Chfllmer Grice, of for a lew days. when Mr. Sweetman of the Jastui8 Mary C. Cross, Wednesday and Harvey Hole. leader. Eveni~r Dayton, called on Mrs. Grice's Company, Minnesota presented his Thursday. J. B. Crabbe attended a con- evangellatic aervlce at 7 :30. grandmother, Mrs. llTancea's selection of class rings ference of Smith Hughe teacherll Prayer Meeting and Bible study lfr. and Mrs. R. H. Hart ock and son on Sunday. and pins. ,A quick and agreeable family. Mr. and Ml'S. Hal'vey' Rye • _ .~ _ __ of the Southwest dilltrict at HlIla- eaoh Wetineaday at 7 :30 p. m. The decision was made, co ntTary to ohurch where you , feel at home. boro last Saturday. custom. Many of the Juniors are Portsmouth, and family viSunday. ited Chillicothe and looking :forward to carl'ing the Mu. Emma McClure, Mra. L. H. FERItY CHURCH OF CHRIST Thanksgiving turkey witl) bejewelGordon, MI'8. Mary McClure and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Baumgardner (Undenomi utioaal) ed fingers. Mn. Ida Kelley motored to Port... Chester A. Williamllon mouth on Saturday. , Evan,eliaUc Mrvices nightly Guardian of our serenity a and Mrs. J. W. C o l e m a n . ' • Grad. oa,""atol',. well aa lIroteetorli of 'out' Uvea -' Mrs. Emma Barnett and Mr. E. (except Satl11'day) at 8 o'clock, The visit to the WilminJrton and property, these publle :r.~~. and Mrl!:. Van ~elt, of Loss o~ seven I thousand dollars V. Barnhart were caned to Wuh- Lord'. Da)' proll'am as follow a, College Observatory on last Satur- Sprl g Valley, V1SIted their son-In- was suffered in a fl,r e which com- illi'ton C. H. today beca~se of the Unified .erviee beginning with eervante stand ready, each Church School at 9:80 a. m. Lord's day evening, October 13, was most law and daughter Mr. and }trs. vletely destroyed th4~ farm home of death of Mrs. Nat Barnett. twenty·four hours, to respond Suppel' - and sermon at 10:30, inteTeBting to the forty-fi ve stud- Morris Fulker on, Sunday after- Ross Planck, on the Waynesvilleto a call for aid . Th ir nature ents of the Seventh and Eighth noon. M • Maria S. Elbon expects to Everting evangelistic service nt 8. reepond8 to the call of duty Harveysburg" plke, ;route 78 Mongrade. They observed, througb the leave Saturday for Lancl~.ter. You are always ",elcom'e at thi~ as naturally a8 their departMrs. Mary Kauffung and Mr. day morning. telescope, the moon and the planet and Mrs. Charles Henkle, of ment anawe1'. a general alarm. church. Mrs. Planek had just 8tarted a CaJifornia, wherjl .he will Satu~n. The view ot the moon in brother Isaac Stout, and family. ---..., Hamilton, were dinner guests of fire in a living roOm stove, left its Brllt quuteT stage changed Mr. and Mrs. A. F. MeUoh, Tues- for a moment and returned to find Several members of the local DAVEY TOSPEAIC their theoretical knowledge to a day of last week. the elltire room ablaze. AT LEBANON younger !let attended A d reality. The seas and mountains The house, a bricll structure were exceptionally cleaT. Saturn, Miss Leada Werntz, who is visit- which was known as th~ Welch sponsored by the Young Martin L. Davey. Kent. Demo· .-urrounded by the three rings jng relatives at WeatherfC)l'd, homestead, wall completely de- cans, at Lebanon Friday 3luu!Iral~ cratic nominee fol' governor ot and nine moons) was quite a spec- Texas, has wTitten home that ber $troyed before help eould be sumP.H0Nf 19 Mr. and Scbrimel, Ohio. will speak ill Lebanon. Tues tacular view. More trips are being grandmother Mrs. Lizzie Werntz moned, and only the four waUs of Dayton, and 141'1. C. C. Hartrum WAYNESVILLE, OHIO day, October 28, at high noon, it planned Whieh will be closely af- is rapidly improving. were left standing. ]\{ost of the eon of Germantown, were week-end been announced. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~ fUiated with the subject of~otents we:re saved. , guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Davey will deliver an addreu Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Bardin and ~ ..,~.--Stubbs. _ lastiq about. 80 minut4:aJn front White R,OM, the depenof the student on sons Ronald, Tressler and Lansing the, "Honor Roll" in the upper "pent tne week-end in Kentucky, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith, of of the town hall. He will speak dable Gasoline. iTades and high IIcbool will be In They visited Dix Dam and High Springfield, Mo., are expected to I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bridge, returni!)g by the way of the paper next week. arrive in a tew daya for a vi,it to Fra1'\k:tort. . Mrs. Smith's lillter, Mrs. Amelia Williams. White ...., the depenMr. and Mrs. Sidney Bloch and Co••• E...ta Clayton Windrolls. farmer, livdaughter, Mr. and Mrs. Nat .........llne. ing near Clarksville, was fined Mrll, C. B. Chapman was brought Monday, O~tober 22-All Coupty Rubenstein, Miss Bernice Hyman, ~='!~~~~~~~~~~~~ chorus and orchestra. basket , all of Cincinnati and Miss SylV1ia ,250 and costs and sentenced to home from Miami Valley hospital, sel've 45 days ' in . jail by Common Tuesday and ill recoverin, ; nice1y practice begins. Tuesday, Oetobe.r 23-Practice for Mandelkorn, of Peoria. IJl. , were Pleas Judge Charles B. 'Dechant from the effects ot a recent op· Junior: play, "He Was A Gay guests of Mr. and Mrs. Myer Wednesday, when he pleaded guil. eration, Hyman o~ Sunday. ty to manufaeturing liquor withSenorita. " Mr. and Mrs. J. P. LarrIck and out a license. " Wednesday, Octob"r 24--3uniol' Mr. and :Mrs. David GaSKill; Mr, daughters, Ruth alld ,lean were .. ; .,. . show at t he Twins Theate.r "The lind Mrs. Evans, of Greenville, Mr . The farmer was arrea~ed W'ednes- the luests Sunday, of Mr. and Most Precious Thing In Lile." and Mra. Prugh. of Dayton and day afternoon when State Inspee· Mr!. John HOlderfield, of Black Thursday, October 25 High Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lile, of Xenia, tors Girard and Sponseller, of Cin· Hawke, Ohio. To live jn hearts we leave school Hallowe'en party, spon- were callers at the home of Mrs, cinnati, a8si~ted by Sheriff Huft'ord, raided Ms home and found a 60 sored by the Seniors, W. E. O'Neall suffered a broken behind, Is not to die. Anna Cadwallader and Miss Clara galion still in tbe basement. The collar bone while teatlne cattle at Friday" Saturday, October 26-27 afternoon. Lile. Sunday CAMPBELL. 200 gallon!! of mash officers seized -Southwestern Ohio Teachers hili farm. He is beine cared f~ at On Monday evening, October 8, and five gallon8 of alleged whislcey. the home of his .ilter Mrs. L M. Convention held in Cincinnati. Those who leave us are at his room over the I. G. A. stON, The raid resulted from a tip that Dendenon. not gone. Their memory War r '" C_t, Teachen Meet Mr. Harry Lizar entertajn ed a liquor was being made in the neigh lingerIJ, deeply enrraved Mrs. lohn Pre.ton'. father, Mr. The , teachers of Warren county group 01. friends with a ballqu et, borhood, the ofl'i~rEI sajd. O. Hldy, who ha' been in Cinch.,· in our heam. The funeral I held their first meeting of the year honoring Captain W. S. Hardin, ot nati, very lick, was remo.ved to the llerviexi should be a reverent , in the Lebanon High School build- Miami, 'F la. Captain Hardi~ and home of hiB dau,hter In Sprll!£ing on Saturday, October 18. Mr. ~izar were comrades ID the and loving farewell. In field. thi. week. Durini' the mornln, &e8siol) the' Spanish-American war an~ had not luch a spirit do we Be",e. following program waa enjoyed: met lor several .years. ~bout ten Mill Velma Annlta,e, o.t Sprin, our clients, aeekine alwaYII 'Music by the Lebanon HI,h school coml'~des an~ 'friends enJoyed Mr. fteld , and MilS Winifred A1'II1ita. ., to create a beautiful orchestra, devotionals, Rev. L. D. L.izar 8 hoepltality. of Cincinnati, spent tM weelr..od Memory P ictut'e for the Veley; music Lebanoll High school Misses Mary Leah Edwards al\d with their parent. Mr. and lin. l1vtna. Vern Armlta,., ' orchestra, addre.., "T~e j)roblem Mary Jo Miller honored MI•• BeatChild" by L. A. Pechateln, Dean 01. rice Robiber with a ' personal Mr. and MrI, Amos . Fox, IIr. the Teachert Colleg., of Unlve/.'- shower followed by brl~8, SaturPropert(el need improvement. and lIlll. Earl a_toD, of G.....u· lity. Clneinnatl: .lctlOl:lal 'd l.cuI- day night at the hDme ot Mn. Ij"a town and Ill'. aDd 1I1'I.,GIII . Ilonl which Included ''Wide Read- Miller. ThOle Invited were Mu. Workmen need ·~mployment. of L.~I.bul'l, wert ~1tI of Wr. In,,'' Mary WlllcoekaOll ot Miami Baron Dakin and Miss Jeannette and lin. A. H. Stubba MODd.,. a.d We mer~h&nte nee~ buslne88. University.: EUrope - 1928 to Bahl', 01 Lebanon, Mlsees Velma Tueada,. Plao. . 7 1834, Prof. Willie Hall, Wilmlng. and Wlnifl'e<J Armitage, Betty Recoa-nlzini' the~e facts the government is College. Hartsock, Lena Earnhart, Luella Sunday dlnn.~ ,ue.t. of Mr. conductina a campaign to 'benefit all parties The atternoon lesllion consisted' WiHiaml on Doris HaWke Doris and Mrt. H. R. Ho.. aftd famn, (Jf music by the Kings Mills High Salisbury, Louise Crane a~d Mre. concerned, u well as to keep u · many a8 were, Mr. and lira. La.... FI.... ~oi';;..=========...:~;:; I!chool orchestra; deVotionals, Rev. M. F. Weltz. and famil)!, MIU l"1oule Fir.., Jlr pollible off the re1i~f rO)]$ this Winter. H. Laffarty: mU8ic, girls quar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! H. Evel'y"nl: c:. 1'8 the. weaving rut and Mn. J .. B. Rich and Mr. and tet, cornet solo, Otterbein High Miss Em~a Heighway very By joining in this program you may Mrs. I. D. Rich and falDUy • school; an address ,by Charles W. pleasantlyenteTtained a I.ew .1 a 8tar huUback. curse. the weavln, Jilveryolle 1 Prevent further <leterloration of existing Cookson, 8uperintend ent 01 schools friends at dinner Wednead.y, com" M1'8. Reba Braddock entertained Urbana, Ohio; announcement of pIimenting her houSe Iruest Mrs. t:olver on the .highw'ay. buiJdi,llgs. the following ladles to cUnlltl' 011 stay in line until ' you have • Wednesday, of extension course, Miami UnJver ' Emma Barnett, of Cincinnati. BeMra. Glen Borden. :CAr apace ahead. ' Avoid later increases in cost ot labor and city, Mr. R. W. Edminstan' sides the honor a'Ueat thOle present Franklin, and Meadame. Sa"" 'fhis is one 01 a sEtrles, of Sa teto . material. " address, Dr. E. J. Ashland . Dea~ were, Mrs. Anna CadwaUadu, Mrs Smith, Keller Jloak, Dallal Bo,ft, of School of EdUcation, Miami Edith M. Harris, Mrs, Howell S..:bjects released by Gov. Gel' Raymond Braddock, Hartley, MG. 3 ' Help keep down the cost of reliefior utlem· University followed by the Peirce, Mrs. W. H. Allen, Mrs, J. 'Vhite through ' O. W. Merre!\. and Mary Cro.... .~D • ... ate Highwav Director, ployed (which all are taxed to mainaIn) arid business meeting. B, Chapman, Mra. R. G. ' Miller, The officers for the ' follo:wi ng Mrs. D. L. Crane and Mr. E. V. • - --- - 4 Have the satillfaction which comes from a Fri.- S.t.--Oct. t 9-20 Alfal,. Root. year aN as foHows: Barnhart. FARM BUREA.U C()NVENTION

Late Classified' Ads.



0 I The S I ' choo

A Ch

-----_ ---

. Ied B Reporters

Friend. HOlne New.


<Y ...RVleE .-







Sentenced On Liquor Charge


The Last Farewell '



J. E. McClure

Waynesville, Ohio



Theater IU.,


"Crime Doctor" witb ((RUGER & MOR.LEY


vil~~eSident, J. W. Lotz, Wayne8-

The grove on the Butterworth AT COLUMBUS, NOVEM. 11.23 Vice President, H. H. Druhot far!U wal!l ~he scene of a della-bUul Lebanon 80CIal afralr Wednesday e.veni~, The annual meetlr1e Gf the Ohio Secretary and ' Treallurer, Eliza- The c~ief feature was a weiner Farm -Bureau will be-' held in beth Fox, Kings Milia. r~~st III which tbe l.oUowinc par- Columbus Oil Novemlbtl' 22 and S8, WayneSVille is di8tinctly honor- tJcIP,ated: Mr. and Mra. M. A. Cor- according to the t" a-c'!.om 1n ed to hay 111' Loti president ' f nell, Mr, and Mrs. W. E, CorneO, mittee, which .....m the aaaocl:t1on: 0 M~. and Mrs. Burnetf Butttrworth the IItate cap~tal week Gn ar, Mr. and Mra. J, B, CUPIDU, BIr. ran,ementa. ' and Mrs. Ronald Hawke, IIr. and It wUl ,be the ~ir:~~~~: Fat... F~ IIMIla. Mn. HarJ7 Smith and IOD. IIr. ad event, the Ohio ,;;; The Future P..-mers of America lin. J. X. Preaton and famU, ilr In, been oq~iia8(rjl met Jut Priday with each oftlclr at and Mri. R. G. IIUllr and f.~U)', porte 01 activi1U.. ... atatlOli. ' .Dd lira. K. R. Hartaoek aad be made by •.~" '.u..... ~ Plalls are bel... made to put Gn I IIr. aDd· lira. lIarY., B,. Ipreel~ UIICOID the "Gree. Bud Derru" to which ad' lin. Ploreaee Davta Co_H" A

One-year-old alfalfa root. flo.. quently reach a depth of e feet, two-year-old plante 11 feet; ud the roots of, older put. ha.e been traced to a depth of 10 feet or more.



it-_ _ . ,'- ............. II



lIiII 1fUdhd .


' good job well done. Producen ' and distributors are cooperatina with reduced prices on material•. , Why not make a close inspection ria'ht now of 1'OOte, chimneys, windows. weather board ina.

floors, etc. You ma, calion us or your c~m who will be alad to ao over your prob! with


Eighty-Sixth Year



Whole Number 6141


----- -- -

This Week's Scllool Happenings


t-,- - - -

- - -


' -=-==- -=== ====



Balk.tban Practice Starb Basketball Practice - Ruth Collette, Haro ld And erson I and Ruth Graham . BasketbaU pract ice has started High School Honor J ohn Weaver and Ru th ollette with the Initial session held Mon-,-' RoB ' wer e recentl y elect ed ch eer' leaders day night. Nineteen boys r u pondby t h E ighth g rade. Come to ttle Hallowe'en carnival ed t o Coach Bodenbenders UmSecti on 1, ' of thn Sevent h ome to ,t he Hallowe'en carnival ..1_ mons and se veral more are expect~ WaYDe..,ille SchoOl B...t .....Homer Bond 0 ..... To Gr.nd Mias Clara Lile, was a Lebanon ed to turn out later in the sea son. can Education Week. Such a pro· grade, elected t~ e f ollowing offi cers Mrs. Matt ~fe K insey is vi siting P ..... de At Micl.tlletowD visitor, Tuesday. Jury , At H..riD, Mond.y Ttle schedu'le will appear in these cedure has been followed by other, 1~8t wee.k : Presld~nt- ClaTa Hop. frie nds in SpI'ingfleld. states and by some communiti es in Inns; VlVeP resldent--Mary Eva Mr. U. M. White, of Louisvill e, co lumns next week. MoraiD, Ohio in previou s yean. Because I.eMay; S ecretar:Y-:-JalYle~ Bourne 1Miss Dora Stil es, who hall bien Ky., was in Waynesville Monday. it has been definit.ely decided to Trea sure l'- MarJ orle Dakm; News ill, i i mproving. h Id Hian School Honor Roll feat ure a "School Sunday" in t he Reporter- Betty Berna rd. The ' cout Jamboree was e Wholellale theft of tutkeys In Mr. R. E. Sherwood was a busiMiss Ayleen Mainous spent at Armco Par k, Middletown, Ollio this vicinity during the last six ness visitor in Cincinnati, MondllY Frellhman- Ru th Connu , Jan e churches ot the state on October d 't b ho f lk un- on Saturday, Ocoher 20, beginninc weeks was cleared up Friday ' with Furnas. 28, the da·""As for the Oh'i o observ. F. F. A. InitiatioD ay W I me 0 s, a. 1 .' 30 p. m. with all the Scouts of Mr. Milo Hartsock sp ent two the afrest of Romer Evan!!, 32, Junior-- Jane Cook, Frances an ce of Americlm Education ~ Weilk may well be let for October The me mb ers of t.he F . F . A. Mr. W. A. Lipp incott was in the Mound Builders Area partidat his father'a farm near New Bur- daya thi.s week at the World's fair. Ellis, Rut h alisbu ~y . pa ting. Various contests were eonlington. Senior Juanita Brannock. 28 to November a. The dates held their initiation ,F riday, Octo· Lebanon, Tuesday. Bobby Blair, of Spring Va lley, ducted between tn e troups, aDd The arrest was made by Sheriff was the week-end guest of Frank B ttY, Hartsock, Frank Hawke, nationall " recommended are Nov- bel' 19 at. t he school gym . Tho e present were Mr. Crabbe, t he Mr. a nd Mrs, He rman Surface t he competition was keeil'. There , William Hufford, of Lebanon, and LeMay Jr, Ruth Penni ngton . ember 5- U - Reprint from' " Ohio h d M'ddl t Schools." superviso r of the organizat ion, Mr !lve remove to I e own. was marked ability displayed in Marshal Charles P. ' Joy and apAlthough plans are not complet- Lotz, and Mr. Ha t field of t he Mr . E. . Ct'ane entertained su ch feats as fire-building by proximately 100 ·turkeys which had Masked Carnival at the gym, Waynenill e Rep .... aented in ed yet, it is quitE! likely that faeul t v and t he tl!embers of tht' tbe members of her Dayton bridge f r iction, bridge buildinl, charlot been IItolen from fa r mers, recover- Tae_day evening, October 81. COUDt,. Mu.ical November 3-11 will be recognized F. F . A. club, toda}' . racin g. archery, tags:'of-wllr , wood ed. Sponsored by Wayne Township After the Initistion of those who ohopping, first aid, etc. Th e Count y chorus, orchestra as t he dates fOT th4l local obllervEvans was arraigned Monday Mot.h ers' club. snd band met for t.he flrst ti:me on ance of, Education Week. wishing to become members of the Mxs. Nettie Fannen a nd Mr. The troops made • beautiful morninr before Mayor A. K. Day organization several speeches ",ere Pearl }' an nen wer e In Sabina on pict ure i n the parade starting at Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Davis and October 8. Rehearsals are h eld on charges of breaking entering , . made 'concerning the club. business Sunday. the Civic building and marching to and stealing turkeYIl a;d wall re- lon, ?1 Dayton, epent Sunday with every two weeka. Wayneavil1 Is repr ese nted by . Ruth Salisbury, Hallowe ea- Gnde New. The speakers and their subj ects th e center of town, led by the manded to the county Jail to await relatIVes here. Betty li'artsock, John Sears, .a nd All the lower Ira dies are to bave I were as follows : Mr. Lotz "L oyal Mi.1!S Lilla Benhnm and Mrs. Waynesville School Band, with a hearing before th~ grand jury. Mr. and Mrs. George Hamilton, Boger in the county chorus ; a Hallowe'en party. There are to I Support of th e F. F . A." Mr. Rat- ~ en nl e Mullen spent several days t heir drum·major in full uniform, ot Dayton, were guests 01 Mrs. David by Jane Cook and Charles LeMay bll games, refreshments and some , field, "The Initiation," and Mr. III Dayto n, last week. "doing bis stunts." Large crowds Amanda Maftltt on Friday. in t he orchestra ; and by Jan e Cook r ooms will have a Iprogram. Miss ' Crabbe 'The ,!Ums an~ pur poses of ' Mr, a nd Mr/!. Earl Hockett visit- were assembled along the streets, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Stokes were Cha rles LeMay, Frank LeMay, Leo CB~pbell'g room is planning a !-he F. F . A. Immediately f ollow. ed their daughter, Miss Ruth, a t an~ appreoiation was shown b}' Sunda)l guesb 01 Mr. and Mrs. Conner anll Ra:ymond Van Often- in muslcal .Pl·ogram. The time of the 109 the last speakeJl, refreshm e nt ~ Miami Univ ers it y Saturday. t heir attention. . John Lemmon, in Dayton. the band. The purpose of the party Will be from 2:30 to S:30' lwere served. . We Bre proud of the Wa~neacounty musical groups is to fur -I The children are looking forward The tollowmg were made memMr. and Mrs. W. i'. Cl rIc wer e ville Troop 40, but we are senouaMTs. Ida Stokes and ,Mrs. Ada ther the opportunities of tho se to II good time ami ,good things bel's : Peter Vlnt, Earl Sheets, guests of Mr. and Mrs. E . J . Car: \ 1)1 handicapped for leadenbip. It ,Collri'lley were guests of Mrs. Cora pupils who wish to gain knowledge to eat. Clark HesB, Kenneth Savage, Rob- mony in Springfield, Sunday. does seem that if the heads .of the With feeds for winter scarce Baker at Wilmington, Sunday. of mu sic not offered in the r egular Each second grade is making a ert Young, ' Paul Webb, John . biggest bueines concerns In t~e and high in price in man)' lIections Mra. Emma Barnett hill! return. high-school course. Hallowe'en booklet in , which is Boge.r, Charles F ires and Milo' Mr·s. Mag~le Bur net .spent the , Miami Valley can Civ~ of th",lr of the state, IIh e.p me~ will find h kept his ve'}:), best work. They Hartsock. Mr, Lotz received th e week- ~d w I ~h her 51.ste r IIfrs. time and money to the promotion it profitable to cull their flocks ed to er home in Cincinnati after ar e also learning a little poem honorary depee. Kate HI mes, 10 CellterVllle. of the Scout work, our commynity more closely than uBual, according a pleasant visit ~o friends h-:re. Wayne Tow .... blp T.acber. Meet that goe something like thiS, _ __ _ Mrs, J . K. Pr est on entertained should 'appre~iate more fully what to Lester J. ,Miller, County Mrs. Grace Patton Murray, of .The teache~s of Wayne To~n- "T onight the witches will ride, SporhmaDlhip Brotherh_d a group of fl'iends from Cincinnati an opportumty the Scout "OyeAgriCUltural Arcnt. All ewes tnat Detroit, Mich., villjted , her aunt ship held theIr regu~ar meeting will r ide"; it is actually spooky. at lunctleon alld btidge on Tueliday ment olfers for our boys. Boollt tha ar old, broken-mouthed, off type Misa Dora StUes n Tu ad y last Wednesday e,'enmg, October The third grade is having an A g~oup of torty-three students, Boy Scouts. Our young manhood o~ l>rQducers . of a poor quality of a ea. seventeen. automobile race in Arithmetic. So teachers and interested tr-i nds Irvin.' Mulford and family are is the hope ot the N.~ion. wool should be discarded, ThOle Mrs. M.ry Shidaker and Mrs. Th ere were thr ee departmental far the De Sotos and Chevrolets met in the WaynesviUe High moving froIl) the Whetsel residence ---"--- - . . -- - that al'8 uDsolind in udder, light HarJ Harvey, of Lebanon, ar e at meetings. Mis8 Hartsock 'tbe' leader are ahead. The De Sotos are using School gyma ium October 18, for to the Ke)ls prop erty on Main shearer or undersized should also the home of R. H. Hartsock this of the thst group, gave a book re o Soblo gas wtlile the Chevrolets are the promotion of s portsmanship. trect. be dlsposid of. Such ewei, when wUk. view on "Child Training" by using Mobilgas. 'l'he meeting was called to order Mrs. Edit h M. Harris and Mr. sol<\ bring a very low pri~e, often Misses Trillena and Margaret W. AOfngtebl~ ~~:roin; dMigS8roSupm,itbr'evll~eawdeedr The First gradel'S are goinK' to by President Marvin Fox, and was Harris Mosher were dinner guests th r turM from them brlUg scar ~ ~.. miss one of the little classmates, opened with a pep song. Th1! u for "Education f or Character" bvJ Dorothy Bowers, very much; s he mmu . t es 0 f th e pr evIou . s mee tl ng of 1'o1'J'. lind Mrs. Ronald Hawke on .. cely more than enough to pay the- Edward. .left Tuesda J marnin" Delray Beach, Fla. where they will Germane and Gel'mane,' Mr. d th k' . cost of marketIng, however if spend th Int r has moved to Xenia. were rea ; ewol,' rng comml'tt ees Sunday. they are kept in the flock they will ewe. Brown, leader ot the third group, Miss Kelly had fif1~een pupils for wOI'e announced; a discussion of Miss Ruth Salisbury sp ent the A most enjoyable meetlna of not pay for their maintenance and Mr. and Mra. Eli Gray and reviewed "Commercial Education perfect attendance ~iuring the last business matters f ollowed. The week-end at Oxford wit h h er sist er the feed they consume can be used grandson, Ronald Gray, of Clarks. in the High School" by F . G. six weeks. meeting was continued with the 'Miss Doris, whp is II student at "The White C'a~" of the Methodist Sunday School, wu held on to better advantages by other ville villited Mr. and Mrs. Wa lter Nichols. There were three on the honor following program: Miami University. Friday . afternoon, October 19 at sheep. Elzey, Sunday afternoon. There will be no school Friday roll: Marceline PElters, Charles Devoti.onals.--Marjorie Earnhart . Now is the time tO ,get the fiock because of the Central Ohio and Rye and Etta Weste:rman. Monologue--l{uth Salisbu,ry. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Richter, of the home of Mr. alld )ill. J. W1U in condition for the breeding sea- · Mr. Buford Bernard accompan· South-western Ohio Teachers ConThe following had, perfeet 's pellAddress--"Thinl I Expoot ttJe Dayton, spertt Sunday with Mrs. G White. AlthouCh nO.t enjoyinl' the Sp'ortamanship Broth~rb o od to J. Hem'), at t.he home of Mr. and best of hedth the II&m, cheer, son. It the IIheep how symptoms led liiues Thillena and Margaret vention which meet relJpectively in ing in Miss Campbell's room: of an ' 1nfestBtion 01 internal Edwards to FlOrida, wherll be ex- Coilimbus B11d Cincinnati. Wilda Mae Achtelrman , Jeanne . Accomplish This Year, " Mr . Ml'8. Jllmes Lovely_ greeting was given them by their parasitel, they should be tn.ted peets to secure employment. Baker, Dorothy Guy, Helen Gqna Lotz. former teacher and wife, that the Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke, Mr. class rEmembers 80 well. with cOJl~er sulfate solution, the Members of the Argunot bridge Aanwican Edlll.c .tion Week and Jeanne Hees. Announcements and remarks--Mr and Mr•• C. Lee Hawke and' Miss The time was apent principall, combinatIon. d1'~neh of copper su1- I clllb and a few friends were enBecause of the importance of Dorothy Drumm.ond, Tressler Garst. Anile Weltz called On relatives in in remincen<;es ofpallt years and tate and nicotine sulfate or the tertained at the home of Mrs. S. the November election to the wel - Hardin and Wilmina Wolfe were Waynesville High School Song. Dayton; Sunday. . tet:raehlorethyl~ne copsules.. She~ D. Henkle Saturdau aftern on fare of Ohio schools, both lr'om appointed to draw 1~p the regulaespecially intere8tinC were Mr. that , are relatIvely free of lIuch ' , o. the standpoint of choosing legisla- tions for tlie CitlzEtnllhlp club of Literary News "Random Thou,bta" Dr. and Mrs. H . E. Hathaway Whlte'a Xr•• Verna Kelley, 01 Sprinc- tora who will intelligently and the eighth grade. Clean-up comThe Junior Literary Societies and Mril. Mary McClure ~Iljoyed a whie h he had prepared for our , eD-paruites as ItO mach worml, <h'bok worms, nodular wormll and tape field, and Mrs. Howard ArchdeJ- courllfeously provide r!lvenue lor mittees were also appointed, with have decided upon a program for motor trip byway of Greenville tertainment. These dealt 'grinworm. will go through the winter con were ditJner cuesta of Miu achoal needs and from the stand- Geneva Lamb. Dorothy Hartsock their next meeting, wbich is to be t~ Delaware, Sunday. cipally with BOme of the hilfh li8bta on much len feed .nd stay In bet- Belle O'rqeall on Tuelldar. potnt of gaining .pproval of extra and Olive Kenney in one g:rqup , held Thursday afternoon, 0 tober of his work during the fttty 'yean Mr. aDd Mrs. Charles Morrison of his teaching in the SundaJ ter condition than they will if achOol support in a lar~ number and Russell Stan ~rry, William 26. The program will open with a heavily infcsted. lira. C. S. Hoore, of Chevy of communities, many chools Biggs and Wayne Dakin in Bible reading and will also include and daughter ·Charlen e were Sun- School. Whcn cullin I the ftol:i It .is alao Chaae, D. C., who is visiting deem it deairable to move forward another. The music program for original stories, poems, debate~ day guest of th~r grandmothel' A little token of appreciatioD advill&ble to cbeck the Iheep care- Irielld, in Cillainnati, called on one week the observance of Ameri the month is being 'aranged by and current news. Mrs. Keziah Thompson. , was left by the cIa ! and with beat fally to see that there are no ticb WaYDeevUle friends, Tuesday. wishes ~or this worthy couple and Mrs. John F ritz, and ,==~======~====~======~-=======r=~============= or lice on them. A ge~re inte.tlon ... .' Nancy, of Chicago are v\sitillHl" I a sincere hope that Mr. White maJ ~h 't '11 trill .... r ••nd lin. 0, M. Kidre, MI'. f o ~ ese paralll e. WI rna e a Y .nd Hrs.. Matt McKinsey and Mrs. Mrs. Fritz' parents, Mr. and hin. soon again meet with UII In the .NOTICE lower .the returns from wool and Hary C. Crau motored by way o~ capacity of teaeller, we wended W. P. Salisbury. make !t mor~ ditl\cult t? keep the Georgetown to Cincinnati Sunday our' "way homeward takinr with US ewes in thrifty conditIon. When ' Mr. and Mra. Claire Hinkle and the memory of a most enjoyable By action of the Board of these parasitea are preeen~ the Mr. and lin. J. H. ' Smith, of family, of Middletown, were occasion. That Ohio farme~8 will be able Director!! of The Wayne8ville sheep should be dipped with aDJ SlIrinkfield, Ko., Arived bere 1Ion· One of tbe CI.... guests of Mr. arid Ml'Il. F. U. Le· Nation.l Bank, Interest to be Vandalism and destructive good dip used accordinl to the day morning for an extended visit to obtain commercial feed CQOP- Jlaid on Saving l\ccounts, be- Hallowe'en pranks 'Will be dealt Ma)" Sunday afternoon. directions of the ma.ufactarer. to](n. Amelia WlIliaml .nd other eratively" to supplement ,the in- rinning November 1, 1934, will with severely in this community if HUMAN ELEMENT "he dippinr Mould be donI! before relatives. sufficient 8upplies ~f grain and be at the Tate 0:( 2 % per ' the offenden are apprehended. r-h. and Mr~. E. F. Earnhart, cold weather comes and If IIOlltible IN MOTORING forage leeds now 011 hand, was a Th d Miss Madorle and Mr. Charles .is was indicate Tuesday Barton ~"rnhart were at Buckeye the sheep .lIould b~ put tbr'oultb Mia Kate Resor and MiIII Carrie certainty to\:lay as oftlcials of the~nnum. Foate'r or--Clncinnati and Mra. Ohio Farm Bunau annol1nced a L. M. HENDERSON, night when a state hirhway patrol- Lake over the week-end. the vat In ,the morninr of a Crane of Middleto1\'l1 were caUen ro-am.. whereby the FI,l'JIl ll\lrCuhier. man was in , Waynesville in an It is well for auto driven to warm day 10 that they will effort to apprehend persons who Miss Sarah Smith will spend next pause to think for a few mom.nta lit' t" home of Mr. and Mrs. Wi P •• thotougbly dry by nlcbL ' eau Coopel'ative Assoeiation bad turned livelltock 100116. week at "Hole 'in the Woods," the iI they have kept pace thellUl8lv.. H. AUen OD SUlldaJ afternooll. would distribute assured quality, =======,==.:==== Mayor A. K. Day and Marshal home of Mr. and Mrs. A. S, with the effi<:Jllncy of their motor DISTRICT MEETING .1ud~e 'Francia M . . HamUton, of ope.n forma!'a 'feeds on a profit- :.=-Charles Joy haVe indicated tl;tat Collett, near aarye~burg. cars. OF JR. O. U. 'A. II. Cinolnilatl. candidate for re~lec· aharing basis their members. cases coming to their attention will Safety devices hflve been In. tion .. judie 0'1 the COllrt of Those who are not members will 'be prosecuted to ~he luJI811t extent Mr. and Mrs. ' Howard nurley ' taL1ed in large nun)berll of autoA district meeting qt the Jr. 0,, .nd hillon Ortie also have the opportunity of ' using of, the law, and tha.t unwananted and family, of Kingman and Mr. mobi141s bllt bave the bumaa U. A. M. 0:( Ohio wUI be held were eaIiln~ on this feed service. Leroy D. Chiles, well and favor- destruction of property will not be and Mrs. Lloyd Davi s and ~on 8 h h frledda, KondaT. "The effects of the drouth in ably known In this c:ommunlty for tolerated. w~re Sunday dinner guests of MI'. beings w 0 must operate t em relIt ad H 0 b T Aam on u~ ·7, · e~ er Ohio," A. L. Lude, tn charge of manY years, .died a1; hill ,home on and J(r8. Josiah Davis. sponded quickly enou~h to make . moncll)tbee sRPeaBerC8 at ttt,e lIr. and )Ita. J. Q. Gon. operations of tlle, Cooperattve As- Main street Tuesday, following an such accommodl\tionl show their lnl w • • an-e Mise Alice Go", ....- ellta at ·"e i' d fibraua ..r.t ' 'monwm .... - d ' CONVOCATION TO B, E Mr. a, nd Mr s. Frank "'-aft, of full work. Probably not. u tan, state eouD¢l1or; Senato.. W. .. we••• \0" , aGe atlon state, ab OU t"ill nell 0 fslx uratJon. ",. Clark, Urbana; lltate It6cretary, waddilli' of Mila Martha Timmer- a 28 per cent ·ahortage In ·h.,suPSurviving are 'his widow, two HELD IN DAYTON South Charleston, Miss Jean Fer· The amount of speed , ttiat autod R .l P llaek f Ca to th m. . and IIr. Charle. White which pUes, u compared with the last daughteA, Mr,lI. Frata Craddock guson and Mr.. Robert ' Taft, of mobiles develop has increaaed at • an t ' •• , . tOW °E B D_"~II e was .okmnlled at the Bich ltreet live-year avera~, anel a 26 per and Mrs. Mabel Allen, both of The Dayton Convocation of the Dayton, were callers at the J. W, pace bi&,hly dispropartionat. to .1;& e orean ser. • • u...... 0 f Methodist churcb; in -Spnnrfteld, cent .ho~e in rTaln. Sul>plla of D.yton and a brother, James Woman's Auxiliary of the Epis- W.hite home Tuesday afternoon. the mental and physical alertn. . Hamilton ia diatrlct repretentative Saturday morainl', Mig Gonl wu livestock ha..,e been 'reduced alao Chiles, "'ho reside!! ilrl Kentucky, ~opal Chl!-rch will be held , in St. f the drivers. We. wiah to enJoJ for BuUer and Warrm counti.. f L_ bricl • ... Ad' h h D t W d M~s. Emma . McClure entertain· c'ounclla of ti. e one 0 t.... emaidl. but not to the extent of the Tedu~Funeral servic'ee conducted by n rew II c urc, ay on, !,n ~ - d I .. F 'd U A the benefit!! of movinc at a brtak and . all of t Le II 0 , tlon in feed supplies, alid Ohio Rev. G. C. Dibert, woere held at the nesday, October ~ 1, . opening wtth e at unelleon rl ay ••urs. nna rate on the highway I but -,ve haft order in thele two counti.. are lira. Geor,. HarUget an.d Mrs. farmers are Itill f.ced with male-, Stubb. Funeral parlors tltis Thurs- the Hol~ Commun~on at 10 :~O and Cadwallader, Mrs. Edith ¥. Har· spurred ouraelves to be ill u.. expected 'to. attend the Charlel AndellOn were joint Ing up ' a shortace of 8 pel<' cent day afternoon, and burial was in the bUBlness m~41tlllg follo'WlIlg at ri , Mr s. · ROrudd ' Hawke, Miss tip-top mental and physical cODdlwhich will be one 01 hoate. . . on Sunday when at ' in grain feed!! alld 16 per cent I'll Miami cemetery 11:16. There will be the reports oj' Emma Heighway and Mrs. L, H. tion necess~ry before the jOUrMJ eat. The state council it home of the former, they e,n ter- hay." ' , ' , ~. the ~elega,te8 to the Generlll Con- Gordon. is 'assured being £aale. Ina '. rather elabor.te tained at dlnDGr, lIr. and MflI· Ohio's hay crQp this year It iii 'SL It SEI:'N ventrol1, and a speaker from the MJ'. and Mrs. William Flanery 01 The driver whe .ia p.nlc-8tri4. . the Dew ,ear, detaU. Gur ' Kibler and family and Kra. Inted out will run about 000 EEPY DRIVE S 'r ~ National Council. Member of the Middletown, spent Sunday wjth the wheel of aile of the be eXplained at the S.mUtoJl Euphemia Houeh, of Dayton, and tODI, a~ compared wi~ a'ilv': .. AS MENACE 0 SAFETY llocal Au.xiliary are urged to be Mr. and Mrs. John Treadway and Ibehlnm,OOVing motor 'ears, ill in mu6 . inl'. _ - -___ • . lIr. P8rl'7 1Iart8oct. rear. avera~e 0. f '8"000 000 t· ODII. • Drowsy truck ddvera fatigued present. family. Aitel'noon callers were more penonal danaer and fa a lira. R. H. Hartaoek, Mn. Edwin Corn, Ol\io s mOllt impo~nt feea by 1011g IItretcbes , o,t ,duty behind Ca!'} Treadway amT :fa~ily 01 Mid· source of damage to those oit the NOTHERS' CLUB Shidallel' and K'1'I. John Kreitzer, crop, was elltimated, to . be 91,000, thelt wlleeis constitute a 'lIerious DEMOCRATIC CLUB' TO dletown. . road · with him than the old-ti. . The replar ftleetinl' of the Worthy KatrODI of WaYDesviUe. 000 bUllhels. on Septe.:,bp \ 1, U mence to highway BIlfet)' in the I, ' HAVE HALLOWE;'EJIf DANCE MI'. Ilnd MI'\!. Ho",al'd F. Yetter driver in the sloweJ' ",ovin. can .~a Township Mothen' el\lb Hal'Yeyabaqr pd NI" Burlin~on compared wtth 112',OOv,OuO bush- opinion 01 the Ohio ,S afety Service " without 110 man)' safety device.. w'DIbe beld Frida,. afternoon Ch.pten O. B. S. ....pectively, .re ela lut year, a~d 121,000,000 Commluion. ' On Monday evening, October 29 of nea~ Centerville entertained at Drlvine a car on the ltlchw.., ia Noyember I, at 1:45 in the Grad; in OIevelalul tltls week, atteDdln, ~u.hel. over the lalt E. J . WiBter, executive .ecretary the Young Men's Democratic Cl~b ~:~:r ~~ J:~~~' ~c::o~~~. 2ih~~ Bomethlnc on wbicb tbe peraGIl at . buOcliDl'. the annual lIIeetblJ of the Grand average. . of the Sa.fety Servi.~e Commlulon of Warren County will sponsol< • f ... ·ddl t d the wheel moat coae..trate.. To DeYotiOIl' wiD be conduetecl b7 Ohapter. . Feed and fOl'ace auppli.. are in- aaid that A fatieIMd or·tired driver Hallowe'en Eve dance at the Club t~~h MSaer~ento CO~kl a~dOW!ie:~s, IltuUlcm witJa antd-.n. lin. A. I. A promm waH II.. Mr. and Mra. 1:11 FUrDU ..ter- adequate throughotl' the I;I&tion, .... a hlehway men~~e becaate he Wonder Bar, Lebanon, Ohio. Jane and Mildred. of Waynesville or . . .leet oftea. fantahed by the chUdHll of the taiBad a company of fl'Iellda .t inform.tlol) 'rom' the bareau of failed to react quickl, to MUlic for the occasion will be Tb I !Ii ril "'l')' fata1. TIdN pel Fourth IP'Bd.. and lira. countr, home on Friday "-"'cultunl ~Domlea rena'" aRCI al a result ~I not likely to fumiabed by Hichael Hauel' 1IIith .e e binn:nad :rceC::u;':p.,~eelated AU ' Aa I .. Ide _ 3~ L. ".Dd_haIl wUI "v, a talk "600" WIll the .u.'l'Ilon Their report, r • 81JrvQ WU have hill truck undu control h~ entertainer, Roberta, accom- e~JQya e . m7 Kotor ear! , OD "Oar Nat10DaI Parb." refnlllante ,..ra made, atatea tbat the fHCI ' I'A aleepy drl",r~' Winter pan),iq the banel. Mr. and Mra. J. W. Colem.II, • - ••- - AD 1I0tHn frl..da to th f Dowbia' IIr d II on., ••lIelaat to pIOYId. • cIaNd "II apt to '0" aDd Tills aft'air promitea to be an r"entlr purehaaed the 1'81....... 1M pnHDt. lin. PraU .....ook ..; :~ l'MIOIII : : . ldI ' ...iaIole Into . . ODeOmJnt outataadlq 1Oi:ia1 eyent of this Iden"e property known as W.7ft' • - • WaND . ...,... ~ lin. t1 bel 01' lDto the dlteh." fan, witb plsaa. klnl' made to &e- ViDa, enterta.ned the foUowiDe ""OII.~ 111: ad lin. n . . . OW tI' Anued by the D1Imber of commodate around four hundred lueatl SlIDda.,: IIA. Cope aDd K.n. BoaIr, • ..... a-u ...... ."toetclea la Ollio. people. EmUe aDd L1l" aM 111\ .;.. MIL 1M OIllo . E • Albed · and Everett. ..... I4 ---.......,..









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for two Jeara and a m mbar 01 mileage. $9.72; Service Dr••' " Cit, unun. • ·,,'.r ~ \u~lul'nl on the llIart at'll tbe National Committee (In Oriell' Manalrer R\ldolph Durilf{', machin!. t. of Sfellon, gaR and taUon of Secolldary EdllcaUoD, II Ibtl "drll\\'1I1'tl '"Uy" (It ('Iter UOI1" Wellt· 1-'nsh'r, and Mi A1DIa K"II:\., of of NRA uftlce, U will speak Jo'riday morning- on of "'Ille" nollJln~ 1'('1I101n. but a ,6.75; ern Star, ruad MQI'Tu\\ . Education for oelal Re.pon ibil· I'Oc:lly CI4P" 10('1)0 ·I.ui JlIIII In, lIteablMerwin Coyne, no ; an. A l\1C)1l8'U1~ ,. nrl .go tJlI cll, lty. " Jll8t1nettc Payne, 187.60; R•• I E,t.t. Tr_der. $32,60; Hon. Paul V, McNutt, Governor tlourlabfHl BII R HOlOlln tntdl nr POIt. layton lark, et al., to. Ellgcn Grac~ Baker, rvices, $36; R.e f ...... duDl R....l t. 5...... P ie' of Lndiana; who ha done'r, 7 .50 acrl' in \Vllshingloll B tty K, Oswald, _.--.Linnil.' Wililams, ~frvice I ,37,60; standing work in school financing, mini trator of t.he estllt oC Wil· township. , II" 1tl ...\lC....1nN ON TA paratio .. of 1935 Coatrol will speak Friday morning on U'l'H'F. Th Board oC Education oC Leb· V ilia Be die, 8 :rvicetl, $37.60; liam J. Ayers, decf.'Qsctl, and filed I.I<:V\· I E Ct:IU' OF TH II Chtistine Bundren services, 137,. "The Duty of the State." In tbe use oC the P ople' bond of $1600 with ' uretie . Illlun Village hool Di triet to El· Pia.. '1' 1': 1'1 H I L I. !.IMI·I·A'I' lu peakers Friday evening will be ' Bulldlnr. Loan and Savings Co., The e tllte of Jame E. Richard· mt'r Ueitmt'yer, real e ato in Tur· 50~ Loui WhipplE', services, $37.· 50; Elizabeth Hathaway, services, N,III.' I. fiNd'!\, 1\'('1'\ t)u1.t til usus Claylon Clark. et aI., c n, on, deeea ed, i ' x(!mp\ from in- t1ecreek lown hip. . . Dr. Alfred H, Upbam, president ot ur ){<'~')lullQn or thl! FolI.owang. th~ corn-hog t'eferen- Miami University, a leader in 'pUrl""I"" /lunation, deed and distribution. hel'ital\ce tax. Edwa d J. Templin, dec~ased, t $30; M. B. Morey , services, $37.5 0 11.< ,·ct flf (',!Unt· 'ol\unlnIQIlCI'1I of dulU, an whl~h 69 per cent of all educational work, who has chosen Wflrrl' " I unt)·. hi, lIlUII~CI v,, lloe In the' case of The tate of Oh io The second accuunt of lI1al'gur t arept T mplin, tal •• real e.qta~e lilly (If H Iltmlll! I ', 1934. Iho"l! producers VOIced approval of a th 8ubject "Bread and irculJes," 10th ver ". Adam A hbawrh, upon the Lee guardian of a~njanlin F. Le , in Butlerville. will II. ' MlIlIll,lttt'l\ 1.,1\ "\lll1 or 1h!< program foI' co~n and hOgB. In and Mr&. Emmett C. Ste'Pber, who, t)1' "pl\l ut '\, '" \\,,, 1' 1'1)11 'OUIlI)' at earl and aroline Schaub to Ivy r corum ndation 01 the pros Cllt· E't ~l., minors, was appl'ov d, alU,,' NU \'I,: lit Ill]:! J;;1.IW'rl(l/l! to bll 1935, the ,A;rncu.lturlll Adjust- 88 President of the Ohio CongreslI 1\\'1,\ in attorn y the defendaht is ~'e- lowed and confirl:n d by the court. !<;Une, inlots tos. 45 3 and 46 " In tI\" ('\l1\11\Y ot \\'o.l'r~n , )hlo ment AdmLnJstratlOn . anno~nced 01 Parents and 'l,"eachers, wi11 ,,1 till' I' 1<111. I' )lll\~(l "f volillP( lea d upon blown recognl1.l1nce. In tile matter of the e,gtate of in Lo~'eland. )) .. ' ~Iu, Oil 'l'\I~ ~tl n~, . lIl th tlkY last week a new program Will be bring greetlnp from 100 000 "ZOQ b(lnd. atherine et'g'ar, decellSed, ltaElmer -}Jeitmy rand ,,"'Iorenet! '0\ II)\) " , 11134, tn. q\l .tI 11 0 t lormulated and offered farm~r. members of Parent.Teacllers' as. of In the CAse of Mario~ . ook tion to take Or r<>nounce adminis. Heitmeyer to ·Mrs. Belle Le Force, I \'l'lnll' It. L I'n <:'1< • .. P~ of the t n ",111 IImll nll<l" t Of 'lh 1\ n fit <It soon.. . sociation . enu Ruth L. oo~ It I ordered t.ration I sued. 1 al e tate in Turtlecreck town· \\ nrre" rUllnty. Ohio ror III I)lIrl)o. Producers In ,n state, Includlnlr .. tllnt Ruth L, ook be remanded' t q In the matter of th sh.ip. pro"hllnlt' tlln,l* t r i l l I.f n llral aU of the principal corn and hog At the Saturd~y mOl'lllng es Ion of l' (lntiltUI·UOII.. I' " lIju·udloll. rethe cu tod~; of the sherif! of War· Edgar Car on a .u ltrer, Lon E. n Harlington to Effie H uikin, Eveat. Beain at 10 ; grow ing' area , voted as tollows: the. speakers Will be H,omer ,J. sllr'r" ' Inll' III hi "til) Ir ur t 0.<18 6n(1 r n coutl1y until she has purgt'd I'c-in tat m nt of claim all wed, L. Smith, inlot N . 301 in Deerur"liI'~R In ~rthl '1), lIllY nt Il rat not Purdue \.Jniveraity 346310 in favor, and 163 181 Smith,. prof!"ol'. of lI~du8tna) cc~JIi'tr I mill lor 2 ypar4 herself of sllid cont mpt. harle H. Bowyer filed hi ap- field tOIl n hip. di ~nting. ' educatIon UnIversIty of}fmnesota '0111111 n~'IIIj( with III )' lUa4 . DeaD to Speal. In th case of The tate of plication for th appointment of a 0: . 100re to George M ngle, 'I'h POlla for 81\1 I I':IN"tI n wAll Ohio contract signera lavor a whose Bubject will be The Need \) Ill"'" (\1 IlS o',HOCk A.. I. ana ian of NOI'nlan Roush, t I real estate in alem township. ---Ohio versus Clayton Windro 8, the continuance of the program Uke- of. Newe~ . Subject,ll," and Miss rPmlllll (1) It \lnlll 8 :30 o'~l It p. defen~Rnt pleaded guilty to the minors. lice J, Corliss to George CorA the program lor the fifth wise, vo~ing 15,988 to 11,322 to Chari ~tlha~s chatrt~an of 6chOnO~ lIf. (1"11 t. til ·SU\.ud t'a Time) t)( 811,111 indktmi.>nt filed herein against him In the matter of the estate liss and Ruth Corlis •' 130,06 acres annual Ohio corn field day now continue the progra~ another education to! ihe National Pare t Illl)'. By urt)' r or t ,'e. aQ",rl1 or and was ent ncet.! to a nne of Lulu Taylor, deceaseq, sale of per· in TUL·!.1ecr ek township, stands completed, the tate husk. year. Il county,. OhIo, . Teachets ConiTe8S /lndformerfield ·Ea\'cllol\~. or WIHI' V. )-t, nUSSJilIJL, 360 and costs. sonal good and chattels is ordered Bertha E, Cramer to For t ing contests begin 'at 10 and 10 :46 CI.rk. Apprc;>ximatel)' one third or the secl'etary f~r . the National Et~~at In the case of William . Gra- H. M. Templin, admini trator of Fro ze and Pearl Freeze, inlob a_ 01., on the far lm of !olrs. W. corn hog producers who did not ,tl?n AS~OC18t101i Who&!! su JuC ham, admini trato" ,'ersu lallde the estate of ~dward J. Templin, No . J 1 (j and 117 in Mason. arpenter, one mile east of Dar· a can tract for L934 voted for Will be Oevelopm~~t. of lay S p. !!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!'~"!--~!!!!!!!'!~~~~!!!!! W . Stroud, et aI., No. 6 ot aid deceased, filed his application for Virlnia r;osthwaite to Carl D. byvill , in Pickaway county, Fri· sign a program for 1986. Tbis pro- port-A ReSpOn!lblhty of the motions su tained, No.1, 2, 3, certificate of tTan f r , Crosthwaite, real e t.ate in Deer· day, ovember 2. White Rose- Powerbeportion held for Ohio. Teaching Profession.. , and 4 0 erruled. Plaintiff excepts. The inventory of Mary Oliver, field town hip. Two contes~ are to be taged; Departmental m~etmgs WIll be hind the enllne. Officials of the AAA expect to Plaintit! has leave to file amended administl'atrix oC the estate of I,ucfetia Hopkins ta Wllliarn Ma· one for huskers of tanding corn, announce the features of the new bel~ Friday . at 2 p. m. Thaesne petition witbin thirty days. Sarah Becker, deceas d, was ap- honey, 166.58 acres in Salem tOW11 and another for h,uskers who work program some time in Novemb r seSSIOns, 23 ID number, are pI • ship. from the shock. The case of Albert Es~p, a proved. and hope to have the new contract ned ~o provide i~tere8ting talks minor, versus Sam Estep, is dis- The inventory of Walter K nriek Frank G: . i~pson to Chestcl Other featurels of the day be. to pre ent producers before th and dl6Cussl~n p~rlOd s. Chairmen mi!l!ied lor want of prosecution. admini trator of the estate of Rail ~nd VU'gl!l18 E. 8a.II, real e . gin at 9 a. m. aM C81'ry through first of the y e a r . ' and secr:etal'les Will be elected for In the eUe of Mary Brumfield Perry E. Kenrick, decea. ed, was FrAnklin townshIp. I the day .. The speaker of the day, Delegates front 18 lIt&tes are now the commg yeaT.. , Everett Brumtield, a approved. \\ IlIlalll E tell and Anna E t 11 Dean J. H. kinner of the college in Washington preparing a con. versus Chairmen ~or thiS. year ~ W In re: estate oC Rachel C. tev· ~o Th Imll chw~rtz, 150.32 acres of agriculture, Purdue University tl'act for next sea on. H, A. Dono- mental ,!,eetlngs WIll b~.. A. divorce was granted the plaintiff. . ens, deceased, the executor is to m. al~m town lup. appears on the ShOl1. afternoon hoo af Blanche ter, chairman 01 Shor~, 1I11lsboro; JosephIne.!r, New· Suite urrender . certain 4th Liberty Luctnda. Tufts to Lula Tufts, in speaking program presided over by the Clintoh County Corn-Bog Can Hal!lllto~; A. E. Dlettert, Clnc~n. The Fifth·Third Ullion Trust Loan bonds. h>t No.5 In Mainsville. Frank MllIer, cbairman of the trol Association, represents Ohio. natl: .E~lza~th McDermott, MId: Co. versus T. C. Patterson for H_ Zain Banta, admini trator of PicklLway county committee in A new ' corn-hog program is dletown, Lois Gordon, Dayton, money only. the e tate of Lewi V. Banta, deBill. Allowed charge. deemed advisable say AM plan. Charle Bohl, L.ebanon; Elms Rob· The Virginia Joint. Stock Land ceased, filed his inventory. J. T. Riley, admini trator of the The Book Shop, towels for court Members of the staff of the ners, to prevent' an excell6ive in. e~,. Cinc;i.nnBtI; Berta Hal'p~r, Bank, of Charleston, W. Va., verFOR AND CONSIGN estate of Charle. W . mith. dehouse, $7; Mrs. Howard Sawyer, college of agriculture of the O. crea e in corn acreage and ])1:0. Cmcmnatt; Clara Ram ey, Hamd· .be, » alld u Kess Beckett et ai, for money duction and In hog numbers over t-on, .Eva Montgo~ery, Oxford, ceased, tiled his ' affidllvit in lieu of service , $7; Mr. Helen Dough. U. are arrang'ing a series of llv. wtre a•• and foreclosure. , . 'ti C. A. Brennan Han)Jlton; Florence man, en' ice, $7; lofl·s. Ira Eltz- exhibits and dellBonstrations, and the next year or two. I ndIca ons H I firm f 'lr the biab_ C' I ti· R th Bristol Charters D. Maple, trustee for account. are that the present relatively a e, . ~c nna , u d: priee. a nd rood ..m ••. The inventorr of the III tate of roth, services, 5; ·Mrs. Lillie five farm machinery maufacturers the heirs of Eldridge eleStock Y......• CI.cia_.'. Q. Jacob Edward Zech er, decessed, UrLon t services, $10; Mrl\. bude plan to display Dllechanical pickers high leed prices resulting f rom Norwood, .1. L. S~h~lter •. Odor , cea d, versu George the disastrous effects ot drouth, Sarah Chne,. CI,:,cmnatl; John In on Radio Station WOET Pope, et aI., for sale of t'cal estate. and filed bond of $100 with su.!'e- Oeardo'tf, services $17.50; Chas. J in operation in Ilhe 90 acre. com will stimUlate heavy planting n ext Downer, ~ln~lnna~l; Mrs. J..., D. 12 :211 to 12 :30 p • .m. for our daU, ties. Edward Koler, ' Wrn . C. chwartz, Oxydol for cleaning field, Also, shredded, halers. and Peaslee, CIncinnati; Grace DaVIe market reportl. . . year III spIte of a marked red ue· C· . t·. S Sh k C' Ca)Jjns and Wade Robinson were c()urt house, $2.07; The Office Out roughage mills will be at work. I, pencer an, l!l. P robata Court appointed appraisers. fitters, rubbe1: bands for Auditor, An iIlustrawd exhiliit ""ill show tion in livestock n.u mben. It i estimated that a 'retu m to cmnatl; Anna Fltzger!,-ld. H~lnllGladys Betzler and Henry Het. $1,26; Gri wold Sel'Vice Station, how m~ch fast~er cor,n can George E. Young. executor of ton county; John Cronm Madlsan. _.,~-........- - - - - - - - - , the estat~ of J. M. Conover, d«:- zklr filed th i~ p tition for leave to recharge and rental on battery for husk d lOto the wagon from the the 1982-83 average of 106,0 00. ville; J ohn Locke, Cincinnati and -t3 YEARS OF SERVICE cealed, filed hie fint and final ac- adopt Ralph Lee Gillenwater and 'ealer $1.50; Blanks-Baldwin Law anlHng stalk tl~an it can be O~O planted acres a~d resumption Judge Simon Ross, Di!>trict Court al C'nc' aU count.. and for a cnange of the name of Pub, 0., Baldwin's Ohio Digest husked from the shock. Compari- of nOll'11al acreage YIelds would re- t A ppe S, 1 IIIn . T·be inventory of Esther K. Sel- 8aid child. Service to October, 1935, $9.50; sons are ba ed 1m re ults of 260 . ult in a COl'n crop at least 850, 0 of a nticlera, administratrix of the estate The Western Star, Mother's Pen- hu king records lmAde in state and 000,000 bushels in exc LEBANON, ORlO of Lucy Smith, deceased, waS sion Entrie for Juvenile county contests in the paat fODr ipated requirements. We have a complete proved. Mar ir., . U oen. .. $5.60; Blair Hospital, years. W.teh Repail' S.....ic. B. Jl. TempHn, administrator of Earl Joseph Fox, laboror, of at jail, $46; Griswold SerMachinery cOI:npanies also will PrJces Reasonable the ..tate of Edward J. Templin, Clarksville, and Miss Jane Marlatt vice Sta .• oil, grease gas, t ires demonstrate plo,wing for corn. L, Beads Re8t~u n g deeeLl!ed, filed hiS first and final of Clarksville. for SherIff's eat'S, $63.06; Waldron p, McCann and Walter Bluck 01 J ewelT)' R apaired Carl Howard, lineman, ~f Mor- C. Gilmour, inquest, ,11,10; Drs. the Ohio · A.~icI111tural Extension aceollDt. " THE HOME OF GIFTS" H. C. Allread ).11 to take ae"081'-1 row and Miss Hazel G, Jack, of Edw. 'and Robert :Blai.r, exam, Service will demo nstrate the use tion of E. D. Hama and C. L. Mar- Morrow. children for Adm. to Cbildren's 01 tandem hitcb,es for using horse t~n, wlt neues of ' the will 01 Mary Robert Moore, laborer, of South Home, $6; The Book . Shop, sup· power in plowing. and R. D. Bar· E. Hoover, dece~ed. Lebanon and Miss Anna Rose for coroner, $10.35; W, H. den and E. A. Silver will do a Six peakers of national promBen C. Kelly was appoiJ'l~ed ad- Melampy, f actory worker, of Leb- Wl'ight, mileage, $9.72; Wright, quality job witb power machinery. inence will appear before the




... - "'---

---- -----









M~~~~and ~~~~9Soo~w"bnO~0 ociation in a nnual ~uh~~meeting Fri-

f. T. Martin

of hybrid C01'lll8, now exciting mucn comment among corn grow. ers, will be poin.t ed out by R. D. Lewis. Farnl adjustment progl'ams h ave a place on the prog L . H. Barnell, D, R. :Dodd, and J. A. Slipher will illulltrate some of ·t he accomp1ishment!i1 of the AAA pro· dllction cOlltrol plans, showing how these programs may affect the organization as well as the in· come of the typical Ohio farm; and why efficielOcy of production mu st be a pal't of any productio n control progratr1~ L. P. McCaq n, P aul Gerlaugh and L.· A. Kauffman have prepared th ~e e live tock. demonstrations, "Market grades of fat lambs" airnl! to show tme- a dva ntages of ,orting lambs i'nto grades before ending them to market. " Maj,k et JfI'adeB of feed et' steers" direct. att ntion to t he advantages and disadvantages oj~ good quality well bred steers in comparison wit h p lain OT common steers i.n the feedlot. " Raisil1lg beef ca lves in Ohi()~' cO mpaT'!S reaults from feeding home H.ised calves with fe su its obtained f'r om fee ding western calves. Preparations lire being made f or a crowd of 15,000.

day and Saturday, Octob er 26· and The pl.yer who can Hit and RUI! 27, in Cincinnati. Joseph W. Fich- is v.luable to aD), BaMba ll Te... ter, president of the auoetation, The Driver who "H it.. .nd Bun .~ announced to.da¥-'............."""'>l&:._CAJ..,-tt..-..aI1Id~to ~J' . H • . OUChl ers have been chosen to present; to be in jail. subjects of great inter li\lt to the Thla lion. of a Hrla of Safet, 6,000 teachers who will b~ present Artie'.. rei_lied by Gov, Goor ee from Tline' counties, Adam, Brown Whit. ~brourb _ O. W. Merrell. DIB utler, Clel'mont, Clint on, Hamil- rector of B lehwa,a. ton, Hiebland, Preble and Warten There will be three general SCIIIjions in the two..daf program : FriMore tan 14 per cent of the day mOtning at 9 cI'cl~k in Musie families ntervlewed in a ~ati onal H an, a nd Widay evening at 8 survey ought no tretlh m ilk. and Satur day morning at 9 in tile Average conl umptlon by the 29,Ban of Minon, Hotel Netherland 486 famili es queltioned ill 6 9 Plaza. • cities was leas than slll.-tenths of a Burton F owler , headmast er of pint per person daily. Th... facts t h e Tower High Sehool, Wilming. were unco.v ered by a , De la ware, president of the condueted b y Conl.u mera' C01~Il .el P rogressiVe EducatIon Al8oclAtion of the AAA.



Court 01 Appeals.

The distric:t i. compoled of the counties of Warren, Clinton, Clermont, Butler and Hamilton. The other two members of the court are from Hamilton County, and Judge Ha~ilton i. the only candidate representing the four eoUDti.. outlide of Hamilton Count,. . . Vote for him on the DOD-partisan Judicial •



the w...... Count,


".Un ..... ~


Alfalfa Bay, 15 tou hay, 88 aCHI of corn; Tractor and plow.: 800


Chick_ill, II 0-. 80 Ducks 14 ,..rbJL TenM of. 8ele Cub. Waraenm. II, E. W . Aid oa

wil ...... .....


Centerville, Ohio Phone 78J


'lOT ARY PUBLIC Natl•••'


Willa D ..a . . . . . E ...i •• ,.,:.. WAYNESVILLE. OHIO

JESSE STAMLIlY uo. "_ ..rH......


EARL ICOOGLER Da,a.. PIi_ ICE_........


of Warren County, Ohio, now serving •• Judge . of the

Or No Char••


-----_ ..



,Auction'e ers

P ouring wat,e r at a diat ance through a fr uit atain usually mo'Ves it. '

As I am quitting J:al~l,rur sell a t .uctlon <,n my farm loca1;4l:a 2 miles South of Lytle, 7 ' miles Northeast of Lebanon, 8 mU .. West of Waynellvill., j ust off State Rout e 73, on t he Lytle road, on W_.....F. C)CtolMr 31, 1134 Beglnnine at 9 a. m, the followinc chattels: . 1 Horl e, 2 Mules, 1 Pony; bay h orae, sood w,o rker anli . puller;' of bay mules, weiching about 2400 Ibs.• good worken; 37 Cattle consisting of 20 head of mille COWl . These cows ar~, about an yountr an d consUt of 1rel & and elol e up springers ; 14 hl!ld of Heifen i olle GuernseY 'Bull, 2 years old, this is a full blood bull ;87 Hogs conals~ ing of 8 Brood Sow.! 1 Duroc Mal. Hoe, 48 pip, 30 Sll.Oat. that wOl weich about 121 lb• . each. Thia Is a fin. bunch of hop.j 11& Sheep that will run in ... from • ),ean down. A lara- collection of Farm· inc Implllllell~ Delco Piant wit.bout the batten.I,; Bam... j 18 ton




FOR SALE-Work Ho.rae cbeap, all o lood Ford Coupe, nearly new tires. Jr. T, Mar tin, Center016 ville, Ohio.

THE whole.ome coodneaa of rice puddin" Inow puddllll'l blallCo ma~, and apple betty make th.m favontes on tl\ouaada c.f tables. F~miJi.rlty ,nil never breed celntempt for theae p~in,.: If 70U dress t.hem up with lach • deliclou-. inlrfedient coconut. Just try- it Ind s ee what ditrerence it-maka. CDCOIlut Rice Paddiac .


, ta...._



, "pe n .. _..11k

qea'............ _ _ _ aaIt

H cu.. _ t , ........ Wah riot tboroughb; COIabin. with mUk, ..........t, and butter I'll .....uecI baIdia diU. au. hi ....

CIII·... ) ') ..... atIrrbw '""' ~ 10 .......: .... eoeoDIJt .... mix ..ell; . . .. _ _ ..... ~ 0 ....

............ ..

1Ioar.1t ...................tlonl ~ ClIP .......... bill ....

................ w..w __ Bat . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . .t

l e n . . . . . ....., ....... t~...w.

SALE-Bulldinl suitable for . FOR chicken, br ooder or hos hOllie,

Combiu supr, __ow, _ aalt in top of doable 1IoiIer; .... milk ....dualIy, mixiJIa thorolleh11. Place oYfir rapldb boUln~ . . . and coole 10 ~inuteA. 01' nnW thlek, ltirr!ng ccmstutb'. Add coconut and cool. Fold ill en wltft.. and -nmi11a; tara into illdlvfduaL moldl. ChUl. U ... mold ad pmlsIl WitIl tart JeU,..

Serve. e.

Va"lWit. Snow PadcIiac

...... .

.I.U ....................


~ -

• ftI . . . . . . . . . .. . .

.U ..... ..a. "li.T....-;---::~__

also 1 . man hog house, 20 rod of hOIf fence. George Benq.rsoD. FOR SALE - ao~o Rembiatoll bolt action RUle; 30.06 Sprintfield rifte. In pod condition. Inqu.lre at G...tte omce. FOR SALE-Keller purL C. B, Klcblner, Waynesville. Ohio.

BALE-Wand paper bl rolJa, Paper Napkin., hI1 .... Paper PIateI. The lllami Guette.

S_Hwlbe tor PUBLIC' AUCTION church Sunda)' even 1111. nual naUonal Gore.. Memoria! Mrs. J .. E. Hill spe nt the weekEs *y contest thia year, none was Lorated 3 110 mile, North of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~:! end amid scenes or her childhood in the wlnnin' ll~t. Firat prize ,,'U Whl R_ _Po... Wayn4'Kvill" ull thl' Old Sllltc Road at Orrville and other pointa in the MI'. and Mrs. A . S. : , ~ ~""""L wun b)' Geurge A, Delhomme of ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY northern ~art of the atate, on T XAA. Second and third "rites son Robert and Mra. hind the enl.". The Home Demonstration wc nt ttl Mississippi and Kansas re- ham Bpent last Weclne.d." October 31, 1934 D. L CRANE I I PUU ...... criPtJ•• Prlc•• ,1 .9 a Y..r sJ,)'Ilctively. in du cted at the Annex TIl".,lIJ1."r ing several points otI •• Pl... ..................... N •• 112 .t pOltortt •• at W.rn... At 1 p. m . the southern part afterno n by Mrs. R. D. R..,..... ...... " .................. N•• 118 Yllle, OhIo• •-..=::4 CI. . . . .all and Mi Myra Haydock wa! Complet.r line of Blncksmlth The minimum wage diviSion of Mesdames Rose the state d partment of industrial Madden attended the funeral of attended and very instl·uctive. Tools, Farm impl ments, good relations is sendi "~ 'notices to the Mrs. Su Morris Haydock last Wa. hing ·of silks and woolens was cattle. hou81'h Id goods and antithe topic. OCTOBER 25, 1934 quI' . Selling on account ot fedel'ill lab6t compliance offi cials Thursday afternoon. ill health . Ii you want to ()f the state that the short hours ·The flsh rry given b)r the W. O. -= att nd an auctio n 'when the highest per week a~thoT\.z.ed by the fed. T. U. was a decided success in bicldel' will be the buyer this is the ('ral code shall super ede the Ohio every way and they d4lsire in this sale to attend as everything must law governing hour!! or latlot'. The mann,er to thank those who helpeli any WPM way to make I . It would be in~erestin&, to "now bow many Amel'ic aDII have read latLel' untIer the old Ohio law in M C it so. h Remembti 1' t he Hallow 'en spll. r... e arrel~ ~pent t e social at Lytle ball Saturday ev n Terms, osh on day of sale. the Constitution of the Uni~d States, the document upon which the permits 60 hours per week, while 40 hOUl' is the limit under tbe week-end with. his famirly. republic Was built, since they passed out of school. Mr •. Minnie Pe.nnyw., Mr. and Mrs. Herbelrt Can nnd lng, sponsored by th Ladies Aid. fed <! lal law . 'l'h" llivision is' abo The chances Ilre that far 1 sa than ten per cent cpuld honesbly notifying the sume olflciahl that 011 Billy were s hoppinl~ in Dayton M'rs. J , B. Jones sp nt FriclllY in F . T. Martin, Auctioneer. say that t hey .h ave read it. They have 8~ n a few quotations from it in enter-ville, Ohio, Ph OM 78J. the state minimum wage for laun- Saturday. Dayton. 3 Davie Bldg" Dayton, Ohio, ll'l'ticlea and editorials; they know vaguely that ita pUl'pOBe is to d y and dry clothing workers Mr. Glen n Snell, who is l\tudying Mrs; Ella Copsey is very low thi time. Phone Adams 33G1. guaranlee liberty and opportunity for all, and to assure table, rep- super edes the federal wilge. The at , the onservatory of Mu ie, MI's. Kesler Graham returned --I ese ntative govet'nment, and that's about all they know. latter wage is tlie lower. spent with his Monday evening after a del parent .the week-end There pever was a time when a general study of the constitution Benzine and Benze • ., "I trip lo the World's Fair, vnlca.go. Mesd ames I na Sh ane and '" ay Bellzlne and l!enzeue are two would be so valuable 88 now. Today it i being criticized, it is accused Director of Finance Clarence . LIttle Phyllis Bailey spent I f ormer Iy 0 I B al'veysburg, csurereot rrubstlln 'el; to Bod to the of tho crime of antiquity,. and tbo,* wl10 would change it say it has H. Burk stilted this week that the Kayor, -d I hi k week-en. d with her uncle. and a contusion, benzene was ot'lglnally 0f Flon a eave t s wee Mr. and Mrs. ' Everett Ken r ick outlived itll usefulness: The result of these attacks on the Constitution state'!> finances are in better condl' bu t now 'd White RoseFI called benzine nnd III often C11l1ed Oenterville. are al~eady reflected in legislation and in governmental procedure- tion now than a year ago, and that f or orl B. hind the enllne. Mrs. Howard .... ~ dGraham, !Urs. Mary Carmony in compan y hentol. Uberties, l'ights, privileges, for which OUI' ancestors fought and died are the year w)'ll be complete.d l'n gooli 'M Mr, and d M T8. Cb as. C",or on \lnd . M s. h ape not withstanding the lar-ne r. 1m . ., WPM C d WIth r. and Mrs. W. F. Clark atendangered. 1n other cou ntries, aim Bar constitutional gUJranteell have amount of mone" that will be )'e. . 1 . ct Ft Arren A an. tt 'amily pent ten ded a .birthday dinner Sunday been thrown overboa~'d-and the final result bali! been in¥ariably (Juired to mect " extra demD ~ds, un\4ay THE SEASON .oPt: NS! . f or b(!r 80n, E. J. Carmony, at hi.s ~. M da M . R nClenII :B dictatol'ship. It should be everlastingly kept ill mind that the Constitu- such as old age pensl' ons , Muskr. an rs. usse ennett are h orne 10 . Springfield. • r-----------------~-----------.----.--------~---, tion ill the bu~wal"k that tands between us and one "ism" ot another. ingum Oonservancy proJ'ect and t h e prou d parents ' 0 f a ba b y boy Mr. an d Mrs. Whitten Randolph t b 22 b om t 0 th em Mem day, 0 coer Read t.he Con titution, paying e peciaJ attention to the sections state institutional consWuction. ____ Mr. and Mrs. M. Dailey enter-. of Atlanta, Ga., called on Mr. which compose the Bill of Rights. Those sec:.tions reflect aUtbatman has l d I' h<" I M' Margaret Johns Tbursday. · cl'etary of State George S. . ,n a e Ig uu manner ISS M d M'r strive.d for through thousands of yeal'fl of turmoil- th widest possib and liberty, the right to live as an individual, dominated by none. If the Myers has ndded to the general LUCIle Tucker .and her election instructions to voters chool class la t S~turd!1Y' evemng were entertaine.d to dinner SunConstirution is out-oi-date, so is the cause of humantreedom. lve a Hal- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. "The American Nation was built on the profit ysteDl, and to re- posted in each voting booth, ref- I T~e P. ~. A. Will Ir erencea to sections of the state ~owe n socIal nExt Th'tlrsda~ -even- Richard .Moore in Dayton. main the great Nation that it Is, it must continue tne profit system."'aw .r ehlting to crimes against the mg at the gym. Thel~e WIll be Mrs. WiJilal'l1 CreIghton, ·Mr. Malcolm 1IIu!r, President, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. elective franchise. The sectiolls of pi nty ~f eats and mUlllC and other and Mrs. Hany Graham, were the law enumerated refer to brib- entertamment. Every qn~ i ul'~d TueB<lay guests of Mrs. Susan' = ery, use of secret ball()t, infl.u enc- to Dla k. Any one no~ (~omg so wll1 Saylor irt Dayton. Mrs. Elizabettl Smith ()t Dayton ing voters, intimidating eJection be c~arged IDe admls~ilon. FrIends of . Mrs. Mary Bell spent the week-end with her sister, officers, illegal voting, ptocedure Vanderburg WIll be S(lrry to hear M M in voting booths a d t . with ballots n ampenng of her death at her I110me in Los rs. argaret Johns, Glen Johns . . Angeles, Calif., October 16, and son, Paul, of Dayton were also The Ohio '!State UniversitJ Rad10 Station-WOSU Dr. and Mra. J. W. Ward enter- Sunday guests. The Industrial Commiasion of tained Mr. and . Mr . Frank Shid. Mr. and Mrs. Walter K nrick, 8:00 Mu sic Ohio has issued an annual stati - aker and Mr. and Mr!l. E. J. Col- in company with M'r8. Belle Coon 8 :10 Little Turtle, a Chief of the Miamis .. ... H. E. Eswine ticall'eport for 19S5,prepared by lier last Sunday. and daughters of Dayton. were 8:20 Onuse of Winterkilling in WI\eat ........ " .... , '.. ....... C. A. Lamb the diyi io1'\ of safety and hygiene, Mrs. Irma Beach entertained . Sunday afternoon guests of Pro! 8:30 Music This includes a statistical study 01 company On Sunday. and. Mrs. Leslie E. arey and 8:4.0 Home, Sweet Home ........................... " . " ..... ".WOSU Players accidents and occup ational dis- The many :friends of Mr. Richard family in Springfield. 9:10 Fat'm Life and My Family ...... l\lrs. Paul Snyder eB$e claims filed with the commis- C1eaver of .chicago 'will be surMr. and Mrs. Stanley Bailey, 9 :20 Heat for Hen Houses .. ...... ....... .. ... " ...... .. ,... .. R. E. Cray sion durhlg the year 193tl and a prised to lear n of his nlanrage to a with friends from Dayton spcn~ summary of the years 1926-88 in- Lincoln, N bl'aska girl last March. the week-end on a motor trip 9:S0 Music 9:35 Some Less Common Flow~ring Bulbs ........ " ....... G. H. Poel!Cb elusive. The I'eport is issued with They did not reveal their marriage through Kentucky. Mrs. Edwin Nutt, Mrs. John 9 :45 Farl'llers' Inquiries in Agricultural Engin~ering ...... ,.......... , .,: the hope that the information until two weeke ago. They accom................ ,....... ,., ....... G. W. McOuen and E. A. Sliver given will serve to arouse Ohio panied his parents, Mlr. and Mrs. Nutt and Miss Minnie Allen of eloployera to a realization of the Clyde Cleaver here from Chicago, Centerville spent Tuesday afterfact that the accident ills of O'hio Saturday returni ng h(,me on Sun- noon with Mrs. Therle JonI' and • indu8l1y are till IlnOl'mous and in day. son. a gl'eat meaaure unwarranted and . The Carnes sale in Wellman Mrs. 1Ioward ArchdoCacon of that only universal effort and com was well attended on last Satur- Waynesville was a dinner gu,est plete group co-operation will in- day afternoon. Wednesday of Mrs. Charles • _ __. _ _ Mullenix. s ure gaining of further gTound against the hazards of ind\lStrial 40 . Mrs. Ruth Savage is staying in employment. . \ - _ . _ ' _ . - -'-~- ' - ' -l Dayton where she haa employment COLUMBUS~S tanley Tsehantz NEWS ITEM: Taxpayerl Ohio and Michigan w I ll have, refer.n.-um of Wayne county, president of the vote Election Day O~ conatltutlonal amendm.nta propoalnG to reduce and to "x ,tllte guoll n. ta.x rate. and to prevent tho u,e p' r.v.nUI Ohio F . F, A., and Robert Bernard from thll additional tl~ fClr other than hlllhway purpoeoe. of New Vienna, are the oftlcial Governor George White hall been by United State.s Senator Roberl Everett Early is doing some exOhio deleg.tea attending the authorlied to seJect four candi- IJ, Bulkley and otber official!_ The ;" - - - , - - _ ._ . _ . - - (I tenslve repairing at the home National Future Fanner 'conven- dale to take the entrance exam· structure is located on the Fan is coming, swiftly coming' here, by enlarging the basement tion and the National Vocational Inatlons for .weBt Point Military I' Scioto riyer, in the new . Civic Air is crispy, damp and chill; and expects to install a furnace Agricultural Congress, at Kamal Acadam AIJ enliste4 men of the Ce.nter of Columbus. An federal Mornings, tbere's a white mist and water system. banging A couple of band of gypsies Olty thia week. along with Bobby Ohio ~ation.l Guard, who are offi cel'S will be transferred to the ,0tKerwise eligible as to age,' Pil)'s-1 neW building within a few months O'er the top of old hom~ hill. invaded Lytle Thuraday and FriJonea, n aUonal . president and ical condition, etc., may appeal' with t~e postoffice .located ther~ day.. The ·first day tbey robbed many others. The latter in- before a board of officers fot . a early til January. . There are many cobwebs wavin g Theodore Traylor of $30. The clude the Monroeville live- preliminary examination in • _ ••- - By the path o'er whleh I pass; next day they enUred Kesler toc\: a·n dNew Vienna dairy cattle Columbus November 7, 8 and 9. And a heavy d\!w a-sparkle Graham's grocery, but were h eld judging teams of three members ____ In the meadows; (Jon the grass. here by ,Walter Kenrick, Ju tice, until arrival of Sheriff Bufford, each, and the following canc1idatea Of the twelve high school BlackJ>irds now .re going 80utb- who escorted them out of the for the American Farmer Decree: Mr. and Ml's. Iman and Mr. and ward county. Stanley Allgire, David Swank, studeuts from dl1rerent Ohio cities Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hadley en· High o'er head in gTeat big Thomas Gardner, Robert Bernard who participated in the sixth an- Mrs. Curtis Nash of Dayton, and Mr. and Mrs. Murray of Springdroves; . tertained hthe following dinner field, wel'e Sunday guests of Mr. South, where it is wa,n n .nd pleas- guellts Su day: Mr. and Mrs. and MI'II. F, T. Nash. . . ant William Hadley and two children Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Wells and There to live in fresh green of Blanchester, Mr. and Mrs. C1ar- ' daughter Alta attended the colligroves. ence Harvey, MillS Erma Hal'v y munity sale in 'Lebanon on lut Pri Soon we'll 11ellr tine wild ,geese and M'r. Mortis Hadley of Clarki!day afternOOn. nonking ville,. . ~iss Marj Qrl~ .Crites . Orlando Brannan and wife and of Wdlmlngton, and Mr. and ·Mrs. FlylngV-jilhaped oyer head; Edna Mae Doda'e of Xenia. and Then hoW good will rfeel the !eath. Amo~ Cook and sons of near WayMabel Terry spent Sunday afteren nesvllle_._ ___ noon with K. E. Thompson and At nig11t, in our bt warm bed. family. Coeu•• PI'O. Suu" ProlelllOr Collin. ot WilmingCocaine. tbe pernIcious dru¥, II ton CoUeee will .peak at the Yes Falls coming, swiftly coming obtalned trom a low·growlcg IIhrub, church here on next Sunday evenI can feel it in tb.e ail'; tbe yfyl4 treen leaves of whlcb are inK'. Bett61' COllie and hear him. I can smell the spicy apples ,athered and dried ID the su:un~,~J~U~IJ: t ~__-!Lf!~~~:'~_~ .....,........:~...:!.._~ K Ie Thomplon wae .in Wa;ynesAS I dream here in my chair. . . teA leuet are. ville on Monday. Soon the wh~ll! will now be turnProleuer Rufus Kersey, of near ing < I Turtle Creek att/: nded ·.church here In the apple grinding mill; on lallt Sunday eVCJ\ing. · . And the rich thick jllice' be flowing .......... n . , Mr. Jamel Head and family, K. E •. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. In an amber colored rill. Smith, 1tJr. and Mrs. Arthur ' Happy boys come, seek the barrel Knight and lion Pa1,1I, Jason BiddleAnd through hutlgry lip, they Ht'd f. r"~!4 U.'liVf>r8 Government Supplies CUJII. Otis JiUch, Lota Lewi•• Fordraw; • ellt Tltlball, Kenneth Laney, Droughts and .draurhts, of the rich . I •• Mort· Than Five Mlllioo, llil8eJ .Opal · Lewis, Kathleen cider , Needy Homee · Thompllon, Berneda Lewia and Through a Jonl new ehinlna Ecl)la ~ollon attended the ~ottqe . atnw. meeting on last ''JIhursdar By DAVID s. UlUA1.LS 'ev,eni:nlr at the home of Asberry e8, fall. coming, lIurely cominr . ...I'",a".. 011", ltollc..JI Coal_it'. . Hill and fanlilv near Bellbroo1.... And it'll not 10 Jrar away; road. beJ~ to' solve 'the tranapor· ~ .. T won 't b e Iong until Deprc~ .1j(II' l'ia !l hl\Pn ta~lon p(oblem, and mill.r• . and ," K. E. Thomplon .Is bUI)' distri. 1I0m,e morn)\'er ',he land for many clolh1 n l man ..facturera provlded butine Republican campaign lite.. ing Unemploymt!nt had clltell the tile myic wand by ' whlcb riU~ ture. CLASSIFIED ADS COST ONLY We'll wake to a 'winter day. .... avlnl'" 8trip~d till' (:u pboardl of wheat. · w.. turned Into Gaul' 'and Harr,. Osborn, ) TownONE CENT PER WORD. WHY many · Americ,h homes Rellof wae Ihip Central Committeeman callneeded irnnu;diat.dy in ttl ..... in l ee- c:otton into cloth.. Wb.., w.. ni.bed from tIM el.· d V' E Th . KEEP .Y OUR ATTIC FILLED tiona. And 1111, in Hl32, the Con ' v.tor blna to .co-o-ratl... mUla. l! o~..,.. . ' omp!lOn Monday Ir... of the Unitt.od Stllta pa.~ed &..1 h r-l e~nJnr· T. C. HaydockaJient last week WITH USELESS ARTICLES William Ma- of Wilml·n-on. rom Wn C mo... tllan ten mllion JerialaUon whith ~aytl to tbe Rc.'I1 fbarrel. of Bour were cllatributed •• Ii~ with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Larkin CrpN eijthLy ·fiv\! lllillion bUlbal. of &IDona aU III,t ala of tV natjaa'i and Miss Doris Bill o! neu BellTH:A T CAN BE 'TURNED INTO wlMat Itld .ei,bt hundred tort~ : counti_ . Cotton • •tf..... tile brook, called on 'the Misses Opal and family ne.r Greenfield. lour thouand bal.. of c:oUO.. all aoutbena ,,&Nbou_ to . ~Je and Berneda Lewill 8 ..n(lay- eveD- . Mr. and Ura.. Evc!rett Nickerson MONEY FOR SO SMALL A to be converted Into food alld are ependlna- the ""eek at A Ce n ....r to take "'11 bI the fill. . . dotlal... ror lh. needy wt"'out IDUIa o( Procresll. . COST. TRY THIS ~EANS OF prOlfl'am and the . llnl.Hcl ...... . "s·ome b 0 d y ha,got Oharley tUl'Y manufactu'r, ~.Iay. . . ~ped t;th ,t.o clothi..... , Ml'. and Ura. J. A. Hartman .... _ _ • ...1 Wella loat:' . .S ELLING AND SEE WHAT A Witb wheat. stored In I.'I~vator were Cblcalo vwt()r8 last week. =te~~ofhl':s_ C-;...I I1!!~1Dil~ . Frankie Ricbardson has return- The W. C. T. U.met w1't b Mrs. bini tbrouchnut th" . mrd\\(est. wlth DIFFERENOE IT WILL MAKE eet:toll plied hi~lf in southern wal'e Honyaida of cl'!tb . . . l.ii..rod ed to hi. horne in Hamilton after L. Coman! on 'lruefiday. . . . . . . and nellhlll' in loml to ttl chapte.... where thou_Dds of 4pen!linlr leveral weeki with P; G. Mra. Annie Cflft)' returned TO YOUR POCKETBOOK, AS provlda immediate relief; the 1.a.k bepn ~ Weill and family hen. eenll'Oat.ln. the R"d Crolla wa. not t!~n~~:~r-:'~:'I:=r outMa, aM The church at Gre.n Briar wu Sunday from vili1;lnr hel' IOn, WELL AS TO HAVE YOUR Arthur aad Elmer and their failll· . . . . ., on.. Herll w .... raw ma ~da poorly attended on Ialt Saturda, n... Wiel. t.o make · the produet. fOI STUFFY OLD ATTIC CLEANED .arcbue of ......nlne on aceount of leV.raJ of _Ieh milJion eUlItom.n Su.... Ba,dock, widow of thl an~lD a the membe ... balae iD Kentucky. waited, and t.he ell1lt.ome,. could lat. Thomaa C. Ha,.dock died at OUT. IT PAYSI • tin OraleDe BaUe7 ud Wilma lea. the hOllle ot h ... uUlhter, Mn. E .. . . .alt 1011. ot Enale attltllded YOUJIC . folka O. S'hidaker . I'bat &h• •ord wllnt out 1.0 IIOmr WUmJqton ~ lfeeUnc at the chul'Ch here OD lad Tu",. afternoon. She was .en "... tIIou.Qd chapier ItfKtUll1II . . . anel tbtir i41P thou.and Saada,. . . . . . .. known ad hlP),. .....mad hen R.. ulu Kttd (:,~.unc· ------~......-----ha'riDC beaD of tIllI threw tll.1r entire tlma community 10r U Jtan, Pu.eral . ~ llIto th. ..alltle Job "'019 tun • ..~ wen Il.ld at til. laoae . . ...-'red ,1In_nd adll" att.....ooa. Rev. ~ putor, Kllmer of <hoIp-




Read The Constitution


Pow.r be-

.' ,


~r~~ TheT:~ 5~n~~ J:~~S, s~~:

Farm ltiight 1 alks, October 29 < . .. ...







Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol

:~;;;;i;:~:"~~~~~:~:':;::' ::~~g:!:',~~h~~~:::~~:~




Beech Gr'ove




. --- ., '- --

New 'B urlington



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of ........ tGok put Ia


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Fri ad. Home New.

Sunda7 dinner ruNb of [r. Mrs. Olear SUnil Id or IIt'Br New Vienna•. Mr. and !IIr . George Dunnenll have g ne to houi!('ktping in Cen. terville. .Mt. and MI' • Ralph Laming anti childr n Margaret, ' Helen and Ralph Jr. call~d on Jesse Fawcett ot near 01(1 Town unday afternoon. _ _ _ _ __ __



v.. tt•••,.. Republican h~adquarlel'l were \~~=~~=======~ h, i\1 : UI t\Y l'\Igl\t, ~dober opened In Leb.non laat Saturday j 1\ ) II< H,,\1 wllh a bllt ~r(). ·D....... 7Oo and wlll be open d.i1y during ~he White Rose, the depen'I. L Ull d\ rrt'~. • dmlSSIQn: ot the current campaIgn '. S.ita, lie dult. I\I~. ~' hlldr<;n 6c. . Hallie Van Meter is in charge dable Gasoline. o.lidlr-'- ...Iit~ T ht' [ IlU\lIRg pnzv to be given the locil office which. is located ~~:~~~~~~~~~~ Btille and groom - B,,"kl't of g~o· the room directly north of the I. l't'rit:'. Kid.:!,' Graham. Lebanon House on Broadway. Warren CO'ln y republicans are Tr~~;~1~ . $1.01l Necktie Mrer invited to make use ot thE head10"t onlleal OUlllc-4 qts. 'Ken· quarters wben· in Lebanon, CamMrs. Howen Peirce spent the paign literature and -'!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Maggie doll Oil- Guy Routzahn. and J Ig8'8- 2 stlcks of No EXperience Needed , k-end in Oarey, Ohio, and was may be secured there. meal an l bolt of Sausage . ' at tbe celebration of the - - - - - -~-Mall who can call on fatmera seasoning Everett Early. tw nty-5Ith wedding anniversary and sell them complete Hne of Indian-l gallon Oil " Go.r don of her 8<ln Will. . produots includIng Feeds for Service tatlon , Livestock, Radiol!, Washing Ghost--l 'I'he rmo! bot.tle .. '. ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Louis Battelle, Mr. Machines, House and Barn Father Newton, Pastor Wayne ville Drug tore. and Mrs. James Ben on, ~r8. Paint, Hand Tools, hlna Lura LeiSUre, of Dayton, and T nest Person- l ,gallon Oil... M.ass at st.· Augustine's Cbul'cll Ware, Silverware, Aluminum Mi s Press Reid, 01 Bellaire, were Rogers and Simp on, econd and fourtb Sunday J{ttchen ware, Alad(lin Lamps Sunday guests o't MTS. MargaNt Phone Scienti.t: Succeed. in Ma ked- 1 lb. Col1'ee f ·the month. """""","",.,...""'-"¥t."'. . .'''''''~''v Oldest and other items. No selling exMartin. Kroger. ))Orience neccssary. We train Fri.-Sat.-OcL 26--27 Capt:urinl Elu.ive Aice Old Fal\hioJled Girl-~1.00 Gown FRIENDS MEETING Mrs. Lena Hal'tsock and grandyou in aales and service work. Ingredient .. A. K. Day. ' Flash First-day School at 1} ;80 a .. m. Ir.I::!~~=~~=~~~~il son Wilton, Mrs. Rilla Burton, Mr. Farm ex-perlence or knowledge KEN MAYNARD ~ed Ridinghood --- $1.00 Meeting for Worship at 10 :80 and Mrs. Oacar Wade, Mr. and of livestock helpful. Oar neeLight-J ohn Hl1w~e. , m. in Mt·s. Stacy Burnet and 80n, of , A new method of extracting VitaLarge w ekly commillessarY Gypsy- Eve,r green , ,Carl Duke. l C9me to the a:aU'()we'e~ carnival near CenteJ'Ville, were Sunday din- min B in commercial quantfties, 8ion gavel you chance to 4,lar:n Which physicians hope: will be of Teddy Bea:r- o gal. gasoline .... WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harl splendid income. Exclusive. Ungle.sbee Service Station. great assbtance in overcoming ulal.Miss Stella Daugherty spent Harvey, of near Rid: ville. territory. We Old Witcb- 25-Ib. Flour .. Elbert Rev. G. C. Dibert, Pastor nutrition and other human disorders. last week with r.elatives in Dayton. __ ___ ~ _ - - are 50 year old, million dollar Wallace. }~rlday: Choir practice at '1 :30 hu been discovered by Robert B. company. Wribe for full In· Fattest Per on- Teakettle .... Fair- p. m. Williams. director · of chemical reSUD,-Mon.-Oc:t. 28-29 Mrs. J. E. Fra'ter and Mt'S. adie HALLOWE'EN CARNIVAL formation. Tell us about yourley Hardwa~. " unday: Next Sunday we wtll onner were in Dayton today. search of tlte B.ell Telephone Labo· AT HARVEYSBURG eli'. , Clown-Potatoes--Clyde Wba.r ton observe our annual Rally day and JRENE DUNNE & RICHARD ratoriu, after 20 years of experimendaughter of Mr. and Virginia, Darky- BDx of Candy ... Ralph homecoming. The Sunday school tation. . DIX E. V. Moorman, Pres. , Johns. will meet at 9 ;80. We are expect- Mrs. J. K. Preston, has been very The Parent·Teacher!! Association While work in, in ,overJlment of Harveysburg will celebrate t1lemical laboratorie. in tbe Pl,ailipPerson Box of ing a large atendance. There wiIJ sick. Best Dressed Dept. 338, Quincy, IIIin llallowe'en with a masque.rade pines, William. helped to ,secure Candy ... A. H. Stubbs Funeral be special added features In. this Parlor. service, including speCial mu IC by Mr, and Mrs., Glenn Frye , of oeial ,on Tuesday night, October evidence that lome unknown cbem· · CU t ,," Fl'rAs family orchestra. . Dayton spent the) we k-end wJth 30, at the ,school gymnasium in kal, pre.ent ill infinitesimal quanti· \ ::======~~~~~~==~ L itt Ie B oy BI Qe- He lr '" , Frank Smith. Morning worship at '10 :4.0. At Mr. C. W. Frye. Harveysburg. Various prizes will ,iea in ricte bran, cured beri-beri, Gazette Offi<!e-Advertising. this ervlcethere will be special be given tc) th best masked cou· a disease common amana people Mr, and .Mr~! . James Lovely ples and ,i ndividuals. Anyone not McClure Funeral Parlor- 56.00 to music by the choir and the sermon motored through Kentucky over wearing a mask w\l1 be charged who live on polished rlee. Ladies Aid. will be preached by Rev. C. M. the week·end. GiVeD ill TiDJ Do... ten cents . admi88ion. Jeff Smlth- Sl.OO to Ladies Aid. Coulter, D. D. the new' district Williams returned to the United Cbicken and wienel' sandwiches, States to work in the telephone lab· ===~=====~~~~ C. M. Robitzel'-$1.00 to Ladies SUperintendant of the Dayton Mr. John Treadway left WedAid. district. Dr. CQlter is a young ne day for a visit ·w ith relatives ked beans, salads, ice creaM and oratories, but his lntere.t in the elu· Walter Kenrick-S1.00 to Ladie8 man of splendid ability and i$ sure in Kentucky. " cake, pop corn and candy, dough- sive rice ingredient did not wane. Aid. to bring Il great me sage. DO/1't ' nuts, coffee and cider will b4! Only within the lut few months. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Fromm and served. Bendt of Lytle Ladle!! Aid. lllll to hear him. however, haa hi. constant study of There will be a fishpond, mUBic, tbe vitamin proved fruitful. A basket dinner will be served sons visited relat~ves in Dayton and other attraction$. Everybody in the bat!ement of the church at Monday eveninllf. From a ton of rlcep01ilhin gl, Cr~ek is invited. noon. WiUiam, i. now able to extract five 1'lH~se8 Juanita Brannock and At 1 :45 p. m. there will be held gram. of Vitllnln B. Although thi 1'0 live .i n hearts we leave Dorothy BOllrI)EI will ' Visit friends $13.35 AV"'RA'G E PENSION The .. Li ....e Wires." SundaJ Sehool an informal program in the audi.! in vitamin has been i$olated on a labopayton over the week.-end. 1:. . behiJ)d, b not to die. class met with Donald Haines lor torium. This program will consi t ratory .cale before, Williams' pro· RECEIVED IN COUNTY cess <JAKPBELL. tbeir busines meeting and a lIoclal of speaking and special \lIusic. Mr. and Mrsl. Oharles James il the firlt method suited (or last ThuflSday nitht. A weiner The Epworth League wm have and family visited at the home of commercill purpose•. Thol. whQ leave U8 are roast was enjoyed. entire charge of ,the evening W. C. HutchillsclD in Dayton, SunSeveral penons from Warren , So powerful i. this crystalizc:(i Mr:. Enoa Oren of Clinton county service which 'WiIJ meet at r:OO day. cDunty are no~ on the old age vitamin In prev!:ntinl or curing beri· Dot cone. Their memory is visiting wJth relatives in this o'clock. 141 s Virginia ,Hardin will pensioll payroll of the state of beri and related nervOUS condition. Jin",n, deeply engraved vicinity. be the leader. The officllrs lor the Hr. Warren EIJ)addock. of Route Ohio, and more are beine added either in man or animals that tht in our bearta. The funeral Mr. and Mrll. Homer Haines en,.. coming year will be installed at] , pent Wednesday with her monthly, according to announce- neceuary dOlu are mu ured in mi· .e"i~ Ihould be a reverent tertained .'It dinner Saturday Mr. this meeting. parents Mr. and Mr . H. A. Cor- ment today by Haney, inve Uaa- croiTaml, one microgram beins and loving farewell. In a.nd Mra. Roy Bailey of near Be sure to c.ome and bring your nell. tor in charae of the old age pen- about one thirty· millionth of atl IUcb a .• pint do we lIerve Adena, Ohio. friends with yOU. M1'8. C. M. Blrown, of Dayton, sion. office for this cou~ty. ounce. M'r8. Raleigh Bogan' and visited her mother and sister Mrs. Those n!>w drawing pensiona our clienba, seeking always daugbter Dorothy were in Dayton AYNESVILLE CHURCH OF Etta Surface and Mn. Morris Gra- average '18.85 per person a --..... to crett. a beautiful 'Guardian of oar ,ereQity a8 on Saturday. CHRIST ham on MondaY'. . m~nth (rom the state treasury U.. well as pl'OtectQr. of our Uvea lle~ 'Icture for the Miss Anna Sohns, of Wllming(Undenominational) under tbe terml of the 1&'1' passed TH2 MIAIII GAZETTE and property, thete public liYl _ ton, took 'dinner with ber friend Chester A. WilliamaOD, lrflnutel' Mr. John Tutner bai been elect- by the people at the election last c:rvants stand ready. each Jeannette Wilson Sunday. ed seeretarr-tl'eillurer of the November," . Investiptol' Baney FOR D.ULTS Miss Edna Leaming enjoyed. a Ch,urc:b Schocd at 9:3~ a. ~. Dormitory Leali:ue, a 80cial group ~=~~~~=~~~=== twenty-lour houl'tl, to respond to " call for aid. Their nature trip to Fort Ancient witb friends Lord II Supper at conclullon. ChriS at Wittenberg college. • _ __ __ ••_ __ respolfds to the eall 01 duty Sunday. tiall Endeavo'r at 6:~0 p.' m. L~la 8S naturally as their departMrs. Luther Haines and M1'lI.~ears, ~e~der. Evelllng evaDa:~las. Mrs. L. H. Gordon and Mr.s. RF;PUBLJCAN WOMEN ment answer•• ceneral aIal'm. TO MEET THURSDAY Zimri Baines were in Dayton Mon- tie service at 7:30. D. R. Harrts ·o f Emma H. MeCl'ill'e are spending ' a day afternoon. Beltb.rook will. preach. Prayer few days in Oii'lcinnati,. the guests Miss Charlotte Sinclair of Brook- meeting and Bible study ellch of Mrs. Emma Barnett. W d d t '1 30 The Mrll. Katherine Kennedy Brown, ,-ville, Ohio attended church e nes ay ~ : , p. , m. · Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burton, 01 Rcpublican National Committee~-RAY WO~K Sunday. ' church wbere Joq fe.el at I).o.m e. Detoit, Mich, st1ent the pal\t w~ek W(lman for Ohio, will meet the Be, BLOC ANESTHESIA ~,;;========;;;;;;==~I Mr. Bomer Haines and famil~ ' with his mothe1~ Mrs. Mary J. publican womeD of Warren county FERRY G:HURCH OF CHRIS'I;' BUrton and other relatives he-re. at Memorial Hall, .t Lebanon. Jltt0NF: ~9 AU It. . . of o-t.......... (UndeDomlaation.l) . Thundar aftel'lloon, November WA YNESVILLI, OHIO Repjllr 0-. Q.icld~ Chesier A. Wllliamaon MT. and Mrs . .George Henderson 1st.t 2 O'clock. Come and bring Eva.relistic service 8 o'clock and sana and M~B. Julia fienderaon yOUl' frienda. Thil ill important. nigbtly except Saturday On Fri. spent Sunda~ wl~h Donald HenderLIDA IFROST I ~ay nirht, October 26 Bell S. son and family In DaytoJi. Ch.r. Warren COUftty "ain St, WAYNESVILLE,, O. White R...! the depenTbisselle, .minilrt.eJ: the Bo~ers· Ha ked dunival at the gym, Republican Women. dable G••ollne. '"

, . HI1 ' ~\\H'



.' I


Mr•. Ada Jenkin. an~ 141'1. MorI'is Gl'aham wl!r, Wilmington vllitor on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. Hartsock, ot near WilminKton, visited Ml'fI. Lena Hartsock, Friday. Dr. and Ml'S. Bliley Campbell I~ft Wednes~ay for Tulsa, Oklahoma, where they will spend the winterl








Local Representative Wanted·


4'Cun J u.tice"


10e .Everybody

The Last Farewell



• E. McClure

D1 H. E. HAmWAY Dentist

R·.H.STUBBS 3Untwd 7JiNdIIL.





~kC~uhdm~twilldcl~~~_hy ~tobu 31. ~=~=~=~=~=~==~=#~~~~~~=~=~~~~===~~==~~~=~ one 0.1 his unique chart s4!rmons. Sponsored nrn~~ by Wayne Township Program for Lord's Day, October Mothers' club. 28: Unified morning , s~rvice be· ' Hayes K.eever, War1en county ginning with dh,urch School at 9 :30. Lor~'B Supper and sermon at commiS!lloner, underwent a minor 10:30, evenillg 'evangeliatic servl~e ojleration at the Dila1.ush.Williams at 8. You at:e always welcome at Clinic on Wednesday of Jut week. this chllTch. Mr. and :Mrs. Edward Burton and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith, of Elyria ST. MARY'S CHURCH Ohio, were week-end gueats ot Mr. Burton's mothE!r, Mrs. Mary J. Bev. J. I. Schaeffer" Rector T,.,enty-second Sunday 'Alter Burton. Trinity, October 28, Church school M;rs, Ella Brslddock, Mrs. J!lmm. at g:3.o; :¥orning Prayer and set. , Grubb, of Da~' ton, Mr. mon at 10dJO. I Linton, ·, of Rog,ers, Ark., Mr. and '- : - - , Mrs. RU.lISelJ ' B4mtley were !lupper guests ' of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. To P ......... <;attle Anderson, Sunci\ay evening.

REBUILD NOW! , Properties need improvement. W orkml!n need employment. We merchants need business. Recognizing these facts the government is conducting' a campaign to benetlt all parties concerned, as well as to keep as many 8S pos ible off the relief rolls this win,t er. By joining in this progra~ you may 1 Prevent further deterioration of existing 'buildipgs. Avoid later increases in cost of labor and material. 3 ' Help keep down the cost of relief for unemployed (which all are taxed to maintain) and 4 Have the satisfaction Which comes frotti a good job well done. Producers and distributors are cooperating with reduced prices on materials. Why not make 8 close inspection right now of roofs, chimneys, windows, weather boarding, floon, etc. You may can on us or your carpen~r who will be .lad to 10 over your problema with you. I


New authorizations to purchase 646,70q head of cattle in drouth states will bring the cattle bUYing AAA proarram to a close. Total number of cattle bought, to be canned for the, needy, ' comel to 7,'137,000 bead.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stoke and two daughters Vil'rinia .nd Betty and Mi88 Bernice Hyman, of dinciDnati, 'a n.d 14]'. aJld Mrs. IsadQre Bloch, of SpJiDif ValJey, were gueste of Mr. and Xrs. Kyer Hyman on Sun,d a,.

British Peewee Yach.~ Lead Field, Ohio ·Champion Says 1



THOUGH unable to wrest . , the international yacht racing trophy from hardy American seamen, who have held it for 83 years, the British are out in front ,wben it COUlU to model yacht com'petition. . DeSpite the .recent,defeat off Newport o( the EIl81ilhchallenger; Enr deavour, by Harold S. Vanderbilt'. Rainbow, John Bull'. model yachts. (rom which the larger .Ioopi are built, still maintain uAdisputed aupremacy of the leas, according to Arthur Beecher of Cleveland, "lie t,imes an Ohio model yacht raciag champion. SmaD But Swift It il a curious fact, Beecher IIY •• thlt the Briti.h consistently win the model races and equally consistently lose races in which their counterplrtl partic:ipate. Every large racing yacht hal a fli leh. Like je. model from which it W8I built. he ever, Beecher', II)'.. Theile miniature ,loop. are Dut in 193Z ••ed to teat tbe .peed and aeaworthi- won . . . .41n ae.. of delign •• Model S • •O' dltlllMII .... baJlt a .... cOlHeDcler, i8-

Under Auapicea of the Wa,ne Townahlp Mother'a Club, the Wayne.ville Gymnaaium, on

Wed. Eve, October 31, 1934 Doon open at 8:.1 p. m. Grand March pro~ptl, at 8 p. 'm. Refreahmenb ,conalaUnr of Cand,; Hamburrer, Pop Corn, Welnen, Dourhnuta, etc. on ..Ie for 5 centa.,

FOLLOW INC PRiZES CIVEN BY WAYNESVILLE MERCHANTS. BEST ' DBESSED-$2.50 Caab" ... .... ", ........ .. "" ... ", McClure FurHlral Bom... M4QGIE .. JIGGS-,-Two 'J.OO Boxel O.ndy ........ Eves Cream Stat.OIl. - GYPSY-l Complete Slaoe Repair"., ,, , .. ..... ....... ..... WaJlle Shoe Shop. HOBO-l Jlundle Sbiqlea ...... " ....................... ", ... ,lIad4eu Lumber Company. ORGAN G&IIINDER--ODe 25-lb. Bac Flour" .......... I. G. A. Store . CLOWN-l ~lIoD OIl.. " ...... .. " .... .. ,.... ......... " ..... " .Gol'don'a Service StaUon. JAPANES~1 Bottle Hair Dl'e8lIDlf : ............. .. ,... BarberShop. GHOST-'-6 months sUbacription " ........... .. .. ......... .The Miami G.lette. ' AMOS 'n' ANDY-6 cana White Villa Gooda", .. ",D. R. Smith. OLD·FASHIONED G1RIr-Antlque Cake Pl ..te. " . Sh~ood" Ant,lque Shop. MOST COMICA~ Gallon MobUeu ..... ,'...... ,... Unifleaby Fillin, Station. )i'AIRY-l Hlir CU~ , ... .I ...... " ..... .. , ... , ... " ...... , .. .. .. .. ,Trau Bea~ty Shop., RED RIDING HOOD-l Pair Silk Hruie..... ... .. .... .A. K. D• .l. WASHER WOMAN-1 ~kiq Diah, .. . " .. .. ,......... F.irley Hardware Oompany. WITCH-l Box C. .dr..., .. ....... " ..... ............. ........... B.ird·1 Sun.lbiDe Iun; OOW BOY-l Flaahllrdlt" ...... ,..... " .. "." ..... ..... . " ... J. Hawke. INDIAN-I Shoe Re..J)Ur 10. ................... " ... ,.... .... ,Sb.n.tlerfy. TOPSY" EVA-2 Hair eag ........................ .. " .. IRISHlfAN-I Gallon Oil ..... ....... ." ................ ,.. .. gO-PEEP-$l.00 ()aab ..... .. . , .. " .... .... " .. ...... ...... . .. W'ayn'emille OCTGll-l Alarm Clock .. "" ." ................... ......... .. , BBIDE-l T.owel Set .. ....... .. , ... " .. " .............. .. , ... , .., COUNTRY BOY-5-qt .. Doubl. Penn OIL ... , ......,1t;_~ii'.~:\ii:!i:rYOUNGEST PERSON--I1.00 Cub" .......... .......... • OLDEST PERSON-l Oand Balli" ................ "" . AUNT JEIlIKA-l·lb. 0cI1Dltr7 Cl1Ib Cofl'",, ' .... Krcinl~ DUDJ:-:..l Bo. Deab, ~." ............ " .... " .... "... ~r:~ Parlwo FATTIlST PDSON-l ·oaUo. 00 .............. ,4...... WI





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Elg-hty-Slxth Year '





Whole Number 6142





UNITED .IN PRETTY The Idlewild Birtlilday club m·t nt the hospitable home of Mr. and . Hart.ley M'oss Cln the evening HOME WEDDING OfMI·~October 19 and roasted



weiners and marshmal1ow~. Also A very pr tty home wedding plenty of hot coft'eE~ and doughFRIENDS ME ETINC I First.dol' Sl!'hool at 9:30 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Larrick visitMr. and Mrs. Ed Ramby were was solemnized on Saturday morn- nuts were served. ing at 10:30 o'clock when Miss ev ral different stunts wer :Me-cting f or Worship at 11) :30 ed friends a t Goshen Wedn selay. Dr. C&uher, Diotrict S"".ri.rteDBa.ketban SchedUle for the 1.34 in Dayton, Friday. Beatrice Robitze:r, daughter of Mr. enjoyed by all. Sid Ellis furnished m. Mr. Bub Kerr, of Dayton, called ' dena of Dayton, Deli.ered \935 S _ Ie CO••Ma" With Mr. and MI,'8. Vernon Mainous and Mrs. Charle M. Robitzer, be- some good music and some of the ' came the bride of Mr. Roy John· crowd had a fine time dancing by on his old friend J . H. Smith, The Sermoll 12 Gam~ Booked visited friends in Springfield, Sunson, son of Mr. and Mrs. George the light of the camp fire. At a WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH Tuesday. d.y. D. Johnson, 01 Lebanon. ' rather late hour th'ey started for Rev. G'. C. Dibert, Pastor The sixth annual Home-Comine Waynesville's bllsketeers ar._. in Misses Mae and Anna Gay Tread~rs. FI'cd • ehwarlz, of GreenA profusion of bronze and home, all expressing themselves as F.·iday : Choir practice at 7 :30 for some very stiff competitIon way were shopping In Dayton yelJow chrysantb mums formed a having a good time, and a thought p. m. ville, has been the guest, of Mrll. day of the members Ilnd friends of the Waynesville M. E. Church wsa during the current basketball Monday. lovely setting for t.he ceremony to linger in their memories, to Sunday: Sundlly School at. 9 :30 Mary C. Cross. observed Sunday, Octobel' 28, beseason. Twelve games are &Chedwhkh was pCI'fonned by the Rev. spend the day of 1rhur day Nova. m. Morning worship at 10:40, The Ladies ~id Society w\ll hold Ml·. and Mrs. J . D. Marlatt are ginning with the Sun~ay School at uled with ()ne open date, besides their aJipual Christmas bazar, G. C. Ditiel-t, pa lor of the ember 22 wit.h Mr. and Mrs. Earl October 28 to November 4th is in Cleveland, the guests of Mr. 9 :30 a. m., dul'ing whicb period the county touTOament. being observed as Ohi!) Educa- and Mrs. Merle Kerns. Methodi t church. The single ring Crawford. Deoember 8. music was furnished by the Fires The schedule: sel'vice was read i,n the prese nce of .. - tional week and on nextSlIndaywe FamilY orchestra and by a male November 16, Farmersville, there. MiSl! Frances Hall, of Wilmiilg- about ixty invited guests. Pl'eMr . Ed Hopkins \\'a8 in Dayton will observe "School Sunday," and Q.uartet composoo of Mr. 1. W. November 23, Jefferson,bere. ton; was the week-end guest of ceding and during the ceremony a the subject for the morning er. over the week- nd, lh e guest of Lotz Mr. Ronald Hardin, Mr. RusNovember 27, Morrow, there. Miss Alice Gons. program of nuptial music was lenmon will be, "The Beauties of an Mrs. Ella Braddook. sell Frank and Mr. cecil Davis. Decem ber 7, Carlisle there. Aftel' a short intermission, the Unfolding Life." Epw~rth Lea~ue Mi s Clal's Lil vis ited ber December 14, Morrow bere. Miss Marjorie Earnhart spent dered by Mrs. Robert S. Walton, Dayton. . ~ at 6:30 p. m. Evangelistic crVICel cousin Mrs. A. G.• paht' at Xenin church service wos op ned by the necember 22, Alumni. the week-end with friends near of Mis Betty SiIleT, of Delaware. at 7 :30 p. m. I on Saturday. singing of "The Lord is in Hia Januar), 4. Franklin, tbere. Dayton. a college' friend of the bride, was Wednesday: The Women's ForHoly Temple" by the choir, who January 12, Lebanon, there., her only attenda nt. Miss Siller was eign Mission8\'y Sodety will meet Miss Hillen Hawke and the Le- later sang a second number, Mr. January 18, Mason here. Mr. and Mrs, Joe Tinney have attired in a handsome . gown or Ross Moon of Harveysburg won with Mrs, W. F. Clark on W'e dnes. January 25, Otterbein here. removed from their farm home to shrimp atin with brown· acces 0- ytarren county's 19~34 corn husk- day of next week al 2 p. m, Bible May children vlti ited relat ivE'S in RU8sell Frank favored with a beau tif'ul baritone solo, preceding the February 2, Harveysburg t here. their re,llidence in Corwin. ties and carried bronze roses and 109 contest, held a1. the _ Harv~y study and prayer meeting each Westerville, Saturday. . sermo n by the district 8uperintenFebruary 8, SpIlngboro there. farm near Wellman, and will agam Wednesday at 7:15 p. m. Misses Juanita Brannock and chry~nthemums. Mr: and Mr . AlVin Earnhart and dent, Dr. Coulter, of Dayton, who February 15, Open. Dorothy Bourne visited friends in The bride, wllo was given in represent the county in the state famtly werc Sunday guests ~r Mr. at his appearance left a very Dayton over the week-end. marriage by her father, was beau- conte t to be condu(:ted November and Mrs. Carl Bobb, of XeDla. favorable impression upon the cCtn tifully ""owned in bl'own chitron 2 in Pickaway counlty. There were WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF Co_ty To.rDa._t CHRIST Dinner and UPPe.l· will be SCTV- gregation by his sermon whic~ was Miss Nellie WatKins, of Route 2 velvet ..and wore a hat \.Q match. eight contestants in t h e stan d'tng ed at Grange building on election inspirational. The Day~n dIStrict February 22, night. was the dinner guest of Mr. and Her flowers were yellow rosebuds corn contest and three entered in (Undenominational) I sh?uld prosper under hlll leaderFebrual'Y 23, afternoon andnight. Mrs. J. H. Smith last Thursday, and chrysanthemums. Lbe shocked corn contest. All r~· Chester A. Williamson Minilter day, by the Ladi~ Aid Society. March 2, afternoon and night. M WIT k . d h dl' r'zes ' Shlp. r. a tet' homas, of A ron , a celVe mere a!l se p I . Church School at 9 :30 :l. nt. Miss Claru Hopkins IljWnt the I At the noon hour a large crowd ---Everett, Orville and Kenneth colleg friend of the bridegroom, ~n the standmg corn group they Lord's Supper at conclusion. week-end with her sister Mrs. enjoyed the sumptuous basket-dinHlfb School Party S~vage, .of Dayton, spent Sund.ay serv.ed as best man. fiOlshed as follows: Ross Moon, Chris~ian Endeavor at 6 :30 p. m. ner in the basement ..of the churc~. I The Sllniol's efltertained the high With theIr grandmother Mrs. WilILi~tle Mi@s Joan Kerns, of Harveysburg, first,. 21.4 bushelsj Evening evangelistic service at Everett. Kenri ck at Centerville. . At p. m. they agaIn gathered In Bchool on Thqr~day ' evening, Oc- F. Graham. ICleveland, a cousin of the bride, H. Beckett, ?regoma, second, 18.2 7 :80. D. H. Harris of Bellbrook Mra. Ella Babb, of Spl'lOg Valley the 2auditorium, when a IIhort Intobe~ 25, at a party, in the gym. Mr. and M'r8. Phil Zeph, of wa ring bearer and wore a pretty busbel/S ; Orlle ellman, Lebanon, h" g was the guest ~f Mrs. Cad- formal program was rendered, con The Idea of Hollowe en was com- College Hill Cincinanti were Sun. frock of yellow cre~. third, 17.7 b~shels;. George Whit· pr~~I~n study each Wedn sday at wallader and M)se Clara Llle, Sun- sisting of congregational slncinr. pletely carried . out. Some were day guests' of Mr. 'and 1 ]mmediately .following the cere- acre, ~regoOla, fou,rtb, 16.4 bU8h- 7 :30 p. m. The church where you day and Monday. other numbers by the Fires orchee ma!!ked and prIzes' were awarded George J. Smith. mony 'a weddlllg breakfast wa els; WIllard Irons, Lebanon, fifth, feel at home Wilton Hartsock and Robert tra, a selection by the choir, • to the );lest dressed. Games were served. 16.1 bu!!hels; Harold Shutt."t ' Preston 8jWn~ he week-end at the trumpet solo by Frank LeMay, 11' played and a "Spo.ok Court" was Misa Emily Jacobs, of Carlisle. I Tile bride is an accomplished Waynesville, sixth, 16.5 bushels; -- - the main attraction of the even- Ohio was the guest of her . aunt musician and readel·. She is , a Chester Doughman, Clarksville, FERRY €HURCH OF CHRIST home ot the former' uncle H. d. a reading by Misa Irma Rich .nd .. Harvey near Lebanon. vocal solo by Mrs. Sybtl LeIf.7 ing. Pumpkin pie, cider and candy Miss Emma Heighway, on Satur- gnduat~ of Waynesville high seventh, 16.3 bushell!!; Willard :ray (Undenominatlollal) with the pastor, Rev. O. C. Dibert wet' lerved. Everyone had an day. ' scnool and attend d Ohio Wesleyan lor, HarveysbuIg, eightb, 9.4 bushChester A. Williamion Messrs L. V. Heady, John Martin presiding, who In a few well . University at :l)elaware. . els . njoyable time. -Mrs. WlIlifred Mason, of Xenia, "he bridegroom i an exempl~ Geol'ge Meeks, Mason, won the Evangel~stic campalg~ con~lnueB and David Taylor, of Dayton, ~' ere chosen remarks exprelised his ap1totD. Ec......ty spent Saturday night· and Sunday I ry young mon, a graduate of shocked corn contest with 688 through t hIS week. SerVIces mghtly dinner guests ' of Mr. and Mrs. preciation of the day and its spirit of fellowship . The freshmell and sophomore at the hllme of Yr .. and Mrs. Bert Lebanon Jiigh I.!hool and Qf Ohio pounda. Wi! on Harvey, Oregonla t lit 8, ~xcept SIItul'day. ~ro. BeY). Lloyd Davis on Saturday. . The Epworth Le-.ue had clalj8es in Borne Ec. had a Hartsoc.k and famJJy. Wesleyan University. Both Mr. was second, with 6:S5 poundll,and l S •. ThlsseJle o~ Bowersvllle, who Mr . L. A. WaBhbu~n, o~ XenIa, charge of the evening lIervi~ at '1 Mrs. Mayme Hatfield and Mr. and M~ . .rohnso~ popular in a Charles Apgar, Leblmon, was third , dehghted u~ WIth a maater}y se~- spent the week-end here and was p. m. with Miss Virginia Hardin "HaUowe'en Feed" Tuesday .ft~rnoon. Curtains were drawn and Raymon Hatfleld were recent large clIde of frlends. . " with 270 po~~ _ _ _ _ ~~~ ;::d~:~d~;o::!l:r::h ~~l~ the gu!'st of Mr. F. U. LeMay leading. At this meeting th& omcandles ligbted, givinc the typical guests of Hrs. Dora McVey, of The young couple Wlll reSIde JO D'ay, November " as follows: and Mrs. Mary C. CroBS. cers for the eJiBulnlr year were InCleveJand w~ere ~r: Johnson Church School at 9:30, Lord's Sup- 'Mis Lena Angle, o~ Trenton, stalled by the;. Hallowe' n atmQ8pbe~. Thfl ~irls Pleuant Ridge. prepared and served a buffet lunch . . hold B luc.ratlve posItIon as a~per and sermon at ] 0 ;30. Unifled eorl of undwichee, l'umpkin pie, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kimberlam countant WIth tile Genoeral ElectrIC ---service. Evening evangelistic was the week·end guest of Miss ginrerbl'ead popcorn, candy and and sons and Mn. Dora WUllon of Company. Funeral services (or Mrs. Mary service at 8. You are always weIC!icfEr. ' Franklin, were Sunday gue ts of I"cluded in the list of out-of- Ellen opsey, 79 y,ear old, widow come at tbis church. Mr. ,and Mn. Ray Mainou.. town g1lests who were present at of E. M. Copsey, who died at the Miss Roma Hardin, who is atPep ....til!. , the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. home of her son-in-·law and daughtending'Bu!!ines8 college in Spring Mr. and Mra. E. Thomas were . Merle Ketns andMadaughter ST. MARY'S CHUR(."~ field, spent the week~nd with her The first pep·meetl ne 0 f th e <puests of sonL.and daurhter. la d' M Bob k ·Li"·CleveM te'.r, Mr. and .Mrs. Phl'lip B. Hawke, slla~n was held lut Thursday for ~ . M n. r. ~ t ~a, r. of Lytle, FrIday, wen h Id at the Rev. J. J. Schaeffer, Rector Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Hardin the purpose of arouaing the ,entbu- In-law ~r. and Mrs. yron. and Mrs. J . H. SmIth, Spnnglleld, Hawke home Monday afternoon. Tw en t thO d S da after WI.thl' n 18 -ontha the prices reMo.; Mr. and Mrs. F. L. C. Weis- Burl'al was in Spring Valley T . ' t YON 11' b un y Ch h Mr. Frank Gr y and son Herbert '" I Thoma.. In Dayton on Sunday. Ilasm of the students for a com ng b dt d f 11 S d" M rlOl y, ovem (Or 4 , urc of New Vienna, and Mrs. Roae ceived by produceR for milk ia victorious buketbaU season. The lira. Frank Stansberry and an am y, ar 1018 ; .1'. cemetery. . school at 9 :30; sermon and Holy Haynie, of Columbus, spent Sun. Ohio have risen, on the aver..., She had been in failing health Communion at 10 :30. Ith M from $1.30 a bundred pounds to following students tried out for daurhter Hlsa Mary and Hl'. Rus- an .Mrs. Ray W, .La!1 g a~~ M~Sl!. cheer leader by leacUne the UBem· sell Stansberry were \'ilitors ill the ~~~!e Le~~an~dw~:~;ln~pa~~gfi~;:~ sil)c suffering a strokde 0hf dParbal)'~~th~ r. and Mrs. J. H. ,2.14. bly in yens: home of Mr. ROil Andrews a t " , , s is five years ago an seen Th 8e prices, weighted aver...a Christine McOlain, Evelyn Fur· Oakland on Sunday. and Robert S. Walt?n critically ill four weeks. ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Mr. and Mr . Harper St. J~hn tor leading Ohio markets, are renaa, Jane Cook, Phy1lia Collette, ~d BOD, MIS.B Maude Hearne. MISS Mrs. Copsey wa ll born near MiFather Newt on. Pastor and Mrs. Hoffman, of CentervIlle ported b y the department · of Anna Gay Treadwa" Ruth ·SalisMr. and Mrs, L .V. Branstrator Luella Wilhaml!oll, Dayton ; Mr. amisburg. She Ii'ved in Spring . Mass at Bt. Augustine's Church caned .on Mrs. ~nna Cadwallade r ruul econ omics at the O. S. U. bury and Donald Foulkl. Mrs. Hary Silver', Mn. Mayme and Mrs. George B. Johnson.. MI'!!. Valley for 31 ye8l'13, but had made every aecond and fourth Sunda y and MISS Clara Lll e, unday after. Prices quoted Bl'e for milk uHd Hatfteld and Mn. Llna Mad,den Griswold, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. her home with b~~r daughter the t th . th noon I ' S t saw 'Mrs. Wins of the Cabbagoe Kilpatrick, Mr. and Mrs. Baron last 15 years. aer Ihusband died 14 e mon • _ _ _ . as flu ed mi k or cream. In ep .... MiN McKi • ..,,'. FiOllrtla Grad. D~ldn, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bahr, y' ears ago. Mrs. Mary McClure, Mrs. Mayme ber. and are not neht adt ~e fal1ll;. We mislJed Nathan gartman a Patch," in Dayton, Friday. Surviving . besid4~8 the daughter CRANGE NOTICE Hatlield and Mrs. H . .E. Hathaway Delivery codsts to t e e ma... few days last week because he Mr. and )(1'8. RaJ Smith; Mr., M!B8es Jeannette and Myra Bahr, were, in attendance at t he district be During deductethe. first three montha of ~d broken his a..-ro. and Mrs. Alvin Dyke, HiM Hildr.e d Mlu Stella. L 0 gan. Bnd Mr • Ed and two grandchildren, CI~o E I len VanNess, Lebanon. and Albert C. :ijawkej two brothThe meeting on Saturday. Nov. meeting of Dau$'ht.ers of Rebekka the year the average priee, oa We had a Hallowe'en party in Orabam and IIr. Kenneth Smith, our room last Thursday. of Dayton, Ipent Sunday with Hr - - • era, Martin Fredelrick and Daniel ember 3, of t he Farmers' Grange _a t Mason on Tuesday. this basis, was $ 1.80 a hundred. We had popcor n and candy for .nd lin. FOI'~.t Gr.ham. MUSIC RECITAL G. ·Fox, Dayton, lind two sister, wi ll be given over ~o election of Mr. and 1.1:1' • Fenton Bott, Mrs. In September tbe consumer paid ...frelhments. We played pme. Mrs. Etta Shepard, Xenia. and offic~~s for the commg year. D~e Minnie Winterst in, of Dayton, at the l·ate. of $4.86 a hundred and had a lot ot fun. Mislel Clara Lile, Aallie U. - ~d 11frs. Oe~vieve Malsbary will Mrs. Clara Eagle, Miamisburg. to ~hll, on ly a few numbers WlII and Mrs. C. S. Aloore of . Chevy pounds. According to the report. We bave flvc\ pupila with perfect Marne T. Brown were Dayton VI~­ present ber pu~i18 in a recital of ~-- - - - - -bClOcluded on the program. Chase D. . called on Miss Emma t~is is a rise of 44 cents over the In .pe~linr for tbe last tors Friday aftftnoon •• ~d Mia interesting musical number!! Amount of buttElr in storage in_, Th~se numbers are a . fOIl.OWB: H~ighway Sunday afternoon. priee paid during the Ant tbne week: Heleft Bu8l', ' Elizabeth tile called on her nl~ce Mra. Tbunday evelljng, November I, a t creased four millilon pounds in Readmg .. " " .... Mr". Berne Jones months of the year. Of tbil 1'1ae, Burnett, Lanaln. Hal'dln, Ellen Lawren~e LUe at MiamI Valley o'clock. in tlt~ M~thodiat church. September. The treJ'ld ·Is usually . M';Is~c .,., ......... ... Betty Hartsock Mr. 'and Mrs. J . yr. Montgomery the producer received 78 per ce.t hospital. . , • lIoa 'and ' Charle. Ol'ndoJ't. The public is cordially Invited to t he other way dIU ring the fall TopICS of the Day ........... - ,,, ..... of Shawtown, OhIO, were g~est and the di,rtributor and dealer t~ . Warr.en L,~a)' aJld · Geor,. . M'i-. Ed~al'd Gullady 'and family attend. season. ., .... .. ... Mr. Walter Kenrick of Rev. and ,Mrs. <;to C. DIbert balance. The average price per lC.irltpatrick, ~e"l Repomr. and Mn. V-irlrll Richie, of WinSaturday. The Montgomerys arc quart paid by the producer in Sep ========================-. ~ ======~============~ former parishioners of the Diberts temb~r, was 10.6 cents. ' chester, Ky.• bave beelS the pests N__ .,., .0tIt... Gr. . of Mr. GulladJ" .tel". Mrs . .John Mr. Geoi'ge Henderson and -The, proJ>ortio~ of the CODThe Third rrade has tve p Stansberry, ')(1'8. Harold Osborn family are moving t his week to the Burner s doUar gOIng to the farm~r on the honor roll. 1'6ey ~nd Mn. Clarence Tracy. .C artwright farm near Middle Run . stood a~ 43.8 per. cent in Septe. Robert Wo·o lard. Erwin Mr. acd Ml·S. Val'non Mainou\I will ber. 'l'hls proportion was '0 pel' Vitginia RobertJ. Elva Mr. and Mrs. Ben ThompllOn, Mr occupy the. house vacated by the cent lesa January, Fe.bru8l'7 aDd Westermanll and Evelyn aDd .1In. Charlee Colllna and Henderson s. Marc.h, and 35 per cent In th. Ion. . daulrhter, of Darton, Mr. and Mn. same months In 1933. In our Auto race we. have three, John Orody and children a.nd MT! Miss Clara Lile , Mrs. Edith -------.~ ----~~ . in front by tb dlltanee of G,orre Moon, . ot, were Harris, Miss Emma Heighway anL milel. They a" tbe De . Sotoa, til. Sunday ru..tllof M.r. and Mrll. Miss Mame Brown represented St. Ohevr.ol.u and the Plymoutb.. Harold, Mary's Episcopal church at a meei lng of the Woman's Auxiliary in The Bhth. ~de, Section 11 ,h ad and Mn. Etluln C. Crane 1_'" t a spellIn. ma~bon Dayton, WedneSday. which, consittacl of " will returD ho.... ton,,"t rom words on l -. 'I n the Seventh Cleveland, "he,. lb. Crane repre· Mr. and Mrs. J . P. La1'l'ick enII . .nted WapuYille Lodre No. 163 tertained a few :il'iandl! at their . at tbe . time, the, P. A A. II.•t the annual aeulon The essay followin, wu ftcmto home Sunday evening in honor 01 pmee and beld • c1Pb·rinr ... _ of the Gnad Loclp' of Ohio aDd their gue!!ts Mr. and Mrs. Amos ly fOund among old papers at tile the wi1lner wu declared Mrs, Crane visited ~latiyes. Binkley of Goshen. Th ose: w:ho en· rhome of J. M. ~ook. Some of 9al' CaroJ Lucllnpll. joyed the evening ' were MI;'. a. nd older citizens WIll remember SallIe Tbe Elchth pad• .mad8Dta.. lit. aDd I(n. Jolu{ B. 1\Irs. A. H. Stubbs. Mr. and, Ml's. Redfern Blackford and two, J ... thepreeent ttme are buB)' prep... Mia Ola BartllOck ud IIr. Ralph Hastinga, Dr. and Mrs. H. Oook and Tom Clark re~ a~cI­ inl' ail Armlstiee ,P1'Onam to be Jtenq aHellded a party at the E. Hathaway, Mr. nnd Mrs. Irving ing school at Harmon7 G1'Ov. 1ft rlva at the ....mb17 perloel on home of Mr" abc) ..... Vlrail CarWelch. 1863 wben Sallie- Redf~ taqht Friday, November 9• .They alao pe1lte.. 1ft lI'dilletown, Saturday there. iIannah ~ern Cook orr.ol..d • Junior chOrUB 01'1 Oc- nilrht. Jilila Florence. Bobb, of Troy About twenty members of t he taught .t this same school. f_ tober 24,c \ander the direction 'Of a former ' teacller in the WayneaCanton Ladies A.u:x.iijary Lodge, yeal'S later than her siltel' SaUl.. (Coattbuecl OD Pac. ville IChoo~ w.. peat of honor. ot Lebanon, of which Mrs. Mayme The thougbts expreued in th Hatfi eld, is a membel' attended a essay are AI true today u the reception at Norwood Wednesday were 70 years &10 alld 'are conal" evening. given in honor of George ered worthy of pubUcatloll. I. Breiel who was recently appoint 1Geo.... I. Smith Oft a.nrday. In ed General Commander of the Uae aftenloon the BmW. aDa Patriarch's Militant Army of the til_ P " motored to SprbIrtIell WOl!ld. aDd vlelted If.... Smttll'. brother 1Ir. Theria.. P. at daB ThOBe from a distance who were .h.t....,.1fUODIc Bo.... ' here to attend the funeral of L. D . lin. Bd1th Bam. ... IIr. lI....r ntertalDed . . . IaBIlltw I






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ESCIPE INJURY IN"...... ~~~~t= i:~~~nr:: AUTO





icket "---traight"


Vote The

------------- ---------------

AN "X" UNDER THE EAGLE NOVEMBER 6 IS A VOTE FOR GOOD GOVERNMENT Thi year as never before, hio voter. ha\'e nn opportunity to elect to office men whet are pledged to economy and efficiency and who stand for GOOD GOVERNMENT IN REPUBLICAN ticket from top to bottom is one of t he tronge t ever offered in t hi tate.




tate ticket. headed b CLARENCE J. BROWN, Republican candidate for Gover:nol', merits the s upport of every Ohio voter who desires a s ound and business-like administration of ~ate affair. Clarence Bro~ n i one of the stronge t gubernatorial candidates nominated by Ohio. republicans in years and t he candidates for the oth~r state offices al'e equally . d erv ing of your , . support. A mark under the Eagle i a vote for Clarence J. Brown, for Governor; Paul M. Herbert, for Lieutenant Governor; George C. Braden. for Secretary


and John W. Bricker, for Attorney General.


State; H arry S. Day, for Treasurer;



Clarence J. Brown

Simeon D. -F ess


FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR, Ohio Republican ha e nominated Simeon D. Fess, of Yellow Springs. Senator Fe .is r e ognized as one of the outstanding national leader of the present day. The nation as wel1 as Ohio is intere ted in seeing Fe ·returned to the Senate. FOR CONGRESS, Warren countians are asked to upport three candidates -CongresSman L. T. Marshall, of Xenia, the Seventh District's present Representative in the House, and G~orge H. Bender and L. L. Marshall, Republican candid ates for Congressman at Large. These three m en . together with Senator Fess are admirably fitted to represent Ohio and the Seventh Distr.i et in national affairs.

C()UNTY SHOW ·the ",'AY

THE JUDICIAL TICKET. Although no political affiliation is designated .on the Non-partisan Judicial Ballot, a sample of which appears below, six candidates merit th e support of local voters. It has been the tendency in many e.lections to ignore the judicial ballot. This should not be the case. Vote the Non-Partisan Judicial Ballot November 6. Warren County voters this year have an oppprtunity to support a fenow citizen, a friend and a native · of Lebanon-Judge Francis M. Hamilton, Republican candidate for reelection to the Court of Appeals bench in the Fir t Appellate I>istri t. . Vote for Judge Hamilton and also cast your ballot Nov mber 6 for the following candidates for the Supreme Court bench : Judge Arthur H. Day, Cleveland, a nd Judge Frank W . Geiger, Springfield, for the full term; Judge Roy H. ~!IIi~ms, Sandu ky, for the unexpired term ending December 31, 1936' and Wl1ham L. Hart, Alliance, and Willis H. Liggett, Columbu , for the hort t l'rn ending December 81, 1934.


SAMPLE PARTY COLUMN BALLOT (Cut out and take to polls)

HAMILTON FOR REPRESENTATIVESo thoro ugh and effective has been Mr. Hamilton's legislative record that. Wanen county is fortunate in again having him for

Warren County


candidate Although be baaMr. no •Lj.. . . . .____iil_______t!~--------------~~~----IIi--llllllllillllllliiiillii---~~ thelr oppo~ition at this the fall. coming election. Hamilton ill dl; erving of a fine vote of conftdence. COLLINS FOR CLERK-Clfde C. Collina hall been one of the moat eftlclent Clerks in the history of the Warren County Common Pleas Court. Hi8 administration of the ollce during his ftr t tenn bas been an example 01 eftlcie~cy. honelty and capability. Service ot. thill character is deserving of reelection. BAILEY FOR COMMlSSIONER- FJ.anklin Township'S only candidate on the Re· publican ticket, Harold D. Bailey, ia new in county politics but il a candidate deternng of your wholehearted support. Mr. Bailey'. election November 6 is neeessary if the economic conduct of public a«airs in Warren county is to continue.



For Lieui.elUUlt GoverDor HAROLD G. MOSIER

For Lieutenant Governor PAUL M. HERBERT

For Lieutc!nant Goverllor JANIE LANGSTON

Fer Seere.ar1 of Stlte GBORGR ' S. MYERS

For See:retary of Stat GEO. C. BRADEN

For S~darJ of State nOBlbtT SIVERT I

For Treuurer of State JOSEPH, T. FE£GUSON

For Treaallrer 0; State HARRY S. DAY

For Trealurer of Stat. WM. P" '[TERSON

For AUolney General HERBERT S. UUFFY

For AttorDey General JOliN W. BRICK ER

For Att.c:~rDey General YET'!r A LAND

For United State. Senator SIMEON D. FESS

For Unitedl Statee Senator W. C. SANDBERG

1 - -1 - --

--- ~ -- ------=:;;

For United States Senator VIC DONAHEY For Conireulllan at Larle ( VOl e

tor Dot more than twO)

For Conere•• man at Lar,e (Vote tor liot more thaD twO)





For COlllrt!.lman at


(V ot P for DClt more than twO)


For Rel'resentative to Congre88 C. W. RICH

For Represe~lativ. to Con,re.. L. T. MARSHALL

For Representative to Co_Ireu


For State Senator J . LOWRY MILLER·

For State Sen"or

For l.leprea4mtatlve t,o the GeMral . ASlembly

For Hepresentative to the General Assembly • ARTHUR HAMILTOl'l

For ReprtlllentaUve to the GenerllJ Auembl,

Fo. Clerk of Court of Common Pie .. HAnRY L. PALMER

,For Clerk of Court el Common Plea. CL fOE C. COLLINS

For Clerk of Court of Comllnon Pie..

For County Commiasioner WALTER A. SEIKER

For County Commluloner HAROLD D. BA.ILEY

For County Commiuloner

For County i.uditor

For County Auditor WILL R. LEWIS

For Count, Aadltol'

For· County .Reeorder· VI\{GINIA VAN HORNE

For CoUDty Recorder ALLEN HU~FMAN

For Collnt,. Recorder

. Fo. Cuunty Trel18urer INMAN L. MUNGER

For County Trea.urel' .ROSS H. lfARTSOCK

For County Treuu.....


For Sheri' WH. HUFFORD

For PrOllecutin, Attorne,

For PrOMc:utinl Attorney C. DONALD DlLATUSH

For Pro.entin, Attoner

For Suneyor . THin) ROY 8. BUlUWUGHS

F_ Surveyor (Unexpired Term) SAM D. HENKLE

For .3urveyot (Unexpired Term)



__ - -- __ ----.", . ,., --·1------·_ --------1


For Col'Oller



LEWIS FOR AUDITOR-The capable and careful publio service of WiUR. Lewis should be enougb to merit the IUpport of Wuren county voter. November 6. He lIu no oPPollition but a vote of confidence is due bim. Hl,JFFMAN FOR RECORDER-Recoltlis1IS one ot-tfurhlOit el!lcient1lllcteeo1tom.~ public officials Warren county haa ever had. Allen Huffman dellervel the ODe hundred per cent 8Upport of the voters of. thia county Tuesday, November 6.. Good publi~ lIervice, as typified by Mr. Hulfman J deserves this support. . HARTSOOK FOR TREASURER-Warren county i. fortunate in havilll a candidate of the ability of ROM H. HartMck. Mr. Hartsock, a newcomer In countl. politiCll, will bring to the oft\ce of Count, -rreaaul'er a record of efficient jUbliC service meritinc the united IIUPPOrt 0 Warren C011Dty voten. He is a resident of Wayne&ville. lIJeet Hartsock. HUFFDRD FOR . SHERIFF-A vote for the reelection of William Hu«ord as Sberiff is a vote for continued pubUc lIervice of a very hil'h calibre. He haa been a fearl ... pd capable pu bile ofllcial and is deserviq of a fine vote in November. ContiDue Hufford in office for a lecond term. DILATUSH FOR . PROSECUTOR - AIthoul!'h C. Dopald Dilatush baa 110 oPPolition at thtll election,. bis capable and eftlelent and conseientioua public service merit a vote of confidence. Mr. Oilatu.h's acbninlauation of law enforcement in Warre.1l county ~ .. marked him .. one of Ohio'l outatancUna prosecuto .... HENKLE FOR $URVEYOB-AD experienced and allle candidate II Sam D. Henkle, Republican choice for the unexpired term .. County Surveyor. Appointed to the oftlce several monthl ago, Mr. lIeule bas efFectively economlled in the administration of his poet and bil election .a t thl. time will mean continued "vin,. to taltpa,ren of the county. Elect Henkle. . ' . WILttAIiS FOR CQRONER-;- Another newcomer t~ Warren county politlCll but a candidate who needs,but Iittlemtroduction to . the voter., ill Dr, Hencb,. M. Williama RefUblican candidate for Coroller. Dr. Wiillama ]11 without 0ppolition but Ia· nevertbele.. deBervinl' 01 a fine eompHm.nta1'J vote at the coming ek!ction. .'. MILLER FOR SENATOR--A neiahbor who hal ptevioUlly served "'ill district fn tile State Senate with a hiah dearee of abUl~" J. Low!')' Millert of Butkr county, ~ullU­ can candidate :lor State SeDa~r. Warren 10unty Ihould give Mr. IImer a eplencQd vote. .. .


Satu.rday. November 3

SAMPLE Non-Partisan Judicial BaUot (Cut out and take to polll) For luci,e 01 the Supre••'

(Full 1erm) (Vote tor Dot more thall two)




..l.... ., ........... Ceut (UDapind Term


Deceaaber 11, 18111) (Y",

tor 1Iot more IbaD _ l



" . I .... fill &lie ........ c.ut (V....,u.d T.rm . . . . Deeaalael' 81, 1814) (Tot. for not m~ Uau two)·


THE JUDICIAL TICKET THE SUPREME COURT-oR the aeparate Non-Parti.on ludleial ballot, Ohioan. will be asked to select Ive canelidatel for Supreme Court fOlts. Voters are .rwed to east their judicia ballot. and to aapport Da, anel Gel~er for the two fuU tel'lll poata to 1Mi Mid: Williaml, tor tbe un~zplred term of two yean; and Bart anel Llaett for the abort term ot I_ than two aoatha. THE COURT OF APPBALS - Warren county neld. ao iDtrocIUetlonto lucie. FraDcia Jr. UaaUton. Dati~ Warrea eoaatlaa who nWDtaIu b& lepl ........ at, IAbaaeIr

laq. lluallton II ...... NIIeetIn .. 6. Coart of A . . - ...... Ia 6e I'Int OhIo. DIItrlet ....



-...11... ella .............. ,..

ant ..pport of W.... eoatr "fOWL

(v ote for Dot more ,hall - J


------_I1!111------iii alLEMAN AVDT



III am DeI.d petition. roll. $316,40; Carl Duln, pay roll "Ialls wa well attended lut ThursIn the eaa. of Sally Brown It 77.06; H. L. Schuylel·. pay roll, day night, ve ...u. Carl Brown a divorce was the estate of $162: J. K. Speneet', aand and OUI' teacherM utt.t!nded the: granwd the plaintiff. Plaintiff dee:eased, i1'avel, $46.66; The Cincinnati 011 Southw~stern Uhio Teachers' AsISSUED EVERY THURSDAY wa. r ••tored to her malden name Works Co., gasoliM, ,a.69; IOcwtion at Cincinnati lart Frida)' of Sally Butler. ' and Leiman Col- Waites' Garage, supplies and parts and flaturday. D. L CIlAMI • • . . .U.... S.1.Icrl,tI.. Pri••• '1.80 • T ..r In the matter of Elizabeth Mariad of the estate $101.21; The J. W. Lingo Hdwe. A Gospel teanl Ilf Wilmington OIic. P .... .......... ,.......... ".. liZ at poetorna. &l Wa,.n .. - anos, a minor by her rather and ynthia Jarte ol1iver, deceased 0., supplies and part!!, ,1 64 .98; college had charge of the mef!ting Arriv.. in Aleron the De, It.. yllle, Ohio. alL8aocRIltli Cia .. 11.. 11 c, .", .... "..... "".,." ... N•• III Matter next fl'iend, Tom Marianos versus filed their in entory. D. Adams 0., grader left arm, at the Friend!;' hurch here Sun· a.for. It 5urh in r= Rery Michaels and Ciru:innati & p, W. Tetri(~k was appoint.ed ad $12,53 i Gulf Retining Co. gasoline day morning and was Ihucn .... njoy· Lake Erie Railroad Co. tbe Cincin- ministra,or of the estate of Wel- 83c; H. C. ummings, gasoline, ed by a large cl'owd in Ilttendan~e NOVEMBER I, 193t nati & Lake Erie Railroad Co. is llngton Wiko~', decea ed, and filed $42.9J: The Office Outfitters, ink A baa~et dinner was served at the Speed is tlte pride of telephone bond 01 ,60010 with sureties. fol' u~'veyo r. 75: The Book hop, clOSe of the meeting. --==~============~============~-===c=~~.r. dismissed as party defendant. In the case of Tom Marianos supplies fOl' tl'ea.urer, $1.25: F, J. Mia Evelyn ~{c alTen spent the operators, but even the most opti. would not txpect the dearte vel:sus Roy Michaels and incinMari ... Lic.ea... B eer Printing 0" lax notice. week-end with her i, tel', Mi 5 mistic of alacrity of a call received in Aknati and Lake EJ'ie Railroad 00. Lyle Russell, salesman of Leb- $2.60; Th~ Office Outfitters, jour- l~he.n, at Delaware. . recently. ... Election day is lea than a w elc distant and once again t he the Cinc.innali and Lake Erie Rail- anon $1llt MI II Anna Marv Flan- ' nal for t1'l'a!!ul'er. $1.26; The Day- Mrs. Charles Gordon entCl'wmed ronThe call reachc:d Akron the day RepubliC!an candidate for s heriff is the- target of unwarranted ami l'oad Co. is di mi Bed 'as par1;y de- nery, of Lebapon, . I ton St.encil ... arks, Co .• dater ' for a few ladie last aturday after· before it was lI1ade in Batavia, Javal _ _ _ _ treasure)', $2.1\6; Thl! Stakalta noon, fendant. malicious attacks, especially in this community, ,, It was placed at 10 :30 p.T\1. Thurs· In the caSe of Nellie Marianos Real E-tate Trandera . Mfg-. 0 .. I eccipUi fill' ~reasuJ'er, The Mission irelc of the Jonah's day at the l:!at;lvia branch of t'lt! The latest a,nd most ridiculous rumol'll circulated against Sheriff 'n' d A . $2.66; J. 1<. • peneel', bndge lurn- Run BaptisL chul'ch :-vill serve , up- Goodyear "rire and Rubber Com· Hufford are to the ejf ct that he refused to' rea pond to ~ call of Wayne versu Roy Michaels and Cinclnnati & Lake Erie Raill'oad Co" the. WI lam R. Ran al! lo lIen Ray bel', $20.5 I ; Th ~ Ohio Corrugated poeI' election evening Tuesday, pany and arrived in the Akron horne ~ownshir) farmers, on the night of Oetobel' 18, aft~r be had been inClnclnn.ti and -Lake Erie Rail mlot!! No. 31, 32.33 In Mason. . Cu lvel·t Co., culverts, $268.40; ' November 6 at, the Harveysburg office at 10:00 a,nI , Wednesday. formed that an automobile suspected of belonging to an alleged turkey road Co. is dismi&sed as party d!e. The reason : It cr05~ed tbe interDavid Wells to Sara H~fl', In- Zane Al'mitag~. sand and gravel, l gym. national date line in its 8,500·mile thief who had boon harassing local farmers, had been seen in the fendant. 0., 1\Irs. C. , Moore of Chevy course lots Nos. 49, 50, 92 and 93 In ,ta- $100.96; r~aidcy Hardwar e aero 5 the Pacific Ocean and neighborhood of the Benton Peters farm. The sentence heretofore imposed 80n, . cement and supplies, $45.56; W. H Chase D. C. and Mr_ and Mrs, the N orlh American continent. Invstigation revealeil however that this was nllt the case,. Aceord- upon Lel!ter Hiatt is suspended for Violet B, .Bl1Irnett, to Earl Shinn Madden & Co., cement and sup- Fenton Bott and sister of Dayton inlt to these rumors, Mr. Peters had made 8 8tatement, blaming the a period of 2 years upon good be. and Ada Shmn .real estate in Lytle plies, $26.83; The Oregonia Bridge were callers of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Beatty, fa mous wild animal Harold L. Zimmerman. to Har- Co., 111m bel', 's hovel plates, bl\l e Frank Sh ida~ r Sunday afternoon. traine~. has two le1ephones in hi. havior. , " shel'iff for n9t having made an immediate Invelltigation. tn the caSe of !:st(,!1 Wright ver- lan Mc~lIain, 86.63 acres III Wayne print!!, etc.., $323.21; The WayMrs. Lida Vil lars is vi iting at d~e ssillg raoUl so he can get immeTl)is Mr, P ter den·ied to Ii rep1'esentative of the Miami Gazette, M nesville Farmers" Exchange Co., the home of het· son E. E , Vi1Iar~ diaie word should his lions or tigerl tatin" emphatically tha~ he agreed with the sheri ff that t he hest sus The Cincinnati &; Lake Erie tO~~ShlJl.d HI t h w,ar aw o~n to ,ary cement and lime, ,88.14; The and family. escape. One line is alwaYI kept method of appreh nding the suspect, W88 to wait until tlte next; morn- RailrQad Co., the plaintiff i$ grantleave to file reply forthwith. W~I1s. Inlot Nc). 806 ~n Fl'ankhn: Morrow Lumber Co., cement and The tragic death of Mr. at'ns open for suC!h emergene:y calls. ing, th n qu Btion him concerning the thefts. This was amplified by 0 ., in an auto wreck occurred SunIn the case of Mae LeFever Lmcoln L~ck.ey to Fred Kahn 10- lime, $37; A. Hoppe & Lew)s Fire , a neighbor whose turkeys were also stolen. cement, $48; J. H. Kipp. , bridge day evening on the hill below the versus James Edwin Eberhatt, et lot No. 46 In Lebanon. Li"e.tock Exhibit This wall done and resulted in the an-est tbe neXt day of Komer aI, partition ordered. ' Fred Kah? to .Harry C. lumber, $4.80; James Fry, plow- Nora Hawke farm. lIe was f(lund Evana, 32, of neal' New Burlington, at whose home h,lrke}ls indentiIn the case of New York Life Schwartz, 11'\lot No. 46 10 Lebanon. ing and seeding, 75; William by Howard Hartley. to Elmer F S h d , Altho ugh livestock entries for tied by several Warren county farmera were recovered. Evans is at Ins urance e.o. versus Ethel Ebner, Fred Kahn " . . c ra er Reynolds, plowing and seeding, Mr. and Mrs. Ren Gaines and the International Livestock Exet aI, jll,dgment to the plaintiff in. Maude Sc.hradel', mlot No.1 06 ,200: J, . Sydenstrickel', rent daughter Nanc-y, of Hartwell, ft&edom under $2000 bobd • pendinr gmnd Jl1ry action I In Leb~non. . for farm land, $223.60'. J. C: spent the we"J..-end wiLh MI's. position clOSe November 1, entries ' Oth er tot'les in circulation concern an I\lleged attack last the sum of $441a.55. L '1" for the crops department will' be Nellie F Miller to K th In the case of The State of Ohio . . a ry? . Sydenstricker, tools. $145; C. Gaines' moth er Mrs. Lida Hatton. pring on MO'I'Tis and Hugh Robinson by Sheriff Hu1l'ord. Mr. Hllfford Brenner real estate III Hamtlto n Bundren, mileage, $22.09 ; H. M. accepte(] up to November 20" the versu Clarence Silencer, Stanley , . ' Mr. and Mrs. George nen ny and was cleared of these chllrges in the report of the May grand jUt)', Earnhart was appointed cousel township. Coyne, $14 ,94; W. J . .Beedle; mile- family of Clinton county, were management announced. which complet Iy exonerated him. for defendant. • H;raC! St~m~1 and Rlub y Stu~p age, $14,31; M. B. Morey, mileage Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Food s.. .:.-t-..... - Intelligent votets of Warren county should not listen seriously t() 1n the ClUle of Harry Haunost ~o sa . 1I1e, rea estate m $7.66; Linnie William., mileage, MI's. W. C. Tichenor_ ..... .--lIuch "Petty Politicll" a that directed at Sherin Hufl'ord. Vel' us Howard Wymer and Hazel Harvey~burg. , $24.21 i Louise Whipple, mileage, M,·. and MJ;'s. J. O. Cartwright, Food '111'\11 be less 'Plentiful, Wymer the defendant!! afe granted Charles l~ral1!r to Harold $25.16; William hotwell, services ot' Cin innati, Charles Vander- Owing to dtouth. A composite until D ce~ber 1 to file anewer or ~~auer 93 acres m Harlan town- ~20.25; Dr. . Sterling Stahl, sel'v voott, o~ New Burllngto~ !lnd yield of 33 important crops, estim. other pleadtng. ,p ' . . Icea, $l3. George Pidgeon, of near Wilmlnll'- ated October 1 was 22 per cent In the case of the Miami Valley t 'rre}, L'CK'ell~s an~4Letha - ton, wel'e callet·! at the home of below the Yield~ per acre secured Building & Loan Asaotiation veroUle k tOlrwl~. acres In Mr. and Mrs. W. . Tichenor 0)1 in the decade of the twenties. sus Perry S, Eby, et al confirmaeare ree o,wns IP, •• unday, lion. deed and distribution.' John F orest Randall to. Wllham t Friends here have. reeeived word The Ohi. state University Radio Statlon-WOSU U umn recently of the de~th of two forWhite Rose-Pow., .... In the ease of The Miami Valley R. Randall, .r.eal . estate 1n Deer... mer residents of Hllrveysbug. Mrs .,.,.. Building and Loan A,ssociation field township. 8:QO Music Jessie Anson Rainous, of lngl _ hind the,.nlln., 8 :06 Tarke the Cran e and LeatberliplI , ' ""'" ." ... " .. H , E. Eswin,e versus Perry S. E by, et al connr- W SA J~ BroW'n ~~!:tef °Ofh?~OAo. , By Mn. Jeuie N. Tripp ' . • ,..,rown" t0 O. 10, • wood, Calif., and Twilight 8:16 Outl()ok for Agriculture in 1985 .. .. G. W. Ml11er, L. H. Barnes l!Iation, deed and distribution. In the case of Theodor C eudess, to State of OhlQ, E. B. -~.-- " - , Hisey Grimes o{ Alhambra Calif 8:26 Music J H a . an(J W. Hill to State ·of Ohio • . --8 :U5 Home, Sweet Rome ........ ' ... " ........... ' .. " ' ... WOSU Players llme versus arty C, a James L. Rhtlde to State of Ohio' Ga~ colors all over my pathway, ........... ts. Louis Rohrback divorCe was granted the plalntd!'. Louisa C. Rider to Stat f Oh" Leaves flutter from trees over9:00 My Kitchen: A Workable Shop In the case of Thelma Bonner Wesley Chapel Church t~ ~tate ~i head; 9:10 Mu Ic 9:20 Guard Quality of the Milk Supply " ..... :.... .. ........ L. H. B\lrgwald II r us J osepb B on~er. a divo rce Ohio, E. and L. Strobel 'to State of FOI' A~tumn has come with her was granted the plaintIff. Custody Ohio L F W . 'j ki t Stat f palIItpot, 9:30 Controlling Erol!ion While Farmln~ .. ,..... D. 11. Dodd, Earl Jones of child i$ given to plaintiff. Ohio: J~m;s Sh~~~~nd ~ra S:i~ And tinted them yelluw and red. . E. G, Wieaehueg!':1 !) :40 Forestry D 'yelopmentB in Obio ..... to State of OIhio; J . H. and M. H, The wind tears ~he leaves from the New Suit. Reynolds to State of Ollio, Lueille bushes, A.nd carries them with her away A big free olltdoor talking pictLydia Hackett et al versus flor to State of OhiC), G. M. and L Ruby Van Ripet', 'executrix of the Cadwallader 1;0 State of Ohio, J .. B While the l'lpe nuts from tall \Ire will be given in Waynesville " state of Victor Van Riper, deceas and B, E. S~ale to State of ~hlo, trees are falling, Saturday, November 3, which has ROOT FOR. AND CONIIGM ed and Ruby Van Riper individual L. E. BaldwlII to State of OhiO, ~ Thick and faat, this bright been included on the state-wide rOl1r Cattl., boll, .b..p a ..cI . . Autumn day. lour of the ' Movie Caravan cover- to Norrie-Brock Co" U.. ~ IIy for perpetual inj~rtctjon, manda R. and N. Tucker to State of 0~10 prop.s.I". flrm f'" the .tory injoction and other relie!. ' L. E .Constalille to State of Oh~o, ing eve,r y county of t he state. pric. and !rOOci Lloyd Colliver versus lIiamie Frank Kraml!1' to sta,tEI o~ OhIO, I look at the beauty aU 'round m, The free show will also prlJVide market 1 Ualo. St_k Y......• a ...._ ... Q. . , Fanning, et a1 for partition, ale of the Use Or real estate for hIghway On t,be ~ea~ow where soft sun- an opportunity for introduction of Tuue 1ft 011 Radio SlattOD WCKY Co .. _ PI... PrOc~lata amended petition. I real e t.te and equitable relief. pur~ oses. . . shIne hell, the variollB candidates of both 12:26 to 12:80 p. m. for Oal' _ _ In the ca. of Clarence Arthur New York Life Insumnce C . Lilla M. S~!eetB to James QULUer The brown leaves blow by in a political parties. The county chair market rlporta. In the case of Glady. Berenice B e . P L t I o. Inlot No. 80 m Lebanon. shower, men of both parties have been inSawy... r, a minor, etc, Cedric cr:~n'S~"1 a ml~~r, etc:~,v,e~&~IJ.~e:~~1\ a~de~o r::i~:~r:. a, for ~a~1 and Carolin.e Schaub til And whirl in a dance near by vited to have their candidates Stanley motion sustained to make e c .~ ey mo on .lne 0 Eugene Campbell versus Zetta Elta~eth Gelrturde Bi'OW~, real eseyes. there for intrOdl1ction. [n event of The llirds on bare limbs in the rain arran.semnets 'provide for in43 YE~RS OF SERVICE petition more detlenite and certain malee. petition mo~e eftmte. and May Campbell fOT divorce. Charge to. e lh Deer-field tOW1)shlp. Uave ill gLven plaintiff to flle certain. Leave ill riven plalO.tljf to is extreme cruelty. orchard, door shOWing. !!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!~'!!!!'!!!!~!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!I__~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Dayton Mortgage It InveatBilll, Allowed Bask in the late sun's mellow The fre e show is l)eing brought ment Co. versus Jellse Mentz for W. C. Turton, cement and lime, g low; to Wayn esville under the auspices LEBANON. OHIO money only, cost. and other l'eli~f. ~103; Th ~ <;h:egonia Bridge Co., FO,r each day their time h!!re of the Ohio Highway Federlltion We have a complete 1!1"2."'ro,ws shorter, ~ non-partisan and .. (iltl\te-wided P arts and bJ!oidae . materl'al, .,. " e . ., .W ~tch S.rYic. , Prob ate COllrt 15,' J, L. Dunn, services, ,.-52.80,' And soon to the South t hey will orgamzatlon lnteTeste~ in goo ' 1 Prices Rea,aonable go. government an e:! ower taxes. Charles H . Bowyer was appoin~ Harry Hill, ~;l\soljne and kerosene, Beadll Restrung ed guardian of Norman Roush. et ~21.23 ; Th'e :K ilpatrick.French MoThe show will be a real enterJ Elwelry Repaired al; minors and filed bond of $350 torcar Co., IItasoline, $3.i>4; John Bllt they will come back in the tainment program, combining witb sureties. . Law & Son, gasoline and kerosene Springtime., m..u~ic, comedies, news-reel, and "THE HOME OF clns" J. N, McKimey, Gus Slack and $20.16: The Cincinnati Oil Works When the new world is green, in feature talking pictures wbich are Cheete.r Whitacre were appointed Co" grease, $11.14; The Morrow it'1! prime; wholesale entertaining and edueaappraisers of *he estate of Wit- Garage, parts and Irasoline, '7.78; When the poets break out in great tional.. TlIere.will be no charge 'for I ~ !iam J. Ayers, deceased. Henry Ludin~tont ~asqline. $20.14 numbe1'1\ admis 10 , and there will be no In the matter of the est.te 01 Hl1tchins Indlependent Oil Co., gas_ An!! work it to death, in their collection 01' fund· raising of any Jenhie M. Patton, deceased, author oline, UB.5:!: Trustees of Public Thyme. character. ity W88 given Fred Robinson J ad!. AffaiTs, light for county garage, - - -... - -.-- - - An interesting feature of. the ministrator to sip instruments as $2.53; Franl< Sherwood Co., guoentertainment is a !lhollt sound are necessary to releaae the life line, $4,79; The Cincinnati Oil reel depicti ng Lee B. falmer, of interest of Jennie M. Patton, de- W9rks Co., gasoline, ,4.13; Gross ---Patasluda, Ohio, President of tbe ceased. Service Statiion, gaso,1ine, $39.96: Not mu~h news this week, Ohio Wool Growers ' ASBociation. ROXie T. Doch, executrix ot the Keisey'll Service Station, gasoline, Everyone is getting ready for the Mr. Palmer is an ardent advocate ' estate of Laura B. Ingle, deceas- $3.80: Borden's Tire and Batter)" ~un-Around next Saturday. Pull of the two Constitutional amended, filed bel' inventory. Station, gasoline, $6.54; Joe Lewis olf your coat and roll up your ments on the November 6th ballot _ &Ies of Adam, B. Morris, ad- gasoline, ,56.08; Pierce's' Super sleeves and vote for Browl! if whieh are designeq to pre,v ent diminiatrator of the estate of Anna Service Statiion, gasoline, $81.07; you please. version of gas tax and motor vehiL. Bone, dece8lled. were approved. Mrs. Ada Gourtney, garage rent, The Davis family gave a dinner cle license fee funds to other tban Sale of stock is ordered. $12: Vallelf Motor Sales, iaSO- on Sl,Inday in hOnor of Warren highway purpo'ses. Phon. 71J The following accounts were ap- line, $6.37; L. K. Gordon, parts Cleaver of Detroit, Michigan. There will be only one show, and proved, allowed and . confirmed by and gasolinEl, $87.19; The Stand- Those fortunate enough to be it will commence promptly at 7 :30 court. ' ard Oil Co., kero.ene, .6; Walter prel!ent were: Mr. and Mts. E. C. p. m. of will th~ ' Mattie Grimm, adminlstratrix ,9f I Bot~, gaaoliine, ,22:97; East End M~nnon, daughter Ruth of WiI-. COU-NT-Y-C' HRIST ' MAS the estate of E~ward T. Grimm, Wrecking Co" parts. '9.45 ; Fred mmgton j Mrs. Lena Hartsock, MT. )VARREN Kahn. Motol: ' Co., parts, $5.10; and Mrs. R08s lIartsock, Jean and MOTARY PUBLIC ' deceased, first and Anal. L. H. GoNIon and J . A. Wilker- S.' Conover, supplies, ,1.50 ; Addispane. and Owen Hartsock of WaySEAL COMMITTEE Beak ,on, administrators of the estate/service Stltj~on, gasOljne, ,18.25; nes,v lll~! ~r, Warren Cleaver, Deof Susan C. Wilkeraon, deeeaaed, The Frank Sherwood Co., gasoline trol~. Michigan; Mr. and Mrs. J. W Dr. Robert G. Patterson, Colem. WI1.. D..a_ •• E ...... S..tIeII' first and ftnal. $6.87; Griswold Service Station, D~vls, daugbter Dorothy and son bus, Ohio, Executive Secretary 9f WAYftESVILLE. OHIO Lawrence A. Voorhis, admlnis- 8uppliea aTld gasoline. $120.41; ' Rlqltard; Mrr. and Mrs. William the Ohio Public Health ~SIIocia- ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!'!'!!!'!'!!"!!!!!!'!'!!!'!'!!!'!'!!!'!'!!!!!!!t trator of the estate of Welltngton Waldron C. Gilmoul' inquest $8.30 Lukens, daughters, Mary Carolyn tion, and Charl es G, Greig, Field .. S. B\lwyer, deceased, first and Walter UpdYke, material- and la- and Martha of Harveysburg; Mr. Secretary, met with a grollp of FOR SA,LE DATES CALL bOl:, $8.76: A. Eesley Mill feed and Mrs. Ira Hartsock of Dayton : public spirited citizens from vadLeave Lebanon ...... .. 8 :00 A. M. Moriow , . .. ,... , ....... 1:30P.K. linal, L. M. Hendenon, executor of the $36.80: TonI Ware, diaking: $a.37 Mr. and M~.. A.. Z. .Hartso~k, ous sections ot Warre n county; Sprlnr:horo ............ ' 8:30 A.II. ~alne;,me ......... ',' ...... 2 :80 P. M. estate of W,illiam J. Shenrood. de The Lebanolll Lumber Co., lumber, Sarah Katherme, LOUIse, MIlo last Wedn~sday .evening to discuss '$'1.86: The Itrlorro'W Feed & Supply Kenneth a~d JOfIeph Hartsock and the health needs of t he county. It ceaaed, ftret and final. Lytle- ... """ ........ ".,, .. 9:16 A. X. So. Lebanon .......... 8:16 P. It. GeorgeP. Gatea, executof of the Co., feed, $18.60: Lebanon Farm- Mrs. Hllffman, of Wilmington. was leatned at this meeting t hat of Harry Ney,ocomb, Sr. de- ere' Coop Co., feed, $$7.60 i J. A. E4dy WeUs, Chal'lel! Hall, Mar- Warren county has a much Wa)'11esville ." ... ,." .. 10:00 A. X, Xinga Mills .... .... ... 4:00:r. H, .'......,.... fint and final. F.l'm~rs CCloperative Co. feed son Wells of thla place spent higher death Tate fro m t ubercl1Harveysburg .......... 11 :30 A.M. M••oJ) ... " .. _..... " ... ' • . 4:80 P. H, The will of Thorn.. William., $9.36 i KaUfman's, 'building' repair~ Satu~day night and Sunday in IOllis th,lln the state average and JESSE STANUY dece8lled, was sdmitted to probate ,2.96; RUIII!,ell Campbell, ,eeding, Hamllb>n, Ohio. that the r ate of inci,dence of tht: Fred Roblnaon, administrator of $21;, MorrOl1Y Fe~ " Supply Co., Prof. Farr .' of Wilmingtoll various contagioqs diseases ,is also 310" ft •• B ...U. . . . . . . . . th,e estate. of .rennie M. Patton, de Meet, $48.26,; Morrow Feed & SUP-lcollege brought ~he message to the high. It was e01'\sjdeied advlaaplli, Dinner will be "17*..1 at H....epl,ur. by the WOlD'" EARL KOoGLEIt ceased, flied h1a flrst and flnal &C- ply Co., buUdinlJ material, $88.50; church here on last Sunday even- therefore, to or~anize an associaD~Jt_ P .._ . tion with health betterment as its count. Willi'am ~eynolds, feed, $,75; J. Ing. ' of~~•. The wlll 'of Eliu, Sba..wl!an, de:. C' , Sidenstrcker, teed, $60; EeISThe Coleman family spent Sun- ,oal. \ , KE••oN I . . . ley Mill; i4!ed, '136; Roy R'OS8. ~ay at Mount Holl)'. Officers for t he association were ICElued. was Illed In probate. . !!!1 Xate Nunner, exeeutrix of tile fertilizer, $25.80; Roy ROIs, fertil Mrs. Zena N.ash of this , .place chosen and a contract WIIS aimed estate of Georp Nunner, 'deceued inr, $118; E. B•. Hill; plowing spent Monday 1n Dayton, OhIO. , with the Ohio ,Public Health As. flIed ber ftnt and fiilal. and , seed, $75;, Penn Morton MrS', Eval~ Sams has returned 8Qciation giving this group the exThe. will of Catherine Se... er de services; '~/O: - James Follen, ser~ to . bel' home_here after spending clusive privilege of handling the vl~e8, $15; C. Donald, [)itatuah, several months in the hospital in Chri5tma~ Seals In Warren Cou'n ty Clased, ",a8 flle(1 in ptoba~.' speak.... for the Occuioa Will lachI.... The inventory of J. F. Zimmer· rent! ' $20: Mrs. Haude ~ardoft, Day-ton. The fund 80 obt.ined will be u~ed FOR SALIt man, aaminiatrator of the .serv ces, $I 7.60; Hr•• Lillie UttC)n • - • in the promotion of health through - - - - - - - - - - -- __ D.... E. Stanl.y ConJrr8l8Dlan , Clint Cole. of of August Alt, deceaaed, wa. ap- lIervices, no; lira. Ira Eltcl'oth, out W,+rren county_ . IFOR SALE _ Fancy Thoroun,.. cr Findla». pro..cL lerviees, $I); Mrs. Helen Dourh• • - • bTed Guernsey Bull, 2 yean 01.. 1. Lowrr Killer . A t-e~fled cOP7 of tbe .ntr, man, servleel, f7 i M.... Howard Forestera find that moxed Price rtabt. Dr. Wilt, BeIDl Conpeaman L. T, IlanUU determinlnr the l.h.rltaDee tax Sa.,..r. H"icea, f7; The ColumMr. aud Mn. CharI" Thompaon piantatjons of two a Ohio Arthur Bam~lton the ntate of EIther 'II'. Conover, bu. Blank IIfg. Co., let road attended , the funeral of Mr. species of f<!rest trees :;e b:lt!~ I . Jud.e Franel. M. Hamilton de<!eased, g to be ceritfted without vacation '1.~0; Ha)'1lel Thomplon a brother, Harvey in many ways than pure stanch of FOR SAlJil- 80-40 ......... Co DoDBld DlIatuah l a . Simon Rou ~el.,... Pub. .ubienption, $7.150 Thompson of Wuhlngton C. H. one specie. They Iluggest mWn. 1 bolt action Bite; 10,0' ....~~ 18 tit. aa,tter ,the . . .tII of Law PubllIlU~ last _.k. conifers with black 10Qust. Tb e ftlilld . rifte. fa JrOOd co...... Ste.,.,•• C. PbWlpe, • •aaed, 1&1. $9.50; F. " . Mr. Ed:-in Randal~ 'Waa an over- lOt-ult appears healthIer, a better Iquire at Gautte . . . . pn'I*IiYI. ordend. I. , TbroekmC)l'- hlCht 'liaiwr with htl fat~er, Dr. lOil protecting litter Ia formed. poa . .tkI' of ........ of tor pl'OHClltias C. G. RancJall aDd family and damar trom locu.t bonn r6. ~_e" Th. Book ADJ, IT.....,. niaht .nroute l.-am Cle"e- may b, cO.liderably reduced. reo P. Plata ..... Jou 1. Barr. Jay land w Ten...... ......r. h. g porta the Central J'oretlt Expertper Wnua.., par aaoviatr. Mr. Eo 1. Collier accom- m*.t Statlcm. ---" " " ' " JIQ' PDIM ...... far .. . to ,. lb. 0 ........ CoUter wIlo




Playing "Petty Politic."



I' Far~ hight' 7 alks, ftfovem,b er 5



.0.'---, 1 ' -A- ---




j .. "

. . . . " , ....






F. T. Martin




Beech Grove


,Saturday, Noy. 3

Centerville, Ohio

The Repu.blicana Warren County Itage.their u.ual RUD-Around on thia date_ The followin,lChedaie haa heeD arraD,ed:





St'uoley &loogl'er Auctioneer. '.OD.

S P," E A K·E R S





II wbIa _ IIItefttoa


.....,. New. 01 TA. SeAool


A. Chronicled By Variou. Reporter. Lalli.. '



M.a'., Ih Qulelr-for CI"'it~ d.,

(Continued from pare 1) F k Th following office(s ., III r. elected: ran. e ,",C=-============"" were Evelyn Johns, prl'sident. Mr . AJbert Cornell autrered a Everett Savage, secN!tary·treas· stroke of paralysis on Sunday. urer. fr. Gilbert Frye wa a Dayton Barbara Haines and Harold vi itol' aturday afternoon. , troud, librarians. Teeeh.".' CoftyentiCl!ll'





""'"''-'''''''''''''''''''''''',-.,''''' f"ri. -Sat. -No-r. 2--3


UFrontier Marlha)" Sack in the wicked 90'c when men were men and women liked itl , With lr ne B ntley. Sua.-Moa~-NO'4'.



"The Defense Relta" With Jean Arthur. H double ero lied justice-until love double cro!llled him I






Mrs. \ , H. Madden spent s~~ral days la t. week in Washington C. H

Members of the faculty atlo(lnded the two district conventions which Mi ~faudl' Hearne of Day:ton were held in Columbus and Cin- was the we k-end guest of Mrs. C. cinnati Friday and Saturday of . Robitzer. last week. The sessions in Cincinnati w re held in Music Hall and Mrs. Ed C. Woollard, of Belmont in the Hall of Mirrors of the pent W dnesday with Misl! Netherland Plaza hotel. Speakers Phoebe Miranda. on Friday included Burton Fowler 1I11'S, Daisy nyder has returned Headmaster of th Tower Hill pleasant visit to School, Wilmington, Delaware; home after Paul McNutt, Governor of Indiana fri'ends in Chicago. and Alfred H. Upham, President . of Miami University. Addresses Mr . Elbert Wallace fell. at the wer delivered on Sa:turday by I ., G. A. tore Tuesday mormng and iIo:er J. Smith, Profesllor of In- broke her arm. du trial Education, University of Mrs. J . B. Chapman and Mr. Minnesota and Doctor Donald H. Robert Chapman were Cincinnati Tippett, Pa tor of the Bexley " . Methodist ' Epi copal Church, VISItors Friday. \ Colum~u8. . Ml'S. Grac e Me une, of Lima, , Se,8sl0n8 In Columbus were held visited her mother Mrs . Eva In th~ Palace Theater and t~ Miller th first ot the week. Memorial HalL , Speakers on FrIday were Rabbi Abba Hillel Silvel' ~frs. Denn is and daughter Miss of Cleveland; WilUllm F. Ru sell, Esther, of Dayton, were week- nd Dean of Teache1'8 College, Colum- guests of Mi!.18 Doris Hawke. bia University and Rollo G. Rey· M, . Anna Hartsock, of Middlenolds, Principal Horace Mann High School, New York City. The run, was the dinner glle t of Mrs. convention closed Saturday fore· Susie Evan on Wednesday. noon after an addresl by Paul C. Mrs. Cli/ford Buzick and chilStetson, Buperinte-ndent of the spent the week-end with Mrs. Indianapolis city chool and the dren joint appearance oI the two candi- Buzick' parents at Sidney. dates for governor of Ohio, Mar- ,Mr. and Mr . W. B. Squires spent tin L. Davey and Clarence J. Sunday in Mason, the gtli!st of Brown, Mr. Roy CornelJ and family. As it is the custom, teachers in Ah·s. Howard Swank, 01 LoveWayn6llviUe may attel'\d either the meeting in Columbus or the one Land, visited )fr. 'a nd Mrs. Walter in Cincinnati. A majority attended Elzey last Thursday aftetnoon. the latter while a few d,ivided their Mr. and M,rs. Lee Lov,ely, of attention, g.oing one place 'one day Springboro, were guests of Jame and the other the next. Lovely and family, M()nday evenThe teaehere in eharge of the ing. WaY1le Township teachers meetin. on October 31 are MiBl Robbins Mr. and Mrs. Harold Taylor, of and Mr. Jamea. BellbrOOk, were guests of Mr. Lewis Fires and family on SunFIo __ Da~ day,



F IT, el1ureh .eme. 8I1DdaJ. Mr. and !\frs. StaDley Ball., and daul'hter, Phyllla were entertained to dinner Sunday at the of Mr, and Mrs. Everett Xen"\ck near Centerville. A large crowd attended the HalIQwe'en social at Lytle Hall Saturday even in&" 'which netted the Ladles Aid a neat lum. Mrs. Ellen Copsey one of Lytle's old residents passed away early Friday morning at the home 01 her daughter , Mrs. Ben Hawke after an illness of ftv y ars and seven months. A large concourse of friends and Telatives attended the funeral at the residence, 1II0nday afternoon, conducted by Rev. artr ot Spring VaHey. Interm'lnt at Spring Valley cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick entertained at dinner Sunday the following guests in honor of the birthdays of Mrs. Emrick and her daughter, Mra. Salisbury: Mr. 'and Mrs. Clyde Mount and daughters, Misses E1Iith and Cecil of Dayt9n Mr. and Mrs. Leo.n Salisbury and children, Miss Miriam and Wenden of Sabina, Mrs. Martha Hough ,o~ Waynesville and Mrs. Margaret Johns,

Russell H. Satterthwaite, aged 37, son of Ma·. al1ld Mrs. Henry Satterthwaite, died at Miami Valley ho pital Thursday morning, October 25, 'following an iIlne.. of a few weeks dqration. Mr. atterthwaite was In the wholesal and ret.liI iee delivery busin 88 for ' the last ten years and before that time had ~en a patrolman in the poll~ department at Washington D. C. He was born and educated in Waynesville and was a me-mb r of the Society of Friend. Surviving are his widow, Marj(uerite; his paren'h, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Satterthwa!ite; 7 brothers, Harry, of Lebanon, Leslie J ., OilYton, George, of Fmnklin an'd Clement, Rob rt, Richa,rd and Charles Wayne ville; a1nd s ven sisters, Mrs. Mabel Staup, of Lebanon; Mrs. R. D. Tolle, of Washington, 0 C. ; Mrs. James M'[)rris, of Sabina: MI·s. Warr n Esp~(, of Centerville Th~ lnta , of Lebancln an~ Ruth and FARM HOME WAS Mary of Wayn sville. FUlle!'al services were t).eld SaturD£STROYED BY FIRE day afternoon at his late home in Dayton and at the McClure 'parlors The houae on the faTm formerly in Waynesville. Interment was in owned by Perry Hartsock was deMiami ce,m etery. stroyed by fire, Honday morning, leaving the occupants, Clarence Franer and family, homeless. N£W CENTURY CLUB MET The fire started in the kitchen ---about 11 o'clock and made luch The members 0,1 ~he . New Cen- rapid headway that ~r8. Franer tury club and a fe!w inVited guests and her two 8mall chtldren ' were were entertained at the country Iobliged to flee foraafety. De.pite home of Mrs. W. E:. Cornell on Fri- the etrorts of Mr, Franer and day after,?oon. . neighbors, VeTy litUe was saved. .The Damsh prog,ram consisted of - - • an excellent paper on "Folk School HARVEY$BURC MAN KILLED of Denmark," . hy Mrs. W. H. IN AUTO ACCIDENT Allen and an mt'eresting talk on the public schools of Denmark was, Albert Carnell, aged 59, of Hargiven. by Mrs. lIe'n ry Westerman, a native of that country. veyaburc, was killed in an automo1?~ring the pleslsanl; social hour bile accident Sunday nilht about delicIOUS refreshm,e nts were served 7:16, Bonl tile HarvdeYlbUrg anhd - - -- - - ----. New U1 ington roa, near t e Frank Shidaker fatm. 1hree sons Hallow~'_ Cerai.,al and one daughter survive his d 'Ie d a bout f our wee ' ka Th Hallowe'en Ca~nival spon- wif e h aving sored by the Wayne Township ago. . I Mothers c1 ub was wen attended Funeral •.erva~es were he d at and netted subsbmtial proceeds. th~ home of hlJ 80n, ~r. Grant Carne!! and burial was In Miami cemetery.

Friends News

November 9 bas been ckllgnated Mrs. Howard Archdeacon had Livestock Day at the Ohio Agri- the pleasure- of entertainil:ig her cultural Experiment Station at mother Mrs. Addie Miller, of Wooater. It is preceded by Flower Springboro the past. week. Day, Nov~mber 8. Director C. G. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence MendenWilliams urges everyone to come. ball had as their dinner guests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. WilHam Steu ve, of Dayton,

-----_ ..---

The greatest training chool in the world is at mother's knee. Mother renders • service mora wonderful, .more valuabk'than that to be obtained of teacher or statesman. Sbe i. the main8prin~ of the world's energy; In ' her heart is ~e germ of love.


R'.H.STUBBS ::IiuuiNd~ JJt0NE 29

Late Classified Ads.

POR IALK -----------....,....FOR SALE-Sweet cider. J. , L. Mendenhall. FOR Sale--Rhode Island Red chickens; second hand table mockl electric Atwater-Kent Radio, price $10. Mrs. Lon Beckett Corwin, nl FOUND


FOUND-At the gym We~nesday night a sterlinlil' silver wedding ring. Inquire at this office.



+ -

Q.allty PrilitiDI

------ - - - -

DR. H. E. HATHAWAY Dentist

The Last farewell


has not reeJlect lor the teache~, he will profit but little under hlll instruction (Siped, •• Sallie Redfern . e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!, WhIA- ROM" ...........~_ ~


d..... G...IIM.


J. E. McClure P ..... 1

WaYI eaville, Ohio


Mrs. Ada H. Je:nkins spent Mon A get together meeting of the day in Wilmington. Republican committee and board Mrs Verna Ke,))ey of Spring- was held Tuesday evening at the field , ~as a suppj~r iuellt' at the home of Mr. and MI'/!. J. C. Hawke Home Wednesday" Oounty Chairman Charles , Waggoner and Mr. Dean Stanley were Mi88 Mary Carolyn Lukens spent pre ent and subjects of interest two days last week with her grand and importance were discul!Sed. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gallop and motber Mrs. Lena Hartsock. --daughter, of Middletown, spent CHARTER N•• uao Mrs. Aramanth,~ VanDoren and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Mrs. Li!.l8ie Cud caUed on Mrs. R .,rye Dlatrlot Jfo • Lovely and family. Frances Nicholson' on Sunday, Report of tha condition of the Wayne.ville National Bank of M-cKay, of aynesville, n • par~ near Wilmington, spent Monday ent~, Mr. and Mrs. Van Pelt, of ~wening with Mrs. Ada H. Jenkins. on October 17, 19a.. Spring Valley, on ~unday. Ohio, at the do •• of A,BSPlTS !'tlis. Freda Harvey attended a Mrs. CHWord Buzick and Mr. family dinner' at 'the home of her Loan. and ~U'COUDt.., •. 8152,692.0. James Lovely spent Thursday in brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Overdrart. . ............. 18.01 United States Gov rnm~nt Trenton, the guests of Mrs. Clarence Harvey, Sunday, obllntlol1l, direct and Lovely's lister Mrs. Victor Mcl (or) fully gual'anteed .. 106,316.6 1 bondl. .toe.. aDO Guire. Rev. J. J. Scha-e/fer and Mrs. Oth.r eecurities ........ ,.... 61.108.00 Schaeffer, Misses Annie and Mame Bankln. boule. '.!J0oo.oe. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Schah.:man, Brown called at the home of O. J. Furnltur. and natur.., ......... $1 ..... 11 ...... 111 and family, and Miss L titia and J. W. Edwards at Springileld neal :al,taU owned otller Schatzman, of Cincinnati, were on Sunday afternoon. • thall tbankln. houl. 1,000.00 fleaSI've wltD Federal ReSunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. .... ~ - ,- eerve Ba.nk . , .... .... 18,148.5. Callh In va,ult aDd balance. with other Ibankl ...... 66.315.70 O. Raper, . Outllide ch~ck. and Mr. and Mrs. James ,E. McClure other caah Itema •• , ... 2.00 attended a reception at thehomeof Redemption fund with United Statea Trea.uredr DI". H. H. Herman at Short Hills, Remflmber the Church ,service and due from UnUe Oakwood, Saturday afternoon,.in next Sunday morning at 9 :30. Rev Btate. Trealurer •....... 1.500.00 other lI8Iete .•. . .•... '.. 2.137.58 celebration of the recent marriage Martin in chule. of Dr. Herman to Miss Elda St. Total Aalleh .•. . . : ..•..• , .20,392.00 Mrs. William BergdaU hal been John, close friend of Mrs. McCh!lre quite ill the past week, bpt is LU:JSlL1TBS depo. It•• U. The Hallowe'en social sponsored some what improved at thia time. Demand S. Government .. Mrs. Harvey Burnet. and Mra. by the Ladies Aid of the Lytle pu bUc fundi and depoaltl Margaret Johns Sl)ent Thursday in of other bank. . . .....• I TO.661.01 church was a big success. depollta. exce"t Several local 'People were Dayton and attended Keith's in the Time . poetal .avID... publl" ' fund. and ot present and captured prizes. Mrs. afternoon. other bank. .........• Mra. Cbarka Clink was a Dayton Public . lulld. or Stat.. , 61.,.7.8. C. E. Anderson won first as thevi8itor Thursday. counties. 8Chool dlatrlota "Old Fashioned Girl," Mr. C. E. or other lubdlvl.lona Tbe Ladies Aid will III eet' next Anderson, won a prize given for a Or munlclpalltl.. ...... 26,707. 18 "tramp" and Harold Anderson Wednesday aftennoon at the home, UII/toll Sta.tee Government and poatal savin •• took first for the best clown im- of Mrs. Edna Unl[er, ealt of town d'8poalt. . . . ....... . ... . 93.5, Mr. and Mrs. William Coleman Depo' it. of other ban_ .. personation. Includlnlr certified an4 and Misses T}telma Coleman and cas Iller', checka out, Hon9ring Mr. W. M. Cleaver of Dorothy Mocsin of Wellman were Ita ndlnlr . . ..... , ... i" Total of ttem. 16 'to II: Detroit, Mich., Mr. George Davie SUllday aftemool~ lue. " of Mr. (a) Secured' by pled,e and Mr. Glenn Davie and family and Mrs, Walter ltenrlck. ot loa n. and (01') In ve.trne nh . UO,868.U entertained Mr. Joe Davis and Mr, and Mrs. J,ames Johns, Mrs. (b) ,Not lecure4 b,. family, Mr. William Lukens and R. C. Hunt and Ion WaITen, atpledare or loan. and ' (or) lnn.t· family, ot Harveysburg; Mr. A. tended the Home"coming at Waymenta ....... 227,197.U Z. Haru ock, and , family, Mr. nesv,ille M. E. Sunday. (0) Total Ernest Mannon and family, , of Friends liereal:e lOrry to learn l>itPOllt. • ... U8,OO.1I8 Wilmington ; Mr. and Mrs. I. A. of the .erious iillnesl of Kn. Cll'Clllatl* "tee. 011... . ' etandlnar .,............. 1&0... 0.0. Hattaock, of Dayton and Mra. Albert Cornell &It her bome on Other lI..bllltle• . • , .... , . 11." Lerla Hartsock, of WaY1lellville. Route 3. She Wa.ll taken ill at Capital account: Conuno.n. .tock 1 0110 ahare.. pa.r ,1011.06 J!'"


Vote For

Ixl HARRY L. PALMER] D_mocratic Candidate

CLERK of COURTS (From Mason, 0.) Election November 6, 1934.


--- ... Lytle

Cradle Phone Not ffFrenchy,I' Was Developed by Amterican' ONTRARY to popular belief. the alid le-type telephone was not originated. in France . It really is earlY Amenca, according to offici.:als of The Ohio Bell Telephone Company, Tbi, cQnvenient type or ,i n.trument, which combine. the telephone receiver and tran.mittu in one piece. Wal developed by Robert G. Brown, chief engineer of the Gold and Stock Telegraph Company, New York City, in 1878, and Wal uaed operator. In tbe United State.




(Continlled f~ Pal. 1) White Rose, the ....n. teacher should know enough to dabf. GalOline. in.truct their children In all the ~============= branch. they wish to pursue and 80 bamble as to receive from hia employers instruction in all tbat he teachea. . I would not find fault WIth parente for manifeetill' an interest in the welfare and progrell8, of their children by any means, nor X"RAY WORK d9. I think it improper for p~l~nts BLOC A:NESTH£SIA t;o consult with the teachet In respect to the studies of the children All Kind. of D_hare. M... and the man..gement of tho Repair W~rk Do,n. ~\lield, studies. Oft times the parent i capable of giving valuable advice which the teacher (if he understands his duty) will 1'cceive with )'dain St. W A YN ESVTLLE, O. thanldulnesa and also with a great degree of intere8t in the management of his school. But what ( would eomplain of is not advice, but meddling with that whic,h does White Rose- Power benot CODcern them. Parents also hind the en,lne. c":use the' teacher much trouble.nd often ruin the chn.dren, by talking disparagingly 01 the hacher in th-eir preeenee, by allowing an ap. peal td themselves frol1\ the decision of the teacher, and by sending their children to watch the habit. manners and diligence of the teacher and make report to them. "I have heard of parents calling To live in hearts we leave out to their children before they behind, iii not to die. scarcely bad time to get Into their CAMPBELL. Own yard, aaking: "Did anyone get whipped today?" ','Y_I Such a one ThOBe who leave us are got whipped a'nd the teacher whlpped him almost to death. He not gone. Thel~ memory whipped hi~ until he cut great , lingers, deeply engrav d holes in tile hack of Ms coat." Now in our hearts. The funeral this wu all faIlle, but the boy was service hould be a reverent interrogated every evening and of and loving farewell. In course would have to give some marvelous aceount. Then the psrsuch a spirit do we aerve nta would commence talking our clients, II eking always about the teacher illlltead of try_ to create a beautiful ing ' to impress upon the minds of Memory Picture for the their ebildran that respect and reverence for him which would give Iivinr· wei,bt to hll advice and IIfficacy to hill instructiona. F~ if the child

liP around the so·,taJled "French" telephone hci'ped \1) create the impression of its French IJrigin. Extensive use of the £radle-type instrument in the UnlteJ Slate. hu been comparatively recent About 1884, more efficient transmitters, which could n9t b.! used in eradle telephone., became available. Con I In thi s lequently, the country the buil of th e wa 1/ . ct..

However, the Bdl,e ~,![;;~i;in~:~.~i"~h~ reeOlllblll1 cradJe; contln_ elirllll!r:imf!fttl a period of fear. 01 In.trllment a. cUiCiel111 .a. miuion of 'peed! ia ....ral .lie. b 19Z6, tbeir veated ~ hIdt wu. ucd bf bottI illltnnrleal ill III abollt

18a4. '

Atiopted bl' Preach Shortly after reeei"in. a patetlt on hil iII.truanent, Brown ",u engaaed eJeetrical engineer In cherie of the atabilallDllllt of a telepholle excbaq. ill Pari.. The haocI lei la-

.hare. .•...•. 110',000.00 8urplu, .... ,.. 16,000.00 UndlvlGeG prof1tanet .............. 7.82'.11 Total Capital Account , ...


I·"~~::::::~; .ecu

Loa. .




redlacountl) ..•. .• , '~'~'~~~. I Pled.ed: (a~ Aplnlt clroulatln. note. _tetanal . . ... . 50,000.00 (c) ~aln.t pllblJa ' 10un4", Of Stat. ClOun-


lobool .. iltrlota,

or other .ubdlylaloDI or m!lnlolpallU.. ..,.. II.IU.•' Total PlflllnG ...... " ......


REBUIL:D NOW! Propertiell need improvement: ~orkmen need emploYlPent. We merchants Ileed business. " Recognizing ' thes6 facts the rovernment is conducting a campaip to beneftt all partie'; concerned, as well as to keep as many as poaaible otr the re11ef rolls this winter. By joining in thiB ,p rogram you may 1 Prevent further deterioration of existing buildings. . A void later increases in ost of labor and material. S Help keep down the coat of reliet for unem- ' p)oyed (whiehall are taXed to maintain) 'and " ·Have the aati$faction which comea from a good job well done. Producers and distributors are cooperatin. with reduced priCeII on materiala_ Why not make a close inspection now of roofs, chimneys, windows, weather boardiq, 1100l'8. etc. . You may call on .1I8 or your carpeJlter ' who will be _lad to 1'0 over your prohl..... with


Eighty.stxth Year




Whole Number 6148


Republicans Sweep





Mr. C. ll. Robitzer spent several T ..... u.....•• Report Sbowt Bal&IIC. days last week in Cleveland. Of $211.32; CanLiul N.ttecl Mr. Maynard Rich, of Ohio State .9a.68 ",f Thi. Amouat Univeraity. was Kome over the week-end.

Former Resident Killed In Accident


coming year: Mr. lRonald Hawke Master '" Overseer " Mr. Harold Whitaker Lecturer MUss Irma Rich Steward Mr. ·W. A. Swartzel Ass. Steward ... ' ..... Mr. Herbert Chaplain . Mn. W.. A. Schwartz Treasurer ....... 1.lI:. B. V. Smith Secretary ...... :Miss Flossie Fires McMillan Gatekeeper ... Mr. IRobert Wilson Ceres .... .. ..... Mis Eva McMillan Pomona ..... .. Miss Evelyn Peters Flora ... . Miss Juanita Brannock Lady . f.. . Steward .... .. Mr!. Reba Braddock Pianist ... Miss Virginia Hardin Chorister . Mlrs. Carl Duke Trustee ., ..... .... .... Jlfr. S. S. Ellis Legislative Agellt ... .. . .. Mr. J. L. Mendenhall Business Agent .. ... .. .... Mr. C. E. . Michener The short prograllTl given in the recreational hour fllllowl!I: Music .. MIS8 Betty Hartsock Reading .... Mrs. Clara Thomas Talk . ... ...... Mr: Walter Kenrick

Entire Ticket Elected As. Democrats Win . In ~M~rs.~Add~ies~mit~his~m~at~herl Other. Parts of. State.

Royal J. Adams. who formerly operated a drug store here. died The November meeting of the Miss Sue Crane is spending a lew Sunday night from injuries 9U8· Wayne Township Mothers' club daY8 at the home at B. C, Burne~t tained .in an automobile accident was beld FridllY afternoon in the and family on Route 3. near Iro,n ton, Ohio. music room at the Grade buUdini· No further particulars ot his h<>me on Third street. The devotiona\ pedjod opened Mrs. Ralph Lewi8, ' of Dayton. injuries and subsequent death with the h~mn. "Faith of Our was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. have been learned. Mrs. Maude Crane has b~n Fathers." sung by the aseembly. Morris Graham on Sunday. very sick with quinsy. Scripture reading and prayer by Mrs. A. K. Day preceded the Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. SHORT COURSE Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mainous business session. The treasurer'lI Sellers. 0'( Lebanon. called on STARTS NOVEMBER 13 were Xenia visitors, Tuesday. l' port showed a balunceof$211.82 Waynesville Iriends, SundBY. Miss Ayleen Mainous is spend\n bank, $93.68 of that amount . .The regular Short Course, wllich ing a few days with hom e folks. being the net proceeds from the . Rob~rt, a .student at CIIl- WIll ~e a shop COUJ'8E: thi8' year. Ballowe'ell oarnival. The chair- cmantJ BIble SemInary. pteached will start On Tue day Novem~r Mr. B. S. Howell. of Port man of the grade lunch committee at .the Waynesville ' Church of J 3 at 8 p. m. at the 'high school William, was in Waynesville. Mon With v6t/tl' expressing ~entlmentin favor of D mocratic eandishop building. who began aervblg lunch on Mon- ChrISt Sunday. day. dates in other s clion" of th e stllte. Warren Co~nty proved itllelf day, November &, requested dO-naAll students already enrolled traditionally Republi an 111 Tuesdny';; election by electing the entire tions of canned vegetables, arree· Mr. and Mrs. John B. Gone .at- please note the time. and place. Miss Anna Gay Treadway WIU! county ticket. 11 J B lng to give empty cans in return. tended the annual home-commg New students see r a dinnet· guest of Miss Ayleen Even candiclat for tat offices who lost out in Ohio returns The thlrd and fourth Kt'ades, and .football &,ame at Miami Uni- Crabbe or be p~8e:t a:~he ~pe": Mainou On Wednesday. ing meeting. under the direction of the teachers verslty on Saturday. received sub tantial plurnlili !!I in Warl'en County. Miss McKin ey and Mi8ll Carter The vole was hellvy for an ·' off.election" year. the t<>tal runnin. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith. who The course is open to b<>ys and Mis Laura Rosnagle. of CincinfurnWied the pi'orram which were here for the RObitzer--John- 1m~~ from 16 years and up. No well over th 12,000 mark spent the week-end with Dr. nati, follows: Democratic can d i dat s fOI' J son wedding, left Tuesday morn- tUltlon. and Mrs. H. E. Bathaway. Welcome - Helen Bint. Evelyn Ing for their home in Springfield All tho e regularly enrolled play AUTO TAG SALE WILL county offices made some inroad. Stephen M.. Young (D.) 3.778. Thompson: Mo ' basketball after classes. Games START I~ECEMBER 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Larrick and on their Republican rivals but in R..,re.eaati"e to COlllf,..a-L. Toas - Jean Thompson, Edwin • are being plann~d with short daughter, lIeen, vi8ited Friday no in tance i.' the vote a close T. Marshall (R.) 5.921, C. W. Ric:h Surface. Mr!. Sarah Butterworth and course groups of Lebanon West that it w,n bring out chllnge in to.) 3.808. evening in Cincinnati. , December 1 has Ibeen set as the ltecitation. "So Many BleS8ing'S," Mr. Gilbert Frye visited Mrs. dh ster. Kingman and o~he;·s. the official count. State Se ... tor J. Lowry MUand Mrs. Victor McGuire, of Mr. date for the openinlil' of the sale of -Jean Hartsock. Ma~l Dinwiddie and daughter - -- - - - ~Willin.Jll Hufford, Republican 1936 Ohio auto licelnse ta&'8. These Trenton, wel'e Sunday gue8ts <>1 candidate tor h riff, was reel cl- leI' (R.) 5,936. Harold D. Nicholl Piano eoJo, "Match ot the Dolls" Antha. In Dayton, Sunday after- GRANGE OFFICERS FOR (D.) 3,867. tags. smaller in sizie than in for- Mr. Bnd Mrs. James Lovely. - Sarah Conner. noon. ed over his Democratic opponent, Repreaefttati". to General A.. Exerci e. "The Gilt of God"THE COMING YEAR mer year, are. of lemon yellow Robert Baker, Wayne township, Mrs. John Kennedy and Mrs . Helen Moss, Helen Hleey, Made Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fannon. ()i --again t a navy blcle background Will Hay, of Dayton, were week· the vote being Hufford 6.930 .embl" - Arthur Hamilton (R.) Hardin, E\lzab tb BUl'nett, Sabina. Mr. and Mrl. Homer FanA the result of the regular 6.482 . The date at whi<ch time these ... 4,161 for Baker. . Lataine Hildebrccht, Monlmla non. of West Union, were Sunday election Saturday, NOvember 3 at tags can be attach ed to the cars end guests of Mr. and. Mrs. Lyman .. 1<.llm Wayne Township'S two candiCI~rk of COurt of C_ _ PI... Hoak, Jane Hartsock. e.eats of Mrs. Nettie Fannon and Farmers' .Grange the following ha not yet been 8e1. according to Day. dates Ross H. Hartsock for trclls- - Clyde C. Collins (R.) 6,82 3, Dialogue, "Thanksgiving Eve"- Mr. Pearl Fannon. . officers WIll till the chairs the bulletins from IIUto clubs. . Mr. and Mrs. L e 011 ' \nd urer a nd Sam D. Henkle for sur- IIal'ry L. Palmer (D.) 4.268. family, of Dayton. wel'e • " of Wilma Foulk. Erwin Lewi.. Mr . .Tosiah Davis attended the I COllat~ Com.m.i ..i _ - Harold was both victoriou • RecitatiQn, "A Boy's Wishes" - opening service 01 a three-day cele Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd DaY )., on Sun· Hluold D. Bailer,Frllnklio town D.. Bailey (R.) 6.968. Walter A. day. Joe . ~ame8. bration ob erving the seaqul-cenhip 's only candidate was victori- Se~ker (D.) ',204. • Plano duet, "The Skaters"-Jane tennlal of Methodi m whiCh was ous over his Democt'atic rival, Couat~ AudlLOI'- Will R. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. James Loyel-y anc;l Jean Hartsock. " held at Union church 'n ear X(!nia attended a party at the home of a Walter A. Seiker. the vote being (R-) 6,536. Exercise, "Thankfu.1 <?b~ldren" - Friday afternoon. The address wa~ COVERNOR . Count~ Recorder - Allen Hufffriend in Middletown. Saturday 6.968 for Bailey and 4.204 for Bettie Tinney. VlrglDla Schuler. delivered by Rev. V. F. Brown, a EW SW Nw NC SC Total night. Seiker. man (R.) 6,989. Virginia Van Grace Peck Mae Pigg, AnnaMay former 'pastor of the local M. E. BJ'own, (R.) ... ..... ... .... 112 85 151 10&10 96 584 The county road levy was de- Horn~ (D.) 4.249. Davey. (0.) 8 Pence. Marcelene Peters. Ghar- church. 57 1I6 6!5 60 386 Mr. and Mrs. Riley Millard. C)f feated by a vote of 4.800 against County T .... aurer ..Ross B. lotte Rye. Marshall, Ohio, . were guests or 2,122 for. B:artsoek, (R.) 8,08'4, Inman L. The Woman'8 Auxiliary of St. LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Siaviab Bong-H(!len Bint. 648 , R~v. G. C. Dibert and Mrs. Qibert 78 136 ..........". an.,,; and dance-Elva and Mary's cbuych will meet with Mrs. He,rhert (R.) ...... ... ..... 113 89 The compl te unofficial vote in Munge~ (D.) ~.998. 53 357 thIS week. 113 ~__ Weatet-man. Lee Hawke on Friday afternoon , Mo ier (D.) . ..... . . 80 51 the county follows : Sheriff - WIlliam lIul!ord (ll.) 6,930. J. Robert Baker (D.) 4,611 Accompanied by the music in- November 9. at 2 o·clock. T)1e SECRETARY OF STATE Rev. W. S. Dibert and Mr. Pro.eeutialf,. -C. DODstruetOJl' Mr. Frank. the children Guild dues are payable at this Braden. (R) ... . .... . . 112 75 135 127' 87 636 Dibert, of Ripley, were guests of Dilatush (R.) 6,616. .-ne "Lunaby," "Apple Tree." meetinr. Mr8. ROland Ba"ott and' Myer (D.) ................ ...... 86 63 114 62 51 366 Rev. and Mrs. G. C. Dibert on UNOFFICIAL COUNTY VOTE aIdSlU:v~r ( tar.) - . "BoYI!I In Blue" and "Danish Mrs. Farber. ot Dayton. preai~nt ' TREASURER OF STATE Monday. . Governor 0lal'onre J . Brown Sam D. Henkle (R.) 6,059, Roy Dance." and secretary respectively of the I Day . (R.) 116 76 ~35 132 89 (R.) 6,766, Martin L. Davey (D.) S. Burroughs (D.) 4.212. Mrs. Lloyd Davis and Mr. Cecil Superintendent Lot~ read a let- Dayton Convocation will be Fergu On (0 77 56 114 37 60 . -~--OfOiEer - H. M. Williams CR.) tel' he had received from County prelent. A full attendance is de. . ...... ,........... . Davis were guests of Mr. and Mr$ 4.021l~ L(eut~_nt Govo'nor- Paul M. 6.508. Israel Satterthwaite at Dayton Superintendent Bohl in which IIr. sired. ATT~RNEY GENERAL Herbert (R.) 6,102. Harold G. \ Ju .... Su...- Court-(F.... 76 134 Bohl stated, that, contral")' to a Rrlcker (R. ) ... ,.... . ...... 117 561 Wednesday. 135 90 65 Mosier (D.) ' 3.763. term)-(two to ".et)- Arthur H 114 rumor current in this community. = Dulfy, (D) ..... ... ......... 76 5·5 46 846 Mr. and Mrs. Geol'ge HenderSecretary of Stat.. _ George C. Day 4,826, Frank W. Geiger 4,018 no muliC! teache1 or pupil hu r.. billll are in his office to prove tM U. S. SENATOR SOn and family were Sunday din·ceived panny lor playine at tit. above statement.. Fes, (R.) .................. ,.... 107 70 128 12:3 86 514 ner B"uests of Mr. and Mrs. Buden (R.) . 6,IHiO. George S. ,N. Craig McBride 1.908, Chari. Myers (D.) 3,779. B. Zimmerman 2,527. I County Fair. The '75 received Durin&, the ·acicial hour a comDonahey (D.) . .... ... . . .100 ')'9 68 130 67 444 Vernon Mainous. Tr....lI.rer of State _ Harry S. . JlIdlfe of Sap~eme Court ( ..... fr9m the Fair board waa aNd for Dlit1ee comprielnr KTs. Davis Fur· CONGRESSMAN ~T RGE actual npenllel and every pieee ~, Mn. BraDnock, MrI. G. D. Bender (R) U 111 Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Stubbs en- Day (R.) 6,1l7. So eph T. Fm:gu- p,red t.rm ""WIDIf Decem_ 11. 74 126 85 621 tertained on Thursday evening son (D) 3 729 of m~ie purchased baa been Milia. Mn. Lloyd Davil, ill'S. r . . ................... . 1936)-(008 to elect>- Howal'd L 73 139 85 688 stamped "PT9perty of Warren Hartman and Kn. Henry Sattel'th ~~ shall (R) ....... ........... .. 111 . • G' I J h W Bevis 2.218, Ro y H. WI1U.•• Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dechant, 64 113 A 62 364 . ttorn..y ea>e'l'a o n . '.460. County." Mr_ Boh) also atatad that waite served pumpktn pie and You: 53 113 46 846 of Germantown. Brickel' (R.) 6,083. Herbert S. Ju". of Supreme Court ('II..... eancel1ed checks and receipted c{)fl'ee. REPRESEN Duffy (D.) 3.728. pi red term enclinlf Dace..1ter 31, TATIVE TO CONGRESS Mrs. Mary McClure, Mrs. Emma Marshall (R.) .... ...... , ... ........ 111 United StatM Senator_Simeon 1934)-(tw.o to .lect) - W. ~. 78 139 laO 92 660 B. McClure. Mrs. L. II. Gord on Rich (D) ..................... " ....... 86 62 112 li8 49 357 and MillS Helen Welch were in D. Fess (R.) 5,722, Vic Donahey Carver 2.801. William L. Hart (D.) 4.757. 4,320, Willis H. Liggett 8.669. 1l. Dayton, Wednesday. STATE SENATOR (Two to M. Winegardner 1.866. 76 139 Miller (R.) .... ............ ... .. .. ... 117 93 Mr. and Mrs. J . P. Larrick at- elect) - George H. . Bender (R) Jud •• of Court of Ap..... ( . . . Nichols (D.) ................. ...... 78 54 115 45 tended a birthday surprise Plirty 5.717, L. L. Marshall (R.) 5.818. to ..lect)_·_Francis M. It.milton I REPRESENTATIVE' TO GENERAL ASSEMBLY for Mrs. Walter Larrick at her ChaTI s V. Truax (D.l 3.090, 6,600, Coleman Avery 1.669. Hamilton ~R.) ;. ........ .......... 121 83 249 la8 98 689 home in Lebanon, Saturday evenPLEAS ine· ---~----lr.~~~~~~~~~~~~~::::::::::::::::::::::~~~~~~~ 74 ' 1M ......... ,.•. ,.... ....... 109 Collins ll!6 551' . 92 370 I Mr. and Mrs. Geol'ge S. Bally Palmer ............ .... :.. ... 00 58 116 04. 62 and Mr. J. C. Oliver. of CincinCOUNTY COMMISSIONER nati. were dinner guests of Mr. Bailey (R.) ,.. ...... ,.... ... ,,:.:... 104 74 123 602 and Mrs. J. B. Chapman on 84 U7 $eiker (D) ... . . .......... ... ...... 90 63 133 '75 74 436 day. COUNTY AUDitOR ' Mr. and 'MTB. Olivel' DlWis a):'W. R. Lewis ..... ........ .. .. . 124 141 86 97 690 rived home ·Tuesday from New ' London, Connecticut, where tlley' COUNTY RECORDER . 666 have been visiting thejr son Jame~ 1,3 0 Huffman (R.) ..... ................ 119 83 132 92 361 Davi8 and family. Van Horne (D.) ...... .......... 86 169 49 114 '54 p

.. . . ."

Sheriff W m. Hufford Returned ~o Office; Hartsock And Bailey Win


-==-=-===--=-=-=-..::·======h======= ======= T own.hip & Corporation Unoftidal Vote

r .,. "........ ......

gn ,




(?ri) "::.::.':::::'::'::":::::: :1


ggf I




TREASURER . Hartsock (R.) .................... 152 Munger. (1).) " ., ....•.. ,........... 66 . SHERIFF .Hufford (R.) .... ,..... ... .... .. . 105 Baktlr (D.) ,~ ... ..... , ...... ......... 108


MI'. and Mrs. William Michen er. 697 ,of PittsburB". Pa .• were called .0 272 this week because of the death of I Mr. Michener·.s aunt. Mrs. Reuben 527 RQberts of South Charleston• 93 84 180 115 66 127 434 '16 68 Mrs. Lillian Fife. of WashingPROSECUTING ATTORNEY ton D. C., Miss Miriam and Dilatush (R.) ...... : ... ......... ,. 131 87 146 105 142 Maste r Earl Em'e rson Fife, ot Wilmington, spent Sunday with SURVEYOR (U_.plred) Henkle (R.) ... ........ ...... ... 121 80 151 us 103 613 Mr. and Mrs. L. H . GClrdon. Burrough, (D.) ................... . 89 60 57 110 60 356 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hastings entertained with ca.rds Friday CORONER Williams (R.') ............ ..... , ... 131 138 83 98 143 693 evening • . Mr. and M·rs. Bedford ·Stricklen. Mr. and Mrs. Harold JUDGE SUPREME COURT (Fw!l T_> Smith and Mr.. and Mrs. Morris . Dar ......... ,..... ,.......... , ...... ..,. 79 53 1.04 424 78 Fulkerson. 89 8'16 Gelger .. .. " ..... .... , ... , .. ......... '15 61 68 31 .MclSride 30 22 26 149 . FoJ.'l the pleasure of their hOuse 49 Zimmerma,n .. ,. .. ... . .. ......... .... 47 28 34 207 guests Misses. Moore and Garver, JUDGE SUPREME COURT (U".pired t _ ••Ii... pee. 31. 1931) Of Forre8t. Mr. snd Mrs. J. W. ." ........... ...... 84 25 88 25 29 U6 Lotz entertained Mesus. Jra O. Votu·. ID . Bevill Williams .... ..... ...... ,... .. ........ 84 63 112 107 70 426 Brown and R. F. Hat1l(!ld at dlnWUTeII DaIDAd JUDGE SUPREME COURT (U••••i..ct .. rill . . . . . D•• 31, leU) .. ner on S!l nda,. t 11 • roDuwbII for __Q crt· Garver . .. ...................... 30 28 67 '8 8 89 183 Mr. Raymon Hatfield and Mr. Hart . . . ...... ......... ... ...... .. 80 50 93 100 67 390 Ira O. Brown entertained Saturno. at tJIe Liggett ............. 89 42 81 86 61 828 day evenin, at The Little Inn Hr. e1ecu.. ....... Wineprdner .. ......... .... ..... 83 26 8' 26 17 184 and II rf. . W. Lotz and their _ day. . . . . . . COURT APPEALJ hQuae lueatl lit.. Ganer and MIIlII ....-uw. Az. JUDGE F. II. Hamilton ......... ~ .. .... 100 83 111 121 91 488 Moore, of Fonen, Ohio. tlau . . . . . . Aver), .. .. ,.... ......... ............ 31 22 S(J 28 Z6 140 lin. II.., IIeClaQ _t.ertailled 'V'

.. . . . . , . . . . . . . . .

160 101

1'75 32



"~.!~ ........................... No

92 43


..................... ........ 9.





•• 89




~w ~011'::-;::7 ;.:=:~ the

followi... ..... maIdftt tablet: Irr, nel Mn.



U.. cldente and 1 Injury per 1.8 aeF. and N. L. Roby to State of Ohi01 THE MIAMI GAZETTE the use vf real lItate for high \I a) cldent .• purpoles. FOR RESULTS Io'('lix Rude, dec ased. to Cath 1'Ho. 0IIi0A •• 5. . . . intI Rude, et al., 257.05 aerell in Clitl~on and Warren countie . Ohioans last year Ipent 19,8.6,!!!!!!!!pow!'!!!!!'!!.r!!!!'!"!!!lbeElizab th nut! dge. et al.. to 000 going to the movies, UO.788. Catherine Rude, 257.05 act in 000 patl'onizing barber shops and hind the enlln,. tributive account. Clinton and Wanen countie.. ---$1,282,000 on amusement parks•. Morrow National bank, one ot' The invenwry of Franci (!l1el's Jesse . Haines. d~c a ed, to Ohio'. RelIef Share. 40'" while women spent ,6.«164.000 on Warren county's oldest and sound- ~======~=~=::~ In the (,811 ot The tate of Ohio administrator of the eta of Daisy L. Haines. et aI, 100.26 Minimum of 40 per cent of the trips to beauty parlors. Report by est finanCial institut.ions, plans to verllu John Noland, the defendant Jllmes A. Beel. decea ed, waS ap- acres in Wayne township. total funds neces!;ary to meet reo . of on voluntaJ;ily liquidate its assets and wn~ found guilty by jUl'), trial and Iproved. . harloUe R. Lackman to Louise lief expenditul'es un the state must serVice estabhshments,. plac~8 of suspend business. according to an was sentenc:ed to not Ie s than one The will of Eliza h whan, de- Cal'amella, 174.76 acr in South be furnished by Ohio dUl'lng the amusements and hotels])'l O~IO for announcement by officers and di:y ar in the Ohio state reformatory eea lid, was admitted to pr bat e. tialem township. coming year, accol'ding to Harry L 1933 also showed there 8tJ~1 waB ot the bank. The pl'oposal nt Mansfield. Robert J. Sha han a appointed \V. W. and Georgia O. Moore to Hopkin, federal ,emergency relief 'fi44,00~ worth o~ work done at ill be sllbrpitted It a special med tn th~ case !)f Albert Young 'exerutor. No bond required. Chari s A. lind Golda Mat'ie Me- administrator. This per cent will blaeksnllth shops In the state. A in, of shareholders called for velSUB Will C. St. John, t 81 George Shimp, C. H. Young and Gee, 100 acres in Harlan township iMlude funds rai$ed by counties total of 92~ hotels took in $23,449 Tuesday, December 4. judJl':ment t o the plaintiff for W. •C. Turton were appointed apC. C. B own to State of Ohio, H and cities. The 410 per cent. Hop· 000 and paId employes ,8,0116,000. The Morrow National ban Ie and brn•• Vitaminl of Cod LI" ... 144:9. 7.. pral!lerIJ. and J . Adams, to Stat of Ohio kins pointed out, is strictly a - - _. the Fil'It National bank of MOT- • OiIiA t ..t.I ... tableta, ]n the ease of The P ople's The will of Mary E. Hoov r, de- Alice Abl('s to Late of hio, V . minimum estimat.~ and it might. be row are both operated a\. present. 1'"".... or firm hoalthy fI~h Inlt.ud ot Bltilding, Loan & ftvings Co. ver- ceased. wa admitted to probate. W. and J o ie Evans to State of nece sry tor the FERA to deT'Le Y1al'e~ It is the only community in War- .............,. bon .. 1 New .!tror. vim .nd T b n W • Wild In lh e e ta·t of DaVI. 'd L HU If ' n r I .' ' , 0.1 tlrod ....Ihouo.oJ. _1 St.-dr. suu ~o e er ~~• 8 1,. au th or hio, R. L. Dean t o tate of Ohio, nlan d a dd't' Ilona I con t'b n utlons. ren county supportmg two na· ..... qultt·unI..... 1 Th.t .. lI,tI what of ity to sell landlord' share of a. man, decealled, distribution of as- the us e of real e tate for highway During October tine stat.e and local tional banka and for the past aev. peopJ. .... lI~tLlnll U,ruU/lh ""( •• ... ' latM' 2" . . d~•• I'7- th. Vllaml"a o( Cod Ii .Llv<\r 011 · . , h "d b crop 0 f po t a t oe f or no t 1 purpose. sub •dIVI Slons ave pili a out " eral yeal'8 It has been eVIdent to .Dun_1ed In little l ug.r c. atr-J"... ts \Va or d ered . th an 50c per bushel given to G. l". Ernest Butterwortb. admini traIda Pratt, dec a d, to Geol'ge P r cent of Ohio'S relief bill and By Mro. J ...i. N. Tripp oftlcers of both institutionl that wttlluut.o)' 01 Ita horri d. nlhy t"\eor.m~lI. Brown, receiver. tor of the estate of Samuel Butter W. Pratt and Effie P. Cook, in lot the federal ovelrnment about 77 the financial demands of the vil- ~r.~~o,ft:v.';lt)ti 1~1~.~ie.~~~~~~'r..:; In the case of The State of Ohio worth deceased, filed hi inventory No. I> in Waynesville. per c nt. lage were not suftlcient to support work ... on".... II IIIUe btl,. of 3, ..-rf. vel' us Clarence Spence, jury trial; In the state of Permelia V. WiWilliam anu Kate Glessen t o - --There's ' a beautiful garden of banks adequately. o~~';'o~o,~.wAUllr,~dof~~~~.~~ \~(~":·tl~~ verdict guilty; sentence. fronl sale of real estate John r...ean ·d er Terwilleger, inlot NRA H'•• h walr E 1D1I Ioyment ' - . dl...,h ........ r.l"ed a I~. th~ " amoth. t w "k and0 . not .kolT, ddeceased. d I Prayer 11 f . . U pon 8ev~ral occasIOns merger 111!o WMk .tt~r. A ~ou"" r ...... lei than 1 to 5 years in the Ohio 18 or ere . NOB. 6098 Slid 6099 in Loveland A dn a .va ey so , ar away, I . proposals have been made but for -auld not e~t or .1"'\1 "'[~r blby .am. "". penitentiary. Fred Kamp! was appointed e x - Park Re-employment; under the na- n thlS garden IS wondrous y fall' V i d d' bef .U ber .... Ilh buk and "'lIned 10 lbo. In I... In the case of the ' tate of Ohio ecutor of the estate of Mary E. tional recovery h ignwayfundgrllnt It was there that our Christ ar ous r~a80nll. roppe. ore th .... montb. , y _. H d d d fll b to Ohio reached n total of 6.645 t t P • any definite actIon was taken, The You .lJntly mUll 11'7 M o();)y I .t <)nc~. versu ...:wis owl 1. Arthur Bry- oover, ecea8e an ed ond of Billa Allowed! d ' t'" b . d' 'lin.. weHn . °h ray. · t bl d present plan does not call fol' the. ":i~/I.~~11~~t.::~rh·:.l"~~~:!.~~~ ant WIIS appoi nted attorney. $10,000 with suretie. John P. men . urmg p cm er, accor lng ""en IS eart was 80 rou e • merger or consolidation of the two IMIek. Demand .nd!ret M.Coy·.-t~ r hrl nal In the case of the Lebanon-Citi- Harkrader, Howard McClure and Dr • J ohn Zettel, glas es fOT High'''a t o the monthly ban'-and nnul"" OQ<I Llv_. QII Tablet. Dep rtr eNlport t. Th of the th H and SOreih' d f P ..... but P r OVI'd es f or th e 1"IQU1' I>proved by Good 80u, I"'"pln. zens N atl nal Ballk &: Trust Co., Fran k Rb oa d es were appointed ap- Mary Rich, $0; Mrs. Howard .. Y ann e mon e went to IS gar en 0 rayer dation of the Morrow National InltILute. n e l "s• • 11 aubIJ!\tul.4'over us Alice J . Corliss, et a!., the praisers. Sawyer, ervic es, 37; Mrs. Hel en ly . payroll exc·eeded ,187,000. When He bent 'neath the load The actio '11 tir l I t ' . 1.....\ OD the orllflll&1 McCoy·.defendaut are to show cau e on or In the matter of the tru t ere- Dou"'hman, servi ce , l'~7', Mr. Workers which ,Be bOTe n I en e y vo.un .a ry • __ ... theN .... Done beUer. .. d NRAon NRAd highway h' h projeets . . an d'IS proposed by the dJTectol'l! "'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~!!!"!"!!!!"!"!~~!!!! before November 24. why jodg- ated by Item III of the will of Ira EltZl'oth, services, $6; Mrs. an secon .aTy Ig wily Jobs He spoke to Hl :Father ther.e. as being in the best interest of ment for said sum, co ts and in- Harty underand contract lnumllered 6,434 There. heart Ick, discouraged and th e community. White Rose- Power be~_ B, k •Thompson, d d deceased, sale Lillie Urton, services, $10; 1\Irs. men were ')al ' d 4!182,S~9.~1. t~rest 8hould not be received . 0 f ilwe 18 or ere . Maude Deardotf, sen'ices, $17.50; , l' U lJ Th ... hind the enllne. hI tbe case of J, E. Whited, et Ralph Lee Gillenwater was The Office Outfitters, scrlltch pads Employment was provided 211 ' worn. e .... OlTOW National Be.nk has al., versull Dodge-Hu e"', Inc., the adopted by Glady and Henry $1 7~ W 'll ' B I II . m n on national recovery second· He knelt, 'neath the lltar always enjoyed a 81>Iendid tin an~ • "; J lam erg( a , serVlces, ary prOJ'ect Whl'C'1 wer u"'der con. sprinkled skv; cial ·r eputation. It has "rved the ~~==~===:-::======= defendant hall leave to file pleading Hetzltt and hi name is het~by $6.60; Frank Robf'rSOri. services, L u " r forthwith. . changed to Ralph Lee Uet7;\er. $5.50; Tqe Gem ity Blue Print struction by forc:e -Bccount. Asked. Father if it ·be Thy will communiq. well for over 70 years 111 the calle of Thoma8 Prickett Flora M, Crane, widow of Don. & upply Co., map, $3.60; Wal----Let this bitter cup paas me by. and ban~ examinerl report its versu9 Nan Prickett. the defendant i I Lester Crane, deceased, filed dron C. Gilmour, inquest, $6.90; Photo Tra8ic: .. Prapo.ed But Thy will be done, and not aasets at tbe present time in eX:· . b 1 mine. cellent I!Ihape. . has leave to ftle ber answer and a c edu e of the property el ected Waldron . Gilm ur, inquest, $6.One of the most unusual pro· CTOIS petitioJl. . be taken by ber at the appraised 90; Wl1ldron C. Gilmour, inque t, pouls received by the Ohio' Sa1et)1 Thou, knowest what is best for It is pointed out that in. case In the ea8e of Hattie Black ver- value. Transfer of property i or- $ .liO; had McKinney, in full enrice CommiSlSion to increase mej the liquidation prop08al is ap• tlUB Lee S. Black. divorce, to plain Idered upon compliance witb terms damages to be paid by reason haftlc safety il!l ·the suggestion to Dellr Heavenly Father divine proved by the shareh.olders, deIf it is Thy will, let it be. positor. wilt be paid in full. In tiff. The plaintiff is allo entitled and conditions of payment. Cash of accident. $35 i Marguerite Mc. encourage amateur photographers to the lum of $260, an attorney in hllnd and election, approved . Kinn y, in full for damages to be to cmpaign against motor law - - - -- - . the final liquidation it iB probable

10880W BANK


PLANS 10 lIQ UIDAlE !!!!!!!!!Wh!!!!!!!!lt.~Ro!!!!!"!!!le








01 Keclron

.baCI' r.!t





f:::.a~~o~e~~ attorney, and per· ;b~e ;~d~~i!tr;;:~riSb~~ ~:l~:~~. to ~~id t~b:~~~nL~fm~~~id~:~: :~:: ~~o~~~r:.. ~~~ ~~~::a~~~~~r~~t~' SOIL HEAVING NOT ~:~;e t~:ns~:~~O}:~~:~\~:n~~ In the ease of The Ma sillonThe estate of Max William lumber and glass, $136.35; Zain tained in this manner are not to , I' The Mon-ow National was estabROOT FOR AND CONSIGN ~~:!a~;:;~o~.Si~:n~O:, t~:01~: Hda~~:f~t:aet~:~ed. is relieved from ~:~~~~:h,:a~~r:rc~ ~:~i~~,$:!;~= r: ::::t~1 ~~r~~:~c~~~veasev!~::~: COLO KILLS WHEA ~:~~ct t:60~1 p~~:~.:an:ai~f:~; No<;;:B'r::rC:~'r'~:~rC:~::

fendant ill granted leave to file The account of L. Earl Thomp- line, $6.23 i East End Garage. up- confirmation of the charge. T h e , served the village far nearly three answer forthwith. son, administrator of the estate plies· and gasoline, $34.34; The as ertlon is madl~ that the exlsquarters of a century. It was IJl the case of Mae Le Fever of J. Lee ThOmpson, as administra- Dayton Bronze Bearing Co. bronze tencs of such photographed liats granted a national banking char".raus. lames Edwin Eberhart, et tor of the estate of Mary H. EIli- bearings, $4 .65; The J . W. Lingo accessible to anybody and their 200.000 Acre. Allan"'" iu Ohio t l' in 1907 at the time the First aI., order to 8ell. son, deceased, was apPl'oved, al· Ilardware CO. shovels, axe hamUes authenticity verified by an index.... Dnu.l1, Bec.".. of Wiater National reeeived ita charter. In the cue of Marian Debro lowed and confirmed by the court. for road work, ,14.30; The Ohio. ed scrapbook of photogr.phs show Killin, W. D. Corwin is president of the \'enol PbiUip L. Detro, a divorce_ Corrugated Culvert Co., 1 culvert,' ing the culprits in action could not Morrow National and E. C. Dun· wit ....nted the plaintitr. Marn••• Licea... $82.60; The Oregonia Bridge Co" fail to have a rel~training influence About a tenth. or 200.000 acrea ham ia elthier. Oharle Voier, farmer. of Har. bridge material and supplies, upon reckie sand ineompetent of the wheat land ill Ohio la aban. • - • veY8burg. and MislI Lucille Wilmer $106.74; Burroughs Adding Madrivers. doned each year. · owing ~o 1011eS New S.i.. of Ilarveysburg. chine Co., maintenance service on ---from winter-kilUn.r:. And Ia the matter ()t the transfer of Roy Lewis Johnson, accountant, adding machine for auditor, $1>.55 Ob••..,.. Sd_1 Fouadin.& from this cause cannot be· enl:ire!lyl fundll of the village of Lebanon. of Cleveland and Miss Beatrice Treasurer of State, care of in· Celebration o;f the 300th anni- eliminated, accordln. to C. A, To traufer funda.. Valetta Robitzel'. • ml!-tes, $3,237.81i Treasurer of veuary of the f,t)unding~! Ame.ri. Lamb, agronomillt for the Ohio Delphin Greenpegs versus Way· Ralph W. Clevenger, Bteel work State. care of inmates, $3.414.71; can high schoo ls will take place in Agricultural Experiment Station ren Maxwell. for money and dam- er, of Franklin and Misl Cbris· Everybody's Office Outfitters, 1- Ohio during the 1934.35 school However there are three p~ca~. "'~l Trl bl tine Bundren, nurse of Franklin. 150 page, 2 column journal for term. L, W. Beese, state high tions that, if taken, will lead to m. e versus Delbe~ Arnold William. Joesting factory audito"!', $1.25; The Great A . &. Bchool 8uperviso.r and president of material reduction in such lollSel T i bl1J1 ~:mi !~rel:;~orce. ChaTge . III worker, of Kings Mills ~nd Miss P. ~~a Co". food furnished relief the National ·Allsociation of High in the opinion of tile agronomist. ' Tb U' C . Hazel Jones, shoe worker of Fos· famIlies durmg July, $105; M. B. School Supervisors and Directors, These are. he lIays. giving tbe e mon entrat Life Insur· ter. Morey, mileage, $18.36; Willa Ita been appoin'ted state chairman h t d Ford McClal'n, s"eel worker. of. Beedle. mileage, Itl' 12.60 i Christine of the eelebrati,on and be will all- vldtng w: ~a a adequate goo start in the fall. pro· afnce Co., varsua or money and foAnna e Kerns, l f et al rt " draina"'e, and ...... r c osure 0 mo Middleto'''n and "'1'88 Fern Cecl'I, ' Bundren, .mileage, $26.01'. H.' M.' SIS . t Be h I' • . _e " JII. 00 and Civil organizationll growing those varieties that are d' factory workel', of Lebanon. Coyne. mIleage, $29,66; Lmme in llrranging celJ'4!monies. pageants well-adapted to the lltate. ;,,-_.. RI' -- W__ .. 11'., gQal' I Williams, mileage. $18.99; Louis h'bl' It doesn't tau a traffic oftleer ey Carroll, Vertl~8 Alfred A. Gl'egWhipple. mileage $26.92. ex I tlOns, parades and otber "When whea~ fllUS in the apring to enforce n.a ture'll laws-H iKh R••I E.tat. Tr••• f.r. _ _ __ _ .:.._ _ ,_ enterpl'fses. says Lamb, "we are apt 0 ory. forlnjunctJon. William Mahoney to Hattie L. The first cel1ltraUzed school in clude that it has died from the dl· ilpeed on a curve .pell. ACCI · Mengle, 165.48 acres in Salem the country WIU established in rect eft'l!cts of low temperature. DENT. Probat. Cowt . township. PHONE USERS, JAshtabula eounlly, while Indianola S..~ch a conclusion is probably ell· Thl. II one ot a series of Safe.t)' In the matter of the estate of Daniel M. Roosa to Emma E. unlor high sc:hool in Columbus tirely correct for the farmer in Sllbjeets released by GOY. Whitt> Anna, Belle Boun. deceased, dis- . Roosa and Norma B. Roosa, real HERE'S A TIP was the first Jillnior high school Nebraska, in Iowa. or in Minn· through O. W. Merrell, Director trtbubon of stock ordered. ~ estate in Union tOWK SbiP • organized in th4l United States. esota. but as we move eastward It of Highways. Cathelline Rumpk to Lola F·J. , Distinctness of youhr co~Ohio today has 462,933 pupils I· i the secondary effects of freezAlma C. Dappe,r Wal ;IlPPoilited


guardian of Harry L. Dapper. et al., minors. and filed bond of ,5000 with Iuretiel. George A. Richardson, adminis. . ~tor of the estate of Jam~sE. tr Ihcha~daon, decea~d, flIed hiS ap. plication for a certillcate of trans. f er. 'Th4l eatate of James Winslow Hesto.n. deceased, is exempt from inhel'ltance tax. In the matter of the estate of J. A. Runyan dllluibuUon of a8"ta is ordered. C~arles S. Irwin, executor, .ftled hIS fourth, final and di8_ _ _ __ _ _

lusch. real estate in eerfield t6wn ,;~~~a~:~Fon~le~oa t~~!ePdi~~en~: sh ip of your tips from ' the transJ~mes W. Lupe to Bayes Dalton mitter, according to Bell Sys.. inlot No. 137 I'n Frankll·n. . tem engineers. . • d S ' Helel) Gibson Oampbell to KathubsCflbers are adVIse to erjne Rommers, 6 acres in Hamil81?eak directly into the mouth· ton township. pIece for best results. If your lips are one inch away. it's Louis Fred to Sarah B. Fred, four times as hard to make real estate in Lebanon. yourself heard. If they are George W. Pratt to Effie P. thrl!e inches away. itra 30 Cook, inlot No.5 in Waynesville. times as hard to be audible to Ora Griswold to State of Ohio your listener. Abbie Griswold to State of Ohio' G. E. and F. Gibbs to State of OhiO, D. Pelosi to State of Ohio G Subscribe :for The Miami GazetU ___

attendirl~ 14~;3 high schools tau"'ht by 16,76;1 teachere. _.--Mida.,. Oa St.,e Hi,lawa-. " An average ()f 23 accidents per day occurred Iln state highways outside municillalities from Janu. ary 1 to September 30, inclusive. according to available statisticlI collected by thE~ State Highway De pntrnent. During that time there were 483 persons killed, an aver· of 1.8 per day, and 5080 inJured or an average of 18.4 per day. There was, 1 death per 13 ac-


P.R ICE ..vs.

VAL when you buy Eleotricity WIl_ to" buy aDY commodity, PRICE (what you pay) is less imPO~QDt them VALUE (what you gal). How lDuch is sunshine worth to you? It is wwtb aD that you po.-•• -real VALUE. Yet it coats nothing. - Look at ILECTRIClTY iD the lOme way. 11link of the many services it renden lor "ert: member of th. famOy - lighting. radio. washing. iroDing. pro~I. . acc:urate lime. making' colee. ~rVing fooel. Valuable services . .

...... 01 ~ V~!!!. betODCl. ~ pic! e .2!I:


-,- --_.


pror,ellliv. ftrm hr the hl,but

~:fo:tsr!!ke~::d!, ~l~~l=-~~eO. Tane In on Radio Station WClrT 1II!:2& to 12:80 p. m. for our dan, market report..

-==::~::===::::==: -

-~------------" 43 YEARS OF SERVICE

CARY'S JEWELRY SHUP LEB.... NON. OHIO We have a complete Watch R..-,lr Prices Rea,onable Beads Restrung Jowelty Repaired "THE HOME OF GIFTS"


r. Martin Auctioneer





No Charge

~. ing that . should J>e blamed for winter.killin,. . "Heavin•• in Ohio; ia the moat frequent of injury. Thla Fall app \.lca tI 01'Ul C) f ' Phon.' 78J t P f icaule ~ . , nitrogenous yeo . n,ury occura moat IrertUizers in orchardl liaft, quently In. the early. spring when a period ot yean. given the ~::::::::~~=~~~::~~ daYB H ~re warm and nights cold relul·· in -owth and YI'eld a8 eavmg caul d b d ..... ' ! e y ~xpanllon an applieationa. 1n tam at .. • ~ontra~tlo,? of freezlnl and thawAgricultural Experiment Od l'::n: • literally pulls the wheat bu bnn found ~OT""RY PUBLIC th:~ ~jhe roo~s, often breakwell adapted to fall Natlwal . . . . dr~ng action ~~p~ngwIthdem to the applic.tions. It .1I01l1d be app1ted "Heavin'" b heldet n . i i before 15. 1IIr. . . . . 1M. s.uW if th h" t ts 0 a m n mum • - --WMNE&VILLE, 01lIO good estli~t ei~ t:: fal~ Are;:~:a. ~~; t--f~~~~~5¥~~~~~~:"growth, even iI largely killed back , POW .AU during the winter. affol'da a sur. . prising amount of. proteetion by r. 1.=.l1li DIInIITV t.rding tbe rate at which the soil IIRIR • • IJIU, IIII freezes and thawl." Lamb saYII better fall growth Iii , secured if th.e wheat is planted al Pultllc Pho... looth. in China soon ~ pOSSIble aiter the fty free Neve 1&1......41 ....rlc.n date ' In a well-prepared seedbed 'I "IlSSIl 'T~ and if given a dreuin&' of commer~.ncI.r . .••• 110, N~ ........... cial fer.t llizer.

Centerville, Ohio






StanIey .





ean,aealtia ~ andent· Chi·


MARKET REPORT FOR TURKEYS AVAILABLE Association Plant. To Promote Orderl,. . . . .ti..' Dui. . HoI~

Turkey producer. have taken steps to promote more orderly marketing of their bird. during the holiday season. thla eJld. members of ,the OhIO Turkey Al8C)eiation han planned a market news Ie.m ce availabk to all turkey powen' for November and Deeember tlJat a ll who grow birds for the h~lida, trade may know market conditlonl durin, the rullh lleason. Mn. Homer Price of Newark, seeretary of the uaociatlon has IBlued a eall for weeldy re'porta trom auoeiat.lon m.mb..... Th ... reporia wUl be eompiled by P. 'B. Zumbro, axtenlion poultrJmaD for t he O. S. V., and maileel to MIoCtatiOD members and broad.ut br radio to nOD-meJllben.


RadIo broadcast. of tale . . . .

0.... 1:00 Po aa. II:.' ft.... ne. .



acheclaled f01' .:11 p. . .

W08U 00IUIHa,







II1II lanpqe in Ita apptiCitlon to ~ antury commercial UIe are ~ lIOticeable to o\mericans .who follow bUlm... careen in Ojna ac. Mr.. Florence E:~rtis cordilll Smith, a former Cleveland girl no... employ" at the telephone exchange In Shan,iui. . ' , The CbInae equivalent to the Eng. 1iah alp "~llc Telephone" is "Publie U'iDe EMdric: S~I.· Mrs, Smith..,.. ~" with tbi. e10apted DIfDe in Cbiftue c:haneten appear over all te~ booth. In Shanahai and other dtie& In Chinae, the IWIII loala lib ·tbi.:




7A\ (pUILi(:) ~(UII"G)




&AIlI. ItOOC' R •

Da' ........ ~


CLASSIFIED ADS. POR.AU FOR SALE Fancy · Tboroup. bred Guernley Bull, 2 yean old, Price riiht. Dr. Bellbtook. Ohio. . ntl


FOR · S"\LII- 80-.0 Remiqto. bolt action ~lflel 80.06 Sprtq. field rifte. In ,dOd condition. 18- ' quire at Guette Oftice. FOR SALE-Two black PolaDd China male hop 18 month. old. ·.11 CI_rence Rye. POSTAL CORRESPONDaNCI: COURSES-Make a 1P~·of preparlq appUeanta for Pc. .,.' tera examinationa. Write tor ill· fcmnatioli and qualU1eat1oa ..... .-lew. Civil Suvtce Pre...... O. B. S. DaJtoD, Olalo, P. b, ... 11.



D. L CRANE I I r ..tloa Prl.., ".10 a Y_r 05•• PIIIO. ......... .,.......... ...N.. III Blntoreel at Poototflc. at Wa"!1'" RoeJM.. ......................... No. III ylIle. Oblo. a~;'el CIa .. Kall

, NOVEMBER 8, 19S4


The Iquirrel season bas C108~d a month, and mink and mUlkrat cannot be trapped Inland until December lit, ending Fl'bru· ary 15th, lind in the Lake Eri e trapping dl~trict December j6th. The season for mink in the latter district ends March ht and for muskrat March 15th. Duck may be killed until December Sth, but only on Thursday, Friday and Saturday!!. The woodcock season runs to November 14th. The division of conservation ha made it poe ible to obtain hunting and fishing licenses at 1026 hardware and sporting goods l!tores in th e state in addition to headquarters of numerous fish and game clubs and evel'Y county, city and towns hip clerks' office.


PLAN CHANGE IN VWh~lh~R~ . .~,the~"~PI==Ift. Ga.olln •• POULTRY HOUSE ~bl. II __

Farmer. Inaulote Wall, Ceilinlr. to Majntain Elrr Prodllction


Far m r II I'e lookin g t o t'he comfort of their' hen this winler They find it pays. Egg production i more conslunt during the cold The hi~tory of the world, since the da.wn of civilization, 'potrllYs winter monthll. R. E. Gray. extension poultry· a never.endlD~ battle between the forces of' Liberty and Tryanny. ma n for the O. S, ., reports mAny . Tyra.n ny IS. exemplified by .uch different theoriee as Monardry, the nl~' J) f Ann 1'8 a r reducing the cu~ic Divine R)ght of Kings, Communism, Fascism. Liberty too has worn con te nt of their chicken houses, many faces from the time the Magna Charta was wrung' from King and othel'S are in tailing heating 4lllJer HJo~'h V. TllI'(llllt' Carried S I John, down to the establishment of democracy as we know it now. Ohio high school vocational syst ms to be used whe n the . Today the force s of Tyranny have come into po~r in many great agricultural stud nt returned Helief To ~1I f1'. dug Fl o (.d wcather is so cold the water in the nallons. They have subjected whole people to their will, using as their last week from the Nationa l h ouses freeze. Vi 'liw weapons tenorlsm, assassination, suppression of freedom of speech Future Farmer Congress and False ceilings are be ing installed freedom of action~ freedom of worship. ' American Royal Livestoek Exposi· to cut the cubic capAcity of t he Liberty is alwa~8 won with blood and sacrijice, and the United tion at Kansas City with ne w houses, he says. Som~ are made By DAVIDS lNOALLlS with wire netting above which ~tat.e8 was no exception to the rule. There i$ no more inspiring chapter honors for the state. Competing Ch. /r", ." . Ohio /foil Call Cam .... I/I •• with 137 teams fr om 84 states, the straw is stuffed. Other farmers are III hlsto~yt~an tha ~ tellinr of the livea and works of thoae who found ed that accorded by th e des titu~ 11110' Late in lhe winter of 188& when Vienna team, Donald Davis, and mamtalned tl)ls country- of Waahington, Adams, Jefferson, Lin- New plo q! the valley as these two Doat..l employing a good ins\l latlng matel' Robert Bernard and Howard ,he Ohio ·R lver overflowed . Iu churned ' throu~h the muddy watera ia1. coln and the rest. Theirs is the spirit and the purpose which should McKenzie won second place in "anke, ftooded the country for Beca use warm air rjses, it is the deliv er tholrcarlroes of food. govern the thoQghts, actions and emotions of the American people til· judging all breeds of dairy stock lIIiles around. and Idt hundreda of to medlein e and clothihl. The dUll· roof that need to be insulated, day. No Ame rican citi2en would willingly accept Tyranny, whatever and fint in judging guernsey cows ilhousands impoverillhed, marooned cultiae encoulltered IIl1flmed I» according to fay. Som e poultry. lOd destitute. the American Red make relief work 81moet impo ..t· men ar also insu lating the walls its form-.-but there is grave danger that, in our eagerness to solve the The Monroeville team- Dennis Orols for the first time In history blo, and yet. the Red Crolls fen-Ired in their poultry h~u s s; so me with Thi. ahead perplexltl~s of the present, we will giVe up rights and prerogatives that Hohler, Richard Metz and Harold !lew ita flag abo&'rd ahip. caring tor title homeleN and Ruggles, made second place in 110nor fell u.l10n an ordlnl!ry, com· dcstltule, (ivlnc dllcourarod bu· straw h el~ in place by wire petting are ellSentlal to the preservation of a free people. . ""~",,,n'" all classes of livestock and Ohio rivet· boat bearing manity a new leaee on lifo. otbers WIth commercial insuiating . It m~kes little dill'erence whether the Individual is subject to the f.o urth in judging horses. Ruggle s lIIonplaoe ~be unromal'ltjp nam.e c>1 "Josh V DUrjng tbe intervening J.arl material. dIctatorshIp of kings or politicians. It makes little difference whetber also won second place as an indi- tbroop." . Still oeh 1's ar going further, th e Ameriean Red </ra.1I haa a.dd;;! Jibe ties are desh 'oyed by law or by torce of arms. It we, the Am ri- vidu~1 judge. Five Ohio tioys were '''he yean from 1882 to 1884 ~till more laurels to Its record of inodifying tbe wind ow arrange· enn people, barter ancient principles for temporary benefits, the elected American Farmers. Fay ,vere tr ying ones for the then "ccomplldbmentll In lIme of dis ment by ' eliminating the baffiers In th e last /iscal yeal founders of the natiop will have lived i'n vain. rife State Agricultural Supervisor youthful ned ' r Qs serv ice The ••stcr. Missis ippi had fun wild . ulone. even though the fact. aro: tOl'merly reco mmended a nd fittin g made the presentation of the rl'cII.t ~il t) (\1 nil' cohon and :SUKIlI phulta· not rcou lited by the averaie penon . all 01 tlte openings with glass winWeekly Kansa s City Star $500 • i OM, destroying bio mes. 6l1unln:l tllere we'l! ninety-six Illajor disas. dows or gla s substitutes. prize to the S~r Farmel' of ~ut Ill liny I l v~s In Its mnd oa~h . lers In whid. Lbe Ked Croll reno POlJltrym en also tire worrying B~.ine AmJlrica, son of a QuaKer prCJlcher A devlI.tating cyclune had cut Il LI ~I ' ed aid to mone tban tw.nty. less about damp floors in their nille pach of deso lation ~Igh' ~hous .. nd familiae, ~t..l1in, poultry houses. Resu lt )~cently In comn)enting upon government competition with the ;ower in- of Oregon. Bobby Jones, who pre· thin)! across the IItat~s of MI ~8iS~ I ]JJJj u er !)ne hUlldred twent7·eight announced by experi ment tations sided as national president, will be dU!ltI'Y, ~. E . Callbreath, Secretary of the American Mining Congres8, 9~d LOUIsiana. Tben . su dll l'n y Lhull and Individuals. Tornadoes. succeeded by Andrew Sundstrum chmnxlng the aeriel! of dis .. ~tel·s ,Iuods. I!xplOllions. Arel , a typhoic' point to temperatur control as recently said: "The writer bas no brief for the power companies of the of South Dakota. : lI1e IIhe Ohio River flood, with Lll l pi dcll1 ic, hurriallle dis"W, a IblJI- more important than keeping the count~y, but he doe believe that thiB interference with private enter. I .' i "lI nK wate re Iwcepinll: 0 \ ' vreck. a snow bloc:.kaqe. an ..rth· house thorou/thly dl·Y. ptise IS not only an outrage upon investo)'8 but will prevent further rutlll anda. ~hrough vill ages, UH .... quake and a drou,bt.-all of theal When the temperature in the I HUNTINO development ; pl'event the creation' of new p!l'opertu 8ubJ'ect to taxati on The total circulation of books in ~18HINO " p u b l i c libraries 01 the state has ,110 ~ilies. Onwardl wenl thu de· art! reco rded under "\jarvtca ren house becomes so cold that the d 8n gradually break the country down to the level of reliance upon the doubled in, the past ten years ac· . 1 ruel. ve forca of, tbe wild wnle rs. de red" In Red Crole rllCords fOI wate'!' freezes in the drinking :' !l:,~"'" nown lhe Miss isaippl. down ven he 'past ytar of I~SS . government for its daily bread." cording ~ to a Ilurvey compieted til {ollntains, Cray recommellds I'D,......£~~ New Orlenns. batterin" UWII Y One 01 the moat remarkahll bringing brooder stoves into UBl'. ~~~~'lIlnf:::'t!=. Those who think that destruction of the power industry would not und r supervisi on of Paul A. T. I he rivof II ikes. spl~uading m l. ~n • Ii h about the Red Crola and Itis H~ cautions against tire, suggest- r~:::ct'::-.~ aft'ec.t tbeir businesses and their interests are due fol' a sad awakening. Noon, State Librarian At present ' nllu sull'cl'inlC in its walle. I.H:t·f.llion is tho valt IImount of ing surrounding the stove with ~_ICI'"'' I ('lief provided with tho fund I! Headquarters ot the R,·u Cro ~~ Wbat must be constantly rllmembered il that, even though power is the one out of every fOUl' pupils in political target now, tho e who are fighting it will Rot lo'n g be atisfied Ohio are registered in st least one weI' . ct UP in CilDcinll4'.LI wltHl' '.11l11 .. ];]!,'. Practically all 0111!TI wire netting to keep the litter t~ do battle .on a single front. of the 21S public libraries In the CIa I a Barton, tniGther of t ht' lIUi I. uf the llociety are lIul)p-Qrted away. state. Bo ok s in these libraries A b.e l :~ un society. t;ook eh r~(' ul by cOI.ll'ibu tions and memb.r.h1r The fact 01 the matter is that a determined demand is bejng mad e number 6,383,70S, of which 3l0, I·el... ·.wlI'k, and hl1slily fur\TI\llal~tI I ce". DJ<i~tlv a5 small a. a dolla) , y~r. Yil t 1111 neeell.ary to make to revolutionize our entire principle of government in its rleation to 694, were lidded in 1933, Hall of p lu ol- fo r J)fovidill[r re U,,' ( (II 1I ,\' Lt, /' l lli al IImount with which the ~tl it. .., valley. Only with '" t private industry. Under proposed theories, individual initiative would these are classified as fiction and fl.·· I,· ' ". mers, to trlln' llll rt ' (t· (" O'~ kr I'" active. Soon th\ If · The Woo. ter Cooperative Poulbe suppressed. Enterprise would become a crime againat the state. The the other half as non·fiction and p ,\.. • t· " ,ld lh worlt be (Oil d ·il ,," ,wllwl ned Crnee Rull Call ~al r. try A88oeiation-Ohio's egg auc. ,1 l,,' ~QhUUCled j at which tim. II. ln~ ,1' , lho staunrb old "')., ·10 \. government would be IIIl-powerful--and the politieian and civil servant juvenile . The report ,also 'reveals " ~ IJIK hear-tea AllIerlcan wil l tion operates on a small margin. Ian .incr~a e In circulation per 1 h I ,.p" 1': !lS n re~~!d in tn ., \'I , would be no longer the &ervant of the peo.ple, but thei!' master. iolned Hoon b I ahot)'['r r1'V lIt- a n 0i,lJur~unlty ' to 1.. ln witt del:le nding on the producer to EvelY American hall a direct and personal intere t in the power capita In the state from . 3.6 in tl,, u•..c' the "Maltle B llJp," lwei n('vel' Lho ~ \\ ho ,elievi! In the 1\.<1 Cro!' grade and pack his eggs according fight and in aeeinlr that politics Is not allowed to destroy thi.s great In- 1?2S l t: 4:9 in b hISS , whIle .the ~ II l here .!:tealrr '''elc c~nw thu n '11 t1 want to belD it earry Oil. to size and deliver them to the destroy with it bundre<!s of millions of dollars in inveated plant. Full cas es of graded eggs are inspected only for quality; savmgs. 'I of the State Library bave al 0 preHUNTING = pared a map sbowing the public DROUGHT HUlltTS HOME helpless childr en under its care. less than cas lots are all candled .. 'ISHINU libraries by counties and towns. This work sorely needs proml)t and alld pooled . The auction operates Locations of 199 tax supported Five hundred homeless boys and liberal help in its commendable on a one and one·half cent cbarge .. frone" Bid•• .. a-ton. libraries and 18 non·tax supported girl are cared for and educ:ated in efforts in behall of the children a dozen. ! librarie are indicated. ACl!o['din~ the C.hristian Home . Orphan~ge, and whatever amount you are abl~ • I to thi map eight counties a re C:ouncJ! Bluffs, lowa. This in,s tltu- , to send now will be the means of without public libraries. They a)'e tlon was ~ounded :lifty~two years helping to keep the doors open, The Obi. State University Radio Statlon-WOSU P?tman, Carroll, Holmes, Monroe, ag~, and . IS non-seetarlon. It reo I and of providing f,!od and care f ot' PIke, Noble, Vinton and Carroll. celVes chlldre~ frOlJl'I all parts of 1the greatly increased number of 8;00 Mllsic Ashtabula County leads with eight ~he .U. ~., and 1.S o'nj~ of .th~ largest destitute children who constantly 6 :06 Simon Kenton, Indian Scout and · Figbter ......... , ... :.. H. E. Eswine with Franklin and 'trumbull InstItutions of Its kind lD the mid-' apply for help. 8:16 The Use of Manure in the Hay Crop .... :..... , ........... E. E. Barnell following with six each. Branch west. It is support-ed entirely by Please send all contribut ion to librerie$ afe not noted '1'] ~h.e map, the voluntal'y cO:llt~ibution8 of the Christian Home Orpbanage 8:26 Music 8 :36 Home, Sweet Home ..... ....................................... WOSU Players although some counties notably people from all (!ctlOns of the Council Bluffs, Iowa , and the sam~ c~untry. It re~eive!' no appropria- will be duly acknowledged and 8:50 Ohio's Poultry Improvement Prolram ........ ... , .... " G. S. Vickers Cuyahega, have many 8u~h. bons of any kmd, lind employs no credited in the official publication 9:00 Rural Women Revive Home Sewing .................. Goldie E. Wilson Ohio people who love to delve trave.Ling agents, but depends upon of the institution. in which all 9:10 Muaic 9:20 The Story of a Percheron Stallion .............................. .D. J. Kays into the past may be interested to t~e good~e8s al'ld generosity of financial reports appear, a copy of 9:80 Building a Community Procram ........... :..... " ' ..... : .. R. E, Young know that the number of old maps I kindl,: dLSJlOsed peo~le. It eon· which will be mailed to you. - - - --in the Ohio State Archeological duc~ Its own ~001; lts own wen9':40 The Potato Outl ok ... . " ............ ._.... ............. ........ E. B, Tuning and ;Historical MuseuUl has been eqUIpped hoeinUll, and alao a deHoney increased to 690 by Nlcent acces- pal'tment for dependent, aged sioll,s. Many of these maps are of women. . While the fall honey flow wmi rare and unusuaj historics:) value. Because of the sj!rJOUS eft'ects of not sufficient to give a substantial Among those newly catalogued are the drought t~roullr~out the mid. 8urplus, most beekeepers report photographic copi~s of 159 ancient w~8t the Home s rec!elpts have been their colonies well supplied with maps preserved in official archives greatl.y aft'ected, Sind the Home winter stores. To pass througb tbe I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--li in Paris, Liabon and Madrid. The t1nd~ Itneces~ry to appeal t~ ~e winter safely colonies of 0 stQry y d COLUMBUS-Now that the hunt- sum, skunka, fQx, Hunlrarian part- origll18ls are from 175 to 400 pubbc f~r liberal. . ThanksglVlng or stod r fanh . a half ' r.equire 46 . of age. Many show Be~tl'ons .and Chrls.tOlas Offerll' to enable poun 8 0 oney; two- tory coloninK sealon for votes h.. ended. ridand r\.n ... n-eck pheasants. The ._ . the western heml·sphere.~ One It to prOVIde for the httle army of I'es, 50 _ t 0 60_p_oun....d_s._ __ the hunting season for most Obio last two can be hunted only to Four years of experimentation wild game Is about to oPfln. November 25th. The leuon fo,r them dated 1601, nine years -_.. at North Ridgeville shows that Thuraday, November 15th, will rabbita and foJl. enda January lst; Columbus' first voyage, is timothy stands are as g ood on Ulark the beginning of the op n for Tacoon Janua 16th ' for as "the ftrst map in the New early cut fields as on late C\lt aeason for rabbiu, raccoon, Op08:,:-T:.rlW<II¥ld.!!......:Sol_-i1ncl:ude the Great and what is now Ohio, but. ~ldll. are not considered accurate.

Liberty And Tyranny


OH1U RIVER B(),4 T fl N. 'T 1'0 BEAU cnoss


•• May Be Next




1 ~:c2uO~9.lo~t~00~~'r:~;rR~~ '~~t~~


Farm hight 7 alks, hovember 12 !

of the News Direct Best ·o State Capt·to 'I From the Ohl



LusaoWl Frait

J. P. Kalozza, 415 M.ain street, Nome, Alaska, wrote his name in the Stat~ Rouae register last week

.D.yton Man Ch4~..n a. H••d of Group wilkli 1,000

Ohio Member•

. Harvey.burg Mr. Frank Squirea IpeM last · in Clevelalld attending Grand He represented the Malonic of this place. Lal'le crowds attended Field . meet held at the.A. CoUett farm. Mr. Charlel Eaater was the aue. eeuful one in the drawine of the automobHe civen by the prise club on Hallo.e'en night in WUmlnstoD. He choN. Chevrolet. The Republican Run-Around held l.. t Saturday was largely attended. The speakeni were fine and the mUlllc wall enjoyed by more than two hundred. The Rallowe'en social held at the last Tuesday night wall quite suecel!ll. Prizes were given to masked penons and most of them were captured by WaytMlville friends who attended. lin. Nora Fisher and daughter PanlY, were dinner guest. at tb~ bome of Mr. and Mn. Everett Shumaker. lin. Mary Surfaee .pent the ~eek-elld witb LaareDce Surfaee and fam~J' of nNr WaJlleaville. lin. ;a.ll. 0nIIam Wall aDd lIOn, .01 Baltimore. aN rialt... hll' paJ'eDtI ~ week. ltn. Irma IIJIdt • few

dQI . . her IIlotJaer III Osbon. ' 'rM·W. Co T. U••• wItIa .... ,


J. H. Beihtein, plant superintendent of The Ohio Bell Telephone Com· pany" Dayton divisiClrl. ha.' been decttd president of N. C. Kingsbury Chapter No, .Z, Telephone Pioneers of Amer· iCIa, by the or,anizltion'. ,en· eral assembly. in this capac· ity, Beilstein .beads a group of more than 1,000 telephone pionee,. in the atate. A prerequisite for m~bership it 21 or more yean of telephone ,.ervice. Beilstein has beeil in the telephone business more thah 31 years. He .tarted in 1901 aJ Mans6.eld as equiplDent repaitman, arKl siuce then he bas wodced In Chillicothe, Columbus and Dayton. The chapter'1 DeW vice-preaicleDtl

are R. P. Bunyan, Clevelallcl;. M. J. McCabe, SllldUlky: E. H. PrItchard. Da)1oa; Prank Eo Wealq, Columbul, .... Dale Dunlap, Canton.

Be" ...... _-.-

























Ethel K."dellball attendM the m.ajority of euea. funeral ..m~flI for lire. Reubt'ft Roberti! at outb Charleston. tbie s •••• tIa Gracie New. IIr. IRd Mn. tanle, 14. Sellen afternoon. of Lebanon, called at the Home on Tb'e se\'eJlth ttrade, ('('lion II. Sunoay. ha~ ol'gani;r;ed a bird club known as The quarterly 1I1e ting of the th "Jt1nny WI' De. iI The f()llowing Home Board wa ~ld 011 Tue day. were elected: MrL Ida B w(lll, • h' . N \lie Pre ident- Howard Sheeter. Weller and Mr. John Roser, of Vice President- sareh Millel'. Dayton, wer dinner uesb at the cretary-Wilma Thomas. Home on Sunday. Tr a ur r- Anna Mae Watkins. ews , Reporter Vernon M • Anna Cadwallader and Thomas. Mis Clara Lile have! become resTh e first meeting wa held Friident. here t or ' the inter. day, November 2, and each memIN!. Howell Peirce and Mis ber responded to the roll call with Scbool New. h M\D.-ina -' - - --the name 01 a bird. Interesting Next week School News will ports were 'given on variol.ll! birds, leave t he front page of the their habits, patticular songs, .and Gazette and \ ill appear Oil an In· uses. We also talked about how side page. Reader are urged to ditl'erent birds build their nests. 7jCU:AN[RS follow our activities in the new The aim of this club is to learn location morc about bird and to help Lacli..' Co." With Fllr their protection. TdllUftinc-tSe Thi. Cbeer L.acler. for 1934·35 ~th Election of cheer lead~rs for the Eiabth Grade New, current basketball season was held The eighth grade has pl'epared last Friday. a[1' Armistice Day play for AssemRuth Salisbury w~s retained for bly, on Friday November 9, for the Wh ite R-a the depen- a' nother year. She WIll have as dab I. Gasoline. ~8$istant Robert Haines, and the enth'c school, the title of which is "Cro~ ning Of Peace." ~===========~==========~ cheering section should be a well Paul Hough has r eturned to organized backer of our team under the direction of these two sch ool after being absent for a week. The eighth grade section I, is people. having: a contest in Arithmetic this In Appreciatioa week to lI~e which group bas the The Wayne Township , Schools high s t a'verage. wish to than\( Reverend G. C. The pr sident of the Cit.izenshlp X-RAY WORK Dibert for his cooperation in the club appointed the following- proobservance of American Education gl'am committee: pony Fields, BLOC ANESTHESIA week. Cha~le9 HOl' Ie, and Ada Bell Frye All lC.i.cla of D_turea ...... It-.air Work 0 - . Qui ..kl, Senior N.~. SecoOnd Grade News Mr. Simth, frilm the SmiLh Mi Hartsock's second grad e Studios in Dayton, was here Mon· ~ain St. W A YNESVlL~E, O. day to show to the SeniOrs some had the tollowing perfect spellers : of bis pictures. Much discussion is Rosa Lee Bunnell, Janice B~rn ett, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!! going on in the Senior cass but RayJaD Crabbe, Jack rane, Mary !! nothing definite has been decided Margaret Clark, Joe Davjs, Ralph Dill, Mary Lou Hackman, Jimmie lUI yet. Hartsock, Larma Hildebrecht, Oem_atratioll of Offic. Machi ... , Ruth Anna Johns, Bettie Jones Bessie Lamb, Ruth Helen LeMay, A mime08cope demonstration Lydia McKeever, Lois Meyera, wa glv:en to the Commercial de· Morgan, Nellie Ol'ndol'f, partment of the high-school by Clendon Bonnie Peters, John Phillips and Mr. Inwood, of t.he Office Outfi~ Vernon Shl!tts. ters, l\liddletown, Ohio, on Tues day 01 thia w-eek. Mr. Inwood emphaSized the use Third Grade New. and importance of the mimeo!cope The De Sota won the auto rae in the office of today and urged in Arithmetic. It went cight miles the commercial student to become on Sohio gas. The Chevrolet lost familiar with its operation. by one mile.




============= v_, DR. H.,E. HATHAWAY Dentist

, ~TOp'IES


..., .,.".

The greatest training school in the world is at motber's Imee. Mother rend ere a service' more wonderful, more vallJable than that. to be obtained of teacher or statesman. She is the mainspring of the world's ener"; in ber heart is the germ of love.



........111" Final try-outs for cheer leaders took pJace at last Friday's U&embly, which was opened witb devotionals by Mae Treadway. Group singing directed by Mr. Frank followed and then the candidates Doris Surface, Rita Van ' Often, Robert Baines, Edna Mae Staup and Donald Foulks Jed the group, at which the upper elem&ntary rrades were present, iu some school cheers. Pep songs followed this and the assembly closed with the High School song.

Hip ScItaol Eleeti_ On November sixth, a nigh school election was held for the purpose of seleeting eounty and state officials. The Junior and Senior United States History claues were in charll'O. Phyllis Collette, Evelyn Peten, Orville P ' d N M ' "enlDe an orman ~redltn were in chaTge of the ballotmg. hi many i ns ta nces, a cIose vote reslllted, although the RepUblican candidates were succeeaful in a


NEW MAIL SERVICE The Friendship club wlll meet at the bome of Mrs. PhUip Larrick Wednesday. November 14. fOR WAYNESVILLE on next members havlq no melne of U

- - -WAYNESVILLIE M. E. CHURCH Rev. G. C. 'Dibert, Pastor unday: Sunday chool at 9 :30 a, In. Morning worship at 10 :40. Next Sunday is Armistice day and the ubject fo r' the morning ser. man will be, "Peace on Earth to Men 0 f Good W 'III. ' ' E pwort b League at 6 :30 p. In. with Ronald Rardin as }e.,der, Evangelistic service at 7 :30. p. m. Wednesday : Bible study and prayer meetin@, each Wednesday at 7 ' 16 P . . m.

According to Information 1'eceived by RORB H. Hartaock,loeal postmB!ter, bids tor carrying mail between Waynesville and Xen.ia for the period of July I, 19311, to .June 80, 1939, will b received at the office of the Second Aulataut Postmaater General, until 4:30 p. m. of January 16, 19S5. The route will extend from the Pen~8ylvnnia railroad station in Xenia to WayneSVille, via ~ell~rook and .Spring Valley, returnmg to Xema by way ~f HarveY'Sburg and New Burhngton, 12 trips a week, round trip diBtance - -- 20.74 miles. The route between Wayne ville AYNESVILL:E CHURCH OF CHRIST and Xenia will be a new po,tal (Undeno,minational) service, replacing train deliveriel. Cbeater A. Williamson, Minlater Church SchOj)1 at 9 :30 a. m. 's Supper Sit conclusion. Chrill Uan Endeavor nit 6 :30 p. m. Evening evangelistic sel'vice at 7 :30 P. m. S rm on by the minister. Prayer meeting and Bible study each Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. The On Wednesday the Woman's church where YCIU feel at home. Foreign Missionary Society m~t at the home of Mr. Wilbur Clark FERRY €HUP.CH OF CHRIST with Mrs. George MUls and Mrs. (Undenominational) Harry Williamson asaiatant hostesses. Chester A. Williamson The meeting was opened by sing Unified servic'e beginning with Church Sch Q.,o I at 9 :80 a. m. ing "Christ for the World We Lord's SUpper and sermon at Sing." Mrs. A. K. Day conducted the 10 :30, You are always welcome at devotionals with "Contemplation this church. of Owner hip" as her 8ubject. . The following prog'r am prepared ST. MARY'S CHURCH by Mrs. Mary Cross, was enjoyed: Rev. J. J. S4~haeffer, Rector Solo-"Thre's a Vale of ' Contentment," Mrs. M. D. Baird. Twenty-fourth Sunday after "Christianity Among the Pro. Trinity, Novenllber 11, Church fessions, the Head Hunbe~ on school at 9 :80; Morning Prayer the Farm. and in the Factory," arid sermon at 10 :3(). as given in our study bookMn. Kenneth Bough. ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Reading-"The New ' Venture in Father Ne,w ton, Pastor Otsuka," Mrs. Howard Archdeacon. Mass at St. Augustine's Church " Some into the Hiaevery second and fourth Sunday tory of Japan"- 14re. J. B. f the month. Crabbe. An Appeal- Mra. J . P. Fromm. FRIENDS MEETING A Jetter nad ~y Mrs. CrOl8. from a lIister visiting in Japan. Fil'St-day School at 9 :30 a. m. The meeting adjourned to Meeting for Worsbip at 10 :80 with J. D. Karlatt In Decem~ m. ber.


----- ...- --

White Rose, the dependable Oasollne.


Stated communication of Way· nesville Lodge No. HIS F. 4& 'A. M. ~:::====:::====:::!:::::::~;;~~~~ Tuesday evening, November 13 at 7 o'clock. Election of ofttcers a'nd _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~-\ ~ayment of dU~II. Visiting and 80· , Joul'ning brethren are welcome. E. C. Cran~, W. M., V. M. Armitage, Sec'y,



Cloailla Date ClOSing date tor entries in t he Grahl and Bay Show held in connection with the International Livestock Exposition at ChicBII'O haa b"n extended from November 10 to November 2(), the manall'O' mertt announces" C lasses in the e~ow are tbe same as tholc of a year aco.

' W.y....vIU., O. """"'''''''''''''''''''''''''',......,,, Fri.- Sat. -No • • 9--10



"Beyond The Law" Sun.-Mon.-Noy. 11- 12

~nimalll fed none-too.good rations are subject to colds and alJied discales; bence, animals fed low-grade :feeds ahou ld be given m~ch protection all possible trom raIDS, raw winds and severely d weather.

White Ro..- Power behind the enllne.

"We're Rich


with Edlla May Oliver, Billie BUl'k.e, Marion Nixon, ReglnBId Denny, J OBn Mtlr8h, Lany I'abbe.

10e Everybody

:fhe Memorial Service Of all the ballowed custo ms of ,men, few are so rich in meaning as the reverent trib ute paid the memory of the dead by those till living. The form and ceremonies may change with the age, the people or the country. yet the purpose is ever the same: To take farewell of the one who has paased on and, doing so, to express rightful honor and respect.

We approE\.ch our part in the Memorial Service


lIeClare ~ B. . W .._.W.,

..-' .. -----



DEATHS Mn. Reuben Roberta of South Charleston, pUlled away at her home Tuesday morning, November 6. Mre. ROberts wal a aliter (If the late ~n. Ella Micbener was well known in this c'o mmunit7 Funeral Iarvlces were held at the home this afternoon with burial at South Charleston. MI'. Ota Hidey died Tuesda7 night, November 6, at the home of his dau&,hter 141'1. Deutsch, Walnut Terrace, Ricicewood, Springfield, Ohio. Mre. John K. Preston, of Waynesville, ill a daughter. Funeral IICnices will be held Friday afternoon at 1 O'clock at the Jackson Funeral Home, E..t High street, Springileld. Interment will be at W..hJncton C. B.

Miss Viola Campbell and Miss Dorothy Bart.ock spent Sunday SUNDAY DINNER with their friend Vivian Oglesbee, of l1ear Williamton, Ohio. . Mr. and Mrs. Walter and daughter Anna Marilyn MI'. and Mrs. '~I E. Cornell spent • ~ined at a family dinner Sunday the week-end in Pittsburg, the m honor of Mr. Whitaker's brother guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wililam "LADIES FOR A NJTE" and wife Mr. and Mrs. Asa MicMner. Whitaker, of Spokane, WaShing. Mrs. Charles Myer o:f, CineinFifty prominent Ulen of Way. ton. I t had been lDore than twelve Dati, spent IICnral da";s )ast week neBvill,~ will preNDt "Ladie. tqr years since the Whitaker family with her mother Mrs. Ke.iah Nlrht, at the Ir)'Dl Frid~y ev~mh1lr'1 had had the pleasute of all being Thompson. Mr. Myers joined her November 9. Thla promlHlI together. One can imag-ine what a here on Sunday and spent the cia one of the best home pleasant affair tbis event was all y. . ev~r attempted ill Mr. and Mrs. ·Whitaker did ev~ry Mrs. Amos MElndenhal1 met' with nelViJle. The prorram for the "Y 'OD'OI< thing they cpuld to make this a a · painful .ac:cident, Tueeclay. happy reunion. While operating' a lIewing machine eludes beautiful ~horu. ~hos e enjoying the hospitality of the needle pen.~trated her thumb graceful Minuet ,dancere, a .. ur"n.. th l home were: Mr. and Mre. and it was wltb conaiderable Spanish daDcen, Ruh·in Asa Whitaker of Spokane, Wasb;; difficulty tbltt it was removed. dancen, black face chatter" br,oati. . cutin&, scene, bathin, beauties Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hormel, Mr. and Dr. Richard Michener, of Leb- and movie stars. Mrs. WilJis McMillian and family of WiJmin~on, Mr. and Mn. anon, Mr. a~td Mrs. William The show is being ltaged for Oscar Stanfield and · family of Michener, Mrs. W. E. Cornell, Mr. the benefit of Wayne Township New Vienna, Mr. and Mrs. Amos .and Mrs. ~. E. Mi~hener, ,Kr. and ~others club and a capacity houae Lewis, of Blanchester, Mr. , and MTI. <?urtll Tomlln.o.n, Mr. and 11'1 expected. Mr's. Harry Meredith and little lion ,Mrl!. Lmdley M,mderlhall, went to _ _ _- - _ and Miss Delia Oood of Lima Dr ,S outh Charleston, today to attend . SURPRISE DINNER an~. Mrs. Ro~rt H~al!, Mr. C. the funeral IP/ )lr!. Reuben Whitaker, Mr. and Mu. Leeter Roberts. Rev and Mrs ' 0 C D'b t M A lurprise dianer w.. pea for Potr, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Butler and family of Dayton, Mr. and 'lira. F H Farr Mrs' C . II' HI erh , III n . and Mra. Mack Davia Sunda, Herbert Meredith and family, Mr. May~e H;tfteli Ii .M o~&'sit rs at their bome. At the nOCl1l ver and Mrs. Harold Whitaker and II H H Willi reo :. 'M , all came with weD ftnad ballkelm :family and . Marion Whitaker aU C.rsCro'u, . lire. ~:Ij:b' D:'vi. :!~ all enjoyed the da7 of Waynesvdle; Charles :Whitaker Mr Cecil represented th Those preser.t were: of O. S. U. , Columbus, and Mere- loc;" II at th Ohl e Mre. L~n Dri"coll aDd Mr. 0 dith Whitaker of Wittenberg annual • of the Mn. Bert DriacoJI, Mr. ad college, Springfield. district ' lI.,d in "rank~ Driscoll and fanan" A Member of the Family. lin on ' Bro9.'n, Mr. aacI Kn. - - ---Davia aDd daUl'htel' aD of "-'''''11 EASTERN STAR 11.1. UId lin. LNta Data limO)' of Bot· :,.,...; .... ENTERTAINED WITH

Quality .rlDdDI







troo . . . . .

a .."

:;: Q



Fifth Gracie New. Sectioll I. in E\. spirit of "iDcerity and understanding. Our duties ..... ~~ --Pedect spelling for week of are more than a professional task to us, they are a FALL OPENING SALE October 29- Nov. 2nd. sAcred trust. Whether conduded in our cbapel or at Wilda Mae Ach~erman, ~ea nne AT HYMAN'S STORE Baker, Kathryn Br ickle. ClaIr Dibthe home, the Memorial Service is given all our care ~rt, Lyle Fox, Dorothy Mae Guy The populace of Waynellville and consideration. and Helen Gons. and the surrounding country are ---\ cordially invited to attend another C...... in Baaketball 5 ........1. ~~;:~~~~~~~~~~~ one of Myer H;yman's popular-.,nd The basketball game which was money saving salea which waa in. scheduled to be played at Carlisle augurated this morning. At December seventh, will be play,ed MiM Alice Gons visited friends same time the Hyman '" here instead. in Cleveland over the week-end: store in Spring Valley, by Mr. Bloch,beran a tlensationa! J. V. Hartsock, MiSSeB sale of merchandile. These two Hartsolck a'ld Clara Hop- sto:r el, we are infonned, will opeD On November 6, the executive . . . . . . ..,.~ ~I. _ I the Fall season with valuell tbat ~ committee of the Spo~tsmanship kinB wete in DI!yi;oo, Saturday. Bl'otherhood held a short meeting cannot be eurp~ed anywbere. ~============================================~~==~~ Mr. S. F. M(.sber and Mr. and Don't overlook this opportunit, .!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!~ during the noon hour. The meeting was devoted to the selection of Mrs. Foster MOElher, of Cardinrton to save on your fall and wiftte~ Friday and Saturday with needs Buy durine this ..Ie membets for the. pep squad. This is spent . • _ • • a group of girls selected from Ute Mrs. Edith Hanis and :family.

Sophomore, Junior and Senior ""l'SS M .. t S Ith t h . I ,tI ar.are m eac er lD c u~es to encourage the rooting the Wa esville- school~ sent the ectlon and set . examples. 01 con- we ek -enynd at her ho me ' 1ft . p Hunts d uc t a t athe Ietlc gathermg8. The vill Oh' PH(l)NE- 19 list of girls chosen will be e. 10. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Mrs. Kat:hryn Turner, of DIlYfound in this column ne~t week. !!!'~!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!'!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!""!!! ton, and Mrs. D. L. Crane were T.ache" M.etbaa . dinn..r guests of J. Q. Gons and At the teaChers ·meetlng on family on Sunday. Wednesday, October 31, the teach. Mr. aodMt'S. Heber Perrine and en in charge gave book reviews. Miss Robbins, leader of the High Mrs. Ed. Thompson, of neal' Lebschool group reviewed "Moulden anon, spent Sunday with Mra. of the American Mind." by Nor- Sadie Conner. man Woefel. Mr, James, leader of Mrs. Lloyd Davis, ' Mrs. Robert the Elementary grade teachers, re Munger, Miss Sue Crane and Mr. vi ew "~diustjng the School to Cec il f)uyis w~!re Xenlr vlsiton, the Cbild," by Weshburne. Friday afternocm.

,::liuuvv.J. 1IiItuldt..

transportation will be at the home of Mra. Kary C. Crosa not later than 1 :46 p. m., ways wilJ be pro·

Properties need improvement. Workmen need emploYment. ' We merchants need businelfS. Recognizing these faets the government is conducting a campaign to beneftt all parties -concerned , as well as ,to keep as many I as p088ible ott the relief rolls this winter. By joining In this program you may . 1 Prevent further deterioration of existing buildiJlg8. ' , A void later increases in cost of labor and m~teri~. . 8 Help keep down the co~t of r~lief for unemployed (which all are taxed to maintain) and " Have the satisfaction which comes from a ~ood job well done. Producen and distributors are eoopetatiD~ with reduced prices on materiall. Why not make a clole inspection ri~ht DOW of roole, chilnne),s, windowI, weather boardlDI', \

floon, etc. , You me1 call on ua or )"our ~peDter ~ who

wUl b••lad to .0 over JOur probl,1IlS with· 1011.


