Miami Gazette May 9, 1935 - April 16, 1936

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Ei¥hty-Seventh Year



WAYNESVILLE, FISH, GAME ASS'N. TO MEET TONIGHT A meeting of the Warren County Fish and Game Protective Association will be held at Memorial Hall in Lebanon this, Thursday evening, May 9, at 8 o'clock. AIL members are urged to be present.

Coullcil A.thori_ Expe.ditliN Of ISOO For ImproTCIlDent

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NAMED AS MEMBER OF HEALTH BOARD Prof . Jotu. Holt, Sprinll>Ol"O, . R". elac:ted




Cou"'t,. CouncU

Improvement of Waynesville streets this spring was assured by action of .' council last Monda., night authorizing an expenditure of ./l00 from the street fund for this work. Plans were launched to petition FER.I\ officials in Lebanon to provide labor for this work. This money Is available and under the 8tatutes Clan only be spent lor .street i'~pair ·work. An additional 1200 will be forth~om. . tn, from the state within a few ' weeks to bolster this fund. A8IIurance has already been given by FERA that labor will be furnillhed for the project provid· ing the munic!ipality Bupplies money for the necessary materials Plans eall for the repair rough edlres on ' streets already Tam. treated, widen in, and grading. The prog~m will em· bl'&ce practically every str~et in WaYllesville,. Under tbe superviBion of C. P. Joy, street commi..ioner and the counc:iI'l street conunittee, the program baa already been ltal1.ed, the flret work being undertaken on Mill Itreet. Th6 water board has purchased a number 01 small shurbs and ever~Cln. which have ' been planted neat the pqwer houle in a program to beautify that place.


Whole Number 6169


SALES TAX EXAMI1NER WILL VISIT WAYNESVILLE M. H. Keel or, /lilies tll:X examiner announces that he wm be at the Rog ra & Simpson galrage in Way ncsvill all day, Monday, ' May 18 and will assist all ven.d OJ'S in pl'eparing their I'e ports of ales for the p eriOd from January 27 to April 31l, wbich must 'be filed with th State Tax Commisllion Jlot Inter than May 31. A sworn state· ment must accompatly. each report. Mr. Keelor also stute t.hat he will be in FI'I~nklin oui May 15, 16 and 17 and in the office of the county commissioner at the coul;t hous I Lebanon, durhlg the week of May 20. Lltensed vendors arc urged to compile their reports as soon as possible.


HIHING 0 F .LOCAL YOUNS' CHILD , DIES ' ACHERS 0ELI" YEO The name of Charlet! Whit:ak~r, TE elder son ·.of Mr. and M1'S. Wal tel' OF BURNS RECEIVED Whitaker, of near Lytle, appears in a list of Ohio State University Sf'"·, HOOL BOARD who w re active in the . BY FROM OPEN GRATE studentl'l, rk of the student branch of the American Society of Mechanical w

Accicl.ent · At Engineers during the last quarter. Propo••1 Mad. To Seek "ERA Fund. For R.p~ra A •• HOllie On Ro .... O.e Impro.em..u Saturda,.

Fa.t.Uy Injun..! III

Employment of teacher!!, janiton S. S. Ellis, of Wayne township, Willard, two-year·old SOn of and bus drivers, was pOltpon.d Mr. and Mrs. Murrel Tinne.y of . was reelected as a nlember of the by tbe Wllyne township board of Route I, died Satu~day njght at Warren county board of health education which met In relfuIar McCI(lllan nospital, Xenia, from wben the advi.sory health council .::. e8 ion lost Mond.y night. bllrns received that morning. composed of chaIrmen ot town· . In view of present conditionl tbe was playing near an The child. Flowerll for Motb~rs' Day. A. H. Shbbs. ship trustees and mayorll of open fil'e when the accident hap· ===========~ board decided to defer this busln Cottage cheese for sale. See ,eSB until a later meeting. pened. The mother had left the villages met last. Monday in the P08sipi1it)' of !!eeu'ring FERA Mr , 14i1dred Sheehan. ~ room for a moment and hearing Mrs. Robert Haines iB vel'y ill Lebanon hocille. fundll for several 'projects of reat hel' bome in Co~in. Prof. John Holt, mayor of her SOn scream, ran back to find MI B Stella Daugherty 'spent to- pair and improvement of grounda .) his clotbing in ftames. Sbe and bu ilding!J~ was diaeu8I$ed at the James Gibbon~ was in Cincin- Springboro, -who pJ'es\ded was re• sntoth red the fire with a blanket day in Dayton. . ~eeting and tentative planl were nati Monday and Tuesday. electE'd to that position, while and th~ child was taken to Mc· Flowe.r& tor Mothers' Day. A. H. drawn up with the view to tenrClellan hospital. The boy's body Masters J~ Davis and Jack Earl Mug, of Morrow, was again Stubbs. ' ing such government moniea .. was burned over almost ita entire Crane bave been very sick with named to the position ' of secretary are neceslI8ry for labor and porlIul'face. . fiu. The financial report of the WarMr. and Mrs. Paul Booram, of tion 'o f the materlol8. . Funeral services were held at Outstanding amon&' tbese proj· Mi~ CorinJle Robbins spent the ren county depal'tment of health t he McClure Funeral Home, Mon· Bellbrook, were guests of Mr. and ects are: replacement of trade week-end at her home in Frank- was submitted by Dr, Edward dsy afternoon with burial in Mrs. E. C. Cra,.e, Sunday. building furnace, reeonltmctioll l.liami cemetery. fort. . Blair. The guest speaker, Oenn E. Mr. lind Mrs. A. F. Melloh and of the grade · building comic., F.d P ....... r T~..iD Hit. Car lu .... attended a family dinner topping of trees on 1Ch001 premIng call Fred Everhart phone Stanley, Lebanon attorne:\" was PLANTS NEED FULL Boy. Were On ·W., To COVinll!'tl~n. Ky.,. Sunday, 108R3. 'introduced by Seymour T.ibbals, ises, refinishing of old desks, n· editor of the Franklin Chronicle. pair of roof, surfacing of ' blp SuDClay School ""EA1., NOT DES~ERT MiSa Margaret Q'Banioll, of school drive and other neeaar, Mr: and Mn. Peter Demas and I ~r. Stanley took for his subject, Cedarville, was the guest of Mrs. improvements. children, 01 New Vienna, spent "Gov rmnent pertaining to Plants should have a full meal, R. .s. Weaver. Tuesday, Sunday with . Mr. and M~. Oliver Healt/'l." The question of holdin, a local not juab dessert. Give the,m a com· Waynesville residents attending Davis. eighth grade commencement .... Mrs. T. B, Brannock was the plete fertilizer containing , the the meetin'g, were: S. S. Ellis, considered and Superintendent Mr. and Mrs. Emil Brown are Katberine C. dinner guest of Mrs. Will Bradll!)' t hree essenthal elements ulually Gibbons, Lura Lotz wall instructed to eomblDe announcing the birth of a son, Werntz, E. L. Thomas, Jesse found in insufficient quantitie8 in on Tuesday. tbe local eighth grade exereian Ric:hard, Lee. Friday, May S. the soil- nitrogen, potaBh and Prendergast, and George W. Davis Wilban Hainee, of New York with the Warren county . ai,Mob phosphoras • Mrs. Luey Dyke, of Dayton, . is grade COmmencement later. So writes Victor H. Ries, Ohio City, . visited hi. ,randmotMr, Details of next yea1"l tranaportamaking an extended visit at the NEW SONG BOOKS Mn. Keziah Thompson, Monday. State University ftoricultutist~ in tion and inlltructioD wel'e also dishome of h<lr daughter, Mn. For· TO BE DEDICATED the May ' number of the Garden rest Graham. cussed at the meeti1llr, and bml Mr. and Mrs. Het~rt Lucas and Club NewB IAtter. presented and ordered patel .. 80'0. of Sprincfteld, were Sunday A good balanced Tation of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke A IIpecial iervice will be held at soon as funds are avanable. Mrs. Mary C. Cross. tlleile elementll, he continues, il a guests of spent: Sunday witb Dr. and Mrs. the Waynesville Church of Christ , . fertilizer containing It per cent Vance at P.l easant Plain. next Sunday morning at 9 :30 9x12 Domestic Rure cleaned nitrogen, 12 per cent of phosand resized, '2.60. Quick Cleahere Mr" Edith Harris and Mr. when the new song books, "Favorand • pel' dnt of potash. phorus, HalTia Mosher were SlInday ite Hymns," will be dedicated. The Two brothers, .rahn Thomas Tbls mixture is known to the Kathryn MendellhaU, Ma~ager. dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. 8&rvice of dedication will be conducted by Mias Anna Nutt, of the RUD¥on, 16, and JMeph Carlen fertilizer trade as 4-12-4. Mr. and :Mrs. H. B. Earnhart Ronald Hawke. It ia not necesSary to use' the and children, of Day to!), were Ferry Church of Christ. Miss Rlinyon, 13, sons of 1rh. and Mr•. old-fashioned, smelly, and more Mr. and Mr . J . V. Hartsock and Nutt will give a brief talk on, Thomas Runyon, who live ou w.eek~nd guests of Mr. and Mrs. or less inefficient fertiliz81'8, A. H. Earnhart. Mr. and Mn. J. H. Smith were "Jesus the Christ, Home- and One of the ten new Civilia.. Coll guests of Xl'. and Mrs. F. H. Mother." A vocal selection by Route 1 between Wqne ville and {ties states. Farmen no buy J ohn Sears will be a pleasing New Burlington. were instantly fertilizers by their Imell, he adds . MTs. R. G. Miller wal hosteas to aervation COl'PS camps that wiD FuneraL service, tor Dr. Law- Miltenberger. Sunday. Ries says it is not necessary to the mem~rs of the ~rgunot be elltabli"hed in Ohio to teht IOU featUre of ~he program. killed wh~ their aut.omobile was rence P. VanderVoort who died Mr. and · "'r8. Allan Eagle, and The Bible ~hool wi11 be in st~uck by a fas.t pal1SerJger train ' Use bonemeal, nor sbeep manure. Bridge club on Saturday af~er. eroBion in connection -with the cur Monday, Mal' 8, at Rocky Glen Poir. Mary Eagle:, of Dayton, charge at the young men of the These fertilizers are expensive nfon. reJlt expanllion of the CCC from at the Roxanna cr08ll1ng, Sunday wben cQmpared with. the cost of lIanatorium, . McConnelsville, 0., called · on Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. '''Loyal Sons" class. . 900,00 to 600,000 men, wUl M /ol1owing.n extended illneBl from Henderson. Sunday afternoon. commercial fertilizers. Sludge, . a morning. For 'P aper Hanging and ' Paint- located at Bryan State Park, tUt tuberc\lolis, we~ held at the The boys we"N:' on theix: way to product of sewage dilposal plants, ing can· Fred Everhart, phone of Yellow Springs, it wal announe Mr: and Mra. Robert Bakel' and ATTENTION WOOL GROWERS Mt. Holly to attend Sunday school is not r~commended. Be ...y~ tbia 108R3. McClure Funeral Home Wedllelled Friday at Wuhinrton D. e. da, afternoon. Burial was in dau.i 'hter, Lois Jean, spent Sun· when the accident o,c cnrred. The produet is an exceedincly low Under present plana, the eamp a' day in DlyU)ft the &'\lests of Mr. Miami cemetel')'. O. J. ~dwards, of Sprinrteld, is the state park would bave aD ... Consign your wool to The Ohio train was t.hought to have been grade fertilizer worth not more Dr. VaMerVoort, a Ion of the Charles Bridge and family. Wool Growers Cooperative Assn. traveling at a high rate oi speed than 25 c:ellta a hundred pounds, apendinlr ~ lew .days with bill rolbnent of 200 youtJu, who woal4l late Dr, Jam.. W. ' and Ellen Mils Alma and Mast,? Jimmie The Waynesville Farmers Ex· a it was funning allo"Ut 10 min- even were it not 1I0metimea toxic tllsters, MlSses Trillena and Mar· be kept bUIY for . at least sis Dakin VanderVoort, Wal born 1n Prendergut, garet Edward.. month. clearine all IUped!UO_ of Cincinnati chanp is prellared to handle the utes behind schedule when it left to plants, causin, injury. HarveyabuJ'C, .Tuly 26, 1871. For ~vent SaturdaJ and Sunday with w?ol and make the injtinl payment Xenia shortly befol'e the accident (-12-4 fertili:ler may be applied Walter Cut, superintendent o! growth, bu~d trail., patba aDd 20 yean he practiced medicine in their aunt and uncle Miss Kather- WIthout any 'delay. to the soil before plantinr and Miami C(!metery. who has been sh~lter ho~ses, 9 :40 o'clock. as well.. rustle Covinaton, Ky., lfOinl( frolA there ine and Mr. Jesse Prendergast. thoroughly mixed in before Bpad· There were no witnesses to the You will be assured 01 the fll11 very siCK for a week, il improving bridge a whIch would proTide nacla to Portamouth, Ohio, where be con market value and receive the accident but it i8 b~lieved tbatrain lng, Ries writes, or it may be but is still confined to hiB bed. for automobiles.. Thil wo~l. p tinued hi. praC)tlce , unU} Mr. and Mn. Vern Simpson are benefit of any advance in ·t he on the glas il) the door of the scattered evenly over the lIurface aceeSB to vanous . picnlC aDd six weekJ 'Igo when ill health movin, into the Raymond Conner mar}(et. and cUltivoted .into the soil. Two Mr. and Mrs. George Hartsock l'I')achine obscured the villlon of camping apotB to be createcl in tile forced him to retire. residenee lately vacated by Ml'. the elder boy, John, who waa tb four poundlJ 'p er 100 ' equare and Mr. and Mrs. Herman SlIrface area. SurvivJn. are bis wife, Minnie and Mrs. Ralph Bastings. driving. There are nO signals at feet of soil is an ample appnCal<lOI".J spent Sunday with relatives in The proposed Bryan camp w.. WU80ri VandlrVoort, a daugbter, This fertiliter may be used 011 Piqua. t his crossing but the view of the one of thirty-sUr CCC campI a~ Mrs. Lucy Good and daughter, Mrs. Joseph Peeblell and two Bowers of aU kinde, trees, shrub8, tracks either way irom prpved for Ohio, onl, ten of whleb grandchildren, Martha and Naney Belen. Mr. ·and ilrs. Everett Me· F. E. VanOften underwent ' an will be opened at new l0C4tiOne. evergreens, vegetables, I rosell "",u"'.".'" Is clear. Peeble. of Portsmouth; one .Nell, of Cincinnati. were guesy of were sWdents in lawns. bulbs, peonies, gladiolu! operation in Good Samal'itan The camps will be operated .. pari Th sister, lira. .W. C. Tic~nor, Bar- Mr. and Mra. Clarence )lellden· hospital in Cincinnati, T'Uelda.y of an expended natlo.naI lOll co..the Wayne Township schools and and dahli... veYlbure, and one brother, Carl baU, SUllday. morning. ... --~ servation program whicb will nboth were membel's of the local VanderVoort. Pittsburg, P .. lIult in more than 100,000 cce troop of BO')' Scouts. Besides their Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Hendel1!on Mr. and Mrs, Edward Gleockler ~~-----I UK'''"0''1. they are survived by and Misses Trillena lind Margaret of Middletown, were recruit!! bein. thrown into tM ST. MARY'S CHUReM SERVICES WERE ItELD FOR sister. d, a nurse at the - were .dlnner guests of guests of Mr. ·and Mn. A. ·F • ~overnment'l .djampailfD ,...hal soil erosion. . ~ewish hospital, Oin~~innati. ·MRS. MARY , LEMAR . and ¥ra. J. B. Chapflla'n FriRev. 'J. J • .Schaeifer, Rector MeUoh, Wednesday 'evening. Funeral services were held at ........ day evening. . . . Third Sunday after Easter, May the McClure Funeral Home Tues· Ml's. D. C. Ridge, Mrs. O. M. ·REGIONAL DII~EC1'OIt Funeral MmCel tor MrI.Mary The Woman's AuxillallY of St. 12; Church school at ·9:30; Morn. da.y afternoon and ~tll'ial was in Ridr!!. Mrs. ' F. B. Henderson and LeMar, 1.1, wido'l'Qf Benjamin Mary's Chutch will meet at The. Ihg Pra~er and sermon ~t 10 :30. Miami cemetery. M~ Lo uise Henderson spent to· LeMar, -who died lallt Frida" at Little Inn on Friday, afternoon, A combined meetin, of the day in Dayton. her bome in New BarUn&1on after MaY .10, at 2 o'clock, with Miu boards of educstion of the 8'7 C. E. Michener, manager 'of the An inter!stinir mee~ .of the 2 of famna health, were. con Katherine Prenderaalt as hO!teu. ST. AVGUSTINE CHURCH school districts in the Warren Waynesville Farmers' El!:<hange Waynesville Garden club W88 held were conducted Suncla1 aftemoon . Father Newton. Pastor county system will be held at Leb Company, made a buainee tTip to Monday afternoon at the hoore at at the New lJurU1\Cton lI.thodist Misse. Marjorie Eamhart, . , church, with burial in New Bur- ' Ruth Bali.bury and Bett" HartMass at 1St. AuguatlDe s Church Ilnon Saturday, May 11,' according Sprjngfield, Wednesday ~vening. the prelidellt. Mrs. B. V. Smitb. linaton cemetier}'. apent the week-end at Oxford every second and fourth . Sunday l'he names of Mrs. B&nja, to an announcement by Superin. tenden,t C. H. BoHl. Over 200 are Mrs. .Ruth Janney lind Miu Burriet, Mr. and MI'l Ed Loqac;N II.... t,..Vat'; ,,119 the ~t th~ ,u ..te of Kiaaea Doria SaU.. f the $Ollth. ,xpected to attend the meet!n" Louella are expec~(f to al'l'ive in and Mrs. Marpret Johnl " . . tr\Clmber ot .. family of 15 cbll. bury anel' Ruth. Hockett, --r,ifn ..... boh at Lytle. Wane... .. tlo. ' . WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF .. The fimil meetiugl of Wayne which will 'be held In the ' town a fe:w . days from Deland, Fla., to added to the 1'01.1, ·cQmpletiDC' tM cotln", b"t hall IIpent th. ·creater · "he c~ftdltion of 9f. 1. Baker, ' . CHRIST .. Tow'fllihip Mothers' ~Jlub ,for the hall auditor~um , commenc:inc lit spend tbe !ummer months at theit'" .quoto · Qf memben. part of her lite In ' New' Burllnl'ioD ..ho autrer.d a stt-oke of paralyats, .' ..' . school ~ear was held at the ,rllde 1 :30 o'doek. borne ~el'e, The speakera were J. B. Crabbe $be iI .urvmd by a lon, Rolla R.Molkday, iI reported to be linCarl Smitb, M~nlste1" . building Thursday afternoon. Joseph W. Fichter, 8118iltant whQ gave a very Uaatraetive tall state dil'ector of education. will be 'Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Earnhart on soil, and Mrll. Edwin T. Fiahel', LeMar, XenJa; \ twC! dau,htMa, p~..e.d. Mn. Clyde Ecbel'tj 'of Church echool at 9:30 a. ·m., the speaker of th~ afUrnooJl. and 1I0~~, Alton called on ~. and of Dayton, regio'l)al dlreetor of MH. Oora peHaven, near Ne. Xenia, who came to alilt in the Lord'i S\1pp.r at conclusion. Chris;· meeting openEld with ' BurUn,toll, aDd lin. lIarie Heller Care of ber father, hal returned tian Endeavor at 6:80 p. m. Even- votiQns conducted blY Mrs. .T. A. Ther6 wili be other speakefl arid ~rll" .muSton Sheeh 8n' at d'1 en tol ' garden chJb•• Mrs., . The next me~tlnc wUl be .... H a gener..l dilcuuion of Vl e OJI un day, Mr. an , Oakland" Clinton coul!tyt lix bome. in, evan,eUatic lemee at .7·:30.' a;;;.aniromer Ram by, c1Iairman problems wilr feature the meeting Sheehan have both be~n ill. the first Monday .i n June at tile grandchildren aDd lax &'l'!'t . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Satterthof the finance commi~:tee .ave a 1'e tbe ilnt of ita kInd ever held in MiQ Dorothy Hartsock aeconi- home . of the' secretary, Mn. I - eraadchlldren. Her hUlband dIed waite spent SUD day Witb their IOn FRIE"I)~ MEETING port 'of their pr-ograml for the year t.hia county. . panied Rev. Silu ·Angl~ and hiB ! E. McClure. in 1928. Harry an~ famUy Dear Lebanon. It is planned to malte the com- daughter 'Miss Betty, to CircleviUe - -- • . --.,.. . - •• .- • Tbey repo~ ·the condition of their Fint-day. Scihool at V:80 a. m. the gross receipts b.~iilg ,162.68. meetinc of the various and Walhinrton C• .II.. Sund.y. C~RD OF ~KS little panddaulfhter, Lou, lIeetlnc for WOrlbip at 10:30 All bills were paid and the balance in treaB\I~ i~ $6-9:10. · . an annual event. The Angles are former rl'Bidetlta A LETTER OF APPRECIATION who II.. been ,very witb Ill. Officers elooted -tor the ..--........... - ••- - of Waynesville. We wiab io e~d Qar tIumII. poe.umonl.,· II very much ImDr~)v'ld I yea.t ate 1\[1'8. Cbleaco•In FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST • Ill'. and ' KrI. R. H. ' presid.eJit; 'M1'8. ' Mrs. Nelson Watkins entertained til our mal'l7 frien., us.ta'* president; Mrs. AT MASONIC HOME wltb a t.mily dinner, Wednelda", .tid relatives who were 80 IdIlcl to entertailled the members of Carl Smith, Minister . Mr. Oakley •. Itldp, Alfen.t in celebration of the birtllda" an. UI in our trqic 10" Abo . . WaYDeaville. Ohio. "clinn.r club" at Th6 Little Inn' U H!ec1 _mcn be""'Tfning with secretary; Mrs. treasurer. . Ilia Stena 'Stllel$, 70 "earl of nlv.e reary of her mother, lira. O. scbool aDd BOJ ijcouts fo~ tIIteW Dear Sir: Fricla, ......... The eaelta..... D .~ Oar reeorc1a MOW ,ou haft 111'. and I(n. 1l0Dald Hawke, 1Ir. claUl'Cb ;aehool at 9: a. m. The spec.ial pl,'Opal!ll 'waa a ace. fonnel' l'eaident of Mo1'1'ow. R. U'nglesby. 111'1, Julia DODovan kind actl. To the ReVL Dibut -'- 1. and Mn. L. •co. rRoc"eM 0_. -.-d at 10:80 a. m. selec;tion, by Mn. 111. A. Fulktllll4)nldied at the lI.,onlc Home, Spring WAI the only guelt o·u tlid. the ~ for tbeir ..nteee ad repreeellte4 u ccmtinuou.I1 ..... ......... and a reading by )Ira. a.ld, Tueada" evenine. MI.. Stit. Immediate family. · _ 1101in&' worda, aDd to tile . . . . 1906. f lin. J. K. PretdoD. 1Ir. aad lin. " . . . couin at lila Dora Stil.s, talter IIr.. KcClare for ~ ....... Ws are proud 0 tIUa, Harvey Mr. aDd lin. Du WATlfE.VILLE II. L CHURCH Frye. Refrellhmenbs of CorwiD. lIrs. Walter Cal!lt att.llded the and· kiDd17 ael'YiceL appreciate out leqthJ aIIOIIiadoll Collett. Two of tile ml.llen, 1Ir. PUBeral _rvien condu~ed fu~eral of her lilt~r, M1'L ROlle lIere worcla uaaot ~ aJld bo.,. it m..-qa a llttle aome- aDd lin. D. It. 8allabal7, ~::-p!.:: Mrs. J. ae ... G. O. Dibert, will be 'held M. Oolllnl, which w .. held -' the f..u.s to . , . . . . . . . . . . tbinl to you, too, ullabl~ to M present. Henry Westerma1l, 0A. B. the )lcClure FuDeral Home li'rlida,.IAtrbur Funeral Home in wUmiDa'- ..nOW ..... to ....... BeUevl01 '0\11' ~lIdtl wW be lin. E4itIa Banta, 11ft. B £arllban .1ld lin. 10.1_- afternoon .t I o'clock with ton, Saturqv aft.l'DOOIl. lin. Th. Pal. . . tntenatlq iD tilt. .videDe. of 01l1' Kill . I II'-ml eta 00_ "Id beta II ... .ad toD. n .. CIUl Q. P.... .wa, at Iaer II.,.. lIeU' lDaCUl trad .ad ,ood fattll ftIeJi ~ . . . . . .IM • to york . . . . . I~-. • WUDliD8ton. TlallnclQ, " 7 ..






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stopped to rett. t hu 1 (ute fell .. w'l" state. ,·njuyed. n.. fut'e the day Will ov r & Prts. Co., 50 land bank mOTt, M'i8!1 Hat!!1 Richardllun haa reo After a while he .tarted read. mnlls II' th~l't! IlIU ed bac'k they had " pretty rbod ldt:a or )\agtl 1c!1I\'~'~ (or recurder, $1 0.1:!; tUI"I,,"" to hl'r home In Oregonia Ing to himself. I tried to think nnu rurth until it Ume for what coli ere life containa and 'The Offic:~ Outfitter. 1 rebuilt L. after visiting with her nde P. what he WILl! doing. but. I could not lunch, TIley W(,'I'efluniahed. h re' hopiull many of them try 'it. '. :4mlLh \'ypewr'itcr', $43.75; The G. Wdls lind fUllIily hen'. He read page after page V'I')' 1 h~'r hlld tlrunk i1l ' bC!auty of Waynesville was rat d "excel- Bell PreSll, supplies, $7 j The Miss DOriH llill f n..-ar B('U~owly. Every now and then ht' the \.t>lII'g'1' 1111 morn but yt)u lent." by the judges. Office Outfltters, 1 et k 'Y9, ovel'- b)'ouk. was II Slltul'llllY overnight Edit I I y the Boostci' lub of WR)"t1esyille Higb Scoool would write a few letters on II, can't Iivl! on IWll\lllr unel they haul typ writer for 'Ii'J'k, $17.06; guesl of ?t1 il! 1\ B 1'IIcdll &. Opal FRANK HAWKE , ,,, picc of paper. I aJipped up a n.-edl,.1 ~l!,(,'O th t,o continu. Track N_. Woodt'ow-W 1I.Sllltlag(' (I., 2 L wis, of n IU' Wclhnao. A ..i.tlLnt Editor CECIL HARTMAN . Lund' \ a . t'r\' •• (1 III th) val'ioull The Warren co unty track mect doz. sheet pads, 1 doz. adding Misa]n z HaYlllip, of near lit.tle bit closer to BCC better. CO. _..._____ ._ _.._ "__....._ _ _ _ _ _._._...___.._ _ _ ~I 1t began lo get lale and , I dOl mltories. n (\. lunch the held on W ne day, May M h. roll. $2.14. Wilmington, wall a Saturday ni~ht wond~rt'd how long the mall wa!! oliowing JJr\J~rllm was enJoyed: Ohio Pen. Mfg. & ales Dept., and u\lduy glHlljt of Miss Kathuniot and going to it I t.hought lhat :.. :(1() _ 4 :00 Mi]ll'l) d\uruH. Den ton ,if weather p'e rmits. 'Pl'omoliilO '1.'1·l.' lI\ony SpoJ"tsrna.nahip New. toilet oap f ol' ShedIr, 5.70; T'h(' leen Thompson and attended cninr class prt' identa. he sho uld have had the llllll: 4 :00 . (j :00 B(l:y~ CillO lub, On Friday and Saturday, M8~ Hubman Supply 0 .• Bupplies for church hore on Sl:Induy morning. n Thur day, Mny , the Sporh :';uitalJI ' llIu.'iea !. numb rIO will be read several time~, but he seem () IcGuffoy 11011. TO!.'11 the~ weJ'e 10 and 11 the Waye hll track team bedff, $9.0 ; Till> Qlftce '1 e1 Outfit· 2" C Rev. Hal'n r 0 f Itl'Iforn ia ~reaIlfol'id ed lind an enjoyable to have r ad only about half of it. diffel'etlt ntel'tainlllunts such as will go to Miami for an invitation tet'S. clip, pins, pencl8, .... u; : clled at ~he chu ~'ch here on Sunday Il)lInship Brotherhood hapter of !I ft.~l'noon is aSIIUI d. \ ayr\csvlllc held a short )'I eial Finally I slipped up a little bit c ncel't which many 01 our girls trac~ meet. F. Drake, i\e l'vic~s. $11 ; H. C. . elos~r where I could ee what be Stil s, ervice8 . 1l~ draftsman, $64 morn\n$" lUI! Un~. Th~ PUfVO$C or tlw m ilL Chemiotry Cia .. Plan. Trip waa writing. Be was so inteot 00 The Oregonia Bddge Co., blue Ml·. and Mh. Orlando Brannon; iug was to make nbn\lnations for' n Thul' dl y, May 9, the his studying that he did not see prlnts Gnd l'ciniOI'dng ste I, $ .70 of Xenia wer week- nd guests of office ~Ol' the ne t year. The H. L. SchuyleJ', ston and gravel, their home folks he e. nllme ' will b voted upon at tht.' chemistry daSli will visit t.he me. To my SUI,pri e the man was $5.70; L. P. BY tt Company. M. Mr. and .Mrs. Rufus Roberts on4 n xt In I'ting aCt r they ha\'to b en meriesn Rolling Mills at Middle· writing the ,alphabet. He had also T. tar, $114.50; J . W , Lingo Hard- childl' n oI n or Kingman Were approved by m robers of th 1.0\ n. This trip i arranged to written a few easy words. 1 re ulty and sluff odvi ('rs. ware Co., part .and suppli s, Sunday guest of her home folks round oul the biennial industrial thought for a while Bnd decided $474.46; The' Wayne ville ervice P. O. Well s and family, The n'ext meeting of the Sports t ou rs. Last ~. ar, the Armco plant that he must ~ learning to write. had to be omitted from the · At this point, fearing th t my Station, sUI?Plies and gasoline, $1>0 Ed. McGlin. of ClarksviUe man hip Brotherhood will be held schedule through lack of time. sleuthing might cause hitn to be- Lo_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..: 96; H. S. Conov-cr, upplies, call d on K. E. Thompson MonWedn day night. May 8. Tbis jome B If-eonscioli, I went Common Pie.. Plr oceedinl. mitted to pyobate. John H. Conll.'Y 186.27, Frank h ,I'wood Co" day afternoon. • will b the final meting of the thoughtfully away. _ Rita Van _ _ _..and Leo Burney were appointed kel'OSClle and .ga spline, 2.68; The Orlando B"annan, o~ Xeoia, and yenr. There will be an announceAlfl'ic:ulture Boy'. ToW' Otten. In the ca~e of M~~ry Hiatt vel" ex.ecut(lrs, no bond requir d. Cil'lCinnati on Work!> Co., gasoJlne K. E. Thompson of thi~ place lllent of officer for t)1e coming All plans hav b n made by the K\l1;\ Celestial Hiatt Ol'der that time bert Bond, Frank ,Frenzel $19.66; Michael'~ Garage. gasoline spe nt. Saturday morning in Lebyear; the nnounccment of the re- F. F. A. Boy. for a visit t.o the o! hearing ,viii be April 29, 1936. Thomas Brenhany were appointed $6.88; The Cineinnati i~ WO~'kB anon. IJI of t.he rcprcsentativ sport- Goodyear Grade New. Tire lind Rubber ln the- cast! of Edwar:d Blair and 8r,.praisers. Co.; oil, $31.58; John, Law, loepalrs Rev. Miss Pauline Wells of Day men vote!!; and' an claborate and Company at Akron and the Ohio The second grade made Pueblo ton preached at the ChUl'ch in instructive program fonowed l)y re AgricuItpral E~periment Staion at llldian booklets I arning the way Robert M. Blall', doillg bU'iness as . Ow n H. Wager was appointed $1.40. ' larksville last Saturday and reation and reIre hments. Every· gJ'jcultural Experiment Station and cu ~toms of the [ndions also Blair Brothens, versus Nellie administrator of the estate of EdBrinkman Thompson. judgmecnt to ward Woger. deceased, and filed Reilef Bill. unda}' nights. cl1e come. P.arenu, teachers and at Wooster, trQnt May 9 to 1\101 their sign language. plaintiff for $546 with interest. bond of $2400 with sureties. Tbe W. L. Adamson Co., food , $8; . Miss Edna Coon of Springfield, fIend 81'e }Velcome, Be there by Gene Thompson's name wos Plans have b en made for trips In the cnse of Hert.ha Scbonfield administrato.\' is authorized to sat- A~bers Super Market., Inc., food, is visiting Mrs. Loui e Jacobs here o'clock. t.hl'ou~h the main tire ' plant and omitt~d on the honor roll for last vcrf;US William Scho'nfield, divorc tie Claim upon payme,n t to him by $19 .• 0; The Great A. & P. Tea Co. Ed, McGuinn of Clarksville term. the air-tl'an ·p rtation plant, to plaintiff. Custody of child to John C. pring and 01 ra E. food. $3):!5.60; Elmer ollis, food, was her on Tue day buying woo1. A ••emblie. The Ohio Exper iment tation plnintiff, etc. p}'ing the sum of $1100 for death $3; Home Store, clothing, $10; or - .. , On Thursday at 12 :30 the high has arranged to conduct the boys Fourth Crade Perfect Spellers Tn the case of The wbanon·Cili. and· 100 f(ll~ injuries. Geo. Bawth()J'ne, food. $244.60; NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT chool and Junior High ~hool over the ~tation to how the results Richard Elizabeth Burnett, National 'Bank versus Thomas The inventory -of Elvo Moy Run Kroger GI'ocery '& lJaking Co., girls 8.'isembled to hear an in true!; 01 experiments with live stock unci Campbell, Lan si ng Hardin, Mari~ ZC. l1S hrisUe, et al cOl1!lh'mation deed yon. administratrix of the estate food, $51; .Kaut/nlln's. elotlling, Estate 01 Sarah Butterworth. ive talk on. the 4·H clubs by Miss ~ro~,--Jamell Sheets, .Reporter. Hardin, Helen 'Hisey, Jean Hart- t;lnd disu·ibution. I~alancc due of DeYou Runyan, deceased, was $93; 'Or, p. H. ICilbourne, glasses, de.c a d. Graddy, home demonstration SQck, Jan Hartsock, Ellen Mos , plaintiff is $18 6.20 witb intere t. apPI'oved, $30; McGetchin's Pharmacy, drug Notic is her by given that agent. But, due to car trouble The Blue Bird harIes Otndori and Donald Th case of W. J. Baker vcr us The estate of {lesli Kibbey, de- $1.60: H. E. McVey, food . $51.60 Gi)b I·t Fry~ ' whose Post Office M' Graddy was unable to, be In the month of May when the o born. W. E. O'Neall is di l1lli ed. ceased. is exempt from inherit8!lce W. WI Shurts, clothi.n", $12; Dr. Add!' ss i W yn aville. Ohio, hils present so group tliJlging was enPre·school r'e day was held at gra II is green ' In the case of Reber Hizar ver- tax. ' A. D. Spence, r\\edlcal 6el"Vices, bt'en duly appointed Admini trator joyed until the High school boys the grade school building, May 6. BU Cedr'ic tanley, et aI, motion The estate of Jane G: L wis, de· $1.06; White-Hoine Optical Co .• of ih EBtate of arah Butterjoined the assembly at which tinle I Iik ~ to lIste.n to the blue bird sing sustained. Plaintiff ordered to ceased, is exempt from inheritance glasses, $28.60 lOr. Jas. H. worth late ot Wanen County, Patrolman Raque' of the State He sings t9 you the live long day, Grade Fiv_Mr. TlIl'Iler amend s cond amended petition ac tax. ' Arnold, medical' ervices, $45.48'; Ohio, d cea d. ~ Highway Patrol gave a short talk But at he dut»c he flies away. Mary Elizabeth Stuemer, ~x:ecu- ·Blair Bros. Hospital, medical Frances John£! and Thomas cordingly. Away, away, 1 up in the sky, Date<.l thl$ 31'd day 01 May 1935. on sa1ety fif$t. . In the ca e of )Mence E. Car- trl" of tbe estate of George Stuem services, $179.93; Dr. Henry M. He flies ' ~o his mate when the Hunter have been neither absent RALPH lL. CAREY, On May 6 tbe high choo. was no r tardy during the school y~r. berry ersus Nora CSI'berry, a di- CI', deceased, filed her inventory. l}cown. medical services, 38.75; night dl1aws nigh. Judge of th Probate Court entertained by Miss Carrollt.Miss In tbe matter of the esta~ of Dr. R. O. Bridg1l • dental services, m23 Eveiyn Boblit, Reba, Surfal)e, YOI'ee wa granted plaintiff'. Custo· Wahen County, Ohio Fish r and Mr. Foster of miami And such is th elld Qf a lovely of minor child 8;iven to defen. ial'Y H. Ellison deceased attorney $1.HI; Dl'. R. M. Brewer, medical dy . Henrietta Pennington and rranc s day . Univearity. Mr. Foster &ang three dant. fees were allowed D~n E. Stanley services, $14.39; Dr. Mary L. Cook 80DP, olle being bill own composi- Whentbe blue bird singa in the Johns will represent this roo;m in In the cose of l~red Braddock Clara B. Snell Jones, adminl£!tra medical service, $21.34; Dr. L, E. the spelling contest st the gym, month of ·May. U.. tion. Miaa Fisher played two piano versus Reba R. Bradldock a divorce tt'ix of the estale of C. W. Snell, Edward, dental services, $0.03; Tuesday, May 7. Frances has not --Jane Furna . aolos, "To a Fl.II.zen Hs ired Girl" THE MIAIII GAZETTB was granted tlte plillintiff. deceased, filed her supplemental Dr. C. G. El'beck/ dental services, mislled a word, eit.her in daily and tiThe Ocean!' Miss Carroll leuons or testl!, this year and In the ca~ of DOD. R. Brown vel' affidavit on final settlement of ea- $3.94; Dr. p. A. GBTner, medical Atouad Columbua Circle FOR RESULTS JI""ented a delilhtfQl . reading. ervices, $6.49 i Dr. H. T. HenrieU. has a perfect record for sus Florence Brown~ a minor, a di- tate. (:An (Jriginal Story) "Deceitful lien" and an interestvorce was granted tbe plainU • Lloyd C011lver and Leiman, Col,. Butchinson, dental servke $11.60 ===:"!:=====~===::= the last semester. in, '])eech on safety Ant. The other evening as I was walk In, the caso of Co'rnelia Wbitnej" liver, administr.ators of the Dr. N. A. ;Hamilton, medical serFollowiD, this a very impressive ing along Fifty-ninth street, I vices. $2.78; Dl·. F. A. DllatUlI h, Wise ver UII Annie M. Stanton, et 01 Cynthia Jane Colliver, South W .. ",Di.triet Mualc memorial was given by Mr. F. U. not-iced a man buying a copy of al, , ~ itl of land ()rd,ered registered filed their report or public sale medical setvices, 70.64 i Albel's F .. tl..J Lellay and Rev. Dibert for the "Variety" at a new tand. Obediwith County Recorder. property in said estate. Saper r,lerkets, Ine., food. $25.80; Ch. ch· ch-bang! bangl theY'l'e two Runyan brothers who met with ent to my theory tbat life deserves The Great A. It P. TelL Co .• food. a fatal accid~t Sunday. ' all possible scroti ny, I. thQught it 011 and what a day of fun .. Wake $846.25; Wm. Coleman, food, Ne~ Sliit. Muriale l.i~ ... would be interesting to follow him upl The Waynesvill& Blgh School $2Ci; Kro~er Grocery & Baking Mary Hiatt VE!tSUS Cele Hill Kenneth Cogan. time keoper, of Co., food, $10 9.70; Dr. S. W. Girls Glee Chill toured ' over to S••ior Da,. and see ex.~tly what he did. The man that 1 started follow- Oxford last Saurday, May 4th, to Hiatt, for divorce. Charge is ex. Middletown, and Miss Dorothy Herman, medical e-rvices, $12.18; All parents IUld those interested in school work are cord\p.I1y invit- Ing wllnt into a rather dark street take in a glorious day of music alld treme cruelty, grQ!!B neglect of Ivins, stenographe.r, of Red Lion. Dr. W . .E. Hofer, medical services, Floy.d Raymond 1t1addox farmer $16.24; Dr. A. D. Harvey, medical ed to be present at the gym on where tbere were f w pedestrians. fun. No, no, they were not duty and dllunkenEIBS. Frank C. )[ondaJ, Kay 13, at 1 :30 p. m. 1 hid around the corner whe'r e I unchaperoned; Mr. Frank went And rsl'm and R. Hilliard Green- of Mason, and Miss Olive V. Hen· services. $Ci8.22; Dr. O. L. Layman dricks, of Mason. R'OOT FOR AND CONSICN medical services, $2.78; Dr. A. B. The seoiors will present a p~gram could not be seo.n. He sat under a along to keep the little dfl1ra calm wood are the attol'neys. William E. James versus Clar. Carl Tbompson, farm8l' of Leb- Martin, medical services, $20.42; ,our Cattle, bop, sheep and cal~'1 luting till 3 :30. The numbers will light and opened the book he had until it came their time to show enee S. James, et. al .• for pal'ti- 'anon and MI'1l. Ethel A. Bunner. Or. Edw. C. Morey. medical er- to Norria-Brock Co., live wire and bought. To my surprise, he what they could do. be u follows: pr.->gressive firm In the ha.beat office worker, of Lebanon. tlon Bnd other I'elief. They arrived lai'e and sound for started writing a few lett.!lts on a vices, $106.74; Dr. J. A. Nock, market Class History-Mae Treadway. pricea 'and ,ood lenice. Class Prophecy.......Juanita Bran· small piece of paper. He Wrote all except a few nervous giggles. ----Real E.tat. TraDal._ Oledi,c ai services, $76.67; Dr. H. E U,.loll Stock Vania' ChlCi._~" Q. Probate Coart Rudn)an, d nUll services, 111.85; Tune in Oft Radio St.tlon wen them very painstakingly and pro- The.n the excitement began. nock. Lonaino, Cain to Arthur B""ant v ser· 12 :211 to 12 :80 p. m. for our dan, . Ie by U. G. . o,nover, guardian ., _R.JL. ,Rosetlcrans, d ntal DedIcation ceremony - Harvey nounced each syllable slowly as he At ten o'clock they toured the Sa ' Conov'er, 'LDcompeten t ; inlot No. 640 in Franklin. . If" 6 ~ wrote them. He practiced on this campus. "Obi Isn't It grand?" 0 f ' S ; H ett'Ie Peters. ., Vlces, '!'u. 7; ur. '-'. G. Ran dal 1, market reports. fol' about fifteen minutes. He then "This is so prett)"," and many such were approved . Martha E. Newcomb and Harry medical services, $29; Dr. A. Clu, Will-Ruth Pennington. remarks were uttered ano not forEmily Kibbey, adminis~ratrix of R. Newcomb to Tile Mutual 'Build. Spence, medical Elervices. $12.85; getting the "Gee, kid i n't he the the e tate of Le slie .Kibbey, de- ing and Loan Compan"},. real estate Dr. S. tanl, medical services, bet!t-Iooking fellow you ever saw?" 'ceased, filed her·inventory. in Franklin. $12.5;l; Dr. B. M. Williams, mediThen more giggles and the campus In the matter of the estate of J. G. West to Rufus Goodwin aDd cal sel'vices, $27. 4; Dr . . J. E. had been inspected. Charles V. Chaml!,erlio, deceased, Lulu Goodwin, 60.22 acres in Har- Witham. medical ervicC$. $ t 7.63; I Now 10r the big moment of their authority was givlen lhe Franklin Ian township. J. ,.. Bagford. food. $4.50; lives. It wall eleven o'clock and the National Bank to transit)r or sell , Richard Pierce Evans and Rice Lawrence Conr~d. food, $42; W. girbr were supposed to sing at stock. K. Evans to John S . . Richardson, W. Cline, .food, $102.40; Grace ;McGu1fey . Hall. The odor of The estate of Klath~rine Jordan, inlot No. 814 in Franklin. Davis, glasses, $6; Geo. B. Downer powder, rouge, and lipstick could decca ed, h5 exempt from ,inherlHoward Humphreys to Juda food, $24.20; Frank J . ;Father Co. be smelled for miles away. tance tax. Puckett. real estate in Clearcreek clothihg, $6.06 j Jos. H. Fedders "Are you rilady?" elme Mr. The inventory of Barry A. Sat- township. SupPly Co., fuel', $31.60; Fred's You MaT ChoG•• With, thmo.t Co.&deuc. . Frank's . voice.. The w.hisperiQg terthwalte, admini.strator of the es Clark Bennett to· Arthur Kleve StOf(" clothing, $36.44 j Cri wold s\opped and everything was quiet tatc of Frank E. Harbpch, deceas 150.08 acres in Salem township: B.ros., house bold neces, 75c; My r Diamonda- Watchea-Jewelry-Si~verware On with the show I For theIr first ed, was aPJlrOv~<I. Charley Newton and Ottie New Hyman, clothing, $13.60; H, C. numbet they , couldn't have I)'lade a A certified copy of the entry de ton to Fern C. Davis inlot No. 92 Hamilton, fOOd. $206.40; The For the c...duat., ~how.r or Weddi... GiFt better choice, McDowe.Il's beau. tel'mining the inheritamce tax on in Lebanon. Phone 78J Home Store. clothing ' ,$28.41: tlful "At Parting." Now with all the e tate of Amanda B. Hunt, de. Joe Todo}' to Robert Myers, in- Joaoston Fiber .&: Aluminum the nervousness gone they sang ceased. is to be certified without de lot NOB. 86 and 86 In Franklin. Limb. Co., medical services $f5.11 the secon d number, "Blow Lightly lay. The imventory of George P. Expert Watch Repairing and Engraving Walter ,F. Watson alld Mal'Y E. Kaufman', clothing, ,20; Walter Blow," by Jansen. Then the third' Gates, executor, was approved. Watson to Elh:abeth M1l1er inlot A. Keever, food, $6; Dr. P. H. KiI "Salut/ltion," by G!1loes and it wa~ Tbe inventory o'f Ralph W. Earn No. 64 in Maineville. b,out:ne, glasses, $5; Leader Store, all finished and oth\l giggles started hart, executor of the estate of Harry P. Shepherd and Ethel ¥ clothing, $4; P. B. Lukingbeal, 'fQTARY PUBLIC- again. , "Did yOIj. B~e flOW that one $arah ,Annie E,a rnhart, .deceased, Shepherd to Anna Doane, real es~ food. $22; Le-,vis &: Drake fuel N.&loa.1 B_. Store 0.,.. 8.30 •• Dl. to .. p • .Dl. judge looked ' at us?" "Did ,you Wits approved. tate. ill. Hami,ltpn township. $91.50; Mason Family • Stot'e' , , that ugly Platin u!" - Blond In the ease ' pf Maud Slagle, ad. . Jam'es E. Ric}ufrdBon. d.eceased, clothihg, $5.94; Midland Or'octty tim. Dr. . . . ' . E ••te. httW ministratrix of the estate ot to Ge,orge A, Richardson, real es- Co•• food $70.36; H. E. McVey WAYNESVI~. OHIO .' food l $60 jMounta-Loeher O~ug C~ I' !!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!'!'!!!I!'!!!I!~'!!!I!!!'!!!'!!!I!'!!!I!'!!!I!'!!!I!!!!! Samuel W. Slagle, deceased verBUS tate in Butlerville. Maude Slagle, et ai, confirmlLtiolls S~'1nuel W. Slagle, byadmlnis- drugs, $4; McGetchin's Pharmacy PO. SALE DATal CALL deed and distdbu1;ion. tratrlx to R. ~enneth and Con B. drugs, $3.1}9; Morrie 6" 10 ' to The will of Cornelia B. Evans thomas, 65.80 acres in Clearer~k $1.00 ' Store. Qlothing, $3.86; Schenc~ deceased, was :flIed in and Turtlecreek townllhip.. DelbCl't Mullen, food, $6' The propate. , ' The Virginian Joint ,Stock Otftce Outfitters, .dmirf.' exp., Th~ toll owing accounts wer, Bank to H. R. Shaw, 64.08 aCl'ElI In $S8.52; Otterbein Dairy food proved, allowed and conftrmed ' Wayne townahip. ' ,80.42; Reif's Electric Sh'Op. aup the colirt. J 'arnes E. and Carri, Eberhart to, plies, $8.25 j Rural Recovery William H. ,Hutc::binson, Mae Le'Fever, 60 acre. Ii Turtle~· clothing, '9.58; Marshall Robert~ JESSE STAIIUY of the' estate of Lusetta creek townlhip. . food, $41; Rqbt. Reichel food inson, deceased. Flirst and Christina Buchanan, deceased, to U 03.20; G. R. Roesman' & (lo.: ..... lao: "_ ••rD.....; ow. Truman B. Grhlwold and ' Leslie A. Buchanan, et ai". real es· food, '17;. Ray Swigert, food, 46 i ,B. Johl)son, execu'torB of the tate in Salem township. L. W. Srruth, food, ,23.60; D.-R. EARL 1t0000R of George W. Grisw-old, deceased. Everett and Stanley Doane to Smith, food, "1.25; W. W. Shurts I)~,....... . . First and final. AJina Doane, 120.43 acl!eB in clothing, ,7.06; Wm. Schnell food U .......... CLASSIFIED ADS COST ONLY Emma Bill, administratrix of Hal'J)ilto!1 towDahi~. $6; A. Shiflett, food, $16; 'Omal' estate of M.~. Hill, deceased. ~domjah FranCis to C. H. " , D. Sh.oup, food, $10; Singer Sewing ONE CENT PER WORD. WHY FiJ'St and final. ' R,,~lroad Co., the ,use of r~ estate Machine Co., clothing ,12' • Emma. Hilt administratrix for Iin~s. Schilling's Food Market f~od ,66 KEEP YOUR ATTIC FILLED the estate of Sophia Hill, deceaaed . Nelhe Ev~ns, et aI, to Clara Zell E, B. Thirkield SOlla Co., clothing WITH USELESS ARTICLES First and final. , tnlot . ~0.8 In WaynesviJle. U12.30j Tigar & C,llarlton, food, Royal V. Crist and Freda ROUB. e r WIlham Mahon~y to Walter $12 ; Ruby Van Riper food $187 ----~~~~~---... TBAT CAN BE TURNED INTO adminisbators of the estate 01 Wil Dameron, 170 acres in lIarlan 50; H. E, Warwick' food' $47' _ _.....,._ _FO ...;;..R:.:..:S:.:A..:.L=E~_ _ _.... •MONE'! FOR SO SMALL A Ham Christ, decem5ed. First and township. " T. U. Woodrey. food: $78.40; EI~ FOR SALE-Frellh Lard. C. E. final , Laura P. Crane to Lelia. A be.rt Wallace, clotbing and food AI COST. TRY THIS MEANS OF The will of An1~ette 'Rogel'S, de- 84.96 acres in Olearcreek $269.35; White.Haines Olltical C~ , Ichener, Tel. 56·R~21. tt ceased. was filed in probate. glasses, $28.97 j Vi H Williams FOR SALE - Larla ftowering SELLING AND SEE WHAT A In the matter of tbe eltate 01 Billa AlloWed glasaes, $20 i Wright's Market fOtld pansies, flne ,collection of one DWFERENCE IT WILL KAKE John Lamb, decealjed, It ill ordered The Hubm~n Supply Co., $18; E. L. Kirk. food. $7; J. J and two .year old hardy p6renrdal that a citation be _lied l'equiring plie8, $4.32; Woodrow.Welt-Stan. Weymann, clothing, ,3:96; plants. Alao cabbace lnd ,ood TO YOUR POCKETBOOK, AS R~ bert Lamb, administrator, to rue! ace Co., supplles, $12.60; Lewis" Jobn Zettel, glassu. 540.50; Zink stocky transplanted tomato plant&. hIS account. Drake, Inc., coal for C. B., ,6; A. Food Market, tood, $B' Bert J George Peterson, 1 mile from WELL AS TO HAVE YOUR In the case of Lizzie Ditmars, C. Murrell, 2 pllons paoline Smith, food. '6; Albaurh.Good Waynesville on Bellbrook pUte. STUFFY OLD ATTIC CLEANED executrix of the estate of WaIter for heater, 80c; Wm. Shotwell, Drug (Jo.• drup, $C.20. Phone 1B2R21. -mB • Ditmars, deceased, venue Linte services as Janitor Memorial Han, • - ...- - qUT. IT PAYSI Ditmars, et aI, conftrmatlon, deed $20; Johnston II lobston, paint FOR SALE-A nice be of boa and di.tributioll. tor Me!Dorial Hall, $10.90: lira. ItatlOIlIl7, 24 Ibeeta od ., ... Addle Stark, uecutrlx W, C. Roberta, sem..., $11; lin. velopes for .10; Sbo....... II of the eltate of Owea S. Elmer Laey, Hl'vic.. fa; .heets aDd 18 f . 10 deceased, med her iMOOnd-laaland Oebone, aer9IoeI. cents, "'aucl....... distributive account. Ko,", ienloee. fll; "Htl paol!!' ~ l. S. K. administrator of the HnIcaJ. enate O. OM,. deHr'rieII"

School High Spots

,----.;...-----------------------""1 NEWS F'R 0 M THE WARREN COURT FOR PAST WEEK



F. o r. Martin

44 Years Of Service


Cary's Jewelry, Shop Lebanon, Ohio

Or No Charg.

Centerville, Ohio


"1 he Home .01 Gilts"

Stanley &Koogler







Beech Grove





Iul ... - ... ·,.........

.,.,,810,.. w!dte-,_.


D.,Jdn...... a....

home. in the 8tate-, onJy 46,000, or, 19 per ct'nt, are lupplied with electricity, whereas 62 per cenL or t.he homes in Ohio towns Ilnd ISSUED EVERY ~HURSDAY "Illaaes and 93 pel' cent of tho homes in citie1l hllve electric \>OW<'I' D. L CRANE P . .I1...... Prlc., '1.10 • Y..r Rural electrification is a mnjor OIic. P ....... .. ... ....... ...... No. llZ Entered at Po.~rfle. at Wa"n .. - part 0.£ President Roosevclt's ne-w ville. Oblo, a. :.. 4tC""d Cia•• lIall employm nt-recovery program. co ., ........... ..... .. ... .. N •• III KaU ...





service men who de,iN cel'ti'icl\te~ ulltil l'('('l'ivl' addilh·naJ Pl'0 11t II. 1\ .. "suIt. "bonus" "crtificlI\t! and DoUar~. ndl'r t v<'- lerHn nl' eclin~ his ey now would tect'iv" ~even HlI ll1dl'(~d and Seventy.five Dollars. If, however, he held t he certltlcate until 1945 he would Jt<'t on Thousand Dollars plus a smnll amount o:f inte-re t. A ol1llll'omi~e may b(~ bl'ought abou t, bu. it.. appears doubtful whotht'r thi!! proposal i.~ ati fac-

Columbus Leads Ohio Cities WHEAl PROGRAM In Telephone Development



AIthough the wh 'at lIurplus f OL ~(BUS leads Ohio cities tclt'pli uO!. for npry 1 0 famillu. three yelolrs ago, at that time in telephone development, /0 the 10 mnjcir Olli cities. all havalmost three tim !! normal size, according to The Ohio Bel! iug population of more- than SO,()OO ha s been whittl d to neSl' av~rnge T elephone Company. each :lUU 72/1,/100 total families, the Appointment of nine resident siZe by drouth and government Close behind come Cincinnati and 3rt'rage,~ 57.5. MAY 9; 1936 resident engineers in the tate aCl'cage atijustm nt programs, Cl eve land, in lh e order 11amed. The state' telephone developmen t Highway DepnrtlDent were an d i d' . Th ere are 17.5 telephones per I()O compare s fa\'orably with th e nation. t'll t h ere IS S I nee or'11an • a JUS... resident .s io COIUlllbllS_. or 66.6 tele· a I nvern~1' of about 14 ' tel ephones nounced by Highway Director . men t program l h a t WI D1amtam a phones for eacll lOO faml·ll·es. ror Ole I1 100 people. whie h appr(J)Ci· · John J . Jast r, Jr. · They a re: ba Ialice be t ween productIOn and Ohlo Near U. S. Average mates Ohio' average. Thomas Farrell, reappointed for t ol'Y· The: average of the 10 la rges t , Canada Second Throughout the country, groups of consumers are rising in pro· Washington county; Earl Ford, S nator Hard on's C()mpromi e effective demand. This is the opinion of ' Carl J. cities operated by The Ohio Bell Canalla. with approximately 12 ' test against higo prices, notably thos charged for milk, mellt and l'eap~ointed ,f9r Vint.on county; bjlJ contuin'B a declaration of other agricultural produots. Grover C. Smith, appointed f or policy thnt no general pension laws Miller, chairman of the Warren Telephone Company is 14.S tele· tel ephon es per IQ,O population on In many cases, these proteats are doubtless justified-but theTe is Nobl~ c.ounty; John Dowler, reo shall lJe Mcted for v(~l eran 5 of county wheat allotment commit- Ilhones per 100 population and 16,6 ]anu3ry I, 1933. was the only COlin· t e who cites depal'tment of telephones per 100 population ill the try whose tclcphnne density ap· danger that a misunderstanding of actual conditions niay cause people appointed for Athen s county; Rob th World Wilt·. ag-!:ieultul'e figures to support . this three cities served by the Cincinnati Ilroached that of the United States. to become inimical toward the farmer's desire to obtain a fair 8elling ert Jenkins, appointed for Gallin tllatem nt. , and Suburban Bell Telephone Com· • ew Zealand carnc next with 10.1, price for his goods. That d sire ia the underlying principle in the work county; O. Ca.rso n Bal'klow, ap· In t he yea ' u t r 'o to t he llany. followcd ?y Denll1ark ,vith 9.8, Half of the 1111'10 landa of the . rs J s 1> 1 r Cincinnati holds $econd place in Sw~dell WIth 9 .3 and Switzerland of a1\ Our lrI'eat agricultural cooperativ 8. pointed for Scioto and Pik e nited ,tate Ill' now operated b gi.nning of th wheat program, the state with 17.2 telephone pe r ' \~ith 8.4 teleph onr per 100 popula. High prices charged at retail don't necessarily mean that the counties;" [van Greene, l'eappoint by tenants. when .t h ~ s urplus was piling up, 100 population, or ' 63.6 Illstrument Uon . . actual producer gets even prflf\table p1"ices. Giving the farmer fair cd for JackSO n county; Walter A. stile of affair's WillS revealed Amenean farmers seeded about fo~ each ]00 families. Clevel;lOd. in Th~ (Irs t (If la st year. thc Ul)ited II1'ice8 doelln't mean that the consl:lmer is going to be stung. In the Bur g, appointed for C lal'k~ and byThif! ec\,elaTy o. r Agriculturc 6~,OOO,000 acres a year, Mr. thIrd place. ~as 16.8 telephones for States had nearly . eV n times the case of most commoditiea, the final selling price Is many times the Ch.mpaign counties; and Oscar Henry A. Wo.llace wlTc_n he Mlller says. eac~ .lOO reSIdents, or 66.S per 100 corresponding telenhone developprice paid at the farm . The rest Of the cost represents p~Qfit~ and Shilling, appointed. Io l' Shclby. pellred b for the Agriculture Th e snlallest acreage which any famllJes. Ill1 ent of Europe. where most of the Logan and Auglaize counties. charges occurring /llong thc distribution line. lni tt~ of the Sen at. [re wheat plan can call for is an acreTaken as a wh ole, the Ohio Bel l te lepbones a m under governmen t --- - -~ Many authorities b lieve that distribulora and other middl~men went 110 fllr a to admi.t that the age suffici ent to supply t.he. domes- COmpany hal! an average of 49.3 operation .. rot too much of the selling cost of productll- whilll the !al'mer gets country has at nallt fal'm problem tic needs of the United States. ""'!!!~~~~~!!'!'!!!~~~~~~!!!!'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ too little • .The purpose ot the co-ops is to equalize this.-to see that as !Crave as that " 'hich faced he- This has to be enough for our = '! everyone gets a fair deal and that none make an excessive profit. Once land over half a CCl1tury ago bread, for a certain amount of that is achieved, farmers will make money--.and the consumer will get "on of the most abomLna ble t.hat livestock feeding, and tor enougb stable, quality products for a fair and reasonable price. That is in the vcr d veloped i n t h w~tern ed to plant the next crop. The inter at of the entire nation, which In normal times. is largE-Iy dewOl'ld." avcrage amount u sed annually for pendent On ial'm purohasing power for the money that keeps factories On of thc newspllper!~ describ d those purposes in the United gOing, provides jobs in our cities, and maintains pay rolls. Mr. Wallace's admission as "shock- States i about 625,000,000 ing!' The word is h.ardly too bushels. With the average yield of B7 strong. It i ,to a y t he least, a ~2 'AI bushels to the I'lan~d acre, - STEPHEN M. YOUNG inistcr stat of affairs when hal1 lt is estimated that this country'" of ' lh ~ land of the coulntl'Y is oc· domestic needs can be supplied by COntrrenman At Lar,e cuplcd by tenant." instelld of small 60,000 seeded aC ~'es, according to land owners. UnHed Stat~s crop re porters. , The Administration Banking Bill After supplying home needs, The Ohio State Univeraity Radio St&tion-WOSU which President Roo evelt s ays An Oklahoma cO'ngressmnn, there is a qllestion of how many "must" be enacted into law pro- celebrating t he 46th -lImniversa ry acres should be planted to wheat 8:00 Music 8:06 Early Efforts at SiI}( Culture in Ohio .. ,.......... H. E. E wine vides perman en t gua'l'antee of of tnc opening of Oklaho1l1a by for export . Present conditions in8:15 Plant Pest Probl rna . ........... T. H. Parks and A . L. Pierstorft' bank deposits for each individual a run, said "Many 01 our citizens dic:ate that an expol·t of 76,000,00 depositor up to $5000 . . 8:26 Music by Bands of Fr deticktown Chapter of Future came to. Ok lah oma C. O. D. So me bushels yearly is as much as can Under t he provi sions of this came from other tstel3 P. D. Q. be hoped .fo!" and is more than Ollr Farmers of ~merica .. ...... .. ....... ,....... " ...... 1. H. Lintner 8:35 Home Swe 1. Home ............ ........... ........... ...... WOSU Playel'l! meas ure 9Slh percent of the de- Last ye. I' aHet· th~ tit'st drought immediate prospects. This 75,000, 8:&0 Op rating Credit Which a Farmer Can Afford . H. S. Fonythe positor8 of our cO\lnlry will be they ent back an S. O. S., 81)d' 000 to 100,()00,OOO bushels can be 9:00 Getting Balanccd Vari cty In a Home Demonstration Program .... protected. C;ongl'ess will surely no W th 'Yare living on I~. E,' R. A.' rai ed, on the average, on about back the P resident on his banking ........................... ... .. .. ,..... .... ....... ... Nellle :6,000,000 '. to 8,~00,OOO seeded program. acres. Therefore; atotsl o~ about 9:10 MUsic by Band of Fredericktown Chapter of F. F. ,A. Plantina COI'I:l ,5 6,000,000 to 68 ,000,000 acres is 'f 9:26 Y,our Community and YOtl ............ " ....................... Bruce Tom adequate -to meet our home needs 9 :36 Two Dairymen Meet ..... ... Ivan McKellip and C. 1. Blackman Congl'e58man H!lmilto n Fish, who represents the President's The jingle "A bushel fI day is the and export takings. 9 :~6 Fertilizing and Preparinr the Soil fot the Home Vegetable Gard~n. " ................... , .. . .. , .... .... .. ....... ....... .". J. Boyd Hyde Park district and wllo m.ay price we pay for planting corn . This estimate of 58,000,000 acres be his Republican opvonent in after th~ middle of Ma l7" bears up is the top limit on acreage which 1936, in the course of the debate un.der scient ific scruth,y. Over a United States fan'neTs can plant on on this bill 8aid, "Trying to learn 20-y a1;' pel'iod at the Ohio Experi- the average without tbe ' danger of the financial policy of the Demo. ment Station, cotn planted at sharply increasing the carryover cratie party is like trying to nail 10-day in terval yield ~L as ioUowa in no):,01al years. a cuslal'd pie to the wall. It' April 29. 02 bushel; May 7, 65 Thus the question farmers must just does not tick ! ' bushe ls; May l'j', 64. bushels; May decide before voting on May 26, 27, 50 bushel. ; JUI) 6, 46 b.usbels says Mr. Miller, is whether conti· COLUMBUs.-.:. State Su\)erinten· ,260 anci include free tUition for end June 13, 37 bushel:s. t inlling th& ,yheat plan will keep the tour-year course. The soldiers' "bonus" battle has clent of Banka Camuel H. Squire acreage within reaso nable limits the S nate f ro nt. now advanced t o revealed a continuou expansion of or whether it i8 safe for farmers Hybl'id CotllL resources and deposits of stateState civil servicc examinations A compromi e propo's al would to drop the control pla~ and to resupervi ed licensed bank. since the to fiU SOme 400 positions in tbe date the compensation certifica.tes tllM j 000 Ohio f armers s ume planting the 66,000,000 first ot the year in a report wbich new sales tax division of the Tax back from 1926 t o 1918. Instead nr More trying hybrid COl'US this yt'ar. acres that produced the farmer Of maturing in 1946 certificates covered banking operations from ommission will be held arc expected to meet surplu!!. would become due in 1938. The Hybrid D cember 31, 1934, to M.a rch t, June, .it wall announced by i'utul'e demand s io~ cor n -that will presen{ surrender value would, 1936. Ba ed on reeords made by W. Emmons, chairman of the tand up that is di eal-e resistant, Cherry Feet,Yal banking institutions ot Ohio, reo CiviJ Sel'vice Commiuion. The test tbereto ~, b i1'lcrea ed. Ex-service a_ier to h u k, and .0£ higber yield C.pp.r ...... SOun!U incr.eased ,1l,JJ18,303 and will be conducted to provide eligi.- men asking immediate payment and quality. All avnila'ble eed for \ A chel'ry blossoll) 1estival is ):>edeposita were up ,S,595,153 tOl' bility lists from which appoint- would receiv~ bonds at the pres ent planti ng this yeaT wa sold montbs ing h~ld at . Bellevue, Sandusky Tbia r.- rcace _ l1li4 • ,wethe ~eriod, i~ was said. "With bank ments will be made to positions value . of the certificates less the before COl'n planting ~,eason. county, this week. resources and deposit.e ".. ~.; ....rl"",1 now filled tem.porarily a'nd provi- amount of loans made. Those ex· micon quali.V lit ==- a. a:at,a prt_ aatislactonl levels now of H, sionallY· A.pproidlllately sixty-ave s-a-. JOII635,672 and ,981,3S'7,629, em,ployes ot tile division, who were DO. bU7 ceDIIlIIc spectt.el'Y, with bank reserv transferred from other bJ,"1lnches lled BraDd at l1li rising and bank obligations dimin- 01 the Tax. Comm! sion when the _ thu atMdishing, the increaaing stability and sales tax law became operative, ant marbt sn80 ndneaa 01 Ohio'. state'BuperviB- are under civil service. Other emIt', aD OIItataJ1dia1 ed banks is clearly indicated," ployes will be required to take the nIae. By all . . . . . _lIIaadmSuperintendent Squire commented test.

A Fair Break For All

....--Straight from Washington


Farm h ight 7alks, Mav 13



Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol

---_.. - ..---

c. ••••••


~I r~~~~~~~~~\

BOW' H.ave your . by same

machinel'J as u.ed in. the factory .

uuuuuuuuuuuu •••



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NI,IWBr."ot ACC!DEtfTS - - .. 3


The low rate on long di8The na..... of the twent.y for• tunate Ohio biab school boys who tance telephone calls will be efwere awarded scholarships in the fective at) noqr and , a balf earliu Colle,e of Agriculture at Ohi9 if plans 01 the Ohio Bell Telepqone state university were made pUblic Co. are sanctioned by the state by college olftciaJa. There were 416 utilities commission. The Bell bOYII in aU parts of the atate who company bas asked the commiUlon com~ted for the honora. The win- permissiOn to oft'er patron . ·the ners were Barold V. Clum and night rate starting at 7 p. m. Edward C. Ransom, both of Thorn daily instead of at 8 :30 p. m. Proville; Dale Scott, Albany; Delmar viding a 'similar change on interRidgeway, Whipple; CharleB H. state calls is approved by federal communications division. Fenstermaker, Baltimore; ' The ch would take place June Winegradner, Walbridae; Trout, Castalls i W ilbur ~eaCj4..J.,..--&!WWlIJlIIWOlL.Jl[:QYi.ruml,,--_-.-j~ Arlington; Emerson lI n ""m"'n A $6,000,000 allotment of Delta; ~ter Traver, HullberrY: DeJlI\l-r Petersonl Carrollton; :1'ederl\l work-relief funds to fin. Frederick H. Coe, Vernon: Eugene ance a rural 'e lectriftcation Pl'O· Ridenour, Frederickton; StuaTt D. grarp in Ohio is being sought by Facinlel', Middlefield; Charles MuO'ay Lincoln of Oolumbus. Lamellon, Jeromesville; . Austin manager of th~ Ohio Farm Bureau White. Amlin; John R. Willlon, Federation, which il sponBoring Sllnbul'Y: BUl'b Stiver, Lewlebul'g the electrification project. A BurDonald Wurn, Westerville; aDd vey showed that there are 196~000 Bnnard Schulte, New Carli.le. 000 farm bome. without electri~ The IICholanhipa have a ~alu. of taeUftiea. Of tbe 260,000 farm











Community Cll-lb en-

~~r~lt';~;lon ran8~ "edne:<day evening' at the gym. A



Grlle(' Davis own~r and nu\Oager the Real AI·t BE'auty 'hop, D~yton. Ohio, W!\~ award d u . liver cup at the rl'ccnt hio Hllir dres r8 com'en RotatioD Are. at Wood.r Aver- lion in incinnati. Kaowl.d •• The cup was given to the most But Dc!c:i.ioD ac.. 74 Bu.b.l. 0 .... " of Fad L. J. artisli hail' dre' . 29 Years Milln Sa,.. ongrntu iatioD'8, G(:llce. JIll- .






P18<!ing II ritle in hiK mouth and discharging it, Hernlan F. Jonea, 42, World Wal' VeLl!fal;l lind II son of Reuben Jun e . of R ute 1, ended his life, ntul'(.lay night, at the home of his In'other, urI nelir New Burlington. Despond nt over ill heallh is thought to havo been the l' ason for bis act. Funeral s rvices ,vlil'(l held Monday in Now Burlington.

Of Califorllia plt'a nt vt!ning wa spent n(\ rl;'fr shmt'nts ,vere served. k f or a JOHN EDMISTON Thll tnbl nnd cards WCI'(' kindly Mi.mi.burg Permanent furni. hed by Mr. J. E. Me IUT District Representative ()f Waync ''illt' , Concrete -everal from h~re attended the For the post 29 years the corn One simple question is all that Air SeaJ Burial Vault alumni dance at the I. O. O. F\ on a 45-acre rotation area at the iarme.'s will be asked to vote on hall at Wilmingto.n giv n by the Experiment Farm at WOOII\;el' has For ale only by when they cast their ballots In the King-man All.\Qlnj on last atur- averaged 73.6 bushels an acre And . national wheat refrendum on the cash outlay wa only $3.50 an Your Funeral Dire.ctor night. frs. E . B. Oakin i much ~m­ acre each year. Saturday, May 25, Count.y Agent proved to the delight of her In commenting on this achieve" Subscribe for The Miami Guette Baeea]aureate setvices for the L. J . Mille( . announces. many friends. Mc.Clure F~neral Home ment with the land, R. D. Lewis, senior cIa s f Wnyn.e Town hip Mr. and Mrs. G. M. MacDonald extension agronomist for the Ohio This is the question : "Do you ~=========-""":=== Wa,II •• .,.i\le, O. PholU! 7 frs. Mary Tucker, Mr. and Mrs: State Univet'sit)', said th soil was Hi~h chool will b .held on un- favor continuing a wheat au,,,,,, .. 12 in th~ school day evenIng, May X'RAY WORK W. . Kersey and Mr. and Mrs. E. po b ~ter, probably e en poorer, mont program t9 follow tb presC. lark with th ir families and than in the average Ohio field. The auditorium. ANESTHESIA BLOC ent one, whicb expires- with The pl'o~p'nm follows. Mr. and Mr . loe Keney of Leb· weather wa no mor :favorable. Processional . cho~11 Orchestra 1986 crop year?" All KiDd. of D_turel M. ... anon spent Sunday with Mr. John 1'h r fore, he concludes, this yield Hymn . The cost of a funeual service is ., ( :ongregation Each :farmer will 'be asked Spray and ister, Mrs. Mary Har- which is almost twice that from tllvocatioD entirely deci~ed by tbe wishes of R.pair Work Done Qu~ekJ, Rev. J. J. Schaeffer , Ian of near New Burlington. the av~rage fleld, mUllt be due ·to Trombone 010 ' • (' harlcs Firell vote Yes (lr No to this queetion. our client. Their e\loice 01 a Mr. Will Compton of near things man has do ne. Rending ,..... , ...... " '1'" Although the referendum includes C8l1ket aJ:ld neces ary accessQries Burlington caUed on Mr. and A nd this, according to Le\vis, II! . Rev. G.O, Dibert only this one question, thero aTe i influenced by no attempt at )lain St. W A.YNESVILLE, O. W. W.Welch Sunday afternoon what be did: Vocal 8010 ... Mr. Ru Ilel E. Frank a great many problems whlch salesmanship .. on otir part. We The funeral of Mr. W . . "He gave the crop a good start. ermon .. ". R v. W. O. Smith f armer l1e.ed to consider belQre follow their dClIh'!! closely, and Gaines, father of Ren GaInes of "He flrst so treated that soil "Holy Alit Thou." ..... " .. ,......... . casti ng their ballots, .!'tIr. Mi1I~r keep the total cost ·to as moderate I!!!!""!'!!'!"'!'!!""!'!!!""!'!!!""!'!!!""!'!!!""!'!!!""!'!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!~~!!!! Hartwell occurred Sunday'. after- that he could grow regular and . Girl's Glee lub suys. Among these tire: WlIat 8 figure liS their choice dictates. noon and the body was sent back abundant crops of clover and later BenedictiOIl . . Rev. W. ·C. /llith {Jollcy should the Unit d ' States " _••••,., ~"'~ """"~ ~""""'''''-''''''''''-I to COllnecticut for burial. of clover and alfalfa mixtures. :l'olJow with respect to wheat? . Ma,10--11 --~-----The funeral. of Lawrence Van"He followed a regular but ~onfidence What are the advantages and C! RICHARD ARLEN &: MADGE der Voort of Porblmouth, but modest system of manuring and advantages of a wheat production .. .:J formerly of here, will occur EVANS, fertilizing the various crops in the c9ntrol pl'ogram? Would adju8t.. • McClure funeral home Wednesday rotation. ment b necessary If ' drouth contin in When a client seeks afternoon. "He plowed the land early. and ues? If several bumpe):, crops I»HG>Ne l6 the servic s ot a fu.n The Se-nior cla$8,' play was given prepared /1 good ~bed in hieh follow the sever 1 years of drouth? . ., ral dill c or, he must at the gym Tuesday evening and was stored wnter for U$e in the If conditions' are normal what is WAY~ESVILLE, OHIO be~le .to do so ~th the outlook fQt wheat? What is COMEDY - "Campus Hoofer. wa a decided success. A large and critical months of July and, August appreciative audience fiUed Hie TM "~riendship ¢Iub of the M. th 1986 contract expected to be "He used seed of the best local perfect confidence. At nou,e. Music w8.111ul'nished by the va rieties ,elected for its vigor in E. church met W dnesday after- like? Ma, 12-13 uch times fl'iendly, Men's orcb~atra . Mrs. Herbert germinating and it l'i!'lative free- noon in the church. All these problems will be discus sympathetic help and .ANNA STEN & FRERRIO Carr coached tl1e play and was pTe dom from. disease, and not primaThe meeting was Ol~ ned with a sed in the community meetings MARCa: sen ted with a larg box of candy rily for the characteristics of ong, • In the Gat'den," followed which are being arranged in counael are invaluai by the Senior class. beauty that have bee" over-em- by the Lord's Prayer · repeated in order that farmers may discuss the ble. Our service iB in Miss Ella cott ot West Union phasized in some corn-show rings. unison. wheat lllan thoroughly before uniquely pel'$onal. the ' visiting her sister Mrs. R. A. The usual buelne s was tnlIl5llct voting. The IIche/Ull of these meet "He planted early ahd at a rate Di nict manag r - Reliable result of an honest Frane! and fam~ly. twenty-sevlm members ed with comparable with the ~xpected ings will be announced soon, Mr. Iman to supervi e cqulpment desire to be of aid to Mr. Howard Cook. ot Rapid City yield. present. . Short Reel and Movietone Miller lIays. being installed in ttl)S county, South Dakota, ill visiting relatives Mrs. Russell Sallisbury had the bereaved. "And finally, lie' controlled the News CaSh busi'ness. Large earnings and friends here. weeds by timely but not excessive charge of tbe progr811il and the Sa)ar~ and shure prqfits to ' following numbers were presentADM. 10e-iSe Mrs. R. E. Hurst was called to start. $1$6 castl r~qu.ired tor .....____________..U. ;r.;{l~·ii;;sissiPpi on account of ' tbe cultivation." ed: Recitation, Franc,e Whitaker; ~ --substantial int-ere t ih all :" us illness of her brother. readinl{, loA Tribul.e to Your equipment to covt!r county. Miamj Quarterly Meeting of tbe Mother and My M()ther," Mrs. Right man able t6 lla~dle Orthodox Friends' will be beld at Ralph Hastings; song', "When My money and a $cr w driver as the Friend's Church next SaturMother Sang Hush-a.!pye, 0, Mary well C;!ln Tn~C 8 permBnellt day, May 11, with Mr. Yvo Wahn Eva LeMay, Sarah Mmer, Mildred and profitable. c:onne~tion. S l' b B The most inexpensive way to of Leesburg as the speaker. a IS ury, elty Bernard; recita- fight chinch bugs is to avoid plant Addres with Jlarticulars. ' Plao • • 7 Mr. Everett Villars and sons tion, Richard Sheeha.n: humorous giving phone. PRESIDENT; reading, "Celina .GOIIS to Town," ing corn in a field adjoining wheat and Mr. and Mrs. Hull and 80n of A't this 8 son of the year sheep or rye. Such a practice, according . 609 S Federal, Suite 275, Dayton, visited their sister in men are naturally interested in Mrs, Gilbert Frye. to T. H. Parks, extension entomolChicago. Portsmouth on Sunday and Mrs. outlook for the wool market. After a jolly spelling bee aU ogist for the O. S. U. practical,1y Villars returned with them aiter theWhile there is nothing in the were ,invited to the ~)anquet room guarantees that the corn will not . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'l:;;;;====~====;;:;;;;;;;;;;..;;;, a week's visit there. Miss Rhea McOarren spent the immediate f .u ture to indicate ",here dainty refre b,ments of ice be attacked by chinch bugs. Parks issued this statement week-end with relatives Bnd ' at- prices mucb above current levels, cream, cakf,! and coHee were tended the Alumni dance at Wil- it is the opinion of' L. A. Kauff- served lly the hO$te sas Mrs. D. R. following announcement of a ' man, Secretary of the Ohio Wool Sall lSul'Y, Mrs. J. il. Rich. Mrs. survey of chinch buO' in1estation in mington 9n Saturday nirbt. James Lovely, Mrs. Mame Hatfleld Ohio, which was found .. by entomol · Mrs. Carroll Smart hu been Growers Cooperatlve Association and Mrs. Josie GrahElm. th at I ater in the seaSOn tbey will ogists in Apdl to be the moat sick for several days the past .... ' h er b as18. . - - --. - ~. - - ~e on a h \I severe in many years. week. E ASTERN STAR NOT ICE Chinch bugs overwinter in timo Mis Ruth Cleaver spent the . In support of his statement he thy clumps, sedges, and in the week-end with her parents near off~rs the following: 1. Consumption of wool by Mj~mi Chapter No. 107 O. E. S. fallen leaves' along fence rows and Wilmington. mills during the past 4 months will meet in regular SesSiOll Man- in woodlot.. These bugs fly to tbe Mr. and Mrs. Carl VanderVoort jua~ ev~inng, May 113, at 7:30·. .small grains j1) May · and lily of Pittilburg, are guests 01. Mr. has been very high. Mach 01 the eggg for the . June generation. larg-e carry-over-of-raw wools has and Mr . W. C. Tichenor. . Mary Earnhart, W. M. These eggs ~atch and tbe bugs Mrs. Lida Hatton f8 spending a been absorl>ed and by July 1 the Minnie Fromm, Sec. become partially grown before the few days at the home of Mr. and total stocks on hand should not be much above the average for that - - - - - - - --, Wheat i8 Cl1t. The bugs then ' Mrs. Ren Gaines in Hartwell. ADULT SCHOOL crawl to adjacent com fields. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Tichenor date. When iltlestations are severe 2. Manufacturers have been were dinner guests of Mrs. W. B. operating at or near capacity for The Adult scbool 'wlll be held at whole fields of corn may be deevening. Chew at Xenia Friday -.,;.-some time -ltd many of them have be- gym Friday evening, May 10, stroyed. This happened last year sufficient o~ers booked to carry at 8 o'cloC)k. AU interested In fllal}Y parts pf Iowa, Missouri (la ttle and Illinois. , them to midsummer onAP,,,t..b,,e,,..iT'f l per ons are cordiall:v invited. Some lar~e dairy yearlings in present schedules. Gov _ _ _ _ _ •. _ _ _ If a field next to a wheat or rye good condition brought nearly contracts for large lines · of Reid Is already prepared for corn, $100 a head from the butcher form materials, shirtings and YOUNG C H U~CHMEN it is wise to plant a strip of soywithip the past month. It i8 a good beans, II) to '12 Tods wide, beWa p.• •• iIle, 0,. time to cull low-producing cattle ke~s &ssures employment· for a number of mills for some time and The Young Chup,cltmen society tween the 'corn and wheat fields, . from the herd. . will also co nsume a large IIJ1lUlI'V' will meet at The l.ittle Inn Fri- Parks suggest!. Chineh .b ugs do 01 wool. . day evening at 'l :31(). A good at- not feed 'on soybeans, and it is unS. Stocks of finished tendance is urged. likely, he says, that many of the tops, yarns, and raw bugs would cross the soybeans to milJ hands are- much below - -.---=- reach the corn. A tbjek stand There haa been no gl,'j1nd-rnother, M.r • ;L~Hartsock which sbades the ground is most buying. Purcbases have beeq over the week-end. effective as a barrier. a hand-to-mouth basis and Mrs. Lena Harts()ck, Misses Chinch bugs attack al l grains wools the milia have bo ught Ethel Mendenhall and Freda and grasses.. Millet and Budan to a large extent BOne into ' Harvey were in Wilm.mmn Fri- grass are fed UJ)01I freely and can mediat~ manufacture, dl,ly evenil'lg. . . be used f9.r a bar,rier J;one. Be. 4. Retail sales of woolen Mr. and Mrs. Lawllence Lile and sides soyheanit, the crops not . a~ ·g oods ·continue on a much little daugliter, · Mabile Irene of tacked . ate . buckwh eat , clovers -Xenia; called o.n ~l')a.' Cadwadade-l' an.d ·alf&lfa, potatoes, a nil all gill'. scale than a year ago and trends, particularly ,in ladies' ap- and Miss Lile MOD(iay afternoon. den croPii except corn, Sprine parel, are I.avorable to an increas Mr. Hugh Huntington of COlum- b~tley should not be aO'Wn . T he ad consumption of wool. The bUB, called . on his uncle and aunt; bU!r8 will a nnihilate . it, Parks says. a~tomobile industry Mr. and Mrs. Howe.ll Pierce on . Another dry June, ' in Park's on a much heavier schedule than' Monday. opinion, :will favor t~ burs and last year is using larger quantities Mrs. H. C. llarve1Y a nd Mrs. A. lead to another heaVy infestation. of wool fabric In up-holstering. L. Harvey called 011 the I.ormer's Chinch bugs bave become more 5. The domestic clip wJll show sister Mrs. Lena Hartsock, Tues- troublesome each year for several considerable reduction this season. day ev.e ning. yea ] s' The purchase- and slaugh~er of . . We were glad to welcome Rev. ' -ol ' - - -._- --._- - sheep in drought. areas by the J. J. an d Mrs. Schaeffer hack to JR 0 U A M L ~E ·T Government and the lack. (if feed dinner On Sunday after a1) absence ' . . . ' . • O~ 0 in many sections of the country of two ,m onths in the welt. CHANG INC MEETING PLACE ' will probably resu lt in fr om 20, Mr. John NickJeslon and Mrs. The m ee~ing place of t he J r. O. 000,0 00 t o 30,00 0,0 00 pounds le88 Louie Settlemne c:,111ed on Mr .. U. A. M. wh ich haa bet,D bl the I. wool t han was produced in 1934. Frances Nickleaon lialt week. 6. The rising price level of all Mr. and ·Mrs. Scott Agno r call- O. O. F. hulldille . wur be trana.commodities sh ould cause wool ed on Mrs. E lla Babb on Monday. lerred to the second story of the . . Mrs. Anna Cad'wallader, Mra. T ownship house. prices to move upward also. An outside atairway t o the r oom 7. Foreign markets have shown Cla1;a Lile were in Xenia t oday. Mr. Orlando Batton, of Selma, i8 being built. a firmer tendency recentq, . with ••• higher prices a nd the da nger of was a buain~8s vlisitor at the competition fr om other countries Home today. is almos~ neglieible. • - - .- - WQRLD'S PI(~ES AREY Roo&aga and ,Shin,)_ are .Dad. Ill. A study of t he wool marke-t over TOTAL .32,80G,OOO of 'Years sbows that prices a perio d the largest individual roo&ac plUlt III . . are l!lwest durin, the shearing ·wadd. Huee production effects lar,e ....... j T he estimated . . ~~ of seall.o n in 8 out of every 9 years. telephones ia' tbe ~Id on The current low offers beinr m4 these are paslled alone III th. form of .... J uly 1, 1934, wu as foUaws: made in. ma nlf sections of the state ijiiiIIkl. ~bat i. wby we can oft.7OU pne...... do not retlect the tr ue value of North America _ 18,370,000 wool on t he bula of today's Phone Cell. Go' Throulh •• South America _ 690,000 ___ for four roofiDc cIoIIar. Europe _ _ 11,400,000 market. Some Improvement In New Carli.1e Each ..... Asia ,_..... _ _ ___ 1,350,000 !>ricea before the shear ing season We-c:aII prow it by oar . . , .. . . . prII& Geh Face Li"-d Africa _ ....._ 270,000 IS wry far advanced ill a Oceania ..... _ .._ . 720,000 distinct poa~ ibUlt1. While calls were Homne throu, b ... Its tdeJ)hone switchboard without a· World Total _~_32.800.000 . hitch, New Caetle'. telephone office On that date, Ohip had over underwent a face liftift,. which al~,OOO telepboael Ie aenice. . Mr. a nd Mn. .Barry IIcDo:uald, moat amounted to tlle conltractioa a hew atructure aTouad tlIf' .,.... of Vandalia, caned OD 111'8. Ella ·of. atmA' quarten. . .. 0IiJi Babb pd IIi.. Clan Llle WedDes The old two-Itory ItrIlcture was da~ .tterDOOD. reduced to ODe, a Dew rool. .diac Th. quarterlF IIlMtiac and a loor were ... Iale·of th. HOllie Boud' IIIet pbone aemce . 011 .....-..11. . . ,'('I'Y


Baccalaureate Sunday Night


H. E. HATHAWAY Dentist

Moderate Cost


T-wlna Tbeater


dis-l RH 5 TU BB ::J'ii.neIzaL 'lJiIu!J::fJJt





We Live Again

-- ...





J. E. McCue

Waynelville, Ohio

and equipment to fill all your need•• Another car good White Pine in.



Change In Management

Having taken over the Waynelville S.ervice Station at Routel 42 and 73, formerly ope,rated by O. R. Unllelby, I cordially invite motori.t. of Wayael" ville and vicinity to vi,it me at thi. Itation.-·-Erwin Ellil.


W. H. M.wen ,I ComPany'


'Mobilgas -- Mobil. and QU'a ker State Oils

Waynesville Service Station




Prop_-----.::. .

',Rodtea42 " 73








--- ..--Friend.' Home New.

R. LwDber, Paint ..cI ·G_




. ."

. ' W.,.........

Eighty-Seventh Year




wHEAT CASH INCOME ~~~ ~t~e;!~t :~bW:n~o~~s~e~!~~ They were $207.48 instead of $152.68. We were Dlisinformed FOR PAST YEAR and at'e glad to make the correc. CWo _ _ a AI.Nt Doubled ,.


The finanCial cpmmitee of the Wayne Township Mothers' . clu h requ~sted U8 to COl'tect an error in

tion . ---,~.

1.34 ~ 1.331 U. S. lacom.



Allo Laraer

Because farmera must May 25, in a national referendum, whether th~y wish to continue a wheat adju-atment program with tho Agricuitural Adju stment AdMiss J essie Clarke spent Friday miniet1'atlon~ Guy W. Mill r, extenaion economist for the Ohio Bnd Saturday in Dayton. State University, offers some Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Ridge visited relative in Middletown, Montlrurea on wheat income. Calh income from farm wheat day. aalee in Ohio rOle fr«;lm '10,619, For Paper Haqging and 000 in 1932, the year before the ing call Fred Everhart, l08R3. preaent program waa begun, ' $16,796,000 In 19113, and to A numbet of Friends .from a dis $18,882,000 in ' 1934, be says. In tance attended Quarterly Meeting addition, farmers -received h re Sunday. , wbeat benefit payments In 1933 amounting to ,964,389, aDd in Dale, daughter of MI'. and MTB 193. received payments totalin, Ralph Linn, has been very Ick $1,609,864. . with quin"y. Although t he, rile in Ohio inMr. and 1\11'8. C. J. Satterthwaite come from wheat'wa. sharper than little daughoor, spent F, nday in the United States &I a ",bole, and in Dayton. owlnr to. favorable crop years for , ' Ohio wheat in the 1933 and 1934 M;r. and Mrs. Jllmes Lovely spent lleason, to~l U. S. wbeat Income T~ur8day evening with fl'i~nd8 in rose 1'0m ,19.4,8(6,000 in th~ ltllddletown. crop year of 1932, to ,267,153, 000 in 1933, according to HiDer'a Mrs. Eliza.McCollum, ot Ox/ol)d, ftprea. EaUmates for 19S., in- W8IJ a supper guest Of Mr. and eludine benefit payments, place Mrs. Ray Mainou8, Saturday. wheat income at '890,000,000. Bendt payments to wlaeat Cl'OW Mr. and Mn. 1. O. Uart"'ri~rbt: eu in the calendar year actually ,of HYde Park, Ci1lcinnati, totaled $18,897,000 in 1988 and Waynesville friends, Saturday. l28,863,OOO in 1984. 9x12 Dome tic .Rugs cleaned E ....n with thiB riae in income; and resized, $2.50. Quick Cleaners ~ MiUe. "Y. "parity" prices, the Kathryn M£'lIdenhall, Manager. goal of the wheat Pl"Oeram of the Ml'· . .Rose DeVoe and son All, ·have not yet been reached. The parit7price for Ohio Irrown Ro'ger, of Xenia, visited Mr. and wbeat} he aaya wall '1,26 jn Ml"I!. Walter Elzey Thursday night March, Farm price waa 88 cents. Joe Hartsock, of Wilmington, is The dUfe1'8llce 88 cents, was only partially ofl'aet ~y the benefit spending a few day!! at the home paymenta to wheat growers who of his uncle, R. H. Hartsock and family. sirned AAA contracta. :Mr. and Mrs. Morris Sherwood of ColumbUS, spent tbe week~nd with relativ in WayneSVille and Spri ng Valley.






The May me Un or theWoman's AUlliliary of St. Mary's Epi copel church was held at. The Little Waltl'r n. t, who has be n very Inn On Friday afternoon with Miss ill, i~ phlc to be out again. Katherine Prend rll'8st as hostess. The meeting was opened by sing MI'. and Mr. J. W. oleman s.pE1'n t Sunday with friends in Cin ing the hymn, "W ork for the Night Is oming," The Rev" Mr. cinnali. . chaeffer con'ducted the devotions. Dl·., L, B. Hall, 'of Pittsburg, Pa. Dtll'ing the bullihess 'ession Ml'S. srJent the \Veek-e\ld with hi ~ L. H,' Gordon announced that the April Thank ofl'el'ing amounted to family. $44.19. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mc lur MI'. HuckwelJ gave an interestwere· in 13 llefontaine on busine s ing ~eport of the Young Churchmen's Rally in hrist Church, DayWednesday. u 5 h' h 16 f t on, on ".ay , w lC 0 our Mr. and Mrs. Henry Achterman youhg people QUended under his wer gu('sts Qf friends in Sharonlender hip. vi !I (0. unday. The f;ollowing p;rogram was then l\II·. and r.hs. William Spl'ay, 01 given : Report of lhe Dayton convo Dayton, were gue ts of Mrs. 't. cation held at Christ church, Xenia, May 7, Mrs. Ronald Hawke B. Bl'annQck last WElek. I'eading, "Domestic Missions Make j'nOn Mainou$. will leave thi Amel'icans," Mrs. Edith Rarris; w,ee k on a motor trip to Wa hing. vocal solo, "Lend Me All the ton, D. . and New 1:'ork City. Way,n Mrs..' M. F. Weltz; reading Raymond J. JefFr Y" ot cleve-l Winford Quillen, of K ntucky, "lIaynyto'Nn," Mrs. Le.e Hawke; land, wiU give tile address lit the was the gU(\st of Mr. and Mt'S. "Our Church in Virginia," Mis! ,· mi~Djonary no·~, M-. commencern~nt exercises to be Ba iI Smith overnig'ht, Satur~ay. Clara LII ..,..", """.0 held in the gym F)'illay even in". . John Gons, Mrs. L. H. Gordon, "7 at 8 o'clock. .. Mrs . _D Iia Venal»)ft~ enteI"-I'nMr . George H-art ock, Mrs. Emma May.:.. . .... ~ If Mr. ole reys, popularly known ed . .lit dInner ' Wedloesday, MI'II . , H. McClure and Miss Emma as the "Yankee Trotter," Jult~ Bel'gan and Mrs. Mary lieighway. gave the commenc~ment address DaVls. ""'An interesting letter from Pine 11 re la t year and hi secend apMountain Mission in Kentucky pearal'lce will, no doubt, ,be gl'eetMr. Hemy Kel'ty and Mr. wa read by ?,{rs. W. S. Scanlan. ed by a large audi>nce. Wood,· ~v Kelly,. Clf Hillsboro, At the conclu~jon of the pro"'h fiftY-Dneon -\ annual reu nl'on SIlent Sunday wltb M iss Faye ) gram a dainty lunch wa !lel'ved to .. ........ Kelly the . of Wayn e ville high school alumni . mem bers an d th e f]1 0 OWIng . t' ill b h Id' th •. S'd' gu ts: Mrs. J. B. Gons, M:rs. M. assocl8 Ion w e e In e gym . . '.ISR ue rane, IS spen 109 }o~. Weltz, and two children, Anne ~a~ul'day evening, May l8. A several days at the home of Mr. d J ' '. plate runch will be sel'vcd at 6 :30 alld MI·s. FOrl'es t o,raham, near an Immle, Rev. J. J. Schaeffer and dancing will begin at 9 Lytle. and Mr. R. Lloyd Rackwell. o'clock. ----The '"ho C ondition of a)\rr. Walter Baker, suffered stroke last

.. - ..

Whole Number 6170



.Mrs.. Lucy MQI'rill W illiaml!()n, 74, died Fl'iday, May 10, at her home- , on the Spring Valier-Centerville 1'oad. Fun 1'81 sCl'vices were held Sunday from .· the r~i­ dence, followed 'by burial in Bellbrook cemetery. 1\11'8. Williamson is urviv d by a daughter, Marie; It sqn, Morris; a sister, Mr . Clara Thomas, near pring Valley, and Re" . . W . C. Smi th Cay. n. a brother, W. Spencel' Morris. AcWre.a; Mutic Furni"" By

---- ....- - -

MI'. Frank and Pupill


' he opening event of c?mme~c.ement wcek took place Sunday night when the baccalapreate ' s~rvice for the class of '35 was held in the school auditorium. .,. To the strains of the processional playeu by the school orchestra, the 1I1rs. May Cook, of Da~ton, spent Sunday at the home of Ml's. D. L. members of the I;lall8 and the Crane and family. facult~ Q1erched to the seata reserved fo1' them. Miss Laura Rosnagle, of Cincin. .rfati, spent the week-end with Dr. The invocation was given by the and Mr • H. E. lIathaway. Rev. J .• J . Schaetl:e;r, rector of St. Mary's Episcopal churcH. After a .Mr. H. E. fokes' condition lS trombone sole by Charles Fires the very much improved and he ill now Rev. O. C. Dibe.rt, pastor of the M. able to drive out to his farm. E. church. read the Shipture For Paper Hanging and Paint- lesson arid Mr. Russell Frank, ing call Fred Everhart, phone music instructor in the schools, 108R3 , a fine rendl'tion of RI'sher'a "Help Me Dear Lord." Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Baird and Rev. W. C. Smith, Minister of daugnter, Patsy, have returned to the Waynesville and Fe "....... L J ewisville, Ind., a-(ter spendi ng Churches of Christ, addressed the several day at their home het:e. class, choosin!;\' {or his t h me sub)f ject, oI0ne-woy Streets';' basing Crani:S:~d i;~~i'~~e K;~~ngeg', OfM~r.; . his remarks ,on the Scripture lesson. ' cinnati, spent the week-end with Following the address the Girl's. . .MI'!!. Maude Crane and daughter, 1 ' c Iub sang two numli en, Annalee.. gee "Salutation" and "Holy Art Thou.' Th \.0 d ·th tb Mr. alld Mr . O. R. Utlglesby ~ !!ervlce c se WI & motored to Manchlil$t~, Wednell- benediction and the r ece-.ional day. where they wiJI spehd se-veral was played by the school orcheatra days with Mr. and Ml's. N. P. Blatt - - - - - ••- - and family.

SAMUEL' MEREDITH PLACES FOR UlHEAT GRAND JURY FINDS ~~r~~k t saiu t~ be slightly im- . CALLED BY DEATH an~r~l' ~O~~a o~i~~in~v:!~e,.~: Braddock, Mr. and Gil/>ert ·T[N ' I NDICIMENIS· Ml'. Winckly and !!on, and Frye, weI' dinn r guest of Mr. ,VOTE OESIGNATEU [; . Mrs. l-fagll'ie Whetsel:l, of LeliaMn and Mrs. Hartley Moss, Sunday.

were $undny guest I of ..MI'. and amuel M,eredith, 75, a formel' Mrs. Vernon Mal nous and two P 0 II'lJ;lg paces I Mr's - h) af Cs A mel!. T ident of community, died ~ ' ., w h er~ w heat Ten Indic.trnen'ts wel'e reported Ti. daughters" Laverne and Patricia, farmers' W t · h h 11'5 . J'osiah Davis and at IS ome in Johnsville, '" ed10 arren coun y may Mr. and by the May term or Warren county WilLianl!! were dinn"r nesdQ.Y afternoon at 2:30, followwill leave Friday for ' Stearnll, Ky., cast their ballots on Satll day, M . Amelia grand jury lat Monday. .. ing a stroke sustained several where they will be the guests of; May 25, On the question of. conFolluwing is a Ii t of those in- ~:~!;it, ~~nd!yr.. nnd frs. Lloyd \,,(Oek ago. Surviving an his wife; Mrs. Mainous' parents and attend tinuing a wheat adju~tment prodicte!) and the charge; two daughters, Miss Anna the graduation of ber brothel'. gram for 1936 and future yearB, Howa'rq YOUng, Roy Dunlap, Walter lark, who batt. been Meredith, of Cincinnati and Mrs. Mrs. ' ClaUde Angle, of Mays. were announced MOllday, MaY '13, Millard BaldWin, William Bell, breaking and entering with intent seriously m, is slo·wly improvin~ Walter Whitllker. Of Wa)fnesviUe ville, Ky., Mi es Betty and Lena by Carl J. MilItr" chai rman of the steal; William Bel) and but is l!till confined to hi bed. As five sons, Samuel and 'Herbert of Angle, of Trenton, Dorothy Hart- county allotment committee. Members 01 the Ipc,;l wheat com Abne.y, stealing a motol' vehicle; oon as his c.ondlti~'r\ wil\ permit Waynesville, J~cob, . of Johnsville, ock an4 Vivian Oglesbee, spent Mr. and Mrs. Mark MurphY, of he will be Temov~~d to .Miami Harry and Harold, pf Lima. Sunday at Middle aun; where an munity ' com~itteefJ will be in Dayton lind Mrs. Julia Qergan Mack Donovan. disnt'l'angi'ng ' and Valley hO pita) 'for furthe,r treat. Short . funeral ervic~8 . will be .all-day basket meeting wa~ held at .pJftl'l!:e of the balloting in each poll destroying l'aill'oad switch lock; were Sunday gue ts ot .Mr. ana All ta~mer8 who now beld at the residence Saturday at the church. John C. Marshall, neglecting ment. Mrs. John Davia. after wbich the body wheat adjustment contracts 12 o'clock . \.0 provide for minor children WatOn Thursda, of lut week the harles " oolIaTd and s.on , Bnd will be brought tp th.e Waynesville Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Runyon, Mr. have been registered as eligible to Mrs. Charles Bateman' , who bas ter cott, rape, also two secret Wayne Townsbip Farmera' club a friend, of Toledo, Geor!!,e Wool- Methodist church wh reo services, and Mrs. Elvis Michael and vote. Other farmers who are wu tnte ed ,at tbe hoapitable been visiting he~ siater, Mrs. 'Mack indictments. No indictments "'eloe lard and family, of Dayton, pent conducted bV Rev. C. S. Grauser, daughter, of 11ft. Holly, Mrs. eligible to sign a wheat contract home of and IIrs. L. E. Davis, has teturned to her horne found against Geol'ge ingleton, Mother' Day with Mrs. Clara of W Ol'thin~on, and Rev. G. C. Dorothy Martin, on antI daughter may establish this t act on the day ill "ynchburg. Cltal'les Singleton, 0»1 y Roach Woo1iard t the hOltle of Mr. and Dibel't will be held at 2 o'clock, Hockett. of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. of the referendum and vote. and Matthias B.r uggraft. The .ue committee conailSted Miami Run yon, Miss Clara Hopkins and The foliowing places will be Mrs. Max }Jolling!lwol·th neal' OreBurial will be in M1's. J. E. Frazier, MiBa Joseof Mn. J. Q. ~D., Mrs. Martha phine Banta, Mrs. Sadie Conner gonia. cemetery. Ray Lawson, were guests of Mack open from 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. on AN APPRECIATION Kou.h, Xl". anel lin. L. V. Brans- and. Mrll. ~erman Surfaoo .w ere J. O. CarbHigh~, trea urer of -~-Davis and family, Sunday evening. Saturday, May 25. trator and the uBual l u.mptuoUI Dayton visitol'll, Monday. ounty Agent'~ office, Lebanon. the Alumni association hao word GRANGE MEETING to . expl'ess my aPPl'ecia; I wish " MI'. and Mrs. EI. E. Stokes had Mayo-r's office, Mason. dh;tner 'W&l aerved. tion and t hanks to. my h :Jen<Js and that George P. James, II member DATE. CHANCED liS their guests Sunday, M~ and Legion hall, Franklin. The meeting' W.. called , to M...!!. FloSsie Cllrey, Mra. ~ffie llhs. CiaI' nce Dunham and son, of TowlI ship house, Waynesville. order and t"be invocation riven Smith, Miaa Lucy Eml y and Mr. patrons of Wayn&!ville Sel'Vice of the clas of 1888, will attend for thClir generous th reunion May 1B, his tlrst ap- ' Due to he alumni meeting Lebanon ;. Mr. and Mrs. John Lem - Township house, Harveysburg. b)' Mn. Silver. Roll caU responBes Cheater Carey visited relatives i.n Station patronage ov t a period of almost peal'ance at a reunion sinee his May 18, FarlJl'el'lJ' Grange No. 18 mon .and two children, of Dayton j Town hall, MaineviUe. .ere cUl'I'ent events and the Dayton, Sqnday. eleven years. class year. It is hoped that Mr. will hold its next. meeting May 25. Mr. and Mr!!. Ernest Hartsock and special topic, "Tbe Evolution of ...--~ incerClly You!'s, James will be g"lr eled by a At this meeting the first and son, Milo, _Mr. and 'Mrs. Herman }(1'11. Ena Folks and Mr. Russell Man', Shelter," was ably handled RURAL ECO~OMIC O. R. UNGLESBY number of hi s former schoo] mates 'second degrees will be confet:red. Surface. .. Ziecler and family Qt Greenfield,. b, lira. White. CLASS TO CLOSE , . The ,lien Bpeaker for the we .... Sunday lUests of Mr. and =_c:====~==========~==~===========_======_~=~ ~==================~================~ aftemoon wu Jlldle Robert Mn. Charle. James. 200 bave been enrolled in Shawhan, of Lebanon, who ch Mr. alid Mr•. W. F. Clark spent the .Toral ('co nomic classes wbich tor hia IUbjee~ "The Biawry of Sunday· n RichlYlond, Ind., the ,v ere held throuchout, Warren Warten Count)'." '. cuesta of their aon-in-law .,nd county durin~ the winter mo~ths. M.... Elbon 18ve an, entertaining dau,bter Mr. ' and Mrll. Paul Cla$sea have been conducted In accC/unt of ber trip w California Flor,; , Waynesville, Harv~ysburg, Bqtler:': , the put winter· and deacribed ville, Maine.ville, Ridgeville and ...eral place~ of interest abe ' M1'o and Mrs. Everett Kenrick, Mason. . ot Oentervllle, Mr. and Mrs. Stanvisited ell "ate, The closing eiaes will be held at Tbe pro.,.m wall interspersed le~ . Bailey and dau,hter, Phyiis, th~ High school auditorium in H ar. with several muaical aelectiona by spent Sunday with Mr_ and Mrs. veYsburg, Monday, May 20, at Mr. a9d KrJ. BocaD. ' E. vi. ROJlkina. g :30 p.. m., when the following D,rc.l!r,AnI will be given: MAY R~~~;;';;:;H, A. Corne)]~ A. F. Mellob, L. C. St. ,,"oiln, E. L. Thomas and C. l'emark_Harold McKay. 'AIIE AS f'oa APR.I L H. Hartsock attended Masonic Trave!ogue--Europe, reel 1. inBPe4iDn at Butlerville, SaturBJ:Jef hi"tOl'y of Maineville Acad. Warren 'c ount,w.. allotted day,t. emy- M-rs. ' Elsie Brown. ,.2',829 In the lUy distribution 01 Poem, " ~aln on the Roof - Ml'i; Mrs. Martha' SeibOld, I,lr. and reliet .funela iil Ohio accordilll' to Mend nhall. CountJ a.lief Director E. Tjler Mra. Ray Younc, and baby, of Travelogue--reel 2. Shough. The apPI."Qprlation la ap- Middletown, and Mra. Adelaide W~eat contl'act discussion-Leater Compton, of Mason, were Waynes, proxhnately the JAme .. that for J . Miller. . '. ville, S,aturday. April. Read}ng-Mrs. Laura Hough. Of the total, f16,886 u for ,direct Travelogue- .reel S. Mr. and Mn. H. D. Ort, ot retief pUrpOseB, '7,0" for Music- Ladies .chorus. Sabina, llyrl John.on .and divjaion purposes, and $900 for the M1'II. 90rll Bahr, of Wil'mington, ' Musie-Mrs. Mounts. . emer,-ncy lICbool pro....m. ' " were gueata of Mra. Ida Stokes ~ta:vel ogue-reel 4. Closing . temarl!s..--:.A. L. Earhart. 111''' Ada Courtney, Sun~~y. An invitation i extended to Mra. Mayme ,Hatfl.eld was in everyone; , ,Intenll,v , ' prepantiona' Dayton aeveral day. last week, asThis work will 'be 1'esumed in the belnW . made by th. · •. v,..... _. statin, ill the care()f her' fa ll in li'ER(\. funds are available. Churchmen of St. MarTa,in-Iaw, Mn. Wal~el' Hatfield, who .... youth orPniutioD oJ S~ :~'l'eCl a severe attack .o f tonsUiSHOWER AND BRIDeE Epiacopal Clbllreh for the prieelltaCIVEN FOt( BRIDE ELECT tiOIl, .,J_n. 6, of a pia,. Mr. and Mrs. ' F. C. Hartaock and family ot MiUold, and Mr. ;'Spooky TaTun." lIembln of tbe caR, compoaecl and Mn. itonald Hawke and IOn Mrs. E. F. Deppe was bOBtealat a kitchen shower aDd bri• • of memben of the new ol'lrulA-1 Frank were Sanday P(!8ta of tion are hard at work . 0" lira. Edith Barrt. and IIr. Ra..?i,., Thursd.BY night, honoriDc liill lncllviclul parts, a'lld an Moabit'. Lllfilla Williamson whose mar~. tUnl. . prfttntatto. tMt will to Mr, I. O. Brown will be an ,8nr Jaterett tIIrou",oat, 1Ir. aDd Mn. OrriDe J.Gray and event 01 Saturd;.y monUlIIo . ., c1aUl'h~t. .... B..,hara, llOmiald 18. P The pi.,. will .. &'iftn at ·th. cihlQer p..tli of 1Ir. Gray'a mother Followinl the p i l l - cWa", nfrelhmentf w.. to " tab aDd :; followina.lru..u: ~~III'lII!!"ll . . . .~ _ .. 11.; 8qDclq. A.





Wayne Townshi

Commencement to Be Event of F .

---_.- _---


~b"l :~:..

~=~::. ~s:



,.._______________________-.1 pay

John J. Barr,



Miami Univel'llty 011 May 4. The l Larrick. pay rflll. $118.90 Juhnson K¥er , • place held by Warren county I pay roll. $111.70; Bltl40re pay chool. are all follow!': Teache... roll. '105.60; V. M. Armitait'. Engli h I- Harveysburg- tied for The teucher. pay roll, '97.20: .lohn Mye1'8 , pay sC(\ond plac(> and receiv Ii fOll rth 1'(Iwnllhip roll, U67.80; L. G. AndcMlona Ellitell by the Bo st~r lub of Wayncsvill High School me ting On plllce. SOOli Co., lumber, ,1.01i; Zain English n.-Kings Mill h s last we k. Mr. Brown was in Amlitage, sand Ilnd gravel, '311.~ FRANK HAWKE . second place and Waynesville 6111. hurg of the diReus~ion group. F. onl 1/, decca ed, fiied their In- 82; The incinnati Oil Worlul 00., <:ECIL HARTMAN Com mOil PI ... Proc:_clill•• gasoline ']8.46: Clayton Clark, ventory. Latin I - Waynesville tenth Th topie ofonthea ·establish. ing timely nd cnrl'yinVo complete - - - , - , - . ,. plac locust pOllts, ,27; Welch &: Dakin Th estate of A non A.. l\!nrshall, Tbe Case 01 Th('o Commercial Infrc,..hmen ponSorer, Mr. Brown. Latin 1I- (orrow tied for ext,rn-c,urricuhll' pr gl'lIm WIl dis- vestment. Trust Co. versu Thoma8 d c as('d, i ex mpt froll) inherit- supplies, $1.66; Smith's Service" Field Meet ____ seventh. cu .ed. peakers were lIfr. ;Frank, Tb ompso n is di9miRSed. ance tax. L. M. H odenoll, admin taUon, tires and tube..s, kero· i Ph""'ic~--KI'n 1I1i. Dny, h. Drilddock, 1. BoTht'! fil'$t annual hio-X,en· Sporllm ...... bip B ..otherhood Meet, ln the case of Clarence Stephen irator, filed hi application for a s ne, Ira oline, $139.64: J. D. J~ . r Mill:! had tenth d b cI . ' 11> bbi d M' Adams Co., blad with bolts, $25. tu k fl ltl and lra k III 't w s The portsmanship BroUierhOod place. en en cr. 'I) S ~"o 118 an I S scm vel'!\US Harold St phcnson, et certificate of transfer. mith. nnouncemenls of the clos Gilbert Frye w~ appointed ad- 80; Henry Ludington, gasoline, 1\ Id Ilt liami nivel' ity on Fj'i- held ,itl' final me<.'ting of the year aI, confirmation, de d and distribu Aigebra-King~ Mills tied ior ing activitIes of: the school year ministrator of th utattl of Sara)l $2.0 3; GroBII Service Statjon. ~aso day ~nd , .. turd~I}' of hlst w<', k. tion. last \ dnelldl1Y evening-. The ixth place. wel'e given by MJr. Lotz. Buttcl·worth. deooas d, and filed line, $83,60; S. 1<. Pierce, agent, lendal and W at tilton tied l or pr ident, Marvin Fox, presided at In 1'e Harveysbut'g National ,,. the cln B tItle; D yion Roo o eVl'1t the bu ine s lIes:ion. Following the Bank of Harveysburg, petition bond of $7000 wit.h unti $ . J. L. ~ASoli no, $66.$2; J. K. Spencer, yyorld History- Mol-row rcceiv· ---I'eading of the minut s of the last ed ~fUi and Ot~rbein eighth. W,ayne Town.',ip Elementary g l'snted as to flxing date of h~t1r­ Mcndeholl. M. A. COl'nell and . wood fot court hous , ,7: won the cia s A In ct. R. Uoglesby wete appointed ap· French I.- Kings Mills had SpelJinw Cont... t illg for May 13, 1935. • ayne ville and Kings Mill 01 eting, lIIr. Frank led th Reli.f Bm, In the CDse of Mary A. Day vel' praisers. . The- Wayne T'ownship elemen· . re the only Wart n county nH'mbel's in a 1I0ng. Ellen Guy fourth place. arah E. W Ish, administratrix WUJial11 CuI man, food, $26; Franklin National Bank. a su The Chemistry-S~ond place went tary sp IJing c ",test was held scn ools laking IIrt. FUllrth 'Place gave a reading on "What the Tuesday night, May 7, in tb gynl corp., the defendant is granted of the estat of Edna G. Welsh, de Kroger Grocery &: B(1king Co., \' nt to the latt I' ~nd clev nth to Sp ort l1l11an hip Brotherhood means ,to King1! Mills. General Sci nce--Morrow beld The conwst was <livided into two loave to file demuneT and motion. ella ed, filed her supplement to fOl)d, $4; Charles Mount, food, to Waynesville Higb chool." New l'l e lormer. $15.66: ~orrow Lumber Co., fu I ' groups. The first group consisted In the case of Bertha May Purdy first ~nd final account. Eldon Ellis again lIon honor for oftic~rs were announced for the eventh place. Emil A. Juterbock, executor of $4.50 i Office Outfitters, admin., Wayn vBl by taking lhird pIa e C()mlOg year. Vincent Griffy is In '''e county ratl'n"'" Haml'lto n of grad~ four, live and six. The ersus Leslie E. Purdy, ervice by It d . i "" ,.w, sel;ond group c Insisted ()f the publication i ord red fOl' d fen· the estate or Carrie M• .tu.terbock, exp., '120.15; G. R. Rossmall, " in b(ltli the one hundred )'ord dash t h e n wl y-e e,c pres dent. and county h Id flrs~ plnee and 'eventh and (!igl'lth jp·ades. The dant. dec !lsed, flied his inventory. In 0., household necessities, $85; Pl'. and the two llundred twenty YlU'd Frances ]'0)111 w~s re.e lected Montgomery second. win ners were as follows: In the ca e of The Virgilllnn r I·e tate of Carrie M. Jilterbock, John Zettel, glas!les, $49; J. H. dash. secretl\ry. The presIdent-elect was county came Blxth. for the ex· J(ltnt Stock Land Bank of Charles ~ea ed, trander of l' III ef!tate is Ken<lricks, food, $12; Kroger called upon .for .'1 lew remarks. ~mpted vi!nlge schools, Hillsboro FOllrth g ra.d e--Helen J;Iisey. ton, a corporatiQn. versus Huton order d. The executrix Illed his Grocery &: Baking Co •• food. $13 First Annual Seaior Day Friday One of the hlgh· \rfhts 01 the beld first pLace and Wyoming Finh grade-LYle Pox. Sc'hilling's, Groo I"Y, lood, $6, Kindred, et al, ordere of ale cor- first and final ' account. gram was the radio-dramatization second. Of the city schools DaySixth gradeRuth Connel'. Th first annual ~enior day ex~r Emest Buttenvorth, widower of Wund Dry Goods Co., clothing, rectedby jnterJining. Also deed. ton Steele received fint pla~e and eye nth 'g radearol Luding. cl es will be held Frida)' morning of "Anne- of Green Gables." The ea of Albert L. Ertel ver Stllll(l Butterworth, elect d 10 • SO; Elmer Colli", food, '3: ton. in the ·gym, at ten.thlrty. ,Mr. Gal'st annollnced the election Dayton Stivers seeond place Zeigpr's Gen ral Store, food, 'OJ sis Charles O. Sexton is dismis8ed take under the will. of five boys and five girls as repre. Eighth grade--Elizab th Hoblit flarvey r ten, pre ideal of the H. E. M Vey, food, ,6. In the l'lIatter of th Little Miami sl\ntative sportsmen f or the Crad'. New. Lyle Fol.(, a pupil in the nfth class. will preside. Marir... Lic:«n,., ' grade wa winner of the junior River Conservancy District, case Th follOWing program will be current school year. Those receiv. continued. Swl_C..a .. ini' the covet d honor were: David The county tuberculosj~ associa. gl'oup and a contestant in the given: Allon~a Aratull. promoter 01 enIn the case of: Edith M. Johnson Boger, Frank Hawke, Marvin Fox tion is awarding a medal to the senior gl·OUp. Cia. s poem-Evelyn Pel; rs_ terpris 8, CincinT)ati an4 Miss BeSudan gr ss growa too densely Vjncent Griffy, Earl Conner. person in each school display-ing nrol Ludingt,~n was awarded versus Roger 'Johnlion j service by atrice Engel, cliool teacher, of lass history- Mae TreadwlloY. to be atillfaetory companion crop pll blication' is to be made tor deBetty Hartsock. Frances Ellis, the most knowledge on th ItistOl'y first plac, :ElIizabeth Hoblit Olass prophecy--J'uanita - BrnnLoveland. for new seedings, according to the Barbara Gray, R\1th 'aJisbury ond 'and progre of tuberculosis eOD- second place. and Evelyn Joh~s fendant. nock. a8'l'Onolny departm~nt of the O. Beulah Bernard. trol. An examination was given third place. Dedication ceremo"y. S. U. \'dr. Lotz pre ented a trophy t~ last Thursday in which Jean Baker The e three giirls will compete N_ SlIita Red E.tate CIa s will-Ruth Pennington. Coach Bo~enbender, in recognition made the highest grade in the fifth in the Warren county matches on The People's Building Loan &: Chat'les SeyR'er to Anne Seyffer P1'Om.otaon ceremony-Conducted of hi work with the team that grade, Frieda Ellis in the ixth Mill' 13. . avlngs Co. versu George D. Vail real esta,t in Hamilton township. by the clasa·pre8ldent. U.. and Edna Vail, for money, lorel\lary ,J . r igbton and Charles won the eo~hampion hip 01 the grade, Anna Watkins in the sev· Jllnio1' response-Donald Foulks South-westem District baSKetball enth grade, Evelyn Johns in lbe closure of mortgage, sale of real H. l'eigbtcln to Th Miamisburg THE MIAMI GAnTT. Mu ic. both vocal and in8trumental tournam nt. eighth grade. estate and equitable relief. Building and Loan A sociation, ini bing j)lanneq by the comFOR RESULTS After the remarks !rom the reThe medal goes to Frieda Ellis ___ mount claimed ,3105.20 and in· lot No. 62' in Franklin. mittee 1\'1 charge. . tiring president, the meeting was wih a grade of 92 JA. %. Other high h . nnd Mrs_ Gle nn Davis and I: st. lara ' B. Jones to Jessie 0 . Par nts and friends are cordially turned over to the entertainment ranking tudents are: s.on, Robert, Geol'gll W . Davis. Mr. Bertha Mae Purdy versus ~"'.'I~'IIThompsol\, inlots Nos 243 and 244 invited to be present. commitoo.e for contests and re- F ' Alton A . BTl J Lee E. Purdy Char'" Id 8 Earnhart 87 J,i % : Opal lin d 'r JJ rs. . it mage.. • for divorce . . . e is in Lebanon. . h F ....IQ_Se.ior Tea Ie 8 2 %, lean Baker 80'1< ; 'l'almaA'e and Mi!ss Jessie L. Gar- grOB neglect of duty. Harold E. Chambel'lin and Flor 1re ments. . The annual t~a given by the -Henrietta Pennington 80 ~, ne r, Mr. and Mrs.. K. E. Thompson A. W. Pri~ versus ' H. C. Ertel eze Chamberll!oin to , Oliver Ohain· guls of the freshmen clas in Fiftl. Crade Set!tion i. Frances John s SO 7n,' and Ly1e Kathleen Thompson, Mrs., Mable and W. H. Jackson for money only bedin, real estate in Frllnkll'1l . . hobor of the girls in the senior Honor rOil, sixth term! Fox 80%. • Terry and W. H. Terry of this Louise LeWis HinllCh verSUB L. J Henry Emil D ckebach, de~sed cla$!! was held last Friday afterWilda Mae Achterman, Jeanne place attended the funeral On Fri A,pking, for money on pI'omissory to Aulalj/l A. Deckebaoh, real es· Senior Litera,.,'in~ day of Mrs. Emfl~a Cleaver Wolfe note. Amount claimed ,'196.19 and tate in L banon. noon. The affair 'Wa in the nature Baker. Bettie Davis, Lyle Fox, of a lawn tea. The program includ. and Helen GOJ'l . The Senior literary society wife of :Mr. J. W. Wolf'e who died interest. The Pe~ple'!I 'Building Loa~ a.nd ed a welcome address by Jean Pen Perfect atten<knce fol' whole itll flnal meeting Thnrsday, April at h r Mme in Wilmington. She The Loveland Mutual Building Savings Co. to Carrie Vorhes, 2 ninlton, the respon e from Mary /loh.ool year: Betty Lou ArthUT, 2~. After a very . brief business wa born and ransed at this place. aud Loan Co. versus ~ay Gra"'m 06 acres In Ft'ankHn township. Allen, a ehort talk by Mias Edith Bergan. Junior Ga ey, Doris dIScussion concerrung the matters Emma was an ~'wn eousin of K. et al. tor money, forecloBlU'e. Eudora Whitak"r, dooeased, to R&T FOR AND CONSIGN Robbins. and announcements by ,Fires,. Clift'ord Gray and Max Hay Telative to. closing the school year, E. ThompBon. Interment was made marshalling of liens, co til, etc. Lt!-wis H. Whitaker, inlots No , 64 Mr. LotI: and Mr. Hattleld. The Cl.em,.tr,. Studel'ltl Vi,it Alrmco the followmg prorram was pre. in the Miami C.emetel·Y. The beWillard Bowman versus Vebna and 65 in Mason. - ,our Cattle, bOp, IllH'p aDd eal,,!! Norri ...Brock (Jo., lift """ ... former acknowledged the awardThe chemistry and physics sented: . reaved family hllve the sympathy Bowman, for divorce. Charge is Mamie Fanning ct aI, to Lloyd to prope..lve ftrm hr tJt. Ia....... ing of honorable mention to Ruth students and teachers, along w,th Current event~Noah Newman of all. gross neglect. . and Irma COlliver, real estate In market prle,. BJid cood ..nice. PenningtOn; a member 01 the Miss Smith and Mr. and Mrs. and Ruth Pennington. . Glenn P.Jl~ George Davis lost Edith H. Johnson versus Roger Salem towriship. Ullio. Sh'ck Y.nI,' CI..I._U.o. senior class, fol' the ' ,essay sllb- Garst, visit4!d the American Ronnramatic re~dinCr-Betty one of their beal" work horsell one- Johnson, for divorce, Charge is Be ie Snell to Clara B. Shell I'une In on Radio StatiOD 12 :215 to 12 :80 p. m. for oar ...a, mlted to. tbe magazine, "Scholastic ing Mlll the evening of May 9. sock and Juanita Brannock. day la~ week. gross heglect of duty. Jones, inlot No.9 in Lebanon, The latter read the names of the The group of twenty-nine left BiographY- Marvin. Fox ,and Gustin, the poultry ma The Mutual Building and Loan Anna A. Mar hall ,deceased, to market raportl. seniors ranking highest il1 scholar: Waynesville at 6 :46 p_ m. and pro- Frank Hawke. , from Waynesville, was here, on C~mpany versus Phillip Gaines William S. Marshall, et al real es ship for the four yeaTB of bigh ' to Middletown in caJ:B. On Oral Peters Friday buying eirgs and poultry. , and Amelia Gain for money fore tate in Wayn4lllville.' sehpol. Frank Hawke will be anlval the classes were divided and John Sears. The cottage pr~lyer meeting, hel clOSUre and equitable relief. ' Tbomas C. Christie to The Leb-anon -Citizen" National Balik. valedictorian a~ the graduating into two group with a mill em. 1 Essay - Mae Treadway and On ~ast Thursda.y evening at the exercises and Betty Hartsq<:k )\'ill ployee as official gujde. It took ap_ 1 Jane Cook. . . home of K. E. Thompson and Probate CDUrt 30.76 acres in Turtlecreek town· be salutatorian. proximately three hours . to go Debate--AJbert. Hawke, James family, was la1"g:ely attended. Alice Olark, administratrix pi hip, The tea was attended by the -through the Milis. Sheeta, Norman Meredith and Mr . Lucy A. Moore who has tile estate ot Charles T. Clal'k, de. The Lebanon·Citizens NatiQlIal sch()ol Eldon E)U • been confined tc) the h()spital for ceased, filed her inVentory. Bank to Ohades . and Oma L. girls from both of the classes and br' Miss Miss Sc:holar.Lip T.,t. The total IIcore8 fo'!' the respect quite a while 18 improving as well The adjudication and determina· Irwin, 30.76 acre in TUl'tlecnek _~ The Southwelltel\t). Ohio district lve sides are A-150 points ' as could be e¥p.~cted. tion of the inheritallce tax on the townsh


School High Spots

...-.--u---...-,- -.. -------.. .---4

---- --,- --

Beech Grove







F. T. Martin Auctlon•• r

~h~afthlpoontedsw~ehdd~-16~We.qv~y~ny ~~,~~m~~~~~~r~~, J




44 Years ' Of Service

Cary's Jewelry Shop Lebanon, Ohio '~

You Ma,. ChooH With Utmo,t CODlid_u


Diamonda-Watches-Jewelry-Silverware . For tLe Cr.d1la'e, Show... Or Wedd". Cif.

Expert Watch R.pairing lind Engravinl

"7he Home 'oF'GiFts" Stor. op_ ' ~:30 a. m. to 9 p_ m.


scbool doesAn'ot time and rence"' Jacobs, Dc;na, Misses Oliver Minnie .Tscobs losing side ,to entertain daughter 'f or theschedule the winning 'side. B, ~t a pic:nlc or Jacobs. Edna Ooon, Kathleen Thompson Sarall Marie J.'airchild, a party. Opal McGrath" Ruth Polson, Juaior Literary N.... , Eugent McGrath, FTeeman MilThe Juniors' last literary pro- lard, Mr. alld Mrs. Fred Fairchild gra~ was a grand success, for tile were amoog thOse who attended members on the program were in- the Massie township senior c.las spire~ by the mention of a party, play. "Crasbing Society," on last , to be given to the ",inlling side, Tuet!day evening at the gym. in by the loser, at the sehoo1 gym. , ~arveyshurg. Thebu8in~ 9f their la~;t meet- , Mr. ~nd Mrs. Chester 'Hoagland .Ing was' in charge of the officers and children 0,1 ~e~r Dayton., 0., of Group A. The program ' was as caJ\~d on K. E. Thompson and follows: family Sunday evening. C\lrrent eventa--Barb&ra Gra P. G. , ~ells aXld, . famiJr and Jean Furnas y Robert MountjOy and famIly, Otis Papt:1'- Phyllia Colle:tte and Rich. Forest Tibbals, X.E. Irene Peters. Thompson, Ka~bl.een Thompson, , Familiar essay _ Mar Burton and Albert l\loul1tJoy, were a,!"ong and Edna Mae Staup. Y. thOSe. who attended ~he foo~W881a , Essay-Marjorie Earnhart and meetIng at .ClarksVIlle on last Donald Foulks . Sunday evenmg. Debate _ EiUen G J Green Bria~ :-:Ias welll'epresent-

ttl be, giVen to all persons 'intere' ted. The estate of C. W. ' Snell de. ceased, ' is exempt from inheritance tax. The following aceounts were approved, ll110wed and confi1'med by the court. Edward S. BretneYI guardian of Tobias Bretney, incompetent Florence E: Gibbons and Frank H Mount. admini trlltors of the eatate of Edward W. ' Mount. de· cased. First and 'd nal. . ' Francis Sellers, adm.iniBtrator, of th estllte of Jllmes A. Beel, 4e. ceased. First and 1Inal. ' W. C. Manning, guardian ot Calvin Keenan, incompetent. Fourth and final. , C_ C. Eulase, administrator of th.e estate of Ray Starry, deceased FIl'St. George E. Young was appointed ~xecutor of the estate of Ma.rgaret



Ohamberlain real e tateand in Franklin. Carrie M. Juterbock, deceased, E'tnil A. Juterbock, 181 aCl'es in Hamilton township. Seely K. and Mary W. StephenSOn ~ Allen and Harriet E. Hu«man, Intot No. 126 in banon.










S~A~L ' A













til. ION aad


. . . ".. appo&a,


Stanley &KootkL_

,1 '0

day evemng callers of Mis8 Kath- ceased.' f}led 'h is inventol'l'. leen Thompson. ~n the matter o~ the eata~ of .. • W.tllia!" L. Graham, deceased, distrlbutlOn of wets ill ordered. ' In the matter of the pardianof Otto HarUelter, an incom,additional eompeoaation is _ . the ~ardi~a fo!;' e.tuord1nary services. ___ The inventol')' of Edith A. MUll, , ger, exe~utriX o,f the. estate, of Hal' The 1985 mE~mbershi., goal of vey Muneer. d~eaaed. :was apo the Ohio Farm ]3tar~a~ is being ap prove~. . ' -.. proached with only 'four months of W. S. Graham, admlJliatr,tor of the year elapsed. Mor. than tb~ elltate of Emma E. Jaune7. twenbty thousand fanners are now ceue~, tlle~ b_is Aqt, Anal and mem ers of the organi~l!tion, ac- tribl?tive account. , cordin; to a statanent made by the B~rt C. HartllOck, administl'ator president. Perry L. Green of ot tne estate of A\idah A. HartColumbus. ·,~ , sock, ?ece.ue.d, tlk! tlrst. "This rapid jlll,crease is not and dISt':Ihut Ive aecou,n t. . , , tesu It of necessity ' I)utis the The WIll 0 f Graee Ha,,--'ton • d. e, na t ura I, consequ~lDce of a vi8uaUza ce~~e,d, was ,filed in probate. ' tion of a happier' fatm life throulh ,LIfrs. Dol'. Curra~, Kings, Mills, cooperative ~trotrt;" /8aid . 'Green , Was app~inted a , ~e~ber of ' ,t he "These membel'lship dpTe! fore- bOard of county VlIJitora to lIeI'V6 cast .n a~proacbing era of ~rrieri,- for 011e ,),eal', the unexpired t,rm can agr~cultur~l . that 'W~1l be ot MID M.le Runfaa. Het"schel N. c~aracter1Zed .bl~ the pooltng of Bunnell. Lebanon, and Mra. Mil:I:;t-C:lrra~~,\ ~fJodttlO~f. bell, dred iN. James, Lebanon, were restan~:rd ~e~lvii;1f ;:r ~ha ~ appo nted members to serve th~ . , e years. ~eoPle. Coopera'pva eonllCioullneu The estate of ~ete Dill, deas. begun to .be reallty, but the ceased, is exempt from illheritance uitlmate is aUD , re,moved. Pro~ tax. g~ess can be at the belill~ , Charlea J. Wanoller, trUlltee of nmg by eooperativ. the 48tate of Robert MeCluDI, de1ck!a18, but now ate numlr- ceased, lUad hill Mth ael ftul oua advatare8 vel')' ap. aeeOQllt. parent a~d aboul' WIIUam B. Aleander waa AI»~z::., rapldl, t aclndlliatrator fIIf the Mtat. o Bertha)la,..-. _ _d. IIIICl fthd bood of fIOOQ Witll tare ot t .... a. C. KIto...... Wuu,m ...




Everett Jone8" administrator of services, $7.50 ,; Mt. Jaitles Moore

]\fisses Minnie ;Jacobs, Edna (Joon

Phone 71J


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~;andDo~~e~~· w~~~~e~~~~~Ek~~~~~$6;~O~O~~ Wl


Centerville, Ohio

Bill. Allowed ' Ohio Central Tel phone Corp., telephone . rent vario\lS offices 'IOTARY PUBLIC ,56.50; Ohio Central Telephon~ Corp., tolls, various offices, '$SO Natl_al ~ 30; Kaufman'II, c;loths, Un(lleums ppliJlh, varnish, $6.44; Tru&ie!lB B...... hit... Public Affairs, ,lignt court h-oul\e _ ... 'V' . . .r.~I1''' ' OHIO "Jj4.76; Trust~ of Public Af-l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fair, light and gas at jail, $27.54; PO. 1M.!: DATU CAlL The Lebanon Farme:rs"CO'-op. Co .. coal for court houlle, $13 j , Dr. M. Brown, medi~1 service $35 . Dr. S. S~rling Stahl medi~1 1If!~ ices, ,'l8; Helen' Dougbm_n, enjeee" $7: Mrs. How'a M Saw-

..rwon an ~Ruth Ing. of $1000 'tb suretIes. t'"n, servIces, $5: Maud~ ' , Deardoff §~~~;;~~~~~~;;;;~~~;~~;;;;~~K~e:ll:n;e;r~C~e;c~"~n~~:r:_:_~Q~'~:, o~h~n~~~~~lle~t$~dQ~~W~~~~~~~Udfi~b~d~~"~C~$7; · • . ba~~ ! '


. 'Auctioneer. ,


JESSE IT~LaY ..... aao, N." 8 ........... .



services, $10; Mrs. Elmer ' services, $5; Mrs. 'w. C. Robelrts, EARL ICO()OI •• services, $5; Burroughs Dqt_P.... Machine Co., ribbon foi ItE. ._ .... machin.e, $1; Columbus Mfa· Co., 20 brewer's wort 01' ===~~~~~~=~~== malt Ji~n8e8 and aplllica'tion8 $2' W. H. Ande1'll0n Co., Wh~rto~ Criminal . ~vidence" proseeutintr . attotney, $8.60; The .columbu. ......._!-~~'~"'!!'_ _.. .'~ Blank. ;Book ~tg. , Co., ' land ap)1'0praitlal Manks forsheritf.,12.60; -~---,-...:.....:.. .:.:"'~-:.:::;::=---~William Hufford. w8'hing ' for FOR SALE-F ' prisoners. " U8.93; Dr. , A. D. resh 'Lard. C. E • . Ha~ey, > ~e~ieal . services" ,ao; Miehener, Tel. 567!t-21. tf Relf s Eleetnc SbQP, lamps and FOR SALE-Ca~bate plante. E. labor _for IIherUr, $1.80. Mrs. W. Hopkins. Della Hufford, f~ed~ng pn80nere, $U8; fisher Auto RepaIr las tor FOR RENT-Blue era" p..tuJ'e, 8heriff,, $.98; , Waites' • G.·'ra~A runninc "a~er. J. P. Thom... Iab qr on Oldsmo»i\e and "lo~e .,v, FOR SAL"'B1.oo-'- Hawk'e ' Corn f or 'II h ' . ' scar, $1.40; The- ..,D yerh\ Flanter, &:otalso .~""' ... G d Lue''; ' ton Btueprlnt COl ' blue prints, seed ~o.a>Aes ABODille ..... 010 Il 3 "'. ,2.25; TM GeD) City Blue 'Print," ' ''' ....... . . nO,e, • Supply 'Po., profile cloth, tract ' " 6-18' paper, prin~ ,81:1'6 ' Dr. H ':~l'J' FOR SALE-~ancy Hall Earl Williams, iriCJ~elt, ,ii.90; , LiJi~ Golden, Po~' RiCO, Yeno. Jene: Cavolt, ~rrodeous issuance ' of and Whit', Bra.ilIan S"••t Potata v~lldor's lIcense No. 8300856 ,I' and all klncia of rarden plata AU Lebanon-Citizenll National Babk potatoes 8& elJlb per hundred or service eharge On collection ot t~e hundred. for fl.00, 1~ coupon. and bonds, 90~ S 1 m.tlel north of Wa71l..n1le .. Stennll POlt, G. A. R. iIemoli:l F.1'1')' Road. StroUIe Brothe" Day allowanee, $2&;0 Jlalph p R. a. e&-so Snook Post, Memorial Day allo : ' ance. UIi; Fred ' B. Craver PZt P~B SALE-A Idcl 1lD. of Ha Oamp No. 116' Kemorial Da all atatloa.." 14 ab.....d ..... owanee .~&. Harry Z G y , VIIO", 1ft 1101 81aQW>o.... 1. for Apttl. olllce • '5~&JX.~ Ih... ad l ' 41IYtl.,.tu 10 Horn, reJit lor A rU' NBS . . . . . , waxed ,.,., .......... $10; TIM Boo., Sb~p,' peuDa,0 ~ ~!", at a.•• t.. .ruen tor.8 otlee Dnid _I_:Z": 80: _ t •









• ",...0

v_" pa,., ........

c hlnt'h bur population. JUll" by repeatedly loolleninat alld IiWng tht' Jllant~ an(1 breaking 01' mutilat hnWl'V4!r, ""uld t'avClr natur.l 'con, ing th('il' nlots. Rains in .Ioy arl' IIXII!: till! tu hill f)f th .. J'Iest~, Jl~cordlnl to enA impl!.' Jnl'l:hanicul m(lall' or ha,!! litH£, '[C(' on th· hUKe tomologi~tll. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY diSlloura~In~ the- moles ellIt is a bill' task to handle and tnbli!Ohing re\fular ruuway lIi. month' rectly beneath rows of 11lanL'I ot D. L CIlAM.E t I SIIIt.crlptl•• Prl", '1.10 a V.... cenSOr ev n a aingl 0... PIIoa. .. ,.......... ...... ".N.. 111 Enteroel at"la. at .,.,a,.I1.0.1- volume of mall a~ Ohio penitcn- Willard Say. Deep Ro<)te d Planb freshly SOwn rOW5 ()f se('d~ is to Il...... C. .. · ..... , .............. , .. N •• 11. vllle. ' Obio. a.Matter iil.c"qd Ola .. "all tiary. aecording to a r port on force down at frequent intervals Gro", Stroaal:y After into the soil, ,omew hat deeper and mail made for April to Warden r James O. Woodard. During the crosswise of the burrows, pieces Dry Soa.on thi ty-day April period, 13.062 inof old slate rooling approximately MAY 16, 1936 and 7.503 outgoing lettel' • 6 x 6 inch eR in size. These may come =--as well as seventy-five packages, It i. going til be a good year for be driven clown flush with the surfile f the soil by means of a were handled by the mall depart- alfalfa-lind uuada thistles. m ~t at .the venal in~titu.tion. The Thia ie h prwittic'n of C. J. heavy hammer. Valuable Individ?emt ntla~'Y population IS 4, 000 Willard, I>rO£\) 1\501' oI aigTonomy at uol lllants or small groups of Fo, months pa~t there have been evidences of a strong teeling 10 mates. lhe Ohio 'tate niver lity, lie ex- plant.s may be enth'ely circled by again/lt a "planned ecol\omy" under our Government. Many ",ho w(!r~ pIli in : . uch .barriet· , to stop mole opel'a~ blitbely·fQ!;, the new IV tem two years ago ~nd a yeaI;' ago are noweagcr State ISuperintendent of Banks Ludie. or plant rout indicate tions. 'mall sections of metal to get rid ,o f large parts of it. Hence the National Recovery Act in the Samuel H. 'quire announeed Is t I.ha!; in dry season de p-l'ooted roofi ng or heavy wire screen may way of being "revi.,ed"· out of an l' cognition. Hence Lhe wholesale week that the Liberty Banking o. pI n lik e alfalfa amI anada be l!ubsiitued 10~' the late, but abandonment of industrial "codes." the striking out everywhere for of Fr mont has be n Iicen~d to thl ·tl 's stor' in th i1' root much these Cllnnot be dl'iven inlo the greater freedom in business and in the common life. ppen and that the haron en ter larger quantilic of reserv.e- foods gro und. They must be inse rted at All lhi/l is, of cours,. denounced by some as th h eight of reaction Banking o. of hal'on enter has·ch, ugar and protein right angle to the burrows, sry sel6l!hness. They picture captains of industry and leader in th been LUKen pos ession of to ex- than in II. nOl'mlll o~ wet season. directly crosswise of the latt 1', by financial world as eagel" to win back lit least a portlon of th ir old pediate r -opening. Th reiol • following a dry year. fint thr.usting down a flat spade or Uberty to exploit and plunder th people . . Doubtles ther is somet.hes plants grow vigc,rously." large garden trawl t,o form the thing of that in it. Old habits I\l'e not easi~y broken. But there is NQ water fol' firo pJ:otection He add, "This is fine 'when it is openings. every Bign that the movement. away from extreme r gulation is J'ea1ly looms for !QUI' Ohio municipalities alfalf\l. ' but we don't like it so well There al'e everal other means of II movement of th hUman spirit toward freedom of thought and actioll as the re!;ult of an action bl'ought when it is anada thi. U~." preventing mole injury; for exThe Amerjcan peopJ'e have been sampling the new order and have de- by the Ohio Water Service o. beMethod" of eradicating Ilnada ample, the num rous mechanical cided t~t the old was better, at any rate, in the play find fore the Public Utilities Commis- I' tl cl· d t b t steel traps on the market, the , t lIS os are ;Slgne () ex aus pOI'nonous bal'to wh·l·ch are Bold 8COp~ which It gave to individual talent and personal endeavor. 810n to al?andon sel'vlce to the four the I'C rve food m.aterials in the .. Tho e are too precious to b acriflccd even under so<:iall~ed or cities which. it is alleged, have 1'0 tB. Profes or Wilfal'd oullnell a u.nder various trade names. and, nationalized scheme!! 01 government. It may be, as many are saying, failed to pay water bills for fil'e gOOd mcthod. flna.lIy. th e vile smelling repellants that the day of. building up great fortune. out of the skilled organiza- protection. The ciLie named are ."Ill good growing weather in Ilesl~ed to persuade dogs. cats, tion of natllral resources or 01 unused 'o pportunities 18 past. But we Massillon, Washington C. n .• , April and .May, a rapidly growing rabbits. etc .• to, stay away tram must still have our pion elB and inventive geniuse'l to whom the doors Cil'e1~vjJle and Mal'y ville which l>atch of thistles u es large trees and plants. should be loft open, This applies not merely to the creation of wealth. owe, according to claims, $108,000 amounts of stored food in the - _.---.- - It covers all ihe activities of the human spirit., III literature and $30.000. $]2,000 and $17,000, root to pI'oduce top I~owth. and music .and edUcation and the general advance of ,c ivilization. the touch 1'e ·pectively. the pateh is weakened at least as of th individual hand will still be indispen able. Without it the much. possibly even mo~e, by models of a new oclety which so many hav , been framPlans remove the log c~bin ~ ll being allowed to grow; a s by being ing in th busy wOrkshops of theit imagination will never get beyond which C nernl Ulysses S. Grant c ons~antly worked." 'h e says. th stage of dead thingS-just so much wood and plaster. was bam from the Ohio tate fair " onsequently, a good start for What would our life be. Olll' indu try. our commerce. our ideale of j;p'ounds to. its original site ~t ' an eradication program is to I ave art. if verybody had ' to be "cabined. cribbed. confined" I;lY govern- Point Pleasant. Clermont county the patch alone until ii, first show Farmer. Who Gro", Wheat But mental decr eT Certainl)" something very dilferent from what we are under way. A bill. which would bloom. 'l'hen it can bE~ mowed. or Did Not Si,n CODtract have had, and aspired for ' during the generations that are slipping sanction the change, was inhoduc- plowed, preferably the latter. away.•. If this be reaction. make the most of itl It is at lea t an cd before th General Assembly "The area then should be kept Ur~d to Vote old and irreprc sible American instinct teanerting' itself and showing and ha r ceived a]lprova\ of the constantly worked wlt.h a disc 01' ~ what direction the fr e hum n spirit i movin~.-The New YorK House of Representatives. The log cultivator until freezing weather, Any farmer who signed a wheat cabin home of the Grilnts is en- to destr y all t op glrowth a it adjustment Times. contract. or any closed in a stone an{) glallS struc- l appears. This procE'dure will farmer who is eliglbl~ to sign a ture and is viewed by thousand n!lady exhaust many If the plants contract, will be eligible to vote in - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . I ,each yen.r at the state fair. but some root wiIJ stil,l be living. !.he national wheat ref rendum, " Th e n fixt spl'ing the field is re- aturday. May 26. County Agent }>Iowed, kept. worked until COIn Lester J. Miller. announces. planting tim and thel~ planted l.o Thi plan of opening the voting corn. The corn !Should be care- to all wheat producers ha been The Ob,le State University Radio Statioll-WOSU fully cultivat d, with sweeps undertaken in order that the which cut th thi!ltle sprouts in- Agricultural Adjulltment Adminis8~OO Music at ad of with hovels which slide tration may have a complete crollS 8:06 The Michigan Boundary Dispute ." .. ................... ,.. H_ E. Eswin~ around them. CultivatIon must be section of the opinion of all wheat 8 :15 l»lant Pest Problems . . . .. T. B. Parks and A. L. Pierstorif VOU'D ellpeel to pIIY . .. . . . supplemented with careful band producers upon the question of 8:25 Program by Lieking County 4--R Club~ __ " ... C. B. Alspach and I deal for a 1IIa8..... . . work . By tall tha patl~ hould be By Virginia Bear continuing the wheat adjustment tide, paeked with Ilnt-nua , . . kill d, but it i well 1~0 put the pro rnm for 1936 ~nd later yeArs, STEPHEN M. YOUNG 8:45 Hamil Sweet Homo .. ,........ , ........ ..... ... ~ .:" ..... WOSU Players fieJd in corn for ano\hcr year and Mr. Miller. says. and fiction. BUI Dol ODe atn 9 :00 The Loan That Never Com I Due ....... .......... . ... • H, Myhmder clean up possible left-over plants,' penny will you p.y for ......... The refel'endum will be similar .9 :10 County-wide Achievement Programs .... , ... , ...... ...... Minnie Price For 8n\811 l' patches, F'rofessol' to an ol'dinary election. aceordWeek," The Sun"'y Ea. 9:20 Wh.t Is Going On Within our Soils? ... ""., Richard Bradfield Willard rec mmellos chemical quirer'. greal Dew ........- . The United States han1ber 01 ~re atmellt with sodhllm chloJ:ate. ing La the outline 0'£ procedure 9:30 YOUI' CommunIty and You . ......... " ............. " ., Br"ce Tom which has been developed. AU proDon I miliA it. See yoar IoaI 9~40 Our First Year in Vocational Agrieulture ..•... W. W. Smith Commerce, now that sick busjness due rs who are now signers of " and other is better. ignore the fact that in new. dealer~ order yoar e.pJ wheat contraets will be registered 9:60 The Fruit Outlook , ........ " .. , ... , ... . ....... .... ,... . F. II. Beach the Spring of 1933 business tl\en ri,hl away• .acJ ~. EYERY on t he vote register, and when came to Washington in droves they cast their ballots their names ...., dda The Suraplcading for GOvernment to get in And aU ••• will be checked oft'. ' to business and ave t.heir n~ck . dBy Enquirer .4 ,rearly ImprOf1_ co... ...,. For those farmers who are not T·h ey want· to be let alone now and now signers. it will be necessary complain about Governm nt in rioa • , • 4 mor. ".,.. ...... Iir •• iuu: to appear at the polling places and busine . In convention in Washcomk.. ..4.1.0 Ir.. ...,. aM .... Os' Ir I.-Ia DI'y wcathal' in spring and early establish the fact that they are ington, these members of the new SlIndoy Eftquir.... ....... BVII. . COLUMBUS ~ Gill tars whicl! stagnant waters, were eliminated "Rouse of Have," d nounced the summer, whicb bake and harden eligible to sign a wheat contract. rn.~ .ua JOar 014 Iavori&e. &Iii.... ... , bear "Ohio' ~ on .otle 'side and at least for the time being. Takin~ New .Deal, including the ,AAA, the soil of la",na. p.astu res, ,and The community committeem~n _ _ _II wltII , . r . . . . . . . ~~en ' 8t'1'ial "Dumbers on th other have everything into consideration Obio NRA and Old Age Security all untilled field ll. relnders it dif- who will serve as "election judge!}' "~&Il4re_ fIIIlrv. See,.oar dealer • • . . . . . will be authorized to pass on the be • much healthier may eJq>ect-to ficult or impossible 1~ or moles to Legislation. These Old D alers will been attached to hundr ds of baQ 70Gr 8ulda7 En4\1l1V ...... rock b.... blueli\1s and channel state this summer and fall due to definitely oppose Pre id nt Roose- burrow therein. Such conditions eligibility of such farmers. Eligibility will rest 'on the catftsh used in re..tocking Ohio the rainfall." 1:he rain deficiency velt' re-election by baC!king som force the rodenl5 to seek and. conlaltes and streams by t.he Division for 1935 dropped to only 1.9-inch conservative. They ·advocate re- cenlrate upon freshly plowed or wheat production history of the of ConservatiOn in an attempt to a week ago, while the deficiency tqrn to "rugged individulalism" spaded areas adjacent to or upon {arm operated by the producer. the home grounds. A.ccording to --' ·trace the movements of fish and to for the same ~eriod i'n 1934 wall and, ragged individual. Yearly. the United States F. H. Ballou, of the Department of check the rati·of their growth for '7.1'7 inches Epidemics of colda and T ..... aDd Gr... 1 scientit\c purposel. Con.ervatioD ore throats present the only Chamber of Commerce convenes Horticultute at the Ohio ExperiShallow-rooted tree!!., such as Commiuioner Lawrence Wooddell threats as a result ot the damp in Wasllington. In 1,933 the ment Station. i olated rows and maples. have maoy flbrou8 .roots In annQuncing the fish tagging ~eather but bright sunahine would Prel!ident addressed the conven- sma ll groups .of vegetable Or near the surfare. Tiley are heavy pl'ogra.m, reqUested w)len tagged tend to eliminate them, it was said tion. In 1934 he sent a' message. in ornamental plants suft'er most feeden and rob the soil of plant 1936, big bUI!'ine leaders in the f,001 tile operlltiOllS of these food and moist\1re; and this depleflah are caught th~t the ,metal di/iC be turned over to a game prpThe ·results of an unusual com- convention lambasted his policies subterranean pests. Despite the tion of lawn soil productivity may tector,eoDBervatiol'l oftlcial qr Bent bined primary and election, con- savagely and then reque ted a fact that he soil Ibetween the me more deb'imental to the lawn direct to the Division of Conaerva- ducted May 7 in the new North- congratulatory addresa. Neitber a plants may be tl',odden down than the shade cast on the lawn Between Toledo and Cincinnati tioD i~ Columbus. ~fter the tag is field Center tov""'1!IIiPI SUIRIIlI'•• message nor o.n address was forth- firmly, frequ ently tht\ moles pe.r- gt·asa. For this reason. gardeners recorded it will be returned, if de- county, by the Summit county coming. Instead, he assailed ~e sist in reopening their tunnels recommend reinforcing with ferCharted for the Benefit of Intersired, to the fisherman as a sou- Board 01 Elections, have been filed group as not ~ing representative beneath the rOws or ig rouP S•. there tilizer and organic matter to instate Motor Touri ts a8 Well as of the busines~ of 01U' country. In venir together.with data on tbe Tra1lic Within the Borden oC Ohio crease the productivity of the soil fish, Comml$sioner Woodell saId. witll Secretary of state George S. fact, if ' a congratulatory message und it capacity tp hold water. Myel'll. The primary-election . was is calJed for, it is due the Pre ident NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT ----.~. held under an old law dating back , A new high In SUmmer and faU to the town meeting- era. wl,lich Estate of Sarah ButteJ:worth, ODDS ARE GOOD D~IVERS to Cincinnati as shown herewith is good healtll may be re~orded for permits Iln election board to set a , The 'United States C~amber of deceased. . WON'T' HAVE ACCIDENTS the shortest distance between the Commerce adopted resolutionll to Ohio this year aB . the' result of date at nominations for abolil)h NRA, which by the wa}' Notice i htlreby given that two cities. Offieials of the St ate h,e avy sprin&, r.infall. it was pre- towpship official.. w1l1 'be made Highway Department give the h8$ outlawed . child 'labor; to def at Gilb rt Fry~ whose post Office Good dri~ers are seldom indlcted 'by Dr. W. H. Hartung, following which the el!)ctl(ln Addl'eu is WaynesviHl • Ohio, bas mileage saving 8S about 11 miles • . the Wbeeler-Rayburn Public accidents .regardless of volved in director of the state Department be held. This is the first time in been duly appointed Administ1'8tor There's le8~ trafof Health. '~The dust particles that many years that ,the ancient law Utility Holding Company Bill' to of the Estate of S/lran Butter- road conditions, observes Highway defeat the Administration BankDlrectol' John Jester Jr. in urglng fic conge:>bon on carry the ,bulk of the diseue has been operative and a combined worth late of Warren County, vigilance in the operation of motor the Toledo-Cincinnati Short Line &,el'ms have been forced out of the primary-electio~ held. Secretary Ing Bill providing for a reorganizll Ohio, qeceased. tion of the Federal Resel;'ve System than on any other highway con, air an<l into ~he ground by tb~ Myers. said. A few weeks ago Dated this 3rd day of May 1936_ vehicles this 8untmet. and to abolisb the pre8~nt AAA according to Good drivers, neeting these 'two cities. There hard raina," Dr. Hartung said. new township of Northfield Center p·rogram. RALPH H. CAREY, are far fewer curves (no hairpins) I'The bt:eedlng places of inaecta, in .came·. into being wilen the p.eople Judge of the ])robate Court Highway Director Jaster, make .a l and aU railroad grade C,):'ossings Warren County, Ohio lowance fo~ all conditions. If Senator A. garry Moore, Dem- m23 roads are slippery, narrow billy or are exceptionally wel~ protected. ~ oerat, of New Jersey. Sltd: "This winding, their raae ot speed is country needs a balanced 'budget; IA LETTER OF API"RECIATION governed in accord alice with the By reason of that more unemployed be employthe 8 h 0 rte r precept!! of safety. Heavy trafficmileage, Jess congeation (both · on ed; that the cos~ of living .be lower Chicago, lIt that bogey of motor vehicle the bjghways and in the commued or wages ral$ed j that L0Di; be Mr. Oakley M. Ridge. Ag'e nt operation-is not of part\(~ular nities thru which they pass), fewer sho~t~n~d and Townsend penslo~- Waynesville Ohio. bother to good d/.'ivers who have .' ed, 'then above a.1l else, what WIU curves. and adeq,uate width their minds on their jobs and help most to solve the nation's Dear 511': rondbed and bridges. the invariably prepared for ' any problems is to hold the next Our records show you have reasonable emergency. Route here outlined is a Democratic Convention in Atlantic rei)l'j~sented us conti,buou.sly since big time-saver for ·tbe On tbe other hand, bad drivers City and promptly nominate Roose 1906. busy motorist-very pTobare inattentive and canless. They velt and Garner." We are pro\ld of this, give little if any serious consldera ably as much as two hour-s. appreciate our lengthy ,association, tion or thought to drivini responsi and hope it me liS little some- bility even when conditions ' are Republican leaders in AN ALL PAVED HaVe your mower campaign will say plenty thing to you, too. . (JecidedJy unfavorable. ' your .~lIents will be Believing ~re\Q:ardiinll de.feat in the Senate of HIGHWAY One. of the educational programs Wagner-Costlgsn Anto-Lynch- in tere8~lng in this e'lildence of our of the Qhio Department of Highground by same Choice of Knowing ing Bill. The facts are that duri'llg mutual trust and gO(ld faith which waYIl inc1udes .a continued elf OFt The ba cktwelve years o( Republican rule haS' enablw us to ·w ork together to . urge motorists to maintain Motorists macl\lnel'J &I used bone of the of.anti-Iynchin~ was enacted. Last for lIuch 'a length of time, 'We are vigilant and careful attitude at all OfielDated and Sponsored ficial Revolllweek Senator William E. Borah having sent you some sticken times not only tor their own welin the factory. by the tional'J Traila (R) of ' Idoha, delivered tbe death which -you may fe\!1 disposed' to fare but also tor the interests of System of , blow to anti-lYl\ching . legislation use on statements, C01'1'pspondence their fellow traveler!! all well, 1levolutionary "I'll w. • .W eatern Ohio. this seulon. He denouRced or policies all a reminder to your The following verl!e exemplifies Short Trail the mealure 1111 unconsti- clients of our long continued and the tragic consequences of lack of Warked Ita Asioc:iatlon pleasant association. tutional and an ' invasion of State entire lenctb v\rilance and care!ul.l1ess 011 the Sjncerely yours ri.hta. He cbarpd its by h1atorica1 part of a motorist in some inwould foment diBcord b,,':w~.iI!n C. R. STREET, stances: • markers of the race. and .batter OhioKemoda1 ViCe President. ptincipl.. of American Great Ametiean CDmaUn101L. For just an btltance .. be drove ment. Enactlllent of the anl~-llmc:Jl lnauranee Company, lie turned &lld his -.rer pH e ina bUI bacl ~ arpd bJ ew York. To point out an hiatoric aro" ton of the Natioaal AlIOdadon Where men were IpcJled ill olden for tM AclvaDcemeat of Colonel


of Northfield vllla«" voted to detach a portion of' th" village and t!reate the town,hip.




The Free Spirit







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Then he awoke to atranae alarau, To~"'"



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ha retumt'd to hie horne here. ('hal Ie Mullenix ill Ilowly reo " e"" ring from a evere attack ot "B('n lIawk\! , ' I'l"ingfield, ~ pent I'IH'uJnllnia. FARMERS~ The cost of a funeral service il ti,l! \I (·\'II·cnll wit h II Olll!! folk. IWl'e Il;1rvc~' Burnet sp nt Monday entil'cly decidt'<i by the wiehCil of J\l~ pll IIke l' n 'll1llins vc ry ),)", nnd Tue~day in ulumbus. , our clit'ntll. Their choice of. a X·RAY WORK )h, n Mrs .•faeah Gabelman, at li .. mi Vall.·l' ho.pi tat e sk t and n~ces, ary aecessones \ r~. At! 'h n ow tho f ~lIt('l'- Mr. nd Mr•. W. G. llaln~ ' Bnd BLOC ANESTHESIA is influenced by no attempt at viii • 'ill'nl . ('\' 1'.11 dn) : 1Mt \\ ~l1k 'on Hobert of DtI ~1;on . w re Sun· . The vote to be regi8tered ,by th eRobert ,hapman, of Columbus, salesman hip on our part. We ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH All Killd. of D"'t1lJ'e. Made lith Mr, tid 11', . 1"1' nk Rql:l·I' ~. Oil Y nl't ernoo n gu ~t s of Mr, and wheat farmers of 36 states on spent the \\ ~ek- end with hi par. f ollow t.h ir dc sil'cS closely, and Father Newton, Paetor :May 25 will be of immeasurable {'nta, Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Chapman. Repa jr Work Done Quick., II 0 1' Foulk. wht) h n ~ f)c t!n M I S. ,,'aiter Rem'ick. k('ep ttle totlll cost to 811 moderate Wnlte t' ~ll1rk is mewhat im· importanc e to the farmers of Ohio Mass at St. Augustine's Church a figure as thejr choice dictatea • • t ing with hi!'. . on lind ft mill' l\iu . Kathryn TUI'ner, of Day· every second and fourth Sunday Jlnlyed . bui is till bedlut. according to a statement made bl{ A Motll 1"8 Day rJl'og-ram wa Perry L. Green, prellid ent of the ton . spent. un day wi'th her parents f the month. }\lain st. WAYNESVILLE, O. /liven at LyU churcb Sunday Ohio Farm Burean. "The impor· Mr. and Mrs. F . B. Hend erson. ln or ninll j u. t fo llowing th e Sun- tance does n<lt ari solely from day Sl!hMl S9 1' ice. the advantage to be derived by ' Mi DOI'othy Kable, of Dayton, ~A'YNESVILLE CHURCH OF CHRIST MI'. nnd MI)s. William Bausman continuing the wheat contract but tl pent Wednesday wi l~ h. Mi s Eli za· be th Larrick. nnd Mr. artd h' . Raymond Bulen from the influence which this vote Carl Smith, Minister FOR SALE P.H0NE :19 f Anderso n, Ind., spent unday will have in itB ffect upon Con· !\Iiss Mi....,ie Dav is, of Dayton, Ask f or a Church school at 9 :30 a. m., afterno on at th e home of Mr. alld gre in s ustaining the pre ent is t he gu est of her si tel', 1\Irs, WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Lord's Supper at conclusion. Chris Miami,bur. Permanent POOL YOUR WO L- l'l'lcl.'s are Mrs. Fl'ank Ro~ rs. Agrlcu.ul·al Adjustment legisla- Clift' Burnett, and fl!kmily. tlan Endeavol' at 6:30 p. m. Even. , u unlly low lit. during th shea 1\11' . fa ry ,al'mony. in com· tion and th proposed amend · Concrete Ing! on, ,on llilm your wool to pany with Mr. and Mr. W. F. ments," said Mr. Or en. Mr. and Mrs. Robert rew and iog evangelistic service at '1 :30. ' lurk, wa a dinn I' guest unday " It i8 tremendou Iy im",,,,t:ll''' . ' Phin eas Cook \\, ~I'e Sunday gu at s thl! hio Wool Grow ·rg oo\,ern· Air Seal Burial Vault of Mr. and Mrs. Abram Co ok, at tiv A. II i tion. Ree ive a 15 ce nt of Mr, and 1r. Paul Flory, at that the farmers of America u FRIENDS MEETING For Sale only by ell h OI\VIlJ1CI! sn d f ull value when Richmond, Ind. /!!tand the lull signiflcance of the Spr ingboro. Fi1'IIt-~ay Scbool at 9:80 a. ~ o l d . Wayn· ill e Fanners Ex· Ir . Tillie Penc e of Middletown Agricultural Adjustment Ac l It M.r, and Mrs. O. R. Unglesby chllnge 0., Reprt) ntaliv. pent Tuesday af.ternoon with must be understood that the Ad- atten ded u kitchen s howe:r f or the )leMing for Worship at 10 :30 Your Funeral Director m. Mr. Waller KenriCK. justment Act is not alone a En' t tn Star chapte r at , HarveysWhen a client BeeRs Miss Mary Young 01 this place matter of iiealing in contract ual burg, Tuesday evcniing. McClure Funeral Home will be 011 of t he' graduates thIs r elationships betw en the f ar mers, FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST the services ot a funWaTne.yme, O. ~ eek of the W!iyn viLl school. processors, and the governm ent. Phone 7 Mr. an dM rs. 'Palll Haines and &1'111 director, he must Carl Smith, Minister THE PACIFIC MUTUAL Mr. nnd Mrs. Ben James of It is a means th.:ough which t he Mr. lind Mrs. Charles Myel', of be able to do So with Unified services beginning with Route two entertained 6 o'clock government, workin&' with the incinnati, spent Sunday with perfect conj\dence. At LIFE INSURANCE CO. church .jschool at 9 :30 a . m. dinner Saturday the foll owing farmers and processors , can de· Mrs, K eziah Th ompl>on. service at 10:30 a. m. gu ests: Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence velop plan s through which the ex· 8uch times friendly, Mrs. Philip Larri(:k and daugh. Of Cali forD.ia J ames of Tene Haute. Ind., Mr. portable prodUcts of the Ameri· aympathetic help and and Mrs. George Fov snd baby, can farm can be provided with th e tel's, Elizabeth and Jean. spent WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH counsel ar.e Invalua· J Olin, and 1r. and Mrs. Paul same protection a s i afforded th e Monday in Madisonville the guests JOHN EDMISTON ble. Our service is of Mrs. Walt r ~ab e and Mrs. O. C. Dibert, Pastor Rev. Anders, and Paula, of Miamjsburg price levels of industrial products uniquely personal, the and Mr. and Mrs. William Rogers through the pl'ovision \If the pro- Louis Rose. Sunday: Sunday school at 9:30 Di trict Rept:esentative and .ft1irlam. The occasion celebrat te tive tariff. result of an honest Mr. T. Q, SOllrtermeier, of a. m. Morning ,morship at 10 :80. , District manager - ,Reliable ed the bi~thday8 01. Mr. Roge~s "The cold, barc, facts l'elatinl: Beverly Hllls, alit, and Mr. 1,.. "'!f 'rhe sermon 'subject will I)e. desire to be of aid to to upervis equipment and Mr. Fox. to the reasons 1.or the sponso T~hip Br~gd o n, of P OI'tsmouth, were " Some Outlets 01. the Soul." being in taJ1ed ill thi8 county. the bereaved. Epworth League at '1 p. m. with Mr, aod Mrs. Kesler Graham of the vicious attacks being made gu ests of Mrs. Mar~~ Cllsh bu sines . Large earnings ross on and daughter [iss Bernice in against the Agricultural Adjust- Thur day . Edna haner as leader. Salary and share profits to company with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. ment Act and its propo ed all1end· Evangelistic services at 8 p. 111. start. $136 cash l'equil'ed for Albright, Jackie Hughe8 of Way. ments hould be und rstood by Wedne day : Bible study and h'. and Mr . Clarence Craddock substantial intere!lt in all n svilJe and their guest, Mr . Tillie our Oh'io farmers," said Green. and children, 1\Ir. and Mr/!. C. L. p,,:aye rmeeting at 7 :30 p. m. pment to cover COUlity. Penc sp nt Sunday with Mr. and "They should understand that it Allen and Pre ton Vaughn, of . '1f? man able ' to handle Mrs. A. E. White and sons in is to the advantage of the pro· Dayton, spent Sunday with Mr. money ,and a llCrew driver as ST. MARY'S CHURCH Columbu . ce' sors of food p.r oducts to be able L . D. Chiles. 'Well can make a permsnent A large number of friends to buy their raw materials on an Rev. J. J. Sohaetre.r , Rector lind profitable connection. from here attended the fll neral of unprotected mal'ket such as the Mr. and Mrs. Jame8 Lovely en· W.~a P ..... 1 Fourth Sunday after Easter, Add.ress with particulars, Mr • hariotte Carey Mondayfarme-rs have beell furnil;hing. ~rtained on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. May 19, Church school at !) t30 ; phon, PRESIDENT, giving aftern oon, nt Stubbs Funeral The processors can transfer those Thomas Grubb, of N[iddletown, Mr MAY 17-18 609 S Federal, Suite 276, througb processing and Mrs. Linnie Grubb, of German Morning Prayer and sermon lit Home at Wa-ynesville. ReJativ-es produc 10:80. Chicago. WARNER OLAND and from a distance wbo also attended methods into Products which are town. , MARY BRIAN were: Ml·S. Anna Ban man of more definitely protected by Mr. and Mrs. Gu:V Dakin, Mr. in Ander 'on, Ind., Mr. and Mrs. Irvin ' provi8ion of the protective tari1f and Mrs. Lawrencel Mounts and Vill e, spent the week-end here and HUlltzinger and , Hr. Elva and, consequently, lor those reas- Mrs. Emma Dakin. of X~nia, were attended Quarterlv Meeting. Weidrt er ot Pendleton. Ind" Mr. ons, draw an undue tribute of pro- g uests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. White Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Berryhill and MI'I!. Fred Mahan and two fits both from the producer and and son, Harold, of neal' Bellbrook daughters .of Greenville. Mr. and the consumer. The continuance of Sunday. Comecty, BusteT Keaton in calle<l on Misses Annie and Maille Mrs. William Rog 1'8 of Mason, such procedure should not be conMr. and Mrs. Phinip Larrick en· Brown, Wednesday afternoon. "Pal_ka Frill. Paducait" Mr. and Mrs. GeQ1'ge ,Fox and Mr. doned by the American farmer. tenain d on Sunday, Mothen Day MAY 19-20 and Mrs. Paul Andrews 01. Miamis "We may not like licensing Mrs. Larrick's mother, Mrs. Frank OBITUARY EDWARD ROBINSON and burg. provisions ; we may not like con- Hoffman. aJld brother, Mr. C. E. JEAN ARTHUR tractual agreemE"nts, but most cer- Norris and wife 01' Bloomi ngton, in tainly there is no jU8tiftabie IlL Charlotte Kirby, daughter of excuse for one group to have su~h Anthony aod Nancy Ennis Kirby, contractual governmental provis- Sunday guests of Mr. and MR. J wa born near Centerville, Ohio, ")a C. Hawk e were Rllv, Hawke and March 7, 1847. Miss Ladonna Sine lair is stuy. l' ons proVl'ded . and not h ave sImI I' provl'sl'ons mad e app I'leabl e to family, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hawke, , She wa married to William at the home of Carl Jones ing Cartoon - "n.. Old Pio_r." since IIchool is out. an?ther group. of Da)'ton; Mrs. Ralph Vance and Henry Carey, in Dayton, October Fox N.... Th Young People8 Meeting of R member that the markets of on, of Pleasant Plain. ' 14, 1869. To them were bom four In thia cWnate, fence must b~ve real Two Shows--7 :00 " 8 :30 p. m. Cae I' Cre k Church knoWll the world are not yet open 8S an O. J. Edwards t'eturned to hi daughters: Mrs. Meta Rogen, fi&btinC qualities, OJ' rust ~U soon ADM. lOc-15c " The Wide-Awakes," 'held their outlet for our overl?roduction. R~. home near Sprin~~;;., y. Saturday, Lytle, Ohio; Mrs. Anna Bausman, weaken it and then destroy It. regular meeting with their teacher membe.r that ~e WIll long . HmalD a~t I' spending severnl days with Allderson, Ind.; Mrs. Trill&na Red Brand Fence is a two fiated Mre. Lois Halne. Sunday ",en· \ ~ ~red,ItOI' natIon. Remember that hi sisters, Mis es Trillella and Farquer near Ridgeville, Ohio, and fiahter. It fights ruat, tint, wi~ a ing, May 12. It 18 I!0t alone the duty 01 tbe Margaret Edwards, who accom. Mr . Alice. Mahan" GreenviUe, O. ..heavy Galvannealed outer c:oa~: Miss Dprothy BogaJl was ' the American farmers to. 6t~nd the llained him horne for a week~end . She alId-MY. Carey - lived -on ~cond, with a real coppct ~arlOl their home farm near Ridgeville ' pupil of the Spring Valley High I costB of overproduction In order visit ther~. inne, section. Double protecttOil I . for 07 years. · After the death of Sehool graduating class who won that there may be ap adequate This two-way rust protection scholastic bonol'S. Mil!8 Bogan re- upply of food. If 'W~ throwaway Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Runyan, Mr. her husband in 1926, ehe made ber adds yean to its life and lOves feoce ceived a scholaT hip to Wilming- the Agricultural AdJustment Act, and Mr. A. J . Runyan, Miss home with her daugbter. Mrs. dolWs for you. Let'. talll it over. ton College where she plans to we ~re thro~ing awa!. the pTO- Dellert Runyan, 11k and Mrs. Frank Rogers and hllsband at major in public 8chool mUlic tectlVe tarIff pro~~810ns tor Roh&rt Runyon, Mn. L. MeCon- Lytle. --., Mrs. Carey had been afflicted Ladonna Sinclair also graduated American agricultuH. naugb, Mrs. Sarah Runyon, all of 1.01' several years with that dread disease, cancer, and bad (his week for a visit with her neiCU) , Runyon and son, Mr. and Mrs. been eonflned to her bed, since Paul Runyon and 80n, Allenaburg, having a broken hlp, almost three Mrs. Charles Handman a1ld years ago. Wayne.ville, Ohio Phone 25 nCeinPhcienwn'atM'i.r. R. Compton, both of Lee Spickard Mr. andanddaughter, of Wilmington, Mrs. Harold Sp.e bore bel' intense suffering 1111'. and 1'011'1\. Everctt Hain~ Haulk, of St. Martins, Mr. and Mrs with Christian llatience, I!Jld death F you own • leaky and famil), called Sunday afterC. Bilderback, of Martinsville, Mr came 8S a relief, for she was r~ady , t'" and Mrs. WllI. 'Bilderback, Glenn and willing ' and wished many 1••••iIIlI..IIII. . . . . .~• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • roof, see us about renO~lD on Mn . H a 1nes paren s, .... r. A pleasant even t of the week ' . . C ' f H' h Bilderback and daught er, of times she 'might go to that home, placing it with Carey d M B enJamm ~:nd . rs. arey a 19 was the 80cial and musicale at The Westboro, Mr. and Mrs. Ed where there- is no more sorrow not Roofing or Shingles. Oar -'Several irom here attended . the Littlc Inn, Wednesday evening. Bilderback, of , and 8utf-ering. line is complete, so yoa The affair was tiven for the ben- Mrs. ot Lynch- Mrs. Carey was of a quiet, hOMe f unerl;lI 0 f H erman J ones, ... ctln choose exactly . . . <uon· efit of th~ Guild of St. Mary's h f day after1\oon, May 6. E h bUl!1b:::at'f"erlde'(f t e uneral services loving disposition. Was ever mind· right type for the P1ll'relatives, John and ful of the needs of her family Mr. and Mrs, Raleigh Bogan piscopal c uren and was enjoyed pose. Not only ~ we and family and Mr. and Mrs. by members and friends of the Runyon, 010 Tuesday and and always happy when sernng give you the h"Ch~ , parish. wer.e guests for the day of Mr. others. Amos CQmpton and son of New The musicale was in char"e of d M 10.. D'.. I quality, but you will pay Besides the four daughters, she lington were ouest.s of Mr .. an ra . ..1I.lac.k_ ~'.V1S a fami y. Bur ~.. • ,m embers of the Young Churc,hmen no more for Carey mili& 8urvived by a sister, Mrs. Liddy and Mrs. ,Hotace Compton, ·Sun. soc.iety who assisted by Miss terials than or dinary roofMcConneil, 01 Tulaa, Okla.. a ' day; Mr. and Mr~ E'Van · Bogan Mildred Mason, ~el, l-known reader . nen I Qline ewa brother, ings will cost elsewhere. George Owen ~rby, of and children ' of DaytoncalJed in .,. , I. f' and entertainer, of Xenia, Mr.... --;Let us bid on your reof ' tne a ternoon. Mr. Horace R II F k M' HI M mrS. C. C. Bosler, of Dayt.on, Muncie, Ind.) ai80 18 Jl'Bndchil. ran , ISS e eon ar- and her daughter Ilnd children, of dren; 17 great.grand-ehilciren and , Compton who has been iJl fo:r usse • neeib. . almost two years is slightly 'im. garet Gons and Jack Orane, pre· Oxford, called on t heir aunt, Miss 2 great·great grand children. pr oved, . sented a program of a high order. Kate Collins, Sunelay. It seemed that she was only Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wilson Mr. Lloyd Hackwell announced Miss Clara LUe spent the waiting for the Master's caU, and Lwabe.:, Pain~ and' Gla.. and daughter Jeannette entertain the numb!lr!l which .follow: week-end with reilltivee in Wash. near midnight of May 9, 1935, she. Women's trio~Mrs. M. F. ington, C. H. Mr!l. Anna Cad- answered the summons and the Phone 54 Waynesville. O~io ed Sun day in honor of Walter Wilson, Sa~uel Wilson and Mrs. Weltz, MrB. E. C. Crane, Miss wallader and Mlr8. Ella Bab., shadow of Death fell about her Raymon d Wilson the follow Betty Hartsock. motored up 'on TIlI~dli}l, bringin. couch. She eDtered into eternal rest ai the age 01 88 y4!ara, 2 guests:, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vocal solo-Ml'S. Weltz; Mrs. Miss Lile home agllin. d()ck; Fre<{ Braddock, Raymond John Gons, ac.companist. Mr. William Whetsell, of month. and, 2 days. Braddoek ,and family. 'Mr. and Mrll Piano Bolo'_ ' Helen ' Marlr'lre1~" Columbus, who spent a fortnight Peace!ul and .weet, the end that Warren Braddock and daughter Gons. at the Home, has lirone to Lebanon came, all .of Waynesville; Mr. and Mrs. MU8ical reading-Miss Mildred far a visit with ~'ld friends: A1.ter a bUIY life. Paul Peterson and family of MII_oli; Betty HartBock, Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. Harteock, of Faithful to every duty dOlle" Zoat' neighborhood, Mr. and Mrs. panist. aecom· near Wilmington, called and paid As a friend, a mother and wif~. Samu~l Wilson of New Burl~ngtheir Mothers Day respects . to ton, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wils~m, Men's trio-Dean Hawke-, Russell their 'mothe-r, lin. Lena Hartsock Peaceful and sweet 'a memory M1'. an.d Mrs. James McJntire. Mr. Frank., Crane. Mrs. Ella Babb and Mias Clara now; and Mrs. Theodore McIntire and Solo- Mr. Frank; Betty Hart· Lile atten.ded the ,golden weddina Her kind and ready, aid. Mr. Enos Wilson. sock, accompanist. . anniversary of Mr. and Mr•. To all .who needCld a helping band, Song~ack Crane; Mr. Frank, McClelland in Spring , Valley, Mrs. Donald Dabe (nee Lula Or ,.a aervice. over paid. SObns) and baby daughter, accompanist. Tuesday. . Peacefui and sweet, bllr eyelids Patricia Ann of HlIIsboro were Piano solo-Betty lIartsock. Mis~ Opal Davida, of Wasbinaclosed, guests ·at our church. Sunda,, : Vocal solo-Dean Hawke, Mrs. ton C. H .• a fodner teacher, in Sorrow and pain forgot, May 6. , Gona, accompanist. " Waynesville 8chools, called at the mad for the rest, SO truly earned, Mr~ and Mrs. Everett Haines Readinga--Milis )(.son. home on Sunday. In a quiet and humble spot. and family Luther Haines and Vocal duet--M,r s. Weltz, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Howell. of .family, ' ajld Homer Haines and Hartsock. Yellow Springs, 1IVere here Sun· Funeral service waa held Monfamily w-ere guests of their mother Vocal solo-Ethan Crane, Mrs. day. day afternoon at The Stubbs Gonl, actompaniat. Mrs: John RobiulOn and family, Funeral Home; Wa11le8vUle, conMrs. Ella Haines, Sunday. J41u Muon, who is a taJen~ of Cincinnati, caUed Oft their re- ducted by Rev. Carl Smith, paetor reader, ill the dauahter of Mrs. lativea, Superintendent and Mn. of the Fem church and aAUsted STELLA STILES DIES Winnie Wise Mason, a native of Howell Pierce Oil Sunda,·. by Rev. Walter Martin of the AT MASONIC HOME Waynesville and aunt of Mn. Bert Mrs. Ella who bas been Lftle church. 'the pall-bearers Home liDee were: WilHam Roae,., Harblock. a resident 'of Irvin Mhs Stella Stiles a former resChristmas day. to her Huntzinpr, Chari. Peline"it, ident of . Morrow, where ehe was home in $prlq Raymond Farquer, Georp Fox well and favorably known, died Dr. Michener. and Paul Andere. at the .Kalon8' Bo~. Sprincfteld, Mn. Louie ~ ..IH1,':m'''''7 Intermeut In Miami Cemetel'J. Ma, 7, Ad wu buried in lIinal ~ I I eemetery, Kay 10. IIllIetanon-~me provide qulek~o'Wing ~::JI=r~~~~~:E: aDlluai h.y cropa in Mrs. Mr. and She wu the ollly chUd of BeD Ohio. Farmere who have ~of"""'" brought a bellutll~~1 W. willi to IQI'M8 ollr ableen C. and EH~beth Stuee and be. them report that Siberi..., from the thaDka to frinda &lid Mew. for ~aWle of her lovi,... dilpoalt1oe mOD, aDd TQnprIaa nrietiea CUI Hat, lin. was • favorite amo.,. her ....,. be barYeat.d for ba7 within 80 u lin. =----~ . - JI . ; '_ _' ; ; '-ldada_





.......'.,.' R.H.STUBBS

Late Classified 'Ads.

:7i.vuvral 1iiIto:Idt








J. E. McClure

••vlU.t o.

Waynesville, Ohio

Charlie Chan In Paris

The Whole Town's Talking

Caesars Creek

reason. for ,""In,


fr~r8~~l~:~ai!!fbi8! ~::~~'g

SOCIAL y.-US":-IC-Al- E -


Waynesville farmers' bcbange Co.




F' d' H


J. B. Clbboa.



A Complete Stock and equipment to fill, all your ' need•• Another car good White Pine just in.



Tb. ~




Eigbty-Sevelltb Year




THURSDAY. MAY 23,19 35

Whole Numb er 6171


NOTIC E MERCHANTS LOSE 1ST All girls between the of WAYNE PARKPOOL - .1ALUM NI MEETING WEL-LJOHNTURNER HONORED I 1"ollow ouJ; 10 and 20 Int rested in hearing \ will gladly the plans for the 4H Sewing furnish WILL l'tation OPEN SUNDAYATTENDED Aif G~ M GAME OF 'SEASON TO clubs for this summer will come AT" WITTENBURG to anyone hing totrampo take to the cemete ry, Me,mclrilll day. RECElVED to the Grange Hall Monday; May Pursua nt to the usual custom DIPLOMAS John Turner , lion of Mrs. J. H. Phone at p. m. James E. McClure. the lasl few years, Wnyn Park V Miss Graddy ~ LYNCHBURG SUNDAY answer , of l'out~ be there to swimm ing pool will be op ened for junior at --'--- - .-- W ittenbe rg college,1, and SATURDA , EVE' NIN G.Sackett editorBny questio ns and discu th lJumme r season Sunday . LAST fRIDAY EVENIN I



l\nJlulil~ ~o;tunrWllJ-lLllLLnU-1Il1IU~U.I~""'oUJ""'-








the summeI'll' work. Sprl•• 6..1d DOI\& \_'. Will PIa, Your motber s are come with you. Here SlIlIday ; ~w PI.yen




U ....


Several improv em IIts have been to comple ted by . M. Robitze r, proprietor both in the ground s and potll ilselt. New shrubb ry ha been planted and appl'olt imately SOO young U'ee" added to nhanc the appeara nce of this popular souther n Ohio spot. Orle of the most success ful seasons in the histo ry of the local pool is nnticip ated by Mr. Robitzer ·this yeal·. Wayne park pool attracts hundred s o.f {latl'ons ' from Mrs. J'eSllie Clarke is in Cin- all 1geetiOO! I of Ohio to Wayn esville annuall y. , cinnati .for a few days. invited

-- .--- ----


1l1ect of the

154 Served At aanq\ue t; Loui.e C...n.e Elected P ...o'id_t of

A..ociation For Year

W'ittenb rg Torch, campus news weekly, has been further honored at Witte'rb erg by being nam d one of only fout· juniors to b Come members at Skull and nain seniot n1 n's ltighcst society of which Preside nt Rees Eagar Tullo and Dean C. G. Schatze)' are fuculty membe rs Turner succeeds Paul Peiffer of Springfi Jd as editor or the n ws weekly. The Torch in compet ition with 28 . other eollege papers took second plaee in four ;t.visions of compet ition. Selection to Skull and hain mal·ks Turner as one of th outstandin g citizetts of th college campu

RaYTmond J. Jdferi a



InApirin l' Adldre... ToO 11I.e

Wen FlII~ HOIl •• Th Wayn esville Mercha nts The fifty-second ttllleli ng ~f the were badly defeate d by the Lyneh alu1l1ni of the Waym~ Township Comme ncemen t exetci e ,of the high school was held SaturdllY ~ raduatill,g class of Waynes ville burg Mercha nts by the score of 8 Mol'I'i. Graham and Roy Jones high school were h.eld in the gym evt'ning" May 18. .1:.0 2 In a poorly played game by were business visilors in Oolumbus Frida? night, May 17, wit.h a luge After registra tion at the sehool WayneSVille. There are no alibis Monday. '\udienc e in attenda nce. To the house, about ol\('o.hundred and for' our boys. The)' receive d good pl'oces!Uonal played by the high ixly membe rs and gu,~sh enjo-yed Leo Swearin gen, of Sabina, ;chool pitchin g from Carey but thE!')' orchest ra tbe twenty -nine a lunch 8c I'ved in tll ,~ gym , by called on Wayne ville 1riends , membe rs of. the closs arrayed in the Friends hip club of the M. E. could not connec t for hits and did Saturda y afternoon. ~aps and gowns entered and took ehul'eh. I very poor job of fielding beli!les. Miss Susie- Evans has been visit and Miss theit· 1I1aces on the stage . whjcb M1'8. Mal'Y C. Cro s The meetin g was called to order The a{;, hits and five errori show lng friends in Corinth , ~Y. Dayton .vas handso mely decorat~d for the Lilla B nhnm were by the p~e jd nt, Boyd Hender son ~----.~. this very conclusively. )ccasion , Rev. G. C. Dipert gave vi itors, Monday. W. A. Lippinc ott and Robert '2 ,who extende d ia cbeerlu l Lhe invooat ion and Miss ' Betty Withou t errors on either side Britain spen.t Monday In Dayton . g-recting to all. The. millule ot the Master Harlan ESl'nha rt of Ha1·t ock, in a pleasin g manner , tl\e score should have ended 3 to Inst meetin g were 1'ead by the Dayton is visiting Mr. and frs. ~ave the salutato ry. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Frazier visit secreta ry, Irma Riell FI~ye '30, and 1 in favor of Lynchb urg which ed relative s in Harveyllburg, Alvin Earnha rt and family. SunAftl'f a trumpe t so lo by Frank approve d as rend, afto~r which it would have made,a nice game. day. The ' annual Southw estern Di~­ waf;! voted to pay t.he cun'ent exMr. and Mrs. T. S. Hardin ana LeMay, Jr. Superin tenden t S. W. Accord ing to manage r Ellill family pent Tue"da y evening Lotz intl·oduced the speake r, For Paper Hangin g and Paint- lrict track meet was this yenr pcnses. . t~l'e will be lome new faces on ing call Fred Everha aymond J. Jeffery s, of Clevela nd with Ronald in Cincin nati. Thelma t. John '30, with a Ie'V rt, phone held at Cincinn ati Univer ~lty The May meeting of the Ceoterwherea ' previou sly thi event was well-choRen I'emnk s, extende the team next SU.ndaY and the 108R3. Mr. Jeft'erys, know1\ aa "The ~~I'. and Mrs. W, B. Squires , Mrs held at Mianli Univers ity. Eight hearty ,ycicome to tl\& classd a ville Garden Club was held On ~ankee Globe Trotter ," , story may 'be ditJeren t a. two of enjoys of MondB¥ afterno on with Vern MI'S, W. Hough and son , Puul, w 'Miss Mabel Cook, of Daytoin, Waynes ville high lha reputat ion of . beine one 01 chool boys '35, this wu rcspond · d to ~y H. Allen as hostess. the lie new bo)'8 are rood ban play was ague at of Dr. Mary L. at Indian In the lake a~sence over the we'ek-en d, were ~ntered in this event: Eidon Ha!,'v ~ P~ters who eX»lress~d theIr Oook til most populu enterta iners apof th-e pl'esident, Mr. ~Ie Seitner , ers. Tbere is a veq good chance last week. Ellis, Carl Cook, Albert Hawke, apprecI.atlan for the welcom For Paper Hungin g and Paint- \learing hef ore high aehoolB and e and the vice pre8ident Mrs. Henry . of a much better balance d ball , :NTS. MargaI' t C. 'Vander voort David Boger, Noah Newma n, gOod WI he~. . Dickson, presided. The guest ing can Fred Evel'ha rt, phone other organil 'ations. He has a team than that which p.lay-ecl SunHawke, Charles LeMay and happy combin ation of "fun and .The nOn\ma ttng e~mlmittee su b- I speake r for the afternO ' is enrollin g piano pupils for the Frank on was 108R8. day. Marvin Fox. On Friday Ellis won ml~ted t he follOWing: ' filets" whiCh are ed~cational and report, I Mrs. V. Lesher of the If tlle younaa ters ue ~oing tp summe r, now. Oakwoo d his heat in the 100 yard da h whIch WII, f (lr 1\lrs. Elizabe th Smith, of Day- ,inspira tional. 0!ticel'8 Garden Club. Her subject WIIH stay t1Iey wUl haVe to get bUllY . Mr. and Mrs. Ray event and took second in the 220 fo r .the comm~ )'ear.: Pre ton, spent Thursd ay with her Malnou s and A ejection by tlte orchest ra ~dent, j'Color Combin ation in Flower s." soon and do their stull. sister and brothl!r, Mi s Mary and was followed by the valedic 80n, Donald, were &,uesta ' of yard run. Loul e ran~ 30 i, V1~e Pl'esJdent, A JlapCir entitled "Shrub tory s" Waynes ville by will play the friends ,in Franlclinj Sunday . In the finals of the 100 yntd MaY,nard RlCh ably prepare d and deliver ed by ' ~O, Secreta ry, Mrs Clifford Hime~, continu ed the Mr, PaTry COQk. Springi leld Donahu e's next Sundash Ellis came in second in a LOllI e lien(let o~ 30 i . Treasu Frank Hawke. rer, program . Mr. Mittma n led the . , day and we hope tbe boy,. will get Mrs. Margar et O. Vander Voort fast field of dash men !\fl'. nnd Mrs. Kennet h Hough R, •. F. Hatfield awarde d &ehola,-:class K't'nnetb Fromm 30. , ]lvely dillcU8S ion which followe d nre announ cing the birth of a lion ship a better break. The DOnahu~'" I~ ~nro1Un8 plano pupils for the B divillion. He al 0 tookofII the recogni tion to 'Frank Itawke . ranking Mr. G!lorg~, James '88, from regardi ng the proper pruning are conside red one of the strong- summe r, now. of born ,!edneB~ay, May. 22. at po i~ion in the finals of the 220 Marvin Fox and Mary Kather yo' .attle, Washtn gton . was call.ed shrub. ' lellan s est teams 1)ut of Sptincf \eld. hosPJta l, XenUl. Young . Mrs. H.nnah Taylor haa return. yard run on Saturda y when he on an.d re ponded WIth, a few InAt the close ot the program , reRemem ber this is your b.n club came in a close third In the evel:\~. ter 8 mg remark abou.t Miss !llary Cook and Mr. Parry ed home Anothe r orchest ra selectio n and Seattle after a fr visit hmentl, to relativE'll Carl Cook tied tor were erved by the- Cook and you will encour a,e the team third in the and our school as he k~lew it. Mr: hoste , assisted wer gue ta of Mr. and MI'1I. S. S. Ellis present ed tile diplom by attendi~g the games. We are in Middle town and Dayton . as by Masten Earl district high jump failing by one Jame.s ha , n9t ~ee)l to a~ alu m!,! I Ea nhart and Billy Mellob who H. . Burnet t, of ' near Lytle, to Mary AI~n, David . Boger, promise d some good 0PPolio r Mr. and Mrs. Willia\:t1 . Brown. in«!h to match the best of the Saturda y. day m~tlng Slllce hIS gradua tlon untIl Ilre also garden helpers Doroth y B()urne, Juanita · Branteam. and the local team will ba of Centerv ille, spent Sunday with in the of the nock" Helen Campbell, ~obert . much better trom now on with the their 80n, Emil Brown and family. inchCt!. clas D divi ion. 5 feet. 7 ~hlS year. hOlltess. Mrs. Orvjlle J. Gray, 1.~r. ,F. R;' MOOJ\l(lW, sll,perm GuCt!ts of the 'h ostess wer:e Mrll. Burbar a Gray alld MM!. O. MiBS Cleav~r, WInifr ed Conner , Carl additio n of 2 or S more playera . Waynesville will be represe nted e~t 26. td 30 was preslm t tendE. Howell Pierce, M,i s Clara Lile, Anders on spent Tue$da y in Day- Cook, Margar et Crawfo rd, Eldon Membe1's of the Arguno t bridge in the state field and track meat WIth Ellis, Marvin Fox, Belen Greene , , ~oomaw ! and Mrs.' Adam Melloh and Mrs. Alv~n ton. WA YNESV lLLE MERCH ANTS club were enterta ined at the home at Columbus, ' Ohio, FrldBy and express ed hls Loxalne UaB, Betty . Hartaoc k, bapPlOe s Enrnha rt. 01 M1'8, Harvey Rye, FridaY' after- Saturda y of this week, by the With u AB. R HPO A E Frank once again. Hawke , Grace Hoyle, Ruth Mrs. Ellen -Good - - -- and 80n Robe~t The 1JIeeting ell> ed with tbe Mendy, rf ."" ... 2 l ' 0 0 0 0 noon. Hoyle, Chadel l LeMay, Norman ' of Dayton , are • visiting above lit Y9UII,g the athlete s where it 18 Burnet t, 3b '''' ~ 1 1 1 1 0 9xt2 Domelltic Ruga cleaned ,e-xllecte,d. that , they will be strong high school song sun~; by the home of Mrs, Flo sie CaTey and Mel'edith, Noah Newma n, Ruth group. Treadw ay, S,c 1 0 0 2 1 0 and resized , $2,5 0. Quick Cll!aners Penllin gto/l, EvelYn family. ~~:ettt Petera, iOll for the best of the Dancin g was then enjoyed, Peck, Ib ,..... . 1 0 0 6 0 1 Harvey Peters, Lena SchuleT; Kathry n Menden hall, Manage r. \ . . __ - - . - - Davia, If .. ........ 2 0 1 1 0 0 musi,c being furnish ed by an Mr. an.d Mrs. Scott Leever, and Olive Scott, John Seal'S, Lester orchest ra from Dayton . Sanbor n, 2b .... "' 0 2 1 0 1 children , of Norwood and Mrs. Schaffe r. Mao Treadw ay and Mary [ Ellis, If, I, 8 .. ( 0 0 3 1 2 sP;:;t Lou Snlith, of Mason, ere Sun- l<atheryn Young. Meredi th; .. .. .. 2' 0 0 3 1 ,1 Ml ea Trlllen a and Marrar et Ed-l day evening callel's at the bome Superin tendent Lotz awarde d BroWD .William aoa C.re_ y '82 P .... for havjng the lnl'gest Hart.oc k, ef ....2 0 0 0 0 0 of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mainous. certific ates of merit to ' two FOlD'" I. Fraaldi al Foltow .d Bowker , et .... 2 0 0 0 0 0 warda. centage of the/I' class tl,r,asent. Gl'IIce and Ruth H~ Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Herman , of Mrs. . , . S. By " Elli, Wed4l . Mrs. Harry _or outstan ding attenda iq Bre.akf alt H.... this time t.he J unusua l announ ceWilson , c .... 2 0 0 8 " 0 Dayton , were- dinner nee " cuesta of Mr , Smith, Mrs. Reba Braddo ck and cords, Ramby , Ib .. 2 0 1 1 0 0 ment was made that a balance of the fo~er baving miSled E M CI S d d M J $20 was in the bank ' for nex.t The Method ist Episcop al churcli Mrs. Mary C. Cta spent Wednes - one day and the l~tter, DOne, Carey, p .",' " .. 8 , 0 I 1 16 0 :~enln: • , cure, .un ay Boy Scout. To in Haft! Of year's executi ve cC)rnm~ee to at Frankli n was the scene of a dayin Frankli n, tbe gu~sts of Mr. theu' lour yean of hirh acbool aDd aacI ParkinI ' of Can start with. very pretty weddin g. Saturda y and Mrs. Glen Bordoll. Totala .... ..... , 28 2 6 27,28 6 )fl'. and Mra. C. E. Anders medals tit Eldon Ellis for hil work on and - - - - - . ---'~ mornin g, May 18, when at 9:S0 lions spent Sunday in Osborn , the Honori:1lg MI s Bernyc e Hyman , at ' the annual southw estern disAt c.1D.ter~ o'\:lock, in the presenc e of tbe lIn- bTide-elect guests. of Mr. and Mr.. Ben trict track !lwet. mediate family and a rew close Oinc\nn~ti, of Mr. Al Polinsk y, of Th benedic tion by Rev. J . . Smith. friends e ntertain ed fl'iends, the Rev. George H. Smith with a weddin Schaeff er brough t the exercis es to g shower at the united in marriag e Miss Luella Hotel Alms, a close and the names of the Cincinn ati; SundllY , William on, YOlln(Jcst daught er of May 19. class of 1935 were added to the Mi. and Mrs. H. H. Williamson, of roll of Waynellville . high school Waynesville, and Mr. Ira O. D. S. Howell of Port Wililam alumni . Brown, on of Mr. and Mrs. M. J'. was in WAyne sville, Saturda y, to Brown, of Versail les. attend the fUrieral sel'viees at th'e Of For her marriag e the bride was M. E. chinch tal' Samuel ."U''''''HLlI'' HENDE RSON -ARMI TAGE · attired in a becomi ng travelin g who pas ed away Wedn1!ol!day at Announ cement Willi made, Satur. suit of blue crep with matcbin g his home in Johnsville. Carl Smith, Min i.1!lter day evening- at the. alumni meetaccessol'ies. Church school at 9 :110 a. tn" Mr. and Mrs. J. ,D. Crabbe and ing, ot the I marriag e of Precedi ng the ceremo ny Mr. Lord's Supper at conclusiion. Chris 1tussell family enjoyed a visit the pa t Winifre d Armita ge and Mr, Misl Frank sang Bo)'d "I Love You Score by Jnninp : tian Endeav or at 6:30 p. m. Even- Truly," with week from J\lr. George C-Covel's-l...t1erull4.lllJOl- which: organ took aecomp place aniing evange listic service at 7l80. i2U 5 8788rne'n t pla.yed by Mrs. S. S. Stahl, ton of Falli>n, .Nevad,a, Mr. Covers Thur day, M#y 16, in Falm.outh, WaYlletviJIe 0020 0 00 () 0 - 2 ton,' whO is Mrs. Crabbe 's ,b,rothe r, Ky. oj. FrankU n. , , ' Lynchb urg .. 0. 0 1 1. 15 1 0 0 0 - 8 . Follow lng the ceremo ny a re- stPJ.>ped en o,rute from a busines s ' Th e bride is the younge r daughF RIEND S MEETI NG tel' of, Mr. and Mrs. V" Y. Arm. ception wall , held ,and breakfa st ttip , to Washin gton D. C_ a. m. was served at the home of the 1\£1'. and Mrs. Baumg ardner, Mr. itage. Shl1 is a gradua te of Way10 t30 bride in Waynesville. an'd Mrs. Lent Ie, of Cincinn ati, l1esfille high Bchool and : is an aceomplished young woman. Mrs. Brown is an attracti ve aJld Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Burgess . and Mr. HendcM!on is the son of L. accomplished young wllman. Sbe mother, Mr. lind Mts. Hayes .Bu.rFERRY C HURCH OF <:HRJS T M. Hender son, cashier of the gradunte-(:} from Waynesville hig)l gesa, of Dayton , were school in the elas of '26, later te- JUles~ of Mr. and Mrs. Sunday Wayne1;ville Nationa l Bank. He Carl Smitb, Min:ilrtel' J. W. ahJO is II gradua te of Wayne sville ceiving n.e r B. A. degree at Obio Coleman. • high , school nnd attende d the Unified lIetvic esbegin ning wfth Wesley an Univers ity and her .I f. chureh ;school at 9 :S() a. \ m. A. degree at Ohio State Univers ity At theil' home ill Lytle', ' Mr. anp Univers ity ,of ' Cincinn ati. For Ml;'. Brown is a gradua te of Wit. Mrs. Haryey Burhet l'nterta service at 10 :80 a. m. ined about two years he has been in tenberg college. For tbe past two at dinner . Sunday , Hi s Laura to\!" employ of James E. McClure, years he bas been employ lurieJ'al directo r, arid . at present WAYNESV ILLE M. E. C HURCH Waynesvil .: high school ased in Rosnagle, of 'Cinclnn ati, Dr. and is attendi ng' the com- Mrs. H. E. Hathaw ay, M~. and Cincinn ati mercial and Freneh , instruc tor. Rev. G. 0, DibElrt. P lastor Mrs. Harold Whitak er and chil- Sch,ool of Embalm ing. Immedi ately after the receptio n dren: The oc~asion celebra ted Mr. and Mrs. Hender son are reSunday : Sunday schoQtl a~ 9 :30 the a . .m. Mornin g worship at ,10.:30. and breaIda's t Mr. and Mrs Brown birth<lay anniver saries of Mu. ceiving the congraf ulation s of Dr. Frank W. Stanton (\f Frank- <leparted for LeXington, :Ky., Hathaw ay, Mrs. Burnet , Miss l!.08- their many friends. lin will be with 11S and lpreaeh ...t where they ,attende d a double nagle and Mr. . Whitak er wbicfl - - • this nour. Epwol· th LE~acue at weddin g, tbe contrac ting parties occur within a foew daYI5 of :APPRO ACH INC MARR IAGE ' b eing Miss Doris Donaldsotl, of each other. 7 p. m. with Virgini a lJ'ardlo as - . leader. " ,Deft!l.nce, and lIr. Karl Boden, Miss Virginia aardin attende d At a bridge given by Mila rhe~e 'Will be no' lpreacbiu4' beader, teacht)r of scienee, mathe- tlie opening number of tbe May Evelyn !<erSoCy at her home . in service in O\1r church on , l\ext maticl a.nd physica l educati on , in Music Festiva ati Tues Ol'egonia Tuesda y avenine anSunday evening . the ·Wayne svile. high scbool, and day ~Nening. l in Cincinn great oratorio nounoe ment was ' made of tile 1'1. Bible study and llraY~t meetin g Mlu· Mary Lou Parsons , of Cleve- "Eljjflh " by The Mendelsllohn was coming marriag e of Mias Ola on Wednes d.. y at 7 :3"0 p" m. land. a nd Mr. RU88el Frank. present ed. ,'Mr, Eugene Goossen Music:. s, Hartsoc k and Mr. John Ke ....y teacher of mUllic and 'English in copductol' of the I nvoca.tion ..... , Rev. G. C. Dibert Cincin n.ti whiob will take place May ao. The the local high e/1ool and fr:om symphony orchest ra directe d the guests ST. MARY' S CHtJRCH present were lIilll Flout. LinCOln ', Gettysb urg Addres s" .... " there louth on a short honeym oon music. The chorus was compos ed Fltzroth , Lebanon, IIIn. Ira ToWllRev. I . J . .Schallire-r, ;Rector ..... :... ,_"" ... " Howarc.t Sheeter trip. of 86' carl'ful ly , chosen voices sley, Xenia; III". ThOmas Bunoa 'l'he followi ng out of town from in and around Cillcinn MUllic May 26. Rl)ptlo n. $Ullda" guests ati. Mrs. Jobn B. GoDl, Mrs. Rou B_ .. ere pretlent at the wed- Th~y were asSisted by .1\ve emi)lel Church sc:hool .t 9 :30; Moram , lt Rart!lock, Mn. E. F . Deppe, lin. diq and recepti on: Pr!'yer and sermon at 1 ~:30. soloists and the sympho lb. a nd lIrs. M. J. Brown, Mr. trll of about 100 pieces.ny arches- CharlEls lIartsoe k, M.... Doria Hawke, ElIaabe th Henklel Paltll and Mrs. Gerlach , Versail esi Mr. . Tomlinson and Bemre t BJaaD. and MI'I. F. R. Moomaw, Mias En route from Deland , Fla., • _ ..._ __ Marjor ie 1I0r... n~ ChllUcotbel Mr. where tbey spent the winter, to Father N,wt~ll, and Mra. Mark McMillan, Middl~ the J.Da~ home in W~ DUTH . IIaa at a Aapdi Jle. Cbuc1l town; lira. J" Ralll", aDIl' every . . . .d aDCI fOil I Su...., El1Iest Ilamae" Cineill uti; Mr. Mn. Ruth Janne)" Mi. Louella lira. JaDJte7', Mr. and Iln. Loren t the mODth. Pasl Haak. Piqua: Mr. and lin. Hadley and childre n arrived at the L 1. iWaDaIon, Clevel ud, lin. bome of Mr. and Mra. Walter IIc:lCa7J, Dr. a1\d ...... ...... WllHalllS ill Xlqma ll Oil III. via..,. lIeRf.... Ii,. here u.t,


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ARTHUR HAMILTON TO cu~U;~~gp;:::~~i;.~~n tl~~ecl~SS SPEAK MEMORIAl DAY




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IIaNkI WI_ ..



---"-:--;;:- ~

----~ . -

Mary H. Em"D -' .... tile a· ,,",ice. tatlon, mini trator I. allthortsecl to Invest $27.60; Mill I' cen-In lund.. cofte.... boUer, A rertifted eopy f>f the entry de J. W. LIOt:() ... ""... "". ter III inin&' the inherituce- tax on plte. '10.60; H. the eatate of Jam .. W. Pte81l'Y. irl.ll!l, '41i' Fralll:C eCIl!!cd. I to be certified witho\1t iCll", $11 : Jbrr Z, del BY $90; liff flrullt • ......1·v1'·".· hip of . Hettie Conov~r, an in. n (f t ' The height at which the lawn is t I ~ h I Maud lagle, administratrix. of . \l r y • . CrYl 8, cut has a decided influence on t.b COItlJlC nt )ler. on. ~ e o. c atte ll.. S Thonll) on, hlnin" Iln{) repal' fl' n'" t· t"" d \,{' e~late or amuel W. Slagle, .. .. quality of the turf Exfterl'me"'s " In til t'a CJf M ry .To. (lphine pl'0 " I' Y IS. au \.OI'lze , piSM. $,5; W. H. Wrl' " h t , ' . r .... "'L.~ ' .. ) t' I Ed B D kl Il ed. filed her firtlt, I1nal and di • • have -hown say G II -'lcClu" Sar nt, Illminislr trl o( amucl un.' rClll ... 11I IOn 0 • a n lribulive aCCount. nlil Ilg. 4.:12; Holilul's & Vale. • , s . ." • , bu ial. $tOO; W de . Brown, of the Department of AlJI'onomy r ..nt. decca ed. v r u. The iI IllblJinilltrntOl' 01 th~ e tnt.e of goso.line" '3,75; Mall us Hou ton, at the Ohio Experiment Stalion, lagc pf L baJ)QIl, j\1d m Ilt to Georil'<' II. Beach, deceased. wit ac lllalntitr tor $1000 and co",t paid cepted. He is dircetcd to til hi ~.rrla.. Lic.o.... TVlces, $I; Ru el Dl'ake, that t.oo el e cutting, suits in. a he ! M th V Hunl tlccount . gflldual d CNase in th vlgor ot ~.".....",-". II se 0 ar 0 n es.~ ~ th" 'Il . WiJliam Eckel, farnler, of 8 r\,lce~, $1; [Til, L. Mount.s, th lurf and an ultl'mat l·nc~ea. minor. b)' her Il~ t 'friend, EdWllrd +11 e 1110 er . of Ole estate of r w, and Mrs. Gladys Hitesman. rroneous issuance. of Vendor's • ~ Van Nel!S, v fsUS J oseph S 19l, '. nw 1 Butterworth tl cea ed !;DIe hou. Ie eJX'r, of .Morro • I\c¢lISI'. $.l; fal'Y \Voodward, in , W<'eds such a dandelions, plllnnlalnti« -ant d until ' fay j 1. of I"b(lOllg is TIle red. ' ]> I DI h ' Ol·abgrass . 1'& •' ... thft l~.tlt'ftr of lh ........ te of au un, st el wO\lker of ron CoUll \S8UanC 0 f V en dor' li- talll ·Th\ua(ld d~"I ·· · d t 1985 til am lid petition defAnd nl " , . . .'" " .... Frankll'n and Mi Al Melin e Oil' Maln;'(l H R '· II' k ""'" IDe In, qua 1 y un 131' 00 rant d 16 da'"' th r a rt:r to latD J. Graham, Ii ('eased, d i s t r i · v rna . , l' , • . e~a IC, lose cuttiJ)g is Jhe dir"ct TeMult of ,,~ , bution J: oro reo. Th Astat'" I'S New(:om.b ~ookkeep r, ot Franklin orron qu i lIuanee of Vendor's Ii· th · con equent :re-duction in leal tIl ad furth " '" .... cense, 1; John . Jones. Suppl", 1" tlit! eM e of The r,o_lu nd Mu Xllmpt (rom ·inh(!ritano~ tax. . "'18 C · ., ar a. The lttavea of the grass are, Too wiU of W. BeaJ'amin L \\<i., Lal E.tae ·Tranaf.h ' rV l(l ~8,... ; aVfltt Co·., tal', In a aense, the factoI'Y in which tunl Building and Loan ompany H" Id E Ch b l ' d Fl $320.60: Owen Gro, • lumber and I wa tU(!cd in probatl.'. ",ro . m er llln a.n 0 ar mallufactufed the food mater) . A II v u L O UI~ . aft, (It a , jud ... Ch b I ' t 01' • 'nam.1 c m nt. 10.38; :fl. ,Conover up ·11tl · tf and ft· o m de4en. Harry A. atterthwaite, dmln"nile am er aln 0 lver ~ I' al needed for growth. The raw ... b ] i I t ' F kl pIes lind paint. ~;5.70; Waites to plal ment dB ' i"tr,j\io r of the DR.' ~t of Fr nJ.. E. er a n, t'etI e ate tn ran in. materials are the wate)' and ml·n· . A U e~sle" ~ ... ~ !iiI ' 11 P D Gara~e. parts, $41.63; Welch & t L OUIS . ulltt an d lin, Hatt, in the $1In) of 'I45l.31 with Harbach. dect:a ed, flied his !!all' rrl rocter pall and Freder· 0 k' d 'II b' " eral nutrients taken in' through the ... bill. . ick Hook r Ball to The People's S Ill. t'l It, ,G,n: The Cinein· root. ad the carbOll dioxide abSOl'b inter tl ab() judg-m III to ,harles B 'ld' L d S . . nati iI W()rk Co.• gaSQllne·. $7 . Hild brant ill the sum of $~4.. W. ChI.' ter Maple as appointed I ~lNmg~9 ?8n an aVjDgs O.• ln 06; E. B. Dakin. fml.ce, nnd barb ad through th.e leaves. Through 20 ~ ith inter st and cost, etc. adnti'ni trator of the e tate of Re· oV01io. °G lnd 'L e bAnon. wirc. • .33; ~or~en's Tire & the agel\oies 01 ,c hlorophyll,· the .ve ra y to Arthur B. Ander B· t .... ~ca. E. Sabin and filed bond 0·'( dR A n tery ' tat,on, tire and tu~e, $ubstanc I to I whl<;b i11lparts gr~en In th '"~ c e oI ~D arl 1\r. Bbt•• V h u s Walt r M. B'o tt. divorce. ~1600 with ' ureti s. C. ,E ula ., lion an oy. nderson. 31 B.j:res 112384 t G co or eaves, and of sunlight, . K Br"wrl and C.· S. I-wI'n w''''''e in "~ankJin township. '!' ' ; omp 01'1 III rage kero e these ra.w mat rials are built up in Sf lintI'd to plaintiff; alimony to v . .... L A "j and ~as()Jine, $3.64; The ' J. W. ~ Hnlitf. . appointed. apprai er . . • ~ mnterman and Adolph· L ' H d C to organic fOOQs, such as starches . Z' t M L lO go Dr ware 0., supnl.ies, d Tb f d t P .. 1n th cas ot Jame aul, ad. V j1\iam S, Ha zelton. executor ot Ine Imtmer~anWo ny . ears $41. 7; ri wold ervice t:tibn. an sugar. eSe 00 s are jus as l n.f th'"'" estat..... '"AI .u rr. L. to. ell~te of Gr ce Hazelton, de. rea es ate In ... , , . P 1MB ~-aynesville. W 1 M' Ia b or. pllrt , 's upplies and gasoline, important th I t for thethnourishment of m inl·...t-tO. ul. dc:cea ed, versus The Pru- c a ed. filed his ·nventory. B ttea~ I . N 0 .... to. a tel' '$221.61; LeMar Body Shop, e p an a are e mineral 8ub· dentiat In urallee Co. of America, The edjudie tion and determin. CO , IBn ot 0, d1 9 7 in Lebanon. ga olinc, $16,15; The Cincinnati stance. ,- sucb as .,hospborus and time for the defendant t.o file mo. ation of th inheritance tax: on the Lora HurKns an, Marst1SnoBurns ~o Oil Works 0. , gasoline, 6.13; potassIUm, that are taken into the 'Ion i nended to 'urday, June I.' tate of James W. PI' sley deceas U' erQY t . amplng, 4. acres In Th e ancmantl . . . 0 i Il Works Co./ t· plant , . hi e through f h the }'roots. ht h During J I, 1935, ed. i!! t.Q 1)e given to 1\11 per ons in. Dlon owns p. ga~or $2528 'fh l~ d d 1m B 0 muc sun II!: t e. pants ted. Jo eph B. Shurts, decea ed, to lOe, . ; e .. n ar ma· n ufa"t"re more food th i ~n th caSe of The Federal Union terA~ D Le a R Sh ts D h rt t I Oil 0 •• k~to$ene. $i4.%; The Kil. ... .. an s Life Insuranc Co. versus Thomas . ' . Han y. dminlstl'atdr of n t' ';Ir H a~g e y, ell ., r>atrick. Fr nch Mot!)tcar Co., tire necessary for immediate grQwth. B, Sturdivent, et al. judgment and th E: estate 01 H nnah R. Shimp. teaMl e Fate din damllton township. tube-. ga oline. $]] 6.32; Lewis & The excess is transported to the decree t. 8 i-"e', Ruth Zwle leI' deceased, his petition for a' nd aeo orson Ito Everett there " I l . t filed l A or B An tt tat ' " D rake, Inc., coal, 13 j R~tssel lite· roots unon and whl'ch th stored I· tas.a reserve d ,aestate. owance 01 his olaim against said Salem nna enne. rea (IS e 1n Elf resh. J;>ost No. 1019, M~nlol'ial as' '" needed. e p an ean raw made party d'efendant. township. L • Emma D M M'II b d ' ~ Day allowance, $25 :; G. A. R. John It I'S eVI'dent that 'lf m t f th The Il1!a),lng. on he inventory and , N_ S.ut~ . c 1 en, y a mllllS- Kell Po t, Memori 1 Day allow. QI! 0 (! The Union Central Life 1n8uran~ appraisement on he e tate of bator, to Joseph McMillan, 126.61 ance $25 leaves are removed by too de e ..." Adam N. Ar>gar, deceased is con. acYes in Wayne township. ' _ _ ._ _ _ .....,._ _ _ mowing the production 01 food Co. versus B rower L . tevens for tinu~ tb May 22 at 10 o'~lock. G~orge Dudle:y t.o Robert; G. and materials is Ie ned and the mon.ey and foreclo ure 01 mortTh eltate of Mary Owens, de. Morion T. Campbell, 105 acres jn plan eventually b comes weaken. gage. Amount claimed $4315.50 ceased, i8 relieved trom adln!ni tra Deedl Id township. ed. This decreases its r istance to with interest. , tion. The LebA\On.Cj~izens National d·r outh and di ease and renders It is ordered that Mary E. Bank t 0 ..,..... I The Union J oint Stock Land 0:"; I'th'" R U Ie Do'Up;ree, R iess abl e t 0 compe.t El ' succe ,..\1 .# Uy Bank of Detroit versus Mary Mc· Quayle guardian of Thomas James 173.05 aeres in ' Turtlecreek town·1 with the nlOI'C vigorou!fiy gre~' il1g Kin ney, et aI, for money, personal QualYe and Mary Jane ,Q uayle, be ~hjp. 'Needs. JIertha Schonfel(i to William There is evidence that the root judgJ:llent, foreclosur and eqult· authorized to accept settle"'ent as able relie!. ,.. ... Id , rea . 1 estate in Deel'lIeld G " . . ~yste m 0 f t urf th . l'egu Iar Iy cut oWer d by Dorothy V. Quayle ex- SC honue )'0 cas" f arm Income In . a t IS eeutrix ·of the e tate of Harl'i~t C. township. , OhiO, in the roont~IS of January very closely is n<lt 80 extenaive and ProNe. c - t Quayle, in lieu of 1-3 interest 01 New York Life Iosur~nce Co. tlltough April, wa 45 per cent does not penetrate so deeply into Charles W. Pierson was appoiht~ said mino"' ~nterest in the estate. to Charles R. Bonner 107.25 acr s the soil as that of turl permitted eel administrator of the estate of Clinton D. COl!'win snLt W. In Salem townshiJ,l. larger than in tbe same period a to grow longer. Naturall~ the turf Clara Pierson, decealed, and flIed ter Maple executor!! of the eatate The Fe-deral Land ~ank pf Louis- year ago. And compared with the with a. limited and shall.ll1" lI'o()t bOlld of ,6000 with suretiell. ' of O. w. Brown 'deceased were ville to E. A. McHenry and Eliza income r celved bY' farmet's in the system does not have as large a Tlie will of Grace Hazelton, de. autborized to ~IJ' certifi. McHenry SO ' acre8 in Harlan town. ~m6 period in 19S'S, the recorded volume of soil from which to ae· - --", "'.8 adml'tted to II ro bat e. c: a t es. shin c:ure its wattr and nutrl·en·.. ",' r! was 75 per cenlt. .... as Ce·_ William S. Hazelton wu appoint. C. C. Miller &. Son creditors of TtHl 011 Land Bank of Louis ' does a turf with a large deep root ed esecutor, no bOlld required. the -t'S~te of Martha DoCran e. de. ville t . 1'.1 urice S. and Mary E. These figures Wilre supplied by system. A a consequence, it is Otto Auppurger, Lloyd Reed and ceased, til d a motion asking that Starkey, 4~.50 acres in Harlan F. L. Morison of the department mOre likely to uft'er duriog times Evelyn Wilson were appointed ap. Orion F. Crane, executor, be re- township. of runl economics at the O. S. U. of dl'outh or und.e r inadequate fer· praiaen. Olov'ed, and an administrator ap. Arthur and Ruth 5mBdbeek. to who e!\tinlates eac'h month Obi~ tiUzation. G. Frank Rogers was appointed pointed. John F. lleenan, 'r eal estate in tarm ineome. • F.or the lawn, e peeiaUy ad~iDiltrator of the estate of AJI- The bond of Fan nie V. Boxmeyer Deerfield township. ' Morison repo;rts that ev&n with durmg thci hot Bummer months the nette Rogers, ~elll!ed, and filed lfuardian of Rose. L. Yetter minor James T. Sharp to State of Ohio greatly reduced marketings of Jawn mower should be set to cut as bond of ,aooo with suretiel. Ever. is reduced to $1000. • H . . K., A. ~. and N. Jackson to livestdck, the totall Income from high as p()ssi~le, preferably at 1 ett Early. ~ames E. Mc<?lure and Annella Pence, administratrix of State of Ohio Katherine Wojcinskl the sale of meat animals in the 1-4 to 1 inches. If the grass ie Ch~rlel Elh, were apPolnted ap- the estate of William L. Graham to State of Ohio, Stella M. Glancy first four months CIt" thiil year was not watered regularly it IIhould praisers. deceased, flied her first and 1inal to State ot. Ohio, thle use of real 48 per cent larger tban in the same not be mowed t.oo frequently after The estate 01 Carrie M. Juter- account. estate for highway purposes. months of. last year. the first of June. U it is allowed to bock, dece-a ed. is exempt from in. The wjU. of J. D. Jones ,was ad. Income from dairy products rose g{) into the bot summer months heritanee tax. mitted to probate. Allow'" ' one·third. he says, owing with a considera'ble growtl); weeds In the matter of the guardian. . In the matter of the estate Dr. F. A. Dilat ush, medical servo increases for milk and will not have as . an °PPOT'











Straight ,Washington a)' STEPHEN M. YOUNG Con."e ...n.n At [.arlO 5,000 {Ill'mel' II'om practically every stat e, mal'chad on Washing. ton recently, They came to Wa .. h. ing-ton to' express suU.slac:tion with th ~AA and New Deal farm polic'e s. They wa l10 ed over the White House lawn · P ident Ro~sevelt ,nddt'eased Lhe cheering "I:!ncultuTl!:lta. l.le told,}hem ~ey h}1 ~[e ree.eIVing insuffiCIent prices, and did t~ey a~pln~d and cheer ~ Th~ truth 1.8, lh~s IS the fir t time I.n American hi t;~ry that the .Amerlclln .people. eVidenced gra~ltudo to, theIr Preilldent and to the~~ Congr s. to. the extent of ma\>mg a pllgrlDlageto the cou~t~y' Ca~ital. at their own ex· penile, some. fllr as two thou and nilles, to thank their C~~gre8S and their President for glVlllg them a square dea.1.


"F el f~ W criticize" ""a. ofte 01 th4! .tatements of the Chief Executive in his radio talk 1I0t 10n8' ago. Evidently 80mI.' people have heen following this custom. The U. II. Chamber of ommel'ce in ita m tlntt in Washington ,seems to have lelt fr e to critiCise, if we Al'e t.o accept new paper repol'ts, and y t 80 far al can be learned th I'a was 110 allSwering word of comfort from tb Wl\ite HoUse. In his address to AAA Southerl' fnTDl delegat s who am&Wash illgton the middl of May tbe Prea Ident is reportecl to have stated thab high Bnd mighty men had ought to- mi lead the ' country by lying about · the AAA larlll pro. ram. Chtlsticism of the tarm progrllm evidently doesn't always go so good. It may b that some of these high and mighty mell have prevarica.ted about the government {al'm program. We are not aure that w al'e abl" to understand ju t what. the program is and are thel'efore not 'lllaliflec;\ to pus on all th stl,l b!ments about it. ' But anybody whl> drov throuah ~he Middl West in the I)ot Bummer of 1933 and smelled \:ht'l />urningo pig meat will b hard tp disabulltl' rn en~ tally of some I the AAA criticism anybow.- The Republic Bulletin.


. The. oldier's "bonus" struggle been most spectllcular. Many !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!! congressmen beli ve thpt the "proU.. bonu ·crs" will rnust r lIufficient TtlE MIAMI GAZETTE strength in the Senate to override Presidentla l veto. Their the FOR RESULTS strategy was to d lay mntters to give Father Coughlin more oppor· ::::============~ ~unity to call tor a d hlge of telegrainS t,o win. a few Senate votes for lhe Patman bill. They caused 8 delay and Pathel' Cougnlin made the spe ch. If tbi/i strategy doell not succeed. t his is Ue will be com promia d pl'obably early ill 1936. h.a

A the General Ass mbly of Ohio is adjournillg without redistrict. ing the state it i evip nt that Ohio citizen:a will gain 1 ct t .wo Coniressmen-at.large in 19.36. Voters 01 New York anq Illinois for many years regularly elected two Thi ' . 5 Yllt em b 8S many advantages. FOr one thing it provjd 8 additional alld tReater representation. EVery citizen lIS repr Benied by thJ'E'fl Congre men.

CCC "veteran," are taking a page from the book ot ex.service men ef the World War. A movement for- a bonuS for 't he CCC "veterans" is now be~nning to take de.ftnite form. The soldiers" "bbnus" i su haa given many a congressional headaehe during the pa t twenty years. Is it possible that these CCC ·'veterans" will $oo n .have a lobby of their own advocating a cce bonus? .

An Ohio congl'$sman, the other day, received an eJf'er of another b. The offer was, "A ll we are

ROoT FOR AND CON~IGN ,our Cattle. ~ o~ IhH.p all4 eat. to Nomll·Broek Co., Ii... wi... Mi4 pr.:>gre.llve finn f'lt th. las.t\... Mltket pricea and ~oocl Hl'flee. UD'OIl S'o.clr V.nIa' Ci••i._at Go Tune in on Statloll It'OI[Y 12:26 to 12,:80 p. m. tor 0111' daU, market repon..,

F. 'r. M.rtln Auctlon•• r


.Or No Char••

Centerville, Ohio Phone 78J

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!i~;.;.~ ~~~~to~~~~~~~~~~~~~uL~Lnttheendofyour nal services and Income from salies of farm. pro. present tel'm, ~ ~m-WU1ini to hi:re L M HENDERSON


~1(); Mrs. Lule Gabbard, sen. Ices, $5: M1'/!. W. C.... Roberts, se~ees, $6; Mra. Elmer Lacy. servIce, ,5; Mrs. Oma Osborne services, $10; Mr. James Moore' sarvicetl, $5; Mra, Maude Dear: doft, services, '7.50~ Mrs. Ira Eltz roth, lerV!Ces, $5; lJ~den Doug~. man, serVIces, $7; Mra. Howard Sawyer, ,services, $7; The West. ern Star, envelopes and letter. heads, $77.75; John Law " Son gas and oil, ,7.17; The Frankli~ Chronicle, tax ncitice. · $46; The Columbus Blank Boole Mfg. Ce.• re co~s, $15; John8ton.W~tso n Co., adding machine paper, $2.95; aaynea Publishing Co., deClara. to!'), judgrnents, '8.'50; The Office Outfitters, chair forcJerk, of ~ourt. $16.75; Dr. H. M. WiJJ!ams ~nqUe8t, ,8.10; Dr. H. M. Williams mqu·e st, f8 . 75 j John Law &. Son , gas, oil; labot, $48.42 j Griliwold

. 44 Yearl ,Of Service

Jewelry Shop Leba~on,


You Ma7 Cbouo Witt. Ulmo.l COD6"-c.

Diamond.-Watch~.-Jewelry-Silverware For I". Cra"uate, S.~wer or W.ddiD, Gift

Expert Watch Repairing and Engraving ·

"7 he Home 01 Gilts" Store 0.., 8:30.. m. to 9 m. p.

ducts in April wa.s abQut 14 p~r you to e1lt tifty ~ord of wood on • . , cent higher than tn March. Prices - - --- - - - -my farm." the next . letter he NOTARY PUBLIC of hogs and sheel? held at about opened cause.d a gasp of alltonishthe slime level during the two ment. It Will! ditreTent. Tbis consti. N....... . . . . I'nonth ~. -€attle prices, however tuent wr()te: "I am not asking you tilU. Dr._ • • E ...._ aeltW were higher. ' Donald Re~ves of CCC camp at for an appointment 01' a job for WAYNESVILLE; OHIO . The prlnciple iilcrease in April Clearfield, Ky., spent lut week at my elf of a ,friend, or urging you I"!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JncOJlle wtuJ from poultry and is horne here. to vqte for or against ." nr legis)a· I; egg~. The rise wa!1 50 per cent in Miss Rachel ' Hartman, "'ho bas tion in which I am interested ' 1 ",FOa IALI! DATa. C4LL April ov r March income. T his rise. s~riously ill of pn e1lmon ia. is don't want any favor, nor 'any was ~ue botb to a:n incl'eued pro. Impr(>Vlng. rrands dOne. I merely want. to du ctton of egg1J considerably MI'. and Mrs. C.· D. JUan and you .that 1 am well satisfied "bove tbe. usual .April . quantiti'es daughters 8P'1lnt last week amo'n g you jaS my ebngressman. and an.d a contraseaso.nal rise in egg relative/! in lndiana. ' that l , am we]) satillll.ed with the pnces. Leo Whitson, ", he) has been ill. way things are going lind desire Potato prices .:ontinued low. at the home of his Sister, in Daye:!courage yo\.1 to keep on wo~k. Th& farm price WBIS 40' centa a ton, ia able to work in h~ barhel' JESSE STANLlIY ' ......bushel in April compared with shop again. ft ••• no. II,"!, ............ '1.16 a year ago. Wool also was . Mr. and .Mrs. J. L. Conard, Mr. selling at a pJ;ice much lowe r than arid Mrs. Harold Conl1'd and son EAIU. 1tOOCL&. that of last year. spent SUl]day with Mr. &lid Ill's . .,.,,- Pa... Carl Conlk~d, of Dayton. u __ ..... C. P. Noggle atten<!ecl the base ball game in Cincinnati Su,nday, Mrs. Luther Lumpldn spent a part o! last week with her sbter to'~lIt OIUo At Miss!!!! Geneva)f>owell, of Oregonia, ' Maym,e. Dalyslip of M1's. R. M. Doft'ey of HamUton N.tiOa.1 Club C~ .Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cnri-y~ of I)a¥ton, Ruth Vllil ,o f Middletown, Kls~Lyn, f~nna.. arj! Ipending Infl: Hayslip, Gracie Hayslip and FOllr e.f Ohi~'s outstanding 4·H ;:OR SAU Clarence Hayslip of Wilmington, theIr vacatton with relatives here. club members have been chosen ~-:-----..:...::.:...::..:..:=~---C. P. Bopn is IIpending a Mr!. Mary Jane Pow.ell · of Olive Branch as delegatea ·to the National 4-H FOR SALE-Fine /lelection of on. George Vail of Leb~non, Vera few aays with her parente, Mr. club camp at Washington, June 18, acd two'l'ear old per.ellnW Pates, J .J erry C.olwell Clarence and Mn. Jas Scammahorn of Troy to 18, it is announced by W. H. plantSj sweet potato plants, 85 Mrs. Emma Blair was caned to Pates, LOl'ina Moore, of MjddlePalmer, state leader of cLubs for ctmts per h~ndred, 800 for ,1.00. townr Mrs. Letha Powell and son Xenia last week by the etrioul! the Objo State Univenity. All kinds of garden plants. Geott. of Klnlm1on, Charlley Wells of th~ conditi on of her brtlMr 1I01'aee , The lour are: ELva COtTell, 20 .P eterson, one mlJ~ from. Waynu"'ho ",a. run Over by a Mills place, Orlando Brlmnon and Edna manure spreader. ail! conditio'n is of lUue Ash, HatnilJon count,.·~ vilJe on Bellbrook pike. Phona , Dodge of Xenia WElre Sunday after somewbat Mary McClel1an4, 20, 'of Freder: 1$2R21. 5.28-' improved. . noon, callers at tb.~ home .:o:£ te. icktow~, ;Knox cO~Jlt,.; WUIi~m H. 1'hompBOn and fanlily. , .Laybonte. 19, of Springlleld, Clark FOR RENT-Rooms, rarap and AcIai."....lIt MeNiD,. Miss Dolo: WUiislme of this place county and Chester McGrew; 20, garden. Inqulre at G"ette was a guest last week. of MilS of Kent. .Portage count,.. office. 6-18~· Grace Jones in BIIanchester. Eig~ty..iJt huoc:U'ed women atThey will IIpend the we,k .. POOL YOUR WOOL-Pricel' at. Bird Powell a lnd family of tended SO achievement ~tinga of the United StateS De- . uI(laUyo lowest durin .. the near Oregonia IIpent Sat~rday this .pring to ~al'k the conclulion guests partment crt Agriculture. KOlt of C·with relatives lind friends In of A year · of partiCipation in a tJt(!, 48 lltates will lend del-tes,' ln~ leason. 01l8i&"n your wool to b the Ohio Wool Growers Coo~raHamilton. ' home demonstration program. a out 160 or 160 in all will be tive AllOciation. Receive a 15 CIDt S~veral attended . the Cottage t~ere. The Ohio Bankers' .\S80cia- cll8h 'advance and lull value whl I -~·Pr meeting oin last Thunday tlo.n and . t~e Ohio State Grange SOld. Waynesville Farmen E! even!ng at the honae of Mr. and "ttl provldmg the funds to send cha~,e Co. aepreHnbtiwe Is Mrs. Robert Le'?(ill near Harve,sthe Ohw deleptell. ,o ' " , b~rg. ' Each, of the four ' delegatell ~I FOR SALE-...Nancy Hall Early . lliss' Hannah Jordan • . ' K. E. a splendid 'record in "·R ' work Golden, Pol'to Ri~ YeIJo~ Tboml?sqn, Vern i.e and Frank Gi Jlipoli. is ~lal a warm Palme~ ltatel. The,. have all held and White Bralilia~ Sweet Potato : Jordan, Mrs. K. E . Thompllon and homecoming tbi. IUlllmer for it" ~lIlce8 in loCal cillba. taken part and all kjDda ot "rden p)aDts. AU Mrs. Mabel Te:rry h:an ..cted most iIlustriou llOo, O. O . McIntyre 10 club tours, county and .tate potato.. 86 CIDts , . hllDcIrecl 01' bUSiness in Lebanon, last Friday. New York. newspaper columnist. exhibits,. conducted a · Variety of three bndred ' for ,1.00. 1" Miss Lillian Fai ehllds and MIIIII After "winnina . ucceu in the bi, 4·8 proJects, and have ~therwJ.e mU•• north 01 WapenQJe . . Edna COOII called on K. E. Thomp city," the (arnoul Ohioan returltl to been active ill eommunity work. Fe~ Itoad. Stro.... BnUaen. a. son and family Monda,. e.veninr. "the old home town" for a vacation. They have al80 ••ned their elaba a. 8. *1-10 ••• To add a touch of hoepitality, hi' al leaders and au'stant leader.. . • NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT new .ummer home "Gatewood" ill guidln.c the progrllms of ),oUllpr FOR 8ALE-A DIc. ilia. of HE Gallipolil baa bee. lilted ill lhe local memtien. . dattoDerr••4 lIl..ts alad " Estate of Sarah Butterworth, telephoue directol7 UIIW "0. 0.,· The WuIllDi'tOD meetblc will b. velGpel for lie, 8laoyo"'. l ' deeeased. ' ' a. McIntyre is dectlonatelJ DO. . devoted to ItUcif aad 411ChIioq Ill.... aDd .8 .....1.,.. M 1, of adjatmlDt rec..t1~ Dlade In ontl; WIU4J ..... ,,~ ..... Notice ia bereb7 ir\vn that amob8 hi. boyhoocllriea4t. Gilbert Frye WhOM Pod qriclllture .D4 in bOlllematlq up""'. at Addrea. 111 Waynemu., Qblo•..JIu to It OlIo.. The telephone IUUI1ber 01 tbe aDd to ...k1nar DI" been dub appointed AdmlDlatrator White HOllIe Wli No. lin 1878. lt natioftal ell'lb Iato • ~ V ... of the Eatat. of Sarah .Batter- was OM of tb. fine h. telephoDe c. . . . . . I'1Iral lift. Palmer eta.. • "' ... worth lat. of Warren Oouot,. lian CODaectecI witIt tilt awitdt- ....... .. It&t. l..d.., will ao • ObIo, dee...ed. aI..... board placed III ..... fa DIlled til» toll_December. '" ... ,-. ...

New Burlington

Stanley i Koogler







Beeeh Grove


























o. O. Mf;lntvre

"0.0." in Hometown





w.,. pro..,..










I 1 '-11. . . Pri••, a Y.., 0Me....._ ,................... N.. III l!;ntered ., Poeto'"o. at wayn .. .

......... ............... .......... H .. 118


Broadea.t .PlllieaUon of fertil- quivalont to ' a rat. 01 Izc-r on the "arclt'n 1\ rl' r~('om lIlt'nd pound!! an .crt', and two pouD41 • ed at a rate of 5011 to MOO pounds an aert'. 011(' and on '-Cluurll'r hundred S(IUar foet il equlvale..t pounds to LOO :I'1uare leet I to 800 pounds 8n acre,

240,100 fann hom tric.l tacilltles. The Bure.u Federation I .ctive in the movement to obtain th $5,000000 in federal fundI! that will be required.

_ _ - _.4 _

.lIIe. 0'10. . . . .::~;rOd Cia .. "all

A study ot tl'affic accide nts by the Ohio Depal'lmcnt of }Ii~hway shows the dan er of Il pedestrian praetic Which is altogether too c mnlon. Many pedestrians xpose themselves to injury and death by not. xereislng ordinary caution in crossing streets or highwaY!!. Pedestrians are warned by High way Oil' eto1' John Ja tel' JI·. to

MAY 23, 10135


Our Struggle And Hardship "Out of the struggle and hardship that hlNl besieg d the cooperlltiV& movement in many states throughout the country tbe last few years, wH.l de~;lo~ a n w group of friends and supporters of farmel' , orga~}zationil, 8ays the' Dairymen's League NewR of N w Yotk , The chaos of depression gaVe) rise to the belief t.h~t governmental control could Bolve the problems of fa1m N. New leaders leaped into prominence over night. They gain~ following, sometimes large, beeauathey promised much, and becau e thousands who had 'been crushed by the weight of depression suffering were still ready to follow any new. fl.g that came along. "Out of all this came new laws, new boards and eommi&sions et up by government to rule the business of the farmer. These boards and commissions were manned in many InstaJlces by men C:On!lp!cuous tOl' their lack of knowledge of the probJ ms they were to grapple with •.. Men who had spent 11 litiltime guiding the eooperative movement were Ignored. Men who Jcnew the ins and outll of marketing problems were not consulted .•• "Of late there has been evidence of.chang'ed views .... Some of the men who set ou to control by mandate of law have learned that cooperatives re.Uy have s'om thing to offer. They are finding that more c.n he done through cooperative efforts than will ever be possible by law." You can ta~e a horse to water but you can't make him drinkand 1I0u.c:an pa s all the laws you like but they. won't necessarily work. Economic law still i 8uperior to legislative law. If government hlUl leal'~ that in the case Df the farmer, agriculture will have a better chane to bring prosperity out of d~pre!l8ion.




Farm !fight lalks, May 21 The Ohl. State University Radio StatiOD-WOSU 8:00 Music 8:06 Ohio·lndiana Agricultu e .. .. ........... ,.......... H. E. Eawine 8:16 Plant Pest Problems . . . .. T. H. Parlts and A. L. Pierstorff

8:25 8 :36 8:50 9:00 9:10 9:1 5 9:26 9:36 9:,,6

Kusic Bome Swee.t Bome ....... ,... ................................WOSU Players The COlt of Ctedit . ,. ................... ...... ...... ..... ...... ...H. S. Forsythe AConference a'lld a Picnic ........ ,." ................... Mrs. L. S. Foley Music An Alfalfa. Calendar .......................... .. .............. R. D. Lewis Trench SUo Relults in Ohio .................... ... , , ... .... R. C. Miner 'the Draft Horse Outlook ...... , ........... ........... ,, _ L. P. McCann Water Gardens .............. ,.. ... ....... .... .......... ....... ...,...... Alelt Laurie

Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol

Capitol Cross Road Chatter SIr.,rriil Sune, Prorreaae. Authoritative word that the · Ohio Governm ntal Sur"lly con. dueted upd r g neral chairmanship of Col. C. 0. Sherrill, Cormet! city manalJ l' 01 Cincinnati meana business is indicated fro(ll develop ment of the past few days. To "see the survcy through i.e the goal of those who loaned important business executives to make the survey. This is interpr ud to mean that 'there 'Will be continuous activity to further the cause of efficiency $1ld economy in state government.


lie the remains of B. D. Flaw, He would jaywalk ill spite of the Law' He ste~ped in front of a car one daydriver was looking the other way."


EMPLOYS FANS TO · know or noadvertilfing cheme that bas not been put to SOme "Use. COOL EGGS ON FARM The most unique are perhaps the horte$t lived but aUfllet greatly. J

COLUMBUS-Both the Senate ' hours red tiags must beplac:ed The clowning tilt walk,e~ seems to Forced C_lina 5' ...... 1....1'0". and the H01¥e of Representatives ,Iimilarly. In case a driver fails to be c~ming into his own· again, and, Qu.Ut)' of F.rm ...•• E . .. Of the 91et General Asaembly ' comply he would be subject La o I va hea rd, at a verll handsome worked .t tpp speed last week In ! loss of his license and the operatag e.~R e(\e ntIY I aw a huge an attempt to take definite action ing company would be subject to Fans are used by Percy White, crowd gathered in fron't of a large on score. of bills and be ready pro ecution, Mr. Baker stated. t' U eel Ifufnitul'e slo re win.dow. I saunter- Wayne county poultrym8,ll, to cool F "T for the sine die .djournment May .• 'r •."" Ion ~a d ov r to see a prightly _ yoong eg~ quickly in order to maintain 23. One sesalon of tbe Senate .OP?O mg an mer a e !n the state beauty be'de,cked only in ,u nder- quality. laated until 4 :30 a. m. and ap. Fifty stiJls were siz(!d and 123 hqold fuel ta~, the OhiO Highw.a y garments dotng handsprings on a Hia method is described in the arrests WeTe made by agent.. of . . t . provaI. was gIVen to IIX y-ntne the enforcement divill'O" of the us~ra Federation h~s made 'a s.m- maitre~s. I expect to soon see l\1ay issue of Poultry Pointers meaaures. Many of the billa ., cete .plea for eqUItable taxatton the return of the victim .of h)ll). published by tbe poultry departp ••sed by both branches emerged Departme,nt Of. ~i.quor Con~ol in ~efubng contentions tllat 110 is stretched out In orne dis- ment of th~ '0. S. U. with numerOU8 amendmenta. Tbe one week & actrVlbes, accord.m.g. to I~t sho uld p y for old age pen- play ",indow-Th tnfveling amThe system, to be effective, de'96,000,000 appropriation bill for a repott by Al Humphz:ey. diVISIon s.lon.s through a ".hike" in the plifying ystem contin·ues to par- clares White, must operate in a the operation of etate governm nt cb1ef. A total of 153 raids ,,:ere ~JqUI? fuel. tIlx. Incldcn.t~Uy motor ada the stree\s, daily, bellowing very humid rQom, .otherwi8e · the durin~ 1936 and 1936 was paaaed n1.ade during the .e, perIod. ISts In OhiO now pay a tax of 38 everything, from a. .fire sale Ul a rapid circulation of air over th, by t)Je House but was .Iaid aside Fi!ty-thre.e convlct1o~s were ob- to 43. per cent upon ilach gallon of wrestling match.- Not long ago a ' eggs quiokly increases evaporatemporarily by the- Saaate. TIJ6 ~ned and fines totabni $10,200 gasolme, depending upon g.rade prison picture wa being shown at tion from the egg and enlar~ea the bill carriee approximate I, $63,- ere assessed by the courts. bought. a. local theater. The lohby wag ar- I air .cell. 000,000 tor ,eneral fund opllra,.. Ohio's p.rticipation in the ray ed to ;resemble the prison, with Here follows Ii description of tiou, $89,000,000 for hl,hwa,s federal government's rural electTi. Aid Criilpl" C1aildr.'. Work a powered and striped human- the method: durinc the elllluln, two Jeara, .nd tlcation prorr.m became more of Current appeal of the Ohio being pacing the 600r <.f an impl'o. 1 Over a cooling rack surrounded ala .dded item Clf nearly ,.,000, • reality last week when C. C. Sqciety for Cr~ppl d Children's vi ed solitary cell. He expressed a by damp b rlap a down draft of 000 for the IChoGI rotary and Stillm.n, federal relief adminis- membership enrollment drive re- forlorn and pitiable countenance, cool, humid air is forced. Water other revolving funda. The HOUle tTator for Ohio, said that proposed. veal that during the past 16 years inducing sympathy 'Within the for the burlap . js supplied by a paaaed a sea.te bill .uthorisin, electrillcationpl'()jects will be con 10,000 crippled children have had ogling prospects. pan over th rack. In t.his pan the bo.rds 9f educ.tiGn to purchase sidered at state re\i01 headquarof special education in uppe'r end of the burlap is imllabUity insurance Ori Bchool busell ters f"r preliminary .pproval. classes in schools and ' A. drunk Ilitting across from me merse"d. The water then foUQWS aad a Bouae meaaun to exempt This action ' followed President hospital centers. Enrollment of bu.rped- "Don't say what you look dQwn the burJ!lP, which acts as' & achool bUllea from the autolilobile Franklin D. Roosevelt's announce- Ohioans upon subscription of one like yer thinkin'· budd:y!1 wick. .. lIcenle law requirement. ment that applications for rural up is 'now bj!ing tmdertaken To prevent gl'Owth of molds on electrification projects will. go to foster support of the aociety CMnch BUI:. the. burlap, it is dipped into a In .n attempt to cu.t highway througb existing agencies of tbe throughout the state. soluHon of two ounces of copper Rains in early May had' no ef- sulfate in one ,alion of water. ac:cldentll the regulations, wbicb lovernme.n.t instead of direct to require the pl.cement o! certain Waahinaton. Ohio will seek a OhiO COlDi.... Raei•• St.te fect on chinch bugs. A check-up The burlap is t~n wrung gently uniform dlatteaa sll1lala aa a warn- 16;000,000 feder.1 rrant for the Racing fans throughout Obio by Opio entom o logl ~;s revealed and dipped in a solution of eiiht Inc to other · motoriatll , at stalled developments, the initial costs of can re.t .ssured that the Ohio just a man~ live clhincb bugs ounces of 'I'!.shing lIOda in one bUllHi and tr\lckl, will be rigidly whicbwill be carried by the fed- State Racing Comrni$llion' is doing al ng tenc rows and in timothy gallon of water. enforced throughout the lltate, it eral l'0vel1\ment but whicb .will be its part to as ure good, honest clUmps a were fount! in a survey That the methQd. ill eifective is "loll anno'g nced by Her~ert Jlaker, repaid by the user. over a nine- racine ·in the state. Ohio's system before the J·ains. N01~ was' there ' proved by a report from the SlIperintelldent . of motor tran.- ~eeri.year period, A FERA sqrvey of warring against artificial stim- evidence of a !u·ngous attack on Wooster Egg Auctioll, where portatiGn for tbe Pl,lbllc Utllitie. ,lilt January reau~ted in the re- ulatio1) 'of l'a.Ce bQue, has proven the insects ' Which wetweathersome White Bells hia eggs. Belore the Commlaalon. At nieht the 'driver 'coJJi.mendation that 3,040 miles olitsel! and even the , federal gov- times encourages. Railns. to be d- system was installed, his eigs .of .: .ta1Ied 'bus or truck .must electric power lines be construct- ernment ha ' favorably cited the iective, ays entomolo,gists, must graded 32 per cent U. S. Extral! plac:e a liahted pot torch by the ed in 680 rural townships in methods used in the com.e in June when th~! next brood and 68 per cent U. S. Standards. ftbicle and one .t leaat .100 -feet seven\y-six of the sta~'11 eigbty~ state to protect the sport of bugs is young and less resist- Afterwards,. his eggs graded 68 11\ front and one the same diataDce ei,ht counties. The survey di.. "busC$. ant. per cent U. S. Specials, the highlIehlnd, and Hurln. th6 claylirht closes that only .6,000 of. Ohio'. - - - - -est grade, and 32 ~r cent U. 8 , Fewer Caule OIl Feeci . Extras. :t-;one' grade U. S. StandCLaia LeHer. , About 36 per cent :fewer clttle ard. "Letteritis" or how to get rich thE! "c.hain" hit the capital with are on bed In the 11 .codn-belt MeloDs thrive best on a. soil that a bang. Solons, state officiAls, states than were beillg fed for is slightly acid. paee-boys, newspapermen, stenp- market there 'la t spri:ng. grapbeJ'l!l et a1 had the "bee" and there was much skirmishinr around to "plea~e boy a letter," Staid old men and . aggressive young women vied with each other in diapoaine of their let~rs fQr ten cents or a buck per throw. Limerick Brings Joy to Mother of Four Many variations ot the original "DenVer letter" were initiated in the capital city. Some of the more MRS. JOBN WEBB HOGG of A month ago, tbillCll looked b1.dt~ ambitious concocted a five..dollar your mower Llanerch. Pa .. a lIuburb of Phil. fSt .to the Hon tamil,. Then. II;! letter that was calCUlated to get adelphia, has eonque'red the depres· Boe, secured. position. And now: »n. Rore Inde M,..1f witb$6,ooo ellough to make the "'s tarters" a .g roand by same lIioll with a Jim- In cuh with which to put family bU8hei of -bills if the continuity -~.",....,.,.."....,....,.-. eri rk. She ball dep_reaBlon to(lnal 8.I,bt.. . W811 preserved. jus t wQn the Ber prin WIUI pnaeJlted to IIrl; tnachiner,r .. uled $6,<fO() ftl'llt prize Boar 6, Mr.. Charles Haleomb of in 'the Oxydol TIle Pron~ 6 G...,bl. ComPUJ .t Laekin. Ala.... in the faeto'7. Li~lIerick Con· a luncheon In her honor In Phil·' Quite • bit .of telephoning h.s tesl" which drew adelphia ••t whicb tI~;·~r W.I been &,oin, on between Columbus ovet. million D. WUkes of ' the ~lpbia' .nd Wuhington relative to tbe entries from lim- Chamber of Commere, _" t. 1988 politlc.I.litu.tion. Viaita of erick fana In .11 M,., Bore the felkltadona and prominent member. ~f both parparts of the concratul.t1Gnl 01 her teUow. ti_ to Columblls .nd Ohio callI to cou.ntry. Conquering WaabinctolI have cauled the politthe clepreaaiGn ia ical pot to atart boilin,. A lot .of nG Idle phr.s. l'eeODaolterill, t. in the m.kin, when .pj)lIec1 ~ aU 'aft o_"e, ..ollid to be ..... J"..aW. Hou lira. ROCC'I ....lbId.. to f.U to ... som. of tile ,God fortva .. ...... of tile thaea,,, Fo, than twG yean, ber - . •• bud wu oat of work. aDd lin. Bon and ller tow ......... coaIpeUcd to rtICII't to ..., , . . lillie .. . . . . . . .

--..,.....-- ..---


Wo'~8n Optimist WiDS 85,000










WITI liE '1 •• Al £.,111£1



'-">U'D expect to par . . . . . I deal for _ ........., . . . ,hie, JNleked witL flral-rae f . . and fiction, BUIGo, ODe esln penDy wID fOIl par for WJ'Iah 1Veek," The SUDd., .... quirer'. greal Dew .......... Don'1 bib. It. See ,oar IoeaI newa dealer, order )'oar . . , right .way.

, .. name iI



.4nd tha,'" nol all ••• .4 gready improNd eo"'" Net 'ion • • ,4 more 0/ cornia. .41.0 /r....'" .... ." nee Sunday En.qalr••



All 70ar 014 lavorl" c1eIl. . . . ,.... eeda week 7MU . . . . , . . . I!!ee)'ou . . . . . _ ...... roar S_4Ia,F Enqall'er . . ..


TH.E CINCIINATI EIQUIRER MOST DIRECT CROSS·STATE ROUTE Between Toledo and Cincinnati C....rl.ed for the Ben~flt ot Interstate Motor Toud ta as Well as T ....le Withjn the Borders of Ohio

D"S SHORTER l:o~ R;ofe~: to Cincinnati as shown herewi th is the shortest distance between the two cities. Offlcill180f the State· Highway Department g~ve' the' , mileage saving 'as \lbout 11 mUe's.

' R congestiontTa:f-on IT'S SAFE the Toledo-Cincinnati Short Line Thel'e'!\.. les~ fie

than on any other highway connecting these two ciUes. There are tal' fewer curves (no hairpins) and all railroad grade crossings are eltceptionally well protected.

S fASTER the By reaaon of 11" h rte r mileage, less congestion (j)oth on II


the highways and in t'he communities thru which .they pass), fewer CUl'Ves, and adequate widtb roadbed and bridges, the Route here outlined is a big' time-savel' lor the bU$y motorist-very p'rohably al much as two bours.