Eirhty ..slxth Year




Whole Numb er 6144

WARREN COUNIY MAN CAR SAa.:~ =~~:~!Dcou~:-TY-f-=--=- V-OUP-lE CHARGED FOR ~~~~~UCCESS fRIENDSHIP CLUB FI RE AT lEH.....---~ New car salea in Warren county WIIH CORN THEfl most About fifty or ~rayne Township's IS KILLED WHEN for Octobe r dropped approx imate. ~n~L l WEDNESDAY At the stated communication of talente d men became "Ladies "I per cent under the Octobe r Waynesville Lodge No. 168 F. CAUSES $30,000 LOSS fo,r Nite" and drew packed 1938, flrul,'es, accordi ng ---figures Tuesda y night, the annual house to the gym. Friday night, Th Friends hip club met Wed· election ' of officers was held announ ced by Clyde C. Collins. STRUCK 8Y AUTO clerk Dnisy 30, of near Spring every seat being taken, and . tllndand aiternoon, No~~mber ~4, Iresulte,d as follows: of court.. bOI'O, Warren county, is in the iog room C. Crane. LOCAL MASON S "OLD , AN'N UAL ELECT ION


If 20





A. M.,





wa at I~ premiu m. at the home of Mrs. Phll,p Warren county jail at Lebano n The show was put on fOr the IMrs. Clifford Bllzick, theLa1'l'lo1c WOl'8hlpfuJ Ma ter; G. J. Water. new house, ~eniol' warden : E. F. Earnfacing a petit larceny charge, and beneflt of Wayne Townsh ip Moth. ' pr sident, in charge. Th.e meeting )art, junior warden ; V. M. Armi. Celie Corle • ., Labaao a, s..... her hhusbband'wRoy, 36; diSCI~etlng en' club and is conceded to be one was opened Mrs. A. H. Stublls I tage, secreta ry i R. H. Hartsoc k, SOU&, t Y' arren an In on of the best homE' talent al'l'airs reading the by100th Se"e... BUrII. A~t n. psalm after I treasur er: Raymond Braddock, county officers as 11 tesult of the ever given here. 'The club's theft of 10 bushels or cdrn from of the net pl'oceeels was said share which the club motto was repeat- senior deacon ; E. L. Thomas, A_ to be ed. The report of the secreta ry [junior deacon ; F. B. the farm of Ralph Morris, State llbout "55. Farr, Tyler, was approv ed nnd the treasur er and E. L. Thomas, D, R. Smith and II Route 72, near Menphi s, Thul' day Fire starting from an exp10.I011 gave her monthl y report and also G. J . Waterh ouse, trustees . night. Tead uaed b the annual report. MO1'rlS . j umpe d r rom h'IS Thirty t • _ • eat 8 of p),rolxyn laquer au 0, membe rs respond ed to roll call and b'l d ft d .d He~~tt f 'l1 d P. Mulfor d and comptm " ~ .. mo 1 e an e amI a 1IS1 a e --iov:~~heO Ohi~ ;~ ~~m!~~~ fiorista, in prepari ng paper com· five visitors were present . of shots as Warren county officers politlon flOwer- pots, Thomas 'S tewart, age 64, died swept a twoSprln, wu occomp anied by bia The first penny supper for the attemp ted to ar-rest story frame him near at his hom~ rlear Harvey apurg, ye~r was announe.e~ to buUdintr on South 'brother , Clare. The aceidel lt bapbe served ~IlYnesviJl about. ~ :30 p .. m. His early Tuesda y mornin g paralysis , thiS, street Lebanoll, Saturda y afttl'peDed on the Three 0'1 hirh.ay , Thursd ay evenlh , from 5 :30 WIfe, who .was driVing the. cal', His wife Cordelia" oneof daught Doon and completeJ7 deltroy ed the er ' to 8. The program con~mittee took one-hal l mile weat of Morrow near 1~~;;J!~::::::~~~5.~ !y ~~: ~~~n ~;~~e~~~~~l: MOTrls has land .one brother John Stewar t Icharge: omees, wareho use alId ",aln ele~ thI J • E • F alln del'l f arm. an~ the followlhg program '\lator . . surVive of Lewis and Drake, Inc., . The theft, reporte d to Sherlff 1 F l ' given. . The Spring brothe~ ltopped 'IL b h Id t was Vocal ... d solo Mrs Maynar d Welta ' I and "oa1 d·-len The Frank ~tty, wa broadca •. . ....... s~ r over th .... • 110 Aft, hit W- .1-r and re ~,ee 3'!.nera • gra n Siedl"VICeS .. I WI . .e e · ~ accomp anied' by Mrs John Gons' 111'% • .... ary ""cOLure w .... Day· th t t' <aJ;' . . . . "Il"" f th W' F l . , -+ . .. II di • .IlL.. ; . v r 10 ay a as will a Il\ormn total about faO,OOO . g e B a Ion 0 moved the injured man to Blair on vilitor today. rn e 1 mtn&.o n . s· . th C 1 ' d B I" t b ' h t . reading tl'ict state "A Gene Thank highwa CorleBS giVIng y patrol. , 26, Story," Lebano Wilt. Mt· and Mrs n, eme 0 ore hoapltal, in Lebano n where be died ap , I.S , C ~rc Irvin Mulford ~ M W' C St J h ' d' Mrs . ren county officials .picked 'up .., ployed by t h e Mu If ord compaDJ', shortly after , o'clock. Bill .lI:ull Mr. I. O. Brown and Mr. Karl messare and .8tarte. d a search the R~rveysburg and Inmal wJ11 be In N:i~on Wa'tkin~.oT~~ r:v~~g~tunt~ were in Dayton Tuesda y. was severel y burnt about the anu for the Colored cemet,ary. wu tractur ed, were present ed by Mra. W. E. Dodenbend~r spent the week-end Morris .and hiS wrte. 14 " . being -the only one, of fiVe em'lm --eoroner W • C• C lour •IDV e1- in Defiance. Stroud, the .honors bel'ng won by . IS. LIlia Benham Alb et rD. H . VIsited ployes serious ly injured In the ex88 years f herd!' Setty came to Waynestipted and returne d ~ "erdiet of alTl'~B, fnends ID ~banon, Thursd ay, 0 Mrs. Clifford Dudek and Mrs, 1lZ r . and plo··I'on "ra. Percy Reason ville hoping to overtak e the coupl e age, di.ed . acdcll1 ltal death. AccoTdine to ~ Monday m. o~ning at the las Bo"er, and the "onso)"Daltl'on 14 C U spent R b' Sunday.... with Mr. Lauren ce t M H Ot~ra S In the buildinC at t.he ...A Id 'rhe corn, stolen fl'o») a crib on " the Sprln, broihe. .. they were Ott in Dayton . .... asonrc ome! pTID&ue '. ·t'u,. °C. I z~r t~asM· time include • wh 1'e e going to Mrs. J. B.. Rich d A. C. Jone., "Hank " and Mrs. b'1'· the Morris farm. wa found in the he had made uunes! VISl or m mClona I, on Brad" and Archie drivlnr loutb on their way to bls home Rowe, emplOJ'for the past Ben Smith. automo day. bile, officers said. The cat' ,twenty ed b~ -one .... p ulford' years. Loul1vllle, Ky., and aa they a -, Mr. E. L. Bergda ll, of Dayton . and Marion Mulo His wile, Susan, Mrs. Larrick and heT a!!Sistants, , and loot held by • Clinton JI& pas I'd away abqut four years ago. Mr,. W. E. Stroud, Mrs. proache d Warer the latter atep- was a bUlineBll visitor in Wnynes Robert Mrs, Charles Smart, of Harvey s ,ford, a ~ember of the Arm. AU - county officers. . Mr. Haines was, for many -pad into the path of their car and ville. Monday. The Morris Womlln will be re- m busines s here a'Dd he and yea" Baker, Mrs. L. C. St. John and burg, visitAld Waynesville frie.llds. caped inJury. the, were unable to avoid hi~nr Mrs. Mrs. Hartley MoBS served deliciou s Friday turned .to Wilmington to face a ~aine8 were among the afterno on. ~tbol1gh. the cau.. cd the exbim. It is thoUfh t ttlat Wl.Irer w.. moat refresh ments. MiBS Eva Reeder of near Lytle larceny charge. ploalon, whIch occurre d mortlr behIghly respect ed re Identl of the unawaJ;e of the a-PPl'oacbing car. was the l'Uest of , Mrs. __ • Charles Mias LoUise Crane, of Cincin. fore" O'clock Saturd' aftemo ___ _ _ _ _ commu nity. oD, Wacer w.. unmam ed and lived Anders on, Friday nirht. nati pent the week-end with her , could not be deftnitelya7dettna iD" with hie ,motJ\er, MH. Catheri Funel'a l servicea:, in charge of ne Mrs. Clifl'ord Buzick, Mrs. James mother Mre. Maude Crane. lhe local lodge of Masons, were Wapr. it ill beUeTed it · ltarted in the highly Inflammable lacquer held at the McClul'l ~ Funera DMCI l Horne FIIDera! services were held ill Thurlld Lovely ay andinMrl. E. J.. Henry IIpent Mr. Trenton and Ml's. J. D. Bolin and in paintin , the paper ftower . , . Wedne sday afterno on imd interlit~le . SOD, o~ Lebano n, visited T~ ~ma spread ~:~:;h~m=re!it:\~~lr~~ Mr. William E,ler, of Evg , rap Idl" _a_.A ment was in ~ia:n cemete ry. ene the Catholic clmele r,. fmnds here Tuesda~ aftemo on. ru~d:'n: w:wo:~:~ the OregOn, w. the guelt of ,Mr. R. eDtb'e , - - -...- ...- - A. Croll!l, Bunday night. '(1 'be Mrs. E'rank Stansbe rry, Min ---The stTuctu re. whicb ia dlnetl7 Local resl ents slum rs . were Mary Ilnd Mr. Ru ssell Stansbe Homer HaYI:!1ip, 54, shot and rry oPPollite the railroad atattoo , • • t~:ub~e~b:h!:a:T~r 8!~~r8m~~d were .P ayton visitors Hr. and Mrs. CIUrord Dudck. vere1y wounded his estrang e· , Monda,.. owned ~, A. B. Kaufm an of LIbed honking of horns BI!I local a8 well !;r:'i~t!~':n:~,d F~i~a:: L. wife, ~illie, and son, .Edwar d, 16, "nOll. al! nimrods from a di tance bUl'fied sm~~\~:t~. ~~~fta~:O~ early Wednesday morning, at J';'e~' - - --. - Hr. and ,Mrs. J. E. Fra.ier were their taTln througb town on their way to their hopping in Dayton Tuesda hom~ near Clarksville y. ____ _ favorite hunting ground s. Several gueste of .Mr. and MrL R. J. and then commit ted suicide. With their goal 1,000 membe rs shots were heard just at the " Murray , of neU' Oregon ia, Sunday Mrs. Hay lip an,l her slm were betwee n now and Thanlts Mr. and Mrs. Charlel Hinkle, of takell to Hale. hoepita l in Wi!· Day, local Red Crol18 workerg\ving of dawn but by noon had subsided. Hamilt on, were week·en d guests l led Local hunters aTe urged, to Mr. Dedfor d Strlekli n, of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Melloh. WAYN ESVIL IZ CHURC H OF Kroger Groce1:1, and Mn. of the mington , where it Is though t both by Harry Z. Gray, county chair- coopera te in observi ng certain Striek- will recover. Mrs. Hayslip was shot man, .are plannin g ' an intensiv e provisions of the game laws, C~15T lin, spent Sunday in Lexing ton, in the ne~k, and Edward Hayslip Mr. and Ml'S. G~\)rge Hartsoc k, drive during the lremaining two designed both for their own (Unden omillat ional) safety Mr. and Mrs. Herman Surf_ce K,. was Jlhot rn the stomach . . weeks of the 1934 Floll Call. (Theater A. WUllamllbn, Miuiat lr and for the safety al)d pl'C8erva. visited relative s in Piqua on air and lin 0 R Un,lesb y Sherlir Frank Setty and Corone r SunThe Wayne Towt!UllJllr-"..-a..." Township chairm en have been tion of 1ife and properl y of others. m • •• 'thia Church School at 9:30 L m. have C. E. Kinzel invel!tig ated. day. .. their guests Club met No-m "- ••" H r 1 rEI d HIlle 1 I named by Mr. Gray who reports Lord'. Supper at concllllioll. Mr and Mn () X MlUe~ of week Tbe • .,..... •De-. Rush I aya IP was Ill' te at' y n that he is receivin g splendid coop- listed: 101 oWing open seasons are ot Mn. Martha Chrlttla ll Endeav or at 8:30 p. m. Bouth. .. tIM I d . •• ' Misses Doris Octobe r em a non-sup port charge eration in all sectiOllls of the ~ry. and bUll leason, a Imall... crow. . . John Seara, leader. 'EveninC evan- . e, n. coun· Rabbit s-Nove mber 15 to Jan· Ruth Hocket t, of Sa~illb and wa . Mlaml ~entenc Unlvered to the Clinton ty. It is planned to make a house. uary 1. Limit uaual partook of the f--' at Jreliatic 1Iervice at 7 :80 p. m. Tbe 5 in one day, IIIu Doria Bender son and Miss county Jail. ~e was release spent the week-end at their noon bour. d Oc· to-house canvass of the county dur mini.te r will beMn a Hri\!1 ot aer- Winifre d Armlta ce, of <Jineinn Raccoo n Novem ber 15 to here. llt.i . .• 27. While b~r husban d w~ tng the final two wel!ks of the drive The aftemo on meetiq .... 1MId mOD 011 "Con:e n.tion. " Praver .pent the week-e nd with Januar y 15. home in Jal!, Mrs. Hayshp brougb t SUIt in an t the h e f Mr aad lira. ~... attemp t to put Warren I OpPo88um, Skunk _ Novem ber m-od'n .. and Bible stud., .ach Wed folks here. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Fromm I for dlVO!Ce. . . om 0 county over the tO~I. ....~_. _ _ '-;=-~-M 16 to Februa ry 1. Me 81'S. Kennet h and Clyde FroJll,m :ettr'Ho ligh. Our maDY Ha)'lIhp ~ad b~en hvmg in Pel'8ons ....., at 7 :30 p. m. T~e churcb not solicite 1I1e liP d may leave Hungar ian Patridg e _ Novem- vi.ited relative s in Dayton TuelMn. Jalle Wright has cloled her ~lar~svU1e since hiS rel~8e froll) 0 were counted aa the lIUmbe ra retheir memberships- .It any bank in ber 15 to November 25. Limit, .... 7 U feel at borne.. home in Sprinl'b oro and wUl spend Jail. He went t~ the farm "in day afwrno on. spo.nded to roll "11 thia Tbuab ho~e the county, it is stated. All but ooe dey. FIItIlY CHURC H OF CHRIS T tile willter with her Ikter Mn. Wedne sday m?rmn g allp ac(ordm g 50 cents of each membe rship ri";: =!!,~ mule. b, Charle t Ring-neck PheaB ants- NovemJulia Donova n. Mr. and j\!TJI. J . D. Marlat t have LeMa, aDd bJ' ""'1111: LeIlQ to Mrs. Haysh~ opened fire. on her mains in the county for local reI Jr. (Ullden omlaat lo_l) retid ber 15 to Novem ber 25. Cock ret~rn~ home .after Kr and Mra 0 S McClure and her lion With a ,-32 cal.lber a pl. . .nt w.. elljoyed durin, the pr08ftD l. ' ra-- Mr. Gray states, ill pointin g out birds only. Limit 2 in 1 a ..ter A. WDllam aoD day. d n' Pheall """t visit. 'f ~Itb D' to' the1r • L._" daught t volver er aDd when he was admItte d to the fou~ ty~8 of mE~mberahip avail ·tb an Blanch e RUey .read an blteHl tII... en. 0 ay D, Ilpen ants may be taken only from 7 a. faLrl1ly 1D Cleveland. tJDl6ed HTVlce _lfUlnl ng WI ) ' , Sunday with the 10rmer 'l m o t h house I.... "ccoun"• 0"I Admiral B er' . ---a'i ftable: (1 annual, i.or '1.00; ·(2) m. to 6:30 p. m. during the _ ChDreIa School at 9:80 .. m')l1'I Mal'J McClure .. ~no tel)Mrs. Geor,e Lanterl l, of Dry perlenc --~ - - e! in Little Americ a. A contril?uting, for , 15.0j)r (3) lUll' day sea80n. Lord', Supper aDd ..rmon a t · • Ridge, Ky., visited Mrs Otba Ken- vivid delC!riptlon About 5000 Ohio 4-H club mem- tainlng, for $10.00; and (4) 10:80 L m. You are a1lraf1 fOllr sup~* Mr. and Mn. )I. A. Fulkers on bers continu e their club activiti derson and other frienda here montu spent alone ofill the es porting , for $25.00. • .hMII welcome at thia c!~llI'cb. Turkey market wer. Sunda , eueata of Mrs. 1'111· news may be over the week-end. uahout the winter months. ,,-fth only an oil £tove for beat. Ross H. Harta<l'ck blj8 1)een karson' • .,·....nte 'Mr. 'and Mrs. T. is 10 per cent o! the total en- named chairm an of Wayne Town· heard weekly over Station WOSU, and in a temper ature o,f 80 ST. MARr S CHUR( :H Columb us, Monday W. ValiPll at 8:82 t, of p. near m. XeniL Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stansbe rry, degrees Mlow zero, compoH d tbe rollment. • J. Scbae4'Il', ship. until the bolidays have passed. R.v. J. Rector Miss Mary and 'Mr. Russell Stan8· main theme of 't he paper. MI'. and Mn. Paul, Boorom, of ~==o::::======== === === _ = Twenty .ftlth 8ulI~Y: .tttr TrIn· Bellbrook, berry were gue~t!l of relative s in Mr. and Mra. Owen Mrs. Howard Graham favond i~. Nove __ 18. Cllureb school • Oakland, Sunday. Barris of DqtoD , were gueets of the elllb with a readinr entitled . at 9 :80; lolomilllr Pra,er and Ber ¥r. and Mra, E. C. • CraDe on SunMl'. and Mrs. John Maclain, 01 "Why a Thanbg iving." mon at 10 :80. da Pleasan t Rid,e, were' dinner Rev. G. C. Dibert Wall the p •• ifuest& of Mra. Annie Gibbons and apealter of the aft~rno y. ST. AUGU STINE CHURC H on. Mra. Cba~lel Brown. of Eurelie , family on $unday . Remillding ua of ~~~~~~~~:k.j Orqon , who ia vialtlq frienda in Father Newta . Paator of Armilt:lce Day, he II to WllVie aville and vicinity••al the Mr. and Mrs. ,Carl San~er, of speak for a few Kala at St. Aucult l••'. Church lDeat of Mr. and our lin. B. E. Stokel M'ason, were guestl of Mrll. C'OUDtl'),. He warned 111about eve.., 1IC0nci and foudb Sullda, .,.bIn 011 Tueada y. Sanker 's parents , Mr. and MrL O. lIuper-p atriotili n, I the mOnth. ~uc1a , . .. R_ Ungles by, Frida)' prevale nt dllr~ time, bu If". Glen Bland and little FRIEN DS ....TING poke of our leritim aie pride t. daqhte r Barbar a Lou. 01 Spl"iq Mrs. W. F. Moss, of Maineville, .aour' country beeaulle It ia .ble, un• boro, 'are apendi q the week with was ague t, last week, in the finished and rich. Aions Firat-d a, "'001 at 9: 0 .. m. lin. Bland's parenti , III'. and th... Kra home of bel' son .and daugbte r-in- our country nluat have with )ledll . for Wonlli p at 10:10 L. C. St John. eharae ter law Mr. and Mrs. H'artley MoBS. . .. and moral! and the great.a t bIJ Mrs. Bertha .Len aDd daqhte r Mrs. B. T. Vice, of Dayton and fluences -for or , .ealnst.. the.. WAY" UVILL E II. L CHURC H Kill ()pal ututala ecl at Mr. W. E. Stroud attendl d the found :In on hOMe.. aehoola are dtDIlU', aD' ... G C. DIll..... PutGe SUDcIa,. Mr. ucl lin.. Edward fnneral of their uncle J. M. c:burel l.. ' SUD~":' 8--..... lCbool at 8:80 Lewia aDei tnall7. _nd Mr. Geol'le . ChUes at Falmou th, Xl'. on Mon. The club adjollJ'D e4. to meet ID -=~W_ day. a. m. IIO... "Ip at 10'.10. I lliamia baq. Decem ber at the GOIll hom •• Tbe 00_ OD of tile Lol'd'. Mr. and lit•. CbarUe Oook have Mr. al\d Mrs. Myron Thomaa, of I!!!!"" --win lie ........eI at tb!a mo.ed fro. the Oanwr Iaht bOUM Dayton , Mr. and Mn. William USll ary ...nto. , Bpwortll ~ at 1180 Oil North KablIt r..t:, to the 1. Thomas, of Maineville were aUNts W. f.... witIa aa1», la• • u lead~. of their parenti Mr. and ,Mrs. E. form.r I, The Woman '. AIIIdUa~ oj . . ~~,==.:~c:,.tD::O ~:; L. Thorn.., Sunday . " "'aJile VIDa. Mary'! ehurclJ met :On Frida, after •. No.em ber 111t at 7 Po JIl. we will Mr. aDd lira. lohn Mrs. G. C. Dibert, Mr•. C. M. noon, November 9th at t~ bGale of hold the . . . of a Hri.. of Mlddletcnra. aDd IIr. Sparu, Bough, Mra. K. N. Hough and Mrs of Mrs. Lee Ha~lre. Afte, and Mn. trIontbl., cb1lfth aIelit lIleetln8l. David Coleman, of Oerman tIM A. K. bay were in Dayton Tues- devotio nal exercls el, .nd a toWJI, net, Hl'VieeI will be imOWD . . Ihort dlJlner ru ..t. ot , Jamel da)' In attenda nce' at a meetina of bUllinels 8eBSlon, the menin NUl. Fooel aacl Pu Dlah~ A ael tamn, Oil SaDda, . the district officers of the Womel l'. tumed over to the ,ue. c ... ¢ the cUah IldlOIleoa ' ,will .. Foreign MIBSionary Society of the da,., Mra. Roland Baaet t of Dayton dilltrtct . . DaytOIl, Prellident of the Da1toa aenecl bI th. tiDIq r m ~l~ Convocation and Mn. lI'arber, ehllrU l .... ~ , D. . ...,. _..... Inn 011 lJ'hllnday. Her. .... Mr. and )frs. Jamea StOOPI and. Secreta ry the Dayton COD• .,... o! tI1e t.~aDon ... Il. ~ will Mr. . . lira. o.rl Sher1rood Mrs. Frank Ho1mes; of Van Wert tlon. Mn. of Baggot t lAVe aD n. be the a~eak.r, aacl after the IUDIe Ibllen. and Mr. and who were called here because of cellent and inlpiri~ report apfIIkinI, cam· wW be. plapel. Mra. Tom BartoL the death of Albert D. Haine., 'Gener al Oonvention whichof .... Do not tan to attead _etguelta _ of Dr. aDd Mrs. J. E. coaclud ed itl fttt,-ftn t trieIIoo lira. Z.... Bamet t aDd Mr. E. Tuesda y and Wednes day. - - -•• - • m~tin, Altaatl c Ctt" Hew V. BarDIau1 I1Iroute from tlJeir .._ at Da _ _ • a .l4_I_ IIna MAllY IIIU.I hom. ba ChadD. .ti to vtatt rela· ,Mr. .nd Mrs. ' Karl Hawke aDd -.-.. - ....- - -" Mr. Mary Hopkins Dayton lIl' ADd _ ttfw . GUUT . . .AIlEI AT _va •• .... were meetl~ .... _ .atofW~D .._. C. H. ~ 11:.. J. C. Hawke, Mr. and Il1'I.lj~r..::~r;:; a . . . . .oo6 • --..nto ~I_• ., J P Fromm Mr and lira Y - . . . . ." ..... t. ~• •• . • ~ (c::o Hawke, Mr. , Dean Hawke aDd IIr. . : ! .=:~:,~=~&::: Cl,de Fromm were aueate_"Of Pr. anel Mn. Ralph Van .. At PI....t l4'a'J'OI'IMI Plaia 011 S1JII'da)". I· . .It~~ The follow lq ' nIattn . out Albert of toWD .. it1aet;~~I!lt D. ataend IIaIaea aDd .1..Salea for l..t month were 21 Edward W••er, •.s, of' MIl*,_ pa~enger cars and five trucks, tor S-. 1. Froe. of A.... 0 II·. a tot-al of 26. This compar es with -p 27 new passeng er ears and five C.rl Skull h Frace. .... trucks in Octobe r of lalt year and a total of 27 new cars In Septem . Edward WalPer, 45, of 1I0rrow 'ber, 19S" •. ,·jured early s....·r- - - - - _ .was fatal) "v ift~. .. day afterno on W'hen he -aa 8tru"k .. by jln automobile driyen'" by. John E S I f C I b












Ie11 1,000 M[MB ERS [






A ' 0._ '






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TIlT medical, PC i lira. Maude Deardoff, '1'1.10; lin. LUlie Urton, IlervicH, . ' 10; )In. OUR CLASSIFI ED COLUMNS ~ In Eltsroth, serricel, 16; Mra. Helen Douclunan, eemcell, , '7; Mrs. Howard Sawyer, servicee ,'7; John Law " Son, gu, labor, etc., $4.98 ; The Johnlon-W at~on .......U S - - 0.- FrWa, ture., pep, aDd ellcouragment for of the will 01 Isaac Jones, deceu- Co., Home Owners Loan heets the comiq 8Portu".nship ebalned, et aI , it is ordered by the court for Rccorder $9.50 T he Columbus In the ca e of Kentucky Joint that notice Of t~ pendency of Blank Book Mfg. Co., form for piona of W.rren county is bein&" Ttle WayneevUle buket ball .planned. The ' Brlltherhood urlfll tock Land 13ank of Lexington tlli action and the substance and Proba te Court, ,12,60; The Colum lluon op n. Friday n~t, No...em- all parenti, friend and intere ted versus harle W. Schaefer, et al prayer of the petHion be made on bus Blank Book M!It. Co., journal White Rose- Power be18, wben our 1~1 boy patrons of tbis organiution to on moti on of plaintiff leave is unknown defendant. by publica- for ProbatE:! Court, $35,90; JohnjOUl1ley to Farme~iUe. Farmen- come to our meetinp and make to fil ~ suppLemental peU. ticn, son-Watson Co., clallp envelopes hind the enllne. ill a atronlr team thi.s yeu them ncce &1ul. U you come to .... forthwith and same i accord· In the matter of the last will for Sheriff, '12.90; . J. W. Lingo and wm cive our quintet a atit'r these meetings you will be better Cro•• t q Elaml_ u_ ingly done. and te.tament of Thos. D. Fruer Hardware Co., spray pump for battle. fitted to support the team and do Po ibility tbat grade cro ing The ntence impo ed upon ~tar- decea ed, transfer of real eltate is sheriff, 50c; Wm. Hufford, Sht'l'ift'. Two .-me are scbeduled ODe for your part toward helping win the elimination work may be included nee Gray, alias Enoch Gray is I ordered. Mary J . Fraser, execu- ctuarterly expen e, 26.4 ; ~ars the Ant and one t or the seeond games. in lh next move of the national suspended for 'a period of two trix filed her first and tina I ae- II: Bolanger, towing car for sh riff . quadt with the reserve game b admin i tration in it r (overy pro- years upon goo,d behavior and that count. $2; Waldron C. Gilmour inquest, (inning promp\1y at '1 :30 p. m. Arminie. "'.....1,. gram has attrl\cted the inter st of said defendant abstain from drink Gertrude Jonea, executrix of the '8.70; Waldron C. Gilmour, inAll indic.tiota point to the fact hiyhway officials and other inter- ing alcoholic Liquors. esj;ate of Geol'ge. V. Scott. deceu- quelt, $'7.50; WaldroTl O. Gilmour Vallie John C) n plead d guilty to ed, fiLed ber inventory. Inquest. $7.60; Th Franklin that. the Wayceh teams are to On lut ~rlday the student frC)m ested partie in OhiO. Merits of a have •• ueceu!ul seuon. the fourth ,, to seniora eJljoy- grad e cro ing elimination program the indictment fil ed against him James E. Burke, administrator Chronicle, envelopes for Common Come out aQd IUPPOrt the ed a mo i Interesting assembly it is,ell~jmed, would provide more and h was sentenced to not les of the eetate of ~~red T. WriJrht Pleu Court, $6.75; Sanco Pro- S.... d by n.w Vit.mlna of Cod Un.. Oil iD ea.tele •• t.bleta. bome t~m! given by the Eirhth vade in com· houl1l of work per $100 spent than t h n 1 year in the Ohio Sta~ Re· decease.d, tiled bls lnvent~ry ducts Co., cleaning compound, Pound. of ~rm II IU hy ~. h In .... ad of The fi t te~m will probably in- memoration of Arm i~tice Day. many f orm of public construction formatory. The mventory of H. Zaln Banta , 18.23; The Office Outfitters, ba.,. tcr ....' bun" I :N w ~h,or. "im 8 Dd IlIu"ad Dr tl red I .tl ... . " I Stud, elude Carl (look, Norman Mere. The progrsm conSisted ot: 85 well a stimulate the laggjng 111 the ca e ot' The Mutual Build· administrator of the estate of rubber bands, 36c; The Offiee Out- ""e'n aerY. t Tblll ia w hat lhou.,Uld. 01 ditb, Vincent Griffy, CharI Dni Son, . .... ,.... .. ... Assembly heavy industries by the u e of ing' and Loan Co. versus William Lewis V. Banta, deceased, was ap- fitters, s upplies for reemploy- Quiet peopi4 a •• rettln .. throullh •• I.".i ....· luttoel David S Ol'er, umar Earnbart, Invocation ... ,Mmam Achterman mat rials and po ibly open the Forrest Taylor, et aI, judgment to proved. ment office, $1.71; K. L. Horn .dluov".y- th . VI\IImln. or Cod LI Yer II nvoted In IItU~ .UI(U """ if'<! !.ablt'll Jobn Sean and Eul (Jollner. Vo~1 Solo ., .. .. M.ry Adama door to a new era of railro~ding. the plaintiff for $4674.33. In. ~be case of Gilbert Hunkins, Clothing Store, rent, $10; Harry CODC wltho.10ft, 0/11.1 hnr rid . ".111' laU." •• ",.U . lI.cley '. Cod Ltv • 011 T.bleu, The I cond team wm probably Recitation ........... ,EvelYn Johns Ohio is in a favorable positIon to In the cue ~,f Eugene Campbell admlDlStrator of the estate of Ed- Z.. Gray, rent, $6; The Book Shop, I hOod 011 In Tabl t,", and u'e, be made op of Alban Hawke Addl'e .... .......... ......... ,.............. , c ~p<!rate in 8 gra~e cros ing Iim- versU Zetta May Campbell the gar Call1on Burger, decea edt 'leI'- inke racer, 35c; Mary Quigle y, .ealt.d h"j>l, work wonder• . A IiHi b,,, of a, ...,1Marvin Fox, Charles B. Earnbart' Dr. H. H. Williama, of Lebanon Illion program if adopted a a re- plaintiff dismill es same without su Mabelle K. Bllrger, et al cause cash relief $21·' Merwin Coyle, . ... 17 . Iek. 1'01 .. ~ II Bnd ..liIned IOI'S lb.. In ''''"'' on. month. A. 1l1.1 'It thlrtHn art.r the Franl LeMay J ohll Borer Clyd~ Playlet ...... "Crowning of Peace" covery plan. Th e tat Highway record, i dismissed. 88lary, $50; Jeanette Payne, ...... dileo.l, ~"Ined 3 lbe. 1.h~ n",t ",..,k onll Fromm and Charle J am ..: Cornet Solo , ..... Wylodine Kurtis Department bas at hand data and In the case of Jary Kremer In the matter of the estate ot salary, $37.50; Gnce. Baker, IIlba. ..e h ...... k o/tar. A ,ounll' mot he r .. ho ,",uld ut or al ..· p ""nAt .... by ••"''' lIot Sonr " .,...................... Assembly iniormation on practkally every ven us Israel Kremer a divorce M~ry E. Hopping, deceased, 80th- salary, $32.50; Betty K. Oswald, oU be<not h .llh back . nd ".Ined 10 lba. in l4:M • mon lh. The Junior Clua pl.y. "He Was grade crossing in the tate. wa gra nted the plaintifl'~ ority was given Hazel Mitchell as salary, $85; Linnie Williams, than You oIml/h, mua~ lI'Y w: Oy'o.t <l.U . SJ.ort Coar.. In the matiell" of the application e.xecutrix to pay ,25 commwionlsalary, $37.60 : Willa Beedle, s81a- .....embo.. Iryou don'! , aln at I ... 1 II lb.. of tI.m •• lthy no.h In II m nn(h If~t y ou r mo ..." ~h~:.eJ1N~::;:be;"~::n:'::'~ Tuesday night, November Olct.A~e Pen.jolu ot the council of the Village of to'S. L. M.o ntgomery for .eTVicel. ary, $37.60; Christine Bundren, lIuk.hOema"d ",,01 O!I. ,.e"". tI, • • • hrlnd and .on uln. Cod Llv~r 011 Tabl.'. During Oct.ober 6400 old-age Le.banon, Warr.!n county, for auth In the matter of the estate of salary, $37 .50; Louise Whipple, ond, at tb, Bicb"khool yym. The was the date aet for tbe openi~3g ' .. 1>roved ~y \lO41 flo... kc VIne IIi ..:_.. t th "h C pe iOllS wer approved making l orlty to trans!,~r funds for the Esther M. Conover, deceased, D. E salll1'Y $37.50 ; Elizabeth Hartha,ftu,m"t •• R<-f .I~ lu""tII"t p 1a, III a ro elLlDC comcuy and i 0 e >;> ort ourse, at the school a total of 18,120 }ler on's eligible Motor Ve.hlcle License Fund and H . eywood, a.dministrator is alltho.J:- way, ~alary, $30; M. 13. Morey, IIIJI'-t on II,. tift ,,,.1 NeC.y· th G I T Fu d d ddt d f Cuar&Ilteed to briDe a laugh every shop, sponsored by the vcational __ .. there a r. no". beltor, thiJ'tT &eeOlula. It eontains a verJ department and superv! ed by Mr. to receiJ,Ie aid under the- tate' e aso ID~ ax n, re pect.- 11e an ll:ec e to 'Pay sum 0 salar y. $37.50: Virginia Va n l onble German couple. Their love Crabbe. peJlsion law, according to M. L. l ivel y t o the General Fund tran fer $1.91.04 to Viviam Louise York,. Horne, cash relief, $76; J. W. ill tr:-qIMntl,. n Juatrated b, the The purpo e of tbe course il to Brown, chief of tbe divhtion of aid of funds gr81l1~d, mmor. and accept her receipt. Lingo Hardware Co., 8u'Ppliea an d In the ca e of tonley A. Silv r In tbe matter of the estate of puts, $47.93 ; S. L. Pierce, sup- White Rose- Power belove ' taps whieh .re often at give those who are out of school for t he aged. Monthly payments uocllout p roportions. There are a more accurate knowledge in one on the pre ent ba il total $266,000 teen venus John H. Mount, et al J oseph A. Chamberlin, dece8led, plies a nd gasoline, $60.36; The bind the enllne . • bo p ,. Se1lorita from sunn y certain lille of study. The course ~eave i granted to withdraw orig- $300 is allow~d Dean E. Stanley Oregonia Bridge Co., reinforcing Bralil a bluate:rina millionaire and is decided upon by tbose who are Diu" •• Motor Moyie. anal! of the nCIt.e set forth in for legal seTVlces. steel, $18.41; W. A. Hause, gasohis Ion are Implicated in the plot, taking the work. This year it is Photog'haphic metbod of traffic plai.ntift"shPe~ion ~n~ subatitl:lte d The d~te of Tb;m;s D. ~~r line, $1,49; Martin Burke, garage wbleb .. 10 complex t hat Sberlock ahop and 80me twenty to thirty behavior In Obio will be di cu ed I CO l p.les' ff t dert 4'.1. defu g1I\d ent hto tae eea~_!. IS exemp rom In erl- rent, $16;' Harold Martz, sand an d u 1m "I If Id b b i d Th th · f b U· b R IP amtl an rom en ant , J 0 n . nee....... , gravel, ,27.65; Earnest D/lkin. ,nO I I n mae eou not make mem era ave II gne , e CI.u at e meetmg ,0 t e ~g way e H. Mount the sl1m of $626.24 with The inventory of Lloyd Colliver stone, $3.75. will be conducted on part-time searcb Board In W~J!hlngton, D. intere t, etc. and Leiman Colliver, adminittr.• _ ••_ _ hew 01' taila of it. • a.heanall bn e been held stead b cau e the- ahop hasn ' t a~ple C., Thunday and F~iday,. Decef!1___ tora of the estate of C)'IIt hia Jane . i1y ullder the capable direction ot I ro<>m to accommodate thirty men. ber 6 and 7. !he .d15cUJ!Slon WIll N.w S'\l.ib Colliver, deceased, was approyed Mr. Gant. taken on motion-picture film, but I h • .. h I· · In the case ot Charlea Bogan and " ~a" - Ne. c"mera · Itudl·e o. mowl' traffic n t e matter 01 t . e app Icatlon . The -_.... ~- .. fol10-' h bId b d · of the Trusteell of Massie Town- Charle R. Shepherd, admlnlStraH. ehen mDa e In ship Warren county fo r a uthor. tora of the estate Of. Lydia E. Sbep Daniel Benjamin ...... E.rl Conner · The perfect spelling Iillt for the wOh 'c b atvhe aStrea Y Amold Benjamin .,. Do.n ald P Foul1ul past week inclu des VI·"";nm· )0t. y e atoe Ig way epart Ity . to ' transfer f unds, fro m the ·'" .....r d , decease, d versull E ' " Sh ep i · .. · rne~L LarTf IIoore....... .. "--'U vnl e err ne Scbuler, in aeetion 2, grade A., men heYd et I a· t· "" J C.. .. AII d d. d uTlng .. th .past gasoline tax fund to the general ed a nd bond a , . por prdelsemen .11 approv ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN LaDa L -,,--'L,m ,..... , ane 00. Etta Westerman, Wilma Surlace eveIope red. . fund . fou r C.t tle, hora, lb." and ealy" Frits Lutaenlletm .. Cecil n artma.R and William Woolard, iJi 8ectjo~ year by Dr. Br uce D. Gl'eenshJelds R L ~A 11 Ed T John 0 Zecher administrator tel Norrla-SroClk Co., u.... Vera 8. . ." ...... Frances Elba two grade 2. S'- pup,·}s h.d per- profe or of engineeri ng science osa . ""'c I veraus gar. h · , progres.lve firm f'lr th. eat .. t D · U i ·t thit Cecil for divo.·ce. Charge it ex- lof t e estate of Jacob Edward I an. 1'1-' v ... . ,., ... .........• •ry Burton feet attendance f or Jut week in a enulon n ver81 y, n ew · I Zecher, deceased, fi led his invenmarket prieee and rood.. ... lin. ~l ..... Ruth Salisbury the same second grade section method mali:ea use of picture!! treme crue ty. .. tory UDloD Stock Y.....• Clael __ tI, O. Senorita Coste De La Tomente ..... while. tourtee'... " were pr -ent eve"':' talcen on motio n-picture finn but Savings The P eople's B Uilding, a.lld The · W l·U o f Cla Tune ill on Radio S&a\lon WCIY b .~ Co versus WadeLoan Glenn ra .A . Brown, d e12 :26 to 12 :80 p. m. for OUl' daD, Rut LarrIck day In the u me . ection of vade at mueh slower rate of speed than d L . • d D k I f ceued was admitted to probate . m.rket r.portl. Senorita Carlotta Ferrez ,........ ... ,. ,c. ordinary movies. It was brought an e,!I~!n t ~a e' nc. · o~ Anna 'May Yo ung 11'81 appointed l Ann Cran &' The ~ventb grade civics clauea into being so u to seeure more rno'!~bIJU_~~II, orec osul'e an administra trix and filed bond of Pat., For. . ,..... , ....John Kellner aTe orKamuiq a eourt system. accurate and complet~ informa- eq~ pe rel 1~ 'B ·Id· Lo d ,1000 with sureties. Ed KillinI' Doctor Fonytbe ............ ,......... . ,.... under tbe direction of Mr. Boden- tion t h. n is poasible by traffic S . e ~p e UJ Lint S ~n a n t Marshal Rober ta and' Eimer G~' 43 YEARS OF SERVICE Rllbert Thomas bender_ Ollleen w, re eleeted on obsetven 1. u8in~ t he custom ary a~~::'mo:~;ejuU;gm!~t.e f;:"e:i o~ ham were apPOinted appraise·r s. ---Monda,. Scbool News hopee to at op watcO eB, mechanical counters d ·iat l r f W. H. 5. Pep Sq..41 print the namel of t he olllean and tall y sbeets. ure an yeqUki Li'lfe rle Ie . a Nell' or M.rna,. u-....... tl 'tt h· h next e L e nl!ur ance o. LEBANON, .OHIO ~ae ueeu ve COIJIJIU ee w IC. 11' elL . veTSUB Edward ~r. Seeger, et al for ' 1.&. \oH ~ <1 l-'~""~ ~ b t •• ,"".. .... .. ,,1\ Roland E. Chue, I.wrer of rour drivinr. lie uses his head. met No....mber 8, l'eported that Jt Mtly Bea"~ Ohio money, foreclosure, etc. We have a complete nil II one of a seriel of short had . elected the f01l0wlnl' rirla Coaiq Approximately '1.500,000 would The Mutual lBuilding and Loan Clintwo od, Va. and Mre. Elizabeth W.tek- R.pair Senic. ';fety subjects relea! eC by Gov. tro~ the SPo,rlemanshlp Brot her - November 15 ' (Tburada y )Sports. be adde~ to Ohio's annual income Co. verSIU K8t4~ Hurley and Wi]- Ralildolph Sm'i th. of Lebanon. Prices Reason able White throu&'h O. W. Merrell. State hood to eoalltitute tpe Pep aquad : mall~hip Brotberhood meeting if . PreSIdent Roosevelt's ph," to l !iam Hurley f01r money, forec'!oBBea ds Rest:run, B lp way Director. Bett,. Hartaock, Marjorie Ea rna t. etdlt p. m. completely restore salary cuts of ure and equitable relief, J"wel ry Repaired h~rt, Mae Treadway, Edu Ma. Novemfier 18 (Friday ) BuJcetbalJ federal. employes. by J uly I, The Mutual Building and Loa n H ugo Wmwm Appemelder, de" THE HOME OF GIFTS" Staup, Dorothy Bourne, Ph,Ub ~ at F armenville. ' 1935, IS succeSSful. There are be· Co. versus J oe Stagge and Harriet lceaaeid to Chariel Appenfelder. et CoUette. Juanita Brannock, Jan e November 19 (¥onday) C<>un t, t ween )2,~00 and 15,000 feder al r Lo StaKe f or IDODef, f oreclonre NOlI 1177 and 1178 in Cook, orcbnt7a aDd r lee clab rehear- e mployes ID the Buckeye State and equitable retlief. sal. who e wages had been affected by Norma B. D8Illa8 verlUA Roland Georfge La Suer and Pearl LaM......., .... ea.." November 21 CWednetday) Dress the 15 per ce~ t reduction. Ten-p -E. -naTIas for ('Ilvorce. Cbarge is Suer to Ge6rge W. and Laur. B. On Tbunday nel\iDr. Nonmreheanal tOT claaa play. cent reltoratlon was made by the willful a bsence. Light 85 acres in Harlan townlhip ber 16 the lut SportuDaaahip November 22 (Tburaday) JunioJ iut Cong ress, an d the Pr~l!~den t's The L oveland Mutual Buildillg The Peoplea BuUdinr Loan and Brotherhood ~ettq before til. Clua pia,. plan t o restore t he remalnmg 6 and Loan Co. vlersus Ada E, Heit- Savines Co. to Mary L. Lewis, opeaiq of tbe baaketball HUOn Novembel' 28 (Frida,) Buketball per cent would ~ring t he salaries I kamp and The ]i'ederal Land Bank '16.46' acres in Harlan township. Knowing tbat farm f olks are will be held at u.. lrJDlIlasiom Kame, leffenon bere. back to t he original levels. of Loui. ville for f oreclosure. I D. W. Surface to Lena Cleaver, interelted in ot.b er t han farm and frODl 8 to 90'eloek. November 28 (Mionday- County The Lov lan~1 Mut ual BuUding inlTot No. 12 in d orwln. home topics, the O. S U. radio An ilIterestinr procram fuJI of band reheanal. 11Ci,aret TaJI I and Loan Co . v,ersu8 Louis A Batt hOB. D. Fraser , deceued, ' to .tation, WOSU, bu expanded Its , . entvtain1D81It, eduatloul fea-Novem~er 27 (Tueeday) Basket Obio cigaret smokers in o ctober 1et al for fo reclclsure. . J . Fraser inlot Nos. Z47 and radio service to rural Ohio beyond - ..I f 249 In Lebanon. .... I n th e ~a t te r 0 f th e t ramuer !I"!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!'~~!!!~!'!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! contri buted $429,842.67 to the 0 Clifford Yo~ .nd Addie Yust to Wle Monday niab~ radio program. --~ - - - - -S upkeep of t he public school! the f unds of t he Board of Town- Ella E. Stump inlot No. 82 in . Four C?Ursel, In wbieh farm t hrough the two·cent tax on each ship Trustee~f Salem townlhip. MaineviUe. people wlll be aalted to enroll at package of cigarets, accordin g to . Probate Co1lrl J ohn Clark, et aI, to J. P. Lamb DO c~rre, were deiCribed this Frank Miller. chief of the ci g a r e t . inJot NOli. 7 and 8 in Corwin. week 1n pamphleta receivel by L. ~x division. October receipts Tbe follOWing accounts were apHorace W. Lewia and Mary!i. • lliOer, Warren Count7 ArrlculPhon. 71J broug ht the total cigaret tax paid proved, allowed and confirmed by Lewia to Th.. People'. BuUdlDI', tura! Arent. The COU1'H8 are in during 1934 t o U.04 2,7 6'iI.89. tbe court. Loan ~ Sutnp 00., real Mtate i1l ED,Uab, p.,ebo~ol')', Art AppreO. W. MOrrill, adminu trator of elation and Soclolol')'. Sa~ R.... Patrol t he estate ot William H. Morria, P.ttenon and F.nnie P.t The eoorae In En,llsh. conduct• • Survey t o determine the number deceased. Firat ,a nd dna!. . to Labauon-Cltisem Nation ed by Prof(!ll8Or William Groves, is "tOTAR\r PUBLIC of receivi1llr l eta in t he state Engelbert Hecht, .dminiatrator inlot No. & alld 8 ill Leb- at ,1 :80 to 2 p. m. Monda),s aDd N......I Be.k --~. monitored to each unit of-"t b,e-eOtllt4JOL.1h.e.....El&br.te-Ojl'-C.~--MeelMr-dti-i;~~-~ - Thuracia.,., It eoneiete of • aeries municat ions division of the Ohio ceased, Anal. aoehua Haney to Huhert 1... of 'hlformal talka re.lI'fted to ruide ~u.. D,.._ • • E....... SeU'" Hlgbway Pat rol is being made Maurice H. Oswald, exeeutor ot Schuyler .nd Katherine Sehu11er linenera in ·th~ choice of mara. WAYNESVILLE. OHIO througb t he combined efforts o f tbe estate of Mury Holzlin, dece.. 26.20 acres in Turtlecreek town- lin~ and b«!ok. teacllnr. the Highway Pat rol and th e Buck- ed, 1lrst and fina.l. . shlp. Smce periodIC:. . are moat eully ~!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!~!!!!!!!!!!'!~!!!!'!~ eye Sheriff's Association. The surMar tha N. H,)ugb, eueutrilt of Frances Cecardo 'a ndFrank acc_lble the majority of the dlaF~ SALE "DATES CALL vey i!! expected to. improve the the estate of Chades . M, Hough, Ceeardo to Clyde E. Malin, 1.'10 cuulonl will relate to Uleee, in an cooperation bet ween state and deceased, d rst and final. acrel in Deerfield toWlllblp. effort to indicate ~e nature and municipal law enlorcement au thW. E . Graham, administrator of Lena Cleaver to Joshua Hane, contents of lome of the muy orities. · ·the estate of .lAawreDe. E. T.,lor Inlot No. 12 in Corwin. and to point out articl. deceased, drst . lDd tmal. Edward Clark, et .J Tnet•• of of Ipeelel valul and cbarm. BOOD F"ral FaDeL 'i a Ohio Georria Depew" .ad~inletratrix of of PJtblu Lode_ No. '108 to ·be rqiewed win be .nllouaeed the e state of UJram D.epew, deIn .dYance and for tbe m t rt Tb~ New Deal ha s placed Uncle ceased, final .cclount. Lebanou to Arthur ' os pa Sam 1n a leading· role. as banker,l In t he matte),' of the estate of . real estate in South be tltlel th.t are read1lJ annJESS& STANUT I tat b Ud d Lebanon. able at local libraries. Harry Cook to' EUen Abller InEacb reeiatered Itucknt In the "oae no. N_ a ...o."... or. rea . es e operator, u. e r al! Celeltia C. Mi~le.r, deceased. tbe prOVIder fo r the ne~dy In OhiO executor is aUI;h oriled topay a lot . No. 986 ill Franklin. radio coune In.rt eppreeiatiol\ Through the manY-SIded r ecovery commission to any dul, Heenaed Etta'" vIUer aDd C C uru_ will receive .11 muetrated booklet EAItL ItOOCl,Ea pl'oeram a stake of more than I tat b k h h II fI d .... ... - ~. $830,000,000 has been put into rea es e 1'0 .~r w 0 I a. n a to Frank E. Miebel 185.8i aeN8 eOBtalDinl' about &0 reproduetions Da7......... Ohio dur ing th e 19 montbs 01 tbe purchaser for lIIud re.l e~te that i1l Deerfield toW'1lehip of worka ot .rt to be diacuued. New Deal . Loans and gif ts amount II ready, able a:n4 willinc to . buy MaaJe W. Burnet ·to Orville J. The art appreciation coone II ing to mOfe than seven t imel t~' the aame for a Jlro~er price aDd Gray and Naomi Gray lulot No a ICheduled by WOSU, Columbu~ ~t sum the federal gove-ment rio for cash. Roy A•• MIUer. executor in WaJDeniUe • 8:80 p. m. OD WeclDeed&,. and FrI• u filed his fi rst cUlrrent account. · · da.,. Pro&'1'1Ull will b half' h ceives f rom the state in income Ed lJ. Dakin, administrator of OrviUe I. Gn), and N.omi Gray loD&" I ea Our ~es and ot her refe nue collec- the estat e of Ge'Drge H. Beach chMarrie W. Burnet iDiot No. _19 S· ... · ..... 11 ~~- t t "d bons a re recorded 41 • i 'Waynesville peaaen .. , .w.emp 0 rU1 e _ __ _ _ ~ ~eaaed, u ed hll nventory. Sale ot Major S B·I t B B the I....ner throul'h the fa:moUi PO. SALE penonal property is ordered. ley.nd R"na if.:fe °realO~te'~ Louvre i1l Parle the Fa"lIl C.....i. To 671 Robert J. Sb~ball, encutor of Hamilton tOWDIbl ' ~ationa1 Gallery in Loudon, The . tbe estate of E.l1I8 Shaw ball, deAlben ~ Id P• B Cap~lliIe .Dd Bo,.hea& In Rome FOR SALE---& cooa brood sow•• The Farm has advan ced credit to 875 cea:eed. filed his inventory. ley and Ben:~ : to ~01f~!!-f- tile UII.. end Plttlln Florenee ' One spotted Poland China m~e ers' cooperatiVe association. locatG. F . Brown, admlnlltrator of Hamilton town ~ ey re es n The coune ill IOClo]o.., is br~.d- hOI, 18 mon~. old. Walter H. ed in all sections of the country, the eatate of A:nn. Belle Brown, John York a~lStelJa Y r k to claiJy, e,cept Saturciq and Wldtater. R. R. 2 Waynesville, O. wit hin '18 -ontha. deceased, rued biB Ant and flnal Brown B I d B °B I at 9:00 L m. direet trom . . . -Nli ... .CCOUIlt. 8I'.,.n eDa . . ey lua . ---- En Hutr'rnan exeeutrix of the ..tate In Hamilton to~p. e rooJII. Radio FOR SALE- Wbite W,andQtte elltate of David L. Hufl'man de I. MUler. et .J at The Board the daily. eIaaecockerell , multi tetttd. lid. Q e aVI ceased flIed ber! 4ret, ftul' aDd County ClmmiaaioDen ot War· ~~ Ifln Tnb bYte ~~ Annl. Gibbon!!. -aU te· T dis rib' j eount,. to Wel187 Smltb IDIot .....nune. • stuvo. A uu t ut ve acc01Qllt. No 12 in W -.III f "The Principl.. of Soeio]. FOR SALE-lIuh fed Turke,. Tbe estate of .~We S. BriDlqU· .JIle.......... LiTh Ua"'... 6 Tb _L ...,-- CUff B UrDett. If taxes were paid into a meter, deeeaaed, II "Uerved from Adminll John Spell' to Audn lam. B7rd 11111 .,. ~.,....... ltf The Ohio Bell Telephone CompaD,. tratlon. Diltrihutdon of reel estate 111 &area in Turtleereek towuldp Meh a ._brtb• 'L~~ all would be required to drop ei,ht I rd eel 1M UUV.. . . . . ·OR S"" _ __ ~ dollar. Into the Ilot evUJ' miDllte ' 0 IT • _ . . . ........ abl. to radto droDed....... .. ..- - ...1ICJ Thoro of every cla,. in the yeat. JuUa WUliaml, admlnletratriz of The eo1llM ba Pl.reholoD lind Ga.....' BuD, • ,.... Thil year the telePhone eom- the etttate of WUHaIll8, deOblo CO. .I TeItpIaoD. Oorp., broadeeet JlOIUIa,., Tatlda7a. rIP&. Dr. W . . . . .lDIrooIr. ()&ny'. total tax bill will be about c....d, filed aDd ftI!!! ae- too. ofilc:" ....s8; 01d0 W.......,. aad Tlaundap . . . . 0'" Bl1 ",,245,OOOJ or lUI .v. . . . of .10.50 cout.lulla ... a~ Ceatnl T.Jep1aou Corp., nat. 1.10 to I:" p. BarIt annually ror of ita eablCllbera ed b01lle Don =lo1111etoa.. oW .. B1Ifti ... 1'0

nt From ayne n hip Centralized Schools

ball ....., 0"0 Uaere. owmber 28 ( ednelday) Senior Thanbaivin, pfOlrram. Nov mber 29 anu 30 (Thursday and Frida,) Thank!\lfiving vacation.

----_ ..--Capitol





C ross R oa d Chatter




th.,' ••





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IUSU 10 EllEN 0






Centerville; Ohio




StanIey &,K00'gler

Qaallty Prlatlal




Ohi B liP $ 8 Mi... m axes




-It~_C~~p~0D1~7tJ 01 nery ~ o&icial.

with the of Thomas

bill. ftled !load



of the estate wltIa

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bolt IAti"'1:,5~III=E~"'"



direetor at Kholar hlp testAl, and are to bf' held In {'very h~h and intermediaw public school in the tate. Examination. will be in 1SSUICD EVERY TRURSDA Y EnCIi h Utlag'e, literature, Ian&"llage D. L CRANE I I P ...U...... , Sub•• rlll"o. Prl••, , ••10 • Year survey , arithmetic, mathematOIl. . . . . . . ...... " ... " .... ,... II.. III Enterl>d at po.torno. at Wayn .. - ies, algebra, geametry, Amel'ican R_....c . ........................ .. 1110. III vIII •• Olllu, a~:;"' Clal. Mall and wOl'ld history, general science, chemistry, physicl'l, .French . and Spani h, and asLatin, an important new subject, attitude" and skill in MOVEM'BER 15, 1934 the use of l'eference materials.


GAS TAX LIMITATION pearance. SEEN AS RURAL VICTORY I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I-_!!!I!I!!!.Mr. and MrtI. C. Haydock and family a famll}' dinMr. and Mrll. J. B. Jonel attcndWhite ..... ~. ner Sunday at me of Mr. ed Pomona Grange at Lebanon Defeat of lhe proposed con- deb•• o.lOllne. lind Mr!l. Frank of Clifton Thursday eyenlng. amendment to limit the I~~~~~~~~~~===== has accepted A numbe.r of people from here gas taxnal Howard F to 3 cents a gallon and to I· a 'position with the 1. H. C. at attended the show "Ladies for a prevent its diversion. Ilt the last I Nite" III Centerville Wed nesday election, was heralded as a victory pringf\eld, Ohio. Several of our citizens respond- evening and Waynesville Friday for rural Ohio by leaders of the ed to the fire alarm from Roxa nna I evening. Ohio Farm Bureau Federation. Thursday evening when a barn Mr. and lfrs. Ed Longacre re- Columbus, was burned. turned la t week after a motor =================~============~~==~~==~ trip. visiting relatives at Augusta "Al~hough the marltin of votes Safety campaigns under the IW, Va .• and Washington D. C. and ~as small in both cases," Perry L. sponsorship ot the IrOVe 10lSO a sight seeing trip there. Green of Biram, pI'esident, said, . Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hadley " it demonstrated that Ohio voters No matter what the need, no matter how great the emerl1;ency the of safety and Red Cross always answers thc call. When fire t hre,tened all ChicaJro conducted in and DelaWe are glad lto know that an~ 1r, und Mrll. Scth, FlIrnas and did not wish to resort to property Ja t sumnier, t he Red Cross had fir t aid stations set up' within an hour ware the week beginning DecemhId It..l d F d Q a ses ments to provide for road bel' ]. A nother one has just been Bessie Lamb, of C.~rwin, was per C I ren n. eT\~e rlen ~ uar- b 'ld' d . t !Jt 3 after the first alarm. When the Morro Castle burned off' th , J ersey f ct in her spelling: last week ac- ter)y MeetlOg at WayneSVille Sun- UI 109 an mam enan~e, U ,a cOllst, Red Cross chapters were ready and waiting to give aid b_fo re completed at Cosho~ton and this cording to the school r epol.t in lhe d a y . . cent gas tax proved insufficient. the 11 t 8 ' I d d Wh LA ' week an inten ive campaign is MI'aml' Gazette. ' Mrs. Adda Miller of Columbus The Farm Bureau oppo cd the en os ngales County was visited under way in Youngstown as n I k th h ndment from the first," rs urVlvors were nn c. Miss Wilma Jean Engle of near spent ast wee at e ames of. by devastaling flood s last New Years Day, a heroic Red Cross chapter part of a month's simil8l' driv chllirman lo st her life wh'iJe giving aid to the people around hel'. there in industrial and other activi Wellman, was a Sunday 'guest or Mr. and Mr . Walter Kenrick and Farm er in Ohio responded Thil! samc story of heroism and service goes on day after day. tie . Preventation of traffic acci- Mi s Kathleen Thompson. , Mr, ond Mrs. J. B. Jones. strongly to the farm bureau camFew p op le know lib ut a ll the things the Red Cross. carries on in its clents is among the featUres of Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Nash, Miss ' Ml's: Muy Carmony spent Sun- paign to defeat .the proposed tbese . T'h d'" . Stella Rose of thiJ! place Miss day With MI'. and Mrs. W. F. Clark amendments, accordmg to state quiet way. It 'do 8 not blow Its own horn. We must do that for them. I (l ~om~algns. c d IV1SI0!l lSI Viola Boehmer and Harold Nash in Waynesville.. bureau officials. - - ...- -Few people realize that the R d Cross cares for individual:! t p annt"g a 8:CO~ ~er~ona of Dayton spent Sunday with John . Mr. Harvey Burnet is attenddisaster '11S well a a those l:hat appear in tbe headlines. To a man in D"ayc/ con .tre".ce JO e e N' aL Rose Of Gosben, 01~io. I ing a D!,iry Convention at Syra- NOVEMBER BUDCET FOR danger of dl'owning, to a motorist slowly bleeding to death in an auto on ear y 10 aY\uary. lne A P 11 f ( Z ' cuse OhIO this week . M~. and Mrs. Cal~in Longacre RELIEF TOTALS ta,800,OOO acc.ident, to a woman facing childbirth without medical ,a ttention, to coutn.ti,ea in t~e Miami Valley will on ~a G o~ell~ a~~ef~~~ycaSIUlend par IClpate. ' , d b'ld a vcterlln with no one to fight tOl' him; their plight is just as serious day afternoon. an c I ren were , week-enq to them as though thousands of other people were in the same plight. . ' M. M. Terry ami wife attend- guests of relatives in Cincinnati. ' Approval' of , its November For all these various cases the Red Cross has programs of service, . I,~a C. P~ummer, .ch~ef of the ed the community 8:ale in Lebanon Mrs. Margaret John s spent budget, providing for the expendi. h diVISion of Vital stabstlcs,. State on Friday afternoon. ' several dafB last week at the h ome,' ture of approximstely $8,800,000 Th ousan ds ar.e s~ve d f ~om d ~own)~g eac year. bec~use the ~ed Cross De~artment of Health, was m Des Preacher Fox, o·r Kentucky is of ~rs. Martha Kough near Way- , in relief funds throu hout Ohio hln ~ cour~e m hfe savmg. First aid, on our maJor highways IS fas~ bc- Momes, lo,:"a; Monday.and Tues· planning to hold a r'~vival at Green nesv111e, and was a guest of the during this month, h:a been an. Farmer s club there Thursday. I nounced by the lltate J' f _ omlng unIversa l bccau e of tbe t housands the Red Cross hilS trallled I day .attendlng thc national con- BI'iar in the ne~r future in first aid; police, firemen. government workers and industrial ventlon of Registration Exe~uti:ves ; Mr. and M1;'S. R. J : Murray The Ladies Aid met at the mission. re Ie com mployees. The Red Cross program ot public health nursing has saved w?ere he ~e~d ~, paper on • OhlO.'s spent Wednesday with Charley home ot Mrs. Edna Vuker, last the lives of many who could not afford medical att ntion in theee time!! VItal Stabstlcs. He returned 1ft I.StaITY and wife at Clarksville. Wednesday afternoon, with a large The new budget e.stlmates ~~at of str as. The R ed Cro s veterans's rvice makes Bure that every disK- time to speak Thursday befo~e .the P. G. Wells and family enter- num~er p~esent, The" December I 21,3,825 local. re~ldent f~~lhe8 _ 1 6 th annual , Health Commlsslon- tained { V' . . I meehng ' w111 he held at the home throughout OhiO, will be reclplents bled vct ran gets a square deaI and proper attentIOn. . er's Conference "N 't f company rom lTginla on of Mrs W It K • k ' Th ' ill of direct relief d'uring November Th d t1 th· h R d C ' . ' on ecessl y or last Sunday. a er enrlc. IS w , " ' ese an , mllny 0 IeI' IngS t e e ross gIves many times Accurate Vital Facta." J E F' dWI 'f f 'be the Christmas meeting and compared "WIth the October budover. The only support it asks is your membership once a year. With____ . ' 11' razler San d e, 0 tWaYt' members will exchange preaents. jget estimate .of 194,918 families, .. ' nesvi e, were un, ay gues s o · f 8 '. . out ita th~usand8 of volun.t.eel'~ It could not carry on. Wltho~t Its When the pre ant legislature R. J. Murray and wife. ,Mr. ~ames John.s hal!J been ill Itn mcrease a 1 ,407 famlhel fOl' membe~hlps, yours and mIne, It cannot carryon. But carryon It do cs convenes November] 9 in the last Oregonia was WE!}] represented WIth griP t he past week and November. always ready to answer the .call. Your ,c hance to do your part in of many special .sessions, me~bers at the church herE! last Sunday unable to drive th~ sch~o~ truck. Budgetary allotments to Warren answering the call cornea thiS week. JOIII the Red Cro s in its annual of the senate Will gather m a evening. ~usseJJ Campbel~ 18 drIVIng for, county for November for direct Toll call. Join now. n~wly d.ecorated assembly hall that K. E. Thompson, Albert Mount- him. relief $13,0]8, work projects $115 Whenever th Red Cro 8 asks something in the na me of humanity Will delight the eye and please th~ joy, Oti Rich and others attended Mrs. H8~ey ~urnet is able to 444, rural' r:ehabilitation $1,059, , . . • I h I h dl h' senses of even the least artistic church (C tta t' ) be out agam BlnCe her recent emergency schools $380 No of HUNTINO that somethmg I gIVen by t~e Ame.rlcan peop e woe earte y. T 18 solon. The wall and ce.iling have in Orego:ia g~npri:( ~h:r!d:y mneu and is visiting this week at families 722. " at FISHINO , the home ot her brother, Dr. • _ ..._ __ w . k the Red Cross 8sks Ohioans to become memb ~rs. It only mak ~s been painted in a beautifu l uni- evening. K. E, Thompson spent Monday Ernest Rosnagle and family at thiS appcal once a year. These mcmbers are the lifeblood of thiS form light greew that reflects lar. _ Mil 'greatest mother in the world'- her Bole means of sup port. brightness and cheerfulness. New in Waynesvj)Je. London, Ohio. . 1,~ppl'!ll""'" ..I Habli ta/_ _ __. _ - __ Friends of Mre. Margaret Johns We of Ohio shaJI not let these gallant people down. Day after lighting and heating fixtures are IU '.'01I.w .....ellMlae Ie. IlI, , ..... ....... _ -day they serve to rclieve human su ffering, most of them without pay. being installed, new carpets laid., WALLACE TO SPE~AK AT tend~red her ~ surprise Saturday p In..... "' ........... . . . . Try olO. Their only plea is 'help ua to help.' all of the ornam ental decorationll eventng honorUlg her birthday. have been polished, the do ors and FARM BUREAU C::ONVENTION Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jones and From any Bell J ystem tele. window frames have been painted ___ ._ son were Sunday dinner guests of sOlne 32,400,000 telephones !lhone, and new windows have been Mr. a nd Mrs. Edwin Nutt and I white, 10 the world mlly now be reached. t II d Th Henry A. WaUaCI!, secretary of fa '1 C t '11 • 'L , lOB a e. e latter a re of special m1 y. near en ervl e. Should -Iuee persons decide thaI rr I ., ' " 0 ... 1S1 ( " make and adjustable to make it agriculture, has accepted an inMrl!J. Kesler Graham entertain, poasible to remedy the bad ven- vitation to speak a1l; the 16th an. ed Mr . C. W. Albright, Mrs. a":J0ng them they would hold three. tilation that ha been a bugbear 'nual convention of the Ohio Farm Adda MilJer and Mrs. Walter Ken- minute conversation s with all these The Obi. State University Radio Station- WOSU heretofore. The gallary over th Bureau Federation, according to a rick to a luncheon Friday after- te!ephones. they would lind that even WIth su~h a division of labor they C> 00 M . , ' wea t entrance has been removed report trom farm bureau head· noon . wOQld stili have to dcvo:: th eir lives .,: USIO. d ' H E E " ,and will not be replaced. quarters in Columbus and ~1l apMr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick vis- to tbe ta$k. 8:05 The Glr~y Bro.t~eT8: R!ne~a l~s ""A " I' E' SSv,tlD; ~eatr dOli tfbe hPTogreL,m durtng the ited Mrs. A. S. Cornell neal' Ferry For. keeping at it twenty-four 8: 15 Farmen InqU'lnes tngrlcu ura ngmeerlng .. g. ng. a According to state health de- rs ay 0 t .e seS8,IOD, Thursday, Tuesday afternoon and report her :26 Music partment statistic Ohio e njoyed November 22. SOIDte ~OOO mem- 80me what improved and able to hours a day, without allowance for ~undays and holidays or for mak8:36 Home, Swe tHorne ... ........... , ................... WOSU Players an unusually healthy period dur- bers ~!,d. delegates of the farm s it up a little while at a time. the central office connections. 8:60 Your Thanksgiving Turkey .. ........ ,........ ,.. .. ,.. ,...... P. B. Zumbro in~ the three years previous to ol'g~ntZ~hO~ are. ex~ect.ed ~o Mi88 Mary Savage of Dayton !ng It would take their combined time 9-00 The Best Buy in Body Building Foods .. ,..... Mrs. Mary Gerlaugh this one, The general death rate of ~at ~r III t e cap~t81.1 tty for thIS was an over night guest Tuesday for over 180 years, or more ttlan 60 9 ;10 Music 11.2, 11.1 and 10.5 per 1000 pop. 111'0- ay even~ 0 cia s stated. of Miss Helen Ea.rly. years apiece. h' V'ta ' A T S S tt ulation is th I t · d d Wallace will spellk on the re. . H ' 9:20 Producmg r.1Jlk Ig m J mm ... ,.................... . . u on . . e owes ever recor e ' Iationship betwee 8'gricult d Mr. and ' Mrs. Charle Clark . were 9:30 Corr pondenee ourses in Agriculture ......... J. E, McClintock lin the .state, Mo t gratifying, the : the government nin~ludin:r:c~~_ :~te~alnedf t~ Sun~a~ dlll;r at 9:40 Some Fall Proble,mB in the Orchard ...... .. ........... .. , .. ,.. F. H. Beach Isb tate dthlrectodr Of. heal~h 8a~S, hal! ties ot the agric~ltural adjustment CI:rk me 0 r. an r8. alter een e re uctlon In diseases d . . . • . peculiar to children, especially in a ministration, pro,ductJon co~. Mr. ~nd Mrs. William Coleman diphtherin. Deaths 'from this cause trol. p~ans fOr ,1935,1 pro~ress 10 and MISS Thelma Coleman were decreased. from a total of 1,104 achlevlnit a parety for agr~c?lture, Tuesday dinner guests at the in 1,912 to 174 in 1983 Most a!1 d government trade pohcles de- borne of ·Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kendeath s from this disease o'ccurred Sign ed to afford agre~te~ export rick. 10 0 among children less than--ftve years mait et for the 'n ation s farm Mr. and Mrs. Garst Billett enter L __~________________________· of age. Th e past year was allo pro ucts. ta.ined a number of relativea to COLUMBUS The annul tion have been l!Jet for December very encouraging in respect to - - • Sunday in honor of their 3-7. Tb"': will be held under the measles. The rate of 1.70 per 100, son,m-law. and daughter, Mr. and ·'Every Pupil Tests" conducted by ~J 000 was the lowest in six years. 0 Mrs. AddiS Burt. tbe State Department of Eduea- directorship of Ray G. Wood, The scarlet fever rate was Mr. and ~ra. J. B. Jones and a 10.14 in 1911 and 3.14 in 1988. e~, ~rB. Adda ~IUer attended a meet· I....:l.,I_ _.... In 1929 it Was do"n to 2,26, the . U. • Ing at Sprtngbor9 M, E. Church lowest ever knowll in the -departB, Mn. J .... 8 N. Sunday after?,oon, i~ charge ot ment. Another low record was ,_ _ _ . ,. ,. "• •• , . ~ the new district superintendent Dr . • 8 VB ~"'1 -e made in' whooping cough. Deaths C, M, Coulter, of Athens. · in 1933 were 152, a rate of 2.19, ' M~. ~nd ~rB. RU.ssell Bergdall compared with 638, a rate of To-day it'a r aining, snowing, sleet- · o~ Cincinnati spent the week-end ing, With Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Berd13.40 in 1910. The infant death rate of 62 per 1,000 live births in And the icy wind keeps beating rall and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robin On the windows, and creeps in son. 1933 marked another reduction. I beneath the door: Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bailey enThe fall quarterly meeting of And we put an old 'quilt by it, also in the evening Mr. and Mra. the Managing Officers' Association To keep out the cold we'll try it, RUBsell Wilson and little daughter of the Department of Public WelSo that it can, not. blow in acrolll! Russell Wilson ad little dauehter, fare was held last Friday at the the floor. Miss Eva McMillan and Herbel't McMillan of Waynesville, Mr. and Girls Industrial School at Delaware. Assistant Dlrector Darrell Out ~ide e.ely thing'a the matter, M'ra. ~ett Kenrick of CenterS. Jone'S gave a report on the reIce and sleet and lots ot splatter ville were also evening CUeltll. cent meeting ' of the National And, I sit and drear.n of Southland ~====~~=~~~~~~=~~====~====~~=-=:-:-i:===:-:::===~~~~= Pdson Congress. Mrs. Rose far away ; Beatty, superintendent of the All my being is a '-Quiver, school, addressed those present Here I sit and shalte and shiver, concernin, the problems of the deWhile the 8un is ahining warm linquent girl. Dr. Roy E. Bushong there every da;v. NEW epoch in maritime hi,- Statee, Mr. Franklill D. Roolevelt, superintendent of Lima State Hos· tory wat befUn when the North who accompanied by bll aon, Elliot, pital, gave a report on the varioua Far trom this -place, with cold winds fr~ld, aspect of the psychopathill perGerman Lloyd liner BREMEN ar- crossed on her. An anlilysil of the BREMEN'S Bonality question. Where nose and feet and hands ri,ed ill New York harbor five grow rigid, year. 810 and immediately utab- performance involve. fif'llli nan· into many clphen-wbethCJ ( think of that pla,ce, where it is Ii.bed, not merely a record for ning referring to the number of pallen· .peed, but alao a new Itandard for gera or the number of doUara spent just like May, traa..t1ant~ t r a vel. Curiously on her In this countl')' for her main· And it I live through this season enouab, thie achievement became Miami, Quarterly meeting was t bet I will know t!he reason more tball a ""vcn days wonder," tenance. A .urv_eyof expendlturea If I stay next YClar, even for a in New York from the time held bere Friday and Saturday. and 'he BREMEN has not only re- incurred day. BREMEN made her initial ap·Mrs. ,Johnson, of Anderson, Ind. tained her. reputation I~ the mari- the CLASSIFIED ADS COST ONLY time world. but hal been a source peara.nce on July 22, 1929, until 1I0W, has come to be a guest for the of admiration by her consistent and discloses the Itarthni' fact lb"t al· winter in the home of Mr. and Mrs It'e get out and feEid the cattle ONE CENT PER WORD. WHY With my bones Qnd teeth a-ratnoteworthy performance from that rnost $11,000,000 haa been dl.burleel. Jesse Rill. Of this enormOIll lum, an amoWlt tle, d.y until the/r~eeDt, piling up a~ of $982,500 (tbe ~or portion of KEEP YOUR ATTIC FILLED Jones, west of, is reo eaYiable recor of eervice and today, which repre.ent. actual payment, of I'n" .. r,i .... from a serious a~ck ot And I'm most dead 'fore J &,et balt WITH USELESS ARTICLES upon completing the first ~alf of "round my chore; her OIle hllllciredth round-trtp, she wages) was 'pellt for m1ace1laneolll sciatica. Next year I will start out it,m. iDdadilll pllotue. wharf.,. Curry spent last Mrs. Annie THAT CAN BE TURNED INTO II ~tecl to .. an oubtandin/( ex'happy, and Itevedorlne; overiUDe for CUI- week in the )lome of her daughter amp.... Get up steam and 'make it IInappy. tom,' ollcen; PO~I tq boat IIONEY . FOR SO SMALL A. , · With buurinl at New York ~n service.; electric. curreat, Iteam: and . Roy Jones. And I'll I!Jta)' down SO\1th, until Mr. and ,Mrs. W. C. Smith had November 8th, tire BREMEN WIll telephone servlcel; ' fre.b water: COST. 1KY THIS ·M EANS OF the Winter's o'er. have finilhed the first lap of her $7.039,625 paid the fuel bill: whit. as Sunday guesta Dr. and IIr• . cmhal')' voyap. ~his, in itself is n~ the amount of the world'. finest Dufrey and children, Mr.. Arena ' Then, it Clan ketlp on an'o-wing, SELLING AND SEE WHA.T A utraordlnafl achievement, were It food, pdrchued for the ship'a Sewell and daughter, of Columbus. sleeting, DIFFERENCE IT WILL MAKE · DOt for the fact that ahe has main- laTden COlt many bundred, of John H-eary Morris who suffered Cold rains on ~;he clapboard. tained, dwaine all these yeart, a thousand. of donan. sprained ankle, il able a severely TO YOUR POCKETBOOK, AS beating, tcbe4u1e of urivals and departures J n addition, appredable outlaye be about without tbe aid ' of For 1',1 be away where all u Oft clock-like replarity, in all weath- were made for office rent, advert!..wELL AS TO HAVE YOUR crutch ... en, throuab aD leaaon. and under b~ht and wann; and apnta' conunluloal. IIrs. H. C. L)'tl& bas been bav.u conditioa.. Thia record is due inll'Commodore You can ltay btll'e if you waut ZiqeIlbeba wu bona STUFFY OLD ATTIC CLEANED fa 110 small mou1lH to the man on in Celie, GermallT, NOYeIIIber 16, inC a .evere, case of blood poiBOn to, .... BRI-MEN'S br1dce, Commo- 1874, he firat weat to ... In 1890 on on her band. OUT. IT PAYSI I'll go where I We L~upol. Ziepnbein, ~ho the bark FUERST BISMARCK. The local Chapter O. E. S. . Where the ~ht her crter on ber nuuden later on the bark NOKIA, enterin. eleeted tbe tollowin&' ollcer. m, the eervlcel of the North Germ.. November 8: Wort,h y lIatroll, ft78PBorlan ; Auo. Matron, . " all od4 coIadcIence, Commo- Lloyd in 1900. Le!)pOI. Zlecenbeia Graee . . . ZieaIDbeID eelebratas 1I0t only commandecltbe S.s. ItONGBENG" Eqle; Conductr... IIJI'Il the OM Tnalclredtll voyage ~ut a1. 0 He on the Ha,dock I AIIo. ComdllCtnM, ilia 1ktIetlL~, wbicb occurs K A :;:...;::;ri the Kathrp BU1IOek: Wonh7 Patron IE. ltobert: D. Collett; AlIa. Wortll:r ~ NOtemItIr 16th. the date of the .1 JUrS armal io her home Patl'~ BurweUIIW.; ~_. the comple.ada Nogle; ' Tnuanr. LrdIa "'~'"fI8C.


============================ "Help


u. To Help"

B hG eec







I '



Talkative? Here's Something to


a • m A'iaht 7,.

h o.'ember 19 I !-----------------------------'



"i' E' ':"'" :'

==========================:=== :----or------------------------., "reet

Best 0,£ the News" D.S From the Oh tate C· ap.t, I

'+1- -.- - - .. GOln

========================9"== _______________________. .




1JOIIr841e lo


j S S Bremen n.... Cenhll'V Voysure I

thilNI'WS. PlP'F- It ,w.i1l hrle,


...--New Burlington

JI_...... 011


!IOU htt;eA



TESTS SHOW II URE i:HU:~ie~i~o~dltion.


tre fOllnd BUBH inspected in the llunty

lOP ORESSIN'GPAYS ~~~l~·~t ~~:clcll:~ se:~S~~SV~~l~:


anon, five at Springbo ro, five Harvl'yaburlr, {our at. Mono\\' and Mills. _ I W1teat Yiel_ IncN... aad FOJloW_1 three at Rings • ___ _

P ......._

In. Ha.y CI'CIIp .. a-ted


Top-dressine wheat with n]ll.nure fall and win tel' has proved very beneficial to wheat t and to tbe new seedln(t. From this All Kind. of D_.b lre• practice benefits to the' foUowinr corn crop also may be expected. R.,air Work Done Quickl, T heile "Te the conclusions reached by Earl E. Barne~ argonomi t for the Ohio Agricllitural Experiuain St. WAYNESVILLE, O. t S· · . th t men tabon, In summmg up e resulte of experiments in seven !!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!~!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . county • and Oh" district experiment 10. f.arms m In the ellperiment the corn and wheat aho received broadcast applications of 200 to 300 pounds of 20 per cent superpbosphate, and my apprecia~ion during tbe wintu before the land was plowed tor corn, eirht tons of manure ~re applied. ,-he amount X-RAY WORK BLOC ANESTHESIA



in the late


,------------, I

Help Fight Tuberc!,tosis ___ _ _ ,






Fr."ends Home News




O. .. __..._,_,,..u_,,,,,,""_


Frl.-Sat.--N.\,. 1&-17


"Kin, Of


The Arena"


Thirty-eltrbt Warren county school buses were inspected Wednesday by the State Highway Patrol in a check-up on reCOll)~nd.tions made followibft tbe orlrinal illipeetion of lotal equip"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!'!I!!!!!r ment I~ weeki ago. ~ These inlpectlona are being made throughout the ..tate by the hi,bway patrol cooperatinr with the state department of education and lou] Ichool lIuperintendents. School bUI. found tn perfect meclJanlca] conditiOn will receive approval Itlcken. At the ftnt tn-



more' than 15 miles to bear tbe program. With the openin&, 01 the institute season in Ohio tbis month, there begins a aeries of community ~eetinga which are expected to attract 700,000 attendances beore spr ng. f Not all i of the proaraml are speeches. At 239 of the 680 Institotes held lut year bome-talent plays were presented. And a dinner was served 6t 124 othen. These are two 01 the mOlt popular ways of meeting expense!! incurred in bolding the institutes. Conlidera ble in~nuity in raisina' fundi was displayed by institute committee.. S.ome 38 dift'erent kind. of ties were employed for the purPOIl8, ranginl' all the way from a community fox hunt for pelts to the old-faahioned eales, lociala, and, lolicltation. Toplca 01 bighest interest at In.titutea 8eem to fall into tlaree main divisioll8--thole of appHcato farm, the home and tbe commulIlty. In the tint lI'oup, dllCllllioll. of the farm aituation bid 10r tM mo.t attention. Almoat half 01 the In.titutes acheduled talb on tbla subject lut year, and accordlna to J. P. Schmidt, atate lupel'Yilor, probably will apin thia year. Farm manaa:ement wu dlscUBIed at 106; credlt and finance at 78, and t:uation at 3'7. . Chlld welfare and trainjn), 1Ubjects thetopiel, mOlt followed illtereat amonl,arnered tlIe home closely by subjects dMling with homemaldn, and manarement,

8plendid 8upport.

Willi... Hlillord S ....III

~~::::::::::::::;:::::::::: ~~~~~e~=========:=~======~~~~)\





The Memorial Service 'Of all the hallowed customs of men, few are so dch in meaning ' as the reverent tribute paid the memory of the dead by those stilllivtng. The forms and ceremonies may change with the age, the people or the country, yet the purpose is ever the same: To take farewell of the one who has passed on and, doing so, to express rightful honor and reepect. We approach O1,lr part in the Memorial Service in a spirit of sincerity and understanding. Our duties are more than a professional task to U8, they are a sacred trust. Whether conducted in our chapel or at the home, the Memorial Service is given all OUI' care and consideration.




W.,......O •• OIllO 1'''''.7 ~~R~~~M~t~~~~f~a~rm~~:o~c~~~I~u~e~.;;:~:~~;;;;;;~~;;;~~;;~;;;~;~~~~

election of officers and payment of the members of ~~~m~~~«~~~~".n~chi~u~. dues. bridge club, tbis

Columbus, are visiting their relatives Mr. and Mrs. Howell Peirce. Miss Ruth Chandler, of Cedarville, was here over the week-end to visit bel' aunt · Misl Rachel Pettit and attend Friends' Qual'terly Meeting. Mrs. Anna Cadwallader and Mias Clara Lile were dinner guesh of Mr. and 1(1'8. Harper St. John at Centerville Station on Sunday. . Mrll. Anna Cadwallader, Miss Clara Lile, MillS Anni~ BJ;'own and Mill Marne Brown were gu~8t8 of Mrs. Rill. Brown at Centerville on Friday. • - •

"Baby Take . A Bow" School Of



~!e;~:etr:~in~on~iv:; !~u;,:e:! LADIES NIGHT AT r~rs"LUey D;k.:' of ~ayton, ;re:!in;s f~r7n~; h:m:Ot':!~U;~ I ta.k e this space to thank acre. , spent Saturday and Sunday with back from dIstances .. far .. 1800 many friends for their "oAL GRING E her daughter, Mrs. Forrest Graham miles. The majority of thOle atOver a five-year period th.e winter . applications of manure on :\ tending, however, had come n.o



Jefferson Township


GAllED POUI. .1 TWO .01'11


Friday, November 23

11...- - -....----IIIIJIIIIIIIlII~....

Ross H. Hartsock ,--"'!""'--.. .


Opening Home Game


wheat caused six-bushe'l increase ' Mr. and 1111'S , Peter Demas and in yield. The hay crop following " amily, of New Vienna, spent ~unthe wheat \V88 boosted almost half November 17 is Ladies' Nigl)t day with Mr. and Mrs. Ohver a ton an acre. Increases in eastern Farmers Grange NiJ .. 13 witb the ' Davi!!. ~hio were cons.iderably larger than committee composed of !'lIra. Ron- j Mr. a nd Mrs. Wlln. Haine!!, of ~~-.~~-", In western OhIO. . . aid Hawke. and Mr. Earl Hockett. 'Peoria ill. were ISunda afterThe effect on the corn crop, It IS The program the;y have prepared '. It ' f 'Ir ~ nYd Mt es una e rom 8n experlmen c no. is a follow&: W It El ' '- t atd fWooster, is to ' t 0 a Piano duet .VIS ors •.,. '1ft due.ted produce Jean Jane Hartsock n oon a er zer. 0 "'.u . 5U yield 85 to 90 per .cent all large as R ' tat' .... j h L d' ton Mn. C. E. Elzey and daughter, when the m8llure 18 applied to the eCI. Ion .... .. 0 n u mg . of Oreronia, spent the week-end so d to be plowed down for corn. Reading ... Mrs. Walter Kennck wit h Mrs. Elzey's mother, Mn. T. "Up to two monthll a.lO 1Il11to..-1 This metbod of using manure Piano Selection ... , ....... .. ,. .. .... B. Brannock. ach wu In slleh • bad conditJop I , offers protection to the wheat from Helen Margaret Gons could DOt even take a CliP of cofF.. · heaving during tb e late winter J oke8 .. ...... .. .. Mrs. Bern'e J ones Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Butinp and in the momin. -without beinC lis die- and early spring, and furnisbes Mu sic ..' '.. ... Mr. Russell Frank son spent Sunday in Lebanon, the r tresa for two 9 three houn. ! the much needed nitrogen in the Papel' , .. ..... Mrs. Mary McClure gue8ts of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford bo~ij~'t':IP«i . bottle ~ )'0'th E~1oII spring wlH!n rapid growth ot the Song .......... Betty Hartsock and Hizar. 10 that aom: wheat plant demands it. . ' . . Ruth Salisbury Mr. and Mrs, McKinsey, thin. had happened to me all of a I-!, dry sprl~g it also aIds .great. Plan~ Selection . "Mrs. John Gons Mrs. Alic.e McKinaey and Mn. O. udden. Iy. 10 conserving moisture m . ~he Th18 program, planned by M Ridge wer uellts of Mr. and "Sine. then I have used aix boW.. aOI) near the surface, a conditIon lad ies, i! to be compared wltb t he M' Joe MCK~n~ey at Morrow on ft nd now I can (tet up in the mornlq wbich is almost aure to lead to an one for the following meetitlg pre- T~s'r da ) , and eat comed beef and eabba&,!'l excellent stand of clover. par d by a male committee. Come u 8 y. 5lomae~ in lueh ~ CODm~oa. Barnea concludes that an applica- and judye for yourselves. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Evans Cb~· B . Dlbloeb.19 .IICO ..... tioD 01 manure on wheat is a - - • I and daughter, Betty Jean, Mr. and 'ulaf toNi bealth7 fundamental sol1 on CHESTER A. WILLIAMSON Mrs. Kenneth and daughter ' fa1'!"1 dlftlculty II Marjorie, of Dayton, were Sunday natual bo':.l::hor:. TIria Ie the ~)ftl:v solid am1llat_ ed 111 getting a good stand of grass RESIGNS HIS CHARGES evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. 1Iuufe. and 110 palatable that It 11 and clover. . Walter Elzey. I aten with a Ipoon like Ice enaaa. - - • Chester A. Williamson minister Wonderflllforweak,llcklyebUdND. of the Waynesville ChUrch O.f Miss Sue Crane is spending a YOIl are urred to try Mllb Ernul- ' Christ also of Ferry Church of few days at the horne ot Mr. and slon. Take six bottle. bome with Christ bas resigned his charges Mrs. Forrest Graham. Mr. and Mrs you, . use it a~cord~ to cUreetfyDi Mrs. Anna Cadwallader, who has and will go to Scottsville, Pa., the ETn Smitb and Mr. and Mrs. Ray n4 if not 8atIB~Ud be th the U·u ta, been confined to her room several first of the year. Sm ith, of Dayton, spent Monday 60c days ill said to be improving. ---- - evening at the home. bottle. The Mjlks Emulsion Co., Mi.. Frieda Harvey, ?diM Ethel EASTERN STAR Mr. and Mrs. J oe Gibbs, of ferre Haute, Ind. Sold by dru(t~I. Mendenhall and Mr. ROllcoe FurELECTS OFFICERS Blancheater, were dinner gue&tl ~ver7.hC!ra. nas attended a meeting of P omona tM d Mrs Elmer Sheehan on '. anMr. and • ' ~c., Grange at Lebanon, Th ursd ay Miami O Chapter No. 107 O.l E. S. Sunday. 1tl[rs.. Elha night. held ita regula r meeting Monday Clure 'lind daugh~er of near SprIng Mr. and Mrs. lrvin Baily and evening. A pot luck supper at 6 boro, were eveDlng callers. datlghter Kathryn, of new York o'clock Waa followed by tbe


High School Basketball


I wi.h to expre.s

the apl end id vote accorded me at at the election on Novem.. ber 6, 1934.

Since farmen' \nltitllte' toha.,. broadened their pro(tl'&1D1 Include more time for di.lcu ..ion of community probleml, they are at.. tra!!tinr people from all walkl of li1e. A summary of attendancea at 32 of the almost 700 instltutel ~[rs, Flo Monfort" of Lebanon 11)9 dif ptlnt Tuesday with Mrs. Osc~' held l'st year .Iista lome. S ·th ferent occupatiolll as l'epreaented. VS . ml • Farm people beaded the lista, but Mrs. D. C. Ridge has been con . kinds of skilled and unskilled trad- and bUIl·ne __ ••"'. -ere repfined to her home se'veraI days b e-~. .. ( M - - . - y CO~D.t') . r "'nted. ' ...,.. eau e of illnen. Ad .. i ..... IOc, 15c, lie Adult S _ _ Tickeq $1.00 SaUors on furlour b came, polic. Miss Grace Savag'e , ot Dayton, men, barbers, railroad men were ' ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; , is the guest of her grandmother, found in the crowds on their da1" ! Mrs. W. F. Graham. oir and teachers and laboren and Mr. and Mr&. Geol:ge Osborn, ' of minilters uri'v ed in n~mb~ra. II Lebanon, were guests of Mr. and They carne f~~m lonl' d~.ta~cea. M R lph Hast' rig' on Friday. Many commuDltles hold lDStltut16

Miss SJlrah Connc,r, who baa b en ill with tonsilliltis, is recoverlng. MI a Belle O'N all lis moving into the O. M. Ridge prolperty on Main street.

Waynesville High School



... ....... White Rote, the d....... 1'-_ _ _ MoGtla Gasollne. _ _ _.....

All of C.......I7 .

!'tIr. and Mrs. J. O. H.-wke were in Springfield today.


S...... n .....t . . . . . .t

All La. . .• Coats Wi" V ... Tri...lq-lie TId.

- - -_ _ _ BELLBROOK MAN

COMMITS SUICIDE Harry Un.derwoo~l. 46, ?f Bell~ brook commItted SUlClde thIS morn ing at the farm of C. M. Austin, on the Waynesville pike, one and a qual'ter miles south of bellbrook. His body waS found banging in a woodshed at a suga~ camp on the Austin farm, by William. Sidenstricker, who was cutting wood near there. . Underwood is lIurvived by two brqtbers and a sister, Eryin, of Dayton, Charles, of Bellbrook, and Mrs: Paul Moore, who livea near Bellbro_ok. • - _. HAPPY HOUR CLUB



Schoob, local IOvernment, and

guesta were Mrs. Jrohn Mrs. J . ' K. Preston and Mrs. W. E. Cornell. Mr. Charles Wright, of Dequelne Pennsylvania, arrived this mornin, having been called bere because of the serious condition of his motber Mrs. Jane Wright, who is III with pneumonia, at tl)e 1I0me of ber !ister Mrl!! Julia Donovan. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roadll, ot Johnsville, and Mra. Emma (learhart, of Dayton, spent ..veral days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ~. H. StUbbs. They were joined on Sunday by Mill Ruth Gordon and Mr. Robert Myen. • - ..


BE 0

The Happy Hour club met Tuesday afternoon at the of Mn Fred Gons with Miss Bettie Ogles. bee assistant hostess. Meat canning in llome kitcbeDi A Thanksgiving program waB is growing in favor year by year presented after which delicious re and Ohio rural hom,ema1ten have f~eshments in keeping with the beco!lle more and 1l1Ore adept in season were served and a pleasant the ~rt of puttilll a,vay taat, and locia] hour was enjoyed. nouriahin. routs, Iteaks, aauaap The December meeting will be pork ehop., turkey and chicken to held at the home of Mn. Ver,o delirbt family ap~ltltu and to Mltchlner, con.t"t famU, fllOllrc ... Warren OOUDt)' Boma.1bn =-===::;:=======================:wlll mtet at Memorial bl Lebanon" on ThuriICIll1 afWrDoim, Novembtr 82, at 1 :p. 111.. to witne . . . · ,eumlnlf dl1lloutradon ~ven by Mn. llllr7 E. Gel'ExtenlJon Nutiritlonllt of Q S. , " N EW weapon to thwart moRegular schedules for excbange of Elizabeth Gr&ddy Warr.e n count)Demonstration Acent ur._ torized lawlessness in Ohio information also are maintained "by Home every woman tntereelted in reduc. bas been installed by the the Ohio station with Clarksburg, W. inl family food costl and In COD, Slate Highway Patrol. Va.; Louisville. Ky.; Indianapolis, ISl!rvi.nJr meat in tbe :moat satiafaeAs an auxiliary to its atate·wide Fort Wayne and Richmond, Ind" and tobe a·t the demon:ld io system, the pa Irol now has a Knoxville, Tenn. This clrcle pi cQnt 1 p. m. a IStratlOn :e1etypewriter system between Ohio tad is being rapidly .widened as other _ __ _ _~___ .lnd seven other states to aid in curb. points realize the value of Iwi!t COIl1ing 'inter-state criminal activities. In- Jnunication in .:oplng ,with the auto- ..... AU' ... CHARGED itially illstalled for a 9O-day trial. the mobile bandits, according to ~iih­ iN MAII"S TACTICS ystem will be made permanent if suc- way Director O. W, Mer1le1l of Ohio. -..;sful. Predictl U. S. Aid County ollleen were ..... to Speeds Polic. Mea..,n The importance of an adequate radio aid In the apprehension -01 a maD The teletype system, which has its and' teletype communication system to fleeclnr persO~1 in rural comeadquarters at MassiUon, serves lhe combat the swlft-moving criminal is munitiel. Accordlq to tis. laante function In dispatching rapid aDd evidenced by the fact that automobiles received nt the COllft. I ccura Ie police reports throughout are involved in 8S per cent of all houae, the indivicfba1 ~JlProaeb. rto ..u th.m :he northeastern Sej:t ion of the United felonies committed The teletype- hll victims, . wbleh wUl ';tates that the patrol radio system writer i. ideally luited for police com- a coune of IUral post loes in spreading alarms within the lI1UIIication liecause of ita aecrecy. qualit7 them for men and in 10m. be of,tate. sperd and accuracy. repreThe Obio teletype .ta~iOC1 tiee iato Mertell predicts that the day ill not ten thNqIa thla • sevra-state police teletype circuit far off when the federal IOtelilli18llt lentatlon, JOM u pOlI_aReh. AI l'8pN8ellted. Ivhicb inclaclea Pcnnlylnnia, New will set up, throll8h the Deparbaeftt 'lork, Musachustt1l, Connecticut, of JUltice. a series of radio control 8cial. I q ..the pIa widloai ...tlt. Rhede hland, Delaware and New Jet- IcatioPa t;q .. c~ boule for iIq. 1nfOI . . . . ftltIIItJe to ..... die ever..xt-nd~ ItaIe 1IItwcde. ..... .... Itt Ea,1and that Is placed U.... pIao, ItdInt -tadlo atatloaa 011 tile immccIiatel.1 .hOWl _ tIURnIt ..ena.. - . 01 the .....


Ohio Highway Patrol Joins 'Seven-State Teletype Hookup


The peatest training school ill the world is at motbeT's knee. Mother .renden a Mrrice more wonderful, more nluable than that to be obtabl.d of teacher or states.... She la the mainlprfn(t of eoaru; III bet

,...w'. ,. til..... of Io?&.



.., ...

-and price

not considered A flip of a twitCh and yow porch light 11eama cheerfUlly thro~gh ~ night. Perhapl .the light it . to act .. a guide for a visitor. Perba~'it i8 to welQOme.«mle l1leplbet of the family ~I Iato at nich~ perhaPi there is IUdden sickness ~ide, and' the liaht leJ'Vea to cut prcciOua minute. oft , the time it ~ee the-doctor to find yoW ~. Whatever the purpoae. .. you switch on the lipt,our only thought 11 01 the IerviCe it rea. den-of the VALUE you receive. There II DO deliberation over Price. You know tba~ ...... COlt 11 inaipiftcant in ~ witIa the ciutt' performed_ So it ~ at• .,. when JOII \lie Semce· VALUE oOmea ftnt. That Ial': N~ bill ,.",•••• lor. .. liItM oUii


10.,. "





MEN HAVE CHARGE OF GRANGE PROGRAM NOTlCE Mrs. Grace L. Smit.h has joined The Idlewilde club met at the The Miami Gazette force a newS Saturday night, December 1, home of lIb.. and Mra. Earl Craw· reporter. We are trying to make will be men's night at 'Farmers ford, Thursday, November 22. At. the Gaz tt.e Il real newspaper and Grange No. 13 with John Shultz tending the meeting were Mr. and --- ask. your cooperation by rc~portiJlg and .Harold Whitaker in charge. Members of the New Century your activities to Mrs. Smith, ot urnm ercial car owner ' are Ul'gThe fo llowin g program will be Mra. Earl Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lacy, Mr. and Mn. Charles Club were entertained Friday culling phone 112 or 118. Thank. d by fotor Registrar Frank West given by the men and boy of the • - .. to apply for 1935 license tags at Grange. Mr. H~ .. _ Had Conducted. Dry Zimmerman, Mr. and 141'8. W. E. af~rnoon at lhe pleasant home of Stroud, Mr. and M1'8. P. L. Re D Mu. E. L. Thomas. The viceIRA JAMES STANSBERRY local deputy regi. trars rather than,...... A......... Good. Sto... in wep...n"; Mr. and M1'8. L. C. St. 10hn, Mr. president, Mrs. Howell Peirce, pre' write to the motor vehicle bureau Music-Cbarles Fires and Clark Ae~.. ·... (aSk, and Mrs. D. L. Furnas, Mr. and ai.ded. ---In Columbus. All truck and trailer Hes!<. For T~tJ y_" Mrs. W. E. Kellner, Mr. and Mrs. Roll call was reaMnded to with Ira James Stansberry, second pIatelS 'however will, be mailejl di- Recitation -Bobby Hastings. s_ll* C.. ImpreBBive-1'uneral gervic~, were R. MOSB, Mr~. MOSB Sr. and "Thanksgiving Cu!!tomsY During on of ,Frank and Ella Sta!nsberr~, teet to appliClants from the bureau Music- Quartet. t he business !lesslon ,t he clob was ~orn. January .11, 1896 · In Registra r West believes that in- Current Even~ameB Gipbons. held Sunday for Myel' Hyman, Mrs. J. P . LarrlCk. aae 51, who died Unexpectedly at An ,enjoyable dinner was held voted to give $5.00 for Christnias ' Waynesvtlle Ilnll clled Nc)Vember dividual commercial car owners by MusiCl-Char1es Fires and Clark .his home here early Friday morn- at the nOOn hour with the atter. seals 19, 1984, aged 38 yens, 10 making application through the Heas. ini following a heart attack. noon being devote~ to stunt!! and . months and 8 days. office of one of the deputy regisThe program included two exWhen the U. S. callied for trars instead of the Bureau sim- Recitation- Ronald Salisbury. Mr. Hyman's death came al a diltinct shock to scores of friendl The. next meeting will be held ~lenL ~ap~rs, tbe ft:~ by ~n. soldiers t.o take part in the World pllfy the issuance of tags. Throllgh Talk- Statistics on School Ependi. in thta community. December 18th at the home of Mr. y'?~n d o~ner, w oSd ~u e et W~r, he enlisted, and served 1the local registrars, West pointed ture&-S. S. Ellis. Be had been active in the 1I J PL ' k ~a~ C· an a, t~c secdf ~ rt ,t hIrteen months ovel' se8!l, where out. it ill not necessary for the bill Music-Quartet. bueineBB and civic life of '. . arrlc. . ' . .ra .. e on ana anoun · he was gassed and this WillS prob- ' of Side to accompany the applica- Stunts--Robert Cr,ew. ~ ~l:eh and a poem by Mrs. C. ably an indireet cause of his death .: tion' to the state bUNau. Bills of ville for the last 20 years, having e~me here from Lebanon. He . o. g . He was employed at Moraine sale are atamped at the office of f~lIDded a store adjaeent to the DIlr)ng tbe social hour Mrl;. City. On the morning of his death ' the deputy and properly notarized pr..,nt OIIe which he was operatThomas, who was assisted by he compluined of not feeling well to that eft'eet. ins at tbe tim!! of his death. ' her granddaughter Janice Burnett and passed away in the lai~ after- i L. H. Gordon, local registrar is Evincing a keen interest in the Raylon Crabbe an~ . Ruth Helen noon. . in possession of application blanks r eommunity in which he made hia LeMay, served dehclous r~fresh~he summons came !lUddenly , These applications are forwa"d~d home, ' My. Hyman had a bOlt of menta. which bebooves each one of as to Lo t he bureau in accordance with friendl in this and surroundlnr ' pause in our daily life to tllke heed instrocetions issued by Registrar ' ~~=~~===~~~~~~ communities. H~ alwa" took an J ' Entertal"n WI'th of the words, "In the mids,t of life . West. Upon payment by the apPli- 1 attive part in movementa for tbe . we are in death" Qnd "Be ye there cant for the 1936 plates a receipt will agree to hold the aWllber d be,ttel'ment of Waynesville and Cordia Truu was a Day tOil fote l' ady." . Iso stating is given to the person. Mrs. Sadie Conner was t he guest bOI. pr~du~d :for market ,... was always ready to aid in proj- VlBltor, Monday. un ay Inner He was marrIed to Katherine These receipt!! will under no cir- of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Conner ' 1936 . htten to wltlda ecta wblch tended 'for the better. ' ' Casey October 8, 1931. Icumstancea permit operation of on Tuesday. Iper cent of the aclJ~ .e"'-'.,j~ Inellt of ita citizens. Mrs. Lee McClAin. ~.nd dauebter . . In passing, let us remember that the vehicle w~en present tags exage number prodae.4 ID The funeral lIervice. in which were Dayton VISItors, Friday. Because all. of their famdy , Ira. a World War veteran, was one pire. Proper plates Jl!llst be di8Mrs. W. F. Graham an~ Miss period ~n.tAd of to wItIIlD fi Waynesville Lod,e F . and A. H. Mr. Horace Compton, ot New could not be WIth them on Thanks lot the boys who went wlben his played to permit operation. Grace Savage wflre in Dayton, I cent as required til .... 1184 giving day, Mr. , and M~B. ~. H. country ne/lded Mm. , . The 1936 tags are Clanary yellow Monday. tract. No. 163, members of Cincinnati B li Scottish rite and Syrian ';rempl. T~~J:;~n, 'Wal!! in Waynesville, Williamson gave the fanuly dlDn~r I He was a kind brother, lion, hua- on a dark blue baCKground. The T~is new allotme.t of ..Ita Shrine tool( part, were conducted on Sunday. Thos~ present on thIS band and friend. aerial numbers, for passenger cars Miss Grace McLal'die, of Dayton ' age permits produetloD ot _ -at the McClure funeral home here. Mr. and Mra. GeQrge Henderson most happy occasIOn ~ere 141'· and He leaves his father, mother, here,.are from 6'lHA to 450HA wa a caller at the Friends' Home 260 million bu...... Tributes to Mr. Hyman as a and IIcma visited relativea near Mrs. Paul Ha~k~ of Piqua, Mr, and on ll ister and three brotlbers, be- and 601 GZ to 999GZ. New, plates on Sunday. quiremel'tII lor J1""~CM~.~~~* citizen, father, husband and mem- Oxford Sl1nday Mrs. R. J. Wilhamson, of Clevl!' sides his wife to ma,urn their loss. cannot be used before December Mrs.. Maym" Hatfield visited b~r Thia is l'eptded.. d ber ot the Jewish fatth were paid . \ Iand. Mi'. and Mrs. Charles Hil~I'" 10. " view of the Deed for Ina1IdbIc by Rabbi Samuel Wohl, of Cinc!nMin Mazie Carter will spend ?Jann, Mr. a~d Mrs. Harold WIlJ~ We callhlm Death. TIS the Angel ___ '_'-. _ _ friend Mrs. John O'Donnell in Leb relerves. lIatl who Ipoke fiut, and ~bbi the Tha,ksgiving ,holidays with rei laroson and httle Mn Dicky, of Sll!ep anon, Saturday. The aUot....t of JOleph Tuay, of Terra Halite, in Dayton. Dayton" Mr. . John Talbot, of Th~t cOOles at last fJ:om the Mr. and . Mrs. James Goo~, of fifth thaa Ind., eoullin of Mrs. B7man, who CohlmbuB, Misses Grace and sdent deeJl, D k d _tn.;. . I bell Luella Williamson. Sun.~~Y after· And I\moothes forever the brow of wu in cbarae of the service. th Mr• a~~ Mfra• F. H · FMarr wilW Meet December M~:;O~tell:r~~~t;:t~. auesUl of caive a J The Scottll1b Rite ring ceremony e trUes ... 0 Mr. an d ra.. i noon caller at the ' "Illiamson care, equal to 'I~~~=~I 'Was in oharge of H. B. Welc.h, ot Wh.ite, Thanksgiving liay, home were Or. and Mrl\. George And ca~B the fever olE passion . g Mrs. Mary McOlure, Dr. and Mrs of hOil rl Cincinnati. MilS Eliza Shearer of Hamilton Smith, Mr. and Mrs. John C&fferty there. ' The ~egular mee,tin of ~ayne H. E. Hathaway will spend Thanks cent reductioa. .. _._.Pallbearers, all nephews of "'r. h of FtankliTI, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Town ship Mothers ~Iu~ WIll. be "'ivlng in Dayton. nayment ....n ..... .1>& wa. over ntg t guest ot Ayleen Co 'U B C" d held at the G d b Id F d .. .. ...... Hyman, were Sam HymaD. Leb.- Mai)Jous at bel' home Monday. opel', ...T. ryan oo""er an Cud of Til_ira ra e Ul mg 1'1 ay • ceptanee of "';;~~;~r; .noll, ~onard Shanat, CinCinnati, Miss Ruth Williams, of Dayton. afternoo~, December 7, a~ 1:46 Mr. and Mrs. Victor McGuire, secretary of Bury Rich, Xenia; Sam Polasky, '¥r. and Mrs. Herschel Bailey, The family wish to ,express A ChrlBtmas program wlll be of Trenton, spent Sunday with Mt the !Second s-;....It. Dayton; Harry Polasky, Piqua; of Middletown, spent Sunday with ENTERTAINS RELATIVES their gratitude to the fri'endIJ and pre&ented ~y First and Second and Mrs. James Lov~ly. 1, 1936, . ._.1111....~ and laadore Hyman, of Xenia. Mr. and Mrs. lohn Treadway. neighbors who so kindly minillterg.rade pUP1I.s. _ - .. penNI ~........ f=+=t; • tbl dd b Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Denman, ... PI ~ e d t 0 th em In 88U en ereave-- :-. -..- _ . t DEATH ot Madeira, Ohio, were luests of paymen<....... - Burial was mad e in Clift011 Mr. and . Mrs. Herman Su.rface. Mr, Frank Crew entertained men. last yeat. Je",lah cemeter7 in Cincinnati. Surviving are his widow; one of Middletown, spent Sunday with , rast Friday MI'. an.d Mr~. Eme,r y Mr. and Mrs. Frank St;ansberry ___ Mr. J. W. Ooleman on Sunday. ITom ,.,.. daughter, Berynee, one SOll, Rob- IIr. and Mn. Leiter Surface. , Brown, of Ctmterville, Ind., MI s and Family Funeral services for Jame!! E. Miss Nellie Watkins and Mr. Milo larger ill tile . . . i:~;1tni ert and three brothers . . Leona Fordyce, of New Castle -~- lA.ndl'ew, 71 years old, retired MiltenberJer were guests of Mr. will be at tile . .' . _. Watch B dRepal.nni-ftne. t1' S I engrav- II.J.nd. , Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Brown irth Anniversary farmer were held Monday after- and _ra. Carman Crane on Sun- bullael 08 U. "'.1IIiIi1l:1 Car• • f 1'1aaaka ea a re~ ung, I verware.of Lynn, Ind., and Mr. Robert Inoo!) at 2 o'dock at Sugar Creek day. the n.~ of We wish to ellpress our .incere Cary Ii Jewelry Shop, Crew. Mr. Stanley Brown is an Ob-erved U~ite~ Ptesb~eTian . churcb in M .I u _ C 0 corn Jalld . . .. rratltude to all ODr friends Whol ' Qhlo. expert shot h.aving won the grand G Wllmmgton pike. Buru~l was made ;r. ,a nu J UJS. • D. sborn, of 1982-.1H11m. .... belped in any way at the death ot Mrll. Anna Haines, of Lena, Ohio ehamplonsh~p of . the Old rule in Beavertllwn cemetery. Sprangfield, were Sunday dinner baem. ___cmjla our beloved husband and father. is Ipending two weeke at tne home .shoot at Fnendshlp, Ind., last year Mr. Max Hollingllworth. of Mr. Andrews a resident of Day- guests of Mr. and . Mrs. J. H. " eol~_"'.\j We deeply appreciate the many I of her daughter Mrs. Laura Con- the best of 204. Tomorro,:", near Oregonia, was agreE~ably sur- ton for the last 11 years, died at.. ~mitb. mittM for all- crop expreBliona 'of condolence and the ' nil! ThanksgiVing day, lIlr. Brown wlll pl'ised Sunday when . several St. Fran«:is hosllitaf, . Columbus, Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Weaver and farm which ... bee tokens 01 Iympathy whicb did • , partIcipate in a shoot at Rising friends and relatives Clime with Saturday morning at 6 o'clock. He sons will spend Tbanksgiving witb leut onee cIuriDc tnuc:1J to lessen our srief at bi.1 MiaI Etbel Comp~on 'o f Hamil- Sun, Ind. Tbe Browns are cousins well filled baskets to h,er home ' left Dayton two months ago to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Yetter of yean. paBliq. ton, Is spendinlr this week with of Mr. Robert Crew and Mr. Frank in honor of her birthday anniver- visit at the home of his son, Her- near Centerville. III th. III' NllltrllK lin. .)lyer H,man and Fall,lily her cousin, Mrs. Ge~rre Hender- Crew. sary which occolTed on 'Wednes. bert L. Andrew, of Columbus. He I ment wa. ,0 eentll a ....~... _ __ _ _ _ son. . - - --- - - - - da),!. November 121. was serlollsly ill ,for a month Mr. and Mrs. RObert Alderman, o~ flae a.e~. ., yield eatiml_ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Linn and Ge P "P" Those prese1")t were: 11lils Han· though lJe had been in ill health nee Louise Hough,.are announcing the '!olB~unity for 1M IUU1U daurhter Dale, .,.nt Sunday with ts av in ennles, nah Woollard of IJagers~;own, Ind. for sev~ral years. the birth of a ,daughter Norah Lee acre. releued fr til cora IIr. and IIrlt. Henry Hough, near Salesman Wants· . Bag Mrs. Kate Woollard, MTI!. Va~ghn He was a native of Montgomery Saturday, November 24. tiol). L bert Hollingsworth and daughter, county, passing most of his life on • ';Contracted acrel" ha.. um on. Tllf:odore F. Roemer, uiesm"n for Barbara Jean of Dayton; Mr. and a farm' in the Beavertown vicinity. Mr. ad Mrs. J. ~. Fromm attend. dropped f~om the- 'c ontract IIr. and lira. Vernon Mainou9 The Ohio Bell Telephone Company, Mrs. Edward Woollard alnd family, He is survived by three daughters, ~ .the ~om~ Lo~~ng at ~e .~or~h to simplify compliance lind and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ray bdieve,he has found thf: most frugal Mr. George Woollard alnd daugh. Emma C. Andrew of Cincinanti, D al~ 8 reS ~ ern c urc n topermit lTeate.r ftexihilit, _ MainOlll and fami17 visited friends man in Fostoria, O. ter!', Mary Jane and nernice of Margaret J. Andrew ot Dayton ay on on un ay. ' in« operations. 'ThIl ~!atl~I.F in Spriqlleld, Sunday. A lubscriber, to whom be recently Belmont; 'M~. and Mr,!. Albert and Mr~. Alma Gerhard of Mrs. Charles Myers and grand. ihility is essential ST. MAlty'S CHVR(,~t sold telephone Sf:rvic:e, made the in. Shepberd, MlSS Eva Wo~,llard, Mrs WayneSVille; two sons, Ralph H. son Elmore Binkley, of Cincinnati del!trlJction of many hal' Rev. J. J. Schaeffer, Rector December 2, First Sunday In IIr. alld lin. Cla.r ence Dunham, ilia! l'ay.ment all in l'ennies. JSO of Walter .Ro.t>:rts and d~ugbters, of DaytoJl !-nd Herbert L. of Col- visited Mrs. Myers' mother Mn. ture stands throup Opal, Vtrgmla and Dorts, Mrs. umbus; a s.lster, Mrs. Nettie Har~ Keziah Thompson, Friday. damage . Advent j Church .chool.' 9 :80, of Lebanon, were Sllnda,y evening them. Roemer is considerina the addllipn Bertha Lewis and daughter, Miss per of Sprmg Valley; four brothNo .limitatiOn is pIlCH • ermon and Holy Comm1Ullioa at ~elta of M~. Dunhams parents (If a haversack to his next selling ex. Opal of Waynesvilie; J!ra. Olara ers, George B., Harry S., A. EbenWatches for Christm~1 $1.00 to total acr.age of aD)' 10 :30. Mr. and lIrs. H. E. Stoke". pedition. ' Woollard and Mr. and ' Mra. Max ezer, an of Dayton atld Howard ot $50.00. There is quality, beauty corn. The Jlew contraet P·.,....L . Mr. and Mi .. Robert-Grew uti . ______ Hollingsworth and famll.y. Cedarville'. oar the ul!le of shifted acr.. for . . . ST. AUGUST_NE .CHURCH Mr. Phineas Cook were supper -==:;:.c::=:;,==~============== ,= qruen and ~Igin watches Cary's ing any crop other th•• ~. ,.. Father NewtoD, Putor C11e1ta of lIr. and Mts. Charles Jewelry Sh~p, Lebanon, Ohi~. 1~1n1 purpo&e: ' ' . ' ___ __ . . There is no limitation P..... Haas at st. AU~.tiD"S Church ZlmillermaJI. Friday, every HCond aDd fourth SUDda), ,~:. 1 iL'' :1 ~y A. B. CHAPIN ' Mr. and Mrs. R. J: Wi\h~n liveiltoc:k other than hop. Mr. and II .... Ralph Truax, of f the month, }-=====~::;;::;:;;;:n:;:::::===================:~ -=::;:=====~ left MOJlday fora pleasa~t thetr home Although not apart of ~ Louisvine, I:y., ' .pent Saturday ,_ -.--Cleveland after week i!ll at corn-hog program itselt, ... 1 FRIENDS MEItTING and Suday with tbe former'. tb.e home of the former. s .paTents, ernm~nt com loan pro. . . . . Firat-day Sebool at 8 :80 a. m. mother lin. Cordia Truax. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Wtlltamlon. only to those who ~ G-oo1> '9Yli ,t='o&.t<'S ..:.. MeetiDc for Worlbip at 10:80 IIr. . .d lin. C. B. Chapman, Miss Lena Anele, of Mlddle- the 1986 co~.hOS ~r....... 'l>O.r"T c:'4tV A,.,." 'DoN'T ~~It'i! lD. who were in Indiana Jut week on town, spent Sunday with Mias ' In general, all con..... D:::~~ \'L.L. SOO~ MAK5 MV ~ IN Dorothy Hart80ek. Mias Anrle will tef', whether or Dot til., .. WA.YNESVIUE II. E, ,CHURCH bum..... ....nt the with 'THE WOALOalso be Miss Hartsock's on 1984 eorn-hol: ~0Ilnaew. R,•• O. C. Dibert, ~ B. Chapman and famU,. \N A CJ~ -nNe ~ W.'PjiR5 .Thanksgiving day. . . gible t~OJil~ig~n~t~h~e~1~1~1.5ri;;~ji~ Wedneada,: . (ToDiaht) Our R. H. lI..uoek and Robert l'eeeiv: the \NILL le RlU. OF ~V G~IiN&'SS' . Dual Thanbaivinc ' ..nice win be Chapman '.ttell4l.ct tbe state meetI wlt.L BIr IN ~a'( Bopit'S MOu1l4" held at 'I :80. ~ iq of Couat, IJ'reaauren' Auoc:t.~ ter!t:n!:d I M' /t#I'D 1\4eV'AlILL ttt.c; .. ME 'LIP FOIl. Sunda}': Sunday aehool at 9 t80 tion, wblcb was held in Columbus and .Mrs. Cicero Budlon, 'of Leb" • 1).\\(S 1b COME AS A iePIC OF' _. m. Morniq wonhip at 10:80. on Frida.,. anon, Miss Anne MaYle and Mr. ('ONVERSA1ION fAIl&lAI1!i.L ' Th••ubject for the lermoU will be William Turey, ot Kason. "The Beauti.. of • ellma" EpRev. Putt 01 Ol'lenspring, SenMr. and Mrs. Ralph Hutlngs worth LealUe at 8:80 p. m. with aea county. Ohio, former II. E. will have .. their guelt&. Thanks- . Ruth Conn.r ... leader. Evaqelb- paitor at lI~on, bllt now retired giving day, Mr: and 11111'1. Cliff tie .ertice at 'I :80 p. m. You are ealled on Dr. aDd lin. Witham Hizer and Mr. and Mrs. Georre cordially invited to attend aIl7 or afternoon. Osbo~ of Lebanon. all of th... .eme••• ' - . The W, F. II. S. wUl meet with II~. ud 1Irs. .W. B. AlleD aDd Dr. and Mrs. LloY.d ,Hall· and MI'l Jeft llarlatt nat WedD_1tJ II.. OItN 4n... wiD lIPend family, of St. Lout., lrto., will .f~oo. at I pm. ' with IIr. aDd lin. . ~ lamU, at 13pend Thanksgiving ' with Mrs. HaU'lI parents Mr. and lin. iIarry WA.YNESVIu.E CHURCH Bill, Cinclnantf. McGinnis. , CHalIT lin. B. C. was in nay(Undno.laatloal) Sa• . , ....baIr alld beard Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith ena ..ter A. "Th. ~....." all oratorio by tertained with car4I Oil - Friday Churcll Sebool at 9:10 .. lB. 11, tile nz.t Baptbt eveninl', Mr. and IInL Ralpb Hast ing8, Mr. and lin. PbU Lani!)k,\!WInfcl!,·kHll'e. Lord's Bup,.r at .oa.luoa. ~ cIlvela lito.. of " .meeL )Ir. and Mr.. A. 11. Stubbs, Mr. tIaD E.d....r at 8:80 p. m. ....~ • iIllt..,.qeII8de . . . . . at 1 . Po an. w and Mr.. Irving W.Wa. m. Tb. .IIIUter will .,.,.at the Oft cia, Mr, and Mn. O.... U.rl',lby, tlilrd of • '1Il'I.. of ..nDOIII OIl aDd lin. ClbadM 111'. Mr. and Mrs. II. D. "Coaaecratloa," "C.i.a.. lin. 0harhI lIorrilJOll ad da.Uaulrliter, Mr. tau • ~ . tei' ~ 01 CIDoIDaatL Sanker will Pnra- ..... ad ..............atlfal rInp, and lin. ..... "'......., .. ,rtf p. .. TIM ... 9< . . . . . . . out nalll~ tamlly . . . . . . . ,.. feel .t ..... Ill.... qJQ. to OL lee til... 1'.......11IU....!'Ir ..........














u.. --





Mother.' Club To











cro, .

a~r:in~::egtu:::;,r M~~ C '.ARL




'*'DIIam.......... Sa,., ....




White Ro..- ower .....

_ - .....- - - - - - -........- - - - - - - -. . meetins with roll ull. There being II"'-------~!---------------"teNllled Mn. Llcla H. t ton and no buaine to be taken up. II.... Culle Collett at dinner on hind the enlln•• WllUam Stl'ouae read a .tory on Friday of Jut week. tbe aubje~t. "Beak. of Birds," IIr. and Mn. Herbert Carr enafter which the meeting was adtel'talnecl their bridge clult aturrned. The next meeting will be daJ nlsbt. . Supt. and Mrs. R. H. Franeis inon December 7. ComlDOil P ..... Proe....... \Franklin and Mlu Pearl' Rober"" vited quite a number ot little • .,.. . . . Dr,w., Wit" J. ...... but one lubject. "I neurly died trom 'flu'lut OctoTeI.pboDe Scbedal. of Franklin. folu to their home west of town F~ "'-__ ,__ . . . z· f Saturday afternoon in honor of bl!t', and it lett me with a terriblf' Way~ ha court teaml .~ ............ CI.-- Bett... 5.,..11 Period during which patrons In th~ ea e of The Unao~ ~OlDt ~i1bur anck •. coal man 0 their dau Mer Carol Lee's sixth c()u!!,h. "I Raw MlIks Emulsion adgertlled tOllnta with th Bronchos D call conveniently reach pupils by tock Land Bank oj' DetroIt a Sprmgboro and MillS Lena Hurtt, blrthd g .' and started uslnq: it. It helped ms I.encn tOWllPip last Friday The FreJIhman English class has telephone: Corporation versus ,:Jerry w~od'lot Sprjneboro. ay ann~versary. aWh~ whe~ the looal fir t team con organIzed a Better Speech club for :00 to 8 160 a. m. 4't ai, ,F red Fatut and Peniah Thomll8 Thorn, paper maker of Mr. Maurice Collett and ~l'. right {I'om the sUlrt. I had 11O appe· tlte and my s tomach was in bad qIII.r.~1 the in.adera by a score of the purpose of (IOrrectin, mistakes :46 to 9 :60 a. m. Fatut di mls ed as party defen- Franklin, and Miu Irene St.eward Walter Palmi e~t of N~W Y~~e~dl!~, ahape. But 12 bottle8 have straight81 to U. T1le game was a closely in oral langua~e. Wben an error 10 :45 to 11,40 a. m. dants. It is ordered that Fred of Franklin. were over-n g" gues s on 1lett ened me out entirely. I eat.anythin&, COD sted one and tbe outcome wus is made in their speech, members 11:40 to 12 :25 Office Closed. Fatute and Perzieh Fatute made of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. C9 .coal witJlOUt di&trcl\ • my cough Is sonl lICK ~ertain until the flnat whiltle. receive a stllaU r d pIn;' the only 12 :26 to 12 !30 p. m. party defendants, etc. R_I E.,.te T,...f.r. A large truck loaded with I I\nd I have g!lined back my IItr~ngtl1 The 1C0re at the hal1 stood at 9 way they can di pose Of it is to 1 :25 to 1 :30 p. m. In the I!A e of The State of Ohio John William Johns.on to Merrm from Jack.on, Ohio, was co~p itei: ~ nd ftesh."- Enlt1\8 Withei'll, Box 60, to 8 In f.~or of tbe local boys. detect an error in someone else'a 2 :26 to 2 :SO p. m. versus Samuel Gri ham the dc· A. Jobnson real elltate in Mason. Iy wrecked on the S hill as Belmont. N. . Milks Em\Ilslon re8tores health)'1 WayneevUle rel!erves put up a speech, then the other ~r!on re- 3 :25 to 4 :00 p. m. fendant pleaded guilty to ' the inFrank G. Simpson and Minnie Frid.y at noon. natural bj)wel action. Milk!! Emul· tift'taht but were unable to tum ceives the pin. This project will It will be a uecided courtesy to dic:tment filed against him. en- A. Simpson to FlOYd Linkous and A dinner wu given Miss Vivian si/m strongly recummt!nded te back th,,· Jefferson township boys. continue until Cbristmas. busy pupils and-teachers to confine tence deterred until a later date. Pearl Linkoul real eltate In Frank Euter and her father on last Sun- LhOse i8whom sickness has weakened A I ' N.....:c.. ' calls til abuve !Sc hedule so fas as In the ca e of The ~tate of Ohio lin townahip. day at their home in honor of their The final eore was 20 to 11. This is the only olld emulsion \lImnt e.. .. of 34 possible. • versus Rufus Crosby, Robert W. Harriet E. Furnu, de~eqed, to blrtlldays. made. and 10 palatable that It i~ Jacque Adams-Farming, WayBrown was made counael for de· Setb E. Furn8ll 98,60 acrel in Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kennedy and at4'11 with Il spoon ' like ic creAm. __ • .J of Scltool Ne ..... la.ide neaville. fendant. Wayne townsilip. son Herbert spent the week-1)nd R Wonrlcrrul.for w .uk, lIickly children. Ruth Early MOJ'jan- Maried l;,ytIe In the CBse of Violet M. Young Addie H. and Allen T. Fleming with their daughter Llda an tam- You are urg d to lry Mjlks 'Ernul, sion , Takosix bottles borne with Some 01 our readers whQ follow Cecil Davis--Milk route, Waynesversus Floyd Young :a divorce was to Addie Stork Biggins real l!ltate ily, of Cambridge, Ohio, you, use it according to direction! adJool bappening may have wonville. granted the Iplaintitl'. in Lebanon. Mt: and Mrll. W. C. Tlche'nor hnd if not satisfied with tile resulu, dared to lee OUT newa In the in,llide Margaret Rogers--Miami UniverIn the case of The State of Ohio Addle M. Dowdell, by executor. entertained Mr•. Llda Hatton and your money wi II ue promptly reo pate. The reasons fOT thia aTe lev- R ~tYt ~fOTd. W 'n versus Alfred Gregory, Jury trial to Eve~tt and Anna E. ~r, and Mrs. A. S. Collett Thurs- fl,nded . Pl'iee (10' lind $1.20 per etal &lid may be stated 88 follows: 0 er ~nl- ayne VI e. • Defendant found guilty andse'll- real estate in Salem townlhip. day evening. ~oltle . The Milks 1~1l1ulsion C~'I It pl"Ovidea a chance for writing a Rot~ SmIth- At home, S p r i n g . . d tenced to 60 days in the Warren . Felix Rude, deceased, to Cather Mrs. Charley Edwarqs received r ene H \Itt'. Ind. Sold by dru'llisu penonal acl!ool column, with ediey.. . ' . Warnmg was gi~en a~alD to ~y nty jail. ine Rude, et al, 25.(16 acrea in Bar word of the death of her sister. ~v e l'ywher • touia and intereating jokes: in Roma Hardln-Spr~ngfleld BWlm- by A. D. Haney, investIgator JD In lhe case of Ke:nWcky Joint Ian township. Mra. Nettie Camp, of Lebanon , on port giv.. the club a chance to use ess College. Spnngfield. ICharge of. t~~ Warren ~ounty tl.ffice S~ock Land ' Bank of Lexington, Henry~ .• Eby to The Mi8Jlli last Saturday. . the!1' own hll'8nulty an~ individual Wal1ac~ BernaTd At home. Way- of the Dlvmon of Aid for the ,versuS' Charles W. Sehaefier, .et al Valley Budding and Loan AMocia Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hockett. Mr. talent in deecribing Ichool new.. N neSV;!l~. DI k' S . ta ,Aged of the ~at~ Welfa:e De- the time to plead fOI' defendant is tion. inlot No. 94 In Franklin. Mrs. W. C. Kersey, Mr. Ilnd e~a eel's-- e 1080n ecre r, partment, t~at It Il! a ~rlmmal ,o f- extended to December 1, 1934. Henry H. Eby to The Miami Val Joe Davis and 80n Richard a... Play PI_... L.r.. lal School. fenae to. gIve false, mformatlon . The case of ~lbe' rt Gibbs and ley Building and Loan A8!lociation and 141'8. Howard G~aham arid Cba~les Bhllrton- At home. Ferry. concerning the finanCial status. of Ellen Gibbs versus Harry Barn- inlot Nos. 882 and 888 in Franklin dallghter Kathleen, Mr. and Mrs, A. . . ._ ..... _ W__ I h Lucl]e T omp on Sams-Married an applicant for an old age pen Ion horst and Mary Bar'nhorst is di George H. Anderson deceased Erneat Mannon and Miss Ruth ......ora Dayton. . . d Wit . h ou t recol·. d U " ..._liB W preHn"", G St ~ir ela ' t"• C A h W '11 Quotmg an ord or f rom M ~ L . mlsse to .... ae F or d And erson 169.49 and Mr. and Mrs. Obas. Gordon (Jf p,. e u a. ay enon a. Iona rane- t ome, a~nesvl e Brown, Cblef of the Division. at In the case 01 Anna Raub versus acres in Salem township and 6 Iota tbe Hilarity club spent Sunday btfon • Jarae audIence lut Tbun Charles Hartsoc~-Farmmg at Colu bus the local inv~lltigator Dudley Raub a divor'ce was grant- in Morrow. G 14 M D a Id d f '1 Ia: P~"t!d ve~t~n I hom~. ,,;~yne1~11I~ ~ S' said ~ros~cutionll are to be under- : ed the plaintiff and slhe is restored Trustee of Salem township to Invited peat:cweo:e M:nEd. ar.~:k ..... witlI til asp c M an : n;a11 ays tp-orne, pring taken whenever such misreprcsen- , to her malden name of Anna ROb" Mary Oliver and William J. Ayen and dauehters Misses Elizabeth e aponaor, 1'. ' Gan. ey. . tations are proven to have been inson. inlot No. 164 in Salem townsbip Eleanor a·n d Mrs. W. P. Mc AND CONSIGN ,ca..n. to be eompll~n~d. Much Ru~y James-At home, Wayne8- ! mad with intent to defraud the In the maHer of ·the transfer of cemetery. d d bte Mi E 1 eNdlt: 10M to 14m aobblns and ville an aue r. 88 ve yn. ahe,.p and oal.... for lDikiq the play the John Thomson-At home. Wayne. state. . . . :funds of Ma sie Tow~shiP. ,700 is Lewis S. and Mayme F. Limbe~t Mrs. Mary Tucker and son Jolin Uv. wire a11d ft....tal lace'" that ill was. ville. Mr',Brown sent the follOWing III to be transferred flom the Gaso- to Frank Broerman, real estate In were Sunday ,ftemoon callers at th. hlgh_ rood a.m••• Late Conner-Working in Way. structions. ~ .the loca! office: linIe T 8X Fund toftFhe ~enNerball Fund MOMntgom.~rYLanBd WaTtten eEol~ti::. th e home of John S'pray and ~ister market pricea Ulliloa Stock Y.",,' Ciaela_d. O. nesvme. "The DIVISIon of Ald. for the n t b e ,case 0 ans 0 e vel'arquI". ro~n 0 lIle... of near New Burlington. Tune in on Radio Station WOIY J . M d' b A h W Aged feels that it has gIVen warn- sus Steve Noble the answer and Brown real estate In Morrow. • - • 12:26 to 12:80 p.·m. for our daU, TIM fonowi~S II a lilt of the eanne. ere It - tome, ay· in&, enough to persons who violate cross petitiOn dismiissed by de· Perry M. S~ell. deceaaed. to PUBLIC SALE market repone, he. . papd. in the ftrat .g rade: 'Rj n:lvdl1~iIl F . t h the criminal laws of the state by fendant. A divorce wu granted Sarah E. Snell, et aI, real eatate in r - armlD£ a ome, giving falee information regarding the plain tift. Cllsto~ly of children ~faS&ie township. GIac1p Ib'e.. Norma Adami and ~r Chadaa Di1Iftt. I R b a~nesi:' on N • forma the financial statUB of old age to plaintiff. Sarah E . Snell, et a1 to 1. F. Aa I am going to town due to , TIle had the 101l0~ u ,e a 0 ers 0 ID - pension applicants. Pr08ecutions in Jacobs real estate in Maaie towndeath of my husband, John U. .... OD the honor roll tblS Ruth tlon.Peck- At bome near Lytle. ~he court wl1l . be un d. er taken now N.w S. i t .ship tenDpapOa 1 · I will o«er the following ,, 43 YE~R5 OF S~RVICE Wu.a &adaee, William Woollard Garland Osborn-At home, Way- In all cases, wh~re mtent to deVelma Cue venus Eugene lIale on the Bull Skin Road 8 ~ • ~ W."UIIIUl. Raul Vint, Jan- nesville. fTaud thr, s~te IS pr()ven, and the Case for divorce. Charge Is, exBille Allowed mile/! North of Barveyeburg, 3 1ee _____ Rath Anna Johns, ' Erneat. Sheeta--At home, Waynf'lI- courts wlH lDvok~ t~e penalty of treme cruelty. miles South of New Burlington, LEBANON, OHIO V-~Lo- u __~_ d D th ville. $500 fine on convictIOn. Joseph L. Vail v,ersus Rose D, Mr . Helen Doughman. 8e~'Vicea, 1st fanh North of Dr. Ward's ; 10 We bave a complete _, • _ ......n. an ...u V f d' Ch' $7: Mrs. Howard Sawyer. U S th f X . - W -Kaw. Miller, At home Wayne8- '''Some fl.agr.&nt ca e8 Of. mis- al I or Ivorce. arge IS ,r088 ice., $7; Tlre Western Star m etI ou 0 enla, on W.teb Repair S.rvlc• Hel... ~ , .Jule. Barnett hu a perfect . v11le. representations have been uncov- neg ect. binding tax duplicates fol' auditor T.....,.. D_~ •• I,S4 Prices Reasonabtl! aeon I. Ipelling for the second Bernice Graham Dickinson .e red by investigaton during the $65: Wald.r on' C. Gilmour. In. Beginnin~ at 1 p. m. the following: Beads Restrung tenD. u all. made 100 every day. Secretarial School, Dayton. last .few, months, .and the pe~sion Probate c~o ....t quest, $8.90; Waldron C. GilmQu~ I Dark Bay Mare;. COWIl, 4 Jewelry :Repaired Th. Third G'tade II.. the followappl1eatJons; or. if one had been In the matter of the estate of inquest, $6.3 0 ; Waldron C. GU- Shoata; l ome chickens, 2 stands of "THE HOME OF GIFTS" iIIIr papUa On the p.rfeet lpellinr S_ior. Get Silto. granted, it was revoked. Edgar Car on BUl\ger. deceased. mour, inquest. ,7.60; Ohio Cen. Bees. Farmin, Imp''\ments and JUt few the term: The entire Senior ciasl went to "For instance, in one southern distribution of assells ill ordered. tral Telephone Corp., November Household Goocls. G~ Lamb, Erwin Lewis and Dayton Wednesday to have their county we found out that a man In th matter of the estate of rent, October tolll, fOT rtemploJ. Te1'1lls Cash. DoDaId Watkins. picture. taken at the Smith studio. who made 1\ pensiOn application Harry L. Dapper !!Ind Jobn W. ment office, $8,76: Kaufman's. box MRS. OLA SHOOP -=~.-=::=====~===== The Third bo,. are bllnd- Pieturea were taken in the morn- had $15,000. He never got a pen- apper. minol'll, guardian is author shells for dog warden, $1: The Jelle Stanley. Auct• . . eablu from cOI'Dltalki wbile inr and atteT lunch aU went to slon, and fled the state when con- ized to make settlennent. ' Oreg nia Br'd" C b ' do t I • - ••- -the '"'r" are m-.. :..... PU....lm' dolll fronted with proof he misrepreAlma C. Ruft'ner 'lVas appointed o . I .. e rt.e I ·ee .' .....e ' Keit'" to lee "College Rythm" $9.70: W. C. Tutton. ce.ment. $161' Pedeet lPeUen lor week ending starring Joe Penner. sented his status. 19uardian of Audrey Lois Ru1fn~, W. H. Madden" 00., CEment, No. . .her 28 for the Fourth grade "In another ease we discovered let al, . and filed bond of $1500 WIth ,77.16: Griswold'. Service Station leap. EJlabeth Barnett. Helen Hisey, S,...,path~ Nole that a woman had a regular income suretIes. supplies and ..aoline $226.80: CharI.. Bel'llard and Sal''' Conner The Itudenta, I!Ipeeially tbe of better. than $300 a year from , Marie Earnhart ~,led an applica- Johnlto~ " Jobns~~, lumber, ---"'-:''--_ _ _ lD 01lr Fifth , &,rade we h.d !!2 eigbth grade, and tbe 1acalty of money she had loaned to :friends on tlon fOT the apP o lnt m,ent. of , a '387.28; L. G. Andenon'lI Sou Co •• ,.' _Mr••• i __N._T_wiPP_ ,_.~ p.pila, 13 sirla and 9 boys WIth the Wayne Township schools join first mortgages. gusnHan of Mate-ftunyan, mcom- lu.mber, $.26.19; The , CI"einnati _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ ..,.. perfeet attellClanee for second aix- in a common e'Xpresaioll of I!ympa. "Numerous Calles have been 1e- petent. ' . 011 WorQ Co.. gasohne, '83.77; week tenD. thy to Robert Hyman jn the death ported where persons with regular The es~te o! L~lulS A. Ko~g~e. Tlie Famou, Auto Supply 00,. 1RlP- ."".. __._,- a little clap-board cabill Tlte hODOI' roll wu u follows: of bis father. jobs and incomes bad applied for deceased. IS reheved from admmlll- plies, ,2.49: The KilpatrlekTh.t I . ain't' seen lince land pensioDs after swearing that they traUon. . French )(otoreal' Co., tira know. wben: .JeaDDeBaker and Helen Gon.. LaB I'rida)' ...eral b0)'8 pracOIiq R ___led had 110 income. or that it was The follOWi ng ac(:ountll were ap- ,aaoliDe, $176.26: Spaeth Brol., today I know it's lettln' tlnd bultetball at the um from under $ato a year whereas it was proved, al1o~d and confirmed by fitting gear and arader $2 ' Th. 'Neatb the hill there in the clen 8'30 1IDtii "00 • I 1. Due to Department the growth \t of wu the found Office actually . .. ~ otor Mart C" Phon. 78J • • 0 e oc... ~racUce excess •of that a'1'lo.unt. theL court. . 1d Ir d' f LeWIs 0., aeetJlen. 0 n rag ItriDP tbe Yines are twin· . "1 tr tio . b th ena . ons', filar Ian 0 regulator, $22.86; The Morrow In' necesllary to enlarge the superln- .. '!Is uc . ns are g~ven . y e Herschel J. Irons, minor. Firat. ' Feed II Supp1y Co. build Inc mateJ 'Round the por~h PO"t'l thats tendent's office. Carpenters have dIVISIOn offiCials to all mve tlga tors H M .Templin administrator of . If ' h I' f' f 'li -81 ~"arred W. ue . .theri~ material for I d h k f b" to e-ert ever effort t gt' ' d . . , ' la ur1ll8 ed re Ie ami es,..... Y 0 ve al the estate of Edw'lrd J. Templin. 89 ' James' Book Sto 12 8 , comp ete t e wor 0 com 1I,\lng y ~ns naturecralt creatures. room 16 with the presellt office. to a~1 persons. entit led to it under deceased. Fi.r.t and flnal. M' f I'-f III re" 20?rv the Zen ... are a-bloom}n e '1'h. . are made 01 pine eones, the law. a nd even to stretch a '. . ' aps or re", 0 ce, 1. • T be 1ft ODe eomer of the ya!d. '<IOTARY"VBLlC twip, corlta, ~oms, ete. We bei t ' th' f I t · 11 Fred Robinson, 8.dmmlstrator of Morrow Feed It Supply Co feed JieYe thiB win teach as to be more Naw. From tbe Sick ~o n r:,n t :~ t avor. dIS eqtu~hY the estate of J~nnie M. Patton, furnished relief famm~ ' during 'Round it they 88)' there's no obMrring durin, our walb in tbe Min Robbins wu abllent from lJ PO I an h a we wtee n t?tUI d t eO deceased. First an<ll flnal. October U5 48' Weatem Union. chane.. Natl_a1 B_1I • ."hool lut Wednellday because of, c.dlse 8J:e n o teh e II,e executrix h Co'" 'tele-0 n1y. that mJ f 0.... 11... -. ""00_ and promote a better under- ..... a1 • soersaswt 00 conserve Imt'ted tKatie t f Nunner, G 'c' dof the Tele"rap' .. e---, Rn-' .. ~ are rone ; .,.,ule Dr.,.. • . • E ......'" lltanding 01 nature. alcbess. fund t dl __ I f th b eli a e 0 eorge . ~"unner. eceas- Recovery OffiCE dllrinc October Place loob juat .. roulh 811 ever WAYNESVl1l.E, OHIO ....~r. Gar at was una ble t 0 mee t h'IS fit ofs the a our spo.....of or ene- ed . Ft'rat and final ' • S ame 0Id wee d I I'I'OW on the Franeee Johnl was the only .. deserving wbome there ~: 40c; Le.banon Farmen Coope..... pupil on the_honor holl thia term. Classel last Monday, 011 account of are more than we have f unds now Charles S. Irw~, executor of Hire Co., feed for stock fumiehecl lawn. FOR SALE DATES CALL illne8l, but iUs hoped that he can to assist to the full amount allow- the estate of J. A. ~eceae- ~ural Recovery October. 70e: Glad to bear it loob no Clt~rer.nlt.1 And Slatll S ...... I. . be back soon. ed by law. If we should have any ed'G~lbourtrthH' finak~ ud dd1S~~butitoW. Velma Sweny, cuttinl stencil. for T .. I wish mJ folkl were tbere The foUowinl pupils made A'I ' extra lunds at any time. 1 would I e un Ins, a mlnlltra r Rural Recovery OffiCE, 50c; Mr. A .. ey were 10 oare free and happy in all their tI!rm t .... Altcln Eam. Ja...,. Wna CI-.b Meet. rather use them to increase grants of the estate of Edga~ Oaraon B. Oames • feed for atoek furnishAlways, laulhter in the air. hart, Freda Enia opal Pt~lds, The Jut meeting of the "Jenny made to worthy peopl~ instead of l!urger, decease~, med hili appllca- ad Rural Recovery October, $S. On aplit b9ttomed chairs at evenWren .club" wu held Friday, wasting the mone 'In the t lon fo r a certlflcl~~ of tranafer. 40; J. W. Lin,o Hardware Co.. inr Do,rothy Franer. ' Norma Lo.e'. made A'a in aU November 16. They opened the serving. Y In. t.he case of C;.11bert Hunkins, builcUns material, ,2.40: Milo TIt t· tb ., I. . . admmlstratoT of the estate . of Ed- Beek, feed fo1' Itoek, ,82: Kau1. ey ea I~ Ii I.un_set's glow: =~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~==~=~~~============~~~~nooB~~~~u~~m~S~~ ~~_ ~te~&~~~w~tb~~~u~ JESSE STANLEY ~ ~~K~~~,~d~e:~~~~~~~~1D~~i~deth~ltbtQ~lidto~, rea] estate is ordet·ed. wood, $10: Kaufman's, material .my m n e p e. ure . ngara P..... 110. N_ •• rU •••_. 0Iak0 Arthur Meyrin£ is to take the for sewing project $170' lob And I ha.. a hl&'b rllard. EARL KOOCUR deposition of R. Otto Bauman. lton "Johnlton b~Udi~, ~aterl.i For die old f01lta ~nd the ubln witnells to the will of Catherine $81.55 ; Eelle; Mill, feed IQr And the Z~~ ~n the yard. R,ay ... PIa... Seeger, deceased. . poultry. fl4.10; St. .John IIfs. Co" KE ••ora •••• L. S. Tufu ftle~l hia application Inc., 20 piecee print, 589 a.... ,ucla tor the appointm81l1t of an adDl1n- $78.14; 10hDaton 1& Jobilltoll, Iltrator with tbe 'wDl unelled of bulldin, repair mateftaI $1128· the .estate of Georl18 C. W.a,.r, de Wund Dr, Goode ceued. . m.terial, f18; FNni S••",oo\l The inventolf Oir Halel Mitchell Co., thread. Ibeetlq u~ eatttq. 'telleCllnrlLX of the 8I,t ate Of lrIary E. U .88; Walter Botta, au .nd oUt FOR SALE d~e.sed, " .. approved $3.'6: E. B. Hili. plowin" dbeiar. . adjudlcatlol1 and determina barro~nlr and ae.dlns UII: A. E. FOR SALE _ Spotted Poi-nd bon of t he. inherlt~Dce tax on the Day, 100 yards .heeting. $71.1 i; . China male hop. Elmer Sheehan" CLASSIFIED ADS COST ONLY estat~ of Mary I~. Hopping, de- Griswold Broil. 2 lewing ~ehtne. , ·d8 cea8e~, is to be g'IVen to an per- '18; Lebanon Lumber Co. 18 roU. ~~_ •.• ONE CENT PER WORD. WHY FOR SALE-Young Rbode IslaDd 80nl! l!ltefested. . roollne. $29.70: H. A. HaRHo KEEP YOUR ATTIC FILLED JaDle M. Brant, executrix of the tooll and equipment, ,9.60; W. lL Red Rooaten, multi tested. Jo.. esta~ of Hal C. Jarant, deceased, McHenry, 4 yarda outlq &Oc' eph McMillan. R. R. 1, -n2B WITIl USELESS ARTICLES filed her in:ventory. Seara II Bolanrer, tools and ' FOR SAllE ....:... 80-'0 Jleminston The i.!lventory of Roxie T. Dooh ments, $12&; J. W. Llqo THAT CA~ BE 'TURNED INTO u"unocCl bolt action Rifte; 30.08 Sprbage;xecutrlx of the ,estate of Laura ware 00., tooia and equipment. 'S. fteld '1'ifle. In good condition. InMONEY .oR SO SHALL · A B. Ingle. deceue~, was approved. 16; Walter Boots. tracJdI1l, ,8.11 quire at Galette Ollice. • ,T~e laleB ~f D. .E. Heywood,' ad- Haze] MltcheD, Em_, rent of room . COST. TIlY THIS 'I IEANS O~ mlll~8trator .of thEI estate of ,Per- for Co. Supt. of achoola. $80; lin. FOR SALE-Nice. line of Wanex meha V. WIkoff, deceased. were Maude Deardoft', letVie... $7.10 SELUNG AND SEE WHAT A and Kiteben Roll Waxed paper approved. LUlie Urton, ..rvleel $10· and paper napkina; New Slaow-Pac DIFFERENCE IT WILL MAKE In re: eltate of Geor,e H. AD· Ira Eltlroth. ". ' • , stationery. 16 Iheeta ad 18 _, _ _ _ ••_ __ derson, de~eaaed, transfer of real velop.. for 10 eenta .t The lOami '1'0 YOUR POCKETBOOK, AS estate upon tbe to duplieate II Galette 0.01. ordered. "I1I!'lac,.1 ftLL AS .TO HAVB YOUR Salea of Ella T. Stanley, e.eellITUI'PY OLD ATTIC CLEANED tTlx of the eltate '01 Lulu TaJ'lor, 1rIn. B. B. Batton entertained at deceased, were approved. She 'also ODe o'cloek lunch.on OD ' Tlnln1'1' PAYSI filed her schedule Qf debt.. in h ... hoepltable man. . . . . The Central Tl'uG Co•• tnatee 1aclIee: KeecIaDl. W. W. under the will of Ha~ B. Tllom,.. B. Daldn, O. O. . . . . .n. lIOn, deceas.d, ftled ita . .0114 ae- A. S. ladle count. ~ r.. ~ ~ Arthur BrJaat, IMId'U of lOll,...., BrowtIia of ...... Chari.. E. W.J4Ber. ....... . . . Co was ... '-e !':~'=~~I~ bla ant .nd flDal laII& _ _ -' ..


of Interest From Wayne ownship Centralized Schools

















1""_________....__ L ·ttl Cl a Board Cabin

r · Mart.-n 1F· Auctioneer



Centerville, Ohio





Slanley-II. Auctioneer.


00.: ..,;...;





William H. de


tribunal of 17 common pleas jud,ell--eaeh representin, one of the counties in the watershed. It l. of vital nece!l8ity to the future uf ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY the state that the dh.trict be organized for water con~ervation, D. L CRANE I I ... S.ItKrlptloD Prlc., '1.10 D Y.., according to David . WaTTIer, exoa....... ............. ,...... III l!l:ll;~·.e'hh~~. '=o.~:l':. ~I.: U'..~- ecutive secretary o f the State R.. I...c. .... .... .................. No. 11. \.:ttu Conservation Board.




EYE" TESTED IN MOVIE OF OHIO HIGHWAY TRAFPIC The accompanyinc pictures Ibow FY;:~~:-';;;:;~!niiia;w the phe>to-electric relay apparatus which the Traffic Bureau plana to test ollt for use in taking picturell of moving traffic In a new method of securing accurate dam on trl\ffic behal'ior put into effect by the. 5tate highway department. ' The Iigh t projector (le:!t) throws n beam of lig ht across the road. : 8Y (>nttl th" Ilhoto-electric cell (I;hown in tl).e housi ng 011 the


NOVEMBER 29, 1934 ============~========= . ~-=====~

Caution Must Temper Power The fruits of political victory are sweet-but, after the rejoicing is over, tb y bring to the winner a grave responsibility. That is the res ponsibility (Yf maintaining intact, for further generations, the ideals, .principals and fundam entals of government that have made our country great. That thought is particularly applicable to the men who held high office now, after an election in which the party-In-power has emerged with the greatest congressional majority any p.rty bas had in our history . It is possible tor the best intentioned and most patriotic men to go astray, especially when their power Is almost absolute. The smaller and less aggres.ive their opposition, the greater the care th y rnust tak~ in conSidering their acts. . No form of government could be more malleable than is ours under the Con 8titu~ion. It is not a hide-bound document, as some would have UII believe, that preclude, the possibility of needed reform and change, It does not tyrannically maintain a status quo, Dealing as it does with perman en t, not transient matters, it contains within Its framework machinery fQr meeting soundly and swiftly every problem and Issue that the nation may from time to time encounter. . No bllblic duty is so great as that of maintaining American ctemocracy 'Nothing is so vital 1-0 our future welfare 88 the . preljervation of the basic principles upon which the country was founded, Beaide these matter, t he troubles of the present, important as t hey are. loom smull indeed. Tho e whom the people have honored with election to office deserve congratuJations. Every American wishes them succe~s-a nd uccea achieved in the American mann er, under the perpetual guidance at the Constitution.

Santa laus will make his official 1934 public appearance in Columbus next Friday.. Intensive pr paratj on for his Ilrrival are being mad by a special citizens' committee. A -fairylllnd toyshop is being arected directl y in front of the main entrance to th e stale Capitol building, which will be especialty light d and decorated f or the Yulet ide eason. Santa Claus will gr~t all children there daily, Sundays, excepted/ from 10 a. m. till 5 p. m. :

l ·i ~ht. )

A ,vehicle cutting the ray of light po ssing from the projector to the cell on the opposite side jof th e high WI y CU \I !'\(,a t he r loy to actuate a camera which'takes a picture of the pnl'si ng eDr on motion picture film . The relay operates from a 6-vo lt s t OTIIg't> hn ttcl'y, while the light source may be operated from either u hlltt(.'I'Y or C current. By calibrating. the tim delny betw~o n till' act ' 31 cutt! ng of thc beam The first of five di ttict heal'ingl> on alleged violations of the of ligbt by the passing c~ar ond the actulil LnkiJlg of the pi cture th(' average IIpeed of the vehi cle may be accurately determined. dry cleaning minimum wage order Firat tests in the use oif the photo-electric relay 'a pparatus have been was conducted last week in Colum proven successful by t he highway trafl\c bureau. bu s. The others will be held a follow !!: Akron, December 3; Cl eveland, Decembe r 6; Toledo, THEY HAD A DEPRESSION December 10 ; and at Cincinnati, ONCE BEFORE on December 19. Miss Louise Stitt superintendent of the Minimum Wage Division ot the Department (A description of 1873-78, as of [ndu strial Relations, says that Who sells Blue Sonoco gasoline givlln by Jomes Ford Rh odes in there are more dry cleaning and in Franklin? history of the United States. ) industry wage violations in I'oral If you had Ii broken lock on the Th ese five years are a long dis· distr'icts, in proportion , than there front door, whom would you 'call mal tale of declining markets. ex-j are in large cities. to mend i,t ? haustion of capital, a lowering in. Unemploym,e nt In.ulrlmCe Where can you ·buy F ire Chief valu e of all kind s of property inTwo thou and Ohio farmers were Estimlltes based on U. S. census gasoline1 cluding real state, con tant bank in Columbus last week attending figures indicate that approximate- I If you wanted your old car re- ruptcie • close economy in bUsi ne8s thll two-day convention of the Ohio 13' $20,000.000 would lbe raised painted and Simonized, where lind grin ding frugality in living, Farm Bureau Federation. Various annually by industl'iell find ~ork· could ye>ll have it done! idle mills, furnaces and factories, problems confronting the farme~ ers in Ohio under the cC)mprehenDoes anybody in Franklin laborers out of empl oyment, r ewere discllssed by natio nally unemployment insllI'ance pro· clean rugs? ' duction of wage,s, strikes and You are going to give a dinner lockouts, dep ression and dt!spoir. snown farm authol'ities, including g ram being consi dered by th.e enry A. Wallace, United States Roosevelt admirtistration. The party alld want a specially fine - -. - - - ~ight ' eCl'etary of Agriculture, J. F. jobless insurance program would roast of beef. Where will you go Diet. orter,Bureau, Presidentand of theGeorge Tennessee L_+ _________________________ Farm E. call for donations fro m emp loyers to get it? in the amount of three per cent of How ab out assorted nuts. mints Surveys indicat.e that the diets The Obi. state University Radio Station-WOSU Metzger. president of the Illinois their payrolJ.s and from employes and place cards? Agricultural As ociation. in the amount of one P'~r cent of You have a tine piece of antique of one-fourtlb of the American 8:00 Music . tbeir wages. President Roosevelt furniture that should be redressed people are low in calcium. Th 8 :05 The Wyandots, Ohio'a Lost lndian Tribe .. .. ....... H. E . Eswine is expeeted to push for enactment Can you have the work don e in most economical and simplest rem· P k Warden Presw n E . Thomas of 4! dy is more liberal use of milk 8 :16 The Present Soybean Situation ......... ......... ..... ... ....... J . B• ar t he Oh'10 P emtenhary ' . &ltnounce d of the unemployment insu.rance Franklin? 8:26 Music that inmates of the institution will program when Congressl convenes Who can fix t hat l~ky toilet that and cheese, ac:cording to Mary E. Gerlallgh, O. S. U. nutritionist. is waisting water every day. 8:32 Turkey Marketing Report . not be permitted to r ceive food in January. Where can you find a handle to 8:36 Home Sweet Home ...... , ........... ......... .......... ... WOSU PLAYER.S from their flllni li es for Thanksreplace the one that is gone from 8 :60 Controlling Pullorum Dilease ........ , ,......... ............. J. T. BurrIS giving. This i in accordance with Farm Produeticln that pantry drawer? White Rose, the dep,n. !) :00 Economie in the Wardrobe .................. , ......... Edith Berr:r- 1\ policy that has been in fo rce Does anybody in Franklin sell Potato and bllckwhellt prodllC9:10 Music since the early days of the dedab I. Gasoline. tion in Ohio this year w ill be larg- paper drinking cups or must you 9;20 .campus M.irror ............ , ..... ,...................... Wm. Zipf and Friends pre ion. Wa r den Thomas believes r than predicted, but corn and wait until you go to Dayt~ n to get • .. ·Ik D 0 11ar ? . ........ '" R " "B Stoltz that in many in lances the relat! :30 Who G ts t he Consumer ' s 1111 tl' tobacco crops will bel smaller. them? 9:40 Adult. Education in Horticulture ...... .... .... . , . ;1. H. Gourley yes of th inmates would make Figures compiled by GlElnn S. Ray You've heard a lot abc.ut Ch a~e sacr ifices in order to give to tholje & Sandborn's dated co free. Anyof the federal corn rep'Grting serin the Big House, while 'a a matter of fact the prisoners will fare vice in Columbus show a yield of body in ' Franklin sell it! A·nd so on and 80 e>n. Hundreds very well indeed with a special 10,600,000 ~u8hel s of potato~s menu for Thanksgiving. Icompared With 8,~64,OOO bushels of things you buyout of town belast year and a Yield of 332,000 cause you think you cannot get bushels of buckwheat compared them here. Many little jobs of r eThat dreaded malady of the with the 1O-yen avera~~e of 461,- paira about the house neglected Nimrod- tularemia, or "rabbit 000. Corn production is placed at because you dO not know where to COL1JMBVS--Miss Mary White, her father will again reside. fever" - has agBlin made ih ap- 90,000,000 .busbels, theo smallest find the man to fix them. The lodaughter Qf Governor George pearance with t he advent of t he · crop ' this year. Tobac(lo pl'oduc- cal newspaper would bring buyer White, has given the la.llt of her A hearing 'on the petition to or· hunti ng season, according to r e- tion, Ie s than the firS't estimate and eller together it you would official teas as Ohio's "Firat Lady,' pnile. l7 central Ohio countle 01 ports reaching the State Depart- will be about 22,387,000 pound~ only give it a chance.- The Frankand nOw preparing to lIupervise the SCioto-Sandusky water hed me nt of Health. The first victim as compared to 25,015,000 lin Chronicle. - -- ... -~ ---the packing and Ihipping of per- to what would be known as th.e was a 75-year-old Zanesville pounds last year. Apples and pears 80nal belongingl from the rover- Scioto·Sandusky CO~lel'vancy D18 YO'oman, w~o is said to be in crit· improved over earlier estimates, nor's m.nlion to the White reald- I trict will be held In Columbus, Ical condition as a result of the but grapes did not. ence in Marietta, where she .nd Dec. 3 b), a special conservancy dj5ease. Five very important preI caution must be taken by Ohio Hi Patrol Acti't'itiea hunters- it they are to minimize ' the chances of contracting tularOver half the anests made by emia, with which 1, per cent of the the Ohio Highway Patrol during State's rabbits are affected, ac- October resulted from motor vehi cording to Dr. H. G. Southard, cle registration violatio'ns, aCl;:ordIn a recent newspaper article, Direct~r of the Department of jng to the monthly replort of Col. Richard Washburn ChUd, former Health. They are: i - Never, put Lynn Black, patrol sliperintendent Ambasaador to It aly, andi. a noted unprotected hands inside a rabbit. Out o;f the total of .U4 arrests author, pointed out that tllere are 2-Always wear rubber gloves for the month, 326 or 63.1 per only two sources of job Bnd pay· when handling the game. 3-Don't cent were made for mo,tor registra rolla: take home a rabbit that· appears tion offenses. One source is government. The sickly. 4- The Tabbit must be . Improper lights aDld reckless other is industry . cooked very thorough- so well driving caused the nmtt highest Job can be provided by govern cooked that there is no red meat, percentage of arrests, accounting ment in but two ways. £lther all nor any red juice, near "the bone. for 70 or 11.4 per cent and 68 or businesses must be nationalized 6· _Kill and bury all sickly rab- 11.1 per cent respectively. One and operated by a bllreaqcracy, bits. must continually attest was made by the H~hway government Patrol for manslaughtElr. Sixty-one borrow more money, raising taxes arrests were made for driving all the while, in order to put idJ& people to worl!;. while intoxicated. DAY~ Under the firat, government will . inevitably became communistic in Stud_to CIT_ Help principle. The worker ' Is a tool OI-~-Red CrOtII Ser¥iee Reedered Fifteet) Nearly 5,000 students enrolled I t he state-he I\vC1l sol ell' to adat 55 colleges and' universitiel in vallee t be interest of the political 'lor 0 ado · 0 r 0 S t a I e I Ohi!) w,e re given ..relief funds ruling, class, He is regarded as a Speci.1 Wax U.-d In Mjoderll amounting to $96,410 du.r ing Sep- machine, to b~ worked as cheaply OuriDI1933 Poultr,. Eat.ltli.bm_ta tember and October, lac cording to as possible until he wears outI..... row_ Appearaace statistics compiled at State Relief and then be is thrown ' Into a ~ DAVID e. JNOALL8 '. Headquarters. During October 4,- human scrap heap. 0 ... fIoIJ"" c....H_ . ---961 needy students earned $69,-\ Under the second, all may be HoW, that attrltCtive appearance 276 for socially desirable work on merry for a whHe,-untll goverl'lIt _ . In Ut. mldcUo .f lIarell .tonu · bit Lout.lana. There,. I' Iut ,.ar wben a damqiq to~do tile town of Minden. twent.y bv•• is given roasters by the modern and off the campus, while during ment's Bource of credit dries IIp. ripped ,brolCla "bt of . . . ..... follt hlldred l~urGII poultry dressing establishment III September 3,297 stu,dents were , It beco. mes imposaible to raise T.n ...... aad dar. ef _wcQ. an4 darw taaaclnd 'amill. lefl explained by Profe-ssor E. L. paid $27,135. more money through taxes-busito be b, twent,~Di... oda., Iio........ , Dakan, chai:rman of the poultry . nellles .nd Individuals have already nUar "!auton .pptealmat*, Tra'Nllq a' 110 11111. an boar, department of O. S. U. . . , been bled white. Obligations canwithin tM tullowlDc ten ..... a .&111 aDothu tornado hit Alab. . . Fonlan Chr.. tm;u MAd rnot be me~nd government goes Recently, he explained, a new ,...tocl . . .bleb b • ., t.oll .a. u· on)(87 Uh. toarlq tbrou.b th.... Deadline for sending Christmas into bankruptcy. acted 1n 11ft ond propertJ \hrouall- couatiol, iliUm. t.wentJ-two per· system has been installed by many One of these plans must inevtOllt ftftooD 8ODa, . lDJurlD8 . near), three bun· 01 the modern plantS'. The chickens mail to Ireland, England, France. . drod .~1111 property d.lII· are no longer lIoalded to 101lsen Germany, Belgium, the Canal tably be followed 11 we depelld -upWith ••• ot ~ ...., .....w, ge to a~ iUI1Icar.d build lap. their feathers. They are dipped in Zone and Scotland is December 15 on government to permanelttll' pro tile Bod Croea nlhed nita to til. South Ctlrol1. . . . . th. next .taw a specially prepared wax. Holiday mail must. bill dispatched vide us with work and livelihood. etrIcktn ...... of tIwo nat.. 't'letilBiHd. with the tornado ldll· Prof~ •• or Dakan descd~s how 'by December 14 in order to be But It seems impossible that the tIloreto lup.rvl.. nIIef for the lq "'bieID p.non., InJurine 'r eceived before ' Chril,l;mas day in American people will pursue that tleti.. .Dd ...p&irlnc, nbulldbl.;,. aad dtlllOUObi~em"l It i. doDe. aael n1'arDi.hina of tho .~ktd bat... timber and fruit . ano . The chickens are suspended on Denmark, Finl.nd, Gibralter, Utopian ' will-o'-the-wisp. ....... More than tldrtJ thollaand killiq mill• •nd II". it.oek. r · a carrier .nd bled. The carrier dips Lithuania, Italy, T.rllBidad, Vir,in It's more likely that they know, "Uan. ... taiaecllD N .....m. for . . . OD M., 'ltll, "runj them into warm water to loolen Islands and Haw.ii. .s Mr. Child saya: I'The steady job ..u.t P'lrpcIeIt. 0.& ol. KMPIIle ., t . WrIIt .... ... aol'lll featbers without injuring tbe will come from American enter ,aa. fou elethI... aad .1d6 • ...-IM ~& . . . . , to their ftelih. Leavinr , the ' wat~r bath, tbe New Auto Taa. Are Aid prise, improved, with , a new


7alks, Decem ber 3


Cross Road

Can You Answer?



fat·DI-..:'."~~= :~~'b~t~~i.=




-Ik; ~

16 f,anl" 8,••• 8oeton. U _

Whlt.R. ., .........•

dabl. Gasoline.


K1LPAlIM-a . .

Best of the' News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol ia


.Mwer. . 1JOCU&a1e 10




.It l hrl you h~ ~, ••• , - ....!. -


----_ ..----












,..... YUJoa" .. .... .,.......eeted ....oea.


PN-. ...... tea ,.......

=- ........



.",.. __ law, ..


cIoWD •

death. thirt,·a .. bad bean eulQer d ..aIIer Into 'l'eu___ '-Jared ... ......, • blilidrtd ....... "x~-foar d..d, .....1, . . . . deI&Io,ed. &.lIt .... fMr nod.... '-Jared and -.or· 1'dtd ID 8U1llne IIIOUI p..,...., ....... b. .ltI ••• • laud..... ~


. . . . OD



. . . . luaadrod ~taakr

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4IOID'Ietel~oliaIlicI .aN

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I. beeII hall.

. . . . . . . . u 1an'O" ....... '&~. as... .'&h tlaoaaand I"OIlW the 1:t~ tbe


. . 0...


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&..:1& to . . . .'* • Oa


wing, tail an" larger feathen are pulled as the birds are drawn along. They pass on througn drying tunD~IB into the wax bath, le.ring th.t to pass through cool .I! to IPee~ hardenIng of the wax Glrla lltalldlntr by the carrier strip wax, feathertl and all .. the cbickeni Pd,1l88 before tb em. P f A11 conc1u d ell ro el80r Dakan that's bow It ia done. It ia I j b d I ~Stpeeh er'hnan~leall" e> d'e vt·neel,.. ullbua on mee • or colts caL • _ •



T . . . Dill Well

Changes in Ohio liclense taga ' for breath of life. Nowhere else." 1935 are expectedl by Motor - - --~Vehicles Registrar Frank West to better enforcement oil state motor vehicle laws. It ill poiinted out that the new simplified arrangement of numeralll and letters, with two letters on each place I:'e presentin,. A t talt 1 434 I ' 11 ' e certain section of the .tate, will diabur~d :, thi, Dum::: ofw:fs bl f t _. I t · ena e en oreemen I OrnCla II 0 treued small home owners in Qhio more easily appre~'lend penonll by tbe Home Ownan' Loan Cor &'IIilty of motor c.r violations. poration durin.. the .eek endin; • • ... Tbunda:y. NovelJllber 22, aeeordOkI.A.. P...ioa N.... Ina to the • •ld:y r.port of State Ohio will be eari!~ for '18.000 Maaapr G. Brunner, liven of Ita Ileed), qed reilld. .u bJ the 01lt tocla)'. Th. total diebunements aDd of Dut vear, It .tlaIated b:y for til. . Ioaaa . . . ",618,437. Ian II. L. aroWll t chief til. ltate-ald Of tile abo....aount, ",087,. 11ft th. qed. CCMIt catTJ'IDa out 1710 .... cUabarMd la the Corpora· : tU It81 tIoa ·_ _ eDiumpd witb f01'lllor IpncI ADd tile baJuee

1,434 Loans

Were Made






ranslates 't--.....-_ ..--.......Teuton's Toubled Talk DR. H. E. HATHAWAY


Dentist X-RA.Y WORK



Mra. D. C. Rldg ! and Mrs: O. M were shopping in Dayton on y.



Clover eeed il eearte, and the ,~~~~~~=:~:~r:!a ofahofelice lupply oftoalIaIfa leep is s~ding arely fTom &nd sufficient meet normal Haymond Davis. fraU clonation lor the requirements. i.n Waynelvillei r-~"~ Rev. Walter Martin and 'l'h farm outlook repott now be - M.cBride at the M. E. ing pUblish d by O. S. . rUI'al -C011D'C,Il at Springboro Tuesday aconomics, announce production Mrs. Ell n Barlow, of Dnyton, evening. ! red and alsike clover seed as vi ited Mi 8 Hannah Jordon re· Ml'. and Mrs. Guy Routzahn and the mall 'st on reconl, and the cently. daughters visited relatives at sweet clover !!fed CI'OP as the frs. Eva Miller is in Lima this Tippecanoe City Sunday arter· : smallest /li nce sweet clover came week, 'the guest of her daughter noon. The latter'8 mothi!r, Mrs. I into prominl'nce. Mary Boitnott, accomp~n.ied them Although the a!falfa seed crop Mrs. Grace McCune. wa not injured by the drouth a home for a few day VJ5tt. T~e. Decemb~r meeting of the much as olb l' ~ ed crops, produc. Mr. and !\frs. Charles hambers Ladles Aid Will be held next tion reached only 40 million 01 Dayton, were gues~s of Mr. and WedMsday afternoon, December pound~, 15 million pounds less IMrs. J. P. Fromm, FI'lday evening. 6, at the borne of Mrs. Wa:lter than the crop harvested last year' l I B f D mand for alfalfa seed to sub. MI'. and Mrs. M1~ vyn .anta, 0 Kenrick. Mrs. Margare John sp nt stit.ote fol:' other legum seeds is olumbu.s,. are spendl?g the Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn expect~d to hold alfalfa seed ~hanksglVlng holidays . With rela· Johns and ~aTJ\i1y in Dayton a.nd prices at rather high levels. tIV.eS her~. , Saturday OIght and unday With The 36-million.puund crop 01 Mr d '1rs R II'" . d her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Smith at red clover seed iH hardly more I h' ld . an :'lI . udBeTh....a~tlf~ ~n the nurse's cottage, Soldiers than half a8 large as an average C .I fMen WMI t~p~n than .9IPDv ng WI th r. ar In s mo er 10 ayHome • . . crop_ Larger than usual produc- ton Mrs. Lealte Gray and Mrs. Ml!· tion in Europe and higher priCi!s . dred Surface were called to the ber-c are expected to encourage .Mrs. H. P. Godby and Mrs. home o~ RU8se1l Burnett at Ridge. r d clover seed imports, recently Dora Krouse, of Cincinnati, were vill~ Fn~ay on account of the , ne~liglble in quantity. dinner guests of llirs. ~. K. Day erlOUS Hlnese of Mrs. Burnett, Alsike seed yi Ids were cut to on Thursday. who was taken to Blair hOlSp ital less th-an half. The five-year aver. , M.T. nnd Mrs. Harry Burnett and Lebanon. . . age crop is 28 million pounds. The Mr. and Mrs. Stanley,Balley en· crop rece{ltly harvested yielded 13 family, of Lytle,. were djnner tertained nt dinne:- Sunday, ~T. milljon pound. guests of Mr. and Mr!i. E. L. ana Mrs. E~ Hop kms and fumlly Sweet clover seed production is Thoma On Sunday. of Wayn 8'1'111.0 and Mr. an~ Mrs. slightly more than half normaL Everett KenrIck CenterVille. There are between 30 and 36 ~r . J. B. Gons. Mrs. D. R. M~8. Ed Longacre spent atur- million pounds available. La t year I mlth, 1frs. E. 'C. Crane and day 10 Dayton. 60 million I)Ounds were produced daughter Barbara, were Dayton ---.. - Carryover of legume ~ed f:ro~ vi itprs, TuesdllY. last year is unusually small. De· • mand is expected t o be abnorMr. and Mrs. C. Deatherage, ot mally small. D'eiiimm'!'lt"""P.!fP;I_~~H~a~rveysbul-g. will Ibe Thanksgiving (»f 1H~ "lid NJ·s. R. H. to be abnormally large, ~owing to 0 the poor condition of many 01 this Hartspck and famil • ycnr's seedings. Mr. and Mrl!. IGeorge Denny,. J\1isses B t"tha and Nan Collett, of Perry L. Greep, Hiram, pres 1Wilmington, were guests of Mr. dent of Ohio Farm Bureau Federa· and Mrs. W. O. Tichenor on Suntion, Munay Lincoln, secretary, day. and E. R. Bowen, New, York iCty, General Secretary of the Coop· Chl'is,tmalS Shoppers-let "The erati~ League, were the princiHome of Gifts" /lave you time, pal 8peakers the opening dayof the "Som motorists are so con- money and weary feet. Store open 16th annual state convention of lid nt of their driving ability they 8 :30 a. m. to 9 p. 11'1. Cary's the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation give little or no attention to that Jewell'}' Shop, Lebanon, Ohio. held in Columbus November 22 increasingly important matter and 23. In addition, Henry Wal. safe driving," E. J. Wint r, exeeuMr. and '\hs. lKenneth Evans lace, Secretary of Agriculture, ad. tive secretary of the Ohio Safety and daughter Bett:y Jea'n, Mr. and dreued the convention. Set'viee Commission, said today in Mrs.. K;nneth Elz.ey and daughter Green, who opened the proceed discussing accident causes. Mal'Jorle, of Dayt4>n, were Sunday inp with the presIdent's f.\nnual "This type of. driver is about s upper guests of MI". and Mrs. address, reviewe!! the Farm Bu- tbe most dangerous on the road Walter Elzey. reau'e stand on legislative, mone- today," Winter said. "Driving beMr. Burnett 'Butterworth 01 tary and agricultural qllestions comes 'part of him," 8lS it were, Lebanon and Mr. 'Raymon Hatfield and pleaded tor militance of or- and he .never has ~e sllg_h~est fe~r will attend ~ two.days session of pnization on the Pllrt of all farm that hiS mechantcal dr!Vlng wdl The Teachers N:ational Associaen to ' meet their problems. most Jlrobably lead to disaster. tion which will biB held in Indlan- The Farnl 'Bureau President ad"Seldom does the mecbanical apoiis this week. rlV~~ca'ted an earned income tax motorist bother nbout even the further devalutron of t dollar, simple and obvious safety rules, On Fridny evening Dr. and Mrs. support ot the AAA and a greater Isuch ns making UM! of hand signals II. E. Hathaway nnel Mrs. Mary spirit of. cooperation to assi t in l~ dimming his lights when cars are McClure joined a. party at Lebre$torirlg farm parity. approaching, keeping in one lane anon and from there went to NorMurray D. Lincoln, in .the of traffic in tead of weaving in and wood where they attended Reaeeretal'7'8 annual report, review- lout, driving at a reasonable rate bekka lodge insp4!ction. ed tbe progress of the OhiO Farm l of speed, using utmost caution nt Mr. Ed Jordan was removed Bureau du'ring 1934, stating that intersections, stopping or ev,n Diemberahip had in~reBsed, that 72 Hlowing dow n at raildoad !=rosslng,' from Hale hospital, Wilmington, County ' 1Joopeirative JUsocia.tions the safet}r official declared. "Nor Tu esday, to his borne on Route 1. bad beel\ organized, that 23 (\oes he show much consideration ·Mr. Jordon underwent a serioull petroleum ltulk plants had been for other motorists on the high- operatio,n 4bout two weeks *,0, aclde(l, tbat a fire insurance c;om- way. No nmount of safet:y meas. from which it is reported, he i~ rel1&,li1 had peen organized, and that ures or urging will wipe out this covering. ~ __ Farm ' B~re.u Mutual Auto- menace entirely but the situation Mt·. and M'rs. Frank Stansberry ~,_,--.-- Insurance Company had in- can be helped through continual Miss Mary Stansberry Mr and r~l""""..d ita qualneal in 1934 more warnings." Mrs. Wilbur Stansberry' and o~Y other year of its believe.s .the mechanical daughter, and Mr. John Stans. \ '. driver IS. responSl hie for the mao berry visited relatives in Clarksspeaking on a jority of automobile accideJ1't s and ville Sunday. Mrs. Louisa An~"' Democracy," urged urges that every motorist ask him- drews who had spent a few days control of the~r self whether or not he is in this here, ' returned with them to her ~:~4:;rJ~:: through their category. home in Clarksvitle.




All Kind, of D_ha.......... Repair Work Don. Quickl,.



[TTE. verbinden Sie mich mit Winnipeg. Canada." The jaw of the te)~­ phone operator at the Biltmore Hotel in Dayton. 0 .. dropped two notches as lier ears were gretted with this Row of pure Aryan. "Number, plea e," she requested in bewilderment. "Ach Himmel, ich muss dim Pu· son anrufen!' The puzzled operator sent a llur· ried S. O. S. call to the long di t:tnCC'

·t:~~:h:~\nC:~~ New York, as sec-

itchboard in the Dayton telephollt office. Could anyone speak Gern\.1I1 ' After a quick scarch, Mrs. Ln y Klrcllller, operator of The Ohio Bell Telephone Company. who was born in Germany. took the call. .. Endlich habe iell cinen F r(unden gefulIdl'11" ( Ille<ming: "At last. ~ fr iend"), si/l hed the IIll itnle<i Tl'lIl l," \I hen he heard hi~ nuli"e t U1I1'.l1r lie was (Iukkly l'IlIllledc-d \\ .. 11 \V ," nipcg.



;l1ltl th ~a



Help Fig t Tu ercu






011 COl1centrated In IItll. 'Ullar <OAt.<od tableU without an7 0' Ita bo... rld. nsl,y tat" ora m.l1. ('.or! Live, Oil ·l'IIblela. tb.y'r" called I "<:04 Liver 011 1ft TableU" •• n,1 tht7 ,.Imp'" ...ork ...ond ..... A. little boy or S. 1<'1,1. ou17 lick • ..,t w.1I ~"d 8al""d IO~ lb•. n J_t on, lIIollih . A girl nr lhlr\<"~n .tter·t b. _ . dllleuf •• aln .... a Jb&. tile Ano t ....,k I\"d • lhl . faeh, Ie: art",r, ,.\ ~·L1nn .. "',OU, r who ~\lld not .~t 0... "rll'r b.lly •• me Ir<It an h e r h •• UM buck .D~ Ifll ined 10 lbo, In 1.... lh.m a lnon\h. You iOllly mu. ITY rd< y'. oL Oliff. Renwm!.lo." If )''''' dOll't " " h\ at k ... t 3 I\> • IIro.\••lllhy q 11 In ~ n."n Lh II.t your 'MnO'll


("' 11111 .




n. . m f'dI\.1 ~ I'h l ,,"f-t

M e y 'J t he-, ",rJt" tnal " 1,1 )~ln\l itl C ' I ..1 T...lver on , 'ablflll ~ 1." '''\' I b y Cond Jlellli pi".,. 1 11~t.H ul . H. ( , • all ouh lituU!'* 11'\fIIl l ' on lh. O ri~ I".l MeCuy'... f,\,

r. ure non" butt!T

Of all the haJlowed customs of men, few are so rich in meaning as the reverent tribute paid the memory of the dead by those still living. The forms and ceremonies may change with the age, the people or the country, yet the purpose is ever the same! To take farewell of the one who has passed on and, doing so, to express rightful honor and rE'llp ect. We approach our part in the Memorial Service in a spirit of sincerity and understanding. Our duties are more than a professional ta k to us, they are a sacred trust. Whether conducted in our chapel or at the home, the M~morial Service is given all OUI' care and consideration.

.I. E. MeClure .

...... '7-




GOOD NEWS! Pure Buckwheat Flour ' 10-1bl. for la ••at.


Morton's Smoke Salt 10 Pound Can



dlocoven'- the VII.llnlu of Oo<l

Motor vehicle registration viola tions accounted for over half the arrest!! made by the Ohio Highway Patrol during October, according to the monthly report 01 Colonel Lynn Black, patrol 'llperin· tendeJJt. Out of the total of 614 for the month, 326 or 63.1 per cent were made for motOr relristra tion ' oftenaes I~=======================-=_-=';;;; I . r bt d kl . ~proper III': an re~ eu drlVlO't causel t e ~~ ~~rcen 0 arre~, D :rJRg or . pel' cen . an d6 or 11.1 per cent respectlv~IY. . One arrest WB8 maae' bf tbe Highway Patrol for manslaughter. Other citations included 61 for driving wbile intoxicated, 2'7 for overloading cODJ~rcial vehicles, 32 for paBSi~g Ichool bus in the We have ju.t received ••hipment of Pure Pennaylact of loadmg or unloading, 8 lor faul?brakes and signal device vania Buckwheat Flour. The pw:ice 4 l?r ,failure to give lIame after aCCIdent, 2 foy larceny of auto parts and 2 for pOllles510n 01 state propert:y. Eight arreats were also made We .Iao carry in .tock the beat New Corn Me.l for miscellaneous caules.

At their' home in Corwin Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Becltett entertained ~-UI~OI,erlati'~e J,.eague at dinner on SundaYr Mr.. and Mrs' d;;oIM)o.o~lrat:lve Move· Mrs. Keafauver aneJ Mrs. Nora Lou Holland, Mr. and Mrs. James Roland spent Friday il'l Dayton. Conner and son Rllfus, of New Mrs; Ernest Earnhart, Mrs. Burlington; Mr. ,and Mrs. Earl Minnie Mllrlatt, Mrs. Ada Dakin, Holland, Mr. and Mrl!l. Ray' Conner Mrs. Nora Roland , Mrs. Etta aDd daughter Ju(litb, of WaynelS1'iot Until N... S... WW Baker, and Miss Clara Daugbters ville. spent Wednesday with Mr. and D ' 51 I .... E J R Mr. Floyd Daug'h tere and family alrr t ..t .....r8. • • oyer. , f. TId ", S 1'- Sh 0 e 0, _1'8. te .. eeta, IIr. l_pI'O•• Mr. and Mr8. Howard Beam 0 8p(lnt Sunday wi~h Mr. aDd Mrs. Fred D811ghtere. Mr. and Mn. __ . . John Rye I G1enn Flnnlfrock aDd children, of of th. American form M . M. Dayton, MA. LOlli.. Andrl!'WI, of Prices of hay and pain In rewhP have grown r. and rB. Carol Frong, of IClarksville Mrs Lydia Method latlon to pricee of butterfat a. .. d i th an L~banon, spent Sunday afternoon land Mr db I . M th d f .... id~ I now higher than 'in any fall aince &1\ voca With the latter's mother Mrs • ar el e o , 0 . . . th d h f paat live years, N a RId , . dl-etown, were am,ong those from a e &Teat rout 0 1911, and convince the 0 dan EI' M'IC h I distance who attended the funeral t hroughQut the winter pricea -are h VIS d E ae of Ira Stansberr~' on Thursday expected to continue in this .ame revolutiond ~ anhte ~=:~~:y]' if ' t a.n aog r orot y, an rnes· . • unfavorable relatione. ! were tme Earnhart and Mrs. Etta Mrs. Edith M. Harris, Mr. and . Europe. Baker spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hawke, Mies Emma . Not until Deat lumm.e r, wbell w,r, almost Mrs. Herbert Marlatt and son Ed- H ., h MI: H . M h new graBI and new grain 11 avaD.gove-rnmental d elg way, . IIlnts os Er and able, will there be improvemeQt ,",'.4~.'" the ex- man . MI'. Frank Uawh, will be the f or the dair)'men, in tile oplnioll dem... ~ ........ ---.guests of Mr. and Mn. O. F. of O. S. U. eC-oDomilta who thil tIn'O.,n overboard Far", Loan. Mosher a~ their ~ome in Hyde week are releaainc their annual IUl4 outmoded Park, Cincinnat.l, Thanksgiving farm outlOok report. of the results: Production credit ass.ociations day. Mr. . and M~!~.. F. C. H~rtsock The dairyman', Iituation is one rule of an al'e now completing an-angementa and famlly, of Mllford, . W1)J also of the dark apota in an otbrwiae Jias abt:o to make a special type of loan t.o be guests of the ]~olhert!, i brighter farl1l outlook. AnnouDce .A family . Thanksgiving dlaner ment of a d~reue in cow num~ .freedom fa1·mer·members . for . alteration, of , pre_s. repair, or -Improvement of farm at the horne of Mr. Elias Oglelbee bera Ja the onl)' solace contained It fa . true, dwellings. will be enjoyed , ~,y the following: in the report for tile dairymall. made M:iss Alice Oglesbee, of Spring From 1928 to thil yaar the 11111. the ,Valley, Mr, and li ln. J. Q. Gonl, ber of co .... conltantly, increand lIbert~ies of a pUblication aDd imJ)risonment Hr. and Mra. JlTed Gone and Cow population declined 8 to 4 of Ita editors. family, Mr. and lira. J. B. Gon. per cent since June 1. In RUlIlIia, a different "ilm" ob- Miss Alice Gorlll Mias Betty Heavy mark~tina of CoWl and tains, but condition. are almost Oglesbee Mise Lida Ogleabee heifers throu,h the 'l 'eplar Clhaa:• •lcIlr- pr~cilSely like thos. in Germany. A Miss N~ttle Ogl!elbee and Mr: nels and parehuea by th. .rov___-lrathlell6 aeeret police 'hal thoul- I George Oglesbee. ern~ent are relponaibl. for the ucla of ,plel at work ;n the decrease. Stockyard reprllJlfttaMI". and 111'1. Earnhart Itin. deolare many of tile p'Venai1I.i.,.,.I.eolU1\ltry and anyone ... ho ezpreuea cUaapproval of the s.Iin rOftnl- are entertaiD~ Mr. and ment p1U'eQaacI cattl. were of th. ment Diay lOon start .. a prisoner Mn. Karl . . of Xenia; dalrJ b...... on the Ion, trek to Siberian fo" ; Mr. and lin. ~ . It Is apeeted that Ndaetic-.a III uta. land two Ion., B. B. milk pro4ueUon t.1da wID_ will The Uat could be continued, bat Eat1lhart, be 1_ . . . . IuJd ....


ot ft~ bealth, lI",h t ... tead of


...~••• r. .try bon .. ! Now ¥'lror. .1", ... oJ ,nom' hllteaa of U red lloll ,, ~.. I StHiIt, quteL norvn I Thlt lo wbat th \l... nd. 0 peopl • .art tre~ln. lhroullh o;elenU \II' I'Leit

the Memorial Service


Mt. HOlly

", ,; h S·:tninrd.

Saved by Dew Vitamlne of Cod Li•• r Oil ia tutele .. tablell. '

Colored lights are used in a new method of candling eggs. Candled before a green or blue lIghtJ th.e content of the egg is more easily teen.





Buy Christmas Seal!









Good Flour Flour priced from Uc for FlOur . .d. Ity oar loeal' mi•••, up to '1.10 for lb.....t KaNa. Hard Wheat Flour that mODe, can b~y. E.peciaU" fiDe for b....d






j .



eumples will Nne MOW Columblu on d to ....ocnbu. bMD. In. Zall'llhlart.

Ba.... 0.



A Word To Coal Buyers

"ou p.,

In buyinl coal wh.t, ....11, count.i. the h_t ••t for your doUar, rather than the price you .,.. Ion. You will find at our yard. juat the c:oal to -JDeet "our Deed. and pricecl on • fair baai.. The p~ r.n•• i. from '

S5.S0 per ton for good clean Ohio .Coal up ·to for the belt Pocahontas. Par doc:k alto baduda


IACUT _&I ILKHORN Neb'" Welt Vlr~......


ANNUAL BAZAAR SROWERS BEGIN FiftY·Qne head of FARMERS JUGGLE ' steers wore dlatributed lot tG memberA of the Warren l-adie Aid society of th M PrtUNING EARLY County Baby Beef club last weeK, OR DAIRY RATIONS hristmas Chllrch will hold theilr annual I The steere.. were plll'ch ed at bazaar at thEI church . - --b, 1936




Scarcity of Rouch••• And Saturday, December 8, l~eginning HoF'l'cultur-i.1I SuggHt DoIA« Job Kansas ity, at 10 a. m. Fancy articles. Ti s' l Acc.ord· To The Aprons, Metal Sponge~ and . ~ ,Parcel Post packages wUl be on I Calendar Problem. R.fe"'-" of ,....... . ale. The candy booth witl be in ' to Det..-..i.e Fa.. .f charge of the Friendship club. t onle unusual rations will be Fruit grow~rs hare away' 0 th' an A Tu rkey or stea k d'mner WI'11 5.1" PI_ f d dairy cattle this winter. The be served for 50 cents from 5 to early start with \ eir prumng IS 8 ason. Th ey have begurt work on drouth, which ('educed supplies of 7 p. rn. and will be followed by a th' b ' 1 t d . r t . t t 8 30 en earmg app e reI's, aecor G.owers of burley tobaee'" - t n feed gl'8lns and roughages alike, I' e enter ammen a l . . t 10' U' B h tens'on horti . ________ . _ mg 0 •• ~. eae, ex I decided, before Decembwr" "'PI 11, is forcing milk pl'Odu~er to resort culturist for the O. S. U. whether they wisHed to ba. . . . u!lusual combinations of feeds Beach, author of a bulletln, Mr. Morns Fulkerson is Kerr-Sntitb T qbacco Ad apJllieci Mi. 8 Dena Davis spent Thank'l· to supply the n ecessary clU'bohy~ "Pruning Fruit Trees." available fin ed .to his home very iii. again in the ~op.year 198&, · f riving )\'ith -relatIves in Xenia. drates and proteins essential for f rom county agricultural agents, AAA oftic:ta\.s have P. . . . . a believes thllt the pruning' job Mrs. Kathryn Turner, of Dayton, .._ _ M.... Q. G011l and Mrs, J , B. economical mjlk product\.Pn. sho uld begin with the bearing ap. spent Sl,lnday with hn iater. Mrs. referendum of ~OW. HII~-",! .....' •.•. ,.re.".~.. early jn ne"mller. G~ Go a re shoPJlillg in Lebanon, C. L. Blackman, extension spe· pie trees, plums and sour cherries. John J3. Gons. of l>wl.,,· dne-4Ured, a... ,1H,'eCI Wed esday morning. cialist in dairying for the O. S. U. Grape pruning time comes in d k ,d tob eo will MI'. flnd Ml'S. C. M. Robitzer were and ar au;-eu" ae February. he declares, before the /linnel' guests of Mr. and Mrs.' J. take part iJl ~he ROll. Good music of the right ~ind presents sQme feeding facts that sap begins to run in the vines. D. Marlatt Sunday. . Dates for tl,le poll of'louI.arow. : and with plenty of rhythm at the are expec~ed "to be I}elpful to dairy they bleed. .f th ' eraa will b.. U·eterm · l'n~ lOoa "., ....e F. F. A. Minetre}, DecemDel' 13. Mr. I . .H. Smith is ill with grip. Pruning later, h .... men in buildihg theil' ,-. r attans thOIS After t e severe part a e Mr. and Mrs. Howard Archdea- Warren .c~llnty toJ>aeoo . . . . . . M.... Oliftord Budck, Mr • E. J . winlet;. Miss He nrietta McKinsey of winte~ season is over, in, COn p nt Thanksgiving day with tion control .lIolliatloD, J'~.~ l:lent'7 and Mrll. James Lovely On ia l'lJis w)1ere plenty of corn. Ashtabula, spent the holidays at Beach s calendar call.s for prunmg J'elatives in Columbus. . to Lester 1 . Miller, COll n' qric.... apent Tllada,. afternoon in Middle is available the problem is chiefly he)' home here. of pe.a ches, raspbernes and sweet tural agent. , tOWII. one of selecting the high protein c hernes. Ml·. and Mrs. Earl Murray, of The specUle quea 011 ~ . . ...., Mrs. Nettie ·FalJnon and son Mr . In general, says the horticultur· Dayt.on, were Sunday guest:! 01 Mr Ohio "owers. it: ~'Do JOG fa.,. a Mr. G. F. Brown, of Leban on, feeds, if the supply of good Pearl Fannon pent Thnnksgivlng i&t young trees respond better to and Mrs. Oliver Davis. tax on the ..Ie of' burley to..... waa the COest of Mr. I1nd M~. O. legume hay is limited. Cottonseed day witb rela tive~ near Sabina. pring pruning. e8~cially fa ll-set tor the crop yen bqinn~ ..., 1 R. UllJlelby Saturday night and meal, linseed oil meal, arid soy· YOllng trees; pruning these shou ld Mr. and Mrs. Gene Conner and., 1 8 '" as "''''QVI'ded in .... _ .1':'-.. Mrs. L e ter Surface and daugh- I b d f d '1 ' ,~. Sea,. e f elrierre untl . spl'mg, daughters w re Thanksgiving day S""l th A ,,~ .... T" bean Oil meal are all of about ter Mis Doris and Mrs. Grace L. a ways dl d . d '" urs. Carl TreadWay. of I I . h d . " t' regar ess 0 n an varIety. guest of frl'erld I'n Dayton. Peno·" ......., ....n· -.. ~ ~ Mr. and >u qua va ue In t e air" ra lon, ae· Smith were Dayton visitors Fl'iday Pr' .. th b ... -"' ..... • ..... - - MiddJ$Wo,' and Mrs. George Ben'· cOl'dil1g to Blackman. Hence, the umng ouers e est way to . ' crop or ~I land ' ~ to ex- denon spent Tuesday with Mrs. price will be the iactor determin. For the b st Anti·Frelaze on the eliminate from the crop the small. Mr. and Mr . Maynard Welt~ arid eng .... d .. the pJlOdtMtioll .f p. ' m. Johll Treadway. ing the ·choice. But it may be well market for radiators. B·ce J. C. two.alld.a-quartel· incll apples, the children visited relatives in Wil- burley and the other t,.,.. of • !:~ I Mi.. DOl.'othy Hartllock and her to. ad~ some oUter grain-.-~ats, Hawke. ~:!~~~~b!~so ~~~eds :ocb~~~~gcol!~ mington, Se,turday evening. bacco aamect. wm be ti"n tb , dec::ldEld houM rues" Miss Lena Angle, of mld.dhngs or wheat bran- lf It Is Ask us to ea,s y inlltall· opening the tree to the sunlight, MJ·s. liowal'd Florenc ' . Mrs. ]tex oPW:u~i~l::tsV::::c..t jn f I Hamilton, spent Tbanksgiving in available, he 8ays. ment payments for farm ineur· be ides permitting more thorough Lawson and Mr.!!,. CordIll Truax t'- b:'l .otl·n" -I'll be ....... ~ . ~ " pro· W--I..i-"'on 0 H When grain must be purchased, W N S II k ·1 d l ' . M d n lI'" • ""~.. Uchte be ...J ' . . . •• it is well to beal' in mind the corn nnce, . . ears a . n S OlO· spraymg. were Dayton V1S1tOrs on ay'. cast at votlnl placel 1l~ QIIt be ne iiijW"~r of their Local collese stUdents who spen1 and wheat n e of equal value in sut·ance. - -- Mr. and Mrs, Earl Sheehan left 8!c d. wotinc by maU.}D'he Thallu~ving ' hoUdass with dairy cattle feeding. Oats, pound Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Earnhart Shower aturday morning for Florl\la slc n their ballota. . ~euedh home foUu, have returned to their for pound, has about five-ei.xths as and family spent the Thanksgiving the will sperl d the -winter. T~ole who do not ~ wID be of lae r...,eetlve IChools. much value as corn and Cl!cept for holidays with relatives ut YO,ungsF or Bride Elect Y • consldet'ed as tavonnc ooatiJl· face of its phosphorus content, bran is a town, Pa. . Ridiculous situations and ri- uance of the tax. , .'. , eoold Sal_ - eloe", Telecbroll, B.DJo litle less valuable tban oats. diculous solutions-Hear them at The Kerr-Smith AC~ . 5tJl., C_-'-leo Mltall clocle.. Farmers who are able to buy M.r. and Mrs . . Bryan Pr~nd~rMrs. Wm. 'Doster aJld ~ iss Ada the F. F. A. Minstrel show Decem- that the secretar)" gf tare to ~eviH CarF'. Jew.h'r 5iIop. OfT. . Home wet brewers' grains should know gas! and two children, of CJnc~n- I Grac~ Underwood charmingly ~~. b r 13 Ticket8 10 and 20 centll. levy a tax 0126 to 8S' pet" eat; the .f Gil.........~aoD, OIIio. that they contain much water and natl, spent tbe week ..end W1th tertalned a number of theIr ' . of tee P'OII first sale ' e of mt company II ' d W' G H t Ie nutrients contained in the dried relatives here. friends at the home of Mrs. Doster Mr. a nd Mrs. L. A. Garst ' and tobacco harveated durbltr a . . , wo~;t::.~ atte~dedD a 1::';Uy e~l~~er a:t S~~e grains: . . Mrs. Davis Furnas Ilnd two near Harveysb urg, Saturday after Mrs. Morri Graham spent Thanks year_ The tax in croll feu' ~ home of lb. and M1'I. Will Watts, If SIlage I~ plentiful and hay children and Mrs. . Peelrl Magee rloon. .. giving with friends and relatives in oell~illg May 1, 1(81) Ia 26 per ~ a period OL in Ftanklin, ThankBa'ivtng day. scarce, the 811age may be used . to family were visitors hi Mid- . The atralr was In .the f~rm Of. a Indianapolis, Only the nen·si,o.r .o f a t,GWco lunset uDtiI replae much of .the hay, and like dl t t d linen shower comphmentlOg MISS M d M T G bb pf production control eontrae~ pa~ IIr. and Mn. Walter BakeI' wi e if hay is plentiful and sileage e own, a ur ay. Ru t h Tomlin son who will become Mid:iet':,"wn, ~S~nt °Saturd~ ~ight the t~x. The secre~ry of acrIealat Ilond~y apent TJaanbciving il'\ Xenia, the J caree, the hay may be used to ~e· Get tickets early, with seats the brid e of ~r. Raynl ond La Rue and Sunday at the home of James ture lSSUeS. tax paYlDg warrant. to the proposed runt. of their and place it. all'eady reserved for the minstrel. of Mason, OhlO, Decemebr 27. 1 f iI contract Blpen. . Recent experiments have gbown F. F. A. boys can SUPltly you for The guests, having been former Love y and am y. The act requires that a vote be be In deet daughter IIr. and Ilrs. C. J. in which Epttt. . that cattle do not utilize ground 20 cents each. college friendll, enjoyed the oppor· Our c1iamcmcU, direct from the taken belor" each crop JWT, and I1Ich Anancla} . roughage as well 88 the unground. .. tlJnity of visiting with one another diamond cutter, C ive• qu.lity and that the results of thl' vote b..... ItMU tocla,. '. lin. Henry PeDnlngtoll and If the supply of good legume h s. J ?s18h ~avls and grandson and the afternoon passed quickly dVe. ~oney. Buy with. conlidt!llcCl . nounced 60 daYII bdore the be-. dagpte... )l1IaetI Rllth, Josephine hay is limited, b.etter resuJts will Joe Dav1s WIth . Mrs,. Ho~ard , in happy chatter. . .t Cny', Jewelry Shop, Leba..oll, ~inning of a new: crop Jear, whleb and Horietta, of Ferry, were din· be obtained from it If so me is fed Hurley and t",? chll.dre~.' o~ KI~g-1 The guests were dh11ded into Ohio. i. May 1. ner aruea~ of Mr. and Mra. Ray day during the winter than a map, spent F.rlday 18 Cmctnnah. ,small groups and eacb group -was If owners, rentera, share-c1'op· MalIloo.a, ' Sunda,: . liberal amount at the beginning or Mrs. . E t rta ' d asked to write a story from the Harry Sherwood, Jam&& Gibbons peril and others who cOlltrol o"eend of the winter season. Su Ie. vans Men eC]'~ne d words of a entence which was 'Ernest Harlan and EveI'ett aarlan 'fourth of the land customarily der:r~n;to:'~~~D~Ubf ~~:o~ When feed is scarce it is more. ~ S~nd~YDM~ and / \ { I or d given them. These stories provided atte nd ed the Old ' Rifl e shoot at '\voted to tobaceo productioll do not a °dn'than d fro Uan Imuch m rriment both in writing Rising Sun, Ind., last Thursday. than ever important that the pro· Mug S' a M favor continuance of the aet, tileCh part7 at t h e home 0 f re. am ere I al~ am y. d d' h ' . . I d i th 11_ Doria Hawke, Tueaday even. tem and carbohydrates be fed in . Ian rea tern. . ' Mr: and Mrs. C. E. Anderson and tax :-"'111 Dot be . app ie tI • ine, December H. the rigbt proportion to avoid wlt,ste . l'Io~rs. ~eBrl McMaken , who IS allThe br lde elec.t -wa~ 181ven BOme sons and M ~. Addie Smith were comIng crop year. I When the ca~tle N!ceive only a ,low Slstlf'ig In the care of Mre. Mary v-e.r y valuable adv\qe by her \ dinner guest~ of Mr. and Mfa. Al. - - ••---:'~ lin. Eauna GTUbb. Mrs. Ed. grade non.legume hay and stover Cochl'an at the home of Mr. G. F f'rlends. . . len Emrick of Lytl e Thanksgiving .....IRi..". Clillrell Loq, lira. Charlee Ernest, of D~y or straw, the grain ration s.hould Brown in Lebanon, spent Sunday Tb e~ ~ere then InVited around day. , . " J , , Bunda., ~..... lira. lobn Lolli, of Cln· contaill as least 17 or lB. p,e r at her borne bere. an artllltu; table while the honor dllMtI, speat TIIuz:eclay with their cent of digestible protein or~O per g~eet unwrapped the many lovely Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Marlatt, Mrs aut ¥n. Ll.Eie Lewt& cent of crude protein. . Lloyd Arthur has Ireturned to gIfts. Amelia Williams and Mr. L. N. IlEETI"G · WDen larger than common quan l1l8 home here after a lrJ extended Dainty refreshments were Printz were dinner guests 01 Mr', RE~I(TR Mr. and ~ra. OUyer Davi., Miss tities of .silage and stover are fed visit to .his grandpa~~r\.tlI ~r .. and s~l've d and at this time the wed- and Mrs. C. M. Robitzer, Thanks· \J ~ . Ii . at 11:10 L m. a.hel Davis and Mn. Nettle Kep wlthaome legume hay. the ration Mrs. Mtl~on Carr, of Wtlhams- dmg date was reve~led. giving day . • a~rallllll a' 1.....10 ler .,tnt Tbanor1ving in New .bould about 15 per cent burg, OhIO.. • Those present Included : Mrs. .. Ohio motor vehicle registration Vienna. the ruests of Mr. and Mrs of digelltible protein and 17 or 18 Superintendent tJf Schools I. E1!'ler Teets of Lees C~eek, Mn. If you never beheved In \Y~ter and revenue to date for the pr.... . . . . .ll Peter l)emas and f.mUy. per cent of crude protein. W. Lob and family lIpent the holi- Mdes Peele, Day tOri, MISS Hel n tr~atment be.fore you certainly lent year hali surpassed 1933 tlcC EDjoy • few good laugha, at When good qlJality alfalfa or days with Mrs. C. S. Simpson at Randall, Harveysb~rg, ~rs. Ray. Will be convm~ed after atterJdlng ures for the enW'e year. Over two ....t one a year. Come to the clover it a,railabJe, the ration need Forrest, and Mr . and Mrs. R. E . ~ond Braddock•. MISS Faith TOIn. the F. F. A. Mmstre18. . million s more in revenue baft Minstrel !\how the eveniDl' of De- not earry more than 10 or 12 per Eva.ns at Marion. linso n, WayneSVIlle; Mrs. Cha~les Mr. a nd MTB. N. P. Blat t and been taken in during the p~nt eember 13 at the nm. Get tickets cent of digestib~e protein ~T 13 or Duvall, Mrs. Howard Sterntz, f amily, of Manchesti!r, Mr. an d year. ~ Clf F. F. A. bop at 10 and 20 eta. 14 per cent 01 protem. Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Davis, Mr. L~nchbu~g, l\~rs. Emerson ~sher, Mrs. Carl Snnkel', of Mason , were i Followin~ 18, a summary ' of the . ~. - _. and Mrs. Lloyd Davis and family M!8!I Ed~th Flsber, .New Vlenna j week.end ~uests of Mr. and Mrs. report submitted by Motor R ..... the Mr. Her.h~1 Mainous and . spent ThilDkllgivlng 'd ay at the M.~ss Ahce Temphn, Lovela.nd; O. R. Unglesby. trar Frank West fol' tbe pr.eaeftt the He...bel SmIth, of ura . ucataon home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard M!ss Marg~ret Leasure.. ~a'bma, y~ar as compared with 19"33 were dillner ,u8!lta of Mr. a)ld December 10 Hurley in Killgman. MISS Maurme Taylor, WJlmmgton, Mr. and· Mrs. Jnmcs E. McClurd urI's. . . next four Sundays. RAy lIainoue, Tbursday. Dr. ,and Miss Irma Fisber, Yi>ungstown; ente rtain d Thank.lfgiving day, Mr. 1934 revenue: win be .held in the iIra. Grtmth, of ~ami1ton wen the Migs Louise Vance, Wilmington; and Mrs. J. B. Myers, of Cincin· RegIs · ·tra t·Ion .. ... ... 1R1" 28363 ---ho Thanksgiving f Mr andday Mrsguests L M atHen • v, 9·1 v, • h afternoon callen. of the , chore. Under the able direction of MI'. me o . A' C· . M - Mrs. Clifton. Warren, CJlnton . The nati, Mr. a.nd Mrs. Ralph Graham Transfers ... .. .. ". . 667,107•• 8 at e:80 p. m. with . . . der~o n were MT. R. . rOS6, ~s. honor guest, Mi ss Ruth Tomlinson and daughter Barbara Ann, ()f De· D r t PI t 12 18800 .. leade~. BvaDcellatlc Hr. and Mrs. W. E. WIlson, of ll1son ~at:hart the Rural Ad~1t Otho Henderson, Mr. Amos Falr- Waynesville and the hostesses. trait, Mich. up lea e a ea .... ,. 'lcao Po DI Columbus, were luella of Mr. and EducatIon gets under way a serles child and Mr. BQyd Hendenon. Drive·away Co. . . • •• Mr. and Mr~. H . C. Burnett en· ' D p~ates E"i ........ 8,080.00 • Mrs. Ralph Linn, Thanksa'ivlnr day of weekly schools, the ftrat Bellsion --~ OF and )lr. and R. S. Canrad, of being held at Harveysburg on De· Rex Williamson. ~eft .~I:at f Sewing PrOject tertained Thank!! . da y, Mr. C:aaue:,sellr XR~agj~.t;;~',:.... e,UG.oo ••'.......... Detroit, Ilich., were week-elld cember 10. Local c9mmittees from last wee~ ~or a VISIt WI r en s . and Mrs. Raymond DaVls and fam(1 h 11 a. ~ r e l ft peate of Mr. and Mr •• Linn. ' tl)e Grange, FllrIl'! . Bureau, and a~ Bedford, InAd'liEn~~ohutet ~e C: Under i1y and Mrs . . Frank Carman, of Cb uSft' a Y2 nd ba'''It' '1'327"096. , 0 , Parent Teachers' A880CiatiODl \ h18 aunt, Mrs. ce .) or In m· . Dayton, Mr. Walter Burnet!: and a eur!!, , 00 .00 W1DIa8llDD. W. w_t to DId. Cllriat_ .under the chalrmsDship of Mr. cinnati for a visit with ber sister. . B t. ' -.,,--- - - a" 9'80 a 111 1.14 . . _rrieet la ~y a Hwold McKay report an -enrollM d M J [) B I'n B. d The Rural Rehabilitation Divis- Mr. C. S. urnet 'Total 1984 .... .. ...... ..19,739.87&.11 at eo1lcl~lion. "n. of Gifts' It . . ment of over fifty men and women r. rl!. 'M • o~ M~I!I l ion started a seWingpTOJ.· ect at the W.tcile• ....:...Rana.-L.t•• t in Deck Tota11988 ............ 17,877,551.'8 "'1I, ..,/Or at v. ....... P m ....n. · jolt ..,. .... 1iA..' to Mlp who will attend the sea- sGo1n , 0 F anofn'D .~: lla.n d M . West Side School in Franklin on w_r .nd br.c:eleh_ C.r,'. Jewelry • \I • • ~Y ___ ' 10 I "If S enn rye 0 a.1 "o, an 1". . C ' 11 b '-_:L I 193' 2082828·. -:&l-:~bj~.=ervl~ ee at 7:30 p. _r .. ., u h. .... . . - sion. . C W F ' . Th k ivin November 30, enters WI e es- Shop, Le ....lIOll, Ooio. Store open nCrease,. " ... II "lIotives for 'ISO . . . . to . ' p. .. .. These schools will be divided In-' ~ we~e M a3 SlgF tablished in the near futUre in 8:30 •. m . to 9 p. m. Passengel'S ............ .l,.4T.1l84 -ver mea6t-- J_s.., S..... Le~ ~io. to two sections--muslc . dramatics .gues 0 r •. an r a. ar ry l so11th Lebanon, 1\Iorrow, Butler· Trucks " •. "...... ........... 15'1.070 ••.... " IIe, W as hIn ' gton T ownsh'IP, H ar· Mrs. Ida Stokes and daughter . 71 ,. "81 stud ex-.. each Wedllead&, and recr~tlon WI·l}· ..... ....' un d er th e Dinner guest.ll of Mr. and ...r~rs. VI . . Trailen ............ .... ...... Dl. ~e choreh wllera. R ~k II~~ LB~~' M~ direction of Mrs. Edith Mounts, J . E. Friday evening.veysburg. MaineviJ]e, Wayne~v.ille Mrs. A~ Co~rt.n~y e~tert~l~ed ~tl Motor Cycles ..... :. ..... 8,'"7 bo..... 0 e, s · ne e an and a study of ,c ooperation and Iwere Mr. and M~ . Ralph Graham and Maso n. The Rural Rehabillta· dj~ner han sg lv ng ay t elr re - Side Cars ..... ..... .. .... ... 1.081 Riley with tbe other mem- the A. A. A. proJram will be hand daughter, of Det.roit,. and Mr.ltion Divis/o,n furni shes the equip. atlV?S Mr. and Mrs. ~. D. Ol·t, of lDealers ....... .. . .......... ... 3,08'" bera of the Clearcreek Country led by Mr. Belden · Saur. . and Mrs, J , H. Sackett and family. ment and the material for the gar· Sablna, Mr. and Mrs. X:enne~h I, mqb were .ntertalDed at the . This meetlnc will be followed by ents . The women who work on K~1'J', ~rs. Co~a Baker, MIS. MII- Total 1984 ... .............. 1,887,101-' !!!me of 'MUo Beck Ilea!' J'ranklln, a series of m"tinp beginJling at Mr. and Mrs. B~mett Butter· these projects are supplied with drel! CrItes and sons John .and Rob ,Total 1933 ................ 1,611,11' Anand• .,. Blue Ball on D,!!cember 11, Deer. worth, of Lebanon, .Mrs. Florence materialll for making clothing for er~ and ~r. Mural Johnson, of nenderaon enter. ftelcl Township on Daeember 12. Davis and ~r. E~!sl~ B';It~~wo~th their families, paying for this WIlmington. Increas!' 193" .... .. 61,'11' 4 ..1,ln••~ ... p e . at di1l. Bu~Jetville on Dec.e mber 13. IUld enjoyed ThauksglVlnl1r dInner WIth material by making other garMr. and Mrs. Pel'cy Rca on en• - - --"': II .... John R,idl'BvUle on Decem~er .14. Thill Mrs. Sarah Butterworth and Mr., m.e')tB whic~ are .used by the ~rta.ined a few friends ThanksFA-lilLY DINDR I . .nll~r. lIiII Ethel educational program 18 opell to all Gilbert Frye. \DtvlSion. ThIS wor~ 18 under a ~om giving day. A sumptuous turkey ~:=~(eCi!la ...,ilton, IIIn men and women who desire to en· Mr and Mrs RoUa Bolton and petent Work DivlIdon SupervIsor. dinner was enjoyed by Mr. and At th~i~ home DMI' Le_eon. Il . ..4 Mr. Waft rOn and the public ill Miss 'Visa Bolt~n entertained the The ftnea~ results of this .project Ml'S. W. E.' Stroud, Mr. and Mrs. ThaJ),ksl1VlnC day. ~r. and lin. to attend the openlnlr seUlon t 11' eats for Sunday din. are that It not only prOVIdes an Davis Furnas and family Miss .Lols Ha"!y A. Satterthwaite pve _ _- _ _ _ 0 o~nl ~~ II Perry Thoma.. opportunity for these women to Lawson Mr Loren Reason and Mr family dlnnel' at w~b the folll ...",,· ~. a:~a RlIara and el()~he their families, but also Harold 'Str~ud. . ing cuats weft.attertlltll'ait.. r. aD n. M KattI SOCIal contactA, and the opportunMra. Beary dauehter, Pauline, , ra. WUe Ity for the supervisor to give In-' The home 01 Mr. and Mrs • . A.. and IIrtL C. I . . 'l'Ile Chriatmas ....tine of the Williamson alld Cheater A. • IItruction and herp in the many O. Griffy was the scene of a happy Idauchte. _"'_~II""dlidp elub will be held at the • probleillS pertalniDg to ·the care reunion on Sunda" wben and lIJL fit II.... IIaII4e Wed· SUllda¥ evenlna I'luta of IIr. and 'welfare of their familiee. chlld~n and Iralldc~II. l lIr. aad U4 lin. ' Be...,. iilattlrthwalte' - - • were present to partab of a =~






0...._ ,...-





th. ·

OVER $2000000




I Jid.























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i'iIIiiIIr,'ii.:,. ' -


iu1l.... II!~,.,




111'.Donald dd lira. Warma of CnteraD41 lin. Z..- lIonl8


Y. P. II. JlOTICE sumptuous dlnller 10110.... : 1Ir. and Mrs. Lee Griffyasand of 11*1 The Y. F . • . -ill meet at the Detroit, IIlcb. Dr. aII4I B. . . . Iab_ 111M DoN home of Ill". alld lin, J. L. lIen- Sheltoll aad ',~O:f:;I=~~=~~r;~ ••' - t ..... Sand., 8Ye1liDlr. !II BracWoek, 1-.0.. leader I


ew of Interest From Wayne, Township Centralized School~

-------I! -----------------'I NEWS ROM THE WARREN

bury, aecl'etary 01 ,roup A. H.v- ... d i ing no further bUI neta to alten, the numbt'TS proct'eded with the



mtqtoD aDei Kill Naomi Jon .., of Harv"Jlbul'lf. Thomu W. Weber. recorder, of Middletown and Mil Mary Ann

$3.96: Cla~on lark. atone. ,17.· 50; The Oh io Corrulated Culvert Co., culvuts. $164.4'0; J. L. Dunn, serviees a8 mechanic, $52.80; John


was opened with a SjJllth, typi.t, 01 Franklin. Barr, parrell. U43.85; Clem WilliallUl, p.yroll, 26.80; M. C. Bible reading by Ellen Guy, and the succeeding numbel'1l were pr • R.a1 £.tat. Trauf.r. Forem:,", payroll, .262.30; E.rl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-0 sented os a contest between the Carey Kellis to Louie Corwin Baso re, payroll, $200.20 l W. B. w ..y....m. Defeat. MOI'Yow I. soprano, .nd Betty Han ock, alto. two groups. The number, conte tr Common Pie ... :Proc.eecIin.. I and Mary B. Jestice. for money, 14 acres In C1earcrei!k townsbip, chul r, payrbll. $154.40; John Fiut H_. Gam. Evelyn Peters read from the ant, and SCOres were as follows: ---tore,closure , ~Ie of real estate and Clayton Penny to Retha Bennett Myers payroll $216.60; H. SwenllY fiftieth Psalm, the fir t tou.rteen The True Significance of ThanksIn the matter of the t raJlsfer of eqUItable reltef. . real estate jn De rfleld township pay l'oll. $127 ,GO; Zain ,Armitage, vel'!!U , and dosed lhe devotLOnal giving. funds of The Board of Trustees of Th e Peoples' BUIlding, Loan and Charles L. Hizar to Bird Roll 15 sand and gravel, $196.54; L. J . Tu day night ot last week with a prayer of t hank giving. Edna ~Iae StllUP of group A re-. Sal m Township, it is , ord ered that Savings Co. versus Frank C. Hall acres in Turtlecre ek town ship. Cavett 0., ta r, etc. $6079.50; J. Wayn lIville ran,.g up ano~her Mr. Frank I d t he assembly in sing ceived 86 points. $1000 be trll n~ferred from the et al. {or money, f()re~losure; ~Ie George, W. Stlluverman to fI a rry K. pencer. gravel, $44; Frank vi torY by defeating Morrow In , ing_ Phyllis Coil tte of group B re- GIll\oline Tax Fund to the General of .real estate ,and. e~ultable relief J. Stauverman, inlots Nos, 1804 hcrwood Co., supplies Ilnd gallo . T,h e Pe oples BUlldan&" Loan and and 1805 in Loveland. fa~t ,!,me 3~ to 19. "Spud" Davis Mr, Hatfield int~oduced the ceived 89 points. Fut:l d . Iino, $ 7.3 1; Fred Kohn Motor Co., was .hl&'h poant man for .the speaker. of the OCC~S10n, Rev. G. What Thanksgiving mans to me: In the case of H~lrry J. St8uver- SaVIng!! Co. venlU Earl J. Coburn William Sanford Rice to Mar- (>urts, $10.04: The Dayton Bronze nuddng a total of 18 pomts. Mor- A. Williamson, pa tor ot the Way Earl onner of gro up A reciliv- milO versus Geol'ge W. Stauverman et al. for moneJ', foreclosure, sale garet Ayres real estate in Wa h· Bearing Cel., bronze, '6.90; Ruby ro~'s defeat came a • gt'eat 8ur- ne ~m e ~nd Ferr~ Chur~he~ . of cd 86 points. ' cl\use i dismi sed. of real estate ,and ,ot~er relief. ing~oll town~hip. Van Riper, gasoline, $28.98; prise to them. they were xpecl- Christ, With a fitting recognItIon Mary Burton of Group B rellt the case of Thc Loveland The Peoples BUilding. Loan and S, S. White and M. J. White to Elbert Wa.llace, food, $95; T. U. jng to ,beat our quintet by at lust of hi past service and f~ture de ceived 87 poin ts. Mutual Building md Loan Co. Co. versus , Cbaunc~y J. Lulu Woodrey, inlot No. 32 in Ma· Woodrell. foo d, ~2().50; Lewi ten pOtnts. parture from the cO,mmu nJ ~y. The Extempor,anceou8 peech: versus J ohn Hadde n. et aI, it is 01'- -!d0rdls and Marguerltil Mardls. for son. Bros., food, ,26; McGetchin's The s~cond ~eam was not all u~- speaker gave us an I.nt;ere tang !ldRuth Salisbury of Group A re- dered that notice of t he pendency Judgment, fore,closure, ,BRIe of r eal Bertha S. Hawke to Samuel Pharmacy, 8uppljcs, $1.64 j Owen ce siul m theIr game. Morrow s dress about Thanksgtvmg especlal- ceiv d 87 points. and prayer of this ·cause be made estate and eqUitable relIef. Thomaa and Leah Thomas, t'eal s- Gross, food, $6.50; Dr. Johnson, fast econd team lli!emed to sweep Iy expres ing "thankfulness for ~cil Hortman of Group B t'e· on defentlants by publication . in Washington township. medical. $2&.60; Frank herw ood them off their feet. The batt~e the ability of being t hanldul." c ived 86 points. In the case of Fanni e Highfill, Pnob.te Court Claude H. Bernard and Lorene Co., food. $22; West , Side Gre)ended in a acore of 26 to 11 In )fl'. Frank again led the a em- Thanksgiving Poem: an infant, by J . W: Johnson, her Frank Fraz er et aI, executors of Berllard to Harold F. Downin~, cery, food. $3; Elmer Collis, f ood, Morrow's favor. , bly in a group !long, "Abide with Wilma Smith of Group A re- :father and next Iriend , vel' us Ed- the estate of Zaidee Venable de- 147 acres In TIlrt1ecreek townshIp $14; Kaufman's. food, $268.67; _ The . Grade team was VIctorious m~." c ived 88 points. win B. Highfill, EI divorce was cease d filed their first and ~final Eva M. Allen and John R. All n 1\, N, RI1PP, fu~l, ,$6; L. & C lD theIr first game of the s ~son. After a few annOl1nCements by Barbara Gray of Group B ranted lhe plai nti ff and custo dy 't to Russell E. Moore, 92,73 acres Market, food. ,$69.00. E.H. Gloeck taking over Morrow 81'a,de ql1lntet Mr. Hatfield, Mr. Lob expressed c ' jvt'd 87 points. of c hild was award ed to Plaintift'·la.c~:n: t i E d B D k ' in Wal'ren and Clermont counties. ler. food, $6; Dr. John Zettel, On account of the absence of DeIendant i to pay $5 a week for d . ei;;v~:ror~ 0 the . estatea IB, Jallles Pile and F , W. Franz to glasses, $23; Berger's Grocery. 26 to 5. his Wi has that the stude~ts might ~e~:;e Be~cb deceased, was Martha Archdeacon Bruce, real es- lood, $4; LOl1ia Fred, clothing, all have: a pleuant vaeatlotl! ~nd eert.nin individuals the program support of child. W.,a ... iIIe Junior Hi,h Pl.)'. the sessIon was closed by slngmg could not be completed. The meetTh case of Evely.n Trimble ver d' tate in Franklin. $22,39; Clint's Market, food. $23. Firat Ca.... the High school song. ing was closed ·then with the us Belbert Trimble is dismissed. a~1:0~:v~ntory of John 0 Aaron J. Trimble and Carrie L. 50; Lo ui s Fred, clothing. $13.12; _~ team _con istlng of boys from under tand~ng that these numbers I!l the case of K.a~heri~ e P. GiI- administrator 01 the estate of Trimble ~o Eleano,r Trimble, inlot Chas. P. Stllbbs, food, $48 ; Ralph gr des 7. 8 and 9 met HarveysOperetta would be gIven at a later date. chrIst versus J . P. Gllc~rls~, sherlll Jacob Edward Zecher deceased, No . 744 In ~rankhn., mith, food, $2r;j 1. R. Cofl'ma'n, burr on Harveysburg'a Iloor WedThe oper tta which the H ighord red to hold money 1ft hts. hands was approved. ' May McKinley to. Corrlnne Tay. :food, $102.50; Wund Dry Goods Bulletin un dcr case No. 15002 until 1ur· In re eetate of Martha ' J. Kalb e lor, 10~.41 acre~ In Turtlecreek Co.,' clothing, $10; R. B, Gilmore, nead.y ev~nj ng in a hard battle. School Glee club presents anuall,Y Murrel Thompson held the scoring ~as been ,selec,~ed .•T~e na~e IS Extra: The Junior Class Rings theT order of th e court. Also. ord,r deceased, ttanJifer of real estate is townshIp.. food. $34.25; W . H. McR-enr)T. , honon for the evenillJ having 7 1' In Old VIenna or Plc~les. Arrived Late Monday. led that service b ' publlcatlon be ordered. • B~n~amtn Farquhar. deceased by $63; Ruby Van RipeI', food points to his credit. This was the Try-~uts for the leadmg par~lI made fo r defendant. In the matter of the estate of admlnJ9.t rator to H~zel A. .Far- $31; J. S. Richardson, fu el, $6.first game to be played in prep- are being held t his , week.. It wl~l , W"lcom el Welcome! Welcome! The case of. Ve!lm~ Cas versus Anna L. Bone. deceaBed, di tribu- quhar, anlot No. 63 In Frankhn, 50; BreMord Service Station. fuel ar tion 1 r the Junior Higb tour- not be ready for pr.e entatton un til . Eugene Case IS dismi ssed. tion of assets is ordered James Gons. deceased, to Frank na~en+. 0 the latter part of Jnnuary. The Sports manshJP : Brot~erho od. In t he calle of The State of Ohio In the matter of the 'estate of Gona, et aI, 38.81 acres in Turtle· (Continued On Pare 8) • Chapter of WaynesVllle WIll h old versus Rufus Crosby Trial by' Th F B d ed d' creek township 'ts f th t" D b 6· ' , I urman . ercaw eceas IS '. W.,c.h. Carli.l. Qui ••• t Cominlr E"nt. lour mee Ing, . ecem er 'Jury. Defendant :found guilty as tribution of a811ets i~ ordered' Harley E. Trimble, deceased, to in t he Waynesville gymnasium. It he stands charged in said indictI th U f th t i 0f Trimble et al inlot No. ~ e~. a~b 74' in Franklin.' , Waynesville Bigb basketee" ' Thursda y, December 6, Sports- is part 01 tbe work of this Brother Inent and he wa s l!~nlenced to one Ell n R ~ rna er 0 d !"ansbip Brotherhood meeti"g. hood to stimulate, encourage and y~r in the Ohio P enitentiary. ' t' a . ' JOw~ ecease, IS uWilliam Gallaher, decellsed, to will meet the CarHsle cagers in tha first 01 a aeries of three home Fnday, December 7, basketball spread the feeling of , sport manIn the case of Rosa Cecil versus I toTnhlB o~ller~ '01' M d L h Ann R Wilkins et al 14 7 acres in ..... me Carlisle here h' Th lS ' can be d one on Iy if Edgar T. CeCi. l tlettlement . made I d e W1 o. fll Iver au b erc ' Tllrtlecreek • ' . '. . ht, Decem b er I .. pme. on F n'd ay mil' -, , . 8 IP, d d . townshIp 7. Ollr boys are out to make it \ T~ursday, December 13, F. F . A. more friends, pare nts, and inter- as to respective'rights to the prop ecease, was ~ I~ pro ate. four in a row when they meet the ml?5t rel. ested peopl come to the meetings. e-rty, both real ami per onal. h~rles. Ir.wln "as appointed .- - - vi.itors. havjnlr wC)n tbe first three I Fr~day, December 14, As embly. The meeting begins at 8 o'clock so In the c,ase of Claude W. Rue guardian of !Iale R.unyan a~d Aled Bdl. Allowed games 01 the season ,from Farmers· FrIday, December 14, Basketball that it is not necessary for any one from each (,f the defendants. bond of ,90,000 wtth sureties. John Law, repairing curtain ville, Jefferson t'wp. and Morrow. game, Mo1'l'ow, here. . Ito be out late. Everybody come In t he case of' WiIllIl'd Kline. Margaret Johns was ap'polnted lights, $3.70; Orville Keever, sel'VThursday, December 20, Hll~b- , Thursday evening. Rev. G. C. Di- guardian of Nanc'~ Canoll versus trustee of the estate of J. Milton ices as chainman. $8.25; Trulltees FOR AND CONSIGN Juaior HipSc._1 to Hold Tourllchool party sponsored by the bert, of' the Methodist Episcopal Alfl'ed A. Gregor'y, defendant' is K?ys and . filed bon I! 01 $10,600, of Public Aff.irs, light at jail, .hllp alld eaJ... _ _t Fr~~ho~ore c:,ua. 21 Ch' t Church, will be our speaker. 'given 5 days to plead, move or de- WI~~ :~~e::~ter 01 the estate 'of J. ua.52; Trustees of Public AfI'airs lin 'Wlre 81i41 A JunIor Hleh sebool tournaI Y. ecem er , r~s mas murrer. . • . light at Court House, $47.20; prolreHive Arm tb. blabut ment will be held this year in con~s~mbl{, sponsored by the Senior Go .. ip In the case of the St~te of Ohi(' ~II~: Kei~s~:::::rd, dlstnbubon Penll Morton, services a janitor, market price. and ,ood nection lOUl tbe Senior High un or c aS8. vereus Norman l~()rgan, the de· . $70.00; Jamel Follen, services as ' }nlon Stock Yarde' CI ... la __.!r..0. school toul'llUllent. Gr.des 7. 8 Saturelay, December . 22, Ba ketI. fendant pleaded j~uilty to the in.. In the matter 01 the trust creat- janitor, '15; J. K. Spencer, wood rune in on Radio Statlon W"...y and 9 will be included and all the ball game. Alumm- Homecom. It is rumored about that a cer- dictment filed airainst him. 1m- ed by Item IV of ,the will of Court House ,6.60' C. Donald 12 :211 to 12 :10 p. m. for our dall, tain member of the Senior class is Walter W. VoorhIS deceaaed D'I h' , • , Ing pmes pla,ed during the curre,nt • Buthorl'ty to pur~hase' bon". I'S' t. atuB, Of. office. $20; Tlarket reporta. planning to enter into connubia1 position of sentenee was uspend- "~ ....}{ i V IlrentH id .ealon will be represented ,by bliss at the close of the chool ed for a period of 2 years. given Dea,JI E, Stanley. trustee. I . m . ey . OSpJta, x-ray ~n thele three grades. The nl;"e Liter.ry Soci ..~ Acti.iti.. year. ThrC(' cheers I In the case ojr The LebanonThe will of Carrie M. Juterboeh room. '34.; Ohto State SanatorIUm Icboola of Warren county. wltb Due to the absence 01 the Citizens National Bank ve\'sus decease d was admitted to probate x-ray, '5, Mrs. Howard Sawyer, --~------------" the .exceptipn 01 Mason pl.n ,to Seniors from .cbool Wednesday, Have you not~~~d the dismal Alice J. Corliss. et al, judgment to Emi! A.' Juterboek was appointed services, ,7; Mrs. Ir. Eltzroth,. $5 i 43 YEARS OF SERVICE participate. Blue' Ball. a coun~y, November 28, the Senior literary countenance of one of our fair plaintiff fo r $972 ,~66. , execut.or, no bond required. Her· •Maude , Deardofl', services, school, will also have a team 10 I . ty h ld tb I memben? Another swell In the case of 1 he Peoples BUild bert Hopp Joh M g d F k ,7.50, Mrs; Helen Doughman. serv an . ran ices, ,7; Mra. Lillie Urton, services the tournament. The exelJlpted :oc:e ~h T e r lrogram d~onromance ing Loan and Sa'~iitgs Co. versus Maag wer:' p n. t LEBANON, OHIO Lebanon and Franklin, ;;t:r :nshor~ bu:r:e!:' m~~~f~g t~~ ~~~:nd;~. the Happy Hunting John ~ilder. et ai, judgment The adjUdi:afi~l: :nda~~~:;:~~. ; Burroughs Adding Machin,e We a complete are Dot tntcludehd lin the nine War- following program was presented. III. to the platntitf for '3825.50. , tion of the inheritance tax on the reaPnadir r'bbofon '8Tr7e5aSIlFrerJ8 W. tch R.pAir !e",ic. ren coun y se 00 s. D t' I Th k . . S h I h I 0 f ---stat f A L B d d I , . ; . . The date is not yet omeial but evo lona s . an omeone e p er out ne 0 New Suit. ~ e o . on. • one, ec~ase. Heer Printing Co., Folders for Pricel! Reasonable til .. bI b Fr'd I h> Pr.yer by. ~utb Pennangton. OUT happy throng bas acquiJ'ed a LS to be gIven to all pel'1lone mter- Clerk of Court .S5 - The Colum. Beads Rest runr I ay n g.... CompetItIve number&-timid and blUshing attitude toward In the matter of transfer of ested. ,'" , w proua y .. e .1 owelry Repaired ~ebr\Jary 22 apd Saturday morn- 1. ESBRY on "Origin of Thanksgiv- the Big Bad Wolf. funds of The Board of Trustees of In the case of Charles Bogan and bus Blank Book Mfg. Go" Recor~ tngAI~a~ch 2, at K~nga Mill~ t ing." IV. Clearcreek Townllhip, for, transfer Charles R. Shepherd, as adminis- ~oil]~:mfo~u<;:~;~ o~h~~~Jt, '8~·50, "THE HOME OF CIFTS" , am .~em. era mUI mee Group A- Marvin Fox. The war cry of the Seniors: of funds. trators of the estate of Lydia E, , ,' ,. mps tb oe.ame ehglbihty requirementll Group B-Frank Hawke. "EVeryday in School." Take note The Loveland Mutual Building Shepherd, deceased, versU8 Ernest for ,sherltJ B o!"ce, $a, Kauf· a8 the older boys. 2.-(;urrent Events. of our august example, aU ye little and Loan Co, ve rsus John Hadden Shepherd. et aI, sale of real estate · ::~~npa:~~o:~~t .;~ 8~~~d:~~ Group A- Robert Thomas Freshmen. et al. for judgment and fore- ordered C G 'I . ,., 1 .S a Ies - b-y J . O. Gonl admmlltra. • • I mOllr. mquest. $6.40' Wald· closure w.~ Towaahlp T. .cIt...'. Meet. V. " . ron C Gilmour in uest • $770' Grou,ll B-James Sheets I •• a. Monologue (on Tbanksgiving) . Two of our members aTe lookM~rtha Bess1U~rer versu~ Rob~' tor of the estate of James Gons, stahita Mfa Co bog' Appj'c ~ On last evening at the Group A Betty Harts~C'k ing forward to being sisters-in- Bermger, for dl,v orce. , C arge IS dec~ased, wen approved •. ~iJJtri- tions and Ce;tific~tes for 1;3~ Wayne Township teachers' meetGroup B-Kathryn SmIth. Jaw. May there be no family quar· ex reme . ~ruelty. , . . J button ordered. The 8odmlnlstr.- ,5950' Ohio Pen Mfg .nd Sale~ ing the following leaden pve 4. Book Review. reI&-Kathertne P. ~rllcbnst versus • tor filed his .pplication for 'a. cer- D e pt" 0 g L" . Grelup A-Albert Hawke. VI P. Gilchrist. for money with inte\'- tificate of transfer. .1 S 9··6' °w d lCSensBes for 1~3!5, book review,: "Trainlna the Child ' Paris. Boy, est . Th' ' , a e . rown, servtces to 1Stud.v" by StillmaD, Mill ReedGroup ' B-Grace HI 01' e StJ'le note Ifrom . . e JOven to ry of Ben C. KeI Iy, . as Dog Warden for November Reeder; "Our ' Movie Made Chil- 5. Questionnaire on Tbanksgiving. have your pic~ures taken in your Claude W. Rue ~s Wilham Burg administrator of the estate of Wi!- $112'50' Merwin Coyne salar a~ dren" b7 Forem.n, Mig Campbell; Group A-Mae Treadway. overcoats and hats! grof, et ai, cognovl~. Uam J. Ayers. deceased, was F . D'. : Y Group B--Jane Cook Tom Marianos versus Roy Mich- approved ood istrlbutor, $50, Jeanette "The Child and His Parents," by 0 h , VII. aels and Cincinati and Lake Erie August' Ast and Anna Glosser POayne , salaryI , $37.60; B K. Briel and YClutr:, Miss Henkle. 6. Extemporaneous Spee'ch . ver eard In a classroom. "Ml·S. R 'I d C t d ' • IIwa1d sa ary $S6' The Hjih School lunch com· Group A-Carl Cook. ' Wiggs of th e Cabbage Patch" is al roa , 0., or. !images.. administrators of the estate of Baker 'salar ,3250' Linnie W'l mittee of the Mother's club invited Group B-Eldon Ellis. the best sho.w On the market. • .. The Lebanon-Clt\z~ns Nat.lonal Elizabeth Ast, deceased, filed their 'salaryy'.s7 60- 'Willa Beedi; the Teachers to ll1nch on WedilesDue to lack of time the last by 1111 means see it " Bank versus Lou Apkmg, for mon- first and naL account. • 5' ... C· ri' . h s~Ine BWun~ren. d.y, November 28. three numbers were beld over VIIi el, foreclosure, sale of, goods and The will of Olive Maude Lercb al '.8 7· 500; Lo Phone 78J 7 S 'l ". d D be S A th W . chattels and other relief d d d • b ' . ary, ... • j Ul8e hippIe, t un I ~on ay. ecem r , s e hat 's wrong with "Our , P l ' B ' Id" t o d eceue. was a mlt~d to pro ate salary '37.50' Elizabeth HathTh&Dluah·j •• A ••-a.I,. two groups A and B stand now, B BOYII? " , The girls seem to have T~e eop ea UI 109, an an In the matter of the estate awa' !alar $50' M B More <hi Tuesday, November 27. tbe has a score of 9l.6 points and A a gone freshmen. SavlDfotS Co. versus. Chauncey!. Addie M_ Dowdell. dece8osed, IUlla Y' ,S7 ~O· Heien itan'd.n siI' entire scbool body met in the (fym- score of 88 points. IX. Mnr~18 and MBTguente H. MardIS, of bonds and stoeks is ordered. ary ')'87 60 ~ Helen Handall ' i1e: naaium in remembrance of the apOn W~nesday, November 28. For information regarding the for Judgment, . forec,losure. ~le of The Estate of Harley T. Trimble age' ,7.2' 'Willa Beedle mil: e ..OTARY PUBLIC proaehing Thankscivinr holidAly. ~he. ~unior Iit~rary !lociety held art of remembering people's names re~hes~t~ fn~ E~q~~~ble eltef• d dec~ased. i. relieved Irom a~nia- '12.19;' L~llise Whipple; milea~' The S'e niors were in ch.rge of tbe Its thIrd meeting of the school YOl1 "Mae or Mae not" inquire in S ,e ~op es UI E n~. J o~nban tratlon. Eleanor Tromble, WIdow, f20 79' Christine Bundren' Natl•••1 ..... program w'hich waa presented. year. The meeting was called, to the office. aVlfg; 0., versu~ ar I . a U~fl filed her application for a certi6- rer' mileage '17 88' Linnle Wil x. et a, or mQney. orec osu~e. aa e cate of trander. lia~s mjJe~ e '$2' 76' H M' ,Willa Dr._ • • E~..... S.uWThe. assembly period was open· order by Marjorie Earnhart, the \ ' ed with a duet. "The Lord is My president of gr·oup A, alld the The Physics theory of falling ob- of real estate ~nd ?t~er rehef. Fred Kampf, ellecutor of the es Co ~ miteg~. '17'66: ),i B' WAYNUVILLE, OHIO Shepherd." by Mary ' Allen, minutes wen read by Ruth Salis-ljects did nol: prove successful at S T~e PeCoPles IlutlGdm g , L~nNa~dll tate of Mary E. Hoover, deceased Mo~y' milea: '$U Willia~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!"!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!! avmgs 0 venus or d on !Uc eJ flled his Inventory. Sale or per- Sh ' II ~ • . ' • , et al for money foreclosure- BRIe I . tid d otwe ,servicea a8 JanItor of FOR SALE DATES CALL of ' re~1 estate and other relief ' so~ prt~~e~ y II ~rf ~ . tr d Memorial H.lI, '200; H. L. SchuyThe Peoples' Iluildlng, Loa~ and termf:n~ ~heco~:ritanc:nt8! :~ ler, pay roll, '206.80; C"rl Dakin, th t te 1 A L B d payroll, '162.55 ; The Gem CUy Savings Co versus ' H B . • . de, esta b a tnjnfia · itohne't decleaa Blue Print 11 Supply Co., mapl d tS 0 eer w Oil The inventory 01 Gen1'\lde Jones ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the beginning oJ! the hunting executrix 01 the eltate 01 Georae son for some 01 tbe Senior boyt. V. Scott, deceased. wa. approved. XI. The inventory of Lawrence W, JESSE STAliLaY Advice for Senior BOY8: UStand Furnas, administrator of the es. closer to your rlllZor." tate of Harriet E. Furna., decea&----ed, wa. approved. EARL KOOGUR Thi ............It. of 1Ja. Gr..... Sales by Addie Stark Hlaginl, '. D.~'" The following is the remainder executrix of tbe aatate 01 Owen S; of the Grade Honor Roll for the Higgins. deceased, were 8DIOrO,Vf!,d. KE••oro •••• last six~weeks term. Adam B. Morrll!!, administrator CLASSIFIED ADS COST ONLY ToJUrd the e.tate of Anna L. Bone, dece.. Robert Woolard, Evelyn Thomp- ed, filed his first and fin.1 account. ONE CENT PER WORD, WHY • son Erwin Lewis and Vircinla William H. Richard. ia found Rciberts. to be feeble':minded .nd Is to bil KEEP YOUR ATTIC FILLED MI.. McKiqey'a Fo,!rth Cr .... : .. admitted to the Inlltitution for tba Helen Hisey, Ellen Moss, Jean Feeble-Minded. . WITH USELESS ARTICLES FOR SALB Hartsock, Tne will of Robert J. Koocle, d" THAT CAN BE TURNED INTO S .....nth GI'.de (Mr. Br.ddock) ceased. is admitted to ' Mary Eva Le~day , The will of Ev. C. MONEY FOB so SMALL A The hjgb-school honor roll will ceased, was admitted COST. 'raY THIS ,M EANS OF be carl'ied next week. Karl S. Cowan. was apIJ)ol'nttld FOR SALE-Nice line of 'WaneK The seventh grade Home Ec. ecutor no hond SELLING AND SEE WHAT A and Kitebell Roll Waxed paper class has started taking lessons in K. Brown, Carl .nd Law. and paper napldnl. New Show.Pac sewing. The first article to be com- rence S. Sh.whan were appol11ted DIFFERENCE IT WILL ' MAKE ltationery. 18 Iheets and itS' en· appraisers. pIe ted was tea-t<.wel.. TO YOUR POCKETBOOK, AS velop" for 10 cents .t 'The Miami The Civics clas" held • &ession in Stanley Brallde\lblll'l, ednlinl.. G.lIette 0Ilee. court for the flmt time on Frida;,. trator 01 the .tate of BolMn WELL AS TO HAVE YOUR NovemlJer 2S. The jury found Brandenbul'lf, deeeaHd, tUed hi. three defendants, guilty On the application for a certificate of STUFFY OLD ATTIC CLEANED WAl'n'ED charges of whisJ~ering. destro,ing tr.nsfer. OUT. IT PAYSI property and ch.~win, gum. Cheater B.,... appoint WANTED: Repl'luntathe to look eel admlnutrator of the ..ate of after 0111' mqaalne nblerlptton ,,1.. Charl. A. Crockett ad II.. bod intleruta III WQMI'IWe aDeI YIeIIIIfKllnlt'l'el. wtll be of UOOO ,.-)tb I.retia O1Ir pia_ anabl.. ,08 to Decem. G.~ 10." _RIa of tile ,.,,<_~"-...<"?!!' aecu. & pDtI put of the ItUdrecla 1'J1II.-!I!U of ChoJ'Ife V. ........ of doll&n apeat ill til.. 9IclaItJ 111il'leuld bJ •. 1OW.le 01 ...... Crab" la COMIt. S. J"..... ...,.... ....., . . . tall aacJ Ie..U. I0ltleII: .... __ W.... ~M .... allQUl, AI.. )aIa ~.ata1t&o1l _ ..... -....~.--= ad












F. T. Martm Auctioneer

SA ISFACTION ;\ Or No Charg.

Centerville, Ohio

J . i








Stanley &Koogler Auctioneer.










of Xenia called on K. Ing the problema of the particular main . ~ aon and ramily laat I ' lIy. ~II info~matlon .rIven the aysteJIUI, water worlP, air marken noop. worker 18 held In absolute confi- cooks for Icbooll adult edu.... ~liIton Eakins and ~ence and. is u ed to help in know- tiona! groupe. e~. etc. While tbe ISSUED EVII:ItY THUBSDA Y shopping In Lebanon mil: what I~ the need and what la governmental unit, say I townthe bell~ thmg to be done. ship for whleb the work I. dcme day aflemoon. D. L C.RAIIE I I • hit..... , S•••crlptle. PrI... fl.1O a The many friends of E,tJ. Jordan A~ long as the family i on re- ie required to furnish material 0Il_ .................... ..... ,. .J!f.. III Botered at Po.tottlee at Wayn.. will be glad to know thllt he has lief they are und I' ~h(! care of the all lallor is furnilhed by Worb .~ ... 111 •• Oblo. . . __ " .. 4 Cia.. Mall Bu." Chri.t_. Sea._ returned to his home hl~re much worker. He or she tries to help Division at no charlre to the town. .... ·.. .............. _..... N •• 11. Matter Merchants throughout Ohio are improved. them to get work, to adjU!~t their Ihip. A townlhip for example expecting larger hristmBs sales I The Thompson family" of near The Wa~ren County Reliet ~- finances, to teach them to become which gets '100,000 worth of DECEMBER 6, 1934 this year than in any year since Wellman, is moving to the Frank ministration is divided into three be~el' home ~lan8gcrs, to meet labor ill taxed ~r charred no more 1029. Accounting lor the bright Wilson farm near Oregonia. p~r~8. (t) Direct Relief, (2) W~r~ ~helr . conomlc 01' home problems or less than a township a.ldng for w=;holiday business outlook George We are sorry to report that Mrs DIVISion, and (3) Rural Rehablb- In whl~h they . may b in~olved. no project to be done. V. Sberidan, ecre.tary of' the Ohio Vernie Jordan is not gett:ing al ong : lation. The entire program i in F~oa:n tIme to t!m e sh.e re"lslts a.n d . The Work. Division Is divided ".If any part of our pe6ple want to be wards', if they want to have Council of Retail Merchants, ci~ed as. weil ~ her nlarlY fr'lends ail . chlll'!~c. of MI' . . ' :yler Shough. trl ~ to k~e'p In clo. e .touch WIth ln~o ~rell parts: plann~nr, conguardians put over them if thllY want to be taken care f 'f the a t a more general feeling of secllTIty wlell hel to. Th e DIrect Rehef IS und I' M, ss thea conditiOn o~d It II> h r »rob etl uctlon and accountlllil'. The to be children patroni~ed b th t h 10 , I yw bn brought about through increa~d Mrs. Edith McKoy nnd M' l>. Faith Tomlin on, the Work Divis- lem to. tl·Y. to assist the family. in planning Bection prepares plan!! cause it will 8~ Y e gove~n~~n , w y, am sorry! f- confidence in the notional govern- Mab I Terry sang a beautiful duet Ion is 0 nd el' MI'. B. R. Ryan and becomIng md epend nt of r elief. fol' the betterment of public prop. . . p the manhood of Amer,~ca, wrot~ the .Iate PreSident ment. at th.e church here last. Sunday thc RUlal Rehabilitation under Mr , Each da y the worker.. me t the erty. The funds are derived from WI~son 1n hIS book, The New Freedom. But I don t beheve they dO. I "The merchants BI'C also feel- evemng. Tho~. B. Fo ter. It is their work to tl'ou~les of ·t~e. ~amlhe and t~e the Stat.e and. Federal government believe they want to stand on the firm foundation of law and right and ing that there Is more of a ten- - - - - -.e t the policies of the organization querI es and cr ItiCI sms of the pubbc lor pay rolls, from the local govtake ~are of themselves. I, for my part, don't want to belong to a nation dency t o pend money regardless 'N U', . and t o plan th e nature and the but thro u~h out, it i her 'lb~ t!ctive ernment subdivisions, (city, I beheve that 1 do not belong to a nation, that needs to be taken care of any tax or cost of' living inewa rom..,.. Qrr,en kind oC wOI'k done. It i th eir work to be fall' and under standmg to county ~r township) for material. 0/ by guardians," cf¢ase " declarl'd Sheridan "The COU nty rt t o npply th.. provisions lT1ade by ali. . and equipment. The eon!truction In those words, the War President, who had a greater knowledge only ~a'll we ca~ account f~r that U , ouse t he statC', properl y to the local It Our community sh. uld .realite ection furnjsh~8 the. tools and of world history than almost any man who has nela the osition of is increased confidence in . I need B of Warren County and to hat the r ehef IS not oversees t.b& completion of the hid ' Executive accur t I ht th t A . . . p th .. the government. In every othel' (Continued Fron Palle 2) supervise and take the final r e_lalon e the . re~po nslblht.y of the work. The accounting section oprethat ! t this nation olf Chrisltmhas slb'nce hthe Shion h$1_35 ; IF red'8 Store, of their afr::r h0 d nccessltJes ~1' .95 · E a ! ' - ' dom and demn h' h h b b ' t d . h f peop eav e een oar lIIg rat er ouse t . , . ....cracy w IC ad cen .s~ )uga e Wit oree. ~nd blood. t,han spending." bart's Dl'ug Store m~dic: al $2.50" The "Rel!e,f DivisiOn furnishes coun y. elUSIon of each Job tbese charges phed an the old world. It was the SPJrlt that led to the sallmg of the Mason Milling & Suppi l I $6 ~ . the neceSSIties of life t o those in are accumulated and placed in Mayflower thl'ee hundred years ago-to the Revohltionary War- and Midland Grocery Co., ~:~o~t '$75; I the c?unty who .are in need. For The Work Di ...... <>o final records and the project finally, to the arduous development of the west by men who wanted NRA Re-Employment Zeiger'!! General Store foo~3 ' carrymg out thIS program there The Work Division was d sign- closed. Re-employment under the Geo. E. food, ',j9; II:"" C: are six field workers who vi. it the ed to afford II mea n and a ro th od In every as much equipno wards: and wanted only the right to work and save and make their own destinies. That spirit Is our American heritage-and nothing the national recovery highway fund Hl.Jtchins, medical, $2.75; Lewis & of those who apply for reo of r p lacing Direct Relief with as pOSSIble IS used. the idea rounders and the pioneers could have sent down to us through time grant to Ohio was close to 5,000 Drake, Inc., fuel, $3.1:3 ; Stokes .lIef. Each has from one to work f or en h. Up to the present bemg not to use hand labor exclucould have equaled it in worth. during. Octob er, according to Dairy Company, milk, $107.95; ,three townshIps and tim e the money allotted to this but to so the It i l'k . th " t th t t k I" HIghway DirEctor O. W. Merrell. Fred 0 James food $10 ' Wright's ' the workers, frle.ndl y V1SltOrs as coun ty fol' th e Work Division is available labor With machlDery It I eWlse e SPITJ a we mus eep constant y an mmd, as a The monthly payroil exceed d . , , th t' I d I ffi that a given number of me.n can O guide to the luture, if we are to endure as a democracy in which liberty $146,000. e DMIl.!·ket , fOOd , $d16$22· g765 '86MEiIler's fofl~::~ some Imes cal e , are as ~~n~ty8 U toCi:~~ lt alff2~;d t hfi oppor- acoompiish the greate~t poaa.iblle F f d ,an d In . wb'lC h oppor tUIII ' tY IS ' t 0 b eoIfcr. d to W orkers on NRA hIghway ' IllrY arm,food 0 0 , $15 · . 0 ourth rek . js alwavs , to be mil'III taine pro- Gloeckler . • W; • H. A Clellrcrcek Mrs. Christine lief peol>le uconsequ ently s amoun t 0 f wor. ail. All paternalistic and socialistic endeavors, no matter bow well and jects and NRA secondary high- Lllken $2021. if d ' m Bundren Clevenger. who have the gr eatest projects are still beine honestly meant, are. at variance with this spirit. and, long enough way jobs uncleI' numbered f ort, $8; H: Deerfield- Miss WjlIa Beedle. to work coupled with the ability t o solicited. A le.tter or telephone pUl'!lued, .they must Inevitably rellult in the destruction of those institu- 3,404 and were. paid a total of food, $33; Office Outfitters, office .Frankl!n-:-Mr. Hoor! Morey and manage their own a1flliJ'fi uccess· to the ableRehef ,office 111 Lebanon tiona wh,ch are peculiarly American. $124,449.31, whIle employme'.lt of supplies, $93.84; Dr. Rudolph, MISS Clevenger. fl.Jlly have b en chosen wh ere pos· 1WI I en:t you t? get any 111554 men was provided ?n naho?al glasses, $2; George Holzlin, Halll.llton~~i&s ~lILo Beedle sible. Only people from Franklin, formation you deSlI'e. recovery econdary whIch Icluthing, $5; Cllas. J. Schwartz and MISS LOUIse Whipple. Turtlecreek and Dee rfi eld t own- \ Rural Rehabilltati_ DI"IeI_ were under constTuction by force- food, $6; Chas. J. Schwartz food Harlan- Mi Louise .Whipple. ships are at this time employed 011 1 The Rural Rehabilitatl'on DI'via 8ccount • ' Bak Mas Ie' M'.HIS H e1e.n R an dal\. W or k D'IViSlon . . ,s p rOJects . by order ion is organized to help people to. $7.20; The Kroger Grocery & The purehas.ea of a 1081 of I)read, according to the National In._- . ing food fUl'nilshed relief • alem- Mlss Lou.lse !Vh.lpple: ?' the State. basis of this I'ul - ! get a n.ew Btart and become selfvestment Transcript, pays ]7 kind of taxes when he lays his dime on P. W . A. SpeadlDIf fllnuhes dUl'lng October $1512.84; . Turtlecreek - MISS Lmlll Wll- JIlg apparently 18 to atwmpt to supporting". The Division is flnanclhe counter. Total of '27,300,2~4 I~ . public The Great A. & P. Tea Co., same hams.. .. employ, first . t,hose who ~av e few - l ed by a revolving fund and any 1t he walks home on leaving the tore he is wearing out shoes f?nds al!otted t~ OhIO Cities an $822.75; W. H. McJlenry, same, UnIon- MISS W~lIa Beedle.. at opportunJ~les of . helpang th rn- material assistance supplied is to whi h t ed 23 t' ' val!ages 18 now III tbe prQ.cesllo of 11.08; Frank Sherwo~1 Co. ame Wa!\hmgton- MI8s Helen Ran· /lc!v s ' . e. g., n famIly on a sOlall ~ paid back, th~ money thus f l\l'm 1R Harlan township, even ' obtained is . sent to the atate c aN ~x . lmes. . • bemg spent, a report by P. W. A. I $26; Dr. Jno. Zetwl glasses dall. If he rides an an automobile, he is payang 42 dIfferent kinds of Admini trator Harold L. Ickes $28; Ol'Ville L. LaYIll~'n, M. D.: Wayne-Miss H len Randall. though the soil be poor, can ol'din .' oTganizlltion to be used again to , taxes. . shows. Funds in this amOUD t have medical services, $28.50; Cha . O. Each field worker now has th orily do more t o he lp the mselves, help other folks. Thl. work may If he tIl.keg a subway or an electric car, the total number of vlsi. be~n !;et a ide fOI' 65 projects Hildebrant, food, ~243.50; Dr. care of from .145 to 17 3 famili 8. lhan ca.n ~n-emplo~ed factory take mallY angles, the most Imporble taxes which are part of the cost of nis fare runs to about 58. which are now under actual con- Edw- C. Morey, medicsil services ' When a family apphes at the hand. liVing In a flat 1n FranKlin. ' ant at the present time are debt All of these taxes, obviously, are indirect--and very few of tiS struction . . These llrojects ' are of $35; East End Coal Co., fuel, $6.: l°!ftce . for hel~, they t 11 of their While the Works Diyision em· and mortgage adjustment, actlon know that we pay them. As the Transcript says, "Tax ignoTance is the the non-federal type, the govern- 2G; D. W. Bishop, coal bucket, etc. ~ltu~tJOn and If .the. nee~ seems to ployees are not selected from the in financial ditricultiea, Ind the crowning element in mass ignorance today." Most of us pay few or no ment loaning 7~ per cent. of the $14.66; Zeiger's Oenel~al Store, JfiUSltif~, tkhe family II! assl!tned to a entire county any to",{nship, vi~. furnish~ng of help to aid the farmta d' tl d thO k b f th t t Ib t' 'th ,cost and advancang the balance as f()od, $31' Miller Dairy Farm per e d VIOl' er for further Inveetlga- Ilage! chool or governmtntal unat er in hIS production The Division . xes 1rec y-an we III ecaule 0 a we are con r u mil' no - I an outl.ight grant to states, coun- FrllnkJin Bank, milk $1162.59'. W Ition .. . in Ule county can have a project is working out plans· to belp many IIIII' to the C?st .o f gov~rnm.ent. . , ties and municipalities. A_ Lukens Dairy, ~iIlc:, ~24. 46; ThiS 18 done by.flrst visiting the done, provided the w01'k is ap- l' of the families in our county be. .T here IS not a. thang In the that lsn t The h?us: we Ze ig r's General Store, food, home the family and talking proved by the State Planning De_ come self-supporting In the future. hYe m. Food, clothmg, transportation, entertaanment, periodicals, Patrol Retirem_t Fund Dr. W. E. Hoffer medic;al services over theIr problems and needs with portment as being general public ' •- book - the tax bill is a substantial item in their cost to the consumer. Ohio High.way Patrol under Col. $32; Trustees of Public Affairs' them. After the home visit, the 1value, and is permanent In nature. Records of the Ohio Dair), Herd It ig obvious that these indirect taxe1!--which provide the bulk of Lynn Black has f ormed a retire- .Ught, $8,96; Ohio C~ntral Tele: ' worker usually mak~s two or mor~ I ~ome of the Warren county pro- Improvement ,\ssocialtiol'la ahow governmental revenue-fall more heavily on persons of moderate ment fllnd. A small portion of each phone Co., telephon~ and tolls, I reference c:lIs, w~lch ma~ .be to \ Jects undertaken al,ready or that a cow producing 400 pounds means than on those with highere incomes A 10llf of bread will last a man's sala ry is bt-ing deducted and $21.25. The Fairley Hardware emp oy~ri t. e family phYSICian, a J,llaDned for are alterations and re- of butterfat a year requires little millionaire as long as it will a lllborer-and the tax is the same on the at the end of 31i years' service a Co., stove gut, $2 ; Thie Franklin ~ath re iti,ve, ~ t teach:,; the pairs to schools, village, township more th~n half .. much leed to loaf each buys Tax r~duction would be the greate8t boon the average patrolman will be r tired on a Chronicle, envelopes for welfare 0 ers c u , :n JI~lt:st~ I ~i~nd' county buildings, playgrounds, make 100 pounds of milk al a cow American could have--a boon that would at once be reflected in m01:e p~nsion, the amount depcnding on office, $~l; ~. Shifflett, food, ~38; ~~ea :~~~~ ~ °b ~~ e de p ~ ~o ~t~~1 and . roafld dimprovlements, that makes 200 pounda of butter. b h . d' f th 't' d hiS salary when active. In case of Ray Sw\gert, food, $16; T. U. \ I e r un era n - rl goe repur8, 00 contro, water Ifat a year. e necessl les an , 1 !::ignation or dismi!sal, the total Woodre y, food, ~23; A. K. Day, ~ j o I, .more .p~rkc aamb' p.o~eri ~~re s~n I~g ~r i ne We ""Ill have tax reductio~. whe~ .we spend leas tax moneY-lind interest will be refunded. ~48; Howard E. Irvina, food, $4; ~ not until then. Only massed public opmlon. backed up by knowledge of I Warwick's Grocery, food, $10.76; ' the facts. can bring it about. The cost of government can and must be Tax DiYereiOQ for Poor Relief ~. B. Thirkield & Sons Co., Cloth- I' reduced-all the way fl'om Washington down to the smallest hamlet Held m.. al mg, $7 7.66; Schilling's Food Marin the land Ohio supTeme court hu ruled ket, food, ~91.50; Earhart's Drug that diversion of gasoline taxes Store, medIcine, $5.85·; ~est Side for poor relid has been without Grocery, food, $7.25; ~avld Mason , authority in law for 16 months. It Store, food, $6.50; .Ruby Van was held tllat the State Legisla- ;Rip~r, food, $11? .50; , Kaufma!1's ture, apparently inadvertently, elothmg, U 4 1. 04 ,. D. Ralph Smlth failed to permit poor relief diver- food, $55 , ~0; Blair & LeRoy, fuel sions :from gal,loline taxes in the $1.81; BlEm &; LeRoy, ~uel, $27; re~nactment of the gasoline tax Dr. S. W. Herman, me'dlcal, $78; The Ohi. State Uni.,erslty Radio Station-WOSU law more than 16 months ago. The Chas J>. Stubbs, food! 1'6~; Dr. H. I , , 8 :00 MUBic court did not pass upon the merits L. Rdsencrans, medlclll, ~ 14; G. .. ....................... H. E. Elwine , ..... 8 :()5 LaFayette Visits Ohio ... . ... ..... of the quelltion of whether these R. Rossman, food, $87 ; Kaufman's 8 :15 Farmers' Inquiries in Agricultural Enlrineering ... Agl. Eng. Staff funds coJIe.cted for Toad purposes clothing, '5~.97; Dr..J. A. lIJock, may be used for relief pu·rpo&es. M.. methca!, $119; Dr. H. M. 8 :26 Music. Adjutant General Frank D. Hen Wllhams, ':lledlcal, $6 ~ Dr. S'. S. S :82 Turkey Marketing Report 8 :85 Home Sweet Home ..... ,.................. ,..... .. .... ... 1 ..... . ... WOSU Players derson said the decision wou'ld Stahl, medical, $26; Wm. Colhns W. Wuichet have little or no effect on Ohio te- & Son, fo04, $8'.50; L. Conrad, 8:60 The 1986 Corn-Hog Program ........... ...... .... , .. .....J. Castleman, 9:00 Do Bargains Tempt You? ................ , ........ .. .................. Nellie Watts lie.f problem for 1935 if the Legl f'Ood, $42; Geo~ge lature meets relief requests. He stove, $8.50; LeWIS & Drake, Inc., 9:10 MUBic added thllt for the most part po- f)lei: $8.75;, Herb Boppe,food, 9:20 F'arm Seed Suppliel tor 1936 .... .. ........... .. ............. ... R. D, Lewis litieal sub-divisions of Obio had ,81, Carroll s Store, . ~ood, $ 11 1; 9:80 Care of Flowers in the Home ................ ............ ;... Elmer Hartman made gasoline diversions in the Dr. Henr~ Brown, me<hcal, $16.50 9:~0 Elect.ric Light or House Plants ..... ....... , ........... .... E. W. McElwee amount requeated by the State Re.- P. B. Luklnbeal, food', $2.05; W. L lief Commission for 1984 prior to' Adamson Co., food, $~8.95; Wm. the aetion of the raising of the Coleman, food, ,37; '1.. .u. W oodrey, food, $4.50; W. A. Hause, question. food, $27; Harry · E:. Rudman, ltate Swinl. Up medical, $~7; N. M:?sey Dept. . . . Store, clothmg, $5; M.ldland ~roAfter s decllmnlr m6rta~l~ rate cery Co., food, $345.25; Merritt's for .t he. past ftv~ y".;I's OhIO IS ex- Grocery, food, $43; Stokes Dairy hOUsel, and penencmg an u~crea~. in ~e~th.~ Co., milk, $128.91; IMrs. James construct and the pair long COLUM.BUS-Before m 1934 becall;se of fast.l vlng Johnson, shelter, $2. 2~i ; Dr. H. M. : hiltoric State Capital Building at those who invest in houses." and maillutritlon. Economic con- Williams medical UO· Clia I ColumbuS will present a new out.g Secretary of State GeorgI! S. dl!ions coupled with,,"burnin the Mount,lood, $17; Mal;on'L. SteJ: side .ppearance. The interior haa eandle ~t both ends and the ~e- dom, rent of sewing machine, $6; already been repainted and re- Ml1ere last week Inued the ,com- 8ultant lDcrease of degenentlve Albaugh.Good Drug ('0 medical miaion. for the newly-elected decorated by C. W. A. workers and diseases 9f middle life.are b90sting $12.12; Fred's Stor'~," clothing: now the exterior .is 'beiDI cleaned judlel 01 the Ohio Supreme Court the death rate, accordmJ to Dr. H. ,37.84; Hetb Hoppe, 'COll I, $6.60; ThOle who received the eommis. . , sand.water prea.ure by a epeclal proceu. A force of thirty . men is ,810DII, ",hlcb wen .igned. by G. Southard, alate health director. Elbert Wallace, food, $162.50; required for the task. P. J. Kirwin, Governor. White anel eountenlin- The lowest rate yet recorded waa , Wright's Market, fo()'d, $148.76; ' Supervllor of Executive Butldinil; ed bJ Secretary M¥era, are: the' 10.5 per LOOO persons or a total 01 J. H. Hendricks, fooa,. ,95; J. T. ordered thlt. the front of the IIme- Hon, Arthur. H. Day and Hon. 78,062 de&.th. a m 1934. . \ Barlow Co., food, ,5(11.60; Jos. H. . Fedders Supply Co., fuel, $6.25; Btone. structure be renovated Ant Cha.rle~ B. ZImmerman, for terms ao that tbe elaborate Chrlstmaa begmDlll.rJanuary I, 1935 and exTr..... _t R.llef E. Whitenack, food, $16; Blair decorations, placed at the Rich pirin.r December . 31, 1940; to the Ohio'a transient relief set-up' Bros. Hospital, medical services Street entrance, will' have a proper Hon. Roy H. WlIliam8• . for the I extended aid to 25;173 hornelen 'l $265; Marshall Rober1;rs 'food ,42 ~ bacqround. Mr. Kirwin estimates unexpired term endinlr December I men and women in October at a J. G. Walker, expensl~ to m~eting that it will require the SO men 81, 1986: and to the Hon. W. F. cost of $216,330, the State Re .. at Wilmington, 75c; M. E. ROBS, from ibt to e!8bt weeks to com- Gamr a~ HOll. 'Yilliam L. Hart lief Commi1l8i~n reports. The P. M., stamps,,40j S. Fred, rent plete the ·Job. for unexpired terma endini Decem 'amount-< exceeded by ,14,752 the '15; Mary Quigley, allowance ber 81, 1984. cost of· the transient bureau dur- $24; The Book Shop, cards and Next Tueaday, Wedneaday anel ing September. trilll balance aheete, · $1.05; VirTbunday the lixty-aeeond annual A total of 681,4.10 cll)'s was the ginia Van Horne, callb allowance, 8e181on of the Ohio Grange, nl- time-Ion to Ohio waare eamen aa 19l5 A... to T .. Cotta $76; Reil's Electric .Shop, electrictional farm organisation wblch 111'88 the ' relult of injUry and oecupaCoat' of 1936 lice nile plates for stove, $6.60; Th,e Western founded at ' Xenia, Ohio In 1871, tlonal during the month automobilea 'W.ill be tbe same. all in Star, catds and forms, $16. alld which now ba. a state memo of October. accordln~ to ftrures Rut yean. The fees are a8 followa 75; We.atern Union. l'elephone benhlp of nearly 80,000, will bel compiled lut week by the State Twenty-flve horsepower aDd under Co., tel.elr!ams, '2.83; F. J. held in thill city. More than &,000 Induatrial Commiaaion. There was ,7; over 25 ' honepower and not Heel' Prllltlllg Company, forms Ohio farmers are expected to at.- a total 9f 1(,960 claim8, whicb in- over 28, $ 10; over 28 and not o"r $9.60, Mrs. A. M. .,inaeh, rel\t of tend. The Ipeakers include Go.,er- chided 78 fatalitl.., ftled with the 321, ,16; over 32 and not over 36, rooms, ,45; EesleY:1l Mm, feed, nor Geoqre .Wbite, Oommiulon for tile month. ,20' over 86 $2&. The OfIIce Out6tten, forms, Martin 1... Davey, L. T. ' •• _ • ; W. W. Cline, c10tbinc Ind IIlIIWr Gf the National Gra.,.. Each Jlar an illcl'IUlq lIumber ,S3.S8; H. E. McVey, clothL all4 Walter F. Kirk of Port CIID- of hlah aebool bOJi 11\ rural ~ Illg and food, '49.75; Oeo. MUler, elotbillC. and food, ,7; JOB. H. ton, Ohio, IIut.r of the Oblo lectionl 01 the date are II~tlq Graqe. to ItUdJ yoptional aarleulture. I~ Anotller little Lamb placed all Fedelen Supply Co., fuel, '9: The • . . . . UlIlO1I1loed IaIt w .._ bJ Bay 'he honor roll. Little Gladys Lamb Home Store, dotblnr. '18.50; lamael P. BllIh, FIfe, State fhpenlaor of Voca- daacbtar of Mr. aael lira. SU Fred Jam.., (eed, flO: The lIor~tat. 1Iu beea tloul Apiculture ~ ... an Lamb ... pIuecl OD tM bODor Toll row Lamber Co., f1lel, ,1.10: 1'11.11 dtNItOr of earoUme" of ',800 In U8a. bat IMt week aceordIIIc to .e Wa,- Chul.. Ta,lor, lIhelter ,&: Frank.


Capitol Cross Road Chatter



Do You Want A Guardian?




~:o~ C~~~thers~ dre~~ca:;;r~~a~h:Pi~~~1 o~ Slrl:~:





Mil1 ~l',








respective l :r:llrS'wbh~t I~.q t~ee r~~p0'W~;~!~ f:;e:xP~:dir::esr:~ld

w~rker ~nder he~ ~are


;h: ::!

~ase, .



M. j~e:dric~~:


T axe.···Then More Taxes



.wiliingn~s: ~ew C&:~I













u~nM~~ wptem~~m~



amn~~du~d~us4p~u~fMd,$5;V~~aH~~~~d, '.M~~a


In order to clear out our-stock of High Grade



Farm lvi,ht 7alk" December 10



Christmas' Cards



We are gQing to make the following extremely low price to you


Three dozen high-grade Cards with your name .imprinted

Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol






Two dozen high-grade Cards unprinted, for


Single Cards 3c each.

Also have white Tissue Paper for wrapping gift packages . .

8--- G




bocIRId to



'l'1ftJ nport. _ wite _GOI W........, Ia X..... · ~



Baalltoa, rood,Co., '77.10; Wque .. lin lee • Fuel fuel, ,a; B. C. YIUe J'araaera' .Jlchanp, fa'" ,1.10.


Gazette" Tne Miami Wa,_eaYill., .

PhODe 112


Ill'. and lin. 1Ia1IJ HautON lackaon of LHuoa.





. . . . . .f 1Ir.


and lin. Wal\* Jtellrlok . .d of Xenia, and lib. and lin. Robert Jamel HalneB. Mr. and )In. C. W. AlbrlPt and J Ickle Hughe. of WaJDe.vUle aa4 !'I. K ...."C4Ir aud dauchtel', Marlat.t and son Edmon, spent Thursday with Ilr_ and ~t Dayto~. Mr. and Mn, Lou Stephens and Kesler Graham and lllu lin. Noaa RoUand entertained Mr. and Mrs. Earl Marlatt Ilpent LooK in the attic, in the bat'n, B rnice. · The Women'. Foreign MJuionU'J Thunda, Mr. and K~. Arthor Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. in th gatagt, in the storeroom. Mrs. Clyde Wharton and daugh••ociety met Wedne day afternoon Heactenon and famib'. Their olla Weaver and lion. on the neighbor' back porch (if ter, Miss Eva spent Wedneada, in at the home of Mrs. J . D. Xarlatt clauwhte,. Alnia spent tb weekMr. and Mrs. John Rye and Mr. he'll let you), everywhere, everyDayton at the bome of Mn. John with Mra. John Shult.& and Kn. end 'With Mr. and Mn. Stanley and Mrs. Ed. Burton spent Satur· where for "old toys." Old wagons Clark. . F. U. LeMay IlIIlstant hOlte.ea. X·IlA.Y WOIK Friends here are 50rry to learn of Mrs. Mayme Hatfield conducted ~~~=~==~=~=~=~ day in Dayton. . hobby horses, sleds, skates, blocks, . BLOC AJtiESTHESIA ::: Mi B Maryan Welch of tinker toys, or a big bear that the lerioos accident of MiIII tbe devotional "rvlce the 8ubject SPlint the week-end with hel' uncle needs new eyes or toe nails I Benlah Coon in Dayton Monday bein&, "A Sacriftce of Praise." ~d aunt Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Royer .' No, it isn't the "wedding of the morning when she wu struck by After a short buaineas session the . Mr. and Mrs. George Marlatt Paint!'d DoH-it's "Toyland Rea car on Salem Ave. She ill in program prepared by Mrs, G. C. spent Thul'8day with their daugb· 1uvenated" or our Eugene Field Good Samaritan Hospital and ill Dibert was rendered as follows: LOST ter Mrs. James Ballatine of Troy. "Little Boy Blue Made N w." Yes ~ulfering with two broken ~ertibra Scriptare reading' by MI'1I. J ; B. ------'--------Mr. and Mr~. Tate and 80n, of remodeled, l'Cpaired and l'epa.inted Ida!n St. WAYNESVILLE, 0, 1D her neck, five broken fibs and Crabbe with Bong by the 80cHety L T - Brown leather glove. Bellbrook, spent Thur day with ior th floor children in Warren muny bruises and cuts. after each vene. F'nder pleas Nturn to Roxie Mr. and Mrs. P. A.' Runyan. county. Hel' i how! Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routzahn Reading, "Xu81c~ and Paganism,' arolyn Sackett. d6 Last Thursday we. Mr. Clarence Mr. Bohl, county superintendent and daughtel'll entertained at a Mrs. J. W. hots. Crawford's birthda anniv r ary has offered the Warren County Re turkey dinner Thanksgiving Favorite Hymn of Missionaries, and Mr . Crawford planned a sur· lieC Administration th use of the the following guests: Mr. "I Love to Tell the StOl'Y," Society prise for him. Thos present· w,c re , school houses all over lh county Mrs. Ben Boitnott and son Bob "Music and the Measage," M1'1I. his l1'!0~er Mr . Carrie awed, of the collection of the e old toys. of Troy, Mrs. Warner, son and R. G. Conner. ----SardInia, Mr. Leo Crawford and So bring your toys to thc schooltwo daughters of Christianabul'8. . Duet. ';0 Little ,"own of Bethletwo sons Robert and Howard, Mr. hou e, from thence they will b Me S1' Emery and Samuel Mr. and Mrs. Roach, Mrs. Mary hem," Mn. J. B. Sackett and C. Crawford of Fort Thomas Ky., takeli to th(! repair ~nter (on e Charleton attended the funeral of Boimo", Mr. and Mrs. Funk Miss Irma Rich. Mr. and M:r~. Earl Crawford and will be at the L banon war house) t heir aunt, Mrs. McMillen at Brown, Miss Mildred Boitnott and Christmas Demonstration Mrs. Ladi"' Co.t. Witb Fur . two daughters, It is not enough that the Margaret and where men who ur on relief will Madisonville Wednesday after- Cress. Boitnott of Tippecanoe Dibert, Mrs. Crabbe and' Miu Tl'iaplliq-95e Thi. funeral directoJ.' give lunAudrey of Waynesville; Mr. and paint and repair them with donat- I noon. City. Rich. eral service; hla duties call .. MOIItb Mrs. Glenn Durbot and on Don· ed mnl{'fial. Mrs. Mary Carmony spent ThursA large crowd attended The next meeting wlll be he)d for more. He . should ' be aId and Mrs. L. Durhot· of Nor· There is no allowance in the re- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Xmas meeting of the Lytle at the home of Ml"11. G. C. Dibert helpful to the rrleving in wood; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mor- lief budget for Christmas but W. "F. Clark in Wllynesville. Aid Wednesday afternoon at the the first Wednesday in January. their weaknellS. a trulted Mr. and Mrs. William Hardman home of MTS, Walter Kenrick. The ' gan, Mr . Ivy Joe Fergu on, of with your help pcrbap a lot of • _ _ friend who makttl the road NorwQod; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shaw children will be happy, who if' it .and family of Dayton were hoste 8 was assist d by Mesdames STORES BROKEN INTO of sorrow easier to travel,family ot Xenia; Mr. and Mrs. wer not for you, would have a Thanksgiving guest. of the latter's TherIe Jones,' Guy Routzahn an He must serve tho.. who Henry Burge and son Johnny, barren Christmas. parent Mr. and Mrs. Louis Donald Hadley. Invited guesta ~re living &8 well a The Welch & Dakin stoTe at of Dayton, Mr. Lewis Murray and Please don't forget to pring your Trickey and family, were: Mrs. R. C. Moler of Columt~o8e who have p08~d 0\1. MI'~ and Mrs. Harold Whitaker bus, Mrs. Jacob Gabelman, and Harveysburg wae burglarized Mon Miss Stella Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. old toys, and any type of toy, tbi Tbot is the view we take Lou lurray. Mr. Crawford re- week and thank you. and children saw tlH~ "Toy Parade' Mrs. W. G. Haines of Dayton, Mrs day night. The thieves gained entoward our mission. We ceived sOm<l very nice pre8ent~. Warren County Relie{ Admin. jn Dayton Thursda,y. William Coleman and Mis Thelma trance through a back window and provide capahle profesmerchandise includinr guna am- - - - - -- - _ _ __ _ _ Mrs. Margaret Johns was a Coleman of Wellman. sional service with a neighHlIJnl<lOn. watches, clocks etc, was dinnner guest Thursday at the '''''''''~''''''~ ~"''¥IItr.'''V botly Iymplthy and 'wllltaken. 10SI 'ill said to amount We4_l'huJ'•.-b.c. 5--f home of Mr. and ~\lr8. Amos Cook ingness to help in every to about f200. near Waynesville. ~riendl' LESLIE HOWARD in way we can. The same night thieves broke Our school closed la t Wed~es. B. M. Hi~tt, of Wilmington, Mr. and Mrs. Elen Hawke, 80n day afternoon with a nice Thanks- delivered the sermon at the and daughter were Thursday The group of Friends meet , at into a store In Springboro, accordgiving program given by the first Friends church Sunday afternoon. guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sears the Friends' Home fOT considera- ing to a report from that village. six grades and opened Monday W. F. M. S. met with' Mrs. at Sabina. tion of question that so vitally inwith BETTIE DAVIS MASONIC NOTICE Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith, Miss terest all members of the meeting morning, giving the teachers and Dal y Haines on Wednesday of pupiJs a nice vacation. . la t week. Mildred Graham and Mr. Kenneth Anyone interested will be welconie F.-i.--S.t.-Dec. 7"-3 Stated communication of WayMr. and Mra. E. B. )Jakin enter· Mr. and Mr . T. C. Haydock and Smith of Dayton spent Thanks- Foste Heacock, leader. WILL ROGERS in P"o •• 7 lodge No. 168 F. & A. M. tained Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Welch daughters entertained on Thanks. giving with Mr. allld Mrs. . Forest Mrs. Lena Hartsock, with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Levicy on giving day: Mrs. Nannie Hawkins, Graham and family. and Mrs. H. C. Harvey and Mr. Tue day evening, December 1,1 . Thanksgiving day for dinner. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hartman and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick and Mrs. A. L. Harvey, 80n and Installation of officers. with ZASU PITTS E. C. Crane, W. M.. Mn. Mary Haines and brother, family; Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Lor- were Dayton vilsitor8 Saturday daughter, spent Thanksgiving at V. M. Armita,e, Sec'y. Mr. Chas. Smart took dinner with kin and family of Greenfield, afternoon; tbe home of A. Z. Hartsock and a•••-Moa.--o.c. 9--10 Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Smart On Thomas Haydock, of Jamestown ~rs. Emma Lacy en~et·tained ~er family near Wilminaton. J..... -_ _ Thanksgiving day. and Mi~s Lois Spahr, of Xenia. chIldren and gran~l-chlldren to dlDMi$8 Julia Brown and Mr. RuaMrs. H. F. Compton, who h\ls ner Thanksgivi~ day. sell Brown, of Centerville, called ' Mr8. Esther Dostor entertained trith Rosemary Ames, Victor Mr. and Mrs. Elerne Jones, Mr. on Misses Annie and Marne Brown 10rlt Pert Kelton, Ruaaell several ladies on Saturday after- been III for 0 long a time, is not noon with a shower in honor of quite 80 well. Ilnd Mrs. Therle Jones and son, Sunday. _ Hardie. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Compton en- lIJilton were Tballksgivi~ dinner Miss Ethel Mendenhall via1ted Miss Ruth Tomlinson. whose marriage to Mr. Raymond LaTue, of tertained on Thanksgiving Day. guests of Mr. ailld .Mlrs. Bernie relatives in Dayton Sunday afterMason, will occur on December 27 Mrs. Adelaide Compton, Mr. and Dill at Clayton, Ohio. noon. , I have inany practical gifll in my .tore ,.----~"!'""-----~, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jones and Mrs. Jake Seibold and family of lr and Mrs. Donald Hadley were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Calvert 01 which will .be of interest to family, of Westchester, and Mr. Middletown, Mrs. Maybelle Fltz- w~e~-end guests of Mr. and Mr • Selma, spent Tuesday with Mr and . women at Chri.tand Mrs. L4)e Snively, of Dayton, gerald and 80ns, of this place. WIlham Hadley at Blanchester. Mrs. Howell Peirce. mas time. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miss Rhea Jeannette Blair en. M~. and Mrs. Char!e~ Clark enMr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lilli and Shidaker and son last Sunday and tertalned her Sunday School class tertamed to Th~nk8gIV1Dg dinner, daughter, of Xenia. visited Mn. Hand made apronl, cap., baaa, collara, U, callers in the afternoon were Mr. and teacher, Miss Marjorie Hay- Mr. and Mrs. Milf;on Sheehan an<l Anna Cadwallader and Mi&s Clara cl'oohet and ..wing thread, m~dium priced and Mrs. Lawrence Evans and dock, on Friday evening, the oc. M~s. Nettie Roger& of Centerville Lile, Monday. dau~hter and Mrs. BarrowB, of cas ion being her birthday anniver· M1ss Wanda Clark of Dayton, Mr. 'Mrs. William Settlemyer, of near hoae. Coametlca, Out Door Girl, etc., IOc "'" Xerua, and Mrs. Kate Evans of sary. and Mrs. Walter Clark and son. Olive Branch, spell1i Thanksgiving . . . . . . . __ Vit.uiaIN of eM u.Valley. MiSs Emma White and sister Mrs. Harvey Burnet and Mrs. with her mother Mrs. Nicholson• creams, rouge, etc. lOco . 0\1 ......... taW.... Mrs. Lida Hatton spent several have moved to Xenia for the Margaret Johns 13pent Friday in Miss Jessie Clarke. of Cincinati ....... eI .... baltJo, .... - - . J ." days last week in Cincinnati with winter. Dayton. spent 'J,'hankcgiving at the Friends .ta_........ her daugbter and fami.... Mrs. Iran PettiJ'ohn and son of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Home. • In...... of tired~lIatt..n_1 ~.. .,. ....M Charle,s S W -.... _an OlD'" _ I That It what tb..-n.. ;l MrS. Mary Tucker and family Ridgeville, Ind., Mr. and Mrs. and ~on8 anu rs. mltb of . ayMr. and Mrs. Foster Beacock =:~::!li{}f~~~I"J!:it't~;.~~ and G. M. Ma~I:!0nald. an~ family Carl Conard and family, of Day- nesvllie were Thanksgiving dmner SPent the week-end at Pendleton, .......b&lea- JiiIl{l.1i"au.rDl' _wei tabWi spent ThanksglvJng WIth Mr. and ton, were Thanksgiving guests of guel!~ of Mt. alnd Mn. Allen Ind., in the interest of social ser• ..-.oo:,·a ~ anyCod eI ItaLI,..r honld.lleh,~or...u. E C Clark and family " Mr. an d M r 8J. .L d EmriCk. Vl'ce work. 011 Tableta. ~'.. ,Mrs' " . C onar. calW I "Cod Llnr 011 la 'l'abWl", u.., Mr. and Mrs. R. R. FrancIs and N. H. White has reto.rned to his Mr. and Mrs. Gluy Routzahn and Mr. and Mrs. N . . P. Clyburn, of ~11.::.-~-:!1r.~ ~o~ ~~fn daughters ~ere week·end visitors home near Kokomo, Ind., after a daughter Geneva, attended the Washington C. B., were gllellts of i;r__a A ai.1 '" u.~n t.1M West Union. visit with relatives here. funeral of the latter's nephew Mrs Cadwallader and MUla Llle ;-:::r-":"::=:. I~;~~r:::~:~ . Mr. Ellis Osborn ill in Hale Mr. and Mrs. Lester Stanfield Marion Boitnoff, at · Tippecanoe Sonday , 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .II1!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . DOt ..t 01' 11_ attu ...~ cot . at Wilmington, sulfering entertained on Sunday Mr. and City Wednesday. Mr. Boimotr was • • - ••- - ::!~.""''' a .....alned 10 ....... - - with a frac~ured skull, received in Mrs. C. E. Haydock, Mr. and Mrs killed in an automibile accident YoU deplJ' .. _ lr7 IlcCoF'I a' - . an autom~lle accident last Friday J. W. Moberly Qf neal' Wilming- Saturday night. ___ Mrl' FOU don" nln at ......t I ... '" nl.·g · ht'Alb • 1. ton, Mf; an d Mrs.' H any N'10 k erson Misses Helen 'I'''arly and Cleo tI.. . .........,. t\dh In a mOllth ~ Jour _ . rt Bogan wh 0 was Wltn '" "-*. Demand and .et M<CoJI~th. o\'lrlna! hIm receIved a sprained ankle. Mr. and Rev. and Mrs. Peters and Hawke have been apPOinted to sell and lenulnebyCodGood Llv.... Tab... 0.s bom IS . I n a very serIous . . Red Cross seals l'ln West Wayn., _ppJ'Oved HoOil ....keeplq con d'1- famdy. InlUtule. Retu... 11 a."'lItu __ hon but was thought to be a littl~ - - -_I __ __~ township. Inol.' on the orlt,lnal JII.eCoJ'a- better at th!" writing Mr. and Mrs. ,Jacob Gabelman, ,ht-"."'.. rtono! g . • U.. Mrs. E. J. Collier bas been MI'. and Mrs. W. G. Haines and I quite sick but is improving to the THE MIAMI GAZETTE daughters, Missl~s Mildred and We h ••e juat received ••hipment ~f Pure Pen...,.I,. Mrs. Ralpb }Jastinp was shop.. d'e light of her many friends. FOR RESULTS Clara and son, Robert, of Dayton ping In. Dayton, Monday. •• ni~ Buckwheat Flour. The price . Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clark ' and children spent the week-end witb Mr. and MfII. lif. D. Baird viaited Mrs. Mary Tucker and family. in Indianapolis, Wedneeday. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. McCarren and 4aughters had as their guests Miea Rotemary Bentle, on Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. We .1.0 carry in .tock the beat New COl'll Meal ThankBgivillg day with her Charles Gordon and son and Mr. at Fort Ancient. and Mrs. Everett Villars and sons Mrs. 'Ota Hidy baa returned to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lukens and her h.o me here atter a pr4)lollll'l!c11 family apent the week-end with visit in Spriogtield. " Levi Luk-ens and family of Marion Ohio. '''ObI Doctor'" Don't misa thil Mr. Glenn Snell, of University the High school gym, December 18 of Cincinnati, andMiss Rbea Mc· at 8 p. Ql. Tickets 10 and 21) eta. Carren of Delaware were bome for ThanKsgiving. Mra. Mary Hopkina haa returneG The Woman's Civic League will to ber home in Dayton after a two meet with Mrs. Wm. E. Oglesbee weeks visit at the home of Mr. on Saturday evening December 8 and Mra. J. C. Hawke. at 7 :30, and the usual custom of Flour pri~d from 8Sc for Flour ...tI. by our .local MT. and Mra. Jacob Koblbagen exchanging Christmas gifts and Mrs. leanette Bloch of Blan· will be carried out at tbis meeting. mU", up to $1.10 for the beat Kaua. !fan Wh..t chester, caUed on Mr.. Myer Our township is ' uking that we Flour that moae,. caa bu,..' E.pec:ially . . . for bread Hyman and :family WedD..da~. sell Christmas sealll arain this f' lood Walerl Foree v.Om~eI81 baldaa \ year. The local commitWe have W.te .... f_ C..r'...... '1.00 to Addition of Rubber Doet. placed them on sale at Snell's feed Sometimes a smiling sympa.50.00. QualhF, ..... tF _c1 thy means more than medi- ' store and the New's Stand. Also aaocIer.t. pri_I..... ''Gra...... To· Rc,aUa Mn. Edith Lukens, Claudia Gray cine. The average physician's E1ci. Wa....... C&r7'. J-...Ia and Jennie Graham have. them on understanding of 11: u man 0W0. banda. By DAVID a INOALL8 lIature is baaed upon. a "deeper " Shop, Mrs. C. G. Ran~aU , Mi,s ! Helen Ch.i1 mea Ollie> 11011 Call Co.";"" ItDdy than atrorded by Mr. and Mn. C. E. KlebenU' la bu7ial coal what .....1,. couata ia the heat ,.ou Randall, Mrs. Lida 'Hatton and JIIodern psychology. His is a and children retlJrneG bome SunAlthoUI.:I , Lhe simyls. dll'llifteci let for ,.our dollar. Nth. th_ the price you pat Eva MacDonald attended Easte· r n Service of Science plus a d~y after a pleuant villij 01 eoatume of the Red Cross Nu,a. '1 Star lodge at New Burlington on 't familiar sight to pelrly ,11 per ton. You will hd ai 0,", ju.t the coal to knowledge of human reaction. /leveral days duration with Ilr. and Tuesday night. It was installation ",mericanl. the citizens 01 DaytQn. Mra. · WiUiam Michener at Pitta..-Nt your ...... aDd pricecl OIl • fair ba• • •••••••• • of new officers for the coming year Ohio , were not 8urprise~ Whfn rub. bur,. price ....... ia from Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mendenhall ber bootr beea"l' ~.}l. Iln9ft1Cla), ,.~ r~ticai addi'Joti ~ ~hat ~9a~ume and Mrs. Carrie Sanbor:n, of Way. Donald, youn, aon of Mr. ud nesville, were guests of Mr. and I4rin,.. tll)e flood daYIL of J91B, Mn. Clifford Buzick, wu not e 8tory of' ~b~ tArrlble Dapt&1\ serioualy Injured but . . . Mrs. W. C. Tichenor Sunday after bal been .told many tim~ , pi noon. frightened when aa.' ... '"tea PHON£: 29 ow t.he ~urbulent Miami ~IVtJ . . a dor wblle ·at the bome wtlllnllj I~ banu, sent ~ loot! of WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Mr. and lin. Laurenee BroWllIut Hct_ a...u •• 18m eta'M to twenty fea aell~ Frida),. lIIdill' dea.tll ~nd ~ta~ructi8n roulfh tha city, 01 hlRF ~i!l a~td Mr. and lin. otia Arthur eaterEleven hundred lItudenta are IiDnor k the .U1tenn., Df ow tained Thanba'lviq ' clay lin. nan were IIW.p~ a'\VIY, f!tID 11&10 enrolled in the home reading Addie Arihar. of IIlddletcnn.. Mr. coune conducted by the college Ifparated, childre~ left orphaned l V1lQut.tionably. the Da~ton flooe aDd IIr..... lIalad" of lit. 0reIt of agriculture at the O. S. U. "aa one pf th~ IJIOlt ap~1Un,- dil Mr. It. O• .\ribUl'. of New ~t.n M ..,hiIIh Ohio Red Croll' Mr. aDd lin. L. S. ArtIIv l1l4I T...... uve rtlidertd ~id: lin. Kate autelrin8 01 C...... 'la UI. ~ et. Dr. ... lIN. If. •. Rill ro __ Workera Some time in December Oblo growers of burl., tobacco 'WIll 1118 Y lan*iJ to aave o.e at a ~- 01 &.. Or an..r, oat. III&11Y III ten' exp~ theIr op•....,n _e. A~ tnfcteCt In a few houn \1a the 81111" Act In a referendum. at of a ca.1I r .. later CO~~)' IO,rQ'_11'a of f.u tJpeI 01 tobaoca. piek up r91\,or' a· utloDai pon. It Is "',.

io~Tha~8~~=hM~ d~~I~ ~~~m:~a:~~peH~~~t




LaIe Classified .Ads.





A Twofold puty




New Burlington

Home Newa

"Of Human \ Bondage"

J. E. McClure

"Mr. Skitch"

W ayneaville, Ohio




._1 . .


Please call on me•

Graee L.· Saalth





Pure Buckwheat Flour





10·lb•• for JZ '-••t.


MortoD'. Smoke Salt

10 Pound Can

. Good Flour





A ·W ord To Coal Buren i ......

R.H.STUB8·S 3iuuYvd 7JiIto:lot



---_._ ..---




_S.SO ' per' ton for good clean Ohio Coal up to '


S7.SS for the best Poca-


---_.- ..---



i =i es


AAA::" .....



a' ..


liahty-Sixth Year

SOCIETIES ELECT NEW OFfiCERS FOR COMING YEAR Meetin, K.ld Lut Frida)' At The HOJlle of M.... Geor.e Hart_k The Woman's Auxiliary of St. Mary's church met at the home of Mrs. Geol'ge Hartsock on FridaY. December 14: Mr. Schaeffer led the d votional exercises and after a shol'" busi ne s sess.ion the el.ection of officers for the followmg year took place, and resulted a8 follows: Mrs. E. L . Thoma8 president Mrs. Editb Harris, ht vice president, Mias Clara Lile 2nd vice president, Ml's. Ronald Hawke secretary and treasurer. The resignatiOn of Mr . Cad",allader 8S preBident on account of ill health, was received with deep regret, and she- was unanimously el~cted honorary president. The treasurers report was read, and dues paid for the coming year. The fo\1owing program was then taken up: "Upon the Midnight Clear", Mrs. W. H. Allen. "An Advent Sermonette," Mrs. D. L. Crane. An AppellI' from St. Andrews School. Mrs. Susan Scanlan. The Bishop's Rally, Mrs. E. L. Thomas. , ."Ev.en Unto Bethlehem," Miu Mame Brown. "A Christmas MeS88~," Miss Clara Llle. "Christmas," Mrl. Ronald Hawke A short session of the Guild was held at the close of the Aultiliary and the following officers were elected to serve for the following year: Mi8ll Katherine PrenderiJUt, president, Mra. Charles . Fl'azler vice president and Mrs. Lee H.wke secretary and treasurer. During the social hour a dainty lunch., was served h.y the hoste8S. assist d by Mrs. Ernest Hartsock and little Phyllis Burnett. Guests of the meeting were Mrs. Ernest Hartsock and PhyIU Burnett.


Whole Number 614.9

'rHURSDAY, DE EMBER 20, 1934





Du to th changes required by the sales tax law passe~ at the last sesl:lio n of the LegIslature the book {Ol' the paym ent of Dec·ember 1934 real estate taxes will not be opened b fore February 15, 1935. E, B, MURRELL, Trea urer Warren Co.

Application for lie en es necessary under the n w sales tax law to operate bu inesses may be made until December 31 according to information re~ived by County Auditor Will R. Lewis. The dead line for appUcation was Monday, December 17, Mr. Lewis stated, but because of the fact that the bill was not. signed by ,the Governor until December 1:1, it was impossible to have the form ready for distribution and the time 101' making application has been extended to noon, Saturday, December 31.



D_mark _d NetJa.rl.a" .....c., Germaa), an. E_.I ... ben...

Mrs. Fl'ank Far!' was shopping in Dayton, today. Mr . Carl Frye and Miss Irma Rich were Dayton visitors, today. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mainous . .In Dayt on. T ues· were sh oppmg ~~ . Mrs. J. E. · McClure and Mrs. C. M. Robitzer were in Dayton, Wed. nesday.



Mrs. Verne Hough Is recovering from an attack of grip.


Mrs. W. P. Salisbury is recovcl'ing from a recent fall down stairs. h . C d' Full line of C rtstmas an les in bulk or box. "Eve' " Fairmont reamery. Mr. Fred Grauman wa in Columbus Saturday night and Sun

Countries other than United States are adjustinc production to eft'ective Denmark and the Netbe,rl. adjusting downw.rd same reason as the -10811 of export Germany..... n' ...." without ."'~".""'Ii couraging high tariffs. is ture m'ore ing . trade tries. And quaiityf in tage a United The omica. the K""rlCI,U"',.


FuU line of Candies adjust in bulk or box. "Ev~' 8" Fairmont take care .Creamery. in exporta ' quota syBtem. Mrs. Ma ry McClure and Mrs. H' Ithe domestic tEo Hathaway were in Dayton, at the level TUeSday. . Britain. Misses Margar(1t Smith and I The Danish .......... day. Corinne Robbins apent Saturday IbY slau,hter US. . in Piqua. produ~er i. iIIued Mr. .nd Mn. James Lovely , For hla aUotllmell'\ spent Sunday with friends in MidBorn-To Mr. and Mrl!. Ernest ceive. dletown. Adams, December 14, a daughter PrlOdtlctllon . menta is dll,cOlual Bal'bara Ann. 141'8. W. P. Salisbury IS recoversubstantially iog from the effect 'of a recent S.ale on c:loe", Tel.ehron. Baajo come to market fall. Style, Cu.c~11tO .lDall clocks. laddition the Mra. Myel' Hyman and family Cary'. Je_lr,. Shop, "Tile Home such hoira t. spent Sund.y with relatives in Mr. Roi Risinger and son, bringof Cift. ... Leha.on, Ohio. In the Cincinnati. ing t he remains ot IMrs. Risinger, . Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gustin and has been co.......'•• who died at their h,ome in LethMrs. Walter Britain were in Day- by KOVelMllnelDta bridge, Alberta, Ca~lada, Tuesday ton Tuesday. . tion Mrs. Cordia Truax C· and · Mrs. here The remains of Mrs. Helen . cent. Each IIr41»YilllCt ti With ad ologie to O. O. II1cIntire of last week, F arrived I I SaturHoward FlOrence were Incmna day night. unel'a serv ces were Kinney Roberts, who died at her Mr. and Mrs. Matt McKinsey and quota of visitors, Monday. A few of the pictures on my h ld at t he home of her father, home in Chicago, 'December 16, Mrs. O. M. Ridge were Dayton tagged On pip Hartsock n1 emories ,wall: Elias Ogle b~e, Monday a1temoon were brought to Waynesville, Tues visitors TueBday, . ,pounds in weicbt. Mr. and Mrs. J . V. in hristma at t. Marys .. cold, Rev. G. . Dibert In charge. Inte1'- day and funeral service were . maintains a and daugbter Dorothy we1'e the smell 01 fir .. the tree lit by ment was in Miami cemetery. held in Miami chapel Tuesday George Henderson MI. s l1lxes price. at Dayton, Friday. candle , . DI-ew weet. later afternoon, Rev. G. C. Dibert, LOUI98 Treadway were shoppmg In production. Thia Mrs. C. M. Armitage spe nt Easter, Mr. Cadwallader's beau- Th e remains of 1\1rll. Julia Hayes pastor 01 the M. E. chu\'ch, offi_ ' Dayton, Tuesday. Iflnanced by a aturday with her daughter Miss ti1ul voice, Mr. and rat·s. O'Neall, wife of the late Baily, Ha?,e~, wer~ ciating. Interment ,was mude ) in I Rev. L. D. Vesey and family, of In 1982 "D.I'I~ta Winifred, in Cincinnati. MillS Letitia, Aunt Agnes, Mrs. brought here fronl Cmcmnatl, Miami cemetery. MISS MYl'a Rob- fLebanon, were. guests of . Miss ICanada to Allen and Miss Emma, the font Wed nesday and entered in erts and Dr. Harry Roberts ac· Josephine Banta Friday evening. prac;tic.lJy .P(.1ftI~ Miss Eva Lippinc<J!t was tbe full of flowers, rot first teacher, Miami Cemetery; T~e Hayi\s companied the. body to WayneiWlle' lshe has been guest of relatives in Dayton Sun- Miss Mollie · ides .. later Mi I!I family formerly lived tn WaynesMrs. Helen Amanda Roberts. Mrs. Carman Ctan and Mrs. E. market. owinjf to day night and ~ond.y. Lizzie Fairchild . • Mr. Peter vill,e, Mr. Hayes having operated a wife of the late J ohn A. G. Rob- I C. Crane and daughter Barbara, quotas. Canada Croqui ...... ole or Spiral Wave, Sellers. bakery on Main street. Its, and the daughter of Giles Iwere in DaytoD, today. surplus count1')' WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH .... The new school house, Dr. Jim---arid Myra Cornell Kinney, was that has inc,re..... Rev. G. C. Dibert. P.ator $2.00. ·Shllmpoo and wave set, mie Haines, Jonah . Mrs. Ellen Martin, colored, 71, born in Springboro, Ohio , January J Boyd cent years. An Sunday: Sunday school at 9 :30 extra. Truax Beauty Shop. store ..• Funkey and Mlsslldme died at 9 :16 o'clock 1\10 day morn- 18. 1846. She was the llth child, 0 n .urne.. are orne rom cents a pou,d a. m. At the regular momi~g wo:- WateLe.-Rn.._Late.t iD aeCk Farr and White, , J~co~ lng at th-e· home of her daughter, in a family of 12. There were l'espectlve I chooll!l to spend t e tax prohibits pr,oftlt.ll• • shilt hour, 10:(0, the ~holr. wdl w-.r and braeeleta. Cary'. Jewelry Randall. Th three. little Mrs. Ernest Wilson 0 Harveys- three brothers, Col. Coates Kinney holidays. hogs from the render a program 01 Chrtstmas Shop La"-o., ObiG. Stole opee Dakin girls sitting in a r.ow 1D t~e burg. . ' ho is buried in Miami cemetery: Miss Lenore Lovely, little Canada, mUBic. Epworth League at 6 :30 8 :30'•. m. to" p. lB. Wright pew .. Pretty. girlS, ~ut~e Surviving her are six ~hlldren, John Kinney and Andr~w Kinney. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James . Besides p. m. with Miss Helen Hawke all Valjdel'voort, May Wnght, .Man~le WiliTed, and O~car Martm, Mr~. In 1867 sbe wa marrl d to John Lovely. is sick with rheumatic plre leader. At 7 :30 p. m. the children Mr. and Mrs. Dechant, of Ger- Dodson, Flo Woolley, J ennie Dm- Luetta Smith and Mrs. Zelia Bal- A. 'G. Roberts, son of J ohn Rob- i fever. . ' I Englisb producera • . . I they are expected to . will render t heir anl)ual Chrilltmas maittown, were guest~ of Mr. ~nd widdi~, Mis , Jes ie Clark! Mary ley, (If Dayton; Cassius.Martin, of erts, of Waynesville. There w e r e . prog~am. Mrs. A. H. Stubbs, Friday evenmg Bailey, Anme Sweet, WeeDle Egan Pittsburg and Mrs. WIlson. lour children in the family MISS Je 81e Clarke has re- . Much 01 the d Bibl t d and Thanksgiving day with Lawtie Funera't services were conducted Hannah Myra Dr. Harry B. Rob- turned here from Cincinnati and I empire countries Wednell a.y: II U Y Mrs. E. J. Henry and Mls!!C& Zimmerman and Artee Lippincott at 2 o'cloek this afternOOn at Zion erts, of Hjghiand 1111, a will spend the winter at The ' duction in t he Ml!lrit!-.n pray-er at 7.15 p. m. N01'ma and Lenore Lovely were bride and groom,. Baptist church at Harveysburg . fluburb of Chicago, Mrs. Olive Little Inn. The German WAYNESVILLE · CHURCH OF guests of relatives in Trenton, Miss Mary Findley stalking Interment in Miami cemetery. Couch of Los Angeles, Calif., and cia d' t f tL a monopoly on . CHRIST Sunday. up the Methodist church like a the late Morton L .. Roberts. . " " I ' .amem '. . ..... e monthly quotas ( Undenomlnation.l) Mr••rid Mrs, Robert Crew a~d "Old Chester" character. And the For many yeal:s the Roberts d.amond culte y~ qualat,rd and I cessively high tariffl. Cbeater A. WilUuuon, Min...r Phineas Cook were Sunday guem Funkey family with Mrs. Pollard. arewe eceptJon family lived in Chicago, where Mr .a~ 1D~Il~y, IUY . ;~ ~~ tllDee tariff on lard i. 18 cnta Churcb School.t :80 a, m. of Mr. and Mrs. Abram Cook at John and Betty Clements ~rivi~g Roberts was caRRier 91 the A r • ewe r)' P. aDOll, Germany c:omple~ly Lord's Supper at cOllclulion. Even Sprineboro. in from the farm . . ~ol1 le BIs.. n. Inn IExpress Company. They were I . ports of American ina: evangelistic aenice at 7:30 p, p~am and her lovely mother, my . . located on North Ashland avenue Mrs. Ru ssell alisbury llIas July and August by m. A Ch1'istma. vareant entitled. Mr. • nd Mrs. Ch.rles JamCl!l and Sunday. school tehacher .. MMl's. Members of the Church of Chl'lst in Raven swood, in the same block hostess to the members of. the grant Gexchange for "Unto the Least," wlu be present.- family spent Sunday near Blan- Will White at t e organ. 1'9. gave a farewell reception and din- with the family of W. J. Irvin, "Argunot" bridge club, Saturday The erman ,P1' e o ram100 ed. Prayer meeting each Wedn-es- cbeater the gUests of MI'. and Mrs. Dakin soloist .. David Evans ner at the Grange hall, Friday business manager of the Chicago afterno on. United States about da, at 7 :80 p. m. The church Le.ter J.mel, peacefully living 4t •. tent nC"ar the evening, honoring the minister, "Inter-Ocean," and William R end. poun,ds of pork and lard , mill , . Mallia, sllppmg ?ft' of an Chester A. Williamllon, .who will ley, manufacturer, both of whom Mr. and Mrs. C. S. McClure a~d 'this year. . where you feel at home,. Mn. W. H. Hadden has returned afternoon to .1iSh. The high water leave the first of th,e -year to take \ w reo /latives of Waynesville. In daugbters, of Dayton, were dlnFERRY Cl:HUaCH OF CHRIST to her bome here after a In the spring,.it would taken up work at Pa. the early 80's the John A. G. ner guests of Mrs. Mary McClure, (UndeDoIDlutiODal) weeks vialt to her ::other vm a .Sldney Lamer to deSCribe. Web About 90 persons. were present Roberts family ret,urned to Way- Sunday. Cbeater A. WDliamaoD Hadler at Shelby, 0 o. Meeks faithful mail carrier •. Dr to enjoy a fine dinner an'dtherood nesville for a time and lived on th", W It' to friends bere Mr Unified aervice beainnlnc with MI'. and Kn. Frank Andrews Lukenll, Mr. Wilson Edwards i,n program and social time that fOI - Roberts farm on the RiverJoad. Fre/ D~:itt states that h, I~ . WI Church Sehool at 9 :80 a. m. Lord', and two IlOna, GIIO. and Joe, of the first Ileljf~. Peter Eberleya lowed. The Gazette joins Mr. 1 When Mr. Roberts retire from located at Tucson Arizona for PRO~PEM'IVI: Supp~ and aennon at 10:80. Sar- Dayton aplnt Saturdar with Kn blacksmith ,hop and my dear Williamson's friendt~ in wishing office. he" with. Mrs. R.oberts and the winter . , U \,11' .. mon aubject, "FranJdncenae, AD~' mother, lin, Emm. friend Winnie Shield.. . . him succeu in hi. new fteld. their daugbtQ', Myra, again r e - ' , Gold .nd Myrrh!' On Monda, Hamilton. Mil!l Anne Kearney and Emily .• - . ---turned to Waynesville and lived Mr. and Mrs, E. C. Crane and· Mrs. RaJlIlond ning Christmal Eve., a lI'eat ' _" U' Bronte lort of person •• Mrs, CHRISTMAS PROC'RAM until after Mr. Roberts death, children were s upper guelts of Mr Mlu Ethel "White Gifts for the Kine" proMr••lId Ml'I. K. A. Com .... _1"1 larael Harris, who loaned m,e " . which occurred in 1921. and MrI. Paul Booram, of QeD- hosteuee at a cotto.. gram will be prelmted at the Fl"l'lnce Davia and Emut Butter- b"ooks .. a.sbt, full of Atlantic: I , AT M. .E. CH1JRCH bro.ok, Sunday. ' showor ,,"n for lIiIa church. ·ETeryone II invited. You worth &pent I'rldar eveniq with The two Quaker meeting houses - -DECEMBER 22 TO BE . linson, . .a ftem .......... 4 Mrs. StockatlU and tamlly cousins James and Susan MurChristmas will ble observed at . At. Mrs. Lou AndDrew., retusrned to I • re .lway. welcome at thia churcb. Mr. . at Da7ton. dbc~ driving up to our houle for . . Ch · b S SHORTEST D Y her home in .yton. un day, home U d h ST MARrS CHURCH . Y I M t' the WayneSVille M. urc, un . spending several weekI here n er a u,e Rev. 'J; J. SchadH, Rector Mr. aDd IInh• Au ol:e ... Seth Haines. Dec.ember 28, Ibteri10nn}Ons If your share the prevailing beo- and at Clarksville. whIChtheWUprod,peeccot"lvteld l ay OrelOb "'ho ave een yol W"" M G d ... e momlng aerv1oe. :.... . 0 b 21 I th h t oe, a t Fourth SSuC'h Dad iD and .round WaYDelht' in tjte \Wh.en the choir will /ling the 1· lle: Jhllt f Mr. and Mra. J. C. .Hawke and ped her many pr.ctical cember 2 , urc Ie . an will lOOn leave for Mlamt, r g s. ee . Cantata, "His .Natal Day," by I ay 0 'd t' th Mr. and Mrll. Lee Hawke IIpent Contests, Christmasdtreat at wbere they wlu spend tbe h ong Edward Norman. Rlev. tthe ar! ISu nday in Dayton the guests of occasion, TUlCmltno,u n• Prayer an ...rmon a " wID_ t e ·d . I d tb H ' 1 t gedy give a short Christmas talk. ear es ' Mr. and Mrs. . Karl Hawke. for the guests and II . TINE CHU ...C H · mur er .. an e De ra In the evening at 7'30 o'celock wro • ments consisting of .S T. AUGUS . lira. Cbarlea Wrt,ht, who hils .. Mr. Harris' collection of pearls the children's featuring ! yeat', to Pl·of. Mrs. Jane · Wright! who wa,s Angel tool. co«.. Father Newton, beeh beM aeveral . . .ke . .iatfng .. Hats bought 01 Mrs. Kin., •• , ta CI us Enllertained" w· dWln F. Coddmgton, Ohio State thought to be recovermg fro m an dies we,. served . . Hall.t !t. AUCQtine 8 Cburcb in the care of her mother-In-law All, all a dream that il! past. be anlven. a . IUnive.rsity,. the day of t he attack of pneumonia, hal had a re- were: Mias Martha every lacod and fo1D'tla Sund.y Mra. JaneWricbt. lett Saturday (Signed) L. W. B. -r\e public is u l1ged tot-end year, m OhIO WIll be Saturday, lapse and her condition i8 serious. Miu Naney Foater, • tho moa", ••, ... _10 _ . . .... • [nd, tho" ....,;'... an •. to tho M;" MMY Wh"ton ;. .." ill _ . FRIENDS "TING . to Chrlltmu spirit wll;h us. wiII rise the Jatest on January 6. at her home On lower Maill street. • ..,.. '. .hlt-da, Sehool • 1:'0 •• m....... 0. ..." MA...RIED IN RICHMOND • - •. Afternoons already are getti ng Mrs. Eddie Woollard, of Belmont ra. ftU M.etlne for WcmIdp at 10:.0 .................. KERR APPPINTEI) . longer, but not three has been here, auil!lting in m. m.ta Car7'. J .... 7 The marriage of Mr. Charles UNITED ST MARSHALL will it be a ny eaBler to jfet up tn fOT bel'. . Mn.. • - " S.... ... a.I.. S.v...., Ion of Mrs. 'Ruth Savaee, I the the professor .assem· 1 Frank Robinson, who i, emploped YOUNG FRIENDI MEETING lin. m. KIDer -d' Mr. Edsar and IIi.. Doria Crlapin. wbich ne... Only In leap. years until 1936 in Belmont, eut one of hll bands , C DO_r, Smlda weN dbuaer p..ta of IIr, took place Saturday, in Richmond, of wiu Ohio have ItB shortelt d.y on while sharpehin, Imiv.. last week. The rculat ...of 1b, T ...,.. MIlIer. ou Tbure- Ind.. il belnjf .hnounc:ed. IIr. manhal Deeember .21. After that date for The cuts were vety -.vere DICftF, M. wl11 lie tIIa IloIae ::. 11. tile' ....t S.....e ia emplored In the I. 6. A. of Obio an indeflmte period 21 altatiq treatment a, a holitaL At Mr. . . . . . . oak, . . . . . . . . . . . IdrtIlda, .nalver-- arDell')' .t HarvellbU1'jf, W. ,will be the d.y e.e eap lut .ceouata be w.. ,ettiq aloq aWht. D.. '....., wi" ... - IOlru • _. at Colum- le.r and the year followln,. , en II I'ImIM .. ..... ...,.,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ivery w , 8arIh .......... . 1&. . . lin. ......... T. lI'Isher, ..... A H. CNft'lll, C_ ••• To Be T.... w. .... .. .... Ckll'." TGMIbMIoD, . . . . . . .. nata" from Wo....-r, ....., Some time dunn, ".nuary a: a ......,., to t;Wr IIoJu .. m, a. Cellial enume\'ator .ID call at ........ GIIt&" ... . , farm anll ranah in the ... . . _ .... Stat uk 100

















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Co., tire and tube, '21.17; The Kit patrick-French Motorcar Co., ,aso Mile WIIl'Un \ linl', $1.26; The Morr w Garage, Mi ~s McKin . <'y'~ F,lurth grad I'S kerosene and i.soline $30.75; Dav id Brunk, repairs, 70c; Fred Kahn Y ho,'1' bC<'n ~E'Cllralin.1!.' th ir ('~ri~t­ mas tree. Ell~h pupil \. to bring a l\fotorcar Co., parts, $2.62; Kaufman's, bolts anc! wa hers, 12c; • _ _ _ , __ ~ ~~~~_ P _ , _.:, tive (lent pr\"~ nt nnd ('xchange ...._ _ _ _ with some other pupil in the I'oom 1'ru tees of Public Affairs, light W., ..... H.... Up Fifth vl!ndinJ!,'. Th it· omplet stock 1<'01' giftfl to take home each pupil Common Pie•• Pr1)ceedina. <.l lay. November, county garage, $4.consi!1ts of soap, magic slate~, and will Tl\nkl' a cal 'ndar. Perfect A certified copy of the entry de; Robert Reichel, coal 011; $1.17; tho e lit~le orangt' nnd ~Iack mu:'- . pl'lIel's for hi ~ week ure: 1aric In lhe case of laude W . Rue tel'luining the inheritance tax on The incinnati Oil Works 0., ga _ COLI', besld R th . pencIl. lt 1. H unlin, F.:lizl<\bcth Burnett. Llm ~­ \'eIRU~ John Burggraf, et aI., judg- lhe estaw f Emma M. Keys, de- oline, $8.92; ,John Law & on, gas proving to be a succe. ful v.nture ing Hardi n, rl elen Hisey. 1arie ml'nt va('Bt~d. Sherillr is ordered 'eased, i to be given to all persons aline, $15.93; BOI'lI n's Tire & The sophomores are plannIng to Lamb and Ell n M o~s . to sta y I'xccution. . interested. , Battel)' tation, gasoline, $5.56; entertain th hi ~h-8c~001 with a P rred I ellcrs in Miss Kelly's In the C/l~e of Th ~itate of Ohio Th estate of Flora W. Tetrick lIenry Ludington, . kerosene and Christmas party December 20. The Fourth ItI'Blle R('C ion n were : versu William HUrtt, the defend- deceased, is ~xempt from inhed· gasoline, $23.66; OroAs ervice !oll~wing girl::!. 81'e chairmen. of the Angin tta Pence and in th !lecond ant was found gullty of the in- tance tax. Station gasoline, $33.28; Waites' vanous committee!! and" WIth \he ~I'llde ~ ctio n IT, 'Ruth WiCRI lind dictment fil~d against him and was F,'eeman E. Willi/1.mson, admjn- Garake, supplies, parts and labor, -=-__ -_~":..-_-_ -_ .....=~~~::..~_ :::_:=~~~~ aid of the rest of the cIa s, ar Etta We termlln. 1'hey are having scntcllc d to one y aI' in the Ohio istrator 0:C the estate 01 Cal'oline $30.74: Addi, el'vice Stati on, preparing entertainm nt and fun a shol·t hri ~tm a program Friday penite ntiary. NWl'l III OJ? l' IILI ' . ALE Williamson, deceased, filed his first gasoline, $23.66; 'Wayn esvi lle Serfor all: afternoon in their home rOom. The In Lhe case of Willard H edrick final and distributive account. vice Station. gasolin and supplies ]n purFu... n~6 or an order or the Elsie Mac Wicalhairman of the . cond gl'lllle are njoyiflg their versus }'ronk Stratemeycr, the In th e of Thomas C. Chris- $90.62; Rogers & Simpson, s up- 1'rol,,<lp CuUl't of Warre11 C<J unly. refreshment committee. hristma, color and reading books pI81OtI · hlo L1ny duly ornjJltl ~ and r 4,d Inn th e · ' IS gran t e d I IJIve t 0 fil e re- t 'Ie, guar d'Ian 0 f J 0 hn R . P' omae tt pli s, $116.21; East En d GIll·age. "Ottl' NOVt' mb unl r. 193 tbe a Mildred Larrick~Chairmafl of the which thel' received la t week ply within thre day. versus John R." Poinsett, et al, the hattery and gasolin • $ U,,4 1; . K. ;;u,,~ 01 "Uhltrll's Boga n alld ellafl .. » entertainment committee. from Mr. ·Lolz. . In the cas e of WilHam H. Kuhn guardian filed his pet.ition for o~l' rce, agent, Suppll'es lind "'a R _ Ie :;1"'I)h~r<J, aB ndmllllslraLOI's or I ~ .. ,. tlie t'~ llLle or Lydia JJ: . SIIt'I.Hlerd . d Glenna Woolard-Chairman of the 1n Mi s_ Campbell's group there te aI., versus A. . BI~lJard, t aI., authority to mortgage certain real line, $52.51; J . W. Lingo Hard- . aSt.,I. L'lalnt lf!s. 'V8- E!" ~st filll!pinvitation committee. r overrul d. Plaintiffs are property. . ware Co_, suppll'es and parts, herd 'or" L , Slwpherd. ~ rank ShQJlwere twelve prefect spe llers tor tlemu "r • h nj' Amos Wlho n Shcpl1 c l'd Lcna And just a little hintl Santa ~a st. w~ek ; Ma!'ylyn, Wilda Mae, all allowed two weeks! in which to Sales by The Central Trust Co., $15.05; Herschel tiles, service us Uul!'l,n , Kn.thlo \I ah ph rd. .Ch ar les Claus is going to be there! . trustee of the trust created by assistant engineer, $9', W. Jeffery Hogan , 'ora:lll l,hel'(I (01 Dayton, Betty Lou, Jeanne, E(lith, Wlilyne, til their reply. Ohio ) hul 8 Tl. Shel'lI .. r" llUU The ca e of The Morrow Lum- Item 3 of the will of Harl;y B. sharpening sickles, $1.50; Mrs. H . Lillie' K 'oopeJ' Det 111) 3011 t"," said Bettie. Cltlir, Lyle, Clifford, Helen ' . d. , were approv- S. Smith, food, $3; T. . W 00 d rey ~ns(' beln!\, numbourt. e re tl we 1880 Oil the Speakina DE Tuna Fi.h and Dorothy . They are looking bet o. ve~'sus Ed I'th G reeI y an d Th ompson, d ecease lJo ~ k " t or Hald IwllI oUer ed_ food, $4.60; Lewis Bres., food $11 tO I' gnle al 1)ullllc u.u utlo n on th o enior pIctures, O-OH, and forward to ~heir hristmas party W. F. herltt is disl11lissed. 1n t IIe case 0 f Th e.) "tate 0 f Oh'I I n th e ma tt er 0 f th e es t a t e 0 f Ralph Kelly, foo d, $6 ; Z· 27th day1:. of ecember. l Oa • . atth e2 elger, s o'clol'k M . 011 Lh ' IlreUllseB. event that means more pictures for the this Friday. vel'SUS Ruth Grisby, the defendant Laura J. Zell, deceased, distribu- Gen ral Store, food, $16; Kaur- toll owlng It 8ocrll.. d r ea l etate. toupstairs· hall, and it look like a In Mr. Turner's Fiflh grade they I be th'e man's clothing, $21.38; W. W . W!~~IL\late In th... a unt ). <l'r Warren are having a hdstmas party nt red a plea of not guilty to in- tion of assets ordered. ay. The rogue's gallery now. The The inventory 01 Ella T. Stanley line, foo d, $ 6; Clint's Mark et, In t he Slut' or hlo and In th We wonder if that individual which will be given Friday after- dicl.ment charging arson. alumni will · . a f th e es t a"" >- 0 f L u Iu f 00, d $ 46.5; 0 R ay w1gert, . f .00 dJ and lownllhl p rM d ftcl'l'i"ea Wa y" 0.8 "lid pro ecu t mg a ttorney en t ere d a execu t rlx lUI' lh roll boulld ows. to-d CJuintet on that addressed a letter to Mrs. R. noon. Nam ha ve'b en drawn and nolle presequi. Taylor, deceased, WRS approved. $7.50; L. Conrad, food, $5; W. H. wit: 1:1I>1I1g a IIIHI ot mI litary F. Hatfield knows romance that we I gifts, not to exceed fh'e cents, will promises In the ca~ of William S. Gra- Th schedule of debts were appro v food, $8', harle s P. 'un' y lIumb r OIr ' Ji)flLry 22S~ and exchangEd by tht' pUI)ils. lor thl! Ilnrt horcln conY yod. become out don't. ham, administrator of the estate ed also. food, $26; McHenry' s ginning III th East lin at n slon" The Seventh grude section I are f Ii: . t d . J R C f Wh,'I'<· whll n k tree E J I I II o mma . anney, I eceased veraro yn fO was apPoln B ing, $21.75; . . 0 - link ... nulld on ·otho w l'~LlIeara bankN. 13 ot Late t rumor Wayne ville planning It Christm~ s party for us Claude W. StroUlii, et al., the I administratrix of the . estate of A. clothing. $4; Ruby Van ~ ... n.l\'· · ...... k . 'i'hence N. 61' SO· W . schoo l is due to have a big c1enn- Friday, December 21. Their room defendants are granl'-d leave to Bart..alow, deceased, and "Ied R Iper, ' f 00, d $6650 7\1 p"le~ 10 0. stlmo. 'I'hone" N . 28' "" " !I .; r, J 0 h n eu 301 t:"ftt 34.GII lIul t! s Lo ... atO ll, up, the Sophomores are- sell ing at that time will be dccomted with . her bond of $1000 with suretie s. Zettel, glasses, $34.50; R., B. Oil- Th e l1~ C S. d~' J':l\al 16.2 pol ,/I to BoO a Christmas tree llnd many fli Inmotions soap. the case of KelltuckuJ Stock The guardianship existing be- more & S on. f 00, d $12', O·r 8>t A·'· llQh's t,," ~. 'l'henco N. I ' 4fj' J.;lllsl ~ ,8 tu It ston . Thenc N. 'E. Simile for the week- As enthu - pres nt which th ~ me mbers are Land Bank vers us Charles W. tw en Garland Hili and :Ella R. & P. Tea Co., fooq, $107.25; Th e :1,.4 lJ o l~a to n ston. '):\h~f1C8 siastic as Mr. Brown over a exchanging. They are preparing a S h f t I . d I ' La ne was t ' t e d an d lIal' d K roger G rocery an d Ba k mg ' C 0., "t!'t,p U III1\1so· E . 4 5 .In ~O . dlnm po\ e ter. to a Thence Su gar ermma Inch.,s program and wiII al 0 serve r e- C ae er, ea., JU gment to p 3ln chicken dinner. tiff in the sum of $4,472.90. ward is re · to full control of food $151.60; Kroge\' Grocery and ~ . 47 ' 4~' 1,llSl 33.2·' \lole to a stllk. • freshments. ln the case of Ruth Gebhart her property. Baking Co., food. $36; Midland ']~~~':,:·t>T~ 1~~' H~. Jo):!l ag. l)~,l~a 9\~9~ Rooter.-Here'. How to ' Cheer The m mber of the EiJrhth versus Homer Gebhar~, former deThe estate of Jacob Edward Orocery ompany, food, $11; Dr. Jlo l ~ft Lo 11 RIn k .. on th e Weet llank grade have appointed a committee 1. Know' the word s f every /ilong 'fi d Z ec h er, d ecease, d IS . ex mp t f rom M aJ'y L . C 00, k t $5 ; R ~I'f'S of k. Th: Snce mo d Ie. ren, rHean'(,RSlIr tl ring er(' .. tlwrpot .• "wlllt \ . 1th .00o to plan a hl'istmas program for cree and yell before the game. In the case of The Union Cen- inheritance tax. Electric Chop, lamps, cord and p tl les to a stn ke N. U' so' '\ . 31 2t 2. The c~er-]eader know what Friday, the twe nty-first, after t fa I L 1'f e I nsurance ",0., ~ R G1' lb er t H un k'Ins,. a d mlOIS ' . tra t or I.a bor f or court h ouse an d Jal, • '1 $6 .- voIr. lu 11 stake 67· W ~r. 21.44 pol t o tl Btake S. 64"S. 30' . 20.52 poll'S which th yare going to exchange Wilds Gilchrist, et aI.., theversus. to do; watch ,them. defend- of the e tate of Edgar Carson 16; Johnston & Johnston, glass, to It sInk,· XI 72" 1,,' W . :10,36 pol ' . gifts. 8. To get the best cheering efRooseant is granted leave to file an- Burger, deceased filed his first and putty and labor at jail, $5.46; The ~~I~'5.. ~~k~. ~~~~~·o ~'6!r3gp· ~\':,·9t~8 fect open your mouth .wIDE, swer or other pleading within 20 final account. Children's Hospita l, hospitaliza- I)o les t o I h., plac ot begln nln;J: and 4. Private cheering sections days. Rob rt J. Shawhab, execut.or ot tion , $21·, Dr • • Sterling Stahl , c""lalnln" Klxty fl\' nc.rNj!l roCld, nn(l 1 po l. ot land m ar or 1 tift . " should not be 'organized, only in Lite....ry New. In the case of Nelncy Bennett the ~ tate of Eliza Shawhan, de- medical service rendered, $7; Dr. Hald ,'r"1n I~ 8 l1a\' lJ e n duh' nnd exceptional (a~s because they tt a dl vorce cease, d fiJ e d h'IS sa I e b'lI S • t er I'109 t B hI, me d';' •. 1l'w !'wlh' I\Il IHnis 1\I-t'undr at th sum of For the Ioul·th time this year veals·au E rnes t B enn.e.' 1. 11;& I 8 rVlce "ntl·-t<vo d Dollnre don't manifest cooperation. . rendeN?d, $18; Dr. Henry M. (,~~olli nnll \\'111 li e B Id tor not 1 ~~8 the II' terary oCI'et,'es a~ present- w granted the plall1ltdf. .~ ) n t he cas? 0 f GI lil d ys B erRlce M arr.a.e . L'.cea... B rown, me d'IcaI servIc . e ren d ered , than O- 1IIII'of dll O( Id apprn lsed' vnlu. IW T(>fm~ 01(1. "" eMh. ing their monthly prOjJl'ams. An Apoloa,. 'II H.I~~JS R. SHEPUEUD . awyel', a mmor, by Chester B. Ben Reed farmer of Mason and $20; Mrs. Howard awyer services T!us ,mon~h's m~eting of the awyer, her fathei: and next Mrs. Sarah, housekeeper, 1$7; lIIrs. Helen Doughman, serAs J\~~,~~~t~i~or~ ~\h'8 estnLe We will not be able to carry the : vices, $7; Mrs. Ira Eltzroth, $5; or 1.)",11" Fl. Shep\lerd. deceased. high sch ool honor roll this week Juntors socIety WIll be condVcted friend, vet·sus Ceddc Stanley, a of Mason. Edward Fox steel work~r of Mrs. Lillie Urton, $10; Mrs. Maude because some of the grades ' are by th~ officers of group B. The minol' leave is granted the defendprog~am will co.n sist of ~ubjects ant t; file answer. Miamisburg and Miss Doris Clay, Deardoff, servic:es, ~7 . 50; Joh~ incomplete to date. rellltlOg' to Christmas, wlth one In the case of Clarence Arthur of Carlisle. Law & Son, gas, oJ! and antlexception, which will be an ext~mBrown, Jr., a millor, by Clarence freeze for sealer of weights and Thi.a and n.t. 'of TN Gradea poraneous debate •. The ~en1ors A l-thur Brown, Sr:, versus Cedric R_I E.tate T ...ndera measures, $6.52; Monis (;c & 10c It has been a happy week Cor of a different tmlley, I ave is gra.nted the dehave a prho~ram b . Harlan McClain to Harvey L. 's tore, books for tr aBurer, 65c; the First graders; they have been nature; . tell' su lc.eta al'e as fol- fendant to file answel·. Columbus Blank Book Mfg. Co., decorating their room and Christ- lows, Mimicry of L1terary Charac_. _____ L. Rye 6.63 acres in Wayne town forms for probate court, $9.80; mas b 'ee for Christmas. They are tel'S, A debate and Christmas ship. MER . . New Suit. Anna Lake to Mary Hunter, real . . 0 8, postmaster, stomps for having a very good time making recitahons. common nleas J'udge, $6', The In t h e matter of the transfer of t t . F kl' t h' .. Christmas pictures from their new a e \0. SranE In owns J Ip. fu nds of The Board of Trustees of es N T StakaJta Mfg. Co., book"'" for comPre-Primer books, given to them anmeand. Ada verson to ames Wa:J1le T~.hip Teacher.' Moeet. the Town ship of F'ranklin, for W.eaver Weaver, 77.89• man pleas, $12,' 1111'S. Della Hufby Mr. Lotz. sf f f d " ford, feeding prisoners dUTing , . t In Miss Hartsock's room the chilina ran er a un s. acres In, Sa~em township. .. November $465.17. WiJliam HufROOT FOR AND COJIISIGN dren are writing letters to Santa Th t h r W T Harley Lucas versus Martha The MIami Cemetery ASSOCIation ford washin for ~ . oners d . four Cattle, bop. sheep alld ealY~ Claus telling him what they want h' e euc ers 0 arne own- [ren Lucas, for divorce. Charge to Isaiah Leland Shoop and Sylvia Nove' be ,g48 58 PBII _, B urHlng to Norria-Brock Co., live w1r. a nd s lp ~chools held their regu~ar are gro s neglect l!lnd extreme Edith Shoop 32 acres in 'Clear- . m r~ . ;. all' ros. os progressive firm f'lr the hlebut for Christmas. k t .;. pltal, medIcal s rVlces rendered at market prieel and good••. Miss Carter's acted out a little meetmg on December 12, With cruelt . De':~y Alexand&r l~ersus Goldie cree d own~ Ip . . I . jail during November, $32.50; Union Stoe" Yard.', O. play in English, "Bobby's Help ers,' Miss. Robbir:s as leader_ This Cly e He terb~ld e to Irene Ber. John Law & Son., gas, oil, labor Tune in on Radio Statloll WCltY there was a cow, a woolly sheep, meetmg conSIsted of sevel'al short Alexand~r, for divorc~e. Charge is talks ge:, real estate In Deerfield tow and -s orage -dttting November, 12:2~ to 12:80 p. tn. tor our dail, • gros neglect of duty. shIp. . . . $74.11; Herschel F. James, labor, market rep on.. Arthur and Lllhan :f'leld ~o gasket, bulb, ,1-70; W. B. Schuler ~======~=!l~=::=~~ Prob.te CO'u rt Nancy FI~n, 130 acres In Hamil· stamp and envelopes, $1.50; Cliff :. Marie Rosnagle, a.dministratrix ton township. Brant services as member Soldiers ~~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ of the estate of Elizabeth <';iJpin, Ida May Kaylor: et al ~o J. F. Relief Commission, $20; Harry Z. 43 YEARS OF SERV ICE deceased, filed her first and final Ja.cob, real estate 10 Massl<C town- Gray, serv.ices as &ccretary Solaccount. shIp. . dier's Relief Commisaion, $90; In the matter ot t he estate of Fred F. Fr~r and wife to Charles J. Waggoner, agent. 1>reMary H_ Ellison, deceased, pur- ~anawh1l Barlkl~g Co./ real estate mium onl surveyor's bond, $22.75; eha'se of bonds is ordered. In Salem .tO~~ShlP. . K. L. Horn Clothing Store, NoWe have a complete In the matter of . the estate of The Mlalt.lI yaUey Building and vember t ent, reemployment office, Wateh Repair Jo seph H. OQrI'ingt.(m, deceased, ~oan Assoclat~on to J., W. Ware, $10; Harry S. Gray, !'(lnt · for Prices Reasonable pu rehase of bonds is ordered. Inlot No. 806 In Frankhn. November, reremployment office, Beads Reslrung John O. Zeclier, administrator of ,6; The Office Outfitters, typeJ uwel ry Repaired the estate of Jacob Edward 'Zecher Bill. Allowked writer ribbon and scratch pads lor deceased, filed his application for "THE HOME OF GIFTS" The Cincinnati Oil Works Co., reemployment office, $1.15 ; a certificate of transfer and his af Book Shop, notebOOk, ink for NRS gasoline, $20.21; Mason Super fldavit in lieu of accountThe following accounts were ap- Service Station, gasoline and sup- office, 86c; Fairley Hardware Co., proved, aIJowed and confirmed by plies, $9.20; Verne BU1'8k, gasoline lJupplies. $2.15; Johnston & John$16.05; The FamoulJ Auto Supply the court. (Continued Fron Page 2) Roy A. Miller, executor of the estate of Celestia C. Miller, aecellSI ed_ First account. - c-:: G. F. Brown, adn:linistrator of the estate of Anna :Belle Brown, deceased, first and fiTlal. Eva Huffman, exel!utrix of the estate of David I.. Huffman, deceased, first and distributive. Mary J .. Frazer, eXE:cutrix of the estate of Thomas D. Fraser, deceaS()d. First and final. Stanley Brandenburg, administrator of the estate of Robert Phone 78J Brandenburg, deceasl!d, First and fip.a!. \ .. • I Lawrence W. Furl~as, admini..... trator of the estate of Harriet E. ,Furnas, deceased. First and fin.l. Ethel Basore, administratrix "O~ARY PUBLIC t he estate of Emma Jr. Grehm, de. N.U•••I ·....11 ceased. Second and fllnal. The adjudication and determInWilla Dr... • • E.tat.. S.ttW ation of the inheritan·c e tax on the WAYNESVILLE" OHIO estate of J. Lee Thompson, decealled, is to be given to aU persons in. tereBted. FOR SALE DAT.S CALL The estate of J . MUton Keys, de ceased, is exempt trom inheritance

..- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -••--..----. ..-

New of Interest From Wayne Townsh olp Centrall"zed Schools

~;:;ll ''hl)'








* i<

F. f.






Centerville, Ohio




many centuries have passed since the b C1 by of Beth bhem was ushered into a world filled with hum n unhappine::>s, suspicion and dissatisfaction. may we no1 (', )q:~ress the hope that each succeeding Christmus brina~' us closer to accord among ourselves and am(j~(; rl..Jtions; so that in every re~pect there may corne th(_,'

P'llce on earth, vood Will tow{trd ~en whic~ so many

peoplE. so

earnestly desire?

Power and Light ·C.

T~ will of CatherilGe Seeger, de ceased, was admitted to probate. Edward T. Seeger ' was appoi1lted exec utor, no bond re,q uired, Chris top her Klenhaus, Hal'l Chenoweth and Ira Kessler were appointed ap praise{s. ' in t~e matter of 1;he ' estate of Laura 8 Ward, dE!eeued, t he agreement as to note was approv. ed and by court. Karl ~. EXE!Cutor of the esta.t e of Eva filed his inventory. Paul W . of the estate of deceased, Aled bls lieu of account. The will of lIyer 1I1;'"".,1a..

ed. wa. .dmitted

aie Hyman, wu aD1D~IDt4ld trix. bond "'.'''IU~I~~;tler~'t~d Wanoner, SteUa t


A. B. Kaufman appra.....

Stanley &Koogler Auctioneer.

JESIE ITANLEY ...... JIo. N." B.rU......


EAIIL KGOQua D~t_ P.... ICE• •on ....

CLASSIFIED . ADS•. FOR SALJr.-Wood for tumae. or coot Ron. Joel Stoic... Wa,.... YUle. plloao . 1IIU, .dlo-l'7

of Walda

, conserving water for our~el vt's and iu I'thcl' g('neration~.

Beech Grove

food, $:J3; Verdena Hopkin, food 3; J(l~t'ph H. "'eddeTS Supply Co., fue l, $3; Franklin l et' "Fuel 0 ., fue l, $3; Kroger Groce ry a nd A Merl y hri~tmaH, Prosperous The appointment of ' at'l Bcon ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY Baking Co., foo d, $10; J ames V. and Happy New Year to aU ar e the of St. Cluil' villl' a~ . upe l '~'i601' of Mulford, de ntal wotk, $23 ; J . H. best wishes of your Beech Gro,'e the rUt'a l I'chabilitlilion pl'og1'8m in Brndrick!!, food $7.&0 Herb Hoppe correspondent. D. L CRANE .' I I p ....n..... \ Sub.criptio. Pric., $1 .10 • Southel'n Ohio hOll bl'en made by food, $23; E. B. Thirkield & Sons Not much new~ this week everyOtIic. Pilla.. No 112 En tered U P o.loUle. at w .. yn ... • Adjutant General Fl'8nk D. HenR • ........ ........ ... , 'V ill e. OhIo, a . Qecn n d Cllu. :Ma ll Cilfare t Cona umption 0., clolhin!\" $60; Fred tore, b(ldy is -getting rcady fol' the bip; derson, Chairman of the Slate Re........ c . .. " ..... " .. " ...... " . No. 111 Ma Uer . ' clothing, $40. 3; Ea tE nd oal Christma!:! e.ntcrtalnm nt at the I up at Ii f COnlllli sion. MI'. Senn has Ohlolln~ w111 have smoked 0 ., fuel, $3; Apking's Bakery, church here. Evel'ybody welcome. beer. Ute Belmoni county sup rK. E. Thomp~on sp nt M.onday vi. or {or !lome time. He is succeed enough Igal'cls .by the end 4)f the food, $1.68; Menitt's Grocery, DE EM BER 20 . 1934 d in ihat office by l ~. E. Brin I' of y<'ar to make a nbbon long e'nough food, $:1:3.50; GreaL A. & P. Tea and Tu e ' day in Wllynesvillp. and two Mt. V mon, former Rn, x county to be wl'llpped 'tr?und t.he equa~or Co., f,)od, 4.50; H, C. Hamilton, l P. G. Wt'lIs, wif of the t!arth nme times wIth food, $44; Dr, O. L, Laymon, med- : daughters Marie and Alta and on sup fvisol·. __~ e?ough left. over to make ~ grea: ieal ~ '[vit'ell, $7; F'l'€d'8 tore, Marson, 1\, E. Thompso n and The Ohiu S1 nt(' University bIg bow., I~al'et tax receIpts 01 clothing. I); G. R. Rossman & Co" daughter Mary Kathleen uttended One of the greatest obstac\ s in the , way of CUI'jng the ~I'owing tax problem is tl'\e ancient human desire to get something for nothin~. freshman cia s, which is the $4 15,745.~1 In November. bt'o ugh food, $8; Carroll's tore, food, $4 church at Green Brial', lallt Satul'That desit'e is !'It the forefront, in times such a the present when la'l'geRt in the histol'y of the in- lhe total mc me ~l'om thIS ,1;OUI'C , chilling's Food 'Market, food, H; day evening. ' Dilautush, medical Cha~. W II. and two !liste rs, va t sum S are being ~pent for direct relief and fol' public works pro- stitution, will be augmented Jan- lo $4,458,508.60 so far thl~' year nl'. Frank . uary 3 by "ev' 'al hundred dd ' l'on ' Based On these figu res, th<l aver- "(!nic 10 DOl'Othy and Ina WEre Saturday ject~.Practlcally every tat is making an !fOI·t to obtain a larger • I ~ II n I • e II I I·d , age mont 'hi y co 11ect]' n was a bout ' " . • m evenmg gull ts of Mrs K E ~hare of federal funds . than neighboring commonwealths. One of the I ~mgyuung . en U l b~'\\ 0111. n, aC('OIof-- "'40" 318 . 94', ~n . d Ica ' t'Ing a ~"I!ar S " . . .. .. .. . t o esllmates ul1Ivel'slty 'I' 0, Thomp on. ~ost potent . ales t~l~s. of hlgh state offiCIals . IS that .they have been fie ia I!';. A s usual, most of tht! n w total of $4, 63, 27.28. The st~te (l Miss Kathlet'n Thomp on of this Illsll'umental 10 btammg federal grant for the1r constItu e nts. students will b [r01n ~hio collects n penny fol' every 10 cIgplace ' ~pent unday afternoon The idea ha~ gotten al'ound that Lhis money is "free." Arid so it is 1Iithough applications lor admis~ a~'et pUl'chased. The numb~1' of with the Misses Nellie Mary nnd - to th extent that the state pays nothing for it directly. Y ct v I'y ion have been l' ceived from a I ~Igal' ,ts ~mok d therefore WIll be Marjori e Davi~, of neal' Wellman. cent of the money comes from the federal treasury- it is. made possible number of prospec tive ft'eshmen In the nelghboJ'ho~d of 4,86B,827,• Miss Betty Pringle and two 280. WIth every clga~et about two brothers and Miss Katherine by fed eral borrowings ·which are secuI'cd by liens on ev ry enlerpl'ise who I ~si d(' in otht!I' gtatcs. ' . , . . . ' and three-quarters Inches long ---Burnside of Leban C! of pl·ollel·ty, evel'Y lI1veslment the natIon. Inte rest pay--- t.h ey wou Id s t re teh ou t 2"'" 1 619' Important and addl'tl' onal reduc day gu sts ' of the on, o;>un.every IHoce . . 10' . es Edna ments 00 the b o nd ~ mu st be obtamed through taxatlon~nd when ~he Bette!, propel'ty. values In the miles if chained together. tions in electric rates, IIffecting and Ruth Polson of n W II tim for amortizatIOn comes , the money must also be raIsed by taxmg nextd ' decade both domestic and commercial Ch arI es W eII' dear mnn d bfOr OhIO L . farmers J T were b S an two e, sisters the public. pre tlcte f NO~ IS I ' Gael', Davey Malce. Plan. users in sixty-eight places through Ina Mae and Dorothy were SaturCenerally , peaking, the fed I'al grants are proportioned to states ;na ~ er ~ e ~ w nda cratge' l Indications are that two import- the entire Daywn Power and day evening g uests of MrR K E on the bllsis of population, the pel'centage of needy being about the bast wee at~ the t l'C4: - h~y 0 0 um- ant items in the program of Light Company syste m and app]y- Thompson. .. , . , I h I f us conven IOn 0 r th C 0 10 range . ' t b b t't 11 M Ed' . same m. one part of .the c untry as another. As a resu t, t e p op.e 0 Walter F. Kirk of Port linton Martlll L. Davey when he b€!comes Ing su ur an errl ory as we re. Ith DaVIS and daughters the varIous SLates WIll have to pay hack the money they get precIsely \\as re-el cted ma~ter of the State g~ve l'1lor after ~he .first of t~e year as to unincorporated towns, were and son a~d M,r. George Davi a they would if it wel'e secured by state bond. The only advantage the GIRn"'e fno n E' rou.c of ,W ill be reol'gamzalton of rebef ad- an~ounced today by Company of- were hoppmg In Lebanon Sntur. . ' . .... , . " . . t,' h h I flclala here. federal govcrnm nt hus I 10 bOl'1'owlng money at a shghtly lower 10- ol'th Lima was elected overseer minIS I ahon, t roug out the state D' t . t h' h . I d d . . f . C ' 'and stabhshment of a atate IS l'lC W IC are me u e In \<3I'e t rlllAl t b an a state. and W. . arl 0 amp base was b f . d ·ft . the n'ew and sweeping changes Th"I IS not t 0 arg'ue th ~ t .r~ rI f'Isn 't n~cc ~al·y- l·t 1· . .B UtI t 't'lS~,Is: ' e1ee t e.d t reasuJeJ. ., ureauthe0 U.m entl catIon modeled aCtel' S. Depal.tment of downward in electric rates are .. fa t thai stat s are 0 b taming n~onc~ o~ uXl,lry proJec s w IC . _ Justic . A canvas of the relief ~iqua, Dayton, Wilmington, Wa~hthey do not need, and whose contr1butlon to the welfare of tA people A large number of Ohioans situation throughout Ohio it is mgton C. H., Preble and Xen la~ is far less lhan it _~ou l~ be, in the light of their ~ost. Once the pu~lic h~~e made. applicati~ns . to ta~e understood, has . convinced' Davey I incide~ta\ly, ~he r.e ductions ar.e learn that no one In h1Slo1'y has managed to d-ev lse a way of gettmg , Clv]1 servIc e. exanllnahons th1s that substa ntial improvemenlts can ~ade 10 .keepmg WIth the tradl110 m thing of value for nothing, it will demand t hat the states, as a weck, acc~rdmg to Ralph W. ~~- be ac~o mplish.ed in the way of tlOnal pohcy of The Dayton Powe~ whole, stop looking for a financial Santa Claus, and use more common m o n~, chntrma.n ?f th~ State 1,:11 handling rehef funds. A state and LIght Company and follo.~ c!'Vlce Comm1sslon. The tests W111 bUreau of indentification as Davey mor~ recent lowertng of rates m sense . . t e d communi't'les t h rough be given simultan eou Iy at Colum- plans, would cooperate dosely Illcorpora bu s, Cleveland, incinnati 'a nd with fed ral officials in the detect lout the Compa~y's whole system . ._ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ Toledo. The n.ew res1 den~al l'at~s fi~e.d 1ion and apprehension of' cri.minals Here' s to Christmas! May it and recketeers throughou.t the t~day WIth. T~e OhIO Public Utlllone, 0 0 I Ch . k state. Legis lation would be neces- tIes Comml slon are as follows: n y onc I'Istma pac age, . . h First 30 kilowatt-hours 8 cents A bea¥-tiful day and a ha ppy cont.aining food and not exce.eding salY to gIve t e plan full et1fect. per K. W. H. ' fifteen poundJ! In weight, WIll be Next 60 kilowatt-hours 6 cents L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ ---,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ ___l delivered to any inmate of th e T ran.ient Camp. To Go per K. W. H. ' Our thanks t o you- .


. Capitol Cross Road Chatter




T here Is No Fin a ncial Santa Claus

fIfP,1RI RAlEC l' /) il







- t Best f th e N ews D tree F rom the Ohio State



COLUMBUS- State Tax Com· ' secl'et~r y of t he State Water Con- Ohio P enitential'Y, itccording to mISSIoner orlto~ . Dargusch. es- ! ~el'vatlon B oard,. Tall and l'ug~ed War~en Preston. E. Thomas. :When timates that it Wlll not be pOSSIble 10 appearance, WIth a long, flowmg , l'elatlves and fl'lends of a pnsoner to start th e ollection of th e new ' r d m,ustacb e, Mr. Warner may be wi~h to send gifts they must comgeneral sales tax when the meas- l seen going around t he Capitol binc th presents in one bbx. This ure becomes operative under legis B uilding f1'o m ?ne department to ! order .. was i s~ed in order lalive manda te On Jan uar y 1. A M other, preachmg t he gospel of I to faclhwte the bIg task of handslight delay will result because of conserv tng wa te r . The bO~8 a rou!ld ling packageR for th 4,2~0 inth time r quired to have the tax the ,tate House have glve~ hIm mates, Warden Thomas saId. cou pons print d a nd then distri- t h.e nlckn~me of " Old Man R~,ver." buted to t he co unty treasu rers HI8 f~vorlte slogan has been Dam Barberr.. Bu_hea thro ughout the state, Commis- the dItch es ~~d put a fi~h pond on sioner DOl'gusch predicts. The new I every f arm. Year~ ag~ wh ep he tax program as enacted by t he fi rst be.gan expoundmg hIS doctr~ne Seeds of I'U t-sprcading barbern' special ses ion of . the legislature of saVIng. water, state o ~ clals bushes have b~n known t o Ii in consl ts of four bIlls: the genpral thought him a . necessary nUIs~nce the ground a long as eight years ~le~ tax, intangible ~x increase, that had to be to.l erated. But slllce b fore growing. cattcl'ed by birds liqUId fuel tax a nd mcrease of the drought. of. the l as~ .few years these seeds often have grown up excise r ates on public utilities. ;:tr. Warne IS I~, a pO.Itton to l>ay as wild bushes long after the . I t~d yo u 01 DUring the pa~ oritin~ or "mother" ~anting has ---months he has not only appeared been destroyed. Becau e of this it One of the rE'sl characters ~tore different groups in Ohio is necessary to watch clo ely ' rearoun,ci tbe State House at Colum- I\ but has addressed ga therings itl gions in \ hich fruiting berberry bus rs, David C. War ner, executiv other states on th e necessity of bushes have b en seen.

O~jo's eight. tran sient camps h~lI smg apprOXImately 1 20 1~ men WIll be aba ndoned, accordmg to William Pl unkett,' nation al director of transie nt relief. It is p lanned to re,tuTn the men to t heir homes and if they al'e una ble to support t~emselve~ to put the~ on du cct rohe! rolls. It 1S believed that the move i~ being made to a?sol'b. the men mto th e prop osed gIgantIc works program c·ontem· plated by the fe.dera l govemment.

Chri_trruu SaJety Warniin, Ohio afety Service Co mmission has issued a list of precautions to guard against fire·da during the hristmas holidays. The Christ mas tree shocld be ~aced sever~ feet from any heating or lighting fixtures ond should be ecurel y fastened to avoid toppi ng' 0 Only metal tinse l, flake al~be8~:~:

=~==~===~~===~=============~============~ ~wdff~ mka or ~fl~mm~~ material s.hould be used for decorative ' purposes. . Keep curtai n , dl'llPeries and shades away from iIIuminnting devices. No smoki ng • hould be done in rooms profusely trimmed with decorations ~asy to catch . afire.

Over 8 0 k ilowatt-h ours, 3 % cents per K. W. H. T he n ew commercial r ates are as fo llows' . First 100 kilowatt-bours 7 cents per K. H. ' Next- 100 k ilowatt-hOUri! & % cents per K. W. H. ' Next 300 kilowatt- hour 6 e t per K. W . H. S, c n 8 Over 600 kilowatt.hours, 4 cents per K. W. H . The e new r ates represent a substantial savings both to com· mercial a nd residential users, " 'ho by the thousands will benefit f the reductions in cost ' of ser~~C: just anno un~d. ·



Pri.onere' SOD,_ SOIl«ltt of Congress is going to ma ke a research among prison ers in Ohio p enal institutions t.o record all songs popular among the inmate·s. The p rosposal is p.a rt of a pllln of the Li brary of COflgreslI t o collect and make availlBble to ~ ualifl e d· students the w(J,rd s and music of All·American tol k songs.



You are awakened in the middle of the night_ The ba by is sick and Crying. Your lirat move is to snap o.n the light .beside yow bed. You t atop te) consider what this light will cost. You • cost .is insignificant. compared to the service ~ This is always the case with electricity - the giant ..rvant standing ready to serve you at any hour of day or night. As you snap on the radio, or pl"g in the toaster, or start the washing lDocbiDe, think 0Dly of ..mce- VALUE. The cost in every case .. reaDy of minor importance. • Setrict it the tlain4 FOIl " ..."

Phone 14

In order to clear out our stock H igli racle

Christmas "Cards Weare going to make the following eXh'emely low price to you Three dozen high-grade Cards with your name imprinted


L ~b r a ry

don't stop to consider. COST*



Hi.-bwa y Patrol Acti'"e Promotion of better safety and la w enforcem nt on t he highways of Ohio resp ited in the Stde Highway Patrol's stopping a t:otal of -17,915 m<ltor vehicles during Novembel·. Corrections ord ered for mechanical defects number ed 9. 006. Highway Patrolmen issued '. 3812 verbal warnings to careless dl'ivers, a nswered 3704 r eque ts for information a nd invE!stigated 307 acciden ts. Highway Patrolme n, s tatistics show, spend on a n a vera.g e of 9 h? u rs out of 24 in patrolling the hIghways, 2 • h ou rs on r egular station duty and the r emaiining 13 hours on l'eserve duty s ub ject to immediate call in case ' of emergency.


• We feel t hey're d u eHere's godsp eed to the year d one, Her~'. luck and joy for t he

Two dozen high-grade Cards unprinted, for

News From", Gloren County Court HOUle (ContinUed OD p .... 8) st on, 8upplies and I~mber. $1~.5S; Greely $. Simpson lumber $74.30 ; Clayton Clark, 50 yards ..(Jf stone, $37.50 ; D. R, SD)it h, white paint, $3.20; Owen Gross, cemeht and lumber $6.13 ; Zain Armitage sand and gra vel , $14.62; The Obio Corr ugated C ulvert Co.. , culv~ rtB , $ 159.40 ;, Carl Dakin, pay roll, $146.85 ; H. L. 'Schuyler, pay roll, $171.90; J . L. Dunn, services a s mechanic , $48 ; Miami Valley Hospital, hospitalization, $ 75; The Children 's Hospital, hospitalization, $21; Waldron C. Gilmour, In· quest, $7.70; Harold Sweney, pay roll, $13.78; John Myers, pay roll, $178.40; John Barr, pay roll , $189.04; Clem Williams, pay roll, $126.46;M. C. Foreman, pay roll, $251.75; Earl B..ore, pay roll, $102.26; W. B. Sc:huler, par. roll, '160; Blair II LeRoy, crave, $10. to; Great A, I: p , Tea Co., food, Market, per bank

Will.... I'oeke'.


SOc Si~gle

Cards 3c each.


Also have white Tissue Paper for wrapping gift packages.

Tne Miami Gazette Phone 112

.,.~riI.L ~,,...


wa, Ohio baa torred ahead dtIIJIlte Subscri be t or T he Mianli Gazette dub \On Thlll'"ln y,1 . . all ohAtarl ea." ,.I ~ Mr C r ,' f>Io!~Il' - fl' nl la! i n,Dayto n \\lI h hh.-T I The Ohio Roll Call Comm itteI' II .. ill Hamilt 0 \\ , rrpun meet apin next munth to ZIII1111 will Il vhn J ~tl", "r. hi, " ' .. ocietv met Counl) Th F ' <I " AId Ith the , J 1\ ' be lilt>; ~h e Ohio chapter 'In~ honor r('Clt\'l'l is I'1'Y II nnll :\1 'S . e flen " ;\1\ tl nll ~Jr. , l.ow,~11 '1'h >ma~ lind T~rec() rd and to d lllCuss pla1l! !'r~u ,;utr best Ill' . (ull t'r,' l'\' " I.: f" Thur~ on llainl.'s l>ni~y Mrs, with f or next year, Belt>' , : plm t T\l esday I II d . d " .' . , lltb u, l ....lum on aj . 't Dil f h ' , . . n. to Tlw Aill Society o f l he P rien . 1 :.1) Mrs A. W. Tlll'ner \\11 ~ h() t us." Subscri be for The Miami Gazette WI.h You A Merry ,; !<; llzub,elh ,1111 L U (, hu1'ch held n Jl l'llvisioll ·sale i n ' uret j,; MUI 8. J\1I Sister, I' h" tmaa an41 Proape rou. vl:'ltcd Chri. pn'· votinA' ~hip n th ,' hc~l c l'· ~ow - - --- - ~-~-====~==11 , . of Limi~8, -1=~~~;=~-~It_d. of Deahl...... ~a... .Iohn s, ,' unda y. lItr. Churieso(J acobs. New Y e~ r dnd l,n Sat u rday , Mi t, un a his n o~v staYln ~ was tbe guest Work 0-. Q .. i~kl, thl Elm )' CUlT~' (. cup!! ll inju)y . ~ I} s~. 'Ip() H a wk ~ ~s ShE days several hway Heig Emma . hilS em Thur:;,l ay whrn' h b CUI' Ilv {'rlurn ccl In Rp r lllgfielu whcru Mr we k. . , li n id · pl oyme nt . IlV idi ng uTwth I' machi ne. . ck, mri E ~n \l A Mr. and ~1 rs. Mr. Joe VllnOfl en was a Dayton cI'abl e dnmllgc "li S done til tlH! ell r st. WAYN E SVILLE , 0 , le r Thfi Mrs, Jone§-, B. J. . l\oltnd a v i ~i t ol', Wed nesday . - - ,;.. eOn nn d t Mr' . W . .lI, lter .. J unes lind I !.~~-~ ..... ~.-...-. t ay on V1 h ors, H. E. 'her wood is moving his , l\ r:1l ri k l\'e1'e ' It is not e ~ough that th e '. hop t o a buildin g in the IlnLique to ay taken 'l'll<'sd s wa funeral directo r giv(' fun. Vuker t ~~l'rh J MI'.' m LiYer k 1 rear of his home. Sued by De w Vitamia . o f Cod ser vic ; his duti es call eral Oil in taat"I... . bblel5. ':"~c st a '\liam i alloy . hospila l . e He shou ld, be " ·more. for a d, or ftrm healt hy n... h 0 1 Mr. and rntz g We Mr!l. Robert hN ' he r emlll ns v 'ry I II awalhn J ' N T rip p and c .. """or. vim adY i all operati on. r ...1I'Y bon.. I he lpfu l to the grievin g in t f Edgar mith will leave Friday I By Mr.. ..1O .e . n .. I St"l.. e) ; of .Irf<! IIlll~ en • ....,. in••u Id That III w hllt tholll'l .nc " ~ I t nerv~ t heir weakness, R tru st ed ""'~"'~ ~"""""""" T he hri~tmtl. en te r tll nm en 0 m orning for W ea therf ()r d, T exas, 1 __ '_ ' _ _ '-0_,_ "_ '_ "_ '_ .:. Fr.i.- Sa t.,- D.. c . 21 - 22 ad QU ° a re ...~tU"" t hrouah ol"n. i. ,,' lat . ro the makes o wh end be fri will oul weeks seh two unday ,' pend s l Lytle wil y the the s a . tm whe rll S d ., h i Hellr til bell s t "h' c h I'IS t he VUAn. in. or Cod of s orrow easier t o travel. eooeentra! In II U Ie .uaa r • ato. a . lit th e c hur h n (,let un ay eve n. s th e g uests of .lIlrs, Cbarles , • , ,,"thnu ta n y ~f I .. hurrld. ftahy t ,~oT.m~II. He must serve those who t.o invited rdially nn. co ma ne Her E\'cr~'o ing. ll ' h ' .'~ts . WlU 1 S 0 er bells! mu sIc ' 'Yh(lse ,OiTIn'~r"I~!-", '. Live: '. Cod oLa ,oranftI~~~ McCoy O,I .n L.v", nre living 8 8 well as t.t<!nd. a 1 "Cod called I· " •• .Impl" work wond. .... A I lttl~ bo" r Kenrick Walte Mr d 1\1 those who have pas don. ; wit h Zallu P itts, Slim SumII d d an O\lOlT . k k rot we ll .nd onipf<! 10 ' , lb., In C')on a t. th e O HIO RE D CROSS That is t he view we take lIMiss mt'l'vil1e vi W hil A 1I!! ' k, fl y abon th e ROLL CALL GAINS hospita l at Day-d our mission , W e an toward lItnal'H Good b,,'th esus J of r. yea 1!1Ich tell o T w,,~ .. ,'"p nn ·"un. Su ...- Mon .,- D ec:. 2 3 .. 24 ';..,k rame Ilot ... r bub,molb 21bo I~' o r a.fl not eat could!. tach pro~es­ OV E R OTHER STATE S pl'()vide capable IIIte rn oo n, and foun unday . on l hristma gay lb, b r sil\'c he 'I . Ie In lb., 10 a ll her h •• lth back .. .. tI •• In,,,1 siona) serv ice with a neig h• hio. whic h last year " aec ount4!d ring fTrom d a i e-f he r ,810wly r ecove borly sympat hy 'a nd will" m~ly mil t try IcCo, '-. at III b IIIi, se Youa m1onth. crea • m ationlll n he t of hal! or f () ay than ues II ent. Rinn Which IIll ught. but gladn ess vcr cent /J ut u accHl ingne~ t o he lp in eve ry again bas rs, membe ... mb .. ir YO\l don') ... i., atlNul S 11:.0 01 Cross ~m Red her o t eml)ved r t Il ~ , th is \\'e k she wa M('t; uy 14 t hf ~I r, mn . DI&\ n fld •..• hn ilIng t't. Ot!lthy 'ae-k: can, we nway Fl'lI a mo"," , rroll a ed in the b m hea in Madel h ship t r wi membe its cr eased ho me on' K Il\)'ood Av . U' la y ~ more than any other state. Tone an d I:,'nuln. '..1 1.1.., nil Tal, '.'. In old WllO d chot . U, . II _ _ ,~ ~. v "a 'itll l':-, . 11 I ,u Il tut~,.dltt'f'llI,' I n app",\ III fUI' off B"'h lnh" m l1.. ,·lt • I< IIh, ,·k,·."I" I, v ('<IOU the Da vid S. . Ingalls, chai rman of unc NOTIC E hio Roll Call Comm ittee a nno In. lot on .h. <> r lsn""1 McCoy . 8 ent pati nti a T ...... - W ed.,- Dec. 25- 26 p, h 5 stood by Neur - - - - . thecre orc non e be. t.<or, wo'rd HAROL D LLO '0 ed today that he ha d r eceived ---t he wh ere 3 8S, Wa shingto n r()m f of yer, Settlem Harry MI·s. ; pass did ro f and to Th 're peop l we ek-end thull l'esultA have ju t b en countPhoD .. 7 There t ood t he ox who Llampi' ti 1 1I 1'k~v (lJe, :;penL th iswith Una Bel'k el, Geol'ge \r's. F rances ed. All states east of the Mis "ith h ' I' molher lh~ c')rn , th el'!! th L of in ga total a made Rivpr sippi n. ichol~o Ba l'bi I', 'at T't! nd}eton, Gl'sce, . All gat hc l' d a cBr adl y Mr. !l nd Irs. Fa tt' r Heacoc k, ;14,6 00 membe r of which Ohio was morn. _ Ohio of number or 20nea half. The ftotal Leba non. e in 0 rly or 17,000, I have many praet ,ieal gifts in my 8t~re an d counted ed b d F I'c rIu HSl'vey e nhall hlly-fill Mend EthE' l wer this worn In Around h('ad little l' lowly Hi.mange , 0 , 27 is mbers m t08S r Chrls Red at en ld aft rnoon. (l~d uy TU1\[1', will be of inter est to wom "Pm "ery happy over thesE' an d Mr. Bert Spa hr, ()f T here lowed a light, like a go Chairm a n Ingalls said, me. called on Mrs. Anna Cad- r esults,"in dicate crown, that this state of Lile, "They Clara 's i 101 and ), uiilldt \\ down. !I t floa voices Angel And rs, h ristmas OII1RQ ' made apron s, cape, bags , colla ; that it is st ill hed In a sUl'gi ng ong f fini () ura is n ot Thursd ay, Red cheer. lr, a nd 1\11-8. F ostc!r H cncock, lively en()ugh to suppor t the the ~ewing threa d, medi um price d Ou tsid e the star shon e, quivel" !lfr!". Ho well P e irce and Miss ross more that it has since Cross OU.t Door Girl, etc., IOc ing, clear. Ma m Brown were Da yton visitors depre ssion began. The Red And ~n ow flak e fell, '0 soft and 1 n!l lly. needs this suppo.rt more than ev er IOe. k every white, l'rf "s. Ada J enkins pent M()nday before and I wan t t o tha n t his to do Ohio ped hel Throug h . pa)'klin g ai r, who r membe in Wilmin gton. hri tmaa night. T he Friend had an all-day meet its part in this gr eat work." .Eve rett Dix, ea te rn area r ep. unday, Foster and MarRing ou t g.luu bells ! gay Christm as in , ivc of the Am erican Red esentat r . leading ga rctta Hea cock, bells I Cro 5, told fie ld wOl'kers a t the nd a son n, Rohinso Jessie 1'Il, M tChri ()f tide Send f orth your in Wash grandso n, of CincinJlat i, visited confere nce now in sessionCall Oom mas cheer; Roll io Oh the that ington Sunon P'eirce Howell uncle And star shine forlh o' er t he place the ir mittee was one of th e mai n factors . ' day. of bir th! in t he increas e this fa1l. "The k, Heacoc Foster Mrs. and Mr. our To an nounce t o the world value of the sta tewi de roll call Lena Mrs, rce, Pei II How 1\11's. SaviOl"S here. certain ly Hartso ck, Mr. and Mrs. J . L. Men pla n," Dix said, " Has --- - - ~--~r the Und o, Ohi in itself proven urF denhall , Lauren ce lind Roscoe S. nas · attende d t he All-Fri end Coo- able chllirm an8hip of DaVid baa ittee comm Ohio e th Ingalls day r Satu gton, Wilmin at e fe t'en pr oduced a gain in membe rs where Me r. Frank Squires , Wm. aftern oo n and evening. we might well hav'e expecte d a loss lind -Sherod, Shidake r, Ru ell Ohi o bas suft'er ed f rom t he deaae...-.. . E ldo n Bnil ey r ecently attende d R WAYN ESVIL LE LODGE p ressi()n perhaps more than an y mast er s' and past masters ' Ma . HAS FAMIL Y PARTY other state, and I wan t t o express onie meeting at Oxford , Ohio. my appr eciation for the splendi d , Mrs. Lena Linden of Osnega '!!~~~~~",,!, ' ~!!!!'!!'""~"!!!!!" '"'!'I!'!!! w ere in attendAho ut 9 0 persons _ _ _ _ ._ _~__ IIII Okla. has been visiting her uncle ance held at the hris tmas party wife. nnd s Edward fro Chllrl s c haH W ednesda y Th e W. C. T. U. helt.! its Decem- in the AMasoni pot-luck upper p r eceded night, ber m eeting a t th e hOJllc of Mrs, t he en tertainm ent which was p roeve l'nl mamb er s vid ed by S , S.lienr y" widely know n 'Chas. Gord on, were p r ese nt a nd a, very interes t_ _ __ _ _ _ "_T_E_D magicia n of Wilmill gton, who, as- __ _ __ _ W_It. ing meeting was held . A r eport sist ed by Mrs, H enry, he ld the a tOf t he Nationa l onventi on held t ention of bis audie nce for aTmost ED - Reliabl e family or in Cleve land was given ' by th e a n hou 1' . Mr. Henry's d emonst.ra- WANT to drive car t o Miami, parties ald. County Pl'esid ent Eva IacDon magic a nd lIr t are of ahlgb of lions lars address Mrs. particu or F T he Janual'Y meeting wil l be held order and are equally interes ting Harvey s burg. Ohio. Smart, W. Wayn esvill e, Ohio er. Phon e 128 Tuck HUI'ry Ml·S. of hOme 'at the to children and a dults. or dressed s, Turkey SALEOR F at ined Mrs. A. S, Coll ett enterta A large Chl'istll1las t ree, beaudinner Wed neRda y n OOn f or th e. tifully decorat ed and th e appear und ressed. C. E. Michen er, d20 pleasur e of Mrs~ Lena Edward s ance of anta Claus, who d istribLinde I' of Oklaho ma th e foll owi ng uted uags o f ca ndy, added to the ladies: Mesdam es. W. E. Og !et'bee, p leasure of the o c(~a s i on . C. G. Ra ndall, H oward Graham , Laura Shidakc l', Mary Hai ne s, NOTIC E Mary Doster, Lids Hatton a nd Miss Nan C()llett. 'l'he Waynesville post offie e will Mr, and Mrs. Carl M()o r e en te rclosed all day Christm as a nd be Frilast party tained wit.h a cal'd New Yeal's and ru r al r outes will day night. these Miss Luci! Tuckel' had a hel' not be se rved On leither ()f will office he t of lobby The e days, eg coll a nd week-e e th gu ests over both m. a. 11 until open n, Dayto I'emllin girl friend from Mr. a nd MI's. \ V. E , Frost and days, R. H, HARTS OCK, P. M, SOD, Maynar d spent S unday with amily. f and his mother Mrs. C. G. Randall entel'ta ined on Friday even ing for Mrs, Lenll Linder the f ollowing ladies : Mes. dames Mar y Hai nes, Ha n iett Smart, Litis Hatt() n, Louise F it e, Berda J ordan, Minnie Colli er, _ _ __ Cassie Collett and Miss Na n On Decemb er 13 the membe rs Collett, s' Mrs. F r an k Wil so n has been of the W ayne Townsh ip Farmer hosthe at ed welcom were club ' quite sick, 711.ast iliAD Mrs. J. The ladies of t he Jo nah's Run . pitable home of Mr, and ()f meeting last the or Jeroe at Cltri. Jt",u f Gons Q I ade churcb will have a home-m , Snell's room the year of 198 ~1. sale in candy How many people worked to The tables Wllre made most Saturda y evening. Decemb er 22, of make this a Merry u ions decorat with ul heautif ,T he funeral of Mrs, Helen dles. everyo ne' C()untl ... numfor red-can and II b()lIy of e Rlsinge r occur r ed at t he horn Even tolks acro., the bera, the at ed conven g meetin The on e, Oglesb~ Elias Mr. fath er, on lome of the worked oek n .sea cI Hol1ln~ nt Pre,ide time, usual : . Mon,dal y a ft ernoo d at . 2 °M B .per, the Itoreke The alfts, Ion invocat The g, laml w()rth presidin rna e III urla was cop, our traffic the n, postma wa s offer ed by Rev, Dibert, A , . <?emete ry. . s and our relatlve a and familie the by sung wall carol as Cht~istm on, t g WIlmm ()f Judge W flgh t" LeMa ... U d Mrs F friend _all t()ok part In thta ' last spoke at the F rlends' church , '" t t gr oup an d B S d . service for us. It Is a aealOn Mrs, . number avored with a soleI ~n ay mor nmg an . urre fChas, for "Peace on ,Earth. Good riate approp an res,d Hough the at evenmg the III spok~ HI~tt Will Toward Men," W. White Christm as reading . Um on services. which paper" nt excelle most a Dan Adams form erly o.f here r ead 11 d " Ran do m Notes.' ' In but of 1'ecent years a res1den t of h told st ories he brough t c?ev~~I; e her t h()me his . at Dayt on! died m()st inte resting comsome out ral une f and g la t ,Pndu~r mornin . ns of PlIst .and presen t a t the Zion pansto serv ices were held Baptist chu rch Monday afternoon even g , . Ce t J t t · M' PH0N e 29 The host had invited as guest n ermen III laml , me ery.. ded Wit.YNE$V ILLE, OHIO Mrs. Melissa Martln, .a hIg hly s eake r Judge Dechantwh~n~ group res pe cted colored lady dIed at .her n~ introdu ction. He had the witty his at ing h laug~ rnately lte a g. mormn Monday home here ely as F un e ral arrang~ment.8. have n()t stories .and listenin g attentiv he spoke of pres'e nt day situatio n •. been made at t hi S wrttmg , He feels that amidst all the prob. ... - lems a spirit of thankfu lness s hould prevail hI the bearts of a ll ()f U8 tbat we in this present . endure Mr. and Mrs. Harold WhItak er time instead of having to her •• Dayton shoppe rs ThUrsd ay. the hardslti ps ot our forefat were Rev Dibert a 'bd S. S, Ellb Mrs. Margar et Johns haa been . upon fo~ rematb , with quinsy the palt week. club atij,ourn4Hi to-m-.t , in The pent . 'on Mrs. Therle Jonu and In Miamis burg. Januar y at the borne of Ira Rich. Friday afterno on W. F. Clark of Mr, and Mr. Waynes ville were Friday guesta of Mrs. Mar)' Ca nnony. AIr&. John Fite of Cincinn ati ta ..ood bllle of weeb with tv lh.' :\\ .

New Burl ingto n

ll" ll'll'

1l 1'IIIY~ Ill~

'\\':'II~ 'Wit h r~l"'i" ~


dllUlCht ~I',



A Twofold










. GIa dr BChtIIs



ea ter

Tb II Way ne.v llle,



' T~la.

I \\



" "The ir Big Mom ent



!::eod~e,!':.nt;;I~.Ji;IIl~: ~::::t::.~ .:~~ek :~: I

~" Y



mangel ',-J ~.

F rien d' H Omf~





~.t ,.~ur ~CI'''I

"The Wor ld M oves 0 "


J. E. McClure


"The Cats Paw "

Way nesv ille, Ohio



~;!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~'_____~=~~~~ __ ~ '

l\[jg~es X~nill,

on me.

Or de r No w

L. Sm ltb

Gro cer ies will close --y Ch rist ma s


Yo ur Ch rIst ma s Special Molds of Fre nch Ba uer Ice Cre am $1.00 to $2.50 a Dozen '

Harv eysb urg

Also Brick and Oth er Novelties

be open ever y nigh t befo re . Chri stma s

La Ie CIassl.,ed Ads.


A good .elec tion of Chri stma s Card s still on lJand. Also othe r gilts lor all.

W ay ne sv ill e Or al St or e

!..___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __


.- - - --- --- --

Our Cale nda rs will be avail~ble for' distribution on Saturday, Decem~er 22. Eac h ~al­ end ar carn es our HeartIes t wish tor a Mer ry Xm as and a Hap py and Pros pero us New Year.




--- .-.- ---



E. Mo Cl are

Pbo ".7

Way ne.v lll., Obl o

Fairley Hardware &. Implement Store


ith's Gr oc er y


Ide al Ch rist ma s Gift-·an ord er of Gro cer ies fro m Smith's

ha ve' caref~lly sele cted our

goods this yea r and live you the best for the IDODey.

Sm ith


Lar ger eve ryw here bec ause of bett er Qua lity , Service & Pric e


Waynesville. Oh io

::IiuuYt.aL ~

Lytl e

1849 • • •





Albert T. Reid

oe 01 J 4 princip crops tose sha y 'in th last twd >,"a1'8, {t 1s poi ted ou,t in the flt 1 crop re1)0 I a! the year jUllt released by the ' United States De rttnent of Ag culture. e crop rflporting board found crop prices Dacenl ar 1 were r cent higb r the" tl.1ey we1'e at date a year ag , and 140 nt bigher than on Dec4trnber 32. \ qtal value of crop produced roo to 4 billion, 782 ilU01'l8 of -do ItAr. This repre etll ... a ris :fro~ 4 billion, 114 mians of dol 8 III ~ ?Cal' nnd a ~dvance f l'o 2 btlhon, 852 m~jhon two ye

Howard Missildine baa been IIi k everal daYII.

Mr. J. K. Preston was in Cincin nati. SatUrday.

Mr. al\d Mrs. J. E. Frazier .wel Chrlstma dlnnl1r gueats of Mr. Sadie' Cobl;1er.

Mr. and Mrs. l!Jd"'in Ramby wer Christillll,ls day gUEI ts of Mr. an d Mrs. Lester urface.

Fra';k Kurtis and family weI's dinner rti~lIt.s of M , and Mrl. W. F. G-rabam. , Mr. and Mn. K&rtley lIou and family IIpent · Chti tIDal with rel&tives at Malnevlll,. M' T ~ B I I "',oaep'!\".ne anta wa a tlinner gUellt> 01 Mr. and Mq,. Vernon M.1bbul, SUnday. Mr. and Mr., C~rl Fnre were dinner guesta ot Mr. pd )ire. J. D. Bolin, or teba on. ChtietmQ.

1.\li83 Slepll Daugherty was the guest of Mr. lind M'I' . James Good or Dayton, Chri tma .


Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cook and Mr . GC() l'ge Pratt. spent Christmas with J;'elatlves in Dayton .


1~" and Mrs. C. D. Osborn. of Springfield, were Christma goests of )Jr. and Mrs. J. H. mitb .

IGolumbu ~h. and Mrs. Melvyn Banta, of • are spending the. holidays here with relatives.

ago. frs, Irene Hendenon and MI'. These values, the bl) II ~h ()\hl not be cont\,lsed with e ti- Amo FairQirild were aUt.tll of M . nlflt., of farm income. a~ they in- and Mrs. L. M. Hetld8Tllon, CbristI'll

cl u the values of c'roJls grown for eeding on ftlrms wllere pro· due\d. and do not Illclude the valu ~ of livestock and livestock [11'0 atll, \)enefi t paymollts, and )10 m minal' commodities. II t of increase in cr values exde dll the rate for lives ck,' and ther~are, lIays the boar the inCle.lle in farm income haa not bee" proportional to the increase in c!top values. compared with eeti ate of n ~th all'o, th 0 cemb ftgures sbo . reductions of fro one to

1 perbuley, c nt ingrain the "~ction tat a umll, hay. crops, But the prbttuction inc1ud~ corn ed lat es, buckwheat, bea, and

an~, teB.

is above the 'earlier • ortage of feed crops and gra. . and clover lIeed is tully as sen~us all formerly reported, aecording to the board. .. •

c ti





(Unci.. iIlal) C' l' A. WIUlulIOD" .MilalJter m. Ckbrch School .t 9 :80 , Lor 'I Sup-pe1' a~ cOllclueioll Chris tiaQ Endeavor at .' 0 p. nite Woonard, 1.....1'. eva elittle aerrice " '( :30 Th church ~here you t


mas day.

Mrs. Maggie BU1'net nas gone to Cen t.ervi II , where she will pend tbe winter 'With ller sister.

Waltet'O. BUl'llett and Cbarle!\ S. Burnett spent. Christmas with Mr. and Mr~. 'H, C. Burnett and family.

I Mr.

Lta Brown, of the High llichool faculty, is spend~ng the holi days with pi parent at Veruilee Qhio.


Mr. and Ml'1!. Glenn Frye, of Dayton, and Mr. C. W. Frye were guests of Mrs. Sarah Butterworth, Chriatma. ' Mr. and Mra. Victor Carpenter of Middletown, apent Chri!!hrull with Mr • Carpenter' parents. Mr. and Mn. O. Miasildfn .


r. and Mrs. C. B. Chapm/ln left Tapewo1'ms, Saturday morlling tal' Chicago, mitted through t/le ====:::;:===.= h ltJr. and MrL J. B. Qhapma~.'-====:=:2:::::= · --~ =t====~=-=====;--=-::::..::=-=. :e:~:. they wi II be locatecf several not l$uch • lIeriol» the chickens pall the and IIr.guests Jober( Chapman wete dinner of Mr. and lIIn. 1. I NOTICE Mrs. Emma H. McClure, Ml'!!. And chicks hatehecJ K. Preaton, Christmas Eve. Ida Kelsey, Miss J asle Clarke and and February, Cra, Mr. L. Ii. Gordon were Xenia well along or pa.t thu Mis Inez Smith, of Steartls, By orllel' of the BMrd of fly season. vi itol's, ThUl'sday, Ky., spent Cbristmas with her Director, The Waynesville aiater lin. Vernon Mainou!!. National Bank, b'eginning Mis Dorothy Hart ock will and famUt; ~anuary 1, 1936, will npen for I\pcnd the rt'P1ainder of the w ek The ChT~m~ pageant, entitled business at :30 o'clol:k a. m. Mary Wharton, daughter of at the Angle home in Middl etow~ Mr. ane! Britt Vice spent "One of the Leut," which was Chl'Ubn.. in Dayton, the guellt presented by mem ber of the Ilnd cl() e, excepting (In Wed- Daniel and Hannah Wharton, l.\'a8 this week. born Novembel' 20, 1854, in Wayot their IOnwin-la W anll daughter. CHurch sehool at the local Church ncaday, at 3 o'clock p. m. nesville and came to the end of Mr. and Mrs. Palll Gu stin and -" R • Sa Ii The closing' hour on WednesM1'. a_. n. arTy , n,. of. Christ, Sun~aJ' nlght, com- days will remain at 12 o'clock "this life's feverish, fitful day" Mr. W. O. Gustin were Christmas December 22, 1984. dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs . . J. Hr. aa'lIra. Fol'tftt Grabam pnsed the foJ)owmg numbers : noon. M. Thomp~on. • and children were fttertained Sonf: . L~ M. HENDERSON, "Two hands lIpon the bren t, <Thrls~ .. at tJae ,home of Mr. and ReaCling of t",e hnstmas s lory 'I Cashier. Grand and labor's done; Mrs. Bertha Comns of Dayton v.... rs. Fr."" vri'_ieI' In . l>'" ---Georle _ A a.l',on. P ' Woollard. 1'0 L'ttl ' T own 0 f , "' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - " " Two pale feet cl'osaed in re t· pent the day wilh Mrs. Mattie January aJ;l t omlme. 1 e The race is won." Williamson at the Ferry parsoDBethlehem." ~,================:======== age, Thursday. Ch.;atma" G~eting-M.ary ' Ann , MOl!t of her life .was pent in lfillet'., WaynesvllJe and the last few year!! Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Kini. of Soq, ""01 W the Wodd" of her lif were !!pent in the Indianapolis. spent Chl'istmas Eve Four Oirla. . bouse of her birth. It wns her and Christmas with Mr. and M1'S. "Little Reartllghts" - Primary good fortune to be blessed with a Walter 'Elzey. ctMI. tronger constitution than some of . Falti "-Earl Mendenher loved ones and willingly and ~rs. '. ¥. Roblt~(![ spent patiently she gave her life and Chrtstmas WIth her son-rn-Iaw and ' "SRellt Night"-'Mary stl'engl.h in the service of I)thers ' daughter Mr. and MTS. Roy Laura Miller. who n"eded her care. Johnson J in Clevelllnd. o! Cbristm~~' - Six an~ Mrs. Robe~t Munger Her father, molher and ister, MI'. and Mrs. h~ lee Myers, of "...-J d J' spent ChrIstmas day wlth Mr. and Mrs. Rachel Woollard preceded Cincinnati were miton &t the VJ •o~ an IJ1l 'IMrs. Wilbur Woollard a,~d children h~r in death. She is. urvived by a hom of 'Mrs. K~iah Thompson k th Herala ~ l ' . me ce. Mrs . Mae· M1l1el' of Way- everaJ days thill week l.MoM·ow e age II '·Mr. and Mrs. Orville J. Gray i nesville, a nephew, Edward Wool" lin. E. GIrls . I and Miss Barbara ~p!mt Christ- lard of Dayton, and leven great Mrs. Ida Stoles .~d Mrs. Ad Fanny tkrb~ Brothel: WiUlamllon 11\48 with relat,ves at Franklin. ! nieces and nephews. COIJrtney attended a family din. _,.' ....L, 1 .. She unit ~ d with tbe Church of l ner ~t the borne of 1IIn. Cora The cbndltlon Of. ),In. L. B. mist April 6, 1879, being bap- Baker, in Wifmington, unday, I Mon'ow ~n, wbo has been 111 , Elt the hOme I tized by the late E. W:~ Darst, and! o~ her pat'entll, M~ . and Mrs. rcontinlled interE:8ted and staunch F. C. Hartsock and family, of mrry McGillnis, is ver,V Inueh Im- in her la~th until the end. Milford, and Mr. and Mrs, Ronald proved. No longer cal! w "drop in ro ~awk and son Frank, 'were ____ ,.. . see Aunt Mary" but no longer Christmas gcests of Mrs. Edi~h A weddiDr of inteTe!lt to Way- ' Richard, little SOD ~)( M1'. and ' doe she need o~r feeble help. Harris and Mr. Harris Mo!!her. She is gone from the old borne , ...v:ille· fri.lIa i8 that of Hr: IIrl!!· Wlllt',!r Sheehan, . has been dM~ anld Mr~·hH. rl' ~,-~~llj~~WII~:~~~~~~~~~ leld •· son of lira. 'vcy ill W~th pn~~mo~"a. At last where she sa.w 0 much 01 physical ' ae ount.s h)s c.ondltlon ,was thought "'ain and illne to be ":Forever al1 lami 'f, Wit ~ tile Ha eld, .."nd Ml'lII E ..... .... ' A b " members of their fa~, ,pent ,,,,\Jill ... ; • ;Re1~11!ct' ~ Cr<oaOD. Lebanon. whi~h w.-'" e Improvmg. with the, Lord,! . Cltrlatmal!! at the borne ot Mr. and ~. ~~=~:, .IItI'Je~lllliiseoll _ S.atlJrdlav lnornln" De· ,MI'. and Mrs. C. A. Deppe, Mt'. so let Jt be; Mrs'. Paul Hauk in Piqua. Ohio, Obarles Deppe Mr and Mra. Life from the dead is in that Qf the R~v. • F. WendeU Deer~ aiid' daughter, of w0,rTd"'n A Chri tmas card to H • . H. ueed t~e double ~ng Franklin. Ind., were g'l1este of 01'. · Immortality." Williamson and . family from ' In perforD)lnll and Mts. E. F. Deppe for Christ;.. --~Harry Campbell "and famUy, of mas and a part of the holida~s. Card of Thanl.. GleJ1ns Ferry, ldaho,' says: hBest . Wi sbea for a ~erry Christmas and lin' left l d' "-1 ..,.. V ' .. H di h We Wish to express ou)' thanKS Happy New Y-ear to evry 'body in ' .~e IA ... )' ... Irgmla IU' n. w a to OUT friend and neighbor ' for W ' 'n" lr~I;~~~~~~~~;"doiUn.~'P to WI~ unde~ ••~t an operati~n. Saturday th eil' symp athy Rnd kindness dur- aynesV1 e. • at.1 Mlaml V~lley hc,spltal. was ' ing the illness Bnd death of our Mrs. May Cook and Earl tilllpl~olll~ b~'\lrht to her bome biere Tuesday aunt Henslee, of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs Obfo ant Is said to.. pe getting along ]\II~. and Mrs. frallk Miller ' lInd George Clev~nger and UtUe I Qq",CI~t10]O, at "ely "N!tll. Family, dau~h.ter, ot San Francisco, Calif. ·d' te f u Mr. and Mrs. Ed Woolliu'd and weNl Cht-Istmas Day guests ot, Mt:. e~r:~::3 gU6$ 0 mr' . 0] GeneIMer ~Wner .nd daugh· __ . • . _ _ _Family ' , . and Mts. E . C. Crane .

--===::. ~----------- M ' ARY W · HARTON










Mr. and Ire. Allen Emr ick, of wel'e hri tmas guest:! ot Mr. and .lotrs. C. E. Anderson. Lytl~ ,










III-::::~~!i;~:'; a.ltdMr.lIOn and Elmer,Mrs. Mrs. Elmer Anna t CALENDAR DEVISED , ... __ ~..n,,,. of Dayton. lind Mr. Cecil FOR FARMER'S

USE I Sunday. Those


of C~fIft



' and Mrs. Murray Hopkins, DartqJ;l ~~DS...dat, Dee ....~ . , I Mr. and lira. Stanley Bailey ",cH '"I'lanebC!llier. _nd, /be Tinney enter· Jt'~ gOing to be a simp (' I' job daughter Phyllis, Lytle; O~ •• day. Mr. and Mrs to keep tbe .farm ~nd Iarm home Mrs. Everett Ke~riek, -Centerville Pl'tIDtlce Ti~ey. ot Dayton, Mr. reoords ~tralgh t thIS year. ,1'" iter Tinney and 'bI'r-.tlq'f~~iilt, Iti\ and+"" j • Murrell Ohio State universi~y has prepBJIed UtilIDan1lIlllllm. Of !i'lDt, and , tamUr, Mrs. Will a IIII'm calendar that is expect;.. DlldillOa fit. aetbor and Mr. Roblm W.el·ntz. ~d to !;implify farm record ' keep-







A. Chrlatuaa. Ultertairltnent. en- f, On the calendar,' are spaces for


tiUe~ "White GUt. ~f't tb. Kin,," .... riven at :tf Church of Chrlat. Cbr~ Eve. Tbe ••at.lilllc:llle ~lItat10Jl . . . o.f" of uau.ual .,an bttfut)' and . .tlQaeI.t and wu IIftJpr. d by a..... udience. ' . . ~ lI..., SUm tettaiDed on ~ a t&mil lI'oup comall4 II!! C. C. . . . . . Blatt. IIh. N. L:. Bma-


. .

t ' e


dai1~ l'ecording of farmsaleB family, of Dayton, Mr. and and expenses, household expense.. Clarence Dunham. of Lebano1l; and spaces for memoranda con- ' Mr, lire, Herman Surface of eerning livestock, orchard and Mlcl41etown·. Mr. and Mrs. Ern garden, and farm croPl. In Harttoek and 80n Milo . another space 'may be .ntered a \ F II . th i J uato';' record' of the farm produds used ' Q OWIng e l' aMua c , on the farm. I Mr. alld ~r!I. J. O. Ha"ke gave At the end of the year, totall 01 their Cbrlstmu dinner on the 62 weekly sheet. "Ul proride daf· ThOle preNnt to 811jo7 a lummary of farm alld home iD. 1oceaaiOD were ~r ••n4 IIJ'II. Mn. , 81111' come and outgo. ll«alllxe and family, Mr. 01 In .ddition, the lower quarter of, C,!rl Hawke, MI'!!. Mal')' ~[~!'~;'~I;:~'l~t,;~;; calel1dar presents tilllll, fariIl KIM Mal')' Hawke, cd lJ hOIlle information ... ..n. Dr. and lin. Ralpb VaDee -,.....-latte1Jltio'D· to tbe Importaftt ....Icul of PIeaaant Plain j Mr. 1J1~I!III&on of the , ..r. Melvyn Banta, (Jolumblll


J. P.





~" 'h'l ~

\I R)"

, U

\ til

New Burl lngto n II ,'I'

11", t j i, n,I' \ hi ,n 'I htl' \ \\ 1\ II )1 r , P:,i y 11:t 'll ,dllY, )!r" \, " , '1'11'"1''' "ii' h' 'tl'

\ 'I' ,\






1t1ain , 't.






18Ut. "" 1 .. ~ d~IPi



:lJi 111



, (;"
















~~~-:" ,




C_h_r_~_t_i,:_I: .:_e_:;_d_:_:_~_:._:~_r_Yr_o_, _.._...: __

!1_ _

A 1'wo fold

\'ILLF., 0,

Dut y r.

I,:. Shc',\\"" "d is 1lI ,'v in~ his I :llItiqu( ' "hop til II j, uilding in lhl' n'lIl' "f hi s h(lm~,

",.----- -- -

W crnt7. unci Jllr. ill 1' 0\'(' F',tidu)' m"rl\in~ f() ,' Wl!athe rfunl. 1 exa>, "h,',·\< I hi y will , penel tw o wC'('ks hOI'\eH "" the \(U""l" "I' )Ir&, 1l('l'lllU nn .

.\1, ,,, I( II},l'I't EcI/o!Hr ~ll1ilh



I have many pract, ical gifts in my st,ore at Chrl8'lC !n will be of inter est to wom en rna. time. •Hand made apron s, caps, bags , collar s, and sewin g threa d, medi um price d ies, Out Door Girl, etc" IOc ~ etc. lOco

on me.

Sm ith oceries will close day Ch rist ma s be open ever y nigh t befo re Chri stma s


~LENDARS en'd ar carr ies our Hea rties t wish 'for a Mer ry Xm as and a Hap py and Pros pero us Nt:w

Yea r,

J. E. Mc Cl ure

Way nesv ille, Ohi o

Sm ith 's Gr oc er y An Ideal Ch rist ma s Gift·-an ord er of Gro cer ies fro m Sm ith' s hav e care full y sele cted our goo ds this yea r and • you the best for the gIve


D. R. Smith

La te Classified , Ads.


Th,' W UVIIl'svill(' post office \\ ill }lar ty la!:;t Fri- Lc ('lo~~d 'all day Chri~tmas and ,'QI\" Y ('aI's and I'ural 'r oute" will nll( lor ,,-rv\'(1 on pit.h~I' of these hel' a!' had Tuc:kel' k' :'III~:; L UL"i e, TIl!' lobb)i uf th ollic!' will daV clllh'ge II J:ni'~tH o\'(,'r Ih(, \\'0('I(· ('n<l h';l1nin 0IH'11 until 'II il, m. both girl fl'ipllO frtlm I laytl/n, lilt'. ano frs, W, K F"'('H lind dar ', R, fL. HARTS OCK , P. M, son, l\!u YII<ll' d spe nt Sunuliy with his mother and family, . G. Rnndall l'ntcl.ta int'd lIfl"i~. on Fo-iday evening f or J\Irl'. Ll'nu iIIt', lind ~lr'" Cad )1 ""1',, "tl tC')', II Cill' ,1


~\'el1,"g .




thi~ ~

lie fecls tl1at amidst all th e proba :.pirit /)f thankfu lness I E'm~ ,hollid Ill' vail in the hearts of all or us that \\ C Ii\'/~ in t.his present

- ....

Lytl e

endul'e ::'lit. alld M r-, H u rol d , Whitak er time instead of h~lving to hers, we re Duyloll ~hr. pper' 1 hursday . tl\(' hardshi p. of 'J UI' forefat were Rev Dibert and S, S. Ellis .MI'~. :llnrglll et J ohn~ hs !; been, called 'upon fOl ' ill \I ith '1 Uim y the ]Jast we (' k.

The club adj s(:n "p('nt . ,\1" , 'rJJ.'rl l.' ,rnll~~ and IJ'rld:,,' 'LIlt, I J. ~I'\ry lIrj:(, ~ll!lnll''' lind JIb. W. F. Clark of I' 'It

:..ft"I'llfl llll In

,\\'.l.l'llf 'vil1"

,' laIr


(" 111 11

f'n'la~ g-Ul!,t~ IlllY



IIr C'inl'inn ul, i< It'ndi Ie n cOllli!' IIf \\'(ekf \\Ith JIg, f Mr 11 <l II Ed MI'S,

-Su;'-=M ~~.,-Dcc,

~Unl '

23 24

"The Wor ld Mov es On" II

ith ~lud(ol,,;nl' Carr'oll,

1'1:111 '

NOTIC E Tue.,- W ed ,,-Dec , 25 -, 26

J. E. McClure Phon: 7


11 ,\ HOLl)

Way nesv ille, OhiO



"The Cats Paw " C{' ,)1).4'e Ht'I·k .. I, l 'nll Barb i r, :-O:ul I'.'nclwt \lll, i,:\n.' H, adlt,)"


Or de r No w Yo ur

Also Bric k and Oth er Nov eltie s A good selec tion of Chri stma s Card s still on hand . Also other giFts Fo r all.

W ay ne sv ill e Dr ug St or e Wayn esvill e, Ohio

Phon e 120

.,. ••••••• •

tln ue

On Decemb er 13 the membe rs

ip Fllrmer s' Ml's, Fmnk Wi I. 011 ha s been of the W ayne Townsh the h 05at med welco weI" club quit s ick. and Mrs. J. The ludirs of the Jonah's RUll piluble home of Mr. In t meeting of church will have II hllm e'made Q Gons for the nell'~ room the year of 193 4, ",uk. in candy The. tables were made most nL'cemb I' 22, Saturda y of ul with decorat ions beautif ('len H \h1rS'h l t dO(t funeral R· 0 f holly and red candles , orn C Ismgcl' OCCUIT C.1l The meeti ng conven ed at the he,' father. Mr. Ehas 07,le~b;e. on n " at , ~ O,C1lurk: u ual time, Preside nt Holling s, 0 aftcrn6 y l on.da lIf B The invocat ion ;> laml worth presidin g, ma ... c In ",>as lIna A ov. R by offered emete ry. , . sung by the Judg ' \\ nght" of W Ilmingt on, Christm as carol was LeMa" U '''' d l'11'. ' church last ~pok I a t the FT1end~ J ~,. "0' '~TOl<P an tt favOl'~d ' d B . , ~rs, number lo so a with une . an g mO:l1tn ' ,:nc Ry approp riate L!'II~tt ~pok: In the c\'cnltlg at the Chas, H ough read, an hristmn s reading J :' W, Wh,ite . ilion scrvlc(,~, . ut papel', which J)un Adam" formr,l y ~[ h ere rea a m ost excel/cm Notes.' In but (If I'ec:'~t yC'qI"R. n l'CR ilient ,uf he e~allcd "Rando bro ught he u~ ' l'I to ' II t ·1 1 there home h,;. at , '-.-, ])ayt <ill f I e llV(;ll' Y 0 ( S 1' Iltel"'st ' ,, £1"'<1 l' n "" comt I l l ,'! UIIC'Il > and ~,., hl,t . I, ... dn~' 1l10"I1II1g 1' >'<imc Ilu Z' II h 11 IVI~'V< Wert' (. ( at Ir .1011 n(olison of P'l~t and presunt ", Bu)d lSI church Monday afl~l"n"oll ,. l"'l'nts. The host hut! invi ted n~ gues t 'In t"III1f'llt ill Mhlmi C III te["y, hig hly ~l1L"lll,,' r .J lldge D e,:h n n twhone eded • It'. , "I,'li~'<l :l1'1I'til1, a the group ' ~: Jl .. \'I,'d (" .. Iell .. d lady di ed aL h r l' no introdu ctio n, H eghad his witty at laughin tely alterna g. I"orllin .\lulI!lay he"',' h'lf)w attentiv ely as h l nt"'al anal1l{C mcllts hav(' nnt Rt,JI'il" and Jj ... tenil1g of pl'ese t day situatio ns. 1;0 writi n g, ht'ell 111:1<1(, at









J. in£iC't th,· foll OWing ladi (·.: :'l,,~­ lllll'l'i"t t dame~ Ma ry I1n in t>,- , 'murt, Lida HaHon . Loui l' Fite, 'llier. ?Iil'lnie Berda JOJ"uan, nssie Co llett and :'>1 iss Kan


1' Itt~.

Ch rist ma s Special I Molds of Fre nch Ba uer Ice Cre am $1. 00 to $2.50 a Do zen

Harv eysb urg


mon ey.

t lilin Hull all Cummi\ t(,t: unnuun c "d today thllt Ire had I'e('('iv" d word


lain(,d willI dll.v !1 il(ht.

with Zm;u

ehut Tllm'

th e where Wa~h ill~tnrl f "Uf11 thall l'l'~ult ~ havl' ju~t Ioe"l1 I'uunt, Jl :stutu s l'H~t of tho Missi" ed. Hiv(' r llIaLi .. a tOlal gain o f i ,ipp ,\10. all d :'II ..,. (-" ,',1" 1' Ill'nclI" ", Il<l., ltllllll, ;j 1':>'10 III mbl"': 01 which Ohio ac \h' nd"tlha Ethl'l J ll b und elluIIle,1 • I i ,ODD, 01' nl.'al"ly fOI' In 11,1'"" \\"1'11 1!lallC, I' 1,.\,\ ,fill,'J I,,'d ~li "" ,l' HIl O II • 111 ' ... "If y IJ"rv,' F,,,eI,, half. The tolul number of Oh io . \, 'lulIl II I lilll,· 1"Illy 1I,'\(1 un . .., Hflt·rno Tilt 11 :'II ,.". B<'I't H d C r 088 m mbe,'s i 272,000 . :'I[r,dllalld Thl'n- clll\\ltj " , lil(lt!, lik(, a ~" \ l'n "p. hr. of "I 'm "elY happy over these s, :'II, (Ill "J1~d .. Xeniu, ad, A nnu l' nJ\\ri. 'ha il'lnorr 11111'0118 said, ,., ' ~" result '\Ii and ",oIlad" d"",l. ulLil.'oJ r\ And Allg,'l \" 11':""; 'lul"1I Lilr, "Thev indicllt( ' that this ~tl1~e of Y, JII " "ul"!{ill!{ '<)1 11{ IIf Chli~t1lla< Thur,J:J (lu l'g'is not finighl'd ; that it is !HiII :'II .. ,. l'l', tl'l' JIl'acoc k, \i,,('ly enou~h to Support tIle' R d .lIId "\11', . dlcl'r. iss :\1 !lml l'c'i lel.' the Ou ,ill., th" -[:0 1' "hU IIL', 'I"i\'~ l'- .\[1", ll,,,,dl (','0<>5 11101'(' thElt it hu!' ~il1c !llull1 ' Uru\\ 11 W['fl' )Jayton vi itll "S deJ1res~iO!1 1J('~!1n, Th e Red r oo ' 'Ill{, ('/('111', And ,110\\ fl:rkl' s f,'lI, ,<,. -li ft alltl ,\1, IIdilY, n ('ds this . UPIJ O,'t mo)'(' than ev t'r ;\ll", .\d" Jl'l1killS ' pent M on day \\ hitl.!, be! re and 1 Want t o thank ever~' this III \\ i1l11ingt on. "1)l\Ikli ng ni,.. Thr olluh mcmbl'l ' who h Iped Ohio to do T he io'ril'nd, had lin al1-da~' me e t ils \111 rt in lhis gr'eat wlIrk!' (,hri~tmu: "ight. i nl!:. ~u!lday, F,, ~t<' r an,l l\l ar, 'E\'l' I' ('\ t nix. ~<t~! m 1\1'(' 11 r ('p' Rin K (Jut /4"la<1 hl'1l8. gay rhri>\tma~ t:1U'l'lln Ilt'aeu k, I"atiing . ntutivc 01' th e A mel"i nn R ed res ht:lls! ~h s, ,J «;.!;i " }{obins on, son and Cross, told field w or kers at the '~en d [ol'lh yOll\' tide of Chri~t, I(rUnols<) lI, vf Cincinl illti, visited conf ,'cnce now in ~e$5ion in Wash 11111S thl'rr; th(,ir tlllel!! !l owell Pe il'cc on un, ington tha t th e Ohio ~oll ,Cull Com A nel stu,' ..llinc forth 'cr the place dar. mitt () wn~ li ne of the mUln factors . of birth! Mr!l. FOl'Il!:r Heacoc k, in the incr ea!;e thiR full, "Th e !lnd 1\1r, Tp IInIl OUllC. t o the '"odd our .'>Jr,. How,.] I I' ire,,", :'Il1'~. L,' na roll call i of the slat wid vulu I[arl ~,'c k. :\11'. nnd 'l \lfi, J, L. Men pla n, " n ix s aid i' "Has certain lr ,h!llhall , Lliul"l'n ce and Ro 'co Fur- proven it, elf in Ohio. Und ~ r the Dav,d S, ,Ia:j Illlt:ndc d the Al1-l:~ri('nd 'on- able chairm aMhip of r"!l'n,'(' til \\,ilm inglu'n, Saturda y Ingalls the Ohio. com mitt el' has . _ _ . _ _ _cvcnitlg produce d a ;(:1il1 in membe rs where 111., ' fllln 1\11(1 \\,aftt'm • QUII'l'S, "ro~s\"". F,.all k W~ mij:(ht w 11 have expecte d 11 loss LODGE V oJ till , Shl'nld ll ' ltu,,; :hidaWL 'r, hi o hilS wtfel'cd from th ' de, r:\don Bail('Y ren'ntly al "n.dt'~1 a .WAYN ES ILLE n perhll j)S mol'c thlln any j)!"essio PARTY LY FAMI S HA ma .. C'f"S' un,l ~l ,nn>!t!:]',;' Ma " _ and r Want \.0 cxrres~ _ _ state, _ I' oth Ollie 1I10,'lll1) ( l't Ox furd, Ohio. Illy appreci ation f o,. the ~pl ndid IIttend, in l'e we' l"'r"l'n~ ~IO \'oul A ' . 1I1,.s, Leila Lind tl1 "r ()!<I1C'~a a & party h e ld Okla, ha~ L"(>n vi~i in)!; h"1" un(;\(" a Ill'" III lh(' Cill"iHm Wednes day hall niC so Ma lhl' in wif('. :md s .\1 1'. hudt:~ l~dwafll prcc !led upper s pot-luck r\ nit!hl. , Ill Tit" W , ('. T. C . held il~ Ill'c" \\hich wa ' pro, be')" 1111'1'1 i n~ <It tIl(' h"lll< of :\Ir~, lhl' lntt'rlu in ml'nt , widely knowII Cha .. , G IJ r<l lJ l1. Sen'nll III Pill lJ( r~ 1\ i,lt,,j 1,\ i-i, ~.IJ"nr)l gton, who, as, Wilmin pf '!l!irin'll 11t\ WANT ED intl'Il'~ Vl'ry a l\l're IH'e,t'llt and held the . at, i llg" nH'l'ting \\:1:; held, ,\ ["rport ,i,ltd l,,' ,II ,'s, 1l"Iny, hi ~ l1uliien('(' f o r almost WANT ED - Re liubl fa mily or 'llf Iho NII~illlllll ('OrlHll tiilli 11,,11l t,ntl ,,11 'of llenI'Y" d monstl' a~r,'. hpLt", an th," Ly giv('11 \\:1, in ·It'v,·lan d pa,'ti s to drive cllr to Miami, :l1)U art are ofa high Illugi' of lion:; d, ial COllnty 1"" :-i,I"n l };\'u ,\[m'])(ll Fill. FlIr pal'tieu la rs address !I.h 's, ting interes equally al'C' 'fill" JanulI'Y 1lI('(:lin).! \l"ill Ill' held ' ol'del" Ilnd U. W. Smart, Har vey~b Ul'g, OhIO, III the h'HI\(' "I' "If'" III\I'/'Y Tuckl"' .' I" thildl'l.n nnd adults. tree , b au- FO R .'A LE--T urk ys, dresse d or , 1I11'~' A. S. ('"IIt'lt L'II te,t !d lwd IIt t A Imt;c hri;,tlllf ls th appeal'und,·('s!.ed. C, E. rich e n{!l", d20 dInner \V('dn('~dtly n."O n j , ", -th e tifu'l\ ,Il"l",'at ed and lauti, \\ ho di st rib::iUlltl\ '"r lIne(' ~ lllLl Vd" Lpna ~1rs. of l' plell~IlI' nddcd ~o the l.inde,' of ()kltlhO nt" tht, r,)lJu"in g ' 11\"0\ hll" "I' {'undy. lI,~ion, occ tIl(> ()f l' plla"lII' , ('~I)N' (J/otI ~;, ladi,,~: :'.IC'. rilll1ll' ;l, W. _ _ _ ___ _ C, G, Randal l, I l u\IU)' d Grahl101 , !H'!', 1I1Ii ,\ \a,'y Lm.11'U ~hidak"r NOTIC E Lidu llattfJn and I Mary \lost ... ,",

Our Cale nda rs will be available for dist ribu tion on Saturday , Dec emb er 22. Eac h qal-

Mom ent"




:II i ,,~ SFln ('(lll(>

"The ir Big

, towll!'d Oll r' mi gs ion. W e 8, provide capable ~ionul ~Hvicf' \\ ith n n("l!h borly s ympaLhy {\lid willinKII (,, " to h Ip ill "V ' I"Y way \1'(' can,

R l' .! Cl"ll "~ 1111.'111 bersl has lIgain in, cr('u~('d it~ III Il1Lersh ip in Ih' Red ('n' ~~ m~II'c than ony oth('I' statt>, thwid s, Ing-ull~, chllinn an lIf the


who hav' pag,{'d

Way nesv ille, O. ",. 21 - 22 Fr'.-Sat,.-~'" Dec.~""""


That is tho view w e take

Ohi,,', \\ h,ch lu~t yen ,. !lccoull ted f\I/' h,,11' of th ' nutiona l incl'l'as e in

__ .. _ _ a~ ~, 11 1l'r~' S,' IIp'llv\' r, " f ' ::'III,. Th I'" jl.,,,,,I, 1, d",1 fIll did "", ~ 1)(' I1t. I"l' ;\\"k'l' nJ 1", 1",",\11 ! t"""lnd Thl' l'" ~tll', <1 th, 0' \lltll .'Ill"~, Frunc" , (I !Ill' I' 111 I 111 "Illo '". tllo " " ..\JJ !:tltla "d th"it 'hi I 'hrl,t· :\Id""s, ,tl,

T- wl ns Th ea ter

It i~ nv\. v!1"ugh that lh\' funC'rn l dircctol ' Kivl' fun. p,'al ~cl'\'i(,l'; hi , dulies cull fvr mort', 11 ~holll, 1 he h(' lp ful lot he ).p'icvi /.( ifl their w('uk neg~. n t"ll "ll'd j'riend whv ma k ,S tIll! mnd e' f ~U rt'Vw easier t.o trllvel, lie !nllst serv(' thu:c whQ a~ IV II living lls are


Pho ne 7

d n b a u•

to. Th, ,, ;, m; G, ,,",

411 Kind. of D ..... tur ... M I\.k Repair Worle Don .. Quickly


lill,; ( ..rlt

Thl' Oloi" I{oll ("all (''' "lI11 ill'''' , "ill It Il'P I uglllll n,'xl 11111111 h til h.'l1<>,. tll,· () hiu cha"l~r \\ Ith till' Ll'~t n'cll",1 IIIItI to uj"cu '~ 1'lan~




ol,slll('\ , ...: '

,John I ·ite


rned tQ meet in me of Ira Rich,

7lt.OJt WAD Serue at CIui.J tmas H ow many people worked to mako this a ,Merry Christm as f or everyon e1 Countle ss f1 um~'rs, Even folks across the sea worked on some of the gifts. The storeke eper, the postma n, the traffic cop, our familie s and our relative s and fri end s-all took part in thIs service tor UB, It Is a season for "Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men."

·Fairley Hardware & Implement Store


Lar ger eve ryw here .b~cause ~of bett er Qua lity , Serv ice & Pric e


Waynesville. Ohio

:JU.n.&uU 'lfiAecl.ot PHONE 2,9



18 49 ·



193 4


Eighty-Sixth Ye ar

OH10 ,


\) E n~':\1

I Very PTomising==-=---,-=:=,",",~


HE \{ 27, 1 nJ~

By Albert T. Reid



of 14 Princip al Cropa Ri.e


1"0 Per Cent Abo lll!t Level of 1932. I


M I', J. K .

Howard Mis i1d in e ha s b een sick vl'/'a l dU'YK.



nati, Saturda y.

rtllll nlc rci,nl pooltry men' are .Ant Ramby ing th .. t pul!ct ~ hll lcbC4i in laD... 1-:<111 in )11. and !Iii hri ~ tmu~ da )' ~u e"t.~ of Mr. uary und Februa ry re more pre). \1 ' rt' and ~h " L.. "ter ."ud acf', fitable thll n IhoB 'hst chlld \atei ia l hp y e ar, ;\Il "~ Sl 1111 Dt,u~h e rty 11'<1 . tho: Th e Nuly hatc hed bh'd la,a j(UI.',t (If Mr . nnd ?lll' ~ . •Jal'lH'~ Gno rl ggs lIud lays t he'lb ~~ tne • mora trn!ll'. ('hds or Dayton , twice 31'e high r, eJi plainl 'R. Ii);. 1\1 I' . and ~Irg. Rd C Oll h nnr! :\\ r e m f, ~xten "ion slle~i al{st ~n pOlllhri, tmai\ t l y hu banrll'Y for t he Ohio Stat!: , Pratt ~ J1 nt Gn, "Il" with rrlalive , in I ayt ll n . ' niv ersi y. Enrlv hatch·d 'chicks a ' of rn, O~h() . Il :\11' , Hnd ;\11'.... C, to go Spl'inJl fidd, w ' r (' Chris tmll , !>11I15(S chanc . to m8tu r~ a nd through the perittq Ilf en\~l-e" of MI'. a nd I\Ir~ . J . II , · llIith . product ion befol' \l pricer. ~ach early ~ b.tue4 ::Ill'. ant.! 1\1r,. t-h·lvyn Bunta, of their p~l\k, T he «ak o'f produe . O IUlllbu ~ , are SIH!lIti ing the h oli· flock reach s the tion duri ng the sell,-on of hjg!t eag da ys here with I·ta lativ s . ' prices. Mr . an.1 M I' ~. 11 n EUlI':C It, 0 'Eal'ly of hrl ~ tma .' ~Ul' t Lytl • wei' vents ~ Mr. a nn Mrs, ' C. E. Andel'80 n. rl1Y says sit~. Mrs . JIf nggie Burnet ha " go n ,' of the mo t ~e ri to' cnter ille, where sh e will blem~ is largely p !Spent! the wi nl I' "ith h'l' aister, ha.tchin g, Before fflctPU the oocys : Mr. I ra BI·O llll. o f the High )TIll t. g o th rO\I~h 1Ioli the ndin (" p ~ i. if (:ho{J 1 faclllt~" l· n. This ine u day'S with his pal nt · 1I Vel'snil e ~ high templ?l' at'llrcs Ohio. dity- two o ndition s, in r BiiJing Mr'. ilnLl MI'~. J . n,', .~ urlat t lind 'n('ou I1 t ered to 12 wee ~ . 11. and !\Ir!'. \ . . S t. J()hn hav(' I'd chick:; After 12 wek,;, chicken . It ad t' d PI ti p rlies and movC!d Inst easily become infect d we ' k. para ite. .fr. and ;\1 J' ~. C. B. C,hapm n left 1'apewo rms, whi~'1f h icagn, mitt·d t hro ug h th I}OUII ' atu rd ay mOl'nin g fo r where t hey \I II I be loc atcd sevefll l 110t such a se dous p weeks. t hl' ch ic kens pn8S th.e 1.2 And ·hicks ha tched in Mr, . Emma H. Mc IUl'e, M u. nd Februa ry, e my cone n and lurk ~~i~ Ida K"l." ". Miss J,' I! nlung or pa st th ~ a we Xenia II, ('iltJ'{l on we re ill 1" ·callon. fly J'hut·"llIY . vi:

1'0 ~ Mr. and h !t. J . E . Fl'uzil'l' WI')'e r ly In 1I1e la L tw<J y a rB, it. i s Ch l'iatmll ' dinner g u stll o f Mr. I'o i ted out io lh ' fillill crop r • Sadie- COnn er . PO I, ' of lhe y et\\, ju, t releilse d b y F r a nk Ku d\~ and ~am i J y W!!I'e 11 lInite d States l)cl)prtm ellt of Christm as d inner g uests of M~'. . \g~i"lIlturc.. The CI'OP I p o rt illg board fo und Ilnd Mrs. W . F . G I-aha tn. th ll~ t:I'QP pricc8 UeCCn l ~I'I' 1 weI" Mr . an d Mrs. Han ley M M3 a nd I~ P '1' Ct' nl higher than tbey weI' a w ilh r ela· a t. that dale a yeaI' <l~ , Rnd l40 family sren t hrist m e. nevill Mai at tivcs er Decemb 11 0 thun er hit.:h Jl t· r: Cl' ll t . I, ~~ a 2 . Miss Josephi ne Banta wa~ II \( 1a I valu • of cro p ' produce d tlinn f gu at of Mr. a nd Mr~. I' u~e I 4 !Jillitlll. 7!!2 Irtlillon8 of ernon Mainous, Sunday . ri81" 11 dulla.r '. 'fhis J'('pre:t' lll. or ' f Hlm .1 billi un, J 1~ ,Mliionl MI'. lind Mr. Cart J.' r ye Wefl' d (l il\,I '~ lll nl Y('l1 l' uod a advanc e di nn er guests of Mr. and M r~. J . fi llm :l billion, H82 IIll1llun twu I). Bolin . of L ba non , Chril<t ma •. y c .. ~'. ago . Mrll. hlml' H enderso n and MI"I T)Je. e vn l ue~, the bual' d warn ~ . of Ml·. :-h uUd not he cllnfu~ed with ...ii Amos Fairchi ld w ere g uest h r i!!t- . on, l' ende H M. L. r~. M and inthey " "' t~ (If fanll income, or . day. mas wn ~Iu tl, th(' valu!'!' of cr pI; l!J'o f . I' feeding on f urllls ,,,here p,·o · Wa lLer C. Burn ett an d hn rle~ ducad, Ilnli dt, n ot in lude the S. Burn et.t spenL hri~t ma s wit h k livestoc val u b of livestoc k and . . fl . . Burn ett a nd I Mr and MI'. pro uet" , b TI tit paym cnt. , and fomily. o l,! e minor comm ditie ~. Mr. and Mr~ . GI nn Fry!!, Ra te of incr(,lIse ill crOll vlllul'R I'xeeeds t he rate fot lil' l'8tuck, and Dayton , Ilnd Mr. • W . Fry IV 1'e t here! or • ~ayR the boal tt, the ill. ~uest~ IIf Mr~, Sara h Butterw orth. h a~ Dot ·h ristmas. ""'ail' in i'llnn incom u~en propol·t iona l to t hl' inCl' M r. and Mrs, Victol' CnI'pfll ter in OI'Op valuell. Middl tow n, $pen t C h ~ of of tes lill1a t', with I'd Chll'lPUr A M". al'pen ter's p a rents, Mr. h wit figUre!! f mbe n nt,on th ago, th D . O. Mis. ildin e. ~l1 o w I' dnc t ioll!" of f rom o ne to li nd Ml's .. -=-.-,.: ::=--_- -...:...- :;:...------==".,:::;- - . . SOy ial per C \It Inih e jlrqduct i n hapUlan Mr. and MI's. J. B. ums. gh 30 :r,rail1 <I f P'~s , liar I y, hupman wel'e Rober t pro du ct ion and Mr.go ue ts of, MI'. lind Mr . ,r. 1')'11 and hay . But th NOTICE : nnel' di of ' me I ~lto crops, includin g co rn K, Presto n, Chri. tmas Eve. and potrttoc s. buckwh eat, bea n t he earlier Cy o I'll t· of Ihe BI'ul'd o f ~ (J~' hean~, i ~. abov!! St,earns , Smith, n of with Waynesville Miss I nez CbriAlm Th [)ircclu b, hl'J" C' ~ t i01.8t s. K y~, spen t b " I 01 othy llart~ock "ill B k M i ~. I !.: t' M ainou" Vernon Shortng (' of fee d crop. lln d sister Mrs. J , l!)~~'~,' will ~1~~~llf~~ " pend the l' clllainu ' r tlf Ih' w<'ck ' ~ ' ; j:n~~I' as lly fu i scC'd clover )'1't\RS Bnd a nd .fa mily. l\JaI'Y \Vharlo n, daught .. or at the Angll' hOllll' in Middlel ow ", b\l.i nl'~, aL 8 :a u o'clock n. m. The Christm a pagean t, ('ntitled as form erl y I'l'porte d, uc. l' J'Jo u I MI'. a nli Mr . Bri tt V' and Hnnnoh Wharto n, was th is wel!k. Dllniel I n~ \\ which t," ea L he t of ' On " Ie (' 0 1 ding to t he bOIl,'d. an c (,) , .'l·. exc plillg o n Wed· th" of I' 20, 1 f)4 , in W oy . ~ ovemb memLer by born nted s pr t gue the , hl'istl!'8 in . Dayton at :.I v'clock p. m. lH :idu'" !\! r. n nd l\l r~ , I'll ul Gu ~ tin and J r ughtn~. nesvili a nd cam t o the cnd In • lalv nnd da t h eir ~on of h urch s~ h oo l at the 10caIl iurch • q ednes. \ , on hour illg dOl' e , W. O. Gu ~ tin "l!rl' ' hl'islma , Th da'y" ~h fitflll COIll' sh, nigbt, fevel'i life's • hd st, . and ldr . H~rry Saghng . dny,; \~ jll n!1TlI1iJl al J 2 o'clock "this gUt'8tS of Mr, !l1l(1 Mrs. J. dinller , 1:1:14 Decemb er 22 , nvo n. numbel ": :11. 1'ho lllp80n , Mr. a nd Mr. Forrest G l'ahanl Pl' lq d the followm g I "Two hondo up o n th e brea. L. Song. and childre n wer e enterta in ed ~ I o ry l\11·s. n'I'lhu ' ull i ns !lf Dayton an<.J lohol"s donlO; , h ri$tma s at the home of Mr. a nd , R eadin([ of the rill i,.lmu, thl' lIay \\ilh Mrs. Mattie t· l1l'l1t ' I'(''' , in llard d oo W CI'OSS t ee f 'eol'ge pall' Two on. Dayt in Mr . Frank Kritze r Pun toml me, "0 Littl~ T own of ,;oll III the I"eny pa r.o n· Willianl won." is 'lIce 1 The IllY, Thur;; m." , :\I.(l· tlilehe B amily, f Mrs. A. C. Bowma n and e Greetin g"':"MaJ'Y Ann ill hristma pent n, was Frankli life of l' he of Neal, O' Mo~l Jim )fl'. Rnd OF t;l WAYN ES VILLE CHURC ;\11', and Mr '. N(ll~()n King, lIf a nd M . Russell Neal, of Cinein. Mill e.r. Wayn esville and th Inst ff'\\' yeats CHRIS T • "Joy to th e ' W orld" ~ Song, lOlis, Spl' nt h l' i~tnJas Jo~vc and Gray ndiana} I . J O. the of ill guests spent I\~r(! i, wel'e nat lif(' of h r (Unden ominat ional) s. Girl ' \\lth Mr. and I\lrs.Four hl'il:ltrna lind her ~ wa It today. ho u'I? ' of her bit,th. h ter A. W,i lliamso n. Minllte r f amily, . "Little !leartlights" - Prima ry good fortune to be blessed IIIjth 'fl l w al L r E]zey. h Ul'ch eho ol at 9 :a O Ii, ' m. . C1as Mr. of guests of dinner as orne n. tha Christm tion ris b . constitu nclusion tl'()n~el' Lord 's Supper at co . M. Robitr.l:r . pent "Our Flliries "- Enrl Mend n. Mr . , rt were h e'r lovee! un ); and will inA'ly and tian Endea vor at G:30 p. rn. Ber- and !lobs. Alvin Earnha hall. with her , on·in·la w Rnd and n:; Heston Chl' rt ud a Alb lif" Mr~. her and patie nUy she gav lli c~1 Woollar d , leader'. Eve nin g Mr. Roy IIff!'. Song, "Silen t N ight" -MlIl'Y Mrs. Anna h in th e s r vi e of oth er~ I' da,U ghteJ' Mr . an ti ::;tl'CI'lrt van geJi!lLic S Tvice at 7 :30 p . m . , s on, of SprJngbor~. Lau ra )l iJler. and Ann land. vo I Frye. in 1, Gllbett J,'hn8111 MI'. and han h at eB!'e. l her fee you n€(.'c1ed who Thu hurc h "her e . ' hristma s' ' - S ix "BeUs of o 11 Il l' fathel' , mother and ~istel' Mr. and Mrs. Sam Judd and Girls. Mr. a n d MI'''' 'Robel· t !lhmge J' hl'1I1 . • Irs .• Ch.a!'le· Myer~, of 1 1. an ~'. M . ' e(i d ece pr oollard W I h Rllc .hl'i ' tmos dllY with llf~, and M I'~. oe Bnd Jim ' p(>u were .VI8.ltor!S at l he tl, Saw" mctnnn Stars h C I n by "What. d OheB' ,ul"\'ive i"l Mr. Sho: and h. ia, deat in Oregon her of , CHRIS T family, Mrs. Wil bur Woolla rd and childre n FE1tRY CHURC H .. K ezlah Thpmps oll Mrs of oml: '. W of ~I' l ?lfil Mae M!'. tel' Dooley, of West Carroll ton Hartsoc k. ni ~ce week. L111.!l days Smitti ~cveral Basil W:;I. "With l'd W8 t:d Sunday spent ne~viiIe , 11 n l1h~\\', , (Unden omi nationa l) "Bark t he Herald Ange ls I Mr . ~nd I I'~. Orville J . Gray Song, . a nd Mn;, Adr, e!l ~ and fam ily. IO • da I Mrs. U t ' h t , Chester A, Will iamllon B b and ~1 o f Da~1.on . anll "'I(' ven g reut Cou !'tney att ended a fn m ily din· , S1ng _ Six Girls lard .n spen ara ar ~ S l I with son ~ n i William beginn e I ni li d 80rvie Rernal'k s by Brother ni C S Rn d nt'l)hl'\\ " . m. ! lir. ana IIrs.D)Ralph tinn and mas with relative s at F rankbn . Ch l1 r h Sc hool at 9 :30 of Mrs, Corn nel' at tht! hOIll "'t ' ttl d Cam e Upon A "H ine, Pantom • ChristI spent e, a Sh urli! II ",'ith thu hurch or Bakel', in Wilmin gton, Sund ay. er 1 aug~l e I at , . ' upp e r and s rm LI,l" ~'s ' bapng Clear.) bei bt ,ltti st April G, I 70 ; with Mr. and Mr.. Henry Midnfg_ T he con d itIOn of. Mrs . , L. B. the J 0 :30. You are alway/\ w come l mas _ _•• _ T\ ,t the lat E . W .,vRlS,' , home Hough and family. of near LumanI I who hast beenMIII' at the Hall, ' at tbi ~ hu t ch. M d C. lhll'IMI'I, and family. of h berton. . rs. contin ued in t re~tetl and taullch , er p ar ~ n s, . I . an 0t , and Mr. and Mr . Ronald Milf\,rd I very much Im- in h~l' fllilh unLi I t h e:nd. IS r'lnlf'l, GI Mc ry ]o'ronk, W '1'e Har SlIlI und kl· .... , HII • Mr. arid Mrs. {Jharl.. Fjsher and n IOl1ger elln w " drop in to Chl'istm as J{C' ~ t~ of ;\II'!I, Edith RY'S CHURC :-I I ST. proved . Emma M\!!8 ati, son, ~1 Cfitclnn longer Ha r tis a nd :\1 1'. II nni l\J oAhel'. Rcv , J :Y. Schaeff er, Reelor Richard , little SOli oi MT . and see Aunt h,'Y: ' hu t no ir. - -- -CI.rke i:<h~ nl'c(1 our fcehll' he o('~ d been hilS elhBn, h ' PI ~ em lj . )' , 30, • unda y after Heigilw ay ~nll. l;1il!a lessie Waltel' '~. MI Way· to A weddin g of interest gueSt! of M!.::...J!!I d .M!'~. H . H , William so n !!,mc fnlm t he old hom e CII\' 5\ m , Church scho ol a~ 9 :30, were Chriatm a, 'dlMer pneu monia At last l Shl' , ;:,o,..:·~;,:.I1:::;r::: r+....T:a"'r;r.:;s;,;v;:;. !1esville friend s is that of Mr . ve y i ll with Allen ~a\\' ~o much of Ilhysicul an d f a mil y. wit h all . =e--;o == H ,.he }V where Mri and Mr ' at . . erOlon n , ll nnd PJ'Byel' . g Mrs !\!tll'r , ' Walke-.: Hatfi eld , so n of . n \Va tho pg hL rain alld iIln ~ to b· "For eve r . . . ., ~e;sie R e ia; n ' go spent , hri t mu s m.ib fa l' hei t of lO dll mbel'~ c.oll ml' hIS p 10 :30, The childr n's n~s atCcobu A:t their h9me on Fourth l!treet Mayme Hatfiel d, and Miss Edna hall , Wayne! 'vu.... ~_"2~~' 11 Pal' LOl'li! L. tllo:, M. wilh and' Mr. of m!l o ufftl'injC fo r t he PI'otest an t 'Epi. hr-istmll . a t t he h Crosson , L ebangn, which was 0 e 1m I'OVl llg. Mae B. 'Mn. ,., and lib. n; C. n~t, Frutli . ristmart t.t e G be", t ' l leI l ~o A m~n! c ll tl!! l hildre n's Hospita M rs. Paul Hauk in Piqua. ., sol emnize d Saturda y Jllornin g, De· Del)pe •Mr' Mrs. .A Mr . a nd eeleJ,ra' ted I tbejr forly. i; in t ha t IINld . Smith h!' t nm fl' « Ce 1.1 . ·tb . PI" ~e n t~ d SUJI(l.ay morning 0 1 ....dto g ann vel'Bllry WI ll.l:l.m~II:'''.''J''B'" tli w"" . cember 22, in Montgo mery, Ohio, Ch hl'i.'Lma .. c a rd ~o H. H. ~bban() n ; ~ J 0IlhiSYKY' A , se . word,' and l',1\1 1'" ----,~::d r. dUlIghte ~' I eppe, n e i ar non . a F e W. m fro Rev. y the famil of . lind home of the son at ilWilliam Weo cie ll D ere and eir childre n and grandch all "J'i~ l mJ1)oI'l Rlity," ' i n ST. AUGUST~~ CHURC H Frank.U Blair, . P of y mil fa nd a ring pbell m a Hart y Peters, who us. d the doubJe frankli n, Ind., w el~ e )! ts of Dr , ' Mt»)'ro w; Wilham , , 'en t on, Pa s tor F' nth ct' Ne. ,~ Gle nns Ferry, Idaho, · ~ ay.: "B('st ing lind Mr . E. F. DI!ppe fo r hrlstperform in service l'e mtharrjal Mr. .. l Biu', ThAn of Charle. rd . C Mr. an(t~!a M, ss nt St ~':JgUstlne'8 Cbur~h W ishes' f or n Mer ry Christm as anti Wllynes vil\ ; ' WiIlian l s, ~e~loq1l. mas an d a part of the holiday s. e cerfl mony. an<l r D. William 'Schula l:llliam MrS.. an h SJnday W I fourth an ' e very scco thanks Illl PPY New Yellr to eVl'y body in lin: Heber n td' and ~ wi"b t 'l ~ xpre SOUl' ' th There ...were Ino I attenda lIftwal'd I ~.- -- - - - -..... . fa"'.i,ly' v_. ft . f ' o wn h, e." n, ar' Haxdi ynesvill I the " W!t nia Virgi ,'n t..eIr spent s -. Mi y late lmme fo r e youn .. couJl e e ChristBur t n ..t I n t an op !'tl'ation aturda y tl) , ?u~ r1t~llri H and n~ l ghh".I': "t'. aNI MB. , for a b~,... €t1ding trip t o Indiana. un derw r.r ou the hoIIIM ne~!I nd l k mas and(I ·'~, y 1 Il' ,vmpalh , 1\" eir th d d k I ' '1 FRIEN DS MEETI NC ' ~ 'I h , ",[ II V ou . of \1' 1 OSP t til ear " alld l ,." I h l' 1111 "~ rH• •• ax the p ast ~x ~ 1)1) ' a n ,, - i ~~ uride , fnr 1. rs, J. uy ......,:lo.<.. abr"uglahUltt 0 hea h OY e h e) aT'u \\I'as ill" ~" A/tld--, ~ ... ,.. efficien t telepho eq"n.bli ,~rst-da"• School at 9 :30 a . m. Arthur ....... ,. ne m has been aft • lie mllee, of na~'ton. 111 1'. lin t! MI'!" • g ~I;ng :~~~~ l all~ft"" Me ing for Worshi p et 10 :30 harles, Day 'father of ~n ri lit~lc Icvenl{e r Geo r ge and opel'ato l'in ,t~ employ of the Ohio and is sai d t~' be ond illl?!' ~omllt j\l Dnl, ~, P, Knf ~1r-, and and Mr. " l. el \ m, very at' , tlon CorpoTa e and l\:Usll' Doroth y , n Day. Telepllo l aM, !Centra cl~C~, l Family. to:r:. of San. Prtln fami!y :wef!&, • fJa7ton Sa~~ _____ I ill the teacher Mr. oi , ef\t~ n. gu Day Lebano mas c.le the Chllst at l e > I' nd daMe a • 'd • In , Wnnlll\l WAYN ESVILL E M. E. CHURC H evellln s d inner guest of MI'. I ~rl', nnd l\JI·~. E(I hri'tma ary exempl an is oom biH hom e at. brid~r ied d The "'~Ing n. 'ra lixtl,th bra~ion '14 , Famil y , (.Ind MI' .. E. ev. G. C. Dibert. Pastor onn el' and dnugh· for several and Mrs. Gen has. . D ecembe r and Friday. man ung gllv yo s I par. Hopkin I Ed Fromm Mrs. lb. nr! II of ?tho rlllUY mve nu S ndaJr: Sunday sc hool at 9:30 M rs. E lm el' 'FU'rH!rll l servi ces wete . l'ears ..l>dn em]lloY,e4, as prelllmla n I tCJ~. we re Mr. , and hristma s dinn r on th it family 8~ . ;"M'onli ng wOI:ship at . 10 :30 , ents, Mr. ~nd Mrs.. Jacob Fromm ,a,[1'S . Anna l.ALI'N DA R D EVI SED r, Elme son and mn Sh , n' c.ompa mg the Chu rc h of Christ. j n Publlsh Jr. e1'O McCall w ,the at resent I p enter1'hos s ay. ~untl Baatmg USEI Ralph R'S Mrs. FARME be, OR F 1 he , sel'mOn ' subJect Will Scb:v1nn, of Dlly t o n, and M I'. ecil 23. t. 1)1,.. of plant in Dayt,on. "n(1 11'8. Mu rra y H opkins, Dayt on Lter, Sunday , Decemb er " G ,rante ed Op!-,ort unitieg f or ltai n d hel" Sunday I,MIhool ' • . ,PBVIS, eJ'. t estabes wiu d B-Ianch at; , 1-!'atfiel i:md Mrs. an.d Bailey y afterno on, .Mr. , . \ Mr. an t.! :Mrs. tanl t l I L' . ' . thi!, ew Year.': , EPWO:t~ Le~g~ e twelVe girls, Monday ~ M d . DaytQn In allie 1'1: Ph lIi~ L' tl . Ml' h ght tnell" dau , l hsh Jtl , I' ed "1111 ' H exc~ (' , (I W8l'e ': 1111111 .ifb ~ as. · . r . and . l'Ih&. J oe T,mney ent r , at 30 p. m. With Meridit h VI hit. Christm - -e" ---;r' " . Evere t t tim. aD" m home day, MI'. a nd I\f r" to keep t he· ,farm a,nrl Y'·fal' Miss Mary Whar t on, Il k as leadel!• . Evange lis ie ser- a nd a lt1l1Wal rood Itamed. ISTS , ) P t' , I MOTOR TO M'· I ON CAUTI R". tb; d \J'all.r.\JI • featut'e • l'd ll ent. , n·e r. M dai nty l'et"flhm , ,e nn (I( th e late Daniel und Prentic e Tmney , of Dayton , an a at 7 :80 p. m. • ('nice of the H IR~, aM un( Th,' I'; xten~ il)n an4 . Mrs. Webst.e r Tin ney and day: The Official Boa'r d occaalo n ' Wharto n , 'dil'd op h a. prepa red at 7:30 p. m . " Mr. and 1\f'rs . M I.lI·l'l'lI Oh io Slat!· Mr. Luke , B"anno n, Divisio n H. E. St okes gave ber 22, at hor ho me on Mrs. :Illd navis I'. ~J , .foslah •. ct· p Mr C'x and i.' Mr. lhul ndal' For' lI ' cnl; Women iunH a The Will e"day: I rs. y and family, tmas a\ aged 80 yen l'~. She was a .Engine er .'of the D e partme nt ,of ?ulne ed ~o :;lll1phf y fa r m l'ecol'll kee p· 1I fa mi ly dinner Chl'i Misaion a ry Society will meet tained th,ir hildren and grand- Hiell~a,.., · Divi~ ion No.8, has is. Reehor and Mr. :Robert 'W l! l'ntz. pr,,~en t : residen t of Waynes ville, w61'e owing ll • fo , ~ . thO . .. ch E~, "l1i ~. ' Cbrla ing. , MrS. 1:lIbel't at 2 p , m, Bible children . Funera l ~t<I'\'ices w~l'e d n a nd a t, ll1n10n L" tatemen s ng ohn J Mr~. t'oUowl d Ilh ~e' , Mr \!lured for .~ spaces On lhe elll n.l ll r nre n-n4 Prayer meeting at 7 '16 sumptu ou. · ...... ftOle A ChrIstm as e ntertain nl nt, en· . driving t Church of hrist, of the motoris the Mrs. to , and , Mr , caution Dayton RW'l'leJ of .~ were 1I1!/"'Iift , A' (If farm Ralas family, weather~ t.tled ."White Gi1'ts for the King,". , daily Il'cordin LC' bull01'l. was the olde st membe r, of , Dunham nee lal' C s, pen ex .l hol Bnd family, of 1OJicm an. tri. alicJ durinr .tlPllery winter houHe pen~l>", X Church of ; und l' nan . u rfacc of afterno on, Re..... C. A. 01,,1 .... _ ... The State Depart ment of High- wa . glVen at .th. FerryEve. Mrs. Lloyd na"\l ami tltree Til (' and spnl"'~ f or nl t' lJll) tanda con· MI'. and Mrs . Hen MI'!:>. r. rne~t officiati ng. Interme nt wa,. will 'lIse every availab le Christ, .Cbrlstm a$ and r.1l' own. Middlet and wall one ot us u ual l l· t!l'lJin g li\'co<tnL'K , o l'chal'd atIon present ice and ow n ~ he t Miami cemete n '. clean tou, faeUl Mil ebn e so d In H artsock an Mf: aud M~ RaJ M.lnou c rops. sen timent and wa' ~nl'cI ~ lI , ,lOci fll l'lli - - - -- 8 highway s, and to spread beauty lind . , a ~ntered be tertalDe d with & famUy ,dinner , lrolll .may an o th t, !, :;pon' \ enjoyed by a lal~ge audienc e. to om, usL c effort ull1 an mJn in Lhelr cinders Jng ' uw .. QIl J. ...... used Verts M-.. pruduc nct fam1 Jill'. the I HC <lI'd (Of Chrlstmali day, . " us slip er " Hawh gave I M r. and Mfs. J,' non 1IIala~ , ~ cIa~ . La- reduct the ' hazardo , Mrs. Mary SillIer entel·ta med on ' un th e fu!' m. p. tal' ' e h 1'1' ' I n1U~ d 'Inner o~ :-SUD· ---II h I'll" ' d . t t'l~ oo-....t IAea . 1 , " l . . of I total!! ' f ar. vernn alld ye d the of d nd [· W he t t eX11 A y Ica comperlO gTOUp na y p a,ml - .til. winter months . a ay, I ne8 . ~ 6-1 ' _",MIl the enJoy to dW'llla . 01l~ ~l'{-sent aD• J aMphi ,C. Eu!ass ' lhf' fi Z \\l'l' kly Kheets ,,'11 , day. " Tho~~ nal4 Bo",.., .r, to combat the elemen ts ptlSmg Mr. an d Mrs, . N. L, Bun- t il s um mar y of farm nnd hom e In- occasJ()n "elE' ~l., an~ Mrs. Ra)' an4 IIr. MI .. In.. Mrs H. B, •. Mr Mrs. t I Hawke and famll~. Mr. and k' 4al'ls th... periods, the motoris nell, Mr. and Smitla, Hersche l Sun- ' con1€' and OliWO tr i C' I 11 1\\\ ke.' IIf 1'5,. U.Tlal'Y H op In~, b ld ' . k S B ex~rc se ex erne ell, M rll. II0 I Itl ........ • ou . to ea. of l In aUlli ei., n, th(' Inwer quarter oC ,ar Hawke. of Dayton , .,at3~t::=~ e.speelall Y wh en ttavel\i nj(' , nLebano n; Tibbab , Mrs. the call'llllm pr(,lIe ntJ! ti mely farm Mi~~ Mary p'JiqS IIlgh i: [II'. and Mrs. HuII'h VaneI' and ~I)n call and tion infllrma .. hum ll'lnd MilBillie Elllrent ' Miller. wa1ll. t Plain; Mr. and Mrs. and Wallac e attentio n tn thl' importa nt a&'l'leul of Ph:asan ler, Me~sl'll. Columbu~ ; Mr. Bllnta. Mt'II'yn )lear. inatt~n; II",. tUl'II) e\·.. "t, "f th .. for chicken con~tt, of Ml"lI ..J. P. Fmmm a nd froAl ecured be may 11&1'1 III Be~J. Sto~es icultu..' JIg Iltll al lone I nnt! Mu. L l' Hawke and SilVl!t', • TheIl nd MI'. and It • apard 1H7

p i i e. of ] -1 p!'incip ' crop

~ ha




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u nivcr~ily





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.dt. U.

.~)1 dnt~:tlle



sville MerChants. Extend New Yea,r Greetings to F '


~~~~_ F _ II _ ~~---------""t

The sweet bells are singing, the old year i dying. Take once more a greeting from me. And oh may the future before you that's lying, Prove all that you'd wish it to be.

May your New Year's D:IlY contain the same amount of Happine's 8 your Christmas Day, and may each Today in the New Year prOve Happh~r and Brighter than its Yesterday-and ach Tomorrow llrighter and Happier tban its Today.

L. H. Gordon

Coyle's Quality Market

To 1935-the year that is coming-a health! . May the New Year hold for you all that you liked in the old-and more of it. May it bring you much that you would welcome but not hope for-that it may be indeed A HAPPY NEW YEAR.

T. Jeff . Smith '

the . . ew Year fulfiU our every wish for you, That it ake .up to you in full for any adversity 1934 might ught you-and fill your cup of cheerfulness to

' -is our wish for your New Year.

II . . ••

Rogers . ~~ Simpson

Myer Hyman's Store


~t.~ _ _ _ _ _ _: _ ',_~-~'------l---~-_+.

c.-, _ _


a •


A sincere appreciation of your patronage. past, present and future, so a hearty good ~!,r-A Happy li{ew ~.

Gray; ~ Barber Shop

,"---"-.-.- -,-,,- -,- -,-"---.-.-,--_. - -'-'lIIt


If you have a song to sing Sing it now; Give the day ~ welcome No matter how.

To 1935-the year that is coming-a health! May your New Year be merry-and bring you unbounded prosperity.. May it be bright and bring hopes of a rosy future, and be in truth-A Happy New Year.

Bill Moran

Kl!oger Grocery and Baking Co. o-~~-"-"'-

Peck's Food Shop


James Lovely

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.,Io______. '_ _ _ _ _


, ,

Wishing You A Happy And Prosperous New Year

.... ......... ~

.....-.__ . ___



0 __

James E. .t. _. __ ..

~._m_ " _


1I _ d~_~_~



c__ a_ ... . __________•

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.. Bere'. P1'08p~ 'ity aDd _".•- it h_lth • .nd hapess--Here'a tlle esteem ' of your ;fellow' nen with t~ fulfilhnent.,j of your most eherisht'lf 1 desires a~1 throurh 19:&, 5.

be the very be.s t year you haNe ever had, Because we are' wishing for you all the good things of life, arid hope that all the happiness and prosperity conceivable will be yours.



Cre?~ni,ery • ......- '





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yv. H. Madden & a.t)•• - _

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...- ...




If oul;' sincere hopes.'for 1935 are fulfUled, this is going to

Eve's F~di .rmont



As we appro3ch the New Year let us face it with a .t o make the best of thingB u we Bnd th.em; deter,mined to m~ke 1986 a year of better mutual understanding and . better appreciation. ,

J. C. Hawke

Company ._ . '-..'_11_'. __ _•



~fie are wishir.'g for you all a year of prosperity Ilnd

f'~d health, and )'OU ·achievement.

all the JOYs they bring. ~ay it bri~g to in hopes fulfilled and wlshes .reahzed, . . . . ' be. replete witp. )\appiness.

We are thankful for oUlr success in 1984. We feel it is but . a reflection of YOllr good 'will .nd patronage, and tt' tives us great pleasure to (~xtend to you our hearty wilhea for a Happy New Year. I "

Wallace's I GA Stores


_ 'II _ D _~

We are wishiDa you a Happy New Year. May it bring 70" no adversity but great prosperity. May every one of 5.'" be rifcher and fuller thaD the one before.

he·Miami Gazette



- --- --,


For that which has pallSlJlII·U and rone, let U8 f.el thankful. The New Year ia UI b4l11t with jo,. lIa,. it be bright and bring bopes a r9Q' future--ma, we merit a continuation of the acCord.. iD the .p ut.

Waynesville F

The Waynesville Servic ~ St. Mobil... ad lIobiWle


,0. R.UNQLaSay.

All of US ~ wfalaJ.q for ..I. the pineal ",e .caD eODcalve, Anel it. PerCh. . . we _ __ any particular _ which 1011 wo1l1d ,.flleul• •

we're hopina that, too, IDay be ,.01.........._

D o

- - .. - -

Here's ·a Happy New Year's Day to you-and 864 other days after it, just as happy, brimming over with prosperity. We couldn't wish you mor~!

We nail with joy the coming of the New Year, and are wishing for you the happiness and most prosperous year you have ever had. We thank you for your generou8 patronage and confidence, and hope yoor · loyal support will continue for many years to come.

Smith's Service Station ~~~~D _ 4



As the old yeaT dies, and the new one is born, we feel a deep gratitude for the happiness pond success of 1934 which our friends made pos ible. We wish you all the compliments of the season, and hope 1935 will bring you much happiness and success.




May the gods of joy, h~ppiness, success and 8lloshine come to you \Vith the dawn of the New Year, . and remain throughout 1936. May our business dealings be as pleasant "in the future as they have been in the past.'

o---------____________ _________,__.__

...._,________ ...


To our old friends, to OUlr cherished new friends, 'and to those who e friendship We are striving to win, we wish a Happy ·New Year, and hop,e we will be permitted to serve you' indefinitely.

D. R. Smith

to the New Year-may it hold for you prosperity ay it make up to you in wordly goods and health in the past; may it keep you at the top of the help us to merit your continued and apprecia~ed

~_ I -


oo o

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venus Howard Wymer anel Hazel t~ellted. Mabel E. Blair. widow Wymer , judrme nt tu the plaintitl' . H. Blair. deceaBed, (or $1100. In the cale of The State of Ohio to take under ,viii. t of the ISSUED J:VDY THURS DA Y versu,. Harry Schwar tz the defen. Jeanett e J mes, exeeutr l decea.a Jame R. Charles of ...... __ ... dant is ordered release d on his estate Announ cement h.. ~_ .._ ..1_ "_ , ........ . , S....criptl•• Prico, '1.10 • Y D. L CaANE • I <listri. ~-.------.--...-.---...----- --..- - - -.. an:! final t, fir her filed ed, of sum the in zanee recogni DaJtOa own ... The t. Wa"n of t . accoun . . official. butive .. t Poetofl . III BDtlred N • Doroth y Thompson, Ir ne Phillips, by the ---011. . . yille. Ohio. a a.c .... 01....... 11 $,200. T(.. So..... mOrel ED\ertaiD - - ............ ......... •• (Jlara B. Stokes, widow of FTan1< Power and Lirht Compa ny tha$ In the case of Albert Young yo r \hun and Erma Schock),. 11. . No. ......... .... ............ . It...... new electric propert iee illJthoriao Claua. et a1 conftr· B. Stokes, deceased, elede d to Santa John, y St. C. Call-b Will Roll au5 ===\ Soph the ==== evenmg ,,=== ay =-..... Thursd Last ...,.,,= ==== ==:::: ;:::,.-. ---== ==== take und..r will. ed for purchas e' by the 1It4*e Puby Sea"-b At matioll , deed and distribu tion. mas "Christ Song, MilS by ed estate of Cassius William s / omore class, sponsor The ver· Hjzar lic Utilitie s Commlaaion, '"iIl be , Heber ot Thomas cue the Wilma In ry, Salisbu 198' Mildred , DECEK BER27 .IRob blns, en~ertai~ed the high sus Cedric S~nley, et ai, the ' de· decease d, is relieved from adminis sc hool with a Christm as party in Bob Preston , Caden Runyon, Mir· formall y taken over by tILe loeal middle' of De. ===~====~ 'endan t, Cednc Stanley , is granted trat1on. -~=================== guesta iam Wharton, Harold Rutherf ord company about the the gymnas ium. As th ___'_ __ quir ies just Propert . cembel· leave to file answer . . Thomas Vernon and pinwere came in name of foods M.rr..e Lie_ae a from ~ sed pureha those include In the case of J. N. Shields ver ,k:e" Walker Hatfield, pressm an, of ned on them. This "broke th~ s Service Compapy su Cedl'ic Stanley , et al, the de· everyo ne Jomed Muaie Prolram iD the 8th Grade Central Utilitie .and speak to so s. Cr Today. In the words of the United States News, "~he biggest fendan ~Ile Edna Miss and , Servlt'e Com. Dayton the Public e al, et , Buckey the Stanley Cedric t, I. Section More needy. games: the le.en ", buaine58 III Americ a is the admini stration of reliet to West telephone operato r of Leb. , in playing the followi ng the son and gmnt is pllny Stanley Cedric nt, Class. defenda -by SongsedPictul'e guessin g, spelling con' U~ t~e ano~. nr Compa people are living on the funds they obtain from the Govern ment-F t Ligh. . lind answer file to Ob. leave Story- How Uncle Sam g difional ed Karl Richard King, far'm el', of test for te!lcher s ,r equirin towns and TUral', a eral. state and local- than lived on the revenue from profess Mildred by _ as The c~8e of Th e Leban on-Citi · Christm serves for hands the Tur. ferent motions of urban communities adjacen t th ..ervice, !l'om transpo rtation, or from clerical occupa tion." zens Nationa l Bank versus Lou Lebanon, and Mi 8 Zonie Mae the vowel. A contest dealing with Be·rgan . n. relief On Lebano now of ner, per""ns of number are ~ include d: RU llhsylv the ed. to place dismiss Peter"s i ftguns At e Apking mas MORt accurat Poem, "Christ tb parts of a turkey, another con· 000 Botkins , Ketlersville, Gratla, Fa an. Achterm n -Maria Farm" ro1111 at 17,000, 000. Best estimate!! say that this will rise to 20,000. game a , slogans ing ti test of advel R.eal Eatat>e Trallef erl relief e and West Jeffeno n. New Suite Piano Solo-l tfary Adams. and perhaps mOl'e guring the winter, Two billions of those on Louise Clf "How do you like your neigh· Maudie and Estep of these folio lIarlen W. C. of many versus , " Easton balance e C. Legend n get-th Chal'les Poem, "Easter s and I.'ive work in exchan ge for the money they Estep tq Anna Lake, inlot No. 407 bor?"· bI'oke down all reserve . e acquisi tion pI. prop it. not · do cognov ai, cash, et of d. Rue, instead Drumon orders Dorothy grocery and g appetite clothin r'ousing worked up a whom receive rent, , from the Liberty Ligbt I d used of· W. Chester Maple. admini strator in Frankli n. Reading, "Christ mas Eve"Then the climax of the evening , work. They are sill)ply "on the dole," whethe r that term is Howard E. Ivins and Elsie Ivins Co. and the Lib~rty C • er k. of the estate of Frank M. Great. -Sant a Claus appeare d UPOn the Wilton Hartsoc in .!state real ' Ivins, W. ficially or not. Lyle to Co. which lnclll d H. Power Datliel versus Star" d, g Readin g, "The GuUdin compar ison to the total house, decease money and fore- Clearcr eek townsb ip stage which was decorat;ed with a New Paris and Campb It Th~ numbe r of persons receivin g relief, for e, u rt. Grealho Earnha E"rl ar· ting interes an great, Mary A White to Thelma S. Christm as tree, Mornin g Sun and ~ir populat ioll, is stagger ing. Conditi ons are WOrB~ of course, in the . Piano Solo--R uth Graham . Mich- closure Virgini a Joint Stock Land . Fordha m, 60.~3 acres irt Clear· ray of present s beneath it. r with ' "ural ~.. togethe Ruth heavily ·popu lated industr ial section s--New York, Pennsy lvania, The Song, "Christ mas CarolAltboug h Santa's voice suspici· c:ent Bank, of · Cha-rleslon, a corp., ver. 1creek townshIp. . adjacen t to the larlrer ccpMarian , Graham Ruth , igan, Ohio and minois. These five states accoun for nearly 40 per Collette Albert of that ioh sua hades W. Stull, et aI., for . P. Krohn and ~dna Krohn to ously resemb led Achterm an, Tressle r HllIIdin, Wi!. of all who reeeive relief. In IllinOis , 14 per cent of the total populat .P. Assum, mlot No.9, 10 Hawke, he was enthUSiastically reo Howard centj per 14 etc. Ohio, in sure, cent; foreclo per and 16 mone-y liam Biggs; Mary Adam s, pianist. of tion is on the relief rolls; in New York, distribu the After ceived. et al and 11 1U Morrow. Doren Mexico New Van in 111 iam reached Will is age peroent t Section 111. reo Highes guests, ceot. er the p ' 12 n, among in Michiga Viola B. Atkln~ to CUtrord D. the present, , The B~ard . of County Co~: Song by all- " Oh Little Town where 27 per cent of all the people are given aid-bu t. by number versu ers, et ,al., for injunct ion Ehl'ld , 92.38 acrel!! In Deerfield town freshm ens were served- -fruit Bethlehem. " mission of ntative balls n represe a in pop-cor needy the wafers, do salad, than lesB mueh they natu'r ally total I! . p. re-"Ma tt. 2 chapter I. Scriptu of sticka mint pepper and , Ernest A. Weaver to Ea.rl Dieek· cookies industr ial state. Court . Probate ve-by Vina Lamb. inclusi 16 to thanks of candy. After a vote brader, real estate in Deerfield th These figures may give the impress ion that unempl oyment is more "Christ mas S op h om ores f or tb' ion, Recitat Is entereu h' t de· Dill, e worst tte e Lafave not-th of is It Th e will owns lp. d S tt • th e guests d epart. Come" -Henry Perks. . . 109 severe now than at any time during depreB8ion. . . t . H d I CI even ammg . probate enrlette in . filed a.n was would eo who ceased, an men eve . 000 13,000, when 1983, . employ ment month was March, Ca r· ed , Song, by all - "0 Come All Ye . for l'he will of Josephi ne Barn es, M. S·co tt t 0 T I'lf or d $h arp an d Faithfu l." normal ly be employ ed were out of work. There are no relief figul'es ille 80cialv in estate real Sharp, rie . probate in relief. deceased, was filed J - Ior Hilh Team Newe and Being M b 1 E. Recitat ion, " Buildin'" . . H• BI' thllt period as, at the time, there wall nO organiz ed governm ental B enlamm .. Grace R. King, executr ix of the air t 0 ' aT e the workto back gone rtl have men Moss. tate l million william l l (our a t or has ' far three BI 80 Since then, L. King, decease d In u e- The Junior High team es , rea alr, e pe.r sonl estate of Harry final ' Story, "The Seal'ch for Christ. and distribu · cree k· t owns'h Ip. nine or ten million who are still out accoun t for the 17,000, 000 fil ed her first, played foul' games, winnin g all of . ' . t. accoun lve Spirits "-Miri am Scott. t mas their as set has team The them. and Carrie Teceiving relief. P. Assum Howard all. by • Nigh'''nt A -"Sile h g J Son. d solu. a CI'I\' for the d in k stumpe Bla , onship frankly • .lIsum, In· goal the champi The will of Charles G. Kibbey 0 n Govern ment-- nationa l and local~is c eO I or . I0t N O. 117'10 dmorrow . county )'unior high tournam ent. tion. It has spent billions --and the ptoblem hss barely been touched decease d, was admitte d to p"obate " C d J 0 b n A ssum alnd anie W are hoping they reach that CI'1f ' N.w. of The Se..... th Grade jobs The invento ry of Jamell E. Burke I or Presen t fforts are designe d to keep Bulferers from dire want until . the sharp shooting 01 if And esta~ of AI. BI ack to Howard P . A, Inlot the gaal. of trawr most Seventh Grade held their our The admini of solution a l5ense no in ~re can be found for them- they . the Christm as program on Friday, De· ' Mo )TOW. on' 8 N Thomps ap· and was d, Clary decease . LeMay, Wright T. fred g carryin III 1ft ment O. , B H . I d' crucial and most difficult problem . The Federal govern c10 d e g follows: Clifford J . and Howard P Assum uate proved. uar 109 o~ ames, oger, cember 21. If was as -by ., in. Black Carrie and F. William to the hulk of the burden --8tate and municip al aid has been inadeq Ayers, . J all. William of Carol8as The estate Christm of g jumpin high the n; Harmo and . . e, we d, is exempt from lnheri. lot No. 39 and 25 in M01"row continu Bernard {or the most part. decease Isaacs Betty and StoryStroud ' Many believe that govern ment will be forceq Into adoptin g a def- t ance ta x. , Charles R. James,/ decease d, to Poem- Doroth y Maefar lan(j. a very good chance for them. fault no . throueh oyed Jeanett e James inlot No. 159 In see _ J. of unempl are estate who the e of tho for matter the system Tn inite pension JuniorF A.-emb l,. Pro.;' " for After this they exchang ed gifts ' I work- Th n and inlot No.5; in Deer. and served refreshmenb!, consist. . ompson, d eceased, distribu · f Lebano of their own, and for those who have outlived their usefuln ellll as rida)" Decem.... 21. field . ntold IS ordered . thi_u bon of way the in standi d Come involve ing of apple!!, candy and p op corn. O, cost c clas_" Song, Junior ers. But t he giganti a sub· The will of. Frank B. Stokes, de l." Faithfu Ye All biUlons would be necessa ry if these people are to be given even d Allowe Bill. so tar cellsed, was admitte d to probate . l1ew. I. TIae ~radea Carol, "Silent Night"- Entire sistence allowance. And in the meantim e we face a bleak winter The Columbu9 Blank Book Mfg. assemb S. Mable and Evans S. Helen be will ly. "The. Christm as Stqry Misll Hartsoc k ,s ~oom. year . next of C d . ... 8 S the needy are coneer nell-an d what the ItOry e, Readin S s lind applitheir had ropm s k Hartsoc pencer were a ... ppIDte executr i- 0., beverag e license Miss Gray The - Barbar a no one knowlI. ccs, . JlO bond reqUIred. Charles S. cation lor A?dito r, $e~.76; Christm as party last Friday. They Pia let "F' d sing, $1.IrWin,. Harry Balsto? .and H. E. / Lebano n Patnot , advertI greetin gs for theil' mothers made a Keeper : t~r~frr ~n b ' wrlten sing 8~dverti ' WarWick were appomt ed apprals - I' 10; The Wester n Star, and teacher s. ra, ,fathe . o.ry. ~s . S ~'T: Rd' $1.10; The Stakalt a Mfll:., Co., ink -mas room s Carter' Mis& ChrIst of ers. pmt e mg, ~~ S. M. Maag was appoint ed ad- $11.60: M. E. Ross, P. lK., stamps Miss Carter' s 1'00~ had a Chl'is~ pr!'Cl',••:ive Gu ' , by Henry Van Dyke- Ellen ator of the estate of Chat- ' for Clerk of Courts, $9;Co.,The ministr party last Friday. They were mas . . 'O ,. Ie :ia en M~fg filed Columbus Blank Book Dlf· plannin g to make greetin gs. For Under lstma8 les G. Kibby, deceased, and. Her~ '~wC?r ficulti~s 75c; Court, of Clerk for ,(elopes ......t bond of $1000 with sureties ntten by Mary Bur· the past week they had a spelling L..___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ The Wester n Star, supplies, $2.60 ton WII· and Maag Frank HQPpe, bert Depart y Highl\'a contest . The leaders were Wilma " W Th T "J Carol Mfg. COLU MBUS -A Mt. Vernon , piled by the State appoint ed ap· The Columbus Blank Elook were Miller Ham were and Robert Woollard. Wilma p81'sons Faul .88 orld that e showl! 0 ment ore, a'sse~~1 Ohio, high sehool 80phom Co., bonds for Pros. Atty., ,2.60; entire I . sel·S. I being one point ahead. Pl'oII by from won injured were 6,0110 y. nas for Charles Crouch , hal given veteran killed and !I~abel E. BlaIr and Robert M. The Westcl' n Star, subpoe i,. ac· Kelly's room. Miss . . &: Mfg. Pen. farmer s 80mething to think about January ; 1 t o Septem ber 30 Blat!·, e~ecutors ~f tho estate of' Sh riff, $6: Ohio Mis!! Kelly's room had their _~---""----JIlI!I!II JUlllOr U\erar y Societ,. when it comea to raisin, potatoe s, cideDt. on tbe highwa y. outside decea ed, filed Sales Dept., soap for jail, $6.20 j ~Ialr, . H . m Be~Jnm as party last ~I'iday. For smoke, Christm er Fog. Dec~mb alities. on gave, municip r The 'Juniors s accordi nc to reports.. Last summe 8 certific ate The Midland . Grocer y C,~., supplie for tlon appltca their they sang Christm as program tbe the were bel!t be th eir younr Croueh raised 420 bushels and anow $3.76; MerwIn Coyne, food di.Siri., 21, . what was said tothe spellers for r. . transfe perfect of The carols. the of The year. causell of ibuting m cont progr~ aere ed socle~y tte meuur one Jeanne of potato.. on Surface , guardia n 01 ~Ila R. butor, service s, $50: Hdl Wilma Garland were 2 the grade and offi· s, the of mishap of charge 10 number was on g field, of land. A year alo the 'first Payne, salary, $37.5,0 ; Grace meetin hIS filed rd. etent, Woolla incomp William Lane, and Wlcal ts Ruth acciden of Phyllis cy namely frequen t be upland. was in pasture . It w.. elt Bak~r, salary, $32.50; Betty K. cers ot grouP. B. . and final ,a ccount. at Fo urth grade perfect spellers Bul'· Mary and nt, prellde , Collette Will· L!innie plowed in the sprilllr and the crop while ears were travelin c $36j 'rhe IIcbedule ~f debts of James ~swald, salary, were Annjea nnette- Pence and Vir. ry. planted M..y 20. Twenty bushels of !!peed of from 30 to 60 mUes Btrator of the es· lamS, salary, $37.60; He~n Ran. ton,~hsecreta adm.1nI Burke, ~. g.inia Schuler . In Miss Kelley' s inter several had bour. er program e seed and 1,000 pounda ot fertilis deceas· dall, salary, $37.50 ; M. B. MOTey, Hall, M. ne Catheri of tate room there were fiv in the fourth , as are were wred. DurinC the .umme r the salary, $37.60: Willa ISeedle, sal- estIRg feature s, they ants was approved. ed "nd two in the second grade es grade reaourc and the on contest bulletin A their with to . up follows cost n Total Bundre crop was du.ted. executo r of the ary, $37.50; Christinle ?rake, M. Perry been neither tardy nor had who care, the tor state the "THE seore: the lve $42, the time of diggiq wu de- Cle~enger, salarYI $37.00 ; Louise respect Lerch, Maud Ollv-: of estate first half of the yeur the the of absent itation . Pia,.,.. ...... ria .. C Eliza· : $37.130 youth reporte d. Ttlill winter at a and rehabil salary, e, Whippl . ceased, filed hiS Inventory. Miss Campb ell's ,room. Earl Connello gr;oup A, 84. banque t atl Ohio State Univer sity handiea pped has been Banta, ~dmjnistrator of path Hathaw ay. salary, $30; Gri! . Ellen Guy. had their Zain H. rOOm ell's Campb Miss Bell of n directio tbe Diem a made be ' oil, ' young Crot('ilh will the ' estate 01 ~eWls V. Banta, de· ·wold Ser'viee Station , gas and Christm as party Friday afterno on Donald Faulkll, group B, 85. ber of the ".00 . Buillel Potato man of the Kindred The Barrett 00., tarvi~, ,8.04; b~l. ule hl!l fUed ceased, had a small exehan ge of Obio They the , . Burt.on Mary . od, road Ci)., Club" and will be present ed a Handie apped of Ben C. Kelly,. adminI strator of $14.26; L. P. Cavett everyon e is looking forand tiQn gifts publica The ence. COll!er C"rlat of potato hia BIrth ot gr.avel tion medal In recopi J Ayers, de· $1014.0 8; Vernon Micbael, WIlliam of estate the to very pleasan t vacatio n a help ~o and ward blteren 89. B, special 01 group be Gray, a Barbu growin c aceomp lishmen t. for a '18; Walter Botts, gasolin e, $1.. tlon appliea his 1iled eelleed, earlq nine girls and eight uala were tbdi"rid There and " .,-enci . ' 60; ~he Cincinn ati Oil Works Co., C"oJj.t~~ Sto?,.. certificate of transfe r. . WIlD have been neither tardy It boys that in 90. A, pped group handiea rt, -the Earnha for e murals Mar~orl large Oil rd Mteen the Sltanda Eirht of Jeanett e James, executr lX of the g.aliohn e, $5.46; The nor ~bsent in Decemb er. Perfect Phlhs Collette , group B, 89. $7.M; Frank depictin g pioneer and . modem aid them in workin g out more de· 'Co., kerosen e, J~mu, •. R Charles of estate spellers for the past week were s. • program ~at. hiatory of Ohio. wbieh attracte d ficient ceas~d, filed her applica bon for a ~herwood Co., suppJiel! and guoKat herine Briekle, Willa ¥ae sales recent the t Tha State d: Ohio Resolve tbe to Sta. dally ds Se~ce s thouaan l~ne, ,7. 78.; R.~lsey' ate of transfe r. . • eertdlc th4 of Achterm an J ean Baker Wayn e BeaiOD Ohio nnual .. of 1935 .,tate the 'rhe by Proof adopted rJ tax Exhibit at the "C.ntu , admmt ftrator tion, supphe , and ga.iohn e, $87 .• Hudson A. Frank be will 88 Clary Claire Dibert L~le Fox COngJ'1I the on Safety ps Ohio hardshi AD s, $22.- enacts more ~=; bave been inataOed penna• of the estate of Edwin W..lker 90; H. S. Conove r, supplie and DorQthy Mac G~y ID the Capital bldldl q by hel4 in Columb ul April 28, 24 and Hudson, deceased. filed his applica :fOj Gulf Refining Ce,., guolin e, wealthy man. . Dimio~ the 91. of a B, ausplce group e, _n.deT 21i Perrin ta Orville WUmft e of gasolio Youq er, lIark William the "In- tion for a c:ertitieate of transfe r. ,1,10; SeaTS " Bolan$:' "Meek er, Mat Stuoolqta Hope S ...~ Claua Ruth Larrick , group B, 86. DL. ~ artiIt wlao execute d tile of Safety and Bwen e of de- and oil, $9.52; Meekel entry the of copy d certifie A It Bl'ouah t tho Fac.117 Ohio, of a.lon 89. A, Commi l Ruth Salisbu ry, grOUp tornado inmural. and who il recopil led 'par. dUlltria otz.-......An -inspira tion for follow. terming the inherita nce tax to be premo On firee, theft, week lut ced ~ announ group . was J Kellner ~1lnC John bistortc The the f~ " ,72.19; . tieularl on the ~state of Addie' 11. 8urance on trucks, paid repial lessons. of shorter e maetin a ~ Beven iolr remalJi Supply , Co., of hili works. The of the Dowde.Il , decease d, is to be certi Morrow Feed" s, .,190.85 ; W. Mr. Brown- Two hatchet s so Soiaior Literar y Proar&DI palntin g8 in the uhiblt .wID ·be reeente tives from an parts eon. fled witbou t d1!lay supplie and cem41nt the when he buries 'one, he will of bat s t the teature 1934 N.w 21, state. er Archuo Decemb On &ate Ohio The the in $1.20; huna' Kirby, alleged insane, was A. Hause, supplies, M(!se rail. one lelt. for have their aectiol1' a held' be will group Ire81 literary ~ senior .l logleal and Rilton found to be not in- Ohio Currug ated Culver t Co., cui· Mr. ..Frank -A Pitch pipe t hat . A'fter a shott program )as l1li&11_ road. and one for publle WOlb. examine d and ChristIl Farm/sville Wayne mUIiBum. Two of ' $63.60; verts, em- lane and is hereby dischar ged. sound like a cow. cel1pent, $66.75 business meeting the following doesn't mural• . will be p&aeecl .. the Tbe latter include s FERA A ta k In the case of William B. Hutch era Exchan ge Co., Cleve.n Ke11 orMils safety a ed: whom y . for . present . was ploye Mr. pl'ogram aDd mile , ger, rotunda arehM of tbe Natlo.a ' . . . to can r of the estate of Christin e Bundre n '1lC ~xeiluto yinson, ks. b:O til. 'in her up . I.t Bourne b.en baa Dorotby on onals-pnlati Devotl tJow .... mile e, Wh.IPpl Loutse Youlllr will paint two $21.71; age, d, deceMe • . a..... lon, Dr.... Hutcbln "lila E. can LUletta she la 8 umbrel An dlrecti0 Dayf.el.ral Miss UDder Nor. Rate A. rotaDcIa arehII. Curren t Events, group , murals for WAYN ESVILL E. --.~"': ·~I ' venus Mabel L. HaD et al Kabell e age, $29; Willa Beedlle, mileage, man Meredi th; group B. Le Mar handle 1n t he wind. • $18.80 ; Helen Randul l, mlleaee Miss ' Robbin _ Two hatehet s 80 Deu H.nch_ l, W. Arpt of tile K. Burcer was made part)' d.fen-. $18.80 ; B, K. Coyn,e, mUeqe , En rnhart. Dr. Bay Fife, State 8ape~ dant. UnITt when IIhe buriel OD'I she Will i that Male Ohio from Law ters Mimicry ot Charac Morey, IJlllea re, of Voeati ow AJrIeultllM aDd lehool of FOR SALE DATE . D. E . B&ywood, admlnl m-ator of. $20.10 j. !learl WUllIir on~ lett. ~ lhave Gov br ed ~ppolnt n •• b baa ure: lit)' Literat VoeaaD mileage u, AmaiG the """",,~ Of at Linnle ; pHllcle ,24.24 r, Conove M. racer x Either of -A elltate Oarter t~ ... Mia. Iwad WhIte 'Oe Group A, Mae Treadw ay. ne ~lepho l Centra! Ohio tillnalA aloc1at loD win to to WuIa j $19.20 and anal flrlt, his ·1\led d, a 8",1, deceM. to or.. Robert to ride up the hill. !natoD, D.O., .TU1lU 7 10 to lal. Dor Corp., rent, $56.60 : Ohio Centt'al l Group B, Evelyn Peter., aburUm lBt distribu tive accoun t. Juanita I Mi81 Hartso ck-Stre nath k, Hartsoc Betty , Th6mu $39.85; tolls, Oorp., tlak . . . . . .ria of bl'OAdcalta on areat.d comml alonnel dOlllllU n~ to The estate of Hattie V. Ayerl, Telepho e nBrannock. John Sears, Charles ' carry OD her ac:hool work. vooatl ow edDeatton OftI' the NBO and I..,al mecUcal d, t. exempt from Inhen· Kaufm an. supplle•• , .12.0'., WeU. dec.M of lltud, a in . expert. ride to lationa lll, icycle tr PfOlrr& e-A 1981 Crabb TIM Mr. a.cJ Jretwor k. s" Helen Greene . .' of Charles R .Tames ~bRd::::1I In~~sp~::', ~~!p'lta~~'- JamChe r stmas recitat ion-Gr oup A to snd from the shop The ~:t.te tile voea- Ohlo'a antiqua ted cUVOl'C' IlId mar ta , ~~ is SPO~n4. b,. . Miss R'eed~r-An s~lstan t rind Sheet~ d bJ ItIl til l, Carl Oook. Group B, James I ...... uaoctat ton, w.. planned na,. P eceaae , Is exempt from Inberi. tion, " 2~: The Christ HOlplta 0 let of cipal. e Hawke w awa, Albert A, . Group : annual Debate the at ler· month Urton, tbll earl, . C~It, '8, Mn. Lillie car that will tax. ell-A Campb TIle Miss l. r.f01'lll · bMW . n maldlle Newma followNoah aDd, ff, mtetlq In: Pittebu rw, !10; lira. IIltlde Deardo The seh~ule ot debts of Ger- nces; 7.:0 ; ~1'8";': El~;~thM ,5;H)(1'8· Debate : Group B, David Boger, staTt in cold weathe r. I., tb.lDa qi1ral, luua'7 10, wID action was taken b7 the I'Ovet'1Ior tr':.!: the Xtt elt~eu:I ~o~ea, ad. l judicia tbe of Miss McKins eY:-A caah registe r request tile at even. · a,. Thund be pHMDt ed eaeh n~nFredl'p::ter ow· Jane Cook. ar~ ceasco, . :d app-:: ':a~ :~ comreform tax goes pl aaelle miniatr ation ouneed. tnr Dr. B Grot':! A stands ahead of group ~o that wben the, sales to wor.k d eopy of tbe entry de propna~ioll' 1edrer, s:eeta ' have t eertlfle won she .ct eft'e Aaocta mto Bar pro01!1o next die The of now. ml*,are 11"1 as • 1120 24' so hard tax on bind.... tor auditor ,.~ nce 1985 25 inherita y the Januar nr be w termini gram • . ..,. , '" A -.:t' J of aoeIcla til co.... doll. the eatate of .T. Lee Thompson. de alta Mf,. Co., pens :tor ' D,ayton The ,UiO; oftlee. t Me Siath Victor), N-. ceued, lis to be certifie d withou Grad. Book 6: Prtc. Co., record the most interelltin~ of delay. One 'The ftrat and second teetion of season was played the In th& caee of. ThQmas C. Chrfl. Alldito r, $22.73. of ames ... follow the had gra~e seventh the • - - -- Decemb er 22. ,..._ _ _ _ _...._ ........~ night, y tie, auardlan of John R. Poinaet t, Saturda Frida,.: last program ing music Quinte t took ,. Sehool Hi,b t6e venu.. John a. PoillMt t, et al, tile when Seetion I. and "3. by '33 of plalnW f II authorl Hd to exeeate a Alumni Readin ll'--by Bar.,.r a Hainl!8. over the I--------~~ note for the sum of ,1000. Nllht, "-b)' Dorll a aeore of 26 to 19. "Snlfnt Song, FOR ~A. LI~-W_' tor fun of plenty · S. M. II...~ aclarlnl etrator of was Ther. I a Barbar Bopn. Davis. Donal , KlbM,. cook Ito••• G. . ram.' CharI. the of ed .tate witMllll tile who dy everybo ....... _• . _ '"- ~ Hsinel , Betty Daktl\ and Earl played by the stars of 19 yearl1 'Ville, phoDe • . . . Mat dec:euecl, flleel hla tn....nto'7. hall. Menden ----.. .. Belen S. Enna and lIabl. S. a&'O and the Faculty . The "Old FOa U..LI! r-.l'f'" ~ JIIsM...... . 'Wal. Readlq- by Reitan Faul. Spenee r ueeatr lcft ot the . . . aet.toa Timers " really wallo.,ped the . Counts. R~inll'--by LlUian was 42 of , ...b 1'..... ..... of ~ B. Sto. . . deceaMcl, Ilecl Readin g-by Earl Mend.n ban. Faculty . The AIIal score Burton waa blah J. E, 10. q. to . IlmDto ChUton tJaelr at Otll g-b,. Readln ~~ ~~= The ...te of INwln Walk.. . if! marl tor tIte. old timer. and l~==!~[ Read1n c-b)' Lola JIaD Larrick pointJamel , ....... .. fa . . ." froID Sadloa was the Facalty 'S itar. ftI'IaI Hr. ~ D. Section . lilheri~ tu. RIP ... ~ pulled . . .. ...... . a.....n.. 'f1'be Chriltm aa Th • .Junior MotileI ' vieto17. --~I; ~"R wWa . tJaJou... VIDt. Turke,. ," \,. ..arrant . . Vall.,. b,.. Spri OY'l' woa TIle, pltuon ~A mHlca1 """"-_~tfiI WeIIM l..... Th. leon of It &0 .. &ow.d T.....- .


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da)·. h·l·tni n ,,' -tl' dlOll{l' ('I .. i t n .u., Mr. Mr. and Jan. B. B. Davll &lid SAFETY UP TO MOTORISTS Ml". 811d M!" ~ . W. P. MC( IHn'n IIhd ~Il < . . 1>1 1"11 • h, l' hall :1 11 11 :\11 . '-~"-""'·-::~--'""lIIII~~--:" 1 i MiS!' Mary Lou Sowub, of lIa.... field, Mr. and lira. Earl DaTil, of , .nd dnul/:htt'l' ~pent l'hri·tm8 <. '( tt i ~ H" ,! t II! "'ll" I I HIl' , l\Ii s Dayton. were Chril1tma. guelts of Tb~ prevention of automobile Th ' • T . A. held ill 1'\'CU1al' whh Mr. fll<' ant'n'" I1\llth (,I' in Wnllli ll l IUl k ,.f Ilay t" n .md :\11. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Rldee. 1..... ltil .. "·to. the Ohio Safety Service meetlq la~t Wedn('lIday night at l uayt on \ amI ~h ~. (,huIIL' lul'l" ttl, ,ym, A Ifr(l\lp of Rtudent~ from Mr. and MI'. "'nller J ''1'dnn ;'III . II ntl !\tr-. L oui- 'l'l'id,I'Y. :\.Ir . , Mr. lind Mrs. F. H. Miltenber. .......'un"lIIi.slon stresses; hM become a Wilmington (lllt'~t' furnish~d W l ' hrilltmas guest.. of th~i l' I Alice l\lilh'!" tln,1 "'Il Hay , Ill' I'e ~el'. Mr. Milo Miltenberger and or public problem within rel1IU Ic f or th~ occnl'lio n. dau ght l' r , Mr. lind l>h'~. Ahan l l'nh '!' la in l'U Cltd-tn,u ' duy at 1\ M is ellie Watkins were Christnt yens. It is more than that. Ml'l!. Lids 1lat on ('nl rlnined a Hartl'oek nnd family of nc ar WiI - family i1iunl' \' 11\ th" hon1l' lOr Mr. numb l' of IlIdi e$ at luncheon I mingt on. 1And .1 r~. \\' L. Ilnrdman in 1)uy;ll b~ f;ul! rnne is I' i $ it i ll ~ I'ela- mus dinn r guests of Mr. and Mrs the Safety Commission ad ds. It C. . Archdeacon and SOn Bobby is a problem that faces cvery in· Thul' day n oon. P rcpo l's tions lire \.lein!! rnad r foJ' t on . tive in inci nn nt i. at Dayton. dividul\l automobile operator. His Th Ea t ern S lar l odge OIet in a Farm r~' Ins titute wh ich II ill be l 1\l r. llll d Mrs. Guy Unu tl\llhn and r !tular slliol1 1'hul'8day ' v ning h('ld al t he Gym .Janua ry 7 nnd 1" 1datl~hte1" , tklH'l'll !lIlcI Bl'tt~· at· MI', . Ma ry Silver was nil rtoin- Mr. and Mr . Raymond Baird. or saf ety as well a s that of the , anI inlllaUed till' officer for 1935 \ The spenket·s f or the occasion will t"lllh·d a funlil~' j.{llthl'lin" ehri"t- l· d h, i"tma~ clay :ll l ht! ho me of Indianapolis, ~T. and Mr s. N . P. general public is involved, and by P I'evi ou. to t he meeting a . Po I b irs. Hn rhfll!, li nd • It·. ' ma~ at thl' horn!' uf lhl' lutt('r'~ ndatll'cs in W ilminl:(ton'. Blatt and fllmlly, of Blanchester, his own car fulness or careless ness CLE:ANE~S ".' : Luck supper wa cnjoy<,d by the itte rly a llnl. Wi nch cst<'l.1, Ohio. I Ille) hel' ;\It-~. :,\-11" y Bu i't nOLl. !\II'. and Ml's. Carl Sanker, of . . . L '0 Lemon und Lest er uriae/! m mbers a nd invited (tllet\ts from I F u rth r anno uncements "ill be ) 11'. an,1 11\ . llaJ'l'l' Y Burnet Mason, and Mr. and Mrs. O. R. he contributes to the ameh Ol'allon Mon', Suit., 6Se N w Burlington chapter. 'J: e in' \ mlld (\ n ext week. ' hac! rnr thpi!' dinnl'r I!II 'st~ hri~t WHe ill N~w Vien na o n I ulline s Unglesby, were Chri stmas guests or the growth of th e a ccid e nt Ladie.' Drelle., 70c Rtallation was in charg of officer s Feelerlll Judge T homa,. and 1rs. mils day l\Ii ,s Luurn R os rla~l~ of \\' l'linl!. day of Mr. and M)·s. M . D. Baird. menace as the elise may be, Quickfor qllality dryc:leanina frol1l N w Burlington lodge. l1'homa. , f Port mouth , WHe CinC' iltll uli. ' Dr. 1I11t1 :1-11'''' II . 1:::. "Leaving safety to the other Funeral ervi e were h eld at l gu, (If Ir. and MI':o. W. . Haihu\lay .. f Wayn l<\' il1(' .lInd 1r . hnl'll1R ll1ith, f Oilbo l'n, was Mrs. Leroy Chiles entertained ellow won't do," the safety 8 1" the Zion Baptist hurch f or Mrs. 1T ichenor. ' S Iturd ay. I an d :'Ir'. Hurnhl Whitak('I' (lnd the j!uel'lt of hurles 'Burto n Ea r n- a t Christmas dinner, Mr. lind Mrs. vice Commission cites. "Every inMaUslla MarUn Thursday aft I'- I Miss Berthn C,ollt!tt and nil' C c~i1dll'n. Richll; cI anll Fll1nci ~. hart. Chd ~tmus f;ve . lare nce raddock and family, dividual who sits behin d the wh ee l nooh at 2 0'c10ck and intet'ment a t M i~ orma oUett. of Wilming.' It !'\·. Wul tt·r )Iartill paslol' or . Dr. HIllJ Mrs. R. S. W a ver and MI-. a nd Mrs. ClarenCe Allen and of a motor car has u duty to him- , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \ th, Miami metery-o ton, and MI'. Arthu r H lline~, of L~ t I,· chlll",h a li t! \I1l s~ F !'I'II . Ie· sonll were hristmas g uest of t he son Presto n Vaug hn and Mr. and self and t o the public as well to Our school do ed la. t Friday abi na. '\\ .re callers at the home Bl'id,' of B I atlfll 1'<1 \\ l're married f.n'nwl'·. mother at Xenia.. MI' . Thoma H erman all of day- tak the accident situation serifor the holiday with II v l'y intE'r- of Mr. lIud M r . W . . Tichenor, nl th(' 1'. 1. E. c hll l'l:h nl Hrudfnl'fl, t on. ou sly and t o toke mor tha n o rdin eatin" program on Frida y eVeni n g \ Sunduy aft rnoo n. Oh io 'unday aftel'no n by H v. MI', . :urah Murray pent hr ist Mr. Th omas P . F etter, of Spring- ary care to avoid injuring nim ('If • at thO chool gym . - - - -- - - - - 1\1. oult ' l' Ili ·t. Supt. Th c' y 111'1' IllU .. dllY \\ ilh ~l r. lind Mrs. Ray- " Id OK . .1 M Ph 'I' Z f d or others." ... E vere t t Sh uma kcr Il l.' • ,., J. anu an X'RAY WORK ·a n d 1\' n ow •'uL h ulllt' " at l hf' l'ul~O nal!' (' llIond Conn!'r a n<I f a llli'1y. 1M d M R rs.W LI Ip epf Care ent rta ining the latter in RpI'ingb 1'0. Mr. an(l l ~l r~ . Ed manda ~1 uffi tt was th e ci~~:t~ andl'~i~ Sa~aha~~it~ w~:eBLOC ANESTHESIA mother, Mrs. Cochran . from New ' L'11lgacll', ~h·. und M,s. .I . B. Mr~. . NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS York. Jun ~, M,'. . oJ"in J."\lj.l"~\ l' l(' nntl c1i~l1 c l' Ilu ('!\t .O f D,·. an d Mrs. J. E ' j h rl tma~ g u ests of My, an d ~rB. All Kind. of D_turee Made Quite a large and Mr. L e • {aso n of Mason visited l\11 "~ BC'rll ic ' Gruhum of t hi ~ pla('!? 'llhaOl, hfl stnllls day. fG . J . S mIth , Mr. Fe tter remamed ST A TE OF OHIO d Thu l'~dny with lIl r. a nd Mrs. o r a more extended visit. Repair Work Done Qui"kl, crowd atte nde t~e ba ketball ,ha rles lu rk an d I r. and Mr s. attl'ncl l'!1 til\' wedd ing. Mr. and Mrs. LindlE'Y Mills an d DEPARTMENT OF HICHWAYS I game on a.t ul'day O~r tea m H B tt ' !\If. ltrld . iT. RaJJlI~ J ohn:: en- daughter. of Midland . Mi ch ., spent Mr: a od Mrs. Carl Sh~rwood en- Columbu., Ohio, De". 22. 1934 , play d Cubsle, resultlO.g ~Ith both . . urne . ed tN/ uinl' to a f ll mll y din n er hl'istmas with 1r. nnd 1\11's. G . ic rtll med Chl'istmas their son a nd UNIT PRICE CONTRACT ,Main St. WA YNESVILLE, O. of our boy ' teams wmnlng but Wal ter Whitak I' ha\- purcha ltr blmn!'\ tluy th<: (,,1111\\ ing D. Mills. wife, Mr. and Mr. Morris Sherour girls 10 l. tl tin e dapple gray t ea m of Il'u{'sl:: ..\fr... \ ';" h, CUl'e ~' , :'Itr. and , wood , of Columbus, Mr. and ;Mrs. tl ed pruflOI Bl e w!1I be r ee lv d The Union Chri tmas entel'lain- Th rses of . am u el Cha rleton. • 11'''. Ir'"inl( \ l'lsh, J CSf' Th ol)la: of Pell'\' tllnl '~. Demas li n d a r · Morl:i5 h rwood of Harveys burg, li t S.. th e orrle" or lh e Sta t<· IlIK hway ment of the dift'erent churchE's was Mrs. Ma rgaret J ohns spe nt Way nc "ill t· . Ir. and Ml'~. James IIly n Demas al'e " pe ndi ng t h . holi· Mrs. J e nnie Mulle n, Mr. and l )j r ~clO r or Oh io. ",t ·o lumbIlM. Ohio. LW O c)'clo k 1'. 111 : J~I\8 t ('r n 1rvtd In the chool gym on Sunda y hristmas wi t h Mr. and Mrs. J llh;'~, MI'. anrl i\J r~. Al1 ' n lI ole day with Mr. and Mr. . liver Mrs. Thomas Burton, of Ferry and !lIInlll tll nd.ll·d 'r Im , 1'rl(lll)'. J nnulU')' I I 19~ii tor ImprIlVl'm, nte In : evening, Decel1lber 23. An Glenn J ohns a nd chil d!' n in Da y- 1111'. und !'Ill'.. nU ~jH: 1l ampu('11 and Davis. Mr. W . S. Graham. \ Pr () Pll S III ~ . No. I nnd N " . ~ to lie uJluaually fint musical progr am ton. two chil.Jrl!n, and Hatye y Hoie. \ M\'a rded tll tI,l' S Il!» . <:onl ro. ·t ul· UH w.. enjoyed by all. 1\11'1'. Mary Car mony attended :1 1 :<.'lh FUIIlll'- J r. , of I{o uh' 2 I Mr. u,:d ,M I·S. Oliv r DaVIS, Dr. and Mrs. H. E . Hathaway lI n ~ ,·ont rnc!.) Mi Ella Shambaugh of Cleve· f amily di n ner Ill'istmas n t, t he met \\ith a p:dnJul accidenl .'un. Mrs .NettIe K ~pl ~r and ]'lil!s Rachel wer e dinn er guests, Christm as day, '- ..opo• •• N .... J land is spending her Christmas homo of Mr . and ' Mrs. W . F. I rlay ev(' ninl!' . whcu his clothing r~~~ I" ' pent. hl'J tmas day a t New ' of Mr. and M!·s. Harvey Burnet, War re n t:Oll nly, Ohi O. 011 I" Cllon ..-tion with her parents. lar k in Wayne. vill e. was caul!ht 111 tht bl'lt ur II mot{'r , \ ICllna , hlo. of Lytle. Othe r gue ts were Miss I·',.ankll" ( JiJ'ld g~) or Ihl' 'ho l'il)t ny l (.tn 1100.d. H. Ii . Nu. 19, It is not enough that the Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Collett and : MI'. and Ml'~. Ed Lo'n g BCt'e we that W!l ~ pUlnpinll' wnt(,I·. His ellr !\lux 711cl::lw e and H (' I n a r- LaUT A. Rosnagle, of Ci ncinnati, n'lll' IMe HOUl" No, 73. . S. 1I0UI No \lIllg OL' Fra l1 k ll n. t..y fune ra l d irector give 1unlOa R obert were I1hopping in Day- in incinnati Saturday. Mrs. "'n ~ almos s'I'l: red and un e a1"ln , Ilier .. Of Adzollll were vii ito !' o f and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whitake1' ~O . In lh "u-n lJ ll' tlc l l n JC a t'br ee .. alJLlI1 :itc(~ l eral servk~; his duties call toll Monday. Liley Fite accompanied them t c b\'uk .. in b\ 0 pla<.:('s. lI e wa ~ im· 11'. and Mrs. Oli ver Davis on and children. \)Plllll Ilrldj{" wllh bo.ltle-" k fluor 43 ' -64 ' 4:j ' , rondow ay 10 rl ., utu. for more, H e should be HIllS Rhea McCarren and Mr. he r home after s pend itlg a cou ple ml'di.utl. J~' hlhn tll M inrni \' all ~y hri s tma~ Bv . Mr. ant.! Mrs. Morris Cornell IHpana LW!) 4 % ft Mld(> walk a 011 1. . ... 1)01 he lpful to the grieving in OleDD Snell are home from college of weeks here. . hospItal for tl'l'atll1 nL.. lIe r . gave theil' family dinner Christ. .n(' nll wi th al'pr Oa h 61,, 1'8 RrltJge tb('ir weakn 88, n trusted for the holidays. Mr. and lIfrs •.Walt~ r nTlck, tUI ned hum!' thl\~ ('~ nlllg and \5 Mr. tlnd Ml's. E arl Mu.rray and mas day. Those present were Mr. 1'0' 0 . WI'.-n · ta .ovel· I ~a r rtl ~k III I( Virginia Davis of Dayton Mrs. Alle n EmrIck. Mrs. _ J . B. rc tlllg eu y at th,s tllnc. l\ll·~. Ella MUITIlY of Dnyton pent and Mrs RUMell Stockst'l1 d F l'lI.I. nkltn. nlrth 1990 6 rI . or U. U36 11111 . I fdend who makes the road lIlma l d COr;\ of eon. tn,etlo n of so rrow easier to tl'avel. .. 'Pending the . lftek with her 'Jon<'sR and Mrs. ADlic e Mill e~·. a nd . --- - - - -~lund aOYI ' in tDhe .hom e of Mr . a nd dBughte;, of Dayton; Mr. a~d :M~s. $ l,.378.17. He mus t s erve those who PlU'en Mr. and Ilrs. Joe W. MO n ay were ay n VISitors rS. Iver L1VIS. W . E . COI'nell, Mr. and MI'Il. R. A. 1),,1 " se t ruo' compl etion. Jul ~' 1, ' 1116. I are living a s well all Da!}~. d U J W S aturday afternoon . . , Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Davis are ornell, Mr. and Mrs.. Ralph Miller those who have passed on. ..... an .m. . . nflU tlnterMr. and ~r . EdWin Nu tt and ---visiti nU' at t he h ome of th eir and family, Mr. and Mrs. Warren "popoaa. No. :.: That j the view we take tabled ~ith a famJly dinner Xmas daughter, MISS Alma of enterMI'. W ill Bowl'n, of 'outh .. Braddock and daughter Warr n ounty. Olllo, on pn rl of II ville were Sunday dinner guests harl st on, viRited hi s u n Ie I I'. ulj. ug hter )lr. Ma r k M'u rphy, in . toward our mission . We S r Uon Franklin ot the Clnolnnat lRoad. S. H. N o. 10, Stil ll' provide capable profesof Mr. and Mrs. Thede Jon es. Howel l P il'ce, Wednc. day. Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbllr Clark en- i)uyton Hout No. 73 . S. Hou te No. ~&. sional set'vice with a neighMr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick Mrs. Bertha Brick tt an d 1\1 1'. Mr . WilHam 6le man, of Cinein tertained at Christmas dinner In ~'ranklln Townllhlp. II}' gradi ng IIlnds IlplnA" antJ 1/11\'ln8' borly sympatby and will· spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Raym ond P irce, of T o led o, w ore nati, ha s been ague t in the home Ml·s. Mary Carmony of Lytle, Mr (Ir/ltntng. wllh POl'tland em nt 'oner t il and ingness to h Ip in every Mrs. Charles And rso , and sons in th Cl /(uests of t n ~[ . pur"nls., :M r. of his bl'other and wife" Mr. alld and Mrs. Elmu8 C41'mony and UriC k. : Pav(>m nt 40 tl noadway way we can. Waynesville. and MI' . HOWl'll J I!II' CC, ver the frs. J . W. Coleman. fam ily of Springfield, Mr. and Mrs 69 Width (t. The Penn R. R. Co, are moving w ek-end. Paul Flory of Richmond, Ind., Mr Length 26S.'~ ft. ()r 0.050 mile. ~':;'lImaled eoat or collstrucllon the freight ca rs from the tTack 11'S. Ella Bnbb, of pring Vall e y Mrs'. Anni e Gibbons B,n d family and 'Mrs. Everett Clark, Mr. and ' 8.37 .77. here this week, whe re about four ca me hri t lnas day to spend lhe were in incinati , recently, and Mrs. Claude Riggs and Mr. and DBt "ot lor compl tlon. Jul y> I. miles of empty cars have been remaind er of the wint~ I' a t the visitl:'d Mr. Hu gh Printz, who is re- Mrs. C. W . Younce and family of 1936. standing on the track north of Rom e. covering after an operation. Dayton. A c rtltlcate of compllane oneI ! here for a co uple of years or Miss Elizabe lh hundler, of t he r,re crilled 'form which will b M r .. Grace McCune of Lima, Mrs. ·E. F. Earnhart entertained rurn "hed tor that purpo ... "balt be Piton. 7 more. Ha mpton h l'titut e, Va., and Mi Aill"ned Bnd lubmllted by all bldd era, Mr. ' and Mrs. Walter Kenrick Ruth Chandl er, of edarvill , al'e and Miss Ruth Miller. of New a small group of young people at In Ilccordance with Executive rtl r JOl'k ity, spent Chris tmas with dinner Wednesday evening, honor No. 6646. Issu ed by th e President on and James Haines were Christnla p ' nding th holidays ht!l'e. 14 , 19:14 . Thre certlflcBt of ing the birthday anniversary of ~rlll'Ch dinner guests of Mr. and MTS. MI'. and Mrs. N. P. Cl y bu,rn , of t heir mother Mrs. Eva 14i11er. compliance witt be Incorpora.ted Ineach prol/olal. The contraclor to William Haines and family in Day WlI hington, C. H., WE're Christ- MI'. and Mr . . Ralph Ha.stings and her son Charles BUTton. The to whom aWllrd Is made .hall re(Julre ton . ma gu ~ts oI Mr ', A nna ad wal- SO n Bobby w('r e guests at 6 o'clock guests were Misl1 Ruth Sallsbury 8ubcontrac torll and deater. furnl.hand Miss Marjorie Earnhart; Ing. nt. materlnlo.cprLlrtcllletl and 8UIlpll •• e(Julpmll to s l.... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ -=~=====.~=~~q Mr. and Mrs. RU8aell Campbell lade l' nnd M i~s lara Lil e dinner of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hole attended Mi ss Elizabeth ha ndler sp nt 5bol'n, of Lebnn on, Christmas Clyde Fromm , Robert Hyman, La b t' ror .Inaklng awardS to or pur- ~ Mar Earnhart and Dean Hawke. Cl'llllel trom luch 8\1b conlr~ to r8 ur , (I. farewell for Rev. Ch es t er WIt- hr istmas day wit h h er broth e l' day. T~ln. d al era, 'oplea ot which eh/llt be )jam on and mother at Ferry Lo uill Cha nd ler nnd fam ily. 10 ~n contracting The farewell reception given by f urnleh d I The co ndition of Mrs. Jane the members of the Ferry Church oHk~ cburch Wednesday evening, A. Z. Hm:tsoc k a nd fa mily callThe minimum WR.!!," paM to nil Mr • Margar t J ohns 8~nt Fri· ed on Mr . H a r tl'ock' mothe r l\hs. W)' ight, who is ill at the horne of of Christ f or their r-eti1'ing minis- "kllle() Jabor Group I emptoyed on l conlract IIhall b U .20 pf' r hou r. day with Miss Mary and Parry L na Jla rt.~o c k . h ri tma~ nif\'ht. her sister Mrs. Julia Donovan, is ter. ChestEr A. Williamson, and thla nllntmu m wage palO to alt and her death is his mother and brother, who will Il1lTit Cook in Waynesville. Mi ss F r edn lI nrv!'}' spent hL"ist cl'itical ermedllll grade labor Group 11 1 employ d on thla contract "baU be l' ".... ,. Mrs. Sarah Easton' and daugh- mas E I'e with her brothel' and m omentU'l'i1y expected. soon leave for their new home in '1 .00 per holl.f. "'............""" ..",...._ ......",,_.. tel'S Mis!>es Julia and Mary, of famil y, neal' lurksvill e. Th e mlnlmu.m Wage paid to a ll Scottdale, .Pa., "WU • BUCCelll1 in Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborn and Intermediate grad ,abor Group lUI Fri.-Sat.-Doc. 28--29 -- - • - - - - Miamisburg were Sunday dinner sons, and Mr. and Mrs. ClaJ:ence every detail. About . 200 penona Olll. plo yed on thl. C'Onlra<lt IJbali be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Conforms To National policie. Tracey . pent Christmas at the we re present to enjoy a very pleu Oc per ~lour. TIM McCOY in Tne minimum IWIlge paid to all Trickey and family. ~ -hT'e of Edward Gullady and ant evening. Nice refrel1hment. IOL rme.dlate grade labor Groul) IV Wendell ~al\sbury of Sabina is Ohio ha~ "8 h'e u d ~' llwde he r s ta te rnplol' ed on tblll contract IIha11 be were sevred. 00(' per hour, J spending ,th e ·Holiday vacation laws 1 co nform wit h t hll na tional fll\Jl1ilY in Winchester, Ky. 1 - - - ... - ..... - - - Th(' minimum wllge !:laltl II') 1111 I with his grandparents, Mr. and g OV Cl nm ent uolic ics o f t he N. R. ·M rs. Effie Smith, Mt·s . Hannah Relief funds in the :form of llnllktllEKi labor Oroup V employ ed on this ontra t 8hl\1I be 60e lleT Sup.-M_.-J>ec. 3D-3J A. and the national hOUSi ng act. Taylo r • .MI·s. Flo 5ie . C.Rl'ey, Miss wages amounting to $72,845 weM llOur. Mrs. Allen Emrick. . Mr. and MrR. Kesler Graham Gove rn or G Ol'ge White declared L ucy Emley and Mil'. Chester paid to 6043 students enrolled at Th e attentio n of bidder. 18 dlreded 10 the epeelal provl.tol1a COy rlnj{ furnished the treat to the childl'en foll owing n n appeal fl' om t he L11' y v Uled relatives in Dayton, 68 colleges and universitiel1 in lIubll'tllng or aBalgnlnj{ the eon· of Lytle Sunday School, Sunday P reside1lt to ' gov rnot's of the Sunday. Ohio during Novembe1', the State tfact. th e use <7f domestlc ' mllt rials. of labor. ""age. hours or Relief Coml1li8Sion has announc- eelectton "'JI!Ii~!i!i!!~~!i!!!!!!~~!!!!!~!!'!!!I1!!! morning and Mr. and Mrs. Elbert va l'io\l~ s tat 'f\ for co-ord in nt ing empl oyme nt. condi t ions of mploy· with JANET GA "'(NOR, LEW Miss Ve lmn Armitage , of Spring ~,; . Wallace furnished 'them a treat in I gislatio n. Th e Ohio rccove)'y act ment. and hand labor method •. fidd, and Miss Winifred Armitage ~~~~"!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!"!!!!!!!'!'!!!!!!'!!""'''!!I The 'btdder must submit wIth hts AYRES the evenin.g. 'w as the first to be a dopt ed by any ------ - -- bid II. ('erllfled che<:k In an amoun t Mr. and Mrs. The1'le Joni!s and tale and t he s con d to b made of \ncinnati, spent .the Chri!ltmas equl\l to (Ive peroent (G 0/,,) of the' utimated con. but In no 8vent .JIIOre son and Misses Anna and Ruth opel'ati ve, Gove rno r White said. It holidays with their p,arenb Mr. T ......-Wed.--Jan. 1-2 than Ten Thousand Do llar. ($ICl, and Mrs. V. M. Al'mitall.e. Nutt atte nded a famil y dinner becam e la w in July, 10:3 3. 000.00. Plans nnd IIP(l()l fl cation. are nn -Up to ,wo months"o my atom- Christmas at the home of Mr. nnd tile In the office ot t'he State High.. in I!uch a bad'w:ondJUoD I Mrs. Wilbur Nutt, Oxford Ave .• =-= way Director and bhe R eld ent Dill· WANTED with PATERSON ASTHER trlct Dep uty Stat Highway Dlr·- _....r -Dot even tAke a cup of cotr.. Dayton . . ee~~ie Director re.. ervell the right .... tM morning without be.ine In dla- Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Graham and WANTED Sugar or beech to reject any and all blda. w... for two or fure~ houra . .1 daughter, Miss Bernice attended timber. Chas. Kable, Bellbrook O. W. MERRELL, boqbt a b()ttle of your Em~.ioll a family dinner Christmas at "th e Phone 9LS. .jlD .tat. HI......" DI~erD,.. and It hel ped me from the stan, ~ h .. h 1 tt ' ts M mueh so that p ople thought some- orne 0 .. t e a er s paren. r. LIilq had happened to me all of a and .Mt·s. C. W. Albright in Way,.adden . neevlll.e. "Sinc~ thcn t have used six bottles Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark ennd now I ca.n get up in the mornlna tertained with an oY8t er supper !mel eat corned beef and cabbage, m~ Saturday evening, Mr. alld Mrs. ' ~wmach. is in such good condition. Peny Thomas of near Feny and - E. H. Kn obloch, 1956 Lincoln Ave.. Mr. and Mrs . Romo Riggs and . C~icago, Ill . . daughter of R oute 2. Mllh EmulslOn,restor. heal,t hy, A large crowd enjoved the ural bowel Bcbon. . J B is the only Bolid emulaion sple dld Christmas entertainment e Bnd so palatable that It i. at Lytle Church Sunday evening n' with n !lpoon like ice cream. consisting of 80ngs and recitations ltderful for weak. sickly children. by the little folk and the pageant u are Ilrgl!d to t r y Milks Emul- 'of " Life." 1\ • Take I!ix bottles home with Misses Eva and Ethel Reeder left )'0" UI~ it n~cordin~ to direct ion. Friday morning on a motor trl"p ~' If no t ~ntl - ~ cd With the r esults, to Miami Florida where they are your money will be promptly re. '. • CLASSIFIED ADS COST ONLY r,'r.ded. P rice GOe a nd $1.20. per spe!1 dmg the hohdays WIth Mrs. The 11 Ill;, Emulsion Co., Alhe E arly and Mr. and Mrs. Earl ONE CENT PER .WORD. WHY ".IT&.<Hllull Ind. Sold by druggists Shinn. . KEEP YOUR ATTIC FILLED "'''.~rbet·.~. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark en·






ORo Ho E. HATHAWAY Dentist

.1' .










A Twofold Duty





Friends' Home News "


J. E. McClure

Waynesville, Ohio




Wavu-vlUe 0

"The Westerner"

"Servant. Entrance "

20 POUI.

___________ Late Classified Ads. ===========::;:;==:._=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=.;:_=_::;_=====

.1 TWO 10lTII


"Love Time"


Gear S.Ots for Portrait In Test of New Re.fmo ing Process.That "Washes" Oil Clean.

10e EverYD.C)jEl¥--I-__





THAT CAN BE TURNED INTO Tbousani1s of pnotograph. of gears were taken teatina.!"ot:or I~bricanta made by revolutionary new Clearosol proce.. th,at washes n~tural Impurities from oil and is expected to save million. for , moton.ta. By Harold Simons Burke Scien~ has again come to the aid. of The annOunce~ent by the famous reo :he automohile driver- th is time with search man telling of the new pl'ocess amazing discovery that is eJ<pected explained : \0 save milllY millioos of dollars for car "By actua.l tt~t, it Mil fO\lJld that a I ",ners. motor lubricant made this new way The recent discovery of the Clearoso) w uld save up to 25 percent on oil ~!"OCess of oil refining has attracted on umption ; bec:ause I~atural impurilite attention ()f scientists and automn- ties have been "washed" from the oil tive engineers throughout the world. wi th this new pr(ICCSS, the Lubricant is becausc of the surprising result ~ substantially free of tal' and frOlll I\I1II achieved in making motor oils this form ing substancesand therefore leaYa .... way. a clc:lner engine. whiC;h meaDI that a The Dew process makes obsolet.' motorist will have ' minimum of ~ rdining methods. and clean s oil oi Iroublc with stuck ~ _tu ral imlJUritICS throus fl a nl<:t It" I valves due to the oil. . "At the same time :U.ootloil fhat is as simply explained as "wll,h_ Wl' dirt from your bands with soapy by the ~~=::.~/~~=" at cold I Recently revealed Pltber, Director of

/Dy Vacuum Oil "*'~












Eight)T-Sixth Year




Staled communication of Waynesville Lodge No. 163 F. & A. M. Tuesday evening, January 8. Visiling and sojourning brethren are welcome. E. C. Crane, W. M., V. M. Armitag~, SeC'y.

- ---

Whole Number 6151



100 QuutiOnI Co.erin. prac:tican,. Every Importanl Indu.try Will Be A . ked





An intere ting projtram is being pl· \>ared fOJ' the Massie Township Farmers' In titute to be held in the Harveysburg gym on January '1 ' und . I The opening session will be featured by a style show. peakers , ill be Mr, iUerly, of anal Winch 'sler and Mrs. Harbage, or We' t Jeff erson,

-- ------

APPOINTMENT OF POSTMASTER IN WAYNESVILLE liAS LOCAL DEMOCRATS IN GREAT UPROAR Hint That Official Be Named Without Usual Civil Service Examination Result. In T elegram~ Of Protest

Apill'Oximately 25,000 federal c 'nsus employees havQ begun the huge task of enumerating the While lhe question of the Waynesville postma8~el'ship up to this more than ix million farms and time has been more or less a dormant subject in the ranks of local l'anch s of the 'Unit d States in what is probably the most imporLittle Shirley Buzick is Dem ocrats, the issue has become v ry much alive during the last few tRnt agriculJ:ural census ,i n the grip. days, and is apparently going to give the county committee somenation's hist.ory, according to a thing to worry about, Mrs. J. P. Fromm is ill s tatement released by Director ... . K. Day was a bu ~iness visitor Waynesville Democrats took a 'l active hand in the situation reWilliam L, Au!\tin, Bu.t'eau of the quinsy. in Lebanoll, Monday. cently when it was learned that Se nator Robert J, Bulkley, 'who with Census, Depal'tment (If ommerce. C. Lee Hawke is out, alt-er an Plans call for the completion of illness of several days duration , Miss Mary Ellen Edwards, of Senator-elect "Vic" Donahey will have the final "say" in passing the canvas before the end of JanDaytonl has be'en the guest of her out this form of political patronage in the 7th district, "understood" uary. . aunt, Mrs. Raymond Conner. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. ' Preston that the Warren ' county executive committee, of. which S. M. Maag "The Fifteenth ~cennial Cen- visited friends in Cincinnati, Sunsus Act, approved June 18, 1929 day night. Miss Dorothy Anderson, of King is chairman, was unanimously in fa~or of the appointment of John rllr!!cted t hat II mid-decennial man, was the over night guest of S. Cummings, who was in charge of the local postofflce d~lTing the nsus of Agriculture b e tak.e n Miss Doris Hawke, New Year's eve second Wilson administration from 1916 until 1920. Robert Preston was the guest of January 1, 1935, for the calendar relatives in Dayton during the This information coming in the Mr. and Mrs. Orville J. Gray and year ,1 934," Director Austin said. holidays. form of a letter to Howard McBarbara , spent Sunday with Miss "B~ca u lle of the tremendous upGuinn, of Waynesville R. R. 1, relatives at Wellman. Mr. and Mrs. D. R, Smith attend heaval in the great basic industry secretary of t he executive comof agriculture, due to the depres- ed the funeral of a relative at mittee, from the offices of Senator Mrs. E. C. Crane, and daughter sion, drought and other factol'll Wilmingto n, Tuesday. Bulkley, gave the impre8Bion that Bubara, llpent Thut'Sday in Daynew farm statistics are urgently the committee was in perfect acton. n eded in connection with the Mr. and Mrs. Paul Boorom, of ~ ord ovel' the Cummings appoint'ov rnm nt's vast r covery pro- Bellbrook, called on Waynesville ment. , Mr. Harold Risinger, 01 LethKI'am. friends, Tuesday afternoon. bridge, Alberta, Canada, has bern Th e letter further indicated that "The earnest cooperation of, the ' , ' , the guest of Fred Gons and family FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST farm r is necessary to the succees Dr, Lllhan McBride, of Bellorne action would be taken on (Undenominational) oI this. census, for it is one of the brook, was dinner guest of Dr. the appointment, Wednesday. JanMi s Lillii Benham with Miss Chester A. Williamson federal activitie designed pri- Mary L. Cook, Christmas day. uary 2. Anna Vandel'voort, of WilmingUnified service beginning with It was then tbat Senator Bulkley marlly for his benefit. However, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sheehan, of ton, left today to spend eV'lTal Church School at 9 :80 a. rn. was informed, through a series of the wel!are of agriculture atreets Centerville, left this week for Ii w-eeks at West Palm Beach, Fla. Lord's Supper and sermon at hasty telell'rama, that no action nil other industries, directly or in- six week's sojourn at St. Peters10:30. Sermon. by olle of the. llad been taken by the Warren directly and the \>ublic generally. burg, Fla. ; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Conner, of eld!lrs. ~. A. NIX of North Vernon, county executive com.mittee on The statistics are necessary not Dayton, were, dinner guests of only for the ordinary transaction Mrs. L. H. Gordon and Mrs. Ind., Will preach here Sunday Jan- the appointment. of governmental bu ineas, but also Emma H. McClure were business MiN Faith Tomllll~n, Mr. a:nd Mr •. Raymond LaRue" LlltLllr LaRue Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Conner ual'y .13. You a re always welcome Gossip in political circles inFriday evening. for allotment programs. These visitors in Lebanon, Friday afterat thiS church, dicated that the letter sent to programs ra nge from the aUoca- , noon. Senator Bulkley recommending In Impre .. iye Rev. and Mrs: A. Ward AppleST. MARY'S ' CHURC~i tionll Qf the Agricultural Adjustthe appointment of Oummings, gate and daughter and Mrs. Holl aFrienda' CerenlAny . ment Administration to the FedMr. and M,ra. Arthur Anson, of Rev, J. J. Schaeffer, Rector I!uggested that he be named for tho day 'of Wilmington, were guests of eral Emergency Relief and Farm S~ando~, .0hlO, were guests 0 Sunday, January 6, Epiphany , post without the,usual civil aervice Mrs. Ada Jenkins, Sunday. redit Administration. Indeed, MISS L12:z~e Pratt and Mr, George Church school at 9 :30; sermon exa mination. the benefits expected to be deriv- Pratt, Fnday. A wedding of inter t wa 01- fri end wel'e ' invlted to sirn the Mary Carolyn Lukens, of Har· and Holy Oommunion at 10:30. emniz d .. t the Friends Church marriage certificate. News of this situation fell as a e d f rom th IS census are incalcula- Mlsses Janice and Phyl.hs Burnett I'n Wayn"sv\' Ue, Thursday afterMI'. La Rue , is a graduate of veysburg, spent a , few days last In the afternoon at 2 :30 the an· bombshell among other a spirants held nual parish meeting will ,be ble and will have a. marked in- f Lytl e, are gues t s th IS week 0 f I noon, Dec " mber 27, at 3:30 Wilmington Cotleg,! where she was w,e ek with her grandmother, Mrs, for the WayneSVille postmallterflu nee on the f uture wel1are of o . A full attendance i desired. tholr grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. o'clock, when ~i Ruth Tomlin- affiliated with the Tau Theta Chi Lena Hartsock. ship, and as a result wires were WAY ME eH agriculture and the country as a E. L; Thomas. on eld r dau"'htar of Mr. and Sororit•. She .tu' d Interior Decliterally fired til Se nator Bulkley's bol . At the e(;mplet1(;n of the _ .. v lIlrs. Nann ie Florence and Miss office urging that he withhold Ie I M' L . S i h f V ·11 1'8, A. Ou IS Tomlinson, beciun onrtio n at 'I'fI rand Central ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH canvass every ellort wi! be put u; oUlse m t,o ersal es the brl'de of Mr. Raymond LaRue, ISchool of Art in :New York City Kathryn Huntington, of Columbu s, action until an examination be forth to make preliminary tabula and Mi " Frances Hall, of Wilm ing , Fatber Newton. Pastor held, and appoin~ment made tion reports available at the ear- to n, were g uests of Mias Alice son of Mr. and Mr • Lewis LaRue and for the past , two ,years b'as were week-end guests of Mr. and Masll lit St. Augustine's Church through tile usual channels. liest possible moment. GOllS during t he holidays. of Ashville. Ohio. b en teaching at New Burlington. Mrs. Howell Peirce. every second and fourth SundllY It is under tood that the number "Due to the splen did cooperaThe altar was decorated with Mr. La Rue attended Ohio Miss Mildred Thomas, of Richof "eligibles" who have their hats l.ion of new spapers, farm publicaMr. and Mrs. Ronald Hawke, Mr fern and narcissua flanked with tnte University but received his mond, Ind ., was the guest of Miss f the month. in the rin,. for the Waynesville , l.ion8, radio broadca ting stations, Frank Hawke and MillS Emma candelabra and the church was B. . in Physical Education and Ethel Mendenball, Wednesday FRIENDS MEETING postoffice is one of the largest in tate and county farm agencies lleighway were ' dinner guests of dimly lighted with tall tap'e rs. M. S. at Springfield College, evenine. First-day School at 9 :30 a. m. many years. and organizations a nd educational Mrs. Edith Harris Sunday. At the appointed hour the bridal pringfield, Mass. At the present In addition to Cumming" one institutions in dl' ml'natl·ng I'nM Ch 1 S b party entered and immediately time he is employed as coach at Mrs. Bertie Mills and Mis Sarah Meeting for Wor hip at 1/):30 r8. ar es tans erry, Mrs. . M H' h SCb • hElare mentioned the names of Smith were dinner guests of relm. formation concerning Lhe impor- Ray Mote and little Miss Joyce following several approprMII~te Raslonti' Ig d oOf" I f i d Morris Cornell, Harvey Sackett, tance of thi farm census more C I S . . . I . . selectio ns were played by ISS eaves an a ew c ose r en s atives in Springboro, Monday tansbe .. .1', of Dayton, visit Mil d rEd Thomas, 0f R'IC hmon d, ass em bl e d at th e b'd' b f or evening. thftn million cOP1·es of the ,edaro f n. end, q e some WAYNESVILLE M. E . CHURCH Les~er , Gordon, Lawrenee Brown, .. Ii schedule here Monday. . db'" . 0 ,CIoc k d'mner. T a bl es were Fred Bl'addook, Frank Fox, Dr. H. Ind., violinist, accompamc y <lUr. ' a SlX ampl have been distriRev. G. C. Dibert. Paltor Mr. and Mrs. Howard Archdea· lJUted t(l farmer. Those who do Mr. and Mrs, George Miller, of E. Von Schumacher of Harveys- I beautifully decorated with poinSunday: Sunday school at 9 :30 E. Hathaway, John Gons and con were entertained Chr.lstmas a. m. Morning worship at 10:40. several other, not have sample lichedules are Bowersville, are ·visiting at the burg. scttla and glowing tapers. Su~pieion on t he paTt of some urged to write, phone or call a t home of the form~r's ' parents, The couple married themselves The couple departed for a short day at the home of relatives in The sermon subject will be "Christ the farm census headquarters in Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller. using the simple Friends cere-, hOneymoon amid a shower of rice New Vienna. in Bethany." Epworth League at Democrats was aroused following their di trict, procure a copy, mony. The only attendants were i and a host of good wishes. F or her Mr. and Mrs. Howard Archdea. 6:30 p. m. with Olive Scott as the announcement of civil service study the questions a nd have t heir Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Cummins. of Miss Faith Tomlinson, sister of, traveling costume the bride wore COn visited Mrs . Archdeacon's leader , Evangelistic service at examinations for postofficell at Lebanon , Wilmington" Sabina, Dayton, ofd Mr. . Dayton. Sunday after- 7:30 p. m. rec ords ready when the enumera- M Cl were guests All M and L the bride and MI'. Luther LaRue a crepe h" dl'ess of dOVe gray with b roth er III tor calls. The headquarters for . rs. arenee en an rs.. brother of the groom. mate Ing accessories. noon. Wednesday: Bible study and Washington C. H. and Cedarville some weeks ago. The bride was beautiful In a The maniage certificate wu his district of Ohio is located at D. Chiles, New Year's day. prayer meeting at 7 : 15 p. m. The Ii~t did not include the Dayton. formal gown of aquamarine executed ,by J . J. Downing of Mrs. D. • Ridge and Mrs. Sarah Mr.Mary and Mrs. A. K. and crus h e d ' a g,ea t unc1e 0'f th e b'd " The Bureau desires to call at. Miss Burton wereDaydinner sati nd an ha t 0 f tu II e an d. X ema, n e. Murray attended the 'funeral ot WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF Wayn esville office, which was due at this time, the term of PostCHRIST tention to t he Jaw which provl· des <_ .. M d M F U L satin. Her bouquet was of Calla It Is a special design on a large .Tames F . Weller at Celltervllle, ' o~ r. an . • e- 1'1· master Ross H. Hartsock having t hat the individual return made by gues May ....and family, NewTIl.Year's day. lIes an d f 'ern. The b'd 1'1 esmaid was 18 x24 p Iece 0 f parc h men t , i n 0 Id Tuesday_ (Undenominational) ex Ired ~ce mb er 18. nch farmer is an absolutely CODattired in pale pink crepe ",ith Engli8~ and several different Mr. and Mr,s. Wm. Bradley, Chester A. WilliameDn, H was then letters were sent to fldential government report and Mr. and Mrs. James Lovely en- ma c 109 a 0 u e an crepe tyles of letters, nicely distrib- M iSE!cS Mattie Cook a nd Lucy Church Schoal at 9 :30 a. m. ,to em phasize the fact that D() in~ tertained at dinner Sunday even- and carried an arm bOIJ<luet of utcd with the cript. It has at- Emley spent New YeOl"s day with L01'd's Supper at co nclusion. Senator Bulkley inquiring about . trflcted a grea~ dElal of att ntion GeoTge Woollard and family, in Christilln Ev<leavor at 6 :30 p. m. th e Waynesville postoffice" which dividual lIgurElfl will be used for ing, Mr. and Mrs. Victor McGuire pink roses. br ught an an swer On the part of taxation purposes nor given to of Trenton, and Mr. and ' Mrs. Immediately following the cere- and comment, being considered an Dayton. Evening evangelistic , service at the senatOl' that he under8tood the any tl\X official. All enumerators, Thomas Hurst, of Springboro. mony the relatives and close interesting piece of art. 7:30 p. m . Sermon by D. R. Harrill Waynesvill e matter had already Mies Elizabeth Chandler, of L. A. Nix of North Vemon. Ind " as well as all Census employee.. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Gons and settled by the executive comHampton Institute, Va., and Miss w,i11 preach here unday even in g been are sworn to secrecy and are re- Mrs. Kathryn Turner arrived home ATTRACTJVE PROGRAM Ruth Chandl er, of Cedarvill(', re- January 13. The ch urch where mittee. q uireci to read the law and the It appears that one t)f the most severe penaltiell eBtablished , for Saturday night after spending two FOR CLUB M,EETING turned to their respective positi ons you feel at home. interesting "fights" in hist ory .any disclosure of information. weeks with F. B. Henderson and Tu&Sday. over the appointment of a WayMra. Ir ma Beach, widow of ---Only sworn employee. of the family at Sarasota, Fla. n ~sviJJe postmaster is under way, Mr. and Mrs. George Hartsock Census Bureau have aeee•• to the Mr_ and Mn. ' Hartley Mog and George Beach, ended her life b)' The regular meeting of Way ~e Without anyone daring to venture files. Section '9 of the Fifteenth family, Mr. and Mrs. J. B: Rich, "anging h her sell .ThHursda y baiter Township Mothers' club will be e ntertained at dinner New Year's a n opinion a to t he outcome, day, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hartsock h Decennial Censul ~ct provides Mr. May.nard Rich and Ifr. Giibert noon at er orne In arveys urg, in the Grade building at the penalties for failure to answer Frye were entertained at the home Despond'ency over the tragic death hour Friday afterno on, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Surface and Mr. Milo Hartsock. questions asked by ,S llumeraton of Ira Ri,eh and family, Sunday. of her husband, who was killed in MEMBERS OF W . F. M. S. or foZ" _,iving falae information. an automobile accident severall"·"uuuy 4. , The program , as ENJ OY GOOD PROGRAM "Enumerators are legal Tesl. Miss Miriam Jean and Master months ago, is thou,ht to have by the ~:ommittee, com?lfr. and Mrs. Morris Fulkerson Uniform rule!! for banking pracdents of the districts which they Earl Emerson Fife, of Wilmington been the rea1l0ft for her rash act . qu.artet by Earl ent rtained with "500" New :tiCE8 recently adopted by the Warcanvass. Some, if not all of the niece and nephew of Mrs. L. H. Mrs. Beach was a retired schoo) Earl Earnhart, Bob Year's eve, Mr. and Mrs. B-edford ren County Banking Assochltior. farmers residing in an enumera- Gordon, were week--end gueste In teacher. having been employed Harold And erson; a talk Strieklen, of Mi~cUetown, Mr. and became effectiVe January 1. I The W. F , M. S. ~et at the tion district will know the enum- the Gordon home. many yeal's in the Cleveland Clara Lilli and a piano Mrs. Harold SmIth and Mr. and The regu lation covel'ing check- home o.f . Mrs. G. C. DIbert with schools by Ruth Conner. Mrs. Ralph Hastings. I ing accounts is of intel'est to de- ' ~r8. S ilver and Mrs. Hatfield ..erator personally and they wiIJ do Mr. and ... ....ra. B""an Prender"'ast .is survive d bv her moth er mothers and lrl'ends are in. IBlatant hostesses. -, • 'She M d M S S bb d ' meeting We 11 to see tb a t an accurate re- Mig Alma and Muter J i m m i e ' r. an rB, am t u II an POSltors' After J a nuary 1 , . a The was opened by sineport;, is returned for their district. Prendergast of Winton Place, Cill- Mrs. G. M. Wilson, of Fairfield, two children, of Newark, Mrs. E. charge of 50 cents per WIll ! lng "C hrist for the World We \yith the proiram now belnS car- cinnati, were week-end ~sta of two sisters, Mrs. S. H, ,Pierce, of _ E. Hartrum. Mrs . Lydia Haller, Mr be mad e on accounts haVIng an ' Sing." 'r!ed on by the Government to a~ Miu Katherine and Mr. Jellse !;i~!~li~a~nd Mrs. F, C. Thorn hill n on and burial WIIS hi Centel"Villc Orville Haller and two children, averagc daily balance of less than Mrs. Day conducted the de811ft agriculture an inaccurate re- Prendergast Funeral services were h eld at t he cemeter y, '. ,' of Germantown, were guests of $50. votional exercises, the subject port might very readDJ react, to ' Mr. and Mr , A. R . Stubbs, WedA pamphlet g iving in detail the being, "Contemplation of Making -the dieadyallt.a-e of the farmers In Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Lovely and residenee Saturday . afterno on ~ - , .- I nesday, new rul es cove roi ng other service Goodness Attr:Bctive." t~~t particular district. daughters and MT8. E. J , Hl!nry burial in Miami cemetery. Perry Bailey, 71;, dl4!d Tuesday I ' charges to be made is available t o After a short business session guelt. of Mr. and Mrs. John Janual')' I, at the home of his Mr, and Mrs. A, H. tubbs !!n- customers of all banks in the the following program prepared , The farm schedule is ClomprilM!d of 100 questions covering praeat Middletown, Sunday, and Mrs. Alvin Fires received word, sister, Mrs. Clara B. Lewis, in tertained a few friends Tuesday county . by Miss Helen Hawke was rentically every important raml6ea- on Monday were guelts of Mr. and last week, of the death of Miss I?tlyton. He is tiu~vived by two , eveni ng. F our tables lor "5~O" Th e memhershi of th e Warren dered: tlon of tile agricultural ladaltrJ. Mrs. Lee Lovely at, Springboro. Mary Gard , 79 years of age, which SIsters, Mrs. Lewlll and Mrs. Ada , were made up by the follOWIng ounly Bankers p Association in · Reading, "The Aoyama GakiulIl Of course, very few farmeN wID ... d"'~ L t J d occurred · December 26, at he r Dearhth, °Lf '~ayt°fn, M~nd. bthree I!;Muests:dMMI'· andI Hwarvle Yh RMye 'lcludes The Waynesville Nationa! - Mrs. D. C. Ridge. be required to answer an 01 the ... r. an an. es er ames an home in Monrovia, Calif. ' Miss brot ers, eWIS, j) lamlS urr, r. an rs. rVlng 41 c, r . ' Ban,k The Leb CT Study book, "The Advance in questlona, only tb. onel pertaln- famll" of Blanche.ter, Mr. alld Gard was the niece of the late W. and Wal ter and Wilbur BaUey, of and Mrs. Harol~ Smith, Mr. and I Nati~nal Bank, T~~onFr~~~~·l! Education"- Mrs. Le May. ing to thei.r particular actlvitlel. Mn. Ray Jamel, MiaMI Eather alld H. Gard and lived with her uncle LOB Angeles. Mrs, Ralph HastlngR, Mr. and ~r.8. National Bank, First Nationa! Solo, "Onward in Majeety"Questions to be anllwered wtD in- Edna Jamel, of Mlamlabure, were on the farm now owned and 'Private funeral services wera l r:r~ ~oger;r. Mr. H'd Mrs. WPhllllh Bank of Morrow and Th e First- Mrs. FUlkerson. elude farm tenure; farm popaJa.. pesta of Charlel Jamas and occupied by J C Hiaey and family held at the Lewis residence this, ~ ' E r;h e 1~n e c Mason Bank. Readinll', "A letter from a tion; fann acreare, which Inclad.. famll" Sunda,.. Later they r~mcived to California Thursday afternoon and borial wal an r . ar ort. • - • Japaaeae Missionary to BrazU"all crop laud, putu're land an. lIl8I 00•• AIleD entertained a where tbey resided many in Centerville Mr. and Mrll. Philip Larrick enBODua ApplicatiOil D••dUD. Mrs. McClure. tertained New Year's eve, the ocReading, "Champa'i Bic Day" woodland: total value of the fU'1D . . . ..,ollP of frieD., ' FrIday Jean.. One brother, Alger Gard, aere._ and )'Ield of Mob of the n ...t with 1nidp .. the dI••nlon. I1Im.el. •, Jearl of calion be In .. the. birthday anniver-Mra. Clark. principal field eJ'Opa and ",dabl.. The p .... W08N Mr. ad ..... Earl Burial w.. made at December I sai7 of Mrs. Larrick. Thol' who Final date on which World War St8warcrlllip Semcl--Mn. Da, principal fruit and nub; number Flora, IIr. Earl Short, Mr. CWl'orcl enjoyed the eYenlng were, Mr. and , vetarans may 1IIe applications 10r , The meetlq adjourned to meet and valae of each 01. . of U. ...tock Blue, of Mr. aad lin. tbree 101M Mra. Heber HalllUton and children adjusted compenaaUon certlftcates with lin. Day in PebraUJ. and poultr:v and ....." D. of DaltOll, Mr. and lin. LawreDce hal been set for January 2, 1936. - -- - Wilda alld chlldNll, ot Veterans aUeible for the bonua Kant.-.! IIr. an4 lin, oertUlcatM IIIW1t ha e "ned mon :"'en14 9f tban the














I G G t" foou, $43.50. 1>1'. Samuel Herntan . T~Ufthnr!! of th eubJ'ucts under Warden, $112.50; eorll'e "I·ft ••"., ""1.80.' C. G • . ... ~ _ _ _ _ ._ _ ._ . _ _ _ __ _ _- . - - - .. iJltt.'n'·\l'd ill I t'urOll)" 0 r !<c IWII 'f',tlt'tI I llr th e b uglne~~ ~ • " '" fti I UB60In, mn,."... ·lclll ljul" ~ ,,,"'.... , , lI,.ti<'I\it'~ in tIlE' lunou. gm"e~ tud 'nlll laking a the direction of local Superintlln- sign for t'cemploymtlnt 0 ICl , c; Ranuall, M. D., 1S1In1t1, $411.20; Dr. UIlll tl('partrlll'nt, ,t W. 11. :. Wi.' \Uk,· (.t'neral B t this year are prcparifllr the The Book hop, pencil and Ink 25c N. A. Hamiltun, lIlAOI', $1.601 Dr. Rrl' j!lad (0 luh thl OI/P rlulllty , ln Ih \.m (! ~bl!Y get c~pert- examination, Thi plan has .been The Gem City Blue Print. & SUP- H. M. Willinms,aml', $2,1.60; ! to wi~l\ all our relld .... 11 happy I'nCl' alJout whlch they uy m the inaugurated by County Supennten ply Co map for corporation of Dr. . S. Sl hi, samEl, $4; Dr. 11' h h i ' and Ilro"pcl·UU. Nt\\ 'f tlr. \Gt'n ral Busine. out! e. . dent Mpecially becau of Lh~ fact Leb8no·~. $1.50. H. L. Schuyl r, Witham, !:lame, $16.25: Dr. JohllC 00 01. many chools in Warrcn that ru.rlll schools lind vtllage payroll, $138.80; urI Dakin. paysarn , SOc; DI'. Mary L. ook, Edited by tilt' Bo St~l' lub of Wayn ' VI II C III Ed'tor-in-Chief.. . . . e County offer this splE1ndid oppor- $Chools of the county do not cover roll $116.60; W: D. Carder gravel l11n e , $11.40; Dr. P. H. Leaver, FRANK HAWKE AMi.tant Editor I Opportunllte. Fo~nd an Offi~ \ tUllily to high- chool I!Itudents, the the same work. $1.60; The Murro w Lumber Co., same, 9.55. A. D. ~pence, M. D., CECIL HARTMAN ~ Wor" llr at· t opportunity a public high High chool studenj.s who av rage cem nt and lime, $56.50; J. K . sam, $1.60; Earhal·t's Dru~ <;:.,-,- - - -.....- - - ,- - - - - - Tht' public, IHI doubt, has oft()n l ~ChOol can olfer. "A" for the first semester'~ work Spencer, sand and gl'avel, $11.90; Store, supplies $4.26; McGe.tch.1O Ii 0101 Vie __" 1th e)(change of small gifl~, wondered ju t VI hat thc naturc of art! xempteu from the exam ina- J . L. Dunn, services, '$52.80; John Pharmllncy, s upplies" $1.76 • . Dr. The seventh grad compl ted the high·" hool office i~. I ~ .i t like Way~eha Meet Flra ..kli" tions in that subject. Ban, payroll, .$62.80; J ohnson Edw. Morey, medical serV1Ce8~ }l~mher~ of the chorusc o:li the I their fir ~ ;;e \ Ing projects la. t tha~ of any ,ordinury offiCI;! of a n Friday, Janu~ry 4, the First bus children will arrive Myers, pa}'roll, $62.80; M. C. FoL'- $20.35; r. H. E. Rudman, medtlperlltlu. have bcen cho en and a ' week :whIch w re hand·mad e and bUSlO ~~ fll'lu! . Is It ?n a ~m .lIel· \ \V ayoesvllle teams wi1.1 journey to at the school at 8 a. m. and depart man, payroll, $167.16: &11'1 BII : ieal services, $16.25; 01'. John chairnlan of cach horus has been I embrOluer d towels. /lIe, 0 1' ~oe II ~peclnli1.e m Just Pt'lInklin for oni> of th~ season's at 3 :30 p. m . e<;ond bus children ore, paYI'oll, $93.20: V. l'wL Arml Zetlel meaical se rvices, $75.75: appointcd to be responsible fOr ne cerium phil. ot office wOI'.k fllStest games. Th e va'rsity team is will arrive at 8:30 a. m. and de~ tage, payroll, $83.30; John Myers Dr. H~nry Brown, medical serv~ce8 the co tume and work of hi Reeohation. Which The Student. The school IS nnt(J1"8111Y m· 80 far this season unddeated . it i I rt at 4 pm " . payroll. $177.80; Zain Armitage, $6. 10; DI'. R. M. Brew(H', medIcal choru . Hope The Fa~\llty Make tere t~d in t~e opinions ami ideas your duty lo see that th y do not 1pa " . sa nd, $12.03; Lebanon Gl\II'agc & sCI'v ices, $28.45; Jam s H. Arnold, Tho taking p'aTt 8re: Mi H okl -1'0 fini~h her rug of. til I)ubhc, lind wllnts t~ ' g down at the bands of Franklin. The sched~le fO.1 ea~h da.y for Welding Co., iron rod lind ~ harp en 1. D., medical servic 5, $69.7 6 ; Burger -Earf Sheets, . d' t I people to fully unuerstand It om out and do your best rooting gl'ad II 3-1.2 tnclU S1Ve 18 dIvided ing picks, . 3.06; The Frank h l' Dr. H. L. Rose ncrans, medlcnl man; Robert Young, Robe. lm~:. I~o~!~b nd r-Not to have school B)·sltn;. . , linto 4 perlOds a follows: 0., wa., ,2.73 . W. N. s l'vices, $1.()0; Dr. Jean Nock, Thomas, )' Van Often, John any more art wOl'k ill Bio101('}'. \. ~es, t!H' Supertnt~ndent s ~ffiee The: Mid year l!:llamlnati.on.. I 8 :00- 8 :30 study 18t bus. $6.16; LeMar Body 01 dica1 Hvices, $41).60; Blair Boger. tr Garst--To kill the geese in 18 JU t hk aDy ordm ry bU.5lOesB ~an. 10.'lId 11. 8 :30·]0.00 gasoline, $12.77. W. M. L wson, Bros .. Hospital, medical se rvi~es, Viennese Maid n Helen the iunior class. office. The whe I that turn 10 thhe The semesler examinations this JO :00· ]1:40 repairs to chain, $2; The Cincin· $216; Dr. W. E. Ho~er,. medical Gr ene, chairman; Reba Edwards, Miss mith-To remember the officc. of tl buehle ~:rm lurn cac year " ill cover two ,day. Ninety 12:30- 2 :00 nati Oil Works Co., oil, alcohol, scrices, 27.G6; 01'. Slefrled. medMary Young, Jean Furnas, R.achel u nbe of lines of hort hand as· day 10 th ,chool o ~~. minute or more will be devoted to 2 :00- g :30 anti-freeze and kerosene, $76; deal services, $ 12.20; Albaugh Rartman, Ruth Hoyle, Oliv e n. [ d): Only stude nts talong a commer ht t 3 :30· 4 :00 study 2nd bUB. Miller Hardware & Furniture Co., Go od Drug Co., upplies, $3 ..60; . Slgne. can in the office. eacIn some Cll. cases revH~w . .IS already of 0 95 Th e Dr. Orvi'11e L . Layma,n, 01 ed lnal Scott, LOul, e Zimmerman, D oris Mr. MacDonald-Tn spent Ie II cI'al h ..~ours f . t.h wOJ . ·k 'k we d is 8 The examinations are so planned shovel an pIek han dl e ,..,. : " Surface, Edna McKeever, Margie time at the drinking fountain. . r~ ~~;' 'f e wo; t p: it.ion 'we11 un(lel' way. It i. expected as to give each child ample time in Bevis Machine Co., labor and servic es, $40,65. Dr. W . E . OglesTinn y, Rita Van Oflen, Ruth Mr. Bra~dock-Not to make SOtUll~{enat~ nwh~r c:re ut~retake offic~ that much be!lefit will be derivcd each examination and where pos- haft and gears, $4.40; Smith's bee, medical cl'vices, U 1.40;. H. Burnett. n resolut on because he always f th si ble study periods between. Service Station, supplies and gaso . Hutch in, drugs, $2.25; IVlns~~Bo;,k .mu8tl have , at" Q~ ' l'ag\heOyt ro m e review. line. $63.86; Griswold Service ta Jam e~o n Drug 0., drugs, $8.35; Tourists _ Juanita Brannock. ~ YakS the~, chairman; Cha.rle LeMay, Rob rt Mr. Hatfield-Not to forget his In a 1 . SU.blCC , mee tion, @upplics and ga oline, $61 .64 Dr. R. O. Bridges, m dieal services Allen, Ruth onner, Vivian Con- book store change. ha ve b en m hl~b.s~hooJ. , w. H. McHenry. supplie and gaso $4.85; Blind Pensio ns, period end· ner, Dorothy Bourne, Mildr d Mr. James -That his team The !lchool offle I a laboratory line, $25.09. H. M. Coyne, serviceS \i n g December 31. 1934, $883.50. Cook, Phyllis Collette, James win all the rest of Ih basketball fo~ the office class,. just as the . • $60; Christine B. leveng r, sel'- -- - Sheets, Verna Ma Hunter, Naomi games. . sClencc laboratory 18 8 labol'avices, $37.60; Mearl B. Morey, Milk Production Ramby, Christine McClain. Mr. Turner--To groi", tall like tory for t he science cla. ses. $37 .50; Willa J. Beedle, Waiters--Jane Cook, chairman; Miss Reeder. We train OU1' 'minds to think ' services, $3'7.60; Louise Whipple. Although the decli ne . in . milk Anna Gay Treadway, :M arjorie <juickly, to think cl~arly. ami I\C!- ! s'lfvices, $37.60; Helen Randall, produ lion pCI' cow dUI'ing NoElunhart, Evelyn Furnas. Mary January Calendar curatcly. In many calles w nrc Common. Pl ... P lroce~in,. Frank Frazer, et aI, executors of $37.60. Linnie Williams. services vcmbel' WlI8 the great st for that Harris, Lester Schaeftcl', Franc:e 2-Re- given thc chance to tl'Y out our l 1the estate of Zaldee Venable, de- 37.50; Jeannette Payne, services. month in lO years of I' cord, PI'OWedn . Watkins. . esday, f h January 1 it th h r own 1'd 85, t 0 Sttl nd a lone , and In the case of Everett Wesley ceased. First an d fi na1. $87.50; Betty K. Oswald, ~ rviees, duction on D ccmbel' \ was only alisbury, opemng 0 8 C 00 !I a er e .o 1- think thi ngs ~ut !01' ourselv:s. vel' us Roger C. Hill, demurrer August Ast and Anna Glo ser, $35; Grac'e Baker, services, $32 .- 1 per ct' nt below , production on Gypsie Ruth chairman; Buelah Bernard, ueUa day ~acation. We tak dictation of busme~ overruled. Defendallit granted 10 administrators of the estate of 60; EliuQeth Hathaway, ervices, that dote la t year. Favorable fell 110. d Fl'1day, January As. embly. [I tt)'s' from t d eceased . F'If t an d $30 ; W m.. J Pit anzer, p I" ,Bcrnar, margaret ' Craw C'or, Friday January 44- Basketball . I f our uperintl'ndent lib" t days to answer. bl~tem nt over- EI'lza be th A1\, acmg Clr- weath r ond abundant late pasd Edith Hoyle, Graee Hoyle, L on'. as we wlI I'om our os ,w ml! rulcd ' final. culator on fUrnace, mat rial and ture accounted fo1' the r ecovery, ard Franller, Ru'th Larrick. Mil- game atdFrank~n'F . d J day. Many timos \\ e l~n wer I t- , [n 'the case of William M. Van Adam B. Morri , administrator labor, $203; Penn Morton services accol'd ltlg to t.hc Dec mb er govern dred Larrick, Edna Mae Staup, Th.ur ay an rl ay, anuary t r~ our el es according to a D I th B d f of the esl.nte of Anna L. Bone de- $70; James FolJen, services, $15; m~nt crop report. 10, and 11- FIr t semester e::x- cerlnin form 'under th e 'ignaLur ,Ol'C~, at a, ~e.~u t 0lar 0 Richard Satterthwaite, Evelyn minations. b S' -~ t 0 h ' oun"y omnu lonerS, e ~, tem- ceased. First and final. C. Donald Dilatush, rent of office of ,t e uperm ~nu nt. t el lporaTY destrai ning ol'der lS8used. The. wllJ of Lafayette Dill, d - $20: The Children's Hospital, h08Petei'll, harle. Fire Paul Webb, a TRY Eloise Peck, June Sheets. ~aturday, J~n~ary 12,- Ba ket dutlcs that co~ne 1Oto t he hundS I The cas of Claud e W. Rue ver- ceas~d, was admitted t() probate. italization, $2l; Mrs, Howard Saw ba M gar e at e anon· S d of the office !nrl or bo~ are: the sus William Burggl'aif, et al is dis- Emma L. 0111 was appointed ex- yer, services, $7; Mrs. H len OUR CLASSIFIED C<:.LUMNS U J Teacbera'MeehD,. Ton day, January 16'Weco,n ?rdedng. of chool supph e, check· m i sed. ecutrix, no bond required. L. Earl Doughman, services, $7. W. H . . ues al', IInu8ry arren mg lnv olc On ~oods that have I th f J T n'l Tho·mpson E C Morl'I'son and D M He" I thl' ng nd food The teachers' me tIngE! will con- County high-school music festival. been r eived and these that a re n e case 0 • ' . I.ey, . . ' c nr" , c. 0 a , - -- ~- tinue during the rema~nder of the Thursday, January 17- Sports. to be paid, amwering the tele- s,:!s Thomas J . Parker, JDJunctlon E. Heywood were apPOInted ap· $136.60; Midland Grocel'y "..,..,..,.,,,..,,,=---=-.,...,.,-:-;;:"'\ eho~1 ye!'r. There Will be three manship Brotherhood m cting. phone in nn :inte lligent way ', the granted perpetuall y, . prai ers. Co., food $64;!.50; J . R. Coffman, meetmgs tn January with Mr 1 Friday January 18 Basketball b k' f h' h' I d I In lhe case of Helen L. 1IIzar by In the matter of the trust creat· food, $346.50; The Dayton Power Bodenbender as leader of. th~ game Mason here ank.m g 0 t moneY!t w lIle u tS I her father, Welton Ritar, veMius ed by Item IV of the will of and Light Co., light, $1; Lebanon l 8 Walter S. Cowan, motion ovenul- Walter W. Voorhis, dccea~ed, com Ice eft Coal Co., fuel, $2; The Kroft.-st. 'Mr Braddock and Mr Hat- ! Saturday Janua;'" 19 Warren mnd mg. ~u dhepok·1 !i PdS' rec~t"p ft ld' h . d' d M' . M "J • an writing C cc II. an mee mg ed pensation was allowed Dean .E . gel' Grocery &: Baking Co., food, K~ t eM~e:o~ay' :~d ~ss Gar:i c°Frun~dY teacJhers' meet10 g· B k t the pllbli~ in ~ b,:,si ~es ··Iike 'In the case of lew York Life Stanley (or his services at trustee f1315.25; Wright's Market, food, 2 5 lIl_ey, anuary as e - way. 1\1e tmg the pu bhcd mcludes J 0 h n K amps, a d mlnl8 . . t ra t or 0.. f ~296 ; V'trg iDla ' Van H orne, cash the third. ball lay, Otterbein here 1 Insurance C o. versuis Adam D. Car , ,. . alesmcn, pal'ents of tu nts a 0 pctlte!', et ai, service by publica- the estate of FTcd Kamps, deeeas- relief furnished for .November, ~h\lMlday, ~a~~ary 31tt-F~~r students lind ~eacll I'S '\\ ho wi h to tion is t o \}e mad~ 01'\ the defen- d, bled his application Cor a cer- $70; Keltner's Dairy milk. $71.86 Ho_ EcODomica per ormance 0 e opere 8, ' n see the Supel'lnlel')dent. d D'a tivcate of transfer. Miller Dairy Farms, milk, ~652.10 A I ong WI, 'th thO19 .work. we hav: e a In.....the case of Th,e Federal Land ,. , Gail Thompson, administratrix The Franklin Chronicle, envelopes ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN For the pa~t week the classes in Old Vienna" the opl'prtunlty oC 6ndl1lg out If Blink, of Louls....iIl ll versus Dora of the estate of Ste lla J. Bo th, de $11.76; Kelly's Gl'ocery, food, ),our Cattle, hOlS, sheep and calY~. Home Economics have been inakFrom The Editor ~e have chosen the. rig~t profellal'nahan, administlratrix of the es ceased, filed her first 'a nd final ae- $4.25; Mrs. A. M. Hin sch, office to Norrill-Brock Co., 1ive 'lOr_ aftd ing Christmas candies. They had a The memb r8 of the Booster SlOll. If, after work 109 In the oftale of Laura M. Jones. deceased, count.. . . rent, $45; Wm. Carson Clerk, pro(Tessive firm f?r th6 hitrb..t very nice selection 0 f the various prices and good .errie•• In the matter of the estllte of electric light for wellare office, market kinds. The clim.a x came. bowever, Club have greatly enjoyed coh- fice for one month or so w.e ~nd t ai, Charles D..Mlaple appointed Stocll Yarela' CI.cia_Ii, O. Edwin Walker Hudson, deceased, $6.77; Chas. Hildcbrant. food, UnIon in the epecial Christmas dinners tributing these items about our that the work ha no fallcmation guardian ad litem Tune in on Radio Station WC.KY In the matter of the transfer of distribution i8 ordered. $311.02; Carroll's' Stor~, food 12 :211 to l2 :30 p. m. tor our daily which the freshman and senior school to the paper, and we hope for us and tak tl no "hold" on \18, then that the school patrons hav been we know thut we are not funds of the Village of Lebanon, Malissa E. Bowman filed her $148.50; H. C. Hamilton, food, classes had. An added feature was market reportl.

U- h OO nlg SC h I


SpO t S Iil









- - - -- - ---




~====~========~~=======~=====~~~~==~~=====~~ the POOO~~~~Mhr~d fiom~~k~~fM~e~~~~~id$14~50;H.~ ~mil~~ h~, Bond Retirement, Interest and a guardian Chl'istopher C. Bow. '60; L. &: C. Market, food, $89.-



Sinking Fund to the General Fund man, an incompetent person. 25; Myel' Ryman, clothing, $29.43 In the ca!;e 01 New York Lite In tile ease of W. W. Whiteker, J. W. Lingo Hardware necesslties, .3 YEARS OF SERVICE Insuranc Co. versus Ethel Ebner ancillary administrator of the es- $52.80; Ml'I!. Ella Dakin, sbelter., et aI, judgment to the plaintiff fo: tate' of W. M. Kissick. deceased, $6: Geo. E. Miller, food, $13.50'; $4,771.23. . Iversus Crilla ~issick, et aI, A. J. Thieman's SbOllS &.:-Shoe Repair, rn the case of TIle Mutual BuildSheurer, Elmer Fawcett and J. D. clothing, $5.80; The Home Store, LEBANON, OHIO ing and Loan Co. versu William DonnaJly were appointed to, make ~lothing, $5; G. R. ROBal1).an &: We have a eo m,le~ FOl'1'est Taylor, et! ai, report ot new appraisement. Appraisement Co., food, ,60; F. W. Southard, Wal~b Repair . Se"i~e Walter Fitts, recci1/er, is approved was made and attroved. shelter, $13; Frank Anderson, Prices ltea80nable ane] hc is discharg'ed. The tstate of 'Sarah ']leecher, de shelter, $12; Lydia E. Monfort, Bead Restl'u ng In teh case of The Mutual Build ceased, is exempt from inheri- shelter, $8; Mn. J ohn Harding, J uwelry Repaired ing and Loan Co. versu8 William tance tax. ehelter, $9; Mrs. Alice Robin son, Forrest ToyloT, et aI, confirmation The bond of C. C. Eulasa. sbelter, $8; S. · Fred, ah\elter, $15 "THE HOfE OF GIFTS" ) deed and . tribut~on. ministraitor 01 the estate of Mar- Will Hastinge, 8~1ter, . 10; Mrs. In th case of Julia Girton Hahn tha J. Richardson, deceased, was J ames Johnson, shelter, $10: Wear ver"u~ Erven V. llIahn, a divorce reduced to . $1000. U-Well Shoe Co., clothing, $1.98; 'Vll granted \h'e p.laintift. The schedule of debts in the es- Marion L. Steddom, 'rent of sewIn the calle of Beverly Henson an tate of Alice B. Everson, deceas- ing machine for weLfare office, infant, by her ' mother, Daisy B. ed .is .approved. • ,5; Lewis Bros., food, '49; Wm. • Wortman, Vel'SUS 1'1Ii11ip Henson a Mtnnte M. Jack executrIX of t he Collins & Son, food, $111.26. R. di'lOl'ce was gra nt'ad the plaintiff. estate of Milton M. Jack, H. Franklin, shelter, $8; D. ustouy of minor IDhild is given to cd" filed her sale bill. Ralph Smith, food, ,67.25: Louis plaintiff. Sales by Dean E. Stanley, trus- FJ,'ed, clothing, $27.24; W. H I n the case of M:ary A. Dey 'ver- tee of the trust created by Item IV Humphrey, clothing, $16; Elbert sus The Franklin National Bank, of th e will 01 Walter W. Voorhis, Wallace, IGA, food, $140.75; a corp., motions 1 ana z are o.ver- deceased, were approved. Chall. J . Schwartz, food ,59; A. S. ruled; motion 3 amd twO' oral mo. Shiffiett, food, $44.75; C. C. tions sustai ned. :Plaintilf is to Muria,. Lic~. Brown's Grocery, food, $'6; Scomake additional deposits of "26 Ral p h S. H awth orne, farmer, fiWL eld: 's ' Grocery, food, $9; E. . · L ,. and is granted leave to file am- LynchbOl'g, and lIiss Beatrice IUtenack, ·foo<\, $2.50 ; B. E. Mill ended petition witlhln 10 days. Chaney, . of ClaJ,'ksville. itzer, elothlng, $3.60; A, K. Day, clothing, $14: . Merritt's GrOcery, Phone 78J food, $!\; Bradford's Service StaNew !Iuita ' R_l E.tat. Tr........ tion, fuel, $1.50: B. Wright Fumi Nellie Phillipll v'ersus Wil liam C Fred W. Schwenck to William E ture Store, household neceuitiee, Phil1i P , for div~,rce. Charge is Richards and Nancy Richar da, 36 $6.35; Lewis Brothers, food, $'o s neglect. acres in Deerfield. 60; W. W. Cline, food, $1:4: New York LifE~ Insul'8nce Co., C. W. 'Downard to Daisy Marshall Roberta, JGA, food, $9; 'IOTARY PUBLIC versus Adam D. Carpenter, et al Bon, 26 acres in Salem township. H. C. Brant. food, ,8.26; Wm. for money, forec:lollure, sale of Kathleen E. Greulich to Orville Focke Sons Co., food, $22; E. H. S. Wilson and Elsie 'M. Wilson, Co., food, $66: D. R. Willa Dra_ • _ E ...... S~tll... \ real estate, etc. The Fabric Fire Hose Co. versus real estate in Foster Park. ' $22l R, B. Gilmore WAYNESVIUE, OHIO Village of South Lebanon, for Frank A. Pence .to Orville S. Wil , food, $12.&0; W, A. Hause, money. • son and Elsie M. Wilson, real es· $31; Coyles Meat Market, In the matter of- the transfer of tate in Foatc-l' Park. $10.150; Zei~r's 'G eneral FOR SALE DATES CALL funds of the Vj))I1~e of Lebanon, Virgil P. Fryburger and Rowena food, ,61: J. H. Hento transfer funds. R. FrybUrger to George E. Fryfood, $166.50; J08. H. Fed - - - -. burger, real estate in Couddale. ders Supply Co., fuel, $86.26; The Probate Court Helen S. Harvey to Ed. Haw. Gre'at Atlantic " Pacific Tea Co., Freda Lackens was appointed thorne, 26 acres iIi C1earcreek food, $1238.25 ; East End Coal adm ini stratrix of the estate of township. Co., fuel, $78.7&; The Morrow ... . Robert S. Lackens, .deceased and Harlan McClain to Lee McClain Lumber Co., fuel, US; The Morfil ed bqnd ()f $1 000 with 8uretiell- and Bessie McClain, 92.47 a~res in row Feed & Supply Co., fuel, JESSE STAHLEY Glenn Hawthorn, Judson B'a rger TurUecreek township, $13.76 f The Warren County and Pauline Rile~r were appointed Edwin Walker Hudlon, de.c eaeed Lumber Co., fuel, $87.50; Lewi!! Pia••• 320, H •• Bull., •••, 0lJ" appraiser!. ' to Edith M. Hudson, 199 1-8 acrea " Drake, fuel, $41.26; Ruby Van EARL KOOCLEa In the case of George E . Younl, in Deerfteld township. Rlpcr, food t $240.60; Ray ,a dministrator of 't he estate ot Em W. C. St. John, 'et ai, to Harlan Swigert, fOOd, $28; Schilling's D.~.... Pia... rna 0 McMillan" deceased, versUI McClain, 9 .. 47 acres in Turtle- Food Market, food, $196.60; Blair KED.ow••••• Robert J. McMiUln, at ai, the ad- creek township. "LeRoy; fuel, $186.25; Wm. ministrator is t( file additional James Eberhart, by executor of Foeke Sons Co., food $20.60; Wm, , "bond of $4500 aTld .Ie of real es- Walter R. Bender, 170 acres in A. Lukens, food, $20.14: The tate is ordered. Franklin towllship. Stokes Dairy Co., milk, ,217.71; The estate of Alice B. Everson, Fred Kampa, deceased, to John Ed. Knockenhauer, food, '11.62; deceased, is exelnpt from inberi- KampI, at aI, 148.06 aeres in M: E. ROlli, P. M., stamps for tance tax, Hamilton township. welfare olllce, ,40; Western FOR SALE Thc Inventory of Jennie Alice Ethel Ebner to New York Life Union, tel~mil for welfare 01Cummmgs, administratrix of the Inaul'ance Co., 107.25 acres in flee, $2.49; The Olllce Outfitten, . . . estate of Jacob Henry -Cummings, Salem township. supplies, and equipment, '101.97; FOR· SALE-NIce Ime of Wutex deee..ed, wal approved. Chili. J. Sehwart&, supplies, '8.60 and Kit.eben Roll Wued paper The follQwin,B accounts were ap BUIa Allowe4 Wntem Star, IUpplles. '12.- and paper napkinl. New Show-Pac proved, allowed ~d confirmed by 50; The People'l Bida. Loan "stationery, 18 Iheets and 18 enthe eourl. Mrs. Ira Eltll'oth, ,,",Icea, Savinp Co., ahelter, '11; Ohio velop. for 141 cents at Tbe MIami Clara B. Van Doren, exe.c utrlx of Mra. Llllie Urton, seme., '141; Central Telephone Corp. tehphon_ aasette 0 . . . the estate of Morton Van -Doren, J(ra•• Maude Deardoft, ..Me.., $B8.15; Jam.. Hopkin., trau ---~~------dceaaed. First and Anal ,'7.10, Th' OfIc;e Oattuer.a. retarnllhe4 to It.ntueQ, - WAIrnD Artllur Bl'J8nt, euardian of pair t 0 tJpewll~er, ,18.'0; I. W. Fred'. Store, ,'2.1' CIIarl.. E. Weida." mwor. PInt i-;l'I.fllod l , f _ Side '10; WANTED Supt' or ..... .lId bat. 'o~ ~renll'!tsl II tha..... Chu. Kable, Bellbrook ILl. 'Ilt Th,e Cetnl









Centerville, Ohio




To all our customers we extend our sincere best wish~s for a New Year filled with new happiness. As we cross the threshold into 1935, .


may we express the hope that during the ensuing months we shall find new horizons of service to our fellow men - new ways In -.:-f---YY~ich-we can add· to th'e cup of human contentmerlt

Stanley &Koogler Auctioneers


= .. :;'2::





NOTIC E TO c:ftII.....~NllllA continu e to ralae Althoul th a nati\'e of PUl'rtu Rico can STATE 0 OHIO Chairm an SMa wa.~ educatl 'd in through dinnen , 10ciallO, other retailin g activiti es AY. TMENT OF HIG DEPAR thl! United Statel!. are Thcy intl·rfer~cl!. _ __ __ lle, Ohio, Dec. II. , .... Coillmb the obligat ion ISSUED EVERY THURS DAY Dr. B. F. Stanton , . llperint en- from UNIT PRICE CONT .ACT dent of the Allianc e pulJli schoob I vl!ndo.·' licenell or to col\ecl • Pabllal a.r Sublcrip eioD Pri ••, '1,10 • Year WII S elect·d pr", ~ dent of th Ollio laXe • . D. L CRANE .' ~""le<l I.rop u_u l. will he received Y Itt til otflce fir thn Alate HI1Jhwa .. .... No. 1'1 2 Il:nler d .. t Poeto('l ee .t Wayne. - Educat ion a AO intion at the or....... ... , PMD. Offiee .... OhiO). ll Genera clOr of Ohio. -.L olumb Licht. Olr Alatl Electri~ ... CI CI .BY:~r;: OhIo, in ville, tion UI conven No. . rn ual ann lI1a.1 ......... M.. ion's ganizat ReBid_ c . ......... until I wo o'clock P . Relativ el y f w persons ill Ohi o 'lan,,"!"(1 Time. Frld .. y. January 1\, olumbu s la t week. Three thousror Imp roycm nt. In ; IU~5 IJf servi,~c ' electric t and Ohio teacher. and school of- are withou t l\rt>poAIlJa No. 1 and No. 2 to be I lighte Electl'i other. or 80rt some ting~. ed 10 th e Illlrn~ ontrac tor.e .. me ar .... "' the d attende s 1936 8, ffici'al JANUA RY in one ~ontraet. Modern educati onal tl'ends and ing compan ie doing busin,e school fin ancea were the pt'incip al Ohio number ed 6 ai last ffici~l "ropo•• ' o. I Th ey had a combim ,d out.County. Ohio. on Sf' 'tion _--I~~~discusse:::.d:......_ _ __ _ report. CBridge I of th e Clneln. standin g capital stock oC $303.'''I'I(1n ltoad. K. H . No. U, n Bot d serv they 1933 During . . 8. Routl! No. 326,326 SUlt P Boute No. 7$, Federa l relief funds now on Twelve months ago the ' Americ an people entered a New YCIl1'. 2~. , in tIl(' Village OC )<'ranklln. l)y 89. 1,361,5 cllre take to te adequa be It '01 will ·lIp n hand indusconot"u cting 8. thre ~.~----They entered it with the profou nd hope that it would witness -------.~ s until hNUlI brld g~ wIth baIlIe-d eck tloor dEllnand relief h ca the of govthe of fallure ~IU' or ft., t() (Sp'lns H'-"4'~~~ roadway tr.ial reco very, that it would prove the s uccess sufficie nt money become s availab le two 4>1t 11. sloewal ks on U-abutg'l'eat the that 1932, in rated inaugu were that Brlilge Clnm ntal experim ents sales tax, it mont .. with Ilppro .. ch alabs reeK In I Ilf ed fr om Ul e n w gene!'al G. W A ·:!5-4:! uver pro~1 rns of un employ me nt, declinin g purchas ing power l distress was estimat ed by Adjuta nt 'GenFrankll n. rs investo rs, mile. y-()wne 0.036 or l. propert t of state 193.66 part the son, Length on Hender er~l Frank D. IIgrl~ultul·e, . and uncerta inty radiator which makes it look COQFlalimal d coat or constr uction EW YORK CITY ( Th ey relief directo r . Th solved. relief extent, Ohio some least t a to be, ld wou leadet·g trial than .77. , ,37 lind Intlu Predictio n tha t cars will be eve n siderabl y longer and smarter uatc, .d lor complel lon .. Jul y 1, od of de. budget Cor JanulllY wil l be apthe 1934 model. hoped th year. might be the turning paint of the long peri were year next ed 1935 . trc3mlin ther fur l Genera ,000 $10,800 t.ely pre-view proxima the going. at d were we predicte was where It how would It PT ss!on- lhat verifi ed th is week. when th~ first of that rno t cars 'tlext year witJ follow Pro ' 0. 2 our Hender son said. Who pays the tax bill? . rhe gr atest experim ental twelve months . in the histo ry of t~e 1935 Airflow qrs w n~ pre- the Airflow trend. Already a. namnt y, Ohio. on. vart at Cou \\-ltrr('n past year Everyo ne--the day labol~r and v!ewed by automobil . cd ilMii he- ber of the most expensi ve Europe an !\ (' lIun Frankli n of lbe Inclnna tlnati on ha ended and another New Year loo ms . During the of the propose d Advoca te . H . No. 19. Stata , e. Hoad tOIl es. Walde.r Dn)' thc retrogr at the been doors Bnd band lock d l1Io~el s have followeeJ the Airllow !lollle No. 73... . . . 11 ute No. 25. t~ e . has been pl'ogre 9 in orne directio n _ there has 'oiot -Sandus ky conRervancy dis- the salari d employ e here. Hotel Astoria sunk in have ting lp. by grading some , duplica n,wn.h n ted almost Fl'ank.ll stimula sOllle In aire. been gn. . tlc~ have slon In ~thers. Some busines ses trict were in Wa ~ liington last million II .... lnlnK. lan<l~ cllpl n g and pavIng great <Ii'l l of appea rance the new De Soto. T ,heTe has bcen bulk of H1 the pays regular in Who e increas $26, any secure been oner te an.Cl to . has ffieTIt attempt thc)'e a r nd .. in rtl k o P Whethe w . with Jeep r Into I~thargy group - conject ure as to what Ihe 11>', 1 ",15 . .\nnolln ccmellt was made at tbe Brick. The middle- income 21 000 000,000 aidf)'o m the federal go v. I' ,. .... .;, " Roadwa y sine.: ft. to like. nt be would Paveme Olpl yment IS qu.e tionable . During the current winter eIose to : cars Idth \ enougll to ade <ho~"i l1g, thaI. ~ecause of improve d from fact- Clllmen t for the J)l'oject. In case tho!e who ear n just announ ctd th~t hi, . \T.'''W h ll<mes conditIons and the outlook 59 tt. r Chrysle s, (100 ure b in g ~ ustained by ol'ganiz ed public r elief . Reports familie mile. their 0.050 t or ft. suppor 265.34 Length ble th e govel'n menLin cludes the Seio- quately models would be a perm 111"11 1 l·.n i :nr ele11 greater autom()blle' buyin&' J<;.t1 m at <l cost at oonetruc tiO D ga thel'ing organiz ations show that those industr ies which sell pe.risha ~.ducate t.heir childre n, anei put a ot th e Chrysle r M OIor, IiJ I<. it. in ment develop -ky andu to37 8.n. and so I' ext year. that the De Soto Motor U .I)l\lfl .l;n other et tor complet ion. July 1" goods to t~c con umel'- shoes, packag ed foods, clothing , fuel next public wUl'ks program , ap- Itttle away (or ol~ ~ge . . This new AirJlow car i, ~'\''''. :"1: Corpora tion would also announ ce 1935. nports the But SIdon. depr the by nce si pa1d . time ~s It any of at bul~ than the better wordl:\, o.n-~l·e dOing 000 additio nal $6,000, y "f :he nno thc r car in January which would ,II'ct'd ximatcl ro ad" most thc be to bulk the mploy e which c c)ttze~. o an likeWise ~how that our basic industr ies--th streaml ined cars to fir~ I"., i~,' rd rea comp:tni n car to the present be r quired from the state average A~el'lc or complia nce OR /I. c rutlcat investe d nd ~8,OOO,000 from tlie seven.! Why don t the ye~y ne~h pay by the puhlic in Janu ary ;11 I' •. ~cw iform which will be irA ow line. The new car it was the IH scr ib ed that of I~bol' III nOl'mal times and represe nt the greates t amoun t of purpoae sba.1l be It has ~ tated. will have many of the Air. flnn shed for mltted Itt)\\> , static or teen counti es in th dist-rict. Automobile most of the tax bill. by .U bidd en• If'n d and 8ub capital, such liS steel, railroad s, electric utilities --are either and here York smartly can't-they e Becaus tor edi _ _ The con~ er led. _ _ and resty _ design been flow ~eatures o~ in a cordanc e with Executi ve Ord of 1932 .. In some instances Ill' sinkin" back toward the abysma l levels allacies f had Preside nt on r tax (', the t . by tn of rably greates I,"u~d front the conside of 6648. the be No. one that will i t ••• bu f()und , trUcl.on -. .•. : • of doing are JA reh J ~ . 193~. '1'hl. C rllneate of which the electric utilities are a ca e in point, industr ies eyer perpetr ated On the public. been des ilm cd wi ' h ~ na r rowed lower in t>rke. complia nce will be Incorpo rated In· and legis lated ('ao<1, propoSIl !. The contrac tor 10 to rieh"·the ~ grcater volume of bUSineSS- but, due to higher taxes "tax say to It's easy in results III award 18 made IIhal t'flQulre wh which tax. to profit rich less the "ning ea find to are ts, hard co it's ng operati in Increaseli 8ul.lC-Olltractora and d alen furnishs lire they earning On times, de~end boom who in l~ Even Ing. e(lulp m e nt . malerla l •• and 8UPSaturda y afterno on IJnd buria l wa!! goro" ing hartillhip8 on million s of inveatol' certific ate. plh," 10 alg-n 91mllar. to and extortio ns,te taxes made ill Miami c metery. fauna, rare . Tripp N. Jalaie 8. Mrl, By expense or purliving for from saving beto,'!, <I1la klnll' nward fo1' pay can s tra.ctor or income tltll.Icon their ~uch am upon tr I .... ella There this: is _. Coli tt enA. M)·s. and Mr. be ahall The 1110. t difIl'cult aspect of the recov ry problem which d "1l 1C'rB. ('ople" of of govcontrac tlnll ~lIe --~-"--'------J but a fraction of th ecost 10 (urnl811 d d on Friday at 6 :30 NFIDE N E, and as yet unc rtainty, ertaine t can Ile no r COVf!xy wilhou t timen. ion depress art! fo r. who Friend , are likc beautif ul jewels, ernmen t. In guests 'r ~" minimu m ..,al'e paId to all and o'clock dinnel' th f ollowin g not· confide nce, "emain s upperm ost in the minds of million s People "Up to two months ago m;r .tolll. lhey become still ral' T rare indeed; and of Iy, Lov ollett, I't Rob kMrs. k III d labor GroUp J employe d on s underta J l and n stria 1oh. indu conditio in bad d a investe .uch in be was ach uptails burden whole huve money that would ordinar ily the almllS! eonlrac t s h&lI be U.20 per hour. them till., Uayton , Mr. and Mrs. Howurd could not even take a cup 01 cd.. and And the way you always find to all Th e minimu m waKe paid on the ordinar y citizen . ings, who wo uld create jobs, buy l!upplie s, build homes and stores need. of time dll. Gillam your in beinlln Will I dlat e Ifrade labor' Group 11 1I1rs. without g and Intprmc Mr. , mornin the In Graham that afraid are They rom C ' afraid. Who would benefit most ~ Illployed on tbl. conlraC t IIb ..n be ra tories and develop farms, arc frankly It is th en they gathel' ' round ~ r, and Ml'!'. Chas. Doster, 1I1r: tre81 far two or three hours. 1 $1.00 per ·hour. of exist ax reducti on? a bottle of YQur Emulsio n Denny bought lh1!ir capital will be taxed out 9f existen ce, or regulat ed out you, John J.h-. Th" minimu m w .. ge paid to all Denny, Geo)'ge r an"w ily eas 110 mental can stut, govern the reader by ed from The Int rln Illate grOode ,allor Group nI Kathlee'~ and it helped me And your sorrows help to bear; tcncc, 01' condem ned by legislat ive /lat, or destroy Iilbout 26 Mrs. Mal'Y Do.·ter and t ~ome. ,-01 ,,101' d on this c-ontrac ( .ban be though Today . people himself tbat lor so it. that much ds place might diamon g they sparklin which in like tries just But per iIlou". ompelit ion with indu. income Graham . t hing had hallpened to me all 01 a oTit" mlnlmll m IW' paid to 11.1\ and They are not found every~v her e per cent of the nationa l This elemen t of fear extends down from the large t indu8tr ies Mis. Helen RAndall attende d sudden. l lIl " rm elln t~ g rRcl e labor GrouR IV nlllent, .. gove t suppor to' goes , for nlplpy d on tll18 contrac t ahan be If you th e weddin g of hel' frien" Mi ss "Since then I bave ueed six bottle. 65~ at\' ets the whole industr ial structu re. The railroad s and ' utilities !ler hour. A friendly smile and hand-cl asp federal , ta~ and local. Ina reduced of mom the La in problem nd up get Raymo definite can I and very now don the lnd Tomlin hand, pass one Ruth must the you on ThE' min mum Wage natd 10 aU yeal', face. xlIl1lple , That means so much to you.; earn $2,000 a my cabbage and beef u III bar 0"0110 V employ d kill corned un afterother eat ay and the on Thursd on while s, Mason of earning tax Rue approx imately $500 of it· ,on to business, roising taxes ~nd diminis hing of tt'ial o n thi s contr .. t shall be 504 per hour n." your in condltl~ .And good such in ill tomaeh in urch h c' ' ownerbuy nool' at the F'l'iends hond they or.o thl'eate ned with the potenti ality of govern ment Friends , there to see you collecto r. It goes when you - E.lI, Knobloch. 1965 Lincoln Ave., hour. Thl' aLtentto n ot bidden Ie "dIrect. , m. Chicago your groce ries, \lrive your' car, pay Wa ynesville, ".1 10 th specIal prnvl81 0n. coverl n. nd er such conditi on, who can be expecte d to invest money hip. through , in was en McCarr Evelyn trip, {iss train a l,· tt l ng "r anlgnJn R' tbe CORs ta 'Tis then you knQ.w the real ones your utility bill, take -Milks Emu18ion restores healthy slIh fre Iy and withou.t fen, to develop indurtr ies and bring paYl'o\l lIee OIr domenl c materia l • • tr"~t, th t Sunday natural acciden ' bile a in automo Illeal a an eat or. action. bowel movie, a attend thel'e you ..,' I etlon of labor. IWoge. hour. ,o r As they gather 'round nOI'hllll levels? d receive and d Oaklan n near . ing conditio n. at empto)'emulsIo night nient. everyth y solid of ·Ollilo cost only e the Th is ant. This restaur jewel tlnll hand labor method s. Thl.' ccurity of banks, in surance compan ies and similar institu- Each one, a priceleSll rare. ing you a bro.ken nose and bruises about made, and so palatabl that It Is ml'nt, everyt.h use, and need you d must submit with hi. diamon a 'b\dd"r one Th in· Eaeh an "~tpn with a spoon like ice cream. h id IL ('I!!,·ttfled check In an amount , lions i~ absolut ely depend ent upon the 8e cu~ity of basic Americ buy, is partly repre&e nted by taxes the face. . _ percent (50/,,) ' at tha invest.. is children flv to sickly money c(julll weak, olders' Villars for l policyh y, onderfu Mr. and Mrs. Everett uushie _, in which their deposit ors' and ed cost. but In no ~vcnt more Every tax must be passed on to to lry Milks Emul~ pstlmftl1'en nrgcd are (ou trikes last ies party, industr card a basic of .with ined nd Dollara <,10. welf8l'e the enterta Thousa at strikes than ed. Anythi ng which the consum er-man ufactll rers and ;ion. Take s ix bottles home with ~Oo. OO. of every night. ns are aD ns Itlca.tlo directio p immedi ately at their welfare --an'd therefo re at the welfare to middlem en and retailer s haVe no Saturda y /lna infl' Plane ou, usc it accord ce MillS Virgini a Davis. of Dayton , \,' nd the oW l' ot the State HlgbI'esults, rill' I nI Ir~Clor the with Hutis~"rt way of produc ing mon ey out of neH if per on Who h a dollar in the bank (lr is the owne!' of 8"1\ insuran l 01.· Re.lden he .. Itnll has returne d to her hospita l train- 'our money \\,111 b promptl y re- war . . the air. l)eput,y S tate HIghwa y Dlrlrl policy. her wit'll visit week's a after Der ing 1.20 ti ootor. ·unded. Pri ...,· lie· 'In No matter what the tax. it is parents , To blame th se conditi ons on a man, a party, or a group would Olr Cto,. r".ene . the rli'he .'JtLl!' Th( '~flt-. t-; :" I'iI!;i(l11 Co .. toThe for so rapidly all are hit by .need he diffused r Jec t any an~ a.1I bids. ment-t experi br~a8 ly natural s distr l M.cts Nationa cirugghl be unjust. Rhea and Evelyn If 'li t.,. [ n,J ...: ... ; i 0 '/ Misses cl're it. O. W . MERRE LL, tl'ying. alleviat ion is ~ o great that it seems BS if anythin g w,ere worth carren enterta ined on Tuesda y V~I)'\ I.or . St.t .. Birr......" ·OINeb r. ----- - in office dinner public o'clock high :30 6 given at those evenlng UI)on faJls ibility But a greal respons B a ... . T imn For Farmer l namely the respons ibility of protect ing our constitu tional es Virgini a Tucker , Anna M8~ ----u ch time ~:KIOS Mis farm conditi ons are ed the nec~mprov Virgini a Davis and Donald , 'O, tight anI) privileg es. There can be no greater duty, and no more U. S. Departmen~ by ed predict en-but Vivian Tucker . export ed Increas t'ssary public ta k. If mistake s are made, they will ~ forgiv of Agl·icu lture. Don't forget about the Farmer s they 'hould be correct ed, not continu ed. demand for Americ an farm proto be held here at the stitute In autoOhio, over ll , snowfa a to With g ducts is seen in the rep.o rt of the There III'e signs that this i~ being ~one now-si gns pointin On Januar y 7 and 8 . gym chool ~ careto be cannot drivers mobile ics Econom groups ltural these U Agricu . of leaders ureau ial B . industr rapproc hement betwee n politica l and Miss LuciUe Tucker called on dilreren · The nation pl'obab ly will not be ful regardi ng the prepara tions Kathlee n Graham Tucsdny Mi~ the hOl'le tly seek to coopera te to iron out mlsund erstand ings and 11 . kidding avoid to take ey th es will ff· burden ed with any lal'ge surplus . on. afterno to ry necessa is it ces, our nation will 111ake real progres s toward recove ry-we skid does The 1936 winter wbeat crop is car once it Let been visit. has DENCE Smart CONFI Wales Mr. times, od go car of ent their gain the priceles s ingredi 476,000 , u e the best handlin g ot and Mrs. Mary by gov- tentativ ely estimat ed at pal'ent his ing danger. the e overcom to 406,000 to be known that investm nts will be encoura ged and protect ed compar ed l in- 000 bushels W,e quote from tbe opinion of Haines. ernmen t, that the honeet busines has nothing to fear from politica milliop s in 1934. Thi ,"fith a - - - -.- - - - - the with trusted those by racing driver as to how te veteran Inviola .It held ,000 be will 200,000 of saving crOp tha~ wheat nces, flu Spring n 7000 .nd 8000 Obio Betwee will kid": rights f' y a of propert out "come private to that , prototal a give would lllunagcll1 cut of our notiona l affaiJ's sulrerin g fr om lnfanare persons is avoid tio 'lint " I ahead. ."O~e thing duction of 676,000 ,000 bushels . A be held sacred, and the road . to pro perity will stl'etch clearly a pl;elimi nary suris, paralys tile 'WOt'llt is carryov er of ] 30,000, 000 bu hels k~ddmg, but ~er~ap8. ·the Th er ehould be no d spair On the part of the people. Our land tee on infantil e commit the of vey I feelthe I~ g sklddln · about ~hlDg the intellec tual abilitie s have would be added to satisfy Ohio' padieies. indicat is ;t ill fel·tile. Our industr ies are still great. Our paralys arouse It neSll helpless of ble nation' s annual appetit e for about mg wide birthda y nationthe in pation ~ en Increas ed by the ordeal of depre ion. Only that intangi you y Actuall in most drivers . constitu - 625,000 ,000 bushels of wheat. Roosev elt I 01 nt-CO NFrDE NCE, based On the knowle dge that our aren't helpless at all, for there is . baU honorin g Preside nt under well are 30 y Januar held l o.ut (:o~lng of way al tional ideala will be maintai ned, n()t destroy ed-i8 needed now. practic a very Goy.ra or'. In....r.d...., pro. the of cent per Seventy way. thIS: IS do you What of a skid. d retaine be will ball the of ceeds , manand clutch your (naugu ration of Govern or·elec t throw out l t th h I h geogl'ap or . nity h commu the a within Januar MaTtin . y 14 euver t e steermg wei! so . . L. Davey on in which the ball is unit ica1 ent ulignm ih are wheels front the ~1 lDaugur WIll l!1clude the first other 30 per cent Harry L· .lwith the rear ones. In other words ' held and the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.J ball.sln ce 1921, when it ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....._ _ _ _ _ _ _ the ·nationa l comto ent be will in-I office. The Go into the Skid! Bralkin g i8 too~ nd Clev~la of. Davl8 U !nt -WOS Pl'esido! to y Statlon deliver Radio for sity is to mittee The Ohi. State Univer ~eremonles wlll also l!1clu~e the effeotua l. Your main Mincern four Roosev elt for creatio n of a na~1 paDade passl~g en re- equaliz lJ traction on a\l g out tiona I com miseion on l"esearch on lJ?aug~r 8:00 Music eorge wheels. Do this by thll'owin .. , .. ............ H. E. Eswine vle~ e ore av~y. an or. yOUl' clutch. Your next move is to infantil e paral),si • 8 :06 Charles Dicken s Pays Us a Visit .... ..... gOilern · retmng the sa.......... .. .. ... Hulda Horst W~lte,. Jud,ge C. V. .Weyga ndt, get all your wheels in line. As Congre lub C ' 4-H l Nationa Ilt ities .... Acti " - - - -_ _ _ ~ 8:16 Th.en weaken . ~~ ~ chIef Ju~t lce Of. the OhIO suprem e soon as y ou fe I the skid ~ 8:26 Music ~ ~ ....... ........ .......... ... WOSU Players court, wlll admtni ster the oath of l ing, let in the clutch, "gUll" the .....--r-..___~ .... . ..... ... Home weet Home 8 :36 forward reSume ........ .... ....... R. M. Salter office to Davey. Immed iately after motor and 8: 0 The Agl'ono my F,rmer s' Week Proillam ly purpoge have I s. progr~s , the Lane o~ ....... Mrs. Orville m the new chief executi vt; 9:00 Our Hom Demon stration Progra and Mrs. Arlie Snyder 8tate will hold a receptI on to the thrown my car into thousan ds of skids, and this is the me)st effectiv e rotund a of the State House. !): 10 Music n way I know of coming out of t~em. I 19361 .......... .. G. W. McCue 9:25 What's New in Farm Tl'actor s for l'emain mUI~t Watd.e cl m_t driv ers Esperi The Road Friends and Zipf Wm. . .. .. ... ......... wint"r th~ during 9:36 The Campu s 'Mirror ......... alert lly are especia rs enginee y highwa Ohio s ...................... .. ............ , ....... GU8 Poesch all loom .jes difficult road If 9:45 New Vllrieti es of Flower season. efforts followi ng with interes t the to of Gel'man researc h men coopera t- the more elrort mU8t be made ng with U~ ' S. and Swedish ex- ,conque r them. Don't surrend er to perts t() develop a special kind of danger, try to conque r the· situaof cement ~st suited to road service tion. Your own life. the lives you in connec tion with German y's 7, those who may he ridi'ng with on The and the lives of those you pas program . OOO-kilometer CLASS IFIED ADS COST ONLY cement hitherto used has been or- the road are at stake. i(inaUy made for buildin gs and no ONE CENT PER WORD . WRY fact the to given been haa t though depenof total KEEP 'YOUR ATTIC FLLLED COLUM BUS - Five thouaan d, that of the grant than 20 tHat roads with the heavy freight farmer s from all section s of the dent boys and girls, more of kind t differen ARTIC LES USELE SS boarded traffic place a WlTH state will "isit Columb us from per cent, or 5,721, wereIs a type strain on mater ials, the German The Epwort h Leia@[ue . of t he play a present Januar y 28 to Februa ry 1, inclu. in foster homes, which will Sharon church THAT CAN BE TURNE D INTO unknow n experim ents contend . act S a live to .ttend "Farm en's Week" of care that wu almost Judge," the "Tell entitled ---MONEY FOR SO SMALL A celei)l'a tlon at Ohio State Univer · in Ohio twenty yean ~o. oomedy, in the Schoo,l gym, HarAutomo bile Acci~1 y Januar nflht, y slty. The event il beinr staged Saturda There were 7,626 motor aeei- veysbu rg, COST. TRY TRIS MEAN S OF Half of the money spent to of the under the joint auspice s of the highwa ys 5, under the auepkle state on ported r ent8 lme:n~ld en:rorce law the in mainta P. T. A. Coller e of Aericu lture and 'the SELLI~G AND SEE WHAT A of Con· o.tside municip alities from Jan- Mas!Sie Townsh ip Denny en-. Aericu lture Extensi on Service of activiti ea of the Divisio n George Mrs. and Mr. · ae· 1934, 30, ber Novem to 1 d to DIFFE RENCE IT WILL MAKE the univen ity. Every kind of prob- servatio n may . ~e credite le statistic s com tert.ain ed at 6 o'clock dlnn~l' availab to cording Uon propap flsb and lame natural followI ng ~uellts lem concernin8 the Ohio fanner TO YOUR POCKE TBOOK , AS ng to piled by the State Highwa y De- . Christm as day the will be discullled. One of the prln- and preaerv ati\\n, accordi Wi!· partme nt. This makes an average Mr. aDd Mrs. W. C. 'l'ic.henor, Mr. WELL 'AS TO RAVE YOUR Mr. and I cip.1 alloke r. will be'the aman t Conserv ation Commi ssioner Re~hart of 22.8 acc.idents reporte d per and Mrs. A. S. Collet~,Mr.: Mary United Stat.. Seereta ry of Aer!- nam H. Reinha rt. Mr. Doater, Chas. Mrs. were vation day. Total of 626 persons STUFF Y OLD ATTIC CLEAN ED culture, M. L. Wilson. There will pointed out that the cOll8er de· killed, aD average of 1.8 per day. Doster, Miss May Harlan and Mr. on proteet game and oftlcerl farm a Ihow. cr.ln and be a corn OUT. IT PAYSI t o There were allo 6,202 injured or George Pidgeon . machinery 'display and • hortlcu l- vote about half of t heir time.nd an averaee of 18.6 pel' day. The Mrs. Laura Shldaiker ha repme of f"dine tural exhibit. ApproX imately 260 the winter per 12.2 turned after a Yilt~ with her birds, to vermin contllol and to .V. . . . . wall Qne death lecturel and demon ttratioa l per 1.2 coulins Mr. IDd MN WllI Tellus of injury ()ne and te work when ftah are ac:c!den be riven durlnc the 6ve-d. , near Springb oro. acclden ta. 'in recedin e ",aten. accordlDii to 0.01'18 B., 1IIn. J. P. Thomb ry eD~U'U\ln· aulItan t directO r of tile . Acridl . at dhmer Fda y noon ad ... ....... ..... T_ MI'I. tural bteDli on Semce . ladi.. : nr followi will which tax The Ban of .tOn Commu Ul'1aDIU li. lena. lin. Dotter, will 1& y Januar .bout be ColumRico, " .. ill eve.., retail bud- ca.le Collet, eecari. .. data No in ri. WiIi fte new law de';~ admtn~ of


First of the 1935 Airllow Cars



--- -

· C. onfidence·,;. The Missing Elem ent





Real Frie nds




Capitol Cross Roa d Cha tter


Kl L PA llM IJIl

Adftrtise ,.,. Sa 1e io

tIris Ne'Wa~.It


Fa rm hig ht 1 alks , Jan uar y 7

go u



Best of the New s Direct Fro m -the Ohi o State Capitol


Harv ey.b urg




Iutl~~ I,


=~~== "=.:




C eaan Creek


annual meetinp durinr Farmer's Subscribe for The Miami Gazette llll't week, said ('ooJlI'l'ating ' tl! rvllle. TU I' d y afternoon. IIl'nducer ' 1.\ ill th ~ ('tl ntl'lll't I 1111'. and lIrs. Frank RobinaoD Week. Among these are the varl- , , only OIlCl', i n instllud or un.1 MI'. William Bergetall spent OUI! branch!'s of the Ohio State BeekeeperR' Ass ociation, 8 numt wice a WUlI til<' 19:J 4 unday aft<>rnoon in Lebanon. wh 'n t he fi rst bl!fore Th e Hun te r's and Anglet'a Com bel' of bree o 88soeiations, the JlloductiUII dnta been checked m un ity club gave an oyst r lIupper Ohio Turkey Al!sociatio n, and ___ alld adjustl!d, rellll y constitut('d to t he members and their :families others. CLeANERS onl y an llpplil'lItioll fur II con- at Lytle' Hall, Saturday ~veninB. The Ven rable A rnold Sa bin, of tra ct. About on e hundred' were present A report ~ ntitled :'Wh o Pays Man'. Sui", SSc Harvoy. bur. Tell. Wh,. W uic b t brought to a j.!J'oup of !lnd spent a very en joyable even- for the Reduction Program ./" has Ladie.' Ore••.,., 70e been publish d by the Ag-riculWaYJle~vill ' Enlel'l)!" ('- Lying ~tate exteilf;ion w()rker, Dec mbll l' jng. betw en th Iarms of ,11'. John 27 ilnd 2 some of the details of Tbe Llldil'8 Aid he ld the January tura l Experim ent Station li t I owa Quick~ for qualit,. drycleanin. ~'ut'nlls and 1... Dan lI ock<lt on the prog ram 1~l\rn ed ut a rt;!gional meting Wed nesd ay even ing at the State College at Ames. I t is bulmeeting whb corrl-hog officials at home ot Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johns letin 3 17. the Waynesville pike ill a hollow, Indianapoli . !In(1 l h' elr h WI ban d 8 we re Invited. ~~!!!!!!-~~!!!!!~~~~_"'!!'~ called by the offensiVe nlime An official appli alian form giv- Rev. and Mra. Walter Martin were ( ' Ill NO. J !{ll "Dead Hollu'o\." Jt is 80 di tinguish Ing the nroducer'!! name, II dd rellS, II Iso present a n d were presente d ed OJ} our records. \i c have b e e n ' " fi I more or Ie ij curious to know how und farmi ng locati on wiJJ be pro- with a 001' amp. A lunche on of All oJ'(lInll" C tl) amenu un ~lrdln("I\'~ it came t r ceive this ill tltle of vided und r the 1!J35 progrum . 011 san dwiches and coffee were served. "/ltltled " An O r dl n l1n<'(, 1,' I.lnl-:' l h O! ",h ICIl The J.)l1ylo n Puw'r lllld Dead Hollow. this f01'1ll the producer will l'eport The Fe br ua ry m eeting will be at prkoa Light COllll)a n y rna\.' ('hU1' ~I ~ r",.' .. I pany changes from his 1934 statUI, the home of Mrs. Frank Ku rAss. Irie rUJ'nlshed UJ l h" J'uh ll(' X-RAY WORK . A few days ago 11'. AI'n?ld Sa- and will state wheth r he signed a Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet \.trounds. Streets. l~1.1L e8 • . Jo\ IICY8 . a n d In 'I'h VIllllK' or IVLI vue.bill of Jian y~bu]'g wh? I n?w I contract in UI3 , whether the land cnt l'tained a t' a sumptuo us dinner Avenues BLOC ANESTHESIA \' 1110. !:Hute of Ohio. tUI' Il Il,'rlod ut tN\ (10) yel~r3 cumlll<'ndn/o: on th., pa~t 82,. came IIltO, the Entc1'prase to be cover d by contract i~ exact- Sunday the fo llowing relatives: lSt day O' r JIUluilry 1 a~~ li nd delel'All Kind. of Dentures Made office. H! . recollectIOn of past ly th e ame liS ('m'el'eli by c on~ i\lrLs lI~ah Burnet of East Pales- ntlnlng tile Illllnner III whl h ~ nl d arc a VIVId S yOUI'll and mIne arc tract in 1 934, lind whethpr he tine, [\11', Mabel Dinwiddie and llK'h t lng mny be furn ish y. IlI'ovld d Repair Work Dooe Quickly of to-~uy., W , ~ook nd.vantage of wisbe. to include II hog base which daughtel', Miss An t ha, Mr. and t~dl'efg:, !~ f or, on,1 cunll'lLcting W lib:HEA. til C(Hll1cll or t h ,o ur friend VISit and m the ?on- was not. e tnblished under thl) IVll's. Rue Din widdi e, Mr. and Mrs . of Wllyn 8vllI, Stn t e 01 v I'Bation brought up Ul' subJect. 1934 contract. james Odell and t wo children, of Village Ohio. on Jnnuary 7. 1~29, 1>1\88(>0] nn )Main St. WAYNESVILLE, O. ord lnnnce n titl ed ' \Au ordlnnllc I n a moment 01' two !IC stated that Thi s procedure will enoble com- Daylon, M I'. an d Mrs. Harold fixing the prl"c IW11llch til D"),lon at or nenl' the locutIOn there I~ad munity cOll1mitt 'emen to speed Whitaker. on a nd dau ghter. POWer anll LIl!1ht ~o ll1paflY may oc~~rred a number ~f .Cll ualtlCs. hand ling of cQntl'lllc t by cIa aifyMI'. an.d Mrs. J. B. J onell ent er- charge for el<o,ctrlc IIjfht fU l'l\j ~ 1l tl :========~=-=====~ to t ho 'PlIl)1I lI'1'Oun(18. alr c ts Io.nes qUI e enou .h tQ give Ii It ~ n8m. ing appJicBntll acc'ording to the tained several relativ es to a " lI eYR n nel av c nlle. In th e lLinge 0 1 .H stated ln, the early. fi~lles there work that will b~ I' Quired in de- turkey din ner New Yea r ' s day, ·WnY fl csvl ll e. SlaLo or ()hlo. fo,' Q or Lcn (10) :rears co mlTJ~ n ~-1 hved a man In the viclnlty by the tl'rmining llJ85 allotments. Gen- Thos who enjoyed this family par-Iod Ing on the la ( day l1t Januarv 19 29 name o~ Tom .Flelc~er. Fl 1cl~er I ral procedur e, for prod ucers gatherin~ were: Mr, and Mrs. and d ~ t ermlnlng Ih mantl;' r 111 $ald li~htlng ma y b e [UI'was oflhcied With dlllellSeS \ hl~h whose statu!! or location h as not Rlchal'd Al oore, Mr. and Mra. whlol1 nlehed. pro"ld d anti pultl f<ir. a lld app~ al,ed . to the ~eople. A ~ubhc changed sin e 1,934, \ ill consist in Walter Moo r e, Mra. J ohn Zimm er- '(Jut-rueli n g Uleretor(\/ ' and W HE RBA::,;, In bile l /llCre&! 0 t I 8u~o;crl~tlon '8 tarlC~ and om?- han ferting adjusted figure from man of Dayton, Mr. and Mn. Ray- economy. It III til d I,· of the thi~g .Ilk $80. WlI ' 1'81 d for hIS the old contract to the new con- mond Osborn of Xenia, Mr. and oun c ll or th .. Vlllng~ to "h..ce ~ald In our funera l home, everyIlghUng on 0 " m'<lnlgill' bur n ing :ehe!, Qn l' celpt o~ the mOfl~y ,he t1'act and submitting- it to t ho Mrs, Therle J ones and son Milton. 8c lledu l ~; NOW, tlt."er~~ . b It 01'thing is Iilanned to 'pr ovide Inlll?ediately ~rocecded to OlnCIll- producer for sign,sture. _ _ _ _ _ _-_ __ tla! ll"d by T lC ollnell or HaW a beautiful setting for the' \' illag of WayneSVIll e. I 'tl\t of na,t. and I~y an 11 uppl y of those In th case of 1934 signer who hlo : last lal·ewell. Years of , e tl on 1, l'-o~ n p e t'lod .. lllrtl n g lh ",.hlch arc n cCS$lIry to have moved t o 'new . farms or scientific progress an d long wi ll' lhe eft cllv date of [IllS ordln . equIp a gIn sh p. ' I-I~ l' tU~'ned arId otherwise alt ered their far ming tl no() and xplrlng Oil Jnl)' 1 1935 xpcriell~ in the art of said lf ghthllc IOhnll be aC' cOllq;lIl1hed opened up for bUSlness 111 a log units or whet'e ('hanges have QCurl'allging ' d tail ar beby In Ilna <:it 30-100 . p, TYlle • .. c~bi n on the H ollow. From this curr~d which neces itate a redeter I ncanaee 'ent InmplI, SaId )alll\l>l I/J'e hint! th skilled mini!ltraA Happy a nd P rosperous New t Ime forwaJ'~ n numb er of tJ'age- rninati n of the C4)rn or hog base, to 0<1' r ate on II mldn!gl, l b W'll l n g ti ons that lend to the loved schedu le ,,,hlCh caliA for Lh e umYear to all. dIes . happened. that carned the title the' applicant will also fin out a Ing Of elloh lam l> trom oue-halt boul' one the natut'al a ppearance Hav~ you t urned over a new 8 Flrvst . n ~all by the n~me of Ne!- Iwork sheet, gi,rjnl~ full details of a r ler aunle t to m lclnlght ('8 eb allll of peac efu l sleep t hJll is so eve r n ight. Said echedul aJli n g leaf at the beginning of the New o~ \ as kill ,d Or got, killed, on hIS t hese changes. On the basis of th is E.po!rimellt Station., Cro_. (or llpprOXlmllte ly 2_~O h ur." I,urncomfort ihg to tho e who reIng Ollera ! IOn l'cr yenT rot whi Ch the Ye ar? poant OUl' lofornlaClon was not complete informa1t.ion, committeemain behind, We feel t ha t ' Cast About For EBeeti ••, IliaI!' shall pOy to t il ... It! The Mrs. Jennie Carey , of Wilm lng- clear. Then a mun by the name of m n may t hen compute the 1935 , Uaytoll Power and ],,&,111 ' ompl1ny our Irrcat st privilege IlJ1d as tollo\\' . : 100 , P .- J l .4)0 per Cheap COD trol t On brought the message to the ~ eorge Howell wa. found dead sit- corn and hog allotments and adlam!? per year. duty is to make this m m· Friends Cbureh here last Sunday tlng by a tr e, upposed to have jUlltmen t payments. , Sf1CTI ~ 2. T hle ItCl\pllu I~ IIltly ory pictut'e one that will be evening. J ennie held the attentive bCi! n frozen to dealh. A man by omplete information on the be limina l d nt nnr. Urn durlnir The tosy aphid, although he f(\r v r ch.el'i hed for it.s Ibe t ~ rm ot tbla ord nnnoo nd the crowd speli bound f or nearly an t he name of Joh'n Lashley was details of t he 19:!5progrllm will "all n igh t " • hcdu l .ub,tllul' tI n. beiluty Ilnd conso' ation. hour. fou nd dead near hel' . A J)ol·ty by ~ available to 0111 co rn and hOg ma y represe nt only one or two per IH'Ovlt'l d In PI' I'IOIIM UI'd tnuncl' cen t of t he aphld popUlation l>n pussed by t h e ouncll ur lIal ,: \rnh~l(t) Mrs. Mabel Terry and Mis t h 1\ame of Tom Jordan 1'o de producer s a t comllllunity meetings o n J a nu ary 7. 1929. SE T ION 3. Th at Th(, ytOfl Kathleen Thompson !pe nt t he h?rse. bac~ off of a bridge, anotj\ r to be he ld in J a'nuary and F eb- the ap ple bud in the spring, is the ana Light amlln"y shall hoHdays in Day tOil , did 1Jke\Vl~ , b ut was ~ot 80 for- t' ua ry, Each fal'mer apply ing fo r species most feal'ed by the fruit Power tile Itt! ", r lll. n al'cf'ptanl' at UIIII lnancI> within thirty (110) tI YII K. E. Thompson spent Monday tuna W, the hoI' e be Ing killed. a contract wilJ rece iVe copIes of gr ower, according to T. H . Parks, ord a.fte r It s rt Otl v (I t lind th r _ ex tension entomologist for Ohio In Waynesville and Xenia~ Later a co lore d man whose name a ll for ms t o be us.ed and a booklet upon sllall eon. Utu 1 l\, CO M !' t h St ate University. bw een 8a ld Vllln g a l1d ~al d om ' d t' t b ' L A was Cor ter was build ing a fence which cont ains r ulings relati ve t o Now IS This iDllect keeps the apple pa ny. a goo lme 0 1111 8Cflan> near the hollow und getting i nto th SECTI ON 4, Thlll or(l tllQ o e .ho.lI for ~e Miami Gazette at ,t he be- an altercation which hj~ co-workel' e program. grower guessin g. In Ohio it ia not b e eff c th'e trom a n(l all 41t t h annually a pest' of economic impor a rll es t per l ol1 1\lIoweO by 1B w. gmnlOg of the new year and get all t ook a rail and killed him Mr P a88ed lJy the o unell Of tbe tance in man y orchards, but acthe news fr sb every "ek for 52 Sabin called a ll t..hi s readji J t~ of 2Wn)' tatemhcr nt I~;;============;';:'; hi o, thl" III ndeavlll'll oy O [ D(>c~ .. 0, cording to Par k!! it is not possible VO illage weeks. mind b cau$e he looke d after ~~~!!!'-_~_ _~~~~ accurately to forecast an out· 193 4. Chas. Wells is on the sick list Carter 's in\.ere t at. the Lebanon - -- A. K . DA Y, ;: --this week. We all hope for a court house. The late 0 car Mr. and Mrs. Guy Rou tzahn and br eale. Mayor. : Experime nt station s report that A:TTES'l' speedy recovery. Wright had a fou r hOfse team haul da ug hte rs spEnt at urday in Dayn. F . H AT F I ElLD Cl e rk . the best time to spray for '1'OS, P. G. Wells, wife and two ing wh eat, loaded \yith 0 bu hels ton. J a-101 daughters Ina and Alma were and in or o ing- the bridge got off Mr. J oseph uller who under- aphis control is in the delayed dorSunday after noon caUers on Rob- the bl'idge and upset, went an oper a tiol) last week, re- mant period, when the green leaf ert Wells and family near OreThese aecide'lts a nd casu alties mains quite ill at Miami Valley tips protrude about one-half inch from the bud but have not yet gonia. are quite e noug h to show t'hac the hospital. E. J. MEl NHARD I RoJuII Roberts and familly of title "Dead Holl ow " has been weU Miss Sa ra h BurIDet, wh o teaches folded back. Material fo und most effective is near Klngman, P . G. Wells, wife earned and appropr ia t to the sp ot , at Ea t , Pal estin(~, Ohio, spent COMPANY SALESMAN and daughters Marie, Ina, Dor othy [Ed: The foregO ing articl!! was part of the holidays with Mr, and 2 '% gallons ot lime 8ulfur, 1 pint OF CHICACO HERE ACAIN 4.0 per cent nicotine sul1atil, and and Alta, Elbert Wells, K. E. bro ught into the Gazette ofti ce Mrs. Harv ey Bur net. Thompson, daughter Mar y Kath- by Mrs. Fra nk Braddock who All en Emrick and Wendell water to make 100' gallons. He will demon.tra.... the Spraying with dilute lime sulleen, Robert Montjoy, wife and clip ped it from t he Wayn esville Sali bury attended the community "Meinhardi Rupture Shield" fur and nicotine in the late pint sons attended Church at Gr~n published here abo ut !:lale at Le banon il"riday. privat · I,. i.. hi. room. at the Briar last -Sunday evening. years ago.] Mr. ~n d Mrs. 'M arion Bradford and petal-fall stalres of tree deMiami Hotel, Dayton. Ohio, "-0 We are glad to report Walker .. - ~ of en ter vllle we re Saturday velopment have not given enough ,Saturday and SUllda),. ~ary Terry better at this w-riting. evening guests oj~ Mr. and Mrs. rosy aphis protecttion to justif1 5tb and 6th, from 1:00 p . m. the expen ~e of the nicotine sulfate We are sorry to report that Therle J ones and son. to 7 :00 p. m. deil,.. Pic... Harold AlcKay met with an ace i[ 1oh's. Martha Miltenberger and used in apple scab aprays at these note "ates and hOur. carefullY. times. dent one day lut week which was I l'S. ' F rank Miltenberger were A.k the Hot.1 Clerk for the F'our per cent oil sprays give number. of Mr. Me'inlwordi'. caulled by a bun. saw. d in ner g uests of Mr, and Mrs. Iifford Archd eacon and san in Bome degree, of control In the Mrs. Jella Nash gave a turkey room •. 0 ... 1,. _ are invited. early , delayed dormant period, bu dinner t!t Sunday_ payton New Year s evening. The "MeinhA{di Rupture contrbl with oila was I markedly O. M. Ridge afld wife, of Way-~l(enneth, Ever ett and Orrille Shield" ""talo.. the rupture OD nesville were shopping in Dayton Miss Martha O'Nea ll is spend- Savage we re dinner guests Sun- less than that secured with the ~~~~~~~~~~~=~=­ tho averalfe ca.e re.ardl... of on Monday. thi s week with friends in Day- day of t heir grandmpther, Mrs. nicotine sprays. tit ••ize Or locatic,n, of the RlIpH1)wever, Parks adds, over maD, Don't forget to subscr:ibe for the Will Gl'aham and family. .u~ no matter h ow mueh you Miami Gazette. Miss J ennie Barding, of Morrow Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Davia years and in numerous, orchards exerci.e, lift, or otralo. Th. was t he g uest of MI' , and Mrs. B. lind lions of Cincinnati spent Sun- the inclusion of nicotine in the deMeinbardi Ruplu.... Shield i. layed dormant spray hall not riven day with MI'. and Mrs. Calvin S. Howell Sun day. 'killfull,. molded to eacb indi_ enough protection to justify the Miss Alma Mal' hall and niece ,L ongac r e and famjly. TWaal a. a DOAn., makes falao Miss Ann'a Haines have gone t o Mrs. All en Emrick has been ill added expense. t_tl". (No Ie. ,trap. and DO Fo)' the past two years in New Col orado to visit relatives. f or seyeral days, with an attack of cumber.Om. arranl'e.menb). York and Virginia orchards, tar Mr. J. H. Waiter, wife and li ttle lIU'yllgitis. It i. waurproof. .aDr,tary, daughter, of Dayton were the welMrs. Kesler Graham and Miss distillates have been tried as a prKtiean,. iacl•• tructibl., and come guests of Dr . and Mrs. Bernice Graham motored to control meaBure. The)' were used ma,. b. W'01'll whi!e batbiD. or Adams, Sunday. Columbus and spent Thu1'8day and alone and in eonjunctlon with ,I_pin. (c_tinuou.l,. cia,. and Mrs. C. A. Brun er visited her F riday with Mr. 1and Mrs. A. E. dormant lubricating oil emulsion. ,Dil'ht) until _ lo, nec:ellarJt The regular dormant oil spra, pare nts at Mason last week. White and sons. Do DOt ne.led to aI'e him on Ml'S. J. C. H awke and daughter Mrs. Donald Hs~dley and Mrs. killed red mite and scale- and tar die abo.,.e dale. There i. no distillate kill ed rosy aphis eggs. Miss Cla l'a and MillS Alma Water. Seth Fu rnas attended the wedding claar .... fer denio.utrati01ll. Thi. hou5(3 wer e Payton visitors Satur~ of Mi $s Ruth Tomlinson and Mr. , .,.i.h i. for wihite peepl" oDl,.. Chic&IfCI Offic., Pure Oil Bid•. at the Thunday Friends ' day. Raymondat LaRue Mr. Geo. D. Mills and family' church WaynelsviUe, I wer e X enia .visitors , Sunday. attel'noon. Camby- 'l'he finest photographer Mr. and Mrs. FJ..nk lCurftas and ever in Waynesville , will make daughte rs were dil1ner &'\Ieats Sun, you. Fine wor k at very reasonable 'day a t the home c)f lIIr. and Mrll. Stanley Watkins at Morrow. prices. Give him a calL. Matinee performance o:f the Mr. and Mra. B. C. Moler, ot Ohio State UDi..-ItF To B. Ho.t "Passion Play" at the People', Columbus, spent ,New Year's day Thea t er, Tuesday afternoon at 8 with Mrs, Edna V'ulcer, To Farlll Folk Jaaua&7 21 to F.bna~ 1 o' c l o c k _ M i s e Bernice G'raham attended Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Clemente a party Friday .'vetting at the ___ _ and two interesting littls sons wille home of Mhs ~\l1~h HOCkett near welcomed hOme last, evening after Wayntlsvi1!e, who was rtome from Ever),body Is bUlly at the For the convenience of owners of dogs we have 11 two m onths t rip through the west Miami Umvereity for the ho~idaya of arriculture at the Ohio . arranged to be at the following places for the purMisses Bertha Harlan and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Colima of ~hil month preparlne pose of issuing Licenses for the yel\r 1985, on Hoelen H arris , of Harveysburg', Dayton spent Sunday . with Mr. . Farmers Week! January 28 to I were shop ping in Waynesville Wed and Mrs. Walter Kenrick and all Fe~rua~ 1. Tlaat lstb e week the nesday attended services jlt Ferry ChuTch UDlVe1'81ty holds open hOIl" for Mrs: P hoebe F ox of Miamisbur Sunday morniq. farmers and thea familiel. FrOID visited her sister Mrs. H. Mllrra~ Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Swank and 6000 to 8000 psople annually atRed Lion, Ivins' Store .......... 8:35 to 9 :00 a. m. a fe w days last week Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn Swank and ten.d •Adm ission at P eople;s The ater on children , of· Dayt,on spent New John F . C\lnningham, dsan of Springboro, 'City Hall ......... 9 :15 to 10 :00 a. m . 15th, 16th and 17" of November Year's day with }l[r. •and Mrs. Ed the e~lIege, aDnoun~es that man7 Lytle, Wallact! Store .... . .... 10:15 to 11:00 a. m. ad ults lOC i ch ildre n 6c. . ' Longacre. pr0!1unent speakers In the fields of Corwin, Archdeacon's Garage .. 11 :,80 to 11 :45 a.m. Miss l;l elle Gallaher was the Mr. and Mnl. Louis Trickey, lIIrs. agriculture and home managemen~ guest of MI'!!, Mabel Dinwiddie last Alice Miller and 801), Mr. and Mrs. have accepted place. on the proWaynesville, Ford Service Station 1 :00 to 2 :00 p, m. Friday. . C. L. Duke ; ,Mr'. and Mr!. gram. . Ridgeville" Shoup's Store, ... ,. .. 2:80 to 3 :00 p, m. Duke and children and Among thOle who accepted ~~-:---Pekin, Kirby Oil Station , . .... '.. 3 :15 to 3 :30 p. m. ert Duke w ere entertained to a early are M. L. WUson, aeailtant family dinn er New' Year's day at secretary of agriculture, who iI Persons who CanDOt come to the Auditor's office the hom. of Mr. and Mrs. sdleduled to speak on the philoloor be at the above named places can ' secure tag by Henkle. pby~ of Farm Adjultmenti O. E. sending required fee (Male-$1.00 Female-$S.OO Mr. and Mrs. hank lCurfia and Baker, senior agricultural econoKennel-$10.()0) description of dog (age, sex, color, daulrhters, in COM)lan), with Mn. mist of the department of acriculBertie Earnhart and Mil8 Sarah tun, who dlaeusBes the subject. breed) name of township in which owner lives, al80 Smith of W and MIsII Looking Forward in Agriculture; postage for return of Hcense tag, to the County Sprinrboro, aad Dr. Preston Bradle" pulOI' Old CoD~ract Sil'n.r Whoo.e Faral Clara Cro Auditor, Lebanon, Owners and harborers of dogll 6 O'clock lruutI of IIr of The PeopJe'1I Chutch at Chica,o Ullit ,I. UIlChaa ••d Ha. will please be at most conveni,e nt place for them and Mrs. WUu.. Monda,. Although Ipeaken wtJl b. promptly at, time ,mentioned, Llttl.8otMr near Spri.pOl'O. draWn larael, from Ohio. IDYl_, Simplified forms and simplified J(r. and 111'1. tionl hay. ~ne ' to leacli... farm Dogs three months old or overmust be licensed proc~dure for the 1985 corn-hog ancl· Jamel lIIacianata 1ft a dosen otbft staNt. before January 20, 1986, or a penalty will be added. program. developed out of experi- Bioegar and A ICON of Ohio farm ol'JraDlAAll dop must be licensed when tlley become S tions Jillewi.. are bb8, bllildhqr • ence with corn·bol" adjll8trnent de- .....,. . .... months of qe. , tails during the put year. are exParmln' Week PfOIl'UIl. The pected to pErmit more rapid hand Ohio Bana. .......110. fa ALL DOGS MUST WEAR THEIR LWENSI' TAGS llq of contract. and pa,mentl ~:1='=~1 dl1riq the cOin hill .tl

Sunda)' afte rnoon. Mr_ and Mn . John Wi1~on nnel Rubert entertained to dinner Inst l\h'. li n d MI'II. Wa lter Wilson and alul'da y the tll llow ing gu~~t,, : 11' !r. nnd MN!, Ar t.hur Hartman a~ and ~{r~. Alb rt Wi! on of Tyro, "ltd I th f UMI'nl of Wilson Jay Ohio i Mr. and MI . ::lamuel Wilson III r.tllrtin sbu rg, hio la t B'rida}' Mr. and Mrs. Weldo n Wilso n lind nHernoon, son Ge mld of ~l e ar ' X:~nia, and Rev. Ilnd Mr~. W. E. Bog an call Eno's Wilso n. l'cl un Zimri Uainl', and wife Tu es Ralph Learni ng a nd family were ria, nft~lnoon. ?t[ r. Hain IS is some guests of H o,"ord Lt'tlniing and Lt·tt l' at this ,uiting, hmily of the Eleazer neighMr. nd 1111. J ohn Wi lson, Rob- borhood on Christmas Day. ' ll ontl b:no~ \ i1 On wer e di nner MI'. and ?tIcs. Raymond Wilson gU tR tlf Samuel Wilson and wife an tI d aug h ter J ell nnette a nd M 1'. hri tma Da". and Mrs. Walter Wilson were din~ ~lr. and '11'". h" rley Laird of ne.r g ues t.8 0 f F ran k B ra dd OC k all d .. "n.. f Ch l> amd n, Ohio, visited their daugll- , WI e rlstma s , ay. _ t r, Mrs. Lu ther Haines and famil y Mr: a nd !'tlrs.. 8E nj~:r:nan Care,Y 'on Monday , of Highl and, Ohi O, VISIted theIr ", , ' daughter Mrs. Ever ett Haines and Walt r W II on and wrfe call d . fa mily on last Thu rsdoy. 1'111 Ru ell MUrJ'ay near Flat Fork Mrs. T heodore lIfcIntire of near New BurUngton visited her 1'I\0ther Mrs. Ray mond Wilson on Wednesday. Miss Lado~na Sincla ir very pI a anlly entertained II. group of young people with a New Years party. T he guests were, Edna Lea ming, Jeannette Wil son, Phyl iss and Esther Jelln Haines, Ruth Sheets, Doroth y Bogan, Loui e inclair. Frank Compton, Leonard Ellis, William Smith, Williard, Donald a nd "Marvin Hain es, Paul Webb, J ames and Earl heets, O.rville Prime, L well and Ladonna S anclair. Mias Jeannette Wilson, Miss J.ean Furnas and brother called on 001'0 thy Boga n Thuraday atte rnoon .