AN ALL PAVED HIGHWAY Choice of Knowing Motorists OriJlnated and S]IOOIored b, the

Revolutionary Short Trail


The bone of the ofIlci.1 Revolutionary Traila System of Weatern Ohio. Marked ita entirJ lenatla by blatorieal marken of tile Ohio lIemOJiU







ubltribe for Tb

Mia_I G••

The Buckey -C nten-iIIe, will play thl' Miamisburg Reda, at ~P' jng hnr ll "I.!r~ dinnlo'r ICU(4Rtll Kenrick's fil'ld Sundll),. afternoon, \\ ,·.In "clay (' ,'elllll!!' of la~t l'ek May 26, at 2 :30. Some n~w A · ktuTn HI the h n lll~ (If ~tl·. lin.! Mrs. Allen plaYl?fs have b n added to the Mi mi.burg Permallent Worm Then Deltrored R.duc:e. team and weath r permittina- a !\II'" AIIw I't Sulfltc!'; uf L b. ~ Concrete Potenti.1 Populatiol' 75 to 100 good gum is anti\!ipat d. un n . 1-'1'111. 'Thursday with Irs. Admis~ion 15 cent, X-RAY WORK Irwin Zell and family, or DayMnrgal' ('t J ohn. Air Se I BUTial VAult ------- ~ Juno Is the vital ' month ill the uniay ton, wer callerl at the home of ,\ Ibert lIu,wk spent BLOC ANESTHESIA J\lr, and Mrs. J. H. Smith, Sunday cOIlll'ol program for codling moth ALL LICENSED VENDORS F or. It' onl by In ~incinlln ti. wor,ns in apple. I estroying a All Kind. 01 Denture. Made MUST FILE RETURNS , ::;~\' tal pets ns Crom here at· Robert Hain ,of Corwin, JlIna lal'va ,'omov 8 the potential Your Funeral Director I t(oIHi,'d COntmcn c 'nll' nt at. Way. i Mrs. R.pair Work Done Qllicltly ill ot pneumonia and I being par nt. of 75 to lOt wornls in, When a client seekS IlI' HVII I\, 1" l'i!lay cVQning and al30 tre t d at Miami Valley hospital. f , 11. Keelor, sal II tax xamAugu ~ ~, according W' T. H. Park the service!! of a fu n, alumni o n nllll' d~' v ning. , i nel'. ann ounces that all Ii on cd McClure Funer I Hom ~ Mrs. N ttie Fann(ln and Mr. exl ngion entomologi st fot' the O. v endor mllst ,tile theil' r tU'r ns be- ~ain St. WAYNESVILLE, O. Ol'i ", 'han y re 'gned lal>1. {>orul director. h must S. ' Phcnu. 7 W. yn e ...ill~, O. w'l'k Ii cici' li t. l b (> ,Wallace P£'arl , Fllnnon visited friends in fOre May .31 alld that all vendors be ab le to do 0 with La rvae ! th first lll'ood, he whose sal e total less than $1800 pringfield 'Tu e ~day vening. t:l'O 1.'1 Y ller!!. M1'5 . Lowell Thomas perfect confldence. At ~a y~, al'e hatch ' d i.n June, and i~ t.; kinA' hi plac c f or "while. mllsl fil ' affi<lavits before a Mis e Tr illena nnd MapYarel t h(' WII l'm :! ntel' th e apple such tim a friendly, 30 n t ory or other official author· !lt l·S. ..\ li I I'k sp ent aturEdwards wel'e in Dayton, W ednes- minutt's to t\ 0 hoo I'S after tn y ized by the Commission. sympathetic help and day in Dayton. d y. hlltc h. At timc, if the fruit is Mr. Keelor tat s that he will be Jl at'vQY Burn t. ail. nded a counsel are inval\llI.Y 1'(1(1 with lead !u$cnale. tb in his office in lA>banon ~he reo fRlOw r" me t ipg in X nia Friday Ir. and Mrs. L. A. Gar t have CO ble. Our service is , ,·ening. enator L . T . Mal' hall moved frllm the Smilh pr pe.l' ty til' t OJ al will pt'obably be tatal to Illl\inder of this week and at the ulliqu Iy personal, the th e wa rm!', Parks e:x;plains. mart gal'age in Harveysburg on wns the p \eel'. on Third treet to th E rnest The cost 0 f a IUD er I service is re. ult of an , hone t Guy R o ut~ hn and Orville Hartsock hou e Oil Franklin road. Because a pp les a re incr a itlg in Monday, May 27, from 1 :30 to 5 entirely decided py the wish ~ of !liz' 0 rapi dl y dut'itlg June, it i p. m. to a ssist " endors in pr. our clients. Theil' PhiJ1 ip made a business trip to desire to be of aid to hoice of a h. a nd Mrs , . E. An derso n necessal'Y to k eep the expanding parin g th ir reports. Middlet own Monday. ' casket and -ne essary accessories the ber aved. l\'~ i. E va Whl\l't on is spending n nd sons \ v I'e dihn I' gue ts of sul'fs(' Ot the fl'uit well covered is influenced by no attempt at MI'. and >II'S. Ben mi til and with poi 'on, the e nt.clmologist cQn........., ....................:..:................., .....:..............:...,............ coupl e of weeks with h~r cousins COUNTY EICHTH SAlesmanship on our PRl't. We ti nu es. Mr. and Mrs. Herbe rt FUllr (nee family. ut Osborn on Sun day, GRADE COMMENCEMENT '(ollow their desir . closely. and M.AY 24- 25 Thel ma orlieH and baby son, '",,--_ keep the total cost to as l lloderate Mrs, Mar y Silver, wh e healt h 1n the past lew y ears control has fR, and I'll R . M RTIN n ar Lebanon. a figure as t.heiL· choice dictates. has be.en impaired for sQ me time, h~ com() increasingly difficult in Th e annual eighth gradt! com· ' J OlI N ON A n umbet· of f riends from ~ere. wa order d l o b d, by het· physi. SOln t! orchards. F or t:het\ e orchards, atten ded the funeral of Samuel cill n, for II mon t h's re t. entomologists ar ' reco mm ending mencement for county schools Is . in Mer di th at th M. E . hurch in as ma ny as t hl' IUId f our cove.l· scheduled for Saturday, May 211tb Wayne, ville Sutul'day afte rno on. , Mr. and Mrs. Pau l Gusti n. MI·s. !lpl' ys for lhe tirsit brood of 1:30 p. m. at the To n Hall • • "ftODe 7 Mr. and Mrs. Morris tiller and Milton Th ompson ah d son and wo rme. They r co mm end lWo {,ebanon. The certificates of the Wayn $vtH~ 'eighth grad~rs prorz:: __ ~_1 'h: .. __ J. ...... child en att.en lled t.h 50th JlInior a ey spent he week·end . prays IO I' all oth er bea ring orchmoted to high school will b given vun.t7UU .I7I/WA.QL w dlng anniver ary of t.he in Falmouth, Ky. ard', . , out nt tile exercis . Dr. B. O. PHONE- 19 fo rm r's parents, MI' .and M ~s. In frequently spr ~ly ed orchaL'ds, MAY 26-27 Mra. D. C. Ridye. Mrs. O. M. wa hing 01 t hc f r ui'L will be nee- Skinner, tate Db'ector of EducaWAYNESVILLE, OHIO Jametl Miller, north of Springboro Ridg e, Mrl!. E. C. , rane and e~ ary ,nf ter hUrV'lli to remove las t Thur day, i a y 16. hjo, willaddl'~8. deliver tbe EDDIE A TOR, ANN commin encement All ~'"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!!!~~~~~~7~!!!!!!!!!~!!!~!!!~ 'daughter, Barbara, were Dayton, the lead a rse nate be,f ore thl) fruit tiori HarVEl)' Burnet attended a · OUTHE&N patrons ond friend of' the Wayne vi itors today. Building and Loan meeting in Day mo ves to market, Pnl'ks says. The t own hip schools are cordially inin ton Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Walker Hatfield only al lerml l ive to wnshing is the vited to attend. CAREY CORK INSULATED SHINGLES lis Virginia Foulk!! and Mr. or Dayton p nt unday with Mrs use of subs ti t ute mBiledalsfor lead surprised their Mayme Hatfield and Mr. Raymon ar nate in tbe later cover sprays. Elmel: Grove ltiends by announcing their maT- Hatfield. Of these, Parks sal'S a combina· SHOWER FO~ BRIDE.ELECT dage in Indiana III t. Augu st. They tion of oil a nd nicot ine ulfate is are n, hou . --keeping in the Idn Mrs. Hnrold Earnhart and chil· th most pl'omi ing. On W dne day v ning, Miss ,Two Brown property. dren lire spending a few weeks at A JlI'By . che-dul e containing Doris Hawke entertained with a Mr. and Mrs.' Calvin Longacre, the home of Mr. and Mnl, J(enneth ubstitute mat rials for lead formal fo ur-course dinner and Mrs. Kesler Gr aham and Mrs. Hough. arsenate in the llltm' applications $hower honoring Miss ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I Th~rle Jon s w reDayton visitors .. Mineral Sarf.c. i being p~ e paretl f (lf qrchdists in Hyman. Besides the guest Mrs, Laura Sides vi sited her Tuesday. • Wat• ."roctf 'Aaplaalt Mrs. D orothy Otlllwa an!il Lawl'l(!nCe counties, honor those who enjoyed 'MI 8 C Wat-e."roof Velt Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick gl'and·daught 1', Hawke's bospitality were: Miss two localities wh.~re inoreallcd D Wat~rproof A.~t and Jame s Haines vi ited lit the My ra in Fl:ankJin, Tuesday after- codling molh difficulties are being Dorothy Anderson, Kin~manj Mrs S conUYSa bome of Mr. and Mrs. William noon, Paul Willi, 'Dayton; Ml's. Roy experi nced. 11' . Fred Everhart, who sufoleman Wellman ~unday afJer Some fruit g)'owers, Parka re- Ellis, !tf1's. E. F. Deppe, Mr!. M. noon. M[' . ol eman I slowly 101- fered a trok Monday morning at port are using "SeU-killin .. cod- F. Wel~, Mrs. Ira Brown, 'Mi , pl:oving ft'otn a recent fall ' but is hllr stor on Main street, is said Ola Hartsock, MillS EIi;tab th stlll !,mable to walk. to be in a serious condition at her ling moth bands roulnd their tr~8. Henkle, ?tIi s Grace Hess and These bands ate of ' , c orrugated fro and MI: , The-rle Jones and home In Corwin. f pa.per which has be.en dipped in a Evelyn K rsey. son were dinner gue ts Sunday of D poi onou olution, 'tb n dried and MI'. and Mrs. J. B. Jon . and in Mrs. Gilbert Fry and M HAPPY HOUR CLUB r5. • wI'apped tightly ' round the tree the nfternooIl they all visjted R. Salisb ury attend ed tnmk from' hich lrough bark has friends II). Spring Valley and also meeting of 4-1I The May meeting of Happy been removed.' went to the cemetery there. leaden at Codling moth WOJrms, after leav Hour club was held at the Dr. and Mrs. H. E, Hathaway afternoon. ing ~he little applesl , find their way hospitabl~ 'home of Mrs. Kellar When the summer sun beats down, Carey Cork of Waynellville and Mis. Laura Mr. and Mrs. Earl Murray, Mrs. und-er these bands and spin the~ HOlik, Tuesday, llay 14. Insulated Shingles make houl.e. mu~h cool~r. Ro nagle of Cincinnati were Su.nThe program committe hact arThe cork layer provides real, Lnsulat!on, while dny guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ella Munay and Mrs. Robert cocoons. There i enough toxic Thompson of Wilmington, Dela- material in the ba:nd to 'kill the ranged a program of music and Harvey Burnet. the extra thickness makes , a beauttful. deep Mr. Bod Mrs. J. W. Kerchner ware caned on M1ss Belle O'Neall worms in two to f our days. Such readings appropriate for both shadow-lined roof. bands, according t.) Parks lire Mother's Day and Memorial Day. an~ . two children, Mr, and Mrs. Sunday. proving helpful iln commercial At the do e of the meeting delici· Yet this unusual shingle costs much leu. than William Hal'dman 8Qd f amily and Mrs, Earl Murray, of Dayton, orchards where the codling moth is ous l'efreshments were ,served by the price of ordinary roofing plus the price of Mrs. C. . Swe,,(man ot Dayton, separate roof insulation. Let us supply sampl~ spent Sunday with Mi'. and Mrs. and Mrs. Peter Derna a, of New a sel'iou pest. He dloes not recom. the hostes . Club adjourned to w r called bere Tuesday mend bands' for orchards without meet with Mrs. Lloyd :Oavis in Louis Trick.ey and family. Mrs. Vienna, and quotations. because of the aerious illness of a riou5 worm problem, Or for June. ' Sweetman remained tbis week. their Mrs. Fred Everhart, orc hards where Ii rE!asonable --Mr. and Mrll. . bej~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~V~O~T1E~.~.Y~E~S~••~S~A~YWS~'~G~R-E-E-Ni---~·. . enWrtiiined to former's uncle. M1;\ George Cast, of Mun!!ie, Ind., 'Mr. Morris • Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke ed the sel'mon and t he' music was Fa;mers who think will vote ~· HadlJ!y and, Mr. and Mrs. ClarenCe tended the golden wedding party fur nished by the Glee club, under "yes" to keep produotion under Friday, given by tbe Ha.rv-ey and little 80n, of CI tbe dite-etion of Miss Helen control and to maintain parity and Phone 54 .. Wayne.vill., Ohio ville. Mr. and Mrs. William Herald for tbe Miami Va))~y tevens. fair exchange for produ ts, Way" •••i\I., Ohi. Hadley and two children of Blan- couples who have been married ommenccment exercises will Perry L. Gre.en, president of the chester. fifty years and over. be held at tile gym on t his Thurs- Ohio Farm Bureau, said in a stat!! . Fire of an u.nknown orlgm Mr. -and Mrs. L. M. H~nderBon day evening 'an d alumni also at ment at Colurbbus' today, when started in som~ rodder in the e~tertained at six o'clock dinner the gym on Saturday evening, commenting on the wheat refereJltobacco shed at th e farm of Mr. Thursday, Mrs. W. E. O'NealL This will close school activities 01. dum to be taken on Saturday, and Mrs. Walter Clark Saturday y~r. May 25. Mrs. Roy Earnhart, Mr. C. T. noon, cau ing a In'eat tleal of ex. Mrs. Horace Hatlon retuM]ed \"Farmers had consistently inEllis, Mr. and Mrs: Roy EIliIl, Mis citement for awhile. Tbe Ccnter. hom e Tuesday aiter a ' two-week's LCI'eai~ed wheat acreage to a total Mr. Charles Belle O'Neal, ville lire department was called visit a,t tbe home of her daughter of appl' 66 milliOn a~res but by ' t he time it arrived, local O'Neall and MTS. Erwin Ellis. M1'8. Ren Gaines, in Hartwell. although domestic con8u~ption Mr. and Mrs, Will Bradiey, wOl'kers bad t he ill'e about out Miss Bertha Collett and Mrs, provided an outlet for only an with a bucket brigade. One corner ,Miss Lucy Enlley and Mr. C. W. George l\f:. Denny, ' of Wilmington average pro(luction of Ilbout 50 of the shed burned and roof was Smith visited Mrs. Edna Woollard were guests Sunday of Mr. and m,illion acres. Export d Oland for badly damaged. at l St, Elizabeth hospital, Dayton, W. C. Tichenor. our wheat had prac.j;icAl.l)!....v:anished because of embargoea, tariffs, and -""---".- ••- - Tuellday. ~rs. Woollard was serio trade agreements between foreign ously injured In an automobile Cre~k countries. accident a t Dayton, Fr.iday even· ing. "Now that the burdensome 'Mr. and Mrs. Walter W -,---..:..... Miss Irene McCaril\ey, of li'rank wheat surplus is a thl~ of the wel'e gue$ts of lheir daughter lin, called on MJiss Annie U. past; thinking farmers are deter. Paul Pete~son and family of mined to prevent, if pOl!slble, a t'e Brown" Sut)day. Zoar neighborhood, SuMay. Mr. George P. Jam es, of Se~ttl!l currence of ov,er.p~ o ductton and Mi s Ladonna Sinclair and Mt. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McFarland 01 Washington, ' called , on Home the ruinous prices of 1982.... 'Donald Haines attended the Dayton, have been spending sev- friends Saturday. " Green bas consistently empbasiz pringboro high school commence eral days at their home, her.e. Mrs. Margaret Martin had 'as ed the need for' a full understandment, Friday night, · May 17. MI'8, Sadie Reuon has l"&turned her guests, on S.un<lay, , Mr. and ing of the AAA by the farmers Ladonna wa$ a membel' of this nome from a visit with her l\lrs. Louis Ginstie and Mr. and ose welfare is d irectly affected. class until she moved into daughter, Mrs. Earl Hockett. "It must be undetstood," he sai d Mrs. Will Prath~r , of Dayton. neighborhood. Mr. and M\·s. Roy Chirk and 'Rev. J. J. Sc'haeft'er, 'Mrs. " t hat production adjustment 1s a MI'. and Mrll. Raleigh Bogan and children of Walhonding, are visit- Schaeffer; Mi8se3 Clara · Lile, means through which the 'Govern. daughter, Dorothy entertained the ing relatives and firends here; Mnme ,Brown an'd' Emma 'lIeigb· ment, working with the proC'essors following guests Sunday: Mr. Several from here attended way dro'vc to Cincj ll'lnati Sunday can develop plans by wbich thll William , Smit/1, of, near .. Moraine Eas~erl'l Star in spi!:Ction at afte'l'noon ' to call o:n Mrs. EmIDa exportable products of' the Ameri. City; Mr . and Mrs. Horace Comp- Martinsville last Friday night. Barnett who ia inpproving satis- can farm can be '.ll'orded the same ton of ~ew Burlington and Mr. protection , as is' at!orded , Tpe J'u,n iQr-Seniol' Banquet fajlto rily from her' l'ecent illness. and Mrs. EVan Bogl'n and' c)lil- held at the gym on last Friday Rufus KerSeY,' of near Oregonia price levels of industrial product! dt'en Robert a.nd Marjorie. 'o f Day. ,W.,...eavill.., O. ton; Rev, and Mrs. W. E . Bogan evening at six.thirty. The gym was attended Friends ,Meeting Sunday througb the provisions of. tbe Pho:Jle 14 ' protective tariA'." . bllautifully decorated ' in red and and dined at the Home-. , ~--called in t he afternoon, also, Mr. white, the senior class colors. Mrs. Howell Pierce ,and Mias and Mrs. Lawrence Mitchner. ' table was very PTetty with Clara Lile attend,e d the wedding A LETTER OF APPRECIA. tlON Mr. Chrlee Stanley of near bowl of beautiful red roses in tb of Miss Luella Williamson and , Hillsboro an d Mr. and lira. Law. center and was lighted with May Twentieth Mr. I. O. BroWn a.t the M. E. r ence Mitchner were Sunday din- candles. The ' usual welcome 1935 chul'ch in li'tank:lin. Saturday ner guests of Mr. and , llrs. resPOnses were given and an .ele. morning and also 'Were g"ests at Mr.' O. M. Ridge, William Compton. gant three cou~ ' .dinr~er liy the the breakfl.\st aervEld at th~ home Waynesville, .Ohio. 1111'. and M(8. Homer Haines and mothers of the Juniors. of tbe l>l'ide's pal'cmts, Mr. and Dear Mr. Ridge: children Emily and Richard ,dinner all motored to Wilmington Mn. H. H. Willialn!lon in Way· During the l ..~ few years ed MI;s. Haines' parents, Mr. and and ' attended a shoW' at Ilesvllle. of economic unl'est, ' .1 well as Mrs. Tasso Ten-ell of near New 'Murphy's theater. On his , way, ft:ot:n Lebanon to /lrior th~teto; your agency Vi enna, Monday. A few trom here attended the Columbus, Mr. William Whetsel has maintained a consistently The la, t house in funeral of MI'S. Nita Kester Mc· called ~t the Home today. ' prompt record in the matter of burned to ~he ground a nights Vey of neal' New Vienna la; t Mrs. Ruth Janjney and , Mias .the payment, of balances. :rh~t ago. The house was occupied by Saturday. Louella were dinne:r guestl!l at the you have been able to do thiS In fr. l\1ayna~ Ohenoweth and Mr. The Hilarity club met ' at the Hom, Wednesday. , the. face of the m'!ny diBl:ol1ragill, and Mrs. ' Chestel.' Chenoweth and home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mr. and Mrs. L<l,uis Donally of circum~tancel whIch. h~ve belet family . Mrs. Ellie all bUBlDess I. an IndlC8~on of fille Mannon near Wilmington last Sun Los Howal'd Leaming and family day. Southgate Welch marlagemen~ and cOllBClentious reo. unll Mr. and Mrs. J esse Faweett of Morrow, lI'~rd f<lr the sound bUBineBs prin. Mr. Chtules MacDo~ld attend- and Mr. Tom and family wel'e guests of MI'. and ed the WlUiamson.Bl'own wedding ca lled on Mrs. L. Adama ctples for which your olliee haa !\fl' . Ralph Leaming 'and faDlily, lit Franklin last Saturday morn· lind Mrs. Anna to- lone been known. Sunday altern.oon. ing, day With much lTatUicatiQn Mr. Ke))~r Hoak called on • we talce oeca.ton to a;p~ua to 70U ' Mia Virginia Davia of Dayton Raymond Wilson and tamily Sun apent the week-end with hep our appreeiation of the hlah plaDe day afternoon. _ on whleh )'Ou have eOlldueted our parents. Mr. and MI'1l, Weldon WiJlOn armi~~iii. of the Y. . .airs and the pl...1U'e we baYe Mrs. Laura Shid.ker and .,.and callt'd ' on Ralelrb Boran and dauchtel'. Mill E\'elyn McCarren. of eXPen.ucecl In dol... blllin... with bmily ono afternoon 1aat week. IpeJlt TuHdalllleht with Mr. 'and Illl,.wacllnlllalllco'D fOU. Mrs. Ever t VUlan 01 Spriq

H. \'.


:'oIlS. \"Illt r Mat'Un of


~~~~!:~~~~~~~~ --=z--=

DR. H. E, HATHAWAY Dentist

.. ...-------



Moderate Cost




O Waynesville,.



Ba Boona

J. E. McClure

Waynesville, Ohio


Kid Millions




___0- - -



Lumber, Paint and Gla••






A Complete

Stock and ,equipment to fill all your need•• Another car good ,W hite Pine just in.



.. - ..---

Friends' Home News



W. H. ,Madden &Company


Tile Mla.l


Eirhty-Seventh Year




Whole Number 6172


~:R::::::SA!~~~~~M°-l:rNl'W.'.-I-,DIERCH~NIS WIN FROM


5 10 3


No. action was taken last week commisdied at Miami Valley hospital Frisioners in thc appointment of a aay evening, May ~', following an dog warden. Results of tbe recent illness of everal weeks duration. civil service examination taken by She was a daughter of Mr. and candidates for the post have been Mrs. Josel>h Filer, of near Ferry. certified to the board and .i t Is undel'stood that they will mllke their Midland City WiD Play o. Three New Face. WiD Be FOUlld whO with her husband and five children. two sisterll and two appointment from the group of AmOb. M.ellJbe,. of , Local Gi-auncL Neat brothers sUl'vive her. three ranking highest in the exam . . Funeral lerv,iclll!! eon~ucted by Flkult,. It has not been indicated when t h S_da,. Rev . S. Johnston were held In the appointm ent will be made. J..~eri'y church Monday afternoon Eligible candidates for the post Three new 1acell .will be and hlnial WaS In Miami cemetery. The Waynesville 1rierchants deare Wade Brown, present dogfound among the teachers in the feated the Donahues from Spring----.~~ -warden, Harley Brunk. of Mason Wayne township school next field by u 6 to a score in a clos. and noy Lucas; 01 Lebanon. the board having met in special game which was hard fought by session )ast Monday night for the both 1;e-ams for the entire route. purpose of lIelecling the faculty. The Donahues scored one in their half of the first when Treadway' J. W. Lotz was retained a~ mi~sed the third strike OD Wedding 8uperintendent of tbe local syetem allowing safe at first. Wedding his contract having been renewed advanced to second when Peck 10r a period ot one year. muffed Careys throw in an at.Newcome1'8 are E. Vitiene Roe, tempt to catch Wedding off. West Esther E'. Smith and Louis E. ,"'-::-==-::-::'-===-=.":'=-=-=-=-..=7:':=== singled IIcoring Weddipg from Darst. MJ'S. Cordia Truax spent Monsecond . West made second when Miss Roe was trained in th\.! day in Dayton. Davis dropped hll! hit. Schwartz puhlic Schools of Oambridge and J olm B. GODI Iin~.d to Smithson at .short and Granville, and her college educaMr,. Howard Archdeacon is ill incinnati. We twas dOlJbled off second. tion is being completed at Denis<>n at her home on Main street. . rhe Merchants tied it ·up in university. She hall specialized in lnt rnational Repairs. Don'l their half of the first when Bater Mrs. J_ W. Coleman is spending grammer, literature, debating, put it off, J. O. Hawke. doubled with on~ down and seored public speaking, dramatics. and a few days with friends in Oincinwhen S~hwartz . threw Mendya Frencb. She will be an instructor nati. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sheehar roller past third baH. Tbe in the En,Usb department and will Mrs. B. 'E. Stokes and Mrs. Herand son, Richard, spent Friday )t M'erchants scored . another in th. teach French in the high school. man surface were X~ni visitors. Marion, Ohio. fourth. Peck led off with a double Miss Smith waa trained in the Monday. public school8 of Massillon and reMi sB Dorothy HartSQck will stole second while .S chwartz w.. ceived her colleg training in For Pap r Hanging and Paintspend 'Memorial day with friends ' throwing Mc~itb out at erat Miami university. She specialized ing call Fred EverJlort, pkone in .DegraW, Ohio. and cOl'ed on C8reY8 hit. Carey was out trying to /ltretch bla in phY'ical education and 108R3. healtb. A department of pbYllical Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Hawk, visi double into a , triple and Davia Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Salisbury Treadway bad education and health for junior eel MI'. and Mrs. John Collet.t In fanned after ·doubled. and len lor high Bchool eids is visited relatives near Wilmington, Dayton, Sunday. The Donahues were ,iven on. being establl,hed in the Wayne Sunday. For Paper Hanging and Paint. in the sixth. West walked, mack township scboolll and will become Miss Lena Earnhart was the ing call Fred Everhart, phone second on a wild pitch. tbird on a an important unit in the IQcal sys· guest: of Dr. and MI'1l. C. Mardis pass ball and IIcored as Sml~oJi lOSR3. tem when the term open. in Sep· in Dayton, last week. threw out Lelre" tember. Mill Smith wi11 take Mrs. Ellen Good and SOil. of The DonahucEi got their third obarre of this work, teach Latin lIrs. Emma Grubb, or Dayton, Dayton, sp nt Friday at the home lind last in the eIghth. West led 'a nd ~rve aa dean of eldll. spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. of Mr, and Mrs. James Kerrick. off with a aiDRle, stole second and lir. Dust ill a teacher of E. R. Bentley. sCQred on Til'lany's ingle after mathematics, science, reography J. Henry ~lnd Mrs. Mrs. E. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Willben, two were down. and physical ed.u cation. He was James Lovely 8Jld daughters. are The Merchant. won the game graduated from Fo~ . Recovery of Dayton, were guests of Mr. and. . pending the week in Kentucky. in the,lr half of the eighth. Pect high Icbool. and Ball Teachera Mrs. Olarence Metldenball. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Clyd Bunnell and led off with a single' b\lt w.. coUe,e, of Muncie, Ind. In college . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Drake, of family spenL Sunday at the forced at second by Meredith. be won merit awarda in balket-.. Dayton, were iu"ests of Mr. and ---On CareYII home , 01 Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gruber W edding erro~ Dall, ba~all and track. Mrs. Homer Ramby on Sunday. Flank Fi her, former' resident grounder and Carey and :Meredith Mr. Russell Frank has been reo of Warren count'1, pas ed away at Mis Betty Angle, of Middle. 'were botb Bafe. Treadway fanned tained all bead of the mUllic de· Mr•. C. VanderVoort his hOlne in Rialto~ Cal,fornia, town. was the guest of M1!!8 {or the second out. Ramhy walked partment, hi, ' contract having is enroUingplano pupils for th!l May 23 1 at th age 9f 76 yean, 6 Dorothy Har~ock over the week- fillirur the base., WilloD hjt. a nlonth~ and 20 d ~ Bl,}rial J1lJ been offflJ'ed lor a 12-month ummel', no • screaming 8ingt~ to right field At the home of her mollier, Mr ~ made in Rialto ~emetcry. "Fruit CIOP prDspects are ~more end. period. Anpocncement will be made Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Crane and Beitle MUla, in Wayne!!vllle, Mrs. Mr. Fi hel', w'ho -for merly re - favorable lha n in years, and with . Mrs. Margaret O. Van"er~oort scoring both Meredith and Carey sQort)y of a plan, which when in- children spent Sunday in BelI- 0 . ample soil moistUre now present, i~ enrolling pian·o pupils for the . leaving ltamby on ~hil'd. Wilson ' stituted. will enable every child, bJ;ook. guests of Mr. and Mrs. h~ter utler, of Norwood, was sidea n ar Harvl!ysbul'g, had been Ohio buit growers are lookin~ for stlml'\ler, now: . tole . concLC)n the next pitch • ... i t . P,ul Boorom. b<)si.e1!S to a large company of rel- in poor health .t!), ' om& tiOle. . ward to an excellent ha·rvc"t.," mithson then' singled to left u .n ereB~~~ JDt mhuSic, to receive athes and friends last Th\U8d H ~ leaves to mourn their 101! , .. leasona WI_OU c: arae, Miu Edna Howland 01 West f th ' b . This "tatement, by F. H. aeacb, ' Mr. and lItts. J. L. Hartsock IICO jng Ramby liut. Wilson. Wal Mr. Crabbe continues a8 Smitha ternoQn. e occa Ion Cling a three sist,eJ;s, ~rs. John . Upp, of extension hOl·ticulturist for O. S. wete dinner' guests--01 Mr. and M.... j!aught at the plate trying ' to Union. spent two days last week at mi13cellaneous shower for her an Bernadino :Mr. Georie Gard ." h ~eUagcheesr. vocational agriculture tdbe hhome of Mrs. B~l'tie Milia and aister, Miss Lena Earnhart. bride and MiSli Anna fisher, of . Rialto. D .• sums up reports received from Adabyr.~m Cook, of prin~boro, Sun- follow• . The Donahues went .1-2-B in the aug tel'. elect of June 8. b'd th e1ativ and large scores of fruit gl;owers in aU parts ninth with Carey fanning two The complete rOlter of teachers 1 es 0 er I' as a 01 the state. Mr. Hury Settl myel', of the pinch hitters. follows: Mr. and M178. Myron Thomas, {)f Tbe pink and Circle of friend! _ ~ R.eports from surrounding states Olive Branch n ighborhood, ill in Car y pitched a splenilid ,a~. Eva Reeder, 01_ Hanaock Dayton, were supper guests scheme was carried aTe simil4lr in tone, he saye. Miami Valley Hospital for a major WhlJe tbe box score -s howl be MeKln.l eJ, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Thomas, Sun. roomts decorations and CO~IVENTION Macey Carter, f' d k 1n the .RoUle Beauty district of opera~ion. allowed 6 hits there should, bave AUee Campbell. ade Turner, day. Imen 0 Ice cream an ~ e. ., southern and southwestern Ohio, Chatles MacDonald, avors were pink carnations. Dorothy Ml'S. Charle Arison and Ml'S. been only th1:ee hits again It him if Rarmond Braddock, Charles. H. A. Cornell and E. L. Thomas The growers expect a good crop Rome from Margaret· Faber, ot Los AngElJes, the ball had been played properly. all fall and win tel' varieties. ' Sguest li!\t included ;Mrs. .Th ~c weTe some ·nice 1leldlq Jm~, Kllrl Bodenbend~r. 'l:'liza. attend e d a Sh 17i ne ata g party a t Carl hoemaker, Loveland; M1'1I. "" '·emona . I ha, II Day",n, 'A Sa..... "'-d ay Carl Sanker Mason' Mrs. Fred Beauty shows an · excellent and uni. Qalif., are visiting relatives in plays by our boys :mixeij witb lome b41th Henkle. Ira O. Brown.'" Hal'v'eysbu I·g. . ·,ht. E . • !.. C form set throughout the district. few ' elTOI'S.. l'he hitting \Va very lAwrence A. Garll-.. . Raymon F. nl . 'Ibon, Oregonia; mrs.. bes. , - - - - -. The April f reeze damaged Mrs. Jarnes Kerrick injured good to ee Smithson getting two Hatfield. Louil C. Darst, Esther Mr$. Mayme Hatfield and Mrs. J Cr~ckett, . Mr~. Will . Null, .Mr. 2500 vocatiQIDal Duchess mOllt, and growers expeet her ankle severely when she fell for five, Pec~ three ou~ 'Of four, E. Smith and E. Vb'ceile aoe. H. Smltb spent Thursday evening WIU Tulll!l, MISS Abl)1e Grabam, students will aUend the a balf crop. . TranSParent, Delicious and Stay at her home Wedn day of last Carey two out of four and Wilson . The meetinr opened wl~h a dill. in Dayton, tbe' cuesta of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bland, Spdngb?ro; annual convention of the two' for two. Baker and Tread. CuulOD ' of the toundatioD School Mn. Walker Hatfield. Mrs. Ernest Earnhart, Carlisle; A ~ociation ()f Futul'e Farmers man varieties are expected to week. I\'ay each got a double also. . procram which was pa..-d b, the Mrs. GladYB Ray. M~. Chauncey America and th,~ fifteenth annual . Id b D h lalt ....eek "nd Mr. and Mn. Oliff Earnbart and Mardis, Miss Janet Mardis, :Miss 1 Yle sat ree.quarters crop peac · Ml·ll. Orville 1. Gray and daugh. The team was much' improved O hl'O I Le...lsi-ture .... .... 1\1 ' , vQcationn agric'IJ.tur~ judging can sa"s. The Grimes also is spotty, t.. M' B b .. d M DOW 18 in tbe I.- n d, of Gov. Dave.. dauahter, Fanny, ''(\f Xenia, were 0 te~ts· .ft b" held' 'it Ohl'o State Unl'- crop " prospects being poor. where Gray eL, 's 188 ar ara, R V1SJte. II N rs.I from a week ngo and we feel that ,.. 01 T Hearne,d Dayton; d h Mrs. B. ~ ~ "" ~. 81·S· ter ""r The fou Ion IIClJlOol 'pl'olfl'am Sunday gUest, of 'Mr. and Mrs. Mh!»)l'1P::>!l CI a';.g .. ~~, !,!!Ss vel'sity MayS1 ~lDd June 1. good last year. . I lU .S. U se ea , it will be better from now on. ary .ouartna, ar"s_; _)sa I in Cincinnati, Monday. provides in -rt that. the .tate ,of Llov.d Davi&... __ The Merchants meet Mldlafnd . ~. \ . Mary . Th'ompIJon, Miss . Anna ., The s~dents ,of Waynesvil e The peach crop was ' nearly - ---:- •• ran-::'· ...., per e1em..... Cjty . on - e ome groull s""'-next O hio . - ...,., ...... .... 9xl" D ti ' R leaned Th '1 . M E high .school ha. '~e been training wiped out in the southern section Mrs. ICat'hryn T~rner, of :Oay" ta . I'V and ·· -S.7."O fo'r each bJrrh ompSllnl' WI mmgton: rs. . und l' direction of our vocational when heavy frost also . ' damaged ...on, an d Mrs. D.. L. Crane. were Sunday. " ..... • d . . .r. , domes ,260c Q ugs . k ·Citc . ichi1OJ. stbde, nt, ner - .1'. The lo"a" an reiSlIe. • • uu: ,leaners M. Villars, Sprinlf Valley,: ?tin. d' d . rt. d IJ' ),--. .,. ~ Katb,y'h Mendenhall, Manager. . M 'O I T M M k in~ttuctor. chorries, plums and peal's. A lOner guel:!tl! of Mr. an Mrs: F. ' 8~,,001 istritt sup.p Ylnc. a pOrtion Mi' 11 x e~~'ddrlo;; r8· . al; ThOSE: wno' will enierthe cQntes.t~ crop of sour . cherries Is ex. B. Hendel'son, Sunday. WAYNESVILLEMEBO~TS 0... the amount Ilec....ry to Mr. an\l Mrs. Wilbur Tinney, of an, .L,n e ·owr)l MISS are ·OhaJ"les · Fir'es. Clark pected in tbe southern district. • . '. . . . AB R ~ PO A. & educate each child and ,t he .tate 'Vls.c onlin. are visiQng the for- Howland,' West lTnl(ln: Mrs. Richard Stanley, John Boger, ~eo From Cincinnati north in westMrs. Patton, Mrs. Cope and Mrs Smithson, s , c 6 2 0' 5 3 0 to make the difference. It iI m~r's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ~arrihar~~ :orw~;. ~rs. G F~an~ Conner, Robert Thomas. Robert em 9 hio , growers report favor- McDonald, of Oincinnati, and Mr. Bakel', ab, as .. 4 • 1 1 1 0 0 ~Jlev~d t at in subitllDee this 'Will J08eph Tinney. MirfU~S. C . r~ k' M rj a~. Young, RO~l.t Satterthwaite and able prospects for 1111 fruits. ~. G. Coleman. of Dayton, we M&ndy, rf ,.. ..4 0 0 ·0 0 0 do j away with the IImall inelftcien't M F n. . M' ~ e'E ~. t 'M • possibly others Apple p1'ospects in ce!ltral Ohio wUndCaYI guests of Mr. and Mrs. . Peck, 1 b .... .... :4 1 3 8 0 1 unlta .a nd will improve. the em1'. and Mn. Geol'8'e Saylor and rornm, rs. . va arn ar, ~s. . are gClod, according to Beach. He • a em/In. Meredith·, 2b .. 4 1 0 1 0 1¥ of the lal'8'e~ runl con- ~mD1. of Dayton, will spend 0MlareLnce'ORYse. JMhrs. ~~. S~ ~1Us. R Ibn rtaddTihtion'_ to 'dthLe coontests says ·growel·. lexpect lightest ()rops F U LeMay MI's "'ary Eva C~rey, p .....,.. 4 1 2 1 15 0 1'S. • • t. 0 n. ,u1S9 parl'ara 0 e I'n eo onner .. , ~" • 1'! d 3 . JOlidated un Ita al well .a lII"modal J)a, with Ifr. and Mrs. " I t• •II, . ( J. L. Hartioek. . Lou BI·alld •. Mis9 Thelma St. John have beel). chosE,n as official dele- of Tran~psreI\t. W althy, and (Jhar.1es and Frank Jr. LeMay and 'ea WR,)" c. 4 0 1 8 1 1 . W PSI'" M O t " t 'th "'~ 1 nt' f Grimes varieties. Peach, sour . Robert OLeaver left. Saturday on a Davis, Ii ..... , .. 1 1 0 0 0 1 Jam" Johna and Ben Smith . . M..~. • . a II1 ... ury. t/!.. ga e. 0 e a .... ,ma conve Ion 0 h d ts R b it' 1 0 0 2 0 1, . ., tl-'~ # . t . - Mr. i;nd Iotn. Frilnk . Andrews A.. a....soJ)· Mrs M F W· elt. Future Fa.mers of Amer-ica. c erry. all grape prospec are .m ot9r trip to Sneffield, Alabama, am y, ,. .. 1 WDO .u re {mlr' t'(ro~' Ie" ce .. ' . .,..... . . . . •• t d I d'd t Bur)1ett, of . 2 0 0 1 0 1 A ll'rge number 'ot educationat' repor e -sp ~ I • re Ill'ning Wednesday ev~ning. . bus 'drivera wtrehilbl, .eo.m J.end- and .I IQn., of Da)toD, wited Mrs. Maria Elbon, Mrs. L. If. Gordon, . .... w.· .... o .. l...o.r ' U _ Em ' -ma... N I W i-k' 1\1 EI t " b i d b"h In northern Ohio ' tr~ ' are' Wilson, cf .,.... 2 0 2 0 0 v;,. .· ed 'for tile fia., IMimcBII rendered Alld... . .......,...., ..... ...rB. ' e son a~ In!! 'I'I!!. mer flPS are e ng arrange y v e MiM Kathe:rine Boge"', d·augbter' WaJ'b1 toWri.t.. .... lehool diltrlet in RamUtoll, SatuNaY'Io evenbl,. Sheehan', Mrs~ E. F. JSarnbart Miss Stat.e DepartfJlE~nt- , of Education blooming profusely. and . if good th ' . ..... . , Sa h S 'th MI CI Lil d for th~ .benefit (If the boys. weather prevails dur.i ng the lIett- of Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Boger, was' Totals ... " ... 36 5 11 27 19 6 elr ~ful.Dd uDtlrtng etrorta Mrs. W.~. CorMl1 returned M' ra 'M ml J' MS~11 ara e anc _ __ __ ad, the crop will be large. one of a clas of fifteen nurses to iuun tile muJ1ilum ot "'et¥ borne TU'eeday evenlll&' after a iss al'}" a 1 er. . . cherries, however, were who gradUated 1rom the . Nurses DONAHUES and coaafOft for children tl'.velln, week'._ visit at the -home of her Another pleasant Badal :Cunchllrt som~what by the early (reeze sehool of Good Samaritan hospjtal AB R H PO A. • in their conveyances. Both 'men daughter, lin. William Michener, ti'on a personal shower, was given . Throughou;t the ,state .traw. Dayton, Monday night. W dd ' 3p 2 have ..~ecI for tweDty J'ean. and famDy in Pittabu ....·, P... for Miss Earnhart Saturda~ evenbe·rri'e". rasperries and gra....... W·e t lng, " '3 21 O 2 0 12 01 ..... h f .... cia d -' II •• t th h f lIlr V · " " " ~-Mr. Fred Gons. Helen uargal''''t es, ss ". .... Aney ave many r""n _n we , ,.. a e ome 0 .S, ern are expected yield well ,,& ~ S h ·t 2b wi.hen alon. their routes which lud,e Rutherford, noted bible 'Who was assist.ed in enter ._ - - - . . and Robert Gons and Miss Betty c war z, .. 4 0 0 3 1 1 . t orth b'"II' traye id b¥ lec:tu rer, w11'1 b roa dcaat . dlre.ct taining b,v !Mra.. Roy Ellis Th e May DIe.! t Ing 0 f t h e New the where ' drouth last year Vieak~ned .Oglesbe.e lett Sunday on a motor .Leffel, c .......... 4 0 0 11 0 0 e .· an d' .M'lS8 plante. ",I'jl .h ence D. C• r B I'ldge was th e d· I~er- C· · lb ' h Id . Frid.ay. · .1n 'Unsprayed ~ f rom W"·hln':"ftll Vemon IIa Inoul an d -."" on G racea e811. entury f. u ~raB . e orchards the ' apllle trip to Ly.nchburg and Norfo'ld. TiJrany, Elli& 11 1b .....44, 0 2 8 1 1 , "ReaSOD. , I'Government." 1)ext Sunday, June slon 'a fter which lunch .. was serv'ed afternoon .at The Ll.ttle Inn WIth scab funga, ,p romoted by wet Va>, 811d will r6,l:ul'l'l by way of R i ld .. ··f.... 0 1 0 1 1 , The eo.plete r~lter .o f aJ,'lven 2, at 4 p. nt. Be wUl be bear4 at att.ractively decorated ' ~bles. Mrs. J. H . . Hackett, . h;ostess.· weather iff expected to take a Wil.8hing~r1. D. C. cyno ,8, c .,4 0 0 0 0 ' 0 th6» are to travel over .tatioD WSMK. D~yton. Those present · were Mrs. Bert,e Twenty-twQ ~ember8 reaponded heavy toll ,B each concludes. . Mr. and Mi.'s. hester Crockett (ContiJlued OD paCe 4) with the ate al folio".! . ' .. M ' .. .,; R bi 'U MUls, Mrs. Maynard We1t~, Mn. to roll call WIth a Cl1nellt event. . , -:. . and daughter, Les>er; Roy and Howard B~rtollj nu,.ber olle. rI~ UJ'.... o · nSOll, .. n. Melvyn Santa. Mrs. Mark · Rogers Offic~rs for' the coming year - - --, . . " Sere"- K..-rtek, Il.... Ellen . Good Mrs. Frank lless, Mrs. Boyd ' were elected atl follows:' Mr•• J. JENNJE H~RNER FUNERAL Hillen .C rockett, Mr. lind N:rs. GOOD CUT CLOTHING Loren Beaton, Dina". tWo. '" and IOn D ·... _rt, ...r Sam Wbl-tler ., ElliS McClure and daughter, ." CLUB ORGAN_ZED Vernon MeIDou" .I ulmber three. ........... . .. Henderson ' Mrs. Charles Bradley W. War<\, president; Mrs. J. P. WAS HELD SATURDAY U..I of -Dayton, Ill'. and Ilra. Harry,., M' 14 J ptingb 1'0; Mr. and' M,rs. Carl li Geo. BeDdenoD, llumber four. Emley. Leaftder Carel and family, ....n. Ed amby, lSS at1 a Fromm, vice pl'E~ident; Mr•. Mary Croll and sons, Frankliti: Mr. and J\ndolpb BiWebrecht, nUllDb,er~Ml'L Bachel Kirb, and *,n of near Miller .and Miu Mary Sattel't.h- McClure, secretary; Mrs. J. B. Funeral services for Mn. Mr~. Deadh Sheehan and The Jr. Good Cut Clotbin, club 8ft. D."'d. d II B bTl waite. Crabbe, tress.rer. Jennie Harner, 76· years old. wife. daughters, Mr. an" Mrs. Walter held its organization meeUng at A .... -L. .... P"" , aD of l'L - - --e " _ _rt Ol..... • r. D"mber .. .1&0 were II anM Fl aai CQ or Th e. program for thee a!ternooll of Charles T. Harner.l who dj ' han and anns were dinner >h u e G range B a 11 Ma)' 2 7. , Balph Jobnll, number ....n. _Dd falDU" 0 e are, DIPLOMAS ~WARDED COtlsillted -of a review of the book, Thursday after a brief illness, gues~s. of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mi.$ll Graddy, eounty hORM d•• • - TO EIGHTH GRADERS "Life Begins at F~rty," b, Mrs. were conducted Saturday .a rter- Sheehan on Sunday. onstration '.reAt, was p......, G4ADEII CLUB TO ...aT lin. "ida BanIa, Mr. Barril F. i{.. Farr. aDd an tntenatlna noon at ber home at Sprinc Valley and explain~d tbe project.. Twelw you.. JIr. ad l1l'i. Bert Bartpaper on "The 'World'a Struc,le and at 2 o'clock at the Spring Mr, and Mrs. John Fritz and 'glrlll enroiled for the........... WITH ..... l. E ......."'..~Iaook and claqlatel' Bettl. Mr. ADd Dr. B. O. Sklnner, atate director With 011." ptepar~d and nail bJ Valley Friends ebllrcb. Burial wu little , dau,hter. Nancy. en roote lIl. .tlqL , lin. Ro.... lOA cd education. wu , th. Jln. George J. S ...ith. . made in Miami cel;Jletery. . from Chic.,o wh'ere . they bave ',rhe olllcen elected to ..... Pnnk, at'ttllMd ~ .peaker at tbe allllual Durin, the lI"eiaJ !lOIU' n. Hamer "'81 born at Kat- been located the' put aeveral .. foll~wa: aetty p . . . ... aft:en.a.' MUford 1'rkIaF ........ : erade Ntreallmellta were ""eeL tlliaViUe, 0 '., aDd lind iD Warrft month•• to Charleston. Welt Va., dent. Norma ..._ _ of wldcJa ,... laeld OA BatlDda, u ed ,..te of tile boRua CllJ1lDtJ a nllmber of yeara JMfore IItopped tor a vi,it to Mn. Frits', treasurerj Ro. _';:::-. one of Uae Town Bal1 hl LeJauoa, 0ftI' laM. B ..n Ha -. ..~ \0 Spriq Vallq. Jears parente, Mr. and II.... W. P. onalleader; . . . II .... "~r.:==ll:r,.=t~of ta.. oouatr neeiTu d ' " Carobrlllll&O. iea\dei bel' hlJebaucl, III. Salilbury. Ill'. Prit.a baa been DeWS rep.,.,. -=-:"."=,,. _ ~:Of . . . . . . • tdIter, lin. S..u. truII.ned hll 8 '1'11. .......:.·liMCiIW· 1.&41. . . . . . . _ _ a.u-ltate. Id\ 36 year!!, wife Of, Robert Haines,

by the boal d of cQu nty









:p .




New Century ,C lub om·.fIOe·ra Are EI·eflOted












Ra". ...


._ _





Association, inlot No 19 in Franklin, L. S, Tu/ts to Mary Amelia Deer west!!I'. It'al estale ~n Hamilton ' ales by Effie S. Pierce and Gr8ce Lois Thornhlll. exeeutrices, f th. estate of , Irnlll W. Beach, d~ eaR .1, wel'c approved . In th matter of the e tate of IfureHa ~1urray, dec as d, sail! of personal property was ordered. . A c rtifit'd copy of tbe entry de tel'lnini nft th ~nherltance tax on thl' sl,ate of [ary Wharton, dE" Cl'R ed, is to be certifled without delay, 1'he sLat of ~Li a Murrell, dec as d, is exempt from inh l'itanc


townahlp. B1anchl'o l:ule (o'r), I!t ai, to Tht Lov ·land Mutual B L. CIl. '&6,01 tlct·l'!< in Deerfield nl!hip. Johll . cib.-I, l.le(~e~~s(' I.l, to PhUlip pinu ,'l'ib I, et. I. lots Nos. 14 t\I1.1 1/i in L banon Mur~l\rl'l oytl(>, <Iecc&. (' d, to Harry . oyne. et all, inlot o. 14 unci 16 jll Lebanon. Phillippinll cibel, deceM d, to ad J , Sdlwl, "t ai, real e tnle in l,ebllnon, Waller. Ditmatil, by executrix to The Union entrl).1 Life Ina. Co. 100 acres in Hamiltt l) township, lid und 8l'ollnj~ Sch ub to K t· W. \Vol'l y. r ial tate in D t'fleld lOWhship. Car l and Caroline chaub to Katl WOI'1 y, r al state in D er field township. R chol C. teven.', d ceased, Walter impson, 4'1 ,50 acres in alem township. town hlp.

traight from Washington

tho pr ('nt e ryover of whe t of ~ ith the monthly bill. had become 125,OUO,OOO to 11)0,000,000 busb· quite d' lIpondent, but in a tinal at ~l.<, w()uld upply \:nClugh wheat for all domestio r eqllit·cmellte. Icave nough wh at for 1\ nurmal curryov'r next year, and fully as much 118 thl' XPOl't trade is Iik... ly to abso l·u. Authorities mO ' 1 optimistic ubout wheat XPOl't~ in the immediate futut· "l1.y 1\11', 1\fiUer, speak of po slbl e;x.pods of 76 to 100.000,000 bushel.. Average net export.'> in the pu~l two years have totaled 29,000,000 bushels. Tariff barrier nnd pref relltial IIgl'ee11\ nt.s still s ta nd in the way of an expand d whl;)at e. port market, h say, citing G rmany's tariff of 3.85, Haly's ,1.76; and France's 1.71 and the Britl h tari ff of 6 c 'nls. Wh ea~ fro ll1 Canada and Australia is xempt I"om duty upon entering !'eat Britain.

tempt t v tlul'vi\'c, undertook '·writ· in" numbel's. Th iI1lall daily commissi()n s pl'\Ived 1I lifesaver but nothing mOI·c . Three days before th dll ught r'lI graduation the moth'1' Jl00led het· entire savings u! forty-two cents On number 275. Th. numb l:r won and she received $2 10 e ft h. The girl gl'aduated in high IlPi"J'ile IIm.l · now th mans of Q 1lI0dcl'at(.' income.

B., t)le stat or Snmu\,l Be I, STEPHEN M. YOUNG u.'cd, til', t And fi nnl. Hob l't \V. Brown, eXl'cutor of In lh" ell. e f W IItern lndu tri the cstat;! of 'tephl'n . Phillips, l'P, ver, Ull VOIl H01ne Tube .t cell~ed, Jirst. (t aI" ~)plicat.ioll grantlld, rril1 Bone, administrator Th ' House pa~scd the AdmlnisIn the cape of The ~lutuul Build of J.tlie 1 ~ jlla~ Nothing attracts a crowd much of T. D, ,Mon'j , detl'alion Omnibus Banking Bill, The ing It Loan 0., VIjT us Kat H UTfas ler t.han a dented fender. The enate will probably pass this ley, et ai, confirmation, deed and ct'n, ed, fourth. other day 1 heard n e '.£5h l\nd at with a few c hanges. A meritol'ious Gladys Simpson, ndminl tratdx <1i tribution. once people b gan helter- kelterthE' tate of Edward M. Thirk fe.nLur is that guarantee of bank of Th ca e ot The J,\)veland Mutual ing to ttl . cene of tu rmoil. Like a tax. deposits f t· each individual u,p to 0., ver'us i Id, d l'eascrl, fil' t and tlnal. Bllilding and r. ab boob I j Ined the running tht'ong Tb will of Mary E.Snook, d $5,000 becom s the law of the I nn E. Moore, t a.l,i di mis d Gcor~e P. Gates, ('xc utor of the and lost my new hat in the constute Amancla B. Hunt, decca cea ed, was fll cd in probate. landnot for. \.he emergency ollly 111 th I'll e of The Loveland fu ian. Afte r a mad search it was The will of Mary F. Stricklcr, but for all time. When ".ockles " lutual Bulldin and LOlln o. ed, fir, t Ilnd final. I'ecovered but with a great iou'i ix n wa appointed ad- dcc a ed, wa admitted to prob"te imp on, "Whiskerando" PIed'er v u Roy Graham. ct Ill, service change · in d('sign, altered by at ministrat<lr of the estate of AliaI' Frank Brandon and Howard W. and William Jennings Bryan advo. y publication is c>rdered. least 4.()0 buman f t. What a csted guarantee of bank deposits Th ca, e of fa Le-Feller vl'rs)lS ~tta ?tIunay, deces!;ed, and til d lvi n were appointed xecutors no price to pay to witness the tragic in 1892, they wer r garded as Jllmell Edwin Eb rhal't, ct ai, j bond of $1600 with suretie . Roy bond required. . M. Sellers, G. F ~pecb\cle b fore m lwo taxi Treon and W . N. BI' wn and C. C. Elilass were ap"Ioone-y." This was termed a Wntkin3, Jobn d\sm iR d. ellb had bru hed fenders. Hunt were 811Point rl appraisers, pointed appraisers. Bill. Allo,wed "crary populist scheme lind they In tbe case The estatt) ot laIa L. Forman, In r e: estate of Rachel C. Stev. weTe laughed at al! fools. They " rsus Grace fatiano~, a divorce ueceaa is r lieved frolll adminis- ns, decea ed, transf r of real e _ The Book hop, 1;owel$ and red were not fool~ . "Ex~rlence keep Most Anything uat as I am was gl'l\nl d th plaintiff; custody trntul'. d, Tl,jU\ fel' of real estate ill tate is ordered: ' ink, $8,60; Le banon-FaJ.'fllen Coop a deal' school, but fools learn in wo nd ering 11 bu tton shoes can of minor Child wa giv n to plnin- ordcl1ed. In the ca e of Erne t Butter- Co., coal for court house, $13.82; no oth 1·... mak a comeback I see them disti1t', The inventory of Ever tt J ones, worth, admini trator of the estate Wm. Shotwell, serv,ices ~8 Janitor played in a downtown store winIn the case of Albert D. R e e, of the estate of of Samuel Butterworth deceaaed Memorial Hall, $2(11; Relf's ElecS t J '_1. B 'I D dow. I will now look fo r ward to receiver of The · Citizen National ndminis~rator elia M. J ones, !lecea~, was ap- vel' us Gilbert Frye ~dministra- l tric Shop, lamp for ;Memorial Hall, t enaf oN r ~'lIUc ~~ ey, I e~ed°With the advent of Spring, the return of line OUlltle.- MotorBank. f Wilmington v r us . F proved, tor of the state of Sarah Butter- 40c; TJ'llste of Public A1fairs' l ~ra, 0 'thoS toarHo Ina'L 00 come the questio n of cult1vating cycles Beelll to be at a tand still in y s I{lbbtly,t ai, contlrrrt tion, deed In the ca e of Jam s Saul, ad- wo).th deceased et al widow pre- ' light ond gas at Mcmorla l Hall, ontl'l wHI ehna1d l' lnfet ong rte- a garden to tho e l'e$iding in a ppe.arance, thcy have looked prac and di tribut'ion. . t rator 0 f the estate of H. L. umed' d servlC~es, • cen y. e t b'e ah0 h to " have not taken under 7. 20'• L u· Ie GII bb ar, L ' dena 01' id rura I Iocati ons, or were vacan t tically th same to m for several mllli In the ca e of Ruby Nolt and 'au l, decea ed, versus Mildred 'II 1$5; Mrlj. W. C. Ro b I'ts services ' onl!' s au 0 lO~rap. Y lin sa tracts of fertile I&.nd are available years. - We would be: almost '. ' ~Ol'nfu lly- "Thts IS the ' Arthur Green v rllu Fred H. • au I, et aI, confirmation, deed and WI Fr. ank impson was appointed , $6; In. Elmer LMY, !:lerVlc 5, $5 III f th Th fi t I for garden jlurpo,es. The STant- totally lost without the telephone ro ley, et ai, the defendl\nts lIre Ji:strlbution, guardian of Thomas Simpson a ~I·S. Oma Osbol'ne, services, $10; ~o ~~tl~d ,~ee. y Me l'l v~~m, Ing of aid to t he a ed is based up- anti el c!.ric ligh t, yet our foregt nted 30 days in wl\it!h to fill! In th ea of Jame Saul, ad- minor and ~led bond ' of ,iooo Mr, Jamel! Moore, services, $6; TISb n I d " vler a.nll b k mJ. on th n eeds of the recipi nt, and futhcl's- only <I1'eamed of tbem. a n...wer <lr (}the~ pleading. l<..' , • 8uretle.. ' . M fF. Mau d e D ar'~OJl, .'" aervJces, .. e'Ev s con My () um eKiWl fl h' nown mmlstra tor 0 f t h e estate of Berta With I Tb th ose wh 0 can b y th' elr own eIfort .... d T . 117 '50' Mrs Ir Ell' 'o tl ' a ery an a ng s • "rov'd part of t hc b"d'" -'ill ... ·Id I d ecease, d versus JH I re ; au, he lDventory of Mal'Y J::li,zabeth , , . : , . a .ZI I, serVJces, third will be known as 'Ev 1'y Man I' I a .. .. t ,'" Alfl1l!n wilt disease, especially N~,.. Suitt , Saul, et aI, onfil'mation, deed r executrix of the estate $5. 'M111. Helen D(),ughman, sen- AS k " be expected to do 80. Tbose who Tbelma Ponder, by J ohn Reese, Dnd distribution of George Stuemer deceased wa I ices, $7; Mrs. H9'.vard Sawyer, uc cr,. do ll ut tTY to help them lves, serious in the western corn belt vcr us ¥red H. Ponder, for divorce In lhe matter' of the estate of approved. ' ' servi~es, $7;. B~ rl',ough~ .Adding - ..----when tbi can be done by raising lind th a l rn great plains region far Zelma Shumard ver us L onard . Anna 111. f arsha 11, decea~, sale T. B. Griswold, adntinistrator of Ma~hm e, ma!ntennl1ce trcasurer's Thi may, seem peculiar, but tb vegetables, poult.ry, et c" many has b e n found in fi Ids a DeYoung, ~or mon y and damages ' of per on 1 property is ordered. the e tate of Jane G. Lewis, de- ad dIng n'lac~lIl e, $8.75; The Book fs(..'ts at'e that much of the legisla- find that. when l'e-appJication for east as Penns yJv nia and all far amount cl81med $2000. The first and final Rccount of ceased, filed his first final and dis- ShOll; supphes for recorder, $4; tion being con idered in ongre811 aid i. mad at tll end of each west as CaLiIornja. ara h E. ·Welsh, administratrix of tributive account. ' Ban'ett Brothel' . ,c ost bills for 1,1 ' ua\1y lermed '-radical" is spon- y arly p riod, the award first al. Probate Coa:rt the e tat of Edna G. Wei h, deprObate court, $3.55; Th Dayton sOl'ed by Republicans. Congress- lowed may be reduced or entirely U.. Frank Simp on filed h is applica- CeQ ed, was approved, allowed and Marriap Blu e Pri nt Co .• blue prints, $2.26 man .M ott, Republican, of Oregon, discolltinu d. THE MIAMI CAZ£TT£ Hon fol' the appointment of a guar on firm ed' by the court. The Gem Cily Blul! Pr:int & Sup- introduced the amended "TownAward of Aid to the ag d are dian of Thomas Simp on, a minOr The will ot. W. Benjamin L wis, Lawrence Dwyer, color mixer of ply 0" township nlaps, $5.48; send Planl! providing pe(lsiotls to made f or only II 12 monlh period, FOR RESU~TS and MillS Lillian Knox., Mrs. It'. B. Harris, erroneous 18511- lhA" age. d Congressman McL e od 'and ' In the matter of the estate of ' deceased; was admitted to probate Lepanoll clerk of Lebanon. applicants for renewal of aid Frank Har t ock, deceased, ale 01 Elizabeth Lewis wa appointed exance of Ltcense, $Jl; Mrs. Ncttie RepubHcan, of Michigan, Is the mUf\t sati fy the county boards L " d 100 '" Bank and investigators that th y have automobile. is authoriz d. ecut rix, no bond required . Will R. Lay;rence Delbert Anderson, C$.n H lit Ii Id, tron ou issuance of l au th or 0 i I:h e ... 1JJ.C e" -10 II Th'IS, if enac t e d· , wou Id not ne"'lected to utilize available The est.ttc of emuel W. Slagle, Lewi ,G. F. Brown and Jed' sU\cker, of Mason and Mils Velma L'lcense, $ 1; J . W . ne, locust P ayo If B'II I. t d e- methods .. for helping themselves. A IS exempt from inhel'jt- Thompson were appointed apprais Leora Meek, housekeeper, of Ma- po ts, 'l30 '" ; J . K " Spencer, sand PI'OVI'd e t wo b'1lll Q,/l d0 1'wrso deceased, '" ance tax. rs. on. and gravel, $34.06 \ J. M. Cole- \ j)ositors in defunct banks. This i egetable g~l'd n and poultry arSales by Robert Lamb, adminiaW. C. Sheph rd, executor of the Ernillit Epgene Shutts, electri- man, Adjutant Lov·eland Post No. te1'med ·/inHationary." Also, to fords a con iderable aid to the i al Day a II owance, l I I 'Clte ' ..." trator of the e tate of John ~mb estate of Florence E. Sausser, de- cian, of Cincinnati, and Miss Ger- 2"6 '" M emor .26 one more ms ... n ..e-Tb e food and health r quirentents of d~eased, were approved. He also ceased, filed hia cbedule of debtll. trude Garnett Lane, housekeeper, Bob Nicholas, 4 si:gns for NRS F~azier-.Lem,ke Farm RefinanciDg the needy aged, and those receivIn the matter of the e tate of of Oregonia. offic , 60c ; The Fairley Hardware I Bin which 1 l'egarded by many Ing aid, are expel:ted. when health filed his ftl'l\t account. The adjudicatioll and determina Alice 'W. Holden, deceased, djll~iCo., steel tap , $2.'75; The Cincin- I persons a being "i.ntlational·y,,1 find .,trength p rmits, to avail Uon of the inheritance tax on the bution of a set is ordet'ed. R... £ata... T,n .af.ra nati Oil Works Co. gasolin~, $1.38 Is sponsored by Senator Frazier. a t hemselves of such opportunities estate of Mary E Hoover decea&- • Carl Seibel, exeoutor of the ellRalph E. James and Helen E. Frank S~erwood Co., ga oh,"ne, Republicall, and ?ongr SSman as may be available to provide ed, ill to be given to all persons in- tate of Phillippin&. Seibel deceased James to John S. Wood real e tate and supplIes, $29.06; Smith's SeTV' Lemke, a Farm-Laborlte, formerly t heir own living expenses. , . RGoT FOR AND COIUIGN l rested. filed his application for a certitl- in Morrow. ice Station, 0\1, '2j~ .95; The Stand a Republican. Also, peculiarly It is Only just nnd reasonaj)le rour CatUe, bOil aheen anel calYp! George P. Gates trustee of estate cate of transf~r. Hannah M. Coler to Hannah ard Oil Co., ~eal!e, $2.41; Jobn enopgh, President Roo evelt is that one should fir t try to h Ip to Nom.-Brock Co., live all. of Harriett C. Spaulding, deceased The wi11 of Mary F. Strickler Manion Coler, in\ot No. 11 and Law It on, gasoilM. $17.64; Val- said ~ be ?ppos ed to.all of the hinlself b f o e h e ill jUstified in progreslive firm l.,r the hlKh'" fil.ed his first account. wa tiled in probate. 20 in Morrow. ley Motpr ales, jf.asoline, $7.36; foregolDg bllls, regardang them as asking the Stale to as ist him. market price. and rood ••me•. A cerifted copy of the entry deThe will of Ada F. Noble, de- Fred Kahn to Charles C. Newton Cincinnati Oil Wo .ks Co., gasoline u.nsound and "radicaL" It is ire- The Law governing ~he aid for th~ U.lo. Stock Yard.' CI.cJ __U, 0termining the inb~ritance tax on ceased, was 1I1ed in probate. and Ottie N~wton, inlot No. 28 in $7.36, Kaufm an 's, pajnt and sup- quently difficult t() disting~lsh be- aged wa meant to provide fol' TUne In on Radio Station Welty the e tate of Eva C. Keever is to I. Kenneth Jones WIlB appointed Lebanon. plies, $5.13 ; Great A. It. P. tea tween Tadicalism and conserva- those who are unable t o tal<e. care 12:26 to 12:30 p. m. for our clan, b certi1ied. executor of the estate of J. D. Lon B ckett and Ethel Beckett Co., food, $12.50; W. H. Berger, tism. It is a mistake to tel'm all of them Ives, lind that have no market reporta. ' The following MC:Ol.\nts were ap-l J on I deceased, and filed bond 01 to (lledu! D. Lamb, :real es~te in food, $12; Blair & LeRoy, fuel Democrat radicall!l and all Re- one who by law is charged with ==:-:==::::=::::::::==::::::::::::::::~ proved, allowed and confirmed by $1000 with surelie. Karl Dakin, Wayne town~hip. $1.60! Wm. Collins, food, $6; ' publicans conservatives. their s upport and able to lielp the court. E~lle t Eltzroth and ChaTles Anna Doane to Harry P. Shep-' John M. Keegan. food, $11.66; There are thou!ands of lobbyi.ts them. lt wa not meant to encourr, Janie M. Btant xeeutrix of the Stubb were appointed appraisers. herd and Ethel M. Shepherd, 120. Kaufman'S, clothing, $55j Lewis in Washington seeking to influence age ,idlene s or in any way to des· •• I ~ estate qf lial C; Brant, deceased Southard P. and ElizabSlth V. 43 acres in Hamilton township. It D17ak , fuel, $6; Oram Shoup, ' legi slation. T9, these lobbyiSts re- troy the mitiative of recltpients oj first and final. ' . ealy l, Benjamin F. and Letta M. James f ood, $5; WarTenl C9un't y Lum- I presenting private interest, for aid. The amount of aid granted is Francis Sellers, administrator ot trustee of Tbe Harmon Field En- to State of Ohio and W.illiam A. ber Co" fuel, $4,5; White Villa I t he most part sOOking IIpecial pri- to s upplement \V1\at the [eci~jent !!!'!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!~!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!~'!!!'!'!!!!!~!!!!"!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!'!!!'!!!!'!~ and Elsie A. Young to State of Grocers, food, 501=. vileges, is being added a new type by ' .his own efforts could add - ..,- of lobbyists. Both M~'8I!lilctlusettst thereto and thus be abl~ to have a - Ohio the use of real estate for ~..-.;;..-~-------------....- - - - - - - - hjr;hway purpose. and Arizona have provided law comfortable living. Carl and Caroline Schaub to for the appointment of a bystate c'

---_.- ..---



- ... -


F 'r





,4 4 Years Of Service

George Stugard, real estate in Deerfield township. Arthur and Ruth Smadbeck to George Stugard. real estate in Deerfield township. Julin H. and Ella Tufts to Ches ter Taylor, inlot No. , 13 in Ridgeville. • V1ara ·L, Forman, deceased, to Clarence J. alld Mabel C. Forman real estate in Hamilton township. . Clarence J., Catherille L . and Mabel C. Forman t.o 'L. S. Tuft.s, J'eal estate in Hamilton .townilhip. JerClmiah F. LeRoy to ' Florene Squ.i~es, 72.94. acres in Hamilton township. Nettie DaVis to The Loveland Mutual B. It L. Co" in lot No. 41 In South Lebanon. W ood ~ole, deCeased, to Blanche Cole F'l'ye, et al, 45.01 acres . in

Cary's Jewelry Sbop ~ Lebanon, Ohio Di.mond.-Watche.~Jewelry- Silverware For the Graduate; Sho~.1" o~ Weildi•• Gift,

Expert Watch Repairing and Engraving

til he Home of Gifts" ' Stor. 'op_ 8,30 a. m. ,t o 9 p. m,



Red Cross worlcers in Ohio will pmej6t IId t !nditahn ILakke, .. JRu eSH's!! 0 nt , urlng e. 'wee 0... \ll\~ • it ha been annoulqced. "The institute is planned for chapter workers" said Richard F. Allen, manager C),f the Eastern A:rea of the Red Cross. "The objective is . to I~on!!olidate and systematize the Red Cross forces in Ohio to help Ithem carryon a useful program f~,r the state. Sucb a program is nE!eded now more than at anytime in th~ recent pa~~. ' "The stud},pr'ogtam will COV!!r the entire range of Red. Cross liIerVices and organii~tion. The schedule calls for an ilntensive study' of problems of familly· case 'work, an~ of chapter orgaru~ation- and administration. Tbe'roelie a 'class in each of these subjects every morning of the week, in charge 01 J . Blain GWin, .ssiatant director of civiliaxi relief. and of Ev~rett Dix, assl13tant manager of the Eaatel'll A~i. On each ~ter· noon there will b,~ a general Itudy of a specific service or activity of the Red 0\'088, 1I1so in cbarre of experts fromhe'lLdqulLrters. Tbe morning study cOturses Ill'e intended primarily lor executives and home seryice seclretaries; Committee chal'rmen and. professional and volunteer worket:s in the ditf~rent departments will be> interested in the discussions 01f the afternoons.' 'l'he director o~' the institutq will be EVel'ett" Dix. iP. C. Dixon, field repre$ent.ative " ie)r Ohio, will be associate <Ureeto~!. ', .



















lobbyist to rep1'C~nt the state in Washing s~king pwA funds and other Federal grants of power and money. Mayor LaGuardia of New York City is the latest ,to ap. poin!; a public lobbyist. Lobbyists, representing prlvate intel'ests, sho uld be cOlllpelleQ to register and' their names, and business connections· sho·uld be made public. In fact, it would not be a bad idea to compel them to wear a badge or distinctive symbol when engaged in "button-bOling" Representatives. Fwqueutly a skull and cross-bonea would be the proper badge. The bill to require lobbyists to register was deteated in the Senate. It was ·a meritorious measur,.



66... '--·--·_ .....•...---------------..

Ob~ervations , b JUDSON DEAN .,

Or No Char••

, Centerville, Ohio ·Phone 71J



COLUMBUS~The government " has ju t squelcbed the numerous • • chin letter sbops that have bobb· NQTARY PUBLIC ed up about town over nbfhJ,--the climax to America's latest craze. Natlo••1 B_~ Of courljB mallY enthusiasts are ".Ib ' Dra_ • • E ...... I ...... left holdiny the b g, but tJlous- _ a.nds have received handsome. WAYNEIVILLIt, OHIO a mo u n ts ranging from $ 5~ to I!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!"!!!!'!!!!! $500. A store clerk tells me that various patrons have attributed PO.- tAU DATU CALL

.Stanley &,Koog-Ie'r

their revived purchasing power cl).ain letter indulgence • to The aged 'number game which . Recent.1y Congrel!8~an ' William L. Fiesinger of Sanduaky re,~eivelH involves a :v~arly expenditure a long letter from a young ma,:t ' among our citizens of' almost had enrolJed in the CCC ureing ,750,QOO,OOO continues to thrive .', that the coneresaman complain with inditrerence to the law's· futJEISE STANUY to the PreSident that this youth He attempte.· The total dally salea figures of ..... 110.' K_ •• rU...... and hia buddy h~d received ' only two pair~ of panta instead of stocks and bonds has innocently in three. CongJ'es.sman Fles8man sti \'I&ted the mOlt univeru,l gamEAIlI. !tOGO' lit wrote that alijlourb. 'thia bUng Iy&tern thus far existine. lp .o.~. . P .... . was .. serioul matter he faetories, Offices, shope aDd bomes, : KE•••N . . .. youne and old riak their odd doubted . whether he e!rouid worrY . the Pre8ident about It jult at the pen,:tlel , daily. Ibould they win till! present time. odds are- 6'00 to 1. So vaat and widely known is ,the practic* that

Auetloneer. ' ow.

---.. -.. .--_1.. ,

CLASSifiED ADS~~' "Wrlte~" bave. their dailY Nute prospective penny gamblers. CR,UP HEPORT·ERS SA'Y ofThe /I~iterIB" profit ia uually FOR .AL'E WH· EAT SUPPLY AMPLE 26% of hia 10% of the " willnings, of sales his and customers. Of POOL YOUR WOOL-Pricea are <

c.o.u ne .the chance of winnine ilS about ,ol'le in 1,000, which acfor the t,..emendoUI odd. "F... iI••" Ileporta H ••• No paid. The winning ~umber ~ the In Fact c-tat., A.-ta.,.. 4th, ~th and 6th digits of the total bond s~les and the 3rli~ 4th and Reports many .ol the 5th diJetll of .the total ~toek aales larger consumption centers of an (reading from rigbt to left). Many imp en dine wne~t famine. owlne to playe~ box their chosen n."mber, drouth, dust .torma, and A.AA wbich Is literally bettlnr; on ,creage control proarrams, are 1I0t every comb.ination of thre& dirita. T~n tonI! of sdU an acre PUll supported by facts, ltatel L. J. The "verqe player'. rtak .ia froll\ through earthwol'mB each year. Miller, cou.nty aer1caltural al.nt one to ·illx cents per day; h. ======~===~::::=I after receiving the productioD . . ulU&lly chooses a number and timate. of crop reporters. playa it 'until it win. 01' he tirea Thete crop reponer..--farmers of waitin, and givet up. Some located in all parta of evel')' state plQ)' on hunche., dream. and ..ri in the unio..-predleted a winter ous woul~ pe premonition., Mttwheat cr~p of 486,000,000 bu.b... Inr lometlmes a dollar or more en when their ••tt~te. of April 1 . .I~le Qumber. AmollC the were weicbed by the f.deral clewho thrive on til. pat1ment of Bl'ieultue. 111ck, there ~ ~..t faith in the Normal wbeat raqa1remata III "Dream Book," a nprtolre of til. UDlt.d Statu, Inelllcliq JaNdt cOllcelvabl. dream ...,h... for bread, ltveItock ~ ad IOClated witll a dWerot 'Jl.~ Heel, are ab01lt _.000,00G RIC8Dtlr all IlIter"lI8 ........ bbh.... With tb. erop proapectla wu Mlate4 to IDe abo\1&- a 1tO'l~:. betW tIIaIl f,fIr ...... In Itrfek.a .other ....

---_a,_. .-..---



, Ilsually lowest during the mear. inc seuon. CODsicn,,},our wool to the Ohio Wool GroWers Coopera. tive Aaaoclation, Receive a,.16 cut cub advance and. full valuewh.n sold. WaYnesville Farmets Ex. Co., 'Representative,

'SAL~Naney Hall, Earl, Porto Rico, ....Yellow 1 .....' and BraaJUan S",eet Potatq and al. kind, 01 prdln plant.. All potatoe. 85 cents per hundred 01' three hnnclred for 'l.OO. IH miles north of WaJ1lemJk oa Ferl'}' Road. Stron.. Broth..... BR. 8. . • ...0


FOR SALE-A Ide. lID. of box . .tid..,.. 14 Ill.... u. U ... ve10Ptl lor Ilc;8how:oPu, 1. .IINCI aad II for 10 et1lta; " . . . ~t wtdM .....

paper, , . , . ........ at


~ ,

a•••• .



or his greah! t and mOlt powerful Inllurant'E', tl'U t fLlnlll1 Rnd IIlmilar neWSll8"... r~ were financ"d with tri inv~ tmt'1I1 "Iall~. "hich 1118('t' saf ftlng Illit ial capital. He made them ty first. nrc bl'('(llIIilll( IIIl1n' 110 pay tht'ir tlWn \\lJy. Out!('o had to mllre raVOl·CII. be limited to incoll1c. He borrolHd no mOll ' YI Mlln have grown I'kh quickC!l' by oth r In thod~ Morc men have gone brokl' pursuing the ath!;!)' methods. Nobody can go broke in folio'" in~ t h cripps methucl. The WUI'st that enn happen is thut he dries uP. owing no more than he can pay. In p " onal as well II bu in ss atl'ail' • the majority of u. would b happi r and safer if we had the reso lution to limit outgo to inorn e at all times. It is a simple formula. _ lmpel'ial Type Metal fagazin".

Erie countlee.

A new propolled meth(lll llf combatting bootlej,(gi ng in Ohio is bing con ider~d by the ~tate liquor board, it wa announced by Chairman Wellington T. Leonard. The plan will permll key liquor stores in certain citie! to open at G a. m. and to clos at 12 mid· night. Until now t.he slor s were open from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. The cities in Which the new plan may be put in operation IrC! leve land, Toledo, lncinnati, olumbus, Daytlm, Akl'on and Youn stown, whel'e t.he gr lit st amount 01 bootl~gin~ is said to ta'ke placc The board last w ek I sued an ()rder t.hat aU liquor agencies must close at midnight. P ..~viou ly they were p rmit.ted to ell liquor as late as the individual pI'ovorietor cared to keop l\i s place of bu iness open.


Sun..,. Points to Savin ... That bet.ter and more effici nt governmelltul ,)peratic.n ar posMAY SO, L935 si ble jf coerdination nnd IIlost motion" can be eliminated is indi-.========================~=======-cated in a pl'eJil11inal'y statement of the hit) Gov rnmellt urv y of which 01. . O. he rrill is ehall'America wlU att..ain gt-eater prosperity than ever before. man. The repc)!-I with l'ecommenda More individuals and families tlw.n ever before will shar in this t.ions lor immediate conomie, f I' prosperity. p,·ospc.> tive fUture savingK and for More families than ev I' befor . '!Viii Qwn their own hom s. a "long-range" plan to assure efOur current total 01 2'1,500,000 .automobiles will be doubled. government ficient., economical Our 13,5 00,000 telephones will be more than doubled. .' giving good sel'vice will he ready Such little-used conveniences and comforts as air-conditioning sJlOrtly after June 1. The equipment, sum lamps, and teievisioll rec ivers will be commonplaces will be submitted to Governor In the home. Davey. Mea;w.. hile it ils und r tood Much better provisiQn will be made for caring fOT those thrown that Ohio business that loans extemporarily out of employment. ApprQximate\y 300,000 emutivc for the SUl'VOY plan to In short, II hetter day will dawl\--Certainly! ployables on Ohio I'elief t'oll ~ will "5 tit l'epIll·t throulgh" and will That isn't the opinlQn 01 a professional optimist of the "prosperity be put to work undel: the federal continue th ir effort · ·to gct action Only Feed. and Su&,ar bnported Is-just--around-the-corner" school. It is the 9pinion of B. C. Forbes, go-vernment's $4,000,000,000 work the realistic financial analyst, who expreSlell it in a recent is ue of progl'am it 'was estimated b'y O. Bevl. Leaye. Ohio I n Larger QIl...jtie. OQsm~politan m a g a z i n e . Stillman. federal administl'sformer upreml) :ourl. Justic e . .. The natu!:al question to ask, then, is WHEN are all of these ble - I t.or for Ohio. There are 3,226 1'e- Howal'd L. Bevis, fimlllce oirectQI' Imports of competitive agricul· ings going to come to u? And that, in Mr. Forbes' belief, is largely Iie-f work projects, invo.Jving an in the White adminhltration be- t.UI'al products for the eight dependent on the activities of gov rnment. He is confident that the I expenditure of 80,000,000, fa a oi ntment to the "big months, July I, 1934, to March 1, p nt-up natural forces of re~ove.ry ar~ Tarin' to go--';lnd that o~ly ~waiting Anal .apPl·oval. at Wash- he~ech"P~nd for the past four 1936, were lower than the av rage man-made obstacles are standIng In their way. Fears of tnflation, stsfl- mgton, 1\11'. Stillman saId. Of the months financ d'rector i the for the same months of' the previing tUell, gov 1'nment competition with private buslnels, industrial L,200,OOO Ohioans on relief, 341, : Dave cabine: hals t:esigne~ and OilS 10 years for all commodities regimentation, ~ureaucratic re~ulation 01 our great businesses000 al' employables and' of ~h has :one to Cambl'idge, l\iass. except feeds and sugar, according these are the frtends of d pre ~Ion, an~ ~e en~mie ll of .recovery. t otal about 60,000 are worktng wh re he hn. accept d a Pl'ofes or to a study made by the Bureau of What i needed, in Mr. Forbes words, tf! a scnstb.le get--together be~ for the FERA at ,th present tmte. ' hip in Harval'cl Un.iv'crsity. Bevi Agl'icultural Economics of the tbween government and lIove,~ned; a pact to work III barmony rathes ----:-va rat d as Olle of the abiest nited tate Department of t an 4t. cross purposes. . • . The state's death fat show II cabinet officers the state has Agriculture. A tremendous responsibllity weights upon our political I aden to a slight increase in January and in d cades and Was cr,edite<l as on'e :I'he figul'esllhow that imports of bring that about. The American people are in no mood to let politic8 Febrl.lary of this ye"r in compllr- of the " helpers" in th White fruit, excluding bananas, were 26 continue to interf re with the course of recovery. ison wtih the correspondillg two admin i b'atlon who helped h 'im per cent below the lO-year avermonths in 1934, accol'ding to the "sails of public exp nst!B." age {or July 1 to March 1 period; tigl.lres compiled by Dr. Walter n. vegetable oils and 011 se ds, 14 Hartung, dir ctor of the state deper cent below the 10-year ave)'Heard in> P ... ins partment of health. Th er were Now the CI'OW hunters of the age; mats, 17 per cent blow; 14,132 deaths in Ohio dUI'ing the first two months of 1936, with a state aloe going to have a big meet vegetables, 51 per cent below; rate of 10.14 per 1,000 population ing at Toledo June 7 and 8 and wool, 66 per cent below; dairy pro The Ohl. ~tate University Radio StatiOD-WOSU as compared to 13,649 for the pur ue their plan cooperating ducts, 61 per ce·nt below, and eggs same period in 1934, with a death with thc conservation d partment and ~g products, 78 per cent be8:00 MUlie rate of 9.92 J)er 1,000 population, lot' vermin control land cutting low the 10-year average. ugar impoI·ts from July 1, 1934 8:06 The June Frost of 1869 ..... ,.......... , ... ,............... H. E. E;awine Dr. Hartung said. down tb number 01 c:rows in Ohio to March 1, 1936, were Ci per cent 8.16 Plant Fest Problems .. " ..... .. ,. A. L. Pierstorff and T.R. Parks --statewide checkup nnd occupa...- - 8:25 MUlic tional clas 'i Acation of all em- abOVe the 10-year average . for 8.36 Program by Madison Oounty 4-H Club ............. Lyman Baker ployes of Ohio' relief roll i8 un- these ntonths and imports of feeds 8 :50 Oooperative Credit Stood the Test . ' . . .. L. R. McLaughlin del' way preliminary to lhe new na 1 6 per cent above. The most 9:00Where Do You G t YOUr Vitamin C? ... Alma Garvin tional works pt'ogram-The Ohio severe damage I.'esulting from }o'arm Bu reau is .opposing enact- drought was to grain and forage 9:10 Music ..... Earl Jones 9 :25 Better Quality Hay from Clover and Timothy ment of tne prop oiled milk control crops. Drought damage to the 9:35 Oommon Mower Troubles ..... .' ,.. " ................. R. D. Bard~n bill asserting that "in tbis sort of 1934 corn crop is esUmated at 9:45 Windbreak and Shelterbe1te About the Farm Home ........... . set-up the cooperative milk mar- about one billion bushels and to .......... " ..... , ......... .. . ..... ... ... .... ........ E. G. Wleilebuegel keting assQc iations OlE Ohio would the wheal crop about 300 million "The Ohio Highway Survey b tom practically helpless"- bushels. Production of oats and Committee which hilS b~n ap- William Hard, natio,na\ly known bOI'ley was reduced about 50 per ..! ' pointed pursuant to joint rE:solu- radi~ news commenlttol' address- cent by drought. Imports of wheat for ,dC)mestie tion of the Legi labure, has a ing the Radio Education in "gold n opportunity" to perform Columbus ob erved "'radio was ·to con unlPtion from July 1, 1934, to a public set'vice that will lead to r evolutionize education'. It has not March 1, 1935, were 9,611,000 ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ • _ _ _ _ _._--J a !iou~d permanen. highway con- done so. It was to revolutionize bushels. About half of this amount OOLUMBUS - The state tax ment wtll prestde at. the dIstrict rstructlon a_nd ~atntenance pro- politics. It hilS not done so. In my was low.grade wheat for feed, and about half was durum wheat for commiasion warned week that schools and R. 13. Criswell of tbe gram on an effiCient and econom-I opinion it cannot do 0." seed and the manufacture of It will revoke the lleenles of Ohio Inspection Bureau will give Ical basi ," Mr. Lee B. Palmer, _ vendors under the sales ta~ re- in .truction on fire department President 01 .the O~io Highway Propo.e Ma.le Pay For Lesl.lato,.. mac8l'oni and similar produc.ts I which require this particular kind gulationl unleu they file U1e l' - drills. Users Federatton saId toda)'. . qulred initial ..lee tax informaThe Federation was the prime Long drawn out SE~ Ions of the of wheat. Production ot durum tion by JUDS 1. The commission There will be an increase of mover for the highway survey gen~taJ" assen~,blY has made wheat in 1934 in the United States atated 'hat only a email which is believed to provide an ser-vlce tough on the pocket- was approximately one-tenth of percentage of the 236,000 (our tate . senators and three opportunity to lIolve many of boo~s of ~lany nllambers. The average. Ucehled vendors have filed the members of th Hou~ of Repre. Ohio's road problems, and at he O~'ln bill Just pass<eli the ho~se Corn impol'ts for the eightneceasary data to d.a te. No exten· sentl!.tives in Ohio' '92nd General !lame time show the propel' appli- propo es $2,000 annual salaries month pedod totaled 6,609,998 . t· f th d ta d 11 . "1 for the legi latol·s. They ~t bushell>, ~ess than one per cent of lion of time will be given unleu a Assembly, which W1U be elected ca Ion 0 e roa x 0 ar Wh Ir l 000 Wh'l b tt . ~ndor makes a written request to d' t G u- enable an adequate high, ay 'f , now. . I e ,e er plly was the estimated loss due to drought. the commilaion for delay and next year, aecor mg 0 eorle .... system in keeping with the needs Ol!ce uggested a :'tfle w.~y" to Noncompetitive imports, in.hows a good reason hy an elrten Neffner, ltati.tician in the office for present and future conditions. get. belter mental tl~ber. m the cluding coffee, tea, spices, cocoa, slon should be Ifl'anted, it 'Was !aid of Secretary of State Georie S. "It is beliem that the highway, observatilon md'cates rtbber and sil k, were about 90 Sales tax collections in Ue lint Myers. The incz:ease will bring survey will sbow conclusively that that It 18 not 11k Iy to have. that cent of the 10-year average. the total membership of the senate with the revenues !tow aval'lable, result. f"ur I mOllthl' operatioll of the to 36, and that of the house to sales tax l~w have netted ttle 138. The membel'llhip increases It diversion is permanently Politica Still Aili" SIXTY ·FOUR 0VT OF ONE atate ,1.,l55,000, State Trells- are due to the population tractions halted and efficient managlilment HUNDRED LEFT NOTHING urer Harry S. Day reported. CE-rtain counties have in exceu of ot the road money is provided. The early pritnal'!; in 1936 has the legislative apportionment Ohio will have- ample highway ac- started the ' political "soothsayers" The liIth annual advanced fattos and are al1thorized by the commodations n.o t merely on the going. The hQnest long-1ange obEven i1) normal time!!, 98 per training course for omcia1s of eonstitutiQn. Four etate senatorial prime routes, Qut on the se~ondary ser'ror adl1)it that t,here are like- cent of the American people are Iy to be 'Iuany changes in the . system as weH," Palmer said, Ohio fire departments will be di trlcte, each now represented by "Tbe highway iluuvey which the ''poJiticalpictul'e'' . befol'e pri- poor investors. A survey made of U F d t' mary time for both pal'ties next 20,OOO 'persons, before the current lltared at Obio State University a single senator, wi)} elect two to Oh' H' b -.. S "A b 10 to 13 under the 92d as embIv, and D~lmon". 10 tg. way sers e era Ion depression, s:hows that only one IoAvm ep ... m er , po; ~ sponsored meets an urgent n...... d May. Those who fol:low state poliout of one hundred accumulated as . au.plees 0 f t'"l~e uiver8it n "v and the Mahonin .... and Franklin counties in Ohio, a~d the findings should~"1.0 tic ' indicate that the "build up" much as $100,QOO. Only one out Ohio Inspection Bureau, It was an will each get one more house fsr to providing economical trans for u state campaign mu t be beof eleven left a\1 estate which nounced by State Fire Manhal member than they 'h ave at the Frank G. Henry. In addition to, present time. T.h e senatorial dis- portation for rural and uTblin re- gun about 12 months ahead. Per- if invested at the rate of 6 per aidentlj alike," Palmer added. haps more than would be let on, the regular annual sehool three reo tricts which will elect an addlti. . He ahlo stated I'T~is survey will t~e state race is b( analyzed cent, would produce an Income of clonal meetingB were scheduled onal eenator are the 3d, comprill- also serve as an opportunity for lind reviewed. The best guess is $50 amonth or over, and nearlythie year. The first W8l· to be ilIl Montgomery and Preble! federal, tate and local coopera.' that tbere is going to be "lots of two-thirds of the- men studied64 out pf each lOO-ieft nothing. eondueted May 29,SO and 31 at counties; the 17th, 18th, 19th, and hI" .,. h' . This was in good times. In the Mid' Wll, the. ' second wijl be 28th, comprisln. Knox, Morrow, . tion in .meeting t e+prob em 10 a nOIse In t e 'lnternl'l. practical manner." - - .,- - words of Henry Behnel' of the Mid June 11 and 12 at Akron and Holmes, Wayne, C08hocton, Tus- -.. LIMIT OUTCO 1'0 INCOME New England Mlltul\.l Life Insurtt.~ third Jllly 12 and 18 at ' carawas, Guernaey an,d parts (jf ance Oompany, "What a similar Lyndhurst. New and improved ! Monroealld Noble counties; the Subscribe for The Miami Gazettt! . methods of fire filhtinl, technical 20th and' 22nd, comprising BelThe financial ph~ losophy of E. study would reveal today is un· matterl and re.uicitation 'of mont, . Harrison, Jefferson and W. Scripps, who made millions pleasant to contemplate." Facts like these, whicb are vlettm. of smoke and ps will be Columbiana countlel; the 30th from newspapers, was ' expressed S3d, compri.I~, Wo()d, in a. single sentence. "No man," gradually bi!i:oming krfown to he diacullled at the lesllion. Prof. :X. and W. Stineon of tbe urliveniti'. Putnam, Henry, Hancock, Fulton sa id Scripps, "can control his in- maas of men are lergely responsiInvestment . mechanitPl. jen"neerina depart- Sandusky, Ottawa, Huron and come' but very mIlO can control ble for the changed attitude of wage-earners. ·More his outgo." With few exceptions, Scripps and more of· us are· starting compelled the manAlg ement of each ment programs in comparative of his newspapers t:o operate with ,youth, which will , provide a~ least in its inconl., howe1{er small Many a competence in the future.









Farm hight 7alks, June 7


Best of the News Direct , From the Ohio State Capitol

---_......... ----




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bJ lAme


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Satiafaetion Guaranteed


M. SherwoOd

rh. Cleps.ydra

eupid,()fJicer, 10..Year..Old Boy Form Eternal Triangle

Aene.. Tactic:us wrote, about 350 EN-YEAR-OLD Warren B. c., d,eacrlblng an ingel)ious signal. . Dawcs was smitten by tha~ inl device 'called the c1 ep sydra. T~o dclightful mll'gic which sends cyliQdrical vessels, of tlae same IIJ:r.e palpitating to the aDd .hape, were provided with taps altar in people JUne. . from which water would run at exIt was in a Chi(i3go nlovie that actly the lame rate. Into each vessel there was loosely fitted a float to first he looke(! upl)n the da;z}lIng which .as attached,an upright rod dimplu of little Shirley Temple, the marked off into equal lections. 00 juvenile star. A feeling of warmth the correapondinl aections of each rod, identical mellages were Writtcn. camt 'round his heart and love was WheD a ~eauge was to be .ent, tbe attelldant at the aendinc .tation di.. pla,ed a torch. This ,ipal waa ac~ kaowledpd ." dllplaria8 a torch at the recer,!ns .tatioD, whereupon the .....dante at both .tatloo. .tarted til. water nania, from their depty.... Wbu the rod at the . . . bad aunk 10 that the d!Sf:n4 ........ wal leYel with tile run ~ the .,...... the atleDdaat tben ...... ....... wida Ilia torch. The reel at die ncehfM .eatioD ba4. ~ c:oar-.



your mower


hecame a MESSENGER


eo ....

'I,IIIEI Willi liE . , •• IAl




liM E

VOU'D flxpeel 10 JNI1 • peIII I deal for a ............ llda, paeked with fin.·rma feet aDd fiellon. Bul nOI oae ext... • peI1Ily will you pay for ....,.

, ... name ia


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newt dealer, order your copJ rilJht away_

and "'.free EVERY ....Ie, dth The SUlloday Enquirer


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fa 1M jir.' l"ue: ~

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AD JOur 014 faved_ ....nre4 ,... MClb _ k wltIl )'OUI' qll1rer. See YOUI' cleIIIer • • . . . . . J'OUI' 811DC1Q EnllalJer . . . .


a~&ruINw. . -:r othen


Good Mornin, lYetIJ.PtlIIU' I


MOST DIRECT CROSS-STATE ROUTE B~tween Toledo and Cincinnati Charted for the Benefit of Interstate "Motor Tourists as Well as Traffic Within the Border. of Ohio

IT'S SHORTER i:o~ R;ofe~:

to Cincinnati as shown herewith is the sbortest dista nce betwe~n the two cities. Officials of the State Highway Department give the mileage saving as about 11 rolles.


o• Z

1es~ traf~

There's SAFER Irs fic congestion on the Toledo-Cincinnati Short Line than on anf other highway connecting these two cities. There are far fewer curves (no hairpins) and all railroad grade crossings are exceptionally well protected. By t:eaSQn ~f fASTER IT'S . the h tel' mileage, less congestioT.l (both on I



the highways and in the communlties thru which they pass). fewer curves, and adequate width l'oadbed and bi'idges, the Route here outlined Is a big time·saver for the bu y motorist-very prob. ably as much as two hOUTS.

AN ALL PAVED HIGHWAY Choice of K;nowing Motorists Originated and Sponsored by tbe

Revolutionary Short Trail Assoelation

~ baCKbone of the of· 1\cial Revolu· tionary 'Traiia S Jltem of Weltern Ohio. Markecl ita entin 1eqth by hlItorIeal mark.,. of tile Ohio lleaaotIal

illll Lile, ~unday. MI'tI. Ann41 Cadwallader and il s C181'a Lile \I' n' lIu ine s Mt. nnd .i,i',lt in L banon, ~aiunlay. 1\('8': Ruth Chun'dler, after II clf 111\. Inn, 'ucc l':~(111 !'th 01 yt'ar in C dill'· ~1I ntll1~" "ilh' ; I h Im~ fllr thfl liIunrm r. .\ h. C'hnl'h'l< ~t(\I'h\lc1c and MI'l', Mi,,~ ~hmlll1 'I' expects to rctul'n to Th ' fit'~t meeting or the Il( I thll Dun, c,r '\ ilOlingl n, C,'dan'i111! nex (11 fill' a·n thet' Sl'nll>f Gllod ,ut IIlthlng 4·11 ('lllI('d on 1r. \lru')' I., yt'ul' ",wk. lub WM h Iii at the Granli\' Hall ~untlll~' uftl!!l'lIoun. ~Ir, nOli ~ rl';. Rt<1nley ellers, londay 111'1 :!7tb with thirteerl 1t", allli Mr,. Jo<' Lil,.., of X nia f LcbuTlon, culled on friends here l1If.'ml,erS present. cllll rI )n 11's" ~Hh\ll.lInder !Lnd Sunday. . The tol\uwi rlK officer were SUl1day vi'itors f Mi~' ollins pi ~;d ; Ruth onnCl', president; were lI', ao(1 Ml'~ . Bi hop' and two Vivian ollner, is cretary-tr all· s ns lind 1)" and 1rs. Hooort and urer; Ruth Coli tte recr ation ,ons. of DIl~' ton, A ~t f or a lender; Phyllis ollette, news l 'eMr,:. Loui eWamyer lind portel', Mi miaburg Permane!lt ,iaughter Alice IIi. ited Mrs. Frllnsocial com mitt e of Dorothy c s Niclile. on on undllY. l'IfacFarland, Mildred Larrick and Concrete Mr, and Ml's, Grant Fairley, Phyllis ollett was app Inted to ~U is Lauren l"al'qu/).l' alld Mis~ aid the recreation leader. A proAir Seal Burial Vault ,'lelia HenlJ,lstcad, of '\ i1mingtOn grain commltliee 0 f Ruth Fo. Sale onl}' by <'ulled on 1I-h~ , dll Jenkins, Sun- Salisbury, Jane Cook and day, Ruth o\leUe waa appointed. Your Funeral Director Ii..- In ra Lile att.ended th Th next meeting will be, held rUTII'ral of a cousin in Spring at Ruth atisbury', June 10th, at ~= Vall 'I, Monday. two O'clock. McClure Funeral Home MI', Ilnd l\fr~. Howell · Pierce, Anyon ihtcl'csted in joining WaYl1en'iIIe, O. Phone 7 Mil:! Ethel l end nhall and pI e notify MTS. D. R. Salisbury Preda Harvey Wl're Wilmington bc!o}'e June .1st, vi itOl'S Tuesday.




....... .,.



3ii.neIu:z1 ~

FRIENDS MEETING First-day School ai 9:30 a. m. Meeting for Worship , at 10:S0 m.


WAYNESVILLE· M. E. CHURCH Rev. G. C. Dibert. Putor Sunday: unday school at 9:30 a. m. Morning worship at 10:30, Bible study and prayer meeting on Wednesday at 7 :30 p. m.

lIIill•• II...

II".r ......

ST. MARY·oS CHURCH Rev. J. J. Schaetter. Rector June 2, Sunday after Ascen Ion D~y, Church school at 9:30; 1ICt'mon and Hqly Communion 10:30.

'l'Wer- ..... _1014 _,... _ _ q-atF .. t,. price.

.......... JIOG0_ buy IUWae . . . Bcaad' ilt aD



FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Cad Smith, Mlnlatu Unified services beginning with church ;school at 9 :30 a. m. service at 10:30 a. m.


...... -.....

ad . . . . . prI-.







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W.~•••vIU., """""""""""" ~"""'"




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Try a. 01 Can)' 80lka Roolln.. a,,4 ,o~'11 arne tIIat it'. tou.he. Iba" an, .,""h"lt roof rOil'.. ever .etn. Bllt tbl. n_rkabla .000n. allo contaIn. at I•• n 30'" mol. t.rey .Ipha" ..,\/Jut_lid l.tur.II' I. what ""p' an, ••ph,1t roof _.t!Mr·




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W. H. Madden. &Company Phone 14

Late Classified Ads.

days last wock in 'olumbus. Mrs. Margaret John spent Tuee day of last w k with her sister nnd brotber. Miss Mary and ParT1l Cook in Wayne ville. Mr. Walter Clark, who has been ill for several weeks with heart trouble, i slowly improving. FOR SALE Several from here atl nded Grange at Waynesville Saturday evening. FOR SALE-Fine selection of one Mr. and Mrs. Morris Wharton, Allan Kibl r " j :! visiting his and two-year. old perennial of Lebanon, were Sunday guests daughter, Mrs. Selll~ale. in Morrow ~Iants; 8we t potato plants, 35 of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde WhI\l·ton Mi sel! 'T rillena and Margaret cents per hundred, 300 tor $1.00. and , familY. ' Ail kinds of garden plants. Ripe Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick Edwarch were D.ayton visitors, stt'Owberries. George Peterson, J ' one ml'le fro- Wayneavl'll on and J ames H 81nes were S un d ay Wednesday. afternoon guestl of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrl!. C. W. Bellbrook pike. Phone 132R21, Jacob Gableman in Dayton. hank and two tlllUO'lnr.~, .... _ lJOlrotlOVI Mr. and Mr. Donald Hadley and Kathryn, of FOR SALE Sweet-potato, were w~k-end guests of Mr. and here Sunday to see Mn. tomato, cabbage and allldnds of Mrs_ William Hadley and family hank's ' father, MI'. Harty Llzar, garden plants. D. H, Hockett, R. at Wilmington. who accllmpanied tl~em to Ferry to R. R 1. WaynC$ville. Telephone M[s. EJlIma. Lacy received word call on relatives. 66 11. 5-30-tI Monday of the sudden death .... her dallghter·in-Iaw Mrs. Huel Lacy, near Lebanon. Miss Laura Ro nagle, a teacher of nurses, at Cincinnati, spent th week-end with Mr. and MI'tI. Harvey Burnet. Rev. Stanley Johnston, a ;tormer X-RAY WORK Lytle reSident, of JeromesvjJie, 0 ., called on several friends here Mon For the pleasure of Mi s 018 BLOC ANESTHESIA day morning. Rev. Jobnston ,con- Hartsock, a bride-elect of this All Kiada of D_t..... Ma. ducled the funeral services of Mrs week, several pre~"uptial Gladys Haines, at Ferry were given during t.he past week. R.pair Work Don. Qllickl, Monday afternoon. On Thursday 81fternoon Mi~ MT. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet, EJizllb th Henkl IUI!ilted by lin Miss Laura Rosnarle, Mr. and Mrs E. F. Deppe gave a abower and ~ain St. WAYNESVILLE, Walter Kenrick, Robert Duke, Mrs bridge at. the home ot illss HenC. L. Duke, Mlu Eva Reeder, kle. The gu~ts were 111'11- Gleo

Beech Grove

Complete Stock and equipment to fill all your ' needs. Another car good White.Pine just, in. See ' .


114SB at St. AlIla'\lI.t1H'rC1iUflm1iMta-nUlll~,e;-Btt. and Mrs. Elmer Townsley, Mrs. Clint (;trw)n, every second and fourth Sunday Groves, 14iSB Mary YOUIl&' and Xenia; Mr. and Jr( ~oe Iteraey, f the month. Charles Bunnell attended A,Iumni Mi8s Flo$8ie ' Eltzlroth, Lebanon; at Springboro Saturc\ay evanine. Mrs. Thomas Burlon, Mrs. J. W. Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jones and Lotz, Mrs. Gilbert Frye, Mts. Ira son, Milton, were week..oend guest Brown, Mrs. Cha ICl! Hartsock, Ohio of Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Nutt and Mrs. J. B. Rich, ~rs. R. H, Hartfamily near Centerville and at- sock, Mrs. John Gons and Miss The ' Cottage Prayer meeting will be held on Thutsday even!n, tended. Commencement exercises Eve yn Keney. Saturday, at hel' home in Hyde June 6, at the /lome of Mrs. at Centerville 'Sat'\lrday eve-ning. Jonea sister, Miss Alma Nutt Pal'k, Cincinnati, ~Iiss Jan~t CartMrs. MlUic Ann Richardson in Oregonia, Everyone is welcome was one of the graduates: J, K. wrIght entertained for Miss HartLewis, of Route 2, Waynesvi.ll~, sock with a three ~:oUl'se luncheon Misses Lillian and Gladya Fair- was also a graduate. followed by bridge. The guest list child, of near Wellman, eaUed Mr/l. Louis Trickey, age 7.0 includcd besides the gueat 01 on Miss Kathleen Thomp8on Sun- years, died at hJs home in Lytle honor; Mrs. Carl :Sanker, Mason j day afternoon. WednEtsday morning. He bad been Mrs. Clinton Corwin, Xenia: Mrs Mjss Marie Wells spent a few in ill health for several years, but John B. Gons. Mr,. M. F. Weltz, day last week with Her cousin only took hi!) bed a week ago. Mrs. Glen Bland, Mn. Ira O. Hazel Richa,dson in Surviving are his. widow, Alice Brown, Mrs. E. F. Deppe, Mias Miss Oregonia. Buke Trickey, four d_ughters, Mrs DOI'is Hendelllon, )lisa Evelyn Several attended church Alice Miller of Lytle, Mrs. Gert;.. Kersey and MillS Elizabeth Henkle Clarksville lal5t Sunday evening. tUde Kerchner, Mrs. Irma Sweet- · The round of social events M!'s. Lucy Moore has ret1,lrned man, Mrs. Esther Hardman, and honoring Miss Hartsock ended to her home from the hospital a son Duke....1frtekey of -nayt;on, TlIesday ev' ning with a bridge m Qch improved. and several grandchildren. Private party ' given .by Mrl~. Deppe and Miss Geneva .and Fritz Powell funeral services wiU be beld at tbe Miss Henkle at th.e home of the of near Oregonia and Clarence residence Friday afternoon. Burial former, with the following guests Hayslip of n~r Wilmington, in Miami cemetery, prel5ent: called on K. .,E. Thompson and ... ~ .... Mrs. Clinton Corwin, Xenia; :family here Sunday evenin&,. Miss . Flossie Eltzlroth, Lebanon: Mon tt)ly meeting WBS held on Miss Berynce HYIJ:1an, Mi88 Doria last Sunday at the church here. Henderspn, Mrs. M. F. Weltz, Miss Mr. apd Mrs. Fred Fairchild Sellez;al from here visited MI'. Faith Tomlinson, " Mias Evelyn and family of near Wellman spent and Mra. Raymond Hopping and l{ersey, Mrs, E .. C. Crane, ~b8. I_ Sunday with their daughter, Xrt. daUl'hters during their sorrow. O. Brown, Mrs. Thomas Burton Louise Jacobs and family • . and Miss Hartsock.. . Mr. and Mrs. Otis Powell and Their daughter, Martha, paued away Friday nigbt and funeral children of )fiamilbul'i' .~nt PLAN PUBLIC F.O RAGE night andSundav . ~as Mon~!lY afternoon. Mrl. Oma Hawkins, MTS, Hannah DAY AT UNIVERSITY his home folks -here, Mr.' and Mrt. Mills, both ot X!lnia, and· Mr. and Thomas Powell and family. , Mjss Martha Ashley of near Mra. JIeorl Painters of ' Dayton The Iltory of maldng bay-f,olD Hllrveysbutg was tbe week-end attended chureb here, Sunday. , the time the meaciow is seeded , Mrs. En. Haines returned home guest- of Misaes Mayfrey and Mod Saturday after a visit with rela- until the hay iB «tropped in the ena Powell. . mow-will be told and illustrated Miss Inez Hayslip of near tives in Cincinnati. Several fro~ here attended the at the Forage Crops ' Field . Day Wilmington was a Saturday night at the O. S. U. farm, lind Sunday guest Q/. Miss Kath- funeral of Mrs._.Ch81'les Harner, scheduled Spring Vaney, Saturday afternOon Columbus, 'June- 4. leen Thompson. Experiment$ witlil forage crop•• Miss Jeannette Wilson visited Miss Gladys Fairchild o~ near and also tests of v.~rjeti.. Of corn~ her brother-in-law and si$l;er, Mr. Wellman is iUng t.his week 'with her sister, Mn. Louise Jacobs lind and Mrs. Theodore McIntire, last wheat oats, barley and .0:Yb4,a~I!l,A week. . . may be .observed, 'acloording to family. Miss Phyllis. Haines is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jacobs and daughter Dona, Ml's. J. F. Jacob~, her grandparents,' Mr. and Kra. Misses Gladys Jean Fairchild and Charles Laird o~ Camden, Ohio. . Mon'j 1ia Bunnell, 'Anna Loui., Mr. and Mrs. Walter Monomia and Seth Hoalt attended Kathleen Thomps()D saw Shirley Mrs. Ell. Ifaines and Misa Eighth Grade· comlmeneement, at Temple in "Our Little Girl" at Wilmington, last Monday evening. Jean Haine. called on relative&> in Centerville one nli:ht 1ast week.. Oeol'le Bunnell was cllrector of Mi$s Minnie ~. 'Jacobs of Well Leesburg, Sunday af~rnoon. Mr. an<i Mrs. RafIDond Willon .the two plays give~. mlln is vjsit~n~ Miss Edna Coon at and daughter, Jeannette visited Mr. and Mrs.: ltalelrh Bogan h r home in Spl'ingfield, Ohio. Mrs. WIlIOD'1 parente, Mr. and called on Mra. 1';& ~nie Satterth- - - ..... Mrs. Ernest Burley who are at the waite Sunday, who is sick at th1a DEATH' horne of irvin Smith alid family. writinlr. The "Wide Awake," held their In honor of regular Itllclv croup at tbe horne Louiae, Mn. ElIlIIP1I_ . Mr!l. Halel Lacy, 42 years of Donald Baille.. Sluacla, evtninlr ,ave a dell1r}ltfl111 'kGrlM'll.. ag~, died Monday morn\q Miami Valley hospital, following a Mr. Chari.. Staale, of Hillsboro Tuesday wu a peR. bein, near bb~,_,. TIle hort iDneBl, MI'. &Del Mra. LaWl'elloe Jlitch- ~esta who enjloy,ecl1tthe. She is ~urvjved by two daurhfotlowhlc Donald Jon", tt'ts, 'Loi and Mary Jane, and)y lIel' aat.ertalMd the IihlociQ: lira. AIUUl CUI'l'7 LouiN, Charl.s ht'r father, Horaee Kirb" aU of aurJlngtoD aDd Mr, _ad Bain-. ~=~~=r



J. .E. McClure

Ladie Aid will hold their SERVICES AT THE nextThemeeting Wednesday June 6, at the home of Mrs. Calvin LongCHURCHES SUNDAY acre. Mr. Harvey Burnet apent several

The eo t of R fUlluro) s }'Vice is entil'cly decided by th wishes of our client . Their hoice of a ('a~ket and nece sRry accessories . 1s 11'ItlueJlced by no attempt at WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF salesmanshil' on 0111' pal't. W ' , CHRIST :fall w th ir d ires closely, and Carl Smith, Minister keep tbe tQtal cost to a moderate a figure as their choic di~tstes. Chureh school at !) :30 a. ,m" Lord's Supper at conclusion. Chris "",." tian Endeavor at 6 :30 p. m. EvenR~. ing evangelistic service at 7 :30.

.a •.


J. Willard, Ohio Aarltaltural E - tellor \liard is d.alln\ed to ahow I Davl • Willon, THfaay 3. I*rlment Station aeronomist ill lint how to m~ke a bettl'r meadow I Umpire S('hull'r and Stanle), charge of much of the experiment. and then. lIe~ond, how to make, Tilllt' ,,! gnnlt! - 2 Roun and 22 Luui" Trickey. al work on the univ I'tIlt)' farm. hett r hay from an stablishcd minute,;. hi~ hUI11l' in Will.l'd 1il!t8 a te.w questions n1l"auow. ~~==:~=~~=~~~==~ liny Illlll'nillg. that lDay be answned by ubservThe first trip nver the ",x,"",.,-, __~"""!!=~_=='====~ h('alth :e" ral will begin at !) B. 01 : , - 11,· i~ ,lll'vived ~y his wif, Ing tho test I)lot : When Ilhall we ment al- plots - - .Alie Duk Trick~~y. four dougb- Cllt Alfalfa? llow oftenT Which is A fertile soil i 1\1»1 st a muss of tt'rR, Mrs, Ali" l'\lIl1cr, of Lytle; the be t gra to mix with alfalfa h~, Ge.·trude Kt·rchnt!I', Mrs. ] . there a mixture better than living ologani. rna. The numbl'r of Irma w('etman and Mr. , ,E sther alfalfa alon 1 When should we bacteria in one cubic inch may Hardman , of Dayl n; one son, ~('\V alfalfa in wh<?-at? Wha~ is the range from a nlJllibel' ('qual to Whon a client seeks best way to make alfalfa hay! the hurnan population of hio to a Duke Trick y, of Dllyton. th !lervi '8 of a funnumber equal to that of the rrivaLe funersl ervices will b How can I kill Canada thistle, eTo.! director, he must In IIddition to ~he inApection f popul tion of th United States. h Ill ' at the ,. sidence Friday ail rbe ~blo to d~ 0 with noOn and burial wW be in Miami the !leld tests, thet'e will be decemetery. mon trations of making hay by MERCHANTS WIN FROM ' l'crtcct confidence. At severnl dic rent methods under such times triendly, di1'ection of R. D. Lewis, univerSPRINGFIELD 5 'TO 3 CRANGE NOTICE synlpathetic help and sity agronomist. Also, several (Continued from Pare 11 counsel ~l'e invaluamachinery companies will display At th regular meeting , of haying machinery. . O. Reed, 'ol'mack,' rf ble. Our service is 3 0 ] 0 0 o PllrOlel' Grange No, 13, the university agricultural engineer, Pyle, p . 3 0 o 0 14 o uniqu Iy personal, the thll'd an J f 0 u rth d gl'eCg will be pJnns to demonstrat mowing Welloughby, + 1 0 o 0 0 o result of nn honest conferred. i'llllchine adjustment-s. Wa.Lker, . " ". 1 0 o 0 0 o be Member nre urgeil to deail'e to be of aid to The whol pro$ram, says Propres nt t.o welcome th new m m· th bel' aved. 35 3 6 24 21 4 bers. = Totsl Degree team member& will 1 2 S " 5 6 7 '8 9-plea e wear white. Merchants , .1001 0003 x- IS Dorlahues .. " 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0- 8 PLA Y TO BE GIVEN JUNE 20 Bases on balls-Carey 1, Pyl~ , FOUND 2. Preparations are being made by . Two ba e hits- Baker, P-eck 2, the oung hurchm n of t. FOUN Tractor crank. Inquire Car y, Treadway, .Mal'Y'S Episcopal ,church f r the at the home of Will Leichty, near Double play Smithson to Pboae 7 (It ent8tion of m y t I'Y play, pringboro. 5-30 Mereditll 1, Tiffany to Schwartz "Spooky Tav I'n," Thur day evento Tiffany. • ing, Jun 20, at tlllJ ' hi h .school Pas ed ball-Treadway. , NOTICE gymnasium, Wild pitch_ ney ~~~ --Earned run Waynesville S, ON AND AFTER May SO, 19315, pringfield 2. will not be responsibl :Cor any Strike outs-,- arey 12, Pyl s 9 debts contracted by my wile, Left on base Waynesville 8, )ic Hartsock. (Signed) Alvah pringfieJd 6, Stolen bases-Smithson 2, Peck Hartsock. 5-30

1928 Oldamobil~ Sed... Ita....






IDYLWILDE BIRTHDAY CLUB The Idylwilde Birthday club met

Thursday evening, May 30, /it th!! beautiful country home of Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Ke-lner. , A 'program of good music and relreshments of iCIl Cl'eam' and . cake provided a pleasant diversion for the guests. Theil: . The next meeting of the club will be held in June at the home of Mr. and Ml's. P. L. Reason.



Olunicatiol) received from . DarlCUl\ch, vice chairhe Tax Commission of charge of the Salea Tax extends tbe t ime for returns of information to June 22nd, according to nt by M. H. Keelor, local Examiner. s who have not filed tlIeir l' any reason, are uraed retum. to do a at Ollce. Mr. Keelor at the law require ellch IStated make this return S T vendol' 10,even tho th Ir sales Form amounted to Jees than may ha the ,1, 0.00 which is the amount Tax Commission as the et by for complete detailed minim and Ite Iud Teturna. Those vendors wh e 8IIle-s during the period from Ja uary 27th 1935 to April leu tha n ,1,300.00, or . 30th we 1ess tha an avenle of U16.67 h if they were not in uring the entire period red to check the small the return form No. 10, eturn belore a notary or er authorized to aeminil! ter, and send the fOrm thus executed, to The Audit Depar~ ment, T x Commisaion of Oilio, Sales T Seotion, 68 E. Gay St., Columbu , Ohio, .01' to M. H. Keelor banon, Obio, before June 22 d. Mr. Keelor will forward to the Pl'Oper addreB8 all such re~rns whieh are mailed to him. • T o aee mmod.te those who can reach hi personally, Mr. Keelor will exec ' te the oath for any velldor ithou!: chaTge, and will mail the eturns to Columbus for the vend This e J1sion of time to June 22nd h been 80 that no vendor I fail to make his return thollgh a mt.underlltanding. Any vendor d iring information or assistance i making the return is urged to et in touch with Mr. J{eetor.. e~het at the C.ourt House in Leban t,ln, or -at hili residence, 10 High Street, Leb.non. , If ' the cndor's return consists limply of , markine the proper square 011\ the ret urn and 'aipinl' it, Mr. Ke lor point~ out th.t this may be do ne .t the Court House, i" either It-he AUditor's Offtee or the olllce. Ther. ia no eharee the oatb in either case, When Inietered by either ot thOle or their deputies. , returns .nUlt be All Tax Commission befiled fore, -:......jt--_ _ June • 2!nd.


= Master G raId Coyle is vi siting his grandpaJ'ents near Wilmington. Mr. and Mts. J. W. Lotz visited relatives at Forest, Ohio, last w.eek. Mrs. Harry Barbeau and lion, of Batavia, called on Waynesville friends, M morial Day. Mr. and Mrs. Fr d Leonard, of King Mills, spent Sunday with Mr. and MI'lI. J. E. Frazier. Miss Laura Rosnagle, of Cincin nati, spent the week-end with Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Hathaway.



WHEAl GROWERS-VOTE ' .Em. of 'nH, [fREfMUSIC LESSONS ~~~ICY ho WILL BE GIVEN CROP CONTROL PLAN ~~\\,~:~~~3a~~i~~f~~ Pun ral service held at By a vot.e of about. t.hree and one-half to one, Ohio sis:wel'S or wheat adjustment contrncts with the AAA approved clmtinuing wheat production control programs, in a referendum held May 25, in 38 stales. Gl'Owel's who did not sign contracts when they \\;ere oft'et'ed two year ago, vot d by a mall majority to continue production adjustment with whent. The official vote, as reported I;() the ~tnte adju stment office by county wheat conh'ol a sodation , wa~ a~ follows: Ot 15,870 voters who h old cOn· tucts, 12,300 approved, and 3 1570 opposed continuing control. Of the 40,529 voters who had not signed contracts, 2367 approved and 2162 opposed. 1n all, 20,399 farmers voted in the referendum. In Oh,io about 23,300 tjlrmers are igners 01 wheat contracts.



Mi Shirley and ·Master Donald FollOwing a long illness, Frank Buzick are SPending two weeks with their grandparents. in Sidney. Gallllher, 78, lifelong resident of Warren county, died at his home 9x12 Domestic Rugs cleaned : in Leb.nnon, Wedneflday, May 29. and resized, '2.60. QUick Cleaner In fllilang health for several years Kathryn Mendenhall, Manager_ h.e had been conflned to hi home sInce Janulll'Y. Funeral aervices were held FriMr. and Mrs. Otto Sebold. of Cincinnati, w r guest! of Mr. and day aft I'noon fl'om the residence Mi's. W. O. Raper, Memoria.l Day. with burial in Lebanon cemetery. William Francis Gallaher, a son Mr. .nd Mrs. M. J. Fee, of Rocheste/:, Jl,fieh., visited Mrs. J. E of the late William and Mary Jane Corwin Gallabar Was born On Fraziel' and Mrs. Sadie Conner, a farm south of Lebanon , July 28, Friday. 1856. He .spent his early life on D~. and Mar. John Davis of the farm, late r attending medical Jackson Center, were guests of Dr college for three years but did not and Mr . E. F. Deppe ovel' the follow the profession. On March 3, 1880 he WIlS united week-end. in marriage with Mis LiI1 ian Barn Miss Lena HaYfj, of' Cincinnati, hart, ol pl'ingboro, and again recallie up for Memorial De,y turned to the farm whcJ' he reerviees and called on Waynesville mained until 1897, when he refriends. moved to Lebanon. • six years he held the office Mrs. Alice Anson, of California of For county shllrift' and at the time waS the gutst of Mrs. J. E. Frazier of his death held the di tinction of and Mt's. Sadie Conner the past being ·the only maD ever to hQId few days. thbt office in Warren county 'for MeSIIlS. A. L. King, Elias three con ecutlve terms. Mr. Gallaher was well-known Oglesbee and Clifford Budek attended tl) ball game in Cincinnati and had many friends throughout the county. He was a member of Friday night. the Masonic lodge at Lebanon and It(rs. F , B. Henderson, Miss at his death was he oldest living Louise Henderllon, Mr. a nd Mrs. eharter member of the Lebanon J , B. Gons were Dayton vi~itora, lodge of Elks. M~nday. He js survived by h is widow, Mrs, Lillian Gallaher; three (laughMr. and Mr.s. Ray Peteraon, nee Bessie Stevenson, ot Grove City, ters, Mrs. F. P. Forgy, ,Columbus, calJed on l,b. and Mrs. L. H. )ir8. E. L. Schwartz and Mrs. George H. 1/teloy, Lebapon; and Gordon, Thursday afternbo~. one son, W. Corwin Gallaher, of Mn. ,J . 1>. Boli1'l, nee Glady8 Hauisburg, Pe.nnsylvania. , ~--H.rlan, underwent an operation at Miami Valley hospital, Saturday morning.

I 1'$11


th Slubbs Ii un llllltlc 'hay IIftern on amll bUl'ill1 Miami cenll!tery, B~' ~i dc!S her tllluS!htl1l', Mr ', ., LI'\)anon, lind two and Dalla!! Boger, survive. ' : ' - - -.:...

Whole Number 6178





hu band, one E. Gustin, of son " Charles ()f Waynesville

- -.---



A meeting will be h'eld Monday night, June 10, at. 8 in the Wayne ville High school gym fa,· all in music children intere ted Ie.. ons, for this s ummer. 1\[uRic lessons will be offered Iree of charge to 1111 children in ihc Wayne township !(chool di ll'icl. It is urge.d that II many varcnts as possible attend in order thaL the music program fo r the may be ~x))lajned.

ENT, DIED SATURDAY SCHOOL BOARD MEl . MONDAY EVENING Funera l Held In . AI.o Served A. C'D u"ty Auditor ; Servic4~

Leban.on, ' Monday

At the regular se~sio n of Wayne Township Board of Education Monday night, June 3rd, mlnutcs /)f the regular May me ting and o[ the special meeting May 27, were rea d and app~oved. Bills wcr presented and ordered paid.


MEMORIAL SERVIGES Ml's. Bel'tie Mill entcl'lained "'ERE 1I1ELL n G o'c1ock dinner Wcdnes(lay n n ATTENDED evening Lena in hon orEaJ'nha her MIAMI CEMETERY Miss l·t,dauahtell, whos AT I\t


marring(' will be an ~."e nt of thl. week, the follo\\'ing guests: M,'. and Mr . Roy ElliS, Mr. and Mrs. Mal'k Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Hon. Arth.ur Hamilton Vel'l1e Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. M. Tno Addre•• of The P. Weltz. ]1,11'. and MrlI. Melvyn Afternoon Banta; Misses Mal'y Jo Miller, Grace Hess, Dori aJisbury; Messrs. Edgar Smith, Erwin Elli~ A lal'ge number 01 residents and Clark. SlIlisbul'Y and Mal'ion fO'~mer residents qf Wnyneeville Whitakel'. and vicinity gathered at Miam.i C' metery for the annual observa nce of Memorial Day. Flowe,·s were gathered by Boy 'couts and taken to the Township house where they were arranged y Mrs. H, E. Hathaway and Mn. Edith M. Harris. Th e afternoon exercises bepn t 2:30 with Raymon F. Hatfield, ~h airman Qf the general commit~e on arrangements, presiding• The invocation wall given by . l\{i~s Alice Britain will spend '\fr. Lnwl'cnce Garst and I.incoln's lh sum mel' vacation at home. Getty. burg 'Was very weU Tr~adway visited tl Iive-l'ed by Howard Shaeter. The Miss Ma friends in Middletown, last week. HQn. Arthur Hamilton, of LebMiss BelJ O'Neall spent several nOli, was Lhe speaker for the days last week with friend s in Hernoon nnd a trumpet solo by Wilodene Kirf·u ss, and a trumpet Dayton. '010 by Charles Fires, completed Mis. Susie Evans visited frie.nds t he pl·ogram. in ircl eville. atu rday anti Sun • Th exercises at the cannon day. were given by pupils of the grade school under the .8upervisioll of Miss Eva Lippincott is in Bel· Mr. . E. Anderson, Mrs. Melvyn mont, taking care of Mr. Eddie Banta and Miss. Eva. Reeder. ' Woolard.

tephen A. l ill well , 75 years old, formel' supe'l'inlcndent of Wayne,svill schools and later Warren county Auditol', died Saturday, June 1, in lev land. Services were held in Lebanon, Albert Baley was aw!'rded the Monday afternoon and burial w~ in 1iar'ni c£Omett'ry, His wife, Mrs, contTact · fOr cleaning out the Amanda Stillwell, of Leban on, and sewage disposal tanks at th 'high one son Normal, of ToJedo; sUJ'viveschool building. Ml'. Stillwell came to Warren Superintendent ,Lob repol't('d county from ' raw.fortlsvi1l, Ihd. all vacancies filled, ali new He attended the old Lebanon teachers who were offered conNormal chllol and taught fol' tractil hav:ing accepted the pOiJi~i88 Jane FUI'nas, of the Lebtiona tendered. several years in the county. anon pik , was th week-end guest He WtlS the invento:r of an atof l\:Iiss Anna Gay T~adway. tachment fOI' school jllJ..-wells that is us~d thl'oughout Ohio. Me~ MillS Elizabeth Chandler spent It fe w days visiting relative!! in Dayton and Xenia. KERSEY-HARTSOCK

Gar:den Club W."th Mrs" McClure


Mrs. Elizabeth Lewis and Mrs. The WaYlle ville Garden Club Ray Mainous Wilre dinner guests of The marriage llf Mis.'! Ola ~A'YNESVILLE CHURCH OF Hart ock nnel Mr. J ohn W. met Tuesday afternoon at the a~ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker, last • CHRIST tractive home of Mrs, James E. Ker ey W8$ so lelnni[zed la ~ ThuL's Friday. Carl Smith, Minister day mornIng, 'May 31, lhe simple McClure. . twenty-twQ members Ml'S. W, O. is confined to and impre si ve c remony being naming a favorite tree in re pan e Church lichool at 9:30 a. m., he~ bed uffering with a evere Lord's Suppel' at ~onch~!lion. Chd. p rformed nt 8 o'clock by the to roll call. A profusion of flow I' added to attacls of arthritis. Rev. John J. cbaClffel', rector ot clan i:ndeavor at 6:30 p. m . .EvenSt. Mary's Ji;pi ~eopa l church, at the charm of the surroundings Mes 1'8. W. S. Graham and M. S. ing evangelistic service at 7 :30. the program was of unusual lind his bome in a)'ton. Graham spent Sunday at the home Fol' her malTiage the 'bride wore interest. of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lewis near, FRIENDS MEETING II becoming Crock I)f dark blue , hs. McClure was assisted in Miamisburg. crepe w'ith chamois accessories. entertaining by Mrs, C. L. Duke Firllt.-day School at 9 :30 •. m. The attendants were Mi s and Mrs. H. E. Stokes and dur1I1rs. W. J. Bakel' was painfully Me.ting for Worship at 10:80 Elv Iyn Kel'j;ey, sist.~r of the bride- ing the pleasant social bour daint)/ injured when she!e ll at her h ome m. groom, and Ir. . Luther Hart~ock, refreshments were served. several day ago, bJ;'eaking hGr The special guestswel'e flil'S. H , brot.her of t.he bride. should r bone. FERRY CHURC" OF CHRIST The bride ill the daughtel' of H. Het:man, of Dayton, Mrs. Mrs. Mayme Hatfie ld and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. harles H. Hartsock, Lloyd Hall, Mr . J . H. 'Sacke~, Carl Smith, Minister of Waynesville. She graduated Mary McClure and Mrs. C. Raymon Hatfi eld attended n reUl1ilted M. Robitzer; services berinning with union of Union IIChool pupils whlch from Waynesville higb school in ~chool at 9:30 a, m. church was beld east of Lebar: 1 I1n, Su nday. the class of '25 and attended !lervice at 10:80 a. m. EASTERN STAR Teachers' college at Wilmington Robert, Carolyn and Dorothy and flt:iami University. Fot' the Blatt, children of Mr. and Mr . N. Miami Chapter No. 107 O. E. S past everal years ane has been a P. Blat.t, aTe Visiting their grandA YNESVILLE M_ E. CHURCH pOPlllal' teacher in the Wayne wjll meet in l'egula~ elision Mon- pneflts, MI'. and Mrs. I O. R. Rev.1G. C. Dibert, Paltor day evening, June 10, at 7:30. Township schools. Ung!esby. ~r. and Mrs. 'Blatt, are I'unday: Sunday school at I) ;80 Visiting members welcome. The bridEgtoom who is a so n ~[ary EI\~nhart, W. M., moving their home from, ~allc h Cll- u. m. Morning worship at 10:80. ot 1\[1'. and Mrs. W. C. K l'sey, of tel' to New Lexington, 9hlO , where. ermon subject, "The Power of • Minnie Fromm, Sec. Oregonia, also, graduated Mr, B.latt hl\~ . accepteo a mora F ixed Idell." Epworth League at ' ... fl'om Wllyne 'ville high school ~n lucrativ e posItron.. 7 p. til. Children's ServiaclI at . 8 the cla!is of " 25. He attended WilMASONIC NOTICE • M.ra. F. U. IAlMay 'Was called p. m. ,, mington college and the University W~ dnesday:,Bible Study : and of Cincinnati and is now associatStat~ communicatio~ ot Way- to Westlll'vi1le, Sunday, because of Prayer Meetlng at 7 :3 0 p. m. ed with th Milk Producers ot nesville Lodge No. 16S F. &. A. the death of an aunt. Cincinnati, as chen}ist. 1\1. Tuesday evening, May 11. After the ceremony Mr. and Visiting and sojourning brethren , Frank O' Neall, MI'. nn81 Mrs, ST. MARY'S CHU.RCH ChlIrl s Warwick and dll,ugh ter, of Forest Graham, of near Lytle, Mrs. Ket· ey left for a short wed- Bl'e welcome. Colpmbus, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rev, J . J. Schaeft'er, RHto," ill slowly recovering from injurding trip and on their return E. C. Crane, W, M., ies Bustained when bs was kicked O'Ne~lf, daughter imp son, of The rector and congregation of went immediately to their newlr V. M. Armitage, Sec'y. On Friday afternoon, May 31, by • hone about two weeka agO. DetrOit, ~ich" Mr. ~nd Mrs. St. Mary's Epil!copal church are !urni~hed home in the Edwards Mrs. Clift'ord Bu Z"ick entertajned Chauncy Ttel'!'anl of PlqUD: were- ,invited to go t o ~hrillt .• church, Mt:s, A. B. Hathaway, of Loaana- .t wenty-flve 'little boys and girl ill l'esidencG on SQlIth , Main. treet. ANNUAL MEETING guestl! .of MISS B lie 0 Neall, Xenia next Sunday Whitiunda" Glmera) A.M.m~ly port, Ind., is spending the su",~er eelebl'8tion of the seventh birthday Memonal Day . , . n . ' for,. ,the. s~rvice!! of Holy €omEx.cept under vel'Y favorable 'refused to pasa With ; her sist~r, ~. , ,H. E. anniversary · of her daughter, The annual meeting of the lot Mr. and M'I'$. Howard AI~hdea- munion and tQ hear a missionary providin. fot a oneStok el>. .• .. , ' condition\!, rour cutting!!. of " ' . Sh'IrIey. tnl,r"""1I1! in' the liquid Auel . Various games provided pastime alfalfa in a seaSQ n tend to weak- owne'ts 01 Miami Cemetery Asso- Con ~lltel'tailled on Sunday, Ml'. t;o China who is here in the interand est of his work in that country. 1DI1."~"'·· old a~ pen Ilion. ' ~ayna~d Rich, Charles ' Whitaker and later the children ' enjoyed t n the stand. In some of the ciation 'will be held in ,the chapel and Ml's. Louise Lonlls .n~''W .. n common ~erure" and and Juhan Crabbe, Ohio State dainty refreshments The guests valleys of' southern Ohio four cut- on Monday, June lll, at 2 p. m. A daughter, Ruth, and Miss Vera The se rvice will be at 11 a. m. and full attenda'nce is desired. omeTS, of Greenville. Mr. and a large representation of St. talC-payen beilla \Jniveni~y students, will arrive were Charlotte and ' Donald Rye, tings alle made without injury. Mrs. Glen Bo rdOn, Of Fran klin, Mary's' is urged to attend. , anotller burdenlOme home thIS ...~k for the vacation ' Vvonne . Stubbtl, Roselllary and were Sunday evening guests of Mr Ii Jlave 'Worked ~1l1alr period. • . Jackie Mulford, Barbara and Jack and MIS. Arch,deacon. the .verap motoriat' Mr••nd Mrs: Edward Ricka and Crane, Charl!!s, Glad>,s and Earl ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH by ~. Palmer, , two children, O. L. Rick! 8J)d Rye, Jack Pre~ton, Roger Watk~ns, Mrs .. Eli Gray, of Clal'ksvil1~, Father Newton, Paltor Jo~ which Alb~rt Ricks, of Belmont, were' Bobbl'e HastJn~8,Pat$y Band, Hatl'y Sharp, of Kings Mills, Ml'. Mass at St. Augustine's Chureb lUeab of Mr. .na Mra. W~ S. Carolyn and Dor.Qtby Blatt, Donald and .l'Ilrl!. K. L. E lzey a nd daughte'r " and Ilene Bro~n, John Perry .'lic:r'el.... dUtbbe' liquid fuel Scali Ian Me~ori.I' O.y Marjorie, Rev. Dibble and f amil), e-very second and f oul'th Sunday II . , • ,, ' Sackett, Kenneth and Dicky Brad, and Mr. and Mrs. Preston and f the !pon~h. .. ennyJI. o llit of't:t':pn!Ck::;!::: Mrs.J. V. Hartsock, Miss ley, Dorothy W~lson , Robert and of Dayton, Were callers at Camlly, THQMPSON--SAVAGE P Dor:othy H.rt.lock , and Miss Billy Bel'nard and Mary Hackthe h Qme of Mr. and Mrs. Walter alreaJly heaVlly-tased motor Dorothy Hartaock and Mid Vivian man. Elzey, Memorial Day. uaiq . publio" O_esbee left Wednesday for Miss Mary avall'e, d",ughter of Titus and New Mexico whete they L}NEN SHOW~R FOR At their newly e lablished home 1Mrs. Ruth Savage 'and Mr. John time that public will re!l'atn Indefinitely. On S'outh Main street, Mr. and Thomson 80n of Mr. and Mrs PROSPECTIVE BRIDE once . and to'l Mrs. Jobn Kersey entertained at Louie Thomson wCcre united i~ ~~:iJle _ .&lid the' Mn. hank Kenty and 'on, dinner Sunday evening ,the marriage Wednesday morning at CIIl~DClI1; be aNd Bartley, MJ'. and Mn. James Wood 'Miss Mary Leah Edwards, membets of theil' immediate 10 o'clock, ' the Rev. G. ,C. Dibert an intl&nninAbll, louret of raiai~1 .r4 and d....htet, Leona, of c.,lum 'S pringfield, and Miss ·Mary J o families. The · g uests .Wilre Mrs. pastor of the local M, 'E. chureh, funda. bua, Mr.•nd Mr.a. Bru~eA1'Chdea- Miller were joint hosteses a t a K~rl!(,y. M!. an<;l Mrs. W. C. ~l'fort) tho ceremony ' at the "Exce"iy~atate ~l1De .nd of ~ew Vienn., 'Were 'Visito~ linell shower given at the Miller KerIWY, MI.S$ Eve1yn Kersey, Mr. home of the bridegroom's p.rentS liquid 1ueJ ~. . .ctu.lly fa.....n at home of Mr. . aDd M.r'I.. home Wednesday 'evening of , last WilIatd Kersey, of Orego"la; Ml'. o'n the Lebanon pik!1. · , economic ha (Jahip to the n"uJnlla .. Boward · A~hde.con Thunday. and Mrs, Joe Kersey, of Lebanon,; Members' of the immediate week ' for Miss Lena Earnhart., a ot the. state. hen '. taX ia .propo.. Mr_ .~d ~uia Stueve ana prbspective bride. The gu.ests were ·Mr.'and Mrs. Cbatles Ha1;tsock and iamiliell and 1Ilrs. G, C. Dibert ea ,urportln to benetit onearoup.. da.. ~"'ter,. Iud" of Dayton, -ent Mi.. poris Salisbury, MillS Velma Mr. Luther Hartsock. witnessed the ceremony, ,a fter , of ,~ ioan., and at the ..... -.. which a wOOdina dinn~r was time, uDjaattftable butaen Thunday wit1a Mr. .nd )In. Armita,e, Miss Grace Heas, Miss William Lippincott, Mary and served. ' upon . elua It iI time for Clarence Meadellban. In the after Ruth Salisbury; Mrs. M, F. Weltz, Ruth Britain spent Fl'iday in Mr. and Ml'R. Thomson .",.m __ \ Mr. aDd lin. Kendlnball Mn. Melvyn B.nta, 'Mrs • • Vern Payton. publlc-mtnled min aDd womea to their peats attended lIemor- 8impIOn Mrs. M.rk Rogers and tablish t heir home in 'Dayton. 1e"1 nnt~ that IUch attemptl . U' • • Mn. R01 Ellis. The 29th anniversary of th. ahould b.;aband"ned for pod." exel'Cllel at .orrow. ______ ••_ __ marriage o~ Mr. and Mrs. C. Lee JUVENILE GItANGE NOTICE Palmer' ald t&at the 11M_ben Mra. LUliall Fife, of WIshhw-1 CASH RELIEF CHECKS Hawke was celebl'ated Sunday of the ail.... of Re,QIeDtatlve. D. c., aDd her two clUldren. with • family dinner at the home All Juvenile Granre m • ...,.. ~::::JC a trae ciYie, br l .. n .nd Earl Emerson W&Il.E MAILED SATURDAY ot · Mr. and l'rIn. Carl Hawke, ·in wilUnr to help with th_ Childree'a D aotnilta tN. ...... of WDminlrton, wele weekpayton. Tho'811 pre\le~t were Mr, Day pro..-.m IUDe II. _ . at the "liuWldtlmt. tautIoa .. n end aUI't. of lin. Pife's brother.nd Mrs. C. Lee Hawke, Mr. and Gran ... H.ll, June • for ptUtlee. mplaw aDel ...., IIr. ud lin. L Mn. J. C. H.wke, lIr. and lIlll. J B. GordoL ' P. Fromm, Irfn. M.IY1ll Banta, Ill'll •• F. Weltz and chUdr,.. Au. anel lilnmie, 118l1li. "omm, Dean Hawke of Clyde _ _ _c _ _ __


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Birth Anniveraary



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Ob.erved Friday



Hobby ·Grows Into .Full Time

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portionally. order of court. W. E. 08'1 bet',.L JlIhn~ton .tohnlltl1ll, n muat b rememt».red tba I .. Mendenhall and ROBII Hal tsock bel'. paint an,1 hrush balt ill polnonoul!I and ctho wer~ appointed to r apprai~e th., House, $3.11; Eo O. Th<, kept Crom child I'en and liv IlIth tracl'. hor a nd l'l' pa 3 lin • pI ._ The substitution of the arse atee In the matter of the e tate of Juil. $2.16; Penn Mort n l ~ervle b, JUDSON DEAN of lead ()r calcium for Parie .reen (lmu I Sl\r~ent, deceased di ~trib l1 a~ j unH.o r c;ourt llllu t" $1'0; J ames lIr white are~nic will rllllult in · a n lillll of the fund t' alized from a ~\oll n, ~t'vi~e~ U' Jan'tor 2nd in trective bait. jutl!(l1lcnL r CliverI'd hUl11 lh (lIrt flool' COUt·t hU\l~ " 15; Lewis & COLUM B S-The circ\le is still vI the e . llll~ of mOn Plea" OUl't oC thi!! count'y on I)rake, 111".. co al, $~j).3U f C. More Bouad t.o Co•• The bait should be applied a t th~ zenith nf en:ertainment to ~ Oll, rI CC!lSNI. Fir~l . a c1uim against the ViII ~e of Donald Dilntu>h, I'ImL of offiCe for .lu~k eithur by broadcastin, over Wh it, th regular sE-ssion of the imaginalive .youtl) and u gre~t Tn the matt r \If l'~ mmpr .T, Mlln Loui~a 'otthntclt, l'xc(!utrix of Lebanon is ordered. Pros. ALty., ~O; The Jl;lnnston the jnft!stt!cl l\l'ea or preferably b y portion of adults. 1 l!hal'ed theIr !<semlJly lasted long I r a r c iv r of th H rve)'~- the e~lut e I1f (,'hurles Penkawa, deIn the case ot A. D. Harvey, a s Wat.oll Compan~', deed re ord G(!neral plarlng it in teaspoon f ul beape bur Ilti01H11 Bunk , CIf Hllrvl'Y~- cCMed . Final. udministrator of the estate of Han· ancl cover Cor r~'cord r, $36.76; enough the fil' t of the special ses- thtills at the nonchalant BT'lIsts on IIloll!l' lhe 1'0\ s 0/1 at t he b se of the flying trapeze. No part of lhe bur, ale of b nk \1rOIH!rty b n1:1. M. )Iuug, adminislnltl)\' of nnh A. Shimp, dccc8set1, veuus Th olumbus Blank Belok Mfg. l3io ns i ' anticipated to take a. lot the pl/lnts likely to be attu ed. If talc .,r hurl(" G. Kibbey, Obe Spimp, et 81, the admlnistl·a· 0. , form. for PI'cob te C:OUI't, $15 more tjme. than ome of the obeer- s how see med so bIg, fast and applied too early in th flrm.ed a8 d ribt'd in pctiUon filcJ lh~ v.e nlng· Iltrong as it. did twenty year a 0, 01'\ A ril 2 I 1935, dcc t'a~cd, first and final. tor is ordCi!red to sell r al estat. F ,"ed Prnetet, legal pad s for the bait will dry out and los ,som e VQrs believe. First of all it is t he although the Illy actual .;hangc I In th ell C 9f Unitt.'ti Arti t l' Add le. lark lliggim" executrix John Dhmnl's, Q,dministrator ()f ~h el'iff, $12.06; The Office Out. of il.s eJl'c.'ctivene 8. t reatorporation v rSUK J, . Pnltc:!rson Ilf the Cl;t o t of Wl'1l '. Hlgll'insi thl! e tate qf Alice Ditmars, de- fllt('ra, refills fo.· sheriff, 75c; 'fhe eXl'ericnce i n Ohio that when th observed WaI! the tlnlplafying mcnt, iC thorough. is y sufdemurr r ov ruled, Defendant tleccal\ed. BccoIHI and final. c<Ja eu, filt'd his fi"llt llnd final. Selig o n\j)a ny, dil/inf '~ta nt .for so-called "special calls" are made syst m which. hat! replllced the ficient. uapper ring·masler. ~l'antcd 15 dllY t() ans \ el·. Law c'cn ce Slll'fnce filed hia upLiuiE.' Ditm.u:s, exec)ltrix of the herift', $3 1.1 0; Th Oltice Out- tOl' special purposcs tllere aTe alIn ttl case of FJ'snk. " toll v T. u. pl ication for lhe appoinlment of a eshlle of Walt er . Ditmar, de- titLer ', typ~lc"nur, pen!l, I1le(l 1'01' Alf.lf. Albert F. toll, o. c ilc' 'ditmli ~t!d . i'( U ' I'diun (l ( Elizub th S. Harlan, ceaseu, fil d h .r first and :final ac- Probllt ourt', 2.9; Rogers &. ways ways and m~ans fO:Jnd to Th enthusiastic anticipation o.f In the cas of The People's Build incolt1pet(; nl. count. Simpson, lire :fO]' ahel'iff's car, expand "ihe call" und befor long t he reunion 1)1 old friends dwind les For most of Ohio, xper mental jn", Lo n MId Saving o. v rsu. (;. Frunk Rogers, administrator Drah L. Stitt and Everett E. Famous Auto Supply, Co., tubes a variety of bills similar to the in its fel'vol' on tbe oc R ion. At J\'l or nee B. Killswort hy, et al. ot t h estate of Annett Rogers, Mill r were appointed admin' tl'a- lor hcriR', 3 .&2; ThEI Oregonia "hopper" of the regular al!sembly the festive homecoming I aw for evidence clearly favors thr' cutur c ut judgOl nt to plaiatiff from d Cen - deceas ed, fil u his inventory. lOI' of the estate of EUa M. Mil- B.'luge 0 .. blUe pt'illts f )' F. E. is in vogue . The ' members of the the first time in fifte n years many . ting oC alfalfa u eason. ....:;,,:-........"nr't FloI' nce B. Kins\\ o.'thy, il) In lhe coge of A. D. Harvey ler, deceased, and filed bond 0 '[ R. A., $11.25; OLE. 1. Rudolph pres nt legl lature have not h ad Cormer felll)w townsmen lind tings nlllY be de8 Irabl~ . 0 I rich th tjm of 1874.98 lind cost . min i~tl'a'o t· of the e. ale of Han- $6,000. Earl Thompson, J. A. Re- v~ndol"l! lic en e issued (HI'o neou Iy much ~vident leadenhip or dir c- school mates who have otten in· bottom lands in southe"n hio or In the a~e 01 The People's Build nAh A. himp. deceased, versu bold and Frank Gorsuch were ap- $1 ; Fl'iend's Ilome, illToneOUB i - tion of a constructive nature from duced my ret.rospective thoughts. when the land is to be plo ed beIlIg, Loan and n"ing~ o. v rsm; Obe himp an~ George Shimp, pointed appraisers. ' . auan c of liceo ~e, 1; 'rhe Book "down-stairs." Taken all in all the et wit h a hand-clasp od a few for the lIext sea 011. In e treme ,utting Earl J, Coburn et al judgment to further apprulscment of real Frank Brandon and Howard W 'hop , envelopes ~nd in'k fot' NRS legi slature i a cross- ection of simple remal'ks acknowledging the northeastern Ohio two plaintiff from' d fe'ndants, Guy ' e~ta(e IS dlst>ensed with, The ad- Ivins exec utors ot the estate office, 21c; Kaufman 'S, 2 box OhiO life and miracles in personal> joy 01 meeting we takc 1 ave know may be pref~rable in 'i rs of MOhroe Eal'\ J. oburn and MiI- mini strlltor is to execute It bond ot Mary F. Strickler, ' deceased, filed shell,; 5 dog chains for dog warden ities or aptitudes to solve the prob- ing that II Of\le of us will probably hOI·t growth or when the t r d cut dred .' oburn,. in th sum of $6,000 'wilh s ureties. t heir inventory. $2.71; J ohn Bart', payr,~Il , $90.70; lelll s of state jost do not happen. n ver m et a g41in. ueh occasions ting would have to be inad in Ssp 32703.38 with intel'est and ClOs tS. 1n the maHer f th will of Ada In the case of C. H. Young, ad- J oh n on 1tlyers, payroll, $99.40 j M For that reason executive leader- al'e marred by an air of artificial tembel'. . F. Noble, deeea ed, it is ·ontered ministrator of the estate of Jose- • Foreman, IJlIyroll, $209.40; ship means much and close obser- I'eserve, which if dropped would rhat a commission to take deposi~ phine Burton, l1eceased, versus End Basol'e, -paYl'oll, 87,20; V. vation cites that this guidance restore the a~mos l)here of the byNew Sliit. u~ tions of two or more witnesses to Loui J . Burton, ct al. .Hnrry Z. M. Armilnge, payroll, 170.40; must not .always be insel·tcd with a gone days we commemorate. Ray nut)' ,et 1, vel'Su Ralph Gray was appointed guardian ad John Myers, payroll, :~123.20; J. view to the ballot-box. There i s identify lind prove the signlltu THE MIAMI GAZEi E W. Hunt, -:t aI, to quiet title. of ",itn.1! es of will, be is \;let! to litem of Chllrles Burton, ' et ai, L. Dunn, service as mt'Chnnie, nothing that hampel's the backStoriette: Thll "Ullsin)(nble' Aml'J'ica Wester V{'I' u Frank FOR RESULTS ' minoI·s. Admin! trator is to giv~ $62.49; L. P . avett, biT, $2311.44; ground of sound, constructive Titantic went down ill jU!lt two . 11art, for foreclosul'e, cancella- Harry Z. Gray. legi!\lation as does "burll steering" hours and forty minute!!, H r life Gorge A. Ric:hnrd$on, oadminis{uI'ther bond of ,2,000 with sureL. P. Cavelt Co., tar, $1l4.60; J tion of contract and olller telier. ompany, 1 ,Adams (I'om the helm. Unles a )\ signs fail boats were only hal1 filled bcFl'anCeS Ashbaugh v r us Adam trator of the est.ate of James E . ties. Sale 01' ~al estate ordered. D. Adams Richard on, dec ased, /iled hi In the case of Walter Kenrick, molor Gradel', $3191.12; The Cin- the members of tbe present as- cau se so many pllssenge~ would Asbbaugh, for divorce on cnarges ession a lot not beli ve, until too late, that 0., gasoline se mbly will be in first, final and disttibutive account administrator of the estate of Per- dnanti Oil Wel'kg of gro. negl ct. The inventory of Harriet ry E. Kenrick, decea ed, vel'sus $3.50; 'F rank Sherwood Co., keTO- mlwe during 1.935 and 1936 t han the ship cou ld sink. The California Lola )1. Van Del' V eer ver us idt, ex cutrix of the estate o~ Bertha. Kenrj k Collins, et aI, saJe sene and gaSOline, $~:4.4 2; Carl anyone anticipat d or bargained wa in s ight as the ship of ship!! Ralph E. Gor uch, et aI, to sell en- V Dakin, payroll, $121.20; H, L. for. Adam N. Apgar, deceased, wa ap of al estate is ordered. IYent to Davey Joncs' LockE.'r, but tailed real estate. proved. ' Sehuylel', payroll, $124. 0; The never knew it unt il two hours The inventory of William . liaMarri. .e Lleen.ea Ote onin Bridge 0., OKygen tank Followilla Tbr.ou.b later, her radio operator Was Prob. t• . COllr t telton, :xecutor of th estate of Earl J. Wampler, paper worker t'ei nforcing st~l, $6.'0'6; . Shartzer Prominent Ohioans serving on a,leep. Th inv ntory of Alice lark, ad Gl'uze Hazelton, decea d, was ap- of Cincinnati, and Miss Martha A. Wrecking & Excavatin.g Inc., 2 the directol'atl;l of the Ohio SOCiety ministratrix of the estate of Chas prpved. ' Trivett, of B lanchester. boilers, $100; Middl etown Hosl;Jital for Crippled Children envision in Random Facta: All nlen who F. Clark, decea cd, was appl·oved. Frank . And rllon was appointJohn W. Kersey, chemi t of Ore- Assc., medical Sel'VicEI , furnished great r public consciousnesll of the e,,<:r attained a speed of 200 have. In the matter of the estate of d administrator of the estate of r lief families during March, $3.lIeed for placement ot ~he handiand Mis Ola W. Hartsock, Fr d Kamp, deeea ed, distribu- George H. Beach, deceased, and gonia, school t acher, of Waynesville. 71;. C. Alexandel', household capped a forward stet> towar ds miles an hour or more in an tion i ordered. . 1\1 d bond of $7,600 with sureties. Karl George Parker, truck driv~r n ecessitie a~ fUl'ni h relief solution of thisproblero. J uat now automobile, with the exception of Sir Malcolm CampbeIJ, are dead; '" .L"".....,. l~,. ale by Eugene C. Dunham, ad Elizabeth Lewis, executrix of of Morrow, a nd Mi Mil dred Jose- families, ,20; E. B. Thirkield, & the society is enrolling men an d mluistrator of the state of Lillian the estate of W. Benjamin Lewis, phine Hofer, factory worker, of Sons Co., clothing furnished re- women wbo by matenaland moral killed while ' Itrying it once more." - Champion bridge players make J. Small, de 'ea ed, :were approved deceased, filed h er inventory. Monow. lief tanli1ies during March, support can l~nd a Jiand. at least one enor every three and confirmed. Be lilled hi third, Gilber Frye, administrator of Dr. P. H. Kilbourne, J~la ses furnhands.- The last rays of daylight, "ll.. _.,. final and di tributive aecount. the estate of Sarah Butterworth, ished relief famj)ies dudng March Sen.. of I.' ....c. glimmel' out at 200 feet below the A_ D. Harv y. adminisb'ator of deceaSi!d, tiled his inventory. Real E.tate Tr.ll.fer. $16; Penn Morton, services lIring Over in Woodsfield a regional ocean sU!lface.-Chul'ches, lodges the e$~te of Hannah A. himp, In the matter of the estate of Grace C. Stubbs to Virgil H. furnace at night eau8.!d by leakag of the .American lind fl'aternitie~ cllnsf;itute abou t deeeaaed, iii d his sal bill. A)jce Di~mars, deceased, distt 'bu- R'Ussell and Veda E. Russell, in lot of boiler, $lO; C. F. Drake, sel'V- convention The follOwing account were ap- tion of a setJJ is ordered. No.5 in Lebanon. ice as chairman, 8.25; Mrs. Legion was held recentl)' a nd a n 80 ~ of the lott ry law violators in this country.-I t lui been suj· pro'Ved, allowed and conflr~ed by In the ca e of Wlilter Kenrick, J acob St in and Barbara Stein Howard Sawyer, board and unusu"Uy good temperaOlent ' the ~ourt. 'lI admini trator- of the ~ta te of to Minnie E. Rich, 30.76 acres in oare 01 Howard awyer, indigent displayed towards t he bonuB f or gesled by some enthu iasts t hat . Emily Wright, executrix of the Perry E. Kenrick, decelUc(i , ver.' Hamilton tow nship. county tubercular patient, · ,'7; wodd war men. Quite in keeping what we imagine to b canala on estate of Jane F. Wright, d(leeas- sus Bertha Kenrick Collin/l, at al Emmer J. Munger, as receiver of Mrs. Helen Doughman, board and with t he occasio n a digni4ed Mars are reall y signs of a colas al. ed. First and final. confirmation of sale and 'deed ill Harvey burg National Ba nk 0'( care lilfold Doughlllan, ind igent talk from Chad 8 Sawyer, f ormer attempt to attract att ntion ' on .(Ieorge E. Young, edmin i trator sued. Proceeds held untl l further Harveysburg, to Berda M. J ordl\n. c.ounty tu berc.ular patient, $7 i Ohio lieu.tenant · governor whose ar th.-The use of technicolor in civic remarks were of th e t ype that a .film increas s the cost 01 pro~~!'l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!~~~~~'!",'!!'!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!~~ inlot No. 2 in Harvey burg. Mrs. lr1\ Eltzroth, b lard and care Emmer J . Munger, as receiver of Alice Starky, indigent county cau ed his listeners to re ma r k: duction 30 1< .-Not until ten hours Harveysburg National Ba nk, t o tub rculaJ,' patient, $6; Mrs. "gee he certainly is a man of after the disllster did the rest of t.he \vorld learn the fat.e of the Walter T. J ordan, in lot No. 42 in Maude Deardoft', board and care vision and aU Ohio should "Maxim Gorki" i strict Sovi t Harveysb urg. Veri Miller, indigent tubercular pa him better." ceJtsQrship. A bus comJuda Puckett to Wilbert Mc- ~ient, $7.50; James M. ore, board pany olfers statistics hawing that He.rd in P.aainc G< ha, real estate in Red Lion. and cllr Lucy ~lo(lre, indigent V~sta L" Amber C. and Fra nces tubercular patient, $5; Mrs. Oma Another term on the Ohio Rac- female pa engers !lave increased L. Johnso n to P. 11. Dyas, real es- Osborne, 'board and care Frank Bat ing- Commissio n for ISlLIIc J, Col- 2~ lJo since the appeal'8n.!e of the tate in fran klin town ship. . linlrer, fudigent tubercular patient lins, Lancaster business man and sel'cen hit "It Happened One Berta Saul, by administrator, to $10; Elmer Lacy, board and care turfman will aid the sport. . • • . Night." If you recall, lIirk Gab le O. O. F isher, real estate in Frank- Frank Lacy, indigenlt tubercular Marietta's getting ready for the was frequ~ntly shown In the picYou M.yClioo• • W Ith Utmo.t Con6d6J1ce township. patient, $5; Mrs. W . C. Roberts, ".esqu1=ccl!1Iten'nia)" program in ture riding in a~ H. L. Saul, by admini ttatOl', to board and care W. C, Roberts, in - 1937 .• Lieut. Gov. Harold G. DiamC)ndl- Watc:he.- Jewelry- Silverware D. O. Fisher, real estate iT\ Frank- digent t\lbercular patient, $5 ; Mrs, ~osier. sin cere- and unJlretentions About People : NlIPoleon, wh o lin township. , L\1le Gabbard, . boalrd a nd care has made a worl d of frie nds by never lost a minute was two FOI' the Gradu.te, Show.r or W. ddin. Gift Louise Caramella to Union J oint Lincoln Gabbard, indigent tubercu- his fa irn eB$ a s the senate'a presid- hours late f or his ow n we dding. Stock Ll\nd Bank, 60 acres in Bllm 181' plI,tient, $6. ing officer . • the Ohio Govern. Jo ephine, his wife was a diploilton to wnship. • - .--1JIenbll Su rvey under leadeJ'l!hip of matic schemer, gaining his acExpert Watch Repairing and Engraving Car l Scha ub to Blallthe Surran, Col. C. C. . Sherrill cond ucting a qUa intance b! a triek. Althoqgh I ' .1 real el:Jtate in Deel'field towlIlsbip. thorougli IIon d honest effort for their marriage ~nded in disaster ec anom~caJ and effi cient state gov- they were a pellect nlatch. The Billa Allowed erQment not m erely in " words' but la st word ever uttered by Napoleon Store op_ 8 :30 a. Ill. to 9 p. III. Emma L. Raper, erroneous issupr oposing action as well .• wa s the worl1 " J osephine."_ , ___~~_~~"!!"_~~~~_"!""_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~,!,,!,,,,,,,,, ance of Vendor's License, $1; organizations such as t he Ohio Mahatma Gandhi was at one t ime Bighwar Users F ederaqon bring- a lawyer in LOD don, his meome reache d $15,000 a year. He ing h ght f acts showing t oat"sadt he ca rrie» fa lse teeth in Il fold of his Ohiotomotorist should not be JE,... Sl'AI!II;IoIttP' dl ed" with t he tax to IJupport a'oy loin cloth.- About :twenty yea tll , .... 310. II. . . . .r . . . . . . ow. 1I0rt of public expenlli.tQres just ago a poor. and lonely ma n dted in becau se the car-drive~ ia eaq to 'a shabby lodging: house in Phila" soak" • .• delphia. He happened t o be the aut hor of "Silv er ·T hreads Among M•• , S.... ton Ma, Eater OtJ..r The Gold"., which he had pr eviously sold f or fiftee n dolla rs. Field. Wor d has been heard that llIany members of the present Senate will not be back i n th.e Ilext aalIembly because of either bU!liness I'eason s, r unning for ot her p o~ iti­ 400 LOCAl:. USERS-AVERAGE OPtRATION COST ONLY $2.40 MONTHLY. cal oftlce or voluntal'Y retirement. Membership in th e legislature for SAFE-A~PROVED BY INSURANCE UNDERWRITERS LABORATORY. FOR SALE the sin cer e and tr ue law-maker in tomato, c~bbage CLEAN-NO SMOKE OR SOOT-NO ODOR OR MONOXIDE. POISON. , , . recent yeara ha. been an " pensive Careful gardeners should , • .rden plants. D. H. :JCl1ck4at t proposition with long sessions and their young plants 101' evidence R . I. Waynesvil1e. FAST-o..THE HOTTEST COOKING fUEL KNOWN-INSTANTANEOUS. numerous demands upon their cutworm damage. Plants cut of! 66Rll. time. An obsel'Ver bas cited that RELIABLE-ALWAYS READY-NO WAITING:-NO' RUNNING OUT OF FUEL. SALE- Fine .~eCIIlon it Is lill!ely that ot the 32 memj)erll cleanly at tbe ba. e, thOl e which and two-year old per'enlllU of the senate it wa. not unli1cely have iallen over due to partially ACCEPTED-OVER 100 NEW INSTALATIONS SINCE JANUARY lat, 1935. that not more than five or .Ix sever-..! sterns, and plantl whOle plants; "w~t potat o • reave., or growing tips have cents per hundred. INSU",ED SERVICE-BACKED BY LARGEST GAS COMPANY IN WORLD. would be back for the next as.emeaten are indicaton ot cut- All 'kinds ot bly. ' . . worm activit/ea. In 'a ll inltance the strawberries. DISTRIBUTED BY P. E. SNYDER" SON--80 YEARS IN BUSINESS, ' worm. will not lie lIeen durin& t1).e one mile 1rom Famou. Wl•••• MAGIC·CHEF GAS RANGES MADE EXCLUSIVELY FOR PYROFAX GAS. day unlellS thet a..& du&, from B 11 For t he ' averalre politica.l aa~ g round near the injured plan\a. e. brook pike. Phone venturel' to keep "word"; for after Cutworm activities begin at duek POOL YOUR WOOL--l'rlce. an dinner speakers to "cut short" re- and continue until dawn 'Yhen the ueuaUy lowest durin the .eai-· marksl J or less "red tape" in insec.t leaves the plallt and hid. lng leason. Consign y r wool. to p\lblic business ; for acknowledre- itself in the eoU. the Ohio Wool Gro~. Cooperament among public officials that it Cutworm eOlltrol ill not as a rule tive ,A. sociatloD. ~ecei a 1& cent. is no disgrace to 881' "no" and difficult, according to H. L. Gw, casb advance .and full . ue "bea. mean it; f or tax-spenders to rec- assistant entomologist, of . the eold. ' WaynesvJl1e ' Fa e1'S. Exognize t)lat a halt muatcome. A. E. S. Light infestations in Imall chance Co., BepfH8l1 gardens can be eradicated by band picking either in the daytime D), FOR ~LE-!\lanc~ • Early . BEAUTIFUL NEW Subleribe for The JCaQll G..ette digglnr the ineecta from the IOn Golden. Porto Rico, Y 10. J .....,. or 'at nirht by collecting them ana Whi~ BruWaa elt Potato. RANCES BY MAGIC.CHEF ARE hom the plants. They are euUy anll ~ll Jrbult 01 raNI 1 p!antl. All seen on the planta at .niJht potato.. 81i ceDta pe hundred or tRI.C ED TO INCLUDE I NSTALA. the beam from • 8uhlltht II three bUJ)d,ea . fo. ,1.00. I ~ '; reeted upon them. mUel north of W emu. OD TION AND DELIVERY. ONLY li'or lare8 ara. or in ca... For, Road. Strou Brot'en, RModel 1200 Mod.lllOO PYROFAX CAN BE USED ON heavy Intt,l8tatlol)!I, the ael R. 8. ·5-10 poiaon bran muh is more F(J11 8ALJC-A n e ltDI of box MAGIC.CHEF GAS RANGES .. tical. 'l'hla roub 11 IltatlollU7. . , ~eeta eM 14 .nmix1na .t olrethar in velop.. for llie: Show·Pae, I. pouDda of wheat braD aIId ab ... aDd II .mrelopet tor 10 bait poand of Pari, ,"ell or t waud paper, white . . . .,.11110. Thill dUate one quart .. per, paper napkin!, at Guette any cheap 'J'I'1IP with I gaUoDl 01 OtIeL . water and add It to the branPh_ poiaon mixture. lUx thoroulhl~, ad PIPE, VALVES aDd' DlGI lOll cHDW . .t . .alBel,at to "et the for Water. Gal ~ Weill !lot IIIOqb to . . . it aM CiaterD ..... . . . o~half to acre .. .. .

Capitol Cross Road Chatter










Or No

Year. Of Service



Lebanon, Ohio


U7 he Home of Gifts"

Stanley &








Low Gost




P. B.




i'der fl. SOD


to Is •

to provide " hlte oollar" Jobll for unemploy. ed arcbaelo,btl aDd naturalists who would make an lntellslve J88UED EVEJY THUBSDA Y study of the atate's fauna, flor., wj1d life and aborilinal vma~ D. L. CRANE • I P...... '1.10 • Y_ sluB. burial grounds and rellcs. To OIl. . . . . . . . ,...... ............. N •• III Entered '.t pa.lo,no. ~ WBnl'" facilitate the administration of 1l lua .... 11 Il........ .......... , ....... ....... N.. III ville. O"lo. .... Ohio'll sbare of the federal workrelief funds the state be been divided into sixteen dilltricts with JUNE 0, HI35 headquarters at Warren, Y.oungstown, Cant.on, Zan svilJe, Athen , Cleveland, Akron, Sandusky, Colum/lus, ·M an field. Chi!licothe, Be Toledo, Lima, Springfield, Day tOil H ow would this strike you as an lnv stment opportunity: and Cincinnati. The areas were e • You are ollered a chance to plaCe e share of your monthly or tablished on a basil! of. th number annual ea'rnlnp--all much 01' liS little as you li~e-in the hand$ of .a of families Cln r lief in a certain concern which is ·'operated under strict lawII, which has survived half aection, rapid lind adequa.te tran a dozen depressions witho ut experiepcing serious'dilftcultles, and which. portation and commllnication for has met every o~ligation to the letter. When you start your work pl'o jectll, Bl1d economy and money with the concern, you stipulate in advance just how much efficiency of central headquarters "capital" you wis}1 to purcha e. over ten, or twenty or more yeal's, and It was said. your paym nttl are arranged accordingly. II you maintain your payments, as agreed in your contract, with President George W. Rightmit'e the con~er!l' you or your esta~e will receive in the future not only what of Ohio State univer ity announc}Iou paId 1)'\. but a good deal morc. Should it become imp08sil;>Ie for ed that two native Ohioan who you to cOlltlnue paying atter StW ral years, you can surr nder your have gained international recogni. contract and recejv& back a larg per<:entage at what you have paid in. tion will be awarded honorary Should you become pressed for funds, you may borrow against the degrees at the univel'slty' commoney yOu have paid In, at a low tote of intet'e8~ and pay your borrow menc ment June lQ. They are ing back on easy terms. Miss Sarah Wambaugh, an exAnd-most important of all- should you die before your pay- pert On plebiscites, who will ments are completed. your dependent will receiVe at once th& full receiv the doctor of laws degree, amou!'!t you contraoted for- ven though It be $100,000. and you and Charles E. Skinner, a noteu might have paid in a little as only one payment. engineer, who will r ceive the That sounds like a Utopian opportunlty-;and you might say it doctor of engineering degree. Miss doetln't exist. Yet that is preci ely what life insurance o1fers-safety Wambaugh, who was born st CinIItability, a reasonable profit, and invaluable protection for your famil; cinnati, was named one of three And that·s why life insurance has been jUlltly called the "perfect in- officials in U')34 to supervise the vestment for the man of 8maJl or average mea!'ls." Saar plebiscite for the League of Nations. Mr. Skinner. who was born at Redfield, Perry county, is an ex~clltive of one of the world's largest electrical manufacturing corporations. Mis Wantbaugh reby R. M. HOFER sides at Cambridge. Mall. and Mr. While driving aet ot San Diego ree.ently, 1 overbhauled and pass- Skinner at Wilkinsburg, Pa. . ed what seemed to be an old·time prospector in a small wagon drawn by two burros. A new ruling ot the attorney 1 stopped just ahead to bUY some grape juice fr~m a farm lady at general indications that Ohio has lIer roadside ltand. 1 was ready to leave when the ·'prospect.or" drew up and stopped. virtually closed its doors to 9Ut..ofOn closer obsenation, he looked more like a. dime novel hero Ol:' bad state firms desiring to sl!ll materiman, with all the traditiGnal trappings, including a 45-ealibre l'evolver als and supplles to the state. The ruling was based on the workmen's hanging with the approved aag on hill left nip. This style of dress has not heen the lashion for either "cowbC)ys" compensation act, which was passor "prospCIIltOrs" in the We t for many yearB, so I concluded )te was ed by the 90th General Assembly The opinion held that the act readvertising a "patent medicine" show . . Imagine my surr,.ri e wh~n he aald to the lady, "I'm a Federal man quires an out-of- tate busin~s t~ a Fed ral prolpeelor. 1 want to buy a jar of honey." Sbe handed it to comply with the compensation him and said, "Twenty-five cents, pi ase, and one cent state aaJes tax." law8, which would be practically firm were "Oh, no," said he, "I don't pay that tax. I'm .. Federal man. I'm impo ~sible unlellS tb tax-exempt." With that, he swaggered out, leeving the hard-working operating in the state. At the present time approximately 90 jler rancher's wife to pay the penny tax. cent of the stote's materials and This was such a glaring- ca ~ of the use of official power and suppJie!; are purchased ftom ' Ohio privilege to.8aeape the obligations of citizenship that I was astounded. concern!; and if th new ruling is If this public servant'!! salary-which is paid i~ pal,'t by the taxes of followed to the letter Ohil> finns the hard-working woman to whom he refused to pay the penny tax-is will getotbe "emaining ten per cent exempt from taxes, it is bad enough, If he use hi8 official position -of the bUlliness, it is thought. . to blu8' bls way out 01 paying taxe , it is that much worse. The moral of this incident il simple: In tbese days of exorbitant The.John Jastt'r Juniors' orches taxation, it is unjust, unfair and undemocratic that any government office holder be granted any ex~mptlon :from taxation .n ot granted I.ra, named fo]' Its sponsor, John to a private citizen who pays the wages or salary of Ute office holder. Ja tel' Jr., director of the St.a te It is no harder for a lIublic servant to pay taxes out of bis income, t han Highway Department. will make it ' initial appearance in Columit Ie for a private citizen to pay it out of his own earnings. Special privileg 8 tor officialism, at public expense must btl but June 14 at the last dance and curbed or the common citizen will become nothing but a'tax lave to social event 01 the ea on of the State Employes' Social club. The .dig up money for the tax·exempt bureaucaut . orchestra, all members 01 which are employes of the highway de. partment,.was organil;ed tWQ yeats D A.. . .lL " ago in Cleveland when Directol' 6" Jaster was reaident engineer for L-~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ the highway department in Cuya-, hoga county. The Obi. !ttlte Unlverllity RadiO Station-WOSU




Th e

at Inveatment

Thing. One Remembera


arm l y.ght · 1 aiRS, "une 10


ou. e aud 1tJ from eo.... of the ..r· n Jurol'll are lier orrunized countr elubt point. t.o another large enrollment of Clarklville; Luella MlO.r W The names or ei"ht per~(Jn to vi1l~; Scott Whitaker. rural youth between the 88e. of 10 and 20 In the 4·H club prorram comple~(' tile petit jury panel for Mildred Men.le, Morrow; D. A. La~t y~ar 52,000 enrolled. There the current tt'l'm of c:ommrm pIe". Barrillon, Farnkllnl Carl Brad· has been a gradual and constant court, were drawn (l'om the jl.ll'Y !'Ilr et, Waynesville; "17m. incre811e In club en~ollmentl! since wh~1 anel orUen!d to report tor Chapman" Jt'ranklin; and J. B• ,ervire Friday morn ng, May 3]. 1919, when 6500 took part in the Rich, Waynesville. Additional jurol'S were r<!quired program. From Preble and Clermont '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!'!'!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!'!!'!!!'!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! counties have come reports to tb 'late office of increases as large as 200 in county enrollments. Hem'y county reports an increa~e · of 150 In Muskingum (:ollnty 30 of the · 39 girls' clubs had rl;'(JrlfSlllZe(I-'J.J 4 __ April 15. Washington county reports organization c>f flve new boys' clllbs. Already '6 0 clubs In Knox county have begun work on the sea on's program; last there were 66 dubs there, Leallers Ilnd Officers of 58 of the 60 elubs in Highland county", repre ented at a meeting SAl'."".• I day, May 18, when 300 met to plan a club program. Palmer states that Increased activitiea and larger enrollment in these counties are due, in part, to the WO,l'k of c~mmunity and county 4-H club councils wbich are assuming fu.ller responsibility for the conduct of club programs locally. Club work is sponsored by the counties, II siated by the U. S. Department of Agriculture and the f and the O. S. U Agricultural Ex· tension Service. ftelPOI'ILI


Coar'e.. mae At LIar ••

Pl'esident Roosevelt is supreme· Iy confident that his l'e/:ov ry Ill'o~l'alTl will nd the ~epression. Th refote, ther will be no infla· tion dUl'ing the present e sian Gf the Congl.'t'fls. If the soldiers' "bonus" is comp~omisell, as was predic~ d in this c(llu lmn some wcek~ 8ltO, it will be 011 a basis that will not involve inj;tlltion. olflgressmen 1Ilany thoughtful dislike the word "infialilOn." They prefer , ~ say "exllansion of the cUITellcy." There> is no doubt whatever but that more money in circulatiOn would be beneficial to th CO\lotry. The facts B1re there is probably ample mloney 'in exisun ce, bul; this 1r\one;y is. not in cil'culu tion.


Dr. Sao-K~ Alfred Sz.e, Chinese Ambassador to thi cour,ttry is of the most brilliant amd pO'p ular offici Is In Wa hingt.on. Al () he is a famed host. Recently at a reception at the b auti!ul Chinese Embassy. a ongres man's iCe gushed, "Doctor, it is really difficult to be A COOD RANGE VALUABLE 1i~ve that you Chinese eat rats." 'FOR YOUNG C~JCKS "Oh, that's not hard lto understand," said Dr. Sz • with a bland hinese smil , "so mal~y of you Shall the poultryman brood American eat hQt dogs. I" chicks and raise the pullets In· dOOTS, in hatteries, conflned to a Federal Railway Coordinator wire sun porch. or on a good IDA ·tman proposes that our rail- range? These· are liVe questions roads reduce pas ngel: fares to with many poultry raisers just two c nt a mile or ·I.ess. They now. could then compete with buS() and Judging from the 5 year's tests privatefy owned atttomobiles. of varlQUS management proc\!Empty trai~ seats would be filled. dure! ·a.t tne Ohio E:lperilJl80C He thinks that a 1'ai1roa<l does not Station, it seems that the best make money by taking the con· pullets can be expected from a ductor for a rid e. . good range. At ,this point it should be clearly understood just There will 00 no important third what is considered a good range. party movement in 1936. Huey There are two prjncipal requireLong and. Father Coughlin have ments: 1. A good range must b~ enthusiastic followers. of lIuch !lize as to provide an abun Couglin criticises President ROose- dance 01 lucculent green feed and v lh but at. the same utne , e~press- of sufficient size to prevent .. es confidence in him. lHe has at hazal'dous concentration of \10 time indicated that he' would disease and internal parasites. 2. not support him. In 19136 it will Adult /lirds (which must alway. reqUire a man and an iSEfue to beat be regard.ed as earriers of dis~a" President Roosevelt: 'I:hat man and parasites) must be absolutely certainl, will not be Huey Long. exclud d from the ranee to be Also there i~ nO issue that can be used fGr chicka or growing pullets. uneartbed which wm prevail This range mUle alao be protected again t good times. If tne depres. against contamination :trom drop· sioll is waning, as we believe it is, pings or floor litter from old bird. then the President's re·election is The tests have involv.ed a. com· certai n. parison of fresh versull Illed range Tne New D il.l may be considered for chicks and pullets. The ftah a revolution. America~n revolu- range was entirely freem from tionl!l are usually good for chieks for · 2 yeat;S previous to its yea!'s. Examples that could use; whereas chicks and pullet» are--Thomas Jeft'erson; had been raised year after Year on cited Andrew Jackson, Abl'aham the range. When the chicks were Lincoln and Woodrow Wilson. · raised · In confinement and tM pulThen, examples of defu;lite swings lets exposed to the used range toward conservatisl)'l are-- when 8 to 10 weeks of qe, tM President Grant, McKinley, Hard- pullets were inferior .. layers to ing, Coolidge and Hoover. the pullets which as chicka were expo~ed to the used ranee wheD Congressmen are frequently and after 2 weeks old. ]n fact the called upon to t'Ie gloriilled errand latter were comparable to thll boys for their ~on8titilenl$. Thi$ pullets raised on I fresh ranlre. On and reqllest came in to an Ohio Con- the average ,the chicks gres8man-:A young ml!ln married plll1ets raised on a good range prato MoIUe EUzabeth lIuc.hanan ved better layers than those raised claims that hill wife is a d.escend- ill 'batteries or eondned to -a wire ' ant of ~-p\,esident Buc:hanatl and Slln porc.h. The ~ yell-t'S' results :trom thelle heir to his estate. B'·e requests that the Congressman e'nte): a con- chick and pullet management test for the balance' of the estate, tests will be presen ted in detail to collect the mon y and Iremit with- visiting poultrymen on Poultry Day, Friday, Jun& 14. out delay. .

-------- -

Ohio's relief load . was reduced 8:00 Music hy 25,209 persons and by $150, 8:05 When Cheeee Was Made in the Weetern Reserve H. E. Eswine 000 in. expenditures during AprH, 8:15 Plant Pe t Problems . . A. L. Pierstorfl' and T. H. Parb according to figures relea8~d by C 8 :25 Music ' ,I C. Stillman, feder~1 relief adminis I ~ 8:&0 Makers of Horticulture . , ... ,....................... , W~ndell Paddock tutor for Ohio. Ad'ditional :slashes 8:60 Whose Money Did You Borrow? ....... , .... :.... . H. S . Forsythe are expected for May but exact 9 :00 Care of the Summer Wardrobe .. _, ... ,............... " Edna Callahan figures are not available, Mr. Still man said. The number of persons 9:10 Music 9:25 The aalt Creek Soil EI'oaion Service .. , "" .. ,'" .. LT. C. Kennard receiving direct. relief in April de9:85 Selecting State Farmers for the F. F. A: ................ R. A. Howard crea ed 32,647 but there waa an 9:45 Summer Care of the Lawn .............. ,.. ,..... :, .... Georg McClure increase 01 7,438 in the number aided by IIp.ecial relief programs. Added employment by private in ... dustry is largely responsible for .the April decrease. A recent drive against. "chise1ers" on relief rolls The young lady who handles has also played a part in the reCongrellSman Stephen IK. Young'!! duction. incoming mail ' has 8. "psychic touch" and an "x-ray E!ye." From ' COLUMBU~The Ohio State f for the construction of '8 west PI~ns to increase the personnel March 12 to May 2() sbe put Archaeological and HiBtorical wing extension t.o ~he lIoCie.~'8 o·f the enforcement divislon of the a ide more than 6000 unopened Society Is seeklllg nearly $1,000' 1l museum. fa. developIng and Im- IItlite deputment 01 liquor control lettetlt. These were f('om ' 000 of the federal · gO'Vern11lent's l proving the twelve atate parks that qy 1?O, bringing the stati' t~tal to sectiob of Ohio ·and were ,&,000,000,000 work.relief funds are in custody of tbe societ~ and 17f) In an attempt to e1fectively uniform in ize or hlandwriting. it was revealed by Henry C. for making a MW arclhaeloJri<lall combat the bootlegging me!lace, She filed these upopened letters in Shehone, director of the society. and natural history lurvey 01 bave been revealed here by L1quor cabinets and labeled thl~m "Oppos· It is planned to uae the lum Director Shetrone uld. The latter Dl.r ector James W. Miller. DirectGI' ed to Wh~ler.Rayburn bill." MIller stated that the present force Other mail was given tbe right of of 7f) wa.s inadequate to covel' the WaY. Recently when 1;he volume of illcolDing mail slackened for a 88 countIes of the state. • - • few daya these envel,opes were opened. Of more than EIOOO letters , only twelve relatep to other lub· ~ jecta. "May my voting record and attenclan~ be as nearhr perfect as tbat." ..Id Young.

r------------ -----------------. Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol


MOST DIRECT tROSS-STAIE ROUIE Between Toledo and Clnc:in nat{ C"art~d (or the llenefit of Inter·

state . Motor TOUTi ts as Well as Trallic Within the Bordus of 01110

IT'S SHORTER ~~ R;o~~: to Cincinnati as shown herewith is tbe shortest distance be\ween the two cities. Officials of. the State Highway Department give the mileage saving as about 11 miles.

ITtS SAFE · RficThere's Je!l~ trAf•• congestion on the Toledo·Cincinnati Short Line than on . any other highway connecting these two cities. There are far fewer curves (no hairpins) and an railroad grade crOSSlngs ar~ exceptionally well protected.



By reallon of the shorter mileage, lel;ls cona-estion (both on the highways and in the communities thru which they pass), fewer curves, and adequate width roadbed and bridges. the Route here outlined is a big time-saver for the busy motorist--very probabl, a8 much as twb houri.




Choice of Knowing Motorists

p-. . . . ~ The baekbone of the ofeial Revol tionary Traila SYlltem of Western Obio. Marked ita entire lencth . by hiBt.oriea1 markera of the Ohio Memorial Commilsion.


Origlnat~ and SpolllJOred b,. the


Short Trail A&sociatlon

For addttloflal mil' ' maps or any informatIon .l'els.tive to State Parks. Pleasure Resom, Beenic Spots. Historic Shrinu or the )tundreds. of other po,in(s of especial intereR along this route. wri~ WILBUR M. FAULKNER 8ecretar7 SPRINGFIELD, OBIO






BOW! · Ha"e your mower 11'0und ' by same tnachine,,' aa used in the f actory.

Satiafaction Guaranteed


Sherwood Hi'" Street o •o


, Ohio will have an extra wheet crop this year. accordiDg to Marvin Losey, in charge of g~ain 'department of the Farm Bureau Cooperatives Association, Columbus. Government crop estimates show that this 'year .ohio JVill OCc.upy second. place amon~ the at'ates in total production of wbeat. The outlook for cOql and o.a ts is also eXceptionally good, aceord.: Ing to Losey. Oats have made better growth than usual, owing to the damp, cool weather during the paat six weeks. Approximately 80% of the corn it now p lanted in Ohio. the plantlnr belnr lomewhat ~\ayed. owing to the uRaUy lata., rainfall Ln lOmB areu. Loll)' .uted that Importation O....lan wheat and Areentine COMI has r ..ulted in weakeninc the sratD price in the last few . .,.. A pod local demand for feecUlla CorD baa held tY CQrD prIee • •nut eteadIer than IDctiaticma

p..... tIaat




---_..... ...----



I.e__ .



c;:r..••cI Earoll....... I. Mae,••

Four.H clubs, busily reorpniz ing allover Ohio thl. month, are looking forward t.o another intere.atilltr ud profitable year, according to W. H. Palmer, state leader 01 toB clubs for the O. S. U. PaIIMr and bit a.lstanta report inCNMt4 lntereet In DWl7 parta of In two cound... . .d Bucock, cluba an ..-DlJIed alter a laP.. 01 ........ In aU, 18 counti. a ~-H pNl!'aaa tJabt with 81 Jut FMI'




of chaINi yW bl eM













the :aWllmer. Mr~.



lel1lol'ial Hay Ilt th' home of Mr.

POll .ALE .. OR

largol' t

. Ada Jenkina Vi mlnrton, Friday. Mil18 Rachel Pettit ha. returnell to her home and will spend the umOter with her nie<'tI, MislII Ruth Ch.ndl.'r. Mr. and MrtI. Tom Clllvert and Miss Helen Calvl'rt, of Sl'lma" pent Monday aftl'tnoon \\ ilh 1111'. and ?ltr . Howell Pi'rce. Mis!! lillie Ru l'lI, of Xenia, dine~ al t~e Jt on~e, Toe dD),. MISS Ehn(lr ~In.ton ~nd Mr. H. . Low " of CInCIl1!,lltl, called?n irs. Ad" H. J enklll, M morlal Day. - - ..



J. L, lIlt'ndt'nhal1. where

.1.', 1\tl1i MI'.. 1':I'n t. l\[artin, I>nyt(>n. were gUl', t. aiI'll.

~ALK -(;I'\ld lenth Gazet1 ~ffiCl',

Q\llrt' III

111 ... A nnll Cac.lwnlladel' lind MillS 'Im' Lill' who hnv~ $pt'nt the ullscribc for The Miami winh'r ul thl' !lome, n~tutned to ~!!'!!!!!!!'~~~~~'!!!!~!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ithl'ir O\\u home for the summer. :;, fi ,,~\' Ruth nnd ElizalH' th handler \\'l't ' dinnel' ~ue~tll unday of t heir bTOtllt~r, L, W. Chandler and ARk for a fanlily and droyo t o lh", O. S. & Miamisburg Permanent ;-. O. HOl11e, Xe nia in the evening. M1 s la1'11 LU · , 1111 the uppet' Concrete ~ue~ t of ~1i8S Emma Hcighway Thut'l'\day \·cuing. Air Sea l Burial Vault :lIr. 01111 IIi),'" Will 1'i 1'C, Miss For Snle only by Prances l'it'L'ct'! :mc\ 1r" J. Newof C'3 t'ey. )hio, called on hildtc(I' s Day xerciscs will be Your Funeral Director hl1l'(l, t L I h h t S . uperintl!nuent and Mrs. IIowell "1 n d a ~'l C UI'C oex unPi('TI~e on f': ull c1ay. day evening. Mi<lbl' · Eth I Me1')denhllll and I1' . an d . Mt'B. L ee Maon, or McClure Funel'al Home Freda Hnrv y spe nt Sunday in Mason, were Thursday evening inci nuuti. PlloDtl 7 ":N a"Den'ilIe, O. Mi,;s Kat(' Hall, of incinanti, callers at th home of l\hs. Alice has l' turned to the Home to spend Clark . Donald Hadley now bas charge _ , of the WaUace Gr 0 ce r 'I he r e u t _ _. . . ; ; . - - - - - -_ _ _-;: "'=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::= • Lytle. Ben Hawke, who ha. been ('mployed at Springfield, is spending this week ' ith home folk. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routzahn and daught(.'fl! joined the Grange at Wayne ville, Saturday evening. The thought of 'death Mr. and Mrs. Na h and children j~ one that all avoid. of Canfield, Ohio, spent last week Yet, in t.hi a e wb n with Mr. and Mr . Harry Graham and Mr, and Mrs. William Creighmen face pTobt(!m toll. brav Iy, one must harles a nd Meredith Wh~ta k er solTlo~imes think of will 8rl'ive home tbi week fronl the ending' of Ii fe lUI Ohio Slate University and Witte n berg college. to spend the sumnler well as ita daiJy trials Mrs. Margaret John entertained and hiumphR. W may , bl' con sulted in confidence about any ~ spect of funera l service.


A Complete


and equipment .to fill all your need•. Another car good White Pine just in.



&Company W.,.......

iUe, O.


lIondl1 til Jead.l'llllp of ,jOlt" O'clock dlaner on lut Prl· funeral of l". Bainel, afternoon at iJ"lnrton. nd Carl Pramer wllo we... clmp.. Mi ~ Lucile Tucker hae been The Boy 'coutl! of :x enia und!!}" inlr near here, villit dour SUllda, and 'fill. lIilton. hil't'd to teach the Olive Branch chool, Sunday. A numbt't of PI>"""lI". ~choo l for the coming ),ear. lh(' IIl'iv te funel·al 1r ....I'VI,P .. Ptft>ldamo Kar! !'In ('II , Laura MI'. I.uul:! Trickey, Shidaker, Chu. Gordon ~rlll MiSll l'ld(!lmcl' Friday af~Io.• n,n.u, Rbl'a McCarren vi ited Mrs. .till'! HI by Rev. Plluline Vilhll'e on Tuesday ven· of " nlil'l·yille. ing. Mr. lind l\tr~. Leon ilali bury and . Tichenor Mr. "nd M\,8. W. IJn of .' abin were :MOllci y v n "-ero luncheon guests of Mi COMPANY SALESMAN inle ('alll'rs at th hol11e of of !\fr, Bl'I·tha Collett lit the oloni.1 Inn OF CHICAGO HERE AGAIN X'RAY WORK lind Ml' , Allen ~ml'ick. in UiIlsboro, Monday. He will .bow you the "Mei... 1\0/1 s. Alic Clark as BLOC ANESTHESIA Mrs. WiU Gl'imes, of Lo Allgeles, hardi Ruptur e Shield" pri. villitOI' tul'day, aUf., is the guest of Mr. alld "ately in hi. room. at the An ·KIDd. of D_lIn·., M.da Rev, Jo ph Vuker was bl'Qught Ml'1\, Frank H. Shidaker. Miami Hotel, Dayton, OI:iio, on hom from 1I1iami Vlllley hO$pital , Work Done Qllickly Friday and SaturdlliY, June atQ ruay in 81\ 1\ rnbu lance. ' His 14th and 15th, ,from I ~ OO p. m. condili II iR just fair at this time. to 5:00 p. m. and 1 ,170 p . m . to C~esars ·h s. . C. S\¥eetmlan of Dayton 9:00 p . m. daily. Plea.e note )fain St. WAYNESVILLE. O. date. and hour. carefully. is spe nding a hile with her Attendance la~t Sunday 52. Aak the Hot.1 Clerk ror the mother and ~i~tcl', Mra. Alice T ,'ck d .Mrs litOe Miller and v r~J fl'O~ h ra attended numb... a of Mr. M ..i ....ardi·. tl ey a n , . . Decol'atlon services at. New Bur. roomo. Only men are Jnylted. 5011, Tbe Mein.h.rdi Rupture Shield Mrs. Fllizab. th • mith of Day- JI'n g t on, und ay aftcrnoon, Mr. and .Mrs. Horace Co m pto~, retain, tha rupture on the ton wa~ a ' I1nday guest of her sist er, 1\1rs. Mllrgaret Johns. Ne: Burlington, had as thelr ."eralre cate recardle .. of ,ize or location-no matter how Mrl'. Ke!ll(!1.' Graham and daugh gu lIts Sunday Mr .. and Ml's. Evan mUiOb you ellerc'i.e. lift, or M' B ' 'I M Th I Bogan and fami ly Robert and .. train. Th .. Meinhardi Ruptllre t r, ISB ern Ice an . .I'S. er e M J' i M W'll ' ith The cost of a funeral service is J one lin d SO il spen ' t ,,IV,,, ed nes ' d sy i n 'Ma r 0. r e;C·t r. d MI 111m d m , Shield ia akillfully molded to M enti),ely decid d by t he wish~ of ' arame I y an r. an ,rs. ... ch individual a. a Dentitt 0 t our clients. Th eil;' choice of a make. tah e teeth. (No Ie. IIMy:na'lld 1\11'11 Ed Longacre Mrs Raleigh Bogan and . daughter, casket and necellsary accessories . , 'Dorothy .trap, and no cumber.ome ar· Hllrvey Burnet and Mrs. MaTgaret ill influenced by no attempt at ... menh). . .I oh us at nded the Garden club .Mr: obel't Stanley and family ra.n&' It i, waterproof, ,anibar)', 8!1lesmanship on our part. W e Tuesday uftt!l'noon at th e home of of Hillsboro were Sunday dinner practical", uct'iUle. and follow their desires closely, and of Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence may ' J.E •MI.· an d .MI.. • . Mc lure in guests Mitchner. be worn wh ile bathin. Clr keep the total cost to as moderate .Ieepine (continuou.l, day and a figure a8 their choice dictates. Wayn e Ville, M E ll H' S AHen . rs. a ames pen~ unday ni~bt) until no de.ired. Clyd Wh rton aDd , Emrick lunde !I bus!n s \.lip to With. her son, Everett Hames and Do not n•• lect to ae bim on incinnati Monday. famtly. the aboTe d.t.... He will be clad ~l'. and Mrs. FI'ank Roger!! The W. F. M•.S. met at the home ,to .. e'er you to local men wlio spent lo' l'iday in prjngbol'o and of Glenna Wd son, Wednesday h."e u&ea the "Meinhardl Rup. hare Shield", There i. no . . afternoon, were Mr. an d Mrs. L uth ar H' c.... r'. to inveati,at.. Tlti. I 'd dlnn I' guests of' ".rs. l'I.c ames. M



-----Creek ..--








...... ...



~a~Vey~burg Bnd Lytle played Mr~:

I> i. for white people only.

Ella and Homer d Chica,o Office, Pure Oil Biela. at Hamf:8 and fa l l1l ly attended the


:JWuwd '.lHIruiot .PHON£; 19


T I.8 Tbeater

W.y.....llle, O.

1 E. McClure

--New Burli:ngton ----...


WayneaviJle, Ohio

g of All Kinds

'-l.Distance Hauling

LeROY (Bill) MORAN Corwi'n, Ohio

Ralph, 80n of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. VanOflen, is reported to be in JI. serious condition following an ope1'8tion Tue day, in a Cincinnati Mrs. Mary-Barbeau an son. hospital. Byron of Bat avia spent Decoration day with Mr. l~rallk Wilson Mr. and Mrs. P~ter Demas and Ilnd family. family, of New Vienna. and Mr. Mat)' Ele-anor, Bolbby and Jean --~~~~~~~~~~~~f Dayton, fIawke retuxned home lllst Thurs. spent. Sunday at the home of Mr. day after ' spending la few days and Mrs. Oliver Davis. with their aont, Mrs. Lucile Mr. and Mrs. Walker' Hatfield, Boerstler and family of Norwood. Mesdames Ida Ho~ve and Emma of Dayton, Mrs. MayOlc lfattield and Mr. Raymon Hatfield attend- 'cline of Dayton ha~e returned to ed a family dinner at the home t heir home in DaytOn after visit· of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haynor, in ing Mrs, Laura Shid.aker. Mr. and Mrs: Wm. Lukens were . Lebano~, Friday. among those who ~ttended a card Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Williamson party at the home of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Brown and Mrs. Chas. Doster on last Saturday Miss Graee W!1l1amson spent night. , Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lizzie Dawson Barnett and Mrs. Paul Hauk in Piqua. sister LeLia of Chicag,', spent a few days last week at tbe~r home here. Edgar Bergan, of Detroit, Mr. a Miss Nellie Graham haa been • • • and Mrs. James Bergan, Mr. and quite sick but is belt ter at this Mrs. George Johns and Miss Vir. writing. ginia Denlinger were ' dinner The housewife of some years ago had to do by Mesdames Rose Carr, Anna guests of Mrl!. Julia Bergan, hand nearly all her household tasks. The modStinson and Lillian Carr were Saturda),. shopping in Xenia laB,t Monday. ern woman has at her command,right in her Miss Annie M. Mlldden is v~ry Mrs. Lida Barnhart, of Okla· own home, in.expensi e electric power in un. homa, a formel' resident of Way· ill at her home on th~~ avenue. Mrs. Mary Tucker and daughter nesville, and her sister Mrs. lin.tited quantiti s- performing all manner of Amanda Reed, of Lebanon, visit. Lucile and Anna MlllcDonald atwork for her, saving her both time lind labor. tended baccalaureatel services for ed friends here Thursday. the 1936 graduating class of WilThanks to elet'tl']cit y and to the various app1i~ Edgar Bergan, of DetrOit, Mich, mington college in the colleg~ Came Fl'iday for a two da'ls visit auditol'iom last Sunday afternoon, al)ce it opc r~tcs, women enjoy more leisure, to relalives. He returned home Several from here attended the live bell r, r Lain their youth and beauty longer. his funeral of Mrs, Effie Roush of Sunday, accompanied by mother, Mrs. JUlia Bergan, who near Waynesville 1I,st Saturday ,And, be t of all, the cost of operating these will remain there for an extended afternoon. vjsit. ' labol"cu\ing appliance is remarkably low. A Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Frost enterher sister, Mrs. Vickol'l and Miss Elizabeth Chandler ' has tained (ew cent n day pays the electric bill in the family, of Dayton for dinner on closed her school in Hampton in· 11 era 'e !Jome. Electric rale are now lower than last Sunda},. titute, Virginja, anel has returnMrs. Lizzie "Hr'RII ever h efoTe. so more of this low-cost power in ed to Waynesville for a three ill at her w~kll vacation after which she Mrs. J_ P. Th",."h,'I"v your hOlD . Remember, electricity is your hi,. ",ill I,'Cturn to Hampton for a sumin K~ntucky. gest bargaiu. mer coarae o.t work. Mis8 Rhea . Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hainee and spending .. few family, Mr. and MI'I. Chari" tives and friends Several Morrison and daughter, Mn. Beuie Hendersoll, Ifr. and Mrs. nlumninatiolt Howard Henderaon and Misa eolleae JDIl'QQla:r Marie Bendenon, aU of CineiD- The :;~~,,~~fn!~n~: nati, IJMInt Memorial na, with under the



.....on. for buyln.


fighting Shadows

In this climate, fence must have real fiabtina quaUtiea l or rust ,,!,il soon weaken it and then deatroy It. Red Brand Fence is a two fisted fiahter. It fi&hts rust, firat, with a heavy Gahqumealed outer c:oati!ll: aecond, with a real copper bc;annc inner section. Double protection I This two-way rust protection adds years to it, life and saves fence doUan for you. Let's talk it over.


Short Reel, "Fire. ?llan's D'UI Oft'." Comedy, "Odor in the Court" JUNE 9-:-10.


One More Spring 2.Reel Comedy, "Gum Shoes." FOlt N_.

Two Show&-7:00 .. 8:30 p. m. ADM. tOe-lie

Waynesville farmers' Exchange Co. Phone 25

Waynesville, Ohio


.:. . ---. -..--..,..-






day evenine.


Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mainous 'and ...-----------....: ~;;===.==.=====...=;::il Vernon Mainou spent Memorial Joe~ France5 and Rebecca LarDay in Lexington, Ky. kin of GL-eE!nfield, Ohio w!lre gue ts of their gt'andr>arents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Mouser. of d M T C H d k rs_ . . .BY oc , Zan esville, were guests of Mr. and an week. Mrs. Lest r Gordon , Friday even- The W. F. M. S, met at the home ing. of Mrs. Glenna WiHlon on Wed. 'Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gustin and neaday of last week. Grover Brita!n were business vlsiDr. George of Wilmington, Abo, tOl'S in Dayton, Saturday. preached at the M, E. hurch unday morning. Mr, and ?tIl's. H. B, ReevEfs, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Rieh; Mrs. R eba Braddock Bnd Mrs. Gilbert Esther and OliVe Pyle of RichFrye were Dayton visitors Wed- mond, Illd., sl>ent DE'coration Day neBday. with relatives here. Mrs. Grace McCune, 'o f Lima, is Mr, and Mrs, Raymond Reeves here for an exterldid visic at the spellt a part of last · week at the 1.1IIi1ili.~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b Reservoir. orne of 'her mother, Mrs. Eva Mt.s. Grace Smith visited Miller. Ir! nds in Wilmington last week. George Evans sustai ned painful Rev. Joseph Bennett, of Mil· ford Center, and C. R. Williaro· , injury to his left ,hand Wednes. son, of Centerville, called on Rev day while working 011 a tractor. G. C. Dibert, Friday. Rufus Conner was horne from CCC camp at Athens, over the Miss Mary Hawke and friend ' week-end. and Miss Loui se Smith, of Da¥~ Rain intedered with our and Mrs. Mary C, Cross ,vere Memorial Services which were dinner guest 01 Mrs. F, U. Le,. held unday p. m. ;Rev. Fields of May and Miss Helen Hawkeo, Xenia delivered the address in the Memorial Day. M. ~, church but the services at Mr, and Mrs. A, Z. (D n) the cemetery were 'not held. Hartsoe", 01 near Wilmington, Mi s Pauline RobinSQn 'returnare announcing the arrival of a ed atorday evening from a visit daqghter. born Tuesday, Jun& 4. wlth relatives near Wilmington..



rival game~ of hoOrse-shoe Lytle Friday evening. Mr. and Mr. Harvey Burnet entertained at dinner Sundayl f'--~----------' DJ'. and Mrs. J. W. Ward of Hftl'veysburg and M~r. and Mrs. ~ Harold Whitaker alnd children, Richard and France. Mr. and Mrs Walter Kenrick we('e afternoon guest. . Mrs. Earl Th,omas o·l Social Row was Clalled to enterville Saturday ................." .." ....., ..........." ............_,..., . , ..._ ......_ morning ' by the death of her JUNE 7-.8 mother, )1rs. Chades Sheehan. Funeral eni~e was held at the TIM McCOY ' James Lovely and family ~ cre re idence Monday ·aneruoon . ill Sunday guests of friend in Mid' dletown.


w. H. Madden

t 6 o'c1oelt dlll1ler lid "'N k. R ·v. Martin. , I . lind

1934 Oldsmobile Six Touring Car

1931 Chrysler Sedan

1934 Oldamobile Eiaht Sedan

1931 Chevrolet Deluxe Coupe

1934 Chevrolet Town Sedan

1931 Ford Coup~

1934 Chevrolet Coach.

1930 £.~x Wan

1934 Ford Seclan

1939 Che'ftolet Coupe

1933 De Soto Coach

1930 besoto Sed...

1933 Chevrolet Coach

1930 Chevrolet Road.ter

·1933 Chevrolet Town Sedan

1930 Chevrolet Coach

1933 . Chevr~let Coupe

J930 Pontiac Coach

1933 Chevrolet Coach.

1939 HUUon Sedan

1933 Pontiac Coach

1'929 Forc1 Sport Coup';

1932 Chevrolet Deluxe Coach

1928 Buick Coach

1932 Na.h Seda.

1928 Chevrolet Landau

1931. Chevrolet Coach

1928 Buick Coupe 1928 Sedan

Pred Kaba a.t.r C ...paDY



Keaah Wbualf1'tMl ••:;~:I~.~ tilelllotJatnJlelhtl4lll ~




....-.;------............ -.. --Econo1pic Highli~rhts





Oglesbee Calle~ by Death Last Monday; Was Noted Democratic Leader


It was long rumored that law· inlervil' w, int.imated th at he might yers close to the Administration- I se k a onstitutional amendm ent Friday evening of last week as well 8S tbose [I sociated with in- , giving ongreS!! the powers the ourt has said it do s Ml' . Roy Johnson, of CI veland, \ Children's Day exercises were Mrs. Myer Hyman entertained at d.ustrial and bu ine s organizations Supr m a nel Mt.. Frederick Robitzer. of Elias Oglesbee, 73, widely that p~rty as v r,~ h district dele. /leld in the Waynesville Metho- a delightfully appointed dinner- -felt the N RA was partly uneon' l n(lt now po e s. stitutional. N w that sufficiEQlt time has New YOI'k City, have been visiting known Warren county farmer and gate in Dallas. bridge honoring her ddughter, dist church, -Sunday evening with a He was one of the largest landIt was likewise believed that an pa. d to review eve-nts calmly, it their psrents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Democratic lender. died in Oil aMiSl! Bernyce Hyman, whose marlarge audience Present to enjoy I'lage will be 8n event of June 12. NRA upreme ourt test case I s ems safe to say Ito new NRA Robitzel'. Mrs. Johnson returned tush hospital, Lebano-n, Mondny owners in Warren county. and was law will be IltteruptEld most Ad· lo leveland. Sunday, but Mr. mQrn:ing. He had been confined a member of the board of direethe program which was arranged The guests were . Mrs. Mllynard wpuld result in a split deci ionpr~bably 5 to 4as in the railminishaUon lawyers have admit- Robitzer remained f.or a mQre e¥:· in the hospital sinCe last Friday. tQrs of the Waynesville National Weltz; MIs. John Kerse¥; Mr!l. E. by a committee composed of 1\(rs. road pension and gold sei[!:ur ted that the deci sion! leaves no te nded visit. He was widely known to Delno- bank. Walter Sheehan, Miss Catherine F. Deppe; Mrs. Roy Ellis; Mr/!. cases. NRA friends werc certain room 101' further efforts ' along Funeral s lirvices, conducted by Orats of not only Wal'r l'n county. • • J • Roy Johnson; Mrs. Ira Brown; Branstrator, Mrs. Robert Vander- Misses Betty Henkle; Evelyn Ker- that the liberal justices-Hughes, that lin and . t bnt the most exMl's. E. J. Hen ry is villiting "el- but those thl·o.ughout the entire the Rev. G. C. Dibert, were held at the resi dence Wednesday aftervort, Miss Vivian Conner and Miss Bey; Doris Hawke; and the guest Cardozo, Brandes and ::;tonetreme NRA friends and enemie alive nt Trenton. steie as well: Anne Lee Crane. Fol~owing is tbe of honor, Miss Bernyce Hyman. would uphold the law. They were wrong. EmpJclYers are not Active in Democratic politics noon. Burial was made in Miami • program: Miss Stella Daugherty and Mrs. were almost equally certain tlaat cutting wages , altd increasing Mr . Clifford Buzick and Mrs. throughout his entire !.ife, he at- cemetery. Welcome--Raylon Crabbe. the consel'Votive!>- McReynolds, hout's, and the fact I;hat the NRA James Lovely and daughters were tended the national convention of . Elias Oglesbee, SOn of Jonathan Lee Hawke assisted the hOlltess. and Lavin' a (Pip r) Oglesbee, Son~/'Th~re Ringa A Melody" BuUerj Vandevanter and Sutller- no long I' exists ba. not given rise in Dayton, Monday. • was bOl'n May 10, 1862 in th~ Violin BolO-Irma Fires. land-would vote against it. Their to a major boom in business overMr. and Mrs. Paul Sowash and principal worry was what sid~ night. Exereise--"Rosebuda'" - Eight hOUSe now the home of his brothlittle aon, of Mansfield, were Ju tice Roberts would take. So far as the public was conMiss . Flora .Berryhill is in Co· little girls. er and iaters 011 the farm adguestl! of Mr. and ~frs. D. C. A a result, whell the Supreme c rned, the NRA did three thingsl lumbus (err a few days. joining the one on which he nas Song- "Growlng for the King." Ridge over the week·end. lived si nce his marriage to Lida Recitation - "Daddy's Handy Cou'r t, by a unanimous decision, It al·tificlal)y raised wages, short" • • thl'ew out the NRA in entirety, ened the wOl'king Week and inMr. and Mrs. o.m·ad Moin ous cal'S on Septem ber 24, 1887. Man"-Riehard Sheehan. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Alexander the Administration was staggered. creased pl·ices. rnd1ustry in gen- and children, of Hamilton, were He attended the local schools Song-ltD 0 You K n <> w"and Mrs. O. C. Alexander, of DayYvonne Stubbs. . In the w ek following th.e decis- ral was, and still iOl, in favor of guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mainand was fQr a time, a stu.dent. at Wilmington College. The interest Recitatlon-'''A Happy Child"- ton, caned 011 Waynesville rela. ion, many wild rumor filled the fair hour and wages. Since t.he OUS, Monday evening. tive , Sunday afternoon. in ). ading and study .aroused In Rogerll W.tkins. air. NRA friends aid that the decision the heads of literally - • • lhe e early years, was evident Exercise--"Making a Garden" Supreme Court's act meant the re- hundreds (If major corporations Winter Garments Clean d and Leo Conner is t.hough t to have throughout his Iiie. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burris turn of the sweat shop, child la- have announced that they wiU not Pressed. No extra l'harge for - Six boys. Not only did he ke.ep himself Duet - "Jetus Loves Me"- and famil)' and Mr. and Mrs. bor, industrial peonage. NRA op- change existing wag~ and working ealing in Moth-prool Bags. Dry escaped se~' iou s injory Tue day Marjorie Conner, Bett)' Meredith. Charles Willhen, of Dayton. were ponents said that the way was DOW conditions, and in only a handful Cleaners, Kathryn Mendenhall, night when the automobile in informed concerning events of th.e Recitation- "How It All Hap- Saturday and Sunda)' guests of clea~ for business to go ahead of relatively unimpol·tant cllses mannger. which he was riding left the road doy, but he..also read much from Mr. and MTs. Clarence Menden- full blast. Democratic leader in have concel;ns gonE' back to ' prepened"-Bobby Hasting. • • • and crasbed into the bddge at tnt poetry, history and biography. All hall. his life he was a stud ent of the Clarinet aolo-Doris Fires. Congress spoke vaguely of fram- NRA standards. The Woman's Auxilial'Y of St. wol'ld and its people. Although Drill- March of the Tree • ing new laws whicb wouLd attain Prices are anoj~ her matter. Mary' Church will meet with Mrs. lowel' end of town. His companion, Miss France he was known as a business man, Recitation - "Roaes" - John Miss Clltherine Branstrator a.t- the purpo es of t.he dead NRA, Once tbe codes wet'ci thrown out, Will Scanlan on Friday afternoon, Pel'ry . Sackett, tended commencement exercises and still be constitutional. Presi- industry was at Iibet·ty to op erate June 14, at 2 o'clock. A full at- Watkins, daughter Gf Mr. and Mrs. he is remembered chiefly becaose Solo-:-"I'm A Child ot A Kin," at Wittenberg and remained over dent Roosevelt, in a startling p.res on a competitive basi. First iendance is desired, as this is the Henry Watkins, was painfully cut he was a fdendly person . He was about the head and one knee waE rarely too busy to stop for a talk, - ADna Marilyn Whita\(er. . the week-end. bt'eak came in cigl~rette ~ricea, ]a t meeting until September. badly injured. When help arrived which left the person to whom he Reelt&tlon-"A Boy's Willh"• • • which, held by the c,ode to a minon the scene young Conner was spoke in better spirits for having Dou. Hendenon. imam of 13 cent!;, dr~)pped at once Master Joe Hartsock. of WHMr. and Mrs. Carl Mitchell and Exerciae--"Rainbow of Love"- family, of Covington, Ky., were Mi.~ionary to 10 and -11 cents. And in many rnington, is visitint aC the home of found to be unconsciClUS and re- met him. Always he was helpful mained in that condition several to those in need of his aBBi.tance. Nine Girls. line of bu iness, ·jobbet:s cancel- his uncle, R. H. Hartsock. guests of MI'. and Mrs. Robert hours. . I He wa~ generous, not aelf-seeking. Solo-"Strawbe1TY Girl"- Ruth Baker, Sunday. ed future order's, believing that • • _ The accident happened about He was a1l inspiration to many Helen LeMa),. they would soot, be able to buy Mrs. J eanette Bloch, of Cincin. Recitation - lIN at h I n g So The Woman' Foreign Mission- the same p"oducts ' for much less nati. is 11 re Jor an extended via. eleven o'clock when the two were j who have in ohe way or another Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lutz And Sweet"-Dale Linn. ary Society met W ednesday after- m{lney. it to her daughter, Mrs. Jessie retul'ning lifter taking Miss Lpuise come in contact with him. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Sebold, o r • He was ill but a few days be.SQng-"A Garden My dnnati, spent Sunday wit _\11'. noon, June 5, at the home of Mrs. III Responsible indu strialists w\lre Hyman. On Sunday, about twen- Zimmerman, daughter of MI'. and Heart". Mary C. Cro!!s, witll Mrl!. A. K. lal·gely opposed to N1RA price fix· ty-foul' members of Mrs. Bloch's Mrs. Charles Zimmerman to her fore his death on Jllne- 10, 1936. and Mrs. W. O. Raper. Mrs. Oglesbee and two daugh.Day and Mr_s. Edith Harris assist- lng- but they 'also kn ow t he dis- fam ily joined in celebrating het home southwest. of W.ynesville ... astrou!! possibilities of oncon- eighty-fir t birthday anniversary and had reached the bridge when 'ters, Mary LaVinia and Helen Mrs. Clyde Watkin., of Chilli- ant hostesses. Mrs. Day conducted the devo- trolled price-cutting. As II. l'(\Sult, with a picnic dinner at Fort An. in some manner the driver lost Oglesbee Risinger have preceded cothe, spent the week~end with her ,conh'ol of the machine which him in death. He is Burvi...ed by tiona] exercises the subject being various group which. were under clent. mother, Mrs. Mayme Hatfield, swerved to the left and struck the a daughter. Mrs. Fred Gons and "Contemplatio!l of God in Na- codes have announclld that they • • .. • by three grandchildren, Harold plan to voluntarily continue them, Mrs. W. N. Newland, of Chica- blUUlister. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis, of ture." The cal', a 1936 model Chevrolet Risinger and Robert and Helen During a short business session even though it is no longer legally . th b f W Tierra Delta, Calif., and Mrs. RobgO, /s a guest In e ome 0 • recently purchased by R. A. Con- Margaret Gons. ert Click, of Kings Mills, were the importance 01 attendance at obligatory. This is pleasing to the H. Allen and family .. Taxpayerl of- Ohio would save ncr, father of Leo, was wrecked. In a copy of Lowell's poems • • • guests of Miss Josephine Banta our School of Missions to be held Administration, wbil:h still bewhich he had left open on the an estimated ItO,OOO,OOO by ~ one evening last week. Chautauqua Iieves that stabilized price levels fembeJ's of the Argunot bridge at. Miami Valley table OOside his chair are linea g round, was stressed. al'e essential to the recovery pro- club were entertained at the home MISS RITA VAN OFLEN peal of the I cent Federal tax on • • UNDERCOES OPERATION whicb might well have been writThe following program PI'epar\ gram. of Mrs. D. R. Salisbury, Friday Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Frazier, their ,aloline which i. due to expire IN NORWALK HOSPITAL ten concerning Mr. Oglesbee: ed by Mrs. Cros , was given: Thus, tbe upshot.of the Suufternoon. next June, It wa. reported by hOll,8e ~ue8t, ·Mrs. Alice Anson. -"He. doth good work whose heart Solo I'The Lord is· My Strength" preme ourt's decisic._n is likely to • .. • and Mrs, Sadie Connor visited relcan find John L. Marsh. SeCTetary of the atives in Oregonia, Sunday after- Miss ' Virginia Hardinj reading. l'esulli in the best p,h ases of the MI's. W. S. Scanlan and son, Miss Rita Van Of len. daughter The spirit 'neath the letter; "Sunshine Betty," Mrs. Ralph NRA idea being c~ntinued volun- Ferree, were Dayton visitors, of Ml'. and Mrs. F . E. Van Of len fetro~m Industry Committee of noon. Hastings; so lo, "An Old-Fashion- tarily-while it worst phases, Wednesday. was strIcken with appendicitis Wh<t '!lakes his kind 01 hpppier Ohio. Mr. Manh lI&id the estimmd, ... • • while visiting at the home of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mainous and cd Town," Mi Hardin ; reading, compulsion, price boosting and mate wu baaed upon 19S4 conves wis&r men and · better." Lea CIA Sunshine Factory,". Mrs. L . B. overriding of constitutional rights, Mr. and Mrs. Burnett Butterand Mrs. Lee Earnhart in Norson Donald and Mra. John Treadof almolt one billion sumption Hall; piano solo, Mary Eva LeMay will be _ dropped. It is obvious worth. of Lebanon, and Mr. and walk. An operation 'Was imperapilon I of rnollne in this atate. way spent Sunday with rel.ti~ "Pioneers in Missionary Work and that ales ening or bureaucratic Mrs. Gilbert Frye are spending tive -and she is in Memorial hos- MASON MAN SUCCEEDS No exemptions are allowed from near HarrilOn. the Covered Wagon or Pioneers in control over bUsiness, which NRA C d WADE BROWN AS CO. pita) at Norwalk, getting. alc1n/r • the Federal tax. which is paid in the Present Day," Mrs. G. C. Di- ula,te private initiative. It is the week fish!ng:n • ana a. DOC WARDE JULY 1 as well as can be expected. I Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Linn and addition to the State ploline tax AI~er a visit of sevetal months of 3 centa and the liquid luel tax daughter, Dale, pent Sunday at bert; stewardship program, Mrs. equally obvious that the psychoA. K. Day; ' song, '~Blest Be the logical effect of the decision- at the home of her aunt, Mrs. V,ETERINARIAN OPENS The appointment t)f Harley Lumberton. 01 1 cent. Tie that Binds." which said, by intimation: "State's Charles Herrman, in Weatherford, OFFICE IN WAYNESVILLE Brunk, Mason, as dog warden was "The duplieatiq federal tax • • • The July mae-ting will be held rights still exist~ and the Federal Texas, Miss Leada Werntz return. _ __ confirmed by the board of county upon ,asoline, orig~na\l)' impoled Mrs, George- Henderson and Dr. Russell E. Halstead, veteri- commissioners la!!t week. their seas a 'temporar,' tax i. due to ex- Mrs. Julia Henderson, were Day- at the home of Mrs. Dan Collett. power does not include dic,tator- ed home last week. She reports sh ip over priVate endeavors not t.h at the condition of her grand- nadan, has started practicing here lecpon having been announced plre June SO, next," eltplained Mr,' ton visitors, Monday. within interstate commerce"mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Werntz, is with offices at his residence, the following a pecial meeting. Harlb. "Many Individual taxpay• -. • will be a spur to industrial ex- thought to be imPI·oving.former Cartwright borne on Main Bru nk will succeed Wade Brown Mr. and Mrs. Walker Hatfield, en and orraniaatioDS of thil State pansion. . And those who gravely • • • street. of Lebanon, and will enter upon already have ~itioned their Sen. of Dayton, Mrs. Clyde Watkins, feared that the decision would Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rodecap Dr. Hailltead is a graduale of his new duties July 1. At the aton and RepresentatiVe! at of Chillicothe, Mrs. Mayme Hatcause an immediate drop in the and son. of Anderson, Ind., and the college of veterinary medicine .civil set'Vice examin.tion. conductWuhinrton to put an end to thi.e field and Mr. Raymon Hatfield, worker's incom~ are wron~. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert. Rodecap, of of Ohio State University. He was &d tOUl' months ago, Brunk ranked levy. A aizable proportion of attended the home-cominll at --Alexandria, Ind., were guests of formerly employed at the Pleuger highest !Jf the seve.nteen candiConrrelS ha. indicated a favorable Bethany church, Sunday. On . I ' • attitude tOWll'd ita elimination up.. thethsame S day as C tbet hNRA d Mr. an d Mrs. EI mer Sb eeh an, S a t- hOSptta in Cmcinati, and was -a Iso dates for the post taking the d on the expiration date. MI:. and Mn. Albert Heston, of WAYNESVillE CHURCH OF- e~cl~~;~ n.~oth'::ren:,~:ini~~r w:i~h-, .\lrd!l-Y. - -..- -..--:_-.----:---t-l'·h-'Wl~ F~er~rlnary service e){a-minntion. Mr . Brown has served as do. CHRIST ~ in this at.a te. "Endine thl. levy would eave Spring oro, and Mrs. Julia Donowarden in Wal'ren county since Carl Smitb, Minister while not So " 'ell publicised, is of Mr. and Mrs. Walter 'Sheehan Ohio taxpayers an "tlmated to- van were ,uests of Mrs. Anna equal importance. . d t S d . ".. d . 1928. tal of '10,000,000 a year, this cost Sheehan, Sunday evenin"'. THE "JUST SEW" CLUB .. 1 The Frazl·er•.Lemk'! farm .... or. an sons spen un ay an oua erla, Church schoo at 9 :30 a. m., , . . . ... f M d"'l Willi • ... • beln. .Ied upon plIOline con_proVI'ded gUCflts am d S upper at coneI usIon. Ch r i s gag e moratorium Mf.. Louille Henderson was Lo r', • . 1'1'" < SI I 0 d f r. .)an. .. rs. _ The first meeting of the Lytle ANNOUNCEMENT MADE OF Bumed ' in thil State in 1934. This E thll·~ when a farmer ,vas threatenag e an " "Just Sew" club was held at the would be not only a break tor,·the hostess at a miscellaneous aho_r tian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. venAPPROACHING MARRIACE ed with foreclosure he cou ld a ptaxpayers, but would expedite re- at her home on Third street, Sat- ing evangelistic service at 7 :30. O. J . Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. home of the advisor, Mrs. Ollie urday eve n in Il, complimenting ' ply to a Federal c()urt for aid. covery and belp buinelS by letJ. Wilson Edwards and daughter, Routzahn on Wednesday, May 29. A-nnounccm nt has been made of FRIENDS ' MEETING The court was empowered to is- Marjorie, of Springfield, Mr. and The officers were elected as fol. t he approaching marriag~ of Mi... tin.. our .people have ju*t that Mias Louise Crane, whose mar. riqe date i.e June 18. ue a !Ita)' against the foreclosmuch more money to lpend withl.n Mrs. j. C. Hawke, of Waynesville, lows: MT8. Margaret Hadley, aS8't Flrlt-da)' School at 9 :80 a. m. ure an.d have the property re- were Sunday dinner guests or Mr. advisor i Vire-inia Getts, president; Edna ~urface, daughter of Mr. Varipua contelta provided enthe borders of our own state. Afand Mrs. Samuel L. Surface, of ter aU, • Federal .9vernm_e ntwlth tertainment for the evenin, after . MetKine for W orahlp at 10 :80 valued by loc.) appra·isers. There- and Mrs.. James Hawke, 01 Spring- Geneva Routzahn, vice-presIdent: Marion, Ohio, to William B. Lee, wblch .refreahmenta were enjoyed. m. . after, the law provid, e d, the farmmore than ''',000,000,000 to Ruth Hayes, secretary; Mary Ad- son of Mr. and M1'8. WDllam E. field. er could remain on the property spend thla year eould afford to let Mila Henderson', lUeat list includallVl, news reporter: Francea Miller Lee, of Dayton. : . the bonor ""ut, Miat Crane, for five yeara for a small annual UI ha\'9 at Jeut thai much relief I" ed_ Mrs. Mary Hopkins, of Dayton, recreation leader. ~i~~ Su~'ace. who il a Ilieee of .FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST rental. At 'a ny timE! during that "TbeN would be Ie.. objection Mra. Theodore MeIntlre, New I It was decided to have light re.- Mrs. Frank Thomas and Mr. Leiter 'd h ld . .. . t· I spent the week-end at the llomes BurUn,wD; MI,.el Evelyn KerSey. Carl Smith, Minllter perlO e cou agallu regaIn -It e to ' the 'ederalleV)' If it 'Were the of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke and freshments at each meeting. 'rile Surface, haa been on the ltaff of Evelyn, Unified services beginnin. with to the proper y by play-iog the ap- Mr. and Mra. H. H. Williamson. ortl, tax On ,alOlin.. But it is Ore!fOnia; meetings will be held at the home Central Junior high &chool,·MarioD praiaed valuc-wblc1:I, u the appaid by colliumen in ad!litlon to Ci nc Inna ti l Lol a S earl, Thelma church ;school at 9 :30 a. m. praisal of Mrs. Routzahn. was -m ade On the basis ot for the last four years. My. Lee, the a cent paoline tax and 1 cent at. John, Oatherlne Branltrator, lervice at 10 :30 a. m. The second meeting was Wed- who Is a former Marion relldent, Mr. and Will Bflldley and depression values, was bound to liquid fuel tax, now collected by Mary ·Crane, MH. Harold Smith, be much less than the ori~nal Miss Martha Cook attended the nesday afternoon, June 6 and Miss is associated with the Continental the State. That makel three tax- Mn. J. W. Lob, Mi-l. GUbert funeral 9f Mrs. Edward Schwartz Elizabeth Graddy, H})me Demon- Baking Co., in Dayton. Both are AYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH morta'alle. ei on the ,allon ot auolme. Frye, Mn. D. R. Smitb, Mn. J. stration agent, walt present and graduates of Harding hia'b IICb.o ol in Lebanon, Monday afternoon, Rev. G. C. DI'bert, p •• toThe Supreme Coua:t, in a unaniFurthermore, tbe Feeleral !fOyern- B. Gonl, Mra. Maude Crane, Mrs. .. • assisted with the work. Fifteen in the class 01 '27. mous decision read by famed lib. ment i.e not etr-ma·r kin.. Federal I rene H endenon, Mrs. D. ' L. Members of St. Mary's Episco- members w~re present. Sunda~: Sunday school at9 :30 eral JusUce Brand~lls, diclared paolinI tax money for roads, the Crane. a . m. Mary Adams, News Rep<!rter. ANNUAL M£ETINC , this law un constitutj<mal', 8& it de- pal congregation who attended only 'excule for tax~n . . . .ollne. • Father'! Day will be opserved prived a mortgage hCllder of prop- services .at Christ churc~, Xenia, OF LOT OWNERS GOOD CUT CLUB Mr. and Mn. A. H. Stubbl and in the Sunday School and nl,Qrn-- erty withbut Just ()ornpenaation all Sunday. morniJ:1g, heard an excel. MISS BERNYCE HYMAN chH!1rep and !(TI. Maria Elbon ing wonhip service, The father's provided for in the Constitution. lent address by the Rev. Mr. SherThe annual meetin. of the Mi. Th~ second meeting of the SenIlARRIED WEDNESDAY were Dayton vialton, Tuesday. win _have entire charge of the man, former millSionary to China. "e • • . who is workin&' in this diocese 11) ior Good Cut 4-H Clothing club ami Cemetery ass04!iation WII held SundaY School and in the LOCAL RELI EF BUIPGET The lIlU'1'iqe of Mill Bemyee Mr. C. A. Deppe, of Franklin, ship service 'the pastor ",\II the interest of the "Forward was held at the home of ' Ruth in the chapel Monday afternoon, FOR JUNI~ IS U3,II01 Movement." Salisbury; with thirteen members at wlaich time the anDlla1 eleetioll BJIII8D of WaynllvUle, to Mr. Ind., apent a few cIaJII tills "eek on ' the .ubject of God the Father was held. No chance w.. lIIade present. . • AIbmt Pollnu7. of CiacinDatl, at the hom. of his 10D, Dr. E. F. and Man the Masterpiece. In the personnel ottbe board, I. Warren county's relief bud/ltt With Ruth Conner presiding, it ~oll place in Ctnei1lDatl on Wed. D.ppe. . Epworth League at 7 :00 p. m., Mrs. A. F. Winters, of Linton, for June, annO'IJD(:ej~ hy County (nd., is here for an extended visit wal decided ' to hold our meetings C. Hawke and Earl Hockett. with Cecil Davil as leader. IMIcIaf, th. ""eUtil ol J~De. • • • Shough, to her son-in-law and daughter, evel'Y two weeks, on Monday af- Wb08e time had e*pired, TIle bride is the claqhwr of Mr. and lin. Paul 'Sa.,..., of Evangelistic Bervices at 8 :00 p. Relief Director E. elected, The o~er membera ot total. ,23,506 as with pro and Mrs. -E. F. Deppe: Mu. t~moons at 2 o'clock. Mra. , ..... HJ!IWl. She ,raduat,. Da~ Yiltted relattvn here on m. At our next meeting~ June 24, the board are A. S. Collett, C. I. Wintel's, who has been seriously eel from WaJ1leanue h .... acbecll 1I0Du,. Wednesday: Bible Study and $28,929 for May. lief appropriation III, is convalellCing under the care Winifred and Viviarl' Conner are Duke and M. A. Cornell. Prayer Meetinll at 7 :80 p. m. ID tile .... of '10 and later at,. • • • Miss Hel,lI. H'awke 374 and the _works maele 01 Dr. Deppe. . . to give a demoDltration and Jane wD4acl the UnlYenit7 of Winola. IIr. anel Mn. Abram Cook and f etary-treugrer, 8ec sue c ....... ,7,131. Cook is to .iva a talk. AlllO ne,lCt file brlcl-.roo- • a Mleaaan, Mr. &Dd lira. a_ley Cook, of • ST. MARY'S CHURCH In Xay the ..A . . . . . .. Xra. T. B. Brannock and daulrh- time eacb lirl mUlt briq One Mi.. Stella Da .....'rty. of ObJehtM&J. aDd alMDclea tile Sprlqltoro..... ~III point. of ReT. J. I. Schad., Rector $18,885 for terj Kill Thelma, weN called to finished article. u.a.... of IatuMt iD Teall..... JlIlIe 18, - Tr:tnity Sunda" 0" for worb Georsrnown, lty., Monday, be- On June 15, at LlbmoD, ta to TIU£ GOOD CUT JlfimiiinliJ__~ 111', .ad lin. 1ft • • • county-wide .-B caUIe of th. death of lin. Bnn- be an all da, ~ CatHri.. Gibilo.. left Churda aehool at II :80 I Momlq at 10:80. mMtin. for the benefit of til. of· ............. 1loeId .. aas-to. tbII "....., 1BOl'B", , . Alp. PraTft' a.d Ilock'i bl'Otber. ,......., ............. wIlI •• flcll'll of tbe differ.Dt cia.... Mr. aDd lira; N. p, CI,••III'ft. eM of.~

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Leo Conner Injured In Auto-Bridge Crash Late Tuesday Night

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·. .

Federal Go.line Tax R epel'll Will

Make Hu.e Saving

Society Met on Wednesday


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e....... Po....,at... ... ...... ....,....


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ROMTH WARR N COURT FOR PAST WEEK ,rnte ,BI'~'arlL fil I her application fUI the nppointm nt of a In the clil\ or The Miami ValloS' guardian of }<'Iort'nce Bl'Y nt, l\ Uuilding and Lolj.n A ,0 ia.lion Vl'I- minol'. ~u Anno RAub, et aI, coltCilomlltiotl William 1J, lexnnder, adminis,\cl,d lind di Ldb\ltklll. tl'llt H' f th stl\t~ of Bcrthl1 Nay . In the ea 01 Lytlla Hock Lt, l'l Rf'tug, dec ase-cl, filed hi. inven· 111, v r us RulJY Vun Riper, execu· tOl'y, trix. of th cstn of Do lewr Vall . G, Conover, guardi Jl of per· !til r, del' fl. ed, and Ruby Van nand Wlte oJ. • Hettie on· RIllU., Individually, 11 q)()lual in. e r, an incompet nt person veritm ti(>1I nlla'I' d, bUl! '. HeLtie ono"el', incompe. lit the Cns of Lu j)) Buchanan, tent, (It aI, Jame E. Burke was II guru'dinn of J. Wi}(urd Bucball- appoint d .g uardi n d litem of Lhe an, Jr" a minor, tal, vel' U Les. defendant, 5;. II LHe- ono cr, in· ter A, Buchana1l, partition ordered compt'ten t. In Lhe a of L('wi!l ' Drake, 1n the mntll.'T f tht' guardianrnc., versus Hl'nry . Oram, ct al, :<hill of J. Willard Buchanan, Jr., jut! m~llt to plaintiff and from dc· and Jam>; 10nl' e Buchanan, min. rendant H 11 ry '. Oram Emily, ors, guardiall :lllth ol'ized to invest Or Dl and John Brown '\ right., til(' j;um of $3530.16 with inter st. fund . In the mattel' of the estate of. ~mtil'D1atlon, cl~I',1 and diatribuThoma Elmcr Rog rs, d ceased, tioJn. 50 was allowed Ro lJ, Hart.~ock, III the Cl\oB of he NCI York Lit In!1u !'anc Co. v l°I'US dam D . admini tl'lltor, fOI' s('ryices r nder· Carpcnt~r, E al, Rob rt Do 'Ie cd. Attorney fees were al,o ·al· marlc par y' defenilant.; judgn)(>n 10\\ d L e Hendel'Son nnd . Don1 plainti£( from dl!fendants in the ald DUatu h, Th estate is exempt from inltedtance talC. Th admin· urn of 6413.90 with jnterest. In the ca,' (, of Penrl Ant:rQbu istrator filed hi fil' t, final and William L. AntJ'obus, SI'I dilitrlbutivc account. The foll!)wing' accouDts were apvicc by publicatJon ordered for deproved, allow d and confirmed by fl'odant, In the case of [sabell Gray vcr· the court: sus Albert . Grey, divorce lo Bert . HlIl'lsock, admln! trator plaintiff. Plllintiff r, to!' d lo of he e tate of Addab A. Hat'tmaiden name of ISAbelle Ruth. sock, dee aaed. First, final and dis· In the lias of Archi Qwen!'! tributive, versus Elizabeth Owe)'1s, divol'cc to W. S. Graham, administrator of plai n tiff. the estat of Emma E. Janney, de. Co "''''On Plea. ProcHdin'l




J. Hoy Andl'ew., husband Mr.• E,'elYn Funkey former n·td ~llnt ttl died SUddenly or heart trouble, . ' hi!! hornt in IIinsdall', Ill., Monday, Illurnbu8 hio-TII rc is oml'- J~n(' 3, He had been affll~ted , , With heart trouble for some time. thing uncanny in tbl! mannel' In I ul'viving aI' bill wife and a son. \;'hi h blind b(oR'I:BI'i; aUra t Deh James W. Andrews. oth 1"8 Iltt~niion Ott u crowdl'd Mr. Andrews was 61 years or stl' et. Ono would think thc clnl- ng() lind for 26 y 81' had OO-ell tel' of lhou~ un(l~ of fect WOll1 $al IS engincer with the John!!tdrown the. Rig-DIl l of 't h /.r tapping Manvi lle or poralion. ('anes, y t they inval'inbly ~ucceed The fun I'ul .e rvices were held in me ting, Among the blmd and Wcdnesday anerllOOn, June 6, at oen( there seems to exi!>t a "sixth I' os hill cemetery in hieago. Ben a" pal'tially compensating the "Cmcted. ornE' blind men have for the Miami Gazette I bec()m fin judges o't dogs and llorse~, relying upon the feel of the animlll' luI' an.! the 1'ythm of U •• its pace. On on occasion 1I blind THE MIAMI GAZETTE mall walked six 1'llil s througb fI FOR RES\JLTS heavy !JOW storm directly to his homc in the country. Another, fI Ii. herman, would row out in th Inke ea h morning and row buck to the exaat shll'!.ing poi nt on timo ~llIray Ilh'olws ,,( lh~ (1 II'S j llte ll'u,l cl'!<h i rl nol'<l1 IIII( \I~ 111'01\1 Sllll(>~ \\ 1'1'(' 1.'1 4'1 ~lIr\'c' l ' !" till Rnotner ays in the evening. Ihl' .\I IIJlf/11l1' I 1I'!l 'l P\l\J~(1 !l1It ('Illnnnl , Qf \(t!VOIIlI I'Il1~I'·Y fallll! . ('olnny in Amf'l ll'lI \I •• S ",' 1'/' he can heur 11 lamp p(lsL, tI tree or On III' slh,re~, hy l'o tlldtl e llc . ' 11 1l)lIl1dt'll U'H;CI SI"h 1'"""'11 111(· :ou". any statiom1l'Y object that might Ih,· ~wifl rlll'rt'lll "~I lhe Uhlo oIHI (It .wlll,'I·11 l:.tlllle" \\ e"'e ('11\llIll n IJIt' ('R." (;(,MJ;C \\".l shlll j{IOIl ll l Of cours& he:l.l!.',1 1(.\\'(11',1 lite 1),, '111 rVI'lI1l' l'lfll'. n I ll,l.IWill'u .-101 ' f ~)lld .,CO IlIC ,.\ it i\lllricttn 11 till ~"" \1 ill l.ft,1 mean dang r to him. to y llip Mu s l.i ugul1l fllld th e Oil .., 70 t) ,l/I\\'lu'o and \\'YIlll tl o l l udiulls s UII ~t~ndltl~ (;(,ller:oI I'nll lltm ~ these are eXceptioD!ll ca. es, for the lll' (l l lo r ieltll, 1\\ ho hall ("lllt to tra il,! ill 1·'11 \' ( hOlll 1I11 "I,l · ra~ hlnll !l hi ", kh <l llfo " vllst majority of blinu and deaf , tI ' n \ ('Oil lI a 1' 01 It', It 1l(/vel'l1ltl nt PHS I built \l'hlt'h I~ now II JIll 1'1 or Ma, It'll" , ar not endow d with su h uper. 1-'01' n",1 .In)1I lC lillY (" . 'I at IIIIH IJulll t 111'0 )'NlI'g hcrlJr~, Co III 0'/ . M III'I I", :'0111: "11111 MarllltA sen itiveness. $i~ ti"A of til ,lfllv{1'JlfCr (O .. I~lJlt\lIy Wllhllt a I!ltvrt 11m /In I' 1his ~1 t;O hAM lilt' oldest hull'II"" \\e~t --ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN ,0011 () ,1dl' Ilil/J'C CrtTlrlYJ, II lJ:lI'gll IlhiUwln da t,., Allril 7th. 1 7 , R, 1\ of tilt! AII('Ahl'nlel;, lh~ (11111011. tw,) Th ulLra-modelon servIce of an Cattle, hOil ahe~p a1ld JlI r) evernl c-nno<'lI h ll" b el'll \11(, . ' l!t.wlC:lfle find lo~ ,onbill>; Wl'r(' hulll h orn \1 "hurl'll. mY~lorl(\" l fl(lh\~ elaborate incinnati hoh'l is new Norris-Brock Co., wirl aad Il1g t1Qwn th e ~ W01.1I'\1 1 r 10"nl'U " thQ hm'dy vil,ne(NI ,1°lcnl'Nl th moull/IH, the hi~g l'~l I'llI! I~l tht to me. You al'e furnl ~hed a cello- pNgreaeive firm ,f ?r th. blah" lhe dcslfn.lloll which hnd \lOW S\l\'rtl\lllllfhg f\)t'l'~la lind 11):1,,1 ,'cl Unit ed Sill I ('I., lllla I"'Hllllflll BI ",,· phane wrappe.c\ kit co ntaining pa- maJ,lket pncea and Ilood .eme•• bt-en r'earlte(l, th clr CI'I'pS. Mn!"i 'Uo. Il~nlod for Mrh(l" ' I IHlll lll1 , Just 1 2 0111(' . jama, bedl'oom IiJlpp~rs, shaving Un;oll StClck Yard.' ClaclaW~J[' Ab()I\I'll ~erc" 11100(' rs who lhe m·rat II Cl"t.'en of Fmn 0c. ue o dow" the Hl'rnle hiD, \ h fO Aafo~ cream and lotion, talcwn powder, no in on Radio Station had left the 8crurlty and ~OlllrO .. t cnme n. reality R1H1. the Rcltlefllen t Bur.. mupped hl l'\ wiltl,oyed IIlota 01 · toothbrush and paste, comb and 12 :25 to 12:80 p. m. for our daHr fir lhelr 1. omrs in on ll o~·tleul to b am thc CU)lltnl (,I Ute NOI'lh, em l>It'c In wh ich h e SllW hllll;(;11 bru h at no additional eost, In case market reports. you 1'egist('1' without luggage. ::':::'::"'::"'=.'' :..::"':-:-:=========:! \ ellture Into tbe wllderlless undcr wellt T 1l llol'Y f1'u tn which si x· Antel'l 'a'ij NllPoleOu.

,.f ;..

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Ii". cal.,.




ceased, First, final and di tribu- \1 Where in Ohio did two Mormon leaders bulld a temple and ~hen flee from a.ngr,Y .\ At the amateur play the villian \Va quite awkard, the nero suave tiv~'dith A. Munger, executrix 01 depositors in the bank they founded? Watch "Let's Explore OhlO" next. w('ck. 10 The Fed~~ Land Bank of ~ee~~of HH"yMunge~ d. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~­ and egocentric and the leading lady apparently stage struok. AILOlli. ville vel'. u~ James Arthur cell 'ed, filed h ell application for a 1=== = = = -'-= ~===---= =._---=--=:=- tlrough stage fr ight ~====;::;--= I'ld a lack of H rlman and Bernice E. Hartman certificate of tTansfer. Distribu· stage presence l'cigned, all particict al. for 111011 y and foreclos ure o tion of a ets is ordered. tional Bank, real estate in Mainepants 'were given voluminous ap. Donald 'Dilatush is the attorn y, harles ,J, Waggoner, trustee ville. Rec.orded June 8, plau se by the packed house, :COl' In the matter of the sale of cer- un~r ~\ i1I of Robe rt McClung, de. Clilford Marion Wolfe to Dale Wal'l'ick, inlots Nos. 46 and 40 in tain real estate by trustee of ceased, fift h and final. Mrs. Margaret Anson Faber, o.f the nnlateur is always good. 1 like Lab non Prc!!byt rian Church, lor C. C. Eulass,. admini. trator of Aval0!l Hei~ht8. Recorded June 3. .E nglewood Californ ia, and Ruth one- critic's comment, hI! say, "In sale of 11'eal sta te. Shawhan & the state of William McBurney, Umon JOint Stock Land .Bank to . Sherwood, Mr. 311d 1111'S. Charley amateurs, women are better thlln dc.c ased. First. ~en B. Sortor, Teat e tate In HamBro'\\'n are th attorneys. · Gordon of Harveysburg, Mr. and men, they are always eting anyPellrl Antt(lbu , Vel'SU!! William Emil A, Jutcrbock, executor 01 Iiton town8~ip. Recorded ,M.ay 27. Irs. O. M. Rid$'e of Wayn llVille, way," L. Antl'obu!1, for divorce. Charge tbe estate of Carrie Juterbock D. E, Richard!! and Ltlhan G. See Daniel' Po.libl• .Attempted called on Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Speed is the thing. The c~owd is groB ncgleet~ James 11:. Burke de<:eased. Fir t and final. ' Ri~ha!ds to The Lovel~nd Mutual Phon_ 78J Tax: Ille~u.~. Thompso!" Sun~ay afternoon. thrills at the \'Oat' of flying motors .. il'l tile attorney. W. Chester Maple, administrator ~ulldln~ and Loan Co., real estate Now that tile l'egulmr ses Ion of Otis Rich, K. E. TholliPson, AI. Firty thou nd people attend d th Evelyn Trimble, minor, by Nina of the estate of Rebecca E, Sabin, In Loveland. Recorded ~al' 27, th Genera l As cmbly is 9ver and Gillen) ver us Delbel't Tri{TIble, lor deceased, filed his inventory. A. B.. Carnes to Charhe Moore the "hot." subject of financing bert {ountjoy. T, B. BI'aanock, Kentucky Derby, the color of th Thomas Scott, William Totten and ~Ihe Moor , 1~4 aCl'e~ in old age pensi ns h85 been tem- al'l J udd, Ml' . F lo renCe Powell, event being partially the chief atdivorce. Charge. i groB neglect. J. T, Riley is the attorney. . and William Veach wer(l appoint- Wa hmgton township, Recorded 1l01'DTily l'elieved thl' fUrther Misses Mayfrey, ModellEl P~well, lraction, but 156/000 StlW the .,OT ARY PUBLIC , . . use of sales tax· )'evenlles, observ- Knthl,ecn Thompson, Geneva Pow· IndiannpoUs sPlledway cln sic nnd ed apprai ers of the estate of Mary May 27, ell, Mr. and MI' Glendon Powell , thdlled at the re ults o( mechan· Na'l~al B..k E, Snook, deceased. Perry E, Kem'lck, by adnl1n1sProhat. Court ers are watching trenld for tho James Ward, executor of the es- nator,. to .Ida M. Custen~order, special session certain ItO come be.- Mr. and Mra. Brandenburg and ica l cience.-The tnron g no long· Blanche :Baker: was appointed tate of Laur~ E. Ward, deceased, real e tate III Wayne townslnp. Re- fore leaves begi n to fall. That family, Ml'. and Mrs. Frank Stef· et' gathers a~ the depot to w.atch Will. Dra_ _ . E.ta... S...W fy were all10ng those who attend- . Lhe 3:15 whllt through, th y may · WAYNESVILLE, OHIO sdministratrix oL the estat of filed his iirst and final account. corded. ~ay 27, there m y be a dl'ive til boost taxWilliam Bo Bradbury, deceased, Mary Josephine Sargent, adminL\1cmda J . and James W. Swe- es, add more tjlXes or any of the ed' church at Clal'k ville on last I be found at the airpol't where the ~!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!I!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!~!!!!!!!! I trains of the sky pr vide a 'ar and 1iI d bond of ,500 with sure- istratrix of the ~Late of Samuel ney t.o Laveda . Sweney,. real es· other mel;lnS of ra isin,g . monel' is Sunday ev ning. • gl'cater thrill. FOR SALE DATES CALL ties. R. C. Boys, Charles E. argent deceased filed her :first tate In Cleal'creek township. Re· being banter d about. However, Mi s Ollal McGrath and Eugene _ __ Moor and J, T. Riley 'ere ap· and f in~1 accou nt: corded May 31, .. , some of the more ~: on ervative I once knew a young DIan who pointed appnjsers. : Ruth McClure, administratrix of The Lebanon,Cltlzen,s N .. tional private ollservors havle been en- McGrath of Olive Bt'anch and Min· The estate ofAxnold C. Wink- the estate of James W. Presley, de- ~ank to Ethel MiJler, 1nlot No. Ii couraging development; of. a pha- t r ·Burton of n ear Mofl'ow, 0., wall a. member of a "lon Iy.h eart" call d on ~fi s KathJeen Thompson elu h. Mo t of his spare time leI', deceased, is relieved from ad- ceased, f iled pel' first, fi nal and III Lebanon. accorded June . 8. la.nx to fight the "tax-hikeTS" to a Sunday aft~l'noo n. spent in corresponding ith ministration. d i stributiv ~ account. fi nisb. It is believed iln some cir· K. E. ThoJll pSOn of this plnec seeking gil'l s . w~th whom he Bill. Allowed Arthur Bryant was appointe<! In the case of Pauline C. Harricles that the tax fight. 'has just be- Qnd Will Gustjn, Lhe poullcy man, become acquainted " by mall admilli&tTator of the estate of Jobn son formerly Paulin e C. MoCallay, gun, and all- and that inoludes J£SSE STANLEY The Lebanon Farmers' Co-op. j ust about every man, woman and from Wllynesville, visited the through u. match ~alting ~e n~y. Sin nard, deceased, and filed bond executrix of the estate of Sallie of $600 wit" su.reties. R. C. Boys, W, arso n, deceased, ale of real Co" coal for court house , $16.25 ; chiJd in Ohio--will }:lroLably be HlIard Hawhery neal' Oliv~ He ~ad sent a vlvi~ (\escrlPtlo~ PI.... 120. " _ B.rll...... OWG Branch, and otheX" places of inter. of himself accompanied. by hiS Charle E. Moo~e and .t. T. Riley estate is ordered. Dr. Kennon Dunham. medical ex- fairly well conscious the fact tIt S d n° photograph. Fo r a certam sum of were appoillted all praisers. In the co e of Cbarles Bogan amination, $17.50; Mrs. Howard when thel~wmakers return, EAItL KOOQLEIt e as un ny mol' mg. money he wa matched , then came The will of Mary E. Snook, de- and Charles R, Shepherd, admin- Sawyer, board and care Howard D.,.... Plao. . Miss Lillian Fairchild of near her picture and a continuous exc ased, was admitted to probate. istrlltors of the estate at Lydia E. Sawyer, county indigent tubercu· Co.,ernment Sur,-t'Y Stir. WeJlman i!! visiting relatives and change of l etters. The last. time I KEamoN . . . . Mon'is K, Snook was appointed h'epherd, deceased, versus Ernel't lar patient, $7,00; Mrs. Helen lat_at friends in Portsmout h, Ohio. saw him he had serioul! intentions executor, nQ bond l'equired. he-pherdJ et Ill, distribution bf Doughman, same for Cliff\lrd of marrying thi$ belle be had never Due to the , fact th/,t tbe Ohio Doughman , $7.00' Mrs. Ira EltzLucille JIall filed her appliea· lunds i s ordered. , l\fiss Minnie E, Ja obs ha reo tion for the appointment of a roth, same for Alice Starkey, $5; Government urvey under chair- turnei to her home in Wellman sen . ,Wha t a TOInance. I have guardian of Kellneth Hall, minor. Mrs. Maude Deardoff, same for manship of Col. Co O. Sherrill hall after visiting frie nds and relatives oft.en wondered how it terminated. Marriaae Lieen.e. Charle W. Pierson, admjllistra. Veri Miller, $7.60 ; James Moore, take n the task serio tlsly and is in Springfie ld, and Cable, Oh io, Years ago our aged home town physieian tOQk unto himself hi! sec tor of the e1itate of Clara Pierson, C. Louis Freeze, steel worker Of saMe for Lucy l\fool' , $5 :00; Mrs. destined to have a lot of support recently. FORSALB on d brid e by such a method and d~ease d, filled his inventory. Franklin, .and Miss Elizabetb S t u- Oma Osborn e, same for Frank from the rank-and-file Ohioan the WIlS badly stu,.ng, th picture was findings and recommellLdations will Mrs. P. G. Wells 'and daughtel's ;In the m.atti!rof lite estate of art Eberle, music teacher, Frllnk. Ballinger, Virgil Isaac and Water FOR SALE-Antique Coal Urn, arah Annie Earnhart, deceased, lin. May 27. Barow, $24.00; Mrs. Emer Lacy, be such as cannot be "Isneezed at". Ina and Alta were week-elld gue ts of ome on e el e and he was too hl\Ped like a tur en. Inquire sale of real ~statc is ordered. Millard Rill, laborer, of Leb- same for Frank Lacy, $6.00; Mrs. The survey work has 'been under- of her daughter, Mn Mary Rob- befuddled to back out. ' at <iazet~ office. In the m.atter of the guardian- anon, and Mis. ~ Carmen Huma.rick, W. C. Roberts, same fol' W. C. taken with a civic c()nsciousness erts and famil), near Kingman, O. Ther() must be a million rack- F()'R SALE-Good featbers. tnship of :Elizabeth S. Barlan, an in· of Lebanon. May 29. Roberts, $5.00; Mrs. Lule Gabbard, that can only be interpreted as Misses Minnie Jacobs, Jean ets pl'eying upon every pha$e of ~uire at Gazette office. competent, the application for apAlbeJ"t T. Polinsky, salesman, of same for Lincoln Gabbard, $6.00. having been invited in to ma,ke the 6-~~-· pointment of gllardian is dismiss· Cincinnati, and Miss Bel'l1yce Hy. J. R. Oakman, treasurer, Memor study, the surveyors and the firms Fairchild and Dona Rae .Tacobs life. I have just bumped into a ed. . ial Day Committee, Memol'ial Day who loaned the tlilent la1'e going to called on ' Kathleen Tbompson new oneo A magazine salesman FOR SALE- Seed Potatoes, Kllr l man, of Waynesville, June 3. carrying a copy of every trade per. Monday after?oon, Minst, R. R. 1, ~bano n, O. In the case of Anna L. Harris, aJlowance for GranvjlJe Thurston !jee the thing through. iQdical, informed in advance of 6-1I·:!0. e xecutrix of, ·t he estate of Frank Real E.tate Tranefere Committee:;O:: Thoulilld Post, $26.00; Miller-Bryant.Pierce SHORTS AND MIDDLINGS your occupation attemPts to high. L, Hanis, decea ed, "e1'8US Anna Co., carbon and typewl·iter' rib. ___ pressure you into suhscribing to FOIt SALE-FJ'llsh J&rsey C(]IW, L. Har:ris, et aJ, Waltet' oT, J or· A. ,pl'?gram destined to better Ernest Ballinge!' to David and bon, $4.75 i Johnson·Watson Co., seeond calf. Pavis Furnas; Four-a clu., membel'S in Tus- the magazine perta ining to yout dati, Edward B. Dakin and Wi!- Elizab·e th Depew, inlots Nos. 416 100 sa les tn.x receipts fol' Treas- famlharlze the people of t~e state 6-1IS. business. You pay in advance, urer, $7 ,00; The Book Shop, flles with the needs of the ·handicapped carawas county set out 100,000 liatil A. Luk ens 'were appointed to and 417 in Franklin . Recoloded get your receipt an.dlbat's all you and rubber bands for treasurer is now und er way tlhl'ough the · pine and locust tree seedlings this reappraise property. May 27. !o'OR SALE- Nancy Hall, Pono of the magszine Qnd the sales. In t he matter of the estate of Frnnk Spencer and Carrie B. $1.4~; Bell Pr~ss, 300 Delinquent media .of the Commi1.iee ~f One springo Last year they planted see Rieo, Yellow Jersey and ,White hades Wikoff, a person pre- Spencer tll William O. Monfort tax notices for treasurer, $2.50; Thousand headed by EmIle E , 80,000. In a 10·year period" 4-H man. Brazilian Sweet Po~to and all su mC<! to be dead, it i~ ordered and Sue Monfort, real estate in E. B. Murrell, Treasurer, express Watson, Columbus who has bHn member~, .school stude!1ts, farmers 1'==============::;; kinds of garden plants. All Pothat a noticl' be publi hed three Deel'iield township. Recorded May charges on vendors' purchase ord- active in the Birthday Ball for the and mmmg compames p~anted cis·ion so as to retain tbe 8ubetance tatoee 35 cents per hundred 27. . ers, $4.60 ; The Dayton Blank President movement during, the more than a million trea tn the weeks in regard to this matter. ' or three hundred for U.I)O. of the marketing agreement pro,' In the mattel' of ihe estate of • Wlu;den B. Taylor and Sadie Bopk Prin ti ng, pads fo.r recorder. , p~at two years. The Cl>mmltt~e county. 1 1-2 miles north of Waynu_ g l'alD$ ' while modifying enfo.rce. Annette R<Jgerlj., deceased, sale of Taylor to The Miami VaJley Build- $8.24; H. C, Cummings, gas tank l Ill. support th~ work of. the Ohlol ' _ . ville on Ferry road. Stroll" ment procedures to conform to Ill'()pel'Ly is ordered. Ing and Loan Association, inlot No. cap, oil, and labor on car ~or Shel'" Soc~ety for Cnppled h1ldren. ' Neady a billion pounds of meat customary governmellt regulatory Br,o there, R. R. S. 6-18-20,,27 Wi11iam M l\8n, William Kohl' 1012 in Franklin. Recorded May iff, $2.99 . . . were consel'ved and , made avail- practice readily sustainable in FOR SALE Sweet-potato, an d' Thomas J. Parker were ap- 27, Heard, in) Pa.,,;lla . able for. relief distribution through court.''. Mrs. Ida Clevenger, erroneous : tomato, cabbage and a~1 kind. of pointed appraisers of the estate of DOl'othy V. Quayle to Mary E. is~!Uance of vel'ldol:s'license, $1.00; 1 The Ohio Racing COlmmission l'e· purchase programs ot the AAA :M argaret Wihnuth, deceased. Qnayle, l'eal estate in Lebanon. R~ Springboro Methodist Church, ro'- ports that the drive Ilgainst arti- l'I'Iade necessary last year by Sul>scribe for the Miami Gazette! garden plants. D. H. ,Hockett, R. R.I. Waynesville. Telephone [n the tate of U. G. Conover, corded May 29. roneous issuance of vEndors']i.' ficial stimulation° of' horses is drouth, the relief administration ~!!!!!!~~~!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!! 66Rll. · 5.80-tf gU Qrdian o:f perso n nnd estate of Charles H. Coleman and Bertha cense, $1.00 : Red Lion M. E, working and in 25 l'a<:ing days no ~ports. ;::; . Hettie· Conover, an incompetent aleman to George Hildebrand and ChurCh, e1'l'oneous issuanc~ of ven- trace of "doping" was recordedSALE-Fine selection of one .p 'rson, " rsus S, Hcttie Conover, Cather ine Hildebrand, in lot No . dors' license, $1.00; W. H. Wright Charles Sawyer, Cinciinnati attor- I Ch t ·C D . AAA d 'nis and two-year old perennial Ask for a . t mgr. NRS 0 f - ney, . b ' es er . aVIS, a ml an incompetent person, et 111. , 464 in Franklin. Recorded June 1. ml'1eage as d'/s t rIc usmess man, newspaper tr t t t . "Th Agricultural plants i .sweet potato plants, 86 George C. Jones, Alonzo Stiles and Ben 'y A. Brown, Sr., to Paul E. fice, $8.28; David Cal'pe!1ter, mHe· owner and a v:'orld waJr v~teran aI- I A~j~~tn~e~te~dmini:tration has no Miamilburg Permanent cents per hundred~ 800 for U .1II0. John A. KeHIl/'s were appointed Ruppert and Elizabeth Ruppert, a~e ~,manage.r NRS offl(:~, $8,~0; ways has a f~len<il~ greetmg ~hen t h ht f aband nlng eitbe.r its All kinds of gard(ln planq. Ripe appraisCl'S to appraiSe property. Concrete inlot No, 813 in Fran kllll. Re- Vlrgm1a Denlinger, choppll~g tlm- he makes hiS pe1'l0dical bUSiness oug 0 0 ketin strawperrlell. George Pete~D. The will of Ada F. Noble, de· corded June 3, . bel' $1.00' Vernon Micbael gravel trips to the capital-<town-those present program o! mar . g aone mile fr01'l\ WayJ\esvtlle OR . ~ir Seal Burial Vault t t ' . ' . . ' • , '" greements tor frults and vegeta• ' 0 ceased, 'was admitted to probate. Ella B, May to The Loveland Na .. 14.4 : ·n" C. Cummings, gasolme, who are ' m a posltlo,n , to wa~clL bles or its milk m~rketiDg plans. Bellbrook pik.e. Phone 132R21 • For Sale only by $31.02, Fled Furnas, stone, $1() .- . and to .know report that despite On the contrary, weare .nowworkPOOL YOUR WOOL-Prices .~r. 00. precautt.onary methodls sales tax ing with congressional leaders on usually loweat durin, the Ib.rf;lvaslon 19 not nearly as uncommon amendments designed to strength- Your Funeral Director ing Beason, CoDlla'n your wool to DISTRICT M£ETING as gene.r ally believed. e.n thelle marketiD, agreements HELD IN XENIA . Obio Wool Growers CooperaPolitical BUllk and milk plans, McClure Funeral Home tiVe AI50clation. Receive a 16 ceDt "Efforts are bein, made to reBuilding and loan associations Around the capitol where rum· iiO., O. cuh advance and fuJI valae ,wha these proposed , amendments of District No. 2 of the Ohio ors, "reports" and the like · are vise I;old. ~a11lelv111e Farmen E:Itin the light of the Selteehter de-I t-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Building Association .oLeague held bred therc's a story gOing on the chane. Co., Repre.nuttv.. 'a meeting in Xenia, WednC1-\day for the purpose of discussing prob. subject proDlises.while It I~~:::::::::::::::~:.::::.:::; FOR S~A nic. Unl of box appears of thatpolitical the 'prol'l1iser" lems of the institutions during the in oratorical heights campaigning You May Chool. With Utmoat Coafideac. . IltatioD8lT, U abe. aad 1& . . depression period. had occasio n to address two d velo,..' for lie; BhGw.Pae, I ' T.he distnct includes Warren, ticatly divergent and oPPOiling Illetta aad 11 . . .laptI tOl' 10 Diamond.- Watche.- Jewelry- Sllverware Montgomery, Butler, Clark, Preb. groups on the lame day. The centl; WazM pap., wlite . . . . Ie and Green, counties. speaker told each group "what For tlse Gl'adua'e, Shower Or W.ddia. Gilt paper, . . , . aapklu, at Speakers were W. Paul Wagner, liked to bear." Onll recently the Alao, State Buildin, and Loan Superin- "cat got out of the bag" and When tendent; L. R. Kempton, Mount the principals concerned bad a PIPE, Expert Watch Repairing and Engravinr Vernon, Pl'eaident of tbe State chance meeting for was Leacue: James A. Devine and Don .... "". .1 . 0 _ scurry to cover of .. ~~:~~~::: L. Tobin, of the State Lea&'ue and tion" and other W. Frank ROIeIl, of the Pederal eun...

F. T. Martin

N_ Suit.


Capitol Cross Road Chatter

Beech Grove


Centerville, Ohio



Stanley &Koogler


Auctioneer• .







j .D


'-------- -

44 Years Of Service


Cary's Jewelry Shop


Lebanon, Ohio


aeneral Hauling of ~II Kind.

Local and Lon. Diat.nee Haulinl

"71te Home 01 Gilt." .....Iao ........... ..

Rouble AdmJDlatratiOD,

.leROY (Bill) MORAN



fnorable action dated baek to the trylDlr day. of the Civil War when Morlan's confederate raiders invaded Ohio. It authorized a $600 IBSUED EVERY THURSDAY payment to Leo'da Burke Oy19r of CindnnaU for bor es stolen from D. L CRANE I t • ..,U.... crIPtl_ pn.., '1 .10 • v_, her family by Morgan's men. Of (MI. . . . . . ., ............ ' •• ,., No. " . Entered at Po.tottl •• at ' WaYD.. • partioular interest Will a leg! la....... N "Ill., Oblo. a. lIec: .. n4 Cia.. 11&11 .e ......... ,...... ,."." . o. lIS la.ttor tive recommendation to estabJillh a state park a8 a memorial to the Jate William A. "Billy" Iretand, JUNE 13, 1936 illt rnationally-known creator of Ute famous "Pa sing Show" ieature of the Columbu undoy Dispatch. The author of The Passing Show died !ludd/lnly two weeks It ia doubtful i! "ny law ever pa ed in this country stirred up ngo and WII,1l buried at hiK boy110 much discullsion and dissent as the act c~ating t he NRA . hood home town, Chi11icothe. The Now, a year and a balf after ite birth, the argument has finally legi&lative proposal is to make a ended-and all tbe, voices whicb tought abou t its legaUty are stilled. William A. II'eland Stllte Memorial Pal'k in tbe district he loved T he Supreme Court has decided that the NItA violateil the Con- most and about which he wrote stitution. The decision is unanimous all nine justices agreeing with frequently-the Mt. Logan region, the opinion Tead by Mr. Hughes. ' site 01 the design for the Great Briefly, the court has ruled that Congress exceeded its authority Seal of Ohio, in his nativ Ros when it delegated t ho power to promulgate codes of fair competition count~. In his childhood days Mr, , Ireland roamed the wooded slopes to the Presid nt; that the Federal gOY rnment lacks power to regulate of Mt. Logan and the I>unounding 'hours and wages in tt'ansactions affecting intrastate commerce; that hills. Newspapet's and maga7.ines the NitA is, therefore, invalid. throughout the world have tepubA newspaper report on the day of tM decision says that lawyers. lished many o~ his c.artooJl • close to the Administration believod that the opinion doomed the - -NRA to complete and permanent extinction; that it would be Impossi-' About 4,0 00 applicants for the ble to redraw the act $0 as to make it constitutional in the light 300 positions which will be filled in the sales tax division of the of the high court's luddly expressed views. State Tax ommission will take It is poss ible that elimination 01 NRA will cause a certain amount civil service examinations this of hardship in some industries. But., without criticizing the splendid week, according to Chairman intentions of those respon ibl for the act, the court's decision will Ralp? W. Em~o.n!! of the Civ!l b of great benefit to the countl·Y. It shOws that the constitution i Ser~1c.e C~mml 81On . The ~aml­ not dead-and that constitutional freedom iltlll exists and Cilnnot b . natJO~~ Will be conducted 10 ~ix ... , e key c1ties: Canton Colilmbus Cind nega t ed by legislative flat. The NRA tende<l to set up government cinnati C1evelan'd Toledo' as a dictator over all business-and it is n~t difficult to believe that Dayto':. The salaJ~ies for the ~no. the foundera of the country would be the fust to Ilopprove of the Su- lIitions range from $] ,660 to $3,preme Court's history-maklng d ci~io n. 000 annually. The tests wil\ be beld June 12, 13 and 14.


Report of th Annl,,'" Fint a"~rrch


reeorct. of de blch prodoced 453.4 I.... B. 80'4 lb•• milk. IIIr. L. W. Nilbe" terlat and 09.1' were po.NII_1II Jar Loveland, regi ured Holswin berd at! mn)' different me."b IS duma. with I J ,682 lbll, milk. 400.7 lbll. th

B. 1<'. wa high ht'rd for milk. During the yur thirty-1nur ('n"8 produccd in excess of 400 lbs. B. F. and fifteen gave over 10,000 Ibs. milk. A total of fiv bulls, all registcred and their dam! all having



The following were el.cted .. olti('ers of the UIIociaUon for the coming year: Mr. Walter Ellia pre~ident; Mr, L. W. Nilbet, vice: president; Mr. H. A. Lloyd, sec.treas; Mr. Arthur N. "'rench, and Mr. L. W. Chandler, diN!Cton.


Farm hight lalks, June 17



Radio Station- WOSU

8:00 Music 8:0~.Early-d.y

Vineyards About Cincinnati "., .. " •..••. ,,,. H. E. Ellwine The Ohio Wheat Insect Survey . :""." ,.. " ... ,''' '". T . II. Parks MUllic Inventorying Our Land Asset/l .. " .... , "" .. " ...... ". A. H. Paschall Financing Farming and FQrro Marketing ...... ...... , Robert Immell A New Deal in Houst!cleainng .... ,., ........ ,.. :., 'H' Thelma Beall Music ~:26 Summer Management of Pel'manent PastureI' ".,.. ""., D. R. Dodd 9 :3r; Produce Received by Truck on Columbus Marke '. . _." ... ..., ................" " .. ,. ." .... ........... ,.. .." " .... ... ' .,', C. W. Hauck 9:46 Garden LUi s ., ...... ,," " ......... ,,, ' '''".,. ,. .. " ." L. C. Chadwick

8:16 8 ;25 8:40 8:60 9:00 9.10

Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol Oolumbu, 0 ., June 12-T}le appoin.t ment of M. Ray Allison, Assistant Secretary of State, to tbe important cabinet post of Director of Finance was announced last week by Governor Martin L. Davey. Mr. Allison, who succeeded Judge Howard L. Bevis of Cincinnati, reeigned, assumed bis doties the day following the annQuncement of the appointment. Th e new finanee director, originaUy from Champaign county, has been active instate politjca for a number of years aDd flinee 1933 has served as AllSistant Secretary of State. Mr. Allison, a lawyer by pr01e$sion, WAI at one time auditor for thk Department of Finance, attorney in t he Depart ment of Commerce and alllilltant

Super inte nd~nt

of Budget. He is president of the F ranklin County Democratic Club and the Leaglle of Young Democratic Clubs of Ohio. ,S ecretary of State George S. Myers, in congratulating D.irectOr AlIi on on his appointment, announced that the position of Assistant Secretary of State will not be filled for tbe time being but that he himself will assume the duties of the office in order to make additional 8IIvinp in the Department of State. A special board to recomm~nd a minimum wage and to open negotiations for a t.;atisfactory pay schedule for the t\lrnployet! of Ohio restaurants .and hotels will be named within a few day!! by Miss Elaine W. SbeUler, superintende nt of the Minimum Wage Division of the State Department of Industrial Relations. The board will be composed of three employ. es, three employers and three citizens at large wbo have no cJirect connection. with either labor or industry, Miss Sheffler said. At present mandatory wage seale8 are in effect in the dry cleaning and laundry industries. ' The Ninety-first Ohio General Ass'e mbly concluded . its regular session last week with a record of paasing 228 laws out of approximately 900 bills ~at were intrQduced. A special seaston will be called by Governor Davey late in the Sllmmer, it W88 indicated. One of the measures that was given

.ake ' Law:aa ·B.aatllal BOW' HaVe )'oor mower lrt°ultd lDaehblery .. used

in the feetor.v. e.·


......... .

Satisfaction Guaranteed

H. M.

Sherwood net

Local hristian cienti ts win Palmer, both of Brookline, Mass., be intel'ested to heal' that a call were re-el cted Treasurer ' and to r n~wcd activity in the !laily Clerk of the Chureh. l'espectively. Approximately 6000 persons, appJieati 11 of Chri tian Science wa issued at the anual me:t!ting lepl' senting but a fraction of the of The Mother Church, The First iotal membera/Jip of The Mother Churcb of ChI' t, Scientist, in Bos- , hurch. crowded the gl'eat audio tQn, Ma sachuset.ts, by the Christ. tOl-)u m to the thh'd gallery, overflowing into the original edifice ian Science Board 'of Directors. Church officer!; in their rel~o.rt:l edjoining. --------divulged marked 'growth of the movement throu.ghout the world, CINCINNATI SOFT BALL and incr a ed demand fOl' the TEAM DESIRES GAMES writings of Mary Baker Eddy, DisOne of the best oftball teams Between Toledo and Cincinnati For the fiJ'st time since before coverer and Founder of Christian in gr Mer Cincinnati, affiliated the disastrous .Eastilr-Monday fire Science. Charted for the Benefit of lnler. Gorge Wendell Adame, speakwith the Ohio Amateur Softball and riots at Ohio Penitentiary in atate Motor Touri t . as Well as 1930 the mJl1ates have been ac- ing as chairman of the Boar'd of As ociation, and playing under NaTraffic Within the Borders of Obio Directorll, . tressed the needl for tional Softball Committee playing corded freedom of the prison inwre t not only in problems of rulcs, would like to schedlle games yard, it became known here last week. Under the new manage- indiV'idual , "but also in the gen- ""itb out-oI-town teams, either at to Cincinnati as shown bere",oith is ment of Warden J am cl! C. Wood- eral welfare of the world. ~rruth home or away. The Cincinati team the shortest distance between t he ard the prisoners were let out of and Love hold guard over the is agreeable to playing almost any two cities. Officials o( the State t heir cells' and permttte~ to roam whole world as well a~ ovelL' the time, afternoon, twi-lIght, 01' at ?ceupant of it," the Di- night under t he ligbts week-days Highway Departm~nt give the about the hu ge inside prison yard minutc:st " rectors "said . • or Sundays. Team managers demileage saving as about 11 miles. for two houl"s on Decoration Day. In these .days ~f um'a t. with . sil'ing to book this team, are reConduct wa said to have been There's l ess traf100 percent good, whiCh attested rumors o~ VItal dlsagreements a- quested to write Fred Marsh,' room tic congestion on monf? natIons, we shou ld tllrn of300, 612 Vine St., Cincinati, rethe gratitude of the ihmate body the Toledo-Cincinnati Short Line In prayerful. expectan~y that garding terms dates etC. for the extra pl'ivHege.s. A spec- ten nat.ion hall not rl e up agaJJl!lt na" than on any ot\1er highway conial holiday dinner was J>re)1ared necting these two d t le8. There but that Love, God, will be WARREN-CLINTON LEAD tion, for the event and while in the acknowledged as supreme i[1 the are far fewer curvea (no hairpins) . yard the pri oners were enter- aflah's of men. In reality. men IN MILK PRODUCTION and all railroad grade .crossings ta ined with a concert by the pris- and nations do not envy and hate are exceptionally well protected. on band. The Warren·Clinton D. H. I. A. each other i becallse they bovl~ one 'I By reason of heavenly Father they respect; a nd average for the past year was the ILl 1 the shorte'r highest. it has ever been ' since it love each other!' mileage, less congestion (both on The election. of A. Barry Elacon started seven years ago, with an the highways and in the commuas the new President .or The !tfoth- average of 8909 pounds of milk. nities thru which theY' pasl), fewer er Church was announced. Mr'. Ba- 337 pounds bu tterfat, acc ording to curves, and adequate width con ucceeds D1·. John M. Bt'ewer MI". Ivan McKellip. Dairy Extenroadbed and bridges, tbe Associate Pl'ores or at the Har- sion specialist, Ohio State UniversRoute here outUned is a vard Graduate School of Eoduca- ity. The high herd for butterfat was big time-saver for the By tion. busy motorist-very prob,New ReQde ~s lected to serve. in R ~istered Jersey herd owned by $TEPHEN M. YOUNG ably as much as two hours. The Mother hurch [or the next Mr. Wm. Luken!, Harveysburg, (;:08(1"... 111-. At Larle three years are Ralph B. Sholfield -:!"'~~~~~~~~~~~~'!!! Miss Florence Siever Mid- - - .AN ALL PAVED Thi il! vacation time for many and daugh. NOTICE OF ELECTION but thtl President and Congress HIGHWAY Edward L, Ripl ey and Ezra W. will probably work and swelter The Massie Township Rut'al in Washington Uflti) August. Talk ==~========= Choice of Knowing Ita..... School District Board of Educaof early Congressional adjourn- DESTROYING LARGE AREAS Ia&.D The b a c k· Motorists tion, Warren County, Ohio, will ment ended when the Supreme bone of the ofOF CANADA TH1!:;TLE ubmit at a special election on Orl ,lnaied and SponaorecJ Court walloped the N. R. A. ficial RevoluJuly I G, 1935, to the electors of , by the erence to vacation reminds m tionary Trails that some months ago my twelve A good deal of the effort that is the district the que tion of the System of llevo)utlonary passage of general obligation year old boy talking with a school- expended yearly In an effort Ito deWestern Ohio. bonds of the district in the amount Short Trail mllte said, "My Dad thinks Pres- stroy this weed is wa ted because Marked ita ident Roosevelt has done a lot of failure to realize when the weed of $21,000.00 for the purpose of Association entire lenlrth el'ecting a fireijroof a\idition to th~ good." The other tittl~ fellow may bfi neglected and at what by historical plied, "Oh, I don't think t.ime an intensive eradication pro- present school building. The maxmarkers of· the hasn't elosed the schools ye"tIJ.-,,- n'CI gram is essen tial, states H. A. Run- imum number of years during Ohio Memorial Talk of adjournment of Con- nels, of the Degartment of Botany which said bonds will run is 21 Commis810n. gr ess is now at low ebb. Many and Plant Pathology at tbe Ohio yeal's and the estimated average additional tax rate, outside the pending measilres have been re- Experiment Station. For additional strip turned to committees for revision Nearly every fat'mer knowl~ that te n mill Ii nlitation , as certified by maps or any information the Warren County Auditor, is .26 to conform to the recent Supreme the fleshy, creeping roots bear relative to Stat~ Parks, Pleasure Resorts. Scenic Court decision. Congre s may be buds that grow in to aerial Sl!100ts, mills. Spots. Historic Shrinet! By order of tl1e Massie Townin session for sixty daYB longer in but frequently he does not naHze or the hundreds of other lIn effort to clear away present that lhese underground part s a re 'S hip Rural School District Board point& of especial interest confusion. the storehouse for food re!lerves of Education, Warren County, along this route, writ.) • • • elaborated in the green, leafy Ohio. . WILBUR M. F }.ULKNER R. S. TUCKER, President. This Supreme Court . decision shoots. Sinc~ the growth of. new Secretary JOE W. DAVIS, Clerk. · will doubtless rank in importance planb, until early June, is ~lIt the L-________-A~NruUE~OmO June 13-20-27 Jul,¥....O'"+___-.:::: with the Dred Scott case. The expense of this r esel've, infested Court nullified the N. R. A. and al'eas may be safely let alonEI dur-



L-__~__________- -__- -______________________- -__- - - - - -__'

The Ohio State

r: :.a ~11attCt's of Th~ Chl" i::ti<)n 5:iencc Puhli:lhing S o~iety

Irs SHORTER i~~ \~e~:



Straight from Washington




~ c~~ c~~~d ~~~~~ ~e ~gQri~w~h~ea~u~u~~=============~~====~=================~====

inoperative. It is now well under- the we.ed i accomplishing 1~1 own stood tl/at Oongress has no powe~ downfall. The far mer' s problem to e.8tablish maximum hours or from early June until fre'ezing weath'E!r is not only to preven,t the minimum wages of workers em!"B2-1 building up of lood rcserves which ed in purely local or intra tate normally occurs in unmolested business. Various state legisla. plants but 'also further to d &plete ture!! mu st provid e such tho e already present in the roots. tions. Congress also must T enact codes. The Court decreed be methods available are,: (1) that the President had no author- fallowing the land from early June until late f all and using a cu~l tivat­ ity to Eiltab.lish codes in industry ed crop the next' year to co~nplete OongJres8 may ' define interstate eradic.a tion, (2) usl)'lg a tilled commerce and broaden that term crop such as COrn at least :~ sucto 'apply to all except local and cessive years, (8) growing a shadstrictly intrastate industry. The ing perennial, such as alfal!:11 folCourts will a~c~t t~at definition. low ed by a cultivated crop, (4) planting several successive annuals The N. R. A., thrown into tbe such as soybeans or Sudan grass. With any of the clJltural methasb can by unanimous vote of the Suprem&Court, has, during its two ods it is iJllperative that thistle years of full life and health, pro- sprouts ·be destroyed as fre:qu. entvided jobs for ' many unemployed I hand abolished child labor. Even y as t ey appear above the soU though this law has been declared and that the procesa be con,tinued . I weather, Anf tool void, it is sate to assert that tbe such as a disc harrow oJ; culitivator American people will no longer equipped with Wide sbovels or tolerate 'in any section of the ~weep8 is satisfactory. A godd deal country the grinding of bones of f h d I b i little children into dollars for 0 an a or s eseential if • crop such as corn is grown, anell, with areedy emplo!er~. • either this crop or an annual smothet' crop, it is neeessary to Senator Borah. foHowing the start cultivlltion again after the Supreme Court decision made this crop is removed lind cQntinue until atateBman.1ike utterance :-"1 do freezing weatber. stops all .....owth. not wiah to be undentood as con.. te,lding that the Constitution is a Potato Seed aacrad document never to underao amendment. Neither do I .Iell it to lJe inferred that the deciaionl U potato leed II held late In of the SuprelM Court are above ordinary It wUl Ihrivel tile consideratioll and criticism of and sprout. To avoid exeeaive tile people. . But I do wlab to be sprouting and ahri"elinlr, pour the 1mdentood .. cOlltendinr that the seed from the bap. enel ICatter &nat underl)rll\8 prillcipl" of the thilllJ in • bulldiq when there III Amerlean Cellltitution .... india- lilrht and air, or On boaria laid 011 ,......w. to • form of tM srouncl ander a
























tile Obl_O_8.... tMe~~V--r-I_.....,1

~~__lJ~. .l~~~~--~~

Town hill Fal'mer' lub ·a. he-1d t(\dS1 at thl' home of Mit'll Blanche and l'('t'le RII y.

• · . Ilinut'r jl;Ul·.tS l,f II..



I and Mrl<. lIarv4!Y unll l i n. wC'nt to inrinnatl, Wedn . day of Mr,


Old , Out

Books Take Sting Desperadoes' Bullets

---Tht) "Busy Fingel'll" 4·H FO(ld II·tI. fo.tlwin 1Ii1ltt. Ilf club organized Montlay, Jun 3. Willl\ili~tOI\, {'ull('cJ 011 HoOl!! fricnd~, .'ulldoy. The (pllQwi ng officerll were - 0-eiected; Gwendo lyn Towsan. pr ellII'. Rurus K'I l')', \'[ l·e ~onil.l, ill nt: Miriam Scott, vice·presidellt JilIL',1 hel'c 011 BllndRY. mdred ook. secretary; Virgin-0in Pre ton, new reporte r. h·~. Leno Ha l'lRock wa. in Wi!· The club will 1\1 teach l{onmillgtOTl, cently lo se(' h \}' new day in June at the home of Mrs. gl'l\l1ddaughl'I', 1\(-ll1n iUl'g8l'cl, inftmt t1nughtel' of t\h. IInu Mr~. JolIn Pl'eaton, leader. A. Z. Ilurtsock. Th.., !l~coml meeting Ol t he - 0"Busy Finger "4-H Food club fr. ant.l 1\h;I>. 'r nl alvett lind was held Monday, J une 10. at 2 Mr. and Mrs. Will Grant, of Sima· o'clock at the home of Mrs. Pre$. W I'e guest of 'uperint n<1ent ton. Arter t.he bu~nel!s se8sion, nn,1 Mrs. Howell Pi(1tce on sun" 1 th a.ftel'lloon was spent in cook· day. in~. 'I'he food cooked being serv- 0ed later to the membcl'S lind their Mr. Diuk Pi I·C. 01 Toleclo, g u sts. ca ll II on his gl'nndpOl'cnls, h. harlolte Ry and Virginia nd Mrs. Pierce Satul'd;w nft r· Pl' ston were select d to present nt each meeting, names of the -0Kick in th e village. to whom the Mr. Will Vaugh n, of Pasadena, club will take some of the food Californill, ailed at tbe Home they have made. ·Monday . Mr. Vaughn is the Vir inia Pre ton, News Rebrothel' of Mrs. Carri unbo}'n, porter. fO l'merly I a nH'mber (I f the Home family. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ TRY CELE BRATE BIRTHDAY . OUR CLASSIFIED COl.UMNS A NN IVERSARIES SUNDAY In celebration f their bil'thd8Y 1\11', anti

Wl.\ltl'I· , ,hl't'hun Friday t'vt'ning, la.. t wt'l'k 'm accoynt IIf th(' \HI' • h ·R. i'h'l'han' )oistllr, Mi. s tI!'lIth of th~ latt('r 1\ Ullcle, Ben I ,\~DI'l 5 in ral America rl:d tbat wben telepholle books are Rebt'c(,R Dunhanl and two fl'icndl!, Ro ' llIIgI . art &na hing teeth over placed betwc:en tile plates, the deathof incinnllti Imd lwr lathet', M,'. Mi~s Mary Young ha~ l>rnploy- I a new lise fOtlnd for old tele- cl aling slugs land among the Smitbe Mrp. Mary BUll Ra mond Dunh 1111 or Kin . Mills. In nt at th V " 'l'l I e r am o. phone t1ire~tc,rics. and the joneses, snuffing out a few Jo i. Graham and • .. .. 'o. in l)ayton. Railr ad cars. alt hough built of names, but no people. WhitakN', ~p nt r.frs. W'tlrr n Wood and on, of Mrs. Lucy Dyke t'H urneu to hel' dOllblc steel plates. formerly were The railroad immediately ordered 'ril'nll in sbol'n. 1.£11 n III, wcr callet's at th borne home in Dayton Friday ('vening \'ulnernble to Ihe batldits' high-pow- two tOilS of the extra-thick New • tIC J\{r~ . AHl' M Kinsey and after spendin ' 8 V ral w~'kt' wllh ered bullets. Then someone discov- York directories to insulate its carl. lIh·$. Im8 FI ull'h of fa on, dll\llI'h t er, Till' day evening. hel' daughter, Mr.. Fore·t GI'alid • fl'~. 101lzo B 'ck ,It were • .. oil .. ham and ian\iIy. Mrs. Dyke was ~ inner uet>t of 1\1rs. ~fIrl 1101· Mi. Henrietta McKinsey, u- gr atly improved on hel' return ,Id, Tue~dny. fler"i~ol' of Primary. chools at home. • The Lndi s' Aid met at the Ashtabulll, IIrrived home Tues~ay 1 .. S. H nkle wa ho.te. evening for t;e :\Im~l1 r vacation. home of Mrs. S. H . Burn~ on t th nll·l\1ul.' ( the Ft'iendshill Wedne day of la t week with Mrs. duh, W\ ·cll\l~~dny dtl~1·nO\1l1. lillS 1i('e Oons \\'a8 graduated Ina Longacre and Mr . Mal'garet .Tune 7, fl'?m l~ Teacher, co.lleg~ Duke II hostess 8. At this meet• • Fr d Gullndy. \'ho SP!'lIt the u~ the Umverslty of Cl~Clnatl, ing they plan ned for a supper on inlN in <'w . Ri hmond, i vis. \\ lth a iUa tel' 01 Educatron de- Saturday evening, June 22. and it ing his uaughtcrs h re. gr e. .... . also the Aid picnic to b held on ,.( M;a July 11. • R J h MI'>!. ut ann y an, '" R W It M f ' r g MIl'S Dori Henll I' on, of in- Louella will go to oluntbus, Friev. a er ar m U! spen( m einnati, i 1\pending her two-w eks vllcation with her father. L. M. IIay, where they will be th guests a couple of weeks at the college day and WIlS enjoy,~d by II large day h~re with fdendll and rll.laCl' wd. It cOllsisted of a ('antata, Hender on llnd 111 rl!. Henderson. for a w k of Mr. and MI' . Rod-' at DelawOre. erick Bal'd~n. · lfr. Duke Tri key and family, "The Gates Ajar" and al 0 recita. tives. • Miss Rachel Shambaugh was an • • • of Dayton, spent the week-end tinn!! and songs by th \it.tle tots. ov~r-night guest of be~ sister, Mrs. :MI'!!. ath~rine Evans and son, !oil'. and Mrs. G. D. fill s were with his moth~I', Mrs. Alice Trick- Baskets of flo\ver as a backN' d, of incinnaLi, were gUI! ts· 01 al'l Moore and family last Friey and daughter. ground setting looked beautiful. Mrs. Ida. Stoke and Mrs. ' Ada in CQlumbus aturday. orma Longacre, little daughter . ' . • Mr. and Mrs. Harvey BUl'net ourtney, Sunday. W omans' ivic Leagu met Mr . Grac Jame. and children. were Dayton vi itors aturday. of ]I'h '. and Mrs. Ca'lvin Longacre, at the home. of Mrs. Mary Doster, fr. u an Saylor and son, gave a party Tuesday afternoon ncat' Hickoryville lallt Satul'day Mrs. Martha .Kinkaid, Mr. Dick of Center iIIe. were gu stl! of Mrs. Elizabeth L ew!. On unday. Riley. 01 Dayton, were Friday and in honor of het· firth birthday. afternoon. Quite an intel'e8ting anniver al'ies which . fall on the Kinkaid, 1\11'. C. W. Frazee and .. • .. Saturday gue!!t of Mr. and Mrs. Th os pre cnt Were: Phyllis Bailey meeting wns held and delicious re- !la me date, 'Ml's ••James Lov ly and daughter, Nina~ of Sardinia, wer A. H. Stubb wa cal/ed to William reighton nnd Mr. and Betty Jean ampbell. Frances ire hnlent were served aftel' the .11'. Walter Undel'wood entertainSUlI<1ay guest of Mrs. Mary C. Lewi burg, Friday mot'ning, to !Iff. Harry Graham. Whi taker, Betty Thomas, Janic e clo e of the. meeting. . 10 nd Mr. R. A. 1'0• • take care of the body of Samuel Mr. and Mrs. :Melvyn Swank a.nd Phylli Bur nett, Pat y Duke. Th cost of a tuneral 8ervice II The ~ 111 sic Grange held a VBry ed Il got·oup of fri nds, Sunday, at lI;1ilton Jones, enjoyable meeting last Saturday Vale's amp, n at' Oregonia. A entirely decided by the wishes of Mr . Eva filler i. confined to 01diath r, 05 yel;lt'S of age. the find children, of · Dayton, spent. Mildred Smith I t iv il War vcte ran at that Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Richal'd Whitaker, Dickey Duke. night. pringboro grange was. very niee dinner was enjoy d by our clients. Their choice of a her hom b clUJ e of an infect casket and necessary accessorie8 Longacre.. ,. Virgil and Reith Longacre and pre ll~nt and ut the close of the t he {olio,.. i nJ.\' gue ts: pln c('. foot. i influenced by no attempt at .. • • Mr. Lowell Thomas lS a VictIm Dickey [I·ons. Mis 8 Mildred meting, strawberries and cake 11k an d l\tr·!!. Tom Grubb, of Young and Miriam Wharton as- were se rved. Miss arlene H ough, of Ridge- of the mump . alesmnnship on our part. We Mrs. Laura ide, in company l\Iid~lIetown; MI's. Pat'ker, ColumRay Miller spent veral days i ted Mrs. Longacr,e in nlel'tainMr. and Mr~. Will. Luken!! and bus; lIh·. and frs. Lee Lovely, of fQllow their ' de ires closely, a nd with her son, Raymond Eyl!r, of ville, i visiting heY grandparent, last week at the hom~ of Mr. and ing them. family. Mr. and Mrs. ehas. Doster, pringl)ol'o j Mr. H. Smith, Mt. keep the total cost to as moderate Dayton. attended lhe races at Day- Mr. and Mrs. Vern Hough. • • • ?tlrs. C. C. Sweetman In Dayton. ton. Tue day. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gillam IIJId Holl!,l; Mr, and Mrs.· Wilbur a flgure as their choice dictates. At the commencement exerclies Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Moler of -----. ,. family and Mr. and Ml·S. Wm. Hawke and family, Harv ysburg; DOKLel' and son, Howard picnick- Mr. and Ml·S. Vielo..· lIfcGuire, Ni B tty Harper. of Culv~l', of the Cincinnati Y. M. C. A. Law Col umbus, were week-end guests ed at Breezy Hill near Cincinnati Trenton; Mr. and Mrs. K.ratt, lnd., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. schoolla t Friday night, Miss Dor- of Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Vuker. is Henderson was winner of' the F ather'S Day will be observed The dealh of MliS. George Hos- last Sunday. Jorris Fulkerson. Dayton' Mis t ell a ' augherty. first cholarshiIl award of $75 > at Lytle next Sunday morning. ier occurred at thcl home of her Mrs. G. M. Ma Donald and Mr. and Mrs. liUord Buzick. Firat and second awards, $75 and Everyone invited. son, Harry and ~alnUy early I~st daughter, 1\Ii Anna, ilPen~ Sun[Ii,uzRML~ The relu1ar meeting of Wayne $50 were made to t he two r ankRev. H. H. Lafferty, and young We-dne day mormnl!:. 01 aeute In- day afternoon at the hom of Mr. James Lovely and family, Robert PHONE- 29 . lng highest in the senior, 'junior, folks from SOllth Lebanon, attend- dige tion. Funeral services were John Spa'ay, of n ar New Burling- Lamb, Edgar Smith, Ralph Smith, Sam Bllkel', Lou 'B randt and Mr. sophomore and freshman dUlles. ed Epworth League bere Wednes- held at the Friends' church in ton. ' WAYNESVILLE. OHIO Vale. Miss Hen derson was ,a member of day evening. Misses Marjorie Shumakel' antl New Burlington 0[1 Friday aftertbe sophomore claa • Mr. 8l1d M1'8. RUl!&ell Campbell, noon and burial WII in the ceme- Rachel bambaugh, accompanied HAPPY HOUR CLUB ,son and daughtel', were dinner tel'y at New Burlington. • .. • Glenn Snell to 'Cineinnatl last SatMt s 1tli1d~ Hartsock, daugh- ~uests of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Mis Helen Stephen gave a re- urday. . The Happy HOIiT club wa entel' 01 1\(r. and M .... Fred Hart- Sears and family tn Waynesville. cital at the gym last Tuesday ~r. and M .. ~ E. V. Shumaker flock, formerly of t his place. was Mn. Clyde Wh art9n and daugh- night \ ith , everal , ot her pupils hav l'ehuned from .an extended tertained at the home of Mr8. one 01 n group ot sixteen who 1'8- ter, Miss Eva, Mrs. Allen Em rick [rom here taking part. It was visit with her mother in New Lloyd DMis, Tuesday afternoon, The thought at death with forty-two members present. ceived their Ph. D. degree, )Doc- and Mr. Walter Kenrick, spent very much enjolled by all who York. A Children's Day program was is one that all aVOid. tor of Philosophy) at the com- Friday in payton. were t h e r e . . Irs. Same Reason has returned pre ented and during the social Yet. in this age when mencement of t he University of The Y. F_ M. of the Friend's The W. C. T. U. luet wltb Mrs. home from a short \'isit with her I}our refreshments of strawberry ~W., Cincinnati on last Friday night. . chu rch, Waynesville, were enter- E. B. Dakin last 'lrhursday aftor- l granddaughte)', Mrs. Rhodes Bun. men face prohlems shol'tcake and coffee were sel1ved. There were 1, H16 g~aduates, the tained Sunday evening at the noon, wllh several me.mben pres- nell and family. ' bravel" one muat Special guest 0 f the host-etlS large t c]af:\S in the history of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley en[,. The July mJ,letmg will be JUNE 14-15 The flinel'al of the in/ant son were Mrs. Alvin Earnhart, Mrs. sol\'letlmes think of univer ity. Bailey. held at the home of Mrs. A, S. of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Francis was A. H. Stubbs, Mr . C. E. AnderONRAD NAGE L and the ending of life as • • • l\1r. and M1's. J. H, Tewell and ollett. held at West Union on Monday son and Mrs. Raymond Wade. FLORENCE RICE. in Mrs. Alice McKinsey and Mi!IB family Of Franklin, were Sunday welJ as its daily trials Mrs. Evelyn fbumakel' and altel'noon. Several from here at. Henrietta visited Mrs. J. N. Harris afternoon guescts of Mr. and Mrs. and tdumphs. We daughter, Miss Marjorie, of Port tehded the services. ubscribe for the Miami Gazette! and family in Centerville, Wednes- Wilbur FOUlks. William, spent Friday and SaturOur community was shocked to may be consultEd in day. 1\(rs. Harvey Burnet accompanCartoon, "Babes at Sea" hear of th.e death of Mr. Elias confidence about any • • • lied Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mendenhall Comedy. "Gentlemen of the Ogl sbee, Monday moming of this aspect of luneral Mrs. Russell Benllon and child· of WayneSVille to a District meetBar." wek. run. of Cleveland, are visiting jng of the Farm B ureau at Eaton, se-rvice. • Mrs. Benso n's parents, ?tl r. and Fri day_ JUNE 16-17 Mrs. W. p, alisbury. . Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Grove were J A K BENNY, NANCY •. ,. • di nner guests of the former's Mr. and Mrs.. Th~dore Barr" mother, Mrs. J"lorence Grove in CAR R O L L ~ in . X-RAY WORK F, 13. Harris, former county nee E'llen Thompson, are anounc· Dayton T u esday evenjng . Pre.ident: GifJoI·d oJ ••1.litT~ superintendent of schools, is con ing the birth of a son, Monday, Mary a nd Margaret Sweetman BLOC ANESTHESIA Talk. 23,00 10 Mil •• in valescing at his home on East June 10. 'and Jack Trickey of Dayton are All Kiad. of DOftture. Made , Main street from a recent serious • • • visiting their grandmother, Mrs. Record Hookup Phoa.1 illne s caused by an attack of the Mrs. G. C. Dibert and children Alice Trickey and f amil y_ Repair Work Do... Quiclcl, Fox N ••a· The human voice traveled around ' flu. Attending physici , ns l'eport are spending a few days with Mrs. Mrs. Margaret J olms spent th e Dibert's parent's at McComb, O. week..end w th her sister, Mrs. the world for a new distance and that he is slowly but satiSfactorily Two Show&-7 ;00 " 8.30 p. m. E li zabeth Smith in Dayton, an d time re.cord recent I), ~hen . Walter l'ecovering from the illness. ~ain St. WAYNESVILLE, O. ADM. lOe-llc S. Gifford, pres~: ======~ lubscribe for The Miami Gaaette on Friday evening they atten ded , an en tertai nment at the Art Inide n t 0 f the .ANNUAL REPORT OF THE stitute in which the former's American TeleMIAMA VALLEY CEMETERY grandda ughter, Vivia n Johns. took phone and Tele· ASSOCIATION pa rt. graph . Compan),. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. T hompson talked over a Receipt. left Sunday on a motor trip to vis23.000 mile tele- Burials .. , ...................... $2.126.00 it relatives at Youngstown. 'Ohio, phone and radio Foundations ............ ....... 71.76 and also in P~n nsylvania . They circuit to T. G. Vases .. .......... ...... ..... .... 41.50 accompanied the latter's son , 'AlT. Miller, a vice Interest on Loa ns ........ .. '919.20 Roy William s and family of Daypresident of the Lots Sold .................. ... ,.. 731.00 ton • . company. Their Grave Righ ts ..... .. ...... . . 128.00 Charles Bunnell, Donald Foulks. voices co vered Insurance ............ ,.... ....... 700.00 Jack and Richard Adams a nd AlA MYSTERY FARCE IN THREE ACTS this tremendous Old Va ults Sold ...... ...... .. 5.00 Ien Fry, wer e on t he amateur prodistanFc in a .P erpetual Care .... .......... " 217.9 1 gram of WSAI Monday evening. Note Paid ........................ 8 ,000. 0 0 Mrs. Nellie Montromery and quarter of a second. The Telephone' circui t was the Vault Sold ... .. ~ .. ...... .... ,.. 26.00 daughter, Mls8 Cleo. of Dayton. 6.75 were 6vening dinner guests Sun- longest ever established. The route Sales Ta x ........ ,........... .... day at the h ome of Mr. and Mrs. of the call was through San Fran· Cisco. J ava, Ams\4!rdam, London, Walter Kenrick. Di.bur.eme.nb Miss Miriam and We1)dell Salis- and back to New Y C)rk. Into ~romorrow Wages ....... . ,.......... .......... .$1,125.80 bur y ot Sab ina. are spending sevIn crossing the international date Supplies ........... ... ............ 781.0 3 eral days this week at the home of line far out on the I'acine. the voices Tehiphone ............ ............ 78.10 Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emr ick, AT EIGHT P. M. their parentll, Mr. and Mrs. Leon of the speakers. went from today into Supt 's Salary ......... ......... 1,215.00 tomorrow and then back into today Treasurers Salary .... ...... 100.00 ADULTS 2Sc CHILDR&N lOe Salisbury made a bUllin ~1I8 trip. to again. In New Yorl', wbere the call Check Tax "....... ..... ....... 2, 32 Chicago. BENEFIT OF YOUNG CHURCHMEN OF . 78.6 5 The Children's Day pro~m wu made, it WaS half put bine Insurance .. .. ....... ....... ..... . ST. MA~Y'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH .................. ,........... 62.17 was given at Lytle churCh Sun- Thursday morning. At San Francisco the clocks r~d 6 :30 a. m. Flowers. ,Shrubs ... ....... 182.59 AI the ·voice of 1:he fi rst speaker State A ss'n Duee ............ 8.00 sped acrOS$ the Paci.fic the clocks in Printing .. ,......... .............. 4.50 Hawaii had just struck 4 a. m. Far- I'ostage .. ,.. ....... ............. ... 4.20 ther out in the western Pacifi c,' ship's Bank Box ........................ 2.2'0 bells were striking once, indicating in terest .... ... ................ .... · 61.53 12:30 a.m. Fr iday. I n Java. thc voice Two Bonds -Bougbt .... .... 750.00 got back to Thursday and when it Notes Paid ................ , ... 1.2 60,00 . flashed through London, the hancIJ on S!iles Stamps ... :..... ......... ' 7.00 Big Ben pointed to 2::30 p. m. It ar- Loan ... . :.:......................... 100.00 rived back in New York at a quar- Freight .... ..... ..... ............. 7.50 ter of a second after 9 :30 a. m.



• •

• •




Moderate Cost

........ ..


• • •


.. ·. . .

..... ....




T ..la8 Theater






,.t '.---------------,


Death Flies Ealt



Trans-Atlantic Merry-Go-Round

J. E. McClure

Wayne.ville, Ohio



Thrills : Suspense : Mystery



Thursday, June 20th



A Complete Stock and . equipment to fill all your need••

The Mlallli

Everything for Building See


H. Madden


National radio nc,tworlcs, .uch 81 the NBC "Red'" and "Blue" chains, Receipts exceed Disbursements ... , ........ ... .. ,$2,161.62 derive their names f'row colora used on maps to design:!Ite the hook-up ijal~ nc e Jun e 1s t 1934 .. ....... , .. , ............... $1.789.70 of telephone circuitl required to '\:IIrry program. to l tatiOIU OD the Balance June 1st 1936 " ...... , ......... ....... $S.951.8~ network. ATTENDING C()NFERENCE spending thil\ attending a vocational ag-

nay h..

Ca sh nn Hand ........... $8,951. 32 Accounts ........ ............ 640.75 F ive shares Lingo Stock .. .............. ,........ 300.00 Residence in Corwin ... .. , 1,600.00 Deposit in Mutual Hom. .. ............. ..... ,. ... ,.e88.00 Banda ........... ....... ....... '710.00 Notes .... ... .............. ... .10••01.'70

10 at th e Wert. It Wert Balaftce in Per. Care Fund JaDe 1, AbOC-


Ie......... ...... .......... 'U•••'J,7e Paid i D dariq tile

,..~ lot ...." ••


In thiaclimate, fence IIWItbave nal . .~ fi&htiD& qualltiel, or"nut will IOOD weakeD it and tbm deItroy It. Red BraDd Fence II • n,o &steel fi&btcr. It fi&bta nJIt, ~ with ~ heavy GalvaDDellled outer eoatiq, ·eecond, with • nal copper beariDI,


... -


/nra_ aec:tion. Doubl. PotectlaD . Tbil t,.o-.... q. rust protectloa 84da yean to ita tile aDd .... feIa daI1arI for , . . Let', tdlit . . ..


Eighty-Seventh Year



Whole Number 6174

THUR DAY, JUNE 20, 1935 I



~::T:r::::::' :::::::11 a lFARMERS CLUB HAS

UNIVERSITY REPORT GOOD CROPS SMALL GOLDEN WEDDING The BUllY Fingers 4, H Club met of the leader J. CELEBRATED MONDAY, stead fv:nj:;~e~~8t:~ ~~~~~nT\~:~:! INlEnESTING MEETING Of~::ri~ ~:~n~~t!~:~:I~e~~,~\~ SAYS CHINCH BUGS GHAl NS PREDICTED atK , the homcMonday, JUlle on outh Main stl'eat which was slated by reli f officials. The , After the business meeting the .On Monday evening, June has been cios sinc:e d~ath of I The Wayne Twp. Farmers lub I nece ary , ~u':lb er . ot candidates aftel'noon was SPElnt studying friends and neighbol's gathered at M' Wh . I met at the home of the Riley went. to Incl~nat~ Monday fOI' TO THREATEN CORN BY CROP REPORTERS fruits and fruit Salad lind the home of MI'. and W. ISS aly arton Bevela I June 13th xamlOatlOn and were Ml'S,









ph~sLcal aSlllgned to camps in variou Normal Yield. £.timated In MI's. I\liIlel', who iis the grandsections of thl! United tates. Entomoloc ill, F;"din. Bu. 1 Go-.,ertllDeat Ju_ Crop daughter of the late panit!1 and Y?uths, t be eligible for CCC Numerou., Prepare. ervlce must be between 18 and Sur.,." Hunnah Wharton, CI oked the meol 2' . Control Plan years of age and must be on II cook stove thut is over oneffi(lmbel's' of families onreJiet. Good crops of the small grains hundred yeal' old and'the fuel Prospects for a damaging are predicted by government crop chinch bug outbreak followinr reporters who base their estimates used was than firt.y year ago.wood cut InQl'e ' wheut hnrvest are becoming more upon crop conditions on t1!e first cerlBin a8 the month of June proTh guests who c,njoyed the oeot June. CUI\ion with the f~lling that they gresses. Counts of adult buga A report to the O. S. U. states had been taken bacllc to primitive feeding and lying eggs in fields of that winter wheat prospects al'C dllYs were Mrs. EIIzabeth Lewi, wheat and rye 1:eveal that som. 10 milHon bushels better than wheat fi Ids Ill'e well populated. were rep.orted in May, that th Mrs. R. JF.ewell , Baker, Mrs. Sadiel A survey by T . H • P ar k 8, i!xtenCOllner; )~ruet, Ma.rgar spring wheat crop will be more Mace, Lois J ean lBak~l', Lillian sioll entomologist for the O. S. U. than twice as large as last year's, ounta, FI'anees Kirkpatrick, in Wayne county June 10, showed' and that oats lind rye yields are l'II81'innll8 Miller, Lfluta Millel' and M no from one to 125 bugs Present in expected to be normal. [ 5 . " . O. Ra~r is visiting re- ca~b thl e'" f t of (I ill The Mort'is Southern. latives in jncinnati. ,, ' .. r row. The expected oats crop of 1,200, averagc was 30 bugs. 000. 000 bushels is more than twice BRIDE IS SHOWI~RED Dr. .John Paul Bolton, of Colum This degree 01 infest.ation, says as large as la t year's harvest, bus, called On his \>Id frienrl Parks, point! to SCl'iou injury to al\d represents the first normal ====~==========WITH PRAC~TICAL GIFTS Walter Clark Sunday morning. c orn . that is growing next to the W. S. SCllnlan was In Richmond crop sin~ 1982. lIcaVler infe ted wheat fields. ' Meadows are said to be neal'- Ind. , on bu iness, Monday. E. Stroud was hoste Waltel' Clark, who ha been s I'iHeavy rains in late June may Mrs. W. normal In condition, and pastur·es, M1·s. William Bergan and son at a shower Saturday afternoon ously ill fO'r two months, is now lesson the sedou ness of the outthe report. says, have returned to Emmet, of Xenia, were guests of given for Miss Loull e Crane who8e abl!! to sit up \>ne hour ach day. break. normal condition for this time 01 Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Davi • Sunday. marriage to Loren Jamenson, of A new generation of bugs will t he year excep tin the most seL banon, was an event of Tuesday U Mrs. Hemy Satterthwaite i visi L d velop in wheat and 'rye dUI'ing verely drouth-hurt areas in the Miss Clara Lile attended the evcning. T ' -ing h l' son Leslie and family in the last half of June and the first w t. funeral of Horace Babb at Xenia, ontest! and games furni hed he recen.t1y or~anlzC1l Warren Dayton. ' half of July, Parks warna. These Ohio crop prospect!! point to a Monday. entertainm lit which wa followed ounty Agrlculturol lub. held will leave the wheat about harvest 89,000,000 bushel yield of wheat, by an appetildng lumch. The pros- its first regular meeting at LebSam Judd and family of time and en'awl to tho e corn Mrs. Robert Taylor is visiting .bout 6,000,000 bushels above pective brid receiv,ed a fine collecanon on Tuesday vening of last Oregonia, spent Sunday with Basil fields that adjoin wheat. CorR ' average production; oats, barley her daughter, Mrs. M. A. Miller in tion of practical giHs. The' fo llow- week, IIdoPted a constitution and Smith Ilnd family. fields not adjoining wheat will not ' and rye expectations are above Indianapolis. ing guests enjoyed the occasion: by-laws, elected officers fOr the be damaged. Late corn is in greataverage. Mrs. Malty Cadwal lader Hough, Robert Chap l\'IAn , of Columbus, Mrs. Victor Carpenter, of Mid. coming yea l' and enrolled a Mr, Donald Allen, oi Dalla., est. danger because of its small Corn plantlnl i8 reported spent the w ek-end at his home widow of Dr. harlc A. Hough, dletown, Mi J alll'eson, Lebanon; chartel' membership of sixty. Texas, was the guest of his uncl e, i2C at the time of migration of ~nerally delayed. On the first of hel'e. was roun~ dead in bed at her hom Mrs. Ralph Hasting, Mrs. Clifford The meeting was held at Memor W. H. Allen, and 1amily, Tuesday. the chinch bugs. June about two-thirds of. the crOl> in Lebanon, about eleven o'clock Buzick and dllughter, Mrs. E. F. ial Hall with each of the county's Mrs. D. R. Smith entertained the Damag to corn can be prevenlin t he corn belt wis planted. Mr. and Mra. Lloyd Davis and Thursday morning, June 13. Earnhart, Mrs. Nelson Watkins , eleven townships l'epre ented . . It b ed only by the construction and USUJIIlly at that time, 96 per cellt 80ns spent Sunday with Mr, and F W It "I is proposed to 11'ml" t.he member- mem ers of the Argunot bridge prpper maintenance of cI·eo·ote The daughter of the late Charles Mrl!. M. • e :1, "' n. Josie ~ club, this, Thursday after\1oon. , ' I' d ., of the crop ill in the ground. . Mrs. Josiah Davi . barrier lOes, accor ing to Parks. Cadwallader, Mrs. Hough spent the Graham, Mrs. }4'. H. Farr, Mrs. hip to 100, accepting not mOre Mrs. W. H. Allen and Mjss Olive Th se are placed outside the Mi ' Minnie att rthwaite,. of gl'eater part of her life in Wayn s- Elmer Sheehan.,MJ'!'. Walter Sbee- than 1.2 mem~r fl'om anyone Dayton, Wag calling on old friends ville and I'eceived her education in han, Mrs, Mary C. Cr S~, . MI'. town hip and it is hoped that by All n were Dayton visitors, Wed- lir. t I'OW of corn or in front of the incoming bugs at t he time they the Waynesville !>chool. An ac- J e sie Byman, M rs. Irene Hender- the linle of the next meeting a full nesday. bere last Thur day. complished musician, she taught son, Mrs. Maude Crane, Mi e mcmbe)'ship will have been en1'ollmove out of the wheat. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Ridge, Mrs. music from ea l']y girlhood and was Elizabeth Benkl, Mllrie Storer ed. William Jackson, of Osborn, is About one gallon ot creosote is D. C. Ridg6snd Miss Emma Heigh for om The Object of the elub as outlin- visiting bls i6ter, Mrs. Charle required tor each two rods of line time organist at St. and Anna Le& Cl' way spent Friday in Cincinnati. Mary's Episcopal hurch. - - -- - ,- - ed at a meeting held in Lebanon Jones. to be laid. PIlP r triPII four Inches early in May, is to promot the soMI'. and Mrs. Home-r Cal'ey were' wide and ~ood on ed~e in 100 & She \VII mal'ded to Dr. Charles COMMISSIONERS VIEW ~tr. and Mr . Frank L. Taylor HEALTH SANITARIUMS dal, ed\lcationa I a nd recreational dinner guests of friends in Dayton soil fur.nishell an excellent barrier A pretty June wedding was of 'Slin FrancillCO, California are Hough in th early eighties and ____ interests of farmel's in Warren Monday evening. if kept impregn.ated with cre80te, lolemnized on Tuesday evening at visiting the lalter's moth r, 'Mrs. their daughter, H len, now Ml·S. O. S. Eaton, of Bryan, Ohio, was says Park. Clinton, Greene and Warren county. The club will meet regu. eight o'clock when Mias Louise Edith Barri born here. . county commis iOllrertl went to ~arly on the second Tuesday evenEdward Smith, of Xenia is It is the odor of the creosote that Crane, d.ughter of Mrs. Maude Mr. and Mrs. J . E. McClure ' spending this week at the hom'e 01 repels the bugs: Funeral ervices wel'e held at hillicothe and Mr . . Vernon last 1II1t of each month. Crane, became the bride of Mr. The following five; members hi broth 1', T. J eff Smith. It is expected that 50 Ohio Loren J.mlllon, son of Mr, and were guests of ?l1l'8. McClure's the Oswald funeral home in Leb· we k to inspect Mt. ' Logan and Mt Mrs. Hannah Rogers ha return- ccuntie will be affected by the out Mrs. Manley R. Jameson, of Leb- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Sack anOn, Saturday an rnoon, Buriol Vernon tuberclilos:is sanitariums werc sc i, ted to 101'01 a board of and obtain infokmation on the direc\ors to serve during the re- ed home after a two-da ys vis\'t at break. Most ' damage isntex-I was in Miami cemetery, h reo anon. The ceremony Wal perform- ett, of enar Bellbrook, Sunday. • p~cted I'n seve the l'enortb ed by Rev. O. O. Dibert at t.he operation of the ini titutions as a Dlainder of the current year' Carl the borne of Mr. and Mr8. J. O. ~ , ee ra Mr . H. R. Gustin and daughter part of th plan t,o e tabJish a J. Miller, Franklin; E lmer D~rr II, . .,.. counties extending from lfancock home 01 the bride's mother in the ot Blanchester, wl1re dinn r guest~ AUXILIARY ADJOURNS ', B. T. Blackburn Lebanon' arI'Yrlght, In Cmcmna b. to ummit. preaence \>f about e~hty membel's of Mis es Trillena and Margaret U NTIL SEPTEMBER si milar hospit\ll in the ~ol'mer Mason P county infirmary building. Miles bavis, Lebanon ; a~d Charle~ Miss Macy Cart \. is at the home arks ~ys .the nbugs will comlinton of the family and clo~ friends. Edwards, Friday eveni ng. Comnri sioners of the three Ellis, Wa~'IIcflville. of her si ter, Mrs. Harry Lacy, re~ m~rcbe tlh late -Tunefialndtl An improvised altar was attracThe June nleeting of the This board organized laler in coveting from the ffects of a re- I WI. e en erlOg e corn e s tively arranged in the Jiving room Dr. and Mr8. Carl Win ters 4Illd Womans' Auxiliary wa held Fri- counti~ have indorsed the tuber. thlOUghout the first half of July. with ..cred lUies, palms and taU daughter, Barbara Lou, of Jackson day aft rnoon at the home of Mrs culosis hospital plan and they are the evening naming Mr. Blackburn cent operation i te'Ion a II pre-" "l'e I'dent·,Mr ' 'd t . candelabra with long white tapers Michigan, were g uests of Dr. and WiU Scanlan. spee d ·lIIg t 0 comp . EII'1 s , vIce preSl en M' E f rfhe th department . .",. ofd 'C ntomology th Oh ' toward its estabMr. Durrell, secretary; and Mr. I$S m?gen~ Woollal'd splint 0 • e umversl_", an e . 10 Iiminary ' work forminr an effective background. Mrs. E. F. Deppe this week. Rev .. J ohn J. chaeffel' conduct. Iishment. Davis treasurer nturday mght and Sunday with Agncultural Experiment Station Buketa of beautiful roaet also , .. _ _ \ ~- ..:: - - - I. her grandpare nt.s, Mr. and Mrs. since June 10 have b~n aBsjsti n~ Mrs. W. H. Madden spent Sun- ed the devotions and after t he added much to tbe beauty of the business se ion the following PJ'Oda~ at the home of ber brother, MISS MARY HAWK.E FRIENDSHIP CLUB M. T Robert, Munger. (Cont.!lnued on paae ') decoration. gram of readings was given: Durinr tM aaaembUnc of the Na han Hadlay, and family, in Pine Mountain School- Miss IS HONOR CUEST • WITH MRS . S. D. HENKLE Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler &'\lest!! a program of mU8ic 'Wu Clarks"ille. , I Matthews, of Pitt!!\bul'!" Pa., are Marne Brown; Reopening of Jlllia l(lndered by Mrs. Rob.,rt Jameson, The Friend hip club met at t he &:,uests of Mr,s. Ma l rl Crane for a Miss Mary Jo Mille'r and Mr. Emory lfaJl- Mrs. Lee Hawke; Mrs. F. U. LeMay and Miss country home of 1\1\'11. S. D. Henk,l e I few days. 01 Dayton, who also played the Edgar Smith spent the week·end The People aad a Mind to W ork. Helen M. Hawkil' entertained on Wednesday, .June- 12, with weddin, march. in Cleveland, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hawke.; Missionary Sa turday afternoon, Jun e 15" with members and 7 visitors present .l\{'·S. Emma GI'ubb and Mrs. The bride, who ",as given in Mrs. Roy Johnson. notes--Miss CiaI'll LUe, ~s. Allna marriace by her brother. Mr. F. Katherine a Il1'iscellaneous shower honoring The meeting was opened, with a l Ella Braddock, of Dayton, were Cadwallader, Miss Dayton song and Mrs. Mayme Hatfield \ gu sts of Ml·S. E. W. Hop kins, F. Crane, of Cincinnati, wore- a Mr, and Mrs. C. Woods, ~rs. O. Pl'e ndergast; Letter from St. Mis.'1 Mary Hawke, whose marriage to Mr. Edward gave the devotions. I Monday. white chiffon cown with a ftnier- A. P~rry and 80n, Jackie, of Day- Andrews- Mrs. Edith Harris. tip 'Veil of tulle and carried white t on, "'ere guests of Mr. and Mrs. After the usual business was During t he social period a d.ellc- Kehr will be an event of the early Mr. and Mrs. Clement SatterthFRIENDS MEETING roftel. Ilia Mar, Crane, .iJter of J. H. Smith, Sunda), afternoon. iou8 lunch of ice cream, cake and summer. Aftel' a plellsant social transacted the following entertBin-' waite- spent Sunday in CeJlterville, l'efn~Bhment wel'e hour, dainty the bride, her only attendant, ment was provided: Piano so16, Firat-day School at 9 :30 a. m. coffee was served. the guestJl 01 Mr. a nd Mrs. Warren M,r. and Mrs. Emil Bl'own wore tea chift'on and carried Meetlnr lor Worship at 10:80 Invited guests of th'e host~s served, and the guests de~rted "The Robi ns Return"- Miss Reba Espy. little flOn were guests of ' M.r. leaving with the bdde-to-be many EdwaJ:dsj-.§OD -..B'obb Has i American Beauty ro... m. Brown's 'Parents in Centerville, were Miss TriIlena Edwards, Miss beautifl)l gifts, and the best of 1'ec itation ~ Richard Sheehan; Dr. A. D. Harve" of JAbanon, ,Sunday. Daughertyis pend· Miss SteUa Margaret Edwards, Mrs. Ethan . wishes. atteDded the rroom ., best mat). ,·eading- Mrs . Ralph Hastings; ing a 'few days in Dayton, .the Cran~ and Miss Barbara Crane. piaoo solo...-Miss Reba E dw8rds. guest of he!' cousin, M.1'8. James FERRY CHVRCH OF CHRIST Followilll' the cerenlony refresh- t Tbe condition of Mrs. Mary This was the last me~ting of the ' During the ocial hour a delight. Good. Carl Smith, Minlater ments were lerved to tile ruesta. Silver. who has b~n confined to society until the second Friday in' JUNIOR COOD CUT ful lunch strawberry shortcake CLOTHING CLUB ' The bridal table "'.. decorated her bed for aeveral week~, is said September. Unified services beginning witb Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Treadway predominating, was sewed by the ",itb a beauti:ful centerpieCe of to be gradually improving. church ;school at 9 :80 a. m. Mr. and M,·II. Georg Henderson roaes and a bUle weddinc cake. ' hostesses, Airs. Henkle, Mrs. Cfar, The third meeting 01 the Junior WALTON-CLACKIN service at 10:30 a. m. . The bride wal rradaated from Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Coleman Good Cut Clothing club was held ~nce Edwards, Mrs. Ralph Weaver, and family, James l)ol1aJd Mainous Treadway spe' n t and Anna Gay , Wa)'1lelville Rirh IIChool in tbe ),frs. F. F. Coleman and, little Tuesday afte1'll00n at the home of Mr. Joe Tinney and Mrs. El'nest WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH un day at the Cincinnati Zoo. cl... of 1930 and for the palt of Norwood, were ruests of Mrs. The mal'riage of Mi$s Edith the leader, Mr!!. G.i lbert Frye, with Hartsock. three year. b .. been employed at L. Crane and family. Sunday. Glackin and Mr. Dean Walton was ten meOloors present. R~", G. C. Dibert, Paltor J. L. Mendehhall Mr. and Mrs. the McKesson-Vorler Dru, Com.solemnized Wedn esday evenin" During the business session it SENIOR AT WEST POINT Sunday: and Mrs. Maria Elbon went to pany, Cincinnati. The ~rlderroom Mr. and Mre. Burnett Butter- June 19, at the home of the bride was voted to presEmt the flowers Sunday school at 9 :80 a. III. MILITARY ACADEMY Barne ville, Friday, where they at· II a rr.duet. o~ Lebanon . worth and Mr. and Mra. Gilb4lrt in Mason, the Rev. C. C. Dibert, to the Fri,ends' Home. After disat 1,0:40. tended a Fl'iends Meeting, return- Morning worship school, atieCld.d tha Unl.v.n1ty 01 Frye arrived home MonCiay atter paatQr of the local Methodist discussion of club laoob the work Cadet Wrilirht Hiatt, the only ing 1Mnday. Epw()rth League at 7 :00 p. m. witb Cincinnati and wea graduated 8pendinr a delightf,,) week at church performed the ceremony for the afternOOn '\i7as taken up. grandson of the late Israel ,and Charles Whitaker, as ·Ieader. At 8 from the COllCIJe of Pbannacy iil Lake NlppisinC, Ontario, Canada: 1n the presence of the immediate Rev, G. C. Dibert was ea11ed to p. m, t he IQlperial Male Quartet Reer ation consisted pi 'g.ames Lydia "Wl'ight, of Wilynesville ~lnelnneti. ,At pre.ent he Dr. and Mrl. H'. E. families and a taw close 'friEmds and singing'. ente-red his senior year at West Filldley, T lI'CSday, to officiate at of Bradford, Ohio, will Nnder a o! the· young couple. The bride pOlition u pharmadlt with the went to Sprin,field. . ' .n'o ....'o .. v Point Military Academy the week the funeral services fo r MrII. program of music., This quartet Linett Drur Compan, .t Dayton. ' last week to attend tbe -'f~dlhllFI ~as attended by Miss Elizabeth Jose'ph LaRock, a former parish- has sung in many, of the leadiac of June 9. . ' DEATH Th 1 ill ale th i h ' .. Mullen, and Mr. K~ith Walton, Wright,. who entered the acad- ioner. . e coup e w m e e r o~e of. coulin, which was solemnized brotber of the bridegroom, churches of our ccuntry and AliCe Pearl Edgington, wi.dow of emy at 17 y ears ' of ag e, is one of 1n Dayton. . at the Covenant Presbyterian served as best man. comes to us highly recommended. Mr. and Mrs.. Hal'l'Y Vaughn, of church In that city Followin'" tbe c.eremony ice Thomas Edgington, d'ed at her the youngest there and stands 27 olumbu8, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Be sure to attend this meetin•• , The ruellt hat included! 141', and Mrll. S.C, lIatthews, • .. Monday: , home near Bellbrooik t.his Thursday in a class of 168. He is a me-mber raft~ of South Cha l'leston, Mr. and Pitbbul'lf, Pa.; Mr. .nd 111'1. N. Mr. and Mrs. Bedford Stricklen cream and cake were served. . " of the choir, captain of ' the first, M.£s. Robert Taft. of Dayton, were morning at 8 :80. Next Monday at 8 p.• m. 18 the 'U f Middl t ,.. The bride is the daughter of Mr. F . Little, Mr. F • F • Crane, ' _reo 0 e own, ·...n. Anna Graham She leaves nine children, five basket ball team and is a fine guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Will l'eg ular lime for the meeting of Henrietta and ,dau,hte:r, and lIon8, of Lebanon, were Sun- and Mrs, Clarence Glackin, of sons and four daujrhtere. Funeral .athlete as well as st ude'n t, a the officia I board. . lIujorl8, Ml~ Bonnie day cuesta' 01 Mr. and MrI. Robert Mason, and is popular in a large services will be held at her late 1·athe!.' unusual co'mbin.a,ti6n and White and son, Sunday afternoon'. Wednesday: Evelyn ,Ce1'twriaht, , Baker. circle of friends. Bible study and prayerllleetinc Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Coleman SChU.~i Mr. Geol'lfe Willi., of ' .. The bl'idegroom is the eldest. residence S..turday 'after noon at will, if all goes well, graduate 811 cemete~y a F irst Lieutenant in June, 1936. enter tained Sunday Misses Carrie at 7:30 p. m. Cincinnati; Dr. and lire. H. H. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Stubbs and son of Mr. and Mrs. George Wal- 2 :30. Burial in Bellibrook . and Made Rentz and Mr. Victor .. d " H D children attended a picnic at Arton and is associated with hill Ri neh art, _r."D ....1. • • Peashel'Y, of Cincinnati, M ~. anP 433 FAMILIESJ{ECEIVE ST. MARY'S CHUJtCH PROUD FATHER Jonte, of WjominC; Mr. C. C. &'OS nnde Forest Park near Dayton, father on the fa rm. Being a CASH RELIEF CHECK.S Mrs. Hayes Burgess and Mrs. J, Rev. J. J. Schaeff~~ ltector Crane, of Bethelj Dr. and C. un .,. The .occasion wu a talented mUllician he is also enragBurgess, of Dayton. , Homer. Johnton, Clermont coun_.....- I BUd Nunion of the members of Mr. ed in orchestra work in Dayton. D • SmIth, Dr ••uu First Sunday aftel! Trinity, Jan.' lara. • • S bb ty'. probation oftlcE~r, can boast of Checks amountinr to a total of IIr. and 1Ire.! Robert I1IID6IOn, Dr. tu I' elau of the Germ.ntown Mr. and MI'8. Walton went il'DMr. and Mrs. O. R. Unglesby 23, Church school at 9 ;30; 1I0rll.. 8III~ II r. hia'h Ichool. to housekeeping in their one thinr few meb 'in tbe Iqte can $8,726.40 have beeh mailed to 433 spent seVeral days last ..... eek with alld IIn .C. ft. .lII newly furnished home on t h e Ira do. Recently )(1'1. Johnlon pre- Warren county families who will Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Baird at in, Prayer and sennon at 10 :80 • .IIra. R . R • W... .-..... , r . If ... Thelma St. JOhD abd "'1' . . d ... ... Rich farm south of Waynesville. sented h,e r hUllband with their 171b reecive cash reliet for the two- Lewisville, Ind., r eturning home II ra. G,S. S •..ou, _r. Barbara Lou Bland were pesta of - _ - • ST. AUGUSTINE CIIUIlCH baby all living but 8 boy. anll weeks period ending July 1. The Friday accompanied by the Bairds, Stroud. Ill', ud lin. L. F. 1Ir. and lira. Kenneth St. John, .t AUXILIARY DAY AT 13 girl. famU)', current payment 18 to cover all ..... ho remained bere over tbe weekFather Newt01l, P. . . ud fIllDU,; 111'. ud lin. Hubbard, Ohio, Iait "eelc. Mr. and SUMMER CONFERENCE ,monlt whom e1i ~ ~~;:~~ian.a expenditure. for food, milk and end. Spat. .1Id lOll, Mr. and 1In.• .J. lire. St. Jolla "tumed with them Mau .t St. AapatlDe" ~=: - The Clermont ~ ho,..,bold Jleceultiea between W....ortll. Ill'. uf, lin. T. ' ud win YIaIt Ill'. at. .Jou'. With Mr. H. E. Stoke... tbe Te.., ... oDd aDd f01lnli • June 16 and July 1. W......rdI. lin. C. 8:. pardt., Ill'. and 14n. . L. C. 8t. 0. June 1, 404 famllie. received hOllOr guest, Mr. and Mrs. C1ar. f tbe 1Il000tb. W.cIIwo~ ......... lin. Burr loh•• a total of ,8,293.70 in Werroen ence Dunham of Lebanon, enterAll........ta.IIF. .... lin. - - - tained at dinner SIIDda" lIr. and cOllnt,. . . . Ill'D. Relief oftleiab ltated that 180 lira. B. E. Stoka; lin. SalHe elllploJed on ' work Bathaway, 1Il', uti lin. In ... C08DQ. Rartloelt ad

short cake wa s made by the girls. A sample of each being taken to the sick. Mildred ook gave a demoll tra tion \>n table set.ting, , Next Mohday milk and cheese will be stu died aud a demonstration on making and icing a cake will be given by Charlotte Rye arid ~arah Conner. Virginia Pl'ellto n, Reporter.

Mr ,

~ i .·lers " . '. d 1 he ~ y b~mg an . ldeal tlnlmer fay nn Il uS Y ttlmh e or the arm r8 many 0 r m('mber w 1'e unnbl to ntt:end Thus . , . ." ' . pIes ~t howevei cettalOly enJoycd the dmner prepal' d for them as well as th e beautiful flow ers that decorated the house. At the u sual time the pI'esl' ·'-t U=. call ed the meeting to order by n king nil to l'epeat the LOI'd's Prnyel' in unison, The 1'011 call was answe,red with "Peshl and Cures" by t h e members and the following program was enjoyed. Song by Seth Furnas; The splcial topic, "Governmental Forestry," S. S. Ellis. The speaker o[ the aftcrnoon W1lS Judge Shawhan of L<>banon. He chose us his lIubject ' "The Transition of woml1nkind fr'om the be~innlng to lhe present time.


W leh, two (If the outstanding citizens of Harveysburg in honor of l.heir golden wedding anniv€l'al th ' G' lb t f D . ~, ell' 80n I r 0 etrolt, havlng COOle fOI' th occasion. . . They were the reclplents of a radio, the gift ?f their sons, 01I Iowa, Detroit, th and Gilbert, h .. of I a 0 ree n.e p ews Ol owa. Th e evening was very pleilSantly spent in remini.scing and games, foll.owed by daInty l'cfreshments of Ice or am and gold cake. Tel e"l'8m ' '!' s and ca . l' d 9 h a db een pourmg In all day. All left wi ' hing the happy cou?1 many more years of wedded bltss. I'll II . t Th ose presen were: rs. W I Grimes, of California, Mrs. Mal,}, Haines, Dr. and Mrs. C. G. Randall Mrs. Anna Stinson, MI', and Mrs. Frank Shidaker, Mr. and Mrs. Geo Denny, 11'. and Mr . A. S. Collett, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Levicy, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Cook, Mr. and MJ'S, E. B. Dakin, Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Oglesbee, Mrs. Lida Hatton, Mrs. Laura Shidaker and Mrs. Sadie Reason. .

m ntha IIgo.

County Farmers CI b 0 . d rganlze

Mrs. Mary Hough

Called By Death'_




"'=::-:."" -== :X:-========-===

21 1 .



--..,- - - ...---













appoinlt'd appraill-



III d hil! lleh dule or lIcbt•. In the m tler 0/ thll e tale of II. L. Saul, deeea t'd, tht> lIum ut '500 III to be paid Miloll'd Hlwl, daugh. ter of H. L. ~lalli. Jsmc ~aul, adminish'alor filed his !lch dule of 1I bb.

Monrlay. June 10, ,50 . Mra. Ira u ";Ilzroth, Lonrd and care Allee THE MIAMI GAUTT& Starkey, indigent tubercular llaliant, wl!(.k t' llding M.onday June FOR RESULTS 10, '6; Mrl'. Oma . iJOI'Ilt', board tlnJ cal'1! Frank Balling(!r, Virgil {!.Oo ac, Walter Barlow, intligent tubercu lar pat il'nls, \VII k June 10, Marr'ia.e Lic.a,., $24; MI':;, W. . Robert, board Ask f or a linton Roll rts, {armet', of L b anti carE! W. . Robel'ls, intlig nt Miamiaburl Perman.nt anon nIl J\lisa Be ~ale Smith, of tubercular pntlenl. week ('nding londay/ June 10. $5: Mrs. Lull' Red Lion. Concrete indi~ nt tubet'culnl' Loren . Jam s~n, dl'uggist, of Gabbard, Air Seal Burial Vault tub rcu I 111' Leba non, and Mi R. Louis Orane BabbSI'd. ' indi relit nding Monday, telephone operator, of Wayne8vill e lJallent, week For Sale only by June 10, ,5; Frank r II, blll'ial of Rul E,tat. T~n.afer, Fr nk Hnl'bach, $100; R, E. L Roy Your Funoral Director S l'v:ices li S 1l1~lI1bet: of oldier's onlmitte, $1; S. P. Rob 1'1 M. Blair and Mildred E. UUriat Blair t o Maude Bonham Men4:d~e, May T , service as tllember SolMcClure Funeral H.ome 127.64 acres in Fl'ankHn township. di r's Burial Committee, $1; Drs. Garland Hill aDd Minnie E. Hill Bdw. and Robt. Bloir, exnmi nation Phone 7 Wa)'1l.'~iII., O. to f'lnrl and D. Miller, jnlots Nos. Ge tl'ude MOI'an for admiss ion to ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.: 165 and 167 in Lebano n. i- titution, j Ohio ntral TeleMil e . Wl'st and Myrtl W st phone Corp., r nts vadous offices ===~========~~ to David Ca1ihan and Mary CIlJit) Oh ' C t I In en ra han, real estate in Franklin town- f at' June, ~55. 7; Tel\!phone orp., \.0118 vadou S.hit~t·1 E. ¥ells to Chlll'leslI. Hei- office-s for May, $33.95; The Office Outfitters, band s and bond · for stand and Orpha E. Heistand, r al Th D yt l t . F kl' auditor' office, $3:00; e a on e a? m ran. l~. Blank Book & Printing Co., 1 L,uclle T. hl'l~tlat\ to lI1ary Tay- , gross legal pad", :for nudltol', $17; 101, l'ea l estate In aletn to wn8hi~. ttlkalta Mfg. 0., 35 00 sets pre, I:u~ll~ H, Keelor to Th . People Iilllinal'Y a ~8smcnl certificat for Btuldmg, 1:oan and vlngs Co., auditor, $52.60; BUI'I'ough8 Addl' at estate In Lel>anon. ing Machine 0., mechanical set- \ . " Leonard Callahan and . Myrtle vice on adding machine of proseROOT FOR AND CONSIGN allahan t o Walter R. FItts, 3 uting attorney 6 fou r Cattle, hop, sbeep and calv~ acres in Franklin town hip. ' . to Norris-Brock Co" live wi,. Walter R. Fitts to Leonard Calla pr.:lgreaaive firm f')l' til. hla'hut han llnd fyrtle Callahan, 10.04 market pricea and ,I'ood a.mel. Stll'es In Franklin township. Un.on Stecle Yarela CID.ID_tOI,~ . . . , Tune in on Radio Station W om .. Addle Stark HIggins to .Harry C, 12 :215 to 12 :80 p. m. for our daU, Burn , real estate In Lebanon. market reporta. Harry A. Coyne to Noqnan S. • Coyn and H. Merwin Coyne, in-' lot!! Nos. 14 and 15 in Lebanon. ' , By H. Merwin Coyne to Norman S. Coyne, inlots No. 14 and 15 in STEPHEN M. YOUNG

Julia B. Shoemaker lind Mary B. u1'Ie • eXE'cutrle II of the el!t.u~e of Sanford J Brown, tll.'cl'8sed filed th(oj r illven tory. Morl'is L. Nixon, admini strator pt(li '('I' • of the >!tat+ uf Alfarctta lurray, In lh matte nf l Ie t'stat of CommtOn PI" ... Pro",,, din,. f"ud il L dec all d, filed his inventory. The Adllie M. 00\\(1 ,11. dec:t'a ed, dis ri In I h~' l'a~e of Lucill!' Bu!l.n administrator i to make good and !Julion of tlSi 'ls III order d, In tht "lIl'l lie JlIll\ r~ ~·"lUl. 11.1- ' . ·ullnlian . or ,I. Willlll'd Buchanan ufficient bill ot . I t o pllrcha. er Thtl t' h du Ie of delbl of W, C. nth ti~t'/ltnr nr thl;' 'l>tAtl' ur II. L. ,JI., :\nd of Jaml'S Monroe Bu ball- of automobile. 'hl'ph 1'0 l'xecutol' f the e, tate or '/luI, III cl·rt .'l'c1, v~" . II~ TIll' Pru· <In, n11nOI" , v~r'l\U S Le \it' A. BuchIn th ' of Anna L. Harris . dl'I1t ial 111 ~Ul'llIlCC ('u., llit' deft n- 11 lUI 11. et nl, name of J. WilhrrJ as lCeclltl'ix of th state of Fl'ank Flol'cn ~ E .. 8U SC I' , dccea~ed, was a pprowd, Ihlllt. J. gl'antld UIlIlI Jtllt 1f, 1\1:!:; Oudlalllln ('onnectcd to Willllrd J. Huchtulun. L. H I'J'i , de~ ed, versus Anna L The im'entory of ,Funk Rogt.o li l ~ motion. Hurris, ct lll, the r port of til 8PIn lh~ case (If Th , . \,il'lI illi un ' In the rn::c of ' ilb('l' prai. et· is approved. BOild Of ex- I'r~. · administrator ot. th ~tate of tte Rogel·FI. rleccil edt wa apJ.linl ~t(\('k Land DlluH, ' r ('lInI'It'S 'hat't v('\'su" .Tohll H. Rllod , t nl. cutrix diapen ed with and the e _ Ann prolled, tOil , , VI\ .. vt· t \1>; K(\~i' 51' kelt, ' I h'c)' Gud attor ney t 'es nllowct! cutrix is' m'd red to ell Pl' mise t ~I, nn ilrmath'I1, t\N'(1 ami dh.Tb will of J . G. West, de eas- Th inventory of J'uhn ' If. Con ley lI·ihu tiull. . .. New Suilo . ed , wa admitted 0 pl'ob teo IHI<J Le o J. Bum y, I!xecllt01'8 of In the ca~' or Mi ldre d ~l. Wll'OI'l' cilia M(lunt VIII'SU W ilfred Monroe Wl'st wa app inted ex- the state of E. F . y, d ceased, \\'a apllroved. h Id \" t, U Erl"'lIrd F. Wi ·tl~· l'h Ie!. Vnn 1'>1oun(" for div rce. cut~r, and filep bond of $300() Jame E. Ie IU T' tiled hill exJr., nn,wer And etC> pl'lilion di~- i~,,' tll1e cruelly. . with l! ureties. William Oberlin, ll'1i , d; diy r" 1:'1' nt.'r! plu11ltiff lara 1al' 'Bn·t Bryant \,(lTSU Ona ox and Henry Groat were ap cepLion to the fir"t account of Robert Lamb, adnlini~tratol' of the anti alim ony aWRr.kd \.1 plaintiff. Rolll'rt E. BI'~'nl1l, for divot'ce, poin t ed appruisers. In)' :. ~ll\t· uf n. ' -an TI'I ~~, rlc harJ!;e i gro~~ neglect. Grace V. Bryant was appointed l' tate of J ohn Lumtl, deceased, D 'an K Stanl y, t lrustee of the c ns('d, the admi 11Is\rut\H' i. grant I. Ylrg inia Iblll'ts un versus Clif. guardian of Florence Bryant; a ed pumis~ion tll \\'ilh(lro\ cert8in fOl'l1 Albert!!on, 1.'01' divorce. minOT, and fil ed bond of $500 wIth tl'U~t created by item four of the will of ~ane1' , . VOl)rhis, deceaspapel' from bill 01 eeption, Chal1:"E' I extreme l'uelty. sureties. In the C8, e of The People's BuildThe C~al)e & Brecd a ket Co.. The will o.r Joseph Donnally, d _ d i aUthorized to .ell bond. In)1', Lonn and ~(lvin~: Co. versus u cOi'poration, vel' u E. E. Mille!' ceased, wa admitled to probate. The estate of Dal 'lndo tansell GlllJ'ge I. VaH alit! Ed 01\ \ uil, et ai, fol' money in th sum or w. W. Whiteker and Elmer E, Fo Til rockIl101·ton, (lecensed, is exempt iud/{ment to the pl~jntifT aDd fr om 416.74. ett, were appointed execut.ol"$, no fr'um inhedtance tliX. Charle defe ndants in the sum of '3126. 0 Anthony R oters versu laria bond required. lyde Whitacl'e, Heber Throckmorton, administrllIn the Cll,e of Lucill~ Buchan n, Rotal'll, for divorce. harge is George B. Smith and John E. Hold tor is au thol'il!:ed to sell pesronlll ~uardidl (If J. Wi llnt'd Buchanan, gross negle t of duty. en Were appointed appraisers. prope rty. Jr .. Y r out< Le Ii A. Buchanan, t The Peopl '8 Buildin .., Loan nnd In the matter of 'the e. tate of ale by Altoll F, Ilrown, execuai, leet to take; de ds and distri- avin 0., vel' us Geol'ge Ca.stle- i Robert Quigl ey, et ai, minors. al- tOI- I!; authoriud to sell personal bution. mall. ilt aI, fol' money in the sum lowance of 37 .50 per month is dell, decea ed, werE:' a.pproved. The ('cilia Jaunt of $ 46.29; f(n'eclo urej sal of made to 01'8 Quig ley WiUdt, In t he CaSe o f tOl'til d hi~ first. final nnd di VI"I'l<US WHit'eel Van )fQllnt , cn e teal e!ltnte i and other relief. mother of minors, for their sup- tl'lbutive account. aAAi~Md tor hearing Jun 12 1. 35 port, c;are and maintenance. Lu cille Hall was Ilppoinbe<i g ual a t I II I)'chlck. ' Probate Court A certified copy of the entry de- di ~ r\ of Kenneth HIIIJ, minor, and In the ca e of Howard G. GepThe will of J . D. Donnally, de- tEn'mining the inheritance tax On til J bom) of 1800 with ureties. Th will of John IGramlich, denart, at Ill, vel'~us Edna Smitn cea ed, was fil d In probate. the e tate of Mary E. B oov r, delyde E. Leviey was appointed eeaad, is to be certified without cea ed, WIlS admitted to probate. confirmation, deed and diSh'H)U-1 Anna Gramlich was Inppoi nted extio n. dmini trator of th estate of Mar delay, III tne case of 1l tho ny Roten gal' t Levicy, decea ed t and filed A c rtified copy of th e entry de- ecutr ix, no bond l'e!juir d. D. E'. Lebanon. vel'SU8 1'arie Roter. ervlce by bond of 1000 with ureties. Ed. tennining the inherit'ance tax on Heywood, Earl ThomlP on and J. A Norman . oyne to H. Merwin publi atlon is to be made 0-0 dt'- B. Da,kin, Howard Graham and A. the e t~te. of harle Reil'. deceas· Reb old were app ointed appraisers. Coyne, inlot No.6 in Lebanon. ed, is to be ce rtified ..... it,hout deIn the matt r of UI gual'dianTh e Loveland Mutual Building Peopl in Ohio spent ninetylay. ship of J. Willard Buchanan, Jr., and Loan (). to Mildred D Rohd n eight million dollars la t year for In the- ca e of U. G. Conover, and Jamt's Monro'B Buchanan, bury, 45. 1 acr 6 in ~ rtield e1 ctl'icai energy_ Under th TVA guardian of the estate of S. Hettie minors, it i found that J. Willard town hip. Conover, an incompetent person, Buchanan, Jl·., and Willard J. William A. Hewitt to Ge01'g and rates t he cost would have been ve.rsus . Hettie Conover. an in Buch nan, Jr. , are on and the Dorothy Dudley, 56 aere in Ham fifty - one nlillion dollar~ - a compet nt per on, et aI, 1'eport of SSBle person and it j j! ordered that man township. savi ng of tody-seven million apPl'ai ers wa appl'oTed. llle pfI>ceeding- shall c<mtinue under Chades E. al1d Almeda Florea to dollar. Undel' the electr,ic light guardian I to execute a bond of the name of Willard J . Buchan an, Arthur and Mary chlatman, 35 ra tes paid by citizens of Tacoma, $1000 with ureties. Jr. th e cost would have been filty acrl! in Turt1ecreek township. Phone 78J In the ca e of George E. Young Charle . lrwin, guardjan Kate Hudey ' to The Mutual million dollars-a saving of forty. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ administrator of the estate of C. F Ada F. Noble, incom~tent. filed Building and Loan Co., inlot No. eight millioll dollal·s. Under the = . Y 01& M.,. Chao.. W ith Utmost Confidence Oonover. d cea ed, versu Eva K. hL first and .tinal account. rates paid by peopl e living in the 162 in Franklin. Conover, et aI, additional bond of C. Donald D1Jatu h, administt'aJames Ha ting to Harry L. Hast providenco of Ontario, just across Diamonda- Watchea- Jewelry- Silverware $l500 is to be given and George E tor of the estate 01 Jre se Robinson ing, et ai, real estate in Union the lake from u s, the cO t would Young is ordered t~ !!ell real es- deceased, filed his inventory. . 'IOTARY PUBLIC ha ....e been forty miUion dollars -a to wlll!hip. For the Graduate, Shower or W.ddipc Gift tate. The inventory ~f Irrank Brandon Harry L. Hasting, et al, to Min- 'aving of fi1t.y. eight million . . a~ . . . . C. Donald Dililtush was appoint- and Howard W. IvinlS, executors ot nie Hast ing, real estate in Union dollars. Ohio i II great wheat grow e.() administrator of the estate of the estate of ~fII]'y Fr. Stri~kler, de tow n hip. ing tate. We produce about Wille Dra._ - • E ...... S •• Expert Watch Repairing .and Engraving J sse Robin on, deceased, and filed ceased, wa approved. WAY"ESVILLE. OHIO The Leban on-Citizens National thirty-five million bushels of wheat bond ' of $500 with sureties. Ed. Salel! by Charles ~Beber Throck- Bank t o Mary B . Snethen, inlot No a. yeal·. Yet, i1 every grain of Knockenhauer, John Kamps and mOI·tOn administrator of the I' tate 22 1 in Lebanon. wheat grOWl) ill Ohio last year J . Ray Law were appointed ap- of Dalondo tllnsell Throckmorton FOR SALE DAT~S CALL Maximilian L. Heidel, dec ased, wcre sold at the highest price on praisers. decaa ed, we I'e approved. S.ore Op.11 8 :30 a. m. to 9 p. m. to Cathel'ine Heidel, real es~te in today's market, it would require The will of John Gramlich, de- James SaUl, administrator of the D .erfield t ownship. fi!t.een to tW'e?ty !"llllion dOllar. s ad administrator of the estaae of Ada esente of Berta Sa.ul, dltlonnl to brlOg In enough to pay _c::s:: Bill, Allowed I this 0 ~rchal·~e . Here is evld nee I The Western 'Star estate blank tha reSIdents In our tot are payenvelopes for Probate Court, $20.- ing too much £Ol:', electricity, UC 50; William Hufford, washing lor Th Wagnet' Labor Disputes Bill JESSE STANLEY pri oners during May $36.79; Mzs, Della Hufford , feeding prisoners is one of tbe very ~ntrove.r8ial ' Phoa. 32Q. N_ aarll•••_, OW. during May, $879; Dr. A. D. measures which will be voted on be Harvey, medical services at jail fore djou1'1Iment. This bill, if EARL KOOGLEJ ~ MAP OF during May, $25; Waites' Gar- enacted in to law, will create a Da"to. P.o_ . OHIO National Labor Relations Board age, labor on Old mobile and oil SHOWING KE .......... for sheriff's car, $1.25; Griswold and give employees the privilen STATE HIGHWAY PATROL of bargaining coUectively as set Service Station, gas, oil, bulbs, grease for sheritf's ca~, $32.66j forth in ection 7-a of the now RADIO COMMUNICATION The Oregonia Bridge Co., blue defunt NRA. It prott'bits employSYSTEM with the prints, $2.50; Fred O. James bones e,· Irom intederi fo r impounded dog dQring May, formatior1 of a lllbo ' union and ,2 .40 Ohio Central Telephone Cor- probibits any act c.:, lhe part of FOR SALE pora.tion, June rent, May ' tolls. the emp loyer to dlscou1'llg.e mem$4.46; It. L. 'Ror!), rent 10r NR S bership in any labor organillation FOR SALE-Antique Coal Urn, office during May, $10; Harry Z. or discrimination again t any emshaped like a tureen, Inquire Oray, rent for NRS offic~ during ployee who is a member. This bill at Gazette oltice. May; $5; Elbel't Wallace food provide that a majority of the furnished relief families, $8: Mont employees in any indu try or plant FOR SALE-Seed Potatoes, Karl Minst, R. R. 1, Lebanon, O. gome1'Y Ward Co .• clothing fur rtish shall be the exc]u ive representa· 6-19-20 • . ed l'elie! families durinr March, tive of aU employees anel seta forth $5; The Oregonia Bridge Co., what is t~rmed unfair labor prac- FOR SALE-Nanc-y Hall, Porto sbovel ' plates, anchors, oxygen, tices. Rico, Yellow Jersey and White This measure is not apart of the $l1.68; Johnson Myers, payroll, Brazilian Sweet Potato and aU '124.80; L. P. Cavett & Co., 2000 President's program, but is backed kinds of garden plants. ' All Poby organized labor. It is likely t<l gallons M. :t., $229; Mrs. Oma tatoes 96 cents pet handred be e.nacted into law. Osborne, board and cal'e James C. or three hundred for $1.00. Gen try, period ending Friday, 1 l-2 miles north . of Waynes.June 7, 1935, $3; The BobbsThe Supreme Court by a five to ville on Ferry road. Strouse Merrill Co., Underhill on C,I,'iminal four vote held the railroad pension Brothers, R. R. 3. 6-18-20-2'l Evidence for prosecuting- attorney law unconstitutional. This decision $15; Nellie C. Bolton, board and a.ffects the welfare of hundreds of FOR SALE Sweet-potato, care John Jones, for week ending thousands of railroad tmployees., cabbage and a\1 kinda of June lO, 1936, $3; C. F. Drake, .Many !lenators and ' congre88men garden plantll. D. H. Hockett, R, services li S rodman, $2.76; Blair &: are -considering enactment of a R. 1. Waynesville. Telepbone Leroy, cement, sand anll gravel, law providing that tbree-follrtha of 65Rll. 6·.9 0-tf $SO. 75; carl Dakin. payroU, $156; the Supreme Court Judges must TIIBESHER SUPPLIES Belta, H. L. Sehuyler, pay roll, $159.- agree to declare an act of OonrreBS pulleys, babbitt metal, oil CUPI. 20: John Barr. pay roll, $78.40; v.oid. This would not have affected -288 •90', the NRA decision. That ruUYI, ...IJ was injectors, lubrlcatoTII, ateam and 1\1 . C. F oreman, pay ro 11,,, water ~8..ef!, ~ale rll8l, onere, Earl Ballore, payroll, $208.60; V. unanimouB. . packing, lIuction hOle, tank pump_. M. Armitage, pay roll, '101.~(); Ohio, in adopting prorreea!ve The Frank Sherwood Co., kero/lene amendments to its Constitution 'in pipe valve a and fittlnliJ,- The and gasolil)e, $61.99; Harold V. 1912, decided that five out 01 Bocklet Co., 416 W. Main St., Martz, sand and gravel, $16.10; seven State Qoart Judges must Xenia, Ohio. Phone 3~0. 6-22-27 7-.-11 Zain Armitage, sand and gravel, vote in the affirmatiVe to declare a $191.39; L. H. Gordon, aupplies, ' legislative act void. This curb on FOR SALE-Fine selection of on~ $5.45; The Lebanon Lumber Co., the la1"-makiJ1g powers of the and two-year old perennial lumber; $8.59: Waites' Garage, State Supreme Court haa proved plants; swe+t 'potato plants,. '85 parts, $66.90; Trusteell of Public emipenily satisfactory. cents per hundred, 300 for $1.00. Affairs, g81'age light bill for May, I All kinds 01 garden plante. Rlp~ $2.76; The Kilpatrick-French It is interesting to note that atrawberrie/l. Georle Petenon. Motorcar Co., gasoline, $67.8S~ H. during President Hoover's admin- one mile from WayneSVille on S. Conover, SUpplies, ,8; Franklin istration, banks cloBed their Bellbrook pike. Phone 182R2,l. Vulcanizing and Tire Co., gaso- at' the follOWing rate: In ... "' .....-..., . tine, $22.62; Gross Service Station 659; 19301852; . 1981-2294; POOL YOUR WOOL-PriCel ar. gasoline, $36.12; The Cincinnati 1932-1456. . IllluallJ lowest during the .earon Works Co., oil and . gasoUne, It 'would be too cruel to recall in, lIeason. Conllign JIlIlr WOGI to .~ $7.58; The Cincinanti Oil Works, what happened :from January the Ohio :Wool .Growers Oooperative Aa!lOeiation. R~ceive a 1& CIDt gasoline, '7.18; W. H. ~Henry. to March 4th, 1938. LEGEND supplies and ,&soline, $S8.1.; LaThe facts are. from March 4, caah advance and full valul when ) S1A" or,," MellYl • . Mal' Body Shop, guoline, ,9,68; 1933, for the remainder of the 8old. WaJlleaviUe Farman Ex) MUMIClML "'tCl lIIC(IV'1l. Grl8wold Service Station, aupplka y~r. 179 banks closed their doon. (!han,~ Co., Reprnentative. } MtIlIIC_ CAlI IIICliVU . ]) tNM" o,,,ct .ltilYlll. and rasotine, $221.40; Dr. S. Ster! In 1934-56 closed, and durinc FOR SALE-A nice lin. of box ,) CtullTY CAlI ItIClIVI!!. ling Stahl. medical lervices, ren- the firat lour months of the pra. ltat10b817. 24 lheeta a.d 1& ... ~ - . . " .lmvt. . . . rvI'l dered Frank Balltnler and Veri ent year, only 9 banlts in tbe entire velop..' tor lIe; Sllow-Pac, Ie " "..TI _ , •• " ........ Ililler durin, Ma" f18; Dr. Ken- c~untry have fail*«!. Thia ill not .btete IDd 18 ..... fOl' 10 non Dunham.: eumlilat10n of tpl,opl••~nd .. ne'e are fact&. Clau; "IUd paJtr. wblte . . . . ~ _ _ " . . - ....,.lCATlOM. Walt.r Barlow and IAwiI BoUUd, - - -... - • • 1If,PG'. p.~ at Gudte " ___ ..,....." ,87.110; Kr. Howald Saw,.r. CWaeIa OIIee. , ft&I1WI1iIIIIIIIIIM'' .






S ' ht tralg from


F. f. Martin Auctioneer


44 Years Of Service

Or No Char••

Cary's 'J ewelry Shop

Centerville, Ohio

Lebanon, Ohio



til he Home of Gifts"

StanIey &KoogIer



Highway P~trol Radio Net Strengthens Law In Ollio

t-.oneers .


_WII. ____1111 ""'1".


' UU"



."... ....0.

map indicatt'll th~ thotou~hnell8 with which the state of Ohio Is eovered by the Hi,hway Patrol network and major Th munieipal units art' monltonad, or liltened to; 14 hOUri a day in many ea..s b, the HlIhwa, Patrol at loa. ilmincf,on and Columbu, A radio dation to be erec:t.d in the loutheaBtem put of the Nt. wUl the



board -aDd eare Hnwd Saw,....

Ind ....nt tubercalar patl.nt, week endiDC Konda,., June 10. '''.00; Belen DoUPmaD, board alld can CHord Dourhman., bttUaeat tuber cuJar patient week ._Iaqr M0:8da'l. 10,


0,.. .,Ida.,

Pu., YALVIII aDd for Water.


au ..... ..aCIRen __ •





P. .

u.... ls.•ecrl't1- Price. '1.10 a Y_r

dlreeUon of H. Aurua'ine Smith of BOllton university, an ~veninK parade and a special convention banquet.

ER $3.59 TWINE

.A study of 160,248 injul'Y and disease claims filed with the 1ndus~

011•• rho•• " ............ ,...... N •• 111 Entered .t Poetoffl.e at Wa}'~ .. R .... ville. Oblo. •• a.cnn4 CIa.. 11&11 trial Commission of Ohio in 193-1 .. •• ,.. ,..................... Me. 118 Katter shows tbat 966 were fatal, five

JUNE 20, 1935

YOU CAN'T W IN The Teckle s driver, like the habitual criminal, can't win. Every newspaper carries the evidence of that, in accounts of those whose lives have been sacdflced to speed, to int'ompetencc, and to carelessnes at the Wheel. The tragic end to the great career of T. E. Shaw, the famed "Lawl'ence of Arabia," was headlined in th papers of the world a few weeks ago. Not yet 40, Shaw had don war service who e value to lhe English cause was so gl"ent a to make it almost unappraisable. He had di tinguished him!!elf as D trall . lator of Greek class ics. He was one of the mOllt brilliant of living archaelogists. Hc waS a military Ilnd m Chanical genius of the first mnk. It was certain that his period of lfTentest achievement still lay in the years ahead. Shaw's "hobby" was to drive automobiles nnd motcH'cycles at i~crediblY high speeus 011 c\luntry ~·oads. According to news accounls, hI cycle was at around eighty miles an hOUT when he was forced 'to deliberat Iy crash to avoid striking a boy On a bicycle. A few days later he died , without regaining consciousness. His doctor . said that it was be t that he did not live, because o'f the terrible injuri s his brain had sustain d in the accident. Congenital recklessne!iI had robbed the world of one 0.1 its gifted minds. . Every yeor in .tl}is counh'y al one, some 35,000 people di B--victims to IInpropel'1y- dnven n\Otor vehicle. Among them are the famo and the obscure, the bvillillnt and the mediocre. Each life lost means tba~ the nation's reSOurces have been sapped-each death means misery and unhapplnes to others. Reckless driving is aQ unbeatable game, at which the player always· 10sc!I--<and which likewise penalizes and robs the innocent.

Per Bale

were permanent total di ability, and 1,443 permanent partial dL~ a­ bility, according to uperinlendent Thomas P, Kearn s of the division of safety and hygiene . More than seven days' time was lost by 30, 101 of the workers who filed claims. Seven days or lells was lost my ,18,514 workers and 108,229 were medical cases without time 10 s. Accol'ding to r earch figures Bvai1able, pending complete payroll report fo r the year, employ. ment in Ohio increased 10. B P l ' cent in 1934 ali compared with 1933. In the same period injury and occupational di ea e claims increased 26 ,7 per cent. The lattel' inc I' a e was du e largely to medical ~ases, which increased 26.7 per cent, while compen. able cases increased only 6.6 l)cr cent and fatalities only 6.5 p~r cent. The discontinuance of four ail'plan' landing field s. in Ohio was repOl·ted by the State Bureau of ·Aeronautics. They are McCallister airpol't near Chillicothe; Gem City airport, near Dayton; Ruff field auxiliary, near Lancaster; and Pierman field auxiliary, near Ottawa. One new landing field has been established. It is located neal: Sycamore and is privately owned.

Pu re Silal, Full Ya rdage, Highest Q uality Guarantee tag on every ball

Fairley Hardware &Implement .Stores

t 9 3


America's Oldest and Largest Retail Distributors of High Quality l~wine At America's 'Lowest Price For Farmers.

y our I

r~ear est

Store Is

Waynesville, Ohio