- ~


DR. H, E. HATHAWAY Dentist


The Memory




Beech Grove

J. E. McClure

Tmas Theater


W.~D..~IU.t . . ........



Fri.--5at.-Jaa. 4-1 CHARLIE CHAN in

"London" with WARNER OLAND S.D.-MoD.--JUI 6--7

"Th~ Gratitude" with FRANK . CRAVE~ MARY CARLISLE. The Itage hit tbat made America laugh for two years--Even funnier on the Illre -=e,;,; n;-I_ _ _ =--:-_-:No more shOWI on WedneBclay and Th~raday until further notice.

10e Everybody ... ---.;,;"...;."!""----~-~.",

Waynelville, Ohio


- ----,



-_ ...----




Quality ·Prlatlal

DOG OWNERS Wed.e.d.y,

-,..--. -






._.... .....



Eigh't y-Seventh Year





fiNANCIAL HEPORI The regular meeting of the F, M. wiil be held at the McMillan Sunday night, January OF WAYNESVILLE IS hOll'!eat on o'clock. Ernest Cook. losson lender; Herbert McMillan, devotional HEARD , BY COUNCIL lender; Robert Chapman, recreaY.


Provides "Eyes" For .Blind


---------- ~ .,----


----_ .....- - -

tional leader. De6cit .t Firat of Year Le .. Thall That Faced J.auary

O. E. S. Meetinc

LE BULKLEY ANNOUNCED Regular meeting Miami Chapter, No. S., Monday evening, January at CIVil SERVICE TEST ing members welcome. Vi sit PLANS SERVICE fOR Mary Earnhart, W. M., Minnie Fromm, Sec'y. WAYNESVILLE .USERS fOR POSIOfflCE JOB of

107 O. E. 14, 7 :30.

Wirel May Be Sent To Any Point

Tc:ecram. Sont By Loc:al Demo. erato Brinl: Relpo1lae From Senator

I, 1934

Deficit in Waynesville's general fund wa.~ approximately Januory. 1, ~gain st ,500 one year I\~O it was revealed at a meeting of council Monday night at which ~ime the municipal board reorgan· Ized Ilnd named committees for 1936. 'l'his was seen all a rather enoumging sign in face of financial difficulti B which are confronted in practically every city and town . in the ntire state. George H. Jial'tsock WitS retained as p~'esident, pro tern, for the ensuIng year. The same firemen were also re tai.ned as follows: W. B. Squires, chi f; Ed. Standiford, assistant chief; Gilbert Frye, Jesse Menden hall, H. F. Burton, William BradJ y, Che1'les Anderson, C. P. Joy, II. M. arey, Harold Osborn, Nelson Watkins, George Zell Bnd Everett Seara. C. P. Joy was reappOinted !treet commissioner 101' 1935. The annual appropriation for the municipality was not acted upon due 1.0 the fact that no estimates of receipts had been f(Jrthcoming from the county auditor. The total bonded Indebtedness of the municipality was reported a $5,09(). ' The report of the clerk and treasurer howed the following balances in the various funds' General fund, $2.85; Auto ta~ fund, $8.61; Gasoli.n~ tax fU'ld $274.81; B?nd ~tarem~nt fund, $22.76; FIre mdemmty fund, $436.64. ; and Water fund

Whole Number 6152






Telephone Comp.ny Bejti nnlng wilh the tenth day of Janua ry, 1 n35, the citizens of Waynesvi lle, by simply lifting a telephone and calling for Postal Telegraph, may send a telegram to anywhere on the North American continent, or if his interests Ii even further afield to anywhere In the world, or even to ships at sea. This new service is the result. of an agt'eement reached between The Ohio Central Telephone Cor· po ration and the Postal Telegraph. Cable Company whereby the entire telegraph, cable and radio £ervice of the latter company and its associate compan.ies becomes available to citizens of Waynesville and surround ing towns. The new se l'vice is available twcnt.y-,four hours each day, seven days a week. Messages may be telephoned, or filed at the counter in the telephone office. The telegraph charges will appear on the monthly telephone bill. Explaining the new service, Mt·s. E. F. Earnhart, telephone manager says: "The coordination of the voice and record communications makes for the most economical use of the wire plant anc,t other facUities of the compa,ny and reacta to the benefit of all!' L. V. Bran trator was appointed The telegraph rates will be the enumerator to take the farm. arne as those now in effect by the census in Wayne township. Po~tal Telegraph Company, the Mis Lucy Emley and service however being continuous. Josephine Banta, were dinner The office will be located in the t f M Telephone Company's bulldinc gues s 0 rs. Ray Mainous, F1'i- from which point direct conne-eday. tions are mad~ with the main oftlee Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke spent ot the Postal Telegraph Company Sunday in Pleasant Plain, the in Cincinnati via Lebanon. The guests of Dr. and Mrs. Ralph new service is also in effect in Vance. Harveysburg, Morrow, Mal!lon and Lebanon. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Myel' of - - - - - +- - - Cincinnati, have been l1ere with the latter's mO,t her, Mrs. . KeZIah Thompson. '

There will be a civil service examination for the posit ion of post master of Waynesville. Thi!$ was the s ubstance of a Mrs. Clarence Mendenhall vi s ite~ communication from Senator Rob- relatives in Dayton, Monday. ert J. Bulkley, who in wl'iting Have a good time Tuesday even· fl'om Washington informed ing at Junior Mechanics Hall. aspirants Jor the local office who Carl Conner, of Dayton is wired the senator after learning s pending several daYIi here 'with that he "understood" the Waynes- relatives. viii matter was s ttled inallmuch Mr. and Mrs. Howard Florence as the Warren county demoCriltic spent Sunday ' with relatives at Paris, Ky. committee was concerned . Several such letters were received here last week, although. ~r: .John 'ears, of Greenville, none indicated as to just when the lS vlsltmg at the home of his SOD, W' N. Sears. examination would be held. to Donald and Dean Hawke visit d Telegrams which were sent enator Bulkl~y brought prompt the automobile show in Cincinnati re~ p o nse 0!1 hiS part, ~he letters Monday njg~t. ' being received from hiS office a Mrs. Morris Graham was in Dayfew days afterwal·ds. . While the situation has "cooled ton Friday, to her sister Mr!. down" somewhat from the inten- C. M. Brown, who is ill. sity to 'which it rose la t week it is apparent that Democrats ~i11 Mrs. Penle McMakin, of Lebhave a IIv~ly time of it before the anon, visited her mother, Mrs. next WaynesviJIe postmaster is Viola Carey, Tuesday. safely installed in his office. Mr.and Mrs. Herman SUI'face .- - . . . . - ...---are, for the 'present, staying with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Stokes.

I'I:~~~~~~~~~~.' ... ~

)Mr. and l\frB. W. O. Raper a re confined to their home III with grip Mr. John Weaver was wet'k-end guest of relativeq Xenia. Mrs. Lena Werntz of Oklahonla is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. J . E. Witham. Mrs. Philip Larrick and daughter Elizabeth visited friends at G:lshen Monday.


Mrs. Myer Hyman and daughter Miss Bernyce were Dayton visitorsi Tuesday. Mrs. J. H. Sackett and Ralph Hastings were in Tue day. Mrs. Vernon Mainous was the guellt 01 Mrs. George Henderson Saturday. G. F. Brown, of Lebanon, visited his sister, Mrs. O. R. Unglesby, Tuesday. . Mrl!. Lee ¥orrls of Dayton, spent Tuesday WIth her aunt Amanda Maffitt. Mr. Vernon Main(Jus left Thursday morning for a motor trip to Washington, D. C.



, S. S. Ellis was retained as pre8id~nt of the Wayne township board o~ e~ucation !It the annual reorganization meet1D 8 of that body last Monday night. . R?nald H~wke was elected vice pres!der,at With Ross H. Hartso~k con!mumg all clerk, his term not bavlll&' Jet expired. Regular payment of bills order~d by the board after whIch S,:,penntendent J. W. Lotz sub1 mltted a report on the state everyMrs. E. F. Earnhart attended a " pupil test. The topic oi1 Invitations district meeting ot wOI·thy matron . ( nD and diplomas for graduates was .ot the Order Eastern Star, at U1\...1,l then tak d dl d Sabina Saturday ---en up an scusse. . ' . The amou.nt of money receIved Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cerrato and ---from ~a80ltne ~x by Wayne Miss Mary Margaret Miller, ot Day At the regular meeting of ;roW1lshlP Centrahzed schools dur- t Farmers' Grange, January 5 the mg 1934 was reported as tollows' Con, ~er.e ~es~s 01 Mrs. Fanny officers for the coming year were March, $899.52; June $953.21; aro ers, un ay. instlll\ed by Mrs. Emmor Bailey October $1181.93;1and December The "Argunot" bridge club mem ,assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Chester $1184.42 maKing a tota~ of bel' and a few Invited guests were Crockatt and Mr. Bailey. Mr. $4219.08. Total amount .-ecelved entertain,ed at the home of Mrs. D. Cowan and Mrs. Merri ll from Lebby Warren. county is $28024.76. ' R. Smith, Saturday afternoon. anon acted as Master and Chap.... ln It was estimated that the returns . during the services. This wOTk from the sales tax wiJ] about off- ' Mrs. RO,bert Werntz and Mr. was very ably handled by M.... set the 1088 to· schools incurred by Edgar SOlI h have returned after Bailey and was enjoyed by nearly the 10 mill limitation. a pleasant two-weeks visit to rel- one hundred membel's -and visit· ~--- - ahves at W eatherford, Texas. ing grangers. M R b S Following tbe 1n taUa.Uon an the rB·iblo sert i cott,. a cs~d~nt ta.t oyster supper was served the e em nary tn Incmna I ., gave an interesting talk at th~ dmmg room b y the lollowiug com-

Hear the Grand Musical ConAnnie U, Brown, who with gether with. the equipment for test, Tuesday evening, January her!lt1!.8 sli,tel·, Mi!lll Mame T. Brown, ! WInking, it was like a light to the 16, at Junior Mechanics HaD. ~esides at lhe Friend'~ H ome h~re blind," ays Miss Brown. "It gave Miss Laura ~osnagle . of Cindn- IS one of th e Bcel'edlted BUlIlle I me some thing definite to do, some nati, waa the guest of Dr. and Mrs ' transcri b rs who, in all parts of I thing really worth while I could ~o H. E. Hathaway Sund.a~, the country are doing work for fOl' others less fortunate than myMr. Henry Fox, ot Miamisburg, the blind. In' all ' there are some I ' was the guest of his aunt, Mrs. ¥,OOO of !-he c volunteer workers Firnl, Miss Brown found it necSarah Murra S t d . In th Umted Stat , but Miss 'e sary to lear the B aille I h y" a ur ay evenms:. Brown has the distinction of being bet numeral sn who I,> r w da p aMr. and Mrs. Harry Burnett, of th-e only one in several counties 't d' . or l!nd ST_ MARrs CHURCH Five year ago Miss Brown w~s pa: k w:r J~S, ,punc~uatiol\ Lytle, are announcing the birth Rev. J. J. Schaeffer, Rector m from til; teaching profes- thart 8'h om.pohutn t slgn~'b e Ct'" .80 .Tlinuary 13, First Sunday after of a daugbter, Thursday, January rHired . d 'd s e nl1g ranscn e S orles sion ue to an aCCl ent that con- s»eech e and articles., into a serie~ EpiphallY. Church school at 9:80j 3 . fined ber to her room. In all she of perfoJ'ated dots propel'ly placed Morning Prayer and sermon at Mr. and Mrs. James Johns, Mrs. pa88e~ 36 years of activl) public so that the blind may read by touch 10:80. tEachmg, a large part of that time Viola Carey and Mr. Jesse Thomas as' a teacher in the Columbus I believe one IS never so afleft Wednesday on a trip to ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH hools. Her sister, Miss Mame T . flicted," say Hss Brow.n, "that he Florida. Father Newton, Paator Brown, was also a teacher in I cand?t~ fin~h om~. oJlelflO a dworse Mass at St. Augu tine's Church con I Ion an I~se, an ~ne Mrs. Roma Rlgga, ot Social Columbus. every secQnd and fourth Sunday Row, spent Thursday with Mrs. The inactive life brought on by can al~ayS ~o. a little, if nothl?g f the month, Amanda Maffitt and Mra. Sarah her unfortuna te accident was op- ~no~e / 1l~ gl~:g ~ pleasant smde Murray. pressive and irritating to one so 0 e p t ~ ~ er. FR IENDS MEETINC ~nnget.ic. so she welcomed the opIn addltlon to transcribing Mr. Josiah Davis is spending a por~unity to work for 't he ' blind. magazine articles into Braille, First-day School at 9 :30 a. m. Meeting for Worship at 10:80 few days at the horne 01' his Miss Brown r ceives no compensa MiSjl Bro:-"n is also at work on a daughttr, Mrs. Howard Hurley, at tion fo~ her work other than the book ,a_SIgned to her by Service m. Klneman. satisfaction in knowing that she for the Blind, in Washington, D. C. WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH Mr. Robert Werntz, whose arm is helping others less· hIfortunate . ,.... . U. B rown, IS . th e Rev. ,G. C. Dibert. Putor ".. ISS A nnle was injured recently, is in St. tha n h erse. he . h Ig y prizes If .sunday: Sunday school a,t 9 :30 EliZabeth hospital, Dayton, for the Red Cro s. certJfica~e issued to elder daughter of the late Mr. and local Church f Ch . t 's d ,mittee: Mr. nnd Mrs. L. V. Bran80 ns, un ay. trator, Mr. and Mr . John Pra8ton her as a qualIfied Braille worker. Mrs. T. J. ~rown, who formerly a. m. Morlling worship at at 10 :30 treatment. The . sermon subject will be, "When 8 .Braille ,ranscribin owned and published "The Miami Mr. and Mrs. Mark M h IMTB. Russel Salisbury -and Mrs: "Which Shall it be?" Epworth Dr. L. B. George, Superintendent m~u!ll was placed in my hands to azette. -and daughter, of D~IYtOri-:-u~ri5PifiYr. ' H,F¥4~~~------------":":---"League at 6 :39 p. m. Evangelistic of the ' Hillsboro district of the M. Th e' Friendship club met at the Sunda~ with Mrs. Murphy's! T.he officers with ·their respeetive service at 7 :80 p. m. E_ church, called on Rev. and Mrs. home of Mrs. Nelson Watkins, parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Davis. offices are as follow~: Wednesday- On Wednesday G. C. Dibert, Friday. Wednesday altel'noon, January 9, Master .. :... ' ......... Ronald Hawke of next week at 7 p. m. i8 the '. . with thirty-four members and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Collett and Overseer ...... , Harold Whitaker Little MIsses Betty Marilyn and time for the January Faith Food several 'v isitors present. The pr'i!si. Bon, Mrs. Laura $hidake~. ot Har- Lecturer ............. Miss Irma Rich R, Dorothy Younce, o~ Dayton, spent and Fun meeting. Rev. clent and vice-president being veysbu~g, and Mrs. Sadl~ Conner Ste~ard .. W. A. Swartzel Williamson, p\lStor of the M. E. laat week with theIr grandparents absent, Mrs. ·L. V. Branstrator we~e dmner guests of MISS Sarah As I S. ~teward .. Herbert McMillan Church in Centerville be the Mr. and Mra. W. F. Clark. presided. SmIth, Sunday. I Chaplain .. .. MI·s. W. A. Swartzel We re~et to report that Mrs. speaker. Our committees are all The meeting opened with a song Trea urer B. V. Smith workin! and t~is is .ur~ to be a Charles Rye Is aiain confined to At the annual meeting . of the "The Church in the Wildwood" Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Crane and ecretary ·... Miss Flossie Fires The I'egu}ar'monthly meeting of splendld occasIon. Dqn t fan to her bed. Mrs. Annie Haines is asstockholders of the Waynesville Mrs. J. B. Crabbe led the d~- two children, Barbara and Jac.k . Gatekeeper ,.,., Robert Wilson, the ' Wayne Township Mothers' National B~nk, W. H. Allen was lvotions. giving a Syrian inter- are guests at a birthday dinner at Ceres ... .. . attend. sieting in the care of her. . Miss Eva McMillan club was held at the Grade n~med p;esldent, W. F. Clark, pretation of the 23rd psalm. after the home of (riends in Oakwood Pomona ..... ." MlslI ~velyn Peters MillS Perle Riley and MiIIB Bessie ~AYNESVI LLE CHURCH O F vIce-president, L... I~. Hend.erson which the psalm , was repeated in this, Thursday eve ning. Flora . . :.. MIS9 Jaumta Brannock Costello left Tuesday morning for Building, Friday afternoon. CHRIST Lady ASSistant Steward .. ..... .. .. ... . The meeting was opened with caBh~er and C,. S. RIggs, aSslstant i unison .nd th~ club motto was St. Pe~nburc, Fla., where they (UndenominaUon.1J The dIrectors are W. H.ll'ep eated Five new names were Mr. and M,·s. John B. ' Gonr, . MI·s. Reba Braddock expect to remain for an indefinite the devotional service, Mrs. cashIer. AI!en, George J., Waterhouse, added to' the list of members. were week-end guosts of Mr. and .... .. Miss Virginia Hardin Cheater J.. Williamson, Mlnl.tar period of time. Thomas Hardin reading a port ion Ehas Oglesbee, W. 1'. Olark and J. A of appreciation from Mrs. Carl Sanker at Mason and on Cllorlstar .. ' ..... Mrs. C. L. Du~e Church School at ,.9 :80 a. m. Mrs. Ra'y mond Cnnner for a ' Sunday the four visited the TI'ustee .... .. , ........... S. 'S. Elhs Lord's Supper at conclu.ion. Chris Mrs. A8hland Osborn, who re- of scripture. This was followed by B. Pence. _ _ _ -. _ Christmas gift which wa; present. automobile show at Cincinnati. Legislative Agent ., ............. .. .. .. .. tian Elldeavor at 6 :30 p. m. Even- cently pnderwent an operation of the Lord's Prayer repeal;ed in ing evangeliatic service at 7:80. a 8erio~ nature in the Middletown unison. MRS. JANE WRICHT, ACE ed to her by the club members in I . ........ ... ' .... J. L. Men~enhall The Clburch whCl'e you feel at hospital, haa retumed home Ilnd is During the business session' it , token of her loyalty as teacher of The Woman's Auxiliary of St. Busmess Agent ... C. E. Michener home. recoverinc Ilicsly. 9,1. CA~D BY DEATH the class, was read. Mary's Church, will meet with Mrs ' - - -- - 4._ _ __ was d-ecided to change the time FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Mr. and Mn. George Cleven'g er foJ' meeting from 1-1 45 to 2:15 p. . ' I The meeting was then turned' Ronald Hawke at the Little Inn, on DAVEY TO TAKE OFFICE (Undenomlaatioaal) and little dau.h~r, of San Fran-- m. The flower bbx and picture Mrs. Jane Wright..91 years of lover to the hostesses who were jFriday afternoon, January 11, at 2 Chester A. WIlHamion ci8CO, OaIIf., and Mn. May Cook, were awarded to the rooms of age, wife of the Jesse Wriiht Mrs, Nelson Watkins, Mrs. O. R: o'clock. A full attendance is deMONDAY, JANUARY •• Unified service beclnninc with of Dayton, were raelte of 111'8. E. Miss McKinsey and Miss Carter, died at the home of her sister, Mrs ' Unglesby, Mrs. Rob-ert Baker sired. Church Scbool at 9:80 a. m. C. Crane, Wednesday. respectively. Julia Donovan, We,(fMsday after- Mrs. Frank Thomas, MI·s. Sadi~ . . Martin L. Davey will become Mr. and Mrs Ral h The program consisted of vocal noon about 5:30, following an Conner and the following program Mr. and Mr~. Carl Frye, Miss the 49th govilrnor of Ohio next Lord's Supper and sermon at 10 :30 I. m. L. ~,Nix of North and little IOn IPent pSu se.lecti~ns 'by a quar~et of boys, illness of several w.lek!l duration. was presented: Irma Rich, Mr. Gilbert Frye, Dr. 'Monday. • Vernon, Ind., Will preach. You Morro.... the ,uelte of M Wlth plano accompanIm ent by Mr. ' Since the death of her husband I Recitation, Richard Sheehan, A ' and Mrs. E. F. Deppe, Miss Ola The oath of office will be adminaTe alwaY8 welcome at thb inp' b~ther, Mr. Carl Ster:ben,on Frank;, an excellent. papel', p."e- which occurred sev,era) years a,~ pageant "Surprisel!l tor Old Father Hartsock, Miss Evelyn Kersey, istered by Chief Justice Carl V. church, and family. pared and read by MISS Clara LIle, Wright, WhO!lE' home was in Time," with Mrs. Will St. John as Mr. J.ack Kersey and Mr. Paul Weygandt of the · Ohio Supreme • _ • . retired principal of the Gt'ade Springboro, had sp~!nt the winte'r Father Time, Little Beverly Jean Wintel's were among those from Court prom.p tly at noon. The new ANNUAL PARISH MEETING Mi. Inel Smith left Sunday for school, and a piano solo by Miss months here with her sieter. She "otz, January, of the New Year; here who were at the automobile governor will then deliver hie in au ___ her home In Kentucky after 8pend Ruth Conner. was a daughter of the lite CyrUI! Watkins, February ronre- show in Cincinnati, Sunday. gural address. At the annual pariah meetln', in. the holidays with ber .uteI', Superintendent Lotz announced }<'arr, of Springboro. One son sentmg St. Valentine day, Earl , The fo.rmal program geta under held in St. Mary '8 Eplacopal lira. Vemon lIalnoul. IJttk lila that the County Teachers' Meeting Chl'rles Wright, of'DuqueslM Pa.' Rye, MlI,l'cb, St. Patrick; April and L. A. Nix of North Vernon, Ind., .way at 10 o'clock in the mornin. ehurch Sunday afternoon" tbe Laveme 1IalD0UI accompalned be held at Lebanon Saturday, and one sister, Mra. Donovan' sllr~ May were not represented; Bobbie will preach at the Ferry and Way- with a reception for distincubhed following ofBcen w~re elected to for a abort visit. January 19, and urged a good at. • Rastines and Mary Ann MeJloh, nelville Churches of Christ Sunday raeate. cl i th e i __ W t d HId h h bride.., and gulom; Warren Shee- FoJloming the custom of these The maueural ceremony, wblch lIerve ur n, e nlu n... _r: • Mr. and 11'1'1. RaJ Kalnou8 en aDee. e a so reques~ t e t~ne Selprdln~t. han, July, patriotic,' Allen Vander. churches, the sermon wl'II be 'In tak.. plate on ,a etand at th. B. Allen, lenlor B. tertained Bllnda, and president the Mothers' club t o , . , Henderson, juniorwarden, ward.nj JI'. Barril Earl--KimberHD aDdMr'fa-uappoint a ofcommittee compnlli at 2 voort, Aucuat, playtime; Richard connection with the morning front of the State Rou.. , ~lll"_. lie-Molber, L. B. Gordon, E. 1.. lira. Don Wl1Ion of - three mothen of 8enior clasll wtll 1MI 'n Sheehan, . Sep~niber. Ichooltim.e; service at Ferry and in the even- lin at 11 laO o'clock. In th••.,ea' Thomas. E. C. Cnn., Donald Mile Eliaa Bhea1'lr' of and three mothel'l of the ground ~t Martha Dibert, October, Hallow- Ing at Waynesville. of Incl....Dt ....eather, the'procee. Ha,.ke. v..u,men. and Mill Ilab.ODl claD clrll to meet with hbn e'en, Yvonne Stabb., November inp will .,. moved into tile rotuD4. Delie1lltee to the annaal dioeeIall • cu. the matter of .tbletlCl Thanlcqinngj Jlne Vandervoort, The Fiddle told the French-I cOllvlIll'tlolD••bieh will " ' lIeJel. Kr. ad lira. C. S. MeClan uti .1,11 1ft these two claael. PrOchldion 1neeember. Cbrlatmu Eve. Harp that If the, could pt the In aDJ' ta.___ tndlJj The prolraJII wu concluded Mandolin and Gilitar to be SiDling for :~:::=r~:~1~5: !,:O I ... Ad . Durblw tit -.cIa1 boarb.,nfr"eM- aiped b:tWI .... .a_A "I with .. pate, each 0 •• bella, bUnd- th., Trum.,-t to tlte Sua.,~ _~... foW_ . . . """ ....... to ft





~as day~,



















..-. ,-..

--_.--- ....,•

School High 'Spots





luu Qt Wt\ y ne vi ll.' H i)!h Srh tw l E~itor. ;n.Chief


Frid.l y, Janu';'r,. 11. )0, :211 til III ,00 Plnne tleomet I,)' ' c nior Amf.'licnll illerature, Latin I. }'I't'n~h I, FI'~shman and 'uph· 1110 1'" BOI,I' Eton ll'mic~ , 'tenogra· "hyj (I1.:lllJ to 1 1:40 J Llnlor . Arne1·i·

Subecribe (or The Miami Guetto

Beech Grove

OM THE WARREN Mr . Campbell and son William. . . 01 Harveysburg, attended church R PAST WEE~ here un last Sunday evening. COURT L _________•__________________.... NEWS

Mr. and l\1 rs . Lawson moved hert! from the Dan

('all I it ' 1·(\tl1 l·e, Latitl 11, Frrnch n. 1"1'1.'. hmnn nncl ophom('Fe \.l!'lil ul\n rl!, Advanced Home

have I>l1eti

\ er s. The estate of Petel' B. Cleaver, , decca. d, is exempt irom inh riIn th Cll e of Vesta H, Ewmg tance tax. Alton F.Brown adIlh i h thev did, nllll'h to thei r I~cnllomi !t. W _yce". Defeated l~:a (l to 2 :O()- Eng1i>!h II, v I' I1S Willis Ew ing, divOl'ce t,o mil1i stl'J1tor flIed his applicati~n for el' .lit. Th' re nuwned doctor ev(' n n alld Bookke ping, pl a intiff. Defendant tt) pay ail· /1 ' rtificate of trans1er b !.if I du t at cllllt'\! 1\11'. BI'V,", I1 , Mr . . Lolz. u nci ~t\ nlJl!'l'n ph~' I\Y lle" \' l l1c~ 1I<1 I1CS' for 'un Imdc· Seni or A !{ri e ultu ~l', mOllY. J uni or and In the case of George'E. Young ~ Terry san~e~ ~:uI8 s~ 'U~day .11', Jl nl/\eld up ami put 1 h<!m fl .lL tl SI!UtlOn " ~ I' C eli~ mllll y hat· Algebl'R J. In the case of Bertha Terwill- arlministrator of the eetat-e of Em-I 'e"e~,"illllZ'. t r d 18 t Ft'idoy nig ht \\ h n th t hl'oll!!h the somc urdMI. High 2 :00 to :I ::10_ cni r Efficiency I'll' l' V r us George ' 'ferwillegel' ma D. McMillan, deceased, versus el T rl'Y, Miss Knthl c ' n wen' lhe h opes and t h e CXPl'ctu}?rnnk lin \ ii<i('at h a n d ~d th 10 al of this pla c', Mi s An. t lOllS for the ou lcome of th game, J unior Em i n c~ , SophoJ'n or E1- and E t h I T erwillege r, petition Robert J . MtMillan, et aI, confh'ma 1Cllm Ii 3 6-1 . t buck. grantod, Custody o! child to the tion, deed and distribution. Thompson o[ Dayton via DI·. P p thell aided Ruth 'Illisbu l'y fi.t:i I1ry, 1"I'c~ hmtln Effiei ncy. 'Th e nC(,Ul'ate pal<sing and shoolIn the case of W. W. Whitaker, the Masonic Hom e in . prin g. pla intiff. ost s Lo defenldant. he n t d III ing and i h e .. tro ng d eit'nl'e of till' iJ1 I adng . ollle yell In the case of The Union Central ancillary administrator of the esOhio last week, mUl'h the .am~ WilY OUI checr. Futival MUlic K cyL'l' men pro \'ed to be milt\! leaded ' Rob I't lI aint'. U,llOlly Lifo(! l11sul'llnce o. vers s R. Wilds tate of W. M. Kissick, deoeased, Misses Edna and Ruth Polso n, tha n Coach Bod n bend r's boys The ou nty?of usi al will b ~ h~ld Gilcbl'i t, at ai, the dl!fendant is ver us Crilla Kissick, et aI, con6r- of near Wellman. ente l'tainen their .10 s- indee.l it wa rllnlul'ed that oul d I'come. on T u sduy evening. January 12. grall ted leave to file answer or oth· mlltion, deed and distribution. he ",us thO doctor. But of COli Lowell and Estel Pl'ingle , Sand by new Vitamin. of Cod Uver The Wayne "il l es wCl'e w(' did not heed uch lander. Oil in laateln. tablet.. The ount)' chorus, County orch e - Il l' pI ading. In the case of H, Zain Banta, of Lebanon last un day. 1. 0 hande d u ~ r . dl'u bbing by Poundlt of ftrm hl!&lLh y A""h Inst.<tRd o f 1 he prp ~ession closed with til tl'a, and oll nty bano, to whi.:h 'we In the case of William B. Hal" adm~nistrator of the estate of Mrs. Zelia Nash was shopping in loa ... .. ra Rtn' bon .... I N 'w vigor, vim and } 'r nklin t he score a t th fin al singil,)g of the H igh ~ChODI Rung enli d 'lef('aL s, will t nk part. mo n vel' us Ro sana Cadier, et al,. Lewl . V. Banta, de~ased. ve~Bu8 Harveys burg . last Monday, eDor1l'l' In. t.ud Df t ll-ed, •• ,..,... 1 S I ,.~tI 'l ",hLtle stand ing 43 to 11. Q,u.let ner vPlt I Th lu 18 ", hlll t t hoUlll\nd.. u AI~o (lUI' High :Sc hool Girls' qua·r· partition ordered. with the slogan "B llat Frankand H. Zaln B~nta~ et .al, confirmatIon, Our s~hool was di smiss d on last peeple aT" " eulnr; lhroulrh denU.U' l"t",,1 I n th(l p relimi naTY gam , Fran k tl't will. be on the program, Th e . d(led and dlstl'lbutlon. d b f th dlaeovery- Il,c V II _nline of '(Ki L i ~rr (l ll lin .Junior H i wo n f r om h J ames' lin': Iltill ri nging in In the case .of Stel,la Friend ve.r William H, Noble filed hie appliTuesday at no n ecausc 0 c eoncentra t.ed In ·lIttlr IHIliar rtlll t.d lhhl! u 1I1('1!11H'lS of the quartet are: Kath. wlthDut any of It . hl),rld, " .hy \.a.I~ or In'~JI , to plain death of Miss Winifred d o'rce R F d t b boy by t h c1 o~e COl"!! of 16- t4. adjo w'ned. 0 r 'rlen. IV . cation for the appointment of a I'~'n . l11ilh, Betty Hartsock. Rllth sus McCoy '. Cod Li .<r 011 1'.bl.\.a, lltw ~ . mothel' "11'8. McElw~e ..ailed I " Cod LI • •• 011 In 'rub le\.ll", ."d ,hey L'I1f. D'IVI. Ion Th is \vas the fi l'Bt defeat of th(' 0 f PI'OP rty and ali • guardian 'o f Ada Noble, Incnm- "·cElwee's >YA .. ,'ali' bur~', a nd Jeannett e Wilso n. .Impl, work wo nd .... A III Ue boy or 3.•"rl. III 0 ny , ,. of 'near the Springfield church, I.!en on , W hope it will be the lallt.. "A Young" P ep Seelion The qUllrtet J1umber~ are Wayn esolck, Rot we ll .'Idunln.d 1011, lbo. In 1n the case of Th,e People's petent. Clinton county, Miss Winitl' d owob om out and belp beat L bano n Jun one m onth. A .. 1r of lhtrll't n &[ter th" . C0., verC, R.BeBeckett. . guardiand of .'4 "'cEI\v~e I' S th e 5th and 6th dl...... if_inN! S 11>11 lh .. n.. l w""k ond On J:tnuary Third, Thul'<\day- \·iIlt" !i contrihutlon to the fes tival Building. Loan & avmgs tilr day, Jlln uary 12, at Lebanon. ~ Fincl' Pilch srhool is requir ed to BU S Wade Glenn and Lewis & George • lba . •• a .. .ok .f,or. fI, Y"" n" moth" w h o ckett, mmor, file his Grade teacher in Harvey burg. Dr. Pep Come. to Wayneaville Tht' J unior nigh ( ev nth, eighth·, could not eat or .IN., a nn bahy (Amt! lot ~iv(' Onl,! llUmbel' on t he progl·am. all he. h.ollh "ark ond ", .. 1"",1 10 lb. III If.. Drake, Inc" judgment to plaintiff final laccou~t. We are endebted to Mr. Clarence Januar y 4-An a sembly of t he ninth grllcl{'s) held a spel'ial pep Ey(try olle i- invited to attend. a mo nt..h ~ " and f rom Wade Glenn, ddendant, Wi I, R. ewill, administrator of Thompson :tor the go od lights we than High school a nd the upper g rades mel'ting al 10 ;.10. They chose Y C)U .I mp l,. m uel try McCoy . a t once. lh e Sum of 457,35 with int rest. the es~te of C, L. Dye, deccaled, had at the church he re last Sun. ~m~m ber if ),ou dontt 1e"ln At 1t'IlAt 8 II" , of was held in the gy mnuei um from cht't!1' leadel'!;;, U!u'bnrll Hnines and ftrm hpa llhy Oeah In "ml)ptb gt't y()ur mO M ! ), In the cas of Th~ People' s ~Ied hIS first and final account, day evening. . 10 :40 to ll :40, Friday. Kathryn 8al'i M lid nhllll, 1.0 rcpl'eRcnt the baek. Demand .nd g t M I' .... o>'·"'J-th~ rJ ~."in.' Grade News und ,u'"ulnf" ... I t. h·I'1" 011 ht1JI~t. Building, Loan & Saving!! Co. ver· , The estate ot L. ~. Dy~, deceased K. E. ThompSOn is still under Smith, in chm'ge of t hl' devotionals Juniol' h'am. The l' gular cheer Illl)"lM¥t,l hy - f~d Ift'll"t'~,I"l~I t11t read from the n inety. fir t psalm }('ad ' r:- Huth Suli 'bul'y ' Me! RobMills R<'t'li r' fi rst g raders are !lU Leslie Sims, et ai , J·udgme". to IS ex~mp! ~ro~ mherltance ~ th doctor's care. h Ullitule, R.'hu~~ ,,11 "lIb... lttHt~ The adJudication and determlna e fnttlel un thu flr lt lllRI MrCoY as.~em bly in th (·l·t Hnines I d the II, mbly in a I'ery glad t o hav e Bnr ba l'a Walker -plaint iff and from deIendant, ... anti lead th Lee· tion of the inheritance tax on the there are {,on" b" llt'~ Lord' Prayer. Afte r Mr. Frank tli· few yells llTid s vernl pen.> talks an d Shil'i y Ruzick back with lie Sims, the sum of $,672. estate of August A!~, d~eBaed, is NOTICE OF APPOIl'iTMENT r cted the g~Ollp in singing Holy. "1'1'1' ~ivcn. Mr, Brown , !Iron. or of with them. They havo bee n absont 1n Lh e case of The People's Buildhlg, Loan & SaviTlgs Co. ver- to be given to all person~ interestHoly. Holy," til .c.h eer lead ers tlle ninth J:rra~p , MI'. J llm~l\, the 'PR t \II 'k b cause" 01 cold. Estate of Olho Hendel'son, deTRY took eha rg and led th :I sembly , sponsor of the eIgh th ~rnd l!, 11$5 " DI a.n Coppcdg has 1Il0ved to u Chaun ey J . Murdi.s and Mar- ed the matter of the estate of ceased, . in OUR CLASSIFIED CCLtJMN5 eJ\~el''\'iIle, in orn e very enlh u in ic yelling 'mith and [ ... Braddock, sponsor sus E, B. Jestiee and ~rary B. Jes- Fred Kamps, deceased, distribution Notice is hereby given that Irene and singing. ' of lh~ sf'vl'nth gl'ade, were am ng Mis. Hal'tsock' second graders tice, judgment to the plaintiff for of as eta is ordered, Henderson whose Post Office Ad·I ____..:..._ _ _ _ _ _ _-:'l:::lir. Oar t gave an in Lroduc tory the ~pcakeT$. Mr. Garst gave a have tUlled out. 1h New Y III in 2947 .32, dress is Waynesville, Ohio, ha speech lor a :famous ~ rso nagl!' I talk explaining the or~aJlil\aiio n a very PI'ogl'esijive manner. In the case of The . People's been duly appoint~d Administrawho was to nddress the ss!U;mbly. of the Spor man hip BI'ot hel'hO(ld M ~ I'y Margaret lar k has moved Building, Loan ~ Savings Co. verMarria,. Lice"", trix of the Estate 01 Otho Hender. And in came Dr. Pep wit h very and MI' Lotz, who I'I'IIS in charge of to Dayt on. sus H. B. Jestice, judgment to the Raymond C. LaRue, teacher of son late of Warren County, Ohio, mysteriou s' contraption labeled t he meeting also spoke . plaintiff for $2947.32, Mason, and Miss Ruth M. Tomlin- deceased. lip p," He stated that he had com 1n the case of The Peoples' Dated this 2nd day of January son, teacher, of Waynesville. to poeak about the coming gam Perfect Attendence for TWCI Building, Loan & Savings 00, ver1934, Wilbur Holley, farmer, ot Clarks Hi,h SchOol Examination Schedule with Franklin. He thought that th Term.-8tb Grade sU Frank C. Hali, t aJ, judgment ville, and Mi s Wanetab Dounaes, RALPH H. CAREY boys would need Borne extra pep T hu rsday, J unll ur y 10, . . t o the plaintiff lind f'r om defen· Judge of the Probate- Court, Mildred Bergan, Mlldl'ed Chen· dants, Frank C. Hall oilld Mab I L. of Oregonia. lor the hard work befor them. 8:20 t o lO :OO-Uni tc d tat e Warren County, Ohio One by on he called up' in front Hjst Ol'y, ctivl} 1; physics, wOl'ld oweth, Audrey Crawford, Ada Hall. the sum" of $14,468.42. J 10-17-24 Be lle Ft'ye, Rutn Gt'aham, Dorothy In th' ca e of The Pee)ple's Eatate Tra.afe"a 4 of the members of the fh'st team h i ~tory, English I, ection 1. --- ........ --Ca NOl'man Meredith, David Boger , 10:00 to 11 :40- Uni te d totes Hart.ock, Anna Hoak, Elizabeth ing, L~an and Saving!1 Co. versus ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN French Bauer, Inc, to E. T. rt Carl Cook and Vincent Griffy. Histo ry, section II; four Cattle, hoge, ehee; anel calv~ hemistry, Hoblltt, ?harles Hoyle, Evelyn Chauncey J. Mardis and Marguer. to Norris-Broek Co., hve wtre alld Alter giving them a shot of Comme r cial Arithmetic and J ohns, Ohve Mae K enney, Frances it H. Mat'di judgment to plain- mell, 90.38 ~cre8 in Harlan to'Wn· progrell8ive 1\rm ! ' I f the hleh_ "Pep" from the aforesaid myster junior Busines Training, English Kit.-kpa rick, Wy\odine Kurfi s, tiff and :from'defendants tbe sum 8hijhe Union Celltral Life JuurMr. and Mrs, Clarence Crawford market prices and good aerviee, ioul eOlltraption which looked T, £:ction 2; h op. BiolQgy, Willian Mo s, ~iriam cott, WiI- of $425.65. • ance Co. to Coleman E. McGowan entertained for Sunday dinner, Mr Union Stotk Yard.' Clnelanati. O. rather like an air PUDIP in a 12 :80 t o 2 :OO- T yping L millia Wolfe, MIldred Young. In the case of The Central Ac- and Ora McGowan, 1()5.81 acree in and Mra. Glenn Durbot and son, Tune in on Rlldio Station WCKY bucket, he commanded them to 2 :o() to 3 :30- General Science, ---captance Corporation versus ,Mil- Washington township. Donald, Mr, and Mrs. Albert Ker· 12 :26 to 12 :80 p, m. for our daD, give speeche abollt the game, T yping II. dr, d Huff and Herbert HuB'. judg Hal C. Brant, deceallCd, to JaDie person of' Norwood, Mr.Chflrle market reports. Faculty Meet. ment against Mildred Huff and M' B ran, t 'In I0 t s .N 08, 79, 80 , 8182 , Crawford of Fort Thoma, Stella On last Wedn esday evening, Hel'bert Huff vacated, and 83 in Morrow. Gibson and Margaret Gibson QI January 2, the teach rs of Wayne In the case of Newy;ork Li~e In· D,avid and Susie Kindred to Clif- Bellbrook. e Township Schools held their s uraoce Co, versus W H. Whltacre ford and Octava Calla.han real es· Revival Services began here last 43 YEARS OF SERVICE r egular meeting in the High and Hattie E. Wbitacr4t. J;he defen· tate in Franklin townShip', Sunday evening. Everybody is corL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-J' school building wit h M.l'. Bod.enben dante are .granted SO days to file Catherine Harmon, deceased; to dially invited to come, de r a s leader, The mam t OPIC was answer. , " , William H. Harmon, 209.90' acres Mr. and Mrs. E. J, Burton of LEBANON, QHIO "Vis ual Aids in Education." Mr. In the case of The VLrgrma Jomt in Turtleereek township. Elyria have return d to thefr home We have n comJllete Turner, M r , Br8ddock and Mr. tock Land Ba~k, of Charleston, Sh~rwood B. Seitr. and Elizabeth aftal' spending the boliday's with Watch Repair Service I Ma cDo~ald dis~us ~d h~w they versus Huaton Kmdr~d, .et al: Hus., B. Preston to O. C. King, 61.50 their Ilarents Mrs. Burton of Way~ Prices Ilea onable used VI ual AIds 111 theIr 'WOI'kj ton Ki~dred anti MlDDle Kllld1'ed acres in Harlan, townllhip. nesville and Mr. and Mrs. John this wa s followed by a general dis- were dismissed as p~Lrty defen· Rye, Beads Restrung cus 'ion 01 school work by Mr, Lotz dants. Mr. and Ml'B. Ernest Earnhart Jtlwelry Repai.r d Billa Allowed ~-- - - - - The case of Joseph May and and hildren entertained fot' Sun· "THE HOME OF GIFTS·' .:,, _ _ _.-.-._ _ , _ _ ~ Anna Branigan versu~1 Loula Rob Trustees of Public Affairs, sewer day dinner Mrs. Earnhart's prothe r ! insc n, et aI, was disni'issed. rentals, $18.75; Lewis &; Drake, Mr. Arthur Kessinger and family, In the case of The F'ederal Land Inc., coal, 'S38.66; Children's HOIl of Dayton. Bank, of Louisville, versus Dora pital, hospitalizatioo, ,21; Mallde Mr. Fred Kerns, of near Lumb er Carna'han, administrat'r ix of the Deardoff, servicea, ,7.5(); Lillie ton, spent Sunday with Mr. and By Mn. Je.lie N. Tripp estate of Laura M, JOtl~S, deceased Urton, same, $tO;. lin, Ira Eltz- ' Mrs, Emerson Dill and son Ralph. _ • et ai, judgment to the plaintiff for roth, same, $5; Mrs. CJilford Mrs, Lotta Keafauver and Mrs , -~------.q $4,068.14. I Dqughman, same, $7; Ml'!. How· Nona Roland were Dayton shop. Anolhe r tllx is comit"g on II ' arD Sawyer, same, '7; llIayton pers last Thursday. Oh! what aliff! , cJogone, dogone; Stencil Works, supplies, 120.49; Miss Ruth K Ilia was given n New Suite We must lay down tax on the spot W. & L. E. Gurley, supplies, ,6 .18 complete Surprise Saturday night J Ohn Sheets ver us Clarence Columbu!! And pay for what we havetl't gilt, Blank Book Co. supplier when her Sunday school class r . Lamb, for civil action, for money. The y' re going t6 test our auto $72.60; Stakalta Mfg. Co., supplies minded her of her bjrthday. .I3er ttia Tel'\vilI g~r, an infant '2'7.85; C. J. Schwartz, suppliee, bl'akes , What next, what next, fol' pity by he father and next friend Ray- $3.3.; Wm. Shotwell, services. ,20 Vlnepr .mond Switzer. versus George Ter- Brown & Bunnell, eoal, ,L6,70; sakes ? I've pulled ou t ahnos t all my hail' willeger Ilnd Ethel Terwilleger, E. F. Schrader, repairs, $8.97; E. Habeas Corpus, D. Thompson, repaira $18,65; TruB In vinegar making, the higher I stand, and wildly paw the air tees of Public Affairs, light. and the s ugar content of the apple or What will we do? whel'e will we Phone 78J gas, $8.84; C. D. Maple, premium elder, the greater is the sc1dity of go? Prohat. Court on coroner's bond, '10; Griswold the vinegar. But "sweet" apples They soon "ill tax for wind and In the case of B. Zain Banta Service Station, gas and oil, $20 .• don'~ , always make the best vinegar -- ~ snow, . est;ate of I hate to kllow they'J' tax the beans administrator of tb 43j The Western Star, legal adver It IS explained that "sweet" • • c But do not mind the sJlinach Lewi!! V, Banta, decElased, versus tising, $27; Ohio Corrugated Cui· apples are not necessarily sweet anta, et aI, George Per· vert Co., culvert, $91; J. W. Snell because they contain more sugar; gre n', .1 ine, Lifford Brant and WUliam "OT~RY PUBLIC They'v taxed , our dce and taxed 'F,'rascl' were appointeiil to make seed and cemenf, $71.70; C. Ritch· .often. sweetness indicates a lack . our veal ey, 1.51 acres of land, etc., ,250; of natural :fruit acid. Nati,o nal BaDiII old h d c'oa"'s' e new appraisement of I'eal estate. Anel ou .• Rex Snook, ,36 acree of land, etc. Will. D ... wa .'. E •••• ea S.ttle" , orne ma e ~ III the case of W. W. Whitaker, Subscribe for The :Miami Galette WAYNESVILLE, OHIO ancillary administrator of the es. $48.50. cor n melli, But if YOll have to tax OU,' beans Oh I ' ' d d r tate of W. M. Kissick, dece ased, . s pal e OUI an ':( lon , greens. vel'sus Crilla Kissick, et aI, sale of We g alhet· the m besIde . the way relit estate ordered. FOR SALE DATES CALL And eat them three tlllles every !n the case of NellIe Pummill, .d ay, ad!llinistratrix of the estate of WI~hout the m, we could not go on Louie Knott, 4eceased, versus Nel. We r~ after them at br~a)c rll dawn Ii Pumm~ I1, et aI, George Knapp They ve taxed each thIng We eat, George Snider and Elmer W d ~na weul' ' " wel'e appointed to mlilke new ~~. Pion •• r T.II. of T.nd", Standard Oil Company to John D. And then lock If the gll'ls go bare, prai8ement 01 real estate. Rockefeller's home 'a t Euclid avenue Fl'o~11 wOl'ry, my dark hair one Lizzie Cavolt "oarlilian ol .J"hn Ov.r On. of Ci~'. night . , e v JESSE STA,N LEY and East 40th .treet and then to his h d turne d A, Cavolt, a minor, iUed her first • B y morml'lg, suburban residence at Forest HilI. First Linn a snowy account 'laoDe 320. N.w B.rll·•• lo., Ow.. In 1915, alter 29 years of telephone , white, . , In th'e matter of the estate of George Bennett, one of the oldest I m drawn up hard and tlgh~ al Charles U, Chamberlin, deceased, EARL KOOGLER telephone pensionen in the .tate, \Vax sale of stock approved. Da~eo. , .... From . worying over this darned tax Sales by William S. Roof, admin talked over one of the fint telephone • ~E •• or••••, lines to be erected in Cleveland, I do not know which way to turn istrator o~ the estat4~ of Jacob · Bennett'. early experIence with And have no chance a dime to earn Roo!, deceased, we]!e Ilpproved. He Alexander Grahtm Bell'. "toy" ocFrom dawn till night I'm on the filed his flrst and final aecount, hop . Janie M. Brant, exeeutrix of the curred while he wa. employed /'1 the Must ke ep on movIng, dare not estate ot Hal C, Brant, filed her ap city'. 6re . signal aervlce -before he stop, " plication for a ¢ertificate of trans" became a telephone worker, 4 No question do I dare to ask f It was a few years after Bell had FOR SALE e~. Q. Gons, administrator of the ' presented hi, iriven lion to •.he pubF or' f ea r 1'1 gc another tax, Some .say that we must all f() .. ~ive estate of James Gor,s, d~cealled, lic for the first time ,at the PhiladelSALE-3 Bron~e Gobblers, a phia Exposition of 1876, that a short: And lt~e ours elves, let others bve, flIed his first and finall account. young hens. Cliff Burnett, Wa)," But Laxes keeJl us on the dance ' . In the case of B. Zllin Banta ad- telephone line was.rigged up between nesville and Lytle Road. To live , we haven't got mucb minlstrator of the estate of Lewil two fire engine houitl in Cleveland. c hance. V. Banta , decea8~d, versus H. "At best," Bennett "YI, "tele: FOR SALE-260·egr Incubator; Oh, nineLeen hundred and thirty. Zaic Banta, et aI, rellppraisemeDt phone communication then WII a 1000 chick Brooder. B. V. five approved. poor imitation of present-day aenSmith, Waynesvill~, Ohio •• jl0-17 Go way, and leave us in our hive, The inventory of Karl S. Cowan, icc, I • FOR SALE-Nlee lIne ot Wuta l'xecutor ot the e8tat~ of E'va C. "We ~ould hear all riaht over the "Liquid Man"r." and Kitchen Roll 'Waxed paper Keever, deceased, wa1~ approved. fire houle line. but we had difficulty and paper napkin., New Show-Pae The btventory of l\{, Drake il\ rettine the ot her partJ to an,wer. stationery, 16 .heet. and 16 eDThe modern way o£. making ex~utor ot the . of Olive The book-up waa eq \lipped only witb 2. Road information Ja beine veIopes for 10 eents at Th' Miami for teed me Malld Lereb, . . . approv roeeiY.1 anel when 1Ft wlIlteel to 'i nn motorist by a ' Patrolman. "lhlUid manure" Guette Oflloe. to dilllOlve 1 ed. : l -: u; service offered b:v P.. house plants is "" th, lID' we silJ1l:aUed th. otber ounce Of ammonium lultate In 2 hljhe caae ot B. parlJ with a telqrapb Irq. There :1 ~ nnge. from uaIItlnc mowal DO rlaPl8 cleTice • thOle dayL.. JerYice, Beuett was forced to re'Imhnr-hlchwap to .... gallons of wat,r. Thill is applied .mhdIt;rator of the once II month. Vanta, dtee...cI, , ,,(·ty eo~· Benaett'. inte:-elt in til, art of tire bee'tlle of deafness which In- - -- - et ai, 1&18 or voice traatmitsion led b~ to acc:ept terfered with hi. abilit, to detect •• ,till' nUJDbeN III au .... Cora Ac ...... a Job with the tel...... compaIIy. trO\lble on circuita, However. he it "k' II. All laapoiiallt a. wbicla thea ... to ...... , ~he rlluol Ja tbe keetaly IIlterelt1Cl ill laiI "fint I ,Flllllllr. ~~

____- ,- -•......,_ _

A.. iatant Editor

~._..I _"~ .~~~.._.

.....· .........t

..... ·tJ

Comma. Plea. Pro'c edinl'





- ...

MI. Hotly


Patr'0 I ACtlve I n W·Int er







. I\

F T Martin Auctioneer

SATISFACTION ,O r' No Charge ,

Centerville, Ohio


- - -- ......



Recalls Lack of Bells On Early Telephones

Stanley &Koogler Auctioneers





... ' IlIoftula.tI,.ft


of 1.. .:£.,ftD


NOTICE TO CONTRAC1'OIlS teenth annual farm equipment exClllAlrna N •• 2IIe • Dlat,Ia' Xo • hibit, Ilrranged by the department of .... concUtloli 01 STATE OF OHIO of qricultural engineering at the W.,....we National Bank, of DEPA.RTMENT OP HIGHWAYS university, All uhibitl BTe to be Thet·c was a noticeable decl'eas e ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY W~e. in the Sta.. of C0 I L UI, Oh'10,~. ""_. D. 19,. set up in lvell Ball. "'.... in the number of claims tiled witb Entrance ' appllcatians rnullt be VIIW, at the cia.. of buaiD.., UNIT PRICE CONTRACT D. L CRANE " 1 erlsUL.lCrl~. Prlu, '1.10 • Y..r the Ohio Industrial Commission in en Decem~r 31, 1934. received by Thuraday, January 2. Offic. P...... ...... ...... ......Jlfo. 112 Enterltd at Po.tofft •• at Way ... - November for fatal and non-fatal and exhibit!! must arrive by 2 p. rn. ASSETS SeD led proposals will b fe Iv.d 4 at til(' ofCI('t> of th o Rta.l Hltellway R..IM-c, .... ......... -...... .. ,." . ND. III ville. Oblo••• CIa .. K.n and oCl.'upational diseases, accord- A......q . Rai.. ,all Unit April Not Saturday, January 26. LNu . . . ctl.count•. ... $135.:HII.68 Dlreclor or hlo. a.t Columbl1 •. Ohio. ing to the report of the division of ov.4ratta ..•...•.... . .• 8 . 0~ Eno...s. to tM. ullllI lWO o'clock P. M . l"oa.l&rn Ualted Stat•• Governmont safety and .lweiene. The claims Slonllard Tim. Frlda.y. January 11, obbntlon •• <llr ct I,nd Supply 1936 for ImprovemenlJl In : totaled 11 ,796, which was 3,166 (01') fully guaranteed .. H 1.565.02 JANUARY 10, 1936 (YrOPol!alS No. I and No. 2 to ~ Otll.r MDd.. .toelu a04 less til an the total for the previous IIowerdod to til" ft,U"e contractor alii month. the report tated." Plow a8 early as possible, to. conourltl~ ... , Uf~OO.OO. .. . ...... 02.Ut.OO one •a ........ • •ou ... .:.....-serve moisture. This is the su.g gesWlirnnU,. an4 fal'rop.....1 No. J tiOn of Richard Bradfteld, agronom ' R:'II.,a;.~. with' Fto·de~!\9~.~7 UtS.57 \'Jarren ounty, OhiO, 011 8ectlon A. "lIUTJ>risingly favoTable condi- ist at the Ohio State Universi ty, Despite the short work week of "I've Bank .. ...... ·· 11 .608.21 I"tanklln c~rldge) or th O Clnclnof the state's exchequer" was tion naU -Un ylQn HORd. "'I. It. No. 19. "The rank and flI ' in this country some day are goil'\g to awaken who find that in 193() and 1934 three and a half days, the Home ouh In vault and bal.ncee . Ownel's' Loan Corporatl'o aI81l,ur.~1 with oth.r !banlu . .. . . . 0.9 03.64 StiLt H.C/ulo No. 13 . . S. Houte ·No. cited in a report by State Auditor to th e fact that they have Ii stake in the utility industry which far 26 . 11'\ th e Village or Franklin. by Ohio had a l'ainIall about equal to sed $3,328,997 ' covering n Red@mptlon fund ' with Unlled StateR Trel\surer co nsll'l\cllng- a thre~-Rp ..n IIt"e1 transcends the few cents per day they pay for 8ervicell," writes James Joseph T. Tracy. The rcport IIhows h am brlllge with buUle-deck floOF t h e normal rain t all for WE!stern the relief of 975 distressed an4 due tronl United C. DeLong, an editor of the Financial World. "Cheap electricity, gas that the general revenue fund bas Kansas and Nebraska. h State. Tr Reurer . . .. . . .. Z,tiOo.oo ("I)I,-n. 43 ··5 ~·43·. roall'wllY 40 tt .. plus a balance of nearly $0,000,000 1"' 0 4'~ ft . sidewalk. on U·ab utDeclaring that" it is high time orne owners in Ohio during OCher auet. . .... .. . ... . 653.86 nWllls o.nd se rvice is a 1ine thing. but if accomplished at the expense with which to start the new yeor .wlth IillproBcb slab) Bridge T~tal M.ete ... . .. . ..... $4 aO.t07.52 No. WA -2 5·43 over Clear Creek In o~ t.h e savIDgB account or the life insurance policy, t.he average citizen while at ihe close of 1933 ther~ for us to be thinking l'8ther seri- week ending f'yiday, January FrankUn. ously about the drouth problem, according to the weekly -report LIA:81LlTI1C8 Length 198. && ft. or 0.018 mile. Tight awoy will start doing some figuring on his own.'" . . was a balance of only ~737,0~0. d' State Manag3r Henry G. O.maad de.Polllt •. U. Bellm" t d <:081 or con»tructJon an d ways to re uce Its ravslges," given out today a Government depo.IU . That goes to the heart of the present utility controversy- 80me•• 37 .77. Ol\te 8 t for co mp1 ~ tlon. July 1, add~,s n "rougb plflowed Of t.he above ~mount $2 ' 965,02" public and. depo.lllj Bradfi.eld thing the anti·utility poUticanfl never seem to do. At the present time, land If there d ,, of othertunda bank. ... . .. . '18S.~ 00.22 1915. . ' . • 1 0 ~n~er 0 erawas disbursed in the Corporation 1'1.. depolii ts. .xcept t he avel'nga home pays about '3.00 a month for electric BeTVice which 1 ~VJD{:,PO~~~II~f Slon,. lS an Ideal condItIOn fo,r ab- bonds exchanged with "ro~Rl No. :: cost 18 the principal center of attack. If the rate w'e re cut by fifty per sorbldn g th~ heavy r~ins that; .re mortgagoees, $225,444 was otb... banlU . . .. .. . .. . St.2 70.13 \'tarren CountY. OhIo. on plUt of cent--which is obviously impoHsible-the American family would saVe hope for 10 March. .. cash to county treasurer\, tor P~bllc ltUD~. ot .State. . • eet"'... Frllnklln or t·he Clnclnna.tiab ut ,18.00 a year. S~ate He says every. toot of SOil1 of taxe ..a , $54,916 for ne~el8ar " Y re- =ull~~:.r.eb::~d~~·I~I~~: " 2 0 • Dayt-.oll fto\l[ e , Road. o. 7aA, l:!. • HS.. No. Honte19.No. 26. What would it lose in exchange'! Well, as Mr. DeLong intimates, ~vera ge t ex t ?re 111 c~pa bl e_0 f stor- pairs, and the balance of $83 612 U:I~e:rs~~I:Bal~l~~!rnmeni: .t. I .,1 In 1" "anklln •. own.hlp. by gndlng life insurance companies and savings banks have long ·been among the mg ~nd holdlOg .allalnst the pull of tor accrued interest apprai~r'. an4 Bavlnge draining. land8~aPln~ ""<1 paving ~ravlty the ~qulvalent of .about 3 fees and attorney's' fees. Th depoalt. . ....... . . ; .. , . 263.22 ~~~~k~>ort1l1.nd Cemen oncrete and foremol!t utility investors. 'fhey bought utility securities in. the belief mches o! r,amfall. In a soil II feet average amount of ea h I e 'l(:rl~~ul:::"t,;r; P\~d~9e= 59'~~~th : Pav ement .0 tt. Roadway Relief Budjfet For JAlni..... ,. that the incluatry was essential, that it was conservative, that it was deep, thiS IS a storage of 24 inches -8 414 c oan or loan. and (or) l.;ength 266 .3 4 ft. or 0.050 mile. well·managed, t hat It would progreas and prosper under 'state regulaW ith approximately 1,200,000 3 inches more than Ohl' O has had . , . Inve8tmenh •. $18.192.71 J~s Llmal"d co t . or <.'Onstru(ltloo neured by as 37877 . (b) Not tion and be p rmitted a fair return on its inv-estment in return for of Ohi o's 6,600,000 persons on re- all year. pledge of loa-nl and Date for completiOn. July 1rolls, Adjutant General providing the public with the best and cheapest service in. the world. lief The average rainfall for JanAlfalfa mente (or) Invellt...... ~U.HI.~1 U36. . _____ Other comparable institutions were also heavy buyers of utility le~uri­ Frank D. Henderson, state reo A certlflcate ot compliance on ua1'Y, February and March is about (0) Total tics--schools, univCl'sities (many of which derive the bulk of their in- lief direetor, has estimated that 3 inches a morrth. If every dl:op of Practically all that il kno~ the preBcrlb d \form 'whlch will be DepoaltlJ .. . . ,260.234. 5 furn iehed tor that purpoee ehall be not.. OUt· . cume from investment and not from tuition receipts), hospitals, the l'elief budget for January will normal rainfall from now until about &'Towing alfalfa in Ohio bat ClrclilaUns dlgned and s ubmitted bv all bidder, .t&n\1t.n1' .•... . . ..•.. • • U() .OOO.OO In a cor6anee with Executlve Order scientifiC reseaTch bodies, and 80 on down It long list. It takes no seer to total $] 0,8 00,000. This is the lar- April 1 runs into the soil, the, total been published in a recent bulletin C.pltal account: gest-amount for a Ingle month So. 6H6. lsau d by the Prealdent on Preferred S toe k 400 101'ccnst what would happen to these institutions--each of which does since the civil works administra- is 9 or 10 inches, which Br8~dfleld by the Ohio Agricultural ExperiMllfCh H, 19$4. '1'hle c~rlHlca-te of abarel. par '63 .50 per complianCe .'w~1l be IncOI'Poral.4 Ina work thdt contributes immensely to the social and economi.c welfare tion wen~ out of existence !\!tarch 1 says is only half enough to 1111 our ment Station. Numbered &40, the .~~r:h:~;.. rable at t62. li~ to ach proposal. The con tractor to bulletin contain's 146 parel 811mwhom award Is made .ha.1l T.qulre of this nation- if the utilitie we~ ruined. ~ommon 8 to e k. 1.000 to be succeeded by the federal soil to its field capacity. mariting the . results of experi8ullcontroctor8 and dealer. fUTnl.hohllrell. par '76.00 per From 300 to 1000 pounds of There's the r9a1 issue. The thinking citizen should keep it in emergency relief ·administration . Inll'. equipment. materla.18. an4 .up.h .. r~ . Total "100.000.00 menta with the crop, It WUl wat~r are required by gr, o wing plree to .Ign slmller certlflcatell 8urplu. , .. .. .. 15.000.00 mind, and not allow it to be distorted or camouflaged by political hot The Decemb er relief budget was berore .maklnlr award. to or pur~ plants ~o produc& 1 pound (lIf dry written by C. J. WiUard, 1. E. UndIvided protl~ $10,084 ,344. ChlUe. trom .ucll 8ubcontrlLClton ()r air. We all want ch-eaper lights and gas and phone8--just as we want net .. . . . . .... .. 6.312.94 matter. A single corn stalk may Thatcher and J. S. Outler. dealer•. copl .. of wblch .h&ll b. cheaper foo d and clothes and government- but do we want them at ~~~~Ia~~ed to tJb contra.cUnc Total Capital absorb and transpire throul~h its Account ~ . . . 120.37%.94 the cost of destroying ~vings and interest returns on privllte investC~ £ ... W..... Tr.Sc Sefet,. Conteat leaves as much as 65 gallons 01 The minimum waB'S paid to aU m~~? . Total Liabilities .. .. .. • 430601.52 8k lHed labor Group I employed on Re-enrollment of Ohio in the water during its development. tliia cont~act shall be n .20 per hour. In southern Ohio the eol'D ear .e_.~.a4_. Loan. and The minimum ""erre paid to a.ll national traffic safety ' contest has This amount for a full stand of worm is a seriouB peat of tomatoes Jnv •• lmeD\& Pledce4 to Int rmecliate grade labor Orou\) II been armoune~d by Governor corn to over 20 inches of, an It eat!! into the fruitl, deatroJinl lilecure l-Iabllltlea employed on thla conu-act ehall be tl.OO per hour. GeoJ'ge White in response to an amount in excess of the a,'erage ~arly maturing tomatoea eapeelaU, United Statea OoIvernment obJilrationa. direct and The mInimum wage paid 'to all appea! trom Curtis Billings, seCl'e- rainfall during the corn-growing Cor) tully guaranteed 88.8&8.16 Intermediate grade ,&bOr Group III {. mployed on thla .-lIall be tary 0' the national traffic afety ' season. The di6'el'ence mUllt be ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!.!!!I!!IJ!a! Other bond... to<:lu. and eecurltiea .. . . . ... . . .. . . II.n7.'\) 80c per 'hour. The Obi. State University Radio Station-WOSU contest (!ommittee of the National drawn· from the re/lerve of moisLoana and discount. .... 8,000.00 The minimum !'Nalre paid to all lntl'rmedlate I\'rade labor Group IV Safety Council. Ohio was one of ture accumulated in the S(I\) in Total Pledged (ellcludlnlr employed on thl. contract .hall be 8:00 Music th 31 states enrolled in the winter and early spring month •. redlscounta) .... . . . . ,U,88I.l6 65c ~er bour. :05 Ohio Entertains Legislators from Kentucky and TenneBllee .... _- . national trafic safety contest in . The minimum wage paid to all • - ...---~ Pledred : unskilled labor Group V employed ... ..... . . .. . . ..... _ .... .. ... . ...... .. ...... ..... ... H. E. Ellwine 1934 . (a Alralnst circulating on thlB ·c onlract ahall b. lOe per 8:16 .. Wit.h the 4-H Clubs in 1934 ... ' .. ........... ... , ....... .W. H. Palmer note. out. tanding ... , 60.000.00 hour. • "It is the desire of the National (ci Ac.lnst fUblic Th attention of bldd61'. I. dlrectSafety Council to enroll every com 8:25 Music t o . 4MBcOfbooBlt. deJ.tCrOluctnS-. od the epeolalaulgnln., provl.lon,t.he coverln. ~ • 811 b l etUng or contOI~Sn :S5 Home Sweet Home' .. .. ..... ..... .' .. _....... .. -........... WOSU Players monwealth in 1936 because of the or other 8ubdlvl.lon. tra t. til UJI" c;r domesllc materlall! ~WHY :60 .solving Hay Problems in 19B!) . .. .. .... .. . .. ....1" - •• • •R. D. Lewis urgent need of cQmbaling success or munlclpalltl.,. . ... 38.881.26. leeU lln or labor. ""age. hour. or . employment. eonillUons of employI) :00 Your chool Child's Food ..... .. . ........ .. ... .... Alma L. Garvin fully .the rapidly rising toll of ac1'otal Pledged .... , . .. U3.881.25 m nt. Ilnd hand labor m·.thod •. cidental deaths in the United at t 11 The 'bIdder mUllt .ubmit wltb his 9:10 Music Of 0 10. County of Warr...... : bid 11 certified chook In an e.mollnt States," Billings wrote Governor "Why go it alone?" is the ques. t~ M. Hander.on. C-..hl.r of till equlll to flv 'e percent (60/.) of tb. 9 :26 H rcdity in Modern Life ... . . . .. .... _.. - .... - .,. " .. L. A. Snyder White. tion being propounded to every ,.bov• • bank. do aolamDI,: c~tln1ated co.~ but In no e~ent more 9 :36 Our 19 86 Problem for Out-at-School Farm Youth .... F. J. Ruble •••an" ...... t the ab&Ye .tat.... nt .. tl)an Ten Ttl'ouland (,10 Emphasis on safety \ the great farmer in the county this coming true to the b .. t ot my IitDOwl".. I)()O 00 ' 9:46 New Deciduous Shru~!I ..... . .. , ..... .... . ,.... -.. ........ L. C. Chadwick need of today, statistiu showing week, during the annual' drive for and b"L.lh,f. _ piane and epeclrtcation. are on K. HENDElUION C .... .,. rile In the office of !'he State HI h· that every 15 minutes during 1934 farm bureau members. 8ub.crJbed and ..... om t.o ".fore way Dlnctor and the Ruldent D~.someone was killed in an automoJ. L. Mendenhall, manaller of me thl. lib da)' of January. 193G. trlot Deputy Btate Hlghw&y Dlr. Bo.. H. H.rtloc1c. No\a.r)' eetor. bile accident and every :11 seconds the c.ounty-wide campaign, says Correct-AU •• t: The Director r .. ene. the right someone wae injured in the United that if they reach the goal lIet for '-';". H. A1JLEN to rej e t any and all bid•. " . F, I.ARK State1l. More tban 86000 were 1935, the number of applicantl OEO. J. WAT~RHO El O. W. MERRELL, killed and over 4~000,OOO in. ' be considerably Increase·d over ~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~= DlrMtor.. It ••e H'-.W.T 01 ........ jured in more than 900 000 auto. 1934. mobile accidents.' Volunteer soliciton from a.lI over The Ohio Safety Service Com- the county will gather at L'ebanon COLUMBUS - Thousands of history. mission hR.s launched a big drive on Januarr 14, to make pillns fOT vi itors from all parts of the etate to save the citizenry of the state the. campaIgn period. They expect .' ~ Ilre expected to be in Columbus The appointment of Ray Martin, from injury and death in the auto to IS ue a personal invitation to ber"I ne.rl, dlecl fNIa .......t Octoassistant state-1reasurer, to the traffic "war." Local oft\cials news each · of all rural familie8 to be_ , and it left me ...... terrible next Monday for the gala inaugura new office nf creneral lIuperviso"' of paper, au t oml'b')l e clubs civic • or come members tb'IS year. coufh v .. . .. -law KllbIL:..H _ -~- ..... ~tiOD of the Hon . Martin L, Davey the retail sales tax. wall announced ganizations and other ~roup8 In: "~ricu1~ure should be solidly and ltarted - ; : - . of Kent as governor of Ohio. The last week by State Treasurer terested jn safety.are taking steps orgamzed, If the indultry lis ever rl~ht from ............... a~ inaugural ceremony will take place . Harry S. Day. Charles 1. Sher- to "do their part" in the drive. to be restored to an equalit;y with tit. and ..,. . . . . . . . . . III lied noon in front of the main en- wood' i I?'emont, former a8listant other groups," says J. L. M[enden- .halM'. Bat ........ ~ta .T . state dIrector of welfare, Thomas ball, president of the Warren ened Die oat...-..,. -~ trance to the .Capltol bUilding. ~tl C. Cook, Cleveland,~former CuyaFarm Incom. Up County 'Farm Bureau. "Our without cIia...... W ~ • .... 1 o'clock the maugu,al parade, 10 hoga county derk, and Milton J. Some $50,000,000 extra present taxation system il today and I have ~ . . . W.treictI! which various military, civic and Scott, Chillicothe, former .tate into the pocketa of Ohio falrmer,tl facing complete revision in ' the .nd ftelb."..:.a- WWMi'I, Boa-.o; patriotic organizations will parti- senator, were lIamed diltriet super during 1934. The increase Ohio legislature. The way these . healthY. cipate, will be held. Governor visors for the general salell tax. Statistician A. R. Tuttl~, came laws are written can mlake an .n atural .bowI1 Mtka. IlUb Emtil; Davey and other high state officials from augmented value of crops djfference of $105 a year a\oll il .~ ~decl tAt will review the parade from a platGlass blowing equipment and an higher priCES under the corn-hog farmers of the stat:e. The thOle wbom wealtelledi form in Broad Street at the North ex ce\1ent collection of manuscripts reduction program, rood crops and sales tax, a temporar,' measThl. t. the onJ, lOUd emylalo. entrance to the St.ate Houae and books on gla.. blowing have a !rOod marktlt. The drought Tuttle UJe, I! unfair to low farm incomell. made, aD41 10 paJita". that It 'If grounds. For the first time in more been presented to the Ohio State declared failed to disturb Ohio'll W shall demand an incolme taa eaten with a I.",. IDle Ice enant. than a decade An inaugural bal..I I Archaelogical and Historical fproduction as much -... it dl'd baled ability to pal', 100 raise Wonderful far .to .It,.Id.~cbUdr ... f d 11 You aT. arared tw MOta Emw· w~ll be taged. The ball, which II ~oclety moaeum by JOleph Slight. arther west, helping the Buckeye 0 0 an to meet 1'lon. Take mr botthI home with expected to attrnct 6,OO() persons" a retired Columbus gJa81 blower. state farmer to let a better market costs, as a -permanent ;. U. II'" U aceordIDR to .d1reetion1 has been consolidated with the lIec- The collection is of particular The production of hay dropped 14 ~n,1 I f not IlatlaftaclWlth the re,ulta, ond annual birthday ball for Presi- value becaulle 1928 marked the end per ceTit from the 1933 but the muat have a greater " '11 ' 'noney .m be reo d nt Roosevelt, and proceeds will of the "man blown a au era and value was up 18 per cent. Corn share lof the national inco·me. In I, I Met' ~ be used for the aid of infantlle heralded the beginning of the WAIl up 71 per cent in value alth- 1919, ~eir abare. was only 24 per . ," '... 'rhe Yllk. parolYllis victims. period of techllologieal unemploy- ougn down 18 'per cent in produc. cent. IIjthourh they repflesented '" -,., H!\u"te, Ind. ment for members of the gla81 tion. Total value of Ohio's 1934 ao per 'tent of the populatl1on and l"",.)'whe .....



vantalre point of measurable lIecur ity, hope and optimism."





--- ------

975 Loan. Dlaab urieel Durin W eek


The Heart of The Utility ControverlY

Capitol Cross Road Chatter


Farm lvight lalks, January 14





Best of the .News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol


.......--;.. ......... AdwJrtIse



~1el' this.Ne-wsIt

Be~Wk!t'J:aJ;... ~

pa,.... .w ill ....


!IOU ba;IA


Ohio is the pl'oud pOBllessor of a huge new public park which consists of a tract of 4,800 acres on the banks of the Pramantunin. Til servoir, near ~8htabuli.. The land was transferred to the state by the Pyamantunirta Land Co. free of co t with the understandlnr that it would be developed and beautifled for public park purpOI8l. MOlt of the par~ ill in Willlamdleld, Rich mond and Andover townahlpa. Ollcials said the transfer was the laraest in Ashtabula county's



~~~~~WU"ti~~~'IWMO in1992itwu~Y '9~«~U~==~~~~~~=~~==~~===~=~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~=~~~~~~~

, has bee goinl down and dc)wn for fifteenytan. A solid front on the part of the fanner will re.tore A brighter picture of farming con Oatlool< Of to ,heir former ectonomic ditiollll in Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana a..u Brl.Lt.... them position. Cap it... is 86 per I:ent 'orand Tenne8lee was painted in Only $6;6l0,896 was involved ganized; labor, '70 per celiit and Columbus' lalt week byErneltRice in the closing ot Ohio banks dUT- agricultUre, onlJ 38 per' cent. general a,ent of the fourth farm ing 1934 compared with '255.00 Capital and la"r secure 91 per credit admlniJltraUon diatrlct. He 588,372 involved in the cl08ing cent of the natlpn'l incc)me in reported that farmen in the four 36 institutions in tbe upheaval of 1932, and alDioR that much in atatel enjoyed aD Income of ,60, 1933. Thirty-two banke were listed 1933. It waa a Uttlebetter in 000,000 mon in 198t than In 1933 as having been placed. in liqulda- 1934 because (If ",eater ol'ganlzed and stated that "the fannen of I tlon in' 1984. but aU were smaller otrorta on the- part"9f alrl'ic~lture." thil dlltrict ellter 1986 with a new institutions. The brichtest picture was produced in figures showing that SO banks have been reopene-d \ aiDee January I, 1984. Their deposita totaled slightly more than ,28,000,000.

officials pointed out.







Shock in Time Saves Deluge In Te'lephone Patron's Home





Holid., Sale~ Gai. Ohio'a storekeepers experienced the greatellt volume of Christmas A Tblrd More ~ S....r. buying lIinee 1929, with sales rang: A._J U.i"",t, F.a rm Ing from 10 to 2& per cent higher Week Gr.......111·. th.n in 1933.- The shopping Ipree reftected itl beneftts to practically Prospecta .re excell~t for a eVl!r)' pha. of industrf as merchanta poured their replacement bigger and better exhlbi' at tbe demandl Into the nation'l factories Ohio State Corn and GraD Show tad with ~ thc C&ntankeroul line, the - - - -•• - ...- - to be held apin tllil 7~r duriJa, alitated repairmln cIa.hed madl, U ...tock J . . . ., T-.. Farmers' Week, .JaD1A&1', 28 to to tbe lubscribcr'l home. No ODe February I, at tile Ohio Uniwa. at home. Obuinin, a It.,., Cole· venib. Colwnblll. man entered expect\1I8 to find I Ohio'l 4-R liveltock judging R. D. Lewil. 1MHt&r7.1 the demon in unholy conuration with team plaeed third in the national Ohio Sled Imprqy. . .at ~clathe eod of thunder and II,htniD,. eontest at the Intematlonal Live- tion, olle of thl t!pOUQn th. l.altead he c1ilCOvered "ater drip· Rock Expolitioa. The team, eham- Ihow, .nnoune.. . . the ping on In inllOtent~peariDI lamp p10DI 6t the ltate, hailed f1ool11 nUDl"r and 01near the telephone. E1ectricit, ft. Van Wert of'lIntJ. Paal Oood, lered for the leapin, merriI, from the lamp to th. Dal. aaDioa aDd E--· ..................... . HI of tll~.....e ud oat OYer the line. _ ..... - - •• _111 He trace4 tile ICMP'CI 01 the drip. .iIN tile team. IIblM10ta aDd llIt.ecllll " . ~r::=::~: ..... to 1takJ on the MCODcI North Dakota wen IrIt aDd Me- llalaed, tor .. IociI' :~=~ In tim, to pre- 01ld, ~. .q1










il 11d5E.~n=I~~







T W -\5 a .hock to John E. Coleman, repainnan for Tbe Ohio . BeU Telephone Company at Columbus, but a life aver for the customer. Nonchalantly ColemaD had under. taken the job of rep.irin, a Ibb· ICriber'1 line at the te~hone office. Haren, bad be applied the firat wben a bolt of electricit1 eprulll the II.... courted up the ~ ..d eat bim rudll, III the hla tool.. H.... . .-













Harvey.burg Mr. Illld ~II'~ . G \H'J,(e Wall and on, 1'1' ddie. (If Baltimol'e, are hrrl' vi~itilll! th"lr ]I 1'"IIi-<, . 'l'h' d I th of 11:<. 'Will tcF;}wee "('CII,' red lIt h r hUIII!' nenr the l'pllngtldcl Ilu ch la. t • at urdl1Y I'V ning and thl.! funl'l"al \\" s h ld on 'fuesduy 8ih !"noon a~ the $pringfielt.l church. Qui le a )Iumh<'r of friend s an d the t Ach('1 ~ from h('re attend d. 1I1r.. Uda Hulton return d bome la l Thursday from a visit with her dl111ltht r nnd falnily at Hartell . . ~l i Rh n 111 Ilrren and Glenn ~n 11 have returned to college duti ~ aitll!' spending a delightful vf'cation with their pal' nts. The Farm rs' In tiLute held ? ndav and Tue day of lhis week \\, a pronou nced succel\s in very tll . ail. The peaker,!>Ir. H arbage nnd 1r. . itterly were much en· jO~' l'd and the' music and all who plll'ticipatE'd in any way . added much to the worth while programs of pvt'ry Res i()n. Tbe attendance \\"1\ $ exct!lIent and su rely everyone felt amply repaid for t heir lime nnd f ffllrt· put forth in making it a pronoun ced succe ... Th play given by the Sharon Epworth League was well attend· d and much enjoyed. . 1\1rs. Earl Hoclett of near Waynesville spent l\fonduy and Tuesday with her mother Mr . ndie Rea~on and attel1ded Farmers' Institute. f. C. Gordon has retuTn d home after an extended visit with his son Gail and family of Col'Umbus. Mr. and Mr$. Howard Graham entertained at 6 O'clock din.ner on last Saturday night as a f8J'e-well to IIfr. Olint Cleaver and family who are moving to their new home in Clinton county. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Shidaker al'e moving in to their n w home at Hickoryville vacated by the Cleavers.

--- ..--Lyt'e

Born t o Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burnett Thursday evening, January 3 a daughter. Joseph Vuker was , brought ho ue trom Ml'nmi Valley hospital I Monday but remains in a serious condltion. lIr and Mrs Robert Hunt Te• •

.. '


roei ... Ii word In t Vi l'l'k uf the marril1gc of thl'ir ,I"ughter. ;\!i,s Jary HUllt at h.aJmuth FilII" Oregon, \\ her ,;hc Ii" S with hel' uncle and Hunt "nd hu. ill'cn teaching. Mr. anti 1\11':<. Thede JODIl: en· tel't.ained the fOl'ln r's Ilarent~, Mr. and lI1r~ . J. B. Jon s, to dinner on Sunday. . Mr. and 1\'11". . hade!' lark had . attack of the grip Illst \I ct!k and Mr. Cuuk remain!! quite ill. Harvey Bu rnet made a bu<ine trip to Columbu ' 1'u sduy. Mr. and !'tIt, • John Myers and daughter of Dayton werc Sunday guest of Mr. and 1Il1·S. Kesler Graham and Miss Bernice. Rev. Walt r Martin will ·preach at. Lytle chut'cb very two weeks. The service next Sunday will be al 9 :30 and ullday School ut 10 :30. Mr. and Mr. Walter Kenrick aod James Haines visit d th ir cou, in, Mr . George Joijnkbone and family near fiddletown unday afternoon. Mr . Frank Marshall of Bellbrook Tuesday ,afternoon with Mr~. Belle. CQtt and gt·lInd-daughters. Mis ' Helen Early and Mrs. CharieR Morgan. ~Ir. and MrR. Harry Graham and M1'8. Ke I I" Graham were Dayton "i8ittll'll Tuesday. ~[l' s . Walter Kenrick was a dinner guest Wedne day of Mrs.. Allen Emrick. Little Richard and Mel'jorie wank of Dayton sp nt last w ek with their grand-parent, Mr. and :irs. Ed Longacre. fro and Mrs. Jam s Johns left Wednesday morning for Florida where they " '1'11 spe llcl the I'e· ~ mainder of. the winter. They allTh d u· . d J compame ess omas nn m.rS. Viola al'ey of Waynesville. The Young People of Lytle h h cure held their w ekly- social meeting Wednesday vening at the home' of Rev. and Mrs. Walter M t· . b ar In at prmg oro. Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn Swank d b an c 1'ld ren 0 f D aytOn Wlll'e S un· day dinner guests of Mr. and. Mrs Calvin Long~cre and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whitaker and children, Mrs. Harvey Bu.rnet, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jon.08 .an.d Mr.' d M W It d an. 1's. . 8 er K enrle k at;ten· ed Installation of officers Bnd oyster su~per of the Grl\~ge at Waynesville Saturday evemng.



Henry B, Walthall, Anita Loul.... Sub8C!rlbe tor The Miami OaHtte 'fom Brown and Stepln Fetehit hl'8ding a IRrge cast. "BI'oadway Nights" on the RKa ";talt off rs a grand and rlorioua trill to the night club!! of the world. , Me...', 5.u1l, 85c "Bachelor of Arts" on the RXO olonial screen reveals a touching Ladles' Dr...ea, 70c l'om nee of the college campUl, Quick- for qll&lity dryc:leania l and rcv~al8 in dramatic se quence, the heart-tug&,ing love affair of a college hero who finally awoke to ~'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!,!!!!~~!!!,!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!,!!!!!!,!!!!!!,,"!!!!, the .flnel' things in life, afteT 11lmoMt ruining himself trying to find sudden fame. It is a oo llege victure minus the silly football climaxes. All in all. the show is a smashing one from start to finish. 0,.. walK ST"IlTlNC .I"rtda" Ian. 11th 0. Sls._ JUDGE SHAWHAN SPEA;ICS A Gnnd and Glorloua TT~ P to the Night CI\lbB Th e ProgTessive Women's club Of 'l'be Wor1d ! 1 m t at The Little Inn, Tuesday evening with thirteen members present. Judge Robert Shawhan and Mrs. Shawhan, of Lebanon, were gue ts, Judge Shawhan being the. peaker for the evening. - .... nbI. -

elconles New loauo-ural Cerem






BLOC ANESTHESIA All Kind. of Dent\lres Made

Repair Work Done Qlllc:kly. ~ain




Larry RICH & Co.

P. A. RUNYAN HURl IN AUlD ACCIDENT Unable to see clearly becaUSe of the dense fog. P . A. Runyan was painfully injurcd when he ran his car off the bridge near the resi. dence of Alva Hart$ock on Route 42, Wednesday morning. r tin L. n\'cy will be inauguratE~d the 49th Runyan drivingto from . gov rnor of the ~l:l( of Ohio tit high noon 1\10n d ay, J 811uary 14th 'hisMr. home ' In flit.wasHolly the at thn n'4"t entrnncc or th stale c:J.pitol in Columbus. In tbe center, i W ~ .. ~o f Obi FairLey Hardware store. n ayabove is tQ(I picture of the new governor, on the right that 0 .0 nesville, where he Is employed uprnn1C our t . hl" f J u~t}' ce . . Weygandt, to the l,eft. FranCIS d H ~ ~ ! when the accident happene. e _W. Poul son, . tn1(' T>cmol'ratic hllirmnn and l!0norary chairman 0 was taken to Miami Valley the in:luglll'ni c(.!l'c mon i.~, at the botto m J ohn ~. McC~mbe, the h XR . ho pital were an ay examma1110n nrQund Ivlltl re\'oln's all of the detail of mnktng the maugural 'Il b lion, disclosed no broken bonea. a suc~e ,~, a genl' rlll chninnnn; A Inrge .inaugural paratie Wt e A dislocation of one of his ! ollow d by nn inc u/:"ura l ball III the evening to b.e held at the Coshoulder and bad bod.y bruises lumbus AlJ'·I·lt (J~. '1U I'" Q,.J n p r .. ;;~ ~m ;)kcr to ue held \II the ballroom of , were the extent of his injuries and the Deshlcr·.Walh k holc\. he was removed to ttil home where he is resting as comfortably as can be expected under the circumprl'or to the meeting date. ;Each HAPPY HOUR BANQUET stance. shareholder. ha, but one vote, 1 •





People -

Twl.8 Theater


scallaN I I

Colle... ... .orl

'Bachelor of Arts' WaJlhaU III"pln Felchlt

8017 8 .



,.."""",,,,"',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"',,.... Fri.-Sat.-Jall. 11- 12



NO. J:!U

.. An ordlna""e to Ilmend all orLllnance "mi lled "All Ordinan ce FI"lng the I'rlce whiCh The Uilylon I'o wer o.nd JJlght ompnny ma..yI har ge for.Pul>lI el • Idc light, turllh.h LO til (lroumb Street.'~. Alh,ya. nnd AnmulllI' In The 'Vlllag ot Waynl'II' vill e. Statu ot Ohio. ror a \HloI"lod or I 'n (10) CO DlDl , Ing till Ih Sun.-Mon.-Jan. 13-14 18t day O't Januo.r)' 192U and i1~' termlnlllg til lIlann r hI ",hl"h said IIghtlllg mny I> turnlsh d, \l1'ovlU d llnd pold fOI" and cvntru.ctlllg tll&!'':~~(·~AS. th 'ou ncll or the Village Of Wa),n ilvll10. Stilt or witb hlO on January 7, 1U 29. po.olled an 1:IARLES FARRELL ort:llrl'nn e entltlcd .. n ort:llnance fixing tb ' prlc ","hleh Lhe Daylon Powllr u.lld Llgoht ompnny lTIay WYNNE GIBSON .charge for electric 1111'111 t urnl~h ed to the vubllc ""ound8. lIu'ee tlllan~"1 WILLIAM GARGAN nil ys and avellue8 III Ule VII age 0 Waynelvllle. late of Ohio, tur a ZASU PITTS period ommenc·, 101{ 011 of th ten 18t (10) day .... Clf ars Jl\nuar v 1920 , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"",

"The Dude

R anger"

"Aggie Appleby"


gardle II 01: th e amount of stock he The members of the Happy Hour DEATH ~h~Oh(1 S~I~mll~:rh~tn~hem~anb'er fu~~ 1 ow. N"o voting by pl'ox:q is per· club w· I'll hold their ,8rltnual banq.uet nlshed. provld'd and I)old for. and ~=....----'o==========~,...", l1tralltlng th ereforl'." mltte d • . in Grange hall, Satul'day evenmg, William T. Bowker, 86, a former cO WH ElIUlAS. In ~he "ud Interest of 1" ,The secretary\!~ tha~ 10 ad· Janufll'y 12, at 7 o'clock. All resident of Waynesville, died at 1!.,';,~~Ocli?ol\h!Bvm:g'Cdtolr~la.g! i~3 dltlon to the ~ Iectl~n oI dtl<eet~ r8 m~mb 1'5 fll'e invited to ·be present the home of his daughter, Mrs. lighting un 0. "mjilnlght" l>urllll18" and gen ral dISCUS Ion of assocI a__ • - - B' . L b '" schedult'· NOW \he. (ore. b It or. t' b ' l ckh Id' wi11 --eston uar In e anon. I es- ilalned by T he council ot ~Illd Ion U8me , 8 0 0 CIS d ' ht F l ' I be lIIage ot Wn)' nesvlI\e. state of vote upon nt a propo~al w!live the frien SOllie eWI held ay 1lI~ servlc l lurch hlo : "equl'rem for stoekto ownel'Shi" In • theunera Genntow eellon I. For Il• period Btnl'Ung , .' . S t d h t 2 ' I k with the erteoUve daLe of lhls ordln. iT! case of loans granted for ttl · . . a d Mr ~ ur ay: a .. ernoon a 0 c oe 1l1l'C6 a.lld IlXplrlng on Jub' 1. 1936, In our fun ral home .e very-· specific purpos~ of repairing, re'l 11 ~bel WI)s~n tI wer~ With buml at Lebanon. 30~I~obe . l\[~O~~lIs~c? tl.ling is planned to provide modeling or improving farm dwell' j WaltC)f Wilson, of ,elma, - - -- lncandell tint 1umpB. aid laotnp. u,re a beautiful setting for the ings in c90"'eration with the guests at the Home, Tuesday. DON'T QUALIFY AS to Oil 0 11 a mIdnight burni llg, last farewell. Years of . '. f thO . I h' Mr and Mrs. Van Antwerp, of lIeh dulo whiCh calla -(or lha '\H,rnobJectives 0 t e natlona ousmg I • .' t ' 11 d t th FI'I'ends' "CRIMlNAL WANTED" InK or each ll\mD trom ont'-half hour scientific progress and long "At prasen. t" h e st a t es, mClOna I' ca e a e a.tter a.nd very sunaet nIght. to SaidmIdnIght Bche6 uloach <:811 10 8 experience in the art of Election of directors for the prol,I"ram. oC the Lebanon Home, Monday. . for approximately 2200 hourll burn. arranging details are beensuing year is engrossing the at- "stockholders Production Credit As ociation may \ Mrs. Ella Babb and M.lSS Cla.ra One of the surest ways to enjoy Ing operation per )pea.r tor whiCh th e hind the skilled ministratention of stockholders of the Leb· alm.n pay the II ompany hI The Vll1age power obtain Ruch loans without buying Lile attended a f unera1 In X ellla, life is to have a eonscience that ill DaYlon and L L."hl tions that lend to the loved Ilnon Production Credit A ssocia. c':;Jtionnl stock. Wheth r non· Tuesday. at peace with the world. a.s (ollowa: 100 c. P.-$! .00 per one the natural appearance tion as arrangement& are nearing ~ M A 1'>_. f D yt lamp. per year~ members 'sball be accorded this Mi. . . n-unu8lT, 0 a on, One or the surest ways not to JolCTlON t . Thl. <ochl'dulc may of p acdul sleep that Is 0 completion for the annual ;meeting "ervl'ee "'ill be d-ecided by vote at WIlS the dinner guest of Rev. and bave a conlcience that is at peace be e.) hnlnated at any tim during comforting to those who reof that organization. Each farmer ~ Y' h i e S d the term ot thl. ordlnnnc Ilnd tbe with t)le world is to be a " hit-akip' "all night" 800 dul suiJstltuted nil main behind. We feel that who is a borrower from tbis new the annual meeting. Housing loans Mrs. J. J. Se aeuer i>ll un ay. n ot ba ed on stock ownership Prof. and Mrs. Char,',l es E.' Taylor driver. . provided In Ill' VlOU8 ordillance our gl'eatest privilege and coopet:'ative credit orgarrlzation is "l" d pnes ' d by th7. Ino:---=ouncll of ea.l d Vlliag h ter, ..... carry a 6 % per annum rate, while an.,t daug .lJla~rme JUr. an u,"Ining away; ,~m iReidents on JKnulU'y duty ia to make this mema stockholder, ownership of share~ at ~~! ory picture one that will be being a requisite' fOI' granting a the standard production Cl' dit as· Ml·S. William Gallimore, of Wit· that have had a damaging elfect is po~orTr~~d loans bear but 5 %. rnillgtQn, were recent guests of one of the most cowardly of acts. til!! It~ wrltl n acc ptanee ot thl8 forever cherished fo~ loan. Management of the &; socia- sociatiol'\ Call for the stockholders' meet- Mrs. Ada H. Jenkinls" The consequences of the acta . of ordinance within thirty (30) (lIlYS beauty and con olation. tion therefore is in the hands of after Ita Mfectlve dl\te Iln/! th..-e· • - - -- road negligenee may easily multi. upon shall con8tltull' a cOlltract be. borrowers through tMir choice of ing d:Jignates the forenoon se sion as the business me ting, open only , ply unfavorably when one of the tnI'een aald Vlllag a.nd 8l\ld Commembers of the board of directors tl while all farmers parties leaves the aeene of the in. P8. lcTION 4. Thill ordlnnnee ahall according to statement of Secre. to stockholder, aft . bearliest effective and byafter the . 't d t 0 a tten d th e e are InVI l ' · JUry. periodfroom allowed law. tary-Treasurer H. Dana Williams, noon session. An Executive, of . ' . \.I!plication to helping the inPused by the ' Counl!ll of the who has issued eall tor the annual J'ury is the least that the guilty Village or Wayll8evlll.... State or meeting to convene at 10:30 a . m. the Production Ct'edit COl'poration party of a road accident ean do. Ohio. 193f. thlg 28t~ ,duy or Deoembe.r Phon. 7 January 15, 1935, at M.emorial of Louhwille. under the supcl'vi s· I ion Qf which the 12 production It is never a humanitarian or a A, K. 0f~;or. Hall in Lebanon. credit as oeiations of Ohio operate Just point to add a second mistake .A:TTEST: "This is the first annual meeting will address the aftern90n meeting One of Amedea's most cele- to e first. S!1ch a procedure does 1l. F. HA.Tf' I ElLO of IItockholdet:s of the Lebanon Present officel'~ of the Leban on bn~ted revues, "Broadway Nlg h ta " not rest well with law enforce. J 3-10 11 " ..============;;;; _ . Clerk. Production Credit Association, Produ ction Credit Al!so~iation al'e opens a week's engagement on t~41l ment bOdie.a,jUrista, 01' juries• .And,;~=::::::::::::;:::::::::~:.:;! which was organized last spri1)g Oarl J. Miller prc ~id('nt, T. L. stage of the RKO Oolollla! it should not. -----~--- - and received ita first loan applka· Theater, Dnyto'n, Ohio, Frida" Accidents on the highway can tion on Ft!bruary 23, 1934, 'states Pottenger vice presid ent, amI the January 11th. It is a whidwhid happen to the most eateful driver. Mr. Williams. Of the 186 borrow- directors are Carl Engel, Carl extravaganza featuring 6 cbll- For that matter they can happen ers ail but 1 have retained owner· Gregory, Ray W. Ferr e, H. Dana pany of more than forty artlita. to the mOlt careful individllal ship of their class B or voting Williams and Walter Cowdr y. and star Larry Rich, a late the most unsuspected place. When stock, although legaJJy en titled to This as ocintion sel'v'es the feature of "My Mal'yland" and something does happen try to eOrdispose of it. 185 stockholders, ·'Bittel'sweet." The screen .olter- reet it, don't r~double your efl'ort tberefore, are eligible to paJ:tici- counties of Hami~ton, Butler, ing is a gripping drama of college to leave it. pate in the annual meeting and, in Warren, Clinton, Highland, CleI:- life, "Bachelor of Am," John Admit a responsibility when you addition,any who obtain loans mont and Brown, Erskine's ' best se1linl~ 11 with are driving on the road. You'il like the easy conscience tbat follows such a procedure • .Don't plaCe yourself in the "Criminal. Wanted" class through any "hit and run" antiea.


d ' H

__ ____




The Memory Picture


'L gfir


J. E. McClure

1 Wayneaville, Ohio



BurningTruck Causes Many D in Nation's Vast'Telepltone Ne

What Some Edito1'S Say

Se.v ers Importan' Ea.t-Wettt

Communication Link.


The lelephone IMP of the UniWd States was dott~d with detOUrs reo cently when Rarnes from a burnjng truck severed two New York·Chi· cago cables that pass t11Cough Cleveland and Toledo, The truck. whieh was loaded with hospital supplies, -crasbed into a ditch on U. S. Ro~e No.6 about 10 miles northeast of Fremont, 0 ., at a point directly benea th the cable~. When ether gas tanks-a pa:rt of the cargo-exploded, giant lickcd hi gh in the sky destroyil1g" 45 fee~ of the c:\bles. Break Reported Quickly The truck caught fire at 3 ~ 45 o'c1ock in the morning. Within a f~v II1jllut~S the flames had eaten through the protecth'e lead sheath, ling gas pressure witbin the to drop and sound an alarm in Tole<Jo. 40 miles away. 'I'he cables are t\\"o of the many arberial telephone cables in the United States that con· stantly are kept unckr ga§ pressure to provide an instan taneous \Ileans of notification in cue their protective lead sheaths are,damaged in any way. Although only a few feet of were burned, bulb!red. of mile. of cable were affected by the break. At daMl telephone men in Cleveland. "1'oIedo aDd otber cities Jeft their bed. to cope with *e tltuation.

wires. including important press tele· graph circuits" :lnd ~ix pairs of spec ial rat..lio program wires that tran~l1Iit ",allY programs betw cn New York and Chicago and points west. In addition the two cables were the con· aeeting links for a large portion of the telephone facili t ies in the eastern and western sections of the nation. I n Cleveland, the traffic control bureau of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company immediately began the job of settinR up alter· nate cahl~ route •. Line: were <;.c:&In..... II,.. ·" for the earl rallio

Editorial in Cdlumbu. (0.) Citizen saya: Instead of ranting ' about "government interference" and "invasion of property rights," President Gifford of the American Telephone and TeiegTaph Company politely welcomes the investigation by the Federal Communk:ations 'Commission. "1 n a business !is extensive as OUrI, which '0 vit:\Uy concerns so many people." says Mr. Gifford, "the public has a right to the fullest informa· tion as to how itl a/fain a re conducted, We therefore have no objections to .invC8tigation by properly constituted au· thorities. We have no skeleton. in oQr clou~t. W C!' are pri. marily cODcerneJ with fur· nishing the b~5t possible tele· phone service at the lowest possible COSI. We believe th ~r(" it no conflict between our aim and the aim of the .• . .. Com· mi.. ion." Mr. Giuord C:.: ~ervea prai~ . In plt.inl, it may be •• id ·his atatement i ~ i ypical of publiC' utteralK:eI 0: '\. T .• T. exe· c:utiYe.. It ia iarrely becaule of tlai. enlithteaed .jewpoint BeU eaJo1l an

-*ail rPf.n~""

Quality PrlDtlDB


The lIIaml'

Eighty-Seventh Year






1- - -


Attrac\.ive programs are being planned for the five sessions of the Farmers' Institute to be held in the High school auditorium at Springboro, Friday and Satu rday, January 18 and 19. The speakers -~ Mr. C. M. Robitzer was a busi- are Mrs. W. W. Brownfield, of Mi•• Katbr,... Gibbou. W.. Re- ness visitor in Cincinnati, Tuesd'ay Columbus and Mr. C. J . Nobis, of Amelia, Ohio: .ppoin·t.... Co~ty Nw•• ~ Mrs. Susie Evans il Visiting friends at Ray's Fork. Ky. For Comiu, Year



Whole Number 6153


Entertained VVith "ThimblE~" Party A group of members of the Fo~cign Missionary • ocicty of the M. E. church wer gu sta of Mrs. P. U. LeMay at a "thimbl " party Tuesday aft l'noon. While engaged in s wing th E! ladies planned and di cussed their program for the coming year. , Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess.



The detour On the Dayton pike in Montg()rnery county has be,e n Nmoved, it is announced here this week in a bulletin iss ued by the state highway department. ======-~.=--Traffic had been routed thru roquignol End Curls 1.00. pringboro. Shampoo, 86e extra. Truax B auty TOm Collin . Won First 1ft Old ... Shop. . Fiddlera Conteot; inatrumeDt&I



Mr. and MI·s. J. C. Hawke Silent CHRISTMAS SEAL unday the home of their Karl, in Dayton. mu:,icllt Mrs. 'harles Rye is in t by the .rr. O. WORKERS TO MEET Valley hu 'pital for an eye opera-

Numbero Fe.ture.d


so n

Mrs. w.. H. Allen was in Dayton 83 YEARS IN FAMILY Dr. Ed. Blair, Lebanon, was re- Saturtiay, . Th co n test spo nsored . apPoin.t ed county health commis U . A. M. nnd held in sioner for a term of two years at M. D. Baird made a business trip In renewing h er su.bscription to their hall Tuesclay night, was a the annual organization meeting to Richmond, Friday motl)ing. The Miami Gazette Mrs. Mary . of the Warren County Board of K Werntz, nee Moun tjoy, who is Warren County Christmas Seal tion. success finnllc iall y as well as an Health held recently at Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. ·Gon.s visited Tired of what he termed at present with her daughter at workers are looking forward to an Mi s Mary Jo Mill er has bee n entel'tainment. Dr_ Blair was the unanimous friends In Mlddl town, today. "sneaking around and dodging Weathel'ford, Texas, 'Writes: "The interestiJlg meeting which Is being off duty at the telephone exchange Tom Col1iD!; won fir t in the old choice of the hoard lor the health officers," Bud Shepp ard, 19, con- paper has been in our family since planned for the near future. Mrs. for two days because of illness. Miss Marj ucie Earnhart spent cont t, competing wilh fiddlers commissioner's post and his volunVicted ch icken theif who escaped the second year of publication." Hamilton Shaffer, Chairman of th tary 10 per cent salary cut, taken Saturday in Lebanon, the guest ot from the Warren county jail a The lint copy of the paper was peaker's Bureau and Miss SimMrs. L. D. Chiles spent Wednes- Maurice Brown and John L iHle. friends. two years ago, was restored. Executive Secretary, day at the home of Mr. and 1l1rs. Donald Foutz, of Lytle, won first year ago, surrendered to Sheriff' published February ~!, 1850, as merman, of the Montgomery County E. T . troud on R oute 3. The salary of the office is $2,000 M·rs. Robert Baker and Mrs. Frank Setty at Wilmington last "The Miami Visitor," as a vocal soloist. Tuberculosis Association will be ---~---p~r ye~r, the commissioner to pro- Iren Baker spent Tuesday in Leb week. Sheppal'd formerly lived Mrs. William Gosney was taken The two instru.mental quartets. guests of the local group. the Vide hiS own office, bear the nec~s- ano:' SEWING MACHINE CLINIC near Clarksville. to Miami Valleyhpspital, this the first, saxaphone, Mandolin and All workers should get in t-ouch Bary office expenses and prOVide Indict.ed by the W,a rren county week, for treatment. two guitars, played by Donald with their Township chairman in foJ;' bis transportation out of this Mrs. Jane Weaver, of Xenia, grand jury for breaking and enterA se wing machine dinic will be Ml's. Ed Cook spent the week- Foutz, Dick Adams, Jacque Adams amount. . . ' spent the week-end at the home of ing, Sh~ppard pleaded guilty and held in the gym on Friday, Jan- order to receive full information was sentenced to a term of from uary 25, beginning at 10 a. m. All about the meeting. Other appointments made by the her son, Dr. R. S. Weaver. end in Dayton, the guest <.! MI'. lind Charles Bunnell, and 'Second. one to twenty years in the Mans· intel'ested a~e invited to bring board at Friday's meetihg ·Included and Mrs. Robert Davi8_ two violins and two guitars playMr_ and Mrs. Clarence Allen field. reformatory but escaped be- their sewing machines and lunch. the naming of Miss KathrYn GibMrs. L. H. Gordon and Mrs. ed by Emerson Dill, John Little, bons as county health nUl'se at a and Pre ton Vaughn spent Satur- fore he could be removed to the Emma H. McClure spent Sunday ' Arthur Massie and Howal'd Archer prison. His brother, Dave Shepsalary of $150 per month for a day in Cincinnati. and Monday in incinnatj. tied, each group receiving a prize J,>ard, who was given a similar sennine-month year. and the selection ., Other prize winners were Mrs. ot Mrs. Lucy Luti to serve as E. F. Earnhart and J. K. Spencer tence, escaped at the same time .Mr. and Mrs. J~mle Bally. or Robert Furnas, guitar and French clerk at a salary of $40 per month were in Columbus to witness the and is still at large. Middletown were dlnnel' guesls of Ihar p ; Emerson Dill an.d Howard The younger Sheppard wa Both appointments are for one inauguration, Monday. Mrs. John Treadway on Monday. Archer violin and gUitar duet, brought to Lebanon Bnd will be 'Y ar. A letter to a Waynesville MI·s. Laura Shidaker, of HarMr. and Mrs. Vernon Mainou John Little, Arthu~ and taken to Menll1ieJd to--begin servIn reviewing the work of the defriend from Rev. W. E. Dakin veysburg, is tbe guest of Mrs. ing his sentence. and Mrs. Ray Moinous motored to Howar~ ~rcher, trio of viOhn and partment during the past year, it Mayme 11 number I)f facts that will gives Hatfield, this week. two gUitars. was pointed out that total expendi be of interest to his friends and Lexington, Ky .• Monday. ... relatives who are readers of the tures for 1934 were leIS than H. E. Stokes was taken to The .members of the' Argunot" $4~00, and that there wa. a J!al- Miami Valley hospital, Monday Program of t he Si~ate Highway Miami Gaze~te. . bridge club will be guests of :Mrs. ance of approximately '4,000 in where he is takine treatment. ----Department to brinl1, about the Rev. ~~kln ~aB reUr.ed f~om re- R. H. Hartsock, Friday afternOon. the health fund at the clole of the Mrs. Ada J enkins attended the regulation of traffic liighta on state gular mlmster~al service 10 the year. A state subaidy of $1,000, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hutchinson, funeral of her sister at Wilming- highway!\ within municipalties of P~otestant Epls~opal. Chu!c.h, an~, Misses Corinne Robbins, Alice available in counties where the of Dayton, spent Sunday with ton, Saturday. less than 5,000 population shows with ~rs. Dakm, IS llvlDg' In Campbell and Margaret Smith 8tate board of health approves the Charles James and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. H . Allen and that of the 411 traffic: lights on thc Memphis, Te~nessee, where t~eN spent Saturday evening in Wilwork of the local board, has been Miss Olive Allen were dinner ste 388 are activ'e and 23 in- are elev~n Episcopal congregations mington. - - -received in W8l'ren county for the Mr. and Mrs. Walker Hatfield, of guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howell sy . m and he IS frequently called upon The Wayne Township Farmers \' • active.. to supply when a rector is absent Mr. Horace Key suffeNd a club held the first meeting of the • past several yeara. . Butlerville, were Sunday guests of Peirce on Sunday. O~ th 388 .active signals, Traffic and thus he feel~ that he is not ~eve re heart attack, Tuesday even- year at the home of Mr. and Mrs. The meeting was attended by Mrs. Mayme Hatfield. Mr. 'and Mrs. Joseph Lile and er I mg. We are glad to r eport that members of the county board of Mrs. Lawrence Lile and little Engme Harry Nelli cited, 321 have been approved for operation UBeHess" t th t h k t k' f his condition is improved. Ira Rich. health, officers of the board, and a Mrs. A. K. Day is spending a daughter called on Miss Clara Lile and 67 are still being maintained . e wrl es . a ~ eeps rac 0 At the noon hour the usual sump delegation of citizens including few days with relatives in Cincln- Sunday. without approval of the Ohio WayneSVille frle':lda .and relaThe Guild of St. Mary's Epis- tuous dinner was served under Mrs. Henry Hauenstein, Mr. nati. Mrs. N. P. Clyburn, of Washing- Director of Highway's. tlves throug~ the Mlar:n l Gaz~tte, cops I church will erve an oyster the supervision of the table com~ Hauenstein, Mrs. Ralph Lane, Guy ton, C. H., called on Mrs. Anna The majority of thE! 67 unauthor and ~as particularly gneved at the supper from 5 to 8, i:n tbe Gr.a nge . mittee which comprised Mr. and Thomp On and several others. James Don~ld Majn~us lias been Cadwallader and Miss Clara Lile , ized signals, Neal said, are obso _ passmg of Mr. D. L . . Crane. hall, Saturday evenUlg, Ja.nuary Mrs. Omar Hollingsworth, Mrs. W. This gro·up presented a request con.fined .to hIS ~ed thIS week suf- Saturday. lute in point of equipment and reMr. and Mr!L Dakm are expect- 26. Price 25 cents. Your patronage A. Swartzel 11' and Mrs. to the board asking for the appoint ferlng With tonsillitis. Mrs. Ella Babb was in Spring pre ent installations not In accord !ng to spend February. and March i solicited. Keller Hoak. ~ent of a full time health commisMrs. Edith Harris, Mr. Horris Valley on Monday. . Members responded to roll call with the proposed eta,Ddard code of In St ..Petersburg, FlorIda. Mosher and Mjss Emma Heighway Mrs. Margaret Martin spent signal installation alDd operation 810ner in Warren county. :r~elr d~ught~r, Mrs. ~dwma Mr. and Mrs. Albert Slonaker, with a New Year's verse and the Present officers of the county were Sunday dinner guesta of Mr. Saturday at the home of her son of t he highway depa'rtment. ~llhams, lives 10 St. LOUIS,. ~nd Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Heoton, of program opened with the aJlnu~I", boar~ were reelect~d at Friday's and Mrs. Ronald Hawke. in Dayton. The total number of active 18.the mother of three promising Dayton, were guests of Mr. and ddress of the lIew presidept., . meetmg. The board IS ·composed of Mrs. Howell Peirce, Mrs. L. M. authorized signals includes six chtldren. The ol?er son has .alreadT Mrs. A. H. Stubbs, Sunday. H. Sackett. . ( Alfred Watkins, Morrow, president Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hastings Hender on and Mrs. Dudley traffic lights insta,lIed by the a~tracted a~i.enbon as a wnter, t~e Mn. Ernes rs HerA reading, . "Salina q;:04:' Arthur Bryant, Franklin, vice visited Mr. HasHng'e brother at Keever, members of the Home Traffic Bureau of the State High- Literary [~hgest copying one of h,IS man Surface, and Mrs. Lester Sur- Town;" by Miss Irma Ri~ president; Elm r Bercaw, Mason; St. Elizabeth hospital, Dayton, board and Mr. Cecil Davis were way Department blOt maintained poemll which had first ~ppeared In face were Cincinnati visitors, Tues followed by the speciiU 'S. S, Ellis, Waynesville; and Dr. Sunday. busineS$ visitors in Cincinnati, to. by the counties in which they are another Ealltern magazme. d "Mexico," prepared by V ~. Henry Brown, Kings . MiIl8_ Dr., ' . day. located. ay. Sackett. The guest speL... Ed. Blair, Lebanon, lerves as M.r. and Mrs. George Dakin a~e Orlando Batton, of Selma, and During 1934, NeaU reported, 273 DEATH CLAIMS Mrs. D. R. Salisbury and two Rev. L. D. Vesey, of Lebaftlrli aecertary., mOVIng here from payton and Will Dr. D. W. Batton, of Jordan, Mon- intersections were lIerved for the JOHN daughters, Ruth and Miriam, vis- chose for his subject, "Fear." - - -- - . - - occupy the E. J. Woollard property tana, were guests of Mr_ a.n d ~r8. purpose ot trroffic signal study. A. LOWRY ited Miss Doris Salisbury at Miami Mu sic was furnished through.. On South street. I Howell Peirce on Tuesday. Last year permitl! issued for University, Oxford, Su nday, ' the afternoon by Mr. S. S. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Angle and Miss the operation of "stop.and-go" John A. Lowry died at his home, Mrs. Roy Noggle, of Spring ---- - • Lena Angle, of Trenton, Ohio were 326 Bellbrook ave., Xenia, Satur- Valley, is spending a few days W ~ OMAN'S traffic ignals numb4!red 158_ Sunday guests of Misa Dorothy ---- - • day, January 12, at 2:45 p. m., 'th h t M d M A er paren s, r. an :r s.. following an illness of short dura- WI Hartsock. Mrs. C. H. McKay was hostess tion. O. Griffy. Mrs. Ralph Hastings accompan- to the Dorcas Club on Thursday. Born in Martinsburg, West Va., Mr. and Mrs. Charles An derson Rufus Conner has been acceptied her sister, Mrs. George Osborn in 1855, he came to Xeni.,; in 1876 and Sons were Sunday dinner of Leb.non, on a shopping trip to ed in the CCC and left on Friday and spent the Nmainder of his life gues ls of Mr. and Mrs. Harry ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Cincinnati, Saturday. for Camp Knox. in Greene and Warren coanties. Shaw, of near OJ·egonia. Father Newton. 'Palltor Funeral . services, conducted Mr. and Ml'I!. F. B. Bishop, of Mrs. S. L. Johnson who has Th Womnns Aux.iliary 0 Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Thomas and Mau at ~t. Augustine'l Church Goshen, called at the home of been making an extended visit in Airplan., Phon. H.lpOhioan by Dr. W. H. Tilford, pastor of the Presbyterian church. were hilld granddaughters Janice and phyllis Mary's Church met at the every leeond and fourth Sunday Mr. and Mra. Philip Larrick, Frl- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Mak. Fait Round Trip at the home Wednesday afternoon Burnett were .guests of Mr. and Inn On Friday afternoon, Hill is at the home of her son in day afternoon. f the. month. • at 1 :30 o'clock. Burial was made Mrs. William Thomas at l\laine- Mrs: Ron aid Haw ke 1lI!' 11 To California r. r condactr---J. V. Hartsock spent Thursday The Ladies Aid Socl~ty of the in Massie's Creek cemetery, Cedar- ville, Saturday. votional exercises ant f FRIENDS MEETINC and Friday in Ripley. Ohio, in .t- Friends' Church met with Mrs. ville Ohio. . Petcr R. Fahey, of Cleveland, . ' • _ Mr. and Mrs. Pryse Congleton short busine s session t First-day School at 9:80 a. m. tendance at the Ohio Burley auc- Ray Cah on, Friday. . made a round trip to California in and son, Roy, Mrs Eliza McCo llum ing program was taken I!m,~~~~~. lI eetin e for Worship at 10:80 t!on· aale. Mr. and Mrs. C.P. Noggle less than 17 hours~one way by air- •HYMAN'S CLEARANCE SALE and son, Kash, 1111 of Hamilton, Readi n~, " Adventuring f;.r~ m. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hartsock of visited their daughter and husband plane and one way I!l.y telephone. STARTED THIS MORNING were Sunday guests of Mr. and in North Dakota"- Miss Kat , in Middletown On Sunday. Lcaving Cleveland early one Mrs. John Treadway. Pl'endei·gast. Vaney, were Sunday , Union evangelistic services are morning, Fahey arrived in Oakland, WAYNESVILLE 'M. E. CHURCH at the home of Mr. and Music- MI's. J. B. Go' Mrs. ' Charlet Rye. now in progress at the Friends' Calif., exactly 16 hOlllr~ later and deAnother of the ever popular Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wri~rht, 0-1; Reading, "Fort De&<-· · Rev. G. C. Dibert, Putol church. livered a Ilewspap,~r at his son's sales , as started at Hyman's Duquesne, Pa., and Mrs. Julia as 1!een by a Recto. Sunda : Sunda school at 9:80 Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Hartiock and Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Duffey of home the sartle day it was published store in Waynesville, this morning Donovan were dinner guests of Hawke. a m. M~ming w~rahip at 10 :40. daallhter, Dorothy, were rues~ of Middletown spent the week-end in Cleveland. and One is also in progress at the Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Chapman, WedReading from the St.., . T'he lermon lubject will lie, "What MI'. and Mrs. Abram Cook at with relatives here. A few minutes aliter that he was Hyman &: Bloch atore, under the nesday evening. Mrs. Emma McClure. N · T" Ep orth Le...". Springboro, Friday evening. Mrs. Frank R.eeves Is confined telling his family' b,lCk in Cleveland ma~agement of Mr. Blocb, . in Rev. C. S. Or'a user of' De:fiance Reading, • A NeW YOI ia ... ... a "me .W J -to her borne by Illness. V.lley. M 'c 111 H . h' visits Fort Yukon"-M: at 6 :30 p. m. with Ine, ame. U Mn. C. M. Robltzer hu returned Mrs. H. F. Compton has auf- via long distance telephone what SprIDg This Winter clearance sale of -wall the gue8t. of rs. . . oug ,,,' leader. EvanaeUltlc lervicel at home after a pleasant vlalt to her fered a reiapl. and is not nearly had happened in Oakland that day. men'a Wednesday nIght and on Thursday Harris. tlJU, lettjng his vonce complete hi. mere h a,n d'Ise, .i nc Iu d' Reading- Miss Emma He1g. , lDi . . 'called on Rev. and Mrs. ~~. C. ,7:80 p. m, ' R dl· l I d lon-In-law and , dauchter, Mr. and as well al she had been for several Iwift round trip to Ithe west coast. w?men s and children s fUrDlShlDgl Dibert and otber Waynesvi,le Piano Solo-Mrs. J. B. Go Wadnelday: aa ng c re. an Mrl. Roy JohnlOn, in Clev.lalld. weeki. . It took less than two minutes to Will enable aU to supply their f 'end prayer me.tine at 7:16 p. m. • _ ...._ _ __ DUring the social hour delle-lo'.I.",t s. connect Ilis ttlepho:ne call to Cleve- needl at very low cost. You are rl Thunday: On Thuma, of next Mr. and lira. PhOlp Larrick refreshments were served to cordially invited to visit these Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Preston were members and following cO ... ; land. week, becinninr at ~ p. m. there were guestl of IIr. and Mn. stores and take advantage of the dinner guests of friends at, Hyde Miss Jessie Clark, Mrs. J. ' B. GOM will be a ineetlng of the Sunday Walter Rabe at MadllOnville, wondel'ful bargains offered in thia Park, Thursday eve~ling, and on Miss Doris Hawke and little MI_ School workers from the Metho- Thunda,. Mr_ and Mrl!. W. F. Clark of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shearer, of sale. Friday · evening were ' entertained PhylliS Burnett and Ann Welta. dist Churcbes of' Warren county. The meetinc will be beld in the Mrs. JOleph Cope and two Waynesville spent Friday with near Ferry, are announcing the ----- - at the home of friends in Wyombirth of a daught~!r, Wednesday, Lebanon II. E. Oh.u rch. and their frlenda were Mrs. Mary Carmony. GRANGE AUCTION ing ,Cincinnati. of )lr. _nd lin. J. January 16. ' d" Mra • .Joseph ,Vu k er s con Ilion ----Mr, and Mrs. Charles Wright, remains about the same since Miss S'ue Crane returned home Raving completed one year of who have been here several week s ST. MARY'S CHURCH Members of a claaa of tl)e being brought home from the today after having spent three Grange lecture work using the old because of the iIIp ess and death Rev. J. J. Schaeffer, Reet.o r Friends' Sunday school were edter Miami Valley hospital. we'eks with in Cincinnati.' material and having found need of of their mother, Mrs. Jane Wright Second Sunday after EplpbaDy. tained at the home of Davli FurMr. and Mrs. Therle Jones and some new material, I will otter at left today 10l: their hOlme in The Farm BUl'eau Coope-rative January 20. Chureb acbool .t 9:80 and f.mily, Tueaday evanlna· son, Milton, were dinner guests __ -Public Auction at the Grange Hall Duquesne, III. . Associatiori, Columbus, issued au Morning Prayer and lermon.t Ab d ---1 y C'" f Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nutt Miss Cleo, who have 'employment on Main Street, 1 block south of annual report indicatine tremen10:90. S I_~a J e Ba°~~ .'!. and family of near Centerville. Library, at 8 :4'5 p. m., prompt, on Mr. a~d Mrs. Hubert Malnous dous gains In volume of bUllln... __ • pr ... an . • ....0<:&. M D Id H dl . ill 'th at Springfield, spent the week-end Saturday, January 19, 1935. aM. family, Mr. II:nd Mrs . . Conrad land in the . number of eOIlDty ---in Columhu.. Ilonday, in at- th r.. ona M aH ey wl'th home ' fol'"-, Any artl'cle brought t·.n by lady Mamous an d f ami1y, 0 f Hilt dl IS. t W,I k NI lam on cooperatives elltablisbed d'-"'tendanee at the Inaqllratioll 01 h: p~~ea~ w~iac:'8 :o~er; Miss Helen · Early ia attending memberll, securely wrapped, were callers at the home of Mr. 1934 • The combined wholesale and Governor Kartin L. Da...y. or retal' bu.'ne.. for . '--t 1 , Mia. Bernice Graham who' Is Jacoba .Business ciDllege In D ayton whether furniture, clothing, d '1 and Mrs. Ray Mainous, Sunda" , . .....Y. Mr. and lira. C. C. Arahdeaeon atttndinft Khool In Da....on spent k eatables. Not to be opene 11ntl afternoon. . amount.d to $4,&00.000. a .raiD of . ~ . two days a wee . after purchase and to be used, . . 41 c t over the comhllled and Ion Bohb" 0 f Dayton, alld Tueaday night witb Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gahelman, worn, or aaten immediately after Mrs. Eva .MilIer returned!, to her , per en The memo!,), of the Rt. Rev. Kra. F. B. lIilteDberl'1r were JohD K,en and daughter there. Mrs. W. G. HainEIII and IOn, Rob- purehue. .... home, here Saturday after spend_ lbusineel of 1983, the report _'" Boyd Vincent, retired 1tII1lop of of Mr. aa4 J. B. Smith lleadamel Gu, Routsahn and ert of Daytan welre Sunda, afterNo sale to exceed lOco ing two weeks with her datlghter, ed. the dioe'" of Sonthern Ohio, wIlo .natbl. Bel Loblaere b .... heeD .letlml of noon guestl of 'Yr. aDd lin. Each lad, member pleale brine Mrs. Grace McCune, in Lima. Mrs. I Six~Y·foar local eoop.raUve .... dletIllollcla, Dlcht at lala LewII CbaDcller. olle of WaPI the plp' th. put weet. Walter Kenrick. packqe; afty member allowed to McCune and Mr. W. L, Reed lIociatlonl were orvaalHd, w~ III CIDoIDutl, will Un loac Ill" TewuIllp'l aaeceat\11 farm_n and Ilflo 8el1e Scott, lin. CharI.. M d lin ,arvey Burnet en hid on 8IIy paekqel ac~ompanied her for a .eek-end ~~ of m'lIl~ Mock ..,., TIlanda7 of Jut..u, apeD' !:!:..:ar~ ten!in:: Dr.' .1Ira. B. Eo CoL Walter Clark, Auct visit. 'ID the Ita~e at tM -"'-"-l~=:.t.three:: ~ cowa to DaJton BatbawaJ of a1Id JIr. Robert WiJIon, Clerk. Mr. and' Ml'II. Twenty-ft•• buDI; ~ll N." 1...,. Ill'. ~Ddlln.Bowud lira. aad (Sirn•• ) Irma Rich. keturer. returned w. . trip to of at. ....,.. wlio ..... of batter at foUl' I. . . While



Friends' Home News




----- - ----





New Burlington





Farm Bureau Reports Large Cain.


a........ v


Rt.Rev. Boyd ViDCeDt Ca lied B De th









Vb.. ..







tnt 10


lit Ia e

Mo.. and Mari. Hardin. land Grocery Co., food, $U3.23: Subacrlbe for The Miami GaseUe The De.".. reportets are Elil-n w. W. Cline, food, $3: H. M. ' Coyne, mileatre, $17.66: Willa Moss and Marie Hardin for 1w McKlnsey'a room. Beedle, mileage, $16.74; M. B. Th three PUlli1S having the Morey, mikage 518.20; Belen Ran highest grade In Arithmetic in the . • . daH, mileage, $24.49; Louise Whip Edit'd by the B OKt I' Club of Waynesville High School Eighth Grade, section 2, were pIe, milellge, $37.07: Linnle Wil· FRANK HAWKE Editor-ln·Cbief Elizabeth Hoblit, Willilllll Mos~, tiams, mileage, $18.60; Christine A .. inaDt Editor CECIL HARTMAN and Miriam cotto Th ir grade WII Common Plea. Proceeclinr. <li!\lributive account. Clevenger, mileage, $.20.71: Sebil. <; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...__ __ _ _ _ _ _..- . - - -... ---40 92. ____ Mary Oliver, administratrix of ling's Food Market, food, $46; Mr. Braddock I'S absent from deceas· Waynesvl'lle Farmers Exchange, In the cllse of MILlY A. 0 Y vel" the estate of arah Beckel'. d III ' high sellool song. sch ool because ot illness. sus The Franklin National Bank, ed, fil ed her first an final account fuel, $37.50; Herb Hoppe, clothi ng The Junior High chorus will . sing a COl'p., the plaintilf is grante d 30 Thed will of IEmma J. Camp, de· $76.50 ', Ray wigert, tood, $4; Warren COUllt,. Teadaer. M_ti ... at the Teacher's meeting in Leb· d d . . cellse , was fi ed in probate. Herb Hoppe, fuel, $35', E. B. days to file her amlm petition. Th J Cl d On Saturday, Janua!"Y 19, tile non, on Saturday, January 19. In the CIl!;e of George E. Smith e estate of anI' eaver, e· Thirkield & Sons Co.. clothing, . . . Tn an XClllDjI: overlllue game 1teachers of Warren County will Pop Dill: A Bit of Local Colo~. versus Gordon Bonmell. et aI, the ceused, i exempt from inheritance $202,87; L. & C. Market, food, Pop Dill had the Roor. Bll def ndaRt is In'anted 20 days with. tax. $30.25; Ruby Van Riper, food, Lebanon met their Waterloo at hold 8 meeting in the Lebanon the hands of th Waynesville I Higb chool building. The theme then Pop Dill usually <lid have i in which to file ple,ading. .T~e invenhofryhof S. M. Mfaa g , ad $140; J. H. Hendricks, food, $48.· varsity quintet. Both teaJl'Is l for the day is "What ,;he Public on the nights h visited in th~ In th case of The, Board of Edu. mlnlGstrator 0 t e estate 0 c har. 50; H. C. Hamilton, food, $'74.50; n t b t th ' b t d lExpects of the Schools. little room behind Bill Stone's cation v I'SUS Douglas Hollings.le.ll Kibbey, deceased, Willi ap. D. Ralph Smihh, food, $43.25; W. ~ecme 0 a ~lJr 8S an The program for the morning ' shc>p. Tonight he ~ as worth, t ai, affidavit for construe. PTrohvc . W. Cline, food, $65: Chas. J . f HIS . they certainly played n fast and is as follows: tilted perilously back in a rickety tive serv ice granted etc. . e Inventory 0 e en . Evans Schwartz, food, $19.50; Coleman r ough ganle. Music- Audience. old chair, putting his squat little In the matter 01' 'the Llttl Mi. and Mable S. Spencer, administra· Market, fOOd. $21.50 ; The Home To ook belongs th honor of Devotionals- Reverend Cheek. pipe, between his wo~ds .. The t?- ami River Conserv~lDcy District all trices 01 the estate of FraJ\k B. Store, clothing, $10: A. L. Wat· S.....d by new Vitamin. of Cod U".r h' h po ' t 11 h d t h' I Music-Carlisle High School Sex. bacco had mellowed hIm )Dto phil· f ormer entries of court ntered on tokes, deceased, was approved. kiDS, food, $3.25; Dr. Mary L. OU iD tut.I ... tablet•. Ig ~ In man . e a 0 IS tette. osophical state and he was holdi Octob r 1 1934 aTe h reby vacatMabel E . Blair and Robert M. Cook, m dical services, .. $8.14; POUllda of IIrm b.althT lI.. h Inlt.e.d of credlt a total of 14 points. Address--Dr. Edward Blair. forth on the value of education. ed. Judg , . B. Dc,chant authoriz. Blair, executors of the estate of Lewi s Brothers, iood, $ 1; Chas. 0 baN K1'&I''''' bonn t Ne...... ytlror, ",1m and '-7 lAatead 01 tired 11.11 ... " ... I St.elOdy. Ch rle~ LeMay . was a member of Address--Attorney Dean Stanl-ey. "EdycashlJn Is all right, if ye cd to vacate and re.enter' Journal Benjamin H. Blair, deceased, filed Hildebrant, food,. $5; Dr. Henry .... ~ nerntll That Ia what thollund. 01 th~ teal'll at.urdllY night for the Music- ~ou lI.ty Glee Club don't take too big a dose, I reckon. erltri 8. their first, final and di8uibutive l'II. Brown, mecica~ services, '13 .• people .... ~rlLlnl< thro~.h .clentlalo' I.teet .\aaoyU)'-tb~ Vitamin. of Cod LlYn 011 fir. ~ tIme· this seallon lind he Reem. Address-MISS Ehzabeth <?raddl'. " But it. shore is the spilin' 0' some . Collins IItJl'pointed C. C. account. . . 42; Elmer Collis, iood, $8.60; DDD . . nb'ated In IItlle .upr <~t.d tableta a DJ' of Ita horrid. fI,h,. \.ut.eor .01.11. ed to be off with a good start Address- Mr. Lester J~ Miller folk8. Jist little Annie Shon, Beckett Deputy Clerk of Coufts C~rles :'A~vl~ was apP.omte d Johnson & Johnson, lumber, $6.· without 1Ic00r," COI\ LIver on Tabl~ta~ they· ... The half endild with a lico~e of AdTdhreSS--ftReveren~ ~. C. Dil1ibert:.. fer instance •. Why, 'for she. anti said appointmlmt wa approv- gp~~:n~a:n~ file: b~n~ob~e,ot~~c~:O 89; G. R. Rossman & Co., food, called I 'Cod Liver 011 In T"b l .~", .lId e a ernoon session w con- of to some kInd of !)ew fangled ad 'th' 0 '1', $2.50; H. S. Conover. lamp, socket triID,17 work wond .... A little boy of I .....110 to 11 in favor 01 the local lads ~. llek••ot w,1I and aalned 10 ~ I"". In Alter the half, the score was ti sist ~f' . . school she was as sweet a little 'In the matter of the Little Mi. WI sureties. . . . . and cord, $1.70; People's Bldg. , . 011. . .oath. A alrl of ~hlrl en llf~r \.he .IoellM••• Ined a I"". \.he flnot week tlnd again and again Three members Muslc-Waynesvl11e High Schclol as there was in this yel" town." ami River Conservancy Di!ftrict ~d~a Chamberhn, admmlstratrlx Loan Co., feed, $187; Joe Fedders, •__ I• . ead> week aHer. A 'Dun&' mother who of ute Lebanon t~am and two mem Orc~estra. a momellt Pop Dill stops talk- created under corpo'r ate name , of 0 t. e ~state of Joseph A. Ch~m. feed, $6.55: Lebanon Farmers Co· _14 not Nt or ,I.." aCtor baby cama !rot ber - of the local team went out on Devotional&--~everend McCoy. to smoke and throw a keEn The Little Miami River Conserv. ~.erh~, decease~ft filed her apphca- operative Co., feed, $3.05; J. W. all her h61th ba.k tlnd pined 10 I"". In I... month. • at, his lishmcrs. His ancy Di ll'lct with its office and Ion 01" a certl eate of transfer. Lingo Hardware Co., tools, $21.75: thaD. fouls It was n tough battle The Address--Davld Wulf Anderson You .Impl, mun t..,. McCoY I at once. _ _ _ bar It J'QU don't Din .t l.ut alba. ot game' nded with a score of '21 to Music-Wayneaville Junior High . eyes demande~ and held prinCipal place of husiness at Leb- W~~i theMmctt~ of ~he. estate of E. B. Thirkield, & Sons Co., sewing Inn bealtbT fI ..b In a mont h •• L,.our n,o".,. 21 and then went. into th thrilling School Chorus. tentlOn. Peopl~ lIstened when anon. Director ILppointed were f tamk' c an ess, ~ceaBe d, sale materials, $188.42; M. E. Ros!!, P. ....... Demand and nt McCoT·.- the orll/lnaJ .nd •• ouln. Cod LlY.r 011 Tal.le'. over.time. In the last thirty Add~esS---John S: Moo~e. Pop Dill spo ke. Several in this Howard W. lvins fl)f 3 years Hugh 0 80C IS ordered. . . M., stamps. $50; E. B. Thirkield & pproved by Good BOII.ek ..... I•• seconds Conner made the finnl MU91C:-Waynesvllle High School lil;tle audience nodded in affirma· L. Nicho ls for 6 years and Myers .t~ed ~ray,. Sr., guardla.n of VIr- Sons Co., sewing material, $57; InlUtllta. Rer .... till l ..b.lltul8 In.l.t on the orlr' •• 1 MeCoy·.... basket anti Waynesville scored Orchestra. tion and Pop cOlltin~ed. Y. Goper for 7 )'ellrs. Court . in. gl d fiaml' mlllor, filed hiS second Kroker Grocery & Baking Co. food ___ there are none another victory. ~"1 recollect one time III t sum· structed directors to determine the an na account. $332.75; Griswold Bros., ' sewing ' Th6- lineups: Thi.a _cl That. of the Cr~ "?er when she was .h~me fer a vllca t of aid that can be secur d machines, $7.50: Mrs. Howard ~~~~~~~~~~~~~= In MiSll Carter's room the tlon, I was II scttm on the front from the United tates Govern. Marria.e LieeD... Sawyer, services, $7; Mrs. Helen Way. Leb. tollowing r eceived 100 in examina teps of the bakery·, smokin' an' ment at the earlic'st possible mo. Maurice Jeffery, farmer, of Ore· DoughmaD, services $7; James Boger, rlr ........ 0 Nixon, 1'1 ....... 2 tion: Virginia Roberts 100 in dream in'. you know, when ment. Also that the ' Clerk of gonia and Miss Thana Brown, . of Hopkins, tran portation, $25; Mra Ira Eltzl'oth, services, $5; l'IIrs. Conner, Ig ..... .2 Bailey, If ........ 7 Arithmetic and Spelling; E rwin she come along an' fell over my Court take no action in this mat. Clarksville. Burl Waye, mechanic, of Blue Maude Dear dotf, services, $7.50; LeMay, e ........ 0 Stratemeyer, c 2 Lewis 100 in Arithemetic; Wilma feet. Now do y"OU know, sb-e tel' under the provjsion~ of ection CO?k, rf ........ 14 Castleman, rg .. 4 t Dibert 100 in Spelling and English actually went half a block up the 6828 .7 01 the Ge,n eral Code of Ball and Miss Helen Albin, of Mrs. Lillie Urton, services, $10; pntry. If ...... .. 6 Orr, 19 ........ ......~ Evelyn Thompson, Ruth Me- street before she knew it! Then Ohio .until further order of court. Blue Ball. Carl Dakin, payroll, $189.10; H. -Earnhart, fr .. 1 · Benham, g .. .. 0 Keever; Robert Woolard Bnd she came hurrying back, lookin' In the case of 'rhe nion Sav.1 Louis Koel·ner. musician, 01 Leb L. Schuyler, payroll , $283.40: ·Hawke, c ...... 0 ·Cook, g ..... ..... 0 Wilma Foul 100 in S!)(!llIng. like someone who had jist woke ings Building and 1~08n Co. a corp anon, and Miss Claudine White, of' Johnson Myers, payroll, $86.40; Mm~r, f ..... ..... 0 1 In Miss Kelly'a room there are up." v rsus Jam s W. Hoppes,' et III, fice worker. of Lebanon. J oh n Myers, payroll, $156; Ohio - - six pupils aheent with cc>lds Bnd "Oh, Mr. Dill" she said-she judgment to the plaintiff from the R_I Euate Tr_.fer. Central Telephone Corp., rents, Charles P. Wilkerson to William various offices, $66.60; John Barr, Total .. I ....... .. 23Total ....... ,.. .. 21 1flu. We hope they will be back used to call me Pop like everyone defendant, James W. Hoppes Wil --substitutes 800n. doe~',' Oh, Mr. Dill," she said Ham Mushong and Ida Musdhong ~. Wilkerson •. 196 acres in Wash· payroll, $75 ; V. M. Armitage, pay Seven pupHs had perfect att.en· agal!'l' I am so·o·o sorry. I was in the ~um of $4900.67; also judg. mgton township. . roll, $74.25; Earl Basore, payroll, The second team made a better dence for the first halt of the looking at tile sunset and I didn't ment to the defelildant John H. Bert Saund ers to Maud Saun· $100.80; M. C. Foreman, payroll, Hoppes. from the letendants ders to A. Horner and Eudy Horn· $236.90; Herb Hoppe, food, $10.60 llD.r.U.L sbowin&, this week than they have year. There were eleven who bad see you." previously. They were defeated perfect attendance for this term. ·'Well, . I swan!" ejaculated James Hopt"es, William Mushon~ er, 145.~626 .cres in Salem town- Coyle Meat Market, food, $6; Ray One of Miu Camp~ll's pupils, of the audience "Yes sQr, and Ida Muschong' in. the sum ot jlhll). Swigert, food, $11: C. B. Cline, only eight points, the &core ~ing 15 to 2 8 . . Dorothy May Guy, ia absent fl'Clm just what she said," respond $700. . Mary F onta to Roy L. Hudson eiothing, $6.50; J. :0;. Hendricks, Malon wllJ .furnlsh the oppos~- school due to a broken wrist which ed Pop, enjoyin.g himself thorIn the case oI The Union Cen. nnd Martha Hudson, inlot No. 97 food, $52; G. R. Rossman " Co., . food, ,12.60; Wrigli s Market, tio.n for ~e hagh school boys thlll occurred during Christmas holi. oughly. "Then she t urned and tral Life Inauranct! Co. versus in Franklin. t Fridaf ~Jlght and a lively contest days. They hope she will lOOn be waved her hand toward the 8un- Anna Kern, et aI, judgment to Florence E. Gallaher t o J. Frank food, $6; W. H. McHenry, cloth· ~l.l~omls~d. The Rel~rveland the back with them. ' Isn'b it gorgeous.1 Just look at the plaintiff in the sum of Gallaher and Frances R. Gallaher, lng, $7; W . W. Cline, food, $28; _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \ Tho e in perfect attendance that one little fleecy cloud. floating $8302.47. 200 acres in Turtlecreek township Morris 6 &; 10 to $1 Store, Sup· 43 Y~ARS OF SERVICE Juruor High .team WIll also play. The game wlll be played here at for the first &emester were : around in all that golden light." In t he case of Martha Bess inger Wilson H. Berger and Lizzie C. plies, $7.71: Albaugh.Good Drug 'J the gym. Betty Lou Arthur, Edith Berren, "Well now. I thought that was versus Robert Bess;inger judgment Bereer to Frank Brandon, inlots Co., Jlupplies, $2.95; Schilling's • Doris FlreB, Eugene Brown, Junior right purty sunset myself so I up to the plaintiff. ' No. 787 and 788 in Franklin. Food Market, food, $'4.50; J. R. l-EBANON, OHIO SpOrblJll&DalUp BNt.barhOlOd Dasey, Thomas Florence, Clifford an' say: "Yes, m'um, it looks just _____ . Vesta Applegate to Frederick Coffman, food, $138 .60; Zeiger's The Sportsmanship Brotherhood Gray, and Mu Hay. like a nice diat 0' mashed potatoes New S 't Keller and Elizabeth Keller, inlot General Store. food, '19; Dr. R. We have a complete In Miss Day's room, Preda Ellis with butter oozing over them, now . '~.. . No. 62 in Maineville. M. Brewer, m~dic al services, $9; is having a meeting Thursday Watch Repair Sonice night, Januuy 17, at the school alld Dorothy Franer received all don't it? She turned and loeked The ~oard of E.duc~tl0!1' Leb· C. Oscar Clevenger and Lizzie Ruby VanRiper. food, $77: Prices Reasonable gymnasium. Anyone. who is in· A's On their -exami nations and at me as though. I'd ' cussed or anon Village ch?,;)1 DIstrict, ver· Clevenger to Bertha E. Stephenson Berger's Grocery. food, $4; Louis Beads Restrung tereded is invited to attend. Alton Earnhart and Opal Fields something and said: " Oh, Mr. Dill sus Hollmgsworth. et '81, real estate in Clearcreek township. Fred, clothing. $7.03; Elbert Wal Jewelry Repaired The provam will consist of. received A's in all subjects but how dreadful!" and turned and to qu~et tItle. . P. A. Kemper to Cat-I E. Wells, lace, food, $18; James V. Mulford "THE HOME OF GIFTS" rather a full -schedule. First there one, and they receive d 88 in that. nn. Now can you imagine that!" JOSle W. Grab~m vel' us MOTr!S inlots No. 229 and 230 in Franklin services, $3; D. Rl.lph Smith, food, Most of the children in the There was silence for a while S. Graham, for divorce. Charge is Carl E. Wells to ·Tom Tolley and $38.70; Great A. " P. Tea Co., will be a sonl' by the "Sports Group" and the regular busines$ Fourth grade have been getting then Pop said thoughtfully grc;: gle~t., B 'ld' L Ester Tolley, inlotll No. 229 and food , $241 .26; E. H. Gloecker food ;what was wrong . with . e eop e s Ul .It,lg! oan and 280 in Frankiln. -~----H"""--"U,lI"'r Grocery it Baking Co" . session will follow. Devotions are good grades. r" to be conducted by Frances WatTwenty.five children have not those potatoes!" -Ruth Penning- Saving: ~o'f versus Wtlham Brock· W. W. Whiteker, ancillary ad· food, $36.50; The Midland Grocery Ii e:Ollowe4 by a monologue pre· missed a day of school this term. ton, '35. m~n, ~ a ' l or mOtley, forec\~8ure, ministrator 0-£ W. M. Kissick, de. Co., food, $24; H. C. Hamilton '1 by Evelyn Peters• .Girls of Charles- Clark and Eugene Cc>p. • - • sa Ue ; Tea estat.e and eqUItable ceased, to A. and Eudy Homer, food, $94; Chas. J. Schwartz, food • • ~ squad will then aing a few pedge moved away. We ~re very · re ~'t d M'1l 146.0625 acr. es in Salem township. $84. '" to add harmony. Next on the sorry to have them go. Y 'k r TU e 1 I er versus J . E. Boar d of County Commillllioners - _ • ~ is a debate between sev· All the children seemed very or , appea . to S. Glen Worley, real estate in I 1mbers of the orpni~tion, happy when they came back from ----Morrow. I' - '. ~"ed: That girls are 'b etter the Christmas vacation. Som~ of On J 1 1836 tl Probat. COurt H. Zain Banta, administrator of .; ortsmanahip members than the ' girlll br!lught their Christmas apuary, , exac · y Robert J. Sha~han, executor of the estate of Lewis [w.• Banta, de. I ,4 oYII"; then an addrellll which is dolls to school. y .ra ago, there occurred an ~v~n the state of Eliza Shawhan, de- ceal5ed, to Albert H. and George 1) ~ given by Mrs. F. U. LeMay. The following have had perfect ~~~Ch probabli::o ~:nt IJ1lW h~~g ceas!ld. filed bis application :ror a Banta. real estate in Turtlecreek " 'l'be meeting' will be closed by a spelling grades for the last week' WI see repe~,' a was. e certificate of transfer. township. ,I session, directed by Ruth Salis Elizabeth Burnett, Jean HartA!ock: complete extinctIon of the national T)le following accounts w-ere apSt~lla Friend to Robert Friend, !l'Y and Robert Haines and the Marie Lamb Hele Hi . Ell debt. 'Every d~ll,:r the goveml)'lent prov ed, allowed and confirmed by 180.96 acres in Clearcreek town- 40 Se•• lo.a B_ide. E.t.-tainlDe.t . '"" ' , n sey, en owned was ' paid In full On that the court: . ship. . F_,,-- A,. IIII!'lI " happy New Year Day. . Ella Keys COOk, administratrix Hattie V. Ayere, deceased, to Phone 78J Sdted~lecI Andrew Jac~~on wa. PreSIdent. of t he Elstate of J . Milton Keys, de- Andrew Ayers, et aI, inlot. No. 16 He veaUy :feh~ltated . the co~ntry ceased. First. and 17 In Morrow. at large, and hl.r:n.self In p~~lculat' Ella Keys COOk, administratrix William J. Ayers, deceased, to Judging from the content of the upon this aUBpl~IOUS occ8810n. In of the estate ot Emma M. Keys, Carl C. Ayers, et ai, real estate in women's part in the twenty.third hill menage to ~ongress, I?ecember deceased. First. Morrow. annual Farmers' Week~ to be held 'IIOTARY PUBLIC 2, 1~34, he nul, f~reseemg a ~e· Jennie B. Bell and Margaret E. .Clarence Aye", et aI, to Irene at the Ohio State U~iversity Jan?UctlOll of the ?ubh~ burde~ arll!" Tucker, administratrices of the es- and Seeley K. Pierce, real estate in uary 28 to Februa . 1 the farm N.tie.aI Baair 109 from taxatIon gives to rndivl. tate of William R 'Crihfield Morrow h k h ' 1')', bI d I enterp ' . sed . • , . ' . omema er as is many pro ems Willa DraWl! . • E ...." Sfltle4 ua f b power ed. FI~st. VIvian A. Nixon to Irene and See to meet as the farm manager. . . hrlSet mclrlea .) an d urnls ell 0 a mem er8 0 t MarIe Rosnagle, administratrix ley K: Pierce, real estate in MorA full program occupies each WAYNEIVILL&. OHIO our happy confederacy new of the estate of Elizabeth Gilpin row d f th \v k d' 11 b t ' C~rl C Ayers to Irtrn and See- 4aOy 0 . e ee, ahnd In.lda • a ~u motives for patriotic affection and deceased First andl final support" .' . .. ' . ' .' . seSSlons are so e u e , ranglng POR SALE DATES CALL . ' . . Fleeman E. Wl11lamson, admm. ley:l'. Pierce, real eatate in Mor- from meetings of very personal in. Presently there was a sur:plu~, Ist~a.tor of t he ~s,ate Of. Caroline row; ' . tereat, luch as a foot cliniC, to dis«::on~ress ugeriy grabb~d It I, ~eceai3ed. FIrst, final Kanawha. Banking " Trust Co. cuasionl. of vocational and cultural and dls~rlb?ted it on the baSI!! of, and dlstrl~utJve. to J. N. ChrIstiansen, real eetate in Iguidance of children. repr,sentabon between the states. I H. E. Clrff was alPpointed to take Salem township. Mary S-wartl Rose the Columbia The agreement w~s that tht; Jltates ~e deposlti?n of Ivan C. Lucas, . Eliza Shawhan, deceased, ' to Univel1lity authority' in the field of were .to. return thIS money ID case WItness to wJlI of Josephine Barnes Benry D. Shawhan and Robert J. nutrition, is schedukd to speak on the natl~nal ·g overnment ever de· deceased. ~hawhan, Inlots No. 211 and 21' the aubject, "A Well-Nourish.d BilE ITAHUY manded It, but alnc . that day, 1887 The will of Lydia Keever, de· in Lebanon. America and Farm Prollperit)'," to this day no luch demand hUlc.eaaed was flIed in probate. Robert J. Shawhan, .. executor Wadnelday ~t a caneral ....ion for ..... lao. Hew OWe. been made. . . Irene Hender,olll was appohlted of tha estat. ot Eliza. Shawhan; de all Farmers' Week vi.lton tn ",a When Martin Van Buren 'suc- administratrix of the e.tate of ceued to Paul M. and Rowena UniV'traity C~apel. ·EARL KOOOUR ceeded Jackson in the Preslden~y Otto Henderson, dEkleaHd and 1Ued Turner. inlots No. lUI and 2lt In Evenlna entertainmentl have Da71_ Plut. . he, too, worried over a surplus, bond ot $800 with suretie •. V(. E. Lebanon. been uraneed lar&'t!ly with the not, a8 mieht be 8u.PPoled, because St~oud, S. S. Ellie a~d Amos FairPeter · B. Cleaver, dece..ed, to wome-folks In mind, accordiq to KE. . . . . .U · tlte people were being o.verly taxed chlld were appoin1ted appraisers. Florence B. Shidaker, U6.62 acres GeoJ'Ire B. Orane, aaelatant director but becau~e he feared It would bel Emma L. DiU, «ixecutrlx of the !n Maute toWlllhip and real ~tate of the Alrl'lcultural Extension ler. a temptatIon f.or Congrs8 to spend Emma L. 011, executrix of the 10 Harveysbuq. vice and &'Gnual chairman of the it in foolish ways. In his message estate of LafayettA~ Dill, deceased, Frank C Cleaver, to prorram committee. . he solemnly warned Congress not flied her inventof")'. Martha J. Cleaver and Those who Uke lnatrumental to make itself ridiculous in any Martha J. C1 ..V'er, .e xecutrix of Cleaver, 33.76 acrea in Ma..te muale, drama, old-tashioned. duc. FOR SALE s~ch fashion. He had ~o sympathy the eatate of Fran~: C. Cleaver, de- township.. ine and folk lonp will find ~he With Alexander Hamllton's idea ceased, filed her bet and final ac. The People's BUilding Loan and evening prOlrrBma much t their that!l national debt. was a national count. Savinrs Co. to Marion T. Brant, liking, h4J says. 0 FOR SALE-1927 Ford Truck. blesSing, That, to hun, was funda· Dean E. Stanley', trustee of the 103.09 acres In Clearereek town. • _ • Ernest Butterworth: . j17 mentally wrong. But he found a trust cre'ated . by nem Iv of the ship. . surplus offered troubles of. its own will .of Walter W. Vorhis, deceased Howard A. Will ·to Alice Garrl- ~JDOD. Barbwr)' .....1 Kia.... FOB SAIlE-3 Bronze GobbleR, 3 son O'Grady, 68.50 acrea in Waah. . lVoline .hena. Cllfr Burnett, WayBoth Jackllon and Van Buren filed his fourth acc:ount. were Democrate of purest ray The will of Irmll W: Beach, de. ington townahip. ApproXImately 222,000 .common nelville and Lytle Road. . serene. Jeff~rson was their ceased, was filed il~ probate. Ctyqe L. Cleaver to Florence B. barberry ,bUlh.. and FOR SALE-250. Incubator' political prophet. They believed in In re estate of M:yer Bymu, de· Shldaker, 156.62 acre. in Ma.. te deatzoyed Dn 1000 cblck Br~~e . B V" bothering the people with as small ceased, JeNie . Hyman, ezecutrlx, township. , 88 Ohio co~tl.... I ac· Smith W vio. Oh!' .jio.. ta..zes alld a8 few laws as pOlllible. was given authorit;y to continue Clint Cleaver to Florence Shid- cordin&, to the ca report of ' aynes , 10. 17 Every mu, they thourht, should the businesa for 3 montha. aker, 1&6.62 acres in Maaaie Harry< Atwood, fed_ a,ent in FOR SAL&-About • Toni Loose be free to work out hi8 own destiny In the matter o.f the estate of ahip. cha,... of eradication of this . Mixed B., for ..I, eh_Pl or Truly their successor in the Lafayette Dill, dell:eaBed sale of Jane Cleaver, deceued, to rullt-tlpreadin, shrub. will trade it tor clover aeed. 1 V White RouBe, in 19a~, as he turns property ordered. ' Cleaver, et al, real estate in B.,.. • - • Hartsock, WaJDeaville, 01110. 'jl'; back the p&eel of hIstory to the Alton F. vey.burg. Mo...... E • ...-u..... year 1886, m118t sigh to think how the estate of _ SALE-Nice Un. of Wa&ta \ times "have ehanred. And aU the ceased, ftJed hla Dlapute atlU and Kitch. ltoU Wued , . , . people liah ~lth htm.-Cinc\nnati trlbutlve account. .m. AU~ efBclency ot a dllet for gd paper aapldu.. New 8IMrir.... Enquirer. In the matter LebUloli lee 6 Coal Co., fuel, moisture. I:xpertm,ntl at . .tlOIl..,.. 18 Ib",* _ If . .. --_. - Edwin Walke" ,2.60; Dr. Lenr, medical aenfaet, S. U. indicate lach • mulch .,.1.".. for 10 . . . . at "1'IMI ..... . . ,Eastern potato 1P'0wera are re- compensatton $11.21; E. B. Thlrldeld 6 So..- Co on haa., IOU. that tllId to G...... 0-... questiDI thst potatoea be made a ~. HuclaoD clothlnc, 8a.9(; Barry It Itacbaan and crack bailly, aDd .-~-~.U;;iii~~~~· basic commodlt,. und... tile Fum Icea aDd C. ..r9Icea. ,1'1; IIeOetcIatn·. PIlar- on black 100. that .... "';[.1111"'. Act 10 that a ProdUC!tlO1l Dr. Iq. I.....--=-""!"'"""'P.~~~ be orked hla . . . bel


School High Spots




















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Centerville, Ohio


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Stanley , Koogler

Quality Prlatlal

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J. . . .

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.- --. - -- --- DAIRYMEN TO ATTACK


Sp.akartl In the pt"Oaram Inal••• Warden Eu~ne McConnaughey to tail lIales tax from .... '"" .....V 21 to A. H. Lauterbach, chief of that Anthony Pfarr, IItate curator of June 30, 1936. dairy section of tlIe AAA, C. Q. pupils In rare animal!!, at Marysville, it was each of the 1,24 M!'Bride, socretary of the Ohio be backed announced by Conservation CQm- Ohiu public schoo ISSUED EVERY THlJRSDA Y Milk Commission, E. R. QuackendUrin~ the millsioner William H. Reinhart, to by $4.35 Qf state bush, secretary of t.h eCleveland woom reports of the capture were six month period. D. L CRANE I I P"U"'_I S •••criptlo. Price, '1.10 a Y. ., made. Dairy ouncil, N~i1 Baker, manOtic. P"e ..... .. ....... ......N •• 111 Enter.. a at Po.tottle. at Wa,n..• ager of th Fairmont Creamery Heald. Informal'io.a Roeitieae. ..... :..... .... ......... No. 118 ville. Obi". a~:::4 CI ... Ibll D.airy InterelU To Meet In Joint Company or Columbus, A. J. A memorial tablet to Dr. Charles It. eems rather odd, comments Standing in the twilight My Savior I can se&i Glover, editol' of Hoard's DairyOliver Probst, who is termed the the Ohio Health News, that Ohio Se.. ion at Farmer.· man and J. R. Smart, secretary of "father of pUblic health in Ohio," physicillll$ report fewe:r cases at In the purple shadows JANUAR.Y 17, 1934 Looking down at me. th e Scioto Va)ley Milk Producera' has been placed permanently in pneumonia than the undertakel'l! Association. the reception room of the State , report deaths from the same cause the peace and beauty my Ohio dairyme n plan a fresh at~ Each of the speakf'ra \188 ~en Department <Jf Health, on the Pneumonia, which in .1933 took I feel Of His love flow through 1 tack on their problems at Farmers' , asked to tell how his organi~atlon floor of thE' new state 4019 lives in Ohio, claused 4066 soul, Week at the Ohio tnte University , can aId .Ill arrlvang at a s?luhon. of ~g .. The ta~let is of deoths in the state durl.nrr the first He tells me of the morning Government fil)anc s should be regarded precisely as individual Columbus January 28 to Febrti- the dalry problems WhICh, Wlth It IS 0 duphcate of the nine month!; of 1934. These figures Wher' lile, like rivers roll. financial problems; ary 1. '. \riSin g feed costs and not so-quick one was dedioated at the. apply to 01\ forms of pneumonia, All the dairy organizations of ~i RinlF milk and butterfat pri~es, When an individual spends more than he earns, he becomes in- State Sanatorium in Mt. Vernon but do not include deaths from In His holy presence the state have had a hand in pre- IS. saJd to be one of the. leadlDg solv nt. He loses his sources of credit. He lOBes something even more last October ~t the celebration of influenza with pneumonic complica 1 feel so greatly blessed, paring a program for Wedn sday ?llemmas faced by an agricultural valuable-the confidence and faith of others. He eventually goes the 25th anmversary of the offi- tions. He holds His pierced hand out to cial opening of that institution. of the farm week, which brings to mdustry. bankrupt. me . gether producers, th i r organizaCi.aret Tall: And deeply, I'm impressed. The 8it~atlon is no different when it comes to government, except A new gaver was needed when tions, distributors, the Ohio Milk In many place~ in Ohio alfaUa that Its credIt sources ar greater It can stave off the day of reckoning Lieutenant Governor Harold G. Ohio cigaret smoker" contributCommission, the dniry section of has used practically all of the longer. It can perform financial slight.of·hand through triclt book Mosier of Cleveland took ovel' hiB ed $4,907,701 t o support public He is like the dawn of morning the AAA, and others, for a joint available moisture to a (I epth of 7 He is like a golden ray, keeping that will serve to obscure actual facts for a time. But even- duties as presiding officer of the schools in 193~, or alm~st $714, discussion of the dairy problem. or feet. His smile so full of brightness tually extravngences overtake even government as they ' do the indivi- senate this week. A "breakin 000 more than In the p~evlou~ year . llluminates my way. point" came a few days ago wne;' Total amount exacted hom clgaret ____ 0 _ ...- - -dual. Insolvency inevitably results from failure to balance outgO with to punctuate a motio I r I ' users last year through the tax of !ncorne.. t . . no . a( Journ 2 cents on each packlige of 20 lieutenant c· eta $ $5 447 641'7 It IS a common fallacy that ·th re is no end to the taxing power of men, the retiring governor, Charles Sawyer, of Igar wa , , . government--that it has a limitleBS source of income. But when taxes Cincinnati J who has presided over ... ~ ... - - soar money goes into hiding. It i destroyed through business failures Benat~ for the past tW() years, dLlt and shut-downs. Propert)' is taken over by states and municipalities. the banged hlB gavel So hard that it E,IJ lndu ttial developments stops, investments are curtailed. Men are thrown out of work and are unable to find other jobs, Government has broke. Patrolman, Two Mil •• Awa'l, the power to tax- but that is a worthless power indeed when there is Abolition of the office of county nothing to tax. G.ts 1I00·Mil. Call in coroner, the merg r of the offices The American governmental units are not bankrupt. The chances of county treaBUI'er and auditor Fiv. Minute. are they will never be. But the only way to remain so lvent's to live and the merger of the offices of county clerk and recorder are inCongressman Lea o:f California within income_both as individuals ytd as economic. entities. The inPatrolman George Adams of the stitution do s not exist that can go on forever spending more than it cluded in the recommendations has again ottered his l'l!solution to Ohio Highway Patrol at Bridgeport which will be made to the legiplaamend our Constitutiol~ by providearns. t~re by the Governor's Commie- ing for direct election ,of President recently answered a call in five minutes Blon on County Government, ac- .and Vice President in accordance which traveled 400 miles to reach him. An accident occllrred at Dille Botcording to reports. It was said that with the popular vote. The electral the commission will advocate four college is an archaic institution. tom. near Bridgeport. and the Ohio year terms for county sheriff, Of course, the President and Vice patrol radio station al Ma!sillon ..... as Mo t urban residents probably still think of the American farmer prosecutor and treasurer. President should be elected by out 01 commission. TI,e call for help 8S an ea y-going fellow, with little knowledge of or interest in business direct vote instead ,o f by the was telephoned to Bridgeport. then practices and methods, who lives fl'om the land and doesn't involve Hurlbut S. Jacoby of Cleveland unique method devised more than to Steubellyille. where it was relayed himself in financial statements or bookkeeping systems. has been named director of indus- one hundred and fifty years ago by telephone 200 miles to the patrol That picture is rapidly 10 in'g' verisimilitude. The Farm Credit trial research at Ohio State Uni- for thirteen orphan colonies. radio station at Findlay. The Findlay station broadcast the) Administration recently announced that over a million farmers, dllring versity. He will offlcial1y represent Times haVe changed. If George call which was picked up by Patrolthe pa t year and Jl half, turned in complete financial statements when all university departments which Washington and Thomas Jefferson man Adams, who rushed to the acciwould ari e from t~eir graves they research of ~n industdal nature do applying for loans. And, according to the Dairymen'S League News, dent scene only two miles distant. at I ast a million more farmers kept such records for other reasonl\. but. will have a particularly close would not know this .,country, yet ELAY" Jones, switchman lay emphatically "out in the cold we still wear the sanne political Busine 9 methods ars as much a part of the operation of a modern connection with the Engineering for The Ohio Bell Tele- again." Experiment Station, and will cloak- tom, tattered and outfarm as 01 a factory. phone Company at DayAfter a diligent search Relay distravel extensively to meet execu- moded as it is in many paticulars. This is representative of a great evolutionary period in agricul- tives of industry who have prob- The electoral college should be covered one small window unlocked. tOO, 0., isn't particularly sentimental Thinking that by this time the cold In the more than one-hal! miltural history, which began ten or fifteen years ago, and is gathering lems that may he solved by investi placed on the sorap heap along mOl1lentum stiJI. The up-to-date farmer realizes that economics, gation and experimentation at with stage coaches, 'tAllow dips, lion acrel of orange orchards in but nery time he hears the plaintive had. contracted him sufficiently. he ut cups and flintlock the United States, 88 per cent ·of strains of i'O il1 the Cold Again" pU$hed into the aperture head-first. mllstache finance, monetary problems, tariff' legislation and similar matters ~xert Ohio State. an icy shiver leaps up and down his t he couldl1·t make it. So he de- \ the trees are 01 bearine age. Promusk ts. a vital infiuence on hi own personal af'l'airs. He is studying and learnspine. cided to cast off extra baggage. 0/1.. duction now averages about 48 Important events scheduled for ' ing, and he is ke~ping book. Where his fllther may have gone for million bo;tCes a y~ar, but the The lover's lament invariably re- camc his overcoat. Still he couldn"e A y arB without knowing whether he was making money or losing it, he the state capital in the immediate future include: The 1U'ty-second Congressma.n 'Y m . A. .shbrook, 1934-1935 crop, estimated at 67 calls to Relay a winterish. night not make the squeeze. Off came his coaL, knows precisely how his farm is going. annual meeting of the Ohio State of the 1 :th DistrIct, ~'ho IS one of million boxes, is the largest on so long ago when he unexpectedly Another try - the belt of his trouser. The influence of cooperative a sociation s has been particularly . t· the eldel statesmen oJ the Rouse, record. joined the hack-to-nature movcment. h~\lght on the window latch. Off came Veterinary Medic a I Assocla lon, t d b F' 1 G 'th potent in developing farnl management along these lines. The co-ops, at the Deshler-Wallick • 15 trousers. ----.~~Hotel, Jan- was accos e y In ey rar, WI It happened that Relay went out. of And there posed the amateur house by bringing 8pecializ dknowledge and sound methods to the adminis- uary 16 and 17; the second annuad~hom he erved I,n Congresa NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT the Randolph-Taylor tclephone build- . breaker, half in the building and half trillion of farm problems, ha-.:e made great progres&-and individual Ohio Crime Conference, on Jan_lfour:teen years ago. ing, where he was on duty alone, to out of it. His one consolation was uary 17; the convention of the Co~gressman Ashblrook was at farmers are following the lead. . Estate of Otho Hendersoll, de- inhale a )ul\g-full of crisp night air. that the half tlut waved an adi~u to Ohio Chiropodists Association, at tbe. tIme a bach~lor. The other day Quietly the door slipped shut. The the public was properly, though scantthe Neil House, January 20 an4 hte h"~tr~?fuced dhlsfi fornlh~~lrdco))eague ceased. 21; and the first annual meeting .0 IS WI an ve CI 1 ren, rang Notice is he"eby given that Irene night lock wu set and there wu Re- ily, clad. of livestock producers of Ohio, I mg ~;om t~elv~ to four years. of Henderson whose Post Office AdWest V' <PI. · d age. Well, Bald Gray, surveymg dress 'is Waynesvi\1e, Ohio, has Ind1·ana , an th I'ttl A hb k" h ' Pennsylvania, at the Southern e I e s. roo~, YOII aven t been duly appointed AdministraThe Ohi. State University Radio Station-WOSU Hotel February 13 been exactly Idle Slll~~e I saw you trix of the Estate of Otho Henderson late of Warren County. Ohio, ' . last." 8 :00 Music deceased. 8 :05 Kossuth, Hungarian Patriot, Ohio's Guest ............ H. E. Eswine The annual report of E. G, Dated this 2nd day of January Customarily a Congressman chief enforcement 8 :15 Opportunlti~8 of a 4·H Advisor O. C. Croy and Ml'II. Olive Walker Matthews, 1934. ~ :25 Music officer for the Ohio Department of compelled to absent Ihimself from .R ALPH H. CAREY 8:35 Home Sweet Home ,.... . .. ............... ' " . ....... WOSU Players Liquor Control, showed that the the floor of the House because of Judge of the Probate- Court, 8:50 Get the Facts at Farmers' Week ...... ....... .. .. .... Ge~rge B. Crane state and local subdivisions collect illness or urgent . btlsiness, asks Warren County, Ohio 9 :OOWomen's Part in Farmers' Week .......... .... .... ..'........... Adele Koch ~.d nearly $200,000 in fines from and secures a leave ott absence. . Congressman John Rankin pull- J 10-17-24 9 :l() Music · . I • I . ed II new one, securiDlg a leave ' of 9 :26 Heredity In Modern Llfe ...... -r·· ..... · ............................ 1.. A. SnyderI W h'l5k ey, a ICOnu, L_I b eer an dWlne ' absence "on accoun·t of being . ... ~ h' 9:85 Getting the Most Out of Your Sewmg lILAC me .. ·.... .... · ...... d.... were destroyed by Mr. Matthews' called to Jackson, Mississippi, to ........... ... .... ............. .. .... .Mr. and Mn.R. D. 13ar en agents during the period, accord- help in the struggh~ now beine waged to rescue the people of that 9 :45 New V",rieties of Vegetables ............... ... ............... ,H. D. Brown ing. to the report city from the raval,ea of the Power Trust."



The Reward For Extravagance

Stral" from

AID BROUGHT FAST Tight Window Cools Relay's BY PHONE, RADIO Passion for Winter Climes


Bookkeeping On The Farm



Farm lvi,ht lalhs, January 21


~~~~:.!~~ o;i~:li~~~ ~~ i~::!i

. _...----

Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol CQLUMBUS-Ohio's new chief executive, Govemor Martin L. Davey of Kent, assumed the highe t office of the state and thereby became Ohio's' guiding genius for the next two years, at impresaive high noon ceremonies Monday. In his inaugural address, Governor Davey pointed out . that he was fully cognizant of the (lrC1!t and siPlflcant reeponsibilities which confront him aa the chosen leader of the people of Obio. In the

I Winter Safety

afternoon of the inauguration, Governor Davey ereeted a multitude of well-wishel'l! at a public reception in the rotunda of the State House. And Tueaday moming the governor appeared at the executive ~ftleeB in the Capitol building to tab over actively the affairs of ltate.

Capitol Cross Road Chatter

$.,263,853 For Farme-:. Total of $1,263,853 was paid as the second installment to Ohio farm'e rs cooperating with the Agrl cultural Adjustment Administration's program.

Two gorgeous eolden ea,lea, seldom seen, 'Were captured lut week in Hia'hland county and were Ihipped by Deputy Game















{ialWUII.;I - ---------.

, wt're &hopplng in Lebanon I..t SlIturda)' afternoon. • K. E. Thump on who h .. been Georr:e W. Da is i s p e l l d m g . this ('~k . II ith ~I.tive~ aud t confined to ~lS home tor the past. trit'~d In [)lind\.. I two wceks w.lth a . h.eavy cold is no I\f OpAl k~r th and brother b tt.:r at lh~. wTltfng. Our ne-w Sunday choo.l office';! E'!leJlf., .and Minter HUrtnn, of hv B1'8n('h, atLende~ church ut Bre: :l11l~1 T rry and EdIth Davl~ Creen Briar I st at urdny \'I~ ning pianh;ts; Howard McKay. superin· Mr . Ed.i th Davia anl! family tcndent; Roger Bvi. librarian; == _~~=:=::~, =-:~--~~~~_:==~=:=::============

Beech Grove

Robert Davia and Mary Kathlee-n Thompson, 8ecretaries, and Glenn Davis, trellllurer. Henry Moora lost on of his best mules lut w ilk. It got fasten d in the fenCe and hung itself. Mr. lark, of n ar the church has sold his fin tuum of IP'oy horses to Shermon Ferris ot lIear Olive Branch. R. J . M;urray sold a fine yearling colt one day last week to :Mr. Peterson of Xenia. :-----------------------~ Mrs. Fred Williams and little '!II.. daughter of near O'regonia att nd l , ~ i d church here last Sunday even· 100 Ib bag nil'. The Mountjoy family spent Sun· day with J essey Jenkins and 3 Ibs. family. Eli Reynolds of Olive Branch, lost one of his best horses one 2lbs . . day last week The McKay families and Mrs. Avondale Mabel Terry spent Thursday in 24 lb. sack Day to n with W. M. Th 0 [11 p on. Marjorie Davis and Donald Country Club 24 lb. sack McKay aTe the out grip. of school this week with Misses Mayfrey and Modena Jack Frost Powell, Eddy Wells and · Carl 26 lb. Judd were Friday evening callers Beet Sugar at th~ home 'Of Miss Grace Jonea 25 lb. near Harveysburg.

TWO LlGHT.WEIGHT Subacrlbe tor The Jllaml GARMENTS ARE WARMER A ten·yenr comparitlon (If profits from leghorns and heavy breeds of chick n , made in Ohio, slightly favors the henvy breads as income earners. Avc:rage labor income per bird was $1.55 for the leghorn, and 1.62 f()r the heavy bN!eds.



Jewel Coffee Flour Sale


$S.S6 $1.19

Egg Mash Scratch Feed

100 Ibs. 100 Ibs.




PllbUc Enemy No,. 1 I.s no more cluaeeroua than the feckless ddver .lao thinka that tille roads were blJUt fol' him alone.. Thia Js one of a Safety Series ~eaaed by Gov. 'White throuio o. W. Merrell, Director of Hi~h".,..






~~:::~::~~a:::_1~~:::::±Ds~ I _____il.__l!t~


About 125,000 farmers have borrowed from local production credit a88ociatlons of the FCA. Loans passed the 100,000,000 dollar mark this December. About half of this credit has been extend ed since June. An additional $8.500,000, from unexpended government cattle rchsse funds, waa allocated last to the most critically-situated drouth states, purchases, of cattle for relief purpOBes were begun immediately.


DR. H. E. HATHAWAY Dentist

The ' Memory Picture

X'RAY WORK BLOC ANESTHESIA All KiDd. of Deature. Made Repair Work Done Quickl,.

In our funernl home everything is planned to provide a beautiful setting for the last farewell Years of scientific progress and long experience in the Ilrt of arranging details are be· hind the skilled ministra· tions that I&nd to the loved one the natural app arance of peacdul leep that is so comforting to those who remain behind. We feel that our greatest privilege and . duty is to make this memory picture on that will be forever cherished for its beauty and consolation.

~ain St.



Theater Wayne••llle, TIM McCOY in

Pbone 7

"Square Shooter"

Waynesville, Ohio


Unquestioned durability B,n d exquisite desiign -the ~he:st ideals in plated ware-are assured in lpoons, [odt!. and fancy serving pieces bearing the renowned tirade marl


Fri.-Sat.-Jan. 18-1'

J. E. McClure ,



Sun.-MOn.-J .... 20--21




"Judge Priest"


M_'. Suita, 650

Enough laughs to make your

Ladi••• Dr",•• "", 70c Quick-for quality dryol.aninlr

head spi n I




Last Home Gomes

There alf'e various makes of .i1verpl.ed tableware 'which are IClaimed to be "just . at good," but, like all


~ta~m, !lb~y lac~. the beauty. an~ weari~__qualitr, identified Wllththeofl8U1al and genwne !.HI R06ERSBIOS.

H. S.

- vs-

ware popularly knoWn as ••$iJ".r PlatiiTia, W lars.·· '~ - SOld by leading dealers everywhere. Send for catalogue .. G_Lt. showing all designs. . aliEN BRl1rAMNIA CO.. rl'"....A~~~..·IIO.. leriIIeI. c...



Otterbein Hi

Maaon Hi -Jr. Hi,b ... Bl_ Ball

Jr. Hi n. OtterlMia


You Are lavlted TO TRY A CUP of OUR ·FAMOUS 1M E RR ITT C' 0 F FEE at Our Store Friday (I . Saturday


the I F••t ••t Winter Shrt en R.cord I I

,. ,- M.. Nt,

~" -



WH,ITI 1011- ...., tItM, ' • .,

A ,Beautiful Gift Will Be Given To The tucky Name Selected .On Saturday Night, 8 P. M.


fo, a I"hllll•• wtert e................. pow., that t.rtII ..try . .lICe of .....,

1'''' ....

i ... woe . .lit to

.Ii•• r - for c......, .petk

See/tIn Our Window

....., IMrhct ca..........n, ......., ..... _tIeR . ,_4 . . . . to tltrfll ................. Fer W... . I"OIIOM, to ctd yeti, . . . . . . . . 0 ..4 011 Wilt i. twe ...... put WHITE ROSE ... 1M .... ta .. k . . . IAHTICAIIO i.. tit. c.....kce... You will w.4 ... . ,combination .v.rythi... theli blcre.ling ......a . . 'o f My it i. - "th. Hne.t W'nter ~mi... COIIIbi ..ation in the world, Ita, nonel" •••• MaN Milft pe' taliOll, rnor.....11•• pe' lIIiI., III...., ...t4 Oft .v.ry journey with. , Pow.r fro .. WHITI 1011








1 lb.



to be used in the demonstration.

* . * * The Cincinnati Oil Work. Co~

24i Ib .76

..12i lit .39 J~

D Fine Granulated .t'l.n. 25 I b bal


POTATOES Buy in Quantity



100 Ib


and Save: Tax




This eomplete "Pyrofax" Cabinet and "MaBie Cher' Gal RaD~e ean be had for the fir.t time ··f or Only $69.95 . In.tall~' Complete. The Ne.w Range Ha. 1 2 3 4 6

Fully losulated Oven . Full Porc• .Enameled Finlih Choice of Three Colol'l AutomatIc Reculator. Full Size ..ron.-

~ Fun UI·ID. Own

'1 Foor Cookin, BurDel'l 8 E •• y CI.... Tra, 9 18 IIODtIIa Rental Plan at oal, ,8.e7 Per Month

See 7l1e.Blue flame olPyrola% By P. E. Say.e...IE Son,Blancba.te,r, O.


There fa. tendency for the peak in en pric.. to come a little ear· . lIer each JMI'. Not many Jears aro the peak ... reacbed In December UId Ja"uur. Now it II reached aboat the latter part of Ooto\er or In No,ember.



You Will be Served at · this Store

e19 MERRIll FLOUR, the kind


Deal.... in W;remlle and Herve uri


Merritt Coffee

,W inter . Driving Comf~rt! •••• n. .... I. 0 WHIT. lOSE deal., in your,h.... Yolli wiH Ilk.

friendly, .xpert ..rvi. . . . . . DC•• I..

of The New Pyrofax Ga. RaDge . to be Offered Special at

SPECIAL Friday & Sa'turday ONLY,

all4l LubricotlOil by ANTICARIO to .uo,...~ ,...


Special Showing


:u:::: Eighty-Seventh Year






Whole Number 6154



NAMED HEAlL OF Warren county l'e cive d $28, SHIPMENT Of fiSH tribution 644.00 the l gcneral dis- HOUSING COMMITTEE · of 1935 a uto license


The WaYIlI.'!;villc llli IJa"kC't lJull At the regulllr meeting ot Leam will Illf'(·t th(, Ro"s Town ~hip, £1'om fir Wayne Towns hip' Mothers' lUh, G.' 'c n count~. tellm Fl'i,lny night, ~rhich will b held at the Grade J~nua ry 25, 'hl' IU:l t lr(JIllC gallic building, Friday, February I, a A number of pcr~o n s , aw th~ m ne~·. officia l fi gures submitted Warren counly will have a prc:si o Lhe l'US, n. by Registrar Frank W(!st of the sixth gl'ade pupil will have charge cat' on of orthern Pike sent by Motor Vohicles Bureau' shuws. Tht! ~l\n\o.' whit:h w a:; "cht'dult'll of the, devotionals and pupils of dent's birthday ball in Mem orial \Iith Oil , rl l'in 1\1l ~ CllnCl'led. Ever tt T homas to his parents Mt' Seventy·two pel·cent of lic (>nse the fifth alld sixth grades will hall and Elk's hall, Leban on, Wedfees collected in th county, and Z"in Armila.o. of lAbanms Will aOLI Mrs. F. ' E. Thoma.. Everett n esday night, Jan uary 30. There Majorit), Hold An:Ilual Meetioca, furni h the program. Th&- speaker also t he statutory five per cent for the afternoon wi\1 be M r_ will be dancing and cards and tho direct Warren Count)' is ut pre cnt located at Roche· equalization fund of $6,000 were Some Sponaor Educational I)ean Stanley of Lebanon. There charge will b $1.00 a couple. If U t Jr N. Y. and ,is ('onneeted with I'etur'ned to the county. Project should be a good attendance. a s Procram . lh' Delco Applianc e orporation, d esired lunch can be bought. This ' Following i th amount rec ivthis meeting is , certain to be very celebration is to be II county a/l',.i,. ya('~~:.ilio,n he has held for severa l cd by the various districts of reg Zain Armitage, supply dealer interesting. istration in Wart' n county. and' the committee on arrange· The fi sh were taken Crom When the Oh\O I SUIte University J<' ranklin, $1,000; Hal'v'e ys burg, and contractor of Lebanon has ments compo es S. 111. Ma!lg, () ( op ns its door$ Monday, January Foster, Tom Riley , of Frankl in, G. -- _-, ~1('ndon P onds through the ice and $75; Lebanon, L,875; Mason, been named chairman of a commit At th turn of th,p year , tock. live' on minnows !Ind young ducks $250; Morrow, $225; 28, it will be host to about 25 Pleasant t e to be formed 101' the purpoee H. Townsl y, A, B. Kauffman, Mrs a f corn, W h 'ot IInu oat!> were in the summer time. The watcr is FtJlte farm organi~ations. , About Plain, $25; South Lebanoll , $75 ; of promoting the lederal housi"g Ed. Blair and Mrs. C. B. Dechant. I h I I' smll ler' t an t 1 usual upp r ~s on very deep at this plac e and the SpringboJ'O, $175; Waynesville, project in Le banon and surroundthat many ass.ociation s no holding Everyone is \Jrged t o take psr·t "an" L ,J ' 1 Ilcc ord· b(lttom is covered with sea \V ed . at t hl' JiII'H 0 ( ' ,1\1>1'1, their state annual me lings a ounly, $ 19,6 19; 51e ing communities of Warren county veral ing to the m onthly S\Jfvey of A littl item in the Rochester N. • 225; in this most worthy cau e. Mr. Al'mitagc was selected to head pllrt of · Farmers' Week or are percent of the proceeds of the agricultural conditions relea cd by y , unday J ourna l with a photo Equaliza tion Fund, $5,000. the committee by the chamber of sponsoring a special educational birthday ball will remain in War· Oh ' . , I 10 ,tate mver Ity rura ccon- lnk n or the largest fi h r ads as pr ogl'8m_ commerce. ren county to be used for treat- mists. follo",s: Organizations taking part in the An exec utive committee and ment of infantile paralysis; th e ondili u n~ would be extremel y Th e photographer didn't' have to l1ro~ram include the Ohi o Farm eth r committee heads will be Mis Doris Rawke was In Da _I r emaining thi~ty percent will be serious WCI'C not lives.tock numbel's say "smile pl ease" when 13 year Bureau Federation. which is arnamed within the next 10 days and y sent to Washmgton , D. C" to go I ranging a special program for ton, Wednesday. into a commission of research to g!'Cat y redu cd by fhe AAA corn old Bob Ferri s of Fairport, held it is believed that a working orhog prl)gram and ltIel'gency P U1'- U I) the biggest catch of the fil'st Tuesday. the Ohio Srow Grange, ganization will be effected by Pat Hopkin s is in the .CCC find a way for destroying the g I'm ch8 ~e (If 'uW' in tho more sevel'e da y'" ic fi shing in Mendon Ponds which is concentrating its proFebruary 1. of the dis ase. Iy aIr 'cled d r'o ulh all'CUS, the rc- Pal'k, taken by Everett M. gram on Friday, t he Ohio camp at Fort Knox, Ky. M. E. Corotis, of Columbus, Ticket. may be procured from a port rvea ls, Thomas and laud e.E. Netzley. Association, the Dairymen'S executive assistant to the director The ~h ortap'e of bay and gl'ain - -- _ - -0---Born- To Mr. and Mrs. John local committee to be appointed Future Farmers of America, the for the southern district of Ohio supplies has already !been I' ft cterl l 4H clubs, and the Dairy Produc- Stansberry, Saturday, January 19, within a few days. under th.e Ced eral housing adminisa lSon. 0 in mil\( prvduction. hOl·t ra tions ea ers' Council. Mrs. A . I< , ay is very ill. tration explained the plan ' to for cows 1'0 ulled in a lower There will be plenty of feasting eWI e Ir aVCl'oge milk production per COIV John 'R, Weaver has b en a • bu iness men, building supply Mr. and Mr . Poul Hauk, ,of Farmer' Week. A t least half of dealers and bankers. Plans were victim tl f the grip. Wednesday, for this month than Iol' any January the associations hold banqu til Piqua, left mode at lhat time to sponsor a sinc~ records were : f hst gathered Miami, Fla. some tim during the week. During the past week several Mr . Rowena Zartman, of Xenia campaign here. ----in 1U24. With the number of pi eces of real estate have changed wa ' the guest of Mrs. Oliver Davis The Lebanon district will include Mrs. W. E. O'Neall, of Orlando, d 'k I Fla., is visiting relatives and The I lewilde Birth!lay club met mIl · COl R r (uced -t to f) pel' cen t, ownership. Announcement was on Saturda y. aU of Warren county except friends here. a.t the pleasant home of Mr. and lh ll total daily milk flow is os· ~nade last week of the purchase by Mrs. L. C. St. John on Thursday, timllted to be dOlVn 9 01' 10 P l' James Gibbon~, of the I. O. O. F., Ml·S. . M. Robitzel' and Mrs. Franklin and Springboro. Plans Dayton are under way to establish headMiss .Marie Storer spent the January 17. At noon II very delic- cent: building. Mr. Gibbons, It is said, J. E. McClul'e were qua deI's at Franklin for the nly one C I'm product import· will Inake extensive !'Cpa irs On t he visitors, Wednesday. week-end at her hom In New iOUB dinner was served aitel' which northwestern section of the county program was enjoyed. ant in hi decli n d in price in the a building in a short time. Vienna. The W. C, T. U. meeting was Percy Rcason gave a very in or- lat~r part ot' ] !) 34. Egg pric es With bankers indicating a willIra Rich has bought: the fatm Mr. L. F. Doan, of Middletown, esting talk, which was enjoyed by dl'opped from :3 t to 26 cents a owned by .fohn Adams, who in helli at the h ome of Mrs. H. H_ ingness to co-operate, one of the ' dozcn frclm November to Decem- turn, pUrCbll!ICd the Frank Hess Williamson, this aiternoon. is spending a few days at the all. first .moves wi\1 be a lIurvey of FRIENDS MEETING Ada Furnas sang a ver'y appro· bel', in l)ile of som ewhat below farm on the Lytle road, and anhome of Mrs. L. D. Chiles. propel'ty owners in the count;r to I have a few nice hats left and priate solo. normal slorage holdinj!'s. The re- nouncement was made Tuesday of determine the probable needs and First-day School at 9 :30 a .. maO· I bave a few nice hats left and A few stunts and games were luli on b tween ~It and feed prices t he ale of the Gladman Ellis wi1l close them out for 60 extent of owner interest. Field 10 Meoting for ' Worship at . w\l1 close them out for 60 then enjoyed. cents each. Grace L. Smitb. continues unfavorabne_ hundred farm to L . H. Gordorl. workers for this purpose will be m. cents each. GrAce L. Smith. This meeting was in honor of poun d bag of poultr~r rations cost: furnished by the local relief office Mr. and Mrs. Basil mith and Mrs. Cordia Truax and Mr. and Mary Ellen Lacy and L. C. St. 54 per cent more jin December family spent unday with Sam WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH Mrs. Ralph Truax spent ~unday John , All members wel'e present than it did]2 mo·nths before, FARM BUREAU'S SCHOOL Judd and family near Oregonia. ilh friends in Cincinnati. and reported a fine time_ whereas J(g prices in the arne POPULAR WITH ADULTS Rev. G. , C. Dibert, Pastor W. E. Cornell visited hi The next meeting will be h ld period had rL en Dnl:f' 12 ]Wr cent. Mr. Lee Mason, of Mason, is Sunday: Sunday school at 9 :30 spending a few days with' his February 14 at the home of MY, daughter, Mrs. Will iam Michener The I'epol't state farm income Enthu ia ~m is capidly mounting and family at Pittsburg, last week a. m. Morning Worship at 10:30. brother, Emerson Mason. and Mr·s. Harr y Lacy. in L!l3 4, ~ncluding income from The sermon abject will be, "The P. L, Reason, ec'y. benefit payments and government over the cooperative FER A adult ___ mergency purchase!I, wa e timat schools sponsored by the Ohio Mrs. Walker Hatfield, of Butler· Poisoned Spring." Epwortb Miss Dorothy Anderson, of King L ague at 6:30 p. m. Evangelistic man spent the weekend at the d t between $6,100,000,00'0 and Farm Bureau Federation, William ville, is spending this WeEk at the DEATH G. Winemiller, bureau official in home of Mrs. Maym e Hatfield and 6,l25,OOO,OOO, services at 7 :30 p. m. home of Lee Hawke and family. charge of adult education, reports. son. ....- - Several or the changes in the 10nday: 01'1 neltt Monday a~ , The initial enrollment in each of 7 :80 p. m. fs the regular time for Mr. and :Mrs. Charles Bradley Mi s Josephine R-eeves, 52 year DESCRIBE CHICKEN J. B. Gons and Mrs. E . C. simplified 1936 corn-hog -contract Mrs. thc counties ranges from 75 to the meeting of the official board. sons and daughter spent the week· old, of Mason, died Monday night will meet with tbe approval of ILLS 11:11 70 PAGES 224, with a total enrollment some- Crane and daughter, Bal'bal'a JeBa practically all Warren county corn Wed !)Csday: Bi ble study and end wittl. relatives at Beu!ord, O. at the home of her brother, Ray· wel'e Lebanon vi itors, Tuesday wher e between 7,000 and 8,000 afternoon . hog farmers. in the opinion of prayer meting at 7:16 p. m, Mr. and Mrs. Abram Cook, of mond Reeves, in New Burlington. people. There are five of these Lester J. Miller, county agriculhick ns are IlI'one to so m/lny pringboro, were guests of Mr. Pl'ivate funeral ~rvices were contural agent, who returned January ducted this afternoon at the troubles nowa.days thal it takes schools located in 61 counties Chaprnan is tern orarily Robe,rt and Mrs. Robert Crew. Sunday ST. MARY'S CHURCH district meeting of assisting in the county h~ osurer's 17 from brother's residence and burial was about 70 pa~s to de (,T'ibe their througbout the state. evening. Eri county, with 90 enrolled in office in preparing for the aale of local corn·hog offidala held at Rev. J. J. Schaeffer, Rector in New Burilngton cemetery. di seases ev n bl'ie fi y, and out lin Dayton . Miss Reeves had b en ill only a control meaau r . :But this has one school, claims the record for . ales tax stamp!. Third undoy after Epiphany, !I~r. and Mrs. Lee Lovely, of the largest number of students in week and was removed to her been doue in a bulll'tin pr par d For one thing, there are no hurch school at 9 :30; Morning Sprmgboro, were Sunday evening Rev. O. C, Dib ert will attend a "contracted acres" in the new hio Agricultural Extcm. one unit. Richland and Hardin Prayer and sermon at 10 :30. ' guest!! of Mr. and Mrs. James brother's home Monday afternoon. by the unday school contract. And tl,tose who sign will She was born in New Burlington sion er-vicc and called "Poultry come next, each having a town ship conference of L01'ely. and lived there until about el vcn Fal-m Sanilalion and Disease with 75 members enrolled. In officers at th M, E. church in Leb be asked to adj ust their corn and Mi ses, Louiae and Mary Crane ~ars ago when she came t o Way- ontro!." Columbiana, only . ] 6 attended One anon, tonight. ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH . hog production only 10 per cent and Bonnie Kellogg, of Cineinnan nesville and was in char'ge of the chools the first night, but It may be 11Ild for the asking of th Mr. harles Dibcl't and Mr. below production during the 1932 Father Newton, Pastor spent the week-end with Mrs. Ohio Central Telephone Corpora· from co un Y agriculiUlal ag nt!h on the econd night the original Peter Dibert, of Ohio City, spent 1933 base years instead of 20 per Mass at St. Augustine's Cburch Maud~ Crane. tio.n exchange for about four years In its fOreW91'd the bulletin tells 16 returned with 22 ncw stUdents. Tuesday and Wednesday night!! cent in corn and 26 per cent in A total of 326 communilies in 61 with their b,ro ther, Rev. G. C. hogs as was the case 'With last e very sccond. and fourth Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Will Bradley and going from here to Mason: t o take of lh e inl'oadB that dise ase makes counti s a1'C conducting schOOls. 1 the month. charge of the company's exchange Upon th e pou ltry industry. It year's contract. Dibert. Miss Martha Cook were recent "A nyone over' 16 yeaJ~1I of age is causes a m ort/:l lity of about 19 "Contracted acres" are now callers at the home of Mr. and MTs there. The following sisters and brothel'$ 1per cent a mong young chickens elig ibl for enrollment," Wine· Mrs. R. S. Weavel' was at West termed "spifted acres" and may WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF Joshua Foster, near Xenia. miller announces. "There are no survive: Miss Jennie Reeves, with Ithe fir t 10 we eks, ond among Manch~ster, Sunday, to attend the be used , for growing any crop CHRIST IIfl'. and Mrs. C. M. Brown. Mr. whom she made her home in Mason lay ers disease is ['cspon ible for enro llmet fees. and each cia s funeral of her bt'other in ItlW, Mr. other than corn for any purpose. Sunday, January 27, Church and Mrs. Dan Br()wn and children Harry, of Richmond, Ind.; Miss an annual mortali t y of 16 per meets for three hout's a week. Dis- ~har1es Nisonger, a life long Also, there is no limitation on the school at !) :30 8 , m., Lord's Sup- of Dayton, were guests of Mr. and Elizabeth, teacher in the Tacoma, ' cenl. In addition, about 40 per clIs. ion leader are selected from resi dent of tha t place. total area in the farm that rnay per at conclusion. Christian Mrs. Albert Cleaver, Sunday. Wash" public schools; William, cent of thi' layers are cu lled ea ch lhe ranks of unemployed teachers Mrs. J. H. Sackett and Mrs. F. be devoted to cultivated crop•• Endeavor at 6 :30 p. m., evangelisRaymond and Frank, all of New ' year from the avel'llge farm flock, and paid by ~ERA funds," the U. LeMay were in Lebanon, Tues. Benefit paymenta , on corn have tic sel'vice at 7 :30 p. m. Thc Mrs. Haonah Rogers is planning Burlington. fal' m bureau offidal declares. chiefly llcc8 u e of poo r health. day, in attendance at a lunc eon ' ieed ireM 80 cents to 35 church where you feel at home. , to go to Dayton this week to assist -====== and meeting of Warren County cents a bushel le!$s administrative in the care of her brother in law, ==============~=====-=-=-=--~---=================-=-= Christmas Seal workers. ~xpense8. Benefit payments on Mr. Will Smith, who is seriously ill IfTL __ , ' TT hogs remain at the same rate but ~'KU S v1lC , ====-=....__.. Mrs. Laura Slridaker, of [Jar- since only a 10 per cent reduction Mrs. Florence Davis, Mr. Ernest Butterworth and Mr. Gilbert FrYe ~=====~~========================~~~~~~~~~=~ "~~~M~ lli~e H~~is~ui~~~~~~H~ and MI'. and Mrs_ Walker Hatfield cent eut, the total paymenta per were dinner guests of Mr, and 10ft's ----' Ira Rich and farnily, Friday evenwere gue t s of Mr'. and Mrs. farm will be about two-fifths as Employees of the State Depart ing. Clyde 'Watkins at Chillicothe, un· large as tbey were last year. A mQnt of Highways of divi$ion 8 day. larger income from corn and h011 Mrs. Rannah Rogers has return were out until late Monday night MD. . may be expected, however, aays ,ra. UISY, Snyd er enteJ·talll ed Mr. Miller owing to the sale of an an ding and cindering the high- ed ,t o her home' here after an extended visit at the home of Mr. Tuesday evenrng, Mr. anlL Ml's. increasing number of hogs. ' \l ays. Bert Van Cl ave, Mr. and MI'.S. Delegates fro W ' C t State Highway officials called and Mrs. J. O. Cartwright in Cin'll ' f X· M m Irren oun y Steph en Ph I, IPS, a em3, r. who attended the meeting were S_ workmen to the job immediately cinnati. Aand Mrs. Fl ed Everhart and MI; .. S. Burdge, Franklin ; Jim Miller. after freezing began last, Monday Mr. and Mr!. John Clary and Dan Surface. Franklin; B. T. Blackburn, Lebafternoon, curves, dangero,ul ap- family, of Cincinnati and Mr, pi'oaches and hilla on Arterial high Will Alexander, of St. Bernard, Mrs. L. D. hile s and Mr. and anon ; Harold Beckett, HarveJII ways and secondary highways sub- were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence AlIE'n entertained burg; Elmel,' Durrell, Muon; and ject to late traffic were first to be Mrs. J. D. Marlatt. on SU'llday, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lester J. Miller. ' treated. Richmond, of Lodi, Wisco~!:Iin and Mr. 'and Mrs. Howard Burton Division eight consists of Butler ~r·;::to~~s. Lawrence Richmond, Clinton, Clermont, Greene, ' Hamil- and daughter wel'4l week-end ton, Montgomery, Preble and guests of Mrs. Burton'! parents, Mrs. F, E. Thomas and son Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Atkinson, of Warren. Luk~ Bra111l0n Division Engineer near Lebanon. Robert , and M~s . Russel Bentley stated that the Department of were in Dayton Sunday afternoon Jimm'e thr . Id Iand wlli1e thel'e called on Madison I , ee~year 0 80n of Highways will use every available Mrs. Laura ,Sides who is with her 8~ and, wife, Mr. and Mrs. RayIEarnhart and family and Mr. and Mr. and ~r~. Maynard ~elts, facility to free the highways from Mr . Victo'l' Burris. I wa~ the VictIm of a ven' pamfDI snow and ice, 'lind to spread sand mond Eyer, for the winter bas tjccrdent, Saturday. The child with and cinders in an effort to. reduce been sick with tbe itu, but b Mrs, Charles Rye was removed ?ther members ,of the family, wu at the present time. the slippery conditio'ns that perto the of .h er daughter, Mrs. 11\ the automobile belongin, to his i9dically exist during the winter The Guild of st. MaTY's EpisEdward Hartsock, in Spring grandfather, C. Lee Hawke, and months. However, to combat the copal Churcb wID lerve ,aD oJllter Valley, Sunday, following an when the door was closed hi~ rilht elementl! during theee periods, the supper in Gran~ hall, Saturday, operation on her eye, at Miami hand was caught. Two t\npra motorist himself should exercise January, 26, from 6 to 8 p. m. Valley hospital. ,were brok~n and on. was badlJ extreme caution, espeelally wben Price 26 cent.. Your patron... is ' mashed. ' traveling strange highways. _ _ ...- - Mr, C. L. Duke and son, .R obert solicited. were in Col~mbus Tuesday and ANNOUNCES PROOaAIl Wednesday III attendance at the ' ECLIPSE ON FEBRUARY 3 annual profess ional nurserymen's .. . CJnclDnatl COIll8"atory of school. There were about 100 Ohioans will see a partial eclipse nurserymen from different parts I Music annolnces a couto to .... of the sun February 8. accorclm. D.,vtl~ft. of the state. b~dc:ut o...r CollIlDbla Br_ to Prof. Edmund S. lIIanlon, of I . cutlllC IJ'IItem 11 to 11 . . . . . . . . Ohio State University's o"••"a·l~amlll:V , Mr•. EQlth M. Harris, Miss Clara IT., SaturGa" 11111u89 .f, tory. Starting at 10:11 a. III., the'" Llle, Niall Emma Hei~hway, M1'I , ProAIII: Yilibl. to Ohio W, H. Allen, Mis Mame Brown, lphoa" CouerwatGrJ Mra. E . C. Crane, Mrs. D. L Ale...... Crane, Mia Doria Hawke and Ilr. conctllotor. ...n Donald Hawk. repretle.tH St. aerto.









·Id BO thd ay Club Met '

1 Estate


:Changea Handa




--- - ----






Highway Men Work Late Monday Night



TIre m



'. '

Hand Injured When Caught In Door 1





Var,'8 CUCH_iD OiJll1l ehDtoh &ft1l." _ _.. · .......


G1"nna Woolard. Fr.ab..enBeulah Bel'nard. Ruth Conn er, and Jnn(' f'urna ~.

School High Spots· Edited by the Boo l r Cluh FRANK HAWKE CECIL HARTMAN

t Way ne ville High chool Edi tor.ill·Chief A.. i.tallt Editor

NEWS ..-




Sub.cribe for The Miami Gazette



Grade Honor Roll The grades ha ve more pupils on garet June Urton, of Morrow. Com mOil Pl ... PIGc ....... By the H onor Roll this t erm than an y other t er m t hi!l yea r . The i o\1owing STEPHEN M. YOUNG --------,-,~---- ...... R••I Eata •• Tr.a.f_ In the case of Josl~ph L. Vail pupils made all A's. ,"chuol year. Wa~eka Lo'. to M _ C-............ A. L.rae versuS Rose D. Vail, a divorce was Firat Grade-Min R.....T' Nor ma Catherine Ballinger and Elijah grante d the pl aint itr. Adams, Gladys Rye, Alice Pig-g, T. Ballinge r to Earl Evans and Wayne ville' victory wave WarreD Coullty Teachera Meetilll ,$ Dibert. J qhn Perry In the case of . The- P eople's Ernest Evans, 92 acres in Salem President Roosevelt at the recent Building, Loa n & Savings Co. ver township. Oonfe rence denounced «*ms t o have turOed for the pres At the tcnchel" meeting Jn n-I".l c lI'e~L Konald Brown . su J ohn W . Willder et aI, receiver Irene Bergerto Laura Joe Bak lynching. Lynching i. a peculiarly ent. This, aL lea$t. seems to be the uary 19, the theme of the dBY was Second Gracl_ Mi.. H.t •• ock: J an ice Burnett, Donald BU2ick, is authori zed to selll landlor d's er, 6.50 acres in Deerfield town- American custom which should be caSe when Mason invaded our ter. i'W hat tht! Public Expectl'l of the of cor n ,fo r not Less than 7 6c shill. outlawed by a drastic measure. Cran e, Slella Lamb , Ruth ritory last Friday night. chooI5." Th~ morlling session pe, bushel. and An Anti.lynching Bill ahould be Christian B. Kleinhenn LeMay, Ru th Anna J ohns, The se<:ond team W815 I'eally consist d of Music, Audience; In the ca e of Waltor R. Tbomp Mary E . Kleinhenn to Sam D. enacted during this s asion of' the nnd Vernon Shu tts. (ling places Fdday night" and, Devoti nal., Reverend Cheek ; so n versus Grace J. 1rh ompson, a Henkle, trustee tor the Warren Congress. It is a grellt wro ng that Third Grade! Wil ma"I>iber t, divorce was g ranted llhe plaintiff. County, Ohio National Farm Loan men lawfully im pr isoned an d allhough they did not win their addre 5, Dr. Edward Blair, BtJ:essErwin Lewis, Evelyn Thompson, 1n the case of H . L. Hllrding, Association, 169 ac~s in Clear- ...'.IUIlI!!: ·trial should bc permitted Sand by n"w Vitamin. of Cod LiY.r ga me, they show d signs oC fire ing the id ea that the public ex- Virginia Roberts, ' an" Roberl to be without legal authoret al. ver us The Sout h Lebanon creek towt1ship. pects the !!Chool to help boys and . OillD wtele.. table ... a nd the results ot the rest of their oolard. Benjamin M. Newton and Eva ity. Great danger lurks in the Packing 0., a corp., Elt Ill , author· Pouech of firm h~.It"Y /I 1\ I...l •• d 01 Measo n's gameE should be diff rent girl meet social re Jlonsibilities Newton to A. P. Marvin and Lucy abandonment of constitutional bare ocr. ." bon... 1 N." .I"or. vi';' .nd , ith Robert a nd Richard ntterth after chool; Address, Dean Fifth Grade-Mi.. Camphell: ity given receiver to sell real ."ern' In.te.d of tired II.U~"" ne•• 1 Sl~ady tanley, who xplained" ivic Re- Wilda Mae . Achterman, J eanne e$tate at New Vienna t or not less E. Marvin, real estate in Turtle· law and order . Mobs are danger- Quiet De.,.e. f Th.t II wl\.1 thQuean,I, 01 creek township. ous. They aloe brutal. Mob rule is _.,1••ra lI.tUml' throullh lei.ntl.",· ,.. t ..1 w ite in the lineup this semeeter, iug": M.usic, Warren County Glee Baker, Bettie Davis and Helen than $8 600. dlaooverT- the Vitamins or ~od ' I.ivor Oil Daniel Routt and Laur~ Routt to anarchy. Lynching and mob·rule ooocentnted In lit tle ,ulI.r coated tabl ... we hall see a big improvement In Club. Lester J . Miller spoke on Gons. Carl E. Wells, real estate in might Ignite the flame of bloody wttboot ."7 of Its hor rid. nlhy , •• teor.mell . t1lie team. Their score with Mason " ooperation b tween schools a nd Sillth Grad_ Mi •• Day, Dor othy )lc007', Ood L lnr Oil 'I'u blo"'. thpy·r. New Suit.1 Franklin. . revolution. It is not such II great ealJed I "Cod Llnr on In Tab1...•.. . nd they 9arious educational agencies 01 Franner, Alton Earnhart and was 21 to 12. Toney Devita to ~nna Glancy, step from taking Jives of persons allDpt, ""or .. wond .... . A lI~l'" boy of 8.•• rI· the county," Rev. Dibert, " The Frieda E llis • Th e Lebanon-CitizElns National ODlt, . Id<. 1I0t well .nd tral n..d I 0 ~ lb., In fhe J unior High Team wllS vic of T eaching torals as wel l ' Bank versus Thomas C. Christie, trustee,. real estate In Deerfield accused 01 crime by mob violence , _ ono month. A Ifl rl of ,II Irtten .rto. till todous in their game Friday night Needs _ . db.eue ••• In~d 3 ·lb • . th" 0 .. 1 w...k and township. to taking property of the haves F_rth Grad.. -Mia. McKiD.ey et aI, tor money, for ctclosure, sal e as Textbook." .... ...ob week atter. A YOun" moth«. 'lVbo with Blue Ball. Their game end d Wilson H. and Lizzie C. Berger by the have·nots without due pro .1 Th e afternoon ses ion opened J ean Hartsock, .Helen H!sc-y, Ell en of real estate and equitabl e relief. eould not ,..t or .I..,v .rt.r blby .ame c ot wit. t he great big score of 28 to 6 with music, Waynesville High IMOSS and Lan 109 H~rdt'n. ho. health t..c ...Jld Ii-I ned 10 lba. I n I... Willie Ba rnes veI'SUS , Charlie t.o Frank Brandon, iDIot No. 662 cess of law. Th e hungry and unem aU • monlh . for Wayn esville. in Franklin. ployed and und er privileged bave than Yo.. . Imply m Wl~ I..,. McCoy'. at onc<, cho()l Orchestra! votion~ l lI, 2nd and 4th Gr.~e-Mi •• Kelly Cook, f or money. Cbarles Fohlen to Charles H. rights. Mob violence should not be "member It 7011 don't 1I<&ln a\ 1....1 Sib• . ." . W. M. P rendergast. versus Jen· Rev. fceoy; MUSIC, WayneSVIlle Etta We terman, Hazel Vint ann he.ltby R",b In a month Ifet ynu r mnney • Stella Corwin, inlot No. 69 in tolerated anywhere. . Demand ond ~.t M.Coy.- th ..... 11'1 nal Sporbma ..ah1p Brotl.erhoocl J unior High school chorus address Wil liam Woolard ancl ' G en ~ nie P rendergast, f tOr divorce'. and L~hanon. a nd Irtn"ln. Cod Lh·,. Oil T.LM. The Waynesville Chapter of the "Why it is necessary to settle T hompson. Charge is gr oss neglciCt of duty. - a ppr oved by GooI' HoutlekrtJpin .. I n.UtUle. Rof".' .U ."b.t h.I ..The House of Representatives portsman ship Brotherho od held disputes by arbitration rat her than F.fth G d M Turl'ler, Henrietta York ; b)' Lora Ford, tn_hit on th. ':'I"'II,ln.1 McCUy'.___ theN are none was not in se, aion last Tuesday. a very successful nd interesting war'/ and impor tance of belonging I ra • r. her mother and n ext jfriend versus Bill. Allowad mectlna' Thursday evening, Ja~. to the Leag ue of Nations," J ohn S. Frances Johne. Virgil York, f or di'vlnce. Charge Adjournment was had t o celebrate uary 17, 1936. Since the , presi. Moore; music, Waynesville High ---is gross neglect. . The Western Star, dog cards, "Emancipation Day." No--not the Perfect Attellclan.c. The Maso n Buildj'ng, Loan & ~6 .50 ; Mrs. }loward Sawyer, serv- anniversary ot Abraham Lincoln's dent, Marvin Fox, was absent due school orche t ra. to ilIneslI, Betty Hartsock, the _____ Savings Co. ver sus J Clhn H. Sank- Ices, $7; Mrs. Helen Doul'hman, proclamation. It was the day . Th e students having perfect atM· · $7,· Mrs. Ira Eltzroth, vice preSIdent, acted as presi· Wayne Towbihip Teacher. Meet tendance f or the first eernestel' in er and IDlue Sanker, for money, $5,' Mrs. LiUie U"'on, .e....;ces. Pennsylvania'lI Democrat ic Gover. dent After R short bu siness seasion M I' SS Ha rt soc k' s r oom ,,-re : Ken- fo re do ur e a nd other relief. •• • · ces, no r""":'f\nt in fitty year&--took . $10,' Maude Deardoff, .ervl At t h e I ast t each ers ' meehng, the following pr ogram was given : Union J oi nt Stock Land Banlt, e 7.50 ,· See~s ... Bolan"'er, truckl'n'" office. n e th B ra dl ey, I na Mae Gruber, ot D troit , versu s Arthur Neu· " _..... .. SOlli by aU- led by Mr. Frar..k. J anuary 16, 1935 , M r. R a t fi eld L d' M K N "Team Work" _ Edna Mae r eviewed, "Our Movie Made Chil- BY la. ~ :ever, V ellie Orndort, farth, et aI, fo r motley, personal $49; Johnson & Johnson, tools Staup. dren." Mr . Lob led the general onnle e ers, ernon Shutts, J' udgment, f oreclosure, equitable and equipment, $20.06; H. M. T·he seniority rule in Con'"'ess Esther Smith Charles Smith and • .,retief, etc. Cllher:vtl~es aSClfoo d di8tributor plays queer pranks. An example" Barmonization" -Pep Girls. d iScu8sion of School problems. The Roy Peterson. Debate, "Resolved that girls under. one account reported. A Gladys Stamm versus Robert ; 1'18 me evenger, serv- Congressman John H. Hoeppel, make better Sportsmanship commIttee 'was also appointed to Perfect attendance in , Mis Stamm,tor divorce. .u visitor, $37.50; Mearl B. California, formerly a Republican Campbell's ro om for the past week J ohnston & Johnsto n ver-sus J . services as visitor, $37.50; Postmaster, serving his fiart term . Br(ltherhood members than boys', plan the next social functioD. ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN A.ffirmative: Betty Hartsock, Juan includes: J eanne Baker, Edith O. gll rtshorn, fol' money. Willa Beedlej .services All in ·the last Congress, won t he ita Brannock. Bergen, KathrYn Buzick, Betty E. D. Thompson v'ersus J ,37.60 Louise Whipple services u doubtful distinction of voting Jour .cattle, hogl, abee'p and ealv,. N~ptive: Frank HaWKe, Cecil ElU!mption~ from Ell.mi... tlqllla Davis, RObert Earnhart and Lyle HaTtshol'n f Ol' mone31. . O. viaitor, 537.50; Helen Randall, against the Administration more to Norril-Brock Co., hv. w1r.J a"d proeresslve ftrm tor the hlghui HBJ;tman. Three members of the Freshman FO~i81'e Bogan of~' D J services 8e visitor. $37.60; Linnie times than any othel" Democratic market prices and &,ooel •• niCI. ' .... ISS ay s Williams. servicel as vi.itor. ,37. membe r. He was a member of the Valoa Stock Yard.' Cincl._tl, 0 , Mr. James, the ludge, decided class, Ruth Conner, Roy Crockett the debate in lavo: of the nega. and Jane FurnBS, were exc\lsed room also received all A's in her prob .... ~'urt 50; Jeannette Payne. aervice. u War Claim. Committee, having Tune In on Radio Station WCKT tive. from examinations in the five examinationll but one. ltfelissa E . Bowml!ln was ap- recording secretary, $86; Grace been appointed on the same day 12 :26 to 12 :80 p. m. fol' our dati, Talk by lin. LeMay. subjects they are carrying. In Mr. Turner'a Fi1th grade pointed guardian of Chrlatopher Baker, .ervices as stenographer, that a number of other Congres- market rellortl. "Tbe Origin of Scaodal"- poem Charles Anderson, Beulah Ber. there are more pupils that have C. Bowman, incompeltent and filed ~32.60; Elizabeth Hathaway. serv sional "freshmen" were appointed. by Evelyn Peter.. nard and Vivian Conner were ex been absent for the PRllt week. dUe bond of $2000 with 8.ureties. lces as derk, $SO. He never attended a meeting of cused in four subjects. Two fresh ~~rf:~d.sih:h:;ho~i ~:!r.other time A copy of the enkry determln• - this ComJTIittee, but at the opening men were excused in three lIub· There are quite a few prospect- lng the inheritance tax on the asof th6 present CongreBII was ap- , Co_tF M ••ic F ••tl... pointed Chairman because of his 43 YEARS OF SERV1CE jed e, one in two s ubjects and ive members ot the 1940 W. H. S. ta te of August As&, deceased, i8 basketball team doing their study to be certiuell witholut delay. ---seniority in bein&' selected a few The County Music Festival was tw lve in Qne lIubject. One Sophmore, Marl'ie. Tinney, ing at the Grade building this year Chades P'. Joy, ex,ecutor of the Don't forget the Sacrament minutea ahead of his colleagu es. held at the Town Hall in Lebanon The Seventh grade,' Section I, is .esta~ . of Ehzabeth .Joy, dE7eased meeting at Green Briar on next Due to the viciB8itudes of an LEBANON, OHIO on Tuesday evenin" Januar)' ,15. was excused from the examina· We have a complete The following program was , en- tions i n five I!!ubjectfl, and one, having a contest in Arithmetic. fil ed hiS, first, final an,d distributive Saturdsy evening. Everybody is Alabama primary, th~ chaim'lan· Glenna Woolo.rd, in four sub. Carol LUdington and Mary Eva account. . . ' . welcome. ship wu vacant. Several of the W.tch Repair Sen-ici joyed by those preaent: . H oward Phllhp A!ISUlIl, a~mlD. Our sick are nO better at this members of this Committee had . County Band- "Ptogress", "At jects. One Sophmore was excused LeMay are the captains. Prices Uea sonable in t hre e subjects, four in two sub The class officers elected f th IstTatOT of the estatl! of LOUIS writing. taken an active interest in their Sight." Bead s Restru na' last half of the year o~ere~ Assum , de~eas.e d, . filed his fint P. G. Wells has sold his splendid work, but Hoeppel's seniority in Mixed Chorus--"On the Levee" jects. and seven in one subject. JOIVelry R pair d Of the Juniors, Ruth Salisbury Barbara Haines, president; Carol final and dl strtbutJ!e account.. team of mules. They went to being pla~d on the Committee a Morrow. "THE HOME OF GIFTS" minute or two ahead of such Orchestra. "Jolly Bandits/'- and Jane Cook were excus~d in L~dington, vice president ; Earl John A. Lerch, Wldower of Ohve Hamilton, Ohio. five subjects : Frances Ellis and Me!ldJ)nhall, secretary; Helen Foul Maud Lerc~, deceas~ld, elected to This plaCe was well .represented members gave him the chairman· Otterbein. -' Bo,.' Chorus. "Sleep. Kentucky Cecil Hartman were excused in a ssistant secretary' John H 11 Itake under the statlllS of descent at the community sale Ul ~banon ship and the patronage that goes Friday. with it. f our. Two members of the c1UII treasurer' Dorothy' !lacf lad' a nd distribution and not under . Babe"-Cle&rcreek Twp. . Miss Mary Scoonover, of HarSouthern districts Who wisely - ~stra, "Sprlngtime"- King were eXcused in three subjects; news rep~rter, also Betty B~:::rd wiJI. one in two subjects and eight in Mary Eva LeMay. The clean up I The lnven~o.ry of .. Anna May veysburg, was a weekend ~e.t of continue their spokesmen in Con· Mills. committee are : Robert L Young, admlnlstratrux of the ell- ArtheUa and Lena Mountjoy. greas for term after ·term are County Chorus, "As Torrents in on e subject. , In the Senior class, Ruth Penn- Luther And~rson Otis Chilton ~~ci t ate of Clara A. Br(llwn~ deceased, John Williams and .istel; of represented by able Members who Summer"; "Cherubim Song." ington and Betty Hart80ck were Lois Jean Larrick was approved. Or~gonia attended church have made a career' in national Orchestra, "Poet and Peasant" excused in live subjects ; Frank The perfect s~ellers in Miss .Sales by Emma I •. Dill, execu- ere 1ut Sunday morning. politics. Many of these member s - Muon. T~e many friend •. of little now occupy important Commit tee GirlB' Sextette, "Big Brown Hswke and Marvin Fox were ex- Smjth's section were: Sarah Miller tr~x, of the estate of La1ayette CU lled in four subjects. Three Erma Shocker, Vernon Dill, de~eased, we~l .approved. Mane Lamb. 01 CorwIn will be chairmanshiPII., Bear"-Carlisle. Ethel The Will of Lydia E. Keever. de glad to know that she wu apin .....- - BOYI' (ChorUB "Le ee Song"- seniors wer~ excused in three Miriam Walton s uo)ects ; two in two subjects and Young, Irene ' Phillip W'I cea ed, was admittc!d to probate. placed on the bonor roll lut A great deal will be heard in Blue Bal Thomas, Roward Th~ma s 1 ma Florence Shunmak~lr and Elva week at her .chool In WayneSVille this session of the Congress relaOrchelltra, "Golden Plume"- nine in one subject. Walter Saylor. hart were apP?IDted executrl Mrs. Campbell and son William, tive to the proper diatributi(ln of Wayne Twp. The Citizenship Club of the ces, ~o bond reqUired b1 requeat 01 HarveYBburg, )1rs. Fred wealth in this country. Why Vocal Trio, "Ma' Little Banjo" Hia'" Sdaool ".or IWIl Eighth grade met Friday and elect o~ Will. J. W. BI'~tten, J. F. Wimams an~ two daughters, of shoul.d people be in want il'\ a land - Musie Twp. The following PIlPils were on ed officers for the Ilecond semester Zlmn~erman and .0. ][{. Brown were near OregonIa, were among tholle of plenty. Some advocate confiscaCounty Orchestra ..:.- "Beauty the Honor 'Roll, in High school as follows : President, Opal ' Hen- appomted appIal!!el'1!~ whq attended church here tion of all wealth of any individual Spot." Phone 78J this past term: ' derson; Vice President, Evel W:sI.ter Franer was appointed Sunday evening. in exceslI -of one mlJlion doUars. " •• 014 Vi _ _" S... ioraJohns; Secretary &; Treasu yo administrator of tb,e estate · of Rutull RobertBOn and family of Others advocate a less drastic plan Marvin Fox, Betty Hartsock, Ruth Collett. rer, Sherman Franer, deceased, and Kingman were Sunday of inheritance and !;:ift tax~s The o~retta will be riven next Frank Hawke Bnd Ruth Penning. The Eithth grade was well filed bond of $3000 with suretiea. guests of P. G. Wells and which will, in etrect, take all Thunday and Friday evenings, tOil. presented in the Junior H:eb Qeorge T. Miller, ,J ames Miller family. wealth over. one million dollan. January 31 and February 1. Tick Juniorachorus at Lebanon &atllrd Ig and Hub~rt Pursley ~e1'e appoint· The Schaefer farm here WAll Why .hould their heir who 'had ~OTARY PUBLIC elll are on sale now and may be . Olive Mae Kenne and ed appraisers. lIold at the court house in Leb· nothing whatever to do with the National 8_11 Jane Cook, Fmnce!l ~IJjs, cecil lscott have pertect / ellill !nam 'l;he will of Florelnce E. SaUDer anon. The fa1'Dl was formerly creation of the wealth remain in obtained from high.scbool pupils aud re.erved at the Drug Store on jHartman and ~uth Sahsbury. for the first semest! g records deceased, was admit-ted to probate known aa the Dean Shanahn farm idleness with B fortune of more ",II" DraWIII • • E,tat.. S.t~ and, after Monday, January 28. Sophomores- _ ____ . : W. C. Shepherd wa!1 appointed ex· Monroe Hinken. and a .Mr. than one million dollars? Presi· WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Don t miss this feature of the Eileen Hal1, Margie Tinney and'Subscrib f Th td ecutor, no bond rElquired. D. E. and wife ot Kingman dent Lonciln freed chattel IIlaves









Beech Grove


,---------F. T. Martin Auc loneer


Centerville, Ohio




~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~e~o;r~~e~~~~m;i~G;a;1;e;t;~H~~~~~~~~OOKa~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~r~~mpson were aPJiloin¥ appralil family o!l Monday. tion. A man does nO.t have to be


black .!O, be a .lave.

---. - -

ce!!~,W~~80ta~:~:'t:e::~ba~:: AUTO TAG ' MONEY















The estate of Eudora L. Whitaker, deceased, is e:l :empt from in heritance -tax. The will of Emma J. Camp. d.. ceased, Wal admitted to probate. The will of Jamel. 1(. ShUN, deceased, was admlt:ted to probat. Mary E. Sh.u rta Wall appoiDted executrix no bond r4,qulred. Lealie Spaeth, Jacob ShultiS'. . .d Wl\1lam Thacket wera apPclinted apprataers. In the matter of. the eltat. of Edgar ,T. Dechant, .18le ot real.. tate fa ordered. Lewis H. widower of Eudora L. Whitaker, deceased, elected to take under w1ll. He al. 80 filed his application for ,,; certiflcate of transfer of real estate and his statement in lieu of final account. ' Alma C. Dapper. g'Ilardian of Harry, L. Dapper .tnd John W. Dapper, minora filed her inventery Allowanee la made l:or the .upport maintenance and .educatioD of minor., alao attOrney f.... ' A. A. 8prque and Chari" O. Everson, e:z:eeuton of the ..tate of Allee B. Evenon, deceued 8led their third. bal and dlltributlv. account. Jamel Saul was .ppol~ted admlnlsuator of the .• state of B. L. Saul, dec....d. and ftled bODC!. of $8000 with auretie.. Chari.. Kanger, Charles ColemaD and Pauline RUe, ",ere appolllted aPIIHIllen.

TO BE DISTRIBUTED. Firat advanc. diatrlbuUon of 1985 !leeDie _ mOMJ' ",ill be made by the Bureau 01 Mo~or Vebides Friday, Janua17 11th, Frank Weat announced. . to be available for wUl ~ approldma~ly and will ~ &hared in every countJ' ID Ohio. Early availability of thiaqe will enabl. . 1I1all1 Ohio counti.s to be.sll road work at once during the preHDt ' mUd winter nason ill8tead of waitiD&, until sometime in early 'prin ••" West alao 'anDol1Dced that the Bureau of Motor Vehlclel 'Will attempt te have a lar.e sum of lic.nse tq fee. coUected ready diatrlbl1tioll to the countiu at once every month. lIcenla te. aale. illdicated durl. . lUll over lut ...... Welt said. • _ •



HEAD OF POLICE . a.ppofatmeDt of both CoL L1Iln BJaek . . . . . . . .tead..t of the Patrol aad

It il problematical whether one individual can really earn more than one million dollarL What an individual ' pin. a .nd hold. beyond that lum ia probably du. to the labor of othen. If an employer knew that lome realonable limit was ftxed by his aovernment upon amount of money he could reo he would more likely pay hi. and emploYel a ereater of the prolltl of their indul· try and labor. Attempts bave been made to limit armamentl to pre· future wars. II It not to. consider limiting the one individual may acin order to lessen Ule fright eft'ecta of future economic Wars? .. . b.hment during the lattet part 1983. Prior to that time b. was for two and a half ,eara captain of Hamilton count' "lto.~ce. Wnt hu dlr~ the activities the Motor VeIUOl. Bureau tor palt eleht Dloath.. He bHD eonneeted with the lIfehway Departm.nt numb.r of Jean and bas his way up tbro.u gh the ranke from a comparative1, minor pOli~ tlon. Ria reappolnt.ment was a1.0 mad of the .lIlclent adminilt~ tion of the Bareaa of Motor VsMele. amce be wu elevated to the poaltloa of re~rar 1ft Ma,. 1984. - - ••~-fte llatll..,. famil,. "America'i

mll",a, of ._......_-' ter,Sharo~~Dm=~d=~~=:: of ___ tVAlIV III. . . .• of ,~ X*" V"'.&"I'''I_II'O''''-.. famil7," tile eMut.ahlw ..........




III . . . . ,

at '"


Slanley &Koogler Auctioneer. JESSE ST,,"UY ..... SIO. N.w••••.


EARL KOOCLf.R Da,.t oa P"~_ KED.or •••••


.' . ------------FOR SALE FOR SALE-Nice line of W&Xtex and Kitchen Roll Waxed paper and paper J18pklna. New Show-Pac statlonel'Y, 16 aheets and 16 envelope. for 10 centa at The Miami Galette Otace.

U.ed Tire. Goodyear, Fireltene, Goodrlcb, etc. tires that are smooth, caft b. I8fe with a Ta,lor Tire Reerooving Tool. Put. ori8in~1 non-.kid back. CountJ' lithu open for dlltrfb\Jtor.

Specialty Mf•• Co. H.aIda., Ohio


I revellue durl... the Ilext eleven throul'hout the country.


The C"Il~UII enumt> montha. according to a deellion at the farms th,is reaehed by the Ohio Tax Commig· tainin~ actual figures lI ion and the State Treaaurer. All ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY county treasurers will have ~heir of the diffcrent crops • Y7" •• ~ ~' supply of salee tax coupons by Fri (If crops, numb!!'r of O. L CRANE I pull,he. Sub.erlptlo. Prlc•• 11 .10 a V.a. day of this week, it was said. ot livestock, Carm ~." ~ "'• Olliee Ph.o.e No 112 Illntered at Po,tottlc. at Way.... ' important data. H ,every ......... . ville. OhICJ ... , a.cnnd CIa" K ..ll R..; rellort is absoluti!ly confidential Vatter ...... . No. I I I A new and up to daLe eheck list and will not b(' u ed a a basis for of Obio public documents, publish taxation nor commu nicat l~d to any ed and made available by various tax official. ADAPTED BY BEATR ICE FABER JANUARY 24, 1935 . state depal·tments. w\l1 be issued ~R.O'GOlDWYN - MA,(ER ~~ ==. by the office of Secretary of State Llebt.era.hera Traffic Menac.e George S. M)I'ers by February 1. "..L pter One A ha.lf bour later. after tea had In the warehouse of Kurc1ltone IID~ ....,.a been aecved. Mr•• Gummldge IIILt Grlnby. "Now remember. you·re ·... Universities. schools and public The motorist who "squ ezes THE lUCK PANTHER by the lire-. complaining of the Ing to London to iOorlc. H WI ItI'OQ ies will be supplied with the t.hrough" just as the tralffic light It is high lime to emphasize that th pre ent attack against the smoking chlllUley wbtle Ham told fingers bit cruelly Into the t1ttb ot check Jist as aoo n a8 received turns against .him CRuses accidents fortunes with cards Peggotty work. David's slender Uttle eboulder.. "'1'0 Iccttic utilities is in realit.y an attack against the investing publicthe printer. and other firma. A 8trange. hatched·taced 'Wom&n ed on her se'lOrtng and LIttle Em 'ly work. To work." he re~te~ WItb pl'iv(lte citizens who put Lhlli!' lYlO ey into utility securities, believitllg organizations ' or individuals inter- as readi ly as the inltoxicated rapidly made ber way througb the pointed out the pictures to David. snarling emphasis. th1i'm to be safe and l;ound . Th y made possib le the Industris great ~sted may obtain a copy by writ drivers an(1 the out and out. r ck· The door wt.8 pushed open and At f,.he warehouse In LoJidon' les dr'jvers, according to the Ohio grove ot swaying elm trees and deII v lopm · nt and service to the public. ing the Secretary of State. termlnedly beaded for lb" Coppel'- Dan Pegg-otty. a large bear y man. David's dutle. were a nightmare ot Safety Service Comm! sian. Statistics back up this stilt ment-no type of Becurity is more entered with a duffle-bas wbieb be washing great stackll ot dirty wID. "Indications aN that·the great field homll. She peered tnto the parlour. placed on the noor Tben he bottles In a buge wooden tub ftlled widely diffuIW d than thos of the average utility. In a reeent article At the annual meeting of the majority of light cra hern arraign - thro\lib tbe window aod sa ... sit· brought out a string ot beads wltb filthy eoapy water. Fat old William Cavalier. head of a well.known investment house, analyzed State Board of Agriculture last I ed in traffic court plead that their Ung by the tire. a yl)ung. lovely for Em1y "Blue like your eyes my rats ran between his teet and rot.lho stoc k own nhip of a large representative utility, the Pacific Gas week in the office of Agriculture offense \VaM unintentional," the woman. dressed 111 mourninll weeds. pretty," be said fondly. "TbeY've l nness and refuse were every. and 1':le lri c Company of San Francisco. Thel'e are 97.000 stockholders Director Earl H. Hanefleld George Safety Scrvice Commissiion cites. Sbe looked up. ber eyes meeting come III a big ship from France" where in this COllcern and lI1r avnlier found that 11,000 of them own from S. York of Greenville. was• re.elect "T~... ey say t h ey were caught by the thOle at tbe Window and jumped to " Mr P~ggotty , " DaVid nsked. When his labon were over fol' one to flv Rhal'eg of stock, 13 ,000 own ix to to shates. 67.000 own ed president of the organization light. a9 they reached thE! intersec her teet. 8t&rtled With a brusque "did you give your soo tbe naml! or the day he made hie w..y to the gesture the rlguN" outside dlre.cted Ham because you lJved In a sort address he bad been JiveD tor eleven to 100 hares. 15.000 own 101 to 1,000 shares. while but 801 Mrs. William J. Poiotius of Can. tion. Bill. theil' pleas indicate that ber to opeil the door: of .. rk'?" lodgings 'Outslde the dilapidated ton was re·elected viee president. they were driving either too fast own more than 1.000 shares. ''1 am Bell!Y Trotwood," the wo"Wby no sir. 1:'..,8S given blm bY' Mlcawber house: angry blll-ooUe~ The board will convene January to stop in time or simply decided A similar situati on obtains in the CIl8 of the company's bondi, 29 when the officers and members to "cheat" qnd take th4l chance. man announced. 4!nterlng the house. ble fatber -:"i: my brother Joe" are pounded on ttl(> door One .ot "Well - .. them quickly banded David an enwhi h are ow n d iJy III re than 60.000 individuals, Insurance compan- wilJ be the guests of the College In the long run they ca'llse more "you've heard ot ber 1 dareeay" "I - I've b$d that pleasure." "Come Da.vy:" Peggotty cut In velope to give to M1cawber il' • banks snd edueutional lind !\cientific institutions. It should be ever of Agrieulture at Ohio State ~cciqents t.han Lhe intoxi(~ated and Mia Tro~ood marcbed Into tbe hastily. "I'll show you to your The door wae opened by Cllekett lAstingly empha.iz'd that some ten per cent of all the assets of insur· University during the annual other types of drivel'S whom they altUnl'"room and glanced around room. " tbl' servant·glrl. David looked regard with hon·o r." anco companies in this nation a1'e represented by utility holdings- farmers' week celebration. IDQul8ltlv:ely. Alone wUh blm. eggotty explain· around wonderlllgly at the disorder "David Copperfield was my tavor· ed. "Tbat M.r e. Gummldge - her of tbe room. Garments hung In unuwhich al" part of the proLectiop underlying ihe policies owned by ite nephew," .be II&ld. "and J was husba.nd was Dan's partner. but he peeted plaeell and two children were 6&.000,000 Amerino ins urance policyholders. A blow> at utility safety Pneumonia increased rapidly in 1263 Priaonera In Y .... r mortany oUended wben be married Wall drowped. And H~m and his soreaming on the floor. fighting a or e1Ir nin gs i.l' 11 blow at each policyholder. Ohio during the first nine months There were 1263 new prisoners a wax doll __ or coune. I'd never cousin Em'ly are orphans my pre- battle to the deatb over ;lin old 818D you. What will you call your clous. My brotber adopted them and Ac cording to MI'. avalier. there are approximately 10.000.000 in 1934. according to the report admitted to the Ohio penitenti MMI, Gummtdge too. He's as good Mrs. Micawber. a thin faded wopubli utility stockholtlen! in the country, whose holdings average less of the State Dep~rtment .of during 1934 Of these 61 were :~~ girl?" '' 'But perhaps It w1ll be a boy," as gold but be gets very angry man. hlUlg out the window. in a than 1 00 ~hlll'es ench. Practicl;llly every utility concern is mainly Health. rn 19S3 the dls~ase claim citizens. -oon't contradict' I have apr,,' wben anybody talks o./:>out biB belp- state of mournful excitement look· owned by p eople of small nod avern ge means, including a large number ~d the lives of 4.019 Ohioans. but I Ninety 'per cent of 1~e new ",,""nUltit it WllI be a girl. She Ing people." Ing at the moving van. "It Mr. of compal1Y employes. In mnny cases, the money these people haV'6 in· lD th~ ~r~t ninle :?nt~os660df lahst rprisoners were convicted I)f crilnes .ball be c:hri&tenecl Betsy TrotWOOd "I'll be careful." David promised. ,Mlcawber were at bome they t eat s involving ofl'ense against ·propel·ty Copperfield." vo ud is nll th y have to depend on in old age. In other cases, their ye~r I a resu ~ In,.. David and Little- Em'ly romped wouldn't dare. Ob to lIee Mam&'. Mra. Copperfield eud'denly lean· .and played together day after day beautlfl,ll bed 10 desecrated." She interest I'dum represents u s~bstantial part of their total ineome. W.}I1C~ figures will be mcreased Burglaries led the list vl'ith 273. But 't:-e all,tao-short visit wa.e spied David "Ob welcome Muter conSIderably when data tor the reo robberies coming next with 121 ed weakly over to on~ side. 'Then When we attack the utilities we are not attacking a few immeTlsely maini;tg, three months of '1934 is The next nearest 1igure was 63: .be falllted. 800n over a.nd David was standing Coppel'fleill. Thla II my famUy But And after many hOUri of .• us- betore h il'l own door again. you must be Impatient to' aee yOUl rich finoncierS--'w e ore aU cking the savings and the welfare of thfl compiled. representing forgers. Peggotty untied her bonnet With room." rank and fil e of American citizens. During the year 523 prisoners pelJ.H. whUe the elm trees swayed .Ohio will be greeted with t two. were paroled and 81 par·ole viola· hour partial eclipse of the sun on tors were returned to the institu February S, according to Dr. tion. . Edmund S. Manson. CoLumbus There were 91 illiterates admit· astronomer. As th~ new moo.n ted to the penitentiary allong with The Ohi. State University Radio Station-WOSU casts its shadow over 'portion ot 69 college gra duates. 830 with the earth more than half of the eight.h grade edlcatlon ' and 260 8:00 Mu ic sun will be hidden, Dr. Manson with high schoo l educatiClD. 8:06 Lincoln and Douglo in Ohio ... , ...... " ...... ............... H. E. Eswine stated. The maximum eclipse for 8: Hi The }i'h'st DayaL Farmers' Week ..... ........ .... .. .. E. M. Rowalt Ohio will be at 11 :16 a. m. The Farmer. Muat Collect S.alea Tax 8:26 Music eclipse will start ihortly after 10 The Ohio sales tax must be 8 :36 Home weet Home .. " .......... " .................... WOSU Players a. m. and will continUe until collected by farmers wb411 8811 pro· 8:50 Production of Ea ter Broilers ,., ., ........ ............... ....... R. E. Cray 12:33 p. m. duce in community markets. ae. 9:00 The Orange ond Hom Demonstration Work. .. , ............ ..... . New officers of the Ohio Fair cording to .a .ruling pf ,the State . . ... ... .... .. ..... ... ....... Mrs. Ella H. MeConnell Managers' Association. who were Tax C:0mrnlsslon ..Sales by a far· 9 :10 lIIu ic ........ C. J. Willard elected at the organization's an. mer duectly. on hiS farm are not ew eedings a Good Start 9:25 Give th ... ...... . .... G. S. Vickers nual meeting in. Columbus' last taxable but If be peddle,s from a TIle Hatchery Code f or 193& . 9 :35 week are: Judge I . L. Holderman wag~n be mU8t collect the fee. 9:45 Early AppUatioDs of FerLiliters f or Orchands., ... J. H. Gourley of Dayton, president; John B. ~lorrst8 an.d nurserYTJIel1l. ~re not Rapp of Batavia, first vice presi- lDcluded In the defimtlon of deni; Charles J. Gray, Painesville. farmers. second vice president; Mrs. D. A. Casual sales by a fa~rmer who Detrick, Bellefontaine, secretary Idoes n ot 1;egularly sell hiS prodUCe and W. B. Richmond Elyria treas •are. exe~pt from the tax. Sales of urer " flUid mllk are not taxalble. Fluid • - __ • milk is ·defined . as whole- milk (plain or flavored). skimmed milk. \ COLUMBU Approximately tion. Columbus had the distinction cream and buttermilk. rt; does not include cottage cheese, condensed $4.000 will be available for use in of holding the fint of the 1936 in fan tile paralysis benefit balls an d milk and !\imilar.!~~ the local. state and the national its success will be an encourage· fight against infantile paralysis as men.t to officials of the others -':hicla a result of the outstanding suec ss which will be staged throughout Thirty,two per cent of Ohio 'of th InauguTal.Birthday Ball Ohio and the U111ted States the night of January 3.0. Messrs. farmers purchase from which was 11 ld in the Columbus Trautman and Miller reported uno A,riculhlr. Picture hatcherie . Ovel' 20.000,000 are auditorium January 14. it .was an official gros receipts of $6,600, Timely and accurate date ' con· purchased annually. nounced by George Trautman and and e.xpenses of $2.500, which Albert D. Miller, co·cllairmen C!f leaves a net unofficial profit of cerning the present agricultural 1Ha _other'" orm.t. Ohio and the NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT the ball. Thirty·five per cent of $4,000. all of ",hieh will be used in resources of Dow6d WNe4 " ... o/lectw'IlOtelll· 1/"'1 nation will be provided as a result I the proce ds will go to the hild ..004 ~ ,.. k MID II,. JI"'J'1f.. connection with tile combatiJlC ot 'ren's Hospital l here. 35 per cent dreaded infantile paralysis. of the canvas of every farm in the ' EsL.t~ of Otho Henderson, deMh. MWo\('ber ~""" J><MAd '~ "11'"" .... 19... ~,.~. - - ... United States during January. De cea88d. to the OhiQ Society for Crippled MtC<lODI>.,.. r".tIOr-.w1 .. ~ ltildren and the remaining SO per . finite figures relative to the yields Notice is hereby given that. Irene cent to the Pl'e ident's Committee JanUary 27 has been designated of various crops and the numbers Henderson whose Post .office Ad. re ..Odl1. than ever. with Doctor ,eh .. kln.. fingera "Maeter David." Reaching the attlc-sh ape~ ch.... On National Infantile Paralysis as the official date for the start of of the different classes of livestock dress is Waynesville Ohio has ~\UP goln. about hlA ta~k~ swi ft· I slle aald. popping out with It. b e r that WI!.!! to be Davie! s room. lIIrs. Mlea""ber displayed It .. .. Research. Last year all proceeds the collection of the new three will b& of unusual value at this I· been duly appojntedAdmi~istra. Iy &lid IIUentiy . Aunt Betsy left off I "you've got a pa. A De"" p" David atood therp dll.zedly. then tbough 1\ were CIt tOT • k~g. 1'10 about $3.600, were turned over to per cent sales ta.x, which is eXPect time in giving a true picture of tr~ of the Estate of Otho Hender- ber atea4y pacln~ back and forth the famed Warm Springs Founda- ed to raiSe $55.000.000 in needed the effects of the recent drought son late of Warren Cou·nty. Ohio. Ul4 approacbed' blm .. he entered followed ber In. "Davy boy . how do luxury but simpll' comfort. tb. tttUJIIr·roolD. a non-eommlttal yOIJ c1o?W Murdstone greeted Dim Suddenly. there'lli" a ItnUlp decea ed. lIIIilla of .....ttn' on his tace David 8'av~ blm bll hand tben turn. nolsl!' from above. .Th. c~&4reD Dated this 2nd day of January "Mercy 00 the man!" abe buret ed to receive hla mother'. embrac:e dung \.0 their lIlotber , In &lanD. 1934. out. "Wli&t'" be doing! Can 't he She enfolded hlp! wa.rmly. but tilerA' Tbrough tbO! skylight tbere appearRALPH H . . CAREY ~! How la ahe ?" was 8 curiously strained tenseness cd two 8tClut booted leI". Th.n • Judge of the Probllte· Court, "s" 'am Y J apprehended you abou, all Iler movements" largp round faee doWD. "e ma .. ~ Mrs Mlcawber screamed. "Kr Warren COtfnty, Ohio ltad lmOtrD. It, • boy And a ne~ existence began tor Mlcawber' Children. It Ia )'0111' J 10- 17·24 - There ,.,.. a )oud ... p and Aunt David. 'H4! tormed the bablt of peer· papa " In!ltantly .b~ rUBbed Into Jlet.By ttruck Doetor ~Ull exe Btretebed arms . 17 on the hUd with her bonnet pectinI' The Black P,ntber to leap "a,,"lng been driven over I'09t '1'1aeo. JIUIUD1Ii, It on ber bead .•be oUl at 111m ahd he wOuld Jump nero and chimney ." Mleawber ..Id ID eta1kacl out of til. room and boUR voully wbetleVe,. be heard II heavy high splrlt8. "by the macblnatloD or lilt• • cll.M»ntented fatry. toottalt our enemies _ I _ In allort, J haft Dlrbt7..... later•. )Ittlfl David 9D~ .tte"noon. I4rs Copperfield. arrived" He notiee41 DaVid _el l (lG'pperfttld ut in the Ilttlng·room, dreai¥d"lh a 10018 .flowlng maternity gruted blm wltb boop\1Dr bfuU,. ~ to hla lIura& Peuotty H • •Q'tm, .t. at ber desk as Dllvid neS8. ofterlng their domeltlc COlD".. tUent for. mom.ent In lid r.. reblted ilia lusons to her Mr fort andprlvaoy. IDtIDbraDOI 01 the fathe r whom he Kurd.tone and bla sister . Jane. Davld 8miled. "Tha.nk you .... " Jtad nner IIDO_ nen ba .poke ....tched him like a pair of hawks Then Mlcawaber went on to tall .....talltb'. · ~ man , hi church ·. bout to pounce on their prell 9 1 the termination 01 bi. OODIl... todaJ With mother Ie - Ia Uk, a After -.umbllng and faltering a tlon wltb the hf,berdatJi• ..,. Bat. IJIaoJI ~tlMr 111 lIIy .antmal bo<Ik, number of Umea. DavitS fInally he continued serellel,.. h. ba4 . . . Pea~· stoPJ)lf4. eonfuBetS by the two gllU'- hla eyel over tbe sDUN "oriel «It &he 1cnrert4 ber eyeUu dllcreet· Ill, faces··before him. bUllne.. and bad .. lecte4 _ ....., . """ "Kuala. that'. I:Ir. J4ur¢aton. Murclatone walked to the corner Mrs. Mlca ..aber WN d.UCbte4. II' ,. ~II of _ a .. Now read me and brou'bt oul a limber lIttl~ cane tbllre waa anytklln, at "blcJa ..... 110m. mon. " . wblell be aWttdbed threateningly .At husband wa. calculatt4 10 abiDe. " H. ·Md. ·IlO IDOrt ' \bftll 8t&J' tbla. Mra Copperfield burst , Into 11M deolared proUdly. It .,.. . . . 'W~n llAe iIoorbeU I;&Jllr· Flyln, Into teu. But Murdltone wInked to hi, and bops; .... aoua..... erma. he ldaIed her etater blandly telling her tq com· 'Suddenly David rem.lllbertel ~ ..........17. but ttood "Id. .. fort Cia... for tbe worry and tOI'- lette.r He ,aye It 10 Kr MIca"'" !Ie 'law 111'. Kurdatone. 'That ,.n, ment Davtd bad OJLused her Tben wbo Lett the room. BI~1IJ merrilJ'.l tlllllU ' wolllcl ltave eba1len bandt he too .. DaVid ' \lp.talra )In. klcawbel' .,.. Just teJUq , with him but David bUllr back Reachln, bla room he ,alleel the navtd of tbe &NOR--MOUS proftt8' ~,""'bli. b1e motber .1anoecl at cane and brougbt It down on to be made In beer. wtIeD .b. . . . .1IIIa III Nproacb. DaVid ', baell wtth alCllenlnll teroe- interrupt.ed by a aerl.. of frtp~ Latar. In David', room. while abe It3/. rletn, and ,trUtln, regularly crIes emanatln. from the throat «It 'WUIIJtcl bilL Penott}' auuellted with the beat of his tUry . 14r Klcawber "My four year old boy had been tbat lit - . with bar to th. ttabln, Hours later Davtd .tlll lay on the Tbe chlldrenl' aYI. bw.ecs "'til "eak and pun)' lince birtlll. and bad ~ Yarmoutb. to viIIt b.r bI'O- t1oo.r . fevered. torn and heart, horror and David ~ traDtfboMJ eonstipation and indilrution. Noth· tiler. broken aa tbe blOo4-euNllD, ICIrtUIIfa Not until gray dawn bad ,bown mounted In lnt.nalty (q did him IUIY rood unt;il ". tried . 'l'be DDt 4&7... tlleclart mo* Mflb Emul.ion. Since Ullin. It. be ..... the OOUDtr)' ~ ~vtd looked It. Ugb~ on the hortlOn did Peg. "Cllckett ruabed an. "Ob, oIL Be"e cutUn' hie throat. lit. Klaawber .. can·t.ret .noul~ to eat .allid out. ......., about til aU dlrectSona for IOUy open tbe door I1'OtrD his childhood tr>oubl.. Ib lie ".. teellDl' tbe tbrill.t ot a boll Sbe cracn.e.t bim In ber arm. aad cuttln' bll throat. ~ , awa,y from her vo'ce lll100k .~ our mama. the pIa,. out with the childreJllno". and . . ... lint 1;Irec.lOu.. the darltng ,ce·. dead" b. " ... able to do that befon." ...... ADcI _ tbt YUIDOuth belleb fOt!e "~otty ." DavtG cried In an· -Wm., &U BUDd, A.,.. , New a.r..1IItm out of the aurroUJIdln, plab. "Ob ....gotty· We're all Cuil•• bid. ftabe~en &lid alon. now " W.ak. ,Ilin. ehildren uuall, laDd_pa TIM <Ullb.... "'~". 1M .. ~ I Tlwl. wit}, abocklll. ,uddennellll. Itart utin. aDd Irettinl stronrer 1M ,.... eaIUDa .....I.t occupied ""fA wn.t! from the very ftnt ,bottle of Mlilu Da..... wIcIe4Jed .ttenUo", P...-otty .... ordered to leave. IwM OOIM _ . .~, . . . , " - ..... met ., Penotty'a DaVid tearfully bade her larewell. Ilmu1lioD. Milks Emullion n.tores bealth" ........ BuD. • ItI'OJIf ~ fa.. lUre tie would never ·_ ber ap!n. ,,..,, . . ." .. to ...,. . . ., boy'. faoe and II urdatoDe·. ba.rab volee cut III Datural bowel aetton. J4illu Emw· ..., wttIa AD v6U DGVW low aAe ..,. ,....,. lion la Itronlrl, rteomm.llded to ....., IIIIIt ....... ~OD·. our Iaoue on lis. raneetlon•. "Hert Ilr." be . . . . . MIt tho.. whom .Iekne.. ha. ".akened. ..... na.,.... lit ..t4. n ... an _14 trItb ....... de1lbtratan_ ' Thia II the onl,. solid emulsIon ell GlDWItecI ....... atUUU"" He went. em to tell Da'ltd that be made. aDd 10 palatable that it 11 ............... oat. ... belaa "Dt to lAIDdGD to worII -'...,..-:~ ~ ..ten e lpoon like lee c....m. Vou an arnd to tr7 Millu Emul· alOD. Take .'k boW.. home






OP.B~trf{ [3& ·w~





Destroying Bread and Butter


Farm .!\tight 1 alks, January 28


Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol

.Ca p ito I Cross Road Chatter

"".., ''''0










,oa. . . it aec:0r4iDa to ad if DOt utiBW ..tit

'00;:-";:-.---1 will




._140 ..",.......


..... ,...."z..NK,,..,. .... , ....... ..........

.I. .·_.•



moming count, W. C, T. U. mHtlnc at ...... X•• Ia. Tlteaclay afternoon. the Fricla,. aftenoon S.,1IIcribe for IlSaad Ouelte Mu. Charley Gordon hat bHn Lebanon hut Wednesday. Bedel.. her hUlbud. iM b aurviv at 2 o'clock with K.v. O. C. Dibert '!!!!'!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lick the put we.k. l\I r~. W. E. Og\l' bt>e attend d a ed bJ two daughter&. oftlclatlng. Burial will b, made In Thl' hold their Funeral semeee will be held at Miami cemetery. A ....... of meeUnrs are b in« lIli Anna M.cDonald spent th luncheon Il'iv n 10\' Warren county met'till~· at home of .eJd at thf' Frit'pd t church thi w ek-end with Mi 8 Marjorie Sh~ Christtnfts Selll workers at LI'b· •J'I'guhll' fl'. and Mrs. Lli Sunday Hk, .ponsO~d iJ' the JonAh' lIlak r • .of Port. William. anon, Tuc dilY. . following night, January 27. Run Baptist church. lI.r most Mr.. IIdie Rt'o '" bas retllrnt\d It·ode.ra "'ilI have cbal'~re of the ordialJy invit.. d to attend. R,weT- honle after :l short visit at tbe meetmg. bd Tbllrnbury i\t amstt'd by a h9m of her dllughter, IIIr8. Earl R()bcrt Chapman, 'lelllSon leader 1> ni on colleg'l' miJtmer. Ho kett of T\t'ar WayneSo\,il1l1. Wlllnrd Furnas. dev01:lonal; and X-RAY WORK 1'. "nd rs. .Ih.e .. Bo t"d are The P. T. A. l1eld a most interWarren ook, recreatiOonal, BLOC ANESTHESIA jtlicin ,. r th rri~al of a . ling meeting la t W dnesday little ¥irl. born la~t W dn sday t!\"llning. All Kind, of D_tu.... Made 'l'he Ea tern Star l(ldge m t in R~pair Work Doa. Quick', - - - - regular se sion last Thursday -~--"'!!"'-'-------- night witb the new office1'8 in burgI', Plans were made ·to attend = 1riain St. WAYNESVILLE. O. the District meeLing wllieh will Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Linn and b~ h(>ld at L ebanon Febru'ary t. daughter Dale, spent. Sunday wilh Copie of the re8~ulal' farm Dr. W. E, Fr~l!t is cqnftned to Mr. and Mr. Eenry Hough and night radio program presented bis borne with the grip. family of near l.umberton. every Monday, 8 to 10 p. m.• trom t~s Winuifred McElwee is tho. Ohio State Univenity broad.till unable to be in her cia room The Guild of St. Mary's Ep i - casling station, WOSU, may be ~" On account of a relapse. Mrs. copal Church will serve an oyster obtained ir e by writing to the ""',......" ....., ~" ..." '..." ...' ' '...-"... HUl'!!t i. sub titu .ting for her. supper in Grange hnll. Saturday. ;Extension erviee of the College Our basket ball boys played Leb January 26. from 5 to 8 p. m. of Agriculture. COIU1I1'1bus. The Fri.-S.t.-J.... 25-26 anon aturday night and were PTice 25 cents. Your patronage is progr m lists the naml!S of speak, M_', Sui". SSc: beaten by five points. solicited, en, the tqpics they will discuss, Ladie.' Ore..... 70c Miss Dorothy Davis spent Satur and the time at whieh they are Quick-for quality dr,c:l_nin, day night and Sunday with borne Mr. and Mrs. Phil Zepf, Mr. scheduled. tolk " and ~rs. R. W. Lang. of Cinein-~- - - - - 1ofrs. Laura Sllidaker spent last nati, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J. ,Smith with week with Mrs. Mayme Hatfteld of and Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Smith atGEORGE O'BRIEN Waynesville. tended the funeral of Th Omas P. MARY BRIAN Preparations a~e being made for Fet~er at th.e Maso nic Hom e, As I inlend to devette my time HERBERT MUNDIN an operetta "Tuning In," to be Springfield. today. to r epairi ng and refinil!hing, I will given by the high school undet' offer at public sale, in the Odd the leadership of' Miu Helen S ...-Moa.-J.... 27-28 Fellows buUding, in Wayn.esville Steven I the music director. on Miss Lucille and Harold Tucker In our fUneral home everyThur,cIa,., F~bru • .." 7, 1935 pent Sunday afternoon with John thing is planned to 'provide Spray and sister of near New At thi time of the year numerCommencing at 10 a . m. o'clock. with a beautiful I!etting tOt the Burlington. ou's rep orts are Toceived of ewes my An tique stoek of FUrniture and CHARLES BOYER last farewell. Years of Word has been received of the that become paraiyz d in their Glassware. quite a few tools and LORETTA YOUNG scientific progTess alld long death of Mrs. Ann Harlan of WU- rear qUarters sbortly~fore lamb- numerous other article's . JEAN PARKER experienCil in the art of mington. ing. Often such e wes lOse their H. E. SHll:RWOOD arrangi~g details are beMrs. Eva MacDonald attended a lamb's. Sometimes they recover - -- ' hind the skilled ministra&iter aborting. but often do not. tions that lend to the loved one the natural appearance ~~~~=====~=~=~===========~~ , that Investigation almost always shows r, sucb ewes have been given of peaceful sleep tha·t is so the run of tal~ fieJds, win~er Thomas P. Fetter, fl9 years of comforting to those who repastures or recelved low quahty age, died at the Masonic Home, main behind. We teel that roughages uch as o~ts straw, Springfield, January l!2. He and our greatest privilege and corn stover or cOllrse. tlmothy bay his wife bad been residents of tbe duty is to make this -memas theil: only ' feed. ~ome several years, llrs. Fetter ory picture one that will be Given by Guild of St. Mary,a Episcopal Sueh feeds aw low in both pro- preceding him in dea,t h about a forever cherished for its J churoh at beauty and consolation. tein and mineral matter, pal'- year ago. He was the ~!Ider 80n ot , ,"'PI- Nf-tT4Iews ':"""IL..'1" " ticularly lime or calcium aDd the late John and Ha~tnab Fetter WbeD diItuIIAOn of economic PIa ot the farm beeomea too dilllcUlt U Grang~ should be lBupplemented with One sister Mrs. Geot'ge I. Smith Pannen' Week, JanlW")' 28 to Ptbruuy 1 at the Ohio State UnlveraJt,. about one quarter pound daily of of WaynesviJIll, SUrviVISS. farm vll1tor. wilJ be able to freshen liP with IIOme l1&ht entert&lnment at Satur~ay, cottonseed or line seed cake or Funeral sevrices W~!re held in lOIIIe otber MMIOD on \be campua. Among the economLIts who have &emeal and about ~ ounce of finely the chapel at the- 1I0me this cepted a place on the COlumbua program are M. L. WilaCn. a~t sec:reground limestone per ewe. Tblll' day afternoon ,a nd burlai tary of acrlculture; L. H. Bean. ecollClmlc advtaor to the AAto. and A. H. P•••• 7 Ewes that are healthy and in was ill the cemete,r y tlbere, Lautertladl. cbIef ot \be da1rJ I8CUcn of the AAA.. The IlWP below is tbe good f1eab at breeding time can Mathews Pam1JJ '0( Winamac. indiana, whom Howatd JoImIoD, Chlcqo II b • d t ·th· mualO crt&lc...,. .. AmerIca'I moat-amuma mUSIcal ft.m11)'. '1bII tMlll, 0 w\ tn a Mr • Jelanie Foster, wife of provide& an enntna eatertairunent. Tb.eae lin! lour of the 300 01' JMr6 uaUa y e carne



Fun and Serious Business Feature


Farm Week Program at Ohio State

Copies of Pr08rram May lbe Had








" Ever Since


Sale of Ant.':q ues

The Mem'o ry Picture




Oyster Supper

Hall January 26, from 5 to 8 p. m.

J. E. McClure


Waynesville, Ohio

without any grain in their rations, month orthey tworeceive. of lambing proVided at le,a sttime ODe feed daily of a high quality legume ~y. The leiume, hay will nonnally provide enollg.h protein and miJM!rals oWlet the lack of tbese constituents in coane. carbonaceous roughages. As lambing tim!? appro.ches grain should be added to stimulate milk production and to take care of the rapid development of the lamb which oecun in the last month or two before it is born. A splendid ratioD for this period is 3 Partl by weIght of corn, 3 of oats 1 'of linseed or cotton seed cake, and legume bay. One :feed daily of legume hay is all that is necessary if other feeds such as corn silage, corn stover of wint.E:r pastures are available to make up the rest of the roughage :requirements. The amount of groin or other concentrates to be :fed. depends upon the cOlldition of the ewes.· Foor the mutton breeds 1 to 1 ~ pound8 daily is sufficient. For the Merinos 1 pound is usually enoui'h.

, , ;J~O~sh:u:a~F:o:st:e~r:d:ie:d~a~'t~~h~e~r~h~o~m~e~~a~ttractIoDI~~~~ICbeduled~~~~'ot~the~~t~wen~t~y~-t~hIr~d~IJUl~~I&~alParmen';~~~Wi~_;~'::~~~~E~~:~~~~~~ -


GuaDty PrlntlDI

Tbe Miami



I. G. A.

Pyrofax Demonstration At Our Store

Tbursday, Friday 8 Saturday &: Son PRESEN1

The 1935 Mode~s 'of Pyrofax Ranaes _~-~-1 AnnouD~ing Pre-Tax Sale Price. on All Ranges --

Lytle Miss Laura ROlnegle of Cincinnati was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet. The condition of Oharles Clark; who has been very ill, remains about the lame. , Mr. and Mrs. Ther,e JOlles and son were Sunday dinner guests of . Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones. Ml'. E. J. Carmony of Spring- . field was a guest Sunday afteTnoon of his mother, Mrs. Mary C'a rmony MI's, Allen Emrick, Mr,.. Keeler Graham. !In. Therle Jones and son, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kellrick. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Duke. Mrs. George , and daughter!! attended the Farmet·s' Institute at Springboro Friday evening. Mr. Joseph Vuker is slowly improving and able to be up around the hous~. , Several from here saw Rogers in "Judge Priest" Waynesville theater Sunday eVenin . . . \ir. Ben Haw):e, who has employ ment in Springfield, is spending thi$ week with home folks. . A l1umber of 1934 crops of tobacco in this section were sold last week at lOe a lb. . Mr. and Mrs, William Coleman of Wellman were Monday 'g uests of Mrs. Walter Kenrick' and called on Mr. Vuker and Mr. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bailey are announcing the birth of a son. Wednesday, January 23. MillS Nellie Hiatt spent Thursday 's hopping in Dayton, Mrs. Ben Hawke and son Albert were Sunday dinner gueats at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Eagle at Miamisburg. Mn. Emma Lacy entertained to six o'clock dinner Sunday her sons, Walter and Howard Lacy and their familles from Dayton. ' Friends here are sorry to learn of the death of l\{n. Joshua Foster at her home neal' Xenia Wednesday. She a :former resident of this community. Mr. and lira. Forest Graham and lira. Lucy Dyke will attend the funeral Frida7 at Uae I'ftIdence.




Thi. New 1935 MaSic "Pyrofa." Gu-Th. Caa For Home. B.YODd the Ga.•• For Thi. S.I. W. H.... Ch.f . Cas Ruse Genuine Masic.Chef a-naea At Oil ' and GIlaoliDe FuUy l~talJed With Stove Price•• I'yrofas Equipment -1---27' Home. in and AroUDd W.ynea.. ille Are l WO $98.50, A .....dy U.inl' P)'J'Ofas" for Cooldnl. It Ha. To Now Be GOod. £ ...ry User b a Boo.ter - .t the Prien We Quote You No On. Can Afford to Turn Down Thew Chance to Saye Th. . Rans.. All Hay~:--ol~_


Thi. it the

tilul It. Real Ma.ic Cbef-W" $127.50, Now

A 'Beautiful set caE Genuin. W ear· EYer Will 8j1


.Aluminum Away On

$98 " so


S.turd.y Niaht, 9 p •. m., (GA Stolre. eet

A Range like this will last you a lifetime. See It-Watch It Cook

Your 1ricket

The II. G. A. Sp~I.I.

Merritt Coffee 1 lb. - .19

tJ. Id...

12t lb .~i3 241 Ib .85 n A D Fine Granulated $1 19 . su



100 Ib

type full





to ........ l........o . . tralioa.




The Ki... Yew WUlfM S.......t tIale Store


Autom.tic 0...... FullyJnaulate4 FCMlr Durn• • Smokel... BI1)Uer All Pore. Finiah a Choice 3 Color. 7 Ut....iI Space a 'top Coyer. ' 9 Full Si_ 0...... . 10 Geauine Napc-Chef . 11 'Price Illclud.. lutal. latioa of PJI'Ofu equiP.....t. . .,-- . .1 2 3 4 5

' - FREECome have lunch with UI. W. wW tetve you all of the Cofee and Bot , Biaeuita you ean eat. ,Be aura to atop In and aee the neW' rang.. while tou eojo)"Jhe famous I. G. A. Fooda. AU day Thursday, Friday" Saturday.

For ']'hi. Demon.tration Are


MOlt Beau-

, "w tTIIII8J!S. bouse 10ur caa supply. ,T hla



meDt Ia included 10th aula buI~.tloD.


Wa........ CI. . . Qaiek

......., ."..,_ c.,... ..... rt... otrerM . , I. G. A. .......

Eighty-Seventh Year




Whole Number 6155



School Stud,ents Pre-sen-t Operetta










Other. Plead


PI as were entered during the past :week by 7 of the 8 men against whom indictments were ret urned by the January Grand jury. AU but one pleaded not guilty an~ bonds were ~xed and trial dates set by the court in. each ot these eases. None of the four against whom secret indictments were returned have been apprehended nor haa Ilorry A. Swartz, indicted on a wOl'thle$ll check charae, been arr algned. Swartz was released on bis own recognizance follow in, his tlhest and ha~ not been apprehended 8ince be was indicted. William Taylor Jr., 22, charged with breaking and entering in connection with the recent robbery of the Weleh & Dakin hArdware store at llarveyaburg, pleaded guilty when arraigned before JOdge C. B. Dechant Saturday morning and was sentenced to serve not leas than one year in the Btate reformatory at Mal\sfie1d. All other prilloners indicted by t he grand jury pleaded not guilty. Walter Scott, charged with "en. tering premises for the purpose of tltealing poultry," pleaded not 1rU1I t y and is held under a .no bond tor trial On Januar}' 29. He was arraigned Saturday mornin&,. Bonds. of $1500 each .ere fixed in the cases Clf Wlllter Brackney, Arthur Albright, George Carm,.clt and Vinson Rose, all chlU'K'l-d 'With breaking and enterin&,. Bnekey will be tried January 31; Albri&"ht F ebruary 5; Carmack, February 7 and Rose, February 13 : All appearina in ' court Saturday morning. On Monday, Homer Evant!, who hIld ~en at Uberty under bonds, WIlS arraigned ' and pleaded .not guilty to two indictments charging grand larceny and breaking and eutering. He will ' be tried Februat")' 1!l and was releaBed after providing bond of ,1500 on the btOeaking and entering charge -and an additional $500 on the indictment: charging breakinr and entering.

Dilcourage Ordering For 1936 Tagl

Grange Program For February 2

Favorable i~prel!sion made by the new 19115 Ohio auto licenae tags through the choice number·s available to individual motoriats ha caused many who faned to· obtain desired tags thia year to place an early order for usa tags at the Bureau of Motor Vehicles office. For the pl'eseJlt however, Registrar West urges motorists to bold request letters until around July 1, when .Ilrrangement for 1936 will be completed. 'Ohioans are reminded that this is the busiest period of tbe year for Motor Vehicle employees and in the words of Registrar West 'it is phYlllcally impossible through lack ot space and employees to take care 01 1936 requests for special numbers,\' No definite policy in the handling of special reservation. for 1936 hlB as yet been decided upon Registrar Weat allo atated.

The program for the regular session of Farmers' Gnnge on February 2 'will be as follows: Music ..... ..... :. Mrs. M. D. Baird Recitation .......... Yvonne Stubbs Recitation ," .Jean Hartsock "History of Farmers' Grange and Community" ...... ... ,So S. Ellis Music .............. Mrs. M, D. Baird Reading ................... J()h n Shultz Vi8itors are welcome during the lecture hour.



.. -----

Th e operetta. "In Old Vienna,"

Blaze Waa Con6o-.l To Th. Hall. way On S-eeond Floorl 0 _ ...

Eat;matecl At $200.00 Firl', believed to



fl'Om electl'1c wiring, was discov-

e1,'ed in hl' Ilpartmf\nts in the Way Maville Nat ional bank building early Tuesday moming. The fir-! . started i n the hallway between the two apartments occupied by Howard Burton and Verne Simpson but was discovered by Mr. Burton· in time t o prevent what might have been the destructio n of the entire bulldiJlg The blaze, which was cOJlf\ned to the floor and walls of the hallwas between the apartmenta and a door to the Burton apartment, was extinguished by the use of chemicals. The alarm was sound~d at about 3 a. m., members of t.l)e Waynesville fire department respondin&,. The loss, estimated· at about $200, was covered by illsurance.

W~y~:~v~~:8~ni~; 8~~~0:i~~~1~:d~; . and FrIday evenmgs of thlB week. REPORTS ON VARIETY REFERENDUM ,PLANNED fOR CIGAR GROWERS Some of the cas~a~ shown above. lESTS Of VEGETABLES Valentines for sale at the Elzey COUNTY COOPERA11NG Kerr.Smith WAYNESVILLE WILL Experiment Home Shoe Store. .. Clifford ijuzick is on a busines WITH ·PATROL ~:p<m neir PLAY lEB~NON AGAIN New Varieti Trial in trip to Kentucky.

To Vote on A


Station Filld.


Wortly of Ohio



--One of the highliJl~ht,s (If the Mrs. Myer Hyman spent WedSome time during February current basketball season will ]f you are dauled by the beau- nesday in Cincinnati. growers of cigar filler tobacco will occur Wednesday, F~~bruary 6, at tifu l picturell and cleveI' descripWarren c(lunty ill covered ,rith vote on the Kerr-Smith Tobacco Lebanon, when Wayne township tions in the new seed catalogs, Mrs. Frank Heas visited in Duy- two "known" short-wav~ radio reAct. They will decide, in a referen high schOol will clash! with a team turn tq the reports of the Ohio ton today. ' ceivera which have direct or Indlrdum, whether they wish to have representing the W2lrren county Agricultural Experiment Station. rect contact with the State Rleh. the act apply on cigar leal af\d t f th d U h' Many new "arieties of vegetable. Mrs. Susie Evans was the dinner t k Mr. and Mrl. Clarellce Allen cigar filler tobacco in the 1935 sea or e secon Lllme t IS year. were tested there last year. guest on Thursday, of Mr. and way Fatrol ftve·.taUon n. wor , were DaytOn visitors, Saturday. aeason • The first meeting of th e two H . Mrs. J, E. Frazier. a census report completed today .. . schools resulted in l~ victory for . D. Brown, of t he , taUon by the Patrol CommunieatloD' DlMiss Winifred Armltaa'e, of CinThll past year growers of cigar the local team the S(:or~ beillg 28 horticultural ataft', summarizetl M George Henderson and vision revealed. cinnati spent the week-end at her filler were exempt from the tax at to 21. some of the reaults of these trials. sons rs~ere dinner guests of A total of 791 Iho~.wave rehome bere. the . discretion of the secretary Qf The last three times the two " Of the two new varieties of Vernon Mainous, Thursday. Mrs. ceiviirs constitutes the lilted . . It . teams met, proved disasttous for beans, the ASgToW Red Valentine ' which are monitored either dla&'flcu ure. )liss Sue Crane il convaleacing Taxes provided for in the act Lebanon, as Waynellville ha$ de- Asgrow Stringleaa Greftn Refugee, Joe Britain, of Dayton, visited rectly to a state unit or have Indla~ter a~ iIIneas of leveral days may be levied, on the 118]e of any feated them on each Occllslon. Tlle the first was Bupe.,ior to the new his grandmother, Mrs. Frank rect state-wide contact throurh a With gnp. type of tobacco dUring the crop score however has been by a Stringless Green Pod but both Stansberry. Saturday.' municipal unit. The report, accordinr ~ Col. Mrs. Vern Hough is spending a year 1935-30 if the secretary de- narrow margin in plI, three game8. 1yield less than Keeney's Strin&,le88 few da)"ll at the home o.f Mr. and termins that the persons who own, The game next week was booked Refugee Stringleaa Wax. Bountiful Hr. and Mrs. J . L. Mendenhall Lynn Black, patrol 8uperint&ndent Mrs. Ed Hou,h. J:'ent, sbare-crop, or control three- only recently, it bEting apparent a fiat-podded variety, produced the are attending "Farmers' Week" show a decided Increue In infourths of the land customarily en the .county seat school believes earliest crop but a rather low at Co)umbu s. terest amollg police authorities Mr. and Mrs, Myron ThQmu, of gaged in prodUction of tobacco of that it can overcome the "jinks" total yield.' throughout the state. In tbe old Dayton, spent Sunday with Mr. any type favor the tax. with which it has been beset at the "The Ohio Canner beet was a },frl!. Robert Baker and Miss day befo re radio, it wa. the pracand Mrs. E, L. ,T homas. The tax, which i8 25 to 33 I-S hands of Waynesville. better eolor than the Detroit Dark Marie Storer were Dayton visitors tiee 01 police and sherUra to teleper cent of the gross sale value Lebanon followers apparently Red but is slower in. maturln today. ph-one only to the big towna Mrs, R. B. Vance, of ~~aaant of tobacco; in effect falls upon feel the absence of t,b eir coach at more oblate in shape and h:~ nearby when the occasion for hunt Plain, spent Monday 'tnt her the grower who does not 8ign a the last meeting of tbe two teams short tops Much progress has been MI'. and Mrs. Clyde Sh~tts are ing fugitivel!J arose. Now every parents, Mr. and MTII. J. C. Hawke pr:oduction adjustment ~ontract might ha."e contrihut'ed to th~ir '~e made duri~g the past year in In- announcing the birth of on, constable and small town pollee Mr. Ralph Miller and son, of W?th the aecretary Ofagl'1Cultu~.e·lfeat, whl!e on the Qther. hand, tensilying the color of the alread)' Thursday, January 31. authori~'y is becoming a vital unit ' Dayton, weTe Ilueata of Mr. and Signere of such contracts .recelVe WayneslT1l1e .. lIdherer.lts POl!lt out good eolored variety, lIetroit Dark ' il:l t he hunt of crlminala th'l'ough Mrs. J_~-Gl'8ham, Mrs. Etta the esta ishment of the Patrol 'Mrl. Howard-Archdeacon on Satur tax-payment warrantr, 'wll1ch are ther were wlthout t.he services of Red. . used to pay the tax. theIr regular gua,r d, Norman "Chantenay' Sudace an~ M~8. Max McFarland state-wide radio )took-up. SERVIC~ AJI persons eligible, regardlesB Mel'edith in .thi gall'le. is still the most were ShoPPUlg m Lebanon, today. WPHK W·I·... h' day. popular variety of carrot altbou&'h . . at. I mln5'o~, aVlQ Mrs. Wendell Deere alld little of whether they sign production The contest is taking on the t~e higher quality, i1lcluding M~8. D. C. Ridge. Mrs. M. been In operatlon only sInce the dauchter, Jean, of Frallklin, Ind., adjustment contracts, will have an form of a "grudge" meeting and VItamin content, of Nantes ia mak_ I HcKl~sey and Mrs. O. M. Ridge ~arly part of Nov~';IIber, r~nb , 4th are guests of Dr. and lbs. E. F. opportunity to vote. Approxi- shOUld attract a large following ing thie variety very popular. were In Dayton, today. I ~ th.e number. of known reeelvDeppe. mately 92 per cent of the growers from th~ local chool. .. . I . I eJ's Ilnstalled In city Uld COUllty WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH have signed production control con The ~ar~le8t of All and Golden Mr. and Mrs. John Treadwa)' offices and cruisers which are Mr. Boyd Henderaon, who is at- tracts bow ever. O. E. S. DISTRICT MEETING Acre varieties 01 eabbage proved 'Were Sundey dinner guests of Mr. tuned in to the Patrol frequentcy Rev. G. O. Dibert, Paator tending a school of embalming at G~wera will vote on this belt. in the Harie~ta trials in 1934. and Mrs. George Henderson. Southwest 1:0 Ohio has only 29; Sunday: Sunday school a~ 9:80 qncinnati, wu hom41 over the question : "Do you favor a tax, a,s Marlon 14arket IS .r ecommended . . including those inetalled at HJpa. m. Morning wOl'llhlp at 10:30. week-end. provided in the Kerr-Smitlt Act on The Eastet'n Star district meet- f?r an early round headed wilt re_ Billy. h~tle . son ot Mr. an~ Mrs. IWIlY Patrol s ub-8tatl o~!I and in The s ubject for the sermon wili be I S the sale of cigar ftller and binder ing will be held at Lebanon, Mon- l3Jstant cabbage and Wieconai.n Lloyd 9av~s, has been very SIck fo! 'Highway' Patrol Cl'uiaer•. Wnmin. "What we Believe and ' Why we Th~re ~as no serv ce at t. tobaceo for the crop year begin- day, February 4. The afternoon a~llhead for late. Jersey Queen IS lIeveraI days. ton's municipal agreementa In:Sclieve it." Epwortb League .t Ma!,! EpIlCopat church, Sunday! ning May 1.. ' 1986?" session will open at :.>. o'clock when saId to b~ an .early pointed head those with Cincinn.ti. PortaG:30 p. m. with Leo Conoer as owmg to the iIln_ of the rector, For months many Ohio growers there will be a course of instTuc- t ype that IS resletant to wilt. ten~i,: !~~f::~n:f Bh~~ta N::~h:! .mouth Dayton and LouiivUle Ity leader. Evangelistic services at Rev. John J. Schaeffer. h'ave written to the Ohio office of ti~:n~~dw~IlP~~g:e~~d at 5 o'clock "Golden SeU. Blanching celery Sunday school class, in bebanon, ~he' concludi)'lg' ou~lyinl Patroi 7 ;80 p. m. . Miss Bertha Andrews and lit. the AAA askln&, that growers be for e~rly and GIant Pascal for late Friday evening. l'adlO unit, WPHT at Cambriqe, Wednesday : The Women'l For- Donald Hastill,l of Da)'ton. were permi*d to vote on the question. for 35 cents a plate. are stH! recommended. The Giant ' is now engaged in building IlP the cign Missionary Sociaty will meet, Sunday eveni~ pelts of Mr. alld • - • The evening will be devoted <611- Pascal 18 hard to blanch but is of Mr. and Mrs. number of it's "listeners" in tbe with Hra. A. K. Day at 2 p. m. Mrs. Ralph Haatillp. , BISHOP TO SPEAK tirely to initiatory work All excellent quality even though not lions, of southeastern district beeD Prayer meetin&, alld study bour at · members of the Order are invited. thoroughly blancbed. Euy Blanch- Mr. and . , .At 7 :15 p. m. -Arth..., IOn ef Mr. alld K . - - - -- in, . and Michigan Golden are two Tuesday present -unit You are cordially inyi~d to Hopkins, haa been accepted tnto The Columbia Church of ' the Ob ...... Birth A..,-ni......ry yellows resistant varieties. •• d M J B Ch at Zanesville is onl;, twolneet with us wheN! you will ftnd the CCC organiution and ii 10eat. Air will Qrlginate in the studios of ' • ~ "G ld Cr B' jar. an rs. ·. . apman way contact. ~ frlendl people in a friencUy ed. at Gitllipolla, Ohio. . sta~ion WIQtC in the Hotel ,Alms Mr. 'and Mrs. Josj;ih Davis enter ' dO .en . 0lil! antam IS a very: 'Will entertain 'a group of friends, The complote staUe"le for Warchurch. On F!!bruary ,8 at 10 a. m. (EST) , tain,ed members of their farpily, pro uctlve bYb~ld sweet corn, that Friday evening. making up four ~ MillS Josephine Gray, of Har- and will be devoted to the Epis- Tuesdav evening,' the occasion h!lll pro~ed re81~tant to Stewart's tables for "500" . ,ren county are as fo11owa: .....t, last w-_1. ~ Sheriff" 1 office, monitoredveyab' uTg, wal th e .... .... cop' aliall faith. The Rt. R, e.v. Ben"" celebrating the birt:h dav anniver- dIsease In practically· all parts of, f"" .....ta. Orville J . Gra"J Wiae Hobson, bishop of the' -, sary of Mr. Davis and their " .&'fand_ t h e Unit.ed .S tate __ Since this is a Mr. Dean Stanley, of Lebenon, WEDU (Cincinnati). Franklin st• MAARY'S CHUR..... ·.I 0 _r. a IId . "-v. J. J. Schaeft'er, Rector and dauchter, Mila Barbara. Dioulle of Southern Ohio', will be son, Roy Hurley. 'l7hose present hybrid corn it i8 important that will address the Wayne Townyip Marshall, 1 office, monitored-No; ..... , only first &'8-neration aeed be used. Mothers club at the regular meet- concentrated on WPDM (Dayton), Fourth Sunday after Epiphany; Mr. and Mra.. Earl Murray and the a)feaker ~nd the st. PaiV werB Mr. and How~rd Burler "Sugar Rock, Hales Best and ing, Friday afternoon, February 1. and WKDU (Cincinnati). Church 'school at 9 :80; memorial Mn. Allee Murray, of Da)'ton, Cathe8ral c~olr wUl furni8h the and . son, of lClngman, Mr. Cecil Tip Top are the most Ptomiain&, • _ ...._ __ lernce for the late Blahop Boyd spent Sunday with Mr. and lira. mualeal portlon of the !>roaclcut. DavlB and Master JClle Davit. varieties of muskmelons for Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Baumgardner, . ., "Sweet Spanilh onion 18 becom- ' of Cincinnati, were week·end Vincent, .itb Holy Communion, at Oliver Davia and Mia Rachel. . guests of Mr. lind Mra . J. W. 10:80. )lisa Martha Ann Dry,bread and . Itlg more popul.r in Ohio because Coleman.


----- ..- - -






Jl'atb,r Newton, ~..tor

~.,c.!:~eaCU~::~f~. ~~::

E. F. Deppe, Sunday and Mond'af

!(.asa at St. Auguatlne', Ohurch

¥-ro. ancJ MrI. W. B. Squirea ed every lecond and fo.rt~ Sunda, Mra. Vern HoUl~ attended the ~ the month. • funeral of Mn. Squi....' aUllt, Mn Martha Coltler, 'at Tnbeina, SUDday. ' WAYNESVILLE , CHURCH 0 P CHRIST Mr. and Mn. tc&rl Hawke, of • Dayton, Mr. and Mn. Lee Hawke Church school at 9 :80 a. III" and little Mila Anne Welts were Lord's Suppf.r .t con~lu,ioD. Sunday dinner cuesta of Mr. altd Cbriltian Endeavor at 6 :80 p. m. Mra. J. C. H aw.&. L ' • Evangelistic ser'Vice at 7 :80 p. m_, 'With preachin, by Carl SmWa. of Mrs. WIUlam ac;ane" who Peeblest, ohio. The church wbere ulldvwnt an operation at Miami you feel at home. Valle, ~o.pltal . . . . broacht bom. tbe Jim' fJf tile ..... Sbe .. Neoveriq aIceIy, It ta aid. • FRIENDS "EE~I"Q Fint-da, Sellool at 9 :10 a. Dl. IIr. and III'L Clare__ Cradclock lIelltin'" for Woralaip a' 10:80 J'!IctrmfIUDaln,u" M... ad JIlL ...........

of Da:rtcm. .... Sa., of lin. L. D. aao.. aDd II.. Kn.a.......AUa. FERRY CHURCH OF c....n IIaroJd ........ Gt"to t United bqlnnlDa ,with MVWal cia,. Jut at Church IObool at 8 :80 .. 1Do, of ... a . JI1'I. I'nd eo... •• LHd" Sa".. adlU'lDOD ., Cul ilo . . . . . .. . ,...... ~ of .....1.. OhIo... 10,.0 .., 1afI .............. 0-. ..



tt C.


oa an • •,. -.1'"

.......... .,



Remove ,Buliness To New Location

I :~,'~.r.'~i::.':'~~~..!..::::

Miss A'lice Campbell, 6th grade Yellow Globe variety. tarly teacher, has resumed her school Business cbangell of the week Grano malle a fairly sati.factory work after I!everal days illneas. have , brought about the removal growth from aeedliJlgs at Colum. Mrs. C. E. Anderson 8\lbsti~ted of James Lovely from the atorebus. It is said to do w~ll trom seu for her. room he has occupied for the put "Because of the sholt growing several years, to the Phillip. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leonard and building adjacent to the A. E. Da7 season the Alaska types 01 peaa U8 daughter and Miss Grace Drakll, ually do best in Ohio. Wi!consin dry goodl> store. E 1St . . I· d of Kings Mills, were. callers at the The new quartera ha"e beell re. ar y wee , a new wnnk e type, home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. modeled and redecorated and IIr. produce a very good yield. Laxton Frazier, Sunday atternoon. Lovely is prepared to Berve a 'DIce Progre!18 the. heav,i est yielding larre podded wrinkled pea in the Mr. and MrS. Walter Sheehan lunch of chops, ateaka aDd ....elOhio tests at Colu.mbus. wi11 go to Cincinnati tonight to wiches. Old patrons and new will "California· WOlider Is now· the attend the nurscs' capping exer- receive a hearty welcome.. Mr, Lovely haa been establlabed standard thick /leah large mild cises at tbe General hospital. Mrs. pepper for Ohio. althou&'h it is Sheehan'lI sillter, Miss Rebecca in Waynesville fo~ leveral yean frequently very late. King .of Dunham, .is a member of th!! clalls and has always been an actin Waynt!sville 'booster, takin&, par& North has proved Vel'y satisfactory Mia Doris Salisbury. of Miami in all activities for the Imp,.... in Ohio trial.. Thil variety usually of thla cODllDulllt)'. sets a very early crop. The fruit ia univenity, and John Turner, of Wittenberc college, are spending ----.~. , ahap" similar to Ruby Kine. "Dellea~ &lid Table Queen are the midyear vacation at their reDUTH two amall but hlrh quality vuietie apective homea here. of squ• . GI.nt Su~mer Straia'ht lira. '::'rl Hockett, Mra.. Percy The infant IOJl of Kr. aDd . . . qeck fa rapidly repladna Golded Reaao~ and 1011, Loren, visited Ox. Stanley BaUey died TIl Croolmeck. ' ford today Mia Ruth Hockett afterlloon. Burial ..... at QI...... "Old Dominion it a lloulc n· wbo' fa • a~dent at MIami unlver~ ville. alltant variety qt epI~c" that does .stJ. I'H1U'Jled with them to lipeDd not go to · . .d 10 q1lic:kiJ .. VIr- the mlhear 'lacatiOD .Itb liar SavoJ. Kiq of DeunarII ancl pal'8ll" I ~~~I~


be IIHCl


lin. John Treaclwa,. reoeIft4 of the death of he .s.e.. ill the ..... Pon., of a-..

tile apl'lq erop. 11IIl-

Staacline BlooDUMlale aboalcl ... ... tn.ia_u, II. 8l'OW1l IH




~ . . . . . . . . . . . tI'Op



. . ....

lin. Po.....·



. . -------!!--------------------:

premo on bond for Keller Hoak. hlmll~, .1Ickcts, labur, $26; C. fourth grade n(''W~ rello rt(' ..~ commia_ioner, $2&; Tht> hlldrel\'~ };rnl·,t Mill' h. labor uml matl'rilll are Warren LeMay and Ellen 1\lo~o Hospital, ho pitallzation, $21; J. at juil, $2; Tl'u~t(·e8 of Public AfDul' to the abllt'nce of Mr. Brad. L. Dunn, services a8 mechanic, fai \'~ , light III VUI't House, $49.20 dock, sevt'nth gradc, te",-hl'r, lu~t $57.60; Zain Armitage, gravel and Tru~t e of Publit· Alfait·s, light week, we W(.'N unallie to cnrry the I pit run, $196.02; '. K. Pierce, and I!as at jail, $:11. I: Howard evenlh gl'ad, eeti on II honM Edit d by th~ Buo. t r Club of Wayn ville High School kerosene, gasoline,0 .,$72.'7 G; W . Ivins, A~et1t, PI'l'II1 . on Bond J. W.t, Lingo Hardware house holL Th r(!clll'd!l, tlH'l'('[nr<' , ,\l'rt' L.._ _.;.._ _ _ _•_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Agen for 11. C. K ever. commissioner, FRANK HAWKE Editor·ill·elli.' ineompl t!'. Maty Eva Lt· Ma y 111t $26: J. W. Lingo Hat'dwar Co., Common ' Plea. Pf'Oeeeelln,. The estate of Hal C. Brant, depaint, oil for sheriff's rl'sidcncc, CECIL HARTMAN Auiltant Editor the onlv stu dent tn the lIpper mish,. nails, bru sh, 5.07. ceased, is exempt from inheritance $7; Smith's Service Station, gaso· e to be on the honor roll. In th' CII!\C of Oscar White, tax. line, $2.76; . B. McMahan, reoph mOre class. plni nti11' i'n erro r, 1rel'sus W. E. W. C. Shepherd, executor of the pairs to chain, $4; Waites Garage, ROil th Wllyul.. Triut'Dph FriJn~', P~bruary 15 Basket Literary Prollram 1I0ffl'I', u~re ndant in error, cause estate of Florence E. Sausser, de- parts and supplies, $5 .50;' incinTo_a1>ip ball gallle, al Highlalld. n February 1, t he jllllil1t,S unJ is clismiMs d. • . cased, filed his inventory. nati Oil Works Co., gasoline. $l4.l onday, February 18,- Draw- se niors are pr lIellting lh il' l In ~hc c ~t' of R~:sa L. ~ecil ve~Effie S. Pierce and Grace Lois 24; Frank Sherwood Co., upplies Wayn esville varsity turned in a ing for county basketball t.ournn- monthly literary progJ'am . Sll~ F,.dgn\· T. ~ec~lI, a divorce 1S Thornhill, were appointed cxecu- and gasoline, $1.62 ; 'SlIm Sm ith, victorv o\,el' Ross township of'mont. Thi month's progJ'am for both gmnled the plamtllff. . trices of the estate of Irma W. front end a-nd tires, $7.50; The Green~ counlY 1 st Friday night Thurscla~' • . February 21- ports sections con ·ist.s of thellles Bnd I n tn I case of lll!be r Hlzar, ver Beach, de~ased, and flIed bond of Kilpatl'ick-French Motorcar 0., by 1\ ~c r of 34 lo 30. . nlan blp Brolherhood meeting. e- say on two great men of OU1·. us C .dric tanley, et al., the d?- $20,000 w,ith sureties. gasoline, $36.99 ;L. H . Gordon, Friday and aturday, Februrlry country, Washington lind Lincoln. fendant, New 11 Thompson, 1S George P. Gates, George Hall gasoline & SUpplies, $4.78: The . Th locals took 311 early lead and Charles Munger were appoint- Book Shop, administrativ e exp nse nnd held it th roughout th game. 22-23- Pl'eliminarieand semi . Oth r worthy features are l h 81' of grllnted leave to til.e answer: During t.he tirl' half they had a finals of the co unty basketball portraying li terary char:act r by In thll cn. e of H. L. Hardmg, et ed apprai8ers of the estate of Wil- rural recovery, $1; The Office Out rather easy time of it Il!ading 25 tournament. th junior class and stories of St.. al.. v. rsus The South Lebanon Ham F. Schenck. fltters, same, $2.2'6: M. E. Ross, to n. A la~t-hal{ rally on tbe part Valentin day by the enior. Packing 0., a corp., t a1., sale of In the matter of the estate of Postmaster, Same $10; W. C. Tut·of Ros~ township held WayneSVille lh~ w ienna C4~nning factory Sherman Franer, deceased, sale of ton, feed f or stock and poultry, to 9 points whi1<' the visit or The Inqu'iri n, Reporter appro ved by court. bonds is orde~d. $2.40; Lebanon Farmers Coop. Co. nett d 21 points. Note-Every w~k thi s reporter In the case of 'T he Virgin.ian Wade S. Brown, admiriistrator of Same,$4:60; Mo),row Feed and The lead which our boys r()lled will ask flv stud nts for their .Toint Stock Land Blmk, of Ch"rles the estate of Emma J. Camp, de- Supply Co., Same, $19 ; Pe ople's lip in the first part of lhe game opi nion on some school question. town, n corp., versus Huston Kin. ceased, filed his inventory. . Building & Loan Co., same, $164 .• proved more than Ross could over When so desired, the nBme of the drel. t ai, j udgment to the plainMichael MacDonald was found 40; E. B. Thirkield & Sons Co., UU tiff in lh sum of U96S.42. in ane and is to be admitte.d to the sewing material, $80.83; H . C. come however and t he game ended individual will be withheld. . in fBvor of Waynesville. . Gl'oUP- M mbers of the Boost r In t he case of 'rhe Virginian Dayton State Hospital. HamiltOn fuel, $53.75; J08. H. In 8 preliminary gam e the club. Th question- Do you favor Joint to'ck Land BI nk, of Charles The ea~ate of Leroy Warren Sni- Fedder Supply Company., fuel F.rc~~'man - Sophomore team was dBncin~ at high-school parties'l On the out kirts or Beaverdam ton, 'N est a., verllus Charles W. del', deceased, is relieved from ad· $130.50; G. R. Ros man & Co., bElateD by the Junior-SenioT team A Junior girl- No, I don't think a large t r uck skidded on the icy tull, et aI., the defendant is nlinistration. food, $97.50; Elmer Collis, food it should be allowed. Per onally, I pavement and crashed into a filling granted 20 . days within which to Emily Wright, executrix of the $89; Lloyd Davis, food, $2.79; b" a score of 23 to 21. Iik to dance, in foct, 1 would station. Th e front end of the plead. estate of Jane F . Wright, deeeased Blair Bros. Hospital, medical ~ ayne ..iII. to Meet Haney.bur, I'ather do t.hat at parties than any truck broke through the wall and In the aa of The Union ten- filed her inventory. services, $183; David Mason Store In the case of Nellie Pummill, lood, $7.50; Marshall Roberts, The W Bycehs squad will meet t hing el c but 1 don't think it buried itself within the building. tral LiCe Insurance Co. versus R, H .. rveysburg, SatuTday, February should happen ut nigh school It is till there and the owner ot Wilds Gilchrist, et IIlI " the defen- administratrix of the estate of food, $3 .00; Mike's Masons family seoond, at Harveysburg. This parties. It will lead to th wrong t.he building intend. that it shall dant is granted lav4~ to file answer Louie Knott, deceased, versus Nel Store, clothing, $1.98; Ohio Relief Sa".eI b, new Vitamin. of' Coel U ....., remnin in its pre!!ent position until or other pleading Within 80 days. lie Pummill, et aI., appraisement Production Units, Inc., clothing, Oil iD ,utele.a tablet,. promises to be a fast game. The tbing ; it doos inevitably. A Senior Boy- Yes, I would full damage are paid. In the case of Lydia Hackett, et approved and sale of real estate or $111.33; Mrs. James Johnson, Pounda ot ftrm health" II h Inltnd hf Massie quintette is probably better bona I New "blOT. "inl and aI., ver us Ruby Van Riper, et al., dered. I' nt, $10: D. W. Bishop househ old Mn ler ..." than it has been lor yeats. Those favor it if it brought more p ople ....e,.,. Inllead o( tired 1I0t"·00ne.. I St~.dy. . h motions overruled. Defendants are -- . nec., $2: Chas. J. Schwartz, ...Iet no ..H I Thot it whot lpOI"and. 01 . of yo'u who think the game will be to our parties. 1 think that things are SdU fIII throul:h ..,Ie,.<lota· 1,,1.e! A ea.T parked Just over t e cr st given 30 days additional time in Marria •• Lie..... household, ne,c., $7.70; F. A. But- _!>te a walk-away will probably be disap of that type are all right if t hey dltqovel'7- the Vitamin. or Co<1 I.IYer 011 wOl'k but I don't think ·jt will work of a hili wa th cause of fo~r which to plead. terweck, household nee., 75c; John con..,ntrated In IItLle IUKor eo"t.<od lahlet.o pointed. Lebanon beat the Massie any 01 ita bqrrld, 60hy L~Il. or om.11. wl'ecks neal' Wa.d swo~th. In .hlS In t he case of Willard ' Kline, W. J. Gerwe, merchant of Frank· Law & Son Garage, fu el, $1.46; 1rIlhout lads only five points. It will pay here at Waynesville. McCoy'. Cod Liver Oil Tabl tao IIt .y· r A Junior GirlNo, 1 don't favor endeavor to aVOId an approachrng guardian of Nanay E. Carroll, verlin, and Miss Alice Leurck, aten. Lebanon Farm r5 Coop. Co., fuel .. ned I "Cod Liver au In orabl ta" •• nll th.y you to ee thiB game. work wo nd ..... A ILul. boy lIr a... ri· it at all . I can't ~ee that it benefits hay wag0l! and tbe. parked car us Alfred A. Gregory', motions ographer, of Franklin. $1.25: Morrow Feed & Supply Co. .1ID1'1" _17 Ilelc. eqt ,..11 and ".in..! 10 Vi lbo. In the school or the parties. The one motorIst crashed mto both. A !!uRtnined. Arthur H. Cooke, bridge worker Fuel, $5; Lebanon Ice & Coal Co., j1IIt on. month. A R!lrl of thlrl.,<,,, rJ'1t'r 4he dial..., •• In eil lbl_ thM\r.L w ~k· .'ld "In Olel Vi• ....a" stUdents might come to a few of !'l0ment later another car plow ed In the case of Virginia B.unneU 0Df Franklin and Miss Inez E. Van fuel, .... 2.50 i Virginia Van Horne, •.ame nta. MCb ..eek .ner. A )lo unp; . mo!tlor ..ho The operetta is being presented the parties but they would soon IOto the wreckage. Never park versu Charles Bunnell, a divorce usen, stenographer, of Franklin. ca h relie! furnished during could not eat 9" aleep . art~l" baby t am. ot hn h.alth baek and ~ alnod 10 lbo. In I... on January thirty-first and Feb- find them t oo tame. Then too, it wher Y~Ul" car can be a huard t o was granted the plllintiff. · F Robert V. Fitz, paper maker, of , $70; S. Fred rent, $15; aU than month. ruary first. The- synopsis ill a8 would lead to other very undesira- other drIVers. In the case of H81Tley Lucas ver- rankHn, and Mrs. Martha E. Lingo Hardware admin. exYou oimply mUlt ~1'7 &I<Co,.·. a, c>ne • . it yOU don'l ..aln 6' I""., S lb•. of follows: ble prac~ces. 1 :JSitivelY am not sus Martha Iren Lucas, a divorce Parks, of Franklin. furnished relief , office, Remomber I.nD health,. ft h I'n a month . t!l yO\lf mUl'ley Even though one of the front wns granted the pldntUf. Henry Gillen, farmer, of Red.25; Reif's Electric Shop, admin. Mol<. Dtlllalld and rrd MrCoy'l - the orl ~l na l Jona.s H. 'Pennington, an Amerl- in favor of it. and ·r.nuIM Cod Liver 011 T a blet . can pickle manufacturer, with his A Faeul ~y me b r- PersOJlally wheels ' was broken, a women In the case of N'Drma B, Dallas Lion and Miss Florence Richards, expense furnished relief office, pproved by Good H...... be<." lne 'n.mute, Rer""•• 11 ."IIo,ltuUOltdaughter, June arrives in Vienna, I favor it b cause these people are driver from Unionville gave chase versu Roland E. Dallas. a divorce of Franklin. $2.20; The Franklin Chronicle, on U,. orll(l"ol MtCoY'oamidst preparation for the car- going to dance anyway and why to the bit- kip truck wbich had was granted the pll~intiff. -admin. expense furnished relief __ the.r. are Done 'bdl.r. nival. He finds Jones, his "dverti ... not have them daDce here at caused the damage. After about The case of Milc~ Merrill, doing R.aI E ...... Tr_tf.ra. office, $11 .76; Ttustees of Public ing eX]lert, advertising Penning- school where the conditions can be two miles, her car became unman- business a The Merrill Funeral Anna Lake to J. H. Smith and Affairs, lights, $3.65; Ohio Central ==.= .: :,!=========== ton'a Peter Piper Pickles too weU controlled. ageable and ~he was forced to Hom , versu ltal Simpson, is dls- Bene Smith, in lot No. 407 in Telephone Co., telephones for welAn old acquaintance, Lady Vivian, A Seniol' girl-I think it is evid- stop. She was unable even to get missed. . Franklin. fare office. $27.10; Mrs. A. M. a wealthy English woman, also ar- ent that the older stuaentlJ will the license number. The tl'uck In the caSe of RUlth Gebhart verLouie Corwin and Louie Corwin Hinsch, rent of office for welfare rivea on her annual quest in attend more if dancing and games driver must have been a gallant sus Homer Gebbal~t, motion sus- as widow and benefteiary in the offiCe during December, $45; The search ot her daughter, who was are mixed; guessing games become 80Ul. tained. will of Robert Corwin, deceased, Western Star, envelopes for Wel10 t "ear Vienna at carnival montonous if you keep it up. If _____ to Verna L: Mardis, 14 acres in fare office, $56.86; The Western time wben a baby. Kinski, the we have games let's have .. ....- mes. N.w -UI".. Clearcreek township. Union, ·~le'"'am8 for We'l al'e When their car turned Qver near ~ ~ .. "" ... u pompous po1Ice ch iei, p1ots to sub- with action. Carl E. Wells to Mary Wells, office, $4.66; The Book Shop' , file ·t th e I08 t child 0 f L ady Wilmin"ton two motorists we re E va Iyn G. Sh uml~k er versus R 0' real estate in Franklin. \j 8t I u.e ., cards, 76c', Cline's General Store, ··.J- an d h arry b er f or th e thrown clear through the khaki mine . F . h umak VIYUln er, I...d or "Ivorce. Anna Oberlin tp Owen P. Lyle clothing, $10; Great A. & Tea Thi.a anel n.ta of th. Grade, ' top. They were only slightly C h '18 gross n~lgIect • f orlune. . 1 al'ge and Margaret E. Lyle, real estate Company, food, $16.00', Kroger bruised but the car was comp etely V B A band 0 f gypsies visits t h e car_ 1n Miss Reeder's room Margaret wrecked. The Miami allEiY uilding and in Clearcreek township. Grocery &: Baking Co., food, $10: ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN L oan As ociation versus Anna Bessie Zeff and Herman Zetf to Herb Hoppe food $17.50; Western niva], led by Jigo, the chief tan, Jean Dakin, Vernon Gray and Cattle, hore, ahee, and cah'" • . Rauh (lnd Edward Hawthorne, to The Miambburg Building &: Loan Star, e.nvelopes,· statements and four and his supposed daughter, 11I0na. John Peny Sackett have not becn Norris·Brock Co., ltve wtr.. aft. Events lead all to the Gypsy camp .absent or tardy this A. college stude.nt drlvmg near foreclose mortgage, and for . equit Assoeiadon, inlot ' No. '89 in milk orders, $61; Marshall Roberts to pfilrresllve ft.rm hr the bWhut -where a magic pool reveal. the Miss Carter's perfect spellers for Xenia lost consclousn.ess because able relief and for money. F.ranklin. . food, 60c; The ' Midland Grocery market pril'.CI and good •• rilee. 4 f Lad Vi' , d h of fumes from a leakmg exhaust. .. ace 0 y V1an S aug ter. last week were : Mary Ellen Bogah His car left the r oad and was ---James W. Dyer and Lula Dyer Co., food, $4; James V. Mulford, Unloll S·toclr. Yard.' Cincill_tl. O. Artbur. Crefont, a poor artist, wins Virgil Gray, Ruth McKeever, Elva Probate Court to The L. & C. Investment Co. 120 services, $7: Kaufma.n's clothJng, Tune In on Radio Station WCKY 't' f hi rt d I tb Wl!eeked. Both he and his com pan Franklin township. re eOgol Ion 0 S a an a 80 e Mae Weste'tman, Wilma Foul,. . j d ' The will of Jane F. Wright, de- Bcres in ; James V, Mulford, services 12 :26 to 12 :30 p. m. for our daD, hand of June Pennington. Lady Erwin Lewis, Anna Lee Smith. ' Ion wete In ure . Clifford Smith and Effie Smith Morrow Feed & Supply Co., market reportl. The popils not absent in Mlu . I ~ea.~d,ww~\:dmit1,ed ~ Prdobate. to James Reece, real eetate ' in $3.05, W. E. Humphrey, Vivian consents to become Mrs. Pennington i KinBkl's plot is ex- Campbell's room are: Edith BerA cedar t carr~d1ng trsc;ven dPbeop e I 'Y rig was appointe exec- Franklin townll . . ' .76; A. Shiflett, food, her gan, Clifford Gray, Junior Casey, swerv 0 avol a a,n a':l ump , u rlx,. no bond re.quired. Charles Oscar Chilton to C. E. Wells, 112 $63.60: Th e Dayton Power & posed; IlIona is restored 43 SERYICE mother and Jones is rewarded with Betty Lou Arthur, Doris Fires and etd .alofn g tlhe traficfkts bedslde tbe , MAI'bFltttHs, Etolmore ]~. Gra~atmd and acrES in Clearcreek township. Light Co., lights, $Ii Ed. O. succeS8 !n hie campaign for the Max H a y . ' flralfl 0: a ~ost ff ~hya~ s. klt wad I ~r es n wef!~ appom e ap -, John MltllCbe to Clarence Mit- mjth, clothing, $3.10; H. E. Ivins hand of mona. The pupils in Miss Day's room na y. noc ed 0 e rae an pnll ~rs . . sche real estate in Deerfield town. food, $8.60; Miller Hardware &: Act. I~Garden of Wurtzel- who have not been ab&ent nor demohshed. Not one of the seven LOUise F. Pardee was apPOinted sbip' F ' h h ld t2 LEBANON, OHIO .. V· t . I passenge"s received a Scratch. adn . li. n ist1'8trix of the estate of M:I'nnl'e V. and J effer. T urmture, '" ; prae t er I nil, lenna, a carnIVa tardy this year are; Ruth Conner, • U W douse 0 f dnecee., ,37 50 We have a complete Benton Hoak, Freda Ellis, Jean- - -- - Wdliam F. Schenck, de~ea8ed, a~d 80n D. Marlatt to Nina E. St. John Wright's ~oar~e:~ fO~~,' $179:' G: time. Watch Seme. Act II-A gypsy camp near nett Kerfu8, Martha Hiatt, Alton filed bon~ of ...,22,0100 With sureties real utate in Waynesville. R R .. C f d $18 50 Prices Reasonable th t . 10 as one The Will 01' J. Camp, deW· . C. St. JOhll and N,'na E. St. . ossman... 0., 00, . ; · V lenna, a evemng. Earnhart, David Furnas, Laverna G""· G f d '"2 H b ..u... ff I ceased, was admitted. tQ.. probate. John to MI'nn'le V. Marlatt and .. rrlson rocery, 00,..; er Beads Restrung A ct III- Same as A c t I, t he nCX'l. Dakin, Dorothy Hunter and Tori ices in erVlce , Wa Iter F raner, ~LdmIniSt ra to r 01 Jefferson D. Marlatt, inlots NOli 11 Hoppe . fuel $3: W. A. Hause fOOd Jewelry Rep'aired evening. renoe Kirpatriek. . $6; Harry South, food, $I: Lewis Time-the present. In Miss MeKinsey'lI room the th estate ot ~h~rrnan Franer, de- 12 and 13 in Waynesville. a. 0 1t 1 f I $2 MER "THE HOME OF CIFTS" · There are more tll'n ra e, nc., ue, ; .' Central . oss \,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,..,~ PI ace--V Jenna. following have had perfect spelling • 19,000 tele- ceased L ! filed C Ihl8 K In'ventory Ib . t f Cliil'ord' Smith and Effie· Smitb '" P. M., stamps, $60; Ohio grades for the last term: Eliza- phone central offices in the United OUIS at a~, execuor 0 to Mary Wellsi real estate in Telephone Co., telephone, $8.60; '.' \ Febl'1laJ')' Calendar beth Burnett, Lansing lIard in, States, 908 of which are located in the estate of ~art!~a J . .Kalbe, de- Franklin township. K fm ' h II f D W d Ohio. ceased, filed. hIS schedule of debts. James C. Patterson and Mary au an s, 8 e S or og ar en pe~:~nc~~~r~::yop:rett~eCond Hei-~~s:~;ers ~1~~nto~oSsto the Of the Ohio central offices, 217 are The electl?n tqtake real estate PattetBon to Frank Brandon, inlot :;;~s: ~O~~~bk~~I!:~ ::;:T ~~; . Saturday, February 2-Basket library, several have enjoyed operated by The Ohio Bell Telephone at the appra1sed by tbe eaid No. 42. in Lebanon. . Auditor $6.20', The Miami Gaze>+e Company and 691 by iudependent John EI vm. W Be_, t ea., t l to W I III am notice to dog ownere $3' W ~. • • ba II game, at Harveysburg. reading books from there.• M tid A. L Lerch, h d wlldower d . of Olived H Friday, l'ebruary 8,-Assembly Three girls and three boys have telephone companies. Cleveland, with aTh ferlcl '. ecease , ~~ approve and Miller, 10.28 acres Wright' mileage as Mg,. REe~p10; . d a d ay!> ' f BC' h ' e 0allowed owmg accoun ... were ap.... $ 24.4; 8 Th e B ook Shop F rl'day, Fe b ruary 8 - Bas1cetb a IInot mlBse 00isince I't 28 central offices, has the largest num- proved, and eonfirmed b" I'n Wayne townshl'p .' ment omce game, at Springboro. started. They are: George Kirk- ber of any city in the state. Most the court. J Chauncey Rltehey to Oounty of 1 eraser for Reemployment offiee, . k J J J Ha k smaller cities and towns havc only W d R D S k T ues day, February 12 - Wash- patrlc. oe ames, Oe rteoc, one "central office" or "exchange," Gilbert Hunkin!! adminilJtrator arren an ex . . noo to 50c; Harry Z. 'Gray, rent, $6: K. L ington-Lincoln bour in both lower Helen Hisey, Mpnimia Hoak and as it is termed by the public. of the estate of 'Edgar Carson County of W,arren, the. use of real Hom Clothing Store, rent, $10; '" • Elizabeth Burnett. Several cbil_ _ __• _ ;Surger, deceased, ilrst and final. estate for lnghway purp08es. The Office Outiltters, car4 guides and upper grades. Friday, February lS-Washing_ dren .have been out of I!chool on Grace R. King executrix of the John Kamps. et a!., to ~arl and for Reemployment office. $2.36; ton-Li~col" program, sponsored by account of sickness. Subscribe for The Miami Guette estate of 'Rarry ;King, deceased ~ane Kampe, US.06 acrelJ. In Han,t. Grjswold . Service Station, gas and ~~~===========~=======~===~~====~=========~fin~b~"d~~ri~fu. d~~kwmh~. . . o~$l~SO;~eaw~ ~ S~_ -: Garland Hill g,Llarliian ot Ella Hugo and MarjorIe Loewenthal supplies, $7.86; Bell Press, letterR. Lan e, inco:OpE!tent, fInt and to Welley J. Beck,.H.tS acres in heads for Treasurer'. office, $2.50; final. Turllecreek town~hlp. . Ben Press, Enveloxs for Auditor Phone 78J. Mary E. Hoppmg by e~ecutrllC, $10: GIlO. W. Offord, janitor serD. E. Heywood, administrator 01 the estate of Esther M. Conover to Ed~on,d D. T~?mpson, mlot No. vice, 63c; Ohio Central Telephone deceased first fin.a l and diatribu- 1, ElllottlJ Add1tlon to Lebanon. Corp. tolls, $27.60; Gilpin &: Son, tive. . ' ' " Albin C. Kalbe, deceased, to Ma!. coal Oil, gasoline. $7.42; Th.e LebJeannette' Jamel, executrix of tha .x. Kalbe, t o acrea In Franklin anon Lumber Co., paint and 8Up• • the estate of Chades R. James, de. townlhlp. plies $32.83 J W SneUloC\lst posta IOTARY PUBLIC ceased, first. fina!r 'a nd C¥ltribu. ~artha J. Kalbe, deceased, ~o $20.40; Ruby VanRiper, gasoline, LOUIS Harold K~lbe, 10 acres til $88.17; Thomas Barnbart, garage tive. ' Gail T·homploll, adminlstratTix Franklin to~.hlp. .'20; Jason Biddlecum, drill- Willa Dr. . . . _ £elM.. SettW of the estate of Eltella J. Booth, Thoma. E. Corwin, et al to Vel'. 1ron., '1; Griawold Service WAYNESViLLE, OHIO deceased, first and flnal. . na L. Mard~, 14 acrel in Clear- Station, supplies "nd gasoline, Florence Shumnker and Elva ~r~~ ~wn8hlp. . $70.70; Rogers and S Implon, Earnhart, e'ltecut.r ices of the "1l11am Forrest Taylor ~ The gasoline, '26.15; Borden's Tire Ai fOR SALE DATES CALi. CLASSIFIED ADS COST ONLY estate of Lydia E. Keever, deceas- Mutual B. Ai L. Co., Miam1lburg, Battery Station, ' gasoli1le, $6.96; ed, .filed ' their inv~l1IItoU'. .. i?lots Nos. 771 , and 772 in ~ran1t- Kelsey'S Service station, guoline, ONE CENT PER 'WORD, WHY A certifled copy of the entry de- bn. ,47.76; Blair &: LeRoy gravel $17 termining the inh4~ritance tax on Olive Maud Lerch, by executor D. R. Smith, paint, $4.20: .Zaln KEEP YOUR ATTIC FILLED cravel, '129.80: Valley the ~state of Mary E. Hopping, de_l~el'ry M. Drake, to JOobn A. Lerch. WITH USELESS ARTICLES ceased, is to be certified without mlot No. 910 in Fr~Dklin. • g1J80line, $13; Groll delay. The Leb~non.Citiaens National Station, gasoline, $24.54; THAT CAN BE ,TURNED lNTO Maude R. McClur~, was appointed Bank to Willia~ and Della Hu· Law. &: Son, gasoline, $17.58 JESSE STANUY administratrix of Ithe e.tate of ord, 8~.84 acrea In TurUecreek The Standard 011 Co., Kerosene, HONEY FOR SO SMALL A Howard S. McCluNI, decealed, and town.lhIP. .. ' ,a.60; The Cincinnati Oil Wodas f •••• 110, N_ B.rlla••••, 0 .... · COST. TRY THIS MEANS OF filed bond of ,,0010 with l ureties. Fe Ix Ruele, by admmiatrator, to Co., \ !erone, $29.16; LaMar Body John P. Harkrader; John C. Wi!. Catherine Rude, 21i.65 acree in Shop, Ploline, $10.6Q: Elmer SELLING AND SEE WHAT A sQn and Wmiam LEtFever were .ap_ Harlan township. Collis, ga8oline, ,8.42; W. A. DIFFERENCE IT WILL MAKE pointed appraisers. Haule, ,uoline. $lO.80 , The U_.on au ' George Perrine, ~or,e Crooke Billa An.w..I . Auto SuPpJy Co., ball TO YOUR POCKETBOOK, AS and L. M. Scofteld were appointed J. H. Klpp, bridp plank lumber ; A. F. lIe1loh Gar.,e. appraisers of the e..tate of Emma '80.60; Harold Harvey, ltone.. IOc rocker arm, 60c; Frank WELL AS TO HAVE YOUR J . Camp, deceased. Ruuell Surfaee, stoDe, 10e: Fred Sherwood Co., lupplieB and IrBlOSTUFFY OLD ATTIC CLEANED Th~ inventory o~' Emma L Dill Humphrey, locuet pOlta, ,10.00; line, ,6.16; The , Lebanon Lumber I!xecutrjx of the estate of Lafay- Ohio Corrugated Culvert Co., oul- Co., supplies, $9.07 ;H. S. OUT. IT PAYSI ette Dill, deceased, wal approved. verta, '104.80; The lIorrow Feed supplies, ,21.80; Henry Ludlnl(ton FORI.AL& The will of Josephine VerbrJke • 8uppl~ Co., nallI, ,a.al5 The euppllel and paoline, '20,16; • deceased. wu In probate. Orqonla Bridre Co., 8 cy Inden Clayton Clark, locust pofta• .·.IO; Ed, Y. Adams ad. oxnen ,18.150; Cheney Pulp • Addis Service Station oil U6' C miniltrator of of Ella .P aper Co., drums. Bak.,r, tire and tub.~ .il.4'l'; Adame, fll.d bond of The Oreconia IOSR8D Llnp HardwaN Co., parts ,8000 with • 1 &elt,l.. 1; earl ,".81; TIl. _~:aapI.1 In the cue of Dakin, ,arroll, B. L. 00. 1..... exeC:lItrix of lut Marler, .lrroiU. ment ot Walter T~



School High Spots

----... -












Oh' H 0

908 Ph S









Or No Charge


Centerville, Ohio


Stanley &Koogler Auctioneer.





Drown, ('hid of th~ of oi(1 f\lI' th(' Gllvl'l'n ur MUllin 1. il1lall'ly 626,UOO will leI\. TuLul of 106,84] .. ,,"'.,"'" cation, h( \'l' Iwen 2l!) I appliC':lnl s di ed b!'fore their l·e'1l.1" , t fl \\ 1'1'(' inv('f;ti"aled or apPI'OV tI, while 5 77 applica nls found job..

agriculture for Pennsylvania.

A flve.year and pu!t!lihly a t nyear program of highway construe tion in Ohio is being planned by John Jaster Jr., n ew lilate highway D. L CRANE . I I SlIbac:riptioD Pric., '1.10 • Y.., director, according to an ann uu nee Offje. Pho.. "., ." ..... No. 112 Jj:ntel'"'' at p'oatofflce at Wayn ... ment made by th highway depart R•• i ....c. " .... ........ , .. , Ne, II vIII,·, . Ohlv. aeJlatter O:.c ... nd Cia•• Jlall ment, It is hoped that the n w pro· gram will make hio's highway .a model for other states. The out· JA ARY 31, 1935 standing imm diate probl m whic.h Stat .. Patrol Radi(1 System confronts the department, accord· = Attcstinp; to thl' eft1dency of the ing to Director Jaster, I: the r . I~ered out at him trom every bush. on a career as an aut~h.;. o;. r.__~~_ __ Chapter Two radio Accol'ding to the old slIying, "The mill~ of the gods grind BlCI.WJl¥--Htl_tkll'l of highwa,Y in nt·any of StAte 11 igh\\ ny Plltrol's But tinnily. there were the 0- • e-ned Intently to Agne.~ - but they gri nd exee dingly fin ." the section!! of the Mu skingum con S ~· !\tl·m, spv('n stule s p lanning vel' clltre with Aunt Betsy' s cottage encouragement. THE DOVER ROAD That adage can be accurately applied to the present Congress, as servancy dishict where lhousands radio nctw01' k ~ of th ·I r own have eet In the midst of a well·kept "But I shall mba you Ilke my requested lI.' tail~ nnd infOl'mutio n SYNOPSIS : LIttle Da"'d Oop· , it C'onsi del'~ the Pl'csident's nc\\, I'ccovery and relief program. It is of acres of land are to be ingreen, She was. at the moment, en· right hand," he said solemnly. WI perflf/lct, /at"'erle~!, had Thled gagee:! In furiou s combot wl~h three I ~hall alway, want to cont\de In you. moving slowly, it is talking a good deal, and it is gradually grinding undated in conjunction wilh the from Ohio Patl'ol oifticial s. The wHIl III" mother hi II pleaton/' slates includ e Wy onlillJ!;. India na, trespassing donkey boys Davld Agnes." out legl lotion toward the two principal projects of the White Rouso- $34,000,000 Muskingum conser- FI I'ida, ' ew J<::r ey. West. VirCal tfl!}*! at Blu1Identone. ETl!}' In terror (l.S she swooped : They stopped outside tbe ottlca watched s oial security and an unpr cedenle dly vast public works program de. vancy project. fatld HI" mot"cr had ma,...jed I down on them and cba"Pd hem I of Uriah Heep. Wlcktleld·. clerk, ginia, Wi !'{'ll l1!1in and J\rizona. II- MU1'datont' who /lad .0 1(>1'· s igned to eliminate lhl) dole. ' ---New J r y. howe"!)I', hilS si nce away , o.s lhey noticed Wlcktleld dillin, A total of 1,263 priso ners 1'or;:!'!d her, ,Ilt "ad died a !lltat But looking up at one of the I a . legal paper &.1 Uriah's urgent reo The public works program is of the most immediate interest. It were admitted to Ohio Penilen. in~lalletl a I'atlio ."ystclTl Aim il~r in lat ,., Da"'d ho ! lite" e,, " o wIndows be saw 0 tolly gray·halred 1 quest. Then her falher etumbled L andO lt 10 work , .. a warehol",e will co t $4,OOO,OOO,OOO- the, largest draft ever drawn against the tiary during 1984, it wa stated in many re~ p ecl!< to t hat in Ohio. gentleman who smil ed an~ wlll!.ed away and Agncp quIckly moved off a~d to lodge urith tile gllll . IT'United States Tr nsul'Y for any s ingle purpose. It will put about 3,500, the record department's annual hla eye8 grotesquely This encour· after him. 1'eepo ... sillle Mlcawall er, ,,, the 000 men to work directly. And, if the President's hopes materialize, it report, which was submitted la st Fourth In V ta' Expenditure aged David a little I DaVIt! walked cuually Into the latte ....& houlre "OW , 114 r Mlcn",· will put anoth l' 3,500,000 to work indirectly, in jobs created by the week to WSTd en Preston E. Expendilure!' by t.he S. He started talking rapidly In office. "You seem to be very bUlY hr, wltla loud cr4 8 , Is about to lone breath. be told her the whole thesc days." lie said trylnl to catch spending powel' of the first 3,500,000. Thomas. Ninety 'per cent of the veterans' admini stl'aticln in Ohi o, comm" ""fcide. unhappy story. trom the ttme III glimpse of the paper In Uriah', Equally importllnt are the promiseI' principles upon which the new' pdsoners were convicled of including cQl11pen~atio n, pen sions, bls mother had died. Aunt Betay hand, Urtah bowed with oily aubprogram is predicated. All work is to be usefll l, in that it will eitheT crime~ again st property, and of the disability allowa nces al1d the opera gasped. "Bless my IOU I alive! " then lIervlence. tben handed him a letter permanently improve Jiving conditions or create new wealth. Pay for total 830 said they had only an tion of veterans' hospital s and At thiS, Mrs. Mlcawber . David scooped him up. brought blm Into ! that had Just come. '11 eighth grade ' education , ' 250 facilities, totaled $30,132,155 and the children ran downstairs the house and distractedly ran Th wor k ers WI be above presen t "dolo" level- but will be low enough so I ' h' h Mr Mlcawber was wavfnt a papet I e next mmute. DaV1d wu out Ig' school e ducation, during the fiscal year 1934. Th is c aim ed a ·... h d d about .trylng to minister to blm the door making for the Sun Inn, th.n t th . men employed will still keep an eye out for jobs in private 59 claimed co ll ege training and s um i exccedl!d in only thl'ee d ramal I caIIy W I\.n one an an business. Proj cts will, be sel cted so as to use: the largest possible the balanc~ admitt~cl that they had oth er stat a- New York, 41,10:J, pullJn ~ at his neck.cloth and flour. I The man at the Window entered fOr tbe letter waa fr()q) tbe Mlcaw· 18blng a large razor with tht' other ' tbe room and winked at David bera amouilt of labor for the money spent. The money will be allocated on n o erlucat~on whatever, Warden 667 i California. $38,8168,048 i and "A sflmmons. " hecrled wildly In a I agaln, Aunt Betay looked al him. Arrived. there, MlcaWber Arave him lhe basis ot the greatest n eed-that iB, a state which has .2 0 per cent Thomas saId . Pennsylvan ia, 3:1.272,339. vOi ce of ..gony "Thlll 18 t be cnd' ; "Now Mr DIck. don·t be a fool , • voolferoua welcome "co~~.rn814! of its people On r lief will get more than a state which has Qut t en per Alth ough 119 years have elapsed A Bummons for debt' He P Walling because nobody can be more dill.: Companion ot my youth There were enthuslaatlc greetings on all cent on relief. It i ii said the public works program will avoid compeFifteen hundred clergymen sinCe th e clo'c of th~ VV'ar of 1812 outside to take me to prison " creet tban you when. you choose titian with private entcrpl'ise, which is justifiably jittery above govern from all parts of the state and 200 ' there WCI' on July 301 last still "Farewell Emma Farewell my Sbe sketched David s story and sides Mloewber now dillplayed the chlldran .. asked what to do. advertillJlg columna of a new. ment activities in the industrial fi eld. members of the women' depart- l se en pel'sons I'('ceiving pensions t d h h d I th Mr Dick sucked bt.e tbumb and paper Th r f 'bl bl' kg h t bIt d b t me nt of t~e Ohio . Council of Ion a,ccoun l of se)'vices ;~ndered by Clle~.e t po~pe er ea n e \ looked at David vacantly "Do? "You .ee Copperfield. your frielld e lfjt 0 POB I e pu Ie wor as no een com.p e e, u a Churches Will gather III Columbus soldlel'~ in that wllr-'-live widows, door Tt I~n t an .. of~lcer II aIn't Do' · ( sbould-" be had a sudden Heep bas been &,ood enouch to number are known. Public buildings will be one. Bridge building will February 4 to 7 for the sixteenth one Temarried widow and one pobody He. gone I ln8plratlon. "-1 ehould wuh him," mAke me a teotattve otter of em· be another. Soil conserv'!tion a n<1 sanitation will come in for their annual inter·denominational con- daughter. WIth magical sudden.ness MlCAw. \ Aunt Betsy exclaimed In trlumph ployment In a oonfldentlal capaelty· share, all wiU tunnels, flo od dams and fore t conservation. Road build. ference sponsored by the coun II. . ber was calm. and David wae 800n In t he wooden David couleS not COII«&I hJa ing will naturally b n ear the head of the list. accoTding to Rev. B. F. Lamb, exNow quite hlmself agaIn. he tub wbere lolr Dick entertained prise, "Then something clW tum Surplus Commo.ditle. hrought up the subject of dInner, bl~ witb a magnU\cent display of up? ~' Th ra was considerable dissatisfaction in Congress over the fact ecutive ecretary of the organizll· ince hI.' ol'g'lInizatiion 01 the Tbe problem was ahortly eolved, .oap-bubblea Later. Aunt Beuy A week later. he waa met by hJa that the President wants the public works money under his control- tion. The pastors wiJI convene in F deral ' ur'plu Re lief orpora- by David's takln, lome of the silver told David that · Mr DleJc " U 8 schoolboy chum. Stee'rtorth, ID LoDCongr s men wanted to distribute it themselves. However, thilLiden Memorial Hall, while the members li on late ill 1933 the State Rel ief seems to be definitely out--allocation of funds will be in the ·jurisdic. of the wom n' s department will Commi!lsi n has distributed t edhold their sellSions Ilt the Y. W. C. Do"''' tA~ ""I1,""c" oj tion of Lhe White House, through a board appointed by the President. A. VariQus problems concerning eral r lief commoditie:. in Ohio DOT'4" 8(4ff11 eyea, 491d placed tt t .. aft So far as the social security program is concerned, it is finding the churches will be discussed by with lin approximate retail value t ft e oagem81l riX 'l\~t1~~~~~& rather .hard going. It 8 ems that every Congressman bas his own ideas nationally·known speakers, Rev. of $7,072,708, Govel' nclr Mal·tin L. Davey has been informt'd. These as to how th ill, the a ged and the unemployed should be aided- there Lamb ~aid. comm cJities rcprc!!ent~l d 244.3 car is much argument, many words an<\ little agreement. But th~ time load of good , including foodstuff, thi s is read, the so-caliI'd Townsend Plan, whereby every person over A new vertical tlat filing system cotton and textiles. ___ _ GO would be given $200 a month by. the government, will probably for articles of incorporation, which have been introduced in the lower hou e-proponents of the plan claim will save the state of Ohio hunInternal Liquor R.e..enue enough suppol"tet· to get it through. The President's influence, how. dreds of dollars annually, is being installed in the office of Secretal.y Ohio contl'ibuted $I ,527, ev r, will be thrown aggressively against it, and ill favor of a much State G~orge S. Myers to reo 390.57 to the United States govern more 'moderate policy. place the antiquated system which ment ' in internal l'eVOflU ~ceipts ha been in use for many year. for lirluor in: 1934. To,tal internal Ther are 161 80t articles of in. revenue I' celp ts for the count,·y cOl'p:ration on' fil in the office of were $374 5 6,232, more than $1, tha Secretary of State at the 000,000 per day. present time, according to Herman - - - -"-The Ohi. State University Radle) Station-WOSU G. Kreinberg, corporation advi or. New articles of incorporatio[) pre 8:00 Music being filed at the rate of about ... ... . ,.H. E. E wine 4,000 :05 Lincoln's Visit to Ohio in 1 61 , a year. ..... ........ .. .... E . .L. Dakan 8:15 hick ~rooding Practices .. .. ... " 8:25 Music Nearly 8,000 pheasants, the :35 Home Sw et Hom . " " . .. " .. " ... , .... .... WOSU Players majority ot them hen birds, have . M:50 Planning the Hay Seeding Mixture D. R. Dodd and Earl Jones been liberated by the Ohio division The lIited lates Civil Service 9:00 Nutrition in 1934 . , Alma Garvin and Adele Koch of conservation within the past Commj ion says that numerous • ~e\Y days. for. natu]'a} propagation letters re ived at its office from 0:10 Music 9:25 The Corn Ear WOI'tn- A Troublesome Farm Probl m T. H. Parks In the wll.d, It was announced by diff i'ent pafl~ of lhe c.~untry indi. ....... ,." .. .... Wm. Zipf & friendll~.onBervab?n Commis ioner ~aj.e that misleading information ~:35 The am us Min'OJ' ..... P 1" • bam H. R mhart For the first ttme 18 b ~ ing gil'en to the public by 9 :45 Some New I' ,rlebes of FruIts ........ .......... .. ........ W. Paddock )'n Ohr'o the phea a t .. Id . t f f th d B n s were pe to agen s 0 Some 0 e conespon • cap t.ivity until after the close of cnce school which giive instrucin pl' paration for civile ' hunting sesson, a policy which tion met with popular acclaim among service examinations. both farmers and sportsmen, Com. To guard again t the loss of missioner Reinllart stated. money paid ,for tuition of this kind the Civil ervicll Commission in«1141/ I 81411 December relief in Ohio incr~as forms lhe public as follow : O~k8d BILl/IV ed more than a million dollarsQin No one can prom; e appoin~. COLUMBUS - Thousands of be ~ xhibit of all kinds of comparison with November, accord me nts to positions fot· which the Ohio farmers who are members of machinery and equipment.. The ing to the state relief oommission. United lates ivil S.ervice Comtwenty·five farm organizations in s peakers include M. L. Wilson of A total of $10,220,953 was expend mission holds examinations. Th e the atate were to lie' the guests of Washington, D. C., aBSistant ed for 'December relief, " 'hlch waa claim that such a uranee can be ,poon. and morn, oft to the llawn· very . brilliant man-a distAnt reIa. , don. ' . Uvr or hera- wb09t brother had One enning at tbe tbeat.r. Columbus this week during the United States secretary of agricul $1,178,231 more than was required given brand t he person making it .hop ",It.h tbem In the days and week. thaI tol· tried to .hut him l' ·) tor Il/c. I Davld'l! eye was c " g ilt by I youli. annual farmers' celebution at O. the previous month. as a fraud. lowed. David'. aplrits rose The "May I stay h ert' WI ;1 )'O U. ""!'It ~"-, wOD'lon of d .. ·Ino · .•·unettc beauQr. S. U., from January 28 to Febru- ture; O. E. Baker, also. of Wash· Information regarding ~x amina. Klca.bere had takcn him to thelr David aaked .hyly wb.o. wUh her two malden aUDtI, ington, a senior agriculture econ· ary I, .i nelu ive. Every type of Hons fOI' the United States Civil bOlOm. 10 that M telt almollt like a "Merey on ua'" AUnt Betay had eoteted tb~ box next to .... omist; Joseph W. Fichter, aBSistan.t problem confronting the Ohio .eemed cOhtused. "To bcd With you ' "How wonderful It I could .... Service may be obtained from the member of the tamlly far meT was to be discussed by state diTector of education and On a day wben tht' wareliou" now" er: David sold bOaJ'ds of nit d States Civil Ser275 featuN!d speakers--each of lecturer for the Obio State Grange A beautltul week pa$sed by ' for Steer(orth ~pok. dl_r-.llllllil viCe Examiners, There is · such a bully, Mlcll Walker hl).d been parwhom is an authority in his Dean John Cunningham of the deboal'd in ~ach community which Ucululy abusive, breatnng hte na.clt Da.vld. air Dick was hIs constant "'Trusl an old hand.... Then dance of 6,000 or more was an- partment of agriculture of 0 , S. has a post office of tbe first or of bottlea. 10 tha.t the foreman bad companion and playmate and to· tly. he lipped onl! of the him Mverely DaVid looked gether they would to out to tly a opera gla.~8e8 In his boat. ticipated. One of the outstanding U; Walter F. Kirk of Port Clinton second cIa s. In nearly ,aU cities the beat.n Up at the cl081ng bell to eel' ClIclcett new kite every day h d e~/l4)c ted. abe. wu dlllll&)''' cipated. One of the outstanding ma ter of the Ohio Sta~e Grange civil service board is located at In the doorway Mr Mlcawbel had "DaVid. David." AUllt Bets, ulUeo:! , and in off tied his o"n pall , A:ftlll teatures ot the celebration was to and John McS.,-arran, the postoffice. been aent to deblOr8 prIson. ahe hurrying towards them one day J(m' ~ h('sltation they were ac«pt. . Before paying monel' for tuition told blm. and Urs lIilca.wbe, and Sbt' came up Quite · out ot 'breath . n ,tee rforth smiled at her wiDPresid e nt Roosevelt's work re- ill' signing a contl'llct, it is advis- aU the Children had gont' tOI) :'Davld, your stepfathet'a comlna nlngll' " I notice tbat your boll ta Every day tbereatLer tound Dav Id today." very badly placed and that yoli eaa 'lief prograD'\ is Ilxpected to provide able to make inquiry: COneel' A nlw hours later. the maJd en· see but halt ,the 8taga," He .WPpe4 e,xamination. at the cate ot King's p:-lcon. untU. farm employment affecting &0,000 the prospect of rural families on relief in Ohio. The!" is reasOn to believe that alon, In the Sprtng, hir Mlcawb r lered the pa~Jour and (l.nnounced uolotentlally "1-1 wonder wheth.r I mlgbt not tempt you and tilt The new rural ~elief program of agent of some schoo ls deceive the Irneted him tn the p.)'tecn cou.-t· the callers. ,ard. With go.od news Mrs MIca\'{Jane Murdstone stepped forward otht r ladles to sbare oun," public as to th~ probability of the feder:al government could conben family bad IIQuldat cd the ir and declared D~vld to be the worst "Permit me. ma'am, tbl. lB 111'. ceivably follow three broad out- early examinations. debta and they lefl lh~ neXI day boy In the world. Murdstone's t~ee Copvertield. My name lB 8t_ No school has advance informa- ' BUI bta face dropped on learnh,g darkened a.a be warned Miss Trot· forth," HARLIE, lhe barman in a _ well· known repealery in 1. Rural families rehabilitated at tion regarding the need for em. that they were all lea Ill/,: 'tor PI:!. ,wood be would take DIIVld back "Our nnme I" Spenlow." the AUDt Spokane, Wash., required a their present location, and, both ployee s or the probability of ex· 1 mouth where Mr. Mlcawber 8 tam· and deal with him as he saw lit. ra~ll 'd wIth dignity. "TIll, II 1Q)O II)' bad obtained a POSItion tor hcr Aunt · Betsy now asked David Sister. CI(l.rlllra-and my Dltee. telephone. At that particular uJ:ban and. rural familie!! helped amination . huaband. wbat be had to say about It. He Dora." moment, Charlie \ as in more \lrgent in aub8isten~ gardens. ....y deal young friend." Mlcaw• .made a path etl~ little plell to .stay Atter much bOWing. back aD4I necII of communication facilities than 2, New rUTa} communities estabBenefit P.a""lIlnla ber Aid with deep sincerity "y u "And you. Mr Dick? WhP.t do forth, Steertortb seated tbem allJl. ever beCore in his c ex· lisbed and subsistence homeare like one of OUI own He went you think t hould do with this fully manoeuvering Dora 80 that i.$tel~ce. steading developed around them Benefit payments to suiar beet OD to ,Jqlre.. the .. l8n thaI "'hen he cblld ,.. , ~he was be$lde David. tlarlic was ill a dilemma. "Dilem· 3. Removal of fllmilies from sup- Il ro \vet·s under the mout recent of bad attained eminen ce In PlymOUth, "Do"" Mr DIck suddenly brl~bt. "I shall be riding otten In malt mean Qne deuce of a fix. It marginal land to better farming the .AAA p~'ograms arEl' now being Oavid would be their llenorM ~uest, I ened, "Have him measured for II dlrecllon of Norwood. 14188 SpeDseemed that Charlie had gone down areal. David tbanked blm gravely then suit of cJollies directly jow." Duv!:1 snld. when be had • paid producers. The 'f list checks Aunt Betey rose . well·:>leased. certatned her place ot realdence. Ohio now has 10,000 acres of were sent to growers in ' Ogden, bro\ll'hl up the subjecl of hlB 'can· &&IIketou' Aunt Betsy Trotwood, "Mr Dick. gtve me your hana. "PIcas .. Miss Spenlow. may 1 lIot land under serious consideration Utah . • SbouleS be 1'0 to ber In D;)Ver? Mr Your common·sense 15 Invalua ble." call?" for development as subsist.e nce Mlcawher enthualaettcally seconded Tbe Murdstones walked out ot DOI'a tilted her head to one at4.. homestead areas, and plans . are the Idea the cottage with what dignity they I '~'Perhaps - If my aunte permit." being made to IICtire 125,000 ' subAfter aeelng the Mlcawaber·. oft could muster - exiting from Da' i And In the weeks that followed, marginal acres in the state. the lI.lIt day DaVid went to ' the vld'. Ute forever. . the aunts did permit. TheD DavI4 Ohio's rural Tehabilitatlon pro· BlacJlfrlar·. road near the 'Obellsk Some days laler David was try· , captured the brilliance of Dora'. gram in 1934 showed 1600 rural 8pylq Ii youn, man be.lde a don· Ing on biB ne"" suit while Mr Dick sta rry eye! and placed It In an eD• ." OU'\, be offered LO pay hlm and Aunt Betay watched "Than~ , gag-ement ring. families were definitely rehabi el.pence to take hi. lu" ..,e box to you for giving It to me Aunt , He and Steer-forth were on the ed and taken off relief rolls. the' Dover coach .ottlce David said shyly "But why musl I I beach one day near ber bo_ TIle young man lOl!8ed hili bOll In go away? I do wish I could stay I' watching the glorloua .unaet wh. . Saf.t, Remiacle.r tbe oart. Then, with ont' defl move- with you arid Mr 01011.," suddenly David atared off ill tM Motorists must drive more care. ...1I1. be ,utcbed David" colli. and He had to be eduoated, A.unl I distance at IOmethlns. HlB.,.. fully-pedelltriana must walk .....u ofl ID the fo" with only a Jeer- Bet.y explained and ther~ wasn t 8 were wide and hi. fae. stl'\Jl'.1e4 ilia 1a~ for DeVid·. cr\ea finer ac;bool In Canterburl' than Or witb an emotion that 8t"rf~ more carefully--each must be Strong- s. could not define, alert constantly-to ~ve Ohio a DaM4ly and miserably. David At Canterbury. David lived with eood record for the prevention of atarteet walklD. down the ~nt I4r, WJekfteld. Aunt Betay', busl. (1... till' qv'e'. "olat" .,ot, • Road. An.r that. the nlgbtmar..h D.a advllOr and hili daughter As he was completing the job, the haywire with either abe or it. So accidental deaths, according to the Ohio . Safety ServiCe Commission. wh4t AG,. DClvfd ••e" ,ltat ..... joUrDey ..e_d an IIlYenJlolI of .. ~e.. Sbe and David lM!came she traced the colli to their .tarting refrigerator door slammed. flencllah de_ HII ahoea _re cl_ friends and contldante. point and opened the refriaerator The motorist's recklessness alld psrltlrb ".'" 1"t_ Tap Spouts Music more 'tII1D at enr)' step and ODce The montu and yea,. .lIpped ~ ",.",orll 0/ ,Ite And there was Charlie I In fact, door. There atood Charlie, the mixo- the walker'. careleKness a~e cited lie . . . II .... ., UoWlled til It vloleDt and David wu a tall full-grown .. contributing factor. in many never in his life had he been as em· logist, and ~lIarlie'. ahUla, was not ""." vI" SotO toUI U . ". . ... tIIulicleratol'lD. HlB f...reel tanq JOuq man with a ...t and e..,.rtraiRc aecldent cues. l~ motorist phatically - and decisively - ih one for tbe drinks. Charlie, it aeemed, tlDDJUreel up au eorta of • .....,.1 D.. for wbat the tuture would 10 Dorca.' . . . . ... were I... reckleu and pedestrian. had dilconnftted the beer tap .nd plaee. The refrigerator door reo ....... TIM Muntatonea, tIM ' " ' ...... TIleD ODe clay be 1I"U preIIIOITOIII'. .~cC"". ow" ~ 1 . . cuel_, then Ohio might be sent an aria of woe up the tubiq. at the . . . .boue aDcl u.. IIotUaa ~ to lean for LondoD, lIent fu.ed to open from within-tOwitb. ' " .,.,toII......, Charlie i. now aerioaalj c:ouider· redllcinc the number of her high. ill" meaning where Charlie was. way tnpdla iutead 01 inereaaina orcleriq an extelllioa telephone There wa temperature where bac tbII needle. slaughter, the Charlie wu. Bat 0 Uttle of it that for the refriaerator. C1IItomer1 with 8. t. t J Semce eoamt.ion weak bam mlpt 1IOt appredate Charli. decided theN was only a . . I •••• ncmlq of • ,~ ..... tip. brttf !oaen'Il betWeeI! hit nalOlflY




I I,












Farm lvight 7 allts, february 4




=====:===============;:. ======== =,

Best of the News O Otrect Ol From the O hio State Caplto



Cross Road Chatter



·B atlnaid Discovers ,She's oil Busy Line as Beer Tap Sobs









" CMrIIe IIHPt be


'0'pa.' ,Ita, ,...

my.bur, Mra. Mat)' Halne hu r!)turned frllm a i it with h'r niece, Mi $


mart in Florida. MI a laudia Gray i. sick \lith th .. ITip at the hom of her parents in Wellman. Our ba k tball team@ played N W Vienna ht're lrut Saturday n i~ht and were . uc('essful in all thr e g mp~. Mr. \ '. P. Me IIr1"en spent a few do) la t w ek with h r daughter Rh41l1. lit lawat·c. Several from here will att<'nd at· varioufl places. the Pt·csident'. ball on W dnesday night. . Mr .. . G. Randall ~us on th~ .'~k hs~ .Ia. t week but I better a th,s ~rlhng. . " . . MIIIS:!S Vlr~lnla a~ d yl\;18~ Tucker were In Clnemnatl as Saturday. . MI"II. E d Clark of ncar Oregonia spent Friday with her sister. Mrs. G, M. MacDonald. The name of the operetta to be /:fiven in the nenr future is "Tune In' instead of "Tuning In. '' The Bapti t hurch had an all ~ y meeting at their church last. _ .

- -- -

ure Cor the aPJ.lIcl~zj~ who did Dot d read and a ule t,. of indieent old Sunday, and R basllet dinner. I night. pro~m , a le. The many frj ndB of Mbla Wini· I HarTY Burnett Bnd famIly lin' tUKe part in But c\"('n in hill number of M('Edw"l' Il"l' pleued t o know all victims of the trrip. that ",ht, i~ baCk In h!)r cia s room I Mrs. Harvey DUlllet and Mr. tablc8 an,l blan ks had to be A P ublic Work' Proj.,et givillK aft'r an IIb~ .. nc ..... f several weeks. Margaret J (lhns "pent Thun,L1l\y in flllt1d in )a~t year not appea r employme nt to thouaauds of Our Hil{h !<chool boys play Dayton. among the new A c orn-bol Americ an eitizens may be underWuvn T(l\\"t1~hip hasketball teams _ ut much chang is n ut d ill the futlll!'. taken in N ica ragua. Th e Amer ican h r;' • nlunlay night. This is 8 condition of harl ~ Clurk. \\ Iw Government should doubtl ess have - - - - - - ~t- - game thut 1Il1iny have bee n looking 1 h:\8 beC'n very ill [or Bev .. l·al built the ca nal t her e in the first forward t o with lIIuch interest.. weeks. place. 06ngress is likely to au t horMr. ..nnd lIf r~ . Fl-ed Bogan and Mr. and Mrs. tanley "uk" I' (,f _ _ _ __ ize con struction of /II Nicaragua children, of Wilmington. spent pl'ingfield spent the wt:,-k-cnd R t!v. und Mrs. Edward Boga n, CanaL This is n in e hundred miles Rundo\' with their parents. with the former's parenL<. MI'. and uf Rpl'ing Valley. caliled on Mrs. c loser t han the Panama Canal and . Mrs. J oseph Vuk I". Ella DulJb. Tuesday. would be opera ted at about half Mr. and Mr.• Walter Remick Mrs, Lena Hartsock was shop- Ule cost. A Nica rag ua Canal spe nt aturdny afternoon in pin!! in J.Jt.'i>nnon. Monda y. would be a good thing f or AmeriFranklin. l\1 hI Ru~h handlnr, of Cedar- can commerce. It would be a good Mrs. Eci I/ opkill$ of Waynes- vi1l~ spent the week-end at the thing for t he nation's defe nce. It ville spent Wedn esday with Mrs. Hot);e woul d provide employment for Stanley Bail y lind daug hter allLl MI": nnd Mt . Curtis Tomlinson Americans. It would proVe a self 1\[r . Ruth Savage. \HI'e · dinnel" gu ests of Mr. an d liquidatjng investment. Harve:y BUrnet attended the J\l e". Ho\\ell Peirce con Sunda y. Albl'rt Alverson. 30,. Lebanon, fun era l of ~is uncle, Ha l'Ve3;' Mun_ Mr. and Bowell Peirce T he Fa rmers' Union is all h ot sought for two weeks on a rob- gel' of SprlngborQ, II~ t he junera! were business visitors in Lebanon an d b()t her ed in a d vocaoy 0 f t he bery WlIlTllnt issued in Warrell plll·IOr in Frunklin, Monday after- Tuesday. • Frazier-Lemke Bill . Mem bers of county, was arrested Sunday near noon. t he F ermers' Union w ill be d own Tylersville and returned to LeI>Mr, and Mrs. Donald Hadl ey in Washington in force a dvocating anon by county officers fr om therE wer e dinner guests \Jnda y of Mt-. that the government refinance Deputy Sheriff Charles Walke and MI' . Th erle Jones and on. IItl" farm Itlortgagell at one and on eof Bu ller county, who had directed Herman utt of Centerville "liS ha lf Pf:lt..:-ilt inter est. The measure t he search. repor ted that Miss Mae an afternooll guest. provides that Federal Reserve pencer. 1 . who was paroled Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bu rnet, in notes will be issu ed by the governfrom the Delaware Reform scho()l company with Mr. and Mrs. Lindnlent. The security will be first last July, was found with Alver- ley Mendenhall of Waynesville are . ' mortgage8 a gainst f a rms. Th IS s011 . Both of them, Wa1ke said a1ttendin g Farm.ells' W e k ~n L a os totali ng 53,483,356 were answers the far mers' prayers. Plow . ' w re a leep in an automobile, kept Columbus. Illud e to' 1,09 d istt!) ed small IIlg und er every t h'Ir d row, k'I] I mg warm by a coal oil stove, and Mrs. Mar aret Johns and Mrs. hnmll o\\nt l·s in Ohio dul"ing the off pigs, have not solved t he with a 'bottle. ot: liquor near by- Donald Hadley spent FridllY at th w eek end in g Thursday, J anuary f armers ' pro bl ems. Co mpu Iso ry AIve l'S n i married and has two home of Mr. ahd Mrs. mos Cook :!()th. , ucco n]ing to the weekly re- crop reductio n will never solve the . children. ncar Wayn e vilhl. l lOl"~ of State :r.tanal~el· Henry G. f arm pro b lem . .S orne measure slmThe tIp fir!'t !!aid that Alverson Mr. and Mrs. tanley Bailey il rullll er, f th ~ Home . Owners' ilar to the Frazier·Le Make Bill and the girl were near Mauds, O. ha ve the sympathy of fri t' nds here L oa n orporll.tion , given out today may. Search there was futile and a short in the deaLh of their little Ao n on Of Lhe above amount, $3,066, time later the report came that an Thursday of last week. Th e boLly 20 0 \\"0 disbursed in the CorporaThe Military Affairs Commitee automobile had been stolen on was interred in the Cent erville Lion bond exchanged with former of the House of Rep r esen.t atives route 26 . Albert Skinner, a resid- cemelery Friday afternoon. niOl'tg agees. 254,1315 was 'paid in following Ii most th()rough inent in that vicinity, started to Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Graham and ea:h to county treasurers fo r back Il'EISt1ga 't)o:n, publicly denouneesearch for the s~olen car and ran daught.e ,· ente.rtained lit unday tuxes, 57,G 7 for necessary re- Major General Fuolois. Chief of acras Alverson and the girl dinner. Mr. lind Mr~. A. E. White pail'S, ond , t hc balance of ,96,338 the Army Air Corps. Also ot her asleep. lind sons and Mr. Thomas nun~eJ" for accrurcd interest on t he bonds, high-ranking army offi ce rs are According to the report to of Columbus, Mr. Fl'lmk White. of attomey's fees and appraiser's being a ccused of dishonesty an d Walke. Alverllon is to be question_ Post Town. Mr. and Mrs. . W. fees. corruption. This because of t he - - -- - . - - pur chase of f aulty planes and deed about a number of robberies in Albright and Jackie Hughes of Wan-en county. Waynesville, Mr. and Mrs_ John fective materials f or ar my use. On - - • Myers and daughtet· of Dayton. a histor io occasion P resident Grant

Friend.' Home News


T..vlas Thea Wayne.vllle,


Fri.-Sat.-F.b . 1- 2 TOM KEENE in


of the West"

All Kind. of Deontu r .... Made Rep a i.. Wo .... 000. Quickl,.

FOR SALt: · ra dios


r Boyer. -jSl

~a i [l


'"!!!~~~~~!!!!~!!!!~~~!!!!~ -= NOT I OIl: O F






CL~ANERS In pu rallance oC ·an order at the Probata Court at Warren County. Ohio duly mad o Bnd ent r d on th e M..... Suita, 6Sc ~9 1b' dar. o't JaltU llry. L93 5. In til cue of 'Chllrl 8 l:Iogan· and Cllal'l II La<li•• ' D .... le •• 70", H. SlIep'herd. &8 adtnlnlatrB.lon:l of the " .. laL" ot LYdl1l ~). Sh I)h enl. d - Quick- for quality dr,cl.aoiol qU 8ed P l alntl(t~. ·VB- h:rn at Sh ph" rd .. et al.. Defendants. 81\.Id cal8 belnl\" lHllnber{'d 1880 on the ~!!!!~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Docket oC said Court. we ;wIll otter = ~~f. 8~~)' atofPu~i~~ c~.ucl-~~~& Ol~t tha o'clock P . ]d. on the prell1laee. the ~il?Wlllg d &crib a r III, 10. "Situate In th county or We..rren the Stat or Ohio and and bound III th township or Wa)'(\. d lind turther d08crlbed 118 tOIl OW8. towlt · .B In g a part at military Survey number ~t Entry 22 2 and tal' the part l.ersl n conveyed. beIn our :funeral home every· ginni ng In th East lin " benu at a alone thing is p lan ned to provide wher e a white ol\k tr N. 13 lInk8. and on th e weSl bank ot, a b autlfu I setting £01' t he Cell"a r ro k. Thcnee N. GI' 30' 'V.. last farewell. Years· of 86.76 po le" to n stone. Thence N. ~8 " 1 30' East 34 . 6~ 1)01 II to I\. 810ne, seientific progress and long 'rhene S..02" EllsI 16.28 pol es to experience i n the I/ort of titono. Th ~n ce N. IS' H' .!:laB t sr;. 0 'poles · to (\ stono. 'rh one N. G" E. ananging details aTe be30.48 \Jolca to a etone. '11henc. South 80" El. 45. SO pol H to a ug&r I hind the skilled ministrat" lle 16 Inchca I II ·dlameter. 'Thence ti ons that lend 110 the loved S. 47' 45' East 83.24 1'0 )"8 to n Ilak . one the natural appearance 'l'h~nce s. 12' 30' malt 60 pol.s to a aton e . Thene S . 8.' SO' E. 91 .96 of peaceful sleep that is so P 1<'8 to n stllk on th e Weat bank comforting to those who reor ellllllr C" oek, 'J'b en e With the In ca nd ring. thereat: S. • ' W . 1 .00 main behind . We feel that 1'011.'8 to (\ stake N. 37' SO' W. 81.n our greatest privilege a nd pOl 8 10 a s t l1ke S. 87' W. 21.H po l S 10 a stnke S. U ' 30' W. :O . 5~ pol s duty is t o mak.e this memto a Itnke Nh 12' 1 6' W. 20.36 po les ory picture one that will be to a T ene N. 6t" 30' W. 8.6 -pole" to n Blake. N. 66· 80' W .~ 28 foreve r cherished f or its )l01C8 to th place ot begi nning nnt! beauty and consolation . QOJ1lnlnlllg . 1 ty five &ClJ"ea 2 rood. llnd 1 pole of lant! mor or lc ... " Said real Itnt h e.retollOre has been n"pprn II U at till .\lIn or ,2200 and !!-a ot 81\ld appralB " "o lue Ia said, the aum at IlH6.G7 nnd the Probate I " nnnh'v and profit corruptly should Court or Warr n ounty. hlo. haa duh- fix d tit" prl a t which .. aid r l'a l r~tl\.te IlIIl Y b e sold nl the lI urn FAIII,n v ,' n ot S'46 6.1 7 nnd the l! me 'WIll n t b Phon.. 7 Bolti tor leS8 thatl tl,a l ~mount. 1" "UU II U be sent t o prison. Terms of sal : nSh. By CH.AJ(LF.!:l BOGAN HArtLES R, SHePHERD Forty-five thousand million dolAs Admlnlst,rntorll -or the estate STEPHEN M. YOUNC lar8 in tax exempt secur ities are or J.yd ln E. 5h pherd. decea.eCl Il;======= = =:;;;;==;;;;;-, , held by rich tax-dodgers in thi8 6L-JSI-F28 country. Congress s hould certainly provide f or the taxation of all Wash ington newsl,apers feature securities . now tax f ree. The picture of a yo ung man, 24, and wealthy should bear their :full hi bride, a 63 old widow. That's share of tbe eo st of government. news. Walt until Dlf. Town8end'e President Rooseve1t referred t o plan goes through. S uch marriages the "over-privileged." Holders of will be frequent, A lot of young tax exempt bonds are a dass of men will be will ing t,O help elderly "ov er-privileged" who have bled ladies $pend ,200 each m onth. this country :for years. BU8inen weet young things will go f or the and professional men. salaried elderly gllntleme n tOil). workers and wage earners pay ta xes and bear burdens.. The super The Fedel'al Govel~nment should r ich buy tax-exempt bonds and take the lead in esl:ablishing Old cUp coupon8 andpaynothing Th ey Age Security l egi~l]ation . More get t he same pr otection from the than three hun dred Sind fifty years government u those who pay fol' ago. d uring t he reig;n of Queen it. In fact, during EUzabeth, somebody thought of they have been

TOTAL $3,483,355


The Memory



S· . h


"365 Nights h~;~r~~~:fd r~~dr:;.d to his work MI"II. Edna Vuker made a In Hollywood" business trip to Dayt on Monday. JAMES DUNN. ALICE FAYE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"



, Lytle



Late Classified Ads.


S-.-M-..- F.". 3--4







A son. Charles William, was r-ecently bo rn to Mr. a nd Mrll. Charlt>s Day.


Miss Helen Early was ehopping in Dayton Friday. Signing up in tho corn.hog Min Bernice Grabam W88 a program will be impler and guest of friends in Dayton Sunday easier this year. Resul t of a year's expel'i n e with t he 1934 corn-hog program are seen in the simplified form s and the simplicity of the propo c d procedure for arranging the contract fol' old contract signers. Co unty Agent. Lellter J. Miller. says the general procedure for pro ducers w hose status 01' location ha not changed since 1934 consists main ly in transferring adjust_ ed figUrES from the old contract to the new and submitting it to the producer for his signature. This procedure, in Mr. Miller's opinio.n. w:i1I en abl~ community committeemen to sp ed up the handling of contr acts. Applicants


work that will be rectuired deter mining the 1 935 allotmel\ts. In th e ease of t he 1 934 signer who has' moved to a n ew fa..rm or otherwise . altered h is farm ing llnity, Or wher e conditions have arisen which call for a change in the corn or hog base, t he cooperator will fill ou t a work shilet, givi ng full details of t hese ch anges. From this informatiol\ corn Bnd hogs allotments and b enefit payments will be computed. There is a third type of proced-

tralg, t ·frOIn Washington

"~~tc~r~ g:~:y :e~~a;sc~1:';;

Waynelville, Ohio


The Removal of

James A. Lovely

_Pool Room··Cigar Stand··Lunch Stand

Elizabeth's t ime we have exchanged t he candl e fo r the electdc light, the horse f or the raUroad, automob ile and airplane. We have done nothing abo \lt the Poor H ouse. Inst ead of " over the bill to the Poor House" adequate old age ecu rity legislation should l be adopted. The aged who . r~ inC\rm a nd dependent should be cared for in a scien tific and a,dequate mannel"". Meth ods of 151:18 should not be tolerated. W e shOUld free white hair and wrinkled brows from the )


Honor Cupid With This Nov~el Heart· Shaped Valentine Cake


Let us hope their "racket" is atlout finished.

- --_0- •.---

TREADWAt -McLAIN Miss Dorothy McLain, daught er of Mr. and Mrs. Lee McLain. and Mr. Wallace Treadway. son of Mr. and Mrs. John Treadway, were quietly married Saturday evening, January 26. The ceremony was performed in the Methodist parsonage at Lytle by the Rev. L. D. Vesey, the witnesses being Mr. and Mrs. Verne Simp80n.

----_ ...- - --

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gustin and Mr. Char]e8 Wade left this afternoon on a trip to Florida.

to the Phillips B~ilding next to A. K. Day's Store Visit .UI in our new locationBetter Facilities and Better Service ,-


Sale of Antiques

Quality ·PrlatlDI


J. E; McClure

f~!mCO~~m::~~~~ t~!~

. Intending to devote- my entire time to ·the repairing and rednishing of furniture, etc., I will oifer my stock of Antique furniture. dishes, etc., at public sale in the Odd Fellows. Bldg., Waynesville Ohio. at 10 O'clock, on ' nul'l4iay, 1. llU Consisting in part of . Large stock Antique Disbel and pottery, 1 three pieCe let ribbon gloss 1 Aunt Betty.lamp, 1 lewlJlg bird. 'several cloeks; about 4 dozen chairs; 3 douah tray., 2 diop leaf tables. 1 five leg table. 3 chests of drawers, spinning wbeels, several mirrors, 1 roll top desk. 1 .ebool masters desk. 1 combination bookcase and writing desk. 8 small .tandl, 1 tilt top stand (walnut), 1 two drawer stand, 1 two drawer sewing table, 10 bed.--4 cord beds 1 child's bed, 1 day bed, 1 Jenny Lind bed; 1 love seat (walnut). 2 child's· cribe, 1 three pieCe 8uit (Plush upholstering), • walnut chairs (hone bair upholstering), 2 book cases, 8 show case*, 1 what not, 1 old ' time walnut sideboard 6 feet .long. glass knobs; ..1 China closet, 1 cherry comer cupboard, 8 wan brackets, 1 child'. cheat of drawer., BraBI caDdle sticks, 1 bed wanner. 1 old time bed epread (blue and red), 1 child's tru"k, 1 pair horna mounted several powder borns, bullet mouldl, shot flub, lome Kentucky twe rift.., 1 Nt aplU'l, 1 pair clvn War hand cd. 2 old tlme tel.phon... I pair In place Cl'Ul", ooal ..oel, NciVel. a1ld poker.; AVeral POd ~tel', blacbmltb ud old time eablDet maker. too.. ; 1 we1d1q 01ltl" 1

IITHEN YOU entertain on St. Val- 1/ 2 CII I) billtel' or o&btr aIIorWDIDI I1IPI" . " entilleis day, Cupid demands 1 cup brO"'1I ' his due ot hearts. Botb table deco- 22 ellS ~up. 1I01ll' fation.! and .the dessert should tip 3 t.,. poona llaldOl po..... • 1/ 4 t...pooa . ., Ipeclal bonol' to bll romantic In- 1/4 ~up raJaiJla . I"ala, For a bandsome center- 1/ 4 cup alit ....'" ~ piece, bake a fruit ca~e In a heart l / S cup IIIIlII .baped pan. decorste with therry Break tbe' dr1 mlD~r' meat toto frosting and ouWne interlocking pIeces_ Add cold 1\rater. l'!f\ce bearts with Uny red candles. over beat aDd atlr utll aU II. Mar.Alohlno ~h.rry 'roltlnD a re thoroulbJ, brol..1 up. '. :a oup;. ~ po...dered eonfectlonef,' to brisk boU; OODtblII!' botlll! ar three mlnutea. or llD&P mht~. _ Is '''Iar 1/1 Ollp ...."*14 OODdennd IDllk practically lIlT. AIJo~ to cool. 1/1 cup dr"al4 .. uuulno eborrln, Crealll Ihortelllq aacl IlIto... npr. ftDeI1 cJloPIil4 SUr l ined confectloner, ' sugnr Add eAl, OM at a ~e aad IteU and CreAm,. Into sweetened condenaed milit. vl~oroul17 until CIOOIe«l mince In , II" Add maraachlno cberrlei which Add nut mtah aDd bl..d . ,ur aolclerbl. ~ 1 addlll, bave beeD IInely chopped and beat oucl!. m...u.... &414 _~ Jer · e1dDe. 1 pt'8teetoIroph, I ..., !adanUl amoolla and creamy. Cool alld aaJt aIld .Ift . . ~ a;. d. . &Bd 1l1llllel'Oaa ot..... U't;IeIeI. cUe before I Pteadlns frostln~. wIUl aDIE- • ,:z. rOO1DI Decorah! WltIl bearta made of Bmall B. .. .


red claaamaD dropa.



_lecll'lclly ••d Se.vlce In buying. electricity you pay only for the current consumed over a stated period. But you receive an· other commodity. , ,lOrvice. Service that you can depend on twenty-four hours a day; that is nev·e r idle day or ni&ht. Service Utat is insured by the most modem equipment; that keeps pace with . every up-to-the·minute im· proveme~t. ·Users of electricity pt setvic:e " ' . plus I


Eighty-Seventh Year


SPONSOR CAR ARTY POTATO GO NTHO L The- Mothers' club is ' announcing PLAN PROPOSED AT Thul'sday a valentino card party at the gym evening, February 14.

RECENT MEETINGS Farm W_k Crowd. Hean Detail, of ContrOl Proeram


All euchre, "600", and bridge card players are cordially invited. Admission 26 ceRts. Refreshments will be served.


Dean Stanley - Addressed Club


. Whole Numbe.r 6156


F. M. S. Met W. H. ALLEN HOUNDS,w. With Mra. A. K. Day



Charles S. Whitaker; son of Ml·.

Miss Ruth Conner, a sixth grade pupil, conducted the devotional part of the exercises at the meeting of the Wayne Township Mothers' club held at the grade building, Friday afternoon, in a manner very creditable to one so young. Pupils of the sixth grade rendered three songs and Miss Lucile Perka recited one of Oliver Wendell Holmes' poems. Tom Florence, Lyle Fox, p,:{ax Hay, Wayne Clark and Claire Di bert, of the 5th grade, presented a playlet "The Boy Who Worked." This was followed by a recitation by Ol'Ville Savage. During the bu iness session the sales tax on luaches was discussed the club voting to pay the tax instead of requiring the pupils to do so. Mr. A. Earhart spoke in the interest of the Emergency School the discussion of which will be taken up later. Mr. Dean Stan1ey, of Lebanon, the guest speaker, gave an inter· esting and instrllctive address. Refreshments were served by Mrs. E. F, Deppe, Mrs. Harvey Rye, Mrs. Clarence Rye, Mrs, James Lov~ly, Mrs. Robert Baker Jr., and Mrs. Ralph Hastings.

BY fC A OUT GO' YEARS IN Society The Women's Foreign Missionary and Mrs. Walter H. Whitaker, REPORTED met Wednesday afternoon made the honOl·sry. Irulernity Tuu

SERVICE 0F BANK Record UnparaileLed Amone Bankin, Official. Of Warren County

at the home of Mrs. A. K. Day with Miss Sallie Smith and Miss Helen Hawke assistant hostesses. The. meeting was opene,d by singing "How, ~irm a Foundation." The subject of the devotional exercise conducted by Mrs. Kenneth Hough, was, "The Bow in the Cloud." Blessed Assurance was sung and after the . business session the following program prepared by Mrs. Dibert was rendered. A victrola record, Jerusalem. Reading, "Do you think Malaye Know s Jesus?", Mrs. J. W. White "Japan Yesterday and Today," Mrs. Dibert. Stlldy book, "Clouds and Rainbow of Hope," Mrs. Kenneth Hough. Reading "Koshin Sama's Shrine' Mrs. Mame Hatfield. Stewardship program, I'Mrs. A. K. Day. The meeting adjourned to meet with Mrs. McClure in March.

Beta Pi. at O. E. S. Oniy ix of the mechanical engineering boy~ made these high grade. Wuynesville is proud to know that One of its boys was amo~ig the IVinnel'S. Offi.,ial. Say Ohioo Farm.r. Lead Foul' Statal in Production Loan.


An enviable recoed of achieve• Officials of the Farm Credit Ad_ ment, 60 yellrs of 6e rvice with the ministration made a progress reWaynesville National Bank was port to government octivities in attain d Friday, February 1, by the field of agricultural ~redit at W. H. A lien, pl'e:>ident of thai inFarmers' Week at the Ohio State stitution . ince 1901. University last we k. As the dean of Warren county Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gons were L. O. Foster, vice·president and bankers, Mr. All en has seen this Mrs. George Dakin spent Thurs. seCt'etary of the Louisville Bank business visitors in LebanoD, Moncommunity undergo roany changes day. day in Dayton. for Cooperatives, ann ounced that --eras of pl'ospel'ity. war and desince the bank was organized for pression-nil of which he- has Mr. Joe Thompson spent th e Mrs. Emma Grubb, of Dayton, business a year ago applications witnessed as the head of the local week-end at London, Ohio. visited Nlatives here Sunday and totaling $886.000 have been ftled financial in titutjon, which is one Monday. of the strongest and most 'firmly Mrs. Mary Silver and Mrs. L. V. by (6 Ohio fai'mers' marketing establi h d in Warrel1 county if Branetrator were in Dayton Mon· and purchasing cooperatives. Mrs. Ralph Hastings and Mrs. He said the bank thus far has day. no\, in the entire Miami Valley. Harold Smith were Dayton visitors faced no deiinqu'ency problems of MI'. Allen started hi career Mrs. Cal'man Crane, Mis8 Nellie conseQ.u.ence, and ,that 47 pel' Tuesday. with the Waynesvme National Watkins and Miss lona Tane were cent of the repayments due during Mrs. Josi Graham and Mrs. bank at the time of its inception, in Dayton, Tuesday. ... Mary Ett.a Surface were Lebanon lhe year were made within three F bruary 1, 1875, as assistont visitors Tuesday. cashi rand thro!lgh diligent at- CIGAR TOBACCO SITUATION Miss Glenna Marl;h, o[ Dayton, and one-half months after closing , tention to his daties, advanced to IS MUCH IMPROVED spent Sunday with her patents, Mr the loon. Mr. and· Mrs. Ralph ' Hastinp Walter Gahm, president of the the positi On he now !holds. and Mrs. Frank Marsh. and son viSited friends in Middleproduction Credit COTporation of On unday" February 3, ?lb'. town, Sunday. Alle n observed his ~r8th birthday The cigar ~obacco situation now Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Squire were Louisville, aid that production anniversary. shows marked improvement as a Sunday gue$ts of Mr. and Mrs. C. credit loans to Ohio farmers exMr. and Mrs. D. R. Smith ceeded in amount the loanl made ~ ....- - result of increasing price and R. Cornell, of Social Row. visited relatives at WilmiDgton, EASTERN STAR LODGES to any other state in the district. consumption, and a decrease in Sunday:. HOLD DISTRIST MEETING Mr. and Mrs. Lee Morris, of Ohio Bssociations, sponsored h)1 the supply. Before the inauguraMr . Mary Hopkins,· of Dayton, tion of the tobacco-production ad- Dayton, were guests of Mrs. the bank, loaned ,1,229.000 to 2948 farmers from March to the is spen'd ing the week with Mr. The third annual meeting of the justment program, the supply was Amanda Maffit, Sunday. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke. sevent~n Eastern Star lodges sufficient for more than five years' Mrs. Ed Gloeckler, of Spring- close of the year. The Black Swamp Production composing the 21st Ohio District, consumption, according to J. B. boro, spent Tuesday with her Mrs. E. F. Earnhart and was held in the Masonic Temple at Credit Association located at Four sewing m8c:hine clinics Hutson, Chief of the Tobacco Secsister, Mrs. A. H. Melloh. daughter, Miss Marjorie, were Day Lebanon, Monday afternoon and Fostoria led the 4 .. all8ociations In were held last Week in preparation tion of th~ Agricultural Adjustton visltorll, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Fires spent the district, whioh compriaell lour evening. Members of . the New for the Home demol'lstration pro- ment Administration. Income of cigar tobacco growers Tuesday at the country home of states, in the number of loans Mrs. Mary McClura IIpent the Burlington and Lebanon chapters ject in clothing being studied by clo ed. This association completed week-end in Dayton with her son served as hostesses for the occas. Wa~I"l'cn counly wornen this year. has nearly doubled in the last two their son Lewis and family. 565 loans. ion. , The following members ot Fifty.three machineeiwerc b'rought yeaTS and consumption in 1934 inC. S. McClute and famil),. Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Unglesby at Roger Branigan, Ireneral cOIJDad Miami Chapter No. 107 were in to these clinic. and w~r clean- creased 6 per cent over 1983. tended the funeral or Marvin of the FCA at Louisville, reported Mrs. HoWard Yetter, of Center· pre ent: ed and adjusted by "heir Owners About one-half of the surplus haa Boger at Ridgeville, Wednesday. that the greatest strain of farm ville, ,vas the IrUcst of Dr. and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke, Mr. under the direction of R. D. been removed in two yea1'll but Mrs. R. S. Weaver, Tuesday. Mr. and· Mrs, W. J. Baumgard. credit ;refinancing oC mortgqes and Mrs. E. F. Earnhart. Mrs. Bard en , egricultul·"l engineer of the serious n~d of continued adhad passed. U. G. Whetsel and family have Ollie Routzahn, Mrs. Elsie Hawke, the extensiOn Sel'ViCEI, Ohio State justment ill shown by the fac,t that ner, of CinCinnati, were week-end In the four states in the district Univer tty. there is still enough on hud for gue ts of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ColeMrs. Eliltabeth Jones, Mrs. Maude moved from their farm home to applications were recei~d at the Tho c1Qthing project now being nearly four years' consumption, man. Crane, Mrs. Jessie Robitzer, Mrs. their residence on North street. rate of 9000 a month dUring the Nina St. John, Mrs. Mary McClure started will con.i t. of twq lessons compared to the normal carryover Mr. and Mr. Jame Lov-ely fall and winter of 1983. The Mr. and Mrs. Walker Hatfield, Mrs. ' Sara Braddock, Mr. Lucile of unusual in terest to all women of an amount sufficient for three spent Sunday in Trenton, the volume of applications bas tapered G;raddy, years' consumption. of Butlerville, were (ijpner lruesUJ Armitage, Mrs. Edqa Hartsoc'l!, says, Miss EIizabE,th From 1924 to 1983, consump- guests 01 Mr. and Mrs. Victor 1Jft' to about 2000 a month. of M~s. Mayme Hatflel-a, Saturday. Mrs. Cora Hartsock, Mrs. Minnie Borne demon stration agent. More --- ~Fromm, MTj!. Jessie Hyman, Mrs. than fOl'ty women, serving their tion of domestic cigar t.obacco de- McGuire. Mra. R. W. Lang. of Cincinnati, Lucile Bland, Mi sOIa Hartsock com~unities a local project lead- e1ined about 86 per' cent and Mrs. Oharles yers and daughter gpent several days last week with and MiSll Elizabeth Henkle. el'S, will attend the training meet- during the same years, consump- and grandson, of incinneti, spent FARMER~ her parellts, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. ing n ext week attd prepare them- tion of imported . cigar tobacco Wednesday with Mrs. Keziah Smith. selves to repeat this lesson -for declined at a more rapid rate. The Thompson. TURKEY THIEF CIVEN their 10 aJ group. This instruction increase in consumption in 1984 Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Squires FQUR MONTHS IN JAIL will include th mal<ing of bind- was almost wholly in domeatic Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis and were guests of Mr. John R. ings, facings, placke,ts, . hems and typeB. daughter, of Dayton, spent Sunday Weaver at a walfte supper, FriHomer Evans, who was indicted some handmade finishes which Each year, from 1929 through with Mrs. Davis' parents, Mr. nnd The annual meeting ' of ~he day evenin,. on two counUl by the January will lead to bett I' l~)oking, better 1932, production exceeded con- Mrs. Ed Cook. ST. MARY'S CHUJtCH stockholders of the Waynesville Mr. and Mrs. Stanle)' Hathaway grand jury growing out of a series wearing and more comfortable sumption. At the beginning of the , 1933 planting season, when the Mr. and Mrs. Myron Thomas, of Farmers' Exehanlre Co. will be Rev. J. J. Schaeft'er, Rec:tor and 80n, of Dayton. were guellts of turkey thefts in Warren county clothing. three months ago, pleaded guilty The identification and selection tobacco program wept into e1f-ect, Dayton, spent Su'n day with the beld next Monday, February 11, at Fifth Sunday after Epiphany, of Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Hathaway when arraigned in commOn pleas of attractiVe and practical mater- so much tobacco had accumulated former's parents; MI'. and Mrs. E.' the Grange Hall with a dinner February 10. ChUl'ch school. at on Tuesday. court. Evans, charged! with break- ials will be th e subject of the in the hands of growe1'll that many L. Thomas. I served 1by the Grange. {) :30 i Mor ning PJ'ayer and· sermon Mrs. L. D. Chiles spent several .. and enterin" and with grand second lIe. SOn in thisl project. Miss contract signers adjusted their M d W' U' F lk In r cent years these rmeetlnp, in ch rge of the Rev. Philip daYll last week at the home of Mr. in. ... C II 1 I h' . d t' b d th . r. an rs. I lam u erson have been atiendedby a la'-- - r a a 10m, c ot .109 EspeCialist pro 'b uc Ion eyon e require. f S ' V II f ,..- Brown, of SL Andrews' church, and Mrs. E. T. Stroud, on the larceny, pleaded gUI'lty to both l'n_ Edna 0 c"nt of the fltockholdet's and are' dictments. . of t h e H ome E conOl101CS xtension men ... 0 f th e con t rac t . Th e re d uc· 0... prlOgM 8 ey, M ~ere ..guests I v Dayton, ~t 10 :30 i , the Rev. Mr. Lytle road. . Oh t J " ' 1 t" f t t' .. ~r. and rs., orris .,'u ke.rson, looked forward to as an annual He was gl've'n a thl'rty-dau )'al'l s rVlce, io tate ntvers)ty. WI 1 10n In acreage 0 con rae mil' pro W d d ht Rrown and the Rev. John J. " costs be m . t h e county jto assIst . ,.. d ucers was a bou t 70 per cent 0 f e nes ay DIg .' , event 0#" lnuch local interest. sentence and fined $135 and Ju,iss Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas Schaeffer exchanging for this Mrs. Nettie F:annon and Mr The manager, Mr. Michener, reare announcing the birth of a by the court, the sentence specify- Graddy, Warren county home de- the base in 1933 and about 77 ervice. ing that he must serve out the tine monstration agent with these per cent in 1984, resulting In the Pearl Fannoll. spent Sunday i~ POTts that the past years bumn •• daughter, Monday, February 4, at in the county jail. This gives him demonstrations. removal of surplus equal to more Sabina, the gue ts of Mr. and Mrs has been one of the best in the Blair's hospital, Lebanon. ST. AUCUSTINE CHURCH a mini ilium term of four months. Watch Jor the anlllouncement ot tban one year's consumption. Henry Fannon. histoTY of the compeny. Evans had previously pleaded the date and place flU: these meetReturns to grower" of cigar This company's succeu is of and Mrs. CharleB Fisher Mr. Father Newton, Pastor . 'n y c Jl'ty tobacco, which bad dropped from Rev. G. C. Dibert WIIS in vital interest to the entire eomand son, Alfred, of Cincinnati, not "'ullty to both indictmepts but 109 J . our ommu _ J _ . _ ' 1 munity as it is owned J>y over 116 $34,600,000 in the 1924.26 season Columbus Monday nnd Tu(!sd y, 11' .. 1'.141111 at St. Augustine's Church ",ere guesta ot Mr. and Ifn. W. H. when arraigned requested that he ' - - • to $9,600,000 for the 1984-86 attendance at the Ohio Pastors' IItockholders pf this community. every second and fourtb Sunday Allen on Sunday. be permitted to , change his plea. Irrigation of most crops requires season, including benefit payments convention. Its services reach almollt every i the month. --.=......=;:--,,,;;;:..T-.:=:::=..m::;;.;..:+--I0fp..~-I.,-1'""..,.. • ~b apptlication of at lEl~ast lk inch 2~f of $2,000,000 in the 1938-34 D family within a wide radiuB. Sinc:e .. is a .. ,,,.o e out wa e1' per acre eac 1 wee, or" season and $4,900,000 . in -uie ew.e~ualie.lil-l!uu:4-t·t.--""''''''''''''''1H!rr·...ed and ia operated ~AYNESV'LLE CHURCH O,F again after being confined to the 000 gallons; during periods of no 1934-85 aeason. . Mr. John Lamb,?f Falmouth, Ky.. on true cooperative· principles the CHRIST houle several weeks. rainfall. • The in!;realle .in income from sp~nt Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. manall;'ement is not primarily Interested in making a big profit on sales since the 1932.33 lI,.eaSOn has Milton Thompson. Church school at 9:30 a. m., The Woman's Auxiliary of St. been due only. in part to increased A meeting ' of the Warren each transaction but rather in L01'd's Supper· at cOQClusion. Chris Myy's church will meet with Miu prices. Part of the IncNase was County Tuberculosis association maintaining the beat possible tian Endeavor at 6 :3() p. m., tvan- Emma Heirhway on Friday afterheld in Memorial hall. Leb- market for the farmen grain aDd due to the fact that since produc- will gelistic service at 7 :30 p. m. The noon, February 8, at 2 o'clock. tlon has been adjusted, growers anon, Tu esday, February 19. ' wool and also supply the varioul church where you feel at home. have foupd sale for tobacco which needs of the community at the Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Brown ana they had carried over since 1931 Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Weaver and lowest possible cost . consistent Mr. and Mn. Dan Brown and chi! FRIENDS MEETINC and 1932 because they had been son8, John R. and James were with good ,business practice•• dren, of Dayton, were Sunday unable to sell the entire crop in gueBts of the former's mother, Mrs First-day School at 9:S~ a. m. gueBts of Mn. Mary Etta Surface · Jane Weaver, at Xenia, Sunday. those years. Meetina for W.ouhip at 10 :80 COLLECE OFFERS SCHOLAR. Mr. alld lin.' Martin Murphy --~m. SHIP TO OHIO $TUDENTS Mrs. Maggie Burnet, who is a-nd Mr. and Mrs. Forreat Davis DEATHS spending the winter wit'h her sister and Bon Wilbur, of Dayton, spent In Centerville, was the dinner Ohio !\tudents ,will have the op_ FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Sunda)' with Mr. aDd Un. John Michael McDonald, aged 76 guest of Mrs. Sarah Butterworth, portunity this May to compete for Davia. Unified services beginning with years, died at the State hospital, today. , . the Thomas 'Francis Farrell Scholchurch ;school at 9 t30 a. m. arship oft'ered by the Colle,e of Dayton, eady Wednesday mornMrs. Ida KelBey hu gone to service at 10:30 a. m. You are ing. He had been in failihg health Mr. and ~. E. McClur~ and Saint Elizabeth, Convent, New Clarksbut" _ West · V irginla, where alwa~s welcome at this church. for several months and was taken Mrs. C. M. Robltzel', were dmner J ersey. This scholarship entitles she will ' b~ the llIellt Of the Rev. to the hOllpital for treatment, guest of 0,1'. and Mrs. H. H . . the winner to an annual award ot Nelson Tl1ort;le and family for a about two weeks ago. Herman at Day to 11, Wednesday ~five hUndred dollars toward ber WAY,NESVILLE M. E. CHURCH f~w week•• The son of Patrick and Honora evening. college ex.penll~s. It is open Rev. G. C. Dibert. Pastor Miss AJlce Gons haa re.\aMd Costella McDonald, he was born Mr. and M,rs. Fred Everhart, on ly ,to Catholic students who will in WaynesvilJe, May 20, 1858. He Mrs. Daisy Snyder and Mr. nan gra duat e th'IS Sunday: Sunday school at 9:30 her position in the Martlnaville year f rom h'-h "6 is survived by one sister. Mrs. Surface were gue ts of Mr. and sc h i d aca d emi ell 111 . Oh'10. a. m. Morning worship at 10 :30. schools and will take a speeial 00 s an Julia Bergan, and several nieces Mrs. Bert Van Cled, of Xenia, Compe t'>-' . tl ill be The subject lor the sermon wiD be course at the Univerait}> of CincinI.lve exaD\lDa on. w "Why Believe in Man." Epworth ,nati. and nephews. Sunda,y evening. held May 18 at centen in Ohio ,t o Funeral services will be held at be designateq later. Application. League at G:30 p. m. EvangeHltic c. P. El1Is and family are movthe McClure Funeral Home Friday Mr. Bedford Stricklin. ~anager must be in the office of 'the Dean services · at 7:30 p. m. ing fTom the EIlts farm which at 2 p. m., Rev. G. C. Dibert of- of the Kroger Grocery. has been before April 1/t Monday: On Monday of next was recently aold to L. ,H . GordoD ficiating. ____ transferred to Hamilton and Mr. The 8chola~hip wa. founded b7 week at 7 :30 p. m. our fint to the Dr. L B. Hall farm on Count)' Conference of the year route 73. Mn. Mary Carey, 89 years of Evan Retallick, has been placed in the family of the late Tho. .. will be held in the Lebanon M. E. age. wife of Leander Carey, died cbarge of the local branch. Francis Farrell of Eat Or. .. church. Dr. R. D. Bishee, who haa G. W, Maninaton, of Tonapah, at her home in Utica, Friday even E I' Ne. Jeney. Mr. Farrell wu hoi'll Mr. and Mr!!. . D. Raw Ings In Sanduskv, Ohio and la~"'r _a. served u one of our miuionaries. iNevada, a native of WayneaviUe, ing, February 1. Besides her hus- an d . da ug hte r, Mr• a n d Mrs. Joh n all80ciated in ' buill'" in KeD." .... ... for twenty-five yean ill the inter- was callin, OD friend • . here 1I0nband she ill lIurvived by two sona, DaVIS and Mrs. Maude A!len. of Clncinnatl, ad Toledo. At Ute tim"; ior of India; will be the principal day and Tuesday. IIr. and lira. Walter and Harry, a"d one Dayton, spent Sunday With Mr. of his death in 1928 h. w ....... speaIceJ' of the evenine. :x.DinatoD are vtaltiq Hiatt.,.. dau,hter, Bertba. and Mrs. OJarence Allen and lion. id t f ."' __:_.. aa ~ It is ciesired that we have a .)'tOll. Faneral services were held at prel en 0 ..... .-_ _011_ .,_1 large delegation from oar cbareb Ill'. and Mft. aar'-- a....... _L, the reaicMnce, Tuelda, afternoon Mn. Mayme Hatfield and Mr. 8Il~C~~omJUl7• .a.:~~~:!~ at this meetlq. " ... If ........ and burial "u in Miami cemetery IRa7JDond Hatfteld were pesta of ..L_ .!"t of Wednesday: Prayer m~a, ."£_ _.,,OJa RartIocJc. Mr. lolall ---Jb. and Mn. Earl Dill at Lebanon un> IUW 00 _ _ radin, circle and ltucl, of'" aad Mr. 1.1ltlaer IIas1Iod lin. Ucla Borrobba, 87, died .Friday even in,. The occaaion wu 1.-." I• Ste.ardahip 7 :15 .... . . cIhlnR .,.... 01 1IJo. aad Thundal"l .1uuUJ a1, at 8 p. the birthday 'anniverl\&l')' - of Mr. aoclatlOD ~:;I:~= _ _at_ • p. 111. Iba. I. P. Bleb, SalIda, ......... at the home of her meee, DOl. . In • •lOa ~ Lotta K"'au",er In lit. Holl7. III onl7 dmvi.. NIatl'Ye ia Jln. p:;:.,=~! K"'aawr. -

Detail o! the proposed national p~ ogrpnl fOI" potato growers were bl'ought to the potato section meet iUlrs at Fn.rmel·s' W~ek at the Ohio tate University last Thursday by Hugh B. Tabb, editor of the Potuto World. The proposals, he said, were ad· r need by a committee represent. ing producel's from 16 states. The committee asked the AAA to assist in drafting a bill which the committee will submit to Congress It wa proposed by th,e committee, Tabb sai d, that p'otatoes be mad a basic commodity under the Fal'm Act, and that control legisla til/n be enacted si milal' to the Kerr Smith Act which affects marketing of tobacco. Should th recommendations of t,he advisory committee be i!nacted 'nto law, tile secretary of agriculture would be charged with de· termining the advisable size of the potato C)'op to be lnarkcted each y ar, with a view towards establish ing and m intaining a parity pl'ice luv I tor potatoes. Busis of acreage a1lotments to tltates would be fteJtible, using a pJ'oduction average computed from the three highest yields and Ilc1'eage at the 5-year period of 1930 throufj'h 1934. AlICitments to individual growers would be ba ed on tate allotments A tax of half.cent a pound on II potatoes not covered by tax exempt certificates would be levied A 11 potatoes wouJd bit marketed in clo d paokages. There would be provisions for tI'RMfer of Lax exempting certiftcat B. lind lor a ,reserve for new growers. J it r a year of opera.tion the plan would be ubmitted to a refert' ndum of ~owers.

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[ ·Moose Safety Drive Is On











of lI('cidt'nt· occur In which drink· IIlrht and dark, ~t they were the Ing is Ii faetol' hut is not reported closellt ot friends. (or Olle nll~on or IlIHlther. A IIhort TU1'ning to th~ Ilent, dark·huir time n~/) a lhofUmdl :iIl rvey wn~ ed compani<>n by hili ,'i de, the r~d· mad!' of I l \I IIccidt'nt8 involving headed boy retnarked: 116 injmits and flltnlitie nd it "!)ay, Abe, how about comill~ Edit d by the Iroost r lub of Wayn esville High chool show d that in 60 J1l r cent of tIll' .1,)\, n t.o the st "e tonight fot' n accidents th~ aIel hoI factor WIIS Editor.iD·Clai.f FRANK HAWKE Involved. Aocol"fling to th StwIIl'ka real e tate in Deerfield game of cal'ds? Boy, WI! 111' do> CommCl n Pi ....,. Proce"d:ina a A .. ina"t Editor CECIL HARTMAN B, township. hav ' omll hot gum s down there aut1101'ity making lhi survey, ll'l 40.____________________, ________ , _ -.0 some times. Pop J ohnson doem't ---William J . Foxbowh, Jr., and little as one ounce of whi~key '\ ill STEPHEN M. YOUNG Why h 'ven In the cas' of Karl P nkawa and CII.U . e a mea~urab l c 101'18 of drivinlt will bc gh' cn soon. Following thllt care lor ust·playing W.yeeha L_ 10 M...i. h" If'\I' hell he IlIa I' Il"r VC I·U. \IS LOUI'!tu Gotthardt Eva Mile Foxbower to Roy Wood· efficien('y in th average ~rson. ~., ru lf and Mamie G. W oo druff 204. there will be a campI le report of p Ia some Imes Imse do~~n't hove any cu tome ... ('om e individuQlly, et nl., case is dismiss. Report; rrom traffic depart. the score I)f the two opposing oc.le on, o acres in Harlan township. I Abe, we could hllve a great d . The Waycehll met a Tious de· ties. As the s orcs stand now B nation . There might be grounds. for ments throughout the In th ' cllse of George . Smith Raymond A. Conner and Ellen E argum ent as to wh th e!?r ~ot t horoughly bn k up the fact that feat when they encountered the has a sc ore of 712 points and time." "No, thank YOU, Tom, 1 have to v 1'.'\U9 Conlon Bon nell and Mayme onner t o. Lee Lemmon inlots Nos. ~tate smanship a In 1935 18 u\ferlor drunken dl'iving is showillg 01\ swift Mas ic team last aturday group A a .core of 701 point!;. The night .. Both teams played u hard next literary program will be on finiRh the new law pook this week II nn~II, judgm elnt to J>laintiff 4, 5 and 6 in Waynesville. in quality to t hat in evidence in astounding gllin. Drunken dl'ivin ~ that I bOrJ'owed from Mr. Jon s. flom d fendants in the s um of Henry P. Mothusz to The Central the ongress fifty or a hundred orrests alnollnt to from 20 to too IlIId fllst gamt'o At the hal! the larcb 1. core wa. 10 t o 7 in favor of Way Be ides, 1 don't care for card play_ $[57 ' .19. Trust Co. real estate in Deerfield yeurs ago. The can be no Ilrgu- per cent mOfe than they d'd '0 ing," Abe an wer d as he conIn th e cll se of the Dayton Mort- township . nesviJle, but after th e half Massie ment but thllt there has been a year ago, and polic authorilie~ Seni or CI.... Play gain d on our boys to win by a tinued to eat his pie. gngl' and Investment o. versus Eva B. and John J. Tice to The decline in poetic g~nius. Pegasus likewis-e state thnt a rising per. score of 25 to 19. Massi(' WOn the GC1!, Abe, 1 don't !<Ce how you .Je so Mentz, judlrment to pla intiff Southern Ohio Savings Bank and has flow n from the apito). No cento~e of accidents can be as· "The Thirleenth Day" has b~n J 'lnior High gam with a Bcore of cho8 n f or the enior class plllY. ever have any fun. All you do i for !HI2.3G. Trust Co. real estAte in Clermont doubt about th'at. Many years ago cribed to the "little black bottle." 10 to 4. books and ,ork hard ] n the ('8 e of Hal'l'Y H. Haunost and Warren counties. Her i. a 'problem that involves Thomas Dunn English, :luthor of The try-outs are scheduled lor read La I. O. O. F. Lebanon Lodge No. "Sweet Alice, Ben Bolt" and other tb health, life and property of Tue day, Thursday and Friday of probLems in Arithmetic. l}on't you " el's u~ Howard Wymer and Hazel ever want to have a good timc'!" Wym'I", c ntirmation d ed and dis- 16 to James R. Gibbons inlot No. beautiful poems, served in · Con· every citizen . It is a problem that thi week . Hiah School Opet-ett. l , Waynesville. "My ide of a good tim ign't tl'ibIi Lion. Balanc'e due $286.72. fought by us all, drys nnd gress. "Sweet Alice, Ben Bolt" is 01\1 t The annual operetta of Waynes_ the same as your's, Tom. A good The caRC of Carmen' Jeffery ver· Cynth ill Jane Colliver, deceased remembered after 92 years. Most wets alik . Under the best of ville High school proved to ~ a Hia'll School A •• emhly to Mamie Fanning, et al real estate Congressmen are forgotten in two conditiori~, highways and IMeets time to me is a quiet walk in the !lU. Nora Jeff ry is ciismis ed. great !juccess. On Thursday night country among the bird s Ilnd Tn the ca~e of 'l'he Federal Union in Salem town8hip. The late Senator Inglills, of are potentia lly danl:'erOUB - and The High schoo!' assembled in Belty Hartsock wa unable to take room 11 last Wednesday to hear flower and a nice cool Rhad y Lifl' .I nsurance Co. vel·SUS Thomas Mamie Fanning et al to Lei. Kan!llls, wrote, "Opportunity," they become slnughterhous when her part but Vivian Conner and '01) addl· 5S by a member of the place ~l\.ybe, to road for ~while''' I B. tllt'di\len~, et aI, W. i1liam Ruf· man Colliver real 'estate 'in Salem one of the g reat· poems in the whiskey takes the steering wh I. .T !annette Wilson very ably ub ~ " I know, things like that IIrc (ol'd iii nppomted recelv~r .. Judg- township. . Engli h language. Let some " New Anti· aloon League, a native of • tituted for her. nice, but. they aren't f or boys like I m ~nt to plaintiff ~rom . defendants, Frank Broerman to William B. Dealel'" .or anyone else equal that . England. The session end d with a \ large crowd was present on few songs and y~ll lj and some us. Wl\lks in the country are for I B. S.tul'(hv~nt and Jos- E ar nshaw, Jr. real estate in Mo nt Congressman McGoarty, of Calif· F l iday night tha n On Thursday special . ery and Warren counties. ornia. claims to be a poet but to numbers by the Pep girls. old me n and girls. You aren't a Il'Phme Stu l'dlVent, m the Bum of gom nl t ht, however, the operetta was sissy are you, Abe?" 3505.15. Willis Ewing to Vesta H. Ewing date has fo und no inspiration for uccessfully given at both times. "No, I am no~ a i 'y, Tom. but _____ blot No . 575 in Harveysburg. his mUse. He ' introduced Doc This year's production was en· Thia~ and nat. of The Grad •• 1 love the quiet, beautiful, clea n New Suits Pearl D. Austin to First National Townsend's Old Age Pension titled "In Old ienna." M' H k' d d 1country jUllt th e same, .. Ab an· Bank of Miamisbur&" real estate Plan. That ough t to clill forth the lSS artsoc s se~on g~~ e swered in a gentl e, qUiet voie . Margsr t E . 'f.'olk verJlus Lulu in Springboro. divine afflatus to the ettrichmen l; W.yc: ..h. Meet SpriDcborO had. II: est .on ty "on't you get tired of ni ce, N. ' nell, f or pmrtiLion of real e8_ _ __ of posterity, even t hough his reto ~ddlhon comb~nations. Nine fI~- quiet thing, and law books," Tom tl1te. volving pla/l to give old folks Frick,. Ished. In two minutes and seven of asked in a sarcastic tOil e. I 1n Lh maLLeI' of the transfer of Billa Allow.d tW*'lnty·four billion dolJars yearly The Waynesville High sch ool. the mne, made 100. The class ave~. "I will never lire Of NlIt~re's fun dll of the Vi'IIage of HarveysMrs. Maude Deardoft', services, incidentally i six times the basketball team will go to Spring- aged a g:ade of 97 an.d t heir belluties Tom, no matter where bUTg, fol' tran f4~r of funds. $7.60; Mrs. Lillie Urton, services, amount of our government.'s an· or how I may live. We are old The Mason BlJilding, Loan and $Hi; Mrs. Ira Eitzroth, services, nUIlI income, fails to become the boro this Friday, February eighth average .trme was ~hre m111utes. In .Mlss Carter room. Donald ~nough to love and apPl'cciate ' avinga o. verllUS Anna V~na $5; Mrs. Helen Doughman servi~s law of the land. Ye, we h ave to do battle with the court team there. Local fans are urged to at- Watkm.s bas retu.rned to hIS claB.s , such things. We are old enough to Palmel' and Harry L. Palmer, for $7 ; Mrs. Howard Sawyer, services fallen upon evil times. The old tend this game, since the distance m~tes.m the th,rd grade a~ter think of the future, our future. m ney , for closure and other ra-- $7 i At Sc.hwartz, oil line for days, poetically speaking, were is short and prospects. are good for bemg III two weeks. . We must forget good tim es, card· lief. sealer's car, 69c ; John Law, new good old days. three lively games. There were fifteen pedect pillying, etc. We must. prepare our. The First National Bank . and top, lab or and material for sealer selves for our lif~'s work." Trust o. "ersus Louverna Smvely of wts. and meas., $8; E. B. Mur. IpelleTS for last week. . Th.e ones who. hav! had ~erfe~t "Yes, I suppose Yotl are right, ochran, et aI, fo r money, fore- rell, postal cards and stamps, for The in.h eritance .tax Liter.ry Prop.m. spelhng grade" I!, MISS M~Kmsey 8 Abe, we must fork for what w closuri! lind other relief. treasurer, $6; Columbus .Blank gr at fortunes thot 'go to February 1, the Juniors present room are : .Mane Hardm, Jean hope to gain in years to come," Jan e Salyers v'~rsu!! Dan Salyers Book Mfg. Co., stationery tor ~o had 1l0thi!1g whatever to d~ ed tbeir D;lonthly Literary procram H!,-rtsock. CharH!s Orndorl, He!en To'm replied in a erio us voice. for divorce. Chnrge is extreme t rea surer, ;33.66 ; E. B. Murrell, With the cre~tlon ~1 that wealte the meetIng was called to order H~sey, Ellett. .Moss and Latame "Fam~ and success n ever come ' ruelty. Treasurer, express on cosmetic ~houl~ be 11:1 eat.lY lncreased. Tb and conducted by Marjorie Earn· Hlldebrecht, to those who do not work fol' it _ _ _stamps returned to state, $2.26; mherltance tax III one of the lea t hart. The program was very ineom Heber Dysinger moved away Tom," Abe qtlietl~ answered. Probat'. Court The Western Star, bar dockets and burdenso~}e .of all taxes. . plete for three m~mbers were not last week to D~yton. We were very Just then the bell rang and the . 3000 bills of sale for clerk of. The prlnclpal should b . wTltten prepared. sorry to see hIm go. children all returned to the duty Mrs. Mary Tucker, Ira Syford courts, ,08; The Office Outfitters, In Fede~al ,I a ,thllt not morf than The prorram was .. follows: The fourth grade news reporters of getting an education and pre. Ilnd A.. L. Kenned y were appointed mucilage altd pens, 70e; Hersehel a certam. fixe~ IImount of wealt? ~ Fictitious stor bued on the" are Jean Hartsock and Enen ~oss plll'ing t hemselves for the future. appraisers of the estate of Inna M. Williams, inquest of child, '3.- may be inher Ited. All above thIS life of Lincoln: I~ene Peters 01 Perfect spellers for SIX~ • - - ,,--W. Beach, deceased. . 80; Univenal Laboratories, amount should go t~ the Govern. rou A received a Kore of 90· gra~e, seetion one: F reaa Elhs, A. J. che urel', L. W. SmIth and cleaner, disinfectant and bugieide men.t. . In. fac~ t~e Roosevelt ~d. lorafn Hall of grou B receind ~ Elllle Bogan and Ruth COl..mer. Ma~garet Wund were appointed ap for sheriff, ,90.47.; The Huhman mi.nlstr~tl?n 18 likely to sta bJ ISh 1IC0re of 89. P l O t uFr .cdlass u1'J~rised MhI8~ b .~ahY IH'Rlsers of the estate of Ella Supply Co., cleaner for sheriff, ~hl~ pnnclple as the law of th ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN )Iour Cattle, hogs, .sheep and calvea as 1'1 sy ~ornmg on er In· Adams, deceased. $S.B3 i Famous Auto Supply Co., an .... 2 Book report--Marjorie Ea1'll' day with frUit, candy! handkerFreda Lackens administratrix of casings, tubes 10r sheriff's cars, to Norrill.Broek Co., bve wire '!Ie1 hart of group A received a Kore chiefs and popcorn. MISS Day ex· the e tate of R.obert S. Laclcens, Ul3.94: Earnest Dakin, locust Congressman Clement C. Dick progressive finn t '1 r the. hl,htlt of 93. Jeannette Wilaon, ineom- pressed her thsnks to the class. . decca ed , filed her inventory. posts, $6.80; The W. W. Williams inllon of Missouri , oldes t member market prices and good IIrvice. plete. Our room hail twenty .puplIII 'Bell Company , Shows First: The following accounts were ap. Co., chain links, $8.60; W. H~ of the last congre~s, erved his U.ion S'~ck Varde' Cincinnali, O. in on Radio ttatlon W(:K'i 3 Funnieat valentine - Wilma with perf~ct attendence thIS last Yearly Increase proved, all owed and confirmed by Madden & Co., lumber cement and district and state for thirteen Tune 12 :l!5 to J2 :30 p. m. for our dan, Smith A, received a ICore of 92; week. the .co~rt. . . Bupplies for surveyor, $62.61; The consecutive terms. The.n last year market re om. Mary Burton of group B, received Since 1930 LIZZie av~It, gua~dlan of John Cincinnati Oil Works Co., gasoline he was defe ated. R centJy he an. a Kore of 90. Ju_t Two Bo,. A. avo It, . mInor. Flr:'t: '24,61; John Law, repairs to cur- nounced t is candidacy fol' on. 4 If Lineoln Were Llvjng Today Showing a yearly gain (or the first Wm. . Roof, adminIstrator of talns, $4.40; Elmer Collis, gasoline gress in 1936. He i e illihty-six r,.-------~---Ruth Salisbury, iDeomplete; Don· (All Imaginary Incident in time in four years. The Ohio nell i?o tate of Ja4:ob Roof, deceased $16.38; J. C. Hawke, gasoline and years old now. Here is a ' real 43 YEARS OF SERVICE aid Foulks, incompklte. Linooln's Life) Telephone Company added approxi· F lTst and final. ., supplies, $29.86; Union . Gas &. optimist. In a small village in the moun· m tely 18,000 telepbones .throughl ut J. Q. Gons, adminIstrator 01 the Electric Co. , pipe, $119.75; Fun6 Imitations of literary charaeters: Group A- Earl Conner reo tains of Kentucky, the bell rang in the state during 1934. c~tate of Jame l~ Gons, deceased. ces Ross, salary, $15 ; ~orge ceived a Kore of 80 Ellen Guy 88 a little red schoolhouse and the ~ Prospect~ for \935 are 3 little better, FIrst and final. Johnson salary $3'5· Frances . The gold dollar was devaluated LEBANON, OHIO John Kellner 88, children came pouring out according to company officials. R. Beckett~ guar.dian of Rosa, saiary, $46'; Wad~ S. Brown, to fifty·nhfe-eents. There i.s a W hn ve a complete 83; group B-- Ruth Larrick 90, of the door like a swarm of bees. The upturn in in~tana· Ge rge Beckett, nunor. ~ma1. services 88 Dog Warden $126 ' rumor that the dollar may be Watch Servic: .. Cecil Hartman 80, Charles LeMa), They made their way in c'ouples tions started in ugust, 1933. :Iud Will R. Lewin, administrator of ehas.P. Stubbs, food, '$9; L: stabilized at fiIty cents. How~ver PI'ices Reasonable 8], Phylli& Collette 80. and in g,roup!\ to the shade and has been maintained since that time, . L. D~'e, dec~~ased. First and Conrad, food, $41; Penn Merton, four quarters still make a dollar, Bead Restrung 1'he program will be completed soon became 1lbsorbed in the pro· except {or small seasonal losse. Dc- flnal. serviees as janitor court house, provided you have tbat much Jewel ry R.epaired !<1on. cess of eating lunch. spite gain in the last five months The will of O. "'!N. Brown, de· $70; C. Donald Dilatum, rent of money. The devaluation \1P to the "THE HOME OF GIFTS" February I, the Senior American Near the schoolhouSe a small 01 ]933, there was a loss or 40.000 cea~ed, was admIttEd to probate. office $20 ' Meeker It Meeker in- present time has not apparently literature c1ul hell\ theJr fifth brook sang on ita way down the for that year as a wh Ie hecau~e of Lloyd Collive'r and Leiman Col· surar:ce o~ sheriff's OldlmlobUe helped one to pay tlls debt nor JDonthly literary prOlrram. Tbe re mountain. Wild flowers crew on hcnvy losses· du ring tile fir st seven liver,' ad~inistratorl! .of the estate $3.63; James FoIlen, services ~ added money to th~ bank account .ding of the minatee ~oDow. ita banks and willow trees provid J mOl1ths. of C nthla Jane CollIver, deeeased jani,or '16· W. C. Turton eoal However, tbis devaluation · has ed by this , prOfarutl: ed shade for those who wished to . 13 Per Cent Recovery filed their application for a certifl $20.~5·~ The' Children's Hdspital: marked a revolutionary departure DevotioDs, Frank Ha",ke; cur· linger. Today the still summer air During 1934, however lhere were t'atc of transfer. hospitalization, U1i Dr. W. A.. on the part of our Government Nlnt events, Evelurl reters -oup was heavily •laden with the ' scent consi.tPllt gllillS t I,roug hOllt th e y ar. Robert W. Brown, executor of ""oLle gla ~, •• es , ... 1Il9. and Indicated the beginning of the II .. ' n », A. Juanita Brannock group B', of sweet wilRams and honeysuckle • ... h the estate of Ste.phen C. Phillips, . ' . end of financial control by 8 few. TelClllhones were added ilT every rnont ---~ Incident of Lincoln's Life, Noah for it was .early summer. 'rhe . l d,eceased, filed his schedule ot Future generations will feel blessd e)<~(pt in June amI July. whlel l nord debts. Newman, A i Incident in Life: of birds were Singing and the worl ings of the President's policy we mally arc affectc:d by seasonal trell S. LinCOln·, Robert Thomas, Norman Beemed at; peaCe to man and . The adJ'udication and dEtennina at present cannot discern. Although the pickup is encouraglllg, the company still has a long way 10 tion of the inheritance tax on the Meredith group A; Helen Greene, ani!lla1. and David Boger croup B; Book Seated unde r a ' large willow go to recover the 10 ses ~uffercd dllr. estate of EHzll Shawhan, deceased J . D. Smith and wife, Jame s ---review: Marvin Fox, "The Carol. away from the res t of the children ing the past few years, officials slate. is to be given to all persons inter~ Head and wife, Ed Wilkerson and Recently in Pennsylvania lob· inian", group A; Ruth Pennl~ t~o boys were talking as they ate. From the peak development io l\pril. ested. wife, Mr. and )Irll. Branden served that tho newspapers were ton, "The Little Miniater"--group One was a tall awkward, silent 1930, to the low point in July. 1933, In the case of Village of Morrow son and daughter, of Oregonia; 'pubHshing lists of all citizens B; "~Iy First Valentine Day," Bart of boy, Who at the present the Ohio Bell lost m()rc than 196.000 yersus Z. O. WClrley, trustee of the Edgar Burton, Ralph Belcher, holding public positions. This is Ruth Hoyle group A, Jobn Searll waa interested most in the lal"ge tel ephones. The gains made in the trust created by Item Second of Minter Burton, Char),9!!!!l!.!!e~a_,.R~~~~Jil.w::..J.tIllzeJ:lUl:I.G.Ilt.....ah~ld--4-M-l_...c;~~~t~r'rIIll.~,_:n .. group B. piece of blackberry pie he was last five months of 1933 and in 1934 the will of Isallc Jones, deceased, of Olive Branch ; .. ~ • .1l.-We were f-orced tOOmit lIome of eatmg. His companion was a lively 'r epresent the reeO\' ry .o{ abput 13 per et aI, plaintiff foun~ to have fee wife, Albert OJ, annually s complete statement of Phone 78J the scheduled because chap with rM hair and blUe eyes. cent of this loss. Ijimple in real estate and fundi. of near Harveyabure were among all payments from the p.u blic participants were absent. These Tbe boys were as unlike as dayT he will of Joseph Verbl}/ke, de those ,who attended e()ttage pray.e r treasury, Jilltlng the names a'rld ceased, was admitted to probate. meeting on last T.h ursday evening addresses of all receiving public Louisa Gotthardt, executrix of at the home of K. E. Thompson monl!y, as salaries, compensations the estate of Charles Penkawa, and family here. The next meet· pensions, etc. These records sllould deceased, filed her' application for ing will be at the home of J. E. be given wide publication. Such IiOTARY PUBLIc Burtonl near Olive Braneh Thura. pUblication would benefit tax. a certificate of transfer. B_II A ce.rtified copy of th. entry de.. day eveninl'. payers. It would eliminate abuses termining the inheritance tax on The many friend. 01 Mias Opal which have ste&ltbily crept ·in. the estate of l~liza Shawhan, de. McGrath, of Olive Branch, who Why riot publicity? Public ol~ Willa Dr... • • E.tat•• S.ttl." WAYNESVILLE. OHIO ce'lsed, is t o bl~ certified without wu out of acbool Jut ",eek be· ficla"s, worthy peflsloners, and em caUH of Ulne'" will be ,lad to who Qr. entitled to their deTay. , S. M. Maag, administrator of the that fa abl. to be ba"k in IIAJA~·I .... would have- nothing to estate of Cbarles G. Kibbey, de818m." . fear. Drones altd frauds would be FOR SALE DATt:S CALL ceased, filed hi!! !ale bill. ~utli Pollon, ~f near Well· driven .out by publicity. Hazel Verbr'l7ke lfas appointed was a Thursday ovem1eht . All must be named, togeth,r execuliJ'ix of the ~tate of JOleph . of Mila Modena Powell. with their addresses, the amount Verbryke, decElased, no bond reo MIllS Mary Sc:oonover, of Hal" pai~ and the Jlurpose o.f the Jlay. quired. W. S. Melampy, Frank veYllburg,.. "'AI the week-end guest ment. McKinney .a nd J. N. Burch were of the. MJ,eses Lena and Al'thella I have prepared a me1lsure CLASSIFIED ADS COST ONLY appointed appraisers. Mount~oY: 'p roviding for this, and hope to ONE CENT PER WORD. WHY JESSE STANLEY Don t forpt church here ev.ery secure its enactment into law. , V~ruon Emley ",as found insane to be adlmitted to the DaySun~ay and Sunday evenIng. nnd is Plao._ sao, Now Barll••toa, Olak KEEP YOUR ATTIC FILLED . / ton State Hospital. Everybody is ",elcoJlle. c. c. Eulas!I, administrator of Mrs. Josephine Burnell ROle baa · . WITH USELESS ARTICLES EARL KOOGLER the estate of RillY Starry, deeeBled accepted !l position in Lebanoll. D.,t_ Plao_ TH'A T CAN BE TURNED INTO is authorized to exchange inveatMr. and Rufu. Robe$ and . KE!DlDo ....... mont. . Children of near . Kin~an spent MONEY FOR SO SMALL ' A Jessie Hymaill, exeeutrix of the. Saturday afternoon P. ~. . COST. TRY THIS MEANS OF estate of Myer Hyman, deceased, Wella .and fami17. John ROlle, William ud Walker filed her inventory. SELLING AND $EE WHAT A Burnell called o~ K. E. Thomp. In llIl recent aeries of graphic --sou and famil, Sunda, enlllne. bulle~nlj, the National Safety DIFFERENCE IT WILL MAKE Marriage Lie..... P. G. W.lla baa pa.rehaaed a Councilp,o ints to, a tremendous - -.... Henry Gillen, farmer of Bed be team of luwe 'DIal.. increue in drunken driving duro FOR SALE TO YOUR POCKETBOOK, AS Lion. and Mias Florence Richarda, Ballard WJlllama ad wite, of inC ~el past , ~ear--and to a Bub· WELL AS TO HAVE YOUR of F nklin Waynesville and Jln. Thomas stantia. gain In the number of FOR SALE-Good 1927 Ford W~rlace Trel.dwa" Iwitchman, PoweD of WI plac!e were Friday deaths and injurie.1I due to mixinr truck, Inquire at this omce. STUFFY OLD ATTlC CLEANED of and lliu Dorothy evenilll callen of 1[. E. Thomp. alcohol and rasoltne. Tbe fhAt FOR SALE-Fine Alfalfa Sa". 1. M CI . son · and famUy. twelve mo.ntbs of repeal may have ~ OUT. IT PAYSI ~ ~I~t AmoDC thou from a cHatance been benefteial in lom~ r esJ;)eetll-.. C. Hawke. engi;~~r, and lllu who attended church at but it lef~ a devastating trail of POR SAL&.;-Nlce line of Waxtex Mary Patey of Frank Briar on Jut Satarda,. 4eath behmd it. Severe as the alld Kitchen RoD Waxed paper lin. Mr••nellin. 0tII Powell ~d drunken drivllllr problem "'.. 4ul" L"ld paper DApldu. New Show.PM daqhtera. 111'. aDel 'l in. Walter ina prohibition, it baa _ become atationerr. 18 IhHte-ud l' .... Lyneh, daqhter Opal; Mr. doubly severe n?w. . yelo,.. for 10 •••te at.,.. . . . IIlL Ra)' Carrier of lllallttahra. The beat QbtalDable atatiltlce' ia 0.... otIee. The Ba)'aHp of ClarknUJe, that be per GUJI»ert LuabaIattn del fUI!b' 01 Ka. dicate both driven andto ,tea ... . . CQt . . 01 .----;~• •0~~~ ••l9'td Ia tnfIIe


School High Spots

Straight from






F. I. Martin Auctioneer

Beech Gl'ove


i .



Stanley &Koogler Auctioneers




--------.i. . . .



the board convened reeanU,. All a rar mers durinr t ha rault of th ilInes. of Director ' ~d , It ,IIOO.IIOO. Earl H.,HaneLeld of th@ State Dr . ' 6 p er cent o f thl' partment ot Aariculture the meet. '!llt' of lal'm pro<lUc~UI'" ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY ine was conducted at hitl b.ldslde In a downtown Columbull hot 1. San 10 T~1( D. L CRANE ' I 1 Sub.crlptioa Prlc., '1.10 Y_r Director Haneteld wall ill with inom.,. Pba... , N. 112 l!lnteJ"t'd at POltoftllle at Wa"o ..• fluenza. Exltc tly $75,01)0 lIaved the R.. ld . '"'''''' N • I vl11e . Oblu. a. 1~"'1\4 Cia.. Mall sta te by State H igh\\ ay Patrolme n o. II in guarding t he shipmen t of sa les ta x stamps.' A pl'emiunl aUlountin g to $76.000 \\ u ld hn..-c been as ked FEBRUARY 7. 1035 to in!lu I" the larl!:,e cargo of stamps, but payment f t his pr emium was deemed unn ecessar y w he n it was decided to ~eta il h ighway patr olmen to a,el as g uards. Ask any H'COglliz cI husine 8 observ~r when the depression will T We nty· four truck load :! of be. Qver. lTo won' l be a \lIe 1.0 give yo u the eXllct date--but there is a Shift Needy F..miliet stamps comprised thjl total of th e good chance that h wi ll ay, "Whe n Big Steel (United State~ Steel It is exp ected by P r of Willia m ol'igina l stump s hipm e nts. E ach ompu ny) f esu mes its preferred dividend." A. Walls, Governor Martin L. tr uck was escorted bl' two highway Big tel'. l has been t he bell-wether 01 Industry ~very since itt . Davey' s n ew state reli ef admi nis- p at rolmen. creation in 190 1. When its opera t ion s are down, all other ·major that between 100.000 an c! bu ines. es al' down: wh n itll operati onl!! arb up" all other major Ohio families n ow on the Wide Refor .. tati on bURil1 sear usu all~ doing well. 1n every business activity index. r elief r olls will be v oluntar _ Restoration of 1.4EI4,OO acres of steel operation s are given more weight t han any other Indicator. transplanted to rural communiteel's I'e~ ulal' preferred dividend is $7. ]t paid it regularly Ye1lr ties where eaeh family will be Ohio . il f orest is planned by aCt l' yellr, wit h fel exc ptio ns, unt il depression stepped in . First de._ given a chance t o b ecome establ ish th e n ited ,tates l'~orest Service th rough the d velOPOlent of. five clin wa" a cut of $2 . T hen t he dividend was drop~d entirely, and is ed in a modest home in Ii 10-acre miniture farm costing $1 600 'with u ni t re ervnlions in t he so ut h. no\ $SO,OOO,OOO in arrears. ea stern section of t he state. An payments spread over 20 y ears. Big .' t ee l hasn't l'cSUm d its divident yet, but demand for steel At lea at one billipn and possibly at i (!mpt will also be nlad e to refJ'o m all ~o uI' Ces is gl'owing, wit h t he- automobile i ndustry in the two billions of the f our billion tire s ubmurgi na l farm lan d i n t he lcnd _ prod uct lon, Recor di ng to Genera l Dawes. keen steel student, is dollar lump-sum r elief and r ecov- areas aft'ected. at ubout 00 per cent of the indu stry's real capacity. Black figurea are e ry program of Presid ent Roose, king th place of r ed. Big S el recently returned t o & six-day week velt will b e made available f or a Aircraft Picture. r r its white collar wOl'kns, thus r est oring the' ten p er cent pay -cut gigantie nati on-wide construction Th ere ate 812 pilot an d 365 they had taken. It is a policy of steel t o always r estore pay to normal and migration program design ed aircraft in Ohio, the Bureau of Ail' remove from th e crowded indus levels before resuming dividen d . COinmerce reports. Ohio has also That is the best business newa of th e week- but ,other good trial and urban acres from 1,000 95 unlicen sed aircra:rt, 49 giidcrs 000 to 2, 000.000 families now r en W5 is not lucking. As t he 1084 earnings reports drift in, it is evid· ceiving relief. and 12 glider pilots. ilnt thn t Ii large number of important concerns are finding the going Casler, I l'otlts greatcr. Improvement was registered in the eal'nings of Anilahle in March ~uC;h potent C01'po]'ations as American Telephone, Chesapeake and Complete data On 1935 au to Ohi o Rai lroad, J . C_ P enn y (wll ose 1934 sales establi hed an all-time hi h for the chain) , and Montgomery Ward. Coal and textiles, two license regiBtratio\18 are predicted ba~i c heavy!r ies w'hich were nit especially hard b)' depression, by Motor Registrar Fra"k West t o be available to law enforcemen t s n lo be on t he mend. agencies throughout Ohio by To furni h service to its 550.000 The atlonal busine s ma p looks very different today than it March 15 to aid in the recovery of did tV n lwo 0 1' t hr e mo nths ago. The number of atates where atolen cars. AlI police officials in telephones in the slale. T he Ohio busin ss is not as good as a year ago has dwindled-only Texas, the ltate are lupplied with In . Bell Telephone Co III p a n y uses lubamn. Ulah. New York, y 'e rlT\ont and New JUBey fall into ·tbis formation relative to all auto tags enough wire to make 11 seven-strand belt circling the earth and I he moon clnPsit\cal illn. alifarnia, Ok lahoma, Maryland, Connecticul and New issued in their l'espective counties. a nd enough polcs ( 0 b uild a p ole A 24-bour daily sel"\llee is main· 1 alllp ~ hh' show li ttl Or no change. All the rest of the states are in fe nce ljround the state th ree rail tained by the State B'ureall of 1\ b '(tel' position . h igh. Motor Ye hiclea and only f rom two T he telep hone comp,any occupies a So mUch for th e cr edit side of. the ledger. On the debit side is to five minu t es are required to fUr tolal floor space in ZOO buildings of (It lInellalhmg d fact that unemployment is approximately as great nish information to police authoriapp roximately 56 acrc~s to house it! , s it Wild a yellr ago- 8ceo rd ing t o ome, it is greater-while 20-odd ties: equipment and adminis trative and million people still .dep nd on r elief f or subsistence. It is likely, howOhio's outo tag checking system ever, lhat (l dt'n t "i II be made in these figures 8S the gain in heavy in· is one of the most effectiVe in the operating personnel. United Sta~s. Registrations is ued dUbtl'YR is I' I\ (>ctod in t h e employment statistics. In a cigar tore on Times Square. Altlo On th d bit ~id-e i uncertainty as to the trend of national in this Itate are checked four ways New York City, a tde pll one 'boole, by make of car, alphabetical name If'qi lntio n- bll$ine.scs lind investors fear laws that would take poten through co nstant handling. il worn till l profit out oi prh'ate el'ldel1vorl!l. Proof of this attitude is found in ot Owner, motor number and 0111 every 72 hours. IicilDse tag number. t ho ree nt h Ilvy l'ise in t he pI'ices of good municipal bonds-people 111'0 anxiou to pu t savings into tax-free government lIecurijies rother Foreian 'Trade than private securities whose worth rna)' be depreciated by governF.II'I hu:ome. I.c..-.. m en tal DC ion. It is a safe bet !:.hat many hearts will b.e at easier next Approximately $203,000,000 was . umm r 'iI hell ongress ad j ourns -that act alone will give a spur to received by Ohio farmers for the To withdraw lirom foreign 1 ecov I'Y. sale of their products in 1934, ae- mar kets, a nd place t h e nati(ln on a cording to estimates by F. L. Mor- self onl.a.ined basis would involve _ ____. . ,. . _______+-_______________. rison of the rural economics de- elim ination of balf the acreage in partment at Ohio State Univer sity cotton. in the United States, oneThis income, which includes r ental th ird of th e acreage in tobacc? , benefit payments fr om the one·sevent.h of the acre age 10 Agricultural Adjustment Adminis w heat, one·fifth of t he acreage de. tr:ation, is an increase of about ~2 voted to r ice, and on e-seventh of The Obie State UniYenity R~dlo Statlon:-WOSU per cent over the income for 1988 the acreage i n corn , according to and is the beat Buckeye' farmer s R. L. Buell, pre i dent of the ~:OO Music have had since 1980. F oreign P olicy Asspciat ion O.f :05 Ohio lio not's lhe Martyred Lincoln ............ .. " ...... H. E. Benefit payments to Ohio N ew Yotk . 8 :15 Bo k~ T hat llave Be en Made Into MOvieB .......... Elma :26 MUllie :35 Home weet Home ,. . .. " .... , .. " .......... ......... WOSU Playen :50 Will Limin g B e Profilable F or You? :..................... F . J. Salter !):o lI ome F Ul'nlshings in 193 I ........................ ... .. .. Helen Strow and Mrs. Dorothy Sl11eott (l: LO Music t :25 Whllt n Dime' . Worth of Ftectricity Will Do ....... L P. Blauee r :36 Futu l'c Far mcrs a t FarmeiJI' Week ... , ..... "" ....... ,.F . J . Ruble :'16 'Plant ur iositles .... ........................ .. .. ..... ...... Alex Laurie'

_c:. " ,... ,.... ,.



Capitol Cross Road Chatter


B-ulineas Is Improving




Chapt.,. Three

YlLUII' "MISKED . «JollciUIIOn) SYNOPSIS: A.ffer 11,..,.04 01 lHtfer • ..u,p«_u IU II cla"cJ, DIMIW .CO,,,,,.IMI4, (I" orpMIl, Hell reHVed OM Gdopce4 loti 'w. A,1I-"C Sec-W ""or",ood. ~

lMIttag CIt eM WlCklMkI Ao1ft.

d.,..,." ~JIOo~ M aM &11''''. WtckfWl4 beca",e laft IrWtwU. ,,~, I1t'OtDt1"P. M ~ /UtICI"teel lor LoIIdot& 10" II 118 ~

DB...... ",,,.w-

_ellOr. Nor IOtc"o..c

,,,,,. "0t081Ier, (or /ae __ lea.... ,.r ,Nt Uno" Beep. Wiele· IMI4'. cleric. tDCU II ,che","'., .-..eIreI. ,Lo!l\do", lelJo ..,


B., ,,, cUtt IOteA

B'Hrlore", M


"...... __

ACe l"rlcmd

Dora 8p_

",ef 0


_rUMII. O.e doll, DClv4d, Oft ~ b8CICA IOtr" IIre.,.(or", !leG" DorG'. !kIwe, ·r o6Ied Ia.. 81/"8. /0 II ~II' CIted .".~ecte4



Afaln Davld looked. Then bl, mtatecI over, for at .Igbt of tbe Pet'aottY. UtUe boat bom.. lDemort. 01 bia cbildhood vtalt here Aoodacl oller him. Brtefty. be told 8teerfortb of them aDd they lD&de thel.r way rapidly over tho I&JIU .It WILl 1IaJD h1Duielf who opened the door to them. There .ere the othel'll, aU Ibaklnl bancia and talktq eacltaclly Uncle Dan WILl pl-.l. TbI1 IIlalt ma4. blI day oompl..te. for J\I.81 a few boun

embracea an around and excited bappy exclamatlonll of (free 1I ng. Theil, no longe r able to walt. Davtd told them of Dora. Aunt Betsy congTatulated him etonlly. while Aanea' hid her b eartbreak behInd to ImUe. Then .hen Aunt Betlly bad lett . Dora told blm or Uriab'a new partnenblp with ber ratber Da v\1I W OJ! . .but. "Father aaye It'. hie own choice." abe easel, "but 1 know that It W9..!! foreed upon him Htl neve r co.nftdea tn lIIe anymore H e'lJ changed . I caIn explain Urtab 8 power over blm elthllr " DaVid decided to speak to Mlcawber. now Uriah" ILIslatant. But their talJl W&8 (\ complete faJlure. tor Mleawber. o.n rea Jlz lna that he WILl being ukj!d for conftdentlaJ tnlormatlon. bUy retused to eay anytlling further Uriah had moved Into tbe bouse and that nlgbt a.tter dinner. he cfeared bit throa t as If about to make a speeCb. -Come. te\low jlartner." be began pOuring some wine. "I'll give you on e to tbe dlvlnest ot ber aex .... Agnes Wlck.fIeld. ~ . WlckAeld leaped to bls (eet with a terrtble cry "Loole at b lm." be abollted. "He dares. I eee h im now for wbat be I&--a-'" Urtab IIcowled menael""I),. "Better .top btl mOllth Copperfield. or be'U MY lometblnl' he'll be sorry for afterward.... WtekAeld 'ta~ed, tben elowly IUbIlckd Ulee a pricked balloon .

the watjlr8 edge al\d wu earrIe4 beyond the line of breRkel'll. The ne.xt few momenta CC)nte.1ned a meUme of borror tor David. 'l'he pounding wreck sank and Ham W'&I bau led In dead.. whlle Steertorth, llle last survlvo.r of t be Ihlp. .... Iy(ng IItelesa on th e sanda. It was Bom time t>etore Davld auld fo.rget th t dreadful nieht but soon be Wild caugbt up in troublelll or hJe own. The fragile Dora's health ha~ been steadJly falUng tor some Umt and soon tbe little cotl.&a'a ...... empty IUld bleak for .be ..... b. ber narrow grave. DaVid wellt abroad to eue tha paIn In bls heart, and four aealOnII bad come a nd gone wben ~'I read hll letter telUne her be W'&I return Ing a t onca. Worry over the Wlckftelds. a.nd love or bome were drawing him blLCk. When on bls arrtval • .ile mad. bia way to Mlcawber with Aunt Betsy, be realized there bad lndMcl been grounds for b1a feal'll.


Tbe next moruml' Uriah open~ the door of hll omce to Aunt Beby, David. Mr. Dick and IIlcawber. He IIwept them all witll a allrpr1led and lusplcioUI ..lance .. Wtckfteld and Agnea now enterec1 arut jolnacl tbe othen. Then. with a. no.uriah MI_wbar drew a. legal document. 11"OU1 h1a pocket and Bta~ readiDg It. brandlablne a ruler . tw emphasis.


4 tmea' rel l y

wal I>Qre1v II wILl.".... " 1'116 loved I/OU a.1I '1111 1'/6, Da1Xd."


Farm lvight laths, february 11

,fAaptain "Bob" Bartlett, Naviga~orWith Peary in 1909, Plans 25th Dash to Arctic

I "'6oaoober ~Iod­ ed. "VUHG"1f ..

_ ..

1M MOil.,.' .....11- . t"~ M41.

fer! Dec~t. (rawJ, c:ollaJri"lI(Ij/ 4 ,. e



of the News' Direct

From the Ohio State Capitol COt 1.1MBU ~ath last ' we k has u ita objective the ultimate claimod Willia m A. Weygandt, extermination of the crow, which is the nlost destructive bird in who was 111' 11 k n own in newspaper Ohio. .More than 100 crowe, each circles thro ugh ou t the state and banded with a lerial, number" are who for nellrl)' two . -years Jls .. a being-released cenenlly t hTD 118h t rusted a.nd valu'ed employee in out Ohio by conse.rvation divi.ion t he office of Secl'etary qf State and each has a prize value rangGeol'ge S. }1yers. Mr. We~gandt 'Ing from ,1 to '25. Hu~ten who wa 68 yeill' 0:( ag~ .. He d1ed. at kill . crows weaTing the bands are the Cleve1and Chme )'ro~p~tal . asked to lend the metal tara to the aftel' several mont.hs of dechnmg division which will forward the 'health. He was an executive c!erk casb prize check that corresponda in . Mr. Myers' office and. edited with the tag number Commiuioll"The State Capltlll News Letter" er Reinhart aaid. ' . which the Secretary ot State pub· lishes each week.• Mr. Weygandt Six couflties hold the enviable was buried at Ashland. in hi. native county, where he started record of ,oin, t.hrourh 1986 his newspaper carller in 1891. ~ Without the mar of a , lolitary in. at one time owne d the old Lodl dUstrial fatality, according to Review and 'Was employed in data just compiled b1 the IndllB- · editorial capacities by the Akron trial Commil.ion ot Ohio. Tbey Fulton, Merear, Review and the Akron Beacon- are ' Brown, Journal. He resigned, from the Morrow, Noble and Union. . All latter papel' in 1911 to publish the other countiel bad at leut ona Portage County Democrat at industrial death or more durinr Ravenna. The following year be the year. Ther. ~re 74 Ohio in· was elected state senator. Mr. dustrial fatalltiel in Decembar, Weygandt was part .owner of the the mintnr group he.din, the list Wooster Daily News until 1920, with 16 .fatal injuriel duriq the when he entered the fe4eral gov_ month. et'llmen t se rvice at Clllveland. After te.rl years with a chain of Five' of the State's outatandin, weekly Cu9ahoga county . new~ farmers rl!ceived a coveted honor. papers ' he came to Columbus, tn ary: award Columbul 'While at.1933, to accept an appointment by tending the annual ,'Farmen' Secretary of State Myers. Mr. Week" celellraUoD at Ohio State Weygandt is survived by his wife University. As a Hlult of a c0mand by one son, Arthur S. bination Qf their nClc. . at ing, t.helr civic l_d.....lp Cleveland. hi,h· communit; atandinl. Ohi9 farme" received were desl,nated .. "lIr...ta.·1 eneourarement last week Farmers for 1934" by a farm jour prices for beef on the boof nal ThOle hOllored were J. E. Vea loared to. the hlehest level in four Fouen of Croton, T. L. ,eara, thereby addlnr thou..nd5 of Bbre,;e, C. E. Holdren of dollaH to Ohio. farm income. A top Bockinr•. Ray Iterldna of price of '13.~6 a hundredweirht Dover. and B. L. a.etnilt was. recorded, wblch i. but a few OtweU. hOllor, . . . ceata leu t.haD double the ftrl'ld 011 .r. lituetDlk I :ral:llB1~. ill .treat a ,1&1' qo at tbIa tim.. ltYeral,..... -.0. nil die tint tiID. that a SOD of "Muter "al'lll.r" reeet.ed


TIl,_ ....

. . . tI&I..


before Ram ud l!:m'ly had become Md David left tbe ho.use none He atated ' bll) (;, •g'\1Da .....ed. to the deUllbt and am... thfl 'triaer but .lth 80rrow In biB Keep clearly and Kaep · _nt or everyone. Ileart for Acne. and ber tatber. was a forcer a.nd '.' .1 had ' ..ecldln a d- v rolled enmeghed even bI le. D __ 800n .... Tbeo p.l'o.tty opened the door --und ..... ....., L d ~used .... ... , and be and Dora made machi nation8. H eep rl", t.qbin. aDd eryin. at once, _v WI CAO.e.o .... Id' I n dOC\'lJ\cn t oS or'~ , rellden - at H'''brate. In a _ _ Iy Itoowtq .bat Ibe WILl rtan th a .. b .. --. -~ ..... vtd f. I .Io·-In" Ultle eotta"... . In .plte ot po ce ere yt •cll1tl::t "'N lIq - Sa b '--. abe ... ~ .rvent y ...... • • II to d Dora'. child-like about Be raw ou , ...,• ." u. lin. Gwnaddp POW .upped out everytbln,. they ware bllAfuUy bad 8'1vlln tbla rll ttl. ~ aDd returned 'IIIItUI a tray beulDI' happy IIDtll tlla evenllll' Aunt Beta)' 'pearance of bllvl ~ .. ' 8OGl8 ID\IP of .... lIDiI Mr. Dick came to dinner. Mr. Wlckfteld'l (II J Iaa4l tAte•. In the .Ian 01 tho Ilrallcllt. llaed tbls power o~ IlIDea at...dortfi e o . at.-wrollg. to qontrol and tort~ after bour .... a q them, romantlc TIle rout W'&I burnt on one side, Urlab now ruahel. .0 ..reo . ' Bpe.niah lID.d . ttall.., 10.... J:wl')' ·the opten were unopena4 and tile an(!' frantically nuna . 400r-. DOW _d UMiD ....., . . wou14 mee~ cook was In & 4ruuen stuJIOr. "Wbere are tba books ; ~ thief tboaa of 1Cm~ IIDd be ..em~ to J'lnally. David. e:&Upera~ed and bu etolen the book.... h~ . "ream"" · be .ln~nc only to her. lIumll1&ta4. lpoke lharply to Dora. But In a mament ' mare be ruIo A few later David ... at The t ..n weited In ber eye. and lacl bow complete W'&I IlII claf. . .' , the 0"0 wlDdow of the Peaott)' .... n ..., out the cloor. Mlcawber had opened the ..,. 110\118. S. sow."d hll teleaeope AIIDt., BetsY pand hie ehow,der. earlier tbtit mOraiDC aDCI tumed tIaa dUappolDte4IJ'. "You mUlt bav. pattence DaYld:' book. ovar to Da,,14. 'I'Il.D, tJuoeat.: "Oh Mi'. 8taertOrth~ .""e enous h,." Ibe cbldeel him geaUy. "Remember, eried WIth prlaon, Urtala tlUDacl MW DaD UIlIra4 blm. I m .Ul'. on t. .h.·. d.llcate and her be'.lth neecla all tbe .........n of. -"'-.nldp. tile .. naI ..nor .be'. become. MM'r ~ ...."... _ ... 1)&",., . .4 wbat a Ane friendly cuar~lng. "0 bonde and It.)'... .~ 011 lib & ~UI\' ..ntleman be ... • David nodded aor~wfuIlY. ~ whipped doa-, h. taputa4 fl'Ollll u..t He' bad DO mora than blBhed yea. my poor pet-l m otten au bOIl88 fore"er. a 1IOr17 . . . , . . . . . . w.... llaIal caUecI David to tbe .4 00r. loue about her." ahamblad throuch the door_ ':., Iturdy oeoj)le. He Ilttrlbute. It to ( "WIIat'. UllIN?" Dan .tood Boon ,after that, Pegcotty entered 8o'me weella tauir, a DlllCla baJllPler· the loftenlng Inftlleno.. of the whit" ~ ID tile 4oorway! ' the bou.eboltt and everythla., l1'Oup now. tlley _,. aill.._fbl ! man' . cl\'iI\:r.atioD. Ca, . " ...... . . . wh. h.. B h tt" k ..... TIl., eaterad the bou.. ..aln. aeemecl to Ilralrhten ltleU .out at the plar to ... the 1BC&1t'ban 011111 J te tile IrctlCl ",Ion I tlnce When Captain artae urst Ill"" u4 Ia u.. 1D14at of a deathly maaically. But day .be bunt oft to Auatralla for wlalob tltp , .. l a, ,Jail• • print Y01111.. 'the Eskimos. a genilraUon alO, the,. sUeD. with DaD startn, . .ont~ly. in on him. bllhly agitated. Em'ly David had ~yeD IOca....r ...... had r perfect l\Oalth and pertect Davlcl .tea4 Em~. fetter to Ham bad been fo.und. ot money. . TH the clatter C?t .Times Square teeth. Such alllll.ellt,s as the com· aloud. "Tou that I han wronged, D.avleS lost no time In burry1~ to Mlca.wber DOW mppacl forward to ill hil un, Captain "Bob" Bart- mon cold and tooth 41~ay were UIlIov. lOIIleoile .lae - that will be Dan P.~tty. the rail 01 the boat wl~ a boN. leU. nteran AroUe extilor~r, il 1&)"- known. Recently, tbough, the In· true to JOu ead *0fthy ot you. ........... In Naptee by the - - buccaneerinc air. "Balo. 01 ..... ... piau today for hl •• 15th trip to troductlon of sweetl! b)' t~ad'era baa or.n UDele .tIIat 1 n.ver loved blm TlIere be wea.r led of her anel lett appointment." h. oratM, ''Ilaou,..1 JIle .Uut North. played ha.voc with te~tb and gums" ' " 10 4eu .. pow." bell" Dan', face waa hard With ot Ilmltecl meau!" Be JIOlDtacl to. , c.ptaiD "Bob". It will be recaUed, Helps Esklmol To Health . "'l'bera'. a mea · IUlpeete4. Wbo wratb. He pauled a 8econd. "One the open .ea. ''I ,0 to jlOnqu.r • ompallied Peary along the IcY. . utM farther than any other white One of the tlrst thlngs. he cUd Ie IU" DaD 4. . .Dcl~ barlbly. thing Mu'r DaVY•• b ..vy on my new country. In ehert, 1 am. p. . ia 011 his final daa\l to the pole wben this sItuation dame to hi, at. · "M..·r Da¥J." Ham "'d. "It ain't mlncl. 'Tis Ham. Be WILl cut deep fOllDdly confident t ...~ In the DOt ll&elr III 1809. With lesa tJlan a tentlon was to ed,Ue8te the Esklmol DO lault at JOUI"II all4 I'm far'rom and lCifR Cllre tor hll ute. Sir, would far distant fUture, lIOmeth1na Ddred. ml!el to 10 Bartlett turned to take better 'care of them~lves. ~ of It to 70u' but tb. man q you ea to Yarmouth .. 8l)On .. lDay .plencSlcl will turn up. J"arew.ll_ h iraU f hI He saw to It Lbat 1:hey wel'.e IUQllteerforth.- . '. . be ..n4 bear '4fC)rd to him to cheer trtencial Teo-~aV4 bol" , Ir to keep . t e oJ)en or • plied tbe prOplll' food.. , comlDander'1 return. . I)aa aacaJc to a ellalr, bia head In blm u.''' . And WallLlnl' atona 'tile ~~ Now. lD hi. i1ttY.lllnth year alld a be supplied them with toothbrulhes . IaIa ball... aDCI IIObbecl, whUe David Davld lIodded. quickly reaJlaing cUfte that afternooa. 0.. . . . . . I I hi I"ht, and toothpasto. ' watoIIa4 lata a f .. Un .. 01 COlDthe ib,nger. , . Aa'nel could be Mell 01. . toptJtft . _OUI exp orv D I own r. On tbe coming trl!l,l he wlll carr,. plate 4eeoIatlOD ead 'uUllty. On lliI way to Yarmouth that . TIley ItOppe<l • UlomeDt be,.... CaptaIa Bob iI IItUne out bls a new consignment of dental ....twIaD ,..... lato winter an4 nilb' ~ere wu a .tron, wllld and the .unllet. aclMloner. the Elle M. )(orrllsey. pIles, furnlshed a"aln bv tbe Col•. AWlt Betq &Del AID- ware look. thraatenlna .torm. eloude. .At the "I must .peak plaln17 - - . . for aDOUIer "tUe ,.,Ith the Ice and • # I'" ,ate Company. wblch hal 10111 beea .... at 0...... Ilrat publl.bed atol'7. beacll & aellooner In dlaUess eould D' vld wei ....,...._ 1 DOW at tile Ard c re••ons. . • Interested In polar exploradoDl_ 0 •• ........ ~ waited 'or thl ~ be _ 0 out In the .to.rm-toaaecl aea a -_. .. 1 Bartlett Friend of Elklmos of A4mlral Peary's ftrst ' tlDa1lC1al taat .... ~ bim 011 a u It wu driven toward tile half- you: 1 _Ill .'WIlT raw. 1 a.t the raCeI,. faced captain t. backers was Samuet Colpte, IOU YIaIt. lubmel'lred roclu. ata.ted away I NtuIIIIIlj IlOt onl, ea optorer-he II alao a of the toullder of Oolgate • Com• . "I thlaIt I know will' be'. _ Only the olle IUrvivor ~em&lJied bolD. Io.vlq you. -....... I . "deat Of the ArpUc peoples. For pan)'. and grandfather of tile trm'. .... Am- 011, r.e 4reaIII.eI that Ia 11111&. clln&1na to tbe wreckap Aa'nel' repl7 wu .....1)' • ..- I ,...,. be bal studIed the bablts and prelent bead, S. Bayard CoJpte. ,... ..t IM-" . lor hi. lit.. pel'. "1'Ye lo~ )'GU aU... ,I wan ~ the Ilalrlmoa. Since h1a The latter knows • .,out ezplor&-\ " . . doorbaD ~ aDd DaYld "Whoever"e II. I'll tno." , IIaDl David." .. lnC ·triII _ll fa Ul8 Bartlett hal tlons from lIrit hand. III 1'10, ~ ID. 'I'IIIN ........eoUoDaw orIl!I dllperatel¥. He ruabed In at T'IIIIIDID . . . . IDIIMd an to wlien Dr. Roy Cbapman Alldrews .... 014 frlalla AIIlOQ the EaIIdIllIOi made hI. third elpe4ltion \0 the eM lie . . OM Gobi Denrt, Collate. u a ....1Ier ... ... of the eQeditloD, ba4 ob&rIe 411 aD












...u. ...

10.., 10", '"'

, oa . . trip



'-7 ..... =-~.=:::s:~ 9111 .... '-Ia





CLASS MEETINC of arriculture. dl'c1ared b tolrC! a home talent play at Lytle Hall In TqaAcco 'CROWERS VOTE Farm ",' We~k Rudienl'e lit the the near futu",. The Marth meet ON KERR.SMITH ACT The reJrular "lee-UlIlf 01 the ~. l.. last wll .. k . illg will be at the home of }fn. "Soul WinnGrs" class of the M. Jo~ "WbUI 1 talk to ' audi(>nc\!~ who Our (.,,11 .'tuJ I·nt~ \\'('1'1) Harvey Burnet. CIg&l' leaf tobacco groweTil of unday schoo l wa~ held Monday I\ll' not V~I'~' \"aniiliar WIth farm hom~ f,ll' 1\ ft'" day , IU ~l wl,('k "" Mr_ and Mn. Edwin Nutt, Mill! at the home of MfsR facts." silid fl'. 'Vii. 011, "I alway, account (I! its Ill'i nl( till' (lml ,,! the Alma and Herman Nutt of Center. WaYne township voted Tueaday afternoon Mildred Salisbury, The busfne II _ _ __ I t It thl'm that UL Mnlllwhere in tir~t . l'1I1l' ter. ville were dinner guests Sunday at Rnd Wedne8day on Uw question of se8sion was followed hy a pleasant n.llmu. ATe Findin. the DIllion' \Vh 'at field i appro_ Both of Our boy>!' ha.·k~tblll1 tho home or Mr. and Ml'1l. Therle continuing the Kerr-Smith tobacco social hour durillg which time relnmatlllY n qual't'l' acr of wheal tl'll nlS werl! ~ucc ~~ fu I ill "i1111jn~ Jones, N..,d. Are Contid red, Sa,.. "hi It i~ being rai cd for Beh city over , lIyne ville t lUll:> h ' re last I 'ctcd eeretary oj' the State lIlr Lee Mason of Mason, spent act in 1935. The re ult of the vote fl'eshment w re served. M. L. Wilson dwell t·. ,aturuay night. The scor at the Home Extension Cou'neil at their ~ho week-end with Mr. and Mrs. was not lurned. 1 "Thut tIl ere is apprbximately clo~e of two hard !oughL gam S !lIt' ting h Id dUI'ing Farm and Chtlrles Clark. , threc·tt u;u1 rs of an acre of corn wa s 11 followH, Fit·~t team 25 to If me we k at Ohi o State UniverMr. and Mrs. Cteorge Gray atBIRTHDA Y DINl\I ER " . UIlI r~ rue IlTI1 (I unII , com- , whi h gol' ttl each consumer lar- HI and ccond to 4. sity. tended the funeral of their brother In' to und., .'tHml that thl' part gel), in th forUl of pork and beef. Mr. !tnd Mrs. W . P. Me ounty Council was in law, Edward Blackburn, laat of thl' CarOl Ilrnduc:tion til t hn "Thal down in thCo cotton field nnd daull'hter, Mis!! Evelyn, left 1'c})resented nt this meeting by weck, at Lawrenceburg, Ind. ' Mr. ~d MI'/! , 1. U. nart!\ock en· bl'cn r due d under A A crop th('l'(, is 11 jJatch o f perhaps an alul'day for Miami, Flodda. Th y hs. J. L. MendenhlalI, Wayne The Young people of the Lytle cd at dinner Thursday even X· RAY WORK conlTcl\ prolr1'8m ib that Which . eighth of an aCt'e which produces expect 1.0 b gonlJ' two we ks. township; Mrs. Aud)'ey Deardoff, chUl,'ch held their weekly meeting ing, the occasion being the birthformelly wus ~('nt abroud, and the cotton ,fiber llS d by each indiMrs. Lida Hatlon altended tbe 1"l'snkJin township; Mrs. Harvey Wednesday. evening at the ~ome of day anniversary of Mr. Flart8ock. BLOC ANESTHESIA for which no mal'ket no'">" exists, I'idunl inr the country. funeral of II cou in in incinnllti Rurn It of Lytle andl Miss Eliza- ~Is.s Bernlce .Graham., .Mlss Vir· The guests were Mr. and ' Mrs. All Kind. or D ... tllrea W. L. Wil~o n, assistltnl secretary "That oycr in the tobacco la;t Wednesday. beth raddy, HODl e Demonstration glnla Foulks will entertam them at Abram Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley E B P ki d "die agent. her country home next Wedneaday Cook, (If Springboro', "fl'. and Mrs. Repair Work Quickl,. Patch es is about a tiftl th 0"• an .'1t.,[e d ames ' , ' a .n an ~ __ . eVening. " acre of t obacco plant which sup· R a or.' entcrhunecl In a. most Mrs. Ben Hawke, Mrs. J. B. Robert Crew, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. ply the average per' on's con um- charllllng mann r at 1\ one a clock e Jones and Mra. Guy Routuhn at- SmH;b, Miss Olara , Hopkins, Mr. , e ption of tobacco." lunche.on la. t Wedn esday the tended a District meeting of the Frank 'Crew and Mr. Phineas Cook ,Main St_ WAYNESVILLE, O. The a sistant secretary said follo\ mg ladles: .1e dnl1ll'!' W. Eastern Star at Lebanon Monda Waynesville. that city consu~rs now are be- Kersc~ of Ol'egonJa, Percy Reason hades lark is very low at this afternoon and evening. y CLEANERS ginning t o undel"tand that the nnd , Earl' Hoc~ett of n eal' Way. UrnI', My. Stanley Boes and MIs8 Men'. Suit., 65c adjustment program has no't ne~vtlle, assle Collett, Laura Mrs. Martha Hough, 01 Waynes- Stalker ot Dayton were Sunday tau hcd the one-quart r of an hldaker, Rose Carr, ~nna Ran- ville, $Jlcnt the week-le;nd with :&Ir_ a1ternoon guesta of Mr. and' Mrs. Ladi...• Drene., 70" ' nere of wh at in th wheat field, dall, Oba Welch, H . S. '1 u,ckel', oW. anti Mrs. Allen Emriclk_ ' H$rvey Burnet_ Quick-for qual it,. d ..,.c1eaaia. the thl'ec-quat'ter of an acre of '. O~lc5bee, Clyd LeYlcy and MI'!', Donald Hadley and Mra. Mr. and Mra. ClaUde Lewis have corn, nor that p ortiOn of the cot- Mls May Harlan. Margaret J ohns spent Thursday in invited the L_dies Aid and their ton patches which is set side for Mis. l...uciLIe Tucker ~ pent Sun- ~ayton. The I,atter calle~ on bel' families to spelld 'Thursday even. The funeral director is truly a friend in need their u e. du y ,,:Ith a college frI end near 5 1. tor, Mrs. Ehzabeth S.mlt.h. . ing, February U, at their countl'Y Th . Bre being l'Ilised just as Washington . H. MI's. harIa Mullemx IS qUite hom e On Social Row 'to every member of the cOlJlmun ity. When sorrow before, he concluded . Mi scs. Dorothy l\lld Virginia ill with the grip. . Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick had comes to a neighbor, he can be relied upon to sp nt th week-end with Lheit· ,Evel'ett Early recelved a box of tor theil' 'dinner guellts Sunday, serve faithfully. Behind him there is an age-old ThE' condition of Mr. H, E. pnrents. line grape-fruit from John Stroop Ml'. and Mrs. Leon Salisbury, Miss tradition of sel·vice. His calling is an honorable St ke remaina about the same. Mrs, W. P. Thol'nbury is quite ~r f rcedes, Texas lsl~t wee~. Miriam and Wendell SaHsbury of " sick with rheumatism. Mrs. Ruth a age IS s~Y1ng at Sabina and Mrs. Martha Hough or' one; his work the selfless devotion of a sincere the home of Mr. and Mn. Stan ley Waynesville. "In the old III'. J used to 4,... d &be MI·5. R.alph FranCIS ~ntel'talned Dailey at the present time M d M Fr k "'11 b and sympathetic human being to a most noble aim SALE hit 1· Ell S tt 0( ' . r. an .rs. an .... ten er«mIne of Winter. t " •• al",.,. 8cbttq ~Clld_t ellnr .boU~ ".u .1I-.u,1~ .. er s ,.', ISS a co 0 Mrs. Ben HawkEI and Mrs. gel' and family entertained to din. - ' the comforting oi the sorrowful. •• tlt .ltl> mT bOdy Ichlnl Ind eTU7 Nne West UOl on, OVN the week.end. WaiteI' Kenrick attended a birth- ner S nd M ' d M Ed M'I on cd,.. In pur8UanC& of an oraer ot the " d u ay, r. an .1'8. 1'''MItn a frl.llt! told m. 1\1<)111 Probate Court Or Warr n Qounty. Mrs. Mary Hames ente~lalne day dinner Fri da~ ~t the hom~ of tenbel'ger, of Eaton, Mr. and Mrs . We have been friend and counselor to count~..!t~:~Ao~.J~~e~ :t~~J:·~ ::r:~o;: ~J\llo. 3~ly ~\agij and nt~~d fn t~e la. t Wedn ellday with a l.nrthday MI', and Mrs. WIlham Coleman, Cecil Dearth of Franklin and Mr 1 less familie in this community. Our ervices have Ih. yeart &Ill and I banQ'~ had a 00141 eM (>t ~:C~arll'~n~~~n \iUd' C~o.rle: dinn r for her brothel' Cbarley honol'ing the birthday of the latter and Mra: Clifford Archdeacon and alnee that tim.. It. h pherd. aa of mart. Miss Cleo Hawke was transferred SOli Bobby of Da-on been ,extended to hundt'eds in th ir hour of grief put De" Uf. III folU' the .tatl' Clf (.yuta K ;;h!' I)herd, d~h ' 3~. bu.!ld UP r•• I,tance 10 anJone 0&11 I&llIb ~ C as (1. PlalntUts. -VB- Eru Bt ShepSevel'al from heN attended the last week from t e Velvet Ice _ _ __ a.nd we have never failed to be helpful. We ask Id .enn., Th.y mlll't ..... 1<, .tIJIn,.J.:~ hl'rd. at I., U tendllnts. said Di. trict meetillg of the Eastern ream 0., in SpringfieJd to their that all who read this rem mber our name and ~~~~:rt';:I~,"I'-nene4 and vlloro"" ,.... ff()8c'ke~ ~,~ga';idm.~':i;'.;~ \~:80' Il~not~~~ Star at Lebanon Monday. ice cream parlor in Dayton. Misa ~\ lb. ,tnulne NeOOy" 00<1 uver on tor .1!l1.1· al !public auotlon on the Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hartsock of Cl'n e nvage has ta~ten her place addre ~ that we may be of help to them should Tabltl.l from four drlllC'ta~ tacll" Doll~ 4th doy ot MarCh. ] OS~ nt 2 • • S . fi Id .alle. moDt)' on lmIlatlo~ &4 for McOef'L o'clo k p, M, on lhe prenllaea. the Dayton were Vlsltor of 1\Ir. and 10 prmg e . sorrow make our services a necessity. toll? InK d Iklrlb d r al aLat. to- Mrs. Joe Davis over the week-end. Rev, Walter lhl'till is holding a The quarterly meetillg of the wll, b ' f t' t th M E Home board was held here "Situate In the OounlY c>! Warnn The Missional'Y societies of t e senes a mee mgs a e • • In . the Slat of Ohio And in tbe Jonab's Run M thodist and church at Red Lion. day. 1~~nt~rI8\(}~ ::'lb~3 :anloll~~~~1~~ Friends churches held an all day MI·, and Mrs. Rud,a Saylor and Mrs. Wilcox and Mr8. W it: Being a POort ot mtll tary meeting at the Aid "oom Tue day /io n of Dayton, 'tIlrere Sunday ward, of Dayton, called on Mr. SUI'Vey ~ Entry 2282 and . . . .., M d' d ~ P i tor the numb pa ...t rherein conv yM beMr. Wllbllr Wlllmms and Sisler, guest' of r. an lillI'S. Wilham an _rs. e ree, Sunday. 'Mra. Etta McCray and I1AlIlI7IU,,'I'1 A'lnntng In til Eost linG at I/o 'tone Mrs Annie Pottorff are sick at reighton. Wa~ wher a whit oak ~r I) b .. ra N. 13 . . . ' G D' C· IInkl!. and ~n the Wllat bank ot thiS wrltmg. ll's. eorge aVl.S, of lilcin. of Middetown called 011 !IIn_ ~1'1\8ar Creek. Thenc& N. 61' 30' W _ The boys ba.sketball teams wlll nati is visiting at the home of Franeia Nieliolaon, Sunday. 66,76 pole" to fl 8tolle. Thence N , 28' f' U L 30' Easl !4.68 !nol 8 tq a IItlme. be given a SUPller at the gym ~ 1'. and ..~l·S. Ed . ollpcre. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. Z, Hartaoc1c, • 'rh .. nc ~ 8. U' EflI1l !$,2 .. p,01e8 to . .. Wednesday evening. Pavi and Mrs. Lonlgacre spellt WUmin-~Il, w.ere _e.6- of ~rs. t 8 atone. Tben~e N, I 45 East 8 5 , 8 0 . . . . D"'h .. ~ .- ...... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 POI~8 to a .t01l8, Th nee N . 6' E . MI s Irma Stump vIsIted at the T uesd ay WI'th reIa tiftB In ap"n. Lena Hartaock. Thul'IIday. ~'jih IlgL \J. ~~.zoa po1t~nro a.'l\~u~~ hom(> .of Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Tich h Li~~ek Bobby Gral' is ill with Mrll. Tom Calvert and Mra. Fri.-Sat.-Feb. 8-9 tr e 16 Inchea in dlamett r Thence enOl' on Monday and spent Tues· t e c Ie en pox. Orlando Batten of Sel s. 47' 40' J:; 8t 33.g 4 pol. to· a stnke. day with Dr and Mrs Wm Ogles. Mr. and . Mra. Raymond Harsh'U' rna, were 'J'Ihc!nce S, 1:' ao' Eut 60 poles to II • •• " f L b II d t th ,Jueats of ..... ra. Howell Peirce, JOHN MACK BROWN ston . Tl\en c. 8. U' 30' E. 91,96 bee. "arger, 0 e anon , ca e a e T d Pili II to II. etllk on th e West b~nk The Woman,,' Civie League will homes of Mr. and Mn. S. H. uell ay. , in gf n~~II~~ge rll~~reo~~ S.~~8:VW I.~g hold its annual party on the even Burnett and Mr. and Mr8. Charles ~r_ MOllea Good, of Cuha, Ohio POlc>iS 10 a "take N, 37' SO' W. 81,21 ing of FebTuary 27 at the gym. 'Clark Sunday aftern.oon. viSIted his aunt, Mr8. Alina Cad· pol to a. Itak e . 87' \V. 2l.H pole l . . . ' Margaret J 0 h:ns an d " to a.. Btake S, 6(' 30' W. 20,52 pole. The Friends' Quarterly meeting Mrs. mr. wallader, Friday• tg :: :..t:~", ~h';;;e ~. i%;atv:~~~~1 ~ill be held !it tbe Friends' Church anddMrs. hEarFI Thomr'as 'Iand .aoll, at. • - • pol s to 0. stake. N, 65' 30' Welt ~8 10 Xenia thIS Saturday" February ten ed t e anne 8 JlatJtl,lte at LITERARY CLUB MEETS ~g!:i~I~~n~e8tltayc&fl~~ ~~~~n~ngro~~~ 9, at 10 :3~ ~·c~ck. ~ev. ,Apple- BeAlIbl'olok d b WITH MRS. C. 'J . SMITH and t pole ot land more or leu." gate of WllmJn."on Will gWe the arge crow enloye t e S.a.-Moe..- Feb. 10--11 Said r 'al l'state her tol'Ore hIlS address. Ladies Aid meeting Woednesday b en n"pr lead Itt Lhe ~um or $2 20 0 i 'f h h orne 0 f ' " Mrs. George J. Smith was hOlltI'l.nd 2-3 or snld 41lprnlaed valu e Is ~ ason basketball teams WIll II ternoon at t e MIS. l.h sum or 114G~ .G7 o.nct the Probate play here Friday night. FranK Kurfiss. They are to give a elS to the New Century club memCou~L of \\I'nrr n ounty. 'Ohio. has ' t wblch Bald ============::;:::================= bers, Friday afternoon_ The au b· dull' 11x ,1 th prlc r al Nltoti' may 1J 801d at . th lIum ject for thill Pleetlng was "Alaska" witb Of S1466. I07 and the sam 'WIll not be {be ~oll call rerl.,onsea beilJg )com!lolu ror I~ ~II than that amount. ·NANCY CARROLL Termll ~r oale: nIh. menta OJI Ala8ka_ . , CftAll[.r;;S B GAN. RONALD COOK HARLE R. SHEPHlllRD The progrim conaisted of two ~~nnamon GEORGE MURPHY .As Admlnl tmtor/l <lr the estate excenent papen, "Aluka Our or Lydlo. E. Sllepherd. deeeaeed • _ _ _ _ _"!""_ _ _ _ _ _ _..,,, 5t-J 31-1"28 Northern Wonderland," by !lira. J. L. Mendenhall; Valley of Ten Thousand Smoke.," by }fra. J. P. Fromm. During the pleasant lIocial hour which followed adjournment the hoateaa, usiated by her daurhoor; Waynesville, Ohio Phone 25 Mnl. Ray Lang, 91 Cincinnati, and M'r s. L. M, Henderson, lIerved de. licious refreshments. ...,. . Mias Emma Heiahway was a guellt.



DR. H, E. HATHAWAY Dentist




A f riend ·/n ,N eed








Friends' Home New.


J. B., McClure


•"0•• '






Seed Oats

"Against the

We will have a car of extra



heavy seed oats which will be on track in the next few days.


" Jealousy"

Special ' price will .be blade ,for oats,sold 011 the car.

Candy and Pineapple Mint Make Gay lelUesfor St. Valentine


Waynesville farmers' h.

----_ . ----

EASTERN STAR NOTICE Miami Chapter 'No. 107 O. E. S will meet in regular lleuiOIl }fon~ day evening, Febl'ua17 11 at 7 :80 Visiting members welcome. ~y Earn~. i7. -.--~----------~---~~----~~r------­ Minnie Fromm, Sec.


----.. ...-....,.-MASONIC NOTICE

Stated communication of Wayneaville Lodge No. 188 F " A. M. Tuesday evening, February 12. Work in the E. A. degree. Viaiting and lIo'ourninr brethren are welcome. ' E. C. Crane, W. Il.,


V. M. Armitqe, Sec. --... ..---BIRTHDAY DINN.£R

SILVER OF QUAtlTY AND' ,BEAUTY Unquestioned durability and aquisite dea~ , -the hiRhest ideals in plated wate-are uaured ill 1pOODs, forks, and fancy ael'\'ins pieces bearias the

rmowned trade marl

1841 ROGERS BROS.~~pt There are yariouJ makes of eilverplated tah~ wWcIa ant claimed to be just U goOc!." but, like aU tDWoaa, they lack the beauty an(J w~ ~qua}jty II

~Iii'ad witblheor9nalaDdsenuine II tHlDEllS811S."


waN&:lGPllLuty InlOwn....Si/i1"'PlaliiTUu W••

deaJ.n ewrywhae. s-t ,. IbMn·........

InnamOn candl •• are used to 'make delleately nav"u'.a • 1 glfta on It. Valentine'. Day; ITH the trMltlonal gift seaeon orten eolorllll (If Christmas Clut ot tile wa.y, ~ I)ol\le frull PtCIIII vaguely c&1UI~ plneaPllle. 'IOU one of the '!lumhoor 'f" Do DcK NmO're 888'1 about the ,dear friends 'you PIac,. I. s.qlJUt orgot to remember? St. Valentine's ,.sUl Wooden po. Day is a good etcuse tor a gesture, l~r-~~ linn if you didn't torget them, but I"OUld li ke to please your frlcnds' ~~ 'r"f 188111 . I( )'011 want to 8urprlse ,11011. then. J wen; 'why , not gtve them ~" ome ada. jeUf' WI • t hat hup IUPply you mnde at ~ .. ,umer 1. aU gon!!T Here's ur chance to malte aome gayly Jored jeW.., , ~pJ>ed In colored I~e paper and tied wUlt huge traatlD& bQw,

What wl1I Jou .UII'them of, ~ ..1I I ..11., n ..1l frultll 11&1'8 not y ~t l;)'. 'IV>LtllaOla. ved. Will• .fn.h fruits a,'fm ", 11 " t ecelsaty. 'With canned pineal)!'!'; uie • •kIlllll!l'iii\-.Ice ~I\ a ...... tpuoh of g,', P, '.-aet . '0 eoIor1q, a bit . of III 11a"(I~. 701l1r11l 'lIave a pine:l!)' '·1 'IPfn f !y BD1 eltperienced j. ': ' .u 114 eD\T. ,Would )'0·1 ' ' . I a r e ? ona.r.'. a deUclo.l. . ad _ .~ can4y. ..,I....,;.~ MInt Jd:.

' ( ,

I .,....

an. IMIIKd

Kra. Matle McKay was the pest of honor , at a birthday dlnner given at her hOme In Dayton, SUIl. day.. Memben o~ the family whoenjoyed the occasion were Mrs, Louella Ramsey and lion Ernest, aDd Mn. Elizabeth Chilee of Cill., Mr. and lira. John Cderty, Rev• and Mr8. G. H. Smith, of Frank. lin; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. ~cKay, of ,New Burllngtoll, Mr. and Mn. H. H. Williamson ' and family, of 'WarnemUe.

Quality ,P rlntlDR



YOUNG FRIENDS MEETINC The Young Friend. will bold their nest meetilill' at the Tomlin. son home Sanday e".nina. Pebruary 10. The meetinr will M In charge of the followlnr leaden: Robert Chapman, 1881011 leader; Willard F1IJ'JlU, deVotional lead.r; Warren Cook, 'reerution l.ader,



Tbe Miami

CO. ·

Eighty-Seventh Year





WOMAN'S AUXIIliARY missionary of the Methodist CbUTCh, was the MEl lAST fRIDAY speaker at the second of a series • Rev. R. D. Bisbee, t

Whole Number 615-7


Funeral services for Mrs, Euphe mia Hough, 78, who died Tues· da y a the residence of bel' daughTh e Woman's Auxiliary of St. ~er, Mrs. Guy Kibler, of 1200 Mary's chu rch met a t t he hom oJ; Demphle avenue, Dayton, were 1I1iss Emma Heighway on Friday held at 2 o'clock. this Thursday afternoon, Fobr uary 8. The Rev. 1I1r. , chae lfer conducted the devo- aft ern oon a t the home alld burial tional services, and after the was In Miami eemetery. MI:s. Hough was a native of business s ssion th e fo llowin g pro· gr am was giv n. Hym n by the Waynesville, but had resided in societ y, " Watc hman tell u of the DaytoJ\ for the past 12 years. She was an active member of the Belnig ht." Reading, " New Hampsbire mont United Breth re n church. Besides Mrs. Kible r she is surseeks its Scattered Folks," Miss vived by two sons, Edward and Lile. .. . . , Vern ; two brothers, George and . Readtng, Wh a t th e ,~I'JSIO n PerTY Hartsock; nine g randchilHom e has meant f or me, Mrs. dren and four great grandchildre n Crane. Piano Solo, Mrs. J ohn Gon s. Reading from the Study Book, Mrs. Frazier. _ . Missionary notes by 'the follow. ing members, Mrs. Susan Scanlan, Mi s Katherin e Prendelrgast, Mrs. Lee Hawke, Mrs. W. H. Allen, Mrs Anna Cadwallader land Mrs. Russell 'l'hompson, 20, of MorRonald Hawke. Aner adjournment.a deligbtful row, who was sevel'ely injured in social hour was enjoyedl, and 'deli- a collision on Route 123 Tuesday cious refreshm-ents werl! served to ni ght, died early Wednesday mornthe members, and following ing in Blail' hospital. His companguests: Mrs. Howell' Pierce, ion Conway Blount 20 Qf Lebanon Mrs. Ella Babb, Mrs. George escaped with cuts on the head and Smith, Mrs. John Gons, Mrll. face. The ae-cident happened south of Ethan Crane, and little Mi s ~es Barbara Crane, and Alrln Weltz. Lebanon wben Thomp's on - ' and The next meeting wil, be, beld Blount on a motOrcycle sideswiped at the Lit tle Inn on tlhe 8th of an aut omobile driven by Marion' ' March, with Miss Clara Lile as Reed, of Lebanon. Thompson Was taken to Blair hostess. hospital. He was found to be sutfering fr om skull fracture, broken leg and possible internal injurie • Little hope for his recovery was held from the start and he die~ at 6 :20 o'clock Wednesday mornmg.


Mana,ement , Report. Lar.e,t HOME DEMONSTRATION Bill . Ordered &nd Variola of quarterly conferences of mini sALL OFFICERS ARE BUI·_" In Several Yea"; MEETING AT GYM ten and laymen beld Monday Other Problema Were PRESENT AT MEETING nigbt at Lebanon. Dr. C. M. New Djrectora EJected Diapoud Of The home 'd emonstration branch Coulter, di st.rict superintendent ; ThiJ·ty-seven members and nll the offi cers were present at the reo The stockhold ers of th e Way- of th e uten ion serviCe will have was in charge of the meeting. At the regu lar meeting of Those in attendance from t he gular m eting of , Mia mi Chapter Wlly ne Townsh ip Board of Educanesville Far mer s E x.change Com- an all day meeting at the gym No. 107 O. E. S., Monda y night. tion February 4 , bill:;! were subpany held t heir annual meeting at Wednesday, February 20, begin- local church were Rev. and Mrs. G Mrs. Hill, of South Da kota , wa II mitted and ordered paid. The ofthe Grange Hall Monday, F ebruary ning nt 10 o'clock sharp. We will C..Dibert and son, Claire, Mrs. guest of the chapte r. 11. A very excellent dinner was study garmeqt. finishes which are ficial estima te fo r 1935 was suband attractive for ' fltaloY SUv,el', Miss Sarah Smith, Following Ole work refresh- bitted by C l e~' k Ual'tsock , and s rved , to almost 100 people by the practical and summer clothes. Bring Mrs. F. H. Farr, J. D, Marlatt, spring me nts we re served Iby a commi ttee. Ilmounts we re assigned to the Gran~e commitee. val'ious fund s . .The bu siness session' was caUed sewing equipment and some scraps Truman Wardlow, Josiah Davis, Lloyd Davis and Cecil Davis. As II result of the ten-mill limitto otder by Pr esident Rye and of cotton and silk material. Thls meeting is open t() all who ation on real property and the 01 special importance, as passage of t he sales tax, it was re · amendments to the articles of the are interested. Bring your lunch ported that t he tax rate which was corporation were up for consid- if you care to. Emma L. Smith Inna Rich. leaders. .06 wit hin the old 15 mill lim itar ation. T hese amendments will --.....:. ti t;ln was cut by the county tsx make it possible for the company commissj<>'n to 3.40 within the new t o comply with the latest cdoperaten-mill limitation. The special tive marketing laws and levy which exists in the WaynE' the benefit thereof. After a full Towns hip School District of '3 discussion t he proposed amendMr. and Mrs. Leonard Tinney mills plus the abOve 3.40 plus 1.00 Konoring big 76 years as a mem lIlents we1' unanimously adopted. spent !l6vernl da ys last week in mi1L for debt service gives our ber. of the Masonic fraternity, R. The nlanagers report showed Cincinnati. Jistrict 7.40 miOs plus the statc A. Cross, 94, one of Ohio's oldest the company to 'be in a very sound school fund Income which will Masons, Tuesday night was feted incorporation were up for consld- ~!:~~~=~~~~~~~~ by WaYllesvil1e Lodge No. 163, F . Waltet· Sheehan has bee n con- amou nt to about $31.20 per pupil was one of the best in the hist.ary = fined to his home fo r eve ral days based On average daily attenof the c:ompany. The people of Mrs. Cordia Truax was in Day- & A. M. wit h an attack of grip. dance of approximately 655. DeMr. Cross was presented with a the community are appreciating ton Tuesday. linq uent texes as of February, beautiful cane bearing the Ma. more and more the vaille of an Mr. Douglaa Hards, of Bell- 1934, amounted to $7035.92. orl;anization owned ,by the Mrs. E. J. Henry ·spent last Bonic emblem, and also a birthday brook, conducted servic s at the The sc.hool lunch committees farmers and operate~ ,in their in- week with her daughter at Trenton cake. I,ocal .Church of Chri t, Sunday were instructed to refrain from teret!t. Ohio. Another feature of the meeting evening. collecting the sales tax from chil was the presence 01 three of the Lawrence Fllrnas and W. A. Mrs. Ella Braddoclc, of Dayton, rodge' s oldest living past masters. dren and no collections will be Mr. and Mrs. Chat'! y A llen, of made Swartzel were elected for three visited Waynesville relativell Mon. unless the commission so They are J. O. CartWright, of Cinyear t er ms on the board of day , Red Oak distdct, wer e ~uellts of orders. The electric clock which cinnati, Dr. J. W. Ward and Mat,directors. B. , A , Wallace of the . . Mrs. Della Ve nabl e, Sunday even. now graces the eut wall of the ing. Mr. George Roberts, of Covlng. thew McKinsev. Ohio State Univer sity was present gy~nasium, donated to the acbQl)I Mr. Cartwright !'poke on past and gave several very helpful sug- ton, Ky., visited friends here the events in the history of the Mrs. Carl Croll and son Do,lald by the class of 1934., wu g tlon s. R. Q. Smith, manager of past week. WaynesvjJ]e lodge. There was of Franklin, spent Wednesday hear tly approved by the board. A The Producers Cooperatice Comwith her parents, Mr . a nd Mrs. more simplified and compl.te Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Allen were work in the Entered Apprentice mission Association of Cincinnati ystEm of accounting fo:r IICbool . was also pl'esent and gave a very business visitors in Cincinnati, degree. Elmer Sheehan. fund!! of organizations auch .s intere ting anti instractivlj talk. Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ross and classes, athletIcs. etc:. wu aqbmitlie 8trt;s~ed the value of the open Mrs. T . S. Hardin apent tbe on, of Ma on, were viSitors at t ed to the board and approved. ~ompetit~ve. market to the farmers week-end with relatives at FalIt was found necesury to plan the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. I~ estabh hlDg ound values on mouth Ky. Larrick, Monday. some changes in the ,ymnallium ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH live stock. ' heat ing s~stem because of the calFather Newton, Pastor During their existence the ])1'0Mrs. Vern Simpson and Mrs. Ed Mr. and Mrs. George Gilliland laps-e of the north furnace. ducel'S have been insttrumental in Ramby were in Dayton, Monday County auditors throughout Le ter J. Miller, county agricul. visited relatives in Toledo, Sundn~ ~. Mass a t St. Augustine's Church abolishing mnny abuses on the aiternoOJl. tural agent, today received aut,h orj every secQnd and fourth Sunday Ohio have been advised by Regis- and also called on Mrs. Charles trar Frank West of the Bureau of Woollard and Mrs. Lottie Hamilzation to, offer adjustment conmarket and at the same time have Mrs. Charles Anderson visited tracts on tbe 1935 burley tobacco f the nlOnth. Motor Vehicles that the last of ton. r 'tllr ned many thousands of relativell in Spring Valfey, Monday crop to t.bose producers who did 1934 funds from the sales of doll)lrs of saving'S to the farmers. nf ternoon_ ' Mr. and Mrs: George Woollard ..... not sign , coo tracts in 1934. WAYNESVILLE CHlJIoRCH OF licenSe tags made during the closand daughters of Dayt on, were of the year-appl'oxiing month Authorization came from the ' CHRIST Robert Dakin, of Hamilton, spent matel}' $250,OO~will be ready Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cal'l Smith Mini ter Sunday with his grandparent, Agricultural Adjustment Adminisfor distribution about February 16 Max Hollingsworth, of n ear Oretration . througb John Slipher, . ' Mr. lind Mrs. George Dakin. state agent in charge of Tobl.lceo C~urch IIcho ol at 9 :30. a. m:. The second distribution of 1935 gonia, - Lord Supper at conchllSlon. Cbrlll auto tag revenue will also follow Elmer Earnhart, former resi- program. in' Ohio. Owin~ to the sharp reduction io Mrs. Cleme nt Satterthwaite eDdent of tbis ocmmunity is very Requirements for signing eon- tia~ ~ndeav?r at 6 ;30 p. m., evan- shortly. tertained Tuesday evening, Miss livestock numbers wbich hae oc. sick at his home in Dayton. tTacts for 193& are exactly the gellsbc servIce at 7 :90 p. lJl· Acting upon advise from Regis- Adah Israel, Miss Flossie Eltzroth cured in the past 12 month., far same as those und.e r which eon· __ _ _ trar VI' est, auditors of the bureau of Lebanon, and Mrs. Lowell less corn will be needed . in the Sherman Tinn.ey, wbo has emhave made a special effort to Scheanole, .of Hamilton. ' United States, during the coming tracts were signed in 1934, ac" FRIENDS MEETING Plans to continue Government ployment in Dayton, moved his cording to the an.n ouneement. The clOSe the 1934 books earlier than year, it wae pointed out, by memthat city, Tuesday. family to corn 104M have b en announced same methods of ealeulating the. First-day School at , 9 :30 a. m. ever before. Several changes Mr, and Mrs. Ellis -McClure, ben of the county corn-bog conby Chester C. Davis, AAA adminMrs. Kathryn Turner, of Dayton base acreage and prodUction will Meeting for Worship at 10:80 made In the banking methode em- daughter Harriet of Springboro, trol association this week in ' ex-i trator, who says that provision apent Sunday at the home of her be used. Rental and benefit paym. ployed by tbe bureau during the were ,Sunday dinnet' g uests · of plaining to farmers at a aeriel of for corn loans will be an essential sister, Mrs. J. B. GODS. ments will be made as provided for latter part of the year are reS. Mr. and ' Mrs. Elmer Sheehan. township mcetings the continued part of the 1935 corn-hog program by the contracts for 1935. necl*Isity for control 01 produetion FERRY CHURCj OF CHRIST TPonsible to a large degree for the It is expected that the loans on Mrs. Maggie Bergan and !!On, A me e.ting of th Wan'en It is estimated that 350 to .00 early cl1arance. Growers signing the contract the 19~6 crop will be .handled in Emmet, of Xenia, called I at the fqr 1935 will be entitled to reI C~rl mith, Min istBT , EveryQ county in Ohio till expect- County Tuberculosis association millions of bushels les8 corn are ,. manner similar to that applied to home of' Mrs; Julia Bergan, Sun- ceive tax-payment warrants for Unifi~ services beginning with e d to share in the linal distribution will be held in 'rtf mor ial han, l'equil'ed for feed. Hog numbel'l in the present loans and that they day. their 1936 crops, in accoTdanee church ;school at 9 ::30 a. m. of 1934 funds though onl~ to, a Lebanon, Tuesday, Febr u/lry 26 , the past 12 months have declined will be available only to those who from 56 mj]Jion head to 40 million with tbe terms of the Kerr·Smith small degree. The ,1936 distrIbu- at 1 :30 p. m. MTs. Nettie Rogers, who 4J)ent Tobaceo Act. They will not re- service at 10 :30 a. m. sign the corn-hog contract. tion to folldw soon after will be Mrl3. W, O. ;Raper ..vas pleasantly - a decrease" of 27 per cent. Alt Willingness , this year of banks the win tel' in CentEJ'Ville and Day- ceive paYD:lents pl'ovidei1 for by larger and of greater beneftt to SU1'p~jsed Friday evening when l cattle nun~bers, OWing. to emerand similar financial institutions ton, bas returned to he:r home the contracts for 1934 nor iaxpay WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH the .counties ·since several mil1ionll her neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. gency !:1 laughter. because of bere. to extend credit to larmel'8 In the of dollars are expected to be Squites and MI'. and Mrs. Clifford ,dTo\1~h~, have decbned tram 67 to ment warrants for tlteir 1934 Rev. G. C. Dibert, Pastor form at corn loans i8 apparent. available at that time. M1'. and Mrs. George Miller, of crops. Buzi~k- and childrell came t o spend 57 mllhon . ' Sunday: Sundlty school at 9 :30 Such loans, when made by Bowersville" are spending this An early closing date will be anthe evening, bringing tbeir suppers Unless f~rmers plan their acrea . m. Morning wor8hiJ~ at 10:30. bank, are still guaranteed by the week with Frank Miller and nObnced for tile signing of eonng e accordlUgly, and bold their GRANGE PROGRAM FOR agreement of the Commodity family. Mr8. James HaTtsock gave a corll production within the limita tracts as nearly all rrowerll have The sermon subject will be, "A Religion for all Place!I, all Times SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16 party, Wedn.e sda)' afternoon, c ele of t he likely need, a normal yield Credit Corporation to purchase all already signed. and all People." Epw~,rth League Mr. and Mrs. John Cronin. of such paper, brating the 6th birthday anniver. of a norm!!1 acreage will again reat 6 ;30 p. m. with Berurd Melloh Although the Commodity Credit Mt. W,shington. Ohio. wete cuests HELP FOR DISTRESSED sary of her SOn David. Several of sult in a s urplllll of corn. The program for the local as leader. Evangelistic services at David's little friends enjoyed the Corporation has made a much of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen on It -was stated that chane.. in Grange meeting. February LlBR~RIANS PLANNED 7 :30 p. m. The theme for disculI- will be as follows: smaller percentage of t he total Sunday. it li games ' !lnd nice livestOCK numb rs call for a HducSiC/ll will be. "The ~ong of The com loans than last year, the tion from a normal' corn acre~ of Music~MolTis and Mary Brown refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Will Bradley have ' Syrian ShepheJ!d." loan value set by the government taken up their residence in the at· ~ea8t - 16 million acres. Re~ding~M-r8. JlJIi Furnas. A bill to aid distreBlled librarMonday: Quarterly Confe.r ence , Mr. and Mra, Stanley Bailey en- The corn-holl 'contract soon to be for COTn ,this yeaT bas determined Pence Oat over b, R. Smith'. ies throughout Ohio will be inMusic-Miss Dena Dav,ls. , at 7:30 p. m. Dr. C. 1M. Coulter: tertained at dl,nner, ,Sunday, Mr. offered to farmers in Wanen the amount that faTmers could grocery. Recitation-Miss-.Tean HellS. trt;lduced irito , the 'H ouse this week oor District Superint'e ndant will and Mrs. Everett Kenrick, of Cen- coun ty for signature; is the AAA ' .boTTow from other agencies on Mus1e-Morris and Mary Brown terville. Afternoon vlsito"\"8 at the . r Stat6 Librarian Paul A. T. Noon have charge of the cOJllference. corn, according to Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Allen and announced today. Discussion-Resolved that Wash Bailey bome were, Mr. and _141' . effort to adjust corn production to Wedn esday: On Wt!d-nesday of Now that corn priCe is high, eon were Sunday raests ' of Ifr. livestock numbers. Local a ..oclaThe plan, which wal included in ington was a better man than Linfarmers who are interested in· the and Mn. Lawrence Richmond. at the State Library Board's annual next week at 7 p. m. i8 the reg... eoln. Affirmatjve, J. W. Lotz: nega Ghestel' Hibbefd, Mr. and Mrs. tioJ) members 8aid the indlvidual Lloyd Hibberd , of Centerville and ular time for Qut monthly new corn loan at 56 cents per Daytoll. farmer may grow from 70 to 90 . report to Gonrnor Martin L. Faitb, Food and Fun meeting. A tive, J, L. Mendenhall. Mr. and Mrs. Ru s ell Campbell. p~r cent of his base com aereap, bus~1 at'e mostly- thqse who willh Music-Morris and Mary Brown Hr. and 1rIn. Clement Satterth: Davey, proposes to I'rant financial splendid program is b~~ing arrangto bold eorn for their own' uae for The Juveni1e grange will please Miss Oatherine Cook, of Cincln- and comply With the term. of tbe aIel to local libraries where tax {eedina. Demand 'ill lI~cell~nt and ",ai~ and daurhter, 1V(!re ro estll returns are ,i nadequate for their ed. Rev. Guy Cheek, of Carlisle, notice that tbey are to have a nati, who is a student at Swal'th. contract to be oWered. The standwill be the special "pl~aker. Dan's pricee are near parity. and a com- Cif Mrs. Satterthwaite's parenta, in successful ope:ration. valentine box at this meeting and more ool~ge, Philadelphia, ard reduction asked is 10 per cent paratively small amount is being Lebanon. Sunday. Land sRifted from corn may be The Board;. 1'eport. submitted fail to at~nd this mec!ting. ' are to bring tokens for their spent the vacation between semes placed under seal However, for friends to be exchanged through ters with relatives at Washington, used for any purpose other than Un. Ronald Hawke entertained to the Governor re~ently, pointed farmers who need ttiEir corn for the membel'l of the "Ar,unot" out that reduced appr.opriation. D. C. and attend ed the Congres- corn. The coJltract places no liml- ' ST. MARY'S CtllURC9 this box. feed and need money for operat- bridee clUb at the "Little Inn," have pl~ed the State Libtary In a sional reception at the White ta:tlon on cultivated ac~es,· .. it did Rev. J. J; Schaeft'er, Rector ing expensell, the loans are an im- saturda, afternooD. last year. "greatly ' handicapped position" February 17. Septuageaima B ;~LE-ZEL~ Hou~e. portant pt'otection. -The contract calls for an inand tbat Ohioans this year face a The many friends of Mrs. A. C crease in hot productien. Laat Mr. and Mrll. M. D. Baird and seriolll curtailm.nt of services Sunday, Church school at 9:30; Miss Clara Zell, ' daughter of White will regret to learn that sh.e year producers contracted to raise dauahter we!:e in Uaneh• •r oYer 'unless the State comes to ita &II- Morning pray~r and Berm on at 10:80. 1Mrs. Mary R. Zell, popular young is very ill of heart trouble at the 75 pel' cent of their bue allotth ...eek·end, the pe.ta of IIII'. siatanee. ---- .. - - - - Yellow Springs woman, was united home of ber son, U. M. White, in ment of hogs; tJte 1985 contract - - -_ _ ...- - and )Irs. N. P . Blatt. ' DEATH in maniage to Alfred Richard Anchorage, ~ar Louisville, Ky. calls for production of 90 per eent Mr. and Mn. Frank alld HAYDOCK-SPAHR Buerkle at the Yellow Springs M. Mrs. A. L. Sides, of Waynesville. of the aJlotm1!nt. Contract $lInen E. church parsonage, ,by Rev. who has been with her 8.i ster for haVe the privileee under the termll Miss Edna Callahan, c10thin C Mrs. Cheater Kennedy, of were gUelq of Md. In a ceremony quietly performed Mrs. Eliza W. Fox, 89 years of Verno,," Van Buren, Sat_u rday even about two weeks, writes that Mrs. of the. 1935 contract to make 'unh h Ome d e- Satterthwaite, specialist from testate Tue-A .... a"e, died Saturday, Irebruary 9. in" at 6 '.30 o'clock. White's condition is critical. limited pu;rchases of fe.eder pip monstration riilice at Ohio State _.. at the home of - the bride'. " f h d h ¥ .. University, was in , Lebanon TuesRonald 1. ,Hardin went to cfn~ MillS Lola Spahr, daughter at the home 0 er _lug ~er. rs. The couple was unattended lor Mr and Mrs W F Clark gave fro-m othel' contract aipers. The · , Mr. anel Mrs. Albert G. Spahr, W. E. Haynes. In SprIngboro. She the service for which the bride t '- 'I d' . S· d' th 1935 contract allo ll1te all limitaday and Wednesd ay 01 th 111 ' dnnati last Friday, wiler. he had D bael b".en in failing "health for wore a beco'ml'p'" gown of bur- a .. aml Y. lntnher b' utnhda y, e. oc1st UI'SS ElIzabeth G:rad.!.·. secured. po-'tion - t ... the Int-- South etrolt .treet, Xenia, b e - " f 11 be .. caslon bemg e Ir ay annlver tions on the number.- ' of other to a •• ~ JU "', •• "-I~ •• CAllie the "nde of ' Mr. Tho~al some tim-e but a recelnt a 111- gundy crepe wtth a close-fitting f th' M E t : live tock kept 01) the farm. ParHome Demonstration Agent witb national lIarnter Compan,. 'Haydock, .on of Ilr. and Mrs. T. C lieved to bave hastenE!d her death. black hat and black accessories. kO B .Jlr ~~n, h r. veret' ~ cha8'es of feeder plaa from other ar the clothing. project belnl( .tudled Le She had been confined to her bed Immediately. after the ceremony, th . eSl es e Monor EgueStt ', )(n. Bertha wia cd Ha,dock, New Burlington, Thurat d ' ere were presen t rs. vere than contract limen, however, reby Warren County homemakers. A large rroup of women, lewing MI.. Opal, entertained at dayeveDlng, at 7:30 o'clock. Tbe for en a11 • Mr. and Mrs. Buerkle lett by Clark Mr and Mrs R C Rin8 main Iimi~d to the averq, DQIIla8 local leaders In 82 communltiM SUJ1da-;, Ill'. bel 111'8. W. A. Lip- couple wu unattended for the Two dau~hters nd a ;"on; motor fOT Florida, where they will Mr ~nd C vi You~ce and ber bougbt duriq the baM period. Benefit paymenta (In hop r. In the county, met wltb Mtaa piDcott and Iliaa E.a LtppiJacott. alllCle riq .emu whicb wall wit- Haynes. of Btl na oro. rs. 'I llpend a few weekI They will make da~gbter of' D~yto~ and Mrs Callahan and Mias Graddy to re- r. •"d ~_. Otto Sebald, o. neued b, 12 IrU~ta including im- Taylor, Fran In an~ Frank Fox, their home witb tbe brine's mother, Mary Ca~mony, of LYtle. ' main at ,15 per head OD the 1l • i in raetic:al aDd .an & mediate famm .. and a. fe" friend. of WaJllenila, lumv.. in Yenow Sprinp. .' ber 0/ hop rep.....llted .". tile .... celve instruct on.a ~or modern CincinnatI, were SUllda-; putl Rev. R. E. Slme.ter, p __tor Funeral lenice. were held Mrs. Buerkle, a niece of the late Mh. Nora McCormick, MT,. Nan jU!ltment-that i. t15 011 I. ,... attractive Ttnia~e'den will re- of Mr. and W. O. Raper. lin. Trinit-; III. E. . church, oftlclateel tbe Reform church. Ilon~ Frank Zen. iii a rraduate of Jonal Mr. Jam. Clark, Mr. and cent of the bot' hue. clothln,. I O. tI in e mmuDtt)' Ra]l8t accompanied them back to and Ilri. Simnter ..n. "UntU!' noon. Burial in SPrincboro YelloW Sprinp bilh aehool and Mra. Harvey Fulkerson, M1'. -and t bll lII~C':: openO to the CillCiDUtI, wben Ihe II IJIftdJq Il ... and Iln. Ba,dock are en- cemet.ry. au-nded Cook County Hospital lin. Walter Gibbons. Mr. and Mrs m. DP W C he _ the .... JOJiaa' • Mort motor trip aDd • - • Nunes' Tralnin. IIChool, Chlcqo. Donald Cummlnp, of Xenia; Mr. JIrL Itobeft Vanclenoort wula lip" their retum will .....a. fa Sbe Is now emploJed at the Illaml and Ilra. ~lItar Gibbons. public : : .ev:::an, : : Ul7ed Ia ~p. In her ClIlebuaatl Sat1lrda7 lameRoWD. wben III'. ne,.lt bank, y-.uow SpriDp. IIr. Martin Ifurphy. Ml'II. Roy Heaa, en it bod. Y D . . . . . •...tIatloa,· of Xropr B1Mrkl... a aoIDmercial artist and Da,toD; lin. Aurelia He.. 1Ir. ho ••• ......,.. lito"" .tteDded eoU... aad 10laD GlbboDa and of Art, ID aa4 lin. Elmer QlbboDl, lie 01 BeDllrooJr. were __Is ........ pfOlD ID tv of II:en ____

,- ---- ..






Burley Tobacco Contracts Offered


1934 Licenle Fundi



._ _---


-_ ...---

Clothing Project Meeting At Lebanon








eo.. •




- -



-be read.

chool High Spots

The Heond

::~Ila~d ~e~d t-::~~nce



They a re planning to have an excha nge ot valentin in t heir rou m and the . tory of Hw urilrin of the dilY. ML McKinst'y fourlh rude is plan nin" to have a .lIort prtlCommon PIe.. ___ _ _ F gl.·/I~, hono" ring the. hirthday •• oC '~ashmgton and Lincoln on r ebIII the CllJe of Mae Le ever ver ry 12th . U8 J llm s Edwin E bi!rhart, et aI., They BI'e al 0 plann ing to have Ill-millio n deed a:nd distributh ' a14th.. \'alentln box a nd a party on e In .th Ctls of John .sheds versus


$7.17 i Ideal Shoe St.ore. lothinll, $1.98; Grillwold Bro., houl ehold necel., 64c; Herb Hoppe, food and tuel, $8.75; My el' IIHyman, d I k oloth! d ing, $22.54; J. H , (;n rC !I, 0 0 $6a.; H. C, Hamilton, f ood, $21 9.75; Krog r Gr ocery & Bilking Co.. , D I • d food. $280; Keltn er ~ II I'y, "01) • $39.03 : E d. Knoche nllauer, !~o c1 , $24.57; n's,Dairy. clothin g, .1. <> 8,' Wm,Kaufma Luke n!! 1n,i1k, .. " I b $67. 28; Leader St ore, Cel l mg, $3 ' Midland Groce!'y, foo d, 35,76 : Morris 5 & 10 to $1. 00 Store, clo't hl'ng, .1.10', W. I f. MeR 'nry, Of

I II I"U.llallco .,f a h oNJor u C t 1l. l 'rub" I' C"urt uf \ ~ jI"" n OIIanl),. t.lII l v 1U 1"I ,' "n,1 11 1 /'"d u D t" e ':,.IlU· dny' u{ .I JH1HILI '\. 1 ':'~I 1,1 the ~"'8" ¥t "Churll '/< Ih,I' lUI u ••J Uh jLr l ew

U lliu

It. :;hcr,h ...,t.I.


IIdl~lI ll lb\.l·l4 l1U'.


Ow ,:t\Htt' vr J,vJIH J., , ~W I ) I H'ru: Ol',. Edit d by the Boo t t r Club ot Warn!!sviU High chool "'.!lIIt-1i J ' l nilltltr~. ""- l!,j'n~" l I> h .,pRANK HAWK.E Edillor.i,,·Clli.' h.NI • I a I.. I>d"IHIu.nta, lUlill "l~I" l)lll1t( lIu",b,,·v.l a u on I II .. CECIL HARTMAN, .... A •• iela"l Editor ti on of the. inherllance tax on the> INckd ur aald 'ourl, w,' will 0 [(11, i e. lor ""If' a\ "\llollc :lllciion Oil t il J .._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...._ _ •_ _ . _ • • • - , --,-, - , - , - , ~ ' tate t b of .Annat L, IIBope" deceased, ' t HII cia I' I)( t Uf'I'II. J!l :lij at 2 ~ I 0 e rIven 0 a persons m er.) 'c l0' k I'. t . 11 III pf'l'm ls 9. tllu w.)'"••";II. Go.. Down At The EduclILio n clas for F r shmen a nd est ed . t!)Jlo \ Inlf Ilea rtllp!! !"l' 1l1 Cti Lll l e, l owit:. :ophmor('s and. a nothe r 1'.01' The adjudication and determina'I> ltunlll In Ih(l Counl)' or "at/'en Haud. of Spri... boo'o J' d I ticn of the inh rita nce tax on the In tho tilllie uf Uhlo ant.l In lil unlOI' an emor" ommcrcla W'IOn k", d etown8lo1~ 01 Wan... I1d lIoundell Arithmetic class has taken t he estat of P ermelia V. Thoft mighty Springboro lads ,lnll f u r,h r d~JlC I ' t~ d lUI tllllu\\'6. tuIn rtfi s C mpbell's room they larenc Lam b the def endant is ceased, i to be given t o all pel'- food, $67.25; Otterbein Dairy . "Il' H ll1li a Ilan or mill tar), c(>! ainly took t h e local quint.ct for place of the Bible class in ~h e la. t :;;U";' 6,)' I\Ull1bH o>t El1l1' Y 2~'~ Iln.t" milk, $9.72 ; W, W. Shurtil, II 1um\>It'. The game wn 8 good period. Comm rc ial Sophomores ar e planning on havin g II Lincoln. granted leav t~ file unilwer or oth son~ i nterested, IUj I II paj'l h I'~II\ QQl)y~~' eu. IJ<.Sal es by C, C. Eulas! ,adminis- ing, $23,70; Chilli. J, chwnrt:ll, "jnnlnl( hI til ' I,nat 1111 I\l ,. alOlw \Jne but b iug out· la8 .ed in who average "B" or better are Washington progrnm T uesd ay with CI' pleading within ' 30 days. " h \Ire whUD ,UI k lrlle P~/U8 /'t, 11 In t h case of The New York tr tor of the esta~ e of William food, $3 1 ; Schilling's GI·ocery. illlke [III.! w('ight and height, th WflYC nil taking office two days a week with everyone In class taking part. TM (loll til" w,,~ banI< or team went down. At th half Way their Junior bu i!less course. A~- program will consist of son gs, reo Life Tnsura nce o. 11 raus W. R . M~Candles , deceased, wer e ap- food, $75; D, Rulph Smith, food. 't·tuui f' 'rt:( k. 'l'tH'rlce IS . 01" 80' \ . ~~,'1G IJo loll to n 8111l h'. 'l'I ' enca N, 2 • omm~rclal 8tud~nts ~1 11 citations, a dialogue, and two play Wh itacre, et aI., the defendants W proved. He filed his first , final an d $83; Ray Swigert. food, $6; A. "lInned n svill had lhe up~r hand but at 3U' l!li\81 a4 . )'01"8 to n titor.e. Shiflett, f ood. $16.50j E. B. Ttl n e S, ~~. I!:nllt lG.28 poles to a th end of the game We trailed tile have a course In secI' tana l tram- Jets. The latter part of the hour H. Whitac re a nd Hat tie E, Whit- di t rlbutive account. 8 tOl.H'. ~·11 \ fl ,\ N, " 6· I£IUil ~u.gU acre, are grll nted lea,v~ to nle anOllie Van Camp was appointed Thirk illid It Sons Co " clothing, \fVI P6 to IL alonS. l~· I1ringboro 1Ive by four point.. ing in conn<'ction with thei r ad- will be spent in contests. rh ne N, 0 .111. stenography course. On Thursday they 'are plan ning SWOt· or olher pleading wit hin t en admin istrat rix ot th e estate of $221. 37 ; Ru by Va n R ip 1', food, vanced P'ij, 4 ~ PU lllll to 1\ to 1\<'. 'I.'h nell Th fin I score we 29 to 25, 111 U' l'l, .~.21' pot ~ to 11 ilug-a!' to open tlleir \lal ntin bOll; they Walter C. Brown, dec eased, and $221.50; T. U, Woodr '1, .food, $'1; :-OI'lU Mr. Jame's Junior High boy!! U'('" JG Inc I" 1" II Inlllot.'r , Thenco the c e of W. Chester Maple fil d bond of $1000 with lIul'eties. Z iger' General tore, :1'00(1. $13; I> ~ i' .~. J:.;aal 33.:1' ('010 to u at ku, Iso wer defeated. They had the SlrickJ, Ru..ia.n' , have messengers to distribute tbem '!~I,' n(' (' H l ~· 3U' J-]11.8l ~O lIolos lu a I n Mis8 Day's room they expect administra tor o f t h.~ eslate of The estate of W. W. Kissick. deMiUer Dair y F llr m , food, $60 0, same difficulties that the older ~ tOIl P. 'rh'"n 'e 8 , ~4' ~~. K 91.9ti A Ru sian .came tAf Waynesville l!OYII had, height and weight ex- - A RUB ian named Ivan Ivano- to read poems and stories which Frank M, Greathoujle, deceased, cea sed, is exempt from inh eritance 25; tokes Dai ry 0., foo ul $211. Iw h 'H lu R HUlk.1 on til .. , Olt l,ank of '(,lIsllr C.·".' k . '!'Iwn e wJlh t il cept that the odds were greater vitch Dragoon Shirae!. In a n inter- will be suitable to bring out the v I'S\lS D n lel H. Ge ratbouse, tax. W. W, Whitaker, adminis- 22; Albaugh GOod Drug 0 . , d rugs 1l1~1I , ,,lerlng8 II,c' I'CO C: S. 48' W'.; I. 0 B(tIIlnst them. Their game ended view with him after his address be- points of character of hoth Wash- judgment to t he pla'intifl' in the t rator, flied his first and final ac- $4.57; Ear h,al't's Drug Store, dr.ugs I'VI~H lo U ~ l (\ k N. 31' BO· W. :.un 10 n BlnKIl S, 67· \V. ~I."~ pol 8 um of $430 ,50. count. _ $1 ; MaROn Drug Store, dr ugs, vole" with 22 to 10. to n stnk e il, 6~· 1Ij)' \..,. ~(/. hl 11 I 8 tore ~\n assembly of the g rades ington and Li ncoln. They will exchange va lentines I n the clIse of Geo,rgiana Miller In t he matter of the estate of H $2.75 ; MeG tchin's P hllrmacy, Iv .. "lak\: Nh 72' Jfi' ' iV. 20,BG P I 8 Th Is t game 01 the eason will a,n d the high school IMt. Wednes1\ tlll1k , 'J' 110 N, lil~ 30· 'W. 8 , 11~ verSUij Veri Mille r, t he defendant L , Saul, deceased, James Saul, ad· dru gs, $B.5 0 j Great Atlantic & 10 be played this Friday night Febru- day I learned many thing of in- as is the custom. pol ' 8 Lo Ii ~lllk e. N. 6' 30' WeB ' ~8 Perfect sp II rs for the VII t ill ordered to pay flO per month ministrator, is ordered to r elease Pa cific Tea Co., foo tl , $11 ; ~. Vult'll LO 1I1() ViM l)t beginning nile! ary 19th at Highland. T his should terest concerning h im. H is family ntnln l nK stl ly flv acrjj& ~ roOU8 week were: William Law on, for support of minor children. unto Ed. Nixon all chatiel prop- Coyne, mlleage, $ I S.iO; ca.nd be II good game. 1 I)ul, of Innd 1n<)r,' or 1 .11," WIIS of the Rus ian nobility b fore In the ca e of T he New York ert y covered by said chattel mortWilliams, mileage . $18,74 ; LOUise r 'u l IItnH' It I'ClurO" hl16 the Revolution , Of his pa rents he Madon mith, Frances J ohns, Hen Life Insuranc.e Co. v.~rsus William gage and to accept from Ed . Hix- Wltipple, mileage, $:25 .58; Willa b '~Snl~1 II Iwpral~.'<l I 1...1\ ""nl of $~ Z UO ri tta P nningto", Betty l1cI Lebanon "I. Wa7tl.",ille nne! 2-~ of "Iel n (.IJl"J\I~('d ,vuluc Is said: '.'Bodily they lire aliv Keever, Reba Surface, Evelyn E, 0' call. et ai " j udgme nt to the SOli a full release of aU ~i s claims Beedl e, mil~ag~, $ 16.76; He ~n ~h 8'U1lI of $141; ,G7 find 111 l'rrHllI.l' The team seamed 'to play quite but their oul' are dead , . . " 'oll ... L uf W lorJ' Il ~'o unt~· , 01110. hll . rau l Smith a nd Anna ntiff and from defendant, Mar and demands apinst lIald eatate. Randall, mIleage, $1~/16; hrls- lduly a bit better in their ga me with ra~. <l the llrl a t wIII ~ h IIl\ld He ha be n in America six Hoblit, M 'I Wh't k ' Itha L. Henderson, tbi! 8Um of $19, The will of O. W, Brown was ad tine levenlfer, mileage, ;20,46; rent l' ~II\'" mn)' J, ""Id III lh a II nI a Lebanon Wednesday, February ~, months. During this tim he has of $J ~~ . 7 a nd Ih • 1I1e will not be 'AI yn b' I d e~ h' t nnd 368.32 mitted to probate. Clin t D. C. H. C. Chemical 0" suppHe, than t bey did with Massie. The ddivered addresses before many l'or I('~. llollll till I n 111 0'1111 , b 1n t ile case of Th.~ New York Corwin and W. Cheater Maple $3,06 ; Dr. S. Sterling Swhl, medi. sol{\ · clom} .lfithedllbus mg on l·c~.n R r ... Ie: {'osh. half ended with a core of 7 to 10, high schools and has don e some L mco n)lr your was u· . ' te t d ft· 1 d I . 1t12 Til Ch'ld ' , ('IlA Ill.I';R nl AN, Life Insurance Co. v.~rSU$ Wilham were appoln d execu ors an e ca see rVlcea,,, ; e l len <; Lebanon, and the last half was research work in several u niverSi- .er;~d on T ~~ sd ut h s b f[ HLES It. SlU1}P II Etm ra Burggraf et al. . jud gment to th bond of $66,500 with Bureties. Z. R o pital, hospital j,;otion, $2 1 ; .As .;\dm lnl tr(\lor~ "r Iha <lslat.. l really a fast game. Had it not been ties, Hjs great purpose, here, Is til ut l '~' dItL .Ill . £h ' lllI r d, u ca.scd . . ,e va n nn~ d ea oXI ~ t~ent' n- plai ntiff ~nd fr~m t be defendant, O. Wor ley, L. S. Shawhan and E. Mrs, Maude Deal'dofT, $crvices, for a couple of bad passes in the internationalize t he minds of t he CIlIVlt'hlg a gtrefa d laude W. Rue, the s um ot $5562. J . Beedle were appointed apprals- $7,50; Mrs. Lillie UrtOl1, e l\'ice" 51·J31· b'~8 0pEletr,en hloa last couple of minutes, the game students in ord er to promote world f or e pas W aye. a y 8 $ 0 M I Elt th . f t fo th week at In t he case of Hal:lan Day ver- ens, 1; l 'S. ra ~ro , serVlces, t th would have gone over time. Th e peac e a nd to tell Lhe trut h about fom 0 e ron, r e sus Ru by Da y a divol~ce was grant D. E . Heywood, admini8trator ot $5: Mrs. H le n Doughman services final core waa 18 to 16 with lAIb- Rus ia. h b d for ed t he plainti ff . the estate of PermeJia V. Wikoff. $7; Mr . Howar d til yer, $7; eaSt'1 t' anon on top. The Junior High ftJ wou~ d not allow anything ec Ions ove een ma e d d til d h ' r t ' f Stat,e TI reaslurer, C,OUll ly' 8 1<bat! game went. to Lebanon, too, 16 to harmful to be said of my country the oratorical contest a nd are J af!\ s ~o llen has ht!en apP ?inted eceas,~ .' e I IS aPfP Ica IOn or b' I d t thO t' e as lib rarian 01 the Law LIbrary a certifieate 0 .. trans er. agracu tura extel1Blon wor " 12. or my coun trym en," he remark ed, eID&' earne IS 1m , A ocin.tion. J. F. Zimmerman, administrator months, , 11 50 ; Columbus Bllmk It hu been announced that " bot t he government, t hat I do In l h case of N~llie Phillips of the estate of August Ast, de- Book Mfg. Co., school, township Charles " Spud" Davis will be on not like." Anembl,. V rsus William C. Phillips, a di- ceased, filed his application for a appropriation sheets for Auditor, deck in theSe last few gamea. Good Hil has n ot rec eived a formal Tbe a semb lyy ~o r Friday, Feb- vorce was granted thj! plaintifr and certificate of transfer. ,13; Columbu!l Bla nk Book Mfg. luck, "Spud" , end better health education such as we receiv in r uary fifteenth, W I U be conducted custo dy of minor chUd wu siven Ruth McClure, administratrix of 'Co., applicat ion fo r Vendor's Linext year. our schools for he was instructeQ by t he sophomore class under th e to plaintiff. the estate of James W. Presley, cen f or Au ditor, $3.GO; C. D. by t utors, apecia Bzing in instruc tion .ol Miss Robbins. The In t he ease of Kathleen Hesler, deceased, flied her application for Smart. mqving safe f O I' tr ea lI l'el' econ.omics and political science. progra,!" will be as follows: Song an inf ant, by her mother, Effie a certificate of tranllfe~. A Speak... F ..... R....i. from Harvey burg to Leba non, In the case of Nelhe Pummill, $15; W. H . ,Anderson Company, The Auembly held February 6 He believes that i f a' man kno\\os II by el.ltlfe. aS8emb!y ; de votions -:- Ca mpbell, versus An~irew Hesler, FOR AND CONSIGN sbee,P and calv.. varied irom the usual pep I081110n. Bubje t that is all ~h e formal Ma rgie Tmney; plano due t, DorIS l3erv ice by pUblication is to be administratrix of the estate of Page's Code fo r Coromon Pleas, llv, WU. aud Surface and, RIta Van Ofien.; talk, made on the Louie Knott, deceased, versus Nel- U5; Ohio Law Reporter Co" The lower rrades attended as well educat ion be n eds. ' M I'. hirae f considers thc ReveNlnd Dlbet:tj song, entlJ'e asfirm r the hlahNt In the caSe of Ahilll~ C. Rulfner lie Pummill, et aI., confirmation Ohio Law Re porter , 6; Karl as tbe upper gradu and the high- American educational system sembly. prices and rood I. me •. ver sus Jesse B. Ruft:ner, it is 01'- deed and distribution. D. Dakin, premo on .Surety Bond m ........'Stock school. After a few pep talks and Y.I'd.' Clncld_t!z O. yella the mel!ting wu turned over better than thaI: of E urope. - - -- - . de red that defenaanj; pay ,60 per In the matter of the estate of f or Probate Judge, $25 : Wm. Tune In on Radio Station WuKY "It Is mOTO compl ete alld pl'acmonth f or eupport (If minor chU. Christine Buchanan; deceased, the Shotwell, services a.s janitor, $20; 12 :211 to 12 :30 p. m, [or ollr to lb. Inn Ivonorieh Dragoon tical," wel'e biB wOl'ds. " In Europe TO OBSEaVE FOUNDERS' Shiruf. lIr. Sbiraef, a native of too much stress is laid upon the DAY ON FEBRUARY 15 dren. bond of G. C. Knapp, administta- Wm. Hufford, 8tamps, $3 ; FrE d market reporta, Bulda, gave a talk upon some Qf academic." tor, wall reduced 1rom $14,000 to Kahn M,otor Co., 1 Old mobile the exlatlnc condition. of Rullla. N.w S.ita $2,000. Sedan for Sheriff, $ 51] ; J. F. ConUpon my askin g him tf he were . In the matter of the estate of nlngham, Dean draw und er ection _ , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - , A rndio broadcast and meetings Briell, be sketched the govern- planning to return t o Ru u ie he of alumni associations all over the B s8~e Bruce \lersus ~alph Bruce E. T. Dechant, deceaied, permis- 9918, Farmers' Institute, 175; mftltal lailtory of RUMla from smiled ' and said, "Yes - wb en 43 YEARS OF SERVICE country will feature the annual for dIVorce. Charge 18. extreme sion to lIell tobacco ia authorized . Th~ Harvey burg Natio nal Bank, 1912 to tb. present day, ~apeclally there is another revolut ion but I Founder's pay celebration of Mi- ~~u Ity. Arthur Brylllnt 18 the atIn the matter of the estate of 1 Mosler Safe for Treasattaeklar t&e eommunist.ic type of rney. Stephen C. Pbillips, deceued, 8ale urer's office, $50 ; Ohi o Central ami University On Februar y 15. government and upholding world like Am erica- it's l aler ." As int rviewed by Ruth PellAn elaborate program wilt. be Ru t h Ro.oks vel~u8 Thomas of personal property il ordered. Telephone Corp., Nlnt and to lls, LEBANON, OHIO peace. H. aleo pre 8()me interee.t - nington , broadcast over WHAS, Louisville, !:;I:~/or divorce. Charge la gross , $13.85 ; The Office Ou tfitten, type We ha ve a c o m,l et~ inr aidellghta into RUMian peasant In the evening of February 16 and Id C' 1 L C I M.rrla.. writer ribbon, 75c; George OWord, Watch Repair Sen-ice life, includinf the way ~hey make an important spot on the program s. 00 ey verSUl1 . ee 00 ey, love. H. concluded his part of thE! Thie. a'DCI Th.ta of T<he Gracie. Prices H a onable be given to Dr. A. H. Upham. for dIvorce. Charge 18 extrem~ Roy Parker, fanner of Lebanon , ito]' services at. NRS office, S5e ; will The first grade is planning a ptOrram b, direoting a number of 'd t h '11 ·dd cru elt.y. and Miss Katherine Melampy, John S_ Jone , Supt. boa rd, room Beads Restr ung M· ' the hip-school students in a R 1UI- Lin coln and Washington program. laml pre~l en , w. 0 ~I a ress Kathleen Hesler, an infant, by "aitreN, of Lebanon. and care Cha . Armbruster, $ 18 ; J owelr y Repaired b II h tb Luth Whl'te oda Dln'nder f sian danee, Tbe following students On Thursda y afternoon everyone the alumni. The M.aml glee club Effl C ' th e sc h~o] songs an d a sUs eAndre ampw e, er for mo er, ver- Kings , Mill., e1' , 0 The Ohio Ce nt ral Tel ephone Corp. "THE HOMF; OF GIFTS" participated in ~e dance: Betty will be bappy .receiving and read- WI'11 sing Hesler, divorce. and,, 8Mn. eOllie MorHartsock, Jane Cook, Jean Fumas ing his valentines. cast of .studertta will preae~t a one Charge is gross negl,e ct f d ty. gan, housekeeper, of Muon. . rents various offices, $~5 .50 ; David The second grade is planning a act radlO drama. The preSIdent of Evelyn Peters, Ruth Penningtoll. a u Marion Plauck, factory worker, Carpenter, mileage, $7.60; The ~~=::::======:::::::::::=~:: Earl Connor, Davld Boger, Vincent Lincoln and Waahington program, tbe Miami alumni association will prot, 0 of Middletown and Miss Lucy Book C!ho'p ,-,rencils, f olders and give a brief talk, and a .tudent ate IIIIII"t Who f Fr k!' .." to include stories of Lincoln and Grifry and JQbn Sears. Th e WI'11 0 t Fran k R . Com b a, d e. Isman, 0 an In. I'nk eradl"cator, 911e,' The Oregon'•a Washington. n ading by Roylyn will diacuss athletics and campus .... E T f Bridge Co., material fur nished Sftlior Cia •• Play Crabbe, art Jesson of drawing affairs from the point of view of ceased, was filed in probate. James Saul was appointed ad.tate r. . . .n pictures of Lincoln's home, also the stude..It t body. Projects U81,20; The LebHenry S. Bayles to Harry J. Since the broadcast is set for ministrator (1f the estate of Berta The cast bas ~en a~lected f~r George WashingtOn cutting down ' anon Lumber Co., same, $206.31; I de~ea$Cd, ~nd filed bond of Stauverman, i nI0 t No. 1809 lD the senior cl~ p~y, The Thlr- the cherry tree. 7 :00-7 :'30, -eastern Standard time, Sau, teentb Day. It 18 a Pllazllnt;, The val~ntine party will be on many usociatioDs will hold dinner $1000 With sureties. Charles Cole- Loveland Part. Zain Armitage, same, ,288.37. Harold Brauer and Alice Bralter I• _ _ _ __ baftlillg mYBte~. • . 'Thurtlday a~ternoo'n . They are hav meetings in conjunction with local man and Pauline Riley were ap. The ,cast, which 18 not qUite com ing valentine stodes and songs. programs. pointed a~prai8ers. to Charlea Brauer, 117 acrel ~In OIa'io AAA P."Ql~'. Miami last year ce:e brated the Mae M1,1l ~r and Edward Woo]. Barlan town.hip. I plate, IS as follows: the:n, lhey will O'pen their val en· Cbarles Brauer to Anna C. Ben Boyd Jelferson, Robert Cleav~r; tine bex and find out whose valen. 125th anniversary of founding. lard, admmlstTato1'8 of the ~state More than 12 000 alumni and of Mary Wharton, decelllled, filed tel, 117 aeree in Barlan townl!hlp. Mn. Juliet Carleton, Mary Allen ; tine they receive, Agricultural Administration's Anna C. Bentel to William Ma- program in Ohio resulted in the P~ul. c;adeton, Betty Harts.oc~; The third lrI'a<k! is reading form er 8tuden~ will b e potential their inventory. In the ll)atter of the estate of laoney, 11·7 acres in Harlan town- expenditure of $13,645,420 in Crestol) Cook, John Sears; LlitZle stories ofUncqln's boyhood. The auditors of the program on Febra . Lida Smith, deceased, .the adminiso ahlp. , Ohio du,ring 1934. Farmers CO!)PlJentol!' Mae , Treadway; .. Della best story teller will get to tell ary 15. ~---. - _ trator is authorized to accept in John H. Otto and C. Louise Otto erating in the corn -Mil', wh~at and Dommlgan, . Ruth Pennington the storll' February 12. In additlon Phone 78J lieu of depo sit 70 per cent in casb to Frank Broerman, 71 \» acres in tobacco prograJl1ll received $12, $am~el SJIlart, Frank Hawll e ; to this, the boyli and girls in t~e W_ Spealclnl COntelt and 30per cent in full paid In- Clearereek townablp. 676,393. Total ot $585,729 was RllIItue Mosci Jasper BuJleh, Noah A section will give a few exerciseB. . Fred Elbon a .n d Golda B. Elbon I 8][1)e,nsinj!lsurplus removal, while the The third grade iff planning to Earl BlaYney, ar.old Mt. COm\! shares in the Miami Valley Newman: Burton Croeby, Charles of admlnish:ation totaled LeMay. have a vale.ntine )lox. Also they Gilead high school student, won Federal Savings an4 Loan ABBa- tb Hilda Brenner Meinting, ftal" ciation. estate in Deerfield township. are going to make pretty valen. the state public speaking contest • growers in 23 counties ct.aal•• In Sc.....ule for th. S.c- tines for thelr mothers. for students of vocatiOnal agricul _ The following accounts were ap- Carrington P. Ellie and Ethel M. "fOT ARY PUBL IC 01114 S......ter Miss Kelley's Fourth grade is \ ture held at Ohio State University proved, allowed and conftnned by ElliB to L. H. Gordon and NelUe Irecei'lled $'751,703 of the rental H, Gordon 61 ~ acres in Wayne and benefit payments. Payments in NoIIti•••1 B_k Trigo.nometry ill followed by a telling a~d r eading stor ies. of L. i?- last week He will go to S.pring. the court. l\fartha J. Cleaver, executrix of township. the '9I'heat program am.ounted to course lJl Solid Geomeay for the coIn which they have wrltten In field Mlxt fall to compete in are. Dr._ . • E.ta.;; S.ttl." FloYI! L. lIawkins and :Valeria $2,46.,252, while $9,458,437 was se.cond semeste!". Boys' Physical English. Poems of Lincoln are to glonal contest for state winners. the estate of Frank iO ..,Cleaver, deWAYNESVI,LLE, OHIO ceased; Firs t and filIal. Hawkins to C• .C. B.roW1i, 1J8 &eres in the 'c orn-bog program. • - .. Dcan E. Slanley" . trustee of tbe ' in H~rlan townihip. ,' tr ust created by tt,err\ IV ot the . Mary Welle to Gl'over C, McFOR SALE DATES CALL will of Walter 'W, Voorhis, deceas- Creary and Mar&'Uet McCreary, ed. Fourth.' real 'lstate in Franklin towuaLip. Alton F. Brown, administrator of. Clarence L. Shurta, et al., to the estate of Peter lao Cleaver, de- Mary E. Shurll, 109.86 aCfts in ceased. First, final alld distribul Union and Deerfield tOWDMip8. tive. ; Carrinaton P. Ellu, et aI., to L . Frank A. Hudson, administrator H, and Nellie 11. Gordon, 21 acres of the estate of lCdwin Walker in Wayne township. Rudson, deceased. F'irlt, final alJd 'Homer H. Robinson to Samuel JESSE STANLl.Y distributive . J. and Loclora Bagland, . 109.08 Edna H. Wilson, ~xecutrix of acrea in Hamilton township. the eatate of Jane Winslow Herion Permeli. V. Wikoff ~ Graee L. EARL ·KooGLER deceased. First, flnll] and ,diatrib. H~ers and Laura Lee Ficks, inlot D.,t.,. Pl.... utive. . No. 137 in Ma8(111. KE • .,or. at•• Mary O'i~er, administratrix of Edl~ha]f. Hudloh to Frank A. OLASSIFIED ADS COST ONLY the estate of Sarah Becker, de- Hudson, 199 1·8 Acree in Deerfield ceased. First and 41l1al. town.hip. ONE CENT PER WORD. WHY Mabel E. Blajr and Robert M. Howard and Huel Wymer to KEEP YOUR ATTIC FILLED Blair, executors of the Htate of SalTJ H. Uaunost, 18 acres in Har Benjamin H , Blair, decealled. Firlt ian township. WITH USELESS ARTICLES 1Inal and distributin. Augult Aat, deeeaaed, to Katie FOR SALE Laura Riley, guardian of Doug- All, Cbristian, 117.61 acres in Un THAT CAN BE TURNED INTO las ruley, at aI., mi'nors, flied her Ion town,hip. MONEY FOR SO SMALL A FOR SALE- Australian Hulless flrst account. ' Nellie PuminiU, edministratrii: Popcorn, 3 Ibs, 250. Mrs. L. B. In the c'ase of CharIes Bo&,an and 01 ttle ' . Itate of Louie Knott, deCOST. Tay THtS ,MEANS OF Hall. - F28 Charles R. S)1e,pher1~, .. admlnls. C4al8d, to C. E. Auaman, real estrators of the · est-t'e of Lydia E. tate in Maineville. . SELLING AND SEE WHAT A FOR SALE- Little Rild dlover Shepherd, deceaaed, venus Ernest Seed. F. Cf Hubbell, R. R. 3, DIFFERENCE IT WILL MAKE Shepherd, et al., sale of real ... Waynesville, ·F2t tate ill ordered. TO YOUR POCKETBOO~ AS In tbe matter of the Ntate of Orue 00., II'laterial furnished FOR SALE-Nice line of Wutu WELL AS ' TO HAVE YOUR Anna L. Bone, deceasea, dbtrlb. FERA, f18.48; II. J. Glbbona Supand Kitchen RoD Waxed paper pI, Co., sa. ., $10.48; Zalu Armltution Is ordered. and paper napkinll. New Show-Pac STUFFY OLD ATTIC CLEANED Mary E. Sh1H'ta, esecutris of 88e, .me, faU.46 Lew.... Drake stationery, 18 Iheets arid 18 en, the eState of James II. 8b1l1'tl, Inc., same, f201.40; Crane Co., velopes for 10 centa at The Miami OUT. IT PAYS! same, ".40; II. J. Gibbons Supceased, ftled lier GaseUe Olllce. estate is exempt plJ Co., same, ,S81.12 Rail""a, mx Miss Ann Bill, of The Ohio Bell tax. The til" pre• .\', same, ft.62: W. L. Telephone Company, displa,. a new W.urnD statement in Uey aooo_to A;Il.mlOtl Co., tood furnilbed re- all-.teeI burrlar-proof cabinet lor pubAlbert D. R. . ., of The lief famlli ... 'loa; Tbe Great A. lic telephODel. WAN'l'ED-To bu, PoultrJ aDd Citizenll National .. P. Tea Co., same, f28U10; W When the Clhinet·. Iteei door i. EftI. Am.. P01I1tr7, min&'ton, ftled hi. W. CU. ., food and elo~hiDI', ."•• _ closed and padlocked, the enclosed pbone the appollltla. .t 10; Eba.r CoUu. food, ,I Coyle ~ ia abaoIattly illacceaible to tor of th• ..tate JI..t JIarIIet. food, ,7.110 R. pelt)' thieves IDd nipt prowlcra. '1lae .I-,....--~...::=-.;...--~T-. deeeued. 811PPbr cabinet it belac maoaIaduJed I"'.h~". In th. • ... _blr. ." • CleftIuIcI ateel _ . . . . .' Edward Co,. b ..








F. T. Martin' Auctioneer


Centerville, Ohio




Nickel Snatching Is Tougher Now


Slunley &Koogler Auct,i oneers



8ll l1OId



- - - ---


petltloa baa Hen tUd uklnc U\, court to rule that the tax do.. Dot

appl, to t he ..Ie at certain merehandile used ..dUlivel), In ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY the productive proce..e. 01 agriculture, horticulture, dalrjing, D. L. CRAN£ I I P.blilh.r IS.b,criPtlo. Prl.., 11 .10 • Y_ poultry railinl, fruit growlnl, ORle. Phose . "'" ..... , No. 112 Entered at Po.toftle. at Wa)'l1_ animal husbandry and kindred R •• icl_ce ~nn4 Cl.... Mall .. ... .. ,.. ... ... . N o. III vUle. Oblo. alWlI;tl'r forms of agricultural produetio... The State Tax Commission has ====---that such merchandise is FEBR ARY 14, 1936 ~lIl~aJJlle. it was claimed.



. u ll7 ba". been chOien tor out- who .trll applieatlon. for • eon.IICllblcll'llile for fte 1I1ull 0. IItending work."


.---... .... --~


Loans to the amount of $2,843,

mad to 839 distressed SALES TAX LAW smallwcre home owners in Ohio during 936

Mig Loil! P nninl(tnn



Fe1'l'Y, a g'1' aduate from Wayn


the week ending Thursday, Febru- ville High school, WII. rec4'ntly The fir L court action against ary 7th .. accordblg to the weekly e l cted PI'cllidt:nt (If Pi Mu . , =_ ",,=.=-~"-'-=====-========;:;o Ohio's new sales tax law was fil d report of State Mana'".. r Henry O. Lambda, Wumen's Literary Preparations are being made for last W('dnesday by the Ohiio Farm BJ'unner. giVen out. today. the observance in honor of the BU1'e~u ervic~ ompany, Colum- Of the above amount, $2.512,575 ociety of Berea CoJle~(!, fllr he flftieth anniversary of the found. bus, m Franklm oU,n ty Common wa disbursed in the Corporation second semester. Mis~ Pennington, ~1ot.oJ' accid nta In. t YWl' strllck deeper at the heart of the of t he Ohio State archaelogical Ple~s COIlt't. The SUIt was filed bonds exchsnged with form r a junior in the college department, A ~. rlCnTl h01ll1' than ever before. Cond itions hav not become so and HilltoJ'ical Society, according agalnst t.h~ ~em?ers of t.he state mortgagees, $197.832 was paid in is already well known on t.he Cam· ('I ',1\1CI11 ~h.a~. on .chlld in thl' e needlellsly faces the probnbility of to H. C. ShetJ'one, directoJ' of tht! tax ~ommI881o~ ID an elffort to cash to county treaSUTers for ' back pus for her leadersh ip in "'lIrh ()bt!11~ exemptIon on .sale of farm taxes, $07,687 for necessary re- campus activi t ies DR GIt· c tub, Icnth 01, l.nJury In an alltomobileaccident before he completes his soci~ty's mUseum at Ohio normal 111e Spntl, according to the National Bllreau of Casualty and University. 1'he event will m~chlnel'y all\! \.tJlg!ble ~erson~l l pail'S, and the balan~e of $77,129 DramaLlcs Itlbs, Y. W. C. A ., Pi y Ru r ~y. ~tl('rwl'it 1'8,' whiCh ha~ nnaly ed street lind highway fatalities place the afternoon and even property u. ed .e;tclmuvel In ag for accured interest on the bonds, Mu ~ambda Literary oci ty ant! and InJlltltlS 101' l!134. of April 28, As a part of the pro- cu lt\,lral productloll. attorllcy's fees, and appraiser's TenDls. gram there will be a special exhibit Th serviCe company Disks that fees. ~===~===::==:::::--:::--_-:=-~=:-:=::-~==~ To th typical American family of father, mother and three chil- of curious documents, manuscripts the court rul all propertY' used by The average amollnt of each --!lren this statement shollid have great signi ficance. And to national, Ilnd photagraphs depicting the farmers and other growers of loan wu $3,389. 8t al~ ~nd m~n!cipnl allth(lritie~ who responsible for the safety of early life of the society. The public (arm llr duce in t he . pl'oductive • - _.- - nll I JZen ~ . It HI challenge to dralltic action. is invited in the afternoon. Many proce ses of agJ'iculturc', hOTticul- AN AUGURY OF Llist yeuti, 311,000 persons wer killed and more than a million in- prominent persons, from all parts ture, dairying poultl'y raising fruit BETTER TIMES j ured in traffic accidents, Whi le traffic itself was slightly heavier as of the middlc west, who are ill- growing, animal hu bandry, and . ' 'terested, in archaeology as well as kindred forms of agrl'cultlural PI'O.' hown b y reglll! ruliol'ls and increased gasoline consumption, speed, b f th ' t' d th . Reports from mining regions - - - - - - -... ----. . . ......1iIIIIII. cl'iminull :r te 'kl • d . . d h dl . mem ers 0 e SOCI.e y an CIl· duction exempt hom the' pres ent c, , s !'Ivmg, nn t e apparent in tference of the public friends, will attend the fiftieth an- sales tux law . "This tax doe!! not cbronic!e the development of a tIlU t benr a hon .s share of the blame. . niversary banquet. whjch wi\l be apply to property used by manu- large number of new properties, as A co nstrtl clIve' progl'am for state 's must include : held in the evening Director Shet- facturer in productive processes," well as the r~opining of old mine~ The gold , "boom" is largely re. 1. niEorm tl'atllc la",s sllch' as dl'ivers/license 'laws, financial re- rone s a i d . ' M. D. Lincoln, secretery-l~reasurer sponsib le for this activity, but -- - - of the farm bureau service comspon sibility slatutes and other uniform traffi!; rules and regUlations as other metals share in the improve. pany, stated, "and we see no legi- ment. ilver, copper ,a nd lead locumm nded by s uch representative bodies as the National ConferellC(! on Stt'cet anu Highway Sa! ty the United States Bureau of timate reason why an E!xception sl!em bound lor betteJ' times, aftt'\" , !ShOUld b 'm ade of fal·mel:s." j , u bl'IC 1 oa(' 1H, t he Americun. Association of Motor Vehicle Administra. long, lean yeaTS in which there was tOl"S, th Nationnl afety ouncH and others. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shanks Jr. In its action naming the tax little demand, and prices remained 2. Mot!f.'~n enforcement pJ'ocedures !luch as those advanced b.y the have take.n over the management commission defendant, thle service at bottom level· . Now the sQund of of the telephone exchan~e. company declared that it sells Internnti(lTlal A. ocialion of hi efs of Police and others. The home dem~n stratron lesson merchandise u::;ed and useful in the drills and the whir of heavy 3, Good driving in. tl'uction for UPPer class high school students on TUg making which was given at processes by which agl'iculLuraJ machinery again resounds il') places I as reco.mmendl· d by leJlding educators, state and Il'\unicipill Boards of the Annex on Th ursday W68 well commodities 11I'e produced, and that until a short time ago, were EducatIon, the E lueation Divis ion of the National Safety Council, and attended. Mrs. . R. D. Collett, maintained that that its sales do desolate and deserted . mining activities will the 'Nlllional Bureau of a unIty and Surety UnderwrIters. Mrs. Luther Lumplti~ and Miss Dot fall withi~ the appJic!ation of be Stimulated . felt through the whole 4. Ad ult cducation through intensive community programs in- Myra HaYdo~k were Instructors. the sale tax act. Tb e commi sion country-all mining creates new \olving mUnicipal lluthoritie, police departments, schools, churches, Mrs. Hattie Inwood was the has ruled that farm macl~inet·y is wealth, as well as jobs and op. lubs and Mht: r nublic organizations as recommended by all safety gil est of heJ' daughter, Mrs, W. W, taxable. portunities and investments. The ... Kester in Glendale last week. authoritie., notably the National Safety Council, the American AasoTbe annual Lincoln's Day The farl\') bureau company al 0 evidence of an improved mining elation of Mot r Vehit'le At!ministl'ators and othen. dinner was held in the Annex on said that if on equitable :lCunction- futul'e is one of the best 'recovery . Iy, enouj( h cuee fW t·Ive ·malerla , I h as b eelli developed by com- Sund ay. An interesting pro ing of the sales tex is to prevruJ, indicators. , ,.talO c· the term "farmer," as usc!d in the ----'pete nt observers during our many years' experience with the traffic was Tendered. I ~o comp I its use. Mr. and Mrs. Trevor' C. Haytlock sa ~s tax a~t, should be enlarged to mclud e persons engl~ged in entertained fifty . guests Sunday horticulture. afternoon, honoring their spn --- ~~...-.--Thomas and bride whose marriage was solemnized January 31, at TWO OHIO HIGH SCHOOLS v, r .1 1, R r the home of the bride's parents, TO BROADCAST - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.....- - - - - - ' 1 Mr . .and Mrs. A. G. Spahr, in Xenia. The young couple are livillg Two Ohio high schopl musical Practically aU producers of The Ohi. State University Radio Statioll-WOSU in James~wn where Mr. HaydOCk organizations, outstanding' in their corn and hOJ8 whet,her or not they is manageJ' of a Kroger store. respective fields, will b.~ heard took part in the 1934 program, are 8:00 Mu ic MTS- Alice McMillan returned Over a nation wide hook-lilp of the e)jgib~ to sign a 1936 adjustment 8 :05 Wnshillgton's Interest in the Ohio Country ......... , .. H. E. Eswine Satu.rday from a visit with rela. National Broadcasting Co. Sun- contract, according to Lester J. :16 Spccif\cations in Buying Chicks ,........ ... ........ ..... P. B. Zumbro tives in Indianapolis. day. March 10. Miss Edith Keller, Miller, county agricultural agent. 8 :25 Music. state supervisor of musi,e in the Those eligible to sign inelude 8:35 Homc ~v('et Home ....... .. .; ........ . -., WOSU Players HOUSING COMMITTEES depsl-tment of educat~on an. 'persons owning and operating 8 :5 0 RCRl'rangll)g the Farm to Reduco ErOSIOn ........... ... , .E. J. Utz their own farms, and tenants opeJ'_ CHOSEN AT LEBANON l)ounced today. :00 lothlng n POl't for 1934 ........ , .. " ...... ,...... ...... Eunice Teal They are the Defianee NCappella atlng farms on a cash rept or fixed 9:10 Mu i . Unquestioned Zain Armitage, chairman of t.lle Choir of 62 voicel! under the share agreement. In the cue of {) :25 Program by Hocking CQunty 4 ..E Club Members. durability and . committee sponsoring t he federal direction of W. Oscar Jone ,super the producer who operates a farm 9 :45 Th New Forestry Pt·ogram . ... . ...,' ......... E. o. Wlesebuegel hOllsing compaign bere, announced visor of mu ic in Defiancoe schools on a cash rent or fixed shaJ'e agree exquisite design and · the Marion High Schoal ment, the contract is signed by following _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ last countyweek survey,that planned for laterthe in orche tra, directed by Thelbert R. hath the tenant and ,t he landlord. -the ~hesl ideals in plated ware-are usured ill Evans. music supervisor in t hat Eligibility in all cases will be IpOODI. forks, and fancy serving pieces abe ~~i~;::d.raPid development! are C(ity. determined by the county allot· teoowned trade marl Thc e organizations will J'epra. rnent committee, which acb in Mr. Armitage has announced the selection of three additional com· sent Obio in the Music atlid Amer- accordance with instructions is_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- J mjtteeB who Will assist the local iean Youth program seri1es, spo n. sued by the Agricultural AdjustL 'sored by th Music E:duc~tion ment Administration and anDr()VEid executive group in the drive. OLUMBUS-Plans are under greatest demand. Frank C. AndeJ'son, Lebanon at. National Conference. The program by the Secretary of Agriculture. way for the golden jubilee celebra· tomey, will head the advisory com will be beard from 10.30 to 11 ;00 The allotment committee will de· There various makes of ,ilv~rplated tableware tipn of the Obio Christian The tormer policy at federal mittee, whose membership includes a. m. Dr. B. O. kinner, sta,t e di- termine whether the applicant for ' \ VLich ue claimed to be "just as good," but-like aU rector of education, will IIpeak. a 1935 contract ill a bona tUde Endeavor nion, which will be highway aid wiU be resumed in W. G. Rockhill, Mr.. Anna L. Mi 8 Kell er, who is also chair· producer qualified to sign a con}leld in Columbus from June 25 to Ohio during the fulcal year which Cliry, Dr. H. L. Ro.encrane, Karl imitations. they lack the beauty and w~__q,!~ 28, inc1u ive. Between 5,000 and belrins July 1. Secretary Henry A. M. BroW1l,. C. H. Young, C. Donald man of the Rural Progjram fOT tract and receive benefit payments identified with the original and genuine II tH1 R08ERS • • • The county alJotment commit6,000 young men and women from WallaCe of the United States De- Dilatuah. Stanley M. Sellen. M. E. North Central Music Ji:ducators ware popularly known as "Si/"er PlatiiTi'at W,ar,. ,. Conference, said that 'w'e Defiance tee will be composed largely of 1111 parts of the state are expect- partment of Agrlclllture be ap- ROM, Jobn Volkel'ding, M. C. by leading dealers everywhere. Seud f. ed Lo a ttend, according to Wesley portioned $4,565.486 in federal Hutchinson, Albert Cowan, E. and MaJ'iOn organizations are the vice·presidents of cOlllmunity O. Clark, cashier in the office of funds to Ohio for use in the state's TyleJ: Sbough, O. H. Townsley, H. "only two of the many that might, committees elected by p~oducer15 catalogue "C-L" showing all designs. Secretary ot Slale Oeorge S. current highWay program. Only D. Williams, Arthur Hamilton, W. IIIIDtlf BIITANNIA CO" (lIIT.~=:;:~~VD 00-. . . . . . . Myers. MI'. Clark is general chair five states, California, Dlinois, C. Gilmour. Mn. Harry Hill, Ray man of th~ jubilee. Business ses· New York, Pennsylvania and Law, Dr. Ed Blair, H. H: Drohot, sions will be conducted in Memor· Texas, will rec.eive more federal Atlee Nixon and C. H. Bohl. ,I \al hall and inCent.raJ High school aid for highways than Ohio. 'Texas The loans committee is camposed auditorium. One of the principal will get the mOlt. "7.777.504. . of C. C. Eulass, chairman, and Lee addl'eslles, Mr. Clark annl!unced, . Henderson, Waynesville; A. J. will b by Dr. Daniel A. Poling of Investigaton for the minimum Scl!eu'rer, Horrow; H. D. McVay. New York, internationally known walfe divi.&ion of the Department M&aon alld F. B. Post and Miron clel·gyman and radio sp akel'. A of Industrial Relations are check- Johnsoll, Lebanon. featul' of the event will be the iug on alleged violations of tb e On the' buDding industry compresentaUon of a pageant, with a minimum wage code by hotell and mittee are Omar HOllingsworth, cast of more than 200, under the restaurants with the prosecution chairman: Z. O. Worley, Morrow; direction (If J. Augustine Smith of of the violator. Il8 the objective, A. R. Oompton, Mason, and W. C. Bo ton. Mcmber~ of the Franklin accordin&, to Miss Elaine W. Shef. Turton and R. M. .BradfoJ'd, LebCounty Christian Endeavor, of fter, new sup~rintendent of th, anon. which Miss Ruth Pickerel ot division. In ci~s and towns of - - -- - Co·lumbus is president, will be less than 26,000, approximately 76 COUNTY WILL JOIN IN official ho sts to the jubilee visitors. per cent of ,the botel and re8taur300.. ANNIVERSARY ant women employes are being The Ohio State Libl'al'y now has paid )es8 than the code wage of The public achyols of Warren the largest number of books in $9.60 minimum, Mias Sheffler .aid. county will join those .o f the circulation in its hi. tory, according In cities of 25,000 to iOO,OOO pop· nation during the month of March to Paul A. T. Noon, librarian. ulation, 67 per cent of the women 1\lore than 260,000 volumes, in employed in hotele and restaurants in the tercentenary celebration of groups of il·Om 50 to 600, are in are earnin~ le.1I than the ,10.25 the e8tablishment of the American higb school The year HI36 marb cil'cula tion in the state at the Itlinimum. and in eitiel of from the 300th birthday anniversary of pl'eeent time, Mr. Noon said. The 100,000 to 250,000. 72 per cent higb sehool In this nation and sta.te library supplies books to are receivinl leas than the ,10.50 atbegigantic celebration, having as· week1y minim 11m • . glan eS, schools, county homes aim four principal objectives, a)Jd various other organiz.ations, has been arranged. ' Th'e initial court action COil· mostly in lura l com~unities. Back Tbe four-point program is as fol I to-the.soil 'types of publications, cerniric Ohio's nilW .. .Iee tax law lows :. to prellent to the public the with thOSe 0 11 cunent events and lias been' started in . Franklin aims and wor\<8 of secondary edueconomics a closs second, have the county common pie.. court. A cation; to emphasize thll necessity of public secondary education to a U I . . cbocolate pie <comes to sU!'rar Is. blended. Then contInue • '! table. even t)le lItald bell,ttng until mixture wUl ltand III free democracy; to acquaiI\t tl)e. " " 3 ma, be excus(id tor c:-:· pl'r.kB. Pile lI,htl1' on ftlllnc· Bake COLUMBUS, OUIO - Conti'nll- a p&rtJ: 1"' . . . CUll 'ftN cUI- public with advanced development ITo\ clal) ".",eU'·! ' Or, It It lI:-p.' '; n ' Il"oderate . OYeIl (3liO- F .) 15 ill secondary instrUctions; and to ,an Inl tb. policy of economy inaq. posed aI III 1 _ . 'J a chocolate CO~Ollut r" ., ... ,:lU\qS, or until deuca~11.broWDe4. utoated when h. took office, A,ttor. • The !nllllbu of padlq CO'tU1 imprOVe the chances for every boy dIn . ~lIests are sure 10 bc " n I Cocon ut Chocol.te PI. ne1 General John W. Bricker aralll euee ... ft\laced boa 188'1 w!t. and girl to benefit from the f \1lJ aqlilJt, for ano.ber t.n1fI: p \ , ""'" lllr.awee'. t ... ,.aa, 1I11!lU, potentialitiel of the. secondal")' 8erve one ot tbese pIes anil l ' . , <!'- : )Ia~ . __ . in 193' operated his department at Orlcker took oSee, t, 1111 at :. school. blusblllS reclplellt of · U•• ~ ••. . 'JI ' , I cvp .....dIcI the lowest ~pense in ten Jearl; end of UU. DvlDS tile blenllbnll, ....... pral.e. ;~. ~r ft,oUl' aUla and al a relult, turned bacJc 11Ito 1736 new easea ' WIIR lied. Chooolat. p,le ,.1 lall I ~Id ..lIIeIa pit 10 Man'. Rol. the etate treasur, in exceu of The deparbaeDldorlq tile b_ • ~ ._""'" t Iii r r.! f·, 4 ....._111 _ _ ,20,000 of unspent , funds actuall, nl um dlallOl!ld of l1li lirrI'Ht II1I1Ilo ..... .tMIcIoIMe \Mater --.-.- . The Bureau of Motor Vehiclel er of IndD.trial commIaaIOII .... reporta the c:&fe of Mrs. Otto Lee 11/1 .... rasa I \abl.,..,," -data to milk and heat in appropriated to the department. ,. " .. lii ~ ..... ~ed of duriq a elm11ar '' It ...p. . " =' 'lID .. _ I lilt, . • ' :" WI! ell c bo ~~ I ate I • Martin, who iI Andiq it a maD'. 1 *nit abell \-Itb rotaJ')' r lleater A total of '3.242.~3D.16 in delin period.iDee the ,...... fill ... job to Iteep her home .together. SM l/I ....\IOOIII u ~ ·d. Comb' u••r, qtHnC e1alme wu collected by th.. . "',(!lit'!' • ('Aml>ml~tIOll 1.w. obtained a obaufl'eur's Ucenle trom • , ..blc.:; ,' It ; add @ 1 to attorn!)' pIItral durinr the uien 'l'f.e . number ot , .. . . ,.,.... state cbauft'eur examiner .t Jack· . . . . . . . . . . :Xtllr. alld llatU nlum-$1.U9,26U6 fll .983, aM fJr oftklal opllllOJl8 ".. lit ...... IOn 10 she mi8ht drive her hIDAdd claocol&te to mIl' . . '~Inc collr tbell denable boUer. When , "'~inl 10 n· .U... '1,828.272.40 in 193t. l· I" 'ker took oac.. At . . . . of band's truck to haul coal to Colum lib .elted. beat wltb n. '~l a lJ)'. I mall Theoperatlne IspenM of Ltle d~ '''1 1., onl, a I . 18'.... ,.... bu and varioUI other Ohio citl.. II beat... IIl1t1l bleDded \ '''tlU re ot" .JIlll, fHm the Soath'l"D Ollio coal ...... partmlllt III 1988 "al $139,7 1j .f;; : ;·\,","n,. conaC&hlb. and [ '" ,. ~'ousI1 ; to 1Ilble .. Hr. lIartill lolt lrl. ."a.ur)lt and lD 19M, ... ,189,<100 , an 11 \' i '·The abllit7 to .... die powoo pjutUllJ &0 obocfolate mtxtu r.'; ,. r • , and c(" ut.. GI)ok 1lD&11 ~keaed. IUrrl · 1\ ,.' • 'I..' Q fto .... tual redUCtiOD eacb rear uC ;'1' ~ ~)Jt demande for . ..rvtee,- Briell. and . . . forcecl to quit dririD. 1IaDd,; IJaea OODtlDue cor.;;h , . . , ... !Wt DIu.. prmrlmacel, '26.000 al cnml.Il"·('I ,dri, ""as dll& lar_ .. die - - wlf. pt the Hoe... to ..". . . 1 SulO pi, a..a with 1981. . ti·1tIit)' .t .....a If ...,. - - a chad.v. The lIartiu haY. mID.teI, atlrrlal occalloll.t' . ,.1.:' & ...u &mOUM-eVU .• • \ ; foal. • ' lit; ~ "0 of th .. ala. . . . . . . . . . . . ~111' ehtNna, all 01 _001 .... . O~ .Ip lPOU of th. a\tnr JeIb. ........, _rouel,.. !'t.... :.t':J 1_';.' :: t blel1lcol .!m.. :!l fo1Ulh ~.ral ••• ' ..... ...... nQ pnlral'. rep-,rt for j 9:a : to albia IIoIIar ... eook I IIljr.,··~ IlJ r .' eAeb r '.l1&li I'Mlr aperlene. . . . a ..... " . . . . .. . . . . . . _ _ boJllq 'f"i' , ! , , ... ' :;d. ' 11l" TIIa dtpaItmeDt rea;Jer.d lall _"are. lCIIIIp1ed wlCIa . . . . ...... . . .... ... Cclc.!... ., en ..... ':toar. .cI .. II 19aa. 21 . ,' ......dott .. tile..... ..., .... eu (·It.. lIIIaU, .l~

A C onstructive Traffic Program For States





B I' ew or Ington




rarm A·,·ght lal'.L s, I:ebruar 18




========================== ~



Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol ,

·1847are ROGERS BROS.T~pt

. SOld



Whellit's Ch.ocolate COeGDut PIe, Dessert is High Spot of Dinner !

Quality Prlntlnl


_-_.- ..---

I::::' ..


... ....... ..on...,. ..........









.;....... Co

JI ..~

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Dil H: E. HATHAWAY Dentist



STEPHEN M. YOUNC C<>nlre•• man At La.rllfe

All Kind, of D6ftlllral Repair Work Dema Quick'"

President Roos 1/ It Tcceiv d a dd('d etba'ck in lhe enate•. His T commenoation that the United ~uin ~. WA YNES VILLE, O. tat se nter th WorIt.l Co\]rt was , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _",,. denied. ao s1. Americllns feel that \v should take COl'e of OU1' probI nl beiol'e trying lo "mess into" intel'llalioJlal affairs. Anlcricans have be n a'l; a dis· ' k f or II tinct disadvantage in dealing with Miami.burf Permanent the trained diplomats of otber Dati !lS. It seems that here if an in Concrete dividual makes &. large contribution to bi political party, and if Air Seal Burial Vault he b ts on the "rigbt horse," the donor wakes up in Poland. Or som ror ale only by oth r country, a the American , Your Funeral Director Ambas ador. Uncle Sarli never loses a war nor win a conference. McClure Funeral Home Even in n diplomatic exc/'1ange W.),lleayil!e, O. with a minor country, sucb as little Costa Rica, Uncle Sam u ually comes out minus his shirt. ~~~~~~!!!'!!!~!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!~~~l At pre eoL there are 15 judges on the Bench of the World Court - 13 do not speak English, Had the United tlltes entered tbe Wl)rld Court, La play, safe it would have been neCCS8lll'Y to employ interpreters who apeak tI).e 13 different languages, 'then a flock more who would swear that the in'1l!l 'lie old day. I \lMd &0 «rII4 tIM comlll, of WlJlln. 1 ••• aI••,.. . . . . . . terpreter were on th level., eol_fMUII, about halt ,U_&rJIDI .. This issue will now re t jn




"orlt 1'"Ith mT b04:r 1I1Ul ....., DUn on O!.~ • • 'Thet) • friend told me abOut MeooJ'" ODd Uwu 011 T.blet. wllh th.1r marweJaua ~ltaDl"" A and D. I .tal'te to taka u.II"" ud t h.nn" bad • cold IInee that Um ... "!deClo,'. tabltta PUL ne." 1111 ID lolita,'


, .....


r ....t.nee

inTone .... II..... a


peae •. At I.alt for a f w year.

cent oeeul'l'ed, where the avenp 10.. for live ,.are has been 2.8 per cen t. Manufacturinc employment iuFoa SALK creased 2.1 per cent in ' January, ,n on-manufacturing declined 9.9 per cent. and construction work dropped 18.6 per cent. the bureau FOR , SALF..-. oybean hay. Jobn Woollard, R. 1, Waynesville. reports.

Late Classified Ads.

S nator Huell Long, Luuisiana Kinetl:!h. advocate rt't1I11lributinll w~allh-that ito., other folks'-Ilot hi~ own, F doral Agents are inling his in('om • tux rutllt·ns. When Hu('y Long, Louitliana, and the new ScnatOI' from l\1i~sis· !lippi, cia h on tne ('nate floo and tbat is inellitabl(', Bilbo, rabble rou er (lxtl'lIordinat·y lind master of invectiv<l!. lin the Loui i· ana dictator-the f rensic roar will be something to write home ahout. A few years ago Bilbo, il\ a speech on the borde~ of Louisiana nid: "Wifltin RVe at' eight years flu y Long will end in olle of three pla~s, or all tltree: in all insane a ylum, in the p nitentiary. 01' in Hell." 'senator Huey Long has announc cd he will becolne a candidate for Pre ident in 1936, if tb Roose..: It administration does not nd opt his policies and hare the weallh program to make "every man a king This announcement, by the way, i~ the be t news Republican leaders haYe heard in many a dny. Figure it out. The "Kingfish" wilJ n ver be the Democratic nominee Fresid nl. R oosC'vclt will be renominated by acclamation. Thirteen million Republicans stoot! b)/ tile G. O. P. in 1932. Th Y will not de ert for a radical "share the wl'altll" program of tbe blatant Loui iana dictator. Granting that they stick, and they wfll , unle they go over to F. D. R. and that the 'Dict.ator" from Louisiana will carry 1..oui iann and probably Mississippi and At'kansas and win tlve million votes elsewhere-well anything can happen. • "Depression" is a word tbat President Roosevelt no longer USllS We should, however, face the facts of the depl' sion. We must not permit the next de pression, ii and when it comes up. on us, to run its course. If we do, revoluti~n. fasci m or communism might r suIt. Revolution is UnKI10Wn in American 1ife .. We be gan our National exilltence with a revolution. Later, 'over an economic issue, which lVe did not compromise, we waged a bloody civil war. Wille economic le,-dership that was not displayed in the nation during the years of 1922 to 1933. should be exercised. J! so, that will avert such a tragic eventuality.