~~~~~~~--~~~.~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __~~______~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --- - - - -

-- - more and more as the neces al'Y for the state aside..

"type" polities

Beech Grove


Don't forget the baptizing next Sunday at Green Briar. H.ltin. F'i~t, Thinkin. The Morristown State Bank Co. Lizzie Oh~aver Grimes, Alice of Morristown and the haron The Ohio Highway Users Fed· Cummings Anson, Margaret Ans n Between Toledo and Cindnnati Center Banking Co. of Sharon el'ation which include!! gt·oup~ in Faber, of Englewood, Calif., Frank Charted for the Benefit of InterCenter bave been licensed by the atate Motor Tourist as W~1J as division of banks to re·open, it. was t~e field Of. motor tr~nspclrtatiO)1, Shidaker, of Harveysburg called h.lgh~IlY uSIng, moton t.B. and the on K. E. Thompson and fami1 Fr' Traffic Within the Borders of Ohio 8:00 Music. announced by State Bank Superin- like . 1S cal'rying on a ~ulet yet f· day evening. y I 8 :05 The Reapor Case, an Ohio Lineoln Incident ... ..... n. E . Eswine tendent Samuel H. Squire. Licen~ fectlve program to brmg down to [ 8:15 PreventinK Chinch Bug Damage ....................... T. H. Parks was i 'sued to the Warren State " tile people" the fact that mot only . Mr. ~abel erry of t~ie place 'f:o~ R;ofe~: ~ank of Warren to re-open for the I good use of public tax: money I ~ spendIng thIS week 'Wltll 8:25 Music h~r to Cincinnati as shown herewith is 8 :40 Cut Flowers in the Home ........... " ............... .. ... G. H. Poesch sole purpose of transferring its necessary but there is a limit to sl st~r Mrs. Anna M. Brannon 10 the shortest distance between the 8 :60 The Cooperative Way in Credit .................. ,... .. ... H. S. Forsythe assets nnd liabilities to the Union the amount that con be raised Xema. two cities. Officials of ttie State 9 :00 Come to Camp " .. '" ... .... " ................ " ... Mrs. Howard Miller Savings & Tru!!t Co, of .Warren. M.r. and Mrs. Rufus Roberts and f rom the "public till," Highway Department give the lamlly, Mr, and Mrs. Ara Powell 9:10 Mu ic mileage saving as about 11 miles. and son spent Sunday with P . G. 9 :25 Cropping Practice and Soil Erosion Control ... ' .... C. J. Willard RACING DATA Well and family here. There'~ less traf9 :85 Planning for Erosion Control " ........ " '''-' .... John Shriver fic congestion on P .G. Wells, K. E. Thompson, 9:.&5 Trend in Farm Prices ................ .. ................ ...... V. R. Wertz The Ohio' :Racing Comm.i sion is the Toledo-Cincinnati Short Line . . . .CTOII laking a leading part in the nation Otis Rich, Elbert Wells, Charley than on any other highway conMarie Well!>, Kathleen wide campaign to eliminate all We lls, .. WtI4IA...,OM necting these two cities. There traces of "doping" (rom the tracks Thompson, Mrs. Thomas Powell, 18"· are far fewer curves (no hairpins) Even the federal government bas lIfayfred Powell, Modena Powell, and all railroad grade crossings Carl Judd, Eddy Wells, Dennis omplimented Ohio on the procedare ~ceptionany 'Well protected. ure used . Incidehtally it i I under- Wells/ MI'. and Mrs. Ed. WilkerMore Taxft 5 _ Ohio on, Mr. and Mrs. Brandenburg, tood that in northern By reason of Signing of the chool founda- another track or two may be Mr. (Ind Mrs. Frank Steffy, WillSI'd ILl the s h 0 rt eT ~ ilkerson, Herbert Steffy, T. B. COLUMBUS- Boy Scout troops total of 1,613,626 passenger cars tion bill, developments neMssary operated in 1936. mileage, less congestion (both on Brannock, Martha Ashley and in the central Ohio area wlll co- I and trucks registered in the state to match the federal social seeul'ity the highways and in the commuGeneva Pow~1I were among those <ll*rate with the Ohio division of in 1984. The 1034 average daily legislat ive allotments to Ohio and nities thru which they pass), fewer who attended the Sacrament meet· conservation in an altempt to re- : density of traffic in the state high- ome su ndry items that "missed curves, and adequate widtb !ng' at Clarksville Sunday even· duce the heavy loss of pheasant way mil eage of 12,162 miles was out" in the regular session of the roadbed 8 nd bridges, the mg. and Hungarian partridge thTou,h I 1.032 vehicles. In refel'ring to a legislature are likely to make the Route here outlined is a K. E. Thompson and famUy the operation o.f farm machinery, survey regarding automobile ac- special meeting in the fall a real big time-saver for the entertained quite a lot of company it was announced by Conservation cid.e nta, Direct07 Jaster stated that -battle between the "more taxers" bu y motorist-very probon last Sunday. Commislioner Lawrence Wooddell. motorists <lften have themselves and the "stop taxers". Ramlficaably as much as two hours. A plan has been worked out where only IUld not "the other fellow" to tion.s a-brewing in the tate nav· LOlln to the amount of . 663,2l1 Mrs. Thoma Powell and by Scout will comb the fields be- blame, A'naly Is of motor vehicle their sounding-board in Colum- were disbursed to 1 2 distressed daughters Mayfrel' and Modena AN ALL PAVED fore the crop of hay, oats, wheat accident~ on state hi bways out- bus indicate t.hat a real battle with small home owners in Ohio during called o~ Mr • K. ~. Thompson ' or other grain is cut, coJlec~ the side of municipaUties shows that stl'ong alignments will be in the the week ending Thursday, JUlie and famIly Thu~sday after~ooll. HIGHWAY pheasant and partridge eR8 and 32 per cent of the accidents were offing. Word has been heard 18th., according to the weekly re- - Mr.B. Vera (TIbbals) Ralger en" tUlve them hatched by setting bens. caused by cars colliding with fixed some of the "floak 'em" advocates port of State 1t1anager Henry ·G. tertamed at her home in Wellman Choice of Knowing .kl... • ,al.D The b a c kThe division of conservation will objects. Inattention of the openltor alrNldy have been mentioning Brunner, of the Home Owners' on In.'!! Sun~IlY several relatives Motorists pay 26 cents for each ' pheasant was listed as the . .contributing "more tax" figure s that are really Loan Corporation, given OUlt today. and fnends In honor of ~er lather bone of the ofOriginated and Sponsored and partridge raisea and liberated C8Ulle of mO's t of this type of crash. astounding. The fact that business Of the above amount, $490,600 n,nd brot~erMr. Walter TIbbals and ficial Revoluby the . at the age of four weeks &l1d 40 • people, large and small are quite was disbursed in the corporation F ores~ TIbbals. tionary Trail. with former Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Thompson, "41LLOW System of centa for each one liberated at the Official greetings of the state of interested in the forthcoming stat~ bonds exchanged Revolutionary age of ai:lt w~s, Commiuioner Ohio to the thousands of delegates government survey report to be mortgag s, $44,544 wa paid in P. G. Wells Marie Wells ~nd ' " ,..., Western Ohio. Short Trail Wooddell uid. The counties where who will be in Columbus from made by Col. C. O. Sherrill is help- ca. h to County Treasurers fol' ~athl en· Thompson were shoppmg Marked its Association the plan will be put into trial June 26 to 28 at the fiftieth an- ing to arouse a public conscious- back taxes, $13 ..219 for necessary 10 Lebanon on last Monday afterentire l~mgth operation are Delaware,! Franklin, nual convention of the Ohio Chris- ness. And the mov4ment to put repai.r s, .and the balance of $14,948 noon. _ __ by , hilltorical Union, Madlaon, Fayette, F.hfteld, tian Endeavor Union will be 'Of- anticipated recommendations into fol' accrued interest on the bonds, ... ,- ... - - markers of t he HQCldnlJ, Pickaway and ROIIII. It is fered by Ohio's chief executixe, action ,Is not believed to be stop!?- for attorneys" fees, and fo"t ap. Crop AdjultmCiDta Ohio Memorial .aid that modern farm machinery, Governor Martin L. Davey. The ing after the present chief ~ecu­ praisers' fees. CommisMon. Se'cl'et&r!' of Agriculture Henty which crushes many gamt-bird general chairman of the conven- tive peruses the report, wbich in· The average amo.unt of eflch loan For additional strip ~. Wallace says voluntary croJ1 ad· nelts and removes the cover there- tion committee, Wesley O. Clark, cidehtally he invited. was $3,095. maps or any information JU!ttment programs "w'e re not in by expo ing the egp and' young cashier in the Department of State --relative to ' State Parks, the path of the Schechter case de· birds to their natural enemies, announced ti)at several nationally Salet)' FARM PROPERTY TAXES Pleasure . Resorts, Scenic cision, and in no event could ther destro.ys more pheasants, partridge known speakers will appear on the The matter of promoting motor Spots, ·lIistoric Shrines CONTINUE TO DECLARE be any question of the governand quail than are killed by the golden jubilee program, They in- v~blcular safety education which or the hundreds of other ment's ability to fuUllI its conguns of hunters. elude Miss Margaret Slattel'3t of was l)eing fostered by the state points ot especial interest Boaton, author and youth leader, until a curtailment came after the this route, write The typical Ohio farmer will tI'acts with farmers." and Rev. Dr. Daniel A. Poling of first of February is likely to re- pay 17 per cent less in ~l and WrLBUR M. FAULKNER ln 193.& Ohio had an average ot New York, who is president of the ceive some help throu&th the Ohio peTsonal property taxes In Ul35 as Try The Miami . Gazette For A Secretary Automobile Association compared w~th the previ01us year, one motor vehicle for every four World Christian Endeavor Union. State SPRINGFIELD, OHIO YeaJLr.--reeldenta of the .tate, accordini t \Oance regtattations indicate that which headlined this work as a~.cordiJlg to preliminary data alltraffic I e ' data just compiled the convention will be one of the of its summer co.nvention items at sl1mbled by H. R. Moore, 01 the . ~~==:;::::::====================================== by tIIe' tr c bureau of the State lal'lJe t in the history of the Cedar Point. The Ilssociation indi- Department of RUl'lil ~conC)mica at Jlighway Department. it was an- organization. Features of the cated that work among school chil- the Ohio Experiment S~ti ,on. This nounced by Highway .Director golden jubjlee . include a apecta- dren was urgent. statement is based on a study 0:1: John J. Jasper Jr. There was a I cular religious pageant under the property taxes in 88 ., v~nll town. H _rd in .P... la. ships considered to be representaOhio Chamber of Commerce's tive farming .communities in the Secretllry Geol'ge B. Chandler re- ditl'erent counties of the St.ate. The ft cently cited that discrepancies ill. cause of this Teduction ilt the 10TVA commissary and cafeteria mill limitation whic1,l reduleed tJ¥ cash registers said the repllted dif· average tax rate in tbes,e townAI ferenc~ were blamed o.n "children ships from 18.491 to 18.9Ia mills .0, playing with the register" . • and on each dollar of tax . vSli'uation. vpted outside the li1:nitation a wag added "dis~ance hinds en- Levies chantment" .. It is higbly pos- aceolmt for the .present I:aie exsible that both the Republicans and ceeding 10 mille. Farm 'real estate taxes for 1935 the Democrats will have some priOLASSIFIED ADS COST ONLY mary contention next May .. . and average 72 cents per acre as 'comto cap it off selection of delegates pared with 85 cents in 19:84. PerONE CENT PER WORD. WHY to the respectIve national conven- sonal property taxes are equal to approximately 10 per cent of the KEEP YOUR ATTIC FILLED tic matter than toit be hasa ever is certain morebeen realis• real e$tat~ taxes. In other words, WITH USELESS ARTICLEi _ . "third. party" talk has not taken the average owner-operator of a hold in Ohio as much as in other hundred acre farm will have ' a THAT CAN BE TURNED INTO states which isaignifieant in view total tax bill on real and Jpersonal MO.NEY FOR . SO SMALL A of the Buckeye reputation as a property of ,80 in 1935. Farm property taxes hlive now unit .. some of the men COST. TRY ' THIS MEANS OF loaned by businesjl to make the decline-d for 6 consecutivil. years. Sherrill survey are real "top·notch- Payments in 1929 represelnted the SELLING AND SEE WHAT A era" in t heir line and their in- peale at 288, when 1914 ltax payDIFFERENCE IT WILL MAKE fiuence will make them "perpetual ment are considered as 100. Rela· mllStonaries" that their recom- tive to the same base, lal3t year's T O YOUR POCKETBOOK, AS mendations for more efficient and were 136 and 1986 taxes are 112. As compared with p':'icea of more economical state government WELL AS ' TO HAV E YOUR be foJlowed Iincerely • .Instead of thing8 rarmer.. sell, taxes are now ,STUFFY OLD ATTIC CLEANED the .tate's share of abou,t two closer to parity than at IIny time million dollars for the Muskingum since 1920 because farm !Drl~dllCt.11 OUT, IT PAYS I Vane)' conservancy project about have been riling in price declinin,. However, four times that amount will be needed ·e .,entually before the thin. t1 tt-xea have been ia completed reliable Information .lttttlllir to other an announced llriel /rOvlmmental . Hr'YieuJl of ftOD-poUtiul eqqementa of f ....m.n wlJl par .PI~rG,~dm.telJ Char... BaWler, Cincinnati attor. tl1TOO,ooo .... Oil and fOl'lller Ueatenant lOver- perional propert)' ill lnterpnted bJ lOme State .... tu wID ea,1to1 obHnwl .. an 'adleatiim approdlllatel, ••.·.... u,.... ......bletlle ..... woald be



1 alks, June 24




Capitol Cross Road Chatter

Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol


DIlle "'''''

Irs ('."TER







'& LL 11 R2

'8 enera I Hau IIna 0 fAil KI nd. S

·g Local and LoDgDiltaoce·Haull·o

LeROY (·8.ell) MOR·AN . Corwin, Ohio



teaUtt.'. .

n.., _. w..


pd ....

of JU_ _ tl"


Caesars Creek


afternoon IU Mr. an d Air in TOI'onto, the federal 1I'oveMlm nt again to 01"01•• Kc,I.'r Graham and dau -hter. Mr. !lnd ~tJ . ~:. H. UIJl,ly CI'\'ll"C1t~ to be u l't! a~ lOIIon Glao.jiolull lOllY b e 1)lant~d (Turing !'IIi ,t'. Dod, and hlllll Fin.' , !If tUlllo·.1 wllh II Iilnlll~' It thl' "ug~ itt!ltin til II1 U VI.' , A hllil thl! tlr I w '['k of J llly fl' )' SCI, tc m • • . Mi.. V ir.inla Ca n,. .. a nd .. Mr. neur 'W Ilynt', ville, ' I't' we k"'lIu MIIII,IIIY in hlll"JI' of I'l'ol'ole f rum hilI' b lotlfll.· tllilHu n I!a\loll.· of BIIIII:lIo1 lluil\<~ huth or Cht'stl' I', ,·nnlln... t '. gUI·"L Ilf !lrIi~~ell G ~n l!vu 11l11.l B"tty w('()dina; IInniv\' r'IIl"Y J!'oVl'rnJl1t'lI l ~OUl"C('!I will be Nupvli\'i~ l ll'd tin;] ['fHhluclNI ol1rchu l'ch ~!I '~, \\ , " , \ \ "'l'I), Ruutzllhn . ·d irl lIm k Clll'l:I l(lcat d a t llti'at egic NOTICE ,,' I \ i('c~, ~\l1l.tI\~, 0111' Il:'~t(ll', Rev, OF APPOINTMENT ('loinl: til bl! Bvuila ble t o farmers H01'u lhy and Oickcy Ilihalll \ll!l't' \ ~nc: ~('\'( I' I 1"1 i"ndK ~p . lllr~ ntranl wl'nl to Pint Fork. (I\'('r :un,luy gu st IIf ~h. 1111(1 IIIg lit t ill' hOllll' of }\t'. "ho:1) crlll1~ al'~' t hl'l'ate ne!l. 'J'hl" Nt w B\1I'lil1l;\lln and '!leBa.', Jo;stal(' of ~: l ilL'\ Ogll'sbe(l, de'oullty Ilg r il' ultu ra l B!rents will <Irs. RIIY 'll1ith a nti Miss Mildred W,'kh , . ll'CI'k W ,t'. T, l\, ml'\ at Ih Gl'lIhalll in Dayton. lit,·, J ohn Tuck!!r ~II\. . , . upt'tvlse di.~lribution. c:ea~ed. hOIII!! l1f MI':;. 1I1a I !(m'l t Anlra 1l1 It, lurgarl'\- John .. il't ~pendin~ h(l ml! fl'om II "hv~·t vi~lt wIth ~l~ NoUc is Ill'reby given lhat Olhel' sourcl'S of creosote arc 1111"<1 fllllll]Y ill WiJullngt(lO , Tu(;~­ a 1:0111'1(0 of wc(\k· at til hOnle of . l . l~I·, Mr~.. ((f'Y Clnrb. nnd famdy who, !' P ost 111'0 hll'd' to fal"mo.'s, Several com" Jose-phin > 0, Gun dnv a fh'tlll)On, "[ I'~. 1':111\ lin ille ~, ~lr, and 11'., K(>no4?lh Huu~h lind of \ ulh undlnll'. Addl'(!sS is Wa nesvllle, jluni(> are laying in supplies to Offic M ,:;<. Lu till'l' !lui Ilt·,. and J on!,:j)l.'r, ,'hildlt'n 1ll'1I1' Wnynesvillc. . G('o:, Ogle .. he" . sPI~n; unday be ~()Id at pl'ic l'unging fl'om :l 8 llio, hl\/I· be n jluly Illlpointcd us I'hylli II \1 l>ll tit' ,I. Mrs, Grover Whit and dltugh- WIth h.•> (,1l\I~Jn I)), W, b. Ogl sbeo lo 30 c nls a gOllO ll, Adminisll'lltl'ilo1 \If the Estate of 1'hr " Wi dl' wukl'~" hl'ld th"'ir te.. of Blue Ash were week-end and Illfe. EJia Ogl~8b(!e ItHe of Warren H'lI'ullll' meeting at th ... homu (I f gU~;'ls at lh ho~e of lr. nnd We al'l' ,Ol'l'y to lr port Mis!! 'ounty, hlo, deceas d. I \\ i UII t d HI} ilH'S. :\11"5, alvin Longac\"e. Anna i\lndd cn nil. b t~Cl'. . Dated thi s 171h \IllY or ,June, SOIl1(, 11'0111 he!e ~IIW "Doubting Mr . W. Albrigh untl II'S. M~ry lluilles nnd fam Ily lHaS. I Thoma:" ill Wilminjtloll, Jnckie Hughe, of Wayne Ul' I\~tendm th· ~onlmt'nc~ment A, ,RisingN', Atty, Ml'. and 1\]1' .. William 'onlplQIl spent Wcdne~ day with ?' rclses ~It Glend~J! e. Richard Ealon, Ohio. I cnll'rt:\ill~d lhe flllln illg gu !;t!'- daughter Mr!<. K !II l' Graham. I'rank n 1~ u. t1I1emb r of RALl'II AREY I ~unfh,\": ~ll'. lind · l\II'H. Hobert Mrs. Harold Whitaker, MI'S. th~ gl'nduutlnlr IB~~. ,Judl{(! of the I robute ourt, Stnlll )" 1\1111')' Edith nnd h 1'1 -20 7·4 Wanen Qu nty, Ohio Hal'vey Burnet and Mrs. AU '0 MI~. )I\I'Y L eney und lIlr.s. ~tlllll ... \', nl\ "r JlilJ"b I'll lind II'. Miller w<'r gu ts at the Fri nd- ~ , r · O~le bee ~pellt M nday In t I (ll\d [\11' . Lil" )"('nt'c Mitchn~r, Mr. hip In" meeting Thur day at mCI~natl.' , 'lust, not wear, ruins 1\l1d l\lrl', Am(), omJlton nnd o n, the home of Mrs, • O. H nkle. ~Ir. Puuhne Vilhl1's tJDllt fence. That'. wby Wall"r ])l'On CIIIIl'd in (h(! afterMe l' Guy Routzahn, Eli Rus- clll!d"c n, of ~pl'ing Vall y Ited Brand Fence is Jalll s Kc rt'ick has improved th noon , sell and Ben Hawke spent the rnlmg h re Jl,londay. loub/y protected from ~11l~t.l'I' Carey Le> igh lllline~, son wee k.e nd fi shing neal' Sel'pent 11'.. Pauline iIIars und children appearance of his bUlIgalOI with oust. lthasa heavy Galvahnea!ed ~uter fOR SALE of , pl'ing Valley II el'E! culling hero II il'C 11 coat of pnint. loating and a real copper ~a!'ng. m ner of :\11'. Ill1d I\Irs. Everett Haines, found. teCtion that greatly prolong .ts, hfe and fell ()tr his bicydl' and rt~ceived a W ndell Sali. bu.'y returned to MOnllllY· lis~ Inez milh, of terns, Ky., :ut fence costs for you. Investigate. cut Oil his }'~\ld, hi ~ home at 'abina Monday e ven[l' S. l\1uunts, o! 110rroll'! c?n. t:801e Sunday to ~pend lhe !\ummel' I,'OR SAL'E- Uscd 2-lliece over. st ut'red living rooan s uite. Inquire 1\I1S. Erl1('lson inclalr and jng after a stay at lhe home of ducted her c o"U~,ty grou~) slngltlg with h I' s i!ltel', Mr. Vernon aL Gazette ollice, LI\ weJl anti I~ou ..lIa Sinclair have Mrs. Allen Emrick. H e had been c'\as; 10ndu~ olt(' rnoon m the J. lI1uinou . I etul'ncd t.o their home after ill s vera! days with nn in! etion E. hll1'ch Wllh 8 !rood attendanc!! to ,;pending a few days at the horne of the foot. Members of the Ladies ' Aid Mr. Dnd ~1J-s. He rbert nell and r I' latives in pringboro. Mrs. Mary annony was a on, of MOl'1lcl'ey have n?turned to socieLy of the Met hodist chu ch Ral igh Bogan and fumily were dinner gu t ue day at the home til ell' h m~ havlOg ~p ent thc we k mct at the home. of MI's. Ebner • unday dinn r gue tIS of Mr. and of l't1r. and Mrs. Ev rett lBl"k ill with rclat1\' . • he< h:1I1, Wedn dllY afternoon. . 1\11::1. Honc e ompton . Mrs. omp- Dayton. Mr. ,.anll Mrs. ?l1.or 1'1 1\11'. nnd ~rl'S, Ira Rich, Mrs. ton i abl to be around the Mr. and Mr . Jaoob Gab lmlln, t·nlerlIlIflN.I al Ihnncl' unday, R ba BI'~lddo() k, Jr. and Mrs. hou e. tTs. W. G. Haines, ML es lara L MI'~, Alt;e n~on .and, M'·a. Hartl y Moss and children were veral attended Haine and Jani West of Dayton MlIl'gal'ot FullCll', of. ,ahforma, l't~l' gu ests of M I'. ~\nd ' Mrs, Gi lbert reuni on at th home wel'e unday af~ I"noo~ g ues ts of linn l\11': } ' 1<:. FI'~zll'~. hM,·s. ~dl Fry al 'll "fish fl'y" MondAY v nMrs. LuLhcl' Hain Mr. and MI·s. Wa ltol' Kelll'iek. otlT~('r , AI'. 'iV, . Gla am, "ny- jng. llllday. Mr. and 'Mrs. Harvey BUl'n et, nesv!J),; ,1\11:0 and. Mrs, Ralph l\tt-, Ilnd .MI'. Everett Phone 25 Mr. and Mr . Harold Whitaker ond Lew,,\ [lall1l ~bul'g~ .11 1'. snd MI·s. ~.yn e ."'ilI e, Ohio A, L, Killg wa s host to a mall and family vi ited som ot: Mr • children, and their guest, Mis Fred her~\' ~(l(.1 and ."daug~ter, company a dinner, undDY, at Haine 'relative near Ne, Vienna Laura Rosnogle, of incinnati, at- olu,mbus,. ~l. Ilnd ~1t _ . atlt~n Th e Little Inn. over were laid MI', and MI' • Ral igh Bogan and tended a picnic dinll r of t he Milk ouk. A (tel noon (.all I' we e for 1\h8. Will Grimes, of 'Los . . Floyd Anderson, II'S . I(]a H ~ n- Angele , who was the honor gue t; daughter, Dorothy, were guests at Producers AS!!ocl!lbon membel' d .ok d 1\1 E Ell' f Brotherhood meeting in Xenia Sundny at the home of Mr. J. H. nc. lin l'ij. llIma I~, 0 • flo, and 11'. Fl'unk Sbidakel', of III t Friday night. Th y furnished Kauffman of the Dayton and Xenia ; and 1\11'. ~n d Mr . H rbelt Harveysburg, l\fr. Emma Hamilthe mu ic jar the program. Lebanon Pike. Doster an~ daughter. ton and 1\1r. and Mrs, Gliff or d _.,.-._ _ _ _ Mr •. Lldu lTalton Mr. und M\' . Theodore McIn tire Buzick and. chi ldren. evera l guest,; fl'om at near New Burlington were SunMiils RuUl nnd Mr. Homee Sawin I'"~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _" DV!!I' th" \ . k-cnd. day dinner gue t!! of Raymond Th thought of deuth en J'otlle It'Qm Enl'lh m coJleg to 1'1 ha Clllett and Mis.' 1 Miss B Wjl on and family, is Ohc that all av.oicl. Mr. a n d Mrs. Warren Braddock The om~nunity club met on last NOl'ma ()l1ett. or Wilmington, th it· home in HanoVer, Mas achuYet, ih this age wh n topp d in WayneSVill e find 1l-. Arthur l1 ail1'~ e, of indn- . etts, and daughter, B ty of near Way. men face problem nesville called on Walter Wilson ~ednes~ay .even ing at t~e gyll1 nali, were guests or Mr, nnd al ul'day, for a brie.f visit with r I WIth thell' ':"'Ives or lady friend as 11'8. \ . . Tiche n I' • unday aflel' atives. Mr. awin, who is the son bI' "ely, olle mu t and wiJ'e, Sunday evening, gucsts. QUIte a large crQwd was ' no n, ' of frs. Lida awin, a former W a y Miss Hele n Lcami ng spent the X-RAY WORK somotilTle think of pre cnt and all wcre treated to ncsville l'eSident, has b en engaged week-end with Jesse ;Fawcett and the ending o.f as lovely ice cream, cuke and stl'UWBLOC ANESTHESIA to t t>llch biolog}( at Harvard . family of Oldtown. berries, Miss Mary .liIl of Wil8 well as its daily trials Mr. and Ml' , Raymond Wil on mington Wa!! t h e s])eak;er .of the All Kind. of D.DtUl'e. Made Mrs. J . V. Hartsook und daugh . and. triumphs. '\ e ntiended the funeral of Mrs. evening and tbe music was 1111's• . Raymond Pierce and MI' . tel', DOl'oth y, and Vivian Oglesbee Repair Work DOlle Quickly Wilson's niece, Elizabeth Ann, fUl"llis hed by the men's orchestra. Bertha Hri cket, of Toled o, have Ill'e slaying for a while in Weathel' may be c~nsulted in daughter of Ml·. and Mr:;, Walter confidenc obo~t any Mr. Gilbel·t Welch of Detroit been guest. of their pm'ents, Mr. ford, Texas_ T hey have been visitcott, nee Mary mith. of German vi ile<i hi paren ts over the week- and Mrs. UowOl'd Pi erce, since inti Ml' . Mal'y E. W e.l'ntz a nd Mrs a . peet of fu neral ~ain st. WAYNES VILLE, 0, town. Private tuneral set'vices end. unclay night. has, B. Herrman n. T hey ,I\rc very service. were h"ld at the hOll1e of ' Wilbur 'Mr, Robert [<'ranken visited loel I'll I·S. Uowell Pierce., Mrs , BeJ'\h much enthused over T xa and hel' 1l1ith snd fanlily, Bricket a nd Mrs. RU)' l1lond P i aLives }Iere recen tly. climate, h er frui ts , vege.tables a nd Raleigh Bogan attended a M1'8. J . P. Thornbury has reo , spcnt Tuesday with their rclatives, ho pit ality . Falh eJ; an~ on banqu t in pring turned 11'om a visit with her Mr, Tom alvert and family, at Valley last WE-dnel'day llight. He parents in Loui ville, Ky. ad Deihl an d Mr, and Mt· . I elma. Wns guest of hi s fnther, Rev. W. 1iss Mabel Davi, of \ arren, 0 ., Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lukens at: Mrs. Howell Pierce. 1\Ii es Anni E, Bogan. tended a rural mail carriel'8' con- and Manw Brown clilltd to sec irs In, Ru t h Fulker on and daughter Mr, Churlc hepherd and or a ventio n at Buckeye Lake the last Emma Barnett in incinnati, Fri- Dorothy, a nd '. [is Marie Elam, ane! ErJle 't hepherd, 1\11'. and of the week. ruzie r, Mr. Phon 7 day morning. Mr . BILl'nett i ral ly XUllill; 1\£rs, Dolly Mrs. WilSOlt S hepherd a nd Mr. Glen n neU has re turned ing fro m a recent atbck or iUncss. Iian !<on Fl'az ier and Ml'. Corll daughter of Dayton , Mr, a n d Mrs. home from a visit with her gran d. D11vis, H oward Orville Rambo, <llTl (\ M.r. and Mrs. mo the r in Mente-Fey. Yllnd~~~lU~nw~~~__~~~~~ UNIVERSIT¥ REPOR Albert BI'llnnock were S un da y and Mrs. LI ()yd Da vi s a son s aDd Mr. and Mrs, L . E . H ockett SAYS CH INCH BUGS dinner gue;-ts of M.'. a nd Mrs. wel'e d inne r gou ests last Sunday of TO THREATEN CORN Miss W inifred Conn er we l'c S unDelbert ongel'. day guests of MI'. and MI·s. J osiah h er moth er, M rs. Sa die R ea son. Davis. The members of t his churc h (Continued from Paie 1) Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McFarland ----~ are plalll1ing to p:ive a p rogram a nd f r iends, of Dayton, spent S un- county agricultul'al :igen ts in the next Sllnday night a t. Caesars' day here , cond uct, of demon tra tions of STUDENTS IN RADIO TO reek ehureh at 8. Everybody i nHAVE SUMMER SCHOOL Several Ea stern Stars frol11 this barriel' building, including l h e vited, chapter a ttend d Inspection a t et· ction of the new paller barStudents in th e l'adio j u nior MI', and Mr" George P ar rot ()~ Lebanon lodge on Tuesday even- ri I'S, college, con ducted fl'0111 WO U by olumbus and Ml', J ohn E lli tt of ing of last week. Ohio, thl'Qugh the Ohio Agric ul- Ohio Sta te Univers ity in coopera Fort Ilmtel', New Me xico were Miss H elen Randall sp ent last tural Extens ion S-ervice, bas asked tion with t he Em ergency Sch ool dinne r ~uests of Mr . nnd Mrs. Ad min istration, will have their John WIlson W ednesday. own sl1ni mer ·s chool, it was lin· n ounce d today by Alson Enr hut, who has charge of enrollm nt f or WUl'I'en county. P revio u Iy all '1'he Lad ie!! Aid will set'v e a activit ies of the " college" wer e chicken supp er at Lytle H a ll Satur d iscontinu ed dUI'ing t he sommer, dny eve nin g, June 22. You r patron Three cour es h ave been uge is soHcited. schE-duled, all broad ca st directl y Ml' . AHce Clar k made a bus if ro m cIa SI'lIoms on th e camp us. n~ss trip to L e banon Friday. " R ecent a.nd Contemp orary Dram a Mrs, P1!-ter B an ta , of Dayton, will con tinue all quarter at 1 :30 sp n t t h6 week-end with hOJl)e p. m., Monday t hrough Thursday. folks. Music, a s tudy of the romaJ),tic Mr. a nd Mrs, J ames Johns are period in , Germany and France, pehding several weeks in Dayton will be offered at 9;30 a. m. du ro at the h ome of MI'. and Mrs. Har ry ing . the fi rst · six' weeks, iQj place J o'h ns, being taken by "Th e Histo r ical Richard Swa nk of Dayton, spent Geogrllphy ·of Co~'merce" for t he sevel'a l day~ last week with his se.oond period beginning July 17. gTand-pat'ents, Mr, a nd Mrs. Ed The course ind rama will be Longa~re . ta ught by Prof. Harlan Hatcher. Mr . and MI·S. Jo hn Myers ' and The s oc ial, intellectual and daughtel', of Dayton, were Sunday scientific 10rc~ of recent times reflected in the plays of Iblon and others dOlYn ' to Eugene O'Neill will be studied, Mus ic' will be conducted by Pl'of, Royal D. HughC1!, cllaiMla~ of · the music department, and Samu el L . Flueckii'6r. It will be br oadcast each Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, Recordings used as examples in the. class room will be heard also by th~ radio audience. . f r of Roderick P6IIIUe" author UNDAY morn In, breakfast Is the eheese evenly over dou,gh. Sprinkle of numerous books in his field, is one leisurely breakfast of the with salt and paprl:ka, Cut In t he !nstru.dor for the geography week. This meal- usually a sub· strIps 6 x % inches, r Oo,1I each strip, coul'se, which ill the story of .the .tanUs lone .....:. alforda a housewife aad place In greased mumn pailS, earth in the history . of cultures, an opportunity to prove that her Or roll sheet as tor jel11y roll, cut III t he so il in the lives of men, and band has not lost fts cunning in Unquestioned ·Inch s ltces, aod plnee slices on t he sea in the making of empiI'es. the making of bot breadll. Thele g reased b akin g sheet... Bake In hot , It will be oft'ered Monday through durability and Cheese Roulettes were just made to oven (4 2~· F'. ) 15 to ll(} minute., Friday, Enrollme nt and 8upplego with IIcramblod eggs and bacon. Ma.kes 2 doze n rOl1lettEla. exquisite de~ign mentary materials for the course A, [or the wa.tUes-Gld y.o u ner Waffles -the highest ideals. in plated ware-are asaured in are free. kllow waffles to go bentng?


-_ .. ---



Moderate Cost


Tht' cost oC a funeral service 'Ie cntirely lI l'cidcd by the wis hejl Df our c lien t . The ir c:hoice of a <;a:ket and lUlC sary acce u 6riel is influ en ced by no attempt at ..a lcsmansh ip on our part. We lo llow t heir desit'el! closely, and ke p t he total cost to a s m otlerate 1I Ilgur e as th eir c hoice dietates.

............. R".H.STUB·BS [l(uzRJtaL






Late Classified Ads.





W.ya.....III., o. JUNE 21 - 22 EDMU 0 LO W E, VICTOR Mc LAGDEN i n

The Great Hotel Murder M u ieal, "Uf of th e P arty, 'I CQmedy, " Restless K1ligh ts" JUNE 23- 24 J A K lI OLT , MONA BARRIEl , in

Unwelcome Stranger omedy, Andy lid in "O.1d· aw Bones," and F ox N6ws Two Shows-7 :00 & 8 :80 p. m, ADM. lOe-lIc .

Harveysburg ,


IF· - d'- -..----N H




A C~mplete



Stock and equipment to fill all your needl. Everything for Building '

J. E. McClure

Waynesville, Ohio

....... ----


,W, ' H, Madden &Company


.e Family on Hot Breads.J








lpoons, forks, and fancy serving pieces renowned trade mark


"I1ete are 'Varioul makes of .averplated tibleware goOd," but, like aU imitations. they lack the beauty and wea!Aal. icIeatified withthe original and genuine II !..U11DBS1 • t .Wln))OpArlylu.o'wu,.. ··Si/P,r Plati'iTiAt W,ml.·· ~ are claimed to be "ju~t as


dealers everywhete.

t.. . .~:;:=.-



ellen. Roul.Un .Ined .alle Aour

double·a.tlnr ba llIn,


1841 ROGERS BROS.T~ptf ahOwiaa aU deaipA.


Sead lor



'h teupooll ...IL

• lab I_"l bULter or lhortellln.


2/ 1 cup mUk

bulltr "'1" Amerlcall cbecM PCrlta Sitt Sour once, meaaure, add bak. Ing powder and ..It, and 81ft &18.10, Cut III Bbortenll1lT add mIlk all at • onc:e and Btlr carerully IIntil all aour II dampened. Stir vicorOllsl7 uaUl mixture forllll l oft doqb aDd foUowa apoon around bowl. Tam 01It IDllIDedtatel, be all,bU, 8oarec1 Un n.4 10 1eCOQda. It.oll ... lCelted


...... lUI'



------ ..---Car'd of TMaIu

We wish to thank our relativel, . neighbors and friend. for the kindne8s and sympath" which they extended to UI at the time of our



The FaMily of Elial Orlelbee


The . .ven-weeD old lOll of r, and lira. Robf.rt LollS dl8d Thunda, at the. home of th ImllIIIll'1Imta.

lb. Ud


..I a lid

W.,.....ilI•• 0.

Eighty ·Seven~h Year





Whole Number 6175






GAZETTE OFFICE TO The Just S w Club I)let at the The Wayne sville Gard n Club . BE CLOSE:D JULY ~ homli\ of Ollie Routzahn Wedn eswill hav'e a picnic meeting Tues· day, June 26 at 2 p. m. Twelve day. July 2, at 10 :30, at the home members were Ilresent. After the of Mrs. J, L. l\lenc1enhali. MI·s. July 4 £.Uinl on t'he rerular usual busine meeting ou r work Lena Hal'tsock, Mr . Peterson and publication date of 1rbe Mia:mi Hot Weather C.u.e. locre••• In Mr . Fan will a ist th!' hostes Prom i.e. to Replace Oroenieal. for was examined by our leader·l!. GaceUe next week. til paper Refreshment wel'e served by at the tea table at n oon. Awards Dead anod Cnpplecl M.rket Cabba,e Celery and will come out on "'IVecLneld.y Geneva Mae Routzahn and Marwill be made for the 0108t a .. ti~tlc Cauliflower Ani"al. and the office will be clo....d arrangement of flowers. Lytle School Teacher Said To All Mail Mat.ter Will Be 'Conve"ed jori M~y Charlto n IlfLeT which Thur.d.y for tbe Clbaerva.nce games 'Were enjoyed by all. The club will study perennials A n w insecticide call (I r ()tnnon" T wo ugg lions f or r educing " " 0 f·L ... e h 0 I,' day • Baclciulf Of By Truck' To ADd FrQm lind Mrs. Cal'! Duke will give an Correapollclenh ar,d other. live. i ck shipping I sses I\t' ad· intel'esting talk on the subjeoct. promis to I' eplne l! late ap pliea · COlli mltte. lion s of al'senical poil>ons for th ..... in .. eOl'ltributlionlll for dDt i .. ue are requNted to .ubmit vane d by . W. H8ll1man s. ext enInauguration contl'ol of in sects that attack cah. 'I .. f of h"Star W Route" 'II . their mater-ial one day .... rlier. sion e peciali t in marketing for . FI'auk Fox will be Waynesvilie', mal serVIce or t set e foraynesvt bags, cauliflowcl' and celery. It is ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~, the 0 , S. U. .new po tmastel·. postoffice has peen Mondaye July I. '. being used also in lilte spr l\y all' .::,_ _ =========== He suggests the use of !land as a Tbut is if an unoft'lclal poll of t he member of the Warren This wl11 mean the eli mination. plicatiolls on bean$. -bedding material for truck cOllJnty De mocratic central com· after many years, of train service ~~=~~~~~~~~~~~L The ne·w in ecti id e is a veg eta· cad ot shipments during lhe hot, mittel' is II ny Indication of the at Corwin. ble alkaloid simila~' to nicotine ==-- according toT. H. Parks, exten: ' • , Ummel' month. anll trucking to t end of the ma lter. According to the schedule anMr .an d Mrs. R d J{ rsey, s\on ' I. aymon ntom o I'Igi t f ol' t he O. S. u. mah-et at such times that the liveMI'. F ox, wh o had one of the nounced by Postmaster Ross /Jart- of Day t on. ca II ed on Miss Belle 1t .tS d dved from plant which, a t t ock will al'l'ive during the early :hr ee h ill'hest g l"8des in the expresent, al'e impol·ted. sock mail8 will arrive and depart O'Nea11, Saturday, mornin rr hours. .The sand, \ ell wet A. H. tubbs conducted a ami nation tor th e local office. is I rom Waynesvl'lle postoffice as b Rotenone differs fl'Om most in. J nd r, t od to hav~ contacted funeral at LewisbUl,'g, Tue day. follows: arrive, 7 :36 a. m. and Mr. and Mrs. H'omer Robel'ts, of S e C t'A'd . th t ' t k ' ll . h' Ft B . H ' I d down, helps to avoid ovcl'heatinc. td S In ·a 1 t Cit er as . enJ. arrlson, Jl .,- l 'be " nemb ers of the committee indi4:05 p. m. Depart 7:45 a. m, and Jamestown. were guests of 1IIr. u stomach poi son Ot· as a contact eleve nth Citizens' Miliitary Tt·uin . and ' losses. John Weaver is vi siting reia- ~ jdually and has secured the en· 4:15 p, m. ·and Mrs. Charles Ames., Sunday. poi on, At th e- ame lime. nccOl"d, ing amp to be 'held at l<~or t Shipping losses during a year liv es at elina . IOI'sement oC practically evel'}" one Positions of Laura Conner. who Miss Lilla Benham spent everal ing to Parks , it is hllrmles!;' to Han'ison will open July 2,nd. when lire e timaled to amount to a ,f its membel's. has held the contract of convc)'ing days last week a"t the' home of Mra man. , approximate ly 1,700 young III n much lUI $30,000,000, Hammans J. S . .Fost(ll', of Xenia, was a It i said that wOI'd, of the com · malls from Corwin to Waynesville J ennie Mullen near Fen),. It is applied either as a spl'ay or fl'om the states of Indiana, Ohio, say '. Losses from d ath and crippl, bu sine s vi sit ol' in Wayne ville., rniUee'. choice will be forwarded and Glenn Fealey, who had a II a dust. }~Ol' control of cabbage Kentucky and We t. Virginia will ing at foul' hio markets reach d today. ;0 S nalur Bulkley and Donahey Dan Brown, of Daylon, pent insects the dust i pI'efert' d by "trek" into camp for Ii thirty day $162,000 dul'ing a season when similar contract for Harveysburg, h. anti Mrs. R . A. onner were A'ithin lhe next fa days, after will be elinunated. last Thursday at the hom of Mr. entomoligists. This du st is made by coul'se of training. accumt count was kept. ~~hich the matter must. go through Starting point of tbe new star and Mrs. Albert leav r. mixing 1~ parts o~ gl'ound derri TIle young traine-es will Gl'eatest losse are with hogs. Duyton vi Itors Tuesday. li e u!lulil governm nt channels. route will be Xenia. the truck then M L Sh'd I. r H root, whIch contaUls 4 to 5 per undel' the direct supervision ul'iog .B ummcr month one bog Acti on on the part of the comMr '. Je ilie Hyman and family ra. aura t a"er, 0 arveys cent f rotenone with 85 ts I 1 R in 200 is dead upon arrival lit proceeding t o Bellbrook. Waunes, burg. wa the we.ek-end guest of . " . par a ne . P. obinselD, 1Uh In· sp nt unday at Indian Lake. llitt I' terminated a stormy era ville, Harveysburg Kingman and Mrs. Mayme Hatfield. of fine du ~tng gyp u~, kaolm, (.ale fantl·y, who will be the immediate the stockyards. Of the $162,00() n which th well-known Maag and thence back to the Gl'4lene county or other tnel·t carner. Hydrated camp commander. Assi tin' los reported in the survey, $137, Mr. .and Mrs. Raymond Taylor, 3igler (action plit ovel' the Waysea.t. . Master Wendall Salisbury, of lime can not be used as a can·j ·r. olofl.('l Robin on will be a staff 00 w re in hogs. The balance was of prtngboro, were t'ccent gue ts leilville matter, and the qu~stion Termination of ~an !;ervice by Sabina, is visiting hi grandparAlthough th hom e.-mixed duat or Regular Army officl~rs. the I'e ult of. losses of cattle, sheep of Mr. and MI·s. J ohn Long. If o~her political patronag in the ' I from Corwin, will bring to ants, Mr. and' Mr . W. P . Salisbury is m.uch cheaper, nnd i. considered Th and calves. 1iihway and other deplll'tments of ' the eeonO~I'c~1 '\'ay o ~ u t· ng· the COUl'se of t hil! camp will - - - - - W, H. Madtlt!n and Mr . Ml's. .. ,i n d a f am II lar flg-ure who for .. ~ I ' f ·A t ' ll S' he <;ounty govel'nmenL more than half a century through Mrs. Emma GI'ubb and Mrs, matel'ial by mmercial grawel'S, c ns '. 0 r I ery, ligna I Corps BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Lester Surface W(ll'fI Wilmington Some 12 candidate sent their flood and fail' weather faithfully Ella Bl't1ddock. of Dayton. wer .rotel1on e du sts and sprays may be and Infantry s ubjects" and wiII DEGREE IS CONFERRED VI it ol"ls, Tuesday. ~pp)jcation to the U. S: Civil ' Ib h h 'l g uests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hess pUI'chased rea<ly t o apply. St' ngle continue until July 31 t . . On roug t t e mal ocr08S. M d I' . Augu t 2nd 'lhe second camp of ,er vice commission in Washington G. . Oib Ii went to Mc· Rev. l app Icatton. are two Ot· three times the ca. <In will open with the Th I' i~ol1owing intel'estjng news Th t' was th I' Ia t.I' D. W• "W e bb' • .on ay. omb, Tue.sday, relm'ning Wed- ,vben the d adline was reached at Meeks, whom old t· l'e,sidenta of MI$ es Janice and Phyllis B tt a.s expenSIve as arsenical a~pli(la. €ame officel'S in command. The item .\Vas clipped from a Gaines ~ ne ~ day evening accompanied by 'he "close of businesl! Friday, thl s commun ity w ill remem b er as 0 f L y t' le. have been visltiJlg . urn~ Llons, but cost, according to Rec ntl camp ,will con$ist . their Parks, is notthe prohibitiVE! when apof lnfan. \I,'11 1', FI orl'd a, paper: his family, who had been visiting Mal'ch 8. From th is list thl,te names were one of the most faithful of Uncle Ifl'TbandParents, Mr. and MI'S, E. L. j plied in cOJ"rect amounts Twenty tl'y subject only anti will be deMr. lind W. E. O'Neall, relatives at that plact'. am's servants. omas. . I 30 . voted to the many pha of this 011. Charle- and Hugh and l'eturned as having the highest Aft r his demi e. the contract . I to pounds an acre are sug· branch. daughter, , Mis Ann were in MI'. and Mrs. Orville J. Gray 'trades in the examination. Th ey was awarded to the late Earl Mi ]valou Russum, of Dayton . gested. ,During the la ' t two weeks the Gainesville Monday aUending the Mifls B\lrbara Gray and Mr: wel'e John Cummings. who held ed thO d ill spending- the we.ek with her i Rotenone is Ulled a a spray to graduating exercises at the hester Carey were Dayton visi- _he local office for one term under C h f onner, w 0 per Ol'm IS uty aunts, Mill8e. Trillena nd Mar. cont~<ll Mexican bean beetles. It is Re~uJal' Army personnel .of the U . -he administt'ation of the ' late until his death, his widow having g'aret Edwards. appited aftel' the pods are formed po~t ha be n busy prepal'l ng for . ",versity of Florida, in whicn tOl's. Monday. Woodl'Ow Wilson, Fox, and Frank held the contract ince that time. at th I'ate of 2 ~ pou nd of Lhe candidstes who will be the their son, Albert 0 ' Neall wa MI'. a·nd Mt·s. W , mith and Van Oflen, former orwin v'ocet', MI'. /,lnd Mrs, L, H. ~rdon in ground root in 60 gallons of water. gUesl~ of "Unc~e Sa~" I" for the gl'llduate. on Robert, of New BUI'lington, The fact is furthet· borne out SENIOR GOOD CUT compan}, with MI'. ~nd Mrs. E. B. The spl'ay Is directed against the duration of then' pel'lCid of trainNo more is Bert O'Neall ju t Mr. and Mr . William Riden()ur. of CLOTHING CLUB MUt't'elJ. Qf L ban n, pent Wed- under side of the leaves. ing. plain B rt. Nosur. for that most Dayton, were guests of Mr. a nd inasmuch as Fox is understood to n day in Columbu . While th training of t.he boys talented gentlem\!n is now prof s have resigned from his school teaching position. and is prepared THOMPSON-EARNHART will con ist chiefly of military ub or O'Neall. of the University of Mr . Josiah Davis, unday. The third meeting of the Senior . t th ti I 'd Flol'ida. Mr. and Mrs, E. R. Bentley and to assume his duties just as soon Frank Thomas were guests of Jbec, e recl'ea ona SI e of the __ • Mn. Je sie Hyman, Mrs. JellnMrs. Good Cut Clothine club was held a his name goes to President and Mrs. Clill' Anderson SunThe maniage of Miss LeI\a oy has not b n overlooked. n ite Bloch, MI'. and Mr. A. T. Monday afternoon, June 24. at the Mr. Earnhart and Mr L . Th SpOI·ts jmd athl tics have been BUSY FINGERS 4-H CLUB Polinsky and Mr. Robert Hyman Roo ev It ·and i given the usual day, at Fort Ancient. hom of Ruth Salisbury with seven so n was quietly . so l:;I~i:/;ed O~~~t u~t'an -ed, blloseball teams wllre 'dinnel' guests of . Mr. confUmation in congress, memJ>ers preaent. Jane Cook led a The position pays $1,900 i. year. Miss Sarah Stansell, of Chat- Thul' day vening at 8 o'clock Will be formed and vi'a fOI' the The baking of a. delicious yellow Polinsky's parenti! in incinnllti discull8ion on undergarments and tanooga .Tennesse.e, Ilnd Mrs. June 20, at the L Mary's Epis: camp uPI'emacy: '1'en~li and cake w~s the main featur~ of the l"l·it.!ay night. ' several garments were judged. Kate Rimes. of Centerville. were copal hurch , th e Rev. J, J . "QI~(!y baH enthu lasts .wtll have ausy Fingers 4-H club whi<:h met . The next meeting will be held gu~sts of Mrs. Mllggie Burnet, Schaell'er' officialing in the' single thel~ teams and pI.a y on good at t he home of the leader, Mrs. Rev. J . J, cha If t· and ~~IS8 at Wayne Park when 1'01, call will Fnday and aturday. ring ceremony. Their only attend. COUtts arranged f(H them. For John Pveston, on Monday, June 24.. B tly H~rtsoc~ are repre entmg be aoswll,red by judging work done ants were Mi r.1ary J o Mill thl' e w~Q c~re to do so, a regular Eight members respo nded to St. Ma~'y s EPIscopal church at a inee the last meeting. Plans for For the plea ure of Bord and MI'. Edgar Smith, both o~ co.urse ~n Life. ,aving and swi~. r?lI call by giving number of con f renee (If clel'g~ and laym en community service will be discuss- Hen~erson, a recent brtde, MISS Waynesville and friends r th mlng w,1I be gIven by an authorl:/;. dl hes they have prepared. l of the church b tng heltl in ed and camp plans will be made. Dorts Henderson gave a' bridge bride and brid gro m o e cd memher of the American Re d The minutes were read and ap· Gambier this w ek and next, Each member is requet!ted to party at her home, S~turda:v night. Th bride :as v~r • lovel i Cro. proved and plans were made for I , Th e tenth wedding anniversary take sandwiches a.nd a covered di8h Three- tables were In play and rose cre e with whiteY c s Y • n The program of instruction has ' the bake sale which will be held on and .Mrs. Elmer heehan. --.... after .the games the hostess eerv- ,I The brf~e8maide wa ~e~ ~~rl~s' l been. arranged to give the boys the I W dnesday, July 3. 1tfembers will ~I'd an~ MI'I . D. Sh ehan and of MI'. and Mrls. James MorriS, of cd dainty reheshments. int y dres ed in Jj~ht rj:;~ maximum ben efit of their stay in I take orden (furing th~ week. S~is: unne 1 attend d ~ ~rown Sabina, wa celebi'ated Sunday, 'th h ' . P camp. Each boy should return to Tb,e subject for dis uBsion was caW.e Ineeders pI CniC, at .lune 23, when a larg group of I leJatives and friend went to their ba~:~n:~~e~trs'sa~u~~yB~~W~a~~ 1 cr~fs:Ear~h~t:t aicce:;ol":~ghter his ~ome- af~,er the thi~ty day stay milk and e h ese after which Sarah Delaware Ohio, last Saturday. nesville and with Mr. and Mrs, H. of Mrs. Bertie Mills and a gradu. havlOg . de.lIved lastmg benefil Conner and Charl~tte Rye gave a Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Brenner, home wi ~h well-filled baskets, givH, Williamson and Miss Grace ate . of Wayne ville High School. from ~ trIp ';C:;h! CMT Camp. tcal!' demonstration on cake Mr. and Mrs. R. KosiElr, of Wad, . ing 'them a genu in s urprise. The tables wer( soo n arranged, spent Sunday at Stillwater. She is a resident 0 ·( WayneSVille baking. and cream soup and worth " Obio, Mr. and Mrs. C J? and has a host of fI·iends. y salads were made. Sheehan were supper guests of the' ccntel'piece being a large cake Joel C.oVel'Bton of Mexico City. Mr. Thompson is a J1lan Th next meeting will be held on Mr .and Mrs. Elmer Slteehan beautifully decorated fOI' the ocasion, the gift of M,·s. Ethel FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Mexico. who has been attending of very high chal"acter, 'the son of Monday, Ju,ly 1, at the home of rdayevelling. Espy and Mt'. Clement Satterthschool at LawTenceville N. J., stop- Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Thompso n of Ail' . Pre ton : Carl Smith, Mfnltter ped on his way home to spend the ClaTksville. Ohio and a graduate Spooky Tavern, a mystery farce Mr..and Mrs. Fred Shultz a,,!d waite. The bride and bridegl'·o om reUnifted lIe"iees beginDinc with week-end with his cousin Julian of Sligo High School. TURNER-TREADWAY two children. Mr. and pl'ese nted M h d t MId Ml's. Martm f D in three acts, wa many beautiful giits. Those church :school at 9 :30 a. m. Crabbe. Immediately after the ceremony Thursday night at the gym by t urp y an Wo c ~ n, a ay- ceived present wet:e: aervlce .t 10:30 a. m. M the newly married couple left ;for ml)mbers of the Churchmen Miss Louise Treadway. on, spent Su"!day wlth Mr. and Mr. and Ml'S, Ora Miller, Mr, r. and MI'S. J. E. Frazier. Mr. a ~hol.t wedding t rip lind after soc iet y, an ol'gan,'''atic)n of the of Mr. and Mrs. John Mr '. John DaVIS. an~ Mrs. Lloyd Monis. Mr. and 0, 0, Mi sildine and J ... W ade TUTner. ~AYNESVJLLE M. E. CHURCH and Mary C, CI'OSS were guests of une ~Oth they w~ll be at home youngeI' me ntbel's of St. Mary's and Mr. Mrs. W. H. Madden, Mrs. C. Mrs, Cyru~ Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. to their many f.'lends lit 6346 Episcopal church. . J. H. Sackett were quietly Lee Hawke and Mr. Dean Hawke. Rev. G. C. J>iben, Pa"tor Henry Sattel·thwaite. Mr. and Mrs, Mr. ~n d M rs. Victor Carpenter in D ~ 1mar. Boulevard, St. . Louis, ro The play Is full of thrills from b y Rev. "', C. D ib~rt at the motored to West Mansfield today.. Sunday: ·Sund~y Bchool 9 :30 Middletown, Sunday. ' MIs~ourI. . ' tart t o finish and the Ipresentation pastor's home Saturday morning, where they attended th e wedding Hany A, Sa tte-rthwaite, Mr. · and a. m. Morning .worship at 10:30 Mrs. L, J. Satterthwaite. Mr. and .The best \~Ishes of all theh was vel'y realistic. Th ,e char8ctetl! June 22. of Mis Mary Ann Stout and MI'. Mrs. At 7 :30 p. m. we will hold the Mr. and M;rs. Lawrence Shep- frtends H. B. Reed, Mr. and Mrll. go With them. were well cast .and under the Imm ediat Iy following the cel'Richard Davidson. Tbe bride is first of a series of Vesper service., herd a'nd children, of X\!ola. Mr. ... ~ pl«)ndid coaching of Mis8 Olive emony Mr . .and Mrs. Turner left the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Espy. MI'. and Mrs. Tbese meetings will be held 011 and Mrs, Emery Ross aod chilHOMEMAKERS CHORUS All en the players furnis hed an for a short wedding trip in the Ralph Stout who resided in Way- George V. Satterthwaite. Mr, and the lawn hi front of the church. drens.pent Monday evening with 1\1 • C, I. atterthwaite, Mi88eB entertainment that elicited favor. South. Upon their retu·rn the nesville several year ago. There will be Bpeelal music, and their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clint Helen Miller. Ethel Morris. Ruth able comment from llll Who 'wii. couple will temporarily reside at , the speaker' for nut Sunday even- Ross. There will be a meeting o.f the the home of the brlde's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Eal'l Clark. of Thelmll. Mary and Ann Satterth. ipi will be Rev. Guy Cheek ot Warren County Homemakers n s ed the peorformance. Eollowlng is the clUlt:r The bride attended Waynesville Brookvilleo, Mrs. Olara Lewis and wllit • Hazel Sowder. Bonnie and Carlisle, Ohio, The home of Mrs. Philip Larrick chorus. in Grange hall, W-ednesday Lon Hacker, owner' of Spooky High school and for the past year Miss Wanda Claxk, of Dayton, ~ety Lou Satterthwaite j Mesars. ... S was the scene o~ a very pleaaant ~vening, July 3 at 8 o'clock. All W ed nea day: Th , e W • F • AD.. I I ff h 't t d' \, Tavern--John Edmist~n. hu been living with ber parents. Miss, Lucille lal'k and Miss . p, Tt\omas , Branson. Elden and will meet with Mn; Dan Ooll,tt. soe a a air, Wednesday after- women w 0 are In eres e, In t~e Ghost Woman, woo haunts The bridegroom was graduated Dorothy Lowe, of Bellevue, Ky., Ha.rold MilIel', . SC\Jtt . .Harner. Bible Itudy and prayer m"eet:lnlrl ·n ooll. when her daughter Miss project' aye invited and Drged ·to Spooky Tavern- Mrs. "John Kersey from WayneSVille High school in and Mrs. Alice Clark; of Lytle, Howard Irons, Arthur Sumnel'; EUaabeth Mullen was hO'~8S at' be present; L H k th.e class of 1928 and from Wil- IIpent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Mabel Sta up, Edna M.e at 7: 8 0 p. m. . h f " " • -. II ow~r or ~rI. De.n Walton, a ucy ac er, spiritualistic 11· h I f Mrs, Waltel' ClarL and faml·ly. ' taup, Robert, Richard, Charles, <\\ medium- Mrs! Edmiston. mington co eee in t e l ' aS8 0 ST. MARY'S CHURe" bride of laat week. . ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE Henry R., and Ualph Satterthwaite Joyce Wingale, resourceful 1982 . .He is now a member of the Mrs. Elizabeth Allen and Mr. Carl GraYI ~laynard and Warren Rev. J. J. Rector Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Greeror.; ' Mr. and Mrs. · Charles A. Fisher college girl- Mrs. Ethan Crane. teaching staff of the Waynesville Dona1d Allen, of Dallas TexlUl. Mr G. Manis, Lon Mon is and Donald Second Sund.y after Trinity, Mr, 'a nd Mrs. Clark , Davis, MhI, announce the maniage of their Florabel, Joyce's younger sister chools. andMr . Cha.rlefl Fisher and Mr. Espy. June 30, Ohurch aeh0l>1 at 9 :80; J. W. Hainle, of Columbus. and daughter, Elizabeth Poague to - Betty HartSOCk. " ---- - Alfred Fisher. of Cincinnati, and Momlnr Prayer" and sermC!n at Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Gray, of Cin- Mr, Elmer P. Wurzelbac ' Bedelia, the gir!.s' colored , FRANER-SCOTT Miss Olive Allen were dinner 10:80. cinnati, were visitors at the home Thursday, June the twentieth, at guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H, CLEARANCE SALES mammy-Loui~ .aen<ler80~. . The marriage crf Miss . ·Ollve of ldr. and Mrs. J. H, Smith, Sun· Cincinnati. START TODAY Ralp~ ChannIng, a, aenlor In Scott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen at The Littl Inn. Sunday. day. , The bl'Me il!! the gl'anddaughter Dr. and Mrs. Emil Bliunden, of Joyee-Et~an. Cr~ne. Elzey Scott, and, .MariOn Franer, love With n AUGUST.NE CHURCH of the lat'& H()race Allen and great Another mid-summer clearance Mr8. J. ,V. Hartsock, Miss Dol'O- piece of W. a, Allen. president of , Terry T&nn~l'. a ?1~nIOr 1ft . the s on of Mr. , and Mrs. Clarence Cincinnati, were afte·rnoon callers Father Newton, Paiol' 'ale 'Yas launched this, Thurida)' thy Hartsock and Mi88 V.vian WayneSVille National Bank. same, ~x-Cectl DavIs" . • Franer, of ·route 2, · WlIynesville, at the Allen home. · morning, at the ·Hyman store In WillIe ~orgle ••tu~;erIng f~esb- l took plae~ 0/1 Monday, .TUlle 17, MIl. at t!lL AucusUne'1 Ohurch Oglelbee arrived home Friday .Mr. ani.! Mr . Albert Co~" Miss Waynesville, Hel' e al'e to be found man, afratd of gll. o ats Dean at S"'e"cer Ind. ver)' eec:olld and foul'tb Sunday attet spending a few weeks In Ste lla, Everett, 30e, and Bessie great ba)'gains in all Jines of ~bY~' ' , SCOTT-CURTIS Texas. f the mOD~ • . .. . , The bride graduated from Way· ope, Mr. Charles Fishbeck, Miss m.erchandise, pI'iees havinr been Blackte Stmms, . Fa~'one I nellville high -school in the class of Ida Fishbeck and Mr. Roy, all of reduced in every department. Vias Mary Curtis of Greenfteld, man- Luther Hartsuclk. Mra. Maude · Crane entertained '35. · Cincinnati. were guests of Mr, and \WAYNUvu.a.a CHURCH OF at dlnJler Friday. Mr. and Mrs. and Vernon Scott, son of Mr. anq At the same time the Hymn. Farone, known aa, tl~e Creepe'l;-The couple expect in a few Mrs. J. W, Coleman, Sunday. CIIIlIST Bloch store in Spring Valley maue S. C. Matthewl, of 'Plttsbu r.. M.... Mrs. Elzey Scott, were married at Frank Hawke. weeka to eBtablish their home at N. F. Little, Cincinnati, Mra. Spence... , Ind., Tuesday, June 18, Carl SaUth, lIiDtater .... Mr. an~1 Y"'s. L. M. He-nderaon urated 11 great cl<!arance, ....e. ofMonrQ('. Ma\,), C. Cro811 alld Mr. R. A. Mr. and Mrs. Scott who are visit--.~~ and Miss Doris Henderson attend- ferinr to the citizen inandUO.8d Preubinl aelViee at the Church era... tng their grandmother at Spencer Valley good Cluallt, ed commencement exercises at the Spring MARRIED IN LOUISVILLE of Chrllt Sundar, JUD. 30, at expect to reside in Waynesville. merchandise at extremel, low college or Embalrrli\lg in Cincin9:30 a. the p..tor. C. W, In co~p1imeDt to her houle nati, Friday mOrning. Boyd Hen- prices. Smith. Bible 8ehool at 10 :IG . a. peat, Mi. Ara~a Heaae, of Phila Honea Brilll GOCId J>ri.cae V isit the lItore nearelt to JOD derson w~ o~e of the graduatinr m. toUQwed by the Lord'. Supper. delphia, MI.. Elisabeth Henkle en and take ~~va.ntaie ot tbe o"pfor. C1888 and has returned to WaynesHigher prius for horses have Chr)atian End.....or at 'I :00 p. m. tertamed a lTOuP 01 frieadl ville and re.umed his work at the ~linlty t9 IUppJ, your ueda at • Ro..lI. BanIa, leader; Pr4tac11linlrl Saturda, afternoon. Three tablell revived interHt in Old Dobbin. great .. ving of money• McClure Funeral Home. ' There .re now 22 countlell in .-rYlce at '1:.15 p. III. were ftlled for briqe and tol"'. ..-. ....~".-11pnctice .eh WedDeadaJ at 'I:CI iq the ....... Nfleehmenta w.... p. m. PnJ- meetIq 1:15 P. m. ""'H. Tbe pHta we........ I. O. 1:"170" welcoae. ........ lin. JI'nIIk, lira.



















"Spook Tavern" Was Well Received


----_ .. ---
















- - -------


- ---


U atate of U7 E. nook, dK'e&led The Fed Nt Land miled me into. Imall It ale. filed hla In'tf'llto17. G. Wills, 100 IIcrell THE MIAMI GAZETT. In the ca 01 Ada Hill, aJminhlIn humur and n.ivtlte nothing TH ~ FOR RESULTS J. and trat rix ot the . Itate of Alva Hill, I I'ival!! the- stories lIf lh bush dece&lK'd, verslal Ada Ilill. et aI, anan b)' guardia It'ngu~ ball player~ These homely b~ JUDSON DE AN sale of Teal eltate is authorlr.ed; Buchan.n, real taIl'S hR"e revealed the aecretive appraisement appro ved a nd ad· ttl,,' n hip. ~_ I1 ~""'~ '_ i __ ~ ___ ~ pnst of lIlany big time slur of the ditional bond of $600 given by ad· Al!k for a Willard J, Buchanlln, byadmindiamond. In Ih" ease of W. G. ono~r, ministratrix . istratol', to lA> Ii A, Buchanan, et The romantic atmosphere in Common PIe., Proceedin,.. Mi.mi.burl Permanent p:ullrdilln (If the p r, cm and I.' tate The invenlory of Elizabeth Lewis aI, inlot No. 43 in Morrow. whith Jame J. Bl'addock th new Re-ve)'ie - Wondel' if Lht' comic Willard J., Jr. lII,d Ja01e M.. chll,n1pion of fbtcuifs h"1I groped stl'ip characters In \hl' mattt'r of Emmu J. ~Illn' l or ~, lh'Lli onOVl'r. incompet nt executrix of the est~te of W. Ben Popeye and Concrete r'r M. )·ecl·ivl'r of The 1I11I\1c)'$· 'l'I~U S ,;.'. Helli Conover, iocoll~­ jamin LewiR, decca ed, was ap. Bucllanan, by guordilln to Leslie A to the top has induced th o synlpa- Wimpy hav incrca cd the conAi r Buria l Vault Buchanan, et aI., inIot No. 4 2in the tic Iavorit.ism of t·he public. No ~urnption of spin ach and hambur· burg Nati nal Bank, Rl'plicnlion (I f 1W\Cllt, ct I'!"8 1 of r III estate IS l1roved. fairy tal outshinl'!l the unusual gel's-Will Roger~ r(!mi~ds me <If The inv ntory of Gilbert FI-Yl', Morl'Ow. al'r II mart pro):ing for I\.n onlelt'ri. For Sale onl y by urrounding hi life. When a man th old whittler back home. like- to the e tate of order f the court clil'l'ctitrg lind ]1\ the case of Anna L. H lTis, administrator of comes through by the rBgs-to- see him in a pictul'e doing u little llrdering Emmer J . Mung r liS l '(j- exccutrix f tb estate of Frank L lU'ah Butterworth, decea ed, waa Bill. A llo 1O,H Your Funeral Director riches l'oute he immediately gains tobacco chewing.- wonder if w cei\'er to relu~'ll tu applicant the l H rris. d ea ed, versus Anna L. approved. The olumbus Blank Book Mfg .• the loyalty of the crowd. Le !I than Louella M. Young, guardian of um of 300 hCI'ptofol'e paill tIl Uarri~. et al. confil'malion, deed will fQrget the Long andTuwns nd Thomas A. WiHiams, incompetent, 0., blanks for: Probatl' ourt, $26 a year ago thi s "cinderella man" pillns us quick a ' we did Tl!cblIO. anid' r CeiVl'T V(lder R (!on\l'acL ((I lind distl'ibution. . McClure Funeral Home 2&; has. G. White, ,expense hold· was on r Uef receiving $24 B Id drunk pUl'cha'~ ('('['Iain .r III ('stal.<' and Tho:' wilI of Stephen A. till I'll , filed ber eighth account. ing court in Wllrl'~ n county, $17. month which bar Iy paid th "milk cl'a y. -Th 6l yeur W.,D.,.m., O. PhoDe 7 Ch8. r les 'Heber Throckmorton, for 1h(' cllnc('I1l1lroll , IIf aId ·con- decea ed, wa filed in probate June 86; J. C. Iiawke, I~ uppli sand bill for hi three small childfen. who spa nked his gl'andmother 102. admini hator of tho estate' of Dal gasoline, Every time I tum to that lldtract. 11. $70.52 i The Standard on At th same tim Max Baer the Th CI.I ~ of B. D. Morgan, vel" Tne in.'· ntory o( W. he~ter ond o ta~sel1 Tbrockmorton, de- Co., 50 gal. kerosen • ~4. 75; John play-boy champion was wearing- vertisement or the handsome ceasell, filed his Rrst, final and dissus C. . 1I1al'Intt, t. aI, is (ti ml s· hple, admini trator oj: the stat Law & Son. gasoline, $26 i The loungin t'obe and squirming in young man in the aHboat smoking .. d. of Rebecca E. bin, dece . d wa tl'ibuiive account. Office Outfitters, rubbe r bands, th lap of lu!(ur~', Such n vivid a pipe I begin a search for myoId Rob rt 1. Blair, administrator 35c; In lh ('a I'>f O.. CB1' White vel'- apl,rov d. ' J, K. pencer, sand and contrast swayed the thl'ong to the C J'ncob. of the estate of Frank A. Presley, . U · William E. Hoffer, the motion H. Z.airi Btulta, dminUrator of deceased. filed his first, final and gr.lwel, $26.65; Lebanon-Citizens Wn to one shot und rdog. I National Bank, cost-redemption on happen d to be in a cl'owd d resof ~c ar " 'hit • plaintiff in enol" the tat f Lewis V. B/!.nta. debond for Sinking Fund TJ;ustees, l' quiring cI rendant in erl'()r 10 ea d. tilM hi' first and final ae- di tributive account. Beulah Browning, guardian of 75c; A. C. Munell Filling Station taurant. where from the radio mnke hi pl-tition in fl'or definit lary Bernice Blackburn, incompe· gasoline, $23 .1; ln~ernational came the blow by blow descrip- .Rainy weather, re tri ting honey snd (Ortain ·1. u ·tained. Def 1'\t nt, filed her seco na a,nd tinal ac- Ha'rv(!ster Co., parts, $73.99 i John tion of th encounter. Individual bee flight, is the cause of deplete dant in el'!'Ot i ' given 20 dllYS in itl many .colonies.. But emotions ' \ ere all in uccOl'd- ~ to re count. S. 'J ones, upt., bOBI:d, room and terminating in hilariou s yell all agriculturists say the ruins helped which to til an alllend d pi adin!!, John Kam p, administrator of CIII'e harl Armbl'/!wster . $27; A deere ot June 3 &\\"ilrding • the e tate of Fred Kamps, deceas- Lewis & Drake, Ine." cement and the decillion was readet·ed. everal wonderfully to imprOve stands of (Iivorce to the plaintitf in tb ca e ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN' etI, 01 d his fi rst, final and distribu lime, $40 .76; Morrow 'l' in Shop, buoyant Braddock enthu iasts had clover an I other fiowedng plants, (I f 1ild "ed M. Wiederh Id VIHS\lbet their money on th champion. and that. onsequently, honey flow rour Catt le, hopt.,lbeep and cal"~ ,t ive account. plug, 1 Oc; J. F_ Sanford, repairing should be excell nL later in the t o Norris-Brock uo., lIV. wire and EdwBrd F. , iederhold. Jr.• A nna Gramlich, xecutrix of the three chall'lI, '5.50; Dr. Kennon provid~d that th pI intijf bi! :RIf you are young and unromantic season. , prol(l'eslive fi rm t ')r the hln'" f Allie M. impkins, estate el J ohn Gramlich, decee ed, Dunham elUlmi nation of !lirs. Ollie market price. a nd ,ood ..ritO•• tored to her ma iden f filed her inventory. 'give up! In pOI'ks nnd ban-] ' UDioD Stack Yarde' Cillel...,I, O. Howal'd d0n't Iildred Meloy. exempt from inherit· I n tlle matter of the estate of Gardner, $l6; Mr.f. rooms this weather bl'il)&'S lov~r Butter T une in on Radio Station W('lKY Sawyer, board and cure Howard from seventeen to seve nt y. At th(' a t Jolin C. impkins, ad. 12 :211 to 1 ~ :80 p. m. for our claD, iniHratoT, filed hi first and tinal Lina Baxter, deceased, distribuSawyer for week, $7: The Ore· New Suit. dance I saw a silver haired romeo Production of nlanufllcturtld market report.. II count. tion of asset is ' ordered. gonia Br idge Co., n t ylene, oxy, Louis 0 trOll, doing \)u illE of at least sixty summer glide by bul;ter during the first four months In, the ease of PaUlin e C. HarriIn the matter of the estate of gen and leel, $32.61 ; ' Mrs. Ira ==========~ W tern Bottle Company v rsu all, form rly Pauline • MeCally hristina Buchanan, comnPI1"8<10'n EIt7.roth, board and care Alice seriC)Qsly singing swc't nothi ngs to of 1(;35 was 40 million pounds l.e8a ~-~~--Mrs. Glady Crane. Reple";n. J. executrix of the I.' tate of SalUe W was allowed G. C. Knapp, adminis Starkey, his fair one. . than for the same period in 1934 $5; Mrs. bhner Lacy, About the only succe siul \'98y at the amI.' time consumption of . Warren Dells is the attorney. C rson, deceas d, v>crsus Pauline trator for extraordinal'y services, board and care Frank Lacy, $&; Ju tin W. vers\l Guy C. Karl'ison, et aI, confirmation, and C. 0 nald Dilatu h for at- Mrs. Helen Doughman, board , and to interview a ponhandJer is to buLter declined 86 million pounds. • let him acco t you. for the usual R eturn to normal production i Gaynor and Helen GaynOl". fpr deed. and di tribution. torney f ee. The administrator CDre Clifford Doughman, $'7; mon y, foreclosure and equitable In the matter of the estate of filed his first, final and distributive J.ames Moore, board a,nd care Lucy coin. Genuine panhandlers wben expected. Milk pI'oductilm June 1 not hungl'Y are hard to find , Re· rose to 4 per cent above that of J'f:1ief. Amount claimed is $380 C account. Moore-, $5; l:lrs. 011111, Osborne, atherine Seeger, transfer of real one, a littl fellow with an the arne date last year. itb intere l e tate is ordered. All W. Drake, administrator of board and care Fr.ank · Ballinger, cently _ _ --honest eX}lression moaned, "I've The People's Building, Loan and The inventory of Cbarles W . the estate of Elza Giles, deceased Walter Barlow and Virgil Isaacs, been tellin' everyone I'm hungry avings Co., versus Marie Slye and Pier on, administrator of the es. tiled his first, final and distributive $24; Mrs. Mellie C. Bolton, board NOTICE OF ELECTION and by golly nobody'U believe me." William Sll'e, 10r money and judg account. lind care John J ones, $3; Mrs. W. 1 asked him how much he wanted tate of Clara Pierson, deceased, is Earl J. Maag, administrator of ment, foreclosure, Ie of real u· approved. The Massie Township Rural C. Roberts, board and care W . O. ' tate and other ~lief. Amount the estate of Willard J. Bucha\')an, Robert, $5; Mr . Lute Gabbard, and he said he needed just enough chool Di trict Board of Educa;I'he will pf O. W. Brown claimed, $ UiSl.30 '\\~itb interest. filed in probate. was deceased, filed his first, final and board and care Linc.oln Gabbard, to buy SOnle dry coffee, a loaf of Lion, Warren County, Ohio, will bread and some Epson salts for a Tbe estate of Lewis V. Banta, di!ltributive account. $6: COlumbus Blank Book Mfg. solution in which to wa h his submit at a sp cial election on • P roba ta Coart decea eq, is exempt from inherit1. T. Riley 1Utd his application Co., 1 book vendor's lic.ense and July 16, 1935, to the electors of Phone 78J for th appointment of a guardian applications for Auditor, $6,10; feet. He hod ju t been advised the di tl'ict the question of the he ~er A. Harper was appointed ance tax. about his feet by a doctor who The will of W. H. Long, deceas- of Mildred Saul, a minor. pas, age of general obligation guardian of Barbara Louis Har· the Olllce Outfitters 1 box Carter's . d ales by L. M. Henderson, adm Ca.rbon for auditor, $7.60; John had also giv n him an extra bonds of the dl trict in the amount per, minor, and filed bond of $10. e di was fil e d an d a d mltte change of: shoes. to pro- inlstrator of the estate of Anna A. of ,21,000.00 for the purpose of 000 with sureties. La w &. Son gas, tube, labor oil, etc: batt'. Anna Long was appointed no bond required. Mat' 'hall, deceased, were approved on Sherilr's cars, $60.91; Fl'ed The esbte of Bertha May Rettig ~xeeutrix l like a waitress who beams a ereding a fireproot addition to the He filed his second and fi nal ac· Ka.h n Motol' Co., labor on Oldsmo. courteous smile. In the wee morn· present s chool building. .The muNOTART PUBLIC deceased, is, exempt from illheri- George Fryberger, Sam fance tax. William H. Alexander, anet T. E. Gla werc appointed ap count. bile, $14.1&; The Western Star, ing hours theil' kind are scarce. imum number of yeur (luring . . . . ales by John H. Conley and Leo coast acct. steeb f~l r CI~rk of. Receptly 1 aunteredinto an all which said bonds wjll fun is 21 administrator, filed his application praisers. Morris K. Snook, executor of the J. Burney, executors of the estate Court, $5.75; Lyle Trustees of night beanery completely void of y or and the estimat d average Will. Dra_ • • E...... S.etIN for a c;ertiftc.te of transfer. of E. F. Conley, deceased, were ap Public Alfaira, light Blank Book WAYNESVILLE, OHIO an appetite. The girl in whitt> additional tax Nlt , outside the !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~! I proved'. ten mill limitation, as certified by Company, 10,00 0 Lithographed Estella M. Brown, executrix of county wa rrants for Aud itor, $148 the Warren County A.uditpr, is .25 the estate of E lla R. Brown , de, Columbus Blank Book lUg. Co., The Cincin.nati Oil Wot'ks Co., 25 mills. FOR SALE DATES CALL ceased, tiled her IlPplication f or a 4 doz legal pads-I!rhite and 2 gal oil, $14.35; The J . W. Lingo By order of the Mass ie Town· certificate of transfer. doz. yellow for CI~rk, $5; The Hardware Co., supplies and parts, ship Rural chool District Board Ernest Butterworth , admi ni s~ra Franklin Chronicle, letter head $33.28; Schilling's Food Market, of Education, WafTen County, tor of t he estate of Sarah Bu tter . a nd envelopes for Co'. Commisllion ammonia, cLimaline and tissue for Ohio. worth, dee&alled, filed hil applica · ers, $15.83; John La,IN &. Son .• gas Memorial hall, $ L.4 9; Stakalta H. S. Tucker, Pre ident. tiol\ for a ~rtifi c a te of transfer. oil during May Cor Sealer, $4.86; Mig. Co., 1 cash boOk No. 10 for JOE W. DA VI S, Cl~rk. O. C. Eula8s, tru8tee in the mat and ga at Memorial. Hall, $5.70; Probate, $42.50. June 13-20-27 July 4-11 ter of the trusteeship created by . JESSE STANLEY You Ma,. Cla.oo •• W ith lIt.o.t Coa& by Item 13th of will of Geo.r ge E. .. ••• sao, N_ BarU•• t . ., ow. Bundy, deceased, filed his first ac Diamond.-Watche.-Jewelry-Silv~rware cou nt. EAJlL ICOOCUR Da,t.. P~... Marriace LiceD.e. ICE ••ore . . . . Thomas M. Cook, farmer of.



F T Martin Auctioneer


Centerville, Ohio'


44 Years Of Service

Cary's Jewelry Shop

Stanley &Koogler

Lebanon, Ohio


Expert Watch Repairing and Engraving

tl7 he Home of Gifts" ..



0 " , I ~ :SO

a. m. to 9 p.



,QaaUty Prlntlal '

Tbe Miami Gazette

Grant Cou nty, K y. and Mrs. ' Emma Kinma n, housekeeper of. Lebanon. Harold M. P eeling, salesman of Roachester, a nd Miss Beatrice E . Low~ of Roach est~r . Russell Waite slitter operator, Ilnd Miss Charlotte B oatz, box f actory employee, of Franklin. Dean Walton, musidan of Way. nesville, and Miss Edith Glackin of Mason. John Lewis Mc Creary, gasoline attendant of Lebanon e nd 1I4i8s Genevieve E lla Fordyce, clerk of Lebanon, Real E.t.t. Tr•• der. William C. Gerrard to Helen Je.n Ger rard, inlot No. 11 in Lebanon. Edward T . Seeger to Frances M. Spitler and John H . Spitler, 86 acres in 'Clear creek townahip. R. D. Hayes and Evelyn C. Hayel to J. Herbert PerriU and Warren Slifer, inlot. No. 162 in Frjlnklin. C. W. Btnry and 1IIldegard nen ry to Mount Burton, "acres in Hamilton townilltip. D. A. Barril and Robert Harr ison to Thelma GaJ, inlot No. 100 in F...nklln. Charlea VI, Eby to Granville T. NONell and Martha E. Norv.ll, real e. tate in Franklin town.hlp. !.flUe A. Buchanan to V.rona J . Knapp and Lawl'8ncl Kn.pp, in lot No. 48 In Morrow. Frank L. Rami , by executrix to The Ha rvey .bur~ National Bank, by receiver, real estate in H.rveya burc. Ida S. Voelkle to Beatrice T. Girton, r eal 'estate in Hamilton township . . Eugenia E. Beach, by executor of Joseph, McKinsey, inlots Nos. 36 and '37 in Morrow. Ella and C. C. Marlett and Vance E and Josephine Cribbs real estate iii Franklin township. Atwell McCray to J . G. and W. S. Reese, 3 acr es in Washiniton to wnship. Cat herine Seeger. deeeaaed, to Edward T. Seeger, 86 acree in Clearcreek t ownship. Frances M. and John H. Spitler to William Mason Phillip., 70 acrel in Clearcreek townl hip. Francee K . and John B. Spitler t o John H. and Ro.. M. Fisb, 18 acree in Clearcreek towD.hlp. S.llIe W. Canon, by net:utrlx, to Robert 1:, Harris, f1,88 acr. In Franklin town. hip.Keg Becket t to TM ViqInIan J oint Stock Land &nk, 121.77 aere. in Turtleereek towauip. . . . . .r.t Phillipa, deeeaecl, to Edu Smith, real .ta. In FraUliD townahip.

B.du. SInWt




With Byrd At The South Pole (A a.rI .. of Ttl,... Artlel..)

CLASSifiED ADS. PORSAU FOR SALE- Fine selection of one and two.year old peren nial plants; weet potato plants 26c ,per hundred, '2. per thousand. Extra good wilt ' resistan t cabJ>age planta, 25c per hun dred. Also tra nsplanted ee lery plants. George Peterson, one mUe fro m Waynesville On Bell brook pike. Phono 132R21. 6-=27


. Enllon, U. 8. Naval R... r ye " .. Iltant Fu.1 Engln.. r, Byrd Antarctic Expedition II

F OR SALE-48 inch Kitchen ca binet. Telepbone 56R21. ,6-27. " -

No.3 .


My Thougbts on a ,G reat Adventure

' . fellow man und.e r a mlcrOicope - get aw ay. M08t of the men were BOARD THE BYRD FLAQ.; and I tudy myself alld my reactions fouod to bave annoy tog. petty and , SHIP, JACOB IW PPERT (vIa under cond~tonl dUferenl trom a.ny unad rolrab le attlludes a t tlmea. Mackay Radlo) -An~l now we ar e at 1 bad ever k nown or dreamed I It was wonderful to bave radIo Balboa, 10 Uncle Sato', Canal Zone would k now. _practically home. The Byrd Ex, I look In my dlar, and rend over contact wlt b the Dutsl de world, to ltiOO will aOOD . I~' behind mo. tbe entrIes ma de earl y lu l year. hear from t rlenda a Dd relatlvel, to , d what bIen through- men· Now the, .eem inadeQuate a nd read tbe dally radIo prell ttell1l , .ptrltua1Jy, pb;,llcallyl unfair. 8t-n,e to say. lOur ImmedIate loterelta were down , the Ice • ., daYI we re tull there I Already that 1t IlDonth. of Ie, walo'l 100elOme. My ' but we know w. olaUon In tb. 'W orld'i ooldel t. of heart.breaklo. work aad a atoo. would even tualIy come back to the Get daIla-roul and moat dllal r,. llbln. buarcll and elperlencel but whirl or clvlllllalJon aad that otber II bllltll retort I.eml a part of nlvlrtbele.. profitable. In tbe ev. thlogl wou.ld be«:ome our primary. · I far dlltent put. It bal dooe me nlnCI I re';d lood bookl ... role u Intere. ta. Tblll,. 10t ' .0 monoton· world of eood III e.,ery way - my dIary or weot to the movl... OUi at t1~.. that It W&I a ple&lllre roa4ened m1 mind, made me more Tbat tbln • • the Ro.. loe to vlalt the cow ba rll down under ler&l1t. ma.4e me race dangers BarrI er. Interel ted pl e, took POI' tbe 800 W. At le8lt tbe odora tbere ,thout fear, put 10 l;IOundll of 1011<1 I ..alon of me, I craved a 10luL\ ou were to tally dIffer ent from, tboae ulel. 011 m1 body aDd elven me or Ita mY,e tery, wbat It II, where of thll or aoy ot her coovent lonal 1II&".loul appreciation or It I;ame trom. My clea'rlllt me rn- pola r oxpMltJoo. Tho.l· barnyard atar, loap alld a lI:ood 8Cru oriel are thOle of the bourl I spent smeill ta lrly r eeked of rural ·el.,t1 · TUlh. The lOlli, Urllllg labor ot ell' a lo ne on skUI away tram the camp Izatlon In the sprIngtIme and tbe bUahina camp, the velvety black lOOk log out over the unbroken ex. gentle, ead-eyed COWl otrered a , C1'&1 at l~ndl e8e wInter panse of Ice coverIng the Ross Sea Boot hlng contrast to the bowllol\: IPt and tlnally II)rln& brIngIng In the mysterlou's gray of tbe wlo - wlncls and bard concUtlonl under I lun. blne, and ,,11th It • WhIrl· ter nlgbt. whlcb we were. 1I'ln,: / I shall never target tbe amUleof acU.,ltIee, tractor t rl p8, During lhe long monthl ot dark· lane IUebtl and our' blel sed Ihlps ness naturall y therew'" 80mI.' dla · ment. pity a od d l'\.Uc Interelt' I nee ,...111. I look blick on all tbls content amoug UII. Let the wo rk felt In watching the penguIns, tbe d It IMml like a ,traoge dream sla cken up a li ttle, let the mell motber aell is ' and tbelr pupa. tile mUit have bad. ' l'boae mootbs ot loai a , while or assIgn the m 10 li D' wbales an d Lhe lIelrell. 8eeln, how olatlon, however, have lett ao 1m· necessary Jobs and Immediately un, lIerrcctl , ,at bome tbe, were lD .... lion tb,&n CAn n4lyer be dulled. bapp,nesa a. nd Irrllabillty aet 10. t hei r Icy aurrouadlJ1, . J realized Jut a few monUa., att.r leaving Tb l aDawer to lhat »ro blem al'em · how, out of place we well, bow Inlele I JoIned th. ItxpedlUon and ed to be work. \\' ork an d more IIlglll(\cl.D I aod helple... Hut w. e aD ID.lpUlclAnt part or a wor,li . The men were !luper·sellal · were tberl lor a delnlte purpoaet a4Tentllre, For weelll I wan· tlve. Tb ey r.. lt ttr", wer", making a Lo seek knowledge. Tb . ... II a leel. tlend around Uke a 101t lOul try· eac rU\ce. After all. cultlng oue·. InA of IAtl R1action amoD, aU of UI IDe to lad lIl7Ielf, tI~q to adJult ..If olf from · ch llllation . bODIe, In koowlq tbat WI bav. taken part lII1Ielf ID4 D7 ",'.w)Glau to aa ea· frl elldl. COI:1 ru 1'\4 i. a sacllnce. In a n a 4venture 1. ldom tried be'tlnlJ Dew Nt of ~l,"UOnl. "Ioa l· Talklnl leellle d I I) b e l bl! 8j)1 ~ ro- fOfe aDd thnt •• lIav. aooO_RUIII. throaP till ...lI tanc. of Com· lIer. , We «l I ICU~ild every aUbJ~ct ad IbID,. or reali, trem_d_ 1I'1Imn.. 1111 • and otber under tbe SUD. ~clentl lc 01 buwor valu3 to IOllnc • . Th.,. O&D be no IUaD .-n. m~ ...,.ram OUl, .,ulP.T 0' IiPlrltull._1'be llIen doubt' or th.t. The publlo at 11_. JaId GIlt &ad ....n tollow" .Itb the b..-t ~1I.e ur bumer. (hI! ma, lIa'e 100t Interest ID UI u , withOut ....... l 1 I how I....t pelt, and critical altlludl al&)I wonder . lIa t ....1... «MIr ... ~... Uaat ........ .... ...1,...& aad til. ,,, control over .lbem· pe41t10A bas bad. Bill u.e aot..uae aDd the , . . ... rteu&I fer ..I..... IuIIJ eme....cI .. ~. ou&.- world kllow, tlaat WI dOH .... I . . . .~ ... It&IIIII.q ella. .,,,, Ud _nld lll• • _raid Jo' .... .. ......- III eMIr fou











F OR SALE-Antique Coal Urn, shaped like a t ure.e n. Inquire at Galette. office. FOR SALE-N.ncY Hall, Porto Rico, Ye llow Jersey and White Brazilian Sweet Potato and .11 ki nds of garden pl.nta. All Po. tatoel 31i centa per hundr.d or three hundr.d for '1.00. 1 1-2 mllil north ot W.yn. . vill. OD Ferry J'oad, SuoaR Brothen, R. R. 8. 6-18-10-17 FOR SALE Sweet-potato, tomato, eabbare and !dna of p r den plantl. D. H. Hoekett, R. R.I. Wayne. ville. 1'llephon. 611Rll. 6-80~tl


THRESHER SUPPLIES - Belta. pulleys, babbitt metal, oU eaP', injectors, lubricaton, Iteam and water lfUagea, guege ,lUI, olle.... packing, l uction hose, tank pumpI, pipe valvee and llttlnp. - TM Bocklet Co., 416 ' W. Katn St., X enia, Obio. Phone 860. 6-22-27 7-4-11 POOL YOUR WOOL-Pric• • are ullually loweet durinC' the • •ar· inc "easoD. C(lDlicn Jour wool to tha Ohio Wool Gl'Oflra Cooperative .AlI8oelation. Receive a 15 eent caeh advance and full valu. wIleD e(lld. Wa1lleav1Ue Farm.~ Exch.nce Co., llepruentat1.e.

FOil SALE-A Dice liD. of boa

atat1oDerr. I. Ib••ta aDd U ea-

••lope. for Ilc; Sbo...... II Ibeets aad 1. _"lop. for 10 cat.; wald ,.,... wllte tIIIa.

paper, pap.


aapldu. -* Cluett.

cd to a~cept complaints ot BAles lem IIhould get in touth tax violation!! and to make I!UIr- cQunty lI&,ent, Mr.•'. J. gcstions for better sales ta law Lt·banCln, Ohio. "nJolc~n1l'nl. A f,'w days rullllw· ,


D. L CRANE I , 011.. ......'..... ...


P_U",crI P

R......c. .................. .......


........... . No.


t,o. Pric., $1.10 a

It I Entered at Po.tottle, at WaYIIN"-c"lId CI ... KAII vi 11 e. 0"1 .a 0, a.__.... Itl

in:m~l~~ .f~~S~~:.l'te~~: c11~~:l:ga~n~~ vendorll whv \1I0lIl1\1 the ><aIel;! (ax I


JUNE 27, 1936



In lhe fa~ of all the theorists who would like to ubj ect the United tates t() f ascism, communism, collect..ivism, and wllal.llot, the Lone Star State seem~ t() still believe that the Constitution, under whOSe' guidance we grow from an unimportant pion~r nation to a world power within a centuTY, is still good enou gh . On Jun 8th, the Young Democrats or Texas went on recol'd as bei ng aggrel:4sively opposed to any change which would "de!ltroy the onstitlltion." At the same time, the organization ,went on record a favoring abolitio n of child labol', state codes of ethics to cover working hour. and wages and othel' reforms of a socia l c)laracU.r, which shows that the Young Democrats are not opposed to change which can be achieved within the Iimit!l of the Constitution. They simply realize that the kind of reform activity i'avol'ed by many pI'escnt-day officeholders would mean the end of State's rigbts, the rise of a v irtual political , utocl·acy. and the destruction of individual liberties. On the same, day, Democratic Governor Munay ()i Ok lahoma, who" Iways hos taken his coffee black and hi a democracy stra ight," Baid: "The United State will disintegrate unless the constitutional safeguards of libel·ty are ·preserved . . . We are all'eady goi ng t Wa hington Cal' everything. The trend toward centralization of governm ent will lend ultimately, unless checked, to centralization of wealth and privilege and the . etllablisbment of on ly two classe of citize n the very Tich and the very poor." The tatements from thc Young D mocrats and from Governor Murray will be econded by othel' states. The issue i not one of partisan hi it is one of Amer icanis m. Those who would destroy the Constitution and discredit OU1' Supreme Court, would destroy a ll that the founders of the country fought and bl d for, and left us as our most precious herit.nge- pel'sona l liberty un hackled by official tyranny.

Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol qOLUMBUS- A gain of nearly patrol barrac ks east of Wilmingforty-tw o per cent in income by ton will take plaee Jun e 29, it was Ohio farmers during the first four ann ounced by Colon I Lynn nionthe of 1936 as compared with Black, superintendent, Th e public the aame period in 1934 was re- is invited. Th new barracks, ported by the United States De- headquarters for Di trict "C" of pal'tment of Agl'iculture in data the southwestern edion, has subreleased he re. The 1936 January, stations at Troy, Middletown, February, Marc'h and April farm pring-field, Chillicothe, and Income in the Buckeye state was Portsmouth. It is one of thl'OO such . said to total ,76,(03,000, of which model pat!'ol barracJcs in the $68,800,000 repre' nted receipts State, the oth ers being at Ma ilion irom th sale of products and $7, and at Findlay where Sergeant 103,000 check from the AAA for , Best wa killed. rental and benefit payments. A - --total of only $53,240,000 was reThirty-three thouaand Ohioans ceived by Ohio farmers during the have bet'n taken iTom t he relief same l ou r months of 1934, it was roll as a re ult of the operation said. Livestock aDd livestock pro- of the old age pension law, accordducts, including milk, were listed ing to estimates by Henry J. Bera s the largest sources of ca h re. rodin, chief of the division of aid venue for the Buckeye f armers. fOl' the aged. In adQition, adminisIn the month of April alone the tration costs are beina re<lu receipts of Ohio farms fro m pro- monthly, it wa said, Dllring May, ,ducts and rental and benefit pay- the last month for which data has ments totaled $20,156,000, which been compiled, the state had 76, represented a sixty per cent gain 885 old age p ensioners, payments over the aame month in 1934. to whom totaled ",lG1,015. The payments vary in dilrerent counNew Ohio election laws, enacted ties. Scioto county has aD average by the 91st General Assembly, monthly payment of $9.63; Cuywere reviewed by George M. Nef· ahoga, $18,29; Stark, $16.24; iner, statistician and editor in the Hamilton, $17.01 ; Sandusky, of Secretary of State George 83; Montgomery, $16.08; Hancock S. :Myer , in a signed article writ- $14.85; Seneca, $l6.24; and ten for the Associated Preas. Mr. Portage, $13.76. Pike has the larNeft'ner etat~ that th e amend- gest percentage of population of menta to the state statutes will not any cb\lnty receiving old age only operate to the financial ad- pensions while Harrison county vantage of the tax payers but has the smallest percentage, Mr. will increase the efticiency and ae- Berrodin said. curacy ot both precinct workers The repre "'ntatl'ves of t en' I'nand county boards of electiem. " tel'ested groups 0.1 tax collectors The first fatality among the and tax disbursing oftkials met in personnel of the state highway Columbus under ,a uapices of the patrol occur-red last week when Ohio Council of Retail Merchants Sergean.t Jack Best, chief ope~ator to formulate plans for a compaign at Findlay for the patrol station to aid the enforcement of tbe WPGG, was killed by an electric salell tax law. It was pointed out ahock while testing a radio rcceiv- that there are three distinct ing set. A physician and a fire- types of tax evaders-those who

The 19a5 Ohio 'tate Fair \\ ill operate \lnder new munagement. The appoilltment oC Willard W. Ellenwood of Jack son as mana et' of the iair, succeeding hl1l'les 1\1. Beer, was Illade lasL week by GOV Ol'l\Ol' ?I1artin L. Davey. MI'. Ellenwoou, a native oC Washi ng . ton county and n practical fsrme l', was chief of the division oI plant industry tn the state departm ent of Agl'iculture and since 1915 has ll UP I'vised largoe or hard ~ and stabl es of fiue hOI' e in Jackson county.


.FINANCIAL TRAGEDY Los of life and personal injury do not constitute the only ' toll tak n by automobile accid-cnls. The financial outlay as a result of motor vehicle accidents runs in to s tUPCIldous figure, Highway Directur J ohn Ja ster, Jr., points out in calling attention to the traffic safety campaign of the State Highway Dep8l'tm~nt. It has been estimated by the National Safety ouncil that every traffic fatality repre ents an economic 10 !!I to the comnlUnity of $50,000. This is ba ed on t he fact that for every motor vehicle


Thou.and Bu.ine.. Recorel. Are Bein« Summariaed By. Uni veraily

A thuusand faml busine s recOI'ds now b'ing ummarjzed by th e uepartm nt of rural eco nomics at the 0, S. U. direct atle!nt.ion U) . eVNal It nd in agl·icultulre. Volume of. busine oil(!e more is a factor d tcrmining profits. I"ar mers who opera~e the larger f arms and keep the mo t livestock are now n18king more money thall sma llet operators. Heretofore, the lal'ger, operator eilher mllde no mOl' money or Ic!<s lost more. 'rop yields, judging by the reo c()\·tls. are not an accurate index of the profitllblencss of farming. Allhough lhe better crOop mell made a liUl e mOI'e money last yea I', , the diff renee was not so pronounced as expected. The record r veal genet'nl improve ments are being made in the I)hyslcal e-quipment of farms. More entl'i s of 'new mnehinel'y and other improvements are I'ecord ed in the books than Cor'several yeaI'll Farnlerll also report p urchases of 1ll0l'(! chicks fl'om hatch l"i.~ s, more livestock at higher ptic.~s, and more Ceed and fertilizer. Another n w factor appearing from the I'ecol'd ill larger income for out ide work. Throughout the year the , 'a lue of the farm inventory rose sufficiently to return fOUl' per cent on th farm investment. The cow and the hen tand out in the profit column. We tern Ohio fanners report shlup incr ases in income from he~g s.



Hors shoe pitchers from th United Stat s, anada and Mexico and possibly othel' countries are expected to take part in the world's championeship hQrsehoe pitching tournament at 1\ialine, III., August 29 to eptember 2, according to R. B. Howard, Lon· don, secretary, the National! Korse shoe Pitchers Associatio n and ed itor of "The Hal' eshoe 'World." Theodor e Allen, A li1aIllbr!", Calif., and al'oline :"chultz, Harvey, TIl. , are the pres nt wOI'ld champions.

fatality there are, on the average, 35 automobile accid nts in~ volving injury but not death. In addition to each f. tality there are approximately 160 motor vehicle 'accident which cause propel'ty damage only. All of these cost mo ney. To thi must be added the cost of sllcn itms as doctor and ho pital bills, insurance, loss of earning power, etc. Adding all of these items re ults in a total of approximately $50,OOO-the- loss repre nted by each fatality. On this ba is the 198 pel'sons kined in motor vehicle accidents on state highway in Ohio, outside Mi;;.s DOl'othy urle~s of Blanof incorporated municipalities, ill ch~s lel', is the guest of relatives tne fir t four months of 1935 re- bere. present lltl economic loss to the Bol'n to Mr. and Mrs:. Sam state of alm o 1. $10,000,000. Shanks Jr ., Jun e 19, a d~l ughter! This only begins to reflect the Marilyn Jane. immen ity of t he financial phase Jhe Ladie Aid of the Friendll of' the tl'affic IIccid nt PI·oblem. Church held a festival in thl1 An automobile acciden t, in aa· chm'ch basement, Wcdn . d,ay everl dition to causing de-ath, injury or ing. property damage, may alo play Miss M. E. Reeves ' of Tacama, havoc with the victims' financial Wash., is at home for the s ummer future. Hospital bills, doctor bills MI'. and Mrs. Cary Bogan have and interrupted earning power a n moved to a farm n ar X,tellia. the part of the br adwlnnder reMrs. Ray Cal'r Is ·recoverinJl\' suit not infrequently in extreme slowly it'om a slight ' stroke of pov~rty for the entire family. pal'aly is, suffered last wee-k. In this connection Highway Mrs. F. , D. Compton, Mrs. Raleigh Djr ector Jaster atre/lses that if Bogan and daughter, Misses Mar .. every driver would take into con- jorie Haydock a nd Edna Leamil\llr slderati on the fact thl\t his whole attended II shower for Mrs. How .. flnancial future may be jeopardlz- ard Fitzgerald, held a t the hom e ed by an accident he would not be of Mr . and Mrs. Seibald of -Mid. apt to forget that afe dHving . dl etown on Saturday afternoon. pay go()d dividends in the long MI'. and Mrs. Horace Mitchner run. and son are enjoy~ng a t rip to - - -- - ...- - - Michigan..


New Burlingt on




General Haulln. of All Kinds

Local and Long Diatance Hauling


perienced will aid control in out and men plann'who i ng erosion :=::::::::::::::::=::::::::::~• lining practices on any fal'm, without




:;.'e the stale.

men's fir8~aid crew attempted eyade ~liberately, those w resuscitation for nearly three not clearly understand the law and hours, when all hope. of Sergeant those who are not sure whetlrer Best's recovery was 6Qandohed. ·certain transactions are taxable. The officer was a ' re.ident of 1Under a plan drafted at the con. The EJ'()sion Camps in Ohio bave Lovell, near Upper Sandusky. ference a permanent committee recenUy been transferred to the. Formal dedication of the bighwllY ' of Bev~n members will be appoint- supervision of the newly created Soil Conservation Service of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Under this supervision a ' much greater variety,. in the wo~k performed by the camps is made POBsible. This new pr ogram encourages farmers to follow farm practices Alao, that assist in controllinll the' los8 and, moisture on the entire farm, and oft'erl farmers a much greater service than bas formerly beEn possible. Camp labor will be used in making some of the necessary cbanges. Each camp has .a technlcal staf\' of competent a.n d ex-

CorWin, Ohio


ing hi lIiatn MrM. Sadie Reason. MI'. and 1o"'~. Howard Surface and I'on of Iwar Waynesville spent ~undllY \\ ith her parentI', Mr. and 1\.... . Marion 08lwI'1I and family . Mr. and Ml's. Ern GiIIl\m of New YOt'k arc visiting hi ~ parents Mr. and Mrs. Will Gillam. , Ml·. M. C. Got'do n visited hi sister, Mrs. P hi llips, of Cenlerville on Sunday. Mrs. E. V. Shumaker has gone to Dill boro, 'In diana to lIpenu a Hhol·t time . 11'. ami Mrs. Harold Gillamcntrtained a number of friends with a costume J,larty on Tuesday night in honor of Mr. and Mrs. El'ncs~ ill am. - - - .... - ...

-"-- -- --- ---

~ ~;-

l_ • -




Beech Grove

• eve ra! attended the batising at a esars reek la t Sunday . Those baptized by Mike Lamb were: la~nce Hayslip, Gord n Lamb and Amo Van Doren. . W. M. Thomp on and daulthter, Miss Andromeda of Dayton, Mab I T l'l'y and W. II. Tet'ry called On K. E. Thompson and family . Mayfrey and Modena Powell Eddy Wells, and arl Judd were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur McGahay of ncar Lebanon Marie. Ina and Charley Wells wcre Saturday evening callers of Mrs. K , E. Thompson here. everal attended the community Rale in Lebanon Friday afternoon Sev ra l have been at.tending the revival services at Clarksville the pa. t week. Oralene Bailey, of ileal' Wellman, called on Kathleen 'rhompson Sunday evening.

AII, e'pl't'ially rrd"l'rti~I'~. have twal'd of rI(1\\'>lpapcr c(JVll'aK'~. II I'e it is clearly dl'finc,l by the editol' of thc Rook:; County Recol'd Many papel's bra)! Ilbtlut their "cov ragl'." We ('(,VC'l' tho cou rll y like a blanket with the Hccurcl antJ that's not all! Thl." H cord also coverH num rous pantry .Il h'es bither and thither and y n. [t covers pans of brcad dough and milk. I t cov I'S cl'aeks in lh e window pan e~ anel the brooder house fioor. It covenl the bel.! spring lo keep the cold trolll cre-cping tlu'ough the thi·n math'css It covers the hen hou e l\'allH and broken places 'in the pla ~te l·. And sOnl etimes it covers II multitude of eins by not mentioning them.Rooks ounty Record. A new item of coverage, important too, the . R cord mentions. incc th e hens have been deft-auued of malel"ial privilege and I'esponsibilitie-s by the hatcheries an.] th baby chicks started poLward in bt'oo ders a new field of newlIpaper

coverage hall denlop d. P rhap. more new PIlPI'I'>( aro u -/I to COV<'l' floors in IWoo,\pr!4 than in any other Item ,,( covNage. The fadl ities (If thi~ newspaper Are Ilot sufficient to supply ono ugh )'Ial>l'\.·1I to meet the broodet' de· mand during the baby chick ~easott. l"airm ont (Minn.) S lIntinel.


----- - ...


Every national or economic cris is d velopes both statesmen and hYllocrites . It takes much les brains and ('ouroge to be a hypocr it than to be a statesm an. It takes nerve to tell the truth to peop le who have been misled or misinformed. . The State of Oreg()n Is fortunate in having a governor, General Chal'les H. MOi'tin, who sticlu! by his oath of office and says, when " I 'oI.'a inaugurated, I became governor of the whole people, and that is what I intend to be t hroughout my tet'mY . In dealing with the Ilimber stl'i k in Oregon and Washington, Governor Martin sets an example fot· all public officials in handling labor disputes. He says: "Men have a right to picket and t he right by moral s l!asion to try to get other men to stay away, but when thugs aDd scoundrels try to do what 600 men from Portland tried to do to a lI\iIl in Forest Grove, thal's intimidation. "Everyone has the same rights under t he Constitution- man ' or woman, rich or poo'", white or colored. "If a man wants to work and an employer wants to hire him, that man should be guarant~ the l'ig ht to work. No one questions the l'ight of a working man to collective bargaining. If he wants to improve his working conditions, he has a periect right to quit." That i so"und Americanism and Governor Martin has made it clear Lhllt no labor gl'oup or indu strial group is going to i nfrinlrC upon the laws that -re drawn to p l.· otect all the people- Ilnion man or nOD.union, Bmall employer or -1al'ge employer. It is go'od tonic to find a gavel'· nor making such straightforward statements and backing them up with the police power of the state to pl'octect t he lite, property and jobs of "aU" the people. That is courage, not hypocrisy.

Partners As the bride takes up her ncw housekeeping duti~s, she will find she bas a valu.tble paltner ill Gas and Electric Service. Everyday tasks which required hours 'of her grandm.o ther's time, can be done by the woman of today in a rew mUlutes. Cleaning, 1"'ashing, cooking and other jobs can now be done quicker and easier, thanks to gas and electrit- appliances. This means that at the end of tlu> day when her husband returns from work the bride can appear lovely and refreshed. No longer need a woman be rich to avoid that tired, worn· out look that results rrom overwork. Household servant! were once a IUl(ury of the wcllto-do, but today'. g:u and e1eclric servant" cost only a few cents a day.

The Dayton Power and Light Co. '

Mrs. , Frances 1olacDonald and family of W ilmington were dinn'eJ' llillb!ICrib e for Tbe Miami Gasette gucsts ofst G.Tuesday M. MaeDonllL ld and ===============================~========= fami ly la ,evening. The first band concert of the season was given last We~tnesday with Mr. Gl~nn Snell .as the director. They will continue throughout the summer on each Wedn esday night. ,EveI'Y()1le is urged to come out and hear them. Mrs. Florence Keney and 80n . Willard of Orellon!a called on ·rela~ive. h,ere, ThuTlday avelning .. Several from here attended the Past Makons and ·Patrons' picnic at Wayne Park on 'Friday. Mr. H. S. Tucker and Bilily Carr attended a Father lind son ban· CLASSIFIED ADS COST ONLY quet at Adams Twp. schoe)l, Fri· day evening. ONE CENT PER WORD. WHY Mr. Edwi!) Randall of Tellneasee KEEP YOUR ATTIC FILLED spent week with his ' father ' Dr. C. last G. Randall and family. WITH USELESS ARTICLES MI'. and Mrs. Chas Gordon and Miss Jean Aikins spent th~~ weekTHAT CAN BE ' TURNED INTO end at Walhonding. The Men's orchestra wlmt tQ' MONEY FOR SO SMALL A Summersville Saturday night andl COST. TRY THIS MEANS OF furnished the music for tb~1 school, alumni of that place. SELLING AND SEE WHAT A Miss Louise Babb of W'ilming. ton spent the wee-k·end with the DIFFERENCE IT WILL MAKE Misses Virginia Bnd Vivian Tucker TO YOUR POCKETBOOK, AS Margaret ,Anson Faber spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.· A. WELL AS TO HAVE YOUR S. Collett. STUFFY OLD ATTIC CLEANED Mrs. Laura Sbidaker hall returned bome after Ipendlnr a f eew daY!1 OUT, IT PAYS I with her friend Mrs. MaYli~ Hat.· field of WaynelVUle. Hr. Billy Carr "'.. $berwood over Sunda7. Mr. and Mn, Cbarl.. of Tenne... are parenti Mr. Qd Comer. IIr. and lin. Ra1'l7

charge. In addi tion to ' the u ual gully control work, the Soil Conservation Service approves of work by the camps on: (1) Gullies in euLtivated and pasture fields, with trees being planted only where they must be u ed in order to control the erosion .. 2) Tenaclng in fields adapted to such work, ·(3) Protection of valuable land being damaged by small watel·ways. «() relocation of fences to enable the farmer to follow approved erosion control practices. (5) Reforestation of guUied and Iteep areaa. (6·)Woocllot manqement demollItratiolll, and (6) other job. that wiU ...iat in control erolion. AI • ma"er of eoa~ratloll, the farmers .... asked to follow lome ot tbe a»pr.ved cultural paretic" that cOlatrol eroRoll, luoh .. Itrip f:l:~=_~eoDtour plantlq alld Dayton lpeat lIo.a, e proper rotatIoDt .r &ad UlIIl-". ,nette. tUt $II


4th OF JULY CELEB ATION Warren County Fairgroul1lda" LEBANON, OHIO


Racea--Showa-Concellions NEW CAR GIVEN AWAY Plenty of Good Band Music


9 P. M. - -F IREWORK>- - 9 P . M. POlitively the Largelt Dilplay in this Section of Country


Good Picnic Grounds, plenty of Shade and Good Waler, Eat. and Drinks. COME EARLY-STAY LATE. Au.pices Ralph P. Snook Post, American Lelion __ _


_ :Z:S::±

30. call ea on 1\>1 iss Kale Hall, Thurs- ulmost $:3,000,000,000 01' a1\ aver- Iarmel'S have voted in the refet' n~ day, Lo well T h ,)fna~ j " ouL a gain aft er age of m ol' than $4,0 0,000 II dny du conducted py th o AAA to dehu\"ill~ a "il1~" of th .. Illum p~. MI' . Margaret 1nrtin llcconl- ,inee it ol'glmization. tm'mine flll'mer o~ inio n of adjustTh second reunion (If teachel.:\fjss • aru h Bu l'II et of East panied ~h. and 1\11' • J. L . Mena nd pupil of the for III f' I' Lytl .. I'alC'slinC', Oh iQ , sp Il t last week d enhall to Dayton, Tu~stiay. Fal'lll 1'eul estute pl'i ee~ impl'ov- ment PI' grams. Of this number, chool " ill be held (It thc ~c h ool with he r bnllhe r ami \\ if(', Mr. 1\11'. O. K, ReRIllC $, of ' Zanes- Ild in 30 Atates IUllt yelu' declined th vote fovorlng continuing prorOUIlO h n ', next 'unda y, J un" lind. [,. '. Hun' ' l~ E Ul'Jl eL field, was 11 dinne r gu est at the slig htly in five stat II , anti .. main !Cl'ums wo s 2,611,109; and 407,983 harged with petit larceny in hom 'Tuesuay. T he Ludies' Aid will h Id their ed prucLicnliy unchanged in 13 WOI' four refann uel1 picnic J ul y 11 , but final MI'''' Ada J nkins li nd Mi s slat s, Larg , t ga in!' WC I'C in the opposed. 'I'her conne tion with the th Ct of a erenda. -boat belonging to Gi.lbel't Bigg , of Ethel Mendenhall accompanied ott on belt. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT nrrnnge nll.'n ts havl: not been com- :=-::::--::::-=-=-===---=.=.=.::=- Mr . and Mrl\. John B. Gons \ve re Co rwin, Delmas Dowinll', 19, and Mr. and 1\11'. RU RseJl Wilson to pi t ed. A PPl'oxima te Iy th ree million Mt'. Duke 'rt'ickey of Dayton is gu ests 01 Mr , and Mrs. arl Sanker Goodlow omb s, 17, were Ilrre t d Wilmington, Friday. E ' t ale of Elias Ogl~ !lee, de· 1>t!t1ding a c u ple of weeks with at Ma on, aturday night. by heriff Hufford and taken to Mr, and Mr. halmer Grice, of -:::=============:::::=====~ c ea ~e d . l.eban on. Dowing Was anested at Dayton, and 11's. Louie Settle- · Notice b be~br giv n t hat hill moth r nnd iter,' , Alice Mrs, R. lJ. Hartsock and on his hom" nclll' . ~Il'ingboro lind mYl'e, of lark viII , visit€-d Mrs. J osephin e 0 , on. w ho,;!! Post Trickey un d Mrs. Alice Miller and Wilton , and Mrs . .1. V. Hartsock llInbs at his home in Red Lion. Pranc s Nickleson on Sunds·y. Office Address is Wayne.v ill l', .un, The two yout hs, it is claim ed, !\II'" Ada H. Jenkin s pent last 1\11-. and Ml' , Frank Rogers wet'e Dayton visitors, Mondny. Ohio, has been duly appoin teei as Admi ni trat rix of the E t ate of wer e ' unda y dinner guest s of Mr, MI'. and Mrs. Ralph Hastings bl'oke a lock that IIigg had u, ed Friday night with h I' ni ce, Mrs. X'RAY WORK E li as Ogl e. bCe Illle of Wa r re n and Mrs, Sherman Roger. in attended the fune~al of a relative to se~u .. e hi . ~ o the s~ore . in Maynard Hat'lan , who accolllpanithe 1:lttle MIlU1ll Rrvel' at OI'WII1 . cd h I' home on slu r-day. BLOC ANESTtlESIA Dayton, th e- occasion celebrating at Kings Mills, aturday. o unly, hio, deoca I'd. Loadmg thc boat on a mall r oadMisll Freda Harvey pent th ' Dated this 17th da y of JUlie. the birthday of the litter Mr. All Kind. of D~hare. Mada Rog r . 1935, . MI' . Henry atterthwaite and ster they transportl2d the boat to w ek--e-ntl at larksville, - --- - - - - RepaIr Work Don. Qui,c kl, MFs. Guy Routzahp spent sev- Mrs. CI ment atterthwaite were Franklin and it wa 1 covered in A. , Rild nget', A tty. eral day last week with .her ayton vi itors, Wednesday: the Big ~f:iami sevel'al miles below Eaton, Ohio. Franklin. mother, Mrs. Mary BoitnQtt RALP}f H. C REY MI'. lind Mt's. Jame ear, of Dowing was arl'anged before fdain St. WAYNESVILLE, Q. They Judge of the Probate Court, Tippecanoe City. (J·-20 7-4 Warren County, Ohio. joined atul'day ev ning by Mr. Dayton, spent Sunday aflernoon Justice of the P eaCI~ Hoyl at LebF eeding wet mash to t he poultry Routzahn nnd daughter who r - with MI'. and 1\hs, arl hel'wood , anon and aftel' pleading guilLy was fin ed $25 and osts and sen- flock dUI'i ng hot weather induces mained over unday. fro and Mrs. A, H. tubbs and to serVe ten days in th e greater I el.'u co nsumption and il'. and M1' . Therl J ones and children wel'e dinner gue-st of lenc~ county jail. ombs is held for tends, the refore, t o ward oft' sumon, Mildred. were unday guests friend in Dayton, unday, mer BlunWS in egg pl' duction, j uvenHe authorities, of Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Nutt and family ncar enterville, MI's. Jo i Graham, Mrs. Mary I aning out the wheat bin, and I ~~~~~~'!".'!"!~~~~~~!'!' Mrs. Allen Emrick and Mrs. Etta Surface and Muion Whitaker DISTRIBUTION ON AAA The cost of a funeral- service ia sweeping lime into the cracks and Walter Kenrick pent Thursday .in vi ited . t;elalives in Dayton, SunCONTRACTS WAS MADE entirely decided by the wishes of crevices , will help pI' vent weevil ' day. our clIents. Their choice of a Dayton. infestlltion of the new crop. Mr. 41nd Mrs . J. B, Jone~ visit. The thought of death Warren county cigar 1 af to· ca ket 8Tld nece sary access6ries Mi ses Trillena and Margaret ed the latter's ister, Mrs. John bacco growers re. c eived apPl'oxi· i influenced by no attempt at is one that all avoid. Edwards were dinner guests of TUI·f mowed at a b igllt 01 1'ri1 salesman hip On our part. We Zimmerman, iIi Dayton, Sunday. 01'. and Mrs. Gale E, Ru~sum, in mat Iy $26,000 Ja t week l'epre· inches is better able to with ·tand ' Yet, in this ag when senting the sl1<!ond payment on follow their desires closely, and Mrs. Zimmerman had been very ill Dayton , Monday. the summe-l' drouths thun tUl'f m n fllce probLems [or everal days. ] 934 AAA contracts, according to keep the total cost to a mod erate bravely, one must Mt. anel Mr . Ed Longacl'e and Mrs. Prank tansberry, Mrs. an announcement by Lester J . mowed at Y..! inch. a figure as their choice dictates. BrinK Your C.n. hs. lIfargaret Johns were Dayton John Long and Miss Mary tans- Mill r. sometimes think of A 50-year av rage of 'weather hecks were di si;ributed at Mr. reports at Columbus, ()hio, !.'evcalvi itoTs Tue day. berry were Dayton visitors, the ending of life as MI'!!. William Et.'l'gda\l a nd W dne day afternoon. Miller's office ill L banon on ed that the seeond week in July i, wen 118 it dllily trials daughter, Mrs. Frank Robbinson, • aturday, Juno 22. There were M1'8. Lou Andl'ews, of Dayton, 100 checks uistdb'uted, Mr. Miller the weu. lit of the year, and triumphs. We called on 1\11'. and Mrs. William oleman at Wellman S)lnday alte.. is spending a few days at the state, the paymtmts averagi ng may be consulted in orne plants th at may boub, noon, Mrs. Col man is slowly re- home of Frank Stansberry Bnd it" $260 each. Thl~ first paynlent confidonce about any stituted for gl'a s under trees ar covering from a fall of tw Iv e family, P1iONE 19 on 1934 contract was made this periwinkle Engli. h ivy, ajuga, aRpect of funeral weeks ago. spri ng. WAYNESVILLE. OHIO and euonymou radican. Mr. and Mrs, CI ment atlet'th· e rvice, Il Mr. Mar;aret Hadley spent The CUl'Tent paYllllent represents Monday night and Tuesday at the waite were guests at II card party 40 per cent of thiS actual sale Tu rkey fe ding recommendaat the home of friends in Hamilhome of her brother-in-law h. value per acre of tobacc o I'aised in tion , ba ed on ,even years of exRecom.mended To Kill Be.n ton, Tue-sday even ing. Taylor Moore and family near 1n34, Practically' nlll of the $25, perim ental work in . Pennsylvania Beetle•• Wilmington. Mr, Moore ill 000 received by fllll'mel's residing Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Hawke pent are now in the hands of county critically ill at this time. Franklin, Cle81'cl'eek and agricultural agents for di tribution unday at the home of theil' in Mr. and Harvey Burn t and daughter, MI·s. Ralph Vance, and Wayne townships. to tu .. key gl'owera.' guest, Miss Sarah Burnet, took a family, at Pleasant Plain. motor trip Sun'day to t he cave in PhoD.1 The Farm CTedit Administration tock Yard The Cinci nna ti Southern Ohio. Dr. and Mr , H. completed its seco nd yellr of busiW.~a"Ylllet E. Hathaway of Waynesville ac- Poultry and Produce Company and W.)'De.. iUe. Ohio 1\[is Alice Hall, of Dayton, ne s on May 27, having loaned companied them, fri ends e njoyed ,a n outing at I Mr, and Mrs. A. . Thompson Wayne Park, Sunday. About 100 , -===:::::::=====:=::=::::,: :=:::=:==:::::======::========== JUNE 28-29 ,. • ---.returned la t week from a ten day were in attendance. r' RALPH BELLAMY, and motor trip t hru Western PenneylJimmie, mall son of Dr. and 1_ _ _----+--A.LlIWL-i3'u..LLUI1.c...r:u;>I-I.ZI--~pa.n·la with MI'. and Mts, Roy WilHam and daughter of Dayton, Mrs , R. . Weaver, fell off the visiting relatives and friends and porch at the Weaver home. MonF or The Convenience Of The Public We Will the old home lowns of Clal'ion, day eve-n ing, cracking a bone of Cartoon, "Bacha Melody." his wrist. Brookville, Strattonvill6 and Be Open All Day, Sundays Comedy, "Mr. Widgelt." COl' iea, Pa. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Zimmerlittl Doris McKirby of Dayton man had as their guests on Sunday JUNE 30-JUL Y sp nt :the past week at the home Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Zimmerman of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johns near arid Mr, and Mrs. Daniel Heinz ALICE FAYE LytJ '. and daughter, of Janlestown. and Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Johns, and JAMES DUNN gue ts, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence After a pleasant two-weeks in Heckathorn and son of Dayton, visi t in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mis,>es Evelyn F.'anees and Ruth- W, H. Allen, Mrs. W. N, Newland anna Johns an d Dori l\f cKirby, left Friday moming for her home 1931 Chevrolet Cabriolet took a motor trip to Ken·tucky, .in Chicago. Sunday, visiting High Bridge and 1930 Buick Sedan Winter Garment Cleaned and Djx Dam. 1929 Chevrolet Coach Tt.>o Shows-7 :00 & 8 :30 p. m. Pressed. No extra charge for .... 1929 Old. 6 wheet Coupe .... DM. tOc-tSc Sealing in Moth-pr\lof Bags. Dry 1933 Old. Six Cleaners, Kathryn Mendenhall, 1932 Chevrolet DeLuxe Coach manager. 1933 Pontiac Coach , The choir of Zimmerman will be Mr, and MI'S, Harold Smith, Mr. at Mt. Holly church this Sunday 1934 Chevrolet Master Coach night, June 30, Everybody wel- and Mrs. Ralph Bastings, Mr, and 1930 Chevrolet Roadster Mrs, Morris Fulkerson were guests "'" come. 1933 Chevrolet Coupe of Mr. and Mrs. Bedford Stricklen MI'. and MI'S, Howar d Beam and 1933 Chevrolet Town Sedan so n spent Sunday with their at Middletown, Friday eveni ng. 1932 Na.h Sedan parents, Mr. ' and Ml·s. John Rye. , Mrs. Mary McClure, Mrs. H. E. 1930 Chevrolet Coupe Mr. and Mrs. EIll'I Marlatt Hathaway and Mrs, Mayme Hat. 1929 Ford Sport Coupe spent Tu esday with Mr. and Mrs Held attended the district meeting 1928 ·Sedan Lue Stephen and· Mrs. Weave,· and of the Daughters of Rebekah at son. ' 1930 Pontiac Coach Germantown today. Mr. Lim Marlatt and friend 1934 Chevrolet Town Sedan Mn. Edith Harris, Mrs. Frank spent Monday evening with his t 933 Chevrolet Coupe parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ge-orge L. Taylor of San Francisco, Calif" 1930 Chevrolet Sport Coupe and Mr. Harris Mosher, wer·e Marlatt. 1931 Chryll ... 8 Sedan Sunday guests of Mr. and 1' 4 1' 1 1. C. Mr. and Mrs. Royer entertained 1931 Ford Fordor Sedan Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs• F. Mosher of Edwards Road, Cin1931 Ford Tudor cinnati. Dinghof, of Beavertown. - - - ~. --1931 Ford Coup. CAESAIU CREE K Several enjoyed the Bible The eleventh annual American 1930 Hudlan Sedan School Program here last Sunday Institute of Cooperation is sched1929 tsse. Sed.n DROBABLY It sbould be told tbat Peet, auilltant adverttalq mannight • uled for July 15 to 20 at Cornell 1927 Chevrolet Coach fa ' IooklllC ager of the company, C the worrlad Yloun, lady from Mrs. Ella Haines spent Sunday University, at Ithaca, New York. 1930 Studebak~r Sport Coupe over the shoulder ot. OD. 'of the the artllt'. penell I. • contest enwith MI'. and Mrs. Walter Wilson. judges' readers . . These reader. ap. terer! 1934 Dod.e sedan Rev: Mary Antram and Mr. and PeoPle Ulte to I8nter letter·wrl~ prove only letter. that b.. com'School Bu. Mrs, Raleigh Bogan attended the ing attended a shower for Mrs. IDe eODteet., partIcularly when plied wHb .contest rul......... It'l there ara many lilrizes to be dlv· amazing how many people toa't. . Minister's and Worker's Confer. Howard Fitzgerald of Mason, nee Ided, but p.yebologl8ti say tbat Final selection of wI!1Jl1q .ette"s alice at Westboro, Sl!nday after- Katherine Grift'th of Dayton, at what worne. peolple most Is not will be made by the three contelt t he home of Mrs. Jacob Seibold in noon . that their letters poor but tbat judges ; Mr. Emil Rohde, pnl14ent Mrs. J ohn Wilson has been' en· Middletown, Saturday afternoon. they won't cet read by tbe judges. of the National Halrdre...r. 8114 Mr. and Mrs: Charles Thomas tertaining her n€lphew from Fort The IcenA abovle abows a .taft Cosmetologlstl AlIOe1atloa; Mn. entertained the following guests 'Of espert readeri worklng on let~ Winifred Farant, presldeDt of tha Sumter, New Mexico. Misses 'Monimia and Ula Hoak to dinner one evening last week: tera now "el~ rel~elved In a con· American Coametlclau A.ssoclateat belDe conduc1ted by the Col· tlon ; and Mis. Ellaabeth Woodand brothel', Seth, attended our Ella Wilkins of Kanus; Mrs. Pt&-I'almollv&-.Peet CompanY, tn ward, usociate edJtj)f of IldJ.. Lebanon . Franklin Alice Thomas of Xenia and Mr. Su nday School, Sunday. Phon. 14 whicb 10 trips to lilurope and a lot Home Journal. Thll particular ooaMrs. Raleigh Bogan and daugb- and Mrs. Glenn Irvin of the Zoar of otller prtl.. arel InTolved. Roy telt cloae. Jua iii. ter Dorothy and Miss Edna LeaIII' neighborhood . .



DR. H. E. HATHAWAY Dentist


Sh oris and M·ddl' lIng.

Moderate Cost




I Miami




6Se per Gallon


Calcium Arsenate


-----Friend.' Home New.







J. E. McClure

Waynelville, Ohio

Eight &11.


George White'. Scandal. of 1935

----- -Mt. HoJly

A Complete Stock an~ equipment to fill all your need••


..Everything for Building



W. H. Madden

fred Kahn Motor Car·Company

& Company

Cailial lin",,,. All Car. • ••


II r i ••,. wIto .aat low.r ~o.ta, her. 1. the _ _WHITE ROSE .... ANTICARBO I Orelia... , ._lille .IHI oil i •• Iowl)' IIlatilied by •• t ..... ..... t . . . . r.tu ......, .ad Ilicht ..... ua."oid.b.,. h•• die tea. . . ., to _ _ 1& ....... - , for"c .Iud'" that pI.ce a "11I,"el& . . . . . . ... • ...,. ay tIao - ............... new, . .prayed equ............. triplo. • tIIatIIIe.I WHITE IItOSE ....Ii.. -d ANT. CARBO MOTOR OIL Ia ................._ _ for oaI, • f_ .. .......~ ..,..............................ct..


Cat DrlYial ~••t.

will ~ . a~. wi.. oar _ tripl.....iclc ......... waiTE R~IE .-1... aad trip....tr_. I •• ANTIC ....1lt1lO MOTOII. OIL, wi. . . . . . . .. ..... tratl •• t_acio•• oiU.... tIIat . .ta ..., 11.........._--. ........ . . . or co.... Coa.aacillc _ _ tn"-e ....--... ~ ................... y_ call tl'7 It ~.. , _" ... _ ......, leo,.... . WHITE Ilot& "_lor or-Cat'

_ Z!!2


Eighty-Seventh Year


MRS. J. W. WARD 'WA S HOSTESS TO NEW CENTURY CLUB New Oflicere Na.,ed F .... Comin, Year At Meetin. Held at Th. Linle IDa Mrs, J , W. Ward was hostess at the JUlie meeting of the New C'Intury club which was held I at The Littl Inn Friday a:iternoon. Twenty·four members answered roll call with notes on South America. Mrs, W. E. 0' Neall, for !leveral years a member of the club, ten. dered her resignation, having established her permanent resl. dence .in Florida and the name of Mrs. D. C. Ridge was added to the roll of members. The program eonsisted of tbree excellent papers as follows: "RubbeJ' from the Tree to th e Over8ho~," Mrs. E. L. Thomas; "The World's Coffee Cup and Bow It ill Filled," Mrs.. Kenneth Hough; "Beautiful Cities of South America," Mrs. Maria Elbon. This being the last meeting for the year the retiring president, Mrs. L. M. Henderson, presented the gavel to her successor, Mrs. J. W. Ward, who very gra'c lously ac· cepted it and named Mrs. Howell Peirce and Mrs. Wilbur Clark as the executive committe for the eoming year, The new officers are: Mrs. J . W. Ward, president; Mrs. J. P. Fromm, vice president; Mrs. Mary McClure, secretllry, Mr8. J. B. Orabbe, treasurer. The club adjourned for the summer, the meetings to be resumed in SeptembeJ;". During the social hour dainty teo 1r shments were served, Invited guests ot the hostesa were Mrs. . Grimes, of Los Angeles, and Mra. Frank Shidaker, of .Harveysburg.



CHURCHES SUNDAY WAYNESVILLE If. E . CHURCH Rev. G. C. Dibert. Putor Sunday: Sunday sc ho ~l , at 9 :30 a . m. Morning wot'llhip at 10 :40. Vesper services at 7 :B O p. m. A flne program has been arranlred for this hour consisting of instru· mental and vocal mUBic, also good Bpea'k ing. . Wedn'lsday: Bible study and pr er ~eetinr at 7 :30 p. m.



The Juni or Good Cut Clothing Olub met TuesdayatternooJl at the home of the leader, Mrs, Gilbert Frye. Thirteen members were present, some working on record books, others starting on OfUJIUSUlLl Intel'eat Lo Waythe second article. r\ Bville fl'lend i. a recent UI'tiele Mildred Salisbury, Reporter. app aring in the Fonlania, aI., District Herald eonccl'Iling t)1e musical achievements . of Miss Mary Louise Zimnwrman daughter of MI'. and Mrs. L. A. Zimmerman, former residents here. Mr. Zimmerm an writ s that hi chicken ranch i ' ])I'(), Jl ring and he now has about 3,O()O broilcl's and friel'S on hi place. His son Paul will ,be gl'sduat d ftom Ohaffy high school next JUn e. He TO,m Stansberry is enjoying a reports thEl entire family to be in two·weeks outing In Oanada. good health. The al'Uele concel'lling Mary Miss Clara Lile and Mis! Emma Louise Zimmel'man follows: Highway weto Dayton "isito "Mis Mary Louise Zimmerman, Friday. ' received her bachelol' of music de· gree last week at the University M. S. Graham spent Saturday 0( Redlands with high honors. Dur night and Sunday with fritmds in ing the years she studied music Cincinnati. . at Rcdlands she was one of the Mr. and Mr . J. E. Frazier and most Qutstan ding stu dents of the Mrs. Sadie Conner visited relatives music department of the univer· sity. in Midland, Sllnday. Professor Bachman, head of the Mrs. Kathryn Turner, of Dayton piano department' of t he universpent unday with her parents, sity, talked very highly of the talent of Miss Zimmerman. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Henderso n. "She is one of the most talent. Mrs. Lawson, of Covingtbn, Ky., ed young musicians the university is visiting at the home of her has had for ye 1'5," Professor daughter, Mrs. Leonard Tinney. Bachman state-d. "She has the gift of music not only in technic, but Mrs. Mary Silver is said to be what ill more, the feeling of it. very much improved in health and which gives 8 superior quality and i able to get out among her beauty of humony and color lo friends. t~e technic. If she ,continues to Mrs. Ralph Himes and Mrs. give as much enthUSias m to music Stella Young, of Franklin, were as she has in pa t years, I predict dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. a V~l'y bright futur for her in Ralp,h Linn, Monday. the mus,lcal world ..'.' Miss ZUtlmcrDlQn IS the daughtel' Mrs. Holli Emery and children of Mr. a~d Mr . L. A. Zimmerman of. Green Springs, Ohio, are guests ?f FoothIll boulevard.. he started of M~s. Emery's parents, Mr. and '~ music as a mere chIld lind c~nMrs. Cbarles Hartsock. bnue? through the schools WIth James Lovely, Harold mith, promlsmg ucce s, he delight d Clifford Buzick and Walter Under- her audience many . time with her wood saw th ball game in. Cincin- plays .and f or awhile she was ~he organ I t Qf. the omrnunlty nati. Monday night. church. he IS a very popular Mr. and 1\118. I. O. Brown. of member ,of lhe YO,u nger et of the Dayton, were guests of Mr. and communIty and m )'ecen~ yeu Mrs. Rus II Frank, at a watfte he has becom popular tn the supper, Friday evening. mu sical circles of the inland empire also." Mi s Emma Heighway received __ .. - ....._ word. Saturday night of the seri- ,AUTOMATIC PHONES 011 Illne s of her nephew, Harry Jacobs, in a hospital at Lima. WILL BE INSTALLED

----_ ..---



SOFT BALL TEAM WINS TWO GAMES Both games or a double bill wel'e captured by the Fairley so rt ball te am at Ridgeville last Sun. day Afternoon, t he local aggregation ta king the tlrst; tilt from Ridg-eville by a 19 to " score, and in the sec nd game defeated Little Miami 5 Lo 3. Ou Monday veniJ1tg F'ail'ley's won over Wayn park 5 to 2. Fairley's schedule ill as follows: Fl'iday, July 5) G:30 p. m. at Spl'ing\Jol'o; Sunday at Bellbrook, 2 p. m.; Monday, July 8 at G!30 p, m. Blum'!;l Markcit, of Dayton, on ' the high school grounds; Wedne . day, July 10, pl'in~:boro here: and Friday, July t :2, Lebanon Pl'csb yterians at Lebanon. Any team wishing games in touch with Irvin Mulford Fuil'ley's stot'e.


-~ -


REGAN JULY 1ST Farm folk over Ohio and neigh boring states will again be given an opportunity to ,hear message of vita l interest on farm develop. mentl! and progress of cooperative activities, as Ed Bath" well-known farm 1'8di o commentator resumes bis daily broadca t from station WAIU on Monday, July I, from 12 to ] 2 :15 p. m., according t o James R. Moore, publidty director 'of the Ohio Fal'm Bureau Federation at Columbus. "Bath's talks will be espeeiaUy COli erned with the cooperative enerpl'ises now i.n full swing such III I'ural ' el ectrificatio l~, co~pera­ tive finance. the triple! A amendments. and the varyinlg phases of farm legislation," wid Moore. Farm Bureau membs-fs are urged by officials of tlheir organization to tune in daily and invite their neighbors to joul them, in ke ping abreast of th,e rapid de. vclopments of mapel'll cooperative agriculture in Ohio, st.'9.tes Moore. - - __ "BUSY FINGERS" CLUB MET LAS'" MONDAY The " Busy Fingers" .-H Cilib studied vegetables at lthe meeting on Monday, July 1 at j:he home of their le-sder Mrs. ' John Preston. Delicious salads and sandwiches wel'e made and served land samples t k to th . k' th'n e SIC ln EldVfl age, I a'peln ans were comp lete or a sa e of picnic goods. Orders have been taken and food will be on July 3. After a social hour Ilhe meeting adjourned to meet July 15. Virginia Pre~t~,.New8 Reporter

Mr. and .Mrs. Vernon Mainou8 Automatic telephones have and family, Miss Ine1; Smith and been installed and a hookup with Mi Josephine Bants: were Leb- the automatic exchange will be anon visitors, Monday evening. effective in Port William Fl'iday to provide free county service to Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Russum a nd subscribers in that aistrict, S. S. Miss Margaret Russum of Dayton, ,Outcalt, general manager of the are guest/! of Miss Trillena and ClintOn County Tel phone Co., Mi Margaret Edwards this week. announced Thur day. \1 1Ihe Port William district; will Wilbur Hai~es; of New York be the fourth in which free counCity, and Joseph Haines, of Cin. ST. MARY'S CHURCH ty 8ffvice will have been installed cinnati spent Sunday with their Rey. J . I. Scbaell'er, Reetor grandmother, Mrs. Keziah Thomp- !;ince the company launched its GRANDMOTHER'S NIGHT county-wide expansion prllgram, Third Sunday af~r Trinity, J\.Ily son. Work will begin on the Mar7; Church school at 9 :B O, AT FARMERS' GRANGE sermOn and Holy Communion at Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mainous en· tinsviUe-CIlIrksville automatic sys· 10 :30, • tertalned to dllln er, Sunday, Mr. tem within a short time. Saturd,ay night July 6 will be and Mrs. Roy Maupin, of Lebanon Free automatic service alr-eady Grandmother's night lit Farmers' Mr. and M1'8. Ralph Hastings and i avail'a ble in abina, New Grange No. 13. ST. AUGU'STINE CHURCH 80n, Bobby. Vienna and ;Blanchestel' districts. The committ ee, cOIlsi's ting of Fathe-: Newtoll, p ..tor Mrs. C. L. Duke, ~I"r&, L. V. Winter Garments Cleaned and I\; is estimated that today 36 Br8nstr lltor, and r.h's. W. E. Mala at St. Aupatine'l Church PreBled. No extra charge for very second aJld fourth Sunda, Sealing in Moth-proof Bags, Dry million acres of once good farm omeli, has been wOlrking on a f tbe month. Cleaners. Kathryn Mendenhall, land haVe 'b een ruined in the very entertaining pro&,ram and United States past all ~ossibiJity will expcct a good crowd to be manager. ])re nt. of reclamation. W"YN£SVI.L LE CHURCH OF 'Mr. and Mrs. Gene Conner and CHRIST Mr. and Mrs. ~, V.l:(artsock were I Carl Smith, MiJlister entertained at tbe home of Mr. Church school at 9 :30 a. m., and Mn. C. E. A ndenon, Satur. tQl'd's Supper a.t ~oncJul!ion. Chris day evening. t ian Endeavor at 7 p . m, EvanRev. D. R. Dunn and family, gellettc service at 7:30 p. m. formerl, of Beadina:, Pa., now Everyone welcome. · Ioc_ted at Findley, Oblo, vllited Waynesville frlendl, F'rjday evenInlr. FRIENDS, MEETING Flnt-day School at 9 :80 a~ m. Mr.. Frank, Robel'/lon, of Jack· lIettlna tor Worthill at .1 0:80 Bon, Mi18., was a ,uut of Miss m. Ruth CttaJIdler, Saturday. She was · ,a cla..mate of MII8 Obandler at Lebanon University. FERRY CHURCH ~F CHRIST Carl Smith. Mlnllter Mrs. Ott Hid" 01 ~pringfteld, . haa been visltin&, at the home of Unified Ierne. bqlnnlne with her dau,hter, Un. Preston . and church ;aebool at 9 :30 .. . m. family. Mrs. Hid, and' Mis8 •• rvlce at 10:80 a. m. Virginia Preston are 'pendln. this week with relativell in · Columbus. DEATHS Mr. and Mh. ' L. W. Chandler, Misl Anna Madden, a,ed '17 Milaca Ruth and Gertrude Chanyears, died at .hel;' · home i!1 Har- dler attellded the picnic of the ),eal:8, died at her home in Hal'- Ohio Jeraey Cattle ClUb at Jlrefty veyabury Monday atte'r noon, .July HIU Farma near Cincinnati on Wednesday. 1. Funeral aervice. were held at Mr., and Mrs. George HiutlOck' the Friendl chureh in aarYeJl- and Ur. and Mrll. Herman Surfaee bury Weclnelday afternoon and visited relatives in Piqua, SUnday. burial w.. in Spriaifleld Church Tbey were accompanied home by cemetery. Mrs. Hartsock'i nephew, James GrUlth. Fu neral service. for Walter M... A. K. Da, WAI caMed to h Scbufr prominent f armer wow.. Albland, K,., lut week beeaule of kWed wheD hIa wapa w.. struck b., a Penuylvanla ,.......... the ,moue Wn... of he.. litter. lin. Ida Hammond. lin. SamtTaiD, were beld at lIol'l'Ow 1I0n- mODd paued away Tbunclay nlaht daJ aftenlOO1l.. _ • aDd the fun.ral aDd burial took If tile laWIl W" Dot fertUlaed place Oil 8uncla,. tbla aJll'.bw•. it the ItImcI of.... lin. Robert Baker Ia OD., f .... or it are .... were wacl.reeI a pi_at IUI'priae wUI ,.,. io f8dU8a oa old frleada aacI


- ..---





Stated ommunicalion of WilY' n esvill Lodge No . 163 F, & A, M, Tuesday evening, July 9. Vi sit. ing and $ojourning br'lthl'en 81'6 welcome. E. C. Crane, W: M, "Horse and buggy days" were V. M. Armitage, Sec'y. re fened to by the Pre!;ident in a PI' !IS conference recefltly. What's the matter with the "hor e and buggy days"1 They wet·\! pretty good days as we remember thenl. In the "horse anel buggy" days a boy had a job all staked out for him before he quit chool. It was ansnged that he go into a bank, or a blacksmith hop. or a prin t shop, or that he would study law - Mrs. CordinTru-;; ~i;;~Mon. 01' medicine. He looked forward to the time day in Incinnati. wh en he could "llfItablish himself" Mi s Lilla Benham wa the guellt in some busines . Perhaps he figur- of fd e ncl sin Leban on, aturday. ed on marrying the, bankel"s daughter. and moving into the big M'r ·. I rene Baker and Mrs. tone bouse with the fallcy L est er Surface wen, Cincinnati hitching post out in front. visitors, Tuesday. If he didn't have ~ horse and buggy he could r ent one for an Mrs. SUl!lan A rnold, of Dayton , afternoon and everting for about , is pending t!le week with Dr. and $1.50. 'l' he I'ubbertired . rigs and Mrs. J. E. Wlt.ham . fa~ter hor es cost more. Onee or I\,r. and Mrs. Phil Zep!, of t~lce ~ month you cou}d show the College Hill, spent Sunday with gIrl frteod a real even mg. I Mr. and Mr . GeorgC J. Smith. Perbaps you stopped for a gla 81 of lemonade, or you took home a Mt's. Rose Devoe and 80n, of pint of ice cream and at it in the . Xenia, IIpent Thursday evenin~ hammock on th front lawn. The with Mr. and Mrs. Waltel' Elzey. parents were always up to see Mrs. Sid Cox, of Miami, Florida what time you arrived and if you don't leave by 10:30 some gentle niece of Mrs. Lena Hartsock, ha~ take n a room at lhe Friends Hom@ hints were passed. Wha~ was wrong with that, says Mr. and MI·s. Carl Frye, Mi f the Murphysboro Daily Indepen- Dod Surface Ilnd Ray VanOnen dent, in desc1'ibing a similar scene. will spend the Fourth at Indian "It was a pleaSllnt, peaceful, pros. Lake. pel'OUS and happy America in the 'horse and buggy' day ."- Sparta, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hiatt, of Ill .• News-Plaindealer. Wilmington, called on fcriends at the Friend~ Home Sunday after· noon. MOTORIST ARE HIT HARD BY GAS TAX Mr. and Mrs. Myron Thoma , ol Dayton, spent Sunday with th e The motorist i a helpless former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E . victim of taxation becau e there L. Thomas. is no practical substitute for Mrs. Ella Babb, of Spring ga$oline. For alm o t any other commodity Valley, spent Wednesday with the consumer can use a substitute Mrs. Anna Cadwallader and Miss But when it comes to gasoline, Clara Lile. it's pay the tax or stop driving. Mr. and Mrs. J . V. Hartsock The. statea started taxing gaso- and daugh~r, Dorothy will pend line "moderately" but, as with all the Fourth and week-end in special taxes, the gas tax soon be- Akron and vicinity. came exorbitant. Then the federal governm nt Mrs. Grace McCune, of Lima, decided to take it pound of Resh will spend the Fourth and remain from the motorist. . over the week-end at the home of Motorists have it in t heir power her mother, Mr . Eva Miller. to demand a reductio n of exhorbi- ! tant gas taxes including the actual . Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ha:wke. were . I f th f d I l In Dayton Monday evemng mat· I e~ 0 e e era gas tax. t d ' .. b' thd rt'v They also hllve the right to de en ance a~ a If ay pa y gl en mand t hat gasoline taxes be not' for their grandson, J, C. Hawke. used for other than road PUl'poses. MI's. Dan Collett enter ..ined the When taxes run (rom 25 to 50 ?',!mbers ot the Women' Foreign per, cent of thtt, rebl:il price of any MI Bionary ociety 01 the Method· ~rtl~le, a. the gasohne tax does, It i t church; Wedn sday afternoon. IS hIgh time to correct the abuse. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hoff and son, HOMEMA~E-;S· CHORUS of Mason, Miss Gertie Trimble and Mr. J ohn Misel, of Kings ¥iIls, There will be a meeting of the were vi itors at t he borne of Mrs. Warr n County Homemakers Mayme Hatfield Sunday. chorus inGrang~ hall, Wednesday Mr. and Mr . Loren H\ldley and evening, Ju ly a at 8 o'clock. All WOmen who are interested in the children, of Newark, Mr. and Mrs lll'oject are invited and urged to Walter Wiiliams and family, of Kingman, spent unday with Mrs. be present. - - Janney and Miss Louella. C. W. Smith, pastor of the Because bluegrass is dormant in summer; many farme~s are sowin, Church of Christ, is spending his su dan gra~s pasture 1n early June vacation at his home in West to produce an abundance of feed Virginia. Mr. Alvah Vance of when other pastures are dry. , Dayton, 'will serve in his place next Sunday.



- ---







Whole Number 6176 (



Mrs. ' Howell Peirc e, Misses Annie U. and Mame T. Br.own were .interested callers lit' the historic Bu ttei'worth 'home near Fosters Crossing, last Saturday moming. Mr. C.' A. Bur nett, Shirley Burnett, Mr" Bessie Oox little son Sid arrived in Waynesville from Miami, Florida, Sunday, Mr. BlJrnett and ' granddaughter went on to Chicago to visit his daughter Mrs. Sherrold Ward and family.




And Implement. De. McKa,. Brat...... Farm

.troyed at

Fi,.e of undetel'mined origin resulting in a loss of approximately, $5,00 0 de t~oye d a large bam, double' corn crib, scales and shed at the ferm bome of the McKay Brothers in the Flat Fork neilthb{J~hood 'l'ueeday night. Members of the family were a wak ned by the blaze which WII8 believed to have started about 10 p. m. Just where and how it started they were unable to explain. ' By t he time they reache d the scene, the names had made such headway that it was futile to attempt to Have IIny of the burning buildings or their contents. Attention was directed on a shed standing between the barn and the res idence, preventing the spread of the flames to these buildings. Three calves and two hog» were burned to death in the barn, and s'everal farm implements were burned , Aside from the buildings the greate t los ' involved 200 bus he ls 01 cOl'n housed in the double crib. .Members of the family "tated the $6,000 10 II WaS partly covered by insurance. Many pel'sonli were attracted to the cene, the blaze being visible for many miles and could be seen il'om Waynesville. -------.~~~.~-----

UNEN SHOWER GlVEN FOR BRIDE ELECT Mr . . J : C. Hawke, Mrs. J. P. Fromm and Mrs. R~lph Vance were hostess at a linen Bhower Saturday afternoon trom 2 to 5 fo r Miss Mary Hawke, bride elect, at the horne of. Mrs. Hawke. The guest. lillt included , Mias Hawke, Mrs. Carl Hawke, of Dayton; Mrs. W. E . Cornell, M'·I\. Russell Salisbury, Mrs. H. A. Cornell, Mrs. Warren Braddock. 1\Irs. F. U. LeMay, Miss Helen Hawke, Mrs. J. W. White, Mra, ilary C. Cros.; I Mrs. C. Lee Hawke, Mrs. ~elV)'n Banta, MrtI. Emma H. McClure, Mrs. Maynard Weltz and Miss Ann Weltz.

.- ..


GARDEN CLUB MEMBERS HAVE PICNIC MEETING The spaciolLS lawn of Mr. anu Mrs. J. L . :Mendenhall was the scen e of a very delightful garden club meetin~,Tuesday morning. Twenty members respo nded to the roll call. Pel'ennials were studied and freely discu sed, I\lrs. Carl Duke told in her mo t interesting way about petennials she knew beat and th-e ones we · alJ have and enjoy. Plans were discussed for an e:ihibit at the County Fair and Mrs. Menc;lenhall was named chaIrman 01 a, committee to artanl_ for one. Lovely flowers were brought for exhibition and ribbon a~ard" wel'e given to Mrs. Jamfl Me:clure and Mrs. Anna Gibbons tor artistie arrangement. At the noon hODr a picnie lunch was served and the lI\eetiDJr adjourned. The next meetinlr of t he club will be held at the home of Mr. Ernest Butterworth, with Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Harvey Rye aad Mrs. Percy Reason, hOlteBles.

Mr. and MI'S, J. B. Crabbe, Mr. and Mrs. C. L, Duke, Mrs. Mar¥ .... McOlure, Mrs. Mayme Hatfteld, WATER SERVICE WILL BE Ml" and Mrs. R. E. Crew, Mr. and Mrs. W . A. Schwartzel were OFF FOR A TIME FRIDAY, among thol\8 from the local grange who attended Pomona grange at Water service to Waynesville Sprineboro Saturday. patl'ons' will be discontinued Fri. Mr. and Mrs. J. H~ Sackett and day morning fOl' 'a few hour. children and Mr. and Mrs. Jame!' while necessary repaiu will ,be E. McClure were guests , in the on the fireplug on Main home of Mr . and Mrs. Perry Sack- street at the postoffi ce corner. Action to make these repairs ett and family. Sunday in honor of- the birthday anniversary of Mr. was taken at t he regular meetiDJr of council Monday night. No oth... Perry Sackett. bU8iness of importance was traDMI'. and Mrs. J. B. Rich enter- sacted. tained ~t dinner Monday evening for the pleasure ,of their BOn TWO . PERSONS HURT Maynard, the occasion being hill IN AUTO ACCIDUT birthday anniversary. The guests were Mr. and Mn. John Kene, and Mr. and Mn. ~lbert Fr,•. Pblllp Larriek and Huah 811..... Hr. and !lira. Lewla Thompeon, ""re inJund wlt.a their aatoMnee Lena Earnhart with Mr. a.d bU. wore involved ta a .......... Mft. Cheater Cutler, ot Nonro04. IMt Sunday aftaaooD . . lett Suncla, lIIomia. to.. at. lq&Ie roacl d ,1- 1dlL ...." ' , Louta, 110 •• where .111'. ead lin. LurkIIr Tbomploll wIU JUke tIleIa' hollle. JIllDo. lDJillllil. . . . . Prallell Ca&Jer


---_.- ..----


lIo"'ard Sawyer. $7; Mrll. Elmer \E'llcht'r h JUMt 1t.'llmt'd that thill . Traininl1' Amp hail Blipp@d war. l.acy, bual'd Bnd are "'rank Lllcy. ,lu,l<y arti. t i~ the i'811lt' ('olol't'd, Back tu thf'ir home, thl' 1,71)0 $5; MI1l. Oma O"burnl', buurd und Iud h.· II II, It'udling six months i Y(lUIlII' III 'n will ha,'l' rrl'ut tales to l!·11 oC their eventful anti inilliatlltl, inque~t care Virgil JsaacII, Wallor Harlow 1111'''. . tt!rl'~tinlr month as gucl!t.a of lheir Wade- S Urown , and Frank BallinKer, $~4; Mr>l.' One often heal' of htr n'ifying .. nell' Sam." of Wal'- Ira Eltza-oth, board and carc Alic(!> ___ _ __ e!'tale of Elvira Ludlum. deceased ren County, ,12 ; Thl? Office Out ~ tarkey, $5; MI·s. Maud Deol'doff, Ululol' rur ul!cld(:I1tt< in \I hiI'll nil tiled hi& inventory. , C one i ~ hUI·l. P 'JlI. iblv the driv'rH flllers, cal'bon, nbbon, alltener .. boul'd nnd cal'e V rl Mill ,'r. $7.60; Common Plea. Proceed;n,_ ..... uretill>'. Thoma l\lcGuil1ll, RosIn the ca, e of Ada Hill, admin- for National R e·rnpluymenl office Mt:. Maude Deardoff. boal'd und tt'tl\'el in lhe cltl1lPll ny of Lady Luck inlltl!tld IIf th' spectre of COl! ~'lIrnu' al1d J . Q. ,on~ wel'e i~ll'ljtrix of th estate or Alva Hill, $3.40; The Ohio Reporter cal' Lucy Moore. $5. '\l ith an indicuted wheat crOp Tn th(' ('n'" nr . N. Price ,. I'IIU appuintt'd I1pl'raisl'l'~. !I"oth which IIccompani"l\ ~o muny deceased, versus Ada Hill, et ai, '0., ubc, to Law Rcporte-r, - - - - .. - - o f U71 million bu sl1els AAA otftn. Eltul, aI, Ilction di mi s~er1 I Il t II • l·D;.e 0 r • G• . 0I10Vt'I·~ a~ ~1I1t' of real e~hll i ordered. $5. ', .u l.'vel·ybocly' -~ mct! Outtht!l'~. B(' It I!itllel'. h('I'" IHe two The easl' of Poul C. l'ickin)o( gUllnlian of lhe perllQn and estaLe ur th e IYOl'sL 1\ ith th ' he.t Te· ('ial~ {ol'csee an ad~u ..te amount" Anna Long, ~ xecutrix of th es- fitters, (' nvt>lop('s and Su.Pll\ies for "pi 1I Dorolhy Picki ng wa dis- of S. Hetti" sui t, Th e othl!!' night, thl'ee o f wheat from the 1936 crop lor 0 11 0 \,('1', Vel'!;u!> S. tut(> uf W. n. L o n~, decea . ed, flIed Tl'eusurel', '13 .6 1~ ; The We tern missed. dt'unk: uttl'mplrd to p8 ~S another domel'tic uses and fOt· any export Hetti e onov 1'. inc olllp tl!nt, ('t 1\1 her in entory . tar, del. tao re.ceipt.s COl' Treas"lIU~l that might open. The ca e of CAr at about iO mill'S PCI'. The lu no 'onfil'malion, d I'd and distribu· }]d . B. Dakin, administrutor of urel', 5; Lebapl)n- itlzens vcr us lIifol"d by JUDSON DI;A,N ~ I'ut was fl 'cullllnt of th hack lion. the estate of George H . Beach, National Bank, c:heck book fOI' missed. v{ll'Y tnt mun. T hl:' tldYe!' lost co nTh j I1 venl ory o f 'ilI illll1 H. deceased, fil d hi first and finul ac Tr 'a au reI', $2.30; Jo': J, Heel' cnseof Th e Fir~t Nntiounl In til ll·ol and turlled 0\1 r thrce times', .0\ lexa n(! ('1'. administrat or of the count. Pdnting a., certificale, or full Blink, of MOl'rol\' Vl'rSUl\ B. L. l'stnt of BCI'lha May Re ttig, d· Ask for a _ The ' will of Ella May Schwartz payment of but ful" Treasu r er Be 'ide being h ighly entertain- finully ~toPJling dght inl' up "'~th ' t vens and Nellie tev n" <: a s d, \l'a. approved. dl'ceased, was admltt4!d t o probate $2; olumbus Bl'Bnk Book Co., 1 ing, I'adio's amateur hour offers an the lillie fa1\ow ",hI) had been Miami.burg Permanent judgment to the .plili ntiff for 661i. 'fIll' inv('nlol'Y of Julia· B. ' hoe- harll's J. chwartl: was appointed book of treasul' r' I'eceipls, !}Oc: occa~ion al u'pp eal b h ind the l'iding with him in f"onl, sitting 27 and co ts. lIlukt'1' and Mary B. urles, (lxt'cu b d . Ch The Book Shop, supplies , rubb r ,,'enl'S and provide an unsusill in- in buck 0 11 lhe f 1 mlln 's Inp . . . . Concrete for 'rr~a "1.60', crease .III (lI11P Ioyment an d b usIn- u.noLhcr- 1l s lll'cding "ar cn\ ~ hed . In lh~ ca. e of 'ril e Mutual lril:('~ 0 1,. lht' e ~ late of ' anfQI'd J , ex.ecutor, I J W no on Lrequired. Sb ar- band-, nAn t" ~ sllrcl' , .. Air Seal Burial Vault Building and Loan O. ,'er us D. Brown, d ec('ased, was approved. h S . d Ilggoner, awrence aw- Th We-tern Still', r~lony l'ndl'ct- ess. I n New Yat'k over a h un d r e d through the rail of u · woo d n h I I ' ~ ~ al' .es . rWIIl were ap- me nt.s for PI'O?~ Att'y. 8.50', The ex t ra gil' . I1'1 answer t he stu d io's bdcig.:, llnd dropped fOI·ty feet, . H'arrison, et ai, judgml'nt to In the ca~ of George E. Young, an' tand For ale only by plnintiff fro m the defenda nt , 11. administl'alor with will a nn x d of pOl n appraisers. Gem l' ty Blue ,P"l'nt & upply o. 20000 t Iep h onl' ca II s, l h c nver- landing n ail foul' on a pile of " A. Hani 0 11. Ethel H UlTi~on , J esse . F. on over, deceased, versus arl G. Jon e wa appointed ad- CI' s · ection paple r and map for age for each amateur hour. Many . oft sand lhat hud been heaped Your Funeral Dh'ector lentz, Margal'et 1\1 ntz and Elhel Eva K. ono \'er, ta l, confirma- nlinistl'lltor of the estate of Her- urv y(lr, 29.32; J. L. Dunn er- of the m are long distance c~lls up in th' riv " by a cJl'cdg . l cntz and Eth I Bish op, in the tion, deed nnd distri bution. man F. J on es, deceased, and filed vices a mechanic, $(;2.4.0; John which, of cours hell> fill the cof~ um o( $2291.66. $213; John son fel's of the tel phone company. N ew. It m : "O n cw YOl'k W. W. Whlte ker and Elmer E. bond of $1000 with suret ies. Barr, payroll, McClure Funeral Home The case of A III dca IWeste r \<~ o sett, eliccutol'S of th e tate of Arthul' Hart man, Walter Wilson My el's, pay roll) ~:105. 60 ; M. C. Then too, ther is the myriad of check gil' l cun tllk ' th e huts und Phone 7 VCI'SUS Frank G. Hart wa di mill - J o eph D nn elb' , d en d, filed and Lawrence 1\1itchenor we I' ap- ,F oreman, payrol.l, $268.20; Earl mail that floods the studi o, which ' 'ants o f 200 strang'cl's, .·lack them d. their i nve ntory. . . pointed apprai sers. Baso re, payroll, $94.60; V. M. is anoth l' 11ft in making ncle in a pile and hand each lllun the In the ca The estate of Alice W. Holden, The 8djlldlration and determina AI'mitage, payroll, $93.20; John Sam's Po t; Offic e a paying busi- rig-ht hat and c nt as he wal\< out -:"-:'~=-"::'~======== Paint O. vel'S us al'l Winner II cea, cd, i exempt from inh ri- tion of th" inh eritance tax on the My rs, payroll, $148.40; Zain ness, Never befol'e hav e th nspir- - Bet if Lh Y nil wor 41erhi ::.. --a nd DeWitt Winne r. judgment to tance talC. state of far y F. trickier, deceas Armitage, sand Bind gra.vel, $126. ing fiedgings been given such an they'u rooi hel'! the plaintiff in the sum of $220.4 5. Dorothy BUl'gem It·, guardian of ed , is to be given to all persons 68; Sam Smith, pal·ts, $6.60; opportunity to display their III t.he case of H. L. Harding, et fil dint rested . Martin Burke, ":""a"e rent :Cor tal t D'J h ' ' I W Z . k t I aI, Versus The oulh Lebanon h:: sixth :~~o'u~t. a mIIlOI'S, e ArthUr Bryant, adminlstr-ator of Di t. I, $l6; A. "8. BeD & Son ~utl:~:" 8t~~:~0~1l1~~ d ~~~= , Pllcking Company, et aI, applicaChade~ . Irwin, guardian of the stale.of J ohn innard, deceas magneto parts, $31.32; The ous oth ' l'S il re being catapulted t ion f or sale of real estat at Robed Qu itJ(ley, ct lIl. , min ors, ed, fil d hiS invento\·y. National olortY!I>e 0., Inc., 200 from the ir drudging I'outines into entel'ville nppl'oved. filed hi s first account. In the ea e of Arthur Bl'yant, l'ed signal buttons, $15.27; The th~ wl) l'ld of tinsel and gla1l10u I'. The folluwing al;collnls were up adminihSI!'akt ol"t' ,etc. versus Cora CIncinnati Oil W'l>rks 0. , gasoline During this thereu l process New Slijt. prOved, llllowed !lnu t:onfil'llled by GottSI' ol ,e ai, confirmation $9.72; Elmer Collis, gasoline, $12. t hings of human intere 't hapi en Julia Ann La shhley versus the court: dee u und distribution. 15; Frank Shel'w'Dod 0., kerose n t hat t il' one's romantic sid e. J Ft. B nj. l-I'al'l'l n, Jnd.- The Russell Louis Lashley for divorce Annell n Pence. admini. tratrix of Helen H. Eat(Jn was apPOinted and gasoline, $41.76j ) . N. ox, hl an, for example, tllos instan- itzi ns.' lilitary Training camp R~OT FOR AND CONSIGN Charge is willful ab ence. I the e tnt of \ illiull1 L. GI'ahnm, administratrix' of the estate of supplies, $10.38; Wayneljville ce, when the mll ster of ceremonies, which op nlld Tue day at Ft. HarCattle h01l1 .heep and cal,.. The Fit.·st National BlIllk, of ' decea ed , Fir t and final. Mary . Hough, deceased and filed Service ta·t ion, oil, ket·o enc, in attempting to subdUe theil' ner- I i80n will, in 24 hours, tran sNorris-B'rock Co .• live wire and lorrow, versus B. L. tevcns and Maud 'Ingle, adm iniatl'atl'ix of bond o r $2000 with sureties. Wal- gasoline, $50.89; H. L. Schuyler, vo usn SS, a ks them questions per- fOl'111 , 1700 yo ung men who have pr"gressive firm f?r the hlah'" Nellie A. Stevens, cognovit, $656.- the estate of amuel W. lagle, de dron C. Gilmoul' Everett Schwartz payroll, 154.40; arl Dakin, pay taining to them lye or their com from fur and ncar, into well market prlcee and good semel. 27 with lntere t and co ts. ceased, fir t and finnl. a nd ' Lawrence Shawhan were ap- roll, $160; Waynesville Farmer fumilies, to which So many re- turned out MT condidates. Unioa Steck Yard.' Cinelll.atl. O. In the matter of the transfer of Gorge P. Gllte~ , tTU. t e of the pointed apprai er . . Excbange 0., c'~ment and lime, ' pond that their fathers are mem- Tra\'eling along a path which startll Tune In on Radio Station WCJ[Y fund s of tbe Village of Lebanon, e tate of Harriett .• paulding, de Ethel G. Miller and MildTed G. $89.70; The Warren County Lum- bel'S of the army of the unem- with the b y dive ting them· 12 :26 to 12 :80 p. m. for our c1aU, to transfer funds. ceased, Ill'. t. Sleddon! were appointed admin!s- ber 0., paint, c !n1ent, sewer pipe played. On severa l occasions ' elv s of all cl thing and me rging market reports. The. R. F, John ton Paint Co. an T. B. Griswold, administrator of trators of the estate of !Twin E. $16.61; The Oreg:onia Bridge Co. ; t hese fathers hav be.E-n given nt the other lid an ent'o llee, the Ohio corporation, versus Carl Win the estnte of Jall G. Lewis,.deceas · Gustin, deceased, and flIed bond of rei nf!)rcing steel, $18.66: Blind immediate work by ome list ner- boys wi\1 I1t~r upon a thit·ty day ner and De Witt Winner, cogonovit. ed. First and final. . $10000 with su~tie8. J eff ,Thomp- P ensioTlS, quarteJr ending 6-30-36, in who was able to cl'eate n job. period of tra ining and recreation Franc Taulbee versus H enl'Y Euge ne C. Dunham, administra. son. Charles S. Irwin and C .H. $683.49; Tb W~!sterl1 Star, inShou ld the amat ur arouse in- designed to benefit thenl both ·L. Taulbee, for divo!'c. hllrge is tor 01 the e tate of Lillian J. Snell Young wer appointed appraisers 8urance forms. $24; l eeker & terest in his ability h is given mentally and phy, ically, gross neglect of duty. deceased, Lbird and final. In the Inatter of the estate of Meeker, p'remiurrl on boiler insur- furth~r OPIlol-tunities to b nefit by On July 4th th hoy will take Earl Biggs versu s Elmcr J ef, Geol'g A. Richard son, adminis- Beriha Elizabeth Van Camp, a ance, $572.28; James Follen, ser- making pel' onal appeaJ'anc at t he oath of 1111 giance for their (ery, appeal from J. P. Court. tratOr of t.h c.tate of James E. minor, Myt1:le Van Camp, guar- vices Ill\ janitor, ~i15; P nn Morton night dub, vieing f or cash prizes lhil't)' day slay, to obey th l' ul Robert L. Brown, Supt. of In- Richardson, deceased, first and dian, i authorized to pun;"'u~'el services a s janitclr, $70;- Geo. K,i1- and entel'in ~ variou olh r con. of the camp which are designed surance /01' th e Stat of Ohio and flnnl. bonds. leen & SOI1, express on supplies te ts. 'hould h fail in ne he for the welflll' or all. Th fol1owas such in cha rge of the IJquidaJohn Ditmal's, administrator of The inventory of C. Dotl~ld for Court Rouse', 76c; Pioneer need not giVe up for it is estim at- ing day will see the candidllte in tlon of the UnIon Nullonal Life the estat of Alice Ditmars, de- Dilatush, administl'ator of the Mfg., Co., pine cleaner, deodorant ed that there or at Icast a hun- the full swing of his haining milInsuranc(!> Co., versus Robert M. cpused, first and final. state of J esse Robinson, deceased blocks> $13.13; C. Donald Dilatu h dred diff Tent amateur hours on tary d rill and in 'tl'lIction in the Van Borne, et ai, for money, {(Ire Lizzie Ditmars, ex,ec utri x of ~he was apPl·oved. rent of office, $20 i Wm. Shotwell, the air in the . each we k. mornings, lempet-ed with talks on closute, etc. estute of Walter Ditmars. deChester A. Harper, guardian of services 8S janit.or, $20; Miami citizen hip and health lectures Mary Smith vel'SU. OUe mith, cen ed, first and final. Barbara Louise Harper, a minor Yalley Hospital, )C-ray, laboratory, A local music teacher, an ex- with atllletics in the afternoon. appeal from J. P. ourt. J. T. Riley wall appointed guaT- fi led his inventory. operating room, gloves, etc., for name band star of no mean ability All equipment is furnished t he Phone 78J dian of Mildred Saul, .. minor, and Marria.,e Lle.en... VerL Miller, $52; Mrs. LuI Gal)- tells me of ree ntly tuning in on boy and varlou athletic teaJ1l!! Probate Court filed bond of $100Q with suretits. bard, board and ure Lincoln Gab- Jimmie Lunceford's will spl'ing up like m/.lgic. Th Herman Russell, laborer of Leb baI', d $5 ; Mrs. ,n . t'lme willa '11 . ',) y f or th e J osep h·me G ems was appointed In the matter of the will of 'n. C• R 0b er ts ,over C0 Ium b'la. H e wa so 1mqUIC" admini tratrix of th e tate of Stephen A Stilwell, deceased Myr- anon and Miss Goldie Wooddell, of board and care W. C. Roberts, $5; pressed by the skillful nnd perteet boy and hefore they know that EI IRS ' 0 g 1eSlJ"e, 1.. _ decen d, and fi1ed tle W. Young i!l to take deposition Morrow.. 1\1 1'8. H ' ' t- th ' d, t hey WI' 11 b e eI enD aug h man, b oard an d pI aymg 0 f th e b an d' S h ot I c al'me time i las 8L'rtVe bond of $16,000.00 with of Marion R. Brown, witness 'ot Lewis Edward Thompson. ·con. care CliffoJd Doughman, $7; Mrs. 1st, that he felt like throwing hIs back in civilian clothes, their NOTARY PUBLIC Lena of' and Waynestrator,Meree of St.Earnbart, Lollis, Mo., Miss Natlo•• l Baak ville. WIIIt Ora.. • • E ...... S ...... D. Wade Turner, teacher of .. - - WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Waynesville and Miss E.Louise



\!Iiil!. In thl' matt r of the state of I.atayt'ttl' Dill, deceased. di~tribution of n~set~ i~ ordered. Harry Z. Gt'ay, executor' of the



.~~~~~.~~"-4.~~ I~







F. T. ' Martin Auctioneer


Centerville, Ohio


•~~=~====~;~~~.~~=~=~~~::.:::= CALL llR2 General Hauling of All Ki A.Iso,

1'0 &.:.

eal .a n d Long D-ISt anee Ing




+ Quality PrlDtlDIl

The Miami Gazette


, 1 "



Tr;::~ti~s~fv::e~~s:!!~~·o:c Cin- ~ Saila~!!y Opens National Cruisi'1~Season dnnati, and Miu Mary Dawson, of Mason. Carl Recce, machinist, of Branch HiLI, and Miss Mildred McCullen, housekeeper nf Loveland.

Stanley &Koogler

Reb~:~ ~·:~~t!rG:~~~:Shep_


herd, 90.H acres in Hamilton townsb ip. ,I George S hephard to Rebecca Walsh, real estate in Hamilton township. Mary L. Sears and Wilbur N. Sears to L. A.. Zimmerman, teal estate jn Wayne!lville. Charles E. Mears and Emma G Mears to Irma T . Shawhan, inlot No. 77 in Franklin. America Wester to Albert M. Hart real estate in Clearcreek township . The MaSon BUilding, Loan and av.ings Co., to Calvin M. Quinby, inlots Nos 49 and 60 in Mason. Helen and Verne Burak to Mlllie Quinby; real estate in Mason . Daisy M. Hall to Chatles E. Mears. and Emma a.Mears, inlot No. 383 in Franklin. William A. Scptt to George Hoi mes, inlots NOB. 11, 12 and 13 in South Lebanon. Minnie Hasting to Elizabeth May Sweny and Harold B. Sweny, real eatate in Union township. Samuel Butterworth, deceased, to Sarah Butterw()rth, et aI, teal estate in Waynesville. ' The Clinton County Bank and Trust Co, to Homer and Chloe Harper. 75.11 acrea in Harlan town.hlp. D. C. and Anna Raub to Emma N. Beam, inlot No. 876 in Frank-



CLASSifiED ADS. FORSAa;1! F'OR SALE-Fine selection of one and two-year old 1'J!l'e~ plants; sweet potato plants 250 per hundred, $2. pel' thousand. Extra good wilt resistan t cabbage plants, 25c per l:lUndred. AIBO transplanted celery plants. George Peterson, one mile fr om Waynesville on Bell brook pike. Phon 132R21. 6-27 FOR SALE-48 inch Kitchen cabinet. Telephone 66R21. 6-27 ,





EARL KOOOLER Da,to. Pia... KE.more ••••




Plao•• 310, New B.rU......