-------.. ..------




Suib. esc

, Ladie.' 0 ........ 70e Quick-for quallt1 dr,.cl_ia.

Mr. and Mrs. Morris Fulkerson ADULT SCHOOL AT spent the week·end with r",llIti'vAI il\ Indiana, CYM FEBRUARY 15 Miss Mary Crane, I)f Cincinnatl Adult school wi!) be held lit the spent the week.enC! with her gym Friday evening, February 16 mother, Mrs. Maud Crane. ' at 7 :30. Mr. Saul' and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. P.b:illp Larrick Mounts, instructors 10'1' the emerwere guests at a party at FOl!tel'S, gency schools in Warren county will be present. ' Ohio, Saturday ellenil1g. Come and hear what is being Miss DOl'i Hawke has accepted done in other communities. a position 1 ith the It.ingo Hard· ware Company, at Lllbanon. EXAMINATION FOR DOG Mr. and ltlrs. B. Smith were WARDEN APPLICANTS in Ryton, Sun,day, to see Mr. Elm r Earnhart, who is vel'Y ill. Applicants for the office of MI'. and Mrs. Dan Collett have Dog Warden can procure applica. as their guest, Mrs. Collett's tion blank$ at the auditor's office , Ilwthel' Mrs. lIil1, of South Dakota in Lebanon. Applications must be filed with M1'Il. Susie Evans left Sunday the Civil Service Commission, Colfor Wi rsdale, Fla., where she will umbus, Ohio, before Saturday, spend the remainder ~)f the winter February 16. The examination will with her daughter. ' be held February 20, at Cincinnati. iIr. and Mrs. A. H. Stubbs and Mr. and Mrs. Philip :Larriek were NEW CAR SALES BREAK guests of Mr. and )!rs. W. E. ALL RECENT RECORDS Stroud, Sunday evennng. New car ~oleB in Warren The Guild of St. lM:al'Y's Epls· COUl\ty January broke all copal church will ser',e a pancake records during for recent yearl, 41 new alld sau ge supper in the Grange passenger cars and two trucks banquet room, Saturday, February being delivered with Lebanon 23, from 5 to 8. dealers accounting for an additlMr. lind Mrs. Hat'l~y FO'X, Mr. onal 87 bona fide sales during the and Mrs. William Chenoweth and month. two son Billy and Jack, of DayThese figures compare with 22 ton were guests of Mrs. Sarah new ears sold and delivered in the Murray, Sunday. county du.r ing December and .17 in January, 1934. Mrs. Mabel Dinwiddie, Miss e _ ••_ __ Antba Dinwiddie. Mr. and Mrs. SALE OF TAX STAMPS Rue Dinwiddie of ' Dayton, were TOTAL $6842.85 guests of Mrs. Sarah Butterworth Sunday afternoon. . According to reports from Mis Mildred Hjmliln of Xenia, Ml's. My r Hyman, !\In. E. F. Tre&8urer MurreU's office, '1169.Deppe, Miss Stella Dilugberty and 80 in prepaid tax receipts had Miss Bernyce Hynlan were- in Cin. been lold in Warren county during the pal t week, bringint the total cinnati, Wednesday evening. lIalel to date to '8,842.85. there )\fl'. and )\fTS. E. L. 'rhomal ~re have been 818 vendor'a licensea in Lebanon on Thunday to make sold in the county aince January 1, the acquaintance of their new Auditor Lewis reports. granddaughter, Miss Bonnie Lou, daughter, of 'l\l1'. and Mrs. William TEN.YEAR CAMPERS ThoIpas. The Mid-Wi.n ter reunion for the 1\11'. George Stroud and Mr. women who ~ave attended .the An. CartEll' troud, of lDayton, Mr. nual women II camp durlDg tl!e and Mr. J. W. Lob and lIrs. put ten years wu held in Lab· Maude Crane were dinner gueeta anoll on Tuesday of last week. Dt Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stroud, Eighty campers and guelts were Saturday. present to 1'enew acquaintanees experiMr. Andrew Arlderson, of and encea. to Ninereview member,camp of this group Schenectady, N. Y. and his attended the flnt homemakers' daughter Mrs. Lawrence Rich. camp in the county which was mond, of Dayton. WE!re guesta of held in 1935. Mrs. Clare nce Allen on Wednesday. .

A friend In Need The funeral director i truly a friend in need to every membet' of the community. When sorrow comes to a neighbor, he can qe relied upon to serve faithfully. Behind him there is an age-old tradition of el'vice. Hi calling is an honorable one; his work the selfless devotion of a sincere and sympathetic human being to a most noble aim --the comforting of the sorrowful.


We have been friend and counselor to countless families in this community. Our services have been extended to hundreds in t heit hour of grief and we have never failed to be helpful. We ask that all whorcad this remember our name and addre s, that we may be of help to them should orrow make our services a necessity.

J. E. NeCtar. PbOD.'



The W. C. T. U. met at the home of Mrs. Oba M. Welch last "OIIder("II" 0., 1M Pllutbt VeClo1'~ ODd Lim on Thursday • .Eleven Jnembera were '1'Ibl " trom ),our ilrun'" toUr.' Itoll" present and arter the business .aMe .OM7 Ollllll1tatlOIll.. for ~1'" period, Mrs. Anna Stinson and reasons for IJuyln. Mr . J. W. Snell had charge of a mOllt interesting Peace program. Thi! Mlltch meeting will be beld the home of Mrs. Eva MacDonald. In this cUmate. fence must have real The Mason basketball boys pia)' ft&htin& qualities. or rust win aoon ed here last Friday night and our weaken it IUld then destroy it. first team was defeated while our Red Brand Fence is a two fisted Inauranee. Real Eatate, second came out victorious. • fi&hter. It fights fUBt. firlt, wi~ a Auction Sal.. . Mrs. l'rlnlis Cur] sp nt Saturheavy Galvannealed outer coatlnl; UII about annual payment day witb Mr. and Mrs. Frank KCond, with a real copper bearina inner section. DoubLe protection! farm insurance. . Squires and daughter. This two-w.ay rust protection Allio let us ten you how to "Brilliant State Reception Robert Collett gave a party last lave 20?: on town insurance, adds years to its life and uvea fence Beautiful Colorful Spectacle Thursday night. dollars for you. Let's talk it oyer. Will Clad to give you any a few of the Word was received here of the SWanky Affair" information about aU kinds terms used by SOCiety editon death of Mrs. Susan Anaon of of automobile insurance. about the reception of P resident We have for sale 100 acres, California. Mrs. Anson, together and Mrs. ~oosevelt for Members • with her family lived here for good buildings on paved raad, or Congress, Cabi net Officials and . , illectricity available at ,65 per many The Grange held a delightful the Diplomatic Corps last Thurs.aett. day evening. hour with a dinner , after Ph 2S we have pacty with 14 social The president. and Mrs. Roosevelt Wayne.ville, Ohio one to for small regular meeting Saturday night. receiVed more than 1200 guests. The Civic League met at ~_rt.r hi WbnesviUe or home o~ Mr . ehas. Pewterbaugh Th e Marine Band p layed. Plenty Lvte. of beautiful gowns and Army and lo t Saturday enning -M~s.L.~'CM~iffiir.r.~aM~'t~~==================~~==~==~~~~====~~~~============~ tu;oo-wjJ] b~a >-gotllll-ino.......,....--1 ..Mr. Navy d ress uni arms' were .in 'ev and Mrs. W. W. Welch and electricity, water, furnace. in Mesdames W. E. Oglesbee, Sadie ence, Also a number of Congress. Mrs. Clarence An~n, Waynesville; will bring 120/0 as Reason and Clyde Le-vicy attend- me.n uncomfortable in rented dress at dinner, today, Mra. Mary Davis rental. Mrs. Addie Smith, MI·s. Bessie Ansuibl. U you Intend to make a public ed Friends' QuaJ;terly meeting at derson; · Mrs. Goldie Bentley and Xenia last SatuTday. Mrs. Grace L. Smith. aaJe. it wiD pay you to get out' Mis!3 Anna MacDonald sllent the term.. week-end witb Hiss Eleanor Clark Mr. a~d- Mrs. Waner Kenrick, of near Ore.8'onia. Mj a Ruth Chandler wa the Mr. and Ml'l!. S. D. Henkle, Mi.. Mrs. I C. H. Deatherage of near Laura Rosnagle, Ml'8.. Magg:ie Oregonia called on several of her week-end guest here and attended John, Mrs. FloJ'errce Davis, Mr. . Waya..vill., OIaio friends Honday afternoon. Quarterly Meeting at Friends and Mrs. Harold Whitaker. ·Dr. Mislles Rhea McCarren· and Meeting House. Experienced and Reliable an d. Mrs. H . E • H atbaway, Mr. Mr. andrs. M J. W. Wbite'si de, Ernest Butterworth and Mr. Ever. Marjorie At'mitage spent the week Miss Alice Oglesbee. Miss In.H,,.,va, ett Early were dinner guelte of end here. ~!!!!"!!'!!!!!!!~~~~~~~!!!'!!!~I!!!!! Mrs. EdHh Herman rece.ived Lin scott, Miss Bessie Fitch called Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnett at Lytle, Sunday evening. 'word Tues da,y morning of her 011 Mrs. Ella E. Babb. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Clyburn of daughter in Hollywood, being ter-.,. ribiy hurt in an automobile acci. Washington C, g. were guests on .... dent 141'8 Herman left at once for Sllnday of Mrs. Cadwallader and piano. MillS Lyle,- the latter r ..'curn ..' .... " A -contest appropriate to St. Hollywood. Valentine's day was then . partielMrs. Mary Surface has moved 'home with them for a viait. Mrs. . Howell Pierce, Klases pated in by all after which delle~ • into rooms at Mrs. Clara Connen Annie U. and Hame T. Brown en· ious refreshmenta w~are served bJ home. .~a_." Mr. Everett Villars is operating joyed David Copperfield in Wi!. t~ committee in , Icharge, Meaa grocery in Spring Valley. dames ITVing Welch, E. F. Deppe, mington on Monday afternoon. ~,,~,~"'~''''''~ .~'WIIf Mr. and Mrs, J. O. CartWl'I"'ht, L•V. B ranetrja t 01', .~T . B • C Mr. and Mrs, Howard Graham .. Fri:-Sat.-Feb. ' .......18 ' will ent ertain the Wayne rOWnship of Cincinnati, called on Misses and ;I'd. D. Baird. If' • ' . REX BELL Farmers' club this Th1inday Annie and ~ame Brown, Tu esday ,Mr. 'and Mrs. Harlan, called on in . The first team of the basketball here, together with ·R. H.· FranCis Mrs. Ada Jen'kinl1, Sunqay. MORTALITY RATE Mrs. Settlemyer and son, of and coach Sanborn, went to INCREA.SES IN 1.34 Ripley Monday night and were de. Clarksville, visited Ml'I. Nlchol80D f on Tuesday. feated by a few points by that with . Mrs. Mar1 Hopkins, of Dayton, Summary of Ohio mortality com team. MARCELINE DAY, ROBERT Many i'r()m bere will go to Wil- and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke pilation for the firtlt 10 mODths ELLIS and ROY PARCY. mington Thurl3day night to see the were dinner guestal of the Misses of 1934 shaWl a marked in.c reue . over the corr~spondinr period in "Water10o Wonders" play Wil- Brown toda¥. SUII.- MOIl.-Feb. 17-18 Mrs. Qatherine Marshall, and 19S13, when the death rate for that mington High IBchool boys. JACKIE COOPER .Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hpckett Mrs. Frye, of Columbus, called on ),ear was 10.6 per 1000 population in were Sunday guests of Mrs. Sadie Misses Annie and Mame Brown, Which established a new low reTuesday. cord .. after a I~;.dy decline Reason. . for the put five 1ellrs. At the Mr: Wal es Smart; of CincinnatI with THOMAS MEIGHAN, present rat. of increase there will visited his parents here over the FRIENDSHIP CLUB MET JACKIE SEALL, O. P. be in 1,984, when ·the lInal eompna week-end. HEGGIE and DOROTHY WITH M.RS. IRVING WELCH ia completed, ab<lut 11000 ~ore Miss Irma .Stump, of near Utica, PETERSO'N.. . deaths than dllnbr 1988. was the .Monday over·night guest .. _______.........................,., of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Tichenor. The Friendship club held the The number of de.the for the regular ~onthly meeting at the flrlt 10 monthS' of UIS4 8', " home of Mrs. Irving Welch on 098; rate 10.9 per 1000 population; as compared with 60,164 rate Wednesday afternoon. Thirty three members answered 10.4 for the 8ame 1M!riod in 1983. Toll call and three visitors were The greatest · increase wa.. in eases of' the retlpiral~ry iD pl'esent. . , The meeting opened with the the death rate was 40 per singing of the hymn , " Love Lifted more tllan for tb. ".me periOd iD 1933. Me." The mortalit, rate tor fatat aeMrs. Franle; Farr had charge of cidents increased 12 per eent. devotional", reading from the this group a.utlomobit. twe.ntieth chapter ot Proverbs. led with a 10 ,per een't inereue. . . . . e__ _ __ This was followed by The Lord's Prayer. OHIO EMPLOYMENT After the usual business had been disposed of an enjoyable proSHOWS ~L"IA&o~ &"!,am was preaeDted. Krs. Irene Baird and Misa Irma Rich, dreBaed all belles of 1880 favored· With two beautiful old IOnp. "Lonr. Long Ago." and "Love', Old 'S weet Sonw." TheI weI'. aeeompanied on the piano bI _". lIaraaret Vandervoort. Mary MeClure pve a lImmorous readin. htitted, "Pat', \lJ)


14 lonna. The, Ollllte wuk ••k1Dn7


. tron •. ,teaIlT-lMtVed anel "110'001'. The, Ie


,Complete Seniee


w. N. Searl

--_e _ ___

IW . . ., 'II aynesvi efarmers' Excbange Co.

Master Cbevrolet . DeLuxe •

...., .



Friends' Home News

'.;.--_---------,,,;.1 T ..,I •• TbeateW



, "From Broadway , To Cheyenne"

N~w Stre,mline Styling

"Peck. Bad Boy"


INew Filher Bodies-With Turret Top ,Patented Knee..J\ction Longer Wheelbale Roomier Bodiel Greater Speed, Powe, ' & ~conomy 81ue Fla~e Valve-in-Head En,gine





JI'OD" Y::.r:=~

Eighty-Seventh Year






ASSOCIATION TO MEET FARM REAL ESTATE Health workers of Warren MARKET . IS STEADY COUllty are looking forward to an inte l'e ting conference to be held Tuesday afternoon. February 26, 1 :30 to o'clock. The group ACCORDING TO REPORT from will as emble in the parlors of the

Civil service examinations for the appointment of a dog wal'den for Warren county will be held in Cincinnati on February 20, it is an nounced here. Wade S. Brown. present worden and Heber Hutchinson, Lebanon, have sign ified that they will take the examinations. Although Brown has sel'ved county dog Ward en for tho past two years, his appointment was not recognized as officiul by the civil service authorities, owning to an oversight of the county commissioners in failing to certify the appointment it is said.


First Presbyterian



Followinl' Sharp Ria... Year Al(o. anon. All workers who assillted in the Littl .. Chao... I.

- - ..- - -

- - -_ _ -<0 _ _ _ __

================== Mr. Max McFarland is ill with qulnsy.

Mrs. D. C. Ridge and Mrs. J . W. Lotz were Dayton visitors, Monday. R PI . 088 anck and family have mo~ed to the Ellis farm lately puu:haged by L. H . Gordon. MI·s. C. J. Marquardt has been confined to her room for two weeks with a severe attack of grip

Mrs. L. D. Chiles is visiLing relin Dayton. .


Mr. Robert Chapman spent th week.end in Columbus.


Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Simpson and Mr. and Mrs. Clement Satterthwaite were Dayton visitors Sunday.

Mrs. Hannah Taylor is viSiting her daughter in Middletown.


Mr. and Mrs, MOrris Sherwood, of Columbus, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sherwood. Mrll. C. E. Anderson and Mrs. Addie Smith were guests of rela.tives in Spring Valley. Tuesday.





Donald Osborn. Bon of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborn has measl(>~. Boyd H:enderson, of Cincinn ti, apent the week-end at his hom l' here.


Our Jirst President


~ashington ,






Friday, March


1934 Christma8 Seal sale are urged to attend, a s matters 01 great importance are to. come beLittle strengthening in farm fo re the organization for their deland valu es occurred in Ohio In the cision. . Representatives of the Ohio Public Health Association second half of th year 193 4, fol- will be in attendance. lowing the sharp rise i.n the first half of the year, it is revealed In an analysis of farm real estate H. R. Moore of the department of rural econom ics, the Ohio St·ate r/lversity. Opinion of real estate men, as reflected il'l reports t o Moore, how v r, indicates t hat the land market is more active than it wall six months ago. But actual sales Dr. L. B. Hall. of Pittsburg, do not indicate that competition sptmt Sunday here wi~h his family Noted

between buyers has become keen enough to cause a signftcant rise in pric es. Prices over most of the year were r em 8l'kably stable according to the rellort. Tb av~rage sales price during the second half of the yeal' was $60.1S an acre, which may be eompared with ~60.0S for the first half of the }lear. Alt ho/.lgh t he number of f arm foreclosures has been kept in check by .the acti~ties of county farm and home protective COmmIttees and by nati ollal legislation, thes measures bave not been suf. tleient to prevent foreclosure In·all in tances, according to the investgator. The number of farms eold at f oreclosure sales in the second half of 1934 was 662, compared with 609 in the first half of the year.

Whole Number 6158


Ei.htll To ftll th~ vacancy in the posilion of Jlostmflste~ at Waynesville, the United Slate!! Civil Service ommission ha announced , at the request of thc Postmaster General and in accol'dance with an order of the PI'esid.e nt, an Opon competitive examination. Already llix candidates have secured application blanks from the local postoffice. They are: L. E. Bro lY n, Frank Fox, M. A. Cornell, Harry Graham, Fred Braddock and Mrs. Frances Brannock. To be eligible for the examination, an applicant must be a citize n of the United States, must resi de within the delivery of the local post offi~ must be in good physical condition, and within the prescribed age limits. Applications must be on tue at the office of the U. S. Civil ServiCe Commission at the close of bu siness ~arch S. 1935. Full information and applicatio n blanks may be obtained,at the po t office for which the examhiation is h eld, or from the United States Civil Service Commiseion, Washington, D. C.

Mrs. Milton Thompson and Mrs. Harold Osborn were in Dayton Friday. '

SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF THE Mrs. J. K. Preston was the guest of friends in Cincinnati, Tuesday. AMERICAN REVOLUTION

-HOG CHECKS wereMr.InandColumbus Mrs. C. E. Michener -TOBACCO GROWERS CORN FREE with next Sunday's ENon bu siness, A petition to the county comMr. and Mrs. Harry McGinnis QUIRER a great nE!W magazine ARE EXPECTED SOON Monday. missioners of Warren county. haa and Mrs. L. B. Hall and son visitMr. and Mrs. Ralph Hastings and been drafted, and will 800n be cir (ld relatives in Bellbrook, last fAVOR KERR-SMIlH ACT in full colors-"T1US WEEK" bringing you short stories, serials, Ion visited relatives in Lebanon, culated for the signatures of resweek. NOTICE,

ANNOUNCEMENT OF SERVICES AT .THE . M~t:a ~~:~~ w:~I;u~:~: o/~~

and articles by autholl's you like to Sunday. idents and freeholders of Wayne Approllimately 95 % of the read, Be sure to order your copy Warren county farmen, wbo township asking the Honorable Cigar-Leaf Tobact;lo growers in from ·your newsdeaI4!r. hav~ been expecting checks on Mrs. Mayme Hatfield. Ray mon 13oal'd to purchaSe and erect Hatfield and Charles James W(Ole bronzee markers with concrete and Mrs. F. R. Moomaw at Chillicothe on Sunday. Warren county voted in favor of their eorn·hog contraets slnee sbopping in Dayton, Saturday. posts to mark tbe gravea of the the Kerr-Smith Act applying to early in December, probably will soldiers of tbe American Revolol'Irr. and Mrs. Russell Wilson are the 1985 toba,cco crop. A relerenhave to wait from ten days to two Mr. and Mrs. C. S. McClure and tiooary war, whose graves are "AYNESVILLE CHURCH OF announcing the arrival of a daugh dum was held in Warren county weeks yet, according to informa- daughters of Day ton, wel·. guests located in Wayne township of said CHRIST' ter .at their home east of Waynes- Febr uary 18-14 at wbich time HA1CHI~IG tion received last week from auth. of Mrs. Mary McClure, Sunday. county. ville, Monday, February IS. ballots were provided the growers orities in Washington. Eth an L ewis, of 'Norfolk, Va ., This application is made under Carl Smjth, Minister .., d h k an t ey WEre as ed to vote yes' Word finally came to Lester I. who was expected home last and by virtue of the provisions of Mr. and Mrs. Merl Kerns and Church school at 9 :30 a. m., "no" to . the question " Do you Miller, local ~llten.ion arent who week. was unable to come because Section 2968 and . 2969 of the Lord's Su ppel' at conclusion. Chris daughter, Joan, and Mr. and Mrs. or fav,or a tax. as provided by tbe Differa From Laat Yttar'. Code fa has handled much of the detail of illness. General Code of the State of tian Endeavor at G:30 p. m •• evan- Roy J ohnson. of Cleveland, were Kerr-Smith Act, on the sale of That MiDimllllEl Pric" Not work in this county, after leveral Ohio. week-end guests of relatives here. gelistjc service at '1 :30 p. m. Aller and binder tobacco for telegrams BeekinlP information had Miss Winifred Armitage, of Cin Th'e 'marker is made of bronze .. ..... GuaraDtoeocl • and not all- cinnati, spent th we k-end with by means of heavy steel dies. It .!nay 1, been disrelf81'ded Pancakes. mapl syrup, sausage th e crop year b egmnlng 8wered, he said. Mr. Miller fine her parents, Mr. and Mrs V. M. is three and dne.quarter inches ip FRIENDS MEETING and coffee for 26 cepta, Saturday 19351" This act~ provided tbat if 176 0/0 The 1936 hatcher y code djffer~ called the IMpartment at Washing- Armitag~. dIameter and ftve-thirty aeconda First-day School .t 9 :30 a. m. February 23. at Grange hall. the tobacco K!'owers favor the in some respects from the 19U ton by telephone and this was folof an inch in thickness. Me&ting for Worship at 10:30 Guild of St. Mary's Episcopal of tax the Secretary of Agriculture code. according to G. S. Vickers, lowed by a wire giving added in- . Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Squires Tn the center of the circular Church. m. is ,iv.n authority to inflict a tax cnairman of the coordinating com formation on the status of' the pay were guests of Mr. and Mrs. , design in an artistic reproduction Several local citizens will attend at the rate of 25 % to S3 1-3 0/0 mittee in charge of directitlg the ments to Wal1en ct0unty corn-hoI' Albert Cornell, of near Ferry, of the croe of the Society in rethe Fruit and Vegetable Gyowen' on the tobacco sold by a non-con- code in Ohio. contract signen, Sunday afternoon. ,lief, surrounded by the name of FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST banquet at Lebano 1\ , next wee~. tract sign9l" This means that for This year no minimum cbick It was learned that the detailed Mrs. Vern Hough has returned the National Society and a !pace Carl Smith, Minister The spea kers will be from I.eb- eacb UOO.OO of tobacco produced prices are guaranteed by ·the code report from this county was In the home after spending several days in which is to be engraved the Unified' services beginning with anon. and lIold in 1935 by non-contract T.he only priCe provision in the departl1}ent at Wuhington on Oc- with Mrs. Ed Hough who has been name of the Revolutionary soldier church ;school at 9:30 a. m. and the name of one orl'anisation Mr. and Mrs. Marcene Lewis, of signer that the buyer would de- code forbids a hatchery from lIeU- tober 22 and that Warren county very sick. service at 10:30 a. in which he served. Cincinnati, and Mrs; Mary Carr, duct 1I0mewb.ere between $26.00 ing chicks below tbe cost of produc was the third of all Ohio counties to have its report in. Rev'. and Mrs. J. J. Schllelfel' The graves of many thou..nds of Lebanoll, were guests of Mra. a.nd $83.38, aceor.d ing to the direc tion. Each hatchery, hClwever. must There are 19 Ohio counties yet and Mrs. Nellie WeUer expect to of the 260,000 men engaged in WAYNESV ILLE M. E. CHURCH Clement Satterthwaite Saturday tlon of the secretary. This tax will tend . to prevent non·signers from list its prices with the state C6m- unpaid, aceording to the WasrltnllF_,leave Monday for Los Angeles, the Revolutional'y war are now evening. Rev. O. C. Dibert, P ..tor Calif., where they will spend two e ntirely lost, and year by year increuill&' their acreage in the mittee, and must sell its chicks at ton authorities, and it was Sunday: Sunday school at 9 :30 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Allen face of advancing prices and ·thus these listed prices. This section of ted that the Warren county months with relativea. t hi s mumber will increase rapidly, ;'::.+.....tnmed to their ,h ome 'fIr1)ayton, protect the contract aia'ner. the code prevents hal~cheries from had been sidetracked in the P k unless a decided effort is made to a. m. MOl'Jling wOTship at 10 :S:":O The Communion of tbe Lord's MO)lday, after spending eeveral Su,alDal':r .f Voti"a making price concessions to the tap~ down there .. The report d anc:es, maple syrup, sausage locate and mark all graves that Supper will be observed at this months with Mra. Allen's mother"N b fIt. 35S bargainer and rna. klnj' up this dif- here wall complete In every aFn b co ee f20ar 26 cents, Saturday need attention. Posterity will pre. E th L 6 30 Mrs •. L. D. ChUea. um er 0 peop e vo Ing... ... .. • ,. but had not bee aent to the e ruaty , a t . Grang~ halL. sel've them if they are marked • . serVlce.... ·thpwor N"mber peop' Ie . votinlP, yes 3.,.A S ference at the expense 01. the buy- l'nlP department . n another GUI'ld of ·St. Mary's EplScopal ' M' H eague I H atk : . of . Thi~ notice is iSBued b>y . co·u r· p. m."1 ISS. e en ~w . e as ,Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke and Number of people voting. no 20 er who quibbles less ~Lpout prices.· 'Church. ., I leader. Evan~ilhs~ic serVlCCS at their guest. Mrs. Mary Hopkins, Base tobacco acreage where Another new proyision coverl through which the papers t(1\Y of The Miami Gazette and is 7 :80 p ..m. ThiS w~ll be the. aeeond 'Of Dayton, were guesta of Mr. and vote, yes. 1681 acres. the mat ter of chick..sexing. Tbe pass be1.ore cheeks can be Mrs. G. C. Miller, Misses My!' Ie ' addressed to aU partriotic citlzenB p i n a serl~s of speC ial Sunday nls:ht Mrs. Stanley Sellers of Leballon Base tobacco acreage where code provides that hatcheries out. and Doris Miller, Mrs. Orville ~f Ware tow;shi . It you are a services In wblch different clasllell Sunday . ,. , vote it no, 106 aerel. which sell chicks bl7 sex mUllt Mr. Miller lltatel that the reporta Millel: and daughters, Barbara and esc n ant 0 a Revolut~onary. and organization. of the church • make definite guaranteel to the have now been sent to the auditing Nancy, of Sidn ey, wore guest of hero who has been buried within will have a proqtinent part. ~ Mrs. E. F. Deppe lett Wedneapurchasers, and that these guaran. department and that if inform a- Mrs. Clifford Bu zick, Wedne day. the present limits of said townllhip tees must be fulfiUf!d. tion from Wallhinrton it is your r;1rivilege and your duty Friendship class will furnisb the day morning for the home of ber 3pecial features 10r this meetinc; parenta In Linton, Ind., where ,he S· fIb h I his telephone eonsel'Yation, 'is cor. .Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hartsock and to report such information al ,ou Ize 0 eggs set py ate er el . rect the checks Ihould be available Mrs. C. E. Deatherage were may have at this ' time, in order Wednesday : Reading Circl& and was ca II ed becauae of the lerioua .n are governed by th4~ code. The h I . prayer me~tillg at 7:16 p. m. ,illnels .o f her fatber. minimum size permltted il 23 here within a couple of weeks. guesta at th e celebr&tion of the that t e co lected d~ta may be . - __ • golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. turned over to a committee, which Mr• and ... · Cheater ·cu tler and TL -". F armers of ounces dozen, an increase in preaizB . WI'11 ma ke S UI' t a ble p.r eparatIons _ra. .. e Wayne T6 . wnBlllP one aonce a dozen over the t I M'l es H aml'Iton a t th' ell' .h orne In ST. MARY'S CHURCH lon, ' of Norwood, ilPeDt tbe w...k- club wu dellrbtfully entertained viou rovernill'g hatcheries laat .... 0 Lebanon, Monday a1.ternoon. lor public recognition this sPring Rev. I. J. Schaeffer Rector end with Mn. Outler', mother and. by 14r. atld Mrs. Howard Graham year~ . ,or early SUl'llmer. . , sister. Mn. B.e rtie MUll and MilS at tbe Harveysburr 1f)'Dl. February The 40 hour week" !let as basic ep C 00 Mr. and Mrs. Homer Ramby and It is to be hoped · that iecret February 24, _ Sexages.lma Sun· Lena Earnha""'. . 1A Each -'elt on arrival waa daughters Opal and Naomi, Mr. societies, The American Le...lon,. ''"' I 9 80 M •• .....~ , ' l ast year, has been rl'l'sed to A8 d M Ed R b M d M ., day, Churcn sCuoo at : , om h nded I f 1 ti to • • an ra. am y, r. an rs. Sons of V eterans and public Ichool ing ,Prayer and sermon at 10:80. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mun,er b: mat ice di~~e vape'!t ne . hours, but the weekllr rate of pay According to Walton B. Bltu, Clarence Simpson and daughter officials .may be found -pathetic entertained at dinner Sunday, Mr. c e or . r a n.en. ' to hatchery employell remains the executive secretary of the Ohio were Sunday guests of Mr. and and re!lponsible to thi;' ~ll. and, lin. Clarence Craddock and After thd e wdell p.repadrebd dlDbncr lame. Education Association the achool, Mrs. William Snyder, of Dayton. Will the descendants of Joseph ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH dan,g hters, of :Dayton. lin. L. D. was lerve an enJoye Y a out Last year people who bou&'ht will receive fort)' percent of the Chiles, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ~O members and giJe.sta the follow- and sold eggs for hlltching pur- salel tax receipta Instead of the A "jitney" supper for the bene- H. lIay~, 1763-1846, whoae arrave Father Newton, Palltor Allen and Preston Vaqhll. tng .p rogram wu Iflven: Invoca- poses, but did no h.Ltchlng them- major ahare commonly aaeribed to fit of · the Friendship club of the is . in Miami cem~tery, please reMass a.t St. Augustine's Church tion by Rev. Thornberry; 1011. call selves, w,ere not governed by the them. BHu further ' pointed out M. E. church in the basement of port? every second. and fourth Sunday Mn.. Carl Duke spent. several aDlwered· by valentine quotations; code. ThiS year this group is in- that the aal.s tax would produce the church Wednesday evening, Can at the office of The Miami f the month, days laat week in Dayton a ..iltln&, iOns-"The Old l'ashioned eluded. only ,87,000.000 for schools. February 27 from 6 to 7. Roast Gazette or addrese jour eom· .. _ . in the care 0( . her lTanddtuchter Garden" by lIrs. LeMay and Mrs. •• municipalities. and counties to re. chicken and trimmings. Each item munications to Frank )(. Pox, CARD PARTY WAS little Dolores lean Graham, who Saekett; .ddr... by "Dusty" YOUNG FRIENDS' MEETING place the .....000,000 which was 6 cents. Wayne_svi _l1~ 2~'_Rou_te_ _No_ 8. WELL ATTENDED haa been very aick followiJllr an Miller; ' long-"Plantatldn Luna· loat to thelB three unite when the Mrs. H. E. Hathaway and Mrs. by' by Mrs. Lellay and Mrs. The Young Friellids' Meeting 15-mlll limitation wal reduced ·to Mary McClure WEre in Lynchburg MILBURN S. RICCS ' operation on her throat. . K D__ ' Sackett; the !peclal topic "The will be at the home o:r Charlea and 10 milia. DIES AT HOSPITAL The card party, epoJllored by S Kn;~ _!~Ylo~ lin. !'!1~ Future of Aariculture" by W. R. R "Schoola had a clean-cut cue for Saturday, where Mrs. Hathaway the finance committee of the Lm 'E ~ "S·~t - d LeWtl. Devotionall by ~ev. F::;uar~o~~~r Sunela, "eninl', ltate aupport eeveral years be- gave a cooking demonstration for Funeral services for Milbum 8. Wayne Township Mothen' club, uey m e1, ..... UJ ThornbtrJ7 Faith Tomlinson. le8lOn laackr'. fore the IO-mill limitation became the Fairley H~l'dware Company. Ri,p, '4, who died at Miami Val• • _ _ Eli Furnas, devotional etreetive," he declared. One cake was gIven as a prize in a ley hospital at 12;15 L m. )(oaday g iven at the gym February 14, Waa Cheater C~ lPeat Sanda, tn well attended with lever.. l perlOns Middletown with Mr. aad Kn. A CORRECTION Paul Tomlin8On, "Obviously an), plan that pessing contest. • Iwere held from the V. H. StoOilq from nelghborinc towns prel8l1t. Flo,d Ko __ . leader. not even l'4!plaee the revenue louA good supper of pancakes, ,mortuary Dayton, Wedaeaclay at I 18 tablea w~re ftlled for bridge, The Warn. Townlbi~ Kotllen' under thi. limitation do .. not maple syrup, saUll8&'e and coffee I p. m. Interment waa ill _ _I euchre and "600". Prl... .ere club .01 meet In the lunch room Ia til. Mcount "bleb a'ppeared 801"8 the schoollnancln, problem will be .served ~ tbe Guild of st. cemetel')'. awarded a& foUowa: at the Grade buDdln,lI'riday after III laa~ ".elt'. Guette . of the A aruaranteed levy · In.tde the K81'1'1 llpileopal chureh at Mr. lllal had Um DODl' Mr. Loop, of Leballon; noon March 1 K ...b .... from the J . . . . .11" R. A. Oroq "elac honorOne of the chief 10 mUla .aa advocated aa • meau GrallCe hall, Saturday, Plbmary for 14 y...... ad f", bridge, 'Arat, M11I. E. C. Cra~, IIr. Ljt~ community wiJI fVDIIII \lte ed at the last m ..tint of Wayn__ Iq in the way of of preventilllf nallilc:aUoa. in ceat&. 7~~~ • NI!~~.} Lowell Thomaa; conlola&loD, Mr. proctaJD. vWe Loclp ol Kuon.. We . ..,e his lorelan trade m88y eaaea, action 01 148 and Mrs. .Jolin Goa.; nahre. ... .. t., aftCl etaW that h. had qreementa ia btl", C01DIIIileiO.... of Part of C. ·L. Duke and Sons • .,. lint, Ilra. lira. A cood RPPU lM8Il • meaMr. of the tratemft, trade do.. not tIM tncla "ted for lehools III oat- eompleted a larae lanclaeape pJut .7..... CUrlett f. .. ...or we are glacl to between Ilde ....... Ina at llRapPJ ". will be 117M" 01






F armera Club Met I Harvey.burg

Salea Ta- WI-II N

R Iaca S h I Loa.e.


lth' 't

u.... ....-




Fir t choice for alfall leed, u Eneour are th.m and urely when ...-------!~-----------------...,'at jail. UII.88; Kaufma n'., til 'I .ee your team progl'elJlling "hellac. turpent int' for hCriff 1.1 to point of oriBin, II Ohio, they will rally to ucct'!.'g it only residence, $!t9G; Wm. ~Iufford, Michigan, and Ontario , accordi ng tram Jealou~y. wa!lhinlC fo .. prisone rs during Jan- t o tht' agronom ists of the Ohio uary, $40.72; !\trl!. Della Hufford, Stole Univers ity They list for lecDUr Ginger : Edit d by the Booster Club of Waynes ville Hilrh School leeding pri ~o n e rs during Junuar>, onel choice seed from Wiilconsin, Would you be 80 kind 8S to FRANK HAWK E 1935, $419; Th c Silill C.ompnn y , Minncl;ota and the Dakota I' and ' me how to win th e atl't'dill n of a L-------~ -----------------fOI' third choice, seed from Kan--Idi~i n ,fectant. $21.16; BI811' CECIL HARTMAN cl'l'tain Se nior boy whom I ll dmil'~ . Aaai.taDt Editor Commo n PI ••• If>rocM41ia •• tate is exempt tram inherita nce Hospita l medical se l'V ice~, Broll. NOR NcbTllHku, Jdaho and Utah. $30; very much. but who is always tax. HeI'schei tile, sCI' ices, $!); East 'c~ c1 from klahOma, New Mexico giving me the dOor? His chief atIn I he matter of the End Garnge, gs 'o lin!', $24.40; Arillonn, Califor nia and other applica tion Starh lim(' p riod mad the final score traction . howeve r. Se<'nlS to b ill B•• ntball T_raa m.nt of the council of the Village IIrl Dllkin, 'Va yroll, 1 2~. 1 5; H . taies south 01 th Kansas-Utah of 35.:'17, with Highlan d on top. The ayto n. Please help me us I am HarV Ma,r ,i... Lic..... FrillaY' Niabt y burg, for authori ty to L, . chuyIN', payroll , 1 5!).~0; lin e is listed as und sirable. line up: in I'nrn at. What . hould I do? tramCe r fun ds from the Auto Tax Tony Barkel' , painter of Middle- Lewis & Drake, Inr .• sewer pI pe A Jun ior Girl The Warren county bask tball Fund to the Genu al fund transfe r town, and Miss Mary Agnes SturHIGHL AND coal, $23.68; L~banolt LuTtlb~r Dear Junior Girl: tournam ent will ope.) Frida" night NO'tlCli : OF PUDLI BALli) of fu nd ~ is granted . gi • of F1-anklin. Co., )u,"ber, $10; Th~ Oregon ta F B T Of course I realize that everyFebrua ry 22 in the ym at K;ng~ In the case of Carneli a Whitne Bridge Co., widing, $63.25; The In pursuan ce ot an qrder of l he .9 o 18 on'e who writes to me is strictly in W i- versus Annie M. Stanton , ety Mill". In aqditio n to the u~ual Boyer, ! ProllUle court ot Wa.r,r en Oounty, Ohio Corrug ated ulvert Co., Ohio, 3 7 earne t. I haven't n l?ugh space aI, petition 1 senior high school. playoff, there Wright , f !July mad " an d entered on ~b Real E.tat. Tr_.f. ... Culverts, $238; Dr. J. E. Witham, 'I'llb day and oPIPlica tion referof .lUnuury . 1935. In the 1 o 2 to tell you how to win the young red to Charter will b 8 girls' tournam ent and 8 Davidllon, c Louella c;'.e Holfma ot "Cho.rlrll LJoglln and Cllat'l ell n Kehoe to s Maple. Cbarmedical services, $13.59; 01'. J ohn It. :{h ~ phoJ' 1 2 4 man but. I will give you a good bejunior high school boys' touTnll- Burton, g d, 11.1 n(lmll!latralQrs o! les Carr Jackson In the , case 13.S5 of acres in Zettel, glasses, $17.46; Dr. W. J. lilt' ,'"Lu lu Qt William H. HarHixson. 3 Lydia I!J. l:>b llh rd. d 6 ginning and am willing to give you mon o ment. Turtlec reek township. verlus N 'lised Plalntlt ra. 'VI' Erneat ShepRosana earlier, (It a1. Moc'kle r medica l service~ , $ L :I.97; - - - - - - a personal intervie w for detailed order 'herd The s nior teams bklng }laTt will . ot nl.. a. .ald Barbar a E. Scblech ty to Marge Dr. W . to sell r al eEltate, describ ed Hoffer, mcdiclil s rvices l\' ~II' bl.l ng numb '0redtondo.nt 17 37 informa tion. Alway meet the boy in petition 1880 on the include Carli Ie, Massie, Morrow , Total 3 S. Sharp, inlo No 876 in Frankli n $49 ,58; Dr. P. H. Kilbou Uoc k t of Bili d Court. WI) 111' 111 otter a Tract No.2. rn. with a smile, not affected but sin· MII;<on, rur sale t public auction o n the Ott rbein, SpringboTo, In the case of E. O. Tnomp son Louis Harold Kalbe to Pearl B. glasses, $10.47; Dr. Samuel WAYN E VILLE W. Hh (Jur. of 111 rell. 1935 Ilt 2 cere. If at all possibl , ask h im to vcr us J . O. Hartsh Kin{(s Mills and Wayn , ville. hatrer real o" estate ' lork l". M , on the pr mllea. th e ,o rn, t he in defen~ Frankli n Herman , medical Cook. se'rviccs, $88.87; tollowln f 3 3 7 help you with ome of your lesso ns dant is granted Since drawing s will riot be. made g d scribed real al .. l e. lo20 days to file townsh ip. Cary's Jewelry Shop, glos es, $5.2 o 4 ~thus giving him the feeling until fi:30 Friday eveni ng, it i Davis. f that pleadin Edward g. \Y!!~IIUO Hawtho IO rn In thll Counly of Wt.rr.n to Carl E. 24; Dr. Paul A. Garner, medical 6 1 11 you need his guidanc e. N ver offer imp08llibl now to give the pairings Grift)'. c In t he Slnte , or Ohio and tn t he In WeUs the case real of estate Johnsto in n Frankli It Johnn. service s, Boger. $9.78; g Dr. lown~hh E. F. Deppe, 1 o 2 t o help him for it would insult him ston versus J . O. Har~horn, ' ne ..nd bounded There will be fOUT senior high August Ast, deceased, tl? Matie medical service , $30.73; Dr Frank u"d IllI·theratdesWay de. rlbed •• tallow •• 106 1 11 Above all nev r refer to Dayton f ndant is granted game Friday night, one at 6 Meredi lh, g wlV UI' lng a llarl of m ilitary Ast Christi an. 20 ,days 117.61 to Ble acres in A. Dilatush. medical services. I:!ur~e:l' nUlllber c;( Entry happen ings but try to interes t him pI ading. 218% and o'c1oc.k. one at 7, one at 8 , and the Union townsh ip. tOI' dio p rl .herein cODveye $39.11; Total Dr. be· .. James , ,.,. Arnold 15 , medical ginning In th e }£(1It lin III ILd.etone 6 35 in Wayne ville affail'8 . Never last one at nine. This will con]n the case Nellie of Jacob Pummi Ehllng ll, c8dmin ver· istratrix services The , $2.09; Junior high t.eam also met giggle when Blair ,vh BrOB. r a Hos'wlllle ~ k tree bea.r. clude the high-school prelimi naries N. a near him, walk sus William C. lKannin g, ot the· estate of Louie K:nott, pital medica l services, 230.44; IInke lind on th e wellt ba.nk of Saturda y mornin g will be given with defeat at tb& hands of High- quietly and gracefu lly. never known as W. C. Mannin g and alao ceased, to C. E. Ausma nn four ea88 r 'rL'ck , Th nee N. 61' 80' W. lots John' Law & Son. gas. oil, repairs GO 76 po1e8 t o a. Blane. Thence N . 28" Fimaking your p resenCe obvious. o,'er to the junior high school COD- land to the tune of 12· 16. delity and Deposi t Co., ot Mary- in Maineville. 301 Ea.el J4 .1Hl pole" to 0. e l one. and storage , $63.25. , U'st , with the tollowi ng teams 'fhellCe S 62' Ea .. t 16. 28 polea to a land, B corpora tion. consen t judgIn the matt-er of the estate of _ . • - ...- - 81000. Tti~nce N. 1 : 45' Eaa l ~5.80 t1lking part : Blue Ball, Carlisle , ment of $100 to plelintitf. It is or- James W. Prel!l~y to Bertha Alice W.ahm~-Linco)n A ..embltJ l'hiu. a-nd Thata of tile Crades pol es to II. Btono. 'Illenc N . ' E. 30.4 fi ngs. Mills, .Mason; Massie. Morpol e. 1'0 a. .ton. 'l1hence elered that no recol·d be made of Presley and Ruth McClure, inlot The Sophom ore class present ed SO uth o· E. 46.20 pole. to a Susar Miss Reedel" room h'as a Tlew case. r~ , Otterbe in, Spri?gb oro and an njoyabl e program No. 220 in Lebano n and 104.37 tr"e IG Inc h~B In diamete r. 'Phence f or the as· pupil, Beulah Smith. S H' 45' 1~ U.8t 3a.2f ))<>1 8 to a. "t"ke, Waynes ville Games wlil be playc:d sembly on Friday, comme moratin acres in Clearcr eek townsh ip and g '\'ll(ll)ce Moi S 12' 30' But 60 pole. t t. s Hal' sock's room hos a n w • 103.75 acres in Turtlec reek townat 9 o'clock , 9:4&. 10 :30 and ll :- \tnc birthda ys of Lincoln and s tbll e. 'l'h'ence S, 4' , SO' E. 81.96 N_ Suit. Wash pupil from Peebles, Ohio, Carl ship. poleo to a s tille o n lh WeBt bank • 15. . Ington. A on~ the antire assom Smith, Junior. Corneli a Whitne y Wise v rsus Of oUllr t.;rc<lk . The nce with ~he Saturd ay afterno on Will see bly opened the by Lorena T. Nyc. et al to Sarepta In nnderlllg R th orco f : meeting , following • Miss Carter' s room was sur- Annie M. Stanton , ,et aI, to regil48· W. l.a O 1l0lcM to II. 8lake N . 37'S, 10' the se~lor tourna~nt resume d. \thi devotionals Templi n, four lots in Butlerv ille. 'V. U .2 l given by prised on Valenti ne da,y whe.n ter title to land. 1101 • to II elake S. 67' W, 21. 44 pol ea At 1 0 clock the winner of the 6 Margi Tinney. were In the matter of the estate Ie> a .tllke of S Recentl . 64' SO' y. Reading s were Glenna Wade present ed the ,..,. a 20.62 dairym polel an The Southe rn Ohio Savings Ral C. nellr class o'clock game (on Friday) plays given e .Brant, deceased, t o Janie Wooste r discove red that when he to n slak N 72' 15' W. 20.38 p olel GI nna Woolard and with a pop-cor n cllke. by Bank & Trust to Co. slak vler c, sus Th The ne N. Jun. 51" 80' W. 8.68 the winner of the '1 o'.clock game, l Eila n Hall. Revere nd . G. M. Brant and Harold D. Brant real ted ground alfalfa hay to his 01"8 to 0. s lllk • N. 65' SO' VO'u t 28 cows 1'VUII'~ In Mi s Day's room there were ior Order United Almerican Mech· estate in Morrow. at 2 o'clock , the 10llen of the 6 ert gQve a most inter ting C. Dibto lho place ot ... gln nlllg anll they "fell off" in milk and address becam anics. e Lodge No. 2(15 of Pleasan t Conlo.lnl nf(' alxty tlV& aares 2 roodl twenty- two with pErfect attenda~d 7 o'clock . rames meet. At S lin which . he pointed David W. Holling shead, et aI, to gaunt. He had decided to f eed I ))ole of lI\nll mar or I p' . ... out that Wash ance for tbis week. We hod per- Plain, et al, for mc.ney and fore· the II.nll SaId I' al eillel o cl~ckJ the wInner s of th~ 8 and ington and Lincoln were Gwilym E. Jones. II retot-oT8 hal 116 acres in ground hay in order great to save men on c.losure . bee n attenda IITprals II lit Lh RUlli of 122110 nce four daya. 9 0 clock games meet; whde at 4, because they kept the rules Union townsh Ip. roughag and e. 2-3 Such Of lalclllPp a 'proced ralRed of ure the may Jessie Is O. ThompslOn venus Ida On Tuesda y We enjoyed the protb6 10lere of the 8 and 9 O'clock game aDd that t hey lived In the matter of the estate of prove to be "Love's Labour Lost." 01 sum of IH60,67 lind the valu J>robal and died gram in memor y of Wuhin gton L. Bangha m, et aI, tor money Cour~ of WnTr n co~nIY. 01110. hal frays will compet e againl t. eacb I for us. The remain der Anna In experim ents carried on at this clu'l y t l ~d th prlce!i l Wbloh laid of the and Lincoln . The Virgini an Joint Stock Land Frank E. Presley , decease d to I'~nl KIaU\, mny bo 101(1 at th o Rum other. A. Presley , etal, 127.64 Station and reporte d in Bulletin . , 1 periOd wa devot d to longs ~nd Bank versus Albert r tH G . ' 7 n~!J tll.. arne <wil l n ot be On Thursd ay afterno on the F. Rehn, et al acres in Frankli n townsh . S.aturd ay mght at 6 0 clock, the yells in prepara tion for ip a"d 602. it was tbat ground hay "01<1 for I ." than Ulllt amount . JUnJor high team 1.hat draWl the game with Highland. the commg Valenti ne box, which contain ed 6 for foreclo sure a~dl appoin tment 160 acrel in Turtlec reek townsh ip . .il much lessfound Term. <>f snlll : aah. palatab le than whole large number of valenti nes, was of receive r. ' I ·\'IU.I~ I!I Jl OAN. bye will oppose , tbe team that Charlel G. Kibbey , decease d, by hay and that it hu a tendenc ('UARli l';S R. SHEPH ERD y to opened. cornel out of the 9 :46 contest . A. Admlnl lmlor. o f tbe a tal. admini lltrator to J . Henry Scheng . upeet the digestive mechan ism ot nt !.~· dla E. Sheph rd. dec~a.a d. ' Perfect spellers . for this week A lrirle rame will be played at P,o),at . (:0." Ciaa.r· . Colu_ ber. 60.15 acres in HamUt on town- the cow. The grindi!l g ~f ha'y .~os fil·.131-F 38 were Pearl BiglrBt Elsie Bogan, 7 o·eloek. M. .ie, Carlisle, and !!hip. a tel\denc y to lower Its dIgestibIlity Dear Ginger: The ~iLl of ~anll; R. Robert Britain Kinge Milt. will enter the girls COladqallj Jr. O. U. A. M. 378 rather than to raiSe it. The cow Would it be proper to enterta in Dorothy Franer. , Gwendolyn Fit r, cea ed, 15 admltttld to Combs, de is teams. · Martha p robate. Hiatt to aTld Theodo re A. and Hattie with The invento ry of Fred" Lacken s real estate in Cozaddale. G Tlgar equippe d by nature to take care of At 8 o'cloek. the loser of the 1 who the usual tea, a young man Frieda Ellis. whole haye and from the experihas just announ ced hla enThe Eighth grade ia lodking adminis tratrix: ot the estate of o'cloek rame will meet the winner In the matter of the estate of ence at this Station grlndin gageme nt? r of Robert forward to a grand victory at S. Lackenll, decease d, was Charles Penkaw a, dece.,aed, to of the II o'clock pme. At 9 O'clock nays interfe rel with this mechan 1-2-3 , Kings MilIl Saturda y, approve d. the lo..r of the 3 o'clock game Dear 1.2.8 4: Louisa Gattha rdt real estate 1ft ism, rather than aids it. C. F, ManThe invento ry of Emily Wrilrht 'Kings Milla. Wilmln com.. up ~nat tbe loser of the roe, a!l3ociate in dairyin g at the The tea is conside red proper if to Idlool . Wolfe has come back e~ecutrix of the estllte of Sher after :I a week's iIlne!l8. , o'clock ,.me. We Ohio Experi ment Station says that the engage d young man ie enpg- have another scholar , Robert Franer, deceased, was approv ' .. Thll system ill known as a ing Bi.lh AUowW the ehoppin&" of hay, which reault6 A certifie d Plank, copy dOJJble-elimination and ia new in of making the entry our deenrollm ent 53. . hi much coarser particle s The Eighth grad~ had a valen· termini ng the inherita nce tax on Warren county. The echedille tor ,Dear Ginier : Trultee s of Public Affairs grindin g, has not given these than unthe estate of Perm'et a V. Wiko1r, sprinkl ing and fountai n rent favorab le results. tine box and receive d many valen . the clOlin, pmel, FridllJ and Is it the true .sign of an Also, Borne deceased, is to be cE:rtifie d withou t '9; Ohio Saturda y, Mareh 1 and 2, will be ment when a lady wears aenrage · tines Thursd ay. Central Telepho ne ground hay may be ted as a part man'. delay. !riven Jlut week. Oorp, to~ls VarioUI olllcee, $34.85 of the gnin mixtU1"e without fratern ity pin! unThe schedu le of debts of Robert J. W. LIngo, Hardwa re 00., !lJlon favorab le Tesults Coach Bodenb ender, in an blter "Wond ering" if some whole T_cJ.. r. M•• tiac W. Brown, executo r', of the estate gel, brushes , '2.20; Keever view Monday . expreu ed con- Dear "Wond ering": 's Ororoughag e is al80 'fed. . The Wayne Township teacher s ot Stephe n O. Phillips , decease Adenee in the ability of Wqnes d, cery, c:Ieanser and matcheB, $2.40; It is the custom for Moreovar. it must be rememb erfrater- met O'll Wednes day evening with was approve d. ville to eome throllp the toUl'1l. 'n ity pin to lignify a the Ealt End Coal Co., c~al ;tor court ed that even though the lady's en- Mr. Frank in charge. At this meet. hay ....."a".a The invento ry of FJorenc e ShU. house. ~21; The Childre n's ment in goOd shapE. At the l!alDe rageme nt but if you are the Hos- ground into fine particle s It is Btill lady in the discu sed the oratoric al maker and Elva Earnha time, it Ibould be pointed out that wearin g tbe pin and you are rt, execupitaliza tlon, ~21; Dr. .Henry M. to the cow. The grindin g 01 the teame are perhaps more evenly dering, then your ' c~e may won- co~test.y It was decided that the , tors of the estate of Lydia. E. B"lown, medIca l lervJCe~ , .20; hay low-gra be an de rougha ge in order to rllom elimina tion will b held on Keever . deceased. 'was approve d. Mrs. HC)ward Sawyer , 8ervle~8, $7; divided thil year than In previou l excepti on. th 8th f M hS preven t the cow from refusin g the e The adjudic ation and determ ina- Mrs. H4!len yean. Springb oro h ..d a very IIUCDoughm an, l~rY1ceB ,$7 coarSe par~ is a questio nable ___ ___ ___ ___ e 0 :r: ._ _ _ _ tion of thf!....inheritamce tax or! the Mrs. Ira .Eltzrot h. le",lcea _., ceesful 8ealOn, but lost to Hal'· Dear Gin,er : , $6; practice . 'Althou gh th cow is con ~ • estate is to be given to all persons Mrs. Lilhe U,r ton, . servtce,3, $10; aidered a dumb animal, uyabu r, last week. Harvey sburg Help u&---W e are dellpera te! OHIO STATE POSTP ONES she has a 43 YEARS OF SERVI CE interest ed. in tum. 10lt to Otterbe in Satur- It is said that we are the ruinatio n Mn. Maude Deardo Bervlces, lIullleient amoun t of good judgTEACH ERS' CONFE RENCE Howard Monger was appoint ed $7.1I~1 The Columb ?a ff, day night. MalOn .nd Morrow of the basketb all team. What can Blank Book ment to eat the better portion s of admini strator of the estate of ~fg. Co., vend~r's hc:enses n f.tLl\ V ltne Itrong outfits. Kings Mills we do? We want to win that tourin dup. the Toughage when given a chance Sarah E. Monger , decease d, . a Tid hcat. and Waynea vllie did not meet this nament , yet they say it's becaule LEBAN tor Audito O", r. OHIO $6; Woolro wto do her own selectin g. Ohio State Univers ity has been filed bond of $8000 with auretie •. WeU year. Carlisle may surprie e every· of UI that the boys keep late hours forced to abando We have. com,le te The owner cO)1ld saVe himself n plans for the J. J. Gallaher, Ralph! Robinso n and blann, Stanaw e Co. requist ion one. ,21.26 ; Fr~d Proctor , work by feeding the refuse to What would be the proper time to Ohio ed(lcati onal confere nce WatcJ. Rapai, S.nric: . this EdwaTd Stout,en borC)ug h were ap- ledcer IIh~~ for AudJ.tor, ~.19; othe,l' animals or. if it Attend the toumam ent. Stand send them home and how IIhould year. Preside nt Prices Rea onable were conald George W . Right- ppin~ed appraIs ers. Lebano ll-Cltiz enl Nationa l \.Bank ered absolut ely essentia baek of the team. We treat them at school! They tell mire aJlnounces. l gHnd • Beada Re.trun g r 1l1arie Hill was appoint ed I ;.IS that we should not speak to the The confere nces have been held ecutrix of the estate of Frank ~:I. Co., rent of safety deposit box, ,5 this refuse. As II matter ot' fact, ii Jewelry Repaire d R. Comme rce Clearin boys. Local Boye .D.feated by Hi"''' ''' and We are torn betwee n love each spring since 1921, attend- Combs, decease d, no bond requjre d .renewa l tax Beniceg House, Inc., the cows are judiciou sly fed, the "THE HOME OF GIFTS " duty. Please advise UII.. $20; John LaW refuse from uneut hay feeding con ance growin g ;from 600 the first Robert M. Blair, executo r of the " Son, PI. ,2.16; The Wester ill nrille , Faithfu l Sweeth eartl year to more than 15.000 last year estate n sists mostly at the coarse. woody of Anna E. Presley , decea- Star, deeds on order ,of !!ale for In the &ealon',s lut game the Dear Faithfu l Sweeth earts: stems and foreign materia l. This when Mrs. Frankli n D. Roosev elt local boye went down fighting. The It &eems tbat you have commit - and other nationa lly-kno wn speak- ed, tiled his applie:a tion tor a Iherttr $6; ~lt~OU8 ' TranBp orta- refuae probab ly will have a ieedcertific ate of trandEl r. aame W&ll a real tllriller . The ted a terrible offense in ruining ers discullsed the tion Co., freigbt bn 8upplie l, 60c; ing value lower than straw. crisis in the , D. E. Heywoo d, admini strator of Harry score was tied at the half 19-19 your Waynes ville basketb all team E. Rudma n, dental service s, • __ schools •• . the estate of Perme'l ia V. Wikofl', $11; G.-iswold Service Station and at the end 35·35. An OT_:- Since the boys can't stand the AccO'di , gas SCHOO L ANNIV ERSAR Y ng to Preside nt Rightm ire deceased, filed his :Orst and tlnal oU, alcohol , chains, on sherUf' s pace, the only thing for you to do the. univers ity now has 1000 . cara during .Januar y, '32.10; is to uphold your high school's studen~ than it did a year mor~ account . OCCURS ON APRIL 23 ago, The will of SanfoTd J. Brown Woodro w-Weil ·Stanag e Co., The. The 1985 h"tcher y code contaln a r Io"" force • oS by forming a team and win- with no con:esp onding e in d ecease d, was a d ml't"ed provisio ns coverin , chicken ·sexing nipl" t pro ba te accoun t-sbeet s ·"989 ,the girl's tournam ent. It is funds. As a result, increas ', a · K • L . Horn .~. , univers On April 23, 1636, .eitizefls of ity The invento ry 01 W. C. Shephe Definit e guaran tees must be made the height of rudenes s. When one funds, personn Clothin g Store, Januar y rent, $10 el. and facilitie s executo r of the esta'~e of Florencrde Haa:z:y to purcha lers who buy their chicks has reached your age, he should are taxed Z. Gr.y, rent, ,61 Gcorge the s~all town of Boston. Mass., to a point where elimi- E. Sau8!ler, decease d wU approv ed Offord, by sex, and these guaran tees must re.tille when to go home.' By all nation jaDltor ""ices , SSC; W. establIs hed a public latin school. of some service s lIuUiide AcertiB ed copy o:f the 'e ntry de H. Wrigbt , ~73 ' miles .s district be fulfilled. . means speak til the boys at Bchool.! classroom became necessa ry. the Becaus e 'that school, s~iIl in 'Ox. termini ng the inherita nce tax on manare r NRS olllce. ,10.92; the estate. of Cynthi a Evan. de-' Centra l Teleph one Co,r p., HntOhio utence , 'Was 'the ancesto ry of t~e and h' ceased is to be certifie d withou t tolls reempl oyment oiBce, ,8.96; modern Ilh ~<:hool, teacher s and delay. .Dr. H. M. Williama, inqueet , $6.Walter C. Andarll on waa ap. 90; Dr. H. M. Williame. inquut .tude!1~ t~roughout tbe country Phone 78J , will Join In celebra ting ~prU 23 pointed administratoll' of the eltate.. f6:90; Dr. D. M. William a. mas the three hundre dth.•nmvers ary of Omar Hartzel l, .decease d, and ~ue.t, '6.90; Dr. H. M. WtUiam l, .of second ary educatI on in the filed bond of $1000 with luretle l.lnque at, ,UO; Dr. Romell BNwer United Statel. Harry Darmod y, Paulioe RU.y and medica l, ,18.10 ; Dr. ~ceordin, to Ohio State Un'verHoward Anden on were .ppolnt ed L. Oook, medica l, Mal')' ,9.08; lity I colle,e of educati on, which apprais ers. 9IOTARY PUBLI C Dr.. O. t. ~yman medica l ..lvicea is Jofoln, in the celebn tion planl Margue rite 'Hartze ll t wu ap. $88: D1-. Jam•• Mulfor d, pointed guardia n of WU\iam Hen- lemce l, 6Sc; Dr. Edw. O. dental it'l ~ far cry from ,tbe mod.rn Morey, public hlah Ichool back in the WilL Drawa • " E ...... Seuw drick 'Jartzel l mlno;r and m.d medica l aervic. ., ,84.95 ; Dr. bond of ,9000 with l~retleL ' . Bridcea , medica l IIImc. ., R. O. Bolton enterpr lae of 1685. WAYN ESVIL LE, OHIO fll.09; Open only to boy., the Boeton Freda Hoci;lIon ftled an applica - Dr. J. A. Noc:k, m.dica l .eme. .. echool tau,ht IIttl, but Latill and tion for an order al~thorilin. the t58.66; Dr. W. ,D. Bi.trled , d.lltal Greek. It frequen tly took ltudent a disposal of the eetat.l of Flor. Eu. . .rvIc.. ,1.0'; Dr. W. E. O,l ~ IAU DATES CALL CLASS lFlED ADS COST ONLY ..b. . . . early .. six and Itt.d\la~ed them gene Avey Hodpol1l. a mlDor. t medica l aervlc.... ".09; Dr. D, E ••t 12. . . ' 'ONE CENT PER WORD. WHY The invento ry of W'ade S. BroWn RgdmaD. d.ntal IInfiCM 'U.87; Becaul e luch a proram did not admini strator of thll ..tate of Dr. C. G. Randal l ,.mleal, lenicee . m~t .tbe needa of the tim.., other KEEP YOUR ATTIC FILLED Emma J. Camp, dec.lU8d~ wu ap. $86.1'7; Dr. B. L. Rout!c ran. dell- pnvate lehoola ca~ into ulat,e nce proved. tal service WITH .. U2.70; Dr. A. D. a l!ttle later. They. were lmown USELE SS ARTIC LES The adjudic ation 8Illdde termin•• Spellc:e, medica l _nic. $2,"; varIous ly al &cad~mJe.. semina ries THAT CAN BE TURNE D INTO tion of the irtherita~ce ~ on the Dr. ,S . S. Stahl, medica l ,Iemc8l . ' l, institut ions, or Simply a~ IIchooll. estate ot Lina Baxter , dec....d, II ,12.&7 ; II. C. Forman , JESSE payroll ITANL , They MONEY FOR , SO SMALL A IlY admitte d girll as Well. &II boys to be given to all pe·raon l inter. '178.20 ; lohnso n 1Iy.ra, payroU, tended to teach any for ••••• OD, " _ ....... ..... _I. ested. ' '67.20'; Jobn Barr, )&)'rOll, '1110._ whlcb there was sufftclesubJect OOST. TRY TRIS ,MEANS OF nt demand , \ Louise F. Pardee , udmln iltratrb Oil; Earl Duore, pa~ll, '65.20; and depend ed partiall y or wh~1l1 SELLIN G AND SEE WHAT A of the estate of William F. V. M. Armlta! re. payroll , EAItL KOOGLEIl '68.80 , on tgltion teel for tht!ir runnln , Schenck, deceaaed, flIed bel' In• .T~hn llyen, payroU, ,73.20 Da:rt- P~ ; .J DIFFE RENCE IT WILL MAKE ... espenn a. )lor.e than 1100 luch ventory . _ DUIlD, aervic.. at meebaDic, "2.40 lehooll were ·KE. . . . . . . . eatablis bed in Ohio Effie S. Pierce and (Jrace Loll Tlae 1101'1'0" Feed It Supp., TO YOUR POCKE TBOOK , AS Co., alone. , Thornh ill, encutr il:" of tha win aDd lumber , f14.92; Early ~n t.he ninteen th centul'7 WELL AS TO HAVE YOUR estate 01 Irma W,. Bela ch, d,ceue d Clark, locuet po., f81.&0:OI.lton Groa p\1blic oplDiOn demand ed that filed their invento ry. ServIce Station , paolill ., ,1.18; IIconci ary at STUFF Y OLD ATTIC CLEAN ED A certl1led copy the ••tIT de L. L Pence, radiato r, repain , ..... educati on be well .s ekmen tary provid. d by tbe termini ng the inherit ance taz 01l 10; L. G. Andert On'l Sana OUT. IT PAYSI Co., public acboolll . . This led to the riae the eatate til Lydia I:. lteeYR , d. lumber , ,16.'71 ; J. D. Adama POIl " AU Co., of the hlah schools. Betwee n 1840 cealed ie to be e. Whd 1t1thOllt INder parte. $aO.81; OrepD la and ),860 .any Ohio commlllliti.. FOR SALE- -Auetra liaD BaU_ delay. B~ Co., crUDd. r ",10; ..'-blilhe d hlab lehoola, Cleveland PopeOl' J. T. RU.y, .clmlDt:atrator of the The J'nmk 8hl1'WOOcl Co., peo1tDe eincm ati, Sandua Jq, Oolumb ul HalL . ll" 8 lbt. lie. lin. L. B. estate of Dora Ch~~D d..... .. ena Walt. Garap , 00 ad laP. and Portlm outh heinl amoDl the .filed his ~nt and ift~ ~ceonL Fred Kab lIotor Co earlieR . By 1890 the hleh .chool FOR SALE -Llttl. t.d 0l09W Th.·est ate at Ro ~ B.--LaebDe fl.'" J. T, Co,""" , ., bad diaplaced the academ ,. SeecI. P. C. BubbeD , I, dec......, II WrOa .......... ; B....,. LudbIc~ • - • Wa7lle nUIe. ·ftI ance tax.. Fher r e d a . . .fo'I ... ietratrl x at.. 01 PallIIe • It Ie eatima .... coant7 POll ~:=~= eo.lDltW teernthat ... certite ate of 0. til. COIlfte t of local pro• •I_••

.chool High Spots





CARY'S JEan:t Dy SR'.P


F 'r


Auc tion eer


Cen terv ille, Ohlc-



Stanley &Koogler Au ctio nee r.







by taxation; de.' and interml'nt at Springboro reme Harvey M11I I' IIn,1 ~ll m Bu" en, (na Mae 8nll Alta, spent TIlanda}' lied In Nov.mb81'. Sevellty·tour Rih'erton, buarel If tllI"·C·IIII. • I(I t'U'I'WIIII with MI·s. Loll Powell. pro· ' It'ry. industrial fat&li~iea were reeorded fen ~e, inrllltltn(C un avi , Mr. Mary Cannony ~njoyed a The n....ociutiull •. IIluntlinll' til J\.J r • "'l'l1a NIiKh IIpent Tu aday in the ltate durin&' December, !frain, lind inc)'eB"lId nil priations; I·evi. ion and Of', family !rath rin~ S\lnday at the TC'lCII SI' 1I nllnl\)1'1' of /,hun'lInt!! in in Dayton. Superintend4nt Kearns stated. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY NRA; IImcnclmentll to Federal hr'me oJ! Jl.1r. IInu Mrs. W. F. Clark Southl'l'O Ohio within a , hOI t l\llIton Eakinll and family were -~ ~ cc the ut V; l1ynesville. \\ hil ~. The chie f JlUl' flO ~(' t f th4' shop ping in Wilmington and 'Day. Heller"e Act · t ryin~ to D. L CRANE ,I I p.lln'ber, Su••erlpti•• Prl••, 11.10 a Y.... budget; the' Soldicl'~' b : the I Mrs. ]Iestcl' Rogers o[ Ma on ol·gllni7.lItiotl i!'l tn l'('I'I('ni :<h deplrt- ton one day laRt week. . OSe. P_a. ...... ... ...... .. No. liZ Entered at Po.toW". at Wavau· munition inquiry ; endeavoring to spent Monday a nd Tuesda y car· ing gam(' in this pnl't of th· .tut/, Bruce an and [.ee oilins of RealMc. ... ..... .......... N •• III v11le, Oblo, aaKatter a.~"114 CIa.. Ibn bring about foreign trad~ l expan · ing for her grandmother, Mrs. Ilnd (lth I' ,i millll' work if< planncd Harveysburg railed on K. E, ion j I'Xp n;;ion or influliol) of the Lottie Carey who ha b en iII for for th~ coming month!!. Thomp!lon Monday afternoon. currency; pl'oviding jobs for 5 mil· almost three year Bnd is gradually - - - - - Fricnds and relatives here of FEBRUARY 21, 1935 lion, 01' morc, joule, s ; and collect· growing worse . Johnnie Thomp. on of Cincinnati, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Young and ing war deLts due U8 {rom Euro. Beech Grove were sorry to hear of Mr. Thomp. penn nations. family were dinner gu sts Sunday _ __ _ son having a stro ke. By Rev. Jason Biddlecum, of Ore. e,' ning of Mr. and Mrs. Walter K. E. ·Thompsun (f this phct> Cangresl Getting A Mind of Ita OllYn Form r King l\lfonso pswn. Lacy in Dayton. received ,word last w ek of the I' . ~onia.sJ nt Thursday with Mr. STEPHEN M. YOUNC Those who forecast Lhat the present Congress, like its predeces. ed a pal't of th Spanish crown '. l1J-. ~nd J'!hs. Ed Lohgacre and cent and snd d ath or his cUll in , and Mrs. K. E. Thompson. ,or, would be simply a I·ubber•. tamp for okeying the plana and experi. MI'. alJd Mrs. Elbert Rich and jewels for rcatly money. He has Mri>. Ke~ler Graham attended a Mrs. Su ie An!'oll at h 'r hilmI' ill nbol.l t fiv . million dollars in Di~ trict onferenca, of the M. E. Englewood, ments of th> Pre ident, were mistaken. The Congress has a mind of , alifornia. • h wa~ fami ly, Mr. Grace Ri ch, of near its own theRe days, and it doesn'i hesitate to exp'resa it. It isn't so San Diego is 'holding an exposi. pawnablEi jewe lry with himinexil e churches of War ren county at born and I'ai~eci ut this plnc<' and W lImnn, . spent Thursday evening t he younge -t daughtcl' of lIill\Ol with Paul Rich and :family near disruptiVe t.o Presidential polici 5, of COurse, as the Congrell8 which tion ~is a~d .next year, and in San This fudni hes an idea - why Lebanon, Monday evening. Lebanon. our govel'nment ask should not MI'. Raymond Davis and Mrs. and Margaret All en. wreaked havoc with the Hoover Administration, and contributed much It. IS proposed to hold an Mis Grace J ones and brother to pass over the king Geol"g Ella arman of Dayton were Tue!! Miss Opal 1\f cGI'Il h i~ th l' \'icti~11 to its collapse, uut it is giving Mr. Roosevelt Bomethin .. t think about exposlbo? In 1938. Congre88 has ' . ." 0 • been petItIoned to donate $360 English d'own jewel as part pny· day afternoon guests at the home of the mumps at hcr home at Evct'ett, of Blanchester, attended 'I'h fi church at this place Sunday evene rat aciual rebelhon agalOst the WhIte Houlle came ' 1~ the OliO 'of pubHc money to San Diego m nt on th war debt? Also give of Mr . and Mr . Cli ff Burnett. Olive Branch . ing. .enate, when the World OU1·t was up tor a vote. Every PreSIdent Bills will be introduced asking us Bermuda and l'eceive il l'eceipt Rev. and M~. Walter Martin of Mr. and Mrs. LaUl'en!;.: Jacohs, Mabel Terry and Inn Mae Wells on account? smce th~ wal' has advocated Am rican participation in the court, with twice that for the proposed San pringbol'o attended the social of Hllrveysburg hav moved til the spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. reservatIOns- and ev ry Preside nt has been turned down fiat by the. Francisco exposition. --- -~meeting of the young people of Collett farm, formerly kn own as K. E. ThompRo n and Kathleen. With more than a milliOn Ohio Senate. It was alm ost univer ally believed, however that Mr. Roose. Lytle church Ilt the home of Miss the Deski farm. Vir~inia and Donald Foulks W ed. . . Lyt'~ velt would be able to do what Harding, Coolidge and Hoover · were peoplo o!, relief, no congre88man nesday evening. They organjzed an Mls~ MarIe Well s "':as tI Thu1·';. ACRICUL TURAL COLL£GE unablt,) to do. Most big newspapel'5-Qutslde of the Hearst chain- f~om OhIO at le~8~ should support Epworth League. day night guest of MI , s Rathl ell (Delayed) were for t.he World COUI·t, 08 were most publicists and political com. such an appropriation. OFFERS SCHOLARSHIP Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick, Mrs Thompson. mcntators of both parties. It is said that congratulations were being Mi ss Laura Rosnagle of Cincin· Margar t John s and Mrs. Walter Miss .Lena Mae Mountjoy Ilnl!' received by World OUI·t adv ncates before a vote was taken, so cer. All of us who advocate adequate nati was a week-end guest of Mr. K nrick were Dayton vi itors a beautlful 8010 at the church here Ohio State Universityl~ oollege old age security legislation should and Mrs. HnJ'v y Burnet, of agricu lture is off'eri nR' 20 fo urTuesday. Ion Sunday evening. tain seem d th~ passing of the neCeR!\B ry bill. bear in mind that $100 per month Mra. Jennie Mullen, who i stay Lon Brannan of Xenia called on year scholarships to Ohio high Miss Bernice Graham spent' Fight for the Co:! ~l was led by Majllrity Leader Robison-no to an elderly person in the back. xpert on fOI'eign polic y. h", is eonscienti'ous, hard working, loyal to wooda of Tenne886C would go a ing with Mr. and 'Mrs. Charles Thursday evening of last week K. E. Thompson and family atul' school ~boys outstand!ng in agricuIture. Each cholarsblp has a value his chief. Fight aguinsl t was led by Senators Borah and Johnson, lot farther than a great deal more Clark, pent Sunda), at her home wlth Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Weitz of I day morning. at Ferry. Ft. McKinley. Loui s Mal'ko and qthers, of of $240. . " who fear and dCbpise any kind of participation in European aft'alrs. than that .amo~nt to another aged Mr. and Ml'S. 'Ernest Lacy and and Mrs. Ralph Johns and Dayton, Ohio, wel'e here on day . A speCIal xamlnatlOn wIIl be Mr. Re ult WIlS that the Court was defeated-it gained a substantial p~rson livmg In some Northern family of Dayton spent Sunday daughters, Evelyn, Francis and last week. gIVen throughout the s tat~ e>n majority in the vote, but not the two.thirds necessary for authoriz. cIty. Tho Town~end plan does n~t with the fOl'mer's mother, . MI1I. Ruthanna, were Monday evening Miss Pauline Marshall, of Oreg- March 23, th~ same ~ay the gen. ing Amedean pl\l'ticipation. Some twenty Democratic senators desert- IlniVdO consld~ratlond't~o geographIC Emma Lacy. dinner guests of Mr. and Ml' . Roy onia, did sonle delightful singin!\, eral ~c holarshlp tes~ 1S conducted " a economlC con 1 Ions. ed Mr. Ro oAcve1t to vat ogall18t the bIll. Mrs. Harold Wbitaker Ilnd chil· McKirby and family in Dayton. at the Cottage prayer meetings on for hIgh school semora. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Longacre last Thursday evening at t he For the. Pu~P? e o! this conte~t, That was major rebuff number one. Number two will probably SelJlng DT. Townsend's booklet dren spent Monday in Waynesville Mr. and Mrs. Thet'l Jemes and had for their dinner guests Sun· home of Jam es Head and iamil. the ·tat~ IS dlVJded In • four ~I&­ arise when the President's social security program begins to be worked is the chief Industry of Lilog tdcts Wlt~ the fiv~ hlgh.ra~k~ng nalots s em to favor Mr. Roosevelt's recommendations-- Beach, California. The Doctor son 'Milton, spent Sunday 'With Mr, day, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Swank in Oregonia. out. }' w and Edwin Nutt and family of Dayton. Mrs. George Davis, Mr. R. J. Murray, Mrs. K. E. students ~n each dIstrict recclvmg they have other and, for the most part, wilder ideas as to wtat IIbould charges 25c for a bOOklet costing a near Centerville. ond Mrs. Lester Dietz and family Thompson of thi s place ar On th e cholarshlps. be done for the aged, the ill and the destitute. It is no secret th~t th", fraction of a cent. United States Mr. Lee Ma on of Mason return of Cincinnati and Mr. and Mrs. sick list. this week. • -- • White Hou e is worri d, is bringing all pressure to bear in an eifort mail inspectors are inve~ti~ting ed to his home Monday after Ed Longacre. Forty.fou r attended ottngJ N_ 016-. to su bdue opposition. ~o determin~ whether he IS .vlolat. spending several days with Ch/irles Missel! Wylildine Kurflss and pray l' meeting at t:h home of The Pr ident's $5 000 000 000 public WOl'ks bill bas alao found l~g any la~. Probably he IS not. Clark whoso conditiOn remains 1i1dred Young in company with James Head and family in Ore. Newly el-e.cted officers of the , ." ' . , f SImply makmg money In an easy about the same. hard going:. ongl'essmen are opposed to gIving the sole authorIty or fashion never has been illegal. Few Ru th Collette attended a birthday gonia on last Thursday cv-ening. Ohio State UOl'ticultural Society Paul Smith spent Saturday with party Wednesday evening for ThOSe from a distance were : Mr . are 'Wheeler Welday of Smith. disbursing it into Mr. RO\lsevelt's hands. wi h to ear-mark the money are lucky enourh to do it, that's all for definite purposes. As a l'Osult, legislation is held up. The Townsend plan, which pro- his brother, Howard Smith and Miss Anna Louise Hoak at her Hayslip and daughl el'S and son ' , field, president, Howard Scarff of n ar Cen tel·vi11e. . . home near Waynesville. Clarksville, 1(. E. Th ompson, Oti New Carlisle, vice·presid-ent, and Behind much of the opposition to the White House is the ' old vides UOO each for every man and family Mr. and Mrs. William Long Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick, Ml'. Rich, Marie WeU I Kathleen • W. Ellendwood of Wooster. element ot political patronage. Mr. Roosevelt has not, in the view of women over GO years old, will cost spent Saturday in Dayton at t~~ ' treasurer. Frank Beach of Oolum. m.any Congre SOle n, allowed th m to make their choice ot "Deserving our Governm~nt 24 billion do\lR~s home ot his daughter, Mrs. Her· and Irs. Earl Thomas and Mrs. Thomp on of this place. Margaret Johns attended the fun· Mrs. P. G. Wells daughter, bus was re·elect~d secretary. Democrats" for government jobs; he has often disregarded the recom- a,n nually. ThIs. is more than ~l" man Saylor. of Mrs. Eupbema Hough at "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!'!'!!~~!'!!!!!~~"""'!~'!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ mendations of Senators and Representatives as to state appointment.. tunes the entIre Government lJ?' !\Ir. and Mrs. Frank Kur1f\ss were eral the home of MI'. and Mrs. Guy -;; . C .. bb d" f hi come from all sources and IS Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Kibler in Dayton Thursday and Congr 98 1$ angry o~er thls-.and a ongre88man, TO e. 0 s equivalent to $1000 annual cost cllllDce to put constItuents in easy and proft~ble jobs, II In no mood for the head of the average family Mrs. Claude Lewis 011 Social Row. burial at Miami cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Graham for joining whole·heartedly into a progl'am ad~anced by the man 'Who of three children. spent Sunday evening with Mr. did the "robbing." and Mrs. Harry Graham. A sales tax or a !\Bles transacMis es Katherine nnd tion tax bears down heavily on Smith were gue ts of l'eljiltivca in people in modM'ate circumstances Dayton nturday. MI'S. Ed Longacre and Mrs. Cal. 1 and the POOl'. The direct cause' of the French :Revolution' was a !\Bles vin Longac,.-c att-ended the Home tax. Incl,'eased inheritance taxes Demon stration meeting iin Leb. against great fortunes and increas- anon, Wed nesday. A number of Wayne township Tbe Ohio State Univer sity Radio Station-WOSU ed income taxes against neat Mr. and Mrs. William Long at- sportsmen attended the meeting of 8:00 Music wealth would not prove so burden. tended the funeral of the former' s the Southern Ohio Coon Hunters 8:05 Virginia and Ohio Go to Court ......... ......... .. .... ,H. E. Eswine some in raising revenue to provide brother, Edward Long, at German. AssQciation at Loveland lQst town undl;\Y aftel·noon. Thursday evening..... t tliat time it :15 BilOks: Gl oom hasers for the Blues ............... ,' ... Elma Whitney adequ.ate old age pensions. Mr, hnl'1es Guitner, of Miamis· was announced that a number 01 :26 Mu ic .............. ..... , .. .:.... .... WOSU Players Being a Congressman is)ust a burg spent Tu sday afternoon cottontail rabbits, ucoon and op· 8:35 Home weet Home . G ' J B P k job. Not such an easy Job at with his niece, Mrs. Kesler Graham ossum had been released during :50 What pring Grains Shall We row . .............. ............;. • ~r present. Here are a few of tbe im. Ml'$. Mal'garet J ohns erntertain. tbe pa$t two weeks in Warren durability and ~ 9:00 With Homemakers in 1934 ... .. ..... ,... : .. ... . .. ... .. Mmnie Pnce portant matters awaiting considera cd Ml'S. Gi!ol'ge Davis of Cincin- county and those adjoining, by the exquisite design • 9:10 Music tion: The Work Relief Bill provid nnti and fr~ and Mr . Ed Long- association. ~e h~hest ideals in plated ware-are auured m 9:25 Tr nds in Commercial Feed Sales in Ohio ............11. E. Briemyer ing • billion 880 nliJlion doUars, acre to dinn f1r Wednesday eyening. Officers elected by the a8l!lociaspoons, forks, and fancy serving pieces the Mrs. Chorl Mullenix is im. HOIl .at that time were C. R. Coler :36 Som Sidelights on Ohio Dairy Markets ...............R. W. Sh~rman taxpayers will have to pay , this in the Orchard .................... F. H. Beach eventually; Economic Security proved aftel' a severe atta(:k of the Th Moist.ure Problem president; Charles LayNorwood, 9:45 renowned trade marlLegislation, providing old age pen· grit>. mon, Mason, vice preSident; A. E. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.-:..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, sions and unemployment insurance Mr. Frank Fox and family at- Martz, Cincinnati, secretary; H. L. :The "l'oWllsend Plan, which is tended the funeral of his mother; Mull~r, Silverton, treasurer; Joe caulling many a Cilngressional Mrs. Eliza F ox, at tbe home of Mr. Wright, Sharonville; Clyde Perry, headache trying to figure how 24 and Mr . Evel,'ton Hayner near Branch Hill; OrviUe Halbisch, There are various makes of sllverplated tableware billion doU annually can be Springboro, Monday af~ernoon, Batavia; Ed Hagin, Loveland and


Straight . from Washingt.on







I Farm !tight lalks, february 25


B!!~!.!'d .......e.~~!



Best of the News Direct ' From the Ohio State Capitol



A new drive bus.

amg::~~es t~: 1l1?c::at!:~ingOfliq~~! briLliant Columbus Is preparing for a I· B",d' • Motors Went· 3.0 ,000 Miles event-the first annual itT of Liquor Control, it was stated by ban, under auspices of the General c ~~~~~~~Dq~~~wu~~~~ hl~~ ~~, ~~::~~;~::::~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~=~;;~~~~~~~~; Director Joseph H. Scobell of the Orton Chapter, Reaerve Oftlcen' Summa.., of Automoti department. Sixteen liquor license association of the United States permits have been suspended with. Army. It will be staged the nilrht of February 22 in the ballroom of in ~be past few days because of tJhe Deshler. Wallick hotel. MOTe alleged violations of the slot tna· than 400 couples are tlxpected to hine 'regulations. Rolders of the attend. uesta of honor.will e. Iluspended permits will be given an Governor Martin L. Davey, . with opportunity to appea.r before the , his milital1' aides, and Major liquor commission and show cause General A. J. Bowley of. Fort why their permits shouJd not be Hayes, who is the command ins revpked. officel' of the Fifth Corps Area, U ~itedt States ctr~"1' f~e ball 11 Public hearings throughout Obio b ring 0 a can uSlOn epart 10 pa tiQn of General Orton chapter in the places and dates to be announc the current national defense -e.I8o ed later will be oonducted in order to &'iV'e ~n opportunity to mUk pro- bration. ducers and distributors to present their version& of the operation. of Announcement of ~be ItMaml the milk marketing law before the ""hich wID b. clol.d to tl.hlnr tbil apeclal 'Houae 01 Repr~ltIntatlves year bY' order of the Ohio dlvtalon committe whleh wa. ereated to in. , of conservation wal made Iaat veatieate the opert,tion ot the tem- week by C~)O""ltlon ComudS. porar'" emergency law and tbe ad· sloner William B. Rellihart. Tb.y vlsabiitty Qf Itl re.enactment or are: ' Mad river, In a.aup e01lDty repeal, accordillC to a decilion and its tributariel between State made last week. Route 32 in Loran coanty and U. S. Route 86 ill Champaiarn county; Cedar run and ttl tributarlea In The laws enacted by the special Champaiarn county; Moore'. run In sessions of the legislature in 193~ Cbampail'n and Clark eootl.. : and 1934 are being ~ou.nd and wU the east . braneb of th. Cuyalop be avallable for . dIStrlbu~iO!1S~t! j river and Ita tributaries b.tween the office of Secre~arr 0 Kiles' pond, Geaura county, aDd George S. ;Myers. Wlthm a week ~r State Route 87, except Tare cre,k ten days, accordmg to Ge~1'ge . and , ita tributarlea; Butternut Neffner, statistician and edltor,:~r creek and 1ta tributaries .; Cbarrin the Secretary of ,State. P ~ river and It.. tributari.. between public.atlon will be knownhals .;: Ba88 lalte and Fowler. mUL Ft.bII, Volum~ 116, Laws of 0 o. . e will be permitted in Mad ri..... 1984 opinions of the Attorney from Urbana lOath General, which are distributed also Spriqft.ld to Dayton. by tile Secretary 01 Sta~e, 'Will be Mapi showtnc tho. . .treama wbleh available in a eouple of weeu. Th.e are open and tho.. whieh .... ltipulated price of tbe oplnionl IS to tront filhina, the . . . .n U.OO for the let of three volumes. iI fram Apri116 to SepI....'... h,". 15, will be proYldecl Gab.... Th State Department of Health b, the eouenoation cUYlaioL . e d a ftew amphlat on , p~epar~Ulrh as a s;..lult of tbe A total of half • million wortill. woo.. J1Ir C f th Iii..... in Ohio clay. waa 10et ID Dlllo durl.., Depn...lenee ' b Dr 'nnlt of ill4l1Stdalia (t. cDO:~=tor!f b~t1a. Tb. jari. cd CJeenpatianaJ ....... B. d of p....IDUOIl of anae1l1M*l ThOlUl P. Kearna,... ....t me 0 Ill. th pHper care perintendut. of the dlYilioa ~=e~co~ penmnt Ita aDd ., an .....1 ..... III &rial qoD__


'i.' ;:ar\""fh°


W'" ... eat..,

TriPI at South Pole Showl . P rf Amaailll e ormallH.

which are claimed to be "just as good," but. like aU 'imitations, they lack the beauty and wearillB__qu~ identified with the origin~l and genuine n 00 ROGERS BROS, , ware ~pularly known as #.,si/perPJati'iTJat W,ars. I. , -. SOld by leading dealers everywhere. Send lor ~talogu~ .. C-L" showing all designs. ' IEllDEN BRITANNU CO., IIHnItIlA:!:'~~t"·· oo"leridel. c-.

._.... 0,._a.,...,,... ... ,..z ••

8y Lleut. Cclmdr. Georg. O. Novlll.,


a~ oillJlerolio

1J.1,....~-1 .... 0,._ .. BtrI'. 2'•. ' 10"'101

'Nf... . I


B....P'".. ••C_.1I4 B.,., ".","



TlC~, I'.b. II-( ...Ia u RadJo)-Tb. aeeoad B11'd Aotarc • EzpedIUoIl len LIttle Ameriea t,o. dar, b~DlIDOIt of I.. autolDoU". eqlllDlDeDt _ltIl U-tb. bl, Coodor DIU'. Wtlu.. Rorllck, wbleb , bu dOD.lucb, Dlquldcent work In lODe fUlb.. UDder lhe Ikllled euidanee ot Harold 111118; the aerul GeoerIU and PUarlDl plaoe.; the 'Foltker, ' wrecked ... ,ean 810 40& mllM 'Mlto 1»nMlCllt fa .ad repaired CClllUDaDd.r Behloeebaeb; the J'ok· Iller aDd autolJ'ro wrecked · on thla 4qladltloo; the bt, tbrtl~motone! Ford plan. Ju.t due up after Il,.e 7MH UDder tbe aoow lIere aD. or tb. Cwo Utu. Citroen lrBCtors uc1 th..... Cle"elanc1 nactor recatered froa WIder til. 100" 11 IDIl.I out. wllicb b..... ,.VOIUUODlsed polar trauponatloa; aoll tbe two 9orcllDowmobllea. pricelesl ID load· ' l q aDd uDloadln, our ablpa.· ., . . automotive equlpmeot or t.bII upeclUioa baa baeD Il".n tbe IIIGIIt pueUinc aenlee uked or alii ellDllar machJo ... Tbe aU& ltll. -.m- wlaleb w.... broucbt to tile &at.uctle were atoek 1I0Jta w...........,. ucl ."neers cer.....17 Deftr conatdene! till operUIq CODdltloDi tlaal ha ... e lMID to eM tNt III 'U.., OOIlcel ...• • .... w.,. w....... t~rtJ'·ats auoUDe eGII.... OOIDprialac Ita _t tnoaa. ....bln. lrooa 1 paaact. d.... 10 II pauudit. c.adIu.. fa dlw air t.IIG '"' . . law .... atrcnIft . . ......... IIOl -.t, .~ _ _L ..... ...... .....


LI.ut. Com, O.or,. O. Newill., E>elcutly. Ol'flc.r -to-ra-p-I~d-1Ul-f ::-:f;:0-:r-:aU-;;-:pur:::::poa== .. d- w'"':.t:-:d-e-"-.-rl:-a-::tI:-:o-::n~I:-5-;I::-n-;t::em:::-.-:t:-:ra~v=e:-;-le:-d::-:7-:.2::::08:-::m:-:1;:1.. poratllre. On tbe ,rouod the tractor'll locludlne uoloadln, of the .hlpe. had evsn ,reater dlfficulUtl.. In m, report to Admiral B,rd u eel" at all time. to eapaclt, the, fuel and lubrlcatloo eoatoeer. I .ta~ bucked the ~UDdInC, rtIndtlll. jar' ad tbat 10.360 ,all001 of Tl'dolcaa~ ,ed lee surface da, and ollht, fall. line and 1300 pUon. of Veedol Ill' ID, IDto crevassee. t8a1r\o, olf brlcauD, oU b..ebean lilued. craoll caee. and 011 panl, twlstlD8Under tbe clrcumataDeea, tbll ex. fram ..., 'teanDg off, t,r:eadll. Tqell8 pedltlon Is proU.d ot Ita traDiporta. were tbe difficultIes tbls terrible tlon department. Certainl, It bu d. lurlace hnpoaed upoo the automo- quitted ltaalf nobl, and tbe p, ~ ttve UDlta and &I' If tbta ,,,re not vam of exploration /ald out b, tl.;t eDou,b our tractor. bad tal operate commandlog omcer would bin In temperaturea ... low at. 70 d.. beeD Impoealble or accompllahment ,reea below sero and lD '~Iod. u wltllout tb. . . .lltaoee or tbla d. hlall u 80 mllel per bour. 8DOW penm.Dt. .torma and bllizarda dlled. lbe ra· Now tbat tbe ,.pedltlon neara Itt dtatora aod lotalre manllolda wltll eDd aDd tbe .bipa have lett LItU" toe rHot like particle. of lee that AIII.rlea tbe tractors and alrplaoe.. bad to be clug out wltb a cllll.l. have performed lbelr Iut eirort In Certa1DI, lIae opera· tile Antarctic. About 200 tODI or t100 of tbls equ food ud eQulpmeot were 1I0wn ar.~ out three laltent haUled to tbe ablJl\t aod 110111::,, of tile wben all lb. odd. and aDd. """ tbe excepttonal pIcked up oue of tb. tractorl L'~ fu .. 1 &taO Vee40t the plUM tbemael".. were load .... b, tlhl Tld'e Water 011 aboard and aoc:ured' for lbe tw.h.t third Lbo aturdlDeu tbousand·mlt. bODle. If mil oqu&p...Dl. Tbe lUollDl 1I... blP. lbe 011 bu~ Jacob Ru~ wmou •• UDlw of tJUa pen.1a allWIl. . r", . . a!reran .e&r .. r. w red a NaIl, ... arrt... 10wUI New TorI! doO'l ~ ........ T ..... OD boar. . tw. fIf w~ ....




liE ' ••••1 EI'I'IEI

A COMPLETE , .. name b



expect '0 ..., • sreet Y, OU'D deal for a magazine UU

dus, paeked wilh fl....-I'U1l f~ and fiction. But not ODe extn penny wHi you paylor wnu. Week." The ' SUIld., . . quil'er'e great new...,.......

Don't mba It. See you loa1 new. dealer. order your eop, right away.


,hat'. no'

aU •••

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mor. ""... . ,. 1:0mU:.. ..41.0 INtI ...,. 1M lit nBID Su,."., E,."..".... lion. , • .,

........ ,....,....... .....

AIl"1II' .................. . . . __ wwIr . . . ,.... ..



M JDday. Mr. and Mf1l.. Ed LonlCacre ae· compllnied MMI. Geor,ce Davis to Allen Rmrick and Iyde Whar· hpf home nt incinnati SatuTday ton attenllcd the community sale lIuet renlltint'd 0\'(11' Sunday. I ... and ?t[l's. eth {o'urnas and a L('bal\On Friday afterno n. Tit ondition r ('hal'l " Clul'k ramily and NT. and Mrs. Allen remainR ('rious. F.llIl'ick Ill\' "Peck~ Bnd Boy" at Mn. B 'n Hawke N'tul'ned Solul' th Wayne, '\Tille ~heatt'r unday day l'V~ninJr aftel' ~pelldillg latil ' v ning. we k with Mr. Hawke nnd Mr. anll Mr. and M1'l;. Frank KUrfls8, 1\Ir&. ,lamc~ Hawke in 'pl'ingfteld. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johns and l\lrs Mrs. CI¥de, Wh"l·ton. Mi~8 Ben Ha"'k~ were Monday vening "elm~1 and Herman mith were gUC8t~ .of 1\11'8. tellil Friend and LC'ban on visitors aturday. children in Middleto\ n. frA. Walter KenI'ick and ·brotb r Mr. and 1011'" Allen Emrick .Jam ,!'Ip n1. Friday with relatives Mr. and frs, Walter Kenrick and at Springbol'o. .TanH!S Haines saw "David CopperR v. 'IV. It r Martin has 'Bnnounc field" at Lebanon Tuesday even. ed I thnt he w\Jl hold a eri('s of Ing. m ting at Lytle chuI'ch in the Misses Dorothy Drummond. Ruth ollett and Anna Louise nellr future. Mr. Harvey Burnet was a Houk of Wayne ville were Over gue. t Friday of Mr. and Mrs. night gue t of ?Iii!" Wylodine Edgar Wilson near Centerville, ,Rurfi s Thu r day in honor of her and Mr. Burnet joined them. at birthday. dinner in the evening. Orville Phillips, Mr. and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hadley Will Pine and Mis arri Mills were Sunday dinner guests of 1I1r. attended the funeral of their and Mrs. Amos CooK neat ' Way- cousin, William bambnugh at ne viii . New Burlington Jrridny aitemoon Miss leo Hawke of Dayton Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones enterspent Sunday with home folk. taineq to ix o'clock dinner lyde Wharton, Ibert Harri day, Mr. and Mr.' Carl Pickering and Mr. Billett attended the sale and daughter, MISS Ina and MI S. of Va.l Myers, at Olive Branch, Ada henowcth of Centerville, and Irs.' Xesl r Graham, Mr. !!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!! I Mr. nd Mrs. Thed Jones and son, Milton and Mrs. Margaret Johns. . everal friends of Robert Lacy attended a party in honor of his birthday, .turelay evening at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Emma La!:y. They were: Mis es M_'. Suit., 65c Miriam Wharton, Mildl' cd Youog, Ladle.' Dre.. e., 70e Wylodine nnd Jeal1 tte Kudis8, Quick-for q..Jit,. dr"o:1e••in. Rulh Grahan!, Martha Hiatt and Ceorg~ne l'lfeKc ver and Everett ~~~~~~~~==~===I and Orville nvage_._ __ -

- - -.....



INCOIE lAX DATES Late Classified Ads. ! ,Su!,! b!" ,!lC!,! r'!l b_e~f!,! oJ'! ! ! ! ! Th!,! e! ! ! ! ! I I!" ,!.!" ,!DI!" ,!I!" ,!G!" ,!I!" '!"!" '!t e!'!

la t Thunday followlntc an opt'ration • .


DEfiANCE COLLEGE AHEAD IN BASKETBAll ntil lu!'. t w k, Defiance foil ge by virtue of its elev n con t'culive victorie!', led the Ohio onfer nee bllsketball rllce, although Bluffton wrested a ictory from the pacemakers Saturday inght by a one. point margin 35 to 34, the fact remains thut Dcfianct) has n strong team. Til date, this team ha rolled up a total of 455 points w'hile its opponents were gatheting 337. Two more games remain to be played, one with Giffin Junior c 11 ge In Van WCTt, Ohio, on February 22, and one with Huntington coli ge, of Huntington, Ind on March 1. Both of the e chool!l have already dl'opped a gllme to Defiance, Giffin lOSing 4:1 to 27, and HUQting ill to 27. Gilbert Smith, who heads the ba ketball oaching stuff at Defiance, i an alumnus of the college lind has d ne graduate wQrk at Columbia . MI'. Bode nbendl!r, tbe Waycehs cOllch, pillyed two seasons On the Defiance tWin.


FOR ALE- oybean hay. John In order to giv~ the taxpayers Woollard, R. 1. Wayn aville. .m6 ==~======-=-=.=,==== in the First District of Ohio all a sistanee possible In the filing of The postofflce will be cloled all 1934 Income Tax Returns, Collect SAL h ice Little R d day Friday, FebrlllllrY 22. or of Internal Revenue T. J. ConClover seed, free from buckhorn Mrs. Ota Hidy is spending ner has arranged the following F. E. Thomas, R. 2. Waynesville. ,S v fal days. in pringfield. schedule. Taxpayers requiring all• £2S Mi'ls l\tae Treallw8lY was an over :~~e~cFe~e~~dB~~~i~~, ih~Ci~~~ nilCht gue~t of Miss Ayleen Ohio, any day up until and includMainous, Ing March 15, or at the nearest bronch on the dates herein listed. Mrs. Herbert Doster of Harvey. Under the Revenue Act of 1936 bUl·g was the gue t. of Mrs. J. E. every single persoll haying a Net Frazier last Saturdoy. income of $1,000 or more, or a Mrs. E. L. Thomlls spent Friday married persOn having a ~t inwith her daughter, Mrs. Harry come of $2,500 or more must file a Burnett, at Lrtle. return, and every person. having a gross income of $5,000 or more Hartley Mo s, of Route 2, hils must file a return regardless of been confined to his home for the amount of his net income. seve ral days because of illness. Returns filed after March 15 are MI'. and Mrs. E. L. Thomas subject to heavy Ftenalties. . p nl Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Places to be vis ted py Collector Conner's deputies in Warren William Thomas at Mainville. county are: Lebanon, Lebanon Mr. and Mrs. F4)rrest Grahanl Citizens National Bank, March 2; and fomily visiU!d Mr. and Mrs. Franklin, Franklin National Bank, William Dyke, of Dayton, Sunday. March~. trl . Anna GibbOlns suft'ered Il painful injury to hel' knee ~ha feU lit her home, Sunday evening. Mi s

Grace Williamson is the week with Mr. and M\'3. Harold WiLlialmson, at Day· ton. ~pending





Mr. and Mrs. V4~rnon Sheeley, of Route 2, are allnouneing the birth of a daugbter. Sunday, Feb· ruary 17.

---... _..---

VALENTINE PARTY Misses Doris Wade and Ellie Mae Wical were hostesses at a valentine party, given at the Wade home Saturday afte.rnoon. Games and dainty refreshments w I'e enjoyed by the following; Jenida Hurley, of New Burlington Opal and Virginia Roberts, Mildred Smith, Betty Routzahn, Wilma Dibert, Shirley Wilson, Ruth Wieal, Anna Campbell, George Wical, Joe Davia and Bobby Campbell.

FOR SALE-SO acres level Bugar t.-ee land, newly fenced, tbo~'oughly til d, new buildings. Terms Route 42 between Lebo'n on and Waynesville. Callie P. Shawn, W8YJle~ville, Obio, R. R. 2. - - -..... - --~Subscribe for The Miami Gazette



"In Lb. oleS d.YI I ule4 to d,..4 th. oomlnl 01 Wtnter. 1 .....I.a,. IIlbttDI coldl- rMUnr .boul hall .Uv_tr,l... to work "lIh my bod, aehllli .nd nt. . . on odl" , "Then a friend told mo about 11000" Ood Ltv.r 011 Tabl.ta with Lhalr m .......loll. vltamlna II. .nd D . I aLart_d Lo tallo, tbt ... ftv. ye.ra .,-0 aDd I haven" had • col4 lin •• Ihal Urn•. "McCoy'. toblet. pu, n... Ufe 111 folkai blllld up re.!.IMnc. ao .."YOD. can laulh ., cold ,erma, They make weal<. IkhlD1 p.o¥l. ,Irona. study·norved and vlloroua. Tht' r.


wondetfuH "

0.\ tho


McCoy'. Cod tJveJ' OU


Irom your (\ru~clll I.Odar. ....1. mOlley Oil lmll"t1oro. Alit for "cOo,' ..


A f rien.d In-Need, The funeral director i truly a friend in need to every member of the community. When sorrow comes to a neighbor, he can be relied "pon to serve faithfully. Behind him th~re is an age-old tradition of serVice. His calling is an honorable one; his work the selfless devotion of a sincere and sympathetic human being to a most noble aim -the comforting of the sorrowful.

• We have been friend and cC)unselor to count-

less families in this c()mm~nity. Our services have Qeen extended to hundreds in their hour of grief and we have never failed to be helpful. We ask that all who read this remember our n'a me and address, that we may be of help to them should sorrow make our services a necessity. •

The defat of the WOrld Court Bnd Mrs. Vernon Mainous resolution in the Senate in a spent Sunday with heartening thing. It hows that in l'lfrs .. Etta Mc ar~ n Jordan. sp ite of a present foshion of ex- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Curtis and taken to the t. Elizabeth hospltal perimenting without regard far family in Springfield. A.NNUA~ BANQUET at Columbus last ,,:eek for treat. , consequences enough of the- old X-RAY WORK Mrs. T. B. Brannlock, Mrs. Ray ment. Her many fnends hope for spirit of Americanism remains to MainOU8 and Miss Ayleen Mainou8 The annual banquet of Crown BLOC ANESTHESIA h~r recovery. prevent the adoption of such a spent the day ' with Mrs. John Lodge K. of P., was given ,in The Men's Community Club piece of folly as adherence to the Treadway Wednesdlay. their halt Wednesday night. A fish AU ki.d. of D_ture. held its regular meeting last tribunal of the League of. Nations. fry followed by a pleasant Boeial Repair Work 0-. Quicld,. Tbe only regret today is that the Wedne 'day night. Born-To Mr. an.d Mrs. Georlre time was enjoyed by about S6 Mrs. Pauline Villars entertain- vote against adherence was not McKeever, of Co~'Win, Sunday, Knights and their families. February 17, a daurhter, Wanda • _ ••_ __ ed several ladies with a card party heavier. )lain St. WAYNESVILLE, O. 011 Wednesday evening. Talk about the result being a Lee. Laura Shidaker, defeat for President Roosevelt Mesdames Mr. and Mrs. CJarl Albright, Clyde Levicy, Lida Hatton, Chas. sbould be heard with due consid. spent Sunday in Springboro, the Gordon, W. P. MeCarren, Howard eration of the facts. The President Mrs. Ida BOlweLl and Mrs. Etta Graham, Everett Villars, Sadie threw all hlJl strength guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bishop, of Daytbn, were guests on ~------------"i Reason, A. S. Collett and hthleen to the Court cl,'owd, but the Stowe. Sunday of their. aunt, MiM lUte Ask for a Graham were guests of 141', and iSsue involved was abOve Rnd beMrs. A. K. DllY and Miss Miamiabur ... Permanent Mrs. Cilnt Oleaver of near Wi!- yond him. Presidents come and go, Helen Hawke were ruests of Mrs Collins. Mrs. Anna Cadwallader and Mra • mington last Thursday. but the peace and dignity of the Lydia Cowan at: Sprinrboro, Ella Babb spent Wednesday in Concrete Mr. and Mrs. Harry Green of United States ~a nd both were Tuesday afternoon. Washinrton C. H., the guests of near Martinsville visited their threatened by the pro pect of 'for f)uyln, Air Se.l Burial Yault daughter, Mrs. Wm. Lukens entty into the Court-are or A large number of local people Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Clyburn. Miss family On Sunday. should be continuing. Let us not attended the annual meeting of Clara Lile returned home with For Sale only by Mr . Evelyn Shumaker of Wil. call is a defent for Franklin D. the Livestock Prodlucers Associa. them after a ten days visit. Mrs. Harry Settlemyer 'WaB the Your F:uneral Director mington was Sunday dinner guest Roosevelt, but a victory for the tion at Cincinnati, today. In this climate, fence must have real w~ek-end ·guut of her mother, Mrs , of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Shumaker. Unitec;l States of America .-New 6ghting qualities, or rust ~1l lOOn Mrs. C. M. R()bi\;!:er will enter- Frances Niclileson. Miss' Nellie Boeratler of Nor. York Sun. . weaken,it and then destroy It. tain over the week.end, Mrs. Ray Mn. Ella Babb'. Sunday callers wood i8 visiting friends here this _ _ ... _ _ _ McClure Fun,ral Home Lang, of Cincinllat,i, MiSt! Maude were Mr. and Mrs. Myers and Red Brand Fence is a two fisted week. li&hter. It fiCbu rust, .first, wit}l a Hearne and Miss Jfmet Mardis, of little lon, of Spring Valley, also _Dr. W. E. Frost and family Galvannealed outer contini; vLsited Mrs. Frost's sister and ="'::;:';''':~-:---o-:-+~~~-----------4~~!,~~~~p~ei~r~ce:-" Mrs. Ella -."'"",nti with a real copper bearing family in Dayton last Sunday. O. R. Unglesby was pleasantly Babb, Misses Ethel Mendenhall inner section. Double protection I Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy urpris.ed ' on Wedn,eliday when he and Frieda Harvey enjoyed Beeing This two-way rust protection spent Sunday with his parents, Copperfield, Thursday adds years to its life and saves fence Ohio motorists paying a total Qf discovered that he was the honor David Ml·. and l\lrs. A. L. Ken~edy. guest at a family dinner given in afternoon. dollars for you. Let's talk it over. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Wilson 5 cents in tax, including the fed. celebration of his birthday an. and daughter, of Mialnisburg, call- eral levy on every gallon of ga o. niversary. ed on Miss Lula Miller one even- line, are giving one·third of the purcha e price in tax levies," Lee ing last week. Lee Lemmon has 'purchased the Mr. and Mrs. Howard .Graham B. Palmer, president of tbe Ohio garajl'e on lower Main street and entertained th.e Wayne Township Highway UseTs Federatioh, said the lot adjoining from H. E. SherRobert H. Haines, agi 57, died Farmer$' club at the gymnasium tQday. wood. Mr. Lemmon is planning to Tuesday mQrnlng, February 18, ·at "This percentage of gasoline la t Thursday. erect a building on the vacant lot, the home of his brother, Charles Phone 25 Wayne.ville, Ohio Mrs. Sadie Reason accQmpanied tax money is a heavy burden, but it is said. in Dayton. , Hainell, the levy could · be justi1ied if all her gl,'andda ughter, Mrs. Rhodes He was a native of Wayn\lsville Mr. and M~. Earl Munay, Mri Bunnell borne Tuesday fol" a visit. dangers of divel'sion were eli min· Alice Murray, of Dayton, Mr. the son of tile late Silas and Abi . , .• • •lIIi!llIIIiIi. . . .II!IIII!II...II!!I.......iiI..~iiI......... Our baSKetball team was de- ated," he continued. Hailles. feat.ed at Otterbein by their team ; "It is ' unfair, however," he add. and Mrs. Peter Demas and family One brother, Charles, two ed, "to permit gasoline taxes to and M1'8. Nettie Kepler, of New last Saturday night. It was the nie~1I and one nephew survive. b collected for road purposes and Vielma, spent Sund:ay with Mr. last game before the tournament. Funeral services were held at Oliver DaVi. and Mrs. Rebecca Price died at then diverted by legislative enact- and Mrs. McClure- funeral home thie afterment to support this, that, and the daughter, Min Rachel. Hale's. Hospital at Wilmington noon and burial was in Miami other thing. The gasoline tax of Mrs, Mary McClure, Mr•. H. E. cemetery. ~ ~ents ~O! road purposes in Ohio Hathaway and Misl! Sarah Smith IS 10 addItion to the one.cent. fe~. were gueBts of lI[r. and lin. Mra. Rebeeea--Cook, age 1)9, of ~.-,..,.--era.1 tax and the onecent liqUId Howard Graham at the meetin. of -allrveyaburg, at Hale died fuel tax. th · W .,; h' F ' "Th 3 t I' . 0 i •. e ayne ~ownEI Ip armers hOlpital, WUminrton, Thursday, e . -~en evy In h 0 IS .It)- club which was beJ:d . in the Hal" FebrullTY ~4; ItendE!d ~o be used for , constructIon 'veysburg gym last Thurada... Funer-al lIervices were held at and maintenanCe of streets and ' I highways, bllt when diverted for Mr. C. M. Linn, of Waterloo, Springfield church with burial at support of other governmental Ind., spent a few days last week that place. function~ presents a distinct in· with his 80n' Ralph LhlD and justice to the motorist·taxpayer. family. He returned to his home The funeral of Wm. W. Smith, "The Ohio Highway Users Con- Sunday, accompanied Mr. and Mrs who died at his home. In Dayton, ierence has made a study of Ralph Linn and daughter who reo We!inelda, mornlnll', will be held tion in this state, and is now mak- turned to their· ho:ma here Mon. Friday. afternoon, with lervicel at ing a thorough survey to show that day afternoon. . the home .t 1 p • ."., and at the A. by means of a rat.ional economical . H. StubbJi funeral ,home in Wayhighway planninr prog1'lim, ~he The Friendship dub of . the M. neavUle at 2 :80 p. Ill. Burial in state cal) be aasured of adequate E. (lhurch ~i11 lerve a "jItney" Miami Cemet.ry. ' , highwaya, includinr feeder 'roads, supper .in the cbu:rch baHment on true basis of economy and Wednesday, FebruarY 27, from '6 Walter KilboD, qed 61 7ean, a needs. to 7. Rout chicken and <lre..ln., ·f onMr reeldent of Wa,nelVille, "Membership in the Fed~ration mashed potatoes, lalad, bread ud died Thuraday, FebruUJ 14, is open to individuals and groups butter, delBert and Cloftea. 6ceDti Waahlnwt;on, D. C. One .onj X-enlintel·~"lt ..d in lair and equitable an item. . Ileth Kilbon, of .Wuhincton, D. C. taxation, and is dedicated to D d ft " · r. an Mrs. 11, E. HaUlaway, and olle ailter, MH. JuUa Hent t· tes ora Ion 0 rue prinCIples ,o f Mrs. Mayme Hatflold and lin. denon. of' Wayneeville, lurvlTa. Funeral ·services' were beld at taxati<!n that will distribute the Mary McClure att"nded Rebecca burden of taxes sensibly and, lodge meeting at l'l'orwo!)d, Fri. Paytbn Saturday a!t4!rn~n and honestly." day evening and 'witnesled the the remainll 1Hre taken to ,qincln- - -•• - ...- - beautiful degree ~ Iriven by the nati for ~remation: --'-...~---TEN PERMITS CRANTED FOR Norwood team. ThE!re were three candidates taken in. Groll income frQIn the aale of . OP~RATION OF LlCHTS farm 'products in Ohio in 1984 was , Betty, daughter of Mr. and eatimated at $208,000,000 by' F. L Ten permits have been granted Elmer JoneS; was t~le victim of an Koriaoll of the department of by the traffic bureau of tbe state accident on the ae'hool 'lr1'ound., rural economics, O. S. U. Thia is highway department to villages Friday. A bottle, thrown by one an Inc"... of 22 per cent over the operating traffic lights on state of the bOJII atruek tlbe child on tlte Income for th. prmous year. The highways in Warren county. . head, inflictln, a bad eut. Sn-eral ••ttmate includes beneftt BlId renLights for which permits were stitches ' were required to dOlle, tal payments from the eovernment iMued, 8ubject to revocation on 30 the wound. day notice are: ' Modem lIIethods in the Ipring C. P. Em. and family were Franklin at jet. US 25 Center St. &: SR 128 & SR 78 Second tendered a aurpriae on tlte ave of manap.ent of bees, and an ellSt, Jet. US 26-128.78, Oenter St. their removal to ~ eir new home plaDatJon of r ....reh ,.-ark now in &Fourth St., Jct. SR 128 Second on the Dr. 1.. B. Hl~l1 farm, Whell propeu at tit, Bee Culture La)), St. el Oxford Rd. &: Park Ave., forty of their lIe~~bon wet In oratory, WuhlJllto1l D. C. are to pet for tit, be aplaiDeci to beekeellUl durlnr Jct. SR 123 Second St el Front St· to exprna their Waynesville at Jet. US 42 Main St: lOIS of good ne~b n and wtah Fannen' Week, ..lanuat'J 28 to Febl'llUJ' 1. . elsa 73 Corwin Rd.: Lebanon at them suceeu and bappID_ Jet. SRI23 Main St. el Mechanic their new bome. 8t., Jet. US 42·28-128 Broadway Growen of 8t a Mulberry St., let. us 42-48 have.tpecJ Broadway & SR Ita su•• Jet. us. 42 W...... at. 6~,




- ..- - -



W.,.•••ylll.,·O •

• laO•• '

Friends' Home News



w."..."m., o.

---.... - ..--Deaths

aYQesvil e farniers' Exchange Co.


• SU·P PEB •

Pancakes ·- Sausage Coffee At Grange Hall

Saturday, Feb •.2~

' aaau~

Beginning at 5 o'clock


25 cents

Guild of St. Mary's Episcopal Church


.. -

'T lle



Eighty-Seventh Year




The Emergency School is pro.

MUST BE APPROVED ;!~~n~r~~~:::ri~:natt~:e;::JJ~p BY lAX COMMISSION


house In WaynesvJl]e on Monday and Wedne day a1ternoons at 1 o'clock, All who are IntereattM in thi:< project are urged to attend. Sim ilnr instruction is being given Appliutlion. Should Be S_t to Mr in Harveysburg on Tuesday and FridllY afternoons. Tom Boli, M.. r., of Local --T.ll Diatrict at Hamilt_


Wpole Number 6159


Greene COulnty Man Awardeel Contract Contract for thl_ new star mail route between Xenia and Way. nesville, via Belilbrook, Spring Valley and Harveysburg, totaling 3 miles ' fOI' twice' daily service, was granted to E:verett Bailey, Yellow Sprinlrs. Tbc contract is for a,Cour·year pl)riod begi nning July 1. , The route is bei ng cr ated because the Pennsylvan'ia railroad is dispehsing with mllil stops at the various communiti'!8.

$22,600 ALLOTTED


The two-Pleetingl! in the monlh of March will be given qvcr to th conferring of the fuur degrees in .l<'armers' Grllnge No. l~. The regu.lar degree leam will The February budget providing be in charge and a gOod attend· for current relief expenditures in ance is desired to welcome thl' Warren .c ounty was anIlounced initiates. Wednesday by County Reliet Di. rector E. Tyler Shough. Appropria tions for the month total $22,617, approximately $1,000 le8ll than the January allotment. Ot the total $15,844 is appropriated for direct relief. This compares with a " January appropriation of $16,840 for the same purpose. The work relief allotment of $6, 973 ls the same as that for JanMiss Ethel Mend nhall was in ary. An additional $900 is appro- Dayton, today. priated for the emergency schoo] program in Warren county. Mrl!. W, ]t Allen was Ii Dayton The budget is usually received visitQr, Wednesday. during the first week of the month but the February appropriations Mrs Carman Crane '1'8 , a Da'yton were not certified to the local di. visitor Saturday; rector until Wednesday of last Mrs. Myel' Ry,man was in Cincin week. nati On bu iness, today.


Federal "baby bonds" have been r('ceived by Postmaster R. H . Hart sock for sale in the Waynesville Post Office beginning March 1, it wa announced yesterday. The initial shipment of bonds embraced denominations of $26, $50 and $100, The price of the bonds 'when the 1t1l)l'cbandise cards, tickets, or sale opens March 1 wi1l be as foI, coupon books shall be sold by 10w.8: Twenty-five dollar bonds, ,---licensed vendor!! only where the $18.75; $50 bonds, $37.60j $100 "tmdor has the written permiision bonds, $75. of the Tax Commi!!Sion. In the These bonds are redeemable any ease of vendors operllting in one time after 60 days from the issue Salel Tax Distritt application date. Their redemption value is shall ,be mad e to the District Man Mr. Frank Marsh was In Leb- at the cost price during the flrst ager of the Sales Tax Section In allon, Monday. year, but thereafter it increases thnt district for 8uch permission. every six months until the maxiVendors operating retail establish. Mra. Julia Bergan is confined to mum return 'is obtained by the For Firat Tim. Every Speci •• ments in more than one district her home because 01 illness. , owner for the full 10 years. DlIcre..ed ill Numb.ra shall make application to the Sales ... Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Fromm spent Duri" .. Y .... Tax Section, 68 Ea!t Gay Street, Saturday with relatives ill DayColumbus, Ohio. For the first time On l'ecord, Every merchandise card, ticket, ton. the numbers of farm livestock of Mr. and Mrs. Truman Wal'dlow or coupon 'book issued shall bear Ralph Linn and ' Percy Turner every species decrefloed during the Sunday afternoon in Xenia. apept veridor's name and license number made a business trip to Salina yellr, in 1934, acclDrdlng to the and shall be serially numbered j Ohio, Tuesday. mOllthly summary of farm condi'Miss lrene Larrick was the week where the card, ticket or coupon tions published by the department ~nd gue t of Miss Louise Zimmer· book sells for $1.00 plus tax, or Mrs, Sarah Murray and Mr. Ray of rural economicl!I at the Ohio ' man. more, such card, ticket, or C01JptID,mond Conner were Lebanon viai- Establishment of a junior college State University. Saturday. book ahall bear date of issue In Lebanon, a rellet project Mr. and Ml's. M, D. Baird and' But, adds the su.mmal'y, in the 1 consumer's name. Every card, awaits only the approval of llltate same period there VIlas an increase daughter wer in Richmond, Ind., With the signing of applications Mr. and MTs. Lee Morris, of authorities, it wall announced last tic ket, or coupon bQok sold, re~n total.value of each species a ~or the 1935 corn-hog productioJJ Friday. gardJeas of th~ selling price, shall Dayton, were guests of Mrs. wcelc. The approval of the state mventorled on Janulary 1, 1935. I adjustment ·contracts now getting is expected next week. Misa Lydia Wright, of Spring. J rovide spaCe for the -affixatiOn of Amanda, SUllday. ~ven ot horses and mules, of I under way in the leading corn-hog boro, called at the Friend ' Rome consumer's portion of prepaid tax Harry C. Bauman, of the Ohio which there is said to be a 'sbort- states, indie.tiona are that the Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hiatt, of receipt, and shall bear the follow. Wilmington, were eallers at the Stato university, had already been age there is a decline tecQrded tor: .sign-up this year will not be great Wednesday afternoon. ing legend: Friends' Home, Sunday. employed as. an instructor in the the- ye~r. I~ was 1 ~ per cent.. 11y different from last year when Mra. Kate Hawes, of Spring school. "Ohio Retail Sales Tax upon Dechne m hog numbers, oWing more than a million one hundred Valley, spent Suhday with Mrs. Sarah MUrray, Mra. byStudents will be equired to furMrs. to . drouth and the government's'thousand contracts ~ere signed by Elizabeth Lewis. the selling price of this mermond Conner, Sa.rah and Leo Con- tlish their own books, but wiIJ not adJustment program, was 35 per producers who cooperated to chandise CaTd (ticket or ner Were in Dayton, Thursday. be put to any other expense, ac. cent. In cattle, owing to the adjust production to elfective de. M.r. Cline, C){ Cincinnatl, was coupon book) bas been colthe Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. ' Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Gona were cordit;lg to -' C. H. Bohl, county government's pur«:lbase program mand. ]ected, a. evidenced by affucation hereto of con.umer·... Iweelll;-end cuesta of Mr. and ill'S. superintendent of 8chools. Gradu. tor relief p'.lrpos4~s in drouth Reports received in the corn-hog Ed Detrick. Victor Oarpenter of Middletown. atlOJJ from high achool will be the areas, the dechne W,1.8 11 per cent section ot the AgricuitW'a1 Ad. portion of the prepaid tax Mr .and MIS. Leonard Tinney entrance requirement. All persons The report states Ithere are 6 justment Administration from the receipt in proper tax denomMr. Ind Mrs. Will Gallop, of may enter the college, whether or per cent fewer dairy cattle, and tates show that the lowelt estl- Bnd Mrs.Jo Tinney spent Monday ination." in Dayton. Middletown, were Sunday lUests not they are relief clients, 80 5 per cent fewer shE!ep. mates indicat~ a sign-up of from Every vender- .haH keep proper of Mr. and Mrs. James Lovely. long a . they have the eJJtrance r eo Converted into "anima] units" 80 to 90 per cent of the 1984 Mrs. Nettie Fannon and Mr. records of sales of such merchan. . • quirement. Age will be no bar, the decrease is 18 Iler cent. The flgure while the hirheat estimate. Pearl Fannon were in Sabina di e carda, tickets, or C:9upon Mr. nad Mrs. R. E. Wh1te, of Boht aid. total number of "animal units" on indicate a gain of 5 to 10 per «:ent Thursday, books and in addition thereto, Dayton, called on Mr. and Mrs. ... statea the report, is the in the number of signers. farms, shall keep a record of purchaser's Walter Elsey ~u nday afternoon. "If these forecasts ahou\d Mrs. Edith M. Hal-ris wa the smallest in. the pres1ent century. LANDMARK MAKES MOle and addrellS where the sellTotal value of all livestock on prove to be accurate" says Dr dinner guest today, of Misses The Ladies' AM, of the H. E. WAY FOR GAS STATION ing price ia $1.00 or more. Such farms on January 1 was $3,102, A. G. Black, cbief of the corn: Annie and Mame Brown. re~ord sbaH consil!lt of a ticket church will hold a market the Saturday before Easter, April 20. Mr. and Mrs. George Hartsock Lebsnon's oldest landmark. the O~~,OOO, a gain (Jof a quarter hog a.ectio,n, lithe 1985 program stnb in the c:ase of card., or bllhon Val~l~ per head for shOuld ~e lu.Uy efective hi holding lind Mrs. C. E. Anderson ' were Decker house, at the comor of tickets, and an identifying coupon Mra. Ray Lang, at Cincinnati, in the case of coupon bOOks to was the gllest of ber parents, Hr. Broadway and Silver streets, ill ~ch specie had rlSI~n enough dur production 1n line with demand . Dayton visitoJ'i:\ tOday ,. which stubs. or coupons shall be and Mrs. George J . Smith, last being torn down to make way for ~ng the year to olFset the decrease This is significant because filII In number. success of the 1986 program deMrs. O. R. Unglesby was in a filling station. afBxed to vendor's portion of the week. Greatest gain in yalue per head pends upbn cooperation of a Lebanon, Tuesday, the guest of prepaid taX receipt. , . Work of razing the ~ncient was noted fol' hogs, the least, for majority of producers. It a her brother, G. F. Brown. All vendors now using mercnan Mr. and Mrs. Walker Hatfield, of structure, said to have been majority of producers does not dise cards, tickets or coupon Dayton, spen~ the wp.ek·end with erected over 100 years ago, will heep. Miss Mary Crane, of Cincinnati ~---- - - - participate, a burdensome surplus books shall submit applications for Mrs. Mayme Katfield and Mr. Ray. be completed within a few days, spent the week-end with her ADUL T SCHOOL TO MEET of corn might easlly result and W. R. Decker, the. owner, says. permission to continue their use man Hatfield. ' the swing back to heavy produc- mother, Mr . Maude Crane. , ' . A filling atation will occupy the accompanielj by a sample of the GYM FRIDAY, MARCH 1 t' Id d Th ' AT en Mr. and Mrs. Charle Fi her, of Ion wou get un er way. MISS A~]een MalnOu~ laft Tuea- front portion of t he lIite, while a cal'd or coupon book now being . . the torn.hog industry I I a whole CinCinnati, were guests of Mr. and u ed, within ten daYII from the day mormng for Hamilton, where dwelling to coat $4000 will ocThere Will be a meeting of the would ]08e much of the ground Mrs. W. K. Allen on TuesdllY. date of this Special Ruling, and all ahe was called to accept a position cupy th: rear of .the lilt.' Tbe Decker hOUSe has been the Adult School at th,a gym Friday f gained thus far." sten olrrap11er. l>uch vendors will be instructed evening, March 1 81t 7 :80. The .. - • Julian Crabbe, of O. S. U., to continue or discontinue the use Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hawke aDd ~topping. place. for maay notables subject for discul!sijon is "Ru,al Rural Prabl~ Di.c.~ spent the week. end with his par. of such mercbandise cards, tickets daughter, of Dayton, were guests 10 Amel'lcan history,. ,and Ken~y or <;ol,lpon book8 which they may of Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Hawke on clq mad~ sev~ral VISits her~ H.1 8 E~e:;~i!~ti~n~~ked to bring 8a~jAgriculture Secretary · Herury ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B Cl'abbe. now have in stalk, Qut all such Saturdav daughtel' 111 tllud to have died In wiches 01' any light; lunch to be Wallace introduced Tu,:sday, Mr. Frank HamUton, Of Coving • one of the rooms in 1882. Charles passed at the close of sch,ool. F.ebrua!'Y 26, ,at 1 p. m. a senes of ton, Ky., spent Saturday with his merchandise cards, tickets or COUPOn books subsequently purMr. and Mrl. J. C. Hawke, and Dickens, in his fickwlck Papers, Please bring your own senice. dlscuBSlona on fundamental prob-, mother, Mrs. Emma Hamilton. ' _ __ _.___ lemB confronting . rural people. . chased must fu]]y meet the reo Mrs. Mary Hopkin's spent Sunday mentions a conversation that took quirements of this rUling. ' over th Farm and HOlne Hour of _Mr. and Mrs. Irving W Ich were with Dr. and Mr•• Ralph Vance at place in the lobby of t11e ancient If you want your pu II ets to l ay NBC. Discussions wiJI be continu- dinner guests of Mr. · and Mrs. According to a statement Wed· Pleasant Plain. hostelry. , Ralph Hastings, Tuesday evening The building is valued at $6000 large eggs, hatch thl~m from large ed for dve consecutive weeks. nel5day by M. H. 'Keelor, thldocal eggs, says poultry experts. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Crane and DecJcer Salea Tax Examiner, an applicaMr. Forrest Crane and daughtel' i==~~==~======== tions are to be sent to Mr. Tom children s pent Sunday at the home Marjorie of Cincinnati, sl'ent SunBoli, Mgr., Fourth Sales Tax Dis- of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Booram, day at the honte of Mrs. , Maude trict, Court House, Hamilton, Ohio near Bel1brook. Cj:ane. Merchants desiring to use mer· Mrs. Edith Harri. and Ifr. chandise carda or coupon boolcs in Harris MOllher visited Mr. and lolr. lind Mrs. W. A. Gearhart, 'of the future will be required to ob, MI;'II. F. C. Hartsock at Milford - "'-":-I..+Da.y.tlm.,rI!IlH!l~ t several dfl.Ys last tain permission from the above ad. Sunday afternoon. week at t he home of A. H. Stubbs dreBS, and if pOMible, send a and family. sample for Mr. Boli to approve, M.-. an~ Mrs. John Treadwa" Mr .. and Mrs. Philip La1'rick before .making, pureh••e · of carda Mrs. George Rendenon and Mr. were entertained at the home of or books. and Mrs, Ray )(ainoull attended a Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Geesler at funeral in Hamilton Saturday. Oregonia, S\lnday evening. Ifiaa Laura Rolnalle, 0(' CincinMr. and Mrs, Russell 'Maltin and nati, Mr. and Mra. Barold Wbltdaughten, Martha and Phyllis, akllr and children wer.Sunday were SUllday guests of Mr. and dinner peatl of Dr. and Mn. ,If. Mrs. Clark Starr, of near Xenia. E. Hathlwa,.. ,

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fRIENDS HOME fRIDAY Mr •. Howell Pierce W a. H.,.te •• Al A W •• hi-nllto.nI. Birth. clay

A cI ligbtJul Wa$hington's birthday fJarty was given, Friday, by Mrs. Howell Pierce at. the Friend'l'l home for tho! New Century club und .hel' gu sts. 010 niul <;ost umeg and decora· tlo ns in k >'ping with such surl'Oundings completely transformed the ath'active home into a place of Revolutlonary war atmosphere. A number of the women present at the affair wore gllJ'ments of inter e~tlng hi torieal background. Following the presentation of a playlet, "Cherry Reads the Mes. sage," by I\o1r . Flo'r ence Hastings, Mrs. Alice Welch, Mrs. Elle.n Con· nor, Mrs. Nina St. John and Misa It'ma Rich and the reading of a number ot interesting pap ers, Mrs. Pierce served an attractive lunch. Mrs. Howell Pierce's frock caused favorable comment among her guests for it was her wedding dr;e1\8 which she wore as a bride 56 yeal's ago. Th priZe for the mo t attractjve appearance, a cake made by Mrs. H. E. Hathaway, was awarded to Miss Irma Rich. The club members present t.t Mrs. Pierce's Washington'lI birthday party were: Mrs. W. H. Allen, Mr . W. F. Clark, Mrs. R. A. Cn n· nor, Mrs. W. E. Cornell, Mrs. J. B Crabbe, Mrs. A.nna Cadwallader. Mrs. ~ennetll aough, Mrs. F. H. FaIT, Mrs. J. P; Fromm, Mn. Edith Harris, Mrs. H. E. Hathaaway, !III'S. J. C. Hawke, Mrs. L. M. Hender on, Mrs. C. M. 'Hough, Mrs. F. U. LeMay, Mrs. J . L. Mendenhall, Mrs. Mary B . McClul'e, Mr . J. H. Sackett, Mrs. G. J. mlth, llre. E. L. Thomas, Mrll. J. W. Ward, Mrs, J. W. White and Mrs. Pierce. The list of guests included the following, Dr. Mllry Cook, Mrs. D. : Ridge, Mis Em!ll8 Heighway MI' . Kener Hoa~. Mrs. J . B. haprnall, Mrs. Preston, Mrs Mary Hopkin~, M,.a. Ota Hidy, Mrs. Lena Hartsock, Miss Clara Lile, Miss Collins, Miss Marne Brown, Miss Annie Brown, Mrs. Jenkins, M1"I1. Mal'tin. Mrs. Babb, Misl! Pettit, Mrs, Mary L. Adams, Mrs. Ray Lang and Mrs. R. H. Hartsock


------ .. --:----



A apeciaJ venlre ',of ten juron :Will drawn , Jut week to complete t\e petit jury pan.l for t~ January t.nn of ,common pleu cou", The lollowlne drawn for lemc.: M........t Grapevine, lIorrow; Vernle Michal], Folter; Fred • . Riley, ClUkaville; L. O. st. John WaynelfVille; Denos Worl.y, Lebanon; William L. Brown, Franldin Marion )fultord, Lebanon; Carl D. Stiles, Leb"non; Ollie Milleldlne, WayneSVille and Jamel Green, Franklin.

-- -..



OHIO STAT~ PLANS CLIN IC IN MUSIC Warren county hlB been tnvited 'to attend the Ohio State Music Clinic, t·o occur MarCh 9, at Obio State. University. The cliniC is aponlored by the university's department of muala with Dr. Royal D. HUlb.. praid inl .• s chairman for ,t he dlaelaliOll periods. Ohio Stllte'l women~ el.. univeraity choru., men'i clab, symphony orchestra, and coDCert band wi1l appear 011 the propam, prelenting nalllben ..1eeted for this ,ear'. ltat. hiJh acbool _aile eontelw and fdtlftl to be .... In TIl... brief coacerb




f......... ..

. . fw the

Mr. and Ill'll. Charl.. Hay, IIr. and MrL Alblrt CI.aV:Ir, lIr. and Mrs. Sanford Wa1kep~ of BeD. vue, Ky., were cueata 01 IIr. and Mra. , Ralph Linn, Saturday ev.nlng, MI'. Hom.r Faftilon, of Weat Union, Mr. J obn Goo~rich, of Otterbein,' Mr. Floyd Book and children, lin. ValJd.rvoort and Mlu Stin., of· ClarkivUle, were luata of IIlu Nettle Finnon, on Sunday. ' .

llr. and Mrs. Ralph Linn an~ daughter, Dale, entertai,ned on SundlY, Mr. and Mn. Sallford Welku, of Bellevue, Ky., Mr. aad Kn. Earl J. But! and Mr. Claren" Brady, of Da,tOll, ,lIr. and )[n. He.nry Huff, 1IlII. &IDa Hoover Ind .all, of Lumb.rton. Honoriae the birthday ' aMI"er. Bary 01 her niece, Edith Britain, Eva LIppincott entertained elaht "tUe 1rlr]1 and bop m.t of daem membera of Editb'~ Sunday iehool c1aaa FrIday alternoeD. Gam.. and refr......nta of ice cream, eat. and cudy WIH enb, th. pllta. , . . lira. C. IJ. Andenoll entertained few frienu at dinner, ~. ..... 811JoJed the pleunt were Mn. loaiall Da.... DaYle Ad




Ethan J . Lewi's, of the U. S. Naval Trai ning Station, Norfolk. Va., spent the week·end with relatives. Ethsn is looking flne and aays he eJljoys his work. Mr. and Mrs. George Ricksman and daughters, .Rose and Jessie, and Mr. AI Polinsky, of Cincinnati were Sunday dinner guests Mrs. Myer Hyman and family. Mrs. M. L. Parsh"n, Mrs. Lee Hawke and Mr; Dean Hawke. atti)nded the funel:'al of, their ' uncle, the Rev. S. D. Chancellol', at Wilmington, Tuesday 'a fternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hartsock entertained On Sunday Mr. an d Mr . Harl H,arvey, Mr. and Ml:s. A. L. Harvey alld children and Mr. and lIrs. Marvin Hollingshead, of LebMrR. Charles Day and da ughter, Min Dorothy h$d as their guests on SundBY, Mr. and Mn . Lawrence Fennert and children, C. S. Runyon alld Lowell Runyon, of WlImiDgton.


SALES 'lAX MUSTI 8ECOLLECT(O _" ACCOl'ding to M. H. Keelor, in a statement, Wednesday, a ruling from t'b Tax Commission makes sales of syrup, cottage cheese, butter, e~c. taxable wherever the purchase il; made. Thele itema, explained Mr.' Keelo:, are product. of procCi<sing and are not con' iderfd :UI JlI'Oduct! qf a farm, auch as vegetables, eggs, potatoes, etc. Fllrmers or others, selling syrup, cottage cheese, butter and simUa.r produ ta, will therefore be re(Iuir d to collect sales ~x ()n such salt~& at nil times, unle!!S the prod\let is sold for resale.

--- - - ..---.,.. Deaths

Charles Clark, 7'1 yeara old died abo ut n oon today, February 28, at his home in L)'t1e, :after an illness of several weeks. He b survived by his wife, "Allie; three aistel's, Mrs. Ida Stevena, of ,L .b8\')on, .Ind., Mrs. Samantha 'Sheehan, of CentervlLle and Mrs. Nettie' Rogers, at Waynesvill., and several nieces and nephew •• Funeral services will be held at the l'e idence in Lytle Saturday afternooQ at 2 o'clock and burial will be in ,Miami cemetery• . Elmer E. Ear,n hart, 71 yeats ol . age, well known Dayton and Oak· wood real estate operator and prope't·ty owner, died early MOJJday' mo'r ning at ,his , residence in Oakwood, following an lllnees of five weeks duration. He was a native of Warren county but bad been a resident of Dayton aince 1917. , He leaves his wife, Ruth, t-hfee sons, Harry E ., of Indianap<llill; C Ernest, of Cal'lisle, and Lee, of Norwalk; seven grandchildren, and one great·grandchild. Funeral services were beld at the McClure funeral home, WedJIHday afternoon and bu~l wu ia Miami cemetery.

Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Welch, Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Hathaway, Mr. and Mn J. B. Chapman, Mra. Mal')' Mcclure, Mn. Emma H. McClure, I51lnella, II.. Sarah Smith and Mi.. Corri1le BobbiDa were lOam of IIr. and Mrs. A. 8. Collett at. • aIaIek.. IUDller I i . tile !lear . .ftJI• .• •







tI:r but doe !l't c m\! quit. up to an A I thlllk h. l'hould bl! Jti\. n



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Egg 1 yinlC aLility of hens I. an inh"ritanco! chlll"acteri~tlc. At the rating of an hvnor , tutl..-nt. Vitll' lanll, New ,Jl'l'~('Y, in a atate A High ~chCII 'l tl·a.:h ... r-" All ll~~-III\"ing cnntl'l'!t. un" pen averhonol' 8lud~nt should b.. elln cien· ILJ!'l'd ':!fi 'g'~>1 pCI' hinl, another tiollllo \\ilIing to wdrk, ubl(' to Edited by the Bo(\st r Club ot Waynl':!vil14;' HIgh School 121 t'~Il' ~. Du t h pen ... ,\ (lI'e similarly prepllre hi : le. :on" I n his 0" n in· FRANK ~AWKE Eclitor-i';-CJti.f Ohio youth~ \\ ho lHlVl' cllmpl~le, 1 c(lI"('d r or. itinth'e. hll\C ~('lf· r r:lp~c t D.nd I·t'· Allie M . impkins, deceased. ~Pl'c t the ri~hts of (llh(']'. , is IW1. I Comm on PIe •• Pr04:Hdin •• CECIL HARTMAN Ani.tant Editor their un<'-Yellr tel'm wilh th, ' iv· James E. Burke, administrator ilian onservation orps will be - - ...!. 'h_ _..,._______..... ....... '0 tluitter and, OV('I' 011. ('.I n tnk hi:; SA I .£ 111 . \ "medicine" in OO J jo(race . Th!' ea e of Hi\t~1n Jon s "eMU!! of the estate of A . B. Carn s, de- giV<'n a chance to 1 am II trad l~l T t New W yce4a St'lI ne~ viJJ· ~G. Hon'c~'~lJu l'Ji: 1 vocational schools lo b ' e l b· A H iA'll schoul gil'l-- n hom,., TIl\' • c \\ York l'ntr,a l Railroad c ased, filet! his inventory. t" IlUrsunn » ,r nil onl r u~ t h\l OIl .. nam4m I" R~e· • I ~ W A't·NE. VILLE JiBhed .throughout the :Illite undel" l'mbOlt,. I,;uurt of \\' l\rrl'll . tude nt . 1\ uld h ve.1i lI'3l't lin '1. , n corpol'ution, i~ di missed. ounty. M.rria •• l.'ice'u" vhlo. dull' nll\,I!' unu unt t'!':l 011 th ~ a plan a nn unced by Mr. K L. or 90, be a I:( 1041 "ports. In thu 1\ • ot Lloyd Colliver ver av rage F B P ~ ~t h dll\' lOr .1""lIpr>·. 103,. !n t ho George Calvin Beckett, farmer , Hausch, supervisor of t.he tate CUM\) pal'ticipate in nlllleticl> nnd . IIS 1l1mil?" Fanning, e't aI, partior "C h"rit' a I otoru" .n ntl Ch u ,.Il!8 a 2 8 mUll, The tournament this YEar is Cnllk, f I:. :';!lO\Jh" I'd, U8 I\\lt~ llr" " trato ra or of Harveysburg and Miss Helen Board :for Vocational gducatiol1. In g nel'al b a good all·round lion i~ ordered. 1 1 S L)lll ~~tuU' !.vultl ~ •. ~hl till e I'd. 11,,bing pi yecl lightly different.. It , a.vis, f The first class s hllv , be!' n " "u ~eu. I' lnor In the ruse of Kathe'rine P. Gil- Lucile Ferris, of Oregonia. 1Il\ 1(r ... -,·s· I'; I'ne8 L Sh"II' 1 2 5 st udent. · f h . I .rlffy, c hertl. ot III .. II r nUflllLI!. .alrt Carl James Mountjoy, farmer, ov ened at Firtdlay, Hancoc k 0 ., christ vcuus J. p~ Gi\(~hri&t, ju dgI. n "~ary or cac tealll t o ose I Meredith, ~ 3 G 0 ,:.Mtl 1.Ic111t-: n llnt\) !' u 18 0 on l ho of Oregonia, ~n<l Miss Mary Alice where it is estimated Lhat about '11 , k ,'t ur ollhJ COUl't. , ~ will arrow Calend.r nlent t the plaintiff f o,r $5,534.66 Marc.h two gam~ before beinjt elirllinat' l Boger, g 1 1 3 100 young men who It va been I ,H' Ill e ~ VO t,lIe nuc tlon on t h. I n the cas 01 The .Wayn svUle Jenkins, of Lebanon. Friduy, March 1 _ Bn ketball -!til ltrw or ,\IUTl'Ii. l ~35 nt 2 ('d. Anothe1' add ed {('atu re of t it , I honorably dischargeu. . from th ~ "\'1 I~ay F, MIlls Natin""1 Bank versUs " k )'. I. Oll l ho 1) 1·~lItll108. t hl tournnlll nt. 10 5 25 t ou rnament this yeal" is t\l e draW' Toolals CC a1'(, eligible for enrollment. rull tl wln g d ' ~ ' rl!Jell r III oota t . t oR•• I Eat.t. Tranafera Saturday, J\[nJ'ch 2- BlIskctbs ll Ilt III; judgT)le nt to the plaintiff · Ev ning classes in wl'ldin g el c· . wIt" Slllltlte IlIg which to lk plac a half-houT (" o m thl' dllfendants, ltay F. MllIs MA O. lit llll' vun t y ()r 'Nurre" George W. Cuder aDd M8ry W. tournam nt. In t hll ' llll<' nr Ohio Bud In t h" ity, I'adi o, automot ive ' and tl'ic b fore the ,,"ames b gan. Th er i:! Gilbert f larcb 7- ccUonal und Lydia .T. Mill, in the sum of Carder, to W. D. Carder, 94.25 5 Thursday, I 2 Lo"' '' K Idp . \I'r WU)' I\ bu und.l fore :try aTe being offered , accord. 1\11(1 fUI'lhr-r d e. · j·lI1 ti llIlnd also 8 b ys' junior hi h alld gi rl ' , f acres in Washington Township. S follOWS, t4,· basketball tournament begiM. ~ ;j5 (J4.;l2" 4 2 o "It · JJ_l ng ,,' llllTI of m il itary ing to Mr. Heusch. The youths al' t ournament. The L. &. C. Inyestment Co. to 6 Friday, Mar~h TU orlenl con· \' f1uJllhl'r af Enlry 2l!8!! anu. 2 2 divided into fo ur companies, surv (Of Lhe par t hcrdl\ COl\vl'yeCl, \)4\ Charles P. Swartz and . Iva L. New Suib IS te. ts, l'OO Ill elimination s. · Kin ~ Mill drew th byE' in the 7 2 I 1111< In lh 1!l,,~t lin e (Lt n 010 111 Much 8- Vocational l n t he case of Ollie :Mason versus Swartz, 120 acres in Monttomery named after the CC cAmps which 1.(111,, junior higb tournament. \ It ich gav, "I\Or., a willl <'!l k 11'. '(' beal'! N. IS . o o o Friday, they attended, Mr. H use h said. and Warren counties. . U"k ~ !t Ol d on th \\ "sl l"~nk of banquet. hem O~l les gam e to play than Ll'(l 'Mn ~on, mot ion f'()r div:irsion Cl' asol" ( ' 1' ·"k. 'I'" nco N. 61" 80' W , Solomon Fred .to Nathan Fred, Leaders will be aelected for each 116.71' 31 Tu e~d!ly. Mar b 12- Movie "The of househ()ld goods and chatte'hs as the ath r chools. The Waynesville pol u,! to 11 wile. '{,hellce N . 211 " 13 No. 145. U6 and 147 in compallY and Olle t o head the en- SO· BIlII L :u. G! pol 1'8 tQ a. attQne. Viking." junior high team put up' B good sit!. n ~ d for hearing on Wednesday inlots 1" b(, lI ~o '. 6~ EmIL IG .~ 8 pot 8 0 tire g roup. . Lebanon. Th ur~day, MArch l.J- DistI·icl P ebruary 20. 1985. fight in t thrilling over-time lOll'. 1"IH"'" N. IS " 4&' mast ~1l . 8~ . W YNESVILLE The· Boarq hopes to extend pol Elbert A. Minton and Sarah Min ~~ lo r. tltOIl . Th nco N . & J~. lia;;ketball tf umnment begi ns. game. It was j uat a question a3 to . In the CBS The Federal Land 3~.4 1)01 a to a. s lo lle. 'l\hen c o course!> shortly to Dayton, Akron B F P Frid:LY, :l1nr h 15- ltigh scbool Bank I Lolli , ville velrsus Walter tOll to Helen Campbell, 102.75 who had first chance at the bask t 'outh flO ll:. 45.20 pol . to n SU" llr and T()ledo and eventually the , 2 1 o o k, f acres in Salem township. party, Slprmsol' d by F re~hma'll <1I 11l l"chr8 In uhLtne t r. T.)lenco fr 6 in the overtime. Otterbei n happenSllutC!', . t nl. , confirrtlation, deed 2 Davis, f o '" ('las . . Minni~ R, and Nancy Elizabeth whole state, Mr. lieu ch announc· S. 47" 45' I':ast a3.H pol , to a ~to.k" . d to be the lucky ot) s. 'l'h~IO"c S. l ~' 30' b)(u t 0 I)oles to nnd di ·tribut ion. 1 c 2 Jarvis to Edith Pearl Hanifen real ed. 5 Thur day, larch 2 1"':'Sport s. ston e 'l'llenc(' S. ." 30' E. 91.G· The Waynesville boys are on Griffy, In the n of ' New York Life estate in Deerfield township. The Findlay project is l'OI "~ ' to a 61nk o n the " "est bank Mereditb, g 1 2 Brotherh oo u meeting. 6 manship Qt l:ou~llr ·r.· k . 'rtllmce With LII heir toes and t hey should go Tn!:tlJ'Unc o. VeTSU/l Percy Larup, jointly by the ta o 4 Thul'!;day, Murch 2 1 - Swtr Jr., 2 g In th e matter of the estate 111 ennd r Ings Lh" " or: s. 4 " W·. 1. 00 places in this tournament. They Boger, tal, judgm nt to p lailltiff and oard and the Findlay Boal'd of pOl('8 to" luku N. 3j' 30' W. 81.2 l g l Joseph A. ' hamberJin, deceased, ·2 bask ... tbnll tournarn<ni. lost a game to Mason but they Conner, from Percy Lar\lp . in the sum of. to Emma Cbamberlin. et ai, real Education. Tihs plan will be poles to 1\ a lo.le " 8. OJ ' W. 21. H 110 1 5 1 LeMa y, g o Math 22Wayne tf>n· to jL stUk e R. •• 11 • W . 20.62 pO. ·lI 1 Fliday. played a good game and 'With ,atl 1.42; also judg:r,le nt to defen ~ estate in Fl'anjdin township. followed .in other cities where to a Bla k e N U" 15' \\' . 20.36 pol -!!hip oratorical coot t. to n stn.k(·. 'l' he ll cil N . file ao' , V. .G . plenty 01 support they lIhould pull Totals lb.n l, The Fifth Third lUnion T.rust Wilbur Chanlberlin, et aI, to vocational classes are c tablished. pol t' s t 1\ stn k . N. G5" 30' ~v It 28 11 4 26 :aturdny, Mal'ch 23thTougb. o. and {l'om defendants, Percy Edna Chamberlin, real estate in The entife cost oJ instruction ])ol ~s to th\) p l B " of b gIn ning: a nd · ~c holnr hip tests. cOllutining 51 ty flv c.rell 2 ro od, Latup, J.'. and h'ene, Larup, in the !<' ranklin tOW1lship. lIARVE,Y BURG Thia week's games are as fol lows will be. borne by the Stat while IlIHI 1 Thur dAy and Friday, Inrch 2 ~ un\ of 4000. I pole or I nd mOl'C or J 'II~ , '" equipment Il~d suppJies buildings, 1 . Bait! 1'1',,1 "'ILut lHl f lot'pre 110.9 o Edna Chamberlin to Emma Bnd 29- Seni(lr cluc play. Fri"" ."eDinc, M.rch 1 at he ftlllJl or $920 () o o FI'iday, March 2 -Eightli . grade In the a8 of The New . York Chllmberlin, ieal esf!lt& in Frllnk- will be .furnished by the local 1nnutill ~·3'Prrllle"ll 8 :00 p. m.-Waynesville of lmHl 1\1lrllhwII Va lue Is Li fe Insurnnc o. ver's us William lin . township. board of ducation. Instructors th 8\1111 or $Ii G.67 nnd Ihe ;PrupiH 3 2 8 tate te ts. Morrow. ourt or W I·tell UlllY. hi . Illl. l Burggraf, et aI, Cbarlll8 O. Eaaton 1 o In the matter of the estate of must meet aLI requit:ements set duly fix d tho I, rl ~e .~L Which fl . 16 1 Friday March 2 - Warren county is made a party defendant. 9 :00 p. m.-Springboro up by the regular trade scho01s 1 3 f 1 ,,"II til mill' II" ~o ld at t he ~ttm Robert S. Lacken!!, decea8ed, to 7 g rade music fe t ival. Mason. G .41 7 (Lui! til 'wUl n OL b Dorothy Dougherty versus R icb Freda Lackens, et aI, inlot No. 820 d certified by the state Depart- or o 1 1 sold (o~ !l' 1! Hilla I hnt n m Qu nt. 5&t...41.,., M.rcll 2 a rd •fa rion Dougherty, for divoree In Franklin. ment of Education after approval 'l'eulI 8 t lull " ( ' Blh. Pep Meetina Charge i~ gross negll!st. J. T. l'KAHT, I" !'! nOOAN 10:00 a. m. -Springboro v. G by the advisory board, it was anG 18 Bannah B. Wharton, deceased, CHA [U,F.I:I R . S U EPHERD Friday th high s h()ol met for Riley is the attorney. Million junior high. nounced. AI! dmlnlslrll,torJl ill the astate A. L. , atkins doing; bu iness a to Rachel Woollard and Mary fit I.ydin E. Sh pherd. dcceaaed.. a hort time to prepare fOT the 11 :00 a. m.- Harveysburg vs. "Only competent tradesmen in coming ba k tball tournament. Blue Ball Grocery versus J . E. Wharton, 14 acres in Wayne town their vocation will be employed as 6t·J31 -F!!8 SENIOR CLASS DAy Otterbein junior high. s hip. 3:00 p. m. -Winner Waynes· This year the enior have de. After a song by the tp:ouP. the Eberhart., for money. Rachel Wooll~Td , dec68sed to instructors," Mr. Heusch said, vi1I~Morrow iame VI. loser Mason cided to establi h a new precedent· pep . sq aad pr~se nte~ a number of Gladys. Young versus Lelan May Miller, et aI., .1AI of 14 acres "By this plan we will be assured 'of • ?ringborQ game. that of etting aside a certain day SOl1gB; follOWing thlS :U ae Treacl- Young for divorce. Chulrge is K1'0S' in ,Wayne township. practical trade training alo'n g . 4 00 p. m.- C.rlisle vs. Kin'gs to be celebroted as nior claSs way and Robert YOllng gav e a negl ct of dllty. Mary Woollard, deceased, tQ occupations chosli!-n by the group. "Hils &'iris, finals. , . day. Although plans ore not defi, dr.nmatie! ~ketc~ "Til Quest for ---.~. MaY ' MiIler and 1i1dward Wool18Td, 8 :00 p. m.--Junior high fiinals nitely completed, it is expected VICtory.! m whlch , Mr. Lotz, Mr. P ..obert CO~lrt real estate in Wayne township. 9 :00 p. m.-Senior high boys tinal that the Seniors. dressed in their BOdenhef;lder .a~d Earl Conner R~chel Woollard, deceased, to dignified caps and gown will gave then: optmons as to how. lh~ The inventory of Mae Miller and Scor.. of All To........ t gather about the banquet t.a'ble al; team should play. S ..S. Etlis then EdWard Woollard, e:keeutors of May Miller, et aI, re~ estate In high noon to celebrate their school gave a talk". e~eollragJng the W!lY- th e state of Mary Wbarton, de- Waynesville. ea••• ceased, was approved. J.mes Cox, deeeased, to Horace Friday, February 22, . High life. After dinner the~ will pre- cehs Q~ to VIctory. The meetu\g A certified copy of t h-e entry de- G. Coa, et .1, inlot No. 204 in sent a program of many interestwas closG(! by BOngs and yells. aehool boys' games: Kings Mills 38 termining the inheritance tax 011 Fr.nklin. ...-~erbein 12; Springboro SI, Mor- ing features to the other three Noticel t he estate of Anna It... Bone, de. HoraCe G. Cox to VernOn Cox, Producers who sign the 1935 ROOT FOR AND CONS IGN classes when the higb schoo l row 26; )Jason 4.7, H.~eysburg cea ed, is to be certified without inlot No. 204 in Fr\nkUn. corn-hog adjustment contra\!t will )' our Cattle, hoge. aheep and ealv •• 28 : W IYJM!sville 31, Carlisle 22; gathers in the gym. The grades Watch for "The Viking," an delay. . . In the matter of the eltate of be permitted to make unlimited to Norrie-Brock Co.• live wire and may also be invited to this pro- all-talldng,sou!ld show. in eight James E. Burke was appointed Samuel A. Stout, . deceased, to purcha!!es of feeder pigs and pr.>gruaive flrm f~r the hlghlst Boll. .cor. felr W.,..aYille-C.rli.l. gram. reels to be gwen at the gym, on administrator of the estate of A. Anna Stout, 186.5l! acrel in stocker and breeding hogs fronl market prices Ind good service. M~rch 12. at 1'0:30 a. m. ~o gradeS\ B. Carnt!s, deceased a'nd filed bond Union township. lion-signers as well as from con· Union Stock Ya .. cia' Cincinnati, 0 , Ga... HIgh school and pubhc. Full of $1000 with surel;ies. William ' tract aigners .under a n w ruling Tune in on "adio Station WCKl WAYNESVILLE . Te.cher. Meetin. ~fanning, E. B. Murrell and Billa AIlo,... by the Secretary of Agriculture. 12;2~ to 12:80 p. m. for oll r d.ih B F P The Wayne Township te~chers detail nellt we k. .. . Ge~rge Perrine were. appointed ap .J. W. Lingo Hardw&r& Co., aupThe ruling was made etrectiVe, be· market reports. 3 5 met on Wednesday evening, Febru Cook, f .... ................... 1 Davis, t ." .....................0 2 2 ary 20. At this .meeting Miss Soybeans are the only forage praI ers. . phes and pam,. $193.(0 ;. Gri&- ginning December 1, 1934. =~=====~====::"'::--In the original form. the 1935 1 5 Kelly reviewed "Elemental'Y seed crop which is more plentiful .!-,. Earl Thompso-n! C. f;. Pe*,- wold .Senice Station, su,?phea and Conner, 1 .. ...... .. ............ 2 Griffy, e ........................ 4 2 10 Language in School" by Paul thi year than 1a t. ProductiOn for qu~t and J. H: Hendru:ks were ap . gasohne, $125.38; M.rtm Burke, contract provided that the signet *' 43 YEARS OF SERVICE ){er.editb, g .... .. ....... ... ,.. 2 0 .4 McKee; Mr.. Frank "Psychology of 1934 wa ~ppro}(imateJy 994 mil. p tnt d appraisers of the estate of gllrap re~t, U6; Kilt;labick- might made unlimited purchases LeMay, r ........·.............. 1 0 2 SchOOl MUSIC ; Mr. Braddock, "A Hon pounds which may be campar- Fl a~k ~. Combs, dee~aBed. Fn;nch Motorc~ Co., ,uohne, $4; of feeder pigs from c;ontract sign V Borer, g .. ,....... ........... 1 1 3 Socialogical Philosophy of Educa- ed with 658 million pounds fOI' th e A cert!l1.ed copy C?f th e entry de- 50 , Gulf Rellnmg Co., oil, $21,05 era but ]lermitted to buy _~_ _ _ tion. previou year. termlOlng the '. mh.erltance tax Shell Petroleum Corp., . oil; ke ro- from non·signers no more than the LEBANON. OHIO on the estate of LaU\'a H . Moeh,r sene, $27.02; l4Mat Body Shop, average number purchased by him Totals .... , -.= ........ 11 9 31 On Thursday evening the teacbWe have a complete decellI$ed, is to be ceri;itled witbout psoline, $10.31; 1'1)e F.irley Hard during the two.year base period, CARLISLE ~rl! enjoye.d a dinner party at the Watch Black stem ru st of wheat was delay. ware Co.,. 8\U1plies, $6.82; The December I, 1931 to November 30 General Denver hotel in Wilming Pl'ices Reasonable known .to . the early Rom·an.s a C. Gaiser, f ................ 3 0 6 ton. and a show afterwards. A certifi ed copy of the entry de- Cincinnati Oil Works, gasoline, 1933 inclusive. "mildew." In stead ' of ripping out termining the inheriliaDce tax on $20; John La...... SoD, gasoline, Bead:s Restrung Stejf. 1 ................... 2 1 6 Removal of restrictions was baseommo- n barberry bushe , the ho t 1he estate of E. 1. McVay, deceu- $15.76; W. B. McHenry, lIupplies, ed on recommendations of proJewelry Repaired Smens, c ........ ...... ..... 8 0 6 Inquirin. Repo ..ter plant of the disease, to co ntrol 4. Holweger, g ... 2 0 e~, is to be certified without dela,. gasoline• •16.33; Gross Service ducers. It will permit movement of "THE HOME OF GIFTS" Note: Each week this reporteT M. GaileI', g .• ....... . .. 0 1 1 will ask a number of High school the Roman farmers sacrificed Han'Y . Bartfelter, guardian of Station, lfUollne, $23.67; ltilpat- pigs from areas with Inadequate haiTed dogs to the rust OttQ Hartfelter, incompetent, .flIed rick-French Mo-torcar Co., supplies feed supplies because of drought members their opinion on a hi econd account. and gaaoline, '108,89; 11'e Way- to areall ' where Bufficient feed is 2 22 certain ~ue8tion . Tbese individ- Rubigous and Rubigo. · T9talll .. .. ....• ........ . 10 I \ N Ilie Pummill, administratrix Inesville Service Station, iasoline, available. Saturday, February 23, morn- uals ate picked ' a·t .Tandom. se.sion, Junior high games: BarQuestion: "What do )'OU think A shQrt course :for Grange lec- Of the eslllte of Louie Knott, de- $23.77; The Cincinoati Oil Works ' Contract igners who purchase veysburg 50, Blue Ball 10; · Otter- shou ld be the qualifications Qf an .t.urers i being planned for March ceased, "filed her first, final .nd dis- Co .• oil and gaa¢Jne ,2.94; S. K. feeder piga are required to keep Pierce, Agt.~ gasoline, '27.08; records ()n ij\e da~e and plaee of beln 16. Waynesville 14 i Spring- ponor student?" 18 to 22 by the college. of agricul- ttibutive accQunt. The will of Harvey Munger, de .T he Cineinn.t1 Ojl Works Co,) each purchase ·the n\lmber p.urchas boro 40, M9n.:~W 22; Carlisle 21, . Group: Juniors, Seniors and ture at the O. S·. U. It is the 7th gasoline, $1~.17; Za1n Armitage, .ed ave'rage weijrbt at the time of . Mason 11 (unofficial score) i te~c her8. annual s tb·ool. Lasl; year 253 ceased, wa filed in probate, Afternoon session, February 23 A High school teacher- uIt Grange ~eaderll registered for th'e Isabel Ft·ye Kellis wal appointed sand and gravel $73.77; The Welt pl.lrchase, ~he meth Od u sed to die· Springboro 31, Kit!gs MUis' 21; see ms to me that 'the pupil who week's instruction in pro'gram administratrix of the estate of ern S"r, torril.! tor Soldier's Re- · tinguish feeder pigs frQm pigs Lawrence Everett Frye, lief Commission, $34.25; The ChU lan-owed on the farm and ,the Morrow 42, Otterbein 10: Mason does. more than is r eq uired of him, building. and filed bond of $1000 lure dren'a Hospital, ' bOlpitali&atiOD. name. and address ot indivldualll 31, WaynesvUle 25; Haneysburg in school work and in biB mornl '21; Mrl. M.ude Deardo~, ~n- from 2"hol!l purchases are made. 30, Carlisle 20. attitude, should have t.he 'rating of Disbur ement to fal'mer eo.Jp, ties. Robert W. Brown, executor of iees, $7.60, Mra.. Lillie Urton, fen This evidence must be available on Evening session : Otterbein 14, an honor stude nt. erating in adjustmen t programli o~ K!ngs Mi!Js 13, Junior high game; A High school girl_It It looks til AA~ exceede.d a half b,UiQIl the ~8tate 01 Stephen C. Phillipl, ieee, '10; . Kri. Ira Eltzroth, all feeder pigs and stock er and aervice8, ,5; lira.. Helen Dough- breeder ltogs in order to prove de.ceased, filed his Bl!Jplication KIngs M1l1s 23, Harveysburg 11, -to m as th ough they bould in- dollars, accQrdlng to the man, serviees, ,7: .l In. How.rd compliance with ~he. 1935 contract. girl's game; Monow 35, Ki ngs c1ud e more than just t.he " .. ·tabulatio n, 'that of Janual'Y l.l1. a ce rtificate 'of tran ufl1r. ales by May MI1l4!r, admiil Sawyer, servieea, ,7; The Wetlt- - - ---. Phone 71P Mills 22, Seniol' higJt boys ; Way- studt>ols. If a student trIes ell'Tn- The total was $629,614.,037. tl'ix of thl! estate 011 Mary ·ern Star, 'envelopel .f or, peraonat

chool High




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F. T.




Centerville, Ohio

=~~~:,~)~~=~~===~====~======~~~_,~~~.~====~~~ =.==.=~._.~= lu~ ~ctM~,

w~e '

T~e a.dministratris



















fi.l ed . ap- alta Mfg. Co., .. 3600 "eta advance phcation fOl" a' c:ertificate of payment '~x eertificat..s, '38.76; t·l'ansf er. The Stakalta Mtl'. Co., James Saul, adminilstntor 01. the pad_, typewriter paper for tlrl~b.Lta estate of B1!rta SaaI, eleceased,61- '10.20; The Western Star ae4~O\ll'rit ed his inventory. blanb tor Probate, '6.110; The Irene Henderson, ILdmlnl.tratrix Weatem '13tar, Government of the estate of Otbo HenderaoD, envelopes tor Recorder, $18.86; deceased, filed her 3nventory. LebanoD-Citizens N.tion.l . Blink; Tbe inventory of :M:al'J E Shurtl "rvlele charte at "bank for reexecutrix of the eftat. of .Jam.. corder, ,1.715; J. W. ~nao Barel" M. Shurts, deceased, "a. approv- ware Co., on :tor aheri«, $1.911; ed. . Wal.t •• G....~; suppliel and labol' In the matter of, the estate sli.riff'l can, ' ,81.68 ~ . B. C. E dward W. Mount, deceased, til. lIervie.. ,'5; ' Fred Carson, tribution 01. assets Is ordered. lemcea. ,2'.75; The Dayton Blue Harry L. Darmody, ~.rdla~ of Print Co., tt."inl' and dr.winS George Leposchalt, incompetent paper, ,S.80; Th. Franklin Chron filed his eighth account. lele, do. , license adv~rtileJ;Dent, Freda Laekens, adnlilliatratrix of $3.50; TheWeatern Star • adverthe estate of Robert S. Laebnll, tisement, $6; H. 14. Coyne, deceased, ftled ber afftdav~t in lieu serricet, "60; Christine CleVeDlI'er of t\md account. aervicea; '37~50; M. B. Korey The 1!staie 01 Bishop, d~ services, '97.50;. 'Willa J. Beedle: ce ase~, I. exempt from inl1eritance services, '.37.50; ,Helen Randall, tax. . services, $87.50; Louis Whipple The estate of Loulie EMU \1 ex services, $8'7.60; Linnie Wi1ilam~ empt from inheritaf\(le tax. . . Hrvic~l, ·,37.50; Jeannette ~1ne The wlll of Harvel' Mupger, de- aervicet, $S7.60L Betty E. Oawald, ceased, WBIS admitteQI to probate. servicei, $S5; Urace B.ker, The estate of Il1a ' Stanaberry, viees, '82.110; Elisabeth Hathawa, deceased, i8 reUeved from admiDiI .s erviees, $aO; Geo. B. ' John.on, tl'ation, ..meel, . '8.7.50; Fnncea Ro. . The estate of RUllleD Thomp.on lemcel, Miller Hardware deceased, II relieved Irom .dmbda .. Furniture, prdell equipment Lration. . lumiahed relief lamUies dulna The inventor), of Ireaaie Ma" .49.28. execut rix of the " It&t. - ...- - - - - -- Hyman! dAcealed. w.. Perry M. IRake, el eeutor ot estate of Olive Mal ci Lereb, COIDn:l8l'eial poulv,men have ceased, filed bill petl,tioa. 1I1"41.....~.. lfouacl, from ~uir ooet noorda that for the allow.ace ,f hiI .J1Ul~ aacl relmaal7 .....ed against Hid ..tate. pd. . . . . mo... profitaW. tUa Alton F. Brown. of the paIWta hatched . . . la tbit IIeIII01l elltate of Bertha ... tbe~ lar wh.. p&.......... ('ealled, flIed hill . . . . . . for • IoBpr ,.... of ..... distribative . .• - :..~~..;..;;.. ADIia L.









Ihtloaal Beak Willa Dr.... . • E •• S.ttW WAYNESVILLE. OHIO FOR SALE DATE5CALL

hecam.e a MESSENGER Uptil less than sixty yean aBO, almost DO use was made. for the pur~ poses of cOlllmuDicatioD at a liis· tance, of the simplest, most direct. and most effective medium' for the ' eXPl'l8*D . and . transmission . of thought"",",the'buman voice. True, j~ is recorded that when the Persians invaded Greece,. i.n 480 B. C., ~he)' established a"l.101: of sentinels wlJo, by' shoutil)g 'from post to post. J'elayed messages ll~tweeD Athens and SUII' ,in forty·eight hours. Tile ancient Gauls used a .imiJar com, mllDication system for military pur· poses. Alexander the Great it laid tei have employed a aigantic speaking trumpet which could project the voice a distance of twtlve miles. other devlcea limilar 10 the. modern mega· phone, and still othtn followina the prmciple of the speaking tube, bave beea used from time ·t o time. . But all of the Ie have been rela· tively Ineffective in extendin. the Donna' J:'lnge of the voiee. Not until the laventiop of the telephone, ill 1876. was the spoken word set free from the limitatio.1 of 4~taDee. Toda" the voice oll1,..s the fliPt of . . . . . aQl'mOUti .... bllriera Of


.Stanley &Koogler Auctioneers JESSE ITAN LEY

EARL KOOCUR' Darto. Pia'O" KE •• ore ••••


FOR SALE--Aulltralian B~l1t!11 Popcorn, 8 lbs. 26e. Mrs. L. B.




FOll SALE- Soybeau hay. John Woollard, R. 1, WaJMaville. . am6 .


POR SALE-Clioiee Little Red Clover aeed, Iree from buc1dlol'D F. E. Tbcmw, R. I. WasrneavtUe.



POR SALE-NIce lIB. of Wan. aD4 Kite.a BoD _ ..-.II





..________.. ___ ...._ ...__ • __.._ _0

PUblhLerl SuhlC:rlptio. Price, '1.10 • Y_r . ., .. " ...... No. 112 Entert'd at Po.torrlee at WayaN' vllla. Ohill. a.MaUer I;.c"nd Cia. . Xall •• , ....... N O. 11a t


With the l'tlpeal of the 18th Amendment and the adoption in Ohi, ot the state m on opoly system WI! FF.:BR ARY 28, 1935 were promised t he exte rmina Lion of the evils of the aloon I"a. In t his the state has done wel l. W were 1I.1l!0 prom ised t hat t h ~ 11'1 11 ('01" bU1!iness would b kept out. r t he hands of criminals and r a cket"er , A !;hort ti~11 '. ago lhe nntilll1 ()b~cl'vcd Li ncoln's Bir thday. It would b'l-t we were not promised that th he n fi n(' .~hJng j 0 1: 1he COlllltry if A l1,prica n citi:r.ens gave a little t ime business would b e kept away {"om Jo llolldellllg th· Id euls and pr·incipals for \\hich the martyrc j PreFi- the pollticianll-ther ein lies the danger. We need not won:-; ahout ('ent ~ tood. the infringemen t of t he c ri mInal LinC(lln wa. Lhe mbodimcnt of true democracy. No man wa ~ or racketeer alt houg h there is cel : Ilr more pas, ionately.d voted to liberty, to f reedom, to destr oy. tainly a re mote r elationship bII I&, hllm n b 1\11!r of Whlllevel' ldn\!. H i was a loyalty to country tween such individuals and the lhal.1lI' n~ b yowl pnrtisnn poli~ic. - and thut would wilJingl'y make any musceling p olitician. The recent f unctio ni ng of the ,8nCt:l~C In OIU('l' lhnt lh nati on might ndure, progress and prosper. ineffi cient No in k was too g'l'ent, no duty too exacting, if it would help to State Liquor Depar t ment has no pt' l've alHI mailltain tho. , nduri ng pt'inciples laid down by the doub t b en eau . e4 by mani pulating politicians, division heads who f under , of the counlry in thc nited States Consti tution . deem them selves a uthorities to Dl1nng fou1' years or unj)nralJcled national crisis, Lincoln was tb ll design and suspend laws at will I' ck 1hat could I) ot bc s\\u)'ed by moo s ntirpent , by f ear, by the lU8t and con tinuous plans for changfor pow t', by lhl: desire lor [lcrsonal gain. No man ever possessed ,a ing personnel to fi t t he po litical I: ,'e,lter h ll'cu fo!' wal'- ytlt Lincoln went into t he Civil War deliber. scheme, ately, knowing that tragic n!! th waste of men and r esources would be A fe w months ago the state il WIUI eSBcntiul to the prcservation of the Union. Betwe en 1860 and C()ntemplated abolishment of sev1 64 Alltc"ica , stood at the cl'ossroads-and Lincoln drove relentlessly eral liquor stores siJ1ce J <)l'ward 011 lhe coursl! tho t DIetlnt. t he conti nllance and liberty, de- did not balance expenses-the Te suIt of party complications, no t mocracy, Ilnd onstituti nal principles. Th i ~ue lhat. sun- ullded Lincoln have passed, but the charac. the resul t of the bot tle conscience tcl'lslics of the man )·emain, and wi ll not be fo rgotten. In times like developed du ring th e thiTsting era. th!!s WIHIl so-called clI1cl'gency m asures threa ten ~he very foundation Wbat a contra t this-with. the (I( QUI' onstilllti onnt government, it 18 well t o remember Lincoln and bootleg syst em in f orce during the hIs wOlk "<\ry" spell 'when u:penses we r e smothered with huge pr ofits. W ith a hundred or m or e liqu or IItores operating at a m inimum profit it might be a gOOd itlea to empl.oy NebI'D kn is auv~l'ti sed as being :a debtless state today; as a eom- our tholllla\lds of ex-bootleners ltIOO \\, ulth \\Ih n. tile law prohibits pIJdging t he state's credit for more into the service of th e state on a tll n 100,00 ; and nl 0 as n Slat which has ridden through war and commission basis, Let t hem install p/'lce, drouth and I)lenty, without is uing a dollar's worth of bonda. their own efficient system and turn It built a $ 10,000.000 ~ tIlle capi~ol over a p eriod of twelve years in the buge profits weekly. With 1I1.t f it·' alJnllal lnx levy. Us r oad paid for by a four-cent gaso- state controlled speakeasies f1ou rishing an atmosphere that smacks n,l' tax and mOior vehlcl.e Iic4.!ns fee$ , plus t he ullual Federal ald. ' of the illegal, and e mpl ~ying barN 'bt'askl\'s government. uHide fro m road bllUding, is supported by tenders of the hoodlum and It r.'<'n tal PlOp l'ty ta)( anu it ha nO Income or sales tax. gangsteT aspect, li quor sales w'oul d These facts se m to pro\'e that a great state can be operated 011 a immediately increase, even wit h l>u~'n s bu. I nd stay within its in come, the tax. The re should be a daily Nehru ka hould be 00 obj ct I s on f OI" every state in tbe union, notice In the n ewspapen jnformInnl1 Y of which arc stn gering toda y .mder bond i88ues to pay fo~ ing prospective imbibers that in r()rtical xperiments nnd .inefficiency which the coming eeenr.tiolla order to gain admittance into a h ta b Id legally oper ated "Joint," they ~\ . 1 luggle to )Jay if the:,' are eve,' wipe d out. T e .ltpall'ers s ou must knock three times and ask 11 .. up in Mms, as it wc~e, against pl'actically very proposal that ill for "Louie." Mr. Public enjoys ,,' I to further burden t.h p ople with taxes. . paying for atm08P~rel the more l'h I wmaker louay who suggests tax in creases !Is a way t o meet mysterious the abode the longer . l t proLkm, is in rno t cas simply showing his inability as a busi. the line of customers. Of course l I l ' mall to balanc the public's bu inE-ss budget. this idea emacks of lunacy, but if an efficient method of state control bereft 01 hands not soon present itself, th·e real ity of this idea may manifest itself in another era of prohibition.


_.=====-==-=== =

Lincoln Stood For Constitutional Government

A State Can Live Within Income

- -=----=

Farm hight 1 alks,. March 4

:00 Mu sic

", ........ " .. '.'.' ....... H. E. E win.e :05 tn the Days of Dl'oving WOSU PI 8:15 Hom e "'eet HOnl .. , ............,. " ... ... _..... ayers :30 1I1u ic :40 Th amJlus Mirror . .. ..... .. Wm. Zipf ~nd Fri~nds 8 :50 A }'al'nl Hou;i ng rrogl'am , ..... ....... " ............ " R. C. Mdler O'Oll VI'hat Doe Your Garden Meoll to Your Pocketbook ........ ,., ...... .. .. , Al ma Gar vin and The.lma Be.U 0:10 Mu ic

... .... " .. ", ...... " ...... A. R. Winter hick Diet 9 :3[; A Go ud La\ n at ast E.lC p nse .. ... ,.,., .... ... "" G. M. McClure \I :45 Se~d P lataC5- ariety, Source, Price .. , ... " .......... E. B. TUDlng -

U hy




Straight from

Washington By

Eu ~ ope an Na tions, sa ved by American sold ier s, owe us m COnlreuma h At Lallie dollars the entire cost of the New Deal or the Presi dent's Recoveryl Th e Sanate ommittee investi- Program, f or t he fi rst three years, gating thc Munitions haa a cou ple billion d ollars adoutstanding public service. II'r l,vR t,".1ditio nal t hrown in. profit should be taken f roln If we could figure a "" ay to comT he private manufacture of p I t hese ungrateful natich1s to mun·ition s of wllr nnll arms shou ld pay th eir debts, a grea t load be outlawed. Senatol;' Nyc has would be taken t rom American asked $l()O,OOO additional Ito conPresid ent Roosevelt tin ue th inve$tigllt ion. C<mgress ' in his message ·t o Co,n gre!!s, roen shou ld vote for a t horo ug h in- American dollan tak en from vestigation. The Munitions busi Amerlcan ta)[payers furnished the ess for profit is one of the vital means for winnin-g' the war, LU 1U ' ." S' , He added that American people k nOWn to man kind. had a r ight to expect to be r epaid, It European nat ions who haVe alOld Age eCllrity Legislaltion re ady repudiat ed this debt, cannot provide $50 per mont h to be prevailed upon to pay, needy above 60, a nd ,1'5 per American taxpayers must. month to all , regaTdless 0,[ need, o'v er 65, who retire fro m all competitive earning, is being c~lrefully considered in t he Co ngreSlS. The initial cost to t he Government would be 250 Inil1ion dolla'rs. The fu nd would be rlli ed by a 'Ievy on all earnings amou nti ng t o 1 ~ percent, plus a n increa se d 'inheritance tax aga inst large fortunes. A pt·over inheritance t 8ll: would be 91i % 0 1) all fortunes In excess of one million dollaTS. This is a Net s avings to livestock produe. much less bu rdensome talC pro- en cooperating ill the Cincinnati g ram than advocated by Dr. Town market area, were more than four ,send 's foll owe r!>. Dr. Town/lend ad times 8 S ·large in 1934 as they vocates a tra nsaction sahls tax. wc>re an the outset in 1925, as Such a ta x bears down hardest qp- ported last Thursday at on .P!!ople in moderate circum- Annual Meeting of the Pr'DdllCEll'!Il CooperatiVe. Commission stances and on the p oor. tion, when nearly 1,600 ' men and The Hoose of R epreselntat iv es women who ship livestock to Cin was considering appointme nt of a cinnati a the Hotel COlJlmis ion to arra nge fo r the Netherland Plaza to celebrate the Sesquicen t~nniB I celebration- tbe te nth anniversary ot the utabone h undred and fiftieth imniver- lisQment of their organization in sary of th e f()r mulat ion of the an all-day session. A welcome to Cincibnati was Albert McKay enjoyed a trip t o Constit ution. Congr ssman Eat on Florida ·week. (Republican ) sai d : "God .knows, e xtended by Councilman ~rthu" Mrs. W, C. Smith a pati ent at we need to re discover our Constitu B. Dunlap. Lloyd .Nickels, McClellan hospital is improving tion . 1 would like to know ' whether President, Connersville, Indian., nicely. Sbe sustained a double this celebrati on is going 1;0 be in opened the convention, followed fracture of the left leg, at her the form of a birthday Iparty, a by Manager R. Q. Smith with a rebome here, a couple of weeks ago. mem orial s ervice, or a r-esurrec- p ort of the y~ar's progress. Rufus Conner, in CCC camp at don 01 t he d~d." P. O. Wileon, manager of the Athens, Ohio spent the week-end Association whell it was formed at 'hill home here. A great many thoughtful mem- and now Secretary-Manager of Norman Brown in CCC cam,p a t bers of Congress believe' bhe Gov- the National Live Stock Marketing




Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol



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durability and exquisite design . • -the ~hest ideals in plated wa.c e-are allured m ·apoons. forks, and fancy sef\'ing piece$ bearing tho rmowned trade marL.

1847 ROGERS · BROS'eT~pt

11lere are various makes of silverplatecl tableware


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good," but, like all

· Ditations. they lac~ . the beauty. an~ weariDi_ qlJ~~ identified with the ongIna 1and genume 1841 R06ERS BROS. ware ~pularly known as H Si/ve,: Plate that W.arl.'~. Sold by leading dealers everywhere. Send for catalogue "C -L" showing all designs. IFIIDEN BRITANNIA ·co" (lI'nn"·::!'!~~t VIII 00., MeritIeI. eo.. ~~


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Lloyd ' W . Reese, state higb s chool supervisor for t he D epartment of Education , ~as in. Atlanti c Cit" thi.s week nttendlD~ the oT f th Nat onal a nnual convention 0 e 1 Association of High School ~upervisors nnd Directors, of he is president, Sever nl seSSions of the org nization wcre to be. de"oted to disca5!ion .of the nllbonal said. t ercent enary celebrat ion of t he America n high school, the first of A "Warning alalnst .n Iliftuenza which was Boston Latin School, epidemic baa been Bounded b, the Boston, Mass., establishe(i in 16~6. State Departillent of Health, It · Mr. Reese, in co-operati on WIth was urged that every cold be 1"8State Librarian Paul A. T. Noon, garded as • p08llible forerunner of hu eompiled a list of 250 ref,er - I influenza, and that. phyalclan ". .. i Ol'esel 0.'1 B Din .. aDd 8ahll1' ba8 att"lned •• peed 01 Hyatt RolI.r U4ianD& (;ompt,il • ence books on secondary ed~cat~on consulted. More C.HI of illftllelllll Starllnl ' Producta Co,. ,.·...W ur "more tb~n 1(10 mile. M bour. which will be sent to aU OhiO hlllh have been reported !llnce Juual'}' paa, aDd otbe,.. (}eueral Mot(\~ Train GoeR into Service 00 acco\lnt 01 It.t greal' .~d &nO b b dl Bchool superintendent/! , and pnn- 1 than durilll the e..tire , .... Oextbilltl'. tbe dally 100 mile Itl- t rou, Ita ... Iotoa ytalon, [.. 0 ia New ' England cipala tor use in conj~~ction with 193.. The total from Janll.ry ~ , •• II ~ "III' IIlded tbe .peel.Il, d.. lpe1l lOt nerary 01 tbe F'lylDI Va,n ee bOl'llepo1l'er Dlelel eneiDe "~Il. the tercentenary aetiVltles of in- to Februa.J7 11 .... 2,42' C. . . . , enable II to replace at leut two " ... lbe "\'.nllee" n. Imoolb 1oe. dividual IIchoole througbout the laat year'. twelve-month total. Was By LATTIMER SHAW reglliar stea.m tralDe eacb W81,b·'. mll.&n.bour speed. Ttde W.ter _ stat". The publications may be ob- 2,~77. The hpltb department ~ cOmPlete revohltlilD In raal, safe IDg spproximately 1I0lt,OOO DGIundl suppl1 1nl lbe Veedol lubnC8.IlQ tainfcl at the State LibraT),. pOinted out that the _nee reprailroad lraDSlIQrt"tloll ID Ibe alaine, P mere 214 .000 pounds for ' ... blC~b tJelp Ita eqlue to functlot reHnt but • .mall fractiOD of the .ctual 'e uel "bllCau" Inluen.. t. ... Iern United Stlltd I.. pl'e<llctec1 lbe "Y lI:ollee7 In ope.rBtlDI coata. 80 Iwe.el, .n4 allent!)' at ,arrla. ' The report on _the state-wide. dIsease for which medical atten- M • r"alll1 of Clae IUCCl'IlIltll <loblll tbe !llnere.nC'1! I, equnll, IharP--lbeIIPeed. Tbe "n,IDI V.DII.... Ie ~(O rural electri.ftcation survey of tile tlon Ie, unfortunate!" Mldom III ~t". -",In, Y"DII"~ thll! month "YlinkH • .. S& cent8 8 mile forecast· •. Itoe lin .. of lba nost«m and , lDg 'enqrmolU 5uv"ln,@ ou" ,tbe 86 Clalme4 b, railroad ell:perIe .. II •• state rellet commi!!8lon recom- aoapt." mends the c.onltl'uctlon ?f 3,040 • _ ...- - - 'Ie'" .. no., !.I-,np Cent",1 Rllllron". I to 10 cent•• mile ror .team tralll &oIDotl •• lIIen u • foretuaallf '" mUea of electric power lines at • t ala.!" df .IAIII.... lrac:erUI· loperatiOIl. ,...•• n..,.. of .1.. 1Iar tnalns will. .. of ...."8 000 in 680 rural lion tluall IGOO rrowen;» .....r ., str-:allllltMd Inlo ' .. til .... ('IIr al' Wore tban Z1M/ out.tllndlnl GOlD ...........fId Ie I!a.,.., '" ... ..... eo:=~~'t~ of' Oll1o's 88 beeta in W...ra Obi. uye ......d lIatt o. r-r lI'Mlla and plan Ie. ,'oo". rlll.o III Ua. ".'1,,0& lew 1'1Ia. . . ecMII~l, 1M anDOQlIced bJ aclja.aaeat eontnctl wi'h the do1ll.~~ etl15\,r.t _11ft . . .ft V.IIII..Oene,..' TIde, ........ ~ _ _ . . . . . til alMft .... A. AAA. ·niI ...... ~ il .... ~ 111 .. • t"..... ""t~. a. . . . fae\, 71.. _




made in order to obtain data on the 'necessity and fe.sibility of co n8t~' ucting new and .dditional power lines in Tural areali not now served adequately. The report stated that there is no need for extl"a electric. I facilities in twelve cOllnties. n.mely Athene. Cuyahoga; ~ilia, H.mitton, Hanison, H~nry, Hocking, Jackso n, Lawrence, Monroe, Tuscarawas' and Vinton. ---Seed of a new type of long-life weet dover, which haa been de., veloped after ten years of research by Protell8Or J. B. Parlt of t he department ot .wrODomy, Ohio State ul)iversit;y, h.1I been requetlted by perBOli1 in .n .ectiona of 'the United State••nd by m.D)' Canadians .nd lIumerou. Europeans. The Dew Ipecle. of clpver is more vIcorou. and it liv~a from two to three weeklllQnee r thaI) the ot her types. It ,nil therefore provide pasture at the time moet need ed, in the late Bummer. OnlJftve ' bushels of the aeed are in existence, and it w\ll be 1I•• d ID various parts of the world for ,e xperi. .mental purposes, Professor Park


a ••

which are claimed to be "just


C OLU l B S~A fl ood of bills, more t han 700 , has" engulfed the Ninety-first G n ral Ass robly. [n fuce of th task of deciding on the mimy mea 'ures,· the powerf ul Se~­ r t rules committee has vot.ed In favOJ' of a djo urnment · of ~}I e A ~ ~e mbly on March 15, WhiCh, .If tlle I'Idjoul'nm nt takes plac , .w llI me n t hat IT\llch important legIslation . will be put off until . special so sions are held late thiS year. s usual , npout two-thirds o~ the proposed enactments wer e mt rOduced in the House o'f R epresenta t.i ves. The bills when passed by the Senate and H oulle go to Governor Martin L. Davey for his veto or signature, lind i1 signed by blm t hey are Bent to Secretary of State George S. Myers for perma nent Aling.


rament would .aVa milch mOlle, Alloelation, CbScaro , t'onJ,(r tulat· that a more liberal commt'r-I t'd the membt'N on tht'Jr orITani?: • p,olic:y would re ult it \\e lion'K lI urCI' !I~. o tt,l'r fi;11'nk 'r: nil would rf'cl1l1 all Liberty Bond141 t he program included IIt'lI n J. II, ow oullitanding and give the' ho ld Rkinner of P UI' due L'nil'l'r ity, 11111 1 of the bonds new moneY- i e. G. RandA ll . rh l!' f (Jr till II '~,,~h cTisp green-backs in ex- and woo l sectinn , Furn) (' '('(lit Ad · . Fifty million dollars I'Yl'ry mini slrillion. W II~hinJ!ton. n. r in interest charges woul d be J . Milford S t'ny. CIU"li~h', waH sav ed. A. lot o r. this. ntow . money add ed t the dil'l.clunlll' fmOl wou ld be put mto C1rcllJallo n, 0 Kentucky, and two Iltlwr ~hatl~ .; The ivilian onserva lion Co ~s were made. C; R. Titl ow, ('hnil'is the gr eate t natio na l experi- man of the Advi"ory nmmittl'I' ment in constructive social service for the Oayton mark,·t· fir 'a and ever un dertaken. Nearly a million director of the Oh io [·'nrm Hun·au young men without j obs, and with- Fed r atio n, succeede/l J , H. All· , out much hope, hay bee n taken geyer.. re~igned, Ilnd . ,,},'(1i1'l<'y, fro m idlen sa and giv en ero ploy- succeeded F. G. L·yl£'. Hill -h, 1'0 Iln hio acetion of the BCI:ml. ment in the cam ps. P resi dent the Roosevelt inte nds to cont inue tile while A. A. Tom ()y . WMhingt()n . \ was reelected from Tlldi,\na. CCC. Of course, t here hIlS been criticism. "SI1P Suckers" a nd "Tree In Ohio about 48,000 fU l'tlll'Planti ng H ob by" are a sample of 2 2 pe r cent of the lito l"'( tutlll th te.rms used by critics. a re u ing high-line el clrlc ~e lyi"~ Congre sma n J osh Lee, Dem o- Allproximately 40,000 othl'r farm: crat, of Oklahoma, x-p ressed him- it is estimated, (!mpl /J~' indh'i cluul self on the sub ject. the other da y. electric Jight plants. He said, "Hoover made monkeys out of us, and DOW Roos velt is going to give us t l'et's to climb ."

New Burlington

The OM. Stat e U niver sity Radio Station-WOSU

~ :26 'fh

Mamollth , ity., lPent the with ihR 'mother, . Mr•. Spencer. ' lli ' F rance Ann hap. bt' t'll th ~ I( Ut' 8t uf plu'cntll, Ah. and Mrs. T. dock I'Hurl1ed to hl'r ho Gr e nfi ~ ld , ~untl ay. T h play "H ere Come Kn ight.H" Rive n 1)y a grollp of ~'ou n g pell ille of th M. E, ,~ hur c h Tu esday nil/:h t , \\ 1\3 well pl easing to a I F\rK~ aud ience. Mr~ . 111l rry ~ick.erstln is a patient in M Clellan ho ~ pita l, recovt'l'ing fl'UnI Lwu minor operati ons. Mr. and MI'$. J. L. CQnIlt'dl spent W ashington's birthday with thei r daughtOl', ncal' Nidg vi ll e; I nd. Mrs. Wal'nel' l\JolTi~ vi. it ,ed relative ill incinnati la ~t week.

-- -- ------ --

- --- .



,,, name is


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,rOU'O expect to par • pNI I deal for a magaziDe Iik. this, packecl wi.b finl-run and fi~lion. Bul not GIIe extn p.e nny will you pa, for "ThIll Week,,· The Sunda,. EDquiret'e great new ...gaoe.


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All 014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... eaab week wltiIa ,... . . . . . . . . .

lIUlnr. . . . , - . . . . . . . . . . . JVDr 8uDIIa,y


Mrs. ,Mary McCluN!. ItSl, Sarah Snoith. Mi , C rinne Rubbins an,) Mr, Robert Chnpman all of W II)"'Th('! I'. T. A, D\l't a~ the om ne vi 11 t' , Il'~t WCllnl;!>luf.\Y night anI! held Il Mr~. Mary Oo::\t('r I!ntert.aillt'd ~'t' Y inl f tlting meeting. Arter Adult ' Blbl!! dal's 01 tne I hl' bu~tnl's!< hour, II mOI!~ interest tl-c inA' talk WHS givcn by Mr. Wayn J.)nnh':-( nun ~hul'ch at hel' hom ''lB tile 01" da,. 1 11,.<1 10 d..... lbe W JI1~, "cien!:~ teachc r of Clarks- on la t TU(lsdny nij(ht. ormln, 01 Wlnler t .... "I .. oy. IlCbltDI Mil's VirJ,(inio Davis is at h"lllc FRIEN~S I~EETING col~ r lin, about half aU,.-lryl"l t. I' ille. l\[u~iI' \\6 fUrtlish('d by the orlo wllb 11" body otllhl, ..,d ... r, De"' C(11I1lnU llitr ol'ch . tra which was with hill' pnl'l'nls. First-day Scho(II at 9 ;80 a. m. ~ 1 rd ••. ~i' "tly enjoy d by all. Me dllnll', , . T. J ord ali and l1 e&tin~ for W (Irship at HI :30 ' ThIn a rrl~nd tn'. /II' about ~fcCo," Oed I.Iv.r 011 'l:al>l.l.. .,ll.h Ih.1r ", .....,Iou, MI'. nnd , Ira. j\. ' . Collett and WnltH Ellhs attended the F rie ndm. vII mh" A and D J ""'Ied 10 lale thlm nv • .\~ ... 'CO An d r ",,,"n'l bad. told R<>hl'l t t'lItHtained wlth a ,)arty a ship dub III the home 01 .1\11 , 'Inc ~ Ilia I tlmo the SU~ 8r camp on Friday vening Erne, t Mannon (Ir nea.r Wilming. JCCoy 'l "bl.lI PUI n.. IU. 10 10It.; fERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST b\lUd up ... IUanee $(I "nyon. 'rIo Ilu,h a\ the f lIowin~ ' guest~; Mr. alld Mrs Lon 10 t W rlnesday aftCI'noon. c'ld ,.rma Thor mIt • • uk . • klnny ·ptopi. ll()wnrd Graham, Dr. and Mr. A lnl'ge ~l'owd irom here attend orl Smith, Minister altO"' , ,u'ady-nened and v1l oroua. They' re H. R Hatha\ ay, Mr. and Irs. L. ed th toumam nt nt King Mills " " d.rful! ' nitled serlo/ iCefl beginning with ') ~I ' h ~ ,.nul". M<C'oy·. Clod 011 n. Gordon, Mrs. Emma ~{cCluTE, on Friday and Saturday. A{ter a chul'ch ;9choo) lilt 9 :30 a. m. 7'abl.h frdm your dru(I;" l loda, . Don' \ M"d, m Olley 0 lDl!t.IIO,,,, AlII. lor WcCo, '&, hard fight oUr girls and the first II rvice at 10:30 o. m. l am went dOwn in d f at but the second tel;lm wall victoriou lind - -- will plny again th re next Satur- WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH




ant! MrS. E. . Chu' k and Rev. G. C. Dlbe~. Paator daught rs were Sunday dinner Thursd ay ; (tonight) A Get gue, t of <ir. and M... G. M. Mac T( gether Meetinlr of the Dayton Dl)nnld and fal11i1y. District will be held in the EpThe many' fri ncls of Mt. R. J. worth church in Dayton at 6:30 p. Murray will b sony to ICBm of m. Dr. James M. M. Gray, Chan· h i~ serious i11nes~. cr!lor, of the Amllrican University Mrs. Emmo!' 1'vlunger has Teturn in Washington D .. C. will be the eil home after coring for the chil- speaker. dren of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Furnas Sunday: Sunday school at 9 ;30 of near Waynesville. O~e child a. m. Ml)l'ning worship at 10:80. was very sick with pneumonia. Epworth League nt 6;3() p. m with The Jonah's Run Baptist church Winifred Conner as leader. Evan caught fire la st unday morning gelisli c services at 7 ;S () p. m. ·The but WII OOn extinguished. Quite me n of the . church will ,have a done. The prominent part in this aervic and a Iitt! damag wa congregation of that church came l und r special selections and tbe in t o the Methodi t chureb and ' plIst or will speak ,o n the subject of contin \Jed thcir services. "The Unansweralble QuelStion," Mr. !lnd }\frs. E. V. Vinal's enWednesday: 011 Wednesday of te\·tilined his 51 ter and family (If next week th~ Women's Foreign Dayton on unday. Mis ion ary Society will meet with J\[i iI Lucill Tucker called on Mrs. Mary McClu're at. 2 p. m. U. and Ml' . Russell Wilsoll Sun. _ __ day a'fternoon an'd saw their new ST. MARY'l, CHUR.CH boby daughter born to them on Rev. J. J. Scbaeffer, Rector February 1 . everal of the lila ons from March 3, Quinquagesima Sunhere attel1ded Maso nic inspection day. hUl'ch sch()ol at 9:30. The at Clarksville Tuesday nigllt. Rev. David R. Covell, of OincinMr. Jesse lark was quit ick nati, Executive' Secretary of 'the last week but is much better at Diocese of Southern Ohio, will this writing. preach and administer the Holy Mrs. Lida Hatton is visiting her Communion. daughter, ii'lCincinnati and later, expects to go with t hem to Florida Mrs. W. B. Chew, of Xenia, and S·T. AUGUSTINE CHURCH M'r. tTank Chew. of Washington. Father Newton, Pastor D. 9., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. 1'tlass at St. AUlguBtlne'lI Chul'ch W. C. Tichenor, Wednesday 'of every second anti fourth Sunday last week. f the month.

DR. H. E. HATHAWAY Dentist X-RAY WORK BLOC ANESTHESIA All Kiad. of D_tuTes M.cI.e Work

,Main Sb






. ., Ilia it !!I ....-TII. Elqairer'. "eal.w



IT'S CALLED !'fIll WEEI" AI. ' ••'LL In IT

nEE EIEI'WEElwnITRE liliA' E.,IIIEI 'l"8 BI!:'l"l'EB thaa an a1ann cJoclc to bounce the bollle11014 out of bed on Buud.y mornlJta:. Setter tban pMI,. c.kM &0 pi tbe whole rantll~ racln" to set doWDIIain. Por e1'eQone will waut thfa telUl&tloDal new mapalne flnt. ~errone wW wan, to Iret at the I'ripplnr rtnt,.11lIl fact &Del


.......,D' new , ..... Tile

between the ecwen ,of "Thil Week,'~ tIIIe abtloilltel;r bee, "very week, 8UDday Enquirer. Fact and fiction. r~h from the . . . . a( Amerl~'. hi&hellt.llald macu1ne and newapaper wrUen. You won't want to mt.. a alnrle I ue. You wo.."

ftcUoD &Iaa*'.



map&ln~ d~hered

to ...... "nele word «>t next week.·. I.a..e. See

---:: -_ _...IWII_ont('bt" alll"1l~.



Be SlJR.E to get your copy of

..en 8ancJa,)". Enqull'er with your: FREE cO,P)" of


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Late Classified Ads.

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TWO HOUSES DESTROYED , BY FIRE THIS AFTERNOON Man'. Sulta, 6Sc The residence on the Amos Thompson farm near Harvl!vsburll'l Ladi-e.' Dre.sel, 70.: occupied by John Stultz QuIck-for quality dryc1ea.un, burned to the I\'round shortly .fter noon today. T,h e house was built. abou.t live years ago, replacing olle that was deBtroyed by fire in 1924. Mr. Stultz had occupied t:h& As k f or a house about two weeks. At about the time of the burnMiamisburl' Permanent ing of the Thompson house, fire was discovered at the home of Concrete Il.enry Ilnd Woodrow Collins near Air 5 ••1 Burial Vault th.e Wellman school house. Henry Collins, &n invalid, was in the For Sale only by house alohe and when rescued was found one leg. and the foot on Your Funeral Di.rector the other , leg was badly burned. The origin of the fires Wall not learned. McClure Funeral Home

--- ...- - -

W.yn .. Yille,


A jolly party (1onprieed of old classmates and friends, assembled at Lyman Day's ' s ugar camp Friday night wh re. a very delightful evening was spent. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. R. J . WillIamson of CleV'eland, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Williamson, of Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Davia of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Babb and son of Xenla, Mr. altd Mrs. Setb Furnas, son and daurhter of Centerville; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Conner and family, Mr. and Mra. Frank LeMay and dllUghter, Mary Eva, Mr. and Mrll. E. F. Eamhal.'t, MT. and Mrs. Lyman Day, Mrs. H. Williamson, Marjorie Eamllart, Louella and Grace Williamson, Florence Day, Dean Hawke and Charlell Burton Earnhart.


CHltlST 'Romo Riggs and fl\ mily of Carl Smit.l~ Minlater Social Row attendell the funeral Church IIchool at 9 ;30 a. m., ~e~~ 1ather, in Dayton, last ~ord's Supper at conclullion. Chris Donald Hadley has employment tla~ E!ndeav~r at 6:30 p. m., evanat Moraine City. • gehstlc servIce s't 7 ;30 p. JIl. ' Rev. Walter Martin is ' holdil)g IN ME~IORIAM meetings at Lytle church this week. ---Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Sides attendThomas Conard. son of Abram edthl! funeral of Robert Haines ar.d Phoebe Conard, was born on a of Dayton, ~t Waynesville, Thurs- farm near Highlland, 0., OctobeT day afternoon. 14, 1844 ' and diled 'February 22, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bllcrnett. 1935, aged 90 ye~rs, 4 montha and ~r. and Mr '. Walter Kenrick and 8 days. Robert Friend ' attended a "Ibh.. Of 8> family of 14 children, only fr y" at K. of P. Hall Wednesday two are left ; OnEt Mster, Mattie O. vening celebrating the anniver- Terrell and on& brothn sary of the Lodge. Conard" both of 'Wilmington, Ooio• Like many young men of hill I.;ittle Betty Thomas has beeD quite sick. time, he felt the call of the West Mr. E . J. Cal'mon)l of Spying. and at the age 01' 23, went to Iowa field vi ited his mother, l\[rI;J. and in 1871 ~lTied Miu Anna Mary Cannony, Sunday. Munday. To this' union 5 children Mr. and Mrs. Stanle), Bailey and were born; StElllll, Howard, Lydia, daug)tter, spent Sun<\ay 'Witb Mr, Maria"na and Phoebe; only two and Mrs. Everett Kenrick at Cen- remain to mounl the 10l1li of a tel·ville. ' loving father; HI)ward ot Clarinda A num1;ler of young :folks from Iowa and Phoebe Michael of the Springboro ,M. E. c.nurch at;. Waynesvl1le, Ohjo. tended the services here Monday In 1900 he r eturned with hia evening. family to Ohio and purchased a Miss Dorot~y Graham spent the farm n4)ar Highland, a s)lort di&week-end with , her gran d motb,e r, tahee fr()m the home of hia boyMrs. Lucy Dyke in Dayton. . hOdd, where he lived until after Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hadley the time of his wife's death on were week-end guests of Mr. and October 11lth, 1910 and mOlt Mrs. William Hadley and family the time since biaa made hia at Blllnche&ter. ' with his daughtelr and her n ..'........ A number from here attended Phoebe and JeRI! Michael. In the tournamettt-ot Kings Mills, home has always had the Friday evening. care and thotlLghtful attention Miss Miriam Wharton hu mi8sed which made 'the lonely yeara .. several days , of Bchool on account happy, aa could be, without the of ilInes8. . ' companionship of hill wif'e, and In Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robinson this' borne he lived to lIee the two 'spent, Monday night with friends g'r andehildren, 1\lar,er1 and Earl, in Columbus. grow to womanhood and manhood; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin SWllnk and to See them maJ:ried and in home. chlldi'en, of Dayton, spent the of their own; and hi. other rrandweek-end with their parents, Mr. son, Arland Conard, grown and III and )Ira. Ed Longacre~ college. Mrs. Alice Brock ancl Mrs. Thorn .. Conal'd .~nt h., activ. Mary Marshall accompanied Mr. yeara tarmlnr; b. wall a 'very inand' Mrs. William Pine to Dayton dustrioull man, lenjoyinr the Con. Thursday. ' fldence and eet41em of hia n.ilb~ Mr. and ,Mrs. "eslie Grayattend bors': he wu courteoul, ed, the fune.ral Qtthe latter's uncle and unauumlng; )lartlcularlJ foud Elmer Earnhart, of Dayton, at of hi' family a!lld r ..1ative. and Waynesville Wednesday afternoon Mrs. ,JennIe Mullen wall caDed = to Wllynesville Sunday by the afternoon. serious illness of her sIster, Mrs; Mr. and Mrll. Everett KeDrlek Carl Sherwood. of Centerville ,,'ere Monda, .ven Miss Velma Smith and Herman 'ing guests 01 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith attended the funeral Q! Kenrick. their u~cJe, William 'Smitb, of Day Mrs. Guy Routzahn received ton at Waynesville Friday. word Friday of the death of ber Mr. and Mrs. ' Milton Sheehan sister, Mrs. Rose , Ke~nedy of of Centerville 8,Pent Friday with Chri!!tiansburg. Mr. and Kn. Mr. and Mrs. Cha't'ies <llark. Mr.' Routzahn and daughters attended , Clark remains very low. the funeral at 1'r07 Bunda, atter ~r. and !'drs. Forest Gr~ham and n?on and bUrial. at Tippecanoe, chIldren Vlsited t he latter s' mother CIty. Mrs. Lucy Dyke in Dayton SaturThe Ladies will hold their day. March meeting next Wedneada" Mre. Ben Ha~k~ has been ill the the sixth, at the home of ' Jln. p.ast week but IS Improved at this Hat.;'ey Burn~t; Tbe meetiq will time. begm at 10 0 clock, after .bleb Mr. Byron Ferris, of Lebanon, tbe ladies will partake of a coverspent Sunday with hia nephew, Mt ed dish dinner, foUowed In the LOUie Trickey and family. Mr. and afternoon by the home d.monatra Mrs. W. L. Hardman and Kr. and tion meeUnA', instructed II,. JI... Mrs. Alexander, ' of Dayton were dames Ed Lonpc!'e and CalYia afternoon guests'. Longacre. Misses Mary and Mildred Young Several friend. of Mrs. Ed accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Longacre tendereel'Der • •urprIH Bunenll and 80n, Charies, to Zanell Friday eveninl', honorllll' her ville Sunday. bIrthday. Tboae who snJo," this IIr. and Mrs. oeculon were: III'. •d lin. C. lIOn, of L. Duke, lin. I ...... Ib and Mn, Lee Mrs. Mr. ...


cltvotecl ~ bia .llter and brother, whom he 1requ.ntly visited. "So be my )lUling. My tuk accomplilhed and the , long day dOM, FOR SALE My wages taken, and in my heart 80m late lark singing. FOR SALE- Little Red Let me be gathered to the quiet Seed. F . lIubbell, R. west, Th sundown splendid and Bertne, Waynesv il\e. Death." W, E. H enley. Margaret Sorori.



Tbie ...... _ eoIcl .. ,...

qu.llt7 ft eatr. price. Howeft!'. ~ _ IIOW bll,. CHlUilUl Red Brud at DO ",(Ual


. . , ilia.". mor, tllfla




It'. aU oubtaD4illl

..tu... B,. all _iDaadiD_ . . .~ Cl-AI


Ph.,.. 25


A friend In Need The funerai director is truly a friend-in need to every member of the community. When sorrow , comes to a neighbor, he can be relied upon to serve faithfully. Behind him there is an age-old tradition of service. His' calling is an honorable one; his work the seUle s devotion of a sincere and sympathetic human being to a most noble aim -the comforting of the sorro\Vful. We have been friend and counselor to countless families in thi community, 'Our services have been extended to hundreds in their hour of grief and we have nev:er failed to be helpful. We ask that all who rl!ad this remember our name and address, that we may be of help to them should sorrow make our services a necessity.

J. E. ·1I.Clar. Mn. Mary MoClure ')lent Mon. day witb .relativell in Dayton.


Pboa. ,


Mrs. Charles Rye ill said to "e in a serioua condition at her home here. Mr. alld IIIrs. Earl Kimberlain and Mn. Dora WilBon, of l"ranklin were Sunday afternoon callers at the home 'Of Mr. and Mrll. Ray Mainoul. , . Mr-. and Mn. A. DaytonJ called on commqnity and funeral of Elmer Wednesday.


• The' homes ot Clarence Rye and Mrs. D. ' L. Clane are ullder quaraptine, metrlberll of the Rye family and Muter Jack · Crane contracted cues of lICarlet ver, Utrht form. Mr. Jamllll Arthur, of ton;oliio. Willi the dinner Mr. and Mrs. O. R. 1ncieallY Friday, and on Sunday was the pelt of Mr. bender at The Little Inn.

Mr. and MH. G"rre St~ou~, :Mr. and MI;II. Luther p.rkinl, of Dayton, :tira. Irene Hendenon, Mr. lind Mra. Will Stroud aDd lIOn. Harold IIpent Sunday with Mr. and MrL E. T, Stroud. Mr. ud Mn. G.orre llin.. :Mr. and Mrs. Truman Wardlow and childr.n. Mn. B,U. Dinwiddie and WOllam Strou.., were , ...te of Mr. and Mrs.. Paul Savq. at Mid• dletown, FrIda, ...niDl'. Mr. alld Mn. R. R. WmiamJon their ~..te, Sunda" Mr. and Ill'll. RaJDlond WilUUWin, of Cleveland, lIIr. and lIr.. Harold WillWil.on and .on, • and :tit8 Louella WlUlallllOn, of DQton. ha~ u

At their pl....nt country home of town, Mr. and :tin. M. A. CorDeD entertabLed a lare. compan , of frienda, Weelnelda, night. Cat:da furnilhed entertain. ment "iaht table. belnc 'ailed. After the- ram.. dellclon. refrllllh n'leD~ were enjoy.d. 11111'. Robert Patterson Jr. of Da)'ton, vel')' pleuantly entertained the .mploye. of Ston, Brook FU'IIIII and a fe" nel8hbon Frida, ennlnr with moving )licturea Ihowilll' hi. travel. in Awn and lOme of the rame and lea aalmaJ. that he. captured, such a. bear. deer aalmon e~c ' ,. MiN Ayleen Jlalnoal ad lin. VSl'Don . .inoUI .ntertalaed witb a dinDe.. TIna~ ."illm. . th. ho•• of lin. R. S. Maiao1ia III bonor of .... and lin.. W&lIaee Tnadwa,.. The dinner wu . .Will In COUl'lell ud the table dllCClJ'&tloDa aDd color w.... fIf10UthW. .t

II. ft.




--=~ AT ItOME


:. ~±::l1J • • •~ ~


O. Williams. of friends in this attended the Earnhart, on

Warrell' County Treuurer E. B. Murrell, Mra. Murrell alJd Mill Bernice MUrre)), of Lebanon, were rueata of Mr. and Mn. L. H. Gordon, Satu\'day eveniD&'.




of J"eWurr II,..... J(ft. 1&. . . .

Some of The Things \ We S~ll Posts ..-. American. Fence'.•• \

-lumber-for Every Purpose

• •

Material ,For Your Roofs-. '=. --1 Red Cedar Shingles , Mule Hide Shingles, Channel Drain Roofing , Asphalt Roll Ro()fing Bric;k Columbia Cement Lime Plalter Plalter Board' Wan Board .---~~------



- -


All of. the above material can be found in our yard every day in the year at moderate price..

We .oIidt the patron.le Qf old cu.tomer. and friencl ..


• Eighty·Seventh Year




Whole Number 6160


HAD FOR DOG WARDEN LOCAL 'SCHOOL ' BOARD FRIDAY DEADLINE The Women's Foreign Thirteen applicants from War. BUSY SESSION~ LAST MONDAY TO FILE P I E TIlIONS 80ciety met the home of nn county look the civil service Mary McClllre with Mrs. H. ' E . examination at Cincinati laat Wed W. F. M. SOCIETY MET WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON






Hathaway and Mrs. O. R. Unglesby, assistant hostesses. Mrs. A. K. Day condllcted the devotiona. exercises, her subject being, "The Way; Conternplation of Cho ices. " • After the business session' the following program, pl'epared by Mrs. G. C. Dibert, was rendered: Sortg- "What A Friend We Have in Jesus" Reading- tiThe Japenese Woman Searches for God," Mrs. W. Clark. "Articles from Japenese Calendar," - Mias Helen Hawke. Facts about Japan- Several Women of the society. Demonst ration The Versatile Friend, Mra. H. Archdeacon, Mrs. J . W. Lotz and Mrs. A. K. Day. Son.g--"Rock of Ages." Stewardship Program- Mrs. Day. The meeting adjo'\lrned to meet with Mrs. Kenneth Hough in April

Eleyen Application. H."., Been nesday for county dog warden. Plaa.. Were Laid F_ Pky.... Y. F. M. NOTICE The post j which has paid $112.60 Secured Her., For Trainin, For GIrt. of ,... .. per month in this county, will be Hip TouNtament With H .... The Y. F. M. will hold their Miami Chapter No. 107 O. E. S the board of county comfilled by Jr. And Sellar Hi,. 5 __1 Local Of&.~e veyaburr Takia, 2nd Place will meet in regular session Monmissioners who will name one of regular meeting at the h ome of Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes Bunnell on day evening, March 11, at 7:3IJ. the three candidates receiving With th deadline for filing ap· the highest grades in the examina· Sunday evening, Maroh 10. The Th e Board of Education met in Mason WOn the Warren county Each member is urged to come following leaders will have charge regolar session Monday nlehl. plications with the U. S. Civil tion. basket.ball championship last and bring a guest from another Jean Bunnell, lesson leader; Eli Salurday night when it wrested a chapter as this will be Obligatic;m Service Comm! ion in Ws hington Results of the examination are Furnas, devotioDal leader and Ma rch 4. Bills were presented and victory fr om Waynesville, the night. Visiting. members welcome. ellpected to be announced Borne being "the close of bUsiness" Paul Tomlinson, recrellltional ordered paid. Mr. Lyman Day anel Mary Earnhart, W. M. run/ler-up. The winning point was Friday, March 8 . it was interest- time during March. HarUey MOBS were absent. the lat.leader. Minnie Fromm, Sec~y. made on a foul shot durjng the Applicants who took the examin .ing to note that J ohn Cummings, .t er having an attac~ of quinay. It.. last quarter of' a mjnute in the ation a~e Wade S. Brown, the prell /itenerally .considered as one of the ent dog warden, and . HarleJ resolution f or an advance draw of gam",. Mason led at the end of the half. 10 to 8. The Anal score was leading Democratic candidates tor Brunk, Marion Henderson. Roy funds, ordinarily due in February Mason 17, Waynesvill 16. the Waynesville post office bad n ot Lucas, Heber Hutchinson, ' W. C. but which collection will not be Waynesv-il1e had been def'~ated St. Jobn, L. V. Branlltrator, secul'ed his applicatiQn at the local completed until April. was pusecl. by MaBon earlier in the tourna· Harold Harris, .John Shotwell. Ed· The purchase of 100 folding cbalrl office. ment but had f-ought its way back ward Kees, Melvin Sullivan. How'was authorized. Mr. Lou IUC· Those who had taken out papers ard Snell and Kenneth Shutts. defeating Morrow and Springgested the consideration of ••Ithere were as follows: Frallk Fox. Qoro, to enter the finalr;. able reference books on tRvel. Lawrence Brown, HIlfI'Y Graham, In the junior high finals, Spring ============_~= -=__ science. etc., 101' the children to Mr!!. Frances Brannock, C. W. boro defeated Harveysburg 22 to use in their leisure ·momenta. It is Frye. J . R. ThompsOl~, . Frank Van 20 in a hard fought game. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen w;re lIr. and Mrs. Ray MBinous and believed that pupils will avance Often, Fred Braddock. l\lorris Kings Mills defeated ' Catli!le in Cincinnati, Friday. 80n, Donald. spent . Sunday with higher in their cJass work .Ild Cornell. Frank Kur~'8s and J. H. in the "IrIs' tournament, 18 to 13. friends In Franklln. . scholarship tests in the future , Sackett. _ Four . lar~e bronze trophies were . Play Eucher, 500 or Bridge where there iii an .bund of Mr. and Mn. Bas\] Smith and How many of thes.~ applications March 14 at 8 o'clock. awarded by the County Athletic family spent Sunetay with friend£ reading material .vailable to aU would be filed wit:h the Civil Association, one to Kings Mills. pupils. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Goos were Service Commission il~ Washington Tbe regular meetinr of the near Spring Valley. winner of the girls' tourn.ment; A resolution Wal preeellted b, could not be deterrnined Thurs- Wayne Township Mothers' club one of Seringboro, winner of the Lebanon visitors, Saturday. lira. Frances Brannock was thE the Mothe.r s' club throl1l'h ita com day, although it iii 'believed tbe was held Friday afternoon at th jonior hilh tournamentj one to Mrs. Morris Fulkerson visited dinner guest of Mrs, Ray Mainous mittee requelting that propel' group taking the examination will Grade building. \VaynSlvil~ for second place in faciJitie& and equipment and • the senior high tournament and friends in Columbus, Tuesday. . be the largest in malDY years. The meetinr opened "ith • long Wednesdaf of last week~ Vr. and Mrs. Karl Hawke. oj .3ystematic coune of inltrucUon j Mr. Cummings, as well as several and Mrs. Routzahn read the 18th C1ift'ord Buzi~k was a business Schedule of Sectional tourna· visitor in HJlmilton, Monday. To prevent the use of prepaid "dark .hones" believed to be inter· chApter of lit Corinthians which D~on, spent SUnday with Mr. ~nder the direction. of the Superd Mrs. J. C. Hawke. mtendellt, be prOVIded tor Hich ested 1ft the local pont which pays was ~oUowed by the Lord's Pr.yu m1)nt games, to be played at WUtax receipts more than once the a salary of $1900 a year, m.Y' achool students, eapeel.Uy alrla. Dr. Mary L. Cook chairman of mington, are in tbe "School Mr. and Mra. J. E. McClure were Tall Commis ion of Ohio has Dayton Visitors, Monday evening. adopted the following regula.tion have se.cured their application1l for the committee on I'.thletlcs ' for Mr. W. J. Aleundu and family After careful consideration .nd High Spots .. ·on Pa~ ~. Cincinnati, sp&Ilt1Sunday with discussion the board heartily eDthe ~xa~i!,atlon . fzoro th~ pnit~ girl.," eave a report favoring MI'. aid Mrs. Walter :Sheehan relative to the vendor's dllty in the dorsed the resolution .nd acnetl and ·Mrs. J. D. Marlatt. States CIVil serVice ClommlSSlon, m athletij:s, wllicb after lIome dis. one to Mason, the ~hampions. The were busineslI visitors in Dayton . .collection, of the sales tax: to 'proceed a soon as po_bl. to D. C. . . . oussion, wu ref~rred to the bo.rd Western Star also awarded a cup Friday. ' The vendor shaU, after detacb- Washington Rules for tbe Opell1 COMpetitive of education for their urther Miu Josephine Banta attended provide this trainin,. It is to the winner; it is nece88ary for ing the consumer's half of the pre- examination state tbl~t papers may action. meeting of the Ladles' aid at tbe that It will be posaibl. to emplor & team to win this two years in Dr. L. B. Hall, of Pittsburg. aid tax receipt, tear the same in Tbe finance committee reported E. church in Lebanon, Tuesday. a competent lady ~b.1rith Il0l. order to keep it permanentl,. The Penn., spent the week·end here two parts.nd deliver the COllBum. be 8~cured eithel: !r~m the W.yF.mous Alltc) Supply Company witb his family. ifothel's club to sponsor 2nd ficient train in. to meet alae ap' er's portion of tbe receipt 10 torn 1).~.yIUe p~Bboftice o~ . tro~ the th __t '11.60, the proceeds from presented a cup to Springboro, the Clvll SeI'VlCe Cqmmlsslon m the their recent card p.rty had been card party on next ThllrSday proval ot the S. B. of lCdaeatlo. M' Le A I f to ~he consllmer. who can efftciently direct ~... pla,winners in the toul shQoting conadded to the treasury , and that lev.enin... March 14 at B o'clock. , 18S no ng e. 0 . . Trenton. Failurlj to observe the regula- national capital. sical activitie. of Junior od Examination, under civil service they were plallnin, to'rive another $pent the week-end With Miu tion will make B vendor ubject to te/lt. Mr. and MH. Clifford Buzick and Senior High sebool .nd Mry_ . . rules. will probably IDe held about party in the near future. Dorothy Hartsock. Iprosecution for a misdemeanor. The Lytle member. of the club children attended the funeral of IIdvisor and counaelor for th. . !~e custo!!,er. ean have .no 15_ days ~ter the deadline for Herschel Kerrick, of Dayton, All COUllt)' Teama nhng, which . makes 'the date fall under the direction of Mrs. Mrs. BUlick'a uncle at Sidney, girl.. The plan of l'ep1ac1ne 'tf01'D spent last week with Mrs. FloMie legltlmate obJect~~n to this ruh", out song books in the el. . .lltarJ about March 23' . Johns, presented. well Sund.y. The members of the all cqunty Carey and :family. as tbe onl.y pO:lslble use for suc:h grades was tabled beea.. of teams are .a tollows. program which follows: receipts might be .s supporting 141'1. E. Fruier ~as in Har. The first team: Plano lolo--Mrs. Milclril.d Surface. veYllburg, Sunday, to aee her shor.t age of funds. The P.....1Uc1a Miss Jessie 'Clark is spending a evidence for claiming the sale tax Kelley, forward. Morrow; Trick few days with Playlet, "Gertie'. Hatahop"- untIe, Mr. Russell Murray, who is hall been pendini for lOme tillie, relatives and as a deductible item from the of building an additional Ire nforward, .Springboro;. Edwin Barr. frIends in Cincinnati. Mrs. Kurfias, Mrs. Wharton. Federal ·Income lIeriously sick. cape .t the Grade bllOdine . . . center, Mason; Dwire, captain, Vocal duet. "Whisperil\i Hope"The Tax Commission is 01 the guard. Mason j Boger, guard, WayMrs. Walter Sheehan and ehil- opinion that it will not be necesMrs. Ina Longacre, MI'!. Surface. Mr. and Mrs. Charles James and also dillcu!l8ed .nd taken uDd.r adDiplomaa for th. nesville. elren pent Saturday with h~r sary to present the customer's "Irish Wasberwoman"-Mra. Cleo famil, visited Mr. and Mn. Ray visement. graduating clul were •• thon.ed. The Second Team: f!lther at Kings Mills. Gray. J.mes at Miamisburg, Sunday portion of the prepaid tax reo M d .... W F R k ' ceipts to support the nics tax as Cook, forward. Waynesville; ChoruB, "Mother Machree"- Mes- afternoon. Innis forward King Mills' r. an ....Lrs. . • oc eU. of a deductible item 1r~m such tax. FERRY CHURCH ~)F CHRIST damea Walter Kenrick, Ben H.wke Starke, denter, Sprinebo;o; Mere: D!lyton. spent Sund~y afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hastings • Cliff Burllett, In. Lonlracre, dith. guard, Waynesville; Camp. wltb Mr'S. F. D. Dakin. Mildred Surface; HI'!. Therle and IOn spent .Sunday at tne' home Carl Smith, Minister bell, !r'lard, Hllrveysburg. Mr. Cleveland Sehatzman of .., . ANNIVERSARY of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Rizar, Jones. aeeompanillti ____ Sardinia, was the guest ot Mr: and 'WAS CELEBRATED Unified services \J,eginning witl:\ A committee compritlng Mrs. .n eay ·Lebanon. Mrs. .W. O. Raper, F..ldaV'. ;8chool at 9:80 a. m. J. L. Mendenhall, Mrs. R. H.· Hart Morr_W.,....,;I.. ,~ <I I lilr. and Mu. Ralph Linn and Saturday, Marcb 2, marked the serVIce at 10: 3 0 a. m. sock and 'Mra. I. H. Sackett was d.ughter, Dale, spent Sunday with MORROW Mr. a~d Mrs. Walter Sbeehan ninety-fourth birthday annivernamed to anal\ie r a lIlay to be B F P 11I'~d chlldren .w,ere guests of nry of Mra. Kezi.h Thompson, WAYNESVILLE M E CHURCH presented by • group of WUminr 'Mr. and Mrs. Fred Irvin and In eener.l, f.rmers are ell.lD~ 6 B friends nEar PhllhpsbU11f, Sllnday. ·the oldeat relident of this com.. Cbarlton, f .................... 1 ton young people lome time in family at Blanchester. from th'e proc_iDI W o. ~ Kelley, f ................... 0 0 0 Mrs. Howard Swank. of Love- munity, and on Sunday. her chil. Rev. G. C. Dibe'rt, p •• tor Marcb. After spending several weeks slaughtered for conlulDptioD br EV~/1sbine, c ............... 2 1 6 land, taIled on Mr. and Min. dren' and gr.ndchildren .Slem~ Sunday: Sunday school at 9 :80 Durinlr the soci.l hour refresb· at the npme ot Mr. and Mr'S. J. C. their own family, household, or Patlker, g ........ " ...... .() 2 2 Walter Elzey Saturday afternoon. bled at her home to celebrate the a. m. Morning Worship at 10:80. ments "fere served b)\ Mn. Ray. aawke, MI'!. Mary Hopkins hall re- employees,· it ilpointed Ollt b.1 Hofer. g ............. "." .. " .. 1 1 3 event. ThOle who enjoyed the day The sermon Bubjlect will be, mond Oonner, Mrs. H. H. WUli.m, County Agent Leater J. Mmer. Coe, g ......,.................... 1 0 2 Mrs. Ida Kelsey returned home were Mr. an,d MI'!. Charles Myers, "Friends of Jes,ls." Epworth SOil, Mrs. U. G, WlIetHl. Mn. turned to her home in Dayton. Nllmerous Warren eountJ ~ - S.turday after .. four weeks visit Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morrison. League at 6:80 p. 1111. Evangelistic I~lng Mulford and Mra. Ernest ers have .been inquirinc .. to tile C. M. Br()wn~ Mr. Mr. and Mra. 1 . Totals .......................... .6 10 20 . to relatives at Clarksburg, West of Cincinnati; George Thompson, services at 7 :30 p. ·m. Mr. LotZ'1I Earnhart. .-nd Mrs. Dan Brown and children conditions and limitswitbiD wMela Vir&'inia. 'of Loveland; Mr. and Mrs. Milton claS!; .will have charl~e of the sing. .... 01 Dayton, and Mrs. Josie Graham they Bre exempt trom the w Oft' WAYNESVILLE Thompson and son, Frank Thomp. ing and render spEfCial selec~on8 NEW RULING FAVORS were Sunday. guests of Mrs. Mary the proceSling of hOIS, under til. 4 Mrs. Myel' Hyman, MiBB Bernyce 4 • Cook. f ....................... : .. 0· SOn and J. R. Thompson, of Way- at thi,s service. . Agricultural Adjultmellt Aft. Etta Surface. 8 Hyman and Miss Stella Daugherty SMALL BURLEY GROWERS Davis~ f ............ , ........... 3 2 nesville. . Wednesday: BiMe study .nd Farm butchering is in ··pro...... 01' 2 were. Cincinnati visitors. WednesGrill'y. c ........................ 1 o • .... • prayer meeting at '1 :30 p. m. Rev. G; C. Dibet't, Mr. J. W. Lotz completed on ma'llY f.rma, . . . Meredith, lJ ...... .......1' .. 1 o 2 day. QB T\JAIlY By waiving their right to a iOV .nd Mr. F. U. LeMay attended a some farmers are plalUlblc a Conner, i ............ ........ .. 2 o ST. MARY'S ~HUR(," ernment paYment, ,rowers of dlatrict meeting at Epworth M. E. "second killing" before the beet.. . Mrs. Martba Derr1berry, of Boger, Ir ...................... 0 2 2 Dayton~ spent SatuPpay and SunCh~rles F. CI.rk, fourth son of very small plots of burley tobacco chureh in. Dayton, Thursday even· ning of warm weatber. LeMay. g ' ....... ............... 0 .2 2 day with bel' sister, Mrs. R. H. John W. and M ....,aret Everhart Rev. J. J. ScbaeWer, ,Rector may produce their .lull base' acre Inr of last week. Not 001\1y are farm era exem,W Hartsock. Clark, was born ne$l' Ferry, First Sunday in Lent, March age, .n AAA from tbe OD alaup~ Totals .. ........ ,............. :. .. I Greene county, Ohio, August 6, C'" h h i t 9 80 ... .to._ t The ·Frlendshlp club of the 14. E_ 1857 and died at hia bome in L-le 10. uurc ' sc 00 i~ : ; ~~orn· rec f C" I M M _t • b, h '\V'll t th h f . <I" ing Prayer and set'mon by Mr. County Agricultural Agent. son, o · mClnnllt. , r. and re. their household. the., are aot "'" c qrc " I, Plee at e ome 0 Febrpary 28, 1·9 36 .ftflr an ilI.neSl HackweU, of Cincinlnati at ~O :30. . The .dminittrative rulin,. Max Kohlhagen, ()f Jam.stown, sponsible for the . tax Oil ,It. Ma·--W·Yft~·ytll. . , Mrs. J. W. Loti', Wednesday, of almost eight weeks, aged 77 ed by the lIferetar,. of arrieulture, were Sunday gueet!! of MI'!!. wbich they tbemlelvee .11&11111_ . MASON .F March 13. years, 6 'months and 22 da'YII. On permits gtower. whose bue acre.~ HJDI.n and family. for /lale to retailers or commercial B ST. AUGUSTIN]=: CHURCH . age .il 1:2 .c·r ei of leu to· plant in handler,B. The reapon.thIU- f!'r anel Mrs. C. Lee Hawke and October 25, 1896 he was ' married Gilbllrt, f ... . ............ ...... 3 o P62 MrsMr. to Alice Muon. by Besides hl'8iat';~: S -:"e M'188. D ons . D on 8 Id son. 0 f C01\- the tax on sucb sl.urhtet "I II< o . . M. L. par,hall visited Mrs. he is BurviV'ed three Fath~r Newtoi n ,. ,utor 19311 .n ac.reare of buTle, tob.cco . .... ~Ol'ler. t ............... ....... 1 dM 1 3 Emma Chancello:r .t Lumberton, Mrs. Samuel Stephenl, of Lebanon Mass .t St. Augustine" Church equal to (,) the baae acre.,e tipnen~l, Ohio°:.:nd OiSS Mary Lou placed upon handJe~. ullcle.. a,... Barr, c ...... , .................... 1 ' SUnda'" Su·n da., (b) e.i ll'ht-tellthl of on. acre whicb arsons of iuor, .• were tbe ulatl'on whl'ch ..... ok -·~t No-.6 . #~, ... 'lIr •.• MI·lton Sheehan eve"" h Ii · the amaller. wu berinlll*,«of ~.. "'" ........ Dwire. g ....... ...... , ... ....... 2 '1l . .~,. seoend and, ·.f o u r t . ever guests 01 Miss L ue IIa Wi l1iamson be)' 0, 193', the tile Newby, ., ......................0 I Mr. Charles Sch.tzm&ll, of CimtervUle, Ohio and Mrs. Nettie f the month. Such growen m.y m.rket from over the week.end. ourrent· marketin., year. ' 3 Sardinia..... tbe rueat ' of hit ROlen of W.ynesville, Ohio; also ----their ' 1986 ~rop a nuniber of . Conseqllently. farmers .... Totala ............. 1'l and Illter, Mr. and by a' number or nephews and WAYNESVILLE . ~CHURCH OF pounds to tobacco eqllal to <a> Mr. and Mrs• .Ott~ Sebold,. M!' 1l0W liable tor the proc...iIItJ tall ., :.. .. .......... '1 Mra. W. Q. Raper, Tu ••da,. nieces. . . CHRI!iT their baae J)roductlon 'or (bb» and M~ RIlY DeWel~e, of CmcJn only upon hog productawhicb tll'7 WAYNESVILLE .. d ... ' . Charley was of a. V:e'l' enera.tle . 660 ....und.. wbichever .- the nati, Mr. John beWelse, 01 Callf- sell dl'rect to, 'o r "lIcba"•• "'-ad . ,"" Cook, { .... ; .........::.,/ .... ,1 o •2 M . .Mr.0 an dl·IPOSl·tib".. and ".a killd Carl Smitb, Hinister .." .. . co~.u~rsJ ... - ell~ ""'-""I rri ra. L.b H. Gordon .IIP iIlduat-'ous . £l! Imallei. omta, wer8 S. un d a, gunta 0 f Mr. with, tbe i~ of Davis, f ........................1 2 '6 lSI , 0 ,ne Rob Ina. were dl'!lDtr ~od ·So· be it eaid; Cburcn sehool ., 9 ': 80 a. m., It ill estim.ted that approxlma~ and Mrs.. W. O. Raper. certain elte~ptionl tliat .ppl., to Griffy, c' ........................ 8 o . .f. Murrell, guesta of Mr•. and Mrs. E. B. .• L d" S . to 1 i Ch is 1 () . 1 of Lebanon, Sunday. "Peace. He ".th given Iweet .or 1 upper a c~'nc us on. r • ., 2', 00 bur .y tobacco Irowen The Womans Auxiliary of St. producers only . . Meredith, 2 o o .. '. . releaae ~la,?- ~p.deav~r a~ 6;3;0 p. m., eYan. C.n quaU,., under t~~ ruline for Mary'a chllrch. will meet at The Under these exemption.. the pre o Borer, I ': .......... ......... .0 Mr. and Mn. S. H. Gray, of Neither toil nor. eare nor pain. gehstlc service at ,r .80 p. m. 1935, but not an ehlflble produe- Little Inn, On Friday &1ternoon, ducer who llaughten hla own I I . 2 16 Kennedy Heights, were i ,Gem o~ Ever shall be hi, .,ain. ----era are expected to ..lect this March 8 at 2 o'clock, with Miss and sells to or excbanen With "D . Totals ..... ... ................... '1 Mr. Gray's uncle · and .Ul1t, Mr. Where. sone of ~.pture thrilll FRIENDS MUTING option.. Production, Ia not expect- Clara Lil as hostess. sumers not more than 800 pOll." and Mil. 1. B. Smith, SlInday. O'er th.e everlastinlr. hills; ed to be increaaed by as much .. 2 e of the products, durin • .an,. 0 •• ,SpnllaboH-"-'!'a~D.'''U. Misa, B~atrlce Degroo, of Klnls, He ,bath b.~e all sorrow . cea!l~ Firat-d.y School at 9 :80 •• m. cent Ibould moat of tbe 2f,000 The Warren COllnty club at O. marketing year, is not requlnd to WAYNESVILLE Mma .nd ~r: Marlo Rich, of' neu In the bleSSings of his peace. Heetlng for Wonblp .t 10:80 choose to .exereiH this OPtion. S. tJ, was enterlained Wednesday pay th~ proc~lnr tall. If, tb6· pro. . B F Lebanon, were flUelta of M~. and. . ---m.. _ _ •- • evening, Febru.ry 20, at tl1e borne ducer sells or exc~nrea mo... than 1 Cook, ! ."...... ............ .. ..... 2 Ralph ' Hutilli~, Tllelida}' MrL Clark wi.hes to thank JA'ANESE TEA-of its adviser. Prof. Alfred J . 800 poun~!I but llO~ mon tIIu Davis, f ...... ..................2 8 evenine. ' ' 'of ' her ne!Chborll and frienda for Wright, ,departrqent of geography 1.O~O pounell of hOIr products he ta their Deighborly acta and killd . DOLL FESTIVAL hable for the- tax on the am0Ult' . Grifry, c ...... "' ............ .Z o o Meredith, r ..... .... ......... 1 'lilr. .nd · Mn. Pillllp ZIPf and ..vanil; aillo the contributiona . of ------.1_ . Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Evans and sold or ellcbal\ied in ncaa of 2 BOier, i .... .. .... ...... ...... .. 2 Mr•. alld ~. RaJ LaDle, of Cin. flowerS and Mr. McClul'e 101' hi. The remainfl ' of Donald, ' A Japanele Te••id DoD Feltiv.1 d.ughter, Betty Jeani MI'. and 800 ponuda. But if he MIla 01' ~clnuti, were dinner pelts of Xr aympathy and kindly I.rvi~. 101\ of Mr. and Mlrs. Harry will be &'iven It, the · Woma.n·1 Kenneth 'EIEey:and daughter/ chan({es more than 1000 ,..... 6 24 and lin. I. E. McClun SIIDda., • _ • mer, of near Sprinrboro, were in- Forelcn lIi8Iioliary Society in the Marjorie, of Dayton, were guests of produeta, he Ia liable for tiae tal: ' Totals ... ..................... 9 e"nlnar. . CARD OF THANKS tprred in Miami Clemete", Tu.... basement of Ule K. E. on of Mr. and Mrs. Walter EIEey. upon the entire .mount of n~ . SPRIN(,}BORO . day.. s.turday afternoon .nd S.tu~da,. nigbt. ~Je8 or excbaq.a. . o o IIr. alld lira. R. B. ~ Peurrune, f .. ... .. ....., .... 0 Kareh 9. Admiulon: Adults, 10 The tax I. requireel to be ,... o a anet fimily &lid Kia liar)' Carol'1Jl We wig to ~Jtpreu our 8in~ere All d M '1 f' . - . 1 If cuts; children. 6 ceDts. Ilr. and Mr~. J~ ClaTk. and on or before tb, last d • ., Df UTrick, f ............. ........... 1 1 Lukenl .. ere peate of A. Z. Bart- thanD to our neirhbon and re an ey razer, - , • _ _ d.u ....ter. Mar,iorie Mrs. month immedl.teI, 10Uowl. . tile 1 Starke, c .................. .. .. 0 died Friday, K.reh 1, at the bome,. W~bb and Mila month dariq whieJI tile p~ o I aock .nd lamllJ, of llear Wilmmc friend. for their aid .nd Gepbart., c .. ... .. ........... 1 extended .to us dUr1nW the of hia f.ther, W. W. PraHl', NOTICE Doeech, of Dayton, were guests of ine occ1Irred. Alld pa)lDat .. o IS tOn 011 SUDclay. lIorra1l, a ............. ,.., ... 8 Utica. lira. Ida Stokes and I4rs. Ada made b, 'be farm.. to die o I . P. C. H.rttock .lId "-Dr of· aDd death of our hlJlb.nd Reedy, ., .... ........ .. .... ... 1 "eld "Thl. W-k" is lIew. Ev·-bod., &4UII WI daFuneral at Ml'Vic........ Uti" _to.MOil__ .a -, 00llrtn" OIl Sanda,. of Be...1Ie for JlOford, Ohio, and Mr. aDd lin. lira. Elm,r Earnhal't and Son. J terDoon at ea CIIIUI'VG lib. Jta atori... ita arttcl., itl Total, ............. :.... ...... ... e 1 11 RoDald Hawke and IOn • _ • was .t Betb.n7. . mh eolotpaftre pri1ltiq ad ia .., , , 'Wer. Sunda, ~eata of Mra. F___ ..H ~ oUler uanal f ..tuna. To ILUORIC NOTICE . . Bania anel IIr. ~ NOTICB .ak. lAIN of ~ Sa• .., Clac:hl1l1ltl EIlqulrU . . . trom ),ollr DeW. d ..... Sprm,boro W 011 Firat In "JIbe Jr.


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t' d In Traneportlnlr th. 24. e u .re: ceased, Ileel her bavet.ol')'. parh, '2.10; Vall y Mutor Sales I·U\.III.. ' t'".•1-:1"IIIJlII"'nt •. .C'"PI\~1 ,'1hl LaverDa Dakin, Geol'lre R. ChapD\lUl. executor iasoline, $7.-10; H. S. ConoVl'r, Frieda EIII , of the ..tate of Sarah J. Chapm.n paint and upplies, ,121.-&0; S. K. 1·:1"1 t I tl't I y • • .'O' ••••• tha Hiatt, deceaeed, filed his third and par- Pierce, -\lrcnt, !\U I)Pll~l\, and gaso "'O.·h·lqI/Ul ~ •. . ••• • •• Kirkpatrick; tlal acco unt. . ~.$ line, $52.117: Midland Gl'Qcery Co i.';t:~I,I. III-:. .... .. Kdly's perf rt Sa rab E. Welsh, administratrix clothinR nod ruod, 1218.1.'1(j; Ea. t Editt'd by lhe BOl)stC'l' Club or Waynesville II iglt Scbool "Uf:t 1 ,"'untl'[\l, t an. l six-wl'l'ks period incl of tht estate of Edna G. Welsh, de • 't tpt ' lI ~rthH' ~"I'V I,'~' • .. • (1j f , ~~ FRANK HAWKE Editor-in.Chi.f <'ttl' P nc~', John Stansberry, tCf·a8,ed. filed her fiNlt and final ac- Jt:nd ll~l 0., fuel, $l2(i.26: C. D , .'- I'·b .. 11 ( .... , ....... «< ••.. n/rlb.. tl ..... l'~berhart. food, $lOO: F~. II. InttllTJII1 ' " •••••• ,1' .•.. • $ 3Qtlt A .. i.tant Edi tor CECIL HARTMAN Mary Jane cott, :Betty Jean count. 'rt'"~ll 'h "I !04 1t,·ttn.1t111 hi F~echtliTig Co., Joad, $8; Dayton Tillney, Gene Thomp/ilon, Wilma '"/II,II'lIll,,n . .. .. ..... $ 734.7'5 P Wet' & Light 0., lights, $1; urtllce, Etta Westel·man. Grad. Marrialf4l Lic:ell ••• '-rutn I 1 -'1 x,' d r'har,.;'el$ Herb Hoppe; clothing, fuel and James B, Alhert Ha,\ kl!; gl'uup 11 nl\ ·u nl.lllIIUun" ••.• S 1.09 .92 Paul Bishop, farmer, of pring food $)68.25; ES1'hlll't rug StOl'o I-I-I,, Mi !I Day's room had Frieda heetl'. !IIi~r, h'l"l boro, alld 'Mi 8 Marie Little, of Jllt i'.·"!,l .. n Homlll .. .. .. $ 075,00 Mr. MacDonald i~ absent from Ellis to make 100 in .11 her ix drugs, $3.44; ).loyd DIlVis, food, 'r.h following teams witl tak Springboro. weeks tests. Perlcct spellers for school because- oC illness. $2.71J; Albaugh-Good Dt'ug 0., 'rllt!! 1 [~ I) l S ,' V Ie . .. $ 0'15.00 Junior ' Prorram part in the secHonaI tournam nt drugs, $7.60; J. H. H~ ndri ka, Tnl I t/lsl,urvl'm IlIB .. , . ' S6.65ti. R4 in . Wilmington. March 7-8-9. Curr nt Events- Group A, R .... E.tate Tr_.f.r. food, $14.5; Wm. Focke's • ons o. n ,'''UI I'C'. 1J...... , ....~r ;u ••• J ..341.. M nth I\t r and Winch ster from ElIl'n J: Guy; group B, Barbara (;"flPl'ai I"" (1 .. .. . ..... , •• 77'7.G9 Charles M. LesUe, receiver of food, $103,: E. H. 010 cklel', 100d Rlllklll~ 1\ nil H,l,.," It,,tl,.~· Adams 'County; , berdcel1, Ripley. Gray. The Interurban Railway and Ter- $42 i Lou is Fred, clothing, $'S~.lO: )1\"111 1.'UlOd '" .' • . , . , . , •• $ 6,721.61 and Georgetow n fl' m Brown Pnpl"r- Gt'Oup A, .lohn Kollner mlna l Co. to Benry Varnau, Jr., Ivins·Jameson Drug Co., Suod and 'rollil nulll" 0 ... .. .. . $13 •• 99.60 eoul\ty ; Kingman and M . tinsville ~ro up B, c iJ Hnrtman. and William Varnau, real estate drugs, $10.21; Naltn r's Dllil'Y, from Ii II ton county; Highland 1'olnl llishllr 8 ~m"n ls In Deerfield township. food, $42.17; Fr d's Store, cloth· Humorous Reading- Group A, ,w ei Bill, IIc,) .. . ... ... ..'~9.064 . U4 "nd Leesburg irom Highland Je><hn O. Zecher, et al. to Almeda ing, . $52.86; The ·Home, ASS.::-I· '~J) 1.1 DILI'I'lE Wilm a milh; g-roup B. Ruth ."'l"I ___ cOllnty; Waynesville and Mason . Albert D. Re 8 , re.ceiver of the Zecher, inlot No. 700 in ~ranklin elotillng, $29.21; Wayn sVIlle Co~mo.D Pl.a. •• 1 1l\' \ ' u l or~ • uIH,lIf'S and from Warrell county. Fayette Larrick. Corynne M. Zeter to Roy M. Farmer Ex~hange 0., fuel, 142 Mu. t I'IIII~ E st . . . .. . . •. . •• 1.000.00 Essay-Group A, Olive Scott; count. will also be represented 1..,,, ..1 I COSI \ E: t. ...... , 2.r.OO. OO Citizens alional Bank, of Wi!· Champney and Inez E. Champn '1 25: Ray SWigert, iood, $6; Frank group B, Jean Furnns. i\ulliJlngti IC' at \ ~:8t . .. hO.OOO.QI) but the winner ha not bEen In the case of New York Life minglon , versus Gertrude Kibbey, 183 acres in Harlan township. . harwood Co., tood. $65; FInch 1:l1ulpl1l"ol ('o ~ t) 1 ~8t. , 7,OOtl.OO Extemporaneous spe ch-Group [nsuranee Co. verlus William E. et al for judgment anl1 fo.reclosure named. Wilbur C. Zell to Pearl Wolf, Bros.! food, $2j 9.26; ~yer Hyman I j\~ff P t~ • .•• •• ••• $70,500.01) Th tcam will ie uv in the A, Earl · onller; group B, harles O'Neall et aI, The Winters Nation· W. B. Rogers is the a.ttorney. 83.54 acres i n WaYne township. clothIng, $43.18; FaIrley Hard- '.Inl}'1'0\11 lilt 1.... following o..der: Thursday night. LeMay. 81 Bank and Trust Co. is made James tariano& v'!rsu Grac The First National Bank of Mi. ware 00., household nec., $1.10; lIolldUd J elll ..... .. .... ,14 ,0 00.00 Murch 7: Concluding numbers of the party defendant. Marianos, for divorcla. Char~ is amillburg to WiUiam O. Dugall, W. E. Humphr Y$, clothing, ~ $2 'rolnl Llnb\llU s .. ... ,u,ooo.Oo Waynesville vs. Martinsvjlle February program were also In the case of Nancy Bennett gl.'0ss neglect of duty. Wm. E. Hof real estate in Spr.ingboro. · K. L. Horn C1ot~lng Stote, cloth. E~C~~8 D tl cleney or 6:30 p. m. presented by Ruth Salisbul'~ lind versus Ernest Bennett, the defen fer is the attorney. Meyer Cramer to Wilson A. and '! ng, $8; Eastern Style Shop, cloth Assets Or ..• .. , •••. .• .. •• .• , $5U.IiOO.OO Ripley vs Highland , 7 :30 p. m. Donald }<'oulks. dant is ordered to appear before O. C. mith versul~ Charles P. Lena G. Mast-res. real estat in lng, $2; Gris\~old Bros.! hous hold S h OQ I Dls lt' IN P . . ~Idre.a blu. Murc h 1, 11135 Leesburg vs RayeUe county win the court on March 4 1936 to show Swartz, et ai, tor mOlney, foreclos Franklin township. ne~s., $9.9!$, P. W. Gammel, \\'U)'1I61<\,1116. eel' Uey lh topogCttng report to n r, 8:30 p. m. food, $5; Geo. Hawthorne, food, b l ·W' cause why he should not be pun· urll, sale of property Bind equitable l' l!ct. • Caleneier Oha.nll'~ Manchester YS R. Fr. HoAnTSOCK. GEorgetown, ished for contempt.. relief. $06; H. C. Hamilton, fuel, $85.25 has had the ince Waynesville I ·r·k , '80 rd of Education 9 :3 0 p . . IlL In the case of Willard Hedrick Hertha chonield versus WilBill. AIl_.d D. Ralph Smith, food, $140.50; Tn x V'llllllltlon .• .. .... 12.790.810 ,00 almost unexpected good \ :fortune Jl l..cvy . .. , •. , ... .. ........ lJ .OG vcr us ~ank Strate meyer, cause Jial!1 Sehonfeld, for divorce. The COlumbus Blank Book Mfg. Howard E. Ivil1s, food, $ ; W. A S'I' 'hool Bnumc.rat!on • ....... ,., .IHI) Frida7 Nipt, March 8 to win the right to plaY ' ~n is dismissed. . Charge is extreme cruelty. Co., receipts, $1.80; The Offiee Lukens Dairy, food, $41.72; Ell. sectional tournament, the \ vocaof Martha Ellen Fabert Carolyn nyder versus ,Cecil Sny Outfitters, labor and supplies over Knockenha~er, food $21,04; Kaut The case Aberdeen Kingman, 6 :30 p. tional llgriculture and home. econ n1. • omica banqu et cheduled fOl' FTi- versus Henri Fr derique Fabert is der, fol' divorce, alimony and CU8- hauling typewriter. $42.30; The m lm's clothmg, $476.00; Warren Subscribe for TlJe Miami Gazdk lody of minor childrel~. Miami Guette, Adx. Tax Notice, County Lumber Co., fuel, $57.76: Wlnenester VB Mason, 7 :30 p. m day evenillg will be postp oned diamissed. SOc; Wm. Shotwell. janitor ser- Wm. Coleman, food, $8; Rural WinneJ:' o:f 6 :30 and 7 :30 until Tuesday evening, March 12, In the case of The Peoples' Bu ild ing, Loan It Savings. Co. versus Probate Court vice, $20; Mary E. Quayle, in sur- Recovery, clothing, ' $53.53; Thie· Q'ame~ Thursday 8:30 p. m. seven-thirty. ance, $21): Dr. H.M. Williams, man's Shol's & Sho Revair, cloth Wrn'ners Q! 8 :30 anq 9:30 game This short postpon ment ;Will John W. Wilder, et al. contirmaThe will of JOllephine Barnes de· coroner's cos.t bill, Wm. DUlin, ing, $16.19; Traoy's W st Side Thursday, 8 :3Q p. m. giv the students extra time to tio:o. deed and distribution. 'In tl'\e qase of The Peoples' ceased, was admitted, to probate, $3 .45; WilHam Hu"ord, quarterly Grocery, food. $45.50; Geo. Haw At 7 :~O p . . m. Saturday the prepare for a bigger and better winne.r of th Aberdeen and King banquet than . ever before. 'Miss Building, Loan It Savings Co. ver- Estella Barnes was a,p pointed ex- e:xpense, $22.)5; Marian Willough thorn-e,. iood, 56 j Kroger Grocery man game will pla~ the winner of Henkle and M-r. Crabbe are help sus Wade Glenn, et aI, confirm a- eClltrill, no bond reqlulred. Char- by, taking and transcribing evid. & Bakmg Co" food, $9; W. L. les J. Waegoner, Charles S. Irwin enee . in inquest, '5.10: M. E. Adams 0., food, $2 .50; Oram the 8 :80 Frida)' night game. mg students prepare for the pro- tion, deed and distribution. At 8 :30 Saturday the winner of ' gram ..nd plan the menus. Aec-ord- In the cllSe of The Peoples' Buiid and L. S. Shawhan wm'e appointed ROBS, P . M.• stamped envelopes, Shoup, food, $10; Harry L. Tha. 1 $6.60; Geo. B. Johnson. salary, m~n, clothing, $3'7.90: H. ~. Warthe ..Ma80n·Winch~8ter eame will ing. to the usual custom, the ing, Loan & Savings Co. versus appraisers. Elizabeth Hathaway WIck, food, - 32.50; Fedders Supplay the winner of the 9 :80 Fri· parents will be invittjd. Estimalnn, Leslie Sims, et ai, contirmation, Katie Fritz was appointed admin $37.50 ; istratrix of .the estatE~ of Goddard salary, $SO; Grace Baker, salary: ply Co., fuel, <2 .50; Merritt's Gro day night game. bi the number of stUdents enr 011- deed and distrihution. The winners ot the Jrames Satur ed in th.ese courses, thilJ will \e In the case of The Peoples' Bu ild Fritz, deceased, and ,Bled bond of $32.50; Betty K. Oswald, ' salary, cery, food, $1.50; Midland GroROOT FOR AND CONSIGN day night will not meet, but both the largest banque.t in seve. tal ing, Loan and Savinis 00. verBUS $1000 with sureties. Omistsion of $35; Jeannette Payne, salary, $37. eery Co., food $25; Carroll's Store go directly to the diltrict tour- years. \ Chauncey J. Mardis, et aI, confir- makiog and returniJlg inventory 60 ; Linnie Williams, salary, $37.- food, $6; The Great A. & P. Tea Jour Cattle, hOIl!., eh..,P .n' caI.~ lIve w1re atlel mation, deed and distribution. and appraisement is ordered. 50; Helen Randall, salary, $37.50; Co., f,ood, $95; Wm. Schnell, food, t o ·No,rrl... Broek nament in Dayton next week-end. the case of The,Peoples' Build· In the matte\' of Ilbe estate of Willa J. Beedle, alari, $37.50; H. $12: H. C. H~mi lton, fuel, $1.25; pr"lrea8lve firm t?-r th. hWtl_ In Lebanon and Fral1klin will The following students were Cln market pricel and rood .errie• . enter the sectional tournament the honor toll for the past lIii-ar ing. Loan" Savings Co. Versus H. Autust Aat, deceased, distrjbution B. Morey, salary $37.60; Christine E. H. F~eehthng Co., food, $Hi .• U.ioD ~hOek Yarda' CI ••l._tJ. 0. Jestice, et al. conftt'matlon du d of assets i. ordered. Clevenger, salary, $87.60: Dr. H. pO; Colhns Grocery,food, $3.25; Tune in on Radio Statton WCKY thil wuk-end, both playin&, at weeks: and distribution. W, W. Whiteker, IlIdministrator M. Williams, inquest RllsselJ Coyle's Meat MIITket, fooe!,. $6; 12 :25 to 12 :80 p. m. for our claU, Ola citlnati. Senior-~ank Hawke, Bett~ " -. Hartsock, Ruth Pennington an d. In the case of The Peoples' Build of the estate of Elul Adal1Ul. de. Thompson, $12.80; H. 1.1. Coyne, W. H, McHenry, 'food, $26.00; T. market reporta. salary, $50: Franees ROM salary U. Woodl-ey , food, $lSi Dr. R. M. ing, Loan It ItSavings Co. versus ceased, filed hiB inVetltOl')'. Mary Katheryn Young. . .. n. V.....!· Walter C. Anderso:n, administra ,46; T.he Oregonia Bridie Co.: lJrewer, medical Ben/ices, $29.08; C. Hall, et ai, conJiJ'DIation, Junior -Frances Ellis, and distdbution. tor of the utate of Omar Hartsell materials, '$2.20; Zain Armitage, W. W. S~urt1!, bousehold neces., ~~-.........- - - - - - - - Th.i talking picture "The Viking SaUabu!'Y, Cecil H.rtman Rutb' and' In the case of The Peoplea' Build deceased, filed hie inv~tory. materials, 524.94; The Lebanon 9Sc; Schtlling's GJ;ocery, food, ..3 YEARS OF SERVICE wUl be~ p.en at the Wa,nesville Kellner. Jane Cook. gynQwaium on March' 12, at 10 :80 Sophomore--Elleen Hall, Margie ing, Loan" Savings 00. versus estate is exempt frolio Inheritance Lumber Co .• materials, $20.17: J. $149.25: Chas. P. Stubb, tood, W. Lingo Co., U26; Chas. MOllnt, lood. $8; Mor a. m.' The movie ia • complete re- Tinney. Robert YOllng. Glenna Chau ncey J. and Marguer- tax. ite H. Mardis, et ai, confirmation, The estate of Myel' Hyman is ex 60c ; Crane Co., matedals, $16.03; row Lumber Co., fuel, $81.75; Del caret ot the vo)'a&'8 of The Vlkin, Wooll~d. LEBANON, OHIO deed an ddistribut\on. empt from inheritanc:e tax. W1JI. J. Pfianzer, materials, $38.- bert MuUen, food, $ 17; Morrow from tpe time it leaves port until Freshman- Charles Anderson~ 'IN e have a com,lete O'h arles Poppe, ~reBtamentary 10; Reif'a Electric Shop, materials Feed & Supply Co:' fuel, $13.60: it docD. It ahows the thrill of Ruth Conner, Vivian Conner, Roy 1n the ease ,of Heber Bizat vers us Watch Repair Berrice Cedric Stanley, et aI, an ewer to Trustee of ,t he eatat,e of Gustave $10 .66 ; The Ohio Corrugated Cul- Mike Nogen, c1othll\Z, $>1.98; Ot· the seal -hllnt. the aanger of the Crockett and Jalle Furnas. Prices Re.sollable first amended pei,tion ordered reo Poppe, deceased. filed his ninth ac. vert Co., culverts, $20.70; H. L. terbein Dairy, milk, $27.36; G. R. ice and the darine and skill of the fi~ed as answer to second amended count. Schuyler, payroll, $155.20; Carl RO~8mall &. Co., 'food, $96.50; A. Ne"" England sailors. The captain Beads Restrunr . Grad. Ho_r Roll petition. Fannie A. Lowther" executrix Daldn, payroll, $182; J. L. Dunn, Shlfl~tt, food, $84.; W. W. Shurts, of the ,.hip ie none other than the J~welt'Y Repaired MillS DayAlton Earnhart~' The caSe ot The First-Mason of the .estate of E. I. McVey, de- services, $37 .60; Johnson Myers, clothmg, $3.25; Chs . ~', Schwart:r. C.ptain BQb Bartlett, who · Ailed "THE HOME OF GIFTS" Bank versus Etta M. Miller, et al ceased. 1\100 her first and final U05.60; Earl Basore, pay food, $35; MeG tchm s Pharwith 'Peary to the Nortl! Pol e. The Flieda Ellis, Dorothy Franer. is dismissed. ·count. $94.40: V, M. Armitage, macy, drugs, $21;. ?,Jorris 5 &; 10 Viki~ wu wrecked on the next Opal Fields. Miss Campbell--Je.anne Baker~ voyalre klJlinc twenty·iive of the In t he ease of 10sie W. Graham Mapha I. Beltz Wills .ppointed payroll, $183. 40 i John Myers. pay' to $1. Store, clothmg $2 .70; W. H , =:::=====:;::==~=== characterl who are seen In the Bettie Davis, Lyle Fox, Helen. verSU8 Merris S. Graham a divorCe administratrix of the estate of roll, $162; .Tohn J. Barr, payroll, MeH-enry, food, ~124. 75 i L wi !; & Gons. picture. wall granted the plaintiff. Sarah A, Beltz, deceased, alld filed ,96.20: M. C. Foreman. payrou. Drake, Inc., Juel, ~149; Mounts, Mr. Turn~r-Re Drietq, Pen- In tne case of The Peoples' Build bond of $3400 with sureties. M. H $231.60'; Harold Martz, gravel, Loeher Drug Co., drogs SOc; W. L nington, Reba Surface, . Frances. ing, Loan &; Savings Co., versus Oswalp, Charles Luc:as and Carl $188.67; Frank Sherwood. Co., A,damson Co., food and clothing, John W . Wilder. et aI, receiver's Seibel, were appojnte,d appraisen. $1.65; Addis - Service $27y W. U. Btt,ger, fOQd, $22; .n.·"'l'-·"'tm e Thompson. aecou~t approved and COil firmed. Application baa bE~n made for gasoline, $4.76: Welc" " Blair &; LeRoY' fuel $196.25: Blue The juniors and seniors met Etta Westerman. William- Wool- Receiver is ,discharged. : the ' admission of FO'rrest E. Hall Dakin, post diggers, ,1.75: The Bal1Qrocel'Y, food, $3.50: C, C. -:, Marek I, for the monthly meeting ard. , In the case ot The . People!' f~ebl e·mjnded. into tine Institution Cincinnati Oil Works CQ., gasoline Brown. food, $4: Elmer Oollis, ot . tile literary societ)'. Betty Miss McKinsey- Helen . Hisey. ing, Loan It Satings Co. verlus for the Feeble.Minded. , ,2.90; John Long, Agent Stand. food, $34; W. W. Cline, food , $10 Hartsock of the Senior class, and Ellen MoSll, Lansing Hardin. Jean Gordon McNeil, et aI, judgment to ldaude R. McClur«!, ad~ini8 tra. ard Oil, gasoline, $32.81; Zeiger's L. Conrad, food $94.25; Cline's PhylUs Collette ' and Mary Burton Hartsock. plainti" from the defendants, trix of .the estate of Howard S. General Store, food, $66; Miller 5-10-25 to $~ .00 Store, clothing, of the Junior class, were the Miss Carter-Erwin Lewis, Vir· the GordoD_ McNeil and Gertrude McClure, deceased, file<! her mven rdware "Furniture clothing $2; Wm. Colhns & Son, tood $171 otllcen in charge of the meetinre ginia Roberta, 'R. obe-ct Woolard. Gray, the sum ot $2501./H. tory. ; Soft Water Laund;y. laundry: 60; .Carr01l.'s Store, tood, $77; of the two groUps. ~ Miss Hattsock--Janiee lQurnett, In the case of The Peopl«1S ' Build The adjudication .nd determipa.40 : G riswo~d Service Station DaVid Ma.son Store, food. $12,50; T~eee programs were among the ~ary Lou Haelenan, Ruth Annll ing, Loan It Savings Co. venue tion of the ioheritan'c e tax on the guoline, $2.72; East End Servic~ Kroger Grocery &. Baking Co., mdet interesting given this year Johns, Stella La mb, Ruth Helen .WilIiam Broc.kman. et al judgment estate o~ Stephen C. Phillipe; de~ Station, gasoline, 76c; ' Standard food, ~1567.50; The Great A. & P Phone 78J . for the), took in a wider range of LeMay, Vern,~n Shutts, Jaek to tho plaintl" from the defen. eeased, IS to be given to aU per- Oil Co., gasoline, 80c; Ohio Cen- Te. CO' I fQod, $13 54.24; T. V. subj,ects, The numbers were: Crane. dants, William S. Doughman, Mary lolls, inte.rested. Telephone Corp., telephone Woodrey, food, "7.98. Miss Reed /er-Shirley Bu1dck, E. ,Douglupan. Florel\ce lIrockman, A .certlfied copy ot tbe 4lntry de rent, $8.15 : Obio Central Tele..... . Se.lor Pro..._ John . Perr y Sackett, Oharl1es Margaret Payner, the sum of terminillg the inheritance tu to be phone Corp., telephone Tent, $16.-. F·OI.A..~ '41. IIE""R'" OF THE Binrap~y- Group A Betty Dibert. Norma Ad.ams. $6586.05. . paid on the estate of Andrew John 46; Union Gas ' " Electric Co., BruHl} OF ED ()A,'rI()N Hartsock: gro.up:,B. Jane Cook. $ome of the grades are it.\In the case' of Norman L. Rich. Ion, 'deeeased, is to be certlfled lighta, $1.98; Tru e of Public Af'lOT ART PUBLIC Ora,tion-::- 'G'rou p A, ~velyn c?mplete ~And there may be ad.· mond venus Jessamille R, Britton, without delay. ' fl'airs, lights, $'.65 i Singer Sewing .' er . ' 1 HI Vea .. Gnilln" :0 CleBlber N...I.... . . . . Peter!!, grou'p .H, .Juanita Brannock dltions 1:0 th is list. \ et aI, eonfirmation, deed and die. Etta Bercaw, executrix of the Co., rent, $12; Marion L. 31. 1!KU ~ ay.-Group A, Marion Fox: --~. .tribution. estate of Thurman. F. Bercaw. de Steddom, rent, ·$6; Yictor Adding Wan. TO........... • fI...a' IIdoo. Willa Ora",. .. • Ee. . . . . .etIN ItJ'tJup 1J.--?I'aJik Hawke. A ••• mbly 'pro.ralQ . ceued, filed .~er :tint~ fln.1 and dis Machine Co .• rental,112.40; The .1"aCrlet, "'a~n oDn t,, ' WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Humorous P~m-Group A lIae La$t Friday all students were New; tributive aeeount. Book Shop, paper lor mimeograph RE O&JI'TS :r~a~way; group B, Ruth Pennto be entertained by a Essie Lee Lankford ~ersus Ar. Ella B. ~ay, adminietratrix of $3.85; The Book Shop,8upplies R.n·a.~. mgto". TaxElB-local L . v _ show pte ,ented b Lankford, for divorce. Charge the eatate of OharlelJ R. M.)', de~ for welfare office, ,10.60: Office Qlulll" e or •. "In II vY)$2~.164.2:r Ors,il Cola Compal)Y. The is gross neglect of duty. '> , filed her first: and final ac- Outfitters, rental on equipment, Sink Ing and Dond He-' ~~~~=====~=====~~~====:::: count. She filed her applicatillo ''70.86; Mnion ~nook, mimeo for a certificate of tl7ander. work, $,.80; . Western Star, I Upof 2. 61i mills leyv . .. ; .. ~ .. tI.~91i.36 · Clinton D. CorWin and W. Ohea plies for welfar& office, $13 .25; husHI d pJ'o))erty Taxe;;-28ii:'i'; ter Maple, 'e xecutors the estate Elbert Wal,-cc) food. furniabed TOID.l Taxell . . .. ...... $31,939.71 J n tarest trol)1 otntel on of !l..W. Brown, d,eceued, filed relief families during November, Irreducible bt •• , •• , ... 80G .9() th«t1r mven ory and .p,Pr&ilement. $7; The Janszen Co., food, $6.60; Renta.l t r()mD Soh,\OJ Lande and Propert" ........... , 2a~,47 In the case of W. S. Graham ad Stok.. Dairy Co., milk, '212.61; JESSE ST~Y 'DeposItory .lnteJ'ost 271.'5 ministrator of the ea'tate of E~ma l,flUer DalI;), FaJ'DIs, milk. $nti.u ,TulLJoll trom other •.•.• • E. Janney, deceased • .....u. lin. 10L H. Fedder. Supply Co .• fuel, District.. .... ... . .. ....• 245 .U() PIa••• 110. N.............. ow. ,. Education anci Flora Parlette, et al. W. C.Ber&,- $228.'76; W,u nd Drr Goode Co •• VocatIonal ReiIlabllJ taliO D tor Deaf, Blind and Crippled Chll. d.n, Walter Burnetl; and Harvey clothinlr, $S2.88; Wrla'ht'. Mar- lIren EARL 1C0000a from Stat~ and U . ' M. Burnett were apl~olnted to ket, food, ,840.60; Wliite Villa S. Government 824.6. apprai" the estate. . Grocery, Inc.• food, ,607; M. B. LIQuId Fuel Tax ........ ..219.~~ · ItEe• .,. .... 10&.41 The estate of Samuel P: White. Morey. $13.88; H. ' M. Oth er .......... '. . • . . . . . nack, deceased, i8 ell~empt froiD In COYM•. milelle, $19.02; Chri.thie TOlal 'R evenue ••.•••. ,se,U7 .al) ..... e. heritance tax. lamels E. BUrke Clevenl'er. niileage ' '17.86; Louise Non-Ue" , Salea of ,P roperly ..•... , 140 .75 administrator, flIed hi, ftnt and Whipple. mileare. 'U.96; Willa Total ;Non-Revenue .. .. 1'0.75 final account. BMdle, mUeale, U4.79; Helen CLASSIFIED ADS COST ONLY The eatate of Chl,rl.. R; Mal. Randall, mil ease, '19.48 ; Linnie • To eal n ' celpls ..• .. •... U8.788 .65 "aDDa.,. 1, 1"', deceased. i. exempt from Inh.ri- Williarna, mileap, 20.08; Mrs. ONE CENT PER WORD. WHY FOR SALE General Fund .......... , 5,869 .n ~nce 'tax. . Urton, _ .emcel• . $10; The Bonll RetlreJllenl )j'und ., _,898 .61' KEEP YOUR ATTIC FILLED Sales by WIUl.m E. Dechant. 8X Miami Conaervancl Distr., compo Total Balance ....... $10,'268,n FOR SALE-Fresh ,cow. calf by ecutor of the estate of Edgar T. and damares in right of way, eide. T. S. Hardin. R, 1 WayWITH USELESS ARTICJ.,ES Totnl ReceIpts and ' , Dechant, deceased. were approved bridge. '1; Hayes Dalton Balance · .m7 . . . .. , .......... "9,OO~.91 ne.sville. Walter C, AndeJ'll(),n. adminiltra damages in right of A-Pe......... 8ervlcel TBA T CAN BE TURNED INTO . AdmlnlstratlonFOR SALE-Nice line of ,box tor of the estate ot ()mar H.a rtzell bridge, ,1; Leb. , Member" Board of MONEY FOR SO SMALL A stationery, 24 Iheeta and U deceased. tiled his al"plleatlon for National B.nk .nd Ed ucation .... . ...... ,. lQQ . G~ CI rk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .• 40 0 .0~ envelopes for 25c, at Gazette a certificate ~f trallifClr and ·hl. Trust Co.,>bo;lt rent for Count)' ) nstr uctlon-, COST. TItY THIS MEANS OF affidayit in lieu of 1Inal account. Cimmia,io,ten, $8 ; ·Edith ,B. Beltz PI·lnalllnl s. Ten.cllers. etcUl,229.00 offioe. In the matte\' of Itbe guardlan- comp. and damagel, ,1; James AuxHlar), i\:genclesSELLING AND SEE WHAT A. It,O !" U(,to.r les .' 12.50 FOR ~ALE-Little Red Clover IIhip of William Hen(,rfek B.rbell FoDen, servjcea as janitor. $15; Emplpy:es Employee 'fOr 'l'l'tln~· DIFF~RENOE IT WILL MAKE , Seed. F . C. Hubbell, R. R. 3, 1,0rtatloD or lllldr n .• 1.028.6. minor. Marguerite Ifaruell. par- Edith B. Beltz, use of tract of OJ.leratlon of SchOlll Plnnt- , Waynes'Ville. til? dian, is authorfled to expend not land, ,1; Penn Morton, eervlces as Jntdtol'e, E n gIneers a.nd TO YOUR POCKETBOOK. AS Other Emplol'ea ..•.•...• 1,704.n more th.n ,26 a Dlontb for food, janitor, '70; Wm. S. and Arminta FOR SALE-AllltraUan Hull ... shelter care and education of McCre.ry, compo and damales, WELL AS TO HAVE YOUR Total p'e r.on.. 1 ServIce $30,414.6. Popeorn, 8 Ib.. 21ie. Mn. L. B. 11-1·.11"8, . ward and not more 1.han UOO for '1; C. Donald' Dilatulh, rent, '2~ en8 ~dl'l'llnl8lra:tton Otfl¢e .. , H9 .H Hall. STUFFY O~D ATTIO CLEANED clothing. Ethel Biskop, compo and damqea. Text .Hook, . .. :., ....... S 687.1, 8clhool r.lbra.r~ BookB W. G. Andenon ,.," appointed ,1; Dr. Kennon Duilham, aemcee, OUT. IT PAYSI .. nd Ma ~a.zln!!. . •.. _..• f liz.H FOR SALE-So),bean hay• .Toln administrator of ~'8 . .tat. of ,49.50; Edith B. Belt., use of Woollard. R. 1. WaJlMftllle, ~~~lr .~ .. u.c.~t.I~.n,~I .. :::::; m:~~ Jacob Wants. dec.Uled, ~d ftlecl for purpo.. of excava. 'me .ranlto r s · .•.......... H$.l~ bOlld of ,1000 'With B. B. IIrs. Howard Saw)'er, R ecr.atl onal •.... : ... , . 10.0Q FOR SALE-Cholee Little aed' Other .............. ' . .. 17.2' , AndElrlOn, W. (). .nd $1; Frank Brandon, Clov... seed, ·fre. fro. heklaona ' Paull~e W .. ltiWy appointed dam.... In right of Total SU)),,'" ...••• , 2,288.h F. E. TlJomu, I. Waraemn•• apprallera. Bridp, '239; lin. C-. . .er1aIa rer ."D1ea._. and (Jround •• " 151.U In tlle ma~ of '7 • Butl41nga 'f18 EquIpment & ' F urniture. 196.2C &y ' C•. ,, 6 Loall Total MaterIal s for bonds Is ........ ,I; lin. Ira Malllt.nance< •.•••••.• 1 . . . .t I. H. Mnictl, 'I' llarfon J!lduua.tloDal ... , .. , ..•..• the ....t. of ,'7.10 Ot.tI..,. ...... 1 " . . . . . . . . . 1

chool High Spots

ronsis d of of ew EnlrlaDd flaberiee ad tabini for halibut aDd .barb.· Betore th(> program could b. flnt.hed the electri Ity '11'88 turned oft' and din' to an "ther enp"ement the progl'"nl eQuId not be completed. The lime was then devoted to 80ng~ and yells for the tournament,












F. T. Martin Auctioneer


Centerville, Ohl'


y KHgler

' ~~~~e~~~ ~~n~l$ii'ibUti,;,,$ ~,OOO.IiD .J ~'tanle' It. ,






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R........... 1----------------_______--____ -




Jameetown, Ohio hay. mov 4 to Kunay an~ \IOife. th old Dean Shannon plac here.l W cal'" glad to h'110rt A Mr, McVey uf Lee burg, 0 .• , Well. or thi~ Jllacl! hl.'tt i. pending the week with R. J' j writing,


Otia Rich and otherl attend d tandllY with K. E. Th, IllI " IIIHI church at Lebanon on Jast flinday family. tlvening. Ina Mat' lind P"" II h \ ' til Lon BrllOn.n, of Xt'nia, IIJlent ISIIImt Snturday {'v"llill~ \~ ,ttl :'lit'!' ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY Patipnce Thompson, -------------------~~--------- ===--. D L .CRANE I I P ..Ii..... 15ubac".tl•• Pri••, '1.10 a Y... W al·t· nil 1:'10<1 to b ""W 11.. 11 Ollie. PH.e, .. "" ....... lfo, lUI Entered al ponottlao at Wayn..Mrs. enli!> .1 01'.1;11' i' '·(·)lUll".1 R..,. . .co ................ ' .... No. 111 ville. Ohio, .e~;:d Cia" 11&11 beltl'r at this WI itill~. r "SEE-QUO.YAH" M i~~ Rulh :rll!. 1111. or 111':11 \\ (II llin n . 'Iw nt undoy w,th )Ii -· MAR H'1, ]935 t .ucille Ol' umm nncl: n nl' (lJ \ ~ " nia Georg!: " ail Jr. al1d C!ll. 1:1\1 ~l"n of Leban on. Itpc.>llt SUllduy art 'r, Adopt..! b. noon in Harveys Dr$' . Milton Eakin and family lun' . It. is fore cut that the government is going to make a change in mover! from the B 'n "11 pIllet! here, to th ir new h,)ll1(1 In liar Its .pohcy toward agriculture. It will have less to say about what the Du~d On the 1\o.el .. Malibu" b,f V~c. T08,.ph H07t vey bUrg. :farmer should do and nob do- alld will leave more up to the fa1;"mer PI !lse don't fOl'g t t hl' . f"'rilli ' himself. at the church h ere '\11 1\ ~t SlIl1,ll1y Chapter One ?out In an a tlem pt.:~ claw lh~ C a M 1 I a nd the liOll, 80lemnly cOline ProgrellSive American farmers' will welcome that change. And , Tough guy hm . She ,raised an ' thro ugh the rite. of chrletlnlne evening: Ever'y on\! Invited. (' .' 1111 ' they will also welcome the change it will give them to show the stuff BABE$ IN tHE WOCJS, eyebrow humorously. "N o w h ijl n them . and bear th e speeiol -in(( ' l1h hr they u..r e made of. Farmet's bee great problems--and tbe only way we're going to be friends ," I Ma~y mo.lthe sUpped by ..nd ...,.., the ell oil' . t.hey will ever be satisfactorily Bolved is by the efforla and work of But 8udd~nly her heart leap ... d l tin WIUI making Ite..dY pro.,.... on' In the high Sierra mountaiha. the fumen themse.lves. Even if gov~tnment, by fiat, could make all where wblsperlng foliaged glante of her throat tor th l'cC was the yelP- 1 his manuscript. One Afternoon be' A two-day s gard n !'chClol a thl rosy in the agricultural world, it would be of small worth if the farmer ten thousand years keep benign ,Ing 8Jld baying of do!:s growing had dro'pped h1a work tor a wblle Ohio State niv(,l'!'i.ty. f nl' h . louder and louder She began to and was porfftg over a book on the ' vlcil over all creatures ot the Wild, becollle a financial and mental depenJent in the proceS8. 'Jhe dawn of II new day wu Just run, terror grIppin g Iller . The table. A loud clatter from ouUld.' interested in ama teur i101'it-ult urI', Today everal millions of farmel'S are banded together in coop- breaking. hounds were gaining ste p by step. caused him to rise burrledl),. !'rom' is scheduled f or Mad} 21-22. erative associations, handling dairy products, cotton, walnuts, wheat Then. with complete unexpected· his place at the window he watCb-' Nearby, In a beautiful wooded nes,ll an a uthorltatlve masculine od the Bcene with Inten~ Interest." and other goods. The co-ops are controlled by the farmer-they T\!- dell. a herd ot deer was grazing, lIect :farm sentiment and farm ambitions. They represent real private wblle. separating herself a little voice spoke up, Icallerlng the dogs He saw come tlytnC out of with tile butt or his rifle and sev- the dog-hou.e aa It be bad been' initiative thtougb collective actlOI) tha,. doesn't ask for favorl, that from 'her c;omllanlona a doe had sel- eral lus ty klckll ot his boots, s hot from a gun, Then M ..Ubu e\ucJc down wltb her young tawn. tIed doesn't depend for existence on government, Bn\l that gets results. A glance around told :l1ier where out bls bud and glued at blla And back In !I. more t hlOkly woocl- she was, It , was the path 10 the dettantly. • CooperativeB are the best weapons t.he farmer could have for fighting ed section ot the forellt a mountain Ranger's Loo~o\l t . "Thanks. Thanks "Wbat'. gOing b , .. T I 4 ~ , d pression. lion that had been drOW8- ever 80 much," ~he sale! breathd d I on e~_, on eo: lIy with her cub snuggled to h er I 1 man e , runn Dg Up. ..... Ibu hun, , ees y, his head .. nd Toni .hook an acel»aide, rOBe Quietly to bel' feet. then "I'~ glad I Ilappened to be on Ing tlnger at him. "I .bould tblnlc padded off deerward. the young , duty, lh~ hand 'ome young strang· you would look _.Itt "So. ... A... AA. '1ne at her heels . .....Guilt y. wu Ole writ.) ey.... l,..~a er sa Id , Gato susplcuoualy. clUI all she approlohed, the deer She laughed. "So am 1.-" ten all over hit tace, "You're not: .:.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- J 'Ie carne defensjvely aJert. They Then abe and the Range.r Started tooling me," ' be eald. "It tak.. two l)l'oile Into a run. But the lion was tor her cabin. At her dool' he turn- to make .. tight." The Ohil State University Radio StAtion-WOSU .,unnlng. Singling out the more ed awey bu~ 1;'onl burst outl. "Please ' Martin walkedu\1'to bel'. "Not eo !lelp eas doe snd fawn. she mllde come In. 1 d like to ShoW you to good hm? \vat all that In""' 8:00 M.UBlc prey, chasing them madly ta~her." Toni scre...,ed up ber DOlI "'ci 8:06 Young Bradley Glimpses Ohio .. ,. .... .. .. ... R. E. Eswine Ibemoiler i hrough the boulderll. With a gleeCul. Inspiration, sbe shook her hud violently. "Nooo!'" 8:16 Home Sweet Home .. "".. .. . . ...... .. ........ " WOSU Players But Fate and something more - motioned the Ranger t OI silence, Martin he.ttated "Toni" he aJ4 8:30 Music lbe law of tbe forest - Intervened. !. Then tiptoeing acrOBS t~e room she slowly. "Do you know ';bat (Jato 'Outlaw 8:40 A Farm Management Evening School ............ '... W. E. Stuckey Without warning a trap BUddenlY I reached over_b er falber. shoulder, rfallil meantr It 8:50 With the 4-H Flower Clubs .... ....... , ....... ,...... ' ,Victor H. Ries 'pened under the pum.a lion, 1n placing the tawn and the puma cub - murderer'." Toni guped, "But Bob aaJcl-" 9:00 A Rural Women's Conference ..... , .......... ..... ,Mrs. Alva Bailey ~be wild struga:le to free henelt a I on the table befor\! him. ;)oulder became loosened. In an- I He Jumped up and eta'red . "Am "I know. But be wu wroql I 9:10 Muaic other moment It had snuffed out I J seeing things?" he asked Incred- happened to be looklnr thro",h &II 9:25 Early Grazing on Permanent and Special Pastures ................. "." :ter lite. I UIOUBly. 014 refere nce book jUlt now ud , , ................. .... .. ... ..... .D. R. Dodd and C. L. Blackman And on a work-bench Ln WUl I Toni laughed . then almost In one ran aerOB' It." Tonl's chm "ent up. "WtU ltt'l 9 :35 The Government's Prog:ress In Acquiring Marginal Land in Ohio Bergman's cabin. one of 'tbe Call-'i breath she told her lather 'Of .B erg..... , ... " ..... ,.,', .. ,....... , ...... .. _, .... ' ... .,., .. " .... ,.... , .. John SiUerley tornla ' Jlcense4 guides, Joe ' Lucaa, • man's 'dogs ,a nd how AI'den bad forget tt. It'l • nice anyhow.", , A few montbli latlr BeI'flll&D 9:45 Production of Healtby VegetablG Plants ..... ,,",., .... . , ,J . H. Bo),d Itood frowning over tb, footprtDtI of a year old puma th..t were lost ::: ..t the .Ide of a brook. "Hello." ba called to Alden ,w bo·.u rldll,. by, \ "$ee anytbinl' of a puma arou04/ her.? He'. a emart one. About a' yur old. R&tded m)' cblcitta ooop la.t night and I'm out tor blm.~ Alden'. e),e. had narrowed. "I 'U get busy on It," be eald wltb ov.... COLUMBUS- Matters pertain- will be held 800n in Leesb\lrg readlneas. He rode otf with mounting to legislative bills which have township, Union county, Monroe Ing concert township, )ladillon county and to do w,ith education in Ohio were That night Martin w.. lulJY t&Jc. Ing bls rest on the front porch. The d! cussed, last Friday at a meetinr, Mecca township, Trumbull cou.nty peace ot the night .... broun bowof the Ohio Textbook Commission. at whicb details will be explained. ever. by the even boot·be&t. ot S cretary 01 State George S. A controlled shooUnr associl\tion horse. In a moment Alden bad 114My ra. a member of the c mmi!- could be tormed among farmers den up and wat' .wlnli... up tbe sian and long an advocate of lower in a township under the new plan step•. Then. pick In. b'" worda ea.... textbook prices, renewed bls and the conservation division rully he told Martin ot the ra14a ' motion for a price reduction to would stock the district with on Bergmlln's cblcken ooope. 50 per cent of the whole ate list game the first year and provide Martin stared ..t him Incred-..;.· price. Since only two of the three signs 1.or posting the territory. Iy. "Llslen Bob." be aald perturbed. Farmcn would be remunerated by "you don't serioualy th1nlt - WtUl mel11bers of the co.mmission were Unquestioned - com. on over be ... &D4 Ioqk at' present, the motion wa not acted the hunters, who 'Would pay. a head durability , and sometblng." He ve. 41dlo to tb. upon but ...,as left pending until fee and a game fee. Window. the next meeting which is expectexquisite design Inside. Toni w... playine a lDu.ale Approximately " ,000,000 was d ,to be held in the near future. . the highest ideals in plated ware-ate uaurecI ill box thal blared forth "HaPPY The eommisllion is composed' of received by the stat.e as the result Birthday lO You," wbllt &1M ,tWt' spoons, forks, and fancy serving pieces of the first four weeks' operation ' the governor, the s cretary cif I a nimals wrlg,gled &nd equlraaecl' t4' state and the direclllr of edueation ot the new sales tax law, it was renowned trade mark: ; the tune . Then elie placed .... ac.'r eported by State TreaBurer Harry I cream before them, ..tUq UIcl. a h!lplng for herMlt. A controlled area hunting pro- S. Day. The revenue from the sale Malibu waa lappina' away at bl. gram, patterned after that adopt- of groceries and meats amounted dISh, In such hute to 4evour [hI" ed by many states, will be put into to $1,063,000, about one-fourth of Jehcacy that the plate . . . n~lU'll' effect in three Ohio counties for the total received, T~a.urer Day ove~lurned , TO'll re&CIIMId out tc There are various makes of silverplated tableware experimental purposes by the wd. Cuyahoga county wa. restraighten It. "UID. 0-. ~ .be .1.' Division of Conse17vation; it was sponsible for by far the largest 'wlUch are claimed to be "just as good,'· but. like to him. TheD to III ... -.a.t. am allnounced by Conservation Com- amount, nearly $1,000,000. The ,uement abe oOU" CM& Get" bl\cl imitabons, they lack the beauty and weari~__qua)ity state tax commlllBion h~ issued a missioner William H. Reinbart. OOl IDYCb" ..... . . identified with the original and genuine" ROGERS • •" The plan i. to provide certain dla new order- pr:oviding that merch.. emed to be IDt&IbolN>recI ty , I!' tric~ where farmers wW be ants tear in half the aaleB tax w~le proceedl"., ware popularly known as H Sil"er PlatiiTlat W Iar6."· "Vaw," "'olil _eaallD.d. ''Tbat'l compi!n ated for their co-operation coupons as they band them to the . ~ ·SOld by leading dealers everywhere. !udd'IJnly "e1' heart leaped 10 her throat /orlhere wa$ tll.e "61J1,~g lce-.eream!" Sbe ' wu almo.t .... rM in raisinr a secondary crop of purcba~r_ The commisliion beQ ,\(I !1al/iu.9 01 dOI/~ grow",g lo,~de r aM IOltiL«r , "Wby you love '_~ ." Ii... catalogue "'C_Lt1 showing all designs. game. to eliminate lawlesll hunting lieves that , the ruling will pr:event and tTelpalising, and to prevent the ilse of t ax coupons more than lI iB assliltant. w.. busily elee:ntng come to the rescue. Martl'n proCter' Gato Dlerely turned over and yaw... IUEN BRITANNIA CO., (IN'Em:!~~!~!~rVIIIOO~ Ierw..c.. overcrowding and overabootinr , once. The order will become ef- &oIld ollina JUI1 Buch ..nother trap.': ed hl~ hand lD gratitude find friend· ed dlsdalntully. 'fWbaf' tbe mat· ler?" Toni pleaded. "Don '~ you teel Commissioner Reinhart stated. fective as. !loon .as 'all ve,n dors can "I'm ret lin, .Ic" of paying , shIp . well? You baven't .aten a Will' a:00Cl money for g.ub ." Joe grum- I Bolh men now seated tbemselves tor the ...t few .s.y.." Masa meetIl1&'1 for ~arm owners be notified. bJed. "when the woods I, full ot comfortably In re poase to Alden's At tbla Alden ouqed Martin si.. Ill'h-cl.... ven'8On." " quesuon, Marlin admitted to be- nltlcantly. Sendlo. lllaU,", oft 10 mahorn have moved into Albert. Tbere ' w.. the ,udden burst of 108 an author but ttloonnlly added bed. 'fonl tweaked Gato', ear, "II Chenoweth's property. iren&led bll.rkln, trom tbe doge oOt- : that ht> was running ou.t ot lded 1 let you sleep here tonflbt. rem._ i-----< Mr. anaDln. A11<bi!""rt=-'Mltha"'rtroan and tide. Jierpnan quickly crossed to . and meld nt lIy - mont>:y. TonI ex- ' bel', no . norln • ." When Ihe bad left . ' "artm S..ced son, Cif Dayton, were , guests of <he window just In time te) eee ,them 1 p,'esscd t he praye rfel~ whlh lh"At she teul ng out IJf tbe encl08ur~ In bOl ' cC?uld bIl lp Atden with a troubled look OD ble relatives here. last week, : " You CClll get tw~nty dollat! (rODl , face , "Just heCla.,.. th, poor cat' Mrs. S • . P. Cay who had be en .,ul'sUll of ~ne doe, ··So~etlme. I Wisb I'a 11e\'er wenl Lbe state for this puma," Bob said dldn't want bls 1ce-erMJn 4oe'Q" r Buffering from art~riti s for Dlore school and couldn't read game Jestingly , , prove .. nytbln.... . than flye yean, die!l , at her home "This baby kilt en ?" TonI 'aaked : Alden ..,nored thll. "See that A W ..k of Sch_llDc01hncl B~ south o~ this village Saturday a. lawI " he obeerved lIlgrjjj\cantly, A~d on through the wood~ 's),ed \0 borror. "Oh no, 1'm going to ~ Gato .., ,AIO' til .01 ~u Mr ' Stat. Cr'. . .e .'IId Cone.. of m. Funeral servieu were held at the doe with the do,s not ta ... an I keep blm - and the Itawn lOO," , Manln ~ And I won't ;'y anytbtnc the Friend,· cburch lion day after tbe rear. Once abe bad stopped for She pushed the/l1 logelh,~r with an lO Ton\," be added unhappily "unA.riclIlllillre Burial waa mad.e in the local • dangeroWl enoment to hide her affectionate pal." "TheY·.fe going to I' til I ha,v . lO. OooctnlJbt." ' cemetery. tawn In the underbru.~, Then . In lo~e e~cb other. .. It w... well put III1dnlCbt wben Th. Ohio State GraDre and the Mrs. E. H. Row,ey and daughter fon etfort to lead tbem trom tbe "T;;a~ l ~e dO~ , A1dtn "retorted, Gato roee 'a nd moved iDto tbe Heb,. colle,e of· aiTlc:ulture of the HuntiDgtoD, West Va_, are IlIcI1ng place. sbe leaped to lOme .. ~y re~~ur enem e6. Snltflns first at one cloae4 wlndo"" I wonder. Martin lOOk'i~, t~ou,ht. I and tben tbe ,other bl rllbbed Ohio State University have plan- g,uellta ot' Mrs. ROWi,ey', parents, ~ll:b boulder•. Just one ml.step tnd .be wu lo.t, Tb'e dog. were 00 ful as he It~ \Its pipe. 1 ve dug , agalfilt the kltcben door and 0 n. ned a Bhort course for rranre Mr. and Mn. C. H. McKay • . of her and, she wu pulled down. pretty. deep ~nto ani mal IPsychology ell It. pe lecturera to be beld March 18 .to A party of Muon, attended tn- alOll quick vIctim to ber pura~ers, and J ve a theory that ,only , sbeer , spection of Yellow Sprtnp Lod,e 22. ' The fawn, who had been hidden, necea8~ty m~keJl a;;"nlmal:8 prey on ca:~al=r ..way from tt bla' lITeat It will be the I!eventh annual Monday eveniD&'. away 80 carefully In It. cover ot . eacb other, 1 m almolt ·r.,ady lo beY dlaappeUt4 for a moahort count of it. kind conducted Mr•. Frank Mcintire I, confined clerbrulh movea out to (he 0 en Ueve wltli Toni that It this baby ment Into the darklj"', Only hie on tile univel'lity c:ampul. Prep- to ,her home bJ llln.... :nIPunel. "':peUed by lome va~ue Pllma .18 adeQ\1ately fed ILnd t~e lit· eye. could be Men. rleamln. like premonlUo. of elread. And now. al- tie deer taught no~ to tear him tbey red hot coale. , arations are belnr made f or a --~ , No. bl . bad 'oUDcl, the door to moat b41fore It had besun to live could · be. trl.ends-, cia.. of 160. The.r e are no fees. It felt the nd or deal" nearby: . A thougbl occurred tp 'ronl. "And Sang 890'. becll'OolD where &li. Through t~e program runll a For a moD roul blrcl. lbe eagle. It mIght· be',.8Omethlng :for you to Cbi~... ~k ~d ble 'baby ' weneral theme, "Rural Life PlanbeCan to ,circle oml\louely over lie wl''!.e ~bout. .' peaufllllY. Wltb ,onl, leap Gat/) Wu nine/ ' accordinr to R, B. Tom of Our cl)oir com.polled.,( of : MiS8eB .head . .. £ ou may , bave h\ll' 0 f&D Idea." at tbe Windo. 1111 alld out Into tbt OU'D expetl& to pa, ....... the departm~lIt of rural BocioloD' Nellie Mary and MarJorie Davill, _ .A hollow log met t,he fawn 's eye Martin eJaculated. " • illCbt. ' , name if' at the colleee. who is in charge of Kathleen ThompllOn, Edna. Ruth , deal for 8 . . . .aI... ... &nl'l with a ' relieved little bleat It ha~m:t ~nr~h,8, lat~~,.lIral'\in , ~... . Paddm, ,.tfU, o~er the croUnc: the program. lhhl, packed with fI ...t....... , _ and .Helen Polson, · and Lola ma..te a frantic dash for It, All, that which h'e ' h~d e~~ltI dS ,~:-II~.:r pl he .~ BOOD crouched on tbe root Tom, JoaephW. Fichter , . lee- Williama will line leveral special da)1l, It' stayed ~1,0I8 ~Ide the log. and fic:lion. But Dol 011. . . . . e . . ~equo a -:: of tbt 10111' , Ihecl on Bt~·. turer of the Ohio State ,Grange, Bongs at the church here on next but wltb nllbtflltl It ve ntlll'ed Um. the Story of a. Stranl,fe 51rtend'lIlp. rancb, Some pl.. oould. be hUrd peaDy will you pay f . "'11IIt and J. P. Schmidt, lIupervisor of Sunday "'enin. 'With MH. Mabel idly ,out, a : lonely pathetic',anl! cu •• ~:lIt7:etof~~i_:~~et~'~rllerd a:d Bqueallq arid , Itlrrlnr re,UeMly. Wee~." The ' S~, ... Obio·, farmel'll· Institutell, appe,a r Terry at the piano. Everyone is pirlted Utlle' lI.ure, . fawn Ia')' peacetuUy a: d tie With a II"At t,Unl movement Gato qulrer'. great new.. h. daily OD the program. Qy momtn. , ..lmost perl. hlng . th4! little ba,ket tbat wa,; ttelr:': dived in IInder tbl lbelter, Tbe neltt invited. Don't ft. See ' your ·1oeIaI Other feature, are a prorr.DI K. 'E. Thompllon of tbi. place re froID frlcbt. be picked hlB way over ' " Well," he tald dellghledi y to Toni: n:om~nt tb.,.. W&I the acre&ll1 ot a new. dealer, order ,our . . , by the department of ftne art. of 80m, rock, toward a Itream. So " We eertaltly couldn't auk ror .. ny" p a apn,. the unIYenit)-. coachinr in dra- celved the sad newlI of the leriou won, out .... be that be did not tblng more 'hopeful than tbi. ... .. right away. Sometime later Galo ma4e lUll matics, d,moDiltrated eacb even- mne.. of hi' cou,llI, Mrs. Emma Ile&r the IIl'bt foottall of Tonl MaJ'- starter," .nent NllU'Q tbro",b Sana 800'. Wolte, at her hODie in WilDiineton lIa. a youn., dark-eyed ,Irl, one of Toni beamed "Cute aren't tblY." ...,Indow, J~t ... he w... about to il1&' of recreational feautures And that'. all •• e Clinton counti. tbe va~tIon re.14ent •. She picked "But what ~re we going to ~I .... throqh U.e door be .uddlnl, aranre meettDII, and lectures Oil blm up and Walked off with him . tbem?" turned anAl orawUn. aloq the R. J. Murray'l condition n,4 pea"1 .mproNfl ........ apeciftc lubJecta 'I n the fteld of patUIlI bim lDloothlngly, and whlll- " There WIl. a kOQCk on til, 'cloor baby'.. bed mltfed blm 10118 and maiDa about ~ ..rn •• lioa • • ... MOre ",.,.. . , home manqemlnt. W. an IOITf to report the ..ri- periD, little endearm~ta to It III his and Alden steppecl la. "Hello," be carefully. Then wttb a mtt ~wlst ,04"0 /,... ........ .,. .....teDed wbllDpertn, bleata. wlea ,aUy_ He wu Informed tbat ot bta bo41 be moved IlCblly oVlr oua ,Uln.. ol III.. Cllriltln. Bead i ..... S,.,.J",. IluddeDl)r befoH IItl' path abe 18'" be 'IVa, Jut In tilDe to help ~ Ian. 800'1 bed lllitil. bIB er .. dllatat her home in OrecenlL the two &Dlmall, ed and 1'l1IWA1q. b. bl'O\iPt lila John smith. Ed. Wilbnon and tIM diad boV ot tb. PWllL u ,.._ ... I ..... lilt .... UOIl . . lay bealcle It Toni "Ho. eout alUli1 the dttr MeII- face clOlU' and cJoIer to that 01 wife. Ih. aDd II.... Brandenbera, ~ ~ lIMit but blltalltl)' bu?n Kart1n "It ....... lbe lOOk. ' lIIr. aDd Il1'IL WUJard Be11111. art clauPter, Kia OUYene and t~.. ICIIIq put 01lt ita ~ paw. 'roup COlD" &a4, DO~ .... a (0"0 .........ft 0tIH III ,..._._-, s .... tile pa.....t of • IOD, 'on SuDda7~ IlrotM&- 01. OnpDta. It. I:' Tho.., a_ trIeII to ala. "Ir. rouaber I'Md SO ~".. ~ ......" IIan1I .. lOll . . . . . . '1'IIa.paon, of ....0. . . . . . . . Uaat. ~ Toni cbided twlllkld 'M ""',. .1• . . ....., pel lin. CarBo1l dda .~ Cottap him. ..~ou.., kaow at alef."1 _ .. AU . . . . ./ ......1 . . • . . . . .