__ . . ._ (Low., I.ft), Hallold J. J\lne, chief .vlator ot the ,~"rd Expedltlo. ' and J.ok Dempaey, wltl1 the Eaqulmo pup ",.. pr••• nted to••" at the "nl.tI of the Rlchard.on crula. (Top). Her. they com.1 Twent".f\v. ,lItU. family cl'lIlaer. rt. achlno Nlw York .ftl' a 1-c1ay voyaOe from North Tonawanda; N. Y. to 0Pln the crulat". ' .....n. (L.ow.r rloht), May 26th-The liara"t fI ••t of crul ..r. eve' to leave the daek at one Um. are mo... 'M In th. locke at I.ockport, New York, the f\,... of thlrty.flv. to New York City, II dlatan.c. of 400 mil ... t ~ l' --eey. ) tormer heavywelgbt boalng oC mllea ot protected waterw~ Ill . • 8y LATTIMER $HAW -cbamplon of the world i olllatal, Of Family crulsera. with ,1.epln, a. ' Lebanon-Citizens National Bank • t.he Port of NeW' Yorl! ' Authorlt3' , ('ommodatlons for trom four peoDle to Lizzie M. Grandle, real eltate ~ motor boa.t crulsln& senson and otber notabies. In behalf. of upward. complete cooking a.nd totin Lebanon. I ,throul" ' • .Mr. June presentee . l let facilities. comfortably cuahlou .. .. o""n ... . bout the country . Admiral B)':rd Harvey Munger, d~ea8ed to ' I'or th••lltth yelltr tn succesBlon It Mr. Demps", with two eSQlIl'mo cock pita, wide deok Bpat:e lUI" Edith A. Munger, inlots Nos: 119 . ... opened omclalb by a. leven· pupple. born at Little Ari1etlca, epeeds of 11 mllea an hour upw,,", 120, 126, 126 'a nd 127 in Spriag- ..,. 49o.mlle of new family Alltarctlca. ' coai f('om $1.600 up to almost "ll.1I '. -·'.en acrol. tlle , waterWays of boro; Tbe crew. of tbe cruisers. weI' .." price yOU wlsb to pay, depend"" ...... Lloyd Coli over, et aI, to , ..... York Btate :frOm North Toaa·" entertained at Rocheater, upon )'our demllnd for eQulpnu~II" G. Cook, real estate in Salem town _da to New York City durlna th~ Schenectad" Alban)", Kingstoo and aud luxurlout glldgetl. ' ship. JItIcoraUoD Day week. Tb11 was tbe Ol her c Itl el! a IOnl th e wayan d "n Between the out and out racha, Henry N. Oram to The Federal _Dual Rlcbard'~1D lallawa.y com· ooe brief week, picked up a splen mOlor boats and the repolleful fa. Land Bank of Louisvllle, 67.64 ,..laln, twenty·Ave sturdy, mod· did workln, knowledge of how to fly cruisers are many other typee acres in Union township. ..te alSed oruJ.lug boats on which operate their boa.lII. AocompaDy1n g of crllft wbteh make up the areac Minerva Lawson, by executor . .tr owoere wm Live durlo. tbe lhe fleet at all times was a big 'I'ldo s port of motor boatlng-outboUf to Lucy A . . Roal, inlot No. 292 i~ WIIlMer wltb th~' lr '&mlllet. Tben Water truck whlcb !lUI/plied the fisblug boats, llut maboaaoy .,.. Lebanon. of them will turn tbe prow. 1 boats with lubrlcllted ')'),(101 g:u;o l o ()oute nasblng over tbe water II Roy C. and Cecil C. Conover to .r tbelr little noatlng bomel! toward line And Veedol mOLor 011. 25 lo 60 mllos an bour, commutl.., Sue E. Lewis, inlot No.8 in Leb- ". wonderful 1500 mile InlAnrl , Cnlllllllg Ie lbe) backbone of the yachts wblcb bring their owner, anon. Waterw&1 to tb., .outhland Iln" C'ltW'e I\IHlt·t or Dlotor boullng Hllc trom watersIde estate. to city Jo~ S. Hettie Conov~r, by guardian, ftUe away the winter month s fI ~h. 11111. \ ·lIl.1:'h IWl'rnR mn~t prOIll IIl6'n t I ruster than the trains, we ru" .. to :Mattie J. COllo'fer, 187 acrel • • •wbnmlq a~d la&ln& In tb . \ 111 lit!" IIlnpe. bClllll illl'I!, Is Qnl), lhe It! tie family uUllty ..oat. for 8 Harlan towilihip. i---lIt nortda .wl.hlne. " f . ,,;llnll on thc ('al; .. ari d I. \'Ilu'Ikl ' lhulIBllnd purpo...- ud cOunU... Stella E., Victor H., Victor W. I I'lIla Jear'. aalIawa, of Rlclll.l'<I 1';I Il·.1 In I>~ 1""1\ th.ln ~ of I per I lhouaand", of lowl, but boo"'." and Elsie Didcoet to Clinton Land . . crula.n, ucla drfven ")1 It. "'" I "r ,\ ll H>tl('I , " 1.51."1,000 mOlU! ball I.. I Leona D. Smith, 186.60 acrea In .. . . owner,"u pardeulsr.)' 8 U1'( b ' ~11 0\\ I. ' r~, III " II P;U III nr I he I Sut tbe moat Importaat ...., v · Harlan townahip. ....sOil. Harold .JUIle. olal~r a\'la (!IIllhl')I lila II , lhuuMl\nrt.ol Anu ' ll ' tbe wbole motor boattD. '11)&...... II' earl ad Caroliae Schaub &0 .... Pilot of tile Alitaretlc Po. CIIII r"IUII: ..,; 11I·t! aboard tbalr ('I'UIS I lbe .tunS, tamOy II . . . ' Frank Jacobi real ..tate Sa ..stUoll, wllo .. oftlCtlt In el'l tbrou.bout the • u m mer feel lon" wltla a ....... lit. ell.... Seld townahip. . . ValWd acted U mouth, Ylh. mOl1e,'wblle aec.tllir 16 to It ,..,.. AIle 1& . . . . a.. Carl a1ld CaroBD. Scbaab"'rur At ua. bla. MIla, &lUI 01 n~ ~ . . . . . . Jalf~




FOR SALE Swe"t-potato, tomato, cabba~e and aUldnela of gardel) plante. D. B. l!ockett, It. R. 1. Wayns,ville, Talephone 65Rll. THRESHER ' SUPPLIES - Belta, pulley., babbitt metal, oU cap., injecton, lubricators, Iteam and water ruaees, ruqe alu!I, oilers, packing, suction hose, tank ,ump., pipe valves and fttting •.- The Bocklet Co" 416 W. Main St.. Xenia, Ohio. Phone 36(). ' 6-22-27 7·4·11


FOR SALE--A nice JiD. of box IItationery, 24 abeete and eDvelopes for 26e; Show-Pac, 18 sheetl and 16 ~nvelopea for 10 centa; waxed paper, white tlllae paper, paper napkins, at GaHtte Omce. PIPE, VALVES and FITTINGS for Water, Gu Steam W.u. and Spraying. Clatem haDel, EIHtric and Spray pump., PIllmbia• • Beatinl Suppliell loweat prlc. ad hia'belt Quality at The BooldetKiDe Co., Xlnia, Ohio •. Wri. as for prlcee. .. WANTED WANTED


A prlnr tooth harrow j,. used in IU.R1!8led that a !'om tilnt' thl're preparing ~t' ed bl'd, a he be. might b~ IIuch \,O\H'r a8 t>lee-I Jievt':4 this practice lead, to bett r tricity IInl\ I'lt'ctl'ict ('n IICY he mixing uf the manurt' with th would hl1\'1l hN'n scnft'l·rl ISSUED EVERY TlIUBSDA Y soil, · )'lli~t!s the ab~orptive capacity do~ ',. h[)rw ~t hal k of th(· HOi! for "Bter. and reduces Hay dL'~'p-ll1outh'd \\ I'lcomc und('r cutting on th plow sole. 0Ii. . . . . . .... ................. No. 'UI En tered at PoatorUe. at Wayn~.We drllw' IINLI' home' " a~"lld CI ••• Ma.1 Thco Influence of Mr. Giffen's i!Xric.,. _10 a Y..r vIII •. Ohio•••MaUer Blan ton luoked Il'lur'n Bnd had ' 1l.U Be lmont Count,. l i..-mer Sh_. '."crI'ptlOD P' Practicabilit,. of Soil periment may be seen 101' two rcply to vOI'iou~ olll'l)):(u,' g d Eroaion Control miles arou nd. Hllrdly a fal'm near· natured gihl's. by is not strip-cropped in one ..... ay JULY 4, 1935 The Fed I'al IlOII, ing Admini~Long before the idea of trip- or another. tration has be n the targ t f crit- funuing was brought to Ohio by i('ism from 1 emocl'atic (' ngress- th oil em (,l'vation "ervice '01 DAIRY DAY 1935 men who dc!!ire to ~ec all N w the n it('d 't~te 1 partment of . Here is .nn excellent 'F ul'th of July moUo , suggested by the nl'ul IIgencies . uccet' d. AKricultul'e. a fll'lnler of nellr t. Th~ eighth annual Dairy Day at National Board of Fire Underwriters: ."Don't disturb the pellce!" ,To date thi~ 1'(J(jer agency hus lail·,ville,.in Belmo·nt county, put the Ohio Agricultural EXl'eriment There are many ways of enjoying the 4th witho ut subjecting YOUl'. dl~ lIppolnt d thoRe of u~ \\ ho d', thc' icl n inlo practic:e on his farm. Station will be h eld on August 9. self and others to the! din and danger \'hat invariably aCcompany use sir d relll relief Co \' our constitu. 1<'. M . Gift' n beg'a n strip cropA full program is being prepar. of flrewol'ks a nd 111'earms. . n!.s. . ping in·1 008. He had bought his ('d by th e Dairy Department of the In years gone by, newspapers of th 5th of July were always pa'cked A N w York Democratic . 'on- flll'm the ' year befol't' , and in the Station lind the Ohio Dairymen's with accounts of thc hundreds of injuries that had occurred on th(' gressll1all holding an inquiry ov('r tin'\' se ll on under his manage- As ol/laLion cooperating. The previou s day from mis use of xplosives. Many deaths resulted and the fuilu r t provici l'll1ploy- III nt the 54 acres yielded about following are ome of the subillnlLmerabl cases of blindness and maiming'! Property loss customar- m nt in l'~conditi on ing many t 2 b~~hels of corn to the acre alld jects which will be discussed in the ily fan far into the thousands, lin d one year the entire busines thousands of home II!! 1)lanne(\ not enough pasture and forage for forenoon program: The outstandsection of a town wa wiped out by a fire that sta l'ted in a firework s wa stal·tley to I arn that of 1,- his 12 cow and two hor~cs. ing results obtained from the u e stOI'C aTld soon was beyond control. 200 ('mployce :', about 80 perccut T day, with 40 a(!res additional of the al1a lfa-timothy mixture for wet'e Pt·opIIgllnd i~ts. nt' employe he fe ds three hOI'BoC and a dair~ dairy hay, both in yields obtai ned Fortunati!-Iy, many communities now outlaw lhe ale or us of at 4,600 p r ann um is a Brj~i ~ h h rll oC 35 h ad of purebred" and ill feeding value; the tim of fireworks and even in tow_a where they are permitted the public: see,n~ su b'Ject W h 0 has not eve n i~lken Jerseys which last yeat· produced cutting and methods of curing and to be learning that Independence Day can 00 adequatel y and pleas- out lil's\' pllpers. Of COUI' e, he un IIverage of 305 pounds {)f storing to secUl'e hay of high urably celebrated without them. In pl'ogressive communities, planned s hould nevel' have b ' 11 mpl Clyed butt t·fat. quality; the comparative nutritive celebrations include baseball games and other athl etic contests, in the firs t place ulld should bEl Mr. Giffen told T. . Kennard properties of high and low quality parades----and, finally, carefully organized flrel"'orlks displays uper· fired f OI,thwilh . ~o il I'o ·ion. pecilllint of the U. S: roughages; a new meth od of pre. vised by expe,rts in the handling of explbsives . ' D plll'lnlent oC Agriculture, how serving legume silage to prevent It you hav ' an urge to shoot off fire-works, it might pay you to Prcsid nt Roosevelt holds fre- he came Lo st rip Cr<1P his farm. "I undesirable fermentatio n and pre. think. that one little a9cid nt may ca~se blindness, loss of limb, a quent PI' 58 conferences anll haJ to do so mething," h e said. el'Ve better the nutrients; the d nger us bllrn~and perhaps death. Flrec~ackers . and Roman .candle answers offhand qu lions II ket!. li e had no tic d oil lod ged in nece~sily of iodine in the cow's and ro.ckets. may be fun - but they aren t WOI th that gl ueso mc Recently an inq uiri ng l' epo~'ler raijS below bare and ration; ome calf feeding prob. potentIal plIce. a ked him to state th e purpose oj' acres after n rain, and as he told lems; what can be done about On the 4th, don't dislul'l) th peace! his Administration . Th e President Ke nnllrd, h tl'Uck upon th idea l maRtitis. Olher subjects may be said :- "What any honest govern- of planting his fiellds in narrow added. ment 01' any cQuntry would do: stl'ip era wi I' oC 1the lo pe. He Begin now to write Ilown those to try in inCl' ase the cul'ity and tOl'C down feuc s thaL ran up and dairy questions you want an we1'the haplliness of a IUl'g<!l' number down th(' hillsides. Along these ed and bring the list along. "If bu iness confidence could be added to the enormous accumu- of people in all occupations of life fence, ther we'r e a couple 01 A ladies' prog ram is being prelilted ahortag of foods and constl uetion waRing to be made up and to and in all parts of the country; d p, I' QW gullies, With the field pared which .should be equal to or great supplies of idle credit seeking investment, we s hould have re- to giv th m more of the good laid cros wi ' e, it was po ible to better than those previou Iy given_ covery in this country," Raid olonel Leonard P. Ayrel!, vice-president things of IIf ; to give them a cro ' with machinel'Y only near Th~ judging conte t for vocaof Cleveland Trust ompany, in a recent issue of hi monthly review gr(' utel' di ·tribution, not only of lh(. upPl)-r 'ide of the field. tional tudents and 4·H lub of busin ss. wealth in the narrow terms but of Today, both of the gullies are membel-s will be' on and prize's will Colonel Ayres might al 0 have s.aid that t.he basis of .confldence is ' w nlth in the wider term; to give hill ed compl t.ely over, and one be offered this year. security- and that is xaetly what the country lacks. Fear of nigher them places to go in the su mmcr can be cross d at any' point. Even In the afternoon program our taJles fear of st.llt lng legislation, fear of political domination of in- time- recreation; to give them On tlic ruost. _evel'ely eroded areas own (Ohio's) Dr. E. E _ Heizer, dU$tr~-these and similar fears are creating insecurity, an dare an un- as urance that. they are not going 0 bu h 18 of corn :have been pro· • _ surmountable barr'i er to the retu rn of confldenc . to stOt'VI! ill theil' old age; to duced. l\!()'I' . C,·fo) OF PtIOl.1 • li E rUX G It is a notewQI·thy fact that the n.e6rest thing the- co untry bil give honest bu in 'ss a chance to Mr. Giffen attributes his sue- On T"~ VIII... 01 ", .. , ' ••,,,,111 .. witnes ed in \,he way of a revival of lost confidence followed the go ahead an.d make a reasonable ce s in building up his soi l pl·O· I."djf.' Supl'E'me ourt's historic decision on the NRA, t he Rail way Pension, profit, al\d I;tl~e e,~el'yone a chane ductivi\,y to good iarming pracand the Frazier-Lemk e mclrtgage mot'atorium CBse . Business lead- to eal'll a liVIng, ticas _ .. tripping," he said, "is the • ' ollce 18 berpby g lvon lhn t on Ih e er.lh dllY or Jull' . 1&35. !It 7: 30 ers, investors and the public at large felt again t hat the Constitution - - -only \\'oy a hill ide! fal'm can be o' c1u(Jk p . M .. 11. I,U·l.l1le Ih RI' ing still lived, and t'hat it.'! safeguards sti11 protected them. If we cou ld A W ·t rn ongrellsman, re- handled if it is to be cropped, and will l"~ held on ~ he lludget 1"'~P"1' d th e Coun II oJ Ule Vlllag.. of now have an assurance from high official sources tha th go"e~nr\1.ent turned from hi Di. trict, l'eported ev n then the fertility mu t be h~' \\'n y nMlv llle Of "-IHI' II Cuu llt)', that many of his constituents had kept high in order to get a ve"eta- Ohio. rot· th nexl lIucce",rllng tlAral will abide by the spirit. as well a9 Lhe letter of these decisions, and will b .. ~'~ar e nding J elmll> l' alBt. 1936. attempt no more experiments at the expense of already ovrburdened ('en practically \\ iped out be· live cover qu ickly_" !:Ill 11 hearing "Ill I, 11,,1(\ It.t th .. cause of the tlt'outh and dust He applies a ton of lime to the busine s, t here would b a reaJ wave of confidence--and recovery storms. He luted that an old man a 1'e once in each rotation, a nd aCrle of th Vlllase I prk In lhl' To\,nljhl.., ItOtIS4'. would follow .In its wake. R. P . HATFIELD. o f h'IS neig h borh ood d rove hi spreads manur with the preader VWa g ' I rk lieI'd of fifty bony cows to the opeh to Lhe next-to-the-Ia t notch, AAA station. He was elling thi ___ ~O'I 'I(,K OF ,-t' OI.] "fo~ IU NO s mall herd of his survivi ng cows Un ....... ",.,.no. . ·row .... II' lIur.. 1 for a niggardly sum. In fact, had things III' going ar~m't you 7" The l!It;hOol matrltl' B.d"et to ell tl1em or mo t of the I'e- l old man replied, "Oh , things ain't 18 h rebl' given thQl o n U,a maining cattle would have diad .. 0 bad, w or all right li8 long as ~2 :>Iollce dllY Of July . 19'3 5, II. t 8 o 'c lock The AAA official a ked, I'Gues Roosevelt is in the'l'e fighting for P . M ., A public h Ilrlng will II h Id 8:00 Music on the lludget pr .. par <I bl' th e 8:05 Comments on Early Day Corn Cultivation .. H. E. E wine you arl1 pretty sick oJ the way ' u ." Wl\yne TOWIlBhlp Board ot Edu a· I lion of W&\I'ten CounLY. hlo. t OI' the 8:l5 Garden In ect Problems .... .. . ... .. , .... . .... ,. T. H. Plu:ks .. _---==> next 8l1~ edlng CIRcal ear ending 8:25 I rrigation of Orchard . .. ...... ... .......... ...... J. R. Gourley l>'~ mber Slat. )936. ~ul)h hellrlng w lll be 11 1(\ at th e 8:35 Program by Coshocton ounty 4-H lubs Carl Wetherell orfl e or til Board or Edu allon . 8:56 Music Room 15. til the High S 11001 lJ3ulld· Ing. Mrs. Robt. Collett, 9£10 Our Hom Demonstration Program s. ' ELI~1 . Pres. Myra HaydOCK tl: H . HAUT K. lerk --.... 9 :20 Sum mer Seeding of Meadows , .. ....... .................... C, J , Wi1la.rd 9:30 H ow Erosion Control Helps the Game it-uation ...... ,.L. E, Hicks NOTICE OF ELECTION 9 :40 WOSU Players The Massie Township Rural chool District Board of Educahould this Act be declared uncontion, Warren County, Ohio, will stitutional, it ..... ill be interesting submit a t a special election on to observe whether private power July 16, 1936, to the electors of companies will restore former the district the qU(!8tion of the rates. passage of general obligation bonds of the district in the amount Tom Blanton, vo~iforous Texan, of $21,000.00 for the purpose of has for many years taken pride in B,. erecting aftre.proof addi tion to the being caJled the "watchdog of the STEPHEN M. YOUNG present llchool building. The maxh·&asury." He oiljected to Fed· imum number of years during COIIet..... At uri_ eral apPl,'opriations for Chicago's whiCh said bonds will run is 21 Century of Progress ·exposition. years and 't h l! estimated av,erage Muscle Shoals, or TV A, for H e argued for N!(Jucing an ap· additional tax Tate, outside the which Senator Nonia fought so propriation for t.he San Diego exten mill ltmitat ion, a8 certified by hard for 80 many years, has to position from $950,000 to $100, the Warren County Auditor, is .25 date provided cOllsume1'8 with 000_ Last week, the shoe was on mills, .electricity at about half the pre- the other foot. He did not e~e n By order of the Massie T ownvious rates. The Supreme Court remain in the House of Representa . ship Rural School District Board will pass upon t he constitutional. tives when an appropriation bill of Educ:ation, Wa rre n County, ity of the TVA in a few months. for the stupendous 8um of $3,00,0, Ohio. There is nothing i'n the Federal 000 for the Texas Centennial exH. S. Tucke r , President. Constitution of 1787 whereby ,Position was debated. Then he 'JOE W, DA-VIS, Clerk. .the ' Federal Govern ment was IPven voted fna.vor Olthe appropriation June 13-20-27 July 4-11 the r ight to manufacture and. Frank Kloeb (D) laughingly Mell electricity. Had 'a ny of ' the q uoted nyron: makers of the Constitu tion, even "'Tis sweet to hear the watch-





Don't Di.turb The Peace!


now reeoll'nized all one of tbe belt dairy cattl .. gl'netici~t"., hM been a~kf>11 to "xl.lain tilL' why lind how of II'"Uing I'h" kind nf /'0"', we wunt. Anutht'1' pXl'l·llcnl bpl!ak(>r wil l be pl'lwided and nnn()UI1(' d laler. EntlJrlainment WIll II' pmvided fur the ch ildren. The noon hoor will b e '.:-.ken up

In eatlnl' and rettin, aeqllafnt cI.. Thill will be the dairymen". an chance this Y Ilr tn brin6f th Ir famlliell and a filiI d ba k t, or 8 few nickel" !lntl m t th Ir f(·llow, In lin all-m\lo "Icnle. Lunch ('an be obtained Uti the ~routlds i r de ired.




Subscribe for The Miami Gazette



Confidence MUlt Precede Recovery



Farm hight 7allls, Julv 8

First Lady Visits Ohio Mine~ ~nspects Devices for Safety

Straight from Washington

.. -----


MOST DIRECT CROSS·STATE ROUTE Between Toledo and Cincinnati Charted for the Benefit of Inlerstate Motor TouriBts as Well /lII Traffic Within the Borders of Ohio

IrS SHORTER f:o':n R;o~e~: to Cincinnati as shown herewith is the shortest distance betwe D the two cities. Officials of the State Highway Department give the mileage saving as about 11 miles. trllfITS SAFER ftcThere's congestion on les~

the Toledo·Cincinnati Short Line than on any other ' highway connecting these two cities. There are far fewer curves (no hairpins) and an railroad grade ' cro sings are exceptionally well protected.

,.an6Gt- .

Choice of Knowing Motorists Orillnated and Spol\8Ored by the

Revolutionary Shor~ Trail


• 1


AT. DIFFEIENT SPIIDII ..... aMM . . . . . MACft.

.... -









,.... -===

-= ~

."0..".... ...,.atten. . . . 0" . . . . . . . . . . . UICe. _0." ........ ". CQNDtT~" . , . . . .' . .0 ....... '" no 'I ". lIao.".-.u ••.,. 'fit__• ...... CA&..

137 FT.










1Ie.-..,. .


mine IUperinteadeat. -It was a ITat day for ....... CIIIe of the after Kn. . . . .


yelt .... left.

"lin. ROOIIWIt ...Gat ....

The back-

bone of the of-

For additional strip maps Or any informatjon rela t ive to State Parks, Pleasure Resorts, Scenic Spot, Historic Shrines or the hundl'eds of other points of especial interest along this route, write WILB UR 1\1. FAULKNER , Secretary SPRINGFIELD, OHIO




ficial Revolu· tionary Trails Sy s tem of Western Ohio. Marked , its entire length by histori~al markers of the Ohio Memorial Commission.






point within the ' millie more than a mile from the entrance, W, H. Me- ' Williams, a Hanna Coal Company rcpresentati ve, was stand ina at a nearby telephone (alking to a member of President Roosevelt'. secretarial ..all in Washington. . McWilliam.' words, stattina at the telephone mouthpieCe far baclc in the Ohio hillS, went through an armored cable bur,ied in rock floor of the mine tunnel, up to the lurface to the mine office, from th.ere to the Ohio Bell exchange .at Bctllaire, and over the long distance linel to' the White House. WOTk 00.1 011 M1'5. Roosevelt', visit did not interrupt the miners' routine work. The rqula.r quota, or ''tJosey'', of the WiI· low Grove mine I, 2SOO tOOl a day. On the day Mr•. ROQSevelt wu pra. ent, the mine... fell ,bort of thi' bJ only 300 lOllI, I(cordla, to R. V. Clay, general ~r of tilt cael company, IDII JCJHl)b Balabrkfle,


mileage, JellS congestion (both on the highways and in the communities tbru which they pass), fewer curves, arid ad,quate''Widtb roadbed and bridges, the Route here outlined is a big time-saver for the _ busy motorist-very probably all much as two hours • .


H EN Mrs. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, wife of the president of the United Slates, r e c en t I y went through a coal mine near Bellaire, 0 ., ahe seemed especially in.terested ill conditions under which the miners worked a11d the measures provided to insure their safety, ' . 10 the Willow Grove mille ' of the Hanna Coal Company, she ,found that noUtina 'had ~n left undone to eli· minate the element of danger. In fact, this element apparently did not exilt. The mine is non-gastous, with 'air kept dear by an efficient veo' tilation system. Tunnel walls arc lined with (Un-nile, a preparation $,im· ilar to concrete that is spread in liquid form 00 the walls and roof. This hardens and prevents rock falls. Whit. Hou•• 00 Wire 10 adcIitioo to these measures, the mine hu a modem telephone system. Coal CC)I1IpanJ officials requested The Obio Bell Telephone Company to sat lIP a circult from the regular telqhane cIowa III the mine to the White House ill W....iDatoa. 10 that at no lime woaId Un. Roosenlt be out 01 toadl

MlLlM4rrOM ,

Irs FASTER ~:e :~a~Or~ eO!






















L t'e ill with mun11'1t. ?ttl." Vil'/o(inin ,I.'tl. of ttle a} tUtl Plk(' \lent !llc wl'(>k·('n(\ \I Itb l\1i!l G,'llCV/l Milt' H o utZ~lhn. Richard Whitllk er \\1I S quile ,,\('k ~ veral dllYl< 111, t wt't'k but i~ illlp!'ov"'.! lit lhi time. Mi8' tiltll'cd Young ill tnilling hl' t cou~in, Mi~ fI )'1 ung, of D'lyt on, thi" WI:' Mr. and 1rs. Oonald Hadley llltf.'l1ded th(' fun rill of their bTl)t h ~r.i n·)aw . Taylor Moore neal Wiltnington ntuI'day o.fl(ll'nonn. A IQr~e rowtl nj <) ~' d th Lytle ch 01 reuniOll at t.he . chol·1 ground. unday, :featul'ing a bll ket. dinner and l.1 McGuffy program. MI'. and fr~ . Wilbur J.'oulh nnd 0 11 Oonald, with MI'. Ilnd 1Ifr . harl e Evan and chi ld r n , of Dayton, spent. Sllnday at Indian Lltll •• Bt'tty thuma.


Moderate Cost "

.. .... .

The co t of a funeral service is enlirely d dded, by the wishes of OUI' clients. Their choice of a casket and n c ssary acce soriea iiS infl uenced by no attempt at s&lesman hip On our pa1't. We f ollow their de ires closeh', and kecp the tOlal C08t to a$ moderate II ligure as tbeil- choice dictateS'.

...,..... .,.

'R'.H.STUBBS 01uzeiud ~iMdot PliONE- 19 WAYNESVILLE, OHIO


Tbeater Waya•••IlJe, O. JULY 5-6 EDMUND LOWE. VI TOR McLAGEN in

Under Pressure

Evan" and t'hlldren, Mr. and Mrl. I !'34 \fw total tatalitle (rom Thompllon and family. Mi.!' Clara B. I. wi (If ~(lci.l · Arthur WII on and t\\O on. , MiMe ' hl'ali dist'a~(' in Ohiu "'a 292,6i9 ~h~. Illf) lI"n, Mr". Jen'nie Row villit d "IU·t oC la t wl'ek 1.-I·andA Nl'wl'hock of Dayton. MI'. I KI'{'ver, and ~h~. ~hldl'ed Harvey with .lj,,~ l\liriunl \\'harloll. and Mrs. Thoma... Turn r and ~(l1l 1 In un attempt to match fetleral und t\\ H childl'l'n of L"bunoll, cull· :\11'. and .ll-~. Earl Young lind J(lhl1, h. and Mrl>. J , H. Tewell , f\lnd" and "blain thl'- maximum ed at the home (If )C B, Thotnpspn childrclI '''enl SUlldny "ith Mr. :Ind children, Millard T~well, f(·tIffllI alJotml'llt fOl' the conr nntl family recently. /llld ],In,. On·ilI.. YuunJo( and l\1i~ es ,'MII !lnd Virginia Hani on struction o f Ohio hlghwllY~ apClyde Slims lind famlll' \\' ''1'1.' fllmil~ in Dllyt<1n. and Marjori~ Nicely of ~rankli~. , Waynes\' i,l1e Will pHrticillllic in , lH'oximut('IY.$~,O~O.O()O in ~asoline ~h., Ilan't": Burnet and Mrs. , J1ug~ Burnett W811. slightly .m, t he big Fourth oJ july celebl'ation lux money I being held III the ======~~======~ . [nrg, \' I J ohns 'attcl1ded the JUl'ed III IU\ auto aCCident durlllg, state treasurer's office, according ,....... """':~ ===:;\ Flower lub. Tuesday, nt lhe home tho ~lo rlll here, 'unday afternoon, . Ilt Leba~on T hursday, a s the to Director John J. Jaster, Jr" of f 1\11'. and Mi·,.. Lindley 1end n- ",hen his Cll r co llided with thut <If Wllynesv llle Mt'rchants meet the lIigbway 0 plIl·tlllcnt Directol' hall, at \ tlync ~ villl!. Mr. Lal'I'ick of near Wayn ~ville, LE'ba non in the feature ba eball Ja tf.'r said that it is iOlportant to Mi~: Wundl.l I. rk of Dayton is at the .Tonl'S hill, eli t of Lytle. gallle ' of the delY III the Iair· h91d th fUDd~ in order to spendin2 I hi!:' wel' k '\ ith hom~ Albert Horris. who was in th ' gl'ou!ltl~. The cOIBte8t i. called for give the state an opporf lk . Burnrtt csr suffered a di location Lunit,y to ob~llin a iZJlblc sum of , undtlY evening guest of 1\Ir: of lh houldel·. :1 p, m. f('dcrsl funcl8. He pointed out that and M,'8. Clyde \ hllrtoll and - _.. The Waynesville team last Sun, if conb-act are le.t and the st;{lte Although ' the Funeral family WCI' ': Mi se Edith lind day got theit' I'evenge for a bent· money used up, the d pal'tment e l'vic e ode is no longer Paulin e 'ram , ['s Russell' iug eli rlier in the sea on lit the could not oblain a very large in efFcct, thi" firm will 1'am nnel Ed 'I .. edith of Mt. d • h 1 L hb federal grant. f tho $.5.000,000 a continu(' its high l\tandards ][('alth)" Mr. and Mrs. John I/lrk han s o ~ t e 8 trong ync ul'g portion will be u!<ed for puyroJl and I'hiltlrell of Dayton anel M,'. team, when thel), defeated the and exp nses of the depal'lJnent of ethics and business can· Lonm Rol,tizahn f nc-at' enter· latt I' 5 ' to 1 a ~ the high h ool bu t the bi!!, share will b u ed tllr duct. Th.e Code of bur PI'O' "ilk diamonds. construction of 1:oad8. fe sion Iller Iy c tD.blished On unday. June 23, Mr. and The eel braticm at the :fair· nationally thos!' p1'inciples ~1r .. Wilbur Foulk entert.ained to The March fil'st population of [ g rounds tomorrow i sponsored by which we haVe followed I dinner, Mr, and r . C'h ai' e ' tate institutions ~uch as hospital . 1\11'11. Lid8 Hatton of Harveys. the Ralph P, S nook PC) t of the institutions for the feeble-mi nded , since our founding. In the bu!'g. ill visiting rellitives in Cin. Am rican legio11l, and will last industrial schools, th Ohie flltUl~, as in the 'I'D. t, W cinnati. . . . NUtl ' I( ' t ') u." l·l' IIl. I ( · IItHIII~ (;' from 0 o'clock in the morning P mt ntial'Y and oth I' p nal will continue these polich! C)" " '.,1" \ .... ""1 Ihuhf ..·t Mil!S 1a1'Y Eva Ha~ ke has been until 9 p. m, w!hen a fireworks places \\'as listed at 36,~96 in tbe in all relations witq (Jur 'I\tlllC'e I.. h,"',""· )\'1... ,,, ,1,uI "n Ih" ill sINerul day and is confined to display wiJI be staged. quatt.~r1y repOl't just i • slatT and the public. PlII, \"". of .J IlI)" l~l ar'l I\t ~ (l 'do!' )( heJ' tH!d. Contests and horse racing are sued by the Depal·(.ment of Pllblic l' , ~r .. a JHlhltc )It 'H '"''' ''' will lit· ht:1d scheduled durin~r t.he day. Welfal·e. Of th t.otal, 23,743 , II III JI 'ltHl' I I'I'~l'O ,'</el J,y ,It , Mrs. Irving Weleh and Mrs. Tr""It' e Or Wn~n '1'11'1' , cot Wurt n were men and 12,753 weI' women, (.'DU llt )'. r )hh.•, I~) r tht, np!\t ~uc~t>t'd~ Keller H oak we're Xenia vi-itor, On March 1 the divi ion 01 chari· lU g lil"o'n l leur l'lldlllfof J 1 ·\ '~ 1nllt'r TUl'Sday. .11 ~ t , 1:131; ties had 7 3 childl'e n located in HU(.l h h nri1llr will bt· bt"1cI • •\.l tht: pdva,t~ homes and hospitals am! 'rem' II'!h l), UfII1S.·. :l1 ;aln • ' l.. \\ 11) " •• ~r~ . Annie Sheehan who wa 1,67 1 crijlpled children under 111". <)hlo 1•. II . (llllll ,,' N. v ery ill Sunday afternoon, i very su peJ'\·i ion. PhODe 7 '1I'C' k (1t W oy nt' 'r""I', much impl'oved.











Comedy, "Do Your Stulf." Fox News Two Shows-'T :00 I: 8 :30 p. m. ADM. lOc~15e

A Complete St k oc

· me nt and eqUip to 611 .all your d nee I. Everything for Building


W. · H. Madden &Company

J. E. McClure

Waynesville, Ohio

Mr. and Mr. Ed, Hough




Miami Fly Spray Brllla Your Can.

6Se per Gallon

Calcium Arsenate

Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol

COLUMBUS - Higher qualifica. tions for Ohio lawyers have been decreed by the state supreme court. The high tribllnal ruled that no candidates for admission to the bar will be accepted for examina. tion unless they are graduated from a law school that is approved by the American Bar Association

~==:::===========~ or the In League Of classification Ohio Law , . Schools. the latter

are listed Ohio State University, Western Reeerve univer ity, the • University of Cincinnati, Toledo univel·sity. Ohio Northern univer· , aity and law schools in Canton, Columbus, Akron, Youngstown X'RAY WORK and Cincinnati. The ruling is ef· BLOC ANESTHESIA fective July 1, 1939, and will pro· hibit the practice of students All Kind_ , of D_ture, Mad. qualifying by study in an at· R.pair Work 000. Quickl,. torney's office, StUdents attendiui night schools will be required to take a four-year course and those ~ain St. WAYNESVILLE, O. in day Bllhoo)s a three--year course. The 1939 del\dline was set it) order to permit those who have started courses under practicing attorneys to qualify. Four years of thill type of tutorage has been required.


Carey'l Jewelry




W alFn.,~m.. Ohio

into the entire tax structure of the state with the objective of making definitE! recommendations fol' R concrete tax program at a special session of the legislature. Statistics sho'"'ing a general de· cline in tax reven ues since 1928 have been presented to the com· mittee. Repre e'ntative P. E. Ward (R), Geauga c(.unty, was named to make a cemplete study- of the needs. of schools, the division of aid for the ageed and poor ,r elief for the remaindel' of 1035 and for all of 1936.

Beart disea ',termed "Ohio's Public Health :Enemy No.1" has increased its mortality record in an ~ Iarming manner in the past twenty·four years, it was revealed last week in data compiled by Dr. Walter H. Hartung, director of the State Department of Health. ~he increa e, it was reported, 'Vas fl'om 151.7, per 100.000 pop ulation in 1910 to 240.66 per 100,000 population in 1934. The population of the state has gained only 46.8 pe'r cent during this period but the increase in the A joint legislative committee deaths from heart dilleaae jumpha undertaken the task of looking ed 138.5 per cent. From 1910 t.c



' SHORTS AND FILLERS Final touches are beillg given to the new wheat adju stm nt COIItract at the AAA office in Wash· ington tbis week. Twenty·five wheat farmers from leading wheat stat are there haping the progTam fOl' the years of 1986 through 1939.

teak, lb. 23c & 250:, Chuck Roast, lb. , . . , .. 17c ,viss teak. lb. , 2te Boil Beef, 2.Jbs. , .... 27c Fresh Ground Be f, 2·lbs... 33c Round and Loin teak, Ib .. 27e

Steak. lb. , , ,... ..... ... ...... Fresh Callies, small, lean, lb Fresh Hams Whole or hall, lb. , ..... ,. POl'k Chops, loin or rib, Ib, POl'k Loin Roa~t, lb . ...........

Studies completed by ' the Ohio Experiment Station indicate that the typical Ohio farmer wi1l pay 17, per cent les real and per· sonal taxe. in 1936 than in 1934. Farm real I' tate taxes, it is esti· mated, will ,average 72 cents an acre this year compered with 86 cents la t year.


Lunch Meat.


Rains in ""'Ju-n-e---,d,...~-maged chinch bug to the extent that the exp ct· ed infe tation for July will not be as severe all was expected, accord· ing to entomologists. The rains killed many of' the bues and. in addition, caused conditions favor· able to the development of a fungus which attacks the bugs.




Mr. and Mrs. Ara Powell and son Kenneth, Miss Marie Wells were Sunday callers of K. E.





Coyle's Quality Meat Market





hDowned trade DW~

1841 ROGERS BROS. ~~pt mel

, fi:l'e are various 'Of aiITerpIated tableware ··Which lie c:Iaimed to be "just u ,oOd." but-like d latil........ ~ lack the beauty uKI' w~_.qua)ity

..,enuineIlOO. . ." ,.IIMl"_~~,.... "JiJinr Platiillm W_ar6.-de.Jer. ~ where. SeDd far - - . all chipt.

Phone 66


1931 1930 1929 1929 1933 1932 1933 1934 1930 1933 1933 1932 1930 1929 1928 1930 1934

For all we know, year. before the Pilgrim8 landed on Plymouth Rock Ash Cave may' have been In tbe courtroom of s<lme primitive prince or llle Middle West. wbo there tried pr Isoner~. de(~la ted wa r, made pellte. or sa Itl his Inst words be· r re Ill> went the happy hUlltlng ~1' t)ulld , ' . or of tb. cave ihere I" a d,, ~? Till" ~edi or 110 'killg C(lUllty " ,.er of ..b.I_Ihel whlrh m"~' I~ al. Ideal ill..liun ,,,I a we!!k · .. ~r...nt hund~e41 of yearlS du·· ' (Dd Irip. hI lIuly Oil,' of I'es to vlllit ('lose 'at{ .bldl "ldlanB-or mound build· 'he 1111{·r()~1I .,.-.t about coun~'11 fire.. III")' by I hel@ lire Fallll. Conlllt-'B from the wlncl and rulu In' 110110\\'. the (,f Dlatk Jack, '.Is old ca... ROt'k lIou~ Old Mall's Can


which leadll Into the dept!!. of IIme8tone billB and In which It II laid a hermIt made bls borne many years ago, There 100 are Borne of the mo.. remarkable of Ohlo's fore1ltl, 'I'ber.. Is stili to be aeen la 00. of ravlnea of Hockllill County a .Ir· gin hemlock, tree UO r..t tall, Most of this wbole dlltrlc:t neat I.ogan II now a ataw park co... prllling euoo acr... A wbole daJ may well be spent III "IIIUIl, Ii. water rllllll. o'werlaaa,I •• l.dICH and malllllktnl ••• r .......



udded 1.'11'1.

ale 31c 25c



Used Cars

Prompt Service

Down In Hocking County, where clear Iw lft·llowlng st rea illS IIl1ve ~ut ,reat corces In the IIme8tone l'Ock, there Is a maulve overhang· 111'. led,e. 700 feet long, cQlled A~II lt II 10 named because un the


For The Convenience Of The Public We JVill Be Open All Day, SqndaJ:.

EXPERT WATCH REPAIR. ING U .in, ()aI, Genuine Material

esquiaite design ' -the hiRhett ideals in plated wate-are allured in 'ipOOD" fork •• and fancy serving piec:ea bearina the


Bologna, 2.1bs . ................ 35c Pockett Roa t, Ib .. ..... 15e Franks, 2-lbs. .. .. ....... ..... ... ,37c ...... ' 20e Chops, Hr.- '" , Weiners, lb. , ........... ....... a4c Roast, lb. "'''' .. , ... ,18c Pimento Loaf, 111.. ............ , aac !inced Ham. lb . ........ . ...... aac , Beef Tongues, Beef Hearts, Home Made rram Loaf, Ib, 30c Brains and Liver. lb. ... lSe Boiled and Baked Ham, lb. 45c . 34c moke Sa ullage, lb. ... . alc Pure Lard, 2.lbs.

, F~ee Delivery

Beech Grove


Lebanon, Ohio



A few week-end specials

RecontmeDded To Kill

B •• tl.,.

During harvest .ea.on we will run a special on all our meats. Giving the be.t of quality at the' very lowelt price .. 'We will al.o deliver threshing order. frp,e.







Life Begins at Forty



Ohioans with defective VI Ion Mr. and Mrs. W. J1. Squil'es and spent will b provided with pecial books Phon. 14 Wataenill•• O. Postmaster R~) ss Hartsock is t:'state of Eliul'; I be d I Sunday with Mr. and Mr . Forrest recovel'ing In thil Blair hospital at by the state libral'Y, according to ~';;=========== --J' 1-____________... ,.. g eto; e, e~ Hough at Ridgeville. an nnnouncement by Librarian ct'llsed. Lebanon, after :an operation perPaul A. T. Noon, who repol'ted ~!"'!!"!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No ti~ is , herl'by giventhllt Local Boy Scouts. are p~anning formed Tuesday morning for apthe library has purcha d 0 : -_ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - . ; . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . , J ose phme O. Gons whose Post to camp at amp Rldge thl Slum. pendieitis by Dr, Edward Blair. . that coli ctio n f volume which \Ver omc Add re s is Wayn sviUe, mer. They were bl,l y Tuesday, The local postmaster had been de igned for persons with I)oor Ohio, has be n duly' appointed as cleaning up and getting the camp suft'ering Crom thi ,cause for sev· eyesight. The publications., which Admini traL-til{ of the E tate of ready for occupancy. eral weeks and ""hen be consulted cover 1\ wide range of subjects inElias Oglesl:)ee late of Warren Dr. Blair Tuesday, deci ion to cludin literature, hi tory and ounty, OhiO, decea ed. Mr. and Mrs. Fred St. John and operate was made. g ography, are printed in 24Dated this 17th day of June, Mr. and Mr. Will Foster, of Hi condition Wedn esday \Va point caslon bold face type. JU35. pl'ingfi Id, were guests of ~r, reported as 1avorable. Plans a1'e being made to send them A. . Ri in~<!r, Atty. and Mrs. W. C, Tichenor of Hal'· to persons in all section of the Eaton, Ohio. veysburg, Sunday afternQon. LOCAL WHEAT HARVEST state through the library's h'avelRALPH H. CAREY IS liN FULL SWING ing and individual loan depart. Mr'!!. O. C. Miller, Mrs. Myrtle Judge of the Probate Court, menLs, Lihl'arian Noon said. Miller, ,Mrs. On.jJ1e Miller and 6-20 7-4 Warren County,' Ohio. Wayne Township farmers Ilre daughters Barbara and Nancy, of Sidney, Mrs. Merl Miller and in the midst of wheat harvest this EASTERN STAR NOTICE son, of California, Mrs. Melvin week. If good weather contin~e Miller and daughter Be~ty Jane, tJI'actically all wheat cuUlng will Miami hapter No.1 7 0, E. of Urba,na, were guests of Mr&. be finish d by the end of · the will meet in regular se ion MonBacon, in pietc. lb . 25c: Cured Hams, lb. ale C1ilford Buzick. Tuesday. week. A good yield in anticipated. day evening, July , at 7 :3(). Smoke Callie, lb. . . •. ,,;, 22e isiting members are welcome. Mary Earnhllrt, W. M. Minnje Fromm, Sec'y. NOTICE



St'v ral litlended church at Grel'n BriM IUiSt Saturday eve-nih,


Ended, but

Cartoon, "Toyland Broadcast." Com., "Everybody Likes M..usic'

durability and


:unda, guest!! ot G('orre Saml and family nfar Olivl' Branch. 1\11>11 Jcun .'Ilirchild called on Mix. Kathll.ell Thompson Saturday afternoon.

1930 1931 1931 1931 1931 1930 1929 1927 1930 1934

Chevrolet Cabriolet Buick SedUl Chevrolet Coach Old. 6 wh..l Coupe Old. Six Chevrolet DeLuKe Pontiac Coach Chevrolet Malter Coach Chevrolet Road.ter Chevrolet toup. Chevrolet ToWil SeCt... Na.h,Sedan Chevrolet Coup. Ford Sport Coupe Sedan Pontiac Coach Chevrolet Town Sedan Chevrolet Coup,e ' Chevrolet Sport Coupe Chrysler 8 Seclan Ford Fordor Sedan Ford Tudor Ford Coupe Hud... W ... Eaaex Sed... Chevrolet Coach Studebak_ Sport Coupe DcNI•• S.d_ School' B..



Eighty-Seventh Year







Whole Number ·6177

LY 11, 1935

I J~n~:I::: l~:~~ :~n:~t en-:YOUNG

:~H fl~rL~~c ~:CNI~oul'



'[ l 'k to ! Hnl' ry Bt'aU, the ) 4-yetll' old grandscill of Mrs. tell William(,n'y l~"\nd COil be had byFl·ye. inLe I n grou;) of little gil'!. I sun, wn se riou sly injured recent(Iuit'jng cd Ml'.', l;ilhert ~ nnLl Lnt'ir fav(ldtE! doll A at thoir ly ""hen he wns t:ltI'uck by a cal' Th e bu will Il'!Wl' Waynesville ot ____ home in Lytle \J, n W dncsday, - -.- n(>Sr his hume in hicago, . :00 u. Ill. O il Jul y 17, 'l'h trip inMrs. WilLiamso n is the wiuow of • . n eX[1minal.iOfl ()f 14 far'lll July 3 from 2 to ri. "'oUowing tht! Next 'unday Illor,dng at th' clu'll'~ a vi"it ~o Ih(, Zoo and the , G. Williamson and will be I'e- account. b()ok~ I-('v('al~ how j}oC)l'ly nft rnoon of galnE's 11':;. BUl'nalt WuylltlIViIl Churcn 01 hl'i:t., tht:' hool ride to ('OIWY. mClmb ~t:i as a form er I'e ·! tlent in Ohio Cm'm pt·upcl'lY taxati on i~ a~sisted by Mrs. E'lmer Grove!;, 1 Bible Beho I will .bl' in charge of F Cl I' ·I ·j[ 111 , ntb"l's. t.he price ia I.~ l), and [0 1' non-mcll1hcl': 1.40 Mra. Mayme H.t6eld and Mre. G. I I d I" I I . . I the )'oung men \\Ith EI ' Ill' ~ t WoolCrandfathere' Ni lrht To Be of Wayne, ville. COITt' a w t" U Ii ity to pay erved a d IIghtfu.1 lunch, Favor. j lard, superintend nl and James \~ith vel'ything bul lUll h includC. Dibert, Jual.t.ant 'Oburved At Neill taxeR, II . H. 11100 l'I:J of t h<, dt.-part11 I I b ~ .J. III nt of I' ul'nl ('l'o nomic. nt th wel'c s ma co onra onquets of Arthur, secl'-e-tary. Ho.te .... Meetillir niver·. ity ul'rlul'cd ca nd y tied \\ ith PI triotic ribbons. The 011 ning s "vi e consilit: Of Ohio 'tilt~ DIlon completing n ulIlmury \)1' The fol wing gil'l wei' invitt' d: a V (\ 'III .1)10 by J ohn eal'R; . c!'illI' he r gllla.. meeting of' the Glllndmoth 1'1\' night at the locul I'C 'ol'l~ for Ulaj su ullIi lted by Phyllis Ba il.,y, Heilty Jf,'!l11 nmp- tllre , ~1l1'1 WQollat·d. W uman'~ P,ol'eign ~li nlonary grunge pl'oved to be a gl'cut !Sucfal' tner~. I b II , Raylyn ">tbb Willl1a At. 10 :30 th e Tri-SLa l club of ~ ,)ciety of ~h Methodist church cess. A lat'ga crowd ~njoy d the Mqc) I'e fouhd. It sa id, ~hut Dibelt, Dorot.hy 'G l·ll.ham, Mary Ircl'rY IIncl Wayn c~vill. chul'r iles WIlS hd d Wcd ne,sday afternoon, funn el'~ in the Itl\\, !lt inculllC Lou ilackman, .Janidll Hul'l ey, \\ill p resent. It specia l prog l'um J uly a, al t he hume of Mn. Dan following pI'ograOl whicll was pregroup puid uut ()!) PCI' ce nt. of Rut.h A nna Johns, Ruth H~I 'e n Le- whi'h follow5: oU.,tt with Mrs. Mayme Ratpared by a committ,e.e consi. ting field and MI' . G. C, Dibert assist. their' net CII Ir incul11' in LUXeS. 1\Iay, orma Longacl', Bonnie 'Why r am going bark to Triof Mrs. Carl Duke, MI', Will an l hu Stt!5S~ . Farmel's in lhe hi ghel' income r l 1'; , Betty Routzllhn, Mildred 'late camp- Ru , ell !\1urtin. COI'nell, and Ml'!!, L. V, BransHail ImlU l'lln'e n Tobacco. W . bL'uck t,.Q, ho\\' v el', paid ut 11 to ~ll1iih, Wilma S u['fu('l', Bett y \ hy I !lnl go ing to Tri-. 'lale 'I'he s ubject of the devotionals. , Sears. trator: 1 J pel' cenl of th it· ni?'t cash in· Thoma s, France~ Wbitl.\ker, Ruth cam ,Juanita Brl1nnllck. eonductc d tly Mr ~, G. . Dibert, SOllg~by sixw ' l\ of the grandCO lTIe for laxel'. Wielll, Betty and Mildl' d Young. C'haik dmwing- Erilla Sea l', . a "Cuntemplation of OUI' AcceilS Thirty-two ot: the 14 farlllol'. mothers. MI·s. Anna adlValladel' 2nd Miss LO G od! ' Mr~. Mildred IlDlllb~1\ a nd CiaI'll Lile were Wilm ington vi i- w(>re in the low in 'OnH! gro up, n. E. chlerman \\'a. in incill w t Hour of Prayer wa sung Reading- lit,s . Harv y Burn tt, tO I':, Tuesday. Th ir gJ'o" cash 'r 'ceipts wer" II!HS !'vIi. Lolu earl<, UI'gan and pian o nati TU(1 doy. the busineS::t \I ilispoeed of after than 500 (or th e yea!'. accompanists. On she recited 45 years ago. N t until ca!<h roceipt.'! 1' 0 e to hl'istian Enrit!avtJ r ilL 7 p.))'I , Mr. and MI'~ . WiJliam Th oma H, Nhi h th lolJowlng progl'am, pnMrs. Aria ourtney with fr iends Paper- MrS. Ea.I'] Hockett, d by Mrs. Crolls, was enjoyed: incinnati, spent t h e 4th above $1000 did leI'" than 20 p r j~b~~ct , Wideni ng InAucnc<, of of Main 'ville, · I){'nt the Fourth larSong, Pantimim "Recreation in [ro m Ivory Palaces Ruth at Indian Lake. cent of lhl' n et ca:;h inc om go Iol' [1 with Mr. !lna II'S. 1£. L. Th omas. Id en Day," Irs. E. Y. Thomas, ...ollett. Vivian. Connel', Eileen tuxes. PUl'nlel's h;ld to ~eJ1 mon! GOHI)el me~sage hy W. Mr, nnd MI . . E. Hchener than 3000 \vorth r produ c.e to lItrs. L. V. Bran trator, 1111'. B. Jr, a nd Mril. A. F. Melt h ulld Hall and Ruth Conner, ----ll1ith, Ministel'. Readin~, Adoniram Judson ,Milo Ull s Mel~ ~·.ill, 30, Pl'O- -. family and Mi ~ Annu Gay TreadV. milh and Mrs, Rob'e l't P etel's, and childl'en wcr in Columbus, bring ih p I'C ntage belo\V 12, Tuo 'day, way spent th(' ]. OU I1.h at JUpley. ~1rs. Wilbur Clal'k. Mool' 1,ointed out. that fal'm IlIment lunel'al dlr clor of LebPantomine "R reaLion in R e-ading, The Great Father tax e. hav!' beell materially I' _ an?n. dl'oJ)ped dead Monday wh n modern time ." MI' . Harvey Bur.Mr. Ge L'ge Heml 'I'son and duced in e 193;" 1\11". Rach(,1 A. Fife, of Dayton White Brother and the Book The a verllg gllln~. to a fire. H (! had mad{' hulf il; vi 8 itin~ h~r cousi mi, Mis. Rache.l Mrs. D. C, Ridge. nett. Mrs. Mary M~ lur, Mrs, ~~\ s Ma T adway \\'~l'e Dayton (81'111 tax in hi o was 1.0H an tht:' cl lstanco to thl> firehou se when P ettit and 1ills Hllt h handler. lam Hatfield and VISItors Tue day, Song, Living for Jesu s-Ru th, a('ro in II! ~3. It i estimat«1 at he collap~d, . 1\ I Mr. M~I' Tlll had been Itl Lebanon ivian, Eileen and Ruth . orne II. .fl.. and Mrs. Lloyd Davis and 80 cen s fOl' 1935. )lr. an(1 Mrs. ud S henvo od Re ading, Impersonation - Ml'I!. Moore believe,' som e prog're s about . live y aI's !md had a weu- I' ---nading- Mrs. Berne Jones. ~ns and Mis Winifred onnel' \\'l're d inn!'I' gu sLs of I'tfi s Lilla ,J. W. Lotz. towa1'd ~qu alizing the farm tax lablt . heel undertaking bu Ines~. 'lite Fnidlcy- 'p ringbol'o 100ft Bl'nh:lln, W dnesday evening. Harmonica solo-Mrs. B. sp nt Satu rday evening in.x nia. R ading, The Last Woman bUl'den is po ssible through a li e wa ' 11 member o'} the Maso n,lc ball ga me at Spdnl;bol·o . F' r'hII1Y 'mith. . J\.Jt-. anti MI , . J . . artwl'ight, Mrs. Mame Hatfield. • ystt' III of app'ml sol that wou lQ I dg and. wa~ mtel'e ted In vening \\ ali won by the I: a irley Mr . R'alph Linn and Ml'. Pel'ey R ading- Mrs . Mnme llalfield. Stew udship Program ,.- Mrs. . .. t aUI , th e score binI( 6 to 4. III o f Cincinnati, eJlent th FOUl'th Turner left Tu sday mOl'ning on I edue tux Ii to be paid by oWllers Gl'unge, ~ol'k. . Reeitntion-Anoa Dill. Day. f I w income pL'o pel'ties. He ' S UI'.V1Vll1g hIm blc. lde, hIS WIdow th game willi Bellbr'ook On ~lln- wilh MI'''' Hannnh Roge rs. bu ~ in(' trip to J oliet , Ill. R eitation- Roland Dill. Tt. next meeting of the society wou ld II hi ve a mOl' > de ided ad - I aI'll hI'; par nt, Mr. and Mrs. day, BeUbl'ook deI ated l he Fail'Son Burbara Lou Bland, MI·. and Me . ,Gr·OVl'I· tr teh, of wl1\ be at the home of Mrs. J. B. Mr. and MI'. cI'non Main us justmenl by shininl(' ae least! Walter M 'l'1'l~ ~ !:~v~l!lnd , ley by a COr of 11 to 4. Tohi!se are thil only great- and farnily SI)Cnt '()Iitmbu s, spent. Sunday with 1\11'. Crabbe. unday with part of th· fuml tax to an income n Monday eve ning (It lhe High and 11'l!. D. . RI(lgc. grandchildren in O\lr &'l'unge. friends in pl'ingf1eld. ba e.' school grollnds the Way ne Park 0,1) "chool Days", Mrs. - - -team lost to Fail'l YS, by a score . LiUl . Jintn1ie lIough, of Ridgefl'. Rlllph Linn and Mr, ,and Earl llock tt, 'Mr!!, Bct'ne JonE-S \'III ,h£l beell the gu . t of '. E. Mrs. ' Carl Duke, Mr. France' daughter Dale s p nt unday at f Following 3 to 2. . i' th schedule: of A nd I' on and fam ily, . Brannock. the Zoo in ineillllati. ----game lor the coming \ eek, tyle howMl's. lemen t SI\I.l l'thwaite and Wal1'en county has be n allot· Fl'iday, July 12, Lebanon at MI'. and I1fl' • Ben Champion, of Tennls osturne-Ml·S. Elmer incinnati ted :32,6;$7 for Vl'ol'ks and direct . Lebanon j unday, July 14, at daughter, Ann, w (~ re Dayton, are visilOl'S in the home Sheehan. vUloJ's, 'fu sday. . relief fOI' t.he month of July, nc Lebanon; Monday, 'July 15, Xenia of . E. Anders n and family. Golf ostume -Mrs. Lena llarto l'(l~ng to li n nnnouncenlent by E. hel'e; Wednesday, JUly 17. Lebsock. Mr~ . T. S. Hurdin sp nt lust Mi, es Trill na and Margaret The> Fri ',fldshi p club met at. h e Tyler Polities il'ICquentl:ro sends many Sh ough, county I'e lief anon h('re; Friday, July 10, Ev njng ostume - MI'I!. Ira Edward ent ..tain d tile Argllnot week with h lat.ivel; lit l<' 1- 'p eople ~currYlng to dictionaries to church Wednestll\Y afternoon, July direetol·. The budget is approxi- S pringboro here, Rich, mouth, Ky, bl'idge club, Tuesday u/tcmoon . 10th. The mel!ting wa opened m tely 50 pel' cent greater than • -- ~-find OlJt what a public official Ev ning Costum MI' , L. C. with a ong and Ml " alph Hastthe June appropriation and in PENSION CHECKS '-' •. \. " Mr. and h ·s. William Bradley means by some uttel'lmce. General St. John. Robert . Allen, is attending ings rending th d votionals, all clude a $16,000 iner II' in Johll!lon loves to spring new word. Lounging ostume ARE DISTRIBUTED enlertained on undllY, Mr. Alvah on the public. P~e ident Theodore Mrs. th elevent.h Citizens' Military npeaUng tbe LOI'd's f und s allotter for worK I' lief propraye l·. Vanet' und . 1 \1 e. ' a nd Mrs. George lIa I vey Burnett. TI'aining Camp at Ft. Harris on, 'I'wen!,y-se\' en ' m~mbel' l ' pond d ject,.~, Roo ev,e-It coined the work "muckM\'8, ilver' Wedding stu me Old ag pen!<ion checks amount- Woo llat d and family, of DaYton. rnkel''' as applied to politics. Presi to 1011 raIl. The di"ect relie f apptopl'iation. Mr. and l\1l's. Earl Plol'a and of October 3, 188B- Model d by Mast ~rs Frederick nd Ted dent Grovel' Cleveland, in a mellA fter the usuAl business was on the other haml, has been re- ing lo $5.867.50 werll l'eC ived by Mr. Clifford Brae • of Xenia, Wel' 1\1rs. Je>hn Pr eton. 433 persons in Wan n county e nydel', of White PlaJnlj, New imge to Congress, u!>ed the phrale undny gue ts of Mi 9 Olive Allen. transacted it was decided Lo hold duc t-d, lh July allotment of '10, Mrs. L. V. Brllnsll'ator's In t w ek in the)' gulal' monthly II l'Jicnic in August instcud of the 681 compat'ing with $l6,:I74 for YOt'k, are vi iting their gl'8nd- \ "innocu.ous desuetude". This ex~ Weddi ng Costume of Nov~mber l' gular m e ling. Jun. The ba'lancIl, 01' $22.056 is eli o'ibtitidn of pen_ion funds. by mith er, MI" . Dal y Snrd r. pI'ession has bee n used eyer since Mr&. Frances Bl'annock i spe nd26, 1908 modeled by Catherine In observance of ChildL~n'>s Day to b spent durin, J uly 'for labor tate Auditor .Jos ph T. Tracy. when Ilny 'congressional or legisla ing a few duy~ at .the home of ~er Bran h·ator. The total pension payment in t.h e Mr, and MI S, Ed Am :;, MI'. and tive bill is dead or in a. "harmless The next meeting will be Grand. daughter, Mr.;. harle ELzey near th follo\\jng PI' gram was given on locai relicf pl'ojects Mr Sholliln llta~ for tne current monih Mrs. James ~m. ' and Mrs. Ka.te state of tli u&e-." Senator Borah. Reeitali on~ Mary Ann Melloh. tatc" lather's njght with Harvey Bur- Oreg nia. Ames, 'f WilmIngton. _1'e un- the other day, called Washington R citation- Glady Rye. The relief office la t week l-e- m~unted to $1, 161,015.80. n tt, B. V. Smith a nd Beme d,ay gu sts r Mr. and lIfl·S. officials "bureaucl'atic Ascaridae.' tloloSun!lowcl', Raylyn c'ived a carload of seed potaocal and Ml's. Em st EAl'nltart, Mr. J ones as thij committee in char~. to s fOl' distJibuti()n in the counLy ORDER HONORS JUNE BRIDES hal'le Ame. Ascal'idae are w Ims resembling rabbe. of arlisle, w re callers at. the Another fi ne program is expectRedt.alion- LaVern Mainous. P Ul.toes were di tl'ibuted at Lebhome of 1\Irs, Hannah R gers, Fl'ill's. Martha Hough, Mr . A. K. an angle worm in size and appear· ed and a full ~t~d:nBe is de il'ed day, Miami hallt r, Order of Day, MI'5. Mary . CI'OSS, Josiah allee. but having three lips. Recitation -t- Earl Rye, anon TUoI*!day a.nd Wedne day, and a second cadoac.l Wel'B avail- Eastern .St ar met Monday I night Davis lind R \'. G. . Dibert at- Bureaucrats h I'e in Washinltton Pil1M solo- Wilma Dibel't. Mr '. Harvey Rye and chlldren lteeitat.ion immie Weaver, able in o~her sl~ctions of the with s vcral members and vi:iLors tend cI Bible conferenCe lit Miami who consider them elves important lire vi iting Mrs. J. J. Fritz, nce )ll·e~ent. At this me.e ting the three Valley Chautaoqua, Monday. county this week . Hecitation- Mary Mo s. feel aggrieved. Haz,cl ali bUI'Y, in harleston, Eastet'n tal' bridcs of June; Mrs, Piano solo- Plain Dixie, GoodWest Vir·ginia. Loui, e Jumi on, 'Ml·~ . Bernice l\.ft', lind Mrs. T, S, Hardin and bye OM Yenr, Alton Earnhm·t. CELEBRATION Our inheritance t.axes are ridicPolinsky and Mrs. Ola Kt:J'fley f.amily Will' gusts of lItr.. and MI'~ Vocal salo-;-Bobbie Hasting. ulou!I.' The-y are in[initesimal comMr. 'a nd Mrs. Grafton Shawhal1J W >f,·re honored, e~ch being preS. R. 'om'ad I\n(\ family IU !lt Sun Ice cr am and cakes WeI' l! servThe Fourth of July oolcbl'at.ion pared with the taxes the average of entervil1e, were unday nook Ecn ted with a silv I' br ad tray and day at. I' s nt )wings, Ky. individual has to beal'. If a man guestlj of Mr. and Mrs. Howal'd ed itl th ballqu t room by the sponsol'ed by Rllllph P. receipes from 111 mbers ' of the host 8 ·s, Mrs. Jotl Stokes, MTs. Legion post. which was po tponcd A,l'chdeacon. Mt·. and MJ's. harle Ri ngel' and died in the United States and left ST. MARY'S CHURCM II'a Ric-h, 1\1rs. Gilbert Frye, MI'S, been usc of rain, wa held at the ordel·. duught.~I· Wavll, of Van W.ert. $1 QO,OOO his estate would pay a Rev. J. J. Schaeffer. R(lctor , A. BUI'n tt, who ha. been 1\[ary )'058 IlIld '!'.h-s, Elmer Shee. Wal'l'en County :fajrgrounds un.culled on lIfr. and Mrs. Walter tax Qf $l,()OO. In England it would NOTICE Fourth Sl)nday after Trinity, visiting relatives h re, left Mon- han. day, with a di pIalI' of fh'ewrirks in pay $9,000, and in France nearly Walter Elzey on Thursday. - - -- - - --'=--th evening. July U. Ohurch chool at 9 :30. dny to retul'D to his bome in $37,000. hi this country all estate serve threshi ng dinners It . CharIeii [ will Rev, G. . Dib l't conducted Morning Pray r and sermon at Miami. Florida. MI' . Fred Hayner, of Lebanon, Myel'S and of 500,000 would pay a tax of . 10 :30. th e funeral rites fO I' , II'S. Nelli sis( r of Mrs. Mayme Hatfield, at my home thl'oug hout the s IIson. A' I and on, Ja ckiE) H ellde-rso_n........':':'0,...ft-'42,OOO. In England $lOo,OOO and Ml'S. Maggie- Burn t bas return- Wad hick n dinners by order. IOcinnati, 81'e vi iting at the 0 wald Funet'al held the lucky number which drew l ·S. in France $234,000. Some Coned hom~ aftel' spending a week at Home in Labanon. atUJ·day. MI·s .. Maude Crane, Third t. · Kc:dah 'lholl1pson. the hevro]et automobile. g l'es men talk about taxin8' th. ST. A'U GUSTINE CHURCH t h1!- home of Mr. and ?til' • Marprofits of the next war. Let us ion, Weller, in Centerville. ========================:=?======~==~========= A g l'OUf! of local Boy Sco'\lts adequately tax the profl.t~ , Father Newton,Paltor , the with their I\lad e)', Haymond Bl'lId- last war. . -----~-----:""J Mass at St, Augustinl!'s Ohurch , Mr.. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton, dock, left. Monday to spend II. very second and fourth Sunday of Newport, Ky., were dinner week al amp Ho k. :I the month. gue ttl of Mr.·s. Emma Hamilton at enatol' Bytd (D) Virainia, ~•• Tt:e Little Inn, Sunday. Constitu1\11'. an(! ;\11'5. Lo(' Aun spllugh offel'ed an important und sons. of Ollyt.on, were guests tional Am ndment to ' eliminate IWAYNESVI'L LE CHURCH OF Mr. . Raleigh Munger and son of Mr. and M )'s. CI8l'ence Menden- tax·exempt. secu rities, both Fed. CHRIST eral and , State. A t presen t, atatea and Ml'lJ. L. D. Chil es were dinner hall , Sunday. Carl Smith, Minister guests 'of Mr. and Mrs. Robert ar without power to tax any Heri>-E.'l't 1\1 unger, of Lexington, security of the Federal rovern Church school at 9 :30 a , m., Munger, Tu esday. Ky., spent ~ ~vel'ul' days In t week ment, and the !:'ed e-I'al government LI)rd's Supper at conclusion. Chris Miss Thelma Satterthwaite has wit.h hi s pare nts, IIh-. a nd Mrs. cannot tax state, 'county and tiari Endeavor at 7 p. tn. Evan- been visiting relatives and frie nds Itob rt Mung t·. municipal Becul'ities. This, b(leau.. gelistic service at 7 :30 p. m. in Washington, D. C. and Ocean Mr. and MI·s . D, Ridge havc- of the onstitu ti.d n of 1787·. The Everyone welcome. Gate, New Jersey. as their gllc. t M . Ridge's niece, I'e~ult:s .have been that government Miss MIII'Y L'ou owash, of Mans. sec untJeg . are l!lr.g ely .t~eox4\mpt , 1\11'3, Mary McClu re lefl; W edFRIENDS MEETING und have become the bIggest loopfield. nesday mo r ning (Ot' Duluth,. Minn. hole in the income tax law•. The First-day School at 9:30 a, m. where she will spend several MI'. and Mrs. J . W . Lot'z and Administution does n.o t propo.. a lieetin, for Worship at 10:30 ,,'eeks with her sister, J aughtcl' left Wednesday moming radical "share the w.~th" P1'Om. Mr·. and Mrs. Earnest Hartsock f () L' 11 visi t 1.0 reI a ti ves at Forrest, gram, oot rather a conAtruetive and son Milo, Mi ss Christlnc McShal'E! th burden o.f government Ohio. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Lain and Mr. and ?tIrs, Herman . nnd: bear equal ia:j(ation Pl'otram. Miss Rl1chel Pettit, Miss Ruth Surface' spent Su nday at the Zoo. Carl Smith, Kiniater handl r and their guest, Mrs , . retary Ick e sirns 80 man~ Unifled services beginnlrig with Dr. and Mrs, R, E. Hathaway Ra hel A, Fife, were entertai~ed pt'ojects that n 'simp le method baa chu·r ch ;sc\ool . at 9 :80 a. m. and Mrs. Mayme Hatfield attend. !It th hOlne of L wis handler b n . evolved to accomm04ai. service at 10:80 a. m. ed the' En~mpm~mt of Canton and family S unday. newspaper men desirilll a pietuN and Auxiliary of Pa.trib'eh Miliof the eel'etar y approvinr a I~.l Aft.el' spending several weeks WAYNESVILLE M. E. CIIURCH tant at Wooster, this week. at the home of ,hcr son-in-law and l)t'oject. The bne now in use Rn'. G. C. Dibert, Pa.tor Miss Margu erite ' Grim shaw, of daughte r', Dr. and Mt's. E. F. [ekes with his coat .ol! and pe. I. Sunday: SlJnday school at 9 :30 Xenia, s pent Friday at the home Deplle, MI ~ . A. Jo~. Winters lIas re- hand. Next October pictllre No. I a. m. Morning Wonhip at 10 :40 . of Mr. and Mrs. Orville J. Gray tt,ll'nl'(\ lQ her hume in Linton, will ,take its prop er place. TIli8 shows Ickel! with hi1l coat on ..... The subject of the sermon will be, and daughter, Miss Barbara. Ind. in g some paper. The same "The Transforming Friendship. Mi::; Betty Hartsock returned picture has recenUy been uad Winter Garments Cleaned and At 7 :BO p. m. we will hold a home Friday from Gambier where thiJ'ty or more time&. Rather --* v.esper service on the lawn of the Preased. No extra charle for ~h e attended a ten-day eonfel'ence idea, lind a time 8IIver. chrch. A be pro~m of ipatru- Sealin, in Moth-proof Bap. Dry .-.~--of Youne Churchmen qf the mental and vocal mulic hu 'been Cleaners, Kathryn Jtt[endenhall, EpilCopal church in the Dioe... of arranaad and tAe apeake.. for the m.Dacer. CARD OF THANU SOlJthern Ohio. occulon will ba Ite", O. W. Mr. and Mn. Georre Hamilton, MathelOn of MalOn, Rav. Math.. Mr. ael lin. Lee Morria and Mr. and MrI, Wal'rln EaPJ of IOD \a • apaalcer of apland1d abll· daqhter, Mr. and Jln. Hanlllel Cen~rvi1le, and MI. Mary SatIty and i8 allre to brilltr • belpf1l1 FOllllb, all of Da)'toll, were ~est. terthwaite have retllJ'Decl Ill...... Don't fall to attend this of lira. ADlaIlda Jratltt, Sunday. from Wlli.hlnrton, D. C., they were the peat. of Mr.







fAllS DEA[I 0N



Mrs. Willi

Increased Budget



For Reli",f Work






---- ..



- ...,..-'




1Ir. aDd

J. E.. Pralli' eMu


Ralph Tone.

rs. ToU. D

NEWS }1 ROM THE WARREN CO RT FOR PAS'fWEEK Commoll PI ~a.e Proet'"di nlfs

lin, L. 1l1"ltl k, ~lIl1rtlial1of W 1-

lI. liutTord. in.fllll', m.. tI hi~ Iinn1 :ll:t'llunl. TIlt' rl'"i!!,llllliun of III i~ L, UlunK, II,.; g'11ll1'ditl1), "M uc' I'pt(·d. Th •• inl'(nlul'Y of I ,rri: Lo> Nix· 1111, nllmilli!<tl'I\t(\I' ,)1' thl' Ii"tal f r'\ If !'l'tlll ;11 urrrl~', dec a,;,'d, \\ us appl'ovl'd, Joslj.hirJ(", Glln , udmil1i"lro· trix of Uti' ('stllte of Elill8 Ogl -',;tw€', d cca. e<l, filed her I nVl!ntlll'\'. Jnlll!ls.E , Me lure filetl ,hi ~ applklltiO n fol' the. nlll) inlrncnt of a p;ulll'liian ot: t~ad W. ('onn'l', " minor. 11'1 the aSe of Ada Hill, tldminUrtltl'L, of tho! l'illilt. f Ivn HIli rleCl'IlRCd, ,' er~\li'! Ada 11111, t III 'l1nfhllUltion, deell lH,d distribu·


1","11 anti i to h., IIlinlitted t., Ih" I l"----------,i""-----------------~ Daylon l:'lntl.! Jlu~,.jlll\. 111 till' nu,t!l't uf till' "shltt· of ~htr~' r:. Houve l', ,Iecen, I,d, lin', (Ilntl i" to IH ' 111 1\ de to Gra (> 'at III inn :l~ th . t'l.'ult of 110 "lJllwan'\: bl'in", fUud' ill th' lit tt'l'lllln,lti 10 of tI c inlll'l'illJllCI,' III'\(.

Second n ual School Reunion Held by Fo Iner Lytleites June 30




111 Iny i mpl·o\'l.'n\c ntR. Arlhur .J. Wild ...

".ft.with July

to aCI'l'pl Il lJ(I~ition

6th the (ir New

11011\')111\1\1' Lighling CI) " ' 1lI'J.. Cily. 1\]1', uII11 ]l.J1 'l'. J hn Pt't I'lion 81'e u dalll:'hwl' Phyllis \ Iil,ld (lC mUll' than 20 of t il' Ihe I1IH'cnts Ailet'n. nlO~t 111\I'ing dri\lI'I'~ of rniug t _-IlUtlllllllhile, in thl' l:uu nll'y will NOTICE OF EL£CTlON collllwl' Thltl'tluy ilYcnil1l:' in th 'I'll'illl j1osl-Fnlll·th of July The J\tu ' 'i 'I'own),!1Iip Rural ~tllllll () r i idg t. raceR at ,'thOll l IIj trict Boal'd oC Educll. r'aitli 1(1 . 0.. oM- nfth mil,' liOll, Will' I'~n ounty hio, will di! t truck. The tl'l1ck, whirh during the ~Ulill\il al a ' spccilll ' I 'ct ion on J111,;L Cel\' \, "l' k" hilt< NH11 clo:o:el' July Hi, HJ;Hi, til tile lcdol'S of question of lhe to l' s(Ol)l\lli nl{ " C\ill I'SC COl' 0111:- the di l:ltl'il!t th uoat'd' moUIl' bOllt I'IlCI;'S than one jll,ll! age of g n eral obligation 1'01' £Il1lClll10bii K, due to tlw extrll l'on(ls of the dis t1'ict in th amou1lt "1J(' cinl Thul'~day evening rllins. or ~J,oOO,OO fill' the IJUrp09 of ha.· bt' n !!omplcll'ly drit'd, gloud. crcctin~ a fll' Ill'oof addilio~ to tho eel , lind will be in cxcellent condi. pl'esen s ho I b\lilding. The mll 'illlum number or ye Il I'!! dudng t ion ro.' u glll' d , fa st 11I'O~I'arn, Everett ayl(ll', young Doy· whiell ~nid uo nds will run is 21 Loninn \ ho is known for tho(l ex· y~al:fI, and the c, limated ave rage , celJence and I' ~'kle: sn ss of his nddltlllllal tux rate, outside tho tll"i"ing, will again be the fllvorite, len mill Iimit.ation, Its certified by at tlie heel of Iii fllst Or ycl' til Wlll'l'en oUllty Auditor, ja .25 Sp cial. This cal', built in In- milk By onl I' of the Massie Town,. diannpoll by a .form I' rn m l' of tht! old Oe'U senb \'g raci ng ship Rural School District Board team, ill the machin' with wh ich of Edllc!\tion, W UrL'CII County ' ' 'ayl r won the mn.itl event, and Ohio . 11. S. Tucker, Pr sident, et. a tl'ack record at FairfIeld, t\Vo JOE W. DAVIS, OIerk. weeks ago. June 13-20-27 July 4·11 lay OJ'bitt,,, telan olumbus .... follower of the J'oaring road loft hi little' silver bull t in Fai~fjeld Subs cribe for The Minmi Gazette last. week, and will again bo all halld lu d enlOn t.rnte the skill which has madll him a Iuvorih with dirt h 'uck fflu fol' sevel'I,1 A k f or a


.--- -- ...

Pallirk l')d\l"in ;\)iII('I'; lerk of III thl' I'lIM' of 1.),.lil1 li n 'kelt, Flall~lin, I\n<1 ~1 1~~ ~~dilh Lll\" '<ill , III "~I~U" Ruhy \'lIn ntPt'I" I' • Bcelel'r. ,If Flollllklil\. 'l'II[ lh, \ t ai, mull n "f .t ... C('n· ,bnl, I l't a 'iue th II cisi"I' an I R "a l E.tate Transfer. .1 ud ;.rIH'tlt or the <: lIrt nnd fill' " Ill" trilll \\'/1. IlI'I'rl'ul .1. Ilal"y )f. 111111 In Chari,,!; E, ~h· nJ -.I Illl d 1';nlll1:1 C. !\J \,>u I·S. inlol In the 'aFt' of Tlt l • 1."1' 'lcHlt! Mtll\ IIJ Building Hnd Lnun n, Nil, a :1 ill }' 1'I1Iklin, v 'I"U~ Ado t,:. lh'ilk:lmp, et. HI , William . S('o~~ tn Ceofj.tC l1 0lm It is <>r.lel'l'{l thnt ~('\'d"c by publi. ' ", inhlt. 01<, ll, 12 uhl! 13 in nti>!, he hA.1 fllr dl'fl'!lIdllJlt. , .III .'ou I h Lebu IHI n. 1:. Ilierlplmp , ~Iinnie Hasting to 1'~lizllhelh May ,,;,V( ny and [lm'old B. ' \~eI\Y, l' 1\1 til Ih t. Oil' of The Feclt·ral Land e~tttt~' in nion lownship. DtI 'l k of Louisvill , 'er u,. JllrlJ'~ \l'l huT 1I1i rt 1)1 I\JI , t nl, George R , J. R, Philho\l' 'r lind Eva P. Phil lI~nklll i~ a)lpnintcd rt>Ct'ivl'r. Rc· ho\\ ('1' t'l R. W. Emili r nod lI\a1'· (,I!il'l'r'~ I)()nd of 500 \\R $ np· lhn Embler, l.oU aCl'ed in 'all'lIl )l1'II, ' lld , The Woynosvill l, NntionHI ,to\~ ll 'hhl. Dank \\a granlt"d 30 day~t') pI d tiu ll. 1(10 1\1. u lenbol'dcn to B rtha E THE OLD' LYTLE SCHOOL HOUS£ In the mattcr of th e Iml1 ' f r of Sal'uh L. tit t, llnd EVl'{'ett E. H~, rea'] , t,llte ill Wayn e ville, ,fund. by the Village of Mon'ow i\{iU r, administl'alol's of 1h> Ada T. Hill to William l' Unlet' June [lOlh W 3 5 l\ill lort~ b I'e·"----------,-- - trnnf..... af 1100 from mOtor \' ('~ta,tt' of J::~ M, Miller decca cd and lun May l' lime,. in 108 acre . rnembt'l'cd Iiy rlll' lller tcuchel', I thart L tI ' , PllIJiJ~ nd hit'TId .. of Ly~le sehool, I y ~. Ohio. N,elll' lhl~ VIllage hid(' Iic l'n!ll' t.'\x fUllll an(l 100 iilt·d lheil' invelltory. ' . in HlImi!tort town!<hip, fJ'lIll1 the ga, olin" fund to the In the mattel' of lhe e tate of Laura D. onner to Ellrl W , on· f I' on thai dllY th y I\-S~ m bled I [ was born ; Jl I' l~ 1I1y [nth r !l(lntl'l'l1l fund of ,nit! villag are Hannah . himp, deceased, claim n t'. in lot. No. !) in Warnesville. nee nlor on thu old familiul' l wa born and sp nt Il.lo~ t 0-( his grnl1tl'd. of A, D, Flarv y, admini b.'atar, arah Adaline P I'rin(' William hool gl'o\1l1d~ til ~t'et't ell h othet' I'lLctlve life' neal' it was tILe 11oll) In t h<' fl ' IIf The SoutlJe1'n hio wa~ allowed a, a valid claim V, Van Fo!' en, I' al e 'tale in Deer ns they !Cuth I·t!cl fro m fal' and I of my ~1'nndpt\l'ent!l; anll n~I\\" 'it ' a\ling Uank Tru 'l t\gain. t elate. ' Ii Id town hip. near to spenll another day ' amid , my brothers nre still living. I " B 'The Junior rdel' nit Chat' les S. h'win adminillll'lltoT Belle Bakel- to Elmer E. I~Os.~tt ;.;CE'n sol their childhoo(lrmd eal'ly cac hing in the high, chool when n ~techanics Lodge f the e. tate of Ad~ F. Noble, dc- Hul (!stute in Morrow. life. [ met the wQrnnn 1 mnl'l'ied, and Pleasn~t ~Inill. tal, F. . Wellner ceased. fihd his jnv nwn'. J lurla D. Millet' to The \ an n Tho gl'ound al'c nl w own d by I w II IYI mbcl' the night when and "\ IJllalll . M('Rem'Y wei' mad In ih m tter of the guardian· County Farm Btll'Cllll oopcrath'(' Walter Kenrit'k find instead of the youth of lhe nei~hborhood part)' defendants. I<hip of arl 'L. Y ung, confin d As;.ociation, Inc" real e tat in th fami1iIll' schllol h u se thel'C is sl1l"1'ou ndell the hOllse wher' I liv. In the matter of the Ll'nn fer { i ll til Dayton tate Ho spital Lebano n. ' 8)1 attractil'e lit'\\' home llli'U ring d n al' til g rocery Ilnd tried yetll· . Miamiaburg Permanent 'filiI trial s \viIl st rt I'll 7 :3 0, rund of the ViIlag·e of Lebanon, Elizabeth Young, as gu~rdian is •Tohn , innarrl , by administrat91' c mplet iO)1 and h~ kindlv offCl'ed vainly with bells and pans and to take cal'e Ilf the xtra.large the. tran~fer of $600 ftom mGtor authorized to make an a pplicntiOn to William Marshall, in lot No. 9()4 all fo r our comfol·t lind' eonveni. vnl'iollS noi machine Concrete to make vclncle heen. fund and $1500 t.o the said PI'ovident Mutual Lit e in Fl' nklln, ence, m buy cigal's .fOI' the crowd. I nil rnb •. of dl'lvEl's', ""ith the first Air Seal Burial Vault from the ta uli ue tax street main· \ [nsuranc-e 0. fol' n.n lIdvanC!e on I"a lIill by aU..['Ilinj tratol', to A the no II houx .lPJll'oachcd proved to' be the more stubborn I'I\ce s hel1ulcd COl' 8: l5 p. m. 'l'he t nane and repair fund ta th~ insurance policy. William and Ida May reamer, in CPlt' of old LrtJ"ite ~ w(!re tllere lind they w r obIi~ed to b con· tl~ack is on route 4, the prir.gfie1<l F,or Sale only by genel'al fund nre granted. ,George E. Young, admin i tralo!' 10 aCI'e ill Hamilton town ·hip. baskets filled with 1111 the . ubslan· lent with ealldy and po))e ro. I }>Ik , at ,the city limit! of Fai\:flld. In thc matt r of lhe ,s ale of cel'- of the estat of Emma D IcMiIlan Mary L. Applfgate to Je se W. tials as well a " u c lit:atie ~ of thc may eem . trll ng to snlOkingYour Funeral Director , tam I'eol state by the tru t.ees of dec: ased, filed nis first and final Applegat, t a1. real eetAte in ~ea80 n and soon tabltl" wel'l.' landed )'Ollll&' lad it's of toduy. but 1 did the L banon Pre byt.c.rian hurch account. Halnilton ' town hip. with food and" 'Id Man 1 epl·I.'~· n()t beli Ve in using tobacco, I Bur1ingto~ an unin orpol'atecl religious society William Himes wa appoirlted !lil. EnnisL. and Ad Richards to ~ion" fOT the time bing was com· is hll'rd to I'-calize that mOI'e ban McClure Funeral Homo of Leban On, the tru tees are auth- mini trator of tltl e tate <If Paul. E(litn WOOdl'uff t I\I1'eal estale in l} routed. thirty years ha.v pa&Sed ince .Mi Ruth Reev 8 i the gue t ~t Phone 7 Wa, ... YiUe, O. ol"iz d to ell chureh property. . in Hime, decea ed and filed bond H~miltGn to, n hip. A bout thl't!e o'clock the com· that noi night, and my an tip- frie nds at M A'udol'e, hio. of $1000 with suretici. Whitney V. and Ali e 'L ee Dy r pnny WIl culled tt) o l'd~1' by th nthy for tobacco is about all o,t 1\1)'s. R. D. Collett and MI' My"l'll , ...- - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . : 'New Silita [n th mat~r of the estat.e of to Alice K. D r, 110 ncr ~ in 1)1' . ident, Etnlu IIt-mony of me that has not chnngC'd. Oc all II ydock WClre ,h eard 011 the,Fal'l'lJ Maude Rees ver.;ul\ Ota B, Ree~. Saluuel Butterworth, d c a d sale Hamilton town ·hip. pl'in~fi ld, a fOI'm I' pupil and the change~ Grne brings the most & Homll RO\l~' progrum f l'om lor divorce. hal'ge is gron neg- of p reona l pro~tty is o rdel'ed, Pnut C. and Nancy M. nyder to tea her'. lfje introductions of the ,111'»l'ising is the alterati 0 in s lation WO 'U ut olu mbus ll.'ct of duty~ A. D. l[arvey, administrator .of nlional BOTl(lh older!l Corp., inlot 'In) iou, spea.ker ltrld t' Illln1s£: llees one's own ,elF, in hi I1lCI\lOl'i s Mon day C \' ning. Flora Little versus J pl)n Little, the estate 01 ~annab A. Shjl'np, de No, 956 in Franklin. ketlt hia' audi 11CP eontinllllJly in in hi!! wishOl! anll d €':!. ires, in hi; Mr. and !\In. CI'noil tiles nd 16r divorc . hal'ge is extreme ce a ed, fllelJ hili tlche dule of a btl! , lIlin.m n. Baxtet', d eceased, to .~ h Ily fl" III 0 minc!. 'rhe com- affection:: ould I stand IImbn CI uelty a1 s lIy G. Frank Rogers ad- Th TTu ~te . of th~ Fil'd Pte~hy · mittc ill' chOlge 01 the program )'011 toc l1ry. th llnflunllial' asp' t rnlllily spen't th 1" Ul·th III oney Mary E. Denye. versus The In · min i tHltor or the cstate' of te1'! ot Ohio of the United Pres by. de'icled it would be int resting to r my counte~ance would be 11' S Mnnd Pru'k. :Mr. nnd Mr:;, Wm. oe, Everett (Iush 'ial Commi ion of OhiG for Allnette Rogers, d cca, ed, were t l'Ian hureh of orth Ani!Hiea hav an old. {cCutTy PI'Olrl'am and r lllarkabl • as gl'eat and per. r lUfe and Ja\!k Burton spent , action Qn appeal from tb l~dus.- approved. il'1luts Nos, 126 alld 132 in Ma o~ lll'cpnrt'd the following which was hap, startling n it i , thl\n the th eFoul·tII at Cleveland. trial Commis ion of OhiG. In the ease of George W. n Bill. Allowed call'i d out xcel>t the musical ·hif l and drift.'\ and ddies hat Robert mith was the gu t of In th matter of the transfer of admini trator o( the e lAte of Ml'. Hel n DQughmnn, bOlll'd numb 1';; by pupil;:; and teachers huve floW d thorough lilY pirit fri nds at F'indlay, la t w~k. funds by the Village of ~Iorrow, Mary E, Litt! , deceal>e d, vet us and arc of litrord Doughman, of f ort)' Of III I'e yenrs UHO: like th CIIl'r nt.'1 of a l'cst! ell and ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN Mi as ·Jennie nn d Elizabeth to tran fer funds. George W. SnOOK, et aI, additio~al tounty tnht'f'culnr llilticnl, $7; Cattle, hogs, ~heep and .calv.. '1'~,1.' pro~l'am opened ~ith music stormy sen ; and thc most. al'dent lleeves hllvQ m oved to \:.he Pauline Withrow, a minor .by bond Qf $800 was filed 'by admini!! Mary E. Quayle, in urance pr mi. by Id Elhs lind IIny one wbo has bl\lld-c lusp f Illy fl'ienll~ would pt()PCI·ty they pm'cha d from M rs Norris-Brock Co., Ihe 'wife atid her 11ext f riend, Irene BaU, ver· tratol', sale of relll e tate ilj o'l'dcl'- UIU, $25,Un; I'ville K. Brown in. had the good fortune to heal' bl.' larg('ly the hand clasp of a p-togressiv8 firm f'll' th6 hlab..t Maude LJtle. They are adding market price. and ~ood Beniee. ' sus Ballnrd . W allace, fol' danlage~; e-d. _1\l'ance Ill' mium, '.11.32; H: G. musk by Sid knows how it i!; en· . L(ilnger, T hinking of th lOll Union Stock Yard.' Ci.ncl._t l. O • amount claImed $ 12,692. lara Noll,' executri'X of the es- Fitzpat.l'ick, in$uranc pl'emium, joyed by an audience. This was ago, I fe-el a strange t!ense o[ beTunl\ in on RadiG Station Welty Alice Hartsock vcr us Alvah Rob tate of PeteI' Noll, deceaslld, filed . 1 6.40; ~1c ker 1\1 eker, in Ul'. (ollowed by a skelch of \.he life wilderm nt and of dazed uncer· CHARTER No. 2220 12 :211 to 12 :80 p. m , for our dailJ ~rt Hartsock, for divorce. Charge hel' first and final account. ancl' prenuum 52.94; W. H. Mo. h and work of McGuffy which was tainly like n ' 10 t cni1d who has n ..nvC! District Mo • 15 gro nl.'glect of duty. C. C. EuJass, trust~e of the er, in, Ul'ance pI' mium, 108.77; e X~\'e~ely intel'esting, concise and wander d at twilight into a great Report ot tbe condition of the market reporU. Je~s Kerby venus Frances Ker tru8 hip creat d by Hem Seven . 1.1. Ridgt>, in Ufance pr'einium splendIdly given by SUSJin Rudd woods and . eeks in vail) !Qr the Waynesville National Qank, of by, for divorce. Charie is extreme · of th will of Ge orge E. Riley, de· ~2 ,77; J. A. Mount insurance Saylo r Orrha nrmon y Glat'k t k wa)' home. Pel'haps the que !'e&t Waynesville, in the , State of eru lty . ceased, :filed his first account. p'l'emiullJ, ~6,69; Le'May-Hawke us all w ith a toueh of eadn s to aspect of the whole matter' to me , Ohio, ' at the i!lose of business, Clyde E .. Levity, administrator Agency, in slll'llnCe premiulll, 38; th~ scenes and cxperienc:es of OUI' p !'Scnall)", is that lhll' Lytle t y~ 6n June 29 1 1 35. ' P.robate COU1't of ~h e estate of Margal' t L evicy, Karl D. Dakin, in Ul'ance premium ~hlldhood a :he recited so fli'e1- mCl'l~ber bc~t is th-e- Lytle of my Pub ll"hed ~8pOnS & to call Emma L. Dill, execu!-"ix of the d.eeeased, ill d hi inventory. $395.] 1; Dr. Ken non Dunham lngly the p oem "Rock Me 1.0 ead lcst chIldhood when th e a Id m de by om plroller of 11'1'· A certified copy 01 the ent~y de· exam.inati() n or lifford Dough~a~ Ie p" nn? again w esLale of Laf ayette Dill , decea· wel'e im· \~agon-m~~el" sno[l was still used r nc~', "Under Section 6211, U. ~ flied her flrst, final and distribu termilling the inh l'ita nce tax to 17,50; Mr . .fioward cawyer \ pres~ed With the b.'uth that al- -Jor J'eplll:r1ng wagons, nnd when S. R evi ed tatutc. tJv.e account. ' be paid on th estate~.f Mar'Y F. boa1'd a nd care Howard Sawyer' though a!; a barr· foot urchin, I rode the ASSETS GOOrh E. Young, exooutor Strlckler, dece~l <I, is to be certi· tubercullll' patient $7' MI" Ir~ "M h flll·nt·hol'~C's to tbe black ntith t\nd discount • •. •• U~3. L ,n ~ the estate of Margaret Wilmoth, fled without delay. Eltzroth h()nrd a;d Alice any a summe-r t e l~rass has !>hop b ide it to be ~hod. The 1.01l.I1's OverdrafL~ . . .. .. , ... .... 93.S\I ' grown green mit h waS a . . inventory. Th ' e tate 01 Pet er Noll, dec II d censed, . filed h ~s Stale ov rnm enl 5' Blosso d d f I d " smgmg man, and I Unlled t 111'k ~y, tubercular pat ient obl/ga.l ')1l~. d r~'l and George Wllmoth, w1dower, elected cd. is exempt from inlleritnnc eMaud.... Deardoff, bOlu'd and car~ b~h:ne an O( c c n still repeat snatches of ong lot) (ull)' ·uarll.n\ II . ,11 , !l4 . 7~ tq take under th1! wm. The estate M Arthur W . Eastbouds. Ilociu and V 1'1 Mill r, tuberculal' pati~nt ! 0 lO~!letke th' I he ~llng as be worked hls h~ge Other ~cellrltl~ , .. , "" ., .. , 'i,SII3.7!i In t~e matte I' bf the , e tate of man, d eased;vi~ exempt f!'om in. 7.5 ; James 1\1oore, ooal'd and h h I Ita nlO er S OVe eve!' I . t h llt: beUd",s and beat the Banking <bouse, U{OOo.OO. Ada Mlche nel', decea sed, di tribu· hel'itlln e tax. F u tn ltur e and r rt· care Lucy Moo l'e, $5, Mi.s. Om.a u one. parKS from the hot Iron on h is lures, .. ....... $1,9 9 ,57 9,898.51 tion of funds is' ord ered. , L i n ley Rh odes was fo und to be O!!bol'lle, board and caTe Virgil Then along in a lighter vein anvil. I alway slopped at t.he ltcBo,'ve with I",dc.rnl HO· Phone 18J lIerVO .Bank ,.",., . .. Isaacs, Frank Bal1inger Walter cam.~ Ki t~ie and A1ausie", py groc ry fol' a pound of rbuckle!s C ah 1.1 vault If,n\l bl\-Ianc I 1I'.:!9[.14 wHIl ~ther fbnnKs " ' .. , i 1,7G3.i8 BI\I:low t tl oel'cular pati~nts $24' 'label Pierce Fal'r and "Meddle- ~of1'c, The building still tood O"l!lI,I1~ Chl'ck K :t rill o\hor Mrs. W. : Roberts, board .and ~onte , l\flltt~ /' by Oo)'a Nelson In those day:s opposite the ohurch H o~mptll)ll tull.... wlt11 nlled ,'In\<'8 Treasurer c!ll'e W . C. Ro tts, tlJbeI'c~lIlr pa. Ward, bot.h of whom were teachers by the ~ubl!c well, and all old and d'''J tro m U n tlellt, 6; MI·8. Lule Gabbard , of t he yellrs gone by. ~\'~y hall'~d mlln kept the past- !:;laltlij 'l'r~Dsur"" " ited ..• ,.,2,5 00 .011 \lIO,T ARY PUBLIC $63,3 6 board and CO I'e Lincoln Gabbnrd " Rienzi 's Address to the offIce. HIS hand was palsied and Other Duets .,., ... ,., " tubercu lar patien t, $5; Merchant Romans" by layton , Sollers, ~ook so as he cal'ried the crack- 'I'ctal A ss ·ts "" "'" , .. '16~.717, 51> Natl••al B..11 Calculatlllg' Machine 0 ., repair!! mayor of Spring Valley showed us elS from the open b!,rrel to the LJ.A:BI LITIES tim. Ora. . _ • EatatH S.ulM for auditor $22.92: Crumley t hat his orat.Qrical powe rs had not scale~ that J alway expected him Oemand deposit •• 8X{lept U l S. Goye" llment de1)08It8: WAY NESVI LLE, OHIO TU1'ner, g l'aV'e marker for Chas been dimmed by the- to ' plli me o n the fiOOI·. Th e pubLic tunlls anddepo8it& ' Al'mbl'ewster, 77.25; L. P. Cavett "School Day" sung by Oleo scene com~ back !'-O v ivid ly to t>t olh,sr banks .".,., ,'~O".2~j , G\'I " eposlls. ex eDt Co., tar, $224.10; The Ci ncinnati Stacy Gray and Ina Burnett Long- m e a 1 write these lines tha~ even Tl Ille Doslal sll" tag8. publiC', FOR SALE D TE l CAL L Oil W:0r~s Co" ga.soline $5 ,40; acre in costU1\l() of boy and girl of the baffle 9 longing to b uy a few f u nds , Imd deposit... ot othel' banKS ., ..... . ,. G~,~GU~ The Cmcmnati Oil ' Works Co fOl·ty years ago, carry:ing books <;heap marbl es fr<lm the rou no Publl fun<ls qf ~l(ll II g~soline, 5.66; AI, Schwartz, ga:~ and lunch baskets was particu- g la oS counter ;-veils up again in COllnt l 8 . 'schO<lI d 18trlct. o r Qubdlvla lonl dlllne1', carfare Ulld ng standard to larl y enjoyed by the 9udieilCl:!. Illy h.~~9l't. Be, Ide these impcl'isl1. 0 1' muni c ipaliti es '.', .. 1073 G· ' . , olUinl:ius, ljl2.47; The Office Ou tThen cam e "Mrs. Caudle's able Images 111 m y menlory the IIlt<'q States 'ovcrnnlenl 1l11d D~Jltll l ~Il \' Ings tittel's, BOO guides fo r NR . office Lecture" one of the hig'h I1g'1ht5 of Lytle.()f t he days wh e n I pl'esided deportl 8 .•• , .• •• ," " , .. 2~3, U ~5.021 George O. Offord , m~ppin~ the program g iven by Letitia ~vel' the, village sch,ool haa .fade d uepos lta r r;LIHY' hank S. "In· (1 1111)] rig 'rtl fled I\nll fl~rs, was hing windows for N~S Haines Kenrick in he r ow n in. In. tO a plctur,: that lS bluned and eo. hlers' OilOOk s out· JESSE STANLlty office, S8e i W. S. Anderson Co. imitable style and it the a udience dim. One thmg, though,' ] t ill "tanding ", .... , ' ,"' . .. 24.21 ~rolal 0'( ItNns 15 to 19: Page's Ohio Code Service Com: had forgotten it th Y will remem. rem~mber, In my last days ;n 320, N . . Barn. .t ... ou. ~a) SeclJre<l by pledge mOil Pl.eas) $10. b el' it now fol' it Wafl perfectly th~ 8cnool I'{lom, the pupils sur· or It> a. n ~ . a n d ( or) _ _ • rendered. tlnsed me by Presenting me a 1"""8tm e n Is ' I I ,Q63 ,36 bl Not sec ure d by EARL KOOGUR Ca ie Graham Col let t then im. copy- a very beautif ul copy, it p (lg-a oC It>anB ani! Da,t. . Plao. . (or) Inv8l!1t· pressed up on us tpe lesson 01 was too-of the poems of Lon g· Il'lenls . ,' . '" 2G6,60!!, 67 KE••or. . . . . prom~tnes8 and the tra:g"eqies that fellow. They hall Sec~tly taken Total sometimes OCCUl' fto m being "Be. up a collection and Elmus Car· . (el »(;,1>08118" 11I7j'.666,02 hind Time." , many and anotheT boy whom I can Clrculatlna nole. ou~standt,ng' ....... The closing ' number O'n the pro- no longer l'ecall had ridden their Capital a ccount: " . . . ... no ' O~o .00 g~'am was a du et " Mal'y 'Had a bicycles. to Dayton to buy it. I 'InslI .A I)r et (lr r ed stock, . 400 8111\.1'. II, par 162 ,50 Fly.", Di.~over. LOll: Landing Llttl~ ~amb" s ung by Lulu Sollers still have. t hat book. per.hllp s P ()T share, r etlrab1c ' lJ,t •••• ..-w ........... , • ,..... and Do ra Nelson Ward, ' and while oth el' single 'oecurence in all nlY' '62,5\1 lIer share' Ghr in Time 1:0 Come . each 'ommon l! toe k , 1.000 had her own idea of the tune life lias to uched my heart so d eep· Ilhal'ea, par '70,00 1:)er FOR SALE and , clung persistently to it the Iy. It seemed a pt'oof o.t graM. Down Safely ,.. h al" . 'rot a l '10 ~O OO .OO Su rplus .". ' " 10, 000,00 aud ience se-emed to en~oy the tude for my efforts to nelp them U ndtv jded prMlt8FOR SALE - Pl'operty on 'a rd Flying high above the clouds en· novelty and called for all ~mcore to and a proof of success where I did npt " . " "" _ , 10,051.,63 Street, formerly knoW<n 8S route {rom Akron t.o Columbus 're- which the y graciou sly r espondo(XJ, EO want to s ucceed. .Tolal Clil, ltal Caskey home, Terms cs h. Faye The elecLion of OffiCEIl'S fol' the If I could go back to the old cently, Ray W. Brown, veteran .A ccO unt " " $1 25,0. ) ,63 Kellay, Box 82 Waynesville, O. Army flyer, received a radio·tele- following yeal' resulted Ruth ~ays , I think I woulU try to be a , TOlal L lalJl1lt1es '" 4jj2.71.7,06 7-11-18-. ChllndJel.', president; L.!titia Ken - little more sympathetic with my phone cal1 that saved his life, JIf:n.()~.nd1lJll' Loall8 a nd -, rick, seCI'ctary; NettiEI Emr ick neighbors, II little more generous Shortly aHer he had taken off, he Tn ve~t>ln ntB Ple<1 ged to ' THRESHER ,SUPPLIES - B elts, , ' a little k inder to every ):}ody and beard this startling message' from treasUl'el'. Se(1 ~te l~lahllltl s Ullited Stat. O'Overnm nt . p ulleys, 'babbitt lnetai, oil cups., The office!'s liS well a all present ~ .l ittle more tolerant and forgiv. the Department of Commerce radio obll \l'atlon s. <.I I reel a.nd injectors, lubricators, steam and feel greatly l1debtedl to the mg. . station' at Cleveland: (01' CUll y gllMant ed 68893 7G r IYOnda, 8t~k", nnd .. water. gua,es, C\1&ge . Iass, oilen. "Calling Ray' Brown in Lockheed p eo'ple of tbe communi~Y' f<lt' their . Life is a rougb road at beet; it Olb B eurltlEl!I " " .. , .. "... 11 bU 7.lO paeking, luctlon hOle. tank p umps', this enjoyable IS tull of odd accidents and unex· 1.0lllla a.nd dis counts ... . 3, 00 .00 pipe valves an d ftttinp.NC 539M. Your landing gear is gone, aS8la~nce on " The Callina Ray Brown in Lockheed NC occasion and especially thank p ec~d upsets and its end 'howTola l l'le dg d (excludlnA' Bocklet Co "I'" W ~ i S" redlHco untS ) """ , . $78,8 1,2 & " ,,, • ....a a .... 53914. You have lost your righl ~hose who prepared the tables and ever glorious it rna)' b e is' never Xen ia, Ohio. Phone 860. served the dinner so ef~c~nl1y. a very desirable affair. 'A friend· Pl edlr<)d: wheel." ' (a) A p;nl n s t. cll'oulatlng 6-112·27 '1-4-11 OU1' next meeting ~lil1 be the Iy hand da p, a cheering word, a Leaning out of his compartment, small favOr lo a friend in needBrown discovered , that one of the fourth Sunday in JunEI 1936. (c~Ol'1.g~r,:::t"n~~'~'flc" ·' 60,000,00 F OR SALE-A nice Uoe of bOK D. W. the e. arter all, lingel' longest in fl\nd~ ot )';lalc~ . COll aatatiooe-. 14 abeeta ·"d .... e -shock atruts and the wheel were li II. school !5latrl c ll ., _ _ _-'-_ the memory and in the heart. danlllinB in the air, so thaI ah effort or 9tMr lub<!lvtatorlli velopee t or lie ; ShOW-Pat, 18 ~ay they not be, rill'htly consid· or municipalities ,... . heeta and 11 .D"'lo~ for 10 to land hi. faat plane, which had to Letter Roea" ered, the greatest t.reasures of our be let down at a very bigh .peed" , Total P,ed.e4 """ -::-::-:---1 C_Db ; wued paper, "hIte ....a. brief journey throul'h the years! The following letter Dleant allllost certain death. of Ohio. Coullty ]la,.. paper aaptllll, at aueHe I hope the pusilll' days have Btat. l. I~, M . H~llcle r.o n OtIIce. He immediately turned back to- tilll' BIlI'net was read dealt gently with all who knew union of pupils af above'namecJ. banlc ' ward the Akron airport, where he .wear t.hat -the alloT PIP"" VALYES and l'ITTINas ~hool dilltlict whlch and loved me in those old times. trulII to tile belt or e "", knew aa emergenc)' crew would be bope th~ young people of today al\4 belief. I Lytle on Sunday, Ju tor Water. 8~ . . . on band with fire extinguishers. I. M. d...a-..are III'- happy a we were Jool' iii" OM\ to all --.... As he lidellipped the plane in for t believe that Lytle ia a good m ith Die Ph~iI'" • a aiqerq landl ••• the brokea Itrut to b. in. No I .upped back ~ aoctllelcl j1t1t ~~

-- -----




F. T. Martin Auctioneer





Or No Charce

Centerville, Ohio


Stanley &Koo~er Auctioneers,

Quality Prlatlal




Nlaml, Gazette



CLASSifiED. ADS. .......







===='=_=_="=_:-_=-=-=-=-======-=================- .=========-====:;:-

Promoting Confidence


Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State' Capitol Oolu mb u8, Oh io, J uly-Th reo sultB of th e fi fteenth a nnllal vllca· tio nal ag icult ut al judging contellt , held May 31 a n d JU liO 1 at the Obio State university ~n conjun ction with t h e seventh a n nu I conve ntio n of the Oh io Asociutlon of F utur\! F a nnel'S of America, were a nnounced I~t


1'('lai1 .10








Irs .SHORTER i:o~

Beech Grove


}Ii. ~ .' oy ...•



week by th ' vOllationai agl'icullural divi,ion of th tate Department. of Educl~tion. l.'he t~m which won first honors in genel'al live l.ock j udging wa II'om 1I10nroeville and wa composed of L on Stein. Ralph T homas and Melvin Seha! 1'. with A. J. Bishop 11 in~tructor. The team was

gnnia, Ohin.

Thu,...dIlY. III'Ur Mr. Rnll ~, . ~t A , FranC!ia anel WHYlll~' ill., WIl.- llllll,nJ[ thn~' who tin ugh tel ~ haH Cor All wom~'n "lI\plo)'" returned home attl'nd .. d 1'I·III('h al (ll'! ('11 Hrinl' nftel' ~('v(orlll wel'k ... • AtlAY at Wqt \'Ilulh!l who an' ks: thll n t ~h, Wolin Clark, of L)'ll<, .In lil~t ~at UI'lIci)' ('V( 11 ing. ;101" YMI'8 oj' 111(1.'. AI'IlfO Unioh. rc(' ntly I' ceiv('d an intere~tin)! Dunn Ral' .JUI'"h~ \III ~ lin the Iy 100 stort!s in all !;~ctiQnll 1\1r". Mu ry T urke l'. Harold Rnd \(o~tCl' from Johnny Coates wbo, ~i~k l i ~ t In~t WI' k. ~tlltl' wi ll be c{wuretl in th Mis, c.' Lucile T ut ke., and Elizaf r ;;('\'I:ral monthl:l wn~ II 01 'mh 'I' Ve'Y, Mi. :heff)pr !'aid. lIt'(h ' lark I<P nt. th w k ~ nd at. of th(' Cla l'k household durin!: \Vllihondin~ visil.injf Roy 11I.1·k which time 1 11.' IP'o.luat'd f!'lnn and family, Eigh lten new i n~pectors have n add II to the! force art the Waynp ville high ~ch{jo1. Johnny Thl:! funcrul (l ~1. Tbe funeral o! am ElIi, a . S, ' nrur 'em nt divil)iOn uf th.. De- i now serving 011 the ~Iutlrl 'II WII ' ht'I J lit lhl' Frh nds prominent farm 'r of thill town B Rver aL Pearl Harbor, L. parlm nt of Liquot' ontl'ol in an ILtiwaii. The leU ~ r in part rollo\\' ~ : (,hlll eh ( til l a~l TU ('-.; <iIlY afternoon , hip. 1\11 ~ held at his home on nth ml>t tel ch1\,c out the bootleg"'1t! hUl'ial 11 1I" mad " irl the Mnnday afternoon, L. '_ '. B"llVCl· 1(<"1'. It was reporled by Alil'ed Sptin \: 'i 'ld C(,I11{'t"IY. R'v. Thol nl\Jr. and Mrs. R, Gaines of Pealrl 1-lIu' bllr, L. H , Humphr' y, division chief. The 111.1 1 y C(tl) dU ~ l !' J .,..;.......<I.LJu\:!J·"'I~ pent Lbe JO\lrth with June 1. lIt:l!) . le(';;. MI'II , H . ,,~. Hat-wn. incl' 8Fe in P<:I'sulmel bl'\nlj:s the t otal force uC im'l>cctuJ'R to nine- Dcal' Mr. IlITk: ~1r :-;~ l\l in nit' ColH t'1 ' 1',·11 d I \\'n • ••- - - We al'l) C rtainly havillg ~ \\ 11 ty.eight. Ever since H umphrey tuil·. anu IlI'ok \' he l' ul'm .. C' lI tCredi t ",uatherh I'e in Hawaii. It'!i warm took oflice he has boe sed ihf! need . ' ,' ixty groups of industl'i,d a nd the day lime but there Is a cuol Iy_ ur additional ml!'n in order to eI- inbrceze MI', F.tlWIIl Rand,, 11 who hu . ' coml1l I'cial employees and other at night. fccLively cUl'b bootleggjng. stat.. I 'm not going back La an b een vi siling hi.' 1181'e nl 5l, hU 5 r ~ - I group. obtained charters (or f ding that lh forer was not lar~ hi hum ,in T e nn!'ssl· ~. el!ll <'ledit union durlTlg June. Pedl'o wi~h th<' 1"lcet, ~ I got tr.ln s- t.urlT t.l enough to covel' the tate thorn aCCtlunt of raIn , Ill) banel l f fl' l d to Penrl Harbor f Ol ' Duty, oughly, '0 chunlt' in policy will Depr essi on cut OhiG's birth con ( 1' 1 waR he ld lusl we k. I'es ul!. from t.h increaSe in per- At pl'cscnt I am on tll U, ... Th" W, ,T. U, me t at. th e Tat , From L930 to 1\:133 the Beovel'. [will have duty oul her !lonnel, it wa said, 8, oUett Inst, I lIumlJ ~ r of birth s dro])pe.d more for the next two y aI's. ~o far home of Irs. Thur. day art rn n with H! vE"ral l than 2 :1 ,000 a year. But there A deel'eD e ot apPI'oximalely j'ln well satisfied, I like the :30,000 persons from ihe Istal;.e's \ cather. Ihe place and the people. !IlcntlJel Ilnd t\\ 0 vi ..itOl'" pl'e~- i ~ ~Ont e evidence of recovery, for in J!Ja4 !.h ere was all increase of " lie f rolls in July wa reported by A lal'g numbel' of the people ill ent.fis Martis Jan Welch. of about .1000, . ' ,Stillman. ~tate relie-f Ild- Honolulu ar'e Japanese, When Detroit. L~ visiting hel' .!l'randPar· 1 . luini!>traWr. in .making out <:ounty you Joo k oUi over the fields hcro cnts. fr. and 1\11 ' . W. W. W Ich. Thir tY-II in cOl'\oatls of grallllbuelg tary allotme-nts of $\),552.- instl:!uel of 8 elng corn, wheat, The {isse Rhea and 1!.'vt!lyn hopper poisoT1 llI'e loeated at 7GG for July. which is $5.51~2,76G e tc., yo u see pineapple!'>, sUFCal' 1c anon are vi 'iling relatives I stral~gic pO,i nls in alorado less than the amount I'equin.d in C::111 und grovl'S of cocoanut tr ees and fl'icndl:l hCI·c. ' anticipation of serious trouble. June. The budget was based on and mountains in the backgl'oului. 1\11- .and Mrs. W. T. Janlan hav!' Tne f ederal govcrnm nt supplied an estimate ' that 197,622 fumilies Th re I>.~re 165 s hip and b autified their ht)ml' with a n w the poison bait. ]t is hoped that and 6],359 single- per ons would tw('cn tifty and sixty thousand of· parch. -' the campaign will check the ne >d relief during the current fic el' and enlisted men in HonMr, and t\1J's, J. \V. nell and gra hopper pc t tor a number month. T~ figure.'> indicate a olulu this last week. That i. famil), vi sited in Monlery la t of yori!. drop of 36.874 and 2.210. re- quite a few p~opl to vi. it lie uil or s lIpectively, The feeleral govern- 1)lac at one InnC". 'J'llc m nt will pt'j)vide $7.500,CtOO of ' 1)J'!I~ticlllly took ov l' Honolulu the state's July telh!! tE!quirc- during the ·tay here. Every ments ' unt.! lh e staLe. it.~elf must ' Illnc a I)er on would 10 k he furni ' h the ba lance. Administl'll- would s e sailors, WI' tillman announced. Tht: ship [ am on now is goinK t.o the Navy yard at Pearl Harbol' Bet ween Toledo and Cincinnati for ovel'haul and repairs. Will Cosh re-sel'v of Ohio banks probably be in the yard for about Chart ed for the B ne fi t o f Interavailabl for lending purposes tate Motor TOIu i ts a Well as tht'LoG m onlh -, Don't kllQW what have advanced to the greatest Tra ffic Within t he Border S-fl~ Ohio peak since 1929, according to t.ha schedu le will be afLer we leav e the Navy yard, State Banking Superint.enden t Well. Mr, lark I'll have to R 'umu I H. Squil'c, who prc~dicted to Cincinnati as sh own herewith is The minimum wag divis ion {)f that a buying boom will boe. pl'e- cut LI,i letter short aSf [ wanl \..0 the shortest distance betw<!en the tho DelJal·tm nt f Industrial Re- cipitated a 800n flS private entel'- wl'ite to t.he rest of th e folks to two cities. Officia ls of t he State lations ~ ill conduct a l!urvey of )l'i . taps the accumulating re-. notify them of my ehangc in audress. Highway Department glve t h e l'etAii store to d t rmine the s el'v. Ev 1\ though thenl';S rv's Hoping to heal' Il'om you ,oon. wage, pnid women and boy eDl- or Ohio bank have inc:J'eased mileage saving as about 11 milell. ,Jonnny . ploye in ord('r find ouE wheth- .. teadi ly and rapidly, the demand T her c's les~ traf et' it i nee ~u l'y to OI'dCI' an ar- for loans still lags. Supe'rlnten. fic congestIon on ,bitl'ury millimuill wage scale, ac- u nL Squire assel'ted that "M oon t he Tole do-Ci ncinna ti S hort Line cordiJlg to an lUlnouficement by ;lS the people of t he state a nd its t han on any otber h ighway con .. Miss EJ ine W. Shefflel'. supel'in~ bu inc and industry become asAnothc'J.' good snd 1I eful man neeting t hese two cities. TheTe ton dent or the .:Jivision. If the ,urcd in some mea ure of t he gOlle to reap his l'ewuJ'd in Heavare far fewer curves ( no hai rp ins ) , UI'\Tes di 'clo ~cs low wag s a wag tltability of the financial position ell. . A. Ellis died at his home and a U railroa d grade c rossings bond of nin membel's will be the loan demand should show a n ar Harveysburg on la t Saturare ~ceptiona lly well protected. Incr ase," lnlll'ked named und r the aut.hority of a day vei ng age 77 yeat'!). Mr. By re ason of" Ellis was one 01 Warren ounty's ========~==============================-=:~ extensive the s h 0 r t e r hog raj cr, Mr, Ellis mileage, less congest.ion ' ( both on spent most of his life in this the highways nnt! in t he co mmul\1ss, ic Twp, lfe leaves to moul'n nities thru w hich t h ey pass) , fe wer hi. pas ing one son thl'ee daughcunes, and adequate widt b ters and a ho~t of fl'icnd . roadbed and bridges, the Fuucl'a l ,ervicell W l'e held al Route here out lined is a hi late home ' on Monday after big t ime-saver f or the noon at 2 o·clock. , • bu sy motorist-very probMisses Ruth and Edna Polson, ably a s much as two hours. ' af near Wellma.n are vi iting in Dayton, K . E. Thompson and Clyde AN ALL PAVED • Ilms met with what might hav HIGHWAY beet! a seriau accident on la t Saturday aIternoo n at the railroad Choice of Kno'!Jng crossing l>-e,l ow Corwin when the ..I~D a.... • The b a e k~ carin wh ich t hcy wetc riding Motorists bone of the ofstruck a nother car. No one was Origlnat~ and Sponsored fic ial Revolu. injured. Bolh cal'S were bad ly by the t ionary Trail. dllmaged. Sy s tem of Revolutionary P . C. Well. Rufus Robert. nnd W estern Ohio. Marie Well' sp n t Sunday ill Short Trail lJ anlilton, 0 ., with relatives and Marked its Association fri nds. entire length N w BUI'Hnglon was welt' repby historical lcaented a t the churc.h h r on markerll of the last un da y moming Mi FI'eida Ohio Memorial H a l'vay was looking aiter t he in· Commission. te rest. of th e pageant to bl!' giv 1\ For additional strip the 2nd Sunday in August at the map,s or any i'nf ormaUon a aI's ' reek c hu rch. Everyone I'elative to S tate Parke, is welco me, Pleas ure Resorts, Scenic Gla dys J ean Fairchil d spen t the Spots, Historic Shrines week-end w il h Miss Kathleen or the hundreds of other points of especial interest T hompSOn here. along this route, write Mr. a nd Mr. Ara Powell and son. spe nt unday with Mr. a n d WILBUR M. FAULKNER Mrs, McCah a and Mr, a nd Mrs. -sumary Bird Powell an d fam ily neal' OreSPRINGFIELD. OHIO

Ilwal'dl'd tbe Ohio Banke-r' Hoctilliun banm'r IInti the Ohil) StilII.' ( ;rtllIK,. II ill n"lll fall to the ----------Jl\nlin nld VIll'ntiollal Alo!ricultulul ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY C'UI1IHl",~ at Ku.n~Il!l City. Th .. ('11 ITO I I l('am W[t~ ~l·c()f1CI. (;I'('('nOIIce po..- -.. ....... ......... . ,.. No. III J Evlll ntered le. at W . )4 yn11eafi I' II I Ih'II'C I IlnlI K -n on (our. th , Ohat lu, Pa o.toft . ;: cnnd Olah. \1 S.'.cripU•• Prlc., ,1 .10 • Y... M" Uer "Th· dujr~' cattll jud~ing 'onte;:\ \\"8 "on by a "'urn from \Vulnut town hip. IJicktl\\'uy county. ",11O><e ll1cml IS wert" lIerman Tltll'X, J LY 11 . lU35 James Muody tlnd Howard Ree,l. "ilh F. T. Brown a ~ inbtrudol'. The' t am \\ liS awartled Ih l Oh in Pnlm Bun'au federation and In its currcnt , monihly ~1Urvcy, the Cuarant)' Tnl, t om l,nny of Fal'lll BUl'CtlU lnsul'Ilnc 'Il. trip New YC)I'k ~lIys the death of NRA has hl'lnt'd free bURines "of I,he [eat' tv lh' natiunal con~l' "I'. Th of puuitive mea8UI'e~ and ha. pl'omoted confid nee that is th I: unda~wnt I' tealll Wlil; ~ c "lnd, Ihe tion stone of l'ecov l'y. . ;hartl{)n l am thi rd and thl.! "T h attitude of govemmenL tOWII.1·d bu ~ int'~ should be I!llC of Lynchburg .team fourth, The co n tructive a!i8istance. no\. one 0 f I'cstl'iction." it !;wted. Houston te~m wOl1 t.he Cl'Ull · "The limo h" llTl'ivcJ not to I!.ltlll' OUI' onstitution but tel pel'mlt id ntif\cpti J n eonte·t; Ihe Fred· busi ne M to tloi e its ow n problem, as iL has in past depI' sion, free' el icktawn leam the milk judgin'g fr,o m poll leal dominaLion bhal ha apI' ' ud uncel't.ainty. undemlineu and the ml!at j udgin):! contesLs; C nfld nce, and brought di COUl'a ment. lhe Tl'io l 'am the \\0 0 1 jud ~ in~ "Certainly by this lime it , hould be l'ealized thnt tht' govcrn- and ~radc identificati on contest; m ent's hunicdly conceiv d plan ~ 1.0 flccompJish both J't!co el'y uno th LeiJanoll team th poulh'Y reform by the flame stroke not only hl~v been unsuccessful but. ~ave judging contest; the ,u nbury l ed to such confullion !lnd have 80 wakened I.he'confi<.ience of bll!iilness team th e agl'i 'ulluml e nKinee l" men that t.hey have largely d fated theh' own purposes nnd have PI' - in", contest; aud the Brookvill ' ve nt d natural recupel'lltive fore s from asse l·ting themselves. l am the sh t'eJ) j lHl ging c ontest, The f<'dcl'Ul plan uf !;elee tion of " It is al8() time 101: the people of the nation to call a halt to N:c kleM government -spend1l1g. . . ,We hay nau two. years Of. pl~ncd lhe> judg..:S for t he . tutf,l RUTH' nle ~e~~o~l'y /lnd \vili,? lesale g{)Vel'Om nt spending. whIch have d1!!coul'ag d court and f or th e courts of 81)In lttutlve nnd pl'lvate business and hav placed hCflvy bUl'd ns. PI'cs - 1p al was rcco m mended he re llls t nt ~~d future. ~n the should e rs of the. la~PQy(LI:,. wee k at th e anllUli1 mee ting ~i In proportIon to the cost thc gam In bUSIness durang> the la. t til Ohio tate Bur assuciatalion, few y at·s have been exc edirlgly small, , . Under the sys m proposed lhe , To what xtent privat.e bll sine's will he pel' milted to piny 11 ,' judges would be nam -d the leadi ng ro le in the proces of r covery d )le nds. Il f course, 011 future gov rnor with Lh consent f lhe legislation; and the mor cauti lIsly bh governm nL proc ds, the senate and they' would h{) ld ofmore ocnfiden Iy private bu inc88 will go ahead." fie ' duting "g od b ' havior... sub1'hc survey characterized the Sup me our's r ee nt l'U1I11g as jtcL to l·ClllOVo.l only · by imlJ ach"(me of tlle monlentous · decision~ af the ourt'o histol'Y, . .lt reaf- III nt l1I'oe ding ~. A Rpceial bar firmed the fu ndameht.ul principles up n which tllis nation was ll Sl:lociation c()l11\l1itt~e I'ecomfounded and gave assul'll nce Lha!., .bureaucratic ·planned cc.onOITlY mended I'eol'ganizali on of the cllnnot prevail again~t the ollstilution. . tate utiliti s· cOIl1I'nil; ion and a "U nl(;ss furLh I' re trictive I gislatioll is attt!mpted in d fiance of change in orne of th t he principle laid down by th ,'upreme ouct. natural l'e upe~ative .ion's financial practices. It was forces muy assert. themselves with Ie 8 hindrance lhan in the! recent alleged that the commission has pa t." diverted ~omo of. it.:> a- ~SlneDts from utility companies' to olh r /tovernmental uses, which pra tice. it was aaid, hould cea e.























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Th. abo... lIIap .h_••r.phicaU~ tI.e 'Valum" and claar.eter a' motor traffie Oft ,h. _a'. h+c"wa~ dllr" 1t'4 . . OOIIIpiled by th. Tralic ...... of .... Ow. Hi,hway Departme.." width. of th••haded ar_. of the ftria .. roMe ... i . . . .perti_ ta .uir napMthr. . . .rap tot.' 'V.hicular tnaic per 24 ••• r 24·"lIr ...1_- .f .... . . . . . or truck tnlic it a1wrWa ..,. eltMr eo'" of ecaW wicI~ or ..,. 'hlk•• Ii.... ia tile ceater of - - ...... Ia order to . . . the lat• •lIiac. . . larae citieI &b•

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(' lIll' innali, l' alll'd on a nd . .11<>01 111111('



hu' (l hl {ri l' lhl \\'" l t ~I' C\u l'i..

~t n l\tln y,

!\h'" Fl'/lnl, HUg"' I" hll" 1I(" n li s , KlJu \11'1 11 11 11 , II I l1 u~ l,m , •\uit,· ill f ill' 'l'\ 'l' r, I "j\ ~'., I, "lll'll< l ln~ ,I'n 1 111 .1 ~'~ th i ~ "l,,,k M,,, lin d )lI ~, .l nll l'" ,fohll" \I ('t't:' li t t h l' hl) lIl ~ 01' MI', nll t! )1 \'~. 11 (0\11(' 1'1'[1 11. lIaY("1l -"'\' I'a l \lay. ,\ I11'n Ellllick .


('a ~h , ~dll "

.,f till' g un", l'l" ' 1' in

" Ill I l'J(l't'l lO h" >\1 lI f h!! 1' ilt' nth Oh ill iii .. tlmn t d u L ,1 ~,UUIl, U OO T il t. gaUlt' Cl'oll is 1'(' . \l, l!i l'h j,t' l' Ut'll'd .ru l,I' fi at th home Ilnnu I111 ~',



F ri .'lI d, of J\UO Il (;aln~' J tl nt'~ •

Shorts and Middlings

Elli-, 77. l 'I'~)mi n {!lI~ ,If In'r till uj,fh l,'r. b:,lith ,J. Lint.o n, ~ " o m.. iUIl\, 'II~(I , f(lI' II finall ~i nl l Ul'IIll" ('r or • n(l,lhlll,(lIO. IIccOrd Quite :I Ilumil,'r [, tnt he r , a'" /' I l ' \ II tIl'" J " II " in P ro ntlclcl, Pen n~y l\'an iu, = HIIlH'1' III "Ol'"n '\ "' ... ~' " inr.~ to La\\ I'enl'l' r:. Jl iek!; of lhe '\ ill no,; 1" in "Lif., B l1l!;ill ' fit Iilf <ll'd B lI7i('k and R:llp h Smith ,I) nlol'nill!!" ,Iuly '" ut his )\1-", Jon~ ~ \1'11 >' 77 reul. o~ ngr, Soil ,onM'fvlltillll ~"I'"il' of thr [o'"tl~' ." nt the \\'aYI1('~vill(' dtl\' \' ith Iwl' !'lIrent,: MI', and l r~ ,' ~H1" ClIol" 1ll'1l1' \ l\rne~ville, 1, Ilol'lIt th" ",,(Ok -t'llIl at In tl ian Luk,· IHlIlIl' t\\ll mill's ~oL1th of Il tH\"':;~- ~h~. '\1 a, hVl'n I\lld I'lli~~.d in Ihi!' l nil d Stllll'~ JI"/lUJ'tJllt'n\' uf H)('utll' • Ulldl\y ('vt'nill.j!', 11', and 1\1.", H~\r\'l' \' BUlnl't IllllK, f,)lIowing nn illnl'~s of ,ix vicinity und Wft, a , istel' of thl' Agriculture, In ', ~lun' ('llrll)OI1)", ill ('Om, }\\ r, nntl ;l11'~, J hn Pl('slln W t ' lI\"nlh~, I llite I h , Thomas g lll'l'WIlOIl, l'I\lly wllh fl', alHJ lr~, W , F, lInti )]y , Mal'gal't't Jvhll ~ ~Jll.'nt )1"11<lu), in Dll~·ton, in incil1l1llli, \\'1,lnl' day, ;o;ul'l'ivillg' I rl! hh! ~on , Ruy, a nd - -- II\'l'k , uti ' ndNI lh .. P"IINl family Farm I'ii whu ohtai n reed, ~~ d, "'rit'ml, hIll' m'l ~ol'l'y to 1('lll'n MI' un i i\Il'~, ,rllme~ Love ly IIlId th'l' l' dllllghle l's, M.?rll! anu label, ' TI ME FOR PAYINC 1'I'lIl1i"n. III th e bllIYII' o r ;\11', tine! f,'Ii.ilizc l' lind othcl' fal'lll ~ ll ppHe ' ' ' Il' t.' ( ,I TAX,ES IS EXT E NDED ~r.'~, Brut! n nt ~lll'l ng-n 'Id Oil th(' lhllt, \{obcrl :-;~\llnk, Iitt\t' gl'IWO - . Ila Ul: thl'ou~h thl il' OWh " rvicl' ol'~l.\ll­ CI s pent .'lliluny at al hl)nll' un u" ~l n', 1"11\,' Yill, wh , • SOIt Mr, allll l\lr~, Bd LOI1!!,llcre F' '\ r liv's in i ndiana, 4th. i1:atiulls will l'xamine opel'l1ling M~, ,J. B. .T/lll\'s alld MI'>j, l~ ....·ry ill at It is horne, in Uayton , !l~ t! s. Fun'l'Ill St!l'\ ice' WC1'C Iwld ut i 'Pimc' fill' N1YII11mt o[ J un 1'<11' tw dny~ tit thl' levllll l h 1111HIII' V!')' BUr1let , took Pill't in t h., Mrs, JO~I'l'h Um:si. son !lntl 1\11', and 1111'~, H ut'I'Y Taylor, of th reHid nee Monduy afll!r1HJO n ha h 'en cxtendllU t \lgu~t Ilual l!'~~i() ll or lhl' AnwricH n l1lel I'y, 1. .. 1lIlntllllllth"I", " pro/tram of lhl' dnuKllt ~r lind :III'. Eva lIaint> of )1 iUlIlisbul'g, were gu ebt~ of II1 ls~ wilh burilll in A1iat~li In.. ~il\ltl! of 'O(1POl'util'n lit 01'' _ - '~ T--Eo B. l\1U RELl" Grnng at Wuynl', ville f;aturdll) Piqua wei'l' week-end guests :.t th e Lillll Renham, Tu<:~c.lay, nl.'l1 nivt· .... it~' Itt ,Ithaca, New <.v nlnjl', homto' ~.f ~ll', and "[r~, Walte r ASSOCIATION MEETS '1'1 as un'\, of ' · Iln n llnty, YOl'k. July l 1i t.o 20, K lll'ick, ;\li,8 Stella LemmOIl. of Dayton, _ _ _ ___ 'fr;<, ROI\ ('nil ZrITtntBO of X-enitl \\r It r Inl':k Hflet' bcinJ,! ill for i- ~pe nding a few week wit.h her ----, IIn,1 hC't :l0 11-ill-IIIW REAL EXHIBITION tell we..-k: is now obI to be ou 11 mother and oroth('r. III Ling of lhe Funeral Dirllc.; n O l\1l' ~til' ()\nl'(lti~iol1 in ttl flll' m of '0 1 Omlll'j;(nl'lllC fllrni:he rl :::::~~======-::===~:::=-I 1'1.''' millllLI.'S at 1\ time, tOl' Association of the 10th Dis;\11', and 1\11'8. JA'e Mendenhall Aft's, liffol'd Buzick and Ml\, t,]'ict wat; hcJd at The Little l nn, \ [1\ un df<ll't 1.0 ~ tll'n a lilLie (!X- mOl" than eight timo~ the "olnnre of incinnali WCI'I! Sunday ,a fter, W, G, Sqllil'e~ Wl'I~ DaytQ I1 vi!i\i- Moncltly ni gh t. 1'h ('l'~ wus u gOOd l lnl P'~Ckl'l mOlll'Y 'ful'scla)' night o f . ubstitutcs IIlt' mel'!can bulnOO n g'uellt' of l\lr!', Alice ('lark, t"r~, Fl'iday, attclIdance lin d a fl)Ur-~llul' II lIin· lWCl .Ixt cn -yeul'-old boys Pltl on tel' thtl n impol'lEllioOl' o f forcig n . 1r, ,11" lr', , I)onllld H',dlev, I1CI' IHtl e ti ed the llu,illo"~ , :!, iOll , , all e.l: hibl iOn IH'ize nl('ht, in , n buttlil' 811pplied, during th' first • ,,~ , J Mr, and Mrs. harlcll James :\t:ld !-\id ~ ~how t IH at 1\ em'nlval in qUUl'tc,' uf 1935. it is a nnou nceu 1'111', and i I', . Th r1 Jon s and s n family . pent l:iullday with l' InUn's -7' -~ -~.:;:..=-= Lelmn(ln: b~' Eo W, Gnlll11l1itz, ('hiel: oj' th Milton, spent thl! nit t'nOOn and at Miami-s burl5' 110 w 1'(, fbt terh'd nJ(tillin"t th(' l'he boys' (' nlhu, iu~m was ,],til'Y >;('cHon of the AAA, JULY 1 2 - 13 eve lling of the 4tl1 at tho homo of rianL gIn. ",hill' n 1l1'le \\lltl'bed ul'ou~l.'d to , so high a pilch that " TH.E 110ME OF GIFTS" ~tr, and 1>1ni, Itll'cnce Hat'vey 1111', and Irll. ' hades hamucl's " , I tl h J I l L 1 jt'W~1 ,,;ru K M AR H nea l' lark il1o, of ])nytoll, W 1'1' gue Its of J , p, her limp uncorl;; i"u~ form COl' 1 111 t ,H~ go t. 0111 an, \' )llOon, E NT ERTAINING CLUB un ll Lebanon, Ohio 1\1 d ttl Waller K 'k Fromm and fnll1ily In t ThUl _day, hOIlI " ncanny lind clc I'l' 1', th~e ree I\'e d a hl'ok n !lose, /Iud L (' D' :-iT A ('I-; B EN NETT r, an "8, cnrlc hypnoti, t' nnd tht.iJ' ,ubje('ts. Ilrd Fl'nner, Wayn f'!lv ilt .. , 11 broken Ill', nnd , 11'1', L, B, II all t'l1t "EXPERT WATCH in lind Jamf;'S Hai n II attended tho Mrs, Otto ~ bold and _ _'_ hand. UlitH'd lh£' Wnyn 'ro\\"n hip REPAIRING funeral of MI'l~, Jacob Gabnelm!lll, I.(' titia chat2iman, of Th\! 101" (or high l'IlI.:i~ conct>I'l B,.l h were trealed by Dr, E d- FUII1I rl' <'Iub today, At her ]al rcsid~nce, in aytoll, , pent W edn Ilday '11th musi muni f<'st.!i ibelf in a mosl \\lll'd Blair. U.iD, Only Genuine Materials t.urdllY morning, and a lso ihe 1\1 W R unusual millIner the olhcI' 1l0lln, omedy, "Gi rl fro m Paru dise" P UBLIC SALE ., ' I t V ' S' - " t ' r~, , , lit? I'. uUl"la a mc !>Lee.. em(!' ery In An ampliryin ~ truck parke,1 un SAM A, E LLI S Prompt Service , incinn a ti, in t.he a,ft el'l'IOo n. t Patsy, ]itt1 dUUKhwl' of Mr, and Ili}th ,tr t in [N llt of the Slnic JULY 14- 15 1 will uffcl' fit Iml}li' 11 at W, Irs. Ia l'y Boitoott. !\II', and Mrs, L J'en ~adlcy, nee Jea nnetl I l lou~l' was caUse fot' a g o~ly .'am A. Ellis, , on of L~t' ~l nt1 :ll'd Sll'('('t, \ oylll1llville Ohio, S tor open unlil ! 'p, 111, .n; N A RTflUR 1\11'8. Frank B row n, Mr, Cress Janney , ha been very sick rOl' c!'owd !'l'atlll' I'cd, () n the OI1Poslte miza R in)( Ellis, Wll~ born and SAtu l"day, July 20. 1935 Bo itnott and liss s Betty a.od severlll days, sid " The -nothing sympho nio Octobcr 18t, t 1'17 ll1111 \l1I,; ,ed VI T R JORY Mr, uno 1\[1" , Buzick educLi ll n l)(Hll'ing fOl'lh [rom the aWIi)' J uly 6th. 1!1:!1), II 1 0' 10 'k p, Ill. t.he folio\\,Mildre l Boitnott of Tippecanoe in Citl', were week-en d g u ste of Mr. '1ilrOl'I.! "loud epeaket. ", Iltop th,c tl'l~ck '[ I', "~11i wn, the last survivor in!{: a nd MI' ,' Guy :Routl!;~hn an d dau~h Hntl chi hI!... n and A, L. King SlIW \\ [I S ~pl'inkl d WIth melodiC strll lllS of hi , fiye brolht'I'~ lind l'i~t 'r', He BIn ksmithlllg '1'001 ancl l atel't I .. flss B tty B li~~tt 1~l'nHlII\- the bull gum in incinnati, T hun! from , ictOl' /Ierb c,l't. I WlliI bol'll and pcnt, hi ' whole life lal,5-h Ie g,soline ngine, a good Shod rce1. "R o u ~e Whet'e 1 cd tO[' a two \\'ccks VI!!tt With her day, , Wh ich arouse;, lhoug,hts of tlt n \Jt • UllI e fitI'm no\\ c upied b~' one: 1 IUl'g lJlI\\~ I' Emlll'Y Grinder Was Bom." and F o x News co us ins. ' MI'S , 'i d ox a nd little sori, of vil lage banll ~tllnd thallI!, 0 mllny his family, p()We l' grindel' wh el ; 1 FUTl;e, n l esdam~"S Allen Emrick, Elln 1111111i, l;-!Ol'idll, who a re vi it.i ng towns ha ~too<l ~ n otblnf{ mo rc n ptemb l' 2, 1 2. he p',lrtabl> !,e, good; 1 Anv il, 1 IlOt', 1 dl'll1 Ill"~, 1 crewplat I T wo !; howi<- 7 :00 & 8 :30 p. m. a rma n, J , B, Jon~s, Iyde Whal'- l'clatives bere, left Tuesday for thun a la nd-murk fill's vera l yc~rs was ll1al'l'ie d to Allcc Mo I:e, who X-RAY WORK ADM , lOc-15c ton lind Walter Kem'ick attended ' hicagu wh I'e they w iU be g ue ts but of late so- m t.o lie geUllIg tii (I pili 3, HI:.! 7, To them I n w; 1 11)0 III gl'ind~1.olle, 3 bo lt BLOC ANESTHE SIA n a ' r ceptio of the Ladie ' Aid , ()f c\f Mr, 0, 's s' ter, . ome, ~ urpo8e u! u~e. In ~l~n)f w(' r bom three ,o n ~ and lhree cutlAi' , ,dl'i11 pits, H ummers, 10 ablles, t.>spe.cllllly larg~r cI~le, s.' daughlel , Of th. so n , Uol'oy i Tong', IlIl\ch el'!;, ~i~e l~: <'tc . etcf' I.~~~~~~!!!'~~~~~~~!!! l ha M, E , church at SpringboIo. All Kind, of Dllllture. Made l' ay aite rn on, lOt, lIfi Flor:'11'. aud Mr" H oward Hll l'l y th, unuay mght con~ eLt gl\,~!l the only !'lIl'vivot, l1:lI'l e)' died : 1 good Hot ~ h ,aI'" T hl, ,tock ? Repair ' Work Done QuIck" enCe Kleinhlt!n, a nli sion 1')' of anti children, or l<ingnllln; II', ancl, eVl d e4IC of II new hIt! by ltl! ,May IJ, 1906, a11d Glenn pu , se d 1 ools and ~n,l\tenal IS cle~m 11 nd lTI ingapol' , billa, Who i' h Illt' lln ,Il"', Llo:.d Duvls li nd so ns w'r mal' ke-d attend an~(l. awtl!)' J uly 6, 1 ! 7, gOlld condltlo ll. a vi'lt wit,h hl.'r par('nt~, 3tr. Ild <iillnt,r guests of Mr. and ~hs. T~e bu nd-Iltand 111, my hGllle lowl1 The t hree dllughters Mohel Terms ca:h , )fain St, WAYNESVILLE, O. Mrs_ Cl'is Kleinhi n. JIi"i h Oovis ullday, w hl ,h was t it setttlllg Illr many a I rIc a nd Faye, now 1/s. V iu of I H , E, A H'rERMAN hl1 ' B trm, ttI wh o I i k making • Havid . of yn lhi- sen tllnehntaI nole, al,as long be-en I'ol,tl"nd , In U"iana , a le all 1l'vt'n~, SC Ul'''' Auct, _ _ _ _ __ h d llt~, J ohn F, .. .. · h I lIS ome tl a t(.\I" , ar, a nn, nd ;\lr, lind Mrs , Paul gOll e, T, er e has never bee~ n band All:'o 011 grandda ughlt"}', 'frs, I n to n if opl'ration;1t Blair' Ho - Garb r nd hildl'<'n, of Coviru,-to n th l'e s ine t he on, to whIc h I be- Hh'a Hlll'tnlall. lind her :lo n L eo I U•• pitlll 10nda ).'. _ --_ Kentucky, pent. Sunda y wi th II'S I~ nged, I playe d loud corn et, but H, Ilart man, of Wil mingt() lI, Oh io, I THE MIAMI CAZETTE AnH!lia , iII illlll:!. • mce then a l1; hal chu nged. I n 11'. Elli 'long and honol'able t ho, ~ days lhe loudes~ were the life of ovel' 77 yeaI' was 'pen t in I FOR RESULTS .".,.#.....c.. Jo'o und_ A man's f It hfjt in II t. the ind u h'Y of hi. farOl , 'ur - -.:-:=~=~_=:::::-=======:: Th e co t of a fun e ral service is Mr, an d M r, it e, of in cin - Ke nn t h H oug h" a uw lI1011ile. The a ttitu de of -;;-;;ed,a i n pop u- roun ded by his fami ly, he Ji ved a - .~­ ntirely d ecided by the wjs~ of nat i, we l'e d i n ner g uests at ~he Proba bly llu t t her e b y 1l1is t.akl'. lar you ng lady s tl'ikes m • us b in g qui H and kind ly life hl hi~ beau our clients, ' Their choice of a HOln e Wed nesday. wn er c an have sa m by calling qu ite uliu slia l ill tlhis da y an d age tifu l hom, Ii Wll11 upr igh t in alI I cas ket and nece ary accessories M rs, Margaret Ma r'tin spo<."nt at the Ho ug h ho me, he recently to ld Ol e of br eaking a his de llings with men, gen erou s I i influ'e nced by n o attempt at T uc day with Mr, an ti M\'~_ J. L, da te to atten d Onl e gala eve nt to til e poor, obli in". to his neigh Mrs, Atny Wal w rs nnd M l'S. w i t h a hopef ul suit.OI', pOn i nq uit· b ol's, faithfu l t o h is fri nds a nd sale mnnship on our pal't, We Men denha ll , ;fol1o~ theIr desire closely. ' and Superinte ndent lin d MI', Ho'\'- Minni e (love\' 8 11d grandchil dren, ing why, he sa id; "1 ju t couldn 't the protector oi his fam ily , His gue ts of mis choir pl'3ctice. ' keep the total cost to a s moderate c ll P e irCe ca lled o n relativl,!!\ and 01 Miamisb urg. w eT ' ml'tnory will be cheri h~ b y tb oBc a figure as their choice diclates, , f ri ends near e lJua Sunday a ftel'- their co usi n, f rs, Alvin imps on, n 81' a nd d ent' to him, Wedne day, pon lea vTr;gl'-;-;- ail'- how a noon , I I " • • • ,~ 1ay p('ace an d the love of God you ng fl ye r who had fl own in to I l'!lIss Freda H a1'Vey j oin ed 8 'MI' ,Mel'1e Kel'ns and lit tle wit ne s t he ve nt.;, no n halantly I'cwal'd his o u l. Amen , group of one-thou sand ex-pupils da ughte r, of leve land. were picked up t.h tail end Q his s hip of the taU! Pythian H om in g uests of Mt's, K el'n ' paren t, MI', 'Card Df Thank. Spxing6eld in 0. \'e llnion July 4, a nd 1\1I'S, J , D, Marlatt, last walke d it II1'0und unlil i t faced the direction , dro pp () it hopped in These 'happy evetnsare h eld eve ry wee k, We wish to e xpress Otlr ~Incc rc ~iNd.of. a nd was off in a Aa h . I f ell to th u nk s l o , a ll Lh five y ear. kin d f riends 9H0NE-19 Mr , and Mr, Ali ' Sellers, Mr, thinking whllt ~ln a we-sCl.'ik ing wh o mini tel' d to u ~ dul'ing the Mis Ethel Mendenhall spent t he WAYftlESVILLE, OHIO Four th in Dayto n and M I.'. Le lie Sellel's, Mr, and ilight tha t would have be n 25 ili lle of OUt' f a th l'r, Mr, and M rs, Ira Bigony, of Mrs. Roy l' eta and daughter, of years ago, Jul 8 V em e stuff like ly The hildt' n, unday dinner Pa"Sad en!l. IIlif ornia, and MI', and Morrow, w l.'re 1111's, hlll'l IS Yo ung , of Leban.on, g ue'ts of Mt" and Mrs, lyde ' were dinner g uests of Mrs. Mal'ia Bunnell, Elbo n at t he H (lffi e on Sunda y, WaYII.,.me, O. PhD•• 14 II Miss Rita VanOflen, who wa s Mi's Louise Hnt'tso ck, 'oi neal' Wilmi n{! ton, wus the gu est of h e l' stl'icke n with up pendiciti s whil e g randmother , 1\11'6. Lelia Harts ock, vis iting at t he home oI Mr, and Mrs, Lee Bal'llhart ill Norwalk, is Fl'iday nig ht, r e covering and has re turned to MI'S. Ada J e nkins spe nt Mooda y Brill. Your Can. hcr h'O tnc' hel'(l', in Wilmingto n, Mr, and Mrs, L ewis Edwards, MI', aDd Mrs, Jam es M, St ewnt't of Wilmington, and 1\1r , nee II I n J ones, of F lint, Mich., Dalton. of ew J el' y, wc re calling on Wayne-sville Mrs . Ada H. Jenkin ~, unday, fri cnds '~ tul 'day af ternoon, Mr, { !'S. Bessie Cox nnd litt le son, and l\1rR. Althoug h the Funeral te wart w ere en route I of Miami, Flol'ida, wh o have had to t heil' hom e afle r a 2000mlte lrip I el'vi e ode is no longer a roo m at lne Hom e fo r a wee k 01' lhroug h Al'kun!~a s, Tennesse e and , in effect, thi s firm will .j..I~lI!!.o!,r,.ep•.t; Tu ~8day ll1 o l'ning f or K nt ucky, s topping he re to visit , c ontinu-e it.s high standards _ wh r th e y will be gu ~sts Mrs, t e wal't'g old ho me" Bree zy ~ ox's s ist er, Ml'S, Audrey Hill Farm on the Lytle )'oad. Ml's, of ethic and business con1:itewa rt i ~ Ii daug hte r of MI'. and l dll t. Th e Code of our PI'OMrs, 1'1 :ank p, Jones who will be fession merely established y, F, M, TO MEET I'em e m ~re~ as ~l:!~~ esldents, nutionally t hose pri nciples L;lw re ncc and W illard F ",'hicb we haVe followed will e ntert ai n t he y , F , M. a t their s ince our founding, In the home, unda y eve ning , July 14, futur-e, a s in the past, we \~lth the f oll owing in cll I'ge: will continue these policies Lesson , Eva McMillan; devoti onal, Ra ymond Braddock ,; recrca in all relations with o ur ' by JUDSON DEAN ti onal, Herbert McMillan. s taff and the nublic~ RnlWl',t LillY i~ \' i·jtiu~ l't'h~tiVl''' in :'Il khij!nn lit the' PI' ?<e nt tmH', ' MI '~, ilonllid Jl lldl 'v ~p nl Tu< ,-

lit,,! w e('k "


:-;,IIlHI1,1 ..\ ,







Cary's Jewelry Shop

Waynesville, o •


-- - --



Affairs of Cellini


Party Wire

DR. H. E. HATHAWAY Dentist


Stock and equi ment to fill 'all your needs.


Moderate Cost


Friends' Home News

Everything -for Building See

R.H.5TUBBS 3idU!IU1l

W. H. ladden & Company

Develope~ Of Sanltary Milk

FOlr Babies Is Commelliorated


6Se' per Gallon

Ended, but

· clum Ca I Arsena -.. ..,____



rm;:;;::-l' l



durability and exquisite design , . -the hiahest ideals in plated ware-are assured m lpoon., forks, and fancy ~crving pieces 'bearing the rcoowned trade marl

1847 ROGERS BROS.T~.tE ana w.'

Tbere are varioul make, of eilverp1ated tableware ' ''-ich are claimed to be "just a. aoOd," but. like aU hblioa.. they lack,. the1__beauty ~• u ~ .Jwith.;L ' .1 • •• ~ ,

~7--"~=':~ I '

.;cie n ce ha s now brought forth a d vice de signed to pel'Dlit a pel'SOn who e l egs lire paralyzed' 01' oth Cl' l wise unserviceable to operate an automobil e, Not that I'm crabbing but i t seems that the marketing f such u device , is in some respects a direct assault upon our various highway sa f ety prog ra ms,





··SiIII".'Plm" I WMTI"" dealen E¥eryWbere. Seod far

Accor ding to to urist bo okings, p resen t indications point to th~ heavi at vacation t ravel since 1!J29. S UI'vey ' show that yarioll s transpol'w\tion compa nies are pI' pUl'ing t o handle a luger volume of I.>u In 5S , Some J'ail roads, have I'epol'lied u ;3 0 ,,{ inCI'NISe ov~r the l'aJl'l J'l d o« f ol' 1034, which certainl:? 111 un the pl'eSSUl'e of th e ucpl'c ss il/ll is d ecreasing, Some air and rail companies ascribe their revived business t.o concentrated intel'cst in new c.le ' jgn and stream lining of common ci!niel's. Interest in the speedy n w trains has become so intensified that many travele-1'8 are leavinl their automo biles a t home, Such Indication. prompt one to dis~ga rd BOme of this overdone depreBlion proparanda, At last my expectatl01l4 have materialized, 1 HaW a beautiful blonde Aleepins under a spell of b)'pno is In a doltn town dillplay indo • molesting 81ea re

J. E. McClure Pia.". 7

Waynesville, Ohio

Mra, Cleor!re Hiram Walker andber husband'. memorial. PLA INSBORO, N. .J, - Mrs. known abQut Banitatlon, eoW' health,

Ceol ~e Hiram Walker held he r head man health' and methods ot prepar. I'll .. el'~et andl fO'Ug,b t back, ~ering and qelivaring mille to the con~ '" !!he watched the unvclhng Burner which were safe nnd wholll1 It umelltaHablet to the ,rnemWorne He began at a li me when there 1 her late husband, pioneer " , d cr of sanitary milk for ba- waa practically no ra,ulatlonB of : ently on the 3 000 acre farm Health Departments on the nlethods elf en's Walker,G~rdan Labor.- of milk production, The organiza . it" Jmpany located here. Mr, tion he founded hlle continucd to be 1'\ was co-founder in 1891 of .. pjoneer in the dairy industry," l ker-Gor~on Cotnpany and Two hundred and fift, employees, It president. He died In 1927, of whom about 30 were connected l ow, who ,lives in C,h arlea with the company in 1918 when Mr. • (a .... \vu the donor of the Walker r"tlred I i ita aetlv, head, "ltnllled the ceremony. ProIe••or .1tmlirial wllt.eve" etanHo Frectenc W. Rowe, liead at the Home te tbe memory of him who Department of Pratt ' ~Ion of a superior quality Brooklyn, N, Y.. ntade the , intant feeding," declared phsentatlon. , Jetrere, present president tablet pan, bl bJt .peech of ao-




Eighty-Seventh Year





,rllck I'ane, 1II0n or \\1J". lllHl Mrs. Ethan ran e was se cerely injul j last Friday afternoon, whun hi hand was cnught in lh e vapcl' cuttcr at th Miami Gazette office. Two fingers of hi s Icft hllild wel~ Corn h Late But Other Food neal'ly Bev red. Crop, Promise C!3od The child was laken t() Miami Harvelta VaHey hospital where he I'CC ived FERA Stutl Survey To Determjne immedi1l.t, treatment, both H ngers ~:f1'('cts of the ](l a4 d" outh on were saved and be i ' now g tling Coat of Sanitary Sewer C)'ops al'e g'1'Ilduully fu<l ing, lind along very well. althou"'l1 Project '" prospects al' une" II in ~he val'iou s 'Scctilln~ o f the c</l1ntry



Meetin~ in special ~~ss ion M?nday night memb rs of WUYJlesvllle council passed on a pJ'opo~ed bugget of $7,623.92 for all ex· pendltures of the municipality ill 1936, This figure, comparing with a bu~t of 7,329.93 for the current yell I', will be submitted til the Warren county budget com· ll1isR ion. Out. of this total $2,842.92 is designated 101' general opel'ating xpen ses, $2,140 of which com " from gen I'al taxation, the r e· Inainder :from othct· Bo urces. Report (,)n' nn FERA survey fOI' lhe proposed Wayne ville sewage dispo al plant and ewerage &yst m, was arso di sc.ussed at the meeting. The survey has all'e~dy stal-ted under the s upervision of th FERA office in Lebanon, the en· lire (lost of which will bE- borne by the gOY rnment. Full details concerning costs and location of su ch a sy tem for Waynesville will be determined by lhls survey.


--- ~



Whole Number 6178


Mill! Henrietta McKinsey is visiting her niece in SClvickll'Y, P IInsylvanlll , Re v. G. . Dibert, A. K . llay and R. F. Hatfi 'hl werc in in. ci nnati, 'fue 'day. !IIII-. and Mrs. J . . fIuwk e wel'e S unday gu sts of 1,'. and Irs. Jes~ ,cal's, of Sabina.

Me. Walt r 'Sheehan 'is entertaining Ii er si ·ter, Mis Rebecca Dunllam , of inc innati, lIlI' . J . C. Hawke Mr. John Fromm lind Mr. Clyd~ Fromm wer in Dayt.on, Monday.


fi ~~es Th lOla Imd .Mary

nt.' I thwait suffe red minor injuries when th carin which they wcr'o l'iding witb H Olllard I1'0ns And I,thur Summ I'll, of Lebanon. Community to Devote We ek To coll id ed with another cur ncal' Neiarhborbood PI.y. and To HPI'illA' Valll'Y f!lturday night. Pagea.ntry The young men wel'e unhurt. The occupants of the other automobile which WII$ dl'iv('n Alex!IIHit'i n, a community in by C. L. Hudson, of J)ring Vall y Licking ('uunty, hio, i ~ planning .. d , I" " \\fUR ~e porteu, !I ll" RUI'IlI Dl'Umutics .FestivH.I" £01' were ulllliJ,ul'l! - - -.. AUKU t :H to !ieptembel' 2. The


C/~~:dw 3~~~rd a~; ~~l~! ~hn~1 e~~~~~


Mcmb(!re of "l'he Merry Darne " 'Iub, of ~ban n, njoyed 11. pic~ \\'ill be off:et to some extent by a ~_ dic at Wayne pa~k, J<'l'idAY ev ns lTIall COl n CI'Op. Fe d ~tock s l'U p . · 'illiam Talbot 20 yea rs old, ing, ;:Jlies are smnll, "\It funner expect farm hand uffCl:~d a compound dgh t leg and 1\11' • Ada ourtney has t'c umed to have about. Hi pel' cent less than fract.ul' of hi her duties in the Iibl'ary aft l' an average f\?ell CI'OP to feed to bruises on the J'ilrbt al'm when being abRClnt evel til days b cause about 15 pel' cent [('wer livestock, he Rt pped on wh eat on the bed of Hay HOp I' »IJnded well to 8 ,t!'uck lind lipped, falling backof iJlne ~ . f:wombk "eather, but in general W81'(1 into the b It of a threshing MI'. Bnd 1111'S. B I·t an lev e, of the. 4uality i i>OO,l' I" than usual, machine, wh en he was he lping AlXenia. wel' gue t of .1\[\'. and Mrs ? wlng \..0 un unlavorable hay mok· bel't Witham thre III at his farm, Oliver Davi' and family, Sunday Ing ~ 'ailOll. between M:a on and .10nroe, Tu es aIl~rn o·n. A lat "I' eslimate of hjo' \vheut day afternoon. Talbot was treatl~d by Dr, RobMiss Addie Modde.n, o[ North CI'OP forecasts II harve ~ of 42 Lewisbm'gj is here for an extend- milli n bu hel s, which i, about 12 crt Blair of Lebanl)j'l, and "mbe ed visit to her i l el'- , 1\1 rs. million bushels above I\V rag : The confined 'to the Brair h ospital sev-wheat CI'OP in SI)l'ing' and ",int ' r Hal days. ' W . H . Madden. wheat acrea i expecl;ed to I'cach Mr. and Mrs. Hel'bel't Doste!', of 731 milli n bus11els compared with ncul' l1arveys bul'g, Mr. anc\ Mn'. 496 million a y al' ago and 860 J. E, Fraziel' spent unday with million over a five· year average )lel·iad. Mrs. adie omler.

RELIEf ALLOTMENT A 10,000 erro.)· in the l'eport of July I' li ef nflPl'oJ>l'illtion~ f or Warren county wa annoullced by ollnty Director E. Tyl el' ::ihough following J'eeeipL of a t(llegrlllll and letter revising the o l'igilIal figur s re~ived by his office July 1. 'fh l'e\>lscd appropriation totals $22,056 a compared wilh a pre· viously announced figure of $:12,. 647. 1.' he enor, occul'Ting at ~ lumbus, \VII in th e appro priation fO l' wOl'k relief, the tlrst announce· ment indicating an allotm nt of over . 22,000 wh I'ea& it 'hou ld have been $11,475. The $lO,liSl appropriation 101' direct relief re· mained. unchanged.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd B, asH cmtertain d lhe Wayne Town hip Farmers' dub last Tbursday, in the banquet ro om of the MethOdist church. The ho tess wa a iEiled in sen ing the bounteous dinner by MI'. and Mrs. Ira Rich, MI'liI. Howard Graham and .Mrs. J. JI. ackett. A plea ing featul'e of t.he aftel'noon ,Wa!> the program, arranged by MIfB. J ohn Gons, Mrs. Gilbert FrYe and Miss Ruth Hockett iw hich was presented by the- child!'en a s follows: Piano solo - Ruth Conncr; r citalion- Ellen Moss i piano solo Rachel and bal'lotte Harhnan PICNIC DINNER Postma ter R oss, Hal'tsock reo HOWARD ANDERSON -:-Rox ie. C~roJyn Sac~ett; rccita- I who r ecently had their tonsil Te~ turn d home unelay from the FALLS DEAD IN OFFICE tlon- Dlckle Duke; PUl~O ,solo- moved at Blair ho. pital, Lebanon, l\h.. alld 1\11' • Joe Tinney enter. Blai!' bo in Lebanon where Helen Margaret Gons i vlOhn 010 aI'C getting along nicely. tained with a picnic dinner at he had lH>en confined for two H oward And<'T 'on, 71 year olJ, - Miriam ~haJ'toni dialogu Wa.yn~ Park on Sund!ly the weeks following Itn · e~lel'gency Pl'es ident of the L. G. A.nderson Winter Garm nts Cleaned nnd Roxie arid P.eo·y Sackett; piano and Sons LUll1b r ompnny, Fl'lInk Pres~ed. No exh'a charge for following: MI'. Ilnd MI' . Sh'el'l11l.ln liP )Jation for appendicitis. solo'arah MlUer ; recitationealing in Moth-proof Baga. Dry Hardin, MI'. and Mrs. 0, W. Th local official l'eport, that lin, fell dead of 11 heart attack ){uth Helen LeMay; r'ccitntion lement, lIfl'. and Mrs. Frank he is feeling fine, although he ex- Wednesday while conver ing with Jean Graham; piano solo--Wilma leaners, Katht'yn Mendenhall, fie IeI', Mr. alld irs" Rowu'I'd pcctl; 1,0 tak~ it e'lSY for a few business associates at the offifl:! manager. Dibert. Ber dene, of. Dayton; MI'. nnd Mrs. duys. of the tim!. He hud been in ill 'the gllest. peaker; was Dr. H. Mr. and Mrs . Ray Conner and Ellis Hardin and son and MI'. health, but had been able to at... ----'M. Williams, of Lebanon. daught I', Judy, ~1r. and Mrs. HeOl"Y Hes$ekel', of Now YOI'k EXPECT ANOTHER CCC tend to business duti l'S, and his Earl Holland w 'I'e Sunday dinner ity, lift's. Ida Lawson, of CovingCALL lJIURI~G JULY sudden death was a hock to relWEDDING ANNIVERSARY gu ts of Mr. and l\hs. Lon ton, Ky., Mr, and 1111'S. Harvey ,11 Lives and idends. Beckett. Pinkard~ of Cincinnati; MI'. and The busine 8, establishi"d by his ounty lwlie! Director ' bou!rh On unda~', July 14, Mr. and M 1'5, Tollian Lawson nnd family, sta ted this week that Warren coun father, is one of Lh~ olde~t lumbel' Mrs. Ira Ricb were the honor OI'VilJe J . Gl'ay, Chester Carey, M". and Ml'. Leonard Tinney and ty is scheduled for a C enroll- firm in the Miami Valley. guuts at a uTpTise dinn e r, the oc- Harold OsbOI'ne" Ru sell S A member' of the Masonic l odge, casion being their wedding _n- berry and Ferree Payne went to family, MI'. lind Ml's. Murrell menL this Illotlth . and that ,d efinite Tinl1 y and family, MI'. and Mr . infoml alioll should be available active in civic affuirs, Anderson, niversary. Cincinnati unday to s/e the hel'man Tinney and son, MI". and I\U S also 911C 61 the fOltJftrf1!ll'lrttf-t within u :few days. The invited guests were Mr, baU- gam e. 1\1(. . nowm'd Flol'cncc and He also stated that all war vetel' the A1iami Valley Chautauqua in and Mrs. M. J. Bailey, Mr. and . !In, Mr. and !iiI'S. Ro bert Werntz, an s :u>e eligible for enrollment in 1808, and was II- mem~l' o( th Mrs. GI'ace James, ot Mrs. Eldon Bailey and children of Emel'gehey onservation BQal'd of J)jrec!.oL·s ,at the time of Kingman; Mr. and Mrs. . C. ' W .. Center-ville, Ml' , ~atherine Long h I'!. OI'dia Tt'UIlX, MI·s. Margie the OI'J)S and that ftl I·ther informa- his death. Bradstreet and daugllteJ', l\1r. and liod Mrs. Edith Ernest, of Dayton, Lawson lind s n, Mis 'es neJen ul'v iving J'elaUves are hi widow tion r egnrding this set'vice may be 'Mrs. L. C. Lutl'ell and children, of were Sunday ,,"Uest s of 1\11' • Eliza· Hardin und Dorothy, Lee --.,.--:x nia; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hurley beth Lewis. !\ecur d at the locnl relief office. two daughters, one son, and a num bel' of nieces and 'neph ws. A National Celebration of Spring Valley; Mr. and Mrs. 'Dr. and Mrs. R. S. W eaver nnd Puneral al'rang~lllent8 arc inJames Baxter and son, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. A . .H. Stubbs were Jimmie spent unday in Celina, compl~t . 'Mrs. Everett Hurley, Mr. and M'rS. A nation'nl ce.lebralion of the called to Dayton last week be<;ause Their so n, John who had been Elvin Hurle~', Mr: and Mrs, Homer - - - -. flfty-s e\'enth year or cooperative of tbe death of Mrs: Stubb' i~ing relatives there, l'eturn~1 Hul'1~y and son, Mr. and , MT!!. vi livest.ock llIarketing will be held fat.her, W. A. GerhaJ't, which ocReacl Ellat e Foredolure. home with them. ' Leonard HUTley and daughtel', Ml' july 20 at GOodlettsville, Tennes· cUl'l'Cd at Good Samaritan hospital and Mr~. Richard Belton and son, Ohio real estate Dr. aile! Mrs. Bail ey Campbell, see,' Promin nt IIpeakers. in IIgricu(· atuTday mornjng. Funeral aer01 Dayton, Mr. and ,Mrs. EmrT]et whO spent the winter in Tulsa, tural circleK will comrnemol'ate the vi es wel'~ he:ld Monday aitet·· dm'ing May reached Baileyq and son, Columbus; Mr. OklatlOrna, but are now in Dayton, birthplace, in 187 ,of the COOpers n Qon at the Fir t Brethren 1454, involving 137 farms and and Mrs, Hartley Mos and ehil- were guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. E. tive lllal'kl't in g 1110Vement in Amel' church and burial W'a in Memorial L317 other classified as resident.ial iea. · , bu in ss, 01' vacant platted lund. dr n, Mrs. Reba Braddock and Witham one day last week. Pllrk cemetery. Ml'. and Mrs. Gilbert Frye. Mis Catherine Branstrat.or bas ========================-======~====~========= resign-ed as instructor i.n the SO~ BALL GAMES Wayne township high school '... Two victoriEi! .and two defeats Clinton county, to accept a }losi: were handed to the Faidey 80ft lion in the Morrow high school. ball team duririg the p~st week. Mrs. Cora Ba~er, Mr .al)d Mr~. Following are the results 01 the K p.nneth Ken, MI'. and Ml"S. Myre four games, three 'at home and Johnston and. R,obeJ:t Crites, of one at Lebanon. Wilmington, were visitors at the July 10-Fairley 8, Miamisburg home of Mrs. Ida toke and Mrs. 4. Ada Courtney, Sunday. , . July 12~Fairley 4, Lebanon M'r. &nd 'M rs. George Hart ock, Pres. 5. July 14- Fairley 10, Delco Mrs. El'nel,lt Hartsock, Milo Hartsock and James Griffith le.ft last Products 9. July 16- Fairley 6, Wayne Friday for Arcola, Vir¥j'inia, where they are the guests of MI'. an.d park, 12. Mrs. Rice Snapp, nee Charlotte He,d W..k'. Ga••• JUly 19-5pringboro, at home. Antram. July 21- X,enia, at home. Mrs. J. WilsOD Edwards; Misses July 22- Franklin, at Franklin. July Z4- Xenla Hubs, at home. Mary Leah and Marjorie Edward July 26-- Yellow 'Front, at and Mr. George Edwards, of Springf\eld, visited relativet! here Lebanon. Monday evening. 'Milllr Mary Le.b ------~ ~ remained and is the gueat thl! week of MiNea Trillena and Marpret Edwards. The Beloit Call reportl a agra••tecI bl an item in Mile Maravet Edwarda and her paper, went to • la,..,., ill Hal7 Leah Edw·,arct.. - ... wlIat eoahl be dODe frI mowH41 "!'be



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Kids Is Kids

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flRL T P EllTI 0 N5

ling of the Boan l or ',Dunst who hUll be('11 elected n memliCl' of the high !;c ll(lol leu('hing ~tll n', W8S l'C· Ita 'ed from )l iH (' (mtract and per. mitt 'd to UC<'tIH n high , chuol pn. ition in Ind ianll. 'hlll'I~" 1-:. :fl~nccr, of 'pl·ing. lit-·ld , wah Illpl.)yl'U \..0 fill th va . Mayor A. K. Day wm ~eek Po.t 'a llcy t'I' alNI l,y 1\11', Ihll 's t'~ l'(,~To Which He W ... ir'll<lli oll. Appointed


Fil'st nloyc of the "Off.Year" lo('(iol< to be held November 5, \\' 'I e mad this we ek with the cirulnlio n of petiti os by fOUL' office



M l's. harle. ook and SOli arl, harvesting of lot nof can . oft prevent CC)!'n next fall, in the of Lebanon, cnlled on )\fr·s. Allie aseaso opiniOl\ of crop rCI'Ol'tcl'S. /.>Ivis Wednesday afternoon.

At th~ 11Il!t me WII~"t' 1'o\\' n ~hip l·.d ucnlion, L ewi~


crop yield;; /lIa)' Ill' C)!cted to fe slival is believ d unique in that bl' all lit av r!l)!c un an !leI' 'l)g'e it i.' the first time an Ohi() rural t.h~lt is well al>l'\,c th(· avcl'age cllmm unity hll at.l mpt 'd thr ough plaYiI :lllt1 pageantry to d 'nlOlI· Ill'l'eag' of Jul y 1 a yeal' IIgo. Thi s is an intel'P I' lation uf lhe tl'lItc the llpplitlltion of dramll to Fedenll 'I'Op 1'l'llol'l as seen by rural ncil{hbol'ho od lifo. Jt' loyd eLa~hl1luU of th~ dePllr t----- A bout lO plays bodl ne-<let a ncl 111 ' ilL of I ul'al economic" of' lhe 0, 'I\III'S 'we t ,'hop baR(!ball three.act. will j,{. pre ·I! ntl.'d dudng . U. telllll proved liltl e opposition fil l' the festivlll by n ig'hbe l'hl)od In th nOI·thel'n btatel' or Lht' lil t' Wayne~ville 1\1 rchfLnts IURt g l' lipS. A Gi/belt and . ullivan droulh 111'1111, he ~my", fUl'IllerS' undllY, the locill a.ggl·egalion light ol>el'a alltl 111uys LY I) if}rill~ hay!! oyel' Otn~ the hundicap, of downing Lhe Daytl)l\ l'epl"l.'sell ta·l'urnl IIctivities uch a)! til ,",ork ~ h o l 'la~" f seed!!, working capital lives b the COl'e of G to 2. of the I{range, 4-11 clUbs and and wOl'k hOI';cs rea 'onably well. Bo!> ill' y had the MontK m l'y o th rR are t.o be includl'(j amulll( By \Vol king long h urs Ul y hllve county team ut his III I'ey LhrouJZh· the ~ntel't8.inment~. ucccedLd in planting lar'ger Ollt th{> Cllllle ~t, the two run they In conncction there will 8el·c.age~ of • pring wheat, bm'l ~y F'llI'e ti coming in the ninth Inning pllrailes a nd pageuntry- even 8 and nell( thlln se Illcd pOSHibll' ~I , the r(: ulL of an tJTI'OI' and a rural puppet ,how- combin(!d \\'iLh thr ec monthc ago. sCl'atch hit. a big commun it.y fail' gam s tint! In th(' centi'ul cOI'n belt the Manugel' Roy Ellis has t.he lotn l c ntest . ' About 600 PI' pIe willlak porl. Illllllling sea~on WUs .... et and cold tt'unI . cheduled ~Ol' a gnm e- next llnd in Il of th pl'incipal corn unltny at '. ablnll, where the No person ot h l' than c mill es a thinl ()f the intended acre-j t r hants \\,11/ meet the fSli\t te am mcmbeJ" will pUI'Licipate in mol" l1ge ' had not been 1>lanted by the of the :lihlon county town, 'han one vent. ftl'fl of J line. In !IIis ouri, where . 1l.~lIla a lways puts a good One of the play s will btl pl'e ' nt. w('aLhel' WII, pat'ticularly unfav or_ t alll I.n\.o the field a large de!. d beron! the American ulltry l)hle, 1\ third of lh COI'n 1\ reage ()legatl on of WayneSVI lle routers r Life Associati tl which m ct.'\ nt lIad not been pla nted by July 1. ex.\>ccted to accClll1puny them he hio S~ltc nivel'bity at QlIl i la and weedy in t.he thel' .:..... _ _ __ • . _ _ _ oillmbus, 'eplembel' 19 to 22. cOl'n bell. Only a lat.e favorable --- - - -


B()l'n to Mt·. and M,' . 'ylvr stt'l' Lamb, Thur'sday, July 11, B !lon.




BI\~i\ Smith Oll d family wen called to Kentucky, last week 011 account. nf lhe death oI a relative.

'\Il's. H uward 1cCunl', of FI'ank· [Olt. Ohio, was lh, linner guest of Mr. anti Mnl. L, II, GOI'doll, 'fuesday. MI'. lind Ml'. J . Y. Hart ocl ~ p en t , linda), ev' ning i~ Stn'i ng, bul'o, th guest Ilf .Mr. and Mrs, Abram


M kll" Lucy Emly ntHI MI'. and Mr·s. Ed Wuollnl'd WIlI'G at liomi Vall y h uhlll(jua, Sunday aft j'. nOlin ,

Mi!l " .Jl)s ('phine Danta and irs. H rl11an 'u I'fac attended a fu II Ill'll. I in Lebanon Tuc, day after Illlon. ;\'lrs. f1at'v y HYe and children ha. 'I'etu rn~d home after 11 pit-a. lInt Visit at the home of her !;i~tet' in CI:U'leston, West, Va. ~11·. and l\fts. Lc ~t r Su I'fac and daughter, Miss Dori, WCI'C , unday dinnel' gue;ts of Lawr nee Surfa'(\ and family.

Mr. and MI' . D. t::. Standiford Iltel'lain d MI·:5 . Standiford's daughtcJ' and chililren, of GI·eens. burg, Ind., tho past week.

Mi,s Lavon ia mtis of Spring. Ii hi, has been a gu at in the home 01 M,·. and Mrs. et'nOIl 'l!:linous lhl' past week Abo. and Mrs. PelT)! Wolcott and Miss H t!Il'n Wolcott, of St. Paris, were guests of lheir cousin Mrs. Anna adwlIllad er, Tue day.

1>11'. and Mrs, Frank Loop and Mr. and Mrs. John Wads worth, of Le ban on, ""el'e gue ts of Ml . C. J. . ttE'l:1,hwnite, Monday evening. Mt'. and Mrs, Rn)'1l10nd Wil on und daughter, of Spring Vnlle-y, were gu .. ts of MI', and Mrs. Ilal'old , Osbol'nc 'l hursday vening Jam c~ Davis and family, of New London, onnecticut, are h. I'e ror a mOil b's visit to hi parents, MI'. and Mrs. OUver Davis.

Dr. MUlY "'ook and Misses Jlln llncl I\fild,'ed ook left Tu<'!l

ThlJ'~ having peli lions fo!' ,ignatur were Mayot A. K. Oay, lerk R. P. Hntfit>ld, Treas. UI'el' WaltH Elzey and Marshal 'hades P. Joy. Les 'r Gordon, Township c)el'k, i~ al 0 exp ected . 0 !;eek reel ection. ThOSe s eking election or reJlectio n to mUnicipal offices have Jntil September 6 to secure the I' quired number of nam on heir respedive petitions, which accol'ding to law must be sul>mitted to the county board of elections 60 days before election dllY. Pl'ltclicaUy all 01 Waynesville's I,mcers must be Qlected this year. The office of mayor will be voted upon, the tel'm of A. K. Day, who aspt'e ident pro tem of the council was appointed to that position Jnnuary 26, 1934, following the death of Elmer Rogers. Thre to\\nship trustees will be el eted, the term of E. L. Thornas W. '. GI'aham, and Jesse PrenderS'a' t. xpiring this year. WlIether r n t the present incumbents will be candidates for reelection ha not. b 'en unnounced. It is bei ng rumor d however that Will '. St. John will be a candidate. Six members will be elected to the council, the present roster being lnade up of the following: 01'. J. E. Witham, Raymond Con'11 r, Hamel' Cate-y, Ben Smith. How81'd Archdeacon and Georre Hartsoc k. Out of the present c:ou ncil it if! definitely known that Archdeacon will not be a candidate f or ree-Iectio n, Wbile it is too early to de-tefIlline the trend of the coming electi on l'UmOJ'S indicate several offi eholdel' will have opposition, and one of the most Ipirited conl~ts in many yeats is antic'i pated.


CHURCH Father Newton, Pa.tor Mass at St. Augustine's Chureh very aecond and fourth Sunday f the mohth. WAYNESVILLE CHURCH CHRIST


Carl Smith, Minis.ter Bibltl chool at 9 :30; Lord's Suppe l' at 10:30 Cbristian Endcavol' at 7, p. m. Evan'g elistie B. 8. Howell, of' Port William , el'vice, 7 :45 i Wednesday nlrht bl'6l:1gl1i his Sunday "chool class to PrayeJ' and Bible study Christian Wayn Pal'k Sunday, fOr' an aLl- Activities; ·Choil' practice 7 :46 • day picnic , There W I'e ubout 100 In tbe PlIl'ty, FRIENDS MEETING !\Jr. und M.... Kenneth Ridge First·day School at 9 :80 •. m. and dHughle r, Alberta, of .Muncie, Ind., w ' re week·end gu ests of MI'. Me&ting for Worship at 10:80 m. und \I1l's. ,M. Ridge. Alb~l'ta r e Illain ed fot' a mOI:e exte nded visit FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST . MJ!l. May ook, (If Dayton, Carl Sl,l'lith. Min;.ter <la m d owl\ Tu sday evening for the pI a;:'UI'e of hel' g l'andson , Unified services beginning wltb Jack - mile, who was celebl'ating church ;school at 9:30 a. m. his ighth birtbday annivetsal·Y. service at 10:30 a. m.

clay Il'lMning f I' Akron, th y will visit Ml'll. Bess and family.

where White

Mr. and l\frs. Robert E. Crew had th 0 pl eas II te O'f hearing E . WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH H o\\,al'd u(lle, llt Chautauqua, Rev. G. C. Dibert, undns lIfternoon. rIi$ subject Sunday : Sunday school at 9:80 was '''rh PUl'l)Q:;e of the a. m. MOI'lling wOI'ship at 10:40, h ul'chtJs." At 7:80 p. we will hold the !tho lind 1\:11'8. Ernest Hamlin and la st of ou I' sel'ies of open ' air ~o n. Earl an(! Mis L lia Bell ves!) I' services. Apother good ]lal11 lill. of ' Wau1\egan, Ill. , were program has been arranged. There umlay evening and overnight will be special music, .both· inguesls of MI·s. Nettie F,a nnon and· st.rument al and vocal. Rev. 'L . D. Vesey. pastol' of the Lebanon II. E. Cbul'c b will be the speakl!'l' for MI'. and Mnj, 'Wullace Tread· thi' service . · Be sure to com, way entertained witb !l family din· ton day : 8.00 p. m. ill the JlH Sunday, :\:Jr. and Mrs. John ulal' time for the meetin.. of the Treadway and falllily, MI', and officiul Board. Ther'e will allio I». MI'8: G~ol'ge Henderson and a meeting of the nomin.tina COID([lmily and MI'. and Mrs. Wade ft,ittee im.mediately followintr tbe TUrnel". Official Board meeting. W ednesda,y: Bible study aad l\hs. Edith Han'is ntel'tnined pl'lIy~r meeting at 7 :3 0 p. m. III a family dinner Sunday, the following guests: MI·s. Frank ST. MARY'S CHUaCH Taylot', of an F'mncisco, Mr. and Mrs. 1". 1J8I"t..~oc k; on and Rev. J. J. Scbaeffer, a.ct. daughter, of Milford, Mr. an Fifth Sunday after TrIaI~, Mrs. Ronald Hawke and son, July 21, Churc.b acbool at; IhHJ Frank, and Mr. Hal'ri!! Mosher. Mominc prayer and Mr. and Nt!!. James Bergan Re-v. Karl Nybladh, of and dftughters entertained at dtnner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. The IOOner we all Glenn Ullvi , Mr. and Mrs. OmUe manna co f ........ Tufts. Mr. and lin. Geol'lrtl .JohM alld tW .... i.. Ina IDes Hap. U


r.- :

"'-0. .,.



, . Capitol era s Road Chatter

NEW FROM 'rHE WARR ~N COlJRT FOR PAS1' WEEK Ofl1mon PIt-a.. Proceedina:l

'It·('~as l'd , 61 ~I hL ilW(,TltoI'Y·

tlll'it' ~l'al\d­ Ohw. .1 r. lill:l llt' .. IIml urd .'tet'll! ur ~IIIII apoli:, !II inn., \,j"ill'd rell1II'" hl'l"', lu~i we 'k. :\11', /In,! MI's. n. M, Duffey ()f lumuuII, nl'(' ~ue~ 1 in th hom () f th ' II' pnl'ent><, 1\11, und M1'1'I. E ll1w CurTY. Mi..oj Lvu i'<u Hmptllll of edurville t<1ll'nl lust week at her 11I1nw , h 1'('. 1\1 I'. and Ir", Geo. Street Ilnd du u~ hl e l>l uf Xt: n;II, hlwe mo ved I tl tho I'al' m hO l\1 e f Mr. 't!. ct'. hl'()UlC'I', Cha; , MUI'llhy.

C'rtIi' art' I'll l .'ni

vi. iting

III ('hl' tl'l"IlllI,l,

gut' t of MI Gene a Powell 1I\'llr Or~j:!onia. t"'\'l'ral ul t~ndc(J the bnnd cunl'l·rt lit Uut"\'l'~·. burlC, lut Wcdnestla)' I'veninj\'.

1 iglot

- -- ..

~. ---


Hou sewives who ,delight in mak('orl C .• Ion~!<. Ilrlmlni t!'utor of Ing Lhin'. gl'ow. hut who have LOn'lllnd 1\111- 1I11' ,,~ I l\ t l' l) r 11 ~rlr\(ln )<' . ,' one, bcen <iiSCllurug d In thl'ir work by tllill Build ing nnd L Olln ('(lllIplI n), d~ I'~Il$~'d , til od hi ll inventcll·Y· im-cel de '(ruction will b interest. H'I liS Loui, . null . el Ill, ~ () n Th(' <C' h ' lhll ~ of d bt.., of J~lut 5 d in learning that a new type of 111'11111111m, del'" IIlI ll d b,hi1mI i n. :-llllll , alilll inistrat.or of the e. late in 'ect kiUel' is now vnilablo which _ In t h1.' cu. or T he Lovela nd of H. L . .'aul, d~ l'as('d, wa aphus I,hl' advanroge of combining 1ut ual Bui1rt ing :ln,l Lmin u, pro ,· ... d . th e l\unlilicf; n COSSill'Y to kill in\ N~US J h n lllldlh'll, et ai, con T he s h('d u l ~ ot d()bt.~ ,of James .. et l! in the home and in the· flt'lIlation, c.l('ell 011<1 d i ~ tl'ibu tio n . ~ Il ul, ad minist l'8l or of the slat<' Harveysburg I(UI·U(' I1. l ' h6 n W pI'oduct, known Ln the lUI or The Bourd f I) f Herta Saul , d ec~ a s d, was a pby lhe lrade' nam DWIN, derives choul 11 1' vtid. }Jtiu ca Lion l.!'lil1noll iIIlLg it:! kill i n ~ power from pyrethrum ) ) I~ I' \(lt, \' ~' rgu ", Doutrla5 Hollings Mae lille r mill .Edward Woolwhich is combillcd wilh n buse oil, w urth. t!t Ill, d<, re ntlan t is gnmtecl lard, udmi ni.stl'llto t's of the cstllte in it Re lf of llroved efficiency in '-l day in" hieh to tile 11lIswe r. 11 f M a ry Wharto n, dec ('a sed, fil ed co ntrolling plant in ects. r" till' <'II C of l\1 odl'l!ta Kl ug t h('it' ap pli ca l ion 101' Ii c(ll·tificllt(> DWIN ha been test«:l in actuul ""I ., U';: Fral1k K. Kl ug, servke of of tran f er, UI>I' for more than t" 0 yeal'S fol' ~ UlIlIllOn " b ~' lJ ublicati ou i to . be 1'h(' foll owing tI 'counts were ap t h e J t'slt'uelion of plant· insects 111l1l l' on deien(tan1. pl'ovrd, all ow d ",uel eo n.finned b~ lind \.h I) rnllufuctuI'erB state tha~ it In thee Ill'l! IlJ 11. L. MaTl.llng, et t he ('o ur t. \\ ill I' ndc r a 8ervice In the conal. v f U. Th : outh Lebanon Ross n . Ha rtsock, adminlstralor trol of aphida, 1 (-bo}))) I'S, thrips p r killg 0 . , lit ai , rpeei" I' i ~ or- o( t he esUjt <l ,of 'I'homa.s Elmer white Ilie , m aly bug, rcd spid ra dCI ell 10 exc ute 11 1\ ment to Hogers, deceased. First and final. yo ung seal e in sects, s quash bug, , ' fngl'lc),. Jame Ward, x ~utor of the : t r ipe I and spotted mclon bectles, In lh t' ma lleI' of Ih !'Ill of ccr- . of Loun E. Ward, decen ed. 51rn wbcrry leaf roll I', :M exican tain real l'stat b y t he tr ust e vf Ii t and final. b an bce41es and pot.uto bugs. all' apprp" eo ano confi n nl> I. M Ary J ostphine Sargept, adminOnly a minute qUlln tity ot DWIN In the case of JlIstine W. Ward- ist ratrix of Lhe e state. of Samuel if; req uit·ed. inA!' v I , \1 Guy Cay nor, e al, t he :al' rent, decea d, Fir t and final --- ~deftlndunts aN." gra nted 6 days Ruth McClure, adminl tl'atrix of Home Can nine in which to plelld . lh estate of Jame VI. Presley de In !-he case uf T he 1.0 eland MIl- cen ed. First and final. " n ome nnning' fOI' Better t unl Bllilding and Loan Co. vers us A,lton.P, Br wn , xecutor 0'1 F um ily l cals" ill tn-e tit! of a Ray Crahlllll , et al. j udg11lent \.0 tbe eab te of Addi e M. Dowdell, do bulletin available-, frce, at the the plaintiff fl'onl t h d ·f ndunts ~e n.~ ed. Fir t and tinal, !lffices of county ext nslon fig IItS. in t he lIUn) of 1617.7 1; also hlU'l s S, Irwin, guardian f judg ment t o de! ndant Gas & Ada F. Noble, in compet nt. First EI etl'ic in thl> sum of $41.88. and final. In the cas(> of H. L. Barding, · Beulah Shuff was appoint.ed' adAsk for '1'1 al ,'vel'su The 'outh Lebanon mi ni stratr1x of Ute estate of Wal Miami.burg Permcment Packing 0 . , u corp., tal, con.- ler huff, deceased, and filed bO'lld i\rm ution, d ed llnd distribution. of 6000 with s ureties. Grant Dit. Concrete . In the caSe or N w York Life n1arsr Ralph Van Meter and Karl In:;uranc o. VCl'SU Edward T . Brown were aPPOinted appraisers, Air Seal .Burial Vault ' eege)', el a1, ea is dismi ed. I. Kenneth Jon(>06, eXl>cutrix oi For Sale only by In the ellS(' of J . Wilbur Earn- the e tate of J. D. Jone , deceased hart v<'r u. J oho H. Rhodes and flied hi inventory. Your Funeral Director Lambart R. Rhod 8, Case to proIn the case of Morris L. Nixon, M.lI'rislre Licen.eli c: ed with order of sale to aatisty \admlnistrator of the estate of Aljudgment. . faretta MU1'ray, deceased, versus En rn est li ffol·d, 11luf;hl'oQm McClure Funeral Home nnd MilFS hI the ca. e of New York Life . Eva I. Stswart, et aI, IlPP1:aisemenl ('r of Mvrrow Jnsurance o. V(,J'SUtl William E. is adopted and approved. The ad- Chen, of Morrow. Wa)'lI ..nlle, O. J ohn W, Newb cry, tel\cM-l' or O' N all, ~t aI, Clerk of' Courts ot ministra~or i. to file an additional 111 rrow and Mi~ !l l3 e ul~JI M. buff Wnt'ren County is ordered and di- bond In the sum of 1000. l' cted to' reles e the execution of T,h estnte of Walker Plunmlc r h nus keep l' of Morrow. Raymond Barnhart, mochanic T~ Winters National Bank and deceas '<I, is )'clieved from admini ' (If Red Lion find Mi Hltzel McTl'llst Co., defendant, against tratiofl. the real estate described in pet.i· Burla Maddox, guardian of Har- Kinney, of Soutlt Lebanon . lion and order or ..Ie. old Charles Maddox, n ruinor, fil d Bill. Allowed hel' ~ econd account. N_ S.ita In the ca e of . H. Young', as H. r.. Schuylol', PIISt 011, :jl151.Mo~ta Klug verBUS Frunk K. adlllinistral r of the e tate of 0; 81'1 Dakin, payroll ~212.70; Klug, for dtvoTee. Chal"g i ex- Josephine Burton, d cea ~ed, v I'. HOI'ace'ban el' po. t~ , 2' W. H. trenle cruelty. • U!l Loui J. Burton, et ai, con· ~laddl n 0 ., l\uPl>lie , lumb I' Lorene Bernard versus Glaude firmntion, deed and di ~tTibution . cement, $3G. I 0; E, W . Barkalow, Beech Grove Bunard, :for divorce. Chllr~ is El\1 el G, Miller and :Mildred G. l ston , $3; J . L. Davi~ , 's tone, 76ci exlreme cruelty. ·teddorn, administrators of the eS- 1Gri wold Servic Station.. suppli e ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN K. E. Thompso n and family had Jour .c.attle, hogll. ,beep and cal.,.. Howard C. Shupert versus John tate ·of Irwin E . Custin, deoea ed, gasoline, 156.72 ; John J. Ban', f l' ~heil' utlday aftemoon collers : to Norris-Brock Co., live "ire alld I payro ll, 9 3 .25; Johnson Myel', . . hupert, et aI, for partition, filed their inventory. .l\ll·. and 1\11'5 Odando Brannon and pNgressive firm f ')r the hlchut The inventory of Arthur Bryant j payroll, '.6; M. . Foreman, payIlale of real estate and equitable Edna Dodge of Xenia, Hal'Old Mc- market prices and good leme•• administrator of the e tat e of IOU, $24 . 0; Earl Sn 0 1'1.', pay1 lief. Union Stock Yard,' Clncill . .tl, O. 1 ny of th l. place and Claren Karl D. Dakin versus The Holt- JOhn Sinnal'd deceased was up- r oll, $91.50; V. M. Armitage, Tune in on Radio StatlO1l WCKY Eddie HUldip, In z ~nd Hay slip, proved: ' , payro ll, 101.60; John Mrrers, pay haw> Motor Transportation Co., I'ae Hay lip of near ilming- 12 :26 to 12 :80 p. m. for ou.r dan, for mODey Amount claimed $~a4.MlIl'ietta Casson to Alfred Kind- roll, 14.4.40; Jllmes L. Dunn, CHAllIAU~UA t on, l1e ul y anJ Suttie Moore ('If market reportc. 23 with interest and other relief. red, ~Ill estate in Franklin t <>wn- sCI·vices as mechanic, $57.60; J. his l>lace. hip. K. p~ncel', g)'avel, $~; Zain I--~ Karl D. Dakin versus Paul . W. 11'. and Mrs. Al'a Powell and Alfred Kindl·ed to Elbert M. Armitage, sand and gravel, $109. Holthau, for money. Amount so n wcre Saturday ovel'night claimed $820.78 with interest, Finch, \' a] tate in Frankl in 34; John Law, l' pairs, ~lOc; Adu The ann.ual assembly of the Migue ~ts of relat ives near Oregonia. coat and other reli~f. township, S" ourtn y, garage rent, $12; ami Valley hautauqua opens on ~li ~ Mude Wells was a 'o,tut'Cha~les lL Hei tand and Ol'phEl Gross Sel";ice ,StaLion, ga8oli~e, Friday, July ] 9th, and cQntinues day overn ight gucst of Miss KalhProbate Court E. ReI. tand to M. Kathl'yn Heis1- ~14.04; Pierce Sup 1" l'Vlce untiJ unday, August 4 with after leen Thompson. James E. McClure was appoint- lind, inlot No. 141 in Franklin. tallon, gasoline, $16.01; A. C. noon and evening attl'lIctions each evet'al have been attending d g1lardian of Earl W. Conner, Laura. A.. Sides to Charles B, MUI'rell mtion, gal!olini!, $37.26; d th ~ rllvi"al at lark ilIe held by a miltol' and filed bond of $1000 L wis, r al estate in Wayn(;1;viIle. Frank. ~l'lVood 0., kel'osene and a~he opl:ning attl'action on FriWaller Lynch and hn.1'ley Brooks with Bureties. . Ed al'd Woollard to MM Miller gil oline, $45.66; Henry Lu<llng- ~ny, July 19th, is th Alnbas adol' of liamiAburg, Obio. ha.des J. S~hwll~tz, executor 1" acres in Wayne townstdp. ton, gtlsollile" $54..04; The Kilpat- Male QU81tet te and Swiss Bell A r vival is expected in the of the estate of Ella May Schwartz Earle Roosa and Lol'ene Rao a tick-French Motor Co., ])lIrts and Ringers 3 and 8 p. nt. n a)' Iutur~ to be held at Green $52.98 i B I'caw's Garage 'aturdIlY, July 20, Loren Doone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'""!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!~'!'!!!!!!!!~ gasoline, Bl'iar, by Rev. Pox, of Kentucky. gasoline, $4.14; J ones Bros, Ser- ,Jackson, 'oPl'ano soloist of the Lit tl Alta \V 115 has beeJl on viCe Garnge, gaaoline, $5 . 76~ W. hicago ivic Opera Company, th t;\ !licit list thi past week. 1-1. McHenry, gllso)ine, $ .64; will appear in two song recitals. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fairchild Ilnd Bot'den's Tit-e- & Battery tation, un day, Ju~ 21, the Rhodes Phone 78J othel of near Wellmnn. visited repairs and ,ltllSoline, $11.73; hamber Opera. Compa~y will prel' lntives and friend5 in PorbWaite Garage; SUPl'lit!s and sent "Maid Mistre ss" a l: the matmouth over th week-end. Lab 1', 40.66; Addis Service Ine and "Hansel and Oretel" at Heard In Paaaina Miss Gl'acie Hayslip of near tation, 50 gal. oil, $25 .50; Mil 011 the evening Ilel'forman~le. Special 'I'he Ohio Racing CommiflSion Super Service Srotion, 'gasoline, cen.ery, costumes and lighting ef- hilS r ported the anti-narcotic Wilmington was a Saturday overNOTARY PUBLIC $16.56; Smith's Sel'vice Station, feets al'e carried by this company. dl'ivehas worked ... ell. . . The Ilnizing & 'I'il'e Co., tire. $20.29 j Tue day, July 23, th~, Bergman Ohio Society fOI' Crippled ChilNatl. . . . .~'-"-___ . W. n. A"-der on Co., Subo. Page's Players come for :COUI' ped'orm- dl'en calls abtention _that placeOra.. _ ~ .Estat••'" Ohio Code Service, 1936; $)0; ances. ment of the handicapped is a prob ELECTRICITY Will.WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Ohio entral l'elephone orp., Wednesday, July 25, the famous Icm deserving public cooperation. tolls val'ious office $34 .45; Ohio Deep River Plantation. Singers, the .. Ohio hospitals. arc answering Centl'al Telephone Ol'P, rent.!! ' best colored male sipglng organ- ' qu estionnaires 'relative Ito build- j FOR SALE DATES CALL . • various offic, $55.50; J. K. izution on tho road today, will giv ing improvements they need and I Spencer, 2 loads wood for Court t wo concerts. which al'e prollpe tively to be HouBe, $6.50; Tru st~ es I)f Public li'l iday, J\lly 26, tIle Davies financed by federal funds .• il-ven Affair,S, lig ht at Court Hou~e, ornic Opera Compllny wjJI present some state senato'rs are repol'ted ~64.63 i ~l'.ustees o~ Pu.blic Affairs selection!! from "Of Thl~ I Sing" Lo be "bored" at the long walts ~Ig)lt at Jall, $~4.06; Dl·.. . terl-I.and "No, No, annette" at the they have to get into the execu- I 109 t~hl,. Utedlcal serVlces . 1' n- matinee and "The Bohemian Girl" tive office . . . that there ls to be ' - - - - - . - - - - - ' del'ed 1I1dlgent tub rcuIul' pabents lit the e.vening p edOl'mSlnce. a tel'rifie "no more taxPi .drive $ 13; OJ'. Kennol) Dunham, pne';laturday, July 27, Mardoni, against propoeals jn the· Pecial JES~E STAHUY hCC/lme a MESSENGER. nlothol'ax treatment ior Mr.' Olhe mind read rand e cap~ adist session of the legislature •. and PhoDa 330, H •• B ...U. ...., 0IIk <?al'dnl.ll', $5; E. B .. Thl:rkleld & . will give his t hrilling enteltain: the lines are fOl'ming right now . 1. s~.c" aM Si.gMls Son Co., l'ob~i:I, paJama,s ehoes ment afternoon and even Lng. .\ . that politics makes strange bedEARL ICOOGUR fo!' T. B. patients, $17.20; Mrs. Sunday, July 28, T'he Petrie follows has long been kno)Vn and Tbe roawace ol c:ommuuicatlooDa,t. PIa__ L~lu Gabbard, boa~d and care Quintett and White Hussal;s give ill evidenced currently in certain of .eadiA, meD" mesaagea--ie older KE••ora . . . . Ltnc?ln Ga~baJ'd, $5; Trustees of afterooon and eV'en~g' cOplcerts ituations b,u t the in id~ , l.B that than writing, _ ~ven , speech. It is ubhc Alfans, s~w~rag e. rental that are of lhe highest class. No "home patronage" condltiolls de- as old u blllliaAity iuelf; Man'. ijrat for C. H. and Jad, $18.76; Mrs, fine l' n1·tists have ever appeared mand a "go along" attitude even messagee were iDartieulabe .....u W. C. Roberts, board an d care W , at Cbautauqua. thO ugh be,tte/.' judlpnentan.d p whicll upreue4 hil ,thought and Monday, July 29, opens one onal prefere<nce dictates dift'erent feeling-forerunner. of the lpoken . ~oberta, Indigent t llberClllal' patIent, $6; l\hs. Elmer La~y, week of high class play by Bob Iy. .• the Sherrill report has word. From tlaae illUtic~1ate voice V$uu b?ard and care Frank .Lacy, \n- Hanscom and his excellent atock given a selling formulLl' establish- sounds and from speech have beea dlgent tubll.l'cular patient, $5; company of elel((ln p~ple. During ing state Liquor control prices on a evolved aU forme of audible meaFOR SALE It's. Oms <?sbol1le,.bo~rd and care his stay at Chautauqo~; 1\tr. Hans- basis that average about 8 0/0 sage-carriers _ .QUAd .ignals, lucb F:-ank Balhng l', ~lr~L lffaacs and com \ViI.1 presl'ot "Big Hearted lower than at present and have '81 whistlee . .d born.. handclaps. FOR SALE-:aed, springs, wuhVIi aHel' ~udo~, tndlgenl: tuber- Hel'bel't," " Lllte Chl'istopher recommended the decrease to be drutnl and bella. stand, porch swing, pillowl,2 , From his lleaturee, wbieb oriliacula: patients,. $24; James Moore, Bean/" "The Music Master," put into ~ffect. ' .' ally were made untoasciously,' rockers, ice-cream freeier. ' B. V, b?utd and care Luc~ Moore, in- "Three C 0 111 red. Moon," "There's -- -----~7·18·25been developed aU fonn. of 'ip Smith. dl'cnt t\lbel'cular patient, $6.00; Always Juliet," 'The Ninth Guest" language., iDcludiDS writing; which, FOR SALE - Property on 8rd )\laude .Deanl?ff,. hoard ~Uld ca r e "Old EngliRh," "Hellibent for 81 employed for communication purVel:l Mlllel', 1Illhgent tll~rculal' Heaven," "olit! outlh," ,iThe Street, . formerly known ae tAi~s Pau.line Robinson l'eturned poses, is .imp" a aerie I of portable put/ent, $7.50; Mr . . lr~ EIt1l'o~, Road to Y'Edel'day," Polly With askey home. Terms cash. Fltye T)lul'Sday frorn It ploo ant vi it symbols that it, ,ilflll for ideas b?al'd and carEt Alice. Stl\,rkey, In- a fast" an,d " Grumpy." 'these are Kll'llllY, Box 82 Waynesville, O. wit.h rl'latives in Latonia', Ky. which may be carried from Cllace to dlgent tuberCU lar patIent, $5; Mrs all Broarlway successe. " 7.11·18-The Ladie' Ai!! of the M. E. place. From gutares, too, have bee1I H~Jen Doughman, ~oa~d and (tlI'C unday, Augu t 4. 'l.1he Amerchurch held a Lawn Fete on the developed all fonns of visible lienal. h ' QI'd V?Ughm~n, IIldlgent .tuber- iean QUintette w!ih Raymond FOR SAtE-A nice Une of box Church 11l\\/n Thursday evening. used for commUDitation at a diseulu patlel1t, 3; ~h8. Howard Koch baritone lltatiollers', U aad . . iD· A large crowd was present and tance, luch .. torc&-. beacon fir.. velop.. for Il5e; Show-Pac. 11 S ~ YeI', inuigent til bercular Th'c admii!Si~n '. for the proceeds wet'e very rratifying. anel aemapbora. puhent, $7; olumbull 'Blank perfol'mancEts Is 35 ebeeta and 11 .....elo,.. for 10 All commllDlcatioa V . . . . buM cenu; waxed paper, white tllae The Ladles Aid of the Friends Book Hg. Co., budgets t'or Audl- adultK and 20 cents church Dlet with !Ira. Horaee on IOUDd-ai....... sieht·............. paper, paper Dapldu, at Quette tOI', $34.95; W. H. Andelrson Co., Eveninl( prices are Miuhner on Thursday. therefore. a CiOIDmGIl IIJICIItrJ . . . . OfIlee. Volume ' 2 WhlU'ton Gril'l1 . Evid- adults, children 20 Mrs. A. W. TUrner and daugh. life of prebistoric..... WbaUY.I'ncQ for PI'OS. Atty., 'Bi F. J. tickets adults ,6, ~~~~~~ lIeer Plinting Co" bal. due for ' _ _ '. ter Agnet! are gueate of Mrs. their form, tbq are. .. were ilia I'IPE, VA LO. . . . lor Turner'i brother, Dr. H. O. arunt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ....... Ruppliell, ,8.21i; A. D. Harvey, Tobacco GpOW.I~ • lutes for epeeda. hltaker .nd family of DabUn, . ml!dical service rendere~~ at jail lUI per contract, $20 l Miami 111'. ad liN. O. N. and BtIiW. Ga..tte pay-III b ok for 'lireulll'er 10. of _

1II lilt> eu. '


_ _ Th ~


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New Burlington

The Miami Gazette




Rnck Hou (>. ,houl!! tht' (. Pllme I ere<,tions" hll'h "III .h·termine the n1l11l grain crop never dlreelPl·olll.. gu to ~um(! (l1her ~tat(' alld I",~' who an' to r(o("'il'I' jh"\1 Iy t.r'nefit~ th,' 11)l'alre crop sown idl'a l~ "c !\'Orne \Ioork of I1l1tul'(. half "" -ch .. lrll,hil'''' \lith it. exrt'pt occaldonally in of havillit' the Y-I-"pO<lInent al In'au ll fill till'Y l'lJuhl (,"on1'.' hum" ('h(eking- elO~ion; it ill a~Y8 • ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY theil- "Ulndal'll-~al'er. lind 111".' ",ith g"UtCl, anl! ~h(lu ld ,.. lohber (,1·Op. Rnd i~ useo to derivl' Ht in 1ll5tute any cothel' Slate pOIISC . ~ the!\ ~ . ~R I VE 'fE~ "",m, r'om d. ....... at Po.tofflc. Waynesliigwig, arc n w ",orki na! ura.l llIonum('nt~ of grandcul'. .' i'?\' . rau~e it help . the forage, accOl'd. VIlle. pL._ _ . ............ ..... .... N.. 1121 Entered 'ville, OhIo. _•. gec"nd at Cla," lIIall Hoover, lrying to they \1 uuld be publiciz~tI in na · lil, ing to C, J. Willard. expcrim nt Sult,crlp,loD Price. 11 .50 a Katter announce definitely tional Il)agazinf':-; to the tlxt ntthnL "tatiun agronomi~t. "does nol choo to run. " no nuliv(' could avoid a kn(lwled~(; of their wl\<'l.'e-aboutl;. J' LY 1 , 1935 This was heard Ovel' the radio on the. morning or July 4th; I inquir·d about an olu gent uH l'b rt HIlOV!'I' is Rcheduled 10 who wa~ iiling on his frunt Ktep Cou~ty giv{' a . peech over' the air tOlloy ~hooting fil'l'crackl.'j·s, all 1 1"1 roI'ntitl d 'How to Preserve our [n - I'(l was tJhat he. i the ,nllle old alifornia has had' a PI' tty toull'h tlo e or lIj;'itntion f r public del) nd nc -' J o.hl'l Q , Public will fellow that wo n th!! pic eating COil· ownership of industt'ies, including j1ubli' utili iel;. . . probably go 1;0 the heachc!S an(l g t lest tit la~t yeal"s ('hul'ch KociuJ. It. has been thl'eatened with I gislati()n t.h:nt would pel'nnt. the ]1\!<u nbul'u d.. uance or a 'Veritable flo-od of so·cl1l1 d "revenue" bQnd~ whIc h could A~out p~opl At 011 , tim I b aULhol'ized by loc~l politicians. T,hese would have I J'mitted lhe • ollie months ago, in this column, Victor Het'beh was 0 POOl' he had \\'ildest kind of "w ild cat" finlln il'll1: und r p9lilical management, th writet· sugg ·ted it would b only on hit'L- Daniel W-e-bst ej' California had 8 i>ad scare, From. a state t.hat had COt' years ~t­ I! g'OOd plnn [01' the go,vernment WIIS once ued fot' non-pllynwnt of Lrncted capital, it bid fair t() becoming a !ltat~ that was known fo1' Its t supplcm nt the ivilian on- a butcher bill.f Bri ~hnll1 laws and tax inC. tation. .' . _cl'vatiQn orps with an agency Young's 27 wives only lint! WIl. It is hardly fait' (.0 single out li!ol'llia alone fOl' these undel>lrto provide a helping hand to snobby, his blond favotite, Sixl!'en able "honors". It i .sin'lply a n outstanding exampl of condition that aI'S for uSe by Mlate >mpTo ye gil'ls 'Ind young women Ilnancially of his wives pl'e~e nled him 1\ ith many tales face. on official busin !l. will not cOdt unllbl to continue atte~,danc~ . at 5G offspdng.- Charlie haplin But tlle country 'press i CQtning to the rescue. Nexl to . the more than ~76 in .tbl' futul'e, ac· high seh ols, 01' to obtall1 trallllllg could I) t 1'C1l1ell1ber his Pl 'RS United StMe: on titut:ion, it is the gl'~test safeguard of the rlghts cording to a mnndatl' by the St tc in busin ess or ind~strial Ischools. ag nt'K last name after IISSociat-/ nnd Iibertie of \.he P ople. Typical of the comment that il! now ap- Hoal'd of ol1tnJ!. Financ Recently P"esldent Roose velt . ing with him ven years . pearing throughout the nation, i. tn~ following editorial quotation Oil'eclol' M. Ray AlIi , on, in an- pl'ovitled for the Nationl:ll Youth I _ _ _ .:...-_ _ from th Napa, Califol'nia, Daily Registcr: nouncif1g the n ell' muximum Administration, $50,000,000. hos .. alifol'nians. and A mel-icans genera lly, have come to realize amount l'uling, !:luid that it will bcen nllocat d. 520,0010 YOlrng that if \Va are ever to find OUI' way out of the d pr sian and baek into IIpply in all cases ('xc pt where the women and girls will b provided paths of l>l'OSI)I'I'ity again, it will be becnus of uctlvit.y of pJivat.e .in- legislaturc makes s ific appro- an OPPol'tuni y to get ahead in Lhe dustry, tbe growth of private payroll. and the increMed tax-pay~ng priatio n fOr aulon\obiles, and in wOl·ld. pOWer of privl1tely owned pl'o)lertica-not because of ,I~n~th ·nmg the case of el clive !\tate officials The Pre ident made n happy public pnyro\ls, incr ns~ patronagc in the hands of polrt.lclan 01' and t I dcpartment h ead, . The !lelectjon in h is al)pO~ntll1 nt added nUIll~r of tax-ex mpt prop I'ti s. maximum allowance of $760 was dil-octOt'. A ublX'Y Willillm, the f Th rural electrific.atlon pru"We already bay toO much government in bu inesB, fixed, Dil'eetol' ;AlIi Ro n said, wh n (li'rector, WIIS detli d an opportun. gram that is bing pushed lhl'ou 'h "We alt IIdy hav loo much go ernment in direct comp tHion the state Department of Education ity for an educa.tion.}I[ shll'ted out the 8tale i rapidly neal'inj( a allked for. 700 in addition to the work at the a II of six. with busincs • point wh r pl'eliminlll'Y pl·oe~· an automobile "Lel!g government. in busin s is now the d nwnd of l-.he American trade-in. value ures can be di pen ed with, and ongressman BYI'on Harlan ot that was to be . upplant ed with a itizlln and taxpayer." actual, tangible work on the In'oDay ton, 11 w c~lr. . may be offeredl appoint-f All Ohio ~chool d ficit oi! $ ,000, men as Judge of the Court 0 ject begun in the variOUS cou ntat.em<.'lll ApPl"als fOr th e. District 001 olum-. ties, a ccording to. a 000 fol' If)~5-1936 was predicted bia. T.his is an important judicial made by MUl'ray D. Lincoln, e)(ccu by Dr. D. H. rilion, fin.andal adBetween Toledo and Cincinnati vi>lor £01' the >-tnte 0 partment of position . I.C ongressma.n Harlan tive secretary of th Ohio 1<'al'l11 Education, when he appeared be. I esig"ns to ace pt it, the New Deal BUl'eau Federation, at th. olumCharted for 1he Benefit of Tnterfore a joint I gislative committee '\'iIl be tcsted in a peci~IJ el clion bus office today. stute Motur TouTi, ts as We.1I as Mr. Lincoln, who has be 'n in. 8:00 MUllic. Traffic Within the Borders of Ohio On edllcalion la. t we k. The de- in the Third Ohio District to fill strumental in securing the oppor. H, E . Eswine licit for htl' 1934.1 lJ36 term was thi congl'essi{)nal seat. 8:05 Haying Methods of the Past tunity to obtain the advnntage . or 8:15 Why Go To ollege? . J. P. unningham and Robert lark $5,500,000. The total accumulated 1I a nited Stat-es selllat.or di !j ehool deficit f I' til state is $27, or r Cfligns the. onstit~ltion pro- lectl'icBI energy fa!' the resid nts 8:25 Music to Cincinnati liS shown herewith is • for the vides that the GovernOlt may fill of the 173,000 un I ctJ'ified rural :40 Growing Plants Untler Cloth .. .. D, Foote 500,000. The inCl'CIl the shortest distllnce betwel'n the next term is an icipated de pite the vacancy until th,e ne:Kt general farm homes in Ohio. !!l,Hted that 8 :5(:) ound EI·o. ion ontrol Pl'llctic !; Are Good !lfanag ment. two cities. Officials of the State % E. R. Reed the TrIlXI 'J'-K ifer school 10unda. tllpction. The provision in regard organizatiOnal work has . b( ' n Highway Department give the to a oongi-~ssional vacancy j that nearly completed in many cOllnti s 9 :00 Buying Food With lim ?ur~ s .. , .. Lelia Ogle lil)n bill, Dr, utton said. mileage saving as about 11 mil s• _____ . lhe Gov mor must call a special and ' that actual con. trucli on of 9:10 Music the lines would begin in I.h VCI'Y The honor of t' ceiving ilhe high .ele'Ciion "if be is satisled 01 the 9:25 The Parm Mortgag Situ tion There'R les$ trafJ. I. Falconer neal' futUl' . cst grade of .the 249 medital existence of a vacancy." 9:35 Mt. Gilead Future Fal'Il1l'-I' Toul' the EmIt , fic congestion on E. E. Davis "With thol"ough·going cooperatudenis 'hI> pa.set! the state - - - ---!) :45 WOSU Players. the Toledo-Cincinnati Shol.'t Line MUM.,.... tion, the 0PPol·tunity fo\' c1ectdcul medical exuminatiolls went to Dr .•: . - - - - - -,than on any othcr highway conde\'elopn1ent in th rural fieltl is D0.1rl Mulholland of lIIcCutchen . ~~liw_'~".. necting these two cities. There pI'actieally . unlimiwd," , aid I vii ,Wyandot coullty. He i are far fewer curves (no hairpins) Lincoln. "The program which the graduate of the Ohio tate uni ver0.1 .. " ..." and all railroad grade c~o s sing8 faml bun~au is facilitating s hould sity olJege Of Medicin e, and re· are exceptionally well protected. b7 JUDSON DEAN make po ibl the most ('emarkable ceived a grade or 9.1. Dr. Russell ales increase in ['ul'al power in Clyde Bane of Detroit, Mich., also By reason of the hi tory of the electrical indusan Ohio late graduate, waiS the s h 0 r t e r try. Although ilo(lQ arE! usually econd with a grad l'- of .G. Dlileage, less congestIon (both on OLUMBUS - On the basis of !ltnnt on:idcration ~ replace wotn .. Planned k'Ul'al electrical de· damaging in this <;ountry' and mo t the highways llr1d in the commu· tatistic on Ohio highway acei- tires: keep your attention uPQn the oth er cOllnll'ie~, they make pos- velopment, made possible by coopniti<!s thru which they pass), fewer dent$ during the lirst 5 m(mths of I'oad and not up n the 8CCllery. s ible t.he exi tence of millions of eration among farm people of c.urv s, and adequate width the current year tate Highway _ _ __ peoople on the Nile oas~. Each year Ohio, will mbrace not mel-ely the r oadbed and bridges, the Dir ctor John Jaster Jr. believe An attempt to halt n po~siLle with regularIty the Nile over- el' ction of pole. and wires, but Route h ere outlined is a. that a newall-time high mark for oULbreak of lyphoid fevtr in the ' flows and fel·t.ilize vast acreas of t.he wiring of farm hom and the big time·saver for the hi~hwa lratflc fata.liti sand in- flood devastated reg-ioM of Belinstallation of electrical applianland that otlWrwise '~'ouJd be bus y motorist-very probjuries may be set. anles motol'i ta mont county ha b en underunproductive. In direct contra t ces. 'lhe inb'oduction of modern ably as much as two hours, take \\Inning and becom more tnk n by the tate Departnlent of is the Hoang-ho RiveI' in China. bathrooms, kitcnen sink, and By careful. An increase of appro:xi- lIea1th, When the ext nt of the Beyond the control of man lor oth r plumbing equipment will b STEPHEN M. YOUNG AN ALL PAVED nlately fifteen per cent. in motor t1 od became known, Dr. Walter H thou ands of yea l's it has s.h~fted made pos ible fol' th first time on vehicle accidents for the 1935 Hartung, direc~or of h alth, disf~ums, by elect!'i ally its cour!>e nine ti01CS, Uaid waste many HIGHWAY five·month. period, as compared p-atched DI·. W. P. John on and V. an area a8 large as Great Ul'itnill operated water sy tem . with the same month in 1934, has B. Beviet'e, sanitary enginf!(lr for When will ongJ'ess adjourn? a11d drowned 1,000,000 p ople in ''It [s OUI' bop e," aid Lincoln, ,~.wc.. Choice of Knowing been recorded, Director Jaster 1'\1- the department, to St. lairsville. That is a qu t.ion asked many a single flood, II.LO The b a c k· "that. the electrification of thousMotorists vealed. In 1930 traffic deaths on Three precautionary measurers times datly, particulll1'ly by memo Of our e the attempts at con- ands of rUt'al farms .a nd homes bone of the of· Ohio's highways reached a peak of WCj'e taken: Private wells were bers who are swelteri ng he·rC ill tl'ol in lhe,(l countrie cannot be may becom~ II la sting evidence of Originated and Sponsored ficial Revolu2,063 with a corresponding high c.hlorinated, pure water was Wa ~hington. A good guess i compared wt'th those in the U. by the the benefits of cooperative entionary Trails number of injuries. The auiAlmo- hauled to certain sections Bnd om where between August 3 and where the annual damag of more den VOl' in the annal oC hio SY 8t e.m of Revolutionary bile and truck accident frequency vaccination for typhoid was start- 24, pt·obab!y n m'er the latter date than $100000,000 at the beginn- history. " Western Ohio. Short Trail is greatest at this time of the yeal' d by five local I?hysicians who Some xceedingly important ing of th~ centul'y I\a gradually Marked its th l'J1iddle and lalo summer~ be- donated their servlce8. It was five measul' s yet to be acted UP(lll are ·deceased to less than half that OHIO COLLEGES Association entire length cause of heavy tourist traffic and dllYS afler the inundation before (t) a lax bill to confornl to amount; the. result of dykes and OFFER SCHOLARSHIPS by hlstoTical high_ye crowded with hikers and pure water wall supplied to al1 r - Presiuent Roosevelt's idea for dams in the form of fl ood control, markers of the picnickers. Director Jaster pointed sidcnts of the district. The exLent increased inheritance and incom II part of America's great chemo. Ohio MeDlorial ThJo~c Ohio colleges today Qfout cer\:8m fundamental road of a Be]mo,-.t count.y typhoid epid- tax s in the higher bracket!! to .. .. • • Commission• I'cd SCholarships to the young rul s '"' hleh, if follo\\'Ed, will help · emil!, If one takell .place, 'will not he!p baJal\ ~e the budget and ))ay Hiddell. in a remote nook WILY I vcnth to cut th injury and .death toUs. be known until the latter I)Ort of Off the na~lonal debt.: (2) ~he back in the aged and glorious hills trainees attending t.he ",,";rl. For additional strip They arc: Refrain from . passing this week or the fi rst of n~lC.t Guff~y oal Conl,'ol IBIl, . wh~ch of Hocking County stands 8 lonely itize-ns' Military Training Cllmp Dlaps or any information being h Id at Ft. Han'ison, Ind., another vehicle on a cun:e 91' a l;inee from ten to fourteen days is pl'oVlde ~ NRA for the bltun11t~- cabin I.ha.t only all occa ional byr Intive to State Parks, Pleasure Resort9, Scenic hill; when fatigued ,.top driving necesslu:y for th dis ase to make ous ~oBl tndu stry; . (3) the antI' passer might notice. Driving by on olonel O. p, Robi on. the imll'l diSpots, Historic Shrines immediately; do not "wage war" -its appearance after &lCpOSllre, Dr. hol~llJg company. bill; an? .(4) the the Fourth my attention was at. lit Call'll) commander haa announced that the colleges Illacing this or the hundreds of other for the tight-af-way even if it Johnson said, SOCial se~ut'lty blll, prOVIding old- tl'acted by the washing that hung oPPol'tu nity befol'e ~he boys lIrc: poi nts of especial interest is rightfully your : give the 1l1ech---?ge pen Ion s nnd unemployment acro the porch on a clothes line, along tllis route, write apitol nivel'Sity, ' olumbu; anical condition of your car COD· Appointment of the members of msurance. a small American flag perched be- Findlay; and the. Rio Grand 01WILBUR M. FAULKNER - -.-+-----.. Secretary Senator Ru ~h Holt of West. ViI'- tween a nig1htgown and, II. suit of lege, Rio Grantle, Ohio. ~'cd uannels. That's patriotism. A board of officers will make the SPRINGFIELD, OHIO ginia, who becam e 30 years of age the othet· day, Ilnd was sworn in . , as a s nator ll1ade his hlaiden . TillS IS not meant to b ·e a pub 1 'q ' ~ speech horti y afterward. He de- ' ity s.cbcll?e tOt· Hocking' County, nounced th Power Trust, continu but It tnlght ~~ ~sed al~ ~uch for P(}~ch ing hi anti-public ,utility cam- Ohio. Aftel' vIsIting Oh~o s cradle paign s peeches, He said: "A hold- of .spl nd~r and\.y :It becomes ing company is nothing more than qUlte not.lcabl.e that crul' State a device by whicll state regulation sbbuld b.e.gebtmg orne rnuch n~­ is escaped, Federlll regulation is ed publiCIty, One. Buc\c,eye natIve dodged, the investor i skinned tells me . he .Just comp leted a and .t he consumer i gouged." 2,000 Inl!C tnp lO a s~al'ch f~r beauty but did not dllscov~r It There seems to be little (\ol!bt untll he returned to IOhio. Still but that eX-PNS\d nt HM ve.r others confess they neVElr 'heard of would like an QllPort:.unity to stage Old Man's Cav~, Ash Cave and




Prell To The Rescue

the l!) :; junlflr Ohlu State Fair bOai'd "H ' made III. t w(!ek by Agri ultUl'l' Directol «~arllJ. IIIIne fh·"1. They an(t th dl'paliment... of which th.·y will hm'c charge are: I,nwl'cnc,· Hay . of Gtl\nville, BOYtI' ~-H rulls: Mary lJartman of Tt·oy. Gil'l's 4-11 clubs: Ptl.ul Ba)(t~t' o( Qnvoy, juvt'niltl grange j ,'tunley Tschanlz o( Dalton, Futul'e l~arm M\ of America; I Ivin Ring of Amlin, vocati,onal ugri '1I1ture; Lois Rhoad of Bloomville. home econol11iclj' cil Stovc;r of Springfied, genera l sc hool . hop; Delbt>l't :'>1e lanllhan of West Ilion Boy Scouts ' Jamt's Smith of Dayton, model ail'plane!;; Mimi Younger, Martha Jane Altizer and Gretchen M cksLroth, aU (If olumblh, Gil I ~coutR, city sc.hool gal den!; alld amp FiI'{! Oit'l ~ , l'cRpectively; a-nd El'ma . chleppi of WeRl rviJIc. Farll1 1', ' rnQlituLe post.erR.

a romE'-back In 1938. .hiny Uepublican Icaliers viu1<'ntly


'h' '..

no. ""

• • •


• • • •

~rtlse 1j01USate io

wilt briog 90U bugen




Farm hight 7 alks, Ju/v 22

. o

Irs SHORTER Ir~~ ~l?ofe~:




Best of the 'ws Direct From the Ohio State Capito)



Straight from Washington



• • • •

Here'8 Sac AJld Plate For Plett"!3 al' Supper

Once a Hero, Always a H:ero.. Is Phone Lineman's Motto \











COST. TRY THIS MEANS OF $'ELL1NG AND SEE WHAT A 'I\HIS Is a well Irt. I t loaf! It J. can be packed ",holt) :- the pic' Dlc baaket or be sliced luto thin IUce. for 81nd"'lche~. If tbe picniC II cilled olr becallte of raiD, you caD tUrD It IDtl) tb. piece de res I,· . tance of a porcb supper with a Jar· Dllh of IIUle Jellied borl.r.dl.b mold •. Thll m.ea.tloaf .lIcell without break!o, IUld this add. greatly to Ita appearance OD the table. The .-eret of thIs ,004 bebulor Ie a IID&ll QUuU,," of Qulck-eookllrB tQIoIa whJeb blnda. th. lacndlenUi ~.. .&110. the taptoca b to tlelledel, ._tnl that It wOl bOt . . . . tIt. tayw .r tile PYOI'1 In·

....... .

out BaIt .pork. add onioo, and cook until lolden broWD, Add pork. onloo, and drl\lpllDIS to other ",gredlents and IIIlx thorou,h1y, Dake In loaf pan In bot 01'eD (450· F.I 16 mlDlitel; tllen clecr.... beat to moderate (1110· r,) and bake 30 mloute. lonler. or UD· til done. Ber"e hot or eoI'll. Oar· nlsh "lth parsler. ae"_ 10. TI'Y

Jellied HO ....·'ldl." Mold.







STUE FY OLD ATTIC CLEANED is gcttin~ ·to be a habit with Arthur \\'. Drewu, ~CIY ll.ullpshire telephone lineman, and when he • 5U1I]e& the rolc hc does Il thorough job. Already po &e 6ur of one TIled,1I lor bravery, Brewer gave a repl'at perionnllnre hI' a 1110 t 5pectacuiar manu recently wben he rhanced rum bOUle.



•. an.nwa.

....ed iatt8Dl4l11rY





S." ,lIId


l ral n f till' ,\ i.1 ml III ht'r, (hI iJ ,llIl,lrl'l1 ath'luh,t1 tlw

ulIllua) I'illlil' at I


l'r Ilurk , neur

Dr. R. E. Halstead Veterinarian WA YNESV ILLE,


P hone 93

a re to a n oun ce tha t S i an i. y Bailey i~ no w localed a.t th. Lumb .. r Yard whe r e h .. i. h elp; ,'g tak .. C:lre of th" 'i n. rl "'_ .. cd b u .ln~.' . St nle-y will Coopera te wit h F r ed Gra u man in. t h ., ma na r"" ment of thi, thi rly year o ld


Hld~W\'illl" "n Wtdrw day. 1\11'.. EVil )t1)( 'Pl'nnl'\\ It of IIl'm

New High-Frequency Phone Cable Vie<tved as Possible Conductor for Television

pi '~..e d



Hl'lIbro()k SPl'llt Ftiduy with hili' aunt, !llr., ["r»l1k Roger;" Whl hat' - - _ .;. , I ST ,\ LL\Tl ()!' .. f a !lew hi"d-- \)" IIlan,\'. Fllr U.R.IIlllc, il lIIiA'ln h~ bl'cn ill. but i. ~lil:'htly impl'owu :lh~. HolI)h (.I'\\'i •• of ~llumiS'1 frl,.tueJlCY Il'lI'pll,)lle ~ahlc Il wl 11 ~ d ", the ('oll lltniuf[ dlallncl be· III (hi .. Linw, hUI', villitul 1,'llIli\'~s h(, I'I' TUI'II' i, h')(1l' d \' ill hrill~ l(OlJllIlercinl twe('11 tdc"t !llll hfl1adca,tillA' -Ia· ;\11',. 11.1'1 A IbliJ.!h nnd lillie day. tete\ i lOt\ clu",~r lU fl'illi /a tiol1 til1l1' III diftl'rellt cilic,I' II1l1ch ill IIH' ,JII ,kit' J,flll{hc~ of Wnynl'~\'i1I(' " ill be .Iarte" carl\' IIn.t Har b\' Ihe S;:lIl1e I,' ,IY Ih al rc).!ul.1r I lephon!! cir· "pen F'l'idllY 1\ ilh hl'l' tlaughl. I', A ~vln ElIl'rfh,ul't nnd f nlily Rrt' llllluican TclcJlhn~lr 'lnll' 'l't,I,'g'mph CIIIl~ !lOW linl-. radiO brll;1<lca tillg firn •. Mr~, K ~.I~I' Gruhtllll, nllWJnI!' to (h~lr farm n('lll' W -11'.,mIlilny hel \\ ell. ' " Y I k and ,tatinn' thrUlll<ltollt Ill!! nati l'II, Such 1\11". Thed ' J olles and ~111\ 1I1il' j llJUn. j 'hil:,dehlhi.I, ap!,lical i(lll uf I he " ,xial circuit tun, MI'.. WaltH Kem',ick an~ , [/lynard Rich iF at t>nding ~ Unl. Th~ 11el\' type of ":Ibl~, which \1 :1' * Jaml'~ Hail, . accompanied MI , mel' !'!chvo! at Ohio Stat nwer. !I e\'~t.lf1NI by Ihc. I,ell Tekphone Ke1ll'ick to th !louthern pltrt of !'ity. ' ] ,ahoratori es, Cillplu)'s a radkall), the , otlnty Thul' (by. <lilh' r ellt circuit, as the ''t. r.11'. and Mr .. Milton, heehan .11'~. Elizubdh L('wis las lhe ial" circuit. Cnl'ahle of trall'millillg ~ uf nWl'vill(' w r~ dinnt'r gupst dinnC'r gu tI( of 11'~. L. D. hill!, <I ba'Hl uf In: luell ~il's u{ a lIIillil1t1 ,1 Sunday of 1\Irs. Ali lurk. W dn(,Hday, c)'('k~ ill \ idlh, tlte C :I,ial drclIil Mr, , 'Mildr d Surface and daugh will bc ahle t tmlbl11i t di-ttll\,t 1I10Y' 1 '1' returned last w k aetel' a 1i. s ,lI l'ah • mith il'< hOIll~ aft I' Jnl-! Jlil~ hlre", or a I .\r~c uUll1lH' r f ,,}-it "lth Mr, und Mrs, liowunl sp('ndinlo: : I'~ral day ' with fri"ntis lc,,"\lhuIIC clIl1 \'\'r'atiol1,. 1 Wheat hm' v~~L in this vicinity is , HUI'ley and family at Kingman, in Dayton, Cro.. .~ctjon or cooxi.l t.ble .howin, First in World in full ~wil1g und if the w('uther Quter (bpper co\'crinl. rubbt:r disc; insuI 1\1 r, and Mrs, J' , . Moler of The !\'c\V 'York · Philadelphia in. lAtors. and inner e:CPI)tr wire•• har!l'~ Andel·!:;on. JI" ~P nt 1.0- enntintl<'l' fuvo"abl ' the wOI'k will olumbus w('rc w~ek-end guut Siallatioll, the fir t of it killd ill th e of MI', and Mrs, Joseph ukel', !lilY in Sprin):' Valley, the guest be tini s hl'd Ly thl' latt I' part of world, will I1c for eXpt'rllllclital pur· w('mld P~l'lIdl chai n Ide\' isil111 pro· of 1\J I'>i. I')ul;i!' Du IIglns, tht· II t' k, po-es, 1[ :\11), I)rvhklll s lhat ('nnnot ~"ilill', jul as we 110W hOl' e ell,Jili I at the Mol '!, farn! east. of Lylle, The vielEl is nollis heavy as pl'('- be explorc,l ill 1\ lauoratory will be lyde Whnlton Rtali.ed· ut; with i\fi"s \\'in ifl'(ld . ~tting (·nter. dicl, tl ~nd th ' qltlality n<)t II!'; ironed 0 1lt thrOllgh thi s I'nlLtil'a l ;tp- ratl il1 prugral liS, In the Ii 'hi or telephon e lrans· hi , thl'ehing (luLfi Monday morn· taint'd rehltiY(j frum Duyton, Illil':ttio ll of the new principle of dcc- IIIISiol1, the (,I'axial 'ir lIit !Tel's ~ood 11'< in form!' I' years. Acoord· ing at the Will's fUI'm on the MonlhlY e"t-'Iling , ilig to . E. l\lidlcne r , manng~1' Iril'al trall ' r lli~ . ion. Dayton and Le-bnn on pike. He r man . The o n ~lructi o l1 rae axial clIble l1.rcat [l,) "ihilitic ' , It would be \lOS i· (IC the \Vnynt>. I'iJle Fllrmers' is a marked I parturc fWIll til' 01'- hIe 10 Irnn'illli t ol11c -00 or lI10 re l1lith and l'ville Phillips m'e as· W ndell ~t .Be lh, (If .'pring. s i~ting him, flt-.ld, wa~, t'allJng on Wa~' ne.· viIJtl EX('hullA' th uV('I 'aae yield i~ diJlary I lephonc cahle. Earh cuaxial tclcph lie c 11\'~ r ~ ati()l1s 6illll11tane· about I bu:hels to lhe acre, and circuit cOII,isl~ o f :III oull'r cotlP r aU$ ly ver 0 sill~1<' 'ircuit formed f Mrs. Donald HadJ y and, ~1r$'1 fl'lll1<1" ~urlll{\y, I hl' pr' iel" hu . vlIriedr f'I'om 07 cent.s condllelOr in Ihe form of a lube. t wo c () a~inl ('onducton;, This COl)' Thedt> Jones W I'il Dayton VlllltOI' L. V, lieatly, of Vaylon, \\a. n o 7:\'. cl'nl~ , withill which a cnpper wire ii ~ up· tra t. wIl11 the fou r t I ph I, ' on· ported by 1\ -erie of Tubher di, c in· ,' cr atil1l1b "hidl can be tran smitted atu rdny. 'l'PP~ I' gue.;t uf Mr. and Mr" and M)'s, hurl And rson L loyd Davi~ Wedne~duy ~lIlators, Tlt~ ill«'I'\' ('111111{ ~Ilace is over n sillgle ol'l'l1-wirc circuit with 1 andMI',ons CLUB HAS PICNIC and 1111'S, Adda 'mith. o f ' " . filled with air or nitn'l: l'l1 ga~, Be· side. a ·tin l'( as a conductl1f, th(' out- I he aid of special eqllipment now ill Way nesyill e WN'e Sunday a rte I'· 1Ifi8~ DOl'othy nlll'l 'oc k lothing er lu be .encs tt' !ohi hI IIII' Ir:JIl~' u,c n nt:UlY of Ih' nalioll's Ion 1 he J unior Good! Cut n oo n unci v ning gu . ts of Mr'. ·' Iwnding s('\!(!I'u l t1nYiI with lull held their' l'~"gu lal' meeting nt lI1i~"inll path fr Olll 1Il1d e~irab le ex· di~tancc route .. and 1Ifr,. I\lIen Eml'ick. nglc family ut lI1iddletown, ternal decirit'al illnUcnC(' ~, . Wayn e PUI k Tllesduy aftcl'noon, Test II nd~r ;Je t unl olwrnting con· MI'. and Mrs, Donald Hadl ey, BCl'ause ()f it ~ hiRh rr~ qll,l' n C~' dilion,< will be made wl1ell lhe ill' Mi. i; 1\htry Wilde, of Miumi burg , T\I lv' mcn.,berl! wel'e preR~lIt fr, and Mr, Th er-J J ones and rallg'e, this new type circuit i · con· son, l\Iilton, I>icnice d at l~e. oUl'ds- "as the KlH)~L f her aunt 1\11 ,n. (,Deh 1'!'''pondlll$!' t o ro~1 call With sidered to be a great !<tri<.lc forward stullalion i. campi te, It i ~li· !lUlled ~lIallhe total co t of Ihe proj· ,' . W eaver, W t>d n .. ~d ay ~veni n g, th~ nam(, of her fU,vol'lle II wet" ville Lake near Hamilton u nday The l'egulul' prog1'IlnL of work . in COllllllUl1iCiltiol1. It, uses ~hou l<l ect will be about 5 0,00 , . nfttrno()n and vening, 1111', and :\11's, Huwell Peirce. wa iollowEid by It 'Picnic s upp er , Mr. All n Hole att('ntied the Mi ' (:s Annie and lame Brown t\1iJdl'ed ,ulisb ury, Report r, Bible conference at Miami alley weI in Xenia Tu e 'day afternoon. - - - -- - hautauqua Sunday nit I'll on, JU ST SEW CLUB I!!lod condition, 4-H TOUR W ELL AT TE ND E D where R v. fidel of Indiannpoli ~ Alr!<, \'e m Rough is at the home Inl del galion of 4.H club Tel'lll"; ca~h, ,po ke. of he l' son Fane ,t H ough in Ridge ml!llIb I'R from Wo,yne T ow ns hip The Ju st. ,ew lub met ut th e Mr, B n Ha wke of Pl'ingfil'ld ville, caring for fLo~, ~rougb, who J'oined othe's in ' the c</unty for, U. E. llTERMAN i!t IIpencling a ~ w days , with i" i 11. hOll1e of Ml'lI. Ollie R()utzahn on Sl'al', A uet, the tour to oney 1. la nd, W dhome folk s. Wedne~dllY, July 10. Ti'J I' woye !\fl', and Ml's, J ohn Hancock lind n esduy, Mr ,Mary armony, accom· The trip included a visit to ihe leven l1lembCl' ancl five visitorl:l panied by Mr. and 1\1)'£ , , . F. daughte r, of nRnr Wilminlt'tOn, lai'y ross, Zoo , A fin ~ tim i>l ,·epo rted. p.'t:sent. The member;; prac iced lal'k of Waynesville, fittended cal! (, o n 11'8. WHAT 'S THE NA~E milking different !;ellm~. lind look· the ,a11110ny r eunion SUnday, lit • undllY. OF lllAT PL.EASA~T " --==.== .. --= l ed oVl!r the finiflhed gal'mEm . Tho Miller's pal'k, north of Duyton. 5MELLI NG r: L.Y Sid Cox, ()j' fiUllli, F'lol'ida, ar. Mrs, J. B. J ones 1'etuTned hom e rived las t w ek to join hi~ wife hag accepted U p o~ilio n llt the club then adjourn ed to meet at I<U,t.ER - MA'W? Fail'ley Hardware stot' . the hom e of Mrs, R outzahn, July Sunday v ning fifter H~ nding and SOn \~htJ hUI'e been vil'litillg \,W nty,Iourih, vCl'al day ' in Dayton with her relative' hel'e. )lr, and !\frs, Ru s. ell Noal, of , Mary Adam s N \\.s Report e!'. I _~--1~---_ . i·ter. 11", John Zimm I'man, who incinnati, are gue!"ts :fot' the I'e· I - ...: _ , I hOR been ve,·y ill for so me time, Lest I' lind Betty Lo u Cr'addtJtk maindel' of the week, of Mr', and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick and R obert nnd Janie Mon-i ' of !'Ifl'S, O. J. Gray and daughter. spent atul'day aIternoon in Day. Dayton, called on h s, L, D, TELEPHONE IS T, J . mith hI! been quite- sick ton and callt'<! on. Mi l' s Elin anti Chile.', vening. f or several days. . I OPEN SESAME lara K nri k and ir. and h 's. r·I. adM ' W ' l! ' R'd ' Thomas ollins, ~ IS, 118m ' I enom MI'. and cl'rs. Lc'stet' Peterso n Mr, and Mr;;, Will R ogers and l an~1 tht'u' daugh t ~', !lfl·S. Eva II' "(OUR Dc~ .. r . CANNOT aUIIPLY YO U WAtTI. Warren William, III lion .... LDWIN LABOR.TO.U ... , IND. • ........ 'aw". .•• daughter of Mo 'on, Mr. and MI's. Stmgley, of , Day~o~, wer . gu, !Its and daughter, MI'. arid Mrs. Hough CO."""IIJ'4T I'~ • • • • • • .tIL-O'llll .... \.A.aftA'TCUu • ••• IHO. piclure .t.1f, leep a telephone of pring alley, Ilnd Miss Glenna snd h 81' Ies P enn W1't an d d aug'hter' 0f of da Mr.ven 'n 1\'11,. JI,lllh DaVIS, un· Maish. of Dayt on, were visitorg ill an ,lIlliql1e lal1teru whi h near Bellbrook and Mr, Trilla y 1 g. hanss o\'e r the main gate to at the h ome of M 'I', and MI'. his home, t F.ncina, alif. FarquaJ' and son of Ridgeville The building formcrly occupied F n\Uk !\Ior. h, unday, He pull it down b)' a h:wg· spent unday aftel'noon with Mr, by Fl'lL1.ieJl' and ampbell, Tinnerll, illl.: clble, nnnOlll1 (OS hi arand Mrs, lJJ'qnk Rogers. will b cony rted into a dwelling Mr. and ~h'" LEle Aun paugh ril' al, and the ga te II[C opellc" h. and M,'s, George Gray, hou e and will be occupied by I\,nd family, of Da~rton, M1'. and by a 11 electrical (.on tral from M,', and Mr~ , LeRH~ Gray al)d Richal'd ampbell and faniily. [r . Gorge Albright, of Brookwi thin Ihe house. chiIdr'en Illotol'ed to incinnati ville, and Mr. anti MI' . Clarence i\ft,:;. L e na Hartsock, MI', and Mendenhall pic nickE!d at Wayne Sunday and spen the .day with MI', and MNI. Leonard Gray. l't~r. 1111'S, :, id 0<, and on were dinner Park. u nday, An Old P l'actice Gray is spending this week with gue ts of A. Z. Hartsock and MI', and 1\[r>l. Eli Gray amI his daul,!hter, Mrs. Fred Fi k, at f"!Ilily, of n llI' W ilminglon, Tuesgrandson , Ronald GraY, of ClarksIndepllndence, Ky" whil MI's. tlay. Glowing COl'll in hills is a prac~ JULY 19- 20 viI! , MI's. Ed Damsel ano] daugll. Gl'ay l' cmain in incinnati for tice taught ,to early 8ettlcl'l~ by Mr. and 1I-s. Vel'non G"openter~, T helma J ane and Phyllis Ann t he week , GEORGE O' BRI EN, bacher, formerly of {:;eorgetown, I o~ oluhlbus, called on Mr. and India ns. II DOR TH.Y WI L SON , ) Ohio, hO\le become ie.ide nt of 1Mrs, ' Elz,ey Sunday evenin Waynesvi lle, MI', Gl'op penbachel' jn~, PU BLIC SALE


- =--=

Large and Small Animal Work


' ...____________" II , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,

Cary's Jewelry


Lebanon, Ohio EX P ERT WATCH R EPAIRING a Only Genu in e Ma teria"

Prompt Service tore open until 9 p, m,

DR. H. E. HATHAWAY Dentist X-RAY WORK BLOC ANESTHESIA All KiDd. of Dea.turea MaM Repait Work Done Quickly ~ain




Moderate Cost


T he cost of a' funeral service i. entirely d cided by the wishes of our clients. Theil' Il hoice of a casket a nd lIecejlsary accessories is infl uenced by no attempt at salesmanship o n o~r pal·t. We tollo\ t h eir desires closely, a n d keep the total cost to as moderate a fi gure a t.heir choice dil)tates.

R'.H.STUBBS :JimeJr.aL ~iIrLcldl..


Miami Fly Spray Brina Your Cana

6Se per Gallon ,

Calcium Arsenate R ecom.mended To Kill Bean B eetle ••




- _.---

NRA Has Ended, but Ilhl)Ugh thB Funeral • C'l'vi e otl~ i , '00 lo ng r in effect, thi" firm w ill, on tinuc its higll standards Of ethics onE.! busi ness con· du t, The ode of our prof(>s. io n mel'ely established nationlllly tho e pl'inclples which we hh fo ll owed , inco our founding. In ihe futul , as in the 'Past, we will conLinue th ese policies ' in all r elutioll s with our

slu ll' und t.he pUblic ,

J. E.' McClure Phone 7

WaynesviJle, Ohio





Wayne.vIDe, O.


Speed of Telephone Repairs Increases 1£ your telephone g<lC. II the " fritz," the chalices are 20 10 on that il will be r epaired the snn'le day you report the troubtl!, , T kis is '2waled by a stu,l) (Ii repair r~C llr tl ~ 'Ii 'l it, ()IIIO 13 II '[, Irpholl\!

tompallY. ~how

I w ill /fer at public 3.11e at W, 3l'(1 street, Waynesville Ohio, on

New Chocolate Cake Makes Guests Beg Recipe/

Saturday. July 20, 1935 at 1 o'clOCK p, m. the i()J\ow. ing: Black mithing Tools and Material, 5-h OI'Se gasolin e engine, a good o n e j 1 large pow~r E me r y Gri nder powel' g rinder wh eel; 1 F orge, a p l'ta ble on e, good ; 1 A nv il , 1 ViSit~, 1 drill press, 1 Scr ewp)ate, n ew; I 150 l b g rind to ne, 3 bolt cutters', dr ill b it , Hammers, T ongs, pinc he l's, chisels. etc, e tc, 1 good Hot S hear ; T his stock of t o ols and l1'Ulterial is clean and i n

The company's stali~lics I:t t year it c\ca red 94,87

III t per i.tJi _t nr ,hl! ca~e ' t t rouble on Ihe O"y j ,~ \, " ere reper .lIl. Since l'l!il, Ihe ,:olOpany has raised its t,ne'c!"Y T(IMI; l.erClntagc from 76,77 10 ti:11 1~3~ ijJ,llJ re.


Rale Increaain,

Wh ile the birt.h rate has been declining in OhiO, t.he death rate hru; rise-nj in 19)5 t.h e total n um· W aynuville, Ohio bel' of death i n the s tatc was 66,· 000, in 1934., the number was 77, 000.

Pholle 25

:lX- ,

When a Man'.

aMan Cartoon, "Hey Feye.,:' COl'lledy_ "One Run E lmer:."

JULY 2 1.22 GAR ~'

OOP E R and NNA TEN, in

The Wedding Night Comedy, "U ncivil Warriora.'· Fox Newt


bows-7 :00 & 8 :8 0 p. m. ADM. 10c- 15c .

SWIM Where Swimming Is



Wayne Park Swimming Pool

Unquestioned dwability and exquisite design -the hiRhest ideals in plated wate-ar~ ass.ured in spoons, forks, and fancy serving pieces bearins the renowned trade ~

1847 ROGERS BaOS.;~pt 1here are various makes of .averplated tableware wLieb are claimed to be .. jUlt as good," but, like aU

.. imitations, they lack the beauty and we~r.i!lS__q,!~tv idealified with the original and genuine "tI!lRa6ERSBRii.f, ""~llOpIlllarty bownu '-SiI"" PlatiiIUI,••

... !It!M'!nl .~ ~


Send for

T your next party you'll get a A real thrill out ot servIng this Dew cake and having your


late and blend. Add abou 1J0ur and beat well: tltlen III cream and beat thoroughly relllalatng flour, ' aitelfDately milk, beatlag, well a~ter en dltton. Add vanilla. 'l:'urn I;

t r J

begging for th e recipe, It's as easy '~ to make a s It Is gorg eous looking, ~. The mellow·emootll c bocolate lay· J ers take only one egg, And the greased 9,Inch layer pmi8 ah crowning i!avor surprise is the pel)- in moderate oven (360· J permlDt frosting , which can be mInutes, or until done. : either pink or white. j U3 t as you Pellilormlnt Fr08ting betwa; 'J ~refer, , ers and on top and atide. of '. Decorllte with a 1·ln<lh lIorc f Chocolat. Pep p:rm ;,1t C.' ·e chocolate lIakes, Double reel,,!. .Jr 2 '~pa aUt.ed cake aour I.h rce lO-lnch Isyer• . I te_D IOda

., ~


teullOOll, 1&1&

'1/. 01Ip '.I&.r or olher IhorlclllnJ 1\10 eIIPI au",

I - . UJlIIeeltll 11111&_ llllri'otlllll4 cAooloI&... aelt.ed ~ IIIP IUd! .ur cream 'IIo ... _11t I &eupocna . .


"lila once.

. a~

PeppermInt ,. ...llltllla Prell8re your Add coloI'm. to gIve a deUcate




tbe elld of a


liquid coloriJlr 81ft lftour m........ mon from Ire, &ad 1&11. aa4 11ft _ether ..4 IleaC uaW

tbIaee. add

0Nata batt. tJaor.

Waynesville, Ohio "THE MODERN POOL OF SOUTHERN OHIO" If you are looking for a place to en joy a cool, quiet, refre.hing .wimIf you de.ire to picnic at one of the moat beautiful spot. alon. the Little . Miami RiverIf you wi.h to fiah, play tenni. or play ban, THEN VISIT WAYNE PARK. , Our Modern Concrete Swimming Pool i. becomin. popular with those who demand a healthful place to .wim. Every cia,. thou..nd. of gallo~. of freah well water are added to the pool. All water is coaatantly heia. filtereel. Enou.h a . . ilable chlorine i. distributed all oYer the pool to pari~ the water yet not to the exce•• that it irritat.s the .yea.

Luncheon-Beer On Tap-Ta.ty Sanclwich.s. Ice Creaaa _cI .C_cly are served ill our acreeneel, weU-equipped ....ta.......t Picaic Grouacl., Ball Park, T.llDu Courts, FialaiD. _cI ParIdq .... F,... oI"ch......

:z Eighty-Seventh Year

ETHAN LEWIS WRITES OF EXPERIENCES AT NAVAL ACADEMY Tr.".ferl'ed From Traini.,. Ba.e At NOl'folk To Duty At


"---- - ---

STANLEY EARNHART LEBANONPOS Attorney C. Stanley Earnhart ha\> been enQorsed by the Democratic Central committee of Warren county to succeed Miss Mary Ross, as postmaster in this city and It is expected tha t the appoint ment will be made at once. The committee, divided in recent months as a result of a factional figbt within the party ranks in War ~n county, gave Mr. Eilrn. hart a unanimous endorsemen t. He ranked, first on the list of eligible candidates and was con. ceded the best chance for the post from the start. Other leading candidates were B. M. Bradford. L ebanon contractor, and Miss Esther ~tibbs, motor vehicle registrar at Lebanon. Miss Ross, whose- term (if office expired in February, will remain' at t he head of the local post office unt il tlie appointment of h er euecellsor is confirmed.

. .. ~



----- ...


Mr. adi onner was a DaytOn visitOl', Frielay. Ve m on Mainous left today f r Ma On Lake, Fifield, Wi :; onsin. . Mrs. W. S .• cnnlan WIIS a businC ~1I visitor in L('banon, -Friday. Misses Inez

mith and Anna

TI' adway weI'!! Dayton


vi silor~:

Tuesday, )'o ss was the Mrs. ~rary dinner guest of 1\11' . A . K. Day On F~iday. . H. E. h~1 ~vood . and George Z 11 we~' VI~lt rs 10 Vf1n Wert, Tue da), hIrs. J s ie Hyman has l' turned home 11ft l' enjoying a vacat.ion at MlIl'tinsville, lnd.


Mr. and Ml's. Loren Jameson, nee Louise rane, hav gon to housekeeping in Dayton. M,,, and !\frs. Marvin Banta, , of H. Ol·eb. we"e guests of Mr. lind • Ir;·ev. · ::

The fifth summer camp f il l' The Boy. co ut. undel' the allle Young Friends of W i1min tOll ' ~ea~l el's h i p of Raynl()!ld . Bradd (\c~ , g HI m the- most fiO\l.f lllhmg condl· Y early Meel.iny will "Ilen Tuesday lio n of anytime since fhe ol'ganizaAugu, t 20. I tiol1 Qf TI'oop No. 4.0. n ill o n th The cll mp Ollf(ll' nCe "'ill he job tl'ying .to drive home the fact h<.'ld at the 4.-11 chlb cam!> nt I.h~ impol'tance of chalt'act I' builJlifto n, Gre lIe c()uril;V, the ing in the liv s of th youth of on Wayncsvill" all bOYl:l beLw tl the Little Mia mi l·iycr. ages of ] 2 to 1 81'(' eligib l(' to Th 1'1.', in one of Lh.. beauty join I egardle!< of J'ace creed or spots of so u th\\'('~tern hio. co lol·. young F ri nds wilh theit leael I'S Th financial ~uppo .. t. of thi and inslructOJ'8, will stndy the (J1'ganization i. vel'Yd irnpul-lant, ati h histol'Y, principl e. and phil SO l)hy all work connecte · wit it i~ b of uakeri ~ lJ1 and di 'CU8S topics frcE'ly riVC fl y the com mit\.ee and pertaining to both nati onal unci lhe ('out and OUl' bu.dget internati onal affai r.. of 50 da llul's a y at' \~hi h gOE'S to While the l1101'nings al'e givC?n lite Mound Build ers Aol' II it; v l'y (lve!' to clos. and di8cu, ,;ion r ea . unable con idcrin~r Lhe many groups, th uCteruool1s al'e filled OflPOl'\.llnitie offer d OU I' boys. If with reel' 'atio nal aclivjties, ~ uch you want to give so m motley to II swimm ing, voll y ball, soft th .'cou it would be ap PI'cciated ball, hiking and in tA:-re.t groups, during the m onth of AugU!.t, a whicb include dramatic. and Our obligation is due the l\. orc heslt·a. A life guDI'~ will be on I Any 111 111 bet· of the cOlllmitee eluly dul'ing the swimmi ng hour will be glad to receiv your donaand compet nt I ad!!.!·s will have tion. Th e comm itt e: Frank Leehai'g o~ all SP?l'ts. . . May•.J. E. Mc lun!, Ro, s Harlsock Many Int r e tlng ev mng ))I'U- Rev. ,. ibel·t and J. W. Lotz. gram have been plllnn~d for the • - - ---camIllire hour.. S tlJendld lenders hav be.n obt~m ed for the confer enc WhlCh Will last fl'om August 20 to 25. _ _ Th thil't enLh annual Orchard Day will be held at Woollt.el· on Friday., Au"'usl I, e~ll.' '" 16, Mel all in tercl in fruIt growing are inviled


J~.Y'Di:::taY~nd family

IN AUTO ACCIDENT):~:r~~~~i~~ ~8;~_C~ '~~ i~~erv~l:

left Tue'day morning ior II t w o - , . lherellftt'l', tour will be conducted weeks onting at Lakeside. 1111'S. Emmerson Geyer, wlft' of lh"ough the orchard lind th work Emnl~rson .~ey ' I', ma.nagel· of the e~p la ined by stuff menlbe~' in Mi s Alic e Gons has l' turned <?Ionlal Finance. () mplI~~, .Of charge of lhe vari ous lines (If h ome after visit of sev ral doys Mlddl town sufl.el'e~ 1.nJUnes work. with friend~ in T nnessee. '~h~n }~e aut?mobll~ In which . he pecial feature lhi s )rear will Miss Loui e Hender on WII the \\a>< Ildlllg With hel l\U s?und on include a ludy of. the water relnRoute 73 near WaYfl?sv ,1I wa I li ons of fruit trees and the posweek-end guest of her sister, Mrs. !.'truck by an automobll O.P rat d ibl e n ed f 1·1'}·;"'al!on.. Th dilut

I .

b rEM Y rs. . ong 1', Mrs. Maude rane spent unday Both G .yel· ~nd in Dayton, the guest of. her daugh cscap d , Ith mIn or tier, MI'S. Loren Jam . on.

11. Btf.

. . . . . . . . . .t .


\~' iIl

-= = L~

if! playing with band at Miumi alley

Hl' p Was Broken In FlO 5 al n treet

Mi ~~ Th linn St. J ohn pent W dnesday with My. Gilbcrt FI'ye.

:\1r. alld l\l1'S. W. Il .

weI' btl

ill several ,III Ys,

lien, who able t o


( \I •

Richard Kinkaid und MI', I'a\\'10\'(1, of . abina, called o n R. A . ('\'o,s, Sunday.

11-. nnll l\I.l'~. RtI ~scll FI'ank s]Je nt the week-e n(1 with relative8 in Bowling GI'C n.

J. L. Mend nhall has be n confine!! to his home mOl'," tha n a w Cll k b cause f iIInes . . 1\11'. and Mrs. Hurry Os),o I'll, were . guests IIll1ndu


lin, of f Mrs.


L e tel' Iv ins, Un in, tructor at D fiance college, i. one of ix educators being com;irl r ed Govt'rnor Davy .fOI' appointment 10 the four-year position as slat director of educutiun. ?lh. I vins is a brothel' of 11·R. Hannah Rogel';; and gradualed from Waynesville high . school in the cia of 1 07.


Local Soft Ball T earn Wins Again

Raym ond Davis and f.amily and Mrs. Ella Carma II, of Dayton, (-ailed on Wayne!\ville frionds un-


fo-o-----1ET'S EXPLORE OHIO~;;;;p;~

1\11'. and 1111's. Raymond Conner and Mrs. 'arah MUlTsy were \' i8ilo),>1 at hautauqull, .unday.

Salt('rlhwalle and Toll ' s pent SatUI'day with fl'ieltds at Bufol'd, Ohi o. 1\11':<. ][


Mrs. Ralrh


!\fi. Lilla Benham is pending f ew days in Lebanon, the guest or MI'. and Mes. Joseph 0 ardolf.

day. _Usses Lulu Vandel'yoort and Mi s. Blanche- Hunter, of Wilmington called n Mrs. MtII'Y Silver Monday aHcmoon. Mrs. S. D. hancellor and grandson, oC Lumberton, are visitors in tile home of Mr. , and rtrs. M. L. Parshall.

Mrs. Rut h Jann ey and Miss Lou lIa I 'fi"Tue. dny for ·t. Loui Mo., whet'll Lit y will be the guests f DI', and 1\I1's. harle~ Ellis. Miss DOl'othy Anderson, of KingInan ant.! Miss Doris Ha'wkc will leave Fl'iday for Washington, D. C., wh I' they will spend the we k-end.

Dean IIawke of Smith's grocCl'y and Dick Wei sb rodt, life guard at Wayne Park wimming pool, al'c enjoying a vncation at the home of t.h Illitcl' in ardinia.

Mi Helen JIawke, Mar , Ruth H len and Warre n LeMIlY llnd Ruth Ollnel' are SI)(md ing lwo weeks at the Hawke cottage lit Miami alley haut.auqua. Jl omer D lithorage and daughter, F ern and l\1T . . BlanC}1 Baker, of incinnati, vi hed R. H. Hartsock and family, , atul'day. Mfs. Baker remaincd f or a mOI'c xtended visit.

Misses Trill,ena and Margaret Edwards were guest/! of theil' brother O. J. EdwaJ'd$, and family at Springfield, Ovel' the week-end.

Mrs. J. R. Collier, son and g l'and4aughter, of Lexington; Ky., ar. guests ()f Mrs. Collieris sister, Mrs. Ray Mainous, this week.

Suclav mol'lliDl. 1._ ....... of tile aerieaallme. Wi........, ad


11'. and Mrs. \ itll> r H.atfield, Qf DaYlOfl, 8 1) -nt unday with MI·~. l\laym Hatfield and son.


Mrs: Maoyme Hatfield, Mr. and Mrs. Walker Hatfi.e-Id were dinner guests of M1" . Laura Shidakel', in Harveysbul'g, unday 'evening,


M<iss Bell e- O'Neall flP nt Sun day with fri nd s lit Wa shington , . II.


-- ...---


Jul y 20 was Grandfathers' at Farmol's' Grange No. 13, alit! th· nin('tecfl granddads had ('hal'l(' III the program which W8S enjoyed by a lar ge number of mt'mbc,'~ and visitors. The program was as follows: Violin solo--Mr. L. . StJohn. I clamation 'Bal'bara Fritchi!!," MI'. f1al'v ey BUI'nett. Piano Du et - Mi sS(! Janette Wil so n and Pauline Pelerson. D ecJarnation "The Lost Pantaloons," MI'. Robert Peters. Skit-"The Wife of the 'SO's goes Shoppiny," Mr. Harvey Burn tt. Acco rdian Solo--Mis!! Paliline Pelel·son. Paper - MI'. Morris Cornell. kit. "Tho Old Family Doctor" , MI'. BeTne Jones. Pantomime-" Hlll'vest cene of Lhe • 0'8: Mr. B. V. Smith and Mr. E. L. Thomas. Vocal olo--Miss Barbara Lou Bland, Violin ,Solo Mr. L . C. St John. ~ ----.i~h t


- --'

Of LO CAl GRANGE PUION PROGRAM Large Number of Member. Vi.iton Enjoy Progra",

"Th p ,1Wcr of 1: (/ ernnle n tel illllH't1Ve ('()n,litions is not a dl'oJ) ill lhe bu kC?t compar ed to tile enormous prosp rity-making apne ity that lies· in the natll~al It' nd e nc y of bu 'i ne,,~ and indu l l'Y to make bC!lter p rudu(·ts at lower ~o~t, t o distl'ibut them lVidel~', and in the pl'OC ~H to en'ate 11101' jobs !tnd highe,' \\Ug(' •• " , aid l'n , t T. Weir. hnirmlln of til l' Nnti onal ' te ", 1 orporalion, ree nily . ."ThiR nutural callA ity has been impotent recently hpcau~c of t h£' flill' and llllcertainty en g(!ndercd allwng bu<iness men by go\,cl'nmenla l inlerfCl' nc ," It il'; oft n CXlll'i!!'I5eu beli ef lhnt ~ovHnment can ncilhl'r Cl'eat(' n ur pI'event I' 'coveJ"Y-but i ~ can rela I'd it fat' a d iscou ragin rly lung time. By stifling inv(! st m (' nt~ wi h tax lion. by de:l!'oyin confid enc thl'o ugh bur aucrntic dOlll inatiol1, amI' by standing in the way of indu trial cXfl!llIsion thl' llJ1:h thr al~ of mOl' and inc1'easing ly b'ingnt r egim ntation of the nalion's pl'odu tive machin ry, IIOlitlc: on ~ me pru~perity'" wor:t enemy. Give industry a fair chance, and it will do it~ part to bring back good times.

(' " .., 'Ial·veYSuurg. OJ' 111 dilled formulas for control irs: . Mongel' o r orchard di sea s . and t.hl,'J combl'uls '. j)llrative CbKt s of th ese fOl'l11ubls will be explained. The control of 1I1>pl flea weevil by a new pray Dr. and Mrs. John Dav!, of . 1 '11 d' d Jack on C nter, Wl;'re week-end IIlliltellt8 WI bE e tBCU1!lse b Y lh-eThe Faldey soft ball I. am f D d 111 E F cpaI' ment of ntomo ugy. N ewer scol ed nnoth el' victory in ~heil' f,u~~c. 0 r. nn 1'6. "1 __ varieties of apple. ' ;peaches, gamc with the Lebanon Pres at John H. mith suff red a plunl ~ , and mall frUit:; Will be on th h' h h 1 d Wndn " 'b' . f ' 'bl 0 I e Ig BC 00 groun ..~Miss Mary Leah Edwards, of broken hip whell h e t 11 on the eX I \I It, Inso ar as po lSI e. tIer dn even in Jul 17 'th score Springfield has returned to ber cement walk near hi home UI1- Ill ots WIll show the 1'C15ult..'1 of the b ~ J 2 t 11'6 Y , e ' k 'th H I us c of Cyanamid and other mil' O. • h ome af i r pen d II1g a wee WI day evening. e was remOVe! to f ertilizers as w 11 a~ the results of f 11 chedule of n xt w ek S g'ames N!lativ~s here. Mc lellan ti osllitul whel'e he- is . d th" I d Q OW5: resti ng as well as Can be expected prunlf1g' an . IIlnmg ap,P e an Jul 2G- Xenia Hub t Mr. and flir . Kenneth St: John peaches. und spray ,;e Idue 1'1;'h Y . s a who have b en vi!!iting relative COMMUNITY SING moval The fruit diseases of the se 001 glounds. , I . hCI'er I-e-ft Tuesday ior thlfir honle I ~ casOn will be discussed by the' July 29-Lcban~, liel'I!. in }J'ubbard, Ohio. The community chorus will Department of Botany. July 31 -Fra~I~~~ meet in Grange hall lhis ThursA tour of the fio,,,,,r ga l'dens MI'. and Mr . Lindley Mills and day ('vening, July 25, at o'clock. lInd "hl'ubbel'y is provil ded as a EL I A. RUSSELL, O'F ROUTE daughter, of Midland, M'i chigan, A good attendance is urged. Sl)~cilll 1: oluI'e f OI' th-e ladies, and TWO, CALLED BY DEATH \\Te<re recent gU!!st!> of Mr. and Mrs - - - --a di. cu sion will b given of the George D. Mills. BROWN _ THOMAS REUNION home flower garden. Eli A, Russell di d at his home MI'. and Mrs. Gilbel't Frye, Mrs. A shorl Hpeaking program will in Lytle, Wednesday night, July E. C. CI'ane and childl'en, Bar. 'I'h e annual reunion of the hI' h Id following th!! lunch hour, 24. H e- is sUl'vived by hI widow. bara and Jack were Dayton visi- Brown and Thomas familie will ariel' which anolh l ' tour of the Fun6'r al ~e l'V'ices 'will be held at tors Monday aftel'nOof!. be held at Wahldl'u pat:k 011 SUII- orchards, gardens, and potato the McClure li'uneral Rome aturday, August 4. }Ilots will b ~lade. day afternoon al. 2 o'l!tock. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kersey had as dinnel' guests F1'iday eveni ng, 01'. and Mt'. E. F. Deppe and Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Burton.

Kalhryn Turnel', in Da,yton.

.. _..----




Winter Garments Cleaned and Pressed. No extra charge :for Comparison of fann 'cash in- Sealing in Moth-proof Bags. Dry comes for t he years 1933. and Cleaners, Kathryn Mendenhall, 1934, as reported by Ohio farmera manager, in day-by-day records, indicate Members of the "Argunot" that earnings in the latter year were s ubstantially better than in b.ridge club were entertained at 1983_ We home of Misses Trillena and Almollt a thousand records for Margaret Edwards, Tuesday after each of the two years we're involv- noon. ' ed in the analysis now completed Mrs. Russell LeNard and by the department of rural economicil at tbe O. S. 11. The rec- childl'e n, of Franklin, Mrs. Earl ords revealed net farm income to Hough and son, of Dayton, were be $262 greater in the second dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Linn, Thursday. year. " Average cash income of 909 Robert Chapman and his friend, farmers in ] 934 was U 124. The Edward L. HAyden, both employed average of ~ejr labor incomes' in t he State' Auditor's office in WB8 $1159. Labor income ' is de- Columbus, were week-end guests fined as the farm income leas an of the fot'mer'8 parents, Mr. ' and interest of 4 per cent. Income Mrs. J. B. Chapman. from Interest on their investmenta Mra. Edith M. Harris and her average $441. ~--guest, Mrs. Frank L. Taylor, of San FrantilCo, Calif., Mr. and BURNET-WATKINS Mra. Ronald Hawke, Mr. Harris )loaher and 1\11'. Frank Hawke Milia Caroline Watkins, daup.ere dinner p ..ts of Mr. and MTa t.r of Mr. and Mn. Arthur WatC. Hartsock and iamlly in kin., and Yr. Chllter Burnet. F. MIlford, Sunday. IOn of lb. and lin. Stae7 BurDe' all 01 ...... CenteniUe, were lin. Lettie Archer, of GeiDelmaniecl at the lIethodlat Charda vill., I'loricla, who ".. callecl to




The regulal' meeting of the Y. TI1l' .Jr. GC)(I U III lothing F. M. will be h Id at the Tomlin('I\lh l11('et Julyof30th eat lead"'I', 2:J!i p. 111. at tht, hom(' son hOllle Sunday evening, July Mn<. Gilhert l~I·Y I'. 2 . Lesson leader, Eva IcMillan; thL~ lal'L~rl. nl( t!tillg' lhe thir'd orticl£, devotional Icader, Dale Und 1'- Annual Con Ference Will Be Held Raymond Braddock I. Pre.ent It H .. Many Timeo More Value i~ t ilt he' l~'(!I'l:lIltion loadel', Warren Leadc.r of Group Than Government Aid At Clifton --------- ----~


Eth an L wis. who Is in th e U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland, writes interestingly of his work lind expe-riences in the Nav)·. A lette-r recently received by his grandmother Mrs. Elizabelh Lew i ~, follows: . Annapoli , Maryland Jul y 20, 1935 Deal' Gramlm other: Just a few lines to let you know lhat my tl'ip to Annapolis was made O. K. lind that I think J will like my duly fin e. Our b oat (a steam I' on t h e Old Bay Line) left Norfolk nt 6:30 last evening. W e aHived in Bal1imor nt 6 :30 this morning. Had breakfast and t.ook an electric cllr out here. We arc in quarantin at pl'eS(!-nt. beclluse of the infantile pamlysis epidemic in North Carolina and Vh·ginia. OUI'S is both quat'antine and duty. everal boys just ntering the Naval Academy as midshipmen and also II few sccoml cln. smen who went a hore while in Nodolk on their midship men's Cl'ui e are ;n the tWIl ward we fOUl' fellOW arc in. We will oon be in charge of lhe ward, thus begins our first acti" duty in th\! Navy. I think we'll be in quaJ'sntin~ abou t three weeks_ Ed Franer didn't waste any time looking me UJ) litter he got 017 duty. He likes it here fine. It certainly i a most beautiful place. After pending eight mon~hs in that level tide watel' di. trict around Norfolk, t his is mo t pleasing to ~e back among hills and valleys lis we have at home, I hope we will soon get out of qUal'sntine so that I may see nll of t he Academy and also get duly in a ward where there are patients not boy in quarantine. J have said enou&'h to leaVe wit.h you th impl'es ion that this, the U. S. Naval Acadamy is a all who com in contact 'YUh it know, a wonderrul place. Closing, Ire. main as ever, . You'r loving grand-son, Ethan J. Lewis.

Whole Number 6179

THURSDA Y, JULY 25, 1935


N ewto n P. Blatt, f I'll1cr superi n-

--- ..

4-H GIRLS' CAMP TO OP(N AUGUST 5 TAe most . outstandinll event in this summer's 4-H club program for girls will be the Girls' 4-H camp to b c held at Camp Hook, August 6th to 10th. Starting on Monday evening the camp Pt'ogl'8m of handicrafts. swimming; music, arche1'Y, nature study, personality study gl'OUP8, vespera and dramatics will continue until Saturday morning. A large group of local 4-H club leaders, as well a special instructors will a ~i8t wlth the program. Thi 'camp provides an excellent oPPol'tunity for the further 'development of gil-Is in each of the 4-H pbases--head. heart, hand and health, and every 4-H club girl i ul\ged to make . her camp reservations i.lmediately with Elizabeth Graddy, home demonstra tion ag~.

• •,w·e-' •


NEIGHBORS ENJOY EVENING TOGETHER The Bunnell camp was the scene of a plellsant neighbol'hool affair, lInd'IlY vening, when MM. Nellie Bunnell, Miss Monimia Bunnell and Mr. and Mr . Rhodes Bunnell entel'tained for the pleasure of Irs. Ralph D. Tolle, of Washinlrt Co n, D. ., who is spe-ndinl' Bev' 1 weoks at;'th-e- .home of hel' parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Henry S."tterthwaite. A picnic supper whii!h incl uded all the delicacies of tho s~ a Bo n, add.ed to the pleasure of the occasion. B sid. the honol' guest and the Satterthwaite family there were present, Mr. and M'l's. J . Q. Go ns, Mrs. Fred Gons, Hel n Margaret and Robert Gons, Hal'l<lld Ri singer, MI'. imd MI·s. EaJ'l Hocket~, Miss Ruth Hockett, Mr. and Mr . Keller Hok and family and Ro 114:0 e 'F urnas.

of Wayn.e T ownship will r ceive hi~ Master's degr ee at the commencement exerd sl's at Miami university, Friday SATURDAYIS VISITORS July 26. DAY AT FORT HARRISON t<'''I1dent

~c hools,

R. H. lIm-t,;ock and daughters, J ean and Jan e,pent Tu sday at th holn of his brothel', A. Z. Hal't sock. neal' Wilmington. Owen, who had bee n visiting bi s uncle and family (01' a fe \v days, t'l!turned hOllle wilh his father and si~ tc rs .