Self Help Is Belt Help




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Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol


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Beech Grove


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II.... ".bel DiIlWldd1e, Klea Although the B\'erqe Jaouar)' att.nded. U.. lIth. Dblwlddle, Mr. anl M.... farm price of the U bade: eomMr, and Mra. Ed Lon,.e:n, Mn. THE MIAMI CAZETTB ames O'Dell and Mr. and M.... modities included in th Farm Aet J B. Jones and Rev. and Mra. 11\' & 8 106 per cent of the pre-war ue Dlllwiddle were guests of The mee1ing!l continue at LJtle Walter Mutin attended the anFOR RESULTS re. Sarah Butterworth , on Sun. level, "party" prices all defined in church this week. nual A.lI· M thodist dinner Thurstbe act are not yet r ..ached. B r ~ay. William IItcKt'cver and family day night at the Epworth M. E, cause prices of commodities which mov'ed fl'onl the t nant houee o~ church at Dayton, Mr. and Mra. Walter R088 and Rnbet't Fl'ind to Merrittstown last Mr. Rnd Ml'I. John Adams 'and Solomon Fred, Lebanon children, of Mason, Mr. and Mrs. thu farmer buys have )'isen to 126 "ta \110 01. -"0 ued to CrM. \M per cent, farm price!!! ar still 20 week. [amity 010 ed from near Waynesmerchant, died at 8 o'clock Tu I!e<>ml r Wlnttr. t . 1• • 1.'7' !lab'lac ClOt.. eetlD, .bout all all ~I...~. Rf'v. and M:r~. Murtln were din- ville Thursd ay to the Frank HesB day night at his home in Lebanon. C. A. Noertker and children, of points below "parity." ..... . ,tll tn,. bo47 .thlnl Illd lIen-e ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kesle.' farm which they rec ntly purcha~. He had ~en in ill health for more Mariemont, were Sunday cuests II <d&t of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Larrick. '''\'', a rtl~d ,olc1 11'11 'Mut MoOo,·. Grsham and uaughtrr, Wednesday ed and . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Eilts than a year. 0r>1t t.I .r 011 't'ablell 011.11 ....nelou 1\fr~, Ed Hopkins of Waynesville, moved to their new home on ,., 11111.. A and 0 I .tlrtacl til tat. \li_ Mr. Fred, with his brother, The Lydia E. Shepherd farm of n,.. , _ no -to an4 I bl"o,,·t bac! • eoId spent Thursday with h r daughter Nutt road. • Louis, came to Warren county and 66 acres east of Waynesville • .t ume tan ley Bail ey and little Rev. and Mrs. Martin were Sun- Lebanon from Poland 45 years which was sold at public auction, ··"'tOll,.· . "'''loU PUt ne.. 1U0 In folka; Mrs. build ~p tal ...., •• 10 .n,oll. I)&!l 1....10 " Phyllis. day evening dinner guests of Mr. ago. For 30 years, until two years Monday morning, was purchased 0 'CLE:ANEItI d ,um., 1'1>., mllre .... t . klnn,. peG'!'l. , . " . MI'. and Mr . J. B. Jones were and Mrs. Allen Emrick. .."run• . lu_ds·nerYed and yilOlOU.. ago, ~he brothers welre proprie- :by L. E. Hockett . • .,ndertull" A larg concourse of relatives tors of S. Fred compnny, departullday alt rnoon guests 0:1 Mr. Men'. Suit., 6Se au 'Ilt ,thuln. McOoy·. COd Llftr OU ~ustJ not wear, rulnt and frs. Alfred J ones at South· and friends atl.(>nded the funeral ment store, jn Leban,m. For th 'l'a I from l'1Iur dr\lull, toda" J)oll" ncst fence. That's why Ladi •• ' Dr.lae., 70c: 141111 001 Olll.l!llt.UOD Aat lor NCOo,.·L 1'n Hill , of Charles F. Clark at his late last two years the hl'others ran BANQUET IS POSTPONED ~ed Brand Fence i. Quick-for quality dryclf>anin. Car t Billett and :family moved residence here Saturday a~terDoon separate establlshmen1ls. loubTy protected from to Butler count')' f rom Will Berg- Those hom a di tance were: Ult. J thas a heavyGalvannea~ed ~uter The annual F. F. A.~Home Mr. Fred, 67 years 'old, was a~ :oatitlg and a roal copper beartng ,nne, dnll's f81'm 1\11d 8ame will be oc- }lrof. George Clat'k, of West Engle active Mason. He wall a membel' Economics banquet has been postlection that greatly prolon, itt life and and Mrs. Fred Star. WOod N. J., Mr. and Mrs, Verne of three Lebanon lodl~es and of poned from March 8, until upit'd by ;ut fence costs for you. Invc.ti,ate. k y and family of neal' Genntown. Nelson and Mr. and MI'lI. Charles th Scottish Rite at Dayton. March 12. Rev. and Mrs. Walter Martin, Booher, of Lebanon, Ind.; Mrs. --Funeral services were held from Ask for a and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Longacre El ie P lerson, of Indianapolis. the residence at 2 o'clock this Miami.burg Permanent were ntertained t~ dinner Fri. rnd.; Mr, and Mn. Lee Menden- Thurtlday afternoon with Rabbi day evening at the bome of Mr. hall and Mrs. Marion Hamilton Henry ~nglandel', Cincinnati, ofConcrete X-RAY WORK and Mrs. J. B. Jones. of Cincinnati, Mr. and Mrs. flcating. Burial in the Union Mr. and 'Mrs. Guy Routzahn and Everett lark, Mrs. Claude Riggs, Jewish cemetery at Cincinnati. Air Seal Burial VIIUlt BLOC ANESTHESIA dnughters were Sunday aft.ernoon Mrs. C. W. Younce', Mr. and Mrs: M'!'. Fred is 8urvi....ed by. his Fot Sale only by All Klad. 'of D;..tu.... ~acle , guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank A, 0 , Williams" Mrs. BeUe Coon, 'widow; ' five aons, Abnliham, Edwin Brown at Tippecanoe city. Miss Bertha Coon, Mr. and Mrs. Mark, Nathan and Corwin, all ' o f R.pair Work 000. Quick'y Your Funeral Director Ladies of the Mot her's club of E. L. BergdaH, Mr. and Mra. Lebanon; (our daua:hters, Miss By Lytle furnished the program at Albert tacy, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Leah Fred of Cincinnati, .Mrs. their meeting at Waynesville Dinwiddie and Miss Wanda Clark, Leal) Fred of Cincinnati, Mrs. STEPHEN M. YOUNG ~ain St. WA YN},!SVILLE, O. ~cClur~ Funeral Home grade school building Friday of Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. Ea.rl Aaron Brafman, Lebanon, Eva of Phone 7 a-ftevnoon. A number from here lal'k of Brookville. 1\lr. and Mrs. Lebanon and Mrs. Leonard HackRaymond Harshbarger of Leb. man of Detroit, Mich. Mrs. CeWayneAYme, Ohio Phone 25 anon, Mr. and Mrs." Marcell Ros~ntha~ of Gra~d avenue, Doris Duke. richest girl . i n the ~~!'!!!"!'!!'!!!"!'!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!'!!!!'!'!!!!'!'!!!"!'!~!!"!'!!~~!!"!'!!!!"!'!!!!!"! lina w .. 3 'ti·· Thackera of Springboro, Mr. and Day'on IS a Blster. IllS brother" world, iB hone}'11looning in Egypt. '!!!*' Mrs. Frank Dinwiddie of Bell- Louis Fred of Lebanon and a She married an American and brook and Lee Mason of Mason. sister, Mrs. F8!lny Se,igal, of Chl- · everyone wishes her well . facts are, however, .s he inherited cago, also survIve. -------~------- -- - - • - -- more t)lan 60 million dolla" made Home News by exploiting workers. Her father, the tobacco magnate, paid starvaMembers 01 the rune'rat service profcl)sion now Miss Mary Carolyn Lukens, of wages to unorgani~ed worken functiOn undet' n • igid ode of Fair Practices Ilet Harveysbu.rg, spent the week· end exploited child labor. From up by the NRA. This Code defines ethical busines8 with her grandmother, Mrs. ' Lena the aweat and toil of thous.a nds of poor unorganized and underpriv Hartsock. comluct and cBJ'efully prescrlb 8 the ervice that ileged workers, Doris Duke now we must provide. W livl' up \.0 every letter of the Rev. and Mrs. Ward Applegate, has more money than she can Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Harlan, of ode, knowing that thereby we further recovery spend if she lives ten thousand Wnmiqgton, visited Mrs. Ada H. and improve business reilitions throughout the yean. Jenkins, Sunday afternoon. country. Congresa should certainly exe~­ Mr . Anna Sheehan is quite sick Misses Ruth ad Alice Settlecise its taxing power to brilll 'myre, Miss Gray and Mr. Robert But thEl impol't3 nt thing to note is that we have Mr. and Mrs. Ashlland Osborn about a more equitable dh,tribu. Longacre, of . Dayton, called on not found it nece ary to change Rny of our t-orm,er tion of w.ealth. Mrs. Frances Nickleaon, Sunday spent Monday in Middletown. "policies to meet Code .requirement/!. For u!; the Code evening. is nothing new; we have functioned uncler a Mrs. Howard Wait,es, of Lov~ It has been a long time since Mr . Edith Harris was the dinpersonal ode of OUt' own 10r yean and have land, spent WednesdllY with M .... Prelident Roo.evelt hu given one ner guest of Miss Annie U. and .throughout our cureer tressed honest and just Philip Larrick. of hi. neirhborly radio talk.. Be Marne T. Brown, last Thursday. business relations in .all our d alings. We will . Mr. and Mrs. Rowell Peirce, Meet me at the Mother'a club hal not taken me into hi. conalways give clients the best funeral service possible WIi&IL'* Is ... _ _ a IDIlen.ce, but a cood gueu is that Mrs. Ella Babb, Miss Cla}'1l Lile AIIII . . . . . . . . . . . ... card 'party March 14 a.t 8 o'clock. before very lone you will be listen at a co t they can attord, a policy that ha been were Xenia visitors On Friday. Refreshments served. inl' in for hie greetings and Mis8 Clara Lile and Mrs. Ella responsible for our pre ent success• .... ... IaIkeil......... ' a . . .7 t1a Babb weye in Spring Valley on Mr . .and Mrs. Robert Davis and friencUy ehat on the state of .. ~ . . . . . . fI'om 110_ Nation. business, Wednesda-y morning, Posalbly if both branches of tM daughter, of Dayton" spent Sun"eo'l............... ~ day with Mt. and Mrs,. Carl Frye. Colleren pan the Soldiers' .., ......................4 PUBLIC SALE _ . d s ........ WHIt ........ Bon1l8", he may talk to the .n.eu7 ColorllraV"Tt! Mrs. Mary McClure" Mrs. Enlma .......... 1IIIori ...... exH. McClure and -Mrs. L. H. Gordon country discus810ng the neeeasity .~D••• O~ Having decided to move, I will were shopping in Dalrton today. ~ . . . . . . . . . . fIom . . of preaerving the stability of the MfJlluine offer at public sale. on public Treuury. .............. f . . . . . most. He may make a sililing, scorch Mr. and Mrs. Leon Balisbury and 5.aharday, Marcia 16. 1935 Jlfew' children, of Sabina, Ilpent Sunday inr veto messare to .t he Congreaa, BRINGS YOU Commencing at 1 p. m. the with Mr. and Mn. W, P. Salisbury directing it to all of the' people, .................... A COlDfollowing housebold goods: the same as to their representa· . . . . . . . . . . . . . .eveI7 Fir.,. R",. Serialll Mr. and Mr•. L. H. Gordon, Mra tives. One 3 piece overtstuded living ..... AaI ~ week. tID room Buit, 1 Magestic radio Emma H. McClure aud Miss Helen 11 this does not hap]>en, ..................-IscJe.. F~o... A.uthor8 (cabinet ·model), 3 floor lamps, 3 Welch were Middletown visitors" thing else may arise to cause ....... "'1deIy tree . . . TRADt:AT HOME TRADE AT HOm I Shor' Sr.orie. 9x12 rugs, 2 library tables, 1 Tuesday evening•.. to apend • balf hour talking TIM aIret'. dining table (oak). 1 combination , - New Fiction et It. A ........ JOII'. Mr. and Mrs. EIJner Sheehanl the Nation be is serving. book case and writing dEisk. · 1 attended . . pQ a .... pfIee for-tbal the luneral of Asrolll AdW!nture China closet, 2 kitchen cupbQardB, Haines at Pendl~ton, Ind.; reo Inside dope is that the Wan and . -=::~~~~~==~================~=~m~~~~ ,.. eJ.'t baM to , .. a 1 writing desk, 2 beds, complete.; cently. Means Committee of the House of PDQ tw. Doa't ..... tile Rom.o~e 1 wardrobe, 1 chiftlonere, .8 drell!Representatives h&8 rewritten t~ Mat . . . . . . . . . To be ..... Science ers, 1 player piano (Aeolian) ilr. and Mre.· ctlester C\lt1el~ Administration Soeial Seeurlty . . . . 7GIII' .... ClOp' of '"ftIs A 1 condition. 1 100 Ib nfrl~r~ and son, of Norwood, spent Sun- BiU. Committeemen have liberalW.... oIter . . . 8uDdar'. Humor tor, 1 a·burner Ivaoboe lCero.ene day with Mrs. Bertili Mills and iled it. JI:IIIpIbw ...... JOur - !ltove, 1 sewing machine, I air daughter, ¥i Lena , The ho.!.e we all cherish lis an . . . . .OW. preSilure gasoline camp cook stove. old age file from eare and want. 2 wash standa, 1 porch 8wlng, 1 Mr. Robert Chapma.n wall a euelt Inatead of "over the .hill to the --~-...­ porch glide·r (new.), 1 7~x9 Con- a~ the annual ballqlllet and aan~ poor house," State and, Federal goleum rug. curtain~ 't large ' gIven by the !lannon Golf club at Government should lend a belping mirror, stair carpet, rockllrs and Lebanon, Wednesdal~ .evening. to pur neC<iy elderly ]>eople they go down the Bunset side of Mr. and Mrs. J , Myen an~1 dtnlng . chairs, books, dj8~es, ailver, tab~ linen, lot of, beddlng, small daughter, of Belmont, were guesbl life. More adequate old ~e security rugs, fioor lamps, 1 lawn mower, of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Albright 0111 1 60-gal. kerosene tank. Sunday. laws will be enacted by .Congress, and our neighbors of 60 or older JOSIE W. GRAHAM Mr. and Mrs. Frnnk Wise and will be freer of dread and ewety W. N. Seats,. Auct. family, o:f Dayton, and lliu beeawe an obscure country J. B. Chapman, Clerk. Angelino, of NOrWOCld, were Sun,· deetor, Dr. F. E. Townsend, day guests of Mr. alnd IIrs. F. E. formerly a hsalth oftlcer of Lon, 9th ANNIVERSARY SALE Beach, CaJifornia, announced a VanOllen. WILL START SAT~RDAY unique plan for the benefit of man """ Mrs. E. F. Deppe was called tel ldnd-revolvlng pensions for all Linton, Ind:, Saturday beeaule olr over .60. , Saturday, ~arch 9,.. will mark the serious illness oJe ~eJ,' . lather', ......_ _ _ _ _...._ _ _ ---'---'00 He hu' ~odift.e~, and in fact tbe 9th anniverllal')' sale at the A: who died shor~ly ,af~ier her arrival abandoned, his oritinal plan by K. Day store. Here you will ' find there. suares!inr , "Start it at, JIaY, 76 great bargains in all ' lines of ••• ," but , the hope be merchandise for your entire At their attractive country home fltmily. Be sute to take ad'valltalle Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrll. planted in the minds of thousands L. E. Hockett entertained at 'din- will yieJd good harVest. of this allnual event which Out of the hardshipB of today, enable you to supply your needs ner, Mr. and Xn. D. R. Salisbury U H L R .. d with mlllioDi seeku,g work at a great saving ol money. The Mr. an d .. .d'S. ' . • ye, .....r. an cannot find, a better future sale will get under way Saturday Mrs. J. K. Preston, Mr. and M1'II. come for elderly men and morning and continue lourteen R. H. Hartsock and Mr. and Mn. B. C. Hartlock. . 'Whose condition . is desperate d,,)'I. in better times, and through 110 ======:::;=====;===========:=:;:.::=,===:= fault of their own. '







Ttl., ...

-----.. . - ...---


---_.- ..

DR. H. E. HATHAWAY Dentist

Straight from , Washington


.10.'1 reach lor a lingle pelny! 'ff~


The Code Is Nothing New


Sind., .with The Enquinr





J. E. aieClare

.laoa., .

....... tIIe_,....._

ape.... .........





Some of The Things' We &ell'


-- American Fence .

-Lumber for Every Purpose.





Material For Your Roofs

Quality PrlatlDI



A Dumber of constituents hav~ questioned a'll item 'I n this coluJDD ol lome weeb lCO "here reference w.. .· mad. to the fact that t~e sale ~l Dr. TO'W1lSend'. pamphlets at IUS cellta· eaeh w.. • ext-remelr prOfttable. • Robert E. Clementr, SecretaryTreasurer of Dr. Townsend's old age revolvill&' penmon organization testified before the Senate r'ln,snce.l Commlttee that this orpnization ..~ub1iahel a propapnda pamphlet at a cost of 1.6 eenta each, and seUs it to clubs a'nd others for 26 cent. each.',' Obtaining tor on, pamphlet the coat of printill, 16 fa a siuble profit.

In civil war da,. w.bile manr were awar, ~ou..nd. of UIlbrallded ealvu wandered over 1'qp plalu. OOlll'l'elllllan Maury mel)

Tbe lIIa.1

Maverlck'i I\'UU.tb.... Saml1el A llavclok, WU l110h • faa worker • , bnaclblR' il1ld clalmiq til. . IItraJI, ua__ded .,aWe to tJIIa day an called .......... eo..,...... Maftrlok hbutlf

... ~



o....a aIIrapu1",1da bad


....... .,.08 .......... '01' ~


Red Cedar Shingles Mule Hide Shingle. , ChannelDrainRoofing Aspha~t' Roll Roofing' Brick Columbia Cement Lime Plaster Plaater Board WallBoard

~t _ r _~_ u _ a _ I""'_ u ~".

__ ..-.."...,_ .....,_.

All of the above material can be found in our yard every day in the ,ear at·moderate price.. We lolieit the patronage of old cUltolDen . ancl friend.. . .



Eighty-Seventh Year





Whole Number 6161



On the regular meeting night of Farmers' Grange No. 13, March the candidates will be put -===-=======~.==== through the ' third and fourth de· -~= :=--- - - - < = r - - -, grees by the team. BIRTHDA Y SURPRISE PARTY 85 per C~t of Obio Calar L_f Officers and directors were I.oeal Team Only ODe In COIIDt,. TAX BLANKS WERE _ A large attendance is desired. ~rowera Fa"or Appl,.. e ected at the annulil mating of FOR MRS. JANE HILL . 'I1-t I. Still I .. Th. Ruamn.l MAILED LAST WEEK - - --. - - - - the Warren county Farm Bureau ina Act MaiO. Defeated by Leell"ar, Go.operative Associa.tion at MeOn Tuesday, March 6, 1935. Personal property tax blanks morial Hall Wednesday evening of Mrs. Jan e Hill of Wayhesville, 'rhe Agricultural A.djustment last week. The Waycehs went througb a were mailed la t \veek by County Route ,3 was pleasantly Burpriseo Administration announced this Audit(lr Will R. Lewis who urges Tbe new officers are: Harold sectional tournament for the first The 11th annual F. F. A. and in honor of her sixty·third birth· week that Il preliminary tabulaMcKay, Washing.ton township, time In their history when they Warren coun ty taxpayers to file Home Economics banquet was held day. tion of official returns from the their returns at onc~ in order to, . J. L. Mendenhall, president; lJon their third game at WihningAmong t he guests preBen~ wace: refel'e ndum which was completed Wayne township, vice president on Tuesday evening, March 12 at ton Saturday llight. With .1\re in avoid the customary last-minute Miss Edna Callahan, clothing and Thomas B. oster, secretary the gym. There were 168 in atten- Mrs. J . Frank Shepherd of DaY-Februar y 16 indicates that personl t heir eyes and the determination rush that is $Iways on incon"eni· dance. including the parents, teach ton, Mrs. Arthur Newton of . Leb- who own, r ent, shal'ecrC;>J) or conof the Home Economics and treasurer. spec.ialist ence to aU concerned. ' to "go places," the local quintet Nine. IlSSCSsors have been named Extensic;>n Service of O. S. U. will New directors who were chos· ers and frienda of the students of anOll and Doris Ann Hill, daugh· troi land cl1stom!Lrily engaged in took the fi oor Thursday night and the two <\epartmenta. ters of Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Martha the production of domestic ftller diBposed of the Martinsville team, for Warren county and will be ~ the speaker for a series of en for the year are: J. L. M.en(len. After the 'invocation by ' Rev. Lacy snd Mrs. Warren Lacy of alld binder types of cigar.leaf to· clothing meetings to be held in to aid taxpayers in filling available hall, Harrison Bev an$" Union the Clinton county runnerup, 'by t hea score of 26 to 16; With the out their blanks throughout the Warren county, during the week towns hip. Reelected directors in- Dibert all enjoyed the fonowing Dayton, Mrs. Buddy Greer of baceo voted more than eight to March 18-22.. These meetings were clude J. L. Walker, Turtlecreek menu: Fricassee chicken, beans Pittaburg, Pennsylvania Mr/!. Elsie one in fnvor of application of the lIame fightIng spirit, Ripley was montb of March. Rayburn, of Xenia and Mrs. Otto Kerr.Smith Tobacco Aet.. to thoae Mrs. Gussie Drake is stationed arranged 1:)y Mis8 Elizabeth township, Charles noff, Deerfield handed a 23 ,to 14 defeat Qn Fr~ an grautin, potato puff, cabbage Michael, of near Bellbl'ook. types of tobacco in 1935. at the dourt hOUSe i n Lebanon and Demonstration Graddy, JIome Har· township, William Reynolds, cloy night. Ripley had downed the delight, rolls, butter, English ftoat, Each brought well filled baskets The tabulation, prepared by the Agent and are designed to give has. been busy during the past few township, Harold McKay and cup cakes and colfee whjch was highly.favored Hjghland team On prepared by the girls of the Home and at the noon hour a delicious Tobacco Section, ehows that 88.9 Thursday. On Saturday night, days assisting those who recognize h elp with the jndenti6cation and T. B. Foster. Economics Department and fur. dinner was served after which per cent of the acreage for which the desirability of makini their selection of materials now on the Aberdeen, which had barely won SOUTH LEBANON POST nished by the F. F. A. boys. market. Mrs. Hill opened her many useful votes were east was voted in favor over Kingman before, was dicis· returns ell rly. gifts. of application of the Act in 1936. Women aU want to have the Other assessors in various scc· lvely bea en 42 to 11. MASTER IN JAIL Noah Newman, president of the The guest! departed at a late ApPl'oxima«lly 87.' per cent of tio ns of the county include Arthur best dre~es their meana permit Leesburg, of Highland county, Bryant, at Franklin; J. A. Rebold and whether a dress is good or bad ---F. F. A. presided a8 toastmaster, hour wishing Mrs. Hill many bap· the acreage eligible to be voted also came through undefeated, by at Mason i Albert Parker, at Mor· depends first on the quality of Postmaster Bryant, . of South and in his very capable and py returns of the da}'. is ilu:luded in tbe tabluation. conquering Good Hope, of Fayette row; J. C. Hawke, a.t Waynesville; the fabric from . which they are Lebanon, was arree,t ed last week efficient manner introduced the The Wisconsin.MitlDesota dilcounty, on Thursday, M.anch~ster Frllnk Wi! on, at Harveysburg; made. So many people do not be- on a charge of embezzling govern speakers. MisB HenKle very gTa~ triet cast the heaviest vote for of Adams county on Friday, and R.uby Van Riper, at South Leb· come curious about fabric until ment fundI! in excess of $900. ciously welcon:ed the .guests. application of the Kerr-Smith Act. Mason, the Warren county anon; E. C. Jeffer}' in Washington they are dissatisfied either with He pleaded . guj]"t~ when &1"' John Boger gave an excellent [n this district persona havinr I=hampions on Saturda". township and Louis Whitacre, in the way a garment is wearinar or raigned before the United States talk on "My First Impressions of control of 96.4 per cent of the Waynesville and Leesburg will Hadan township. with the caM that It requires, and Commissioner and Was held to the Vocational Agriculture." land custom..rily engaged in proboth enter the district tournament .... then it is too late usually to do federal grand jury. Rachel Hartman, in a very pleas d.uction of cigar.lea' tobacco, up at the Coliseum in Dayton this anything about it. .Bryant was unlible to raise ing way talked on "Why I A.m on whicb were cast, voted in week. The Wal'cehs are conceded Never before have we had 80 bond, and wa remanded to jail in Taking Home Economics." "Some favor of apprication of the Act in to have a good chance to add to many fabrics trom which to choose Cincinnati. Things a Young Farmer Should 1986. The tabulation includea 1'.1 their laurals if that pep and fightand we find on tho lJ'arket many Know," was next dlscul!tled by per cent of the acreage eliarible to ing apirit can be retained. The fabrics dr~ssed up to make the CLOTHING SPECI,ALlST Lester Shaffer, who bandied hi. New Spring Hats nt Grace L. be voted in this district. town and surrounding combuyer believe by their finish and TO SPEAK .AT MEETING subject very ably. Smith's. FQr the New EJlgland district. munities should 8uPI?Ort the team weight that . they are of mucb betMildred Larrick then is an inthe tablllli.tion indicates that 9'.7 by attending the diltrict games. tel' qua1ity than they really are. Miss Edna-C-a-I-hlhan, clothing teresting \&1". told of "1\ccom- Mr. and Mrs.. J. ~. ~cClu~e spent per cent of the acreage voted w. Thia will be the only Warren The wise buyer needs , to know 8pecialist of the H~lme . Economics plishments in 1 % Years of the week·end In CJnclOna~l. in favor of application of the county team playing since Frank· what .fabrics are appropiate for .;, S D t' S i .. . Act. Approximately 89.Zper lin and Lebanon were eUmln.ted ' T"I ExtenSion o:>ervice of O. . U./ will Omes IC c ence. . For Paper Han"';ng and Paintcent. o· the ~cr"'·"e ell-'ble to be the vanous USIIB. · •• S . meanB be the speaker at a c)othiJig meet"V e' -S ee t h e new b, at!! at Grace L. knowing in Oinc:lnn.tI. both being defeated Smitb;s. something about the con• a1ues i n Later L'f" I e was, th e ing call Fred Everhart, pholle voted ~in this district Is •• covered In by Readlnr. struction of ditferent fabrics and ing 1n Grange hull, Thuraday, subJect clioaen by Mae Treadway 108R8. e tabulation. how they are finished. It is often Mal'ch 21, at 1 :30 p. m. A I"' '"d and which WIUI enjoyed by all. ' The tabulation shows that 85.0 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Conner very dUftcult to recognize a fabric attendance is urged. In Leo Conner'a subject, "Farm Mrs. Eva Miller ill visiting her per cent o:f the acreage voted for S~heclale ~f Gam.-, Di.trict Tour. spent Sunday in Dayton. which has been sized with a deShop," 'be very efticiently brourM daughter, Mrs. Grace McCune, in the Miami Valley type. of tlbaeeo "'''.Dt, Da)'toD F.'". Jan es Gibbons was a business flnite aim to conceal poor quality MRS. G. J. SMITH GIVES . out the objectives of this course. Uma. and 79.7 per cen,t of the aer.... Col..... from one in which B legitimate INTERI~STING TALK "Looking Backwards" was the Mr. and Mrs. RusllE!lI Martin and voted for the Pennsylvania-New Class .. A" schools-:-H:ughes, visitor in Dayton, Tuesday. amount has been used. ___ topic creditably handled by Mar- daughters spent Sunday with Mr. York district was in favor of apStivers, Withrow, Roosevelt, Frank T . Hawke is recovering wisely is not an easy job. It ,ta Twl nty members l~nd four guests garet Crawford. Robert Thom ... and Mrs. Ross Planck, of Route 3. plication of the Act. The tabu}aWoodward, Oakwood, HamHton from a severe attack of fiu. a combination of intelligence were present at the meeting of with weU chosen worda and rood tion includes 83.7 per cent of the and Springfield. judgment and self control. The8~ the Progressive Women's club at delivery, gave the guests an ide. Mr. 'and Mrs. Ray Mainons, total Miami Valley acreage. locatCl{lss "B" schoolt-- Oak Grove Hallett Dakin, of Dayton, spent meetings will be beld In tbe follow Th. Little Inn, Tu,esday evening. of the purposes of the Future Donald and Lavernne Mamou8, ed in ' Ohio and Il\diana and 91.11 Waynesville, Arcanum, Leesburg, Sunday with Mr. Ilnd Mrs. George ing locations: Mt.s. George Jr. Smith, the Farmers of America. Ilpent Sunday with relatives in per cent of the total Pennsylva.nia Brookville, Reading, West Liberty Dakin. Butlerville, 1 :30 p. m. Mond. l lvl SPeaker for the. e:vening~ gave a Responses were then c\ven by HamiJ~n. ' New York acreage. and Oxtord Stewart. very interesting tallk on "Friendly MessrII. Garst, Hatfield, Lotz, Bobl Mr. and Mrs. Dan Brown and The Kerr·Smith Act levi.. a For Paper Hanging and Paint- March 18, M. E. church, , Springboro, 1 :30 p. m, Tuesday Star " Joe Kersey S S Ellil Ea I ~ tax. of 38 1-8 per cent of the 'J1ouraday, March 14, ing call Fred Everhart, phone March 19, High school building. 8. Ii k tt R' Id H' k 'L r 'children and Mrs. C. M. Brown, of gross first BaJe value of all tobaeco 1 p. m. West Liberty vs Oxford 108R3. M 1 30 W d d oc e , . ona awe, yman Dsyton, apent Wednesday with harvested during a particular . 8$on,: p. m. e nea ay, ADVOCATES EAJlt.LY D.y and HarUey lIol!!!. Mrs. Etta Surface. Stewart. Mr. and 1\Irs, James Lovely spent March 20, Han over IGA store. Parents' responses were Irlvea crop year but provides that the 2 p. m. 'Arcanum v Leesburg. Sunday with friends at Middle;. , Waynesville 1 !30 p. m. ThursSEEDIN'C. OF LAWNS by Mrs. Davis Furnas and , D allas Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Satterthwaite Secretary of Agriculture may pr... 3 p. m. Hamilton VB Sprlngtleld. town. . daY', March 21, Grange hall, _____ Boger. Mr. Crabbe completed the and daughter, Ann, were guests of scribe a lower rate of ' tax (not .. p. m. Withrow vs Roosevelt. M . St h Lebanon 1 :30 p. m. Friday, If the lawn i to be eeded in program with a few words of ap- Mr. and IITS. Frank Loop, in Leb I Ss than 25 per cent of the price ' 6 p. m. Oak Grove vs Wayne ville 1\[lS8 arte h orer spe. nt t e uarch 22, Grange hall. " for whl· ......h su-'k h m th e spJrng, It Sh Oll ld b e done as preciation. anon, Tuesday evening. ,;'u ,"obanAo ...... I'S. sold) •• IX 7 p. m. Brookville vs Reading. wee -end at el' orne II\. New Every homemaker ie urged to early in March as, possible, early ____ _ • . it is determined tbat aueh lower 8 p. m. Hughell VB Stivers. Vienna. ' \ attend the meeting which il!l most enough so that s.~veral freezinga FRIENDSHIP CLUB Several local memberl . of the fate will best etfectuate the de9 p. m. Woodward VII Oakwood. Mrs. Edith Harris and Mr. convenient. and thawings will (lover the seed, Miami ValJey Milk Producers &sso cIa red polley of the Aet. The Friday, Marcia 1~1 Harris Mosher visited relatives in ~ - ----in the opinion of Georg lL Mc· MEETS AT LOTZ HOME ciation attended the annulil m~t- ~ecretary prescribed a rate of •• . MISS LILE HOSTESS TO Clure, lagronomist of the Ohio ing in Dayton, Tuesday. cel;1t for the 1934·35 crop y .... 3 p. m. winnet' of the Oak Grove Milford, Sunday. State University. • .. • An act excluded cigar.leAf toWaynelville came vs the winner WOMAN'S AUXILIARY The March mll4!ting of the MIBS Dora Stiles, wbo has spent bacco from appl'I'catl'on of the ._C. S. aiggs, of th& Waynesville of the Arcanum-Leesburg came. McClure Sttys the quality of the F' ,... E . the winter at the hom. e of Mrs'j in 19"4.35. Ho,uever. anv ............ rlen d IIh'lp CIU b 0 f tbe -. of seed is imnoTtant. All seed that is Ch urch me t W ed nel d ay aftemoon Mary Ett,: Surfac~, wl~1 return to tobacco ., may be"brought under , "IY the • p. m. winner of the Hughes, National banlt, was in Xenia on ,. Stivers game vs the winner of b'U8i~e l!s, Thursday. MilS Clara Lile entertained the sold in Ohio must be labeled, he with Mrs. J. W. Loti. her home In Corwm, thiS week. pl'ovisior;l of the Act for 1985.88 the ;WithTow, Roosevelt game. members of the Womal)'s Auxili· says, adding; avalid all mixtures The meeting wal opened wi~h a . d t· tba l OVI'd d' Rnd Mrs. Calvert and daugh Mr. ary of ~t. Mary's Epi!lcopal cburch containing Canada bluegrass, song and Mrs. Margaret VanderMr, and Mn. Peter Demas and p' ' e It IS e ermmed t. 8 p. m. winnel' of the Brookville, ter of Springfield, called o~ Mr. and a few friends Friday after- orcbaTd grass, 01' timothy, 01' seed vort led the devotions by reading family, of New Vienna, spent the persons who own, rent, Reading pme va the winner of containing more than one-half of from the 6th cbapter of Matthew Sunday with Mr. alld Mrs. Oliver crop or control three.fourtha of tbe West Libnty, Stewart game and Mra. HoweU reirce, Sunday. noon, at The Little Inn. The opening service was con- one per cent <If wE!ed seeds. and in silent prayer. Thirty-one Davil ' and daughter Miss Rachel. the land cu~to~arlly engaged iD 9 p. m. winner of the- Woodward, Mr. Clarence Fordyce, of BlanMrs. Edith lII; Harris Fot general lawn u~e, according b t d f ' the production of any type of toOakWOOd game vs the winner of chester, waB • gu.elt of IIr. and ducted bv , ..,. C . mem ers were presen an a tel' ~r. and Mrs. Ralph Linn and bacco favor tbe le,'y of the tax the Hamilton, Springfield game Mrs: Walter Elzey, Friday after- and after the business sesllion the to Mc lu ,a good mixture ill one tpe ulual bU8ines. W8/I tran8&cted S d th d h h .. prolPPam ... s· . , containin tP 80 pelr cent Kentucky tb h t k h t th e d"ughter, Dale, spent un ay at creon an t at t e imposition of ~oon. • follnwin .,. .. ..,..a given: .. A e OB. esses. too c arge 0 the hO'me of Mr. an. d Mr . Henry tile tax. thereon is nece....... for Satarda,., March III Piano 11010, Mrs. John Gons; bluegrass and 2v JPer,cent red top. entertaInment. -, 8 p. m. Class "B" dnals. . M M A F Ik 1 d Hough and family, near Lumber· the ordel'iy marketing of lucll toMr. and MJ'8. Ed SSherwood, iOth! reading from the study book, Miu Fot· shady lawns Chewings fescue un d ay w Ma . t' f t ' . rs. . . u erson avor~ ton. bacco in interelltate and forelen 8 p. m. Class "An finals. Middletown, spent k me Brbwll; vocal duets "Peace' 18 sa lB ac ory. With a couple of SO'lliS, Hl'a. ClitCOmmerct and to effectuate thl Mr. and Mrs. Joel Sto es imd and "SQng of the Canoe," MI,.... For satisfactory results a fer- ford Buzlck accompanying at the , Mrs. Alice MUTray, of Dayton, dcclal'ed policy of this Act.'. son:. ~etty Hartsock and )fary Allen; tUizer should be applied a week plano. Mrs. Walter Sbeehan pre- and Mrs. Etbel Thompson, of WII_ _ ___ :.-. • Bo. Sco.... of Wa:rc_.' . ~ ---Ml',' .a nd Mrs. 'Rualiell Wilson have read',mgr ' ''C'':.LU'elle P a t'len t· De· before , the seed \s sown. McClure. sented aeveralstunts, wbieh were mington, Delaware, weM guests of C ..... mO\red from the . Bunnell farm ' to scl-lbell l{ospital Lile," Mrs. L. H. recommends about ' 20 pQunds of. enjoyed and ~be winners · wete Oliver Davis an~ family, WednesFRYE-RICH Wa)'D ..yill••Ma-:t.yme Ga ..e the Unglesby property on' Main Gordon; piano 8010; Mrs. John 4·12·4 'mixture 10'1' each 1000 awarded suitable &itt!. day. Itreet. Gons; apecial .selections. by Mrs. square feet -of lawn. Delicious refreshments were Of intel'est to their many friend. WAYNESVILLE F p . Ann .. Cadwallader, . Mrs. George served ,by the hOlteaaea who wete The Guild of St. Mary's Epis·. th t f th B 1 1 Mothers' club card party wblch Hartsoe" and Mrs. W. S. · Scanlan copal church will hold a market on IS e announcemen 0 e mar· Cook, f .. ,... , .. .... ............ 0 3 11 was scheduled .for tonlrht is post. readinr, Adult Education, Mrs. C. . .::~io~; Mv:.: C~.!~'.A~~~O:'~~ Saturday, March 30 .. A more ex- rla~ of Miss Irma Rich .and Mr• .Davis, f .... .. ,', ....... ..... ,... 4 o 0 poned until' Thursday, Marcb 21 R, l"razier. Walter Sheeban and Mrs. WIll tended notice will be published Gflbert Frye, two of the moat Conner, f ..... ,................ 0 o 0 at 8 o'clock. ., . .During tbe 'Ioeial bour a delicious next week. . populoI' St. John. munity young people of the comGriffy, c .. ,/ ...... :... .. ........ 0 o 4 d . . lunch was aerved to the members • • . BQatr. fl ..... ................... 2 o 4 !dr. a~d _no Wilbur TInney, of and the following guests: Mr!. . Mr. and Mrs. Bert GrUfy and The ceremony was performed b, Meredith, g ......... .'....... .2 WlsconslD are ~sltln«at the home 'Howell Peirce, Mrs. Lena . HartTHOMAS E. SPENCER DIES Bon, Vinson, Mr. and Mrli. R.ay the Rev. G. C. Dibert, paator of 6' 26 of the tormer I' patents, Mr. and .oek, Mrs. Ella Babb, Mrs. J. Q. To Offer Sam. 'Work Gin.' St_ NonIe and son spent Sunday in the Methodist church, at 8 o'eloek Total. ,........ ,.............. 10 Mrs. Joe Tinney. Gons, . ---rs·. . . J. B. uiasel dent. ia .::011... of Thomu E . Spencer, 7 8 , 1ormer Dayton. the guests of Mr. and Mrs Saturday the panoll. Gona, ... Paul GrIffy. age. Thereevening were noinattendaDu • . MARTINSVILLE .Mr. ilnd Mrs. Howell Peirce, Misl Betty Hartlock and Mary Alien. . Aaric'lIlt,-... iesident of Warren county,died at The bride is the yoUnreat 6 Rachel Pettit and Min Mame ----his home in Columbua, early Mr. and Mrs, M. D. Baird and daughter of Mr. and Mn. Ira 1 Hiles; f ........................ 2 pegan, ·f ........ ..... ........... 0 • 0 Brow~ were Xenia visitors, Wed- BIRTHDAY SURPRISE PARTY A radio cour8.~ in poultry hus- Monday atternQon. daughwr will leave in a. lew days Rich. She graduated ftom War· ;) needay afternoon. , _ ._ with lectures, reading alHe 'W.S born in Pennsylvania, for L.ewisville, Indiana, where. 1Iesville High school hi the 411. . Townsend, f ..... :.... .. ,..... 1 1 ___ D R Smith b . h b hd ..... _.,. . .-. and eJlaminationB, is but removed to Obio with hia they will ' spend the summer on of 1930 !lnd attended WI"enberc George,f ........ ...... ..... ,.. 0 Q 2 ...n.· . . and her Imer .Sunday ellig t e irt ay anto be@:in over WOSV, parents when he . wa. three Y8&11 their farm. college. . She is prominellt la Sammers, c ........... .. .... 1 0 o :Mi.. Vera ~Jce, of Oincinnati of Mrs. J. H •, her Columbus, 'March 25. . , old, and lived ~he gteater part of churcb and 1I0.e ial alfairs and ill all Stantorth, c ....... ......... 0 0 o visited relative. in Wllmlil;ton, relatives anI} a few frlendl pve The CQuj'se iB ' being offllred by his Hfe .in Warren county. Mrs. Esther Southgate, ' Miss actjve inember of Waynesville Preston, g ..... .. , .. ,..... .... 0 0 5 Saturday aft.eriloob~ hera delightful lu.rprisl;l by ,oing the department of poultry husband . Mr. Spencer became affiliated Mattie Welch and Mr. Tom Welch Farmers Grange. . . Ro~sh, If ...................... 1 8 ~r. anll 1(rs.. Robert Davis al'\d to ~r home wltb well. dlled ry of tbe Ohio S;tate University, With the Oregonja Brldee com· of Morrow, called On their cousin The bridegroom is the younceat ,.. balkets to enjoy the day "nth her. and consists of four lectures a lIany, Lebanon, in 1888 and be- Mrs. Mar), L. Adams, at the fMC W F 6 16 . Totals '... ,........ .. ......... ..... 5 of Dayton, were Sunday Th t M d ... . F' d' H M d SO~ 0 r. . . rye and . . MD ' , t 11 ose presen were r! an _rs. week for to wee!. came prelident ahortly thereafter. flens ome, on ay, grands01l of Mrs. Sarah :Butt~ d 14 E:"C ~;sparen s, r. F. H. HUtenbergE)r, ' Mrs. Martha Material to b~t presented in the He retired from business in 1926, . Mrs. Amanda Mafitt entertain~d w'orth and the late Samuel B~tt.", W.,. .....-O.-Ripley al.l. rs. • 00. " Jane Miltenberger, MiBII Nellie eourse, Ilccordinl!': to E. L. Dabn, because of failing health, and de· th 'th hel h .. _- I' e4 Mr. lid Mrs. T. W. VanPelt and Watkins and Mr. Milo Miltenber- cbainnan of the department, is v~ted the remaining ' years 01 hil on 8l,1nday, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mor· ~or .Wl ~ m e ', -" IV WAYNESVILLE P Mr. and Mrs. Harold VanPelt, of ~er, all of Lytie; Mr. and· Mrs. C. esSentially that' which is given I~e to his collection of &'\lnl, one ris , !Ilr. and Mrs. George Hamilton smce mfancy. He aI;s~ ,raduated B F C. Arcbd.eacon and lion, Bobby, of student- who en'roll l'n tbe· collere 'o f the mos. extenlive in the United Mrs. Jerry Jones, of Dayton, and from WaY:Jleeville High school i. Cook, f .............. , ... .. .... 2 1 6. Xenia, epent Sunday with Mr. and Dayton; Mr. and Mra. C. D. 01- of. agri~ull;ure but do not special- State.. • Miss Georgeanna Morris, of Ohrist the clasa of 1929. He has been . . Davia, f .. ................... ".2 1 ~ Mrs. ,.. A. Fulkerson. bome, of SpJ:'in,fteld; Mr. and Mra ize in poultry husband""'. Mr. Spencer is IIUrvived b v hil hospital Cincinnati.' socia ted with the Miami .GUlt'... d'" # for several years and at p...... Conner, t ............. ,.. ,..... 0 0 10 ... r. all ara. _1'1 Saaker, of J, ,V. Hartsock and daughter, Miu Dakan with Iilis a .. istants, will widoW;' Francel Ann Spencer, one Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Frazier en· holds the position of auiataa& Griffy, e .............. ... :., .... 5 0 1 Huon, apent the week-end witla Dorothy, Mr. and Mn. J. l!. Smith take to the air jlt 1 :00 each Mon· lion, John K., Dayton, tour daugb· tertained at 6 o'clock dhl,.e .., bUllnesa manaarer and linot'" Boger, I ........................0 1 Mrs. Sanker'. par.nts, Ill'. and • - • Toesday, Wedn~ada,. 'a nd ters, Mrs. Harry Schwartz, Leb- Saturday evenIng, MillS Joaephjne op&rator. (Con~ued o. pace ') O. R. Uqleaby. DEATH The broadca.taI will be gon, Mra. WUliam Deem. and Banta, Mills Emma Heighway Misl Mr. and Mrs. Frye will be at ---.~====;;================ IIr. and lin. . Wu.on Bane" halt hour long', lOme of the time Mrs. William Pate, Columbus, lin. Lucy Emley and Mrs. home to their friellds at .... of Wellman, 1Nn vflitora at the A lid T being devoted to anlWerill« qulS- Bobert Ludlum, Battle Creek, Conner. Mi .. Banta was the honor former's home with Ida eruuIDIES AT HII IIOIIIt hOlDe of Mr. and lin. LeIter 811r lamea . Baq ey, 58, d e 1181 tiona which stu41enta are expeetecl IIlchlgan. Amo~ hla niecea and gli_, the oc:cuion bei.. •• mother on North Itntt. IN O.AJC.LAND. CAIoIFORNIA tao., Monda". day, Mareb 6, at his bo~ In to uk b,. maU. nephews of Parton ar. Dr. Earl bil'tllday annlverPTJ. - - ._'\\ --Sprinlr Valle,.. His widow, oae Ion Students wlth WOSU John Spencer, Otto R. Spencer, IIr. ftel lIrs. StaDler II. a.lIe... Mrs. Franees Brannock, lira. and two btot'en I1In1ve. for the 11118 PaaUne Spellcer. lIiIa Cleo Xr. and )ll'I. Daniel Collette .n· AUXILL\ltY WILL of 1'Me1ve4 word last Albert Brannoek i'untftl ..rvIees "ere held Fri- strut. Spencer William II. terlalned a few triellds Wechaessaw DUa . f ... _ -.aol_ of tit It Malno CItD .... da,. In the lIetIlocllat church ., JltdIUpL . day &v.ninl of Jut week, tit. Dee o ~i 'at ElM-;:III PQft...da.ISpriaa Valler. TIle ftmeral Mmce. held caalOD betlll IIr. CoUett.'. bil't1l_.IJl..I&,r. .f Iut --"• • tile ......_ . ill day anal....,.. Theil' peata ~J;~~~~r; III aftenGoD. IIr. Beber • ....., ... uel lin. Pnak A. WtI1tIama, ...... L _ _ :





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DIIa_... ...... ...

WIlIIam F. Sebenck, clec....d, w.. water at Jail, $18.2S.: H. C. Stiles ,.mcn, *68.50: Th. OfBee Outapproved. Carrie Elaenmonpr, adminisUa atter • ,uppI~eB, $7.80; Gri.lJWol~ trix of the estate of John Adams Service Station. ,as and 011 fo deceased, filed her tint and flnai trucks on relief work, $22.70; )In account. Ada Courtney, garage rent for IL _______ ________________ _ Edited by the Booster Club of Wayne.ville Higb School The elltate of .Sarah A. Beltz, de three months, '12; Geor,e Kil1,:en ceased, i8 exempt trom inherit- &. Son, freight, $4.93; Bay City FRANK HAWKE Edito.--ID-ca.l.1 Terml: Cash hovel , Inc., parts. for • 'shovei, Meeker and WilUam Bombe1'ger ance tax. CECIL HARTMAN .. .. .. . . ............. .... AMilt_t E4i .... JOSIE W. GRAHAM $143.73; The OregoDia Bridge Co. were appointed appraise1'& • ___ ____________________ ____ N. Aucl. bolts, steel, welding rodfl, $12 .45: Leontine Rogers filed her appli· , J . B. Chapman, Clerk. MamalJ. Uc:..... In the case of The ]tIaecm Build. cation for the appoint..tent of a D.' W. Bishop, material, $15.26 ; Uon ; when I want to go l50pte Or.torlea' Coni•• ' ing. Loan and Savinll1s Co., versus ~ardian of Lura Lou Rogers, a Charl~a O. Mummert, poultry V. E . Crist ·Company. matel'ials, Illace 1 always have t o walk, of J ohn H. Se.nker. et lal., iudtrment minor. farmer of Morrow and Miss Laura $335.16 ; Earhart's Drug Store, of co ut'se, ride. But at that ' time materials, $9.84; Crane Co., FuU(lwing a rc th o I't's~lt · of the I' m always t oo ti red t o walk and to the plaintift in 'the s"m of Estella BaTnea, executrix of the E. Romohr, of Morrow. materials, $302~1; Kaufman'sroom eli mInations held on Marc h have n othing to r ide in or on and $2916.57. t t f J h' B d arneil, e· In the case of VI,mard Kline, es a e 0 oaep lne materials, $24.88; Reif's Electric 8 in the local schoo ls. First and to my dlsappoint m nt ther e ien' t guardian of Nancy E. Carroll, veT ceased, flIed her inventory, Sale of Real E.tato Tranef.,. Shop, materials, $57.61; Crime Co second place in this' ranking ~iU IIny one to car ry me. So I want 8US Alfred A. Gregoiry, the .plain- bonda is ordered. Amos E. Thompso n t o C. M. materialll, $46.60; J. W. L ingo r ppresll'n t their grade in t he you to tell me how I can go any tiff is to recover fr Ctm defendant Katie Fritz, administratrix of Cartwr ight and J . O. Cartwright, Hardware Co., materials, $2.88 : Wayne twp. ora rical co nt st on pla4)c without havin g to do one of one.halt of the cornl 'raised on the estate of Goddard Fritz, de. real e&tat e in Waynesville. The Lebanon Lumber Co., Mal'ch 22. at the local gym. the thin,gs lllention d. " That health bas borne up a s Weary. farm. . ceased. filed her application ·for a C'iYde Barnhart and Ruth Bar n- materials, $133.90: Kaufman'a, Winners in the latler c ntest will well as it has. thus far, ullder the In the calle of The Mason l1uild certificate of tunsfer. hart t o Thomas J. Parker, inl ot No mat er ials, $13.76: Zain Armitage, r~prese nt Wayne tow nship school Dear W~ry: hardships of the economic deprellmateriallj, $11 .90; Crane Co., T he answer to your dreams and slon is, in my opinion, largely due ing, Loan and SavinlP Co; versus . Saral1 E . Welsh, administratrix 836 in Franklin. in the Warren c"Ounty oratorical C. E. Wells to Oscar Ohilton m at erials, $276.07; M. E. Ros! , contest to be held in Lebanon on desir s I evident. You must make to t he increasingl, intelligent at- Anna Vella Palmer, .et al., the de- of the eatate of Edna G. Welsh, Pl'i1 2. One win n e~ from each use of th r maining m eans of tention which had been given to ff'ndanbi are granted 10 days with deceased, rued her application for and Mal'Y E, Chilton real estate in P. M. , stamps furnished relief ofa certificate of tra.nllfer. Clearcreek township. fic e 10r February, $60: The Book group (group 1 grades 1, 2, 3, 4 : locomotion, that of fl ying . Have fo od and nut rition in the preclld- in which to plead. In the cue of Flolrence WilkerW. G, Anderaoll, admin istrator Gr ace L. Githens to Luci nda J . Shop, pads, ink, etc. for Rur al group 2, irades 6, 6, 7, group S you fO l'~\)tten the we)l·known Ig years," said Professor Henry O. High school). Those names b elow roo ter? Since you live in a r ural Sherman, o u tstandi~ authority aon versus ~ren Wilkerson and of the estate o! Jacob Wantz, de· Sweney, real estate in 01 Ilrcreek Recovery, $2.35: The Western Union Tel rraph Co., telegrams r ceivi ng honorable mention rank c;:omm\l:nlty he would always on t he chemistry of nutritio.n l In Carl Brown, tempor'a ry restrain· ' ceased, filed his inventory and ap- town ship . R. Elliott Wright and Alfrc d J . fo r R elief office, $2.76; J. W. ed third and four th i n the room available; . from your letter I response to que ries put to him by in~ order allowed Ss asked f9T in plication for a certificate of trans fer. Wright to H. L. Rye, inl ota Nos. 1 Lin go Hardware Co., supplies, eliminations and will rve as concluded that you are lavishly the American Child Health. As- petition. In the calle 0'1 William H. and 2 In Waynesville. bestowed with patience, instruct socilltiQ D. " We entered the de- In the case of Willilllm Van Dorn con test. John C. Adams and Malinda V. $1.70 ; Leader Store, clothing, $8 i alternates in t he Wayne township the r ooster in t he tecllnicalities of pressiOn with bodies better .tocil· et aI, versus The BOlllird of County inson, execlltor of the eltate of Firat Gr ade-l Waltet Johntlon flying, together with carrying a ed, not with fat but with mineral Gommissionera, et al., application LU8etta E. Hutchinson, deceased, Adam s to Ira D. Rich and COl's. George Terwilliger, food, ,9.60; verSUB Mabel L. Hall, et' al. sale of C. Rich, 124.3 1 aores in Wayne Ray Mills, bridge plank lumber, 2. hi rle, Buzick, honorable men- weary you ng lady On his back and elements and vitamins, than granted. In the case ot Frank Loop, real estate authorized. tion , Charles Dibert aud John you will always be able to go would have been the case even a townllhip. $23.S0; Vernon Burak, ,asoline, Salea by the administrator of ackett. wh n you Wish. Charl es C. Trimble to The F ed· decad earlie r. Public health has .Loop's F ood Shop, ve>nlUB The ViI$8.6S. _ _ -..... ..._ _--1. Second Grade 1 Danald undoubtedly . owed mote to food lage of Lebanon, mot.ion overruled the estate ' of Berta Saul, deceas- eral Land Bank, 01 Louisville, In the case of Western Indus- ed, wel'e approved. l1uziek, 2 Hazel Vi nt; h onouble Dea r Ginger: 99.79 acres in Turtlecreek town· a nd nutrition that it has l'eaUzed. Threshed soybeans are cOlllld· Salea by Ed. B. Dakin, admin- ship. mention , Dorothy Graham and A, ked whether it wa. pOBBible b-Ies Corp. vel'1lu$ Van Horne I a m having a terrible time with to for tify the body againat nutri- Tube 00., et at, the :6 rat and final istrator 01 the estate of George H J o_ Davis, The estate of Jacob Edward ered the best home-grown high , hird Grade-l Betty Rou ~zahn the do()1' at home. They have the tio nal deficie~cieB th,t might oc. account of Marc H.. Bridge, re- Beaoh, deceased, were approved. Zecher, deceaaed, to Almeda pr otein t eed produced in Ohio. 2 Evelyn Thompson; honorable vel·Y bad habit of squea ki ng at cur later, Professor Sherman re- ceiver, ill approved. The estate of Harry J . Leonard Zecher, et at , inlot No. 700 in F or dairy cows around soybean, are equal to linseed and cottondeceased, is relieved from adminia Franklin. mention, Wilma Dibert and Wilma night. I try very hard when J plied: "Yea; the two faeton _ come in at night not to awaken calcium and vitamin A-which In tration . Faul. Thomas J . a nd Dora T. Parker to seed oil meals. N.w Suit.. . Sales b,. Robe.rt W. Bro'Wn, exec Ona M. Pierce, Inlot No. 836 in ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fourth Grade-l Marie Hardin, my tolks for I kriow that they the' past have been least adequate 2 Oharlotte Rye; honorable mem- have to get up earl y and it makes Iy supplied by .the averace Ameri- Agnes Bailey ve.nUlI IJubert Bai. utor of the estate of Stephen C. Franklin. tion, Elizabeth Burnett and Ellen th em V'ery indignant to be a wak- can diet," fortunatel')' can both be ley, for divorce: Charre II ex- Phillipe, deeea.ed, were approved. Elizabeth Sieker to Mary A. Os- pi ened. I ha ve tried oiling t hem but stored in the bod, when it receive I treme cruelty. Mos.. , The uec:utor med bill application born, inlot No. 275 in Lebenan. 4S YE;ARS OF SERVICE Fifth Grade-1 Helen Gons, 2 tha t do s nO good. Pl eaSe don't a .urplus above its Immediate Florence Wilkerson versus SHen for a eertiflcate of trallsfer. The estate of Laura H. Mosher, gl)t n ~w ones ; I can't ' needs. There.f ore every time a Wilkerson for divorce. Francis Johns: honorable mention tell me In the matter 01 the estate of deceased, t o Carolyn Moshe.r Hart _ V child pta. rot)d aa')" • . ration of alford them. PleaSe help me. Jane F. Wright, decealled, Bale of wock, et at, real estate in Wanen Betty Davia and Jean Baker. LEBANON, OHIO S~th Grad_l Billy Melloh, bondl III ordered. and Clinton countles. UNCONSCIOUS milk, you rna,. la1 th.t he put, We have a comJllet& Probate CD""" In the matter ot the estate of 2 Ruth Conner: honorable menThe ettate of Omar Hartzell, de calcium and vitamin. A in his Watch R.pair S.nlce Dear Uncinscious: tion, Dor.o thy Franer and Frieda The will of William T. Bowker, Laura H. Mosher, deceased, dis- ceased, to Mal'guerite Hartzell, et bank, .. well u ..ddinl to his Prices Reasonable Natura 11 y, in your situation, . you worldnr capital. And every time d~ceaied, "'II admitt.,d to l'robate. tribution of asaeta i, ordered. Ellia. aI., lot in Franklin. must find another way to get into Beads Reltrunr Seventh Grad_l Howard The estate of Jaoob Wantz, de- The elltate of Stella Butterworth he eat. a plentiful helpinlr of a Ernest Butterworth, exeeutor of J(jwelry R~alred Whetsel, 2, Charlotte Hartman; your home and not UIlO the dooTl. leafy vere~ble, be 1& addinlr to the estate of Stella Butterworth, cealed, is exempt from inheritance deceased, to Erneat Butterworth, Honorable mention, Anna CamP. The best advice lean sive you his reserve of vitamin A." deceased, flied hil a]>plication for tax. 107.22 acres in Wayne' townahip. "THE HOME OF Gins·' is when you come home at nirht bell and Wilma Thoma•. In the cate of C. Donald Dllatush Emma WYight, deceased, to 1.1, A lurplus of calcium, t'rof1!8IIor a certificate of tran.j~er. just run around the house until Elehth Grade-1 Tresler nardFrancea G. Roll, executrix of administrator of the -We of fred J. Wright and R. E. Wrirht, ~~~~=:====~=~ Sherman explained, ill ,tored in In, 2 8ett,. Peterson; bonorable you .a re "all in." the bod)f in ways which actuallY tbe estate of William Z. Roll, de- Georwre W. Nu., d~d, versul inlots Nos. 1 and 2 in Waynel- ;;; mention, Evelyn Johnl and Ruth strengthen the bon.. and teeth, ceaaed, filed her application for a Ruth NUN, et aI., I&le of real el- ville. Graham. tate II ordere~ J. E. Eberhart to The Miami Dear qlnger: ' whlIe at the time adeqUate eeJ1itlcate of traDde,. Nintb Gude--l Rachel HartThe estate of EdnlL G. Welsh de The inventory of James Saul, ad Valley Building and Loan A8IIocia I am very much worried and ',~pJ)lyinlr the blood and tbe soft man, 2 Catherine Ludiqton; hOD- would like to bave your advice. I tl8lUU; alao, a IltoN of Yltamln ee.sed, Is exempt fro'm illheritanee mlnlauator of the ~te of Berta tion 100 acres in Turtlecreek town orable mention, Mildred Oook and feel that my jealous rival is eir- A does Its part ai luurance tax. Saul, deceased. "., approved. ship. Anna Ga)' Tread'fl'ay. The eatate of John Q. Baker, de The following accounts were ap The estate of Jacob Wantz, de. culating untrue Btoriell about me. future needa and ,train •• Tenth Gl'Ide-l lI;i1dred Lar- I do not know that this is So bot proved, allowed and confirmed b, celled it exempt from Inheritance ceased to Raymond Wantz, et at, •- rick, 2 ' Eileen Han; honorable I teel that it il from the reception the court. ; tax. . inlots Nos. 816 and 816 in FrankADVERTISINC HELPS mention, Evelyn Furllu. Florence Shumaker and Elva lin. Fred Gray, Sr., ~lIlrdlan of Virthat I get from certain people. Eleventh ~d t~lfth grade- Waiting for your advice. gil Lamb, minor, leeond and ftnal Earnhart exeeutrleet of the estate The estate of Goddard Fritz, de· 1 Ruth Sallabury, 2 Cecil Bartman ~~vertiaen wllo pulled ill their Cha.rlea P. Jo)" exeeutor of the of LJdia E. Keever, deceued filed ceased, to Ed. Fritz, et a!., 113.08 WORRIED BLUE· EYES horns and ran into the .torm cellar estate of Martha Elililbeth Jo, de their lehedule of debts. 8, Jolrn Kellner and 4, Jane Cook. aOfes in Hamilton tOWDlLhip. two or thre,.. yeal' ace are eautioull cealed, first, final and di"tribuf\ve. In the OllIe of Maude Slar.e, u Ed. Fritz, et aI., t9 Katie Dear Worried Blue-Eye.: Iy cominr out, looldng and oblervHoward Phillip A~lum, admhlls- the administratrix of the estate of 113.08 acres in Hamilton . Reading your letter has given ing that the landscape is atiD Intrator of the estate oif Louia M. Aa Samuel W. 81acle, deceued. verThe King Powder Co., to me quite a problem and althourb ....... 1IJIra4o.' Phone 71J . thoroughly considering it, I have tact alid decorated witb cuh cus- sum, deceased , f\rat, . final and dls- lUll Maud 81acle, et at, Charters Peters Cartridge Co., of Delaware, Laat . saturday afternoon, the decided that, were t in your place tomers. The wise ~ne& are huten. tributive. Mapl. w.. appointed guardian ad real est.te in Hamilton townsbip. Antioch PI~e?t, t<llether with the I would be just Ila worried as you in&, to ,et , their name. &lain be. A. A. Sprague anod CharlN O. litem of Harriett Lo"iae Slagle, The Peters Cartridge Co., of fore the cash customers. Tbe fool- Everson, executor 'of the estate of minor. Glee club and orehC\ltra, of Anti- are. Ohio, to The Peters Cartridge Co., ish ones who continue to atay ill Alice B. Evefson, deeeued, third, L. Simonton, rulrdJan· of Corwin of Delaware, real estate in Hamiloch colleee, prelented the Gilbert •• the storm ~ellar ltand a rClOd final and distrtbutivI!. a~d Sullivan operetta, "Tbe Cropper, a minor, filed hi, fourth ton township. . ' PUBLIC SALE -rOTARY PUBLIC chance of being entirely fOflOtten Mikado." The fonowing &tudents .. Lau~ Riley, pardlan of Doue· aceount. by the cash custOmers. To sell any las Riley, et at, min,o n, flnL and teacher, attended tile peiforCkart.. T. Em. WII_ ~ppolnted Natlo." . . . . BiU. AII-.I malice, which wa. given In tho HavIng decided to move, I will thinlr Y9U muat let peOple fmow W. W. Whiteker, ~dminiatrator adminiltrator ot 'the <eltat. of MaLebanon·Citizens National Bank yoU have It for ale. 'Advertiainr Will. Dra_ . • EIW.. opera hoUle at Yellow Sprlnrs: ofter at public Bale at my residence of the estate of W. II(. Kiuick, de zie E. Ellia, deceaaed, and flIed Elleen Ball, Margie Tinn4!y, Ruth on 4th street Waynesville, OhiO, does that.-West Concord (Okla) ceued, first and final. WAYNESVILLE. OHIO bond of '4000 with sureties. safety deposit box rent lor treasEnterprise. urer, $11: Mrs. Oma Osborn, serBurnett, Beulah Bernard, Mildred on RllrP, L. M. Henderson Claude C. C. Eul ... , admini&ttator of '1 > Cook, Mia Henkle, Mila Hartsock tbe estate of William MeCandlelll and Wilbilr Clark were appointed ices, $10: 'James Moor~, lIervices, S.'.ruT, March 18, 11S5 'II; Ml'1I. Howard Sawyer, services Mr. Frank and III'. Brown. FOR SALE DATES CALL deceased, first, Anal and distribu- appraisen. TO NAME CO.... ISSIOH Commencing at 1 p. m. the tive. Carrie C. Eisenmenger, adminls n; Mrs. Helen Do~hman, serfollowing household good8~ tratrlx the estate of John vices, $7; Mrs.; I~a Eltzroth, aerThe will of Willh~m Kine, ded nata 01 Th. G.-.d'•• A n ordinance pused by the ceased was admittel~ to probate Adams, of On.. 8 piece overtstuffed living deceased, filed her inven- vices, $6; Mrs. Lillle Urton, services, ,10: Mrs. Maude Deardoft, . In Mill Carter's third grade the room suit. 1 Magestie radio Council of Lebanon, autho~led J(laeph' King wu appl~nted admln: tory. pupils have been studyinr Holland (cabinet model), 8 flOOT lamps, lJ Mayo~ W. C. Qilmour to appomt a letrator and filed bci.nd of $1000 The inventory of Louise F. Par- services, $7.110; Good Samaritan They made picture! 01 the little 9x12 ruga, 2 library tables, 1 comml88io.n of three to relr\1late with lureti4!&' Georwr I Han He ..... dee, administratrix of the estate of hospitalisation, $64: The Office C , ._, Outtltterll, supplies, ,8.IIS: The ho},s and gll'is ·and the windmill •. dining ' table (oaJt), 1 combination the plantmg, prese"ation, prunFrom theee they have made a book case and wTiting desk, 1 InE and removal of aU trees on ========:=====::;;============= Welter'll Star, tax receipts for JESSE ITAJIILSY treuurer, $186: M. E. RO!ls, P. M. ~!nIA .. RJDP~)RT OF THB CLERK or 'l'RB VILL.~QJI) OF , border tor tbe\r blackboard. China closet, 2 kitchen cupboards, streets or pul!lic prollerty. . P •••• sao. M_ ••r........ ow. JlARVIDYIBVRIG, ~ ()olJl!ITY~ 01110 stampi for Common Pleas Oourt, The lilt of pupils, in MisB Day's 1 writing _desk, 2 beds, complete.; NOTICE room, wbo were given aa perfect 1 wardrobe, 1 chUllonel'e, 3 dress• $6: Trustees of Public Aftairs, For the Flecal Ye." Endin. Decemb.r :91, 1914 £AIt1. ICOOGua Ipellers, In liallt week papers, en, 1 player pillDo (Aeolian) ~enbur •• Ohio. January ll,th. 1116 n.,........_ were pupils baYIng perfect atten. A 1 condition, 1 1.00 Ib nfrlgeraSinclair Lewt.-Rupert Hu,hes ANNV:l..- FUU OlAL RlilPORT dance. tor, 1 ~Itcben Oook, 4-burner, alr -FIJUlI. Hurat and man)' other ICE_on, .... I bereby cerll ty the tollowlng re})ort to b. cor relit WAYNB TOWNSRll' , '0. E. L1!)VICY. preB8ure, Gasoli~e Stove; 1 3- famoul authon are broUlrht to V-aU', 0.10 Vllla .. e Clark. burner Ivanhoe Kerosene Stove, }'OU In nellt Sunday's "THIS Giapr'. Col••• l' sewing machine, 1 air WEEK"-the big new macazlne AU. __17 . f, ]P'_'a . .taaftII.L ___ pta ••• B.~."~ Deat . Glnrer: press.ure gasoline camp cook stove, in full colors distributed FREE ,.••••.., R ......t. ma.e~ ....." ".a.l 489,48 , t.~ ~. n t seem to be i.n a very bad situa 2 wasb stands,. 1 porch swing, 1 with 'next Sunday'l Enquirer. General Fund · .. . •..., ., .. . • . •• •. .. , 192.14 nt.55 • 242.02 I:'opulatlon .... '" ~.!9 8 . . .... . 1930 Auto Llcenle Street. 'J'l:ellllir Fun4, '10.66 . 247.1& • 2li6.n , . 8'10.40 'l,'otal Sali\rlea and wages Paid FOR SALE Gasoline TaJI Street H@alr Fund., .40.6ll a67 .00" U •. 16 • U8.IT DUrin&, tho Y ear' 1934 . . . . U.012 .U

School High Spots ~~~~~.-


porcb ,'ider (aew), 1 "~ri COD' ru" curtain.. 1 lal'le mirror, Btalr earpet, rockers and dlninlr chain, boob, dlabe., sUver, tabk linen, lo~ of bedding, Imall rugs, floorkerollene lam~, tank. I lawn mower, 1






---_.- ..---







r. Martin Auctlon•• r


S*""-,, ... T_..... A.t'"

Centerville, Ohio



Stanley &Koogler

T1a" ••




CLASSIFIED' 1D5~' . c004


,lIS. 58

4l.1S9.tIl • 681.31 ~~ r:-~~atlon '2.!' FOR SALE--Horse, aile 16, 141.88 .. Itl Qbl .. b "8 ' worker. Rhod~1 Bunnell, R. 1, W ayn"." e, -r . o....arc 8, ' 1. ri W i l le. II hereby certify tl\e follO"W1D~ reay'r).eIV m 1".. 141." Tot.l PrOl)erty Taxe. . .... .. ... .... ... . .... .. . , • . • 28,51 Total. General Funda ., ' . 943.42 •


IV.IlAR\, 0 ... JlE(lEJPTI

P.J'Operty 'l'alloe--Generlll Fund

• . •.•.• . .... .. , . .. . ... .

Cigarette Tax .. . ... .. . .. . . . . .. .. . .. . . •. •• . ..• . . .. .••• Bute Motor Vehicle Tax • . .. . . .. .... . . .. .. . .... . . . ..•.





• • , . . . .... ..... . ... .. .. . . ... ... . . .... .. ......


Tot&i Inborltao<le T ,a x •. •. , .. ... , .. ... ......... . I ' ••• State Beer Llcenee- j,' E.ea • .• • ••• • • • • • •• • • • •• I • • • • • •• • • • •

1'7.15 167.00

1'•. 88 Tax--Oeneral Fund •. . • . . ... . • . '.' • . . • • • . .• •



• lIS." AU 11'. . . . Ills..." . . . . a.u..-t ..4 I'ald. . w.... . 100.00 G':;~~!~r1? 14.00

, Total Llcenaal .nll :PermlU. .. .. . ... ... ... . .... . . . . '. , • Finea &lId Coat. .•..•.. • • . •. I • • • • • , • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • Renta and Inhre.t-Oeneral V,lIlalfll 1'"nd, . .•. . .... . . _t--,.l_l_ .0_11

TOtal Rent. and . ... .






















General Executive . . . . . . ..• ... . . . ,..............

.. . . . ... . • , . . :: : : :: :

.n' .. ~.... ..... .• . .• •. , • .•


r::. ..............I.-..a•.....

aenerAl Government;"·Le&,I.l.Uve (Couno\1) •.. . , . . ... ,

iU~ J

tl'" N_ 0.••


Grand Tot•• · l1ecelptl .... • . . . • • •• . •.......•..•.•.•• . . 1 111.lIAayOF JiIl[PJtl'IDITUa,;q


11.08 \Ita ...

I , . , •••• ••• •••••• , •• , ••

1FORBookclI. SALE - CClmblnation 00 and SKntalT, f.ather

port to be correct. . L. It. ~RIlION, Tow IIlp O1.rk. GIiINllUtAL TOWNIRIP ~mrDS l.el•• I•• _ _I... aa. Pa~1lt . ,


... 00

FOR SALE-Stallion, a_rlitered BeIcian, ace 11, Roan. wt. tOOO Ibll., , fine. work.r, wona.dlll breeder, ettra hea...,. boned, proven IUI'6 breeder, priced rtaht. 8,ULU Walter AndreWl, Cedarville, O)do. ·m~'


llt.OO I

Total General Government .•.. • . ...•. .•. : . •• .•.•.. .• .-. U •. GO Prolectlon to .l:'e';lon . and Prop~t)·-:-l:'ollce, • . . • ...•.• 1118.&.11 TOla~ Pro,tection to P~.on and, ~roperty .. . ; . . • .••.•.• Uf,65 Rl8IbWay~eneral VlllIalre Fund • . ..• •.• ... • ..• . •..•.• tOO.06

... .... ,' 926.f6 . •• •.•. 182.00 • . . . . . l.()58.U

Total HI.hwII;Y8 .. • ......... .. .... . .. '.... . . .. .... . . .• 900.06 ~-:-:-::-:­ Granl\ Tot.l lilllPe;ndltu.rea ••.•.•.•••••• , •.. '..!.1.' ••• ".IULU ,QIlJIIIIIIUL Vlu:u.oK .,.VJlUII ~......... G.aera" "".... LI_, 0 ......_ Taa. C_eun-, -IDle.) ~.r?il:"u~~n.ra. PropertJ' Tax ... .......... ~. 1$1.11 Cla •• lfled Properly Tax . ',' . . .... . ........ , • . . . ••

• .••

Total Propel'ty Taxe. . . . .. . ...... .'. ............... . Cicarette Tax • • , ...••.•. • .••...••...• .• •••...••.••••. St..le Motor Veblcle Lieenlt •..•.•.• . •••••• •••.••••••. State GlUlollne Tax ....... , ......... '.' ..... .......... . InherltaDCe Tax . : ......•...• ; ..•....•.•..•.•••••..•.• State Beer Llcene. . . . .............. . .. . . , ... ' ......... . 2... 0 nente and Inl.-Renta all 'VllIa.e Prop.rty . , ..••.•..•. , lnteteet 00 ; .••...••..•......•.••.•.... _ __.411

Total Rent. and linllllreat .... ,....................... .

..... , .., .... ....

' ,'"

.......... .


I • •

• IU: 61."




In. 15 In. II

112.', 100.011

11.0' .. •• 51

' •. 00

tfek, JUBt dry IIrl. Ralph Ha,tin... ml'



~m bav. their own particular merlta, IIr. Lindl., uld. It la

T ......d·. Plea Fowl Po. When the Townsend old..,. Fowl pox i~ ", flrc lIcriou!'l pens ion plan loe ~ into effect then win ter than in pr~vi'JuK el!n~on~ . 1 8 going to be a great demand f or ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY old maids with lea thery necks and according to r pOI·tS l'cCl'iv('" by the poul try d ... part nt cnt flf t h ~ o. plenty of bridgework. D. L CRANE I I pull.h.r Sa'ncrl,II •• Prl... 11.10 a Yea, S. U. Univel'l'ity poult:r:ymt'n' .ay Otic. P ..... .. .... .. ....... .. .. N.. 112 Entered at Poatottle• • t waYII.. · ===r==- -===================~~~j~==========~========== farmers arc t'onfllsing fow l pox I Rea''''c. .... ... .......... . .... . Ho. J 11 vlUe. Oblo. a"':ft:rnd Cl... lIal with roup a nd colds.




. I


,S E

MARCH 7, 193 5

Two Kinds Of Cooperation The farm r has lea r ned that th,lL'e are two kind s of cooperative effort. One kind obtain s cooperat ion t hrough g overnmental flatr--t~rough a proceSl! of regimenta tion, whereby t he farmer's actiona are dictated by a burea u in'. Washi ngton. . The other k in d is obtain ed thro ugh the work of the farmer himself-w hen he an d his fa mily join a nd suppor t a f ar m-c:ontrolled cooperative ol:ganization . The first kind of cooperation mAY be n1!cessary in a temporary n ational eme rgency. but if it is con linu ed indefin itely t he American farmer will undergo drastic aod unhappy change. On ce a f r ee man, h p will become a ser f. Once an independ nt entity, thinking and working to advance his Own intere ts, he will be a t t he mercy of p oliticians. Money made at the expense of 1reedom and independence could avail

'him !it t! . The second ki nd of coopel'atio n does not d!lst roy i ndependenceit b uilds it. It makes for individualism and development of character. Farm rs who ban d togeth er i n cooperative organizatiol\S t o figh t t heir battles and thrash out the issue affecting t hem, are hardly likely to become p easants, u nder t he th umb of buree,uc racy. Which kind of cooperation d oes t he a ve rage American rarmel' want?

Things One 8emembers Oregon 'has 11 governor, Gen eral !\lartin, retlr:ed ar my officer with 11 long and h on orable record, wh o set 1l \1I foo t down and told the legisla ture that h didn't wan t any new tax laws or incr eases in old ones. No better p ychologicnl influ en ce could be offered the people 01 any state than to show t hat a st ate call perform its essential functions and meet its essential obligation s t odllY. w ithout imposi ng furth er tax bur dens on e n al rea dy over-taxed people. More power to publie offi cials like General Martin!

W e are developing a polit ical philosophy that not only invites Qte people, but u rges them t o get t heir noses in the public t r ough on the theory tha t 80meone OWe them II. living. It ha becom e good polit ics to g ive th e people n' nice, red, fiVe c n t t ick ot pOlitical candy f or ten ~ents in taxes. So. long as the p('co ple can b e kept ignorant of tho fact that they are really paying t Ot tbe candy plus a bou t 100 per c ent addit ional for political overbead to handle it, just 8 0 long will they clap thejr hands .nd cry for more. But. lot of good f olks aTe getting a stomach ache from too much . political candy. They are going to ask qu estions when they find what their candy is cOllting.

Deeliae Fi•• Per

!'rnduct ion of b.oth p dan'y produ t'lR In quate hkeJy that the q~e8bon will State~ i~ upected to u"""."'''' remain controversial down cent in 1935 f rom t he through history. he stat ed. reporled fo r 10a4.

.. Adapted by


Pnrzo unced



~rom tJae Metro-Goldwy n"Ma yer P icture Sued o~ the ~ovel .. Malibu" b y Vance To Hoyt


se"ne. he thoug'ht of Bob Alden and WOnd(Hed wh elher to· I covered morrow would be too SOOl[1 to se nd

nt'ar some t rees scra ping h is a ntic ", of the s hedding vclvet Iha t hA.d loosened With Ihe approach of th f hIm a messag . And Gato and Mali· maling seuon. He became alert 'SYNOPSIS : Toni Mllrtin, l ' lle(l' bu Wh at had b en thll!lr fate ? however 08 he no t leed a he rd at catto"ln.g In /h p. Sierra3 tl'i l h And out in th snowy t"all Berg· doe wa tch ln!! hIm. He rastened h is h e,. l ath er. all UII I AQr, Itn8, wfth m(ln and Joe drove tbe·l r s leig h ~yes on one, more grlceful than the th e a'a Of B ob Aldetl, /I fore~t· slow:y over the trsl l. my,s tetlously rest who s wished about 88 t hough ranger, now In l ove wit h h ey. busy a they tOil cd huge Cork·fulls , 0 sh ow 0 ", her beauty to Ma libu. taket! (I young I I,wI! , Iof ll IHJ II , of hay on the g round behind th m Th ey stood toge the r tor a moa~c:I a 1'0'1 ~b, Ga l o, 10 mist' At precisely this moment Malibu men l when sudden ly the big buck. toge tA ~r. H er, 'j a ther III wrltf"!1 and Cato were emer"lng from tile the master of the doe herd hu rried a book a bou t the hl 'ere~ ' ltlg fI.r· perCn",",. B l.t Aldell di8cover.~ dtll"kn 68 just outsi de the Marlin lorwa rd. ca bin And now the battle wall on. There tlliit Gato ha a 3ecrelly /.Ieell Sang Soo looked up. The re was n was a g r~at crashing noise 88 tbeir TaJdlng the hen·coopa 0/ Beryprolonged shrill scream.. "Tiger. beads struck toge\her. t heir hOI'na man, a llceflaed g ulae. He u nr"" tiger." he gibbered as Toni ran in . lock ing . T hen. all see med 1011 fOI Morn" to lock A.", up. Till, I With a loud whoop a he rushed Ma libu . Lungi ng bac k and fort h. fli ght howlMJer. G4to " , 1l 1& owny 10 t he window 111 time to see Gato the big bu ek. fa~ heavier Ihan Mall· and kma a pIg. R Jlur ti lng 10 running pa st In the dlsta rice. Then. bu . sudde nly pus hl'd wil h a ll hi. clle cabIn h.e 8ee8 t he Clline8e boundin g by. with the (f el ness of m l~hl . hud on lik e a n elephan l cook oa/eep (Ul d i ll ", pa a ll his' the wind . came Malibu. h is arched fellin g a tree.' lied. legs barely lou chlnll the gll'Ound He But B8 hil r... lt Ma li bu weaken too. was s wallowed up by Ihe inky be neath him he made his fatal mls· Then Oato·. long tonj;ue ahot out black ne>!s or t he nlghl. lake. The re wa s the barest pel' anil be licked the Chl neae cook ·1.I " Daddy. they' re here." Toni ~ .. Ie() . ceptlble slac kening of his hold. Bu l . • aee several times BIl l! he were t ry· shaking with excitemen 'l as she it was enough. Ma libu /'Iuved ror· ward . h is waning s trength renewed . Inlr t.o tell ot his ha ppin ess. Smiling ja m med on her hot and c.oal. IOntentedly he moved th rO\lgh tile " I'll be rij'{h back." T he doo r by hope. In anothe r second the door and lay down comf ortably be· slammed after her. larger buck w as down on Iht fore the fIreplace. Malibu walked !llowly alonl! the ground wit h him. Early the next morni ng Bergm8 n snow-cove l ed I rail following th e An d It was aoon evident tllat the eame throug h the wood/ii with I wO mar'ks made by Bel'r man 'ls 81 tJ a nd chie f's ne rve wa s broke n. With • of hi. best dol'S on a leash. Alden nibblinll' at the tempting bunche.. of sup re me bu rs t of s tre n&,th MalibU kept s tep with hIm , tryIn g to mn k hay seallel d along the wa y I'ushed him. spik es com ing full .till. his thou(thta. but his app rehension Hurry in); down a s light grade. Bu l t he buck had had enough rrew with each passing m ome nl. Toni hallooed into lhe stiliness. G tting to hie re",t . he .~ta gge red Bergman', lip. ~u rl ed baCk t ram "Malibu~ Gala :" No w ,; he Wil l!' run' 0 1T a woefu l ,·t'8Ih Uen fig ure or hi. teeth with a, savage grin as th e nlng . a Irlu .mpha nl s mile on h~.· de feat . Flu ~h d wit h victory. Mal,uu doge ahot up to the rron t door of Iips os sh sow Mol bu. tra li s. j th e Marlin cabin. Then he spied hint f OI' the tll ·~ t shook h imsel f. He a"d IllS " ,,'w Toni oJ,'ened It th en screamed ot , Ilmt' I1nfl A ~h"dd .. , Inl! P' .. ..) " h " ..,\( 'found mate Pt orr th r() lI ~ h the , .. ,..

0:10 9 :26

9 :36 9 :45

.,.lI.UW. a.

lid" crttll Hea rer .. ,,/II he , ... 1/ per/ecl 1)fI ",age pOi lle. Willi .",1'1_ '" ~t ll'" he Jl ,:~pn rf! d to make Aj,~ IIll,i " y . ~.H




Music Small Tow n InQustrie of Pioneer Dllf& ......... .. "'" H. E . Eswine Home Sweet Home . .. ........... .. ...................... WOSU Players Music Program by Miami County 4-H Clubs ............ .... . ~ ..... O. D. Sands and Goldie E. Wilson A New Deal in HOuse Clea nini ., ....... " ...... , ............ Helen Strow Music Plowing Hints ........ .. ............ ................ .. ..... .. ., ... .C. O. Reed Prev nt ing Chick Mor tality ................................. C. M. Fnguson Cherry Varieties f or Ohio ...... ' ..................... Robert Gerber

Unquestioned durability and exquisite design ,- tIie hiahest ideals in~ plated w~e-a,c allured ill spoons. forles, and fancy aerving piecef bcaria& the raaowned trade mark: .

1841 ROGERS BROS.~~pt J /!(I), Pnrker I.! ,h e C. rl GoddeN . 01 th e WHdertteu III "·G-II·. ; It rill' llg II torJl of tile o"',,,oJ

Best of the News Direct .' Front the Ohio State Capitol OOLUMBUS--U is estimated' that .81,000,000 will be spent to i mprove existing . buildings in O}llo as a rel!ult of the operation 'Of the national bousing act accord in, to John E. Harper, new .tate director f or the .Federal Houalng administration, who has Just en. tered up0l! his duties here. A far greater sum will be required to satiBfy the need . for new dwelling!! a de,rth of which has .resulted from the virtual suspension 01 con . tructlon during the last 'five :fearB Mr. Harper lIBid. "The bouslng act," he stated, "removes tho dam which has barred th~ fl.o w of credit that ill neceseary to finance thoH dweUlng rehabilitationa wbich are neceBlAl'Y. It provides term. more liberal than an), bere . tofor. oft'ered throu,h which finan c:lally re.poftJlble citizena may borrow on monthly In.tallment ptans up to $2,000 for modernisation and up to .16,00 for neW eo~ction." '

r evoIr ngai?llIt lInt .. r • .

diseases of t~e neryous SY8t~m and diseases ~culiar t~ early .i~fancy showe~ a decrease 10 fatahtles for 1934, It· was reported.

Memberll of the office staff of Secretary of State George S. Myen have their. own &To up bero, of whom tbey are justly proud. The hero i. James F . Hurd, .asBistant corporation 'advisor. Mr. ..,ht o. the dOlre. Alden however, Hurd, a World war veteran and ~ank" them away and p\l$hH into commander of Oamp Chase pOlt, the )louae wl.t h Berrm.tI. OD ..elil' tbem Martin atared American Legion, went to Kenton to .ddress a Washington't bil'th- ,u..tlonlDl'ly. Alden now eXplalne4 ct,e a.mace had .dorie. "l'm day' p.triotic raUy of Civil" awfully IIOfry Toni." he .ald genUy. Sp.n~-American a~d World W.r ~he tntb la. your pet'8 .n outlaw veteran/!. Aa he al"bted from hiB and even If BerllJlan doesn't ru car he slipped on the icy street. havo to kill him." A faw d.y. iatn TonI walked fell, ' and fractured hi. left arm juat above the wrist. But .Tim throlllb the wood. 't\'ltb her peta tor Hurd is of the tWe. that has made dUl Jut time. Kneellnlr'beslde them the armed force. of the United abl pattell anll killed tbem In fare... eU. StateB victoriou. in every conflict Tben abe alowly returned to the and a brokeli arm meant little to c.bln tCl p.ek her ba,l for ahe and him ~el' than ·tbe pain. He had fatber were ,eavlne tor the cIty. Buft'ered before, havin~ lost biB "Two f.a~ later the window•. of ri,Rt ler In France- aod hanfte: bis aIm.o al tnr), boofttitore prolldly anColumbulite. enjoyed a unique right arm matt. practically UBe- IIOlIncocl that ·'Sequola." by Samuel entertainment last .eek when Ie.. as a result of injuries .on the ' MartiD. . . . Ilow In Ita 9th Edition. 'And way hlgb up In 't be ·.nowwh.t i. believed to be the Arat battie front.· So. Mr. Hurd exem- . eoverect wooda. Malibu. now a four· event of Ita kind in the United plifyill' tlle rrlt that la hla, went point bllck proudly led hI. berd of States was .taeed at the Ohio promptly to a Kenton hOlpttal and ';youn" doo over the ground . state fatr,round racetrack - an had tM broken arm set.-.then ap8ud41nly be atopped alld froze In elephant race I Five of the lum· ... ~.~ ••,.. 01l time at the veterana' ·hla track I. for he had tle.rd the Ibednr beasta went. to the poet for rally to deliveT a sUrrin, patriotic merry jln,le of Ileleh·beU... A minute I.ter, Toni. M.rUn. S.n, 800 -the half-mile daah . dn the fair .ddreu as ICbedllled. . and the lIttl. Chlnue boy: P'en. ~und oval. The), repreBented Sao...ere vi8ible •• the oeeupanla an overwhelming 'IIlaJorit)' 'of 'the pride of a cirCUli playing bere tbl III'I,b. Puzzled • little he 'The winner wu given a bUlllel ot the HOUle of Bepr"'ntatlvea lut watched It. Tile hells lTew falntt'r . week PUMd a btll designed to repeanuta tor his eitorts, and his Tbe" he Itopped .t • water hole jocke-y received a silver trophy. liave real estate of Ipecial road an drank dnply. A mountain lion Elephant races are common In aUlumlnt,l. eetimated ' at mora .t_Delln. on • rocky ledtre Cllught eountrieB of wbich they are than t80,000,000. Tbe meMure atabt of him. 1I.llbu railed hie head . but. eel" nath'l but are unheard of in provides that all .pecial road benicia t.aed b, CIOun IDI notbln•• retumed bla drinking. American, emu oIIIcial. Ald. 1t_ltbtly. the lion erept nearu tie&, muruclpalitie. and .townahlpe uDtll he hact re.ched the perfect for road improvllllellta a.d matur For the flnt time in ftve ,ean .antate point. With muscle. of .Ietl Ohio'. annual dea'th rate baa In· lq after Janual7 I, 1985, would ... propand to ma~ hll spring. ereued, ac:cordin, to the State be refunded by JI',ear ..rial . It wu then · tb.t Mallbll r.lled D.p....."t of Health .bleh r .. bond. which · w01l1d bl retired bJ IaII bead .nd loolled atrelsbt Into department fllllds: tbe .,.. 01 thl lion. For • alnrlt' leueci prcmaoul ap.... for 1,84 Nte tadlcatlna that death clalmed 711 TIl. bonda a... now retired b, I!HIOIId thllr Pli belcl .a Ihey.bqth lItoocl, ' .....n to amln••a. Olaloalll. "l'he IISS '...... lP"Ial prope~ tu... . . . ...1....,. tbe )Ion·. de,... '71,011. Sblee 1818 tile mor-.or Mlte.eel Into .mlldlln.... llariow Lladk" curator of h • ..ate In tile nate It.. too, etepped forward conft· ........ thro.... teI7 at the Oblo Sate AreIauo- ...._. a. 11M necwnlad 1111 old ....... .ad " . . ..... . .ptapaate Oato. . .utuaI ___Tiwlr fl . . .







The Ohi. State Univer sity Radio Station- WOSU

9 :00

. .. '$


• Farm hight lalks, March 18 8 :00 8 :06 8 :16 8 :30 8:(0

ROOT }'OR AND CONSICN rour Cattle, bor', ahee)' and calv, . to Nom ...Brock Co., hve wire and prol!'eulve firm f " r the high eat m.rket pricee and goo d s. rvlce. U.lo. Stoclc Yarda' Cinclanali, O. Tunl In on Radio Station WCK'Y 12:211 to 12:80 p . m. f or our d.lh Market reports.


her slIght treme. 'Eyell ahinlng avidly. Malibu had reaChed tor the la rger bunch or hay thal covered the s pring trap. A few more ,tepa and 'he W all p3ssln g under the deadfall gal e. Then the gate crashed down ma kIng him a prisone r. Finding a fa irly low section In tbe ralls. TonI set to work tU.I·ioU.IIly. removing 80me or the bars, But out ot the gloom Bergman suddenl" al.peared . Joe tollowed him. "Get awa)' from there:' Bergman yelled. . "Malibu. cODle on. f,'mp ." Toni erled hysterIcally . Her pleadings took etrect. Tbere waa a ftylng leap and Malibu was over the, barriertree. 1'0,..1 aquealed with deUght . But a terrified ,cream trom Joe rent tbe .alr, ",f:.ook out/" For ther• . crouched on a lectle wa,s Galo. In feline readiness to spring to the aid of Toni and Malibu. "Now do as I t/!II you: ' Toni or. dered the two cowering ·m fn . "Oet back to the cabin." . Toni watched thel... headlon. halite. a grim amlle on her lip•. '. Alld that night Malibu ag.ln trotted the s now·covered foreat. un· harmed- majes tic and kln!!ly In hIs wild beauty. . A few days later Toni ~et Alden at tbe RanJ! era' headqUllrters. 1n the Itillnc8l!. of lh~~ outdoors they welked Ilong theIr f~~et crunchIng the .now bl!n eath them. "J 've ,ot lome newe for vou." .he 8ald breathl.l.<Ily , "I jUlt found out Berrman I trappinl deer In a corral:' ThLs cau,ht Alden 's aUention. "r'll cheek on tha t;' he $aJd . concernt'cI . "Trapplnl nallve den jJI a .. rloua qlfenee." Then he took htl' arm warmly. "But tell me I dldn't know you were back . How', your Dact1 How'. the book'" She lau,lu!d b.reathl ..sly at Ille bIorr.,. ot qUllllon.. "0.11'. 8ft. • nd the book '• • ,r.nd · ••~ The)' ..ane 111m to wrlle a aoquo1," ..O.... l·· A "uk), DOlt "'.... Into III. "ott'\'. "ARcS I'm to walll


eat. Soon. he found shelter tor hlw. selt and the doe. T ime paned .nd the beauty of 8 u~mer eame a •• in to the fore.t. And now the .heller hOUBed a ne.,- ' bqrn tawn. One day all· MalibU alld tb. doe plun,ed Into the to rut. the fawn watChed them Wistfully. then h~ ' too ·darted out. . In the WO~8 that day Bhl'mlln and Joe had been en.a,ed In tht' tal k of tylnl' temptlnlr buneh .. or catrots to low han,i.. br.nche•. which. at the nut touch. would .". tomallcally Bet oft a conce.led lrun . 14.11 bu ./1d hll little f.mlly nibbled bu.lly at the tellder .r...... But when tbe doe's eyea Ut on t-hc carC'Dta.• b. eyed them waplcloully Illen jerked them to one aide. Simultaneoualy, there wa. the reo port of a glln . The f.wn nt'uly turl)ed over In trleht. Malibu. similarly .tarU.". froze into atllin e... It a full minute before til could comprehend hili trapdy. But wltb rulizatlon. he .ctocl .wlttly. ~ahin, the now mother· Ie•• fawn before him he broll,ht It to .tbe 14arUn' c.bin. There tenclerly l'ubbin, nOMa "Ith It In tare wen he left. InlUnct tellln&, him that beet it would be in the be.t of Summer broulht with It water .pOr~l . On. hot day . • /ter ataklng Fene 800 and the fawn .ecurely 10 the rround. !foni .truck ott Inlo the water ,f or •• wlm. She noticed Malibu com Inc out of 80mI' bu.hflll .nd waved • wet arm to him In .. re~\ln&, . It w.a not until much la ler that she ~Iurn.d to the .ho~e to ftnd both Fene 800 and the fa,.,II- .one. At the mom~nt theae two were trud,ln. de(ermlnedly alon. In 1lI- ' ploratlon of the wooda. N Ihey penetrated deeper Inte» tM thicket Fen Soo &'Ianced up .t • ~ull.r rattling 8Ound. A Ion. tre.cheroua looking . .... approachln. him. aUtherln, oYer Ilw ,round ..Itb omlnoua pur· poH. w.. • prolon,eel hIM and ttlen the r.ttler coiled Itllll .. atrlke .


There arc' various 'makes of !~verplated

'wLich are claimed t() be "just as good." but. like d imitations, they lade the beauty and wearins q~:!tr.


identified with the original and genuine ., I ROSERSBfIOI. • !U'e l>Opularly kno~a5" Silver Plal,et at W'aTl. #. , . Sold by leadlllg dealers everywhere. Seod f« catalogue "e_L o, showing all designs. IFIIDEN BRITANNIA CO.. (ImR··:!=!~!~tv•• oo~ lerWel.c... (

111ft TI£ t.IIAl 'EI,I'I£I

A COMPLETE NEW "~lmAlIME , .. name;'


rmd it'. Jree EYERY ....1:, If1id& The SundIq Enquirer . fa'- Jlr., ,.....,




e:.:peea pa1 . . . . . YOUID deal for a .......... . . . 10

ru. ,...

lhi., paeked with lI..... IUld fietloD. But aol oae ..... peaDy wilJ you p.y for ....,. Week." The Sund.y .:.. qulrer'. great new , ...... Don'a ad •• II. See year ...... new. dealer, order y _ . . . righl


.4nd 11. .', nDt aU ••• A ".eatI, Un,.,..w. . . . . . . . .

f!I. eo..... .1"0"" -'" .... ....All,..... ..........•• ..... ,.., ......... IiOII

0 "


........ ".,..

..... ....... ~





Beech Grove B,·twt'en .&0 Blld 50 attenut'd Holinea prayet: me lin&' at the tt,ft'y homt' nt'lU' Orl'£'On1n. on t" ,t W~dne8da)' "nin. Am n~ th ~\J from a di tall~ . 1'<: Elbert &: 11 Ri h. of n ar W dim n. K. E. :::=~~::""-=:"':==::==~~~

Baby Chicka - Cet Our Prien C'll.t..H.t~t.iI\I'

2 1,c: per


O.ler's Hatchery

y.,lIow Sprint., O.

Phone 224


Thompson. Kathlet'n Thompson of, and daughter, ill'S. Claude Gr.y thi vlan. Viratil Wilkerson anu of Wellman, It. E. Thompson. of family ond Lu'\\cll Al xandl'r of this place. John Smith, Mr. .nd Corwin .•TanH': Hl'lid and famiy, Irs. Ed. Wllkel'lOn, Mr. and M1'8 ,It'ndull r well and '\\ife. Mr. lind Jllmes Head lind family, Jason ~h'". Mllr~hnll and daughter Biddlceum of ON«onia, Otia Rich, P utin , ~h·. lind !\tl'.. Ed Wilker. Miss B Claudia and Josephine ~Oll. ]\[1'. and ~1r .. Brad nb r~ and Gray. Lota Lew ill, Bel'neda and family ot' Oregonia. Opal Lewi of Wellman, Kathleen The Gmy brother.l, of Wellman Thompson of thill place, Christina "ill fllt'D) the P. 1'. ash farm here Head, Willard and Elden Wilker· thi cOllling yenr. son and Ivan Head, of Oregonia, Will GUlltin the poulh'y man Mr. and Mn. WilIi.m Coleman froll) WaynesviJI wa here on lind M'a ri of Wellman. Mrs. Mab 1 Terry and Kathleen Friday and "aturdny buying poulttY. Thompson of this place were Little AIta , ells of this place attlrrlay guests of the Davis fam. is b~tter at this writing. iJy near Wellman. Among the beautiful songs Mike Lamb and Fred Williama W I' t' ung on last unday even- and R. J. Murray are all on the ing at the churc11 here W88 a duet sick list this week. by ' Misse Dol o Williams and . .T. B. ~rannock, of Green Briar, Kallllecn Thomp on; also a duet IS spendmg a few days with b~T Jason Biddl cum and Otis Ric.h Thomas Powell and family. Twenty eight attended the The lllany friends of Miss C ttage Pl'ay I' meeting at the Chri tina Head 01 Oregon i., will oleman home in Wellman on last be glad to know' that ahe has so ThurSday evening. Those present far recovered from her recent were: Thomas Rich and wife, Mrs. serious ilJness to be able to attend Stanley Gray, Mrs. Vera Rager cottage prayer meeting at the . Coleman home in Wellman on last Thursday eva~l·ng.



"III tht Gld dlY. t u d to drea4 \be com Ill, of WInter. J ..u at ..lra a.b~m. tolcl.-f."lIn. .bout \lIlt ,.11_&1711,. to ~'ork with m1 bod:t uhfn, 1114 ntrJ nlrft oll;.~.~ • [rlend told m. ,bout )Ic(lo,'. Cod LIver 011 Tlble~ .. lUI thelt l1IarnloUi " " •.mlnl It. and D. I .tarted &0 tab 111_ t.f )'Un a.o aDd I hanD" ...d • cold ,Ire. Lllllt \~.


.. tCo,', table~ pu~ new Uf, IJI (o~:

b, ·!d up ' tllataMalO Anyon. ~.aA latll" at t 1 rertlli. They mIke .. eo'. r..uu>,lNOpl. It ·n•.• tOldy·nerved and vllorou• . Th.'·... woC.I dttrul''' , the ,.nurn. 11000,' , 00d LI,er OU T . 'tL f"Om 1011' dru~gl.t ~a,. Doll" • • mon., on unlt,,1I0U. Alk fo. WeOo,·..

Men'a Suib. 8Sc Laclie,' Dr...el, 70c .. Quic:k-for quality cirJcl"allill,

Mrs . .Glenn Davis and family, of near WelJman were shopping in Dayton ort last Saturday. M'ISS Tb elma Coleman spent the week-end with he'r home folks of Wellman. . Alb ert Mountjoy spent Sunday •1n X enla, . Oh 10. ' Mrs. Pear) C.mpbell and son W'll ' 1 lam of Harveysburg attended ~hurch here on last Sunday even.

Late Classied Ads. DR. 8.. E. HATlIAWAY =====e::====.....

Openinl( of The Little Inn

Sandwich Shop.

B..... B. MaClare . -"'!

All Killdl of D_ture. Made Repair Work Done Quickl)' for IIuyln.

RED BRAND FENCE In thia climate, fence must have real fi&btina qualities, or rust will soon weaken it and then destroy it. RCd Brand Pence is, a two fisted fichter. It fi&hts rust, first, with a eecond, with a real copper bearing inner aection. Double protection I This two-way rust protection adds years to its liCe ~d ~ves fence doIlar1 fOl' you. Let', talk it over.

WayoesviUe farmers' bchange Co.




-----_ ---

ANNOUNCEMENT OF Mr. and Mrs. Charles James and SERVICES AT THE family were guel!t$ of relatives in Miamisburg. Sunda:y. CHURCHES SUNDAY Mr. and Mrs. Ealrl Holland w'ho

Your Funeral Director


Fairmont Ice Cream, Cold Drinks, Candy and Cigars I fill any special Ice Cream orden for an, occasion at very rea&onable prices Sincerely

have spent the pas't winter with Mr. and Mra. Lon Beck~tt will WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHU CH move thi!l week, Into rooms in the Rev. G. C. Dibert. Paltor home of Mrs. Etta Surface. Sunday: Sunday achool at 9 :30 PbOll1l .OIR3 W.Jn...... iIIe. Obio Mrs. Philip Larrick and a. m. Mor.n ing worship at 10:30. / sermon subject will be, daughter. Elizabeth attended a rummage sale and dinner given by "PQJ]ow Thou Me." Epworth . the Ladies' Aid at Goahen, last League at 6 :3 0 with V irgi nia !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!! Thursday, and 011 Friday Mrs. Hardin as leader. At 7 :30 p. m. we will have a Larrick and daughter were guests mg. very spedal program rendel'Cd by of their uncle at Millford. the colored folks from the The children of Mr. and Mrs. Wilberforce University. SUTVive Henry Satterthwaite assembled at Wednesday: The Ladies' Aid the parental homta on Sunday, Society wl1\ meet at 2 p. m. At 7 Membel',! of the tunera! service profession now Ma.r ch 10, to a88ist in celebrating p. m. we will hold the last meeting functiOn under .. Iigid Code of Fair Practices let the forty·third wedding anniver- for the winter in our series of up by the NRA. Thill Cod~ defines ethical business sary of t heir parents. A sumptuous Faith, Food and Fun · meetings. (Continued from peee 1) conduct and carefully prescribes the service that _ dinner featured t he occasion. Mias Anna Meredith will be the Meredith, g .. .... ...... ... 0 2 2 we must provide. We live up to e"ery letter of the special speaker for the evening. Code. knowing that thereby we further recovery TRUCK UIPSETS MillS Meredith has traveled very Totals ..................... , 9 5 23 and improve business relations throughout the extensivelr. and during the past Failing to make the turn a t the su~nm~r a visit to Runia. RIPLEY couptry. GrJppa, f '" ...... .......... .. 6 1 11 intersection of Fonrth atreet and Shle will ahow moving pictures Bub the importsnt thing to note is that we have o State route 73, Monday. a Iarae and lecture On her ob0 Fleig, f ...... " .............0 n ot found it neces:sary to c hllnge any of obr former o truck from CleveI,lnd upset and servations of that very interesting Dibert, c ........... : .......... 0 0 policies to m~t Code requirements. For ua the Code o badly damaged .. The occupants cO~lDtry. Massie, c ...................... 0 0 is nothing n Wi we have functioned under • 3 injury. 'the public is cordially invited to King, g ....... , .. ....... ,........ 1 1 attend any 01' all of the meetings. personal Code of our own for years and have Meft'ord, g ................... ,0 ·0 o Meet with a friendly people in a throughout our career stressed honest and just meeting on Wednt!lday of lut business relations in all our dealinp. We will Totals ...... .......... .......... 6 2 14 week at the home IDf Mra. Harvey friendly ch·urch. always give clients the best funeral service poulble Burnet. Mr. and Mri. Ho,ward Lacy and at a cost they can alford. a policy that has been ST. MARY'S CHURCH W.,....iU..Abe....... lIillll Irene Lacy of Lebanon. BPent respoDslble for our present success. Re.,. J. J. Schaeffer. Rector WAYNESVILLE Thursd.y evenine' with their P mother, Mrs. Emmll Lacy. Harch 17. second Sunday in B F Cook, f ....................... .4 o 8 Mrs. Mary Cannlpny was a Sun· LeM, Church school .t 9 :80; Jame.. f .. .. ,.. ,.......... " .... 0 o o day guest of relatb'e. In Waynes· M~lrning Prayer conducted by My. • Davia, f ...~ ............ ,. ....... Hackwell, of Cincinnati, at 10 :30. o 8 ville. Conner. f ...... ....... ,........ 2 o • Mr. an.d Mrs. J. B. Jonel spent Bt'sidea the regular church offer. Grili'y. c ........................ 3 o 6 Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Therle fni, the offerina ul ually takell for LeMay, c ............. ,.... ... .0 the Children's hOIPital on Asn o o Jonea and son. Milton. Mr. and Mrs. Ellrl Burnett and Wednesday, will be taken at thill ~=======;;;;;i;;==================~ Bo«er• . « ......... ............. 8 4 10 Hawke, e ................ ,..... 0 o o family of MiddletQwn moved to Meredith. r .................. 2 6 the farm of· Hr. S. H. B1lTIlett 2 S.tterth....ite, . ..... " ... 0 o o lastMr.week. Everett Early .nd dau&,bter ST. AVGUSTINE CHURCH Totals .......... ...... ..... ...... , 18 6 42 Mise Helen and Mlrs. Aliee Clark attended the fUnerll1 of Mrs. Mary ABERDEEN Watkins at the home of her son, Harover, f ,............... .... 0 2 Arthur Watkins. n·ear Oenterville. 2 r0ft', f .............. ,......... .. 0 . o o Mr. . and Mrs. Jacob Gabelman' Reeves, f ........... ... ,....... 2 1 6 and Mrs. W. G. Halines. of Dayton Robinson, c ........ .......... 1 o 2 spent Sunday afte:m oon with lin A YNESVILLE CHURCH OF Fr.izer, c ............. .......1. CHRIST o 2 Walter Kenrick, w'ho hltll been ill Grierson. g .................. 0 o o with grip. Carl Smith, lIiDlakr Richmond. g ............. .. ,0 o o Mr. and Mrs. George Graham and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gray ,C hurch school at 9 :30 L m., 3 11 and Bon moved Tlllesday frortr the Supper at conclulion. Chris Totals tenant house of Hllrvey Burnet to tlJln Endeavpr at 6:30 p. m., evallthe Warrle Surfa(:e farm on the sell.t.tie service at 7:80 p . m. Oth... Sc~.. Dayton pike. Ripley 36, Highland 26: LeesMrs. Carl Pickel!ing. of CenterFRIENDS MEETING burg 38, Good Hope 13; Man. viii,!, is spending 81everal daYil thia chester 215, GeorgetQwn 24; week :with Mrs. Keller Graham. IFint-day SChool at 9 :8Q •• m. Mra: Ben Hawke .and son Albert for Worship at 10:30 Aberdc:en 3D, Kingman 28; Mason 28, Wmchest~r 24; Leesburg 34, were Sunday guelts of relaUve. ID lID. Manchester 18; Leesburg 33, Miamisburg. Mason 211. Rev. and Mrs. Walter Kartin F'E RItY .cHUR~ OF CHRIST - - -•• - • and Mrs. Margart i~ J obM were DEATH dinner pests ThuHday evening 'at Carl Smith, Minlatel' the home of Mr. and Therle Unifted services bqitinin. with Harold A. Pauly, 66, editor and Jones and Rev. and · Mra. Martin church ;.choo.l at 9:30 a. m. publisher of the Troy Daily News, were alao dinner ' cuesta Friday AImee at 10:30 a. m. c . died at 3 o'clock tbis morning in evening of Mr. and Mra. H.rry S.touderhospital a 'result of Grah.m. p,neumonia .' and other complica. Friends here reCMlived word M.... HlU'old Whitaker and t f 11 ' bd Mr.•'ltd Mra. James John.. ildren. Mn. Mar"., Jane Richards. Ions 0 owmg al1 a ominal op. that they Will lElav" Greencove ... e.r at.on which he underwent there l"st ,Wedneld.y. . SpJ'in,s, Fla.• nen Mar~b 21; will 8CI years, died laat. Saturday at Mr. Pauley was borll in Warren si,ht-see enroate Imd arrive home ,h(l,me of her lon, John r Ric:hards. county, Mareh 3, 1879. After eom April 1. south of Lytle. She had 39 Cr&nd· pletin, a high school course ' Mr. and Mrs. Fl'8l1k Kurft .. and dren and 18 great «randchildren attended and was graduated daqhters and Mrs. Ben Hawke Her body wa. taken to Ohio Wesleyan university, Dela. attended the basketball toumam- Brancb, Ind, for burial. ware. where be was ho.nore.d by ent at Wl11udn.wn Friday eTenin. ' About Afty ladi.. elljoy" the b hi . Phi B K Mr. and Mrs. E[aYvey Burnett. Aid meetlll«. the c:o"red dl.h din. mem ers P '1n eta appa, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whitaker and and the home demonstration . Fraternally Mr. Pauly was a member of all Muonic bodl. . .nd.CI~iJ(lre:n and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. w~~rli:, at the ~om. o~ Mrs. past eminellt commander of Cole- Jone. attellded 'tille annual meet- Bl~rnet, on Wedneiday of C d N ing and dinner IDt the Miami w4lek. "Garment Fl"lah.... w•• ~:PI:::Il~::y.ery 0 17, Knilr~ta Valley Mnk Producers Alioc:iatlon to:pic ot the ~tern()on. and In earlier life Mr. Pauly pub. at Dayton, Tueadt.y. wltlh to thank Jeuie lisbed newsp.pers in Lebanon and Mr. and MH. :Donald Hadley a~lre and MH. Ina \ Mason. About 26 years.«o he had fOT theirdinloer ruesta Sun- their interest and work in dellllo'n·1 went to Troy and purch.led The d.y. Mr. Morris lIadley, Mr, and stratinlf ·ileme • - - • --Buckeye, a. weekly newsp.per, Mrs. Clarence Ha~ey and Ian, of which Wal later mnred witb the ClarktyiUe and 111'••nd lin. Rayt Miami Union, another local weekly mond Hadley and two sonl, of IDI and with A. C, McClung. formed WiUmington. the Miami Union Publication com. ~n. Harry Burnett has been :Mr. aDd Mrs. P . A. Lawlon bave pan),. In 1914 the co~pany pur. qUlte ill for a cou,.le of weeki and m10ved to the Grjmel prope~ in chased the Troy Dany News which was taken .to Miami Valley Sc,uth Burlington. :Mr. an:d lira. R. E. RichardlOlI It ha. publilhed eince that time hospital laat weel!: 1.or x·raJ .nd with Mr. Pauly •• ob~ervation. Her l:nother, Mn. E. have ' ,m oved to South Kin&'Jnan. Funer.l lervices for Mr. Paul; !--. Thomas! of Wa;rnesviUe is The Community baDd beld last week and ,r eofl8nized were held at the First Preebyter. me at theIr home" earlDc for her ian c:hurch in Troy Thursday and the chillren. A director haa . not Ylt been afternoon and bUl'ial ~8I In River Mn. Emma 'Lacy an:d ~Ddaon ..cured. , ., aide cemlterJ. Bobby Lacy, entertained. BeY••nd M_ lIaudll Peterson R. N., _ _ _•• _ • ' MrL Walter Martin and Mr. anel amoDl' fdlDda here on S.turday. Mrs. WilllalD cre"hton to cUnner Sh. baa a pOiltion In the City Saturday evenlq. ' hospital of Cleveland. Mr•• Charlotte Andera and lira. Kn. W. C. Simth who hal been Lavina Fox of lIIlamlaburw, Ylalteel a P.!'tleDt in the 'KeClellan h",lftl+.l lliu Lau~ Rosnqle, 01. Cincin- their IrI'ndmother. lin. LottIe r.turned to her home last patrona.~ cultome~ nati, spent the ".ek-eDd 'With 1Ir. CarI7, Thurada7, renlladlDa h.. n4_7. Ber lea. which was broken and Mn. Baney B1l1'1let. of her 88th ,lrthda" with a II meDdin. aatlafaetorily. aDdf~.. The ..ri.. of DIeHl... at beautiful boqaet of ro.... lIIn. Kt. and lin. AuclrlJ Crew and church olo..d SUDU)' eVeDlq 'With Carey baa beeD qufte...a f.mUy bave moved- to a fum a few aee_ou to the ohare•• for almost dINe 7eu'II and .. Bot "IJth ot I.ebuOB. Lee JIaaon, of the 10 weU at th.. time. lin. J. L. Conard waa the 1J4Iekend 'WIth Ida lIIr. anel IbI. BUill.'.. 111. ot ler, lira. I. . .

"Eve" Everhart

The Code Is Nothing New



MeClare •

Wa,.ae.YlUe, O.

SOnie 10£ The IThings We Sell

L. . . . . ..........:. ,



as '

-- American .Fence

• •

Lumber for Every Purpose

• •

Material For Y;our Roofs • • Red Cedar Shingles ~ule Hide Shingles Channel Drain Roofing Asphalt Roll Roofing

New BurIe



Columbia Cement Plaster Li~e Plalter Board

Wan Board

.ta., .


For Sale only by


Mrs. Henry Satterthwaite and Mrs. Clement Satterthwaite Friday in Dayton.







McClure Funeral Home Mrs. T. B. Brannock spent. last Oareful consideration to inaurweek with )11'. and Mrs. C. E. ance problems; avoid all misun· ,Main St. WAYNESVILLE, O. PboQ,e 7 WaJD..Yille, O. Elzey and daughtersl, in Oregonia. derstandings. Are you sure you would be paid if a loss should oc· Mr. and Mrs. B. V. Smith, Mrs. Get your policy and read it ""'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!~!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'! curT L. C. St. John Sind daughter, now: be sure you are insured. MIIIII Thelmll, spent Saturday in We are glad to give you any in· Dayton, torrnation , with out obligation. All kinds of Insurance. Mrs. A. Murray, of Detroit, W. N. SEARS. spent Wednesday with her aunt, Waynesville, Ohio Miss Dora Stiles. for


. Waynesville, Ohio

Air Se.1


At the InterMetion of State Routes 42 and 73

Phone 25



• _ ...___ Insurance Service

Wavceh. Sectional Meet



POIlIAL& J'OIl~ SALE-Sweet Clover Hay. lilt years growth, good horl!e feed. Clarence R~ .

J. C. Hawke bas been named IlS8eSSOr for Wayne township.

tor a Miamiabur. Permanent Alit

All of the above material can be fouacl in our ,ard eve,r ,da, iD the year ' at moderate price..


We aolicit the


tertaJud to

PritlJoIul, of


of oW



Eighty-Seventh Year





Miss Nellie Hiatt, of near Lytle and Mr. Willie Blgp/ of Oregonia, were united in marr~lIge Saturday evening, March 16; at the local M E. parsonage. The ceremony was performed at half ,after seven o'clock Ly tbe Rev. G. C. Dibert, the witnel!8es beinr members of the immediate families of the A.clYabC" 35 and 62 P.r Cent contracting parties, O ....r IbCOilll!ll Reported ID F.bruary 'S4 _d '33




Ohio rumers earned a pOBS Income of ,17,500,000 in Februal'Y which is 85 per cent Increase ovel the income received for the corresponding month of last year and a 62 per ~lIt improvement over the :income e8'l'ned in Februof 1938. Theee ~re8 are released by F. L. Morison of the department of rural economics at the Ohio State Univereity. . Morison luues a monthly report on farm income. Marketings of livestock and crops were -nerally smaller in .. - ~ February, 1985 than in 1984, but jncreased pricee of farm products more than made up for the smaller volume of Balea, he reports. Marketinp of hoga were 25 per cent leas last month tban tbey were a year ago, but t he average farm price wae $7.90 a hundredweight as compared with ".45. Hence receipts from sales of hogs were ~8 per cent higher than a year agq Salea of all meat animals brOu,ht 36 per 'c ent more than in February 198", exelusive of corn-hoe bene. 'flt payments. . Milk production was somewbat reduced owing to ahorler supplies of feed; bat as a reault of higber milk and butterfat prices the total . dairy income for the J;nonth was eatimated at $3,935,000, which ia 34 per cent more than in February



Production of all pains, except-

m.r 1')'e and buckwheat, was lower

in 1934 th_n in 1988, though the reduction was not a. eevere as in some atates farthe-r weal;, Prices of grain. advanced in the past year so that income from sales for the mO"T\th stood' 7 per cent above a year ago. Grain sales are relatiyely unimportant in Ohio's agriculture. The price of (11gB advanced contra-aeasonally from lanuary 15 to February 15, 1985, the average farm price beinl' 26.8 cents .. do~en as compared 'with 16.6 cents a )'ear earlier. Production was on" 80 per cent as large as in February 19:14, but Income ' from ,s alea was 28 per · cent greater. Marketings of potatoes were nearl, twice ILl peat doring the Put month bot the priCe per buahel was reduced mo~ than half thaa receipts from ..lea of pota toea w,re redueed 18,'p 8r cent. The February income of Ohio farmers was 98 per cent 01 the monthly average Income received durinc the 5 years . 1910-1914. Since the pricea of thin,s that farmers ,buy ltand at 127 per cent of the pH-wat bue, considerable improvement la "needed in conl umer purebasing power before the farmers' net Income ia restored to I~ 1910-1914 level, accordin·g to Martloll.



Achievement Meeting PlannecJ for March 29 The annual ~chievement meeting ftlr the 1200 women who have pat:ticipated in the Warren countV' home demonatration lIrogram this year, haa been announced for friday, lIarch tWlDty-nltlth at Memortal 1Iall in Lebanon. The procram will atart promptly at

-_ ...---


Mrs. E. C. Crane and children spent Wednesday afternoon in Lebanon.


tM ~I' trMeUI





News has reachel~ the local Furnas family of the- death ·of their cousin, Mrs. Elizabeth 'Kirk of Mill Hall, Pennsylvania. Mrs. 'Kirk wa!! on(I' of the four daughters of Mrs. Anna Blackburn Furna , late of Fishertown, Pennsylvania" and accompanied her sister to Waynesville last sum m~r and vis ited with her relatives here.


.. --






The . Guild St. Mary'. Episcopal church wut 'hold a food Iiale on Saturday, lIareb 30, in Mrs. Laura ,Sides I:oom on, Main street, beginning at 9 :30.

Rev. O. C. Dibert w.. in toD, Tueldal, ill ait4mdancl .t a committee meetiq at Y .... C to amqe tor a district eonference to be held bt Eaton. April 80. , lit• .and lin. E ..eI'8OD Barn. bart, lira. B. SDlltll, lira. Glen ,lalld all4 lin. John __ beN.f. local Iluien



.dlIedecI l....,..uo. Sabbaa .pter, Frida, ",ht. ]In; . . . . . 'fttte, Mill ~IQI


. . . .r...... ......

Whole Number 6162


- -----




ASSOCIATION fOllMED At a meeting held in. M emorial Hall, in Lebanon, last Wednesday, March 13, a sportsmaJlship club was formed to be known as The Warren County F1 h and Game As ociation. Approximately 75 sportsmen were in attendence at tbe meeting and paid their dues. On Wednesday even lng, March 27, at 7 :iJO o'clock another meeting will be held in Memorial Hall, Lebanon, at which time instsllation of officers and appointment of committees will take place. The purpOSe of the 'association i the cQn~ervation of wild life of the field and streams of the county. Anyone intensted in the a ssociation is urged to attend this meeting.

The last of the Fa.ith, Food and Fun' meetings was hilld at the M. E. church on Wednesday eve ning. This m eet ing 'Was a fitting conelusion for these enjoyable gatherings which hs,ve been held this winter. There wel'e about 80 in attendance for the supper which was held in the church brJI<;ement. As soon as thiH wa,s over all ASsemb led in the ehuI'ch parlors l)epositors of the ' Harveysburg f or ,the moving pictures an\l "ation~1 Bank will be paid up in lecture given by Miss Anna full thiS .w~k when checks for Meredith the remalnmg 25 per cent of .' . . \ their deposits are placed in the Rev. Dlber~ made> a f~'!;\' mtro- mail, accoydillg to E. J. Munger. ductory r~mal kll and led In. prayer receiver, who has been liquidating The rematnder of th.~ meetlDg was th bank then turned over to :Miss Meredith e _ ._ __ _ _ _ . Miss Meredith is a local girl who has traveled ·qu,ite extensive- WIDOW TO RECEIVE S. FRED ESTATE ly. Last summ~r he spent 81 days in Russia and traveled · over 6000 miles in that country so she The bulk of the estate at Solohad many worthwhile things to mon Fred, late Lebanon merchant tell and show . . is bequeathed to his widow, Her pictures wer,e excejldingly Amelia Fred, ac:cordln, ~o the cl%!' and gave a vivid impression will of the decedent . which was of the country. She howed adll\iUed to probate last week. pictures of the peo]ple both at The estate, the vaJue of which work and -play. For contrary to was not given in the will, is bepublic opinion th~l people of queathed to Aaron Brafman and Russia do play as ~vas evident by Nathan Fred, who are , to hold the many ,p ictures l~hC)wn of the it in trust for Mrs. Fred. Culture and Rest parks. Much Brafman and Fred Were named emphasis is placed 011 out-door life executors of the estate, at no for botb children IIIl11d adults. bond, as requested in the will. A. B. Kaulman, Joseph Harris Particularly tntE!resting and beautiful were ber pictures of and Dan Walter will act al aptheir trips down thE! Volga r ivoer praisers of the estate. and through the Ca,ucasu8 moun-


For Paper Hanging and PaintBoger was selected aa one of ing call Fred Everhart, phone two guards named on the first all 108R3. sectional tournament team at Wilmington and Davis, and Dwire Fellowship services at Church of Christ, March 24, 2 p. m. Every of Mason were selllcted for positions On the second team. Boger body invited. and Dwire were all-county guards Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Frye were in the Warren countY tournament Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Honorable men~ion for their Mrs. Ira Rich. play in the Wilmington tournament went to Cook and Grid'y, and Mrs. Mollie ),lartin, of Dayton, Edwin BarT, of Muon. spent Saturday. with her sister, Mn. George Dakin. NEW OFFICERS ARE Mr. and Mr•. Mark Murphy and CHOSEN AT MEETING son were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mra. John Davie. Leaders selected at the anDullI Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Earnhart election 01 the Miami Valley Coand tw<> sons visited relatives In operative Milk Producera' aMociation at their meetiIlg beld jn DayDayton, Sunday evening. ton last weeJC, resulted in the Mrs. Victor Burris and Mr. Carl following officers being named. Conner, of Dayton, spent Sunday Waynesville Local- Harvey M. with Mr. and Mra. E . R. Bentley. Burnet, president; Roseoe Furnas. MTs. Ira Rich, Mrs. Reba Brad- vice president; Lawrence Brown, dock and Mrs. Gilbert Frye were secretary j Lewis Chandler and Xenia visitors Monday afternoon. Harold Shutts, advisory . councilmen. Boyd Hender80n, of the Cincin- Springboro Local- H. A. Cooper mountain nati Embalmln~ school, is having president; Elwood Reedy, vice taiIls were- where swollenthe from recentstreams rains ' • ' a two-weeks vacation between president. and SOIDe of the trips had to be , quanet'll. made on fOQt, wac;liqg the streams R9bert Chapman is out as Interest in being confined to the house more Leningrad were shown and muc;h than a week because of an attack of the modern in ]~oscow where of grip. she said she ~elt as if she were ' living in the 21st rnthel' than the Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Mainoul and James Donald were Sunday dinWarren county Game Warden 20th century. She stated that l 'eligion wasn't l1er gue8ts of Mr. and Mrs. George Clitford Hinel ha. in his pOSSCi!altogether a forgotten 1a8ue in Henderson. Bion a anver fox which he is hold- Russia: that at least 50% of the Misa J eBiie Clarke has returned inl' for identification by its owner. churches were heilll' u8ed for reThe fox was captured near ligioua purpoSCi!. to The Little Inn after spending a week witb relatives and friendl Mason lailt Saturday by two Besides the pict~lres of Russia Mason boys, who turned it Qver' to in Cincinnati. Miss !dered~th showed sc~~es the game wa"den. taken In .vanous El~Topean CItIes .-. Miss Celi .. Jordan and Mr. thTou~hout which the~ PatlS d; th~ Charlea Jllrdan, of Williamsburg, STANDIFORD-NELSON beautiful gardens an I.ondon; Ohio, were CUestl! of their niece, Announcement ha. been made street scenes in Copenhagen and Mrs. O~s Arth ur on Monday. of the marriage of Mra. Goldie Helsing1ors; the beautiful old Mr. and Mra. H. B. Earnhart, pi Nelson, of Green.burg, Indiana, Mosques In Constlilntinople; , the Dayton, are announcing the birth and Mr. D. Edward Standiford, of rIlina of the Acropolis in of a daugbter, Ruth Eva, in St. Waynesville. ,4thens; and some viewa of Naples Ann hospital, Sunday, March 17. This lecture was enjoyed by a The ceremony W81 pe~ormed large number of people in addition at the Prel byterian manse in Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leonard and to those who' came f'or supper. family, of Kings Milia, Mr. and Lebanon, Friday, March 15. Mra. james Thornt~n, of Clarksville spent Sunday wl1h Mr. and Mrs. ,.J., E. ~zler. ,

When . Thomas .Jderson wu Prelldlnt he lived la the "hee. utive lIayOD' III 111. tis. BrWah ca~d Waah~ pd barned tile 'Yankee The bIaok· walb atoocI ~OI',ean . . . JII&l'k of . . . uatut ItoUI the United Ita... aDd . . . . .d. III 1811 • OM' of "'~lIt eonnd 10....



The Civilian Conservation Corps Camp at Fort Ancient was quarantined last week following discovery of a caSe of spinal meningitis. The boy who oontracted the disea e waa immediately transferred to the army hospital at Fort Thomas, Ky., and the entire camp wallo placed under quarantine. Until the quarantine is removed no visitors will be permitted at the camp nor will any of the boys be allowed to leav.e. Those living in the ' barracks with the -===========,::: afflicted youth have b~n moved Mra, W. P. Salisbury is ill at her tenl.s and every precaution home on Third street. i8 being taken to prevent any spread of the disease. Mrs. Ada Courtney was a busl. It is believed that the boy nesa visitor in Dayton, Friday. contracted the diseaee during a recent visit to Cincinnati. Mrs. E. R. Bentley apent several days with l'elatives jn Dayton, last week.

Mr. .and Mra. Frnnk Kurtlss, of Lytle,' _nd Mr. and. Mrs. L. J. 1():80 a. m. • Satterthwaite, of Dayton, apent A summary of this rear'a activi- Sunday ,at th& ho,ne ot Mr. and ~es inelQdlne rue . conatrectlon j Mn. UeDlT " Satterthwaite. . ..'WIng machine clinic.; lIle.t can- COD\e to t~ .. FeUow~btp $e~leea ning furniture retlniallinc ad reIM_; a ltucJ, 01 moden dte .. at Chureh of Chrilt, Lor4'a D." labrlq . and m9dlab Aniahee; Mareh 24, at t p. m: Special houlebold account keeplnlr aDd the mullcal number. and sbort adaanoal vacation camp will .,. pre- drelBe. by v1Iitine ministers. "Dted by the varloul IItojeet Tb~ Woman'a Auxiliary of St. group.. An exhibit of rap will Mary's cbureh will meet with lin. alao be an intereating feature of W. H. Allen on Thursda, afte'rthe day. noon, Marcb 21, at 2 o'clock, to Plana for the following year'. sew 'f<>r the lupply department. propam will be .made and an reMr. and Mn. 1. E. Fralier, Mre questa for belp wlth bomemaklnl pr.oblema should be wlven to )'our Sadie Conner, Mias Sarah Smith, home counell member or to Miaa Dr. Mary L. Cook, Milia Josepliine Ellubeth Gradd,. home demon· Banta and H. E. Sberwood attend ed the fuJl,eral of Rueell Murray atration acent., at Beech Grove, Mondar.,





.. - ..---




Members of the Wayne Township Farmers' club were entertllined lilt the home of Mr. and Mra M. A. Cornell on Thursday, March 14. Under the management of the Plbl~ committee which comprised IMts. A. S. Collett, . Hrs. W. R. Lewis, Mrs. S. S. Ellis and MI'. Et'nest Butterworth, the usual I\umptuoua dinner. was served. After the meehn~ was' called to order ,by the presl~en.t, . J. H. Sackett, the itJvocatJon Wl!-S given by Rev. G. C. Dibert. Roll call responses wl\re Iriah· jokes. The special topic, "Shan We Have Representation According to Population," was presented by Eliaa Oglesbee. This was follow ed by the guest speaker, Rev. Mr. Bauman, of Dayton.



A St. Patrick dinner at the home of Mr, and Mrs. . Lee RBWkc on Sunday celebrated the 75 birth an niversary of Mr. J . . Hawke. Thll following guests enjoyed the occasion: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hawke and daughter, My. and Mr . C rl Hawke and Mrs. Mary Hopkins, of Dayton; Mrs. Ralph Vance and son, of PleaGant Plain: Mr. Imd Oxford Stewart Wi". Clue B Mrs. J. P. Fromm and family, Title; Sti... er. Wins Mr. lind Mrs. Maynard Weltz and Clua A. family, and the honor guests, Mr. J. C. Hawke and Mrs. Hawke. In a closely-contested battle, ---.~"''' --Oak Grove of Clark county, ellm. inated the Waycehs Thursday in their initial · game il\ the regional tOUl'nament at Dayton. It was an exciting game- to tbe finish. Oak Grove led at the first quarter . by the narrow margin of 10 to 7. At the half the tablea turned and the Waycehs had -'_ ._--=- awere 16 to 14 edge. At the end of the ·Mrs. J. D. Marlatt has been ill third quarter: Waynesville was still the past tew days. in the lead 24 to 23. But when the final gun went off and the game Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Hartsock was over it was a different atory. were Dayton visitors, Thursday. Oak Grove was l eadln~ 34 to 21J. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Henderson For Cook, Meredith, LeMay and Ieft Sunday on a motor , trip to Boger that was their last tournaFlorida,. ment game. Each has done some outstanding playinK during ' t he For Paper Hanging and Painting call Fred Everhart, phone season and they deeerve a big hand from the. public. 10BR3. In the class B. tournament. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hasting Oxford Stewart was the victor and son were Sunday guests of and in the class A Stivers was on friends in Morrow. Lop, having defeated tJte favore~ Roosevelt quintet in their second Mrs. Emma H . McClure and Mrs. L. lJ. Gordon were Cincinnati game and Cincinnati Woodward in the finals. v,isitors, Wednesday,



Mr. and Mrs. Jobn B. Gons are cozily loCA~ in their new home on the Gons farm. Several new cases of scarlet fever were reported this week and the homes are quarantined. The Sunday evening 8ervice a the M. E. church was featured by a group of colored lingers from Wilberforce. Pupils 01 the Grade building enjoyed a 3 days vacation while the ~ting system was undergoing repairs. Miss Thelma Satterthwaite is re-covering in Blair 13ros. hospital Lebanon, after an operation for appendicitis.


The S'cores :for the Clasa B games are: Thursday, Mlllrell i': Oak Grove 34, Waynesville 29; Arcanum 82, Leesburg 34, (overtime); Brook. viii 24 Reading 84; West Libert)' 21, Oxford Stewart 80; , Friday, March 15: Oak Grove 36, Leesburg 83, (overtime) ; Reading 27, Oxford atewerd 31. Saturday, March 16: Oak Grove, 31, Oxford Steward 42. BOll Scor. 01 Wa~ ••lIj.


OAK GROVE B Houch, f ........................ 8 Mr . S. D. Henkle and daughte~ West, f ............. ............. 9 Miss Elizabeth entertained the Sheck, c ..................... :.. 0 Argunot bridge club, Saturday Pyltls, g ................. ....... 1 afternoon. HolsappJe, g .. " ............ 1







o a o

0 I' 2

Mr. and Mrs. Everett Witham, Totals ........................ 14 of Columbus, spent Sunday with the former's uncle, Dr. J. E. W AYNESVlLLE Witbam and Mrs. Witham. 1 7 Coole, 1 .......................... 8 Davis, f ...................... ,4 o 8 Misses Trillena and Marga~et Griffy, c ....................... 6 o 10 Edwards are . expected ~ arrIve Meredith, g ................. 0 1 home today ;from Delray! B.each, Boger, g .................... .. 0 1 11 1 Fla., where they spent the wInter. o 2 LeMay, g .................... .. 1 Word has eome from the Msaonic. Home, Springtield, that Totals ............... ........... 13 a 29 Marsl)all Harlan is 'in a serious • condition and his death is momentarily expeeted Waynelville . I Mrs. Josiah Davis' entertained at dinner Thursday, Mrs. Addie Smith, Mrs. Charles Anderson, According to the .Darton Mrs. Lloyd Davis and 80n, Mrs. J . H. Smith and Mrs. W. C. St.John Journal Lester W. Gurbard, R. B. 3, Waynesville, was robbed of his purse and $60 bY' • gang of plckpoqk-e-ts at Dayton Tuesday after. no on. Gurhard said that, as be atarted to step into the doprway of the postoffiee building, anc>ther man Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dill, of Leb- bt'ushed up against him, dropped anon, we~ visitors Monday even- something from his band and ing at ' the home of Mr. Dill's looped over to pick It up, at tb. mother, Mrs. Maym e Hatfield, same time blocking the entrance. who has been quite sick. Three other men crowded from Mr. and Mrs. Philip · Larrick with th~ rear, Guthard said, and a few Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ceesner, of minutes ll\ter, after he bad enterOregonia, were gue ts 01 Mrs. ed the postoffice, he found hiB Mary Thompson and family, Fri- purso missing. The' lour men were gon~. . day evening at Branch Hill .

Man I. Robbed By GaD&'

Mr. and Mrs. J .. B. Chapman were . in Cincinnati Tuesday lind call-ed on Mrs. Emma Barnett who haa been seriously sick. Her ,many friends here will be pleased to learn that her condition is very much improved. After spending the winter with relatives and fri~nds in California Mrs. Maria Elbon arrived ,home Sunday evening. Mrs. Elbon reports a delightful trip, having vi.ited Boulder Dam on her way out lind en route home she ' spent several days with relatives in Kansas City. , Mrs. Benie Jordan, nee Etta McCarran, p&ssed away at her home near W~llman Wednesuy att.ernoon, March 20, followinc an illness of lIeveral months duration. Funeral serviee8 wiU .be held In St. Augustine church Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. Burial in Miami cemet.ry. Mra. Otis Arthur attended the funeral 01 her aunt, Mra. Miltob at Miamisbur&' lIondlY. lit'll. Hunt's deatb rea~lted from InJurlea received In a ... esploBion wbicb wnckecl lIer hOlD • In "rida, Il10I'III118•

Rer daqbter, aerIoua colldlUoa



Of interest to hi! many frienda and schoo.! mates is the announce· ment of the marriage of Donald E. Gustin to Mis8 Frances Alma New bold. The ceremony was performed in Palatka by Jlldge C. S. Green, November 9, 1984. Mrs. Guatin I. the daul'hter · of Mr . and Mrs. W. S. Newbold and is a member of the senior clua of 1985 in the High school la Cresent city where she haa apen' her ~ntire life. She ia very attract. ive and her charm bas attracted &0her many friend •• The bridegroom ill thl IOn of IIr and Mn. S. E. G1J.It1D, formq of Wa7Desville he alao waa " araduate of 'Wa1DenUle Rilla school in the d ... of 1931. He Ia employed at tIM 811pedot Dairy Prochlcta. , After April 1, ,,01 ... at 110m. to tbeir trieacla III tU b.1l cott8ae, R1llbard ParJr. ~t CltJ. Florida. • ---'---~....,:'15 ......



TO """'lUbE wnlanu 11\ Iltft'lIENT ALL IWJUilU

_ - - - - . ; . . - - - l i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I J W.ltel to ltDby WaIW.. real estate food, .. : C.rroU·. StaN, foael, In Hamilton toWll8hip. ,12.50; IAbanoll BuUcllac I: Lo.ft Edward Maloy to Jo,eph Hme., Co., .helter, .11; Frank Southard, inlot No. U in Hlchland Park. Shelter. '13; Frank O. Andenon. Dem.. Guttery, b,, to shelter, $12; Lydi. Mon'ort. DOnI'D·I.~ S. Sh.whan. trII.t~, IIhelter, $10: G. A. Howard shelter .-ftUUl\lUllil L_________,___________________ Lawrence 96.58 acree ;n T\lrtlecreek town- $8; Mrs. Alice Robinson, shelter, Edit d by the Boolter Club of Wllynesville lligh Sehool , FRANK HA. WKE Eclit_.11l.CIol.f ship. .$8,; MTII. John Hardinc, shelter, ,9 With farm pricel ,till IlIbltan. eo __ PI... Ptocf...... the estate of C.therine Seerer; de- Clara M. Wollard to Florence W. L. C. Guttery, shelter, U6; EV.1I1 CECIL HARTMAN ...... " .. A .. i.Lallt EditOr ., ceall4!d, flIed his inventory and Hollingsworth, inlots No. 23 and Bros., shelter, $6; Dr. Mary , L. tially below p.rity, althourh much -----------~----------------·I impl'oved during the two In the ease of The VlI'II'mlan schedule of debts. 24 in' Waynesville. . Cook, shelter, ,6; Cincinnati .. some of the honors from the years, the Agricultural Adjust- Joint Stoek Land Bank ~, of Charlel J. F. Zimmerman/ adminlstr.,tol' Edith B. Beltz to CO\lnty of Lebanon Express, maurial furnish "Morblc TpurnBment" which just ment Admirlistration I. not con. ton, W. Va., vers\ls KEiBs Beckett, of. the estate of Allgust Ast/ deceas Warren, the use 01 r al estate for -ed, U9.61; J. W. Lingo Bard· started. 8\dering ab.ndonment of any ad- et 111, motion sustained. ed, flIed his 6rs1, final and dist,ribu- highway purposes. ware Co., material furnished, ,2.· On Tuesday, March 12th, most justment progTam now in etrect, In the case of The U~ion Central tive aocounL 88; Itlum Steel Company, Iteel, of the Digh school and the grades aceordinr to word received today Life Insurance Co. VUrBUS Alina Leontine Rogers was appointed $89.4 5. attended the eight-tilm, talkieThe Senio~ Sc:bolaUhip Te.r by L ster J. Miller, CO\lnty Arent. Kerns, et aI, (onftrma,t lon, deed guardian of Lura Lou Rorerl, minB.iII. Allow.d mo ie show In the gym., • "The The s oior cnol&.rship test will ' Averace Ja/luary farm price and distribution. or, and filed bond of 52000 with LaMar Body Shop. gasoline, POllit"'7 Cour.e Viking" consist.e<i of 81 Teels Jlnd be held at Lebanon on March 23. of the 14 basic commoditles in. In the cllse of Marietta York, by sureties. $13.57; The Cincinnati Oil Works WBII preceded by ft comedy film Ten student will rcpl'es4)nt W. eluded under Lhe Agricult\lral Ad~ Lora Ford, hf.!.r mother and next In the caBe of William H. Hutch Co., gaSOline, $6.20; Waynesville "D gviIJe Follies" and uc('e ded R .• nam!.'ly: BettY }Jartaock, justment Act was 106 pel' cent friend, versus Virgil York, a d~. inson, executor of the estate Fan~ers Exchange, ~wer pipe, Five hundred students are ex· by a tllm portraying an incident Ruth rennington, Mary Kathryn the pre.war level but in termll vorce was granted the plainti.ft'. L\lsetta E. Hutcbinson, deceased, $2; The Cincinnati oil Works Co., pected to enroll with WOSU, the from the life of Joseph Brahm . Young, Ll1na Schuler, Juanita present priceB for commodities In the case of The Pe()ple,,' Build- confirmation, deed and distribution gasoline, $34.63: J. W. F\llker. Ohio State University's radio "The Viking" Is. st n{ of seal Brannock, Evelyn Peu>rs, Olive wbich far:mers purchase, ' parity ing Loan and Savings Co., ve11lUJI The inventory of Irene Bender· son, gasoline, $B2.82; The J. W. station, for the ten·weeks' eourse fishing. The leading actor, I,\lk ,is cott, Frank Hawke, Marvin Fox would be 126 per cent of the pl'6 Cb~untey J. Mardis, I~t aI, entry son, administratrix of the estate of Lingo Hardware Co., supplies and in poultry husbandry which will. oth 0 Ben derson, d ecease, ' d wa 8 ap parts $67.20 ; Waites Garage parts b egln . 'U' t \1:30 p • m. ""onsidered a "J'yn'x" and no ship an d H arve)' PAth ~ "rl!. , war level. The January fa1'1ll modified as to taxes. ....arc h 26 1 ' price of these 14 commodities wsa In the case of Lloyd Collive1' proved. $8.74; Gross Service Station, gasO I~~~!!!".!!~~~~~~~~!!!'!!!!! will assign him to its crew. Row. eVE'r. through Jed. a rival for the L • M . therefot:e 20 points below parity. versus Mamie Fanning: et al, order G. C. Knapp, administrator of the II'ne, 018.38.' Gl'is"'old Service Sta. love of Mary Joe, he secures a TeaC:a.el'. eetilla t t f Chri ·i B b d '" ,. With farmeJls favinll' a situation to sell real estate giv1m. es a e Q s~ na ue anan, e· tlon, supplies and gasoline, $79.65; U.. berth in the' aMp, "Viking." While The Wayne Township teaehe:rs in whieh prices, without benefit In the case of The Peloples' Build. ceased, flied appltcation for a Fred Kahn Molor Co., part", $4.23 out bunting seal, Luke and J ed be- met 00 March 12 with Mr. payments, are 20 points below ing. Lo.n and Savingll Co. ve,ralls certUicate of transfer. Jones Br09. Service Garage, gaso. THE MIAMI GAZETTI. come separated trom the, rest of dock in charge. , Mr. James disCUB- parity, no consideraUon bas been LeBlie Sims et aI, entry modi1\ed In the matter of tbe estate of line. $2.95; D. R. Smith, paint, FOR RESULTS the hlinting party during a terrific s~d "Study Habits," Miss Smith, given to ab~ndomnent of any ad. as to taxes.' Joseph A. Chamberlin, decl,!ased, $28.(0; Borden's Tire & Battery blizz.rd. After waiting f or a ~a· " Qualities of a Good Teacher/' Mr- just;ment program, say AAA of. In the c,alJe of The PI!oples' Build sale of bonds is ordered. Station. ,supplies .and gasoline, sonablc tim!,! for them to appear Brown "Effeets of the DepreBsion flcials. With normal growing con. jng Loan. and Savingel Co. veraus In the case of W. S. Graham, ad 06; Pierce Service Station, supthe CIlptain of the. hip gives them on T~ching." Thi 'waa followed djUons. unless there are Bub tan. Frank C. Hall, et al entry modified minist\'ator of the estate of Emma plies and gasoline, $21.20; The UP for los~ and .salls Jor home. In by a round table diSi:u i011 on tialincreasell in cons\lmer b\ly as to taxes. E. Janney, deceased, versus Mrs. Dayton BrOn1:e Bearing Co., bearthe meantime J-ed and Luke m et "Grading ystems.'; power and industrial production In the case of The PI30ples' Build Flora Parlette, et aI, report of ap· l' O"'D, $28.20', Franklin Vulcanizinl and Jed has become snow-blind on I ed Th .. ~ 19B5, it is believed that pr lng, Lo.n and Savill gil Co., venue pr.a ~ers was approv . . ~ , & Tire Co., supplies, $2,(0: Thl,! account of his fail \Ire to bring gog could easily go lower this year. Chauncey J. Mardis, et ai, entry manlstrator is t.o give addltl.on,al MOI'row Gara""', welding, 5Oc,' The goles, Together tbey struggle to the Grade Ne-w. (Delayed) b ltd f ~500 th tI th .. ~ mai'nland and suprise the inhabit. Considering benefit payment. modified as to taxes. 0 0... WI sure eB WI m Incinnati Oil Works 00., ga~oline, ant especially 1\Iary Joe, who In Mr. Turner's room the perfect as additional income, farmers reo In the CftBe of Tbe Peoples' dlO ddays . SJlle of real estate is· or· $7.82; The Morrow Feed & Supply " I spellers for the we.ek of March 4- ceived on the p.rt of their crope Building, Loan and 8avings 00, ere.. . Co., 'suppli es, $2Q.99; Frank had given them \lp as ost. 8 we re 88 follow 'Thomas Hunt"r I F rll d d eceae Sherwood Co" 'r .... consumed in thill cO\lntry. returns versUs Wade Glenn, ~lt aI, entry Th e Wl11 o.t S oonlon gasoline, $1.16; Frant~B JOhnS, William Lawson, equivalent to 124 per cent of pre- mOdified as to taus. , ed was adrmtted to probate. Aaron The Kilpatrick•.Frericb Motorcar ' Orville PhlUipB, llenrietta Pen· war prices or 2 points less than In the case of C. C. Eulass, trus- Brafman and Nathan Fred were 00., parts and gasoline, $39.24; ".. ThirtHllth Da, nl'ngtoD, ---ba Surfnce, Marion puity for' the 14 basic commodi. tee. versul The Dodds Canning Co. aP!l0i n t ed execut orSj no bon d reo JohnstOn & Johnston, surveyor's . D CONSIGN "'" .. ROOT FOR AN Imagine a haugbty society Smith, La Verne Sheley, Junior ties. For the BeVen of these 14 confirmation, deed and dist'ribution qUlred. A. B. Kaufman, Joseph stakes, $12.50 ' The L. G. Ander. )'our Cattle, bOIP1..lhee'p and eaal'f! matron, her lovable daughter, a Towson, Anna Marilyn Whitaker, basic commodities covered by ad· In tbe case of Ollie Illason versul Harris .nd Dan Walter were .p- son'8 Sons Co., ' l\lmber, $16.90; to Norris-Brock uo., 11"'-r~ much infat\lated young man, an harles Thomas. ' Milo Wilson and jllstfnent programs, f.rmers re- Lee Mason, alimone,' to plaintiff pointed appraisers. Blair & LeRoy, gravel, $174.25; ftrm ~?r \lnseruplo\ls lawyer, an Irish bOUle Roy Planck. celved in farm price plus benefit and coat. to defendant. The inventory of Mapha I. Beltz Vernon Michael, gravel, $19.80; J . ~I ..I...... Q. keeper, and , 8 timid aasemJunior 'Towson and Orvjlle Sav- p.yments 9 points above parity. In t~e of Gracie MiJlal'd ver administrator of the e.tate of K. Spencer, gravel, $275.89; Clayin on Radio Station WCJ[T bled together in a lonely old house 'ge, two of the .rtists ill tbeToDm However, this margin abo"eparlty S\l1 Alonzo MUlard, rule allowed. Sarah A. Beltz, .<Iecealed, was ap· ton Clark, posts, $81.50: The Leb· , 12125 to 12:80 p. m. for ou claU, seemingly filled witlt ghost. and arl! decorating the black·bo.rds applies only to that " of sale1l In the case of The Union Savincs proved. anon Lumber Co., parts and lum· market l'.portl. weird ,noise.s to hear the reading of with Easter designs. ' consumed in thil country. Building and Loan Cpmpany, a In the matter of the estate of ber, $23; The Ohio Corrugated ~::===::::=::::::::=~ . a will , on the thirteenth day of the In Miss Campbell's room the Administration omcials · point corpor.tion, I)f LovElland, versus Charles A. Crockett, decea.ed sale Culvert Co., culvel'ts, $228.10'; Sha thirteenth montb following the following student. have m"de a out th.t the pUrpose of the Ad- Jame!l W. Hoppes, et aI, confirma- of corn 1$ o,dered. fel' Bros. Stone & Gravel, gravel, .,., eupposed burial of an eecentric old perfect record in spelling during justment Act 1S to .eek to estab. Hon. deed and , distribution. Bat. In the m.tter of the estate of 90c; Carl Dakin, paYroll, $183.80; 43 YEARS OF SERVICE man. That is the main theme of the paat two weeks: Bett)' Lou !ish and maintain parity prices. ance due $2879.70. Judgment to Peter Noll, deeeaaed, dietribution H. L. Schuyler, payroll, ,110.40; the Senior play, "The Thirteenth Arthur, Jeanne Baker, Kathryn The need for continuinr acricql. John H. Ho~pes frOll1 defendants, is ordered. Trustees of. P\lblic Affairs, water I Day." The play abounds in humor· Bl'ic.kel, and Bettie DaViI. tursl adjustment i. emphuized by James W. Hoppes, William MusThe ~tate of Charlei G. Kibbey rent, taB.OS; Ohio Central TeleLEBANON, OHIO episode.. For one week there are t~ the fact lhat farm prieel are ' 20 ehong and Ida Mu~eltong, In the deceued, is exempt ~rom lnherl. phone COl'p., tolls, . $39.60: Ohio ous .nd bair-railing We haye a complete There is suspense, action, Ora'ma, fonoWing- perfect IIpellers, Faye points below parity in Ipite of the s\lm of $700 with in'terest. tance tax. Central Telephone Corp., rellt.a, Watch Repair Senl•• comedy all rolled in one. The hit Craie. Clair Dibert, Lyle FOlK .nd com"~ned effect of reduced ex. In the ease of The Lebanof!. The el1tate of Willard J. Buch~n '35.50. Trustees of Public Affairs. prices Rea.on.ble of tbe leason--don't mila it. Clifford Gray. port SUrplusel, drought and donar Citizens Nation.1 Bank verllli an,. deeeased, ja exempt from in. water and 'gas, $29.13; Tl'ustees of - - ~ - --devalu.tion. Thomas C. Chr~stie, judrment to hentanee tax. Public Affairs, 1IaM, $71.69; Dr, Beads Rel1trllnJr A CHALLENGE TO Wholesale prien of farm jlro- plaintifr from defend••nt, Graee G. The estate of Christina BunchaD Henry M. Brown, professional Jewell')' Repaired H_ E _.. lc GSd. Sene M.... "{OUNG PEOPLE duet. are 13 per cent below their ChrIstie, in the lIum of ",'722.88 an, deceased, is exempt from in· services, $25; Dr. S_ , Sterling "THE HOME OF CIFTS" 1929 relation to indultrlal price., with interest.. " , beritanee tall. Stahl" medical services, $9; Mrs. Several special dinne,. have retail fOod COlta 20 point. hlow In the eue of Clarenee Stephen Leo~. M. Kroener, flied an at· Howard Sawyer, serviees, '7; Mrs been ,iven f'or the coach and the During the past forty years tens the geneHI level of the COlt of eOll versul Hnold Sitephenaon, et fidavlt for the admlaaion of Odie Helen Doughman services, $7; ' baaltetball durtnc tbe put ' Kroener, inune, to the Dayton Elmer Lacy, lIerviceB, $"; Mrll. few weeks. Theae m.... were plan :Jf thousands of young men and living, and the fa.-mera' standard al. partition !>rdered. The case of E. DI. ThomplOn Dospital. lIra Eltzroth, services, $5; Mrs. rled, prepared and Berved by Helen women of many natlonRlitiel an1 of living, u me.lured b,. lIet In· , Lillie Urton, services, ,10; 'Mrs. Greene, Lena Schuler, Helen Camp d~nominatios have sought free come over ope..tiu ellPenaes, 20 venul J. O. HartahoIiIl t. diamlued ......~. LiM... Maude Deardoft', services, $'1.50; bell, Margaret Crawford. Mal'}' training for Christian service at per cent below their pn-war .tand The ease of Johnlton II; Jobnaton versos J. O. Hartahor:n it dlmtlued Bird Roll, laborer of Lebanon, Mra James Moore, set:vices, $0; Kathryn Young ud M'l'T Allen, home or ' abroad offered by The erd. - - --. - • and Mr•. Julia Oberlin, faetol1' Mra: Oma Osborne, &~1'Vioe!l, $10 UDder the lupervision of Mla Moody Bible Institute of Chi· New worker, of Lebanon. Columbus Blank Book Mfg. Co., Henkle. We enjoJed doi~ this for cago. More than 2,000 sludent. en R-.J.. S..... the team and were glad to do our roUed in its day and evening Pearl M. Botts verslIs Waltel' II Sidney Badertseher. f&Jmer, of vendors Iicenaes, $3.60; ,J . L. Dunn seboole last year. While for cerWaitreues in Ohio restaurants Botts, for divorce. IC harge it ex. Morrow, and , Mi88 Ruth, $52.80; John Myers, pal't in belpinc them to vietor),. tain 8pecial courses a high. school receiVe leu waael than eooo, ae. tl'eme cruelty. Slack, of Morrow. . payroll, '140.4.0; V. M. Al'mitare Martha Van Nel., a minor, by Gilbert S. Fry •• printer of Way llayroll $77.20; Earl Basore, paybackground is required, and eol· cording to the results of a atate. TIai...... 11-n.. Grad.. lege tHinlng desirable, yet cram· wide survey coverina 868 reataur- her next hiend, Edw'ard VanNell, ~lIville and Miaa Irma Rich, oj roll, $68.30; ·M. C. Foreman, payIn Min Ha~pck'. lecond grad. !! school training will to anu by the Minimum Wage Divis- vereus Joaeph""'Se1l1ej, for damagea iWayneaville. roll, $184.86, Johnson Myers, p.y. Kenneth Bradley worked 85 of the Ita Genenl eourae. En~llah is ion of the Department of Indull. and cosU. ' Elmer Bllell, farmer, of Clarks- ro)l, $86.40; John Barr, payro~l, second· subtraction combi· :tsugM to. any deficient in ,l~ ulle. trial Relations, }t ..,.. anllouneed Dall R. Brown ViI'taul Florence ville, and Milss Helen KeethIer, of $67.40; John Law" SOD, gas and nation in 2 minutes and made 100 The Bible, ranD fir!Jt in ~II In· by lila Elaine W. Shem81', Brown, a minor, tor divorce. Morrow. oil, $3.66; Hel1!chel F. J.meti, Phone '78J The a.,er.ce time of the class wallstitl1~e CO\lt1les, but instructIon Is superintendent of tb e division. Charge iA extreme cl~elty. John Stocker, power m.n, of battery, $9.25; Lebandn·Citizens 4 minutes &Dd the aftrage gl'ade farllished in SIlC~ ~\lbje~tB aa S~n. M.nare11l and hOlte_a are tile Fred Braddock VEliIlUI1Reba R. Kinp Mills, and Mrs. Mary Wal- National BJlnk, charges for ler· 88. ' day School AdmlD1atratlon, Dally highest paid worken. Cooks, on Braddock for divorl:e. Charee Is lace. of Kinga Mill.. vices rendered RecQrder, $1.40; In III.. M'eKhilel"a fourth grade Vacatioo Bi~le Sehool, Gospel the average, earn '11.74 weekly, crOll negleet. l,.yle Blank Book Company, typethe followin. are perfect spellers MU$ic, Pubhc Speaklne, H,ome and the "'aitreues are paid.n Garland Hill versu. The vm... R..I E.taw T......... writer p.per, $17; Lyle Blank lIiOTAlty PUBLl~ for the put week: Elizabeth EC0!l~mica, Hygie~e, &Dd Manila! averace of $8.01 , weekly, ' of Lebanon, a oorporation, for Hinea .nd Hopkins (Joleph and Boo~ Mfg. 00., inventory an<\, apBurnett, Jean Hartsock, ' Charles TralDlng. In speCIal COIlrB~1 ~re ,Sheffler said. RestallHnt man .... mone)' only, J/lmel f l. BUl'ke II the Lester) to JOllepb Bines, inlots praisement reeord for probate Nati_1 Orndoff. . offered ~eology, Ho~iletles. erl and hOlteues averace 42.S attorney. Nos. 42, 43 and 44 in Biehland court, $'70; Lebanon·(Jjtizens In Miss Campbell's fifth grade, Ch.urch .HJ~tory, Apologetlcs, He· years in ate. and other relltalll;8ntJ _._ P8\'k. , Natiooal Bank, checks fol' Clerk of Willa Dra_ •• Eatat.. S.ulM section one, the following pupils bre~. YlddlSb, G~eek, and medical 'Workers average 29.4 yean, Pro..... eu.." E!1ward Molloy to JOleph Hlnel, Court, $2.26; Stakalta Mfg. Co., WAYN,SVILLE, OHIO had perfect spelling, for the subJects for, relh 'mission work. ,survey dlseloeed. Orville G. Bowker wall .ppointed inlot Nos. 39 . ,n d 40 in Highland certificate of appointmellt of l'e· !!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""~ .. ~~ past week: Wild. Mae Aehterman, There: ate tree terms a yeal'•- ~ executor of the estarte of William Park. eeiver for clerk, $1.65; The Miller Foa SALE pATE. CALL Lyle Fox, Jeanne Baker, Edith Fall; WJRter and . Sum~er-but At the soil erolion experiment T. Bowker. deceasecl. no bond Stanyley C; WilIo\lghby to Joe, Bryan.t:Pierce Co., cnbonpaper, Belogan, Wayne Clary, Bettle students may e~ter anr tame. ~n .tatlon located.t, a quind. Hines, inlot. Nos. 30, 31 and 82 in $3.50; Fred Procter, Journal for Davia, Helen Gons, Dorothy Mae illustrated catal gue ,WIll be mad. two ~lId threlHlgarter- ineh rain· In the matter of the guardian. South Lebanon. . Clerk of Court, $U.85: The 9 Guy, Marilyn Hartsock and Jeanne e~ on l'etluest. Add.ress, 168 In- fall l'ellIlted in • penetr.tlon of ship of S. Dettie Conover, an ill. St.nley C. Willoughby to ' Joe The Columbus Blank Book Mfg. U Heas. . stJtute, ChIcago Avenue moisture to a depth of eicht aad competent, sale of bond il ord'ered Hines, In lots NOII_ 26 &D~ 27 in Co., I'preign Summon& Docket No. The following have a perfeot Station, Chlcaco, Dl. three-fourth. inchn in • The estate of John Adam., de- South Lebanon. 9 tOl' Sheriff ,37; Trusteee ()f record in spelling for the put •- • with rood cover, lix Incbell In a ceased, fs exempt frl)m inheritallce JOlleph Hines to Bertha Hines, Public Atrairs, water meter service three wee~, February 23, , March Tllt!, moat valuable university bluegl'ue pastul'e, four inche. in tar. real estate in Sputh Lebanon. at jail, $18_18; Mra. Della Huf. lS inclusive; Jeanne Baker, Edltb lWhith Ameri~!l could have would a recently cultivated com aeld. In the case of E;mma Hill, Frank Broerman to William B. ford, feeding prillolleTs during IESiE ITAIfUY -= _-'-~ be one teachm, commOll sense. and one ' and one.half Inches in mjniatratrix of the will of ... R. Earnshaw, 10., 71.60 ae~a in Olear February. $305,25; Wm. H\lfford, . . .a.UO.............. . . . Berlten and Bettie , Davis. We hope our room will receive Unfortutlately it eannot be done. badly eroded land. Hill, deceased, Ve11lilS Lavilla Hill creek to,wnabip. washing', for pri80ners during et aI, ,s ale of real, es1~ate i. ' , Leelle Brunk, et' al to Nettje February ,28.93; Dr.' Robert Blair EARL EOOQUR The inventory of Walter Br\lnk; inlots No. 72, 78 and 7' in medieai services, durinr Februal'Y Da~'- . . . duson admillistratrl:l of the 'Mllon. at Jan $82.60; Waites Garage, tow KE ••on .... of Omar Hartzell, deeeased, Tho~. Burst to Rachel Hunt, ing Chevrolet sedan for SberUl', approved. real e.tate in Cleaf!llreelt town.hlp $3' John Law • Son, PI, oil, "'&III -... Tbe, inventory of W. W. Carol F. Dumford to Everett C ing! ear and stOrB&"e. $50.98; Grta· ker, administrator oil the ..tate DllmfOrd, et ai, real ••tate in CUD wold Serviae Station, brakes, cr... Ella Adams, deee""d, w....pp~ov. t!lD and Wa~ eountiH. inc, battenr, gas, oil ,21.47; B~ ed. . CharI•• W. Schaetrer to W. E. ¥. Williama Coroner inqllest, $15 .• H...I Verbryke, a:eeutrlx ·of th. Snyd.r 182.711 .ena III M...te eO: Fred O. Jame., bonel for 1m. , JI'ORSAUt ~.tate at IOHph VlI'bl'Jke, dec..... tOwnlla'p., · po,u nded doc., ' 40c: The Colijmbull r The Morrow Feed .nd Supply Blank Book Mfg. 00., poor rellef FOR SALE-Sweet Clover Hay. ed, ftled ber ~veDtory. In the matter of the nta~ of 00. to The VillaJe of Pleaaant $37.50 : W.rwick's G~oce17 lit year. pori, ,ood b\»r.. Thom.. William., deceated. Plain, mlot No. 29 in Pleaunt OloJ)Ox for l)TRS ollce, 16c; Ohio feed. Olarenee Rye. , mltl .dmlntatntriz i. to' c,,1'1')' oot plain. \ Central ,.,elephoDe e1' ordua of tbJJ couln and Edna Go' We1ab, ·d.c.....d, ~o rent ud tol" for FOR SALE-Pullets.. 8 . montbl tei aettl. the lIatate within Chari.. E. 'Welah aDd Sa,rab E~ $S.10: W. H. WrI&'ht, Rhode 1I1alld Red, multi teeteci; CLASSIFIED ADS COST ONLY daYI. Webh, 20 .crel in Clearcreek ellPense, $6.60; The ~ook Shop, reasonable. Mill' .ell thla ".et. Marle Hill, execul~rix of the' ... township. ink Eraser and carboll for NRS Joseph. McMillan. 'mil ONE CENT PER · WORD. WHY tat f Fr k 'R 0 b d __ •• ..i Ed d D D l t D r Da1 omce, 8Qc; David Carpenter, . , KEEP ,YOUR ATTIC FILLED file~ ~er t! I, ee ....... and ';::sa DalY~ :c:re:: De.~ mileage, $8.40; K. L. Hont cloth. FOR SAL~taUion. Reailtefed In the cale of Walter Kellrick, field to'Wllalilp: ' ing Store, rent, 410; Harry Z. Belglall, air. 11, lto~n, wto 2000 WITH . USELESS ARTICLES adminilltrator 'of the ••tate of Per. Lincoln Lackey to Daisy F. Gray, rent, ,5; Trealure~ of Ibs., ane worker, wonderfDI ry E. , Kenriek, deleeaa.d. venul Cral;, inlot. No. 1'77.nd 178 in' State, clothing, $43.61; Dr.! D. T. breeder, ,xtra ,heavy boned, THAT CAN BE TURNED INTO Bertha Kenrick Coliline and Ida LebanOIl. Vsil Jr., ophthalmic services, ,10 proven sure breed~r, prl~ed rlcht. MONEY FOR SO SMALL A CUlltollborder, apPI:aiaement ap. Mattie T. Cooke to Ben Balzer M. B. , Morey, visitor, mileage, Walter AndreWI, CedaTVll1., ~hlo. proved alld sale of !reaJ estate or,. '71 .crea in Turtlecl'eek toWnshlp. $18.05; Willa Beedle, .." . COST. TItY THIS MEANS OF dered. Arnold C. , Winkler to Ralph ,12. 98 i Christine Clev8.llcer, FOR SALE-A nice Dae of' bOX SELLING AND SEE . WHAT A The i..~ntory of lIaude R. lie· Bsckman &Dd ikrtha B\lckman, til a~. U6.S'( ; Hele1\ R&n~U, stationery. U Iheete aad .4 .,_ Clure, .dmini.tratrilr of the ..tate loti No. 1,U and 160 In AvalOD mileage, U4,86; Linnie WiIl~ms, velopH for 211&1: ~ho••Pac, 1. DIFFERENOE IT WILL MAKE of Howard S. McOlure. ~ec....d mileaie, trT.61: Lollille. Whipple, sbeeta.-DeI 1• .alvelope8 tor 10 wa, approved. ' H. Sherwood &Dd Ch.rln mlleare, $111;62 i H. 1I. CoJbe. cent.: waxed Paper, widte daH TO YOUR POCKETBOOK, AS A certlfted eopy of the .ntrJ 4e H Sherwood to ,Clarence Sherwood ulary, $60; Christine pap_, paper Da,Pldnl, at Guett. WELL AS TO HAVE YOUR tetmillillC the Inherltane. tU on reaJ Mta~ .. Lebanon. .....ry, $87.50 i M. B. lIorQ. Oftle the eltate of Lima Butu, Lpn Bran, deeeued, to Nettle .alary, $87.110; Willa 'J. Beecl1e, •• STUFFY OLD ATTIC CLEANED ed it to be certUled without dela,. Brullk, et aI. inlota No. 72, 73 and salary, $87.50; LeDiN Whipple, FOR SAtE at..cri4ft prIe_ Mattie BlIho,P, admilllatntrt& 01 74 in llUOD. 'Salary, '47.50; ~.Ien llandaU, 1 CIlevrolet Track wtta. P.... OUT. IT PAYSI tbe e.tate of Oeear Bishop. ...... 11&17 I. Bak.r to Gwl11m E. salary, ,87.110; Linnle WlUialll" bod7. brood. . . . . . . I ...... IoUJue.. '4." acrea In Union town. glary, ,''7.50; ".pant. PaJlle, ~tterI... aaetalll.·..... ...... ..Iarv, .. 'uO: Baker. eIaIeIc ....... (e". . . . ....... aalary. tal.lO; BHsabetll Bath- 1 ~~OO '. . . . . s- ..e...... • wa" ,10, Cholll •. " .... II. ~ Wqa....... a.s. III


School ' High Spots






















Centerville, Ohio




St 0Iey ., K"er gl I


. -






-lat7.''"'0' ,.......






ft.. .....









II..... SublcrlptJ- PrJ.., 11.10 •


wUl receiv. .bout Statu durintr

,&00,000 thla year, it ed.


"'t eatbut-

monthl period 000 pounds. Althourh volume considerably Butt... WA!! i.mported in the same Imports of.butter into the United the two pre.cedinle years

----.. - ...-----

th IIt'hool of &72, v~ume for the ume th.....monthl home economici of the Ohio Stat Unlvenlty are former 4·11 club is a perlo~1 1926 throuah 1921. members. For the central I!tates . then in Thirty-tour per cent of the ttud the percentag e is reported a 31. ..... -~ --only entl! enrolled in the college of

thne-l olle-thlrd aa peat .. the .v.... aerleulture and



at Poetofftce at Wa " ... 011......... ,..... ...... ........ M•• n:l wJlle. Oblo, a Cec.. n4 Cia .. ~Il ======"================-==d!~=======--========= Subscribe fo r Tile :Miami Gnoz;eUe

_.,...c. .......... ,...... ,...... N •• 118


Pronotmcecl uSEE-QUO.YAH"

MARClI 21, 1985

:"._ -

Senate A Firat Cla.a Road Show Ordinarily, a visitor to Washington, D. C., has no trouble in getting a look at the United States Senate in action. During the IIeSI!ions, the galleries are always balf empty, unless a piece of legislation of exceptional importance is in debate, and the few visitors present oft en find themselves overcOme by boredom within a short time. Matters are very different now. If you want to attend the you have to go ~ar ly in tbe morning t.lnd wait. By the time roll-call is announced, the gallerie are jammed 'and hundreds of dIsappointed people must be turned away by the doorkeepers. This change isn't due to a rising in te:re1it on t he part of citizens ill serious que $~ions of government. Nor is it due to Senatorial achieve ment, which might automatically bring in admirin~ thousands who want to watch their elected official keep the wheels of government moving. It is due, instead, to the fact that th e present seslion has turned itself into a first-class road show, admission free. Variously called the "greatest deliberative bQdy" and the " most exclusive .men'a club" in the world, the Senate has temporarily, in the words of one W uhi ngton correspontlent, 4fdegcnel'ated into a show, a circus, a brawl.' . The Senate bas been sitting for Yllore than two months -and a lingle piece of leg~slation of national importance bas been either pused 01' defeated. On the 600r members are fighting among themtlelvea, are quarrelin~ over the pettiest .of matters. There haven.'t been any flst fights yet, but the y !leem just in the.offing. This may be pleasing to that minority of the American electo rate which likes to watch II brawl and a circus. It isn't at all pleasing to other ' citizens, either fol' or against tbe present Administration, who wa'n t to see tbing done. We are living in II critical time, and are at the crossroads b tween continued depressiona and recovery-and the Senate, at .least to all outward appearance, is devoting its tale-nts to personal bickering I Recent newspaper comment has been extremely hitter whenever the Senate at large is Epokeo of, At this wdting, the emergency spending bi\1 has not yet come to a vote, may not for a week Ot" more. The f uture of the NRA is in the laps of t he gods. And all igns say that, when the President's 80cial seeuri ty program comes up for consideration, fi reworks even more spectacular than those of the past wec!k will flare. It looks as if every Senator bas a social security program of bis own, which is at variance Wiith t holle of his colleagues. This is, of courlle, embarrassing to the Administration, whose whole recoV'ery and reform program is at stake. It is embarrall8ing to sincere opponentll of the Administration. who lenow that the voting public is not ~iDg to be swayed }>y the kind of criticism which con. fines itself to t he calling of names. Patriotic Republicans and Demo. crats alike are shakinr their heads sadly and waiting for the Sena" to get back to work in a dignified fashion.




the now.l .' Malibu" by V 4nc:.


opening at the ba rrie r. A stj~ n over \ on his Shou.lders. It was Gato ~omtl It read. "U , S. Nationa.l Park Soun- to deCend his friend Malibu. ReTHE GREAT BUCK LAUGHS. dary Line. Hunting Prohibited. D~ bounding. he wu thro....n to the partment of Interior." gl'ound but the next aeco nd he had SYNOPSIS : Malibu, a deer alld " Well." Bergman said in a low whIrled In a return attack. Gato, a mountaift lion. had been ' voice, "I ~ the dudes can't hit them As Bergman started to run. Gato ,-ai"ed .ogetll er bJ/ Toni M/lrlill, th e~ can t hit nothln'. TheY're su re rushed at him knockln, him d01l"n. 1.'oca4ion fng til /~e Sierra" Wttll tame enough. Those government Now he ",as on top of the guide /In lallallr. The /aUer had wrltdeer'lI come up and eal jpcanulS both of them roiling over and over ·t en a boolc abou' the in/ere!/· out o( tbelr pockets." In the struggle. ling e.rperimell'. Theta Bob Bergman battled trantlcally wltll Dawn wail just breaking as Joe Aldell, « lore8t ratlgel'. w ho f. 'opened the gate of Bergman's cor· Gato, knowing that he wa. tl,btln, (II love 1IIHII Toni , had dl$covral and herded the deer in ,. When CDr hili very lite. Now tbe puml ered Oato'" "tel1-co0l' I'tlld"19 they had ·ftnls hed he and Bugman waa trying to cl'Ush him to tb. actftJi tie' a lid had been ft)rced mOUnled thei r honell.. ground but WIth a strength born (t6 to order tile allimat" It/riled HIgh 'up on a rock Malibu had his desperation. the ,ulde tougbf loo,e. Relltrllltig lu'o ileal'S halted to watch tbe scene t hat was him ott. With another frenZied later, TO,II agail, l inda Gato a'id leking place betore him. Hurrying , burst he threw the lion trom hll1l Mali /tu, TheJ/ !lecome III lJo/ved down he moved along outside Berg· and managed to climb to bill teet "' a lIumber 01 ercillllg a(lvenrnan's' secret corral. Then finding a Stunned ror a moment the pume tan·e". Now. Toul had il'''' relow place In the fence he vaulted lay there while Sera man ran 0". tU?'ned Irom a "wim to Ihld 'hat lightly over. Then Gato leaped up in pursulL Fen!) 800, Ih e Chill e.e co'ok'lI . Joe was just lighting a Cigarette And as Bergman reached the river little "01/ "nel Mali/m' . fa w .. whw , hearing thl! noise h E! looked blut!' Gato again att.acked, .nappln, laave dil/appeared. At "II: mo· back In time 10 see Malibu come at Bergman with his s harp .s8vagll mellt .he two aTe h. the !orellt over the fence, land on tbe ground. u!et,h. . laci'tlg a called rotlJer '''at t., tben turn and look back at the Incb by Inch tbey kept mavin. about to ,trIke. watching dee r, to the edge and end clOSH Bergman scratched hll! head . eame the drIpping Ja'Wl to Bn,' "Say, what do you make ot that ; " man'. neck . Then at the very edS. It was then that Malibu suddenly They watched agll n a s Malibu or the blut!' Bergman managed t. appeared . Coming over the path mingled wllh the herd . This time brlnlf his knees up . harply beneath 'hat the baby and tawn had trav- they seemed to gather his meaning. the puma. At the aame time hi. .. rsed. he had, on sensing danger, With no further urging they to 1- hands grasped Gato's throat with a quickened his pace. lowed him over the lit ockade as he grip of Iron. Now, sa the ratUes sang out tbelr made another flying leap b fore I - Il was a crucial moment for Bel l ' IIOng of death he made a quick. ex- tbem. man . With a kick that bad all pertly timed lunge forwa rd. Hi s "He's stampedlnl;' the herd," Berg- wei ght behind It. he pushed Gat .. (orehocka flew out and trampled ma n suddenly yelled, near.'ly chok· over the edge of the ledge 'Where lie lhe Bnake Inlo the ground with Ing with rage. "It s t hat lilig bUt'l< Cell far below Inlo the river. However. though Ber,man bad deadly violence . A moment more with the white ~addlemnrk ." He And the once viCious r:epUie lay wheeled his horse around precarl- saved his own ski n It hall !lot be .. "

Chapter Three




Farm hight 7aths, March 25 The Obi. $tate University Radio Station- WOSU

8!00 tI :06 :15 0:3 0 B:40 I,) :00

11 :10 :~ :25

9 :35 9 :45


MUlic Some Early-Day Market Report3 ........................... D. E. Elwin ' Home Sweet Home ................................... ........ WOSU Playel Music Progra~ by Auglaize County 4-D Clubs .. .. ,........................... .. ClarenCe D. Brown and Norma Aschbache1 Buyihg Cotton for Clothing ........ ' ............,,, ...... Edna Callaha)'l Mu ie , What Ie Right in my ommunlty ..................... " .... . ,Bruce Tom Me-aning of the Word "Pnl'it.y" in the Farm Act ... J. t Fal~oner Garden Propagation ......................... . ......... ~ .... L . . C. Chad')'t'ick


durability and aquUitedesign

,- the highest ideals in plat~ war~ale ~ed in epoona. forks. and fancy .emng pieces -bearing the

rcaowned trade rod

1841 ROGERS BROS.~~pt


Best of the News Direct ' From the' Ohio State Capitol


1\ere are various makes of saverplated tableware to be "just as gopd," but, like all imitations, they1lack the beauty and wearing__quality identified with the original and genuine" OORPGERS.,'· ~arepopularl.Y kno~a5uSil"erPlatii1iat Wea1'l.·· . Sold by leading dealers everywhere. Send for catalogue .. C-L" showing all designs. BIBB( BRITANNIA to.. (•.,....A::.!!~t"·aoo~ leriIeI, c..

'which are claimed Qalo ,1&001< ""

' 'efT "o"~,, mel

II ca d at Malfbu. aold itl (llfcclio,,'Clte CQre88.

COLUMBUS--A colorful four- marshland ~ro'WeI'l! "ve1"1 acute." paee pamphlet describing the} historic Ohio Sta~ Capitol ' BuiliJCivil service ex.mi~atiol)S fo~ It an,led In deOlt> ously. " I'll pe: 't,..... at the .. ~nu of C.te 'fir hll t . . ing, the cons truction of which was I num.erOul posit iona in the division Jusl then TOni Chilii' ds:\hing Up, Weaving cra."I~ In ar,d out the had not l.roV" fatal aIler all . COIl\o started lIearly a century a'go will of ald for the aged, Department of t.rnthle.. anti dl " hf'\· ,· lh~..t She bouldel·.8 Mu lll.1 5,,(1 r" ~t i-lt'rgnlall Ing to lh. ot tM "'ater h. •• ued this week bU' Sec';'tary p.' ublic Wel.fa!;e., .will be conducted Nat.e:hed VI! . ''' 1111 800 lind IIhook the lalll'1' qUirkly made 10(( I II pur· shook hi. head. then tallllly IIW" , t Oh t II h ilia a lilt Ie. In m l n gt~d l'~proRch sui t, hi ... h ~a l· t ( 111.,1.1 w,ilh r\n In · \0 the .hore and c:lliftbed out. be .... George S. Myera. For In en 10 Cl lea on arc 27" :a . rell.f Then " he law Mllllhu de:!c llb~bl" hat I cd towlll 'd I h~ elu' l Bel'gman . In a .... t ot elllla_' of State ' letltn. tbe bab)! on the liroulld she sl\'e buck. tion . elln t( to the lrouDCI .. If "some time there has been an ever- 28 and 29, i~ 'Was ~nnouneed bll increasing demand by Ohioans and the State Ci~ll Servtee Comm!"i?n ,wined her anne luvllIl:.IY alound I.CEl"ln!!! h~ ~lI l' ltcl of th bout· i would hllve liked to II. fof' many out-of-state visitors for a Th~ te8ta 'WIll be given at ClDCtn- 1M deer'. neck . "Gee J VI!- 1111 ,,"vd I lJer~ Malibu gk lPI' <I thn,'ul:h n ~ " nl l'ver. , . publlc:ation of tbis type. Oopies natl, Cleveland,! Columbus, Dayt?n ""u." .he .. Id a httle t"a l'full)" ! low d 1,'aOl to the o\hl' " slLl c 1::,'1". I Eut Malibu, rUUn, near the cay, may be o»>tained by calling at the ~O, Cambnd(e, C~.MGft,;-{>htJH-I-Wlttlt_-Ia.t aftectlonate hu /: she t lIlun IJI'0n~ I>tIY $»I)I'll'd hl$ h", ,<I' had 1 ()~Dlhe d his Itren,th. Hearln, otJ\c, or writing to tile Secretary coth.e, Lima !lnd ,M ansfield. Detail. ·._k Feng Soo and the fU\\, ll an~1 a fter him UUL l'ol ll ilbu hut! .'I,leled t he l'aYIlj;e aounda of battle he came of State The Ohio- Capitol wbich ' ed mfonnatiou ma.y 'be obtained ,,.ft. a cove Blld U ' ll,; lIIllll UII(j ' I ' the ,'unillng Ihrough the 'Wood, In tbel, is of Gr~cia'n architectUral 'design, ~rQIJl the Civil Service Commission And now the open ' s~tu.!On hart tu slv.e I) ptlon thll t h~ ~!lW thl' hUCk : dll ectiO Il . . · .is noted for its beeuty. The marble In Columbus or. from any county .larted and was well Ulldcl' way. I'ode orr Ilt full epce,!. Con~~I,:"d I And Betgman·. tace .c ontorte4 it· audl. I'd t Ral h W Hlgb up In his Lookout Tower 1Iob in the cllve Malibu wll tchl'd hjm 3el t , In horror lor the "et time .. ftoor ot the rotunda \8 said to be ""rt accQ. tn&' 0 P • Alden flfllered the State Flsh ' and ride pas t t he l'11\\'nnco? ~l(\hbu , not slackenin, btl pace a, the i01l11 olle of ita .k ind in ..:ldat- E~mons, cht.U'Dl8n of the com- Came Law Commission chart. It It W IIS the n hl' laughed: al\ came full heed on, ble antle,.. ence, and It haa attracted artists mUllion. .hlte spaces 'lndlcat4)d that Just two Spl'eadl ng hiS. mouth EI mllllc:iou& c~l!s hins agai nst the baple.. ~Id.. and architects f r 9m. all parts of oI1&)'e of the current deer season reo ~I' in iIIumi!,~d hl~ whole rllce a~ he O\'~r the ledge Bergman . went. ble the ."orld. The bulldln't of Ohio The c1osin.. of a number of _alned. . rea liz d how he had tlicked hi,; 1 bDdy strik ing 10m,' ot the under, d lIb • enemy. ' cIlIYl!. then . hitting the water . .. limeatone, 'Was erecte arce Y y Ohio schools al the re8ult of the A e~dden shrlll whistle dre,:" AI· But Bergman W ll$ not so e3slly dl ~appea r il d under the surface. , prilon labor at a COllt of approxi- prevalence of scarlet fever in .en to Thl • wlnod w. ~~I~I~d shaken off, for as Mollbu wa rily Malibu IQoked do""n from the ell" mately ,1,500,000. The atructure many localitie. prompted the St.te eown at onlatan d Ing l'nea 1 m. poked J.!is ,heud out ot tbe entrancp .ror ~ . moment until tbe water waa belUn in 1838, and 'Wu com- Department of He.lth t() i..ue At that lniOtaM a shot rll;ng ~ ut of the ea,'e Bergman I()o~cd , One 1 rlpp l'll! bs d s ubsided and Ber,maa pleted twenty-three fears later; another reQuelt that ~e schools be ,TOIn the nearby woods. TOni whll·l· glance sufllccd. He shot aftH I\II'Il was .ee n no more. kept open. "Experience of many :d In frlgbt. Then there was an· ful'lously, his mL!rdcmos Intent "Hello," Toni beame!! at Ald.a years," the departmellt announc:ed, . olher and etlll another. With n bit· blinding 'hl m to the form ot GaLo over the side Df the .Ielgh. In ~h. 7'r little ery of 'dl.9tress she put her who lay lIeal'by on a , rocky moun· last few weeks .he and Bob ha4 A ' COlltrolled irrigation IYlltem "ha. t aught pubUe health OlllctlllS' "n,era to her ears to Shut out the taJ n ledge watching th e chase with "pent !llmQ8t 'every minute to,etber il the on17 iolution to the lack Of that schoole ebould 'be kept In.... bateful .oundl. $Ombc\' heavy·lld ded eye's. t~at he was not on duty. moisture problemll lacin&' the Ilion in timell of epidemic in order At th.l . Alden burried tro m the In fun tlight now Mallbll fl ew on. "You're juetthe penon I wu. onion and .eele-ry powers and that pupils may be under c:IOH pro wlndo'W, dropped down the ladder down Il steep slope and on to a 1000kl~g tor." Alden ..Id . "I've goot e truck gardene in Ohio'a larle fesaional lu"eillance. , Clollng and went to her. log that projected Into midstream. s urprise ror you. Come on end ,el .a1'lhland dilltrict, it wu asserted IIchool. i.e eeonomieally "f\'uteful "l!:verytlme I hear-a shot I'm sure Jumping from It, he swam acl'o:5.ll. out. nl hO\le to .how It to :rOll. by David C. Warner, executive and uluaUy hae no influence 011 the someone'. killed Malibu " she al. two of Bergma.n ·s missiles hiUing h 's over here." ' dangerously cl08~ to him . 1'onl promptly hopped out. Then lecretary ()f tbe State Water Con couree of all outbreek. Not pnly ill 0I0.t sobbed iU ' . Ber$man rode away at full llpeed,' ShE found heraelf ' facln, a tree . • serv'a tion bGard alld the state'. b eglllnnl(1' nesa detec:ted more 'She Ihook her head helplessly. planning to cut the deer orr on the which carried a .ten readln,. "The foremolt authority on water con- readily by daily . Inspection of· the lben turned a~.y mlst"rably un- other .lide. Bu t he had overlooked BouJ\dary Line of the National For· .."atioD. GrOWilf'1 .in the celer), pupUs at the sc:hooll, but the mUd ,nappy. the spent condition of his ' hors!!. (Ost Preserve. hu ~n extended tor marehland tracts at 'Celeryville, unreported cueB that h ••e had In one of tbe 'hlckly wooded sec- Sudd enly. it stumbled . tbrowing a n:rty ·mlle radlul In, every dlracNorwalk, have .uked the assillt no medical care ma, thul be dona of the torest Bergman and him to the g l'ound. A m~lme"'t later. tlon No Hunting. U. 8. Depart. ance of tf WaJ'1Jer in workinl' out and tb& pupils lent home and Pllt Jo. were escottlng a small party of it was disa ppearing Inllo the di s· ment or the lnterior." tluntera from a nearby city. As lance . Limping . along Bergman "It', e life ~D.lurence policy for IODleplall 'Wbereb, tIIeir crops under proper l'eIitrietlODa." party broke out Into a !tttle clear· stopped hopefully at ucll III1,ht your' .pals." Aiden .ald, watching the have autJ\c:lreut moisture to mature In, the men looked about with nolae. Then. through a. q,ueh he S8 W l oft glow that lit up her face. properly in exceptionally dl'1 ....dy ~n. only to find It devoid Mallbu·s. head. Taking ~: B'f'trul ai m She beat her henda to,.ther tic· ..uonl tuch as they have .nc:ountNearly ',000 farmen 'ln north· of aar klDd ot animal IIle . be ' tired .statically "Oh, It. wonderful." ned In the lut five fears. The Ohio will benelt to the utellt Itow a tew or them spoke up. But Malibu wa. away a,aln stop' Tear. of joy etoo4 In her .yee. Aa 'Ohlo marahlandl m the mad era of of approxim\tely '850,OOG "ithln openl), reMntful ot Bergman's fell- ping for a secolJd to lick the b!ooJ) they moved a'Way ahe noticed a cHtch.cUalll&' were drained to the the nen elx weeD 'When the initial UTe to lead them to . some good s pot on hlB nank when. Berlman'~ nock or wild lee.. ftyln, b)' In Jlmlt and 1'1'0"" find now that paJDIents are mad. ba the state'. IIlIltUn,. lut bullet bad grued him, weda.-shepad forma.Uon. "Dlei )'OU . .ram an' e 'ace ·dlllOped . "Come Over tn. rocky llround Ber"man ever eee any thin, eo 10\'8ly1" eb. the underp'OlId water table h4a ftrat aucar b ..t crqp control OIl let e try tilia next patch." walked . Approachina e larle rock exclallllecl rapturouel)'. faUn to aD eate'4t "here crop' are eram, accordilll to mahariDa' with tile .....tat dlflcul- A.. SUpher. the AAA adllllbtliatlra-I • few hour. later he fllced hie be decided too rest for a moment to "Nfl1Jtr ." Alden'e ey.e ..,.tH Oft .. tb.y reeted under a tree. renew hI» exhausted energy . each heautlful feature of ber face t7. Tn eel.,. aiowen at CelU7' to&' at Obio State university. The allallte "Now ,ents," he eald eraftlly. "I But Malibu - II 1l0W approaohlna In turn. Then hit took ber In III, un M au IlIht-acre co.tnl .ttempt .. pdmarUy 1Ia" a propoaltlon. TomOrrow I'll a ehelterln, cave In the reek. He arm. and klued ~er Ioftl' and lab tor watw ,..tlon rath." tbaa • III'OJI take )'011 10 a .peCl4' place 'Where sprang up to the . Ide of a boulder lound ly. proplilid .... Is • IMp 1Ir. ,... doIl't- pt • buck eplece It'l to enter tile cavern but 'Weak and Tbelr only 'Wttn_ ftre lIallbu 70Ur fault DOt mlDe. I live you Spellt by the bullet wound fell bac:k a ...d Oa,• • who . . ,chad tbIID hat.,.. cllnetloa," tIr. "... ...that til. ...,." • .,... ., will .,. 1_ .... 041..,. no ,.,. How'e '-apl....' . eetedl)' hoM 1018. ........, ~ ......, able to '-It.v. M. .)'.. c...... Quo ,book biB ..... at ...... 1a'Natloa. '-... --Be......... Ieed 11'- rifle . wu 1M "nIe" ..... In aD . .... ..,... Ire .... _n ter t ....... eaI'8III UNr ..wad lert, at



















tiE , ••• a' E.",aEI

' .. name it



"'"' "'_/ree EYERY

....Ie, II1itla The SundAly Enquirer '

ex~t to

OU'D pay a . . . Y deal for a lDII8adae Wlhia, packed with fl ....·I'UD fad aDd fieaion. But Dol one eJrtn penny will you pay (or ....,.





qulrer'a great new DIal....... ()op't mise It. See your .... new. dealer. order JOUI' . . "

right away.

And that'. not aU ••• .4. really im",..,." .c oMIc .... dOlI ••• 4 -.or. ".,.. -I eomlc.. .4I.o Jr- ...... ...

.... ... ,...S....., ... ,.............

.................. ... .....



........ wIIII ...... ....... ~



'or Th.

11 ..1 GaaeUe

v.,.b..... GJenn Davis and family and G orre W. Oavb attenck!d a birth· day dinner at the home or E. C. Mannon and family near Wllmlng ton la8t Sunday. James Head and family of Ote, gonia and Charley Kibler aud daughter of Green. Briar attended church hore la~t unday e~ning. Several from a diatanee attend. ed the funeral ot RUBsel J. Murray at the church here, last MOil day aCterno9n. _ ••_ __

Beech Grove Two <Ii" ~v\lr Dl'ellh Grove Corre lifl' long friend.8 have i!'0lll' t tl the ~t'ent Iwya nd tIl tl.'ap thllir l' l'\\lll' d in ' Hl'RVen. Thomas s p "n dcnt' ~

R. Spl.'llcer \I bo dil't1 10 t "eek at hi;: new home in olumbus, Ohio, and Ru '~l .J. lul'J·uy. \, ho died on Fridny ev(:ning at his home here. It will b.. rememb l'ed by older citize ns that T homa Spencer wall 8 I' ident of Oregortill., and was


th~ founder of Brldg-e Works.

~.!":"'F.""' ''' 1I"'oJ',;;" .:...~


Wayneavi\l., Ohio

tbe Oregonia Miss HlI 7.el Hichal'dso'n of Oreg on in is the- glle~t of ber uncle, P. G Wells and fam!ly here. I L onard A-~ oo~e and iamil~ and .Ie!! e Jenkms were Thursday morning gue ts of Henry Moore and fa mily. Thoma Ricb Bnd wife, Otis Rich K . E. Thompson, Forellt Tlbbal , Kathleen Tbompson, and Wilson Harvey a nd family were among tho e who attended cottage prayer meeting at the home of J . D. Smith and family in Oregonia last Thursday evening. Don't forget the operetta "Tune In" on Friday vening, M!,rch 22, a t 8 o'clock at the gym In Har-

Baby Chick. - Get Our Price. cu.tom Hatc:hinl,


per . , .

Oster'. Hatchery

Yellow SPl'lDI., O.

PhoD. ZZ4

" til \lIe II.ld d.y. t \load 10 .,... &lie ; ..- - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _.;....: COlI1IIl, Df WillieI'. J w. . . ~



h.1r .U..-tryl,.. .. worll "IU. Dt1 bod1 .chln, .lId aury DG'ft .bO,,~


a friend 1014 ma 11,,"-' . . . . . 00cI 1.1. . ott Tablel8 ~U\ UMar ~


"II8I1)\rI, A and n. I .t.rtecl 10 \aU UMa aYe ]'ell" .... .Dd 1 baYft', ~ a ..w .til". Lha' 1111>.. , ""'cOon taIIl... put lit. ... to_I b"lId up rHlat~e4 eo IInyoD. call laqla M cold *erml. 'fte, lIlako ....11. tJUD:n, people ,trolll , 1~.4Y·Mrn4 &I1d "IaDroWl. Tbq'_



pn" ....


004 u ..~ 011

TIIbleq If0111 10ut dl'UC1:'-tt 1oIS1I,. DoD" .... to. _ _ oll1ll1lt&Uooa MIl IK 1IO<lo1'''



...... Sujta, SSe Ladie.' Dr....., 70c

• Oll<i.'fl11l"





Quick-for qualit,. tlr,.cl •• DiD,

Announcing Openin. of Th. Little Inn

Sandwich Shop A.t the Interaection of State Route. 42 and 73

a..... B. McClure


ST. MARY'S CHURCH Rev. J. J. Schaeffer, Rector Tbird Sunday in Lent, March 24, church school at 9 :30; Morn· ing hayer and sermon at 10:80. Mr. Hackwell, ot Cincinnati, of· ficiating. '







• •

Lumber for ,Every Purpose

• •

Material For, Your Roofs



Red Ced.a r Shingles' Mule Hide Shingles Channel Drain R~o6ng Roll Roofing Brick Columbia Cement Plaster ,Lime PiaIter Board

Wall Board

._11_ _


. , .... _ 1


W. aoIicit the patron ale of old cu••omara \,

Mrs. Bert Spahr, of Xenia, and Mrs. Jennie Peterson, or Spring Valley, were llIeBta 'Of Mrs, AnDa Cadwallader, Mra. Ella Babb and Mia. Clara Lile on Thursday. , lin.. Howell Pierce, Mrs. L. M. Hendenon aDd Millf Mame Brown were bo.lneae viaiton in Da)'ton ~hursda,. · . Mrs. Ada Jenkins was in Wil. mington on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Clyburn, of Washington, C. H. called on Mn. Ella Bal>b, MrS. Anna Cad. wallader and Miss Clara Lile on Sunday. Mt'5. Harry Settlemyer. ' of Sprinl' Hill, spent the ~k-eDd with her mother, Mrs. Frances Nickleaon. , Mrs. Margaret Vartil'l enjoyed a visit with her son, Mr. Erneat Martin and Mrs. Martin In Dayton on Thursday. Miss Ruth Cb~lndler, of Cedar. ville, spent Saturday and Sunda, with ,Home friendl. , Mrs. C. N. Berryhtn and lIi.1 Clara Berryhill called on MiaM!ll Annie and Marne Brown Saturday afternoon. ' ~rB. Mal'ia Elbon was a guest, Tuesday, of ~he family at the Fri~nds' Home. Mra. Howell Pieree anel Ion. Mr. RaFJllond Plere& spent Tuesaay with relativea at Selma. ' Mrs. ~ura McKinleY, Ethel Mendenhall and FrI~da Sarvey .njoyed "One ~or. Sprilll'," In Dayton, Tuelday.

Mt. HOlly

All of the above ' material can be found iD our yard ever, day in the year at moderate priceL and friendL





The ideal radio would be one which blew a tube every time the broadcBster lied about th pro. duet he was advertillillg.

----_ ..---




Harveysburg Don't forget the operetta "Tune In" Friday night, March 22 at the school gYJI.I . The food sale given by the Jonah's Run Baptist church last Saturday morning was well attend ed. The Masonic lodge held their inspection last Saturday evening with an attendance of one hundred twenty five or more visitors trom neighboring places and the members froin this lodge. Dinner was served to all pr~eding the work. Many from here attended the funeral of R. J. Murray Monday afternoon at the Beech Grove church. Burial was at Leesburg. The many friends of Mrs. Etta Jordan wiD be very sorry to hear of her very serious Ulneu at her home neat here . Rev. Williams, of Spring Valley but formerly of here, preached at the Methodist church Sunday evening. Mrs. C. G. Randall and daughter ~isa Helen were shoppers in Wilmington Monday evening. The Eastern Star LQdge of this place will hold their inspection on next Wednellday evening, March 27. Dinner will be aerved by the Ladles Aid. Mr. and Vr8. G. M. MacDonald apent Sunday with W. C. Kersey

lor '

Fairmont Ice Cream, Cold Drink., Candy and Cigar. I 611 any special Ice Cream order. for any occa.ion at very rea.onable price. Sincerely

"Eve" Everhart


W'YllenilJe, Ohio


I,~========================~ •

The Code Is Nothing New Members of th e luneral service profeulon now functiOn under a 1 igid Code of Fair Practices let up by the NRA. Thi~ Cod~ defines ethical buaine.. conduct and carefully prescribes the service that we must provide. We' live up to every letter 01 the Code. knowing that thereby we further recovery and imprOVe business relations throughout the country. But the importsnt thing to note is that we bav,not found Jt neceuaTY to change allY of our tormer polll!ies to meet Code requirements. For us tbe Code is nothing new; we have functioned under a personal Code of our own for yean and have throughout our career streSlled honellt and jUlt busine s relations in an our dealinp. We. will always give clients the best servit;e pouible at a cost they can atford, a policy that has been responsib Ie for our present suc(!ess.


Late Classified Ads• ;;;:

FOR SALE-Frl...tdaire, lize 6. ., Good as new. Cbeap. George Hel;lOOrlOn. *m21 FOR SALE-Power lift Superior, 16 hoed grain drill, fertilizer & seeding 4ttachment. Emerson Sainclair, Boxanna, *a4

.I. E • MeClure Pboae,


Mr. and Mrs, Hiley GiblOD aDd children and Minnie Crawford were Sunday dinner 'l'Uellta of ,Mr. and Mr!l. William Gruber and 80n Mrs. Herbert Marlatt WM · a l.Cenia Shopp~r SaturCiay. Mr. and Mrs. Cla:r:ence Crawford apent Saturday afternoon wltb 111' Biley GibBon and family. Mrs. Lotta Kiefauver Wla a Dayton shopper Tueaday• Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Earnhart and IOn Alton spent TII4IIdq with Mr. Jl)d lin. Ernelt Earnhart and 'children. Mr. and Mn. Elm Micha.l aDd daughter Dorothy bad a welDer rout at tbelr home Friday evefting. Those preHllt were .r. aad Mn. W••terman and dauclaten, Mr. alld Mra. BaJIDond Luc... lin Ilium. Marlatt anel lOa EdJI)oD, Mra. Doroth7 Jtellia and cldldnn, aWy, .Joan aDd EniD, lin. Bol. ad Weaver, lin. Earnbart aDd claildren ' Bobert aDd Eraeattne, lira. 8IIlitla and


~1_lIr...,_ .

i15J ..~


w••1e win be OPPORTUNITY WEEK It this sto~.

By spedal al'l'8IlPment with b manufacturers of Copper-Clad Ranees, we are able to offer tile beautiful eiaht piece enamel kitchen set, here illustrated, , toe everyone purchasing a , Copper-Clad Range next week. Even if no premium were offered, you would be gettina a wonderful value in ..leetins the Copper-Clad Rente for your home, but in order to make this • real ~»pportuDitJ week, the blaDufacturenl of Copper.Clad :aanges have authorized us' to offer this beautiful gift, lhaolutely &eeWith 'any model of Copp'~r-C~ad Range that you, may select.

Here is your ppportunity to get a $10.90 enam~~l kitchen set-tlbllolutely freewith no other requirement th~ that you buy your Copper-Clad Range next week. Come in and see this beautiful ' Gift Clln display in ~ur store.

o. •


Home News

._ ..---



Russell J. Murray, 76, died at hi. home near Ore(!ronia, Friday, March 15, 10Llo\llling an extended iIIneu. He is lIurl1ved by his widbw, Ruth, and ~Ieveral nieces and nephews. Funeral eervices were held at Beech Grove church, Monday and burial Wall at Leesbtlrg.


cblcken tupper at Lytle Han next and family of OrlllOnia. Special mualc and a prolNIIS haft Saturday eveniac. WiD allO bave The P. T. A. ia giving a baaket been arranwed tor later in the • procram. Come and brinJ your supper for the basket ball boya eveninlf. family. and girl!! this Wednesday evening An epidt'mic of II'rip II ems to ~=====~ have struck this vicinity. Sqme oi too victJms are: Mr. and Mrs. A. C ~~------_ _ _ _ _ _ .. Thompson, Mr8. Allen Hole, Mrs. Ask for a Harvey Burnet, Mrs. Allen Miamiabur, Permanent Emrick and Mt'5. Guy Routzahn. Miss Neme Hiatt and Mr. Concrete Bim of OTeronia were married Air Seal Burial Vault at the M. E. parsonage In Waynes X'RAY WORK ville Saturday evening. For Sale only by BLOC ANESTHESIA Mrs. Harry Burnett was taken to Miami Valley hospital SaturAll Killtl. of D_tu". Macl.e Your Funeral Director day and underwent a major opera Repair Work DOlle ' Qulckl, tion Monday. Nurses report that she is doing as well as can be exMcClure Funeral Home pected at this writing, Wednesday Phone 7 morning, and had a fairly good ,Main St. WAYNESVILLE, O. night last night. Mrs. Ina Long• acre is carin,g for her baby and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thomas have the little girls.



Mr. and Mrs. Wmiam Brooks are announcing the birth of a ST. AUCUSTINE CHURCH daughter, FrIday, March 16, at the Blair hospital, l,ebanon. , Father Newtol'l, Palltor Mr. Orin Chaney, of near Hal" Mass at St. AU&'IItine'1I Chureh veysburg, now has teharge of the second and fourtb Sunday Wallace grocery hel'e. Mr. and Mrs. W .. F. Clark of f the month. Waynesville. spent 1~hursday with Mrs. Mary Ca,rmonY'. A YNESVILLE CHURCH OF Mr. and Mrs. Harvj!y Burnet and CHRIST Mrs. Margaret Johu spent ,Frid$Y in Dayton. ' Carl Smith, lIinuter number from :nere A Church school at 9:80 a. m., Mrs. Josie Graham's sale o\l~end~d at Way. Supper at coneluslon. Chris tian Endeavor at 6 :80 p . m., evan. nesville Saturday a:tternoon. MT. and Mrs. Hnold Whitaker gelistic service at 7 130 p. m. entertained a number of friends at cards, Friday ,e vening. FRIENDS MEET INC Miu Helen Early and Mr •• Alice First-day School at 9 :80 •• m. Clark were Dayton vialton, Monfor Wonblp at 10 :80 day. Mrs. Ada Chenoweth, of Centerm. ville, spent Monday and Tuesday with, f!1rs. Belle ScoU and family. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Mr. and Mrs. Wm!am Coleman, ot Wellman, were calIling on Lytle Carl Smith, lIinuter friends Friday. Unified services beginning with Mn. Margaret Jol~ns spent Sun church ,school at 9:80 a. m. day night and Monday with Mrs sel'Vice ·at 10 :SO a. ' m. Allen Emrick. Mn. Ruth Savage who hai been AYNESVILLE II. E. CHURCH nursing Mrs. Ella Elaine. at Centerville; is now stllying at her Rev. G. C. Dibert, Putor home here. Sunday: Sunday school at 9 :30 Friends here are ISOn')' to leam a. m. Morning wonhip at 10:30. of the iIInfll8 of Mt'5. Rilla Burnett Tile .subject of the morning at the home ()f ber IlOn-in·law and sermon will b~, "Three Divine daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wade, of Yankee R!)ad. Queations from The Three Fold Mr. and Mrs. Ed'wln Nutt and God." Epworth Le..-ue at 6:80 p. daughter, MilS Almal of near Cenm. At 7 :30 p. , m. the. High school terville were entertained to dinner girls will have cbarge of the , _ at the home of .r. and music and will render special Sunday ' selectionB. Ill'll. Therle Jonell. Monday: The otJIcial board will Mrs, John Hayne:rreturned to her home at WestviUe, Friday meet at 7 :30 p. m. after apencfing last week with he: Wednesday: Bible study and niece, Mrs. Harvey Burnet and prayer meeting at 7 :30 p. m. family. - - - - - ••- - The Ladies Aid will bave a

t-,.--J: . . - -,

SOme of The Things i We Sell

PIIee Crawford Lewl. and MlDnle. Mn. S. R. Frt!e ter Sharma, 'Mrs. and Mlu Clara Thursday with Mr. Marlatt. Mr. Emer on Dill sl*nt Flrday night in Dllyton wi1'h Mr. Carl ourtney.

, 8 PIECE ENAMEL KITCHEN SET Triple-coated, heavy two-tone enamelware consIaiiDI 01: 1~ qt. tea kettle. No. If dish Pan. 8 qt. convex IE.... with Cover, 3 qt. double boiler with inset and lid, 12 cup perllolator, " cat. sauce, pan, S qt. sauce pan, 2\\ qt. lallCe' pan. Each pl• •~ heavy, blg~t quallty. R1!lTAIL VALUB •


$10 00 '

COPPER;.CLAD RANGES New Model•• Bclutiful Color Coftd,inetion. Yotican get a Copper-Clad Ranp to lult fOUl' particular needs - at a Rriee you can afford to pay. No ~tter whicb model you_t.ct. you will get a tremendoUi . value. Come III Bild let ,us tell you all about the many u~ , !live, convenient and p.-actical wblch make the Copper-Clad the flDest ranp that , money can buy.


After you Bee tbe Copper-Clad aad have bad all of ita ~coaatructlOD features .......

J:........ _UUfUl

to you, you will realize. what • .atisf.ctioa it will be, to hMe range lDItalled u the ~'PrIde tal your Xl....." Truly, the Copper-Clad ia . . . JW 1!Bl~ with pleuun, aad show to J'OUI' .frIeDIII -



Eighty-Seventh Year


MAY 11 .,S DAlE Stated communication of Way- COUNTY DEMOCRATS IMPORTS OF GRAIN ]1'. &. nesville Lodge No. A three act corned)" entitled M. Tue day vening. April 9. TO OUST ·_UG FOR ANNUAL are' Visiting and ojouthlng brethren TRY "Look Out LiZzie" will ba Jlven at SET CALLED INSIGNifiCANT Lytle Saturday e\'ening, weI com . April at 8 o'clock fo" benefit E. C. Crane, W. M. of the Lytle Ladies Ald. There GRADUATION AS COMMIITEE HEAD v. M. Armitage,'y. R 11 E S 'TO OFFSET SHORTAGE will be good music both instru--MASON IC NOTICE




'W hole Number 6164



FARM ·MACHIMERY IS Warren county farmers will this on AAA MADE EXEMPT FROM week receive reduction contracts. $100,O()O

Distribution of th money i to be made Friday and Saturday, it is announc d by County Agent Lester J . Miller. mental and vocal. The money is to be distl'ibuted Will Save Ohio Farmer. $400,000 FHu.Dc:i-1 CoDelltioM Di.cuaaed By EASTERN STAR Mall a.lue. Statelllont All Import. Durinr WiD_ Wo .... Admi sion 16c fOT adults and on hog reduction contracts st 2 Local Board of Tbi. Year It Ie for children from 6 to 12 10c S.,.illr He h Still Not Offeet Ona Por Cent per head, it is stated. The installEducation years of age. Mianli Chapter No. 10";1 O. E. S Said ment is the third anti final payOf Proud!. Dam... regular session Monwill meet ment on the 1934 com-hog Con The date for the annual eom· day evening, April 8, alt 7 t30.. tracts, Miller said. Ohio farmers will save about Who is the democratic "boM" Although imports of feed grains men.cement of Wayne township Visiting members welcome. ----.~ .... of Warren county? $400,00.0 this }lear on their purMary Earnhart, W. M. i~to the United States have been h.l gh schools was set for Friday, This is the question local DemoMinnie Froml)'l, Soc'y. chases of farm m~~hinery, follow laraer In recent months than lor May 17, at the regular monthly crats are asking ,each other this ~ ing enactmonl by the legislatu1'e several years, total In'-shipments meeting of the school board last w~k following a meeting of the Monday night. Jf House Bill 121, which cla!sito date ate relatively small and Discussion of 6nancial condi· eX c).Jtive committee Saturday fie tillers of the soil as manufactnight in Lebanon, when S. M. almost insignificant when compartiona and the conclusion of the urers, automatically exempting Masg, of F'o ters, was removed as ed with home production and connine months term were also dillchairman of the group by a vote fat'm machinery from the retail aumptlon, aecordi,ng to figures re... - - cussed at the sesBion. of five to one. Jales tax. The bill, pressed by the lealed by the depa~Dt of Mrl. W. R. Allen was in Cin. Condition of the fumace at the grade buildin ... also received atten It is understood that six of the ~=============--- Ohio Farm BUN!8u, was signed Cinnatl· WAdnAsda" rural economicl at the Ohio State ' ~ c ... .. .. tion by the board with consideraseven mem~rs of the committee Mr. and M~6. Clifford Buzick Wednesday by the governor. University. Mr. and Mr•. J. W. Coleman tion :for replacement in the near were present at this meeting. spent Monday in Sidney. " Under the original sales tax These imports .of feed · aTains spent the week-end in CinCinnati. future. Jol)n Bigler, of Franklin, WM Mr. and Mrs. V~tnon Mllinou8 bill, ~enefit!l ot exemption were have had a nelrligible eft'ect in The installation of the n VI selected to succeed hil'\1. Maag remeeting the shortage . caulled pdMI:. and Mrs, Leonard Tinney furnaCe which was made in the Too great 11 r Iiance em the so mains . as chairman of the central were Dayton visitors, Monday. .xtended to industrial manufa.ctmtuilyby drouth, acoo1;ding to the IIpent the week·end in Oincinnati. gymnasium, with an eleettic called right-oi·way l,aw &lads a committee however. The Fosters Born-to Mr. and 1\Irll. Walter urers on equipment pUl'Chase5. blower, was also approved. [ ... . de.partment. All feed erain im~ ports during the put winter Mrs. Cordia Truax wal a Plans for the next school year grest many motorIsts mto drlVmg man was said to have been Roberts, Sunday, March 81, a ~o n The Ohio Farm Bureau held that charged with failure to cooperate would not /iubstitute for business vititor in Dayton. Mon- were briefty discussed and billa difficulties and o.ften-timEisseriouH with other members of the comfarm machinery is also an instruMrs. J. Quincy Gons and Mrs. ment for produetion of commodione per cent of the dama,e eau~ day. were preaented, approved and accidents. . mittee. John B. Gons w r in Dayton ordered paid. A large. number of traffic ae· ed to feed crain cropi by drouth. tie for resale, and as such should CombllKld importll of corn, durFor Paper Hanaing and Paint____ • - cident reports analvzed by .the Political observers in the county Monday. be exempted from the tax. Failure ing 193& and the first few months ing call Fred Everhart, phone ., interpret t~ fight to be a petsonal For paper Hanging and Paint. ot the legislature to correct this of 1986, ihe department ltatell, 108R3. • Ohio Department of Hlghways one between Maag and Bigler were lelll than three-tenths of one Misa Sallie Russell, of Xenia, • Ilhow that many accldlents are over the distribution of patronage iRg call Fred Everhart, phonl\ discrimination ied the · farm l)er cent of a norma) eorn crop, wa,B a din1ler gueat at the Friends' ' caused by, drivers failillfl: to yield in the county, some hinting that 108R3. bureau to file a suit in the Frankand le88 than 6\(e·tentbs of one Home Tuesday. the right.ol-way. the trouble might be in the WayMr. Renry Fox, of Miamhburg lin County common pleas court, per c.e nt of th,e ahort, drouth.Ilesville po toffice matter, while hurt crop of 1984. . Mr. J. V. Hartsock was a recent Ask the 'average driver what other believe it· centers in . the called on his aunt, Mr~. Sarah challenging the discrimination in Imports of corn in this period guest of Mr. and Mre. Tom Carr, motor vehicle has the right·of- highway department in Lebanon. Murray, Saturday evening. the bill. The Buit will not be totaled 7,600,000 bUlhels. This of Cincinnati. .a,OOo to ISO.OOO Applicati!olu Aro way at an intersection and he where certain changes are sought Mis Margaret Rogers who ha pressed, officials said, now that the corn l. used primarily tor feed sup N_ ID Tllo H• • of will promptly say, "The Clar on the by Democrau. been employed in Dayton, has re- neW law has righted the evil. pUe. for. poultry flocks and dairy Mr. and Mrs. Lee Morris, of t.-l Co.... right." He is correct as 'far as he In fa~ of the action taken by turned to her home here . In an average year, it is eatlDayton, were Sunda, ~elts ,of _____ goes, but he doesn't go f~ir enough the commitee Maag refu.8es to reo b.,rda in coutal atatea. m/lted that farm equipment 8ales Mrs. Margaret Dumford. of in Ohio run from 12 to 16 million Oatil imports since January 1, M11I. Amanda Mamtt. With the announcement that The law really SAll_, in etf~t, linqulsh hi!! power so eaaily. This 1934 totaled 10,000,000 bushels MI'. and Mra. Carl Haw~e, of local committeemen may accept tbat the car on the right has the ",as demonstrated when he' issued Youngstown, spent Monday with dollars. This means a sales talC compared with an annual average Payton, spent Sunday with Mr. no more application I for 1936 right-ot·way PROV.DED IT a statement in which he emphatlc- Mr•. atld Mrl. Carman Crane. savings to farmen of ,360,000 to of 916,000 busltels. Thil volume and Mrs. J. C. Hawke. corn-hog AAA contracts after ENTERS THE INTERSECTION ally tated that he was stUl chairMr. and Mrs. E. J. Burton, of $450,000. At present prices, a of imported oats represents about I April 1, Leiter J. Miller, County FIRST. However, if the ear on \JIan of th~ Warren 'county D mo· E~a, are spending the spring saving of $26 will be eff4!'Cted on Mr. Fred WU.on, of near Selma Agent, ata~ that 900 appJiea- the !eft hap~ens to be tirst into , cratic executive committee. and va.cation with . relatives here. nine-tenths of one per cent of the > an avenge farm tractor, and annua1 average domeltio produc- wu a guest ot Mr. and Mrs. tions had been Ilgned in Warren the .mtersectlOn, lhe ca:r on · the that any meetings called In the $7.50 on a grain binder. tion. . Howell Plerce on Friday. county up to Mareh 26. rIght must yield the right-ot-way. future by anyone other than himAdditional clarifications in the Mrs. Josie Graham is spending The mOlt apparent increase in • By March 21 about 860,000 apThe driver who may have the sell would be irregular. several days with Mr. and Mrs. bill resulted in deftnlne both grain inshipments Is reported ,for Mr. and Mrs. Charles James plications for contract. had been right-of-way, Highway Director Just what the present statUI of Harold Whitaker and children. farmers and horticulturiats as -'h t N orma II y, .th e ~ d ...... art men t and family apent Sundav' with reporte d f rom Ieading corn·h o&' J 0h1l J asLtU, .. ~- J r., •,yams, must no t Ith e county committee is, continuea " ea. manufacturers and . processors, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Ridge, of and as such exempted them from states, the United Statea produces friends in Miamisburg. states to Waehio&'ton. become careles and expillct others to be a matter of speculation and all kin"'s of wheat in exceBS of Miss Ruth Chandler, of Cedar. An estimate of tbe progress of to keep . out of his ~ay. In this local Democrats are ve.r y ' ~uch Cincinnati, were guestS of ,Mr. paying a tax On goods u"d in pro domeatic demanda; however in the ville, spellt Sunday with her tbe sign·up in Ohio was received connectIon, !ltop slgnll erected "up in the air" as ~o the future. and Mrs. O. M. Ridge on Sunday. duction. Specific exemption of II cond half 01 1934 almost 8, aunt, Miss Raehel Pettit. today by Mr. Miller fl:om John W. ~y the .Highway Department at However, with 10 candidates Mr. and Mrs. Bedford Stricklin feeds, seed., lime and fertilizer Wuichet, state agent in charge of mter ectlons shoulc;l always be having taken the recent examina- of Middletown, were guestl! of -Mr wa. ineluded in the orilrlnal bill. 000,000 bushels of whl!at was Imported. Mrs. Ira Rleh, Mrs. Gilbert the corn.hog proarram. obeyed whether the d'river ape tion :for the Waynesville postoftice and Mt's. Robert Baker, Friday Under the farm bureau'a insistOn~tbird of this volume was Frye and)l~ Reba Braddock He said that 48,000 to 60,000 proaehe from the right or left. vacancy, loc:al observers recognize evening. ence this was amplified include application. are now in the hands Highway signs, are .,~rected to that the outcome of the controlow crade wheat cla.8ed 811 "unfit were Dayton visitors, Monday. insecticide1!, fungicides and Alt, for hUJD1IIl eonlumption," and was of local cCJPlm.i tteemen . promote convenumce and safe veray",m have a decided bearing M' ..... H d' ift the lleW law .. 'shlpped into the drouth area ,..6rorn Mn. count ._.oc;.· _.l A. hl·s• moth~r" Bartsoek Mrs. wa Inner b Lau~a Shidaker, t a\ dof Harlas t ".. production cont?ol .• --- . traveling by motorists ' X"." doesn't on wh 0 sh a 11 be nam"" t h e next . guesl..r. of Lena' .... Canida. Even a!~er payment of veys urg spen sever ays tions. Last year nearly 66,000 alw,,"ys pay to a~ort yOlur rigb,ts; postmaster here. ,, ~ NATURE REPEATS the 10 per cent ad valorem duty week with Mrs. Mayme Hatfield. farmerll a~. being l'igl\t will not repair the ___ • Hartsock at the friends' Rome, _1_ f h t It W . h t tl t h da.... age of an a' cCI·dent. Sunday. · leVl·ed 0n this Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Stubbl are UlC e ell ma el, owever, .. , . ....81 0 W ea , was a conSIderably cneaper feed anDouncin&, the birth of a SOl1, that almost 90 per cent of the The following rhyme is very Mr. and Mrs. Russell Campbell t,haTn1..:ob~_ 1.._ Willialll Edward, Sunday, )larcb corn acreaae and hoe produetioD appropriate: and children, of Lytle, were din- NatuTe ill repeating herself. Laq • .... ...nee of t_ wheat 81 On will be .I"ned this year as last. ... ~ M d M W N year Ihe brought the greateet • .... Bere lies the body of Jc)bnny Jay. ner &'ue8 .... 0.... r. an ra. . • drought I'n hiew"" to the Amen·n po rts consi8ted of hard northem Tholl6 thO are droppi -... out, Who died asserting his right S ears, Sun day. J ' can ml· d·-est, tu. .... ed mUUonl of wheats whi(lh are used he aai are the amaUell pro.. , .. Mn. Wi IIi am Drak 0 Ind IOn. for milling the better grades of [Indianapolill, Ind., are viaiting her dueets ho do' not, in mlny inatan II way; . The Home Garden c:lub will a'lres of rich wheat laftd to chaert, bread flour. Almost all of the,5, paren~, Mr. and Mrs. Fred eel, feel that it is worth while to He was right-dead rig'ht-as he meet at the home of Mrs. Mary Ilnd had the laugh on the p"n7 000,000 bushels imported came Bobble. reduce production by onJy a few sped along. April 15 Clo.i.. Da.o For Speciol Silver, Monday afternoon, April efforts of mere man to control pro from Canada and wall sub.pigs and one or two acres of c()m. But he's just as dl,lad as though 8, at 2 o'clock. duction. ject to a tariff of 42 cents. ),fro and MTII. L. M. Rendereon The reduction called fo:r in the he were wrong. Ba.. Contracta For As if that 1es80n weren't severe Normally the ' nor.thern wheat arrtved home Tuesday ev~~ing 1936 proeram 'is 10 per cent of Think this oyer anl~ in the Burl.~ Crow.... Miss Olive , Allen, EngliSh enough, Nature js again menaein~ belt--Minneaota. North and South from Florida, where they VISited the number of pigs and 10 to 30 future be sure you Ilre right-te,a cher in Central High ch~ol, crops--dust clouds recently swept D.kota,.....; produces more th4n re~Uvell. per cent in. acreag6 of corn. Lut But tirst be sur~ you are safe. Xenia, is spending the sprlng day after day acron the vut mid. h d '" t ---- - --No applicatioDII for "apeclal~ vacation at her home here: we lit wheat country. The area d· enoae urum " ..ea to meet doWaynesville Farmer'" Gunge year the reduction contracted was base" contracts 'for 1935 will be . ' . accepted from Burley erowere Maybe if .enough of the We8tern feeted includes over 60,000,000 meetie demands for this clul of was w.n represented at the meet.- 25 per cent in the number of pip grain. But, owin, tq two inlr of Pomona Granee in Muon, and 20 to 30 per ent of the aore- 1U1" after April 15, accol'din'" to an soil 1I10wa into the Elist we will acres of wheat land. The relult, ive f Ilur i L1.. tate th f • h . unless late rains db the unes· a ea n ....... I, e Saturday. ap 0 corn. announcement received today by ave some Teal dirt farmers , right t United Statea faced, Ihortage at • _. " . Lester .T. Miller, county agent, in the Agricult~ral Department. pected and remedy ~he altuatioD, 6



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the end of the laet crop year of about 11,000,-&00 buthelL Although ther;e is a IUrplUI of hard wblter wheat aDd of spring ,",A_t .he . he. .. t b a ,J"qI , ', II w a.. canllO e W satlafletoriJy lubltituted for dUl'Ilm wheat for use in maklne 110u1" for m.caroni. . Imports of ~heat since .the last '-_ h a~ut nave amounted to leas . tun on. pel'cent of an aver-..... crop.

S. onar), oaet)' H G P a. ro,ram

Mr. aneS Jln. M. D. Baird and from the Agricultural Adjustment wilt be an in.consequential erop. daughter, of Lewiaville, Ind., .... ~,:UNDAY Administration. Mr. apd Mrs. L. H. Buerkle, of The Secretary ot Agriculture Sunday dinner gueatll"Of lira. ad :I These contracts, Mr. Miller ex- Spr,~n5tield, are aJ:lnouncing the ha s removed certain restrictjon ' oD d Julia Donovap. 0 "lains, are intended to provide arriva of. a 80n, R,i char Carl, at t~e planting of spring ... the Dayton Osteopathi'" RO'spi>al This is mvpected to . c.u..... a -'a_ U H'" "'AYNESVJL'LE CHl,' RCH OF allotment:s in 1985 to those to- . . ,,' ...... """ ... .""r. and Mrs. olHs ""mery and The Women'. Foreip Miasion· ~ , ' on SunQay, Marcb 24. of from 10. ,to So. l1lillioJl bush•• daurhter, of Oreen Springa, Ohio ary society met Wedneiday after· CHRIST bacco growllrs who cannot obtain The regular meeting of the jn the nl)rJmil spring crop . . were week-end ~eats of Charles noon at the home of l4f1. Kenneth Carl Sm'ith, MinIster satisfactory allotments under the Wayne 'Township Farmers' dub - _ ....- - -.... YOUNC CHURCHMEN . Hartaoek and family. Hou,h with Mra. Mlol'tha HOUlrh regular' productinn adjuetment was held at th~ borne. of Mr. and and M J W Wa d . tant Church school at 9 :310 a, m. The contracts. Those who are el\ ......a., le Mrs. J. T. Dea·do· .I·n Leb"non, . t . v...r •· and )I~~ .... Linle'" Vi1L.. rl. . • r als • II .. I ... DB h minister, W. C. Smith, will be to ,sign regUlar contracts are...... not todll,Y. Several of the yotmg~r memben WI'" Th tin ad '1... e I·Iglb returned to ~"'-ir home in Ilidl1uldl oateeses. . 1e to sian the special cone mee g'WU open ", tracts. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Thomns of St. Mary's Episcopal chllreh Klch., after .. vilit to the father, JIr. G. D. Milla and Mra. ;:Ii:~t':~uus Calls Us , O'er the FRIENDS MEE1'rNC Those eligible for the special are announcing the arrival of a met at the home of C. tee Bawke. o MUll. 1'h. s~bjeet of the devotionall Firat-day School at 9 :30 a. m. base conqacts ' !re those who grew daughter, Margaret Elizabeth, at Sunday afternoon and organised , BlaTHDAY SUIlPIlISi; Mro and !lra. Linn and conducted by Mra. F. U. LeMay Meeting for Worahip at 10:30 . tobacco or on whose land tobacco their ·h ome near Ferry, Tuesday a local branch of tile "Youne Churchmen" society, . On Mon~y evenla,. April 1, daqhtltf aDd MrL Margaret Oden wu, "Contemplation of God;. m. . as grown, in any 01 the years of 2. A meeting will be held at the )(111. D. L. Qraae .... qreeabl, were dinner rueeta of IIr. and Need For UI!' . . 1929 through 1934, and those who . Mrs. Eva Miller has returned home of' Mr. and Mrs. ~; C. lJl1rprlaed .by a , ,roup clf friends, M11I. 'VernOll lIainouI, Qunda, OF CHRIST have and equipment for. to- home from Lima where , s be. spent Crarte next Sunday aftemoC)n at ~ f Aft41r I _.l the businees lession d the FERRY CNURCH ,baccobarns growing. . th. oecu1on celebratlne her bltth eveDlne. 01 o" program prepare by Oarl · Smith, Miti '-ter H Id f i h Sevel'al weeks with .ber da ugbter. O'clock to which a11 YOl,lng me•• aDlll'MrlU')'. Til, atrair waa Mra. Dibert wu rendered. .. 0 ers 0 e ter special base Mrs. Orace McCune. Mis, McCQ!)e bers of the church are Invited. , Mr. Arehd.acon 80,1 1,.: "What A · Friend We Unified lIemces beainnin'" with contraets, willt accompanied her here for a short elever,ly planned by lin. E. C. .. -hd f " ecei ~ V'ot. regurar S ith contracts tax . 114: andBMn. Bruce CraDe. who, auisted by )(ra. John .a nd rs. ertie ~" eacon. 0 in Je8us." "Come Thou church ;school at '9 \30 • . m. r v~ poerr- m paymen visit. NOTICE warrants from the ' lecretary .of 'ilona, proVided entertainment. and New Vienna, ~ere guelta of Mr. Fount of Every Ble.esing," "Where service at 10':30 a. m. da1nty tefrelhment& enhanced: by and Mrs. Boward Arebdeeeoft on Be Leads He." /lgrlculture. After spending th~ win~r in Reading-"Youth in the World WAYNESVILLE M. E . CHURCH The closing date · was set at Indianap olis, Ind., MI:B. Margaret a beautitully deeprat,d birthday Saturday. To Whom It Ma,. Coac.... ~e. . . . Mr. and ....n. ' Tod Walton, of Movement"-Mrl. Martha Bough. . .' . April 15 so that allotments may Odell is the guest of her 'sister, Regardless of the action toea .. C th i I m R d "B ' K R Rev G C D'b rt P to be computed and announced to M R .. , . f f d . _no ra". wu e rec p~ent of Sprin, Valley, and Mra. Seth ea lng, ow Betty ent e• . . . I " . . as r rs. ay mamOU8, or a ew ay at a meeting called by three or a baike~ ot lOr&'8oua snapdragonl Thomas ...... .....n of C~-. dlleed-Mn. J. W. White. Sunday: Sunday scbool at '9:30 the applicants prior to her home in ....11 Ii"' ~w - , , ... ~ planting the' crop. ' to the time of. before C·· returning i four members March So., 1936, at au d a Iarp bunch of fraerallt land; called on W.,..eavJlIe Letters from missionaries IUP, a. m. Morning wOI:.8hj~ at 10 :30. mcmnat . Lebanon,. Ohio. I wish to state Ricbard Adllms, Bon of Mr. and bJuiatbs. The Damea ~f tho.. who Meads Tullda,. po~ by the Standard Bearer's-- . The sUbject; for the morlling sel'that I am still Chatrm'an ·.of the BISHOP HOBSON WILL partlc1pate4. in the event follow: )(1'11. J •. W. Ward, .Ml'8.W. Clark, lOOn will be, "Raising the Ro.o!." Mra. John Adan}s, wag the winner W 8r.r;:en C(jllnty Democratic !lxCONDUCt' SERVICES in the ' semi-weekly audition of ec.ut'ive Committee. lIN. Alma Cadwallader, l1l'i. lin. Anna Cadwallader, l1l'i. lin. J. B.Orabbe and M11I. G. Epwortb :Lellgue at "S;SO p. m. At amateurs at' theVan Cleve, in BcIi~ II. Barril, ~ H. Allen Ella ' Babb aad )lias Clara Llle D. Mills 7 :30 p. m. the young men of :td.r. J also declat6 than any meetill'lL o.o~. Banaock. llias Emma spent JlcnuIt., In Waahlqton C. SODl': "Be 'LeadeU) )le," Crlbbe's cls8 will haye cbarge of The Bt. Rev. Hen~y Wise Hob- ' Dayton .Friday night. Richard is a ings called in the future other lilA ADDle Brown, B., the auata of lb. and lira. N. "N.arer The Croll8.': · the singinJ and renijer Ipecial lIOn, biehop of the Diocese of harmOnica soloist, . than by myeelf aa Ohalrman of . . . llame Brow., II_ Trilleaa P. Cl,bam. ' Stewardahlp proanm-1I4:ra. A. selection.. Mr. and Mrl!. George Hartsock the Warren Oounty DeMocratic ....arcI.. 1Ilaa. llarpret IIdwarda • It. Wedneaciay: Bible ItUtU and Southern Ohio, will preach and .l'dminilter Holy Communion at entertained at dinner Sunday CommJtees nd aDy actloft taka 11l1li 01ara LIle and lin. lohn B. ~ ~Mn. TIl, Kay mHtin~ will be beld prayer mae-tin, at 7 :30 p. m. St. Mary's Ephcopal cbureh. evening, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. ,A.nder at Buch meetinge to be irrecalar. ao- l......_ ... 11 t"to r~ d ....... at the ho... of · Mra. R. A. . S. IL HAAG.Eaater mortling at 7:80. Every Ion. and IIOlle and Mrs. Addie (Slped) • • " ..nwu Il Oil WII, ......... ",001\11' CoIlDII' Chairman, Demonatle ea.. communican.t of the church 1& Smith, the event celebratiDl' the W&LL ATTENDED poPt. of lIItere8t" til. B.t 0ftI' • • _ IT. IidY"S CHUae,. urced to be present at thia aemee. birth annl.eraariea of Mrs. Andermltteet. Wunn ~.IIIiJ. ~ wMIr.....cL GaANc& NOTICE A eordial invitation il .ztended to Ion and Mrs. Hartsock. ' pllblic. The Woau.. AuIIIarJ wID TIl.......R ...... bo)'l 01 til. April '7; l"IWl Bunda, Ill. _ _ _•• _ • Ilr.. Carl ' Sherwood luffered a - ' __ lin. W, .. An. Oil 100al R.... lOhoe[ IIDd.. .... PUIioD SlIllda" ChRrelI aeIlool .prained ankle When ab. fell at Ratlarl"!lUr aftenlon. APlil Ida at • tIOIl of... lDItna~r. I. B. 9:101 IIDRlftr P ra1 er eODthleW a................. bel' home Tuasclay. It was at- tnt o e10ek to ........ tile f . CNIIIMC will MY. the ~ III'. Ido,.. Haelr.wtll -, thOirht I", ankle was broken l"rIat:l'N.. fll'lt!. . _ ...... the at the . . . . of 10:&0.home- abe wal taken to IlIamI . ...._ . . wtdl ho.pital to til. _-il........, W -.;.....,.--nJ'rl4-' of IIur No. II. ::::













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at til. rodin, . of her unel '. wiU, a tor ODe thouua d rood wlaMs. Then were the eomedy part, the Irllh haUtek eper and the awkwa rd maid who nt'ver to od l!till. There wae the dish ne t lawyer who pretend ed to befrien d the survivi ng heirs. There were the three detectives, ' 011' in the disgui8e of a negro chauffe ur and finally there was the dramatic: ntrance of tb mall whom everyon though t dead, but who had planned t.he ent.ire affair in order to teach his relative and lIervants .a Ie son. I The epilogue brough t the ance back to earth and pointed that the entire episode had been only a story, after all.



milltlo! led ~•• th. team w.. ba:Dd!i~ll'lMtd



On the other a namber Edlt.d b, the Booster Club of Waynes iIl~ Hig~ S0 h00 1 of pme were marelll equally as clolle. The creata t \n-i nANK HAWK E . . .. EdatoJo-I.-ClaI.f equality occurre d at Wilmington CECIL HARTM AN Ani.,... , Editor where in one *aml~ th. Wayeeha "._---------_~--------.-------.. nded thirty-o ne pointe more than thell' oppqnente. . tel' ted In scoutin g. a1' able to The Waycehs made discu ~1' countle ss oth r !I\lbjects lly good showing durllng antheunu.Bua tou",athat deal "'jth the youth of today. April 2- War ren eounty oratorments. By the doutlle elimina tion. I t Is to btl- expected that bOth talks ieal contest. system at. Kings lI.t:illa, the team will be well worth the attentio n of April 6- Ballket ball banque t. had to play six games, before 10. t hose who hear them. April 11_ 5 -countr y 1'un. ing the two ne~Bary to put it April 18- oun ty scholars hip out of the runni~lg. The boYtl t am elimin ationtl. Seni or Clu. Pia,. fought their"" ay through , however April 18- enior I'fom. and succeeded in c£Lpturing second The enior e1as play, "The April 16~Spol'tama ns h ip Brotherplace, 10 ing first place by the Thi rteenth ay," was pre ented hood m e ing. IImal1est p088ibl e margin . April 19-Fr esbmen Easier ,p rog. last Thursd ay and Friday in th e In the section al meet at Wilming April 19-Wa yn t(Jwnship track gym: Those who saw the play Oft_rd , Wore.. .. t on, thTee games wlere won, giving could not h lp saying t o themeJimina tiolls. Wh n the banque t ends on t he team the opportu nity of adApril .2S-Way n~ township music sel es, 'I t was tl ift' ren t' and differ Friday night of this week. the last vancing ent to Dayton. What happenit W8S, roo. Fl'om the opening f estival. even t conn@cted with the basket- ed there is too 1well-known curtain to the end of the to epilogu e Apt'il 26- Jun lot-SeniQr banquet. ball sea on of 1934.19 36 will have need repee-ting; the team the a udience scarcely knew that ended. From November on, and in- was runner- up in the ·flnals proved wa coming next. Window shades B ••ketb.1I BlUlq'Uet Ii w u p without wa rning, the fire to the present, tbe eyes of the too much for the Wayceh , .nd school, the The annual basketb all banqu t telu ed to burtt, the and the com- they went out, the firat team ever went munity , hav~wn, will be held On Friday evening, out, a myster ioull clocklights e followe d with eoil- to repre ent WafnEJsvill~ in a disinsisted on sid rable intere!! t, and at April 5, at six-thir ty. Quite an strikin g thirteen, door trict tournam ent. were Intcre ting progrsm has been \oc.ked and wer e opened withou ",ith more 'anxiety the ups and But if the flrst, cllZ"tain ly not the t dowOll of the teams. Looking back- last. Any school display planned, c(Jnsisting at a basket keys, a rticles disapp eaard almost ward, we se at the start, a string brand of sporbm aJJship thats the di nner, a.nd various toasts and ad- from under the very noses h.s d:re es. The trophies for bo th the char ct e!' . And again st all of the of victorie s, f ollowed by a number been shown by the team-membel's , this a of los es, then county an d the section al t ournam . a backgro und of accomp an1men a decided improve- students, and othet fana of Wayt, ment j u t befo re and during ents wiJI be pregept ed at t hat tim& the wind howloo and whistle nesvi11~, is certain ·to go forward d . A to urnam County lUIperin tendent, C_ H. Bohl well-pla nned ent. Of a total of 24 winning more ~han mere tit.les., tage and 8ta~e games, 16 were WOn and 9 were . Mallon and Wayn.e sville, will be present and w ]lJ pre ent effec ts that were most bitter Waycebs scored on trophy. The other will be pre- ",dded much to the uceesllrealistic 10 t. Th 628 rivals in the county tournam ent, of t he sented by Dr, O. F . Boyd, of Wil- play. points, against their oppone nts met in a common c:auae at Wilmingto n college. The charact~r. present ed lnt r- 534. A numbe r oJ the games lost mingto n and the Gr'e en-and White were by very clos~ margin s. One c~red for and was checred Tft e principal speake rs for the e1l\ting contras ts. There wer e by th e was lost. b)' evening will be C. L. Kingsb ury, two youngsters, very mu one point, two by two the Orange and Blac:k. Such things president of the :Mound Builder8' with each 0 her and ch in love points, one by three point!!, one by are worth more than trophies. ed five points, two by Area, Boy cout!! of Americ a, and more over their OWn concern A complete reellrd of 'scores happine ss the two severes six pointa, _I\d R. H. Beck, scout executi ve of· the tban over mon Y Q'latters t ' set-backs by for the Beason follow»: . There seventee n and eightee n pointa rasame district . Both men are from fal tbe mother of t he girl, Oppone nts Waycehs a se\!· spect.i vely. Withou t making any at Middletown. and while primar ily in IIh, haught y, overbea ring ' it h Id woman tempt at an a lib I, Farmer sville .......... .. 22 26 s au . JeffersOn ............... 23 ~======~=====~=~================= 34. ==~_~~~~~~~= Murow ................... " 35 Carlisle ......... ........... 11 32 Mn....n,w ............ .. .. .... 18 22 Alumni ...... ...... ..... ... 19 26 Frankli n ....... ....... 86 18 Lebanon ......... ...... ... 21 23 Ma on ....... ........ . ... . 86 16 ROBS .... .. ....... ............ 80 8e Masl~ .... ... ......... ".. 26 19 Lehano n ......... ,•.. .... 18 Springb oro ............ .. 29 llirhlan d ... "........... 37



c-t,. Tcr.....

C.rllsle ..... ....... ,..... ~~ Maeon ........ ............ 31 Maasie ....... ............. 18 Morrow .................. 20 Springb oro .... ..... ..... 18 Muon .. ...... ............ 18 Sec:tio_1 Towtaa....t Martin. ville ..... ....... 15 Ripley .......... ........... .. 14 Abt!rdeen .. ..,... .... .... 11 D'.boie t To......__ t Oak Grove .............. 8(

eo _ _ PI... Prae ..


In the ease of Jane Saylor Dan Saylor, a divorce th . I . t·. e pam 111_ In the ea.e of Mary Josephi ne Sargen t, admini stratrix of the tate of Samuel Sargen t, deceased, ventls The ViII.g of Lebano n, verdict for plaintif f in the sum of ,1000. ' In the case of The MassillonClevel81ld-Akro n Sign Co. Wl'Bua Robert H. Jones, motion overrul ed PI~intiff ' excepts and is granted thuty days to file reply. . . In the case of T~e Mason Build lng, Loan and Savings Company versus Anna Vella P.lmer and Barry L. Palmer , judgme nt to plaintiff from defend ants in the lIum of ,.,221. 54. In the caS& of George J . Waterhouse v~rsua Jame» Irwin Lefferson, a .mlDor, et at, elected to t.ake e.onftrmation, deed and dlstrlbu bon. . In the . case of United Art18ts Oorpora~on versus J. C. Patterson, motion . overrul ed. Defend ant is granted five days to file demurrer. In the ease of Kathleen, Hesler, an infant, by Ellie Campbell, vel'sus Andrew Hesler, a divoree was granted the plaintif f and custody of childre n was given to plaintiff. In the ease of W. Cheater Maple admini atrator of the estate of Fiank · M. Greatho use, dec(\8sed, versus Daniel M. GreathouBe, confirmation, deed and distribu tion. N_ Suit. .

Edwud m~r ~d Ro~~ M. Blair versus Nellie Brinkm an Thompson, for money and other relief. Phiney Johnsto n and William Crouon versus John Gibbs, appeal Paul C. Piekina venUs Doroth y Picldna , for divorce. Charie is 11'0U nerlect of duty. Th'e Loftlan d Mutual Bullilin a .ad Loan Co. Yen~ 'Glenn E. Koore, et aI, for money foreclo ... ure, _Ie of ~ ..tate and ot;her 31 l'f'lIel.

2e U

...... . Cout

Th_ wDl of Sarah Annl. Earnhart, d~...d w... filed in pro-

Harvey Burnet t were appoint ed apprais ers. Ralph ' Earnha rt wall appoint ed executo r ot the cstate of Sarah Annl' Emrnha rt deced ' ed, n o bond require d. G. F. Brown, Ed. A. Bone and W. 1. Waltgoner were ap pointed apprais ers. The estaU!- 01 Dora Chilton, deceased, Is exempt from inherita nce tax. The first and final accoun t of J_ 1'. Riley, ad~nini8 trator of the estate is IIPproved, allowed and confirm d' :by the court: ' Ida May Creame r was appointed guardia n of Ruth Hill lind John Che ter Hill, incomp etent and filed bond of $1000 with sureties. The schedule of debts in r e.gard to the estate of Cha rles Penk swa, deceased, was approved, Aaron Bl'8fman and Nathan Fred, exec'u tors of the estate of Solomon Freii, deceased filed their inventor;Y: . . Salea by Chester D. Crockett, admini strator of the estate of Charles A. Crocke tt, deceased, were approve d. The /lcbedule of debtll of Flor. enee Shuma ker and Elva Earnhar t executt ice!l of the estate of Lydia B. Keever, deceased, wa approved. . ~n the matter of the estate of. James C. Sale, deceased, paymen t of f unds to minors is ' authori zed. , The adjudic ation and determ ina tion of the inherita nce tax on the estate of Charles Penkaw a, deceas ed, is to be given to all persons In terested . • G J W t h t eorge . a er execu or h est a t·e 0 f M ouse, ' E W te af t e ary . a r.

. . . .0

.,ne townlh ip. Emeat Sh&phfld, at al., to .1.. Earl Hocket t, 66 acres in W ..yne township. Jam" Harvey Johnlon , dee ....ct to Ve.ta L. Johnllon, 'real estate in (ContiJlued On p ... I) TIM La_

Late in March or early In April i8 the best time to fertiUs e the established lawn. Agrono mist. aug ge ~t a rate at 15 to 20 pounds for eael! 1000 square ,feet of lawn. NOTIC E OF APPOI NTME NT

Estate of Charles F . Clark dece8lled. Not ice is hereby given that Alice Clark whose Po t Office Addres!! is Waynes ville, Ohio, R. F. D., has been duly appoint ed 811 Administratrix 01 the Estate of Charle . F. Clark late of Warren County, Ohio, decease d. . . Dated this 20th day of March I frS5.

Frank C. Anders on, AttY'A RALPH. H. C REY, Judge of the Probate Court Warren County, Ohio



ho~~d~eMe~fl~d h~a~&~

tion for a ·certific ate of transfe r. W. G. Anders qn, adminis trator of the estate of Jacob Wantz, deceased, ftled his first and ftnal aecount. , IlIr'o..~_LI.,. Mary Stu emer filed sn alii davit InILl'lutt for the admission of George Stuem er into the Dayton State Hoapital. Wilbur H. Warwick was appoin t ed guardia n of Grace Warwick. in-I==========~~=~ eane and filed bond of $60 with j: 8u1-eties. Sale of the wa".d I can. tlngent riabt of dower i. 4.lpprov ed In ft: estate of Irma W. Beach, deceased, 1181e of bonds il ordered . In t~ matter of the estate of James A. Beet, decealled, -dlstribution of atoe". i. ordered . In the matter of the eatate of Cynth\a Jane Colliver, deceaaed, sale of cbattel propen y is autboriud. In' the matier at the estate of Frank L. Harris, deceased, settlement of claim authori zed. WiUiam H. Hutchin son, executor of the e!!tate of Lueetta E. Phone 7U HutchlllJ on, deceased, 5l'1!t and flnal account. ft.led his

F. "T. Ma rtin Auctioneer

17 b a t e . ' In the cue of Charlel Botan and Charles R.Shep herd admini stra25 tors of the ettate Lydia E. 28 Shephe rd, deoeue d, verau. " 2 Shephe rd, et al distribu tion II dered.' 29 A certified copy of the entry determini nlr lnhenu nee tax on m •• MMI ......ta of ,... Gr.... the ~te ofthe()w,en S. Higren s, d. ceued, II to be certifie d withou t .S __d .... ttart-I L delay. The second had a speed Jame. Saul. admini strator of and accuracy teat in Arithm etic ettate of B. L. Saul, deceue d the rued consist ing o! 50 additio n problemslh~:i~~S,~:~~~~~~..mLJ).elACll lJltlEIa:m~M~.E..... :;: • Lioe.... of the Brat and second decade Harvey Brumba ugh, jeweler , of 'IOT....y PUBU C combinationa, Dor01:b y Graham , foJlow ln' accoun t. were a".. New Lebano n and 1(i8"S Jeanne tte' Ruth Anna Johns nnd Kennet h proved, alfow"d _d coDilrm N......s ...... ed by Albrigh t, Frankli n, Bradley completed tllLe test in two the court. tilu. Gordon Dra_ Howard _ • Ita.... httW , aalftnla n,. of minutes and each made a leO ... of Pannle A. Lowthe r, executr ix of Cincinnati, and Mrs. Art.lIe Brad WAYNEaVILI..&. OHIO 100. The cl&ll avera._ w... 98' in the e.tate of E: 1. M.cKa,.. deceas- en, waitress, of Pleasan t Plain. \!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! three minutes . !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! ! ed, ftnt and ina!. . RU88ell Bartlet t, farmer , of FOil 'l'MrtI ....d.-Mi.. (:-t.... Etta Ber~w, exeeut rb of the ter, and Misl! EvelYn L. BiOI, PO • •AU DATU CALL at l'erlec t apellina Marll' Ellen B6pn estate of Thurm an F. Benaw Zora Jlrickle, Elizabe th Cllrtia, ceaaed, fI!'8t,tlnal and d'-trjbu , de- Lrvelan d. tive. Irrna Firea, ... H lla d E l Georee R. ChallmaR, executo r of _Ill( R.I Eata.e T,....I.... 0 Ii, rw n the estate of Sarah J. Chapm an, Lewis, Ethel Reno, Batty Rout- deeeua d, third partial. . H uaa Fiaher, Sr., and Anrlle labn, Evelyn ' TholDPlOn, Elva Sal.. by .J am.. Saul, admlni stra M. Fisher, ' to The PeopW . Build. Wester man, Georce Wieal, Robert tor of the. eltata 01 H. L. Saul, de ing, Loan and Savinp Co., real Woolard and Doroth]r IIleh".L ~ ceased, w.... approve d. estate in Turtlec reek township. . .I&S•••TAJlLaY Fourtia ...~MI •• MeKlaM)'. The will of Sarah Annie EarnEd. Lierma n to ·B. J. G~rdner, " - - ...... ...... ...... .... Perf@ct apellin r: Richard bart, ~eeeUed, wal admitte d to real estate in Sa1em to"nahi p. ,i Campbell, li.anlinw Hi.reftn , Helen probate . WaltII' Marion WiUialll80n to Hi Bey, Monimia CharI.. Julia B. Shoema ker ad Mary LUlL &000 ' •• ~ M. Jack, (7 acres in DeerOrndor f and Lataine B. CurlellB, were appoint ed exeeu- fi,eld townahip. Day. . . . . . . . trieel 01 the eatate .. of Sanford J. Walter G. Rockhill to Saul BurF~ aracie--MI.. 1t·IIF Browa, and tiled bond of ,1200 wieh and Ruby Hurwich, real e. -==' We are sorry aom'a ny are mJaa with IIlIretie•• WUIon Brown, -==' . ing school this term. :Betty Tinney B. HID _d Oweb Btown were E. tate in Lebano n. ' Harry L. Ro!!eneran. and ~ and Ancelle tie Pence had never pointed apprai len. . . B. ROllencran. to Sa\ll Hurwic k . ,m ....... u a day . thia year until this Florenc e. E. Gibbl and Frank H. and 'Ruby HlJrwich, real estate In week. Mount, adminJ atratori at th~ es- Lebanq n. . Fifth Vad.- MI•• C.'_pb .ll ... I Eate of Edward W. Ilount d~cetlIWllli.m ind ' Ida Ilullcho nr to W ve'"" .. p. c'u~ ' of our ed ftled their .ppllea tion for: "The Union S. B. til L. do., Love- FOR SALE -Two Hobtei n COWl er are -.. II , eerilfic ate of trande r. Model 1200 land, 186 twelve pe~eet spelk.ra for the John, C. Simpkins, adriliniatra- townahl]). 5-8 ae .... in Ibmilto n . a,.11 S alld 8. 8 plea welrhi q lbe. each; ... Pit1l __r • 10 :week. . tOI' of the etitate of AWe 11. Simp Amand a P. Britton to Norman Spark lina New Beaut y. A . put Wilda Achte~an, IBett, Lib.. each. L. E. Br01fll. hin • •• kina. deoean d !led hll inveato171 Richmond, 18.867 acrel la HamtJ,Beaut iful New Mode l at Jeanne Baker. ~ EIi~th Sale. by E:nUy Wria'ht, execu- ton townlhl p. FOR SALE- Potato el.l for ••tiq K.thry n BriC!~I., B,ttle trlx of the eatate of lane 1'. The D04d. Cannm . Co. to 0 Conap or ..ed. Phone 470B Lebano n. Clair Dibert, Rob.r1~ Eanba rt, Wriaht iteeeMed were aD!DrcIT ed.1 C. Eul..., tnillee , real ..~te In E. Evanl. , . • Ly~ Fox, Helen Gonl, CWforci The , -aU. of .J.~. F. CJ"rereeIE ~wnahip. . . ' In.taUecl ' ft Gray and .:r..~ne BtII.. . .• ceued ta gempt frOm John. and S.rah T. WUchr to FORSA~.row.r lift Sl1]1erloi', 01lr epellina co"teat. for the put tar. 81\.. med her applleatfOD 'tor The People 'l B. L til Sa•. .C~.. 16 hoed tract4)~ week ended with 59 pointa tot the a certlle ate.of trande r, . rilJ, 111.e6 acre. II" Turtlec reek toft. fertilll~ ana ...dinr rraind ,irla and 89 point. far the· bO)'I. .ttaolgn ent. The invento l1' of lV. G. Ancier ,bip. · - . . ElMl'lOn Salnclm , Ro~ • f'lftla ~ .... z.....-.. r. ·T.... . Ion, admlni mator of the etrt.ate . H. B. Jellice to The People 'l B. . ." The raulte of the I.arbl, t()lIr~ ot J800b Wants, ·d~...d, w" all- L. ~ Say. Co., 29.08 acr.. 1n FOll SA~A IIlee Hlle nBlMrli for thefou rtb, Ifth _d proyed. ' of boz . Frankli n towDlhip. . .~tlonel1', Z.,lbee te and t4 ep. sixth trades are .. fIOUOWI: ' . Th. niDth . accoan t ot CharI.. Leilie and Eva Simi 1'11, P.o velof\lel for 26e;' Show-Pae~ . 18 . Doaald Olbom , 'WinDer Pop..-, · testame nfal'J' vallee ot ple'll B. L. til Sav. Co.,toInlot No. ah.eta Illd 16 en.'lop ea for ' 10 fou~, Raymo nd Purlt8, wiJlJler in eatate of Guttav e P~ppe, • cente: wued paper, white lilAfifth, Donald ' Kerrlc~', winne r.n e.-eel. appro.e d, · allowed · ' d~ ( in Lebano n. Wad~ and Hattie Glenn to The p.per. paper napldne, at Ilxth grade. Ouette confirmed by the court. J. People' a B. L, • S. Co., rMi estate Ollc~ Donald Kerrick also defeate d , TIle of' $arab A. p,emne ; II) LebaDOD. , the winner s ot the ~,tber Irl'adll deeeaMd, w.. admitte · pro~te Chaunc ey J. I(~dia to Tbe Peo PIPE~ VALVE S aDd I'ITTtM aad is therefo re th4. champtoD Blanch . Grieem er . . d. to OB ed B. L. til S. CO., inlot. NOl. 3& ' tor Water, ".rbl e · player of the ,sracl- buDd- eltlCutrlx, no bond ap~int BteaID W., require d. aDd 36. in .Lebanon. . ..lid ·Spra:riftC. CfIt.em . . . &1... Can, Ilonia Jack Rebold . and . Frank C. and lI~el L. Hall to _d Sprat. . .PI> P1uaW na • ..... paII-a liae D. E. H.,woo d were ' appolAte4I The PeQple'• .B. L. • S. Co., 1!JI.. lhattn, _pH . lowen prleaa Rd , U ' , Bo .pprata en. . 88 ac~ lu Turtlac reek lp. hltbllt Q _ _ ., TIl. .. . . . . . P,rfee t ape Ina: BWe ... AH.,. 'Clark "'.. appOIDted ad- LulMltta E. ButehilllOn,towllIli deceased Xl. . 00., :I..... 01110. W.... . . Bath Con net', l'rIeda Opal JllinUtr atrlx of the ..tate of Clar· to The lAblnoJ 1·Citl&ea. Nationa l for prieeL Field. and Dc!rothy ~.aer. . .. lea F. Clark. deceased, II1Id med Bank, iDIot No. 211 fa I.ebuo The FaIIlO Ul 3 in 1 N n. .. 9. " W - - - t i l _1. boad ' of ,7000 :wttIi latetl. .. C. C. Eu'a- tru.tee , etc., to FOB B~ .7Il--.... _ 011Cloa Mapc Claef . Th. Ruaun :c.nin .... 0",' rtaI Btock.lBq~" Peul . . Wolf :::'Ilk RoPD , WID BeradoD .8 Itate ill OJ_rereeIE"to"..bip. 110 S. Detnk :I..... Ohio... Sprea d. the F.... The P_pll '. B. L. • S. Co., to . Let U. hplal a '1'_ ltoXBllDa C.NlbIc Co., ftel .. ~~~-~~~ . . . ia Cleare reet townl1dp. 1&. . . of Thia New B1II'!'*. Oeorp W. Na. . to _ _........_ ....._ _ _......_



Or No Cha r.e

Centerville, Ohio




has been radically reducedl

19 35 Mo de l Ma gic 'Chef Ranges Fo r ·.Py rof ax Gas



'n D Model 1836 Tlti. B·. autifu l New Ranae COIla Oal,


Compo lnatal l.d \

Auctlon•• r.

Style Sho. w



Compo 'natall ecl


, t..'


Liberal Allo wan ce on you r old ran ge

Model 1900 The Moat Comp lete and MOlt . . . .tlIul l\anlta Eyer Made. Be aael See It.

Stanley I Keogltr

·Ea. y Ter ms Small .Down . Payments

S98 50


a . ¥








35 PYRO FAX Userl in Wayn...iU. can

T_tif ,. to the --=CIIUlIDy aad Sati.fa etioD ot P,.....f...



T ___ I

--ell, ..

-.oI!'- -...


Bchrud Eo 1lraada~1 naI .. tate la Ualoll tcnruId f, ..,4 I(. COIIlptoa to IhaaIq C..

towdll1'H.D.I _ _ In

CIecu.... I_IIIIIII....~IiIip~~~~~1






P ..U.....

0... ....... ....................N .. • .-..1.11..-.__ -



lCriPU•• P ....., '1.10 • Y....

111 Entered at PO'\1»!!lo. at wa,".. N-

........................ No. III

v-lIIe. Oblo, ae __"04 Cia.. II II&t~er


======-_=========-=====-=============1 I, Government Ownership the Solution? Two diverse- factors have centered attention on the qu~stlon of owner hip of tho railroad industry. One is the frank opinion of Federal Coordinator of Transportation EasLman that the government bould eventually take over the lines. Tile other Iil!il in the possibility that the government may acquire a large amount of raUI'oad mileage, if loans made to weak systems by government agencies are not ·repaid. This Iluestion, like all othets, will eventuslly be solved by the public, and every clthen shou ld do a good bit of thinking about it Entirely aside from any problems of principle, practical considentions giver rise to extreme dou'bta a8 tq th~ standards of lIervice that would result from gqvernment operation. During the war, government, in the name of emergency, took over th~ lines. Service Buffered at onee. Great delay took place in the moving of ~eight, and thousands of tons of perishable goods were thus ddtroyed. The attitude of the government officials in charge was ulJually arrogant-the public wa~ bad serviCe on a "Take it or leave it. we don't care which" basis. It is true that the war produced unprecedented conditions-but that is not e~ough of an alibi I.e) excus tbe chaos Into whieh our basic medis of transport was plunged under federal nlanagement. Nor doel! it. eJlcuse tM tremendous deficits wbich were created-at the expense of all the taxpayers. American rsilrQad ervice, llnder private ownership, is the best in the "·orld. RateR are low, and service is unelLcelled. l'he lines have JDade consistent technical prog-ress in advancing saiety, speeding up trains, eliminating car shortaltes, and so on, in spite of many profit. lei y ars. If governmel'\t ownership i- tried as the "solution" to our ~ tailroad probl m, t~ entire public will feel tbe adverSe .e/fects-and tbe taxpayer will find out how expensive political operation of a great industry ca-q be. governme~t


7alks, AprilS

The Ohl. State University Radio Station- WOSU

Lebanon, Ohio

------ ..---

Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol

, .

"7 he H()me of Gifts"

Mt. Holly


Beaatllal '




Sati.faction Guaranteed


H. M.


High Street

--.... ~

Interesting data .Qn Gibralter IaJand in Lake Erie, near Put·inBay, it beln~ compiled by Prof . f4l1l0r Jamell E. Pollard, a~inlr director of the aehool of journalI~ at Ohio State univenlty. The material will b. p,-bU.hed in a book 4Intltled '''The Journal 'of Jay Cooke." Cooke "'.. an ifttereatinl' aDd eolorlul financier, who citftct. eel Ilia varied activities trom a manlion til mbralt~r. The bland wal preHoted to the unlvenit)' aeYHIlll'ean "alrO by Juliua F. Stone Columbua, one of the

Cary's Jewetry Shop

County Court House



8:00 Mu ic 8:05 Famous Ohio Trees .... . ,....... .. ............. ................. H. E. Eawine 8:15 rro~ram by, Franklin County 4-8 Clubs ........ J. E. Wbonsetler • ~ellie Watts 8:30 Qllr Meat Supply .................. ..... ,...... " .....,...... ....... L. E. KUllkle 8:40 Ilo'lne "..~t llome .................. ........ " .... :.... ...... WOSU P_yera 8-:511 Farm Debt SituatiOn Showa Improvement . .. ."Robert E. Immell 9:06 Selecting Becoming F&shions ...... :., ................. ... .. Eunice Teal 9:15 Music 9:26 Your Community and You ....... ...... ..................... ... :. Bruce Tom 9 :85 Soybeans Pinch-Hit in 1995 ........... .......... ...............J , B. Park 9:45 Irrigation for the Vegetable Garden ........ ............ .. H. D. Brown

COLUMBUS-A large proportion Qf the bill" already enfcted by the 91at Ohio General Aseembly and filed . with Secretary of State Georae S. Myeri relate to. tax levies ' and appropriatioils. .OblIervera point out that in trouble-' lome times taxation measures usually abow a marked increase in volume. One of the billll ~ommended within the past few days b)' the educ~tlon committee of the Bouse of Repreaentativea is the ,48,000,-000 school Jiroftam, wblch would Bet up a minimum atandard of 145 for elementary and '67.. 60 for high school atudellts. A, measure providing for sweeping -etlangee in tbe state bankin, law r~lative to loanll and inveatmeDtI haa been introduc~d. It il aaid to have the approval of Samuel H. S.qUire, n4lw ltate superintendent of ,bankll, and would limit the lnveltmut of aDY Mnk in anyone ventute to not more than ten per cent of the bank's capital and lIurplus as well .. prohibit a bank from loanin, money to ita ueeutivea.

44 Years , Of Service

,-.ews F

APRIL 4., 1935


CbriaUne ClaY'lIPr, IIlU...., t21. 150; Betty K. OIlWIld, eervlcel, $4'1.60; Llnnl. wm~ .,....~ n.. Nati...1 In an attempt to speed up action J&8; H. M. COJDe, mU• .,e, $20.19 US; Jeannette PayM, •• rvicetl, $87.60; )I. E. ROIl, ••• , itampe 011 allocation of the work relief The present naUo al debt M. B. Morey, mile.,e, '16.81 ; $87.60; Hf'leli Handall, s.rvices. for welfare ollee, t15: Cart DefIc. funds, according to Alan N. Jar. dan, assistant secretary for tbe amounts to $21/\ for e elY man, Helen Randall, mileqe, t2l.U; $87.60 i Frances ROI!. services, labor, $2.80; BUild P woman and child in the c untry. In Louise Whipple, mile. .e, $21!.26; Seloto-Sandusky district, quarter ending. March 31, 198&, addition, mo t stales h. ve plenty Llm\ie WlIilamll, mileage, $20.47; ,.6; Marion Steddom, a rvices, services, ,37 .1i0 ; Louise Whlpple, $753.50. of d~bts. Blair &. LeRoy, cement, sewers The creation of new lakes and dam I! of proposed conservancy dis Leading economists MW put the and lP'avel, $188.05: J. K. Spen1 tl'icts brings vividly to mind the total wealth of OU1' coun'lry at 300 cer" gravel, $323.40; J. L. Dunn, serllice1!, $62.40; John Barr, pay , important part that water h811 billion dollars. roll, $89. 70; J <,bnllon Myerll, played In the hilltory of Ohio. payroll, $92.40; M. C. Foreman, 1I. When LaSalle explored this . terri- AT tory in 1682 the Ohio river was rom".. Glrren ~YJ'Oll, $248.10; Earl BallOre, pay·rql1, $95.80 ; V. M. Armitage, his main r Ollte of . tr:av.el . tram payroll, $90.40; Carl Dakin, payMontreal to the MISSISSIppI. In ' later years 'a network of canals Toll, $146.65: John Myers, payroll (Continued from page 2) served Ohio all the chief arteries $235.40; Zain Armitage, gravel, $24.2.60: H. L. Schuyler, payroll, of trade. Now ollCe again Ohio is Franklin township. applying its natural water resour- . Frank Huffman to Cbarlcy nnd 189 .60; S. K. Pierce, Agt., gaaoYou Ma,. Chou. With UtIDO.t Con.ficleaee in line, $27.32; The Cincinnati Oil ces to. new purp9sel!. Thes~ la;rge Melvie Ferguson, real '3stat WOl'ks Co., gasoline, $49.25: L. H dams In thtt conservancy dlStn\!ts Wa hington township. Diamonda- Watches- Jewelry- Silverware Dorothy Ventolo to Frances Ros Gordon, gasoline, $36.961 Mason are. intended not only to preve,:,t spring flood but ~80 to malnta~n selli 29 acres in Harlan township. Super Service Station, gasoline, For the C"aduale, -Sbower or WeddiDIl Cih huge reserve lIupphe.s of wat~r In '. The Miamisburg B. &, L. Asso- spark plugs, '6.38; Elm~ Collis, case of drouth. It 18 also boped ciation to Raymond Butterfield, ga s, $1l.35; Ralph H. Carey, that tile shores of the Jakes form- 1041 acres in Franklin township. erroneous, issuance of Vendor'S Expert Watch Repairing and Engraving ed by damming the streams will . Licen~ No. 8300766, $1; F. J . serve a8 recreational sites. Bill. Allowed Heer Printing Co.. property a8llesThe. Columbus Blank lBook )lfg sment for treasurer, $12: W. H. Anderson Co., 1 Vol. Wharton Star. open 8:30 a . m. to 9 P. 10. Co., vendor'S license in duplicate Criminal Evidence, for Pros. Atty for Auditor, $5; Dayton Blank Book & PI'inting Co., ordera for $8.60; Miller-Bl'Yant Peirce Co .• typewriter ribbotlll for Pros. Atty Mr. and Mra. CI'felice Crawtord Auditor, $36.94; The Columbus $4: E. B. Murrell, Treasurei, and children entertained with a birthday dinner at their home Blank Book Mfg. Co., 200 iedger Jl,Ostage stamps for Treasurer, $6; 8; The Belt Press, tax notices for TreasSunday. Those present were : MI'. sheeta, school forms, and Mrs. JOe Morgan, Mr. and Book Shop, 1 ca. e roll t(.wels, $7; urer, $3; The Weatern Star, rate MI'8. Wilhur Hannah, Mr. and Mrs George' A. Howard, shc!lter, $8: cards for TNuurer, $2.50; EveryElvi. Michael and daughter, Mr. Dr. Mary L. Cook, shelter, $5; body's Office Outfttters, eash book and Mrs. C.rl Ridgmer and chi,l- Lydia Monfort s}telte:r " $10; for prepaid tax receipts, , •. 24; E. dren, Mrs. Everett BUnnell and Frank A1\derSOll , shelter, $10; B. Murrell, delivery of forma' from children, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn' Dru- Frank Shouthand, shelter, $10; E. Heer Printin&, Co., $1; Jeff Thomp hot and son, Mr. and Mrs. Al P. Southard, she lter, $10: L. C. son, tuning 2 pianol for Memorial Kesterson, Mr. and Mrs. Hiley Guttery, shelter, $10: Mrs. John Hall, $5; Barrett Brothers, inherit Gibson arid family, Mr. and Mrs. Harding, sheltel', $9; Peoples ance tax blanks for Probate Court -785 J . W. L mgo ' Hard ware Co., Loan & Savings Cq., ",. Henry Burgess and son, Mr. and Building, A & P . dust~r,; oil, Th e 0 reat" h seiter, '11; dipper, etc., lor Memor Mrs. Earl Crawford and daughters, Mr. and Mn. Jake Chriat· Tea Co., food, $'406.25; I~rene Calc iat Hall, $1.10: Lebanon Ice .. HaVe your mower man, Mr. and Mra. Lewis MO[fan food, $6; Lawrence COnI'ad, food, Coal Co., coal, $.a.59 ; Griswold and son, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur $42; David Mason Store, food, Service Station, gas, 011 and great Morgan, Mrs. Cora Greene, Mr. ,9.75; Jos. H. Fedders Supply Co.' ing sheri/f's cars, $28.09; C. Donground by same Myer Hyman aId Dilat~8h, l' tit ot . olllce, $20: and MI'8. Charles Gleason and tuel, .. $70.50; daughter, MiSs Margaret Gibeon, clcthing, ' SS; H. Hoppe, clothing, Ja17les Follen, 8ervice., as janitor machinery as. und Mr. Newton Crawfqrd, Mr. fuel and, food $111.68; Tbe $15; Penn Mortoll, lIervices a8 Home Stqre, clothing, $68.71; janitor, $70; Wade S. Brown. Vernon ' Thomas, Mrs. Charles Kroger Grocery & Baking CQ., in the factory. ' Crawford and Mrs. Kate Smith food, $399.95: Lewis & 'Drake, services as dog ,,~ardeo, $125; Mrs and gradndaughter. Afternoon 60 W . H . Mc Howard Sawyer, Bervices, '7; Mrs. I "12'...; • nc., f ue,.., catler were Mr. Envis Alltin, Mrs 1Henry, clothing and food, $9 r Helen Doughman, servlcu, $7 ~ May Autin, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Morris 6 & 10 , to $1.00 Store, },fra. Ira Eltzroth, Hrvicea, $6: Kellis and children, Andrew clothing, $3.64: Mi dland Grj~cerv;1 Mrs. Lillie Urton, services, $10; Greene,. Edward Wilson, Mra. Co., food, $42.50; D. Rall,h Smith, ~rB. Maude"peatdofl', services, Leona Walker and dau&,bter. food, $4.6.75; Frank Sherwood 60; Jame, _oore, aervlces, $5; Severa] from here attended the Co., food, $3; Charles J. ISehwartz Oma Osborne, Benicea, $10; lIrs. mUllic festival at Lebanon lut food, ,3.7; Stok~ Dairy , 400., food Elmer Lacy, 8eritce., '15; Mra. Friday nirht. . AO A• L • W IItki ' o d, ·3 .'!'; . ns, :~o '" . ){aytie Thomas, .erviee., $6; RaJ Mr. J. E. Dill from Lima, Mr. $1.86 60; Elbert Wallace, tood, $260.60 morld Follen', wire, reeeptaele, B. A. Dill and Mr. Litghner of Wright's Ma..rket, food"~ $6.50; staples, labor, ,2.16j Kaufman'8, Dayton ealled on Mr. and Mrs. hite Villa Grocery Ine., food, books for regilter for do&, warden Emeraon Dill and Bon Ralph Sun- $221.70; T. U. Woodrel" food, $1 ,20; Grae6 Baker, aervlcea, $82. day afternoon. $31 ,70; Waynesville Fanners Ex- 50; Willa J. Beedle, aervices, ,37. Mrs. Lotta Kietallver and Mi811 "'-Ad 60; Christine Cleven.ger, lervices, ..,0. 50 ; ci.,. ",,:0, I 1t"1 h ange, f ue, Clara Daughters were Xenia crent of room, $16; Mrs. A. M. $37.50; 1I. M. Coyne, lerviees, shoppers Monday. Hinch, rent of offiee, $45; Mra. $60: M. B. MoreJ, lervicell ,n.50 • • .. James Johnson, rent of office, ,10 Elizabeth Hathaway, lervieee, 'SO Foster's ~t. Store,cloUling, $6; George B. Johnson, lervieea, ,37.N~w



... ---

Burlincton .

The W. F. M. S. met, with Mrs. J. E. Compton on Wednesday. The 8th &'1'ade went tb the Hi.h 8cbo~1 building 011 . Friday to take univer"ity'l ' tJ:ullteea. Professor tMjr examination. PolIl\rd has access ,to Mr. Cooke" The, condition of Mra. Harry personal re<!ords which are being Nickerson ' is satisfactory. She used as a basis for tbe atory. submitted to an emel'lJenc), operation. for gall lltonel at McClellan An outbre'a k of rabiea in 80Uth- hospital laat week. . el'n Ohio countiea has caul\(!d Mid Margaret Leasure cf Sabalarm at State Department of ina addreBled the conl'l'egation of Health headquarters. Records th6 Frielld'l Church SUIlda, in the show that eince the first of tbe abonce of her rather who ia in year tbere were 416 positiva cues evangeli8tic servcie "n Tennell". of the disease id Oblo, wllieh ia an Mrs. Ivan Pettijohn and Ion of exceptio.nall)' larie number and Portland, Ind., spent last week may be conlidered as an epidemic: with her parent. Mr. and Mrs. J. Practically all warm-blooded t.. Conard. anill\&Ja, sucb u eats, horaee, Mn. Grat~ Smith apent a few cattle, shiep, hogl, rata, squirrels, daYI Jut week with · re~t.ive. rabbits and foltes, will cOlJtract near Wilmington. .. tbe infection ' and are likely to Leo Whitson, barber, is it to hu~ans according i.Dc Beveral weeks with bls siater, to' Dr. Finley D. Van Ondall of Mra. John Gan,o, of Dayton. He the department of bealt~. Infect- hill been i111.or lev-era) weeks. ed do,s roaming at laJ'l'e ar~ reMr. and 'lira. Wm. Coe and spo nsjbl~ tor the outbreak, Dr. daughter have moved to the farm Va" Oradall The- cOllntiel in hGme of Mr. and III'II. Leater Stan which rabies is most prevalent are field. Athen., Oallia, Jackson, Lawrence ' Mias Dora Turner and father Meigs, Pike, ROla and Scioto. of ColumbuB have moved to D. H. Sellera property. W'8-r department engineeraan· . Robert Smith, of O. W. nounced lait week that they have Delaware, is spending hill spring ,37,943,000 in work relief funda 'vacation at hi. home 'here~ which they wl11 eannaTk for: flood •- control , and water co".ervatiori " In an AAA aoaJysit 01 projeet& in Ohio as IOGn AI authol' national trade it ia elltimated ized: As' ~ ,result of the annou,nce- one American, wa,e ,arner in six ment dU8Cltora of the SCiotO. ia competiq direetly apinat a Sanduaky eon.ervancy dlatr.iet forelCn "...,. earner. met in Columbus to diacu. further plana for the development, which tnTOl,," ~e eonatruction ot numeroul dams and Jev.lell.. It w.. deelded that a delep,tlon repr..entiaa the con_nancy diatric\ will '10 to W..htnrton to conier with IOvemmentollela1a


Willa J. Beedle, mileage, $11.97;


CHARTER No. i2~IO 'Renne Dlllrict Ko • Report Of the condition of tbe

Proud To Announce

Waynesville National nanlE, Gf WaynesnUe, tn the State of Ohio, at the close of " .... on March 4, 1936. A:- SETS Loanl and dl~coun.t• .• •• U 32.7:!O.18

Over4rarU "............


Unl\ eil State. Government oblla-allon". direct a.nd (or) tul)y gUI11anleell .. 148,994.12 Oth.r bonde, etO<!lle aDO " .ecurltl. . ... . , ... . ... 6'1,2 .. 4.?5 Banklnl' hou.e, $',000.00. Purniture and fixture......... .. '1.1I88 . ~1 9.9t •• ~7 Reaerve with Ff.~ ra.1 Re• rva Bank , ... , ... . . 18, 36.51 Oaeh tn Va.ult and 1)a.lanoel with other Ibanlu ...••• 6.3112.00 Outside ehookB. and olher ,. eaSen Items . ... . ,... .. ... 16.00 R e(\om pllon funil "I'itn Unlt ~d S\II.\o. Trell.lurer and due f>'Om nlted Statee Tr ..atlrer •.•••.•. 2.fiOO.O~ Otlber anetl! ... , ... .. '. . .



J()'HN EDMISTON of Lebanon, Ohio Hal been appointed DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE ID Warren County ~or the

The Pacific Mutual Life Inaurance Compaft, of California


MlelS ......• . . • :-:$;167.24a.23

LlA:8lL1TIE8 Demand delloelta. except U, S. OOVernmen~ deposits, publlc fundi'l ot othe r banks ., •... • • $lI21,750.7 0 rlrqe . depoeltl. , except Palla! .avina.. pu bli<' fund" a.nd depoilita ot



Josepli M. Gantz, Agency General Agenta

.' • • ··1··· " 65,511.14

Public !tunde of State. ~untte •• eehool dtstrlct. , 01' otlter lubdlvlslon. or mu.nlclpalltlee .•.... 17,950.04 Unlteil Sta.tell GovOllrnment and Do.tal III.v~ngs , delloeill ... . .. . .... .. .• Deposits ot other hallka. Inlulling certltl d and caahlll4's' checks out ·

Tt:t~11;f Ite'aiI,' 15' t~' iii: . (a) !Wcured by pledge of loan. and , (01') Inve'tntll"8 .. ,12.648.2 $ (bl Not aecured bY

pl is&e at loan.

. (or) Invest·


rl)en.t. . . .. .•• . 2 2.832.74

(c) Total l>t.coaltf ...... U95.4 0,9.9 not.. out- ' etan. dim.. . , .... .. .• ,... ,50,000.00 Other Jlablllt)e" . \ • .. • . • . 3.aO Capital account: Clue' A Il~ fet!' iI .stock. 400 ehare1rl, jJ'U' U2,50 pe.r ahare. r t1rable a.t ,,62,50 per , Commoo "t a c k; I.COO ehar .., par $7G.U!l per .h"'fl!. TOl&1 • ,'lOC!,OOO,ClO ~urpl.u. . ... . " 1o.OOO.vO Undivided P'O f1t\1, nd ............ 6.762'.04


eire . .. atl.,..