A handful of VirgInia troOpij. II ungq' and (old . rill' hehlnd the ."lIt limber walls or - Un)' Forl , ..aUI'eIlS.

Jt \\'3 17i9 and Febr\lary ~now lay deep in til s\lrrounding ror· '11I1 s Behind the trees were · 200 " ' yand vt and Mingo wanlon, 'ook IIIK for an 01111 nunlty to safe" au uk the slender garrIson. Tit. ,ate opened. A grQup of ,old len canle Ollt and !!(a rted (or Ib, ""ood plle~ a !.Iilol'! dlslance ..... ,.

f""laul ,,"I


"·!th.' lid \\' r



urrounded the ~ordltrll 011 ,II chlLlrl' lOr retreat. of Ihe lun-h·"ra

andidale at the Fort Har. I'ison Citizen' Military TTainins ' Camp, Harl'i on, Ind., are grooming themselves in anticipation of ViRitors' Day, Satul'day, July 27th, when parents and relatives of the adet COl'pa will vi(iit the camp. All il'iends of t he C. M. T.. C. al'e cordially invited. Ca..didates al'e authol'ized to have their parents as guests at the no()n meal. ' All candidate!> hllve b~ requested to notify their co~a ny commandel's the number of guests who will be pre ent in order that meal ticket. may be furnished. If the ca ndidates prefer, the,. may picnic with their · guellta. A grove has been r .. erved for picnic parties.

The annua l reunion of the Kibl er and Hunter families was held untlay at Lem ,Penn's on ['o ute 48. ' Among tho!'!c present w. I'e 1111'. and Mrs, harles Tay lor of Fort Wayne, Ind., Mr. and A few daY>! later lhe Indians IIgaln t the deadl y raids (If lila 'Mr·s. FI' d hel'wood and family, o/treed to lea,'\! If given meal and ra.udlng I1HlIlIn!'. It wa F (h~ \\' e.~ of olumbus, Mr. and Mrs . Ralph Oou.... Rations wllhin the fort bad ernlllo~t O\llpo~1 nf tile fie"olulloll ton and ~on, SI>ring Valle~'; been r educed to a quarte r poun": of and was malnq!lll t'd r,,,' R )' .8 r MI'. alld 1\11'8. John ega le and our dougll and a quader pound o[ Olll y. bela use oC its ~xp'J~e tl po~1 family, Monow; MI'. A.llen Kibler moal a day. The QUi!8t1011 wu: tlon. larenc~ Edwards Wou ld the Indlank leave. or were A mile south of Bolivar. 1'ul· Mr. and Mrs. they nlerely tr)' lng to furthel' ~ara\\'as Counlr. R llIonumen( tod,,. and daughter, of Waynesville. .....eaken the garrl~o n7 ('o mrnelll ora tes tile Mlte .of thl ~ (0" Mr. and IIlr8. Rob er!. Baker and PERRY THOMAS IS Colonel GIb60n ado )ted a bold \'011 will find th is 1\ fll~clnatlnl\ ".'" daughtcl', l\Iargsl'et, of Waynes. rronl. Meat and nour were thrown of Ohio, Nearhy ore Zollr. a ".11 lHROWN FIlOM HOlliE Mr. and lIlrs. Ohester over the wall,-an« I he hidlaD:\ tUI'y.o ld \. 1118 ge and elte of all ville, Weatherage, Mr. ' and Mrs. Jack left. early experlmenl In ComRll.\lIlam _ Canton. wlLh Its ma&nlftnnt mO l· Ri kebarger, Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Hiteman lind daughter, Fort Lauren.. Dam IUa.· the IIment to' Pre Ident MeK hll~)', ""' president Qr the Con· Scllolnbrunn. I r'conslrll('tlor. .,1 Char~te and Frank Fletcher, of n. W. 'r.... wa. blilal I of 177 lh. earllut white ijl'lI Irlll~nt II N wpurt, Ky., .Mr. and ilklnson alld ot to Mulen OhIo. Hall, aad


---_. - ..----

• • •

t .,ft!I8III-.



THIMIA t',:,



FRO~f l~HE





~uc h

\\Idl,; J tlh,l I.a" & ,'Ull. j!:a-, ull arid ~to l'a~<' f"r :h,l'1tf' CUI', 12,:l5; The Ohlo l

Ltl \,

Ch ina,

t h ll~

il1ll'N'iling hl' hrought !Qr\\;al d liS th' ReFurci);,11 pultlklln hopl', ,],h('I'I' rni)tht . bl' pru t est rtillU Itl' lI. • Otllct hill I-( to.1 his If t hI' 'on~litu­ I n al!ditillll , t hl' policy led to a !Creat delll uf ,'p('rulution Ilbr(lI.11J, linn hud not b~"n umcnd.·L\ in':3:i. wh ich t'n ric hed l hc s)l('culalol''', "Lind,,' \\' llll h01' 1I u lll·y ,I, but d id the nitf.'d St a t(!~ no good. 1\102 •. ThCl JI xt (' n, iuent will be s a reRu lt. it. ~ ms that t he ill<lugurtlt('(l .JanllaTY 20, 1!137TI'l'a"IH'~' will hEl I'e t milk eX:lI:U~ 14 dny ~ h"ru\'C he utlains change in its sill' I' prOl;l'am-it Ihe comtitutiuliul !II' 'sitlrntill l age hill! !Ill' ady l'Ct!U' ' d its buying.- uf 35 . . in 01'(11'1' to prcv .. n i IH'ictc,!< from going hjghel'. \'I\riou~ metal exTh!) Wh('l'ler-Rtlyuul'n Bill to pt!l'ts al' now s upporting the pro- aholi~h un neCe8l<01'y holding com· posed Dies plnn, undol' which the pnniw; and lilluidat 1111lJlic uU\it~· 'l'l'ealluI'Y w uld ' no~ buy silvcl' in corporation;;, is one f the m os t the wol'ld mark b for aix lllonthll co n tI'ove I'si III mell, ul'es considered Ol' a y aI', and thereafler WQul!1 in th present selSsion 0 r the buy only fr m nations which ongl'llSS. Thi~ is nn Adl1linis\t'H!'ce to I'etiprocate by buying lin lion meas ure, The bill is no\ in (.'quivalcnt. amount, of OUI' surplus 'o nfl'I'I.lIlCI' h ~w(,(lII the Hou, e commodities. The DieR pilln up- Ilnd Sennte. It i ~ problelllutical plies only to for eign ' i!VCl', and wheth I' d,ift' ren e8 ell n b ironed would not afT ct 'fr II 'Ul')' buying (l ut in conIl.'l'enc . If th conI reI'S of new dom "tic-mined si Lv I'. [ail to figr e, i~ is pI' Lmule that. Th e gl'cat problem presented ongl'ess will adjourn ICllvi ng this keel) OUl' currency s table, and III probll'm :COl' fUrther action next th s nm e t.ime not. UPlll't. commerce J IlnUlll'Y, hy !".l Iver i ~ t.o aid the mines, In t.he meant.ime aelivi(.ies oJ and industl·Y. Thnt is th e llizablo &h.('- many lobbyi ls in conn ec tion job the Tree ury exp I'UI now face wiUI this Bill will be investigated. Doubtles8 no~hin g will cOlne 0 tho investigation except to spen d tuxp,lyers money, lit'

t h ~ir ntlln(·t.uI'Y IItuhilily.

(,,,,. ,u bc. Uhio Law ,5. ., Th.. Ol'l'j.(ll niu tI,. I!! ,hltll' prin! ~hl'cl"


b, JUDSON DltAN Bl'idl!(' ,:l; Thl' \Vuo<iru\\ - Wt'il·, tal\n~l' , 1"IWI'l'1l1:1' l'. Shllwhlln, J:( lIlll'(ltun ' ('II .. :!OIIO N I. 1 hn.lIf~nge yelets COL i\1nL'~ ,- l'r ~i I~rlt ltClo"e. Co mmon PIe •• Pro ceedin R' "f ,"llll-thol .\nnu l\lClIll'I'. d al. min ,,!!,I ; Tht' Ld,llnon Lumher Co .. vl'lt ha~ no" bl'cIlIlle tht' \'icti m of 1n thl C:l~C' uf • ' t-" YOl'k Lifl! 111- o\,s, lill'd his t1I'~t aN'oUllt. 1 ~O ~4.i!lch :lnk<', ',1.50; Dr,. a whispering Cllmpuil{" ~pl'end. "u)'nn e ('(1 . H'I'SU!; • dum. II. al'- ' 'l·hl'l'hl-l!ul,. uf dl'ht~ fdl'd by , 1,:11\1, and RlIht 3hlir tonsill'ctuJ11Y inK fal ~(' rumo r 1'''nCl'l'Oin~ hh J) nler, lit ai, The lnd u... tl'lnl L()un n. JIaITI"', ~LI]lllinisl1flt"" of the fill' .j ('hild"I\, ,lOO; W. It. phy~ical atHi I1wlIlnl condition. 'OnlllllllY ill mad(' PIIl1.y d 'flndA nl ,'~tllll' of ilHlllll\h A. Shimp, lit'. \\'rh.rht. 1Gi l1lill'~ 1I11 dish'icl mgr 0111' wl)uld lumlly h,~\i('y' thut t ,1 th suit, l l'cao.;l'd, i$ ~"l fur heU/'inK on ,July of 'R,' otnr ', G,G; lIIcGtt'4hin's ,,"ueh l'l.' po l'l8 al'e the I'e~ult. of a III lil t u.e of Th Southern Ohi!)1 :l:!, 1~1:l5, at 10 O'dOl'k in ll'au .. f pharmacy. fly . pray, lind Hill'uyer hilthl), orgu ni :r.ed bUlIint,.1' - that S nyi ng5 Hll nk ~nd Tru st Co, ~er••Juty 17, t fJ:lfi II:" previously m .. for NRS otlic(', (j5e; Drs. Edw. & of l'unl ol'-monge ring, F'\l' yOl\1'S 1'11~ The ,I Ulllll I' Ordl'l' tlllted ,\ '1I1.d. Rohl' I' BIllir. cl'I'on ou, i::.stlance thl) whispering clIll1pai!(11 has been Th 1 estale of Irwin b:. Gusti n, (Ii' L.icell~1:' No. 3Q070 t; 1\' ins. a st c~ ",eapPn in political cam · 111l'rknn Mlll'hllnie. ' Ludge, ~Il. 265, of PI n an~ Plain, with hal'• a~ II i" ex llI"t from inhcd. J'>l1l1l' (>n Drug '0., t lirstaid kit, paig'ns and \\al', but nl)t until re· I('s Jones, et nl, (1i,'mu1'r<!I' ~uqain· ton " ta~, S:1; The Fuirley Hardwllt't' 0., cl'ntly huv e ~lIch meth~lds develop . d, .1l pJllie flnd eenwnt, 31, 5; d into II pnyin~ businc8s 1)I'eyi ng rn thl' eM(' (If Mode . ln Klull' ~I' R ~n l E.tAte Tran.fen L('wi. & DI'nk!', Tn e" lime anll upon 1111 depn l·tllll:' nt,.; of intlu try. u FI'ank X. KI Il~, motion u8signC 111 nt, ' 65.05; The :;'.(orrll\V F ed Directed by rna. tcr~ 0.( pHychol ogy I herim' Rilz til Tit :\-1 iami .'i: :lIllply II •• ('em ll~ IIncI IUll1ber. th cy Illre . til emse Ivel> oU t to I'd for ht'nrinK Jul, 22 ul 108. 111 . . S 0 n1e Probate Court \'1111,'>' Building and Loan A~ cia $7,2.1; Wei h & Dllkin , bruce ul1Ipany or cOrpomlion lo whis· , f \\' . \\ " \"I 't tinn, inll)t :\0.. & and 13 in Frank ' . S l' Unl Ol'. a,gam" . ~t C'0 I' The ITIVlnt.(lry 0 , II· 1; Blair L e Roy, sand. P'I' mal ICIOU ·t,· . ' \,'k l' lind Elm!'!' 'K r\lssell. execu· Jill. g'l'nvt.'l nll cement, $42.15; The l>etl,ol· . ne COllllluny engage d In t Ol't( of the l"latl' oI Jo, ph Don, Russe ll L. Bl'uw'TI, C't 01, til WiI · l'ej!onill Brid ....e 0 ., ox"gen anti this <III cr bll si ne IS i so Illl'ge it liul1l 1', Bl'own, n~al l' tat in L b ~tN' I, $14 .70; e The L. 3. And l'- h li S 0 ffi ces H\ . f oUt' Iea d'Ing CI,,''eo~ , llllll~', d~ceu o l'<I, wa~ 3P1Wlwe d , J\lonroe Wl'!';t, l' lWClI lol' of tbt' lIllon, ;OIl 'S 'Olli< 0., lumber, 8.72; Tl$ lowest chuJ'g"e is ' 16 per day estat of J. G. Wl'~t, dcc(,a l'd iiI dElia R. Brown. d c nscd lo J~Il- L Ill' ' hultz, ~u\'lains. 4.]3; L, per man to >,p rcud sentiment llnd 11\,' Brown, t !ll, t'pal estut . 1' t en t . Th I!~e l ' d It' op11' P. uvctt 0., I GOO gill. 111. T., ulscon nun\.' hi inl'C'ntor'Y. 'l'he follo\ il1~ t1rcounll' we'l'e ap (I (Il'creek tow nship, HJ!J .:!O ; The Lebanon Lutllucr ('0 gandi sts cau in an intC'nsifi(,tl cam· pTO\'(·d, ullow II and cOllfirm. d by Flo\'(~nce L. ll udley, ct III, to r~a lumber and paint, 28; The paign . l'uin th bus in :ill Ill' p oliti. Ihl'l UUI' \" elora """ Squire" real e'taw in FamOIl Auto upply 0., SlIl>plie. ·eia n that happens to bc theil' John ., impkin ~, udminis trotol' ClinLoll lind Wa rren ou ntiE!S. '3'i,n' Shl;'l1 f'ell~oleum orp, prey. A lew Yl'lIr:; ngo It COl'P~l'U' of th· ~tate of Allie l\I. illlpkins, ,t'l and IIl'ol ine Schaub 62gal. 'oiL, $22,1-1: The Sland l.lI,d liun nt~\rlufllcturi.n~ an artlcl J 1'eased. F irst and final. Stanley H, Kispert l' 'nl estale iI Co. 50 gallon,' kel'o ' n • $4 •• u:;ed dally by nlllhon:~ suffel'ed 75; Th~ Cincinanti Oil W orks Co. \ g!' aUy ft'om a cl\lI1pa rgn spreadH . Zliin Banta. admlnl:,tratOr if 0 'e rfi Jd township. By t he esLulc of Le\\i ' V. Banta, de· ga,'oline, • 13. 0; Gule Refining 0 ing rUlll ~rs , ~ha~ ]{'fJ(Jrfi were cmSTEPHEN M. YO \J NG ceu~c (.L Fir and final . , Bi ll. AlI o'Wed ga~oline, , 64; J ohn Law & on, ployed III lts fnctor~' . A fel\' ,COD 8' r e At L ..ra-e J. '\ , Lingo lla r<lwal' 0 ., • UII- ga ' ulinc, :!6, .J. \ . Lingo ~(,(Il" b , th,at PJ'e~lde n~ HardJ ohn Rump!", nd'l!lilllstra r oI th state of Fr' d Ka mps, decca · Jllie for janitol' ut COUTt hou~. IIsr!IIJ.·lIr ,0 ., supplies, PIII'lll. In!!, wus vlehnllzcd by \\ hlspel' r ' Twenty-s ix membi!rs f lhe cd. FiNlt Bnd final. 3,60 ; Truste , of Publ ic Affairs haf'(h1 al'C, sU l'pli e $ t ;3.67 Mill r in the sam e J)1tl.n~l~I·- they w!'r Rob l't M. Blair, admillislrlllor March light and ga at :M ~ l11 o l-il\l l )ardwal'c & FUI'nitur() 2 !lost hole cmploycd lJy poltl,clnl1!! lo spl't'acl HOllse of R epJ'cscntntiv('s are in ho pital Ol' confined to their 6 . 0~' J, . D. tumor that hl' wn: pUI'L negro. of the ~ tnte of Frllnk A. Pr(! 'ley Hall. $11.22; Tru t ... c or P ubt ic diggl1'l> ulILl 1 pad~ hom ' sutrt>l'ing il'om heal·t d I,· d~ c s(', ' I A dUIll!,; Co ., 4 lJlad es," t 1. • • • • 'U'S t an d fi na1. Il fT' IlII'S, I'Ig h ~ am I gu at "[ lJ emorta harles lIebel' Th rockmorton, Hall, ,13; T I'\I tees of Public A( - - -- - - --P j'hnp ' no pro£eRs i III ha suf- tro ublc ora nervous bl'eakdow,n , The ongrc s hill! been in conodm ini trator of the estate of fair, 'ewer sel'vice nt Memorial P UBL IC SALE r red mor, Jinanciaily, at the ev n alondu st llsell Throckmol·ton Hall, 6,2 5; Wonen C. Breid n_ _ __ hands of lhe !'lepl' ,~iO Il th\ln that ~inll()us s ess ion IQI' llC I'ly d ceased. F il"t \lnd nna!. bach, lVI, D., 'crv. rendered Edw. A 1 hOov ~o ltl my pJ'opel'ty 1 of dance mu sic. ntil 1929 the mo nths and with the dllily te11llOse at 95 or above, Beulail 'BI'owlli n ~, guardian of Hensey Vit'gil Isaac and" '1'1 Mil ,,'11 ~e lJ my ll ou . ehold Coods al dance jllUSIClan commanded a pC I'atur Mary B~I' ni ' Blal'kbul'n, illcom· ler during June, GO; Miami Yal- Public Auction, located o n Main handsome price f OI' an evening n national l egis la tor~ [Ire suff Ting p lent. econd and final. Ie, Ho pit I, hospita lizuti on drugs 't.' ct, in Waynesville, Ohio, on gng ment and inYllriubly got it, fl'I' m 110 tlllgia- llhich, in simple, Saturday, Au&,uat 3, 1935 Lu ella M. Young, guardian of operating I'oom for Ed",., nion lvage" 1\' el'C scoffed lit f o r a IlIngulIge, means "ho")l e·sickne~s.' A congressman received an Thoma A.. Willillm ,incompetent 172.10; MJ's. Maude Desl'doff, ommencing at 1 p. m. pric tha t Oft 1\ l'eachtd six dollars Eighth. board and cat'e Veri 1iller, 7,- followin£r Hou ehold Goods: pel' hou I' pel' mlln. ueh pric es vation th other day when he 1n the III LtcI' of thc guardian- 50; l\1r . I ra Eltzroth, board and 1 wooden bed, 1 iron bcffi, ] scein to havc \'alli~ h e d forever u' cll' lal'e d: "1 want to go home. tarkey, 6; 1\[1'. , san itary couch, 3 rocking chait'S, there is no indication ~I S yet oj' a This share-th wealth, soak-the. hlp of Willard J. Buchanun, Jr., cure Alice r, board and cal' 1 base Rocker, 2 heating tov , meago I' increa e. Although dallce rich Hud ave-the-poor legi laLion and Jame. l\I onroe Buchanan, $5; Howard )k:c week from procl!eUS derived Howard awyel', 7; James Moore nearly n w:King I J'Jnont Heater lllporium II I'e uttrllcling a Clln wait six m o nths 10llgcl', be· 5; 1 gasoline tOile, R d 'till'; 1 gr ntly today a I)l'eviousfy, the cau e the rich will not get too from I' ntal;; rcceiv d, i to be al- board atld care Lucy 1 10 r . lowed L ucille Buchanan, ~u m'dian Ir. Omn Osborne board lind car plIl'lor cook Htolle, 1 ice box, J musician i lucky when he collects. rich ill a,fel mOl'e mtinth a nd the I r support and maintenallc of Frank Bllllinger. 'i lilt r Barl ow kitchen cabin t, 2 kitchen cup- u'niOn sea It'. Many, Wl10 are de- wealth can then be ~hlll'ed, ind m inor . and Virgil 1 ac, '24; )rrH. boal'd-, 1 hall rack, 1 chest pendent upon l h protE' sion work the pOOl' ar being tllken care of The estate of Mal'y E , Snook is Elmer La y, b oard and c re dl'llweJ , 1 man leI clock, 1 wnsh fO l' II low as two a nd three doll ars 110W. Let us adjourn lhe seS ion exempt from inheritance tax. )101' Fl'8nk Lacy, 0; Mrs. W. Rob- stand with mirrol', 1 hnoge ~ night. Some hotels pay th ir immediately." ris K. nook, executor, llIed his ap el'ts, $5 j Mrs, Lule G bbard board l!1inor, 2 tables, 3 carpets, com· bund's a lary direct to the unio n W a hington r ports have it that plication for a certificate of nd CBre Linc In C bbard, $5; fOI't. and quilt tops some new; repre entative who i n t UTll pays hio R publican I aders will enter ll'"n fer, John Law & Son, gas for Th'puty I'ob j cupboards, I porch swing, th o rch stra. - a u nion method Thc inventory of arab L, caler of Wts. and lI1ea ., $6. 1 i lot small t.ools and numerou s whereby the musician is 1I0t paid a "stnw man" in the Pre. idential and Ever tt E , Mill r, admini tl'a- t.akalta Mfg. 0., pads for Re- olhel' items, un der . calc. Th is, h (Jwev~l', is Prcf rence P I'imnry next May tors of the estate o( Elta M Millel' corder, $9 j Woodrow·W il-StanTerms: Cash. gotten around by a mutual Bgl'ee· possibl y ex-state • nntor Robert eI ceased, was ap)roved, ag 0" bl otters .(01' R cOl'der 71c ·MRS . LAURA SIDES ment bet ween the m u:sieians and Taft of Cinci nnati, with t he in· The inven tory of J osephine Stakalta Mfg. 0., bands and F. T, Mnrtin, Auctio neer. the hotel managemen t wh ere-i n a tention of supportillg Hel'bert CenterYill~, Phone 7SJ. <h>l1s, a dministraU'ix of the state pencil for Probate JudI¥!, ,1.85; c~['tain portion is pa id back to the Hoover on the second and following con venlion baU ots. Gos ' ip that of Elia Ogl sb , decea ed, was Burroughs Adding Machine Co., 1 . -hot I. Th odore Roosevelt, JI'., might sppl·oved. I'ibbon for Pro. Atly. Adding ,. hild Care," a pamphlet pubA t this w)'iting small groups of be give n lhe RepubHcan nomina. Estella 1. Brown, xecutl'ix of Machine 75c The ffice Outfitter Ii hed by t he 0, S. ,for m othet·s, t he tale of Ella R. Brown; de- repairi ng dater for leck of is now .available i n u revised pe ople ~re g ath ered about outside tion i l)l'obably without foundacased, fi let! her first, fin al an d ourt, $l. 2; Th We tern l ildition from cou nty e.xtension watch ing the shadow of the wQrld tion, He was As istall t Sccretal'Y d' tributiv account . Star, bills of sale for Clerk of agent . being cast slow ly across t he moo n of. Navy ' w hen cabinet member - one of the ph enom inal shows of Denby and Fall to tak e the hea vens t hat stir wondcrm n t the noeio n's oil l'e ery s from the with in. It seems' more phen omina'l Navy Oepartment, Ht> nevel' u tthat men ca n foretell to the mi n- tered a p ep in pI'otest but dutiute when such events 91' to oocu:r fully acted as messenge r boy, T be ne wo ndel's th at such forecasts idea of usi ng the Roo evelt na me don't som etimes mi , bllt they wa a n t one but Teddy, J r., ,n ev I' do . S'cien tijits ~ now far in public recqrd would m ake his elecauvance What is going to happen tio n d ifficult even under favorllble at a certain ti me ' a h undre d a\lspic~. lj'here bas al 0 been tI!lk m illion miles away bQt Wi!' can thllt hlll'les A, Lindb crgh would IOI'ete ll comparatively little a bou t the- happeni ngs ou' our own sphere. S uch IICCUl'a 'y should increase o n, 's fa ith in sc ientific pos ibiIiti~ , r pl1rt~'r,



,. .. • •


from Washington

. .. . .

• • • •

Xour Public Utility as Public Benefactor


So much has been said of late against the public utilities of the counuy that fairminded men and women are sometimes led to ask just what the pubHc utilities do accomplish to justify their existJmce. What service does a public utility render-what service does your public utility render-to the community? Fir$t of all this company striv~ to give the best possible gas and e1eftric service, at the lowest possible rates consistenc with , recognized business principles. This company gives employment, throughout aU of irs territo~y, to over eleven hundred men and women, with an annual payroll of ·a million and a half dollars. It pays $4,000 every working day of the yeat to the support of the various local, state and national governments, through taxes. Indirectly this company enables many thousand additional men and women to stay on tbe job, by furnishing dependable power for the factories of the communities. ' The excellent powet s.ltu~tion here has many times aided in influencing industries co settle in this district. During normal years public utilities are among the biggest customers of the durable goods industries. In 1928 and 1929 this company had construction budgets in excess of tbree million dollars a year, Publi& ulilities do make" definile contribuJion to ' Ihe wei/"re of the com· muni/y. And this contribulio" will be much greater onu the ;nallStry is fteed from tbe lear oj atfnihiJaJ;o" proposed

by ellul,ss.thi"I;"g tl,m"gogM'S.

Power and Light Co.

All NEW THRILLS WITH HUGE mRCUS With on e ,h und red doublele ngth sUvel'huecI raih'oad ears, bea ring 1600 peoplc, se '~ eral herds of elep han ts, 1009 me nagerie animals and 700 horses, the Ring ling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Combined Cir cus w ill arrive in Dayt on Friday, July 2 6 f or afternoon and night e xhi bition s. Th e big t op, sea ting 16,000 pel'sons, covers seve n l'ings 'and t ages, a huge hippod ro me t r ack Bnd encircling grandsta nds, and is one of 31 great tents, a mong t he m the m enagerie, sheltering the , wor ld's largest tl'a"eJing zoo. In its cen te r this seaSI)l1 will b e seen Col. Tim McCoy's I ndian Viilarge, with Sioux, Crow, Shawnee and Al'aphoe, warriors ~ncamped, Col. McC oy, the screlm'.s mo t outstanding w est ern st a r, will him self lead ,his congr ess of rough r iders of the wor ld in the main p erformances and in the wild west. Tlhe Gr~a test Show oQ~ Earth offel's s cor es of fOl'eigrl f ea t Ul'es new to Am el'ica this year, i ll oluding a Sa haran racing caravan ' of acrobatic libel'ty camels and 'foul'egs ; a Moroccan s ixty-horse l iber ty aet; the lal'gest ae!'ial ballet ev er pr oduced, hEiaded by the Annetta. and Nell-eta troupes of l'evolving flyers, the Jennies and . the Lydias, Fresh from Europ e are the Walkmh·j!, the Antaieks, the Bueml'angs ~md many others.



:\I r. uml MI S. C. 1'. 1'\l),L:glc.,. I\h-. onll ;\\1'", RnYIll(>IId It uC \'~" , hf r. alll i 11'8 , Roy Ct1 nklin li re Hpe ndiIIA' tit wee k in cam p lit hl'l y, , rich. th e 1\11':;• .1. L. OnUI·tl, wa gU(;>lt of h('l' da ug hter, Mi·~. I I"tn Pettijohn of Portla n.!, I nd., lust " (!k. 11'". A, \ 'Y. Tul'll!'l' is ·r ecove r-

illj(' from I,m opera t ion fo r th e remO\'lIl of tonsi l , to wMc h she >lublllitted i n oJ ultlbu. on Sat ur· day. John Will iams, ast of tow n, losL thrC(' cows, by Ii~ h tll i ng, UU1'ing the ~tor m on Friday. Miss Marjol'ie Haydock is "the gue ·t of hcr lJl'othcr Thomas nnd wif!' of J am lown. 1\11', nnd Mrs. Warn r MO tTis nrc vi 'i Ung ""dlltive, in incinantL Mrs. cttle Archer i s pend ing the week nt the home of !.Irs. Anna Oglcsbee. , 1II1'l!, Alic McMillnn is the ~u st o( !denll in I ndianapolis.

• • • • on tilucnt-; wl'ite' a ~ing whnl ha x be 'om~ of the ocinl S Drily t/i11. the bill to tak profit::s uut uf war . the A A amendamentH and MhoI' ill11>Ol'tant bills, The ' e are ill th e "thi I'd bouse, .. or in 0 the r wql'lls in the Iwnd ' of conference cummitte of 'CllutOl'S and Rep1'(' cntativc . If th enate and H ous in pass iug -a measur , t1i, agl' e on provil>il)os it Bh ould contain, th'o two lIill' rent hill~ arc lI slIa lly se nt to a cOllfer'ence commit tee, e noLo rs tlnd :Re]lr!" ntuti\'~s in COllE re nce thell attempt to comp e th diffel' nccll. TIll'l'C al'o prob bl)' more impor. tant mea >l UI'('S in conft.'rence than ever lJef re , onfel' ell have held Tllany h\!ated sea, ions discussing til e ocial (\i!Ul'ity Bill, providing old nge pensi ns and unemplo~' I ment in5UrllllCe, so fnl' without agreement, n appea l 1IIIIY be muLl to President noo ev It and to penhl' BYlil to [,I'y to setUe the di~Pllt c~. The nlain ditf renee in the Senate Wh l 1'-Rllybu l'n !louse bills it! that t.he ena te measul'c which the Pre ident f or compulsory favor!' provide abolition f "llnnece sary" utility holding ompllllie in s v n y~l·S. The Hou e bill gives the Federal , 'urilie!! COnllltission di scretionMy nutho rity in the matter. Th hio hamber of ommerce fa VOl'S this. ~

Eubscri be f or The Miami Gazette !~~~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!! •_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~

A sk f or a

, Miamiaburg Permanent

Concrete Air Seal Buri,.. Vault Fo r Sale only by

Your Funeral Director McClure Funeral Home Wayn••~ilIe, O.

Phone 7

!.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~

ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN ,heep and calv..

progressive firm


, live wire the h~"

market price. and rood .ervie., Sto~1c Y.rd.' Cinci._'!: O. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Union Tune in on nadio Station WuKY 12 :2.5 to 12 :30 p . m , for our daU, otice i. hel'cby given tltat on market report.. the 20 day of July, 1936, at 8 :30 o'clock P. 1\1., a pub lic hearing will be held 0 11 the Budget ' prepared by the Massie T ownshfl) Rural thoOI Board of Wa rren ounly, Ohio, fol' the n xt succeeding 11 cal yeal' end ing Decemb r 31st, 1936, uch hearing will be Ilea I'd at the offiee of the BoaTd of E ducat iO n in HaL'vcY\ibul'g, Ohio, J. W, DAY IS, Clerk,

F. T. Martin Auctioneer -


Cross-Country Call Brings Back Smiles to Track Star

Centerville, Ohio Phone 78J


Will. Dra_ . ' . ' Ella'•• Souled WAYNESVILLE. OHIO FOR SALE DATES CALL '

Stanley &Koogler Auctioneers



New Burlington

JESSE ' STANLEY Plio•• 320, H.,., Barll ••t ••,






Mr. and Mrs. JeHe Owens


EAVY h eart a nd fl eet feet never go together. And J esse D well S, se nsa· tional track nash of Ohio Stale Universi ty, had a heart as heavy as lead. Breaking three world's records in on'e track meet seemed child's play compared with the prob· lem tllat enveloped him . A picture posed with a girl , , • an erroneous report of an engagement •.. and a sweetheart back in Clevcland who didn't undcrsla.nd. Those were the gloomy details that whirled through the mind of the new "world's faste st human" as he sat in his room in San Diego, waiting for hi. next onslaught on time and dis· tance. ' A telephone rang. "Cleveland talllnlr." ] esse listened ealrerl),. But the ~ice he heard was that of an old friend, a Cleveland newspaper Teporter. ukin, him how he felt. Re· porten Jonl ..nee bad cused to be a DOVel., to the track ltar.

I'm .iutt worried to death,"

FOR SALE FOR SALE- Combinat ion China and Linen Cupboard. See Mrs. Laura Sides. 7.28

$59.50 Estate u sed two years. Reasonable. R. ~. Andre~, R. R. 2 Waynesvill& 7-25" 8·1-8 FOR SALE H~tr o la,

FOR SALE-Bed, aprinp, wash. stand, porch awing, pillow.. 2 rockers, ice-cream freezer. B. V. Smith. '1-18·2&Jesse heard a voice that was IweetIy familiar. It was his sweetheart in Cleveland, She had plenty of Queationt, but Jesse also had plenty of aatiafactory answers. The matter of ·the mythi. cal engagement to another Sir! vanished in thin air, with reuluriDr word. ilyins between C1evclaDct ad

San Diego.



FOR SALE-A niee lina of bos I!tatlonal'7. U ab.ets and . , en. velop.. for l5e; SlIow·Pu. 11

abub anel 11 ..yelo~ for 10 canta; waH paper. w1llt. tIIIa. paper, paper aapldD.. a, Q. . . . .




It Inok, I;. .j j' -',h,. -,', w Dl'al i, ISSUED EVERY TlIURSDA Y "',OUt to II t h ' ll1l'l t h l, mOl'l ~1\'Uma.lil' nnd ul,t grcssivc fl l/.' ht y<:l OIice Pbo. ............... ....... .N.. llZ Entered at POlloffle. at wa~n~- made to put i th~nl'i( into Inw SubacrlptloD Prlc 0, II . 50 a Y .... ville. Ohlu, a.VaUar Qec"nd CI... a 1 -thl'o u~h 'co!l;,Li uU lIal amenl!m e nl~ , if n llrd b '. Th e PI'c~'idlmt L appar nlly con JULY 25, 1935 vinced that 1'uI·thor 'onccntralion 01 p owel' in thl' fed ral governIlWllt is (Iesirabl . and thaL th existing social und l!co)nomic ~ f.'t· up demand exlraonJinal'Y . In an ditol'illl entitled" heep" the' Mining R view, SaIL Lake tion of the HA and AAA ol'del', City, soys: "Mcml>e'rs of Congress, both house, many of them la w'Yel's, {!oven though most unbia ~ ed comsworn to lJphold the on~tilution, t.rainl!1i to analyze and undel'stand mentor arc dramatically opposed the lull IIll~ort of Lhe l'~cen~ SU]Ju' lTIe ourt d cisio n 5" hav been to thi vi \ , The stage ful' th t! ll'ugll: le w a~ and al'e voting for legislation \ hich is paten Iy unconstitutional . t' stablishecl I h{' n t h" .. UP I' me "Wlhl'ther ther is good or bad in thi s legislalion is aside fl'om ihe poin lloasing I!uch I~i sllltion means more delay to nil industry in '0111'1. dccluJ'l1C1 the !,;ltA. ~h e Fra:d l'-L mk e Act., nnd thl" Railwav awaiting Su,p reme Court d cisions, Pe n. ion Act, un,'o n ~lil Iltionai. "These re pre:; ntatives 'of the people' brand themsclve. as Those po 'hnl d (1c i~ i"n~, in the she p.. vMing as bidden with no sig nification of thought. or memo ry of opinion of con stilu tio nal Huthol i· the oath of olllce." 1ies, muke it in ~vi ta!Jl e t hat the In hi Washington Column, David Lllwre nce r cenUy comment d COUl't will likewise hold that the on t11le slime thing, and aid that it will b e an i sue in th 11.136 Wagne l' ), nuol' Bill, the Gutrt'y campaign. oal Biill, the, oeiul , ecul'ity Act, 'Th e oath of offi~o taken by members of ongress is cleal' Dnd and other New Doul Il WUSUI' CS are un quivoeaL They s wear to llphold and s upport the onstitution in oppo£ed lo th , iJab ic law of th wOl'd and d ed, to th best of theil' ,abilities. That oath i certainly land, not compatible II it h cunent pTacticcs, and one wonders how long l1-rcspcc ti ve of lh" , thE' P 1'c8ithe public ...vill stand for bheit· elected repr sentatives voting for d t! nt i~ using the wh ole (If hi!> inmeas ures which a l'e obvio usly opposed t o the fundam ntal law of flu nee to ])ul such la\\" thro ugh . th land. The Wagnel' Bill has a lt'cady b<:~ com c law, and the. ocial e ul'it-y Act will ill all prolJ a b ilit~' f ollow within a Ahort li me. nd, in one or the mo~ t ~ta l'tl in g S\.ti t emcnts ever mad by a h i . f r:x~c uUy (', the PI" 'sid ent recen tl y I' qU l!>t d tbot th Cuffl' Y 0 0 1 Bill bl? pas. cd 8:00 Music 8 :05 Threshing Methods a entury Back ..... .. ,.. U. E. Eswine ..,ve n if it.; c:on ' titutionality i. .. J. F. unningham doubtful. IJ i" li ke \\"i ~ e holding 8:15 Choosi ng a ollege ourse Robert Clink firm to his opinio n tha t. til e PUQlic t.ilities Bill sho uld pl'ovid e a 8:25 Music 8 :40 OU.I· Ps tura Problems .. ... ' E. R. Shade "tleath scnlrnce" f Ol' holding com panics -though the lI ou. e ha re8 :50 Th 'how Ring as 11 ales Window in elIing PUI' bJ~ fil S d to a cct pt it, and a bl l)rnft H or 'cs ,.. .. .... , .... ...... , D, J . Kay WWYCl" Dre c onfid ent that the 9:00 A Prugram for HOlne FUTni hings .. . , Anne Biebriehu upl'eme Olll't woul11 do a llay 9:10 Music with it if it di d become law. 9 :25 How a ooperativG May Become fore ()opel'slivc B. A. Wallace It i!l ap pare nt t hat many of the \) :35 Th Fall egctable Gl1rden ............... _.... .... .. .. ... H. ~ew DcnlHs whu Il l' c l sellt t o 9:45 .. WO U Players the WhilO H ouse al'e fl'nnk in nn, Litulion it out ====2:~~~========~.======================== saying,that !.hc f dllte, that it mu t de lira lically O\'crJ~lluled if it is to be adequate in coping with mode l'll condition s, When the ' UJ'I'(1 I11(' (lurt moet. ~ Il in, i wi1l be called ,upon to pa, " on two m ore m 'a u re clo 'e t.o the heart. o f ~ rl' . RooseveltOLUMBUS - A slight in-· and the 'royal purplc and white of the AA and TY . 'fhe chances rea e in r ceipt~ by tb co 0 pel'll- Elkdom, A tl'uly r aUs tie atm s- arc that it ,\i ll d"clal'e th 'e ~ion branch of the Department of phere was created by t.he Wi con- lIureaus \\ holly o r partiully un· State for the first six- months of sin Heal·t 0' th Lak association con litlllional. II that happen the the CUl'rcnt y ar, a . omllared which had a birchbar k lelln-to and New D al II' iII b fOIC~d to go into with the. same period in 1 34, was pens, on the tat ' house lawn, con- the vital 1(136 cam{la ign with a reported last week by Secretary taining two active bear cubR ond platform d ema n di ng onstiluof tate George . Myers. The four • edat . Elk F,I1wn l!. One of tional revi iOIl- dl'lls ti c, thorough, 1936 receipts to June 30 from th' g als events ,,"as the governor' an d imm ediat . n W corporatio,ns and filings mad purple and white batl, attended by It us d Lo belie cd t hat the by old cOl'porations totaled Governor Martin L. \ Davey :lIld Pr sident could get hi way by $130,760,42, while the, total for other 'notable, Thousands of visi huving ngl'e pa s a law where the 1934 like p dod was $128,523 tors fl'om all parts of Ohio joi ned by he could add to thl) numb r of 28; Secretary Myel' announc d. with the u,t throng of Elk in Ju ,tices on ~h ourt. H owev r, Although there were 141 fewer- witnessing the most s pectacular the NRA and Fraziel'.Lemite de· the initial six months of 1935, as vent of all- a huge two-hour cl ions 'were unanimou$ - til compared to 1934, the current reo lwrade that was said to be the President would be fol'c d to apceipts were greater because of in- il'eatest ever staged here. ' point ten ncw Ju stice ' , all of creas d s~ock i uanees and widel' wbom be could control 100 per di tribution. The difference in the A heavy death toll in June wa cent, i n order Lo effect change, 1935 and the 1934 total corpora- exacted from public employes, tion organization was due lar- according to uperinte-ndcnt gely to an incrca e a y ar ago Thomas P. Kearns of lhe division when many new concerns w re of afety and Hygiene of the 1nHtarted as the re ult of the du triaJ ommi sion of Ohio. legalizstioll of the llale of liquors, ThC'*e were twenty·four deaths in wines and b er in Ohio. The in- this c]l\ ification dUl'i ng the creased receipts so far this yeUl' month, A total, of eighlyindicate revived busine and in- niPe claims for Jun wero filed ODERN science, with its creased confidence in the pros- from all ections of the lltate. An tendency 10 life lnore pects fOT the futul,'e of business analY6i:; of the causes of the mecbanical and compl~x, .and industry, Secretary Myers unusual jists of fl\talities among , quite ,often simplifies the said. public employes shows that two were due to motor vehicles, two daily routine for blind persqns rather Columbus last week erij6>'ed to machinery, two to handling than complicates it. ' , one of t.he inost colorful and cxcit objects, two to hund tools and one This is the opinion of Mrs. ';oseing conventions of it history each to electricity, fall:!, cranes, phine Enevc:r, who not only teaches wh n thousands of Elks from all derricks, and stepping upon or B faille at the Cleyeland Society (or pal·ts of the United States invaded stricking again t objects. EI ven the Blind. but also operates the sothe city fol' the annual conclave en es WOTe uncIa sifted. A total of ciety's private telephone switChboard ot the Benevolent Protective 12,161 claims for compen aiion without being able to see her work. Order of Elks. The . stately were flied during th~ month. One of the modern devices wllich al)itol building echoed to stir- which was 286 less than the total !frs. Enever has proved simring music by marching uniformed in May and 1,537 less in June a bands. The Capitol groupds as y~ai' ago. well as the s tructure iUielf ,and downtown bujldings and st.reets' Ohio will actively participate i n were dec()l'ated with flying flags the third congress of the Intel'national Societ.y of Soil cilJrlce which will be held next montb at Oxford, Ellgland. The state will be represented by six soil special- ' ists. They are PI~of. Richard Bradfield of the department of soils, 0, S. U. i Prof D. R. Dodd of the agt:ieulture ext~nsion servic , O. S. U. j Prot. G; W. Conrey, Dr. E. G. Bayfield ond Dr. W. H. Batchelor, all of; and 'Dr. Hel. mut Rohnke of Ashland.





r-------....:....-------'---------------Farm lvight 1alk8, Juiv 29

Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitqi


1,.lit .. r or III Dahlia Show h.'el I' PI II)! '.'u ln •• I, H, .J , ,1" >I't"I' , ____ .. I 1l,lllh"" ,\11 , L,' " l',lInllll'l'nlll n Th,· IlIrge t l'Iahlia how in tit. or ,~I illl,!1 II, (;, \\. \1111,1', Oh in l: lIlll'tl Ht<lll', is ~c.hlld ul~d fur Ip\'£'lun<l this f,llI, . l'ptllmlJ('r l4 StOll\' tIll ";'~lly. 1'<'0 1111 nIl. I. lind hy the It uhli a F;ol'it!ty (I! OhiQ. Cin ( ullnlll ·Imlll. ('ounty cinnall al~o i:l to hav~ a show The f; mt'I'JC('l\ey Radi I! .1 ulliu!' 0 . . 1.. (' lJeg of Ohio ii'< 'u tr ~ l'in ' 1.1 a;,tI'h'uitul'Ill uJ:(' llt • I' ~1" n L!rumcry l ~1)!II1';OI't'fl by t" e Ohi~ Val1l' , UahJia Sucltty. Y COUl', e on "The, Canning oI C(JU ll ty. 1~ I'uil. and V getahles." . Acco l'di ng to Aton L. Elll'hul't this progl'um b glln Jul y 11 lind will cuntilliJe fo), a period uf five we ,ks, 1t will b bl'oadell"t daily. eX('('pt atul'day, Ilt 10 :!\O u. m. , ... oWe l' l'a ,lIo stat io n 'OS, 57 () kl·locyc lcs. This co ul'~e " 'ill inclUll c insLI'u ti 11 in the canning of I> aches, bcrde' tomatoes, 1ruit buttcr~, applesauce, SIlU ' I' kl'llul, and mllny othel' ubjcc of int I'Cst to th e people of Ohio. A l>yllabus containi ng recipes II nd II larlle li st. of canning inKtl'uc lions will IJ s nt, to thos regisl ring IOI' the course, free o f charge. Registrations may bl' madc Ihruugh yo ur ounty Em 1'gelley 'ch ool chair man 01' sup r· visal', or by writing to rad io s tation W 'U, hio Stale n ivel'sit y, olurnblls, Ohio. 'I'he Radio college is conducted The priva te automobile drivel' has much to learn , so far ail safety by the Ohio tate Univt!l'I;ity in 1. concel'Jle<.l, fro m the ope l'atol' of cooperation wi l h the Ohi Emel'gcncy 'choo18 Administration. commorcial vehicle,. l·'rom 1927 to 1934, th . number of pa ng rears regi ,ter d increa I'd 7 pel' cenlr-while Lhe Iltlmbcl' of such cal'S involved in fatol 'accidents rOSe 55 pel' cent. By contl'lIst, during th 'am P !'ior! the number of trucks in 11 5 incpased 1] per cent- whil the Producer. of Burley and Cigar number involved in fatal nccidents Leaf to Conduct R efer<!nda 1'01' o nl~' 5 pel' cent. imilar favorab le r eco l'd. w re lDlade by Between Toledo and Cincinnati Tobac 0 g l'ower in hi, both bu ~e~ an taxicabs. prOdUCeI'll of burley and cigal' lear The pl'ivate drivel' i his own Charted for the Benefit of InterJu ly, state 10tur Tonril;t as Well as bo s~. He can take chance!;" get in will say, ometim e lat in 0 .OW~ Traftie Within the Borders of hio aCCIdents, and be as reckless and .whether t.hey favor contin uing a c..UN in ompetenl. as he p i a es without production control pcogmm fOI' tobacco. Pre!lent programs expil' MRTMI. lORing his "job"- unle s the authorities te p in. The commer- with th 19 35 'rop year. to Cincinnati a s h ow n herewith is The referenda are called by the cial opel'a tor has to dl'iv e sa fely0 the shortest distance between the Agri 'ultlll'a l nt Admin01' look ,for another call1ing. The two cities. Officials of the St.ate Z s tl'a'tion, wh ich wisn to be guidpe 'kless and incapable driver IIighway Department give the lasts as long with n COlnm reial ed by growers' opinions . ounty mileage 8avin~ a s bout 11 miles. tobacco co mmitteemen ,viII b e ,...D&,AV vehi Ie co ncern as d oes a sn owball as isted with th conduct of lhc in Hades- and the accident There's less traf· fig-ul' s reft ct that ituat,ion ac- refel'enda by county agri cul tural fic congestiQn on agen ts, a cco rding to J. A. S lipher, curat ly. the Toledo-CincillDati. Short Line . . . .cmMI state agent in chArge of tobacco lC every dl'iver adopt.ed the atthan on Bny other highway con"""1.&.......,."... Lilude that his job and his li v~li­ programs, necting these two cities. There liphel' say ' all growllrs are hOod depended upon his bt!ing safe are far fewer curves (no hairpins) DVM. . ." nnd competent t he acei(.lt!nt toll urged to vote. hal'e tenants hal' and aU railroad grade crossings r enters and land would go into a tail spin at once. cropp l'S, are exccptionally well protected. As a, malteL' of fact, be h,II5 ome- ?Wnel'S w~o are aclually engaged III productIon of tobacco 111' eligiLhing ven more ,rita I <It stake eO; ~ \\ h nevel' he takes the wheel- his bit to vot . mileage, less congestion (both on In th e mo t. r cent referendum life, and lh lives of oth er~. the highways ancl In the commuThirty-five thou and people died of tobacco growers, Qf produccrs nitic!\ thru which they pass), fewe~ unneeessal'ily last year because of of fiue cured tobacco in southern curves, and adequate widtb I'eckl essly 01' incQmpetentl y driven, more than OS pel' cent of rondbed and bridges, the automobile " Will that happen the vot.e rs favored continuing II production control program. In Route here outlined is ,8. ngain? t.hat r f e rendunr 3' pel' cent of big time-saver for the t he eligible fa l'mers cast ballots. busy motorist-very llrnbOrchard Day ably 8S much as two houl'S. Orchard Day at the Ohio AN ALL PAVED AgricultUral Experiment Station at Woo&ter is ,chedulcd fOI' Fd· HIGHWAY day, August 16.

H" knows that t.hl' <:U''''''"lry nol ~tanll fur t.hat and manif"stly imprnctica1. th(' onlv chanl'l' the l' t., sUl'~i ve b th I'OU h lh(" onstitution. II takts :J(j state to PIlSS a con~ titut.ionDI amendm rlt, and most ommentnlors are of the f).piniO n that it. would be impossible to mu ter them, inasmuch as th!' ent in' outh, ~tr o ng'h o ld of .'tat 'Rights, would b e almo!<t cerl;Li rr to 0PPO e granting thefederal governmen t new powers, Wh'lhel' 01' no t that i. tt'll may Oon be decided nd in lhe mean timc, MI'. Roo vclt's ,constitutional policy is providi ng the aJ11lllunition that make fOl' flrst-clas!! Iloliticu l lVal'S, Th er e ha not b en Il tim in many years in which the i~ s u es WC1'C so leu l' or sn diverse - and ~h n th 1936 sp, kcsme-n take th • tump, th.ere ~ it] be fire· work .












I1 PlIih· ~ 1 brittg !IOU bagen






/'~ca1lfe a MESSENGER 11 .. Wheels and Witlgs

Throughout thousands of years, the devclopment of the art of com, munication has been lioked with thai pIe in operation for the sightless is of transportation. the dial telephone. In some cases, special methods 01 Dialing Easy transportadon have been dcvised "Most blind persons learn to use particularly for communication purtbe dial system as readily as the poscs, a conspicuous example being sighted," she statci. the use of carrier pigeons. Itt most instance', however, the facilities em· "The dilLI has just tel) holes, one l>loyed in carrying messages have for each finger except the forefinger, been thOle u. ed in transporting paswbich has two, By learaing the ailenger.: the horse, camel or other rangement of the alphabet and the man· carrying animal; the wheeled numbers, it is easy to locate the proper dialing opening merely by plac. vehicle; the boat in itll multitude of ins one', banda oa the dial. b form •• , Firlt .team, and t/len electricity Mr •. Enever operatel the lociety'. aad the intema1 combultion cnline, telephone Iwitchboard al quickly ' haYI ""ea DeW .peed to wheel, pad. and efficiently as a liabted penon by dl. ud prope1l•• WitbiD but a reJausial her .COIe of touch rather thaa few rear•• IIWl hal ma.Ured 'Jibe. tlae art of air avlptlon aad hal fte ltate Bighw&), Department; The switchboard is a recular eOI'd· .ad••pace tbe path1e..... throap h.. prepared aD oIIclal Ohio high leas l1Pe 011 which call. are anwlaic:b be uB. IUs aIaip.. wAJ' map, which ma, be obtaiDeci noaacccl by a droppiDc lhutter and All tbia hu beea 4oae, DOt . . . to tile dlpU"tlllellt. b .an buzz. Til...... . . . JdaaIe1f IIIiP& ........ - ...~ it ... -all-. .. hal






e ..·

Irs FASTER ~~ :~a~~nt

- ------ - -


is her action that she can locate tbe proper shutter as swiftly by touch as other operators can by !light. To complete the caii she operates one of 5S keys on the board before her, the arra'Ogement of which she has learned by heart. SmaIl botes cut into the top of the keys help her differentiate between terminals of interconnecting and outside trunk lines. Uscs Braille Directory When it is necessary to take down information over the telephone, Mrs.


Choice of Knowing Motorists

Group PlaD . Proarram Of Houre, Diuuuion. and Lecture.


Originated and Sponsored by tlte

ficial Revolutionary Trailll System of Western Ohio. Marked its entire length by historical markers of the Ohio Memorial Commission.

Revolutionary Short Trail Assodation

Pluns (or the annual summ I' meting of lhe Ohio Beeke epers' Associuti n nrc announct>d by W. ,E. DUl]ham, secrl'tal")' of the aS80cie tion. Th e meeting is scheduled for July 26 nnd 27 at the Beckell Hotel, Dayton . The' p rogl'am of tou I'S, mo tion pictures, di scu ssion.~ , and lectures is designed to i ntel' st t.he commericnl and amateul' beek epe l', Dunham says, The mceting ia pu blic. peakel'S wh o have accepted piaces on the program include Dunham, W. . Joest of Mill I'SPOl'tj harles A. Reese, ,state in-

For additional strip maps or any information l'elative to State Parks, Pleaiure Resorts, Scenic Spots, Historic Shrines or the llUndreda of other points of especial Interest. W-=:-=-=-=-_ _ _--=a=lon g this route, write WILBUR M. FAULKNER Secretary SPRI NGFIELD, OHIO --,~---



Enever uses a small Braille machine that 100)<5 like a typewriter with lix lCc:ys. At her convenience ,she transcribes the message., which are writ. . . ~en III raIsed characters, intf' typed form on an ordinary typewriter. Literally at her finger tip. is a card file 01 namu, addreuu and tele~hone numb~rs, all iJ:l 'Braille, servtng her instead of the ust..l tele. phone directory. ' RecentLy lira; Eaever taught a liahted airl to operate the bOllrd and noted that, even with the ICllran,1&8~e of liaht, the alrl bad the cultiel in muterill', the .he . had experienced .tarted. Mr •. Enever'. work i. DaJl'tlieula.rlw important beeauae 01 ber of order. for the bUDd received Ia aclditloa, the of

'*'" ......

The. b a c k-

e bone of the of-


Elimination of ' the "little red schoolhouse" in favor of t he centralized system 'h as resu lted in an annual expenditure of $4,159,816 annually for transpol·tation costs it was stated by Dr. D. H. n of the State Department of Educa tion when he appeared before the special legislative comm ittee on education. The transportation problem .involves hig h school pupils who bVe m ore than foul' miles from a <*ntralized 8c h.ool and el~metary pupils who l'esid& further ~han 2 miles He pred icted transportation costs will increase $385,000 alUlualIy after September 6 when a law prohibiting drivers of IIChool busses under 21 years of becomes ' eflective. M~ny districts employ student dnvers at ,20 • month. M~ L Williams, superintendent. oC Miami COunty , schoola, u!1red retention of tbla .,.tam as well as the outriaht ownership ot bu.... b, toW1llhtp .11001 boardL



Irs SHORTER 'Fr'~ RToore1~

Blind Ohioan Uses Touclt To Operate Phone Board


:\1\'(' III', .\1•• r, Ill·:",.II,





















Dr. R. E. Halstead Veterinarian OHIO

Large and Small Animal Work

Cary's Jewelry Shop "THE HOME OF GIFTS"

Lebanon, Ohio EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING U.injf Only Genuine Materi."

Prompt Service tore o.pen until !I II, m.

DR. H. E. HATHAWAY De~tist X'RAY WORK BLOC ANESTHESIA All KiDd. of Deture. · Repair Work Done Quickly



Moderate Cos't


The co t of a tuneral service ia E'ntirely decided by the wishes of our clients. Their choice of n casket !lnu necessary· ac(:es!!oriiesl ill inJluenced by no attempt at salesmanship On our part. We follow their d si.res closely ant! keep the total cost to as moderate a figure as their choice dictates,


, ,.",.




AYNESVILLE CEiURCH CHRIST ur1' mith, Mini ter Mi~!; Paulinc B,lwnul,n, nf VrnnkST. AUGU~TINE CHURCH lill. i!l lhll A'Ul',l of ,J, GI'IIY nnd \I :ao Bibl.> t'ch.lni. Father ewton, Pastor fumily, n, ;\.J , II. \'t'i~. nC the FerrY' (,hul' h of hri. t will bl' with us Ma ss at t. Augustine's Ohurch l\li~~ Huby Jam '. i~ ~he j.{uest III cm\' Bible chool. very second and fourth Sunday 'of H'llltive. in l i<l llrli"lml'!>\" this Ouc't - Jl; I'n\a and ,llohn ~'cat' s, f the month, wt 'k, 10 :30 LOI'd'li .'upper. i 1), Ill, ' . ht'islillll /-;IIUI'IIV(lr. i\ti s~ Viqdlliu amI Lansing I.f'ucl r, Jo;rnl'l-It \ oohn'cl. ' l[a I'd! 11 ~ are . pent.! i 11K 11 \~ ek with 7 : ~5 F.vangt!li. ti' cl'vicc, 'ubI'ellltiv":l lIt Falmouth. Ky. ' tit 1'.. F.dwin NUlt nod t!nught 1', j cl-" Whllt W uld Wuync 'ville Alma, oi nE'OI:' enwl'ville w re MI', anu MI'~. )Ieh'lrn Banlu aI' Du If bl'i~t ~ l\(Iu It! ome." Wf'dncl'lrlny ufternoon guc, t.s of :;~~~:;t;yi~t~ ~~;:t:Iatl;;.('t, ouk" Mrs, Therle Jon s and son, FRIENDS MEETING NOl'mon .lun1 .,;, of Blanch stcr, It·, . 1argar l Johns 8P€!1l Fl'iFir today Scbool at 9 :30 a. m, ,p nt the wl'l'k-end : l th hom(' Me&ting for Worship at 10:30 day nnd ' ntu\'day ot th hOllle of (,f hades Ja'm EO and family, m, Mr, and MI'. , K<"nt'nt h Hough nelll' )h', and MI'~, J, . Hawke were Wnyne.'Ville, uri FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST 11;!~l'l'S ll Rl'vey EUI'nel and gUt!. ts of 1\11'. and Mrl', Ifllwke in Dayton, umlay, BerM J Oll es too k part in the proCarl Smith, 1IJ'inlster .Mr: all(1 l'llr~. 1I 0wo l'(\ Me 'lure gl'<)f\(I-(nlh('\'~ at Unified services beginning with gl'am o( th lind iUl\lily, of .' \\ BUl'linR'ton, church ;school at 9 :30 a, '!n, Grange Salurday ,'vening, \\ rc gU(!st" of Dr, and £"1'8, It " service at 10:30 R, m. Me.', Fl'lIlIk Rogers is slowly 1m Weover, ~ul)dllr. proving uItcr a couple of w('cks WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH Miss Ruth hlmdler lenv s toi1lne ~g. Rev. G. C. Dibert, Pa.s~o r Mr, and ) 11' ,Donald Jladl,'y nif('ht for Ilampton, Va" wh~I'e 'unday 'chobl at n::10 a, m. No were Sunday gu sts of 1\11'. lInd lI he will spenri three W ek~ with pr aching 5ervi~" Wedll esdllY, ~1t'8 . Amo ' ,ook nellr Waync~\'ill h ~r aU J', Mi ~ .. Eli1.ub'th hllnduncI Tuc. day ,e vening dinner I 'J'. gu(' ts of 1\Jr. nne! :MI, harh's 1\11', Geol'!:c "Ill'l<, III', and rth's, DOllter n I' nal·vc~'sbul'g. Roy lIal'vey lind two children, f 1i.R 10lla Til Onl of Dayton, ,lunction ity, KSln. uR, Jl nt pen~ ThuJ'j;!Iay vening with l\li, S 1\1 onday 'w ith l\It" lind 1\1 r . .' E. .Bcl'nice G l'aham, Mclu)'e. Little Betly J (!an IllllpbelJ has be 11 on lhe sick list the past ]\[1'. IlIlU l\I1'l:', w('(·k. Mrs. Lelia Bunnell MI', antI 1\11'1<, Wilbert wank of Mabel 'Blair, ui Lebun on, were Dayton ~p(>nt Sunday with lhe gu st of fl' F, 1ar)' !:lil\'l'l', Tueslatt e\"~ parent~, 111 .. , ant! Ml·s. Ed day l'vening. Long-aol' . O. J. Edward~, of prinjrlielcl , 1\1 nrg a ret Lacy of Day to n spell t the PII$t we k with her grllnd- ,:\1 r. and Air, JIe\'be'rt Edward_ and children, of D IIV r, Co lorad mother, M 1'3. Emma Lacy. . Bobby Lacy i. !tpending a fel\' at' guest!; of Mis es Tl'i1l ena and \\'e-cks in Buchanan, 1\1 ich., with Margal'e~ Edwards. his istel'l~, Mi. Rebecca. Dunham, oI inJanice Burnet sp<>nt a few day cinnati, 1\11'1\. Thoma" 'coll lind the pa t we k with het· grllnd- fr, Raymond DunhAI1l, of King1:l parcnts, MI'. and l\l.l's. Ed Thomas Mill, Wel'e guests of' Mr. and in Wnyne:;ville. MI' ,Walter heehl\n , Wednesday Messrs lien II Je and harle cvcning, 1< indle spent 'unday ,vith Prof. lind .Irs. J oseph Kindle in Littl [j ses B tt.y and DOl'othy cinnati. ):'ounce, of Dayton, pent last Litlle Richard, [arjol'ie w ek with their grandparents, Mr. Jimmi ,wank, ot Dayton are and 1r, Wilbur F. Ilark, who re!>taying with their f{rand-parent. tUl'n.ed the childt'en t( their home MI', and 1\11', Ed Longacre, a s on Sunday. their bl'Other, Robert remains very Mt.. and II's, J. L. ,;atterthwaite ill ut St. Elizabeth hospital. and Charles Satterthwaite return'JIhe thJ'eshing of wheal bas been cd Saturday, from levan' lake, delayed hel'c for several du'Y s , on "'1.' h' h th ent the JULY 26-27 " t h ' ,. IC Igan were ey sp aecoun t 0 f t h e b al'd L'ams 111 Itt' k Tt b ght TlM Mc Oy vicinity pa Wo wee s. I y rou Mr. ~nd Mrs. James J ohns ' left' along a large qua~lity of fi hand BlLLIE EWARD Tuesday for a two week tay at on Ilturday v~mngn Ii h .fry at in , , th attel'thwll1tt' home, W1th a)) t hI' h0'!le of Mr. and Mrs. Hany me '!no e:s of thc f 01nily pl'elIent , Johns In Dayton, The road from Lytle to Wayn es was etlJoyed. _ _ ,_ _ Cartoon, "Th L ost hick," , ville was oiled Tue duy, Com" 'Object Not M'I1trimony" Mr, and Mrs. Guy Rouhahn and daughtel'S Gen~va and Betty JULY 28--29 and their guest, J\.liIdred Boitnott, JAME DU:r-."'N w re Sunday dinner guests, of ir An in surance publkation points JEAN PARKER and Mrs, WllJarcl WSI'ner, neal' to the fact than an "ustounding in htistian burg. percentage" of the growing autoMr, and Mrll. Guy Routzahn and mobile death toll is caused by daughter Geneva and .J:!l'!tty alld 'al'S operated by boy!! and girls-~ thcir rue t, Mildr d Boitnott, many of them below the legal age hort Reel, "The Old Camp were SUllda'y dinner guests of Mr, at which they can obtain drivers' Ground," and Fox News. ' and Mrs, Willard Wal·net·, near licenses.



Waynesville, o.

Justice of the Range

:Ji'uu?Iud ~


.P.HONE 29


Mi~mi Fly Spray Brinl' Your

:;111 1',


Phono 93

1rfaiR St.


ST. MARY'S CHURCH Rev. J. J. cha<'ft'er, Ree r ~i)(th :undny a.ftel' Trinity, ,luIS OF 2H, Chur'ch ~ hll()l at !) ::10 i ~lol'l1· in Proy<>r nnd serlllon 1\ 10 :3u,



BiI.!.- Mtud)' ano.! 1ll'a)'t'r nll't'linll' at

Have A Heart

Christiansburg. MI', and Mr. Kesler GTabam and daughtet· fiss Bernice alld ~---':"'----·-----':' I Jacque Adl\nls spent Sunday at the' home of :Mr. and Mrs. Hi!>rman Albright in Dayton'. .Mr. Ea.rl Young and mother, 1\hs, Emma Lacy spent Tuesday ill Dayton, shopping. Willa I'd Shearer, bt'oliher of Ito ~'ce Shearer of this plaee was I'U hed to Blair h08pital Lebanon Monday, where he underwent an emerge ncy operati on for a.ppendicit is, Mr, and MI'. Harvey BUl'llct visited th e fOt'mer's sister, Miss al'an Burnet, at Miami Valley hospital Sunday afternoon. Miss Burnet has a compou ne! fraeturc of h er ankle the · result of a fall whilc crossing the street in Dayton aturday evening, Friend here are SO)'I'y to heal' of this misfortune and hope foI' a speedy reco very. Mrs. Belle Scott, Everett Early and family entertained to dinner Su nday, MI'. an.d Mr, Ralph Baldwin and daughter, Mr. and MI'S, EdwI:\1'd Patton of Middl town, Mt,. and Mrs. Hubert Pursley and family of Franklin, - - -- - • Two Shows-7:00 &I 8:30 p. m. ADM. lOc--15e

c_& .

6Se per Gallon

Calcium Arsenate Recommended To Kill Bean Beetle••

PhoDe 25


Caesars Creek


Unquestioned durability and exquisite design

-the ~hest ideals in plated ware-are a~ured in '.poons, forks, and fancy serving pieces beaMs the

rcoowned trade marl



_ •There are. Varioul make~ of· .averpla!~ · ~h~eware to be "Jull al good. but. ~lke aU imitatiooa. they lack the beauty and weari~_ -~~~~7. idII,,'lIedwiththeoriginalandgenuine"OOR06ERSIROS, ' ~~J~""''I1. bowDal"SilP" Plalmal W deaIen everywhere. Sead f.

Which are claimed






L\Jost parent readily agree" that the avel'age 12 01' 13 year-old is incapable of safely and prudently operating anything as potentially murdel'OUS a s ' an automobilebut they too oftcr make an ex. ception when it comes to t.heir own Jimmie or ally. It i one of the human hailties t.o regard one's own chiJdrclO as being by·ightel' than ome's neighbors-and that attitude, ha.rmless as it is in most cases, is . directly re',ponsible Ior a vast and horrible ." aste of life, Overly youthful driver!! not only ' ~ausc more acciidents than their elders--they ,c ause nlOl'e serious accidents. They usually drive at extreme ~,peetls, The hazards of' pa sing 011 curves, of driving on the wrong side of the road, of weaving in and out of traffic, of "jumping" stop signals and "gunning het'" along busy s treets, mean little or nothing to them. Taking ehance!1 is a to 'them - a game at which innocent pel'sons are often the losers. Every parent sholliid make it his business to see that his children are not permitteLi to dl'ive until they have reached the legal age---and, even then, that t hey are cal'efully supe1'VI ed an.d forced to be careful. The autholities should likeWise caTl'Y on a continuous and in si ,tent campaign to bar underage dt'iv I'S from stre c~ts and higb ways. If that is done thousands of our automobile aceidjmts will be eliminated.

. The McPherson reurii on was held hel'e, Sunday. The "Wide Awokes" met at the home of Ladonna Sinclait', Sunday cyening. l\h's, EVerett Haines visited relativ s in Mllncie, Iniana, $und dny. . Mrs, Raymond Wilsori vi ited Nurae C"op,. Mt·. and Mrs. Irvin Smith, Monday attol'noon. No companion or lnurse crop The ol'che tra pl'actice at the should be used in nlaking seedings home , of Jeannette Wilson was of alfalfa, of the clovers, or of "E-Il a tten.d ed, Monday nigh.t, the grass s when !':OWl1 in July or Mr, lind Mr!;. Raleigh Bogan and August. T~ts at experiment daughter were guest.'! of Mr, and stati ons have ~ hown conclusively MI·~. HOI'ace Compton, Sunday. I that summ r seedings made with 1\11'. and MI·s. Bevin Jenkins and oats or other grains will be largefamlly of Kokonw, Ind., were Iy un successful. The 11 .v ain , dinner guests uf Raymond Wilson it is explained, uses available and family, Wednesday. mol ~tu re and sm out the l\fr. and Mrs, Horace Compton, young seedlings. or New Burlington, and Mr. and ,Mrs. Evan BopD and family ot Dayton Wf'rc dinner guestll of Raleigh Bogan and family night Ja t week in honor of Compton' birthday.

. Hattle EWott of

Tu('~day morninlf fflr Canada Ind ••1hi'r p .. inl,; berurl' rt'tUl'nin~

l .. (l tu

11t('ir hlllll" in )lillllli, FIlll'iJa,

;lIb · 1~1I111111 Hl1}lhul\ hll~ 1'l'tlll'llf'(T to tlw II me fiftH:l two-week

Vll ulioll. Mi·"es t\ nnie Dnd l\InlYl{' lJr<lwn Edwtl)',1 A. O'Neul, pl'£1 iJl'nt of the A l11(,rlcaa flal'm Bureuu wer(l ~u ,!.!I o f ,N. J3euyhill nnd i"!?d!'I'olion , will speak lit '\1 on!;ter rAlllilr, of B'llbroo k, W 'un ·' stlny on ::iulul'dny, August 10, at the ----:---~_~-=.::::.=-~-:=~ annual joint picni(' or lh(' Wayne Count.y Farm Bun'au and 4-H lub~, ac 'ol'ding to Jllmc. R. .lOOI\~ , publicity dir do)' of the hill Farlll .Bur au Fed 1'8tion at olulll bu . This will be lhe til' t 81lpelll'3n c nr Pl'csident O'Neal at Woo, t r. A Ithough the Funcml Hl' will i I)ol\k in the gor v of the hio Agricultul'l\.l Ex pcl'im('nt Cl'vie Code i no longer ,'tation at 2 p, Dl, Hill subj ct is, in efrect, t11i!l firm will "The Futut' of he Am l'iean conlin its hi -h !\tnnoards )<'UI'I)]£1I'," of thics nnd busill 55 con0' al is ~'e ll vel's 0.1 n nat~oJlal ode of our product, Th and lale policies of ng1'iculture, and his vi wpoints carry much fl'$Rion nt rely iltablUl d wl'ighL in th agl'al'iun wOTlc!. nationally lhOl'e principles Ohi I!'ul'm .BU1~U members and which we haVe fotlowed ~heit' n 19hbol's al:e ur~cd to join since our [ounding, In the Lh Wayn county group in hearinK' theil' nalional co()pel'lItiv [utUI , all in t.he past, we I ad<,y' tiiscu s probl ms thut al' will co.ntinue t hese l~oliC>ieR crucial to ' ell' I' y farmer, • to u'(\ in 1111 relations with our Moore. stall' nnd the public,

NRA Ha Ended. but


_. I "

h , nnll Mr. hade InIi hi, hav unnouncell th of theil' daugh\I!I', Price, to F\'!Incis S. Galch on atul'day, July 20. The lllal'l"i(lg took place a t the Hyde Park ommunity chu)'ch in incilll1ati, Rev, H. II. Fikrct officiating. 1\fr. Gatch i a si~te[' Qf Irs, D, R. SOlith and i;; a fomlet' l'eSitl nt of WiJmington, Ohio, but has b n living Ule past. { w yenr in incinnati. 11" Gatch is the son of fr, and Mrs. Francis S, ·Gatch or Milford anti is II cousin of 1\11'. L, V, Bl'an trntor. Bolh iI', and Mr. Galch attend d "V ilmington c li ege. Aft l' a hOt,t \ £1dding trip th Y will be at h~me a~ 735 ent r St., Millol'd, Ohio.



,,. YoU" DeALe" CA .... NOT au",. .." YOU WlillfTt .A~OWIN \.A.a"ATO"'':8 . INa . ... c:O"... ' .MT " .. e ........"ow, .. t.AIOAATO",C • • lflfli1.

«a'.'O_"I .......

Used Trucks l!1a:J Chevt'pl l 157" Dual I \\'h('c1 II a, i and ah in I A-I condition $335.00 : 19:13 Internationa l Pallel .. ' $345,00 1!:J32 Gl\l 1 ~ Ton Panel .... , , , , $350.00 HJa2 Oodge · 'h Ton Pan I


1031 11 VI·olel. 1h Panel 1929 hovl'olct 'fa Pan el 1930 hevl'olet Pi k-up ,: 102 Ford Pick-up 102 Ford 1 Ton snopy . ell' I'al t1ICI'S to


Ton , $225.00 Ton , ,$125.00 $125,00

, $ 85.00 ", $ 85.00 Pick From


Phone 7


·11 Oho

Waynesvi e, __I~. _


442 N. Main AD 4108 (Ah\'flYs 100 tJ ed ars- IOO) DA YTON, OHIO

KILLS INSECTS IN THE HOUSE AND GARDEN Every gardener knows the hav\)' that insects ereut in a flow(!r 0)' vcgetable garden, A n w pt'o([ucL t.o deal with insect pc ts has een developed after I\\ore than two years of cxpel'iment tion and ha s no~" been placed oT,l the market undor the trade name Dwin, It j" -·tated by the manufoctul'(!I'. that this product pos esses th duol advantage of having the properti!? You proAt two weys wlte" you fence your A.leIs with Alii... n CeSlIll1'y to kill insects bothin Ic:.n Zinc IMul.t.d It enIIbl.. you to feed ClOps e"d the ho me and in tho garden. Wh en lII.rIc.t th.m II on the hoof" et bett.r prica-to protect used in the home, it leave in its wake a delightful aroma of :flowers "owing· cropt 0 in cr•••• JMRur.s.. Conte In IIId let • Oir ctiorts fOl' U$e in the garden liva you .11 the ••eta 'tate that it may be used sparingly Dwin derive its killing power from pyrethrum which is combined with t\ base oil in it 'elf of proved ttieie ncy in con t rolling ",any platlt insects. It kills inBect oaly and is absolutely harmless to pests or humans. Thi factor eliminale~ I ' pos ible danger wl1ich (!xists when using poisonous pt'eparations, it if< pointed out by the manufllctuI'el·. Dwin is !:Iold in grocery, drug, hot'dwore and deputl1lent stores and ha a ttai ned un 11 S ua I p u hI i e ~!!!!!~~'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!:!'!""!!!!!~'!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!"!~'!!!"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'~'!!!!!!'!!!!!!! acceptance during the comparatively short time it has been on the mal'ket.


We have just received a new car of this fence.

w. H. Madden & Co. Way~esville"O.

Phone 14



A public heal"ing will be held by The Ohio Highway Survey 001mittee on Wednesday evening. July 3,), 1935, at 7:30 o'clock, in the Hall Qf Mirrors, Netherlan(l Plalla ' Hotel, in Cincinnati, Ohio, This meeting will be held for the purpose of obtaining the views of citizens, officials and organization leadel's relative to , 1\ rational program of dev£1lo,pment of sheet, roads and highways. The meeting is open to all.


Quality, PrlatlDI

Friends' Home News M1·8. Antl'a.m, of Dayton, is spending some time hel'e. Mrs. H. O. Harvey and M:rs. Hayes Keevel', of Lebanon, called at the Home, Friday. Mr, C. M. Benyhill . and Miss Clara Berryhill, of Bellbrook, called on Misses Annie and Marne Browne Sunday afternoon, Mr.. Fred Wilson, of Selma, called on Sunpel'intendent and Mrs. Peirce Friday afternoon. Mrs, Louie Settlemyre and son , of Olarksville ,and Mrs. Mary Griest, of Dayton, called on Mrs, Frances Nickleson, Sunday. Mrs. Howell Peirce and Miss Winifred Nutting saw Rider Haggal'd's "She" in Dayton, Satur day afternoon. ' Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Wilson, of Dayton, . called on Mrs. Mal~al'et Martin, Sunday e'lenini'. Miss Louise H8l'tsock, who has been the guest of bel' grandmother Mr , Lena Harts,ock, has returned to her home near Wilmington. Mr. and Mr , Sid Cox and son Owen Hartsock spent Thursday afternoon with A. Z. Hartsock arid family, east ot Wilmington. Mr. Will Prather, instructor In Stivers hiih school, Dayton, called Saturday .te-see, l'dTfl, Marraret Martin. Mila Sarah Katherine Hartsock, of Wllml~on, wbo bas been the ' peat of her rralldmother, Mra.) Laa Bartloclt, enjoyed a. trip to



The Miami


Eighty-Seventh Year::


WILLIAM BIGGS, LAST CIVIL. WAR VETERAN IN COUNlY SUCCUMBS Diu at Home of Hi. Son Corwin, Burial In Mia.mi Cemetery


WAYNESVILLE GARDEN CLUB TO MEET TUESDAY The Waynesville Gal'den lub will meet Tueaday lIIo l'ning , Augu t 6 at 10 :30 at the homo of Mr. EI' n<'S t ButterwOI'th, . :M1'8, l?lol'ence Davis: I\11'S. llarvey Ry', Mrs. Opa l Reu so H arGi the a!>~ ist­ i ng hostesst!s. A picnic lanch will b served at noon. Each member will bring a covered <li~h and andwichos, 'I'ho!;e on the waiting lisl al'e in. vited to ott-end. . Awards wlil be given COl' the m ost artistic arrung ' mel1t of any gal'den flow ers.

William Biggs, ag d 07 years, died a t the home of his son, Fmnk, In Corwin, FridllY, J uly 26. He was the last sUl'vivi ng Ivil War v teran in Wayne town hip. Besides the Bo n, Frank, one daughter, Mrs. Jennie I'tlarshalJ, of Detroit, and Meveral gl'sndchildl'en, survive. Funeral service!; conducted by Rev. • W. mith, of t h hurch of hrist, were held at the Mc- IWE~~~~~~~~~~~~ lure Funeral H ome l on duy afternoon. alld bu'ria! was in Miami c metery. Harold . l ro ud ·is "i iting rei· at.ives in OilY ton.


fORMER RESIDENT MAKES NI,GE CAlCH An item clipped fr om the New Y,H'k Tlrnes concerns 11 former l'csident and one of tho not d fisherman of t hi com munity. It is a true "fish" story, according to report from hi friends and is quoted below: ' "Be lie ve it or no t, one 01 our favoril e fishing grounds in days gone by has cOm to Jif a nd duro ing th last ,~eek prov-idcd fish. ing thrills t or sevenl\ sportsmen, wh41n, fOl' no appal'lmt rea on, walley d pike and sb epsh%d beiran to hit, The place is Long Pond. The pike were taken in mos.t instance from the center of the pond with spinn r s to which night crawlers wer attach d IlrOiding the sport: Everett ThomAS, N o, 42!l Lyell Avenlle, caught four walleyes t ha t average d three pounds."




Mi II larll Lile \I'll ton visilol'; Tuesday.

a DU)llol1

A, F, Melloh and family were gu ts elaU e' at Hardson, Ohio, unday,.

or ..

MRS. C, M.]OBIlZER IN AUTO ACGlDfNl S .. «er. Cutl and Brui.u When Her Cu Is SlrcacK by Another Mac.hine N ellr Mo rrow MI'~, C, 1\[' l{obitzl'l· IS l'('c(lver. inl(' fl'om injuries' rt;c~h· cd ']'U t'~. day when th", ·lIuloll\obilc in which she WElA ddil1l( \1 U ~ll·uck by ,,\ COl' driv(lll hy the ~·hed fT of Hamilton county, The a cident haIJpC'lll'ti 011 lhe hjghwny ne'lt' MIlITOW. l\I1' ~.' wa, turnin~ into the til'i"eIVuy at th l) hOllle of F:arl Wilkel·lion wh 'n the apPI'oacoing muchilll', oc'cupicd hy the shN'iff and two prh<onel's ht' WlI . trall KIlmtiIlg' to olumbu and d.-i,'en at a high. rate of ·peed, struck hel· IU· which \ a, thrown into a djlch, but did not tlll'l1 ov 1". A gu.·h on he\' h('afi Sind . the sh ck l'ctHlel'cd Ml's, Robitzet· unconsciou s. 'he WIIS tl' aLetI bv a l\lol·ro w phYMieinn lind latel· I'~III ved to th~ home uf hel' pllrent~, Mr. and Mrs . .r, D. '\udaLL, where she n~~t('d several houl·s b fOl'e going to Iier own home. MI's: RobiLztr , tatel'; that

:~~I~or~s S~~eit; ~~~~: ~ru;h/ a~~:~

Mil; Winifr d NuLting and J oh n dent sh is fast recovering. WCllvet· viAited the Ob:!el'vatory at The orcupant,.~ of the 8heriIT's D lawa!'c Tuesday. car· were uninjupecl but both Irs. Loren Jaml!$o n oJ Daylan, W(!I·C badly damag-ed. borne of h )' mother, MI';;, Maude CI·ane.

sp nt Monday at th

Mrs. Ann Bellar lind son, Olin , of Columbu!>, vi itcd her !Ii tel' ft-s. Delilah Ev rhart, 'unday,

Mr. and frll. Roy John On, Qf I clnn d, vis ited rclativ s here and at Lebanon, Saturda y a nd unday. Mr. and 1Ih' . Al Murray and Mi l; Edith Machin('o, of Detl·oit, Mich., we I ' ~UCSLR of l'rli 8 Stiles, ' unday, Mrs.

J amc$



Rol an s Stoo'ps nnd daughter, of Van W(Jrt, a r guests of Dr, nnd E. Witham.

M:l' .. ~, '

Elizabeth ollett has ret.u I'ned to h er home in Pi ttsburg after 8 brief vi it at ~be home of hel" bl·other Dun ollett.

Miltaken For· . Narcotic Smuggler A , Fisher, in>iuluLioll Qf incinnati, ant' lIl'ph w-in-law of \ • H , Allen. pr ~ idellt of the Wayn flvi1le ational baflk, had a thrilling xIlc ri nce Monday morning, "hen he wa ' kidnappE>tI by two young men who later explained to him thal th y mistook him ror a n",rcotic l'muggl I' whom Lhey intorhld to "hi-ln k," Mr, Fil'll r was fOI'Ced into his own auto and driven 200 miles tht'ough SouthwestHIi Ohio before th kidnappel"$ dl'ove him back to inclnnuli and rel(,3sed him. They kept the machine and about . 4 which they had lak n from its owner's pockets. After examining the contents o{ the brief case which contained inSUlation ~amp le the men appUl'ently realized that they had the wrong mlln. tr. Fish I"S ab:mdoned tlula wa found Tue ' day in a incin. nali str et.


sale man,

- .. ---




T I, 1935


Charl.;s, :1111 of MI·. and IIIrs. C!arl!llc(' R~'l', "as till illfully in. jlll'l'u when he jumpc·d ' OVllr :\ C net' nt hi home on rnute 2, M ndllY mOl'llillg, running a )'u. ty Increase o f $5 a Hea d Appl iu To nail till' ugh hi1' foot. Grad.,; No Chanae for The boy wa 1"U h, u to the Purebred. otn.: .. of Dr. I1ardingoer lit Spring Valley whl.'l'(' the wound \\as tJ"Latcu. He il': gl!t1ing all1ng l\1aximum indllmnity paid fol' nicely lind il i~ thvughl there will ~Tadl' dnil'~' and heef caWe re· b(! no riOUi\ I'e ~ults frclm thc in- acting 0 it hili' the t e t fOl" tuher JUI" • ulo~i Ot' th agglutination t ~t .. - fo}' BangOs diKeaHe ha been C1"ea~l'd $1); IL il; announced hy I' A. J. De F08s('t, fedll'al vetel'inal'illil in chElJ"ge of lhe cnttlCl disea, (! cmciicution prugnull in Ohul. lIde\' th(' new /' guJations the maximulll that \l'iIl b> paid fll' mel's fOI' di~ 'UI\I'·{] gnul catlle ["milk Rug<'l'S, 66 a wl'lI-resjle 't- i ~ I·uised from $20 to $25, 'I'h eu resident f Lytle, died suddenly incI ell 8C i: /lra nte d. ~ay s UI·. n W dn ·day, July ;lj. at about Fo~set, in r cognition of the Ii,,\! 1 :15 p, 01. ill valu of ~attl and to al'~ist in • covl'rin\{ cost..s in cumplying with 1\11'. Rogel'!! Wll~ ~1l1ll'all'\od III governnwnL l'I!gu lation!'. in tc ted lua ding \,'heaL at the IJ unt 1al'rn herd s, . when h' s~lfrel ' ed a heal't· ilttauk Actual pl\~ments 1\\1' animals nJ succu mbed almost in tllntly. condemn d ,\ III b gov I' ned as He had been II su ft'eret' from helll't h retofore by a~praise!1 value~. t 1'D'U bl e I 01' so m ,. The fm·mer r celves the f'a lvage~ .Imc. ~ur ... iving are hi wife r. 1 'ta from the enrcas ; ,the tQt~1 f Lhe ' ' salvage and the Indemmty puy· ardDon~ bl·othel·, Sherman Rogers, ment cllDnoi ex ecd t.h e I\PlB'lIis (I


Fu~~!~\~· !jervices



ill be held al incl' ascd indemnily ap!>li s th e l·es;uence, atu,rdalr aftt"l'~oo~ to tho cherd 'hu I.' OWlle1"l\ hilve lit 2 o clock. Bunal in Mlanu ;.igned ogr em nts since June ·10, Ille t ry, 1\f· . d emn 't ____ - - aXJnlllm III l y f or pure· bI' d catll' temuills the sam' $50 Homt~ a .head. Dr,. OeFos::.eL ay ' applicationH new hCl'tlS can be MfR. Lena Hart. uck lind Mrs. fOI· lestifll(' ard c Anti'alll \I'('re hopping in h. lIelled I1l·omptly. lie! may b addressed at Bo)( 410, olumbu s, l.ebunon l onoay a{t,emoon, --...~ Ml's. Bnchu~, of SIIl'in{l"ficld, State J1 gent of Da.ughters of the American Revolution, was dinner ~uest 'OC Rev. and Mrtl. J. J, ·chaetrer, Sunday, MI' ·, Es ie 'outhl~ate, .Mis TIl' Juni I' GOOd lit lothing ]\fIlLlie Welch and Mr, 'Tom Welch club me lit the hom. of the of l ol'l'ow, called on 1\1.1';;, Mal·y L lellder. fl's. Gilbert. FI'Y , Tu • Adum · I·ecently. day aft<.' rn oon. 1\11'. Warner P irce, of Wa ~h· Each m Il1ber r 'pondeu to 1·011 inglon, D, ., was o\'er-night gue-t all with the name of h'l' favo,·· of his parents, U£ !3l'intendent ite flower. The thh'd al'~icle of and Mr~. Howell Pell'ce, Friday work was tal'ted and bo ks night, gOing. On to muha, were check d, ' Nebraska, to jOin 1\1rs. P irce. l!' lvw I'S I'e tak n lo Mrs, Fa-i lids at th homl~ were de· hal'les Rye , who is confined to light d to iP'eet Arthur Zoll and her bed because of iIlnes, his family, of Erie, PQnll~ylvanin, lildred 'alisbul'Y, R epoTte l·, aturday aft mOOll, who were ---- ..... " - . - ihi ncul' home from a Pacific GRANGE PROGRAM coast trip, where they saw IIlBny old friend and re lati,·e , as well At the I·egular Grange meting a~ many wonders of lhe Great Augus!. il, the followin~ program W t. \vi1! be giv<'n: Mllsic- Mr. L ' wi. Fires. Mr, lind MrS, Maymnl'd Harlan tlnr!. irs, aI'oline H, Bl'oQmhall, Dinlogu - Ruxie and ,Tohn of Willl\~ngton, called on ~r . Ada PUIY • uckctt. II. Jenklfl , Sunday el'emng. i'liusic- Altoll Eatnhal't. A, Z, Hal'ts~ck, and sons, lI1ilo Tllik - "Do Fal'mv,!I Kel' p P a~d Joe, of Wllll1mgto~I, called on I Wi th the Times ~ \Vel\ I\R Men JII S moth er, .Ml' .. LenB Hal·t.soek, In Other :Business?", MI', Ronald Sunday, nl s duughter, al'ah Hawke. Kathe rine, \\ho had becn t he tuntF- MI'·. . '. ElIi~. g uest. of h ]' grandmothel·, accom· _ _ __ _. - puni Q hjm hOme. TONSILS WERE REMOVED Mil!!! A liCe HaJl, of Dayton, ('allod on h e}' aunt, )fis Hate Con ni e 'oon, th!"e -yea I' old IIull 'I'll s-\ltly mo t·ning. ~on of M r, and Ml'8. Philip OOll, underw ent II ton!<i1 op'·I·atinn at 1\1r , A. K. Day visitNI rclat.h·e th office of Dr. E. F, ])(>1)11, in Cincinnati, Monday. W till liay nl orning. 0





Club Meets Tuesday At Home of Leader








---.. ...


fORMER INfIR,MARY Bu . '1-11 b met aft ut tht' home of IS APPROVED fOR The book;; mal'kcd on \lIlU ('ompll·t.l'd. A indio USE AS HOSPITAL vidual ('xhihit or dish ach

Th~ y ["in~ t'''' ~Iunday l'IHHln 1\1 r~. l'r c~ 0 11.





SO I11<'

, gil'! ha· leurncd tv muk w('l\, Wli. an illt ~' l'c Rti ng- f atu ra, I)nd lhe Thre Co'U:ntie. Intere.ted III Plan cuu~e ot' a m el'I'y JC:.kL al ,lhe clo~1' To Care FaT Tubercular of the InctlLing. Ca.e.

]o"'tuuk vi ~ ilct.!

HobinlSotl, here


of DaytoJ1 ullduy.

11·8. L. 1[. Gordon is I'ecoverin ~ lIft. 'I' nn ilIne:s of sevcl'al day)

t1ul'llli\ln. M I', and 1\11'8. • I. attcl'th wait ' ~ I· DayLon "UtOI'., 1\1on day afu~rn on. 1:r~,


J.... M, Ji ~n\lel':tlrl nll(l ' cali \\ re Dayton vil'itul's,


MrR. Maude Wutkio


rane w toe i n

Tu sday,

1\1 I'~. Ella Bladdo k, of Dayt n, Ii I'elativ'e !l1l(i fl'i eon d hel' Mond y. vi~i~

MI '~,

l\tlll'lha GI'LlVe1l, of J eff Ky., is !.h I;' g uest of h I' 8islel·, 1\1r;; J ohn Tl'l!ndwa.l'. f Miss J08ephin(' MaillOus, D t.l'oit, i ~ spendi'ng the week with

her pal'en lS.

T. J. Smitlt, who was onfineti to th e hnuR . evcral uay. bec aLl~c of illness, is r ecovering 'IIml able to be o ut.. I

M iss Edna lIl o':, Louisv ille, Ky., anel Mr, William M sa Idt lasl Wednesday ( 0 1' Butt~, Monta na to visit. I'elllti"es. Mr~.

crnon Mainous and ch il-

unm left Wedn 'sday for ·teal'nR, Ky"

where they will sp nel the

l'emaillUCI' of th


Mr. II nd Mrs. D. R, SOl iLb In ompnny with MI'. and Mrs. 1''. '1' . Gatch, of Milt'onl spent Sunday \vith relatives in WilJnin~n. NI's. Em Smitb, MI·s. ]]Iln na h Tllylo l·, 1\11·5. Flosslc"lirey and

Ml'. and MI'. , bestcT ar y wtn·e g u est of Day tun l·elutivcs, Sun· day.

Mrs. Russell B 1\ 0 11 anu child."e n, of Cleveland, are visiting Mrs , Ben son', pal'en!.$, Mr , and MI' , w. p , 'alisbury and uLhel' relatives here , Mi ss Ph ylis BUl"nett, who was the gu st 01 her gl'andpil1"ent~, !'tIr, and Mrs. E. L . Thomas, several days la t week, ret\1J'ncd to h;!l· home in Lytle, Sunday.

Mr. and MI·$, ~!1\p h Ha stings, Mr. and MI S. Ph ilip La1'l"ick 1\h, and Mr , A, H. Stubbs. were ertf~t­ tained nt th e hom", of .Mr. and M,'s. W. E. Stroud Sunday ev ~ -


I II d


1\ ~

I'~ c;", "·ed


\\'ul'Ill of gOOils Lind lin additional ~I'ClIl (111111111 1 (lI:< u'lbuli ulI of 89.50Q.

~o l emllh'

from hQ lid to lia nd ! lid Htl"ln/ls of W3 1l111ulll \Hre oll )(chall~cd , Generlll Wayne waM atJdressed itS "Eldel' Brother !' He alldl·essed In· dla ns liS "Younge r Brotllers:' Ol'atol'Y, inltr ~ pe.r ,;ed (cast· dllys. Ing and game~. ca ntin On AUllu ~t al'd tile signed opening all of to the whites,

Th . ~ Il(l or tbl M trell ty-o ne (It the l11o~ 1 ImJlOl"l8nl s Ign II by til. \;1111 d States - I~ cOllllllen\Orated b.I' II talJl ~ 1 at Greenville. It II \I'vl·,1I tllklng 1\ trlJl to see tbla monum ent, ju~t to IlIInglne the ladian chters and General Wayne Silo ting allout lhllt council fire,· 81. nllles lIouth, at the hamlet of Fora Jell'Qr,on, lij II monument comme.. oratin, the slockade built by Gea rtbur $t. CIa Ir In 1791, and Fore St. Clair Slale Park II at Bato.. 23 mila rurther IOUth. Da,to" with II famous ala' baIIe. FIeld, I

E ~ tab1i ~ hll1 ent of a tli trict board camp eel of cnll1mi ~s ioncl"$ of Iintol!. Gl'cene and War ren countit,;:, I' quired by state law befol'e 8 tri.cou nty tubel'culosis ho spital can be ~ t:lblishCfI in the fotmer . 'lipton cnunty infirmal'Y bui1dinll, is Ilxp cter! to be ~Cfected wilhin 3 ,hart ti leo lint on county CQmmISSlone-I'1I have rClceived II Icttel' from the stale department of health inform in g them of lhe neeessit-y of .formiMg u di stl·ict board . A mel'ting of commi sioners of the thTce counties will be called in thE' near future. Repres ntative1! of th stu te deptll'tment recently inspected the inti l'mnry buildi ng and approved its u~e a8 a t ube a;.cul osis hospital. As oon as the district board is .tublish ed, Ql'chilects will be con ult d and plnns for remodelin~ the tructure will be obtained. ommi ioners hav e visited other tuberculo si~ hospitals in the ~tate t.o obtain in.formatio n on lheir a)'ratl gem nt and methods of operatio n.


--~ ---


The division of the sales tax MI'. and .1111'5. Ralph Linn and dollar is baSotd on an estimated dau htet' motol' d to Beat.tyville, yi~ld of $00,000,000 f OI· the year Ky., Sunday, 19:16. Evidence now indicates that yi Id will be Ie B than $60,l\.fr~ . E. L, Th omllS ~p nt Wed- th nesday with hl:l' daughtel', 1'111'8 . 000,000 in which case the share 01 the scho ols and the share of lIal'I'Y BlIl'llelL, ut Lytl . Lh loca l gover nme nt will be less, Accol'din g to a c hart Sundny dinner gues of MI·. and Ml's. 1'1 , R. 1'11 0 l\ wel'e by the Ohio. Education Association Linnllome, JllmestO\Vl1, N. 'I .; Dr. the school rec ive only 41.9 per L , . Mo ' ,Washington D. C lit of the dollal'. 27 :9 percent M1' , A. T1. Mos ' , Mr. a.nd M'l'M. go to th local goveT nment, 10.6 eth Greely and daughler, Muine. P<:I' ent to old age pen ions, 10 v!1ie, Ohio. perce nt to poor rlllj ef, 3.4 percent to coun!.y bohds (poor relief), H~rry Haines and two daugh- :1.2 pel'cent to administrative tl'rl!, of Dayton, IV I'e gues ts of MI' costs anti 3 pel'cent to vendori' and Ml'lI, Ed. otlk, a ~U\'day discount. nighl,

1\11·. and 1\01 I'S, Merle Kerns and little duul:h te l', of CI velllnd, al·e Sl> nd ing tb e week , with Mt'$. K I'n ,,' pur 'nts , 1r, and Mrs. J. D. Mndatt.


Num ber 6180



MI'S, D. . Ridg , Mrs, 0 , M. Ridg , Mr . L e Mc lain and Miss FRIENDS MEETING ~fary L ou • o wash were Dayto n First-day School at 9-:30 8. m , vi. itOl', Thursday. Meeting for Worship at 10 :30 MI". and )1'l's. Cnl'l FI·ye, MI". m. and Mrl', Gilbed Frye und h, and MI·s. Glenn Frye of Dayton, FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST spent unda)! at t. l\Iary's, IDLEWYLDE CLUB CLUB l . Carl Smith, Minillter MET AT FURl'lAS IitO~E Mr. and Mrs, J ohn Pl'caton and t Unified services ' beginning witb famil y lind Mr ,Julia. Dono\'an The Tdl wyld e Bitthday club church ;school at 9:30 a. rn. wet·e dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs service at 10:30 a, m. J. B. hapman, Til way eve ning, met at t he hOllle of 1\'iI', and Mrs . Davis Furnas on Thlln;day even· , '!IIA YNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH Mr. and IIfr_. Henry atterth· ing. Juty 25, The evening was spent mainly waite and Mr . Ralph D. Tol1l1 Rev. G. C, Dibert, Pastor were hon-or guest, at u dinner at in discu s ing the happenings of Sunday schoo! a t 9 :30 a, m. No the home of Mr. Rnd M:I·S, L . •T, long ago, ome of the older mempreaching . services. W ednes day, Satterthwaite . in Dayton, Sunday, bers ntel'ing i nt() lengthly nrgu Dible 8tudy and praye r meeting at mtnt 8S to dale· but it IIJI ended 7 :80 p. m. Winter Garm nts Cleaned and w n, Pressed. No extra charge fol' Sealing in Moth-proof Bags. Dry ST. MARY'S CHURCH Cleaners, Kathryn Mendenhall, Rev. J, J. Schaeft'er, Rector manager. Seventh Sunday after Trinity, t - -_____ Jo-hn H. Snn who f 11 a~d August 4, service of Holy Combroke hi hip several days Rg<l, munion at 9;30 8. m. was brougbt to his home eNOl The Church school and 10 :30 McOlellan hospi.tal, Tuesday llIorn service discontinued during Aug- ing. . ust, will be l'f!Sumed tbe first Sunday ' in eptember. Mr, and 1.1I"s. Fl'ank N ewman , 01' Lynn, [nd" Mr. and Mr. Iyde Hockett, of Richmond, Ind" ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH guests of Mrs. Annie Gibbol1s, i'atber Newton, Paltor Sunday. Mass at St, Augustine'll Church Mrs, Ida toke is l'ecovering very second and fourth Sunday from the effects of ~ injurie8 ref the month. ceived when she iell through the covet· of a cistern at he l· hom e ~ A YNESVILLE CHURCH OF everal days ago, CHRIST Mi.s s Suah Smith accompanied Carl Smith, Minister Mrs. BeH e Scott, Mrs. Alice Clark and .Mt-. Everett Early, of 9 :30 Bible School. Special music by the boys and Lytle, to Harmony Gl'ove Sunday, where- ' they attended an annual girls 01 the Builders class. homecomihg. 10 :30 Lord's Supp~r. 7 p, m. Christian Endeavor. After a pleasant visit with I'ela· 7 :45 Evangelistic sel'vices. tive~, Mrs. Russell Bellson and ..... children, accompanied by Mrs. W , JOHN R. PETERSON P. Salisbury and Mr. Clark Salis· CALLED BY DEATH bur'Y left Tuesday for their home in Cleveland. John R. Peterson, 61, died Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rye- On· Saturday afternoon at hjs home on rural route 1, Spring tertainC(J at dinner Sunday, Mrs. Valley, following an mnes! of 'R ussell Benson and children, of More severa) weeks. He was widely Cleveland, . Mrs. Ella Kent, of wedlclne m ell on,l wal'rI(ll'~ glll h· known. Fraternally he W88 a Delaware, Mrs, Stella Evans lind Ired aroulHI (lie CO tl llriJ til" at member ot the Jr. O. U, A. M. 'M~88 Relen ' Evans, of Dayton, Nr. Greenville. and Mrs. W, P. Salisbury and Mr, Hia widoW' and four children They hnd ('O IlW [1' ,,11\ 1\11 !Jurts., or l urvive: Wayne A. Peterson, of Clark Salisbury. 01110, from th e rivers .of Illinois, Bellbrook; Donald, ot MiddleMr. and Mrs. Loren Hadley trom the lakeR or l\Ilcl\lg~ n and town; John D. and Vera at home. and children, who have spent the Wisconsin to di scuss tl'ea lies wilh Be alllCl leave. two brothers, past month with MR. Badley's :he Untted States \I' lell Gene'ral Leiter and Paul Peterlon. mother and sister, Mrs. Ruth Jan'Mad" Anthony Wayne. FUDaral. lervice.a for Mr, Peter- ney and Milll LoUella, will leave Leu tban a ye ll' Ilt'.tore Wayne IOD were beld at tbe home Tu ... "Hie for JacacmtoWll, Ohio, hid declsJYely ~e8tetl the allied day af&emoon. Burial 1. Sprine th'where IIr. Hadley wlU teaeb in ll'1H"s at the Bitt Ie of Fallen Tim· Valle), cemetery, the hlab sehool, IIIrs llear Maumee. Now R pence ..----'"'all to be conchtded. makin, the AD illveataDent of ona dollar lD lin. Lee Hawke entertained at ,14 Northwe.t TerrItory, Bafe lor dIDner. lIonday, lin. S. D. CllanHmiIIc' material. on atid aettlerl and tllel .. families. LlIlDhrton, lin. 1(. L. ........ ntam of tQ ,hoe 17115. the 11131


0 11 I ,

TWO DAY 4·8 CLUB TOUR PLANNED FOR AUtUST 21 AND 22 Wnl'!" n c unty will join with the Boys' und Girl ' 4-H Clubs of I rmont, But1er, Hamilto n 8rt"d Montgomel'Y o unties in a tou r to I vell1nd, Detroit and W~d or, unada for me mbers, lead~l"8, pm'ents and friends. Thi::\ ' tOUt' is scheduled for W ednosdllY and Thul'sday, August 21 land 22nd, ] 935. Th i: i lilt extremely low.cost, all exp nse, :p 1"80nl)lIy conducted !lnd pre.arranged to ur (If greatest intcl'(> , t, ed uclltiollld feat uI·e8 and pleasu1'('. We travel on our own, 4-H lub SI) cial Train, with a. deluxe obsel'vation car and th~ \) st, high clas all-s teel d~ ·oache~ . We have uu r OWn dining cur~ Iot' d inner on the return -trip Thu1:'day eveni ng. We travel over tho Big FOUl· Rout - New YOl'l( Central System via Dayt~\ Sp l'ingft ' llI, ol umbus and G~1i n to Clevelan d, the D. & C, 1l0at Lin e on L8 ke Erie to Det roit anti the Big l>~OU( Route returning via Toledo, Fo. tol'ia, Kenton aJ}d BelleContaintr. Enl'Ollte ncross Ohio are the Eal'ln and ,cilies and t he beautlful cnuptry.,,{dll. , At Cleveland we eo thru the big Cleveland terminal Lhen It s ightseeing t rip of the city, pas~i n g t hl'lI th e business section and to th e big produce mat"ket dis tl'i t;'l thence to Edgewater Park and l'etUI' Il to t he boat doek, passing the large Cleveland StadilJlJl. Aft r a jo lly hQur or so on the boat IMe retire to our sta terooms fol' a l'Iifreshillg :and cool nigbt's sleep on the great boat S8 Detroit

Migs lILherine Gibbons r eturn· , tI home I!'r iday evening after a 'Illcnsant motot' trip thl'ough North ern Ohio. Mias Amanda Belt, or 111. Breakfast on the boat before or X nia, accom panied her on t he after we dock 01' as we are .steam· ti·ip. ing slowly up the Detroit River, }lrs. J essie Hyman and Mrs, A. one of the grt'at t channel. of T, Polin ky were gue ts at !l IlIke commel'ce in the world. We sh. wei' lind bridg at Xenia lo- walk to tbe tunnel entrance of the day, given in hOIIOt· 'of . Mis,· DetrQit.WindllOl· Tunnel and Co Bel'tha Hyman, a prospective under the River, leaving the Uniti.'d States and coming out In th. bride,

(ContiJtued on pale 4) Members ;f the Young Churchmen society ot St, Mary's Epis. - _ . - -=~=====::c=r copal church and a few invited JUVENILE GRANCE PICNIC guests enjoyed a "steak fry" at Roser's camp near Ridreville, Fri. PLANNED .J2OIl AUGUST I day eveninr. The JuvenUa Gr..... will Aft-et' a short vialt with I"IUlun'''1 their plale A1I88It • Ia the in Wa)'1lHviUe. Bert. of .... Old Gr 8D Cove 8,rin... WedneIdQ fDt ::~:'tillj~I',-~t.&fl,,\ltl!



c. n. Young', admilli tratol' (If thtl all ' IIR~' nt ('linK /lnd biR' th... . tutl' of JfI: phinf 8urthn. de dinn.'I'. III-t :unola}' lit GI'I.!l'n hI> I'll. Bl'jllr, I.'~a'l'd, 1\1('.1 Ili. firl't anti tinlll ac1~HE , count. ' 'Ii "MIll'i,' WcHi! \'lent III~t I' ub ('0 The" ill of • llll'Y C. Houloth, dt'-, w~ek \I,th h('r ,i,tl'l' MI'. Mil'')' ~Iun~al fo'; b, JUDSON DEAN l{ ohl'/'(s and lumily n l'ur Kingman cl.'s"ed, W8' n.lmiUeci I () pro\.>nl e. $ OJ l1ank - _ _ _ _ ,~ IIt'rlllt,n lII ount \\11. IIppuillteu I'l'obat~ cOllrt, I i ~>\ fl nzel Richfll'tl~nn ha~ r{~ arlll1ini~tl'ntol' 0 r th ..."lall' of Baldwin LII\\, Puh ~: n., "Ilh criptllrTl('1I t hi'!' h()nH' in Oregonia hlu od(' fol' OL MBUS- AII I taly i · rt'- afll' l' ,·i.- itinl!' in I1 amilllln , Ohio . Commo" PI ... I Proc..edinr. • 'runk Watkins, l'I'ank 1'011 and (,h\l:\ lount, dCCl.'ll t'tl. unt! me!! tion Buld\\ill'R ~ h I'iff, $10; F, ,J. II!' I' Prinlingir:net.l to the p .. o~pect of an inna~ Law \\'l'l' nl'llllint d :ll'prai!l- U lnll of 100 w,ith . urfties, M i,."c" Lillillll Fuirchild, KaUII n thl! l'IIS(' or P~'lIrl Antl'obu!< l'r~. I n llit' mull r of Donald Eug('n!' C.)., 19:14 Throcklll llrtll\'S ColiI' !'\'ilable wal' with Ethillpiu, , hen 1('('11 Thompson ullll J~ , sic \'('1'. us William L , A.ntl'Ohus, u di,It); the, truggle begins it; will h oltl In the math'l' "f tJ,1' (>Rtl.lte of ,JUIl1P, a minll.', appointmenl of and f InnIS fl1r . hcriff. I'I\h tJod SP(,lIt 'atunlay uftl'r ',II'C "as gTallted plain tiff n nil William Whl'lIton, ct ', ~ule gUII ,·,tian i. to be dispens('rl with J, \Y , Lingo 1l11l'\\U" '0" 1 pllir the _ nttl!ntiun And inter ~ t of lh no(\n in 1JIII'\'l'y"bufS!, u s torl~ or (,hild IVa t!iY n th of not<.' .. i,. authorir.crl and Jlnym 'nt i to be mnde in do01' hillll:e~ nll,l dUHt pan ful' entn' wodd, not only bI'Call8c of Ml's. Olli" .Jllc()b ~ , 1rs, LOllis!.' plaintiff. The, will of ::;tep.hoa A. :tilwell full compl'omise and seltlem nl of I;h l'iff, .!li.e; The J[llI!JlI1un Huppl}~ the 'll1estionllbl issue involv~d, Jac obI' und daught.p(' nonn Rn e In th 0" cleann "l' f,)1' sheriff, B,a3; hut hecnuse of the shal'p contl'a t IInti Jo sephine Gray 'were Mhopping ,Ie('('a,; d, wall admitted to pl'o bllte dllim_ DuiJding, Loon' Iwing, 'harl ~ H. Young v..n appoil\ll'rl Bell(' ],[cLane, administrator of Univ(,l',ul Labornlnri " , s upplies, betw(' n wealthy, 1110d m Ital}, in L bnnon ntm'day m OI'ning. hUl'n, et ai, ('011- .. ",ecutor and fil ed 1I0nll of 2,00 tht;) e~tnte of J08eph O. llarl'Y, d - "11 0.62 i Pcrf!'cti on Wintbhiel d 0 , and POOl', primitiv Ethiopill with \'el us ]<:nl'l J. Mr. lIlld 1r8. OliYl'l' Jncobs til'l11ati n, de('d and di. ribution. with uretie!'. IhilTY 1uq I\y, as(ld, filed hi. first und final ac- 2 bullctl'E'J ting' windshield!! for he,r_ v8~tly dlffcl'cnt method of and daught l' Dona Ha l' atLcnded In th(! ca se of tho P eople:;' K III'I III. BI'own and John \ , cou nt. heriff's CRI'!', $1 t)5; The oRice n1l11tn1'l8m. a reunion nt'ar, [ll'ing ficld, untlay Building, l.oan ' avillA' o. v I' Gc,oddal'll WCI' .app(lint d Ilppra.i..In ' th e matter of the tate of Outfittel'~, \'lapel' for ~ urv!'yol' . ,Muss,olini' tactici\ volving vngue P . G. Wdl" and fllmily ' nters us Flol'enC'e B , Kin. worth. till, .'rs, Ce,lia '. M ul'J'ell, dt'cea \!d distl'i- $1.10; Hurley W. Bruuk, !\erYic e~ Int ntlOn!l cau e one to compare lain d hi : i ~t e l' !\ncl hildren ontirmllti(ln, de~d ~lI1d distrib ua: dog warden of Wan't' n C(lunty. hi~ ac~ion.s Wil,h tho s of a boy fl' om Hamilton, IU l>t we k. In th(' maltn of lhe e ~ tate of bution of a St' i. OJ'der d, t ion. Oal81l(,o due on j udgment. of Florence E. ,aUFser, dec a ed, The inventory f Gorge G, $ 5 ; hllrlt:'~ J. Wall'gonl'r, ugent, WIth hIS fil'~t I'IHe- wh o afte! so p, G. Wells and ~o n :! Marson 17!UO. ::,al e of per Ron, I Pl'O~l'ty bRook, admini stl'ulol' of the ~tut P" miullI on bond of liD!!' wal'd n II1Uch s hoollng lit targ t!l, \'allts nnd Elb ert of lhis p ilice at ended In th e (' a~e or tluthoJ'iz d. of Cla ra B 111' Rook, decen:;ed is IlS s pi.'cinl deputy ;;In crifr. $5; J. to se how much damage h can the \\ edd ing of 1\11', ' ''ells' falher Building, Lonn avings omEthel G. Mill er and .lIJildl·cd G, S(),t f o r heal-ing on August _, l035 L. Dunn, sE'l",ices liS m chanic, aclul1l1y, do, Haly will go to in Hamilton la, t atul'dayev ning pany \'I>r. u G orge D. Vail and teddo m. administrptors 'o f the U fil ed his application for a cer- ij:!'~O; ,I ohn Barr-, puyroll, $100, bltttl wIth th latest and most ervel'al 'floi 'nds gav e II s UI'pI'ise Etlna ail, confil'ln:ltion, c1el'd nnd e tate of I rwin E, G usLin, deceas- ti fica e of iransf r, ~He Il.'d hi GO; J oh nson Mye h'~, payroll, Ild nt facilities of \Vad'are, while social on la t :aturday evening di tributi on, Balallc due HI .60; i\\. . For man, paYJ'() II, the blnck-men will use riUi! thal at the home of ed, filed their: application duly tlr ·t and final acc ount" h. and MI'I!, judgment of 1,"10,80. Th inventory of Juanita S_ $256,1 ; V. M, A rl1l itage, pay have, fol' the most pal't, been Oliver C, Jacobs hOl'e in h()nor verified for a c rtificat of It'ansIn the case of The fer, Merrill and WaiteI' R. Mel'rill, ad- r oll, $li7; End Ba so rE', PllY 1'0 11, gathered through the years from of their wetlding annivel'sill'Y. ni n Life In suranc Co" an Tlte inventOI':Y of Iyd E. mini tJ'UWJ" of the tale o f Milo 10 0_ ; J oh n J\ly e[s , ' pay 1'011, the cast-off equipment Qf almost Ohio corporation, versus ' Thoma Le" icy, ' admini trator 'of the es- E, 1\1 rrill, wa, ,et for Ilenring on 107. 0; Zain A rm it llgl', sand and vcry Europ an nation. Ih comB. turdil'ent, et al. judgment W lat e of Margaret L evicy, de eas- Aultu ~t 2. I !la5, g rav 'I, ~ l62 .12; ,I. K, Spe nc r, pnriso n, the en uing battle,s will the plaintiff in the sum of $3,527.- d, was approved. • The in \' entory of Ethel ro. 'l ill e r sllnd and gravel, $ 4.25; chl'ader be between an army of 1935 and 56. . $1.75; '1' rustec of one d pendent upon spel\!' , kniv s John E. Holden, administrat or l und ~Jildred G, leddom, admin is- copper, In the ea I.' of Oscar White of th~ Rtale of Alic W. HQlde n, trato l'~ o r the ,tllle of II' \\'in E, Publ ic Affairs, light bill fOl' April lind l'usty g uns. Th e Ethiopian's v i's u Wm _ C. Hoffe r, def ndant dec a~ ed; tiled h; ' application fOl' 7.30; Frank 'herwo od 0" k el'o- onlyadvantag lies in the l'uggedustin, decea , cd, \I'll nP PI'OV d. III eno l' hal!! leave to file plead- a certificate of tl'an sfer. lI e filed Howarcl ,H pif, execu tlll' of cne all d ga line, 60.60; L, p. nes of their count"y, which will ing orthwith. , _ hi ~ firs t· "nd final account. lhe e»ta te of ha rle ' R eil dccea~. avett Company, 8 00 gallon5 1\1. possibly become the W orld's most T. 9!1.60 j J, R Ki pp, 510 foet difllcult battlegrountl. Ranging AAA Announce PI.". In the case of Ruth Gebhart Helen H. J.: aton, ndminLtl'atrix ed, fill-d hL ~ ale bill, , v rsus ~ oml'r G bhart the motion of the e!ltaw of l\llll'y . Hough, 25,50; The Warren' fr,orn flat, un-b,nked, s:'nd! l>lain . I For New Wheat Pro~r.m Gmcr W. d' \\Ol:t h, gual'\lian of lumber, Subscribe for The Miami Gazett. II. ain t the defendllnt a king him decea sed, filed h r inventory. ounty Lumber :0" cement, WIth 1\0 vegetatIon, to Jutting saw- I To a" Offered lIa z!'1 M, Wau swol'th, et ai, to 8ho\y cau e why he should n o ~ $21.20; It L, chuylel', pny ro ll, edge hills and mou~tai ns, it j 111'0_-:-,_ _ The inventory of Geo rge K min n,·s. til .1 b,er firsLUCcoUllt. ~ punished for contempt of court Young, executo r of the estat Preplll'ntions tOl' the new wh eat oi Sales by ,al'l O. J o n e~, adlllinis I 4. 0; Carl Dakirl, pay roll, hably the best set~mg on earth for was s us tained. Margaret Wilmouth, decea cd W:l lrator of Ihl' e~lat e of HernulI1 F, 160; C. S. ining, Alias map for the next \V~r, as little dn~a~e ~an IImpuign to ign up from 50 to Ask f or a In the caS of C. ,Eula,s, ad- appr \led . J ne ~ . dccea I'd, were npPl'Qved, audi r's office, 1.65.. ~ done aSide from nmhllatmg million acres of th c 'ation's ministrator de bonis nOli with the Th inventory ()f harles J. 1n the a!'e 1: Morr is L. ' ixolI, I1fe. wh eat IlInd al'(' being rush d at Miami.burg Permanent will annexed of the estate of Mar 'ch\V~rtz x cutOl' of the t;)state a!.hnini trawl' of the estate of Agl'i ultlll'ul Ad j ustment Adminis Concrete tha J. Richard on, deeca ed' versus of Ella May Sch w~ rtz, deceased, AIfl.ll'ettll I un-ay deceased vets us 15 [1 All m a day : Two are hot by I tl'lllion h eadqulll'te r in \Va, hingex-husband"- " 'i iie held in hu • ton, W. heste r l.aple, executor of was llpprOl'e I. Eva 1. te\\'art, et Ill, iale. or real Air Seal Burial Vault band poi oning'- ' lay girl, bides ,.. , \be estate of W .F_ Eltzl'oth, de'fhe inventory ()f aI-I G, J o n~!; ('~Iate is ord red. body in sewel'''''Maniac str ikes The ne, \\ h fit progrllm offers eea, d, et a i, judgment to the atlminL trlltor of t he For Sale only by state of In the . case of Ve ,'dena Hopkin I dowl! foul' with ax"- "Fourteen a ne\~ chall nge to th flll'mel'S of plaintiff in the s um of LO,4 50,64 }( rmnn F_ Jone., d ceased, was guardian of Ar t hur Allen lI opl(ins In~Jon ytar old g irl lays small brother" .~erlca," Geol'~e .. 1:, Fa1'r~\I, Your Funeral Director The temporary 1'0 training order nppl'o\'ed. ale of automobile is a minor, versus !'thut' AIIl'n H op - "Two die in suicide pact" dU <lcctor of th~ ,owl,' ,on 01 Grami hforetofore gJ'an-ted in lIaici cause order·ed. killS, et III, William . Thompson, "Gn tation owner mUl'dcl'ed" - says: "The ~l'Igmlll l>rogl'a m was By and IIgain st defendant is dissolv. The will uf M:u'y ,Hough WM J, R. Law and J. Greig Walker STEPHEN M. YOUNG , Tru ty kills prison gunrd"carl'led out In year's of unpl'ec~McCI ure Funeral Home ed. tiled in probute. w re appoin ed to appraise Arthur COn~re ..m.n A.t: Lar.. "~'ather kilL gir l" - "Drowns d · nted drou th, Now the drouth ap In the caSe of The Virginia Mords L, . ion, admini tl'atol' Al len Hopkins' intere t in the w.,.n.. Tin., o. wife- t.o marry paramoul'" _ _ P (' OI'S brok n and the program of Phone 7 Joint Stock Land Bank vel', us of the estate of Alfaretta. Murray, cstate. President Roo eveH; will "swing uch headlines facsimilies of adjustment fa,ceM a more difficult Charles W . Stull, at ai, H len dl.:'ceased, filed his sale bil l. around the circl "dircctly after which may be seen daily Duse tl'st than tiny It ha met. thu far.' I _:--:=-=-::==-=~====~= Campbell was m'ode pal'ty d fen. Flol'ence 'hlllllUkcl' and Elva , Marria.e Licen.e. o ng re!<S adjoul'llS, H e wifl \l~'ob­ one to 'wonder if Ct'lnle i ' inca"cas... ' Vhoat lend. 1'8. an,d omcl~ls 01 the --- - - "dantoEarnhlll't, execlItl'ix('s of t h ' Donald Bowol'mal!ter, mal'ine, of IIbly visit the an Diego exposiillg', or if more crim inals are AAA are- a.'h~lOg at a sIgn-up _of The calle of Alic~ Hartsock vel'- ~tat of' Lydia KeeV(!I' ,filed tlleir Franklin, and Mi:s Mary Loui e tion making some ,Ipeechcs cn being caught_ Then t () hll\ many from riO, nllI110n to 53 nulhon UB Alvah Robert Hart ock was firs ~ and finbl account. B o \VliR~, Caeto),}, workel', ot l'o ute, If hc has "slipped" polisi milal' Dct!<- are never 'di.cover d. n l'es . .'I he first pl'ogl'am placed dism i sed. Norma K II)' was Sound in anc Franklin. , npproxlIlHlt Iy 51,400, 00 aCl'es t ically as many claim, it is no t Fred D. Ha~slett, labOl'er, of Mi evident in the \\'h o l ~3 al e reque ts anti is to be admitted to th DayJust , a yeaI' ago, ml'l'ica's under contract. The , hug CavorNew ,Suit. ton 'tatc Haspitll i. ami ' bul'g, and Miss Evelyn Marie ne was ubll' vot in the wheat l'eferendum Nellie Mariana VOl' us Roy , E. B, Murrell, e. II . Murrell Davis, f actory worker oC L ebanon and demands for public addl'e ses. public enemy numbel' rubbed out, but. hlil im. by noneo ntra ling farmer in dimay make his principal addre H and incin nati &; Lak e Michaels anti A. . MuneH, admini trawl's mortality ';ourishC5 on in t.he f01'111 cutc~ tilat many who did not sig n at Bouid ct· Dam seizing theopporErie Ra ilroad Company, ior dam- of the estate of elina A_ Murrell, R".l Eatate TrLn.fer. item contra t. b fore may do so thi tunily to discourse, on ' the of moving p ictures, pre age~; am ount claimed '20,000_ d cea cd, filed Iheil' applicotion Fronk ro ll to Mal'y Hal'villc in P ower Trust and in r gard to and his rath r who i com mel'- time. The Federal Land Bank, of ,ror a cCl'tiftcat of tran fer. lot no 532 in F ra nklin. public utili ti es_ cializing by making public appeal''The aVllilnbl wheat acr ag in Loui ville, vel' Us Ella I.... Fryel', Th inventory 01 J . K enneth an Cl.' ill theatres ond circuses ex- th co untl'~, is about 66 million ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN Iven ch uy ler to George McKin et ai, for relief. J on ,executor of the e tate of J, ney and George McKinney, real average yield per \I'our Ca~le, bop, Ibe4!P and eal~J8 The President' oppone nts have pounding his theory as to how acre. Til Mary Jane Lucas versus Howal'd D. J one , decea ed, was approv d, ac!'C for the lut 10 Y ill' to Norn~Brock Co., hve wire and e tate in Washingto n town ship. 1attacked him a nd th'e Democratic J olm Di\li~ger J,' . went. wrong. planti'd h b 2 r. • progressIve firm f'lr the hlp'" W. Luca , f or divorce. harge is The time for the hearing of t h MIIY Whittlinger, et al ,to WiIongr 5S in no unc ertain terms The cl'owning point of his !,ext i as n 1 , ~bushe~s, A our aver market pricell and good .emee. extreme cruelty. inventory of the estat.e of Ada F. Ham Wittlinger, 0,44 aCres in r egardin g the Wh e'e ler- Rayburn that--crime does not pay, the age a e dom stlC requu'emcnts · are !U"iOD ShIck Yard.' Cincl... tl O. Lelie N. Bunn ell versu s Herschel Noble, d ceased, is s t for August Fl'anklin town hip. Bill. This may ~ an is, ue in the old ph1'8 C ' that everyone has 625 million bm;hels a y a.r, this lTune In on Radio StatiOIl N. Bunnell, for partition and ac- 6, H135, at 10 o'clock, , W illiam Ma chnovitz and Emma 19:16 campaign . hl'ard a nd said. Peopl~ would not means thul 50 million acre at 12:215 , to 12 :80 p. m. for our daU, • ounting f01' l ' nts and profits. The adjudication and detel'mina Machnovilz to Desdemona C. The 1'ac are that more Am ri- pay admis ion t.o hear anY01\1.' elsQ average yields will furlli. h ou r market reportl. W . hestel' Maple , administru- tion of the inherita1lce tax on the t Ol' of the estate of Frank M, e tate of FloI' nee E. Sausser, de- Palmel-, 60 acres in Hamilton can home$ and farmSI 1I1'e being' say that. Am erican' ar e lu nny dome tic requirement, Pt'eSen t eJqlOl't outlets ar so lighted by electricity than ever that way. Greathouse, deceased, versus ceased, is to be g iven to all per- t ownship. limited that it is considered ex· Glenn O'Bannion and Enrl 0'- before_ Also, that practically Mayme R. Greathouse, for M n interested, tl'~mely unlikely that the wheat I WIlS amused at that St01'Y 1nal'sholling liens nnd ale of real The ' adjudication lind determina- Bannion to the Fed~ra l Un i.on every public utility stock is selling Li.fe I sul'anCe ompany, 106, 76 at a higher price now .than in productio n of more than 6 to 8 • • about two m otol'ists, who, atestate. tion of the inheritance tax on the act'es i n W a hington township. March 1933, One important public tempting to park theil- cars in tho million Bel' S call be exported, e tate of lara Piers on, decell ed l\Iichael' chwarberg and utility tock now selli ng at 65. sa me space, became emaged and ubtracting th total of 66 t.o 58 Pro\.te Court is t o be iven to all person$ inteTAdalesn Schwarbel'g to L . T, per hal'e was. at that time, selling got out to fight. Upon noticing million acre fl'om the 66 million ' Juanita S. MeTrill and Walter erled. had that one \Vas a gi ant and the ot her aCI'Cl! or available wheat land F igher, JI'., rea l estate in Union at $16, Th e H oover polici R, Merrill were appointed adThe inventory of An na Gram- town hip. not d one much for I,his company alm ost a midget t h y shook hands, leaves il'om 8 to 1Q million II r s ministraton of t}w, estate 01 Milo lich, executrix of the e tate o.f Lillie Urton t o Hugo Fetteweis, ~nd its t,ockholder$, otwithstan d walked aero the street and that Med to be diken out of E. Merrill , deceased, and fil ed ,Tulia Gramlic h, decelL!led, wheat production, lIay the AAA l' al estate in H[lmilto n township. mg that this and ot her public downed so me beer. bond of ~5000 with s ureties. pl·o ved. officials. Geol'ge G. Roak to Gl'ace May ut.ility stocks are lIing for much .! , Tho wheat officials consider that Rhodes, inlot no 654 i n Franklin. m ore than a,t the time President Most anything- No. compo ilion Michael J. Sprengal'd, deceased Ro osevelt took Offi ce, heavy stock- So completely please' my ears as t he major paJ't of tlj is reduction to Katherine , prwgaTd, 179,09 holders who, in 193:3, came to Bl'ahms "Cl'adle Song ," , When will have to be made by contract acre in Deerfield township, Washi ngto n in droves asking the entranced by its melodlous strains s igners. Th ey believe that iC wheat Phone '78J Bell~ McLane, Walter Hsl'l'Y to new Admini ~t ralioJl fot' help, and I wonder how I ever find mel'it in priccs in the United States should Frank CmU, htlot no 532 in that the Gov l'nmEmt go into so me of Tin Pan Alley's creations come down to wOl'1d levels, a Fl'anklin. business, no w do 1II0th ing but - A new custom among n egro number oi noncon tracting growers The Peoples' Building, Loan whine, complain and .d e nounce the "numb er" pillyet's, is playin&, the wiII volu ntal'i!y decrease producHENDE~SON & Savings 0" to Wal~ol' W, nnd Preside nt, w)1o took office at a house number , of a decease{) tion, Cora M. Apgar, inlots nos. and time when life insurance com- brother. WOTARY PUBLIC 3 6 in Lebanon. . panies were tott~ring, banks were Pro~rom Planned Hati9••1 B .... Ann Louisa Smith, deeea ed to closed and unem ploym,ent was at ~ Calvin and Edna A. Hall, ren)' es- its peak. P rio t· to the annual meeting of Wille Dr._ • • E.ta... S.u-... ' tate in Lytle. t he Americtn ountry Life AsWAYNESVILLE, OHIO An Ohio ecc boy WIIS r ecently Rev. Floyd and others 'o f For d, soc iatio n at Colull1bu , in Septem. W,a lter C. ~itll1al' , deceased, to sent to bis home. before his term Kentucky closed a series of The Union Ce-ntral Life [ns1,lrancl! bel', ther , w ill be provided a proCo., 100 acres in Hamilton to\ n. of enrollment ~xpil'edl . The report l'evival meetings at GI'een Brinr, gram fol.' rural women by Tural FOR SALE DATES CALL ent to his Moth er aid "to re- last Sunday, ship. wom n. It is schedu1ed for Sepcuperate from an attack of acute Between 300 and 400 attend ed te mbe r 19 at the 0, S. U. Celia A, Murr ell, deceased, to F. B, Murren, e.t ul, 147 acres in nostalgia,'" which m eans s imply ;::==============!::::::=========== == homesic kness, \II ashington t-own ship. Because the CGC medico , in - , Geo,r ge C. S humard, deceased, to Mllrt ha Shumard, et 'a1. l'eal dulged himself in fancy language , CongressnJan Brooks Fletcher of slate in Deel'field township. ' The Le banon-Citize ns N'ltiona! Marion, was called on by the inJESSE' STAN LaY Bank to The P e-6pl,e s' B\lilding, dignant Mother to fUe claim for P.o •• 320, N•• B.,lta•••• , ow. Loan & Savings Co., inlot no 60 damages against the government, She Baid hel' boy ne"er had trouble in Lebanon. ) Operators Are Really, InHannah Kitche n deceased to with nostalgia unti),he left home. EARL ICOOGLlUt Ida Wiu,es, et al; ~'eal esta\ ~ in Da,toa visibl. Secr.tari •• . Speaker Joe Byrns is one of t he Wayne township. ICE......... . for Traveler. Mary McMillan, et ai, to J. finest cha1'8cters in :public lifeForest; Kitchen, real esta te ill also one 01 the , mos,t important, fie has sole power to name Con'Wayne township. In whom does a lonesome stranger Amelia R. Kitchen, decMsed, to gressmen t o conference commit- in a large hotel confide? . Al sa J, and J . Fo rest Kitchen, tees, and to determine, du ring Take the word of Miss Elizabeth .. " sessions ' of the Hou!;e, whom he Holmes, chief opc.ratQr of the telereal estate in Wayne town ~hjp, will recognize to . offer resolutions phone exchange at H otel Statler in Al so J. Kitchen, deceased to F o rest Kitchen, )'oal' es~ te in and mak-E!' motions, This authol.ity Cleveland, that hOlel telephone operatPOll SALK Wayne township. makes him the number two man ' ors are <luite olten the confidants. Cal'rie Dearing, et aI, to NIna L in American govornJl1ent as far t'OR SALE- Poland China SOWB. "One lIlan was in all automobile acWinkler, ,'eal estate in Le')a non, as Qirect influence OVllr the COUI'se cident just before checking in," Miss J, H. Sackett. R. R. 1. Emory Urton , decea cd, to Lillie of legislation is concElrned. Holmes says, tell ing of a typical inFOR SALE-1926 model T Ford Urton, 23 .3 aCl'es in Hamilton The Ne.w Deal i Iroing in (or cident. coach. Wilbur Foulks, Route 2, township. ' Loses His Wife Wjl.ynesviUe. 8~1-8· Clara Bell e R oak, decea ~('J, to sma11 change in a big' way. Presi"\'Vhen he got here he was stiLI George G, Rank, e'; ai, inl J: no , dent Roo s~ velt has approved coin- dazed, It wasll't until he cailed for ing bl'ight little alum'i nurn coins FOR SALE '59.50 Estate G5,l in Fra.nklin. Hestrol., used. two yelU'll. of Olle mill value- a tenth of a his mother-in-law by long distance Reasonable, R. M, Andrews, R. R. ce nt--and copper anoy half-cent telephone that he. remcmbered his wifc BiU. Allowed 2 Waynesville '1-25 8·1-8 coins, They will be uSEld -extensive· was with him at the tilTle of the Jam es FolJen, services a s janitor Iy to pay :fractional sales taxes accident. He called me immediately in FOR SALE-A nice 1(111 of box $15 i P enn Mo,·ton, service~ an~ will be a boon to the poor, Brcat excitement and asked me. to ja nitor, $';0; C, Donald Dilatush A sales tux is the most atrocious help him find her. Iltatlonel'J', 24 ah ••1:1 and 24 velopes tor I&e; Show-PM, 18 rent of office, $20; Mrs. How8l'd 'SOl't of a tax. It always bears "I finally located her at another IIhem and 11 envelope. fflr 10 a,wyeI', board and care Howard down hardest on the poor, It was hotel. Fortunately she wasn't incantil; waxed paper, white ~ Sa \\ yer, $7; M n. II'a Eltzroth, thc dil'ect cause of th , FI>ench Re- j ured badly. paper, Paper lIaptlDl, at ~ boa)'d and car& Alice Starkey, $6; volution. Let us hope that the un"OfteD a luest will piek up Ollce, -Mrs. Maude Deardoff, board and just and -burdenso me Ohio telephoae and start pouring out his cal'e Veri Miller, t7,50; tax wiIJ be replanled within the troubles to tile operator. They switch Moore, board and care near future. At DrCAllnt such caUs to me. 1 usually COliSOIe Moore, $5; Oma Ollborne, tbem. 'Sometime. they expresl their , and care Frank Ballinger, UT.Hft_' appreciJtiOll Itb amalI ,uta. Barlow and Virgil I ..." ,24;







GOAL 53000000 ACHES


St ra .nll...t



W ash ·




I-============== F T




Centerville, Ohio M.


--------Beech Grove

Quality Prlntinl

Lonely Gues.ts Tell Troubles to Hotel Telepho,ne ~irls

Stanley &Koogler Auctioneers


CLASSIFIED ................ADS. .


The, Miami Gazette


board au



hail been laking val'ation !<wimming and he hal; been quill' bu 'y in !lunal law wOI'k for !lOllle . . and then thl!l'l' hilS b general talk that if Ra n l run forlll I' Governo mil!,'ht be a~ked to make "go" with II lot of i1111)01'tartt, ~UppOI·t b hind him f or th ' p'ublic is C0111ing around to the notion that he, as ovidencet! by l)lQl'l!' t'('('lmt happenings was a )JI'etty goot! gover nor aft.e~· all. .. on the othel' side of the partisan fen ce the ,A ilorney Cenual, Rricker by name continu es to be the most quoted PI'QSp ct. . .

for farm r8 in 1\136, Farm machin NY ll1.nuladurl.'r~ havt' reportl.'d the hl'a' ir ct denHtnd fol' fUl'm impll'mellt~ in five year!'.

Alarmed by Dlany lil'(lwning8 """c. ...... "" ..... " .. , .. ,.. . N 0, IIZI En teredObll/, at pOltortle. ...- and in an atW'mJl! to urh llle VIII ville, a •••c.,nd at CiaWayn .. Mall mounting rll'{IwninK death toll lhl' Sub.crl,tlo. Price, '1,10 • Y•• r lIaUer Illdu trial oll1l\li ~~ion uf hio in its bulletin f I' Augu:!t Ii led seven i111port.nnt I'u l~. fOl' R\I im A GU. T 1, 1035 me rs. They arc: II 'ginn I'll ~ h o uld stay in shHll ow water and have the aid of an xJ1t'l'ienced :wimmel'; el'en exp ert !'\I immer!' A rece nt. editorial in Lib rt.y aid: "OUI' pioneel' stors ghould . tay wiihin l'e~\Ch of a were determined to be .free men , They want d tho pl'ivilege of hoat, raft. 01' s hallow wat(' (; do guiding theil' Own tl . tlny, of fot'ming lh eir own gQvet'nmcnt, 0.1 living not swim wh n oVl'l'hcated '01' th ir Qwn lives in accol'dllTICe with the dictates of t heir con ~cienc e fl\tig\l~d; neV('l' dive into unknown and intelligence. And they valu d their Coitizenship, the CQn s ti~u­ depth", and be ee l'lain that. lhe tlonal rights dek"gated to them. As citizens they \Vere tal' better ~11- pool into which you di ve is at lell~t f ormed about their govel'Tlment than we a re today. W.e wer bO.I·n 1n- five j(!et d ep; if cought. in a \\ Ht to it. It has come to us through inheri tl\nce. Alld like the 5 h Iftle.~ cuu'ent or L1lldcl'to\\' do nQt strug'gl and W(' !\l' YOLll';;elf OLlt. becau. c SO ilS of rich m n, having made no sacL'iftc, s fOI' our liberties, we value thi'm lightly. And peJlhllp much of the freedom we nQW njoy the cUlT,cnt itself will force you may be lost befol'e we awak en to the dangel'S that now c onfront us, " t o tile sUI{a cc; do not enl I' the Too llIany Americans pay no atte ntion to ~o vernment. They watel' for so me tim p Il Ctel' ating; accept the Pl'QPo'sa l and passage of laws that are opposed Lo both the all swimm rs ~hou Itl Il"Ol'n lifeletter and . pirit of the ol1 stitution without comp laint. They watch saving method s and artificial rethe growth of political bureaucracy, '!1nd th e centralization of politicol s u ~c it,ation. power, witl10ut the slightest J'eglll'd as to what t hat may do to ,our Fur th e a ssisl~ nc tOU l'istll inlltit utions. traveling th l' ugh t.h . tatc monthRecent decision, of the Supreme Court in the N RA and other ly li sis of toul'i st camJl and campCBses have, it is to be hoped, h elped to focus a meaSUNI of public ing gro unds which hsv been offiatten tion on the l~sue of freedom venu s political d iclators hip. If cially ap llroved by th e tate DeAmerica is to be maintained as II f~ democl'ucy. the h ome of fn!!! purtment or H<:ulth will be sent men, every citizen must do his part tQ keep it lIO. He mllst l'calize that to the tw enty-fout, : lute highway th re can be no temporizing wit.b tho,*" who would chunge our system patrol statio ns for distribution. 01 government--even us there call be no c.omprQm ise belween indi- The July li st. covers 2·11 app roved viduali m and socialism, communis m or fa C18m. camps and sev en late pal' ks in which camping i. permitted without change. All highway patrolmen will cuny co pi s of the lisls.

The lsaue Of Freedom

Farm lvight 7 alks, August 5

8:00 8:06 8 :16 8:25 8 :4 0 8:50 9:00 9:10 9:26 9:86 9:46

Mu ie, , H. E .E ~ inc! An Histori c Ohio ount.y Fail' E, B, Tu sing Harv~ ting Eal'ly Potatoes Without Injury l\lu Ie W. D. Fentress The W alher and Soil Ero i n . Earl JQn es Cnn We Farm ati:lfnet.orily without Lime? , Alma L. Garv in Sell ing' getahlcs to the }'a mily . ,. " Mu ic 4-H Members Pl'eIHI~ for the Ohio State Fair ,.... O. C, Groy Alexandl'ia Community o1Jncil in Action .. Mrs. Fosler Tyler Jean and Jerry "., , "" .. " ......... , ,.,." ", WOStJ Players


Best of the News Direct From ~he Ohio State Capitol COLUMBUS- Wanling lible state-wide · qual'antin flower and plants as the r ' solt 01 an invasion ,of Ohio by th dedructive Japanese beet.1 w s made to the Departm lit Qf Agriculture by the nit u ,tllte>! bureau of ntomololrY. It is t.hought that. the in ects at'e n1l)\/ing rapidly we twal'd from the h avily infested region s of PenDsylvania and Ne\17 Jers y, The beetle in the adult stag nttaek ncaTly all I:l:owing plants o.rd the larva conSume the roots. Under a quarantine the movemer.t of plants and flower with ro il ar()und their base would be p:'ohibited by the government in ,order to prevent wider distribu· tion of the beetle larva. Tflip~ placed ' throughout cenlral and 'eastern Ohio last year re,veai.!!d the p1'e nce Qf only a few of the insects.

the record" should b centralized in th.e Department of State. A definite up wing in the Ohio birth l'Illc for 19:34. as eonlpar d to a steady decline fQf tbe previous decade was reported by Jrva ·C. Plumm r, chief of the slate diviSion of vital tatistics. Th e-r.e was an incl'l'ase of 4 ,0'73 birth!! last year, Mr'. Plummer announced. He predieted a further gain in 1935, saying that the !'at mOVe! in ~yc1es Bnd that the upward trend is de'finitcly under way. The- total births in th stnte duri ng 1934 wa 1 ()O,034, while the total for 1933, Was on ly 05,962, The dea!.h rate vades less t hlln do~ th birth I'Ote, it was aid. The low point in deaths was reached in j 933.

The "back to he farm" movement eau ed largely by the ' depllession has resulted in an inSpecial policemen whQ hold crease Qf 35,000 farms in Ohio commissions prior to the effecbve during the last five years, accorddate of the new l~gislative act ing to a Census bureau sUI'vey rewblch requires the eommi ions to leased ill Colu lJ\ bus. Tbe iner aso be flied at the Department Ii! is accounted fOI: by the division Qf State ' will not be affected by the lal'gEl farms nnd by returning Jlew law, according to an attorney abandoned farms to CUltivation. general's opinion made at the re o On Janu81'y 1 there were 255,146 quest of SeCI'etar'S of tnte farins in t'he state-, comprising 22, Ceorge . Myers. The new act i~ 874,667 acres and having a land effective Septe-mber 4. Pl'eviou!liy and building value of $1,178,575, the commissions which are issued 512. In 1930 there were only 219, by the governo~, were recoJ'ded ~90 farms listed .. Expel'~s who ~J'e only in the county in whicb thel III cl?~ touch WIth OhIO fa~m,~g Il~ial officer operated. The 91st cQndltll>lI.\I ay that t.he~' e w111 be General Assembly decided thnt gl'eatly increase-d finanCIal retul' ns

Capitol Cross Road Chatter H",ard In Pa .. in, Hardly had the plooCul WQt'd of a state-wide citizen committee that called UPOn the state' chief xeclItive be en uttered a. king f or an eal'ly call of the Legislature when word cam e from Washiogton that the federal govel'nme nt had sllott d ~3,OOO,000, extra fund fol' Ohi o I' Ii f thus alleviatirig the pl'e. UI f n threat.ened t' mergency .. . indicative of tile between wide diffel'ential type of laxes an ObRel'vel' PQints out t hat 10,000 oa h in bank i ' !.axed only 20 while a taxable value of a $10,000 piece of prope l ty flgur,es lit par is many time more- in the case ot the county observed the l'ea l estate on the $10,()()0 taxable value was over $1~0 and In an other county it woul(l have been over $100. . .. HOL Slat Managel' H~nry G. Bl'unnor has "poor-poohed", any ideaR 1)[ Ilis secking the governorship with "I've had enough of active politics and its the farm for me" , . . A member of the ~.tate I!~u se o~ l'epI:t!!!entativ~s who knows ,vhat s g?lng on. pnvate-Iy aplenty long Sll sesSIOn ah~ad, \\11th f cm~ brICk-but tlymg fast a nd of n. •



Sberl'ill Surv"')' Gains F'avor The morc oC the herriJl ~tate A !;hol't time ago the House pulJJio noti the mOl'e Ohio's Military Affairs ommitLe.e advi!lcitizonry is evidenci ng the opinion e d s ' number of change ' in n pl'O»OS d bill afT cting the T l!nn!'. ' e "may t he recomme ndations be a1ley Autho)'ity. Immediat Iy cUl'I'ied ou i," The herrill reports afterward the TVA offic ial s tated are being s ubmitted in a bu inesslike wuy and carry procticlll rec- that if the bill pa sed with thQ. co mmendations t.hat can be dQue changes inc orpol'ated in it, it if there is the will tao do .. and shorld be vetoed by the Pre ident. incid,entally the Sherrill reports H l'C are the changes thut hl\dl on economy are not ba~;ed on the TVA spok"Smen SQ seriously "hocus-pocus' 'or fah'y-bo,ok 'cuts, worried: One provides fo r the but show how e limination and co- elimi nation ~f a .provision in th.e VA a,et whH!h vu'tually makeR It ordination cIln be Ilccompli h-ed in a sen ible miloneI'. cutting the )mpo Ible f or a private concern cost of governm 'nt and at the tQ CQnstru t dams or app~l'tenant sam e time assul'ing efficient public f works on the Tenn~ss(.'e RIver; lhe e l'vice second would rcqULre TV A to se ll . to the highest bidder an y }'eal Slate for which no use is planned Probably True th third and last would requil'e That the forces in OhiC! oppos- T A to k ep its accoun in the ing the Rayburn- Wheelel' utilities . tandard and lucid form pl'es cl'ibbill in Congl'c, t.hrough telegram ed for utilities by the Federal se nciing and the like did '!lot do Power ommission. enough of th e detail work to avoid . In lh e WQl'ds of the New York th e dcud g ivc-away of iciEmticnlly Su n, "The first two simply mean similar protest and the like. . . that the TVA shall not be able to that th Legi latul'e in its , pecial create a monopoly in the e lectric session I going to have IL IQt of power busin 5S by izing al1 work on hand besides apPl'oving a putativ power dam site nnd by r ·adju t d appl'opr ilition b ill , co n thw8l'ting private competition, sidel'ing ways and means to meet however me-ritoriou; the third the federal ocial ~ccurity legi la- one prOPQ ses that it keep it bQoks tion "matching" plan an d giving in s uch ~ hape that. the public may lhe "boy" an opportunity tQ in- alway know the economic truth lroduce some of the !io-ca lJ ed about what it is doing." "emel'gency" lneallures , .. the The attitude of TVA backers in pl'csent Ohio governor'a veto this matter indicates cleady that sliced otT the apPl'ol?riation for too Auth ority ulfers fl'om one of racc track inspection even though the worst Qf political ailmeritsthis cost is paiet by the t£l~ck inlo lust fo)' unlimited, unre. traine~ the state t"ell UI'Y and a SQrt oC and unchecked power. They d _ cQunter'-ch ck i. BU d to ,pay lhe Illand that' TVA be given an inspeetol's • that changing allsQ lute monopoly of th e ledri tun R on grou nd s of alleged busin~s in a large lind important "mi quota'tion" i an old finesse [11' a - and they demand fUl,ther and u ually cnuses many to that a project on which hundreds wonder wheth)' thet'e was II of millions Qf public mQlley is "misquoto" . . . that a IQt of being spent be fr e from the "republic job-h old J'S have the lack stl'ictions" of sound, re ognized of ability that. would makj~ it dif- accoun~ing methods. , ficult fQr them to d1'aw 011 a pri1.' he fact that the thre l'ClIsonvate payroll the amount they do able and fair changes in the TVA from the taxpayers' bounty . , , tha t the- monopoly system c:an provide cheaper liquor, not WOI'S provid('d the SherTill repol'! is :lCcepLcd and followed . .. that if very taxpayer, e pecially , tho ~e who kno the value of a dollar could ,get b hind , the cenes and observ how some public I~u lness is conducted they would kad a Out.of-~wn Call. Cheaper march "cn masse,"


Politic ;ti alignme nts for 19::16 are quickly being fornl tl and the "hot wc-ather" i 'not chilling the ardor . . . one of the most un u/>ual conCUI'renc es is the steady tream of ~rio u s talk of drafting fOL'mer Lieutenant Gove rnor Charles Ilwyer for the governorsh ip, the tr nd of thought being that he's a busine~s man who means constructive a'c tion . . . med ntime Sawyer

hllllitl hI' """Lll!'h t" ~I VI! th., n invasion of alfalta nout Jlulolic /II ltV' ti"ull!>- H, 1<, th,' \\ io - b""t II'~ i, hlOkptl upon with much dom l1,ut o"I~' ur till' 1'\ ,\, httl of conteI'n in 'ew York. t.t.. Th hr .. t I" a raCl o'f winKI female. nil .il1l1lar ).'"O\"'l lltl!<' nt prujt><'l, Iw\'" "'cume weill eMaulished in WlllCh IIl'IIP!'j Iy uj'l"n~ ill Uu' th !' I'cgi(ln of 0 ego and in 1"'ldll l lIf pl"i\,<1 l' l'nd,·uvnj. Ito l'lr~tillg til' 'n~ ilionII.' th~ south. -- - - 1m LLnd ea~tprn 'ho re ll of Lake Subsct'ibe for The 1\J iarni Gaz ottt Ontario.


Ollio State university will have a 'much larger fre hman class for 1he fall qual'tet·, IIccording tQ advance registrations. Examiner B. L. t.radley reported that so far :fl' ~ hmman ad n1is~ ion to t he institutio n arc ei v n P I' cent ah(>11 d of la, t )'cal' Il nd sixty per cent greater than in ] 933.

Auruat Heat Not Coolin, Politics Either

boardR. 1 hall rack, ch('st draw!!fII, I mant!'l l'l.)('k, wa~h land with mirrur, 1I1tj!:(' mirror, 2 tHbh'lj, :1 carpl't~, ,'\l111[t,rt and Iluilt l(\r~, ""IIlP nc\\; rob', cupboard!;, I pOI'e h ~win~, lot .ntall tools and numernll~ oth 'I' itemf'. Trill,: a h. MRS. LAURA SIDES F. T. Mllrtin, AucLioneel·. • enterville, Phone 7 J.


MOST DIRECT CROSS-STATE ROUTE Between Toledo and Cincinnati Charted for the Bene6t of Intertate Motor Touri tl'l IS Well as Trafl!c Within the Border of Ohio

Irs SHORTER ir~~ R;o~ ~: to Cincinnati as shown herewith is the shortest distance between the two cities. Ofticia18 of th State Highway Department give the mileage saving a about 11 miles. tra1'SAFER ficTheTe's Irs congestlOn on the Toledo-Cincinnati Short Line les~

than on any other highway connecting these two cities. There are far fewer curves (no hairpins) and all railroad grade crossings aro exceptionally well protected.

By realon of the II b or te r mileage, less congestion (both on the highways and In the communities thru whicb they pasll), f wer curves, and adequate width roadbed and bridges, the Route here outlined is a big time-sn vel" for the bu y motori st-very probably as much as two hours.



After 7 P. M. Under New Schedule

Choice of Knowing Motorists

Wanla on [nfLntile PLra!.,.j. 1'hat the incide nce 01 llltantile Niaht rate! for tong distance telepamlysi s is highe t in the months of August and Septe mber i cited phone calls now are e/ft'ctive at i :OO in an Ohio ociety for Cril)pled p. m. instead of at 8:30 p. m. Application of The Ohio Bell Telehildren bulletin. Parents are urged tQ have any strange symp-' pbone Company land other Ohio teletom in their ch.ildren diagnosed phooe companiu {or the time change eurly for much can be done if the wu approved by the Ohio Public disease is d etected in time. z Utilities Commission on May 28 and _ _ __ __ made effective June 1. The new time applies in every town in Ohio and PUBLIC SALE also in communities throughout the A s I have sold my prope rty 1 country. will ' II my House nold Good at The change means tbat Ohioans Public , Auction, located on 'Main may take ad\oantage of the lower treet, in Waynesville, Ohio, on night rates, which average about 40 Saturday, AUlfust 3, 1935 per cent less than day rates, an hour ummencing at 1 p . m. the and a half earlier. following Household Good : Nigbt rates apply only to calls made 1 wooden bed, 1 it'o n bed, 1 by number. Person-to-person cal!!. sanitary couch, :l rocking chairs, 1 base Rockel', 2 hoating stov , on which the calling party aslu for nearly new King Clermont Heater a specific person, remain unchanged, 1 ga oline stove, ned Star; 1 parlor cook stove, 1 ice box, ] kitchen cabinet, 2 kitchen cup,

palM.· '~D

The backe lxme of the of.

Originated and Spon8ored by the

ficial Revolutionary Trail. Syst 1em of Western Ohio_ Marked its entire length by hi torical markers of the Ohio Memorial Commission.

Revolutionary Short Trail Association


For additional strip maps 01" any information relative to State Parks, Pleas ure Resorts, Scenic SPQts, Historic Shrines or the hundreds of other point!! of especial interest along this route, write WILBUR M. FA.ULKNER Secretary SPRING.FIELD, OHIO

f,~-.;..P-.-A_T-=I:EN;C~E~P~ER~S~O;N;I:F~IE_D__Ii~~ng;::o::n;irst to Hear

Words ·by Phone, Is Dead AIcxaIlIder ~abam Bell'. assistant in. the invention of the telephone, . Dr, Thomas A. Watson. died recently at his winter home near St. Petersburg, Fla., at the age of 80. Dr. Watson, who joined Bell in early experiments in the transmission of speech electrically over wires, oot only manufactured the first telephone instrument but heard the first words spoken over it. mell Calla for Help An accident, involving spilled add, resultfd in the first reception of speech by telephone, Dr. Watson reo lated In an interview sometime ago. While be and Bell were condllcting their experiments in an attic in • Boston boarding house, Bell i~dvertently spilled a bottle of add upon bimsel~. In his excitement he called to hIS assistant, "Mr. Wahoo I Xome bere; I want JOII." ID aaother room of the attic, WatI0Il dlstioctly heard the words come: out of the first crude telephone inatrument. He dashed jubilantly to the attic I'OCIIIl where the wire terminated. "I lMard )'0111 I heard yoa r be Iboatecl to BeD, who tben was more inIentted ia removiDg add from his c:ItDIhi1Itr tl.a III tile aaaoanc:.ement that .. W dIIccrie'tId • _ • .lkatiort.

manel of























anti :\hSl "arah ~mith Inotored til I rll('k n ft'w tiny ago and rrt" i\'('d ria '''11 "'\lnt, SUllda,' anll tt"nd>t'a)p laC:t'lulirll1t1 tim! l"l'IIuin'll THE MIAMI CAZETTE I d II h l111krQtnln~ ;,f llUlllIlllIV t'II'I'al :'1 1\l'h' to h· tllk'l1. GI n~'t· dlUl"ft, hen'. . \11 '. '11111 :\1 " Will. Lukl' n pt'nt FOR RESULTS lln' llndlllg a ~'''\lpll nf \H'l'k, :\11-. _'dh, .\ nd{·j"."vlI ()f 11.1111 .:uittl:ty at :llnrtlnsvilll', 1l1()lIti. J II .. i~ \,1~itinK ;\)I"~. EllIma "Ill':lli"n :01 HI ,1111" I'll. (ll io. :'III'.. Sildi J{t' llsnn hnx I'l.'tUl'UTu.,.d. y Of Thi. Week d home Ilftel' bl'jng ill n ywn '11'<. I ry :'IhKlr"> und uault'h . \{u. ,,·11 <11111 ;\1 i,;~ nl'l'l hll Bruwn. Ht:al .-\ rt Beauty shop I. I'eudy ~r, :1Il,1 ;\11 . "ll1ialll Pitll' 1l11d carillg rOt' IWI" dllughll'l"-in.lnw, 1'1'" .. r I )nyt"ll II( nl Frilla~ \\ ith tIP ~el' t! :rou in all linell of B(,:luty l\!r". I,cnn RL:\~(jn, who u. 1\11", nn,1 ~It·,. l{al\,h JII 1111. und duughtel' -:JIIII )lr. and 11'. • Jl '1Il"\' cui lit· fit rell- onahl(' prit·cs, dun!!" rllu,ly ill at Ihe hOlJlt',01 hl'l' Subscribe f or The Miami Gazette lurJlhy nf n('ar f'tny II 'fe :o;un, rlllllil '. "'aet:> DllVi ~, pr lpri 'tor, Formal MI". I nnl1lt1 H.mlin. IIf ('ineinday ("'tning gUt!. t. of ?Itt '. Alii" :i~t\!I·. ~\nhtl"1 ~lilton J on<,' ,pent the nllti, ~P(,llt th",,,('t,k-('nll at h'lll1t'. t1llc nin~ 'll Lll'duy (,I'cuin ", IIgll~t BnJ(·k II d ~Jr .• lal1' :\lul'.holl. Mr, I h'rhl'l'\ K nnt'd~ is nil the 1\ll'k,(·n.J \\ Ilh hi. ~l"llnd-rUI nl . :I, fmlll 7 t 10 • [r. llnt! Mr-~. Pu..ul Duko :.Ind si"k )i"t. ~h. !llld ~ll"~. Ed\\ In Null 11\.' It r. l r .. Ella Kt'llt. til' T.l\>ln\lllre, i family arl' no\\ quarantined, lIl< ~Ir ~. Joe ])I\\,j" '[lenl f 'W dtlY~ r ntt'r ... ille. OH IO WA YNESVILLE, 1\11'';. their little . son, lticbm'd ha., tht' gue"l uf hE'I' ni~N'. last WI' k wilh hel' ~i t.,,', J\lrg. :\11-. l)uk(' Trickl' l' () Vaytt.n 1. diphthl'l·i ..l. ll~ i~ I 'p Ol-t(!d as gett- J1nt Vl'Y RYl·. Phone 93 lra lIul'btlck of !lay tOil. I'Jl 'tluing a couplll of "cck, wilh ing al!ln~ v e l'y nit [y. M,·. llntl lIlr .. Enl 'olllptoll Ill'e 1\1 I'.. Kalhr~' n ~'IlI'n l~" of ()ayhi mother aut.! ~i~ter, Mrl<, Ailee o li .. e lir'iam Whartun ~Jll' nl the 11I'oud \lal·enli:l· of a daughter ton, ~pcnt .:'ul1day nt the hom(' or Trickey and 11. Alic~ ;\lilIl.!l" !<evl.'ral d[l:y~ 10. L wt'ek \1 ilh )Iis:; Wnlliu\ l\[ny. born l(ln!lny nlorn· ' hl'r pal' nt, ~t.'. nnd ~11'~, F. B. Thn. hin!! \\8. cOIlln1('ncpd here 'lata B. Lel\ il< of r Ollt\! 2. Large and Small ing. Brine Your Ca.n. II I1d~r n. lint! "(tn. Mrs. ;;lmue1 t\1c IU1'e or Brown (lIonel P. Robinson, amp 1\1)•• Richanl 1~l"nl1l;c n h, vlRiting AnirnalWork - llC'nt ~e"'rnl ciay la. t 8~nin 'file da~' nft r a coupll' uf Rend ~t lh hOlll(' of ·his nu tlt, M)"s. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-", I·nin. The wit :It 1. It' ~ th .oeial it 'm. that tl1ni>(' n wtek al lh(' hom of hl'l' aunt, omll1an(\(,T at FOlt B njnmin _llll'Y 1IIIil1(,8. locnl ne\\ spapel' intel"c Lin~. Tie"hat ciolllug II nnd lIut lht' usual 1\1.1.. EllIma Ru~!; II. lI an!. on, Indiana, today announcIr~ . I<-:mmll Ellis and ~li~~ F.llu U I' t('leMy. and ,M rf!. FI'!'d ~J oOI'e of phon 01' st'nd I hem ill. yiehl. cd that seco nd itizens' mold hav r{'tul"lleci to thc ir ~lr. :md lr.. Ed Longu I'e lJayton, Mis e~ \Yo nda L '(' and IlhQlle number i. 112. 11-1 iJitary Tminillg amp to b It lei home in ,' ellia uftcr vi~iting \"i,ltt'd th ir lit til' grand~on, A lict:! Jane Willialll ~ of alif ornia (I'i 'nds here . Rob I·t ,>\ank. at ·t. lo:lizub th and l\j r. lllid . h5. The]'l. J one~ . Virginia and Lan"ing Hardin at FOlt Harr'ison this "y(1ar will . h . and rtl"s. Carl Shidaker :;n('nt la. t \ ('ek at FalJrnoulh, Ky .. fOllday h ospital Ftidl\Y lind ('ound him and son, Milton w re pen tficially on th morning of and rftmily "\\('re Sund y dinner While th('l" , th y visile d Llmbercv !ling gUt'~t or ,1\11-, ant! 1\1 rs. J. _lightly impro\" 'd. ugust 2nd. The youths and guests oi ]\Ifl', atlll Mrs. Dick .\11-, and Irs. J . .8. J one, enjoy- B. Jonl.,;. The .Ii se Williams land Fall and umlJel'land ,Cull. Y ullg men COiUpl'iRing this ellmp 110 ie}" and ramily of Mar HickRecon1mended To KllI Bea.1l ('d Xl picnic :suppel' with l'elativ(,l;; will rCllulin for l\ visit thi. week. "he li:>St' S ,Moriall IUJlI will b dl'awn from the states ( ol'yville. "THE HOME OF CIFTS" Beetle•• f),om Dayt on, nt: I~ u ~t ll'ood Park 1'11". llnd M r~. Le n alisbu ry Conrad I ndiana, Ohio, Kentucky and l\fr . Luulse File and uUIlj!'htcl' of n .sc ni nen!" thcl'c Sunday (: ening, and childt'en. Mi.s Miriam and K(>niuck y, ar:e \' i~iting at the \Vcst Virl'inia, numb ring appro>:· Mi88 Junl' Ellen arc home aftel' ,,~....~..~....~...." ..........., ...., ....,~,...........~,_..., .... Lebanon, Ohio Miss Ben1ice Graham, who hll W 'ud II, (If Subinn, wer dinner hOIlH' 0 r 1111'. and '. ll's. T. imutely 1, 00 . The durati on of the a dc!ightful vi::;il in Lce ~hul'l(. cmploym nt in 1 aylon, j ' staying gut'!<t Sunduy of Mr. and Mrs. Hardin. EXPERT WATCH camp will be II'om Augu st 2nd to l\h~, RORctta alT, of Kansas , n llul'.... I\'lI Altcn ~~I1ll"ick; und in the afterthere at nighl thi8 we k. REPAIRING August 31st and consist ()l in- i>i vi iling lIer grandmolhe r, . Wend II ·ali. bUIY e,f Sabina hi noon all t ok a nlotol' trip to slru tion in I nfantl'y subjects. J\h·~. RUBe au unci, othc~' rvltltive.s r. , 1\1 r,·. Stokes .?ilver Hnd .Ml'~, Onl)' Cenuine Materi." making an ext(.'Ddt'd vi. it Ilt the 'rrinll:field, I'bana, Piqun. Tro)' . A ntlerl>u n, or Cincinnati, wer' As~i ting olon I Robinson will . :Me~ 1S R. A. Fl"allrl~, R. E. Phon. 25 W.),llenille Ohio home of MI'. und ft't<. Allen and als(, visit d Mr. F.:md k's old gue~t of 1l'l<. hU'y l:lilvcl', 1\Ion- be a staff oC Rt:'gullll' AI"Il1Y Of- Ilur·t lInd tI Mr ... ott. , bl'othcl'• Prompt Service hOlli place at FI('lchel·. Jo:nll'ick. day, tht: occlloRion bing 1\11'8 . fic I. who have been ~ elect d to in·lllw of R. A. Franei-, h:we l'CMl·6. 1\fargl),l'c~ John " :p nt Ml·. A lice nderwood of 'i1ver' ~' bil·thday onni\' I' al·Y. t k chnrge of the vtlrillu acU i- lurnet.! from 1\ Ii hing trip al Puttore open until 9 p. m. ,'aturduy ev('ning lind :unday P ndl Lon, Ind ., LInd hen' dnughtel', tie~ incident to so IUI'ge a camp. inBIl~'. , ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!"'!!!..!!!'..!!..!!.!'!_ !!'!!!!!!""!!!!!!_~!!!.!!!...!!!""__ ,_ with 1r. and MI' . II.), rt ."u rf lice Mrs. Mary Whi. tl I' of M idd IeWhile the training of t.he boys Band concHl " "ill h held nn MI'. and fr •. Ed, Hough have neat' Lt'banon. town, Ind ., at ellded the nder- pU1'cha d M~s s Fa~'e Kelley's will consist chiefly of military Thul'sd'IY evenings inslcml tlf on :-- - - - - - -- - - - -- , h ',;. alvin , LOllgael' spent wood l' union at Wayne Park un· home on th COI'nel' or Third lind subjects, the recreat ional sitlC' of Wednesclay evenings lhe l'(!~t of Monday ' in Duyton. day, and tllen sp nt unday even- T~' ler skeets. known !l ~ the lhe youth - willllot be ovcrlooked. the s a~OJl. ...,...,. n a w II organized wclfarc unit ~~"""!'!!!!!_ _ _ _ _....._ _ __ Mr~ . Walter I enricK ·was a ing nod Mondny \\ ith 1'11'. A lie a skey property; nnd expect Fl'un klin vl~ ilo r 1'ue~day after- Brock nnd Mr • . Mary. t'al'shall. occupy it in th e fall. will alTllnge variou gallles and noon. Eli Rus~c\l, age 67 year., a diversions. The ~eh dule of in?tit-s. 'F'rank !:)mith ~ho clerk. in resident of Lytle for se eral year. 1-1, J~. Thomas, W. . GI'ah tru Uon has anangeu :1'01' II lib· II 10c ~tore in Dayton is tlnjoyinl'( pa5~ed nway suddenly. \ ne .• Jes e Prel1d rgast and L. erul amount of athletics in the a w ek' vac.ation. X-RAY W O RK day evening of heart trouble. Hi. Gotdon attend d ~ meeting o flel'ooons flO tlUlt the candidate Mi ss H elen EOl'ly liP 'nt lhe witlow, IIhs. Emmn ~tansel Rus- town hip tru~t es tlnd clerks will' nol feel the lack of the FOR SALE BLOC ANESTHESIA AUGUST 2-3 1.'1' k-end with relatives at Middle sell rvive~. F'u nefsl ,ervice wus Leban on, Wedn (>sday I1fternooll. neceSSllt·y change in camp life RO ALD OLEMIAN, town. h Id at M IUI'e funeral pnrlor ut l·outine. All KiDd. ~f D_ture. MI'.. :u nn Oougla, . Mi s II'. and )11". hnrl ':; l\1ol'gan 2 p. Ill. uturday, conducted by A COUt'sa in ciLizelillhip will be LORETT Y NG Work D ODe Quickly were DaytOri vi-il 1"' Monday, R v. Ru sell Moore of Franklin. Minnie Oak, R oy SlOneburn r giv 0 to all m e-nlbcl's of the amp in. anti fal1lily and lIart·y ouk and Mr. and 11'1:1. Willillll') Ltlng ac· Int I'lllent in ::I~n.:boro cemeh!I'y and an e..xaminlllion helel, the son', all oC Spring Valley, were winn l' to rf!C ive a medal awardcompani d th ·i .. !Ion William Long ,Main St. WAYNE SVILLE, O. dinne(' gu c!'ts of !\fr. and Mrs. J).. , nnd family 01 en ill, to in· <l by lhe Sons of th American Cartoon, "Gold Getten" E. Andel' on, Sunday. cinnati W edn day. Revolutiorl. In ad lition, II C Ul: e Com r dy, ·'In-Law. A re Out" lfr. and Mrs, John 1ye l 1111<1 in lifo ,av ing will be h III by an Among those who nj o y~i 1'1 The Lallie::! ~id of th M. E. dnllghtcr of Dayton were undny fRmily dinner at the homc of Mt·. author'ized nlemb 1" or the Amol"i· AUGUST 4-5 ehUl·th m(>t at. the hom of 1\11'8. eycning gU(!~t, of fl'. !Ind Mr '. clln R d ros. Tfli cour hu and fa. • rifl(y, Sunday TULLIO AflMINAT1, J a l\fcIntir on Thur da)·. ' K e~ l t,1." Gmhull1 . ulwa ys been vel'y popular, and On unday, M I'. and Ml'S . E. were Mr. and M I"!:l. LeI. Gdffy and many oC the candidates have availL1LLlA HARVEY Mr:<. Iyu Wharton and daughhlo children, and ?h·. and Mrs. ters, wer Daylon yi itor Tbul'~ ­ L. BeaRo n enterta ined a group of L onartl Spal'ks, of DE!troit, Mich. ed themselve ot the opportu nity in 1riends ill ce l bl'atlon of the Th co~t of n funeral ('rvice i. d y. to n 1'011 in lhi~ intel' ting and lr. tlnd h '" Hn rvey Burnet birthday ot ~~rlj. Bea on's falhel', 1\1r .and Mt·.. William Mich ner instructive cia s. . entirely Ul'cid d by the wish of aral! Burnet, at K Ily Mendenhall. The gu sl;, list and children, f Pittllburg, Pa., The progrn m of instruction has Comedy, Andy Clyde iJl ou r cUents. Their choic of a vi:il d MilO!:! eask('t Ilnd naces ory ncce ories tinnli alley hospital F,'iday, and included: MI'. and M~·s. 'If. E. ~\ ho have b en ' v8Csltioni ng at been cur fully llnanglld So that "Tramy, Tramp, Tra m p." a n d I'YRlal Lak, Mich ., spent the Lh young Illen will beuefit from Fox, N_~ i i nft u need ,by 110 nttenrpt at r pOI·t h l' a:s gC'tting nlong fnidy Funk, Mr. and [1',. 11! Fergu. on aleJImftl'l hip on our part. We well, and thnt h r ankl will 'oon and on Paul, ;\11-, !lnd [I·S. VergQ pt\s\ we k with Mrs. Michcner's t.h ir period of training both Mitchn I' and dnught(lI", Mr. DlId parent, MI'. and Two how&-7 :00 & 8 :30 p. m. tlrs. W. E. mentally and physi.;ally. , , f ollow their desires closely, and be put in ca t. " YOU. aIEALI[. CANNOT .u .. ~~y vau .NITI 11'. Ev l'ett Early Dnd mother, Mr. . W, D. l... ar·kin und family, A DM. lOc-1Sc 1'04;11. They 1 ft for home Wed· ke p the tolal cost to as moderate . "L.OWIN: ~.DHA'TQRII[., INC• •• " . ' .. ' 0 ........,.. 4;0 ...... """ .......... ... .......WII .... '-AiOAATO"II • • 'NO. a · flgtlt" a their choice dictates. Mrs. Belle cott, Mrs. Alice lark Mr. and Mr. Thomas Haydo ~k, 11e day morning, aceompani d by Dales fa\" the annual poullry MI'. anu hs. T. . Haydock, Mrs. Russe ll ali!!bul'y who will be tour ha e been set at A ugust I!) 1al'jorie and .M yra, Haydock, th it· guest (01' a few day!!. lo 22. This year th~ poultrym n Alan 1.1 nd enhall and 1\1.1". and Mrs M.i s Trill 18 and fnr'gal't!t :~l ~~ii:. poultry pJanls in north- \ Jerome D oe And tbe guest of Ed \V rd nt l'lained at dinner hon r. M~ss Ruby Smith ha been undllY Mr. nnd M[s . HllI'bert Hundreds' of tho~and of tons hir d as primnry teucher h ere, to Edwal'ds and thl'ee children, of of fertile top soil were lost during' PHONE: 29 fill the vacan Y cuu$ed by tho Denver', 01., O. J . Edwards, . Mr. r th~ recent flood s in central .New l'esignation of Mis!; ~rartha Beam and Mr/l. J. W. Edwalrds, ?'lIsses ' York states the soil cOllS·e rvation It i a. long step ind etl f rom the l>Iack- It1med WAYN ESV ILLE, OHIO who has b en employed in the Mol')' L ah and Marjorie ~nd Mr. servi~e of th U. S. Department hearse of twenty-five years ago to th beautifu lKingman choo!. Georg EdwaI"ds, of prmgfiel.d; of Agriculture. funeral car of today. The treamlilled, smooth-ridMI'. and Ir ~. 1<:d Tobin ,and Mr. and Mr . W. B. Ru sum, MISS ing funera l car is a strikin g exampl e of the addau-hle1' lind Mrs. }:. M. Margal'et Ru . Unl, DI·. and Mr. Growing one crop 01 corn vancem ent automobile design h made in the last ,o'n of De Moinefl, I owa, visited Cal Ru lIum. Misses Alic Jane causes a loss of about tht'ee per few, yea rs. Ru ssum, of Dayton. relati ves he a part f last week. Rnd IVlliou cent in the organic content 01 the I ' Members of tl1q Miller family Ti h fin ,t v hicle$ comprise OUr rolling !:!toCK. Honoring hel' ist r, 1111' . J. R. soil, Ilg1'onomists lind. Stining \the altended their annual family soil ill cultivation encourages the olli!) I', of Lexington, Ky., Ml·S. Rea izing h ow important comfort and perfe t reu nion at the hom of \ . Ray Mllinou Iltel'tain ed at work of soil organisms thnt bring mechanic:.l ondition a l'e, we maintain o,n ly cars 1'Iriller near Lumbe l'to n on unday dinn l' unday. Mr. and Ml·. about d eay of organic matter. of h most modern design. These are kept in Rufil onner wa home from P ryse ongleton, of Harrison , Roots and stubble left in the soli flawle . conditio n and handled by highly-trained camp at Athen', over the fall . hort in replacing bh ese la:sell. hi o, MI·"~. Elizabeth Mc o llum, weQ Ie·e nd. dri ver};. In this way we are assured of comfortof Oxfo rd, Mr. and Mrs. Willie l'hs. Ann; CUl'I'Y i th guetlt ab l , tJ'oubl -fr e transportation for our clients. CARD OF THANKS Flanery, of Middletown , M~·. and of'hc.r daughte~ In Wilm ingto n. Mrs. ,John Treadway and family, Fine molor ,r nre but one of many feature . Ralph Bull l1n had II valuab le Mr. and Irs. George Henderson I take tbis Ineans to expl' 5S A c1oso inspection will reveal countle s details ilia I' killed by lightning during and Mrs. Ju lia Hend erson, 1\[1'8. incere than ks to illY neighboni the st()r m .'unday cvening. carefully upcl'vised to ins ure a beautiful and imV "non Main ous and childt'en and and fl'iends- for th ir kindne sand pl'e."sive funCI'al !:! I"vice at mode t co t. Miss Inez Smith, Afternoon ClIIl- ympathY ,at the time o:f my be, el' were Mr. and Mr. Oscar reavement, and to Eld r Ru sse ll ongleton, Mr. and Mrs. Harris Moore for his cemforting words. ongleton, Mi Mi ldred CongleMr .and Mrs. John Wilson and .Mr~. Emina Russell. Robert ntertni ned the fo llO\vlng ton, Mil'S Lucretia Goe and Ray guests SaiUl'day: 1\h. ' and Mrs. Co ngleton, all of Hnmilto'll : MI". Bevin Jenkins anel ch ildren of and M1·S. Bllrl Kimbel'Iain and Mrs Kokomo, ]nd.; Ml', and MI·~. DOl'a Wilson, of Franldin. A free lalking pictUre is Weldon Wilson and Gernld of sponsored by the me rchan t every neill' Xen ia, and Mr. a nd 1\Irs. especially tho e things having to TlAesday night on the stt·eet. ' A Albe rt Wil son of Tyro, Ohio . . MI". and 1\11'8. Pau l Bail ey of do with the life and wOl'k of Thom lal'goe crowd enjoyed the pictul'e A hla nd, Ohio, call ed on Evcl'ett A. Edi. Oil, After OUl' vi it here wo "Black Bea\1ty," last Tuesday Haines and family Friday after- go to the Ford Motor p lant whel'e evening. we $ee them turn out new .Ford Messr • Harry Tucker and Roy n oon. lark pent tbe latte r part of last Raleigh Bogan and family at- cal'S at the rate of about one every te-nded the Bogan reunion h eld al; two minutes. We enjo){ a 1unch lit week visiting relatives h el·e . Mrs. the home of Rev. and MI's. W. E, the Ford cnfeteria and t he n board Harl'iet Clark and ch.ildren 1'eOUI" buses fOl' l'h e trip, to B elle turned with them niter pending Bogan, unda)". Mrs. Ella H ai n s, Il·. a nd Ml's. Isle Park and sighltseeing of so me time here. Mrs. H elen Wall and little lio n H omer Hain es and :fa ll1i1 y wet'e Deta'oit. Thrll the produce market week -end g uests of Mr. and Mrs, sec tion hen! and then. to the M. hav e returned to their home in Ra ymon d Bailey and family neal' C. Te l'lllillal whel' WE' b Ollrd our Baltimore after spending severa) special tl'nin fOI" the tr~p south- weeks with h el' pare nts, Mr. and Adena, Ohio. Mr. and Mr,. Lawrence Mit.chner ward and hom e. A!t:er leaving · Mrs. H ownrd ' Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Chus. ' Boerstler 'we re unday din'ncr guests of MI'. Toledo w hlwe a regular banquet o n OU I' pacial dining cars. and daughtel', Miss N~me, spent and M,'s. HOI'ace ompton, Lu t her Haines lllld family Thi~ will be the last m eal of the the week-end at t heir home h er e. MI' . and M.l's. Tom W elch and a utoed to Camden, Friday n igh t. tJ'ip and one that will lioge r long Marj orie Bogan 01 Dayto n i in OUI ' memorie !IS the climax to childl'en of Ft. Dodge, Iowa., sp luling ,a few days with her a wonderful tOU l" and t wo uay s have eturned to their home afte-l' outing. spending a week with 'their cousi n, Dorothy Bogan. Ma ke yourresCI'vations now in plll"~nts, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mr. a nd Mt"~. Everett Haines alld family nttended t he Carey order to be SU1'e of Ilccomnloda- Welch. MI'. and ~s. A. ,So Collett and "'euni<1n n a l' Sa mintha, Su nda y ti on s on th~ tmin and boat. It is ne,cessury that resei'vations be &"O n Robert en terta ed t'heaftern on. in honor 0:( Mr ~. PC'arl ' incI;JiI' and family mad e in advance nnd all l'eserva- following re-Iatives tions mu t be in by or be,f ore MI·s. Laul"~ hidakcr ' who will w re [)ayloll vis itor Friday. Sevel'al from h t' I'c attended the Monday, August ] nt h. Feature leave shortly for New Mexico. M ... fu neral of 11.1 I·S. Pdscilla McKay TOll!' cnupon licket~ may be and Mrs. Charles Gordon, MI'. lind You proRt two Wlyt when you fence yow ha. with A... in Wilmingto n Monday altel'noon, l' cured al the ('ounty agJ'icul · Mrs. Everett Villars and 80ns, Mr. tur'al agen t's office at ' amy tim~. All Ilnd M1"8. Chas. Pyle and grandson, I~n Zinc Insur...d Fence. It ....1. yoa to feed tic ket mll st be (!c ured by or be- MI". and Mrs. Howard Graham and 1UIIc.. them "on the hoof'" It bder prices to proIM:I TWO DAY 4-H C LUB f I't' Tue ' day, August 20th. Send family, Mrs. Helen Wall Bnd erowln, cro~ Increae ........ Ie .... let • in your 1'8 el'vations TlOW. If for Bon, Mr. and Mr8. Evan Retallick II .. you .llth. Ie. (Continued fl'om Page l) any reason you cann make the and daughter and ""Ml's. Irena domain of Great Britain. We walk tl'ip your reservation n ~ ean- Stephens and son Mu. down the main street of Windso~: celled 01' mOll y will immediMr. al'ld MNI. Charles Thompson to the ferry dock and now we lllely refund ed if entertained company last Suneros!! over the Detroit River to the I chased coupon ticket day. U. S. A. Bgain and after paasing cannot go. hildren Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Dakin enterthru the customs and immigration must be accompanied talned on with. family examlnationll We board our special or guardian. dinn.r t'he Mr. bUle for tb. trip throu8h Detroit In charge ud r. ud to ViiI.... Mr. r. ..d ..,._,. f~a G



Beauty Shop Opened

Dr. R. E. Halstead Veterinarian



1I~·c k ·



6Se per Gallon

~o rn·



Cary's Jewelry

Ar senate




t ate CIass-fiI ed AdS.


'T"'ln8 Theater

Wayaesvllle" ,O .

Clive Of lndia

New Burlington

Moderate Cost


Let 's Live Tonight




Comfort and Beauty

:J'iuw,.a{ :bilrB:iot


Caesar s Creek

J. ·E. Me Clare




Wa¥aelvill., o.






------ - ----


. We have juat received a new car of tbi. fence. , .

w. H. Madd

n " CO.

Eighty-Seventh Year






Whole Number 6181





HU NT I NC SEASON S - -I-f-JIHHH--t'H-...- -tl1 Town: hil' lel'k L" II , GOI'cion The annual reunic)I\ of g laduato"; an d former s tudents of t:le ' Olll ci Iltltice tha t oPlJn~ th e ~has Cluil r rrcciv I season fnr 1!J:lFi • Nati onlll NOI'ma l 'univenjit y Vlill cloher ] and clo)\t'5 October 15 h(' held in L ebanol~ A ug u!-t 0, J (J and 11. and the f ox !-ea~o n (O}H' It l! t1vem · imilal' reunion ' of t h~ I u!<l There Are 80 DAY' Aft er Middle bel' 15. 1\1 35 and el\), e8 MIHCh 1, 193 6, htl vc ~ n very suc.:essful anll it i~ Of Au g u st to Mature Hardy -~-believed this year will be a rccol'li I Crop, ' R e puhl ica~ Organizafiol) , Meets yeal' in attendance, Membera of Coun'cil Report W ith Cha'irman H aw". , MunicipAlity Hal PAid AU Aft(!l' the' midlll of Aug us t 8al'0ld La eUl', 16, of W st Pre. idina BAck Bill. thel'e are approximately 65 days Middl etown and hi s uncle, Ray. I, fo re tender vegetable, llIa~' b e mond Allen, 45, of So uth LebH e ,' i~nalio ll of J o~~p h navis rep· expected to be kill ed by fl'o!'t an.1 For the fil'st Lime in two yeal'$ were d l'O wn~ d in th e Lillle anon, I'c ~e nting Deerfield tow nship o n 80 days to plan t and nb ou L Waynesville counc il last M() nday Miami river Sunday afternoon, mnture veg tables whi hare Ilo t the Wafl'e n Qunty R ~ publica n night was able to p SS UpOlt and kill ed hy light fl'osb. says IT, D . pay all bills comi ng bef()l'e that whel'l) th ey had gone to swim , '===-, cen tral COO1Ol itl ee, wa presented Dr, J , E, Witham is in Mc le llan Brow n, l>ro f e~sol' of vegetable body for consideration, Th e double tragedy 'occulTed , Mrs, J;:mma Dakin , of Xenia, is and accepted at a meeting 01 that hospital. Xenill, Ul ff ring a fl'l\c · gal'll n ing aL the 0, S, U, R. Eiliot Wright, of DetrOit, In face of financial difficulties when LaSeut' was se ized with l ure of the hip when h accidenthe guest of her sillter, Mrs, J, W, ol'llllnizutiCln held hut Monday Bl'own say~ thel'e are anum· c(lnfro nting municipalities through was in Wayn e&viJIe. Wedn e day, cramps nnd Allen went to his ta lly fell from a chs ii' in hi om ce b l' of v~g('tab l e t haL l11ay be White. night in Leban on, out' Ohio, this is 80mewhst of Mrs. J, E, Witham is th e gue t rescue. Aftel' a brief s truggle 10 t atul'duy morning, ' 0\\ n bet\\ een AUJ(~ st 16 and The I'(:ignotion of C, E, an accomplishment and was MI'. and M'I"8. Van Re talli k, of eptembe l' 10 with a a:-lonuble brought about by the strictest of MI'. and Mrs, James Stoops at both sa nk from sight. R/lge r Harner, ' () f • alem towl1shil) was a nW ert, Not"\l'ood, were calling On Wayn sa 5. urlln ce that they will I'ellch economy on the part of council. Hudson, of Middl etQwn and two 81 0 accepted by lh committee ville friend s, Tu esday. maturill' befl)!' cold weathel'. Memb el's point ()ut that saving A. L, Kin g, lifl'ol'd Buzick lind ' sn~all boys, who ~ 'ere n earby, and Walter a(\wallad l' was li e s~ y~ tUI'n ip, in Ohi houl d was effected whell acti(ln was son Donald pent. unday in Cin. witnessed the drowmng and gav~ be :o\\'n lJy, AlIgu ~t 10 hut that. Misl\ Doris Hendel'l'o n with t.h ree elecled to fill th , vacllncy, taken to eliminate street light cinnati. the ala rm. Bud Lynch and plantings mad e I.lR late a s Aug us t frill nds from i ncinnati. picnicked Ilel;vice aCtel' midnight and witb With chairman J ohn ', IIawke, William Rolf, of Soulh Lebanon, 20 often reuch an edi bl, ~ i ze , a t Wayne pal'k, ' unday. this expense cut down it ha been presiding the following me mbe rs Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Menden- tarted diving for the bod ies and --,- Lat" plnnied turnip!!, h adtl ~, 91'e possibl e to bring the municipality hall and fami ly visit d fri nds in aftel' 11 half hou r found t hcm at , A. Deppe, of Ft'anklin, [nd" wel'e present at the meeting : r.1l-, ' F~nera~ se l'Vlces f,O l' r. lr ~, Jane k;;s lik Iy to be injured by the out of debt. Sayings of $360 per the bottom of a de ep hole in lhe has bcen II gue:' L in t he home of Hawk c ; Ha rry Osbol'ne, Uass ie Dayton ovel' the week-end. Dakm Heisey, who dl d at link. IUI'vIle of th e cabba ge maggo ts, year has been possible with t he t'ivel'bed, burg, W est Va" n W edn 1:lday, I Leaf lettuce, Tad !. hes, llIu:tal'(\ hi ~ son, Dr. E, F. Deppe, tow ns hip Wal,ter Fost er, Horlan s treet light turned oil' fr om mid· J, B. rabbe attended a con· Th e dl'ownings took place July 3 1, ,from the efl'ect (If a corn ~a lud and spinach all may be night until dawn. Miss Henri etta McKinsey was towns hip; Ralph Van Meter Union fel'ence of mith Hughes teachers hortly beror 3 o'clock at a favtowns hip; Charles J. Waggon r, broken , hiP, were held ~t t h Mc- \ planted u, .late a s Septe mb el' 5 in uggestron was made by a at ~ burg last Thursday. orite spot fOI' campe l's along the . lure .r uneral Home Frida,. mo rn- ,Ohio, accol'ding to Brown , He ;Id- hostess to t he .. AI'gunot" bridge Turtlecreek' town$hip; Fl'ed Hagecitizen that lights be I'esumed on club, Tuct:iday aft I'noon, Little Miami, Dominio n meye r, Washington tow nship ; and n daylight to dawn bases as in the Marshall Hain es, of Dayton was The bodies of yo ung LaSeur and mg, Augu t 2, Rev. Thornbury, of vi, es planting Old Il nl'veysbuJ'!!, offidating. Burial Vlll'icly of spinach u ecauS{' it is past, the money to be rai ed by 11 visitor, at the h(lme of Mt', and his uncle were taken to the Mis' Velmll Al'mitage I' tut'ocd L, g , LeRo y, Fi:anklin township. wa s in M'ia~i ccmete ry. , r s itall t to mosa ic, a di sea e that t() • pringfield. un day, after a Th e n ewly se lected members, an extra levy to be voted upon at Mr , Walter Elzey, Monday. Oswald Funeral home in Lebanon , MI s. HCI , cy, who wa s a native oft n attaCks lhe fa ll CI'OP, Later MI', adwllilad t' and Fl. E. the November lectlon. Cot'oner H. Ml, Williams ' investi- of Ha ~veysburg and. a s~ st e r Of. the plantingR of the same variety may plea sant week's vacation spent at Hu tchin, D erfi eld township acCouncil failed to take action on Mli L etitia Schatzman, of the gated and gave a verdict of a ccih er h ome her e. III e Frank D, Union. IS surViv ed s ucc s"fully win tel' over dUl" compani d by Mr. Haney, Mr. the proposal ,until next meeting, Hotel Alms, Cincinnati, is visi ting dental drowning, Miss Miriam ElJi ,·, secretary of Hal'n er, Ea rl Muag. Earl Thompby hel' husband. Jose ph G, Heil:! y, i ... g some S~8so ns in all s clion s (If there being sufficient time to her sister, Mrs. W. O. Rope r, on daughter, MI'~~, Po ~uli e Earl, th state, Olrt Domin ion does not, th~ Boy Scouts ol'gftOizlltion in so n and Mr, Hain es a ttended the present the levy should members F. E. VanOften and family left AUGUST APPROPRIATION and th grandchild ren. all of he ,'uys, go to seed in t.h e sprin g olumbu ~ , is spending her v aca· meeti ng, of council d ecide to submit it to Wednesday to take up their resiFOR COUNTY RELIEF lat'ks burg, 'IS q uickly as th older Vir g inia tion at h er hom h ere. a vote of the people. ' Savor vlrri ty, Action was taken to close the d nce in Cincinnati. l\frs, Will Bradley sustained a dump at the East end of Miami Brown recODlmen!is cullivating E. Tyl l' hough, Several local 4-H club girls al'e the land f or sevel'al w k priQr pai nful wound, W.ednesday, when s.treet, anq maintain one at the enrolled at Camp , Hook this week count.y relief director, lo p lllnting fall crops so that the ice pick she was using ra n fo ot of Franklin and Main streets. 'nounced that the August J'e1ief for the annual camp activities, The B oal'd of the llome met in we d 8 arc killed , It is frequ en tly through her hand, Decision was made to ask an budget fOI' th e county is $18,56 . qualterly sess ion o n Tu esday . p08sibl then , to bl'oodca st the advance of $350 011 t he September 1\11 , Frank 'tans b l'I'y, 1\11·S. Mr. and Mrs. Mlo l'ris Raper, (If slig htly maN! than $3, 000 less Mrs, Ella M redlith, of Dayton, ,'ced , Early fl'ost, 11 exp lain s, Jo hn Long and Miss Mary Stan tax di tribution to meet bond re- Dayton. were vi itors at the home tban the July appropriati()n, formerly ' a re iden,t at the H Onle kill most of the w ed that appear berry were al the Xenia fair, Wedquirements falling due in Septem- of Mr. a.nd MI'. W. 0, Raper , TIl e regular meeting Ql the It i pointed out, however. that had the misfQrlun,e t fall aod However, he says, the best garden nesday after noon, ber, Wayn e!'v iilc arden club was held Friday, as sOOn as WPA becomes effective imctul'c he)' hip and is confined el's plan t in rows tha t we ds Clerk Hatfield l'epol'ted that a 'l'u day morni ng at the home of Robert Chap!l1an, of the State the rolls will be reduced ~early 50 in a hospita l. , may be killed by one 01' two culti. M rs, P~ arl McMukin, of. Lebanon Ernest Bu tterworth with Mrs. balance of $89,82 remained in the percent and that the ['elief burden Miss Raeh I Pe'ttit is rallyrng vations , vilSited her mother and sister, Mlr8 Flo re nce Davis as hostess, Mrs. is street fu nd after all current bills Auditor's office, Columbus, of th e county will be lessened f l'om a seve re illn('ss, I Viola al'ey and Ml'S, Irving P ercy Rea on lIml M'rs. Harvey wel'C met. Out of this amount spending his vacation at his home AltJlough is has nOL been official Welch, Wedne day afternoon. Mis Kate ' ollins J;ece-ived RURAL ELECTRIFICATION money will be used to mow weeds here, Rye a ssisting, Iy announced, the Aug~st budget calls [rom several of her l'elathres along Waynesville streets. The meeting op ned with a MEETING AUCUST 14th Dr. Mary Cook, • D, ook and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Sebold, of indicates that work will not b e Monday evening, scl~ c ti o n, the 15t" indnnati wel'e Sunday visitors started on WPA pt'ojects a soon Donald Rowe, of Oakland, alif., LawI'cnce Cook attended th e MC\'iptur II aim I'ead by Mrs. Annie at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. W. as was xpected, Nearly one half and Mr, and MI's. E~' ne st Martin. A county·wide Rural eledrifica- funeral of t h iI' cousin, Edwin S, Gibbons. Twe nty membel's anof the relief population in Ohio of Dayton, called on ~ll's, O. 'Raper. 1ar- tion meeting will be hcld ut Mills, at Wesl New,t on, Ind., Tu !ls wered 1'011 call by naming their will be sU PPol'ted with WPA gal'et Martin, Monday. MemOl'ili1 Hall, _Lebanon, Ohi o on day. Gerald Coyle has I'eturned home funds and direct relief will be favOl'ite a nn ual. M'l's, Emma Dakin . of Xenia , in W.ed nesdn9' evenin g August 14th Mrs, Mentlenhall read a very fl'o m an extended visit at the pI'ovided for the remainder. It is company with MI'!!, J, W . White, ut i(!.ht o'clock. Miss Kathryn Tar nal', of Mari· home of hi grandparents n ear said. It is not yet known whether call d On Hom e folks Tuesday, ling paper On annuals. The Wa1'l'e n ' ounty Farm etta. and M'I', and M1's, Victol' BI'- int Wilmington. of Middl~town, were using a vase of specimens to federal f~nd s wilS continue 101' MIl'S, Matie Donal.1y, Miss Ma rtha Bill' 11U bas been . tudying tbe pante l' Funeral services for , Mrs, illus trate th e varietie named, lectrification calling on Waynesville (riends, MI':;, Julia Bergan arrived home this purpo e or whethe, it will be W elch and Mr, 'r om W elch, of pi oblem of tUl'al Julia Donovan, who passed away Thl'ee visitol'S. 1.1 • R. Halstead Friday and Sunday. left up to the individual county, for some months a nd is calling Morrow. call d O l'I Mrs,'y L, at her home on Thh'd stl'C'et Sun- Friday from' Detl' oit. Mich" after Mrs, BUl'Dett Butterworth and were 868 perso ns on teTh el'e this public mee ting Lo d ter-day night following an attack of a two-months visit at the home 01 lie f r olls in Warren county July 1 Adam s, Sunday, M,', and Mrs. R, W. Lang Mrs, L, B, Hall w re present, At Miami Mon thl y Meetin g attend- min (he desire on the part of the motored up fl'Om Cincinnati. 11le close of the meeting a picnic the beart, were held at the Mc- hel' 'Son Edgar Bergan d Qllal'terly Mee t ing at Gl'cen village and rUI'a1 folk for univel" Clure Funeral Home Wednesday aturday, and took Mrs, Lang's lunch WI.\ " elljoyed, The y, F. M, wi1l ,n~t hold their FRIENDSHIP CLUB Plain . un day, ~a l e lech' ic ~el'v ice at II rate that afternoon and burial was in Miami pal'ent!;, Mr, and Mrs. Geol'ge J The next meeting ()f lhe club regular meting Sunday because Ml', lind 1.11' , E(I Hiatt, of Wil· will make elc t..ric IlcI'vice within cemetery. ' .\ WILL .AVE PICNIC ' mith, home with them f ol' a wiil be held Septemb I' 3, at 2 p_ of Y~arly Meeti ng ~ich will be th I' ach of aIL mington, ca IJed on fl'ienus here Mrs. Donovan's death came as a week-end vi it. I tn" at the home of Mi ssei Blanche Sunda y eve ning, It is now possible IlndH th e ne w shock to her many friends, in sessio n at P endlet<1 n, Ind. Mrs, Alice McKinlO{!oy lind and P erle Riley when Mrs. MalY l\lembel'S of the Friendship club Mlrs, Nunnic Flo rence and Mis Fedel'1l1 RlIl'al Electrificatio n Although of advanced age she was Mr, and Mrs. N. P. Clyburn, of and theil' families will picnic at daughters" Mrs, r, N , Hal'ri ' und Cross wi ll discuss Ph lox; Mis Kate HunLington. of olumbus. Project t ha t we cu n obtain elecapparently as well 8 S usual up to Was hington, C. H .• were guests of Mi5s Henl'ietta McKinsey attendlara Lile. Golden Rod; Ml's. within a few hours of her death. Mrs, Anna Cadwallader and M'iss Wayne 'park next Wedne day even visi cl their co usin Superinten - t l ic ily in every Pfl)'t of ou r cQ lI!1 ty ing, A ugust H . dent. Peirce recently. on It cooperative basis. but it wiU ed a family re\jnion at th er hom e Annie Gibbon s, Dahlias, Held in high eateen by all who Clara Lile. Thursday evening, A ribbon I)rize will b~ awarded Each member is r equ ested to Friends Yenl'iy Meeting will be take concert d actiun , All who are of A. . Coll ett and family nea r . , . knew her, she will ~ misse d in llat'veysburg, S unday, fo\' best specimen of aster, take one covered dish. sa' n dwiches n ses~i on at Pend leton, Ind " ncx t intel'est d should attend thi, mceli Miss Lola Sears, who is employthe community. dahlia nnd field boq uet, and hel' own table service. week, ing, ed at ' March Bros. Publishing Near Ni_ty YeAr. of Earth., MI'. and MI's. J, W. Edwa l'ds, of Company, Lebanon, is enjoying a Fellowahip Clo•• and Mrs, ~====================-====-=~ - ============================ •'pJ'ingfi eld, and MI'. ANNA M, MADDEN two-weeks acation. ll el'll el't Edward s, of Denver, Mrs , Julia Donovan quietly and olo/'udo, en rout e to Cincin na ti, unexpectedly leaves earthly Edward GuUady and family, of Anna M. Madden, daughter of Tu esduy, called on Mi sse Trillena Hirall1 and Hannah Harvey Madfriends. Winchester, Ky" are spending sevand Ma rgaret Edwards. She was a younger sister of the eral days with Mr. Gullady's sister den, was born at Hal'veysburg, lat'e Angelina F, Devitt and Jape Ml's, Harold Osborn and fa mil • MI'. and Mrs, Orville J , Gray Ohio , May 28th, l868, anll passed F. Wright who were also well and dau ghter, Miss Barbal'a s pent away July lat, 1935, aged 77 R'. A. CI'OSS and Mrs, M~ry C. known in this community. S unday in Ci nci nnati , the gu ests yen l's. 1 month and 3 days, The Cross were called to Ripley, Sun' The subject of this sketc.h was of M1'. and Mrs, Russ 11 Neal , major pOl'tion ()f her life was born at Springboro, First month day, because of the sel'ious illness brother-in-law and s illtel' or Mrs, s pent in her homo on t.he Avenue 14th day, 1846 where she spent of the former's siatel', Mrs, the home of hel' childhood, and Gray, Martha Kincaid. her early girlh.ood. of many ch eri hed memories Lai;t;r yea1'S were spent ' jn Mr, and Mrs, J, W. Pavia and whi h became I'('ally and truly her Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Gt'eegor Springfield with her hu! band, John and Mrs, Ro e Haynie, of Columfamily, who have been guest s of own so me 40 ye-ars ago, Donovan who passed on ftfty years bus, and Mrs. F. H. Miltenber~r She dearly loved this home, th~ f01'1116r'S parents, Mr, and MI'S, before. After this lIepal'ation she were callers at the borne of Mr. Oliv er Davi s, left Monday f or and gh Wll S permitted by a loving moved to Indianapolis, where she and Mrs. J. H, Smith, Sunday, thei r home in New London, COli' Heavenly Path et, to spend bel' dew resided until situations incident to c1ining yea'rs and last days, with necticut. the World war it aee·m ed beat to Mr. and Mrs. Evel'ett Kenrick, some d eg~c of comfort and inMl'. and MI' , J. E. fongcr, ot dependence, among her pets and come. to Way.ne8viIle whese she nee Dena Hopkins, are announcL ban un., Mrs, Glenn Bordon, has lived alone most of the time, ing the arrival of a son, Charles flowers, nj oy ing the natural Funklin. MI'. R, T, Monger and bcnlltics aroun(l her atld the freand haa been able t(l care for Robert, at Miami Valley hospital MI'. Robert Radcliffe. of Tuscol household duties and waa always WedMlday, August 7, quen t ca lls of h et' neighbors and III.. were di nn e!' guests of so Irlad to we-lcome her score of many f\'ic nds, , Mr. Harry Gorrell, of CincinLilla Benham, Tuesday, de-voted friends. Aunt Julia has H el' long li fe, pf sell sacrifice been &8IIociated with Society 01 nati, Spanish-American war vetand un sclJls h devotio n to othera, H onoring the bi:rthday anniver· Friends at Waynesville. She 'was eran. visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter saI'y o'f their son Rarold, ML', and need s no mention and will receive alwaY'JI ,mindlul of the rights and El~ey, Wednesday, Mr, Gorrell is MI's. C, E, And el'son entertained its just I'ewal'd . interests of other_and always a IItep-brother of Mrs, Elzey, Th e mortal r emains of A,nnie at dinner Thursday evening, MI" ready to ~xpre8S a word of cheer Madden bejng ratul'ned to day to Winter Garments Cleaned and and Mrs, M, F. Weltz and chilo to the wanderer who called at her PrellSed. No extra charge for from whicil dren, J ohn Turner and Charle th e nothingness door and t(l children whom she Sealing in ' Moth-proof Bags. Dry it came is but the husk of the Burton Earnhart. dearly loved. living so ul God created that eoea Cleaners, Kathryn Mendenhall, "Day is ended, ere I sink to sloop manageI', , Rev, G, C, Dibert and family ma rchin g on, My spirit seeka repose in Thine, Alr'eady the rea l Annie Madden I'cturnlld bome l~ riday, after II All's well; which ever side the Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown, of two-weeks outing at Lakeside has been ushered into a be~ter trave for me Renfrew, Pa,', Mrs. Martha ParClair, the elder son of Rev. and und r standing of Life Eternal the The morning ligbt may break," 'Bon8 and daughter Ruth, of Cleve· Mrs, Dibe1.'t, who had spen t ",0 t PI' sci ous gift that God be. J. B, C. land, and Mr. John Esbenbaugh. several weeks with hili grant! ,tows, All'cady has he reeetved of Bowling Green, are guetlts of parents at McComb, Obi Q, IIccom· the gl'eeting, "W 11 done tlKlll Shrill bugl~ nOl!!'; flontt' d 101,\1), ('" plain La,wl' n f~f~ l o~t words, rool grnnit(' monumenl COm lll !l1ll Mr. and Mrs, RullSell Frank tIIis gOo d and fllithful servant, Tholl RURAL CARRIERS MEET panied the family home, p lh,e Shtp." N~S Pul- ln·Buy fr(lul th e De· "DOII'l Ch' Ol'ntclI this \' 1("toI'Y, It s ~ \l1Il1II1 1 week. hast. been fa ithful over th. feWl A rew hnllrs I~f concentratcil 1t1f()l'fl s' a lIl:l g nIM ~pn t v ie '" or Iht ' '' ll, ft.t g~hiV of Ihe Brill h fl ee t. The rural mail clrrie1'1l of Mr. and Mrs, WiJI Kel'sey. Mis. thing, I will maKe thee ruler oftr (h·e fr om I h e slJ Perlol' nritt ~h ~ III'I 'o \ mrltn g I.lalld~ and 11111 nllsh, !' I: e Ihlll 1)00111 or a rn lln O Il sOllnl1Tbe Misses Marian and Lonalne Warren county and tbeir families EvelYn K rsey and Mi II Elizabeth lIiany. Enter thou into the JOJ of ',j-the first , IIC'1 1 In lh hi )\tol' )" gllns redu ced Ihe Lliwrence 'to a ing hill e wat~l's whi ch IIIArk Ihll enjoyed a picnic supper lit Wa111e Conrad of Cresellt ~pring8" KeD'Clark, of OregQnia, Mr. and Mrs, thy reward. . ,!!\klnl!' ~nttlc o( Lak~ I';l'ie. St'Pt. h c lllle~!I hUlk, l' ~ I'l'Y ordered Ii AS (lne of Ihe Creat Ll\k e~' fines : have returned to their ~. Friday evenln., Au,lIst Z_ tucky, Joe Kersey and a friend. of Leb· Wl'itten by Charles MaddeD. hnut o'·cr the si de and with sevell ir'enlc pOjnt s., , ~ , 1513. Sapper was followed by: a bUllne.. home .tter a vilit wtb lI1r. and anon, and Mrs, Jack Kersay, ot -- ~ --Tt1n lII,cOJld It lOlled AllIcrlC::I 1l mun row cd 1hro\llgh a hall ot PIII · ln-Bay 1M 1111 Ideal \\,cl<k·en.i seulon. Reports of the State con- Mn. T. S. Hardin and family. \'iafDesville, compose a camping ra, where h e l) lil)'J;l'll lllld, wilh IIllc boallai , :'1 !n,o'."'lCr and bl x ~ 1 i\ l wl \l't " It 11l~ ~ h ·lIti 10 the:»ll vention at ZaDuvUle ...... tiTen They were accompanied b, in Michia'an ' ~ ,.fng Ih~ Enl;lls h 11 11 S nlunellV- look IIIl hll com lIIarY I " \I ~ fishing" and Ced., b, lb. DOllohoo of Onconla, &11d Iler' BardID. wbo will lpend ~the Soon the Nlac. 01 ~11 III Ille br,e eze (01' Ilcl$ ltlonll of Point, ra rned for 11 11 bea ch, neal· w.ek-e1lCl with Ronald Bardin of crealln, breeze, 1Ir. C. E. Foeter. of PrulJdha. _ Ily Kelley'l! 1"land. wlllr II. OIY" " .. molle, CiDclmaatl. Ibe ellelllY line. D •• un.n. ~IIPf. Olher Jhullrcl l'el'1'1, :I teriou.. In lJCrlpllon rock: 11>. u)'1 bat y,llh I~ )'~ .. I''; or IlI'lI hi IHIlIs u JohnllulI·. 1"luud prI~(ln 1'ille:, lin. Ralph B ..tlnp entertain- I\~".I Jlf ... \.:e Illr\lldr I,chlllll hllll. ('1\ nlbl bel ('ourederate .oldler . 'P H' kept h• •d of ber SaaclaJ School ,1 .r~" ,,~d tbe AllIerlcliD nett frORI British conimanallll' II •• ("Ivll War .• ud S.nduak, 8a, 0.... b:1 IIII.btp. I!le Lawn·ill'''. rrOlD At South ...lIb l.s \''''& ,.ath.. "II'''~' taad• •re eU dv .\ Ii... I.w • lal wltb Rrl., DOrLiI The Cleaver, Carr and Rich reunion will be held Sunday. August 18, at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Clint Cleaver, two and one-half miles we$t of Wilmington on the old Cincinnati pike, Coffee will b e HArold LaSeur and Raymo... d served by the hostess. Allen Victim. Of Double TrAledy


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J, E.







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Friends' Home News








F .

don ••d famUr 0 1»11 ft. r. and •• onett til of 11a T. tanley, de&1 and Robert ellt.t'rta lned quite a eeued wa admitte d to probate . numbe r of relativ n un Sunday . In the ea of Verden a Hopkin Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jordan ruardla n of rthur Ilen Hopkin s and. Mary arolyn Luken" pent a minor, "el'llUs Arthur All n Hop COLUMBUS (Specla l)-The I~. Sunda) ' with Mr. and Mrs. Alan kin", a minor, et ai, conflrm atlun f\u ~:lC!! of the Ohio State Fair IS Hart~oc k and family of near Wil. and. deed. Distrib ution continu ed l'OLUM Bt S, III __ Th.e mingto n. world-witle, says W. W, Ellenwood, ~l"OS n glect. untIl further order of court,. , mlv•. n\ of thl' fh't' d Y .. f r t·., Fair mn.nagcr, in commenting upon \\ cek I: MI'. and Mrs. Gilbert Wtdch Tht' estnte of SIl!,for d J. ~ro,,~ . ' this ilkI' year's Amel'ic ~ expositi ans more on, I to and be beld Probat family l1g . Court of Detroit d left a ed, i. xempt from mherl- hC I)llr l t(~. ~ a'f no longer II I H L~ t . elas. on Sunday for th Ir h me alter in 'OIUlIlbu s, August 26-3 1. Bnnk lie I.UUi:VIII', ve''''Ul" .TaIlH' {lilY I u Itle. ,. ~ CII • ",a on \\al! appoint ed tance tax. d "The tatc }o'air ribbon of mer[t I night lowns a sl)endin g two w ks with h. an Itlllil II art Illll 11, "t ul, Gl'orgl' n. e' 'cutrix of the eetate of Mary C. The will of Annie M. ladd('n, ."IJI~( I ,Btl.~ U t ulI .<1t"Y highllay nnd ~rl' . W. W. Welch. 1l" lIkh', I'Hci\' llj' authm·h1.l'd to ell Jl ough, d cea I'd and filed bond ~f dCI'll. d, wa admitte ju d probate 11llt~v~S YOl II ,~e k-end vacatio n Marjor ie Haydoc k and 1\1[" Sadie Reason attende d the '5UOO with suretie . The ex~utrl:r. \I hesl. A certit1 d . copy 01 the entry d b~\t1)B II~ l ~e FI....lay evening birUldllY dtlner given in hondr School class "ere enterl'hC' ~a. (' of Th.. f'lIbri Fire tiled Il stateme nt in lieu of an regu tellnininlC the inherita nce tax on I u.. t,f11l:~I:ti.s ro~ sunoun ding f little Mi tained by Rebecc a lind Ruth H(I"~ o. \-~I. U. Th(1 VW ge of lar invento r'y and apprais ement. the estate of il.ary • Hough, arol Bunnell . de- the tra c dl Esih r Miars Oil Thursday. offer the Mr. lind Mr 'aid sta tement s show that an in- cea ed Is 10 be ' <cerWi~ . SUUUI Leba nOli i:; di ~ fllis G. M. MacDo nald d. without :\pot that ~uPPo!le t' y 's 's prayer nd Jarnily Rpent '1 h CII"(, of 1'h unday with Mr. Mis8 B tty nn Hoclgp of Findnion entr I veut r)/ and apprais ement \\'a delay.' IlIl~Wer lo t Ie va .'~~~~" llvening and Mr . E. , lark mad lay was a gu('st in the Li <' In"lll'1l11c ' bl' Helen H. Eaton, a adlind family o. \' er15U~ Brown mith In the matt r or t.he I' ·tAte or And bet\\" en 110Ine last week. mjnho;lr~tor, and the taking of. a ar'ah L. Bell, deceased, dLtribu - a~d r.~ondaYivrnol'; " ~he victims of neal' Oregonia. L . i'lt<\'l'f l, t 81. i~ JL mi sed. . :l;r 1110. quHoes [1'. lind M! . W. P. McCan n In th(' raSl' (If The Mi mi Valley regular inl'ento ry and appral - Hon of pel'so nal 'Miss Ruby rnith is home ' Il'om goods and cbat- () ~)ol~~n .. Yt.o not the least and daught Builllin a lind Loun er, lIJi s Rh a and the O. • U. ssociali on ement is di pensed wi~. t I is ordC'red. The e~tate is x III :;,.a ~ ttl.A"U re ~t their cOllditio n fr~. Laura hidak{'l' came down ""I"U' J.,hll Pohlabl 'l, eL ai, cOn'tella rschel, guardlB n of R ol- pt from inherita nce tax. B. n. ollett and sons, Robet:t Harry I. ~I U N l °lv r '111 tile cause CI'om . fil d Walhondin.... oh . . llnn HI n, deed lind distribu tio n. ' laud M. Gcp h ar t, a minor, "I aturday h' a~ It WU ~ con rae tod ,. e a Fry, adl1l1nls Smith an<l Betty Ann Hodge Ill\rat r, II "II eo I~ upi. M I t" ext to IJ weddin g evening n!!w and 1111'. and M'r s. In he bond a such guardia n yith plicatio n for a certific ate vf t"anst The oulhel'n ctended th Reds-C ardinals game 0 n gOOlh .~mt· . d '-te Fidelit and th" rhaps anen returne d home on unday 'Ohio ,l\'in~s Bank & Trust 0., The duy (, r II. l1Ia8 . 'c 'IS .... ,,at Cin cinnati W tin clay of last mt.. .. y f r. -. l 'I·, U. 'Thll Juni r Ord r no lime of GuaNin th(' y ty ar anticipa ted eVl'nin~ . Mrs. 0 • . The bond was apnitl'd Wm. E. Hoffer wa ' apPolllt ed wet'k . er and . h . s a" 'he ,'aca- Rh a leavl! lorShidak . . ltl'ator Illerican ~lechanics Llldg t New lexico t f WIt !iUC I1 el\LI Ita l '() No. proved. The >;ureJ:,e on f ormer admmll In," • uC t I [r. and Mr . F. H. Lundy and , 1(; e a e o , .,. \' cation nthu iust W dn sday mornin g. 2\i5, of PI asant Plllin, judgme nt, bond, Fie t Gephar t. and Rosco Anna Hill ebrand, d ceased, dau ghter are visiting relativ 9 in and lIOn $c a!;on. Il 'ominen t 11'. and MI'. Ira Hartsoc k of to the pln.intifF and from the d - charged from all further liability . fll d bond of 1000 with lndiuna and Iowa. sur - nre usually more .. office Dayton wel~ guc ts of Mr. and fendant !l, Warrel l 'I dlenry , F'. Elizabe th Graham , guardia n of ties_ harle sMoor e, Wiley 1\[1'. ant! Mfs. J. L. Montollard Rpcnt a. D \?~g ni . wom:n~ :~fn:;~r tells me l\frs. J oe Davis lind family over Wl,lIne r and William. McHen ry as D':f'd Grah8 m, insane, filed hel' go~ery and J.ohn Butts were ap· the week-e nd with relativc s in :h~) <':~t' ndn , no'. ~nte~tainment Sunday . t II ust e. of the Junior Ord r. th th1l' accoun . German town. pOlOt d apprals el's. "1 t . e' sh save her money sum of 207 .63 with inte:te t. 'l'h,e Da\\ sons II VI! I' turned to The followi ng accountl! were al) h81'les Madd n was apPol.nted ;O'll ~~~I:~~ l'hll Dorcas oeiety held it!! anl"e:1 di~tallc e ellch their h011l(, in hicago after pendIn the case of lara Margar et proved , allowed and confirm ed by exc u or of the e~tale nual picnic at the DeHav<.'n of Anllle I' I others also in"" about Bl"Vant versus Robe'rt E. Bl'yant , a th cour t,. a week d at. . their su mmer. horne umel'Ou b on r eqUlr . Madden , dec I\sed, ... hom6 On Sunday . ff ~ v ral thou tnds of miles in here. di~ r e was granted the plaintif f. Emma L. 0111, executl')X of the ed. \ niter J ordan, noRalph . T_ . Haydoc k with a party of Brookll ' tu t k of leisure i Throug h St,\, rpl fr m here will attend Plaintif f wa restore d to maiden estate of Lafaye tte Dill, decease d. and Glenn P'cllly wel' friends att nded the double heada]lpoinlcll ' to t wto W C ~ mel"'c":s attitud~ Mia mi Q JIlI.terly Meeting at . name of lal"JI Z,farga ret Girton. FIrst, fi na I an d d'Istrl'b" l .u.lve. el' in Cincinn ati on Sunday . apPI·uisel·s. OU H ) yea):! h ' finnlly ~ lire no\ Cuesar' (I'e ek on next aturday I'S a reco'"'ized badga chang d we In th cue of J . Wilbur Earn- Orb L. Brunk, ~uardlan ?f Wel..,.. of honor," frs. \ . . mith wa called to d a~~ut t o llUt piny ~n a pal' wi bart versu John H. Rho-des, et al ton 0_ Hufford , Insane. FIlw.1. frs. Mary Tucker and son, says Ellenwood. "It creatts a , j[min~t n on Thursd ay mornin g Real E . u.le T,an.fe r. 1'k h 't bclon B Juhn, spent. Sunday at the home mand for the products of tbe cause III dismi ed. Gilorge E. Young, admini strator , Thonlal! K Ilnr' nhal't to Elbert WOI"', \\ ': ' . • ~. exhib- of last week by the udden death of 11". John Spray and iter of itors of this eJ(posilion. In the ca of France s A hbaugh of the e tate of Emma D . . Me- M. tanton, 43,025 acl' of It si t _l', M1'S. F.tta Buckle y. In Frank l1 e llr Nelv Burling ton. VQrl.IUs Adorn Ashbau gh, a di"orc Millan, deceased. First and final. 1 Jin wwnshi p. " Ou" exhibito rs ha ve recently 11 5 Mae McKay is spe nding the InLen!!i v" radio Ii$tcner ~ [e clame LIz:zic Grimes and $old Shortho rn c ttle wa grant d fh plaintif f. ustody C. C. Eulass, trustee of the Leora B. Pal'k~r to Frieda B. CCIl. ionally hllar lUI announ cer Maqrar et Faber have r~turned and choice dairy cattleto AustTalia weck in Bethleh em, N. H. tl'Ust cf!!ated by Ite".' even of the Dilatuilh, inlotK os.:!a and of child "'8JI given to plaintif f. to eastern 24 in get I;ompletely out of contt'o l and to th ir homes in aliforni In the ea I' of ora Blackb urn will of George S. Ril y, decea ed. Lebano n. give ome ordinar y word an unu- :p mling om time hel'e. a after stotes. Our swine lIhow ranks veUllS 'Villiam Blackb urn, the de- First_ among the very foremos t in AmerRobe rt J_ Hodgll to eUi Hod~ ~ual twist. On on bl'oadca st OUI' Mrs . J. W. nell ill much im- iClI. Ohio has the wOl'ld's lar'fcst fendan t is to pay to plaintif f as Clara Noll, executr ix of rile es real estate in Deerfi Id townshI p. former presi dent" a reIened to prove<! to the delight of Ask f or a alimon y penden te lite the sum of tate of Peter Noll, decease d. l"il' t ' '\ _ H. 'Ertel to J ohanna L. her many sheep show. Our exhibito rs sell as "Hoob ed Hervel·... One an friends_ $3 pel' we k. He i also to pay $35 and final. heep into every state and to , many Miam isburg Perm anent . Bahlche , real estute in Det'l'iield announ ce!' called vitamin B, everai ladies gather'c d at the foreign nations. Our poultr·y to James E. Burke for plaintiff'1I The will or Eula WatklO B, de- townshi p. .ex"bitami n v.n Anothe r tw~~t d hid home of 1\[rs. Laul'a hidaker on hibitors shi p throu ghout the Ur~lted attorne y fees. C aaed, was fil d in probate . Conc rete Anna L. arr, by admini etrator to n~lI(! 01\ the wOrll ga.o lIIe an Monday evening and njoyed the Stat" nnd to the flve The schedul e of debtl! of A. D. to Elmer Fisher. r a l estate In th(' ase -of Mary Jane Lucu continen s. In blrll'Lecl Air "gas-oSeal oloon." Burial Vault The best evening witb hel' ~fore her vel'SUll Howard W. Luca ,the de- Harvey , adminis t.rator of the es- j.'flinklin townsh ip. "The Ohio ' Stllte Fair present s ll1istak I have recorde d occ ll rl'ed departu re fOI' New tate Mexico of Hannah A. himp, deceasfendan t i to pay to plaintil f the . the largest draft horse 8ho~ For · Sale only by Earl J. Coburn , et ai, toO Loui~e lit LhE' la, t Kentuc ky rby when ev ral of the younge r set Amcrica. This year's show WIll in SUIII of $5 per week for suppor t ed, was approve d. Apking , inlots Nos. 151 and 150 in the announ cer atie mpteo be to have enjoyed a swimm ing ])art.y at largel y composed of their childre n. He i Iso to pay In re the estate of Annett e Rog Lebano n. Your Fune ral DireC tor or hot'ses making the pI'omin nt owner of $25 to Young and Young for at- el'S, dll'cea ed, di tributio n ol a The Ohio Cenb-al T Jephone "sIIY a few word." Hian entry Wayne park on Tuesda y after their first appeara nce in th tan"Iew noon ets i 8rdered . G. Frank Rogers orp., to tomcy fee . C. mith, inlot 2::! words" consiste d olr II huffy, "I Rhea and evening in honor of liss bark arena. It promises to exceed admini strator of the estate, filed in HarveyEthel McCan 'en. McClu re Funer al Home and excel all oth rs, even in thl! bUI·g. beg your pardon . Hie .w~s only a _ _ ___ .. _ _ _ his schedul of debts. lace of the extensive SlIles in r ~cnt Florenc e' B. Kin ~worlh to The ca ual _pectat or, the V1C.ttn1 Phone 7 Wa71l.. -riUe, O. ~f the , New Suit. months of Perche1'OnB and Belgll1ns D. Corwin , an executo r People' s Buildin g, Loan & Savings announ Nora Blnckbu rl) versus William of Clinton cer's mlstak\ in Identrty . the estate of O. W. Brown, de· o. real estat in Leba non. l~' -l;~ -~-::lIj;:--.:~' .~: .~• • • • Blackb urn, for divorce . Charge is ceased, filed hie petitio,n c.' ~ •. _~ ._~. pra~ing People Ek~tric Co., t-o A. • &,1'088 n gl(>et. There ill perhaps 1'!'0 stal' of pr?-'-for allowallce of his clalm agamst J. The cheurer , et ai, "eal estate in minene e on stage, screen O.r radIO "-;" : t' ~;: 'i t Il ():'::~ . :. I ( The Miami alley Buildin g an.d eslate. Petition was set for :"i:t.~ rl:"i hear- M"I ro w. ;.tJ SUC :I I . t I not imitale d by a g,)oclly number LOliO Ass ciation versus TraVIS ing on August ~7, 1935, L'I: Ii I".t s: !.,'_. ,f .'. :.' . I t at 10 A. J. Scheur er, et Ill, to ilia e of aspiran ts, to iame. Barne and The L. G. Anders on o'clock_ They it I'~ ';- ~:l' ~ 1\ .: r ::" ..j , :' .' of Morrow real elltate in Morrow . might note that no 'on matter h ow pel' '0. for nloney and foreclos Harry S. Day, Trea UN!.!' of Olli i~ t:. h ;-r I u. : ~ I The adjudic ation and determ inDani 1 li. G"eath ouse to Johns- f ect th imitato r, the originaJ " clOBur . Am unt claimed i $2905. ation of the inherita nce tax al- tate, announ ce the follow in ~ct"J of r~~:,te:" I r:H!I:!~. I ~ '7 ' on the ton and John ton, inlo No. 177 way~ stays on top. In the 20. amu collecti on fr' o m the sales of pre- Ohb h:IS '.' £ .!d m~. "v Iii ! (" .~ estate of Mary C. Hough, deee~s- in Lebano n. ment world nimicry i . commo n. paid tax l' ceipts: The Hami Valley Buildin g and ed, is to be given to all persons IntJ I-cntu ky ill r :.ll t 1.1'11.': 10Board of Educat ion to Lebano n toe W st, George GlVOt, Za U Lonn Asso iation versus Travis ter ted. Fina.llcial Statem eat This y"nr, t.le l:."r.t i:- 'r ."~ ( . Village School District to Ed. 1\1. Pitts, Gl'etla Garbo, Jimmy DUI"Barnes and The L. G. Ander on Collect ions for week ending uil .entr' ~. in Cl~ ('u :':y , In the case of Verden a Hopkin s ad Myron R. Johnsto n, ¥.z acre : _ ~I ~ in ante and ii few other top-not chers. July 27, 1935, $88&,85 ons 0, for money and fredos· guardia n of Arthur 9.36. Allen Hopkin s Turtlec reek tow{lship. el'enh a~3l1rC3 n t l:l;t out.- t:Jr. .:.:; of individ uality 'f orm the chosen ure. Amoun t c laim ed is $2642.6 7 a minor, versus Art\lur Allen .Colle.c tions previou sly reporte d rllcing pl"o~r m. HopHelen and John Willis to Louise fi eld for th e imperaonathors. ROOT FOR AND CONSI GN Velma ase vel' u Eugene Case, kins, a. minor, et ai, the report H~w- $23,504 ,686.05 . "Alon g \'lith L'lc cpci ~cn fr d' C'of aramell a, 10 acre in Harlan e\l('\', in the music bl'llnc r Cattle, hogl, sheep and cal,,!, for divorce . harge is gross neg- the apprais ers was approve ,copym g Total collecti ons for 26 weeks, tions of p:Hlucl':" licl , rc!::nd Norria- Brock Co. , live ~re aDd d. ~e townsh ip. .::' :. I ill devoid ot any perso ..nal aSPt~ct $24,88 ,646.41 . leet of dnty. guardia n of Arthur Allen lve finn 1...r the blirb_ garden, is prcsented CCI'::l3 cf v:.:. J s )_ pr.lgreu and is reverte d to ~requen y. nion J oint Stock Lank Bank of filed bond of $1500 with Hopkm market price. and rood ..mee. 8 % Discou nt allowed vendors , its of farm implclllor.t:.;, !:ut~ sure I ties am. Allowee r.lO. l l ' u Many band have ctroit versus Lydia Ross, et ai, and is authori zed to sell rea l,y befut $756,53 8.61. estive quipm ;)1lt, nnd the pl'odu~t .. of U,,\o. Stock V.reIa' 0. L. P. C41vett Co., 1600 ga. ,TL. copying Eddie Drec~h~t uc 10 Tune In on Radio Station WeE"! ye Credit Memos issued by Tax m:lny other indu&tr:e.-. for money. Amoun t claimed iii tate. T ., $199.2 0; The Ohio Corrug ated simply because it hml found 12 :211 to 12 :30 p. m. for our daU, 1 84.57. fa~v~o~ The will of Andni~ M. Mb atedden, CUIV~l't Co., S1. cOl'1'u gate d Ckullver r!tc~o~m~m~i~S~i~o~n~~~~~~cOu';;t;t-:~~~~~~:~;, over t .... c:,. market reports . t and is inGdebmand' Ad few t Union Joint Slock Land Bank decease d, was file 10 pro a en l unty ty-Ol1C thou~nd f t!le b~ Y3 .and . $112; Web. Impson , pan umJ an of Detroit , a cOl'poration, versus ar 1'1' h iii Wh a T)'easu rers, $16,608 .36. . oward B. Ander- ber, $9.15; The Oregon ia Bl"idge ngo girls fr om Ohio's far~' lind L.ltj~known as a "hot" band. His mu sic -Burl . ray, e a, or money. son deceaee d, was filed in probate Tax Receip ts in hands of are here combincd n AmerIca . Co., 1 cylinde r of oxygen , $4.50; is now a duplica te ·to that Amoun t is ,3200.9 8. of Guy ounty Treasu rers and Agents leading Junior Fair. The women's C8tate of Lydia E. Shephe rd The Book Shop, blotters for court Lombar do, whiCh evident ly has $10,8,(0 ,844.66 . The Union Joint 'tack Land decease d, is exempt from building will contain inheri- house, $2.40; Carl E. Steeb, Busi- proven more pl·ofitab le. Bank of Detroit versus John R. tance tax. Tax Receipt s in State Treasu .ry, of IIrt from the I afon's leatl~nB' ness Mlgr., County 's shal'C' Agric. Walton , et aI, for money. Amoun t • .. • • $l2,856 ,S65.37 . In the case of Morris L_ Nixon Extensi on work in Warren galleries, craftsmen nnd f~ct'l ~ e3. ounty Strange how Jl%pll~ develop the laimed is $8868.1 9 · Total Tax Receipt s delive:red to Ex.hlbits frem the Ult~ lIl\,erall adminis tl'ator of the estate of Al- $1150.; Wnt. Shotwe ll, service y, s as comic strip habit. I know harles Burger versus Blanch e farctta Murray , decease d, versus janitor Memor ial Hall, $20; Jeff die-age d man who, until a mid- the Treasu rer of State by the Agricul tural EKperimen t Stati(>n BUI ger, for divorce . Charge is Eva 1. Stewar t, et ai, conftrm recently Tax Commi s ipn, $48,974 .226.80 . and othel" slate instituti ons ation Thomps on, luning two pianos, never gave the fUDIIlY. I)Jage a The followi ng schedule showin g up a wonderful education III make ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=========: Memor ial dis. ~al1, $5'; Reif's Electr-ic glance. He i now sUI~b a n enthu- quantit ies ~ of Receip ts re- play." Shop, lamps, labor, supplies, etc. s ia t that his day i never com- ported 'Bold in Tax each denomi nation lor Memor ial Hall, $5.81; Mrs. plete- until he has seen a full Lule Gabbar d, boatd and care count of hi favorit e imaginaac- to July 27, 1936 : ., ry Quantit ;r Gro•• Value Lincoln ' Gabbar d, $5; Mrs. W. C. charact ers. of Sal •• Roberts , board and care W. C. • • • • 692J 177,798 1c $ 6,931,7 77.98 Roberts , $5; MI:s. Elmer Lacy, COLUMBUS (Specil ll)-W i t h One find s a vast Variety of 158,990 ,110 2c $ 3,179,8 02 .20 more than $11,000 in board and care Frank Lacy, $5; whistlin g dUI'ing Phon e 78J 11remiums be· t;he Ln'>'Htrt " 128,546 ,630 Sc , 3,686,3 98.90 ing offered, the Mrs. Oma Osborn e, board and program " 'hen the olrganis seventh annual t b 28,786, 033 6c $ 1,727,1 61.98 Ohio S t' Fnir,..w care Fra.nk 'BaUing er, Vit'gil your musical cooperllUon. Shrill be held 11,873, 876 9c $ 1,068,6 48.84 in connecti n' with the Isaacs and Walter Barlow, $24; fanc), twitters, staccato 85th annual ehirps, 6,266,9 84 12c $ 752,038 .08 Ohio State Mr. Jam s Moore, board nnd care se ldom in tun Fair at Columbus, Au· the Ilpice of the 9,036,2 87 I5c $ 1,356,4 36.56 Lucy Moore, $5; Mrs. Maude pI·Ogt·a.;n fOI' small boys, gust 26-31, is expected to break all lind I'll 3,966,5 78 30c $ 1,189;9 73.40 records "OTAR Y PUBLI C Deardo ff, board and care.Ve rl M~l- admit- -me too. in the number of youthfu l 1, 82,899 6.0c $ 1,159,7 39.40 exhibito rs, accordin ler $7.50; Mrs. Tl-a Eltzrot h board g to B. P. SanN.tlo" .) B . . . - - -- - - - - - 820,411 ,1.50 $ 1,230,6 16.50 and dIes Junior Fair manngel'. care Alice Starkey , $5; Mrs. Howard Sawyer , board and care Will. 941,808 Dra_ ,8.0 • • . E......'" 0 $ 2,825,4 24.00 '''The Ohio S'tnt~ J ullior Fair enlHoward Sawyer , $7; The Book WAYN ESVIL LE, OHIO braces ' practica lly e vC1~y o~'ganrz ~d Shop, 2 boxe ' of rubber bands fOI' The ivle League pi'~nic held at statewid ,26,277 o juvenile ,016.77 group 8 Ifl OhiO. Treasu rer, 70c; E. B. MUI'rell, the school yard on last Tuesda Included among lhese groups <\r 'rreasu rer, 6 pen holdet·s, 2 pencils evening was well attende d and y FOR SALK DATES CALL a separat e divisions for Boys' nnd fol' Treasu rer's Office, 40c; Bell most exce llent upper was enj Girls' 4-H Clubs, Vocatio nal Ar:t'j· Press, 500 receipt forms for Re- cd by all, culture student s, Future Fnrmcr 6 corder, $2.60; Haynes Publish The W. C. T. U. met at the of America, Home I1:conomicil r.nd ing Co., Wigm ore's Code of Evi- home of Mrs. Mar:\, Future Homemakers, G e nor a I dence for Pros. Atty., $7.50; M. Thursd ay afterno on. Several Sehool Shops, J u venite Gr:!nl,;es, E . .Ross, P. M., stamp for Com- membe l'S and one visitor were City S!!hool Gal'dens, Boy 'couts mon Pleas Judge, $6; Sanco present . Plans were made for Stand.rd UIl: of Word . of America, Camp a leire Gil']II; Mod. PI'oduc ta Co., Inc., mop handles , water melon supper to be JESSE STAN UY held in el Airplan es and Farmer s' Institut e A. auld ... Rapid 2 mop buckets for jail, $.11.61; school yard on Thursd ay evening . Posters_ PII••• 110. " _ BarU•• ow. Wm. -H'u/ford , heriff, quarter ly Miss Virgini a Davis, ' of Dayton ~,.llfnt expense , $53.71; Sam D. HelJkle, is hOlne on a short vacatio n. EARL KOOG UR expense s, $28.16; F. E. VanOflen, In cue you're a bit I1u7 OIl your Mr. and Mrs. LaRue refund of Vendor 's license, $1; daught ers of Kansas areCarr and McCuller Speller, tab D.rl- PIa._ visiting a teaioa from Reif's Electric Shop, fan, exten- his mother , M'rs .. -Rose' Carr COLUM BUS (Spccia KEa l) . . . . . . .. The and your telephone operatCl' _beD apellm, sion, plug and lamp, ~4. 75; W .. H. other relative s. Fish and Game exhibit of the J)i. a naml over the telepboM. Mosher, ' Premiu m, on , Bond for vision of Conserv ation W Mr~. Margar et Faber was a To avoid mistakes and _peed up the of the most interest ing ill be III! Dog Warden , $5. guest of Mr. and Ghas. Gordisplays at service, operator. of The Ohio Bell the Ohio State Fair at Columbus, '=C========~=========C==~~=~ Telephooc CompaIIJ and other Belt Aurust 20-31, according to Ea 1'1 li . .companiet we a ltandard, Ii.t of worda Hanefeld, dit'edor of Agri::ulture. In the Fisherie s Buildin ~, adul~ to desiflllte the varloua letter. of the FOR SALa alphabet in aPell~ IIUIIeI and ad- 1lsh from Lake Eric, as well as Gn· ce.rling s and fry from the va riou~ dresses to other operators. Fish ·Farms are exhibited ali"e ill FOR SALE -1926 model T Ford you've c:aUiht your_f II1inI the aquariu m. There urI' mnny coach. Wilbur Foulks, Route 'IN" u in "pneumonia,- or "U'" u Wa.ynes vilJe. mounte d specime ns 8 ..1-8 01 fi sh and CIENC E has given man a voice The new speaker not only carries in HEurope," the foUowiq appro- came-b irds' and animals t og thc. FOR SALE mightier than the stentorian ove! distance $Q9_50 Eltate be)ond the reach of priate. words used by the ~ton with photogr aphs and other form ~ roar of Thor, ancient God of exiating Heatrol a, used two might hel, yOll. . loudspeakers but will peneJear& of visual educatio n. Thunder. • Reallonable. R. M. Andrew s, R. R. trate a din which would dr'own out A N u u in ill AIiee NeDie A new loudspeaker, recently de2 Wayne_IvUle 7-26 8·1-8 'B u in Bertba o u ill Oliver veloped by the Bell Telephone Lab" the most powerful equipml.nt liereC u III Charles P u in Peter . oratoric ., research unit of the Bell tofore available. FOR S-ALE -A niee liDe of boa System, i. capable of magnifying tbe Ule is foreseen for the new' apeaker D u in Quill Qaabr 8tatiOfte17. U aeetl aDd I' ...... human voice a tnilliQn times, and is in directing throng. of people either E u ill Edward R u ill ItGIIert velop" for 16e; Show-P ac. 18 COLUMBUS (Specia l) - Char· sheetl and 1. 81"..lopes tor 10 500 times more pow~rful t~an the too vast or in pre.ence of too much F u ill Frank 5 u ill SuaaeI ordinary loudspeaker 110W bemg used noise for the Or''1maTY G u 10 Georp T u III 'l'bomu aeterisi na the 85th Ohio ~t(\le Fai; eentl: wued paper. wbite tIInat ColumbulI, August 26-31, aJ l paper, pap.r Ilapldna, at ODette in public addrell systems. to be heard. Hullll llary U... ill Utah Over flat terrain, in still air, it can burnin, building., dellie.le<\ real All·Sta r exposition, Earl H OlBct. 1.IoI da . v .. III VieW project intelligible speech a distance crackle of ftamu, J u 1111_ W u fa WD1im Banefeld director of agrklllturl.'. PIPE, ]oureCl:ed. of .everal miles. The voice can be by the giant voice. A I'C""UIIII,K VALVES pointl ~t the following major at I( u ill Kaee X .. iIIX~ made louder than a clap of thunder. at ..a could bellow instruAlt!IClR' Water, traetlDD I to creet vialtora at t .. Lala I.-Ia Y • • Y... II ea. u r e IS at the loud peaker' . distressed crew or to I'air UaIa Je&r: K."~ ~~ .~ mOllth, lOund is about 1,000 timea boat .. In ptaee of th\ -laM loader than the roar at the foot of pie warniq the N...... F.U..








--- - ._ ----

New Burlington








t'; ---

n' ~ disll'~Y

F. o r. Ma rtin Auc tion eer


Junior Fair Big

Cen terv ille, Ohio



--- -...

Qa all ty Pr la tla l



Stanley &Koogler Au ctio nee r.




Co~servatioD Exhibit


Voice of New Loudspeaker . Outdoes Roar of Thu nde r

T he M ia m i G az et te





All-Star Attradions



At Ohio State Fair

a.ll z..





ed and II beillir dlltributed servation controls Puhlic Auelinn oil my farming ('oullty lit •• l'banon Wl'dn('~r1llY ror STOLEN CAR IS BURNED Ohio sommunity leaders. firms leased at variout! chattel.. LMnled ., mile" X. of lu~t \I cl'k. tli. cu'~in(! pl'rlhi('m.. which aided in the 8urvey and to ~orb<. L~se8 will WaYI1l·syiJ] I'. :! lllilt'!I S. of .'pl·ing t·lmr .. .,nlinl!' politicul _ uh<lj\"i,j'lll. orpnization8 interested in beUl!r leRI< all slot machi An Aut()mohile nwned hy rll.'nry \'alll'Yo 'a mil!' W . of It. 11,,11\- th"OIlUiHlut thll >llull' and l't'N'nt ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY gove rnment. A copy will be mail- l'd at oncl', ('om luut" 4:!. on the Mithll{' Hun an;1 I· J::'i~lali"n Ilrr~l'lIn~ them. KinJl. <ll'lIlcl', Lebanon, and 8t 'It'n ed to any pel"llon who \Hites to de ll said. 1I1t. Holly road. on l'hl? rncl'ling \\a~ !Ilt"'lIll!d by fl'otn Lclmllon Saturday night. 011.............. .............. No. IIZ/ at Po.toflIG. at Wa,n..• the Ohio Governmen t, Survey, Tuelday. AUIUlt 27. 1935 S.b..rlp"•• Prlco, ' •.10 • Y_r .111• • 0"10. ~~~::d Cia•• lIall SJlahr building, Coluolbus. ThE' Announcement of thr e changes , B cgit\Oin~ aL 10 u. m. , harp, t()wn~hip ~I'U .·tPN lind 1'!cl 'k>l lo- wa found :\Ionday near Hamilton ~I!th I' with l1l'mbefl's I)f the hOlll'd 'I'he car had be n strippe d and first booklet deals with the tate in Ohio banking institutions wel'e thc foliowin!!: o f counly C 1OIlli:>lioncrs. vil·tuolly de Rtl'oYcd by fir . Tax Commi ion. The second book made here by SamuQ I H. 8quire. One span Mules. heud 01" catAUGUST 8, 1936 let. on lvil S rvicc, will be state superintendent of banks. tie, 35 head of HOg"lI. Poultry. available in about a week and They are: Th e Dollar Savings Feed, FlIrlning Itn plt Illcnts, othel's will follow a rapidly as Bank o. of Nil es wa,s lic(!IIsed to Ham ~s. lloll ~('ho l d G ()od~. pos ible. The costs of prinling and reopen; the Central Saving:; Bank Tnml Calh circulating the pUblications are & TI'ust Co. of anlo ln WIl S cloS(lo(] For pnticu lara aee larae bill. . Suggestions Lo change the Con stitution. in order to give the Fed- being paid by private donations. to expedite r opening; and th(' Thi s i~. nne 11 [ the betit anil e ral Government powers t he Supreme Court has decided it does Bellville Savings Ranlk Of Bell · I:l.l"~r:$t :;\uctillns iu this section Ap,pl'oximately a 33 pel' c nt ville was placed in voluntary fo r :001(0 linn'. Bt' ,.ur(' to aUt'nd. pos~e 8. should be critically weighed by the American people . . Wbethel' We realize it 01' not, it is the Constitution which pro- increase fo()r July. liS compared to liquidation. E. L. II 0 Gil year ago, in t~cts th~ owner hip and t he san ctity of the home. It is t he Constitu. the sa~e month - - - ---F. T. ~lal"till. Auct. tlOn WhlCh safeguards the indepel\dence and l'ights of the worker. It fees paid by domestic and · fore- DR. RAYMOND SLU1rS TO W. C. "mith, Clerk. is th Constitution which mai ntains the sanctity of contl'aCt. And, ign corpol'ations and in mi cellane LECTURE AT CHAUTAUQUA Lunch by Owen s Church flnally. it. is the onstitution which guarantees and supports t.he rights. ous receipts was announced by Secretary of State Geol'ge the libel-tics and the privil~es for which the forefathers of the natio-n D~·. Raymond Sluts. Profe .sor CLINTON MINUS SE RVIC ES fought when they changed America it'om a foreign-dominated colony Myers. The increa ~ ind icates im- of Economics and ociology in OF COUNTY NURSE ·to a free nation dedicated to the proposition tbat all men are crealed proved business and industrial Manchester ollege, k giving s ix conditions, Secretary My 1'8 said equal . lectures on socia l and economic Clinion County is without the Those · who would change the Constitution would do so on the The total received in Ju ly changes i n the world today, at lhe l\'ice~ of a public health nu I'SC $41,909.80 as compared to $80 .uppositioll that it is out of dat that it js no longer capabl e of meetA uditoriurn, three o'clock;, each f01' the fil'st tilll in more than Ove ing the problems, the conditions, the issues of the times. If that is 95!l.53 in Jul y 1934 . Th e report . ·unday. years. . true. human liberty is out of date. IndivitJl,lal freedom is out of date. for the month was Illuch better Th e fil" t lecture was on "MusW. K. Rubl e Jl ealth ulllDr. D moc l'alic government-<wh ich has as its g uiding principle that the than that for any other Illonth soli ni and Fascis m"; seco nd. miSSioner. I' -ceiveJ ;"ord from the ince the first of the yen I' and people are the ma.'lters. not the servants of governmen is out of "Hitler and Nazism" j thi"d, tate D partmenL of Hea lth that b"ought the total f or the January- " talin and 0111 Ol un is m. " date. Private initiative and individual ambition are out of date. Pedel'al fUOlIs' no longer ",ere The three remaining l'e ctures available l or' the . alary of Mrs. Every time we tamper with the Constitution we weaken it. Under July period to $174,12l.22 as compared to $163.854.31 during al'e as follOWS: the existing Constitution, a delicate balance of power is maintained ' era J ohnson Brow n. he has disAugust 11. Mellon and between tho ce ntral government and th e 38 states governments. The the same period in 1934. ar i . continued h(1ot· duties but ha~ not . Federal Government I, enabled to do that wnich individual states Stirring sessions of the board of tnlism. I ' sign ed. August l8, ROoscvEilt and th~ cou.ld n.ot efficiently do- wl1ile the states are left free to make laws, Iiquol' control on the question of 'rhe Federal' Govemm ent )laid rulings, rCij' ulation 8 and poli cies tbat are in accord with the beliefs ana signs advel·ti ing a bran d of New Deal. h er $125 a month the las t eight August 25, Democralcy and You months and county her tl'Uveling needs of their people. liquor, wine or beer ended last 1f the future lectures are as expe nses of .j I~ cents' a mil~ . If we broaden the powers of the Federal Government we shall week when the board ruled that --imply be giving bureaucracy a greater free lind unchecked field for liquor permit holders must re- good as the past, it is worth any action t the expense of thc states, of indu stry, of workers, of move outside signs, wi ndow dis- man's time and tt uble to hear TOWNSHIP OFFICERS every citizen. plays and any object advel·tising them. HEAR TAX DISCUSSION a brand of intoxicant. The ruling PUBLIC SALE . J. Kni 'ley of the state was made in an attempt to enbur au of insp tion and s uper force 8 provision of the state Owing to ill health I will dis- vision of public offic e. addressed liquor law which prohibit~ brew" Detween Toledo and Cincinnati Warren ers find di tillers from g iving continue farm'ing and "II by town ship officials of (:harted for the Benefit of Interanything of value to liquol' pel'!State Motor Tourist as Well 811 mit 'holders. Many aign paintel's Tramc Within the Borders of Ohio 8:00 Music pel'mit holder and brewers' and 8 :05 Ohio's Fir t State Fair. Cincinnat.i, 1840, ......... H. E. Eswine distillers representatives object8:15 Ohio's Expanding Vegetable Canning Industl'y ...... J . H. Boyd ed strenuously to the r uling. Noth 8 :25 Mu ic t o Cincinnati as shown herewith is ing in ·t he new regulat.ion PI'O• 8:40 Making Soybean Hay ... ..... . . ........... , ,.......... J . B. P a-rk hibits a permit holder from erectthe shortest distance between the 8 :50 Which is the More Valuable, Wheat or th New Meadow? two cities. Officials of the State ing at his own expense a ign adZ ...... .. .. .. ..... ............. .... ... . .... .. .. .......... Earl Jon es vertising the fllct that Iiquot" wino Highway Department give the . ArtHicial Device Made by ......... Ed~ Callahan or beer is sold on the Pl·emlses. 9:00 Timely Clothing Hints .... ., ...... .,. mileage saving a s about 11 mi~e8. 9 :10 Music Phon. Engin •• r. Replace. There'll lees trnf9:25 Crop and Livestock Produclion for 1935 ..... .., .G. W . Mill er Ohio has b;;;-;;Ji;'tted $338,000 Real Laryn·x fic congestion on 9 :35 Interesting Featul'cs of the Ohio State Fall' ... Earl H. Hanefeld of the $3.450,000 nat.ional public tne Toledo-Cincinnati Short Line 9:46 Jean and J eny ............... ... , .'...... ..... ... ....... WOSU Players health service work relief fund s During Ihe last five year , modern than on any other highway confor a state-wide urvey of chronic ~==~==~~========~=~====================~ disca e, necting these two cities. There according to adviccs scien ce has restorcd lhl: power of are tar fewer curves (no hairpins) f"om Wa hingOOn. Whi'te-colla.r speech to 2S Ohioans. whose voice worke r will be employed. The organs have been removed because and all railroad graie crossings survey will inclu de a house can- of malignanl throa t in fection s. are exceptionally well protected. Until rccently the removal of a vass in selected rural and urban communities to determine the pre. person's larynx, tbe voiGe box thal By reasoll 01. the s h 0 r t e r valence of a long-standing illness I cnables human s to cre.~le sounds. mileage, less conge tion (both on among the wealthy, the middle left Ihe \·ictim a mute, unable to COLUMBUS ~ Early entries for the official visit of township cla.!i and the poor; physical exam- utter a sound or peak a word. Bul the highways and in tbe commun-ities thru which they p8SS), fewer made by hundred of prospective ~ustees, clerks,. coun~y com mi~- ination in a few instances to the Bell Telephone Labolrator-ies deexhibitors at the 1936 Ohio State st!onerTs a~sdd engl~lleebrs. by trad:- check the accuracy of the canva s veloped a simple little device that curves. and adequate width fair indicate that the ev itt will Ion . h ur ay roadbed and bridges, tb. e go~ernol' s I reports; and a check of medical' givt!s back the power of speech to b one of the largest e.Yer held , day whe n the chl.ef exe~utl:ve and facilities relating Route here outlined is a to chronic those who undergo operations for big time-saver for the the rcmoval of their larynges. it "'8lI announced by Earl B. other state offiC ials WlII. I~ SPec't disease. Only two states, lll inoi Hansfeld, director of the State all . depart!'len ts of the faIr. and and Michigan. received a larger bus y motorist-very probCODlleetil With Windpipe Department of Agriculture. The Fnday , Will b e press day when federal grant than did Ohio. The ably as much as two hours. The device. known a5 the artificial fair will take place from August newspaper~e n from all parts of former gets $425,000 and the larynx. performs this mincle \>y af26 to 51. The re-e tablisbment of the 8t~t:,e Will attend a guests o~ latter $384,000. Fifteen tates fording a mechanical sub titute for AN ALL PAVED the old custom which was praet.le. the fa ll- ma.nagement. On Ladies are includ-ed in the surve . the human organ of voice. It con· day all chl ldJ'en under twelve y HIGHWAY oed two decade}! ago of admitting sists of a l11al\ vibriating reed Strict orders against the opera- mounted in a tubular conlainer. A· all women free on tbe opening year of age w ill be admitted free Choice of Knowing tion of slot machines by places of small rubber hose connelets with an day W8lI annou nced also by Dirpal... • ,...1» The b a c kThe first of a se ries of booklets business at state-owned lakes opening in the user's neck. permit· ector Hllnefeld. August 27 will be Motorists C. J. Winkler with his artificial bone of the ofknow n as country and indepen. dealing with the flndinrs ' and re- were issued last week by Conserva ting air to pass through it. causing Oririnated and ' Spon.ored larynx. ficial RevoluCommissioner Lawrence the reed to vibrate. A n()ther small dent fair manarers' day; WednK commendations of tbe Ohio Gov- tion b)" tbe tionary Trails day, August 28, has been aet aside ernment S urvey has been publish- Wooddell. The division 'of con- h ose on the other end of the con- use baritone pitch inslrumenU. System of Revqlutionary tainer is held in the mouth, enabling The artificial larynx is a by-proWestern Ohio. the user to speak by rorITling words duct of the telephone industry. It Short TraiJ . Marked its in the usual way_ was developed by tdephone enAssociation entire. length Af~er a lillIe practke a person gil1eers who were more interested using the artificial larynx can speak in the sludy of the human voice than by historical almost as distinctly and fluently as in inventing a new speaking device. markers of the Ohio Memorial an ordinary penon. One .of the users. When its valuc as a substitute for Commission_ C. J. Winkler oj Lakewood. speaks a ' real larynx was realized. however, 10 well that he can be understood it was. made available to the public. For additional strip easily over a telephone lor from a In Ohio. Ihese instrulllentli are dismaps or any information lecture platform. He has ialked be- tributed through The Ohio Bell relative to State Parks, fore many large groups Ito demon- Tel.ephoile Company and th~ CinANT to ,et ,IS a . for J Plea sure Resorts. Scenic . trate the efficiency ' of his artificial cin nati and Suburban Bell Telephone Spotl!. His toric Shrines boun' work' .All rl,ht : Apply voice. . . a job aa a ....Dd ho«" OD the or the hundreds of other Company at cost. . .W Mubattan-Weehau\leD Hudpolnta of especial interest Two of the Ohio u~ers W1)men It is e'stilllated tbat there are about Wall JU....r TUDDel. $37,600.000 proalong this route, write and they are equipped with treble 1,500 persons ill the Uni led States IleCt aow UDder conltructioD tty the that cllosely imipitch instruments WILBUR 1\1_ FAULKNER who could use th is device to regain Port of NeW York Authority with tate the natural feminine ·v·oice. Men Iheir voices. . Secretary • . , SPRINGFIELD, OHIO ~:t f::~. you lead awa,. thl. »artle"'r ,1ft horae. examlDe hll ~ental woflc carefully! Althou,h FARMERS GIVE WAN1'-AD fbe, work Ihort hours tor hl,h pay. .and bo,l - tho.e tou,b·. bardCREDIT FOR "GOOI) RAIN" ibolled men wbo work below water· ~e....l wbere tremeDdou. air prealurel bold back tbe rlver-are ,.. Monroe county farmers are 'Qulred by law to wear at all tim •• giving credit to an ApPE!al want. a ba.,.e .00 wblch II printed : ad for the rains which fell last. ; "Port of New York Friday and Sunday night. Just , cOm",.elle4 a',. emp/o.,e. If m before t he paper went to press la st .... ~ h amllvla"ce to Ilo."Uol Thur day morning another de-· Joci at 1I8tl& 8treet 0114 llt" structive drouth seemed just '.Ave"tI/!, Jl"onAatton, or 01 Pier X · at Htltflon Ri ver, Weearound the corner. . lIa.tell." For two weeks lack of moisture I Wh,n worklill uD~er tbe a!lnorand intense h-eat had made rain mal .preI•• rel whlcb are Dece... the paramount need in every &0 keep ollt tllo water In tile cham· li.:.r ' more than 100 feet below tu,e R.qulred by law to 'u",l.h hot cofr•• to compr.... d .11' worker. I....,.. n eig'hbor hood. With most of t he I~-;d terrl'l 011 tbe river'••urface. 1"1 d.oomll ..... lon. lock. tho Port of New York Authority .erv.. bev,,.. preachers oft' on vacation and th e CLASSIFIED ADS COST ONLY lIIe blood become. IUrcbareed .wlth '" th.t·1 "100«1 to ttl. lilt drOll." . Engineer • .• nd .. nd h01l1 blllldln" churches too b.usy with other fllr as It pUlel throu,h the' lU1ll8. now tunn.I, to connoct M.nh.ttan .nd We.h.llk,n. N. J . I.. thi ngs to get rain by the old ' ONE CENT PER WORD. WHY :'let pre.llIre til the aIr chamber '''7. al"" It "ItI the lpot a'to" on.-hour .hlft InS7.pound .11' pr••lure orthodox method of praying for preTentl babbles from formJnc. chamb.r more til... 180 f ••t b.low IlIrf.ce of the Hud.on. KEEP YOUR ATTIC FILLED it. t~re was an emergency with\JUl t as tbe preBlure within ' a botin the meaning of the law. Noth. aftu" emer,lnc troin tbe prelsure hlgber percent.ages of ox· y geD 10 of 1Od. water preve.Dte It from WITH USELESS ARTICLES llulD' until It II IIl1Capped. But If .clllt.1l\bere,'· etate. Charlel L. Cran. compresled all' forma another I!"reat ing remained but a ch(,ice ' bedall, Port AIUhorlt, relldeDt en,l· huardlire. Under a pre88ure of THAT CAN BE TURNED INTO .. maD em...... Buddenly from a tween advertising for rain or blah pre•• ur, chamber IDt~ 1l0rmal neer. "Thll .tlmulatel beart actioD 40 pounde per square Inch. a dcin« without. IDd clrcalatioD. aDd 1.lIeDI· dan,er Uehted cigarette burns out comMONEY FOR SO SMALL A atmolPberlc condlttoDI. the all' The Appeal decided th~ question eompreeled In · bl. blood I. reo of cateblnc cold wileD emer,ln, pletely In a second or two and ordl- by . donating one of its famous COST. :rRY THIS MEANS OF le&lled. and berlDI to form Ih bub- from the w"rm. dam.p atmoapbere Darily IlIl!"btly Inftammable ' ma. want-ads. 'Wanted- A gOI,d l'8in.' of th" alr lock. The collee I. cood terlal goelup like tinder. 'blel. like lOda wheD tbe cap SELLING .AND SEE WHAT .A colfe..-·cood to the last drop·... "In addition to the basic prOOfll»- This was all that was printed. remOTed. F.w '.UllltI.1 tlon ot ,radual decompression. BD.Dd Within 24 hours the lightning was DIFFERENCE IT WILL MAKE .lIIIblol Call......"d... Wbe;, proper precalitiOU are obo bo«a Plust oblerve olber rilles 10 flashing, the thunder W8!I rolling TIl.. bIlbblloa of the blood Is the .eryed. lbe "beDdl" are ....... ' but mlDlbllll!e danger of ·bends·." Han and a skirmish line of radnclouds TO YOUR POCKETBOOK, AS eaUIe of tlaat· unique aftllcUon. the all comrr..led air worken are Orand.11. "Heavy drinking .'" wall hurling moisture int(j' many "bellda." tbe dread Clf all com- lIaltle to "D attack at any hour of Imoklnc I. Itrlctly Ulboo. al al.. WELL AS TO HAVE YOUR pnlled air worken. It. mantres- the d.y en' Dlebt. In all 'be COil- Irrelllliar e&tlDr hablte and lack t'f neighborhoods. On Sund.IY night a fine rain fell upon every Monroe ....081 are muy. rallllq rrom a Ilructlon acUTJtI.. of tbe Port of normal .Ieep and re~t." STUFi'Y OLD ATTIC CLEANED ~ta••erlDc dl.I&IIell to exemelatlq New York Audaortt,. IDcl1l411oa Ute DeIPlte all fll·\.umtionl . bowe\'fIJ. county fa rmer. Praise God from Ipaln wheD tlI_ ... bbleo locI,e 10 0.,,.. W"b~OII BrIdie. tbe hoa'a are oc"ati ionally atrlck ..1\. Whom all blessings fl(/w-and OUT. IT PAYSI he 1 ·-· " . .d occaalo. .1 »aral)'.I, HoUand TuOMI. aDd lIIe 111b- TIle 081y treatment I. to ru sh lhe don't forget the pulUng lI,o_r of lie' " ''''''~ n deeth If tb. braID or aqUeoul work do. . ..,. the Boar4 maD to the hOl pltal lock. wher be an Appeal want-ad.- Monroe Il.,.' , ... li"Clad. of TraD.portatloa .. tie bulldla, II pat UDder renewed .Ir pr(,~su'e County Appeal. Parie, Mo. L . .,: luwerlDe of tb. pree.ara 'of .... taaD." IPi' tile Hew York .lalrob aplia foreea tbe bubbl .. ~ In"' .. .. '1 08It0D lock allo",. tb. n ....,., ua.... Ita.. beell 0111, *»Iutlon In tlae blood. Then I II.'t".ir with.. the lIqdy to 1,t1t.... er ,",ada . .d jail twe ..... .. .,alll decompra••ed Vl-,• . wluaout formatloD of fatallt'" or a toIaI or ••11'1.1.1 .....u.lly to . furmallon ,,' ) or d4Icomp.....101l Bat til• ..,........ ·M ...... "~Itlolla ...... ....... UCIftIda . . tU Bun waat'lI!at Job ",orlelnr ,_.



Should We Weaken The Constitution






Farm lvight 1 alks, A.ugust 12

Mechanical Voice Enables ' 25 ._-Ohioans

to Talk Again

Irs SHORTER ir~':n R;ofe~:



Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol




;Hard-BoileCl Sand Hogs Defy "The Bends" As They Drive New Tun~el Under Hudson









t1e \






I.... .. ........,

"... ..... ........ I of • ,..... ...

'" '.

. . . lOeItrIIIUn ....... ~,., ,In '.I·h~'·II " I ._ o' _~ I ... ·n




COLLETT.McKAY PICNIC 1'11' ~ ixty-n inth annual Colh'HleKay pienir will h f h ld at th{' It'l1 t\1 pi nel' on lIturllay, Augu ·t to ,


ROIl~r!l and tumll)', Mr. ann l'drt;. Bub.crlbe for Th. Miami Gaaette

Shermlln ROlClirK and 1\1111'. r ~ Ed. Norman Bl"o" n of Dayton,

Th i" u 'uul Illnc e wati purchased Rl:' vel'al ~'(, at's ago for these occt\S- First Payment On 1 ~' 3S AAA State Huakin. Conteat, Sd.edulecl FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST I i,) ns und bronze tablets wer e For Pauldi", Count, On Contract ,Waa Madel Laat Carl Smith, Minl!!ter !llounted on I~rge gatep st~ dUI'Wunder Farm Week nified s('rviccs begin ning with Ing th past ! ('! :.____ Th e 193 5 Corll 'F ield Duy and chll1'ch j. chool a t 9 :30 a. m. Corn-hog ch!'cks amou ntin g to servkc at 10 :3 0 a. m . 'lightl y 1I \'C1' 50,000 W(,l'e dis- ~ta te husk,ing conte t are to be BriB, Your Can. tr ibut(>.d in W:\I'I'en cou nty Satur- held on th e Wunder fat'm, five WA YNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH l11i l~ west of Paulding, Ohio, day, Augu,l 3, according to ounRev. G. C. Dibert, Pnst-Ot ty Agen t L ster J , Mi IlE! r , who an - Nove mber I , i t is announced by unday: unday. chool at !J :30 R. D. Lewis, sta le chairn1l1n of the nounced receipt of the check. a. Ill . l oming WOI' hip at 10 ::10. a By Tho payme nt is the i11'st t.o be nnual fi eld day event. ' ~el'mon ubj!' t, l\fceting Th The farm elected is operated .STEPHEN M. YOUNG mud on 1035 co ntl'lllCts in l his Compul ~io n of Life, COngrellm&n At Lar,e counly und I'('presen ts $7,60 per by W . G. Wunder a nd W. A. W (' will als() el ct our layhog and 15 cents J.'I'l' bushel of Black and i s n'lanaged b y the 1'he naLe ()mmitte inve~ti,'Iectoral clelegllle, to the ann ual Walley Agricultural Service. corn taken out of prod uctio n, gating activitie of p ubl ic uti lit y onfel' nc<-", at thi~ me ting . Selec te d f or its ex cellent laymad,) at t his Recoll1J1lended To Kill Bean Payment W8 There will be no uuday v n- lcbbyist obtai n tl "Lartli ng testi- ti me to contract. signer in Gro up ou t f or the contes ts and nume.rou B~etle •. m ny when E. P. ramer, lobbyi,;t inj!: scrvice. u monst\'ations !now being planJOr holding company, adm itte d he I , th ' current di tribution be ing ned, th e farm is convenie ntly Heat Wednesday: Bible study a nd sugg s~ed a whlsP I'ing cnmpaign iliad to GO] of the !l00 contr act eu 8nd arranged to ca re fQr t he I1raye~' meeting ilt 7 :30 p. m. signcrs in th~ co un t y. " d ' igned to cr ate pop ular suspitho u ands of visitors expecte.d to ion that thc New Deal and aUe nd. Th re are 127 acres of specially one new-Dealel'- in- hid ST. MARY'S CHlJRCH cor n a nd 110 acres of space for is eit her incompetent 01' insane." Rev. J. J. Schae ffer, Rector parking on the farm. H e admitled he wn~ ashamed t hat Eigh th un day niter Tl'ill ity, he had sugge ·ted thi part of a August 11, Holy ommunion at prog1'a1ll to defeat the w D II I 0 :30 a, m , and that he had n vel' seen the Geo l'g , Wood, Jr" fo l' t he PrclIident no!: talked with anyone last everal month act ing case who had cen him. ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH " uperviKo t, in the A li en county r e- .- Father Newton, Pastor The new tax bill wh! h is pr o- lief offi ce at Li ma, 'ha,1 been namMass a t St. Augustine's Church posed in the Hou e of Rep l' sontu- ed CIlSe su pervi. 01' in Warren very second and ' fo u rth Sunday tives provides in heritance taxes county, sue eding Miss Faith be-ginni ng a t 10,0 0 upon i n- T omlinson, wh-ose resigna t ion was f the m onth. _or heritance left to others than close an nounced last week. T he a ppointmen t was mad e by Mrs. R. S. Weaver and sons were pon in heritance blood r~latives. ~AYNESVILLE CHURCH OF left to close relatives the lax will Oh io Federal Eme l'g,e ncy R e l~ ef Xenia faiT visi tors t oday, CHRIST commence n t $60,000, T he e- pro- offi cials at Columbu s. The new supervisor entered up · Mrs. A. T, Polinsky was a guest po cd new inh I'ilance taxcs will Carl Smith, Min iste r a t a garden pal'ty in Xenill, Wed bring in e8ch y [U' a hu'n J red on his wOl'k this w k. 9 :30 Bible Schoo l ; 10 :30 Lord's mil li on d oll ul'S or morc in r evenue. nesday aftcl'I\oon. upper, 7 p. m. Chrislian End eav- The proposed sched ule tarts at 4 EASTE RN STAR NOTICE Mr . Lee Griffy and children, of or, lell der Harvey 11 01e ; 7 :4.5 per cent a nd goe t o 72 percent in Evnngdi ti c Sel'l'ice j W ed n e~d a y the higher brackets. Th e fac ts a re Miam i Chapter No . 107 O. E. S Detroit, lind Mrs. Roy Noggle and nigh t 7 :45 hoir practice. 8 :00 it should go to 96 pel'cen t on a ll will meet in . regula r l>ession Mon- son, of Gre enville, were guests of Bible tudy a nd prayc i' senrice. inheritance a bove Jive m illion day evening, August 12, a t 7 :30. A , O. Griffy and family, Sunday, Lead r, C. W. Smitb. Visiting members welcome. doll al'S, It's the social items that make Mary Eamhart, W. M., a local newspaper inter ting-. Fromm, Sec'y. Minnie Secretary or Interio r sought FRIENDS MEETING 'felephon or send them in. Our a mi nor appointive posit ion ShOl'Uy t elephone number is 112. First-day School at 9 :30 a. m. aft r Pt'esiden t Roosevelt wa F. A. A. M, NOTICE Me&ting f or Wonbip at 10:S0 elec ted- that of Commi ssioner of N. P. Blatt and family, formerly Stated comm\lnication of Waym. Indian Affairs. The late cnator of Manchester, are guests of Mr. --'----..... nesvill e Lodge No. 168 F. & A. M. BronsGn Cu tting, a pl'og l'essivla Reand Mrs. O. R. Unglesby and other TRY publican. declined t he proffered Tuesday eve ning, August 13th. I'elatives, before- going on to their ··,NTERNATloNAL iailing brethren are welcom e. new home in New Lexington. OUR CLASSIFIED CCLUMNS cabin et ap pointment to the portE. C. Ct'ane, W . M., THRILLS" fo lio of S cl'ctary of th e In terior Ouldoor Acta V. M, Al'mitage, Se c'y. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Frye enter ~ S.,;o"a' and £ek es, a Rep ublican, st epped From All 0 .., the World ---.~ ------tained with a picnic BUPP l' Suninto th e place. He ha bee n an "in Don't Min th and oute r" most of the time since BURIAL IN MIAMI CEMETERY day evening Mis Kathryn Torner, NIGHT of Marietta and Mr. and Mrs. tben, H e may ~ eased out of the HORSE The re mains of William Julius Victor Carpenter, of Middletown. cabinet at any t ime. Jim Farley, SHOW the Po t mas ter General, may be Taylor wel'C interred in Miam i Mr. and Mrs. George D. Mills the' n1' t to r esig n, If so , it will be cemet ery, Saturday afternoon. to rnanage the campaign for Pr esi- Mr. Taylor, who was 86 years of , and son are dinner guests of Mr. , ,, YO U " OEA~ £ R CANNOT a u "p.LY YOU .... ITm den t Roo!ievelt's re-election. He i age, died at his h o m E~ in Center- and Mrs. J. P. Fromm this (lvenGA.LDW I N LItI.aA"TQR •• • • ''''0. .A •• .... ... .. c a.,,.,, IQKT I.a . ... . . . ... LO W!." Ut..o""rDRI'., IN.Do ing, today being the birth anniverstill the President's right hand ville, Thursday mOl'ning. • - - ..- - sary of both Mr. Mills and Mr. man on all questions of practical Fromm. politics.

Veterinarian OHIO

WAYN E VI LLE, Phone 93

WaYlle.vllle, o.


Straight from

AUGUST 9-10 TIM Mc OY, in

6Se per Gallon


Large and Small Animal Work

T Theater

Miami Fly

Dr.. R. E. HaIstead I .

_ _ ._


Ridin' Wild



Cary'l Jewelry


Lebanon, Ohio EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING U.",. Only C":nuine Material.

Prompt Service Slore open until 9 p. m.


WORK BLOC ANESTHESIA' All Kind. of D_lure. Made Repair Wo rk DODe Quickly lIIain St.





TlI e co t of a fun eral service is entirely decid ed by t he wishes of our clients. Their choice of a casket Bnd necessary accessories is i,lfiuenced by no attempt at salesman ~ hip on our part. We fo llow their desires closely, and k eep the total cost to as moderate a figure as their choice dictates,



ff.H.STU8BS :Jiuuwd 'J)iIu!ctdz. P.H0Nf:

----- - --




enatGr J oe Robinson, of Arkan sa , is an outstanding lawyer tUJr--+-=.:;-:..legi lator. He is Democratic ori"ty leader in the -unTI:ed tates nate. H e will probably be nominated by Pre ident Roosevelt f o), appointment to the S upreme Court if, and when, then. i1'\ 8 vacancy. enator 'Robinson is a bitter foe of the Louisiana "Kingfish"; neverth less, because of his pos it ion and pI'obable elevation to thA highest judicial office in the wOl'ld; he needs mu st comport himself with some dignity. This fact may be a liCe-saver for Hu ey. Recently, when the Pres id nt's tax message was being r ead , Huey came over to Robin son, put his arm al'o und the n1!\jority l(lader's should el' and a sked : "How do you like it Joe?" "Go away from me o¥ I will black your eye," growled Senator Robinson. The Kingfish (fased away but in a few minutes was again attempting to embl'ace Senator Robinson. "How is it going now, Joe," he said. '~Lay off me, or r will black both yOUl' eyes" hissed Robinson.


Abraham Lincoln in the dark hours of the ivil War took time to write a letter to Mrs. Bixby. Recently the President of the l!nited States wrote a bouching httle letter to Miss Charlotte McNary, expre sing hope for an early visit and congratulating her upon bel' great good luck. Senatol' McNary is the Re publican leader

What Some EditOf'S Say The Londonville (0.) Timcs:The idea of the telephone ~rl al an unlovely and CJtaliperating creature is one of the quaintest of contemporary illusions. Her patience and urbani>ly in the face of in,olence, wise cracks and excessive expectations seems to be absolutelyl saintlike. It is superhuman. To be blamed by loud voiced strangers for errors not one'll own, to be held culpable for al\ the fallibility of man-made machine, to be spoken to sternly &y office boys and bootleggers, to be talked to habitual\y like a fish wife and yet alway. to reply with a swett "Number, please?" "Thank you," or "I'll give you information"-that is a brand of self-control and miraculous civility that is wholly amazing to an ordina1'Y mortal. . ' . ' Instead of sending' girls to "6nishing" schools, perhaps It would bo better to let them be telephone operatorl for a while.

==============...... in the enate. He and Mrs. McNary I'ecently acllopted a tiny orphan baby gir1. It is not noteworthy that ,a harassed President found time in a crowded anxioulS workday to sit down and write in long-hand a letter t o a little baby.

Governor Davey Invites All

To Ohio State Fair


dwability and exquisite design ,-the hiahest ideal. in plated ware-are asSured in epoooa. forks, and fancy lervin8 pieces bearing the RDowned trade marL

1847 ROGERS BROS.~~pt 1\er. are \'arious make. of silverp1ated tableware

_iii·....are claimedlack the ~

Last Gentleman


....- ...---





Moderate (,ost



to be "just .. goOd." but.

beauty and wea .

...liiIdwithtbeo....laod pnume

like aD


1IIt1~~:!'IJ_llDo'WD.U"SilHrPIaNt1iiu W....6 ..••


COLUMBUS (Special) - The just issued a formal invitation to · Ohio State Fair of 1935, to be held . the people of Ohio to support the at C.olumbu8, August 26-S1, will Fair by their presence. "Each year the Ohio State Fair presents in dramatic manner the ' continu ing progreSI! and achievement of 1II0rc than 7,000,000 people," Governor Davey says. "It is not just a great a,g ricultural anel industrial exposition. It is a symbol of past, present and future glory. "Many 'thousandl! of people attend this expositielO annually iD ordl'r to 1eal'n of' Ohio's develop. ment in agriculture, industry, com.· merce, education and art. The Fair is one of the laflrest and mOlt intcrestini held i:n America be!cause it reflects ac,eurately the accomplishment. of a leaelin, Itate. "As Governor, I to pay par. ticulat tribute to tho.e who cooperated to make 198tt-Fait the ~eateat of all. hay, pel'of mat: formed a pubUc worth.


an thOle 1 extacI


"World's Greafe" AgricuUura' • Exposition" .

Thtll'. ' somtlhin9 doing &very minule

of the day and nisht to info,m and cntc,tain eve,y member of the family, You 'll have the t im. of yo II, lif•• You'lI be proud t9 inlpect the wondell of Ohio in .griculture. horticulstoc~, education and flnc Be lure to come to the 8,eatllt of Ohio's Stat. Fairs.

.rt.. live tu,.,



'!iI. W.




- --..



Mrs. Therle Jones and son spent Thursday with her parentS'l Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Nutt, near Centerville, _ Ml's, Wilbur Foulks and daughter, Mrs, Elmer Groves, spent Friday in Dayton. Misses Ruth Bu-rnett and Mary Adams are spending this week at. Camp Hook near Middletown. M~'s, Rowena Zartman, of Xenia was a dinner guest Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. lark. Little Nancy Williams, of Dayton, is making ' an extended stay at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Thompson. Mrs. Ada Chenoweth of Centerville, is spending this 'Week with Mrs. Meta Rogers. Several from here attended the opening 'of Mrs. Raymond Davis' beauty shop in Waynesville, Sat urday evening. Mr. Harvey Burnet spent Monday and Tuesday in Columbus. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Kurfi s 'and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. TherJe Jones and son, heard the amateur h-our at the Colonial, in Dayton, Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick and James Haines visited relatives in Jamestown Sunday. MIr. and Mrs. Le~!l ie Gray, at. tend~ the funer..l of the latter'. uncle, JuliulS Taylor, at Centerv ille Saturday afternoon. The Ladies Aid met Wednesday afternoon at the home· of Milll Ruth Reeder on Route 78. Mrs. Earl Shinn and Mrs. Carl Duke assisted the hostess. The r oa!! from Lytle to the ·north . county ' line and s outh on t he Township road 'Wall given a coat o:f oil Tuesday. , Mesdames Margaret 10hns, Edna Burnet and Jessie, Longacre attended the garden club Wednesday, at the bome of Mr. Ernest Butterworth near Waynesville. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet were Sunday dinner guests of the lattel"s uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. John Hayn er and family at. Westerville, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Thompson were called to Dayton Thursday by the death of their daughter-Inlaw, Mrs. Roy William!!. They also attende-d the funeral Saturday afternoon and the burial at Woodland Cemetery. Mr. and Mn. Cl)!de Mount and dau,hten of Da~toD were Sunday evenin, euelta of Mr. and Mn. AU,n Emrick. A lara' concourse of Nlatiy.. and friendl attended the funeral of Frank ROlen at hie late telideDCe Saturda, aftel'lloon. CODIIl1etecl by Rev. carl Smitll of the cbll1'C11. Int..ent

Comfort and Beauty It is a long tep indeed from the black~pl'P.l:ed hearse of twenty-fiv~ years ago to the beautiful funeral car of toda.y. The streamlined, smooth-riding funeral car is a striking example of the adancement automobile design has made in the In t few years. .' The finest vehi cl s compL"i e our rolling tqc¥. Realizing how important comfort and perfect mechanical condition are, we maintain only cars of the rno t modern design. These are kept in flaw le s condition . and handled by highly-trained drivers. In this way we are assured of comfortable, tr.o uble-free traJ1 portation for OUr clients. Fine motor car are but ODe of many feature . A close inspection will l'eveal ountless details carefully supervised to insure a beautiful and impre sive funeral service at modest cost.

'J ., E. ..oae,

Wa),ae••llle, O.

You profit two W.VI when YOII . . . . yow .... with A..lean Zinc Insulated Fence. yCMI to ..... cropI . . ..Ieet th... "on the hoof" at ..... prlae to proIKI


trOwln , crope-to Ina.M ,.....,....

c- .. end I...

Iherou.U..... . We have jUlt received a Dew car of this fence. .

w. H.


Eighty-Seventh Year


NEW WHEAT PLAN SAfE fOR fARMERS I an~ar::~u~~~kad~~;~ehdoet~ac~:~; CHESTER DAVIS SAYS da.hee~~~i~~, ~~s ~I-


AUGUST 15, 1935

Whole Number

Fnlnk M. Fox, New Postmaster, 'fakes Char~e Friday

AAA Head, TeU. How Amebd. menta Meet Ad""e Court Verdieta

ANNOUNaMENT OF SERVICES AT mE CHURCHES SUNDAY WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH Rev. G. C. DiJ>ert, Pastor !Sunday: Sunday school at 9:30 ., m. Morning worship at 10:30. The ermon 8ubject will be, "The Windows of Lile. 11, Monday: The O~al Board will meet at 8 p. m: Wednesday: The Ladies' Aid ' oaiety will hold an all day meeting at ' th~ home of Mrs. Dallas Boger. The F ourtb Quarterly Conier· enee will be held at 8 p. m. Dr. COl,llter, the disrict superinten~ dant will speak at that time and also conduct the businl!1! of the conference.


fR lEN OS YEARL Y W eune, day, AUl1:u,t marked th " ighty-fouI'Lh b il'thday Illlivef' MEETING IN SESSION of Amanda during the we ek p. he has re o ceived vi: itN from who \1 ' WILMINGTON La exten d . congratulat ioll~" ~ary



a free·hitting fair with the hoe Factory gettmg off to a niee lead in the eal'ly inning. In the sixth, howeve r, twelve of, the Pal'k lad s batted to put the local team out in front where they stay d for the rest of the game, Next Monday evening the Lebanon Democrats wi\) meet the Pork team at Wayne Park. ThE" game will be called at 6 ;8 0.

l\1uflit and


l'I~ lativel!


M I'. and

Mrs. Let:! MOlTis, of Daylon, and Mr, and 1\Ir. , Lyle AI -xandt'l', of T oled,:. wpre h s. &l atTiL s _uppet' ~ue8tR ::laturday and on Tu ~ duy her n phew Georg Hamilton; of Day on, accompun ied by MI'~, lJa mi lton anll. their dllug hLel', ~lrs , J erry J'oncs, I,:I)me to wish her many h(~ppy I'Cturns,

WAYNESVILLE POSTOFFICE Jo'l'unk .\1. FII:\ hu~ been 8ppointm l po tmaster at , ay~csvill " hi- cOll1mis,'io n having a I'l'ivud Monday I1IlOl'lII n K,

1\1'1:. Emerson Mason was in Day ton, Monday,


M'I's, E, F , Eal'llha:rt spent Wednesday with MI'S, Lester Kenrick at Ferry. Mrs, Jack Ke'l'sey has returned home aiter a ten , days outing in Michigan.

= = ====:;--====::;;:=--

Mr. and lWrs. Raymond Co!,)ner and Mrs. Sarah M~rray 'W I'e Day. ton visitors Friday.


Miss Ruth Gearhart, of Dayton, i vi itin~ her sisler, Mrs_ A. H, Stubbs and family. Mr. and Mr . Vernon Groppen· bach er spent Sunday with rela· tives at Geol·getown. Miss Marth a Jameson, of Leb· anon , was the week-elld guest of Miss Anna Lee Crane. J, 1\1\. Earnhart, of Lebanon, was an intere ting ca ller at the Gazette office this morning.

Ma ter ltichard Williamson, of daughter Dale r turned home last with his grandparents, Mr. a.nd M~. H. H. Williamson. It's the !roeial items that make a local , newspaper interesting. Telephone or send them in. Ollr t!!lephone number is 112. Miss Verdena Fox and her guest Miss Roberta Gebbart. are in Tristate camp a t Miami Valley hautauqua, this week. Mrs. D. Rus ell Salisbury arrived home Sunday after a pleasant vi it at the home of her sister, Mrs. William Michener and family in Pittsburg. I Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Linn and Daughter Dale returned home last Friday after spe nding their vacation in Michigan and Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Sherwood and children, Mildred and Robert of Kansas and Mr_ and Mrs. Ed. Je.ffrey and son, Robert, of Oregonia were guests of Mr. and Mrs Raymond Conner and family a part of last week.

ST. MARY'S CHURCH Rev. J. J. , Scbaeffer, Rector Mr. and Mrs. Raymond William Ninth Sunday after Trinity, son and sort Robe-rt who were August 18, Holy Oommunion at guests of the former's ' parents, MI'. and 'Mrs. H. H. Willial11son, at 9:30 a. m. left Mopday morning for th eir home in Cleveland, where they ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH anived safely, Father Newton, Pastor M~, Clifford Archdeacon, of Mag at St. AUl(Ustine'& Church Dayton, spent Friday with · her very second and 'fourth Sunday mother, Mrs: F. H. Miltenberger. f the month. Little Robt;rt Archdeacon , after spending a few days with his retul'ned home with lWA YNESVILLE CHURCH OF grandmother, bis nlother. CHRIST R. T. Monger and Robert RadOarl Smith, Minister cliffe, of Tuscola, Ill., who are 9 :30 Bible School. Lesson text vis iting relatives in and around "Martha the Home Maker"- Luke the county, were dinner guests, ' 10.38:42; John 11-1-44; Special Thursday, at the home , of , t he duet, Pauline Woolard, Barbara former's nepheW' and wife, Mr. Haines; 10:30. Lord's Supper; and Mrs, Clifford A'Tchdeaeon, ' in 11 Sermon by C. ,A.. Williamson, Dayto'n. 7 p. m , Ghristian Endeavor, leader Miss Harril! of Ferry Churcb. Mr, CHarles Spencer, of Sprin~­ 7 :45 Gospel message, C. W, field ,one of the new members of Smith. ' the teaching staff at the high Special musie, Lucy Emley and school building, was in Waynesville Saturday in quest of • place Sarah Else~. ' of residenee. Mr. Spencer's mother expects to accompany him FRIENDS MEETING to 'Waynesville. Flret-day School at 9 :80 a. m. Charles Prater, of Hollywood, )leMlne for Worlhip at 10:80 California, is viliting his couliDI, m. Mrs. W. E. Cornell, Mra. H, A. Cornell and MIT. Harry Prater. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST This is Mr. Prater'. ftnt viait Carl Smith, Mlnaater here since he left with hill parent. Unlfted ,e-mee. beslnnJne wIth for K8Ileaa ftfty-oll'& years ago. cbureh ;eehool at 9 ~80 a. III. He i. a IOn of the late Job Prater. eemce at 10 :80 a. III. The home of H. H. Williamson and family wu the acene of FORMER MINISTER HERE happy famil, latherl~1f on day. Mr. and 'lin. Raymond WilC. A. WillialDlo1l, of Scottdale, liallUlOn and IOn Robert, 01 ClevePenn" wUl preach Lord', Day land, Mr. and lin. Harold William mornine at 11 o'clock at OIIureh lOll aad l~ IOn Richard, Ill'. aDd af Christ in Wa1fteavUle aDd 7 :.5 111'1. L O. lkown. of Da¥toa, wer. )I. IDa at tile Ferrr Cll1l1'eh of tb. clinner C1Iriat;. WIW..... a former allen ..en lin.

-_ ..._---

... ..




A 1,I1!U~t 12 ,

II', 'F IIX i~ II native Warren count-ian, F o-r many Y Ill'g hid ha s bN'11 n sutce ~Iu l school tcache ... He \\a8 gl'ant·\I 11 lif , ct' rtilicut e and (01' eleven yeal's taught in th' Merri ttstow n st hool~, T signing to tllk c up th ~ p():tm a ~ tership hefe , 11 positilln for which h , is ubly fiite d. r.h. )o'Ol( u. :u mes ' harge }1' I'ida mOlning, Mi 8s Lucy c.;ml ey, II'h fill' seventt'en yeal'1l ha~ bl'en the g'c nial and nbliginlt(' a ssistant in th postofiice, will be re tnin l!d in th UL positio.n. Tha I' ' titjn)7 p u tmastel', Ros 11. Hart llCk ha e!'veu Lhe Iiall'on~ 1110 ~ t effici ntly dul'ing mort; than lhl'i'e tl'I'm" II r ceiv d Ii is first commis ion August 24, 1 H2:!. se rving ,under Pr esident Harding, :oo litlgC' and Hoover. Aftel' a two week vacation 1\1l', Hartsock will lake up his dutil!, RS 'l'reasnrc r of Warren ounty, having been lec led to that offi Ce lust ovember,


Ha rl'is MosAel', grocel'Y, i having hi week,



team 10 to 9 at Wayne Park Mon

I n announcing last week that the ne w wheat contract would call for a reduction from the base acre age of 15 pel' cent, Chester C. Davis, admin istrator of .the Agricultural Adjustment Act, assured farmers that they need feel no hesitation about signing tbe new con tract lIec,auBe of court cases pending which involve the adju tment act. Davis gave seve ral reasons (or this assurance. He said the n ew amendments to the adju truent act a s passcd by. both Hous 8 of Con, gress, specifically enact the rates of the proces ing taxes, thus meeting fully the ques tion of delegation of legislative power. Absence 01 this provision ' in the original act was deci ive in every ins tance in which lower courls hold the pro· ccslli ng tax. unconstitutional , he said, , The new contract permits t rmination by the secretary of agriculture at the end of an y year and allows growers to with· draw at the end of the first two years. This provision, Davi said, is ample maehinery for ending the program in the event of an adverse decision by the Suprem e Court. Davis said signers will be fully protected a!\ tQ eompon ation :fOI' actual performance of complianee with the contr~ct, up to t ime of termination. ' "The governm nt would have both a moral and' a legal obliga. tion, to compensate farmers for performance up to date of !luch decis ion," Davis aid. "The govern n'I nt, in fairness and h onesty, 'Would pay, and leplly would be bound to pay in full for the-ir com pliance up to that time, butnot be· yond that tim·e."





Plan have just been comp lct d for th s con d Annual Cent rvill e ommulltty Gurden Party tv be On Wc4n esday, Augus t 7 tllc held at the ellt 'l"VilIe ,('hool W. F. f. S. met at the home of roundl$ August 15, 16 and l7, MI·s. J. B. rabbe with MI'S, from 6 p. m . to 11 p. m. Ruin 1)1' K nneth Hough and Ml' . Wilbur Shine, L L ted below i.' th e resu m of lark as i tan~ hostesses. th e a ttl'Hction : The meeting wa opened by Each night a band conccrt will Binging "Ble t b the Tie that be l' nd .red from 8 t o . p. m. by B,ind s," Mr!l. Day eondueted the lhe C ntel'yille High chool ummel' Band, Imm edi ately following devotional exercise. During the business session, }[rs the band cone ('t, dtancinv; in th e moonlight will bc~ offcl'ed at Mary ross, Mrs.. J . W, Whi te and popular pl'ic , VOl' ious outstandMrs. D. C. Ridge were appointed ing !eatu1:es have been IltTanged to nominate officers for the coming for each night, Thursday night year. will bring forth a l~at riotic page. The following program prepared anL dealing with the discovery of by Mrs. Cros was then rendered: America. Friday nil5hl, babie s up "A Moth ers' Love," to foul' years in ag,~ com ing from Read;'ng, Mrs .• H. H, William son, all over Southllrn, Ohio, will huv Mlusic- Raylon Crabhi!'. an opportunit.y to participate in a baby fashion show, Saturday night Music- Wilma Dibert. Reading -,- "Only a Thorn," a style through th ,e ag s parade Mrs. G. . Dibert. will be given. Those \"ishin~ Reading - "A Letter From things of culinat·y . naturc wil1 Marga ret Hees ," 1\I1'S, Trueman have ample opportunity to sample War dlow. ollle of entexville-'g famous home Steward, hip Pl'ogl'um- Mrs. A, cooking. Games of all Vlll'i -tie K. Day. "ill be in attendance, these 'games The eptember meeting wiII be being I'un by locall p 1'80n , Th re held at the home of Mr_. F . U. are' many mOl'e attractive concesLeMay. sions too numerous to mention, Beautiful anti Ilttrl,lclive pdze IS RECOVERING will be give n away as the I>rogl'am prog ress, the gl'and trr ize of , Th(! eight.year old son of C, W, these p\'i2es being an eight piece Smith, of FelTY, mini ter, of the bedroom suite. All proceed go to Ferry a nd Wayn esville Chul'ches the Centerville High cbool Band of Christ, is recovering in Mc- and it is h oped that rain 01' shine C1eHan hospital , Xenia, after an ', crowds will floek to the chl)ol appendicitis operation. grounds, =c===================-~~


LIfE MEMBERSHIP .TO CHARTER MEMBER At the 'regular meeting of Miami haptel' No, 107 O. E. S. of the Montlay night, menlbll' chal>t ' l' hon ol' d Mrs, Amanda Maflitt by pre enting her a life memb ership . Mrs. M'affitt if! a chart l' memb et, of the Ordel' Bno obs l'ved her elghty·fourth bil'thday anniver ary, on W dnesday, August 14. Also nt this ses;io n Mrs, Dan ollett WOo taken into the chapter by affilliation.

Iiss oOI'oth y al>le, of Dayton. is visiting seve ml day with Mi s' Elizabelh Mull en, Mr, anli 1vlt-s. J . . artwright, incin nati , vi ited relutives and fl'ien Is here, atuTday. of

Misses Elli.



and Mrs.

M.iriam an.1 Frances dinncr guests of MI', i1b ert F'rye, VX edn llday

Los Quilt top, Sunday mOl'n· ing, Finde-r pleas leaVe at postoffice and receive I'e\nrd, lr, Hn d Mrs, Will Watt, of Franklin, were guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gcol'ge Hart ock unday evening. William Smith Jt',. a nd Ott!) Bl'ates, of Toledo, were g uests 01 C, E. Anderlion and family, ovel the week-end. The many fri end of Miss Tl'ill nn Edwards will regret to 'leam that s h is ill at he r home on Third stl'eet. The annual union lI"Ie ting o( Wayne>;ville, Lebanon and Franklin Farmer' clubs was held this afternoon at Wayn e park.

M1". and II'S. Thoma ollins, " VACATION PROGRAM" nee ' B rthn Kenrick, of Daylo n, on Waynesville PLANNED FOR GRANCE were calling fricnd, Saturday evening. ' The following "Va~/ltion rl'o}o'rank E. Fox spent las,t ,,,eek in gram" wilt be given atul'duy, August 17, at Farmers' Grange. Pekin, Ill,. visiting his son Marion who ill ch i f chemist at the F leisch Music--Julian rabbe, Reading- Mrs. Philip Ltll'fick. mann yea t, plant in that city, 'l'alk - . L. Duke, MI', Rnd MI' • J. B, Gons, Miss Music- 1al'y Mos~, Louise Henderson nnd Mr. Al Reading- M iss Ruth choel I' were incinnati vi itor Pantomime - "The aturday afternoon and evenin g. Trip" j Mrs, Franceo;' Brannock, 1I1i Frieda Harvey, Mrs. Dern 0, J. Edwnrd , J . W. Edwal'ds Jones, MJ's. Lena Hal't.sock, MI·s. and Miss M,ary Leah Edwards, of ,Reba BratJdock, and MJ", Gilbl'l't Springfield, wel'e guests oC Misses PI yeo 'l' rillena and Murgll1""t Edwal'CIs --- --~. --on Sunday. SPECIAL MEETING MI·s. W. P. all blll'Y an,1 son lark , accompanied by Rob pecial communication of Way- Roy, Ii ttlc son of Mr, and Mrs . ne ville IAdge No. 163 F. & A , M. Ru, se ll Benson, reLurned home Tue day e, 'ening, Augu t 20. Ir m Cleveland FI·iday. Work in the Entered Apprentice degree. . MI'. and 1\[1'8, A. H , tubbs cn· A full attendance is ul'g d. terta ined lust Thursday evenin g, MI', and Mrs. W. ,E, Stl'oud, Mr. lind M,'s. J. P . Larrick and Mr, nnd Mrs, IallJh,



OHIO-------~-IMi.Misses I He

(!'JtU:t, U."

Betty and Ruth -Su- rg-ess

of Mt, Stetlin~, who have hoen guests of Mr. and M1'8. J, Q, Gons


accom pani ed by MI'. a nd Mrs G on ~ returned to their homc, Sunday, Miss Faye Kell y who rEcently sold her property on the cornel' of Third and Tyler stre et R to Mr, and Mrs. E, L. Hough, ha' purchased the Madden home Harv ysbul'g. Mi ssc Lola and EI'ma Sear, John Sears and Harvey Hole are repl'esenting the lollal Church of Cht'ist in the TI'i-State Christian S rvice camp at lliiami Valley lhis week.

Wilh 1I lill lli

bllrst III

~ I»c ll . llll! I Uillu I

: all III mll!t? I' I II 1111 1l1""1I II II {\lI 11 I!C(.\ : fr olll tile ~ II C1t'1 of tile tOl'e~1 tu· I

."al'.I ~ Ih e 101; calilll ill Ille liny CI ~e al his h\!els rol·

",'~ul'llI !l ..

,""'cd ~Itva ·e I IIC\J:lII~, .,



0 1111111J1I5

Tlw "ullin, 1\1, la l'gel' lImli a good; ~Iz .'d Ilvllll; 1'00 111 10 a mod I'n h uul>c. tsel'Vlld' a~ kitchcn·tllnlll\:l'oulII ,llvllll>·l·oum, lIed.rOlllll {or tho 'rll "~ "I'U" I Oil II 111'fielll Ire f Bill Ilv J " ~" ~~

dllllr, It, :;tuoll Ill ul'e

i \1 1111:

, W S Ill! d rOl' bOllt cook'ing 11111 wile, ullII II "llll!; On th' wall Ill'" mUIlSar,,' "' Ithlll Illc ;;h .'llcr of til .. kcl , p"wdcl hortl, o/ndl" 1II0l<.l lind ,n'~k ."tiII s, lhl! IIlUllccr llu~ I l(.:d thll i.:'I~~II:lv~II~I~~:II:il! III t~~re.~:~~~ nunl" .. r hl ~ lUll!! mil Itet 'throul\h I II Il A ", hllI'P, rl!u\J'II<: 1II0uel!, II. lliU'1 of " 10011 lillIe .ill< I C I he (a III i1y '1111111 11 \., ,, 111111 ulltl 11111'

", 1,,( "Icllu Ul:~ "1 hllal>! allll lh .. !lldullI.. ~ Iullk g\lclllly ,,\':1) III thl! l\Iu~elJlIl II pIOII'"' ' o'ulllll. bllllll .. 1 111 UJ;\U Y 11Ill'~ t , 'vllct:Ultll Itr 10 lbv ' ..lit ...... h"III" "I th" ! fIO'" \\I ul/nd" hult, 4.r~, Miller I~ ...... ul I h .. I h,,' I"II 1111 .., IIhlo b, lh" ,.. II&IICJllaIlU. "",blhll.. "uri, I 1t.1I 1I0)':.lurl(lUII.



. . . . III...""

,,, ....

Itt tile 1.1t.


II" had

Colull1bull discover ed Amorlca Incl'lId d in thlll collllCllDI~ arc lit. CI'all)' pc(!ks or fresh waleI' pcarl!J. sLolle we:J.pon' ~11 t1 loola, beautlfull, carved pipos ' and lIl'listle OD oa, plalc , Tho Museulll albo hOll s s tbe 1:11l1i1 mural ~ whlrh were a r :!lure "Of Ohlo's exlli blt Ilt llle CCllIury of Progress. The Il ls tol'ica.1 Museliln Is by 00 means lh e only a lll'a~tio ll In aDd UI'OlJlltJ olumllus. 10 the dO' ItMelt I s I he century old capitol.. with It6 co llecllon or Civil Wa1l31l5 , a line al'l museum. amu.. men! lIllrk~ and American Aaaoct. lIolI baseba ll, Wllsi of Columba fore

I'''ur Huule 40. I .



l.IIkt!. " ""I tv top 011' a 1111111 VIKIi 10 the cupl'" cit,.


The second annual picnic of the Miami Valley ooperatiV'c Producers Association w~s hcld at Triangle park, Dayton, today. Hal'vey Ml Burnet, is 'vice pre ident of the association. Harol d Risinger, who has beeD II guest in the home of hi s aunt, Mrs. Fred Gom;, left Su nduy fOI Alb el'ta, Canada, w h e~'e h~ will visit bis father bdore entering his sec'o n d yenr at Miami university, At her summer h omo near Dayto n, MI1I, I. O. Brown entertain ed a gl'OUp of fl'iel\ds SatuI'day aftel'lloon, her gue t list including the following local pe ople: Mrs. M . ... Weltz, Mrs, J B. Gon , MI·s. E. C Orane, Mrs. A. T, Polinsky, MI'S, Jack Kersey, Mrs E. F. Deppe and Miss Doris Hawk e,

World Peaee, Reliriou. EclucatioD And MI •• ion. Have Pla_ On Pro,ram Wol'id peace, l'E'ligious educa.ion and mi ssion were the prin:ipal top iCK lii!lc uss'e d by Quakers It the fOI·ty-f, urth s 'sion of the Nilmington-yearly meeting of i'riends which bl' an Monday in he WiLmington college uditorium. T h tint addre, s given Monday It 2:30 p. m, by Gervas A, Carey, lean of the school of religio n on .he Fri ends univcl'siiy at Wichita, an. He lipoke on "The Quaker M'inilltl'Y. II An address On re ligious educaion was given by May E. Bul'ock, pa tor or the Westboro u hri tisn hurch, Tuesday at l! , Ill, W.edneaday st 2 p. m . 'Dr. aymoPld E , Menidenhall, profes. lor of education at Otttrbein !oll ge. W ~t I'vfIJ , spoke on "A Basi of Public Morality," Thur~day at 8 p. m, a symposium on QUllkel'i m will be held with Dr, Wlllter K. Co1lins, Jll'e ~i dent of Wilmington college, ll, leadel'. Professol' Willis ii. Hall ')! the co\l(>ge faculty, Burritt M. Hiatt of Wi lmington, and Mi II Marjori McDonald of Cleveland will s peak. Dr, Iyde E. Milner. president of Guilford colJejlc, Guilford, N. C., wilt speak on "Man and the Et-rIll" Friday at 2 p. 1\1. The yearly meetmg 8es ions and th college baccalaureate services will be held Sunday at 2 p. m, Dr. Milnel' will speak on '''CbriatiJm Leader Education." The meeling will conclude with union S rvice8 in th. Friends church Sunday at 'Z.:80 p. m, Lesli Shaffer ot Ofncinnati will be tht? spea ker_ Other outstanding speakers will be Merle L. Davi J executive secre tary of the Americaa Friend. board of mi ions, Richmond, Ind. E. Ray~ond Wilson, field seeNtal'y of th Amedean Friend.\! service committee, Chicago, and Anna G. Elinton, members of the board of director of the American Friends sel'V ice committee, Philad lphia.


SIXTY-NINTH ANNUAL COLLETT-MelAY REUNION HELD MOl't! than 200 membellS of tbe ollett • McKay fami lies m et for lheil' sixtY-II inth annual 1"tI - ' union at the picnie gllou nds, Satur day, August 10. The lalll ilieg were united bet lvel.l n 111 23 and 1!l30 by lour mar dages. St phcn Collett clime fro m f'l'ance, RobCl,t and Mal'garet McKay came fl'ol11 Scotland, Daniel and Mary Jll\in 'S Collett em igrat-: e,d frolll J efl' rson conn ty, Virgin ia to- i-Ilton county, Ohio, jn 1812. MOiles and Abigail Shinn McKay emigrated fr m Frederick county Yil'ginia, to Warren c~unty, Ohio; In 1818, Holding ' their first 'r eu nion in 1866, the get-togethers continued year srftel' year. Then the picnic grou nd s 011 the Wilmington-New Bu.rl ington ['oad, neal' New 'Burlingto'n, were nearly lost in the ' setilem nt of t he estate of the pioneer families. Howevel', the Ja.nd WOI bought by nlember8 of the picnic comm ittee. Gateway posts were put up last yeal' and bt'ar bl'onze tablets in scdbed: "Collett-McKay Picnic Grounds." Th o r (!gis~el ' . an !\ged book oc- , cu tJie II COTI. pieu ulls place at ~ach reunion, '


A real vacation has beM arI'u nged for pllo l>le in, Wa'rI'cn QUnty August 21-2Znd. On this ' dale you can Ira on a tour to l~yeland -tsk e an all night boat ride to -D troit--visit Canada - Greenfield Villag Ford' Motor Compa.ny and othe r interesting places for a total coat of approximately $]2. Th is cost cove l's transJjortation - lOdging- meals and entrance to all amus,e mtmts while on the torip. In other word" the only additional expenae will be a picnic lunch going on the- emin which JOII shou ld take with you. On the boat you will be a_~ecl a tate ]'oo m with one ulJper and two lower bertha 80 you ....a14 arran.e to ha"e three people fa your part,; otIaenrt e you be charged an elUra 66c. Send in to Lel&er CuJtva)

Mil'. and Ml'8. Hal" --y Emley, of n~ar Dodds entertained on Sun day, Rev. Glenn O' De)) and of Dayton, John and Gilpin, of West Va., Mr. and Will Venable, Leander and family, Mrs. HaD DO ' , '.v,o",_ If .' Eftle Smith, liN. lMftII.ial"... carey, Luey Emley and III tile . . . .11


- -






Proce~din ••

1"(' h! H III~n IlIZUI', by ' I' and n('xt frl Ild Welton \l11"'U~ "'tlltl'I" ~. owan,

tn t hI' h~

r Illth


.ltllhnnllnt r \' 'rH"1. In lh II ~ (' of A Illla . Ruffn!'I' lUI J . ~(' B. R uffl1er, mution (If l lnlnlitf IIpldllg tha t d ~It'ndal1t . how cau, t.! why II !'hQu)d not lw ,u ni ~I1f·rt for cont llll)t of court, I ;et re 'l" }1I'nrinl\" Augu~t "j 1!l36, !I\ III {\ ·dock. 111 (Ill' ('u~(' of lady s Young \"(' 1' '11" ('llInn (lung, II rul ull;ainst t!tl' .leI ndant, dit'ectillg that h JlIle'8t' h for cOUrt ond ~ h o,~ cuu,; why hc . hould not be pun· iehed for contempt of court, wa_ lIIlO\\"lId. In the elise of Edith }.r. J ohn all veraus Roger John.son, divorce to pill in-tiff. u tody of child tciven to pI tilf. In the C8lie of Bertha May Purdy \' r. us Lc. lie E . Purd)', a divo\"oc we.. r;nl'DLed tho plaintiff. Tn the ea c of J ~ ie O. Thomp· ~on ersus IdB L. Bangham et al jl.dgmcn t i fully paid and ca e i di missed. Clark is ordered to release mortgage. In the case of The Mutual Build mg Loan Company versus D. _ . Harrison, tal. confirmation, deed qnd di triltution. Balance due '466.2 . ' In the case of Anthony Roters versu Marie Roter a divo t'ce \\"I\ q ranted the plaintiff. Cu tndjl' of child was given to plaintiit In the ca ~ of Pauline V:WIT\)w. a minor. by her ne)(t friend. hO'le Ball. ver!lu Ballard Wallace, the uefendant is granted 00 day~ in which to file answer or otht-r plead ing. In the e&SQ f Nellie Day \"usus R4lpt1 E. 8ch ffer, case is di ",i.dmissed, In the case of Union Join~ St'l~k Land Bank of Detroit ver.lus A l'thur Newfarth, . t 0.1, the Harrfnrd I~ire In urance Company i granted leave to fiJ~ :I Ilswe I' or othE'r pleading on or before A ugust Hi, 1935. In the case of Julia Ann '_1'11111lilY versus Rn ell Lewis Lu,;hley, a divorce wa granted the fllaintitl'


Ne,., Suite C_ C. AIel' Company ver ..\! Owen F. Crain, et aI, for for,,"" closure of lien and equitable relief Frances Pierson ver u GeOl'ge n. Pierson, for divol.'ce. Charge is xtrema cruelty. James Forsythe versus Stella Forsythe, for djv rce, Charge is extl'eme cruelty, The Miami Va'Lley Building &; Loan Association versus Blanche W. Apple. lor money and !ore-closure of mortgage. Amount claimed $9.375.47. Arthur BI'yant is the attorney. The Miami Valley Building " Loan AtlSoeiation versus Salli..f Vandyne, for money and foreclo ure .Amount claimed $594.73. Maude ltowser ver us DeWitt Bewser, for divorce. Charge is &rOIl8 negleot of duty. Clyde Greenly versus Ethcl Greely, for divorce. Charge is gross neglect of duty. Th~

The will of Howard B. Anderson, deceased, was admitted to probate The estate of Emma J. Camp, de cea ed is QXempt from inheritance tax. The estate of l\Illrg~'et Le-vicy, deceueu, is exempt flom inheritance tax.

phases or thlR work through thel ti.O!lal lCultlanel!, health lIu~er­ Emergency Rlillio Junior ollt'gl', \"I~l<ln, ndequat(' ~oon f .. ethnar. the Junior Colll!ge Level WUl"k, IInJ nftrrc'~n sll'(."p mg . Agt"lcultural Economic., Farm AI,on L. ~al"hl\r~ .. ooperalives and RI'!:I'ealion. County ~upel"Vlsor. Other ubjects offered include - - PUBLIC SALE high ~chool work, music, draOlu\i(s and arlo ln some inRlancea, informal confenncC! group di cu. A ~ l'xc('utor ,of thc estate of cUrl"ent economic, social nnd Ml's. Julin DonovUl1, deceased, [ The general objectives of the (ivic problems. \ ill offel' at Public Auction, nt Emcl'g ncy Education program A.ricu!h,re Economic., h('f lale r ef<idenc o'n Third t" ar : to empl y ne dy persons who Cooperative. and Recreation WilY 11 vill,. ou ar' capable of giving instructions The. la: sc were h~ld in Saturday , 17, 1935 to improve the- morale of adults ixty counlimi in the stale by ttl · ornnH'ncillg at 1':00 o'clock who are interested in educational Emergency School Iloth uriti es in p. . lind recreational activities; to coopel'ation wl!.h t h e h'10 F'ar m m., the following articles: 1 Plat.form Rocker and Chail" to ct,v lop a worthwhil adult educll- BUN-au F deraWon and local Farm tiC'n and nutsery 8chool program Bureaus. Two t acllel'~ wOl'king mutch, 1 Leathel' Chail', 3 Rock 1'8 which It. is hop d will be continued togethel' held cla~ es olle night a 1 Antique Ladder Back hair. 1 by Jlu blic or private agencies after week in each of fiv e diffe r nt com- Willow Chair, 1 large Mirror, 1 th ' end of th em rgency pel·iod. Inunities. One teacher led the Bed Davl'1I1lo rt, 1 Parlol' Table, 1 The speci1ic objectives are to discussion in agricultul'al ('conom- Set , 3 Flower Stand!!, 1 teach illiterates to read news- ics Ilnd cooperativ es, while the Magazine Rack, t Couch, 1 for tbe Victrola and Recor,ds. 3 9x L2 pllr*rs, write letters, enabl them other was r espollsib l to fUnction as citizens to acquaint recreational program . Rug ', 6 Smnll Rugs, 1 Combinaparents with acceptable childNearly 9,000 fal'mel's we re t io n Boc>k ase and Desk, 1 Sidcparent relationships; to 'lmable enrolled in these classes. A pecial board, 1 hjna 10set · !J Dining. high school gradul\tes "who are traini1lg program for the e .eeach- Room Chait·s, 1 Congoleum Rug. unable to attend college tobegin el'S was held ut o]umbus late in 9x16, like new: 2 Beds and a college -education in their hom e Dec mb er under the direction of Spring~, t Dresser, 1 Wsah Stand communities; to offer men and the Em rgency Schools Admini. - 1 omplete . Wash taml Set nnd . women workers in industry and tration, and with the cooperation l Bowl and pitchel', 1 Sewing agricultUl'e an opportunity to of the Ohio Farm BUl'eau Feder!l- Machin e, 1 Antique Kitchen h'ain themselves in clear thinking tion, the Ohio Department of Tabl e, 1 Antique Wash tand, 1 011 ge of largt' v n, 2 oal Oil Stoves, 1 In matter related to thei'r lives as Edueation, Ilnd 1he work rs and citzincs. to provide Agriculture o'f O. . U. Healing . tove, 1 Ice Box and th'e purchase of artificial apppli- Emer,ency J\lIIio~ CoHe,e Levell othel' artrel s too numerous to ances for physically handicapped Work mcntion. pel" ons on relief in order to re- Approximately 1,100 young men T onus a!<h. habil'itate them: to develop whole- and women are enroll d in college 1\[. D. BAIRD so me Tccreational activities for ]evel classes in th eir hon,e com- W . N. S%\'8, Auct. , the adult population, especially munities in 26 appl'o\" d centcl's J. B. hllpman,l.e_r_k_._ _ the 16 to 25 year group who al'e in t.he state. These young people Pruftina il0t enrolled in t~e regular school are financially unabl e to attend reprogram; to provide vocati6nal gular establillhed colleges. They training and adjustment, in' order no receiving, at practically no exYoung p lantations of white. red to makeunemployed adults P nse to themselves, from the and cotch pIne shQuld not be employable; to provide under fifteen to thirty quarter hours of pruned usua lly until thcy are 15 privileged, under-nourished chU- provisi onal ' cr dit in freshman ur 20 years uld. dren suitable environment for courses. All of the instructors their growth and developm ent empliyed in conlledion with this both physically and socially, that program have II Ma ter's degree th y may have 1\ chance to i1ve or at lea t a year of graduate Ask for a normal, happy lives. work. The coopel'ating colleges and Miamisburg Permanent The USe of Emergency Relief u'niversities have ' given valuable Concrete a istanc in advising te-ache-r Funds for an Emergency of these centers and recenUy hllv Air Seal Burial Vault Education Program was first sent out examinations in sevenauthorized on August 19, 193'3 teen subjects to centen in sevenFor Sale only by "to pay work relid wages to teen counti s of the stat. needy unemployed persons comBoards of educatioll have also Your Funeral DirectoJ: petent t teach adults to read and willingly cooperated in permitting =WTite English." Tbe literacy pTO .. the use o[ their buildingi, furni h--ject was th nucleus around ing janitor services, light. beat McClure Funeral Home which a broad program of educa- and water and other facilities. Phone 7 W.'Il.....ill•• O. tion wa to be developed. In re- Emerpnc:r Radio Junior Colle,e cent. months, increasod emphasis The Ohio Emergency Radio _~=-=-=:-_~_=--=====~=~ has been plac ~ on this phase of J unior College is conducted by = tbe pr?gl'arn. Llteracr elas es are the Ohio tat University in coopn.owbelng conducted In 42 c~un- eration wth the Emergency School tiCS. Two hundred. and tlfty-elght I Administration in a similar p rSOns are teaching 413 groups manner to .that followed during with an enrollment of. nearly 8000 tb Fall Quarter of 1934. adults :-v ho are learnl1lg to read , During the past qUlU"ter, eight and write. courses of system a ti instruction Vocational Tr.iNft, were pl"esented. Th faculty Approximately 16,000 unern- members of O. S. U. were the inployed adu lts in ' need of voca- structors. Th.e arrnngements we-re tional training or adjustment t () made nnd npproved by the Radio make them employabl are enroll- Educati{)n omm,ittee, apPointed'i ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN cd in classes taught 247 by the'President of the U.niversity ,our Cattle, bogll, Iheep and calv.. per ons. These students 4re en- Mimeographed SlIpJlI. mentary ~ext tc Norri~-Brock Co,. live ~ir.e alld rolled in trade, industrial, home materials were preJ)ared for all pr.)gresslv~ firm f~r the high... ecoriomicil and agricultural sub- but one of the courses and dis- market prlcell and COfd lIeme• • h t d Its UllioD St('ck V.rd.' C••el __ tl, 0, . Th I . d ' . d f Jects. e c asses orgamze 1D tnbute . ree of c arge 0 II U Tune In 0 11 ,Radio Station WCKY these fie~ds supplement and ren- who l'eglstered for the COU1'S~, .up 12:26 to 12:30 p. m. for our daU, der speCial servIces to unempl?y- plie, and funds for printing market reports. eo adults, without duplicating tho bulletins describing the courses established programs of vocati- offered were included in the onal education in the State De- money provided by the Emer~n~y partment of Education, or the School Administration. The EmExtension Service of Colleges and ergency School Administration, • • Universities. . in coop ration with the county Workera' EcI:ueatioft r elief di'rec~rs, appointed nineW orkers' J!:ducation classes teen coun ty teachel'!! who assisted have been organized in 2 ill the organization in the field, counties. Sixty teachers are teach- and in securing enrolled students ing 145 groups with an en rollment Recreation of 2,000 pupils. In t hese classes, Emergency recreation activities which are conducted under the in Ohio draw upon t wo sources of leadership <Jf well prepared and funds for the payment of leaderspecialy trained teacheTji, in- ship. Strictly recreational activlstructions is given regarding ties, informal In nature and not economic and social problems ot connected with definitely organizinterest to w orkers in indusry, ed educational groups, are financPhone 78J C" business, comm erce, domestic ser- ed f rom W ork . Qivisi{)n f unds. vice and agriculture. An OP'POrtun Recreational activities co mbined ity is !riven the students to train with organized educational activithemselves In clear thinking ties are financed from Em erthrough the study of questions gency School funds. \lOTARY PUBLIC closely related to theit daily lives Nureer,. School 'Pro.ram ae workers and citizens. Th e priThe foUowing pointe are of inN.tlo••1 B_II mary. purpose of this work is to w rest in connection iwth ,Willa D.... • • E.ta.e. S.HW stimulate an active and continu- Emergency Nursery School ed interest in the economic p.rob- gram in Ohio. • WAYNESVILLE, OHIO lema of our times, and to develop 1. This program is planned to !!!!!!!'!'!'!!!'!'!'!!!'!'!'!!!'!'!'!!!'!'!'!!!'!'!'!!!'!'!'!!!'!'!'!!!'!'!'!!!'!'!'!!!'!'!'!!!'!'!'!!'!! a senl. of responsibility for their demonstrate to r.elief families, FOR SA.LE DA.TES CA.LL solution. sehools and other public agencies 'The clasl work is informal in the physical, mental, and soc!&l nature, beine conducted more needs of the pre-school child and open forms than in traditional the possibilities for adequately classroom procedure. It i. hoped meetlna- these needs. that through this phase ot the , 2. These units offer a demonare the backbone of our industrial stration of a guided activitysyetetn wlllbe better able to meet both outdoors and indoors the .odal, political and economic balanced with adequate f ood and JESSE STAHLEY problema that arise in a rapidly rest; the use of in~xpensive homeJlO. N_ B.rll••t ... OWe chanliDa' democracy. mad equipment suitable for youne Par_t Ed.calioa children and the value of regular EARLKooGuR . Parent Education claues have medical examinations and dally in D.ylo. Plao. . been organized in 35 counti es. In spection to prevent the spl'Cfld of some C&BeS this work is carri~d communicable disease. KEa.or. . . . . on In connection with nUl'sery 3. The' program in Ohio iSI~~~=~==~====~~!: .~oolB. ,T here are now 76 teach- limited by Washingt on to 150 era with approximately 5,000 more than 100 villages and cities parents enrolled in these classes. in 60 counties. At the present time, institutes are 4. Th-e ·definite trend toward .... e e " " _ being held in certain sections of having a limited number of well '.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ the state in which these leaders distributed, carefully selected Foa SALE are being given intensive traininlr units indicates the etrort both in this special field of the maticnaJly and In the state to cency Edueation. The purpose establish a desirable denomstra- FOR SALE-Kitchen Ranse In good condition. Inquire at this work is to strengthen tiOD program In the Nursery Gazette olllce, tf child relationship. School field. Gaearal Adall EdUC.tiOD 6, These units employ abollt FOR SALE-A nice Hae of bOE Under this beadine is included 600 workers, including former atatlonel7, 2. sheeta aDd •• eD. an Emeraeney Educational work kinderprten and primary teach- velop" tor !leI Show-Pac, 1. ~ine 8iven to unemployed and 81'11, 1IUl'S1I and cooks. Ibeets and 'DvelO~ tqr 10 other adult. who feel the need of 6, Each unit _nel 20 to t5 cental waxed paper, white _ . further pne'ral educational op- need, children, between the acel paper, 'p aper lIaplda., at 0 . . . . portuniti.. to fit them to take of 2 to • ,ears inclusive, and their OIlce their proper place as Mlt-NePect- famUlel. ' ine cltlsenl. 1, TheM Nursery Schools al'l PIP., V"u,VEB One thoulaDd one hUDdred houwed ~araelr In public am tor au thirq-elcht teachefa aN teachtnlr baildlnp, In lome c..... however, alld CII._ '.MIIi 68.849 pel'l101lS In lubJecta that settlement hogl..... : .••=~dt=~


The> inv('t~tory of JUllnita . , }I,·r. rill anrl , !lIter R. M"'·I'II1. /I,llIIin. i~tl·Ulol·. (If th.· t'~tatc uf )111" E. ~1t'\'l ill, ( 'l'l'al'l'd. Vl'UR llPllrtlYl',j. crt· J.. t uwnship. Thl' in"l'hlory o f Ge rg-" G !tulIk l Ilenl Bl'J'j( " 1 ('lul'cnC'E' Ti~;'1.111 l\,lministmtol' of till' t!>ltale ofl di~r lind Alb " l Tis-unc.licl", fll11 ("Jam Bdll' R.ook, Ii cl'aHI'd, \la, I' tall' III 1)"l'l' cl t.ownship. npprO\·<.>d. DIlI'U L. :till'" In GraCt' 1.. MUI'lIa~('1 Rr'Oo k~ Vl'rsus Earl J. TI\(' invcntory of Helcn H. Ealon l'n y I'cnl t't.att, It! rorwin. .ollurn. ,t Al, for munt'y and for - odministrtltrix of the e~tt1l(' uf Fay e K lI('y to E. 1.... ll ouc:(h anll elMun'. Anlollnt claimt'd 1,205.- ll1ry . Hough, dec ~ ed, wn~ ap- ~lIrah IilltJl('h, inl(lt o. 20 in Way O. pl'nvcU. Jlllsvi ll '. 'rhc will of William IT, Boml.lHJ Ol<eph TodM to Lmnlwl't Pl'Obale Court II r, ,It'cl'uS d. wa admitted I Rholldc~, 57.7 a,cre,:; in Jo'runJ..lin . D nil E. St.anley WB:; n JlP oin ted p rouate. NcoJliE' . Bornb!!I'gor "all Lel' Lemnwn tu Alollh 11 1l11snc k CXt'cutor l r the <-;;Wll, !If Ellu T. IIppninted ' xecutrix no \lond l'El- and Ii('c Hnrl><llck, lnlit No. ·1 in Stanl y, decell t.!ct, llO bond l'equit'- <luired. H, S. Con~vel"' 11. L. WaYIll'RviJit·. ed. Re)su Burkel' t o W elbr McGaha hl'nl y and FfI'd Zal'h;lan we I'll A ct'l·tifie(i copy of 1.11 nti,)' d('- appoi nted a]1prui -ers. and V(' ~l u l\1cGaha, 1'1'111 l' :ltat t ' rmining the inheriumc' lax on Th will of 8ug ne . Dunham, Ill'1ll' Mllrl'Y EllclI. th' l'staL of 1111'S Pier. on dE'cea~ d eccaK('d, wa aUl11illerl to PI' bate May . Haill ~~ ~o MUI"l<hull. S. ed, i!' l() be cedified without dl'IIl ' Mllrictta Whill1('J"e lind Esther lIuin", renl ~tate In Wa)' ne."vtli Th", schedul(, of debts of Louise !licks wel'(' ar>pointed xe utriCl'·. Bill. A~·ed P. Pardee, administratrix ot: the no bond Icquited. W. U. ~oJ"\"n. Mr". EIIl1Cl" L:lcy, board and tAte of William F , ehenck, de'E dg r l.utllum and Albert Park I' ('al'e Frnnk Liley 5 Omn Osborne crased. ' W8 app rovt'd. were appvint('d aplll"llj scl'> . hoard Ilnd cnl'c Frunk Ba1lingl'l", The bond of . Edna hamberHn Marria e LicenlC. Vil'gi l Isuac nnd \ .... ultcl" Burlow, 8thninistratrix of the e. tate of Joseph A. hamberlin was ['educ- Walter Anthony Bowel: ~, cal'p(;n $:10; Jnm e, M\.lore, b081'd and tn, of Lebnn on and Mi fi.~ Robe rta cllre tu ~r M{ll'f'o, $5; Mrs. MaucJe ed to 7000.' In ih!' matt I' of L1l c estate of Blunche Willian l!<, clur k, of L b- ('ar e Lucy ~Jollre, $5; Mr '. It'lL Elluolh. board and care Alice , ]\Iary Whul·ton. decens~, di tribu- IInon . Dale W arrick, sh ~ mako!" of Htlll'kl'V. [i: The Office 'Outfittcril ti ol) of as els is ordered. 'M ae MilI rand Edw81'd W ollal·d. admin- L ban on, and Mrs. Inll kidmore, ft· p ir.·to L. . fmith 'rYPl' \\'riter for AUrlitCll"', $2.50; E. B. lUl"rell istrators, filed their fit· t, final and fa tory WOlk eI', of Lebunou. llewptt P. Mulford, nUl":; /'ymon 1"1' D ~ UI't'I', Rt.Il IlJ)1 S, for TrenRul'er di tributive account, Rob rt J. hawhnn, executor f and norist of Ll'banon, and li ss $5; [ nyton Blank Book lind Pl'ini.the estute of Eliza hawhan, dt'- Mary Du rr, phy;;iothcropi 8t. of ing 0 ., I Mortgllge R('cord No. 54. 4; The 73 fUI' Recorder, Lebanon. ceased, filed hi first, final and Book • hop, ink !lnd croseI' for tributive ac ou nt. . Real Eata'te Trab.rera Pr ll~. tty., $1.45; Blank-Baldwin L. hawhan, tru tee of the 'fh' P,' ters IIl'tl'idge roo to trust under th \ ill of E. K. Remi ngt.oll A rnl8 ' omplln y, Inc., l.,u w Pub. 0 " Dcibels Ohio ProSnook decea sed, fll d his first nc- 77 10t..'1 in Kings Mills anel l3~.53 hatc i\11111 u81 SuppLcment fOJ" PI'OS AU}., $4.50 ; Tl'ensul'ere of State, count. 1l l'l"o?!I in Hamilton town hip. tiUPflort of inmuL :l of • tull' . L. S. Shawhan, h'usWe of the amh J... Boll, de a :e-d, to hu st under the will of' J ohn M. · Elinor M. Mull ,'nix, et ai, rE'ol 3350.30; olumbus Blank Book 0., forlTls for Probate Mfg. Bradley, dec eased, filed hi lirst ac .. ~ tate in Spri ngboro . ourt, $7.60; Dr. H. M. Williams, C9unt. Lambert R. 8nc.l J uhn 11. Rhotle Beulah huff Newberg, admjnis- to Fra"k !lnd Ina Rhodo?s, 127.50 in"e ti)l"lltion int() dt'alh of G. Frnnk n gel'S, 5. 0; TIle WO$ld1 tratrix of the e tate of Walter a l'I" in learrrcek tow n, hip. tnnage 0., 1 doz. l'oW-'Wei! 'huff, deceu ed, fil rl her inven- The Fed t'l'al Land Bank of LouI-pencil~, 30c; John . Jone , Supt., tory. ville 10 Gw lym E. J ones, 171.1.t bonn! Bnd room of hilS. ArmIn th malter of the state of aC I'e' in Unio n t.ownship. brewster, $1 i Emmet A I'll old Mary Hough, deceased tranEfer Tru. t e$ of rOWn Lodge No. Eltzroth, refund of v ndor's of r al estate is rdered. 53 K. of p , to James E nnd Edith entral T leTh will of Eli A. R,us ell, de· I", l'l'aziel", inlots ·Nos. I> a nd 7 hI license, $1; Ohio, phone orp., rent and toll Nit ceased, was 'filed in probate. Wuynesvill . office, 11.25 ; Harley W. Brunk, The will Qf Eula Watkins was Tru t es ot Crowll LodR"e No. expen!'e dui'ing July as Dog adOlittad to probate. 53 K ' of P .. to Jam e E. llnd Warden, $6.66; Fred O. Jomes, Margaret Hesto l1, executrix of Edith F. FI'azi('or, I' al e~tate in bones for impounded dogs during the state of Jos. pit Kesling ,d~ Wayn esville. June 40c; !fason Super Sel"Vke cased, flied her invelltory. GeOl'ge D. al1d Edna Voil to The adjudication and determina The People's Building, LOlln and S.tntion, gas for Dog Wal'den durtion of tit inheritance tax on the avinbl1l Co., GO acres in Turtle Ing July. $22.3 ; Nat.ion",1 Colortype 0., Inc., 200 reflector estate of W. Benjamin Lewis, de- creek township. buttons, 15.26; 1\Iilo Beck, 20 caa ed, is to b givcn to al) perHerbig Younge to F.nllna D. yal'd stone, ' 15; The Cincinnati sons int reted. Evan., real estat in learer ek Oil Works 0" gas line, $5.58; Mllrgal~t H esten, executl'ix of township. Bay ity h ve ls. · Inc., 6 dippel' the tat.c of J oseph Kesling, deEva E. W il liu m:, et al Lo Rany point 6 clutch shoes, $36,80, Maceased, filed her first and final ac- A. Lockwood, 284.72 acres in on uper ervic:e tation, gasocount. Clearcree1c; tow,n hip. Ilnc, $2; J. G. Walkel', admin. In re estate of Cornelia B. Evans Ill') anll Lucille almo'll to The Schenck decealled sale of per onal Miami Valley Building nnd Loan Exp. fmnbsh\!d l'e,lief office' during property is authorized. Report of As ociation, inlot No. 827 in Marcn, $9.90; The We t rn tar, adv. h aring ot budget, $2 .; Ohio sales by R. PieTce Evan, adminis Franklin. entral Telephone Corpol·alion. tratol", was approved Ethel Bi shop to various offices, $35.05; The vtill of Eugene C. Dunham Building lind Loan The Mut.ual toll o. inlot No. Ohio entral Tele phone Corporadeceased, wa!J filed in probate. ] 60 in Franklin. tion, rent various offices, $55.60; In the case or A. D. Harvey John G. and Mary Metzg r to tel'ling Stahl, professional administrator of the estate of Han Fred and Vada Burton 35.10 aCI~ Dr". nah A. Shimp, deceased, vel' us in CHntOll and Warren counties. services rendered Veri Miller. $4; Dr. S. terling Stahl, profesObe Shiml), et aI, confirmation, Mary C. Hough, deceased, ~o sional services rendered Frank deed and di tribution. He]en H. :E atan, real estate in Leb Ballinger, $4 i Mirs. Lule Gnbbard, Alfred G. Watkins was appoint- anon, uoard and caTe Lincoln Gabbard. ed executor of tpe estate of Eula Wilbur S. Marshall" et aI, to 5; Mrs. W. C. R.oberts, board and Walkins. deceased, no bond re- Mary V. Halnes real estate in care W. C. Roblarts, $5. quired.






========:=::====== F

r ' Mart.-n


SA'TI SFACTI 0 N Or No Charge

Centerville, Ohio


Quality PrlDtlaR

Stanley&Koogler Auctioneer&

The alla 1111 Gazette

t.:OLUfllDUS (Special) ~ B u s y 11.'air. Included are Boys' and Girl" uays nrc uhead tor these m('mbers 4-H Clubs, Vocational Agriculture of the Ohio State Junior Fair ·tudents, Future l~armers of Amero Board 'who ure planning the 3cv- 1ira, H ome Economics a nd Future th . nllual Junior Flir eKhibit in 11 0 m e m n k e.r s. Genera l School en a . . .' hops, JU t'entle Granges. City con.ncctl o~ WIt h Thc Ohl~ State School Gar·dens. Boy Scouts of Farr ,r.t Columhus, Augu s-t .. 6-::l L. Am 'ric:! Carllfl If'ire Girl8 Model Assisting t~ boys and girl. :lr\) .~ irplan~s and Farmers' l~.titute Earl II . Ifunefcl(], (lire~to r of a~. 1 Post.ers. l'lcultum;; W. W. Ellenwo od, F r.i r The BO(lrd James Sm nlanng('r, nJld B. P. Sllndle~. J t: nior Fnir ma or gel'. YounrreI:" Cot The u"Jl"<I-bt'caldng numher or Amlin; 21,1 W j~mior c:chibitJrs displlly.!tl nretchrn lh ~ r~.".lt~ or their clT"rts ot tht' Erm:r. L, :::;clh'~nnl l ~;~ I Filii'. T :li~ year thel'c will ue eil Stover, m"re thlln $11,'100 in prcDiium, ~'{cClanahpn, Difl·red. T;chllnhl. Dalton P. :.tbW; c','cry orc.mized statc- t!&~r. Columbus; mal be II} .iu· ,lIil, In OhIo II nte





cludfted ..



rro\'id~, Ill'nsion~ in only a frac- Tolal placement. includlll~ II. lit J (' 11 It "I II' nl tb t ract many tht.' bational capital. Un mployeci tiull \)f Ihat ~Un1, e timat!'.! at pri\'ult' Hnd publl", :\I1I1,un ",1 teache", acton, artl ta and mUlli· () II, f Clil' t \\ I' r rl"l'd rl"~ist r l'HIIIl :! to ~;H Ill'\' month. with ciann will be put to work in an at 5815 III July. a tit'dill( .. f .!~ 1 I'f f.,\, be til t timt! t.. IUI'l'th m fl. tempt to prelll'rve the talentll of tkH' n\li~illlU IlI daim "f '50 Jl~l ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY \ e, 'll a I'p o lti II, til be rd,rtl.'d to lIw JllllXilllllll1 dllim u! fill 1'<'1' j 1'1, u~uin!O.l J Utll.', joble " folk and ra iSlI .the intell('c· Nn,' applll'at.iuII; in July 11\1111' Jlrhtll' intlu'tr~' • nd lik wi • h' mOl1lh I1lad~ hy nll/.:I'l'" III n tual standard of lhe peopll' a a 011•• P ..... "" ., ........... No. 112j b:nler d Ilt PoctoUle• • t waU'~r whol~. Pre iden' Roosevelt tated lJ,,>U. un jnl'rll!I,e of :!;\;Hi ht'('onw ('J\J.!ihl( C"I' plac nwn on ~lutt and M"(;\'()fHty, No Olll{t' ~s bl'l'l~d B, S .. bc.rlptlo• P r Ico, I. •10 a ville. Ohio, .1t.G.C"lId prIJJ~l't, f thE' new Work Pru. 1111111. ot '\'l'n kGltH\I'ty, voted 01 ;lIJ'., U"~l' JUIlI', .Iu-lil'l' ·uid. recen tly that. 90 01' \16 per cent of ... ttel" CI... • STEPHEN M. YOUNG This illCI eUSl', lc) a Io(I't'at ext~nt, glO:. ' Admiroi .. trution pro ram. f or the, 2()O »'1' month plan which the employabl on relief will be give:n jobs by Noyember. COlllreuman At L,arl h .. und llr. 1'owlI~c lld nbandon d =~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A GUST lr., J 035 flit' the pending' mort' modelllte F-In th fir t twenty·,cven weeks' The Whe I 1··Rnybul'lI llill 1, to plnn. 'llt with ~landi n" thi"', mllny ---= operation tht' pal tax brought a fact two bills. Til' 'ent\tl' \'(,l'siun W l'lhy cltJerly peo]lle arc b"illl{ total or appruximat Iy ,25,000, w c. ulU I'lilllinut' nil 1II"1nl'cCl<SIIl'Y d, ('h'ed rcfl'l'\~nccs lo 200 per 000 into the tate's tr asury, it holding compani~s within S~Vl'n month. A!lk Bny. bu~ine mnn, iIlV('NtOI'. prop rty owner or th'n}cin; wall reported by State Treasurer yellr.. The HUll e vl!I'~, ion would The ~fJri lll-;;ecul'il~ Act will Le wor~<'r what 18 most n(oNI d In giv lho nation tbe eonfidenc , the Harry: . Oa)'. Originally it was I' gulute tne,e hold ing ~:onlI1ani~" . DPIll'lIvrd by 1-'1','~i1I~nt R\l(l~ veil !ph'lt lind the optill1illm thAt will break d pres ion. thought that t.he tax would be re- Thi 'conlrovel'sy is in confe1'l' nl" , wilhin u till), (11' S Il. Thi~ PI'{lV!IIc:l You 11light gl't the same an w l' fl'om ench: "Tax reduction, plu!! pon ible for about $1,000,000 a Whether the COJIf ' I'l" l; will a/.: I' 'l' f(\I' lh(, lIlu"l IilJl' l'IIl old age a d('tel:min d policy that will billa nee thl' budget a soon a po ible, week. _ _ _ __ .. is Jlroblell1ati~al: ' , ' , ' I pf.'ll>.ion , In a ny Inw of any nnli n and gl'a<!uully rt'<luce and v lI~lIally eli minute the vast lUltional debt.' The lobby In,esbg~liJl1 dem on. , anywhcr 011 al'lh, Furthermol'l:', R~'lIl, pHOlan('nlnnd s und I' covel'y cannot arrive ISO long 118 in- 00 - - • •• . .- - stra~e;1 t:at one holding com.p:l1IY it fll" '\'i.lI(,!< fol' IIl\eU\lllu~'I1H!nt in· dustJ·y fae' , the pl' ~pe t of confi catory taxe that will seize What.! offie n ' . \ . Hopson, tl0I11I11un.t I ~UI'l1I1l'(', It L the most far.I'l'nch. v I' pl'ofits it is a\)1 t.o mak . , cannot hav a wave of figure .m he A.lIoclated Gas & in/.: Il'l(i <lalinn eVl'r enacled by un EI 1'Y .l . m, I'e el.v(~dsalary' $2, 00, ing so long as our citil!.e ns I'uliz tha incrl'osing taxes !Day 800n m k e 000ct!'IC In ' ,addItIon to hI of Allll'rican _ _ _'onlfl'css, ___ - - - it impossi bl f!11' them to kl' p th il' property. We cannot have r~. by JUDSON DEAN $50.0 0, It del ok tQu~h to ~ , mploYIll nt or lhe ~o long asb inveslors" are o.:fraid ' PUBLIC SALE " I t.o I joblcss ' i t a to "put l then both • __ , _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ • __ - -0 seve.ra I nn'Wion d,0 II ar ~ gotng to un mon"y n prol UCtlVlI ('nterpl' se ecause J'ISlng xe~ Imperl I officIal and then 500 t.hat same . principlil and incolne. COLUMBUS- I no longer con· I company foregoing paying clivi. At the late reslden~c of Anna Th natiollal debt is apPl'oa'ching the $35,000,000,000 mark. sider myself a puzzle leuth since denQs ) 01' l' ducing di"hl litis , M. l\illtilll'n, u('cea ed, III lIan' ys· JlundJ'eds of millioll ' of dollars a yeal' llre l'equil'ed to meet the 1 f~Ll victim to a illy enigma I'payable ~o "widows an, ol'phall" bU I'g, on ~t. More ,hundreds of millions are required for .inking !unds with slipped over on me by a local who are stockholders. T o see Ihl. "turday" Aucuat 17, 1935 which to pay ofr the bonds " 'hen t.hey fall due. Long 'after the money riddle-piddler one who dabbles in ~ame company spend a grcnt denl "Omlnl' llt' lIllt at 1 :30 p. m. lias be n spent, and the things it bought have disappeared, we and riddle). I'll ry it on you; Charlie more of the tockholdC'r's monc~' I hI! Il ou~\'hold Elf cls of Anna our children will be paying the bill.. meets an old friend whom he has for propaganda andtnen \\ hE'n it ;\1. MuddH, decea~ed, Th, }:~derlll gov.el·nment ha attempted to "spend us back to not seen for over 20 ye~rs. During I offic€:r wail.,lIbout the ".wido\\'s T~' I'IW R~h. prospenty. In the VI W of many unbia ed commentlltors we would t~ cour e of con ervatlon the old and orphan who are b"lI1~ ric. HARLE M DDEN, have gone a long way farther toward 1 c:overy had spending been held friend ays; OJ haTtie, lots of' Irauded by enactment of lhe Execulor, . ...IS t 00 mue h lo J es. (, , lanl!!\., Auct. . othel' \ ord~, the gov rnment's policy, in their belief, has I I h'Ihg h ave happene d 'mce we "d eat h sentenc I (ownIn 'h inder d and not helped th~ nation. Yet more pedin&, i in pro. pect- last met. I've been married aQd wallow. ' PUBLIC SALE nnd more tax . this young lady with me is my A we tt-rn ongres mnn, reTh p opJe want tax reduotion. Busin wants tax redudion, dau~hter." "Well, well!" wheE'ZCS O\\illg t ill hl'6lth I will dis· I nveslor~ lind worker!! want tax reduction. Unles. it is achi hulie, "and what's your name, turned from hi Di tl'i t , r IHl1'te d nati.;m'/l economic future i in the balance. young lady?" and tne sweet young that many of his consti.tlll'n . hnd ~I' l\tinu e !alllling II nl! se ll by thing, feeling a little nooty, b en prac icany wiped out bl" Public Auction all my forming chirps: "My name, sir, is the cau e of the drouth and du t chatt I~. Located 4 miles . of ame a my mother'." "Ah," storms. He stated that ia n old man Way ne!'\'ilIe , :I mile. ,. of .'pring his Yall y, 1'2 mile W. of Mt. Holly yips harJie, "then you name's of , his neighborhood droy Between Toledo and Cincinnati nn the l\[iddl<> Run and Susabella 1" "Righto," say the herd of fifty bony co\\!! to th e A. Illlltp Charted for &h Benefit of ln~r· young lady, No\ how in !.he dick- A. A. station. H wa ~elJing thi! ~It. Rollr road, on • • tate fotor TOllri t a Well as small h rd of his urviving co\\" Tuesday , Au,ust 27, 1935 end did Charlie know hat the Traffic Within tbe Border of Oruo 8:00 Music Begin ninlt Ilt. 10 a . m' l'harp, name was Susabella1 Don't give for a meager price, illl fact. had :06 The Fir t tate Fair at Columbus, 1851 , . . . H. E. Eswine 'II b k ' k' If to ell th m or most of th remain lhe follo\\ ing : e IC mil' yourse , .Wendell Padtloc'k up or you 8:15 QuaJity in Fruits· On span Mules, 8 h l!ad of cat· for i the anl~we r is el ewhere ing cattle would ha"e died. The 8:25 Mu sic . AAA official a ked, "Gues you tl e, 35 head of Hogs,. Poultl' , to Cincinnati liS shown herewith is in thi column. 8:40 Corn lind oyb an Day at Wooster , .. . . . . .. , R. H. Salter ar pretty · ick of the way things F cd, Farming Im ple-ment.s, the shortest di tanco betwe n the 8 :60 Interesting F eatures of the Ohio State Fair Earl A. H anefeld Real estate dealers and rental ar<> going ar n't you?" The old Hal'ne.s, Hou ehold Goods. two cities. Oftlciuls of the tate Z 9 :00 Rural Homemaker· E.1:hibit at the State Fair .. . Thelma Beall agencies Terms Caah till take your name, man replied, "Oh, things lIin t 50 Highway Department give the 9:10 MU.9ic For particulars ae" larce bill . nddr£ss and phone number with a bad, we Breall right a .1 long a mileage saving as about; 11 1.i1es. 9:25 Vocat.ional AgricuHur at the County Fa4- " E. O. Bolender prom! e of finding what you want, Roo ev"lt i in there fighting for Thi ' iEO one of th be t and There'!,! less traf9:36 Pt'epare to tart Your New Lawn , George IcClure but they seldom find it. There us." Jal'~ st auctions iu this sectio n __ fic congestioll on 9:46 Jean Bnd Jel'ry WOS.U Player fol' orne tim e. Be sure to attt:nd. seems to be an incl'ca ing carelt)' When will CongreSlI adj ourn ? the Toledo·Cincinnati Short Line E. L! H OH "'CTott of de irable home. The renter no = ADY guess i9 a bad gUE!9S. ~line i F, T. Martin, Auct. than on any other highway con· WlUO"'....,..,... Jonge bas a choice, he must take August 17th or 20th. necting these two eltieli. There W, milh, Ierk. ~-'\o.... I8.. . most anything hecan get. Construc Following adjournment aTe iar fewer curves (no hahpins) the Lunch by Owen, hurch OIIMIU• • tion men and contractor are look and all railroad grade eros ings ing forward to a boom writer wi1l g t away from t~ iz· are exceptionally well protected. I i nthe building industry which wiJI :ding Wash ington heat, I'eturning Alfalfa to "God' ountry" an~L remaining re ult in modern compact home!! until January. I)ngre men Alfalfa ha become a popular By reason of of lasting quality. Thi time in, h in Ohio. the II h () r tel' COLUMBUS-Failure of the bank lo ,1,051,t6 ,771, Mr. stead of WOOd, ay the builders, should be compelled to l'eturn to , po. ture and ay CI'OP mileage, less cOfll:estion (both 011 sponsors of three initiative propo quires 1d. There ha been a th y will u brick tone alloy and their home di trict following each I The CI'OP wa int.roduc d illto the the highways and in the c nmu· al to amend Ohio's con titution corr pondjng increa. e in bank I steel. ome companies have a l- adjournment of Congl'e ". Th ey tate between 1 0 And 1900. By nities thru which they }lass), fewer to obtain the required 21 ,000 resources which now total '1,216. ready revolutionized the industry . ho.uld, not be ~erI,"itted. tlo reo 1. 10, about 25,000 ,a cres were incurves, and adequate width d valid signature will sa"e taxpay.' 706,113, or $143,337,284 more to the extent of manufacturing mam I~ the ~~~IO~ :CaPlta~ ex· I ~Ifa){a. ~)~ 19~9o t~~~ acreag~ hb roadbed and bridges, the rs ,60,000 this year, it was an· than last June's total, fabricated hou e which are ship. cept w en ~u IC u Ine, eeps If1crea~e o. ' acres, Y Route here ouUined is a j " t f State d" d t d Th them there In attendaillce of E'lI1930, It had Jumped Lo more thlln nounced by .,.ecre ary 0 P I h th I I ' pe III lllecet! an erec e. e. . i 't 20 000 d b 1935 t big time·saver for the George S. Myel'll. Each propo 1 , 1',0 0 t .a t you · , genera "I, 18 sy tem give year around work to Ion. o · on~re, or comml te.e , acre, an y ,0 busy motorist-very probId h ff ted d t' ally r Itglous·mmded was offered la t k'lI d I b rs th t h m~bngs. It 1 Important that reo more than 350,000 acre. ably as much as t.wo houta. wou ~ve a ec , ras IC week by Miss Editl1 D. Cockins, .1. e a ore a aVe pre- pre entative oJ the people keep ___ the state and U 'avers' l ty Vlously . . 9 taxedstructure ,L I" woold reII'I. t rar a t Ohi0 State n . worked d S honly when hweather. d f In C I OSe con ..... ct WI'th 'th elr con· have mcrees we comp lcallona h0 repor"" >-d t<.Dat onl y one l'n hpernutte. t uc 0 ts Th ere are t oel many e If AN ALL PAVED. " a met I ' . 0' St't 1 uen. Ii of an already eoml> ca ed re"enUe t t u d nts had church ome cons ruction IS a so gamIng seek' b ts' W h' ft'ystem. The PTO d amend· ~I~Y , en sF rtye 1_ I~o. u de in favor since it eliminates time. t lONg •. urea.u cl·a It~1 as mg· HIGHWAY . til ., re aJ.lI latIons. 0 -suo re Iglo s - 0 0 d h' hou ton. a,IOn-WI d e en Imen t can· Choice of Knowing a;:m 100 : ; d:; :r mo:e • PRIWC," IuD The b a c k~ the question to a 0 e b]' e ranged from 3 534 adherents to and be TIght at, home. stituents and li tening' to th ir Motorists bone of the ofonfparative figure indicate bcoPle v.- , re: Mo~ ftd b~ the Methodi t 'Episcopal fa.ith to Most Anything : I like t.he word opinion and obtaining th il' vi ws Originated and Sponsored ficial Revolu· ongr man , a n n y ~t one for the Russian orthodox. and a~vice benefits Congre . AI 0 offie r, oC the National Reemployby t11e tionary Trails Cleveland and the R o \'0. Other denominations and t.M num "boondoggling," sound like a it. will result in a more respon~ive ment ervice in Ohio have been System of Revolut ionary L.eague ~or Adyancemen& of ~~ bel' of student follo'IVen included strain from the old til"e calliope governm nt 4nd better laws, ca)Jcd upon to , uppl>, 17.3 'I~ more Western Ohio. clal Justice, which would prohIbIt Presb,yterian 1,689; Catholic, 1" that brought up the ~nd of the P if n to private mployer in Short Trail Ii a saleaLax,on foo , clothing! f~el 129'; Jewish, 888; Lutheran, 741; circus psrade. An Iber of CongrCls ' m n havc Jurv th:m in the pl'e\"iou ' month Marked its Association for dOMe@tlc u e and bUlldmg Bapt t 614' Congrega.tional' One begins to realize be i get- already adjourned regard Ie s. of June. entire length materials for homes; a second 453; Episeopai, 4'14; and Church ting old when he attempts to con· Among them al'e "Old Tag" Ga$s. by historical Figures compiled and rele ed SlittING sponsored by 8. Cleve I nd . group of Christ, 300. vel,'se with a young person about away, of OkJahoma., He markers of the today by H. R. Justice, Ohio VALU't wo uld add sales tax exemptions to the tlood of 1913, and learns that boots, tells the best storie ever dil'ector, s how 2010 persons WHe Ohio Memorial ""_VN'Sall of the former and to farm and Opinion of Ohio legislato1'S was his youthful associate was not. at heatd in II smoker and will be the ab,o rbed in July by private in· .Commission. household implements, furniture, sought by GoverJlor Martin L. that time. in exi tence. next Governor of Oklahoma. A I. 0 dUl'try. In June, 1662 pet'SOM F () r additional sh'ip industrial tools . and machinery, Davey on the que tion of whether Nominated to the hall of public John McGroarty; of CaJlifotnia. He \\'~ I e returned to pl'ivate nter· UNIM maps or any infol'mation would limit the go oline tax to 3 he should cut the price of liquor enemies:-Necktie fiipjerkers and is poet lalll'C1lte of alifornia, and priSE'. Thi wa an increase 01' 348 relative to State Pnrks, cents a gallon, would re tore the or divert the profits for old age hair musser·uppers. a fine and lovable old g ntieman. Placcm nt with contraetol'S Pleas ure R 'sorts, Scenic 15 mill limitation on real estate, pension. funds for which will be He offered the origina U Town nd (' nga~e d in public con t.'uction pots, HI toric Shrines limit the automobile license fee to exhausted b~ the end of this How Ch81'lie Knew: Charlie's old Plan bill to provide 200 per dec rea, ed 14.2 7c in July compar· or the hundreds of other $6, and authol'i~e the le~lature month. Governor Davey, in a let. friend was a woman-and of month old age. pensions, and then cd with June. point of especial interest In t he latter to exempt; real estate Improve- ter to senators and representa- course Charlie knew her name. on Apl'il first int1'odllced the gren month 4-134 pel'sons were put to along this route, write ments and homes valued at not tive, pointed out !.hat the e timat - - -- Iy rev ised and amended Town. wOl'k {n' this gro up while in July, WILBUR ~I. FAULKNER more tban ,6,000 from all taxe!!; ed $4,500,000 in Hquor profits send plan Bill, HR·7154, \\nieh Public Work pl'ojeets employed Secretary II third, far more radical in nature would practically meet the old SPRINGFffiLD, OHIO 3 05 perso ns throughout. the tate s ponsored by the Ohio Association age pension deficit for the balance lor T~x Reduction, would ,p rohibit of the current y~a.r. "The question Mi s a rah Marie Fail'child of a tax on real and personlil prop- is," the chid executive wrote, near Wellman spent Friday aiter Erty and substitute a tax on gross "should we eliminate the pro. noon with her sister, Mrs. Louise earned incomes over '1,200, fits and redeem a pledge or Ja cobs and famiLy. would provide for a permanent should we follow tbe expressed de Miss !\famie E. Hayslip of near automobile license fee of U for sire of the legislature in the ":i1minglon, as a Thur day ov~r­ the ,life of the car and set up a amendment to the liquor bUl in mght and FrIday gue~t of M1SS prohibitive tax on chain stores. which the liquor proflta "'ere Kathleen Tbomp on. I ear-marked for old ace pensions?' P. G. Wells, K , E. Thompson, Deposit. in Ohio's banking ibMarson Wells, Kathleen Thompson Bt.ltutions continue to show rapid Ohio's "White collar" needy Mamie Hayslip and Mr. and Mlrs. gains, it wall announced by will lIebeftt to the extent of ,a, Bra ndenberg, MI'. and Mrs. Frank Samuel H. Squire, state !!uperib- 269,198, which 'sum haa been set Steffy, Otis Rich; Mr. and Mrs. tendent of banks. There was an aside by federal work relief Herbert Steffy, Oliv~e Brandeninereaae in deposits of $146,704, cials in Waahingtoo' for 536 berg, Helen Powell and Clara MeIHcame a MESS 798 since June, 1934, bringing "white collar" proje<!ta in the Laughlall were' among those who the total in Ohio's 462 licenled state, aeeordillir to advices from attended church at the city hall 7. prllillg Oul Words CLASSIFIED ADS COST ONLY in Clarksville on last Friday evenOne of the earliest SI gnaltng sy s· ing. ONE CENT PER WORD. WHY Miss Marie Wells is visiting in tems employed in actually spelling out messages with the letters of the Hamilton this week. KEEP YOUR ATTIC FILLED Miss Bernice Durm of ·H amil- alphabet was described by the Greek ARTICL!: USELESS WITH ton ' spent Sunday with Miss military historian Polybius (205·123 DC.). . . l\fodena Powell. THAT CAN BE TURNED lNTO , . The operation of this system may Miss Lillian Fairchild visited in, MONEY FOR SO SMALL A COLUMBUS (S~ecial)-Priie money totalin& '10,500 will be Cable and Franklin, Ohio recently best bc explained by assuming its use Mabel Terry . of Columbus in lransmittirtg the English alphabet. divided all1ting many of the nation's speediest horses ill the barness the letters of which-e}:c1uding one, COST. TRY THIS MEANS OF racin~ competition at the Ohio State Fair at ColumbUS, August 26-31. visited her home folks over the for example, "Z" - Vlould be arweek·end, Th. complete proarram follows: SELLING AND SEE WHAT A M1iss Modena Powell and Bernice ranged in five verlical colulI'lna and Monday, AugUit 26 . five horizontal rows, thllls: DIFFERENCE IT . WILL MAKE 2:16 Pace _:............. -~, ...........!, ............,... ,..... - ........................................._'. 600 Durm ca1Jed on Miss Kathleen a f k: p • 2:19 Pac_The Standard Oil Stake ................................., ................... 800 Thompson Sunday morning. b g I q y TO YOUR POCKETBo'OK, As ' Alton Wells has been quite 2:16 Pace _ ........................................................................................ _ ... 600 c b m r " sick for III!veral days. WELL AS TO HAVE YOUR Tuesday, Aupat 27 d • a x Quite a number from here II pent 2:26 Trot _........................ ,...... ,.................................... ,...... :...................... , 600 e j o t ., STUFFY OLD ATTIC CLEANED 2:17 Trot:.-.Th, Dayton Rubber Manufacturing Company Stak, .. $ 800 Sunday at St. Mary's Lake and At each lendin, atation, two 2:23 Pace _ .._: ...................................- ............................... ,.....,.... _.. __ .$ &00 the Reservoir. group. of torche., separated ao at to OUT, IT PAYSI ClarenCe .I: Mamie Hayslip of be distinguishable ·from each other, Wedneada,., Aupat ~I near Wilmington, Olivene Bran. would be provided, and arrao,ed 10 Two-Ynr-Old Trot-The Director of ASl'iculturB St&ke_ .• _ _ .$ 800. ::::28 Trot __ .:__ .............. ,......................................................:....................$ &00 dellb\lJ'8 of Oreronia, Ines and that they could be dilplaJed or COIl\ Graee Ha)'llip and Lester Hayslip cealed &I de.ired, The.amber of :'wo-Y..r-Old Pac_Th, J. Fred Schmidt Packinc' COlllpan,' 01 nUl' Wilmiqton spent Thun- torcbea Ia oae II'OIIP "OaW IDdJcatI -.----.$ 100 da, IVlnln, wltb K. E. ThomplOll tit. yertical colama Ia "bIeb tile Jet, Tbunda,.. Aup.t 29 ter to be tnIIIaIittecl . . . foaDd; die 7h,..Year-Olci Pace-Til, N,U'Houae St&ke ..___ .____ .. _ _.$ 100 anel t ... IIr. aDd lira. A. B. Talmqe and aumber Ia the other ...... tile 1Iori· ':: :11 .... __...__._....., ..... _ ..._ ... _ .......... __.. __._.. __ $ toO lIiII .fllllie L. Garner eDtertailled zootat row. Thu tile letter ..• ..... ~y.....old Trot-Til. GonrIIor'a 1Itab.. __.__ .. _ _ $11OO IIr. and lin. A. C. be traaamitted . , _ _cia .. ....

THE MIAMI GAZETTE -----_.-- .-






In The Balance







Farm !v,i ght 1 alks, August 19


Irs' SHORTER 'f!e.n RT~fe~:




Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol



I' ~:I!~~~:~S b:~;e 1:S~P;:a~~te;h!;

~~:~B~~~ .~~l~

::i. i~ fe~ ~:;s

~~ ~~;i~:~::Z. b~l~:~i~~d ~itbUC~o~~







Beech Grove





Liberal Purses,' Fast Horses At Ohio State Fair


::1I !"M

stU. __...................- .....................-.--.......


. ,-

Mr. ad






Automobile Insurance



Late Classified Ads.



Poultrymen to Vi,it Cculmercial 1I~~~f!~~~~~~""~. Planb aMi Mar ....tin. Ent er. priae.


Mary and Mildred and Robl'l't at- Subscribe for Tbe Mtami Gasette tenrled the Laey reu nion 'un- ""'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~...~~!!!"!''''!'''''!!!'''''!!''!!'!'''"'!! day at ROSH Park, n('ar Ritlgc-::: --ville.

FOR SAl,E- Fresh cow with firMt coif. T , . !:Iardi n. Wa'ynesville, Ohio., R. 1.



Miami Fly Spray

Wayne.vllle, o.

---~----l\h'lvyn Unnta has b,·t'tl engaged ENTERTAINS WITH to tt'aeh in lhl' 1'1 [1~llnt Plain 'l'li<, fa1"111 pou llryman will huv!' ~('hool . SUNDAY DINNER opportunity to ~(' , Augu ·t 19 to · AUCUST 16-17 22. what oLh r voultrymen and Brin, Your C.n. Mrs. Ed. l1opkim; j,; ~pending a ]0: W. E. HARTON, Mr. Ilnd r.Irs. Walter Whitaker poultt,' bl' edel's at ding. The. e f l' w we ks with hel' doughtel' Irs. K HEN MORLEY and f am ily entertained fOl' Sunlire the dat of the annual !ltate RverI'll KenJ'ick und family in in poultrymen"!! t our which, this yeat· Cen t C I' V ill e. da)' dinner the followi np: gue ts. , d8its nOI·th('rn Ohio. . :\IlrR. :Mal'Y Hampton, Mrs. Roy The CO:il of fun Tal ervice is ' In addition to the visit to 12 frs. ]~oui8 Slueve al1l1 little Habel'k rll and daughter Mary entil'ely decided by tho wi~ hes of comlllcr cia l poultry farms, thl' duughl r, Judy, of Dayton, lne artoon, "Tho Dog Show." Ilr eli nt. Th it choi('() of n loul' thi. year will take poultrynH'n Itu~ . 1.:; of Mr.. larence M(>nd('n- 8al'bara of Winston Salem N. C:; omedy, "No. c FOI' ews." Irs. allie Meredith and Miss cusket and ll ece ' ory ncce. Qries . to till e llcce sful egg and poul- hall lhis IV ek. is influenced by no atll~mpt ai nna Meredith of J oh n. ville; .Take try mark ling coop~TI\ tive !\, the l'nl sman.hip Oil our J1Bl"t. We 1el'edith and family of Farm 1'8AUGU ST 18-19 North ,'n hi Food Terminal, the ~h· . . MU1'\' Silver wilth he r sUel' "THE HOME OF GIFTS" :fullow their desires closely, and of Geneml Elcc ric lnstitule, the Mrs. Leliu 'BunnC'lI, of Leban on. ville; lI{el'edi th Whilakel', BIRLEY TEMPLE keep tho total" cost to as m derat e Recomm ended To Kill Bea n Saturday \>'ith tis es ~pringfield; George Shinowara of Fish t' Broth ers 10res warehouse "pent Lebanon, Ohio a figur as th ir choice dictates. in Tokio. Japan; and Mn. Mary Beetlea. and th~ _ ll1ilh lneub"ator ompany Blull('h e and PerlE' Ri ley. ., Moore of Spring Valley. M1"8. EXP E RT WATCH at leveland, and th Salem hina ompan)'. . For the r moin,lel' ()f th month Hampton is the only 'urviving R EPAIRING 'o melly, "I'm A Fllther." Tour begin Augu I L!I at th llle?'S \\'u. h trou ~er! elcan d, 25c. ~is( r of thE! late Sam M redlth. Uain. Only Genuine M.teri.ta F ox News f:lrnl of 0 cal' H(lltzappl e at the I Qu)ck Cleaners, Kl\ilhl'Yn M nPrompt Service so uth edg!! of EI!da" eight . miles I denhall, Munager. MWlI--7 :00 & 8 :80 p. m, ~,"est of Lmla. Eh?u IS on Route 1 V('rnon Malnou returned home .RHONE: 19 ADM. lOc- 15c Miss W in ifred Nutting and her Store open until 9 p. m. 30. The group WIll asse mble lit £l'om Fifi eld Wisco ns in • nndllY , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--', Holtza])p le's plant fit u. m. 1 and join d hi s famil), i~ learns, gu st, Mis Ram ey, of Dayton. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO '"'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!'!'!!"!!!!!"!'!'!!"!!!'!!"!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!i'!!~~~~~~~ ~-~ Not only chicken -£al'ms will ue Ky., where he will spoend a week. dined here Monday. Mrs. Cloren vi. itetl. Hay . 111. Fergu:on, O. McC ray of Cen~' . U. poultryman in charg..• of th Mr. and 1111'S. Ray Mainous and t I·ville. and Miss Und J"wood, of lour. "Ther arc two du k farm!',. son Donald with theil' guests, MI·s. Dayton. W I'e callers at the home a tUl'key farlll and a ph asant Collier, hel' so n and granddaugll- Monday. Mt·s. Ada J nkins atten ded Wiltat'l11 on the itinel'(Iry," he says. ter s pent Wedne sd u~' at tht' Zoo. mington Yearly Meeting on Tue yllr~s to be . visited include 111 r. and 1\11' • John B. Gons in day. l'ld l' poult.ry f~I'm and . fox ompany wlih :\lir. and Mrs. Victor ranch u ndel'svllll'. Huc.lson'a 8J'penter, of 1iddletown, 'will Mra. Howell P irce. Mi sses Annie duck farm.n 81', pp r Sandusky, lea ve Tuesday fOI' Mi('higan where and Marne Brown and Mr. eei l Davis spent today, Thursday. with heckler ~Isters LUI'~ey ·farm at they will enjoy a week fi shing. fri ndil a t Hillsboro. Nevada, BIshop's 'w hlte leghorn Mi s Alice HaJl, of Dayton, and farm at New Wa ~hington, GeOl'ge A. H. tubbs is moving his Pohm' s pluce at · Olmstead Falls. Funeral Home and Iplace of re i- MI'. J ohn Gaither. of incinnati, Franch ester Farms at Ravenna. donee into the arlwright prop- called on their all nt, Miss Kate R. H. aughan & Son s and the erty on the west side of Main Hall, Thur day. Mliss Ethel Mendenhllll attenddar Ridge poultry farm at street. ed Indiana Yearly Meeting i n Pen olumbiana, and Fr d Ward 's Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Elzey dleton. Ind., Monday and Tues· OPEN WEEK DAYS 9 10· 5 :3 0 , EVE NINCS , THURS. Ie SAT. seven-stol'y poulh'y plant at lind daughter, MarjoJ:i., of Dayton day. Wooster. . pent. Tuesday with th former's Phone 61R3 Main St. Mis Fl'eda Harv y was in WilThe mark ting enterprises to be parents, Mr. and Mrs. W alter mington, Friday. visiled include the Wooste-r Egg Elzey. . Mr: and frs. Raymond Mon tand Poultry Auelion, the NQ1·thg omery and Mrs. Rilla B~owne. of oa t hio Poulb:y Producer'S AsMrs. Fl'ances Jan'n ey Barden, entervill e, were dinner guests of sociation, and the .T hibedeau and of olumbus, is he re this week Misses Annie and Mame Brown. , _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~,",!,,_ _ _ _...._ ....- " Ohio Farm Bureau egg plant. caring fOl' hel' n\oth'~r, Mrs. Ruth Sunday. Janney, who was taken ill Monday Miss Je~!lie ltobinson. frs. night. At last 8(:CQUnts Mrs. 4-H CLUB NEWS Moore. M' Moore, of Cincinnati Jann ey was thought to be lowly and M'rs. Nanni~ Flol·ence. Mr .. The Junior Good Cut Clot.hing improving. Rebecca Hughes and Mr. Tom club met Tu day aft r nOOll, AugMr. lind Mrs. Her'bert Edwards Hughes, of Columbus, were Sunu' t 18, at the h~me of Mrs Gilbert day guests of Mr. and Mrs, How· Frye. Fourteen nlembers wel'e and family, who halve spent the ell PeiJ'c ~. past three week visiti ng Mr. present and worked on the third Mrs. Lena Hartsock joined her Edwurds' father, O. J. Edwards article. and other relatives in Ohio. left son A. Z. Hartsock and family Demonstrations Wi!'l'e discussed aturday ior their home in Sunday and dined with Mr. and nigh t ly ill yo~ and plans wel'e made' fOl' a picnic Denver, Colo. Mrs. W . T. Jordan in Harv ysburg f,ont of the On the la t meeting day. Gr.ndtt.nd. Mildred Salisbury, Reporter M'l'. and. Mrs. Walteor Rabe, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rose and son The last meeting of the Busy Dick, of Madisonville. and Mrs. Mir. and Mrs. R. C. Moler, of Fing rs 4-H Club was held W ed- Sofie Beare, of Camp Dennison, nesday afternoon. August 14 at s pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Columbus, spent t he week-end Philip La1'l'ick. Lois Jean accom- with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vuker. the home of lIIrs. P resto n. Miss Miriam Ellis, of neal' WayA final check up wa made on panied Mr. and Mrs. Rabe to their ne YilliLvlsited....Mrs. Elmer Groves the club members books. Plans home fO}' a two-week vi it. one day last week_ were made for a picnic and swim Mrs. Sadie Reaso n, of HarveysMr. and Mrs. Ed Longacre were at the pool Fl'jday, August 16. It i a long tep indeed from the blnck-nJumed Virginia Pr ston. Report r burg, Mr. and MTs. P. L. Reason. unday even ing guests of Mr. and and son Loren. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Mrs . .Everett Haines and fami ly hearse of twe nty-five yea-I's ago to the beautiful H ckett and daughter. Ruth, Mr. at West Carrollton. funeral car of today. Th e sh·ea\11lined. smooth-ridtewi ng Lamb. 2-lbs . ... 25., -short Ribs, Beef. 2-lbs. .. .. 25e On Monday aftern oo n, August and MI' . Rhod Bunnell were in Mr. and Ml·S. Donald Hadley ing funeral car is a sb'iking exampl e of the adhouldel' Lamb Roast. lb . .. 16., 5th the 4-H Club girls of Dayton Wednel;day to attend the Chuck Roa t. lb. , . . .... 17e spent Sunday with relatives at vancement automobile design has made in the last Wal'l'en ounty met at Camp 19., LJmb Chops, lb. Round Lo in Steak. lb ."." 25e funeral of 1111'S Lena Rea on. wife' Blanchester. .1 }look near Middletown to enjoy a of the late Paul RI!ason. few years. ~ Shou l ~ r, wls StE1Ik. shoulder. lb . .. 2Oc I Mrs. Ch81"les AndeJjso\,! of Wayf w days of outdoor life. 23., Lamb C~ops, lb. The fihe t vehicles comprise our rolling stock. Fre$h Ground n ef, lb . ... .. 15c nder the supervision of excelMr. and Mrs. Walter Williams nesville and Mrs. Walter Kenrick Loin or Rib. Realizing how important comfort and p nect I nt teachers ' the girls were and child)'en, of Kingman and spent Wednesday with Ml'S. Allen lub teak. lb. . ..... .. 25c 27c . Leg of Lamb. lb. taught sw imming, hand (}r~ft and Mi s Lou ella Jannl!y left Sunday Emrick. mechanical c'o ndition are, we maintain only cars tel'lk, lb. ..... .. .. 21e: !\fiss Mary Jane Warner "["eturnenjo'yed many games at campfire of , th most modern de. ign. These are kept in by motor for YelJowston-e where Chuck or Shoulder. ed to her home in Middletown meetings. they .will enjoy t he! beauty of the flawless condition and bandIed by highly-trained . Baby B ef Liver, 2-lbs . . .. 35., The camp is one of the most great. national park During their Monday after a two week's visit drivers. In this way we are as ured of comfortwith her grandfattJer, Henry beautiful sites in the county and absence Elaine. younger daughter able, trouble-free transportation :for our clients. Chops. lb . ............... . .... 30., af t!.'r four glorious days aLI the of Mr . and Mrs. Williams is stay- Foulks. Shoulder. Mrs. Mary Carmony wail a Sungirls alfe looking 'f orward to the in/!: at the h ome (If her grandFine motor cars are but one of ma:ny features. day dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. trip next year. Pllre POl'k au age. lb . . , .. 23., mother, Mrs. Ruth Janney A close inspection reveal countless details Home Made Ham Loaf lb. 25., W. F. Clark at Waynesville. Bulk or Casing. carefully .supervised to insure a beautiful and imBologna, 2 lbs. . ..• . 35., Mrs. Charles Pennewit and Hearts, Tongues. lb . ....... 15., pressive funeral service at modest cost. daughter of near Bellbrook, M TS. Franks, 21bs. .. .... 37., Will ~ogers .Bnd daughter of W einel'S. lb. .. .. .......... .27., Mason a nd Mrs. Ada Cbe-nQwith Smoke~eats Many other Lunch Meats at were Friday guests of Mrs. Meta th ese Low Prices. Rogers. Bacon, piece, lb. .. . ......... 28c Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Longacre ' Ham.s, whole or naIf , Ib .. .. 29., and 'childr en motored to Indian J owl Bacon. lb . .... ... .. :........ 25c Get our very Low Pl'ices on Lake Sunday. Lard, pure open kettle, lb. 19., Veal. M~s8eB Wylodine and J eanette l',;;;======;;;;;:;==================-=-~ KUrfiSB spent several days laat " week with Miss Pauline Friend at SAVE YO UR SOLES Johnsville. Mr. a'n d -MI,'B. Thomas Collins of Dayton were week-end g uests of Mr, and Mrs. Walter Kenrick. Mr. and Mrs. Gle nn Brock and children Betty' Jane and Jimmie. of Indianapolis, Ind., were Satur. day and Sunday guests of Ml's. Ali~e Bl'Ock and Mrs. Mary Marshall. ' Mr. and Mrs. A.lIen Hal'dy of Lebanon spent Tuesday afternoon at the home of. Mr. and MlI·S. Ed Longacre. Mrs. Charles Morgan and Mrs. Alice Clark attended a shower for Mn. Carline Burnett WedllCsday afte l'noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Watkin s nelll' Cente'rville. Th. rotation of hOIl not onl, Ml'S. Allen Hole. Mrs. Ru sell INild. up loll f..ulily b.. Campbell and children. Mrs. revolutionary new inlaid ch.cIca d....... Good fenc. linoleum has just been Wilbur Sears and Mr. Harvey announced by . CongoleumUnquestioned Hole visited Mr. and Mrs . Oscar Ins you to k..p yo. Nairn, Inc. , tha t will gladHole and . family at Crawfordsville dwability and pili In clun pesture &0. den the heart of every Ind .• !!even I days lallt week. householder, for it makes exq,uisit~ design ferrowlril II ... to ........ M1'II. Ed Longacre and M'rs. the laying of fine linoleum -the lUQhest ideals in plated ware-are aSlured in II.... Co ... In .cRat ..... Calvin . Longacre were (lalled to floors surprisingly quick Dayton Monday morning by the and easy, thus materially I.poon-.. forks, and fancy ~ pieces bearing the you how IItti. It will COlt to serious iIInesl ' of the former'. reducing the cost of instalhnc. yo. lei...... the rcoowne<l trade mark lation. The exclusive tealitt le grandson. Bobby Swank, at ' ture of this product is the GENUINE A..rIc. F. .I St. E lizabeth hospital • . adhes ive which is applied Mr. ad Mrs. Harvey Burnet in to the back of the linoleum company with Mr. J. H. Ka~fman at the factory. Thil adof the Dayton and Lebanon pike. hesive has onl, to be ac· attended a dail')' meetinc at Porta tivated by a ICrubbing 1\ere are ~ariou. make. of .averplated tableware' Dew mouth TueadaJ. bnuh in ",ater, beare claimed to be ,.just AI goOd." but. like aD fore the linoleum diThe foUowlnc olllein were elect or conerete . ......... ~ ·Iack the beauty and w~r.!!II.._QUaIity ad at the ....tina of til. Ladi.. I Aid Jut week at the home of lIiM fhd withlheonpaalandaenuiDe II 00. . ._" Rutb Beeder: Bmma pr.... . JllIIg...~lJbowD "SUR' Plau-";;" W,.,....I I wtet-IPftII• •

Wayn uville, Ohio,

Phone 79

Moderate Cost

....... ...

6Se per Gallon

$10 Rai.e

Cary's Jewelry

Calcium ' Arsenate


....... ..



Friends' Home News

::Jiur.eIlaL 7JiMd.ot


Our Little Girl

- - - - - - - - - -

Real Art Beauty Shop.

We are equipped to serve you. as well as any city Beauty Shop - - - Reasonable Prices


WaynerviJle, Ohio

Grace Davis, Prop.


Look • Read

Compare our Quality and Prices. will be convinced these are two Thtm reasons why you should Buy and Save at


Coyle's 'Q uality Meat Market

Comfort and Beauty

Genuine Lamb

Baby .Beef


Lunch Meats


New Linoleum Has Adhesive Right on Back



E. MeClure

Way.....' •••,


Phone 66

Free Delivery


"Hos Tis~t"

Fencing Build. Up

Soil Fertility



. We have just received a fence.

'WIIicIa ill


dUn ~ s-IfGr

It...... .--~.


car of thi.




Eighty-8eventh Year





Number 618:.1



COHN-HOG PROGRAM 4-H CLUB MEMBERS fOUlKS RElJNIO'~ NATIONAL GRANGE Pupi of Waynesville schoo ls The Young hunhmen': William {lnd Elil'n MIl~s,. lion ItMIH-RED BY fARMERS and of Ir, onll Mrs. H. who have. lieen !Studying musIc this Epliscopal Church TO ATTEND fAIR ofwillSt.holdMary'Sfarewell HEl.O SUNDAY LECTURER TO SPEAK summel' under Russ 11 Frank and R. suITc['('(\ pniufel Sunday afternollll wh injut'ies n they AG' GOADING TO REPORJ loslMos., school music instructQr pre: Four outstan ding' 4-H club picnic nt Wayne Park, Friday, The annuill uninn t he frol11 a horsc al their hom e s~nt their work Sunda'y, August August 30, hOll()lI'lng 3ft-. Lloyd girls from Warren county will at- Hackw II, who will leave for the Foulks family "'«); held Sunda y. so uth or town. AT POMONA MEETING 26, in two recitals, The will t"nd Ohio State Fair next week .to EuSl, Sept mb er It quireu [c)lld n stilches to be held Ilt 4 m. and the sec· to prepare .'\ugust 1 , at the hll 111C of Henry PUPILS TO PRESENT WORK AT SCHOOL CYM SUNDAY



dau~ht. l'







l' p, I, R.i..... W ant to Produce Foulk~ in Lytle, Th ll!\. Pl' 'sent CraDle Diatriet Rally ond at 8,00 p. m. Both will be participate In the State home himself l or the l11ini ~try. All mein w e l't'; MI'. and 1\11'8, John Fite, d o c th e cut on William'fI arl11. Pork Enoug'h for All, while Ellen uff('red only a,oYer held ie the high chool gymnasium economics contests. ounty elim - bel'S ar e r-cqu('stelli to be t her fol' Open to Public .t Ralph alld Clifford Fitt!, Mr. and urui es, B Ilt A t A Profit -- ~ supper ilL G o'clock. ination contests to select these deWaylle .... iIIe M r ~. l'ovn WhitE' and dau)!h~~r$, and 1\11', and Mr , Al'c her Fite and legates were MId at Harmon Hall 'l:he farmer's chief oncel'n in daug hlcl' of BlUe Ash, 0,; 1\il', the agdcultuml ndj uslment pro· Warren oun ty Pomona Grange in Lebanon, Fl'iday August 16th, and 11-, Parkel' Shroyer and Ron MOI'c than 5() gil'l, representing ~I'a m , is to I'eccivc II fair I'eturn , ill meet ,August 31 with Waynesof ol"wood, 0" M1.'s. Elizabeth the 4-H food and clothing clubs ff)r his product!! fint! to safeguard Fou1ks, Mr. and Mrs, Duve Pope ville Farm r's Grange No, 13 actin the county competed. ~'oci al Row Road, M'i s R ev~ Lhe interest of the con umer with jng as host, Greene, Clinton, Cler. Betty Whitacre, a member of . [ Method, Germnntown; MI'. and a suifl("i\,ll i upply at fair prices, ·m ont, Brown and Butler counties th BuU erville 4-H lothing club ____ i\I1' ~ , J c;sse rout and d.wghtel's <<lid luuue It Wi ckard, chief of ' will be guest at this meeting, made and modeled th e wi;ning 'rhe Wayn e Town . hip S hool" Trenton ; Mr. and MI·s. Fred Midlhe COl'n-hur; sec tion or' th AAA which wi ll be called at 10 a. m, in dleton, layto n, .; IIfr. anli Mrs. the Hall on Mail! St, The reg ular Lloyd Davls and family were in costume in the tyle review and will upen on TUt!!tIiay, S ptember Tom TUl'nel' and OIUOIbull. on August 12. on, Mr, and Mr. "nd 11'S, p, L. Reaso n ha will model in the Stat!' contest on 3_ The morning will be devoted ba ket dinn~r will be se rved at the Springfield Sunduy afternoon, Mrs, Hansford Tew 11 and family celumed oller a pI aRant outing 1'wo hundred and tifty COl'n.b og Tuesday, August 27. Ruth !:.alis- to II if,lnment of pupils to rooms, of Franklin ; MI', and Mrs. Wil. noon hOlll' with Mr. and Mrs. E, Mi s Jes, ie Clarke is visiting bury 11'0111 Lhe S nj ol' Good ut at Lake cnm mitteen1ell from Ohio's 88 L , Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. W. A, I" e ' B t M h tt belot Swank, MI'. and Mrs. Melvyn Swartzel and Mr. nnd irs. Reif- re a .... v s In oe on, a Hac ,us & lothin g ~Iub of Waynesyill sec. issuing of lextbCloks and nroll· count! !I togE'thcJ' with county M:r:, Ralph Hastings and little ?nd h'i ghest in the c l otbin~ judg. III 'nt in cla~ses, During the after· wank and childr n. Mr, and snider compo!'ing the table comMi s LOlli e Hende-rso n was the 109 contest. ~n the food judging noo n, al l classes and grades \\iIl lIirs, Ramcl'lt, Mrs, Edwin Lin· I on I.Ipe nt Welln e day in Lebanon \~~nt.M m t at th e Ohio StIlle mittee, uiversit to di "cus guest or fJ'i nds in Hamilton over n man and son, Dayton; Mrs. ra the gu sl of Ml'S. Hasting ' si tel'. with of· contest Persha Gual'd, a m mber go thrcllgh the entire schedule, Wal'nE!r, Miss g Erma lind DorIs Th afternoon meeting will be the weck·end, ficials of lhe adju stment adminie· of the NOllable Fo ld club of Leb- with shortened periods at which Wa1'O I' of Middl town; Mr Hem'y l Ml'S. JO!liali Davis, Who suffer· trillio n plans for the 1030 adju8t· open to the publiO' and will be placed fll'st. I' ' Mrs. Id a Kel s y is spending 'a anon. held at the gym. Helen Rice of the Washington time assignments wi ll bEj made fOl' Fulks, MI'. anu Mrs. J oe l mith, eel a :; val'e Ilttac:k uf illne~!!i 8lln· mwnl pr(lgram. .JaDles C. Farmcr, lecturer of few ,days ,at the home of her sister Township Canning club, MI'. nd Mr, . Ed Longacre:, l r, day night, i to be ve1'y MI'. Wicknl'd puinted out that was the work 011 succ.eeding days. the Natinnal Grj1nge. Walter F, near Dayton. and M 'S, Wilbur Foulks, Mr. and much better. it will b nec slIar), lo ho11.\ publlc c~os!'n 85 the , healthiu t gil'l and 1 The school day opens for first Kirk, Port Clinton, ma tel' of M , Elmer Groves. Mrs. alvin' Mrs. Howa l'd M une. of Frank· I"c~tingil to d"termine whcther a Mi Doris Henderso n of in· WIll entel' ~he St~te health c ntcst. bu children at 8 :tS a. ' m" 'at Longacl' Ohi o tate Grange and J, W, and childr n Ernest These gtrls will compet in the I h- h tl h'ld h ld b . 'Foulk. Donald Foulkli ~nd Miss fort., and Mrs, f. E. Mousel', of n w pr ~ran1 will be started Fichter, Columb us, lecturer of cinnati, sp nt th week~en d at her State contest for trips to the I w IC me c I ren ou e In Zanec ville. ate gue, l.' of Mr, lind Ilfle r the expiratiOn of Lhe present tat Grange will be guest horne here .. nne anu c~tll 11 atlenti n to the National 4-H CluQ ongress h el d thelt' seats rcady t o tal't work, Kati! mlth of Lytle. Mrl!. L, H, Gordon. speakers at the afternool! meeting n~d for fanners La be repl'elle~t­ early in D emb r. and cJos s a, t 31~IO p. ITI. at 'which in hicago We are fortunate in having Mi Emma Peacock, of Dayton LOCAL BOYS TO EXHIBIT h. und Mr$_ F, H, Brad,haw ed a such hea ring If the he-al'inga th S pl'ominent personalities in is the guest of her cousin, Mrs_ • The gil'ls will be accompanied tim e dismis al tllkes placc, For AT OHIO ~TATE FAIR and daugntel' Jean, ot t. LouiS', Ill' favorable to continuation the to the, State ' Fair by Miss Eliza· econd bus c hildr~n B :45 a. m. and our town and a la~ crowd is George J. Smith. Mo ,; are gue La of Mr. fl ltd Mrs, adminis.trat.ion plans to hold are· beth Graddy, home demonstration 4 00 ' 11 t I Throu"'h Lhe effort of the expected to give them hearing, an olle t and 1amily. ferendum of all corn.hog prod\lc. of Lebanon, agent. : p, m. B Us cJ' l'lvers WI 'r ave ., 1I1rs. R_ Brew!'r, ----~ -~~------ -- _ the sa me route as before and Juniol' Stat " Fair manager 1I. F, 1'8 to deLermine their wishC1!. was the guest of Mrs. Al~rt S3ndles. his assistants and the Mr. and Mrs. hal'les Myers, of Plans for the h aril1gs and the reo WALTER K.ENRICK IS will bid. wit h the same schedule, Polin ky, Friday. d I boys and girl of the state, th e incinnati, lire Hpending a fe)l . ' A reVIsed che II e wi ll ban· ><eve nth annual Ohio tate Junior days with Mr, . Myel'S' moth r. ferendum will b nladc after the NAMED ADMINIST-RATOR pI'e!'len t eries of the ~tate meetMr. and Mrs. E . L. Thoma , nounced to pupils the lat er part Fair pl'omises to be biggel' and MI' , Keziah Thompson. ing!> of cC)I'n.hog committeemen is calloo on' friends in Wilmington, Walter Kent'ick of Lytle has of September. , F'upi~s and, pa~e!lt.S b tter than evet'. ' Mrl;. Paul Flory, Mrs. Claud concluded. Sunday at~rnoon. been appOinted old age pension can a~d bus dnv,ers 10 maInta1n~ng Our own F. F, A. bol's of the. In their reports on the operation admini strator for Warren county' a sahsfa~tory s,c h~dule b~ bemg vocational agdcultul'e cll,'partinent lUggs and Misses Bett.y and DI)1'o Mrs . .Jessie Hyman and Mrs, A. ending. apparently, a long period pr.ompt '1\ hen bu~ ltm~ apptoachc. oC out' high school have been re- thy ounce SIlent Thursday with of the corn-hog program. t he Ohio A tempol'ary tax program, in· Mr. and Mrs. W. ' , lark. farll'lcl'~ cxprcs,; d themselves jle· W,e shal1 continue to supply ~he gular exhibitors at thi : fair. .tigal d to m et ul'gcnt d mands T. Polinsky were in Cincinnati on of strife between county com. finitely in fnvor of a progl·am. of mi sioners and state aid for the free of te~tbooks to PUPIl~. This year two boys, Leo Connel' for sta~ fund and to tide over buainess. Monday. Julian and Raylyn rabbe have aged offi cials. Any loss re8~ltl?g. frpm negll· and J ohn Boger wiU enLer the a guest!!! this week thei r cou ln~ adjustment to maintain a fair purthe period until new and permlln. Mi Esther Dennis, of Dayton, Trouble started when M'r _ Min. g~nce of ~upll s It. IS ' un dersto~d, show ring. Leo with hi pure bred ou ita, Eleanor and Mason ov· chasiing power tor Cal."m products. nt tax mea ure may become ef. is a guest in the home of C. L~ Many suggestions were made for nie Gordon, Columbus, armed witb WIll be made good by that fam il y. Je r P-y heifcr and John with his er ton oC Falloll NeV'ada, fective, wa s suggested at the bi· Hawke and family, improving the details of operation a letter {rom H. J. Serrodin, state Laboratory mal~ual , wor1,tbooks Hel'efol'd be f stee r. They will monthly meeting of the Board of Mr, Raymond Dunham, oj Trustees of the Ohio Faml Mi s~ Jane Coo k spent last administrator of old age pensions, and ~IBss for111 10 u~~ WIll be meet some 60 to 70 comp titors with good animals and boys Kings Mill ', spe nt Sunday at the Burea u Federation, according to a week in a Gid cou.ts camp at took over t.he aid office at Leb. furmshed by tHe pU~1I1s. anon. Tqeher. A •• lfl..~d train If in showmanllhip. The ex· ~ome of his so n·in-law and statement made by John M, Pottawatomle Hills, Wisconsin. County commissioners objected Teac~el's 81)'e aSSIgned as p ri nc gained will be wel1 worth claughter, Mr, 8nci Mrs. Walter Hodson, chairman of t.h' legisla· tive com mit~ e, in Columbus, to· h'l I't WI'LI d eveI op eharacter as Sheehan. Mrs, Cora Macy, of Xenia, is strongly to thi pro!:edure. con'- follows . Grade BuildiDfl WI, day. ' an d a b'I't visiting i,n the home of Bert Hal't- t nding that Mr. Kenrick should Miss Eva R eeder, Grade 1 well as showmansh ' IP I I Y Mr. lmd 1I1rs. Frank Tart, of "This program is set up to up· soc k and family, this week. ' Ito cl;lndition animals, receive the appo intm ent, He has Room 1. outh Qharlellton, lolr. and Mrs, H plement the permanent' tax. Pl'O" served as admin ish:ator of t he A free pass campin or .M. Goode , of Bl ane h este r county aid office lnce th~ retire. M~. Ola ICersey, Gl'ade 2 r,., , g space, . Vaughn, of Columbus, were Lebanon is get its new federal gram of the fal'm bureau." ssid Mr . " .., • t t d ts '11 b f ' h of 'Mrs. Anna Cad. ment la t summer of A. D. '"aney room 2. en s an co ' W1 e ul'nts~.d callenl lit the home of Mr_ and ' post office building, according to Hodson. "This permanent plan for " .'a8Jl the d F d d S t d n Miss Macey Carter, Grad 3-lI., for, t~e wef.k to all Junl ol' Fa ll' Mrs. J. W. White Sunday after· repol'ts recei Yod hom Washington raising revenue leans heavily upon wa a er rl ay an a ur ay. Morrow, but he worked under 8 l'Ol;lm 3. exhIbitors, ___ _ _ _ noon, How soon the project will get an income tax and other measures d' th' I provisional appointment and never . Ha ....ftoc k ' under way was not indicated, but J ., V • .., IS spen lUg e received a salary, it was said. Mr. Wade Turne(, Grad e 3-1. &; . which, if enacted, would not proDEATH Mr. and 1\It·s. Harry Burnett and duce available revenu_e until ha.y :ever, aeason at_ a Northern Kenrick was first on the eligibl~ 5-1., room 5. , childrcn, of Lytle, and Mr. and selection of a site will be the first Miss Laura McKinsey, Grade 4, William B. Ru sum, well-known Ml's. Myron 'rhomai;'"' 0 Dayton, d tail In t he pi'ogram and may be January I, 19 87. To meet this MichIgan upper Pentusula ~o rt. list tor the appointment, and -the mergency period tbe farm bureau Mr. and Mrs, Harry Azzling, Df commissioners charged that poLio ro~ 6 . . to many Gazette readers, pa sed spent Sunday in Maineville, taken up within /l. few months. tics wa s being played in sending i s Alice (,Ilmpbell, Grade 6- away Tu'sday mOI'nil1", A u"'ust guests oi Mr. and MI·Ii. William Lebanon" f~el'nl building wu lias set up what it regards as an Dayton, were guests of , lib, and the Calumbus WQman to Lebanon. II' l'oon1 8 • 20, at tne home of hi~ son, b Dr. Th omas. inclu ded in a list 01 16 such p roj· equitable temporary program. Mn~ cD 0 1Ia ld , Gra de Ga I(l E. Rus um, 046 St. Nich()ias ' Chal'l .. A 10 per cent tax to replace Mrs , B, T. Vj~, Saturda ,u evening Although the county com mission. Mr e.cts apprOv d 'li nd announced by M)'!I. Anna G ilibons and family the federal post office and tre ..• the present 3 per cent Ulx on Mr, and Mrs.~ Wade Turner ~rs sent sev"ral letters t o Ber. 6-1, ,room 7. Avc., Dayton. D ath followed a amusem nta, cosmetics, jewelry have gone to housekeeping in the rodin, and made at least. one trip MillS Doroth:y M. Day, Grade cel'ebl'a l h morrh g e suff'e,' d Sun· entel'tllined at dinner. unday, Mr ury depaTtment. t th tt t t • 6-11" Room 9. I dfty nl'''ht, · an d Mt's. R. • Oglesby, a nd Mr. and Il)any other luxuri 8, could be Gilliland property On Third street re Ia t Ive The Leba.on pOlt office 'lfU 0 e rna er, S a e 0<ficial!> failed to appo int Kenrick Hi.h ScllIool Buildinr I ~ MI'. ~UU8tlU1l1 Son of harles I::dwin OgleF-by, of Middletown, first g iven Il mOl'e 01' I s definite made to produce an estimated Mr. H. R. Moss underwe.nt a un til late last week, Mr. Karl R. Bodenbendet·, and Abiglll B~nn elJ Ru ssum, was and 'J udge W. E. Oglesby, of status JO years ago when a 16revenue of ,8,750,000 and o~ration, at Christ - - - --Grllde 7-1" roc,m 7. born at Ridgevill Ohio Murch 16 hicago. would adhere closely to what is tonsil year building program for til. ELLIS-HESS Mr_ Chas. Ie. Spencer, Grade 1857, " commonly caUed a fair tax system hospital incinnati last Friday. post offiCe department was set up _ _ _ 7-lt., room 4. I On Jun e 6 1878, more than Mr, ftnd Mrg, ' L , H . Gordon had ~'T his $8,760,000 in by the congress und er the Cool. Mr. ehas.•Tames, Grade -1., fifty-seven yeaTS ago, he was as dinner "ueals Monday eve ning idge admin istration. would be immediately M-iss Frederica M~rtin and Mr. Mi ss GraCe H ss and Erwin Ellis ' , united in marriage at WaynM. Mrs, Howard McCune of Ftank· and would b sufficient Paul Winters, af Linton, Ind" two . of Waynesville's popular 1"00~ 1., • ' It is tho ugh t that the structure M1SS Eltzabteth Henkle, Grade villc,to Alice, Jdest daughter of tort; Mr . M, E. Mou 'r, of· of th deficit in "Ulcr.. m " were guests ot Dr. and Mrs. E_ F . young people, jllipped quietly will follow th Ol'iginal plans for away aturday and were united 8-I1., room 6. I th late J. Wilso n and Mary L. ville, MI' , Emma H, McClure and fin school funda. Thjs deficit Deppe last week, $85,000 building, inoludinlr • in marriage at Newport, Ky. Mr. Ira O. Brown, Grade !)·I.,Wright Edwal'ds, Miss Helen Welch. fro,m the a llocation of the liquor th!' cost of Ii. site. tax funds to the maintenance of Mrs. ,J. E. Witham has returned The bride i the second, daugh. room, 2. . I Besides hi. widow and . on he' Mr. and Mrs. J , Will White and ...... ~ old age ])ensions, and amounts tc from Van Wert where she was the ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank B ess MI SS Esther E. Snuth, Grade O· is survi ved by one 'daughter, MI'. Fred White w~re dinn~r CHANGES ARE MADE approximately $8,000,00," said guest of Mr. and Mrs. James and. gradllated frOnl Waynesville . 11, r~om 3. , Margaret and two granddaughters J:uests of MI'. and Mrs. D. ' . IN LICENSE LAW Hodson. Stoops. high school in the class ' of '33, Mr, RaymOlrtd Braddock, Grade Alice Jall e anu l valu Ru _su m, Ridge on Sunday, the occasion graduated from ' Miami. J O -I., room 11. Funeral ervices W~l'e held . at She also celebrating t he birthday annivel·. It's the social items that make "New amendments to the Ohio Miss E. Virgeile Roe, Grade 10- the home of Dr. ,-nd Mrs_ Dale E. SlIt'y of Mr. White, Sr. R~VIVAI:. BEGINNING AT aloca], ,newspaper 'interesting. Jacobs busin ess college and has Real E~tnte License Law," stated been employed in Dayton. II,; room 10. RU $su m in Dayton; this Thursday FERRY ~HURCH OF CHRIS1' Telephone or send them In. Our M,i s Esther Denni , of Dayton, L, J. COl:C01'an, Acting Secretary Mr. Ellis, youngest Bon of Mr. Lawrence A , Garst, Gmde afternoon at two o'c lock with in· t elephone number is 112. Charles T. Ellis, graduated from 1 1, room 17. tennent in Miami cemetery at Mis, Dorothy Anderson of King- of the Statc Board of Real ilstate On Augult 26th we start a two man, Mi s Sadie Worley, of Leb· EXll1l1inel's, at a meeting or real ' Mr. Raymon F . Hatfield, Grade Wayn esville, weeks revival m~ting wlth Wm, Chester A, Williamson, of Scott· WayneSVille high School in the room 12. anon, Miss Doris Hawke and Mrs, estllte brokcl'S in the Cleveland C. Smith, the minister doing the dale, Pa., a f ormer, minister I)f tne class of '82 and i a promising 12,Mr. Turner-playground supel'. MaYI1Ill'd Weltl: picnicked a t ' Hotel, "will be of great benefit to PAYROLLS INCREASE preaching and F. T. ,M .rtin in local Church of Christ, 'Was call- young business man. Several visor; assistalrtt , Miss Day and Roser's park, Wednesday evening, the brokerage business and to buy charge of the music, The lIervices ,ng on friends here Monday. months ago he acquired the Way· Mrs. Kersey. RetU1:n of persons to the pity. Mi s Mal'Y rane, en route with ers. and se\1 cl's of l'eal estate." Miss Helen Corrothers and Mr. nesviUe Service Station on Main will begin each ev~ning at eight Mr. Spencer - playground ball l;olls of private industl'y continu- friends from incinnati to The amendments, passed at the o'clock. Everybody ill invited to at the inter ection of State coach, trail\er and assistant ad on th upgl'ade duri ng the come and attend tlle .ervices. ~loyd lIackwel1, 'of Cincinnati, street Atlantic City, N. J., whel'e she la t session of the leg islature, beroutes 42 and 73 which hi!< is track coach. week end ing August 10, according ' come effective on August 30th of A special invitation is ""lr.."tI_1 were calling on Waynesville operating with success. Miss SmiJih-Dean at Girls, to figure compiled a.n d I'elea ed wlli spen d hel' vacat.lOn , stopped this year • ' ed to the following churches to friends ,Sun4ay afternoon. in Pittsburg Fl'iday aad was the Mr. and Mrs. £llis left Sunday physical education, athletics and today by n , R, Justice, Ohio Mr. Corcoran referred especial· come and bring a number in Mr•. and Mrs, N. P. Clyburn, of fOT Mich;gan wh ere they are Latin, director of the National Reemploy ovel'nlght guest of her ount Mrs. Schuy ler Matthews. ly to the clause of t he new law music. Washington, C. H., were supper spending their honeymoon. On Mjss Roe ._ librarian, French ment Service. which requiJ'e;:; CV~TY real estate AlIglHt 26th Waynesville guests of Mrs. Anna Cadwallader their return tbey will make the ir and English. A tota l of 1013 placements wel'e M1'. B odenbender- boys physi- llIade, 4970£ wh ich we~e with V . R. . B n·tto n, MI'~, B r1'tton, broker to rellillter his license with home temporarily with the bride's Chureh of Christ. and MislI Clara Lile, S~turday. August 27th WayneSVille pal'ent~___ ____- - cal , edu,catiolll, coach of basketball pi ivate employers. This is an im· "hee Ethelyn Joncs, th ir fo ur t h,e ~lerk of Courts of his county Methodist Church. Mr. and Mrs. George St~oud and and track allid science, pl'ovement of 4.4~;' over the c ildl'en and Mr s, }~va Kcy w,th1l1 ten day aft!er receiviftR' Augu,t 28th-,- 'Lytle MethOdist Mr. Carter Stroud, ,of, Dayton, SAFETY FOR RURAL Mr. Russe l E, Frank- music, PI' ViOUR weqk when 476 per ons J ones, of Mi!hawaka, Ind" have lic!'nse. Through t1\i meane the Chllrch. spent the week·end at the home were placed It\Iith private enter· tak n rooms at Mrs, Maud c public can aSSlJr i tself of the SCHOOL CHILDREN PUSHED vocal and in strumental. August 29th _ Sugar Creek of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Stroud. M,r _ J. B . Crabbe- Vocational prise. rane's and are spending a wellk utmost pl'otection against unlicena ~ d and unscl'upu lous operators, .. Christian Chure.'ll. , Contl'/l-ctors engaged · in public ,or marc among fri~nds in Way- a check at t he Oo urt House will Ohio is assu'tn,ing a l~ding po. Agriculture. Mr. John Pyle, of Beaver, Ohio, A Qgust 3 0th - All CenterviIle former athletie director in the sition among the states in the Town pupils should not come to wOl'ks , absorbed 516 or 60,9 % of n esvil1e 'and vicinity. flcquajnt the principal regarding Churches. A sw·i mmjnr party at Wayno the licen si~r and bonding of any AUll\lt 31st _ All Bellbrook local" high school, called on Way· matter of 'safety for rural school their building until 8 :10 a. m, the week's total plac'ement~, children. Drivers will ])Ian to have first bus New applications declined 12.· park, Sunday, compriMd f01- brokers churches. nesvillefl'iends, Tuesday, As a result of special .activities children ,unloaded at that time. 6";", A week ago, 2341ncw aplica lowi ng: Mr, and Mrs. Earl Ho'''· ~~ev.i~usly much of the irrecuCome with your church and Miu Ruth Chandler returned by the State Highway Patrol the This given minutes to get set- tions were received whilc durinll' lund , Miss AUye ne Howland, help bl'ing 'a large delegation. home Tueaoay after a ~lightful school children outside the metro. tIed tor work. Elementary gt'~de th week just closed 2046 new re- Byron Kress and dgen Kress, 01 larltres In the real e tllte bu&inesl w ag the result of improper advice - - ~~ • three-ween' visit \1Vltb her' siste~, politan areas are beipg safe. children wishing ' to come late gistl'ants wer e r eported. ' ard inia, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs, given by those wllo do not have D~ATH M.isll Elizabeth, at Hamt)ton, guarded against the hazards of should not Iilrriv~ until 8 :40 a. nl. j • - • War-ren Howland , Phyllis and th(' necessary knowledg. and Virginia. traffic by the introduction cif the at which time second hus children CLUB PLANS PICNIC Oean, South I'n Hills, Dayton, and llnde~'standing as l'equired by the Funeral services for Mn. Rachel Misa Marie Storer and safest possible transportation are unloaded at their respective Mr, and Mrs, John Myer al'ld Real Estate Examiners, accordlDI Anna Butta, 63 yean old, wife of Amol FalrchillJ attended facilities. buildings. I The last meeting of the Jr , Billie Hunsinger, of Dayton. to Ml'. Corcoran. G. H, Butta, who died AUlUlt 15, Storel'.Peterson "lInion at A program of schOOl bue insp~First mor ning schoo l bell \\ ill Good Out lothing Club 'Will be at her home in New Jasper after a pent )(ollnd, H.hland ' county, tion haM beEn inaugurated in every ring at 8 :ICI a. m, Second at 8 :40 Tuesday, Aug)Jst 27 at 2:15 p. m. Mr.and Mrs. Wilbul' C1B1"k en· NOTICE lin~rlnlr ilineu were conducted Thurllday of last week. county of the state by the High. a. m. First afternoon 8chool bell The member will meet at the tertained on Sunday their chilo ' w·th th at 12:10. S 'cond at 12 :40. Recess home of the leader, Mrs. Gilbert dren and gt'andchildren, also Mrs. , Sunday afternoon at the Neeld Way P a t 1'0I i n coopera t Ion J Mr. Mra. ,Carl Frye alld e at 10:()0 a. m. and 2:00 p, m, funeral home In .Xenia. Burial wu d I( andGUb __ local boards of education. I Jo' rye and later go to Wayne plJrk MalY Carm,o ny of Lytle , Pth. and Owing to the dl$ 0( made ·at Cowen'. Creek Baptist d:~ al:n.oODI:t ....V~;d::;:t Complemlnting ·the aehool bUI f or sw imtnil)l and a picnic supper. Ml'S. Floyd Garrette and lofr. nnd the office of lerk i~ tile DlYi8lon cburch cemeter" at BurtonYille. tbe Grand American ""lp.'boCltbl,' iDipectlon to be conducted bl the MI'Il. Kennefh Garrette ot Urbana; of Aid for the Artd Bom in Adam. count~ and .. tolU'lIulel1t ta In p~. Hl,lnrlY Patrol durin, the 1 "BOB" WINS Miss Edna Garrette of Young'!l· county by the State ruidlnt of WaJDHViUI .. number bool term, the Whlme, Bill l'fIlnlll\ap meetinlf of the Y. I Bob Davill, are 16, son of Mr. town, Miss LoueUa Douce of neeessal'Y to close aid Df , ..ra, lira. Butta moved to i ecome Itractive September I held at the home of and Mrs. Raymond Davis, won New ~ork City, Mr, and Mrs. E. l'lH!Sday, WednHda7 Gneae eoan" four ,ean .... BeDr. L. B. RaIl and faml1, p""dine that IChool bu drlnn Stanle, Bailer, first place In amateurll' conteat J, Carmony, Miss Madan Csr· dq of ,atb week llatll ••d.. her .us......... II ..mnd W. . . ., for Oola. . . ..... be at laut 11 Y..N of S1Il_1I Iv.llllnR_ Aueuat 26. at the Colonial Theater, Dayton, mony and Mr. Charles Barney of notice, On .1aUC1nD. . . AuaIIIUe ,., wID aU 1nta drivlra' . . . foill/ •• blll leaden wi1l Ita"e Mouciar l1iCbt.. Be "W pIa, a prllJri\eJci and Miss Naney 08lee wtJl be T, UltII<.Ill. neo rupll oro~lD: La N1Iee at Colonial imams of D17ton. At the nOOIl 4 p.. IdId FriA.... AllIUM hour til tabla '.. . . to It







-_ ... ----









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I -


-- •


. -... UIC


t(lry, Sht' III. a ftl d her appli<!atil'n


Cl'I,til\catt> of tran {,'r, ('harlt'~ . tad,lt>n. I! ecutor at the p.tat., (If Allni" M. MadJ"Il, uP. CPu"l'd, filed hi" Ilpplication COl' a ct!l'titleat· of tra n ~ft! l·. MIII'irttu Wh itacre and Esther Tlirkl', l'x('cntl'i('es of the e;<lnte "f Eugen r. DUnhall1, d 'us d filed th il' inv"ntory. Th . ~ lall' of amuel Butter· worth is t' xl'mpt from inherilan ce tnx, ' Th l , will of nlhcrine E . Fro oz, lIer t'u. ed, was filed in pr obllw. hlll'l~ r. D. Maple was appointed to taku ci e\lO/;lti qn of Elli P Legl r !Ln d C: eo ~ge R. I\[Ul'r8Y, witnesse$ 'l' he Will o f Eli A. Russell, de. c a o~ , WIlS admi tt d to pl'Obate. .1<: . B. l\lurr 11, A. . Murrell IlnLl C. H, fun 11, admini!ltmlol"S 01 t he s tate of Ce lia A. [un'ell. de. C ' ulIed, fil eli .t.~ir flr - t, flnal and ,list rib utive account. I y d ~ E. Levi cy, admini strator o f I.he st at o f Margaret Levi cy d e cea ~ d, fil d hi application fo r :1 C l'tifi cnt c of ttilnsfer. Ani' n BraCman · ~I'ld Nalhan fred, OJ( cu I'll o f the estate of S lom on Fl' d, dec:t!1\6cd, ' fil en t ile it· chedul e ot debt.s.

rtll' II





Wony Rnt! Bothl'l': You do nut st't' an object as soon U~ yvu luok


n~h il!.


H. (" 'UlIt'II, to W \lugh, l't 01, 1,

t own: hip. R... all~' Builolets Inc., to Kenneth I'ol'hnel' I'l' lll e. ta t~ in \Vashin 'ton tllwlIKhip. Reaity Builder". Inc., tu. Rose Poehller r ul f'~ late, Wa1:lhington l o\\ nsh ip. Mal'garet i.cvi 'y, decea s~d, to Iyell' L('vicy. t al G2.2 5 acres in lint n and W I~1't' (' n ' counticR and lot · 20 and 21 in Harv(,Y::lbul'g, The Vir'ginia Joint St o k Land Bank to ": ffie B. alld hal'l s A. ",V ebber , J,'., e~ tate in :l "rank· lin town hip.


~~.-.~- -~-



at it. - You Cllnnot make up for JOl!t ~ I .-p, and you hav • muny more ,dl'eal\l~ than you I' ml'mber. - If you'I' ~ kin \Va wrong,sill ·OUt you wou Idn't bL' water-proof. 0\1 cunnot mUk e up youI' lIIind ao! quick as 1.1 cnt.- You IHe t.u.lll't' in the moming thnn ut ni~ht. ­ When you have r '(lched the nge of adolescence, the chan '0 i 1 in 10 that at som time ill tht" futUl'C you will actuully be incapacitated f~)1 ' wOI'k by n mental dis IISO.

B"." tf)\'il' ... \ IIIt'ri('an no~' tttnril'~. durinlf t h,· (·o.tllll1!! ~" 'II\' , \\ ill tllkl' fl'adcl'll lu thl' nt "Ill· III llll' South ::;ell~ in II Il'lltiil1g '1l'hon\H r, to th polnr ~ l1 slr: bl.hind a dog tClim in1.o the ('u\llIditln \\'iidcrnl!~~ with the :lIUUlll (l ti Poiil'l' , through the arit)b~'n n with the U. R. llVY, Yen to' the rru· awllY pJan ·t or .Mars in II POCl' ~ hip. Th~re ' li bo true auventures 1Inl<l ng th li o l'l ~ und chimpanzees or fr icII with !apluin uri von l1o/ftlllHl, famous.. eX I>IQrcr and t!thn()l ol,(' i~ t. In add! ion there'll 110 ~ t \l ri(' s a bou t th fav t'ite Chlll'ti d l'~ of n milli on boy - Bonehl'nd .Jilll 'I' ic l·ney. detective; SllUIll'e J aw Uuvi s, engin 1'; Hide 1'a ck, the rcd-IIntl ,gold colli: Co nni 1 0 1'~un and Douglas ncn-

OLUMB S-Just having had .IIJhll 10:, 1l "lrll' ll, allminilltratOl' .. (" .t il .. 1"llltl' ..,1' .\I ice W. Holden, my la tcit summer hail' cut, " ' illilllll r:. ' \IItH It. on b UPII Int - I,"'''n'l'd. F 1':1 :Illd final. tho ughts Ill"i e of the ihcomparabl {d ll'llst '(' o f t h rl'h u n ~ .'\"~'l ull1 "I " 111 ( '0 1' Wll ~ f ,'"ntl to b ~ an conte ntment I get in a bar~er IlIlU 'lllldl'l'n'H 11(1111 , t ,) Jill \'U a n ,'pil, 'p l il and i~ to \)(' odmi~te d 10 cha ir, with a blu'ber who tlijl< cy Ihu ~ 'I'l,ulc d by th,. tll'nth o f t ill tl lt ;u lI \l ~ l'it nl fill' Epil eptic . freely but asks no que tions and " owlirol ndel'So n, .A ' In l~(' Illlltt.l"· nf th e estat of lets me slip into a semi-do7Je. To. ll ll 11 lh ,'n ' l' T h(' F"J (.rul l:and :. r L lI UI'P II1 :. d,' :,'a. cd, HU Zl!1 day while in such a stat I began Bank III L uis.\' H1 I' \,(> l:~I : Jnm .... \1 1" h,'II . ('x!.'o: utl'l hIed he r u pto ponder ul?on hair eu ts as lhe AI·th II I' Ha t t nl till. li t a l. r ceh et ' ,II(,l1t i" l1 kinA' co urt. to authorize f !low in the next chair was getIIi. chal'g(>11 :1 11 IlO lId~ ntl'n l'~lI't' ~l'd / h,' 1 10 p ay to Clinl W. Rat liff t he ting one of 1920 vintage, one of Al e lli .·mi '~licl fl i (' (l~ l~ o f pl ai ll' ,",1I 1l1 o r ,27 r) for rC III e. ta l" co m· thOSe that accoillpanied lhe post. tiI1', . 11lIi.,';I<1l1. ,," oU Ce or 1'III c of r nl eswa\' bell bottom trou ers A'though ' In t he ell~ (, (Jf n un ' n <, " 'ilk I' l at ... i, t o b e g'lwn t ll all intcl'e"t d the long thick s ide burns lind on \ (>1 '$\1_ :'\0:1 t n " ·ilk",.. l1n , l't ul .' ( 1 t il'''. fl'ow. bobbed back that paid tribute to di Ol'l' e \\,11, ~ I''' :ttc '' till' Plu in- I . In hI' ca, t! of W ull(,F KCnI' ick, King Tut have di appeareli with Th e r " 11 be vocational . tori e!! Bill. Allowed tiff. ' uli ni n i!' t ruLIlr f th (' (' tntl.' of the rise of the cons rvative age of tha t will h e lp lh readt'-l' select h is Th e Hook S h up, l comp ositi on I n til ca . ,' M L ui ' O-tr.)\', d. P(' t T~' E . Kl'n rick, d ceas I, \' 1'IjI work , advic e on hobbies, book f o), NR co ffi Ct'. 25c ; Harry Z c()mfOI't, an occasional straggler ~ h, (I , W(" tl'r ll Holl Ie e". v,'\,\,u,,;, I -us BC'rthu Kenrick ' (J lIi n~, et aI , continues to styl his plumage in ~ p o l'ls f ro m famous co ache!! al1ll Grny, Jul y n~lIt, NRS Cltllc,!, $5; :M .. ~. GllI ll y:; Ct·. m: l'lI ~e d i ~ l1I i~~c d i i~t ri1Jut i oll of pr occ(,lh 'of sale is '4We try to make 11 • ubscl'ip ' 1) la yeJ's, n~on e\ .. nillg s ugg e"t.i· K. L . lIorn, Jul y t'e ot, NR office, the pa el man'ner that to him ithu tlt reeol'CI Il t l: 1' _ t ~ nf pl uin- 1nh' rcil. $1 0 ; The Ofti C I~ utfitteTs, Sup· seems most becoming. Thcl'O til'n to THE AMERI AN B Y," n)I ~, VI\ aLlO n hints, alld wOl·lh· \iff. " ' nlt e r K. ' nri ck, , allm i nistra tor Griffith Ogden E1Ii" \\ hile ~o ntests . plies fo r NR ' ,ffice, $8,80' W, H. hould. be mOl'e eXplicit names for stlltes In th t'as "I' %dllHl ~ll\lnll\t'd o f th , ClIlute of l)c l'l'Y E. Ken· the various results ()f the tonsprial editor, "a round.trip ticket. to 1\ T HE AMER.I AN BOY costs ~ right, mil eage us Mllnah r Gth art. ve rs us Lt' Il11lll'd n.· .l lln~ ma ti Ill' r ick, d 'ea><ctl, 1IIed his fir~ l and The round n ck shav e which wol'ld ....vide ad" nture crui e. Only $ L 1\ ),(lar, Il l' $2 rOI' thrc ~ Di. tl' ict RS dul'ing Julr, $4 .44; ov rr ul 'II. n r(lll d 110 I ~ rllnt I'd LI(I I'I nal accu unt. "Most boys cannot af!'ol'd the yeal's, f or ig n su bscript ion s 00 David a l' p ~ nt e r, 111ileage a s man- has 'urvived th~ glare of ul'ban liaya t o pl(, II ~1. Dea n E . ta nley, ex ecutO I' o! " ag l' RS ot1ice during July, $15. criticism could be chris tened the luxury of tmvel but t hey can af- C nt~ a Yl!lll' extra. S .nd YOUl' l hl.' estate of El la T . ' tu nl l'Y, de. Mat'l'lale LlceDle. . 2 ; 01'. II. M. WiJliams , investiga- "pas~urized cut" and save the con- ford to settle down und I' a r ead: num!!, adelr 158, and remlttancc t o New Suit. c(ll\S'( d , Med hi invenlo ry. Ll oyd Jl;lhn on ,. truck dnv r of li on into d ell th o f Raymond Allen fused flingi ng of descl'iptive ad· ing lamp lind take nn imaginative THE: AME:HlCAN B?Y, 7~aO W UJ I-hllnpl on VOI'~U S T he ChariI''' S . Jr\\in , ' guard ia n of Lebanon,. and 11ss Rose Br own, $6:3 0 ; 01' lI, M. , iIliallls investig jectives. The closely clipped short tl'ip foreigll IlInd s in American ec nd Blvd., Detr It, l\1:1ch. Trav(>\t,F s Insuranc E' 0, for I<: dn a Ma y H opkiR , minor, fil ed : h,)usc maId o f L e ban on. ation into deat h I Hal'old La cur pompedoul' should be known as CI'viCf4 will !Slal't with the issu y ou . peci fy. On ncwiltands, LOe ·mon ~', 1I111unt claimed lOOO . hi . first BC ·ount. . Lawrence ox, laborer of Ma. on 6 ::-1 0 ; Dr. H. I. Willi II III , in- the "Von Hindenbcrg," the two - -- --= a c py. ROila Coo k v r!;us Bort Gar r tt In th mat er of the st ate of ILnd Miss Mildred Hoskin!, of Ma· v'(!~ti gati o n in to death of Mrs. eem to me to be jointly }·elated. for ba tardl'(. ' Iill: gle. b ,d 11 ed, sale of so n . . . Eleunol' W hit~I Cl'(', ~6. 70; The I would caU the sl ek feather· tyle the "air·f1ow" and --l'cal st ll e i. ol'der ec.l. J o ephine Jo~n Jessc Tlmb duke, 01 ctrt~al Orne , Ou Ltltter:s, 12 legal pllds, dge Care Of Pa.tul'e Probate CO\ll't Go n , adm i ni ~ ll'Btrix filed hel' p e ti engl.n r of il iddleto,wn, and M ~s:; .2.25; Gl'is\\'old ervfce totio n, thereby eliminate long drawn out Walt er C. Ande~'s on WIIS app int tion h ere in prllying for al lowanc LOUIS ~0 51ey Whipp le, SOCial gas, oil g "elt 'ing CUI' for hl!l'ilf. baTber chait· description s. For II 1iv e~ t o ck ~r e tak n oft' ~d executor of th esta.te of H ~ of hel' claim ulI'ainst ~late. wOI'kl'I', of Lebanon. 3 J .4.9 ; IlI-s. E,dwlu'd und Robert those who d on't know what th y plIstur<.' earl y - in 'O ctober, the WIIl\t I would have a dozen num· ard B. A_ldel on tlcceas d nO bond T he inv ntory of har\es S. Blllir, tonsill ectomy fot' harle past ure plunt u re nable d to ac· l' Quired. Geol're P. Gat es, R. . Irwin, dm ini tl'8tor of th e tate Real Ellate Tra.uferl Benn ett, 25; ' .aites · GlIl'age, bered pictures displaying the VBt'i. cUlliulat a re Il rve of :food in Boy and H. onover "er IlP- o f Ada F, 'bIt', dec a ed, was ap' an n. Salvers 1. Jane ' alvel's towing Clll., $1 ; The Oregonia ou styie a nd operate strickly by lh eir r oo t s "hi ·h h elps lhcm to pointed apprsi ertl. p['oved. inlot N . 432 in Franklin. Bl'idg Co. , 1 she ets Blue P)'ints, numbel'. ma ke n good stalt in the follow. Gardner H. TownsleY ad. til es Th(' inventor y of' Monroe Wes t, William Gt'cath use and Edith M 4.50; !\ins. D lIa Hufford feeding ing !cIprillg . Warm n ights find wi ndow shop· I\ad Robert J ne wer e appointed executor of th e t t o of J. G. Greath u e to Arnold Rog . 6 .- pri one l's dll L; ng July , $400.50; pers strOlling fl;om one li.rhted apprailler of th e. tate of Ella T. WeRt, d('ccn. ed, was approved. 25 acres in Wu hington town sh ip. Th ~fidlllnd Grilcery 0., 1 case' Miami Gazette FOr A 'A'indow to anothel' long aIter T.he will of athcl'in e J. Updyke Elmel' E. heet to Frank L. t oilet pal)er f or heriff, ~3.85; • tanl y, dee ased. Year. midnight. With no p81'ticular in. The,nation of 13. B. Hall, d ecea cd was admitted t o probate. Pence inlot!! Nos . 2;1 and 2t1 in 01'. 1I. L. Ro '(" ncl'ans, L (lxt.rac. ~el'e t in the display it is becoming guardian of T. }t'loyd Ball, 8 minor The estate of Etta M. Millel" de Ridgeville, tion for }<' red JUbel'tson, $] ; J. W a pastime fOl' those whose sleep ' is wall accepted . He filed his third cea ed is. exempt from innel'itance hade , Madden to Fay e Kelley Lin go HardwRlre 0., 1 rang pl'ohibitw by the heat. and final account. tax , 81'ah L. titt and EveTett .r eal estate in Massie town ship. joint, Ib\lws, COlllll'S alld Jabor fOl' Ask f or a A certified copy of the enl1'y de E. MUI r, admini ~ tratol'S filed Ceol'ge L. Dellnrd to HowaTd h riff, $2.90; VI's. Edw'll1'd and rhe courage of the Jews is termining lhe inheritance tax on th ir application for a certificate Realty, Inc., G:l acres ill lear Rob ert BlaiT, m edical Miami,burl Permanent the estate- of W. Benjamin Lewi , of transfer. creek township. r endered Ilt ja'il, $·a.60; A. D. probably surpassed by no other Concrete deceased, is to ,be cet·tified with · hades Madd n, executor of New York Life Insul'llnce Co. Harvey, M. D., 'en 'ices rendered race. Unmoved by ridicule n nd out delay. estate of Annie M. Madden, de· to larence Rye 260.41 acns in at jail during July, 35; Will. prejudice they continue their Air Seal Burial Vault climb to the top. They possess theGeorie .E . Fryburgel', executor ceased. filed his inventol·Y. . Wayne town ship. HufJ'ord, 'washing .for pj'i 0 faculty of being able to start from of ~he estate of EdwlIrd Conover, In the matter of the estate of Luella "huff, deCf!ased, to Beulah during July, $3 9.09; t kalta Mfg For Sale only by de.ealled, filed hi tenth account. John A. Murrell, deceased, di· huff Ne'wbcrg, et al 14 .71 acrell 0., gtoss. en teel pencils fOl' cratch and erid with success. brothers, who [ shall always Two. Your Funeral Director The following accounts were tt'ibut.ion of .ass ts was ordered. in Hamilton towns hip. I rk of Coud, 1_50; The Of$PP1'oved a.tlowed and c40nfinned Sale by Em t Butterworth, ad Ett.a M. Miller, deceased to llee Outfitter!!, sUP lllie fol' repair temember as sterling examples of by the court. minist\'atol' of th estate of . Miller, et 01 real ~tate on Probate typ'!\vdt 1', $1.75; what it takes, now the sole pro. McClure Funeral Home Edna hnmberlin, administra· amuel Butterw ot·th, deceased, Mason. Lyle Blank B o~>k I'::;ompany, 1 rec. yrietors 0.( a Jarge department A. J. Allen trix of th ~tate of J~seph A. W te approved. . . Miller, et al to F rank L. ord of accounj;s and ' Inventory store, got their s~art in this typical Phone 7 Cllamb rJin, deceased, first. George E. Young, administrator and Mal'gal'et Miller real estate in for Probate Court, $66; Franklin manner. Thirty years ago they A. j. Allcn, of Cleveland, operat.,..,andered 'into a strange toWll on Burla Madd ox, guardian of Hat of the estate of Alexander J ohn· Mason. hronicle, tax no.1;ice, July 11 and ing vice·president of The Ohio Bell old Chari R Maddox, minor, aecond so n, dec a sed, flIed his distl'ibuJohn Ehmann , et ai, to Asa A. 1 for Trea 'un!r, $2,76; Jamel! foot, penniless but with a bag of Telephonc Company, has h.een dectbright cloth arid ribbons. Charles H. Bowyer, gUllrdian of tiv account. L~lt 5 .03 acres in Deerfield to wn Moore, board -and care Lucy ed president of . C. Kingsbury Norman ROIl!b, et aI, minors. Gilbert Frye, administrator of , hip. Moore, $5; Mall~e Demdolf, board Chapter No. 2 of the Telephone Norfolk, Virginia is t he only Pioneers of America, an organization Fintand fiJlal. the state ~f arah Butterworth, Eth I Beason Lo Dwight Beason and care Veri .Miller $7.50' Mrs. American city in which I have Lawrenee i, bawhan , guardian deceased, filed his application fo\' real estate in Massie township. Ira Eltzroth, "board and' having more than 1,000 members in ot Mart.a Anna Monee, et aI, min a certificate of tt'8nsf~l'. Vistribu· Mary E. Snook, deceased, to Alice tat'key $5' Mrs Oroa K visited wh'e re ti'affie condition a re Ohio. ors. Fir t. tion of assets is ordered. Morr is K. nook, 133 aares in I sborne, boa,;d' a~d ~e Frank haphazard yet surpri ingly suc~­ The grOIlP, composed of telephone EstelJa N. Bro""'I1, executrix of Nel1ie C. Bomberger, executrix Union lownship. Ballinger Vi:t:gil' I aac and Walter stu!. A metropolis of 130,000 workers who have completed 21 or there a re no traffic lights, llIotortile eetate of EUa R. Brown, de· of the es tate of William H. BomWilliam H. Bomberger, deceas· Barlow, '$30' l\([rs E lmer Lacy lIlore years ill the business, has dieaa.ed , first and final. bel'gel', d ece sed, flIed her iTlven- ed, to Nellie C. BOJUberger, inlot boal'd ad ca~EI Fr~nk Lacy, $6; ists continually pa~s to the left of vision he3dquarters ill Cleveland, trolly cars a s the streets are so "-J;~~i..:-":"""'~---:=E:l:a=>=;;:o::================== Mrs, W. . R'o bel't8, board and narrow it is impossible to do ' Toledo, kron, Columbus and Day· lon, and members in many smailer care W . . Robe.J :ts, $5; Mrs. Lule Gabbard , board and care Lincoln otherw; e, and there are compa'ra- cities and towns throughout the ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN Gabb81'd, $5; . ;Good Samaritan tively few accidents as streets of state. four Cattle, bo~, sheep and catv. such width cannot acco mmodate to Norrie·Brock Co., live wlr. and Hospita ~ hospiti lizat;on 01 1\11' . prilgreulve flrm f')r th. bia'b ... Ollie Gardner. , .120; Good Sam. market pricell and rood .ervlc•• aritan HospiW, hospitalization of UaloD Stock Yarela' C;I .cl._.I. O. lifford Do ugiJ.ll1Ia n, $] 12; TreasTune in on Radio Station WCItT urer of State, support of Robert 12:25 to 12:30 p. m . for our Upton at Mt. VE'rnon May 2 mark~t repoi'tl. , 19 30, $16; Wanen ' . Brieden: baugh, pneumotho rax for Edward Hensey, $31); Dr. Kennon Dun. COLUMBUS (Special) - Visit· to the high 8ta~dard it holds, tod,a:y ham , exarutuatioll and treatment of tuber<,ulal' patients, ~57 . 50; ors to the 85th Ohio State Fair llt in the mind and eyes of the Amer· . Kaufm .a n's . supplies for Court Columbus, August 26-31, will find ican public. "In plannitlg the Oh io State Fair Hou e, $6.66; Truste-es of Public the "foremoat agricultural and in. Aft'ait's, sprin kling and fountain, du strial exposition in the world," of 1935, we have kept before us our r esponsibility to maintain the $9; The Oreg(lD ia Bridge Co., 9 tradition 'of the past and t1I give sheets blUe pd nts for coal bin, to t he citizens of this and other ~llrt House, $2.25; Reif's E lecatates the foremost Agricultural trIc hop, lal)or and material at and Industrial Exposition in all the Court H ou e... $6.06; David Yinger world . erroneous issu:anCe of Vendor's , "Our endeavors have· been exert· · license No. '8300923, $1; W. J ef-" ell towar d those things which tend fery . gl'ind JDg sickles, $2; The J. Centervlll~, to inspire our visitors and to give W. Lin,go , H ardware Co ., supplies them an OPPo1;tunity . to make a and · parts; $139 .8.4 ; Waite/! Phone 78J personal in spection of the advance. Garage, s u ppUe , $9.81; Griswold ment and progress of both Ai~icu:J­ rvice Station, supplies labor and tul'e' and Indu stry. gaso lin.e, $163 .96' The Cincinnati "As the Director of the Ohio De· Oil W orll s Co., 01 1 and gt'ease, partment of Agriculture, I can as. $106.72; The C incinnati Oil sure you that you h!lve every right MOTARY PUBLIC Works Co., gaaoline, $22.14: to be proud of this mammoth exFra n~ 'Sh erwood Co., supplies and B..II position. I invite you to join with gaSOline $90.27.; ' J . Henry KipPI those countless thousands who will Wille Dra... • • E ....... .... 20~1 B. M. $101.00; The 0 1:egonia take part this year, either as an Bl'Idge Co., '1 cylinder ,Oxygen, WAYNESVILLE. OHIO exhibitor or 88 a judge-a judge of .$4.50; Joseph H. Fedders Supply tile wonderful display of product.• Co., 30 rods 6 inch tile, 'SO; The which has been gathered to,ether Foa SALE DATES CALL Morrow LUmb,er Co., 2 b&ITels for your approva!." cement, $5; Miller Hardware & '" " BARL H. HANEFBLD FUrniture, 2 b:rooms, $1,90: H. L. _ .t _ 1 Director of Aaricuku... Sohuyler, pa~rroll; $208' Carl Dakin, payroll, $206.20; • J. L. Dunn, services as mechanic $67 •• In the op inion of' Earl H. Hane· "W.titi~g advertisements for anything which does so much and 20; Jl)hn Ban~, payroll, $2'13.40; feld, director of Ohio'. Department JohnsC)n Myerll, payroll, $123,4 0; of ,Agrieulture, who i. .riving hi. costs so little electricity is my idea of an easy job. Almost as easy, M. C. Foreman, payroll, $364,65; personal attention to ever1 phase JESSE STANLET COLUMBUS (Special)-Here'. , Earl Basore, payroll, $128 .40; V. of this year'. Fair, good news for the women who will 'laG•• 310. N_ Baril••, ••• ow. in fact, as my bousewOtk has become with my Jabor-saving elee· "During the past 84 years," says be on hand the first day of j:he M. ~rmitage, payroll, $ 115.20; John Myers, p.a yron, $187.20; E. Director Hanefeld, "the Ohio Stllte Obio State Fair at Columb.s, Au· trical appliances. EARL KOOGLER M. En~els, 232: yards .rravel, $23.- Fair has contributed in many waye gust 26-31. Monday, August 26, DaY,t_ Pia... to the pro.rre81 of agriculture and has been ect aside by Earl B~ 20; Blair & LeRoy, cement, sand "I 'd like t? write all ad myself, to tell all women everywhere induatr,. .. throughout the State of ' KED1Dor• .• ••• and gravel, $30.68; Zaln Armitage Hanefeld, director of agriculwre, ~n d and gravel, $160.19; J , K. Ohio. Many new and helpful ideas as Children's a.nd Ladies' Free what a wonderful help electricity can be. I'd urge them to buy all Spencer, pit run gravel , $43.86; have been advanced by thoae ,who The Lcbllnon J[,umber Co., lumber exhibit their product of American the electrical appliances they can possibly af,ford, because each While the opening day bas here· $20.51; Rogers & Simpson, tires a&'1'iculture and industry at tbe Day. toCore been free to children, this I and gaSOline, :J95.46; Trustees of Fair. A Ireater efJ'ort i8 being is the first time in several years I____~-------_-... additional appliance helps them to do their work easier and Public Alfain;, garage light bi11 made each year to' portray those , that women also have been admitfor July, '3.05; The Famous activities and developments whJch ted free of charl:e at that particu· better. And I'd point out how really ~expensive these appliances FOR SAU Auto Supply Go., seet covers, ..... will tend to place the Ohio SLate lar time. . Fair on a higher ,plane than ever 65 ; The Cincinnati 011 Works Co. are to operate under the low rates now in effect." . FOR SALE-A nice ltDe of bOll gasoline, $12.£16; GroBs Service before. ItatiODef7, 24 Bheeta aDd .4 eD. "In e"e17 .tate and In foreiarn Station, gasoJilne' $32.50; BeTeaWOe Nolhillg would please us mor,e than 10 l.nbis &uslomn writ. velop ..· ~or 2ie; Sbow-Pac, 18 Garage, gaaolil e $37.79; Bord.n'. landll planl are being made for the Iheeu aDd 18 ellTe)op.. for 10 OUt tU4s for II while. Bill ;, woulJ b. h",d 10 fi"d " helln Tire " Batte Station, paolille, annual pll&'1'im.ce to the Buckey. ceDtII; wax.d pap.r, wbtte tIIIae $14.76; The EXPOlitlOD, The Ohio Stat. Fair paper, Dap)dD., at lise",•• Ih~" #he lilter ;Isel/, whith IH t Motor Car ......ollntt, ,17,46; II 'Opportunity' to lee ID ada, COLUMBUS (Special) - S DC. omee. Henry l'allOlthe $45.114 that which it would take Jean of travel to find. The keen observer, ell.'ul eonteltantl at the Ohio A. C. ,1'1.08. leeiq beneatb the IUrfaoe, knowl State ~alr at Coiambul. Aqut PIPE, VALVES Pel FlTTlNG8 Water, that eomp.tJtloD and a pri.. brin, 2841, ahare '118,817.&0 III CIItem ..... forth tlHt J.t th.r. ·11 ia man. repJar aDd ,pecia1~=::~ The IMJUdiq of a ,reat eoNillS &0 a.1! l~_ t1C111 IDIh '1'be Oldo te Commoll P.le .. Proce«-dinlJl









He Heads Ohio Phone Pioneers


-_ ..----



Director Hanefeld Predicts Great Ohio State Fair

''Let tne write ad for



F. o r. Martin Auctioneer



said this customer

Or No Char._




Ladies' Free Diy At Ohio State Fair


Stanley &Koogler Auctioneer.


IIr, pr;"';"g h",.


T e Dayton Power 4lld Light Co.


Liberal Premiums At Ohio State Fair wm




au __ "eDa

." "....,-.

The nl ht hor f It w U int('r(,.. t for I'n'ryollt. about ft hand rame proparatlon Thl' pl','miulll ' "tfN, .. 1 t • pxhihi thf' IHrj(l'lII in th hil'ltMY or he and- conAervation of Ohiu's wild I"t, IUt,11 $11 II, ~j' . r.II, OVI-I' faIr. 1 hI' II Ohl" Sf'hool anll of lift'. All IIpor18men are invited ;11 111 !'It·tf' "Ill Itl' I hI' "lit. t ollin. t:l,l\, tnl.,; 1\;11 h,l\., t'tJlIIIl('lilu\" wht:>ther lhey ar membel's of thl' nlll,jeal altl·lI('licln. Olli"',, ]lirl'l·t"l· ,,1' "\:I'I\'ulllll\', tltl' Ihi , 11"'Il"~, ISSU~D EVERY THURSDAY league ur not, Entertainment TIl\' pril'l' ttl' uoinll. l'liliTl t!l lh ~: atl II . lIandd .!. h, ~ Qll1ll1llll'izIntwll Sl' inll'I'('~ t Oil lhl' IHll't of feature!! include a s pOI·ting dog will Itl' t" 4'llty-t\ve <01 n fe·\\ flld I'('rttllnillg' 1(, till' lill' )'('UIlg'('1 ~('nl'nlll" n IlIai.:·. the fllrPO " it i"11 0Ii c • PJ.o•• ......... ...... .•. No. 112/ Eville, ntered ~l pOlioCrac. at Wayn .. • bellch how. trapshooting, 8 co n Obl o. a. ;.e"nd CIa .. Kall eighty lifth Oh IO :-;Iah' Fail' wh k h juni" ,' fall' II h l j.{hll!:,~l "'f th l' I'~­ ctnt~, thl' In\ c.t. f VI'I' churgf'd, BJ' hound field trilll, a fox hound S.bac:rlptloa Price. '1 .50 a Y. ., Katter \\tll "l" 'n ill (""luJI1hu, Il\'Xt \\'n,h, tirl' l\l','k',. pl oglam, In J!I~ . I,. thl'" ,'i1t th')lH·an d wal. in th Cnli' l'uIII STEPHEN ~II. YOUNG dl'ug cha1!e, a fly and bait ca ti ng 11 -< f"II11W~ : divi.iun of lh(. foil' had 21,I4li ox will hI! fr~ t. vi. itUl'!! whu muy Conrre uman At Larl/e touJ'namt'nt and a fishing contest. care to \'i!:"" tht! jud)l:i~ of th~ The Flli. \\ill "Pl'l1 :\1"11111\),, hihitoi·~, AUGUST 22, 193fi ALlf.{Ll ~t :.tith III .i,-thi. Y ~. 111. On l "actoI'Y, r<lt'lI1 ~l1d f'ir<'l'idt' "ill pure hrerls pa h day, R publicnn R \\ ill hold tht'ir tl)i~ rillV larlil' a"d l'iJil,h l'll will all 1](' d 'pi ' l~t1 In theil' many A nnouncement that Pt'{lsid nt =-ati onal onv(>ntilll1 11 \'xt ,) Ull I' , Franklin D. RooRevelt has "voiced Proe.. _ainr T.x hI! ailn;itt"r1 fret·, Illha al'" t1l1'<lul:'h hf' eountles~ exprobably in sOllle n;id-II h l'l'll city "'I'll(> proc ~i n g Utx is the Tht' E'xp"~iion ~1'()llnd~ l'lIn'!' hihit~ in thl: ~l'l'a t educ atIOnal approyal" of a P1'oPosl'd $15,000, They wi"h a "!{I·.IJI~~-I'"oth" h:l~ kral'mer, ' tr !'iff." Thus . (10k£'. Conhllndl'lol HIIU tifl,' aCII!~. in~ itution. A fed ra l court has declared that the government' processing 000 or $20000,000 tate Welfare ground. ,San Franri , i: ~tl'ivin)." un , 1111/:\, IJ"t'tntln,' nl R e I't'tlliun hlJ~ not bee n over- gr!!~. man H op of Kan sa s receotly tllx- backbonl! of th AAA ac is illegal. The caSe wi ll next go to Department . works progl'am for for the co",' ntiom anti '\ ill par :\ T\\ .. nt~'- fivl in d isclIl'lImg c,~ Englund's opthe UIH' 'm ourt whi h ,aecOI'ding to eminent legal uuthorities, is Ohio was made la t week by large !'llm of monl'y. Thi ~ lill".. bllildillj!> ai' lucat('d on tlH'~l' luoked in tht· 1 !I~5 pl'ogl'am. A ~II , ulld , . TIll' val\Jl' "f Inllll tlnd greut vH!'il'ly flf cl~un wholeso me pOElition to the lll'ocessi ng tax on almo, t certain to II phold the ded ' ion of the lower ~ribunlll. Govel'nor Mal'tin L. Davey after is futil e becau ~c ~'ul o Alto i~ tOIJ Ii t.hat happ n it willlnean that the present progl'am of govern- a confc l'ence with the President close, R epublicall1 ll' utlli],~ f, 'el huildlng'\; i ~ ,>\1'1 th" million dul- l' ntertl1i n in~ and ulllulling features cot.ton_ H & contin wed : "Every \\ ill h· found in (>a 'h daYIi olredn" ul'gullJ('nt thal cun be made tor mentfal'm relief h~s virtual ly eollapRl'd. And that illustrate! some- at the White Hou se. The financing t hat the (UI·the)' a\\ uy tIll')' ",el 111I .·, I' : ducatilln will h ' th.' kt!~'"l/t~ Attendance \\ ill se~ an n il limE' the (pI,(.t"Ctiv!!) turiff ca n be things t hat (!vel'Y citi~en would do w 11 to think about--th at g~vern­ will be done on the regulal' PWA from ' Herbert !l oover lh,· lol'ill' l' ,If tl, th"u --ul I" " I' l' xhihit:. It'- rl'l·o l·d. UlIlllll'I't'lu 1 and intiustl'iul marIe r,l!' th proce Ri ng tax for mentnl efforts lo aid uny c1uss 0\' group, no matter h ow well mten- plan, which mean s a forty-five per Th e D mocl'alic Ill1vcnlinn "i ll exactly the I'l'~l'(' l' ti\'t "I' all'!,. ~"X (II' I 'Cl'UJl~l-1 exhihitl< will bl! biggt'!' than ev(.'o\' both arl' bailed on tioned, ar inevitably tl'ansit.ory and unstabl, . , cent gl'ant to the , tate and a. loan be h Id ill Jul y, Ill'obahly a l 11"11 hel'l.' I\dl hI' !'1' IIl,thing oC l befol'e. M me principle." For muny y ilL". leading fm'm spok esmen have sll id that•.m the of the fifty-five pel' c nt balance Atlontic ity. Th~. Convention will long vi w, the fllrmn's salvlltion will depend upon his ffo 'r ts, hIS own fol' which the s tate mus t give ad e- be n l'atifica~ion ml'cting a'I Id work, hi s own abilitiel;. 'I'h bulk f thinking fal'mets share that view. quate Ijecul'jty. The governor, in Juhilee, I ' nominlltll1g- R t ' ()~I! I' l!lt Thoy know that se lf-h Ip is the only kind of help t~at can pl'?duce making lhe announcement, said and Gorner by acc\anwt iun. Thel'c pcrmanent r sulls. And th yare p lanning and workmg accordln~ly. that he will call a s pcial session of fol'c, n m o cl'llt~ will lit! lid t...-r Bolte I' and mOI'c s 'i ntilic f l·ming . plus improved buying·and selh~g t he I gi s\utur to pl'ovide fOL' t he plensou if they a.l'o tIt II li UOllllel' method :; marle pOMsible by agri ultural cooperatives, are the gTea~ tn- gu.aranteed repayment. In addition 1'~ l!O lt ci y. I'rlil1l1J' ily, foL' Illll'fluences behind fal'lll 11rog reS8. the govemor stated that he will poses of policy, ])cmoc\'Ut ~ Ilould not cali a special electio n at once hold thtil' conventi()n ill Rom<'to fill the vacancy cr ated by the mid west('rn city. lLeadel'H /€'e1 thut udil n death ongl'cssman-at- it do s not mak,~ any ditfcl'l'nce Large hades V. Truax because as malter. now stu nd. • • Th re are two pal'tic.ulady important point 01 public . interest of the excesilive co t to the tax involved in the- sp~cial chain stol'e tax laws such a s enacted In several payet's of the state that a pecial Fl'eqll ntly in this column it \Ill election fol' the one post would stal d that th Pl\tman Bon u. Bill states and proposed in many oth 1'5 . . . ' ' fi . First is special or clus~ t"xation to penahze sIze In a specl c m- ntail. It was esLimaLed by elec- wuuld not be enncted inlu luI\' dustry, eiLh~r' des h'able 0 1' i~ conformity witA our con titutional idea:;; tion experts in the offic e of Secre- lluring the preRent session uf tary of tate Georg e S. Myers that ongress. Pn! idE~ n t Roo,.;evclt i~ of government? eLASSIFIED ADS COST ONLY the lip cial election would cost ap- oppo 'cd to inflation, The pr()(jidSecond , is it wis or 'con .sisten t to use as an argument f or class taxah 1 proximat ely $000,000. Govemol' lion wa ~ confi denL}y made und i lion, the stateme nt that i can be passed on t o t e cons umer, . ONE CENT PER WORD. WHY The whole prop osition i, um;o und because it! t.o .e tablts~ a Davey ind icllt d that if nece al'y now made that: lho Soldicl'" Bonu s will be compromised next KEEP YOUR A TTIC FILLED punitive system oC t.axatlon that limit initiativ, limIts SIze, ralse.s the e l ction of II uccessor to the prices, discourngf's low COHt ~e rvice to the consumel' and subsl- late ongl'c man Tru ax coul d be wint r. 'I' he ~o lll pn)mise lJl'oro~ al ARTICLES WITH USELESS held in conjuncti On with the May that will . be en act. d i nto law may diz s inefficiency. change the maiu'rily date o f the THAT CAN BE TURNED INTO The punitiv tax y, tem, on ce establi~hed, will be ext~nded to 1H3G, primaries, which would other "group 'bu ~in Be uch a s banks, news paper, ga statI on, etc. III an that th only extra cost Adjll l'tmc nt onJ[lensation erUflcaies from ID40 to 103 , on the MONEY FOR SO SMALL A ln (lach ca e the tux an be "passed on to the cons umer" in higher would be for ballot ·. th eo l'y that Adj ustml'nt ompensa C05t~. thu Aconstantly compounding the cost of living, COST. TRY THIS MEANS OF lion el,tificat.e Bholl id ha ve be n The chain ato) tax i2 only the beginning of an inequitable, Un- . Appo intment of E, L. Bowsher dat d from the Al'mi. Lice inst ead SELLING AND SEE WHAT A flound and unAm riean tax system. It is a camouflaged "soaw the con- as 'ta le Dil'eclol' of Educa tio n to or ] lI20. v tel'aln holdin g 111su cceed Dr. B. O. kinner, fol'Bound and unA III >rica n tax system, It is comouflaged " soak the conDIFFERENCE IT WILL MAl{E pell ation ertificalet! until Novem me rly of W ilmington, was m~de m I' 11, 193 , \\, ~Iu ld get the lull IU nler" tax. TO YOUR POCKETBOO~ AS It is difficult to uhd-el'sland just where the "con- last week. Director Bowsher 'as- face value. Thols e ca&hing certisumed hi ' du t ies immediately ficates in ] !l36 would have to aclumer', " int re t can be II l'ved by dri vil}g up r etail food pdce . WELL A~ TO ],[A VE YOUR Not only shOUld the publk oppOse all n w lax-iner asing schemes, following the appointm nt. He is cept a small discount fOl' advanc(J 44 years of age, and for eight but it should Illphatic:ally demand tax reduction in substantial STUFFY OLD ATT IC CLEANED payment. This c ~' mpromi. e \\ ill be yea wa s s uperintendeni of the welcomed by all veterans who are amounts. OUT, IT PAYSI Th er i. no justificable excuse for peeial punitive taxe any 'cho I:! at Oshland. He will serve jn need_ Those 510,000 veteruns for (olll' y UI'S, Edward N. Dieter- who hav not eVI!n borrowed upon kind. rich, supel'intendant of Bucyrus their certificates" and the many public ~chools, was named a si - thousands of other x-service men tant rote director af education. who are income tax pay<.rs would Director Bo~' her was bOl'n at doubtles wait Ulntil 193, Th e I·idersville. He attended Ohio compromi e plant will pl'ovide lor Northem and Ohio Universities a bond is ue to pay the bonu inand Defianc college, and later stead of printin~: pre s money, :00 Music obtained his ma ter's d gre'e at H. E. Eswinl; the Univel' ity of Hchigan. He 8 :05 Th e First tate Fair H ~ld Ilt. levela nd . Politi~l whispers l' spo nsibl F. H . Beach taught school in Allen county, 8:15 Apple Varieties - easonal es for the whi pel'ing c n'lpaign that 8:25 Music Waverly and Wauseon. Pr s ident .Roo evelt is inf'ane, 8:40 Harve ting oybeans for eed " J. B. Park which was expo,led by the shame8 :60 Rural Homemakers at the tate Fair Group of Rural Wom n The que ti on of whether the faced admission of the original 9:10 Mu ic minimum charge of two pel' cent whi. perer, E, P. ramer, nnw tJ:16 4-H lubs at the Ohio tatl" Fair .. W. H. Palmer of 'the construction cost which wh i per that the Republican party _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-::::.-. -_ - .-:._ _ _ _ - - - - - - - -... 9 :26 Future Farmer. at the Ohio tate Fair . S, Hutchinson electric companies are permitted may nominate for Vice P'residcllt , 9 :36 Is Now the Time to Buy a FLlrm? . , H, R Moore to make on rural electric line ex- some Democrat c:onnected with t he ,WOSU Pla.yers ten ions applies for only 4 years Liberty League. The nam e L wi ~ !) :45 Jean a nd J eny or whether it continues inde finit- G. Douglas and John W, Daviely will be heard in a test case by have been mentioned. The main Ohio Public Utilities Cornmis- differ nee betwi!en a omll1ulli ~ t ion on September 18. The elec- and a Liberty Il.eag uer is t.hat a tric light and power bills of thous Communis,t wants to divide all, ands of Ohio farmer will be af- and a Liberty :Le.l\guer wanl.' io fected by the case, which was fi led take all. b}' the Ohio Farm Bureau FederaCOLUMBU Sportsmen fro m the League of Ohio Sportsmen tion . RU1:al exten. ions of power Howard C. Hopson, public all section s ot the staLe will gather \\tb ich wil~ be ht\ld in co.-operation nes are made On the basis of four utility magnate' who took nearly at Buckeye lak September 7 and wit the. ~tate Division of Con. contt:8cts binding customers three million dollars o~ his stoc ki for the annual oDvention of servation, Discussion will center pay min imul1l charges totali ng hold ers' money in bonuses attwo per cent of construction costs tempted to dodg1~ subpoena c rver!; each month. The farm bureau's of the Sena te lelbby inve ligation, offitials claim that the minimum They are now ~~rilling him. He charge s hould be d iscontinued at favors regulation of holding COIll the expiration of the contract alld pa nil1l!, and opposes the Whee lerthat t he customers after . fo ur Raybul"rt Bill. The fact that inyears should pay only for the dustry itself did not prevent s uch amount of cun'ent actually con- frauds really hl!ls made inlel'ven umed. ' tion by the Gov'Brnment advisa ble ,




--- ---:...---

Stand On Your Own Legs


• The New Bread and Butter Tax

• •



F arm


1 alks, August 26


• • • •


Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol


• • • •

Spectacular Entertainment . ' At Ohio State Fair

• • • •

Ninety-five thousand women and Congressman Charl e . TI'uax min«r emp loyes in Ohio hotel, was one of thl! na tion's hard st restaurants llnd mel'c antile estab- working law-malke)'!!, He faithfully Jishmenta may 'receive higher rcpres nted in an 0 wages by January ] as the result manner th e principles h e believe of a s urvey made by the State in. ,His first spl!ech in th e HUlise Minimum Wage Division, it was of Representatives was in behllH s tat~d by Miss Elaine W. She,f fler, of the farm'e)'. Bllt an hou r bedivis~on superi ntendent. SUtisti- fore his death he u~'ged legislati on dans are wo rking on data obtain - for farmers. H,ad' Congress ad. ed in a six month investigat ion of joul'ned earlier he would be alive 'wljie scales and when the task is today. He n evel' comphlin d ab ou t completed a wage board of nine the length of the session nor th members will be appointed to bJiste~'ing beat of Wa- hington. lIe wOl'k out a system which will in- knew his duty to the: pe opl e 1\ ho crease and stabilize wage rates. had elected him and wOI'ked un' l The . same lIan was used s uccess- tiringly to ,t he e'n d, He had a quick ully in the dry cl eaning and mind , keen int'elleet and was an laundl'y industries · to the beneHtl 01at o~ of n ote. The National and of 1,8,000 employes, Miss State lost a faithful public official said. ,The boar d will be comprised Waenevet: the Dion ne quintuplets of three representatives of em- are mentioned, members of conployers, three representatives of gress will remE~mber that Charlie e mployes and three citizens who Truax said, "It they v\leL'e born in haye no connection with either this country, Sf!Cretary of Agricul employers or employes. ture Wallac~ would order two of the m plow'e d under." Infantile paralysis cases in Ohio are normal for the ' season Til .. A'fera... Cow and do not indicate a spread of The average dai ry cow' in lhe the epid -mic which has develope.d United States is reported to have in eastern states, according to Dr. made dUI'ing J'uly, L9 36, l2 per Finley Van Orsdale, chief of the c ent: mOl'e for her owner than she division of communicable disease did the sa~e mOnth in 1934, In ot the State Department ot Ohio she made a 7.6 per cent inHealth . B~cau se of the prevalence WHITE BROTHERS -::lIlwd ust of Infantile paralysis in the east. crease OVjll' the SIlme month a year ago. comedians. President Roosevelt as a precauBUCK OWE:-IS-Westcrn movie tion cancelled the nati onal Boy star and h:s. hmaus " orflc. Goldie, Scout meeting at Washington. IISSi. ted ',by Ri~3 Ty bd l, fanl()u. movie douhle. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT 6 A L L-A MER 1 CAN Bl::LFOlWS-RiI:IEY artists su r re me. Estate of Eli A. Russell, deD Y N A MIT E - the dandng ee.led. . mule. Notice t. hereby ,Iven that L. S AV ALOr-:S-s~ D ~ati :n:l t:e- M. Hendenon who.. Port Ollie. terJoa rd a l'tist~. addre.. II Warnuville, Ohio baa Z EK E - f& m ~ ua claNn w!th his beeD duly appointed al Executol' Funay For d. of the Eltat. of Eli A. RUllell CRAII'\:,~'S WESTEI!N RID. late of Warren County, Ohio, ERS - world'~ r.C:ltcst ju·,'cni1. dec..-d. ride .. Dated this 15th of Auplt,



- --

COLUMBUS (Special) - -One of the mOlt spectacular progL'3nlS o f outdoor entertainment eve r offer d at the Ohio State ~air will grc<'t visitor. to the 85th exposition at ColumbuB, August 26-31. The spectacle, to be given nightly in front of t!le Gran.dst~nd, is called "International ThrIlls, da redevil aeb from all over tho w()rld being represented. The compl ~ te program follows: THE ROMANOFFS-sevcn Rus• Ian. doinr feat. on a double WII·:). Ii FLYING LA V Al'I8-celebrateel aerial artl.te. OSAKI AND TAKI-Japanese ~~~n and balan:cra. (; -SPQ,n-



nEE known



I:. "-IN,

SPECIAL' ADVANC~ · SHOWING an'd sale of the 1935 models of the originCtI and only genuine ,Heatrola Heater It pays to buy the ~eouin c H .:!atrola, because only ,the gen- . uine has the Intensi-Fire Air Duct , the Ped-a-Lever Feed Door, and other fuel-saving , b bor-sayirtg featu res. It pays especially well to order it nJW - while the great annual F ree Coal offer is in effect (500 to 2000 lbs.,· depending . upon the model you select), In the 1935 line, there's. size to fit every home, a style to pi ase every tas te, a price to m eet every budRet. .Onc.hatr I,hen amount. if hlilrJ toat Ie ~ ~rnIEhed .

A email depo .... nowj.sllth.t ie roqulred,' re,. vIer payment. do not .tart unlJ'J yC?ur Hcatro/. I. inetaUell and til. Fre. Coal i. _deUv_rL



Friend.' Home News\

Saylor aeeompallied their lilter Subscribe for The Miami Gal!!ttt --3,1 --. , . \ Ml . Virl(inia NaMh and lhildrt'n OUR CLASSIFIED CCoI.UIINS In . ,.. t,h. F rankhn, to their hom!! at 'anfield, O h i o , I - - - - - - - - - - - - Mr. anti ;\rr,. Donald Ban~on. ofl}o rulllY <'venlllg folllt'ley lIolL after an extended vi~it hert' . n .. sr Philadelphia, al'fiv('d Tun'- I bull aggregation th winnera ., day afternoon for a bl·it·f tay, I \I ith a :\core of 10 to o. Mrs. Margaret Johns wa a calling on thl.'ir hel'wo od relatives The ~ch'dule f01' the coming dinner guest Wedne~day, of Mr. U J e!:'lIle ' R 0 b'In on, ..",1, i t!~.~ "" "It I'S u. " " folIo,,,, '. and Mrs. Kenneth lIough and ~u n,. • '11 Jl\net and Mrtl. John Robin on. of Friday, Augus\, 23, Fairley vs. family near Waynesvl e. N~ incinnati, called On Mr. and Famou Auto t:)upp ly, colored MI'. and Mr. John Myers and FOR SALE 1rs. Peirce Sunday evening. team. daughtel', Cha'rl ott of Dayton, AUGUST 23-24 Phone 79 Wayneoville, Ohio, Mr. Fred Wilson, of Selma, l\fonday, Augul t 26, Fairley VII. were Sunday evening call ra at Brin. Your Can. rOR 'ALE-White peaches J HN WAYNE wa at the Home, Monday morn- pringboro. the home of MI'. and Mrs. Kesler ('tinning will be I'ip ning ing.· in W dnesdar. IUg'U t 2 , Fairley Grllham, n 'xl week. J. L. l\J end nhall. a22 Mrs. Lena Hartsock and grnnd- 'IS l"ranklin. Little Richard and Frances C All th,-e game,; al'e to be Whitaker Ilre spending several FOR S. LE- Om for pickles. ~h- • so n, Willon Hart ock, att nded . Cnrtoon, "Calico Kid." P. L. R Sl'on, Waynesville. the funeral in Lebanon, Monday Illllyed ut Waynesvi lle higll school days at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and M'rs. Harv y olll(1dy, "Boosting Dad." R"u( :2. s22 dtel'llOOn, of Mrs. Frankie Dun. grounds. ham \vho was, one wintel', a ~ --..... Burnet. r, ......... member of the Home famlly. . Mr. and Mrs. Bert Graham and AUGUST 25-26 Mr. and Mrs. Harry E ten, of daughters, Mary and family, and Th COlt. 01 Il funeral service is .Y 'ARROLL, GEORGE ayton, calle-d on Home friend Misses [vin, Evelyn and Glenna, entirely d ci<lC<! by the wishes <;If MURPHY, in • unday afternoon. of Michigan and Mr. and Mr. ou r c:licnll. Their choic of a Recommended To Kill Bean Mi t's Annie and Mall'lc BI'o\\'1\ Harry Graham spent Thursday ('s"ket and n c ssary accessories Beetlel. W('l'e gues~ Tuesday, of fro D. , with Mr. and Mrs. K sler Craham i' illtlul'nc d by no attempt ThoOlns and family. and daughter. 6sl(08l11a~1 hip on our part. We Mr. Lloyd Hackwell and fi ss . Mr. 811d Mrs. Harpld Binegar follow th ir d esires closely, lind "THE HOME OF GIFTS" Comeuy, "His Bridal Sw ct." Hel n ol'l'othel's, of illcinnati, _. __ . at pringfield, Mr. C. R. Binegar cp the total cost to as moderate Fox Ne-ws called on fri nds at the Hom Mr . Minnie Payne and daughter, a flll'ur as their choice dictate. Lebanon, Ohio ut:\day ev ning. Mrs. Je!'\sie Hyman is spending hirl y, of Jamestown , wel'e un' M1". and Mrs. Tom a lvcl·t and touny nnd FridllY in Cincinnati. day dinner. guests of Mr. and EXPERT WATCH hows-7 :00 & 8 :30 p. m. REPAIR ING Miss JIel!!n alvert, of Selma, Mr. lr. fulymond BI'addock and Mrs. Walter Kenrick. . ADM. 10c- 15c and Mrs. harles Giles and Miss family are occupying Mr. Anna Mr. alld Mrs. Ralph Johns and U.ina Only Ge-nuine Material. Florenc(' Gil es, of Peoria, Ill., Sheehnn \ blJllgulow. daughters in company with Mr. W I' dinner gu£'o ts of MI' and Mrs and Mrs. R oy McKirby and daughPrompt Service lIow'i'-li P irce on l''riday. The Fl"i nds First·day school tel'S of Dayton, enjoyed an auto Mrs. Emma' Thorn', of Selma, will picnic tomonow, F'l·iday at tour last week, through the stat s .P.H0N~ 19 Stare -open unm 9 p. m. and Mrs. Hunt, of Springfield, en- haron Woods 11 ar incinnati. of Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia , I WAYNESVILLE, OHIO joyed the week-end at the Home. Maryland, Pennsylvania and West. _tm Mi~ Jenni Dinwiddie. a Mr. and Mrs. Louis Thompson, Virginia. lndillnapoli, Bnd Mi lal'a n ee Lena Earnhart, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whitaker Berr hill. of Bellbroo k, caUed 011 MI'. Tholll ps n's mother, MI' . left Friday on a motor tl'ip to ' It is a long st p Iud ed. from the blnck-plumed Mi ses Annie and Mam e BrowlI, Bertie Mills. New York City and will be accolll- . hcul'l)e of twenty-fi y ars ago to the beautiful Satul·day evening. Mrs. George J. Smith and her panied home by their Bunt., Miss ~uneral cal' of today . The 8b' amlin d, smooth-ridMr. and 1\[1'5. Chester Swaim, house guest, Miss Emma Peo- Laura Rosnagle, who has ' been ing fu neral car i a shiking example of the adl\{rs. . W. \\'S im, Mr. Lut.her cock, oC Dayton, I\re- dinner guests attending the University of N w vancem nt autom bil d , ign hal:i mad in the lao t Swaim, Mrs. Enos L. Lacy, Mr. of Mrs. I~. H, F'IIl"f this evening. York. They wlll sightsee enroute and MI' . Thoma Denehy, all of home stopping at Washington D. few years. Wilmington, called on MI'8. Ada Mis Marga1 t Edwards and C. and other places of interest. The fin ~st vehicles comp)'i~ our rolling stock. H. Jenkins, Sunday. Mrs. W. S. Scanlan motored to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Longacre, in Realizing ho w important comfort and perfect -- Dayton this afternoon to attend company witli Mr. Ilnd Mrs. 26 mechanical condition are, W maintain on lf ars ANNOUNCEMENT the funel'QI 8e1'v ices for William Wilbert Swank and little Richard B. Rus urn. Swank, of Dayton, are on a, motor of th rno t modern d ign. Theile are kept ' in I havG taken ov r t~e Fairmont tl'ip this week and will visit relaflawle s condition and handl ed by high ly-trained ream Station formerly opel'atcd Miss Mal'jorie Earnhal't is pend- tives in Virginia and also visit drivel'. In this way we arc a sured of comfortby MI·s. Eva Everhal't and will be ing the l'emaind I' of the week Wa hington D. C. before their r able, trouble-it' e transportation for our cHents. pleased to greet Ml·8. Everhart's with friends at Ferry and harlea turn next Monday. tormer cUlitomer as well as new Burton EII~nhatt is the guest of CALL FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT NOW Fine motor cars are but one of many 'feature . friends near Dayton. on PUBLIC SALE ' A close inspe tiQn will reveal countle's details Phone 61R3 Main St. Mrs. Ed Cook. MI'. and Mrs.. Carl onard &nd carefully supel'vi ed to i"nsure a b autiful and imOwing to ill health I will dischildren, of DillY ton, and Mr. and ,Pres ive funera 1 ser ice at mode t co t. POPULATION GAINS continu e farming and sell by Mrs. Darold Breakfield and son, Warren county population of Sabina, sper'lt Sunday with Mr. Public Auction all my farming howed ant increase of 16 tor and Mr . A. 0 " Griffy a.n d family chatteltj. Located 4 nliles N. of Waynesville, 3 miles S. of Spdng the month of July. Forty-three Mrs. Ruth J ,anney and grand· Valley, % mile W. of Mt. Holly and 28 deaths were re!!!!!!'~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!~!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!~!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~!!"I births corded. daughter, Elainle William, accom· I'oute 42, on the Midd~ Run and panied 1'Ilrs. Fr'ances Barden to Mt. Holly road, on her home in Columbus, where they Tu ••da,., AUI ••t 21, 1935 will remain fOJ: a few days. Beginning at 10 8. m, sharp, Never before has Wayneaville known such low Dl·. C. M. Coulter, superinten- the following : One pan Mule., 8 head of catprices on Dry Cleaning. Now is you r opportu nity to dent of the Dayton di trict, COli· ducted ServiCel! at the- Methodist tle, 36 head of Hogs, Poultry, get everything ready for fa]]. Farming Imp1e-ments, church Wedncllday ni~ht, when Feed, Do it now at the e unu ual price. Harne s, Household Goods. the quarterly (ionierence wall held Highly skilled specialists i n every line Ter•• Cuh ST. MARY'S CHURCH guarantee YOQ .better dry cleaning. Miss Helen Welch was hostess Few p&rticulau ... larl. Rev. J , J. Scbaeffer, Rector to a small gr(lUp of frie nds This is one of the best and Ladie.' Dr"••e., plain ... . ... . . . . . .. . .. . 50c Tenth Sunday after Trinity, ROBer's camp, TU!!ilday evening, a largest auctions iu this seetion Men'. Suit., cleaned and pre••ed .. .. . ... 50c August 26, Holy Communion at steak fry featuring the affair. for some time', Be 8W'e to attertd. Miss Welch's g'uests were ?til'S. 9:30 a. m. , .E . L. HOUGH Men'. Hats, cleanfld, blocked & Retexed .39c Howard McCune, Mrs. M. E. F. T. Martin, Aucl. Mouser, M'rs. L. H. Gordon and W. C. Smith, Clerk. Men'. Flannel. .. . .. . . .. . . .... ... . " .. ..tOe ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Mrs. Emma H. McClure. Luncn by Owens Church Tig~t" Father Newton, Putor We seal all winter ,armenta in Dust and Moth and Ml'lI. Harold Smith and Mr. • Seal Ba,l at Re,ular Dry Cleaninc Pricel. PUBLIC AUCTION Mass aL St. Augu8tiD~'s Church daughter, of Omaha, Nebraska, very sec ond and fourth Sunday al'e visiting Mr. Smith's aunt. Comp lete Stock of Groceries, f the month. Miss Sarah Smith, For t heir Hardware and General Merchanpi aaure, Mi s Smith invited for .di~ at Ridgeville, Ohio, 7 miles "AYNESVILLE CHURCH OF dinner Wedne:sday, Mr. lind Mrs. N. of LebanR~ on State Route 48. rotation 01 ho.. not onl, Gcorge J. Smith, making up a CHRIST ~ CL£AN£&~ Satul'I4Ia,u AUluet 24, 1935 plea ant family party. builds up 1011 fertility but Carl Smith, Minister ' Commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. KAT~RYN MENDENHALL, Mer. Waynesville, O. 0 . . . . . . . . Good !) :30 Bible school; 10:30 Lord's prompt: Inl .....,1.. you to Ic..p,~ uppel'; 7 p. m. Christian EnSTORE FIXTURES: Dayton deavor; '1 :46 Serlnon subject, pi.. In .cI.... ,..,. " Mrs. AllIIn Hole and Mrs. Rus- computing scales, U. S. meat Origin of The Chu ,ch," sell, Campbell and children attend- slicer, Electric coffee grinder, Me- . f.rrowlnl II ... to . . . .. Wednesday night choir practice ed Tri-state clamp at l',1iami Valley Caskey register,. Sack nuck, Iron lI",e. Come In end I... safe, Tabl.e and . chairs, McCray Prpyer service a nd Bible study. Chautauqua T'hursday evening. 400 lb. refrigerator, floor and you how Iittl. It will COlI to The Young Folks of Lytle church FRIENDS MEETING had an Ice-cream soclal at the counter show cases of various fenc. yow ...cIe with ... lengths, display racks, Coeacola First-day School at 9 :30 a . m. Hall Wednesday evenin€. GENUINE "-.... F...t cooler, Estate heating stove ; Mr . . and M'lrs. Thomas White of Me.ting for WorsJiip at 10 :30 MERCHANDISE : Canned goods Marion and Mr. and Mrs. Ed.ward m. Young of Dayton, were Saturday flour, cereals, soaps, tobacco and afternoon gUlest of Mr. and Mrs. cigars, shot gun shells, lanterns, FERRY CHURCH ,OF CHRIST chick feeders, hardware and ~f Allen Emrick. Ca~l Smith, Mlulster Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick paints, Horse cQllars and pad's, farm salt, forks, sh. o vels, hoes, Unified services beginning with a·n d James Haines attended the rope,bolts, stove pipe, baskets, etc. church jschooJ at 9:30 a. m. Home-coming at FI'anklin ThursTerms Cash day evening. !Iervice &t ]0 :30 a . m. Golden opportWlity to buy 'higb .Mr. and Mrs. TherIe' Jones and Son were Sunday guests of Mr. grade merchandise at your own WAYNESVILLE M_ E. CHURCH and Mrs. Edwin Nutt and family price; co~ early and bring your basket. . Rev. G. C. Dibert, Pastor near Centel'v.ille. ORAl1' SHOUP Miss Hazel McKirby aJid Billy Sunday: Sunday school at 9 :30 Kal'l M. Brown Auct. a. m. M'orlling worship at 10:30. McMaken of Dayton were recent C. W. B&1T, Olerk. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph The sermon · subject will be, "A Gospel fol' All . of Lif~.JJ No SQn- J ohns and dSlughters. Mr. and MiT!. Donald Hadley day evening service. Wednesday: Bible study and spent SundllY with the latter's parents, Mr. a nd Mrs. · Amoll prayer meeti ng at 1 :30 p', m, Gook near Waynesville. --.,;:.....:... . Mrs. Alice Clark was a Dayton visitor. Saturday. . A number of persons from .here M~. and Mrs. W. C. Smith, saw Shirley Temple in "Our Robert and Ruby Smith are enjoy Little Girl" at the Waynesville ing a visit with Mrs. Smith's theater Sund,ay even ing. bro~her, Mr. Ed Weer and wife Mlr. and Ml·!I. Sherman Rogers of in Schenectady, N. Y. Dayton spent: Tuesday and Wed6 BIG ~AYS . AND MIGHTS '0 . Mr. and Mn. Ev~rett M'enden- nesday with Mrs. Meta Rogers. EDUCATION AND INTIRTAIMMINT . hall and daughter, Mr. and Ml'fI. Mrs. Calvin Longacre and Mrs. Elmer Compton and Miss Edna Harry Burnett spent Monday ' in FOR IVIRYONI Ward spent Wednesday of last Dayton. week in Cincinnati. They visited 'Mrs. Alice Clark went on the WLW Radio Studios, the Zoo and Warren coun~y tour, this week, to Coney I sland. Cleveland, Detroit, GNlenfield The Communit y Club IIponsQred Village, Cannda and Ford Motor the band concert and festival on Company plalltt. Wedn~day night. The income was Mr. and M:rs. Allen Emrick and very gratifying, although rain in- Mrs. Walter Kenrick were Dayton terferred during tha later part of visitors. the evenin,. Harvey Bu:rnet made a busineBB Mr. and Mrs. James Peterson, trip to Columbus Monday. of Yellow Springs are spending Mrs. Mary Carmony attended [ADMISSION the we-ek with relatives here. ,Mr. a n annual family picnic dinner 2k Peterson who is the mana(l'er of Sunday, home of Mr. and the meat department in an lOA Mrs. W. F. at Waynesville store is havin(l' bill allnual Mr. and Stanley Lamb, of • Netlonel Percheron Show • Nlaht Hane Show • P&t Show vacation. Akron. . R. Ralldolph and Ii Junior Feir • Sheep Show · Dorothy J ean 'and Chu. Coaard ·DaytOa. were call• 3OO-PMce lend ............... 11IrII. of Dayton apent lal t week with friellds Sunday ·HemeIt ..... • c.tIIe Show their ,rand parente Mr. alld II.... J. L. Conard, II .... A. W.

Automobile Insurance



Late Classified Ads.

Miami Fly Spray .


6S per Ga II on

Moderate Cost

Wayne.vllle, O.

Trail Bp.yond

Calcium Arsenate

Cary' a Jewelry Shop



I'll Love You Alwaya


R~H.STUB8S :Jiuz.eI,.al1JiJw:l.ot



Comfort and Beauty

Real Art Beauty Shop

Special/or W,ell of Augu.t

. School Girl .P ermanents . $2.75 :End Cu~ls • . $1 50


Waynefville, Ohio

Grace Davii, Prop.

'.---'!"'i-----------------...-...-.. ..", Beat these prices if you can

.I. E • MeClure

Wayne.vllle, O.




. --

"Hog Fencing Build. Up Soil Fertility


---- -----



'. We have ju.t received a new-t:.... fence.


W. H. MadClen & CO.

Quality Printing

The Miami t

Phone 14·

----.. New Burlington

. Waynelville, Q.




af her

.......... .....,

......, ...................


'-dl.I............ ....


I •


Eighty-Seventh Year






LEBANON JAil BREAK GRAYHOUNO LINES Warren county have its first daily newspapoer early in ' SepfOIiJO WEDNESDAY MANY MEM8ERSHIPS mber, according to an announce- ~AN NEW HOUlE ment of t he Western Star, Ohio's An atLllmptecl juil breuk was According to \\-ord received l astl .~~:z.~~~~~~~~~~_ oldest weekly newspaper, t hat it THROUGHOUT SlATE will week, th Pennsylvania GI'ey afternoon l,y foiil.'d enter the daily field at that hound Blls Lin es of Indiana, have FOUR·H CLUBS GAil

. Whol

29. 193.5

J; W.

NumL r 61H4


Ross H. Hartsock. county tl' asct, who will take offi c 1'uesday. September 3, ha ant ( nounceo th appointment of J . Watt' 11 Wood aM chief deput.y and TtJ('~day has ' named Miss B mice MUl'fe11 Shi'dff William lIufTrJl'(I. as clerk. time. . Baaket Dinn.... Served At G ....n •• Mr. and Mrs. ' harles ,Jam' Total Now Stand. at 58,389 A Wood has servea as deputy durlarence J. Brown, form r secre- filed with the public utilities of :-;, era 1 lJri~onc\", II. inl! pilces Hall; Proer ..m Given At r tificate seeking permi ~. were at ih' :tHt~ Fail' loftilY. Ohio a ce, ing th~ administratio n of Ed 1ul'Ri .. of 7 Per Cent Leade, tary of 'state, is president of the of metal tOI'n fl'olll the il' C()t~, resion to operate a tranport line beGym In The Afternoon company which has owned the Star mov cl brickR nnd mortal' from the rell and Mi s~ Murrell al~o ha · Re.port. leveland and incinnati, had s And(!T l'n Jr. i the wall of the jail. leaving un open- serveu ·in thl' office dUring he l tween since 1923. whic.h would pass through this vil- gu st of I'elatill,es io Toil'dtl. Th e WUfl'en CI)u nty Pomona .... ing lal'g~ clIoug-h to pm-mit the fltlh cr's. t rm . lage. Enrolled in '-H clubs in Ohio --~----pR~sage (l[ a mRn's body. The Grange held it~ l'egular meeting The proposed r out of th system Il'!;. Alia .oul'ney \\:'1 .. shopduring the 1936 season was 68, wfll'k \If removing the bl'ick1' was at Grange Hall Saturday mo~ning is given as follows: From leve- ping in Duyton, Fridtly. 389, an increase of 7 per cent done in a dark corner, und t.he land to Akron and anton, State . . A ugusl 24. Aft!!I' t he u ~ ual bu , iprison<t's \vere IIble to work wilhover last year, according to Route 8; t o Massillon via U. .1 It·. anti l\lr s. LOUIS 1 hOlllpHon .out ness routine 0 fin basket dinner nc~. An outsid inint" r fl'!' Rout e SOj t o avane; U. . 21j are. guc~tR of Mr. and .i\1t'~ . Roy figures just announced by W. H. "as l:;('tV d at th noon hOUI'. At fOl'lll8nt «lid the sheri ff that the and thro ugh Mil1Rburg, Brinkhna- ElliS. Palmer, state lead r of clubs for 1 ::.lO this group was joined by pri <olle wpre attcmpting to dig ven, Danville, Utica, Gahanna to lhe O. S. U >lome 150 membel's from Butler, tl, 'il' WflY out. M ,· ~. Ota H id:\" o f Spl'i11gjkld. i ~ olumbu via U. , . 62 j to W t linlon, Greene and Drow n counOlub members, who range in Whil e th rc 111'(' no lie. perute r h"I' uauKh- - = - : : = J effer son, U. S. 40 j lo London, visiting at the hom ti(!s at the gym where the followage ,f rom 10 to 20 years, engaged M,·s. John Prestu n al)d f3I11il )' lei-, c: ill1il lUl8 confined in the jail, _""-=======~====== Mrs. Laura Sides, of Dayton, State Roole 42j t hence t o and ing unu ~ ual1y llne program wal 1I ,"l are !lev I'a l wh o would be in 22 major projects under tbe through London , outh Charleston Mrs. Wilbur Clark spent H vera given. Charles telllpt ('(\ by the hope of a g . t 1is Mat'jot'ie and direction of adult advisors and w s in Waynesville Saturday. X enia and Lebanon to incinnali J ays ill Day tO R la ~t week. Piol\o ~()lo - Mi ss Katherine a\\uy. Nine pl·i,o nel. al' nOw f!holiPing Burto n Earnhll,rt wer county extension agents. Most Mrs. . Lee Hawke who was on U. S.' 42, Sn id 1', or Brown CClutlLy. lodg ed in lh jail. in Dayton Tuelldlly. popular of these projects were vel'y sick for two days, is recoverThe announcl'd plans call for Th ~ dng-l atlers of the 'a Mi 's inrie Pin~, of F rry, 1. Ac,ldre s - Walt~r Kit'k, Mastel' clothing, nutrition, ve$'etable gar- ing. the USe of ten 33-passcnger Puul Jam s, of man ch(·!;' 1', il'l' mptc() bl'''ak had no' l'('cn visiting MI's, Martha William 'on II of Ohio 'tate Grange. d ning. pig raising, potato grow" , ", dis. Scottda le, I'a. vehicles to make five rou nd t rips a guest of hi uncle ha des •Jam's covered Cr (ltings from Butler county W&dn '!>day. ing, and dairying. These projects Miss Henrietta McKinsey left daily.- The outh Chal'leilton anti family. embrace as many a8 90 subdivis- ' today to r e ume her work in , the entinal. Mrs. J es ie Hyman and famil) - An impressive number given by ion s~ giving elub membets an op- Ashtabula schools. we~e enl€ rtllined in ineinnat' 24 membcl' ~ in whieh 1\ beautiiul whi e l!'alhcr bound Bible was Mr.. Fred C. Hartsock and portunity to etudy a project over Tue day evening. daughter, Miss Mjldl'ed, of Miifol'!l Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Osbornc, of p1· to National Lecturer a period of two to /Ive year, at' s pending a few day with Mrs Springfield, spent Monday with Mrs. Anno adwal1ader and ' Mi~~ Farmer. Palmer explained. Addr _-J omes . Farme r of Edith Harris and olher l'elatilleR. lara Lila vi it d in cnt&rvill In the dairy cattle project, h Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith. Vermo n t, LectuI'cr of Nlllional 'fuesday afternoon. said, boys have developed herd Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Smitll are G1·onge. MI'. Fal'mel"s i ubje t of livestock balPl!d on their original spend ing thi week at Lake St. Mr'. a nd Mrs. am Ic Clure and was onc 0 r ital interest to animal. Th e Wayn e. ville anning fac t-ory Clara Lile were W ilminglon vi iJames in northern Indiana. Some memb rs engaged in raisopened Wednel3day morning and is son, of Bellbrook, cal led on Mr~. farmers and WDS on of the fine st J os'l,h HartSOCk. 11, son of Mr. 1 tors, W ednesday afternoon. addr 5S S VOl' ¥iven in this coming colt8, steera, flower gardeRS, running day and night shifts, it is Ida Kelsey unday evening. Miss Thelma Satterthwaite and Mrs. E. . ; \,an and two chil- r eported. or rabbits. Others tried their Miss Edna ?llae Staup are guests an~ ~1rs. Don Hartsock, of near Mi!\ Virginia L Muy, of Shef- munity. ---'". - - - WI.\Il11ngto n, s~ fI'e l'ed a fractured dren, Barba ra and Jack, and M.I·S. hand at handi raft work ' or other of relatives in Washington D. C. The crop of w el cO I'n to be fi eld, Alabama, is the gu st of he ,' skull whe~ kIcked by a pony H. . ole man spent Thill' day canned is said to be the largest projecta in agricultural engineerullcl • F. U. Le May and family. Dr. W. E. Ogle bee and Edgar fr om whI ch h e had fallen. .He , afternoon in JDayton. ing. Some studied birds and other eyer hurveslcd in lhis vici nity and mith are enjoying a few days was J' mov d to Hale hospital Sixty-nin members of th ! n,ture subjects. it is thQug ht lhe plant will opel'whel' he underwent an operation. Mi ss Sarah Smith will accom01 the 58,389 club members, Ii hing at Lake Houghton, Mich. A small piece of th ule ill full (ot'co fO I' ~e\'era l we k s Hawke family attended th . famil y boy's skull panw ,Mr. and MI' . A. Collett, The loc al factory is one of rcunl on at Wayne park Sunday. the official count as reported to Miss Dorothy Anderson, of was removed. The boy, who is a of Harveysbul'g, to the State Palmer by county extension Ki"gman, pen.t the week~end at grand On of Mrs. Lena Hal·tsock, three o]lerated by the Roxanna Fait· tomorrow. II·s. H. . llu t' nett and three Cunn ing <lulpany under he a~ta, 20,584 were boys and 37, the home of C. Lee- Hawkp and had owned th pony only a short childl' n are spending 11 few dUl ~ 06 were girls. In Warren county fllmily. management f A. O. Gri1fy. The Mrs. harles Rye, who has bee n Distl'ib u tal' price of bottling time and \V attempting to ride with elativ(!s in Dayton. enrollment was reported a8 356 milk ....i ll b raised to its former bar back when lhe accid nt ill several months i i in 1\ cl'itical other cannerit;!s are located at boys and 492 girls, a total of 48 Mr. Howard Learning and on, happened. condition as the result of Ii fall Roxan na lind Dodds. Rev. G. . Dibert and famil y levc l of $2.05 per ewL on Septem Practical1)r all club member Warren, of New Burlington, were last week. were gu !Its of r elatives at Ml!- ber 1 a th e r s uit of an agreeb,ve, or will have before the sea- busin 8S visitors in Waynesville CLINTON COUNTY FARMER omb Thul' day and Friday of la~ t m ent reached be l.w en some 200 FORT ANCIENT TO HAVE Mrs. John Ilavid, who ha been son ia over, exhibited the products aturday. ATTEMPTS SUICIDE week. distrib utol'~ in the Dayton ares, HOMECOMING, SEPT. 8 the guest. of Mrs. Amelia Willia ms of their year's work at a I5tate, Mrs. Alice McKinsey and Mis has returned t.o her hOll1 e in ynMr. and MI'. Russell Benso :1 th Miami Valley Co-operative county or community tail'. HalTY Nickel'so n, 67, prominent and children, of Cleve land al e Milk Pl'odu cer association and H nt'ietta visited at the home of A home coming of all former thiann&, Ky. ·linton county fal'mer is in a cri- gue t s of Mr. and frs. W. P. the Buckeye Ind peodent Dairy Mt8. r·. N, Harris in Centerville, residents of th~ village 01 Fort Farmers associat ion. MI'. and MI'!I. Geo rge Pvalel' and t ical condition at Mc lollan hosTuesday afternoon. Ancient is set for September 8. A son and Mrs. Laura F )st r. of pitHI, Xenia, whel'(, he was taken alisbury. As a I'esult at the re-establishMrs. Blanche Tohfman and basket dinner at noo o on tne Cincinnati, w'~ r e luncheon guest ofter attempting suicide at · his ment of this pdce, eff dive before Mrs. R. H. Hal'(sock entel·taindallghter, of Cincinnati, were vi i Muse um grounds will be one of of Mr . H. C. ole man at Th e home in Kingl1l1ln Sunday evening ad th e members of her bridge club th expiratio n of the Burke law in tors at the home 01 their uncle. the features of the day. Litt le Inn today. De pondent ovel' ill health, Nick and a few invited guest Tu esday July. when the distrbutor prico Readers please pas this along Dr. J. E . Witllam, Saturday. CI'SOll placed the muzzel of a hot- aftel·noon. paid to producers dropped to the addl'ess of many is not Mr. and Mrs. W. . Ti chclI :2I·. of gun in his 1l1Qu th a nd pulled the 55 pcr ·cwt.. it is likely rt!tali It's the social items that make known_ Mr. and Mrs. D lll'th Sheehan pdl~ or milK will go UI) to their Har,:eysbu~g, were ca llin ~ on Way tligger, the charge tea r ing out ST_ AUGUSTINE CHURCH a local newspaper interesting. neavlll~ fl'lcnds Wedn sday aft r - I t hl'ough the left' side of his face_ and daught.ers were guests of MI'. former level on September 1. Telephone or send them in. Our HAPPY HOUR CLUB Father Newton, Paator noon. Thl.' . ho oting took place in the and Mrs. Elmer Sheehan Sunday The me ting Monday night in t elephone number is 112. af ternoon. the Dayton Industries building Memb ers of the Women s For- , 1·l.'ar.o~ ickel'son's home. . Man at St. Augustine'. Church The Augu t meeting of the eign Missiona.l·y society of the ver, second and fourth Sunday He IS a tru s ~ee of the CIlIIton Mr. and Mra. Goorge L. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Elm r Sh eehan, wa the result of a threat made Happy Hour club was held at the Methodist church had a silvcr cou nty chlldrcfl s hom_e_._'__ f the month. and son' of West Englewood N. J, Miss H elen rockett and Howard last aturday by th e ,Miami Valley were Sunday dinner gu~sts at the usual time, at the hom of Miss tea at the honrl of Mrs. A . K. Day Sheeter attended t he tate Fair Cooperatil1(! Milk Producers 811CARD ~F-T~ANKS Bettie Oglesbee. Those wno were sociation to. wi1;hhold sa le of milk home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur on Wednesday. IWAYNESVILLE CHURCH present reported a g ood time. The this aftel'Doon. unl AS the old pI'ic.1;) was restored, lark, wish to thank my fl'i ends 1'01' CHRIST program was interesting and dellcMr. and Mn. Rob rt Davi !lnll Mr, and Mrs, W. W, Schatzman and the session lasted until Z C. E. 'Welch and daughter, Miss ious refreshment." were served by little daughte'r, Judith, of Dayton. Ih"i!' kindn '1\'8 .in visiting me dur- daughter and 80n, of I\1ndisonvill o'clock Tuesd y morninir befo.reCarl Smith, Minister arah, of Miamisburg, were the hostes and , assistant. we gue t cII Mr. and frs. Ed 109 my stay in lh ho. pital and for spent unday with Mr. and MI'.:. on agreem nt was reached. 9 :30, Bible school; lesson ...---- callers at the home of Misses W. O. Raper. The price of $2.05 raters to Cook Wedne!\day evening. · 11he the 'beau tiful fl ow I'~ 1 received. Acts 20 :33-35, Phil. 4,4-13. D. J . E. Witham. PICKING-CONNER Trillena and Margaret Edwards, Davi I are planning to s pend the what is known as class 1 milk for Lord's Supper, 10 :30 a. m. Edwards, Saturday. Mr. and MI' . William Michener bot ling purposes, which now reweek-end at 'Detroit, Mich. Chriatian Endeavor, 7 p. m.; and children. of Pittsbu\'g, Pa., tails at nine cellts p el' quart purHome Grown Food. Announcement is being made of Gospel message, D. H. Harril, 7:Shirley and Donald Buzick, the marriage of Mr$, Laura D. ,Mrs. Hannah Rog 1'9 is at the al'e visiting Mrs. Michener's cha 'ed in si ngl e qUInts or eight 45. children of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Conner, and Mr. Paul C. Picking hOllle of her sister and b roth el' MellI!! from H01l1e GrOwn parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. cents if three quarts are pIlI'chasW-e-dnesday, choir practice, Buzick, retur.n ed home Saturday Ivins F oods, bulletin 141 of the Ohio Cornell aod ol h I' ,·eIJltives. ed uaily. 1'he uld price of 10 centa which took place Saturday, Miss Carrie ;\Uld MI'. ElII Bible study and prayer service, after a visit at the home of their Augu st 24, in Richmond. Indiana. ond on S~tulrday 'will atlend the A"ricultu l' al Jl;lde nsion Service, I'etail likely will be restored whe'll 7:46 p. m, Granham family reunion at Rosel' .. Mrs. Jame~ Hurt 'ock is spending the pr oduceI' price goe~ I,Ip. grandparent!! in Sidney. Mr, and Mrs. Picking will rel'u'"oesls many ways that. 'the t wo weekith h et' SI, . t or In . K encamp near Riduevil1e. ..... s w Officer s of the ooperative SS80 .. fOI m moy contrib ute toward the tucky. During her absense th e Mrs. Jes Ie Hyman entertained side in Waynesville. FRIE~DS MEET~NG on SUll day, Mr. and Mrs. Shal1at, Mr. and Mrs. J . W. Lotz, 1111'S. famil y living. Th bull etin may be lIart~ock childre-n are staying at ciatlon have be. [1 importuned by .Orc:he.tra PI..,. First-day School at t :30 a. m. of incinnati, MillS Mildred D. C. Ridge, MI'. Ern st Bu tt er- ol> ned by ',Tiling lo 0 1' calling the home of I'clatives at Bellbrook producers since the drop in price to th m f or an increase, they Meetlnr for Worlhip at 10:30 Hyman, Dr. Irvin Hyman and Mr. The Caesar's Creek Young worth, Mr. alnd Mrs. Gilbet·t \;,rye !ll yo uI' c~un~ ~8'!~~office. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Strong. stated, '£armel's ~tated that it was m. ' _ _ ___·-t-'R!.!:a!!.!l:J:!!.!.h-'R~ol~ls~o~f~X~e:!!n~ia. Friends orchestra played at the and Mrs. Florence Davi ', ate Apple pomace IlIDkes---iIl--sa~i-tw:J"--'Wl.UI.l.kWO'-"'uy , and Sll n of Cin- ab olutely impol!sible for them to lawn fete of New Burlington among thOSe from Wa ynesville Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shutts and Ladies Aid FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Tuesday night:, who are planning to attend t he factor,Y suh tlt~te for COl'n si.1age cinnali, are visiti. g relatives at continue to furni h milk at the sons, of ' Route 1 returned home August. 27. State Fair Friday. l as a ieed Iol' hv~tock. }o'erry. Mr. Strong spoke at the price no, paid. More than 100 earl Smitb, Kinlater Saturday evening from a ten days hurch of Christ unday evening member of the a ssociation attend ed th mwting. Unified services . bellinning with visited at Picheral Lake, Michigan Mrs. J. W. Edwards. of SpringH I'etofol'e, bottling milk and church ;achool at 9 :30 a. m. the guest of Miss 'Marie S.h utts. fi el d. Mrs. Ralph Mi11or, Mrs. J. fluid c\·e am ,. that is, cream sold at service at 10:30 a. D. Miss Mary Wilgus, of Xenia, K. Preston and Miss Henrietta rl;!tail in bottles, have cOme under entertained at The LittJe Inn on McKinse y were IUIl~'lo o n guests the same cla ss ification but a diviWAYNESVILLE II. E. CHURCH SUnday, Misses Ruth and Edith of Mrs. J, B. hapman on Tu es- sion wa mud in Monday night's Fox, of ' Spring1\eld, Mrs., Alice day. Bev. G. C. Dibert, Paltor III eting, "uid cream now being 1ft McKinsey and Mi8s Henrietta McFriday: Choir practice at 8 p. Kinsey. Mrs. Frank Tayl or, who has class lA and di stt' ibuto~"s pI'ice be m. , pent th summer with her mother ing set ut $ 1.80 per C\vt. in SepSunday: Sunday school at 9 :30 Dr. J. E. Witham was brought Mrs. Edith Han-is and Mr. Taylor temb el·. This was done because a. m. Mornine worship at 10 :30. home last week, from ·M.cClellan tUe on a motol' tour thl'ough the cream price hal1" dropped con idThe Communion of the Lord's hospital and Is gradually NeoverEast before l'etu rning to their el'ably and its Kale represents a comparatiVely small portion of Supper will be observed at this ing from injuries sustained when hom e in Sail Francisco. milk sold. service. he fell from a chair in his office H. E. Achlel'man, who has bee n 1'hc Dayton 11I'ell involved i.n the A special meeting of the of- recently. nperating a sho e repair shop here agl'l!eme nt sign ed by the distribAdal board wlU be held at t he. . J. Wilson Ed~ards and family, has opened a hop in South ulors and r epresentatives of the close of the morning service. hart e lon. Mr. Achtcrman ex- two associations p osent, included Our Sunday evening service of Springfield, came down Sunday pects to move hjs family t o Montgomery, Greene and Miami will be held at 7 :46 p. m. There to attend the Hawke f amily South Charlesto n about t he fil'st count! !l and portions of CLark, ",,111 be special numbers of music reunion. which was held at Wayne of Octob er, Champaign. Preble and Warren and religious readings at this park_ Mrs. Edwards remained for a few days'· visit witn relatives and counties. meeting. Mt·jj. Mary Barnett and Mar) Wednesday: The Woman's For- fri~nds. Ethe·l Bamett. of 'Dayton, Rev . Ign ,Missionary Society will meet BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. W. , B. Russum, Mies Marand Mrs. Nelson That'll and with MN. Dibert at 2 p. ro. Bible garet RU88um, Dr. Gale E. RUlIBum daughters, Mary Lou nnd J o Ann 8tudy and prayer meeting at 7 :30 and daughter, lvalu, of Dayton, Fol' the pleal;u~e of her little of Clark burg, West Virginia. and p. m. SOli Richard, Mrs. Walter Sheeand O. J. Edwards, of Sprjngtield, Mrs. Paul J. Brown, of ' B!Jcks port, were guests in the home of Maine, wer guests of Mrs. Ida han invite'd twenty of his little fdends to a porty Monday afterMi88es Trillena and Karearet EdK l ~ ey, Monday evening. ST. MARY'S CHURCH noon, August 26, the oelcuion ward8, Sunday. Be\,. J. J. Schaeffer, Rector Honol'in~ 1'111'_. J. Wilson being his aixth birehday annlver. Eleventh Sunda, after' Trinity, Mrs. LUlian Fife, of WashingEdwal'ds, of pringfield, Mrl;. lary. " Ualph Miller entertained a group September 1. Church IIchool at ton D. C. wal the gued of her Miss Helen Crocket and 41ton. 9 :80; lermon and Roly Com- brother-in-Ia_ and aiater, IIr. and of friend s Wedne day afternoon. Ean'Jhart a ssisted in en~rtal1linlr Mrs. L. H. Gordon, over the weekFour tables were made up fOI the children with game. and toy., munion at 10 :30. end. Mn. Fife len Toelda, naorn"600" and after the games the after which refresbmenti i! lee in. accompanied b1 lin. Gordon hostess served dainty l ' fresh- creaml cake, candy and appl. who will spend the relllainder of ments . • Besides the honor guest were serv-e-d. the week in Wuhlllrton. there were prescnt Mrs. F. C. The &Ueliltll Rieber. Hartsock, of MUlord, Mr!!. William Frances Whitaker, Doua Mr. and Ill'll. A.. Eo Da, had Michener', !;If, Pittsburg, Mrs. Ron- Henderson, Glen Smith, Hven,l I the pl...ure of eJUertainm, naid 'Hawke, Mrs. W. E_ Cornell, Barbara Crane, Rudt pOIUU'1-1 lattve. frona KatllCQ three dQa Mn. J. B. Chapman, Mrs_ Fred B. jode Conner, "ltllior Jut ,...k. Mr. ael )In. I. L. Henderson, Miss HCllrietta Mc- Jimmie Welt.&, . Bobbr of A.IlIaad tIleir Kina.,. lira. R. H. Hartsock, 11I'l10 Alln Ro,.en, JeDDi. ud Bert . Hartsoek, Ill'll. D. R. SaIl.. J.e· all4 blU'J, lira. D_ Ridle, Ib.~:=:l Ql~•• will






- --=--

---.----i CA~lNING PlAN1S 11 SKUll fRACTURED OPEN THIS WEEK IN FALL fROM PONY IAn~fe' ~~~a c;~~~:all;:r~l~'nMi:~J














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loOoo----,--oal""-.... --.. I

the )'ounll' men of merlea. bt'r en rolla at the openinr IIt'lIsion "In addition to our ftction, In a former i ue of the County venturI'. l·vploration. hobby counpapers a Ireneral outline of type SI!I, and vocational help, we IhaU of work oft'ered by the Ohio Emer· continu\< tv 1'\leOU I'ng\! younl( men gency Senool AdminilltrAtion was to impl'ov(' lIH'ir j(Rme in every given. Communities desiring to _b JUDSml Y DEAN line of . 1',II·t." avail themselves of' this opportun. Send y,)U I' ~ub!\c r ip tion to The ity hould cont r wit h the County Eltperie"ce Le.d. to Nwnber of AMERIC N BOY, 7430 Se ond Chanr. in Contrad to hl1irman or Coun~y ·upervisor . lIirman r.(lOd~in " re apPOinted .( L MBU S-Avialion autho ri COlnonm PIe•• Proceedi" •• Blvd" 0 ·troit, Mich. Enclose with a Pllli8 I , t'le~. ,01,. lh' chun(·.~~- ()f an al· r· Those who can qualify as teachers Be Offered ~ your nlimB and lIddre 5 $1 for The ('II (I or 'illi Barne ver~ uil The illvcntCll'Y of Mal'gar 'L Heflplune ~lOtor stoppi ng during flight should make application now. n year' subscriptio n, $2 for three harlie 01 k \\ as uistni. sed. Alson L. Earhart, ton. l'x('cutrix of the estate of is one in one million miles. That Experience with the original The CIIl- III 11\\'Y E. [~nyes vel' Jo~~ph Kesling, rlec!'ased, was ap· County Supervisor, AAA wh at plan is re~)lonsiblc Yl'III'~, and add 50 cents a year if one rhllnce in a million snuffed you want th ub cription to go to ~\I~ 'rh In dtl~trin l Commi sian of proved. uut the liv.e::l uf lw(, Illen, great In for a number of change~ in lhe a IOI~ign addt' 'S5. On new8stllnds, Ohio \\11 dismi:<: cd. L. M, Henderson wa IIppoi nted their l' '"peclive 1field. Millions new contract that will be Off....l'ed 10c a copy. . III the cn~l' of .To eph ,Bank, l'xetulllr of the e_lal of Eli A. mOllrn th~'h' los~, not. just in v rfarmers sometime eul'ly in • p. V8l'~U orB P. Bunk$. a nivorc(.> Hussell, deccased nnd filed bond of bal expression, but in nclual tear' lemb T, accol'ding to J. A, Slipher wa. gl'alHC'd the Jllllintiff. Th e $4(1,000 with suretie . Everett for their unlim Iy deaths have state agent in chage of til, wheat plaintiff i. t pay a cl'l·tain urn to Early, I,Irtis Thompson and stilTed the countl'y's ('mo~ion program in Ohio. th . d~f n(lant for tI'Ppnl't of J. Watcrhouse weI' ap. more than the passing of an), The new pl'ogran) p 1'mit! minor. tII inol' chihlr n. pojnt d 8ppl'aise~. Ilther nation fi ure. trnnge but ncrellg'? among In the maltN of The Ott rb ill Succe .. of New SeediD~ Import, adju till nts in . A, Hamilton, executor of the so many peopl~ fell that Will contract signel's In litH! Hom e. 1\<ltie~ of publication ot· altt Becau •• It Improve-. late of ath ri ne J . Updyke, de. hould hay never started that with sound farming pra ti . This II red. c used, flied his inventory . Hi, a p(ll'~o nal interest that has Soil , provi sion is inlendl'd to correct In th s se of Helen L. HiUlr, , The inv ntory of Harry Z. Gray no\\ clcvelop!'cl jnt'o a personal los h . inequalities which would OCCU1', in a minor. by 11 r father and next executor of the stal of Elvit'a to everyone. ould he broadcast Wh IC IS the more impot'tant, trl 1111, WI!It.on lIillnr, vcr, liS , 1\1· LudJunl, deceased, wa approved. ome instances, from strict adhel" Bill. Allowed tonight he would pel'hllp relate wheat or the new seeding? en~ to th Iiis~orical base) Iiphm' t r ,. owan. th d fendant is In the matter of the e 'tate ot J. W. Lingo Harware 0., 1 mop uUClul swa pping yarnl! with anceg.. Earl Jones, extension agron ys. Resllonsi bility fol' making /r.rnnl d 30 days in which t o pi ad R - LI ~atUI, de~eI1 ed, James aul, bucket for court house. $2 ,50; tor' in his happy-hunting grou nd. illt for the O. S. U. says that' these adjustmonts will be with the tLrther. d 111 illS rator, IS ordered to accept M.ary E. 'Hopping Estate, relit of ---mo t !armers the ~ew , seeding county allotment commitlee. r the case r !lCat' Wh it.e ver IIcompromi e of $500 lind out of office for county superintendent Rumors dotted with intrigue lind more Important. We want • SII W. E. Hoffer, demurrer filed he 8 b t , AdJustment payments to pro. that: sum pay ZOO to J. T: Riley of schools, $70; James O. Beavis uncanny twists (',f cunning /loat W1heat "ield ~ , ayll, u we cnn duce- " 11 b ' h t ~y plaiD.iff in error to the p titian for attorney fees. M. D., pl'ofe ional services ren- somew hat secretly amongst the not justify large yields 01' a heavy <0 \\ 1 e In sue .amoun as III error, i su taine-d. Cause dis· d will t nd to , bringproEv rett Jones, administrator of dered erl Miller. $25; Mr, James "number" &,am(.> uddicts. Many be- growth of straw if th miss d at of defendant in ey amage uuc~rs as a whole a parity price on the estate of elia M. Jon~, de. Moort', board and care Lucy lieve lhe winning number is deter the new seeding, eaor. Good hay yi~lds ,are worth theIr allotments of wh()ut. cea ed, filed his application for a Moore, $5; Mt" Oma 0 born e. mined by manip ulating gamblers In the , ca~e of Lelia }d. Bunnell cel·tificate of tran sf er He a180 filed board and care Virgil IsaaCS, Will i in New York, wino, ,by telegraph stl'ivin~ for. ,J ones says other The new progl'Bm is a four yeaI' vuau Herschel N. Bunnell the his first and final account. ter Dal'iow Fl'Ilnk Bnllinger I lint! phone know whIch numbers crops in tbe rotation will do well program. The first progNlm \\,1111 Getendlnt is granted 60 days in Leroy A. Ellis was aIYPointed ad $30; Mrs. E'lmer Lacy, board and are . ge lting the bi8ltest "play" in if we have good so ds to plow down fOI' three year. Growerl:\ have the which to til a plelding. ministrl'ltol' ' of the estate of care Frank Lacy, $5; Mrs. Maude every locality. They then arrange the hay crop is the only soil im- option ot dropping out at the end In the case of Willinm Vandoron, Samuel A. Ellis, deceased, and Deardotf, board and care V rl r,oI.i1 to ha ' tl I s popullll' numb er ap- provement crop in t he rotation. of two years, and the. s('creta l'Y of It ai, versu Th Board of County Ask for a filed bond of $,3,00 with ureti s. leI', $7,50; Mrs. W . . Roberts, pear' in th newspaper. Just tollay On many Ohio soils wheat is agriculture is p l'mitted, by C. mmissioners of Warren county Charles Winfield, Raymond Moore board and care W, C. Roberts, $5: I ~eard of a spcculator who, when I'uth ' r uncertoin unless it is proclamation hefol'e Jul y 1 of Millmiaburg Permanent et aI, plainUft' is ordered to mak~ and Walter Ellis were appointed Mn, Lulu Gabbard bOllrd and he has a good hunch, plays M liberally fertilized a nd seeded on each yeat·. to terminate tbe prop tltiol' definite and certain. Concrete appraisers. cllre Lincoln Gabb~l'd, 5; Mrs. m~c~ .ns $25 at one time. Upon in· time, But with very favorable gt'fUll at the end of any mark ting In the case of "Maull Reea veraua Richard M. Ft'anz, executor of Ira Eltzroth, boal'd and care qUI~lt l on, ~l man, a heavy player (rowing conditions and good cul- yosr. Air Seal Burial Vault Ot& B. Rees. a dl"Vorce was grant;.. th estate o~ atbl'yn E. Franz, Alice Starkey $5' John Law & told me hIS hunehes were found tUI'al practices, it l!lay produce so The maximum reduction in ed ,to the plaintiff. deceased, flIed his inventory, Son, gaso\rne ~nd ~iJ fOl' s aler of mostly in th comic strips. He had much stra w that the new seeding acreag that can be called £Ot' For ale only by In t he ca e of The Loveland Thc e tate of elia M. Jones weights and measures $9.63' Leb just won ov r a hundl'ed (loHars und r the contract is 25 per cent. lhtual Building and Loan Com- deceaa d, is excmpt from inherit~ anon-Citizens Nalional Bank' rent on a num~r he found iu Orphan may be damaged. The present wheat crop show! For lhe 1936 CJ;'op thi acreage Your Funeral Director pany versus Ray Graham, et al ance tax. of safety box, $5; Fred PI'~cter, Annie's hair. He and many ot~ers clearly, according to J ones the adjustment is stat 15 per cent. eoaftrmation, deed and distribu: -~=-=-=-==== Anna Hartsock. x cu trix of 1-510 page conveyance registe r so he says, stud y the mythIcal benefits in increased wheat' fields A signer may disignllle a b nco tion. McClure Funeral Home the estate of Frank Hartsock, de. for re<;order, $64.99; The West. characters under a magnifyinll.' from fertilizing liberally" even fi ciary lo ,. ceive adjustment pay· IB the case of Frances Taulbee ceased. flIed her application fol' ern Sta!', envelopes for prosecut. glass daily , fol' ,II hidden number WaYD.ayOme, O. though the excessive straw growth men ts in the event of death 01' Pbone 7 V~NlU Henry L. Taulb e a divorce a cel·tif\cate of transfer. ing attorney. $19,80; Mill er.Bry. that might be on Popeye's pipe or was too much for the new seedjngs diSllppearance of the contract wa~ I'ranted the plaintiff. The cusant-Pierce Co., 100 sheets carbon George Bungle' vc t. Sounds in some fields. signer. ' ~ody of the minor child was ~v­ tor common plea s, ~4; The Ore. silly, but still anything might Possibly the on'ly generali;l:ation Mani ... Licente. Cou nty allotment n to the plaintiff. John L. Palm er, mechanic of gonia Bridge 0" 13 blue pl'intl!l, happen in Il racket involving $750 that can be made, saY8 J ones is may approve chall es In the callil of Samue l Rickard $3,25; M. E, Ro s, P. M., stamped 000,000 a year. ' · "T hII wheat should be plant.t h IS: ion of a<ljustment v nUll Carl J. MiUer, et aI, m otion Fl'linklin and Miss Dorothy Gepnvelopes f or surveyor $5.35; The ----hart, factory work r of Franklin. I'd on time an'd liberally fertiliz- caused by change in ·a. overruled. Defendant is given Great, A, & P. Tea 0" groceries , Monday /Tl ol'n ing at breakfast Harry Blair Dumford, farmer of ed except where experience has rangements. 10 da)ls in which to plead. MallOn, and Miss Mary Elizabeth furnished Dorothy Branham, $9; you are stal'tied at the headlines shown that exces8iv~ straw - - -- - - - - Heber Walker, erroneous issuance of th morning papel' which tell Drlever, at Butlerville. gl'owtb may be expected you New ot license, $2; Willia m ShotwelJ you that twelve people were Benl'ie hannel. laborer of after year. Dorothy E. Branham yersu. services a janitor Memorial llali killecl in week-end traffic a ccidents "In addition it til profitable to •• ol'l'e Branham, for divorce Newark, and Mi s Roberta Smieh, for August, $20; Tru '~s of How vastly different - the news of Lebanon. Claar,. il gross n Irlect of duty. Public Affairs, water el'vice a t stOl'Y and the 'actual happening, look after Ii few practice! that en· Th. VilJal'e of Franklin versus Memorial Hall, $3.02; Trustee of eldom does the pre s describe courage ne~ ae-edings. Liming Eatate Tr.n,fer. John S. Richardaon. for ejectment Ptlblic Affairs, light and gas at the detailed gruesomeness of the fertilizing, using adapted seed: Atwell McCray to Maddah • and careful attention to proper ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN In the matter ot the Otterbein Memorial hall. $2.79; J . A. Schill- sight.--pel'hap best 1'01' ome Boys and young m n of this rour Cattle, hOll. 8hee~ and calvea Home for authority to sell real es· Bowman, 18.40 ac res in Washing ing, oil, cleanser. etc., tor Memor- readers t bat it doesn't, but ' for methods of sowing have proved to ton township. be 80me of the more important city who wish to improve their t o Norris· Brock Co., Uve 'ftJire atul ta.., E stel Haines and Mildred Hain es ial Hall $1.50; John Law & Son. motorists who Hille to "step on it" factol'8. tennis service, their ba ket·shoot. pr.)gl'essive 1lrm t llr the hlebeat gas oil and storage, $4-3.99; they might read the article in pne I and rood .eme• • to Charles C. Haines, inlot. No 28 p ...bat. C-t " Phosphoric acid and potash ing eyes, their forward pa Ing market Union SteelE Y.r ...• Clacl ___ l, Q . L. P. Cavett. Co, road oil and tar ,current Readers Digest entitled, N. A. Hamilton was appointed in 'M orrow. The Sialht-Feed "And Sudden Death." Within when applied help the new D""'UUll[J talent, or thei-r cl'awlstroke, cnn Tune in on Radio Station WOKT Julia S. Roll to Athela Hutchin- $6,363.31; eXlCutor of the estate of OatherGenerator Co. generato r. cutting these lines one vividly pictures the if the wheat does not make an enlist the aid of the nation's fore- 12 :2 & to 12 :80 p. m, for our daU, ine U,pdyke, deceased, and filed son, inlots Nos. 98 and 99 in abnormal growth. From 25 to 30 most coach~ and players by substip, etc., less oid ge n erato~, $64 ,50 blo?dy entanglement as it is. The pel' cent of the returns secured c-ribing to TRE AMERICAN BOY market reportl. bend of '25,000 with sureties. C, A va]on H eights. Irene Berger to John Murphy Gulf Refining Co'., gasoline $26,10 artIcle. ~il~ prob,ably prevent J. Miller,H. S. Conover and R. C. f rom fertilizing wheal; come in magazine and following t he sports and Merle Murphy, . real estate in The Stllndat'd Oil Co., grease and f~om JOIOlng t~ ,~early 36,000 next year's hay crop." Mitchell were appoillted appraisinterviews and fictiOn stories that ~rfleld township. • gasoline, $76.32; J. C. Hawke, kIlled by automobIles. ers. • - • appear each month. Leonard Hatfield and Jllne Hat- supplies and gasoline, $53.79; J. The eatate' of William H. BomUrban s~ne: A demented old "When I was in high scbool," • • plank, $56.37, man wandering in ' and out 01 bereer, deceased, is exempt fllOm field to Rowell Puckett, in lots Nos K. Spencer bddge says a famous decathlon cbampion , 168, 169 and 170 in Franklin. inheritanee tax. various main stem restaurants The Misses Evelyn" Virginia "J read B track TRE Emmett E. ROosa and Norman NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT during the nOOf! hour, di playing Tile estate of Jamea Brown and Vivian T~er, spent last AMERICAN BOY that gave me Crouch, dlceased, illl exempt from B, Roo a to George Ivor Gerard a mongrel puppy in 8 potato Estate of Eli A. Russell, de. ba ket,- a ' buxom • middle·aged week at Indian Lake. Miss Evelyn my first c~ear·cu t idea of the and Blanche Gerard real e tate in inheritance tn. ' M~Carren join,e d them there and weste rn style of high ju.mping. At . ceased. ' In the matter of the . state ef Union township. lady posing her best as sh~ ap· a ll reported a fine time, practice I laid the open magazine NotiCe is hereby given that L. proaches a abilla B. Batman and Conner William R. Crihfield, deceased di! tr,e et photographer. Mrs. W. E. Oglesbee, Robert on the grass lind studied it as I M. Henderaon whose Post Office tribution of assets i. ordered. Jen- B. Batman to Henry Combs and .:.....A drunk yelping at a hUl'1'ying Collett and Willard Taylor wen worked out. That afternobn 1 innie B. Bell and Margaret E, Tuck· Bessa Combs, inlot No 51 in addn:ss i8 Waynesville, Ohio has pedestrian wh had accidently amQng those who enl'oyed the creased the height of my ' jump been duly appointed BI Executor bumped him. thr,ee inches." , er, co-adminilltratricel of the Franklin. L. R. Kerby and Eliza Kerby to of the Estat.e of Eli A. Russell estate filed their second and final ~;:i~tra!~U~:~k.C1eveland and De· That wa a long time ago, but tirling Eckler anll Dallie Eckler, late of Warren County Ohio aOCount. I was greatly amused at this Mr. and Mrs, Cha.s, Voiers, Mi8s today thousands of futul'e te ham" Phone 78J The inventory of Beulah 39.41 acres in Franklin township. deceased. story recently told to me by a Isadora Squires and Bill Sm'l th, pions just as eagerly tollow The Dated this 15th day ot August Clyde E. Levicy and Daisy Hart :5hutft Newberg, administratrix of nurSe at a sociall hospital, It seems AMERICAN BOY. . ' that about 10 p. m, on a recent spent several days in New York "This year," states Griffith 1fte estate of Walter Shull', deceas sock to Mary Davis, real estate in 1935. Dean E. Stanley, Atty. Harveysburg. lid, was approved. holiday the bl.ack maria pulled state attending a coon, dog, tryout. Ogden Ellis, editor, "our staff RALPH H. CAREY WOn fir t and second Clyde E. Le1(icy to Daisy Hart. up with Il load of gentlemen Their dogs In the matter of th e estate of making them champions of writers have gone to the two •• . Judge of the Probate Co~rt wbose hands, a Jrms and faces were places, Charles Reii, deceased, sale of sock and Mary Davis, real estate states. est football teams of. the a22-29'96 Warren County, Ohi~ in 8 badly cut and bloody condi- four ' S - Minnesata and Pittsburg- for 'IOTARY PUBLIC personal property is ordered for in Harvey burg. Charles M. and John O. Cal'teveral from here attended first;..hand · tips on ! trategy blockN B tion. As the j'n terne and nurses intered ot estate. , _k began taking !ltitch~ a conversa- commencement exercises at Wil- ing, tackling, passing, a~d the In the matter of the estate of wright to A. H. Stubbs, et aI, real on last Thursday, "'III. D tion was struck up in which the mington Shirley Lamb, a minor, sale of estate in Waynesville. Misll Lucille Tucker was fl ne .points ot play. They have .. rawa . . E.tae•• Sell'" morning. College Sarah Butterworth, deceased, to . Now . that the farmers .at'e gett- six bruised gE~ntlemen admitted one of the thirty-five "'raduatel terviewel Jack Medica the bond i ordered. ' WAYNESVIllE, OHIO The will of Cathryn E, Fran~, Ernest Butterworth, et ai, inlots IIIg theIrs for not planting so much they were all related, had been • f Bstes t sw immel', and' his '"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ray Daughte rs. Gone to ~a,5tElrnlwheat and corn, why not give the visiting relatives and their condi- from the four year couNle. dec.eased, was admitted to probate Nos. 2 and 4 in Waynesville. FOR SALE DATES CALL Ernest Butterworth, et aI, t o ~ount~y editor a ohance by pay- tion was the rlasult of a "relations The death of Mr. J ohn Spray of High School of W Richard M. Frnnz W&.!l appointed near New BurUngton occurred on E a BlnUl,Q't,nn. xecutor, no bond required. Harry Gilbert Frye, Inlots Nos. 2 and 4 mg him for not running of!' so only" free-for-all figh t after a few last Friday evening and the fun- astern Interscholastic baSk(etb,a many papel's 7 rO)lnds of fire-watet'. Murphy, ' J ero me Forkner and in Waynesville. I • champions, In t he past .,~-.---era servlc~ and burial were held followed the Grapefruit EMERGENCY SCHOOL NOTES at the Springfteld meeting house the major leagues in on Monday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. W·. W. WeJch, en. on the bench at the Rose ,Miss Edith Brown of Lebanon tertained relatives from New sought out the famous ru:nnl~rs, and Mrs. Clarabel Oook of Har- York last Thursday evening. divers, All-Atnerican en ds, "",,,n.,,,. ~, JESSE ' STANLEY veysburg have just returned from Mr. and Mra. Guy Carr ' have nnd backfield men, to bring a four weeks ,i !onference on Adult returned to their home in Brook- . story of how to play the game EducatiOn at Wittenbur. CoUeee Springfield, Ohio, ' I~n after _penelin/two weeks with EARL KOOGUR MilS Hazel lRou of Lebanon hill hlS 'mother, Mrll. ROBe Carr and . Da,toa , . .. . other relaUves. just :returned from a two weeki Mr. and Mrs. 'H. E. McVey are KE. .ore . . .. .conferen.e (lIn Llterace and Americaiiizatioon, at 'tjhe Univer- nicely !ocated in t~ir new home on Mam street ' recently purchusity ot Cincinnati. Miss Mildreld Louil Bradley of ed by, Dr. and Mra. W. E. Fro_t. Lebanon and Mrs. Helen Robert- The Boeratler family of Norwood spent the week-end at their home U....... n Com.. to R••cu. son of Harveysburg, are attend- here. ...-4 . GL.USIFIED ADS COST ONLY ing a four ~~kl conference on As Bird'. Hom. Lif. Sadie ReB,lon 'haa returned :Mrs. Rural Adult EdUCatiOn at Ohio ONE CENT PER WORD. WHY home after a visit with her ehilI. Thr.ahn-rd University, Athens, O. 'dren near Waynesville. Geraldine Eicher of x.eb. Mrs. KEEP YOUR ATTIO FILLED Teleph~ne li~must be versa· FOR SALE-Bartlett pean at Dr. C. G. Randall and family anon is attending a tour weeks tile to hold down their :jobs, but the farm, Waynesville and entertained hill brother and family WITH USELESS ARTICLES conference 0111 Nursery Schools there', nothing in their manuals reo Lytle road. Cliff BUrnett. 812 and Parent Education at O. S. U. of near Aurora, Indiana on Sunqui ring them to TlIAT CAN BE TURNED INTO On Sunday Au,ust 11th, the day. be students of FOR SALE~Bartiett pearl. One Mrs. Mary ,Tucker, Miss LuciUe Lebanon Am,!rican Legion Drum IWNEY FOR SO SMALL A bird lore. mile east of Waynesville, state and Mrs. Lottie South left Tuesand Bugle Corps under the Lin e man route 73. 76 cents per bushel at QOST. TRY THIS MEANS 0F leadership of Stanley Watkins d~y momjng lor Fairmont, Welt Gtorge Porter of farm. Chas. Bogan. .29"0V Irginia ~o villit relativt!ll. participated i;~ the parade at th~ !ELLING AND ' SEE WHAT A Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ifrooks Tne Ohio Bell FOR SALE-A ' nice Une ot bolt Eagle convention ' held in Dayton Telephone Com· ItatlonerJ, 2' meet. and Z, 'en. The COlmty Homemaken and family spent Sunday at RooseDIFFERENCE IT WILL MAKE pany at Steubtll- velope. for 26c; Sbow-Pac, 18 Chorus under' the leadership of velt Park. The W. C. T. U. will hold their TO YOUR POCKETBOOK, AS , viii e, however. ,.heet. and 18 envelop.. ~o- 10 Mrs. Edith MoOunt of Morrow are has added care &•• annual picnic at the Ichool :yard planning to go to Columbu~ on of his feat hered cent.; wued paper, whit. tIIIa. WELL AS TO HAVE YOUR on Wedneaday eveninl of nut September 19th, to have a part on friend. to hI'. paper, paper napkinl, at Goett. , • Olllee. !TUn'Y OLD ATTIC CLEANED the program of the Rural Life week, September 4, job. Mr. and Mn. Ch.... Gordon atConference. OUT. IT PAYSr W ben he PIPE, VALVES and FITTINGS Tn. Junior Colleie will cia.. tended the funeral ot F. M. ReJclimbed a pole for Water, Ga. Steam Wen. it's second quarter on September nolda on Jut ThundaJ afternoon ' that had been or. and Spra71n,. Otatern haDtI, IDee· 6th. The courll" l'iven the Int lit Blancbelter. dercd remlWed trlc and s.n,y PWDP., Pla.bblc • M~. aDd lin. Berbert anell and wer ! Collere AI~ebra. a.... ... ho found a bab; Heatilll SappU.. lowelt priGel 04 and Compolition, .on of Montere, IPnt the week. end with their pareat. here. rob i II wit h hia'but QuaUt)- a' Th. JIooIdd. , _ Alllteri,eati Hiatory. _tb wid. opejl, wallin, not for a KIIIC 00., X'IlIa, 0IlI0. Wrba _ for the ..eond ~ IIIU to wreck' hi. home for prle... .. TMlOnometrJ and ==~. mother bird tobrin, b~ 1___________


Dal y ~al't8Qck and Mary Davit; to lyde E. Levic),. 62.35 aCTe~ in AdamI and Maa;,\l' to\\'n~hi(l~. Henry L, Taulllse to Francel Taulbee, 106.7<1 IICr!ilii in iiallllll ' to wnsh ip. Ray Graham to Th L()veland Mulual Building and Loan Co real late tn nion townishp. U' J one, uccca. d, to Ev I' eI'18 ".. ett J ones 7.:l ncr in Deerfield townshi p, Grace Ca_e to Clyd R. Cover. dale and Annabel overdale 15 Gere!! in Sal III township. ' John ase to Iyde H. and Anna bel overdalc, 15 acres in Salem tow nship. H~n.nah A. Shimp, deceas«l, by admtnlstrator, to William and :fal'y E . Ashmore, 15.58 acres in Turtl cl'e k township, Willinm T . oleman to Percy D oleman. tal, 160 acr s in D cr. field township,




---_a _ ••____



.- -


-~ ~








Centerville, Ohio



Sianley &Koogler'-· Auctioneers




CUtthDr Porter carried the

;;;~~-;=:1;~~=:bIrd tIo'frD tile



bu b..n pbotOlltated in order that th. ori&'lnal may be beUer protected.

ithill hi po ' er IT atly to 1mKrllflinlC and marketing prac titt· . 0 Il " to rt"tllin lhl' f r... ~h t'!:,~ F:u '1 l.('~ IJn~ in RUI'nl ('1'l·fIIit i. quality until thl' l'lrll' l'I'a chL'>! the' Iht, titlt· of Bulll·tin I:H, IIr th(' c"n~UI1lI!I'. Ohio AlCl'iclllturlil }<:xt,·n"itlr• .'c'·· ,'o nH of the' :uggL" 'h,n 5 Mr , vic(, 11; authol'. D. A. Wallac<" B, l'llY offl: r ~ 1'01' protlu,rillg qUl1 li ty 'ay~, "It i,' III Ii dell-nS(' or a cl'iee;g8 a1'(', 1'('fllOI'(, all I'OIl.·ter!l lit'i III or any sy t Jl1 or sYllt 'm!! of STEPHEN M. YIOUNG f l'um the Illyill2' fl ock . k(-ep the Ct·lldit. N~i her £loeB it oIT('r reody COJa,..... m.n At LURe laying nOUse elt'nn, gathm' th' m!1dl' remedies for a lack or The first session o( the Heventy eggs foul' times a day, place the m credit." But, he ay!!, "I have I\tf'.lurth CongreRS has cI)ncludcd its im mediately in the ()ol(,Pot room tempted to present as cI a rly ae labor. This essio n was ono of on the furnl - u~ually the c l1ar, po. ibl a dl'scriplio . of in, liluthe gl'e atest ill OUI' hislory. II I\'a~ g"nut' t h ' egg: Hccol'(ling t "~7.L' tion !Hld op rat ions M they aro. n happy day ind{!oe d f m' I>, e~ide n l unu. ('nl nl, un d nH.II'k(,t lIt m LWlce nnd thu to furnish n background for 1he dL cuo,sioll of the quostion RooRevet wh en he affix cd hi'il a , c_k_.__ • _ _ _ __ GOpy 01 th bulleti n may bt, signature to the Sor ijll .'ecurity . Act, Thi law provide!; for (lI d , SUb!<c nbe for T~e' Miami G:17 ette • cured from (he cou n fy agent.


(\1'0 t!



Two 8IInitary engineel'g (rom tht' o"lent visited in Colun\buR Otic. Pho. . "" , No HZ ~nt.r .. d .t po.totrie• •t W.yn ... • and oth!"r citiell last week to ~udy a L I II PI " .. ... I0 .... .y ville, OhIo, a e to:.c"'l4 CI ••• l4all m -thods of ~nitary control in the p OD r e., I . • •• r H.tter tale Dtlpartmcnt of Health. The Sanitary problem is serioull throughout the Far East. The first AUG ST 2[l, 11136 visitor was T. Y. Koo of the =-naLional mini~try of public health .in China and the other WM Jujio Ka hihara of Yoshima, Japan . An editol'ial in a paper from nn Indlnna town illu ~tl'ate s what Both are graduate students under hnpp n t()- the ~'ffici ... ncy alld c<'l'tainty of el ct"ic service when politics Rockefeller Foundati on scholarships who have completed theil' rUM the- gene-raLors. : Th e plant, in that town, I hieh is municipally-owned, operated elective courses. Kashihara, on his return to the Orient, will become during a number of municipal admini tration s without inter ruptionmunicipal civIL engineer at Dairen age security and un mpl oyemeT\t :_---:----------...!-------------------~-~---~~::=::: inll!!much all th se udmini trations did not. aCCo rding 'to the editol'ial, Manchuria. and Koo. will resume insurance. aid to X)1e tant IiI• • • • • • •- . -• • make n political plaything of it. hi duties with the hinese nati- moth rs, vocational rehabililation Then the town'M governm nt changed, and a new g roup cam into onal mini. try of public health. and in many othel' important pnt'power. Rece ntly service was brClkl> n of!' twice e)Jl a single Sunday, Liculars is a real Social ~ecllri1y ith all Lh e inconvcnienc Ilnu dangel' t o p r~Onfl nnd property that Th Ohio StaLe Library has pre- law. President Roosevelt !'Iu id . " If interrUI)tion entuil8, Th eatr(iS w r compelled to dl mis their pat rons pared and publisbed a new and' up Congress had d Oll nothing mOI'c Bnd refulld Lhe money; fill ing stations wilh electl'iC! pumps could no Lo date directory of Ohio public, tha n pa, s this bill the se:si()n longt'r soll gasoline; routin in th a ho ~ pital wall disturbed and upset . college and uDivel' ity libral'i l:1, It woul d be r gatrled Ji S historic for Electric pUIllP~ at tIle wa ter plant wer out of commi. sion . was announced by Libl'arian Paul all time," The nel spaper. after investigation, discovel'ed th cnUl! of t he A. T. NQon. A feature of the Lewis W. Dough\., D mocr:at , intel'l'uptionK. Trouble with the excito .. on the main generator had 'J' ctO I'}" is a pot map which put it out of (·rviee. The , 0 1 etric plant, however. iii 0 posse ~s ed two shows the location and scope 01 forme)' director of thE! budgf.'t and I 8mal1 el', emergency R'e nerator. On or the e was immediately sta,·ted ever y lax- uPPOlted library in mentioned as a Republican possista w . P revio us dit'cetories bilily for the vice-pr.~s id('nt nomwhen the shear'ing of a pin lik ewise cau, cd it to s l O]), The next genera th tor was th n Irtal'ted, and was found to l>e so far out of bala'llcc it have Hsted th e p ablic libraries of i~a~io n is the only '])rominen~ ~~­ could no ~ be brought up to sp d. This left t,h e plant entirely without Ohi'o but the new publication i I ulVldual who .urg s that the CI~J1 ' ­ the fir t to include college and an n, ervatlOn orps b , abohshf acilitie , oon ed , It I S to be wondend whet her Acco" ding to the ne wspa) er. th e pOO l' condition o,f t.he equip- university libraries, rrl r. he would abol ish th e boys al so. mallt, and the inabilily of ,Ianl e ng in ecr'~ to get it slarted, ""lIS dUe to said. The ecc is the greatElst New Dea l Lhe fact that political appointments had r e illaced caJiable men with ix public meetings of the age ncy, and the on'e clo, est to inexp riene ed workel's knowing litt! or 11 thing about the ,invo lved Ohio highway ~u ,'Vey cotnmittee Pre idEw t Roosevdlt s heart. If it I 1l1l1chtnery'they I ere. llPpO ed to handle. As It matter of fact. service which \Va created by act of t he we!' ab oliShed, the boys and only came on again whe n an auto mob ile mechanic, by hooking up a legislature. will be held in euly you ng men now r estorl'd to health , hlrge nunlb l' o( automobi le battc rie • was able to prQd uee enough , ptember, according to Director und hope would go back whel'C currllnt to stlll't the gEmeralor. As the ditorial stated. the town "is J ohn Juster. Jr. of t he ,tate t hey came fl'om- on re li ef. 'M any extrem ly fortunat e to hav an llu OTllobil m chanic handy when so me- Ilig hway D partment Th yare: would become tramp's wD nd ~I'ing thing goes wrong at the politically.op rated plant." Ravenna, September 3; Steuben· about the co untry, t.h en this reWhen p litieS' t<'ps in. good serv ice "teps out. As a rule, it is ville, eptembCl' 4; Newark, ep- lief probl em would tie right back simply a matt l' of time before Illltnicipal pow er plants ial1 und r Lhe t mb I ' 5: Marietta , Sept mber 9; on the doorsteps ' of state an d contl'ol of politi 'ialls who regard t h m as profi table fields fOI' political Portsmouth, ptembel' 10: and loca l communi tie ; crime would in patronage. ' olumbu s, epte mber 11. Director crease, and hop es an.d' a ~p iration Jaster said that every person in of thousands of boys ~ould be = Ohi o who pays any of the sp cial crushed. No wondel' ]\fl'. Douglas New Chevrolet Coach, Electric Refri ger-ator, 2 Elect ric Washers, Radio, Fine taxe on gasOli)le and motor r es igned. Living Room Furniture and Many Other Vduable Prizes. vehicles. 01' who eu.:ages in- indu sWith war brewing in Europe t1:ial, commercial or soc'ial activi· ties involving use of the streets and Arl'icn only a l'eckIess soul and highways, shoul d be vitally in- would predict that. status of terest d in the work of the com- world affairs a y ar :Crom now. In Horae Racing Day and Night, Team Pulling Contestl, Large Exhibits of Live C LUMBU - All Teads lead to one of a special committee of mittee-. entime nt expressed at 1916 Pr sident WilElon II a s reStock, Spelling and Cyphering Conte.h, 6 Big Free Attractions, Band Concerts olumbus this we k with th three wb o ~;ll put into e!feet a the meetings alr(!ady held has elected on the slogan, "He kept us and Many Other Feature•• f Interest an d Entertainment. ope nin« of the annual 01110 Statu .fal· lUI pl'a ct icB l the economies r eo been ; tl'ongly against the U!;(! of out of war." Neutmlity ot the Fair. Th 1935 vent promise to commended by lhe Sherill .!lurvey, gasoline lax or motor , vehicle United States W:1S II D1aj or issue. be one of the biggest ever staged was announced l>v Director M. license f e fo,' any purpose- other III 1986 neutrality may again be trom tho standpoint of both at- Ray Allison of the State Depart- than hig hways and s treets. a major issue, Con~:l'ess in the tendance and number of exhibits, me'nt ot Finance. Member of the final hours of its silssion adopted All Children and Soldier. Admitted Free Ol'l Day O..i.naled. . Ilccording to Earl H. Hanefeld. Sherrill survey were provided by AS SOUND TODAY AS EVER a joint resolution , desig ned to Director or the D partmcnt of private bus ine and industry maintain American neutrality in Agricultur . Th vast display ot and seJ'ved without cost . to the Sixty-s ix years ago a succ s8lul W8l'S between ior'eign nation, ducation Ilnd ntertainment fea- tat. This is the fir t in stance and highly 1'e pected farmer in Had such a resoIutilm been adoptAll Children Under 12 Yeara Accompanied by Paren s Admitted Free any day ture are larger and better aI'- where a nlember of 'th llrvey Washtenaw County caused to be ed in 1916 American s might have , or Night. ranged than ever belore. Good ha been on the public payroll cut into the corne r t one of a new stayed away from E:urope. AmeriF. L. VAN ALLEN , Pre.ident. R. C. HAINES. Secretary weather is all that i ne<'<! d to In announcing the appointment barn hi motte; "Pay as you go." ~n~~snrighlh~~rem~n~in I~ ~ ~ ~~ ~m• • • • • • • • boost the gat receipt to a new Director Alliso said that the action Sunday people went out to the American .ports smd American high. it is said. j "wa taken in order to keep faith barn to pay respect to bis memory oldiel's in Amel'ica. W e spent with the people of Ohio toward A good many appearance to forty-two billion dollars in this For the flr ~ time in several efllci ney and economy in govern the contrary not withstsndilng, "war to end !til wars" and to months the inmate population at ment and that Mr. Taylor is par- Americans general1y sWI pay hom "make th~ world sde for demotl'a .". Ohio State penitentiary has drol>- ticularly well fitted for this im- age to lh~ home philo ophy of the cy." In addition many prccious P«I below the iour- thousand pOl·tant poet," now sometimes derided borse-and- Iivei! were lost. -......,,.......mar-k, it was announced by ' A wise individual wand ering buggy days, Warden Jaines C. Woodard. A l Director Henry ,C. Sbetl'one of After an orgy of speculative ex- along a main street beholding on total of 3,941 prisoners are now the Ohio tate Arehaelogical and travagance by the nation. a trying the ol.'posite side-wlllk a brawl beconfined at the big house. The 1'0- ' Historical Society last week re- period of depress ion and then tween four or five I'uffians pruden· duction resulted from recent ported a "valuable addition" to another orgy of squandering by tly remains in bis (,wn ide of the paroles and from tbe transfer 01 a copy of the original diary of the government, with no regal'd street. This neutralljty resolution two groups of prisoners to the the Indian migration from Penn· for the day when tM bills must mllY save the Lives of many ,"ondon prison farm where there sylvania to Ohio in 1771, lind was be paid, a revulsion against mort- American boys. Tille Administl'li\were several vacant dormitories. written by Rev. J ohn Roth. The gaging the (uture seems to be tion deserves cTedi1; for it speedy Warden Woodard said that ap- gift was made by Rev. C. C. Roth setting in among the people at adoption. This nlalldatory resoluPl'oximately 1,600 men are now of Kenosha, Wi con In, wbo is a large. They are beginning to see tion makes it ilIeglll to hip arms incarcera ed at the London institu direct deseend~nt of the author. lbat George A. Petel's, who be- ftom America t.o any nation en, tion. Rev. J ohn Roth was the father 111 lieved in paying as he went, follow gaged in war, and provides that John Levis Roth, the first wbi~ ed the only road there ii! tb Americans who travel or! ships of Appo-intment of Tulli V. Taylor child born in the Moravian Mis- financial independence and secur- belligerent nat\onn must assume all responsibility and not look to one of tbe key me", in th,e Sher- sion at Knaden'h utten, Director ity. • ill Obio Govel'nment Survey. as Shetrone aaid. The manu script The motto which he had cut in. this country for pJ'otection Qr f or to the cornerstone, of his barn any action .whatever in event of ought to be inscribed indelibly injUrY to life or prol'erty. over the portals of congress. ' Abraham Lincolln was elected There is more need for it in Washington than in Washtenaw President, 1)'1 1860 on a platfo rm condemn i:ng and p" omising to ove.. County. - Detroit fiee Press. dde tM Dred Scott Decision of the United State SupJ'enle OUI' t. 11ALlAN-ETHIOPI!\N WAR He ~erba lly (:astiguted the A few months ago it looked as Supreme Court. He announc tl if there might be an Italian-Ethio- that he proposed to change and pian war. Now it looks as 'if there nullify the decisioll. Tim es chunge must be. P"essure and ' a11rumertt Pre ident Roosev elt bas bee n de· by th~ other great powers has not nounced by the :Rf!publican oPPoRi cbanged Mussolini's determination' tion because he t,ated ' lhat the a whit- and 'E thiopia answers that Supreme Court NRA deei iOn wa he will fight for hel' independence a backward step 'toward horse an d If you're going to need a new heater this Fall, don't fail to look into this until her last man has met death buggy days. Also the moneyed inopportunity. There are at least three reasons why it will- pay you tt;> place t rests denounced him f Ol' advocut on the battlefield. ' ing a Constitutional amendmen t your ,order this month: Italy wants Ethiopia f or one 8imp~ Feason- natural resources. abolishing tax exem]lt securiti es. . . ... Tod~y. Italy is dependent on (1) You'll be sure of getting the model you want:foreign supplies of r aw cotton, oil w hen you want it. coal, iron, copper. Lack of these national essentialS:-which Etb pia is supposed to possess ---is ham (2) You'll be protected against any price advance~ peri1'lg Italy badly, , It's the old case of a big nation (3) You'll get a supply of coal FREE (500 to 2000 going after a small one when latter has something it can use. Ibs.,· dependir;tg upon the model you select). PoullrymoD and Ear, Dealen

W ashin~1'on


--- - ---------

When Politic. Run. The Generators


1 1~•••••-----.----•••--••••--••





AYTON, 0 10

Sept. 2nd,·3rd, 4th, 5th



Four Big Days

Four Big Nights

Bigger: aDd Better Than Ever ••• FREE PRIZES TO BE GIV N AWAY···

Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol

Attend the Great Montgomery County Fair

Children's Day, Sept. 3rd---Soldiers' Dar, Sept. 4 th



•••• ••••• •••••




AUGUST ,3 1st • 15 the Deadline



380,000,000 Gallons 01 Whiskey Is His Record

Last chance of the 'y ear to get •••


FREE COAL with the • genuine ESTATE ' HEATROLA



.. - - '- - -




OoocI:·. .