TOUlI Capital. ' Account • .. ,






Total Liabilities ••••ra..._ ., tooall. and tRv .t.rnent. l"1 iI~d to , s.eure LI\lbllltLee United St.t • Government obllp.tlon8. dli'Cilt and (or) , fully gUarante d





other bonde. IItoclta. and

eecurIUe.· ..........•..• Loa.. a.nd <llecouata .•.•


TOUll }'leda-e4 (eltllludln..-' red I.Icoun te) •••••••• ,~,.,".11 .,lla ..ed : • ==j~ (al Ap IJllt clrellla.Uatr


<fIote. orutet.a adlng ..••






0.000 .• 0

ltate. COUnschool dlatrlcta. Of

or oth. r . e .. bd,h' I.Ilon.

or munlclpalltl.. . ..• Total

atat• ., 1. W





be thl aNatelt humanitariaa corpOl'aUon in tbe world. Wuhlqtoll bUreaucratl in Ita adminiltratloa have been too "hard boiled" and Ask for a consciencele.. They heve llluad too many restrictive regulationa Miaml.bur. Permanent and tied it up with too much "ea tape. Concrete Wan n county will go on a caah They barely scaped a searching relie-f ba is som~lthne in By Alr Seal Bur1al Vault congressional investigation. Let it \11 announc d, i'ollowing a STEPHEN M. YOUNG hope Ohio home owners in dilltre s cus of welfal'e directors at For Sale only by will receive great consideratiSID lumbus recently. C~.r.l&m"D At !.ar•• trom now on. Distress of the home The cash pollcYr which will b~ Your Funeral Director owner hould be the lIole test of in el1'ect in all cqunties of the Cash payment of adjusted com- eligibility. state, will take t1~e place of the pensation certificates will be deMcClure Funeral HOlll" bated in the House and Senate The national income during 1934- pr se-nt system (If distributing Phon. 7 dUTing the ne ,t tew weeks. This 126 million persons in the United gt'oceriell. clothin~: and other nesoldiers' "Bonus" meal!ure may go States was 61 billion 920 million ce ities. It wall pointed out, however, to th White House. If 60, a vet!) dollars. This was the large:st eince \\'ill doubtelss be forthcoming. Ad- 1931. In 1929, the peak prosperity that certain reJiEif clients will justed ervice compensation cerLi- year, the national income was 80 Qontinue to receive grocery and clothing ord~rs, and will not be /lcat s ar a government obligation billion dollars. put On a cash sy:stenl. As many due in 1945. Bonue advecates urge a: p 8sible, however, will be thtl i ullnce of 2 billion 200 millWhen Huey Long starts one of placell on the ca-ill basis, it was ion doll rs in new money pow. Most peeple believe there should his fiery speeches. the Senate floor said. and the ralleTies fill. l"ederal authorities are of the be more money in circul~tion. Too empties X-RAY WORK S- nators really miss quite a opinion that the Icash relief sysmuch money is lacking in big city Many treat. Thil Louisiana "Kingfish" tem will promote independence BLOC ANESTHESIA bank vaults. Ex·~erviee man have always been good spenders whn is a r~markably able pu~lic of felief clients, lit the same time All Kitld. of Deelur.. Ma_ fortunate enough to have money. speaker, and probably the quick- lessening the expense of relief est thinker and best shew man ill administration by reducing deR• .,air Work Quic:.... ~ An argument for payment of the pl,l bJic life. tail work. bonua now i that it will result in a Recently Senator Bankhead, of All clients who ~'eceive cash wlJ] limited expansion of the currency. ,Main St, WAYNESVILLE, O. Opponents term this "inflation." Alabama, and another Senator be r equired to work for it, it is ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..,.,,, ;Sonus advocates contend that if wer busy talking and rattling stated, Employment will be propapers, while the "Dictator of the vided thrOUih FERA projects. compen~tion certificates are pal~ .... ~.. now. ne,w money will be placed in Delta' 'was holding forth on the circulation in ~very neok and Senate floer. Senator Long stopped and Bai~. "I beg the pardon of . ,. . corner of the eountl'y. Most people the Sentor trom Alabama if I e.m agree that ex-service men who are unemployed, and in need, sbou1d di tU'rbing t do 'TIot want to disturb thehlm. Senator. I can take have the~ adjusted compensation plenty of time. 1 will wait until certificates paid ahead ef time. 610 conv er~aUen II cl)ncluded. I dis· thousand ex-service men have not tUrb myself li!)~ning, since I get eyen borrewed upon their certi. ore interested in what he says All the schoels jn Wart''''n county ficates. Obviously these veterans than what I am saying myself." were represented Ilt ' the annual The ca kete. and vaults are not in need. Thousands of grade music festivill whicb was furnished in our service ethel' 4Ht-service men occupy govheld in tbe Lebanen Town Hall Congressional mail is a tremen· Friday night. erDment positiona, or are refularly are the best obtainable. The program cOl1lsisted of vocal employed in private firma. Many clou problem. Letters and teleOnly standard merchanthol1l8nds of these veterans pay grams galore ceme tn. As a matter and instrumental Tlumbers and .. income taxes. A·creat many people of fact, it helps a Oon,ressman to dance group. dte. ot tested quality i8 learn the views of hia constituents The 1)rst and s.lcond numbers Mllert, with realon, that such ex· and receive advice. provided. Client. can rely lerviee men could well wait until Chdstian Fredetickson, a Detroit w re presented by I)UPil.s from the 1945. It il not unlikely tbat the upon UI to conduct ~e tlrst and second grades of the "Bonua" will b compremised. The tooh)laker, wanted to &,et a lot 0 t loeal ' schools . finest funeral poaaible at The choru's numbers bad been Senate may defeat the ptoposal ideali "Qff his chest." He sent ~ i2, a price within theft meana. which bas so many supportera in 000 word telegra~ to, PreSident rebears d by students in each ot Ro08ev~lt expresSln,g hlB Yle~~ on .the var~ous schools but all apthe Bou.ll&. economic and . SOCIal cond~tlons. peared tegether .as a combined Not collect, eIther. Fredenckllon chorus . . • _ ..._ __ A bond illue of a billion a.nd ~aid ,IRq-.10 for the telegram. three-fourths additional has been aut/lorliled for the Home ,0WJlerl' I~iddling. A Con~resllman . frequently ;eLoan Corporat.ion by the I(oule of ceives "bundreds of letters daily. . Representatives. The Senate will 1f in the hurry of answering a probably approve thia benefit great many letter. he address... Fann. prIces ojr dairY ...._7 measure loon. personal friend 8S, "Dear veraged '4~ a heall! February ~6. Distreaed home owners who and affixes. his signatufe, in e A yeal' .earher the average prIce have not to date ' applied for DOl' of signing bis first name, bis was .,32. received .relief trom this corpora- constituent is likely to consider tion should do eo now. . that the Oongressmap has gODe Farm income frllm cottOIl and ~iiiiiiiiiiillOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii=iiiiiiiiiiii..:) Congre88men desire the HOLC to "high-bat" and bas the "swelled- grains is expected t,o average thia ""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~,!!!!!!!!!!, bead." A n other friend and sup year about twice '"8 much as in 1932. - - -porter is lost. ~".~1!111~ Recently one of my celleaguel haa an extremely bad day in that . ·Oontrol of soil Elrosion On 8, WayneSVille, Ohio he received two letters from irate OOO,OO() acres 01 drouth-stricken ApriJ 1st, 1935, constituents. One whose name was land in five westelm state. Maria Joseph 80 ana 80,- reaented proposed at a conl'~l;'ence of 600 Mr_ W. N. Sears. agent being IIddressed as "Miss". "Please delegate$ at Dalhart, Texas. Continental Insur.nce Co. be informed," he wrote, "I am the Waynesville, Ohio. Net eost of Taising a pullet Father of twelve children." Dear Sir: Another constituent, whose year averaged 49 clllnts, exclusive name was Pearl Martin so and so, ef labpr, for 142 Iwultrymen who I wish to thank you and the Com.. olr:ered to do violence to · the Gon- kept records in conjunction with pany you repl'esent, for the very prom pt settlegressman, because he WlUl adq'ress the poultry department , of the Ohie State UniveI'lli·t y.. tnent of 1088 of house, which was destroyed by ed as "Dear l\Jiss."

traight from Washington




Stat... The aUJaber of reacton vUJ. New York, b, PCIItaI T.... was lU,OOO. In JaDUArJ 16',000 araph to the ltatlon at Xenia and ",ere tetlted and SO.OOO 'Were thea by telephone to Lytle. found to be reacton Even with the increase In tood CO&ts sin~ 1933, food price, on February, 1936, were probably about . 15 per cent below the February average of all Jiving cests, accerding to Consumers' Oouncil of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration.


Only the Best

Shorts and

J. L IcCIIre




Wa,.._ville, Ohio




---_.. _...-----

ftre on February 28th on my farm south of Harveysburg.

Yours very truly, AMOS E THOM'SON

. Nearly one million head of cattle were teated, for Bane'_ PARTY disease in 1934 illl the United


I On

the occasien of her. eleventh anniverslTy which was Tues day, April ,2, MiS$! Lois .Jean !Z2S Baker was hostess to a few little friends at dinner followed \)y a III.....~IJI!I.....,.JI!Il!I!JI!!I.IJ!IllI• •II!IIII!! theater party at Lebanon, Shirley Temple in "The Little dolonel," being tbe attl'action. Lois' cuest list included Misses Anna MarilYD Whitaker, Jeanne HesS, 1,Ielen Margaret Gons. Frances Jehl\s and Betty Davis.


~Ci==~========~ COOPEttATION "All that the COI1~try needs new is a thorough spirit ()1 cooperation And when' say'c,ooperation' .1 ,mean a condition in wbieh govern ment does nl)t attac:Jt bUllneu and busineu does not attack ' the government."-Silaa H • . StrawD, United Statea ,Chan;lber of Commerce.



Quality , ,



.' .

Vi .For


Baby Chickl - Get OUr Price. C,utOID Hatc:lainl. 2)6 c: per •••

O.ter'. Hatchery


Yallow Sprin •• , O.

Phone 224

M_', Sal... Me Ladle.' D ....... 70e QuIck-for q_Ut:r dr)'cl.. ai••


"M~Hnka of isAstrakhan" Rus ian operetta being present-a ed by Centerville Higb sehool chorus April 5 and 6. under the direction of mark Haines, with Stanley Dourghtery and _ Virginia Bradstreet carrying leading roles.





~ .......-



ADULT SCHOOL The Adult school will meet at the grade school building Friday evening, April 5th at 8 p. m. All are cordially invited to attend.




The Friendship dub will meet at the home of Mrs Mary Mc()lure on Wedne day afternoon, April 10. Members are reques~ed to hring tbeir hOlliday bookleta.

----.. ..------.

Beech Grove

Every Thing For The

BABY CHICKS Waynelville Starting and Growinl Maah haa given the very beat relulta to our CUItomerl the paat two yeara. Thia ia a local ' product made from the vtlry 'beat inlredienta according to a formula which haa the approval of the belt authoritiel.

Wayne Starting Mash, afavorite with many poultrymen. Anthracite Coal and special Coke for the brooder stove Peat Moss Rolled Oats Feede'r s Scratch Grains Water Fountains

C H. Morgan and Maurice Hopkins and son called on K. E. Thompson' Thursday aCternoon. Several from a distanc& attended Ruth Murra},'s sale bere last Friday afternoon. Mi ses Grace JOines of Blan· chester, Hemeda and Opal Lewis of near Wellman, called on biends here last Saturday afternoon. ' a Boyd Miller, of Hamilton, Oliio is visiting P. G. Wells and family b~r1!' Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Brannan and Edna Dodge. ef. Xenia, Give the Pig. a good atart and let them Friday afternoon with K. Thompson and family . here. ready for the early market. We can mix a Several attended the entertainfeed that will fill the needa on each farm. ment last Tuesday evening at the OIlYe ~ranch !lcMol h.oWle. You can get the beat. reaulta at a price MinDie JacobI, of Wellman ou can afford to pay. spent Satlll'day e~ning with her brother Oliver Jacobs and family. A Mr. -Roberta of near Harveysburg il moving en the Cllarles Swindler farm form&rly known all the Wjlliam ~Iaine farm. A little bright eyed girl has c!ome to make h~r home with Mr. Phone 25 Wayn.avill., Ohio and Mrs. Elbert Rich, of near W ellman. ~;;__iiiiii;;;i;;;;_________=_==;;;;;;;;i:;;;;;;;:;;;;;___ = = =__iiiiii=__iiiiii_=__;;;;;;jJ Mias Hazel Richardson baa returned to her l:Iome ill Oregonia after visitin, friends here. Amon,. thOSe who attended church at Clarksville on last Sunday evening to hear 11_ Spencer were: P. G. Wells, wife and daulrhter Alta, Kathleen Tbompson, Rufus Roberts and family, Otis Rich, K, E·. 'l'homp80D, Albert Mountjoy, Mr. and Mra. Hrand~JIburg and daughter Ollvene and (,r~==========~~===========~)'t Frank Ste1fy. Mr. and ' )(1'8. Erby Powell and children and Boyd Miller and T. B. Brannock. IIrs. Mike Lamb, of near Or';lgonia, ill reported better ~t this I writing. I ". Glenn Davis and lion Rebert and Mr. ¥organ of near Wellman, Mr. and Mra.· George Vail, of near were Monday callers at the bome of K. E. Thempaon and family.

Pig Feeds

Waynesville farmers Ex. Co•

SOme of The Things

We Sell


---.. ...---

IIrs. Harry B~ett was h ...''.1 borne from Miami Valley nO!lpltal Monday afternoOD. The property of tbe late Chades Clark waa , appiaiBed Saturday. Harvey Burnet., Frank Rogers and Will Bergdall were the appraisers. • Mr•. and Mra. ,Joseph: GrJUlBl and children and Mri. Eva Haines of Piqua were 'S aturday evening gUests of Mr. and Ml's. Walter Kenrick. I . Mill Betty ~outuhn .... as in the chorus froin Waynemlle achool at ,LebanOD Frida, neniDlr' . Mn. Marpret. lo1mI ' Ipent Wednesda, of 1aat- wllk with lIlrl. Kaltha ~ou'" Dear W."..... "me: . MH.. D01lald Badl.,. ap~t day with ber mother, lin. . Cook, near WarnemOe. Mi. and' lira. Ther1e Jonel ancl ioJ;l, IIUton, we,. dinner ' p"atI., Sundar at tile 'home of Mrs. Edwin ' Nutt.Dear' CAIIlt.A:pft]I. lit:. and . lin. BWlleD CalnDbteU I abd CIIUdren .e,. cliQner Sunda, .ot IIr•. aDd II.... Wi'lhlll" I Sears and fainU" at WaJllesville alld atteDded mee~1r at the Church of Chrl.t. ,' Ill'. and lin. Allen Emrick, Mr. and lin. )teller IIr. and Mn. J. Jon........ Johnl a.d lin. EmlDa IAq attended ~ plaJ ~'D.vIcL Whitlock" at tbe .aYQ-.vw. om Sunda, evniDr· A home talent play, '"Look Out Liula," 'Will be "veil at L7tJe Ball, thla Saturday evenJur, April e at 8 o'clock. 'rhen will be l'Ood mUle. BeDeet the 1Ml.. Aid of LJtle II. E. Clauroh. The cut

American Fenee • Lumber for 'Every Purpole •••


Material Eor Your Roof.

• •


.Red cedar Shingl.. Mule Hide 8m..,).. Channel Prain Rooting ,bpbalt Roll ' Roofing Brick


Tile lilaad

AioIba. .T0IlM. K&rJ YOlllll'• .sllia PoDlb, Kate' '~'~~i;;1 Gerald 8elaIq. BliDDeU aDd ",h Buntt. . lin. AJtee Clark neelftd a radIopua Jut weQ from h•




...... ..


B ... ~ "."'·1'

All of the above D)at.rial caD be lou_ ia our yard •••17 ib tIa. par • at mod.rat. pricea. We IoIlcit patrQDai.of aItI-. .c.....




I 11 11 ~ Eighty-Sev~nth





The plant of the D.odd's Can~ ning Company, formerly used for the relief organization for the cann ing of vegetables, lias been Bold to Tbe Roxanna Canning Company. . . Purchase price it is said was 1935 CQIltracb Cany biD Third $10,000, and included the physical property of the plant, as well as a, Secretary Wanae. farm on which vegetabl8jJ are D.c'.... raised.


FARMERS' CLU8 MEETS IN Il :E8ANON The Wayne Township Farm.ers' Club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Deardoff in Lebanon, April 4th. The table committee consisted ot Mrs. M. A. Oornell, Mi Perle Riley and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Duke, After the usual sumptuous dinner was served and enjoyed the following program was given. The president called on Mrs: J. W. White to give the invoeation, she in turn asked all to join with her in singing "Blest Be The ,Tie That Binds", followed by al\ repeating the "Lords Prayer". The roll call was answered by "Famous Artists". Song' "Open the Gates" by Mrs. F. U. Le May and Mrs. J. H. Sackett. The special topic, Coulee Dain was given by Mr. F. U. LeMay. Song, "My Task" by Mrs. LeMay and Mrs. Sackett. The speaker of the afternoon was Rev. Vesey. A number of tpe guest8 gave short talks. The meeting adjourned to meet with Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hockett in May. - - _ .....---,FORMER RESIDENT HONORED AT MEETING


Whole Number 616&


EASTER MARKET An Easter mark t, unuer the .auspices of the Ladi es' Aid. Socicty of the M . E. hUl'ch WIll be held April 20, in Mrs. id es' store room, open ing at 10 II. m. Goodie of all kin d, fo r the Easter dinn er, aprons. ["ney articles, metel sponges an d fUI'nitur polish will be on sal e. ~Iea e telephone all p'ecial orders to fiss Hele n Hawke at the insurance offic betol'~ April 20.


The Friendship club met Wedn sday afternoon at the horne of 1\11'8 . Mary McClure. Mrs. Irving Welch led the devo,tionals, reading the twenty-eighth chapter of M.atthew, and the Lord's Prayer was repeated i~ unison. Th usual business was tl'8nsaet ed, thirt}'-six members respondw to roll 'call and there were two visitors were present. As this meeting included a shower f or one of the members, Mrs. Gilbert Frye, nee Irma Rich two matrimonial contest. were presented by Mrs. McClure in In the absence of the pre id nt, which Mrs. Walter Sheehan and Mrs. R. If. H8l'tsock, Mr . Lewi Mrs. Morris Fulkerson were winFires presided at the regu l llr mect- ners. As Mrs. FrYe was unable t~ ing of Wayne Township Mothers' be prese-nt, her mother, Mrs. Ira c.lub, Frillay aftern oon. . Rich, opened the packages of beau Mrs. F. U. LeMay led the de- tlful and practical gifts which yotionals which consisted of II were piled into a large basket p.ol·tion 0,1 $c ri~tlJr(! , a r ell.ding ~n- tastily decorated in pink for the tltled Fl'lendshl p, conclu ding WIth ,occasion. the Lord's ~ra.yer. During the 80dal hour a dainty The musIc IDst r uct9r, Mr. Rus- ,lunch of Floating Island dessert sell Frank presen ted his pupils in cake coffee and Easter candie; piano demon8trat.ions as follow s : was ~erved by the hostesscs who the beginners cIa 8, comprising were Mrs. Mary McClure, Mrs. B. Gene Thompson, Wilma Dibert E. Hathaway, Mrs. G. O. Dibert, and Evelyn Thompsoll; the rhythm Mrs. Clifford Buzick and Mrs. cia s, Reba udace, Willa Fay Harold Whitaker. Lewis, Alton Earnhart, Martha --~.-. Hiatt and Frances J ohM. Piano solos wet e rendered by the ad- MISS EMMA HEIGHWA Y vanced pupils, Reba Su1iace, AIVICTIM OF FRIENDS ton Earnbart, Glenna Woolard, Sarah Miller and Roxif: 'Cal'oline With no thought of interrupSackett. At the bllsine S ses.sion the tion or intrusion Miss Emma H6ighway was peacefully enjoy. lunch committee annOU1:ICea t hat ing the quiet of her home Monday the serving of hot Jun!~hes had evening, April 8, when without ~een discontinued. Mr~l. L. V. warnl-,g abo'u t twenty~five friends Brabstrator, who had charge of walked , in, each one 'p resenting a the clothing, r turned $2.5() of the $5.00 which had b,~en gIven package whicb uggeBted to that she was the Victim of a birthher for the work, at the 'beginning day surprise. After she had asof the year. . ..sembled herse1! IIhe was persuad. Mrs. J. H. Sackett. Jdrs. Fred ed 'to open her gifts which were all Gons and M~s. 1. W. U)tz were practical, in the presence of the named to nominate offlcers for the company. coming year. Two beautifully decorated The flower box and picture were- 9irthday cakes, made by M1'I. 'R. awarded to Miss Hartsll)ck's and H. Hartsock and Mrs. E. C. Orane, Miss McKinsey's Roomll respect- ice Cream donated by Mrs. L. H. ively for the month of April. Gordon, Mrs. Ronald Hawke, Mra. Ij'ollowing adjournment re1resb- Emma H. McClure and Miss Jesmellta were served by ?tlrs. Ed. sie Clarlf.e ,and a pot of collee, Rarnby, Mrs. H~n.ry Hal~kes Mrs. brewed by Mrs. Rowell Peirce, Tolian Law on, Mrs. George furnished delicious' refreshment8. Gilliland, Mrs. Robert Furnas and A.ltogether the evening was one of Mrs. George Smith. pleasure for hOltels .nd guelltl.



Annual in spection of Wayn,esville Lodge No. 163 F. &: A. M. was held last Thursday evening with Charles B, 'Hoffman. of Dayton, as the inspecting officer. About 75 were present. At this meeting the F. C. degree was conferred upon one candidate. All A dinner preceded the work ,

R-"ublica. Wom. . WaneD Co_ty Uqed TD Att.nd


• A.U the repUblican women In Anllouncement of the 1935·36 Warren county are l,nvited to atad.j ustment progtam fol,' cigar-lea! tend the republican meeting to be tobacco rrowers in the Miami h~ld at Memorial Hall Monday aftvalley wal received April 6, by el'noon, .April 15, at 2 o'clock, acLeattr i. Miller, county agrieulcording to a general invitation iIItural &cent. sued by Miss Lida Froat this week. Secretary of Agrieulture Renry The speakers are to be Mrs. Wallace, in making the announceMrs. Daisy Snyder spent Wed- Katherine Kennedy Brown, Day. ment, Baid 'he was exercising his option to continue jnto the third - - ton, committeewoman representnesday in Dayton. year th cigar- w).mceo, adju8~ Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. G\>ns were Ing Ohio on the National Republi. mont contract,s entered .i nto with Lebanon visitors, Saturday. Mrs. Laura Si'des spent Sanday can committee and ' C. Dopald indivi$lual producers in. 1933 and in D(lyton with her son and fam- Dilatush, Warren county prolecu1934. The new , program deals Mr. Ben Smith, of Osborn, was tor. ily. with the 1935-36 crop, and is ef- a busineBB visitor in Wa~nesviJIe, ,Refreshments are to be lIerved factive for all clear leaf acreas in Monday. st the close of the program. Mrs. Josie Graham and son" This 'meeting is one of the lIervthe United States. u1'a. Sadie Conner was aD ' Marion Whitaker were Dayton iea being held all over Ohio hl the ' . h ..... ay Th e: 1936 program requlres t at ton visitor, Monday. visitors, Monday. current campaign known &8 "The ~3 1-3 per cent of the bue Spirit of '36," .Back in January, baceo acrea.e be ",itbh~ld from tIl 141' . KathrYn Turner, of DayFor Paper Hanging and Paint- Miss Frost a!!ked each . of the wobaeeo production. H-owever, under ton~ spent Sunday with Mr. and ing call Fred Everhart, phone men on the eounty republicaD a IIpeia1 administrative ruling, in- Mrs. Johh Gons. 108R3. coftllnlttee to contrihu~ $1 aDd to . dividual producers may cboo,e to reduce 26 per cent, Those who Morris Graham spent several Mr. and Mrs. George Baily, of invite three other repUblican wotake advantage of this rullng will days last week at the Reservoir. Dr. T. Irving Way, of CincinCincinanti, were guests of Mr. and men to earn and contribute f:8ch {or the state and ,national !\Ira. J. B. Chapman, Friday. :reeeive smal~r benefit payments. , Mrs. Jane Weaver, of Xellia, waB nati, will. be honored w~th a te8ti1986 campaign fund. Warren Producers are not required to the guest ot 'her 80n, Dr. R. S. ·monial dmner Friday nl.g~t ~t tP~ . ;Mr. and Mrs. Ben Champion" of coanty's quota for this fund w.. grow their acreage allotments and Weave!; and family today Hotel Sinton by the CJncmnati Da;vton, are guests of Mr. and set at '180 and roetl directly to .. Dental Society. Dr. Way has 8pecific payments are offered Mrs. C. E. Anrerson for a few the lltate alld national commltteeL those cont.r act signers who ell!et For Paper Hanging and Pllint- been closely connected with the daya. Two prizes are to be &riven at to grow no tobacco_ ing call Fred Everhart, phone developmenis in the dental prothe meeting pexi MODday by Mrs. Beaule the reduction, ill acreage l08RS. fession for 40 years, and has been Mrs. H. P. Godby and son, of Brown. "The Congreaional Cook . from the bale petiod il lel8 under . Mr. and Mrs. Matt McKin8ey president of the Cincinnati Dental Cincinati; Ipent Wednesday w·ith Boo~," by Mrs. Cheater Bolton, ,. day for their bOlr\e in Society, and a member of the the n.., program, the to ~l ~ene- left Tue her sister, Mrs. A, K. Day, and a volume of He,rbert Hoover's fit pa.-menta will be leq than they L08 All"eles, C"'1if., after IIpend. House of Delegatell, American latest book, "A Ohallen,e 10 tiJ):. 8 T" . f .. ~ Dental Association. were In "e eltlmate Sing the past several ~ont)l8 in Speakers' will be present from Mrl. E. C. Crane was erty." These prises are to CO to $3,000,000 for ,1935 compared Waynelville. all the lal''"er Ohio cities, a.8 well to .t he members of her bridge club, the woman brinllng the moat w0w:itli ",700,000 in 19U. " " men to the meeting and to the 0'" ~bis afternoon. Producers who have attached Mrs• .!Plat'}' C. Cr08. returned 88 from cities as far distant as bringing the greatelt contribution. riders to their con~J'acts will re- home last Thursday after s])ending ~~!;~p:~~'er If;~;~y wiJl read Mila Frost is auloUII ,that nery C. E. Michener, R. A. Conner cetve ilrst payments at the same the winter with ber sister at republican woman In the coant)' and Clarence Rye were business rate as in 198~15 for eacb Englew()<ld, Fla. be assured of a cordial welcome visitor8 In Xenia, Tuesday. MRS. SiiAii BUTTE;RWORTH contracted act.. . to the m~tlng Monday, wi.tlter MillS Abbie Graham, of SpringCALLED BY\ DEATH or not IIhe hu or ever does conThe MColld pa1Jl\ellt wiU equal MIB!! Dorothy Saberton, ot tribute t.o the fUDd tbat is 'b eln, the number of contracted acrel boro, ' was the guest of Mrs. L. Ghent, Ky., i8 spending the week raised. multiplied by 36 per cent of the H. Gordon, Mpnday. Mrs. Sarah Butterworth, aged with 'her all nt, Mrs. R. H. --ave....e value of the tabllccO Mr. and 'Mra. Cul San- 86, wife of tbe late Samuel Bu~ sock, and family. • ba"elted in 1935 on the fann ker, of MUOn were dinner ruests terworth and one of Wayne8viJIe'8 coveTed by the contract of Mr. an dMra. John Gons, Friday most highly relSpected citizens, Mr. and Mrs, Harold William. A producer who electa to reduce evening. . son and son, of Dayton, and Mr. died at her home here, Wednes25 per , cent ftther than 38 1-8 I. 0_ Brown were Sunday dinner day, at 7:16 p. m. Naste-r' Eddie Boring, of Wilpe.r cent, wUl receive a second guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. H . Wi!She was a lifelong resident of mington, Ipent several ' days last payment based' on 26 per cent of Iiamljon and family •. thll · community, s daughter of the the avera,e acre. value of his crop week with his 'sister, . Mrs. W}'1Iler late Stephen and Hannah Burnett . Contracting producers Who Drake. and 80le survivor of a family of Mr. and Mn. L. H. Gordon and ENTERTAINS WIlH SHOWER Miss Sarah Smith visited their BIRTHDAV ~AR'rY plant no tobacco in 1936 Will be Mr. and Mrs. Ellis McOlure, of six children. Sbe was birthright AYNESVILLE CHURCH OP paid for a contracted aCl'ellJlI'el Sp-rlngboro, attende!l the meeting member of the Society of Friends. niece and nephew in Wilmington, CHRIST equal to SS 1-3 per cent of their 01 Farmers' Grange here, Satur- She it! survived by one son, Ernest For the p'easure of Fler daughAt the home of hell parenu, IrSr. Sunday afternoon. Carl Smith, Mini.tar base acreage. The rate of the 8rat d . ht Butterwor:th and four grandson II, ter, Barbara Jean, ,on the occa- and Mra. ,L. O. St. John, Mi88 paJment to theee cODtractors "",ill '-Y nlg • Burnett Butterworth, Oarl, Glenn sion of her sixt.h birthday anni- Thelma St. John ga"e a miKelMr. and Mrs. John Fromm were Church eehool at 9 :30 L m •• be the .ame as for growere who do }lrs. W. t. O'NeaU and Mr. and ~Ubert Frye. . in Dayton Tuesday to attend the Lord'. Supper at cODc11llll01l. Chrla Mr . E. C. Orane enterlaneous showet, Saturday after versary, plaut tobacco, '11he aeeond pay. Oftarlea O'Neall, of Green Cove Fu e.ral serviaes will be held at tained ~ group of childlten Frid~ Jloon, ~p 'J 6, honoring Mn, Gil. funeral of Mrs. Charles Rike, who tisn Endeavor at e :30 p. ~. Evenment to theaeJ ,~we...' will be ,ao Springs,a Fla., are Ipendlng a few the cClure Funeral Home Fd- afternoqn, April 5. bert Frye. Invitation. were &riven dickt at Miami Val.ey ho.pital, Fri- ing vanreliltic service at 7 :80. per contracted acre 11 the day8 with relativel bere. day afternoon at 2 o'clock. InterVarious games furni!llled diverto Miss Sarah Conwell and Mila day fro~ injuries sustained in a1) trad j rider was .lped and if ment in Miami cemetery. sion aftler which refreshmenta Ruth O'Neall, of Springfteld: Mrs automobile accident. the ndel' was not limed. Mr. an4 Mrs, Oliver Davil, Mrs FRIENDS MEETINC were sCJ'Ved in the dirning room Ira Rich, Mra. H. P. MOIi!!, M1'I. Nettie Kepler and Miaa Rachel ..... Fint-day School at 9 :80 a. •• PROFIT OUT OF WAR Mrs. J. K.' Preston, · M re. B. V. where tbe table ' was prettily ar- Reba Braddock, Mre. Glenn Bland, Davis spent Friday at the ho.m e of ranged, a birthday cake with six Mrl. L, C. St. John, Mrs. M. A. Smith, Mra. James E., McClure, )leMlnc for Worlblp .t 10:80 Mrs. Lida Pence and M.i88 · Lura m• . Thill Oongress will legislate to lighted candles fOl'minj~ the cen- Fulkerson; M't s. Ralph Hastings, Mrs. MaI'y ' Silver and Miss Clara Lou Rogen, in Lehano .... take the profit out ,of war. It we terpiece. . The favol'S 'w ere little Mrs. Carl Frye, Mrs. Russell WH- ~i1e attended a meeting ~f the Robert Ohapman des 11; clerk at ever again engage in a war our · baskets, filled ' with cllndy\ 'fh,e lion, IIfrs. Theodore Maefntjre, Wyominlr, Cincinnati. If a r den the Manchelter hotel, Middle- IrOvemment wl11 conlcript·relollr- guest Jist included litfJe MisBi!S Mrs. Rh(,)des BunneU, ,Mi8ll . Ola club, of which Mrs. , Pr!)ston is a FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST towD, Ipent Sunday with " hill cell and wea1t", as well as men. Wilma and Msrtl)a DiIl'IJ·t, Shirley Hartsock, Miss Betty Henlde, Mi811 member, Monday afternoqn. Carl Smith, Mln:.ter parenta, Mr. and M1'II. 3. B. Chap- The next war will not barvest any Buzick, Anne Weltz, Ruth and Evelyn Kersey, Mi88 Catherine UnUled senices berinninc Witll man. crop of millionaires while the Marjorie Conner .; Masters Char- Branstrator, Mrs. Florence Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Edwards church iKhool at 9:80 .. IL Members of the ~ecently The Woman'!! Auxiliary wj\1 dough.boys do the fighting at a les Dibert, Donald BIlZlck and Mrs. Eli Furnas and Mra. B. V. entertained on Sunday Mr. and service at 10:30 a. m. Smith. Mrs. Chat1es Tayior, ot Ft. Wayne ' . W It J llIIm~ ,ani led rarden club and a few meet on Fr,iday afternoon, April d. 0 II ar a d ay. e z. Ind., Mr.. and Mts. Fred SherWood inVited &'\Ielta Iilet at ,the home 'of 12th at 2 Q'c]oclc, at The Little '...:=============;:==;::p==-_=-=-=_ --_:====::::;:===::;=====:O;:=--=--'-of ,lJoIumb,us, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W·A YNESVILLE II. E. CHURCH , , Yn" Mary, Tues"a)' after- Inn, with Mrs. Emma McClur~ ' as , HOUlton and sori o~ Spring Valley Rev. O. C. nibert. haWt noon with ..... B. V. Smith hostelS. . and Mr. Allen .Kibler. Sunday:. , lidiDa'. The lIleetiD, w•• ache4uled for Elisabeth Boblet, dallghter 'ot II'\W NOW "'I'\W Mrs. ' C. G. Day sp&Jlt Snn.1A"'. Sunday School ~t9:8()' a. m. ' Yonda, "afternoon but was post- Mr. and lIJ'8.. Forrest Hobletj , "Won \'jOOl\ \1' 1\\' ~O't9 .with frjepds in Wilmington. Morning worship at 10 :'0. Nut poned, ',11l order thAt ~epre&enta~ the higbelt ' honors ' in Wanen O· \MOOO \ ',L..~. IN Sunday Palm Sunday, the Mra. Ed' Lontacre and Mrs. .Uvea of the club could accept the county in the ei,htll grade ~xam ., ,uu'. ollwbich Chria!t made Hu trium, Grace James, of Centerville were phal entry into Jeruaalem. · Th. Invitation to " the ,uestl of the illatlonl, condueted rece~tly, in -- 'n"p\'T \.\. & eqUT guests of M1'I. Lizzie Lew ill, . W~omiDc prilen club of which whjch 400 pu,Ptl. took part N US:P !I\~"'" WON 1, theme of th,e sermon will be, Th. ·day. Tri\lmphant Victory of the Triu... • n. I. It. fr_toD fa a me.m ber. ~ d U P L R " \1' ~~ W . '" ~W. \o.,~_ ,Wl!II':_~'-'~ G dd Leb ... r. an ...n. . .; _r. LOOt.L '\~" aA ""W ' • ................. ' ra 1. of - Loren ReatOn, Mr. and Kn. L. E' ., , . ,~,.." . The final's ot Warren county's phant Kin,. . Epworth 'Leque at 6 :80 p. IlL ~IlOD, WlUTft ,(lOUD", bome dem- Hockett and dau,h~r, )(leI .R uth, thirteenth annual orat'"orical eonAt 7.:80 p. m. we are o~ opatratlon .nt, was present. and Mr. and )(1'1. Rhode. BIJMeU and ' test were held T\lesday evening of made .veraJ 'h elPful IURl.tionl. dauahter and Mr. and. lin. J. B: last ,week at the · Town Hall in OlBcial Familv nieht. At Plu. for tb e )'ear were diaeullied Rich were peata of lin. ~.di& Lebanon'. Of the six hieh school service the ollleera ~ the church an4 it waa larrated that e,ach Reason, of, Harvey,burt'; Sunday. contestant. Rachel Jlartman, local will 'render special Hlectlona ad .ember relpond to roll ~aIl with girl was second. Her Belectlon was the PAlitor will Ipeak on til, labjed of Oftlclal FamU, Bel. . . the name ,of a f.y"rite ftower. Harold RI.(n,-, of "laml "War For Proftt." Yo It.1r!ll&r m••ttllP ot · the 'club \l1\iverslt,. Ipent a part o,f, the )Veek being p""o" WMk are to be held tlM Ant lIonday .priq vacatiOD, with h,. crud. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hurley th~re wUl ' be .PMIaI meetiap OD and family• . 'of Kln&,man, were Wednelday and Friday .ICbta. aftamoon of each month at home fatber, EJiaa Orlelb.e, and at ·ot one of the :me.ben. The DOt , hom a of'bia aunt, Mn. Fred Complete .nnounc..... H_aelta of Lloyd ·Davt. &114 fampy, Sunday. ' gardinlf. Qur' Easter I!inle. .IU meatin, wW be held a~ the home ad faml1~, I His eoulin. Robert be in next week'a paper. ' of Mn. , Smitb on ,Monda, after- Gons, accompanied him W E~ton, • , M~.. W. P. Sallsbary and Mr. , Your are cordially i~Yited ~ noon, Ma~ 8; when a speaker 'from to· visit Barold's ' grandfather. Clark ' SaHsbury have returned tend an)' or all of th... meetinp. the Third district of Ohio State Judae Rlsin,lr. home after 'a to relaUvea ir) Come and meet a friendlJ peoPle . ~d,n clube il expected to b. C~i\lago. preaeDt.' IIr. and lira. C. F. Modi.... ,. of a fm..dly c;hurch. ' The club baa an enraUmeDt of Edwa. Road. CinCIIlDati, eaterlIr. and C. E. .Anderson abOat 18 m. .ben 'tJi.!o!l lin. B. talned 'With a famB), tlmner 0. and liOn, Harold, IIIlW 'Thuriton, ST. MAaY'S CHURCH , V. 8ml., ptelidnt; lin. lam.. Sunda), ba :hOJlOr of Mr. KOlber'. the ma.ici!ln in DaytQn, WeGlle.·, B. McClure,~. "',. blrthda7. fte fortunate . ._ ae". I. I. Schaetr.r, lIeetor day night. ' ,' . I . mitt.. 011 1'111_ eomprilea Mn. O ...... 1'.... aDd lin. F. C. Bartaoek Palm 'Sunday, April 14, Chveh L. DUe; Kn. 1lal'J' 8U... aDellin ..d ~a~, of lUllord. lira. BdItb School at 9:30; lIomi~ PJqu • NOTICE P. U. Lelia,. . .4 til. ,JOOIftIII BarrIa, ' lin. Boulet In ch~rp of R. IJoycl HMkw.U 8& eolDlDittH DODIIatII Of lin. I. Eo, 1I1u.,J:.... BetPwa" 10:8G. PrtItoD, lin. 1. to IIncleDhall... IIurlI K ....... Mr. !'rI1Ik Th. Women'. Ciytc Leape of II_ Clara LOe. Bawle. HarveJ'l!burg, ~U hold • muPt on the Saturday afte1'll001l and ST. AUClUSTINa: CNU.eII PoIlowIII' Mjoanaa_ ... ... ft. of It. ev_iDe b.t~N EuW. ' April 10. ~ He......... oak. wen ..... " daa . . . . . . . . . . . wID . . .









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I davit. tor compUan .. $1.20; Cia, waite, Ch.rl.. Ea1'llb.rt. Charll'S world hl.tory. pl'CJlIimatel, two mUt!.. but will be v y bul'i. James, Clyde Frumm and Marvin ThOll ukinac I are I held uver the seme eoune al last William C, .lId Martha L. ton Clark, 10'7 locult POlta, $28.• Fox. LetterB lind numeral will be Olh"e Scott, Ruth and yeaT_ O'Neall to New Yurk Life Inaur' 7& i Harold Martz, rravel. $132.60 awarded latar. In addition to tho~e Marjorie Earnhart. Individual award. will be pre- allel' '0., 260.41 acre!! in Wayne The Clncinanti 011 Worka Co., aup plil!s and Jl'asulint', $17,44; The alreadynamed, Leo Conner and Betty .1I111·t ock, sented to the find ten plaees. t<>wnship. Robert Jam II will receive manag- lind EVI!Jyn P tors Waynl' W. Bnder tel Thl' Love Cincinnati Oil Work. Co., 66 Edited b)' the Bo 8t('t lub of W Iy tll'SV ill , High 'chool cr nume)'al~ : Ruth SaIl. bury French 11, land M. B. & L. '()., real e tatl' in gallons oil, $a 1. \/0: S. K. Pierce Editol·-ia-Chi.f FRANK HAWKE and R bert liaineB will be given Thllse going {or phy ics Motlwa...' Club P"OI".~ L veland. j.!as!>linc, $311.26; Fairley HardA Editor CECIL HARTMAN cheer 1 !lder letters. As a complete FI'ank Hawke, Maryin Mr. Frank' 'Pupils presented G orgia E. P roctor to IUll'les E warc 0., SUllpli s, ,3.39; H. C. .......____...___ _ _ . _ .-..1__ _ _ .-.. surpri se to the boys, the ten mem- Juanita Brannock. piano denlonstrations at the Mt'yel', Jr., real estut in Deerfield Rlil S, sel'vices as draftBnlan, $154; bel' of t.he t.ournament sq uall .1<>hll Kilner. ec:i l Hal'l mnn fOlher's lub m~tin"', held town h'" M. E. Ros , P. M., stamps for < haulll "'0, " . \ 1 1'. Il urtlnftn ,~oi d to .. I . U •tIt J b . Ball,etb.n Banquet " n a were given silver bajlketballs. and Or val Perrine 8 re t king the ua v , April 6. Those who took Dart W• H 0 clerk of court, $9. th pal' nl t1nd tench!'.rs, "but be cheJ111stry te t. • 1'" • uarm n, a, 0 0 n liure "IJII urtl "oin" that way Mr. C. H. Bohl, count y superinin the progl'am were the beginn rs Pe tt!'r Il~lier, 116.24 aCI'e In'l'ur 'ng J ..,., • tendent of schools, awarded the Those takin~ U. '. hi. tory are cia, s consisting of Gene Thomp on tI creek 'ownshl'p I b t h Th Subscribe for The MiaMi G.zatt.a e annll8 anque ItOri younelf," Hu Wl' nt on to compli county trophy. The trophy award- Ruth P nnlngton, ()rval Perrine W'ilma Dibert and Evelyn Thomp~ . the bask tball tellIU of th 'a)~- OIpnl the te8m on it habit of play and Frank IJaw"e. William H. Harmon, et ai, to son; the class 01 rhythm represent Willl'anl ~,. U J'.0 r m0 n, 91· 6 acres .'j nil V1'11 e cb 00 I wa h (' ld l' n lh ing 8 cl Jl "'RmC', on the fac t that cd in honor of t he co-champion-. " I'" t F I't'da Y n I'g ed by Reba Surface, Willa FIlY in TUI'tl cr ck t own h 'I,n.. . ltYIll /I alum" . h ther tw 're" no tars on orl'anlistand ship of the southwestern. section NOTICE OF APPQINTMENT " est t' l' player IImong t h boy~ ~ , and on was presented by 0 an C. F . B yll Cr••• Cou'ntr'v Lewis, Alton Earnhart, Martha Geor"''' M r. Gars t pres l"d (' d n".. t () a svm , Ru_ .. J .' W"te .. r houst', Ct al , to Following the invocati n by Reve~ th I"r build.) .... tenacity. of Wilmington college, T Hiatt and F'rances J ohns Rn~ the George J , Watel'haus , real estate nd 'h '"g'l n''' '' The program closed with the he annual ero ·country , run advance pupils, Reba' urface, I'n Wayne to h'p Estnte of CharleB F . Clark D 'bert t'n d G . . I , • 81., .. Mr. F. U. T"e 'III", I ' ' n hi respons" ' 11 h 1 • "0 nwar d , - liT h" M1' . in behel f uf -"'the" rind .., e sinning of the hi"'h-I!chool song. WI be eld Thursday evening, AltCln Earnhart,GleD" Woolard , e o G r g eJ. wns W a t or h ouse tames J decellsed: H nyce s, of t h " .. " of pril ~ 1, at 4 o'c~ock The dls- arah Mill r and ROXie rown gave. the welcome addre ll. elliOI' high bo~'s w nt into the Ilro1ine I. and Mary V. L ft'erson, 11.41 Notice is hereby given that Allee A.rt r the banqu et, the program fi Id ! po try to eXIl)' $S hi se nti Thi.a and Thata qf TJ.e & ance a be(!on s ol·tened to ~p- ackett w.ho played effective acre in Wayn(' tow nship and on e Clark whose Post Office Address is Waynesville, Ohio, R. F. D" has lot in Corwin. continul!d. :Mr . Lawrence FUI'nas, ment. . behn If 0 i th e f a th er The bfirst grade is njo)' ing the E mmll V . Gebb ar t t 0 FI oy d R . been duly appoinwd as AdminiBre p n().mg In ~rr". Dallas Bog .. _.... ok~ for the E . .. h'Ig h- Ch 00 I boys, mothers " ~ of the. cllior , -,. high ~ boys, aster ooy!! given t o' them by Mr. r--------·--------~----------~I Gebbar. trea it . Fran kI'tn" tl'utl'ix of the E tate of Charles F. (),l ' t h e Juntor es at tn point~d out that baeketball, liS 8 h k' I h Lotz. They have their room deFlonnce Parker to orothy A. lark late of Warren County, ~chool aport, ju~ifies it elf be- tan Inghal lase ,who made the conted with Easter bunni Il , Mike.eU, 121 acre in Turtlecreek Ohio, deceallcd. . t e s uccess )1 was. ba kets and eg ...., also bl'rd s for Dated this 20th day of March aus it teaches coop ration season Ift·~ township, t hrough teamwork. ' because itlhis Same thought was e:!C- i.heir spring blackboard border. AnnaB. Cramer to Dl,li8Y Hop- 1936. b'~in8 boys to be good loser, he- pre85~ by Vine nt Griffy, sp ak- They are glad to have Ro emary " . kina, inlots ~o. 76 and 76 in But- Frank C. Ander!!on, Atty. ca us it creates .self-confidence, Ing for toe team. Mulford and Dickie Iron s with lerville. RALPH. H. CAREY, because i promotes qUick t hinkTbe second gUCRt pea ke .. .was them again,. as they have been George B. Itanor to Wilbel' C. Judge of' tlfe Proba~ Court . d h' I t" t d [1'. R. R. Bc k. scout execlltive, ab cent becaUSe of illness. Common Pl_. P'~n.. ceased d 'tt d b B I . Warrer) County, Ohio 109 all . P Y lca ac IVl y, an oC the Mound Builders' Area. .B e The third grade pupils are . , was a ml e to pro ate. erg t, ~a cstute 1n Hamilton because it give .an outlet to that ba ed his remark~ on the tateIn the matter of the e tate of townShip, Ii si)'~ to excel which is a natural t d b h f having lots of fun in making a In the case of A. 'L. Watkl'ns do Laura E. Ward, decea ed, motlon Wilber C. Berger to C. W. m~n 'once rna Il y a oac 0 rainy day' booklet. First they are t d H · f ee Img. J ohn Hnpkin Univ rslty, tha't the ' k ing bu sines as Blue Ball G1'ocery, gran e . nry, rca I estate in Warren and U.. ~'1 Ch 1 A d to ma e something that can be Enlma HilI .ad • . t t ' f tb CII'nton countl·es . • AT 1'5. aT es n rson, .spond way to win is to have the will to made On a rainy day, then they versu!! J . E. Eberhnrt, judgment ' mlDlS ra rlx 0 e THE MIAMI GAZETTE lng for the mother of the. Junior Win ' an, d havmg ' estate Matthew J H rmet:.: and Leah L won tb e game, to are to wdte coherent stodes to plaintl' ft' for "~2~1. " 00 . DI'strl'b u- h tI of 1't1. R. Hill, deceased 1iled ~igh bOY6, expressed. h r. mter~st; go on trom ther to click in life.' about the!!e things. tion Ol·dered. e~h rst and final accQunt Hil,'metz to Lucille JackSOn, real FOR RESULTS 1n th team! and praised It. for Its Mr. · . . Elli gave apother of Mae Pigg 1 on the honor 1'0\1 In the case of ..N,ew Y9rk ..Life tl efad judication und detcrmina e ate in Fr4l~klin township. for pellin,. . InsuranCe Co. verSllS William E. on Q the inhel'itance tax to be I Biah Leland S~oup and Sylvia sportsman-hke conduct. his famou s toasts in poetry. Frank (Buddy) LeMay d IIverMr. Frank Kur1\ II who har Tile .fourth gradel'll are also glad O'N all, et aI, con1ilrmation, deed paid on the estate' of Bmma E. Edith houp to harle~ T. Pierce, ~ the respon!!e .tor the ' junior beE"n unanimou sly el~ct d by the to have three of their pupils bac)c and distribution. J~nney, deceased, is to be given to :52 acres in Clearer k ' township. In the ase of L.awis & Drake. a persons interested. Allowance Charles O. SextCln nnd Anna E. h)gh boys. He Bald, il\ part, that members of the tl,lam as their most who have been absent from school ~ Ie tea~, like all othcra, bad had loyal ~u PPdrter, comm nted in the because of illness, they are Edwin Inc:, versus H,enry N. Oram, et aI, ~as md.ade W. . Graham for ex- exton to John P. Nicdel'man and I ups and dow,?s, but that the attltude the boys had taken Surface, Angoenette Pence and judgment to plaintiflr and from de- ~ao[' ma'r y sClvicCJI and t.o C. B I'tha R. Nied rlllsn, 81.30 acres t am we lucky to have Mr. JameB throughout the s a on, and ex- Grace Peck. f ndants, Henry N. Ovam, Emily onuld Dilntu h for legal services. in ()eerti~ld township. a a coa~h to pull them through, pressed h is thanks to the coach In Miss Campbell's fifth grade S. Oram and John Brown Wright Emma HiIJ, admini tratrix, of Laura Jones t() The Federal n at, whll~ th younier bOy8 lost and to the cheer leaders for the the following three glrla have a the um of $3530.16 with interest. the estate of Sophia Hill, dece811ed Land Bank of Loui vii!, 169 Ollt eflr~y In the to~rnament. they big part they had played. lleriect ' record in pelling for the The case ot Simeon A. GOBS ver- tiled her first and final account. acre in Harlan township. Mr. Bodenbender, high- chool f\fth lIix-week term : sus Raym ond E . Coem, et ai, is di Charles Van Ness, Hayes K~ver Rob rt J. Irwin, deceased, to had gaIned som~thlTlg that would s~.l'Ve them well In the future and coach, introduced Mr. MacDonald Jeann Baker, Edith Bergen, mis ed. and Charles H. Young were ap- Annie I. Irwin, 1:3 .46 acres in v.ould .help them to uP~old the and Mr. Jame ,wh() re pectively Betty Davis. The ca e of Mary F.r1ith Steiger- pointed appraisers of the estate of D e rfield tow nlll)ip. ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN "tandards set by the varsity. awarded certificates tq members . The perfect apeUers for the . wald versUS John !Steigerwald is Hannah A. Shimp, deceased. A. nie...l. Irwin to William A. and ,bee» and c.I ... ..;. The tl.Ht guelt spe~er W&l Mr. of the soft-ball and Junior high week are: Wilda Mae dismissed. The e tate of William Crist is Clara l:!. Young, 13 .46 acrell in live wi... md l.i. L. KIR~bUry: Pretndent !)f. the bueban 'team. ,Thirteen certift. Jeanne BaIle.r , Edith In the case of AI,bert D, Reese, exempt from inheritance tax. Roy Deerfield townshi,P. . the blchallt Mound Budders Ar~a, CounCil ?f eates were given for softball; Norman Biggs, Betty Davis, receiver of The Citrizens Natloual al V. Crist and Freda Howser ad· The Spring Vall 'I National marann. prie.. .nd I'ood ••nta•. Bank 'o f Wilmingto ,n versu!! O. F. ministrators of the estat 'filed Bank t o J, Q. Gons, t 81., real es- U.lan Stacl. Yanla' CIDcl._tl. O. Boy Scout... llr. ~lDpbury laid t'belle were awarded. to Robert: Dib'ert, Tom Florence, Lyle that wh~t count:" 1n .baBket~all, .al Ahen, Robert Hames. Charles and H.e len GOM. Kibbey, et aI, judgment to plain- their fir!lt and flnal account. tate in Wayne towrll!hip. Tune in on Racdlo StatiOD WOK'Y 12 ;26 to 12 :80 p. m. for our daih Perfect attendance for. the tift' and from defEmdants, O. F. Cha1'les T, Ellis, administl'8tor of weU as In scoutmg, IS nbt l~dlvld- Davis, Norman Meredith, Carl mal'ket report.. ual work, but the team p~llmg to Cook, Vincent Griffy, David aix-weeks term includes Betty Kibbey, Addie Gelrtrude Kib~y the estate of Mazie E. Ellis, deBilla Allllweci retller las ~_unit_ He alao dlSCueaed Boger, Charles Earnhart, Albert Lou ATthur, Jeanne B uker Edith and Howard Allen Carnes the sum ceased flied his iiIVentol'Y. ~ellera 'p_lel of 8eoutlng, Ib?w Hawke, Rol!er( 'Young, Earl Con- 'Ber~n, Kathryn Brickel, Eugen" of ,1764.09 with interest. The< inv~ntory of Marie Hill exThe Columbus Blank Book Mfg l~f how . the Cana.dian 1C0ut life ner, John Boger, and Clyde Brown, JU)Jior Ca8ey, - Wayne In the casc of Th~e Mutua1 Build ecutrix of the estate of Frank R. Co., forms for aucHtor, $1; BarddreNd from that lD this country, Fr()mm, mlmager. Cl...y, Minnie CraWford, Clair ing and Loan Co. VE!rsus Kate H'u r Combs, deceased, was app.roved. rett Brothers, fomls for l!.robate, '_ . b~w Bectiona of thia country J~nior high _b oy receiving Dibert, Robert Earnpart, Cliftord ley, Ilt ai, Judgment. to plaintift In W. C. Manning, administrator court, $2 .15; James Dumford, dlifered from. other, and certificates were Frank LeMay, G,ay, Billy H,rtl!ock, Max Hay, the su m of $2657.1~5. of the eBtate of Calvin Keenan de services a member of Soldier'l! how the. en.tU'e movement ,!aa -nobert Haines, Murrel Thomp$Oll and Doria Fires. In the case of William H. Har ceased, il1ed Iiis inventory. ' Burial Oommlt~, $1; M. H. 08cooperatt•• In the jamboree which and Harold Stroud. Other boya The! perfect attenda~ce in Miss mon versus Rosana Carlier, at ai, A ce.rtifled copy of the entry de wald, burial of Indigent soldier. is to be he)d in AUIUBt as a pa~ who p1ayed durin$' the season, but Hartsock'B room for the last. s.ix- confirmation deed and di!!tributlon tel'mlnmg the inheritance tax on $100; Mrs. Maytie Thomas, servof tbe eelebrat,ion of the twen.ty were not in enough quartera to re- week term are: Kenn.eth Bradley etc. the estat.e ot Emma J!:. Janney, de ives., $5; Mrs. Elmer Lacy, lIerIn the case of Rlllth Rooks ver- ceased, 18 to be certitled withou vices, $5; Mrs. Oma Osborne, fifth ~nnivenary of 1C0uting in ceive awards were introdllced. Ina . Mae Oeuber, Lydia McKeever: These were Earl (oran, Willard Nellie Imdorf, Charles Smith 's us Thomas Roan, a divorce wall delay. services, $10; James Moore, serv Amer1ca. . In the flrst toast of the eventne , Fur1ias, Charle!! Fires, Harold and Esther Smith. granted the plaintiiff. Custody of In the matter of the e tste of ices, $6; ~11'8. Maude Deardon, Mr. J. A. Hartman stated tbat an Anderson, Robert Clary and Robminor child was given to plaintift ~lizabeth W. Huft'ord deceased services, $7.50; Mrs. Lillie Urton occa !on of. this aort was a step in ert Hyman. In the case of New York Lite th withdrawal of acco~nt by O.ri~ service, ,10; M.1's. Ira Eltaroth, t~e. rJght d.lrecUon J:>ecau~e It was Varsity men receiving awards Scholanhip Teat. Insurance Co. vursus William L. Brunk was allthorized and ap- ervices $5; Mrs. Helen Dough. gIVing pral~ for acblevem~n.t, were Vincent Griffy (honorary The Warr~n county scholarship Bllrggraf, et aI, confirmation, deed proved, man, ervices, $7 i Mrs. Howard Phone 78J and achievement, whether 1n captain); Ead · Conner, . Charles contests will be held at Lebanon and distribution. Sawyer, service, '7; Wade S. oratory, music, ICholarship, or Davis, Carl Cook, David Boger, on Saturday, April ' 13, Wayne Marrl ..e Lic_. Brown, e~roneous issuance of atliletiC8, IIhould be commended. Norman Meredith Charles LeMay township ill represented in all the N-w Slinta vendor's license '1; Dayton Blank "'haID up a cbild the way h& Albert aawke, . Robert Satterth: lI ubjects. ThoilO' Burton, farmer 01 Orelfonia Book & Miff·, Co., duplicate re• t I are: Mildred ~·-~~~.="'t~~~h)etitilm--of'-tl~e-~fflilagr-o:t-f~I-:-J~IIl-'--MtHltie--ElOupmllrzr,-oi1-~il'ts {t) clerk JlLcourt, $20.69; .F urnas and Roy Crockett. Lebanon to transfer funds. Ore/ionia. William J. Pdanz r, repairs and -rOTARY pu.uc Those taking English 11 are: Albert L. Ertel versus Charles Norman Hazleton, barber labor at jail, $43.48; William .Glenna Woolard, Margie Tinney O. Sexton, for mOtley. Monroe and Miss Elizabeth Hill of Shotwell, services a8 panltor, and Su.ella Bernard. __ Franklin. Memorial Hall, '20; William J. Dr. . . . . a ..... S.,tIM Jane Cook, Marjorie Earnhart Pro".t~ (:Oarl Pftauzer, labor and repair!! on WAYN&IVIu..E. OHIO and Barbara Gray ·"'m take En"R--' E 0 T f plumbil1g at court house, ,56.60; I"!,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!,!!,!!!!!!!,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!,!! lish 111. f' .. The'll of Adam J~. Apgar, de._l. ra...... John D. Freeze, . , lephone ~all, I; Betty Hartsock, Juanita Bran- ceased as admitted to probate, Ralph A. Wilson I to Luella B. '1_20 i Th Dayron S~eneil Works .0& IALE DATU CALL nock and Olive Scott will take Harriet O. Veldt W~l8 appointed ex Swan, 61.88 acres in Turtlecreek ~upplies for auditor, $2!l.76;

School High Spots ~.-..











F 'T Ma rt-In. Auctlon •• r


Cent.rville, Ohio


44 Year. Of Service


Cary's ' Jewelry Shop


Lebanollt Ohio

Y ••

"a, Choo•• With

En~~~~e I~~ing

for Latin I are Charles ,.t.nderaon, Buelah ~rnard, and Vivian Conner. Those ,taklnr Latip II. are Eileen Hal1, Margie Tinney and Suella Bernard. , Mildred Cook, Ro.y Crockett, Ruth Conner and Howard Han are taking the general !!cience test. ThOBe going for "lgebr. are Vivian Conner and Jane Furnas. John Kellner is our representattve in plane ,eomeby.' Eileen Hall, Glenna ' Wool~Td and Robe.rt I Y . oung are, ~klng


~~~;~';:1t~;n:hUj;e~~~~n ~:r. to;'::'eh~irst

ley were appointed appraisers. A. D. Harvey W'UI appointed ad Diamonda- Wa.tchea--Jewelry-Silverw~re mil:li!!1~ra1t()r of the estate of lIannah A. Shimp, deceased and filed For the Cr,adu.t., Shnw... Or Weddinl Gifl bpnd of $500 with sureties. R. Pierce Evan& was appoint~ administrator of the estate of Expert Watch Repairing and Engraving Cornelia B. Elvana Sch.enck, deceased, and filed tlond of $1000 wilh sunreties. . Robert M. Blah', administrator of tbe eBtate of Flrank A. · Presley s~" ~_ 8:3., a. m. to 9 p. m. deceased, filed his inventory and his application for a certificate of ~~~==~~==~~~~~=~=~~~=~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~=~~ltr~~~ · . Wal~er N. AlJerl, ad . of the est.:te of William J.: AUen, deceased, filed his application for a certifica~e 1)f ·tr"nafer. Walter N. Allen, administrator of the t!state of Rebe~ca E. Allen deceased, filed his application for a certificate of tr.mafer. . George Stuemar waa found in~ne lind i. to be Ii dmitted to the D.yton State HOI.pita]. . A eertifted .eopy of the entry da termining the inh4!rit.nce taz on the e.tate of Ohllrl.. PenaW&, deceased, 11 to be certitled 'without delay. . The ~tate of JaImes A. Beel, de CLASSIFIED. ADS COST ONLY ceased, ie exempt. from inheritONE CENT PER WORD. WHY ance tax. The inventory of Joseph ICing' KEEP YOVR ATTIC FILLED administrator of the estate of wii

u711e Home of Gifts"











National Bank to Louis and A Wiederhold 188 acres Harlan township. Pendleton Morton to Eudora Tyler, inlot No. 289 in Lebanon. EudoT~ Tyler to Pendleton ton, inlot No. 289 in Lebanon, . Charles Blackford and Eliaa~th Blackford to LOuiSe Rothacker 71).27 acrea In TurtJecreek township. Lilla McClellan ' to Samuel Kirby ~nd Maggie .Kirby, inlot No. 363 In Franklin.

~:~~ L~e~!:lI\i:~~~~!~lng '/~6~

et!loley ••. Koogler


Tigar Ie Charlton, food furnished relief familiel!, $6; WalTen County Llimber Co., fuel furnish ed relief families, ,1.50; Zeiger's General Store, food, '53.60; JESSE STANL&Y Warren County .Democrat, publica tion ot rate of taxation for ..... ~Io, N_ treasurer, $235.77; The Western tar, same, '236.77; E. H. ThirkUIU. KOOGLI& Da'. . . . ._ iald " Son Co., clothing furnished relief families during Febl'lt.ry Kit......... . $237.31; A. Schilfett, food, $18; Ray Swigert, food, $6; Schilling's ~~~~~~~~ .~= ---Food Marke~, food, $49; William ~~~~n_utoD~~~~~~ ~~ '12.5Q; ~ R. CaIPP, 160 acr~.8 In . TurtlecreeK Rossman · eft Co., food, $'7; , Kroger township. ' · Groce, y &: Baking Co., food, ,812 Elmer ,E. Fossett to BroadUB 25: ~aufman'8 clothing, " 61).65; FQRIA", ~u$k and' Ma.son Rusk, 125 aCres J, H. Hendrick's food, U2; H. O. III Salem: township. , Hamilton, food, $175.90; George SALE- Potatoes for ' eatl. . B~n B. Sortor and Laura Ethel B. D()wner, food, $14.20; Fred's or I.ed. Phone .70& Lebanon. Sortor to Louise Caramella" StOre, clothing~ .47.44; EVlI1Is.acres in Hamilton townahip. Bros. Brocery Co., food, $17; F. .. I John Murphy and Celia Murphy W. W. Cline, food and clothiDl, 0", SALE--Eztra larae 80"erto Th. lpvelaJld Mutu.l Buildin. ,179.80; The .O relobia Bridle Co., - . inl' Panly .plantl. Onl 1ftUe froM .nd Loan Co., inlot No. 80 and repairs to -WIndow acreenl and a o~ ~Illbroolc pU,•• 89 in South Leballon. guardll at jail, U8.fiO; JohnLutt.- Ge01'l'a Petanon, Phonl la2~l, Cl'l11 O. Dunham to Eogena C~ . two !!beri~'B .I.~al 'Urhtl FOR SALE:-Petoik, potato.. to~ DUD ham and C.rl V. Dunllam, for aherift', $:10, M. E. Rou, P. eaUhl or Pbon Oabom lot, NIl. lUI in Lebanon. . M., 's tamped envelopes, '11.8&; The 83M2. Ben Smith, D.~n, Ohio, Laura E. lAwAi to K.r1 E. Ray, F. J. Heer Prlntlnl Co., 100 am. R R 9. . -a18 inlot ·No. 49 In. Ava~on Hei,hte. . Jane F. Wrirbt, deceued, ro FOR ~ALE--6-tube Oroal.,.. radio Charles E. Wright inlot No. 94. iii in lood condi~ion. alectric. c.en Springboro. Davia. Wil1i~ Z.- ROIl, deceased, to FOR SALE--o-A nice Une of box liam Kinl', deceUf!ld, w.. approv· Franeea G. Roll, 16.32 acr.. in tatatlobery, 24 abe.ta and '2 4 .... ' ed. ' Turtleereek townahip. velop" for 26c; ShOW-Pac. 16 Harry A. Satteri;hwaite waa Mao E. 'Waterhouse, deceased .1I~eta' .nd 16 envelopu -for. 10 pointed admiftist17ator of to CeorKe J: Wa~erboulle, et ai, estate of Frank :Hi. real· eat"te ill Waype township. '. Overcome. Lan,u.,e Hendi. cents. waxe" ~el', wblte tIan. ' p.p,er na~1dn •••t G.sette ceased and filed lbond ot ' Moille 1)1. York to C)larlel S. ~; ·U••• Fri.nch'"PhotO. with Bureties. Edil,on Taylor, and MoUie If_ ~ort. inlot No.2 in In.~••cI of T,,. HazelWOOd and · ~!ph Mapl. Park Subdivision. PIPE, VALVES and l!'ITTlNGS were appointed ap,p raiaers. Albert Hensler, dac...ed, ·. to An Italian WOQlan in WaterblJr)', . for W• .-r, Gall Steam , W.u. Jamell Ward, eXecutor ot th' ..-Marie Henlller, et al, 4,0 .ere. in Coon., who doe • . not read or 'Peak a.el SpraJiq, Cbtml haQd, tate of Laura E. Ward, dece.Md, Hamilton township. WUUam 1. Allen, dec. .ed, to English-has a tabloid telephone eli. tric ud Spra, pumpL P1allllina • filed hi, application for • cerWl. cate of transfer. 'Wa1~ N. Allen, et ai, 57 &erel In rect~r1 to overcome the difJicultiea IktIttq Suppllea lo~ prte. and '!wheat QuaUt7.t TIl. ~ of our Il,ngua,e. The inventory 'of Bani Verbl'v1r •• 1 Clearcreelt to"nlbip. Her ton-ill-law, who i, a telepbone Xi.. Co.,, Olalo. Wr1t16 . . executrix of tbe .tate of Rebecca E. Allen, deeeaaed, to .. Walter N. Allen, et al, 8. aerea In employee, wanted to .~11 ber a tele- t~ prioeL ' Verbryke. deceaaed, wu phone. But she demurred becaule . Truman B. Orilwold Clearereek townabip. B. JohnlOn, executors of th. MAmand. H.rbaa..... et ai, to she aaid abe couldn't look up Dltmtate of Oeor.. W. GrilWolct; de- Walter N. and ¥ariUma AUen, berl ia the directory. H~yer, the aa1e1lilaD waan't C.-led, ftled their Int, laal and teal edate fD Clearer••t tenetp dl.trlbutiv. aecount. Fraak A. d, to cast uide 10 ealilJ. H. took a pieCC WAHTI:D to The tollowinc accounta ".re Hlldnd E. BlaJr, SteJa, .... 10 of cardboard anel OIl It ,.... piefrom 100 to Ito ... . D:- It. hlrH of all the people 7ritb ".... hia proyed, allowed .nd coDinud FraDkUIl Town.hiD. • ..... the court. . Chari.. Echnra Ilce..Ir, de- mother·in-law. Ukee 10 each be wrote Jamea E, Buk.. eeued, to Dora .o.~, of the ena&e of fa TartI. . . . .........

Auctioneer. '

.u. . . .







.11, .... .........

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W....... . 11

incorpolltion r. r th.. • tat Em- liked by al\ who know her and ber ployeFt' ('n·dit I nl"n, whlrh aU ' ~unny disposition has won for her tatt· t'lllph,yt I j. I Ililc for many friends h~re and in Dayton It ia unlikely that the erosion of melllbel hip, \1.1(, til· "ith ,'l'Cl'e "here she has been employed tor IRSUED EVERY THURSDAY Ohio tarm lands will ever reacn tllry of :-it;,tl (; III',.' Myt'I's. 'olne time. Mr. Jackson and she the "dust storm" IItage, according Approvl·t1 by thl" <tlltl· cUI'itie • became acquainted whilel attend· D. L CRANE I I P,...l1.h.r SulncrlpUoa Prl ••, f' .10 • Yell' to H. C. Rameower, chief of division, th. III (11'11,_ for ing Wilmington eoUege a few 011....................... , No. liZ Enter4la at p".torJlce at WaTn..- agricultural exten ion n .. ,mn·Lm,en 20,000 .h:ul! I t' 1I,~ lit $n a ~ars 4lgo. lie i"a well liked and R ......,. .. ....... ......... No. 111 ville. Oblo, ••M::~;tn4 Cia•• Ibtl of Ohio State university. tiharc, and allY ~1:1t., cTJl)Iloye (IWn- 11m;! young man and OUl' best . , basis for his statement, Mr. ing onQ or II"" 'C ,.hnrl's lllUY bnr. wi h 8 are cxtended to both. ' ower called attention to I'OW mOlley fl !llll Ow taniun. Thl' Rev. J. P. ThornbUry bas been APRIL 11, 19~6 major prQgrams designed to olh r orR'llni~alllln af'llt cl was a quite sick but is somewhat imet'osion. They are the Mu kingum new post uf thl! Y '[crans Qf Fore- pl'oved at this writing. valley conservation pr<>gram, the [gn Wars, wltirh i '\lIn\lo~ d en. Mrs. Edith Herman received Dropped? SciotQ.Sandusky porgr41nt the f 11- tif Iy of . tnle ellJ/lloY 'A who have wO~d of the d,e ath of het' mothet ~ra1 reforestation program in h41d oV'r!; U? JllililtllY :", .. vicl.'. The in Kansas city last. w ek. The NRA has been d fluted so Inpitlly nnd cornplet-e1y that the l:IouthelIlltern Ohio. the at(lte new V, F, W. unit wiU be know n Mrs. Evelyn Shumaker and tendency ~l'OW!l to drop it altogcther. Th~ pendulum swings from one gram along "he shoreli ne of us Ohio Govrl'IHII' p()~t No, 31iG. A daughter, Miss Marjorie, WBre extrem. lo th~ other- and lIeit~ l' e-xtreme is good. Erie, and the oniver ity's erosion luncheon m~(.tlrl~ Yo \11 ue held Satui'day dil,m er gU~st8 at the Thll;\ Ilat~on lll'ofltll from low industrial prices-and wm profit sel'vice to individual farmers. In each \ ('driP "n~' . IItncl!l'1I al'e home of G. M. DacDonald and asrricultura! Ad jutant. (; ('nplHl EIP'il F'. Marx, family. r rom th em .m [.clmell like this, when buying I'S so Assential tore- mploy- the latter case, thet Oh ' State po~t ommandl'r; Hampton 13cesun ~ ex ....nsion ervlce a 10 The rUany friends of Mrs. Lizzie ment. carries on a batUe agsin t ()rosion d~puty ac.ilnini:tl'atnl of the Ohi o Hal'lan will be glad to know that The ability to tUrn ol1t goods at low ·u nit prices is the secret of through county agents and ex- R covery .\l'l, !<l!nior vice com- she ha returned to her home the industrial sup remacy of the niled S'ates. It has learned how to tension workers, who urge land mander; .JallH'H P. lIul'd. assistant after spending the winter with overcome the obstacle of high overhead and distribut;irig costa by mass owners to build small dams on corporation udvi,;or in OIC Seere- her sister in Dayton. production. ' th eir farms to store up waler. tary of Stat()'s , ()meC, junior vice Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A hbaugh Low costs for indu strial goods at the present time will help the Thousands of trees have been commander i and JOSef-,ll Eaton of of Portsmouth spent the week· position of the fanner. who has been handicapped because his prices furnished by the state forestry er the stat boal·d of bal1t!er exa min · end with her brother Mr. Everett vic.e to reclaim land~ already ers. adjutanl qual't~rl)1, u..<;tel'. ' VllIars and family.' • were lower. They will help on 'all sala;'ies and all employed for wages. damaged by erosion. _ _ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ Miss Kathleen Graham spent The NRA interfered with this bility to set low prices by arbi- , Sunday with her friend Miss Various changes affecting Ohio Lucile Tucker. tr8ry price fixing. It forced up J>rices and the re~u1t was .a bar to the ~'mp loyment of more men. The pl'iee fixing factors now have been re- banks during February and March Mrs. A. S. Collett and Mr. and moved and prices are adju s (in~ themselve . were reported by State Banking Mrs. Harold Gillam and family H. Squire tl Maslrt!-r hasb been Sunday wI'th . ""1's. GI·llam· At the same time, there 'IS 1\ pOI' nt beneath whl'ch prl·eeB cannot "'0 uperl'ntendent Samuel ... . t ' Ernesl f l ' ~oOl'e k 0 t '.. .pent " '4 "... .. The Liberty Banking Company of Ie VIC I~l C nc en·p xu]., isters the Misses Lamb of Newwithout orking even greatel' hardships. When price cutting starts. the Fremont, the Napo,leon State Bank beltl!r thiS wl!ek. port, Ky. competition. vicious as it is'; must be met. When low prices are ob- of Napoleon and the Commercial Ie dames ha Gordoll tlnd Miss Lavone Osborn acco tpined by means of ~wea[,.sttows they muat be met. The honest and State Bank also of Napoleon were I P. Mc arren wel'e L(!bllnon VlSl- ied her schoolmate, MillS I~ititnat.e nlanfactur arin thel'c are many of him- is nl:.lVe,nt(~d.l taken over 'by the tate division of tors last Thul'sdny afternooll. _ Cleaver borne for' the week-end. from maintaining the good, ages and working condition!! he has eatab- banks to ~xpedite thei, reopening, Ml's. Eva MllcDQ1lald \~as In Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Denny and lisbed. And the wotker suITer as much as the manutacturer. Superintendent Squire said, The olumh~ 1~. t w ek nt,t 'TIding the Miss Ruth spent the week.end in tilt .Mld-'\ ear · W. . T. U. meet- Indiana visiting relatives. I t .18 essential that some effective Bnd adequate method be found Bank of Cleveland, t.he Union ing Trust Co. of Newark and the . The Woman's ivic League and of preventing these ilub'VC1'8ivC! (lnd. corroding price cIJ,ttinll' praetiees. Silverton Bank of Silverton were Mrs. Anna II art'i~ returned to the Men's club will observe AJ:'bor PerhllPB the NRA is not th~ way. A federal :iu4g~ has ruled that it Is Licensed to reopen. and the Com. the home of her sister. Mr/!. H. -e Day by planting trees on the Main not attuned to the spirit of the ConstitutiQn. There aJ!e scoree of mercial Savings Bank of Galion Collett o£ 'ubina,., l~~'t Monday, treet. ' from the Federal after spen\\ Revera'l days with Mrs. Sadie Reason entertained facto rs in, the situation which deserVe detaiied and sincere study. The withdrew friend and relatives. rroblem should be> taken up nggr ssively and the best DPsineas Reserve during t.he period covered Mr. and Mrs. . S. ollett at. on Sunday with a family dinner f !.he country brought to bear upon a solution of tbe problems in- jn tbe report. tended FarmGrs' Club at the Jo in honor of the birthday annivervolved,-Syracuse Post.Standard. . D ardoff h m in Lebanon Last sary of her daughter, Mrs. Earl Approxlmately $4,000,000 less Rockett. Those present were Mr. in automobile lieena fees wiU be Tb~~~~at 'V. ~n'll attended the and Mrs. Percy Reason and son, hd· Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hockett and Paid by Ohio motorists next year if the Senate folloW8 the action of eighth- ixth birt ny aOJversary Ruth, Mr. aud Mrs. Rhodes BunoWRsend In ReverIe of her moth l' in [olntel'ey last nell anddaIJgbter C41rol and Mr. W.e don't claim a "'reat delll of credit for it. but the fact is that the House of Representatives and Wedn ' day . . , nasSes the license fee re.duetion ' . II' L b aJ\~ Mrs. J , B. Ricb of ,n ear Way1\'0 have a Townsen'd plan all our own. What we propose il simply to bPI introduced by Rep. LIQyd S. Mrs. Mary alll IS \VIlS a e - neaville. ' \ la t Thulrsday. Mr. and Mrs. Clint Cleaver will Stacy (R) of Washington COUDt}r anon Lastvisitor atunlay ('v fling at the ' tend th e T ownsend p Ian on I't8 "'- a d . Instead of paying p ri slons to everyone' over sixty. we suggest The Stacy measure provides for home of l\1i s Ev~IYn Tucker. the entertain several from here with ,hat a pension of $200 a month be paid to each person between the lice-nile feell ranging from $7 to ~i8se Kathl en and Nellie Gra- a card party on Tuesday night. l"'es of 20 and 50 who will agree to. top work at once- and devote ' hi • . '15, Dnd would be effective in ~' Rh M C d M' Mrs. Laura Shidaker hilS re.. ham. eo. e Ul't:cn an 16S turned from a visit with bel' entire time to spending bis M o n e y . , 1936. A~ ~he . present time the Tu k I: gave a mil;cellaneoDB friend, Mrs. Emma Cline, in DayThis i& not 80 crazy as it sound. The object of tbe Townsend plan ;utom$~d~ ~~:ns~ fedes tiran~e shower 1'01' Mias DOl;.othy Davis Is to .put mo~ey Into circulation, 'a nd everyone' knowa that the YOUllIf th~minitial~ rate' fee!ref:rc t~~ck~ who is 80 n to become the brfidD~ of tO our young people in college Mr. JOe Jackson fOl'nll~r1y can lI""end tW1Ce as fa t as th eo I ...'· · F ur th c!more. our p Ian wou ld ena ble was also provi d~ in the bill. J' I'f . 0 h ay'11 have returned to thel'r studl'es ... . tit h ' d . ean" l" · th e ton butnext now OL 11 I or,nIQ. ~merlcane 0 camp e 'e t elr e IlcatlOnj marry. tray practIce leave unduy morninge WIto after several days vacatioll. tine arts of living while they are still in the prime ot life. . d. State employes formed two new j in hi m t h ere nu.1 b,e marne Along with these features, our plan would put the work of the organizations last week Articles of Dorothy is.a girl unusally well Subscribe for The 141&1Jll Ga.eUe world into the banda of those best able to handle it, Cltiuns o'1{er fifty can woyk longer and harder th~n the young, never come to the oftice with a h"ngover, are not up et by love affairs, and haVe lonll since STATE 01= OHIO outgrown the idea th<lt they are smarter than the b088. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Maybe our plan is cuckoo. but jf it is. we defy the world to sbow ~OHN JASHR , JR., 'DIR~CTOR uS why and wbere.-Cambridge Chronicle.




N.w York..


I .



=:============:-.c::===Will NRA Be








8:00 8:05 8:15 8:25 8:35 8:60 9:00 9:10 9:20 9:25 9:35 9:45

Music The Refugee Land Tract .................. " ........ ... ........... H. E. Eswine The Nature of Plant Diseases .. " ... ,.... . _.. .......... A. L. Pierstorft' Breeding' Dairy Herda ............. .. ....... .. ...... ,.E. E. Heller Home Sweet Home ............ .... ... .. .... " ........ .... , .. WOSU PI.yen Cooperati~ Credit IYl!lUres Source of Loana ...... ,. H. S. Forsythe, Secreta of Sllcce sful Egg Cooltel'Y ...... , .......... Mar)' E. Cerlaugb Growing Soybeans Succes tully .. " , .. ..... ...... " .......... J. B. Park Music Y'our Commuinty and You ........................... ............ .Bruce Tom Soil Preparation (01' P~otitable Crop Yields ......... ,....... F. J.Salt.e r Pruning Woody Shrubs ............ .... ,.... ...... ..... .. " ... L. C. Chadwick


a8 1


1'1'1' ~.nt.


TTl ry Th. Gur.ttl' fo'ur a . 'i at'



""!!'!!!!"!!~!!!"!!!!!"!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!' '" ---~--



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Unquestioned durability and exquisite design . • . _ -the hiRhest Ideals an plated ware-are assured m '.poons,' forks, and fancy aervins pieces hearing tho renowned trade marl





There are vario~s makes of silverplated tableware '~ch are claimed Ito be "just as gbod," bU4 lik.e all


Ditations. they lack the beauty and wearing quality, identi6ed with the original and genuine 1\ 00 R06ERSBROS. I /Ware popularly kn9wnas uSil"er Plati'ihat WeaT$.~· ~- Sold by l~~ding .dealers eyerywhere, . Send for catalogue " C-L showmg all deSIgns, , .DEN BRITANNJA CO., (I"TI·"·:!:-!~!~rn. OO~ lerUIea. Coo.

Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol COLUMBUS Exc&ptlonally jood flshing at IIIdian Lake. Logan county, this .ummer and . for yean to come is eXpected to reo suIt from a heavy 1Ish-stocking pro ~am sponsored by the state divisIon of conservation. Thirty thouaand mature Lake Erie Crappi'l; perch. bullhead catfisn alld large-mouth baBB have been placed In the Ipawnil'lg water aection of Indian Lake, Conaervation Com-



The l'l'duction in til l<Ur plUli l\ll'h LrOught about uy adjll ~ tmcDt prO~rllms in 19~3 and U\j .l, tlJ~eth (!I' wilh the r duction to b" IlIl1d' in 1935 , ~UBt, not wear, rUins should elimh)Ale t.hc 'lltil'e 5 U1'- nost fence. 'That's why plus Qf lIluny gnltle:; and types of ~ed Brand Fence Is ' cigal' fillel' nne! bind-r toiJu 'co, th ioubty protecttd from ' of tht! A to bacco EI(!ction stales oust. It basabeavy GalvanncaledouteT :oating and a real copper bearing inlier in it ann ouJlCem flt or the 1935 ection that greatly prolong its life and program. . :ut fence costs for you. Investigate. Th e progra m is expccted to Tesu It in It 1 Han ('rop r from 70.000 000 to' O,tJOU.OO() pounds. on8umpti on was 12G,OOO,001) pound during the 1.9:14.-3{) s IIS()l1. The program, there£ol'e, should .\, gult in reducing th.e clu'ryovcl' by 1>6, 000,000 tQ 6G,OOO,OOO poundl:l. When adju stment Jlrognuns t.;:lt:iS.:t:~~ were first oifeJ d cigar leaf tobaeco .g rowers il) J line, 1933, there were xce!5~ sUl1pli e' sufficie.nt for wO year's co.n,sumption. With the 1935 r eduction an acU compllshed fact, thel'c will be onlyl W.YDeI'ville, Obio a small surplus of a few types and Phone 25 grades, slate!! the tobacco section. In 1933 the contt'/\ct required a ==~~~=========== I'cduction of 50 . p r cent. The actual]'"I du 'tiO,11 made by contract , sig ners, in th~ Miami Vall y was 72 per c nt; in al l igor lea! Bcres, '71 Pl'J' Ci!nt. The 50 per c nt red uction re\:tuil'emimt was co ntinu o ed in 1934 e;K cpt thal prQducers who executeu a I'icier lo th il' con· tract coultl choQ;e one ()f three rates of reduction, namely. 100 pel' cent; 50 pel' ce nt, and 33 l·S per cent. Th e reduclion made ' in 193~ was also 72 per cent of the aggrc"""te l'I1S acre-ng Bnd u"'ain .,- 'f .. 92 per cent of the groW I' took 'part in the Pl'og[·Am. 'This yellr growers may cb. oose one of ,t he three rates o( l'educ-


The Obi. State University RadiO StatioD-WOSU


ci~ar leaf tt>lJ"ccn

===._ . --



peel d lo Bri". Supply Near Requirement.


Farm lvight 7alks, April 15


tloll: 100

missioner Lawtence Woodell nounced. ' The lake wm be ~~~:ffilj~~~~~~3~ 00 flsbing until July 1 jn oroer to give the new fish an opportunity ~ro;;iP"~tt to deposit their ens. Comrni .. sioner Wooddell said. Th. stockIng of the lake waa .completed while aportsmen throughout Ohio participated in tbe ' "American Conservation Week" activities, wlileh were h~d under auspice. of the Educational COD-

.t I



WI1H TIl.E II •' Ill'





B.v~ 70llr mower ei-ound '. :by



Satisfaction Guaranteed

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. . Enquirer

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M. SherwoOd



in the tedol'7. .... $ •• U

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,rOU'D e!'(pecl to pay a grea. I deal for a magnzine Uk, thil t · packed with first·run faci and fiction. But lIot ODe ex....· penDy wiU ' you pay fol' "ThiI Week," The Sunday E.,. quirer'. great new magadne. Oon'. miss it. See your lot".aI news dealer, order your cop1 right aW8Y•


,Iuu'. not cdI • • •


.4 Improl1eJ ~omk ..... 'ion , , ," mor. PfIIN .,

conde.. Abo fr.....". 1M "" 11ft'

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Surul.y E. . . . . .,


al. Dayton, Saturda , April 6. Clydl.' Whnton It\ud· a bUII110 ~ trip to Cincinnati Friday. 1IIr. and Mrs. Charles Morgan Mr .. Alice Clark \l'n~ 11 J)ay~on (rle Ruth Ear]y) are announcing visitor Thur day. til birth of Il on, Robert Early Fl i~nds hN'\! 01' (' ~orr}' to learn lIf flraTl, at Miami Valley hOllpit. of the ~eri()us iJllle 's of Prof. L. E. III 'S' at hi~ home ill SpYingfield. Praf. ClIl'e>' wns n f.Hmer Supt. ot Lytle chool. A IS t'g crowd enjoyed the Ladies' Aid meeting at the home of Mr~. Ed. L.ongacre, Wednesday of last wCt'k, MI' tnnley Bailey, !fl'!;!. Margaret Johns and Mrs. X·RAY WORK K ~l .. ~ Grahanl a si~ted the hos~ ess. BLOC ANESTHESIA MI s Cleo Hawke, of Dayton, AU Kiada of D_lure. M.... spent Wl'dne~day of last week with her moth r, II1:rs. Ben Hawke. R • .,air WQrk Done Qulckl,. Mrs. Walt I' Kenrick and James Haines accompanied Mr. Ken)fain St. WAYNESVILLE, O. rice to Harlan Township, Thursday. Mr. alld Mn. MelVYn BaTlta, of Waynesville, were Sunday Iruesta ~~~=~=======~lof . Ml'. and frs. Peter Banta. Mrs. Guy Rontzahn, and MTS. J. B. Jon s att nded Eastern Stal' meeting at Waynesville Monday evening. Mrs. Cu(1;\ Thompson was a wec1< nd guest 01 her son, Roy Williams, wife and daughter in Dayton. The ca ket and vaalts Mr. and Mrs. l]arv y Burnet and Mr,. Margaret Johns spent !urnl~hed in · 6ur service Tuesday in Dayton. aTe th \;l t obtainable. Mr. alld M;rs. Therle Jones and ~o n we-re . unday dinner guests of Only lItandard mel'ehanMr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones. dise of te ted quality is HaJ'Vew Burnet, Mrs. Har.old provided. Clienta can rei), Whihlker and son a'hd their guesti Ml'8. Josie , hitaker, Mrs. Lowell l,Ipon u to conduct the Thoma and Ml's. J. B. Jones pent finest funeral possible at Friday in Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick and a price within .t heir means. Mrs. Walter Kenrick were Lebanon visitors Friday afternoon. Mr. Le.o ~fason, of Mason, spent the wok-end with his sister · Mrs. Alice Clark. " Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Swank, of Dayton spent Sunday with the latter's parents. Mr. and Mr ,Ed . Longacre. , Pllo_ , Miss Dorothy Gra'h am was a week-end guest of 14r. and ,Mrs. ltay Smith in Dayton. Ml'8: Clyde ' Wharton a.nd daugh. ter. MISS Eva and Levi Greathouse 8pe~t Friday with ' l'elatl"ea in

DR. H. E. HATHAWAY Dentist


Only the Best

J. E.MeCtore

Wayne. ville, Ohio


Lebanon. Mial H.len Early Is in charge "t the Roxanna Grain Co. "inc<' the death of the former manager, ByMr. and Mrs. S. ron Adams, In, t Sunda~'. l,ebanon, were di Mr.. . C. weetman, of Day- day, 01 uperint ton 'pent last week with her par- Howell Pierce. ent", Mr, and Mrs. Louis Trickey Mrs. Lena Hartso'ck attended and . i"ter, Mrs, Alice Miller Ilnd the enior class play ,~t ReeS(l"'iIle, son. Sunday gUl1sts at. the Trickey High school, Clinton county. Frihome w re:' Mr. and Mrs. J. W. day evening. H r grandson, KenKerchner and two children anu neth Hartsock, took a leading Mr. Duke Trickey also of Dayton. part. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hadley Mi Annie U. Browne sel')t a had for their Sunday dinner S(llf addressed letter to Little guests ~fr. and Mrs, Ralph Webb America in Novembe~' 1984, which and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell was stamped on January 20 12M., Cdte and family and Mr. and 1 36 at Little America, AntarctMrs. Taylor Moore and family ofiea; stamped again fit San Fran. Wilmin gton. cisco on March 2B and received in Mr. and Mrs. F'Qrest Graham Waynesville ,tour da)'s later. The were called to Dayton Thursday, Byrd Antaritie Expedition 11 by the S('riolls illness of the lat- stamp hils a pictUre of ,t he world ter's mother, Mrs. Lucy Dyke, with dotted lines pointing td Little Mr!!. Graham remained with her Am rica. The second cancellauntil Friday vening. Mrs. Dyke's tion has a picture of a penguin condition remains about the same, with a U. S. mail bag hung from The play given at Lytle Hall his neck, passing a Jetter to his Saturday evening was a suceess in mate. an "Official cacbet," his post ev~ry way. All the characters did office. - - --- - - - - - exceptionally well and seemed fitted to their parts. The music rendered by Mrs. Russell Campball and Mrs. Mildred Surface was Mrs. R. M. Duffy returned to also ~ enjoyed 'by the large audiher home in Hamilton, Sunday nee. Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Graham. after spending a wl!ek 'With her Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones, Mr. and parents here. Mrs. D. F. Peterson of Middle~lrs. Therle Jones and son, Ii!\li 'Sernice Graham, Mrs. Mar.garet town, is the guest of' her parents, Johns and Mrs. Ruth avlige, at- Ur. and Mrs. C. P. Noggle. Miss Marjorie Haydock and tended a birthday surpriSe party for Mrs. ai-I Pickering at her Sunday School class w(+re enterhome i~ Centervi II undllY ve- tained by Miss Blanche EvaDs. Friday evening. ning. Miss Evelyn BO),'d, ot near Xenia ·spent the we,ek-end witb "How Eas)' Are Easy Payments her cousin. MislI Le,ona Miller. and Loans at Leg~1 Rates" is the The Aid Society of the Shaton title of Bulletin 161 of the Ohio Church was entertnined at the Agricultural Extension Service. parsonage on Wedm!sday. It. is intended for free distribution. Mrs. W. C. Smith who receivby county a~enta to those who ed painful injuries from a fall have production credit problems. last week, is somewhat improved. Howard McClure was caned to Ownership 01 Jlrobably hal! of the real estate in Chicago, meas· Centerville Monday by the dEfLth ured by value, was transferred Qf his stepfathea:, ~CharJea Swigduring the depre!llil>n because of art, who was killed by a trllin at fotecloBure or other debt proceed- Moraine City. Mrs. Frank Re""es and son, ,Ings, according to a study by Homer Hoyt, University o! Gene, ,spent the week-end with relativ" in. Jamesto,wn. Chlc.go.

New Burlington


..==~~~~~~.~ IEACHER-iSS~ IGNEO Seventy-One New


PyrolaJ[ Installations Slaee January I, ~93S ................ . • _.. _


Here They Are·-· BlaacM.t.... OhIO U.ers Harry PattersOn Arthur Ertle Lyman ' B. Wade Nora Broerman George Carnahan Roy Van Cleve Harold ~ixon , Edward AJ~x.ander J. B. Kellar D. .T. Ferri. Methodist Chureh , Brown Publishi))g Co. ' Ritz Cafe Aetna Laymon Floyd Walker

W.-,.-••ill. Mrs,. H. L. Rye ' Lina Madden C. D. Cook MOrTi,1I rulkerson W. L. Drake J. B. Chapman Emma Hawke McClure George Milia J. K.. Preston John Kersey

H. E.


, Hlahlusd

PLe...... tPlau. W. W. Cade Mrs. Francia U1ric.h Emerlon Harper

ChristiansC/n Brothers Carl Kam.,s Walter Moore J. , R. Coffman Allred Eesley , B. E. Moore Luella Jennings Henry Perritt Theo~ore Oowden


O. B. Linkhart



Mrs. , Roy Lewis



Willis Ray Han.,.bur~

. ,








J'red Thompson

New Viena. Mrs. W. T. Matthews A. H. McCoy Frank TerreU ~. Q. Bernard

MidI ••el Ci~,. C. H. Vickerl! J. H. Knopp .

QaaUty PltDtlBl'






COST. New B.autJ In JIa.lo Ohef


4 n


U . . . .4

Of C.JiforDia


, Ev~ry

s....... D,..._. ._lit,.


District Representative

.....Le.' Quick- for



'T hing For The

BABY CHICKS Waynesville Starting and Growioc Ma.h hal given the very b •• t re.ult. to our cuatomer. the pa~t two year•. Thia i. a local product made from the v~ry be.t ingredient. accordin g to a formula which hal the approval of the beat authorities.

Wayne Starting Mash, a favorite with many poultrymen. Anthracite C'oal and special Coke , for the brooder stove . Peat Moss Rolled~ O.ts Feeders Scratch Grains Water Fountains .

Pig Feeds Give the Pig. a good .tart and ,et th~m ready for the early market. W. can mix a feed tha~ will fill the need. on each farm. ' You can eet the be.t reault. at a price you can afford to pay.

Waynesville fanners Ex. Co. PhoneZS

Wayne.ville, Ohio


'Some of T·he Thi gs We Sell I






American Fence

• •

Lumber for Every Purpo.e

• •

~o.-.r_ . _








S,ria. Avery Myers

RANGES . 3-L 0 W

Late Classified Ads.

Mrs. Mary Hen41:ix has recently been· employed to lead ·the disCllStlionS in the rural economic schools. Mrs. Hendrix is knowD PO. tALlt throughout the statA~ as a farmers' institute speaker_ The intorma- FOR SALELFresh Lard. C. E. Michener. TeL fi6-R-21. tf tions given UpOll> th'l problems pertaining to a bette'r rural life ill interesting and 'worth while. Topics such as gardening, how to improve our comm1llnity, coopera. Aila for a tion etc., etc. , Miami.bur, P~rmanent tion etc., etc., are Ibrought before the classes. Concrete Following this Plut of th& program is a recreation period lead Air Seal Burial Vault by Mrs. Edith MClunts. In this For Sale only by period group ainging, debates, mock trials, games, etc. are enjoy. Your Funeral Director ed by the members of the ~oup. ~ ClaSlies are being conducted in the following centers, HarveysMcClure Funeral Homo burg each Monday' evening, But'lu•• O. lorvilJe on Tuesday eveninlf, Ridgeville on Wednesday evening,

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.,.

Material For Your Roofs ••

Lee,IIII'. Thunnan Miller

[' 1IJ'1]


Farmers' Grange N~. 13 had an interesting and instructive meeting April 6. The Smith-Bughes boys of the local high-lIChoo1. under th directiOn 01 MI'. J. B. Crabbe, gave a ParUamentary Rule demonstration with the fol1owlng boys taking part, Robert Thomas, LeMar Earnhart, John Kellner, Earl Sheets, James Sheets, Oecil Hartman, Leo Conner, Paul Webb Rob~rt Stanley, Charlea Fh:es and Lester Sha1fer. An F. F. A. orchestra comprised of Charles Firell. Leo Conner, Milo "RrT.'''·'' and Frank LeMay Ir. furnished mUllic tor the occaaion.


H. V. Nivon

'Here Is ,Why All Of These People : Have ,S electe,d "Pyrofax" ' Gas For Cooking ' " 1 LO~:

-----_ ...---



L. R. Hoover' Lewi. Bevan James Clevenger

Pansy Hartman

Plans are being made by the County Director of Institutes ()f the W. C. T. U. Mrs. A. S. Collett, as isted by Mesdames W. W. W~lch and Lida Hatton for: an all day County Institute to be held at the Friends Church in Harveysburg on Wedne!1day, April 1'7, be. gilming at 10 o'clock. All unions i~ the county are urged to be present and it is an open meeting for ev ry one intere ted in the cause. Mrs. Anna K. Davis, HamBton ' County, president and Miss Grace Richmond Stat director at Institutes, both of' Cincinnati will be the speakers. Everyone asked to bring covered dish and table service.


,Arthur Probasco


Or.~onla '



W. E. Dellan Robert Renner MIlI7 L. 'Trickey Howard Buckley Lucetta Fowler Clarence B. Brown E. E. Gaddis

John Sim.pson :Mary Heaton Boward Graham ChaIt Gordon E. O. Shidaker R. H. Jeft'eris Paul TOmlinson

Truatin Morris

Maineyflle 011 Thul'lday "enina, Muon evel7 other Friday evening, the next meeUq belnlr AprU l2th and in Waynelvill e every otb.r Friday evening, the nnt being April 19th. These clUlles are open to anyon~ over sixteen years of age and not in regular achool work. . If you desire to spend an eve· ning where you will be able to secure much valuable information, and at the same time have a pleasIlnt ~ven ing' s entertainment, you are invited to attend the center most cQnvenient to you. Other classes made p.ossible by F. E. R. A. funds are the Junior College, held in the Lebanon High chool building, sewing and home planning elas es in Lebanon, MorTOW, South Lebanon, Mainevjlle Franklin, Springboro Wayne8vill~ and Harveysburg. (Signed) Alson L. Earhart, County Supervisor.



'Tb.e ,.


_ d _ _ a _ a_ ra .

·g_ _ 1IL " ' a •


. Red Cedar " Shinlle~ Mule Hid,e.Shingles ~hannel Drain Roofing Asphalt Roll ·Roofing Brick ,Columbia Cement' Lime Plaster ' ,.Plalter Board WallBoard All of the above material caD be foUDd in our yard every c1.~ iD til. ,-ear at moderate prices. We .oIicit the pat...... of'aItI ......... and frieacl ..

It B. lAD


Eighty-Seventh Year




LOCAL BOY JOINS COLLECE RIFLE CLUB Meredith Whitaker, sophomore at Wittenberg college, Springfield, i~ a chatter member of the Wilten berg College Rifte Club which WIIS organized there last week. Approx.imately 1(10 men and 25 women students became memoors ot' the clu bat its in itial meeti ng March 26. The club is affiliated wit.h the National Rifle association whicb is supplying equipment tor training Dr. J. W, Barker, head of the Wittenberg chemistry d~partment, a Wodd War veteran and le xpert marksman, will act as instructor.



WhQle Number 6166


EASTER MARKET All Easter marke, under the auspic s uf th Ladies' Aid Soci· ety Qf th e r.t. E.. hurch will be h Id April 20, in Mrs. id s' store I'oom, opening nt 10 Il. m. Goodies of an ~: ind fOI' the Eas· te~ dinner, apron s. fancy artiules, 'm elal . ponge a~ld furniture po l-' ish will be on Kale. Plcll, e t I ' phoTi ~II special ordels to Mi ss Heltn Hawke at the insurance offiGe b,e/ore A pril 20.




ponsored hy ' the Amefil,!an Inion and Elk ' lodge, a meeting will be held in the Tow n Hall Lebnnon , Monday evening, J\pril 22, to which the public is invited. Two nati ves of Russia, a man and his wife, will speak on Com· munism. Th re will be no chll.rge Firel Of A Serle, Of M..tie •• for admiss ion. To Be Known A, Th. ' ''Spirit of '36."

Mrs. Emma H, M.cClure was • Owing to the poor co nditi on of hostess to the Woman's Auxiliary pa ture in some ar as of the West of th.e Episcopal church at h er pal'ticu la rly in parts of Kansas, home, The Littl Inn, Friday Biter Nebra ka and olorado, farm rs Stu4Mllta Tak. FiYe Fi",t noon. there are in search of eastern The mee tin g ope ned with a de Three pasture lunda that clln be rented votional servic conduc ted by Mr . in order to carry som of t heir Fif'ltl; Kia" Mill, Two R. L. Hackwell, of Cincinnati an d - - ... <41" . . cattle. They Ill'e looking as far a missionary hym. Aftel' the usual east IlS Obi o. busi ness session the following pro. Waynesville wOn Ilrst place' in L. P. McCann of the department In ref!ponse to an hlVitation is-gl'am was given; five of the vents in the Warren of animal hu abandry, the Ohio sued by Miss Lida Frost, Warren Readings' Mi . Katberin e Prencoullty scholarship eliminations, State University, olumbu s, has county committeewoman, redergast and MillS Mame Brown ; which were held in Lebanon last been asked to assist in locating PQbJican women of the county vocal solo. Mrs. Maynard W eltz ' Saturday. The students taking such pastul'e in Ohio. He asks held a meeting in Memorjal Hall, reading, Mrs. Anna CadwalJade~ first place were: Glenna Woolard, farmers who have more pasture Lebnnon, Monday after\1oo.n. reading, Mis8 Clara .Lite; remarks, English II; Betty Hartsock, Eng. Tllis meeting was one of the On Tu e day eve ning Miami than th y need, and who may wish J\{r. Hackw 11 and a piano solo, lish IV, and French IIi Charles series being beld in Ohio in the Vall y hapter P. F. A. met to to rent ome ot it, to notify his J. B, Gons. Mrs. III1'c nce Barnard, 01 Alpha , Anderson, Latin I, and Frank offic e. . Dur ing the v leasant social confu degrees u~po n six candiwas II v isitor in Wayne8viJI~ , Wed cam,paign known as the "Spirit of Hawke, physics. ' 36." Mrs. Katherine Kennedy McCann believes t here is a limit needny. dates. Those being advanced from period a dainty lunch was served Harveysburg placed three 'firsts; Brown, Dayton, committeewoman the "Green Hand" to the "FutUre ed alnount of avail able pasture in to the members, and the four Kings Mills two and one ti~i Mol' representing Ohio on the National Farmer" degl'ee were Leo Conner, parts of ea lern and so uth r n of potted Rowers fol' All kinds guests, Mrs. Weltz and daughter, row two ties j Mason, two i Otter. Republican committee and C. haft'er, Richard and Ohio. L stet Easter. A. H, Stupbs. bein one and Oile tie. ' ==============~==~==O Anne, M~s. Gon s and Mr. Hack. Robel't Sattllrthwaite and Robert Donald bilatush, Warren count, well . Vivien Cohner won second place prosecutor, were the 'speakers. Young. AU kinds of potted 1I0Wel's fOI' SUSTAINS INJURIES Rev. G. . Dib rt preached in "'--, in Latin 1 and Orval Perrine 2nd Easter. A. H. Stubbs. Several months ago Miss FrOllt . Artel' the \vo l'l, all m et at the IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT the Methodi t ,church at South MRS. ANNETTE ROGERS in United States history. asked each of the women on the Lebanon, Friday night. Waynesville stUdents 1'Iln}png Mr. ond Mrs. Milton Sheehan, of . PASSES AWAY WEDNESDAY hom of the auviiser, Mr. rabbe county r epublican committee to where re!\' shments WOl'e served. third were: Jan Cook, English III Centerville, visited Waynesville C. Cross was the Mrs. Mary contri bute $1 and to invite three ~ir s. Nels on A. King, sister of ~- --. --(tie); Margie Tinney, Latin IIi relatlv~ Saturday. Walter Elzey, was badly injured dinner guest, Sunday, ot Mr. and other r publican women to earn l\lrs. Annette Rogers, 67, wife ANNOUNCEMENT Vivian Conner, Algebra Ii Marvin and co ntribute $1 each for the in an automobile accident reo Ml·s. F. U. · LeMay. Mrs, Julia Bergan is spending a of the ,ate T. Elmer Rogel'S, di d Fox; physics (tie) and Frank state and national 1986 campaign cenlly. Mr. and MTII. King were en few days with h er on, James at her home on Fifth str eet Hawke, United States history. At II dirtner in Cincinnati on For Paper Hanging and Paint· lund, nrst and second prizes to Wednesday morning April 17. Mr~ WedllEsday evening the engage- rou le from their home in Indianap ing call Fred Everhart, phone be awarded t'OT the two largest Students placing tourth were; Bergan and family. Wayne8ville where they olis to Rogers had 'been an invalid for Eileen Hall, Latin II; Olive Scottl ment Qf Miss , Bt'rnyce Hyman, contributi ons. Two ' },ocal women For Paper Hanging and Paint., several years. She W(ls 'a lifelong ul'\ughter of Mr. Jessie Hyman WE're to spend the week·epd with 108R3. French I; Roy Crockett, ge~ra were the winners, Mrs. W. · E. and Mrs. Elzey. Mr. science i Orval Perrilla, chemistry ing call Fred Everhart, phone resident 01 this community, a and the lule l\1yel~ Hyman, to MI'. ,James Hartsock and family have Stroud, first, received "The Condaughter of the la~e John W. and 108R3. The acc,ident happened, when and Cecil Hartman, United States moved t o the P. D. Clagett fal'm gressionnl Cook Book," alld Mrs. A loert T. Po) insky, of Cincinnati history. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Surface Margaret Clark. Two sistfjrs, Mrs. was announced, "the marriage to between Richmond and Eaton, Mr. on the HarveY$bur~ pike.. Irving Weleh , second was awarded King, ' in a t tempting to shift gears Fifth place was won b-y Roy were dinner gueets of Mr. and Samuel Stephens, of Lebanon be an vent in J t'lne. ' Herbert Hoover's latest book, " A. lost control of the cal' which Remitton, of Mrs. Wfllter Ind. , and Mrs. Mil ton Shee han of Crockett, Enrlish I; Olive Scott, )frl!. Lester Surface, Sundau • Challenge to Liberty." ' " Centcl'vil1 , survive. ' turned over pinning Mrs. King T oledo, visited his aunt, Mrs, English IV; Ruth Conner, al,ebra Dainty refreshments were DEATH Large selection ot wall paper, Funel'al services will beheld at undel·neath. Amanda. Maffitt, Sunday. I (tie); Mildred ' COok, general sel'ved after the meeting. curtaIns and linoleum, . rugs at the McClure Funeral Home Friday sei nC!e and Ceell Hartman, She was taken to ' the home of a Jnm os S. Woo <l~O {l , aged 84, a Mrs. Jessie Hyman and family Myel' Myman'.. afternool) at 2 o'clock. Interment chemistry. l'cS[lected colored resident of Hal'· friend in, Richmond and later attended the Passover services in in Miami cemewry. Of the seconda, in ad Ltion to removed to her home where she is veysburg, died at his home in that Seth Thomas, 01 Cleveland, wa - --Cincinnati, Wednesday night. Wayneavi1le with two, other village Monday, April 15. Funeral said to be sLowly recov ring. Mr. the guest of bis parents )Jr. and school. acored as followa: Harveps HAPPY HOUR CLUB KinJ wa not injured. erviC'os were held in Zion Baptist Full line of wall paper at Myel' burg two; Kinga Milla nve and Mrs. E. L. Thomas, Wedne day. HAS INTERESTINC MEETING church this, Thul'sday afternoon Hyman'. Store. Over 100 patterns one tie; Morrow two and one tie. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Clark MAY SELECTED FOR with burial in Misimi cemetery. from whiCh to select. , Thirds wen divided u fol1owl: visited C. W. Younce and daugbENROLLMENT BY SOCIETY Waynesville, Bve, including two ter!l in Dayton, ~unday altern.oon. , The Happy Hour club met at . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Larrick, Of CRANGE ,NOTICE ties j }(jn,. Mill, lour and two ti~ the hpme of Mrs. Ru ssel Wilson in Lebanon, spent Wednesday at the Morrow two and one tie I Mason Mr. and lIIrs. Basil Smith and Wayn~ville, Tuesday; April 8th. FRIENDS MEETINC Annual enroHtn~nt program of The program for the, grang~ the Ohio Society for Crippled home of Mr. and Mrs. P.hilip one and Otterbein one. family spent Sunday at the home An interesting program consisting' Larrick. First-day School at 9 :30 a. p. Foutthll .won were: Waynes9i1le of Sam Judd and family n a1' of music. readings and contests meeting on April 20 will be in the Children, which is opening its Meeting for Worship at 10:80 charge of Ceres, Pomona, Flora -was enjoyed, after which ' the five. Harveysburg one, Kings Oregonia. membership to all Ohioans inMrs. D. C. Ridge, Mrs. O. M. m. Mills one and one tie, Morrow two h ostes., as isted by her sister Mi ~ and Lady A sistallt Stewal'd. terest.ed in furthering physical Ridge Mrs. Ed Hopkins and Mis MI;. Karl Bodenbender athletic Eva McMillan, served a dainty A full attenda ce is desired. MUQn one tie, Springboro one. care. educational activities a nd Eva Lippincott were Dayton visi· dire tor in the high school, visited lunch. , Fifths won were: Wayneaville FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST ~ -vocation al placement of the cr'i.,- tors, Tuesday. his home Mar Defiance over the Guests or the club were MTs. fou .. and one tie, Kinp MUls three ADULT SCHOOL pled will be c()nduct~ during the Carl Smith, Minlater week-end. Morrow three alld one ti~l Mason Ja8. McIntire and Mrs. Theo. Mc. month of Mar, H. E. SimmollS, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Mathers alld one and one tie; Otterbein ODe i Unified services beginning with The Adult school wli1 meet at president of the University of son" of Evanston, were callers at Mr. I. O. Brown of the high lnth-e of New Burlington, Mrs. Springboro one; Carlisle one. school faculty. spent the week-end Oakley Unglesby and Mrs. Louise the gym Friday e,v ening, April 19 Akron and pre sident of the th~ hOQle of Mr. and 1'!lrs. J. ' C. church ischool at 9 :30 a. m. The district·state sehalarship with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Hough Alderman. service at 10 :30 a. m. at 8 o'clocK:. , AU interested are society bas announced. Hawke, Sunday. tests will be held at Oxford, on J. Brown at Versailles. cordially invited to be present. Meml>ership will be available in May fourth. Students taking part Mr. and Mrs. Fqrrest Hobleti WA YNESVIf:.LE M. E. CHURCH ANNUAL INSP.ECTION a variety of classifications rangMrs. Maggie Burnet' bBB reo in these , event. will be ranbd for are announcing the arrival of a DEATH ing from one dollar for junior Rev. G. C. Dibert, p ..tor district and .tate honors. Warren turned to her . home here after daughter, Mary ' Jan e, at their membership to $600 for life 4>nMiami Chapter No. 107 O. E. S. coullty will send thirty students to spending t he winter with her Friday: A special Good Frida, home, Friday ~pril 12. Miss Emma Heighway received rollments. will meet. in sp cial se sion TuesOxford, to enter the flfteen events sister in Centerville. serviCe will be held at 7 :46 p. m. day evening, April 23, for annual news today, of the death of her 1\1r. and Mrs. Mark Murphy and The Communion of the Lord'. IIcheduled. Ea~ team will consiat E. Fruier villit. Mr. alld Mrs. 1. brother-in-law, ;Marion Campbell, OBITUARY inspection with Mrs. Ora Wical, son of DaytOn, spent Sunday with of the two stu e nts who won first Supper will be observed at thl• • 1\11's: Murphy's parents, Mr. and meeting. and second pi ees respectively in ed at the homel 01 ¥r. and Mrs. D. G. M., of Sabina inspecting at ardinia, Ohio. The particulars Omar Hollingsworth near Oreg. officer. Dinner will be served at of hi death weJ'e not learned. t hat subject. Sunday: nelCt Sunday is Euter Sarah E, Butte~worth , the Mrs. John Davis. oni.a, Sunday afternoon. ' 6 :30, 35 cents pe.r plate. M~m be,i's Our service will begin at 6 a. m. daughter of Stepben and Hannah Kenneth Hopkin s and family, Suffer. H ear t Atudo Mr. and Mrs. Perry Davis, of of the ord~r are cordially invited. T. Burne~ was born near Way- Dale Hopkins and famllYJ o.f Day- with a sunrise devotional lervic. .~ ~- ' Carrollton, Ky., spent Sunday .ne ville, Ohio, 4th month, 4th, ton were Sund ay guestl; of Mr. and an Easter playlet, ,"The PYROFAX. PARTY Mr. Josiah Dllvis is very sick, 1849 and passed away at her home and Mrs. J. C. Hawke. 'Chalice and the Cop." Immediately with Ur. and Mrs. R. H. Hartsock ·suffering with heart troubl e. following this service, brealdaat and family. in Waynesville 4th month, lOth, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mulford wiJI be served in the church. 1935, aged 86 year, 6 days. P. E. Snyder and son, o£ Blan. -~ Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Surface The ' Sbnday school will meet at T...,e Planlinlr She was a birthright member and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Mulford of Marion, were guests of Mr. and chester, sponsored a Py\:ofax demo have moved ' into the Cprtwright 9 :30 a. D1 . and will be no at the home of Mrs. -O'llstration of Miami Monthly meeting and ~rs. Lester Surface and tamily, break between the Sunday Sehool . G. J . Waterhouse, Wedn~ day All tree planted ' in the gal'~n was a regular attendant when residence on Main street. Tuesday night. and morning worship service. Tbe afternoon. Approximately twenty this spring should hav,e their hEtalth permitted. The centeDnial celebration of Large selection of 'wall papel pastor will speak briefiy on "The the Supr Creek Christian church ' Full line of -wall paper at Myel' women of the community attended trunks wrapped with burlap from On 10th month , 23rd, 1873 she curtains and linoleum, rugs at Meaning or The Resurrection," -will be observed during the week Hyman's Store. Over 100 patterns Door prizes were won by Mrs. the ground to th(! branches before was united in marriage to Samuel Myer Hyman's. , and baptize inlants and adulta and Mary . McClure, Mrs. Ronald early May. This prevents borers Butterworth. To them two chilo beginning Sundar, April 21. from which to select. I' e bers into -ure Hawke and Mrs. S. D. Henkle. , laying eggs in th 'e bark. ' Mrs. Emma Dakin and Mr. and Following is the prorram: dren were borrl, Stella Frye, who ch ul'ch, both by certidcate of!l Mrs. At Simpson, Mrs, Mrs. GUY Dllkin, of Xenia, wel'C S••daT"April 21, 1135 ' waa called home 1st month, 27th, tt'on!!ier and on confeSSion of Sunday SehOol at 9 :80 a. m. Geor.e ' Edge~ton and eon and Mr J 0" and ·Ernest. Four grandsons, guests' of Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Faith. , 19 . (Ea8ter Program) Mornin, Wo t· and Mr. John Jones spent Sunday Carl, Glenn and Gilbert FrYe and White on Wednesday. A progl'am Qf EllSter music will with friends at Lynchburg. ship-l0:U a. m., Centennial Burnett Butterworth a lso many be I'endered by the choir at 7 :80 Mr. and Mrs. Wai teI' Ross and Serm.o n, reception of memben, , Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Frye, Mr. relatives and friends orrow in a family, of Mason, and Mr, and p . m. II II Baptilm, Holy Cotnmunion, blUlket and 'Mrs. Hartley Moss and' cbiI~ loss that is tempered by the bless- Mrs. Frank Huffman were Sunday Monday: Qn next Monday at dinller--12 :30. jng of her life. dreD were dinner guests of Mr. 7 :30 p. m. is the regular time for dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sunday afternoon-2 :30 p. m., and Mn. Ira Rich on Sunday. She was a charter m mbet of Philip Larrick. the meeting o~ the official boar4"Tt.. Back.w ard Look," Dtlillc, MJ'J Fal'mers' Grange and one of t hc Mr. and M.r.. Herl chel Bailey BarrIet OweD Ludlow; short Mr. and Mrs. James Lovely lind Past Masters. and Mr. and Mrs. -.James Bal~, hiltory. of .t be church. ' ST. · MARY'S CHURCH family III' 're di nner guests ' of She wa4. always ready w'it .\1 a Monday April 22--8 p. m., of AUddletowb, spent Sunday witb, I'elatives in Spr)Dgbolo, Sunday, Rev. J. J. Schaeft'er, Reotor helping hand in the uplifting and CommuDjtp , nlcht, community IIr. and Mn. John Treadway. alid in the 'nfternoon visited reI· bettument of her fellowmen. She April 19, Good Friday, three sh~., 'a ddre., VI'. E. A. ~e,· was courageous and untiring in atives at Trenton. hour services from 12 o'cloj:k agriculturaJ ~t , of Greene' Co., . Mlsa Dorothy Saberton has reo t.he fulfillment of any duty for J. C. Hawke, C. Lee Hawke, n con to 3 p. m. Tuel,d ay, April 28-8 p: m., turned tober 110me ,in Ghe~t, KT., after a p~aant villit iII tbe home sh~ felt hel'self responsible. Vern Simps n, James Lovely,' Roy which Easter Day, Holy Communioll neiabborin, church niaht, creet. She had a ,g enius of friendship, a Ellis, lrwil1 Ellis al\d CUWord at 7 :30 a. m" Bishop Henry Wia. Inp in mUlie by viaiUn, churches, of ll. B. HartSock and familT. common sense gave her Buzick attended th opening ball Hobson celebrant; Mornine addreu, Rev. JamillOD, PutOr of . !ir. and !in. C. C. Archdeaco'n wisdom t.or herself lind to share !;ame at Cincinnati Tuesday. Prllyel' with festival music at Su,ar Creek ~b)'terian churcb; and 1011 Bobby, of Dayton" and with her friends, a never failing 10:30. retrl!lhmenta served follllwinc the !irs. F. B. !iiltenberger Mr. and MI's. F. U. LeMay. in senS'e of humor and loyalty. The pl'otram. Sunday peats of Kr. alld Mrs. J. company with Mr. and Mrs. Vance battle of life she met bravely, Wednelda,., April 2'-8 p. m.: H. Smith. . ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH giving of her courage, strength Smith, of Worthington, Ohio left yOUBa peo»le'l nilbt; pageant, today On a motor trip to Washing ana cheer to those who needed it. Father Newton, Putor "Building Through a Hundred Mr. and Mn. 1. Fabe- and .on, ton D. C. Th y expect to be away lI~r view of success was: Yellra",; music, youn, people. aDd Max Hexter, of No~ood, 'a nd Mass a t St. Augustine's Cbilrcla aho \It one week. Thursday, April 25-6:80 p. m. ~r. Jacob Kohlhagen, of Blan. second and fourth Sundar To live a s God ' hath willed, to denominational nl8'bt; banquet; cMeter, were Sunllay dinner Ml·. nnd Mrs. C. 1. Satterth- f' the month. uSe her brawn add..... Rev. Fred L. Hall, St.tePuta of Mra• .leuie Hyman and waite, Mr. and ~rs . Wymllr Drake T o help anQther to some joyous lupntntendent of OhiO ...oelation famib'. Ml" and Mrs, Vern Simpson and dawn. . Mr. b 'win Ellis were in ,Cincinnati AYNESVILLE CHURCH OP of CODaHPtiOnal ChrQtlan Kr" &D4 lin .. To use her strength, her valor and. Cburch... _erIe K ems an d unday to SEe the exhibition ball CHRIST wit her . Frida" April 18-8 ' p. m.: reo ~!hte~ie.!=' motored down game. . Carl Smith, ~iniater So that, though rjches small ... 4, Sunday" M.... ception of memMn; addr.... J[ may come of it, Mrs. W. C, St. John entel'tained Church school at 9:3() a. m., "Building TlaroUCh th Comial el'lUl &Du loaD remainln8' to Her fellows when her sands ot. with a six-o'clock dinner, Tuesday Lord's Supper at conclusioll. Ch.... .. .... 1 A Als...a-a.t spend tb. week with Mr. and lllra. Yean, ""ev. • • u ..... J. D. lIarlatt. lite are run . . evening, honoring Miss Alice tian Endeavor at 6 :30 p. m. EY.aPutor, Sllpr Creek CoJI8Np. Can say ot her achi~vement Campbell. Til e other guests were ing' evangelistic .enice at 7:30. tion.a-chriltian Churcb. lin. IIarr McClure, lira. B. E small, "Well done Mrs. C. M. Robit.zer, Miss Corinne - - -... - • Bathawa,., lin. G. I. WaterboUM Here falls one who never knew to Robbins, Miss Margaret Smith and A lar,er nu~ber PlantiDg tHtiIIlD • rerion wben lin. L B. GoNOD and lin. Emma . shirk, Miss Helen Welch. borrowed from their &!~~1N_I~'" tNII 'WOIl" 1tOW' lID" an), mon If. IleOlve .el'. DaJtoD ~tore. The world Is briahter tor her illolfoal __ 1IDder paID linda,. See our lin. ' of wah paper, operated production modest work." Iilloleum, ru,s and fioor coverinlrl tiollll in the u4 theD lao to ill..... the 'See OUl' Une of wall ... MarC!h thaD in . . . at Myer Myman's. CaftI.f naa.. .aport of paba. Baol..... rap aacI 1001' co~ week periOd . . . at 11,.1' !Iymaa'.. We wish to extend ollr l incere Mrs. Mary Silver, Mrs. I. L. tioD, accOi'dlq to PCA. thanka for the man)" .... of klnd- Men~nhal1, Mn. Dan Collett, MI'II lin. ...... ' IIaaIItDa 11M n. . ezt8Dded to UI durin" tjle H. H. WiDiamtlOD aDd 111'1. A. CI . . . . . . . . . . . after a ftdt to Um.. ud death of our motIier TClmlinlOn attellded UIe ..... Aaclllttw.l -~_


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A Monstrous Double C:rol5








meetlna of tIae


Co.. lunrwl', $11.04: Zaln ~r,?,i. V, l\ful(,ml. m tli al servi. • 78~; Subscribe f or The MiaMi Gazette tare, graHl, $383.06; The' Cmem. Or. Edw. C. MOl' y, lJIl'dlcal sernati Oil Works ('"., ~a~(Jline, $8 .• \!il'\ ~. $t~().27: nl'. J. A. Nuck, T ••c .....•• MHtie. OS; W, H. MeHl-nI'Y. !<upplil'I" and tl1~diclll Rcrvict)!I. $53.7·1 i . Dr. The Wayne Township teacbel'~ ga~oliM. $26.27; The J3('ok Shop~ Hal'!'\' 'E. RuuOIlln. II ntal senJ<!ell. met on Wednesday, April 10, wIth Il!~al ell\'ch)f1~'~ f\lr cor~n r. 75('. $11. Hi; lk Ii. L. 1~1I~l'ncrans. di ncharge. At thil< nHI'l ~ .Juhn Law & Sun. gu~, Sup, 011 storag(J, lui servict'll. I!fl.'i I; Or. C, G. Hun IMr. ' n" Jam("S MI'. in Braddock discusseo otc .• $40.10; 'II ubulan ply Uall. l1lt'di III !wrvie s' . $;10.91;.01'. .,. M H ttl 11 mOil h uUt) for Shtl'Itl'. $.11. W, n. ,iegfril.'d , medIcal ~enrtcC!l. "HIlme Vh;italion," r. net.: sites' Gil figIlIlll • "01 igin of the Solar SYI'telll, l'I "ht Oil' BUick lusmobllE!, i ('; Dr. S, S. . tohl. medical serfro Lotz, "Recent School '" b" vice~, $7.4 ; Dr. A. D. Spence, m $2.20; taklllta Mfv: ,ru for m~dicnl ~('t'vic('!\, $10,83; Dr. R. L j!il'OlaUoll." f d CuI.• Chl)S Common PI., •• Pro,eeedina. is rein'tatcd for the purposo o · band, pencil" flU san! • ' n. VUIl('e, medical s l'vices, $1.11J; Senior T.a pre cnting and collecting said ' h('rilf. $l fl.5&; ,Iiswold _ J'\1I~e Dr H I\T. Williams, In dienl s rIn thc ca~e of New York LiCe clai m fl'om tJlC Ohio State Sun. tatlon. gas, oil, g li:11. .ing, for '\Ij~(!s.·$ 13!l.91: Dr. J. E. Witham, The Business and Professional Insurance '0 . v Percy. Ill'Y Cllljrns Board. . . hel'iff' *20.04; 11'1". "Vlcck, $10.fl8_1 nt" R. Women's ' lub entertained the ot aI, sale po stponl'd unM Api'll Eugene. Dunham, admlnl1ltru. Buffot'd, Ie dipg pri~onen ~luJ'lng mcdical , Weaver. dental sC I"vices, $3.74. ~nior girls of WalTen ollnty 22, 1935. William Hufford WAS ap- tor of the Ils taLe 01 Lillian ~ Small March. 411; W m. \Ju!fo rd. I\a hwith a tea at the Lebanon Bouse, poi11tecl receiver II ithout bond. . d('ceased, filed ' his applicatIon for ing fOr J)l'isorwl's dll ,t'lng March, April 12, The following girls lrom Th· ease of The Mulual BUIIU· a certificati; of transfer, $:'19,\.11; Lewis & Dmke. ] nc., VACCINATI NC TREES FOR Waynesville ntt nded , chaperoned in~, and Loan o. ve)tlIus Gr~ce W. ,Manning, guardian of Cal hauling still, 5; Truste.e~ of' INSECT CON TROL by Miss Elizabeth Hllnkle: MilIanl. t aI, is t1i. nli . d WIth· vin Keenan, illco mpctent. tiled his Public Affairs. s w t· II rVlce ut Mat l')a S depollited in holes I trunk Dorothy Bourne, Betty HartsoeK uut record. Ioul,th and filial Rccount. M rial Hall. $6.1!6; Ohill ,en- bot' d in the of or Mary Allen. Uelen GJ'eene, MarhI the ea!> of The iall'li Valley , The state of Alb rt E, trul T el ph on ·orp .• toll~ VIII'IOU t ~aret Crawford, Helen Campbell Building and Loan Co., v I'SUS oeccas<,!d i~ exempt from ffiees. $20.76 '; J~m La\\' & (Ill 1118('eo ill 'contact.wit.h the , roo s Olive Scott, Mary Kathryn Young Anna Raub, tal, judgment to, tance • oil fot' D e-puty • $5,27; will n t be taken up by th np Rnd and Ruth Pennington. Irom d fend ant, Anna Th e adjudication and determina Lebanon- itizens Natlunal Bank, thus rend r t.h t ree, immune Pree ding th e tea an interesting Raub , In the sum of and tion of the iRheritance tax on the services re ndered during March , from insect attack. uCh treatllrogram, consi ting costs. ' . e tat of Amanda B. HU11,t deceas- $1.96; Ohi o Cetltral Telephone mellt not only al'e vahleless but musica l numbers on vlohn and. t In the cllse or Ma1'te McPhers.o~ d, is to b given to allper~on8 in- orp .• phon~ rent varlou~ offices, piano, a dance. and two r«ldlngs versus Oeorge tet'csted. $66.60: Wat'll!n ounty l .. l' lIIay caus aetunl damage. was given, vorc;e was the plamb!l'. Th. adjudLcation and determinn 0., fuel, $] .26: \ hite Vtlla These opinions arc expressed All the guests were given bellu- Custody of cbild glven to plai?tlff tion of the inheritance tax on the Gt'Oc ry, [nd., fOod, 6 .; Gl' at by J. ,Houser. hief of the De. tiful pink roses and a of a nnd plaintiff I'estored to maJ(t n state of hades Reif. ill & P. Tea Cl., food; $38; Brown & pS1'tment of F.nt01nology of O. paper edited by the Busmess club name of Mar ie exton. , . to be given to aU persons interest Brown, clothing, $3. 18 ; Elmer Agricultural Exp riment Station. Itl lhe as of The cd. ollis, food, 38; JOB .. H. Fedders He tntcs furth r that. Thi•• A" T .... 0, T" G••••• V.ll" Lo " 00" Th, in..oto" of A"oo B"'mon Snpply Co., MI, $67.50, H. '1. 1,,"" hav boon' " .. The foll owing pupil were on tion John P h.label, t and Nathan Fred. executol'!! of the Coyne, milea Il, 1 .86; Willa. ' spring from t'esidents f .Oh o thllt the honor roll the last six weeks R. . B was apPoI nted rec IV- state of Solomon Fred, Beedle. mileage, $19.20; M. .B. pl'omoter who aI' rnakrng 1 term: el', givil1J; bo nd of 100. . . , , was appr'oved. . Morey, mjlcage. $17.03; extri\Vllgilllt claims arc Grade 1. Miss Reeder- Walter ]n the case of Tbe VirglO18 C. C. Eulass, administrator of WlliPl)le, mileag , $26.7: ht'l!)- in th State. John on, DOlJ8lcl Brown. .John Joint Sto:k LRnd Bank ,versus the e tate of Ita¥ tarry, decea$l!d tine CIe,veng9r, miIelige. $22,66; ctivitie8 of the character d Pen'y Sackett. Charles Dibert, flu!Oton Kindred, et aI, lease IS null ·filc.d his first account. Linnie Williams, Mileage, $21.40; scdb d , hould not be confullcd Barber Wulker, Ernestine Earn- amI void, etc. onlh· 01 atiofl. Anna Hartsock, widow ' of Frank Hel e n Randall, mileage, $18.74; with the pl' Qf using arbon hart. . anel distl'ib'Utlon, . . Hal'tsock. d'ecea edt elected to McGetchin'sPharmacy. blsulphid 01' • imHur Grade 2 /Miss Hartsock--Jfln1ce The case of Th Fl Natl.onal take und er the will. 72'; amuel Turner, food, $3.92; which are sometime of valu.e In Burnett, Ruth .4,nna Johns, Ruth Blink and Trust Co, e,f Hamilton In the Illatter of the estate of J . H. ROl\dricks, fo od. $35.60; 1I. ridding (I' of borer inre tabons. Helen LeoMay. Vernon Shutts, and vel us Louverna niv:ley C.ochran arah J. Chapman, deceased, the E. Ivins. fQod, 14; !\Iyer Hyman, _ ___ ~ _ __ John Ludington. t ai, is di miliseu wit.hout re ord. bond of George R. Chapman, ex· clothing, 6,98: To Cut Crop Grade 2 Miss Kelly-Hazel ocutor. i hereby reduced, and the Dr. H nry M. Bro\vn, medical Vint, Etta' Westerman. lind WilNew S uit. penalty of said bond is hereby rvice, $26; Th !iam Woolard. Isabelle Grey versul1 Albert C. fixed at $2300 and executor is he- Blank Book Ug. Q., fidUCiary Ohio :CaI'mel'S intend to cut Grade 3, Miss Carter--Wilma Grey, for dlvol'ce. l1flrge is grO$S reby directed to file new bond to return s for Auditor, 2.1)0:d' Th e Dibert Evelyn Thompson. Robert of duty. secure the residue 01 the Hospital, ast 'for in 19e.nt th eil' pota Lo acreage galn. PlantErwin Lewis and VirThe "'iami alley 13uilding and 1'cmailling in his possession. tubercular patient. 5: Dr. K n. ings intended fOl' tbis sea son total gibia Rob rtl!. Loan A ssoci:ltion versus John In tbe case of Chester D. Crock non Dunham. profcssionRl $e rvicc!! 106.000 acres. Last year the Grade 4, Miss McKinsey- Ellen Pohlnbul, et aI., for Jnopey. fore- ett, administrator of the estate of $25; Dr. S. tel'ling Stahl, Illedic- ncr ago harvos led wag 109,000 Moss, an9 Halen Hisey. · cloBure und equitable relief. harles A. Crocllett, decease.d, al serv ices, $24; HalTY Z. Gl'ay, acres; the yem' before 11,000 Grade Misll Ke)ly-Billy versus Clara J. Sheehafl, et al, ale I' nt of offiCe f or Nallonal !;teem. acres. Tinney, Marceline Peters. P robate Co ur t of real state is ordered. ployment, 5 i K. L. Horn Clolh. Grade 6, Miss Campbell-'-Wilda . d illg Store. re nt £ rOOms. $10; The Mae Achterman, Jeanne Baker, Harry Z. GI'ay wall appomte M.rri-.. l.;ic:ense. Office Outfitter. arbon and u•• and Lyle Fox. executor of the e tate of Elvira Karl Rocz, shoe worker of Leb- sCI'aleh pads fot RS offic, 1.16 THE MIA MI GA2:ETTE Grade 5, Mr. Turner-Reba Ludlum, dec a ed, and fll d bond anon and Mi Lucille Fox, sboe W. H. WrIght, mileage, $9.72; Surface, Henrietta Pennigton and of with sure-ties. Albert David arpenter, mileage, $9.00; FOR RESULTS ,. Parker. Eu"'ene of Lebanon. Franct1i J ohns. "Dluf\ham . t.:d and worker Roy Kennedy, shoe worker of h'10 0 en t ra I Thl '" phon '" Corp ., h : Ho . Grade 6, Miss Day-Alton Earn Edgar Ludlum were appom np- L banon and Mrs. J ane Conner, telephone t. nt, $ .25; Mrs hart, Frieda Ellis, and Dorothy pr,aniStehl:S'case of Chal']-I Bogan and gl'e,enhou e worker of Lebanon. al'd Sawyer, s rvice. , 7; Mrs. F c Helen '7; M Mrs raner. CharI c s R. hephel'd, administra. Robel't farmer of WI' i mm gDou<>hman, .. Grade 7, Mr. BJ:addock- B etty tors of he estate ot Lydia E . Shep ton and Mrs. Kathleen Ira Elhroth, services. ,5; Mrs. Bernard and 8chool Mary Ehonor va LeMa Lillie Urton, services, $10;Of r., The high 1'0 y,WI II t housekeepe" of Harveysburg. · 11 ' 11 herd. dece. ased, velr us Ernes Maude Deal'doff, services. 017.60: be carried next ·week. .' . S)Jepherd, et ai, $92.5,0 was a · owMr . James Moore services, $5; 1 ed Inonrefuneral Re.l EFi at.te Tr _fere 1\£1S. Elmer Oma Osborn, I!I rvice. The eig b t h gra d e, Sec ti on .' e tate expens'es. of Sherman Frane.r Theodore nk to Ida L. Fink> Mr. Lacy, scr\'ices $6' $10; h-s ' English cla811k hTehld t'."°l debhates 111 d"cease'd, distribution is ordereod . l'eal estate in Franklin township. T past wee. e gtr 8, W 0 were .. E I d ' , trator t R Sta . May tie Thomas. ervices '1'; rUB f on the affir mative side, defeated . . u ass, a mints s d Pearl larry 0 ay 1'ry. In, tees of Public Affairs, tI e of

d.y, May 2 .. anel 1&,

School High Spots Edited by the Booster Club of Waynesville High School , FRANK HAWK.E .... Editor-i n·Chief CECIL HARTMAN , A .. istaDt Editor


l--------------.. . -----·- -·-----.I~nd cnthlJ~iasnr

Hilh Li.hla of the Glee Clllt. Tbe girl!! who are mell,bers of ttl high s hool mixed chorus have started 11 girl' gl <! club. Th offic rs are a fo]lows: Mary Allen llresid nt and B tty Hartsoc k, !i cretary-t;f(1a$Ul'er. 'f~ organiza· ti(Jn is concentr/ttjn~ Its work Oil 'ommencement music. J1 the lhird and Iourth of May. music con lests will be held nt !\II mi University. Oxford. Representt.tiv from all ~igh !-\c l\(~ () I~ from southw stern OhiO lI~e h~i. ble to take part. This :function WIll not be of a competitive nature but the con~estants will be graded on tqeiJ:' work. On Friday the in/;lrumental and valoe soloists per form and on Saturday the g!ee clubs and bands have theIr )jl'ogra m. Th girls' glee club is planning to attend on SatuJ;day and also are ending the following soloists it'om Waynesville on Friday: harl S Fires, Frank LeMay and lIetty HartsOCk.

diffc1'£'J1. Much WIIS .hown by teachers lind a.nd I'csults • em to more than Ju.stlfy t.he time r quired in preparatIOn. The com01itlee in chorgo wa~ made up of Mr, Frunk, !tenera) chalrrtlan. M.lss R .ed~r. MI'. Mac Donald and Mr. Brown. The county cont.est was h Id at the Lebanon Town Hall. on Tuesday vening. April 2. The judges announ~ed fir t and second plac s ill tho county. In gl'llUp I, Cathleen l:I&rlJ\lugh King as given first place. 'her sel tion being "School Days," Second plac was. glvent.o Emmor Bailey from Ridge; hiS election was "Washing Willie." In group II. George Kennard from Hart "'a given with the selection "The Recitation." Second place was awarded to Herbert White Kings l\fiIls with the selee· Ii" "BiIl1 K.". In group III., Gaynelle H ollen, Morr()w was given fir t, h r s leetion was "Ropes." Rachel Hartman from Waynesville. rece.ived e econd with "War for Profits." Cr.d . Feui••l -The program for the Wayne . Rei.... at Obio WulecY.D township 'grade musie festival. tQ 'ted t be held on April 23, at eight • Waynesville hilS been inVl 0 o'clock in the Jym, includes the ' enter the fout:'th annual Ohio following numbers: Wesleyan High School Relays. Marcl\-orchestra. h Id t D I r e Serenade--orchestra, whicn are to be e a e awa Grade l-Elve'B Dance at the on SatUrday, April twenty·seventh Weddhlg, Lullaby, and Beetle Twelve events are on the program. ong with competition arranged for 2-Wii!& Bird, Silver class A and class B schools. Each Ho - a nd Fiddle Song. . ·th k, O;adB 3-Boat Song. Indian event si a team WI." and Seed and the Weed!!. bOYIi rna 109 up a earn lD Toy Band, also with J ack Crane each of the six field ev!!nte, and as leader. four boys comprising a team for Grade .-Flag a nd the Ea~le, each of the six running- events. . Good Advice and Folk dance. Five place are to be counted In Grade 5-The River, Somebody each event. Medal will ~ given and DU6t (accompanied by Fran- to each 01 mber of the firSt-plaee ces Johrut). Black team and a loving cup to the t BiYd. M th f schoo'l I'n each class totaling 'the Gradea nd 6, Ho,!¥ lec ion on Thee 0 Wood. c.n1 I -Leave hitrhcst number of points. Grade 6· section I-Sant a Luci. In the conte ts last year. twenty and AI, Thru tbe Night. . two e]llss A teams and thirty-seven 'I' P ee, I F'18h er an d cIa seams B t en t ered . Winner8 Grad' '7_ohn Gr.a Song. Canoe Wllre Toleno and New Lon· · de 8-The Cukoo, Water d nComing event of interest B 0 o . t °07'verture " Ener-·"-orchestra . track fans are:



AS"", '








. ti ons, Wayne Township e rImma Friday, April 19. . b S h 1 R Ohio Wesleyan Hlg c 00 elays Saturday, April 27. cQunty field meet, Friday May S. First annual Ohio-Kentucky meet, Friday and Saturday, May 10 an d 11. . .1_ y a nd S a t urDi meet" F. ri .... day. May 17 an d 18 . ' a nd Satur. State meet, Fl'lday

IU "Little Arab"--orehestra, Tbere will also be a group of or''''inal !!Ionra· .... n. Or.torical Coate. t. Those who had charge of the oratorical con te$ts thi!l year feel greatly pleaBed ovel: the results " a re apprilciative of tbe interest BboWn. T his is especially tr ue ~t t he J,igb school group, which, m ... bag -been l'at" " ': ~..,. ...... ot her ye. .

War~n ~l'ict


44 Yearl Of Service

Cary's Jewelry , ~hop I


Lebanon, Ohio


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Diamond.- . Watche.- Jewelry- Silverware . For the· Cracluat.. .Shower or Wedclm. Cif~


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Store op_ 8.30 •• "







, o~ se"C1r~1
























McPhel;so~. ~ ~h-





MlIlI~1J A. ~l.,

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sever~! ~d "u. th~8e oper~hl)g



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IT~e. ltn"'tentorfYtho:E,~:a~






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the boys both times. Tbe topics de· the e of bated on were "Country Life:' and, fil d IS app Ica Ion . "More ii to be Learned OutSIde of eate of .transfer. e au] Sehool t ba n in School." Sol l.f . a.( mlnlS ra 01' 0 r ved ...,. Saul . of . A ..embly , ]n' deceased matt'erwaof app ",he o estate. \ O n Api'll 19, at :40 ' .0 clock Olive Maud Let'ch, de,ceused, claim the F reshman class Will present a of ,2900, with 6 % in'terest ' on short E aster The out- ,500 from February 1899 was ' , . standing f eature of meeting allow d. • 1n the matter of the estate ' wi1l be the presentatIon of an arrangement Qf the "Se!en Last William F , Schenck, deceased, Words 1rom t he Cross. Instru- transfer of chattel pl'operty is' or· me.ntal and vocal sol08 will also be dered. . enJoyed. Mr. R. Lloyd Hackwell, Edwal'd S. Bl'etney" guardIan of supply-pastor of St. Mary's Tobias Bretney ineolnpetent, filed Episcopal chll rch will give 8n in· h'ls tir t account. teresting address. Hat'I'Y A. Satterthwaite, admi nSenior Prom istrator of the estate of Frank E. The annual senior prom was held Harbach, deceased, filed his invenat t he gymnilsium on Saturday tOt'y. evening, April 13. Delmar Cassons Geor~e P. Gates, eX'I!-Cutor of the five-piece band furnished music estate 01; Amanda B. Runt, deceas for t he affair. Approximately siXty edt filed his inventorl' and his apseniors, g uests a nd teachers ~tte n d plication for a c,ertiflcate of ed this dance. During this period h'ansfeJ'. of gaiety an d enjoyment. everyone The following accolllnts were apwas entertained. The cleverly-de. proved, allowed and confirmed by corated r OQIn had t he a ppearance guardillln of Co'r win 'of a first class balJrooIn, which made everyone feel the spirit of Robert Ct'opper, miOlOr. ,Fourth. Carrie Eisenmenger, a dministra the occasion. After the cl()sing tJ"ix of the estate of J ohn Adams, deceased. til' t and fi nal. 1. H. Mosher, administrator of the estate of Laura H;. Mosher, deceased, fil'st and fina l. Mattie Bishop, administratrix of the esLte of Osca'1' Bi~op, deceas






t~ c~~r:~ton,

to 9 p. m.

0.: InJ<talh~g

ed,J. F. Zimmerman , administ • r ator of the estate of August Ast decea! edt first and final. Francis Sellers wla s appointed administrator of tho , e 8ta~ of Samuel Beel, .deeeas'ed," and , ftled bond of $3200 with , sureties. A. D, Harvey, adminIstrat or of the estate of· lianna.h· A. Shimp, deceased, filed his Invent ory. Frances Sell el's, l!ldministrat or of the estate of Jameu A. Beel, deceased, fl ied his applicatdionh,f°flr ~ ccttificate of tran8f~r an .IS ra final and distrib utive account. F lorence E. Gibbs and Frank H Mount. administra tors of t he estate of Edward .W. Mount, dece~scd. filed their fit'st, final and dlsll'ibutive account. • The inventory ot .r:ohn C. Slmpkins admin istrator of the estate of Allie M. Simp.k lns, approved. In the matter of t~ estat e . of Lill ian J. S mall, decealled, distrlbu . • t ion ord~red. Th e will of George Stuemer, de ceased. was fil ed in probate. Oaroline Wikoff and Frank Patlerson Wikol! fUed t "A ....Ir petitl on t hat pr o,eeedings be' had by the



'~' wnshl'p.




William F : Cluxton to Sylvia V. Cluxton, in lots Nos. 84,9 and 850 in Frankli n. , Jasper F . Dalton to George J. Weng and A.melia Weng,60 acres ' in Wa.shington town ship. Stella]d. Hunt and Charles Fra.nklin to Elgie Lake and Anna Lake. in lots Nos. 499 and 500 in FrankHn. Grace MI·.l la~d to Berrv.A. Brown Sr., inlot No.. 813 in F-.I ranklin. John W. Ward to May T. Ward. in lc>ts Nos. 246 and 24,7 i n Love· land Park. Hattie B. O'Neall t o B enry J . Murphy, real estate in Wellman. Charles Beel to Lydia Beel and Bertha Sellers, real esta te in Clear ereek township . George Beel to Lydia Beel and Brtha Sellers, real estate in ClearW


F. :T. Martin Auctioneer


Centerville, Ohio

cr~~a!?;:n:r~iP'YoUni and Dota ~~~~p~~~, F!~~~hi::o:e~~o~,r!l$:~~ Brant Young to Ralllh W. St , J ohn 60; Kroger Grocery & Baking Co.

L. M.



an d Nita G. St. John, inlots Nos. 63 and ' 64 in Lebanon . New Yor k Life insurance CPo t.o Norton O. Sloan, .1'11 .90 8!lres in Wayne tow~8hip. Willia m Burggraf, i!t ai, t o New York Life I nsurance Co. 24 9 acres 'I'n Was.hI' n' gton t ownsh ip.

$S; Thieman's Shoes .& SIIoe . "'OT~RY PUBLIC Repair, .c lothing, $7'.06; W81'wick NatiollliaJ &.all Grocery, food, $1); Zeigl r's Gen- Will. Dr_.,. •• E.tat•• Settled eral StQ1'e, food. $56; White Villa' WAYNESVILLE. OHIO Grocery Inc., i&od and clothing $'189.90 ; .Lewis Bros. food, $37.20 Morris 5.1 0 to $1 Stores. clothing, FOR SALE DATES CALL 11620 W R M He fo d 1160 '

Rayinlots Stan Nos. y t o 168 P ea rland Starry la ss, 159 EuIn Lebanon; Amanda B. Hunt, decea8ed, t o Stella M. Hunt, at al, Inlots NOB. 499 and 500 in Franklin. Elizabeth M. Hunt, by i:uardian to Elgie and A.nna Lake, inlots Nos. 499 and 500 in Fr anklin. J ames A. ' Beel, decea sed, to Ly dia Beel . r eal estate in Clearcreek to wnshi~. . Clem C. Dunham to Anna W. Dunham, 23.2.26 acres in Washing ton t ownship. Alber t E. Mount, deceased, t o F lor ence E. Gibbs, at aI, 62 1Ar acres in Salem and Hamilton t own ship. 'E<lw8l'd W. Mount, deceased, to Mary C. Mount, 62 ,acres in Salem and Hamilton townsliip. Henry J. Murp",y to Lydia Murp.hy, real estate in Alvilda O'Neall and Willis H. O'Neall, t o Hattie B. O'Neall Surtace, real estate in '~U8ie townsb'fp.

25'; J !Ck 'R Rossma n & Co., 'food, $65: Wm. SehneU; f ood'. $6; W ilson Terry, ., food, ,1.80; Chall. J . . Sehwart~, fQod and offiCe expense, $55.46: Prank Sherwood Co., food, $1 6; Dr. Mary Cook, shelter, $Sl L. C. Guttery, shelter, $3.76 : Mrs. J ohn JESSE STANLEY . Harding,' shelter, $3; Peoples Plrio •• 320, Barll•• '.a. 0Iak Building, Loan & Savings Co., shelter, ' 6 ; F rank Southard. EARL KOOGLER shelter, $3 ; Frank Anderson, shelter. , S; Lydia E. Monfort, D.~t_ Plao... I!helter, .$3.7 5; Geo. A. Howa.rd, KEamor••••• shelter. $3.75 i J oe Huerither, shel- ====~~=~=~=~~= tel', $3; Wlll Hastings, shelter, $8 Mrs, Carrie ROlltt, shelter, $8; E. P. Southard shelter, $3; J. M. Earnhart, she-lter. $8; Jasper Bur ns. ' shelter, $8 ; Wm . LeFor ce, FOR SALE shelter, $3 ; 'Dr .. James H. Arnold, medical services. $85.83 ; F OR SALE- Petosky ,potatoe. for Rosell Brewer , med ica] services, eat ing 01' seed. Phon~ OsbonJ , 24. 02 ; Blair Bros, Hospital. medi S3M2 . Be n Smith, Dayton, Ohio. cal service~, $1.42.52 ; Dr. R. O. R R 9. .a18 Bridges, m~al services, $9.8 4: Dr. H enr y M. Brown. med ical ser- FOR SALE-5-tube Crolle1 radJo . $12 99 0 M L C k in good condition, electric. Cecu ;;~~~~al !!e~vi~es, r$l3.~~~ lli. W~ Davis. .all CI k d' I . t l l) 75 ar , me lca servloes, ... ' ; FOR SALE~A nice line 'Of box Dr. 'Frank A.35 Dilatush, medical .u ___ , 2~ Ihe ••• alld •• DE "atatl'oner. v I.... services, ,78. ; r. . F. "elope. for 2&c; Sbow-Pae, II medical services, $2.76: Dr. A. sbeets .Ild 18 ell'Yelop.. tu 10 Harvey, services. $42.62: cent.: wued paper, wbite Dr. H. E. Hathaway, de ntal serv- paper, paper ••pkilll, ... Guette i ces, , 4.33; Dr. Samuel W. Her- Oftlce. man, medlcal lervices, '49.31; Dr . W. E. HOifer, medical '6.61 ; Dr. Haarl. mmert, medlaal Mrvices, ' ~7.72; Dr. B . B. BOft, medic:al servlcu, L. ~'JDa,,,,-,.~.,, Mr............


B'U AIl__ • • GrOIS Service Station, g.eoline, I '8.26; Henry Ludiqton, pao ine, $57.68; Waite. 0 ......, ereaae part. and luppUell, ·'98.S8: Walter off may be estabUlbed. Botta, SaBollne; ,10.08: Compton In t he matter of the ..tat. G.r..... kerosene and paoUne, James E . Richardson, "'eoeal88(I.I,17.16; Bordell'l Tift A Batter, Station, labor and ruolIne. fB.57; distribution of ....ta Ie ordered. Th e' bon d heretofore riven by The Frank Sherwooci ~•• peolille C. EuJ"· adminiatntoT of The Pamo... Auto tate Co.. .. ----. redllced

~~u:~~ ~~ththoef ~l


sewel'age y tenl. at jail and court I h", FOR AND CONSICN house, 1 .75; H. L. chuyler. pay RuvT . h nd cal.,. roll, $134.80; Carl Dakin. payroll wir. all. $118; The Temple F.oundatlon o. pr gressive firm f? r the hll'h..t oreostoed lumber, $98.56; Th market prlces an d goo d .ervic • . Gem .1'ty Blue P"I'n' upply Union SkY 0 • • & toe . rd.' 1 ......:z. Co.. white '!!!punte\l drawing Tune In on Rall io Station W t,;ItY papel', $11.44; The Oregonia '12 to 12 :30 p. m. for our daily Co., plate and welding rod, market rep 0 11.Il, ' $10.20; The Ohio Corrugated CuI. vert Co., culvert, $690.60, John :: Myers, puyroll, $127; John J. Barr. payroll, $177.60; Earl Bl).8ol'e. Pllyroll, $100; V. M. A lt1 tr , pa),l'oll. 96.70; .John. r Myers, ita e payroll, $94.40; M. C. son Foreman, payroll, $267 .75; J. 1,. D . h . t62 40; E. H. Glqeckler, food, $41; A.. " 'I '" unn, servlce~ as mec anlc.... D. Gr.apevil\e, food, $5: Irene Cale. toDd, $4; A. Slliflett food. ~32;' Elbert Wall ace, food and 'clothing $.348 ,25: Earhart's Drug Store. dI:ugs. $2.75; Wm. focke's Sons Co., :f'ood, $29; Louis Fred, clothing, $68.90; has. P. Stubbs, food, $85.71); Schilling's Food _ Phone 78J Market, food, $19 i Kaufman'S ~~~~~~~~~=~~=~ household neces. and clothing,

lots Nos. 158 and 159 in Lebanon. Pearl tarry EuLa s to Clint Hines and Olive Hine ,inlot Nos. 158 and 169 in Lebanon. Margaret Wilmoth to Evelyn Wright, real e tate in Franklin


Pf!.~e,c foo~~y$3.6~;' G.

Stanley &Koogler Auctioneer. Nnr










It ma)' be gtf)wn all fa over tl\puaands 01 home". We ar toward Itovl'rnml'nt owner Ohio, but /(lr tht> Am rlt.n hoU, Deabler-Wallick hOWl. General ship of railroads. {ruder tilt' WUl'k to bear fl'uit, a male and t,mal. John J. Penhin,. commander-inRelief Program farlll Illnd~ ure ll'NI mUf'i Ill' plante\! /llde by .ide. chief of the United States Army ISSUED EVERY , THURSDAY going to be bought by the I('UVl'Tn durinr the World War. was inment lor "['~hobilitllli()n ." Dirt'ct vited al'ld he intol'med the comwork relid will provide em-pluyD. L CRANE I I P. . .,.cri,tJoa Prlc., $1.10 • Y_r mittee that h~ wl11 he prCllent promenl £01' milliun. -io l' tlw !{overn OtIc. P ........ " ............... No. 111 Entered at Po.tottlce at Wa,.n ..· vided hi health permits. R..... ' vlll •• 01110, a. IaIc"n4 Cia •• Mall ml'nt. AII'l'ady our gOllcl'nlncnt c. ......................... N •• II I MaUer Two little chilur(>n of the 21 thr'ough lh e Reconstruction 1"inOne of the most importanl year old Zachary 8mi h ReYllo lps, ance orporation hn become the facts revealed by a survey of Ohio tobacco heir mysteriou Iy shot, most pOIII{:rful ban.k in the world. APRIL 18, 1936 automobile reglstraiion and revone by his divorced wife and the Talk about 'ommuni m 1 Wha enue from motor . car license other by Libby Holman, his torch Government, except Ru s!'I iu. fees. conduct d by the research singing widow, 'will each receive ploys the most men, owns section of the Tax Commission of more than six million dollars. Here operates mosl farmR, Ohio, is that the state will receive public uti I another argument for an inDuring the first year of the Roosevelt Administration, the spectre a 'fu-gr.eater automobile license h ritance tax of 95 per cent on all 1• .,-£r.:-.:1~-;;;;-:=-;::;-rr;:5:;;-;r;:--.:-o.-:T-"';""~ of intlation presented a constant topic of conservation and comment. fee income in 1086 thlln in pre'l'hen It dropped out of the headlin 8, ..nd little was heard of it save in vious years if the present taxing inheritances in excess of one mil- the biggest banking bU!line s'/ The late SpealtH of the House Galvanaea"d! the .serio uB ·economic (·evlews. Now inftation has returned to the public system remains unchang d. A lion doUars. of Reprelle \l~ative s , Henl'y T. Copper Bearing! (lye. and promises to be a major political and co nomic issue. passed, by the House of Reprcsen Ther are two kinds of inflation. The most obvious is currency talives, and now pehding belore A good guess is that Chief Rainey, stated, "I'll shock you ut in fla tion. lind it is never resorted to except when a government is in the Senate, will cut the m~;lCimum Justice Charles E. Hughes of the the outset by saying that of nIl TbJo 'amO\Ul fCDce lhe dlt'est financial traits. It consists of turning th6 printing pres es license fees from 8 top of $26 'upreme Court might be the Re- the countries of t he world, the ooce IOld •• pr.. luose to produce. paper mon y, irrespective of gold backlng or any down to a top of $15. The survey mjuDI Q...u~ lit publican nomjnee for the presi- United States, with th e exc ~tion *,c . ezt,. price. olhVI' B curity. The re.sult of this kind of inflation is to drasiically disclosed that the increased reo dency in 1936. This. provided of Russia, has m de the greatpst However. you CIlJl lower lhe value of money~the prime mode!'n ~xample is post-Wllf venUe un del' the pre ent system liberals have a majority in the Re strides toward Communism." I\ew buy le1luiDe G rmany. The German 'government, ban'k rupt because of war cOllts, will be due largely to the incr ase publican convention. Then a WestRed Brand .t DO turned out curt'ency in unJim.ited qUllntitiell-and the mark, w}lich had in hqr. e power, On whkh the erner, perhaps Senator McNary, The Patman "Bonus" Bill pro- more thaD .taIJd. ·b~n worlh about 150 cellt in foreign exchange. depreciated to t he of Oregon, will be the vice presi- viding two billion t.~o hundl' cd erei OladLet pricec. point whl!re mi1li9ns of marks were required to purchase a loaf of automobile license fee rate is It'lu e<ltataadiq dential nominee. million d!lllar in greenbacks will 1/alue. JJy .n m ..... bread. The suft'eri.ngs of the- German people-particul~rly those with ba~ed, by th lower-priced cal·s. Tax Commis ion I'cported. , the be considered in toe Senate soon. invellt'lnentsl savings accounts and insui'ance po\icies-w~re almost in a:JiIJle iD and iDVC8A Democratic Mouse leader, It will probllbly pass. It will .'!Pto. describable. (1.. . whal many years of service in The easll valu.e 01 all county surely be vetoed by Presidt'nt More Bubtle is cre4it inflation. This comliate of constantly exCongress, entitIes him to the name Roosevelt. There are noi sufficient panding the amount of business credit available. and makes it posst\;lle fairs in Ohio last year was $1,989,625, and the cash value of of "elder statesman." recently votes in the enute lo overrid for industry, government lind individuals to spend more than said, "What A congressman does the veto. Th "bonus" will nol bl? earn for a longer p riod of years. The eventual consequence, of course fail'S sponaored by independent in hi office elects him- what he paid in ~t'eenbacks this yeal', Tbi!< groups was $28.633, according to is a financial ~plosion. In ·this country. t ho post-war yeArs witnessed ligures released by Earl II. Hanesays on the floor of the House of issu will be compromised next W.,.nen·ille. Ohio Phone 25 a trem~ndous a",ount of credit inflation-and its culmination was the feld, state directo:r of agriculture. Representatives defeats him." year and disposed of by Novembel' crash of 1929, which heralded de pres ion. . The total exhibitors at couflty 1936. Now a number of economists are forecasting that the United fairs in 1984 was 72,84.0. and at --- ~-, The Townsend plan for . paytates is well on the road to another era of credit io1lation. The group independent fairs 7,943, Director Chick I'nformatioD ments of $200 per month to 'all, b lieving this Is led by filmed commentator Willard Kiplinger, who has Hanefeld said . The county fair regardless of nced. who ar~ 60 published a book on the subject, and his camp is filled with other well grounds occupy nearly 3,000 acre s years of age or oldel', has be n Now that chick raising is h re, By known experts. T.hey think that credit inflation will bring th~ United of land in the state, and the inI!bandoned by Dr. Townsend. Mr. county exten ion agent have acd pendent grounds ocOl:npass 252 STEPHEN M. YOU'NO Sintes prosperity dur~ng the next year or two, which will be fQllowed acres. lndications point to a banGlen Hudson. his Chief Actuary quired a fresh supply of tb" and other Townsend planners. The bulletin "Raiaing Chicks" fol' fr Concrenman At w,e by a veritable boom similar. to that of 1928. After that - anotber ner fair year in 1935. it is predict original McGroarty Bill H R 3977 djstribution. Th~ bulletin was pl·e· (rash. . (!(j. has been discarded. Its parents pared by the departmen of poul· Som'e busine s want inflation. R tail trade, fOT instance. would Presid nt Roosevelt next year and sponsors bave . lett it on the try husbandry of the Ohio tate A new milk marketing control benefit, inasmuch n there would be much more mon~y in circulatiOn may be faced with the IlIsual Regreetly enlarge.d publican opposition and. in addi- doorstep. Congressman McGroarty University. to pend for veri hable goods. Bu Inesses alld individuals with fixed 01.' law ' havil/If powers has bee'!l recommended by tion, a left wing Demoeratic op- on April 1st introduced H. R. T gulated income are bitterly opposed to inftation. 7154. This is the newest revised Th.en and Now I the House of ' Representatives pon nt. old age Townsend plan for A hort time ago the Analyi t £laid that the recent general decline special committe which inv.e stigat If followers of the ]~ouisiana sec uri ty. in wholcsale pric s casts doubt on th~ theory that inflation is inevit- ed the state's supervision of the "Kingfi h," Father Coughlin and In the good old days when th mbracing Dr. F. E. TOwnsend j oin :£orces, it It is a '\\(ell con8idered and care- doctor didn t know what was tht' able-observed that th present movement in stocks is of the "bear" milk industry. A bili "ariety, and theTe had never been inflation duting the present the comm.ittees· l' commenqations is pOB$i ble that the 1036 presiden- fully drafted measure. It providea matter with a J:latient, he bled a monthly old al'e secul'ity paygeneration witho\lt a "bull" movement. o(the inevitable rel:lults will be introduced in the 91st tial cont t mBy P.e a fr~:e for aU ment dependent upon the amount him. Now, he tak-es-ou,t...a-40oth or a tonsil. The bleeding comes later. Gtineral Aesembly. now in session. battle. of any kind of infl tion, or' COUl' e. is to force commodity and stock of revenue derived from taxes. it is said. The present. state milk A great deal depends 01[1 general prices upward. . The $200 per month payment is marketing commiSsion is scheduled Thu , there aN two schools of t hought on the ,ubject.-but the to pass out 01 exi tene July 1 and bu ini! 8 conditions. Mmions are out. If increalled inheritance and unemployed now. If, ael ....e an first IIChool, consisting of these whQ torecast inflation next year Or the under thE! Pfoposed measure a new hope, bu ine conditiops inlprove, income taxes, and a amall tranaac year after. i8 by far the largest. It ill a notable tact that manl" busin- commission of th:ree members, to many individuals. unfOI·tunately tion sales tax, bring in enough to ssmen likewise belong to this chool, and are now taking steps to pre be known as the "Ohio M.ilk Con- unemployed at present will be tinance $80 per ",onth security or trol Comrn! ion,'" would be given gainful ernploynwnt. Radi- pension payment, this amount pare tor inftation AI best they, can .. created. The new commission mem calism will not. make ma.ny Con- will be .paid. If there is only suftibership, jlS recommended, would verts among people thankful for cient revenue to finanee $SO · per consist of a producer, a distribu- a job .. If on the other ha'nd, condi month. l<that would be the stipend, tor and a representative of the tions beconle worse" who knows or it might be mor~ than the former ,f igute. It will not unless the consumers. what the 1936 campaign play amount of revenue exceeds the bring forl&. expeetationa of thos~ who have Drouth conditions in Ohio are studied the plan. The Obi. State University Radio Station-WOSU practically Over and .predictionll FO~'mcr Secretary of War HurOnly worthy and needy aged are that the'r e 'will be ufficient 8:00 Mu ic moisture for excellent spring and ley testifying befol .the! Senate will be considered as recipients 8:06 Th WEstern Rflerve Lands ... . .... , .. , .... .r· .. ..... H. E. Eswino ummel' crops throughout the Munitions Committee. dcmanded from tbia fund and the provision 8 :16 Prorram by Knox County 4-H Clubs ............ A. E. Halterman state, acc ording to W. H. Alexan. that war profiteering cease. He requiring . spending the payment . :30 The Ohio Spray Service and How It Operates .... A. L. Pierstortf der. chief of the United Unquestioned tate! advocated one hundred percent within 30 days has been changed. It is unfortunate that ovel'8:40 Home Sweet Home ....................... " ....... , .. WOSU Players weather bureau at Columbus. Last conti. Calion by our Govel~nment of durability and zealous agitators and irrespons:56 Cooperative System' of Farm Mortgage Finance L. It McLaughlin year from January 1 to. A.priJ 11 all ·" profits. This is proper. u quisite des~n FU1·th ~r more, the privllte manuibl~ ranters who had not given 9:(>6 The Charm of Homemade Rugs ...................... ,..... Helen S~ow there ' was a below.-normal 1'8infall -the highes~ ideals in plated war~ru:e assured in of a.56 in.ches in the &tate, . while fadure of waf' materiall! and arms the ubject of old age secUJ:ity 9:15 Music the deficiency :(or tile same period should be outlawed. Dllnger j of cardul study, deceived worthy 'spoons. forks, and fancy serving pieces bearing the 9:26 Your Community and you ......... ................... ... .Bruce Tom this year is only .8i inches. From war will be greatly reduced ~'ben people and thereby caused disapreoowned· trade mark: , 9:35 Marketing Pota~oell Cooperatively ..................... A. M. Burdge a study of charts it is indicated Congr sa takes the prollit out of pointment to many who expect to .~..:.,t5 Ie there a Place for the DwaTt Fruit Tree? .... _.._ .. _J.:..!!-:...9.~ley that normal rainfall will continue War. The Senate is now consider- receive $200 per month This ~ent Townsend plan bill for the present at least, Weather- ing a measure to withd:raw protection of Our Gov rnment from will be considered by the Conman Alexander aid. American citizens who periSi t in gress. It is worthy of most careful visiting' warring nations while our tudy. It i& to be hoped that this, There are various makes of silverplated tableware I!oun'ry is ne-utraJ in the, con ·ct. or s ome liberal old al'e security 'which are \Iclaimed to 'be "just as good." but, like aU I measure becomes a law. !mita~ons, !hey lac~. the bea.uty. an~ wearing qualitr, Quite a number atended the Tbe controversy betw\een Gover Easter party &-iye n by Billy Carr nor Davey . and Directolr Hopkins identified Wlth the ongmaland,genutne 1841 ROGERSBlIOS. COLU1tlBUS-The state .Depart Fife &aid. Every now and t"en a "red" at his beaut.l.ful county hqme near bring to mind ·the · storll' that in a scare develops. Demand i" made ware popularly known as U$,1ver Plate that Wears. ## ;ment. ot F,':ducation announced last week that the seventh annual con Governor Martin L. Davey and Harveysbu:rg on last Friday even- litUe town jn .Delaware some of that all Communists be deported. - Sold by leading dealers everywhere. Send for ventlon of the Ohio AlISoci&tion of Major Emil F. Marx, adjutant ing Apri112. Those :fol·tunate th local busine $ men to A legislator introduces a bill to enoug}t . to be J)rese.llt were~ set up a .F ederal Relief organiza- bar the Communist ticket from catalogue •• C-L" showing all designs. Future Farmets ot America and general, wiU b& two of the spl!akthe ftIteenth annual vocationalers at the annual state convention Martha. M. Ashley, l\[ary K.. tion. They had difficulty finding the ballot, notWithstanding that . . EN BRITANNIA CO.. (II'TIA.A:!~!~!~tVUoo·'Meriden. c... agricultural livestock jud.r\ng of the R serve Omcers' Associa- Thompson, Mary Carolyn Lukens, anyone needing relie1:. Finally only 11 negligible number voted contest will be held at tion of the Un ited States Army Mary E. Hawke, Edith M. Brooks, they persuaded an elderly lady to this ticket. Yet Jesse Jones says our GovOhio State univeraity May 31 and which will be ltaged in Columbus Ruth ·Stacy, Helen R. Thornbury. apply. '(hey launched their or~ June 1. Last year 2,110 boys, reo ~ay 11 and 12, according to Barbara C. Thprnbury, Nellie M. ganizatio n and secured Federal eTnment is in the utility business. presenting the future farmerB' as- Lieutenant Williain Mumm Jr., Dav1s, Mary L. 0 born, Mary J:;. funds. Soon the little old lady Through tbe HOLC our 'governlociation. attended the conven- general convention chairman. Smith, Margaret .Hurst, Minnie A. came into the Federal Relief office ment will soon neces atily take tion, and ?82 teams of two memo Mm-e ~~~~~~~~r'~~~!4Il'at~::::;:=============~~== .-=:=-===-==:==:::======:L.============~~-: bers each. representing 193 rural from all parts of tbe state have ;8chools in the St.llte. l>arlicipate~ reJriatered to take part in , tbe . in the livestock. judging, cQntests, convention activitl~!8, ·it was an.. .according to Dr. Ra,Y Fife, super- nounced by Liouten.ant Wesley O. 'visor of vocational- agricul~ure for Clark, cashier in the office of the Department. of Education. A Secretary of State Georl'e S. large atttlndanqe of Ohio . f\lture ' Myers, who is .secretary 01 the farmers and an · increa~ In the conventiOn committee. One of the lIumber of jud&,inr teams is ex- outstanding features of the gather COLLECTION OF . DIST RIBUTION OF . pected for the 1985 . event, Dr. in, will be a military banquet and 1034 OHIO MOTOR. VEHICLE LI CENSE 19~~4 OHIO MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE


baJJ the 1I~ht of May 11 at th

I '' -ls•

Infla tion!

Campbell, Mildred Daugherty. Berneda AnHlII Eakin". Richard Clifford DORtt'r, Roger Milton Harvey, Elmer Tli,.t"..vlPlr. Edwin Me arrent I'en, 0011111<.1 McKay, Jun r Hartley. harleM OsbOl'nC', Carll Bogan. Cllrol\ <11'1', Johnnie Carr and Kirk Jtft'cl·iell. Pri~e Wel'E~ award· ed to: Martha M. A. hley. Kathleen Th Impson nnd AlIlos Eakins. Delici 'us refreshments of ice cream cake nncl candy were served by Mrs. Lilliul\ Carr, Miss Claudia G) ay and Billy Can. A large crowd attended the cottllgC prny l' meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wilkerson in Or ego nia. last 1~hur day evening. AUlO'ng l.ho c (rQm a distane wcr: Revel'en d Mitis Paulin Well s of Dayton, Ohio ' the gid PI' ach r. Mi s Madha M. . hI y. o r neur Harv YSbUTg, Blberl and Oti: Rich of ne~r Well· man, K. E. Thompson, Mayfrey a.nd Mod nJ\ and Kathleen Thomp sQ n of lhis plac , Mr. and Mr$. Judd. daughter Bessie !lod son al'l. Willal'(! Wilkerso n andl Dennis W l1s of 0 .. gonia, called on K. E. Thompson and family Sunday afternoon.

--- ...

lramblme. "You are ,ettin, .1IQu,h to buy food. aren't. you'" ahe waa aaked. "And we I'ot joba handlinr your rl'lief?" "Yes", sbe answered. "And yuu are now able to pay your rent? ", she was asked. "Yes", Bhe replied, "but 1 can't save any money."




Straight from

.. ---



1 1"~~



7alks, April 15






----- ----

Best. of the N ews Direct

From the O hio State Capitol

Beech Grove





WitH tIE , ••••, EI,I,,£I

&ea.tual I.a.... •


Have yo~r mower


grouDd . br same machinery as used


in the factory.


Sati.faction Guaranteed



..'S(.'US ......TROl "ItIES '597.A59- 1.04 % MOTOA TIlA NSPOFITAT ION • 3&0.21$' 0.02:4


Uc.n.. feel and g~S ta:)(e~, ~ h('



COlLICT ION • EN~ORCEMEHT 1 1.2oa.e15 - 2.1.6 I HOSPIT,t.LS a ~.333r£4IJO.$6" .

$1'\"0(; 401, mun\(' lpal i

I' ccidents. I

. Total of 157.&81 wal

OODR&l7 to popular belief, do n('1 tlC8 1l,8fi7.I J J und t(nvTtRhip, $l'!. tndi ' trlbuted. . aU lad &II.h' wa, ll1to th, cbtTel'~, i 5,5!'.i. ' The sou reu of the $58,8&8,7& of __ 8ta~ 8lahwa, nep~rt",ll'.n l I The .'tut(' Il i~~hwrl)' ;'rputml'lI' I HIded were al followl: Gaa tall PabUc .boola. ~unlclpnllll~ ,'tce;\'cd ~!l,J(i') H~:l fur rJlld /'"n .f rt'p Jrtrd b1 tbe Stat. Tax Com· aael toW1llblp ••ha"e th l .. udl:>" p_l';> •• , _. IInu ~:J.f\tI, t) 1 ..siun. 521.300.en; liquid fuel INA- part of the revenuel {tun ." r hi~j·.\.a> lII .. ilJt~ nun(.'1' and r "x. a~ rt:ported b, the State Tu ".0lJ0 ....1' Yehle.. lfeenae rff'~ ~ .vr.ll", 110,311,&61; molO!

....u. ... • ___

IUOllne taxel'. tdtal of



:lair. . Cnlle(·tl n Dnd en(urCI'R14'nt t'Oft 31.2:1 t61~, whll w.. ", alid. tOf' for ...

· t ... ,·tll,fa.. II .. ' lIliallaneaut r... and ftnea ...~Itln, from HI......' Pa. .rot ~l&"'. .... . . . .

"~ \ ~llIMt

OU'D expect to pay ......... Y d eal for • magadae .... this, p acked with fir . ...·uh fllC't a nd fiction. But noi one e xt... penny wiU . you p ay f~ "1'hIe





quirer'. ~t a ew mq. . . . Dou't miss It. See your toe.I n ew. dealer, o r de your eGPf rigbt a way.

..4nd .hm', nOt aU ••• .4 ".."" improwd coMIc ....

.10• •• • 4

....,. ".,.. .

eomlca. ..41. 0 Ir.. .... ... ..... £apfrw.

,t' Tht'rrnotll('tera hert' l't'gistl'red '1~ 01,.1'1'(0 11 Tuuday morn in~. Mr ,.T. B. Jone slieht. the wl.'l·k-l'nd with h't' IIi ll'l', l\h'~, Jolin Zimm rman and tan\i\y in Uay lon. Mr. . Charl f organ and Iiltl(! ~on, W l'e bl' ull'h hom t.·om Ulnnli Vall y ho pital in ~tubb'a IItnbulanc' Sunda' afternopn . Dorothy Grllham i absl'nt trom s hool on acc(junt of huving


tb. meu1ea. alld Mra. AileD Emrick were Da)" .. pent Sunday aft:"rI~o l'" with IIIr. Mrs. Arlene Jone. and 11011 and ton visitors Saturdayafternulln. , and l\fr~. C. W. and M,~. :\Iarcarl!'t Joh"", spellt Satur. Mr. and Mra. Harvey. Burnet. dl\u!Chter, jn Dayton. day ill I layton, ___--l..- Mrs. Hal'old Whitaker. Mr!\. S. 11. ' Dr. J, VI'. VBrd of Hal'Ve-ysburg Mr. and 1I1r~. J. W. Kerchner and ~11". Duke Trickey of Dayton were Mrs. arah Butterworth at WaySunday nftemoon califon at thc ne.wille. Friday afte~noon. hI me of 1\11\ and Mrs. Louis .Mrs. Everl'tt Kenrick of . (!I1· Tt"ickey. lervillc ~peot Tue day witb her There will be an Easter pto': ister, Irs. tanley Bailey lind gl"llJll in connection with the . Rcc 01 uddition to the list of undu chool' next Sunday morn daughter, Phyllis. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mendenball o( 'Wayn e. ville bu!!illt':s n~cn is James inlt at Lytle church. Mt·. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick Cincinnati and Mr. L Mason of R. Gibbon , \~ho a!.ter purcha~ of Mason were Sunday guests of Mrs the old Odd Pellows building, inAlic Clark. ' . augul'atcd, Q retail building Miss Betty Routzahn has mis ed material bUi:4iness. sevc;ral day/! of school by having lomrov menta haVe been COInan mfected toe. plet d by MI'. Gibbon" the . front ME1!srs Kesle r .Bnd Harry ot ~hc building ha~ing been conGraham made a busmess trip to verted into a showroom, whil Dayton T~esday. . lumber, a w()rk"hop and storeMr . A.lice Clark was called to 1'0001 are found in the rear. Other Waynesville Wednesda¥ m~rning improvements are contemplated by the de~th of her sl~ter·lnlaw- for the future. Mrs. Nettle Rogerll. A complete line of lumber, Mr. and Mr.. Ed .Longacre paint and glass are being carried spent Tuesday w~th daugh- nnd Mr. Gibbons can provide ~rs and grand chlldren In Dayton building sUPlllies of all ,kinds as Mr. and Mr. Lowell T~omus well as lnill work. aw filing, a~d Mr.. and Mrs. fiarold Whl~ker glazing and wiridow 8c~reening are WIth t\'len~g from Dayton; took n ulso included. NalionaJlv ~dvcrtisled products motor tJ'IP through Kentucky Sunday. ' . are carried by the n~!w firm in~l's. Mary Carmony, m company eluding the :famous C,lIrey roofing WIth Mr. and Mn. W. F. Clark, line. Umnle will be 'ch rfullll , givjln anel Mr. Gibbons cordially invites nil ..., ho have 'not done so to visit hi~ (> tablishlneht in nle

:t~~~d~td a:;,~ :U~;r~o::l~he~l~~~~i



Eve Says

Enjoy the Best for Less!

Fairmont Ice Cream

Is really diff~r~nt. Try our Fres.h Str~w­ berry Ice Cream, Sodas and Sundaes.

. Easter Greetings

·C O·PSEY'S Home Owned Store

Late CIassiiied Ads. I -------------1

old Odd

FOR SALE FOR SALE-Fresh Lard. Michener, Tel. 66-R-21.


Ask for a

Miami.burr Permanent Concrete Air Seal Burial Vault For Sale only by

Your Funeral Director ...,cClure Funeral Home Phoae 7



=============r \


Quality PrlDtlDI

All Ki.d, of D_ture, R.pair Work Doil. Qaicld, )lain St.


Only the Best.

The MlaDlI Gazelte


Fell().:~b~l ing.


C. E.

Spring Valley, Ohio, Staple and fancy foods

crohinc elimination would not only provid.. relief to thou.ands 01 unemployed. but would give the taxpayer~ who is footing the bill, umething in return. At the [It'e ent time but a rehltivl'ly emidJ of the grade pl.'l'centage cro Sinles of the country are pro tccled. Mo t. of them lack warn· ioft bells and adequate ignals. The result is that thousands oJ lives are lost each year in accld. ents at crl)ssings-lIvcs which would he slIved once they were eliminated. Reason number three litle in the fact tbat grade-crossing elimination is a necessary public obligation. The state and railroad illdus. try, which have heretofore borne the cost8 of this work, ar unable to pay t he bill for more. Expendi ture of federal public relief fund! for elimination of crossings ill a sound program in the public in· t rest. It is to be hoped that, ~ hen the r elief IIppropriations bill is finally completed and passed, those charged with selecting projects On which money i to be spent wHl put down grade-crossing elimination 1\.8 a major item on the list.

The caskets and vaults furnished , in our service ate the best obtainable. O~ly standard merchandIse of tested quality is provided. Clients 'Can rely upon uS to conduct the finest funeral possible at a price within their meanS.

J. E. McClure Phoe,• .,

Waynelville, Ohio

RELIEF EXPE;NDITURES The ugge tion that; a share of federal relief expeditur B be allocated to rni1road glade-crossing elimination i DlI!eting with much 8upport. NewspElpers, busin. ess commentators, re@fulatory om· cials and others have '3ndorsed the plan for a variety of reasbns. R ason number onEI lies in the fact that federal reBel ex~ndi­ tures are to be . made on the basis of obtaining the la1'gest poss' ible amount of emplo,y ment, both direct and indirect, fOlf each dollar spent. Grade-crossing elimination, like road building, 'WlOuld provide a tremendous numbel~ of jobs, both a~ the scene 01r operations and in Industries supplying steel, cement, paint artd oth:er necessary supplies. R~son number tw,t> liee in the fact that money spent for grade-

"'" .


arveysll.urg Forty members and vi itol's of the Comnlullity club beard, Judge Chas. Dechant at their meeting on last Wednesday night. He gave Il very inte,resting tallk on some of the worthwhile cont;ribut,i.o ns tic> I.ebanon by formci" ciUze-ns. Charles Do ter, Charles Gordon, Ira Syfel'd and Carl Moore were named on the sociall committee for th!) May meeting. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church held a most. interesting meeting last 'l'hursda.y afterooon. The Mi ses Ruth and Glenna Mannon of near Wilmington gave a miscellaneous shower in honor of theil' cou in and bride-elect, Miss DOl'tby DaVis at the Mannon home on last 'Friday night.. Mr. Billy Carr entertained hiB class mates on last Friday evening with an Easter party. A most enjoyaJ;lJe evening was spent and at the close, delicious ice cream and cake· was served. The Woman's Civic League met with 'Ml·S. LauI'a Shidaker 00 la t Satutday evening., About 20 membera were present aJ]d alter the regular -business ,a very in. teresting program 'Was fendered. Rev. WilIiaws of Spring Valley delivered ' a very insp~iring sermon 'in the Methodist Church last Sunday evening. He was. accoin· panied hete by his wiie 81'1d three daughters. " Mr. al)d Mrs. W. :P. McCarren of Walhonding called on their daughter, Miss Evelyn who 'is staying th~ remainder of the school year with hel~ aunt, Mrs. Paulln& Villars. Several ladies trom ~ere at·

"Death 00' ~eelll." The grim reaper, 1984 model, haa deserted his scythe_ He uses an Dutom()o bile. ' Thl. is One of a aeries of Saf"ty Subjects released by Gov. Wbite ' through O. W. Merren.. DirectoJ" of Highways.



Home New.



Men', Suiu, ISc Ladie.' Dre.I._, 70c

District Uepresentativ

Quick-for qual't, dr,cleaDiD,

Every Thing For The

BABY CHICKS Waynesville Starting and Growing Malh haa given the very best reault. to our cu.·tomera the pa8t two yean. Thia i8 a local product made from the very beat ingredienta according to a formula which hai the approval of the best authorities.

Wayne Starting Mash; a"favo,r ite , with many poultrymen. . Anthracite Coal and special Coke for the brooder stove Peat Moss Rolled Oats Scratch Grains Feeders Water Fountains


F~eds f

Cive the Pigl a good start and ret them ready for the early market. We can mix a feed that fill the needs 01\ each farm. You can get the best relulta at a price you cal\ afford to pay.




Ex. Co.

Waynelville, Ohio




tended the at Le.banon, Monday afternoon given bY ' tbe republican women of the county. Mr. Harry Tuck~l' left Monday afternoon for Walhonding where he haS secured work. The death of James Woodson an aged and respected colored man occurred at his home. on Monday night. F,uneral services will be held at the Zion Baptist church Thursday afternOon at 2 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hockett were Sunday afternoon and evening guests at Mrs. Sadie Reas01l. Mr. and Mrs. Lawre,llce Surface of near Waynesville !!pent Sun~ da17 with Mr. , and Mn. Marion Osborn and ' family. Mr. H. E. Hurst was in Wilming ton 011 busjnesli' .saturday evening The . Woman's , Civic Leaguewill hold ·an Easter market at Snell's store next Saturday after. nOon and evening. Mr. and , Mra. A. Z. Bamock and family of neat Reesville spent Sunday with MtL Hartsock's parents, Mr. and Mra. Walter .Jordan. -~---,.;_."".... . ---.,.

-The Masonic Lod,;e of this place fl part in, the funeral servicea ot B. L. Adame, in Sprinl' Valley on Wednesda,. The local Chapter O. E. S. ~ld ita annual inspection Oil Wedn88'day even mI. -.. . Sam Shanks J,., 'Who is working in Centerville wal home over the week·end. ' Mrs. Harold Conard and Ion, spent a part of..18st week with relatives in Sprinl' Valle,. Mr. and 1tlrI. Cad Conard and children of .Daytol! were weekend auelltB of, relatlT.. here. The Dorcas club held ita monthly meetilllf in .the Annex on Thunda,.. Horace and Kont Compton, Mra. R. L. Bopn, 1Cr. and lin. Evan Bopn, visited their aunt. lin. . EUea .r••up bl Brldaepo", IDd., on Wedn..., of Jut wMk.

IIl1Wl4tl had


](1'11. ... Compto. u4 lOll, Frank, II..... llarjorl. Ba,c1oek


£elu Lea1llbl.c, ....

a. L.

Bopa ud

Some of The I Things

, New Burlington


Of C.Jiforll'.

MissatSallie RU Bsell,Home, of xellia'll=======;;;;;;;==;:;=;;===;;;;;;===========iJ dined the Friends Wed- .. nesday. . Mr. and Mrs. Will Copsey, ()f Spring Valley, called on Mrs. Ella l3abb. Sunday evening. Mr. Will Bown, of South Charleston, was the gue t of .his TRADE AT HOMB NAD£AT HOME $ uncle and aunt, Mr. a'(ld' Mrs, ........,.; ~Howell Pi~ree, Monday. . Mr. Howard MeKay and Bon Robert just hoke from California, Mrs. Swain and 1101), Mr. Luther Swain, Mrs. Susanna Morey, Mn. Jennie Doan, all of Wilmington, called on Mrs. Ada H. Jenkins, Sunday afternoon.

: . ..,




Searing meat will not hold the juices in, ae was formerly believ. ed, but causes greater shrinkage and loss of more lat and moisture states Marion Pfund ot the New York College of Home Economics.




da" tIl-;.t.,...

eldldrea were at .... boaIe of

......:aId . . . . .

pel lin. aDd



We Sell




American Fence


• •


Lumber for Every Purpose .Material For Your Roofs ~

... -



c '



. Red Cedar Shingles Mule Hide Shingles Channel Drain Roofing' . Asphalt Roll Roofinl ' Brick Columbia' Cement . Plaster Lime Plalter Board' W~l Boa~d


All of the above material caD he fouad in our yard every aay ia the year at moderate piicu.

We lolicit tbe patroDa,. of 01. c.llom. . aDd lrieDd..

I. U. IA'


Eigbty-Seventb Year




Whole Number 6167



FARMERS TO VOTE The name of Julian Crabbe, aon fRUIT GROWERS TOBACCO CONlRACT J. Quincy Gons, of Wllynesville EASTER OBSERVED Th.e (txec utiv (, conuriittec ot the lind C. Eulliss. of Leuanon, of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Crabbe, is Wayn Townsh ip Alumn i A were appointed jury eommj ion. included in a list of 235 promolion is inte in ring nn ,NGl Y_.AT All HAVE ' MEETING ol'ganizatiun of Warr n county by Judge C, FIT T ON WHEAT PROGRAM Iments OFFERED GROWERS ers tions announced in InfantTy regto the supper B. Dechant of the common pilla of the Ohio Stat& Univerthe me of !IBid Not Si,ned AAA cnurt. Th ey succeed Mrs. ' Velma "ity R. O. T. C. Julian was made a, Not Hurt so ciation. Drake, of Le-banon and Charles LOCAl corporal. FOR COMING YEft R , ' CHURCHES Cotnractl May So Fruit Any Great Any organization int rested in Coleman, Franklin, wh ose terms ...---C.


~! ecu








Gro_ra PlaDaed for May 25

We.thet Old To




as- ThoM Who Have


bidding f OI' th is will inquiro for May 1 to 15 Ell tell t ro('nu, 4i.'tc, Qr .1>1I·S. Gilbert Frye. This must be hy thE' evelling of , Producers of' cigar-leaf tobacco Fifty Warr n county fruit grow Ap i'll 28. who did not sign adjustment conerl! (Bthercd at the orchard of tracts with the AAA either last Charles Baker on Stt\bbtown road year or the year before, m8Y take on Thursday, ApI·jJ 18. The occapart in t he prbgram in 1935 if slo l1 iOl' this meeting was a spraythey wish to ,do so. Ing demonstratipn as well 3S an The contract-signing period inspectiOn of the orchard to find will be reopened to giv~ such the amount of damage dOne by the pro ducers an' opportunity to sign free&iJlg weather. here in Warren county, it . is anAccording to Lester J,. MiUer, On Snturday, Apdl 27, at 2: nounced by Lester J. Miller, county agricu ltural agent, it was found that very little- damage was 30 p. m. tbe Federal Emergency county agricultul"8l agent. Applicati ons will be received at done except to the peaches and Relie-f Administration in Ohio wnt cherry trees that were in full hold a state wide examiantion the eounty agents office in Lebbloom ut the time of the frost. op n to all legal re idents in Ohio anon or by local committeemen. no dam,age was done to between the ages of 26 and 50 of Sign-l1P days have peen designated Higl\ BcM ol dueation who are in- In all cigar leaf 81'(ia9. The A-AA the apples.. t erestcd in the ,Cederal progratll of ha et aside 'the period of April ?It... Frank Beach iJ:om the hel}ling families On relief. The; 7 to May 4 for receiving th new horticultural department at Ohio lCaminatiotl$ will be held in nil applicntion. State Universjty Wall- present and c:ounti e in Ohio sirnultaneously New igners will, be required to explail}e.d some of the practices to and in 'Vanen county will be held ign the tider a8 well as the eo'Dfollow in doing a good job of at the High chool building in tl·aet. The rider, according to a spraying. Many growers p'r esent Lebanon. ruling effective this year, merely commented on the success of the All caSe workers and vi Hors limits. the num~r of acres of m Ling anp stated it was one of noW employed in the cQunty reo wheat on the iarm to the average lhe 1]lost educational meeting lief administration will be Ye- planted in 1932 or 1983, whichever held in the county. d· to take the eXflmination at ever is the greater. The officer of the Warren qUiT th salDe time as Qthf~ rs take It. New signers receive benefit pay county fruit growers as ociatibn are Howard Eblel'ding, LQveland ; , All into rested in taking .lehe ments at the sar,ne rate as old xaminnti on com at 2 :30 Satur. signers who signed both conh'act president; Dan Underwood Har- euay aft moon. and rider. They also will receive veysburg, vioo p-resident an'd Leon You mny learn of detail at the l\e'rl'- mith tnx-patm nt waTTanta. Irolls, Lebanon. ,!lecrctnry treaIn order to give all qualified uJ;"er. Paul Duk~, Waynesville, rep- Warren County Relid office, 105 producers an equal oPPol:tunitt. and vegetable Mulberry t .• Leban01)l, phone 115 producers resent8 the frul who signed contracts in ... .-... grower on the Warren county 1933 but did not execu~ the rider agricultural extension: a.d'lisory i~ 193~ may sign the rider at the committee. I SIgn-up place on the $ame date.

expire thi8 month.

Fe.ture. All Senice.; Weather COM' tao. Ideal

LarCe Attendanee


Eaflter was observed at the local Whether there :will be an AAA ~h\lrche~ with a be;lutiful display wheat contract next year Is in of ftol'aJ decoration~ and attractive th banqa oJ the farmers :who pl'ograms. Weather conditionl Ill"ow wheat. Ml'8. Frank Wrjght, of near were and large contregatione They will decide, in a nation. Ferry, is seriously sick. wide referelldum May 26. whether Mrs. Vernon Mainous was a were present at aLI the services. Mrs. Lydia Yand rvoort of Leb'.hey favor continuing wheat pro- anon, was in Waynesville, Monday. Dayton visitor, Saturday. M. E. Chllrch uuction adjustment measures For Paper Hanging and PaintMr. and Mrs. Herman Surface · The ob!lerv811ce of Easter bepn under the Agricultural Adjusting call Fred Ever:hart. phone aJ:e in New Y(lrk on buaine~s. wit.h the early morning prayer ment Act after 1935. 108RS. m~6ling at G a. m., at which time The present contract expires at Mrs. A. K. Day is spendin g a Mr. and Mrs. Garst so ably preBo},d Rendel'Son, pf Cincinnati few days with relatives in Cincin- sented the playlet "the Chalice . the close of this crop year. nati. Before farmen will be asked to spent the week-end at his home and the Cup." Following thi!!! vote, an outline of the neW pro- here. Mrs. Will Bergan, of Overpeck, .s rviee, b'reaidallt wall served in posals for wheat adjustment will :Mr. and Mrll. Elvan Fires spent Ohio, ,spent Monday with Mrs. the basem nt of the church, spon· be pre/lented by the adjustment Sun,day with Loul.8 Fires and 30red by' the Epworth League, ,t o T. J. Smith. administration through the coun· family. about seventy-five members and ty agricultural agent's office. For Paper Hanging and Paint- friends. MiM Betty Hartsock visited reo Lester J. Miller, county agent. ing call Fred Everhart, pbone At nine-thirty a. m. the comlays tbe new propo alii have the latives in Xenia, Friday night and 108R3. ~ ined Sunday school and church Saturday. same fundamental feature8 and Mr. ,and MI'!!. J. . Hawke were service began, attended by a large principlee of the first wheat procrowd. After the lItudy of ' the Mrs, D. C. Ridge entertained dinn~r guests of friends in Mor~ gram, although there are additilesson, and two musical numbers the Argunot bridge club at her rOw Sunday. onal Inducements tOT shifting land by the choir, Rev. G. C. Dibert in the drouth and dllst-atorm aTea home Saturday afternoon. Mr_ Cad Hawke spent Saturday delivered a short sermon anet bapfrom wheat production to grass. Mrs. Jame Lovell' and Mrs. with hi8 patents, 14.r. and Mrs. J. tized the children of Mr. and Mrs L1ke the 1983-36 wheat produc- Clift'ord Buzick were Cincinllati Tolian Law on. T~enty-one new . Hawke. tion control program, the plans visitors, Monday. m~mbers were welcomed into the now beinl' discussed by AAA offiMI", and :Mr • Charles James and membership of the church, 80me Mrs. Edith M. Rarris vjslted relcials call for voluntary participa:family visited rellltl"e5 in BI n- by letter of transfer, other by tion bJ tarmert!. The program, if atives in Milford ind , Cincinnati chester, E"ster. • baptism and profeslion of faith. allproved and accepted by srowe~ several days this week. In the evening the choiJ: gave a MrB. ~a<ll& Conner was the din, would a.ect tbe orop yean 1936. ner &'I1est of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. musical program consi~tinr of 1937. 1938 an~ 1939. ¥r. and Mrs. Glenn Frye, of anthem!!. , solos, duets. men'.. Frazier, Sunday. Contract lipen would receive Dayton, spent Sunday with Mr. chorj1seB and ladies' quartets, benefit payments for making the alld Mn. Carl Frye. Mrs. Laura Shidaker, of Har- which made a ve,ry pleaaing and acreage adJultment&. Mis8 Anna Hoyle, 01 Middle veysburg, was the week-end gue t Tcstful ending to a perfect Ealter Other featurel in propo,Bed Rlln and Mi8s ' Vivian Oglesbee Ilf .Mn. Mayme Hatfield. Day. prOlrraml, aecordhig to Mr. Miller IIpent the week-end & Dayton. , Mrs. Fred Cons enl~t·tamed a Mrs. Clarence Allen and lon, of are: St. Mar,.'. EpiHopaJ c mpan'y of little girls for the Mr. alld Mr8. James E. McClure Dayton, were dinner guests of Mrs 1. Provision lor devoting con.. The service of Holy Commun· traeted or shifted acret to u.sell and Mrs. C. M. Robitzer were L. D. Chitea, Sunday. Grand and petit jurors to serve pica ure of he l' daughter, Helen Waynesville will again have a ion was held at '1 t30 a. m. with the consiltent with sound farmhlC Dayton visitors, Friday evening. during the May term of common Margaret, WI'!Ollc eleve'n th birthday 14.n . J. E. McClur~, Mr8. C. M. Rt. Rev. HenTY Wile Hoblon practice, with 'peciaJ inducement pleas court in Warren county were o.nnive.rsnry occurred on that date. baseball team in lbe field this year, for shifting land in the drought.. ~8. Roy Johnson, of Cleveland, drawn last week. The grand jury Games followed by a hunt fot with the first tryouts and practice Robltzer and Mrs. Roy Johnson Bishop of the diocese celebrant were Dayton visitors, Monday. . and preacher. ' area from ' wheat to permanent 18 the guest o( her. paren~ Mr. will report on Monday, May 6, and eggs furni lted a pleal;ant pastime h grals !and. Other authorized U8es and Mrs. C. M. Robltzer, thIS week ·the petit jury on Thunday, May altel' which the children were in- se eduled for next Sunday. Forrest Ridge, of CincinFollowing this service, breakfast Mr. The managerial reins will be in of contracted 'a erea to include: Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kersey, 23_ The following Mme were vited to the dining I'oom where a natl, made a brief visit to his wa. served to about twfinty.8ve tempting two-courSe lunch was the hands of Roy Ellis, who witb The growi~l'. of such long-time, of DaYton, were guests of Miss drawn for jury service: M. rand Mrs. O. M. Ridge members of the recently organized !<erved. A ])ink and white color the as istance of ClemeJ1t Satterth Pllrents, 1l0n-eompetltlve crops as l1ay, Belle O'Neall Saturday afternoon Monday. "Young Churchmen" 80ciety, at scheme, wa canied (out in, the Waite and Russell SaLisbury should pasture, ana timber; tbe growing , • "Tp'e Little Inn." Grand JIH"Y larg birthd"lY cake wll th its eleven produce a team, whiCh will be of crops that prevent 8011 erosion Miss WinifrerJ Nutting, of Day. E . L. Thom.. s and E. C. Ctane ·A,t 10 :30, Morning Pr.yer a. Harrison Bevan, Lebanon; Anna weed-eontrol meaaures; ' slimmer ton, is s.pending th vaca· Oheney, fran\.lin; Oren Strawn, lighted candles. the table decora. somewhat of a for~ amol1g tlie attended 'Mailo~ie . Lodge inIJpec- conducted by R. Lloyd H,c1cwell fallOWing of land in addition to tion at the home of Dr. Mary L. Waynesvillej G,r ace MOllnta, Mor- tij)n and fav/)l"s. Helen Margaret, amatellr clubs of this section. tion at N;ew Burlington, Tuesday and ' a program of festival music wa the ,recipient ' ~)f a large The name ot the team_ w 1 hight.. ' , acreage ' ofdinarily aummer-fal- Cook. row; Z. O. Worley, Mo~roWj Leslie numbel' of lovely gift.s. The party "Waynesville Merchants" was rendered. and lowed.. Mr. and Msr. Ralpb Linn and Earnhart, Lebanon; A. W. trucker was enjoyeil by the follOWing justly so, because practically all of Mrs. Harry HQlmes and Mrs. 2. Provision for minor adjuatCL.ureh 91 OIari.t Waynesville's merchantll have COIl- Elizabeth Fischer, of Lebanon, ments on individual farma to take daughter 8'pe~t Easter at the home Mason; Henry Kipp, Morrowi :Mrs. gue ts: At 7 :30 p. m., an Easter pro· Reba Sudaee, Betty Davis, trib. uted liberally in ordei'" tbat the spent Monday evening with )Irs. care of crop rotation and other' o~ "Mrs. Linn B parents, near WIl- Edward TempLin, Pleasant Plain l Robin AndeTson, Franklin, Miriam Alice Jean Ress, Alina Marilyn "Merchants" will get started off g~am of music and recitation. was Hatti Id. proven farm praetleet. I mlngton. , Ranker, Lebanon; George Walton Whitaker, Lois Jean by members of the Church given Balter, t anel make other teams of this 3 Dlltermination b,. the SeenAtrs. Robert Walton and 8011 of Waynesville; Edgar A. , Ludl11m, Mrs. Lucile Bland has been sch-ool at The Church of Chrin, tlltr), of Agriculture of the amount Dayton, wele guests of Mr. ~nd Morrow; Beasie Anderson, Leb· Doris Fires, Frances Johns, Anna section "sit, up anci take notice." Manager Ellis, in announcing engaged as teacher at the Hunter and the minister, Carl Smith, Louise Hoak, l'.10nim,ia Hoak, Eula ')f adjustment to be made each Mrs. Bert Hartsock and family, anon; Isaac Irons, !.tbanon. Hoak and Mrs. Keller Roak. , the first practice, invites all base- school, l oc~ted between Blue Ball pre~ched an appropriate lermon. ' year, such adjustment not to Tit- Frida,. On Sunday a a further celebra- ball players in Wayne township and Red LIOn. lJult in an authorised a~reaee more Petit J.r~ F .. leDd.' Chura tion of their daught~'s annivt"r. to tryout SunQay afternoon at' Mrs. 'Lucy Dines) .of Hamm~m, ' than 215 per cent below the indlvi. Misses Louise \ and Mary S. ,H arl,e y T. Peck, Lebanol) sqry, :Mr. and J\{r . GOrill surIJrised the Ifigh schoolll'rounds. dual's base acreage. . Crane, of Cincinnati, spent,.Ea,llter At Friends' First-day ,sehool a and Mr. and Mrs. , ~omer Carey Games will be played at the were Sunday dinner guests of ·:Mr. fine prog~m of readln",", and , Rate and eoDd'ti~n of bene- wjth their 'mother, Mrs. Maude Iiall) HankinsQn, 'Franklin i G@,tlt"l!'@ hel: with ~ dinner at which th& JohnlSon, t.ebanon; Charles S. following ' relatives weJ'e pre.ent: Wayn,e town~hip high school and Mrs. T. J. Smith. music was enjol'l!d atld. the ftt paymenta to be determined and Crane. er, M:orro~; Cllft"ord Earhart, Mi s AliCe Oglesbee, • of Spring diamonds. younger members "Were pl'eaented announced bef~re the beglnnlnc Mr. and Mrs John T d""av Franklin; Etta Latriek, Waynes. Mrs. W. H. Madden spent Sun- with colored egg , ---' Valley; Elias Ogle!<bee, Mr. and of each mar4cetlne year, as has . . . rea if day with her and "been ' done under the initial pro. and famdy were Sunday dinner ville; T. P. Scott, Lebanon i Frank Mrs. J. Q. Gon , Mr. and Mrs. J. ----.-cram guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Rudduck, Clar:ksville; sister, Mr. and Mrs. She"Ul1Qn Charle B. Oons, Misses' B tty, Lydia and 7.000 APPLICATIONS Urton, of near Wilmington, Deardon, Franklin; J. J, Holmes, Nettie Ogl~sbee, George Oglesbee ;; Local adminiltration of the Treadway. ' FOR' RELIEF ON FILE new procram, as of the earUer Mr. and M1'8. Varnon Xainons Morrow; Katherine Wills, Leb- and Robel Smith. Mr. Charles Fisher and family, - - - .... ~..-- --program. throup eount,. produc- and daughters spent Sunday with anon; Howard A sum, Morrow; P. and Mr. and Mts. tion-eontrol auoelations mad... up Mr. and Mrs. George ltendenon W. Tetrick, Mason; Eva ¥il1ard, During the ,p ast 14 montlil over , or" Mt. Washing-ton, Oregonia; Ralph St. I John, L"eb· Because of tbe field , of contract algnen, and through aJld fam'ily. were guests of Mr, . and Mrs. W. one-foul'th of the pOPl.llatjon of anon; W. C., Pence, ' Springboro: lhe regular meeting of H, Allen on Sunday. · allotment committeea Ie,,! ' Warren county has applied for ie. . Township ,Mothers' club' will be lected by the membeta .o f tbe ,:MIss Alice Jane · Russum, of Louella Xeelot,' Lebarto~; Ertle lief in some form. acc!)rdiriC to countJ associationl. Dayton, 'I. ,the gUl!lt of Mia_e, Kilapp, ,F ranklin; Elsie Mannipg, held at the grade building T1'IuJ;"s, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sh~han figQres annoUnced at thQ local we). .... _ T" and Margaret Edwards Olarksville i Jame. H. Miller, _ .....__ day afternoon, 'May ' 2, when a~d sons ~pe nt Easter in King! fare office th is week. Case ~eeordl Fran1din. ' this week. officers to '$erve dllring the coming Mill" the guests of Mrs. Sheehan'S show that between Fe),ru.TJ I, GRANGE ENJOYS GOOD year will be elected. iathel' and sister, Mr. Raymond 1984, when the local office wal " lIr_ and Mrs. 1. B. Gons were P.~ SATU~D4Y NIGHT Dunham and Miss Rebecca. Thfs will be' the Bnal meeting tabliahed, an~ April 1, 1935, 1. peats of Mn. (;olUl' elster, Mrs. betor!! vacation and the follOWing Xathr:yn Turner, in Dayton, Sun· Mr. ahd Mrs. D. R. Salisbury 892 applications for re.l ief were Mi s J os ie Clark(~ is visiting program will be presented: The local Ifl'&JIprs enjoyed a day avenin,. and family . motored to Oxfor:d, filed in this eoun,ty. Devotions, ~hs. I. J,.. Hartman: friends in Gincinnati,' vrq intereatiq proeram &awrSunday for, a visit to , their daugh- On an average, four jle1"SOn8 may v()cal 8010, Mrs. Mqrris Fulkerson; da)' niwht.April 20. It . wa. in Mr••nel ilr•. J. V, H.rtao~k Mr. and Mrs. J. lB. ' Chapman reading, Mrs. Gilbert Frye i vocal tl)r, Do~is . who 1B.a student at bfl counted for each application, re c~a"" of the Kines Eva a",d dau,liter and Mrs. ,J. H. lief 'officials IItate, making a total Mi~mi u~iversltY. spent Tu.esday lInq Wednesday in Elolo, Mr. RUMell Frank. 1leMUlail, . luanita Brannock. Smith ~ere Cllesta of friend!! in Thirty-one Warren county pOYlil o~ 7.668, aet.ually applyin. for aiel. , C (llumblls. J ' 'Evelyn Peten and Mrs. Reba · Sprlnltfteld, Sunda,.. ' went 'to Cipcinnatl Jast week for --- 4--~""'--Mrs. Lelia Bunnell, 'of Lebanon .Actual relief has not I)een &'iven pbysical examinations preparaBra"dock ~"'d - ' ... f 110" . Mrs. B. S. Silver and 'f amily and in all of tHese CllSe., ma!)), be inc MIss Mary L~'h l&:dwiU'ds,of ANNUAL INSPECTION , RecitatiOJl'::I~:-Fires~. WI: " Mr, and Mrl. Ral~igh Muneer tor), to 41ntet'ing eee serVice. Six S\lringtield, spent the. week-end MIAMI CHAPT.ER, O. E., S. Mrs. J. C. Anderson, of Winton dropped frqm the list after investi Plarht-Mn. Ell Furnas, Mrs. wi~l OCCqP1 Jtfrs. Anna Sheehan's alternate8 were also Bent for ex· wl1h Place, Cil'lcimia:tl, Yf~re guests of gation by case workers. rG1ative8 'an\1 friends ,here~ Hal'l'7 Smith and GI,n Smith. ' bunealollf' recently vacated by Mr. amin~tion8. • Applications have been for emMrs. Mal"Y Silver S.,turday. The annual inspection of Miami Quartet-lItld",d Saliabury' llary' and Mrs. ,M.. tt lIeKinlle7· Those accepted wUl be sent to Mrs. Hannah Roge-fs has reployment. direct relief, emergenq Chapter No. 107 O. E . . S. was Mr. and Mrs.' Carl McCluTe teaching posts, etc. i;va LeMay Sarah :Mme~ and Mr.s AI" M Ktn . ba Fort Kno.x, Ky., at "(Ince and will turned home after an extended ... Suel" Ben:ard d' lbce h c sey s reo later be assigned to cac ealnplH visit to her sister, ' .Mrs. Will held Tuesday . evening, with Mrs. and 'dnllgh~rs, of Dflyton, Dr. and .~ --"""'" ~ ' ld' Pre to turne to , er . ome after spending· thi'ou"lIout the United States. - i"-t1 O,ra Wieal of Sabina as inspecting :frITS. R. E. Hathaway. w,ere dinner I n. the winter with her daughter MillS . • 'd Smith, in Dayton. R.(Ie.... on_ae e officer. At 6 :30 a chicken dml'ler guests 'of Mrs. Mary McClure at OHIO STATE IS HOST Stunt-Milaea , Ethel Mendenhall Henrietta, in Ashtabula.' . . Among those OD the Ilreferre . h~t !ore three local boys; Harold E. Mrs, Nelson Watldns and Bon was served to . lBO guests ' after "The Iron Lattet;n" i,n Xenia, Sun_ and Frieda Haney. TO SCHOOL MUSICIANS Games. Mr. and lira. Milton I).kln" Ernest Luca~ B,nd V,ernpn have re~rneu after' a visit of which initiation and inspeCtiOn of day. Farmers' Grall" will' ' viait and ' son ' and 1UDIoi ~)' Ipent Sco.~ and one, alternate, Arthur sevet!}1 days with MI'. and Mrs. K. chapter was held, Final preparations , have ' bee" Dr. '.I'. t. Wsy, ~ of Clncinriati, Many guests .w ere present. from Springboro ~ran,e Wedne.da1 the week'end 'iJl 'F almouth, K7., Schuler... , . D. tlaird and daQ,r-hter near ·by Ohio State UniversitJ fol' )fidale1iO,wn, Blat\cnester, Dllyton, and' Miss Mary Swain, of Ridge. nfcht , .Ma, 1. l>t/ring the bueinUli the &U8Ii~ o.f "[)ew.y Case,. and • - - ...;...,.-..,.-' Lewisville, Ind. ' :ville, attende!t sexvice at St. the entertainml!tlt of. mortl ·, than Sabina, Wilmington, Yandalia, l1811Sipn. the WayneaviUe peo.ple f~ilf .,EIIOCRATSTO Mrs, Sus.le -Evans 'h as ~etllrned Mary's Episcopal chul"eh, Eas.ter 50 high school banda and orch;" Cincinnati ilnd Lebanon. " wDl 1\U the omeers· · chairs and o. J. Ed...&1ik, Kr. and lira. l.. HAVE MEETING home allter spendin~: the, . win~r , and later eal1ed . on Waynesville tras which will ' compete Friday wUI 'be followed by • proirnm b)' W: Ed......aud la.U,., of with hel' ~lI1-in-law limd daurhter, and Saturday for state hon.o n. friend " loeal talent. A !aree croup wU11>e field, ware dlnll~r guesta of -'._-_.-" Mr. and ,MrIJ. Hanr Smltli, in WAYNE TOWN~HIP GRADE Ol"chestra contest. will occur Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cleaver en- Friday, staJ;ting at 8 :30 a. m., and expected to atteDd tha, .eetlnl· Trillen. ad lIaraaret Edwaru o.n A cordial welcome il extended Florida. MUSIC PES1'IVAL Don't fo.... the rehearsal at 8 Sunday. to e.el')' toatWtld a democratic \artained on Sunday C. M. Brown the bud .evente at the same h01l1' Mr. and Mrs. Ha~'ey Rye enterbI..-ti1ll' at Kemorial Ball, Lebo'clock Illarp of the two. and family, and Dan Brown and Saturday. The (!om~titlon wID The grade mutlie featlval, which tomlmes for the Sprlnc"boro proArter lpelld1q the peat week to0n, OD Frida7 evening, April 28, tained at dinner .'unday, Mrs. was held ,T uesday ..enlne in lhe family. of Dayton; Mrs. Mary Etta occur in Ohio State'. ~Ie ...... Stella Evans and Mia Surface, Mn. .Jolie GTaham and siuOl, 'With a seatinc capacl~ ., lTam. This includ.. Roscoe Pumas with IIr. &.d lin. I. I). llarlatt, .l 8 o'clock. W 11)')11, wa. epjoyed b)' a larr Mr. Btladoll Whitaker. Junlta Brannock, .lana.. Glbbou, Ilra, lIerle Kama allel uWe ,The Hon. H. B. Welch. of Colum Helen, of Dayton, 3000. VJaltors will ... we..... number ot patrons and frienda of Harold Whitaker, Ethel lIelldeD- tel, loan, ret.naed to. their home bll., O~o, will be UJe principal P. Sail bary a n d S ' " the ~hooll. Each n~mber of the Mr. nnd Mrs. Perry Thoaaas a .. a~d admfasion il f ..... baD, Robert WllIoa, Eva IIclliJlail CleftIaDd, SUD"" lIJ*Ike t • auiated by ¥rs• . Anna bUl"J. CamplI8 toun haft . prol1'am waa well pTe.ented and sisted by their lon-In-law and N . BarYe7, IIr. aDd )111. Carl .alder of the WOlllen's Demo.uoh uedit il due ~ ,nllitc in~ daughter, Mr. aud lin. ROIIIa Dab aIlclllra. lIorrla J'aIkeno'a. F. O. lIartIocJ& and faaIllJ of eratie Speakera.' BW'eall. WIle Mr. and Mrs. tor the a~ator, Mr. Ilusull Frank, for Rial and granddaupter, Mlu ranpcl tII..... ~ ~~ 1IUford. lin. 1cHt6 Bania ad JIr wUl .. lIU'1lWl.c1 " the Granp Rac:hel Davil .... the IUCC.. of tn. 'a.air. Barria MOIIMt ".. dla... ,.... ~ Kepler spent Pauline RI.III dellghttnll7 eDt.,~ tained on last Sunda, tile (oUowo.f Mr. ami lin. ltoMId Haw. n. ..eUIII II lPo1llOreci b7 tile COt.tII of Mr. • &ad lOa, ~ . . . . . . ... . . . Deiaoera~ tdab lI..rra)' and M.n. Ina- .u..... ~ Mr. Carl ud













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WaynC'B\1Iulc and Mm. poater dnalstlnK' of aU B.ker lind Bettie Dada goift, on p~al 10 ~1al8lftt!d tax duplicate t:ompet,el Mil Orl. kind. of Easter bunnies and chick- tloeiJ' nint.h \II'ook without llliuin, sheet fOI' uditur. $10; Bankscome to ens_ On Mil)' :!, Na!\On Settlor B,....... t SM'ie. End. Bahlwin Law BuuUshing Co., wc)rd in liP lling. K MilI~ The flfth grade pupils in Miss On Munday, April 15, the Waynl's\'i\h; and On;ll.. Sava&,e, 01 Mr. Tul'X!er'IS' ..••.. •.. ,,· ... to Boldwln's 1936 Obio alllpb~II'K room are v~ry proud nior c:J1lN" heard th la. ~ of thel lle /It )fMI'UIV. rvolll, will rt.'}lI' ent Wayno Twp. o.,de 'crvice, $10; The Book Shop On Mill' t/, \\ hon tht, of lheir roum tor the)' had 16 ~eri 'ti of eiR'ht broadcl!. tli !;POIl' Edite,l by th~ Boo. tl'l' lub of WnYI1esville I1igh School pencil .. , blUlcls, clip!\, file tor perfet !Illldiers, nine girls and s('hools in the brOlld jump tOt Treasurer, $1.1)0; Woodrow-Weil bured b> thl' 'chool of lhe Ail' ;\IOI'l'OW goot! to Ifl50 , Ed; tor-in-Clai.f FRANK HAWKE n vill l ' ~ ()l lo Kings ills. ~ oven boys. They also hay Jeane b()y~ under :; Ib at Ltlban n, NidI MondllY at two o'clock. The Stanage ., pencils fol' Treasurer Aoaiuallt Editor CE lL HARTMAN En h Illl1i<:h will \.n.rt at 3.30 til . l broadcust wa on February ========~.;;=:;==================:. '$1 .0 ; Miumi Gazette, tax notice p. rh . 25. Thclll'ogram have be n und 'r ror Treo urer. Oc; The Lebanon Patl'iot, advertising, $ l.10; Th'e R , Croe\,ett SIlore. Hil" In' ,r1enrli.! "nterl inm.:nt for the lhe ·uVel'vi ion of B. O. kinner. We Apololiu, To Mr. We. tern tar, 8dveTtising, $l.lOi SC'niol' lind 111' (, 5 UI'e that the dirt' tor f education fur t.he state Evny-Pupil Te.t. Through u 1)10 i reg rettllble ('l'haVe been The olumbu8 Blank Book Mfg. guc. t!l wil l njor t hem I vc ~ t h()J'- of Ohio. The radio pmvidcd through th goen rous ,'or, flo. rnbbe' namc. we omit0., 10 ma fol' Probate Court, $7. ()lIJ,\'hly. T hi iR the first lim the I n t he '\,et y pupil t.C6~ wh j~ h cooperation of Mr~. Brannock, t ' d in lh rep\! t last w~k of lh e 25; Wm. ttuiford, SheriW, stamps . r giv n t tl rncmb r~ of the banCl\J t lIas bl'en taken away fro m Mrs. Sali!>bury Bnd ir. Lotz, The teachers' meeting. M1'. I'abbe ~ for Sheriff'a (lffic , $3 i Lebanon, fr' hma n cl ~11 II April 11, Roy home. Th ' ,Tuniot'. th ought it a Bubject. of t.he talk I which were viewed lin artie] f rom one of the Lumber Co., 2 bbl. saw dust for g ud rlllll b cn\ls H will take con l"1)('k"t 1 <1 both t h IlOtebl'a and pr~ pa~ed so as to haVe special c ll rr III magazi nes' dealin g with jail, $1; J. W. Lingo Hardware Common Ple.. Proll ••danla In the matter of the c tate of (lo., padlocks, bolt and wailbera. "nel'nl d nee g roup!', scoring t;i .lel uble work uOII \\Ot'l'Y fr om t.he value lor s l1i or ~ , were 88 follows : nrobl ms 01 vQcation:al agl' ~cul­ thirty- \' '11 (Iut of II po l'j \Jlc moUlel'. who pI'cpnl'c th e menu. F ebruary 26- WhBt has ~h high tur(!. It i extrem I>, Ilnfol'tunute In t he ca e at Dor~ thy Dough- WilLiarll F. chenck, d ,ccase-d, sale batteries for Sheriff, $8.55; The 'l'he C(l LnllliU s arc now workflrty n th fornl r, ILnd f\! xty that; t he topic wa not nwntioned erty versu Richard Marion Dough of personal pl'OP rty ,S ol·del'ed. school dOlle 10r you? March 4olumbus Blank Book Mfg. Co" ing on Ii pl'o!p1Jm of cntertain. ut of a pos ible Be (lnty-fi ve in What next?; Mucb 11, Makin" and the spons!)r Ilnd lmembets of crly , a divorce was granted the' Ev~rett Jones was appo}nted ad- wr PI)ing pap 1", U i U. C. tiles, Illent. Th" Junior class d i ded in th' Ion r. th grad; March 1 - Questions the Boo!lters club illh to m ke pla intiff. Plllinti1f is restored to mimstrator of the e. tate of Celia services a drRftsman, $64 i Tr a s Th c1ul;S-m edian for the it lasL ci a nlceti ng tha t mu~ic and an wers; March 25--Mol' this publio Ilpology for the omis- her maiden llame of DOl'Oth-y Sum- M. Jones decea ed, and tiled bond ur r of tate, clothing for inmates w(luld b pro id d fo): thOSe ho 1I1srl'bra t e. l W a1. j ", enty-one; th ners. of $1000 with sUI·etiea. Clarence of Daytol) tn c Hospital, $436.10 qu tions and an wors ; April 1- sion , chu;s-o . l' I!(e was lightly above cal e to du nCe an d those that do Happln In the case of The People's MelamllY, Frank Hudson and .Tohn ' . .Ton s•• upt., boatd, Too.m through hobbi~!\; pril t w nty-thr ( ; the' low " l liC01' was n t , to uld play p in ~p ng or card S,- Tlle modern pioneer; April Building, Loan & Savings Co., vcr Frank Hosea we re appoint d ap- and eal'e for 4 ,,'eek, $ t 8; Lewis The Junior Piclur,e Show I 0 the 'Murphy Til a te r has confift I'n. 15, A. s ummary-what we have & Dr ka, Inc., sewer. Ilme and Th e Junior cla~ s sponsored the s us William Brockman,. et aI., con_ In gllllera l . cl nee. studen t!:! ent d t o t ake care Of tholle who learned. . The gunrdian of C;I' Ce Warwick cement, $21.06; Gl'iswold Servtalking picture, c'Blac'k ·B auty," til'mation deed and distribution. WQ uld like t ollee Will Rogers in t.ook th t\l ~t accol'ding to the The s ni ars wer privil s: d to on Thul'sday. April lB. This was . [n the case of The People's insane, is hereby dismissed. Ice tation,. supplle and gasoline, g roUping they hove f (lr regular- " Lile Begins at Forty." The inventory of W. Man- '120.811; Ben B. Sorter, 4. . yards send iJl qu stion s which th . peak Ute moyi v01'sion of the famous Building Loan, and Savings Co., B ction cIa toom work. Th nington administ),ator of the er answe~e d and discuss d in " Bla ck Beauty." Jt ,Vlas a real VeJ'lIUS Gordon McNeill, et aI., constone, $3; The Morrow Feed & Literary Pro,rart;la which p IaI.' d tll winner had 11 e tate of Cnlvin Keenan, decea ed Supply Co, lumber and nail)!, $10 their next tIIlk. The 01 s has aucc '. Th e house was packed and 1il'mation deed and dist~bl,ltion. The Junior and Senior literary lass-m dian Ilf thirty-four, a was apPl'oved. e njoyed Bnd benefit.te dby everyon I'nj oyed fhe picture. 15; LaMar Body Shop, gasoline, ot thirty-three a I -averag ci eti s ,ill pr sent their final N_S.i .... discussions. $7.03; The Standard Oil Co., goso Th e ' Junior class will be givi~ Il nu nine-.t nthl'. The lowest core prbgram of t hc school year on Mani.,. Llcen.e. line, '1.2~: Smith's Service Staa nother of l hese thrming talkies Archi Owena verSUS Elizabeth :for th group \Va. twenty. Ray . Hobson. ~chool teacheJ' ~Ion. supplies ana gasoline, $65.76 b fOI' the e nd of t he chool year. Owen, for divorce. Charge, is April 29_ The in charge of Final Report on Senior Scholar. [n the other cC'Li n, Mildred of Morrow Ilnd Miss Gertrude The Kilpatrick-French .MC)torcar gross neglect of duty. .h,p Tell. ook cored high e~ t with f orty- t his mee-ti ng Ill'C tho e of group A. Whitacre, of Mol'Yow. Co., supplies and gasoline, $21.'79; Local Tr.ek Elimnnationa Rutb Hoffman, by h r nen five. The cIa median Wl18 t wel;lty This nnal p:rogrllm w!\ carefully Wilbllr Simison, punch pre S op_ John Law &. Son, gasoline, $21.41 Th~ final and official r port \Va Til Ipcal t ra ck anul field meet fri nd. Lawrence Bauer, versus nine, the cla_8-8v el'age slightly sl!'jec.ted by the instruct r lind pro' erato)', ·o f Dayton and Mrs . .Edna C. L. Miller, brOOms. $3.16; S. K. above hI' enty-nine alld .t h Ic)wc>St m js s to 'be an intere8~ing one, received last week f rom the olimin tions we rc held last F ri- ltobert Jioffman, for divorce. Githen of pringboro.' Ruby J:\folte and Arthur Greene sta te depart ment of educllHon day after noon . The put' p ose of this (Continued OD P..-e 8. score te n. Lawre nce Ja<:ob , machinist, of T he T rmnn g r up te t of m n- Tile sch duled program i8 as concerning th e sCOr()8 made by elimination \\'OS 1.0 decide, in part versus ,lo' red H, Crosley, et ai, for King M'j)1s and 1121 s Dixie Cole., ~ fort ItUl'o of , life estate, inj IIDt aT ability· was givert to the fl'csh- folloW8.: cur rent ovents, dramatic s~niors from WaynesviJI on lhe ~ b at s tu de n ts would repre ent fncto.l'Y Wot'k,er of South L banon. Pot~to~ etlon and otl\, if reliet. . men onM nda~ of L st 'e ek. Re- reading, biography, interesting scholarship te ts in March. As \V'ay n sville in t h Wa r re n unLY James SauJ, administrator at tbe Jal'tes Honak r shoe ' wOl'ker 01 ults of this t est are u ed to figure events in the liv of !\en10rs ot had been previou ly announced, meet May 4. The rellults glv n estate of H. L. Saul, deceased, ver outh Lebanon and Miss Frieda AverQ&'e farm price of potatoes third in Warhere arc not to be co,nsid red as Marvin F ox J'anked i nt elligence quotients and this In- juniors, familiar SIIIlY, dc=bate and r en cQunty, with a scor of two 1\ nal sus The Prudential Insurance Co., Clark, sboe ol'kel' of out.h Leb- in hio i reported at 50 cents; in book report. available only to hundred sixty-flv . Frank Hawke , arId al'e subject t,o eh nge be for money. t ormaii n i ... Maine the f rro price Is 18 cents a anon. • • Ilarent and teachers. laced ei'"hth with a score of two fore the \Vinner~ are fiJllally named AI~rt arr, police officer of bushel. in Michigan 30 cents. in P ... This is neces a1'Y bc~ cause bad May C ..lend ... Middletown and Mis Freda Idaho 4. cents, and in New York "hundred f orty-six. Ruth Penningweather had held up 't,·actice thill Pro".~. Court Friday, l\1ay a- Warren county ton was ninth with a 'Woodrey, of Lebanon. 36 centll. core of ~ Eastep Proar.aa In the case of James Saul, adfield meet.· two hundred f orty-one. The other spring and a nllmbel' of students On Good Friday the FrSllhman aturday, May 4-d1 tritt-state stud nts from this school. received who might be con sidered as good mini trator of tM estate of H. ·L. Real E.tate Tnnde-r. prospects were not in form last 'aul, deceased. versus Mildred ~ebolal'Bhip test . class ptesent.~d a most enterlaincores from two hundred two to week. If neW material develops. it Daniel. H. Greathouse to Mayne u.. Saul, et al., Bu,ford Saul was aping Easter program. Devotional, Friday and aturday, May 3, 4one hondred thirty-one. will be used. pOinted guardian 01 Mildred Saul, R. Gl·eathouse. in lots 'Nos. 1'1'7 and ' were given by Roy Crockett after SOQthwestel'O Ohio mUli.e THE MIAMI GAZETTE Scores by subjects were as 178 in L banon. tival.· which an arrangement of "The follows : Ma1'vin Fox _ Scie/lce hRecords fortthhe high•.sch!>ol wi~b minoi'. Sale of real 'e state ordered: Earl Evans, et al., to Mary M'. ven Last W ordll frpm th~ Wednesday, May 8- nnal teachers ixly-s' . h'st', Al't -'b t e names 0 t e tou:r hIghest 1n The additional bond of ,5000 FOR RESULTS LX, lor" • u,l y •• ree, ord rare: gi"en by plaintlJ with 8uretiee was Sinclair, 22.10 acres in 'Wayne meeting. Cro .. wa~ given by: Catherine fifty-three, mathematIcs tblJ!ty-. U· h . C I (' k F k approved. township. Ludington, Ruth Conner, Vivian Thur day, May 9- flnal Spol'is. four and one-halt, English forty18 Jump- or , 00, r~n Margaret C. Tuckcr to J nnie B The state of H. L. Saul deManship Brtherhood meeting. nl' lle the wo Id t d Conner, Mildred Cook, Mary lIa~­ '-" t Ha\ ke ( other contes'tant ellm• r 0 ay, Sluy- wo: inated) ~eased, Is exempt from inheritance Bell and Margaret C. Tucker, l'i , Verna Mae Hunter, Noami Friday. }[ay l()- Freshll'ian-Senior F,ank Hawk - Science MiyD' '-. B relll estate in Harvey burg. ' . Ramby. Anna Gay Treadway, Gel' tea. ~ven h' to f·t f ' t~ ,scu buow-Da'vld oge-r, tax. Mary ~. Sinclair to Earl Evana In the case of James Saul, ad~ aldine Dakin ..nd Virginia Wilson Ftiday and Satur~oy. May 10, 11 ematl~B flftyr~ or y- dour, ~ba - Robert attel·thwaite, 1;,orain Hall one an one a , Harvey Peten. ministrator of the estatl,l o~ Berta and Ernest ~vanl!, 22.10 acres in 'With Reb. Edwards a~ aecoJnpanist - fir t annual Ohio-Kentucky Engli h forty-seven, tbe ~orld to Broad jump _ Ch~il'l II LeMay Saul, decused, versU8 Buford WaYl1e town hip. track meet. The maiJ\ feature of tht! proday forty-six; Ruth PennlDgton- D 'd B H P , H. ~l. Sherwood to Lee Lemmon gram W811 an address by R. Lloyd unday, May 12- baccalaureate Science forh, f hi t ftft aVI oger, aryey eters and Saul, et aL Buford Saul was ap. or o~r. ory YPeler Vint. . pointed guardian of Mildred Saul real state in WRynesvill~. sel·vice. aaclewell, who Ie in charll'~ 'of mat.hematlCs twenty-two,. Pole vault,-Charles L May, minor. Sale of Te.l el\tate was 0'1'Luverna Sniv Iy, now Cochr.n. services at St. Mary's church c..ur- Tue day and Wedne day. May 14 lUX, ~n~I!8b iIlty-tive, the world today Carl Cook, Da.vnl BOi~er Rob'ert dered. Additional bond of ,5000 to Leander A. Clal'k nnd Ethel jng the ab ence at tpe reetor Rev. and 15- t1nal examinations. Allen, ' given by plainti)l, with sureties is Mae Clark, 92.97 aj:.l'CS in Deer:t. J. Schaef1'eT. In his pe ch Ftiday, May 17-clos of school, 81~ty-two. tlc:ld town bip. . Shot put--David Boger, Earl app-roved. , "Christ,-Leader al')d Comptmion," commencement. Carrie Bel'kley to Arthur Shep. ' AND C:;ON5ICN Kiq. Mill. WID. Cro.. Coulltry h ets, Noah New-wlan, Lorain The will of George Stuemer. Mr. Hae\cwell compa,red Jesus, ith Saturday May 18--district track herd, inlot NOli. 965 and ~67 in .he\p and cal.... Ru. Hnll, deceased, was a.dmitted to the great heroes of 01U' c,Cluntry meet. ' Jive wife atid Kin,gs Mills won the anllua] One-hundred-yal'd dash-Eldon An'Qa Hartsoe!" ell;6tutrix of the Franklin. and pointed out that He is our Saturday, May l8-alumni ban. hr." .......h,. ftrm the bia-1Ie. Warren county cross-country run, EIli, Peter Virit. NOllh Newman, e tate of Frank Hartsock, dequet. · . Frederick Lau and Anna Lau to IIrl:llr,.\,.. t price. and rood .eme• . gre.tHt and most modest Jeadl!~. and MarStock Y.rd,' Ch,~i._.i, Q. ceased, filed h.el' application fOr a Herman Woebkenbc He uTged us to discover what Friday and Satul'day, May 24 anp seoring thlrt}l-two points, and AlbeIt HawJ(e. gue~ite Woebkenb rg, 66.85 acres in on Radio Station WCKT Mil run- Noah Ne'wman, Rob- certificate of tranafer, placing Perry CQates in first place. Q,ua1itiea we have and to d velop 25-State hack me t. I ' , to 12 :80 p. for our dally The eV'ent was held 1ll8t Monday, ert Young, Charles .Fires, Earl Ralph W. Earnhart, el~ut:or or In TurU creek to\\'n hip. them. Charles A. Oeder to WilHnm T . reporta. , April 16. Coates covered the dis- Sheets. the estate of Sara.h Annie EarnFrank I;d1ay played a trumpet . Hilla School HODor ~oll Oeder, real estate in Hamilton tanee of one and seven-tenths Eight-hundred-ejghty-yard da"b 11010, "The Holy City," and Vivhn With a fe v of the grades not miles in eight minutes, fifteen and - Albert Hawke, Noa.h Newman, hart, deceased, filed his inventory. towD!'b,p. The inventory 'of Robert M. Oonner .sa~ "Thc Palms.l' Both in Ilt this time, the 9cmol' roll in Oharles A. Oedelt tQ Alice E. six:- tenths seconds. Peter Vint, Robert Y'oung. Were accompanied by Mr. Frank. high IIchool tor the past six real est. in Baplilton e 10 lV1 ua r n Ba8ke~ balltllrQw-.,Kignschool of As this was Cluj.last a embly 01 .includes the 10llowing: F.reshmen approved, , town . th~ 'Year Mr. Lotz made a few re- ~Charlel!l Anderson, Ruth Connet ners to come- ill, in ad<,lition to first girls, Jane Cook and Evelyn The inventory 01 Edwar<l National Realty Management marks about the behavjor at the Vjvian Oonner, and Roy Crockett place, other places went as follows nas. second to Otterbein, tl1ird to Ba eball throw- nigh school See~er, executOr of the eBtate Co., Inc., to , Paul C. Snyder,in, a sembl\es during the year, . Sophomores--Eileen Hall, Mar- Kings ~t'iIIs, fourth to Springboro girls I Kathryn Smith. and Franl!ell Catherin~ . Seegerl deceased, lot No. 956 in Franklin. gi Tinney and Glenna Woolard. fifth to Otterbein, sixth to Otter- Walkins. approved. LUliaJ\ J_ SmaU. deceased, t(> J_ior ,aDd Senior Ballquet Juniora--1ane Cook, Cecil Ha~ seventh to Kings Mills, Incomplete results ot the grades bein, . Mary Elizabeth Stuemer was William E. Jame!!, ~ ai, inlots 89 The Junior-SeniQl' banquet. is to IT\Iln, Jobn Kellner, Frances Elli8 eighth to Mason, ninth to Otter- wer as follows: pOillied executrix 01 the estate and 90 in Morrow. be lleld lit tile "VagaboJld Inn' In and Ruth Salisbury. Baseball throw~ver 95 Ibs., George Stuemer, deceased, no David and Su Ie 'Kindre~ to AlIliors--. Marvin Fox, Betty bein and tenth to Kings Mills. Wihnington (1) Thursday, April pond required. William Mosher, fre.d and Mildred Kipdred real esRunners from Otterbein totalAudrey Crawtord. 25. The Junior.a are ,p lanning a Hartsock, Frank Hawke and . ed forty-one points, giving ihat Baseball tht'ow- under 95 Ibs, Herbert Hoppe and Edw8Td HOPPe tate in Franklin township. were apP9inted appraisers, Martha A: Guttel'Y, et aI., to ~::===~==:::!:-:-:JEiZ~===::==::==::==~ school@econdplao. e ;SprJngbol'oEvelynSnlith. two; Way~otato race- over 95 Ibs., Dol'O Edith A. Munger, executrix Mal'Y E. Corwin, in lot No. 3 in , came third with fiftynesville was fourlh with one thy Ilunter. ' the <estate of Harvey 'MuDger de- Lebanon. Phone 7.J Gl'ace Warwick, by guardian to, hlJ.ndred fOl'ty-nin!!. Pqints were Potato race - under '95 Ibs., ceAsed, tiled her invlll'ltory. .. '. counted according' to the re1ative Betty, B¢l'IIard. :Mary .E. CorWin, .inlot No.3 ,in I,,!:====~~~=~~==~ I:{arriet C, Veidt, exeCl1trix 1positions ot the runners as they '75 ~ard dash-ove.r 95 lbl!., .the estate of Adam N. Apgar de- Lebanon. • finished. Audrey 'Crawford. ceased, filed her inventory. J. 'H. and Belle Smith to Dora The weather proved a drawback 50 yard dash-under 95 lb•. , Sales by Walte.r Fr.ner, admin- BernaI'd, inlot No. 407 in Frank. • • . there bein~ snOw belore and after Bet~ Bernard. iJltrator of the estate of Sherman. lin. 'lOT ARY PUBLIC the running, with a raw wind to 220 relay-under 96 Ibs., Franer, deceased, were approved Frank H.rtsock, dec.eased, to An. Baak make track out-fits insufficient Bernard. Miriam Sr,ott, Bert C. Hartsock, administrato; na Hartsock, real estate in Wayne protec'tion from the ,cold. Ellis, and Margaret Vint. of the estate of Addah A. Hart- township. Wille D..a_ . _ • E ...... httW 6?ck, deceased, filed hill applicaStephen C. ~~il1ips, deceased~ to , "YIIEIY" I E, OHIO Diamonds- Watche.-Je~elry~Si1verware t!on tor a certificate 01 tran.lSfe.r• •Charl~s l!'. Phdhps and Stephen d.I~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'--~~--;:­ In the matter of the estate Of J'hilljpll ,mlots . Nos. ~ and ·3 in I: Fot' . the ·'CAdu.te. Shl\lwel' or Wed.din. Cift E. Ke~vn~-decea.ed . dl8trib Waynesville. · . ' 'OR SALE 'DATU CALI:. . Ro~ert and lJetti~· Dura to Louis was ol'de~d;' ," . Janie M. Brallt, .executris of the Jones~ inlots NQl!. 822, S.~3 and estate of .HalO. Brant, de~ed, 418 in Ft!anklin. • Expert · Watch Repairing and 1. L. Hartsock, deceased; to filed her fil'st, ftnill and distributive accoun.t. Ar~hel' A. Hartsock et a1., real In the case of Maude Sl.,le ad. e1!tate in Waynesville. ministratrix of the e8tate 01 Sam- Addah A. a.rt,tock, deceased·, to ~ton open 8 .: 30 a. m • .to t p, m. uel W. Slagh, dece...d, versus ATeher. A. Hartsock, et aI., Tell! S&SSE IT..... Uy .Mau~ Slagle, et aL, sale 01 teal estate m Wayne township. eBtate is ordered. , !Ida N. Strlekle. deceased, ,to PlaoDe 110; N_ •• rO....... , OIl.. unllll'u~II · S.Ifwin i'UllrdjaDQ.! the '\V ..ltet: ,. Morris,,. ~25.80 acrell in Qf Maje' Runyan, i. Warren anc! Clintoneoul'ltiea•. ·.AItL 1:000'.1. . DQto.,PIa_ '.. thorized to ' lell automobile.,' , JamesP. · Jennings ~o Nora .Jen The .egtaie . 01' Berta S.~l, I'!lnl~, '~al estate in Deerfield KE....,.· .... .. ceased is ~xempt from inheritanoe townshiP· tax. . . WiJ~Pl B. ;Fortlage, as tl'U80 The inventory of EateU.Barnea .tee to Lillian Mullen, real estate executrix of the ~8tate of JOle- in Deerfield to,nship. ' phine Barnea, deceaaeel. WLI 'all"' ' 8;11. AUo_1i proved. SlaIn by tk executris FOR SALE ' were approve\!. . Dt. A. D, garvey, medical !lerv In the case of lItlal.ld~ Slacle•• 11 i~ rendel'ed at iail duriQg March administratrix . of the ' estate . of '~O; Reit's Electric Shop, chainj ' FOR ~ALE - Larae Rowerlng Samuel W. SI08le, deceued, ver- pull cord, .labor and lamps at ·pansle8, fine collection ot one I sus Maude 'Slar1e et al.,.report of Court H.o qse jail, $4,58; J. W. and t;~o year old hardy perennial appraisers approved. Additional Lingo Barawal'e Co., supplies plants. . Alao ' cabbate pl.nts. bo.nd of ,5000 glve~ by Maude Lewis" Drake, Inc .. a tOll! Geo.l'lr8 ,Peterson. 1 mile from Slagle y.'as approved. Sale of real tucky for Cdurt Hou" 'Waynesvllle on Bellbrook pIke estate ordered. The sum of' $260, Dr. F: A. Dilatush, . aervices Phone 132R21. . ' · : "a2i waa allow~d J. ' C. Allen licensed de~ d,. $21; Dr. P. A. Dllatush, FOR SALE"","Freah T ard. ... real ..tate bro~er, for services medical 'l!erviCell, '38; Mrs. HowoJ ~ .... . Je. rendered. ard Sawyer servieeS j $7; 'Mrs. Michener, 1'e1. 06-R-21. U Elva Hay RUlIyan, admini8tl'a- Helen Doughman, Mme. $7' FOR SALE-6-tube Croll" radio trix of the estate of De Vou Run- Mrs. Ira 'Eltzroth service; in lood condition, eleeVlc. CeeO yall, deceased, filed ber iDventol'J. Mn. Lillie Urton aervieeS ' ,10: Davi.. .all Tra,lSfer of , Ulet. ordered. Mrs. Maude Deardotr ~ice8' Tbe adjudication and ct.temdna $7.60; James Moore ~rvices FOR SALE-A Dlee Une of box tiOD of the lnh.ritan. tu' OD tta. 141'1. Oma O.borne, ..mel. ',10 ItatlO1llry, U .eet. eel ., ... ..tat. 01 Fn~ A. Prall)" c1.. 1(.... Elmer Lac" .. ,i' ve10,.. lor lie; 'bo,..·..c. e_aecl, fI to b. ,h-" to aU p.r. lira. lC.rtt. Thomaa altHea .~I ~. _ftlopet I . 10 EST~ IOU IDteHItH. I " ' ; Ool\uablll B~ 111,. cnta; ~ Mtv, .. SIlU'IDU PIedon WU 1011114 hi· Co•• vendor'. nc.DItI for Auditor



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Centerville, Ohio

44 Years Of Service

Jewelry Shop


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me.: aenlo":


a". aacI • to .. IIcImated to .o .. ".110; TIt. Colllmltal Dartoa State SoapitaL lU" Co.• 100 dlclaTlte IDt=-~




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of IDee lor IItNtor ., tile . . it roqM::h=I~ ~-:~l:.~~le~I:u,==1 z. ..........., .... a1 A



for clietributioJl, to attomefa. law Ubrariel, law achoola and oth~r individuals and institution.. who have need for them. at the stipuISSUED EVERY THURSDAY lated code price of a set. The money obtained from the sale of D. L CRANE· I I •• niPtl•• Price, 11.10 • Year the opinion, is turned in to the 0IIe. ..... ................ N.. III .t ponottl". at w.,n"'I· ~tatc's general revenue fund. vlll., ObJo. •• tiil8C"l'lIt Cia.. .0 .. .......... .... ......... ND. 11. Vatter Personnel cltange in th Ohio relief set-up \W)re announced here APRIL 25, 1935 by C. C. Stillman, federal relief -= . ===================-c==~~~ administrator for thc state. M. K. Akers of Wapakoneta, work division . manager in Auglai!e and , SheJby counties, wa~ named t:elief A bulletin issued by the Assocla ed Industl'ies of Alabama SDYS: director for Auglalzc, Mr. Still"The t\rst }Jolding Company blll (The Public Utility Act of 1936) man said. Mrs. Marian, Brucket: of bas beel'l introduced in Congrellsl Mansfleld wa~ ma(le Richland "It would be bad enough if aimed only at Utility Holding Compan . county case sup l'visor, succeeding ies, but onCe this 80rt of bill gets into swing, the' addition of a wot:d or Miss Edna W"ight, who was' -prom oted to ilistrict supervisor. George two would quickly include other 01' all hoding companies in it.s net. "There are some four hundred holding eornpaniep! listed in good BrOoks of Youngstown, Mahoning stnndini on the N w York tock Exchange, and only forty of these county work division manager, was tranafened to a similar posi tion in Summit county and I. N. tlre UtiIity Holding Companies. "Is it concelvabl~ that thelle forty are the bad on s that must go'! Clover, work project engine~r at And, conceding tha~ orne past practicel! might not be considered good Akron, succeeds BI'ooks at Youngs practlcel! today (though con idered good in 1929), does it follow that town. F.rank M".soll of McArthUr, they have their 'heads chopped bft'-abolishl'd entirely former Vinton county work pro"Does 3:'0u1' doctor cut oft' your leg to cure your sore toe? . .• ject engineer, was nlUde work division manager :lor Vinton and , "R gulati~n, not destfuction, is the Government's busipes8." The holding complln y fo~m of mangement ill almost as old as in - Meigs counties. G. R. Craig of Urbana, wor~ division managcI' in dustry itself- and the reason for it existence is as potent now as it Champaign and Union counties, has ever been. The public Can often be best and most efficienUy was nam ed to lhe arne position in B rved by lar~ Units, with the financial, technical and management Auglaize and Mercer countie!i;. J. resources that only a large unit can command. That Is true of public H . Wilson of Celina, work divillion utilities. It is true of railroads. It is true of Ii dozen other kinds ot manager, was transferr.ed from bUBillets-8tor s, newspaperS, etc.- which have demonstrated the Mercer and Darke counties to soundness of the bolding c\>mpany plan. hampaign and Union. Neill AllThe Federal aovernment has Itself shown itll, belief that the in,er, work project engineer at .. Van Wert, was made division holding company is necessary, in it." own Tennessee Valley projeet. el1gineer for Darke and Shelbr The TVA ilJ a holding company pure and simple. It buys small electric cOtjnties. Richard M. Latimer, sY$terns alld consolidates them into 01'\e great system-lind , is able to wO\'k project engineer at Mansreduce rates and costs as a result. In princiJ)le, the TVA. pet of the field, became work project politIcians who are behind the present bill, il!! not on ewhit different engineel' for Richlalld and Knox than the private holding companies the government now seeks to de.... counties, succeeding Paul R. Over troy. man, who was made works division managel' :for Wayne and ltedina That holding companies in the utility field-as i nall other fields countietl. - have occasionally abus d their privilegee. is not denied. Nor is it denied that tb government should adopt a forward-looking regulatory It was revealed here last week policy toward the holding com'panies whleh would protect the interest that since the Agricultural Adjust of the public and Inv stors alike-the other day one of the country's ment AdminLstration started op~ I adini private utility ~xecutives presented IIpecific suggestions toward eratjons Ij!ss than t.wo years ago that end. But it is denied- not only by utility leaders and investors, Jl total of ,15,867,000 has been but by millions of honest c;iti~en_that the way to CUTe what disease dl tributed in Ohio !n the form of .benefit and rental payments to exists in the holding company Itructure is to th~ottle the patient. farlllers of the state. The bulk of Th Associated Industries of Alabama concludes Hs bulletin with the sum went to producers of corn the statement that the prese,nt bill "is wrong in principle and ought to and bogs, who received nlore than b stopped d ad in its tracks," The public intel'eet.--which means the $12,000,000, up to March 1. Ohio jlltnest of everyone wh ohas dollar lnvetlted in ut~lit.y securities, or tobac;co crowers were paicj. nearly uses light and power, demanda that that be done. Regulate--don't kill. '1.000,000, while wheat g\,owers obtain d slightly less than '$3.000, 000.






Regulate---Don't Kill


Farm hight 1 alks, April29

POTATOES FOR Current pril'etI. of pot~~t,oe. grain wuuld 8l·t'rn to unl oPJlIlI-tuniti('s t'. to f lIu('o th('ir pI)ul cots by the u~e of PQtato(}!I. E()i1cd tlolntoes make additinn to lhc ration fo chick ns of all ug's. . . Ken ·tlard, in chal'ge of poul ry inve til~ation at the Ohio Ext>e\,lment ta~ion, S\lggosts that Jarm poultry keepers II ho hu,vc or can ~ cure 1mmarkelabl PQtatoe~ at. a nominal price can U fil! the putntoes to adYantage as a su bstitute tor 9, put ot the grain in th poultry ration. BOil, mash and mix the PO!;i,to08 ~ith about half theit \V e lgh~ 0 t.h regulal' dt·y ma h Or thai> amount which will R'ive the desirlld moi st, crUlll hly con~isl ncy Of U,e potato rna h mixt.Ul· . Tn thi;! way each 100 lay I'. \ i\J consume 6 to 10 pounds of potatoe daily. A test with layers indicated that the feed ing volue of 4 to 5 pou\'lds of potatoes WIIS qui va lent to 1 pou,nd of gruin. However, this d ~ not account for' alI j:he valllc (If boiled potatoes (t'IlW potatoes are I1n I'ltisfacto)'Y) in thl~ poultry ,ation. P otl1\.oes also add variety an<l palatability to the f.~ed, thus encoul'!lJring the greater teed con 'for insum ption . nece 11' creased egg producti'on ,or more rapid gr wth of bt·oilers. Th e moi t potato-mash msy be fed to layel's or broilers i nthe regulltJ' dry nlash f eeder. on top of the dl'Y mas/l .at noon, or morning ~'ve nlng. in about th.! amount that will b l) con sumed within 20 minutes. Tho feeding schedule sh01lld be adhered to reg;l1larly be cilu se Lbe bit'ds soo n leun tQ exp ct the m oi~t potato-mash at a cerilli n time , each day.

Straight from

Washington B,

spotilebL There il a lQt of talk about him al a candIdate in 1936 alralnat President Roosevelt. He likes that. He has pr('!;idential aspirationa,~for HI40, however. and not for 1936. He is too smart to believe' he has II chance next year. He teele, if t/le depression continues, that radicl1l\t!m may be rampant. and that 1 fl40 might be hill year.

FT. HARRISON Will HAVE TWO CMT CAMPS THIS YEAR Brigadier General William K. Naylor, ommanding Fort Benjamin Harrison Indiana, today an nounced that the eleventh year of Citizens' Military Training at this post com-priz e two camps. Th first ~amp, which will open officially o~ the morning Of Jdly 2nd and continue to July 31st, will consist of training in signal corps, Infantry and Artillery subjects. The second camp will be from from August 2nd to August 31st and be devote d entirely to Infantry . instruction. Applicants for theSe camps should ubmit their names as early as possible, being sure to give their return address. Many applications for this instruction are anticipated. Colonel O. P. 'Robinllon · will bf,! the immediate Camp Commander. He commanded the CMT camp at this post last year and also forer CMT camps at Fort Knox, ,Ky., during the years of 1930, 1931 and 1932. This camp will be a reunion for many of the younlr trainees who will have an o])portUQity to meet again the Commander who was with them i.. previous camps. The camp ,will retain all of the excellent features which have cau ed such favorable comment in the past; the course In citizenship being the most popular and important of the many ofJ'el'ed. Athletics In the afternoon, with 8 well rounded proeram of military activities in the morning will imprOve their physical condition and send the boys home at the end oi their SO days "vacation" having d~rived la"Ung beneftta from their stay. The Regular Army personnel at Fort Harrison have been b~ ..y for: some time preparing tl'ainin, schedules and other ' matters in- ' cident to the aTrival of the }foung ttainees who wm soon make their appearance, many for the' firat time. ,

reasons for burin"

RED BRAND FENCE In this climate, fence must havc real fi(hting qualities, or rust will lOOn weaken it and then destroy it. Red Brand Fence is a two fisted fighter. It fights rust, first. with a heavy Galvannealed outer coatina;; second, with a r eal copper bearing inner section. Double protection! This two-way rust protection adds years to its life and savel!l fence dollars for you. Let's talk it over.

Waynesville farmers' fxcbauge Co.

STEPHEN M. YOUNG Co...rulIlI • • At ....r ... Secret.. y of Sta't e Hun, one of the fin lit of PreSident RI~osevelt's adv I , trying maMully to bre: lp frozen international trade. , H is attempt ing to ellter into I'eeiprocal trade agreem~mta with foreign nations. H hope s for a liberal commercial policy 8t)d that indtlstry . will thrive. I , He knows that continuation of too much economic nllItionaJillm mean lower standard . (,f living everywhere, al 0 in~reased dang,er of another World W8I". A few year from now Cordell Hull will be regarded fI.I! a grut Secretary of State. The beneficial effects of the reciprocal trade agre~ments he is now nl~gotiating plus lh08& already completed, will be g'enerally acknowledged. ,

Phone 25

The Freeport dam ha been eUminated from the Musldngum watel'shed con ervaney district pro ject by the district.'s board of Tbe Obi. state University Radio Stat.ioll-WOSU directors afteT conferences with 8 :o() Music • fed~~al etlgineers. At. the time the 8 :06 The Fire Lands ........................... , ','.. _.... ' B .. E. Eswine ·deCI Jon was ma~e ~he directors 8 ·U; StaTVaHon vs. Liberal Feeding of Purebred Coltl5 . , D. J. KaY'S :)~ovedd construction of ~he andy creek 8 :26 Plant P t Problems ......... . ...... , A. L. Pierst01'lf, T. H. Parks ! \'mOplvoar amt °fn tthhe ST • OS I r vemen 0 e uscarawas If Dame Nature really wants to 8:96 Home Sweet Home . ..... " ............. " ...... " ..... .. w U Payers \ river throngh Massillon and tbe do something for UB why doesn't 8 :50 Savilll Money by USing Farm Credit .......... ....... H. ~. ~ors~he elimination of the proposed dam sbe anangl fo:r a gOld-dust storm 9:00 Farm Women'. C8JllPS ..... ...... , .... .... ," .... ... ,." .l\hnme Pnce on the ri~r at Rittman. The' deHave your mower to come out of the West? 9 :10 Music ci iOllS are subject to approval by 9 :26 Your Com~unity and You ...... , ..•. " .... .. ,......... ........... Bruc:e Tom the c0!lservjmc~ court of sixteen ground by same 9 '36 Startinc a Profitable Com <;lrop . , ............. :....... ..... ,R. D. Lewis common pleas Judges who repra' some .fellows who are 9:'46 Cultivating' Corn with Genel'1l1 Purpose Tract.or .................... .sent th~ counties in t~~ distTi~t. It in danger ot g"etting IIlantmachinery aa und ' . .. , '" .. ,.......... ......... ' .. ..................... , ....... . G. W. McCuen :;~~i~'::~o!ha!/nth~dd~::p::t ::~ shouldered leaning on the government. Rittman N1IeTVoirs in the $34,000, in the factory. 000 de,.velopm,ent it may be necesD 0 sary to chan~e other reservoirs inr. Townsend's latest old ace ,.... •••• c ... to purely flood control or pen ion plan is a bittElr pill to d ' " many credulous followe1'8 who 10 . , am IInp~ov~ment$ in case expected $200 forll ea'ch ~ndividual L _____________.:.._______ :...... ___.....JJ~ land needed lor the lake canmo'~labove 60. That feature is eli minCOLUMBUS-Salell tax collee- that purchalled at hotela and res- be obtained at "reasonable priCes.' at«i nol ithstanding p:romi e to tiona stut average lel58 than the tauranta. 'Carlton S. D~rgusch, State Depa..tmen' t of high hllaven by Townsendite Lead' ,anticipated ,1,000,000 weekly, it vice chairman of the Ohio Tax ~ .IUITIC:UI··I erf! that tllere would bEl no com >. "b' ture ,'ex . pe .... • a"e makl'n'" a survey . " I h "'as announced b" no.. .. 6 promIse z State Treasurer C omm IIIi on, and ot er ...x au. on HIl1'1"V S: Day in a' report which tiel still believe that the tax re- to. determine the , extent of the ' Un' ; . 1 d d' I I --~ • f or tb e current . year may damage "'aused to f~Ul·t ,t"ee. as a . prmclp'11e ant· un!crupo the fttllt eleven weeks' op.. celptB ,,'" ~. . '·-t t 0 rnaOU8 k Cov"',ed '" h ,.. ti ei pated ,eo, 00' 0 , 000 result of t"· unusual " A~ld mave agl,.. ors WI con Inue e ··'el tax law I" waa reac 4'e an IR> " . . • erati on 0 f th• e _. . . ~ which struck Ohl'O last "'eek. It 'IS promlse8 not borne out by the pro·stimated at tbe time 'the tax bill with improved bUlliness and after . . . I' f tn' b'll W' tb d "" 1 f II d Ch rl~tmas . b uy I ng. t.hough·~ that In Bouthern, and I'n VI ons 0 e . I .f I or h y age d w.I will southeastern Ob~o in particular ' peop e receIVe a se ope an - paged that it would bring lD a an approJtimately, f60,000,000 revT b h d I' d early plums, peaches, later will be eruelly disappointed. he state Jndery all e Ivere I n th e mean t'Ime thotlsan dB 0f enue ann ually. Receipta for the ears and apples were P .a-t eleven weeks were sli,htl'" be- to the omce of Secretary of• State c.onsiderably, but early' wbeat . 1or b 00 kl.· JU.. , quart er"~ WI'11 pour In e .... • • low ,10,000,000, Treasurer Day ~Tge S. Myers the first shIpment late fruits escaped. Other sections Treasurer Clements testified ' .".·d ..... ore than' one-~"lrd W,as -0 . the three-volume II~I-Q~~~'-== Aost 16 ftents each .... .......... got. by with minor damag,e to iru;t'" .... . "olleft~-d • Old 'I. ld be ... ....... on the sale of, clothln. opinion I of the' Attorney General. early reports indicate. ' ' ugv pensIons 8~.OU and fo()d, ,the latter not ,inch,ldlng The publlcationa are now available . • :- _ ' utlicient to provide ad~!quate secu,ity fo1' ali above 60 who lack u(lici!~nt of the world's Iroods. ~~'-......".~.....t1fI"l~...~."~~",.-......---~,--~~---.,,,.~~.,...------"'"'.,.__~~iIiI.i'" 'This late I: Townsend plan, bill ' ,provides that theannuij~y may be fl'om nothIng up to ~:i'.400. No old age penl!io n law can be sati.a • (Continued from pqe 2) factory unless there is some Peirce, Art.,. gasolina, $45.92; minimum written in the law. An Fairley Hardware" Supply. Sup- absolute aSsurance of at least plies, U; The Cincinnati Oil forty dollars per morllth would Works Co.• , casoline, $56.08; W. give'an elderly per~on some con-I w; Stueber, vendor's liceqse is- fideTUle. This newest Townsend sued .in error, '1;' Marshall Allen, plan gi\l~ the aged wlhat is le.f t ahelter 1urnbhed relief families after the cost ' of ad min :I stration is during March, '8; JOe Guenther, deducted.~ll ne ~or tb,s govern!$8me, '3; Jasper Burns, same, '3; ment bureaucrats, and jobholders, CLASSlFIED .ADS COST ONLY Frank Southard, same $8 i Peoples but not so good for tho:se in need. Building Loan & Savings Co., ONE CENT PER ,W OllD. WHY To 'b ring about a proper dissame, $a; Mrs. John . Hardintr, same, '3; L. C. Guttery, same, tributioll of wealth the lncome tax KEEP YOUR ATTIC FILLED ,8.'75; 'D r. Mary L. Cook, same, must be revised upward, particulWITH USELESS ARTiCLES $8; David Mason Store, food, $2.- arly in the higher brackets. Thi. '75; Chas. o. Hildebrant" food, is a just ta.x. ,Taxes ~hou1d be THAT CAN BE TURNED INTO $12: W. A. Hause, food, $26; levied according to the ability to Bertha Bines, food. $'26.50;· H, pay. Tho ' income tax d,oes thill-a ' MOt-{EY FOR SO SMALL A Hoppe, coal and food, $96.40; A, sales tax. does not do tltis. Salarielt COST. T;RY THIS MEANS OF D. ,Qtapevine, lood, ,~: Wm .. men and ' women who Ilre untna'rFocke'lS, Sons Co., food, $176; E. ried and ear'ning in, ~x~)es, of oM SELLING AND SE.E WHAT A H. Gloeckler:, fo04, $28; S. l!'red, thDusand dollars per anlnum ahould clotliing, '1Il.91; Eallt End Coal PaY a small t'Qx,- poSlliibly, '10 or PlFFERENCE IT WILL MAKE Co., fuel, '121.50: Ea'r nhart's $12. Then 'the income tax In tile TO YOUR' POCKETBOOK, ~S l>J;'ug Store, drugs, $7.26: W. ' K. hfghl!r brackets should be dra.. Day. elothinz, ,11.(8; Geo B. tidy Increased. Net taxable inWELL AS TO HAVE YOUR DOWllet', food, $11.20.: Lloyd comes in eXcess of one million ;' Davia food, U.96; Carron's Store, dollars per annum IIhould be uSTUFFY OLD ATTIQ CL~NED food, '146.25: Wm. CoUins • Son "",,,,,",u a 95 o/c tax. Hap ezpendiOUT. IT PAYSI fQod, '9.; Blair II LeRoy, fuel, tures will be in order to reHeWl dis ,1,27.50: L. H. BrowJI/ food, ,31.- tre.ts, to provide emploJDlent ud 4~; Brown II Brown, elothin" ,a;. diatribute purchaainc power. At 85. L. S. Artlaur, lood, .... ; W. L. preaent people in moderaw Adamaon 00., food, ,se jUn. A. atances &lid the POOl' beQ faI' too .. 81lllClll, for ofIlc. for, Wel- II..~ tax bardelUl. W " tIf.., ",1; S. I'red, rent of room to cap.. burin, Itl Suit PaN.

. Bes t f th e News" 01"reet tate From the Dh



Beaatllal HOW'



a c· I aplto '




High Street

. Waynelville,



News From Jft arren County Court House



...... eommodlti... '11: R.


0IlaaeN • _ food &lid clotlllDa I"IIIeh 8I'OL Groel1'7 Co.,



9F CHltl T

1'1 .... milh, Un~ h'r nifted en,' i ~ bl ,inmng ('hurch ; hoot at :30 a. 2(l'vic a.l 10 :30 B. m.


WAYNESVILLE M. E. R .~. C. Dibert, Paetor

.:'undu~· . ul\(la~' ~\)h(lol 0 :30 m. ul'nill1( wor, nIl> ut 10 :3() l' uhject 01 t he el'lnon will be, 1\

• FOIlt'




Epw rth

1\l\·~h.1 01-


1\ Ul'

fo,:\' ng listic !>I'TVic(·~ at S Tm tl th ltle. " hri t

, lr... ..\nn Morton rid Mrs. 1 altum, of X nia, were vi .it~t at tbe B(lme, Monday. :\[r. andMr . Tom alvert., of lilia, were !fue l ot Mr. no<\ Mrs l'i r~e on I"rld y. • {I'. and !ltr , Edwin Hiatt, of Wi]m ingtoll, caUed on Mrs. Mary L,(\uh dll ll1, Saturday eve ning. t:i!; Elma. Roberts, vocational ndvi or at Hughee high school, in hm ti, Il Co rmet' 8upet'inten. d nt of ' Wa~"1 T ownship chools, J' a.lld 11'. Alhert. Robinson, of Vir. '. . II th Ho g lnlB, were en er at e' me Thul' day. frs. Uow 11 Pierce as a bu~in visitor in Springfiel4, .1111 \.


i i'ter," Tul' day: n Tue, day of ne, t el.. the di, tri t (')n'ier(ll1ce Will Mo~daS'. bl held ill the tnton M. E , Ii Smroa lleigbway was hurch. net guest of 1\11sl1 Clara LUe on , do . doy: On ed n day o~ Ea tel" Mxt week the ' , F. M., . will Mn. Walt r William of King m t with Ir. Ellen on ner t 2 man, call d on Mr. and ldre. Howp. m. ell P ierce, unday. Bible tudy and pl yer m,eeting MI'. and Mrs. . M, Seilers, of at 7 :30 p. m. Lebanon, and (1'8, Varnon Ban. ni ter, of East Bank, West Va. , called on lri nils R ~ the Home, MY'S CHURCH ST. un(laY. Rev. J. J. sehaeffer, Rector Mrs. Margaret MaTti a accpm. First Sunday afUtr Ea ter Low po ni ed Mr. and Mrs. J• . L. Men· unda; hurch · 8cbdol at 9 :30, denhAll to Oxford, 'Wednesda)' Morning rayer nd , rmon at afternoon, where they visited a relative. 10:30. Miss lara Lil and MI'. Ella Babb were gl,les of relativelil at ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Washington . H., today . Father Me ton, Pastor r.fl'. and h I!. Howell Pierce, Mass at St. A:ugusllntl's Church Misses Annie and l a me Bl'Qwn evUJ .econd ,a nu fourth Sunday nd Miss Ethel Menden)lall were Wilmington visitors, Wednel3day f .the month.



l\{r . J. W. FulkersOn and Mrs. OF W. M. Hardi nger, of Spring Valley, call~ on Mr , Ella Babb, Weelne day afternoon ,

Cal'l $mith,lIinist~1:' Chureh, school at 9 :30 a. m., Lord's Supper at conclusion. Chris uan Enqeavo.. at 6 :S0 p. m. Evening evangeJiatie service at 7 :30. FRIENDS MEETING Firat-da)' School .t 9 :80 •. \1'1. Meeting for Worehip at 1():80 .. _ 41 _ _ __ m. _ _ _ _


New Burlington Mr. , and Mrs. R. M, Duffey Hamilton wer~ week·end guests 01 relative h re o lIlrs. J. C. Pickin and son of Daylon, aTe spending a few days with MAude and Wm. H8l'lan. W ilfred Wheeler lett' Thqrsday for ecc c.amp at Corb~n, Ky. Mr. and Mr , Harold Conard and on p.ent th week- nd with Mr. ,and I rs. Ivan P'ettijohn 01 near P ortlan d, Ind. Zimri F, Haines died Saturday afternoon after a lingering illness. Funeral , ervices w re heJd Tuesda)' afternoon at Caesars Creek chUl'f:h.

(If Ma), 7. The "ame of th(' plllY i " CI'It!Ohing Soci4.'t 'I" a cOllll'dy in threl' acts. Supt. and Mr~. R. A. Pranr;i" are rdoic inir over the an'h'ol of a 80n J Illes Rlliph nn lust Snturday 'eYl'Tal of the Masunic 10uIl'e m till ers from her\! alt llJed In· sPl'ction at ew Bu1'lin~to-n lodlte on Tu(>sdllY vening of thit; week. Ie !'rs Romin and Everett humak r, lIr. W. E. Ogl . bee and Mis Anna MacDonald a~. tended commenc m~nl exerci es at Port William Tuceday evening. MiS!! MaTj~rie Shum ker WBS onll of th gl'tlduatell. Mr. Rob ..t. Frllnlccn of O. . U . of Columbus visited relath' shere on aturdAf. . A lew ladi~s tram her ait nded Eal'tern illl' Inspection at Waynesville on Tu sday night. Mr. Kirk Jefferis I1tertil ined hi s S " " 'on Inat un",ay sch 00 I C1a"s ~ aturd y night. R' ev. L. . En , ley, of Derby, Ohi o, wall the gue t of and frs. W. E. Ogl~8.bee, Tue day. '


wry t·!t,\.'ti ' n it I'olila bt' 1'ht' I'll n<lIdol' 'f nlarlllinit nnd >;Ofl1 done cor ou r duomed to d<'~tt try t hi , I)TOpO. III hi 0 pro nusing? 'u VIII! hus to accept the ptlnsil", lhllt U() 01 notf wanL to. We 3l'\? told 13.000.000 ar now idle and 30 milli n Ilr 1\ reli 'r. No nt' t I~l' hll~ (\fTcl'ed I\. sol ution to til' problem that: l K Ilefore U~. PI os .)., "Idicul!? I,he plan: want t o 0 t.lrt1'l1·ow it, ",hich i ~ un· Amllriclln . They s ek. to annihilat what lhl')' cau not overthrow, It i vlnd ietiv In thc1l1 Ilnd grow out uC the trll~CI' ncknowledgement of defeat. ( ign d) ~~UBS RJBER P. S.- orne to our meetings held ilL 35 E. Fifth t. Dayton, every ~tul'daY' lIifternotm and W edn day ev nil~g. 'YQu will recei Ve further j'rurt ructi(ln free.


---............ ---





Bland, 1'8. yer Hyman and Mil' died unexpectedly at his home Subaerlbto for TIl. Mlallli Gasette Bernyce Hyman will attend East- Tueeday, of 1\ hl'art attack. I ~~~~~~~~=====~ '~t inllpection at J amesto"'n, 1\Ir. Hud~Cln was well known I' tonight. In Waynesville, "her at on time b.. owned conllidcritble property. R B. Hendl'non and family A"k t or a ~' iI1 leave Sarasota, Fla.,' unday, Miami.burl' Permanent and expect lo atTiv.(> home, Tu s· F'ARMER SUFFERS CRUSHED CH~ST day eVl'ning. Concrete Willilml D. Cot-win, 04 . }'1!l\l'S old lIira . •T. W. Fulker on, Mrs. W. Warre n county Ial'mer. wa Air Seal Burial Vault in. M. lIardinR;er, of Spring Valley, jured $crio·usly when he wa kickFor Sale only by and M r~. J. W. Hopkills, of 0111111' ed by a horse at his hom near bu s, were gu sts of l\{r. M. A. Morrow Wedn esd ay. Your Funeral Director Fulkerson lI.turday afternoon. ol'lvin WaS tak n to Blair nospital, Lllballon, wh re his l:c;;o~~II-l.1I..:===;========;;=::::::=. Pl'onk Stansberry hall moved his McClure Funeral HOl1le !lho' repair elltllblishm nt from wils bell vetI to be doubtful. He th Mendenhall 1'00n1 into the Buffered a crushed cne~t and !:\e- Phone 7 Wa,Ilen1iUe, O. r hillins room at the corner of v re wounds On hi head, one of which necen itatcd the r moval of Mnin Rnd Miami streets. '


Mr . and 1I1rs. H. D. 0 t . of Sa. bina, Ml·. Rnd Mrs. Myrl Johnson, and Mrs. ora BDk 1', of Wilmlng ton,were guests of ~ft'8. Jdll Stoke and Mrs, Ada Courtney on Sunday,

PQrt his Cheek-bone. Theof:accident oceurr ed while Cor -==============~ wiu ,vas att<'mpting to hawess a _~---;...--...- -_ _ _ _ _._ work horse that he had ' acquia:eu recently.

Mr, and l'4rs, RUBsell B.enson and chlid1'en. en route f rom Ohorleston, North CarollnJl, wbere they vi~ted rela ~ives, stopped for a daYli vjsit to Mrs. :Qenson's pal'entll, lfr. and Mr. W. P. alisbu:r.y and other relatives here before going on to their home in Cleveland.

Mr, and Mrs, Mack Davi and EdItor 01 the MialUi Gazette : family were gu sts ~f friend!! in ACCOUNTAJ'fT IN STATE inc e reading the article In lal1t LYIlChbul'g, Sunday. AUDITOR'S OFFICE we k's iSl'lue: of the Gazett l'e· fen'ing to th~ 'Old ~ge .Rev()lvi~g Mr, • tan ley R OII;rli, of - incin. Robert, Chapman, younger son Pension Pljln, [ de Jre to explaJ'n natl, cnned ,on ,Mr. W, H. Allen f Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chapman, somll lIf the l acts wllich I hn \' Ii W cdn'esdny mornirtg. r ce ivin ~ conlt'ratulations from I arned with regard to i~ and .. '. his friend on bis appointm. nt II hope ' b~ 110 doing it may be f) Ml'~. Henry SlIttel.' thwaite spent nee untl\nt in the ' state Auditor'll under/! tood. Tue day with her daughter, Mrs. office. Be a sUme<l bis duties last Conception of the 011:1 A,ge Re- Warren E pey tn CIlDterville. week. volving P ensions sprang up ,!ith Mrs. lement Satterth\\;a ite, ' Robert received his appointment th six years of the depresslon. There J bu Itles , reason, and prae Alia es The lma and Mary Satterth' thl'oug~ the effort.'! and re.t omtical common ense in every move waite wel'e Dayton visitors, Tues- mendabon of t\Tthur Ha~"ton, d ' Warren cl).unty's representabve In ment of it. the Genernl AB embly. . It will never again be posmble IIY. HIIJ'ry Hamilton, of Cleveland} for all to procure work, tor machinery QOW does ihe mo t of it spe nt several days the PIlSt. week SHORT COURSE'. CROUP a~d 20· now do what 200 used to with hi mother, Mrs. Emma Hamil BASKET BALL GAME The young people after completing ~on. their education are not able to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ilough, of near On Tue liay ' evening the short proc ure;t wel'k, hence, by ~tirlng Spring Valley, Vrel'e Sunday tboli 60 yeArs old ,a nd over, posi. g-U6Sts 0 f Ml·. and Mrs. Vern course gl'OUp, of the milh Hughes department, under the direCtion n1 tions will be opened to these Hough. the vocational instructor met with younger ones. On not being able to procure em Mr. and Mrs. W, n. Squires, Mr. the' Lebanon group for a bl\.ket . ployl:nent. ma,n y of them are I~ and M;r$. 'Robert .Alderman and ball game. This was the 1ast of a very to cdme and self de~truction daughter l' nt Su:nday at St. through diseouragement. But Mary's Ohio. ces tul seriel! at m~tings for the those retiring must be, provided . d t " 1 J W season, for h ence the pension plan wa~ Supermten en. of, sehoo s • , . A,ll members voted f or an other tho~ght oC by Dr. Townsend. It Lotz and Mrs. Lotz a~d daug~ter course n e"t year. has been revi~ed 1rom every were week.en~ gue~t of relatives angle and has bee proven by at F.orest, Qhlo. DEATH actual lIgu~ that it will not The Young Churll:hmen of St only provide the money for , t hese Mal'}" " Episcopal church will meet Homer C, Hudson, 76, Xenja pel1sions b.ut it will al 0 payoff at tbe home of Robll1·t Allen. Sun. real elltate operabor, who rec,eived the national debt, whiCh ha day afterpoon, Apr-it 2 , at 2 :SO. a medal from t he Grand Lodge of vpwn into millions since tlae Masons three years ago 'for havpresent administration, althou8h Mr • E . F. Earnhllirt, Mrs. Glenn ing been a Mason for 50 years,

The Ladiea Aid .,ill h~ld their May meetin,lleltl: W-ednesday, the 1 t, at the home of Mr . William Oreighton. Mrs. Fore t. Graham bas been '.~ .".===========:-::======-=== - - = = = = =:=!:=============:= quite ill the past week with. qtd,r uy Miss Maa;thn Bean entertained , - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _~!-----------,---~-----""!"'~--------., Mrs. Walter .Kenrick spent Thursday ftemC/OD with her egg hunt, on friend, ~r. Alfred Wolfe, in M,rll. Minnie Martin and son of FrJlnklJ!L. Yellow Springs IIlIent th& weekSeveral new m~mber8 unjte~ end with relativea in this com· (A ·S .rl.. of Th~I' Artlcl.,) with Lytle church at the munity. service Sunday morning. The condition of Lea Whitson, The Walker family moved t,'om who is ill at the home ot his lister the Ida Brown property, to Oak. in. Dayton, i improved. He is not land last week. able to teturn to his work here, , Mi s Laura ROllnagle 01 Cincin· bQwever. nati spent aturday evening and ~r. Chaa. Bogan Jr. and chilo unday with t he Whitatel' and dr~n 01 lfarvcysborg, were guests (n the home ot Mr. and Mrs. A. W, Burnet familieS. MrJ!l. Alice Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Turn ~r, last week. Walter Clatk and Bon and Mt Frank Rogers-attended the 'funeral of Mrs. Ne tie Roter At WAyn,es· ville Friday a~ternoon. ~r. and Mrs. Guy ROl1tzaljn The' Wanen county . Institute of By C, A. ABELE, JR. . it the W. 'C. T. U. was held at the and d!lughters "pe nt Sunday a er Friends' church last Wednesday En'lon~ U. 8. Naval R... rve nool1 wit.h relatilles at Til~~'(al~oe An'ltane FUll Engineer, Byrd' AntarcUc Expldltlon II City. with all of the union of t.he Mis Cl>ra Hardman of Dayton county reprcsented cxc,ept Mason. No.1 was a week-end guest of hel' The -program wa!! under the di~parentll, MI". an d Mrs. tion of Mrs. A. S. Collett who Is A Mad Scramb1e Oft the Ice! director of this department, d 1 '1 Trickey an aml y. Dinner was served in the chuJ'ch. t three tractors ru8111~lg madly back lowered for the lut tilDe. M.r. and Ml's. Morris BOARD THE · BYRD FLAG- ana (011.11 between ILbe ships and Standing at the foot of . the fta, nnd children were ' dinner '1'he ' pl'ogrllln con lJisted of reports SHIP. JACOB n,UPPERT (via the camp at .Llttle Atrillrlca. 'rhe t'owllr. It was 'a deaolate looltln, 'd. Sunday, of the latte'r'a p'a fN)m . t he di~erent unions, rQund Ml,'.' and Mrs. .D. ft. Bookwalter, table discussion s, a 17eport Qf the Mackay Rl\dIO) - Rere, I am, hom. dogs y'e lp1ng , as , tlley 'Struggled serted village we aaw. burt~d Ull' , Miami~burg. ' state Mid Y:eor at Colu,mbus, con· ward, bound 'aCt!!!' almost two years along the 4.~lIe tr.all. Our ' btg~est' der tbe snow;. ,NothIn,' vtalble 'X' tractor lumbering al~,nt with SBVen pept the smokestacka. the three 1&', ' Mr. and Mrs. EdW in Nutt and ditiolts . in the South, music and n ot aniazing ellJ,lerlen ce8. When we sail d from ' Bsyonne. loadC:i d slel;iges lor mlng behind her dlo towere and the trap doors Into ~ughter, Miss Alma, of ' fine paper the , cosl: of cr ime. ville were Sunday aft ernoon Tbe P. T . A. mot on last Wed- N. S •• In October. 1933, I was a. I;.ld, a l2·ton burden. 1'he little Citroen lhe Junnels thl'ough 'lVhlcli we have callers at, the hom of Mr, and Mrs nesday ev,entlli' and nfter thc reg- juat out of Harvard with flabby tractors scooUng by w,lth Ughter scrambled tor ,110 mallY JIltles du~ ·Therle. Jonel!. ular· business, Mr. H urst who 10'85. musclea aDd little lelf·rellance. 'Po- loads. one towing an aIrplane on ' Ing the put year or 10. W. flUed Mrs. Trillie FarquaJar lind son cha~rn\8 n of t he program commit- da), 1 am a mature persoo, with skids. At tile sblps /I. 'steady stream the tan~8 01 our gOOj1 old t\'8Ctor of Ridgeyille vi*ited her mother, tee took charge. The program cOn mUlelel as ha. d a.s nails and a of materla.J going aboard ovel" rick- for the' Jail time and then on the ItJ1)ng cOI~fu~l!nco' lu my own abll· e't :y gangplanks. Evel'l'where aledges ,we bumped and rumbled In Mrs. Lottie Carey, who is much sisWd of a vocal solo by Mrs. • a wide circle- completei', around worse at tbi~ time. S. TlIck er, a quartet consisting of tty to meet squarely all the emer· ' ~cenes ot wild aC 1vU:)'. ,~ncIC!l ot lite, 'fbrough coostant Then a Budden 8t,~p! The wind' Little America ... a'iort aftarewell Mr. an.d Mrs. R. C. Moler. of MeSsrs. Shambl\ugh, Nolder hardsbJpa and danJ;ers .an d' dl scom · had changed! ' The I~: e, ~IUI closing gesture, : Oolumbus, spent 'Tuesday and Tucker and MacDonald renaer,e d Back at , the Barrier we found Wedn.esda)' at ~h.e home ofM". and t).Vo selections ; !'the, Burst, a piano forla 1 never dreamediIInor.s I have In Cfn the ships! He,stlly the un·Ii. Md. Joseph Vuker. .Mr. Yokel, ljo lo and then carY1ec a cak& walk not had a day or real .' e e. ,I can Ivere cast oft and thle ships 'put to' con'dlt1olla extremely dangeroUI!. wllo bas been ,ill for $Orne time re with all taking part followed by eM a1)'Ythlog, aod I've gained ~en sen. thrQugb the bUg'3 Ice cakee to The Bartl~t wae b....klng oir In a.v old being crushed. Shouting and huge SlabS anyone· of wblcla' could turned to M~arY1i Y\llIey hospital a contest which was greatly en· , pounds. In the hectIc rush or getting otr mucb bad lang\lage on ~he Barrter sink elthQf of our Ihlpa. W. rushed T~esday. joyed. , Mr. and ~hs. Frank Shumard ' l\fr. and Mrs. Levi Luken!!, soh the Ice at LUtle Amel'ic and BI\IV· because atlotb er day wa!i lost anti the sledge loa41 aboa~ aDd then Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snumard and new baby daughter, Rachel, Ing our ahlps and our lives, I a m Ive-hadn 't man y days lect. At Lltlle attempted to gellhe tra.ctOl'l to the positi ve tll~t very li ttle of the thrlll AmerIca th clean·'lt P squad atlll edge tor 108,dlng. 006 little Oltroen and son of Dayton, were Easter visited at the home of his brother 'nnd excitement reaobed you by r · workIng reverlshly to get out the as run aboa.rd the Bear but tbe guests' of ?.fr. and Mrs. Wilbur WilIiam' Luk()ns and family last !tio or otherwise. l'herll was 1'10 'asl of the material. i)ur final nl~ll weight cracked· - tbe Barrier and Wharton. Satllrday. time. Maybe you'll M in lereat~ in of sleep 10 the pu~ which have ,IIent everyone BcurtYln, back fl'Qm Mrs. Walter Whitalcer is now at Mr. Everett ' Villars had his open 80me of the d tails of tha t IJlEld been Bucb a pecullalr home to 'us. ths .edge. : '4dmlral Brrd hall6d ,JohnSVille helping care ~or her iog at hIs new store in SpTing way of 9ure. Next · morul n'g lh,a flhlps ,w-ere ,Commander NovUle from the :father, · Samu el Meredith, who Valley 'last Saturday nigbt. Sev· leta Imagine tbe Bay of ' Whlil es. U back and 'Commapdelr . Nov1l1e nnd tlrldge and, PoillUnl: lIaward. 'f~red a tl'oke Monday ,m orning. er~l il"om here attended. 'mues wide and 23 mll eH long, COy· t made, our iast trtl~ back to lhe ihouted. "Get. everyon.' aboard In Mr. an Mrs, Rar'ley Burnet '(he, Civic League held a food ~red with a, sbeet of Ice fl'oIq 16 to S evenson Clprey ' of Win- five minutss. Thfi ' lce II tomlnl In and Mre. MJ.l.rgar~t Johns spent sale a~ M.t i Snell's store, Sat,urday 10 teet tblck- cl'Issc ross ed in hUD· cheS ler. Mass.; W$lter LewlllObn. fast. We ' wlll have to abandon tbe )londay in Dayton, of last week. "reds of places w l~h ever wldeDln ~ Jr.• of New York. tLlId Edgar 0011, cear on the ~rler," Mr. alld Mrs. Leon alisbury frs, Laur.a $hlduker spent the cracks. Although lhe Ice was brok· of Arcade. N. Y. WElre WaIting ~ It was a bltte. pill to 100e our amd children , Miss Miriam 'week· end with her friend, Mrs. en up 10 mallY places It would DDt load th\l last 111 edges. r was sent falfhful tractore. Th.,. had dODe Wendell, Ilf SabLna were A{ayme Hatfield of Waynesville. leave the ba,. due to the constant over [Q ma.rk the ga~ and 011 cache tbelr Job. brought everythIng ell' l\llss Lula MiII-er spent Easter Nortb wind whlcb pushed 1t shore· wh er 600 gll\1 008 ot Ity401 ,gasoline .to the Ihlpe and another hour din ner guellts of Mr. and nen Emrick. witb her Sister, Mrs. Horace WIl. ward. We ,-ould not US,C our trac- and 50 gallons ot Vel!dol IT,Iotor 011 would have leen them "'el, etored Mr. and MI' . WUliam HBrolm.llm.1 Son and family of Miamisburg. t,ors or dog tied. over 'this dang r· bad b en pillce\! beDellt ot Oil board for tbs trl, bome. How. c)n and daugbter, of 11ft. and MI·S. John ou. lurtac~: Way out In tbe ,btiy Bny IMk leslI pilot who ever. we bad taken cbaDc.e eDough, or dinner gue ts Easter, of Mr. wel Easter guests of his parent. ..ere the good old s upply shIt', IlIlght be rorced tbere lome· Tbe ExpedItion Itlelt w.. utel, OD and LO\lia Tdckey, MI'I. Mr . .and Ml'8.' A. L. Kennedy. Bear of OakllLnd aod our flagsl)i", I tim In lbtl iutura, pralle the .blps. The liD" W.N ~ off, 'Aliele- MUl,I' and !lon. ),fr, and Mrs. Mr. pel Mrs. Joe l)avi, and ion lacob Ruppert. Commander George ; our gasoline ",n(l hlgltly. Slowl, we baClkecS out tIlroulb the • W. Ki!orehnel' and family also of Wllre week·end 'vi.ltol'8 of Mr. NovUle, excoeuUve ulllce!' aud tUfl LI 'fbllY enabled to tf craabtna, bUmplDC ice aDd atart.d JtOIl were afternoOJl guestl. and Mrs. Ira Hartsock 01 Dayton. IDlineer. all:! I made' one trill on 2~(H)O ballet wi a 1111' 1aortll.-tow..-d bomal s.veral little friends of Bet\)' M..... Mal'Y Tuc:ker and chUdren foot to the Bear aud we were gle explosion. Iudl 'tQtllllft Abd 011 the Cleek III at UI, .t.... taaJua .....d.,.. her a ~pe-o.L Sunday With her mother, alIhtJ glad to get back al.lve. wOllld havfI COlt 4nd our trac. I'll,. ltood . . . . . . Mok at arda7 afternoon in hono], ](~. Lottie South 4f Lebanoll. It wu ne.;euarJ to PUJh tbe lora went 8"0 I marke4 lbe the Barrlft'. l'ar ~ froID th Lda blrthclay. The ,ames Mr. and Mra.. Everett VilJara woo4e. Bear &Del ~e steel Jaeob . eache platD~ tall balD· edp W. eoaId ... OW' lilt 10Detr Ill " pine wit. flltertailled Mr. and Jlra. CJau. auppelt \brollgh the b.,. Ie. up to boo polu !lap . .th*" ....... ~rdon . a,d Robert, del JlIaua tile a.. krrIer. .... the Ice .... and left Jlbta alld cCarna to • eo TO Ia.t tbl~ .lId I. a



Wit,h BYTd. A, f T'he South·Pole

---.- - "---,-,-

. Harveysburg















Emogene Woolard} Mrs. Robel't Munger en~ rtained With , a dinner on' Sllturduy, Apt'i! 1:1, the

All KiDd. of D_tllr.. Made occnsion being Enlor ne'~ eleventh -Repair Work Dona Qllick), birthdllY' anniversary. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Woolard alld so n, Wilbur Jr.,' l\lrs. Main St. WA YNESVlLLE, O. Frank {ill el' and duught r, Laura and Mary Anno. , ' ...- - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- '

Y. · F.



The Y. F. M'. will meet at t he home of Mr. )lnd Mfl!. Amos C ok


Sltnday evening, ,April 28. Jean ~1;Innell, Ie so n leader, M8~el' Wilso n, devolil'nal , leader, alld Willard FUrnas, 1 'creational leader.

Only the Best The en kilts and vaults

furnisned in our service are the beet obtainable. Only· standard merchan· dise of tested quality is





M.n', SlIi .., 65c " I..&clie.' I)re..e., 70c Qlllck-for .... alit, dryc:leaninc


provilled. Clients ean rely upon us to conduct the finest f\lneral possible at a price within their mans.








J. E. McClure

Of California

P .... D.·1 .


Waynesville, Ohio



... , j.


~! . . . .





ll£ •••M

Some of The Things We Sell I


, Posts


American Feoce

Lumber for Every Purpose Mafer;,al F()~ Your Roofs





Red Cedar Shingles Mule .Hide Shingles' Channel Drain Roofing , Asphalt Roll Roofing Brick Col~mbia Cement



Plalter Boa~a . . Wall Boa~d ' '."


Ail of the above material can be fouod in our yard every day in the ,ear at moderate pricea. We ~jcit the. patroa•• ' of ~ Cutom4!n a fne.l..

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