.... ~~ho ..t'. WGot ......ToIrBe .. .-..raa _ _I w ~ baa procbacecl D*e than

. . . . . elPt'1111i1Uoa ,aIbl.

r~ ~w::-".~ rOf ... WilHam, aDd bl. eon-Jaw.T, ,-.;~.Whof~w .. , foot«epa.

CJf 1M IDOII pique lamUie. &1M WUlleD I.mlly

~ wGl'ld,

"atber, two IODI. ~::.a=:rl=~ aad. ill .., "'UUen alul all, &c. .......... ,..t . . .ter.

IOD-ID·laW. aU

Evel'y day the American Red Cross guards the lives and weI. fue of the people, as a constant prot clor of the needy. N!) emergency is so sudden or so overwhelming that ther:e is not Within reach its l)elpful hand. To inform you of the history of this grea.t organizatiOn We are jublishing weekly, for t hr ee months, beginning next week, " The Red Cross Carries on." by David S'. Ingalls, Chairman of the Ohio Roll Call Committee of the American Red Cross.

--------Cora-Ho, Ratio



ratio on July 15,

wa. 10.2 compared to the July avenge for t he past 25 7ean 01 10.8-the ratio of tbe bUllbeli of corn 100 pound, of live hoC will buy at local market price.. That ... a corn-hoI' ratio of 10.1 to 1 muna that 10 % bu.h. 01 eorn IIIa7 be at th.~farm 100 pound. live ratio a of

ww. ...

H.".Gre.tly Improved En Qu.lity

Te hlast five Yflars have wi tnessed a vast improv nlent' In the egg 'mark.eting facilities in many sections of Ollio, reports R. E . ray. extension specialist at the O. S. U. There iSI now some en· couragilment for the farmers to prodUCe high, quality eggs. because th ey do not have to take the same price for them i~ the man who keeps a mongrel j~ock under filthy conditions and markets hi" eggs at infrequent intervals. The improv~!ments in tne methods of egg marketing have followed many dfiffe rent linell says Mr. Cray, but iln every, instance, It is blUed UPOn two principles: (1) paylnr tbe farmers on the baai. of the quality of ens delivered, and (2) .ellins eas on a &TBded ba" pa,. a premium for that particular crade of . . . It is. a)'l of man of a fneb


CASH ISN'T NECESSARY Just a smwl deposit now will reserve your Heatro]a at t~ day's price, assure you of your share of the coal. Regular' payments do not start until the Heatrola is installed in your home (you set the date) and tile Free Coal is in your bin.

There's only One Heatrola Estate builds it- we sell it. For 15 years it has ied in wee by a Wide margin. And this year, in 'celebration of the 15th Anniversary, beautiful new models and s ensat ional new valu_s are offered. All with the fam'o us Intensi-Fire Air Duct, Ped-a-Lever 'F eed Door, and other fueJ-saving,labor-savin, features. Wide variety of models to choose from - a size for every home, a style for eVerJ taste, a price for every budget.

HURRYI If you can't let in to the store by Aulust 31at, telephone and IJJvite u. to c.u at y our home.

Fairley Hardware

w."••••IO., Oblo

riend.' .Home New.


Mil'S Mary Luuist! Pit>rce, oC Tolt!do. and Mi. II Bake of Dayton \\" ~ r\! ove rnig ht gU (!~ts at til H(lme Thul·!;da~'. Mr. Will Bown, of Sima was at tht! H om Thursday afternoon Mrs. \lie Da niel Fif e, of DayLon, Mis", Gerlrude handler and frit' nd, Hs_ Dye, Xt'nia and 1i sI< Ruth handler din ed here Sund ay. i l·s. R beeca Hughes of olum bus, an d Miss ~a b l Clark of Lo udon, W OI' dinn (' r guests Sun. day an d Mrs. /ln nie F lore nc e, re turned to her home in Columbus ait r a vi it of t hree weeks. Mr . Rnd Ml' . Fred Bow n, of South harleston, called on their uncle a nd au nt fr. and Mrs. Ho well Pi erce on Sun day.


Complet e

Automobile Insurance


WaY" ,,,"iIl., OIIio,

P hone 79


Moderate Cost


."". ,


Tbe co t of. a fun eral service ja entir ly decide-<! by t he wish~ of OWl' clients. Their choice of a casket and n ecessary accessories is influ enced by n o attempt sillelma!'lship on our part. We t 110w t he!, desires closely, and keep the total cost 't o as moderate a figure as their cboice dictates. ,




u.&nr Ooly Genlline Ma-te r'. l.


,P rompt

29 .


Store ope n until 9 p. m.



Used ·Cars 1934 1933 1933 1933 1933 1933 1932 1932 1932 1931 1931 1931 1931 . 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1929 1929 1929 1929

CheYl'otet Maaler Coach Chevrolet Coupe Ford V·S Tudor Ford V·8 Cabriolet Tenaplane De Luxe Sedan Pontiac Coach Chevrolet Coach-two of theae Chevrolet Bu.inea. Coupe Chryaler Sedan Chevrolet Special Sedan Chevrolet De Luse Sport Coupe Chevrolet Sport Coupe Studebaker Buaine.. Coupe Old. Bu.ine.. Coupe Chevrolet Sedan Ford Victoria Pontiac Sedan Chevrolet Victoria Coupe Dodee g Sedan HudlOn 8 Coach Old •. Sport Coupe Chevrolet Road.ter Sport Coupe Chevrolet Coupe Studebaker Coupe Easex Sport Coupe Ford Sport Coupe E..ex Sedan Hupmobile Victoria

fred Kahn Molor Car Company Phone 326


6Se per GAllon

Calcium. Arsenate


Cary'. Jewelry Shop

• • • • • •# • • •


Miami Fly Spray

of ,

N. Sears '



Lebanon, Ohio

hmlly of Zoar neirhbol'hood were Tr y The Miami Gelette For A Su ndey dinner guel\t!\ of MI'. and Year. Mrll. Walter Wilson. Eve rett Ha ines and family attended the Carey Reunion Sunday aftern oon. Errol Dean a nd .C arey Leigh Haines, who had been vi it· ing th eil' grandp81'ents nL Nell' Vienna, retur ned home. Mr. and Mrs. Lawre nc e Mitchner , visited Mr. and M rs, Reub en Brina Your CaDS Jon 5 of N \V Burlington unday aite,·no on. Miss Margaret Compton, daug b. ter of Mr. Bnd Mrs. R. Compt on of incinnati, r eturn d home after spending a f e w days witi her aunt, Mrs. Ella Ha in es. Mis' Ladonna Si nclair, Mr. DonaJd HainetJ ' nnd Mr. Willnrd Haines att ended Th e Young Friend 's camp at Clif ton last week Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Learning R ecommende d To Kill Be... and famil y attend ed the S. A. U. B eetle • • M. r eunion at Lanca tel', Ohio . Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Wilson wer e visitors Sunday aft ernoon of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Smith of Eleazer ne ighb.o rhood. ' Mi ss E mil y Ha ines a nd b ,'other, Richar d pent a few days with th eir grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tasso Terrell.

.. A ban d 01 red-m en. wit h flr l!' lrm ~ a nd ommunlllo \1 rUI'niah d br tr.e Br jf ls h. were iunound ing I' rat

I ),J'.. nearing th e poin t o( 81lrrCIl d H Tod ay mon u menta to J"hr. I_1 effo rt to turn tne tid (' of Appl se-ed in Man sfield alld Ai :. th e 11l!le ga rriso n Insid e a block · til War of 1 1!l town I'd vtl' tory . la nd like the h undreda of IlP .. lf r.o \l se at Man tlel d. p reparil1 ~ for It w s ImposSible to hpa d off the orchards tha t atl\l th rln, li' Of•• an p.llack whic h th e sc ttJc ,'~ Ind ian s' a tt nck th Ohio eOU :Hryslde whel'l! 11 .. t::l!.l ~d not hope to rep el J ohnllY A pp:ps ced k n IV t lle,l'!! plnnt('d t he m as seed ll ng1l , , Ive; Jonathan hOll mn n. the J ohn· wel:e so ldl r s GO mil es own}' H I lh!! l our i~ l a n Ins ight IHtO ,!;.( ..iy A p:llesee d of 0111 0 leg t>lId. (s t Oll' Oll t or the fOl't UllS(t.'ll [1 t ch n rll ct t' r or ail e ot t he r al'Ct t per""b,,~e orchar d p,la nrill p th ro ugh· sundown , ond in live h oul'~ ma de son 1I(les or Ih& pioneer du),s. I~ ,)'ut t~c fro ntier wJldt! l'll ~ ss had his way lh l'O Ull h truckl "S. . fOl.e~ ts l iS \I t' l l wOrlh the trip tor :l, ",' u:l him t h e I LldiAIIS' cOll fi (!(' lI ce to lhe dls la nt Ctl lll P " .lh l n n of these . mo nu me nts. ~ ' Lt G/: .111 a we\(;o rne lit e \'fr y ~(, 1I1 r 's f W 1I10111 ('nI S nI L I' his UI rJ \' , I . I al I\g the I\loll lca n River n Ii : ca!:l ln leal'ned wh at w~ s 01 00 1. 1troops 0 11 hO I'_ Ilnl:k w r~ m n k l 1l8 As hl an d whe rEl Jo hnny pl all~ H. &":1:,' tlmu before he had h('en I their w ay !lu ck 10 I an fie ld II' lL h 011 1,1 h t& orc hard •• and a , lh ::p,~ Ib'l l! to preve nt a raid by COUll ' ammunit ion TII )I nlTh d sho .I_ lor th t> monuments nearby lIu!.~ lr . sell!:I& wi th the Ind ia n . wh o I IY ufl Pr . II \\ II Ihl' la' xl ,,~ . III*, I h~ $(~r.~ ot th e India n n. l t !l:.';'w h im as thei r frl€' nd becausE' nlng. " \th J .. hloll:> h l rhe·lr . h ~n tl , ac ' e o~ ,he Rurrner. Zlmmf ! be never carried 'h ear n.!;. ~ a\' hl @ thE' \j Ill " ban d \\ hk .l \\ h ~ nd I hf' ' , o ra l" ramillee. '

Comfort and Beauty



It i a lpng tep indeed from the black-plumed hearse of twenty-five years ago to t he beautiful funeral car of today. The streamlined, smooth~rid­ ing f uneral car is a triking xample of the advancement automobile de ign has made in the I!).Bt · few years. . T he finest vehicles compri~e our ro lling stock. Realizing how importa nt comfort and perfect mechanical condition are , we maintain on ly cars of the most modern design. Th ese are kept in flawless condition and h and led by h ighl y.trained driver . In this way we are as ured of comfortable, trouble-free t ransportation for our clients. Fine motol' cars llre b ut one of many features. A close i nspection , w ill revea l counties det ails carefull y s upervised to in ure a beautiful and im 4 pr es lve f uner al service at modest cost.



\ Vh e r. in Oh io d id (' h an ('(' re<' o g "it iu n hy ;l r l·nl'r.,:itdt> whil , IIll l t_ SIn; ('n l{(:~lon "bOIlI 10 bu r n h i m nt , t h,' ~takl'? \\' II t C~ .. ( ~ I' " E-, ph r . Ohio" !lr.~t wttk.

h:dia M

......... -.-

-- ....- ... -~

..... --

rr(;n~ 1 i




Hal'vey Burnet. . Up alld down the river fioat ing, Mr . and Mrs. Allen Emrick and In a low, sweet reverie. ' We ndell Salisbury attended t he The Ladies Aid " ill have un sale of Ed Hough, at Mt. Holly But you tell me with su ch candor, .ice cream socia l at the Horse-shoe· Tue day. From enchant ment you are free, ground this Friday evening, Aug· Mrs. Bell~ Scott, Everett Early T~ at th~ ;romance of yo ur wa ters ust 80. Everyone welc oml!'. and da ughter, Misls Helen Early Lies in l t 8 own harmony. Mrs. C. W. Albrig ht and lit tle !If'r. a nd 1.lrs. Chalt'les )Iorgan and That yo u're ever flowing onward, Jack Hughes of Wayne ville s'p ent 80n, Robert, were unda y di nner to your borne down in t he sea, Thursday with her daught er, Mrs. guests of Mrs. L eUie Marshall a t Sweet repose i n deeper wa ters, Kesler Graham . Bellbrook. Is yOlll l' secret t old to m e. Mrs. Morris Miller and children Prof. an d Mrs. George Clark a nd So I .1 e~rve you in y our yearn ing are now staying at t heir farm on George Matliers Clark, of near Zimmerman, as the latter NeW' York City were din ner River t hou art beautlfied, expect to start to chool there guests of their a,unt, Mrs. Alice I shall honor and revere thee , Clark, Su nday e~' ening, a nd also For thou art t he village pride. next week. ~ - .. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lang and called on Mr. and Mrs. Walter ark. Cl son, of Dayf:on spent last week Mr. an d Mrs. Walter Kenrick with their grandmother, Mrs. have as their guest this week, th eir Emma Lacy, cousin Miss GLadys Silvers, of Mrs. J. R. Johns and Mrs. Allen E xcelsior Springs" Mo. Hole were caUed to Waynesville Miss Eva Wh:uton and Mr. the first of the week by the serio Lor en Routzahn atte nded the ous illness of t heir si tel', Mrs. State Fail' at Co llumbus, Wed1).<>=-f-Charles Rye. day. Several members of the Ladies Mr. a nd ,M rs. Earl Young and and Mrs. M. G. Sehat zman Aid clea ned the church last Thu ra family entertained to Sunday din- andMI'.daughter , Gr a ce Elgin, of St. day. ner the former's broth4!r a nd wife, Cloud, Fla., and Miss Le titia Mrs. Charlotte ~ yers of Dayto n Mr. a nd Mrs. Orville Y oung of Schatzman, of Cincinnati, a re was a we-ek-end guest of her cousi n D,ayton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry g uests of' Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Burnet a nd children were Mon - Raper. Miss B erniCe Graham. Mr. a nd Mrs. H orace Wharton day din ner guest..'1 of the Youn g's. of Dilyton were SundB1ltiguests of Mrs. Mary Roc.h arson, of West· Mr. a nd Mrs. E. R. Bent lC!y will Mr. and Mrs. Clyde W-Hkrlon and erville entertain ed Mrs! Har vey bave as dinner g uests t his evening family. Burnet to a luncheon in Day t on Mr. ,a nd MIra. Walter Bentley Ilnd Misses Geneva and Betty Rout.- Thursday and saw "China Seas," daul!:hter and ~s. Cliff And erson za hn lire visiting this week at the at Loews. of ,F ort Ancient, and Miss Mr. a nd 'Mrs. Kesler Gr aham Rosemary Bentley. homes of Mr. Ken· Rou tzah n and ' MI'. and Mrs. Floyd Routzahn near and daughter entertained to ,Su n. day dinner, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. About t hir ty guest" were preseot Centerville. The Burnet re union will be h'e ld W hite and sons of Columbus, Mrs at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Omar next Sunday. Septemher 1, at t he Wade K esterson of Par ker,sburg. I H ollilngsworth in Oregonia, last home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey W. Va-., ·Mr. and Mrs., C. W . A,lb. , T:hul18day evening t o meet Mn. right a nd Jackie Hughes of Way· Alice Anson, of LOB Angeles, CaliBurnet he~e at Lytle. Little Mildred Smjth is visiti ng nesvi1le, Mr. and Mrs Ralph Stowe fo rnia. The g~oup W&ll composed and childre n of P ekin, Mr. and maillly of former pupils of the relatives in Day ton t'his week. James J o1ms is now employed Mrs. John Myers and daughter of Orellronia school. former school· matl!S of Mrs. Anson. T.bose from as night watchman at tbe Waynes- Dayton. WayneSVille were Mr . and Mrs. L. ville Canning Co. M. Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mrs. J . B. J ones retuI'ned 'B. fI[etlderaon, Mr. and Mra. J. E. Wedhesda y eveniJig afte r spend. ing several dayS' in Dayton .with Fr82:i ~r and Mrs. Sadie COllner. P hone 41 her sis ter, ' Mrs. J ohn Zimmerman by ELTA EMI.EY ROBISON Miss Doris Hawke entertained Who is m. a small compan.y at the home of Glenn Johns of Da yton spent Calm and is t he river, Mr. la nd Mrs. Maynard Weltz Mon· Sunda y with his motht r, Mrs. Mar As it gent ly fl ows along i da y evening. Bridge wall t he diver garet J ohns. Let me t ur n in i:-etrospection, sion and 'f ollowing the games reThe Y. F. M. of t he Friends To the days so briefly gone. fresh ments were served to the ' churc h Waynesville, wa s entertain following: Misl Sadie Worley, ed Sunday evening a t tb e home of I am back in childhood playing Tho!nas Spellcer, Mr. Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bailey and On its m ossy bii,nk of green, Orialn Gu~tln, Lebanon j Mill daugh t er. I can Bee the st lltely willows, E stliler Dennis, Dayton, Mill Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick and Where tbe BunU,:ht intervenes. Dorlot hy Anderson. Xinl'lllan; Mr. Mh . Mar tha Hough w ere Sunday dinner gue;,ts of Mr. and Mrs. S ~ the wlllow plumes .a re nodding and Mrs, E. C, Crane, lit". and Leon Salisbury and family at Banne r-lik~ they float and sway I Mrs; Maynard Weltz, Clark SalisThey a r e g uardi:ans of the water. bUr l', and Don Hawke. Sabina. Mr. an d Mrs. Walter Kenr ick Pilgrims lingering on their way. were, Sunday afterno on guests of And the willows bending over, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ken rick and Seemingly their vigils hold, son n ear Centerville. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wilson Lik e th~ f aithf ul shepherds watch. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet entertain ed as Sunday dinner ing . visited their stst er; Miss Sarah g ueelt8 Mr. and Mrs. William Bur!1.e t Sunday a't the 'home of All that lies within their told. CO'mpton. Mrs. Mabel Dinwiddie in DaytOn. And th e meadows in the spr ing. Rlllleigh Bogan and family f!R.ent Miss Burnet is slowly improving time Sun l~ay at the home of E"van with her limb now in .. cast . Gh>e to us a beau teo us sight BOgilln and family in Dayton. Mrs. TherIe Jones and so n Mil· Fo t' the brig ht·ey ed ddsie!! 01111' meeting was well represent ton spent Wednesday with rela· snrinkle ed lIt Yearly !.Ieetin&, which was t iv!!$ in Cente rville. Ove r t hem t he il" blosso mll whi*: held a few wHks ago. Ray M'i1Ier is spending this Mr. HOllier Halnel and Everett me g ather u l3 some pebbles, Let week with his grandparet ns, Mr. Haines returned home. after a nd Mrs. Ernest MiJler, near Lying all a ro und y our shore, a pleasant fishing trip in Canada. Let me choose those that are Lebanon. Miss Mary Edith Stanley, of smoothest, . The Ladies Aid will hold their near Hillsboro, haa been Ipendlng r egula r me-eting next Wednesday, As l ?ve of times done before. a few da)'ll with her aunt and September 4 at the home of Mrs uncle Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lte me throw th jlm in tbe water, All en Emrick. Mit~lhner. Wherc you He s\) still and deep. Mra. Mary Ric,h arson, of Wellt· Mil'. and ,M .n. Luther Hainel And the pebles downward Helen Colbert and daughter, June and children. Donald and Phyllie RouBe you from slumber aweet. of Westerville spent a few da" and Ladonne SiJlclair spent a few last week with Mr. and Mra. Prithee tell me da~ in the Shttnahdoah Valley. Husli thy bal,bI111' ... llil.. Jeaanetta- WIJaOD ' 8 p ent, _ence.Have YOQ any lut week at the Epwortll Learrue Gliding from se1lluelltel~d con~ereIIee at. J'rukUa. hoDi hire attuclecl the '



E. MeClure


• lao•• 7




Washers-Ironer Prima ha. the outataadine value in -. wa.her you bave been look· inc for. ~


Compare .theae qualitie. Wrin,er-one piece, Caat Alum· inum. Ball Bearifte Equipped Roller•• I allO carryine a Life Time Guarantee on Top Roll. Tub--Por~eli.n Inaide and Out. C orruea~ecl Tub, Colol'-...~n Mechani.m !'Unnin, in Bath, of Oil.



· 4_'.

No outside .haft. or belta to cause trouble.

Sold By

J. C. Hawke


Quality PrlatlDI

W aYllea"Ule, Ohio


---_ ..--Caesars Creek

"Hog Tlsht" Fenclns Build~ Up

Soil Fertility The rotItIon 01 hOIl not only bull. up 1011 ......." but ..... cI....... Good .... In, ..,..... you 10 ...,,... pi.. In



of 101m

..... yo.

. . . . .... ...


We,bava J-aat received a new car of tbj.


at Bprina·

cI........... ...

fMowlnl .... 10 . .III" • . ... Co.e I.. IIMII... ... YOII how I. . . . . . ... ..



W.ya••vlll.t O •

Eight)'-Seventh Year



The Way ne To~nship Mothers club will meet at the grade school building Friday, September 6, at 2: 16 p. m. Miss Mary Mills, of Wi! mington will address the club. The committees for the ensuing year 'Will be announced al1d t he retiring office rs and this year's Mr.. Gibbon. Will Be HOlte.. At executive com mittee will be hostesses at t he refreshment Nex t Meetlft, <>D period. Qctober 1


W. F. M. S. MET

Whole Number 6IR ;;





Minmi Chapt I' .... ] 07 0, F.:. . 'Ult(·d communication of WilY. will mect in reltu lli l' PN\<ion n twille Lodgl' No . 163 F. &. A. M Mondny veiling , ':cIJt.e ri)l.ieI' V, lit Tu esday {'vening . September to, 7 :80, Vi s jtiJl~ llle mbcl's "el('om(', Visiting ane! ~o journing bl'ethl'cn Mal'Y Earnhal't, W. M, Minnie J,' I'umm, : c·y . Tht' W. F. M. . of t he MethodThe fir t summ ns oJ: the ~(!hoo l 'ar welcome. ist church met W cdncsday afterbell n Tuesdny morning waS .reE, 1'8ne, W, M. noon at the home of ,MI'R, G. , !Jontl d to by an thu . in~lic group V. 1\1 , Armitage, S c'y, Wal-er Hj,h"" T<han It Hal B_ Dibert wit.h Mrs, Mary Cros!! and of .youn/{ people rt'ad)' to !-Ike up Mrs. , R. A, Conner assistant For Yean At Thi. Time of lhl!il' Rc hool WOl'k. hostess . The Bubj ct of the d • Th toiu l nl'ollm nt iol' the Year votional conducted by M1'1I. Day , school is 503, 27 Ie. s tha n la st wall "Contemplation of StewardTht' Waynesville Garden club ycar. The grade nrollme-n t ill WH sh ip of Self." Due to the heavy rains ~he firSt met at the home of Misses aud the high school 132. Thirty-five dollars f<ll' five years of the week the bottom Blanche and Perle Riley Tuesday The enrollment by grades i as was noted to b(l paid for u scholar wer(' fl ooded and it is reported afternoon, September 8. foll ows: hip for Nellie "' oe, a binese girl tha t almost th l'ee feet of water The WBS called to order Grude 1, 42; g tad 2,3 1 ; g rape Ser i,)uI Condition Mrs. J. W, White mnde Mrs. G, You"" In cove1'ed the avenu e botween by the president and Miss Clara 3 , 4fl; grade 4, 38; grad 5, 60; C. Dibert u life mem ber of the S uife r iDIL Il"Om Shock and Waynesvill and Corwin, Traffic Lile read the Scripture lesson, grade 6, 52; grade 7, 54; ~ l'ad e Missionary Society and Martha Amputnlio'n Nineteen members answt'l'Cd roll , -i5;. 10'1'('. hman, 52; ophomore , Mr, and 1'111'5. .' M. Selle rs o j had to bl! rerouted around by Dibert a lile- member of the call and two visitors, Mrs, Allen 34; JUn iOl's, 23; and Seniors 23, L banun WCl'e visitin g friend Roxanna Wedllesday. Little Light Bearer. . and Miss Gill, were present, Th e cannin g factory at Corwin Basil Mal'd is, 18, 01 Srrillguoro ' The vocational agriculture de- here unday. The nominating commitlee subM. S. Graham spent Sunday in was f orced to close temporarily All were glad to'Wecome Mrs. W8 seri Qusly injUil'ed 'V ed ncsday pal tment ha enro lled 34 pupils, mitted !.he foll owing names for Mrs . •T. , Hawk viffit (I hel W<id nesday morning due to high Silver again after be ing absent Dayton. was the domestic science depll l'tment officers fOl' the COining year: Mr . night when his ~r'loL() I 'cyc l daughter, Mr);. Ralph Van lC ir watel' but re umed operatio n lJ'uck since May on account of illness. by a hit-l\ldp molOl'!. t on a3 . the comnlel'cial depal'tment Ray VanOfiell, ot incinnati, J. W. Lotz, president; Mrs. KenPI asunt Plain, Friday. Thunday moming, Mrs. Mendenhall, chairman of spent Sunday with friends hel·e. neth Hough, vice-president; Ml's. the Le-banon pike about one mile 56. arrangements tor display at the It iR believod that aPPl'ox imately o nsid(,l'abl InlerCllt is being R. A. onne r, recol'ding secretary; ouLh of Centerville. Bcrt 0 ' 'call, of New Philadel. 300 aCl'es of sweet co rn in the F, E. VanOft en, of Cincinnati, Ml'8. D. • Ridge, trea~u t'cr; Mrs. County Fair, checked the liet of YOllng Mal'di , it is said , -as on s hown in the work offered io the phin, visited Wayn esvill relative: plants donated and irom the was in Waynesville Wednesday. riVer bottoms arc practically A. K. Day, cOrJ'espondillg eCI'e his way home about 9 o'clock mu ic depal'Un ent. Orohestration over t he W ' k-end, spirit manifested a nice ~xhib it is ruined. , when h wa, blinded by lights of ci a . se. at'e being organized and tary; Ml's. Wilbur Clark, mite box Mrs. Ralph Lewis, of Miamis· planned. At W ~ynesv lll ll the rainfall was Mrs. NeW Fannon nnd Mr secretuI'Y; 1011'S, Russell Frank atl automob ile driven toward pupil s who wi h to do 0 may get bU"8-, attended the Cornell nunion After the business session Mrs. Dayton. The machine s ideS'wiped pian.o technique. j> arl Fann on spent two days a\ 21h inches fol' Monday ni ght and supt, King's Het'alds and , MI'8, Preston took charge and the at Wayne 'Park, Sunday. Tu day . Tuesday night 7-16' the tat F air. Dibel't, upt , Little Light lhe motorcycle and the driver Hed, following program was given: A of nn inch as registered. from th cene ~, ithout . to ppil1g. Mi !! Ruth Chandler left Mon- Bearers. Miell Doris Il endlirson of Cin· most interesting and instructive day to resume her work a8 teacher The young man lay in the highThe foll owing program prepared cinnati was visiting al her h ome paper on golden rod, Miilll Clara ill the Cedarville pu bile schools. by Mrs. Dibel·t was then rendered: way everal minutes it is th ought h .... re over th week-end. Llle; a paper On dahlias, by Mrl. before he was picked up by a passSo ng- My Fai th Looks Up to Mis J osephine Banta returned Thee. Gibbons who gave her experience ing motorist. H e was La'k n to Mr , and MI·s. Ed Ramby anl in planting bulbs, cultivation, and Sunday after a two-weeks vaca· R adillg- I t mig ht Be So, MJ·s. Miami Valley hosp ital where he i.. Mr. and Mrs. V ern Simpson spent t ion spent with frie nds in Ney, O. g rowth and t he proper method of in a seriOU S condition, suffering J, W, Lotz. The descendents of Steppen and Sunday at Greenville Falls. storing bulbs. from sho ck and the loss' of his l eg' , Reading- Mary, Mrs. Truman it' reported. Mis Glenna Marsh, of Dayton, William Burn e and Anabel Mrl, Cro read a. paper on MeRs rs. Dick Wei, bl'odt and Wardlow. spe nt the week-end with her Burn t Mill m t with Harvey Dea n Ha wke viJIited the fbl'mer' , phlox and in her intere ting way Reading- Hannah, Mrs, J. B, Two black widow spid er we re parents, Mr, and Mrs. Funk BUI'net at th ir home in Lytle on parents in ardi na Sunday evenepok o{ the place this lovely Crabbe. found in larksville laet week, Imday, eptember 1. flower 61ls in ollr h earts and gar- Marsh. ing. , Reading- Frances, Mrs, Charles on e, by MI'!l, Mabel Chamberlin Thel'e wel'e none of the generadents. Mrs. Elizabeth Hadan , aged 78, ltlr. and Mrs. O. R. Unglesby Andel'son. Delicious cocoa, waiers and were guests of Mr. Ung-Iesby's Mr. Cathel'ine Sullins of La- and the . other I)y Mr~, Gertrude widow of the Illt.~ Gorge Harlan; tion of their children pl'esllnt but ong-O Zion Haste. "e·ve,ral great.~'e8t grandchildren fayette, Ind" was the guest of Dr. Harvey. The SpiUe.I·S, said. to be Eookiea were served alter adjourn- brother, G. F, BrQwn i n Le1!anon, Recogni tiOn service for the died Saturday morning, August were thel'e, the"'youngcsi being the lary L. Cook, the first of thi n deadily as a I I'attl snake, were lnent. . 31 after an iIlnelss of six month . Monday. new officers led by Rev. Dibert. picked up in the gardens at the The next meet ing will be held Fune·ral s l'Vices were held Mon - five-weeks old gl'an'dchild of Lucy week. ongCome Ye that Love the Chamberlin and Harvey home. at the home of Mra. Gibbons, Rev. W. S. Dib ert, of Ripley, LOl'd. day afternoon at McClure Fu neral Burnet Dyk.e. Mrs. Roy John on ul'rlved Mon The black widows measure At the noon hour a bounteous Octoper 1, at 2 p. m" with Mrs, was the guest of his brother, Rev. Rome with Rev. River and Rev. StewardShip pro ram Mrs. Thornbury L ena I1artlock and Mrs. Buzick G, C. Dibert, and family, Tues- Day. officinting. BUYial was dinner wa, served to 50, all day trom lev~lnnd for a visi t about an inch across lind have an with her mother Mrs , Je sic id ntifying r ed spo t on the under membel's of the fllmily. day Ilssistingo hostesse •• in _ ' Miami Oemetely. __ 1 .... The ociety will meet with made _ side of their bodi s. The crea· ......;;~- -In the aftel'noon a vet·}' pl eas. Robitz ~ . Mrs. ¥yer Hyman aDa Mr. and Mr. F. U. LeMay in September. tures are being seen frequently ant social time was spent at the Judge and Mrs. Rolat:td BaggoH Mr. A. T. Polinsky attended a etion of Ohio, but no beautiful country home. Mr. and of Dayton, w~ re guest<; at Tho) in t hi s reception in Cincinnati, WednesMI'S, Burnet we ably a~ isted in Little Inn ovel' t he week.end anr! fataliti es fl'(5,n t heir bites have The annual meeting of the entertaining their ~ue ts by their day evening. been l'eported. Only the f emale Home Bo.ard was held On TUo('8 day son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Labor Day. III the species is poisonous. MtB. H. C. Coleman retllrned to Mu, Tom Calvel't, of Selma, Mr , ' Hal'old Whitaker, Mr. nnd Mrs. Warren Webster her home in NorwoDd, Sunday pent Tuesday witb h ~ sister,' Miss Sarah Burn e~, who has and family were Monday evenin g . vening, after a pleasant week at Mr . Howell Perree. been teaching in northern Ohio, li'ue t s at the home of Mr, and The Little Inn. ,My. ana Mr. Ralph liars and ~ AYNESVILLE CHURCH OF A t the last meeting of the family and MI'8, Eva J. Miars, of broke t he pones in bel' ankle MI·i . John Adams. Mr. Robert Watt and children, County COtnmissi""er~ it was de· several week ago lind is still co n· CHRIST A Rich fAmily dinn r was held Ml'. and Mrs. N. A. King of of Dayt9n, were callers at the cided to enforc~ the Law that all Wilmington, col\.ed on M1'5. Ada H fined to h r room with her ankle Oarl Smith, Minister Jenkins Sunday evening. . home of Mr. and Mrs. J . E. dogs must ~ con fined or chained in a C8. t at the home of her Indianapol,s, T(nd. pent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ira Mrs. Harry Se,ttlemyel', of i tel', MI' . Mable Dinwiddie, in and Monday with. Mr. and Mr ~. Rich la t Sunday with the followBible School at 9 :30; Lord's Frazier, Monday., fro m s\1n et 'unti~ l unri e. Clarksville, and her daugh te r Mi . Dayton. ing people in attendance. ' Walt r T . E lzey. Supper, 10 :30; Christian En· Owing to the many claims from Alice, of Dayton, called on Mrs, Mrs. Lou S liars, Mr. and Mrs It's the social items that make d avor 7 p. m.; Evangelilltic ~r­ Th e l'eunion will be held next ,MT. and Mrs, J ohn Comer, Mrs. Edward Allen, Mr. I\nd Mrs. Rich. vice 7 :45 p, m.; Choir practice a local newspaper interesting. the loss of sheell, after September Frances Nickleson, Sunday, ye ul' at th f' hom of Mr, Trena Emma Kendall and daughter ard Collier, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miss Anni e U. Browne was the Jamison in Lebanon. Wedneaday, 7 :45 p. m.; ' Bible Telephone- or send them in. ' Our 15, all roads will be patrolled by Wilday, spent Saturday and Sun· Hartsock, MI'. and Mrs_ John !!ufficie-nt force to de8troy all guest of Mrs. Raymond Montgomt elephone number il 112. ---~ Study and Prayer service at 8 :15 day /Witb Will O. Gustin. dogs at large during these boun. ery in Center\'iIl1e, Friday. Kersey, Mr. and Mr. Willard p. m. NOTICE Dorothy Hartsock spent A ' pecial drive will also be made Mi Mrs. Howt'll Pei-rce and Miss Bogan and daughterll, MT. and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Kenrick several daYB last week at the on unlic en ed dog. Mame T, Brown e were Dayton Ml's. H, R. Moscs and ehildreR, All the JI', Good Cut Clothing and son, of ~nterville, spent SUII FRIENDS MEETING home of her friend, Miss Vivian visitors, Friday. Mr. and MI·&. John Rich, Mrs. CORNELL -FAMiLY PICNIC club members who have no way day with 1\lrs. Kenrick's parents, R-eha Braddock and Mr. and Mra. Flnt.da,. Sehool at 9 :80 a. m. Orleshee, near Wilmington. Mrs. Nettie 1)ijckson, of Cente)'- to get th~i l' al'ticles to t he Fail' Mr. and Mrs, E d Hopkins. Gilbert Frye. ' On Sunday, S ptember 1, th e ville. 8pent th week-end at the ground.'; bring them to th home Meetlnar ' for Wor.hlp at 10180 Mrs, L. H, Gorao'o arrived home ID. " Albert COI'nell family picnic wu Bome. of the leador by SeptEmoer 16 , Miss J e sie Clarke r turned to S~ndar e vening after spending Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Coovcn, of a r.d she wfll take them to Lebanon Th Litt.le Inn, Friday after an OLIVER WATSON DIES severa days with her lister, Mrs. held at Wayn e park with tl1tyTb e bounteous Vandalia, called on their aunt, extended vis it to re latives and FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST ..---- Lillian Fife, in Washington D, C. fOlll' pre ent, AT BELI:BROOK HOME dinner, pmes and varlou otber Miss Kat e Collins on Sunday. Cl'i€nd s in Boslon, Mass. Gueat~ Carl Smith. Minllter Mr . Lena HUl't ock and grandThe condition of Miss Trillena amusements made the day most en Fltneral services for Oliver Mr, Les. G1'8y of the Lytle Road Unified aervice. bearinninar with Edwarde, who has been confined joyable. daughte r, Mis!. Mary Carolyn ----Watson, 67 yem's old, Sugarcreek ehurch ;aehool at 9:30 a. m. to her bed several weeks, is This w as the third annual Luke ns, of Han'ey bUl'g, attended Misses Anna Lee Crane and was ba~lIy bl'uised last week' whil-n tBwn hip justice oC the peace and lerviee at 10 :80' a. m. thought to b& improving. gather ing of the family and it waa the Burnett falllily reunion un- j Mill tha Shaw spont two days last h fell fl'Om the top o! his t.obacco fOt'mer Bellbrook mayOl', who died voted to meet next year at the day, at the home of Harvey '" ek in . incinnuti. the guests of shed and a wagon passed over him eal'ly Friday at his home at Bell. Mr. and Mn. H. H. Wjlliamson ,Burnet t in Lytle. Mis MIlI'Y rane. Mr, and ,MI's. MelVYn Bantll bl'ook ",'ere conducted thel'e SunWAYNESVILLE .... Eo CHURCH Miss Grace Williamson; IMr. and sam e titne and place. moved to Pleasant Plain, Monday, day afternoon, witb burial in M'n. I. O. Brown Ipent Sunday in Rev. G. C. Dibert, Pa.tor where Mr. Banta is employed as Bellbrook cemetery. Sunday: Sunda,. achool at 9 :80 t:qua, the guesta of Mr. and Mrs, teach r in the public schools. He had been in failing bealtb . a. m. Morning worship at 10 :30. \ul. Hauk. a year nftel' 8 paralytic stroke. The !W;rmon subject will be, "The --IL -_ _ -+_ Ilr. J . E. Witham, who suffered Mr. and Mrs: :Mark Rogers and A li'fE-long l'e:!Jident of Bellbrook Lad With the Loaves." Evening daughter are on a vacation trip a fract\ll'ed hip in a fall at hi: he was widely known throughout service at 7 :45, sermon subject, through Kentucky, Tennessee and home several weeks ago, is now at Greene county fol' his writings in The Great Divide. home and improvinl5' rapidly. other points of interest, Il reminiscent vein on village . Wedneaday: Bible study and Mbs Ruth Miller, of New YOl·k history. M.I:. Wabon s~rved aa prayer me&tinar at 7':30 p. m. Mrs, Ruth Janney and Miss ' ity, and Ml's. Gl'ace McCune -of BQIlbl'ook mayor for 30 years. Louella returned home Friday He is survi ved by a prother, Limo, are bere with their mother, after a visit at the home of Mr. Hnrl'y Wat on, Dayton i two sis· ST. MARY'S CHURCH Mrs, Eva Miller, who hus been ill and Mrs. R. S. B'rden in Col 11m· tel's, Mrs. ·Harry McGinnis, WayRev. J. 'J. Sohaelrer. Rector bus. M1'. Carl Manz, Waco, 'l'elCas, nesville, and Mrs. Nellie Soward, Twelfth Sunday after Trinity, and Virgil Wysong, West Alexan- Bellbrook, with wham h-e made Mr. and Mra. William ' WII, on September 8, Ohurchlehool at dria, 0., spent S\lnday at ~e home hi home. and , MI'. and Mrs. William Lind 9:30; Morning Pia yeT and ..rmon of Frank rd. Fox andf'amiJy. . and. ,IOn, Of Columbus, were • at 10:80. . GRANGE PROGRAM PLANNED tuellta of Mr. alld Mrs. Ralph and MI'S, F. F. Coleman and Mr. Linn over ~bor Day. little son and Mrs. H. C. Coleni~ ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH At the regular me~ting of of Norwood, we,;e guests of Mrs. Mr. and Mn. WllUam Smith Farmf't' 'Grange SeptemJler 7, Father Newton. Putor D. L. Crane and family Sunday and two cbildren, M.r.and Mrs. the fo llowing program will be evening. Ma. at St. AUl'Uatine'. Churali Jack Hendricks .nd son, Paul, given: very .econd and fourth Suno, of Hamilton, wer. dinner guests Mrs. J . 'W. Haynie, Miss ,Mabl Piano solo-- HeIeR Margaret f the month. of ¥n. Ra), lIainoua, Sunday. Sm ith, of Columbu s, and Herbert Gon ~ . Gl'ay, ot New Vienn a, were visi-' Recitation- Donald Brown. Mra. Myer H)'JJIan, with Cincin ELWOOD WENNER DIES tors a.t t he home of Mr. and Mrs, Piano Duet--Virginia Presto. natl f~lend.. enjoyed a trip AnER LONG ILLNESS tbrourh Kentucky, Virginia and .r. H . Smith,Su nday, and Owen Hartsock. R ecitatio n~ E llen Moss. Tenllessee over t.beo wl.<!k·end MI'. and Ml'S. Kenneth Evan s Elwood Edwin Wenner, 26 yean • topping at varioul IlI.ceaof Report 01 POlllona meeti1!lr. and da ughter, Betty J ean, Mr. and old, died Monday at th., bom,e of IDterest. , Debate "Resolved that, Mrs, Kenneth Elzey and daug hter husbands should eat all new diahe. )ais parente, Mr. and Mrl. David Mill'jorie of Dayton, ' were Sunday pl'epared by their wives." lIr. and' Mrs. Hennan S~rfaee . Wenner, near Dayton, .fter '1) ex: alternoon visitors of Mr. and Mrs entertained at d1Dn.r Sunda,; Mr: Affirmative--J. R. GibQons, tended illneSll. Walter Elzey. Besldee )ais parenta, he 11 lur- and Ilra. Geora'eaartaoe~ Mr. Negative-Roscoe Furnas. vived by a ailter. 'Mrs. Mae W,- and lira. Emeet Bartaock and Mouliic-Leonard l'inney. Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Haines of ....- - ' - BOil,. Funeral omce. were' con· Ion Kilo, the oecaaioll celebrating South Bend. Ind ., called on ,M-r. ducted Thar.)' afternooD at tile the birtbcla)' anDivUlal7 of Ilr. DEATHS li nd Mrs. Walter T. Elzey Satur, • lit. Cumel Reformed church! Georp Hartaoclt. day. They were enroute to NashSlmOD Glrty. a wblte rene,ad ~ the Indlall (/ emrl ed to bu r n, he ftMlly die o Germantown pite, with Rev. Pau ville, Tenn., where Mr. Haines Frank Hea and l~mU, ban Mr~. Alice Downey, 81, dl" at Illtered the great council houl:\,. hi, torm er cC/ mrade and by hi s all old man on his peaCeful farm BerkeHtock otllciatlna'. Burial Waa mO'Yed into' tlaelr reoentq acquir. will o~n a wall paper store. her home in Bellbrook, AUlfllCt 19. trhere Ihe Indians, wltb whom he eloquence WOII postpo nement o( betw een Bell efonta ine and Zanea· made ha Lower Miami cem,etM7. ed propertI', fonaeTI, tbe Perry !lIt ht, lot, were assembled, In-' I{ enton's execution, tleld . GermNltown pit•• Mr. and Mrs, Abram Cook and Funeral services were helel at Xe'l1l'lok home, oa Praaklin Mad. Ude .tood a prisoner. bound . The old Indian \' 1Il3ge or W ilpaSome of the JUost 1I0tab]~ cave! Mr. and Mn. Stanley Cook. of Stubbs Funeral Home Monda)' ., -----=.i.iFH~·S-----Harold BU'Ilhari unl lamO,. wbo be.teD and painted black . con- to ml!'a wa~ the sewe of. Ulis In the Mta te are situated near Sprinrboro an entertaininr Mr. 10 a. m. with burial 'in Oovi...... ban beea Ums. In Da7tOa, will lemaed 'to deatb . OIrty stTode ull l.,eeting, T(Jd Y. I\. 1II0r. umellt at Zalle~(jo ld , The Ohio Caverns . and Mrs. Morria Smedley -of Chat- Ientuck,. . Ilr. and lin. Chari.. Dotter, :.nd a half mHe. lsout hwest ot West Liberty Just tla. B_ boIU at Sprinl to him tbrew the belllless man Znnc~ll~.<l. tanoo. ., Tenn. 011 Weclnucla)' Dee Batla, Cook, an aDDoa-.lq 10 tbe' loor and demanded hl~ 10 tile ..Im~ ·r,o:'[ll t;IC e rr noute 27!>, alone are worth a they were ~ll entertained b)' Mr. ume. . dc r dr. of a nti hone ZIIM , \'i~l t With their mallnlftceDt It., the uriftI of . . . . .t KoCt" and Mra. Robert Crew. IIr. alld 111'11. &. L. "8iaion KeatoD," tbe EIght tl ntoll ..... as (Ol'cM taetrtefl and stalaBmltee ia brll· h~ X.... Ieptea. moved fro. the. t . . 10 "ull t1rc t!lf. bL. ·..:ccn loa .. IIlIlIt array In huge under,rouad Iter I. tato tile,..... . atared la a.aaement. He rowl ur n R::var:C Illdlan~, cha mberll. Just west of Belle 1I&o1lM14 .ow. aDd ..,laered tlae Fo:' al1\11 the l.anJ:t'B put fontaine on Route 47 are tile far' "'~ . , II•• tlaelr " 0 tbla I..t of ZaDe Cavern.. The wllole ",,011111.« .Im .. a on~Nnl1l3 them I. ftlle4 It II Dolata of bt..




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Friend.' Home News




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.--.-.......--- ·LII' EXPLORE --OHIO - - -


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erealG laterl. Ud Obto

Garner, Mrs. A. B. Talmare, at- Try Tho Miami Gelette For A tl'nded the Clarksville huule comYear. inlC at Fort Ancient last Sunday. Mr. and MrI!. Lowllll Early and NI~\ childrtln spent last week in JamesI ' lown. Mrs. Louise Jacobs was in WaySigns indicate t.hat the American n !will "aturday. Mill es Lillian ond Jean F,a irukchargl.d and ~u it to mn r~h llll Bill. Allowed Th pas. ing of ".l oe Colleg e" people are at. last awakening to child spe nt Thur dill' in 1IllJdleCo mmo" Plr.•• P roC" din., li.-n: 1,(' di. nli ed. Jam 8 F oll('n, Ilervices as J'anitor II III Lo be one of Ihe fe \\ good th danger of tallCreating, town. L uis... 1". Pardee, admin istl'a. $1 6', Penn Morton services as resu1t 1ef t in the W il k e af 0 Id - property-confiscating bond issues. Th(' CII " c. r w. ,h ster Maple, lias Edna Polson Silent the week of th . ~(.ate 01 William F. llci an lnisll'lltor of th(' staLe of Lrlx A f w weeks a ~ o a special (,lec- end wi~b her home folks he ~. $70; C. Inan-depres~ io n. Th e fl ippant hat· Rchenck . decea ed, is authorized to janitor CO ilr House }o' 1311), 1. Gt:e thOIl.l', ,te~~a~, Miss Thelma Coleman i s visi ting pa>' to ht'rgplf $200 at her !<tu('u. DOll ald i1 atush, re nt of office f OT 1 s boy in th oVI'I'sized 1'I1( coo n tion was beld in Rh ode Island, in t'r~ u- )1:1)' 1111' R. (; rolal he Il.l! wn." ho t" fun ds now P r O$. :Atty., $20; The Dayton co t began t o realiZE! 'llow hIIrd it \\ hich the voters were called upon her home folks 1\11-. and \\11'8, lnry 'compen!'ution di"Il1 I!'~llr " ithoUI rl' 01'(1. Col emll.n anti Marie to poss on a number of proposal Willillm 0 . , dE' e1' repairs was for dad to mak it t1 0ll pr and 11, thl' {' ~~ or · lle Inrilln(\~ in her hnnds IlS ~l1ch administrato r ten ' i1 Work . fO l' building publie works, and Moxhllnl near Wellmllll. , The inv€'nlory oi hlll'1e Madfo r Audito r, $1.05; H erschel F . ver, ,j, Roy 111 i('hn I~. ct at, I h~ d,,· ' I b d ' 1 as a reRult of dift'ejrent a ttitu de carrying on other activities in the and family Rufu s Rob er ts t'xpculol' Q{ the eslate of J al,1 , a or nn rep aIrs on sea er fendlHlt 1~ 'l'Ullt d leave to fi1 den. spent Saturday evening with P. Annie M. ;\[add n. decea~ed; was oi. wt.~. · &: m~a$. car, $10.2 0 ; The now perm eates our in tituf,ions or nam e vr r elief, In spite of d lIl urr' r . G. Wells and fam ily M rt. upproved.. Omce utft tter!;, 1 n ew ty pebar h igh t' I arning. The collegiate facts that passag-e of all the b I n the 11 . (. of .\ hl1a . Ruffne r K. E. Thomp on celebl'a ted hi!! The .. stat f William T. Bow- a nd lab or installing 8am e, Auditor dress or 22 inch botto m tro users wo uld have increased the state " r us J\',,~ (' U . Ruffnt>r, n10tion 8 birthday anniVerl\al'Y on last Sunbonded indebtednea by about 60 alumbu s Bl an k Boak that would have beEiO a la rge- fi t t o " y ch'ft'ndllnl should ho~ l{ 1', d ~eascd, is xempt from In- 2,35 j The per cent, the "dope" had it that day. Co., 1 book receipts fo r Ven ca u CI \\ hy hI' , huul,l nell be pu nisl\ heritance !.ax. r iIIe G. B owker, Mfg. ~' II'cense Treasu ler 90 T h fOl' a bad elisa of elepha ntl is the measure, with their polit-ical d o • 'eculol', fil d h is, first an d fina l ' alt a Mfg, , Co., 150 " 0 sets c; per·e and th picture ~ daubed raitlcQat uack!ng, would pass. d fOl' com nwt of court for hi. <lccount. Stak :fo il u I' lO ,Rbide by fonner ord r, onal pro art ~e'pt8 fo'" T that r en1bl " a cover of Police _ ThE.' " dope" mis ed. Rhode S po YJ . ~~ 1 , • reasu 'Van Riper, executrix of . 1 c \ll't. relat ive to the pl~yment theR uby state If D. Victor Van Riper ur \1r , $22.60 ; F . J. Heer Pl'inting Gazette hav given way to con- lan d citiz ns voted down all MI's. Minnie Marla tt att.end ed to plnintifT of' sums for . UPPOl't of t. t "el'V lion dress. Th e collegian's one of the measures, by o 60 set c .... if f 11 decease-d, filed her application Jor '; s e.,: u pay 0 minor children, was granll'41. Ask for a :I certificate of t ransfer. The de,hn~uent tax, f,$2 ; rtlttlJl1g and decot'al~ed Ford of rnajol'ities. The measure that the penny r eunion h eld at Vertil the ca ~ or R()y Du t l·o. tal, t ate is exempt fro m inhel'itance , Mlanll Gatette, tax notiCe fo r eorly centul')' vint ge di il PP are d passed provided for direct relief saille , unday. Miamisburg Permanent vel' us R. W . Hunt, ('t al petiti on tax. Treasurer , 50c; M, E. R oss, P. M. t he fl ask thllt bold ly bulged fO L' the needy, and wa designed , Mr. Charles Crawfo rd of Kengrantlld titlll quil1tcd. E. A. Thir kield was appoin t ed s~mps f o; Clerk of Co urt, $9 j his pocket Ilt every ~, ocia l :function to achieVe the necessary purpose tucky spent the week-end with Concrete Th ~ ca, e of T om Prickett VQrsu a dmi ni trator of t he e,tate of M~. Ir a ~Itzroth, .board ond car e Today most lltuuent;- sre actually at a minimum 0:1 cost--without Mr. Clarence Cl'aw'f ord and family 'addling the. taxpayers ith unMr. and M1;s. Andrew ]i'~lk~r­ NOO1lie Prickett i dislIlis ed at r Air Seal Burial Vault Edith Hlnkl T.Jlir kield, deceased, Allce ta rke y,. $6, J ames Mopre, intent. upon lear'ning: as videnced qu <If plnil\ titY. nd fil ed bond 'Of $600 with sure- board and eal e Lucy Moore, $6 j by t he group increase in schola - necessar y and expensive public on of Hartlord , Conn., call ed on For Sale only by their cousin, Mrs . Emerson Dill 'es IL C S Irs. Oma Osborne, boa rd nnd tic sla ndi ng. Statisticians in the wo rks. New Suite tl . . onover, eymou r . , t b I t' t t F k tl Id f 'olog clal' 1 t hat this short .time later the voters of and family Monday evening. A 1 cate u ercu ar pn len s a ran e 0 SOCI Y n T 'bbal d G P G t Tom PriCKett verSus .M,.. and fr. Kyle Siins lind Your Funeral Director 1 . an eo~ge. a es were lin $30' Mrs. Elm er Lacy' board is ju t on of the upshots depe nd- Ca lifo rn ia met a , imilar cri is PI icJt, \ t., for divorce. ap pomted appral el'S " care F ronk Lacy iOI'" wee k nt upon t hecyc)e 0 f PI'O perl'tY the polls. Several measures which daughter of Cincinnati spent the Th h di e d bts ! G and gro negl ct of duty. po : ~ e ue i e. L t o f " nding August 26, $6; ?llrs. W. C. and d epres ion- that the be t in wo uld have put that already debt- f week-end" ~ ith Mr. atl~ Mrs. McClure Funeral Home The I\la!lon Building, Loan and ran , oaers, a m ms ra or 0 Roberts, board and care W. ~opl e II 'a group manifest itself l'idd en state farther Into debt. Ernest Earnhart and 'fa 1111 Iy. avin.gR Q. v~ rsu s Jamell J. Kn ott t he- estate of Annette Rogers, de Roberb, $5; Mr . Lule Gabbard, during pel'iods of st ress. Mr. L, 1\1. S tephens and g}'and Phone 7 ""me, O. were on the ballot. An awakened and Mars T. Knot t, t() r money. cea ed, . was a pprov ed. . . boar d and ca l'e Li ncoln Gabbard, citizenry wung the axe _ and !son little Donni~ Weaver have Amount cl8imed, 1 10.18, foreThe Inventor y o~ Man etta ~h lt $5; Julia Holland, board and car The lO ud den death of Will Rogel's when the votes were counted the been On the ick l ist . ' do ure and other reli f . cre and Esther HICks, executncCIi Louis V-erno n Holland , $5: The has f ushioned itself into a resul t.- measures <had taken hearty lickMl\ and Mt· . Robert Zeigler of =================~~ Marie imkins ver us Price W. of Eugen e C. ,Dunham, deceased, Dayton St encil WO\'kll, 1 special ing paradox- but mo t men's Ings. D ;yton call d on Mr. ond M1·s. Ashbrook, f OT money. Amount was approved. , line dat er fQ r Sheriff, $2 .80: The deuHts, honlesl 85 it seems, proIt is to be h oped that these lec Emerson Dill and ~o n, Monday . • claimed i $10102.60. The lOvento r~ of Nellte C. Born Office Out fi tter , pilot taples f or vide them wit h t heil' great~t pub- t ions, in· widely !lparated .stat s, Miss Ruth Kellis of. ayton Eloi e Simkins versus Pri e W. be~g.e r, executri x of the sta te of 'hel'itY, .$4.75: Th e Hubman Sup- licity. Long lin es of pe pIe now are ymbolic o:f the national spent tbe wec,k- nd With h~ r AshbrOOK, :for money. Amount Wtlltam H . Bo mberg r, decellsed, ply Co., du st. mops, prayer and stam pede the PQrtal of the trend of thought. The most' menac p rents, Mr. and Mr . Frank K III climed is $10,136 . ~0 . needlef! for Sheriff, $6.22; Ross H neig hborJlood t hea ters exhibiting ing govel'nmental ventures of ra.. was app rov ed. - - -- - - - - . Hartsock, servic as Member Will' la t r elea sed picture, cent y ar have been tholle whlcn Probate Court ~.rri ...e Linn.e. oidier! BUl'ial Com. Wa yne Tp., "D ubting Thomas. " Ins ide, as The IIchedule or debts of Louis Harry P'itzgerald, mill wrigbt $I ; George Waterhouse, s ervices typical Ro~er wisecr ack s flow have piled debt upon d~bt, put Carl K&lbe, executor of the estate of Franklin, and ?lIrs. J ulia Las hMr. lind Mrs. W . D. Larkin of f Nl m the sc reen, th,e crowds bur t gove rnment into competition with as Me m ber Soldi ers Burial Com. , fOI't h in laughter which is sud- pl'iva t~ busines , increased taxes, Greenfield we re guest or Hartha J. Kalbe, decea!ed, wa. IllY, weight test er, of F ranklin. In the approved. The adjudication arid J ohn Randal Montjoy, Y M C Wayne Tp ., $I i Jamea Mc Clure, de nly sliiled into silence dotted wes kene:d stat4l credit and cruted home of Mr. lIud Mrs. T. . HayROOT FOR AND CONSICN determlnatian of the inheritance A. wolll< er of Philadelphia, Pa., burial of Wm. Bjgg~ , indig ent with an occasional sob. Will ha(l. indllstrial fear. This course has dock a put of last \ Ile~. four CatUe, .bora, sbeep and calv.. mad e it next to impossible to soldier, $100; Th ~ Offi~ e on the estate is to be given to and :M; s Amy Rhodes, tea che r 01 fiUe l's, oil and ad j ust t ypewriter no f ear of flying, but thi last line JQhn Jtarlan Pick! n of Dayton to Norris-Brock Co., live wir. allel create normal jobs because private alt persons intere ted. The execu- LebaRon. aunt, Mi s pNgresalve firm ft)r the htdtut for NRS office, $1.75; The Office of his c lumn whic h appeared in a industry, sole source of productive is the guest of hi market price. and Kooel •• tor ftled hll first and final accoun t Milude Harlan. Cha rle Leroy Swa llow, factory Outfitte r, 1 doz . folders :for NRS Denv 1', ol orado pape r on that W. C. M'Anning administrator of- wor~er of F ra nklin and Miss office, 36c; Edw. J ohnson, ease- fateful Augu st 15th might denote ~mployment, 1& a:fraid to ' take 'Mrs. Kate Howland or in cin- \Inion Stock· CIIlCI._U, O. the ..tate of Calvin Keenan, de- ,E thel J a ne Young h o u ~eke cp er of ment--. 60 , a rea aild removal of a hidden premonition. I t ended, chances in the face of con/iscatory nati, who has b en visiting her Tune' in on Radio Station WOlty taxation, ~egislation and 'r egula- sister MTII. Mary Harlan, is sp end 12 :211 to 12 :30 p. m, for our daU, ceased, ftled hi. ale bill. F ranklin. IVa II. $86; John J' Bau, paYl'oll "Point Barrow n u t, maybe.''" tion. We are drawing capital into ing a few days with r ~ latives n ar market reports. Charles J. Waggober, guardian ·Robel't H. Young, factory wOl'kLast night's se ion whicb a s tax-free tederal bonds where its Clarksville. if Shirley Lamb, " minor, filed his er of Franklin snd Mrs. Margaret $99.20; J ohnson My-ers, pay roll, first account. Our school op ned Tu day L. Grel'a. factory worker of $196.60: M. C. FOl'eman, payroll, usual took place in one of th e up- chief benefits accure to OUr growl'estaurants, l!haduallY ing bureaucracy, not to the people morning with t.he f ollowing teach$340.'70 j ,Earl , Basor, payroll town Salea by Chari R. Shepherd Franklin. $106.60 j V. M. Armitage, payroll, rounded into a da ~ld.Y as more of or the needy. an« Cha rle~ BOQ'an Ildministratol1! er : PrimarY' grades, Mis ~ Ruby $104.66: John Myer, payroll, the boys truggled in. Over an ocFollow Rhode Island and Cali- Smith; Intermedhlte, Miss Myra 'f tile e tat of Lydia E Shepherd Real E.t.le Truder. $167.25 j James L. Dunn, sel'vices casional coffee 01' lager We topped fornia in defeatinc debt-cl'8tlting dec.a!!ed, were approved, They Delia and Thl'esa Daly to- Ju.lin Haydock; Junior high, Jas Beam. ftled thei .. first and final account. T. McNicholas, l'eol estate in Deer as mechanic flrst half August, the v rbal eVenillJr with a loud b Qnd issiles. Miss Edna Ward spent the week ----.~ ..... '62.40; L. P. Cavett Co., oil, $2,- dlscuasioTI on boolts that keep U!l The ~ ta~ of Stella Butterworth /ield township. end owith relatives in olumbu, '0 . 370.70; Zain Armitage, sand and awake. There areperhaps hunEd. JohnSOn to County of Wafdecea ed, is exempt from inherit• Th Roxanna Canning Factory 811te tax, Ernest Butterworth, ex- ren, the use of real e tate f or high gravel, $223,2~; John Law & Son dl'eds that' could be listed in this which opened Tue da.y of last gasoline, $32.76; Frank Sherwood category but a few outstanding ecutor, filed hIs ihst and final ac- way purposes. week is giving e mployment to a Our school opened at Harveys- large \lumber of our citizens. count. ' Irnla W, Beach, by executors, to Co., supplies and ga oline, $86.57 ones upon which wE~ agreed ranged Ernnt Butterworth, administra W. E. and Florence Frost, real es- The ~incinnatl Oil Works C1)" from those sold at the cigar stand burg on }ast Monday mornine· Mr. and Mrl!. Glenn Edwards ga soh~e and oi.I, $1.88; H. C. t o highly adverti Eld !:!est-sellers. J. D. Lewis and wHe of Leb- and 1 mily ave moved to the tor ot the estat-e of Samuel Butter tate in Harveysburg. wortlt. deceased, filed lIis first, Arthqr W. Eu~tmlln. decea ed Cummmg gasol1l'le $2.16 ; Brooks j There is "Death Walks In, East- anon attended church at Clarks- tenant house of H. If. Smith and Barclay H 'Ea stman and Elizabeth Fireproof Garage, ga oline $10.62 rops," a honey by some unknown ville on last Friday evening. flnlll and distributive account. Mr. snd ,!ITS. Hays Reed have Marie Wells and sister Alta, moved to' the Harbine property The will of 'Mary E. Co~ley, lie- E. Schutt, 106.17 acr es in Hamil- The Lebanon Lumber Co., stak8l!, Juthor wh ose riddl'e I defy anyone Phone 78J $'14.38; Ralph Whitacre, 20 yds. to solve even after the seventh and spent Sunday afternoon with K. vacated by Edwards. ceased, was admitted to probate. to n township. , Fred~ Lackens was appointed, exD. Victor Van Ripel', deceased .stOlle, .$3; Dr, C. p. Krohn 32 yds, last .Jllllrder.-·Th~~ Green Murder E. Thompaon and family. filled MilS Margaret Leasur IM1·. an rs. enry oplcins the pulpit of the Fri nds' Church ecutrix, no bond required. George to Ruby Van Riper, 116.28 acres stone, $4.80; Carl Dak ln, payroll, Case," one of Van Dine's better U72; H., L. Schuyler" payroll, ,tomes, '«lQd by most everyone and 80n of Corwin, are visiting H. Lackel1s, John R ichardson and in Washington Ilnd Union townSunday morning in the absence of and still on top.- Al &o, "'I,'he Cad- C. Moore and family thIs wee\c. Glenn Hawthorne were appointed hip and lots 7 and 8 in South ~162,70 . heT :father, who is in evangelistic --- - - av er Of Gideon Wyck," 0. balfler Miss Geneva Powell IIpent last appraisers. ' Lebanon. ..OTARY PUBLIC work in Tennessee. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT that will give anyone an excuse week with her brother Ora Powell In the mattel; of the eltate of The People,' Building, Loan and 1\.110." 8 ••k for his irusomnia. We delved fur- and family. Sanford J. Brown. deceased, trans avings Co. to Horace C. a.nd Eli:z P. G. Wells, wife, daughters COnl.Ho. E!!tate of Eli A. Russell, de- ther into the subj ect and decided fer of real as.te and distribution abeth Ke8'ver, real estate in Unjon t.hat. people nevel' outgrow such hla Mae, Alta, and Dorothy, Ion More than 9000 corn-bog com- tllIl. Dr... " • Eetale. Se..' " ceased. of auets is ordered. The proceed- township. WAVNESVILLE. OHIO stories--they ren;lajn the variety Charlie, K. E. Thompson, Otis mitteemen, all members of county Notice is hereby given that L. Alice M. Blair, deceased, to ingll of Julia B. Shoemaker and in the 'general tr4m9 of reading. Ricb, Elbert Wells, Geneva Powell production \control a lIociatiollS, Mary B. Curless executrices of the ~ohn A. Blair, et aI, inlot No. 239 M. Henderson w~ose Post Offic~ ____ Lowell Alexander, Mr. and Mn. l attenlJed a 'seriel! of state con, address is Waynasville, Ohio has estate, as to distribution was ap· 10 Lebanon. • FOR SALE DA CALL i On the wall of Ii drab and droQP Ara PO'Well, Mr. and Mrs. Mal- ference!! recently to discuss preS. been duly appointed as Executor proved. The executrices filed their anford J. Brown, deceased, ti> ing building whelre many nllmes eo lm Powllll, Mylah Powell and ent and future eorn-hog Adjustiir t and 1Inal account. Julia B. Shoemaker lind Mary B. of the Estate of Eli A. Russell 1l1'e carved and penciled, I saw this fami ly Bird Po-well and wife, ' ment programs. Meetlngs were L. :M:. Henderson, executor of Curless, real , estate in Harlan late of Warren County, OhiO, inscription: "July 4. 1934, John Marie Wells, Kathleen Thompson, held In Ohio, Michigan, Misaouri, deceased. the estate of Eli A. Ruasell, de- township. ; Dated this 15th' day of August Dillinger, believe it o~ not." If he Minter Burton, Bud Vo~l ' and Kansas, lllinola, Indiana, WisconclI~sedJ filed his inventory. Art~ur Bowen to John R. ' actually wrote- thllt, he would prob Donald Wise', were among those sin, Kentucky, and Minnesota. A certi1ied copy of the entry de SchweItzer, et ai, real estate il'l 1936. " . , aMy have been less brazen could who att~nded church at Clarks.. I Dean E. Stanley, Atty. . tl,lrmining the inheritance tax to Deerfield township. he ,have visualized' his bullet rid- ville Sunday evening. Old F..,Ihoneci RALPH H. CAREY, be paid on the ()state of M.artha J. Eva M. Smith and George L. JESSE STANLEY Mrs. Helen Powell and family I The old fashioned congressman Judge of the Probate Court, died self lying on a marble slab Kalbe deceased i to be c~rtified Smith t o Leonard A. Hutchinson eighteen days la1;er. wel'e shopping in Middletowa sent garden seeds to his , ..... Sio. New ' a.,I1...-. .ow. a22-29-s6 Warren County, Ohio wltho~ t delny. ' and ElvertJ& G. Hukhinson, 83 ..~~---' I glory in-t-h-e-s-p-unk. of that Saturday. I stituents 80 they could raile 1I].0re In the matter of the estate of acres in Union township. saleslady who Sever&! at.tended church at produce. The modeTn congressEARL KooGUR Each year el'osion caniel! away hDuse-to-house F rank M. Gt'eathouse, deceased W James R. Johns and Cora M. Briar Saturday evenine. I man votes appropriations to pay about with her brass ,~1isb gained en- ' Green Chester :Maple, administrator, Is Johns t o Ralph Johns, inlot No.2 from ' cultivated fields r. Charles Brooks of~ .Miamis- them money for not _iMItiP-~iH-____I!!!d!!LnL~~ tw~nty times as much plant food t lI.uthorized to give diseharge of in Lytle. ranee and d emonstrated on t he burg closed his revival a~ Clarks- ' much produce, KE_.ore .... debt and claim, upon te rms being John A. Blair and Ethel Blair to as IS taken away by harvesting the brass about the light switch. She ville Sunday evening. crops grown. , eom~lied with, claim and lien are Robe rt M. Blair, ' inlot No. 239 in shined one cornel: and the contrast " Mr. and Mrs. Almon Ferris , The "Far,m Night" program over was so noticably outstanding I had to buy the polish to finish the celebrated their 60th wedding WOSU, University . raeUo station, ~~~_~~ job. ~nni~rsary on. Tuesday, SePt'~· 1 given ea~~l ~onday from 8 10 _ _ __••,____ . --er . ' p. m., w e omitted on abor ....... " ...,,_._ _ ....._ _ _ _ _ _ _.....~ J. Lee Talmage, Mias Jessie L. · Day. • L('banon. Julia B.• hopmaker and Carl H. Shopmaker to Mary B. Curlea~, r ai' state ill lIarlan township. 11arry Rardeslry to Gladys M. Har tle try, 20 ac!'e in Clearcreek township.





-----..- - Mt. Holly




w.,.... 1'-------------,::

New Burlington


F. T. Martin Auctioneer

- --

Beech Grove


Centerville, Ohio





Stanley"&Koogler Auctloneer~



• - - -.-


APPLE POMACE GOO~ COW fEED Sweet' Notes of CTooners Means Work for Phone Men




















Large and ' inereasing quantities of apples aN ground ,and prease,d in the manufacture of cider. hi the past, little u~e has been made of the presl caktl or pomace which is oft~n allowed to accumulate in huge heaps outside the buildinc ' housing the cider press. It has been t.he popular bel~ef that apple poml,ce was compara· tively worthies!!, Qr even dangerous, as a fo,ad for livestock. Consequently, most of these pomace piles WE,re allowed to decay or were bauled away 'as l'efuse. The .p o m~ele is higbly palat-, able and If anunl!ols were . allow-erl free access to it they would likely eat enough to cause them to fo under or bloat, saJ A. E. P rkins and C. F. Monroe of the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station. Several agricultUral experiment stations have shown by feed ing comparisons that silage from apple pomace baa nearly the same f~dillc value as corn silare. Pomace stored In' drum. or bl1'~ rela for 2 to 3 months before open inc lose only a VeJ')' .maU amount through Iurt.-ce .poil. .e _y theae ,tatioD workan. Otberwe it keeps in ~rfect condition, except for an barmlal dlllooiontloll ill lIIlm~~

of tile




FOR SALE-Bartlett pearl at the farm on the WaYllelvllle and Lytle, road. 711 cent. per busbe), CIUf Bu~nett. · al2SA,LE-Seed Ry.e. J. L. Kenrick, Dayton-Lebanon pike. It R. 2 Waynesville. 115-12 FOR SALE-Bartlett peara at the farm. Waynesville and Lytle road. Cliff Burnett. 112 FOR SALE-Bartlett pe,ors. One . mile' east of Waynesville, 'state I'outo 73. 75 cents per bushel at fal'm. Chas. Bogan. a29-15FOR SALE-A nice line of bOll: stationery, 2( sheets and 24 en-' velopes for 25c; Show-Pac, 18 sheets and 16 envelopes for 10 cents; waxeP paper, wbit. tlllu.' paper, paper napkins, at aazette Office.

UlteDinl to Amol '0' Andy, Rudy talk. and banter that u1&ke -up the Vallee an4 other famoul radio .tarl daily of four major radio it jUit part of the clay'. work for oetwork.. , IIlepboae mID Ia the Americ:u Cleveland it oae of eiPt im..orTeleplacnae ud Te1elftpb Com- ~t relay polata Ia the ftlt'radio puT. ncllo control toom at .....,..... ,pro,ram trafllmiliOD ,y!3m that ..... UIea 4.1,000 of telqihoae wire Thfa hIIltlJ .killed ltd Is oa clat, to ...4 proaram' to cbaia broad~ bOlll'l dailJ. ebecldq the q1aUtJ Qltiq ,tatioa. tbroqhoat the of PftWIIIIl .......iuioa onr eollD...,. pboDe .... ad The oaI7 Glher




PIPE, VALVES and FITTINOS for Water, Gas Steam WeU. and Spraying. Cistern hanel, Blee. trlc and Spray pumpL Plumblq 1& Heatinc Suppllea lowest prlc.. aDd hi.eheat Quallt, at The Bookle&Co., XeD la, Ohio. Write . . for price.. :at


Spri.,. aU ..... Bowuci Leaalq.




freq.... e' for





The Rural Press . There are some 16,600 newspapers and periodicals published in thIs country. The g'reatel't proportion 0:( them nre small-town wee~­ II ell, dailies and semi-weeklies, and magazine.$ whose principal nppeal 1s to the rural dweller. The importance the influence, and the worth of these publications can hardly be exagg~l'ated. They are, as the San Francisco Argonaut has written, "the chief infiuenee in the thought of .our rural population of fifty-four million:" And the chaTacter of their comm<.'nt. both in news and editoria l department, well r payS those who perase them. As a result, th recent contest held by the magazine "Country Homo" to pick tbe best country . newspaper eorresp()ndent in the United State, was of much mOTe importance and in~eres. than contellts usually al'o. The winnel', a woman, fives in. a Missouri town which has a population of twenty-seven , an~ is fifteen miles from tbe noearest railroad. For forty-four years she has been local co:rrespond· ent tor a rural paper in her county. Urban editors on reading excel'pts from ller correspondence, have been amazed by its quality. It does not deal with ori!l"" .and misdemeanors Instead it tells 01 the crops, of the trials, trlbulat~on s and achievements of farm people wbo rarely make tbe me.t ropohtan h~ad1ines, bul, who, happily, are mo.r~ numerous ~nd more VItal to the nation than OU1' gangsters, our polItIcal and busmess renegades, and our «!ox-show-girl divorcee •. . Most interesting of all, this woman's correspondence, fine as it is, is not gTeatly dift'el'ent from that of other l'ural corre pondents. Winners of I II r prizes in the eon test show the same qualities- the same command of cleu and '{ivld English. The country newspaper, little known 8S it is to th city dwellel', is one of the finest, most permanent and most de eTVedly s\lccessful infiuenc B in our American life. Last, but not least, it Is the outsta.nding guardillo of the nation In upholding our Cbnlltitution a.n d Amencan ideals.

au tin, Charle Wilt own a hl8'h",a, s !Mm Btcoad to GUltln, ha. G rthur I nlo'H' (lJI Ii "ay-Il... )'uu-go haAis at'GU8till, H. It:. Gutitin, ~1r. W. I ""III\~ t" th. lum.1 riting on thl' AUl{u~t 12 to 17 i.' uhout the GUlltin, W C Gustin, HI,), (;u,till \\illll. III t \\ l'ck to spray for lh~. ,,~cnn" M. E. Gu~tin. S. Gu~lin, . brood of "ooline noth. BelISle Guatin, MBI'Y t' Cu "ti n. Mr~. ehas. Gu~tin, c. I. Gu.lin, Farms ('o ntributcd to thl! Ohin Paul Gustin. Lolo (lu .tin, Lizzi(' farm family Iivi~g in 1 U!j4 fi'om ~J41 to $3fJ4 aecordin.s::- to Cite, W. A. Horton, Morris outhard, Wilda Forest, Vellllil Kesler, 58 home!! ke<.'pina- complete farm Pauline Keeler, Emnlll Kendall, accounts. JIIla l\larlatt, J ohn Comer. Elizabeth Comer, Elni Ki ' I'Br, Howard e.lI. for 5 Per Cent Reduction About 600 Ohio farmer thi, J one , Mrs. H. J one, ;. ~J. Jon s, Y(lBl' AI'e comparing hybrid corn Instead of 15 Per Jimmie Dibble, Wilda H"lJthunl, wilh their standard v!Jril)~ie . Cent Lena Jon s, BtltLic Stook,.y, lJ(Jri ~ Thoillpson, ,H<.'I'BIII'CI S ut hlll'd - -Itig'~el' il'ritatioll may be all\'lild"cd lluop. Fanny Nickul~. ( VI inl:' to l'U,t uumag., to the I~viat~d by apply ing a wcak 8m· Derth Boop, W. 1\1. H O()jJ, Hel •. n f<pri nl:' wh!'ut. ern!) of the nt.l' th- Il\(>nia ()t. a ~tmng IJaking sodo 11 (1 I', Eli ,Jonc" I'om ~y II Olten wc:'t. and PI·():';PC(W of ~1\lt\lJel' sol uti on lo thc IlffecL'd parts.

month ".. J. E.

metal pod. lIIanufacture, tbea commerelal workel'M, eonstrueUon food and!, care and cus· ISSUED EVERY THURSJ>A Y tody of building, machinery manut_dun, public employes. paper OIic. at PosloUles .. • and printing, vehicle manufacture .............. ....... . .. • Entered III Oblo alt_Ccl'nn4 at CiaWaYD .. lIall lind last , clay, Illas~ and stono !ub.crlp.lo. Price, 11.10 a Y... v c. • "UeI' product workers. '

Warning that it is illegal to make wine for hom consum}ltlon without informIng the federal government that suoh wine is to be made was issued by FI'ed W. Beltz, 8upervi or of t.he Ohio· Michigan. alcohol tax unit of the treasury department. While it is po ible for th head f ' a family to make up to '200 gallons of wine a year for the use of the family the government mu st be n otified of the intention s of wine making five days beior the b ginn ing of the making of the wine, Supervisor Beltz said.

Short. and Mlddl g.


~~~:'~e~~~Y'oRI>~~'~' ~~~~~~' o~~,~:.~ ~~;~:~UH~)~~~i ~dju:tl11:~ll;C~dmi~~: (' i~e":~lI~L;~;I~ f~~;~~ir1:h~~~~y r~~

June Stephens, Hurry i-itlby, Bellha Sto k", LenH Jonns, 1(1 1' 1'< uution hn, moditit!d i .. tl'ntative • ~Thoml)SOll, Bemard outl1lll'll, 1'('4uirClUeJlts ot \\h at cuntl'3ct Lizzi itl', George O. b t'II, Ed "i~ners. Jones, J. W. Taylor, vi. Hutellin · In. tead of reducing acreage 15 Appointment of Richard A. ~o n, Himhl Buin, and ;~lr . . Sll1gle- PCI cent, as 'unn o\l nccd il month Forester, Cincinnati Newspaper- ton and daught~r. ago, \I' h at eontl'n~t. sign r/< this .... man and well know n borseman, to lull will reduce eeding only 5 the important post oJ: chairman )1 I' C nt. The total ull1ou l'I't of of the State Racing Commis ion, ben ftt JlU ym nts, how " I', is not was made by Governor Martin L. affected by the change in the 1 35 Davey. Mr. Forester has been ceding plans. legislative correspondent at Colum The new I'uling pl'ovid<.'s r r an bus for his pa~r COl' many year. incl'calie of 5,200,000 ucrl!S · in He was lal·gely l' ponsible for wh at planUngR by contract signthe building up of the annual rs. PJ'ouuctiOll from this inhot· e show at the tat.e Fair to c l'e a~ed nc) ge is xpectecl to its position of prom inence .. Imm e· !<et th esti mated decrease of 123 diately after taking office the new 000,000 bushel~ in the }!J36 crop Farmers Inteuested in knowing caused uommis ion chairman !\nnounced largely by damage from the lilt 5t developmen ~.s in Cl'OP that evel'y effort will be made to rust, f'Ji\'ticularly in black stem elimina.te centain que tionabl e production are invit d by the Ohio the ~pr ing wheal belt. Agricultural E"lJerimotlnt Station practices at some of Ohio's race Reports ~ pared by tile bureau tracks and to see to it that the to visit Wooster on Thursday Sell- o( agricultural eco nomics oJ the tember 1.2. state gets it fall share of revenUe One ou tanding f eature of the f del'al depol'tme nt of agriculturc from th variou meetings. day's program will ~ the in~pec­ indicaL also lhat the world surtion and <iiscussion of the neld ex- plus of whe4t wa considerably r ducecl clur'ing the 1984-35 scason ) crime nt with hybrid c,orn. Vi itors on Corn a.~.d oybean This fact impl'oves Pl'O peets 01 Day \'i1I hear di cu ' ions of the expOl·ting more wh at, according practicability of hybrid corn; they t o AAA whent officials. Decision will sec demon tl'ated ' the methods to eXl)and aCI'eage comes partly as by which hybrids al'.e produced a result of this new information and th . unique features of hybrid IIbout world wboat su pplies. ' se d eol'D ptoduction. Besides the hybrid c<.... n WOI'f, visitors interested in soybeans The sixth annual reunion. Of the *11 see demonstrat(~d differ nt decendents of Jeremiah, Elkanah method of making Eloybean hay. and Benazah Gustin was held in The exp riments on methods the pavilion at Harmon Park in of seeding rufalJa 'will Pe of Lebanon last Sunday, september special interest to farmel's who 1. Nearly 100 de cendents wih o are just "tarting to gll'OW this crop Up-to-Minut. CommLin;cafounded . the Wll~ren coupty Other expe"iments dealing with lion Sp.ed. Liquor Ord.r. branch of the family ' near Red zers, linlc, and crop Lion in 1798 enjoyed the best of rotations will al 0 r,ec ive atten· For Ohio Patron. all our reunions. tion. After a bounteous picnic dinner, Good service that (ustomers re· The day's program will begin at thanks being returned by Mr. and 9 :30 a. m., with the morning and ceive at Ohio statc liquor stores is Mrs. John omer, of Anderson, early afte-moo" devol:ed to the in- partly due to an up-to-lhe-minute Ind., a short business se sion was spection and diseUS!sion of the communication system used to order held with Will Gu tin pr,esiding. field work. Following this there supplies. The pl'olrram was as follows: The liquor commissioner's office will be a meetinK in. which visitWelcome 'addre by Verna ing farmers will have the. oppor- at Columbus and district offices at Gu!!tin, St. Louis, Mo.; .Matt E. tunity of askjng questions. These Canton, Cleyeland, Cincinnati. a.nd Gu tin, 87 years of age, our his- will be answered by Station and Toledo are equipped with tdetypetorian, gave very interesting College agronomists. writers, instruments which transmit - -'4> _ .... _ _ __ talk regarding our an.cesters; W. typed messages to distant points al· M. Hoop, of Washington C. H., most insta ntaneously by wire. who married a Gustin, gave a When local stor s need additional sh01i: talk: Cljarle M. Jones, of supplies. tbey notify the nearest dis· Norwood, al80 gave a talk on our trict office. which then teletypes the aneesors. order to headquartcrs. Copies are Mrs. C. A. Gustin, 86, was not mack whicb go to the warehouse able to be present bu't ' sent her relocated in the same city as the disgards to all present.· Th ree groups in Objo are wOI'k- trict office, and the supplies are sent learn that Minerva ing to the end that Ohio motori ts immediately. soally shipments are We Gustin Bushnell of Los Angeles, get value received f(J,r money paid made the same day. . Calif., Mrs. Clifford 'Weaver of in the form of gM taxes and Bdore the teletype system was M'cKinney, Tex., and Mrs. Marian licen e fees, namely, the state in tatled, it sometimes required four Gu tin Alleyger 'of N :w Orleall8, highway departm n~. the recently or five days tQ receive an order. Re· La., are keeping recoTds of our created Ohio Highway urvey QUlsitions had 10 b~ ,scnt to the dis· reunions, for future addition to Committee, and thE! 'hel'rill re- trift office, then to headquarters and the Gustin history. port dealing with the highway de- back to the di trkt office and wareMrs. Bushnell writes: house. Kow the stores can carry partment. "I am enclosing a brief chart smaller stocks while o' "";vlng. bett~r Criticizing divcrsion of motol'ist of the Gustin family in America revllnuea during ' the past few service. and ·h ope each one of you will e n- emergency years, tile highway Ordering by teletype costs only joy studyjng it as much as I have department has pollllted out tbat half a ccnt for each case of liquor, enjoyed making it for you. The the final result of diversio n ot and th~ system also. is used. to semI first four generations on the chart highway fund s lias C'ost the motor out price changes, m~tr~ctl?ns and will be most intere ting to the 'ng p bl ' d u IC eaT Iy ]. n .a IOW\)l' s t a nd -, to order tack from dIstilleries. majority of those attending the I reunion. I am hoping that this ard of maintenance. . Pi rector John J8! tel', Jr., in a sixth annual reunion will be the ' . happiest and most enjoyable one report to the legislature inuicllle. you have ever had with my cousin that over 8000 miles of the main . Julia'5 two daughters on the tate highways of over 12,000 mnes demand widelning without Speaking from vVa hinglon, Secprogram. rctary of COIli.merce Daniel Roper Pl~ase send me a report of your delay for sefe travel. AmOng the sweE!ping changes I recently addressed II divi ion mcetreunion. . suggested in the SheniJI report ings of Ohio Kiwanis clubs over 3 '. Yours. truly. Minerva Gustin' Bushnell, on the highway department are I special telepbone hookup. Los Angeles, Calif. reorganization of the location, de- I Origi nilling in the 'Capital as a' other I long distance call, the talk was We find the first John Gustin sign, construction lind was sar~eant in the King Dh""_'. bureaus and policies; greater u e tr'lnsl.n itted to Ashtabula, Lakewar in 1676. He married"".u of the testing laboratory; pll!cing wood, Medina, Alliance, WC.'1I9Ville. all members of the staff, with the Mar ietta. Bowling Green, Troy, FosBresen in Ena-Iand in 1677 in&, our early ancestors ot French exception of the director, under loria, Circleville, and Cincinnati civil service to provide rensonabl ~ through telephone eorlference faciliand Enrlish descent. . Memorial tributes to de~eased tenure of office to minimize in- \ tics in New York and Clevela.lld . . were ;iven as fonows to Irwin efficiency. From this planned economy of • -Gustin, Lebanon, : Glen Southard, Dayton and for our dear fri~d : ig.hway administration Ohio will ,Subscribe for The Miami Gatette and relative Mrs. Jennie. Gustin Bainof Lebanon. I am with you in extendihg our sympathy ~o the husband and family. Some say she is dead. The body h8S only ceased its activity but the soul never diell. It i beautiful to remember heT deep fidelity and tru tful purpose was EI.ven-V•• r-Old Girl Calmly ever made evid nt in her daily . Call. W.r Fat".r life. She was a devo.ted wife and motber who always looked to her for Walp nlli~ter in all things. A8 a friend and relative we miss her very An ~t~f!sioo telephone proved to be much. She has been a loyal and \1;ue pilgrim with an aec!lmulat- a friend in n~ for eleven-year-old ilg love of God. Her so ul Is tilled Mary Zavakos of Dayton, 0., when with love and she knows that . four youths alwled throuiht a winlWeet content which is Heaven dow and began ranslaeking the Zava_nt, 80 in her memory let us feel that it is our los and her kOi residence. Althoulh abe was alone whe.n the pin. OU~ leCl'etary, Mrs. Clark Roy bur.larJ occurred, Alary did not lose Myers presented Miss Doria May her nerve. Without beln, overheard lI,en and little Billie Schrim who slipped upalairs entertained U8 with impenon •• by the maunders. aad from III telephone c:aUeII tlolll all' fine music. It wu cheided that the nen. her father, It J!s reunion will be held the tint piace of tectioa of SUIl.,. In September 1938 at the tile • • bo.... ot ft. Julia GUIUn Clark Zaftkoa iDaDedla~l~ Ky" with the lame


_ ---



Far;" Jltighf 7 alks, Sepfember 9 I GUSlIN REUNION L-8:00- M u 8 i C - - - = - - - - - - 8:05 tate Fair at the Franklin Park Location 8~~~ -:::: to Pick Fruit ... ..... . .... .. ..... 8 :40 Wh.t Does n 8:110 9 :00 '9:10 9:26 9 :35 9 :45

ollege Education Coat?

H. E. Eswine J. H. Gourley . T, G. Watson and Robel't Clark ... C. C. Lang Minnie Price

What 4·H Clubs Do Achievement Day Confel'encc of Rural Homemaker MUBic SODle PToblems of Milk 'Marketing Associations,. R. W. Sherman Fertilizing Fall Grains and the New eedin lt ........ .. R. M. Salter WOSU Players


Best of the News' Direct From the Ohio State Capitol COLUMBUS-A 8milina- LiCk_, by the school of journalism of O. ing county girl and a sturdy S. U. 't~y arc Don R. Mellett, Franklin county bllY reign as 1 86--1926, former Canton cru"the .heallhlest in Ohio" as the sadinr editor who WAS assassin atTesult of a decision made at the I ed by gangster as a result of his Ohio State Fair last week. They drive against the underworld; John are Mis Nadine Westfall of St. McLean, 1,786-1861, :founder of Louisville and Kenneth Boars of the Lebanon Western Star, later a Amlin. Both are seventeen years congl'eSSIDan, member of. the State of age. Young Boggs lacked but Supreme Court, postmaster gen· two points of a p rfeet 600-point era I add associate justice of the Icore. IMis Westfall rated 592 Uniteli States Supreme . Court j points. The healthl~t boy and Willism D. Bickbam, 1827-1894, girl contest was a. feature of the associate with the Gazette, Times junior fair department. and Commercial of Cincinnati, the Louisville Courier and the Dayton A maTket decline of 166,544 JOU1;'1Ial, and later a Civil War persons from Ohio relief rolb eorre pondent; George Nubee, since January was reported here 1786-1827, publisher of the Supby Fed ral Relief Administrator porter at Chillicothe, IlIjter ' the II Chatlel C. Stillman. Of the total,' IItate printer and still later one of 43,939 were taken from t'elief the publishers of the Ohio State lists in July. Administrator Journal and ColumbWl Gazette: Stillman said the decline waa due and Erie C. Hopwood, 1877.1928, to S881<1nal and to improved in. for twenty-six years a member of dustrial conditions throughout the the staff of the Cleveland Plain .tate. The general relief program DealeT and later president of. the in July Involved an expenditure of American Society of .Newspaper ,9,784,850. Last January relief Editors. cases io Ohio ~otaled 1,267,969 A total 01 16,177 Injured and peNons_ In July the total had dropped to 1,101,413, or approd occupational discaee claims and matel), thirteen per cent. Of the 77 death claims were tiled with Jatter there were l,OJiS,616 lIided the Industrial , Commission of by general relief and 42,'197 ' re;- !lhi2. during July, accol'ding' to ceived help from Jlpecial pTograms data compiled by Superintendent such as emergeney education and Thomas P. Kearns of the division the care of homeless boys and Qf safety and hygiene. The injury . transients, the . report disc!ol.d. an<J occupational disease claims represented an increase of 4,016 Five newspaper publishers and cases in comparison with the pre editors deceased at least five years vioils month, and the death c1alm8 have been nominated for 'election represented a dec:re&se of twelve, this year to the Ohio Journalism SuperIntendent Kearns said. The Hall of Fame which ill .conducted hiKhe.t ela88ification in accident

. NOvelty of Overseas 'Phoning Often Causes Cu~ Speech TAGE-FRIG HT ~fte.n prodUCe! humorous and touchinlr converutions when persons talk for the first time across an ocean. ' The novice at overseas telephonin, i. to flabbergasted by the' no~elty and incredulity of the experIence that his aelf-conscious speech sometimes resembles that of a nervous .peaker who talks into a radio lIIicrophotle for the first time, No Chu,. for 'teara Typical of the emolional effed of over.ea. telephonina il the calt of the youna Swedish man, who tailed Ilia mother in .sweden on her birth· day. The youns man walked blithely into a telephone oBice one day with anat Joy iD Ilia heart and jUlt t.noqh money to pay for a three·mhstatt caU to Sweden in hi. pocket. Twenty-two Ion. years had PUS" lina he had seen hi. motlter. He coulcla't reIIIetI\W the 1OQIi4 at her .,ake, ht be IIacI a


........... . .,..t ,.,...




Ohioans Hear Talk Over Phone Lines


contl'oJ scoh and brown l'l about two VI' <.'ktl IJcfure thE' £ruit ~ maLul'l!.

"lTitch you I' \VuJ!on to a 't:l1'?" Expcriment-- show cotton fibet· all Illitably ada))t d to l'Md building. such a use \YoulLl consume million'" of bale . A star for th ('otton grower. Of cour~c W~ tll'e any war betw een Ethiopia. But \ I' arp opposed to it to se nd our young Olen to EurOPe tu help finish

oppo!\Cd to Hal y and nut enough I nil urtny O ! frica or I it.

It is said that the New Dealer.! have proc edcd .OIL the assllmplio.lI that all business. is wicked. ''',Tel! isn't t.hat so? Just look whero i went to. Th l' HJ35 whl!at crop in Ol1 io wa .; estimat d on August 1 at 4 0 milHon bu shels, fl ich is 10 .million bu. hela mor than th t. state average fOr the 5 yea!'l'. U)2 g 1932.


CROSS-STATE ROUTE Between TQledo and Cincinnati Charted for t.h e Benefit of InterI!Itate Motor Touri ts as Well a8 Tramc Within the Borders of Ohio

Irs SHORTER ir~~ \?ofe~: to CineJnnati as shown here with is

the ahortest distance betwt'en tlle two citie8, Officials of the State Highway Department. give the mileage saving as about 11 miles.

...o •

o Z

less trafIrs SAFER ticThere'll congestion on the Toledo-Cincinnati Short Line than on any other hig hway connecting these two cities. There are far fewer curves (no hnLrpins) and all railroad grade cro singl! are exceptionally well protected.

.......&TO.. e..".w_le':~ftCMHII DV"K,Il"

Irs fASTER .

By reason of the 8 h 0 r t e l' mileage, less congestion (both on the highways and in the communi'iea thru which they pass), fllwer curves, and adequate width roadbed and bridges, the Route heTe outlined ill a big time-saver for the busy motorist-very prob. ably as much as two hours.

AN ALL PAVED HIGHWAY Choice of Knowing Motorists Originated and Sponsored by the

Revolutionary Short Trail



Pili ... • IILD



$ bone of the official Revolutjoriary 'l'rails System of Wes ern Ohio. Marked its entire length by historical markers of the Ohio Memorial Oommission. For additional strip maps Or any information r la~ive to State Pnrl>s, Pleasure R orts, -Scenio Spots, Historic Shrines or the ' hundreds of otber points of special interest along thl!! route, write WIl.BUR )1. FAULKNER . Secretary SPRINGFIELD, OHIO






Mary ·. O'utsmarts Thieves' By. {Jsing Upstairs Phone QUALllY

a del.,.. "Mother," he c/1ed, aDd leU to weepin •. For the life of him M coulcla't utter a word for two of hi, predoaa three lIlinlltea. When the call was over, he fou!lcl to hil cIi~y that It had COIIllI1IIeGfi.. lIliDatel of tbree, &lUI that the cCllt ea..... bit catef1IU7 ,luaed DTlIIA Bat . . . the "'epbOli. cciaIl....,

him like


.. ..,.11 .....


-=. ~=





BEAUTY Unquestioned

durability .and exquisite design .' -the lURbest ideals in plated ware-are · assured in 'apoonSt fqrks, and fancy servins pieces heario& tho renowned trade marl

1841 ROGERS BROS.~~p~




!'I1t·_ unll M .... Lawn'nN' Peter.. on "f l ndillnllpuli~, Inti., calle.1 on th'il' aunL MI". Alire Clark, Fri·



laml Oalette


Young Churchmen' Society

of tht' Epi copal church wilj meet ut the home of Mn, M. F. WIllz,

Wedm.·8day ,evening, ~eptember day, en·route til Ihl'ir hOllle ufter 11, at 7 :30, tor the election of of1111 aut tl"ip in th .. East. . 'rwo vacancies in the Wayne flceTS llnd to formulate plans for l\[rH. LUt'lIu Hy passed Away Township Boarel 0 Education the winler's work. A good atten· W,'ndell Rn\i~bury returned to at h r hom' here, unday "vening have been announced, S, S, Ellis, dance is desired. hi~ hODll' III • lI\lina Monday, after r \l ow ing an IIln 5 of mot'e than Ronald Hal'din of Cindnnati wllo has been a member of the u visit at the hOllle of his ((Tand· buard for 14 ~urs; lind R. M, par ntli, Mr, and Mr. Allen a year. spe nt th weck-lmd at home. he was the wifl' of CharleA Rye Hawke having signified their in. E. J. MEINHARD I I':mrick. and W8~ well known and rl', pected Mr , L ren Jameso n, f Daylon tentions of not being candidates Mr. and frs. Lowell Thomas COMPANY SALESMAN in the community where h~ hud spt'nl Sunday witlt h r mother, [01' reelection, and Mr, and hs. T m BUrtOn at· OF CHICACO HERE ACAIN MI'~. la ude t'ane, 'rhose seeking election are t nded 1 he tate Fair at olum· spent her entir life, M!" , Rye was II 1 )'81 member of Kenneth Hough and B rt H rtbUI!, Thur day . . H .. will dlow ~Oll th "Mein. MI'. Ilnd Mrs. G,eorge Stroud and theil' hanli · Shield" pri. Mis, Laura Rosnllgle l"(!tu.-ned the Middle Run Baptist chu t'ch, g II, of Dayton, were week·end sock who will s ubmit Besides her husband he is sur· have been signed petitions, which vately in hi. roo';'. at the Miami to her work in incinlillli aturguestli Ilf I\hs. feen Henderson. by t he required number o,r voters, Hotel, Dayton, Ohio, on Friday day !;lfter spending 0 couple of vived by 'o ne daughter, M1'S. E, OUR LIENTS KNOW that Hartsock, Spring alley; two ons an" Saturday, Sept. 13th and weeks at the home of Mr. an4 Mr. and Mrs. Charles TaylQr, of to t.he county board of elections 1-1 I'vey nnd Clarencc, of Woynp this ev ning, th y g t maximum value for every 14th, from 1 : 00 p. m. to 5;00 p . Mrs. Harvey Burnet. )o"'t. Wayne, Tnd .. wel'e gue8ts of .~, ,, --m. alld 7 :00 p. m. to 9 :00 p. m. M i5!\ Julia Chari ton spent the ville; her father', Frank Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. .Isrenee Edwards dollar spent w hen this firm handles ar y, FROM MISSOURI da ily. Pic ... ., note date. and week-end with her parents, Mr. foul' sistel' ,Mrs. Viola IllS we k. the fun ral service, Wayn ville, Mr . James Johns, hour. c:arefuUy. and Mr . Andy Charleton at :lr·. Allen H ole, Mrs. Lester Kenlr. and Irs. Will ' n!ithand Take t he word of Hany L. A~k the Hotel Clerk for the Ridgeville. Those who turned to us in the nllmber. of Mr. Meioaardi', Ben Hawke, of Springfield, rick, snd one bl'other, family, t Toledo, were gues ts of Clark, retired Xenia mail carriel' Je e Thoma, Waynesvill . past have found tha.t we always roon... Only men are invited. MI'. Rnd l\1rH. E. And \' on, - the Ohio sales ta,x law may be spent several day last wee,k with Funeral ervic~s wen~ held ut The M";nh ..,cfi Rupture Shield home folk here, give th best serv ice po sible at unduy. o01cthing of a nuisancc, but the cesiden e W dnesda,y after· .. "Ia; .... tile rupture on the aver. L Gr alhouse went to Dayton noon, MI'. stld Ml'S, Frank Day and Missouri has a simllar law that is economical price levels. Elder Ru sell Moore, of are ea'e 1'o,ardl.,.. of aile or Fl"iday to m'ake an extended visit. Franklin, officiating. Buuiail \\'al' daughter, of IN inch ter, Ky., ven more 80, only less ~xpenl!live loc:ation":"'no matter how milch with his son, Al·thur Gt'cathouse were w~k. nd gu st. of Me, and Clark, l'etul'ning home yester. We will welcome an opporyou exel'dl., lift, or .train. The and family, and attend the Mont· in Miill)1i cemetery. irs. A. K. Day. day from an extended vi.sit in tunity to furni h further deb,l.ila Meanha"di RuptuN Shield •• gome~y county fair. ;,_r<== 'alifornia, brought with him .l:iUfulty molded to each indio Mr. and Mrs. .Donald H about funeral coats, BU1'net Sunday. On accOu nt of the M i. s alhel"inEt Brsnstrator l(>ft so uvenirs of Missouri's so-called a. a Dentilt male... fal ... visited the former's 8i ter, Mrs, inclement weather the bounteous Monday for Morrow where she has "rnilk bottle cap" salell tax plan. heth. (No lelf atrapt a.nd DO Wendell Cl'ites, unday, at Hale ba ket dinner wa enjoyed at accepted a position in the high He found out how it works elimlieraOlme .rr-..em_ta). ho pital, Wilmington whel'e he Lytl Hall. wMn .he stopped at a.lunch stand , rchool of that village-, It it waterp"oo£, .anitar,., ,underwe'nt a major OpCl"'lltion. Mr. and Mrs. Jam ;Johns, Mr'l [ 1 R . ,' d and bought a sandWIch and was r. and r. . . OntSy an aRses ad one mill the tenth part pl'1le,icaUy indeatructible, aad MI' . Meta Roger was a guest and Mrs. Allen Hole, M. r. nn~ Mrs two daughters of' resent prings, ' f . 'I . over undllY of ber. sister, Mrs. Russ II ampbell and children K ' rna, b. W01'1l while bathiGIf Dr I 't d th h ' f T 0 a. penny, 118 sa es tax. HavlJlg y., V \ at e , ome . . noth mg smaller than one cent Trilla Farquar and Qn, Rllymond, .l-~",c (eql\tinlloutly ctay aad and Mr. an d M r8. Ra 1ph J ohns 8" d Hardin and family over the week· I k 'd ' h ' ..i~t) until no. ID'ftIfet" de.ired. near RicJgevi~e . family attended the funeral of d ar PilI t e extra penny and re Mes,n·s. Emery and Samuel Mr. . Chal'les. Ryc al Waynesvill e, en . Do not necleet to lee h.i-m on W.~ne.vllle, , ceiv~d nine mills in change. The Charleto!l. and Mr. and Mrs. Wednesday a:!t.crTloon. the ..bove d.te. He wj)J b. Iflad fl'. and Mrs. Jame - Roske.l1~, m~dla ~f eXl;hange 101' mills .in hades Charleton and children. to reler 70.. to local men wbo of hicago, Mr. and Mrs. John MI~ - ourl closely tea,e mble milk ~__ ~ -:I attended the Gibbs reunion at 'he IIave ••eel. tlte "Melinhardi Rllp. ()lIett and ' daul~ht r, of Dayton, bottle caP~" ln fact, they are cut ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~_~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!:!!& home of Mr, and Mrs, John Gibbs Harv eysbu rg t llra Sllti.,hl". There i. 110 char.e were recent guests of \\fr, and the ame,tllze and are same near B1anche 14e1', Sunday . . to i .._tia-ate, Thi. Vllit ia for Mr . J. P. Larric k. comp08~b0!l ' -Clark dIscovered. MTS. Clyde Wharton and daugh . Dr. W. E, Oglesbee has retUl'ned ...'hAt. pe<lple Gnly. [loVl'ever, III that state the sales ter, Mi EVil and .Mrs. Guy Rout- hom Il'om a fishing trip in Reduced price:- in dry cleaning, lax on a dollar purchase is only Cllicqo ' Office, Pure Oil Bid •. zahn spt>nt Friday in Dayton, Michigan. Men's suit and ladies' dt'esaes flOc one cent. In Ohio it is three cents I Phylli!! Bailey nlertain.ed a Mr. and MTS. Wm, Lukens and Work sent ou't daily, )'ressed work number of little friend atur- daughter, Mary arolyn, were l'e~urned in fOUl' hours. Quick day afternoon in hOllor of ber hopping in Dayton last Thursday. J liners, Kath!ryn Mendenhall, fifth birthday. Mi', and Mrs. Milton Eakins manager. , Almost 94 per cent of the grow Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mason, of era of burley tobacco who voted and family entertained quite a \ l\Ii s Lou lIa J anney is planning AI so n, 'were Sunday dinner number at relatives on Sunda.y. to leave Tuesdal' fot' Deland', Fla. in a reCilnt referendum favored guest , of Mrs. Allee Clark, ' irs: Lida Walk el: and children io l'e Ulll her school work. Rer continuing a production control The eoat of Ii funeral serviee i. Mr. and }f1·S. Walter K nrick entirely decided by the wishes ot and Jame Haines visited their have returned to th ir home in mothcl', Mrs. Ruth Jann ~y, will program. Sixty·three per cent or our elienta. Theil' choice of a cousin, Mrs. Georg Tinkbone who ambridge after a v,i sit with her ' not accompany he r but expects to aU share-tenant~, renters, and landowners cast ballots. • aaket and necessary accessories i !leriou Iy ill at her home neat' parents, Mr. and lIres. A. L. Ken. go later• nedy. is influenced by no attempt at Middletown. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Shumaker A ftcr t.wo w~~eks spent with .. Iesmanship on our part. We Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick aild follow their desires closely. and Wendell Salisbury attended the arrived home on Saturday from friends in Wayn~sville and vici'n' happ), family group at the home ity, Mr. and Mt: . V. R. Brittain 'ot their parents, Mr. and Mr . E . keep the total cost to all moderate reunion of the family of the late a visit in New York, and children and Mrs. Eva K. L. Thomas, Sunday. • figJlre as their choice dictates. Albert and Kate Cornell at Wayne 1M rotation of hOIl not Only Mr. and Mrs. Iyde Levicy, Mr Jones left last '£'hursday for their Park, Waynesville, Sllnday. •••••••••• ..... up toll fertility Me and Mrs, Chll8, Gordon, Mr. and home in Mishawaka, Ind, Mr. and Mrs. Josiah .Davis, Mr. Mr. and Mrs, John Clark and Mrs. A. S. Collett, Miss Sarah and Mrs Lloyd Davis and sons, Mr .....' ...... Good family of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Waynesville and Mrs. Mr. and Ml·S. Sid Po~, Mis!! and Mrs. Enlerson Earnhart, Mr. .......W.. yotl to Ie .... yo. Monis Wharton ot Lebanon, Sadie Reason attended the Clarks. LizzJe Pratt and Mt'. Geor~e Pratt and Mr . Alvin Earnhart, Mr. J. were Sunday afternoon guests of ville home coming at Ft. Ancient attended the fUI~eral ervices for D. Marlatt, Mr. and Mra. Joel pi.............,. . . . Mr . and Mrs. Clyde Wharton and last Sunday. their nephew 1\11;>ha An on, which tokea, Mr. and Mrs. Erne8t 3iuuwd~ f........... to daughters. Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Frost, Joe were held in the church at HartsOCK and Mr!!. Thelma Sur.Pt-IC;)NE 29 I••• I... . . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kurfis and Davis, Glenn Snell, Evelyn Tucker handon, OhiO, 8unday afternoon. face attended the funeral services W AYNESVILLE. OHI6 Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jones and Vil'Jinia Davis and Mr, Glenn I Mr. An on was the son of Arthur for Clifl'ord Earnhart, which were you how 11111. It will ..t .. son saw "Steamboat Round th, Davis and son were among tho e and Maggie Pratt Anson, ' held in the M, E. church at Xenia fence yow ......... 1M j Bend" at Keith's in Dayton, Tues- who attend d the ball game at Tliesday afternoon. Burial was in GENUINE A-'ca. f .... Cincinnati last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, R. B. LeMay and Xenia cemetery. :-~-----------"I day afternoon, Mu. Mary Carmony in comTht Harseysburg band furnish- on, of Sheffield" Alabama, were pany with her son, Mr. E. J. Car- ed music at a festival at Lumber. guests of the former's brothel', F Miss MaTY Jo Miller spent last U. LeMay and family over the wee~ in Springfield, the gue t of mony of Springfield, visit.ed rela- ton Monday evening. Louis (Jampbell re"tur ' ek-end..-Xias-,¥Irginia :LeMay, Miss Mary Leah Edwards, tives at Lena,. St. Paris and jUlt who has been villiting at the home Urbana, Sunday. born to attend ,school 'th O. J. Edwards and J. Wilson h I h I t d Mrs. Donald Hadley visited heT The death 01 M -s. LI'~MI'e Harlan 0 ' er unc e, re urne orne W\ • • ~~ I: Edwards were visitors at the home sister, ,Mrs. Charles Doster and occurred at her home on Saturday her paren , Monday mornin~. of Mis!j(\S Tri11ena and Margaret W.~.e.vIUe, little daughter. at McClellan hos- morning lind funel'al services w l'e Mrs. E. F. Deppe entertained , Edwards, Sunday. pital at Xenia, Tu sday evening. held at McClure's funeral home with bridge WI~dnesday evening, About fifty relatives a.ttended on Monday afternoon. Mrs. Har· for fhe pleasure of Mrs. Roy John. SEPT EMBER 6-7 Miss Jane Cook was hostess to a the Burnet reunion held at the Ian was a teacher in our school son, o{ Cleveland. The guests were group of friends 'a t her home last WARNER BAXTER, home of Mr. and Mn. Harvey several years ago and was loved Mrs. Johnson; Mr!!. Jessie Robit- Friday evening~ Games and music BETTI GALLJAN,~n and respected by all who knew ze-r, Mrs. J ohn Kersell'. Mrs, M, F. furni~ed interesting diversion and ·her. Weltz, Mh. E. C, Crane, Mrs, I. at a reasonable hour refreshments Mrs, Lyle Robertson and daugh O. Brown, Miss Evelyn Kersey 'Were served to the followingj tel"S have returned home and Mis Doris Hawke Misses Marjorie Earnhart, Mae several weeks' absence. Treadway, Ruth Hockett, Mary CartOOG, " Firat S_." Mrs, Frank Wilson had as her 1\11', and Mrs, Seth Thomas 'Burton, J uanita Brannock, Betty Cemed,., " Dumb Luck" guests Sunday' afternoon hel' and sons, of Cleve land, Mr, and Hartsock, Dorothy BoUrne; nephews, Mr. Ralph Weldy, of Mrs. Harry Burnett and children, Harvey Uole, Earl Conner, John Columbus, Mr . and Mrs. Clay -of Lytle, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Sears, Charles ' LeMay, Ernest " THE HOME OF GIFTS" SEPTEMBE R 8 -9 Weldy of Bremen' and her niece'j Thomas, of Dayton and Mr, and Woollard, Frank ' Hawke, Earl Lebanon, Ohio ' Miss Grace W.eldy of Lancaster. Mrs. William Thomas composed a Woollard and David Boger. NANCY CARROLL, GEORGE MURPHY in EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING

Maximum Value



J. E. McClure. .

Phone 7



= ________ ________==-===-==;;:;;;;===_______

---_. _...---


Moderate Cost

I/HOS Tlsht"

Fencl... Build. 'Up Soil fertility




tI.... eo..tI_

T..vt•• .

Web. ve fence.



received a new car of thi.

w. H. Madden & Co. Phone 14

Under the Pampa. Moon

..te .....

Wayne ville, O.

Cary'a Jew·e.Jry .S hop

After The Dance

V aina 01\1,

Two Shows-7 :00 &8 :30 p. m . ADM. 10e-tSc

G e nuine Material.

Oldest Oil ·Field Still Vast Reservoir

Prompt Service


Store open until 9 p. , m.

QuaUty PrladDI'

Used Cars ' 1934, Che vrolet Ma.ter Coach 1933 Chevrolet Coupe 1-933 Ford V-8 Tudor 1933 Ford V -8 Cabriolet 1933 Terraplane De Luxe Sedan 1933 Pontiac Coach 1932 Ch evrolet Coach-two of theae . 1932 Chevrolet Busine •• Coupe . ' ,1932 Ch ry.ler Sedan 1931 Chevrolet Special Sedan 1931 Chevrolet De Luxe Sport Coupe 1931 Ch e vrolet Sport Coupe 1931 ba ker Buaine•• Coupe 1931 Old. Busine as Coupe 1931 Ch e vrolet Sedan 1931 Ford Victoria 1931 Pontiac Seda n 1931 Ch e vrole t V ictoria Coupe 1931 Dodae 8 Sedan 1931 Hud.on 8 Coach 1930 Old. . Sport Coupe 1930 Che vrolet Roadster 1930 Easex Sport Coupe 1930 Chevrolet Coupe 1930 Studebaker Coupe 1929 Easex Sport Coupe 1929 Ford Sport Coupe 1129 E.... Sedan 11. HupmobUe Victoria

Map of the "lion where Penns ,Ivania Onide Crude em ia produced, and WAI in thi. rell!0n, near Titu. viUe, that Col. Edwin ak. completed America'i fint oU w.U in 1'5~. Oeoloai. t. aa, the on ,. tll1 containa more than five timel •• mueh hiab·lf1Id. crude •• been removed Iinee the fi.ld wa. developed. ,

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1AuT0undina area. It

OIL CITY, PIL.- More tbaD a . e &s much 011 remains under


rou nd In the PeDDlylYanla, rellon has been r emoved durlnl the tire 76 years I ince the ••Id waa lilcov~:'cd.

Tl\ ,c

010 lsls beaded by CharI.. B. celli, ,ock. before the' Concrealona) ~omm lttee u~der the chair· an: j, I of Rep, Willtam p , Cole, r ., (

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Motor Car Company

slatemenl was made reo commltt.. of eminent

IIU~' by 8


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tlmlt. h-. proTecl etart',y oU men &Il4 motortata J t_t reClonr&ble ende n.,IYaDla ~. ..~ 'uh abautlOll. 'l'1li. \ .. 11111 to the fMt oIdeet oil

.\JurI.'. ·tll...,,... .. U-.

Tile Miami Ga







Eighty..seventh Year


Whole Number 6186


_ _ 2222









"There's a Church in the Valley by the wildwood, }o')'uncis A. Urf:IlC,,' passeu awuy No lovlier spot in the dale." at hlR home on th<! Dayton and And the Sugnr Crock Christian L banon pil(ll, ,aluruny l,venln'. hurch Bell is caJling you to the pt 'mbel' 7. He hl1t1 h n iti fail . Annual Home oming et'vice on Sunday, eptemb r 16th, 1935. ing health for Ilc,reral mouths, hit Sunday chool at 9 :30 a. m.; coJ1dition becCJnlinl!: critical ~\ f W Th e American ountl·y Life A!lo Wonhip el~vice, 10:30 11. m.; Early Sowed Wb_t Will a. s.Mrs. Raymond Conner was. bost we ek ago. Shift From 16 Per Cent ~ 5 Per ".r ~ly Affected Parka eiation Ilill hold a nalional forum B8lIket Dinner, 12:00 m.; Fellowcss to the Friendsh ip club at her Cent Cut Decided Th e son of ~fr. und :M rR, Sits D on ountry LHe pl'ogrnm at O. S. .hip Service, 2 :00 p. m. Say. home on Pourth Stl' et, Wednes- Su I fa ce he was horn nell1' Lylle U, (rom September ]9 to 22. The I' hould auld acquaintance be for. 0 .. day aIternoon. got Se \.>tembcr 28, 186<1 and lived his first day scssion has en nlanll d A d v n never b rough t to mind l' , A serioul outbreak of Heslian The meting was opened with a entil'e life in Wa l'ren county. The change in 1936 wheat plant to be of special i]1terest to women 0 "Come to the Churc i'n the fiy may be expected in wheat field. il;lgs made possible by the Agricul· sO'n g and scripture reading by Mrs. . wildwood, that are eeded this fall before th. 'ul'viving a~ hill widow, Mrs. h h el1)C of the day's distural AdJu tment Adminiatl'8tion an d let daw, in the opinion of Clifford Buziclt'. To the trees where the wild ., EJJ1c SUl'fac , and one ~o n I aul. p lacing the 1936 acreage adjust· I euss ib ns wi I e, "Services Need d Ohio entomologists. b The August m etir)g having flowers bloom," Funera l services, in charge of ment at 5 per cent instead of 15 They cite their 1!.ndings in tbe been omitted and Il picnic hl.'ld at Rev. L. D. t'sey, pa ~ tol' of the in lhe RUl'al COmm\lnity." '1'h And I'emembet ~hesl! old acquain . p« cent is intended as an offset to pl'og-ram will continue through any tance1!. annual wh\)at insect survey conthe severo crop damage wbich oc· Wayne park instead, the minutei\ Lebanon Methodist l'IIUl'~h and (1' al\ of the ses ions. ducted in July, when two to thre. <.Ii.rec ted by A. H. Stubbs, I(lca l curred in July, Lester J. Miller, of the July meeting we re read and Every person intere sted in rural t imes as many flies found aa county agricultural agent. saye, approved. The tr 08UI' I' reported [uncl'al tlil'eetor, wllre hl' ld ut the Ilrog l'am s is urged to attend any were discovered in the .urvey a This action was taken by the having ent the quart rly payment MCl'dll Fun eral Hom in Lebanon. all of the sessions. year ago. AAA to a urc the consumera of. to the Wort hington Home. . Tue. day afterh In. Burial was 0 1' The American oantry Life As Moreover, according to T. 11. tbe county of continu~ eample Twenty-four members and three n1ade in Lebanon ecn1l!tel'Y • Parks, extension entomologi t for supplies of wheat, and to protect socialion is a voluntary as ocia· the Ohio State University. rain. Vi itors were pre cnt to njoy the farmers against another possible program which 'follows : Elected CaJrldidate Lion of persons and Ol'ganizations since harve t have been favorable See O. M. Ridge for Insurance. year of bad wheat weather. Adjust who are working for a worthy to the survival of fly. urrent eyents, Mra, J. B. ment administration oO\cials also Dick Weisbrodt and Dean Hawke Cl'abbe; reading, MI'" Gilbert or I:g egree countl'y life in Amedca. It was n is estimated tbat one-fourth conaidered the fact that world spent Sunday ill Indianapolis. ___ organiz~ in ]919 and ha held or the ~traw8 in stubble field8 ne Fry ; current events, Ml·S. Dovi wheat supplies are smaller and Th e boys of the Vocational annual conferences on . f estcd WIth . Ii y. compared wLh • FUlna : r ading, MI·s. Walter Shee .national . Sc'e O. M. Ridge for In~urane . m tbat there ·might be better eJCport Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Scanlan han; piano solo, MI's. Robert Van- Agriculture depariml cnt are highly 'Va~'lo~s toPICS I'elated . .t? the 15 pel' cent last year. Beside.. possibilities at the end of another were Dayton visitors Tuesday. del·vort. elated over the fact that Ohio bUlldmg of. a fine rural Clvl~lzatlon Mrs. Amelia Williamr. war. a enton'ologists point out that the crop year. hapter F. Ir. A. ha elected I in t~e Umted. States. It IS ~on- Dayton vi itor Friday. star:..l of wheat was thicke!' thil Several contests were conduct- tat Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke were The announcement means that one m mbel' of Miami Valley partl, an and its annual meetmgs d th th ed after which delicious refreshlle provide a foru m of di cusston of 1 at e !lTelent number th individual farmer may plant gu sts of friends in Morrow, Sun· ments w l'e serv tI by the hostes es hapter F. F. A. of WnYDesvl' .. • James Gibbons was a bur.tnells year of flyan• flax seeds" is greater thau all but 6 per cent 01 his base day. for the proble-ms, goals and methods of visitor in Dayton Tuesday. Lhe pel'centage figures indicate. MI' . Raymond Conner. Mrs. Dallas to bu a candidate acreage. ~nstead of all but 15 per Farmer" degree. tho e working :for rural improve· M ' F B.... d ' The fly-free date" after which Rev. G, . C. Dibert haa been con- Boger, Mrs. Lloyd Duvis, MTS. Ray "Amel'ican . IfS.. . Den erson IS reCOTer· cent as Will! originally planned be- fined to his home several days be- Conner and Mrs. Robert Vander· Robert Gons is the fortunate boy l11ent. He i on~ of thr"le Illcmbcl'S of' - mg rom an attack of grip. wheat may safely sown 'Withollt fot the severe crop damage wa caUSe of j IInes9. ~, damage frOTbe .. fly, va;';es from Sepvort. shown by the crop report for Miami Valley cliiapter who has Mrs. W. H. Allen attended the tember 22 in the northern area of August 1. made the State Farm IS d e g r e l i l f l o w e r show in Centerville, Friday. Ule state to as late as October /) M1:'~. K~nrick, Thomas·of Dayton, ColJins, wasnee The action will have no effect Berth" and now h.a the high . in ihe southern tip. The date for in . , upon adjustment payments to WayneSVIlle today. ' . honor of havhlj&, been elected , ' M1SS Ma~ Treadway ~eft ~ed. each area may be learned from farmers, Adjustment Administraa candidate to th(! highe t ,po ible . needay t.o enter school m Sprlng- 1'l'nllmr.V agricultural agents. Mrs. Anna Cadwallader is con· tion officials say, a contract signdegroe of the Ol'gunizlltion, nam ely fie-ld, OhIO. soil is well prepared, and er will receive a sufficient amount fin d to her home because o! ill"American I-aI-mer" degree. M b f-t_h__O-t b f Marshall HaineB. of Dayton, well fertilized. wheat 80wn on 01' to assure them parity returns on ness. Qualification fol' re eiving this em ers or & coer term 0 lh ir allotments. It pricell are good Candidates for omcGs .in village, (legroe are set very high lind aTe lh . Gt'and and PetIt Juries were calJe-d on Mr. and Mr$. Walter T. immediately after the fly·free date Clarence Barnard. of Xenia, gives the highest yields, Iccordinw next year f"rmen w.ill have more spent. Sunday and Monday with E. township and school bOI\l'd flied based on scholal'tlhill, leadership dla,,:n Tuesday. T~e Grand Jury Elzey Saturday aIternoon. 1i'. B. HJIJ, Blanchester Mr. and !'.frs. Charles Davis, of tural to flndings Ohio Arriculwheat to lIell at the hither price F. Earnhart aJld family. Experi of nttheStat' their ~titions with the County and managerl'ul and bU"I'ness conSJsts of ~ under this plan, and if prices ability in the farming b" iness. , Ralph Van Meter, Lebanon; E. D. Lebanon, were guest.'! ot Mr. and me • • • IOn. Board of El diona la t w ek, 6:30 IIhould b e lower, growers bave the Mrs. Irving Pence, of Lebanon, Friday evening being the dead Mr. Hutchinson Jf1'om the state Th om pso n, Lebanon; Mrs, Harold Mrs. Truman WardJ!>w, SundllY. protect.ion of tile adjustment pay· spent Weqnesday with her parents line. office called on Iftobel·t III t week, Lebanon; Mr. H. 9· ments on their allotments. Mr. and Mrs. Ballard Wallace Mr. 1i11d Mrs. T. J. Smith. Those filing petitions for village Lo make out his records. Th r ar aamJlton, outh Leban~n; MOTrlll If cropi! are average, the in· offices are~ Mayor, A. K. Day. 30 candidates wiith only 6 to be Sta~key, Plea!jllnt Plam; ~eryl spent the week·e·nd with Mrs. Miss Bertha Combs. of Peb· Clerk, R. F. Halfleld; Tre:asurer, elected and the c 1m petition is very mlLh, Man-ow; Belen Eldridge, Wallace's parents in Norwood. crea ed acre-age. estimated at 6,I~.ranklin; W. B. Squil'es, Waynes200,000 acre, should bring the wOl'th, is visiting at the home of Walter T. Elzey; .Mar. hal, C. P . ke n. Mrs. Paul Hauk, of Piqua, spent vIlle; H. R. Harris, LebanQn; total crop to mO're than 800 mil- Mr. and M1'8. Basil Smith. Joy; Council, James Kerrick, H. Saturday with her parents, Mr. lion bushels. Even very poor crops Nancy McBurney Lebanon; Walter and Mrs. H. H. Williamson. lIti s Juanita Brannock is in M. Carey, R A. Conner, George DISTRICT FARM BUREAU would assure ample wheat for our Oregonia John C. Hawke was adviatd MEETING HELD THURSDAY Davis, Lebanon; Grace Plymire, this week, the guest of . Hartsock, James E. Mc;Clure, B. Oregonia; Mrs. Fred Bahr, Leb· domestic need$ of ~26 million her sist r, Mrs. Cbarles Elzey. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Garst were Thur da:; ev€>nin&" of the death of V. Smith and J. E. Witham. anon; and Ed .. Pummell, Fosters. bushels. A better than average Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Will B, Mather which occurred Trustees of public afl'airs, A. O. r.1ember of Farm Bureaus in M mbers of the Petit Jury are: Mrs. I. O. Brown, near S hiloh. crop would mean more wheat for Thursday morning, September 12. Mis Sue Crane i8 pending a Griffy, O. R. Unglesby and O. M. four counties of :southern Ohio at.- Hugh Pence, Lebanon; Oscar e]Cport or carryover. at his home in Brownville, Teua. few day at the home of Mr. and Ridge. The increase in acreage is con- Mrs. FOl'~t Graham neal' Lytle. Township t,rust~, W. E. Cornell, tended the dist.ric;t me ting held in Smith, Waynesville; Bessie Fink, Mrs, Mary McClure arrived home No particulars were riven other sidered a consistent liSe af theJesse Prendergast, E. L. Thomas, Memorial Hall at ~ebanon last Morrow; Ralph Whitacre, Morrow; Saturday aftn an extended visit than burial will be In Burli.netoll. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. McClure and W. S. Graham and W, C. St. John Thurs~ay. This was the regular Carl Croll, FI'anklin; flexible provi ~ion of the AdjustWilbur at the home of her sister in K::msaB, former home of Mr. Minn. . ment Act to keep wheat production daughters, of Dayton, were WayMather. Township clel'k, L, H. Gordon; ,quarterly meeting of the district Earnhart, Lebanon; Randal Lilley. organization and more than 100 M I'I'OW~ Raymond Conner, Way. in. line with a vaUable markets. n~svUle vi itors Saturday evening. Constable, . C. P. Joy, Be was a ~on of the lat.e Ben. Superintendent J. W. Lob a tnesville; Charles Eiehholzer, Mor- tended the state meeting for jamin Mather and .pent his days Wayn Township school board, were present. Mrs. .Eliza McCollum. of Oxford Rural electrification was the I'OW; Clint Harner, Morrow; Forest up to young manhood on the hom. and Kenneth Hough was a guest of h6~ niece Mrs. John Bert lJartsock principal subject dJscussed 3.114 Hain es, Franklin: Her chel N. county superintendenta in Colum- farm on the Waynesville and LebTre8(\way, Monday night. bu , Wednesday. during the aft8'I'noon ses ion the Bu nnell; Lebanon, Charles Brad· anon pike. gl'oup 'went on record as favoring bury; Oregonia, Carl Eisenminger, Mrs. Anna Cadwallader and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey ltye and Be is survived by his wife, Grace free . telephone service witbin Ft'anklin; O. M. Abbott, Lebanon; children with Mr. a nd Mra. Ed two sona, Carl, of Kansu City Miss Clara Lite spent Thursday in county' limits. Ronald Hawke, Waynesville; Mrs. Hartsock, of Spring Valley, spent an d Fred, of Chicago: and on. Xenia, the gueets of Mr. and Mrs Counties repr8 enled were War- '\lIism Stitt, Mason; Martha Sunday at the ReservoIr. A. G. Spahr. brother, Ethan Mather. ren, Hamilton, B:utlcl' and Preble. HenMr on, Waynesville.; An'nie J. H. Smith who suffered a Mrs. Edith Harris and Mr. Harris Truman Davis, of Hamilton, a di- Randall, Harveysburg; and Mrs. . FRIENDS MEETINC broken hip several months ago, MRS. VAN PELT DIES Mosher were Sunday guesta of Mr. rector of the Ohio Farm Bureao, A. . Baysore, Mason. The regular meeting of the Firllt-day School at 9 :30 a. m. and Mr • Charles F. Mosher of AFTER I,.ONG ILLNESS is recoveri~g and it is thought the Progressive Women's club was p!,"esided at the. meeting. Ifeetine for Wonblp at 10 :30 Ci~innati. ca t can be removed in a few days J. L. Mendenh:all is chairman of held Tuesday . evening at The ml .Mrs. GraCe Miller Van Pelt, i4. the Warren County Farm Burel\u. 14r. and ' Mr~. GeQrge Thorpe, died at he'r home near New BurMr. and Mrs. Alvah .H artsock Litt le Inn, with sixteen m.embers and two visitors present for the Misses Lola and Ada Parry, of li!"gton Monday after an illnesa of have moved from their farm to FERRY' CHURCH OF CHRIST OBITUARY Richmond, Ind., were 1'ecent guests seve ral months. She had be.n a their .J<C(!eptly purchased property dinner which preceded tbe business Carl Smith. MinllteT session. of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mendenhall. resident there for many years an4i on Fifth street. Walter J . Baker wa bol'n near The officers for the coming year Unified sernees . belinllln, with wa wi:lely kn<>wn. South Lebanon, Ohio, June In, Harry Jacobs, of Lima, i. the A J\ative of Cuba. Cli nton COUIlt}' It'.. the social items that make who were elected at a previous church ;school at 9 :80 a. . m. The outstanding herd of pure a . local newspaper interesting. meeting are;' Miss Catherine 1869, and departed this life Sep~ bl 'e d J el'sey cows owned by L. C. guest of his r.unt, Miss Emma ehe waa born September 10, 1871. lervice at 10 :80 a. m. Telephone or send them in. Our Gibbons. president; Mrs. Howell tenlber 6, 1935, at the age of 76 Alexander and W. W. Trout, Heighway. Mr. Jacobs is con- She was a member of the Sprine telephone number i8 112. Peirce, vice president; Miss Mary years two montlhs and 17 day. SpI'ing Valley, has lately complet- valescing alter a major operation Valley Methodist Episcopal church WAYNESVILLE II. E. CHURCH Stansberry, treasurer; Miss Inez His early boyhood days were spent ed a year of production testing in a Lima hospital. and the · Spring Valley Grange. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Reason and James, secretary. neat' South Lebl1non. He came to under the bel;d improvement regisRev. G. C: );)lbert. Palor . Surviving are her husband, T. Miss Wjnifred Nu. t titlg. who ocMiSs Ruth Hockett were dinner Green County when he was about With Miss Gibbons presiding Sunday: Sunday school at 9 :30 h'Y system or testing sponsored by cupied Miss 'May Wright'a relid W. Van Pult; three children, Mra. guesta of ~rs. Sadie Reason in committet!$ were appointed and 1 0 yea~s of age. ' a. m. ){orniolJ 'Worship at 10 :30, the American Jer's ey Cattle dub, Hugh Hooper; Culver, Ind.; Harold On March 6, 1884 he WIl!! united with an average of 417.48 pounds erice during th.e summer h.all re· Vl\n Pelt, Xenia, and Mrs. Morrla plans for the yeal"S pro ram were t he S8l'rnon subject will be. The Harveysbu~, Sunday. turned to ' Dayton to resume ber ill maninge to Anna. Planck. To discussed, . Ohrlst will the Loaves. •Mrs. Emma F: Dakin and Mr. A. Fulkerson, . Waynesville. them were born three children, butterfat and 8148 pounds of milk school work. Epworth Leagu& at 7 p. m. Guy Dakin. of Xenia. and Mrs. J. --~During the year the herd averaged Funeral services were helll from Jesse F. Clifford O. and Mrs. Lily with Cecil Davis as leader. Mr. and Mrs. George HartSock, the residenCe' at 1 :30 o'clock aad W. White IIpent Sunday with Mr. about 29 cows, almost half of Egbert. They celebrated their Evangelistic service at 7 :46 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hartsock and at Spring Valley Metho'd ist Epieand Mrs. F . H. Farr. goldefL wedding anniversary on which were under three years of 80n, Milo, Mr. and Mrs. Herma!). Wednetlday: lIible study and copal cburch at 2 o'clock Wednesa~ when startt:d on test • March. 5, 1034. . Min Betty Hartsock will leave prayer meeUmj at 7 :30 p. m. Thomas day a fternoon. Burial waa mael. This average of 417 .~8 pounds Surface attended the He was a prominent live stock Monday for CIncinnati where she Friday: Clloir practice at '1 :30 ~ami1y reunion Sunday. in Spring Valley cem&tery. dealer in Green and Warren coun~ Qf butterfat exceeds by over 65 wi.l1.nter' lIul'llea' trainin&' school ilt ....... ~. p.m. the average made by tbe pounds Mr. and Mrs. 1. O. Brown apent ties for more th'!ln 60 years. He Gelleral hOlpital. htlrd for the pl'evious year of testGIBBONS FAMILY REUNION Ule week-end at the Stillwater Charles MiJler, 30, dairy farm moved to WayJ!tesville 14 yearB ~ Miss Grace WUliamson is o~rator neal' Centerville, was ago, and has been retired from ing, when a record of 360.19 cottage 'near Dayton and alitended ST. MARY'S CHURCH pounds of butterfat was completed the Mendenhall·Brown Sixty-five relativ~ and fri,.d. apendi~ a few days at tbe home kUled Monday wb~n reunion .ReY., J. I. Scuetler. Rector bis truck business for seven years. of the Gib~nl famUy. beld their of ,ber brother Harold, and co llided with a gl'avl!l truck on the . At t he age oiE 21 he affiliated Immediately preceding this record the nerd completed an avel'age of near Englewood, Sunday. . annual reumOn at the . home of ,T hirteenth Sunday after Trinitv family in Dayto~. with the Spring Valley Fl'iendel Dayto n·Lebanon pike. September 15, Church school at of butterfat for a Mr. and Mrs. Will Watt, Mrs. 357.06 pou!'ds Mrs. Anna Gibboni. near Warn... A passenger in Millers b ouck, church. For alm(~st 65 years he was Mr. and Mrs, Vernon Maioou8 9 :30; Momne Prayer and termon year of· testmg. Hattie LeF&ver of Franklin and ville, Sunday. a member of t.he Odd Fellowsl Hubert Gregg, Centervil1e, \Vas reand chUdren and Mr. and Mrs. at 10:30. In contrast with the- average MI'l\o Belle LeF~ver of M~rrow A picnic dinner was Mr\'ed ' Geoqe Henderson apent the porlie-d in serious condition at MI- Lodge in Spring' Valley, being the .yield of Jersey cowa in the Alex. were caJlers at th~ hOllle of Mr: cafeteria styl. on the lawn at member of that organiza· oldest ami Valley Hospital. w~k-end in Detroit. ander and Trout herd the average and Mrs. George Hartsock. Sun. noon and wall follo1¥ed by a m ••i. ST. AUCUSTINE CHURCH Miller operated a farm OWlled tion. production of all ages on farms day evening. cal program. . He leaves to mOurn hIs going. his The Woman)a Auxiliary of' by his father, E. R. Miller, of Leb Father Newton. Putol' in the United States in 1934 was . . T,hose taking part on the :proMary'. Church, will meet with Mrs anon. A widow and four children' wife. three children, seven gran~l estimated to be 158.3 pounds of M~ and Mrs. N. P. Clyburn, of Maft at 8t. A~stine's Churcb W. H. Allen on Friday atternoon. children and j~our great gran(1 butterfat, 4030 pounds of milk per Washington C. H., and Mrs. Ella 'gram 'were Mr. and MrtI. Ha1'VeJ survive. very second and fourth Sunday September 13th at 2 o'clock. . Fulkenon and IOn.. Meara. K.e nchildren. He wail made quite happy cow. Babb, of Spring Vallfi\Y, were neth, Oscar Lee and Lawrene. f'th. month. . by the visit of his oldest greale MIAMI VALLEY PWA callers at the home of Mrs. Anna Fulkerson, Mr. Waltel' GibboDII Reduced pricel in dry cl~aning. Cad~l1ader and Miss Clara Lile and Miss Mildred Mason • . Xenu.; . PROJECTS REJECTED grand child from Denver, Col., tW() Men'. aqita and ladles' dress" 50c ·\I't'AYNBSVILLE CHURCH years ago, Saturday eyening. Mr, 0 8ca" Gibbon'! and Harold G. Work lIent out dally. prelSed work CHRIST Among Miami Valley works pro. Weep not that lbis toils are over. returned in four houn. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chapman Weeks, Dayton. Mrs. Oral H .... Carl SJ9itb, Milliater Cleanen. Katbl'J11 Mendenhall, jects <which are reported to have W~p not that hi. race is run ; Charles and Ropert Chapman at- Mr. Carl Wr\tht and RodD., been rejected by the public work. God grant that we rest as calml", Bible school. 9 :30 a . m. Lell80n manarer . tened a reunion of members of the Gibbons, Bellbrook and MiIIIBett,. adminiltration at Wal hington, is When oUl' work" like his, i. done. text. 2 Timothy, 1. 1-14, 8ubjec:t. stanton family at the home of .Mr . Hartsock, Waynellville. The Oreeonta I..dlu' Aid will thlt ' of th.- Mas!!ie town.ebip Timothy. A Christian worker In Guests were present fro .. By order of the county com- and Mn. Will Stanton M!6r ton, Xenia. Bellbrook. 8~Drbero Till then we wj1J yield with trladtl'aininlr. have a ChUt suppel' at the bome of achool at Harveysbur&,. Springboro. Sunday. missioners the court h ouse will be neSI, It was disclosed ~ that because of Lord's Supper, 10:30 .. m. Mr. and lin. W. A. SW81'tIDel Jr., and Warnuville. ... Chriltlan Endeavor, 7 p. m .• l.ader Satu1'da1 Septemb.r 14. excellllive cosh of materials, an in- Our loved one with Rim to keel'. closed next week from Wednesday nOOll, E*ptember 18, through And rejOice in the sweet aIlllUl,lulBcient supply of relief la Bertha Flier. GOlpel Me....,. by fl'Clm' to 9 :30. ANNUAL REUNION OF Thursday and F)'iday because of ance. and other re&llona not mention.d, C. W. Smith. '1:411. After .pendiN' a week with THOMAS FAMILY HU.D the Warren county f~b·. Be eiveth Hht loved oneil eleep. Bible stud, and prayer lemc.. atift. blre aDd at Lebanon Ill'll. eight pro pOled projects tn the Retailers wishing to proQ.ure Miami Valley wete retaeed. Wednuclay ~lIht at 8:80. lollowed 80, JOhneoD. with bu faU:er C. More thin o••hunclnd 8ales tax rectiipU, should do 80 beThe Baneyebuq requelt by choir practl~.:.- • .M. Robiber, ret1im.d to '.r bome m.d after voters in the dialaict I Lera and frienda of tile n.lgtlbo~rs, fore We4;lnesday noon. ..... in Cleyeland SIiDda,. famil7 .. .... p......., ~u'" Ie. approved a bond laue to Fanaen Villi More To_tOft RiisH tlDaftc. the dilltrict's .1Iar. of the Mr. lin. . C. WII.....,· Sbarp rile In the acreare of colt. The funds. If provided. would ApIJI'OJtIlllaW,. 100 f.I'l",.,.1 and lin. tomatoea for eannerlee io Ohio II dab.. tile achoolboard to baUd a Yidtecl the 8ak Creek _loMtn-1 tel' aile! reported by crop eltinlaton. Dur1CIIaoo1 of a1x elallll rooml ud doul watenlaed .f All --.-.. ....,... ___ "'__ . flllluu_' IIPMIali* c.... rooma.


Miami Chapter No. 107 O. E. S. met in r gular · session... Monday night. Owing to so many preparing for Bchool and the teachers so busy only a short meeting was planned. Plans ·were made for the .picnic all d instead of tlle usual basket dinner. a weiner roast <was agreed upon;. to be held Friday, Septem· ber 27, at 6:30 p. m., in the woods 011 the L. C. St. John farm. Mem· bers must bring their own welners and buns; coffee and marsh· mallows will be provided by the Chapter.




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Sl:hlllll Imbrd m

Franklin. recelv d prmously. Emmor Beedl~, Charles Irwin 'Ulna


School High Spots

R_I Enat• • ~d Frank Sibey were appointed anti 'PI,raisen of the eetate 01 Eu1a Anna Kahll:n to "11 W atkin" de~lIed. In tbe mattt'!" Mllrthli ' t('l'h en~, II 1)101'. 01 this estate an extHltlion of time Hllllan ~ownship. II tht'M) (· .. ll ~tH uti' a bill' dllLnJ.:c until Sept. 20, 1935 was granted Alice D. H we, dccenscd,· t The New Tellchero in IV'I),I1I""ill" lIi):,h Sdloul IUII I f-or makinr and returninr the in- }<'rank M. Howe, inlot No. l:3(H in his ollc~l' trainin!!, at 'rdarville \\(·'r· ~Ul. "c Will IJ 'ncfit 1>y th ' 111 . Ebt'J'hart ve rsus ventory. Theodor Franklin. Thel'(' lu1\'O) bO~'l1 thl'ee coli ge, ",hcr<' he cal'n 'd t ht' Ircn 'tewart, Iolt al for parThe estate of Frank Hartsock, Sarah E. Snider to L. . 'l'ufts, l' ·adll'n. l\cldl'tl to I Ill' h'uclli"lf d!'gl'c(' of hachelor of art Tn t he cose of The Virginin tilion. in Girb' PhyaicII I Education d cees d, ill xempt from iDh-erlt- inlot No. 5 ill Mailne ille. ~tafr lbi" yonI', they . or: Mis!! "ucntiOll. 1111'. SpenCl!r'R 1l1l\jtH'!I J oint 'tack Land Bank, of harT It (· high "e hool girls til' lonkance tax. M Ii R8 A. Eltzl'~lth lind D. C_ r.:~thc!r . lIlilh, Mi~;; \,irll'cnc Roc, a re 8ciellc on(\ math 'mali' ~ nod in!! f(II'WIII d t ph) ~i ctll e,IUCtiLioll tiff from d [endanl. harles ~ . Probato Court •• Boyd S, Ratheb r, trustce of Eltzroth to Waller V. Osborne, II 11(1 1 r. C. E. ~p('ne r. Stull, tal, judgm nt lo ~he plalnhis 111inol8 al' ~n~liE<h lUlIl sociul ('ou' ;;l'~ ~jv ' II by Mi ~s Smith, (lur al estate in 'outh Lebanon, r the estate 01 William BUl'ton, de1\I iss 'mit ll comcs to Wayne .- :'cicllc . H '. t 0, took an nclive t.i1f fr om d {en.i rttR, har1l'S W. Th will r Frankie A. Dunham I:'~ mnasium t~a 'her. Marie ham berlin on nv r to villl' frOUl Ma _ilion, hio. 'he re- part in college activitieH. lie wa ~ !lew St.ull, MlLud tull, h~tel' Camp- decea ~, was filed in Probate. cea cd, flied hi filth account. 011 the nn<t Hoor oj' the n 'w Beckett lind Rebt'C(' Iiftord . Leroy A. Ellis, dministrator of ceived her degrl!o of bachelor of ben Elb rt . ~inton, arah Minhar! 5 . 11'\\'in, guardian Il memb I' of the! ba8~ball. IInll bllg, ~c h ll()1 building th 1'0 has been ducat.ion nt _Humi l\l'tbull !.c.·lImt>, the _ M . •• A . mll(l c n Kids' dre ~s illg uod onllultop and Edith Townsley, in the Maie Runyan, fil ed his flrst and the ~tate of Samuel A. Ellis, de- D, Beckett inlot do. 141 in Leb- ~cit' llc !' in anon. ceased, filed his inventory. Univers ity at Oxford. Her ('01101;0 8um ,f 21!6,69 with inter si. final account. talil'n l'Ullln M i ~>I ' nli~h is girls adEthel E. Pick ring to Minnie majors were in mathomatic and auilld, nnd the" (\(ide" tltnff. The eatate of Joseph Whets I, h th case of Fl'eda Graham The will of Mait' Runyan wae vi,; o,', liocl coach in truck, vollil Y Mae Pu .. mill, l' 0.1 estnt in' est Latin and she holds minOt'S in dec ased, is relleved from adrninT eaclur. Hold Firat Meeting venu Ray Graho ,a divorce we. admitted to Probate. Charles . ba ll. (nd vIlI'iOU~ gy mllo ~iu m proip . Wayn e t o\\'nsh English and physical edu cation. The Wayne township Leach.ers jl·(·t I which \ ill bo iniliatl'd thi ~ I'rl\nted UI plaintiff. Irwin was appointed executor, no i tra tio n. The ilize n Building, Loan & l\li ,,-~ ' mjlh received mRny h\>nors Sales by Lloyd Colliver and Lee held theil' fir t meeting for the In tI,( a~ of ,{m'iaret E. Folk bond requir d. G. F. Brown, H. E. y :11'. Ii illgs Ass ociati o n, to Mari e "~rl!u Lulu M. ~n clJ, ·et I, cause Rudman and . Eulas were ap- man colliver, administrators of the Katherine Patton, rcal state in at Miami. She we.. a member of : l/I'esellt school year la t. WI'<llle''rhrnugh tlle SU llllll r thO' tenni ~ estate of Cynthia June Colliver, El,. Sigma Phi, honorary Llltin dny ' v ning. Plalls \ or\.' rlis(!u>sed CU\I ,. t~ hove not b e ll \I ~C U Hud ill dieml ed, pOintOO Ilppraisllrs. Franklin township. . de eased, were approved . frnternitYi the Kappa Delta Pi, fOI' futuI" rn 'ting and olher H I'C 1I0W /.:'1'OI\n over with weed s. The following a('counts were ap In the ea t' 01 Ro a ook versus I n re: estate of Cora A. 'Mill- Fl'tlnk G. Simpson and tinnie honomry education socil'ty; routine niatLers \ r tuk II up. l' lllll~ hllv e hl!<'1l discu sed nboul B rt GarY It W8S dismissed. prov d allowed and confirmed b to V stal n. Putton an ,1 impson eT, deceased, IransIer of real LilJE!rnl . t1..~ club, for her excel- otlll1lit.l s we r PPQint 'tI for clt'nning ol\' !lnd I' conditioning Th ca e of elphin Greenpegs the court. Marie K. PaUon, real · tal~ lenc in Iiteratur; Women!s thre sl)cial functi n, one o [ them. Miss 'mit h will bO' tho v r8US W n'en M: "well w disFlorence Shumaker and Elva tate was ordered. In Te : guardianship of Neil J,'rankJin town hip. Athl tic A sociation B aru; and whi b is to be held oon. Th next girl,,' t 'nnis instructor lind Mr. ml sed. Earnhart executrice-s of the e8Jennie Bnio to MOI'ell B. ingle- th.. lnssl!'nl elub; al 0 a Latin regular 'meeting \ ill take pllice Gant will h~ boy' instl'llct())·. In th c s of P. W. Brehm vel'- tat-e of Lydia E. Keenr, deceased, Shawhan , a minor, transfer ton, inlot o. 30 in L banon. stock is ord ered. ,'oei ty. She wa vel')' acl iv(' in Oct b I' ninth and will b' in IUS Laura Sheet, et 111 John' W. First and final. 1·h. ('ollnty I ·nnis matches oC E. impson to Schenck 'Mary Alfred G. Watkins, executor, of callego athletic" being a member chat'!;c of MI'. Turnel·. Holt was appoint d receivel'. C. H. Young administl'l1tor of III1It )'1'1\1' have not be n compleled. imp on anli Eth I T. Null, inlot or the hockey, baseball, . oecer, In the use of Lorene Bernal'd the estate of Josephine- Burlon, the estate 01 Eula Watkins, de- o. 707 in Franklin. PI' h lily he tl'op hy will go to Wekome ! cealed, filed his inv ntory, volley ball, and ba kelbull teams. ver us laud~ Bernard, a divorce decea ed. Firat and final. Klnl . Kitzmiller to arl \ . ·tudenls and t a hers welcomed '0 11 in ucd on Pag :1 ) The e tate of Frank N. Comb e , 1\ji s Roe's ·bom is in CamBelle tcLane administratrix of wa granted the plaintiff. Cust.ody Fry, reul e tate in D erneld town bri dge, Ohio, where she was a number or n e-w fnce in the o.fof the chjld was given to plaintiff. the estate of J osep,h Herry:, .dece,tl8 deceased, wa found to be exempt hip. from inheritance tax. grn(luated fl'om BI'own High 'ficial rnculty-fall'lily this ye~.... In the ea e of Th& lJoard of ed. Fitst and final. ornelius J\oninlr t o . d\lring the The estate ot Amos K. Hough, chool. Ror d gree, a bachelor of Numel'ous w dding Grace Wadsworth, guardian of Education Lebanon Village School i1110t No. 32 in Malon. rts, she }'!!ceived at Deni on ~Un)met· gave us fivenam Iy l\! t'~ '1 I tt ict ver sus Douglas Hollings- Hazel M. Wadsworth, et ai, deceased, is hereby relieved f!'om Harry C. Monr()e to Ask f or a administration. n ivcrslty, Gl'anviJ1~, Ohlo. he Turnel', Mrs. FI'unk, II'S. B od~ n­ wo~b, it al., the defendant, First. Youn!!', tru tee, relll estate bender, 1\1 rg. OI'own, and Mr. The will of Elizabeth S. Harlan majol'('d in education, psychology, Miamisburg Permanent D glas Hollingsworth is granted Elizabetb Graham, guardian If Tu rtlecreek town 'hip. deceased, was filed in probate. Engli. h and French, and minored Kersey. leav to file anawer and cross Dennis Graham, ilLSane. Third. The Morrow National Bank to Tbe scb edule of debts of Aaron In addition to thtlsc, lhel'e are Concrete p etition. L. S. Shawhan, Trustee of the Harry Ke) ey and Ida Mae Kel ey in history anu science. Du:ring her In the case of Fannie Highfill, estate- of John M. B radley, deeeas Brofman and Nathan Fred, ex-ecu- inlot Nos. 32, 33 and 34 in Mol' fou r years thl'll'e sh wa a mem- al 0 Miss mith, n~s Rol', IInli Mr Sea l Burial Vault tou oI the estate of olamon Fred b t· of the Ma quer' Play a Spencel', who Ilre n ow 1\ part of by J . W. Jobn on, her father, edt First. row. this group, having (lome to the For ale only by ,versus Edwin B. Highfill tbe defen L. S. Shawhan, Trustee of the deceased, wa approved. Pling Herbert Whitacre and dramatic society, al 0 a member teaching tafT with the opening of In the matter of the estate of of the Deni on chorus, an d she wa dQnt is ordered to appear on estate of E. K. Snook, decea. ed, Lillie Grace Whitacre to Charles Sarah L. Bell, decea ed, it is or cbool last week. Your Funeral Director S pember 7., 1936, to show First. , Irwin and Om!1 L. I rwin, · real both secretary anu tr~al<ul'et· of dered that Ral'ry Fry, admi nistra. the Panbel1enic counci1. Mis Roe eauee 'Why he should n<lt be punish }foe 1\lI11er and Edward Woolestate in TurUecr,e k town&bip. School Teachen Attend Summer hi Omega, AftlOr checking over the t acher's ed for ~ntempt 0 ' COUl't. lard, administrators of tbe estate tor, pay to himself in addition to J enatta' farlott and George P. is , a member of McClure Funeral Home In the case of ' nion J oint Slock of Mary Wharton, decealtCd. Fint his stat utory compensation of Marlott ' to B ssie H, Ballentine national social sororit.y . found aC tivi ti s this U11)111 r w $81.39 an addition al sum of $35 'PI ingJield is theh o~ of Mr. Land Bank of Detroit, a c()rpora- and fina1. W a,. Den'lIIe, O. real eState in 'Holly. that sev ral attended summer Phone 7 tion Vr sus .Mary McKinney judgRobel't J. Shawhan, executor of fo r extraordinary ~ervices and to George E. Myen to Stanley and Spencer. Rowever, he received .chool. il, $1 00 for at, Donald Dilatu ment to the plaintift in the sum of the estate of Eliza hawban, detorney fees. The admini trator Ollie teele, 38.14 acre in Harlan =.-==-============-====""' . Mr. Garst took course in hi tory ,'1,745.65. ceased. First and final. and ducatlon Miami univ!!l' ity nled his first, linal and di tributive town hi p. to Holland. board an d care Vernon , In the case of William E. James The estate of Frank M. GreatThe Morrow N,l1tl'onal Ba'nk 1 P TT II d $6 M L· G bb d Oxford; Mi s D,y ulso attlfndt'd account. versus Clarence S. Jamt8, ~t a!. house, deCC1lsed, is exempi from ~E'.al estath in Mor no an, ; rl!. luU a ill', U ' • d '" board und cnt'e Lincoln Gabbard, .nlOnU fOl' a course in e ucntion; Carl elbel, executor of the es- J ohn E. H(lld en • Ch.uters D. Maple was apopinted inheritance tax. row. $6: Ml's. Elmer Lucy, board l\nt! Mi II :R ed r nnd ~ r. lllcDonald rua dian or Dorothy May James. The claim of Clinton D. Cor~i n , tate of Pbillipina Seibel, deceased Peter Wikoff Ho s to Lou E. Partition was ordered. against the estate of O. W. Brown filed bis first, final and distribu- Van Harlingen, rc!al estate in Mil. cal'e Frank Lacy, 6; Mrs. Oma both went to Wilmington college. In the case of the Southern Ohio deceased, amounting to $1500 wa tive account. Frnnk Fair ElI'hibit Planned Osborne, board and car In regal'd to the guardianship son. SuviJlp Bank and Trust Co. vel-- Iou nd just and valid and. the exBallinger iI'gil 1 'aacs and Waltel' Th e home economics nnd agricul John W. and M: a rgaret E. Clark U-\ 'rhe Jun ior Order United Am. ecutors are ordered to pay .aid matter Chl'istopher C. Bowman, in to Albert Corne\!, 44.66 acres in Barl w, ~30: Jame MOot·, bOIlt'd ture claslS~s are Il lanning an exconlpetent, $25 '\s to be paid to .fieaD .Mechanics Lodge, No. 265 clai:m. care Lucy MOOI'C, $5 i Mrs. hibit lit the Warren County ,F air, Warrell and Montl!fOmery coulltles. and lra Eltzroth, board and Cal'e of Pleasant P~, confirmation, The inventor)' ot Dean E. Stan- Harry Gray 10r attorney fees. Jame Brown Qt'ouch, deceased, LebRnon, next w~ek. The home deed and distribution. ley, executor of the estate of Ena Mali&!la E. Bowman, guardian filed to Ruby Jane Fh:lgel, et al, real Alice 'tat'key, $6; The Columbu at IwiJI disp lay economic cia' c_ In the cue of The Miami Val- T . Stanley, deceased, was approv- her flrst and final account. Blank Book Ifg., Co., 1 book t!wing project that Wllre comROOT FOR AND CONSIGN In the case of Karl D. Dakin, estate in .Lebanoll. le, Buildin.. and Loan .Association ed. Alice Cord~ Clrouch et, ai, to Vcn(l r license in duplicate. $2. pi ted last yoar.Their exhibit al 0 ,our Caltle, haas, sheep and calve. administrator of the ' estate of Har Freda Lakens, executl'ix of the versus. Travia Barnes, et ai, judgCbarles H. and Stella Corwin, Teal 50; The Dayton lencil WOI'ks Co. includes a well balllnc~d diet, to Norris-Brock Co., live wire and ment in t,h sum of $!906.20 was estate of MOI'y E. Conley, deeeaa- mon C., deceased, to SaTah estate in Lebanol'. 1 rubber tamp for Recorder, 54c witb othel' special til ts and menu pNgres8ive firm f?r th& highest . E. Dakin, et aI, the court finds it allowed the plaintift from the de- ed, flIed ber inventory. Vltio, Inc., Ditto cable, ~1; Th Prop r table service, with the cor- ma rket pricea and good service. Elinor M. Mullenix, et ai, tIl Unron St~ck Yard,' CinclDllat;, O. fllDdant, Travia Bal'nes. The estate of Alice D. Howe, de is necessary to eell real estate and Mary Jo ephine a,nd Hayes Leach , Gem ity Bille Print Supply rect table set-up will ' be ",hown. TU1.e in on Radio Station WCK'Y. In the ca.. of T.he .Miami Val- ceased is exempt from inberitance L. S. Shawhan, W_ G. Rockhill and in lots Nos 122, 123 a nd L211 in Co., 233 q, ft, twp. and county Tile F. F. A. will have all ex- 12 :26 to 12 :3 0 p. m, fol' our dan, ley Buildine and Loan As ociation tax. Frank M, BG'We, executor Ohal'les J. Wagoner were ap- Springboro. mops $14.11 The Oregonia Bridge hibit; theI'e will also be ind ivi- m al'ket reports . versUi Travis Barnes, et aI, judg- filed bis application for a certiA- pointed to appraise the property . Hannah A. Shiimp, deceased, to Co., blue print, $3.76; Dr. H. M. dual di play . In tbe case of Kal'l D. Dakin, ad Williams, investi jtation inbo death ment in the sum of $2642.67 was cate of transfer. He also tiled his !.. Ed. M. and MyrolB R. J ohn ton rea l mlnistl'ator of the estate 01 .nowed the plaintiff from the de- first and tinal acc-ount. of hurles W. Beal, $6.20 . Dr. H. Chance. in Our School e1!tate in Le~anon. Our schoo l has the b nefit of fendant, Travis BarnC8. E. B. Murrell, administrator of Aneline H. Dakin, deceased versus Louis J. Bishop to Mary Flisher M. Williams, lnve tigatlon into Lhe In th6 cue of The Miami Val. the estate of John A. Murrell, de- Sarah E. Dakin, et al, the court inlot No. 6()9 in Franklin. death of May Ert I Whitacr , $6; some additional ubjects this ~year [e), Building and Loan A880clation ceased, . ftled his first, flnal and finds it is neceB8ary to sell Teal Oakley R. Un :Iesby and Carrie Dr. Frank Dilntush, tonsiUectomy 'Ve have the study "Democracy" estate and L. S. Shawhan, W. G. venus &I ie Vandyne judgment distributive account. , M. Unglesby to Charles T. Ellis, operations, $ 100 ; J. Hem), Kipp, II our fit· t venture into social in the sum of $621.23 was allowCharles S. Irwin, trustee of the Rockhill and Chal'les j. Waggoner real estate in Wayne township. mbraces bridge plank lumbel', $82.06; ' science. Tbi subject ed the pl intiI'. ,estate of Gra.nville P. Decker, de· were appointed to appralie the S~tb Greely, 3GOO ft. lumber, eeono!ll ics, government a:nd to a Al'thur Bowen to J ohn R. pro~rtJ. ceased, tiled his first accQunt. ., certam eitent-ttre social ord r. Schweitzer and lBessi& Schweitzer $lBOj The Or()gonia Bl' go New Suta James E. McOlure ,w as appointed real e1!tate in D.eerfield town ship. beame, channels, plates and bolts, j!'or those who are so inclined thi Margaret E. Folk, versus Jennie adminilltl'ator ()f the estate of AnAnnette Rogers, deceased, to $467.64; The Union Gas &; Elec pl'omises to b a mQst helpful 'ubMarri... Lic..... ' J. Snell, for partitloD. nette Rogers, deceased, and filed Ernest C. and lrt:argaret Rogers, tric Co ., 695 ft. 18 inch steel pipe ject. Calvin O. Augspurger, teacher iDIot No. 11 in WayneSVille. P. W. Bl'ehm veraus Laura bond of $600 with sureties. He In coming up to tate requ iI'e$347.60; Zain Armitage, torpedo Sheets, et aI, to foreclose mort- filed hill application for a certlfi- of Hamilton, and Miss Freda L_ Cora A. Millel', deceased, to grave l, $3,40.48; J . D. Adams Co. , m nts our school iSi providing phyCooke, of Franklin. ',..e. • cate of transf~r. Ha!,'la D. Miller" inlot No. 76 in blade~, $42; Sam Smith, 1 used ieal education for girls IJ,nder the Ella Hoover venus Glenn Hoov· In the matter of the estate of CbarJee H. Hobson j fa.-mer, of L ebanon. generatol', a.60; Th e Klinger CO mlJctent guidance ot Miss $Jllitb er, fllr diyorce. jObaree is gross S. Hettie Co novel', incompetent, Morrow, and Mila Mlle Sayman, D' Is Co., 150 ft. rope $25.88; ,For t he p8 t 'few yen'r ~o'y$ have Phone 78J neglect. $420 was allowed U. G. Conover, beautician of Morrow. Se I'IS & Bolanger, 46.44; . K. been able to obtain only d sultory Billa Allowed Fred Baird, rigger of Franklin Barvef 1.. Rl'e versus The Penn guu dian for services and '75 to Pierce, gasoli ne, $43.07; The physical education but this year it sylvania Railroad Company, a Shawhan and Brown, fa)" attorney and Miss Margaret Catherine Mrs. W. C. Roberts, board and incinnali Oil W ork Co., supplies i being d.efinitely planned and eo:rporation, for injunction. fees. These lIums were in addition P.()mb~ factory . workel', of care W, C. Roberts, $5 : Mrs. Julia and gasolin , $54.68. carried out under the coach, ~1r. Oodenbender, and the a tant '!S NOTARY PUBLIC coacb, Mr, SIlencer. Physical . education for boys is to consist of Natioaal Beak more than just a softball team and basketball team. Supervised tennis Will. O"''WD • • E.tate. S.ul.d . WAYNESVILLE, OHIO is added and arrangements are made so tbat all have a chance to lJlirticil'ate. . FOR. SALE DATES C~LL Anothel" new class is that under Mi-. Fl'ank's direction in music appreciation and t he history of music The e two al'e ,g iven t he same period, half the ~eriod be ing devQted ~o each: In the bistory oi .. men on,.the marckcall when mu~i c clas!! he hopes to start' with they sro,plOT rest and t he music , of the, sava ge which is JESSE STANLEY t he 11~0l!t "primitive and show how it has developed gl'adul\lly througb 120, New Ba..lI.,to., OIdo the ages. One detail will be the qe~lopment of notation. Closely EARL KOOCLER related but not identical is the Oa,toD PIl... music appt;eclation. this class be KEDDlore •••• hopes to conduct a study of the masters, both past and present, ~lenty Study will -be made of their lives, types of music each produced and the outstanding contribution of c<a ch. This pr omises to be of vital interest of the music students of our high school. ' FOR SALE A regular class in publl,c speaking and debating is scheduled for . t he last semester. It will be taught FOR SALE-Grapes. Inquire at t his office. in the fourth ,period,' replaCing the music appreciation and music FOR SALE-Kelso lind pamson history class. It is intended that PI.urns. J ~ McMillan., .Route 1, out of Uris class should be picked Wa.yne,s ville . ' ~ 12 · a debating team and al 0 a number of aple cqntestants for' our FOR SALE-Seed Rye. d. L. Kenrick, Dayton...Lebanon pike. R. annual , oratorical contest later ' in R. 2 Waynesville. s6-12 the scbool year. Th~ sophomore c1aS$ and the inc,o ming class of" freshman ne so FOR SALE-A nice line of bo% stationery, 2,4 aheeta and 24 en. large that it was fou nd advisable to Illace the freshman class on the velopes for 26c; Show-Pie, 18 , main floor oi tbe high school eheets and 16 ~nvelopes for 10 building and to divide the sopho- cents; waxed paper, white tluue more class int\> two sectiolls. This paper, paper napkin!!, at, Gazette relieves the congl!1ltion up stairs OlBce. considerably. PIPE, VALVES and FITTINGS The building itself has been for Water, Gas Steam WeUa changed during vacation, under and Spr.ying. Cistern ·h and, Electhe able hahds of Mr. Smith our tric and SpJ'a)' pumps. Plumb1na " jan.itor and hahdy-man. The {unch Heatlne Supplies lowest pric.. and rOOnl haa been partitioned to h ~heet Quality at The Boaldetmake a nice home economics room. KiDr Co., Xenia, Ohio. Wriba DB Our library, too, has been entir- for prices. mI ely remodeled, 10 much so in fact that we eould eearcely recolrDiae WANTED it, Mr. Smith bad built entire l1ew ,belvel with about dOllbl. the





----, ----

F. ·r. Martin Auctioneer


Centerville, Ohio






Stanley &Koogler-

"Cigarette Halt"-that's what it a cigaretw.

.Auctioneers '


Cigarette Halt. Pass around the Chesterfields. It's a corking good cigarette. They have taste, yes, of it, but not strong. Chesterfields are lrIuld, but they are not insipid or fiat. Pass around'the Chesterfields



eaPilcitr of



Hutinre. Mr. Rr tl·l!. hllwnt. furt!, Ml " J . 1'. Kl'lll'l' Ilouk. (,Iuthilll:' l\l r:< . hal't. Mrs. EI'ncl'o l 1<'"r(·~1. (;1'uhlll1l,

aeeident or a convletion for drlvInre while intoxicated. according to a rulinll' by the .ttul'Dey general. Tht' ol1inioJl hdd that v n in thc:~o ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY ty.u CI1S(,~ the regilltmr may H)YOke the lie n. e tmly when the Ollic. P....... No liZ Enlered at Po.toUlce at Waynu- 1Jl'L'~()n !\ubmits 1.0 the jurisdiction L . " . : ". . .. ...... ... . vill e. Oblu. a. o:el'nnlS Cia •• Mall of the j u!;ticc of Lh\! fleace COUl't 5.uacrlphoa Price, fl.IO a Year Matter and waive his ri~h (0 II. jury trilll in writing 01' entel's a plea or guilty here ~ complaint has b en SEPTEMBER 12, 1935 madll by the party injur d.



Beech Gr()ve

K. Jo~. Thompson, ~fr. and Mrs. MylJlh I'llw(' II and Dnrthy 111111; Kuthll' ~n 1'h'''''I1"on, 01. II Lt,,, i<, Bud \'1lJ:l·l. EUgl'lll' :\lcCir"th. Ol1al ~lc(~I ' uth 1\l'I(' UUlull~ thOR' whu IIll noll' li church at Clark."Ivillo . un" !! ), l'vlI li ng to helli' Rl'v. MIS .JIlh n ~IlI'Il H'I' l! Ol C'incinnuti. , A n.." hum hand has c()mc t.o lIlah hili ho me .... ith :'Ilr. (lnd )it'B. ' . II. M ~IX!1n nea l' Greon Bria r. R u .ru~ HolJerts and fal nil y SIll'll t !-iatunlay eve ning' with P. O. \\' (' 11 " IInei fum ily. The Huy"li p l u mil y (I f neat· Wilm ington were a tnonJ( th tl!lC who atte nded chu rc h at Orccn Brim' Salunl y (:ve ni ng.

mallda tarr .n~rt.llintd· G , 1 l.u unda),. I' lative from Dayton on suncla),.1 i4r. ii" • • F.m 1\1 I'. R. A. "'raneis, a\tended a or II ft. IYD\ yille t. Supl·rint nth-nt's met-ting in and MI',. Cha~. Kd ...ref. Tu ••da, olumbu. Wl'dnesday. "ttl.'[' noCln. , M iKS Rht'Q Me BI'ren has I'eturn Mrs. Hattie Smart oC Clndn naU '<1 (!'tIm a delightful trip tl) New SPl'lIt Sunday wilh home folk Mexi("O, I )Te. Th £' Hilarity Illb mot at the .IrR. EtlyLb Herman iR IIpend in, h omo of MI'. and Mro. Howard thi s week In t:.:incinnal.i,


K. ~:. Tho mps' n II n(1 family hall f or·thl' il· .'un day uJ'lel'nncJl) ('ulle)' uperint ndent Samuel H. Orland o BrunlHln tlnd \lif<: :md Siluire of the division of banks l'e- Ednll Doug!! of X nin; anll W. 11: ' d th changes l' n Ohio Terr" cd th is plllel' . It i!\ impo>'sibl e t o driv e nnywhere- in America t oday without en· b~~k~ng i~:~tutio n8. The. omThe B cu~ol1 fllt uilv \lil l 11l0V ill ~ untcring II pati ent, d\'o op~ houldcr d chap wh o sLands by th e road- munlty Bank of Nupol on hM th e nem' f ut UI".' [ r um 1'Ol't Side unci 'onti nu oUl-ily j I' ks hi ~ thumb acl'oss hi s chest. been Iicen cd to I'eop~ n; th Farm· William to theil' home here. II t 'lH'oducLs of the auto ers Depo"I ou h VI'enna , W e at'e ~o n'y t.,. l:e)1I II' ~,,1 i. I Iis th e hitch-hiker. lie o f the 8trange~ . ~ ' t Dank of ag , I \ II ~ Uing t o l.le a promin nt part of the Am ' rican land cape. hIlS \) en closed f or voluntary J osep hin e and lIl r. Gl'ay "uilt. H e i~ also g et ti ng to b an intense pain in the neck. liquidation; and the Comm er ci al ill al thi. w l'jt mlj at th !! lr home 'J'h e laO'l t band conc i rt of t he Just why it shou ld be co ns io cre d propel' fol' a man to stand by State Bank of Napoleon has b en in Wt· ll l)l n. WI.' all hup!! 1'0 1' Il ~ ('Il ~u r\ wa ~ I'e ndered lu st Thul'.ihe I' oads id a nd be~ free transportati on f rom total str angeJ'!\ V' some· granted a license- fo r th _ole pUl'- s peedy I' cIJ ve l'Y.. i'h,ng of a III ~e l· y. If h s hould ambl e up t o a p dcstrian and say pose of permitting it to tra nsfe r The ]> Iitic:d Pet It a , b('gun 10 du y 'venin~ to n lal'ga, and up IH'lti ali ve CI·OWc.l. T he ' conee n s " I want t o tak e the next ~rl\in to BingVille-w.ould you mind s lipping it!! assets and liabilities to t he hoil in t his La" n ~ h ip. were Spll nl'll l'ed by OUI' local m ihl·ce- nin ety· fiy c ?" lhe Jl d Sl rian wo uld lose no time in telling ommunity Bank. Oli ve!' J ucob ' an d Hlln a Ra.; .K . met:chant" and a l:o by sO lli e other lli m wh el e LO go ; but IlUt th e p d trian behind the whee l ?f a car rn b' h t I E. 'l'h umpMIIl l mo ;Qctcd lIu · in C!~ I u. i n ss n10 n of nl'igh bo ring t owns a nll I ,t th e hitch-hiker make a r q u st wh ich amounts t o precisely. the • WhO nebw . Ig ~vadY p~ rO k":le ~ I;n W ayne~I' iIIL' and 'on vi n ~1 0n- "hith was muc h ap preciated by ~J,l m thin g:, and nei th er puty s (!oS anything C!sp ecially odd about It. may ave een cl a~s as roo ICS day. • oUt' l>and. Unquestioned But th e hitch-hikel' i!\ somethinl!: more than a nuisance. Am t'ica last week whe n t hey were 1"\\' 0 111 III )Iq C b ' f d th h d ' d n .... V .. en III fl l'll1l1! a t t hC · ' ffi MI·:\. 11 ruert Can ente r tainod -durability and i. full of nuisances anyway. and OIlC m (}J'e 01.' less hard Iy. ma k. ed Into 0 ee to l' C a n sta l·t , on I J W Etl"'a r d ' f' · 1 h b h ' b 'd . h' h . . ~ a I m IN C a~ ean the tcache l's of o ur s hoal at a s ix l'ln ' t noug h diffen nee to be worth talking about_ Th e re arc times an l ell' way to a m 1'1 ge, In w Ie 1"01'(1' 0 a 1Il'In I' exquisite design o'clo ck e1inn I' la st F t'iday' ven' . r bl ' f t d' ..... I. 'h '. . d t · '" ~ It 111ng o n . plnccs whe n the hitch·hiker is an' actual mellace t o pu I~ SI1 e y. ISuIC " ey we l e a sslg ne 0 Th e mal,y fli en 1. of ~i l' s' \v'1 ing .. I- the highest ideals in plat~ war:-are us,;",ed in FOI' instan ce ; th e police at Wichita, Kan .• got cunou,s recently I duty, but an ha ul' l.atel' they earn e~ I J ean C;n ~je will (be! g lad •t u k~l ~~~ .Mi,;s Kathle en Gt·uy mel. wit.h Qn spoons, forks, and fancy servmg PIece. the a nd took all the hit chh ikers they could find down to b dquar~er~ to I thc respect of t he ll' veUwan u pel'l ~ h e has ~ u v e red fro m hel' I cc:tJ nt a ccide nt lust T hu rsdll Y ev ning renowned trade marl . \}' fi ngel'p r int d. Tn ey f ound tJlat t wo of every five had Criminal or s. Th ey weI' Plltro lm ~n Kad illn 58 and i. able t o be hac k in whilQ in an a Ulo mibi le wi t h s me Bu hong an d W. D, Man ner . . n c hCl(J1. r eco rds. other you ng fo lks. W c at'c glad no F or an othe r in stan ce: mU1'l.lel's o~ n:o~ori t s by hitch. hike rs h~ve w~y ~o th e G ~el'n s~y ou nty .d lslil't l' J ncoli a nd f a mily en- on "llIl el iousl y hUt·t. b n r eco rded r cently in Oregon, Vlrglnl!!, Nebras ka. New MeXICO, t rl c~ In a p~tI O ~ c!J-r they heal d 11 tertll ill d 1\11'. hll tt:s lind fam ily of M i ~s Kathleen GI'uha m has \l een und Oklah oma. Oklah oma, a a matter of fact. ascl'ibes mot'e t han radiO bulle~m Iistt ng a cal' t h ft. 1n ea r Waynesville Bu nd ilY cven ing mployed li t t he W hite Ho use half a dozen 'l'ecent kill ings to hitch-hiker s, wh ile Oregon has had A ~e w h~lIlu~e ' la,tel' . on t he Ge neva p owe ll spent IU$t w~k restaul'allt at Wilmington. There are various ~akes of silverplated tableware Ih rcjl. a t lOnnl Ig h"uy t hey I c~o v ered with her bro the l' Ani and f a mily. Mr s. Sadie Reason ente .... a ine d It m ight a lso b e r e mem!> 'I'ed that whj!n Pret t y Boy Fl oyd was t he car a nd Infested t he ul'lver. Elb<!1 t W ell ill quit e ill at th is M I'. and Mrs. Percy Rea on und I which are claimed to be "just as good," but. tile all finally hunted down and kill ed 'n Ohio he was in t h process of hitch !.. -- - - - ·w riti ng. Miss Ruth H ockett aL din ne r on imitations, they lade. .the heauty and wearing qua!:tr. hiking 1\ I'OSS the counLt·y. SCHOOL HIGH SPOTS A ll . J orda n is trt'nti,ng hi ~ ho me Su nda y. identified with the original and genuine ROGERS BROS. I Th e or dinary Am erican is a pretty goodnatul'(!d Bort of p erson, to II new coat 01 pllint.. Mr . and Ml·S. Karl Sh idak er and ~arepopularly k1loWJlas'" S,lper Plate t at W,arl. " and I I; is t his fa ct that the hitch-hike r trad s n. He collects a great (Continued from pllge 2) J uhn Wil. on a n d si ter ~:Iiza beth fum il y at t~nd e d the Shldaker deal ot J' r ' e transport ation, promotes th e xistence oj' II vagabond clas ' MOt'I'OW, Playel's of W. H. • are a nu 1111'Y W il son ; of Leba non, re uni on at t he home of .M r. and ~~ Sold by 'eacling dealers ~verywhere. ~ Send for a j\n e opening f or a lot of loo king forward to II ne w set of !lp nt s eve ra l days last w" ek wi th MI" . Ed wi n Shidaker. wh ich does th e countr y no good, and crea catalogue $howing all dC$igns. . Mrs. Lissa ul'l ha I' turned ma es this fall t o be fo llowed by their gi Bter 1\1 r. and Mrs. Alm on 0ldfa8hlon d hig hway robbery. OmEN BRITANNIA CO .. ('.n ••• ;.:!'~~~VI. oo"lcrMIeI, Ceu. C home f ro m a trip through the As all individual. the·hik I' may bC! II likable. chap. A an mor e next spr ing li nd a count y F el'l'iH. I i ns titution. he is getting to , b '}lretty tryin". On wond rII just how award to go to the. chool winning Mr. tind M rs. Ma l(;olm P owell, outh. mu~ ~n gM ~ e Am \'k~ mo~ri~wnl p~ up will hi~ - T~ t ~ m pd pm ~i n~eRhool~~ ======~,~~~~=====~~======= ;::~~=~=========== ,==~~=================~ Ashtabula Star· Beacon. of 1035-193 6. ======================= ~======~

Menace As Well as Nuisance













I Farm hight 7 alks, September 16 8 :00 Mus ic :05 The Fit'st Stato Fail' at th

:15 Evel'gr

PrcsC! nt



H. E. Eswin L. C. Chadwick

ns .

8 :2G Mu ic

8:40 t ·ow Studc nts 1I Ip to Pay Theil' Way Through College . :50

.. H. W. Nisonger. Robert C. Clark It how' i n bio L, P. McCann . .. ... ., N\ltrition Talk .. ", . ... Lelia C. Ogl Mus ic r p "a.nd Lives tock Production for 1!J35 ....... V. R. Worlz Planning foJ' N xt Y 'lI r's Pastul'e . .D. R. Dodd WOSU Plily 1S


Orcheatra O rca.nization Fricla y. t we n ~y Waynesville hig h school stud ent!! m et to organize t he high sch ool Ol'chestra. With th e aid of our instruc1.o1·, Mr Fmnk t h I on owing were chosen a s office r.': President - FI'ank LeMay, Jr. Vi e-pl'C ide nt. - Marjorie Eat'nhart. Secreta ry - Jane ook. Librarian - Dena Davis. Stage mana "ers - Milo Hartock a nd' Vi vian 'onne l" After th election, Mr. Frank discussed plans £01' a1'lling fund to buy so m a rt of uniform. 'the group also discu ss d lal'ger memb er ship plans.

~:: ~":..


','-r" ~

"~':4' I , ",,1.'.-(' .-t.,


Chapter One


VrolUlky and StlVIl!. qulQkened their pae. aa tbe. wblllltle sounded !) :10 the approaeh of tbe S't. Petersburg 9 :2f) train. ' "QuIte a ' colnclden'ce that y.tlu D:31i should be meeting youlr mot.her and fJ :45 I my 'slater at the sa:t1110 time." said Stl"a. . .''Not ao much of a c,olncljlence as my Btumbllng across you last nIght Special Mu sic Cla nea at tbe GYPSY Cat.e," Vronsky To those pal'e.nts and st.uclents laughed. "It I badn't ,pent the r~t d " 1 of the nIght sobering you up you d . t w h~ a~e. 10 re te 111 plano,. c. as never bave gotten heJ'e lhlB morno!' Indl ldual work, or any kand of In ," instrumental work, Mr." FJ'ank .an~tlya nodded gloomily. "W ell. my that. there will be provlsi- sIster Anna will ~ tblngs at bome OLUMBU Of importance tn.e hunting fatality to1l, whicn. is . . ' .. for me:' he saId Ilt length. to firm, per on s and organizations always the heaviest the first lew on fOr 1Il tructlon. Thls IS for all "She'll have to be a 1nlracle work~ doing busine s in Ohio is t he new hours of the opening da", Com- interesteQ students from grade 2 "Arter er to do ... answelred up all, tt SUva, you tell Vronsky. m e- that l'eg istl'8ction act, pU8ed by the 91 m i ' ion e-r Wooddell said. Sunday is . DolI~ knows the other woman-and G \leral Ai erobly, which i now c10s d time on all wild game ,a nd tound the lettera. Andl you stili exjn effect. It pro id s that any birds. It is unlawful to buy, sell, Rooaten Club pect your elster to make her beThe prelimmary organization of Ueve you are a mo4el husband?" p rson , fi1'l11, a sociation. society, ffer for Ie or expOse for sale h B I b I "~u don't know ,Iuma or you f undaUon, fed rution or organ- any game bid or squirrel whethel' t e ooster& c lJ took p ae on wouldn·t be so doubtful." sighed i"sti on conducting business in the killecl in Ohio 01' elsewhere. Hunt- Wednesday. September 4. At this SUva. "Sbe', the wit'e of Alexan" , time a new BY tem was explained del' Karenln. the St. P'~tersburg omtate may registel' with Secretory ing licenses may be Obtained from by our ' spon or, Mr. BrOwn, This crat. And Dolly not Olllly loves her. of State G orgt S Myers the name village clerk$, clerks of court nd but respects ber gMd judgment. syst~m includ s the selection of T L d th ttl t as the title or de ignation of the business sllccial agents named by. t.he divis- six junlol'!j anc1 Ix seniors accord- tral~eYel:~g~': 11.11 e'Wa~Poalongslae and thel'eby pI'otect it for xclu- ion oC conservation. ing to their scholastic record. Then the platform. . h I I' . f f h ' yronlky moved slOWly along the s iv U.(' . The filing f e e is $2. H eretofore the method by which a A total 0' eighty.five cases of t e popu ar se etlan 0 one res - line of carriage windows until he . ~ man and one sopho(nore to the .IIW hla mother emllilng and slgnam . was pl'~tected ~8S by inc?r- malarIa fevcr were repol'~ed to. the club will be held at an early dato&. nalllng to · him. Tbeln he stopped pol·atlon .. which entl\a1e~ a man· Stat.~ Department of H ealth sance It ill hoped that. this plan will in- sbort In surprise, imum fee of $25. B e rnlun G. the tir ~t of the yea. r it was , anh ffi' f tb I ~ . On the top step stf>od an cxqulsI crea e l e Clency 0 e c u'" In Itety beauUful , young woman, h r . . d . . . Kr tnberg, eorporatlon a vIs or m nounce<! by Dr. Walter H Hartung the coming year bearIng drees IUld mann er poised the Department of tate. sa id t.hat director. July was the j\rst, heavy . and elegant. Vronsky stared openthe new law will be of particular month for the disease, with thirtyM tL ... Cl ~ M ' Iy In admlraUol\. , ta t 11 fl a g n f - I' tft'" D ' th fi t' 0 ner a \Au ,e eb.... Counte .. Vroneky ~~ected her son ~ d v~n ge 0 s~a rm~, r a - our cases IS..... urmg e rs The fil'st meeting .of the Wayne with the proud alI'ectlon of a molher Izatlons and busmesl!!. Thla law re- twenty-three days of. August, Township Mothers' club was an for her only child-and that child lates merely to ,names and not to thirty.-eight cases of m. alaria were b " Th t II handsome man. the brilliant WllIIt h d t g bieh may be ted Th ' t f I' a u PICIOU! egmnrng. . e mee· of hla regiment and social wqrld. at e: a van a ,es , w repor , e re ~rn 0 . rna aria ~s ing was well attended'"and all were The beautiful unknown stood nearobtained by filing Articles of In- a ,h ealth problem In OhiO began III I enthusia tic abO'Ut next year's by, smiling upon thtl two of th em. corporation. 1931, t he second year of the ' k ' TL m' . . Y'ronsky's face lit wl,t h plellBure as hAil d war , . " e new 0 cers were m be realized hla moth el' waa heading d rout. of 1934 pro uced 104 c harge and at. tbe- ,o eial period 8tralght for her. "This Is Madame WAI:ning that new chanies in report.ed cases throughou t the' last year'S .executive coIl1mitte~ Xarenlna," the Counlltsil saId. "Her m ' husbo.nd, put hor In ro)1 cbarge when Ohio'~ hun ting laws must be follow state. and bls yeal' s · 0 cers mmgled we left St. PetersbUI'ir a-ncl a mqre ed to the letter was issued last Director E, L . Bowsher of the 1\~ciil\ly together. as host~sSes. delightful ~.ravellr\g ()I)'m panioll I'\le week by Commissioner Lawrence , . Mrs G C D.berl led tne de. never met. State Department of Education t' . I . : d d . ' . . So lhl. wo..s SlIva'll sis'ter! He Wooddell of the divisi\ln of CaDs rvation. The rabbit season opens announces that every possible ef- vo lana pen a , rawmg ..ap.p ro - bowed. ,b mad to provide every prlate lessons from the wrltangs of I . ':You ilon'tknow tne. ot eourse. November 15 but the game, with fort.will . e e Paul. Madame Karenlna'-" be began . . . ' "But I do," smiled Anna . "Your a daily limit of five, may not be pupll in Ohio a full 1986-36 school term. A survey of the financial In .the . teachers , popularIty motber and I been ta lking .taken before 12 noon of t he openpublic fe~t.ure , MISS Reeder s room re- ahout you a I t.he way from St. ing day. Following the start of the condition of the state's . , , celved eleven votes and Mrs. Petersburg. Sl,e talked about her season rabbits may be shot from schools showed tbat OhiO s educa- Kerse'''s nine Thea w~re the son and I t.alke~ abolJ( mine," taCT d ' h 'i h te "Mftdftme Ko.renloa has a lillie one hour before sunrise until one tional structure is materially imid . . 0 ·th th I t , t wo s n mg g es , boy" the Countus eltplalned. "It's h our afte X' sunset. Squirrel seaaon prov In compaJ'IB n Wl e as Musical numbers on the program the ' first time she e~'er I~!t hlm opens October 1, and continues term when laek of funds ,f orced were by Reba 'S utfaee anet Robel:t and she hat ... lea\l:l,lg hIm, don't . you, my dear ?' for ruteen days. Squin:els may be countless schools to close , their early Director Bowsher Earnhart. · Ru~h Hock&t~ conAnna smiled wlstfUillY. "He's my tak.41n from 6 a. m. until 6 p, m .. , 8dool'!! 'd ' . vulse<! her hsten.erll wlth an only child," . ' with a limit 01 four daily_ The al . argument against teaching Mother , She felt Vro!l8ky s !burnIng. eager gaze upon her and sbe blushed nerseason tOT Hungarian partridge vowly, "1 must I1nd· Stiva," s he Tbe state registrar of motor Goose I'hym~s to children. and ring-neck pheasants, coek The guest speaker of tbe after~ m¥.rmured. birds only, gets under wa.y at noon vehicles, under the new drivers' noon was Miss Mary Mills fol''Anna!" She whe,~led aboul at . ' SUva's call and ru.sbed blindly In responsibility law, may revoke a au November 15 and continues to merly ot the EnglISh department the direction pf bl.s voice; colliding November 25. The not-before-noon . driver's permit on a judgnient r e- of Wilmington College, a humorist wltb an 01«1 ra ilroad worker who provision in the ca e of rabbits, turned in a justlee of the peac.e of more t han local renown. Mak- w~ 8huftllng down t'be platform, .. . I)' d"d . t ' ForgIve me, youl~ Exoellency, partridge and pheasants was de- court only where there is a convic- 109 sp IOn I pam $ 1n a the man wbl.spered l1umbly. ' ciqed upon in an attempt to lessen tion for failure to stop after , an chal~acteristic 'Way she gave excel· "My fault ." smiled J\.nna g raclo\l:i' lent advice. Her topic was "The Iy; and the next moment , sbe was h I'f to ... 111 Stlva·. Ilrms. greeting him hap pi· · backgroun d . of a appy I e a!ll' ty. IlJImed.\atelY 's he telt at ease. , the subtopICS: plea ant famIly IS'he knew she could com.m and bel' lif~ serenity neatness beauty polJle It she avoided Vtonsky'8 eyes: , . ' i' . <-' ' to' With this In mind she watched tbe manners, rei glon, poew·y, wass old workman lUI he t,e.sted tbe rail. e, keep the confidence of th~children and coupllngl. Tap, tap. tap went in the home were em bellished with hie hammer j Now ' the couplings. Now tbe ral s. The r hythm of hla . . t d '11 tr many pom e 1 u s a· work torced Ilself Into Anna'8 condur- tionJI, amuslD&, es be talked daily by telephone effect.ively given. scIOU8neaa. It playel;l the obligato 'ATHOUGH Dr, ohn Milton After the adjournmen~ thirty- t~ the brief exchange of pleaaan, Smith of New I>hiladelphia ing his convaJescense. ExplaininC why he insisted on tclephoninl, Dr. eight ladle paid their dues lil- trlee between the Countus, Vronaky, was confined in a Cleveland ' h 'd ., . , Sliva and herself. It IIOmebow SUIInifYIng theIr intention of becom- talned her 811 VrQnsky took her . hospital foUowing an eye Smit sal : "I may think of something lover· ing members of the organization. band In parllng and ahe felt .. operation, he prescribed 'and dial' looked .. , a prescription a\ the drul The follow,ing committees ware tremor rush through her at hla nDled for his patients back home, store for some patient, .ome chance touch . ' announced by the president: . A. she ""Itbdrew her hand eharp· ju•• a. he has done {or more tha. in diet for another, a score 0 f t h IDII Finance Committee- Mn, Clar- ~y, a leream of terror rent the aIr . that slip a fellow', mind when he ence Rye Mra, Russell Salisbury Tile train purred anll ebulI'led Ita 56 yean. to underg,o an operation.'" , way out of tb. depot Out of noTile 79-year.old physician, who prepare. Dr. Smitb ltarted hi. life.loa. Mr.. S. S. EWs, Mrs. Harry Lewis, "'here broke a maelstrom of confuprobably ha. the lar~.t medical .Ioli. horror and chaos. Anoa d Mrs, Robert Furnu. Grade lunch- Mrs Alma Peter- look.,d about wildly peopls prac:tke Ia Tlllearawa. eouaty, wu medical career after h e Ifad tIIte from coUeae in CincinDltL cot· d 'c v "I48bed from all .Idu to .nd or too "Gay for ,everat year. te have a lapes honored him with a banquet 8011, Mra. Raymon onneT', ... n. lhe platform . There. ralla. cataract removed from his ldt eye. Its March, 1929, EveJ'J ph)rliclala ia Mabel ~vl.. the had .He 1aa117 COII,eoted to take time out T....... ..tI, ave one, at- · Bleil School IUllch-Mra. J. K. fof butin..... ~ The on. aceptioll waate4 Presto... lin. Lucill. Fire., n. 0.!) :00


Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol






Ing her band In his to rea.uure ber. Sbe raleed ber tear-filled eyea to hI. and he bent over her blUld and klesed it. Sbe tbrUled to tbe toucb of bla IIps_ For a brIef moment ebe 1000t al\ Jlense of tbe accident. the station. tbe very 'People about her. Sbe came to berself wtth a start • ber tlrst .glance falling upon men carrying the crushe<l body from tbe ralls. Anna ShIvered. "It 18 an omen:' abe wblspered • "an evil omen." and aelzlng SUva's arm. s he nodded brlefiy In farewell to Vronsky and his mother and burrled awar from the slalloD . Once a home wltb SUva and hili tamlly. Anna forgot the tragedybut the memory of Vronsky sbe could not banish. It persisted lbroughout t he long bours In whlcb s he pleaded wllh DOllY. It hovered over the daya In whlcb she devoted hel'llelf to ' SUva's cause. It .colored the happiness of her success-tor oventually Dolly did forgive SUva. In her ·heart. Dolly pItied Anna more than herecl" Despite bLa faults. she loved her husband ; but Anna could never love Karenln . Poor Anna. So young and so beau· tlful- and yet. tied tor life to an eld erly, pOmpOUS, egotistical, stupidly cold and tormal huablUld . Wbat Dolly dId not know was

At tbe - conclualon7 0f the- dlUlu. s he Bmlllngly announced her plan to return home on the morning train. Sbe saw Kitty's face light, and ber beart acbed with the full reaJlzatlon of the hurt the evenIng had dealt KItty, and wltb bel' own paIn t.n renouncIng VrolUlky" loA the St. Petor8bur~ traIn carrIed bel' through the mornlD&"s s now storm. Anna brooded upon the bleak countryside, b.r 'heut tilled wltb a rcstle.. eadncs.. At tbe tll'lIt station stop ahe IItrode out onto tbe platform. The cold cleared ber bead and after a MOrt. brisk walk. sbe turned to 'enter ber car. A man In mUltary garb etood before 'her. blocking- her palb . "lolay I help you at all?" he aaked. She looked up Into tbe · ardent gaze ot Vronsky. In s pite of berself. her face Bhon. witlr ,oy. "I dldn't know you were goIng to St. Petei'll' burg today," JIbe 8ald. "Why thIs sudden change of plan!" "Wby?" yronsky·. voice pew soft. "To M where YOU are, YOII know that.'· She bruabed put him but he Belzed ber band. "Forgive me,.. 11e pleaded. "I bad to sar. It." "You .houldn·t bave 8ald It,' Ihe alUlwered. YOII must forcet YOll said It,'· "I'll never forget anytbl~g ot

garden party thllt aoelety opell.1)'.., cland them \l nandal . Anna and Vro!l8ky played eroquel on the lawn (ar removed from' lb. terrace wbere Lidia pourecl tea ,f w her 4,uesls. ' "Do you get the w. · an beln~ watcbed ?" be whlapered: ' " "Watched!" .cbe exClaimed, "Wa',..· be'ln~ devoured." -- "-. ' "Tben let's deprive .tbue obarm-' In.. people . ot their "Ie..~·. bel' laughed. and With a pu stu.. vicious awIng. be ser1t b.r ball Ulel Ifle careenIng out of bounda OIIto a\ 'field which was waned 06' tl'ODl tb. terrace by thickly I.aved ~roIl treea. ' .' LidIa smlled knOWingly ., Mr' gue.tlts u Anna and Vrouky cI»ol appeared beblnd the tr_. At tbat l moment. Karehln arl"lved ucl IBqulred for Anna. . Lld1a poInte4 v&&'Uely In the direction of u.. treea_ A teu\" alienee fell~ '" "My d ear," said Lld1a. after a pause, "Ann« has alwaya bella 80 conservative thllt wben she Budd,B1y encourag811 tbe .ttenttona of, .: man like Vrolllky• . people"~. spread bel' hands out .. If to ... clude everyone ....mbled. "an sbocked, I t.U you th" ow beea\MIe I am your frlen4 ud .....-:,



I .. I


·' , DOCt or Ph,ones ' Convale, sc,ng ' HIS- Bedside V,eagnoses F·rom



..... be


thilt An[) a '~ ~Ie ty· arose from the you." be murmured and drew clOlie " tact s he knew ahe would lIoon see to her. "Stop!" Sbe wrenched ' her.elf Vronsky age in Surely he would be at the I< or ~t.:ll.'l ky·s ball wblch all away. "Please," IIhe begged. Sbe rushed Into he r compartment, her of t!lem w.. r ~ to attend! And then JU/St betore t hey left face II mlx~ure of bewilderment. for lhe K <'r~ unsky's ball. Kitty. terror and d elight, and locked the Dolly'", debu t ante slater, drew Anna door behind her. aalde and It, a' burst 0 confh1ence, And there Jlhe remaIned tk.,'ou_hconfell8ed het· own love for Vroneky . out tbe JO,urney. ber heart poun,dlng· Anna's JOYOUS anti cipation orum- witli the Joy of bls wordl, bled. (f kitty loved Vronsky sbe helpleBB fn Its effort to concentrate must (Iq nOlhlng to hurt be'r. on thoUgbts · ot her home, bel' h\&ltThroughout the ball. she ovolded band and her cblld. ' Vronsky. taklog her pIece among SergeI. her son, was ecstatic at the cha pef'~mCS lined against the ber return. Anna doublad bel' at.wall of th e ' brllliont aalon , tempts to carry out tbe socIal obll· But Vron8ky willed Il otherwise. gatlon. wert! b.... as the wIfe And K Itt y. loklng refuge In t~e fI.,t- of the that creat goverlllDent oftlclal. tentlon of LevIn. wbo loved her. telt But tbe memory of Vronsky pierced her heart break as 81)e watched through tile m ~a nlngl... fotalallU.. Vron sky'JI end leas pursuit of Annll of her dutle, and only wIth SergeI througho ' t h e cV<;l ln;: .. he find some mea.ure of It was l1 0 t until Ihe 3u PII"r dnnce could o!a ce, 'he sought tbe child out confhat Anna at last cot\s,,"l~d to inually. IUllH Karenln accused ber dance with him I'll ng lIie boy and of Interfer. . "I knew It at the rl1l1ronll sta· ot .Gpo with the rouU". of hLa .tlllUes tion." 'Vronaky whla'pc l'ed to he,· lUI playtime. be held her ,In hl.s arms "Nlolthlng Vronsky c<)nHnu.d hla punult of hall mattered Ilince" . Anna waa radiant with , bel'. For year., Anna had ev.rywbere alone. except for t Sbe wa. seIzed with an few tim.., when har huaband foand desire to I,laure .rom lila worle. Now ·that ,.,.,eD-to be '.n .... ,'-ltD Vronskr was It, P t.......~ unattacbed. tlnw topt..... a-



.....fdI~-. ' 1


Rarenln atitrened at her .attaek'. "My deal' Lidia" .;.. woman Uka Anlla Is n ... turally lubject to Cf'rtab

attentions from young men whoe' enthUlllasm overcomu tbelr ~.. t1s:~. For me to be 'dleturhed by 8UC~ trivialities would be undlp1. lien.'.' . " Splendldl" LidIa beamed aaraa.tlcally. "If Cae9ar'" wife Is ahoy. aUlioplelon. It lIS becaUse of til. toa. set by Cae!l8t." She turned b.r ak tenUon to the Ir ell .... blcb hId A.naa and Vron.skY trom slaht. Vronaky held Anna t.nderlv 18 blll arms. "YoU're aU my lif.;' ba murmured. . . Slaa made a lut duperate attempt to help h.raelt. but fown' herself powerles. .lI'a~t ber love for blm. B\lIt even.. IdaM4 lie, .&lid she answered bla 1C wlt.ll tile fervor ot her love. til. t~t or Sergei and her b\ll baad tor. ..... (rom hIs .mbraCll. "No, no," ahe· bel" lOe," , She broke from bill arllll aDd JauIto rleet back to tb. lawa. Her ....... m_ad a beat . . . . IoukeII ....... tJae terrace tnto tha r.....r. of her hualaaftd, 0.-. .


.,..,td. ........

the ....t&




Waller J, Baker, 76, well known !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!"~~~~!!!!'!'!"'"""'! I ~tock buyer, pa,scd away at his home on North Main street Friday morning, eptembcr 6, followin, an illness of everal months duration. urviving are his wire; one daughter, Mrs. Cly<i'c Egbert, of "THE HOME OF GIFTS" • nin; two sons, Jesse F. aakel', ~outh Bend, lnd., and Chat'les Lebanon, Ohio Iifrord Baker, Spring Valley. Funeral sernces, conducted by EXPERT WATCH Rev, G. C. Dibert, were held at REPAIRING the residence Monday afternoon arid burial was in Middle Run U..... Onl, Gelluine Material. cemetery.

ary'. J ewelry


M1's. Ota Hidy, of Sprjngfield, is visiting at lhe home of her daughter, Mrs. John Prmon. Mr. and Mr • J. B. Chapman, J. K. Preston, Mess1's, Charles and Robert Chllpm31\ attended the Wright aale at pl'ingboro, Saturday. '



Prompt Service

Mrs. Ruth Jilnney and Miss Louella left Tuesday morning for their winter hom!.' ill Deland, Florida. They were accompanied by John Sear.

~~rr;~~;~o~~1 COUNTY CHORUS

The brIde. J:(l'oom III th "'pn 0 lJa}'ton, tim] a "'....... lI:'" and !\fnl. J. C ~ nU l""""'. [r . R. H. Hart~IO('k alld )1 r~. Ralph Milltr will be ho tessc. Ilt a ,~ea k fry at lhe Chapman camp Friday evening. Th ose included In the guest list ar 1\11'. and M . f. A. Cornell, Mr. lind Mt's. W. E. ornell, Mr. and l\:[rs. n. R. Salisbury and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hartsock and family, 1\11', and Mrs. Ronald Hawk,e. Erl\est But.ter worth, MI'. zrnd ~1r . F. B. Henderson and family, Mrs. F'lo~nce Davi and daughtE'l', 1\1r. and Mrs. J. K. Preston and family, Mr. anti Mr . J. B. ChapmslR, Mr. and Mrs. n rvey RYe and family, R. H . lIartsock and familY and Ralph Miller and family. ~aturdllY


...... --Shorts and Middlings --~.-.....-



Maximum Value

WOI'H' n county women who be. long to the County Homemake/'S' choru, ha\'e a part in the program of the American Country Life con ference to be held lit the Ollio State Univer&ity in Columbu.\ from Septembet.i. 19th-22nd, says [iss Elizabeth Graddy, home clem· un:'ltmlion agent. This chonls, under the direction of Mrs, Edith Mounts, will appear at th Thursday o..fternoon sessi on of the conference and at the I'ural home fellowship dinner in the evening of the same day. . For the past lew weeks instruction in singing has been given to gt·oups of women in 1IIason, Kings MillS, Harvey burg, Ridgeville, Lebanon, Wayne ville and Carli I This will be the first public perfor· mance of the nll.pounty b'TOUP.

OUR CLIENTS KNOW that they get maximum va lue for ev~ry dollar spent when this firm handles the funeral service.



Wayne••lDe, O.


Rain Bow Valley




Moderate Cost



R·.H.STUBBS 3iiNIud '1JiJruIm.


Lumber .P aint and .G lais Cement •••Roofing

Phon. 54

Oh,·o '

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ M'e are announcin, a complete lil'(e 01

.state, Co~perClad It Kitchen , Kook Ranges & Estate Heatrolas Mayta, ,Walberl, Fencing, Fertilizer and Cement of all kindlo


Anyone in this community wish ing ' to t ake p art please n otify t he commit t ee. Mrs. Florence Lamb of Lebanon spe nt sn eral days last week. amo~ fr iends bere . Rev, a nd Mrs. Walter Ma rtin and Mrs. J. B. J ones were evening dinner guests of Mr . and Mrs. Allen Emrick, Wednesday. Harvey Burnet made a business trip to Columbus Tuesday. ,Mrll. Meta Rogen is quite ill at th e h ome of her sister, Mrs. Trilla Farqua r near Ridgevil le. A male quartette of Bradford, Ohio gave a very high c1alS entertainment at tM preaching service at Lytle church Sunday mor ning and w as much enjoyed by those present. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Groves in oompany with relatives fr om Dayto n, enj oyed a trip to Pu,t-in. Bay t he first of last week. Mr. and Mrs. ' HarVey Burn et visited Mrs. Mabel Dinwiddie and Miss Sarah Bur net Dayton; Sun· day and reported the latter as slowly imprOVing. Mr . and Mrs. Ed Longacre were Saturday af t ernoon and evening guest a of Mr. and Mrs. George panl near Batavia, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ken rick and James Haines were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grasai a nd fa mily at Piqua and in the afternoon called on friend. at Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hawkins of Wilplington and Mrs. Elizaooth Smith of Dayton were Sunday after noon guests of M es. Margaret John •. MT. at;ld Mrs. Walter Kenrick atte~d ed t he t uneral of the latter's COUS in, Mrs. George Finkbohe at her 1I0m~ n ear Middletown and the burial at Mt. Pleasant . Mrs. Claude Riggs, ' Mrs. C. W• Younce and daUghters, and Mt!. Everett Clar k, of Dayton and Mrs. Wilbur Clark of Wayne, ville were Friday dinn er guests of Mt!. Mary Carmony. The winning aid e. t he Blues, of the Epworth League hcrre, were ente rta ined Wednesday evening by the Reds, .a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J ohn& and diauchters. and Milsel Geneva Routzahn Mildred Younr were over nicht


5011 Fertility The IOIIIIOIl of ho.. 80t oaIr " ' . " up 1011 f~lIty ...

. . . . . . . . Good .... .......... y ..... Ic..p,. . pI.. . ln . . . . . . . . ' -

1errowI... tI. .

10 .... , '••

.... Cont.ln,MClI .. _ ...

, .. how lillie It will catI .. ..... ro- .......... GENUINE A 1_ , ....

r~.el~aa;n!~: 1~0~!7 h~;e:~~d::: ~:se~~~as~~

Wayne.vllle, o.

Phone 7

Executor's Sale of

Real Estate The undersigned as Executor of the will 01 Joseph G. Keys\

deeea~ed, will olrer fOI' sale by way 01 public auction, the rea

e tat of decedent consisting of Farm and Town Dwelling on Monday, September 30, 1936. THE E'A,RM at 10 o'clock A. 11. on tIle premises. THE DWELLING at 1 :30 o'clock in Waynesville, on the preml:>eB. THE FARM : Consisting ot approximately)5 acrell is loc~ted on Bell. brook Road abo\lt 2 ~ miles North of WaYJlesvllle Warren County, Ohio. . It is productive gr'ound with bl'ick and frame dwelling house: barn, tobacco heds; hog hou e and minor buildings: is fenced. Good l'oad to farm, recent.1y hard surCaced. Good water and spring that has never failed. THE DWELLING: . A two stOTY frame dw IIing house lind barn; 'located on lot No. 14 Harris addition, Waynesville. Ohio, /a<;ing 60 feet on Third Street and 160 feet deep to all y. It make a good and comfortable home. . . The e properties are old by the undel'signed Executor under power c.ruted in will or. decedent and to finally set.t1c estate. , The farm has been revalued at $7,500.00. The dwelling at $1,500.00 and will not be sold for less than two-thirds, t he value. Terms of aale: CA,SH. A reasonable depo it will be accepted for tim of investigatiOn by purchaser on a ny quel\tion of title. Any inquiry as to financing purchase or otherwise will be promptly an wered by the und~rsigned. '



"HOI Tishtl l Fenclns Builds Up


J. E. McClure


Friends' Home News

J R GObb Ions

Those who turned to us in the pa t haye found that we alw~ys give ' the best service possible . at onomical price levels. We will welcome an opportunity to iurni h . further details about funeral costs.


WARREN COUNTY SCHOOL The Lad.ies' Aid society of the Sture open until 9 p. m. BOA.RD M£T SATURDA.Y Methodist church are moving their equipment to lhe Warren county 'fobi year's cQrn and soybean The fir t meeting of the Warren fair grounds prt'paratory to servo day at thc Ohio AgriculturJlI Ex- NATiONAL LECTU RE R county board of education took lng meals during the Fair. place Saturday at Superintendebt Dr. J. E. Witham had a pleas- periment • tation at Wooster is AT CHURCH OF ,CHR IST Boht's office in L banon. ant surprise this week when his IIchedllled for Thur.. <lIlY, Septem. Members of the board are S. S. O. W. U, classmate, Mr. Frank bH l:!. Waynesville, pTesident, Blackford, an attorn~y .o f Findl ey, Ellis , . E. Dowdell, of Dayton, Ohio Since 1928 rCllllestate . taxe George W. Davi, Harv Y8.b urg, ~bio, and Mrs: Blackford . vis.!ted have been reduced from 23 per National leclurer and debater on vice president; W. C. Culbertson, hIm. n was theIr fll'at reUDlon ,s mce ('cnt of pre·war rat lo 112 per nar'coti s, will speak at t.he WayBlue Ball ; Dr. H. M. Br'own, Kings commencement. cent, ac'cording to H. R. Moore, nesville Church of hrist Bible Mills, Z. O. Worley, Morrow, and •. ·hool hour, Sunday Dlorning, . M~lvyn, oldest son of Mr. andruraJ economist for the O. S. U. Supe),intendent Bohl, Lebanon. eptember 15. Subject, Social Mrs. John Stansbury, suffered a If you arc planning a nt!w lawn, Evils of Modem Life, Conditions SEPTEMBER 13-14 broken wrist when he fell from a or it your old lawn needs re eed- in Ohio since the return of booze. HA PPY HOUR CLUB MET JOHN WAYNE W ITH MRS. ADA S MI TH wagon load of corn Wednesday lng, do not wait until next spring A present.ation of startling facts evening. The boy was taken to the but do it in Septembel', II(tronom. that will ~tir every Chur h man in Miami Valley Hospital where the ISts sugge t. and woman to action. The Happy Hour club wa pleas- bon wa set lind he WIIS returned Mt'. Dowdell will speak of antly entertained at the home of to his }iome the same evening. About , 36 miUion . acres wel'e conditions in Warren county, also. Cartoon; Comedy, 'Easy Money' M1'8. Ada Smith Tu esday afternoon taken out of basic crops in the Sixteen members answered roll O. J. Edwardl\, Mr. and 'Mrs.. J. United States in 1934 by the ade.all and several vi itors were Wilson Edwards, of Springfield, ju tment programs. This repl'cMrll. W. B. Russum, Miss Marpret sents one ncre in. e cry nine culti· SEP T E MBER 15 -16 pre ent. The program and contest$ were Russum, Dr. and Mrs. Gale E. vated. About one-third of the Mrs. Diekson, of Centerville, !'Ia JANE WITHERS, enjoyed after which a delicious Ru sum and daughte1'8, of Da-yton, "adjusted acreag,e " wa plant d to relurned to the Home, intending to JACKIE SEARLE, Tunch was served by the hostess. were visitors at the home of ero ion control lind soil improve- remain about a month. . The next meeting of the Club will Misses Trillena and Margaret Ed- ment crops, one··third to emerMI'. alld Mr • John Hutchinson. in be held at the home of Mra. wards, Sunday. gency forage crClpS and for home of Oxford, and Mr. Margaret E theT Gons the second Tuesday Martin spent Tues(lay at the home After a three-weeks tour of the food and about c)ne-ebh4 WIIS left of Mr. and Mrs, J. L,'Mend nhall, in October. fallow. Ea t and Canada, 'Mr. and 1\Irs. Mrs. MaTia EIbon was a dinner Fox New!! and Short Reel A bulletin ent.itled "Electric I 'gue t at the Honle on Sunday. SPEC IAL GRA.NGE MEETING Frank L. Taylor, r'eturned to WlloYnesvill e Tuesday evening. After a Seryice for Ohio Far l)l S Now Miss Sallie Ru!lS 11, of Xenia, Two Shows-7 :00 " 8.:80 p. m. Farmers' Grange will have II short visit wi*h . Mrs.. Taylor's Available Throuirh the REA" is in wa the dinner guest of Misses AbM. I Oc- USc: call meeting Saturday, September motheJ;', Mrs. Edith Harris, they the hands of c9unty agricultural Annie and ~fatlle Brown, Tuesday_ will leave for their home in San agen" for fTee distribution. PreMis es Freida Hot'Vcy and l4! at 8 :30 tor ta e -purpose of con- Francisco. pared by the Ohil~ Agricultural Ex- Ethel Mendenhall saw Steamboat ferring tho first and econd the bulletin Around the Bend in Wilmington degrees. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wilson and ten ion Servicl", fembers are asked to pass the daughters, Dorothy and Miriam answel'S those quet;tion rai d at unday evening. Mr'. and Mrs. Edwin Bricket, Mr word around ~pecially · to offi cers Ann spent Sundsy in Dayton, present concer~ling the policies a! degree team and offi«rs of re- gue ts of l\fr. and Mrs. Arthur established by the RUl'al £'ifi- Bob and Mis Betty Bricket, of r •••••••• , Toledo, were guesta of Mrs. . . gular Gmnge. ' . Wilson. I n the eYening Mr, and cation Administration. Bricket's parents, SUlleri nt~!1dent 1:11. et.t . f a f unera1 "nil:' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l[ra. Connell Wilson of Cleveland, entU,.ly decided tly t he ~ Isheta 01 join ed the g roup. OFFICERS A,RE E LEC TE D and Mrs. Bowell Peirce, a few o IJ' elienu. Th, 1r choice of a _____ days last week. e",ket and nee. . .r y accessoriel! Mr. a nd Mrs. J. C. Hswke and Mrs. Lena Hartsock called at Donald Hawke was elected presi. i. inftuened by no attempt at • • Mrs. Lee Hawke a.ttended the dent of the Y,oung Churchmen the. home of her son A.. Z. liaraock ..1.lDIauhip on oat part. We w~ding of John Charles Hawke follow t heir d. alr.. cloaely, and or m::!i,n :; Mep the to ~l cost to as moderat e Weltz, We<lneadllY evening. Other I much improved from th~ effect!. officers elected ,are Mrs. E. C. I of the injuries resulting f r om the e fl....... tIl'ir .hoice dictate.. Crane, vice 'lIresident and general fall off a pony a few weeks ago,; Mrs. ]d. F. Weltz, sacre- as to be able to leave the hospital There will be an "Amateur tal'Y; M. F. Weltiz, treasurer. and return to his home. }\fight" enter tainment of mllsic, e' songs etc., at Lytle Hall, Friday evening, Septemb er 20, under the UTo'vnesv,·,le, dji'ection of t he yo ung fo.lks here, IttCl>HE: 19 " ' I ., lor th e be nefit of Lytle Church. A , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ small admission will be charged. ' WAYNF.SVILLE, OHle


FRANK BRANDON, Executor L.banoD, OhiQ

Bigger and Better Than Ever

WAR'REN ' COU'NIY" fAIR . LEBANON, 'OHIO Septe~mber 1 '7, 18; 19, 20 -Foult, Big Days Of ,Fun,: Excitement, ~ntertainment·; · '..



Unusually, Good Racing Program~~Wed~nesday, , . Thursday, Friday. ' ., ' Fine Livestock, Poultry and Other 'ExhiBit.; Riflei, Sidesho~s , and Ebt~rtainment.

8oy~ and Girls 'Club and Grange Exhibits

and Displays

Grand Livestock 'Parade Friday Morning .Baby Beef Chit) Show and Auction Friday at 10 a. m ..

'Football Game :F'riday After Franklin Hi.


Lebanon Hi.

No Extr. Ch.rae


lin. Margaret JOhlUl, Mrl. Allen Emrick, Mra. Allce Clark and lira J. B. 10Bei attended the funeral of Albert 'Surface at- LebaDon Talllda)' aftel'1loon. Bel' IIWer recm-ecl of

elM: Ci.i~~.


Remember the Dav.---Come for All Eoar


sa WAYNESvn..LE,

Eighty-Seventh Year




The I'cgular meeting of the Y. F. M, will be hele! at th twme of La,¥rence and Willard Furnas Sunday vening, September 22. Freda Harvey, lesson leader; Ethel M~n rlenhall, devotional leader, aud Stanley Bailey, rec· reation lead I'.

Cuh Income Larae.t FOI' Month Since 1929, h E.timate

. _----

Cash sales from farnlS in August were the lar'geat JOt the Slime month sinoe 1020, totaling slight- ~~;l[5r;~~~=~~~;. Iy und~r $22,000,000, according to the e's t/mates of F. L. Moriso n of the department of Fal'in property and automobile insurance. W. 'N. Seal'S economics at the O. S. tr. MoriSOn say farm income thi Mrs. Ella Braddock, of Dayton , year Is running 3t per cent above vi it d lIc1l's. Lizzie L wls Monday. the income fl'ont sales a year ago . Mr. and Mrs, J . C. Hawke were In the 11 t seven months of 1935 vi. iting in Dayton Sunday afterca ~ income trom sales was $152, nQon. 450.000 cornpared with $lL6,630, Mr>;, Alice McKinsey visited 000 ill 1934. her 1'100, Joe McKinsey and family August sales a year ago were in Morrow last week. $18,000,000 about $4,000,000, 1111'. E. A. Badger, of Middle· under the ,s...les of this year and town, call c1 on Jr. and Mrs. W. well under the sales of Aug T. Eb y Fl'iday afternoon. 1929 when farmers got $32,830, Irs, A . K. Day and Mi Opal 000 for their products. The mo t outstanding increase Ramby calle~ o~ , MI'S. Harry in income was de ... ived from the l Cowen at Rlt.lgevtlle Tuesday. Mr. and i rs, Irving Q. Welch sale of meat animals.. Despite a smaller number of aD\ma~s mar· vi ited Mra. Welch's sister Mrs keted, sales from lIvestock P 1M ' . ,. total e d $L!u, 8S"ii, OOAu compare d WIt ' hear cMakm, in Lebanon, Sun· day $3,956,000 in August at 1934. I n ' , 1929 the figure stood at $7,986 Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Polinsk}r ,000 for AugWlt. and Mr~ Myer Hyman w e l~ dinner IncoDle il'om dair~ products gua ts of friends i1} Cincinnati ' slumped s a in the last two Sunday. months and was bar 1'1 more than Several from here attended the the jncome rccc~vcd a year ago frorn dairying. Although the price m etin4f to observe Constitution tor wheat was les than it was last Day at M morial hall in Lebanon AugUst, more grain wall sold. ' rai Tue day, ing ,the income from wheat about Miss Grace Williamson ha re 5 p r cent. turned home after a pleasant visit Poultry and egg'll recover d in at the home of her brother Harold price d\lring the year. Total ale in Dayton. last August reached, $~,674,OOO compared with $l,S56,OO() a year Mr. Hart'y Jacobll has r~turned ago. to hi bQme ill Lima, after spending a w ek at the home of his aunt Miss Emma Heigbway.


'ST, I\UGUSTINE CHURCH Father Newton, Pastor Masl 'at St. Augustine'li Church , very Hconi! and fourth Sunday f the month.

Forrest Ridge, of Cincinnati, en route to ColumbuliI, Monday stopped over' night at the home of his father, 0, M. Ridge.

Ethln , J. Lewis, of the U, S. Navy 1l0IJpital Corps. ' School, PO'r tsmouth, Va., was called home this week because of the death of hillta-randfather, M. L. Parsball. Get your dt'y cleaning done while our reduced price's are in eftect. Men's suit and ladies' plain drel!Ses 50c. Hats 39c. Qulck Cleaners, Kathryn Mendenhall, Manla-er.

,..AYI'IIESVILLE' CMUAeH CHRIST Carl Smith" Minister Bible I!chool. 9 :30 ., m.; Lordi. SUPJler, 10 :30; Chrietian ,E ndeavor, 7 p. m" Ruth Guy, _der. Evan.elisltic servicel, '1 :'6 p. m. Prayer meeting and IUble !ellowed by choir practice l'Ielld':y ni&,ht.

Mr. and Mrs. William , Henry and children and Mr. Marshall Ward, of 1I40r-n. Xv" were guests of ..., Mr. Herl17'11 mother' and sister. M.~. I. E. Henry and Mrs. James Lov,lf Clver ~e week-end. ., R,v. G. C. Dibert attended a .meetin~, ot the minl\stel'8 of the DaytoJl diatrlct ' of the Methodist c:h.urch at the GOodwill Industri.s First-day School at 9:80 .. III. "ehlAlD••1 In Dayton Tuellday. Jleetlnc " for Wor_hlp at 10:10 ' W. F. C'--k and .. ... _ _ _•• __ - - .. ..... the ann«lal RiC's attended meet. I f G 0 Ohio IDLEWYLDE CLUB MET DC 0 lati roupt thDe, EIkI BIInken AIIO Co LAST THURSDAY EVENING ClabCjll H:~ton e Tuesd." u'::t.' • u. of Wa7ll~..we M~e Th. ~leW)'ld. BlrtIida)' club IlUOD. IIlc1c1l&'t.oW1l,· lIonroe: met at the ho... ot Mr. and lin. FraJkliD aad l.ebuoD "'eN til BartJe, 110'" Oft Tllanda, • .aD. bOltl Ivl' the lill, September 12. • _ After a bounteous IUPper. Praak RawN, lOlL of Mr..... whiell lMried abpt 1:80 the 111'11. Jtcmald Hawk.. IIIHl IIU'f1a a . b.......... v.p....tecI. Fox, IOD of~, 1'••• I'ox TIle .... ftI tIlea .,eftt la ... lin. ___ pIqIq. of ...

. W.




Williurn A. Anllon, <.'lde~t !<\In of Arthul' Dnd Maggi (' Pratt A nRon, WIIS born, l"ebl'uaty 20, 18110 in Cinc:innati. Died A ultust 27, 1935, at hi!> home in Atlan~ic ity. New Jers y. Thu fiG ycal's llIat'k ~ the a'l\ too bI'ief jO ll1rn 'I of his earthly life. . Educated in the ihcinnati an.! Norwood schoClls, from the fir;' t creating a host of fril'nd. for he loved .to pl'actke the high art. of friend 'hip - hold ing thl!m steadfastly through the year!'; by en. dearing qualilie: of cha !'lICt r. . On the annivcrsal'Y of hi, own llltth, Fcbrua!'1( 20, 1!l27, in New ¥ot'k ity, h e \\'as qniteo in marriage tQ Mabel Brown . This union was blessed by th e birth or two chihh-en, EI SOil Al'thul' and a daughter Marg'a l'et, B . id 8 these two, there survive. the widow, a dllughter Roberta , t h parents MI' und r.1J·s. Arthur Anson, Ii sis ter, Mrs. Russel West and 8 brother, Edward Anson and many relalivc!I and fri nd . H unitell with th orwood hUlrch at the age of hl'i stinn nine years. " I cannot say and I will not say That he is dead- he i jUst away I With a cheery I~mile and a wave of the hand r He has wandel'ed into an unknown lond ; And left us- dreaming how very fair " It need ' must be !'< ince he lingers there, And you, 0 Y'OIJ, who t he wildest yearn, ' l"Oi' th& old time step and the glad return, Think of him ;faring on, as deal' In the love of thet" as the love of here. Thi,nk of him still th sarne [ say He i not dead- he is ju t away.


You are invited to attend the homo.! comi ng of the Ferry Church of hrist 'eptember 22, 1936. Come, enjoy basket dInner, meet old fl'l ends, ren ew acquaintItttces and hear a message by Bro. Ard Hoven , minister of Chase Avenue Church of Christ, CincinAmerican AuociatiQD ScheoI.. l.. M. L. PIlI'~ hull, 7G , di tl ot his nati. Ann_I M_till, at Ohio home hore Sunday, foll owing :) orne! bring relatives and brief illness of pneumonia. Iri nds. Stat. Uni.enity Mr. Pal'shall, who was afl't>ctio nat'ly known as "Matt" to A cation ...1 forum on country life ~ cores of local school children progl'sm, under the anspioes oi thruugh his position as janitor of the Am edean Country Life Ayothe elementary schqo l building was taken ilJ Thul'sday and reciation, comes to the O. S. U. at moved to hi home. Columbus, September 19 to 22. He had erved liS janitOI' of the At the forum, open to .U school fol' a pc~i()d of over th il·ly· people intel'ested in prQgram. for five years. I'ural betterment, Carl C. Taylor. He was It member of t. he pre id nt of the as!!oeiation, will Orthodox Friends church and of Fum pl'operly and automobilE deliver th e keynote address with K. of P. lodge. tbe topic, "What kind of rural life 'd insul/ance. W. N. Sea l's Surviving are hi WI w, one can we look forward to in the daughter, Mn. Lee Hawke and Mrs. Amelia Williams is quite il. United States?" Dr. Taylor Is five gl'8ndchildren. director of the Resettlement Adat her home. The schoo ls were cia cd, p~r. ministration. mitting teachers and pupil.. to a~­ Mi ~s Alice Britain has retul'Dcd Rural , ..omen will monoJlolb.. tend the funeml ~e rvice which was to school in Columbus. the program the firat day, devot held at the 1cOlur e Fu nel'lI I Ing the day to the, "Services' ellMiss Je,!sie Clarke Is visiting i sential fOr ffective rural living, Home Wlldnesday afternoon, Rev, Howell Peirce, 78, uperintendCincinnati tor a few days. John J. Schaeffer offi Ciating. and how to get them." Suoh sub· , n~ of the Friends Home here, Burial was in Minmi cemel!' I':!. died Tuesday mOI'ning at 7 :30 Miss Esther Smith is visi ting in ject!! as rllral lIl\nita:tion and educational and recreationlll Germantown over the week·end. o'clock folJowing an illne S 01: sev. A "Tr.but~ " facilitie, electric po",er for the erul month duration. Mrs. R. S. Wcaver will attend II farm home, will be discus ed. He had erved a head of the 'A "T ribule" to Matthias Among the speakers who have local institution which is main. Lowl'ie Par hall by on& who was B rean class party in Xenia t oac~epted pla~es on the program tained by the SQciety of Friends, as ociated with him for more tnBn night. are: Wanen A. Thompson of for a pl"l'iod of approximately 12 tw enty years, Mr. ana ,Mrs. Samuel Surface, years, .Mrs. Peirce served as The death :following tht' short of Marion. hio, visited relati'Vee. Miami University, who will speak oJ population movements affectmatron. iIlneS$ of Mr. Par hall, lel\ves H he re this week, . ing rural ,life: Cla.r ence Poe, editor rviee at the home during his void in this community Ilnd brings a sense of personal los8 to tellchfir t term was from 191& until ~h. and Ml'S. Howard Arehdea· of the ProgreSllive Farmer, who con visited friends in Lebanon will discuss tenantry, and Louis H 1!J3 5. He then gave up the posiers, pupils and n elghbol'S. Beoln, economist in the U. S, De' lilln, goi n~ to Toledo where he and He has been a faithful ~f;' I'Vllot unday afternoon. pa'1;ment I)f Agriculture, whose Mr . Peirce resided until 1983, to those with whom he was as· wh n th y. returned here. ~ociattd, hi \ieeds of kindness A. L. King and Clifford Budek s ubject is, "Protecting and ImHe was a member of the Maand his tender mini trations were attended the baseball game in Cin proving the Farm Inconle." . M, L, Wilson, aSSistant Mere~I>nic lodg and widely known many. and, especially, to the cinnati !d0nday. tary of avriculture, will diaeu. am ortg Friend of the Miami val.. . ---- - - --school children intrusted to his Ml's. Ralph Vance, of Pleasant It'y, care, he being associated with the Plain, visited her parents Mr. and "A Balanced Production- Program, Denn Chri L. Christensen of SU\'vlving are his widow', Ernma: ____ pupils and teachers of the "g,rade MI·s. J. C. Hawke S/lturday. Wi consin CoJle&,e of Agriculture. three sons, Warn er of Wasltin~-J Mill. Lillian Quinn and Mi. s buildjng" for more than thirtyMrs. Lucy Howard, of Carlisle, "Rural Economic Oooperation,''' ton, D. C.: 'William of Carey, 0.: Marian Rous~e-, of Peoria, III .• five yeah, lind 'R aymond of Toledo; and one called on Ho,llI e fl'iends unday. It would be difficult to flnd is spending a few days with her and Herman G. James, president. elect of Ohio University,' ", Mrs. Bertha Brickett. These ladies, /frand-daughters of among hi contemporarie llIany uncle, Horace Keys, rrovement in Rural--.,.-Government.' 11180 of Toledo. the late Pete£' Eberly, have been with so luge a ch'cle of friends Mise Cathel'ine Braps rator, of The body wa removed to Mrs. abllent from Waynesville- fol' m~ny Rnd acquaintanc , wh o had so the Monow schools, is spending Ii Peirce's $lce tral home. lIlhe years, but wel:e vCl,'y happy in I'e- ge nerously bestowed upon him few days at her home hel"e Warner homestead at Selma. newing former acquaintances, their esteem and confid ence. Miss RRchel Pettit ahd Miss He was a true friend, always Mr. and Mrs, John Davi wer where funeral ervice will be held Friday. Burla) ~vill be in Selma Ruth Chandlel' dined ot tbe han - I'eady to do the little things that dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. cemetery. dler bomestead on Sunday. cou nt so much in lite, Harry Emley, of near Lebanon. Mis Mary Carolyn Luken s, of Yes, we will miSll him, and hi W would add a few words of Harveys,b urg, was the guest of her kindly minist.rations, his familiar Hal'l'Y Haines and daughter, of appreciation for the life of Howell grandmother, Mrs. Lena Hartsock, figure around our school building Dayton, were guests of Mr. and N.w Pro,ram Simpli& •• ~.t'" Peirce. Quiet and unassuming in Saturday nigtlt. We tru t that the family and Mrs. Ed Oook, Tuesday evening. i .. . d b ' Of What To Crow 0. R... ' . j dISPOSlt of Colum.Lrlen s ·may e glV M'IS!! Edna Myers, of Boston, il! " on, h a worth was known Mr. Hugh Ht'ntl • ' nIXton, .. I t· b n. great contired Acr.. ......on I y "y his' works. Honesty and in- bus, called on hl's Aunt, Ml'S. so a thIon 10d remem ··ting her brother and family " " epng b d' all his VillI tegrtty were cardInal rrtues, ani Nannie Florelhce, Tuesday after- wQr ,an In 'w,e a i Ing faith Y. M ' thadt a Divine Providence haa ;~~k~nd. I'S. E. C. Coyle, this LatJd retired f.'om wheat prohe was generou, almost to a noon. fault. , Mr. Rayrnolall Peirce was called or ered all things well. duetion under the terms of the Lo-yalty and steadfa8~ness of here Monday night because of the •. MI'. and Mrs. Ralph MilleT, of new wheat c~ ntract may be used, purpo~e, as h~ sa~ the nght,. won serious iJlne s at hia father. A Friend of CllIldr_, Dayton, were Sunday evening in general, for soil· improving 810lor hIm a wI~e Circle o~ frIends Miss Ethel Mendenhall joined a , For many years there has been 1callers at the home of Mr. and preventing crops, according arnon.g his busme s aSllo,clatell and ai tel' from Chioago in Dayton and In Ou r school, one whose counsel Mr. Howard Archdeacon. to Lester J. Miller, County Agriall wlth whom he came In contact. I enjoyed a vi 1t with her Tuesday wa ought by all, Boys and girls . • cultural Agel\t. Indu trious habits led him t:> 1 and Wednesduy. I aUke depended upon his advioe in Mrs. A, T, Pohnsky, MISS ElizaSuch land will be known .. serve others far beyond his phYS- 1 Mr. and Mlrs Ralph Howell of any emergency, He comforted the ' beth Henkle, Mt·!! John Ker!!ey and "adjustment acres" rather than i~al ability. We shall ever honor , Yellow .sprlnus; ca'lled on theil' sick, nur ed the injured, cheered ~rs . . E, . F. ~eppe spent Saturday "contract acres" as it was called h.~s n~ .mor y and strive to emu late rel~tives, Mr. snd Mrs. How ell (Continued otl page 4) In CII)Cmnatl. in the old contract. This chan,e hiS vutues. " Petre:e, SundllY afternoon. ' Misses Ethel and Edna ' James, in phralling ia jil!~t as attempt to

Mr, and Mrs .. M. G. Schatzman daughte-r, who have been the rue8ts of Mr. and Mrs. ' W. O. Raper and other relativel in Ohio, OF left Thursday for their home in St. Cloud, Florida. .




Mr. and 1\11'11. Arthur Anson and grandson, of Sbandon, Ohio, were gue ts of Mi Lizzie and ?tho Geol'ge Pratt, Bunda),.




FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Carl Smitb, Mlnleter Unifled lervic:es 'beginninr with Mis Virgene Roc, one of the Clhurc:h ;tIcboel at 9 :30 a. m. new high school teachets, is maklerviee at 10:30 a. 10. ing hel' home witb Mts. Maude r~ne on third street. WAYNESVILLE M. E. ~HURCH Miss BelJe O'Neall, Mrs. Irene Rev. G. C. Dibery, P-rtor Henderson and MI', Amos Fair· unday dinner guests Sunday: Sunday Ichool at 9:30 childs wer a .m. Morning worship it 10:30. of Mr. and Mrs, I,. M. ' Henderson. Sermo1\ subject, "What t"e ChrisWs the social Iteml that make tian ReligiOn DOes for A Man." Epworth Leagu at 7 p, m. EVeD- a local new paper jnteresting. ing worship service at 7 :45 1,). m., Telephone-, or send, them in. Our tl!lellitone , number ill 112. Monday: ,MeeUng of the board at 7:41) p. m. Mr. and M1's. A. T. Polinsky en· Wednesday: Bible shdy and tertained at dinner Wedne day pra)'er meeting at 7 :30 p. m. evening, Mr. and Mrs. Phil MichOur annual Conference will aelson and Mr, Sarn Levine, of open on WedneBday of next week Cincinnati. and will be . lle\d in The Third L. M. Henderson, callhier 01 the ~vel\Ue, M. E, Church, in ColumWaY1les\lille National bank, is bits. • bank, was Th~re will be no preach inc ler- Waynesville National vice in our church on Conference con filled to his home tile first /)f the week because' of illness. Sunday, S;l'. MARY'S CHUR(,,~f Rev. J. I. SchaeWer, Rector Fourteenth Sunday after, Trinity, Septem~'r 22, Church school at 9 :30. M~rnlntr Prayer . and sermon..t 10 :30.

Whole Number 6181


Friend.' Home News








o~l'~h~~/da~~~h!~ Il' EMAY' HOME' SCENE ~~es~i~~iSbth:~~ ~!~fits.we~=~ wh~~~Z::~~~~:::n:b:fa::::::: r8.. argaret recently. Illezand Ruby James. eat section ot the AAA at CONSTITU-T-IO·N DA-Y &ar:;~;..~n:a~~~· MISS Helghway wa dsiunnndearyg. ueist Mi ss Kate Hall on ?tho and Mrs. Vern Simpson and Wa hillgton early in July to Mr. and Edwin Ramby will formulate thi! new program recom WAS OBSERVED Rebecca Mrs. Nan10ie Flore nce, Mrs. leave the la.tter Pllrt of the week mended that adjustment aere .... Of FARMERS CLUB for a week's fishing Hughe and Miss athel'in M.i~higan. be kept out of each crop producEmml~




Constitution Day was obllel'ved by, Warr n , countians with exer. cises at Memorial Hall In Lebanon Tuesday afternoon. Miss Lida Frost, Lebanon, chairman of the women's r.epublican organizatien ill the cou,nty. presided and announced the program. ' . , Dean E. Stanley, Lebanon attorney. was the principa'i speaker of the afternoon. Clarence J : Brown, Blanchester,- w ...s present and al80 addre cd the assemblage Amollg the local Republicans who attended the meeting Wel'e Ml' . D. C, Ridge, Mrs, R. 11. Hart sock, Mrs. O. M. Ridge, Mrs. I. D. Welch, Mrs. J. B. Chapman, Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Hawke, ·Mr8, Henry Satterthwaite, Mre. ' Maria Elbon, Mrs. Joe Tinn ey, Mr8. Leonard Tinney, Mrs, Sadie Conner. and Mr. and Mr!!. W. E. Stroud. - ...~--

OHIO STAl' E' NOW 62 ' YE ' ARS '0[0 ' ' ,'

Oh'io State University which started its sixty-third ' 7el\r of activity Tuesdai', received its fir!!t students on September 17, 18'73, secord'lUg to th e annu al report 0 f teh ' t rar. re&'l8 Two members of tbe original IItudent body are 'stl'll II·vl·n"'-".·• .. Harriet.t Townshend, Columbus, and John P. MeFadden, Steubenville. , The late Emmor S. BaU" of Wa)'IIHville WI' a member-of the tnt student bod)' of 17 which aro.,n in CIa 1ea~ to one 11.000, and linee 1880 eve.., eoaatr 1ft the I1iate baa bHD npru:ented eaeh ,ear. - - - -c





Ine t SuntJngtonj d 'th S{)f Columbus 'd , sp n un ay WI ' upel'lnten ent and Mrs. H~jw II Peirce. Mrs. Florence remlained for a mOI'S extended visit., Dr. and Mrs. lJudley Keever Bnd EdWard lKeevel', of Center. '1] d VI e. were inner guests at the Home SUl'\day. Miss FredsL Harvey spent the week-end w~th hel' father and brothel' at Clarksville. Mt:.!l. Louie Settlernyre, of Oregonia, and Mis Ruth, of Dayton , called on Mrl•. Franc Nickleson, Saturday. MI'. and MirS. Duer, 0.£ FletQh~r, .nd Mr. and Mrs. Furnas, of St. Pads, cou iOIl of Mrs. .Lena uart. ~. sock on her grandfather Anderson's side, callIed on Mrs. Hartsock Sunday. ' Misses Alic:e and Agnes Hall, of Dayton, called on Miss Kate Hall Saturday. '



.. Do you Hk,e music? Do ' you like to sina-T , If so you 'will be \nterC!llied in kllowing thlat on Wednesday, September 215, Ilt 7:30 o'clock,.!. meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ,jacK Kersey, for the purpo e of organlzln'" .. a com· l1'Iunity eho~u,8 for young people. The younK group will be ~nder the direction of Mr. Frank and an interesting procram for the winter months is "eing planned. U you are interested in belongina to this aroup, pkl&se be present at the firs' meetine· Member8hlp will be limited to not under h"h Khool are and not over '0. Committee - - -... - •


Mr. and Mrs. LewiS Stu eye and Mr. and Mn, Clarence Menden· hall and children enjoyed a picnic dinne.r Sunday a,f ter wbich Messn Stueve and Mendenhall and son, Earl M-ende~hall attended the ball lit Cincinnati.

tion. They recommended that ita Use be Iimited to such purposes 88 t h t' b 'J pas ure, ay, un e1;, SOl erosion preventing ' (ll'bps, etc. . In this,way, th,c 'farmer said, the ~snger would be avoi~ed ' of takIn~, lan!l out of. one baSIC crop and UStng lt to I'alse another cash crop and thus defeat the urpose " of the progtam. ,P The new contract Simplifies tb. question J'ust what the adjusted acreage is snd what ill land U8Ually not cropped Qn th~ farm. T~e new con,traet provides that land used for ,soil improvement aud erosion-preventing ' cropi sball be not only tHe ulmal amount on the far~ but shall include, in additiJn tbe adJ'usted BCl~ ' ~... For example; if a fat'nler usually has about 60 acres of pl!'lture or hay, and hi!! adjusted aereage a 01 0 unt t a' fiwe acres, tb en b'IJ ' total acreage to be in pasture or hay under the term. of the cOQtt'nct wO\lld be 55 acres,

Edward~, Mr, and Mr!5.J. W, Ed-


Mr. and Mrs. W. '" "', Hawk and Mr. Jim Hawk, of· Cl ncl'nnatl', were guests of Misses Tl'iIIena and M,a rgaret Edwards, Saturdat• DJ. 'and Mrs. R. S. Weaver and SQns Joh and Jim we.'~ dinn~l' ' , n. , , . ' gue .tB of Dr. s mothe.r 10 ?Lema Sund~y eveD1n~, the occaBI~n celebratll1g' the bIrthday an· mversary of John Weaver. The "Mike-Sells Potato Chip" truck from Dayton caujtht fire this (Thu(sday) morning as a l'esult of a ligh't ed match thrown into some boxes iii the cab. The fire Was soon extinguished with slight damage., '.

The Wayn Township Farmers' ~Iub Illet Thureday, September l2, t h h f M II t e ome 0 r. and Mrs. F. U. LeMay. Ml'S .., J. T. DeardoJ;f, Mrs, J.:H. Sackett and Mr. and Mrs, L. E, Hoc kett assi teed th~ hoste s in servi ng th e exoellent , dinner. The program for the a!ter~oon opened with the [nvocation by MI's. J , W. White and 1'011 call was answered by "a sc:hoolday rernini cence." ' ThE: special topic, "Our NationaiP!,rks," was given hyW, A. Swartzelj Ml'i!. George J. Smith read a paper on "The ,Wodd's Struggle for 01'1," and' Mrs. Ke.n'heth Hough, a paper on "The World's Coffee Cup and Flow It is Filled." ----. - .

WAS HE,LD SUNDAY' WeMr.lsh,C. ofE. Welsh and Miss Sarah Miamisburg. O. J.

The annual Earnhart reunion h eld at. Wayne Par~ Sunda~, September 15, with about thirty membe:ra in attendance. After a 8umptuou's basket dinner the f..,ml ' l y spen t a pi ea t a~ 'afte , . r Jj 00 n w1th th.e- WQmen r em I n1~.. °cm'" the past and the men pitching hO,r se s hoes. ' . Those who a.ttended the reunton from out of tOWII were: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Babb and son of Xenia, Mr. and Mrs. John Lemmon and famUy and Mr. and Mrs. Cal Earnhart and son of Dayton. It wall. dlleided that the reunion will be held the second Sunday in Aucust at Wayne Park next year. • - • Turke, rrowera are plaaDig a pull1~1 tour aad field da7 for OCtobel' a. WI\S

i~i%~~~~~~~ii~~~~~~~~ii~~~ of


ward~ and Mjs8 Mary , Leah Edwa rds, of Springfield. ,,,ere visitors at the bome of Misses Trillena and Margaret Edwards, Sunday. John Sea4'$, who accornpanied Mrs. Ru th Janney and Miss Louella to Deland. Fla" has advised his parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. N. Sears, of the safe arrival of the three at 'thelr destination and states that Mrs. Janney stood the i1ip very well.

Word hal> just b.eeft. reCeived that Farmers' Grange No. 18 WOD second place with their booth at the county, fair t his week, alvin&' SpI'ingboro, who again captured the coveted blue ribboD. • CIOM caee with the scOre of; Spriqbl)ro 88 1-4 aDd Waynesville 87 1-4. The committee, beaded bY 111'• and Mrs. Robert Crew, are to ~ concratulated UPOD thII apl.acld Ihowlnl. Other Kore. were Lebaaea Mr. and l4r11. Earl Davia of 8' 1-4. Muon U. and ............ Dayton, were cuesta of Mr. aDd 69~. ~~~~~~~~~~ Mra. D. C. Rielce several dara 1week. Oil. FricIQ lira. JUde. ud her pesta wen In C~~~~~!1.~ enjo," IlIU'lnl lia,Ior



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bORI'Il and fare lind earl' I.uer Moor II: Mra. ~Ir". (lOla It n Eltzruth, board and ear. Alice 1\11 ell1',' FI'un k Stink Y•• ~; The om.:e Outfitter. UUt' I1IHI Wuiter :! d oz , It'l!ld pads for Proll. Atty.,

Bl'llnk, DOle 't'll~n. l'XI' n .' (If il.,. Wnr,1 n d I1lnJr AU~\I -l. $7. lill; alllly Sh.1Jl. 1(11' ulhl "ii r,,!' n Ul: \\ anl~n QUI'inK <\ Ill:u,;t, $ ;l(),t:i; .T. \\. LiUj.('11 1I 1I1'd· Will E' \ 'II., l btl" ~h II. for lJ ,,~



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Cae.are Creek The "Wide Awakes" held their .~gular meeUn/r Sunday night at. the home of Helen and Margaret Leaminr. Everett Haines and fl\nlily were Sunday dinn~r guesl of Mrs. Haines' parent, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Carey. of New Vienna. Some of our members vIsited the Clinton county Inth'mary, Sunday afternoon. Ml·. Luther Haines is confined to his home with inward boils. The young peop le of our church are planning a weiner roast, Friday night at "the home of Dorothy Bogan. ' Ml'8. John Wilso n is visiting her sister in Louisville, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wilson entertained Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilson, Sunday. Mrs. Glenna Wilson visited her parents at the home of Wilbur Smith and family in the Eleazer neighborhood .

for The Miami G••ette

-- - .. - .....---

Willh\\l1", invl\l'ltignlion int o cll': th C_ _ on Pi.... Proceed, ••• e late in ( 111100 t,m "Ship. E. J. S('lIl'l'. • ;r>.1l0; Dr. JI . ~1. In th Cit 4' of The ranl' and AngelinI' II. n kin. d~('l'(lsc d, to William:" in"",, ilra inn int d(!ufh Breed CII. kt'~ ompany, n hio J'l'$sie O. ThomJ1~on, relll '~I utc in or Hulon A\'i~. ,I; lluvid CUl'Jl'n. 4'l'll10rl'tion, v I'SUS • • Miller Lebunon. tCI·. mill'ug'<' II' .:IlanllFtl'r I,f ~I ' E•- • Band B 1 nl'c'" .\ 1 ,; _ ._._-' _ _ ._ I ~._ ~..-~ ..-....-.~~ ~~. ~ and E. E. Mill r, doing hlJ illl.! s all ' . ' , . ' J• l) uhkl' n to offic dudn!!' . \uJ!:u ~ l. ,.lv, C. . Mill T Bnd 50n, judgm n\ in lhe Dayton P O\\,l'r & Ul!;hl o. HHITY Z. Gl'ay. I <-'ilL of 'It' I)flk~ A Good F,.'jen d Pane. individuals having special IIbility. t h lIum of $452.04 wus allowed 1ary • Haines to tb" Duyton for ugu~t. · I); K. L. lIur Il, ren t ____ 8. TJu T,z8sco~e dIll plaint.ift'. POWi.'l' & L ight, . or RS "ftlt'l' for .'\ ugu t, 0.: 110; Tt'IH'hl'I'H lind ~ttluenL~ (Ji lh e Girl.' GI•• Club rn the ~se of The Lebanon£\'a & Milton Ma~Donlllti to the Ohi central Tel,'plWll(' Jl., 'l'be iIInn tioll of the tc.lestopelonday, S ptember 9, forty Cltir. n NlllioD.B1 Bank and Dayton P ow t &• L·Ig ht' o. rent atlu t II .. fur NR~ OIliCI', l'I~Jl • I 1'1:11<1 Is mourn 11ll' su liden '1lIuaUy attributed to Gahleo, who TI'4st 0., of Lebanon, vel'SU O~ A. & J. W. n 11 tu the Day 11.TlU; W. r' GOl1llmrln. rol' uirt pu .. in!? of ,\11'. I'nl'H huli. Fol' ~il'ls mel to ol'ganlze the . higb lirst exhibited it, in its completed Fran'k obul'n, et al., ju(,lgment in lon Power & Lighl 0., {b(' use of and atirlitionnl righl of way, ~ 60 yeul'~, h had b \'1) lit his PORt ill schoolgirls' glee club: The :tollowfonn, in 1609,-uoused. ~ew i'!terest t~, .. sum of' 5.231.12 was llltowed -re I estate for lines. in communication by VISible SIgnals. uri Dakin, pa~'roll, $ 155.:Hi ; II. the I'rud huihlinJ.:", ringing the ing' ofticers WE-re elected: the plaintiff -irom the defendants, Lee ebb to J mes Grant Filii- L. Schuylcl', pa"roll, Hi5.0U; By the end elf the Seventeenth e .cn. D et'r..... fi-·.. (;luyton · ('(al'k, Su, ynru~ stonl', 1J(l11~. IIllenuinp: tu thc nUllwrou Pl'esident, Jeanette Wilson: Frank Couurll and L bel obum. ton I' 1 estal('o In tury, these instruments were f'lITly r1l' tb ea e of Margaret E. Folk Town hip. Vice-pr sident, Kathryn Smith) c:ommoo throughout Europe. and :17.50; W. 1I . .'laddl)n &. '0., uUli~s 'nnHeeled with versus Jennie J . Snell, et a!.. it i several .ignal .ystems, based on J.ame Gnlnt Fulton to Lillian l'emellt, G!J.;IO; J. L, Dunn. \'. hut n~\,l'r tuo hu~y 'ccr tary, Chr'istine McClain. oru<J'red h t service by pUbllca- Fulton real c)Otal in Deerfield \'icl'H as 11H'chanic for l ·J dllY~, fd\ nd~ \\ ith tlw !loys their use, had been suggcsted. Mr. Frank, the instructor, then ti.n \Ie mn . About 1690, Amontons, a m~rnber Tewnship. 67.20; John Bart', payr'oll, ~1.70 11., 1,.,lInls, am ong lh o.-e II'ho nrc discussed pI ns for gett ing new M ude Bowser versu!! DeWitt of the French Academy, deVised a Lillian Fulton t o ylve tor J oh on ~Iyn~, payroll, , J Otl.tlO; . IOU ic and ntel'ing the Spring B \II er I'I'A'l i disnti d without Rickcy "(,31 estate, In Deerfit!ld M. . FOI'rJllIIIl. payroll. 37!J .!)0; Il'ft behind , many \\ ho llnvp gone musi festival at Oxford next s,.tem the simplest form of which ,r J. con!jst~d merely of hoistiJlg flags or Townsbip. • EliI'I Ba~ ll , l'llyro II , $ H)ll. 0; on thr lI!{h th~ gra des and high tay. The girls' glee club was placards beating large letters, to be BU1'1 W. Gray and 1r ne W. Gray V. M. Al'lnitllgc, I nyr'oll, lOli.60; ~choul and out illl l u life, as well started just last year and it is read by telucope and relayed from Probate Co\U't to Ber:nal'd J. Germann and JBer- John ~'ly('I'l~, pa.l'l'lIl1, . 2:1 . 0; :1,' ml\ny who are too you ng nOw rapidly becoming one of the mOlt tation to station, He demonstrated Tbe will of Elizabeth S. Harlan Lha M. Germalln 161.10 acre in Zuin Illlltag, sane\ lind gravel, til fully realize wh at hus hnppenctl p pulal' sc hool organizations. ~ia system before the Dauphin. in the deceased, wu admitted to P,r o- Washington town hip.. $ 12!l.12; Ih\1'old MIU·tZ, KI'tH' I, BLlt to 1111, old (H-- young, lhel'tl reLuxtmbourg Gardens, . Pans, . as bate. $20:.1.53; Hlail' & L(,Roy, c ment, mains lhl' Ihought that the w01'ld 0, P. R. C. Boob shown ill me above dlu~tratlon, T.he iBventory of Fred Lackens" Martialre Lic:eDae. I!und and gl'll '(II, 1 0.00,1; EI\1ll'r I hal< b ' en II bettel' pla('\! because The Ohio Pupils' Reading Girele tUm from an old French print. administrator of the . estate of larenc~ J. McGla son, .leam- olli~, ~uppli ' and gasoline, ,"Mall" hn~ li,'ed in it. book for the year 1935.36 have Two prominent business men, Shortly before this, ~ooke, an lfary }!:. Conley, deceased, was ap boat man of Plea ont Plam, and ' 4 :~ ; Frank She\'\\ Dod 0., ~up· ---j ust been received into the school" Proved. The adjudieation and de- irs. Lillie C. Timmcrmlln. hou e- pll' " an I "''' •. oll·ne, 4:.1.6 " A. '. FruhmeD D.y l'b Th f b k heads of two of Franklin's .oldest Euglilh physicist, had . mvenled. a I 1'81'y. ere are. new from 00 II firms, were lame nting tl)e inability .y'tem made up of a hne of hlgh . , termination of the inheritance tax keeper, of PI easanL PI a III .\JurreJl, gasoline, $75.24; Gr o~~ j~l'l'. hillen Day, an annual eve nt for each grade andour twelve towers, each holding . a frame on to be paid on the -estate is to be Bill. Allowed :-lel'vicu Slnli()ll, "l'olilll'. $7 .6n; in WIlYllt'svill c high ~chool, will the high school list. These books to make pl'ompt colhictions the which twenty·slx figures represent. .iven F . J. lJ er P I'In . t il1g 0 ., llellJ'~' Ludington. ~1l"OIiIlt'.S sa. be hel.1 thiH "cal' on Wednesduy, ' llI'e selected fl'om the best to be oth er day. "Oh, yes," they said, ing tile lettc,. of the alphabet were '11 f S o1 0 I thto alltt persens f th interested. n e ma er ,0 , e WI 0 Id - FOl'llls for Pro. Atty., . ; Gl'iswold Ser\'ice ,tlltinn, SI!Jlt(lmbcl' 25 ..Arrang ments arc had by the State Board of Educa- "we can sell goods, lots of goods, to bc hun, and tbe message s,elled Omon ' Fud, deceased, ~he W ow Mal:Y E. Quayle Pl' tnlum n "!! supplic ItllrlguKoline $~2 .!I!J; Tho now Ill'ing otnllieted by tho tion. Some of the books are fiction but when will we get our money?' out. -elected .to take yunder LWill. Rend l of $40,000 ' Bond for Treasurel', Incinnati Oil Wurks Co. ga~(llill(l jUlliol' 1,las!'. which ~pon~o\'s th e others works of a general nature. st at present this seems to be Th~ mve\lltotor rOfth • Mt· t !- $1 5; Chas. J. V aggnn r Pl'<> ~3L50; Sear,; and BCllan~er, s.up- IIffair. 'fhl! i r RhIllCt1 will be a~k-ed The books are welllik~ by the Ju the $tumbling block In the way of er~on ex eu r O e es a e 0 mium 9n ~ of $40,000 Bond fOI' pJi , and /w. Dline, $29.94: W Ill! to die as th juniors direct; the pupils and al'e in constant demand better business in Franklin. "You !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!' .Eli A. was ap· T reasurcpr, 1t185' hIIs· J · d WagCElt'age, Jlllrl I and. f ' T I uppli h s, 11.37 c l'~mony of init iation will lake pro, ed. RUMell, deceased, . ;>. ' would be surpri ed," said one of l'CmlUnJ (1). Bon 01' Oh)o 't1t1'!l Oil 0.110 o.t'p. place the third pel'io r! ill the gym; W L Brown administrator of goner these gentlemen, "if you knew New. of Tbe, B_at.r elu" . ta ' ··of' Fran i ck V. Deputy TreMurc r, I year, $40; tolls vlll'iou!l offices perIod enulIlg and there \\ ill be a wiener roa t th how many people are flat broke. I Ask .for a The Booster club boasts fourse.n y. Barrett BI'others, :£orm fo[, Pro- ~\.ugu t 20, ~2.0S; Ohio entl'l,,1 for the high- chool student and • e ... teen members .tbis year. These con do not mean tho ewhoalwayshave rent fflcul y at night. :Brown, deeea ei . filed hili apphea. bat Court $1.60' The olumbus 'Jeleph no or». , telcpholl Mia m i.burl P.rm.nent 1.1011 tor a certific.~ of transfer. Bla:k Book Mfg.' Co., forms for val'ious offic, 101: eptelll.b~r, __._ _ sist of the six junior. and six been and always will be hard-up , lD t he matter of the estate of Probate Court, $4.15; The W fit- 55:50; Thl: ]'rnnk]ln .hrol11cle, ClaAi OraraniutioD eniors having the highest scholas- ] mean families that for years Concrete Eli.. Ocleebee, deceased the claim ern Star, adv. dl'swing of .Turor INolte to Brddel' {or BOll r! $11. F'r'iday during- the extra-cur- tic average. In addition, the were consider d good credit risks. Ai r Seal Burial Va ult of Jo.ephine GOlll against the 08- for Oetob~r term of ourt $1.10' 25; The W . tN'n 13t·, NotIce to riC lI!!ll' period all high chool i r ! h!llan and sophom()re classes They have come at la t to the end of their string and local bUsines8 have been allowed one representaa moun.tinar to ,2,904. willi in- The Lebanoll Patriot, adv. draw~ bidder for Boiler, $lO'7?; E. clas ell held clas:~ elections. ReFer Sale only by ter••" 011 '2,798 at the rate of ing of JUl'Or;.s for October term of 'l'homp on. labol'-repall1ng rul'- ult wet'e: tive each. The members are: men are holding the bag fo;r pastdue accounts. Ob, yes, e could Elizabeth Hoblit; 8% from Au,uit 6, 1986 was Court, $1. 10: A. D. Harvey, M.~. nnc Mem orial Bal.I, $1.~5i TrU ll 'nio,l's, Mr. J[ntfi Id, ponsor- Fr'Cshman, Your Funeral Director allowed. services at jail dUI'io~ eptcmber', tee of Public A!inll's, .lrght at Pr,' id nt, Vince nt Gdlfy: Vice- ophomorc, Roy Crockett; juniors, sell plenty of goods, butt , when S~lIa Uncbel, guardian of Rol- $35: The ational Police ffie r, ourt House pt'l'lod endmg. cpt. PI . ident, Donald Foulks: ecre- uella Bernard, Edith Hoyle, would we get OUT money?" This Wade, seems to us a most lamentable sitland" Gephart, a minor filed her 1 powder kit 10 yn.rd 1'011 lifting 1, 1935, ,42.76: Trustees of bu'Y, Fr-nnces Elli~, Treasurer, Margie Tinney, Doris McClure Funeral Home ftftb . ecoWlt. tape for h(l;i/f, $11.76; Trustoos Public Affnj,'s, w.ale.· 8~1'vice- nt Jane oDic Glenna Woolard, and Robert uation. In !lome cases the present ilI., O. The ..tate of Chari ell Wikoff, a of Public Aft'air , wat l' sN'vice at ourt Hou e peT/od cn~mg ~ept. JU)lior, Mrl Garst, spon!'\ol'- Young: seniors, Jane C90k, Anne conditionlS have been brought 10 penon Jl!'eaemed to be dead, t.he jail, $30.82: TI'u tees f PubUc J, 19..02; Dr. S. Sterling Stnhl, {;resiUent, Robel~t Young; Vica- rane, Marjorie Earnhart, Fran- about through no faqlt of those 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - e.tate I. relieved from admj isn-a- Affairs, fight und gas at jail, prof 's~l?nul I'vlcc l'endere~1 president, Margie Tinney; ecre- ces Ellis, Cecil Hartman and who are in distress, but in mOlt of I=====================~ cases the condition came I· tiOJl a d dilltribution i. ordered. ~a6.51; The Radio Shop, radio V rl 111Ill er, August, .4; DI'. . tary and Trl~a ure •., lenna Ruth Sali~bury. about through living beyond their tubes resistor labor on Sh eriff's :sterling Stahl, profe lonal sel'- Woolard. Ne. Sol .. T.a~ere F rolic at Outi.. means. We are still suffering from l'adio' 9.80' De-Ila I-Iu/fol'd feed- vices rend red Frank Ballinger, Sophomore., 8ectlons l. & 11" Goldie Snodgrass veraus Stanley iog p~'isoner' during Augus~ 1935 August I); Ohio late 'Ilnatol'· Mr. Braddock and Miss Roe th-e · elaborate installment plan 01 Tb teachers, with their families buying, so popular ~ few years SDOclc!'us for d\vorce. Charge is $S02 , Wm. Huffoxd, washing for ium, x-ray of che t of R bel't Up- Ilpom.or _ P t:'esident, Charles held the first of tbelr social i ather ago. You were urged to buy a ny. grail nerlect 0 f duties. prisoners during August, 1935, lon, ${ij Dr'. :Kennon Dunha",l, Andel on; Vic "pl'esiciellt. Frank Mae Reeder veraus Jacob R, $29.86; Fred Kahn M()tol' Co., ad- medical l' lief for ?oit-s. Olile LeMay;, Anna Gay ings last Friday evening. The af. thing on t he doUar down basis, Reeder. fo r djvorce. Charge is justing valves and 6 spark plugs GUI'dnel' during August, ,20 i l\1r Treadway; Treasurer, J&ne Fur- fail', a wiener roaat, took place at AutomObiles wer e sold to Irrellpon th Bummer home of Mr. a nd Mrs. sible putie On the monthly pay. cro.. aeclect of duty. for hcriff, $4..63; Griswold Sel'- Julia Hollond, board nnd cal'& nDS. Ira Brown, north of Dayton. A m~nt plan. Finance companies vice Station, goa and oil cluing Vernon Hoiland, $5; Mr. Lulu FI'eshmen, section I. & II., Mr. number of the teacbers enjoyed u'l-g~ you to borrow monel{ and .... . E.t... T r.... fe... Augu' t, Shel'iff's cars, $21..01; Gnbbal'd, board and aare Lincoln Brown and Mi . mith, pon ors tennis, while a few hied their go into debt. Now they have eame CI, de C. Collins and Je sie E. Waites Guaga, 1 quart sileo oil Cabbard, $5: Mrs. W. • Roberts _ Pre id nt, Tre 'ler Hardin; A~~..c;o'::I~ Collina to Joseph Wittmann real :for Sheriff's car, $1: Harley W. board and c re W. C. Roberts, $5; Vice.presid ent, Mildl'tii Young; luck at fishina-. Later the &,roup to the end o:t their rope and many gathered inside for a varied ' pro· are strulfglio&, In a morass of acliye wire a1ld eCl'etary, Ruth Collette; gram of games Those present were cumulated debt. Everywhere w(t »~'.,. ~ve firm the bleh... ur r, Wilton Hal'tsock. lilt. and Mrs. J. W. Lob, Mr, and are t old to spend, to &'Ilt rid of any pnce. and cood .emee. Mrs. Charles James, Mr. a nd Mrs 'su rplus we hav.e accu mulated, be. V.loD Stock Y.....• CI_I __, .. O. Soh-Ball Schedu le L. A. Gorst, Mr. and Mra. Wa de cause the govetnment will take it Tune In on Radio Station WCltY . The s9ft-ball schedule fo)' Turner, Mr. and Mll. Ruseell in Bome form Of taxes if we don't 11 :215 to 12 :80 p. m. for our daD, Warren county li!1lgue has been PI'ank, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Boden- There seems to be n o incentive to market reportl. completed. The following games bender, Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Brown. Bave, to lay by somethinr ' for a I~~~~==~~~~r ~~~~~ BJ' booked'. Mr. and Mrs. John Kersey, Mies , .l_ Old g pen 100 will Virgene Roe, Miss Esther Smit h, ratny <HOy. a e s 9 Friday, September IS-Hartake care of you when you grow veysburg at artisle, Mason at Miss Eva Reeder, Misl Laura old. Unemployment in8urance will Kings Mills, Morrow at Spring- McKenzie, Miss Dorothy Day, Mr. keep yo u when your job is gone boro, Charles Spencer, Mr. R. F. Hat- an d there is always _ relief. I , field, Mrs. Mayme Hatfield, Miss may be all wrong, but] bave Tuesday, September 2 at Harve y bUl'g, Carlislel'la- t-·K ....ino'gs' .. ! Alice Campbell, Miss Elizabetb never found but one way to get !liills, Wayne ville at Morrow. ~::!I~: and Mr. Charles Mac rid of a debt and that ,ill to dig i n Friday, September 27- Spt ing_ _ _... _ ••_ _ _ and pay it. If you have lived beyo nd your means, start t oday t o boro at HlII'vey,sbu)'g, Carlisle at Mason, Kings Mills at Waynesville curtail . t hose n eedless exp enses. Tucsday October I -Morrow at Pay something on what you owe. Cal'lisle, Harveysburg at Kings Rev. Jason Biddlecum and K. If you owe your grocer for goods Mills, Waynesville at Springboro. E. Thomp!!on attended t he funeral you b,ought on credit, be man F"'itlay, October 4 - Spring- on Monday, of Putman Barrett at enourh to still patronize him and boro at CUI'lisl , Harveysburg at Wilmi ngton, Ohio. ha nd him the cuh you a re giving Phone 71J MOI"'OW, Mason at WaynesviJle. Among those from a distance to some othe-r fellow who never Tuesday, OctOber 8- Spring. who attended the Cottage prayer extended credit to you. Don't ~============~ boro at Mason, Kings Mills at meeting on T huhday avening at dod&,e t he man you owe. Walk up Mon'ow, Ca.rlislj! at Waynesville. the home of K. Eo. Thompson and to h im and tell him you are goln&' Friday, Oct()b ,el' 11 - Wayne8- family were: Mr. and Mrs. Asbu ry to ·regain your credit. Live within 0::: ville at Harvey Iburg, Morrow at Rill of Bellbrook, Doris . Hill and your income. even if you go tiOTARY PUBLIC Mus()n, Kings Mills at Springboro fdend of Lebanon. hungry at times. N....... Baak Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Ear ly and .....,.THE . ROUNDER, a irl.' Atbletic. Th.e Franklin Cblronic:I~ 1 Willa Draw. • • It...... 5 ...... children enterta~ne d compan)' last High school nirla will be int Sunday. - -_ __ ••_ ........._ WAYNESVILLE, OHIO ter-e ted in knowing that since Rufus Ro berts and f amily spent . , . ).......J~ there were not Emougb letters from Sun day afwrnoon with P. G. their parents who voted "yea" on Welle a nd family. . . FO. BALE D:ATES CALL the question of basketball, t here P. G. Welll , K. E. TbomplOn, Wm. Ewln~ i . r estinc com"'t or. will be no baslcetball f or bigh Otill Rich, Dorothy and Charlie tab1y in St. ' Francia ~o.pital, .,' school ,irls thill y~r, 'Wells, Marie Well, and Kathle,n Columbu. , where be recentlt However, thelte will be . 1\ deft- Thompson I were amon. tho., wbo derwent" wnor operation. nite physical edUcation proaT&m. at tended church at ClarluviU. OD Donald R.ev.. of CCC camp at Durinr the yeal~ there will prob. l..t Saturda7 evenln. aDd heard Ole"rt.ld. X,., w.. Jlom. oyer ably be classes i n tumblin" voU.,. 1\(i.. Lottie I. ' O.born of II"~ the we.k-end. ball, interpreta,tive and tap Clarks"Ule. pr.ach. The Horace MUia. a Dative of lu.a .TOUY I dancinr,p laY~iI'oun d ball. ' telUlia wat .peUbound duriq her intar- community dted at bil hom. 11.., ..... 110. ............. . . . and various OtbE11' activitiell. No eltinl' 'Iermon. , Jain ••town on Thunda,. ae w•• announcemen t haa y&t b een made Dorothy Han of Hamilton, i. a brother of Mn. Emma Blair of NOT THIS WAY EAAL KOOGL&a as to when or h ,ow many of these vi. iUnar her uncle Mylah Powell of this place, More than half the boys and gi d s who fail in D.~... ...... activities will be3 inaug urated. near Olive Srancb. Mlu Mildred Muon, of Xenia, their studies bave defective vision ! Marson Wells IIpent Sunda)' ray~ a very intereatinc entertalnu .......u Boy Scou,t Acti.-itiee, afternO On In Hamilton. ment in thtl F riendll' Church Tu.... =:=~===============-:~=: That puts it squarely up to you parents to The Boy Scouts are now bel!)r K. E. Thompson was in Sllao da)' evenine. organized in the· school. They are and Og den, Clinton count)', .on Mrs. Howa rd lfcClure w.. the provide proper Lighting cond itions for study having four to five meetings a Frid ay. guest of a .uter in Wel t Manc~e ... month, These al'e held the third Our lIick are all improvio, at ter l..t week,' and reading. Fol' poor lighting is the chief pEll'iod of the d,BY in tbe g)'l1l. th is writing. J . L. Conard attended a diltriet Mr. Brllddock, their leader, r eo Misses Marie Weill , Kathleen ~Una- of rural earriera at Frank FOa .ALIt cause of eye strain and near-sightedness in POtts tbat 18 boys have enroll ed ; ThompsQn and Bud VOl'el, ~te aQd improper lighting lin Chau~uqua grOUndl Sunday. I_ _ _ "--_ _ _ _ __ -:-_ _ Robert Hyman tlnd Frank LeMay Rich and K. E. TbompI QO, coodiUoal caUIe oeac·sightedoes, children. ~ -. FOR SALE-A nice 1111. of b_ &lid eye . raiD In chHdren. ' are seeond-claels scouts, and church at Clarkaville on natlollelT. 24 .bee.. alld 2' eDharles LeMay 18 first-class scout. ed Make sure that your child is not studying t I"' Sb D1. Sunday eveni~. A. B. Talmqe and family enter velo.,.. or ..0; oW·....o. IUT THIS WAY . Ca:n:'ll.l. . Proj.ct. under improper lighting conditions. Othe~ tained companJ SUllday. .....tII and 16 .n..lop. tOl' 10 The Mothers' dub met for t heir Mr. and Mn. Walter Shank and A thoroup, Rudy of financial cell": wuld paper. wbite u.•• members ,of the family, deserve this same annual canning day last Friday friendl of Dayton, Mr. and lin. apin a d . revi.w of recent p.per. paper aapldnl, at G...tte aftemoon and canned almost t wo Cl arence AUen of Bellmont, lflu banldq developments . 811 made 0810•• consideration for their eyesight, when reading hUnd,'ed quarts of frui t and vege. Marie WeIll and W. H. Terry of at the Elkl CoUllty Clab, Hamilton PIPE. VALVES and PITTING. lnbles. Theee wUl be used at t he t hi. place spent Sunda), after. Tuellday. S.ptember 17, whell tor Water Gu St... Wella o.r worlci ng. Ample lighting for all purposes lunch room in t e grade buildin•. noon with K. E. ThomplIOD alld more than 100 banken ratbend and 9praTina. Ciatern hand, Ill... tamU" for tb. annul m.Rtll~ , of Group and Spray pump., P1am'" • in the home costs very little in the first place, Mr. and lin. Oli".1' G. Jacoa 0... Olalo Bullen Auoclation. BeaU. . BDppllu lowed prlc. . . . and saves much more than it COSts in relieving One of the I UI, II" IK:Il'UUI and daqbter W'~. Sunda, Th. oountletl eompri8lDc Groap blab_ QaalItJ at "1'Il. BoeIrIft. n. I TU D Y LAMP proyide. co urts hu been 1_"".'''.'' Inc p ..ta of Ill'. aDd lin, 011. an .uU... Olermollt, G1'N1le Klq Co.. Z..... Olllo. WrItlt as Ualat .. c,. ,i,bl quallt, ud eye strain. rolled and hoed rence A. Jacob.. BemUton, lOamI. lIoDteamelT, tOl' pdcea. .. . . . . , . . NIIIUoI or IhIdyu.. boys' physical e111111C1lticllft Littl. Alta Wella lPG' KOIlldalrl PNbh...d Warm. afternoon witb ilia bub of lIorrow. lluon, MI~lI Smith il IlJllnn:lnc girls' t.nnla TbomplOn. 1IkWI.WwD, IInroe I_____________________ elmiJar pr(1I'I'I11QJ1

Sch()o/ High Soots ...




---- - - ---'--








F. IT. Martin Auctioneer


Beech Grove

Or No Ch.rge

Centerville, Ohio





'rithmetic ~.~

New Burlington

JL ~ ..~~


Stanley I Koogler



Demand. GOOD· llGH'TING





Pow~r alld

Light Co.


L "~

out for




and!d made by Gl'nelal Grant'l[ mother and two Ilatch.w ork quilts made by hill si~ ttrN, a hines(' 11Iq ue1'C<l Hewing ("SUED EVERY THURSDAY box which t!lt\ general bought 101' hll-l motber when he WIlS on a trip 011•• P~.tortlo...t W"1I1U- 'l'oUnd the world, tJlree oil paint• .. .... ,............. N o. 1121 Entered vBI . 0 11at 10.... :er ... nd CI .... v .. lI iOKS and numorous phologra(lhs of Subacrlptlo. Price, .1.10 • Y • ., M.. tter t he many members of th Grant family, a gl'oup of German bibles, EPTEMBER. .1!l, 1!)1l5 thr e paiRley shawls, pieces of jewelry and severa l attractive pieces of ilver of which the out,. . llintling are fruit baskets nnd SIl rvi ng trays . .




Fashions In Freedom

"A I" Smth, one of the nution's leading citiztns, former gove~'nor

A warning that




01' N ew York nn(1 Democl'iltic candidate fOl' ]lr(!~id ·nL. ill reRpected by markets and packers Oil well s in 1111 for his inlegrity; h is sine j'ity and his Bhl'ewdn e~s in Ilnalyzing divitl ual s will be lleJd to the pos· public qu'stions. A8 the principlIl speaker at a I'ecenl dinner in New ~e's ion limit of five rabbits .a day YOI'k, he snid to hi: h 81'01'1\, " Keep your eye on the Constitution:" was made by Conservation Com1 .. About the same time the G rman tute S.;Jcl'etary in the ReIch mlSSlon r L Ilwrence W 00 d·ue II , I t

Mini stry of Ju stice was infol'ming a public gaUiel'ing that the will of Hitler is the suprcm law of the lana . In th United Stat tho Oll Ktitulion is th supreme law of the land and the Iivell, liberties and fortunes of OUI' people are noC subject to th I ills of dictaLor~ . But "AI" Smith knows, as do oth r . talesmen, that there ar~ def\nit tI ign s in our own Unileu Sta~ to reviSe th Constit'lltion as a documen t outworn- a R t hou ~h there were 'f ashions In fr edom. Thi s u sign has shown itself in suggestions to d epL'ive the high est judicial branch of governm nt, the United tates Su prem Court, of the pow to e ffectively uph(lld what is left of . he onstitutioh . • [f any think this ill not a ste p in th direction of intolel'~nt dictatorship as we witneli8 it in the rest of the world, let them thmk again I The legislutivl! attempt!! of the past several year's to circumvent the Con stitulion , have been plain a nd only th POW"'I' of ~ the Un~ted Stat::s uprem e ourt to puss on ~uch ads, has savetl the Amel'lcan citizen 'his personal Iibel'lies and his property l-ight ·. and prevented him from havin g the chains /:If dictatorship forg d upon him. Take heed of the advice of men.who toc1ny put country above pOI·ty and stand fot· the perpetuationof unadlt rotetl Americanism fo tered and ncoui'aged by on t.itlltional government unchanged in principle f r om its original (\esign .

has been common )lractice for years fOl' ment. market.'1 and produce dealel's to obtnin rnLbits from hunters and trapll rS and t.o lIe ll them on the open mark t . Sport8mEm thl'oughout th{' stale have long opposed su ch nction. A new hunting law in elf ct thi1l year set the possession limit a s I we I as t ll' bag limit at five, and impose n p nllity of fl'om $25 to $200 fOl' violali<lll. pOl'ts men clnim that In lrtany counties th e numb l' of rabbits has been ser· ious ly depleted, ill some dis trict almost .to lh xtent of exterminatioll, through commercialized

:::'~a~~dn i s~~~ di;~!iOnUI~~ma~~~! that the new lliw will be .appJita-1 O

ble to stores, meat l}'Iarkets and ali pI' duce deale r}; os well as to the huntel·S.

and \lut of time Ilri ....· (')' 1(' In 1 !f:l:t. tics l'£'l£'aH d tad Y by UIKb"ay "mee .{I·l>rr 11t·1i, '·C·. hr i~ ju tifkd in 1l1rN·tCll' .John Jal'tE'r, .Jr. 11Uy fino:', thun -m inlJ: thllt, fllJIII lhc' . il(li- of 11,[ Sixty-fnur pe-I'tIon v. t'rl' kllled Itin~ Plllkill~ lillll'~. lin\\, i- II ,I "l~t tim .. in II iii nll'n IIncl 18 wonwn. relle"" " l' Ihi.~ (ury I'I 'n l" '''li'' ll 10 111\,· t ill a 1'111'1\1 u~ U'ian falnJilil'!I nlll11h('f(!d 16. it A tlclin·ry " pia' .... to It.. ,. :t1l.1 l'UI n II li\'inJ.: . 'fht' injured total('(J 7fHI-471 \'C'I' J!'l'l-Ihl'r'On far(o, lhn( i. t"IHJin~ 0 111('11 and 2!'H women. hi~ placo of h.·p rllrm 11I'in' 1111\\ 11 • • • ""'(ling l ulor' . v hiel wHitling with ISUbStribe tor The Miami Guette bUl;in~ss ",o~c(' h' <I th<' iclcll or t" 1"01'1', is till' ir "Illl-il cy of 22£ _ _ making l\ ClIl·tibo8l,t! likeness of a fU11li f<lrt'clu:IIJ'{'''. Hul rlp.· pi e city fire-plug, Wh l n hI' d~p!1I ,t d IIIHny .~ Ill·~ (If di~II"'ed prnperhe set the artificial hy(ll'ant un ti(·~. lund vulu<, ~ haw clilll\) .. d, tile curb, thc-reby n'';I' I'\' ill/-r space. nl,uut 15 t ll:!O llt·\· u nt Ninc l:' 5 When h parkt·cl, hc' lII PI'('l l , tIll (!W :'I1uI ch I !!;~;l. the fac ~jlllile in hi: t r uck . T}l f(lrl·cln. UI' (. ltd I' ('('l1li nll'" of --high. II·, 811Y, . l)f'COU RC til1H'!< 1I1l' Th oug h ts -of -thl' lJi\. I thul j\l, t I popped up ; Tht' ,ti t! ny,;(nl. radJO Ilett r. "":he numhe r o f f 1'111 f Ol'e s~t. - 1'h e "BI"tcl - Lrllt( )111." C 1I.' unl" I;; high~I' nnw thun in " " 1 '1'11 I tl It ' .. 0 No NOI'a ." _ U'll I. ,...... (1·." hOI'll .' . n H? as HIX 111l)lllh~ morc , Th~ uncl(.'r~igned as EXl'cutor 'of the ~IiJl ' of Jor;eph C. Keys, ",.tl 1 ('0 f . I' dl('(' I\;<l'U. will Ifel' for 'ale by way e, f public auction, the real cid ~I'. -Oilin" tll e ruad I'll fl"Jlll lall , llllllR In () 110 wl)r(! fo ro f '" l'lo,"'d l'nch month. 'stl1~r: of d e >(Ient congisting of Farm and Town Dwellin~ on 0 the .hous . - Th e- rcel-,I .~ .. 'alul·. d h "Fallll loan rr !litor" ~I '''' often MOlldHY, Sept ember 30, 1!135. ny. mg. t. . wain s tlu , hin'" hy in I 1 Til r~ FARM lit 10 o'c lock A. 1. on the I)remises. hell' : lullln .." I'u bbll' tl'rl',l 1'1',.,",,,. 111 "lIl in 11110\1 ing th" (~lJtOI' to 1. ' '1 I I THI;; DWELLING al 1 :!JO o'c1ock in Waynesville, en the Grnndma': :Ippl -d umplin$·. - R~'ult "I" II l' nn. C('U]ln"~y (I n p l·em i l;(·~ . oppm'vival m('ctitlg. r.OCJ kl·ll" ,., n l lUll, 'I ' unti l It fR\'orahll I l'i 8(lu pil'Lure. thru the ~IN"'>Jlti- unl ,Y ~1~ISl'8 1.11 ~e l the fUI' Ill. Th.l! THE FAR:\!: con in th~~ pari(lr on ' un Itl\', Ilft"I'In e rt that lmlCs are. hc.>lter I onsi<ting (apPl'oximately 159 acres, is lorated on Bell< f I noon. -Sllucel'ed co(f(!l'. - I'll 1- pI'unlotmg- ort'c OS UI·. ; Il. mean hrouk Road ubout :l \';1 mile,,' North of Way-nelfv·ilIe. Warren ing our four Pl ymouth I( nch. with t~at t~e la~t 'hHptel' I ' be-Ing \\,I'itou nty. Ohio, . glass eggs - Th e slunp on lh t~n 0 1 tl ~to l'Y thut really CUO'lC to lL ill pl'odu tivo grou nd btick ~nd fro me dwelling houle: h.lll'n. tobacco Rhl'd~: hog houlle and nllno)' buildinga; Is fenced. ov rtul'ned plate in lh e ' au 1'_ Un .~.ntl two years ag.o .". krau t c l'ock. , 1 act{) rS tJHl t nc ouulgc l:Ina Good rond "to farlll, ree ~Uy hard , urfal,ed, Good water and IIprinl' ___ • _ _ p Ul(' hali~s ore IOIH'l'cd tax rat (.s. that hllf! nevel' fniled. I'!'(Juce() intill'( t rutec and hete;!· THE DWELU G: If!rms on farm I an s, and the A tw !ltOI'Y fram e d..... C'lling house and barn.; located on lot t1~ g'enel'nl I'i~c in agl'icultul'al price ', (). 14 Hania ucJdili on. Wayn t·avilla. Ohio, facing 60 feet on h~ !<uys. Third . lre t <lIHi 150 feet de p to all ey . It makes a eood and com f or tnbl e hom . . Th e~e propel'LieR 8 1'C- sold by the undersign d Exeeutor under power created in will of d ec~dent and to finally Bettle . -.---estate. Economlat B eh.,ve~ Now r. The The farm . ha bec-n revalu d at ~ 7,500 .00. T~ e d\\ elhn~ at 1,500. 0 and will not be sold for .leBI than Opportunity of A two-thlfd I the value. Cenera'tion Terms of aalo: A H. _ _ __ A reasonabl e deposit, ill be accepted for timet of investilraIt may be- pl'obably it i&--/\ Thill' wel'e 3ll automobile oction by pUl'chaser on any question of title_ good lime lo buy a farlll . At lea t cidents <lul'ing July- the peak Any inq uiry as to tinancin:;: pu rch uiie or othef\ville will be that is the opini.n of H. R. mon th so far this year- r porled proll1ptly an wllr d by the undt.rsigned . . MooI'e, economist in th e depart- t (> th e Traffic BUI'eau of th e Stnte ment of rural eco[lumics a t the Highway Depal'tm nt as occur. S. U .• who say,; it i- evi dent I ing II tute highway outside Lebanon, Ohio that land prIces completed II. long municipalities, nccording to statistinually on the th Ir downto'A n say it l~ chpap"r to wa~tl.' tim/' .pnce. I don't but anyway J hUI man who ... ould Ih'lIl in fl'ont of


.. - ----

Executor' Sale Real Estate



SAYS IT' 5 Til nJE

10 BUY AfARM AUTO A(1-C-' -- - -



A boon1 in 1 al estate bu siness for Ohio was fOI'ecast last week by W . Paul. Wagner. director of 1 the State D partment of ' ComIII rce. He said that more tha n fifty p r cent of the building and 8 :00 Mu ic loan as oeiations in the staw are . H. ·E. Eswine now lending money, and if indu s- ========================= 8 :05 Early Days of the Uo in Ohio - --~ -====-=~===--==~~~=====-.. H. D. Brown trial payrolls continue to gain it :16 Vegetabl e t.orage 8:25 Music I very likely that this percentage R :40 Pr gram by Tuscal'awns 'ounty 4-H lubs'.. W. A. Lowth(jr will be materially inerea ed before 9 :00 Fall ann iog for Winter Menus MI' . Kathel'ine Cowglil the first' of the y~r. Twelve months ago virtually no building 9 :10 Music !) :26 Organi~if\g til Farm Busi ness for P rofit J . H. Sitterl y and loan a .·ociations in Ohio 9 :iU; Visits to Hybrid om Fi,!ld . R . D . Le.wis and . n. tringfield wer~ in a position to grant loans, J)irector Wagner e timsted tha~ U: {j WO U P lay r Countea.s 1..1dla In theIr box at the Jarly asked you - not tii'." Karenln pl'operty values have mounted And ao-thelr 14yO eoDUDuI4 'aD \ ANNA KABENJNA track. ehe saw nothing of the pano- laid at lut. "I atand tor certain eact. day brourllt It. filii meuu twellty per cent in the last year rama atretche(l before her. For the tbtnp In the public eye. Certain 01 joy &lid conlant. SollUltim ·(R&8tJ .. a: Al,z'e' Vr01lskl/ atld and a hilif. "Repol·l. fl'om all secI1le ot her .he could not look at the principles. Thla position and theae Anna woul4 awaken rrom ber I A.lnlo KII,..,dlla, tDi/. 01 ihe St. atralnlllg .teeda. Nor could IIhe bear principles you are endan,erln,. You chanted world to reanember ",ha tions ot th tate ore cheerful," P.,....".,.' 110U4tNlmettt olflclaJ, the excitement ot thOlle about her. are tnakfng me rldlculoulI-&nd tbl" had been. Sbe ..w oJUy juatlee , he said. " In many place there is A,.N Kare,,'., aTe 'rresi.Ubl, Sbe hoped Vronsky would win. for 1 will not tolerate." tbe ~acl that abe bad lett Karenl d.....,. 10 eae" 0(1181" at a · positive housing sllOrtage." He bla aake. For her ow II, all ahe aaked "I love blm," Anna alUlwereCi. "I For ten years abe had auUlrecI fir., ,"8e""9 at 'he Moscow added that build ing and loan deW811 bla eatety_ belon~ to him." Her voice mounted to cl'usb her wltb dll'llity. Nev Ba41wa, 8tIlUOII. A tro'"1>I<1" ." posits alway ~ incI'ease when loanNo rider could match Vronsky tor with pl.8lllon. "I cannot bear you,- had be knowr abe was & . WoID&!!r IcfUed wlt"e Iltefl' are trl/l th e popularity. Well-wlahens abouted ahe cried. "I am afraid 9t you. I needhlg 10ve. . ; rlcuto" caM 4 II'na look. tlpO,," OL MBUS Two thou and !lUI' y of the UniL d tates De- ing is resumed_ trom all elde. as Frou Frou, bl. , lie tTCIl1edy aa a" evil omen. you!' -_ NoI ......, _ ............ ~ ' enona from n11 pnl·t8 of tel partl.nent of Agriculture .. The s uperb mare. WBJI lead out. Yet Dwrl." MT "'Oil/ ,,, Nu,cow, "For 80me time," ,Karenln laid Anna knew tbat pubUc OIIIDlOD w I P bl tt d th t The thi:ft of p l' ons from direct Vrollsky knew, that blrrlng the ter· evenly. "I b..v,e known that In unit· etron, for Karenln anef .ve. VrON/cy mllkes etlfde,,' his f1lUnit d States will gather at O. pt: Ie may ~_e mee mgs. l'elic'C rollg to WPA pl'ojects has rltlc hll2ards of the rau and tile 111,& my lite to youra I have m8!le plauded ble decllion not to dlvo /alllC1tiOlll.or "81". To eacape her possible nervoU.' ot bla mount, • ml,take, But thla 1 mUllt bear for her. Divorce would have thl'O grow'''11 ", ..." f: I" h.m, Anna • from Thur. dar to ' unlln)' ot The p pulntion of state illsti- l'ellulted In 8 $1,000,000 decrease there remained another obstaole W lhe uke of my public duly- for the wide tbe ftoc.4ptea of IQaDdal 11_~G_ to St. Peter;abl4rg to thi week to attend anati nal tut! n" including hospitals, in. in the amount of ~ederal. fu n~ hIs victory In Maholln, a tellow oftl- like of my child. 1 believe In mar- sullied the dJ.plJty 80 p~oua 1181" "",baM, ,,,hom she doe. . cer ot hiB regiment. e.nd hla aplen- rlare u a .scramenl whlch notbln~ him. forum on country Iile und~r au s· dustl'inl school>!, r fOI'llUitories requested for. OhIO r hef In II0t 1000e, 11M to her Child, Ser. , did black stallion Gladiator. get. Whom .he. adorll'. Vron,kl/ cab break- not even tbe aln of one But sbeu .('ruelty alone Pl' 'Pic s of th Amedcan ountry and Ohio. p nitentillry was ' 3G, 1 0~tober, acc.o rdmg ~o. Charles C. /ollow. Iter. Bt. Petersburg soNot only W8& MahoUn a brilliant ot tbe partnera tn tbe marrIage. ble determination to . ..parate h Lie allSociation, an organization 330 at the end of th~ June qual'- hllman, relIef admlmstratoT. A elel., la 11003 OWGre 0/. the atrider-but alao. Gladlator's gallop Our life must ~o on sa it baa In the fram SergeI-the cruelt)' of a m which is attempting to further a tel', according to a report just pub grant of $6,000,000. for .n?xt traclti07l between 'hem . At an sent Frau Frou In~o a frenzy ot put." w'ho not onl,y wau not loratv., b worthy country Iif in the United Li~hecl by Mrs. Margaret Allman, month was sought. S IX MII1!on 4,1.,.,.00" gllrde'li paTtll gitlen As he mounted bls "But 1 tan·t ~o on \Ivlila' this who must punllb .. welL borse, . Vrollllky realized he bl/ COM"te,. Ud:la, the .cando r must .he wep't. , .And then tbe lmace or Se~ way," States and t-o buiJd an outstanding director of the tate Department wa~ needed for September rehe!. br84k.. Ioo.e. JI(Menl... learlt3 keep out or the stallion's range. "You mu.• t. · His tone "... 6nal. wollld .....11 ber, briDal... unbea ' rUfl1l civilization. Three ma in of Public Wellare. Of the total, [t I . hoped th~t all of th~ state B t"'t~ 10,. 'h.e firs t I{me,) "They're ort!" The ahout mingled "You will not ,tve me a dIvorce, able pain tbat ODJ,y Vl'OQIky's lov asp cts of r ural lile will be con· 23 525 were men and 12 805 were employables WIll be working for wl lh the conclave or olatterlng tben!" could uluace. hoovea 8S the hOMes IItarted down "Never!" He smiled wryly. "Why . O ~ e mOrnln, Anna -.ut VrOllllk~ 8idere.d population mov mentl; w~nlen . The I'eport stated that th Lhe WPA by November 1 when all the long stretch toward the firat mould I! To permit you to le~allse dl'lf ml bappllY down tilt cannla I.... ChaphlrTwo afl'e~tlng the w<:!ifare of the farm I division of charities at that . time direot fede~al relief will end. rence. a aln? Never. You w111 remaio any .. ,undolL A ,roup of U l "l l~ ~amllYI curl' nt programs ~o r t he I had 771 dependant chil dren plac. • - • r Anna. remaIned Impervlo~ to the Anna focused her lorgnette on wife ..nd never .ae thll-thla per- beean t.umbllne alo~ the r. ' ro walk, "'&llng tor penni.. . 'In Itln, or society'. gOlllllp, but ber Vronsky nnd Frou Frou noalllg to- 80n agatn." unp.t~vement of. country life and cd in private hom s, institutions (._ . _ . - _ ._ _ . _ , "And tbe alternallve?" opened her bar: anel thre"', . 11'. sltuaUon ILt home became unbear· ward lhe lead. She glimpsed MabodeclslO.ns . o~ whIch the futur~ of and hospitals, and had 1710 crip Un on Gladiator pounding wildly "You will rulgn all c ... lm. to Bel'colrl8 t(\ them. One cbilcl. c:::.... ,~ , able. Karenin. wl,th Icy formality. rural lIfe w111 dep nd. The se8Slon pled child!', n under direct , uper. ., wuned bel' of tbE' danger lin op n are for both lay and professional vision. lCandai m"ht brilllg, everal persons. There' will b TIlt ecrect of seandal upon bel' natinally kllown speakers includA portion of the large collecby JUDSON DEAN IOn! ADna·. heart: was erusbed by ingl United tatC/i S cretary of tioll of material belonging to •• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . this po.llblllty. Sbe now spent in bel' time wltb Serl:el, watcblng hIm Agricultu l'c H enl'Y A. Wallace. Of the family of General Ulysses with rrlehtened eyea for 80me sign impol·t8nce will be atu rday lunch . Grant ha been placed on disCOLUMBU A marked in- of hurt· or 'unhaPf:hless. But the eon meeting on col) ervation, play at the mu eum the Ohio novation permeate the rO\l1antic ehlld more oyou.s lhan ever. which will be pr ided over by State Archn~logjcal and Hi t orical adventuer of the wee-morning Hie daye weN fl1 ed to the brim ()f happiness 1I0W that his mother David C. Warn 1', executive setTe- soci ty, it was a\ln ounced by IhQur t uner-inner. One wo nd ers 8S was al",ays on blind to play with tory of the Ohio tat(' wa er con- Henry • hetrone, director. 'The sliort . WBVe staccato dots and him, to study with blm. to romp sel'vation board. Add~e es will exhibits wer loaned by Mrs. M. du~lles meet the ears if occasion- wltb him In lhe ·lI:arden. It was on just such a day th t be made by Charles W. E liot Il of S. Tamer of Ea ston, Pa., widow ally some might not have original:bunt up'Dn her 8S she at Washington, executive officer of of the late apta1n J esse Grl\ nt ed fro m a distreS!!ed 'sh ip on a dis- VrolUlky watchlna Sergei cavort upon the t he national resource board; and Cramer, a nephew of General !.an l ~a. Then too, they might be 1&"n. "Alexei!" Anna"a tace lit w1th J . N. Dal'li ng of the biological Grant. Included are several WQven signals conveying news that in a few h our . will amaze the entire Jo)'. She gazed at him tenderly. :" Your eyes are troubled." wodd. I have talked with a few "Aft they?" he ttrled to be casual. people who du ring the last Cali"I know at once' when somethin g fornia f;!arthquake kn ew of the Ia wrong with yo'u ." 8he an8wered catastrophe several hours before ,ently. "Is It lhe raceY" Alina. refe rred I() the grent Clival· it appeared in the papers.. They ty RacQ whlc·h were to take place had 'been tuning in on the that afternoon. 'Vronsky and hl.J amateu l's in th e early hours and borae Frou Frou were the general caug ht the chaotic description tavorltC)8. "No." be an .. wered as he snl down , from an am ateul' On t he . coast bes ide bllr. ·'It·a people." be aald at lengtb. who happened to be broadcasting lie cruehed her lo him "I'll give at the time. 1 recall an occasion of everythIng joyfully 'lt you wtll all the members of two f amilies a d vorce Karenln and marry me . thollsand miles apart convetJIing Ann.." he pleaded. "you and I lofammarly as though they were all ,ether ·b erore evuryone. No morc deceit. no more .Iubterruge." in one room baving a fireaide chat. 8h. dOled her eyea In th ril ling Late ChaIrman of Amerlean Red CrOSI An IImaleur tells me of boldlni a Ultnt to Lbe joy ,ot thlg vision. To lengthy conversation in the early claim ber.elf 'Vronaky·. before the world I To bend lUte ..nd IIvln, to A Revered and Capable Leader wml terrlJ'o .el!ort .he 10llu.ed heT groue, 0)\ Ihe traok: " B'or tile third time," whlsp( qui"et dawn with an 'Am,ericaD tbe IncSe ot tbalr (llwn happi ness! To "~ "'99,.t l'014 come hO,"'.~ : amateur in China wbo h. haa jUlt "ory III tbe rl61K to belong to eacb coin -In millatr. ~. . By navlcl S.' IDplII "picked out of the air." Such com oth.r! hla Ixpre"lve V "Motber!" 8er8:el·. voIce called behind tbem. She put .down h er ,el." mllnlcatioD il taken by one all rally CIMJ,...... ,Ollo Roll C.JI Co.mltt.. Ann. crumbled under thla blow. with admiration .. trom tit. I.,"n aa he rode hie glu.... het face drawn wllh anll:just matter-of-fact but upon pony at tOil ,peedl down the green . lety. Wben ahe next attended the but she .controlled her voIce for.. ber. with him, thoaght is seems that auch and "What an adora When John Barton Payne, Chair- .of reverence I~emed to "Ser,el!''- Anne~ whlsp red. "I track It waa In Urn. to llee Vronaky IUt plea . "You uy tbll. ltnowlng take the lrllh banquet. the greateat that thla [ cannot do. There II no cried. "J.leul-let·1 Hil .taff called him limply, the other rev~Jations are far ahead of ",un't think In&' ol~ Serge i!" man of the American Red Croll. Vronaky IItepped back u if slung. hazard In the race. Frou Frou lite tor me without my ebUd . · I the Irondola .ltb 118." palsed'rom thi. lile in Washington Judare. Whea thin,. went alona us lind we cannot account for their "Anna." he said. "you must decide. leaped gracefully. dearing lhe renee couldn·t leave him- and you know the 1)0l1dolle- to "tal' " Ia.t Ipring bit death was mourlled smoothly they never botheFed him emerging from the deep realm of You muat choolle between me- and cOllered ditch and amaller bank wi th It." boy Into the boat. But when .ome important for ·details. eaae. Shoula of acelatm rang out lhe reat." by the elltire nation. "Very well." conduded Karenhi "He do~:\'t want a I II.) dedliOll wal to be reacbed, when mystery. for rld. e r and mare. "I e&1l't lelve' Serf.el." abe pleaded. Icily. "I can a88ume tben that you Iky laughed. "He w. Ilg For fourteen Ion" year. he bad lome areat disalter bad occurred; Imp088lbll!.· "That's will never again jeopardise my coin." ... the next VrolUlky was beading tor I was plenty satisfied with sipJerved hum~nlt,. faithfully. H'ead of tbey consulted the Jud,e. He it was aela:e.d her hancU and fence, Mahottn on Gladiator leaped honor," Anna plMhed the ht. ~ Ihe world', areatest a,ency for the who held the final word. His door p ini my iCIl cream soda thro ugh looked deep Into her eyes. llearcb- put ot Ihe ranka and galloped hard "Your honor!" She crIed, "Your the child', forehead ~ relid of human suffering, he had di- was alway 1 open to the,u. He was the old fashipned straw but th ~ In, her very eoul . '·Anna. Itllten . I on the heels of Frou Frou . An na's Your bypoeracy. YOUI' huugrllY lnto hla bee Uk - 0, en dless routine of vogue . has am 1II"lgl1lng my worela carefu lly. scream rent Lbe alr at the .ame mo- egotlam." Her voice trembled as one of lhe little ,allgeLs rected every m,jor Red Croll opera· the Judie. To marry you mlla ne military dla- ment that Fr:ou Frou stumbled and she struggled ror worda. "You have pAIn tin, " elle ••Id. ' A _eincere art lover for yearl, Ute changed matter.s. Now, as you pla- erac8-I tiOil lince tbe war. Judge Payne Will must ,Iv'e up my ptace In fell\ hur\lI ng Vronaky to the ground . never remembered tbat I am a hu· . "A ratber 41rty IItUa II' _I. VroD! chairman of tbe board of soverners \vaU. of bit Ituely at home were coy· cidly perch yourself atop a foun- my rerlment ~my entire career. 'My . . Sne o&UJ'ht at her heart as It a mail being. Your publlc poeilion . Iky ot:.erved, She held the boy elOle to aDC flf the Leaaue of Red Cross Socie- ered from dado to ceilili, with hun· tain IItool you'll have to look twice colonel hu told ime tbl.. But tor bullet had pierced her. A .trong You.r reputation. Th ..e must be of .etchiD... Hil hiltorie old you I am willing to give up every- hand IIleadled her, "Anna." Kare- kept up at what coat to than eare..ed bla emud,eoS cheek. tiel and hi. rare absences from bit iJredl Walhington boaae . . . a bit of. pre- 'to find a straw for t.hey are color- thlnfi. Will you do u much tor nln', voIce was eteely. "It you want around you !" Her tearl coursed "I'm lurt It·. jUlt a coin de.1e at national beadquartera were war Walhingtoa Itt .uide intact. a less.--made cellophane. Upon meT to go home. I'll take you." down her face. "At wb ..t COlt!" wantl." Vrana"y te..ed. He reacb "Alexel," Anna ·bel.i8d. "Do you to attend the mtemational confer- peaceful edd,y beside the Iwlft lueam inquiry the soda·jerker informed Throughout the bitter month. tor one allel threw U to the cbt Sbe stared at him unseel n'!r A what It .. tor me to live with platol shot ra ng out and she burled thlt tollowed. Anna trIed deeper- Tbe boy lcampeM out 01 tbe &,0 cneel wberever the,. be. The of the modem world. . me that they may arao be obtahled know Karenln! [bate him." Her Yolce har face In her hands, alely to accept bl, ·ultlmatum. But dola ,I ••fully. . lut ODe " I in Japan lut lammet'. Hil pbllaatbroplU iDc1uded maar in any color to match the sod 0- roiH hy.terleally. "tie I. a .0Od "IliaII' araln . Anna, It you want each day round her more "There YOIl eee-:-" vro~ Few people Imew until hi. death a gift and art treasure to hil beloved slpper's drink. While on the lu b- man- but I hate hIm." to go home. t 'll take you" terrtble. until at lut love la"lbed. But .... 1&. ended nati.. Mate, Virgiaia. Hil wiU left "ADd yet you won't leave bllll and tbat lud ae ' PaJDe bad accepted no bel'. r.upUy. A ..eI faH-wq 1;90. "Leave me alone please." ahe an· tor Sergei no lonlrer ject, 1 just heard tbat there is a ewered. With terrific elTort IIhe Tbe ~y came at Ibe ,Ion&rlnc Rd neltalda ololl4i1d p&r or bit long fear. of lerYice. over a ml11ioa dollan dI.ided be- scheme on foot to manufact ure eome with me r" "If 1 leave blm' I mll8t leave Serto.clUled gla 'us on til lrack. rlUlhed to Vranak)"1 "I bapplnu. wblctb laad ahoae tween tbe tM" laVoritCi ofbis later' Ie Wu • point of pride with him that cellophane pajamas. - Hope they ,el." ebe wept. "I can·t. Oh. 1 call·t.... At lut ahe . aw Vroneky 8tl'uggle hnve no one but you. a. Allnale fa.. He put II.. lIaDd .; the Red Croal, WilUam aad Ibi••01unteer atranrement wa~ bla "TOll mean 'yoU will notl': The to hla 'eet. Hla groom and his he gathered her Into hll derty o. bere. ~ . . ~; and Wuhiattot'l and aever apply it to collar-Dutton •. ~ reqaeat wbcn be waf apPoInted burled themaelv.. bItterly at 'rlend Yaebvln belped him ott the Toc,tbn they 'It out for "Iou're 8UI1 wlUI . .,. be b President Hardin,la 1921. Whea Lee Dlvtriit)'. v .......... u turned on lila 11"1 .ad tleld. delaying their ultimate arrl".1 nn4 bel'. "ADd I .... ~Y ." Parldu, automobiles It~ll furT1ala tbea II the man who rote 1M! weIIt to Tokio for the talt iDterAII'!!a n044e4. "llalow _, Thank God. Vronaky "a. unhurt. bllutul wlek.. of _nderinra over farm boy .lao clerked Disb the moat complicated problem ..dotIal Red Croll confereace it Tbl tra,lc malk of her faee broke the Continent. At rut 8prl~_nd WU lO..eW!IIC ......... VI_..I..I. for tso and _be with the unreetralnt b1a OWD . . . , .. . u alwara. heane to tbl'" eoIt'I"t.llllq unt Mil .,..... to metropolitan rendarmes and 01 cb over the ba.... ' ........ ~ at . . A frieacl him ~~ ~.iU. MOlt .vel':J 18rge city ballcony outaWe tIIelr "A1UIaa,1i _ . . iIap1plaell ,one. departlllellt ia boldin, the tMtwlUPt '10 ....... -warIr. feltull . tOl' tiaollUncla . of tnfh .tolatlea lome vtolaWn,

IFarm fttight 1alks, September 16


Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol







I Observations














... a.





.. I


to lIeM1auten




Adjusted Acreage Provides Adequate 70 'Wheat for Domestic ~

400 S....... Fiye D.,. On Ohio Stat Un;"'''''t)''

Export - - Demand




orne 400 4-H. club del gate '-~ t"d Saturday at the 0 : S. Colunlbu" f r the t w nty-fll'St an nual 4-H Club ongl'(>s. ixty 01 th m were adult advi sor. , ' h o~p n for the excell nee of tb 'il' work in l he club program o e-r a period of yelll':;, th delat tes S] nt f1v da..y , from aturday t o W dn !lday, t king part ill II 1>1' gram con isting largely of discul'Rion meeting, lect ure and tour of the university campu s. DiscuR;<jon meetings wer e I d bv th mombers of the u nivel'sity t atr_ Tb. gr up heard lect.utes ,by Gertrud Warren, club specialist for the U. . Departm ent of Agri. cultuH', Delln John F. unningbnrr, of t.he coil ge of agricultul'e, Dil'c t OI' H. C. Ram ower of th Ohio Agricultural Exten ion Service, L. L. Rummell, field editor of The Ohio Farmer, and others. n of the features of tte proata.m was th~ award of certificates of recognition, Wednesday, to 47 adult dub advi 01'11 who had lerved as leadera of club 'for 10


., al'8.



c o 20



Ac~ ..

e aqe

«0 . 000.000


HIS chart :<hows how the loss of ellport markets fot' wheat has changed the wheat acreage si tuation in this country. The first column haws that from 19:10 to 1!J32 our farmers a\'er ugcd (is million acres lanted to whe~t, although ;lbout 9 mi1lion of th e e acres W(,Te producing wlieat for which th~ r(l W~> no pl'ofltnble m:lI:ket . The second column , ~hows that 50 milli on ~ . • usually pro() uce enough wheat Cor OUI' domestic use and that 7 ~.cre s mOl'C will proullcc (111 we tIll .xpN:L ':0 export. Bt!cause r rop da mn~e lhi yeti I', IIOlllC!whn t more .;han ,57 million ncl': ,I t o be p lantcd for Lh(' 193t crop. The, \ j! " pes UP ba se<l I) I~ ••

=-============0:::::============== negative, Mrs. Will ornell . Mu sicirginia Hardin. Following th prollrn lll refres hments will be l'ved in the dinin~ room. A large crowd is expected for thjs meeting, and degree t eam nlembel's are remind d t o wear white.



~- ---

Born- To fr. Lamb, Tu e dny, t1aught r.

WOMAN'S AUXILIARY GRANGE MEETING e)' Rye MEl LAST fRIDAYchildMr.renandandndi'dlIl rs. HanT a nd )1r. . Ceol'g(' OF IMPORTANCE dUrict metingurid

f l'.

An especially important Grange meeting 'will be held September 21 at the hall beginning at 8 :30. During tbe regular bl1sin es8 m ttnl!' the new candidates will be civen the third and fourth degrees of the order. Mr. Cheater Crockett county deputy will be present at thq meeting to inspect Farmers' Grange on the opening and closing ot ,_. regular meeting; the' degree work; pd the program. The prOl'1'aDl which will be given is all foUowlI: )lUlie-The Fires' Fatrlily orcheltra. 1 aadin,-Mrs. Berne Jones. Papar-"Women ' Contribution to A,rieulture," Mra.W. A. SwartJ:el. Reeltation-Donald Brown. "Resolved that Discll88ion Farm Women should do their own Se,nng Bakihg and Gardening." Afllrmative, Mrs. Anna Gibbons ;

The me.eting of Lhc Woman':; Auxiliary of t.. Iary's hurch, held at th b me of MI'S, W. H. All en on FI'iday, eptember 18th, marked the opening of its activities for th e win!. l' of 1935 and 1936.

All of thill, ill addition to the

Cary'l Jewelry Shop

• 40


Killer of Mar Lebanon and lin. alter Kenrick. Mr. alld Mrs. Carl PiCKeTing Helen MeNeal of Centerville were fllithful performance of hili r g- and daulhter and Mra. Ada Saturday afternoon callers at the ulln' 'duiie", il what Mr. Parshall Chenoweth of Centerville were home 01 Mn_ Alice Trickey. It a J.:i\'"\!n to our community. Sunday evening guests of Mr. and We IIcknowledge with regret, Mrs. J. B. Jonea. the 10S!l of a valued and talthf'*1 Everett . Early ot the Lytle Farmer M.y When member of" our school, and t hat Elevator hal a booth at. the WarProllram II HaJlf Over If He may properly pay our respect, ren county lair, So Deoirel advi e our schools be closed, fOT Mr. and Mrs, Harry Johns and __ which I decl are a half holiday on family of Dayton spent Sunday ithoug h the n,-'" wh e ll~ con· that occasion. with Mr. and Mn. James Johns. "THE HOME OF GI FTS" co ntTlict run,; f or the 10m-ye ar S. S. ELLIS,' Mtl. Alice Trickey. Ml'8. Ailee Preside nt Boa rd \If Education Miller and aon, Ray, attended the 11 rloll 1!l:l6·3!l, ny wheat pro funeral of Carl Sweetman in Le.banon, Ohio UIICl'r who cOlnplic. with !Ill th Obituar,. Dayton, Monday morning. EXPERT W A.Te H lU I 111" of the ontl' 8cl may te rmi nl\Iatthia3 Lowrie Parshall, 80n of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hommel of RE P AIRIN G nle hit< 1:11 ntmct alt the end of Iho David an d hariLy Bransl:tator Dayton were Sunday guests of I !1:J7 c!'o p yea lif hc tl ~jl'es , Parshall , was born In Cincinnati, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Sides, U.ln, Onl, Cenuin e Material. hi o, August U, ] 869, and closed Next S)Jnday will be the last Le~t~r J . Millt-r, un t y gricu,l - his eyes in Eternal Rest on Sun. service at Lytle church before Prompt Service tUl'lIl Ag nt said '1.'u :;duy, Sep· day afternoon, September 16, Rev. Walter Martin attends Conte nll\ t' 10. 19::15, at his horne in Waynesvill ference at Columbus, Slore open until 9 p , m. Th .. fCl ui·-y al' p ri lld l or the hio, at the age of 76 years and a Mi. Abbie Graham of Spring· new contract hu. be 'n s lecte d to few days. boro is ieiting at the home of her On eptember 6, 1885, he led niece, Mrs, Ft'ank Kurfts and Iwoili Ih ('xpelhlC (If :C1'cquent to the altar Id May ,Dakin. For family. 011' peri(ld has IJpc n selected 0 half a century these two walked Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Groves that farmt)·~ who wish mll Y ter- life's pathway tog~ther, r ejoicing spent Sunday with the 10rmer's mina1' lJ1Cit C<llltract~, he . niel. together, sOl'rowmg togetl)er, mother in Dayton. Uul a furmer who terminated each loyal and devot~ ~o the Mrs. C. W. Albright lind Jackie other, making home th~ happiest ' Hugh@ of Waynesville and Mrs. hin contrAct at th~? lind of the first und most sought-after place in Hart·y Graham were Wednesday two yeal's would I~o t be eligib le to th worl d to them both, and where dinner gue:sts of Mrs. Kesler Oe (ntu' into a CIIIIIl'UcL during any children, and p-and.children, rei. Graham. l'ell1 tlinin~ part ur t he fou r-yeal' atives and fTiends were given Mrs. Paul Anders aud daughter perioll, Mr. . IiIlH lidded. . whole-hearted hospitality • , and Mrs. George Fox and daughSEPTE MBER 20-21 In a~lllition to lhe individ ua l T,wo daughters were born into ter, of Miamisburg, are spending SPENCER TRACY, tOI minul ion, Lhe coutract ma y be this home, maldng an ideal :family several days this week with Mr!. tl'l'minnleri for the cotlll l l'Y ns a until the younger, Olive, wife of Meta Rogers. WENDY BARRIE Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Kline of wholl\ 1J:r' the ' cretary of g ricul Je se Lewis, died, leaving an inIn . ture a t th~ end oJ Il ny CI'OP YNll', fant son, "Ethan J. Th e lder ' Dayton, Mr. . and Mrs. ,E rne t 1 '01' uftl'l' a n: fcr nil um of co ntract daughter, Helen, now Mrs. Lee :'!ij.!.11 ''l'~. If 25 V-I'I' c n t 0 Ith Hawke survives, also five grand- I Cartoon, "Wnat A Night" oopel'ating j('I'OWC I'S in any pl'in. children and three great Comedy, "Tars and Stripes." eij.Jul wheat gl'ow ing a 1'(' /\. petition g ra ndchildren, besides .the grieftor a natio nal rofl'rctHl um on th~ stricken ,widow. flue tion, ~ u ch a referen dulll will While a young man he waa conSEPTE MBER 22-23 be h hi a s II guidle tu the go em- , verted under the ministrations of ment. Amos Cook, and united with the WILL ROGERS ... heat gro w t',; in 1\IIIY ~ h is year Orthodox Friends_ in fo ored conti nu ing thl' present He wa a charter member ot \\ hea l; prog ram b y a vote of 404. the local lodge of K. of P . and .J 1'7 to 62,303- rl ea rly 7 to 1. ' had attended a meeting of the Fox Newa and Comedy The con lract lOa y also be ter- Order but two days before he was mi nnted if the purposes of th ad- strlcken with bis fatal iIIneg. ju l nwnt. [lI·ogrurn . arc attained . Soon after bis maniage he Two Shows--7 :00 " 8 :30 p. m. -. moved to Denver where he lived ADM. l Oe- l lc fOI' 3 yearsi later spending allhort [ time in Portland, Oregon; then holm "Mat."

Mill a tt a of ru rnl mail Iln i r a t. Mia mi Vall ey haula uqua brro und unday.

Misses Bertha and Nan ollett, of Wilminglon, and Ii 8 p olly Cook, daug hter of the late Le i ok or Washing ton D, ., MI' . JOll 5 nnd Mr. and Mrs. orge Denny were gue t I)f . Ml·. and Mrs. W. ,.. Tich n01', of Har vey burg, Satul'day voning.




======:========!:' It's A Small World J. R. Gibbons Lumber

Paint and Glas. Cement--·Roofing

Photte 54 Wayne.ville, Ohio



onAWING10 ClOSEh~rF_ir_v d_to_t_~VA::88_vi_II_~_;_ob_t~~:~: !!,!!!,!!!!,!!!!,!!!!,!!!!,!!!!,!!!!,!!!!,!!!!,!!!!,!!!!,!!!!,!!~~~!!,!!!!,!!!!,!,,!!!,!,,!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!

Thel' being no bld ne>!l to be attended t o th pl'ogram 101" the g_e .. : afternooll was begun at once. The Rev. J. J . Schaeffer conduc ted the devotional e.xe.rcises, It i l'CVOl·ted that th e cann ing and abo gave an impro'mptu num1I11·s. Winnie Ma son, of -('1\i8, ~r on the piano. and Mrs. Bert Harts ck accom· .I:'a on will end Saturday for this Remember "Amateur Night" at The hymn, "Jesus Shall Reign panied 1is' Betty Hartsock to ~' L nr. Th e three plants o.f the Hall, Friday evening. Every- I where'er th Sun" wa sung by the Cincinnati, Monduy, and a 8i ted Roxanna anning Co. h'a ve packed Lytle one corne and bring your fr iends. society, and this wa fQllowed by her in g tti ng ttled and in r ad- one of the lal'gru;,t and best <.fOPS This i for the benefit of Lytle t a reading by. Mi, 5 Margaret iness for her work in the nur~ es of s we t corn i;n recen t years church. Edwards, " Oklahoma Mission tl'aining Bchoo! of the General althoujth the toml!ltoes were below A number o-f our citizena are bu ilds a hurch;" Mrs. Etban hospital. live) a . During the lat. floods aHending the Warren County Fall' Crllne read an inter sting account which cov I'cd the bottom land it Forrest. rane and daughter ~nr i b Ii v d that I,he weet corn in at Lebanon this week. of a put. of the wOl'k of Dr. and Mr. S. H. Burnett, M11I. I na Mrs. Gra1ton Bu rk~ in Alaska; jorle of incinnati, were dinnel' the flood ed area would be totally Longacre and children and Mrs. Miss Prenderga t read of results gu~sts of Mrs. rbude Crane and r.uin d but latel' r ports reveal Alice Clark were Thulllday dinner of the "ReligiOUS Show Boat" on daughters, Sunday. In the after, that about hall ~)f it was canned. guest of Mr, and Mrs. Marcellus the Mi si ippe river"; Mis Betty noon, Mr. Crane, Miss Marjorie Two of the planl$~ those at Thackera .at Springboro. Hartsock gave a brilliant musical Crane, Mi s Mary Crane and 1\li s Roxanna and Dodds, are closed Mrs. Meta Rogerl is improved selection whiCh was followed by V1rgene R oe visited Mrs. Loren today, (Thul' da:v to ~rmit the and was brought. to her home bere TRY Jameson in Dayton . . missionary no.tes read by Mrs. mployes to attend t h e fair at T\1esday after a severe sick spell OUR CLASSIFIED CC,LUMNS ~orge Hart oek and Mrs. E. L. Mr, and Mrs. Madi on Elltnhart L banon. at the home of her sister, Mrs. 'thomas. and children, of Dayton, aT):! Trilla Farquar 'n ear Ridgeville. Announcement was made that spending a few da~ at 'the home BRIEF ILLNESS OF Mrs. Margaret J ohns and her the October meeting would ,be of Mrs. Earnhart.'s pal'e nts, Mr. sister, Mrs. Elizabeth 'Smith of held at the borne of Mt·s. Thomas. (Continued from Page 1) Dayton., were week-end gueste of Mrs. Frank Thomas. Rev. Schaeffer di missed the andM rs . Lillian Quihn and Miss the deprea fd anti his inexhaust. MT. and Mu. Lee Hawkins at Wi! mooting with prayer and benedic· Marian Rou e, of Peoria, 111., were ibl upply of storie was a de· mington. tion . Mrs. Alice Trickey is spending a gu sts of Mr. and !lirs. C. E. lig ht to all chiJdl'en. A broken bat, During the ocial hour delic- Anderson and family and Mrs. n torn garm ent or ' an injured couple of weeks in Dayton with iou s refreshments were erved to Addi& Smit h ovel' the week-end. finger, were always taken to him her daughter, Mn_ Irma Sweetthe members imd guests. On Sunday the Andei-sOnf; and for , repah!, and lnany a child, now man and daughters. their guests attended , II .family gl'O\ n, can recall some d d of r •• ' •• ' •••• Mbses Ella and Clara Kenrick din I' a t the home of Mrs. Susie kindness, some act of comfol'! 01' of Dayton were Saturday and T he cast of a funeral lernce iI some good advice they received Sunday g uests 01 Mr. and Mrs. Dl)uglas in Spt'ing Valley. enti '- decided by the wishes of ollr clients. Their choice of a ealk.t and neceuary acceslories il influenced by no attempt at F OR SA.LE aaJeamapahlp on our part. We follow their de.ires closely, a nd keep the total cost to as moderate FOR SALE-Seventy-five bushels a ftcure al their choice dictatea. good seed rye. wlll exchang~ rye for some good seed wheat. J . ••••••••• V. Hartsock, Third t. s19·


Maximum Value

Mo,lerate Cost

Late Classified Ads.

----_ ...- - -

3iuu?Mi 1JiItB:idr.. 'RHCi>NE'.19


' --

hi. with ... GENWNE A..c.- F.....



Satisfy 11

One reason is Chest~ ' erfields are , milder--

The rotMIon of hop not only .11. up 1011 fertility but c:hecb d....... Good fenc, In, .Mbl.. you to Ice.p yo.


J. E. lIeClar-; '

The man who holds the throttle-the /lag. man who ugives 'em t~' red '" -people allover the country enjo;, Chesterji8lds.

Soil Fertility

'p i.. 1ft pMtur. fro. IMowlnt .line to Com. In and I. . . .11 you how Iittl. It will COlt to

...... ,

Those who turned to us in the past have found that we always give the best service possible at economical price levels. We will welcome an ()pportunity to furnish f urther details a~ out funeral costs.

, Caooose thfJI

"HOI Tig~t" Fencing Build. Up




OUR CLIENTS KNOW that t hey get maximum value .for every doll ar spent when this fi rm handlei t he f uneral service.



Doubting Thomal


. . . . your


We havejult received a new car of this


dden & CO.

mildness that smokers like. ' Another . reaso,n is they taste better-a pleasi"g taste and JIa.VOt' that·smokers like. ,From cab to cabOOSB •• /rom Main S".", 10




.. . " . t . O.K.



Eighty-Seventh Year



Whole Num.ber 6188

26, 1935

::':~~:,::;:;::~N::pJ FIRE PRE VENIION


GOLDEN WEDDING 'FIRST AND SE CON O·Place Baseball, S ptember 29. Morgan vi its entervilJe Buckeyes




Th e Wayne Township Mothers' . dull will ,m eet ",t t e grarl b = u.... 1 "'"--1-0...... ing Fl'iday aftel'noon , October 4, at K enrick field. at 2 o'cl ock. Th e pl'ogram will be to be held III L . :. St. J ohn' This is th0 last game of , the woods f'riday evt'nilng, Septen\bel' by' pupils of the sixLh eliminat ion and a fast game. is In a bout two weekR, Fire ' Pl'eThe home of Mr: and Mrs. For- 27, al 6 :3 0. Memb('fS af'e requestcontemplated. I'entio n \ eek will 11 0 observed est Hoblit was the scene of a very ed to bri n~ theil' O\'\'n \\'ein erb nn Ll again. :ta rti ng' on Of!tobcl' 6, the hapler \\ ill proville I\ ~ k wi lf r un th ro ugn the- happy occasion Tuesday ven ing, bune; th e Pro~r&m I. Not Limited T. Local Man Buy. Two Of Baby The wee k is usually inauguratSeptember 24, when the fiftieth m81'l;hmall ows and coffee. Tho •• Whe> Si,aed ed by Preside nt ial proc la matio n. Beef Stee....· At A ...ction annivcr ary of the marriage oC Two Year. 1.,0 G () veJ n ol'~ of state and mayo rs Friday their parent , Mr. and Ml' . V. M. of cities follow sui t. Fire mar, hal A farm "!r who did not 8iln a Hoblit wa celebrated. fi re depar tments, insurance organE. C. Coyle, local meat· man, wI eal adjustment contract two Aft el' a pleasant social hour t he izations and oth er public and pripurchased two of the 61 Hereguest enjoyed refreshments !jervyears ago is , eligible to sign the ate groups coop rate in :s eking ford calves at the baby beef auced by MI·s. Forest Hoblit and to slll'cad the AB 'c of fil' e llre- c:=====::===--======= contract nOw being oft'ered if he ,daughter, Elizabeth, and Mrs, tion which was cond ucted Friday - - -- . vention and control to the genc1'al Mr. anti Mr . J . C. Hawke- spent can establish bale prodQction and. The more traffi c eXll r t. study publi - which has most at stake, ~atul'd a y a t Indian Lake. MI's. Mary C. Cross, who has Vern H ough. at the Warren 90unt y Fair. acreage figures, it is esplained by Before leaving all j oined in t he accident toll, t he more t hey be and wh ich mu t accept the reIn recent years an outstanding been ill is thought to be impI'oving singing " God be with you till we co me convinced that there i~ an sponslbiJit¥ fOI' alm'o t evel'y fire, Miss Juanita Brann ock vi sited Le. t er J . Mille r, County Atriculattraction at the Fair has been Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McClul'e mee t again. " Th e guest list indud important " hidden" cause 0 f large or smnll, that occurs. fdond!! in Dayton la t week. tu ral the exhibit of young steers raised wel'e in Lexington, 'Ky., Sunday. ed Mrs. Mary Me lure, Mrs. many automobile .uccident. . Thi s DUI'ing th e week every citizen ew signers simply provide the h81'les Rye, Illrkin ~ ag ent of d eath and in- will have a chance t o 1 Ul'n, easily, Viola al'ey, Mr. W. N. Seal' and family spent ame information that old signers by members of the Ba'by Beef Mrs. A. K. Day is spending a Mr. and Mr ~. J . C. Hawke , Mr. and jury is carbon mOlloxide po isoning lh ol'oughly and "painlessly," the unday in Springfield. Club ' wbich is compoeed of the furnished two years ago, Mr. Car bon mOJl0xid c glls develops impl e les on that will enable him rural young folks of the county. few days wilh l'elatives in Cincin- Mrs. J . W. While, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mrs. W. . Scan lan leaves to- Mill er says. The new cont ract is ]i'rand, Mr. and Mrs. Perry when any fuel- CO llI, wood, go o· to keep his home and oth er pro. The calveB were judged and nati. prizes awarded Wednesday, Miss R d V Ofl fl ' Thomas, MI'. and MI·s. Lester line, or illuminatin/!: gaJi--does not p rLy Bfe from fi re. H will be morrow, Friday on a busine s trip based upon the s~m~ period. aY!ll 0n an en, ~ !'cm- Kenrick, Mr. Frank. Thomas, Mr. burn pl'Qpe1'1 y or co mpletely. It told ot the menae of old and im. t o Dallns, Texas. Eileen Meyers of rural route 1, . Any farmers no': now a cOI.tract. spent unda)' With friend s a nd M I·S W ,B . ' 'lU h ' 1\'11.. an d cann ot be seen, sme ll ed or p ro perly-done wil'ing. lie will Franklin, winning the grand cham cinnatl, h .. HCS, :;ign er, but who is considering sign Mrs. Lou ti bbs, Ml'. and Mrs. tast ed. Its oll,ly Wlll'ninlfS It!al'n th e need for pedodic inspecMrs. Arthur llugg and Mrs. pionship .a nd Wiley Montgomery, ere. al~o of Franklin, taking econd Mil!S Jan t Cartwright, of Cin- George Gillil a~ld, Mr8. Annella Bre headache anld drowsiness. tions qf his heating plant---{) ne of Frank Randall, of Detroit, were ing the new eontract should get in prize. cin nati, is recoveri ng nicely after Pellee, Mr. Clifford Pence, Mr. Yet it is in th e ail' whel'ever th re lh l' most prolific sources of fire. recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. J . tou£h wilh hill community Wheat At the auction, Friday, Miss an app ndiciti s oper.a tion. co", mi ttee:m ~ n, a memuer of the . and Mrs. George Hartsock, Mr. i ~ motor traffic. Th.c exhaust of a He will be shown the vital neces- L . 1.1 ndenhal\. Meyers call wall purchased by ~h e and 1\Irs. Will iam Guthrie, Mr. car, even one in g ood I unpin g sity of fi re-resistant building, and Mr. and Mrs .Harvey Rye and Coun ty Allolment cOmmittee or Mr. and Mrs. Vern Simpson and Feree Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Cleve condition, contain s a conccnt ra- of modern municipal buildin.g Mr. and Mrs. j ohn Preston were OUT.ty Agent MUler Says Mr. Kroger Grocery and Baking Company an(1 young Montgomery's MI'. and Mrs. Ed Ramby ar spend onner and Rita. tion of fifLeen P C I' cent of it. As codes. He ",.m h ar of the tra~c l at the Hamilton ' County, Miller. calf was ' sold to Long and West, ing this week in Michigan. The first benefit payment to· Mr. and MI·s. Hoblit wlsh to l i ~tl e . two per (:ent inlhe air school, ho pltal and oth er maJor Tucsday evening. ' commi88ion agents from the Union WIll pOison, and t our per cent fir es which hav e destroyed thousnew aig'llel's will be due in the cxpres their thanks to Mr. J. E. Mr. George Gause, of Richm ond Stock Ylrds, of Cincinnati . All Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Gllrst ent~t­ sun1mer of 1936 after com'pliancil will kill. I ands of liv ~, and property value..' Mc lure for the use of his chairs. Stat ist i s show , sic co rding to the at millions, which were absolutely tained relatives from Day tOil Sun- with t.h-e tel'll"S of the contJ'act has profits from the sale were return- Ind., visited J. C. Hawke TuesNational BUI'eau of asualty and unn ecessary. day. ed to the boy and girl wh o raised day. been checked. New signers receive Surety Underwriter, that carbon ' To learn this, the citizen \ III . adjostm nt payments on the same the steer. Messrs. Dean and Donald Hawke Mrs. Ger~rude Tn~nb~ ~nd ' basi ao old signe". Local members of the 1936 club and Kenneth Fromm spent Sunmonox ide fr oll) au til exhaust gas- ha.~'e to contl'ibute a little of his Mr. John Mlsel, of Kmgs Mills, ~ _ _ _- - . e. Is th· dil'ect ca,use given in Elt tim . He will hav~ to look at e~­ a're : Eldon and Freda ElUs, son' day in Columbus. called on Mrs. Mayme Hatfield, and daughter 'o f C. P. Ellis, R. S. least 700 d 11th ann\udly. No one: hibit ; Tead editorials, ne-ws reSunday. Ethao Lewis left Tuesday evenJohn Boger; son of Dallas Boger ~no"'8 nor c!n .glle!s how ma?y t P01't and pamphle!-s. He will have illg to resu me his duties in the hv <: are 10Rt mdlrE!ctly througb Its t o Ii ten to a radIO address or R.I. Robert Chapman and a friend , The Wayn e ville Giange Inb uence. For example, there is I tw o. He will have ~o keep his Mr. Emerson Spicer, of Columbus Robert Thomas, SOn of Frank Naval hospital at Annapolis. presents the musical comedy, Mis no. t~lIing how oftnn ,that common mind open and his memory awake E. Thomas, R. 2. Mr. and Mr. A. T. Polinsky Blu e Bon n t to t~ e given at gym- dnvmg occurrence, Ie p at the ----a lesson that i not retained is spent the week.end with MI'. and Benton Hoak, lIOn of Keller Mrs. J. B. Chapman. were dinner gue ts of Mr and Mrs na ium October 3-4 at 8 p. m. wh e I," ha ' been induced by bviously u Cole s. Hoak, R. 1. Arnold Boxwell, of Xen)a, Sunday Warren county people will have Mrs. W. C. Scott and two David Furnas. Ion of Davis Thi s play has In t with great cal b n monoxide. In J'eturn f or thi smaU expendi All lJIotol'is . !u'e familiar with ture of time he will r eceive know- daughters, of , Columbus, were an opportunity again this fall of Furnas, R. 2. Mrs. Myer Hyman spent a few suo'cess wherever ' It bas been Charles Kruer, SOn of WaIte!: daya this week with relative! In shown. It is a production of the thf: head che and lasr.itude which ledge that :nay be the meanB of guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. . B. enrolling in the junior radio college, conducted from WOSU bJ Way ne P. Sewell Production Co. often come UPOll them while saving his pl'operty from dest 'uc- Chapman, Friday. Kruet R. 2. Cincinnati. O. S. U. and the Emerrenc1 of Atlan ~a, Gil., a company that driving. The se sigi1s, coup led with ion and his loved ones from vioMrs. Myer Hyman and Mr. and Schools Administration. ' It's the Bocial items that make has taged mllny sli ccllss:f\l1 plays the odors of c,Xha.ust fume in II leot and ho rrible deaths. Is it Mrs. A. T. Polinsky are dinner a local newspaper interesting. in this territo ry. Approximately 1500 Ohioanl moving v hic1e, al' e final warnings wOI·th it to you guests of Mr. and Mrs. Saul Hur- ha;ve be n nrolled each quarter Telephone or send them ib. Our - - . --Miss Kllth~rin e Hanall, dlreot- t;hat a1'l)on monclxide \s prell nt wich in Lebanon,. toni.e ht. telephone number i. 112. ince the radio coUeK'e started a or, has arrived in town and ha in letllld q.uantiti1~S. They shoilid Mrs. C, M. Robitzer is in Cin- started work on th pia),. be mor than ufflcient note to Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hartsock year ,go. Enrollments and supplecinnati for a few days, t he guest At a meeting held the first of take necessary meaSQres against snd Mrs. Lena Hartsock attended mentary materials are free, on ap of MI'. and Mr . R. W. Lang. plication to the university TBdio !.he week, committees were ap- carbon monoxi de poisoning. Th is th~ Eastern Star festival at Harpointed and plans were mad~ to fTlean regulnr chctCking of exhaust station . the ninth of a eeries of all-day veysburg, 1uesday night. J. V. Hartsock l~turned home For the new quarter startinl Christmas Health Seal ale Con- Friday after spending several roak this play not only a finan- .m cunism and the C8rbu~tor cial success but one that will action, keeping the vehicle well Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Ridge had October 1, instruction will be offerences ,lCheduled to cover tM week at Petosky, Michigan. Th e WayneSVille Gal'den 'club as dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and fered in sociology, Spaniah, give the people the best evenings ventilated when driving, eliminalentire state of Ohio will be held Tuesday, October 1, at the Assem· Miss Lena Angle, of Middl etown entertainment th.ey have ever had. ing any leaks or holes which will meet Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. J . C. Scb'lleft'er and Mr. J . English literature, education, and some other courses yet to be - - • allow seepage il'um" the motor o. October I, at 2 o'clock, at the Lu ther Sellers, of Dayton. bly Room, Court Bouse, Wilming. was the guest of Miss Dorothy exhaust to the body of the car. announced. ton. Hartsock, Saturday night and Dr. W. E. Ogle!!be~ and Edgar .• Householders should al so con- honle of Mrs. Anna Gibbons, with Plan for the 1985 Christmas Sunday. s ider that carbon monoxide (l oison Mrs. Lena Hartsock and Mrs. Smith are plannin$' a trip _ •...1-- Health Seal Sale, which begin Mr . Ronald Hawke will enterliffo rd Bu zick assistant Houghton Lake, Michigan. They Thanksgiving Da)" wiEI be outing a pos5ibili~y wh enever ' expect to leave tomorrow, Friday is buisrned in the home. Coal, fuel gas, lined and problems of organiza- tain the members 01. her bridge stove, furhace and oil bu rner tion, program and publicity will club this, Thursday evening at ca\.l will be Ilnswered by morning. The Little Inn. companies can give ad,. ice on pl'e- es be disc4ssed. . We are paying the farmer to c&ution& that will alford safety naming .one thing each has 10al'n-1 . Mis~ Rebecca Dunham, of CinOrganizations which will be Miss Dora tiles ha s gone t o cUl na tl, and Mr• . Ra)'lllond Duned during the sUlllmer represented at t he meetinp are: Detroit, where she will spend the gl'OW leI>!! corn be aUSe we have from this invisible uea t h. • ham, of Kings Mills, were guests By a vote over seven to olle Brown County Christmas Seal winter with her niece, Mrs. Grace too ' much, and 111' are illlPortil1g Artistic arlllng~ment of mari- of Mr. and Mrs. Waltier Sheehan electors of t he Mason .ViII. corn from other countrle. at tllQ Committee: Clermont County Murray. ~OhJ II, zinnias Ilnd ·field grown Wedn esday ev.e nlng. School District ~ppl'oved a $40000 l'8.te of 28 mill ion 'bushels a year. Public Health League ; Clinton 11 plant.~ will be judged. . . Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Myers, bond issue to p~'ovide funds for pay him to grow less 08", We County Public ' Health Leagu~; Mrs. J. W . Haynie and 1tlrs. M. ___ . The ~rogt'am will cbnslst of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Morrison the. construction of a fireproof Fayette Count.y Christmas Seal .C. Greegor, of Columbus; wel'O yet We impoTt 26 million busbe~. Two wire!! !;aken f rom the Iler- dlUgnoslng garden trou?}es and daughte-r Charleen, of Cincin addition to the present school We pay him' to produce leIS Committee; Higbland County gue!ts of Mr. and. Mrs. J. H. of Judge John m ~ mb e rs"Bn d 'a paper, My wm ter nati, were Sunday guests of MJ')!. bt.i1ding at Mason . meat, lind import over 100 80nal fil es .Publie Health League; and the Smith, Sunday. Barton Payne late hairman of WlIldow, by Mrs. Harry Stokes. Kizzie Thompson. Marked by t~e enthusiastie million pounds, Warren County TuberculosiB and backing of several civic and IIchoo. Mr. and Mrs. George Walton Also we pay him to reduce his the American Red Cross, thro w a Health Association. and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Walton cot ton crop and let the farmers little more light on two ot AmeriMr. and MrlI. Charles James organizalicJ1l s, a near.record vote ~ anrl family attended a family was ca t in the special election, spent Suday with fri enda in pay- of ' other lands s upply hi old CUll- ca's greatest men. Th e . One a comed ian, the other a philantbrodinner at the home of Mr. and the official tabulation reveaUng ton. . tomers. plst; both are endeared to the Mrs. Lester Jam~, near Blan- that 681 voters visited the pol.. Whel'e do we get the money to Mr. and Mrs. J , W. Lob were people who knew them, and many chester, Sunday. duting the day. The vote in favor pay our farmer so much! We guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ira O. are the good de~ds of both which of the issue W811 510 to 71 GPPoied raise is by means of a tax, of Brown at their home in Shiloh, 'have yet to be UJnearthed. MI'. and Mrs. Charie5 Anderson T~$4 0,OOO r epl'esent.a 65 per course. ' And the tax is added to Friday afternoon. !'It was durinu the worliL of the Leba non Grange wUI visit entertained at dinner Sunday Mr. cent of the cost of the propo~ed the price of goods.. ., Farmers' Grange October 6. At and Mrs. T. J eff Smith and Mr. Rev. ' G. C. DibertJs atteDding pression that .Judge Payne I'e- 'this m'eeting the vi iUng Grang~ and Mrs, W. C. St. John and schoQI improvement, the balance Thus we /live the farmer a Miss Velma Al.'mitage, of the Annual Ohio Oonferenee of Springfield, spent the ' week-end dollar for nothinJ and charge him ceived the fo llow in g telegl';lm: daughte·r. to be furnished b:; the federa 1 " Here is how lthis rough and officers will occupy t he chalt·s and govern ment. out of PW A fun s. the Methodist church whlcJ'l with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. a dollar ' extra for what he buys, thi"., g <tame th eir m~mbers will furnish the Alt hough the project has been opened itti sessions Weclne!!day V. M. Armitage. v program, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Stubbs an d so that the end of tbe year finds tumble b l'''aucllstin' morniq at the Third Avenue Members are reminded t hat t he child I' n were dinner guests at th approved in Ohio some discouragehim as broke al he war; befor~ ­ about. An 01\ co nnpany kept wantMethodilt church in Columbus, Mril. Margaret Mutin drov e to Atlanta, Ga., Statesmr,n. home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer ment · was recently_.. experienced in' lIle to litter u'p' the microphone meeting will begin at 8 :00. with Biahop Lester Smith, of Cin- Detroit, Saturday, with her niece wltll lIome OklB,homa grammel·. ___ _ _ _ Compton in New Burlington Wed when it was report"" th atI d e eraI cinnati presiding. TJle aenlonl Mrs. Mary Hugg and. will visit fo r COUNTY; CONVENTION No w, Amoe 'n' Andy, Jaok Pearl, nesday evening. authorities would not approv~ a numb r of Ohio school projeets Wynne, Vallee. e>t Can tor ha\'e ANNUAL FIELD TRIALS will continUe untll the followlnl an indefinIte time with relatives in AT LEBANON FRIDAY n!!ver had any cs,use to be jealous SET FOR COON DOGS Mr. a nd MI's. Fran·k L. Taylor becau se of high material costs. Monday when the yearly iulsip- that city. of me in their industry. But I .did who have been spending the Yesterday, however, a statement menta of mlniaters will be anFred Gons and family have The county W. C. T. U. eon- want .to make a· contribution to a T\-fore than 500 coon hunters in summer with Mrs. Edith M. was issued by anator Robert J. nounced. . Mr. F. U. LeMay will reprelent 'moved into the home of Mrs. vention will be at the ·Presbyter- couple of good cauees that done Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Mich- Harris, left for their home in Buckley indicating tilat many of the local church at the Lay Con- Gonl' f$ther, the late Elias Ogle8- ian church in Lebanon, Frid,y, such flne work durin' our earth- igan and Pennsylvania re- San .Francisco, Calif., on Wed- the Ohio projeci..'! were bei~g "invitations from . the n esday. . considered at Washington and ference< which 111'111 convene Fri- bee, and their home on the Gons September 27, berinnJng at 10:30 quake, and I did~I't have the dough ceived farm il now occupied by Mr. and a. m. A covered dillb dinner will to do it with, so Mrs. Rogers fig- Greene County Fish and Game day and Saturday. M d MM' J F ' that hopes existed that all mlgllt q ..... be served. • ge;red it out, 'as she does mOst of association to participate in t he Mrs. J ohn Go~•. .r. an. .rs.arlon . ox, be finlilly approved. . Miss Mary Mills and Mrs. FranThis will be the seool)d federIU ALONZO C. EARNHART DIES Mr. and Mrs. Grover Stret ch, ces MacDonald of Wilmington, th other things. Sbe says, 'you association's first annual coon P~klll, IllinoIS, a;ft~r. an extended got the wind to do it' sa she fig- dog field trials, Sunday, at Terry- trip through ~he South are at the I school improvement project in AT RIDGEViLLE HOME of ColumbuS. were guests of Mr. will be the speakers. geTed out how I could do it with more Springs park, two miles east home of theIr parents, Mr. and WaHen county, MaBsi~ township -_ ,1Id Mra. D. C. Ridre, Thursday just talk, which I would be doin' I of Spring .Valley. Prizes Include ~r~ ~r~n~ M. '[ox .for \ ten !a~~ voteJ's having approved a '21,000 Alonzo Clifllord Earnhal't, 87, 'and Friday. P~ESIDENT'S PROCLAMATION for nothing, anyhow, to ahybody a trophy and a fl00 guar anteed ~IBI e Ole re urnma 0 e t bl'nd i SBU,) in July by • vote of years old, ' a lifelong l'eaident of I could lIen1 up un' make listen to purse to be dlvide~ four ways. . orne. 381 to 38. ' Warren county, died at his home Mr. and Mrs. James Clark and President Roosevelt has jU/It me. So I am to preach for seven Frank M. Fox, local postmaster - - -near Ridgeville, Friday, Septem- sO.n, Mr. and Mrs. O. M.. McCorwill be a guest of Paul Rupp~rt, COUNTY WPA PROJECT ber 20. Death wu due to an at- mlc~ and Mrs. ~ora Macy, all of issued a proclamation se-tting aside Sundays, an' the oil company Is. SCHOOLMASTERS OF COUNTY ORGANIZE postmaster of Franklin, at . 8 tack of pneumonia ,lthough Mr. Xenia, wer~ vbltors at the bome Octobel' 6-12 as Fire Prevention to take all the money an' send ,Week, in the cou~se of which he helf t~ the Red Cross and half to luncheon prior to the dedication The allotment ·for ' WarreD Earnhart has been in poor health of Mrs. Julia Beraan, .Sunday. the Salvation Army. Both to be A Warren County Schoolmasters of the new Federal Post Office county projects approved by Prfrl for some time. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ira O. :Brow II, said: "I particularly ol'ge state and ment relief. So club was organ ized Wednesday Building at Franklin on Saturday, dent Rosevelt inclodes for Wayne.' Funeral services, cOl,ldUj:ted by spent Thursday in Verllailles, 0 " municipal offidals, civic anI;! com· used tor uneinpl.n-: I got nothin' to lose In the tran- evening when men teach ilrs of the September 28. Senators :Bulkley ville: Rev. J. J. Sehaeirer, rector of St. wher~ they ware the gueste of the mercial Bchool organizations, Re-pairs 01 high ~hool. 'Federal and Don~hey have also been in~ Mary'. Episcopal church. Waynes- former'B parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. authorities, the clergy, and the eaction but my voice au' I never county met at Harve ysburg. funds, $676; spon ~or's COntribu10 t it yet. Don'lt thank me, thank Willis Hall, bistory profes or, \'ited. ville, were held at the Oswald J. Brown. pNSII to ~mphasize the dancer of the li$tenel'lil , th6"y'll be the luf- of Wilm iJ'(gton college was the tion, $220. Funeral Home in Lebanon, MonLee Cirift'y, who has been visitRonald Remodel bl'ade school. Federal Hardin who has a posiany needless waste caused by ferers. Yours, 1/Vm Rogers." day afternoon with burial at chief spesker. tion with the International Har~ fire and to encourage the study of Judge Payne sent the followIt i s hoped to have monthly ing his parent!!, Mr. and Mrs. A. fl: llds, $ 726; sponsor's contTlbu. Sprinwb°ro. vester in Cincinnati baa enrolled w-'Yl and means whereby fin az- ing wire to Willi: meetings at va rious pOints in the O. Griffy, was honored at a family tlon, ,326. dinner Sunday, before leaving for "When 1 pUI! from the Red ... aB a nlaht ltudent at Onlvlnlt)' of ards and the diaatrouB conseCORti CUTTERS AVAILABLE his home in Toledo. Other guests Cincinnati. quenCH of tlre may be prevented Cron and ktioc~t at St. Peter'i cOlJnty:..-__ • _ -' COMMUNITY CHORUS BY ADDRESSING THE were Mr. and Mrs. Darra1 Breakpte, be- will allk, 'Who cornel CLINTON REPUBLICANS . a. tar as possible." - - --Mr. and Mrs. Jtaler Oraham and here?' I will er, '4John BarThe "eond mettlna of ... field and family, of Sabina, and ENDO~SE MARSHALL Farmen reqlllrinl' tbe ••m", dau,btc, Blrnlee; of DE"TH tOil Parne, , Amadcan Mr. anll Mrs. Carl Conard and youna J)eopla'. e01llmunlt, cho~ of eorn-cutten mar Heure them Lrtt. ..are Saliday evaalq callen family, of Dayton. d -.I _ ..... _'-. Red Cro..," ·aak, 'By wbat The Republican central and will be hel W...1III_J ... tlu'ouih ollle. of the N.tional at the bome of IIr. and lira. C. Elbert Well., ared 17, 1011 of rleht do 10U to enteT" 1 executive committees of CHIlton Mr. and Mrs. Edwat'd a.Noell, October 9, bl ~ m)llla ReemplOJDlIDt Service. W. Albrllbt. Mr. and Mra. Perry WeU., p....d willanner, 'I 'YUl Ro.."I' county have endorsed Conll'eH- of Sprinc Valley, Mr. ud IIr.. tbe hiah RhooJ ,...UdJIC. H. B. luatlce, Ohio ~. a ..., at bt. bome Ilear Flatfork Be will ..,., II suft\clent. man LeRoy T. Manball of Greene Harvey Rye and children, IIr. anel tenuaee at IH ....... eaid ~, that qperienced at • p. III. Tueaday, atter aD U1- Coma rlaht A thoul&nd county for another term of Clarence Rye ud ehUdna mOlt cutten an plIDtJfUl An an 8 . . of Oft. week. FUlleral eervteea thaw. John Pa,... fatll., ... Ues of 1itaW. Ilead al: the reald. .1 TbunJudp WI11 in the National HOUle of Kel)ft..( pI._IIIt!J IUrprilecl faI'I~ t!~ll~::== at 1 :80 w1Ul b u N t . . by jUit HlitatiV'"



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ties and prerogatives will ~ made Mac Donald lalt week. later that thcl'(! \\ mild b'l' n ('hurg' Mr. Dowdell ot Dayton will IIIS8 stron~. No document has' with of ftf t y cl'nt: 1) 111 'ottl h y the hUI .k speak at the Methodist church on !!tood the \'ici ~ situdes of • chanll'on thi!l accoll nl. Sunday evening, October O. Every ing c ntury and a half so wel\'1\ cl'iti\!i m .:tlll he mild l' 0 r 'h" One is urged to come out and none has 80 ompletely achievc~ . (, "viet' chal·j.\'c-bllnldnJ\' ,'UI~ s I'l' the purpose of free, democratic heal' him. . • •• __ . ...... q uire it IInu it n , u ~ t ~ met. Regovernment. The Constitution is The Eastern Stars of thi ~ chapter sponsibility f'O r I he unpaid bi ll i:> W.~ ..ill. Win. Fint univel'. ity la boralor ies, dem nstra unfix ed- t he tn'a . ul'er W8. held a social on the street by Mr. the very soul of America- withnot duty nell s store on Tuesday evening out it, we would be no different tions. and olh ' r ve ntil. Picnic lhe buy ,', Common Plea. P ro~ eedin • • h ~ pon ~ r reli ed fa ilitie will b a i l bl £ 0 1' high upon sludent! in chat'gc to ulkc lind dt· w a lllrge crowd. Eastern fr om those olher nations whoso 'chool groups bl'ingin ' their own car of !luch multet's. Th "endut' hI t he c n ~c of Til 1 " tat e uf Ohi , tars ft'om Wilmington, Spring people arB now feeling the mailed luncbes, whi le t aso ntl.\>t prices waii eel three months l ur his , . I'~ U K J . N. Sall lllj!n, the u f endM.. Licentea Valley and Mr. and Mrs . R. H. fist of dictator!" at the expense of will prevail in all l'etlta urants on Ill(lney n nd p l'ob ll bl ~' fo rmeo opin- Il ll t \\ ho \\ IlS chllr gt>d with p OliS · 11 nry W. Copen, acetylene Hartsock and mother, Mrs. Lena fr eedqm of the press, freedom ot' near the campus. ion!' nleunw hile U~ to lhe ru tu re ps.i njf in t(lxica ti n~ litlu o r ~, waR wl· ld el', of S.outh Point, and Miss Hartsock of Waynesville a ttended. 01 l1ctio n, k eedo to live ..,think The ~ ntuck.y game, opening cl'edit I'sling u f 'chool organiza- tlllt'd 50 and co.h~ of 17. It !IIildl'ed M. Peters, la~dry work- A nice sum of m neY wa cleared and speak os on e wisbes. .-. Ohio Stat.e's 1936 Ilch~ ule i ex- lion s. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Leviey, r n the ell 'e ()f 1 h Wayn svill er, of P leasant Plain. pecled to be the mo . t. diffi.cult HIGH SCHOOL DAY M1'8. Sadie Reason, Mr, and Mrs. alional Blink of Wa yn csy ille, Th is i:s ntl l lin isolaied insttlllce: opening conLest. f ed lis' Ohio it occurs mon! r Ie W. W. Welch and Mr. and Mrs. Real Eat.t. Trallafera tal, I TO DRAW 40,000 l' gular ly c()rp. ve t' us RIlY IF'. 1\1 ills, IN Y ESVILLE tate lliayers ill eversl year . and has come .to be accept d 8 S t hl' mo t iun of dcf l~n dnnt. Ray F . CharI s tanley and Anna M. E. B. Dakin enjoyed a picnic on WhiJ tb game will be the fi r t an inevi table outcome of chool l\1 i11~ . for rosl ponemen of pub- Ear nhart to Etta Lloyd, 94 .87 the lawn of the Dakins Tuesday H. R. High sch ools expecting t o send f the ,eason f(lr th e home team, accou nting. 1<' ou ll< • If, .. 1 1 eve~ing. lic sale i' lJ\'t·rru\eu. aer s in Clearcr eek township. nts to the annual High stude the Kentuckians wi ll have the I\en, c. 2 1 The Warre n County W. C. T. U I n t il CIISC of harlc' BUl'ge r It WIIS to cou ll t.e~act :;uch praeF rank B. St.okes, by xlcut rices r1.fy, 2 2 1 benefi t of two g.ames p reviously t iel'S a t h e that 1\ . ur vey was \'e l' ~u Blanch Burger, a di vo rce to lara B. Sto k~s, inlots Nos. 29 convention will be beld at the School Day, October 5 at O. S. U. ,onner, lb. · 1 1 0 played. Presbyter ian church in Lebanon are urged to make theil' reservanlade III t y~ nl' cOJlccl'Il ing s-ysteiu'5 Wll~ ((Ianted t h" pl!!l ill ti tr. . lind 30 in Lebanon. Ohio tat,! 's noted marching of handli ng' schoo l funds. A H a Starl.!'y, cf . .1 1 0 nlle of Ve in)!! ase vel'· In th Ethel G. Miller and Mildred G. on Friday, September 27. Mi u t ions as soon as p O& ible to ' the Hawk, 2b. ..... ..... 0 1 2 band ' is expected to be pr sent and resul t of til, $uryey, a p latl hn ~u Eugen ase a di.vo)'ce was teddom, t o Ellen B. Gustin, r eal Mary Mills and Mrs. Frances Mac fo otball ticket office in Columbus. UlIlI', 3b ...... , ., . 0 1 0 open its bag of tricks f or the en- been work tl out nnd put into granted the pllllnWf . Donald of Wilmington will be the estate in Le banon. . It is expected t hat 40,000 1 James, s 0 speakers. . 0 tertainment of the high sch ool opel'ation th ill year which eli ,nThe wi ll of l~l'all c is .. Surfac ,harles W. Char lton to Samuel . young people will be present, ext roud , '1'1 ........ " ...... 0 A. S. Collett is suffering ·0 Mrs. 0 students. inllta ' all ~rnall Rccounts and d('ccnsed wu s med II Dd adm itt ed harleton and J ohn F. Charlton, F ull details hP,ve b en .ent to creat e!! one large one, whic h cen- III l',1() bat e. avi , p . 0 ceeding last y ear's t otal of 34,000 0 . with an attack of r heumatism. 0 inlot No. 152 in Le banon. ¥r, Bodenbender who i ,'cce!ving t rali ze l' RpOn. ihility nnd pruvldes The many friends of Mr. E. L. DUl'ing the morning t he uniEI!<ie Alle n wa' ap point d adHoward Whitacre and Goldie Totals ........ ....... 9 8. 3 the reserva tions of 10 81 students for a ystl'm of checks a nd bal- lI1 ill isll'a to r of the eslllt e of RIlYhitacre to Salem Township Hatton fOl'm el'ly of here but now versity's laboratories and other 4esil'ing to attend. Th e CENTERVILLE nne s againslc error. This plan monu All en, dec ellis d, and til d Tl' u ~ tee s, I'eal e tat e i n Salem of Cin cinnati, will be pleased . to facilities will be open. know that he is able to teach a Kentucky-OhiO Stat e game will will be exp lai n d in d ta il in bond 01 500 willi sur lies. R x to wns hip. ckey, If " .......... 0 1 0 Student. Take Mental Te.t. noo k, He nry Hnrn ilton an d Jo R. ' iller, p . ... ... .. 0 the,e col um ns next we k. 1 0 Ar thur A. Irons to Harry L. hlfday in his school. Mr. Hat ton be the featur e of th e aftern oon, eph Hi nel! -wei' appointe d liP Roseneran , inlo* No. 1 in Leba- has been in poor health f or some Yedzel, 2b :... .. ........ 0 2 Tue.sday mOl'ning, September 1 time. B ~ o atera Club Mee ta prlli ' I'i! . BI1!ett, 3b ...... ,..... 2 non. 1 17, between. the hours of nine and 0 Mr. and MI·s. R. H. Gaines and a rri B. pP ncc r was nppointMarten, Ib .. ..... .. 0 At the last meeting of t.he.> 0 0 twelve, grades 6, 7 a nd 8 were M. V. Hammond to Georgella De Jt, 1', rll ............ . .. 0 0 0 givoen achi evement .te' ls in all t he Booste r'S cl ub t he f oll owing up- eel ad ministratri x )f t he e ·tate of Halllmond inlot No. 16 in Mason, daughter Nan cy Max well, of HartAsk for • Willi am Monfort ,de eased, • iIl!'r, e .................... 0 poi ntnlent WCl'C announced : 0 Helen C. Scott, et al., to A, R. well visited Mrs. Lida Hatton 0 main subjects b('ing studied. last Sunday. Weldle, (If .. , .. . ....... 2 'I'he purpose of t.hese teats is Editor, Cecil Hartma n; A$sist- an d fil d bond olr $I 000 with Eesley, 124 acres in Wuhington Miami.burr Permane"t 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Kersey and hal'les township. Kindle~ 1111 ... : .. : ....... 0 0 0 to di covet: \ eak p laces in the a nt Editor , Jol'an ees Ellis; Music Sllclll'iti s. G ol'g Kohl, . Concrete '0 training of 'eaeh pu pil. Th e rlil ' ujts Ed it r, Mal'jori e Earnhartj Or- Hoff and Elius R o t~ ill on we l'l! a pLOt\ir, l'f .. .... .. ........... 1 0 Ir win E. GU stin, deceased to 'Eleanor Clark, of Oregonia were of the t e;;t will be ke pt On reeqrd, o n Edit or, Jan e ook; pointed nppmis(!rsi. E llen B. Gustin, et aI, re~l Ilstate Sunday visitors of G. M. MacDonAir Seal Burial Vault ald and famjly. In r(l!ga1'd to th tate of Char- in Le ba non. Totale .............. ..... 6 4 2 80 that they can b u ed, if n eed- Athletic Editor , Ru th Soli bul'Y Mr. H . S. Tucker has been on F or Sale only by ed. and Robert ou ng; Grad e-n \V iol les Wikoff, a ~r on PI' umed to Myra L. Eudaly to John H . H... Eco.oBlicl Fair Diapl.,. Eac h of the pupils in t he above Editors, Anne Cran e, Su ella bl.! dead, applicatio n ot al'oJine Backman and He nry Hackman the sick list: Y our Funeral Direetor Frlmk Patterson 99.956 acres in Buttel' and War: Thill year marked th fifth grades was 01 0 giv n a mental Bernal'd and Glenna Woolard; Wikoff and High- chool new editors, Dod Wikoff was approved and th ey a re ren co unties. a "DUal display of the W. B . S, test. dUl'ing the morning. MI'. Ga rst is making a studl' of Wad e, Roy Croekett a nd Elizabet h tv giv bond of 149.76 with sureRaymond T. Hartman. to Eva b Ime economics departme.nt at ,McClure Funeral Home . I re ne Hartman in lot 105 in Sprin&, pupil study habits, in th e elenlen- Hoblit; Assembly and Social ti~ t ' e Warren County Fair. Various . [n the matter OIf th e guardiantary g rade , and will be permitted Edith Hoyle. Editol', bo ro. Wa,...9'iU., O. PhoDe 7 that the girls have made ship of Hettie COIliOVeI', an inl omW. Emmett Dumford, deceaswere In the exhibi t;......som~ were to examine tile I' co rds f OI' inLibrary Courae Offered p t ent pe rso n. U.. G. Conover , ed, to C. Everett Dumford, et ai, dre"el, blouses, pajamas, towels, :forma tion along t hi line_ A mee ting, under the up 1'- guardian, is t o e ntel' into an figl'ee 16 .4.1 acres in Warren and Informa t ion taken fl'om a chieve apronl, aD~ pillows. There were Two no~d Ohio editore now dealeo lome food models sbowing men't a nd menLa! tests is a vailable vision of Mt·. Lob 'a nd Mi s R , III nL wit h H ester Carl' who con- Clinton counties. ceased have been el ected to Ohio's was held in the offi ce Wednesday du ct Ea ' t Orch al'td Home, for th e teachers a nd parents. to ol'l'ect foods of all kinds which Journali m Ball of Fame, conduct morning Lo discu s th e pos. ibili- cal' of . H ettie Conoy r. Billa Allowed lake for nourishing disbe and Handline School Fu.nda lies for those wi -hing In the matt er of the la t wI' II 0 rs. Edw. & Robt. Blair; exam- ed by Ohio State Universit}t'1I well-balanced meals ' n cessary t •ofd a l'ldRS b school of journalism. For 8 number of years, each 0 ISt' U ~' d r,adrY work . and te tament of Ir rankie A. Dun- inatio n of children, $33; for pr9per growth and developd t o have two class ham, d cased, ervice by p' ubl,'ca- & D k . They ar John McLean, founder organ izat iOn in the Wavn e Townwa!! EO I e ment. ~ '" f th . . h ra e, Inc., Kentucky Lump for of the Lebanon Western Star. and ship Schools has taken care 01 the eS, on& Or OSe a rnvmg on t e tion is 10 be mad e On Th eodore House, $6.92: Dr. W. O. ourt buses and 0 n e fo r t hUSe ar · J ack. Don R. Mellett, martyred editor hllndling of i.ts own f unds, mak- early B reidenbach, . F_ F. A. F IR EXHIBIT th I b medical services reo of the Canton News. Their elec. I . . ing coll~tio ns and payl1U!nts, l WJng on e ate uses. Iyde WhitSCl'EI, "'ua r(lian of d E . ... ered dw. Hensey and Vir"';l ~ion brings to 27 the total number The F. F . A. boys of WaynesTh e- rs t yea r wou Id be ].lmlted WOOdlOW \Vhitae!'e. incompet ent. I ... ville high Bcbool had a most in- majntaining an accou nt at th e to P·repal·a t l · on for t b I t t I aacs, $2&: Mrs. A. J . Drake, in the Hall of Fame .. They were a checks upt he bank, and i Buin . e n x \vo fi ed his sey nt h account . b tneating booth at the count y fair .. h' h Id oard and care Louis Drake, 'lO', ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN Their theme was uF. F . A. Boys on that account in a mor e ~v <~ less 'Y ears d' w ICh wou cou nt one-half ----Julia Hollard, brd. & care LouiS selected this year 11' om five nomH oland, ,5,' Mrll. Lulu inees. a two-thirds vote of the 70 r our CatUe, hop, Iheep a¥. cal.... phazard manner. Such a pro- er e It c ac year. Probate Court Ve rnon Learn Modern Methods." The ha Th e purpose () f t he CO UI'Se i t o judgES being necellsary to elect. to Noma-Brock Co., Un Wire atl. of ldeta wa. to sbow by use of eon- ccdu re has had a number . t et'est In . d to I n t he case 0 f He len S. Evans . Gabbard, btd " Lincoln. Gab deve 1op an 111 Tributes to the two men will be pr(),reulve ftrm ''1r the hla'hul di advantages, of wh.ich the an h 'alt lome of the improved and chief are: train students for ' the work of and Mabel . Spencer executrices bard, $5 ; Mrs. n'. C. Roberts, brd. giVen at the annual Ball of Fame market pric.a and cood aeril•. more prac ti.!al points In farm. man t e of .~' care, W. C. Roberts, 1t5' Mrs. dinner to be held Friday evening, ' Union St.. _ V...... ' CI •• ' t h e d· u t·les 0 f a sch 001 0 f 'h 0. dl Ing 1. Re ponsibility cannot be h'an o:'ra n,k B. St okes, & ... ,Frank agement which tb modern agricul Oma Osborne, brd. &: care d • e !lsta d November 15, at the uniVersity. Tune in on Radio Statton WOltY l Ibrary. fixed upon a.n"one indl ' v l'duat and ~ease , vers us ICia ra B. Stokes, , I Ii Ballinger. Virgil Isaacs &: Walter ture .tadent learns in F . F. A. "eve'I"Ubody'a busin ess ...... omes no et ., con l'matidon deed a nd dis- Ballow, $30j James Moore, brd. An Ohio newspapermen are in- 12:25 to 12:80 p. m. for OUI' ciaO, wo~k. This was one of the out'J ~ t 'b ti d vited, and those att~nding will be market reporte. t • oIly rt Au on ·ftwas d or .er e . & care Lucy Moore, '5; Mrs. stl\lIdinl' schoul exhibit!! of the body's business. " guesta of the university's athletic =========+~~=~ The banle mus t do book](oep certi e copy of the entry ua Eltzroth, brd. &: Care Alice 2. fail'. lng tor many small accounbl There will be a Hoine Coming al; detennining the in the estate Stark~y, $5; The Western Star, department at the Ohio State-lIIin thus taking valuable time M. E. Chur ch at Mt. Holly, Sep- ?t F lorence ~. Siau. &er, deceas ed, envelopes for Recorder, '9.50.; ois lootball game the following ~., . :ta 11l8ll1JUp Brotlr.erhoocl ftom matters of equal or of ' t ember 29. Come and bring your IS o b~ cer ti fied WIthout delay. The Western StaT, estate :1.01' day. Once more WayneSVille bigh greater importance. McLean was born in 1785 and dinner and stay all day f or the I n t e ca se o~ Perry M. Dr~ke settlement blanka for Probate, $5 . IIChoo) III.&'oine to boost this organ died in 1861. H~ came to Warren 3. Jtecently, banks have been services. \ executor of the estate of QJlve 25 W M d L h d d ; . oodrow-Weil S~anage Co., iution for fair play. The presi- forced t o levy a service charge, Mrs. E a rn est Enl'nhal't and a u. erc . ,~ease. , . papers pencils, 1 gross pens for Clerk 01 counlcy when .four Yllara old. In dent, Vincent Griffy, bas ask,ed all coll c~lng a · sm a!l :feeforthechildl·enandMi sC laraDaught r Sh owmg~roofo:1.pubhcatlOnare . Court.$4.08;F.J. HeerPrinting addition to bis work all a newsmembel'l of athletic teamll to join handhng of an account which spent Satu rday in Dayto n to be mall.ed to defendants. Co., 1 cash book No.6 for Clerk paper publisher he pr~ctlced law, thll Brotherhood. The executive during anyon e month, has : Mr. and Mrs. Ed Crew' ente l'Th jl ~ 181m of How rd .C. Reif of Court, $40; J. W. Lingo Hard. was a member 0:1. congress, a counc:U, with the belp of the of. balance of less than fil ty dollars. tained her sisters f ro m New Br e- ·amoun tmg to $49.95 . agalO!!t the ware Co., repairing Majestic: judge of the Ohio 8upreme court, ftcers, i8 planning a ICbedule of Of these three disadvantages, mon, Ohio the lat ter pan of tbe ~state of Charle!! Relf, decea sed, Range, flash light bulb for Sberiff, postmaster general, and associate meetinCl! for the coming year. the second is so .obvious and plain week. IS allowed. . $25.70; George Killeen Ii Son, EJ[ justice of the U. S. supreme court He was on three occasions a canthat furth er explanation is unMrs. Harold Kellis and Miss Th~ f ollowmg 13ceounts were ap f L~ Sa.cleat. Ar. I.Yitecl to necessary. Tbe first and t hird. are Clara Daughters lIfr a nd Mrs E d pr oved, allo wed '~I¥ .confir med by ~~e CSukm~;:, I~~!r~e;!~,oc~: didate for tbe presidential nominaI ~ HI.1a ScIaOoI ID a,. well illU str ated by an litcident Crew and Dorothy Michael spent th court, kets, ete for . Shqitf's car, $39.65 j tion. Mellett was born in 1886. "Phone 78J T Student. of Waynesville hi~h which has just come to light. . Sunday II ftel' noon at F erry church Geol'goe E. F ry bm'ger , executor The office Outfitters, bond paper, Ichool have been' invited to at. La st sprinll', shortly before tbe Mr. and 1\11' . E'lrl Marlatt spent of th: estat e of 18dward Conover. $1.10 ; The Gerp City Blue Print Brought. up in Indiana and a tend the third annual high scbool cIOf: l! of the school year, an Tueijday a:Cte)'nooD with Mr and d l!cea~ed . T enth . . . & Supply Co., Photostats, $2.16; graduate of Indiana University., «lay Oetober r; at O. S. U.· organizatiOn here in chool con- Mrs. Steph en and Mrs W~aver . B. B .. Ball, g u.a lrdlan of T. Floyd Mason Super Service Station, Gas he work~d on an Indianapolill newspaper before cOmini to Ohio A tull day's has been trllcted f OI' the purchase of "er. Ball, I ,,~a nd son . ' W mlnol', It K Third . k andd final. & Oil for Dog Warden during . pro~am p tannea, endtng With the afte~·- t~i,!l al't1cles needed . for an ae- . lIIr. and 1'111'8 . ' Clarence Cra wa cr eDno , a ministra~or August, $S. 72; The Lebanon H'otel in 1829. He was ft,st a member "OTARY PUBLIC ·DOO'}. football game between Ohio tlVlty of t hat ol'gamzat io n. The t ord and Mr. Lou Murry called on of t he estat~ of 11'erry E. Kenrick meals for Jury, State va. Powell, of the ailvertiaing stair of tbe Akron Press, going then to the Stale and Kentucky in Ohio articles were deliv ered but pay- hi s sister Mrs. E tta Blair Sunday deceased. F ,rst a~d final. . "7 75 · a-Il AI publisher of Stadium. Ti.e kets sell at 25 cents, wa s ~ot made immedia t ely by the aftern oon at Xen'la Char'leg . Irwin, g uardian of Dist. V· ; W. H. Wright, mileage as Canton New.. Mgr. NRS office, ,8.92', The E. Ia... Sauw "" hi h 1he Iu d es admission to the treasurer, the matter was not . Mrs. David Luea's spent Sun- Ed. nlt May H 01P k ins, deceased. Warren County Lumber Co., th.t paper he conducted a cam- WUIe WAY....VILLl£. OItIO br ought t o t he aite~tion of the day wi.b he r si tel' MI·s. Clarence Flr~t. B M cement &. lumber, ,16.16; The paign against ganpten which regat'le and a souvenir program. Last year 34,OO(l Ohio boy" and sponsor, a nd the bill remained Tonson. " . . ' urrell Sind C. H. Murrell CinCinnati Oil Works Co., gaso. sulted in his asu.lnation in 1926 girls were present for High School unpaid duri ng t he enti re summer. ' Mr. and Mrs. Elswort)l Smith adn:untstrat() rs of the EState : of line, $1.80; L. P. C,avett Co., tal', Day, and preparations are being Wlth the reopenin g of school, th and daughters spent Sunda hel'e Celta A. Murrell , deceased. First $6,278.18; The Kilpatrick-French made this y~ar for 40,000. vendor presented a $tatement . with home folks. .y and lin~l. Motorcar Co., Ure &: tube, I'aso. The morning pr9gram will in- again to .point out t he debt ;' alter Mr. and Mrs. Em e'l'son Dill a nd J enme B. B~l! and Margaret E. line, $83; The J. W.··Lingo Bardelude educational tours of the a f ew dll,Ys, the t1'easurer wrote a s on Billy saw Will Ro er s at Tucker , a<J:n.lnljltrat9l's. O.f ~e ware Co., maintenance supplies, campUB. scientific' experiments in ' cbe:ck 1n full , apd was informed Waynesville Monday nig:t. ~:~!~.o.fF~!l~lanli N. Crlbfield. ~- equip. supplies, ,aO.53; The Everett Jon'6S, .adminlstrator of Standard Oil Co., kerosene, $9.50; the estate of Celia M. Jones, de. Fred Kahn Motor Car, parts, On September 17, th" ·Constitu. ceased .First and final. 65. tion of. the United State. wal 148 J ESSE I TArtU Y ----.~ --Louis Cad Killbe, executor of years old. ObservaUon of Oon. atitution Daf has foc:ulled public . . . .. ao. Ifew ~ the estate of Mlutha J. Kalbe deceased. First and final. ' attention on that peat document Ernest Butterworth, adminisThe first P. T. A. meeting of --and on u,. daDpra that arellOW tr otor of the es't ate of Samuel the new school fear wal beld at beaettin, it. Butterworth, deleeased. First and the IYm on Jut Wednllday evenIt i. no ,un.ratlon to that tlnal. .' in~ with Mr. Herbert Carr, the OOllltltutlonal and privtl. CharJes J . W"&'lroner, guardian pl'ftident (n char,.. After th ••••• ar. menaced-U-t poUtical w.. taken care of, Mr••xp.rim.ntation 'With th.ori.. Of of Shirley Lamli, minor. First. . Ernest Butterworth, executor Dean Stanley of Leb~non wal in. aUen orilin are uluaUy th ........... . of the estate of Stella Butterworth troduced and in his ulual callabl. 1antithe.ts of the Americu ach.m, deceased. First ,~nd flnaI. manner, ilntertailled the audience of ,overnment--ancl that maD)' of WI. . . . . . . . Charles R. Shepberd and Cbar. with a most IxceDent addreu. the pollticlaDi who IlQ Up Mmc. PO. IAU les Bogan. administrators of the A large number from here at- to the C'o natitution in hlrh-lound· CLASSIFIED ADS CO~T eNLY estate of Ly<lia E. Shepberd. de- tended tbe Wuren County fair in, Ipeeches, are amon, the l_clceased. First and final. and reported it ' a wonderful ers of those who emuculate it. FOR SALE-Two buck lamba ONE CENT PER WORD. WHY and also one yearUng. Walter The wi\] ol Lena Wurster was county fair.' Some are urging that. COD. tiled and admittl!q to Probate. Mrs. W. E. Oglesbee IIpent on. abtutional Amendment be pasied H.Whitaker, R. R. No. a, WainesK.EEP YOUR ATTIC FILLED In the 'case of George W. Snook day last week In Columbu.. whereby Conl'l'UII and the Presl· ville. WITH USELESS ARTICJ.lilS administrator of the estate ·of Mr. and )11'1. W. P. McCarren dent wou ld be riven v.stly broad· FOR SALE-A nlc. line of .box Mary W. Snook Is&le of real estate and daughter, Misll Rhe., came er powers than they now poue.. TIIAT OAN BE TURNED INTO atattone17, .4 Iheeta a nd .4 In. is ordered. down from Walhonding Saturday -in Ipjte of the fact that lIuch an velop.. for IlSc; Show·Pac, II FJ'ank Wilson 'Was app ointed ex- evening and spent Sunday with amend~ent '\l1Ould very pOillibly HONEY FOR SO SMALL ~ and U' . nvelop. fol' 10 ecutor of th~ estate of Elizabeth Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gordon and make the Bill of Rights meaning. sheete wuecl pap.r, white tlIaa. GOST. TRY THIS ·M EANS Gil' S. Harlan, decealled aDd filed l>ond family, Miu Rhea remained over lell. Othera advocate a la.,.. ~riv cllltlj paper, at Guette of ,2,400 with sureties. J. W. for a visit with fmneJa .nd rela- inK the Suprem, Oourt of its Offtc.. paper napJdDl, SELLING AND SEE WHAT A . Ward, William J,loover and R. H. tives. She will attend Bli.. BUli. ri,bt to pau on the conltitutionDIFFERENCE IT WILL MAKE Bl'ooks were appointed appraiaers. neBe Collea-e at Columbul thU ality of l.gillatioll--4v.n thouah PIPE, VALVES and FITTINGS Paul R. Surface was appointed year. . that would llimlnate tbl principal for Water, Gaa Steam W'eIla TO YOUR POCKETBOOK, AS executor of the estate of Francis Mrs. Virginia WUUuuon J. en- reason for u.. very exilt.nee of SpraJlq. Of,tern hand, ElMA. Surface, deceased, no bond re- u.tainiq ber llat.r tbJ. week. the Court, and make It no d1fand Spray pump.. Plambtq • WELL AS TO HAVE YOUR quiJ'ed , Perry Earnhart, Victor Mr. and Mra. H. E. MCVe, felent from lower tribunals. Still BettiD' Suppllu low. . prlceaaDel STUFFY OLD ATTIC CLEANED Worley and Alvi~ Trimble 'Were tentalned quite a number of othen are llI'Irill&' new judicial bia'beat QnaUt, a t ft. Bocldetappointed appraise,l.'1l. ativea on lut Sunda, for dinn.r. "interpretationa" of Constitu- KID, Co., X.nIa, Oldo. Write 111 om. IT PAYSI A eel'tltl~ copy of the entl')' Mre. Cath,rin. Bowlalld of tional p ovlaioDl wb.r.ab, · the fol' prte-. ' .. determining the inheritance tax 011 Cincinnati, Mr• .aDd Mre. Frank ortrltlal m....ina would b. wup.d 1 _ _ _ _ _...._ __ __ __ the estate of ·Frank B. de- Rudduck ad ~deon, All. there ar. thOle wilo tIll.1t It" f to ell'ell• • •t tH Conceaaed, is to be eerWlecl witJ~ftnt I Rudduck Jr., )In. 1IU7 and Hallo KcN.U wen Ititlation, II, poUtloal ohleaDerr delay. In t~ ca.. of Georae W. Snook p ..te of JIn. ~ Tacker whenb7lawa can 1M kept from a admlrdltrator of the lltate dI family. , Coart deoIaIoa 101' a 1011, Mar)' E. LiUle. clee...", Mrs. B. V. 8UlIDIMiler Ja u..; 1IIItI1 tMlr ueoaGlerp W. at eo...... a . . '" P'IJIHno.IIId. .... ..... Do ---.~~


School High Soots ~~ _ q .- W _~

...,. I _ Il _ oI _~_..~ .__.~ I~~ . _+


. .


TO HAll OF FAME--.--------~------------~



F. T. Mai1:in




Centerville, Ohio


Dr.... . .



CONSTITUTION ~tPOaDRIleAUy ;~TKuoocier ' 148 YEARS OLD a . , I gl,. Auctioneer. ,7..

Harvey.bu. ra




._aCLASSIFIED _a · ._. .ADS•






pL_ N 1121 Entered at Wayne._ . ...................... o. III Obiat Po.totllce - ~ "nd Cia .. Mall L P' o. aaMaUer -S.... c ..• ptI rIce. $1.10 a Y_r v~,




Hitting The Little Fellow



jccb. of the hill. A rnnallllrm~ ot pl.·.r'·l·t . '1'}..~ lrl/ubl.. tb" l\iIJ be emploYl'd 01' ught, ~I nlan n tllI'e .nd th. FRIENDS MEETINC Vll'lt th(' farlhs and check p8 ,t pl'O old low IIf ~UJlPfy nnd delll.nll at First.dn·y !:!chool at 9 :30 a. m. rli,)( tlo'n l' lCOI'(\S lind assign future qnite lik 'Iy lo punch thc program lo1eoting for Worship at 1()':30 ljUOt.i\S. m. w 0 aJ measures. full or holes .- an-oil 1.I0nty, All with all N the theol'Y of th law is absolutely N. IT., Ind cllentlent . ---~ WAYNESVILLE M . E. CHURCH FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Carl Smith, Minl"ter Rev. G. C. Dibert.. Pa. tor Sunday school il t 9 :3 0 a. nl. Unified sCl'vices beginning with There will b e no pl'ol;lching sC I'\'ic~ church ;school at !l :30 II. m. morning' 01' evening b~ca sa oI service 8t 10 :30 a. m. --the absenc\! o( th e PIl~tlll' who of is attending the annual hi ~ con. fel' nee now in sel",io n in olumbua.

rarlllel'~ II parit.y price Cor their wheat. Thll plan iM intended to mak cerlain that cooperating wheat £81'011.'1'2 rl'ceive atlju~tment payments in lIu ftic i nt amount to give th m a pre-war purcbasing power on their allotment!. The ftexibly payment plan of the program operates as fOllows: The lhst installment of' the y ar·s. paym~rlt., to be paid aCter compliance lS. checked on each year's ,crop, w ill be a.PPl'oximately twO·thll·ds of the dlfferenc between the average f~rm and parity pric s at that hrn e . Then at the end of. the market year, the average farm price and the average parity price will be compared and. the seco,n d in tallm~nt of the adjustment payment will be adjusted upward or downward, depending upon the average price of wheat during the marketing -yeal' and will be in such amount as will t nd to giv the cooperating farmer a parity retu~' n on hi!! allot ment. For instance, if ~he differnee b tween the par ity and fartn prices was 30 cent..s a ulihel at the beginning of th~ I al'keting yea I', the fh'st installment of the adjustment payment could be set at 20 cents a bu shel. If this ditfere nce averaged 30 cents a bushel for the yeal', the second in tallment of the payments would then be 10 cents, Ie s deduction s, Cor local administl'ation costs.

_ _ __





Executor's Sale


Tax laws des ign ed to punish big business, under the guise of l'evenue prodUCing measure , may wI'eak theil' principal damage on little business and on the little fellow-the wage-earner, the small The unders ign d as Executor of the will of Joseph G, Keys investol', the white-collar worker. ST. MARY'S CHUR(,,~i deeeased, will offer fat· sale by way of public auction, the Teal In addition, they Illay make it impossibl\! for the little business e. late of d c dent conSisting of Farm and T own Dw.lHng on Rev. J , J. Scba'efi'er, Rector nnd the little 'fellow ever to go ahead- to pl'ogr all, to pro per, to {onday, September 30, 1935. Fifteenth Sunday aft .. Trinity, Tile potato n ow goe!' . und ~r grow. THE FAH i at 10 o'clock A. M, on the premises. eptembeJ' 29, hurch scho Ql at fedel'lll control. E 'ery bag (If A recent editorial in the Los Angeles Times said: "Thill is a 'big' THE DWELLING at 1 :30 ' o'clock in Waynesville, on the 9 :30; Morning Pl'8yc l' and sermon ! p' o t-atoe mus t cart·y a I deral counlry accustomed to doing things in a 'big' way. To dwarf such 11 prem1 " 10:30. heritage would be In tl'uth to r turn us to th~ hal' e and buggy days. tag 01' !'!iamp. i<..Vt!l·Y fann lhat THE FARM: To go forward, lo explore, investigate, experiment, lo attain the JrIOWS potatoes commercially will o nsisting 'of apPI'oxlmately 159 acr~l!t is located on Bellheights by trial and error is expensiv~ bUt necesaaTY to human have. a quota a Signed and any ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH hrook ){oad abou.t 2 I miles North f wayneaville, Warren prog'l'ess. fArmel' who exceedg lhi quota County, Ohio. Father Newton, Pastor "The small. pool'ly financed busin ess or ,individual is ofte" an .iniwill be fin ('d at the rate of 45 It is productive grollnd with brick nnd frame dwelling house' Mass at St. Augustinu's Church cent pel' bus h I. FurthermOl'e any tial 81. pping stone to great. things. The pOOl' man becomes. nch) barn, tobacco !>heds; hog hOUSe and minor buildtn't'8; is fen«d! very second and foul·th Sunday IJt' l'SO I1 who offers to buy potatoes the s mall business grows and aile day is a 'big Qusines ' . ~oa st.tng 8 GOOd road to farm, rec ntly ha d s u faced. G()od water and apring t the m onth. that has n vel' failed. worth-while heritage of accompli ·hment. There hall beell incent ive all n ot prope rly packag d or stamped al ong the line. will be lin hie to a ' $\,000 fine. THE DWELLING: "It may be wrong, but uccess, business Bucces at least, is preWAYNESVILLE C HURCH OF For Ih e 'ccond fine thel'e is im· A two story frame dwelling hlluse and barn' located on lot pt'i ·onment. dicted upOn financial independence. To rule that th small and CHRIST No: 14 Harris addition, WayneSV ille, Ohio. lacing 50 feet on While this will help a si ngle struggling shall never grow big and aggressive i to knock the props Thlrtl Street and 150 f eet deep to alley. It makes a eood and Carl Smith, Mini ter comfortabl e home. group of farmer. it. will raise the out from under our national habit and Bet U8 back a century." 9 :30 Bibl school. ost of liv ing for verybody ~I ~ e The. e prO'Pt!rties !lre ~old by the undersigned Executor It Sllems that lhe whole aim of politi.cally-minded p r ons tod Th· potat is n food tapl on . und r }lower crea.ted III WII] 01: decedent and to finally se~tle Is · to punish, to discoul'ag nnd ~o pr vent Bucces , to dwarf achieveLe!;son text, III. J ohn. estate. . which the pOOt' have always rement ~o sti.fle initiative, to throttle ambition, to poiSOn th spring 01 ubject, John. The Mini ~ter ~hc farm , has been revalued at $7.600 .00. Jied. A family can go without en ter~rise. We raise our taxes on 4tbigness' 'to th point where a man. and Hi s People. 'I~e dw Ihng at $1,500.00 and will not be sold for les8 than bacon and . ham. bread consumpor a corpo ration, once it gets beyond the siZe of a corner grocCl!". is two-thlrd &, !.he 'Value. . Gold.ell Text., 1II[ John, ,11. tion can b reduc-ed, meat subs ti· just working for th tax col i ctOl', We p~ 8 regulatol'Y laws glvrng Terms of sale; CASH. tutes can b found, but it. is p cial musical numbers. political job halderR. not x,ecutiyes and tockholders, tile final say 8/1 . A r asonabl deposit will be accepted for time of inveetliaalmost impos ible to eliminate the bon by purchaser on any question ot title. to business practices and operatIons. 10 ': 30 Lord' s Supper. potato fl'om the family diet.· A ny inquiry as to tlnancin!; purchase or otherwiae will be Whether this l'epresents fa ci m, ·c mmuni m: socialism or any 7 p. m., Chl'i Lian Endeavor. promptly an 'wel'ed by the Undersigned. Two reslt!t are sure to come other "ism," it Is directly oppos d to every Ametican tradition. And it Pla.:_ Re.trictiona Onl, On Part 7 :45, Gospel mes age and from this law. Almo t everybody is a threal to tiie future of ev ry principle for which our forefathers Harve.ted for Grain special number by choir. who ha a s01all patch of ground fought.-In dustrial News R-eview, 7 :45 Wednesday evening pray r will raise their own potatoes, neuLeba.non, Ohio Farmers who intend to take serviel!; and Bibl e study; choir part in the proposed rye /ldjusttralizing il1 !lome mea ure th obment program when it is filially ======;=== = = == = = """=========-=-===-- prepared by the Agricultural Ad1 justment Admini trotion need not let that iow-ntion interfere with th it fall se ding plans. 8:00 Music The proposed adjustment proH. E. Eswin :05 Whenc Cam Those tones . F. H. Be<:h gram do not call for restriction : J5 Appl ' torage . in the acreage seeded to rye; it :25 Music 8 :40 Adult Participation in Vocational EducatiOn .. H. O. Kene trick pl'Pvides only for a base acreage Sergei's room. ;'Hls blrthday-" she the leason. Het heart trembled at the room. She heard the front door 8 :50 The Farmer and Reo nt Bank Legislation . " B. A, Wallac~ which may be harvested as grain, pleadell, his every departure and return. alam. She apran&, to tbe windo.., 9 :00 My Impr ssions of the Am rican Country Life Association " . \lccording to Guy Dowdy, state "I told my aon you were , dead!" Their quarrels grew more numer- and sa.., IlIm enter bls carriage &lid agent 10 charge of the wheat a nd ,,, ..... .......... . ' . .... ... .. .. , Mrs. David Brad1ute , b, anawered . "You will never enter oua Jlnd more deadly. but each tim'! drive off without a backward fiance. ! rye programs in Ohio. tbJI bouse again, You will never their love renewed Itself more dee."We can't part Uke thlll. can't 9 :10 Mus ic eee Sergei again." peratelr t.nd fiercely than ever be. bear It," ahe wepL "He hat. m .. 1 As now proposed, the program 9:26 Some Problems of Milk Marketing s ociations . R. W. Sherman calls for a mi n imum planting of She reached the atrf:et blind with tore, At last Anna realized sh. mlJ.ll He mlJ.ltn't bate DIe. I DlU.t .ee , . R. Bradfield tears and without knowing wbere attelJlpt lOme aoclal dlveralol1. With him before. he goes." 9:35 The lmportance of Tim lines in Agriculture 54 per II nt of the base a<! reag-e abe Willi golng, somehow found her- tbls In mind. /lhe aug,elled & din. She drl!Baed teverlably and rode ' 9:46 W OSU Playel's .self b8()k Ib Vron'8ky's apartmenL nuparty to hla former regimental from tbe hou.e to the Itepot and t for harveilting' as grain. However, Only VroD8ky could belp her no..... eompantOllll. , trom the depot Into )401100.., Witb· it call fol' harvellting not more Sbe rang for her servant and SlIe put Into tbe dinner the out ,enelne the pUling of UID. or J than 75 pel' cent of the base learned tbat be bad ,gpne t~ bl, club oharm. BrACe, wit, beauty and good the movement of the train . acreage for grai~ Wltb Yasbvill. tute wblch had made her . St. The Koecow .latlon awarmed "Gone ·to the club wltb Yasbvlnl" Petersburg's outsLalldlllg host_. with Any acreage of rye in excess of departing acldler. and tbelr \ Het . mind mulled over tb o Every man there wu (ucillated by Sbe looked trom 011'1 beloved thia 76 per cent, ' Dowdy says. may of tbls. Why had VroMky left the her 10vllne&8-and felt pity In b11 face to Olle.t. another anll thell up anel l be used fOI' hay, pasture, or other bouse at that bour ot the morning. heart for her and I!IlVY of Vronaky. down the long line of tralna. At for an outing wltb bJ.i reglmentaJ purposes, except that such acreage 'l All Anna Ic.oked over the brilliant lut .b ••aw VroMky. He ...... le.nWas h. tired of ber? Tbls cronies, &IIIIemblage of otftcers and' Inlo ,m ay not b e p rmitted to mature, ' Ing out of hi. coacb wlndow ·chee,.. 1 posalbUily s mote bel' with fresb an· VroMky'e glowing fa~, hope beat fully bidding goodbye to two wom· I ' Adjusted acreage, or that gulsb. Her vlBlt .to Sergei · bJgh III bel' heart. Vronlky w .. en-l is mother and tbe Prillce.. Soproven all too clearly t'he price .II he talking excitedly to bla colonel. Tbe roklna, lovely, you!l&' and tea,.. acr age that is taken out of the had paid tor be'r love and now latter roee to hla fee~. Pl'oduction of rye for grain, may stuned. • wben abe needed Vronaky be was "Gentlemen!" he sbouted. "Good Anna braqed bereelt .....nat • . be used in the arne mannel' as away' eeekJng dly&ralon. neWS! VroMky has agreed to vol· keep trom talllq. · platforDl plUar to t h e wheat adjustment acres. VroMky returned. his mind busy unteer wllb ua In the Servian-11Urk· Her eye. opened and -clo.ed In • --with the deLalle of bIB day. He was Isb uprlelnJ!" convulsion Of weeping The whl8t1e sa.dJy peMlve. For the flrat time he Anna tell back In bel' c:halr and "unded and tb. train' chu"teS out I nal~ed what It meant to be abut looked to Vroneky for denial as tbe of tbe ltatlon. carryln, with It all ' ott 110 completely from those deep ebeers and ibouta ot conlralul .. .he beld dell' on eartb. · , Red Cross Sets Up Four Emergency Do pita18 to layel'll of ble lite In which he bad tiona ecboed ·about her. Nl,bt time tound ber stili reaUcl ! been embedded before he- met Anna. He t.nawered their tout jubilant· agalNlt the pillar. Avert Tragedy, Wor t in U. S. Hi tory Was love worth tbe aacrl1lce ot ~y, bLa deftant gaze at ber Durtlln&, Suddenly .he picked up laer beatLI career, duty and a man'. p'-ce tbe dlstallce lietween tbem. Her A rbythmlCl tapplllg had found I~.




Real Estate



IFarm Jltight lalks, September

, ~==========::==;:=::::=::=::=::.;:::=::~





By D;tvid S. Ingalls


Chairman. Ohio Roll Call Commiuee D eath and typhoid fev~r st Ikeu side by . side through little Salem. Ohio. It was in the early aul \1I11n of ' 1920. All through that Quiet country· side the summer leaves wcrc dY1Il1l in brave displays of rtd and yell ow. J us'ide tbc hOlll t'S of thM stricken comnlUnity death clImc le ~' ~lIant. ly, more painfully. From what polluted stream. frolll what common carrier the grey lerrol came these people lwc.... Dot . They onl1 knew that one n'lemhcl of • family would complain abo ut being tired, very tired. Soon after tbey al· ternately burned with fever and chilled as though fro AI a wintry blast. These bewildered folk soon came to realize thaJ unless their SIck . ones were kept awa}' {rolll all others the dread fever mlghl sweep that wl:tole family. . Feverishly the health authorities of Salem worked to c1ran up the caule of inftction. The nUnlbe~ 01 case. grew. Th.e phy&ici~ns of ,S!"lem warned a hastily organ Iud CitIzens Committee that unless the epidenur wal rec9cnized as luch and ~11 case. ilollfed, the entire elt)' mtght br wiped out. The fever tolled on . Stale Health official. were called Ill . Federal reprtlentativessoon follow ' ed, ttiey made .urvtys. ~he CII' Hospital wat full and ovcdlow1l1!; They recommended that the Re' CtOIi be called in. The Red Cro~' came in. Over 800 people were SIC1.: ODe out of every ten. Four <'llIerp .cnC)' 'h o.pital. were Ict up Flit Red Cross nurses were called from Cleveland, Alliance. Voun g~tl"\\,11 Old Pioneer Block became! Ho~ · pital No. 2. The.1'uabytenan church . became No, 3.'l.iorc nurses were ~ned, over a hundred now /·and No

.; was opencd. The fever bcgan Ito slacken. Sheets, pillow cases. surgical ~o\V n s, PI1(,U)l1ol\Ia j.lI::kets. bot water COl cs were needed. needed quickly and badly. Cots and hljlttresses were se nt III by other Red Cross t hapters but thcse Ih ing had to be mad e. So \"01l1~n of ~RI<'11l ~ewect. a5 Red t ' "O ~ ~ \ ollJnteer •. Irom early lIIornIllg until late at lIight to makc them. One hundred men and women gave up their businc s for onc day to rnake a ~a nitary s urvey. to , find the sOurce of infection, Engineers read the resllits, can ulted. damned the wllter syslem -and orde.d a new one. The city was penniless. O. K. sald the Manufac.tu rers' Committee. wc'lI do it. Thcy dOI)atcd pipe. tlley sel their nien to work 'la ying it. They did it and the lon , curlle of the epi. demic chart passed over its crest and start ed dowo agam. Then the . money gaye out. The Salem Chapter of the American Red Cross had spent the last cent its members had ,iven in the annual rI)ll call tbe ye~r belore. The Cleveland Division .Office immediatelY l't asidt: $50.000 Jor their use to keep the hosp itals open. £very home was ,h\'cstlgaled and fumigate'd before 'latien!. were released. Fadone. \,i!rc shut down and familieS needed ~1i('1. .."nother $25.000 was let llside. . Then quietly . as they had come. .h e Re<l Cross bepn to withdraw. T b ~ epidemic was over. One by 'o ne .he el1lcraency hospittla closed. the nur el went back home. Thus the 11l0$~ violent epidemiC of iu kind ill . " S. history came to an end. The normal typhoid deatb rate is ten out of every hundred cues. In Salem it was two.


Liye local merchants spe nd time, energy and mqpey try ing to get bu~iness. Housewives spend much ' time-. energy and money trying to keep their homes in order. The two incentives are in collision and the matter be. comes a "public affair. Official at. tention has , been caUed to tbe con stan t litte ing of porches in Franklin. 'l'he handbill habit has become, in Fl'8nklin, almost an uJ'\mllnagenble nuisance. Maybe we will soon have handbill patrols following the bill peddlers. Neither the city officials nor the average householder desires to make any tt'ouble for the merchants trying to et along; but merchants wlth the handbill addietion have worked themselves into a sort of a jam. This miscellaneous form ot solioitatio'n haa become a 'nuisance, and therefore a builder of ill will. Out-of-town competitors are frequently o/fenders Inth!s matter and a Jicenle fee for Uttering lawns .nd porchel by thele con. cerns should be ·collected. The proper pl.ce tor your advertisements is in the columns of the home neWlplper which I'oel Into the home becaUSe it i, welcome. -The Franklill Chronicle, muc~ .

Beech Grove Mts. James Lamb', da\lghter, Vina, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lamb and family of Corwin; Mr8. Emma (Lal'/lb) Perkey and son of Kentucky and others were Sunday callers at this place . Orlando Brannon, wife and Edna Dodge of Xenia; Mabel Terry of ColumbUs, were Stlnday callers at the 'home of X. E. Thompson and f.mily. Mr. John Wells of Hamilton the week-end with P. G. WeUI and family. Elbert WeU. ~ill remains quite ill at thia writlne. Several from thil place atteMeel the .t Lebanon last week. lliaaea Bemed. and Opal Lewia 01 llear a."eYllbul'l and Grace ,)'on. of n . .r Blanchelter "turd&), aft.rnoon witb Eat')". Thomr.:,n.,.;._ __

A thousand miles at lea, enrollte If Pri.. .f Wheat Ie D... to ·En,land 00 the liner S. S. Acqul. . .taWUI ... Htp..... tanla Prelldent Ben F. Hopldns of 0If.... '-e tbe ' Oneland Graphite Broue CCJIDl)any .ddresled 8,000 perlODl .t Sile of the .dJuatDteat P.lIlia firm's .nnual piCDic in Cle"eIa..d mentl under the new wh_t prooyer a Ihlp-to-ahore telephone hook· wUl depend upon the prll!e up, of wheat durbla' each IIIIAI'Iriat:lq The plcaic po1Ip COD"'''' 01 It tile priee II low . . .,_ ~ tbeir famUl. and""'" . . . . will be oo~ IiIteaed to the Ohio iXIC",'...... ...ute talk, whicb .... tra"...... . . . . and If dI. priot til wp, TH& CLAIUtlVILLE NEWS .... the oceu Uaer to radio- ,.,-meDta will b. CHANGES OytNUSHIP . . . . . . . . . . . ~eD to QneIa. . . . . up..... YlacJftU4IIr ltr IAIIteI'

,...m rear.



.......... tel.,l1_






Chapt,. , Three ",'J uina and Vronsky returned to St.'llburc and found them· Iv.. . \ft' • w.)rld of problems. bUCI appearanCle for her wa~ 1m· Ible. He Will stUl acceptable to ety, but bla loyalty and devo· D to laer mldie 'It imp08Blble for m to a.ooept tba IllvlLationa which uNd tn on hJm from all aides ey tOlUl4 tbeDll8elves Isolated and ope but ,rasbvln, Vronsky's ...lm.Dtal c:oml)anloll, visited their partmeDt. M ' tb. montJll! rolled bY; both ' ~I"'d aadly tJl1at their dream ot lalmJDI. their right to belong to cll . o!Aer-thelr very love- held hem prlloners. . Alina ached t c : ~~ Serlel but 1t al Impoellble : r her even to Ilmpaethee cblhi " e new. of her tum had dOlh Karenln', et· orta to" preven' . Her various ttempta me! ' artbreaklng allure at J determined force 'an op ; '. 'J:arlY' ID the r ot Sergei'S IIlrthcl.,., Ille 8 ' .r Karenlrl'a 110\111.. ber an: , wltb IMt. tor he.r ·CIhlJcl. ~p 'and the KareniA walr 'arned her rvaDta. ,tr.mb i only until at elM mll'lIt I , I tbat an· be 'muter rat, oUIl0'e4 blI a" Jm awlftly She .• nf.reel E eelng him luIel" bel l'he cblld 'but .docat ; ahe cov....ed her In h i '~1s .\10\11· ".4 ble fue. h i Isse • . anel bls aTl . Clrl~(I . "Kotherl )4.() ~ hday. I ~YOU'v. com. tc e8 filled na.., you'd ou were '1 lUI'll, :. 1 told •...d. But I ,fat,h er It llf to "I ber ' r ot l a ,Iy


e .11 'CI.,.



among tnen In the world'! The que8tlog,.lhi'uat Itaelt Into his can· IclolJ.ln'" try U he migh t ~o down It, And ADJlI~ .emed III. thoughts and preCipitat ed the terrible quar: reI trom wh ich there ._emed to be no returll to happiness. IU. anger , trl,htened her and In an attem·pt to placate hili) .he, suggested they attend tlle opera. VrollBky Wall con· temptUOU8 of the Idea-be kneW 8 0Clletr·. attitude to them both, too wei. to try it. But Anna torced tbe laue anc\wlth cold dllldain tor each other In tbelr beart. they eet t (lut tor the opera. '\ l"rom the moment of their en· trance Into the opera house until tbe.lIghts almmed and the olltrture "egan, abe Wle tortured by tbe ~ rea. whJ.iperlnga and open hoay ot the ..,orld which had once , hers, '1sky, etrlcken wltb comp... , ~ ber. ~ew tender end proagain. Bot.h now knew that ,mpoulble for tb.m to r.. St. Peter. burg. and to-

,J~~~d r~~I:l~ '1

d been tbelrs urn.1I to th.m _J.d pll), I approacb... ~. Anna w.. "r _th.r, .n to tell

eyee lilled with II'lIIet anI! horror. way'nto ber urinearlnl' ear" She knew t~t everytblnr w.. over An old, withered antS beardetS betw.." them. trainman ahuffled down .the plat. Throu8'bo~t the Blcep.less nlglit torn'!. He moved toward the trallli\ IIbo clun, duperatell' to tbe bope and with hili little hammer t.te4 Lhat their love might yet be 8&1~ tbe' ralls. and eouplll'lp. Ta.p, tap. va,g,-ed. But In the morning. elie tap. went his ha.mmer. No.., tb. , burst Inlo btl room and found blm nlli. N~w the COllplln... AlIna : .urroundoo by hi' I\lgga.,e. She roae tl'9m her ~(l at. lIer eye. ftl eel olutched his um In borror. . wltb horror 1l:t<1 r&S()lnaUon. Tap, "It'e true then:' ahe erled. "You lap. tap. Th •. r '. t hm of hJ.i hammer are rel\lIy Jeavlng?" , cplled hnr ' . , rOMky, Wby .1.t Unbe'llet and rage mingled In ber could no ~ 1. voice. . An M ; . " fter the workma'" "YelJ-l've bad a' t.le~ trom Sbe t" '. l .nd of tIM pla&o ¥uhvin. We are to 10 to tbe tront. tO rt' ' '.1 ' . 1m dLaappear I __ t~ I bave to 1'0 to, to lay t job 'W U IlIlIlblCl, goodbye to my mother." · 1 . ,I, tap, ContlD.....l.. He, "'.. I'olnl' to war Immedlat.. hr 8, elrownlne out WI' ly! Her ra.,. died .. lear and loy. w. ot th . ... tralD .. overwbelmteS her. Her 'Jlea ailed and puff of dIe .• nll.... with t ...... · . 1 "Let me ,0 to tbe '.t.atlOD With yoU," .ba 'b...,ed. V;' Vronaky r.fuaeel; .e b.lleve4 It me. b.tter lar ble aak. and bera that An tb.,_ ..l!.. ,oodb,. ev! ''Tou re tired of m.:· ab. criteS. of' d.ellly· wOIIDd.4 by ble refill&!. tl "Thl. voluntHrlDI II onll' an ... It) -CUll tor I,avlna mi. The pilant. a' berolc ."CIM.... Atbe ICOlI8ecl ~tter". . b V rONl\"ky I rna pas- C, .. ou III_and tit "" m. of any baeft_ of ' )' 011. , . . IuIow pau." AM . . .."arab-...........'t


th., """,.



TH£MIAMI AAA , In dd~'I'mine "bether a hl!ing lli.trihu\t'II hy the Ohio pOInt,) pr"llTlint ~h(luld 1>(' dl·..,el- Al(ri~ultUI'llI E t(ln.il1tl , ~'n·i('~. 1 I1Jl d under th( P otut" ct, and if ,I '/lIs" ith I'lldH. )·ll·\,ls ill Ohi" E crgT'1! n ~ may be tran~plllnt­ SC ', "h.\t ~U('\I II proj!rl\llI 81\oulll 1II1d oth,'\' -lllle,., tn'mls ill produe ed ~t Ill.,," l ,. Y 'I m(' o( th" y,QI' in('lud . tion, Cuetol" alT,·ctilllC I riCl" and ~Il ..... .lull,. II\). Ihorti<'lUlturl ~t , '. I ther mattl'l'l< havilllt a lh'arll1l!' recontnl nd (lRI'ly fol} so thllt till' A dlt'ea ~e. of h .11'. e~, Vlll'loulll y upon COIl. Ii l(,tIlling up to the plant II may bl'coll\ c~tllbJlBhed he. call d ~le(lPln~ "Ic!;n ~S. blind- pn~gllge of the Polato Act. It mlly fOr th ground freezes. s taggel'~. Ul'om fever, an!! more b obtain d fron\ county agrit-Ill. by tu I'ul agent.!:I. f;arly thre hing machin , all pl'tlp 'rly 'nct'plu\ lomyditi -- - - --dep nUE'Q upon power of hors~'!I l he vel 'l'inltrinn>l. cuu~e til death DEATH to or rat tllem. Sometime the of n thousand hurses along tht! hor~es wt'r hitched to the t'nds of middle Allantic const last. yeul·. It is "preau by in eets, l)rincipnlly The oI \\o'alt(l(' B. Gil _ 8Wet!'J1l!, at othl'r 'times, c~pecially with the smaller outfilS. th y mos quit.oes, Ilnd OCCUI' mosl often kill, 25. wh o dil',j Tue t..Iny at thl' ill th fall o( the yeal'. worked on lr ndmill '. ity hospital, Sp ringfield, foll ow· ing an uutomobil e accident in A hearin6l' is planned for Ent.itled "The fm:t.s of t.he outh harl eston la t week, \,' (,I'C! ituation," a leaflet is interred in Miami cemetory thi , OClob r 3 at Wa hington, by the I pototo Thursday arlt'rnoon.


ort. and Middling.

an.) littl



Chops Jb Roast It>

. . 'Z2e . 1ge

CURED MEATS Bacon, piece Ib .. ...... , .. , 30e Harne, whole or half It ,.. .28e Cottage Hams Jb . . ... . .. 38e Dry Salt Ib ....... . .. .......... 25e: Jowl Bacon Ib .... ............... 25e:

Mrs. E. C. Crone ontcl'tained th mem bers of her DayloJI bridge club this afternoon.


Mi8se8 Kath leen anu ellie Graham, of IlIll'V,",ysbtll'g, were gue ls f !\h's. Rus~ell Wilso n today.

. 28c: 35e

Mr. and M,, ". Lyman Roush, who hav been \lUting th e (ol'me1"S father, Morti mer Rou, h, will leave this we k for the We t.

21e ... Z5e


LUNCH MEATS Bol ogna, Ib .... .... 18c Franks, tb " .19e: W einers, Ib ....... 25e Minced flam Ib ..... . . 28c Pill1ento Loaf Ib 28e: Home Mad Ham Loaf It> .. 2Se:

Lard. pure open kettle .rendered, Friday .and Saturday only, lb. 20c Don't forget , lave your loles, let U8 deliver your m eats Free-Phon ~ 66.

Mr. ond Mr . W. B. quires and MI'. and Mrs Charles COl'nell spent spent Sunday with relntives at Lena, Ohio.

Coyle's Quality Meat Market

~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~ '


p bile Auction

1 wllJ sell all my {arm· chllttels at my farxn, 6 miles miles South We t of Wuyt)esville, on l'oad adin& f rom Dodds to the rivet', just ()ff State ,Route No. 42, on

Northeast of Lebanon.



onday, September 30, 1935 COll'.mencing at 12:30 o' clock sharp


HOR SES 2 Black Gelctlng, 8 yeaJ,'S, sound, weitht 1700 lbs.; Black, Nare, 11 yeara" blind, weight 1800 Ths. Excellent workers anywhere hitched. 2 COWS 2 Jersey, !I.'esh, with calf by side; Re d Cow close springer, due to freshe:n October 16. . . IMPLE MElM'S . , . . Farman tractor with Breaking Plows, Doubl e Disc, Cultipacker al'ld Corn Plows attachment; Rotary Hoe, Manul'e Spreader. fiVe hoe Grain Drill, with fertilizer attachment; Hoosier fertilizer c()rn Planter; 2 fiv~ hoe Grain Drills; two section lIarrow; McCormick mow-e-r, C<lrll Cultivator, ;Flat /fop Combination Wagon, a good one; fiat, top Wagon Bed, Thoma,S disc fertilizer Grain DriU, ~ T erms CuJi, ..


o. A~qustrawn' y Th ompson, Clerk.

Karl M. Browtf; Auctioneer.

Only the Best

.. .,......


A'.H.STUB8S :7iuzRAaI. 1iiALddt

Miss Katherin e Harre ll A cco ll\ P~lIIist Mrs. John Gon s Owned and Managed xclu sively by the Wayne P. SewE!]) Produc· ing Compnny, Atlanta, Ga. ' OW/I I' and l\hlll II lte I' xelu ively of: " Oh Professor", "Cupid·upto Date", "Dixie Blackbird Minstrels", "Flapper Grand· mother", "Here om es Arabella", "Black Eyed Susan", "RoRetime". Dir etor

pjotON E' 19


J. R·. Gibbons Lumber

CAST OF CHARACTERS ; J. R. Gibbons Mrs. L . E. Hockett Mrs. Boyd Henderson Roscoe Furnas . RUBsell Frank Mrs. Ralph Hastings Jane Cook Ruth Salisbury I Juanita Brannock


Tight" F~cln9 Build. Up Soil Fertility Th. rotMIon of hOIl not only \

,",II. up 1011 fertility but

clteclcs ....... Good feoo..


T-wl.s Theater

Wayne.vUle, o. SE PTEMBER 27-%8


Figh ling Sheriff SEP TEMBER 29-30


Awakening of Jim Burke Fox New& and Comedy T WI) Sh ow&--: 7 00 "" .... 8 :30 p, ADM. lOc- lIe

Maximum Value


OUR CLIENTS KNOW that' tbey get maximum value fo r every dollar spent when this firm handlea the f uneral service.

Rose Mary Bentley . Dolores C lark Anna Gay Treadway Christin~ 'McClain

Those who turned tQ us in the past have found t hat we always give the . best service possible . at economical price levels.

F ROGG1E. CHORUS Virginia P reston Virginia Schuler Ruth HeleJI LeMay Helen Margaret Gons

We will welcome an opportunity to furnish further d et ails about funeral costs.


Richard Br ad ley Richard Sheehan Jack Mulford Ri/1hard Whitaker Dohald Brown Walter Johnson • Jackie Preston Charles Dibert



and he is not endorsing our cigarette

In the cigarette' world, ' Chesterfields 'are thought of as outstandi~g ... - they have won· their place strictly on merit

InSeMbla you 10 ~e.p yo. cl..n fro. hrro.lns time to . .de...". tim.. Corn. In and let as td


Ie,. .. . . . GENOINE Am.....·' ...1

you thow Iittl. It will coli to lena your

We beveju.t recei.vec:l a new car of tbi.

Madden & Co.



world and has 'won his p,lace on 'merit


Phone S4 uro'''n--',·'le Ohio


We don't know

what MR.

Paint and Glaas Cement···Roofing

A ct I. The Evans Home. Act II. The ume as Act. l. Four weeks later. Act Ill . The arne. Three- month later.



Store open until 9 p . m.

Ethel Mend~nhall ~;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: Charles LeMay Il ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ~ . Cedi Davis "":!!~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!===!!!!!!!!=====!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!='" Mr!. Russell Frank ' ~ ¥n. Gilbert Frye


Prompt Service

CartOQn, "J>e oe Conference" omedy, "To Lame Ducks"

-==================================~~=====~====~======================~ ~

EXPE RT W ATCH REPAIRING O nly Celllliae Mat.....te

The 6askets and vaults furnished ' n ou\' service are the best obtainable. Only standord merchandise of ti'Sted quality is provided. Clien i!l can rely upon us to conduct the finest funeral possible at a price within their means.

Thul.·sday and Friday October 3rd---4th GYMNASIUM. p. m.

but he is an outstanding man in the baseball

pi" In

Lebanon, Ohio

Pre.en t.

Mr. and Mrs. Ead Murray, of Dayton, and Mr . Edith Demas and 1amily 01 New Vienna, were Jane Furnlls guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ev 1'· Dena Davi Naomi Ramby hart, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ticllenor, of Beul ah Bet'nardl Harveysburg, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Vand rVoort, Sunday, at a family dinner given in honor of Wa1'r1l1t VanderVoort, Ellen ?ll0 , of Seattle, W8$h. J ane Hart ock Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Haines J ean Hartsock and Mr. Le~ Vance , of Duy ton, Charlotte Rye were callet·s at the home of Mr. and Mrs . Walter Elzey last Thurs day evening, Mr. Vance, who is P atient. the son of Mr. and ilrs. Alvah Vance, f ormer tesidents he~, left Barbara Crane. Saturday for Cleveland where he Marjorie Conner will begin a course of study in the Lillian Stansbi~rry embalming school. Naomi Earnhart _~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shirley Buzick Lanors Lovely Try The Miami Gazette For A Anne Graham Year, Rosemary Mulford


Columbu.. and

Cary'a Jewelry Shop

The 'Naynesville Grange

The member of the l'eeell't!y organized contra t bridge clu.b had l;heir first me ting Tuesday night, at t.h E! home of Mrs. .Tohn Kel·sey. Dr. Evan !l' 1I1i s Flora Tibbal, of Wilming. Mrs. EVllns ton, and .Mr. . Will Tibbal, of MagnOlia !\J iami, )flol'ida, \\ re recent guests Hickol' 'lout Burton Hill of Mrs. Mary 11 e l·. Minerva Mrs. Jeff Th ompson of Lebanon Una spent Wednesday with Mr. Ilnd Kate .Mr . W. . Tichenor at Harveys· usie blrrg. Sally Thad Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Egbert, former ly of Xenia, have taken u p Wee their l'eaidence with Ml·s. Eg~rt'8 Janie Bell Blu onnet mother, Mrs. W . .T. Baker.


and on Sunday 1Irw.. Jenkin' guests were-' Prot. and Mrs. Taylor ~~..oo::========== and daurhter Maurine, and Mr. , _...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _." Burritt Hiatt, alKo of Wilminltton Mr. alld Mrs. Harry Estel, Mr. and M rs. Ma rshall Raines, Dr. and Mrs. Bailey Compbell, all of Dayton, M.r. and Mrs. J . O. CaTt. wright, of Cincinnati, Mr. Hugh "TH t;: HOME OF G IFTS"

( opywrightecl)

1\1I'S. Rowena Zartman, of X Ilia is vi:iting in the hom of Mr. !lnd Mrs. Olivel' Uuvi!S.


MI'" Edna Williamll, of Kln&,man, wt>·t\ callen!! here recenUy, by l'e1l80n II! the dt'ath of Superintend on MI'II. Ada H. JenklM. Friday dl!nt Howell Peirce.

Blue Bonnet

Again WE! are gi vin'k the public a real laving on Quality Meats. It will pay to atop and read these price8 on our Home Dressed Quality Meats. Also on sale this week some of Warren County Baby Beef. Call your orderaFree Delivery within a mile- Phone No. 66


ealled porar)' rue.t here.

Miss Winifred Nuttinl' Chicago, I!U' ~ts, Mrs. McQuirk and grandr lI1cDonuld's dnughtel', of Dayton , dined her "i.ll'r, ~\ i"s ~:1I11l' 1 M nclenhull. un Sunday. fot' n f~w day ~ r~e(lntly. Dr. and Mrs. Bail ey Campbell, 'Mrs, IA'nu Hlllt:;Uc k ntt4.'nd ..'d of Da:t(ton, dinner guests at lin ~: Il ·tel'n SlIIr 'lldlll Ilt lIul'v('y,,- the Home, W ednesdoy. Mr. and MI'S. Dickson, of Cen bUI)~ on 'rul',r1ay night. J\!I·R. lIal'lan IlUl've), I nd daugh - terville, came Monday evening to tl.'l'·in·law anel lilth' gl';lI\d-dnugh 8ee their. mother' who is ·a te m~ -_ -


FRESH PORK Pure Pork Sllu ~ag~ Ib l' h grolmd. Pork Steak, Ib Pork hops Ib Rib or Loin. Fre. h Calli es. tb Fine Roa t Frsh Ham tb Whole or halI. Beef Tongues, Heal'ls, Brain, Ib


"(lU~h'l·f. Hdol'cf, \\('r' Ilu.·~t: I MI'~.


QUALITY BEEF Boiling Beef, .. .... 2Se Short Ribs, lb .... ..... .. .15e huck Roast, Ib ............ 16c Swiss Steak lb ....... ... .... 20e Shoulder cut. Fanc,. Sh:loin Steak Ib .. 25e: nub Steak It) .......... ," 22e: Chuck Steak lb ......... ., .... ZOe: Fresh Ground Beef 2-lbs. .. 33e:


lin ~h'~. Lena Uartsock, WednellMrs. F. M. B.rlan and Mn. J. lillY. S. Hummell , qf Wilminll'ton, call-

.. for mildness .• for better taste

B. II.Clare


.W.~._vlU., o.





Eighty-8event h Year




Who l




VEGETABLES STORED MI'. nnd irs. Ral igh B gll n of COUNTY CONVENTION The' uf Alice Lnuil«l NEW CENTURY CLUB WllynCl)ville, Route arc ann une the mUl'l'iag of th daughtor 'choc l ' [' fOR WINTER 8REATHE ing HELD IN LEBANON )11o)'n HOLDS fiRST MEETING DotA'lthy to William E. intC.' October nt O'clock. mith, son of Mr. and Mrs. RobHhn ('og'all. A fter a two months vacation the The ahnual convention of the crt Lee Sm ith of DJlyton, Houte Chlll'cl1 liam il ton pel'Illbers of the New enlury club SAYS H. D. BROW~ 11, Wanen olJnLy W. C. T. U. was which took place in Richmond, rOJ the C\'I' ill the pre!;- h:-Id their Ih meeting Friday marriage' f11'ntlC'l'Soa DIHl

Number 61 9


Ablam ook, of Springboro, ac quir d h iut-nce pl' perty, on it· \\a,; ~u l ~ m ni7.l'J 1'uo ~ dlly Third stree ~,. belonging to the Loui ~ I 1. II K eY$ etltatc which wa s sold at ~ lh Rt' I'. J F. of St. public auction Munday a (tel'n(lon. .1081'111\'5 al In o bid on th e farm, bel onging nlln~ ')IlUllY ~ to the ' lIame estate, which was adIndiana, Septcmb r 9. Mrs. 11l"ld in the P!, sbytel'ian church, CHIn' " I' the il11m dillte fun1ilie . afternoon at the home or Mrs. vel'ti d to s II Monday l1101'nin~, OrglUlization To M-t With Mn. .yen t~ lation and T e mper. hare CODSmith is a gralluat . of pring L ebanon, Fdday, e pt cmber 27. Th alH'n!ian tl" WCl'e ~I I s, J oh n 'lartha R ough. WIl forthcoming. H ..~ve,. Burnet November trol .. The r e fore ' Euential alley High sc hoOl. The couple with the county pl'csid nt, Mrs. B. '(1I1~, ~ i gt er 'I f til!' bri de llnd I Th opening add res by t he Sixth Brown ~ay, willl'esid with the b1'ide's Jlal' nts Eva McD onald , of llal'Vcyshul'g It·. Rudolph ~ChOc\CI', Ill' ,the)' Ilf president, Mrs. J. W. Ward, in1)1' si ing. the bl'idugroolu. eluded a h earty gree,ting. Autumn D 'voli onnl el'vlc :l were conl'ell:ular meeting of the , . 0 . her marl'iag-!' he bride w re v r~ es were giv n by the In mbel'S In storing vegetables {or th(! ductcJ by MI". Matclla Doughman 1\ tailol' d 'iuit of brown crepe in respon e to roll call. Th e secreayn svi Lle Gard n dub was winter it is e SII ntial to remember a Jld 1: JS. its"', of , Mn on. The with mat('hing II c;~ssc ri c s. H er tary, Mrs. Mary McClure I'ead the lelt! at the home of Mrs. Anna tbilt Lhe living plant or p'lant pal't no()ntido pll~y l' Was given by M1'1\ Rowel'S were wlhito gUJ·dcllias. ;ibbo n Tueaday, October l. constitution and bylaws after is till bl'eathillg nlthough groV(th Laur~ Dllnh:ln) antI th c10lling Th e meeting was called .to order Th, bride ill the you ngest wbicl1 the prog1'am was given as i at a standstill, says' H. D. Brown PJ'uyer by Mi ss JI.l tu ·y Mills. ,y 1h pl·eaident. Th~ scripture dall~hlcr of MI', anel MI·fi. fl'cd B. follows: Songs and ong Writers prOCe1l60r of ve.getable gllrdening , Fifty m rubcr WeI'C prese nt aL lI endm'sol1 , 'he A'l,t.£i\Jatcd from of 'A medea, Mrs. H. E. Hathaway; s on was ,'ead by Mrs. Ross at O. . U. the Cl'ver d di h dinncl' I hi cll was Wuy nc vill ~ liigh 'c ho nl in tlJe Po 15 of the United States, Mrs. :Iaruock , Some arrangem nt must be ~er v( d li t th noon hour. 1\1rs. J. Th r min utes of the previous do', of 1!J30 and later g'I'IHluated George J. mith. New Hals for Fall at Grace L. made to supply th III with fresh C, Me 'oy gave thank!!. n~ting ,,"Pl'e read, Seventeen from Miami-Jacohs ,Bu . in 58 During t he social hour refresbSmiths, air, he adds. I'Fllilure to supply Mrs. J. B. Chapmlln was a DayTh e spea kers fO I' the nfternoon nt!hlbeJ', a n wered the ro l ~ . call fresh air cause sutfoclltion, ton vis itor Monday. ollege in Dayton, ments w re served to the members M1'" Ray Mainous spent the w l'e Miss MUIY Mills and Mrs, vith lact tht!Y learned during the tJ eatl;t and decay. Black heart ~f bl'id egl'oom i. a on (If Mr. and the following invited gue til: week-end in Richm ond, Ky. Frances McDonald, of Wilmington and'I'he n ~t ings. Ml'~ . .Joseph Seh elff, of M)'s. Charles Johns and Mrs. Allen Margaret Edwards was a . Miss Irish potatoe's, for example, ] 5 Miss Mill s poke on the perils ot M,' . J . B. Brannock is visiting M I' , . M ndenhall gave her report fr equently cau~d by the inabili- busine visitor in Dayton, Friday. dri nk to which the young people J1 al1iilton . He is a you ng mun of Emrick, of Lytle; Mrs. Jo ie Gra'1'001 the Fair and expressed her {xcellent characte r and for a ham and Mr . Kenneth Hough and relatives in Dayton. ty of potatoes in «the center of a a\'~' au bjcclerJ t h !! il' tt!mjltatio ns numb I' of Y(liJII' S h s been con- children. hnnk. fM all the assistance given' Mi Susie Evans left atul'cJay pile to secure a supply of exygen. Il nd th pi sen t atlit\lde toward n cted with I,he Estate tove - - - -- - - - - Mr, and Mr. tephen Shriner, o t.he committee lot the exhibit. "H~at is g~n~rated by the tor- for an ind efinite , yi 'It in Day ton. drinking as compar d to sixty Mr. Duke in behalf of the Fall' of Milford, were unday guest~ ed vegetable during the br athing 'yeal's ago. MI's. MacDonald gav ompany at Re,milton. cit in black and New Fal1 ' 30ard expl'e Bed their thnnks to Imm ediately , f ollowing the of :l\Ir. and Mrs, J. V. Hartsock. proces. The temperaLure of the u scient ific la lk on ~he natu re of he cl ub fo r their ~xhibit and center of lug pil B of vegetables coloI' . Grace L. mi th. cel 'mony Mr. ;~nd Mrs. Schoeler New Hats, very good styles at ulco holic ddnks and the latest sc ihoped they would plan now t o may, therefore, be much higher d~pnl·t.ed lVedding tl'ip reasonable prices. Grace L, Smith. lav e a n (> hibii next yeal'. Tre Mr, and Mr. A. T, P oli nsky entitle findings were pre ented . ond on Lhfor ' ir arc~brief turn will begin that that near the sudace of the The program inc luded ong by hou~ 'kcepinlt in their cozy h ome, were in incinnati ovel', the week___ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kize1", of Garden. club Ilews letter n diagsame piles whel'e th heat ha a end . II . ll'io, l\fe~ dames G~aham, F1UT ' t which they have completely Mrs. J. Roy (Evalyn Funkey) Columbus, 'Y re week-end guests losing gar dell t.,roubies was read chance to e~cape to th BUfl'oundand T uck I', of Harveysburg, a IY !::l secr etary. ing all'. Ventilation hould, conMis. Trill nn Edward , who h ilS Rolo by M I , Fox, of fa on, and fUI ni~h ed, at 635 F IH're t Av nue, Andrew 01 Hinsdale, Ill., has of Mr. and Mrs. J . W. Lo~. Mrs. toKes \:8 , an Inter tin!,; I uk n her new popition a Ii braqu ntly, be provided in ord l' to be n ill sev l'al we k , is gradual- l.\ I'!!nriing by Mn Collctt, of Hamilton Ohio. , . rian of the Chicago Insurance LiMiss Dod alisoury i attend- paper on win ter vrotection fo:, qualize this temperatu r e differ- ly impToving. II II I'\'eysbu 1'1\'. Shawera For Bride I brary in the Insurance Exchange jng the Littieford-NelJlof) Busines pel' lln lal s. He said cedar boughll ence. Ofticers lect ed included 'Mr. t make an ideal winter covering but n "al:lrday after noon precedBuilding in Chicago. This is the College in Cincinnati. Mr • Gilbert Fry and Miss :'11', on the olher hand, a temMcD nald, president; Ml''. Laura ing hili' mnl'l'inl~e, Mrs. choeler 1 largest library ,of ~ts kind in l,he Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn Banta, 01 do 'not, nppl y unti l after the perature dilfel;ence is allowed. to Katherine Hart II wcr ~ Duyton bunhnm, vice J,ll'es ident; Mr!!. ,~a8 hunol~ ,l wlll1 II miscellane- , w t. and is mamtamed by the Ing rounJ b i'. :ztln. . ' , persist, a condensation ,of mois_ visitors, Friday. Nallcy haffe r, secretary and Mrs oU s sh (.w~r , Ml'Is, D. C, Ridge and l Buranee 'interests for the benefit Pleasant Plam, pen~ Sunday With Mts. P l'csion made the 'suggesture wi\] occur within the pile Mrs. J . V . Hart ck was a din- Laura Il orkl'M~(lr, tt·easu~cl·. . Mrs, D. R,:d h Smith b eing jOint \ of those in that business and ,the Mrs. Banta's parents, Mr. and tion· that we plant bulbs now anc:! where the warm air generated by Delegates were pl'esent f1'om hoste lies at the attractive home public. Associated with the Ii- ' Mrs. J. P. Fromm. n r gue. til of Mr. Qnd Mt's_ Abram bring them to the December the breathing vegetable me ets In on , Hal'vey burg of Tits. id e. Fl'Ilnklin, ook at pring-boro, Monday, meeting. brary i the Insurance . Institutl! Rev. G. C. Dibert was called to the cold air which penetrates the and Lebanon and th repol·tEI were A mo ion to adjourn was made 'I he beau ty c,f the. ~cene 'Was , of America tbat conducts tudy Portsmouth last week beeause of out ide. 10 or 12 inches ot the pile J. B. rabbe spent aturday very encouraging. enhJn ld by alii arbstic arrange- coursell in various lines of Insur- the death of hi brother, R~v. J. to meet with Mrs. Harvey Burnet DiseaSe organisms grow rapidly in Greenfield attending a confer- - -- - - - . ,,-m lOt of marigolds and cosmos ance. E. Dibert. .. Noycmbcr 6 Cot 2 p, m. wherever such moisture accumu- enc of mlth Hughe te,a ch.ers. about ti'c I·ooms. Mrs. Andrews previous to her Mi Mal'Y Brown was a g uest I tes and the- vegetables soon d~ 'I re matrimonial story of marriage was 'in library work. She Mr. and AlIos. W. W. Tibbals, of of the club. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Osborne, of cay. Decay onc tarted will A t the cll)se of 1,': business "Blacllcyeu Su,' an," intere · t~ltly took her tec hnical training in the Florida, and Mi 8 Flora Tibbals of qui kly pread unle s the 'ource Springfield, wer dinner guests of told b a f1owel~ conte t, prOVided Grand Forks, N. Dakota Public Wilmington, were S unday guests ess;oll the hO$te g sel'vet! colfee and cau e 81'e removed. Thu ven- 1\11'. and Mn. 1. H. Smith, Sunday and doughnu t.>. ~1 ltai r.ment . Delectable sand- I' Ljbr~l'Y. Later she ~as an ,assis~- of MN!. Mary Silver. tilation should b ~ provided fOl' Miss 'Perle Riley has gon to wlcl e~, ~Ill d and coffe were ant 10 the Jacksonville, III. Pubhc ' , three p UI'POS s: (1) To supply th D tloit wh re s he wi)) visit. fri nds ---Oakley Mercel', of Los Angeles, S I eo to the ~~uests saated a t ' Library. There she organized a pl·oduct. with it'esb air 01' oxygen h e expects to be away about ten Lebanon Grange "ill visit Farm mall tr.bJ rf'l. ~rhe [avol's Were medical library for Wesley Hoa- California, was a week-end guest for the breathing process; (2) to day. ' rs' Grange Octobel' 5. At thill y Ibw "nd green baskets filled pital at Chicago which has been of his cousin, Hom r Carey and 'equaliZe the tempel'ature; (3) to . mCeting th visiting Grange will with nuts. used as a basis for many such Mrs. Carey. prevent moisture condensation. 1\-1 • • M. B~'ow n and Mrs. Dan occupy the chair$ and their memAs the brid~!-elect open d her coilections. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Clark spent "The amount ' of ail' required Brown and children, of Dayt?n, b~ts will furnish the program. pac];a"'cl" ~he grnciou ly expl' ssC>d Mr. Andrews died last spring. SUflday with relatives in Springdepend upon the rate of breath- werc calling on Waynesvtlle I 111 mbel's are L'eminded that the h l' ap Pl'eciatio'n of each gift. Mr . Andrews and he r 17 year old field, ing and this in turn depends up friend, Tuesday. meeting will begi n at 8 o'clock. With thirty members ef various 'Ih guest li ,'<t included on, James continue their resion the temperature. Th I'ate o{ county ol'ga;iza t ions present, favam Gntch , of Milford, Mrs. denc\! at Hinsdale where the 80n Mr. a1)d Mrs. C. H. l\fcConnell Walkel' and T om Arnold, of breathing and thei'efol'e the " Horae and BuCI'Y" Loren Jam on and. Mrs, Kathryn is a junior in high school. and daughter, of Springfield, were orable action was taken at a meet amount of heat generated by the unris , Ky., spent thc week-end Tu') n~'r, DayWn; Mrs. H. V. M.r ·. Andrews is a native of dinner g uests of Dr. and Mrs. H. ing, Monday night, called to disKeni(!k., stored products inc r~ses two to with their cou in Jam ' th e peop Ie WalterM' and Mrl!. graduate Hathaway W edn~d ay even- cuss free rura l telephone serviee ' P Up In cnnsyI vania AI' Dan G Walter, W'l 'Leb Waynesville' a. d h of t.he h E. . t hree times for each 10 degrees and family. fOl' Wart'en County. d d "h d b " anon, ISS .'ce on, J mlll'- high school and hve ere WIt mg. rise in t&mperature, For thi rea· Mr. lind J\.[~•• L. H. Gordon were en o~se (\ orse an uggy I ton; Mr~. F. Et. lJ nd (>r~o n , Me . hel' parenl:$! th~ late Mr. and Mrs. A. committee COmposed 01 Mayo!:" on vegetables which are placed in guests of Mrs. Howard Me une, cOinll~titutlo~ b!t a Mqu:brterthey °f, rile L. M. Hende l' on, Mrs, Irene ,John A. Funkey until she entered Willard Botner, of Vincent, Ky. W. C Gil,110Ut , of LebMon, Ilarold a .. e a , and Reba Ma inou , of Hamilton, McKay, Ralph Lane, and County a pit ea r ly in the fall wh~n the (Corinne Robbin ) at Frankfort, m Ion maJOI'1 y. tired of the oelOt· of ga . (Contjnlled 011 page 4) hbl'ary work. weI'e g uests of their uncle and ' t mperatures are sW I high re- I Ohio Sunday. Supel'in r clI ont C. H. Boh\. was ap quire much mot'e v ntilation than ' , aunt, Mr. and Ra y Mainou~, point,ed by the members to apThul'8day and Thursday night. ptoach the telephone company ~~~w~~I~~~ahw M~O.~ru~UdM~~~ • •~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~• •~~PI weeks later when freezing out ide , O'Neall VISited Miss Emma CaIt- ~~p~G.~~~~~~_~~P~ " nnd to find out what proposition Mrs. Mary McClure, Mrs. Ida temperatur~s prevail. In fact, wright at Lebanon, Wednesday of will have to be offered uy local Kelsey, Mrs. L. H. Gordon and veg tables hould not be ' tored in la t w ek. fal:mers lin order to obtain fred. Mrs. Emma H. McClure motored pits in centl'al Ohio before the last l'U al telep hone sen'ice. Tbi ~ MJ'S, Maggie Burnet ha rented to H,illsboro , Wednesday, aQ.d week in Ocober, and the first weilk cO'n mittee will r2present the hel' home to Mr. and Mrs. Raylunched at The Old Colonial Inn in No mber is still better if ex county and expects t, o be able to mond Mulford and bas taken there, cept ionally cold weather does not report its findings within a few make storage :necessary before rooms in the hom o of 1\11'. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. W. E . Stroud and w('eks. Josiah Davis. that time. Various I,PTllnges, mayors of the Mr_~nd Mrs. Philip Larrick mo"Some vegetables wilt if t he It's the social iteme that make tored to olumbus, Sunday and towns, all villages, far m ol'ganizamoisture content of the Surround- a local newspaper interesting. e nj oyed seeing th e boat l'aces on Linn and most of the s uperintending air i low, though other vege- Telep hone or send 'them in. Our ents of the county schools were the Sciota river. tableJ; do not wilt easily and can telephone number is 112. prescnt. th ref ore be stored in drier air in Mr. and M1'8. C, O. Eulass, Mrs Sentiment. of the meeting seemMr. and Mrs. Gene Conner and order to les en the danger from N. L. Bunnell and Mrs. B. H. ed to be in favor of free rural t he growth ot disease organism. Mr . C. E. Andel' on were enterBlair, of Leba non, were guests of telephoning as discu sion took Potatoes, beets, carrob, parsnips, tained at the ho me of Mr. and Mrs Mrs, Mary Silver Wednesday place. With many of the c()unties celery and cabbage shoJlld be stor J . V .Hartsock Saturday evening. af ~rn oon . adjacent to Warren county bav- . ed where the relative humidity ot Mrs. A. T. Polinsky, Mr$. E. F. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Nords bave Ing this service, it , ~eems probable the air is 85 to 98 per cent. Sweet retutned to their home in BIQom- that some plan to bring fr~e rural potatoe1l, (mions, pumpkins, and Deppe, M rs. E. C. Crane and ington, Ill. after a . ten-days' visit servic~ 1.0 t his county 'Wiil be Bttuashes do not wilt so easily and daugnter Nancy wore luncheon guests of Mrs. P aul Boorom at to MI'. and Mrs. Frank Huffman soon worked out. should be stored where the relaand Mr. and Mrs. J . P. Larrick tive humidity of the air is from 70 Bellbrook, Tuesday. and family. to 86 p er cent." ' MI s Jessie Clarke, had as her dinner guests at The Little Inn, Charles Dibert and on James Sunday, Mrs. Dunn, ' of WashingJr., of Ohio City. spent Saturday ton, D. C., 'Mrs. Elizabeth Shipley night ot the hom e of the former's Mrs. Becker, Mr. Earl Jenifer and brother, Rev, G. C. Dibel't, and on Mr. Austin, of Cincinnati., Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. G. C. Farmers of Warren county Dibert and fam ily attended the Mr~ Harold Williamso n wa s tne were in' Lebanon Wednesday & to funeral of Rev. J. E. Dibert · at guest of honor at a birthday din- , day to receive theil' wheat checks Portsmouth. On Sunday, September 29, Mr. ner given at his home in Dayton, in accordance to the contracts and 'Mis. Henry Satterth\vaite en- Sunday. Tho~e from Wayn esville Mr. and Mrs. Philip Larrick with sign ed two years a go. tertained for their ddb,hter, Who attended the dinner were M1·. Mr, and Mrs. Raym ond Gessner , Payments for tbe 'last half of Thelma, whose marriage to Mr. and Mts. H. H. Wllliam,son, Mis ot Oregonia, and Mr. and Mrs. 1934 and fo1' the first hall of 11136 Arthur Sumner, of Lebanon, will Gt:.ace Williamson, and Mr. and Chades Solsman, of LocklaRd, are ava ilable at the present tim". take place in e\\1'11 October. , Mrs. Ira O. Brown. were at th e Hamilton Fair on Approximately $26,500 were diS" - - - - - - _. . . . 4__ _ _ _ _ __ The home was prettily decorated Thursday. tributed to Warren cou'n ty farmwith baskets and vases of yellow LEBANON EXH IBITOR erlS tliis week. Yellow, mellow, ripened days, Mr. and white Rowen and the tables and Mrs. John Pr' e ston W INS WITH DAHLIAS At the rate of 27.3c per bushel, Sheltered a golden coating; fairly groaned with the abundance were guests of' Mr. and Mrs . local f,umer!! ~wilJ receive ,one of 'o f good tilinga to eat. Miss Th~lma Harvey Rye and Mr. and Mrs . the hi hest paym ents per bush-el O'er th e- dreamle s, li tIes haze, Harley T, Peck, of Leban on, received beautiful and useful first 'vice president of the Oh~o Ross Hartsock at a theater party in th~ state. Oppo"tunity to ei$t'n White and d a inty cloudlets floating gifts from the following: ~rs. Va\1 ~y Dahli.a associati on, wOn tbe in Wilm ington, Tuesday night. contracts f or · next year's wh ewt Winking at the blushing trees, Fred Wendtz, of , Elizabeth, N. J.; organization's gold mlllial achieveThe occasion was the celebration crop is being given thE! farmers J£t Mre. J. 'Po Ow.ena, Mr. and Mrs. of the wedding ' anniversary of this t ime . And the sombre" furrowed fallow; ment award with hie exhibit of David Little, Milll Sallie Harri!, r~d bloom at the second annual Mr. and Mrs. Preston. . ~---,~.---Smiling at the airy ease . Mrs. Mabel Staup, Mr. Arthur Ohio Valley Dahlia ahow in CinREV. C. C, DIBERT ,WILL Of the southward-flying awanov.'. Sum~er, .Mr. Howard Irons, Mr. CH ILD FATALLY BU RNED cinnati. REMA!N Ar;OTHER Yt:/._R and )In. B. A. Satterthwaite and Sweet and smiling are thy ways, family, of ~banon; Mr. and Mn The eleve nth months old son/of Beautious, golden, Autumn days t COMMuNIT~ CHORUS The membe:'l! of the 10 a l James Morril and family, of SaMr. and Mrs. John Ross died at Meth odist ehurch as. well as ~nu bioa; Mr. and 141'1. Warren Espy, McClellan hospital, Xenia., Tues- entiN co mmunity are pleued to Shivering, quivering, tearful days, The lecond meetirll' 01 the of Centerville; Mr. and Mn. Max day morning, from the eWect!! ' of know that Rev. G. C. Dibert and young people'. choru. will be held Fretfully and sadly weaping; Compton and family of Sprlne burns sustained Saturday when his estimable family will 'remain in Valley; Mr. J. P. Thoma., Mr. and evenlnl, October 9, .at Dreading still, with an~ious gaze, he upset a bucket of hot water. Waynesville anothel" },ear. Mr. Mrs. J. L. Satterthwaite and Miu 8 o'C:\ock, in the music room at Funelal s~r vlces were held at Dibert is entering his seventh Y Ear Icy fetters thee creeping; Hazel Sowards, Dayton; Mr. and the High Ichool buUdinl. A sood tile McClure Funeral Home thi. as pastor of the local conpoeoptioJl I O'er'the cheer) withered plain, Mra. Clement Satterthwaite and attendance is Ul'I'ed. afternoon with' Rev. G. O. Dibert dau,hter Ann, Ruth and Woefully and ealli-q : Officiating. Burial wu in Miami MASONIC LODGE NOTICE FORMER RESIDENT DIKS lIary Satterthwaite, Robert, ~lcb cemetery. " Peltinr hail and UIlI'~U~,II"I. .rd &lid Charl. Satterthwaite. On thy scanty Stated commWlicatioa d · ~P.ta.... neaville Lodce No. 1II Prbea T. . . 0 ..... Sall and mournful M. Toeeda, .vaftillJlL PrIHa for 10 dUPerent breeda Grieving, wallin•• advantap. Yoa ork to tbe P. :.~=~ of cattle, lIol'lelt, Ibeep ud mDe bin a cbellllat to Iud -.Joanibta 1M WUl CarlM:lfllD. 1

' ,\ Ip ho n ~ e



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a llllitt'd by a valor The other roulrht in vain. lit Il'a~t twici' a y ~-itlll, 111< nt of lll\ II IlrMhip /lnu For wh.n the brave kni,ht's . word A t I'rl'~l'nt, the lIlunlllll'llI(mt \ f Thl' MiulIl i part nl<'nt has had 8tI'1lC k Uanttl' pllblbh"d at Waynesville, cllnlt(·ctc d with ll/tic<, The other on "'a "lain. Oriu, a~ I'cquil'ed by the A t of. I'chool LI'I~a un·r. AC4JQllnt;; 0.'(' llIaintained for ea Ih (,f thl' fUllr L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .! "You brute." cried sit, a the CClugrd;s on AUl!u st 24, 11)12; mllining t am; if four,wlIY, .,..... ill. Wi,,- Fir.t Lea ..... man fell ba k I~\I blisher, 1"lorn M. CI·llne. lliph-~chool claR~('~i , lhe school· . Irwin, Lrust(' of the tw highest play fir!!t game; Game Common Plea. Proceedin,. "You hnvc kill d my lovcr ti'ue, supply store the )<'. 1<'. Mllllug"I' Jlnd Edltol', Flura M. ., the 'tatt' r Granville P. [lQcker, de· h'(I ne. a,nd the two renlaining And now", l\he ~id, as Ilhc turned aLhletic d pal'tmcl1t, Illld the team. tht' sec nd, and the WII)IoI1 8villC' WOn its "fit t gam(' away. Bondh Idel's, mOl't.gllglJs und mu ~ ic (\ pal'tlll~nt. Il1tter heinl( In the ens of Ruth Huffman, by e /lReti. First. E. S, MUI'!' 11, admini stratol' of oth I' !l cllrlty holders, none. winnllrs of t.he, games will In +h- V urn'n County floft balt "I will nevel' marry you." mad a parl of the account 1'01' he.' next Chend, Lawrence Baver, play fot' championship : all III u" lu ~ TIit!sdIlY ev ning. misce llan eous pUI'(lo. C~ . 0 d ubt vel'sus Robert Huffmon, a divorce th' c tate of JlIl~a A. Mllr-rell, UI'worn to and suuscribed Metie-gamc-s will be played on ceased. I"it·sl. l\ nd fillnl. hen Morrow w deleated , nine there will appt' m' certain ob~tac- Wl h gl'anted the plalntitT. fol' mo hi~ lat day of 0 tober, Boyd S. Rathgeber, tl'u stec of 1036. the diamond of t.he school til fOllt'. '1' .. ''In " w \s played at HaoJIdfin., School Fllnd. Il'!'i Lo such a ~ysl m. Possibly Th case of Ella Mae Henry vel' lhl' state o( William Burton, deha\' ing the lowest ~enson ( ontinucd l<'rom Last We k) !lome 01' the orgal1izutions ,will f(el sus Fl'ed H enry was di mis ed. • ...... J ! ' , t. to prov that it L. M. HENDER ON, score. could be dOM, Bob Young crash· Having xplained in th~se col· that t.h yare .giving UJ.! [he con In lhe ca e pf Harvey C. Lyon, CCII ed, Fifth. Notal'Y Public chedul and reling!! : ed through with a home run to umn last week ",:'by it was nec- trol oV'e,' their own ('xpl'nditul'el>. receive!' of The teele and Mel~ 1. To be /igur d by Mr. Holt seary to d~vl se a neW !<}-stem I)f Qthea- w akl1ll .. lh! may Ilppeul', dith ol11pany, versus C. O. Brown add a liiU pic to th progranl. Rea l EIl..le Tran_feu Subscribe for The Miami Gnett~ of pringboro; a r cord of handling the funds of ~cho ol o~- but it is still felt ·'vil. of the old and L. H. Brow[\, ause 'is dl mis 'ontlnu:ltion of th ir lucky hittHany ook to Dan alyer~, nch gam~ to be forwarded ing str ak and r ducing the ganizations, it shall be ollr pur- 'yst m nre ' defini~dy ' liminatcd; t.I., . ,. inlot NilS. 229 lind 230 in 1!1rlln k· to hi 1')1 i mm dill t;(}ly after pose n.ow to show how !uch d that is a decided s t l~ forward. nUJllller of rrors wexe consloor. 1: he Case of The People 8 BUlld- lin. tb gam. . ____ ing LOan & Savings Co. versu sy tern operat S. ahly respon ible fol' the victory, L, G. Kennett to Henry W . Ask for a 2. R cord ards must The n xt game will be played 10 "Oh' Mad!.' Slye and William Slye i Whitehead and Elizabeth WhiteRespon!!ibility is now centered 10 dismi>lS.ed. in the hands of one tellcht who Wayneaville HOnolr d igned by both u thi Friday evening, October 4, Miamisburg Permanent head real estate ill Frnnklin tOWllSc:hooJa" faculty r pre entulive serves a treasurer for the entire . The elise of Ryman Ertel, et ai, ~hlp. h re hom ,with ~ason furni hConcrete th being ' I'I!-- $chool. This teach er makes all The September issue of •. 'hlo verRU Robert Kratzer, et ai, is dis ing th opposition. The game Henry W. Whitehead and Eliza lIpon ible for the report to bank deposits and issues all checks chools," official mllg~~ine of the 1IIi sl' d. with K in s r.1iI1 which was rai nbcth Whitehead to L. G. :Kennett Air Seal Burial Vault flo. Holt. Tn order to ~ implily the wodt and Ohio Education AUKociatiol1 , car. Th e a e 01 The l\fjami burg inlot Nos. 838 and 39 in F1'8nkd out last Friday will be played 3. tanding of th~ teams to For Sale only by at a laler date. to prevent it from b commg' bur- des n short ul,tiele il'\ whi h it i Building and Loan ASliociation lin. , be announc d il\ the W denllOmt.>, thi tl'easul'er seLl! 1\ ide ' . . YCl'!!lIS Wilbur Unglesby, t 01, is iIliamlS, dec ase d, to Thoma W W YNESVILLE ern Star, The Dayton Her- four pt.>riods a week to att ~nd to noted that the scnools of tlll~ tiL-missed. Your Funeral Director R E H ald, The Dayton Daily New s th'i!se duli s. The third pen od on stn le ranked in the aWQI'(Is I Th case of Martha Cupp versus Julia Williams, inlot NO. 36 in Franklin. =--=-~~======== Allen. c ' , .. .. ..... 3 . 1 o Monday. Tuesday, Thursday, and made by" chola tic" this y('ar. \ hurley upp is di missed. and th Miami Gaze~te. . Anna C. Con, table to Florence FOll ,,"s, 11: .. .... ..... ,3 1 o McClure Funeral Homo Friday is given over to thl~ pur- This is a magazine whic11 is . de- I 111 lhe ca!\~ of H. L. Harding, et Haines !lnd Edna Day, inlot Nos, Jani!. , sc ......... 0 o pose. On th~e days, any money ted ' to th rt d t' t· ai, ver!<u The South Lebanon 9 and 10 in Butlerville. Phone 7 o Senior. Write Ballad.. il'y, ....... 3 2 which has been collected by t'reas. vo e I erar.y an , 01' IS If l'acking ompany, a corp., et Intet'-Cilies Oil Company The 1 In connection wiUl the tudy 01 nner! 11:) .. ......... 2 o orer of individual organlzationi etTorts of high-school tudent$. the bond of H. L. Hat'ding, reo English literature thiS' year, the is brought to the main treasurer Wllynesvllle i mentioned as hav- ceivcr is reduced from $60,000 to tb The Ohio Oil Company, inlot :=~:-::::::========== .2 Hawke, 2b ........... 2 No. 755 in Fl·anklin. - --Boger, rf ..... ..... .....0 o o seniors are writing origiftal who issues a :receipt in duplicate, ing Wo'n a prize In the literary 35,000. o ballad. Two of the works sub· gi~in~ th~ Ol'i~inal to the field. Th award was made to 1'h co e of The Toledo Scale B. 1\1 , Me lellan to E. P. und YOllng, 3b .... , . .. . ,... 1 1 lal'garet Kirby,· 018 aCl'OS in Wash Omitted, which repl'e~ nL point ot brtnglD~ In the mon ey und retalnHake ,ef ...... .... 0 o . ' 0 ., a corp., versus R. B. Nickell ington township, ' 1 view entirely unalike, follow: D 'Ii , p ...... , .. ... .. ,.. 1 2 ing the carbon for himself. This ' Ru th Pennington, of the cia s of di smissed. tahlon Thomp On to Cleo Delln The Cheater Starke. cf ......... ,.. ,0 o o provides a double set of records, 1~36, fOl' an es uy submitted. The real estate in Harlnn tow nship. A cheat is seldom hard to tind- one of Which enables the school rocord is all the mOI'e commenNew Suit. Mari tta L. James 1.0 Silas D. There's one in every class, Total .. , . ....... ... 15 2 treasurer to post his receipts at dable becau se other scllool nam ed Allen Parkel' versu Mae Par. James, et aI, in lot No.3 in Mary Th~ one of which I speak 11ight regular intervals and the other Wel'8 in lal'ge l!ities, a lev land, k l ' fol' divorce. Charge is gross Ellen. MeRROW now enj\bles the treasurer Dayton, l\Iiddletown, haker neglect of duty. R E Gorge astleman. to Lottie H Is known as Arthur Casso to record his receipts. Heights and West Sal m. 1 o Ca t1eman ~nd Ethel Oa tleman Hobson. It ... ............. 0 Ruth L. Thoml' on versus Omar The teacher in charge uses a E. Thoma n for divorce. harge inlot No. 292 in ,Lebanon. o .0 Now Arthul' was a playboy sure; columnar Bollinlr. 2b .. ... .. ... . 0 journal, with two colo His n'a me for every dance ROOT FOR AND CONSiGN Frank F. Courtney to Sylvest' r l;J oter, p ............... ,1 o is gros neglect of duty.,.'. Allembl), for each organization, and ) ' OIU Cattle, bogs, sheep and i:alv8I o Was sought by girls of high degree umns Davi 1\ Courtney, I al estate in . Kelly, 1b . . . .... ,2 1 Law on a minor, by Marjorie MI'. Frank opened the assemtwo for all cash. Wh n money is to Norrls·Brock Co., live wire and o And others -wished a chance. received. harlton, c ... ......... 2 2 h l' mother and next friend, Sadie Dcerfl Id Township. the amount is debited to bly by leading two ,so ngs. pNgrea.lve firm I'll' the hlgheat Ro);,m.on, rf .... ... ,.. ,2 Ruby Waites to William Dumo 1 This popularity was nioo-, Five questions w~re asked of Fl or nce. versus Rex Law on, a the "Oa h" account a.nd credited markst prices and ~ood lI.rviee. o o But scarce left time for booka, to the organization. Wilen money the fl'eshmen by the junior presi- minor, for divol' ce. Charge is ex. ford and Luetbl Dumford 13 acres Union VOJbe.rding, IIC ... . .... 0 Stock Yarda' Cincia_U, O. )[oore, 8b .. .. ........... 2 o o He then must cheat to pass at all is paid out, this is credited to dent, Robert Young, to which the trem-e cruelty. in Hamilton town~hip. Tune In on Radio Station WCltY King, _ ...... ... ... ... ... 1 o o And that by many a crook. ' "Cash" and debited to fhe organ- answ~rs were to be "yes" or "no". Fostel' Philpot ver Us Iva B. Grace C. Hastin and lIarty L. l2 :2 ~ to 12 :80 ,po m. for 0 Ul' dail, Burger, d ..... ... . .0 o 1 The freshmen were taken upon Philpot for divorce. Charge is Hasting to Marie Slye real tate mllr ket reports, izatioll. Running balances carried in Clearcreek. Township. And this di graceful COlll'se he along at the side how at all the stage whet'e they received xtrem cruelty. Totals ........... .. ...... 10 4 II took timl!1l the exact amoun~ each their formal initja~:on. His entire way through school, organization has on hand . Thus The assembly WillI closed by the Probate Court Bill. Allowed ygt·oup inging the hitrh chool song Co".t, Ora.. Up RIIM. With cribs and notes, by divers no account can be overdrawn. arrie B. Spencer, administrllIvins..Jame on Drug Co" lher· • I :' . means This was to celEfbrate th · an· tor of th est~te of William O. mometers for MemodaJ Each orranization h8s . its own Hall. Early this fall a committee Hi ~achers kind to fool. cash book and receipt book. The nual Freshman Daj7. 10nfo)·t, decea ed, filed her inven $1; E. F. Schrader, elbows, stove made up of Mr. Holt, of Springtory. Jlj~ and band re.pairing furnace boro, Mr. Franei_, of Harveys- But when he tried to fool the t'!:1' ..aRll1rll!' and the IiIponsor keep world simple records of receipts and u- The Hi, .. SchOOl ' '~einer Ro .. t Julia Williams, administratrix $9.75; Mr . A. J. Drake, board and burr and Mr. Lots, of Waynesville . dr.w up the rule. and regillations He found himself outrun, penditures. A comparison of the Drake $HI; ltlrB. Wednesday evening the high of the e" ta~ of l'homas Williams, care Louis W lich will gov-ern the county soft The world had place for none ex- cash book with the columnar school joined together for the deceased, filed her application for Julia Holland, board and care eept journal of the school treasurer allnual wein.e r roast sponsored by a cHtilicate of transfer. b 11 leque. The complete set of Louis Vernon Holland, $5; Mrs. lIJI~ follows: The very fine t one. will' serve as a me.ns of checking th~ junior cla s. T/:te estate of Anna C. Oon.s table Lulu Gabbal'd, b()ard and care the accuracy of the balances. aeneral reeu1ationll: At 7 :30 o'cloc\( the group decea ed, is ,exempt from inherit· Lincoln Gabbard, $5; Mrs. W. C. Before any mone-y ~8n be p,id !tathered around th~1 Hre and p lay ance tax. 1. Elig'ibility - Obio scholas· Now if there be a moral here, Roberts, board and care W. O. It reads like this, uncurled: outr-and payments are made only cd three.deep and bread-and.buttic athletic al8ociation rules rhe inventory of Alfred G. Wat Robel·ta, $6; Mrs. Elme~ I,acy, to prevail; eligibUity lists to You may, perchance, the teachers by check- the organization must tel' rcn fot' y~ur sUfPer. About 8 kins, execu~ol' of the estate of board and care Frank Lacy, $5: fool, . file a requisition order with the o'clock they served wein~rs and Eula WatkinS, deceased, was ap- Oma 0 borne, board and eare be exchanged at the openPhone 78J But never once the world. chool treasul·er. This order ill buns later marshmallows. The {proved. ing of each rome, Frank Ballinger, Virgil Isaacs and made out in duplicate and mu t party broke up at 9 o'clock. 2. Playin&, rules Official EsteUa Barnes wa appointed Waltel' Barlow, ,ao; James Moore A Ballad vcpla'in in ~tail what merchan. rules of the National Re· tru tee 01 the e tnte of Josephine bOBrd Ilnd care of Lucy Moore, creation Association, SpaId. There was a maid of whom 1 dise is beinr purchased 01' for Junior. L_k. at lela.. Rio.. Barnes, decea ·ed. $5; Mr. Ira Eltzroth, board and speak ' what purpose the expenditure i ing edition. Wad ~ S. Brown, administra.t or CBl'e Alice Starkey, ,6; ~. The jQniors ba,Ten't decided Who feU in love with a knight; desired. The order must be signed definitely, on their clas 'IOTARY PUBLIC 3. Balla -:- Official ball as de· rings. of the estate of Emma J Oamp, de Helen Doughman, board and care 00-8se d, filed bis first, final . and Clifford Doughman, $7; Dayton scribed in rule boo\(: home The knight, a ' brave young man by t he treasurer and the sponsor of the organilZation and is then Mr. Sweetman, "'ho represenh distributi was he aUGun Stencil Works.J&., daters, stamps team to furnish ball- new Josten Companli', was at ,!Ichool E Who well had learned to fiiht . brought to the school . treasurer the -tOI' each game. Thursday, September 26, and laie Allen, admlni tratrix of and stamp pads f~T Treasurer, Willa Ora.. . . • E.ta••• S.ttled 4. Diamond - Bases to be The maid, she was a haughty lIoul who examines the request and if showed their selection of rings for th.e estate of Raymond Allen, de- $17.25; The Woodrow-Weil· WAYNESVILLE.. OHIO sixty feet apart.; thirty·five And was to the knlllht untrue: sufficient funds are available in t his year. The junilors considered ceased, filed her inventory. , I St8nai~ Co" 1 box band s for feet from pitcher to batter's She had learn-ed to love another that particular account certifies two rings, the 'step' ring and the In the matter of the guardlan- treasurer, $1.26; The Miami Gaz· man that this is true. When the check "torch II ring. There are two sh ip of Rolland M. Gepbart, a ette, letter heads for ' treasurer, box. FOR SALE DATES CALL is is ued, the ori~inal of the reo more companies which are to show minor. Stella Urschel, gu8l'dian ~6 i The Oolumbull Blank Book Wbose honol'S won were few. Umpires: qucsition r&mains with the orglUl- their rings, the ][}lter.Coll giate ill to expend the sum of $500 for Mfg. Co., 1-600 page Journal No. 1. Eanh IIchool to furnish one man I change each inning The knight approached thia lady ization and the carbon copy goe Company and the Bastian Com. best interest of ward and guardian 1)4 for Probate Court, $82.50; fair ' J to the I files of the school treasurer in calling balla and bases; fol' supp~t and maintenance I of D,r. B .. M. Williams, investigation And asked )tel' which she choseAt regu lar intervals, ' both treas pany. I ward. ,. , into death of Sylvester Elmlinger pupils not eligible tQ offici· The one who had !'(luch armor urera may post their accounts. In the matter of the estate of $"l0; Hubman Supply Co., 2 cas· at . bright For the local treasurer, this conCrade N..Playini time: Lena Baxter decea ed di tribution es cleaner for SherIff, $8.33; John Or the man w.ith ragged clothes. lIists simp ly in ·the recording of 1. Games to be played on Law &. Son, gas, o il and storage Mrs. Kersey's l!~cQnd grade of assets is ordered. JESSE STANLEY '1' ' t ~ ur and Friday; start- "The one of -you which I will the correct amounts on the pupils have had perfact atten. In the caSe of Perry -M. Drake, on sheriff's cars during Aguust, pllyments side of the cash book. dance every (lay excepting three. executor of the estate of Olive ~66.26; The Oregonia Bridge CQ. '11••• SIO. N_ B.rll...... ~ic. ing time 4 p. m., or as 800n choose For the school treasurer, the proal possible thereafter. Th.e fiftli grad~ students, section MaUd Lerch, dece-&eed, versus An- blue prints, $3; Clift'ord T. Hayes I cannot teU by sigh i; EARL ICOOGLER cedure is to .credit the "Cash" two. under Miss Campbell, have na Robinson, et al. a newapapel', servi<:es as draftsman, $50: Rob 2. Games to start September I cannot tell the stro nger man account and to debit the partlc. just completed a close spelling containiJlg the first publication of ert Shotwell, services as Todmall, 13, and to end October 11. Da7to. ular account for which the ex- match during the ~'ast week, with notiCe i til be mailed to several $2.75; The Ferd WagMr Co., a. Postponed games to b~ So you an.d h e must fight,'" KE ....r.8.8. played October 16 and 18. T~e two met On a cliff one day penditure WIllI made. rasing machine for Surveyor, Virginia Preston and John Stans parties. At least once a month, the berry as captains. The IIcore was . A certified copy of the entry $6.13; The Gem City Blue Print" 4. Tie - If two.way. one The 1adY' standing by, game to be played for cham· One was to win the fair maid'lI school treasurer should audit the 40 to ,(6, For the coming week determining the inheritance tax to Supply Co., photostats, ,S.8 3; Mc· boo~1I of each organization b:r com Elizabeth Burnett and Charles be paid Oll the estate of Mrs. K. Getcllin'lI PhaTmacy, l;ystll pionship; if three-way, team for hand paring balance., receipts -and ex. Orndorf will be tho captains . having the highe t number S. B, MucJtmote ie to be · certi. dog warden, $1; The Oolumbus .The other one must die. penditures with his Own. Books of Blank Book M1g. Co.) F orms ..-...- -...-...--,.. , - - - - - -........- ........ of runs, and t he winner of They also had sOlme very inter- fled without delay. this game will play the r6- The brave knight fougHt with the m~in treasurer should be esting Health Scrap Books made The inventory of Cha~le8 S. Ir· 1-3044 and 13045 tor DOl Warden FOR .ALE during the second 'iVe.ek of school. win, executor of the . eatate of $10; John S. Jones, Supt., board Their new h)l&'iene book. Maie Runyan, deceased, was ap· and .c are Chas. Armbrewster, ,Sl. called "Heatlh and Success" bave proved. , 60; a. L. Schuyler, ,a11'"I1, $208. FOR. SALE-O. L C. Male Pig. Ralph John., Waynesville. R. 2 .. giv~n them many 118eful ideas con Dora Carnahan. administratrix 20j Carl Dakinj paYToll. U88.01i: cernin~ everyday livin,. of the estate of Laura M. Jones, The Ore&,onla Brid&'e Co.. OX~~Re:n FOR SALE-Ensilage ,1.25 per The sixth grade" lIection two, deceased. filed her fir.t and lI.nal and bolts, '8.40; The Ohio ton. Doddl, Roxanna and WaYhaa been hav,ing .L spelling con- account. ru,ated . Oulvert Co.. culvertl, nesville Planta. oS-tl test in wbich Anna Marilyn Howard Moncer wa. appointed ,118.10j The Wa)'llelvU1, Whitaker I. ahead. administrator ot the estate ot era Excban,. Co., cement, ,82.60 FOR SALE-Lariat rope made Hany Monter, decealed. and lI.hld Th. Monow Lumber Co•• IUPpU,. from pure white Java twine; Motla...•• Club Cal_lB,' Project bond 01,4000 with luretiea, ' J. J. and cement, '76.815; Jam .. L- handmade. hard laid. better than The Mother'. clUb held anoth.r Gallaher, Ed. Stout.nborou&,h and Dunn, "rvice .. mechaniC, '57. Manilla rope. Every boy .hould cannlnl project Friday; Septem- Ralph RoblMon were appointed 60; John Bur, payroll, ,79.86; own and le.r~ to throw one. On Johnson M7ere, paytoIJ, ,99.90 sale .at J . C. Hawke'l Waynesville ' ber 27. at the Hi~:b IIchool buUd. appr-alsera. Sarah Totten was appointed ad ~ M. C. Foreman. paYToll, ,298.40; or Clarence McCray's. Cent.rvllle. Ing. They canned tomatoes, celery and pimentoea for the crade mlnietratrix of the elt&t eof Sarah John K,er. pa71'oU, ,182j V. K. A. D. 1I01e. E. Totten, decealied and flIed bond Ar-mita&,e, paYToll, ,72.1Q; Earl 03·10·17lUrichet. CLASSIFIED ADS COST ONLY ~ ..,~. ot UOOO with suretie.. E. J. SUora, paYTOn, ,78.60: Zala Beedle; Thoma. P. Scott and Wi!. Armita~e, land and lravel. ,697. FOR SALE-A nice line of .hox ONB CENT PER WORD. WHY liam E. Veach were appointed ap-' 9ta :Valley Motor Sales, galolln., stationery, 1i14 abeete and 24 en. praisers. " 26'. 46: W. N. Cox, .uppll .... ,6•• velopes for 21Sc; 'S how-Pac, 18 KEEP YOUR ATTIC FILLED . Leah Wagner Hines was ap. 113; .John., Law ~ Son, galollne, abeets and 16 enTelopea for 10 WITH USELESS ARTICLE! pointed ,executrix of the estate of ,81.32: Seara & Bolan&,et. 'oU. and cote; wU.,d pap.r, white "ttlltae Lena WUl'Ster, deceased, and ftle-d gasoline ,,69.40; W.aynelville paper, paper ' napldns, at Gantt. TJlAT CAN BE TURNED INTO bond o'f ,2000 with sureties. Service Station, kerosene and OSee. Rural people in eyery county Herbert Ho~p.e, Geo.r~e Flei!cb- g.asoline, "'1.62; V. Bursk, pso- PIPE, VALVES and FITTINGS MONEY FOR SO SMALL A Ohio have shown a'n active inter. m~n and WIlham Mtller wer& ap· hne, ,7.56; T-he . Cincinnati OJ) for Water. Gu Steam Wen. COST. TltY THIS HANS 81' est in the noonday radio message pomted appraisers. Worka Co •• lalOline, '7.U; Chaa. and Sprayln, et.tern band Eleopres-ented daily from 12 :00 to . The followin&, ~ccounts were ap- O. Hildebrant, oUt and pso· trio and Spra; pampa PlumbiDI" SELLING AND SEE WHAT A 12 :16 ov~r Station WAlU by proved, allowed and conllrmed by line, ,22.87: Gulf Re6ninl Co., lleatinc SUPpliellow~st prlc. and DIFFERENCE IT ' WILL MAEB Ed Bath, well-known farm . radio the co~rt. . gaaol\ne, $24.12; H. S. Conover, h~be8t Qualit7 at The Boeldetcommentator, a(!cording to OrVille G. Bowker was appotnt- suppliel and paint, ,29.16: John Kill, Co. Xellia, Oblo. Write u TO YOUR POCKETBOOE, AS enthusiastic reporul received at ed executor of the fltate 01 Wm. Law " Son. for of tor pric';' mI the state headquartElrs of the Ohio T. Bowker • .deceased. Firat and 'Wei....te and meuur" durinl Au• WELL AS TO HAVE YOUtt Farm Bureau, in Columbus. ftnal. gust, ,10.07; Jam.. FoIleD, aer- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Thl. approval from farm people Julia B. Shoemaker and Mary vie. as janitor 2nd door Court STUFFY OLD ATTIC CLEANED WANTED is held by offieials of the farm B. Curless, executorll of the eltate Hou.e, U :6; Penn Morton. lame. OUT. IT PAYSI bureau as a definitn indication of 9f Sanford J. Brown, deceued. . . janitor, ,70j C. Donald DUaWANTED-To Buy Pumpldnl. the fal11lel'l' deaire for informa- First and Anal. tush. rent of olBel. j Eu~ End Th, Tom ,Corwin Cannllllr Co. tive new•• Rural pelople are alert Nell C. Bomberlrer wa. appoint- Coal "Co., coal tor Memorial HaU to the necel.ity of kelpin&, up to ed executrix of the e.tat. of W. tlS.I'; Wm. 8laotwell • ..mel .. Lebanon, 01110, Phone 169L. 0-1·10.1'1 date on the agricultural H. BOPlberpr. dece...d. Firat and JllIlitor K.morialllall. '20; Trotsituation. in ord.r they rna,. ftnal. teea of P. A'f llaht abd ea. at WANTED POULTRY Good meet tna crucial of to. R. Pierce Evan" Bemom) Hall. $1.88. price. 1I0nelt welcht. Amee da)'. of tM estate of Corn.1ia 8. ----- - . - - PoultlT 1IarIlet, PhoDe 'IU. Bath'. talb are ,... _._ ..... Schenclc, deceuecl. ~.1B ned in ord.r that preHnlte 8. 1I'Wb:I.~•.J~=~, wUI be tblal~ peI'tlD,nt for lIaie ell fUilien of OWo. ftDaI.


. chool _..-... ______High Soots ~_ U _~ J _ r _ p _ t _ 1 _ .






M a rt-In






Or No Charse

Centerville, Ohio


Stanley &Koogler Auctioneers



---_. -....--






Char... au,...



any ra


they have been l)ainluUy analyzing the- situation lIince the propo~ed Constitution til\kl.'l'ingo wa. flO decil'livcly t urned dow n .. ALL ntlnn has been called to the fact that the proposal for a new 'Qn~titution rUJI . tl' ngeT in cities like Philadelphia lind Pittsburg Ihan in the rural eli trict.s. This was til b' expt'eterl. It i - in the ounb'y districts where the people ar thinking alonl(' fundamental lines. f course they were no decisively majaritieH for onstitutioil tinkering ellen in the dUe!!. But the significant point is that in the sm'allcl' communiti's thel' was a uolci iVe vote against 8ucn monkcy business. Evidently a lot Ilf folks are ~inning to rea]ill(! tbat govl!l'Ilm ent operation ' anrl O...."TIel'ship of great utilities and ol.hel· bu~inel>~ enterprises, could followed asily and logieally b by public conlrol and ow nership {IC . mall be ines5 and farmers The best way to avpid this, of cour 'e, is 1es_ tinkering with the fundamental law. ~ilent




Pitta... ................... No. III Eh l ere4 ILl P o.t~UIC~1 a l Wayne8' SubacrlpUoD Prlc., '1.110 • Y... vlll~, Oh Io. IL.M:~i;rn~ Clan Mall


OCTO BER 3, 1()36

Who Owes You A Living? Millions of peop le ar beln educated in OUI' countl'Y today to be lieve that someone owes them a living. Th laws (If nBtur!) do not lIecm to recognize- this doctrine. Just. go out into primitive country and s e who OWI)S who a living -yO? .~lll. lIoon find that your exi tenee depends on YIOU1' ingenuity nnd Inrtllltive. Govcrnmen were ol'ganized to go nature 011 bett rand mak it a littl easie1' to liv and to take care of the helpless whom natur wou ld otherwise unceremoniou ly remove. . But today million of perfectly healthy, Ilbl~bodied peopl llre be 109 taught to Iud at th expen se of the Ravings of thCI'S, instead of to l'us~ 1 for themselves. . uch a . ystem can endure only so long as there are st.ored-up I!av'rngs to .confj~c~tc, tben the inex rable laws of natur,e "ill prevail. An epidemIC of p sts completely devour a tree or. II fi eld of grain anll Lh n the pests die. Nature do 8 no~ owe them a livh~g. . The same thing can happen to governmenta and to the human bel?gs .wh~ make the ~ovel'nments-if they at up their capittll tv malntarn. ldleness, they will eventually find that nature retuses to h ar th~II' demands that "someone OW\!5 them a living." ThiS may not be a plea~ant-80u nd~ng philosophy but it is B fact which honey·conted, political cure-ails try to hid. '

Farm h ight lalhs, October 7 -"'--~---


:00 Mu Ic 8:06 George Rogers lark, Con~u ror of the Northwe t, H. E. Esw!ne : 15 The ity Dwellerll' Fruit Basket " . , . . . , W. Paddock 8:35 Morgan County 4.H lubs ,,,. James Hum 8 :46 Draft Horse Futuyity Cra se ,OhiQ tate Fair .. D. J. Kays 8 :55 Financing Y'b \V Feedlot ". ' . , . Nelson Poe 9 :06 Clothing Chat " .... , .. , .. ....... .... .. ... t' Eunice Teal 9:15 MUl\ic 9 :25 Improving the Farm fS' MIlI'ket :for reaJll N. R. Baker !l :35 Fall and Wlnter are of the Lawn ... George McClure 9:46 WOSU Players.

During "Fr silma n week" the !i1·St. yeat· . tudents not only were givtn intelligence, physical and profici ncy examirlation, heard lectul'es on univer8ity history, had c nferences with deans and faculty aelvi sr, but njoyeQ a BOCill1 life which included recep· HOllS by th e chUl'c hes neRr the campus, entertainment in fl'aternity and sorority hou s, an ali· campus dance, Ilnd an op n foo baU practice. } was indicat d that the opbomol' elas thi quarter would l obe larger than


The Waynesville

' qr~nge


Miss Blue · Bonnet (COPJTighted)

:.Thursda, and Frid~y October 3rd---4th GYMNASIUM. p. m. ADMISSION 1&c -


Director Mis Katherine Hart'ell Accompanist . . . . ,. Miss Helen Hawke O wned and Mana~ed excl usivel), by tile Wayne P. Sewell Produc· '. in&' Company, Atlaata, Ga. Owner and' Manager exclusively of: "Oh P rofessor", "Cppid-upto Date", " Dixie ;Blackbird Minstrels", "Flapller Grandmother", "Here Comti! Arabella" "Black' E yed Susan", "Ro8et~me- , CAST OF CHARACTERS Dr. Evans Mrs. Evans Magnolia Hickory Stout Burton Hills Minerva Una K ate Suaie SaU, Thad Wee • .Tanie Bell Blue Bonnet


. J . R. Gibbons Mrs. L. E. H ockett Mrs. Boyd H enderson Roscoe F urnas • Russell Fran.k Mrs. Ralph Hastings Jane Cook Ruth 'S alisbury Juanita 'B rannock



Pat1_u Barbara Crane .arJorie CoDDer LUllaa StaDlberrJ Naomi Banaban

Shirl., B.... J.aora Loft.,. A,.. (JraIIul

••- r 1bIf0ld




Quality Priatial


E1t~~la~::denhall ~a~t~~s!~:I ~~:ei~~t~~n:;:::a ~~~ ~bO:!nJI~SP:: a~~n!n~i.!~i: :~b~~~ Cecil ID~ a campaIgn agamst Canton'. baht; 77 per cent hllve to ge-t

Mr! RUBlel1 F a k Inf amo us 'jungle' underwor ld and MI;•. Gilbert ~;e J ohn McLea n (1785-1861), founder o,f the Leban on Western Star, a j udge. ot the Ohio Sup reme ' court, a member of Congress, · post Act I. The Evans Home. master ~eneral, an al!Sociate j usAct IL The Same as Act. 1. Four weeks later. tice of the United· States Supreme Act III. The Same. Three- months later. Court and a candidate fol' the presidential nomination. T ribute CHORUS GIRLS will be paid to the two at the anRose Mary Be ntley n ual JouI'nalistll Hall of F ame ban Jane Furnas ' Do~oi'e8 Clark qu at in Columbus on November Dena Davie A·n na Gay' Treadway 15, All Oh io n ewspaper men ' a re Naomi Ramby invited. ChrisU n~ l\lcClain Beulah Bernard

Ellen Mou, Jane Hartaock Jean Hartllock Charlotte R,e '



Gue-. ts of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Cqllett lor picnic supper Sunday fJ'l'm Dayton werl! Mr. and Mrs. L. A. ' W Iiso n of the WilbOn Schools, MI'. and Mra. RaymonJ Richal'd on and son, Mrs. Lillian Wanen, !'rh·. W. C. chur, MiSll Alma Schur, and Mrs. J UliUB· ani! JuJiU $ Remingea Jr. Jf Oa~lllnd, Md, Tho e 1\1/10 attended the WaIl'!?n county W. C. T. U. convention (r",." hel'e ",ere Mesda.mes Milry !lain ~ . :1. W, Snell, A. S. Collett, Jennie Graham, Eva MacDonald, Oha Welch, H. S. Tucker and E:. B. Dakin. Mrs. George Denny has returnli d home a.i' a delightful week's visit li t Anderson, Ind. ST. MARY'S CHURC H Mrs. Charles 0 bom and sister, Glenna, and MillS Lucille Tuckel' Rev. J. J. Scha effer, ' Rector were Dayton visitol's last Saturday ixte enth unday aiter Trinity , The Jonah's Run Baptist church October 6, hurch school at will have a fried chicken supper !l :30, ,seTmon and Holy Commun-· this Thur Jar evc'1ing, Octc. t'er :: ion Ilt 10 :30. at tbe Hal'Veysb",rg Gym ~ln Th e United Thank Offering of nin;I lit 5 o'clock. EVeJ'ythhig 5c lhe women of the parish will be eoch. presented at this service. 'everal fr()rn lhe Friend's church hf'r~ att'!!!:d nd thp hasket ciiJlncl\ ST. AUCUSTINE CHURCH lt Flat Fork church after Monthly meefng on last Sunday. Father Newton, Paltor r.1 5srs. ClI1'l nell, Barr Nolder Ma8.8 at St. Augustine'e Church Howard Skulm'baugh and Howard vel'Y second and foul'th Sunday MacDonald played in the Wilming t tLle month. ton band at, the C C camp at 'ligo on MO"day evening. WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF Mi s Virginia Dav is and Mr. CHRIST LOllia nell ~urpri~ed theit' many friend by going to Maysville, Ky. Ca!:} Smitl1, Minister on M nday and g ltmg married. 9 :30 a . m. Open,l ng service of A,esdamcs Clyde Leyicy, Sadie _====~=======~~======~e==='~====~==============~==~========= Gospel hymns, cripture reading R.. l~o n 'and W. E. Oglesbee were eVEr befol . and pray er . shepping in Dayton on Saturda y. 10:00 Lesson study. TelCit ~ I S8 . Mr. Truman Gillam a nd 90n, For the TII·,t tilnc eolored pyis~'- 1 ·12 . S ubj ect Isaiah Portrays J I' [lICS, have ret\ll'ned after an exon trs In hlo State p nitentiary the S ulfering Serv ant. t ndcd lJunting a nd fishing t r ip in were pctmittcrl t cel brat Eman 10 ;30 Seeretlll'y's report of B ible Michigan. cipalion Day with 8 peelal pro· school. Choir special. The Woman's Civic League will gram s'nd nt\wtainment in the . RU~1I1 eleetrjflca tion in Ohio 11 :0 0 Lord' Supper, Acts: 20:7· r-l'et .nt ,the home of Mrs. It a Syprislln hap I. Wat'd n Jame . ha , been .giye.n a remlukable imOb ervance of Fil:'e Prevention 1 Cor., 1 1 :20·30. Short address on lerd on til econd Saturday evenWoodal'd granted haploin K. E. petu. by apPl'oximatl!ly 25,000 Week-from October 6 to 12-, Observance of Lord's Supper, D. ing of this month. ~ all permis~ion to nrrange the should be l'egarded both liS a duty R. Hal·ris. ' [1'. lind clTS. Joh n VanderVoort rm people, who havoe compi! d d vent. Th e 'P akcl' was Assistant fa infol mation to be U5E!t1 by the an a privilege by ev ry' citiz n 6 :46 p. m, Christian Endeavor. of , Wilmington were Sunday Franldin ounty Pros cutOI' J08· Ohio Farm. Bur au to s,p eed action and property owner. Subject. "Our Goal and Ways to gue ts of ~fr • Annie Pottorf. ph E. Uowman. f atur of the During the We~k, which has Reach Them." Dr. W. E. Oglesbee is home afte r en tllrtllinment was lect-ions by on the projects ol'ganil~ed througp been an annual event for many I Ep h. 4: 1' J-l6-Phil. 4:8, a delightful fishing trip in Michthe pCDit>nti8l'Y band which has out the state, C 1 b to a tate years, t h e pu bl ic will be offered an 7 :30 Go)!pel message, "What ig~n. . accordinl!r () urn liS, by A. E. I b ~cc)file popuJa,r as B result of its ment rna de In H, who i, in cha rge of unpara led opportunity to learn Keeps Churches npart," C. W. • uncltly broadcast over radio thn farm bureau's TUI'IlI ofthe haz~l'd of fire and how they mith. Du t, Sara Elsey a nd Ada An Investment 01 one dollar in stati on W Al . ~ may be avoided and eliminated.- · Woolard. ' .liming materials for usC' on acid ca.tio n program. "The tural people who have as weU as what course to purs.ue Come and enjoy these ser vices soils brin~s a return of th ree to Thel' . are 16.3 pel' cent more d thO . d once a fire has starte1i. Fire and study of God's Word fo und i n four dollars, without conSidering IS progressIve move, an JlInrshals and -chiefs insuran,:e re ' tb B k fllrmers in Ohio than there were m e the extl'a feeding value of · t he e 00. five yeal ago, according to an es-, who repl.'e nt 58, have presentatives, and ~ublic a nd pri. hay, according t() the Ohio Arl'icul FRIE NDS M'EETING tlmate by tate Director A, L. plnc. U contid~nc~ in t.helr . co~p- ' Vllte orga nizations will cooperate tUI'al Experiment Station. rntlv . . orgamza~lon .allid actron In- to the fulle t extent to make the oren e n of the Rural Reseltle- e Fint-day School at 9 :30 ~. m. ment administration. The numbe r tQ their desire, SIlld Halterma n Week the success it deserves to be Fruit g,'owers report unusual The public will learn of the Meeting for Worship .t 10:30 of fal'mer consi. tently decl'ea ed "Al,1 of t he ~3 co unt ies hase b~en unevenness in ripe ning of applel m. from 1900 to 1930, but il'om the reg1 ~tered wl~h . the ~lIra.l Electri- danger of old or out-of-condition this year. Apples on t~ same tree latt'lr yeur on the Ohio farm ?catlQn Ad nll.mstratlOlll In Wa. h. beating plants--one of the. most ar coming to mat urity at dift'eror el ~ht Of. t he cou nties, prolific sources of fire. It will be FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST mgton. population ha slow]y but steadily ent timlls, a nd an even greater gained. Director SOI'ens~n said a completed proJ~cts rncludhlg line in tructed in the menace of im. Carl Smith, Min.ter variation in ripenin g is n('lted on stor~d i inflammable I study I'cveal rl that 12.41 per cent Iliap.' construction data ~nd oth er properly t rees in different places in h. U nified service s beginning with deta ils have bee n su bmitted to liquid!; ' and rubbis hand of the of the. ,state'li farmers h!1ve a orchard. gross mcont!! of less than $4()O a th e- ' WaRb!n!!ton offi ce., Actual line danger of accumu lations of a n. church jschool at 9 :30 • • m . year. con~tructlon in thelle cou nties cient fUl'nitul'c, clothes and knick- ~~=~=======~=~===-==~~======~ ---~~alts only .t~e appr~'val 01 t he knacks in basement and attlc:s. It Dr. WaiteI' n. Hlll'tung, director A authontles on t he reQuested will discover 'that. when we "save" of the State Department of 1 0~~B. . . a few dolllll's by making minor Health, '~i11 be one of the princl· . T he fa~m bure au has ta~~lble electric repairs oursel~s, a disaspal peakers at the si xteenth an· eVidence .tnat these loans w1l1 be Lrous fir may be the re ult And ' F e d - (orthcomlng. a s s 0 on as pie 'I e . and nun 1 cunf erenee II f th e -Oh 10 Iml·" It . wlil learn that every town eration of ]'ubJic Health Officials nR'!;y work II; completed at t he city should have, above all, a first which ill b~ staged in CoLu mbus .",A office. Much o~ the delay class modern buUding code tha t fl'om November 13 to 16. Atten· t hat; hB~ b een exp erH~nced ha reo will do away with existing fire dence of ount.y health commis- suIted f rom t he nature of the trap and m ak~ the construction sioners is conpulsory, ,and !'hey wOI'k ~eces ary to bUlil d a ound of new substandBId bui lding intwill \:Ie augment~d by a numb er r ural light. a.nd power program." possible_ of public , health nurse , sanitary Inform atIo n lIecuretd fDo m gov TllOusa nd$ of lives, that a1'e lost officers and "r0l'ker!! in privately ernmental surve ys were quoted by each year through , fire can be supported health organi zations. Hal terma~ t o .sb ow th~~ great n~ed saved-as 'can hu ndreds of A~ out-ot-state !3peak~r will. be I for apphcat.10n o~ ~Iect.rrcal millions of dollars worth of DI. J. A. ~Iyer ?f:MI,nneap ol~s, a eJlergy in 01uo f llrmmg. Nat ional property that goes up in smoke. tuberculosIs S~lahst and eo mem- surveys show: tha~ of the 30 ,~ 0 0, Past Fire Prevention W~ks have ber of the boud of a(lvisers of 000 per sons 1n thIS co,untry direct don much to keep the fi re loss Fra nklin County sanitarium. ly .de~~dent on agricult ure for unn:cessarily great as it is, fro~ twhaelr h vtng, 73 per cent ca rry growing larger. Now everyone Two noted Ohio edito rs, now de ter fr om wells or other sources should contribute as never before ceased, have belln added to Bcrolls of supply; 98 per cent have time and interest'that will make of th e state's Journalism Hall of n eithe~ bathtub nor shower 76 per this Week t he most successful and F am e. Th ey are 'Don R. Mellett c;ent are e pendent upon kerosene productive of all. (1 88 6-1926), th,e martyred editor or gaaohnt\ lamps; apparently --- --~

Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capito) 1-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _-==-___-11 = COL UMB U The largest treshman CIIlHS in history buckled (own to c1asR ro utine thi week aL Ohio tulle university. Indicatio ns Were that when the last minute arrival enroll the freshman gro up will tota l nearly 3,500 menl bers. App rox imately 3,200 attend d t h~ cIa convocation at which Pyesid nt George W. Rightmi-re IISserted that "college stude nu must be prepared to take an active interest in national, state- and rural government." He urged t hat thc)' study the United tates Cons itution to learn "just wha t is in it."

A YN ~~VILLE II • .,. t'!HfJRCe Rev. G. C. Dibert, Pattor ',.:nday: Sunday Rt'ilool at. {I :30 U. m. AIo!'n ing wUI~hip at 0 :40. The 8l'I'I1I"n subject will be, I 'ome Things Wor~h Ta.king luto the New Cotlferenc Y sr." Fop North League at : 15 p. m. wilh V 11'. ~Inia lIn.rdin as leader. ~vl1J1geli !;tic .service at 7 :30 pm. Wednesday: Bible stud 3 and pmycr meeting at 7 :30 p. m.


88 1



along with outdoor toilet!; ee~t heat .their hOlllles pal'tiall Y Those reformers wbo would like o'r entirely w~th ftrepJac66; 64 p er to do a li ttle Constit u tio n ti nker; cent heat theIr homee partially or e ntir ely with stoves ; and 48 per rng, som e of whom hav~ sugges~ cent have to do their laundry work ed that a n ew amendment to pe ro ut-of-doors. mit t he elCtension of bureaucracy "While t hese facts apply to the ought to be made a n issu e In t he e ntir e nation, they Ilpply to a 1936 cam paign, have not been so grellt exten't to our own ' state," voclf8<roull si nce the P ennsylvania said Halterman . "Eleotric lights, pri mary. T hOse hardy Ke1stonerll 1Ton1l, washing machines, and do not seem to haVe much of a w~ter pumps are farn~ electric .p- pen chant f or taking on n ew ~Co n­ phances ,changing rl~pidly • fr om sLitutions. A pr oposal for a new t he luxur y classit\cation to t hat of one in Pennsylvania backed by ApPI'oval of twenty.on e Ohio necessities. Wlle.n i " is roalized Govei'nor Earle who is quot ed as FROGGIE CHORUS bighway projects in t wentr-twQ that 79 per cent o:f the farm saying th at a new document was Virarinla Prellton counties, involving an expenddi- homes' of the state lack electric needed t o bring the New Deal to Virginia Sehuler ture ot approximately ,4,000,000 service of any kind, the problems Penn sylvania, was decisivell -de· Ruth Helen LeMay has been asked of the fedet al bur- of the pro,ram can be mealured feated by a majority of sometbing H.len Marraret Gon. eall of r oads by the State Hleh- by the val tnen of t~ field . The like a qu ar ter of a million. The way Departm nt. The state and farm bureall proeram to carry present state cons titution was call f ederal government will match electricity into the Illral aHU Is ed a "horse and buggy" document OH DOCTOR CHORUS funds eQ4a ll y, and the pl'ojec:ta a cooperative venture to create in the campaiJn but this did not ' Doc.." will have no connection with thOle better livinJ condition! for tbe leem to frighten the voter.. Per· RII (jbard Bradler estabUl hed uncleI' PW A and WPA Ohio farmer. his wife, alld hia hap! SOllie of them came to the ~,chard Sheehan administrations. Tbe cOUlltlea chUdrell." conclu.lon that borae power is to Jile k Multord be preferred to pa' in some inJtjie bard Wflitaker which will bene6t a re Allen. W1&1l stances. dot, Fulton, Otia.wa, Sandulq, Dl~ nald Br (lwn Aehland. Richland, Stark, Coab- th. -Ohio Commilslon for the BelQre th. primary l ome of th. ~alter ,Johaloll oetOll, UnlOJl, Clark, lIereer. Blla., ... ch.lrmaD of the ne lpapera who favor cOlll titu.Taeld. PrMtoa IIland, Bam~, HODtco_.". naUGH! adYiaory C!Ommitee 011 pro UoDaI tint_rID, said that th. Clharlea LaWNllce Roes, AtblJlS, Mouroe. daetloa aael .f ...,lvuta r would be • JIa~ ~ aDd ... WUII.tA lIlow bow the N. Deal





tI thl' M. E. Cont'ereRC(' at Col urn lind MrK, William K Smith. hu s ~lIlunJuy and Sunday. The Willi' Awake held their lll~ . A <Ill Cht'nll\\t!th uf Cl'n- 1lI1'l'ting aL lh.· home vf Mr:. lIeIH.It' r~nll • •11" , R. 11. 11t11't~"l'k, I""ill., W(I" 11 <lhller gu .... ! I<'tiday lit 111l'I' nllilll'~ SLlnday niR'ht. MI';;. ;"''''1('1' Hnl 1llock, r.h" . .J . Q. uf ,\11 .. AliN~ GI J·k. M'~, RaleilCh Bogan a nd 1\11-, I\nd Mr. . J. B, Jun s at dau..:ht('r DuroU\\, aHenuml tht.' Gons, !rl<. 1'" ,(.(\ tion~, Mrs. J,thn , ' l 'nll('d th • ltome-cllnling al thl fun '1"1\1 nf Ml'~. Ellen .Je ~. up at B. Con " Mi,~l'~ ,,,nnll! un I .,IIII11C Blown, 1\1 i ~~ I':r mil II (.ilChwIIY, ('hurdl in l\1t. 1I011y, unday_ H,·irl!('I'l1 o I1 • lIlli, In!<L Friday lifter ir., E . mn lind Mrl', n, L. Thl' Bluckburn M <lical om- 1I00 n. I'an • pliny oI Dayton, who h(}ld Hh(~" s M r, und Ml·S. Rober t McMillan ut Lytle Jlull lust w ek, arc con. caJl d on Ev retl lIainl's unday On IIlunlillY ni~rht , at t he hom e, tin uinlot this week, Thl' ir shows ore t;Ifl~rnoon. of hn 1I10th(' I', MI'H. Muu(le ("t'anc, Il f hilth dna and ntertaining. ,.. an eI M I'S. Raym Otl d W'I "lr, 1 !Io n MI'. Lorro JllI111.'SOtt anh"1.lIillell II', and lrl'l. 01 nn Johns and Ilnd claught r J eannette wel'C Sunanothcl' group fut' dll' pl('lI~UI' oj' children, Paul lind Vivian , and day dinner gucsbi of 1111'. Ilnd Mt's. Mrs. Schoeler, The evcning Willi 1rs. Elizllbcth Smith of Dayton Til odot· 1\1 tntir , .J voted to lhe . '()n1pilalio n 01: a were di nner gues ts uuduy of Mrs 1I[,·s. Ruth Haines and children sc r p bonk in whi 'h wa d picted Margaret.. Johns. and Mrs. 811a lJai n~s culled on th life o( the bride fl 'om infl1l1cs' MI'. and MI' , Al b l.t [innillg, William omploll and wife ' Suoto the lime of hl?l' mUl'I'io)!c and und l\1i.:se Elizabeth lind Ad lai do , day ufternoon, on into tho future an d \ hich, Minning o f Cincinnati w er~ SUIl- ' MI'. and Mt·s. Lawrence Mitch. when COl11pleted, Will:! pl'escllted to IllY uCtel't1oo n g u e~t of Mr. and nel' " Ild ' hal'!,'S tanley were her. :\11' . Walt r Kellt'ick. guest of RoberL lnnley neal' 1111'& white prinkling clln 1.\1 Ill. licc l\l.iJler and Bon Ra y Il tl l!lboro I' cently. su: pendell from th'e chandelh'l' in c mJ1any \\'i th theil' unclo, MI'. ' M r~. J ohn WiI, on ha ~ rc turn ed over a la rgl' table. oPPlll'unlly hHd BYI' tJ l1 Perris, were Sunday dinner home aftt!)' a pleasant viBit with showel'('d ,the arrllY or pa('kaj!cs g'UI'$t~ lIf Mr, lind ~rs. Dallas her sister ill K IItucky. th I'eon, whil'h w(~re latC'I' opened Worl ey, neal' Lelmn(ln lind in the M k Edna L earning att nded a aflcrrtoo n called o n Mr. and Mrs. birthday IIi nn I' Sunda y at ' HIe by the pl'ospeetiv,E' brili('. Before entel'ing the dining I~nw"l Miller near Illete. hom of Mr. Ilnci MI·s. F. D.' CompJr.. I ta Rogers is ,unproved ton. I'oo m each gu('st wa. given a slip of pap r on which a vel'~e wns frIJ n1 a ,'ecent illn 1'\ at her sisters Mrs. Ella Hainel<, Homer Ha ines written in th form of II con- near Ridgeville and returned to and ~On Richard clIlJe d on Tasso undrum. Ki tchen gadgets u~ed h I' hOIll her 1I10nday. Mr. and in 'tead of pluc curds un ' wer d Mrs. her man Rogerll of ~ at lhe riddl es and thus each on(' Carrollton lI,re !\taying with her f:'.======~=====~~ fo und he" place at th hand801llt'ly for awhi le. appoint('d lllbies and enjoyed de, lr8. Ma rgaret J ohns, fr , li<;jOU$ salue!, hbt buttereu ' r lis Harvey Burnet and Mr . Ed Long and coffee. acre att nded the meeting oI the The Ii t of invited gu sl;; 'arde n club Tuesday at th home follows: Mrs. Robj~rt J ame"(ln line! of h~ . Anna Gibbons tical' Way' Mrs. Ka hryn Turner, l1ayton; llc;vi lle. Fun e l'al ]'itcs may he Mrs. D. ,Ridge" Mrs. D. R. Mnl. Mary arm any, in commith, Mr . Fred H nd e r.on. l\'1rs. pany with Mr. and 11-5. W. F. nl!lde rt1 l' \ formal ' c reo Edi~h 1, Hon'i , Miss Clara Lile. Clark of W aynesville and other monies, ins incere D,,!d hurMrs. L. M. H pnderson, it' , J. B. guests, cel brated hel' 85th birthbapman, Mrs. C E, And r on, day. undal', at the home of her Tie d, Or th y may be Mr... Gilbert Fry, ML Thelma t !Ion and wife, 1r. and Mrs, E. J. John, Mr~, Mary 1' 08S, Mr!l. IU'mo ny at pring-field. A fine ' sa cred tributes to the [rene H ouclerson, Mn. Jelhn B. tiin wa njoy d by all, d cea 'cd, rich in m eaning Gons, }\frs. D. L. rane. Mr. Nat han Gray, M1' • and Mrs . L. nuke and their daughte r, IlDd impre. give. I t is in ~\' S. Helen Gt'ahaln and dltughter, I

I J\(I\j~ lIflicels will Ill' on dut Y Ilt hio SIlldi ll 1hi f .. ]1 t 'l\,lul't •• \ worI"~ • : /I ',~I\ in t dl'in 1..11 • al 1111,' h ume f"\ltl>lI11 f,l'nm(>s. " It ill lh.· inll'lI lion (If Ohi o A thlebc ))irl',' t Ot· L. \r. t. J"lIn. "to rl'fu.1' ~tlll1i,,~i(tn to Illl YOllll und er Lht' irtiluoncl' of liqu()r. l'<urlh 1'111 are; rlrinldng in th,' . l:8nds r,,: /lnywlll're in t h studium Millfield Cr('ck Nt'm' Athens will m n j('l!~ion . " Co1tpl~d with llti~ tlnnoun('~· Is SCf'ne of Mine Tl'agcdy 1\I0\t CI\1l\ Iln ollpcal from St, JI hll for 1'an to opernte in tilt' By Davi d S. Ingalls lIro TlIII. "Good ~IH'rt. il111nsh!p is ClJ"irmac, Ob,o Roll Call Committf'e xpe ted . U11111ng: lh player, nnll nl'c\ tnt', ~h(\llid . ho\ the me It wa ('arty on tho 1110ruitlS 01 a the, still forms qf the de"d were ,,\tIIi1t~,." he ~ hI. "This ('on b(\ d(l.l lJy 1\ oi, in cundUCl which November 4. 1930, that a sinister laid alii on Ule ground. For the inroar ame rumblh Ii up the haft of Jured a fi rs t aid station was ready. PH' '_nt, olhe1', [rom Cllj ying the MIllfield Creek Mine. \ hhe {need The se rious ClOSes had to be taken out ,."'~ (l.!' i'l ambula nc s. And the road from miners round lit e mO\lt h of l h(' shah I'he mine \Vas only wide enough for ' ~!~-- - kn w what it mc:tnt. Some, pcrh3p' one :11 a time. Down that narrow 1111, of their tOOlmd<!s \\'{'rt: trappe.t .lark ~ully of a road $l'owled ambu· in a livin~ hell. lances In low gear, At the {rIain road 'The men outside storted to \ or1.:. :I \Yeary mud-spla!llled young man fr antical!}', hopins: to get through \\' \led them out and the next one the c\1,' e' ;11 bdore the drl'aded gas in, one at a time all night long. By late afternoon it was clear that coul d kjll those who might " iI\'e u caped the c:oepl osion, oon Silen t there would be too many for the Alhen~ nurses to care for alone. weeping women and h;tdren tbok Word had, already gone out to tbe their places as nellr 3. th ey dared Columbus Red Cross Chapter to to come, the who s amI childr(,11 of tnnd by. The Red Cross always the trapped miners. doe$ that. When somethin~ happens In thens, a few mil , \ ay, the word is fiashed to all neighboring Red Cros Chll1l1C'r WM I'cady \0 go chaplers and to national headQuarE\' ry 3,'ail hie nuuc was railed. tefs to stand b)' to help. and .~\ rytillng rt cllIblinS! an am · The call went to ColuDlbus for Z5 bui;!ncc w c mnul'udrcred: htarses. nurses and more firs t aid IlWplies. J.elivery trucks, pollee p;lIrol car, far·seeing member of the Colum. be idu the reo 1Iiar :unbuln ncc bus hapter had held the 5 :20 uain YO\l111: business men \'oluntec r"d (or to Athens until the nurses were sU\'ice.. Ohio oiv(r.ity tudCll lS readi' 10 go. At 7:00 that night the abandonffl classes to help, All w~re speCial train of mercy pulled out of :Jnd waiting. waitmg for the olutnbus for a record run. 18 tanks := --= -~:-:: -=---~=-====~ r(,3d), first oleo to be brought up of oxygen, 2S nurSes, SO hot water 10 the mean time th e mell' ai Ih ,' bottles. II cast's of medical supplies, wjne had brOken tllrougll and wcr :lIHI every member, of the First Aid np pumping the poi sonoll Ita, (:Ill 1 11,!1 Life Sa\' iI18 squad who could before:. any rescuers could go ,n .\ . ..,'l ue"2(, aboard sped througb the eJC'\'C'n o'clock the wear 10n.'I1I.. '''::lb t : ("' e ry foot of track cleared 4 • curne to tbe Red Cross \'olutll<.'r' " d and said, OJ All clear . go ahl';td \ I \I ,l1(ield Mille today many a Til C , kat and \' ult-5 Dowo went the rescuer Belo\\ Ih' ~II "ill tells 01 Ihe terrible night furnished in our . ervire found the men. Many of th enl It.' :tt the Red Cross nuues came all knew what hit tbem . Otht'r> \\,, : W wa\' from Columbus to Vatch are the be-t obtainable. still living. Thcs,e were tile rll ot I ." liP ' ·\nd there's something In his .J el!S Prendergllst lici ts youI' Only Landard merchanhe taken out. J) 'lo whell he tells the story tha t he upport at th election Tu dar, A Cheer went up 35 th e fir~, ton , nil never put into words. That's the di e of t ted q llaiity is ovemb er fI, for the offic e of reached the surface. quic kly husheJ· l{ed Cross. Trustee of Wayn e Town hip, p vided, C!ienl..<\ can rely upon us to conduct NOTICE the finest fu ncral poHowell Peit'ce. Mrs. Rebecca Hughes, Miss Flor lbl at a. price within No hunting or trespassing Oil Mr, and Mrs. Ed Hiatt, 01 Wil- ence and Mes l'S, Tom and Billy 1heir means. kn own D . the BurtoJ\ Hugh~s, of Columbus, were dinner the farm nlington, called on .fl'iends here guests of Mrs, Howell Peirce on Earnhart fa rm, day or night. B LIN & LOAN 'unday. unday. 1\(1'8. Nannie Florence Mrs. Ada Jenkin and MiBS who had spent several weeks at Ethel Mendenhall were business the ' Home, returned to hal' home ~~ i.itors in Wilmington Monday. in C?lumbuB with them in the 'evenmg, .PJiCi:>N; l. 9 Mr. Will Bown, or el~a , spent MI'!!. Lena Hartsock, with The Ladies Aid met Wednesday WAYNESVILLE, OHIG Tue day afternoon ~Ith Mrs. Wilton Hartsock, called at the ~~i~~~~on with Mrs. Stanley , C\i II ~



--- --,-----...,

Only the Best





Friend.' Home New.



~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ home of ' her lS!)n, A. Z. Hartsock, near Wilmington, Sunday evening · and ,was met at the gate by Joseph her gran dson, who had been seriously injured by being thrown from a pon~. Mr. Raymond Peirce, of Toledo Mr. and Mrs, Tom Calvert and , Mi~s Helen Calvert of Selma Mr Berryhill, Mis~ Olara and Mr C. Harold Berryhill, of Bellbrook, calle-d on friends here Su nday afternoon . _



Wl!o knows? Maybe in another year the G-men will b a, out after potato high-jackers. \ The three R'a have b ~n changed to radios, radicalism and relief. - Augusta,' Kansaa, Gazette.

ROOFINO Repair y'our old one, or put on a new roof now. Prepare for winter's rains and storms, We have a complete , stock of t he befit roofing materials made and you' ll do best by eeing u about your work. Prompt and efficient,




Mt', nnd Mr:, Ral{lh ~ming UIIlI child I' on. llel('l1, Mal'gur t and Juniol' Lullt'c1 on Ifuwurd L"aming Sunday ('vt'lling.

Cary's Jewelry Shop "THE HOME OF GIFTS"

Lebanon, Ohio EXPE RT WATCH RE PAIRING Only Genuino Ma teria"

, Prompt Service

tore open unUi 9 p. Jll.


-"'-- -

TW'lns Theater

Waynesville, o •. OCTOBER 4-5 RALPH BALLAMY WILEY P T in

Air Hawks oll1edy, Moon Ov el' Mnnhattnn al'toon, Litt! Rover

J ean, of Dayton, and Mrs, Ha1'hm thig latter spirit that we of Jlarvey bUI'g left Thursday conduot the 8 rvi IIi nmCl'/ling on un auto trip to vi it OCTOBER 6-7 re lalilles in Arizona and also sight R BERT D NAT trusted t us, ~~i ng throug h Denver. ELI SA LANDI Mis Eva Wharton is s.tayin!t a t in Ihe hOllle of MI'. and Mrs. Bet'bel·t Fifet· Oil the Lebanon pike, help· ing care for th little, on Of 1\11'8 fif r, n Thel ma ornell, who und t'I\'ent an operation for apomedv-Gods of Trouble pendiciti las t week at Miami Pboae 7 Fox News Valle y H ospital. b,ule -forgan was seriously Two Show8-7 :00 & 8 :30 p, m. injured about the head Monday ADM. lOc- 15c afternoon, when one of Earley' ~..;=========;;;:= ~, trucks fl 'om the Lytle elevator turn ed over at the Elm tre ,north ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~--:-~~~~~~~!'!!'111!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! of here. The truck was loaded with fert ilizer and was driven by Earl Young, who w.a not injured,

J. E. McClure

Count of Monte Cristo

Waynesville. Ohio

r,-----------.. .-------------------.. One Week


Mr, and !lrs, K~der raham are making orne extensive repairs at their home at this time. Mrs, Allen Emrick and Mrs. Margaret Johns were guests of Mr. and lIfr. Weldon Wi! on the New entury lub, Friday and son Gerald of neal' Xenia atafternoon, at the horne of ~r~ . lended church here Sunday. Martha Hough, near Waynesvll1e The W . F. M. . enjoyed a pot Mrs. Ada Chenoweth of Center luek dinner at the hOnle or M1' • ville is pending a couple of weeks !i=I,l a. Haines las t.W dnesdny. T~e at the,e of Mrs, Belle scott, 111 ISS. lonary meetmg was held m and famIly. the afternoon. Duke Trickey of Dayton is ~r, and Mrs. Raleigh Bogan 5p nding a two weeks vacation entel'tai ned to dinner Sunday Mr. with his sister, Mrs: Alice Miller and l'rf ra. W. E. Bogan of n ear and son , Spring Vnlley, Mr. Weldon Wi! Mr. and Mrs. Harol(! W.hitaker ~o n and family of near Xenia , Mr. spent the week-end with relatilje Evan Bogan nnd family of Dayin Indiana, lon, 1\11', a.nd Mrs. Horace CompMr. and Mrs. Ed Lo!,!gacre and t on and lira. Addi e Schamerhlh Mr. lind Mrs. James Johns attend-I of near New Budin~ton and Mr,

Caesars Creek



Sept. 30 Oct. 5 '

Topcoats or Overcoat.


EXPERTLY CLEANED AND PRESSED For n limited time Ladies' P lain' Dresses 50c; Men's 3 piece Suits, 50c; Men's Hats Cleaned and BLocked _ 39c; Ladies' Winter Coats with.fur, 95c



leaves of Turkish tohacco are strun.g one by one lilu beads (Jet }IOW;t is dom in tlu picture). After /I~e leaves are strung tbey are pacied jn bales ( Jee piciUnt) -sflmelime.r as many tU 80,000 /eaves 10 the bal.t.

• Madden & Co.

Phone 14

WI'to\( ,

Asphalt and Red Cedar Shingles Asbestos ~hing)es also Building Materials of All Kinds



Political Anmlouucement


Sacred Tributes

TI'rrl'lJ lind will one tv ning this

Waynesville, O.




We have on ·hand at ·all times for


Unquestioned ' durability and •••• u'luisite design -the hiszheit ideaTs in plated ware-are ,auured in llpOOltS, forks, and f5J1cy.ervialg pieceJ bearioa tho reaowned trade marl



cigarettes upwards' of 350,000 bales of Turkish tobacco . •• "C H ESTERFI E1LD


The pleasing aroma and Ravor of Turkish tobacco is aIm )st necessary if you want a good cie-arette. ' Turkish ', is more costly when you take into t that you have to pay 35c a pound duty, -but we have to have it to blend, th our mild ripe homeifOwn tobaccos. It

". ~. "


~" u

. , O~/J",'1 .• for mild ness •• lor better taste


Eighty-Seventh Year






Whole I umo r

a T BER 10, 1935






T'he regular 10' . 1\1. "ill be held Sunday evening Odobe!' Ij, at the home of Mr. , and Mrs. Rhodes Bunn ell. x'eao ers for the evening are From T .." to Cold Stor ..... in 24 E ... con omi.t Outline. Poi nt. Farm- Frecia. Hal'vey, 1 'o n; Ethel Men'" be s rve<.! at 6: 30. HOUri It Apple Mao'. er , May Consid"r in dt nhall, dcvotinlllil; Stanlcy AI! III mbers f the <'ongreR'aBailey, I·een· ulional. Slogan Ballotlo. Li on and fl'ienda of the Dibcr Lunch Commit tees Repu.. t ; Good F~deral Fund. Available For fllmily HI' inviled. PI ase bring P-08'ram Pr~.ent ed By The "From lJ' N~ Lo (' old storuge i n S, T. Blackburn cha irman of Street Work, Aceord~". to co cred dish and sandwich es. Sixth Crade 24 hour ." the Wan' n' ounty cOI' n-hog proReport This is the s10gan Frank Beach, Qucti n control a' ociotion, nnd A , K od, I' ized crQwd was present exten ion horticu lLurist for lh e unty Agent, Lester J. Miller ro$5 L.750 fo\" Waynesvi1!e. Ohio State Un ivel'~ ity, 1(1 url(ing tU1'n d Tue ~day, 0 tober 8th fr<l m .1t. the gl:ade school b\lilding to This, aecording to di spatch es Cruil growers no w horve~ting' a I· nal m ~t ing of corn-hog I'ar' ," act th e bUliinc s , of the from Washington" was the , 8u m f}crishablc apple varieti es lo committeemen ot Dayton, Oh io, approved j)y President, Roosevelt \1 ot hfl"'!\ club. Th~ hmch COill- " obs('rve. held immediately aHel' decision of ,available to this villa re under the nitti:!('!; reported lhey had decided The appl e is II living organism the ecrctal'y of agriculture to latest grant of f. derlll fu nds for o bf·gin ~cl'vi ng lunches at both thal qoickly I' ach~s lIIaturity and have a corn-bog referendum wa s th& ma~ntenance of a work proM,·5. W. II. AII ~n ;;pent Tues- , uildingl Ilc:tob r foul·te en. Mrs. thcn detel'iorate~ 1'lllJidly afLer a nnou'nced. gl'om in Ohio. pi king, unl e~g ~to l'age conditions The mee ting was ne of six da y in Daylon. ["elvis wil! b in chal'ge of serving Local officials contacted M lIoh and family vj. ited urc I!(1 Li~ {a ctl"'Y, he 'ay ' , . cheduled this week by the Ohio " Ml's. R. E. Hartwig, of Detroit, n, '_he high school builcling and n sday night, were unable to d in Hunison, Ind., Sun- , Agricultural Exten sion ervlce t o is a guest in the homfl of Dr. lory As !loon 01< P1)108 uI'e cOllled to termine for what u. c th money 11n", P le~'s(m at the grad buihl. xpl ain AAA pI ns for the I'eferen Cook. a temp ratUrc of <10 degrees 01' allotted, although a would b dum ng. Th ~ Ilrircs will remain the wntative stl et improvement pro· Mr. and Mrs. lifl'ord Buzick at- Iees, d tel'i ol'ation and del~ ny ore pples kH p boH at a Committeemen weTe told by L. . Mrs. Earl FTen ~lc c, of Dn~ton, laUle a tho~e last ),"<'ar. gram has be n s\lbmi~ted to the tended the wedding of Mr ~. ell 'eked. IS, the gu t of her sl t r, Mrs. E. Worren county officials of lho Buzick's l!i ·tel· in Sltln~y la st L ll1pC1'a l ur 0:f' about 32 degreeI'. f;~ve"lJ,l hl(\i~ have assisted in H. economist, tnatBarnes, no less extension t han nine maJ'or fact rane. Works Pl'ogres~ Administration in week. At 40 d('gr e~ ,' RJ)p l4! so ften anrl ·r.nning n:.1.1 lherc was n splen!lid ripe n nu()ut twice fast us at 32 ors wiJI hav to be weighed by L banon. h'1I. Mary Me Illl'O and Mr . H Ji~Jl BY in tb~ lllse, ;J86 quarts I sr. Will t. J ohn, Jucqu e While the Washington di spatch degree'; lit 50 dt'ju'E;es about. foul' farmers before they markreferen-' th eir E. HathBway s pent Friday in Ii mix d Yegetable" tomatoes, and Riohard Adams enjoyed a ballots in the nation-wide indicated the money would b ~Ilndwic:h ~pr(1'lJ and pickles. times as 1'a l, an:l at 70 degr es dum aturday, October 26, on the Dayton. flpent for the improvcment of , mo 01' trip to Mt. Sterling" re- aJ; ut eight time Il fa t. The program wa · g iven by question: "Do you faY<lr a cornWayneSVille streets local officials cently, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. al"twl' ig"ht Room 6 I. Imd ' 6 II. A day out of ~torage at 70 deA largc barn on the J ... Hisey , hog adjustment program to follow beli v such a figuI'e for th is purwere calling on friends he re PriIn trumcntlll so lo, "A,'alanc.h ., frs. E. L. Houg h, Mrs. (Lrn Ilr s may r e.. ulL in as much de- fa!'~' 50utl~ of Waynellvll1e, con· ' the 1935 program which expires day. P08 would be ridiculous. Jeanne Bakel'. Hough, Mr. and MI·s. R<>beJ't Aldel' t rioration as 10 days in cold tOlnl 'Og gl'aln and hay, 'Was bur':led Novembel' 80, 1935?" Whether the um allotted for man, were • hopping in Dayt n R citatIon, "If Columbus could sto l'age at 32 degl'e . to lh~ g round e~r.IY Wednesday First in the ' outlOOk, said MI'. Mr~. My I' Hyma n anu Mr. Waynesville includes project Tuesday. '=:...j-!~ u. I, {).f'¥i.t.I avag1!. inc;' > ~pples l o~c waler through m01'1l1ng. Th orlgm, oi, the. fire Barnes, is the small liv stock pop- Mr . A. T . Polinsky spent M other than str et iJllprovement MURie, II len Gons. the ir skins ' by transpiration, and wa .not le~ rne~ but It1! saId the ulation. Unprecedented drouth in incinnllti. Abram ook, of Springboro, could not be determined. R ci.tntion, ''Show ing olumbn!. It was beH ved however t hat the has purchll$ed the r esidence of the ince 90 Pl'l' cent of t.he fruit i . .Ioss IS l),:trt~~c~v..,.:· ~~y in~raoCe which cul the COl'll crop and the MI'. and Mrs, F_ . Hartsock, or by Tom Flor n e, wate r, it i~ II irable to mainlnin harvest of other feed .gTllins allotment probably included the late T. E. Roger at the corner of In!;b"umental music, Franc6s almost in half la t year fOTced Milford, were callers 0)'1 Wayn humi dily in ·tula e ' l'ooms at a JOHN CARTWRIGHT propo ed sewe rage sy tem and l~ifth and Tyler ~treets. vlllEt n:latives unday. Joh r~. point approaching sal.ul'ation. TAKES NEW POSITION farm rs to strip their h rds and sewage di 1"0 01 project hich was ".Reeil~ti on, "Sail on '., l'~ U ' the social item! that make V !lIleti~. v81y in their ability .-- ~ flocks~own totb-c! small :t numb r , con idef d by ~ou.ncil !lome month Mrs. George lI end l'Bon and J oaquim Mill er, Marion Smith. 11 I cal new paper interesting. to hold fI10i~tlll'e. Beach says varie J ohn RI'tWl'ight, who for the of gra~n-consuming aOlmnls on 1\-li s Anna JlJ,m cson were sho~pago but whi h had been dropped 1\1rs. Chas. And . rson read Ihl after a former government all' DCY Telephon or send thcm in. Ou r ti II which hav .. tough, waxy .skius, last thr l' years has been Sllper- flums 10 3<1, Ye,al. FUl'tberm o,re. ing io D~yton Tuc day. ' Int I'C ting magazine atti'!le which uch II Buldwin and Ben tiavi \'e vi r of a~ , nc:J account!' with The t11.e countl'y s hvestock populatIon FE RA, had prOmised, but failed to telephone number is 112. V. Barnhart, of Cincinnati, wah a I' view vf a new treatis 0 :1 E. sist w~\Lcr lo.'~ bette\,' than thin, W sLet'n and ' uth rn Indemnity W11l not haVe been to any cooperate in a preli minary survey. Ml ~. Myel' Hyman with visiled il'lends here Satul'day eh!ltl Jl~ychebgy, "Fr edohl . :.. d(y.~kinJlccl val ieties ~ uoh as the COlllpan in incjnnnti, has regreat extent by the b gmning of FERA repre entatives had in- B1ock, of Hyman & Bloch, ni ght and Sunday mornIng. Securlty- i" the training of t ( Iiciou. signa:! t become h'culation 1930. dicated they wou1d send two men pring Valley, !'Iere bU 8ine~s vi i. Golden Norulal hiM." ,<\ {liano ."0 10 h noth r call I.' of detet'ioration ma nt. Lr of th e Nati,anal U nder· Crain Supply More Than Ample here 'f or an Investigation of condi- to/' in [J s Anna Jameson, of Beatty. Betty Davjs complE'ted the prlJincinnati, Wednesday. is the wn. te Il roduct gases given writ I' pubJi stions and for a time tions. They f ailed to app ar, but ville, Ky., i visiting at the homt' gram . off in l' < e-'piralion which, if not wil l: ~ 1n th e Chicago office. Second, although farmers hllve M1'. an~ irs. lal'cnce Dechant, an ena-ine rout ot the l ebanon of her aun t, Mrs. John Treadway. I n the "oom popularity contest 1"'1_. Cn:·t~n i$ht and the daugh- , 15 per cent !ess live tock than ffice was assigned to tbe job. He of Germantown, and Mr, and Mrs canied off by prope r venti lation 1iss Reed 1'" I'oo m receive.d 1 S Orne at they had durlhg the five-y~ar perRalph Ha stings and SOli wel'e Sun- or ab rbed by chemical means, ten "ill retain their ~Iso failed to complete the work. Mr. and J\lrll. Dean Walton at- votee and s~co nd bonor to Mise iod 1928-1932, it was estimated tended the funeral of I\hs. Wal- Cartel" )'oom, Since that tinte, WaynesvjJl day gue t of MI', and Mrs. A. H. cau e a browning of the skin 12'/ 4, I Ita Avenue, Cincinnati. known as stortlJre cald. Many by Mr. Barries that at the close of coun.cil ha taken step to better tUbb. ton's cousin in Indi ana, Tuesday. Refreshm nts were !K'l'vcd by growers af packing with MRS. KNOWLTON DIES thi year's harvest, they will have conditions by the. jn tallation of M1'll. Amos Mendenhall and Mrs Mrs. LeMay, Mrs. E";~, Mts. Hage Mr. lind ~rl!. Charles Edwa.rd , shredded oil paper Lo reduce 108about lO per cent ' sma ller teed vel'al gas t~aps in sewer s to aUie Hathaway attended the m ye l', Ml'S. Braddock -and Mro!i. of Dayton, are spending thc week ee' from scald, plll'ticu larly such achd An n Knowlton, 77, wile supplies thlln the average during prevent thll e cape Of unpleasant here the guests of MI'. a nd lIfrs. Susc Eptible, varieties as Rome, of G Il<ll'ge Knowlton, pa"sed away I th.c . same five-year. period; T.he homecoming in Oregonia, Sunday: I'l (.kett. odors. 10thel'S of school children al1d . Raymond onnn and Mr. and Mr Stayman, York alld Gr ening. Th ~d ay nig-ht, October 3, at her gl al!, supply per aDlmal tbiS wlnMr. and Mr. J ohn Gons were fr.\ln ds arc urged to JOin the ___ _ _ _ _ home oellr Ore onia. j l l ' IS tb l'cfore, expected to be larence Edwards. BesiC:es her husbnnd he is sur- lal1!:er than in any )lear since the dh)ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mother, cluh. Th& dues al'e twenty Sanker at Mason, aturday even- fl v cent. YCa\'ly and the money is MI'. and Mrs. Karl Bodenbender vi ed by a s.o n, Fred, of near ' W orl~ W~r, e.xce~t 1926.. and Mr. and Mrs. Ira O. Brown atitSI'd to provide no:urishing m~aAS Or ~gonia, a nd one da,ughter. I Thlrd, ~f there 18 no adJulltment Ing. tend d the Oh io tat~Kentueky fot' the childre n. Orvi1Je Barnett, Hatvey bUrg. , ~rogl'am In 1936, farmers will be MI'. aJ'ld MI·s. A. T. ehoeler, of footba lI game In Columbus Satur• uJlual service conducted by h~e~y to harvest more than 100 Hamilton, were gue ts of th latday afternoon. Rev. G." • Dibert were held at the ml1110n a res of corn. Thi!y har- ter' s parents, Mr. and , Mrs. F, B. re. idence Monday afternoon and (Contin ued on page 4) Hender on, Sunday. The regular mee.ting of the Mr. F. C. Smith Ilnd daughters Friendship Club was held at th Mary Catherine and Junn, and Mr The W arnell'S Foreign Mission- burial _was in, _Mi_am_i ,C _mete f ! I1" ==='= ==-"",,====:.. Mr. and Mrs. Pall I BOOTom, home of 1\(r8. Ray fainous Wed- HUlTY }(ringle, of 'Ak,roll, vi ~ ited aty Society of the M, E. church B I1brook, were dinner gues1;! of nesday afternoon, October 9th The former's fll.ther, J . l:L Smit.h, met al. the home of Miss Frank WORLD CHAMPlt:>N TEAM Mr. nnd Mrs. E. C. Crane Tueswith 20 members a nd 10 visitor on Sunday. FBI r W dn day afternoon, day evening. October 2, with ~h · . .T. W _ White Sevenl persons il'on! Wayne~pNlsent. Th , Oc ober meeting of the The meeting wa op ned by renil'. and Mr. Waltcl' Sh ohon and rlliss H elen Rmvke assislnnt I ville and vicinity wlhlessed the Mrs. Am elia Will iams and he]' WOlllpn'l,I Auxilial'y of St, !.fary'b !ar'm t a m pulling contest at peating the club motto in unison. l e~t TIM! day nlOl'n,ing Ior Roches- hostes es. hou e guest, Mrs. Hayes, of West Church was held at t he hom of Scripture l'ending from the 24th t , Minne ota, wher Lhey will The l)'leeting wus called to order Troy, Sunday. Vir 'nia, visited fl'i hds. in Cin- the pte ;<:<:11 L, Mrs. E . L . Thomas. psalm by Mrs. EUis HaLhaway. vi it r elatives. They will a lso visit by the ncw IH'(!sident, 11-s. J . W. Pullin g a load of 7,500 pounds R~v. Schaetfel' conducted the de· cinnati, Monday, Lotz. th required distan ce of 271h The Lord's Prayer was also re- oth l' points in Minnesota, About thirty members and vollonal exercises and scriptural hiTs. G. . Dibert presented the feet, t he laUel' team, wodd cham guests w re presen t at Lhe r/ilgular Mr. and l'iJrs. Chester' utle)' quot thm '" re given at roll call peated in unison. Mr. Frnnk Hawk and Mt·. ?tlarThe ,usual business was tl'an- vin Fox, of the Univer ity of Cin- stewardsh ip program making use pion pulling team, defeated a field meeting' 01' the Happy Hour club and son, of Norwood, w re we kAfter:' a sl10rt busine 8 !!ession e end guest of Mrs. Cutlet·'s mother the f(l llowing' program was given sac hid and five names were added cinnati spent th week -end with of the ):laster, "The O):lett Book of 16 entrl • which was held at tile ' h ome (jf M rs Mrs. Bertie 1\I ills. Readillg, , "Chr-ill~'s Victory a new membors. thdr hom ~ folks. They nre both and the ' l ewal'dship candles. She J ohn B. Gons Tue day n.fternoon. HIP BROKEN IN FALL This being the month for elect- enthu iusUc OVOt· thei~' university also conducled the devotions using Mrs. Ed Cook s pent Sun day an I 1., vitubl(!," Mr!i. Banis. a s her, scripture I ~s on ,P s olm 42, During the bu iness session new Monday ill Dayton with her son-i:" jng new office~ the f.ollowin g work, Reading, "Tile Church jn , The Miss Visa B olton, 1)£ neal' Ferry J -19 and JohnT, 1 and 3. 'Were elected. Mission 'Fielp," Mrs. George Har tofficel's were elected as foUow: 'law and daughter MI'. Ilnd bad the .miuoltune of falling unAfter quite 8 lengthly bu sine s P resident. Mrs. Harold WhitMrs. W. . Rnpel' returned sock. M1'S. Henry Satterthwaite, presi- Robel t Davis. a ker. h Ome F riday ev~ni ng after spend- sessio n the fo ll owing short pro- day eveni ng and breaking her hip. A talk On clean 'mo- i s and clean he was taken Monday in the dent; Mrs, Jo sia h Davis. viceV ice President, Mrs. Dan Collett Ing evel'al days in Cincinnati. gl'lllll was enjoyed. Miss Sarah S mith, with MTs. litctature, Rev. J. J. Sc ha effe~. Murgatroyd ambulan ce to Wh ite pl'esident; Mrs. Nellie Bunnell, Belle Scott and Everett Ear ly, of ,Secre~ary, MI'8. Ellis Hathaway. She was accompanied by ll:1rs, A Message lo th Auxiliary, Mrs. rteading, " Three Epistles from Cros Hospital, Columbu$, where Treasu rel', Mrs. Joel Stokel!l. Otto Sebold who remained until LeMay. secrelacy-tl'Casurel·. Lytle, attended the Brown Cou~l;y ohl) of Liberia!' she w.i11 be under the care of her "Rcyiew o"f"Tcxt B60k; "Wom en Thlf fol1owing program was in Saturday ~ven i ng. Th is til eting included a mis- Fail' a t Geel'getown, h"flt~,.......-+-u.e!&4~h---...::.,J~h.o;!'-----+, under the outhe l'n ross," Mrs. nephew Dr. J ohn Paul Bolton. Builds a Chapel," E mma He ighcharge ot Mrs. Carmen Crane. cJlan eo us shower for Mrs, Reading-Mrs_ Mary McClure. Mr. and 'I\II'S. Blaine Furnas, Ke nneth Hough . . Miss Elizabeth Mullen, who ,is way. . EASTERN 5T AFt NOTICE At'tbur SUJllner, nee Thelm,a Sat· Reading~MI Jo epbinl! 'Banta Dr. and ~t· . Gale Ru s um and takhlg 0 courSe in Beauty Culture Exp lana tion of t he pi<;tul'e on ReadIng, 'B ishop T r imble Ro'we' at Sullivan's in Dayton, spent the Mrs. Lesler Gordon. A word ' contest was presented daughter, Alice Jane, of Dayton, th Year'.., POoLer of "Christ ot the . ' Miami Chapter No. 107 O. E. tel't hwaite, and, after a s hort pro- week-end at her DON e he r e. with Mrs. Ecber~ winning h~ 'Were gbests of Mi&ses Trillena and Andes ," MI's . LeMay. da.illty lunch was se rvcd durS, will meet in ~Irul ar session gram all were interested in watchprize and Mrs. Farl' the consola- Marglll'et Edwards \Inday afterVIctrola recol'd, "Firgive Me Monday eve.ning , October 14 a t ing the honor gue t open her Mrs. W. B. Russum , Mrs_ Gale ing the social hour. tion prize'. noon. ' Lord." Mrs. Backus, of olu mbus was 7 :30. ViSiting member welcome. packages and display her lovely E. Ru ssum and Miss Margaret Th Novembel' ' meeting wi11 be a gUe1;l of the- Auxiliary. A lunch reminding one of Hal· Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Thoma, Ma1:Y Eamhart, W. M., gift. Ru ssum spent W ednesday with The plea 'ant occasion was Misses Tri\lena and Ma rgaret Edlowe'en was served b, ' the host- 'Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whitaker, held at the bome of Mrs. W. F. Minnie F r'omm, Sec'y, brought to a close with refresh- wards. esses, Mrs. Ray Malnoul, Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. T homas Burton Clark. Cannen Crane-, Mrs. Clarenee Rye were guests of Mr. and Mrs. During' tile social hour Iight-ra:. COOLING SYSTEM DAMAGED ments compr ising pumpkin pie ith whipped cream, doughnuts Mr. and Mrs. Lou .Vlnson, Ml'8. Mrs. Frank Farr and Mrs. Davis William Drake of ' Indiana poli freshments ",ere se rved. The cooling systel!i'l a t th e Fair- Gnd coif e. Kilg,o re and Miss 'J \?an Fur~uson. Furnal: over the week.en~l. DEATH of Dayton, were callel'S at tlie mont Cream station was damaged Mrs. H, H . Williamson, home of Mr. lind ,Mrs, 'J". W~ to some extent Sunday night. Ac- MISS ,BLUE BONNET Gl'ace Williamson and Mr. and WilHam L. J\filten'berger, 62, of c.ording to Mrs. Ed. Cook who WAS WELL RECEIVED White, Sunday afternoon. About ,l 50 pet'sons were in tMrs. Ira O. Brown were the g u Middletown, died at a hospital in 0)) rates the statl ol~, t he trouble Mr. and Mts. Clyde Egbert and te nclance at the regular meetillg' of R~verend and Mrs_ G. H. that city Sunday night f ollowing is believed to have be en caused by Spo nSOl'ed by Waynesvil1e Mrs. W. J , Baker ,attettde!1 the of Farn e1'5' Grange Saturday Smith, of Franklin, .on Sunday an autom'obil e accident. He is cr Bsed wires. Fal'mers ' Grange, tlje tnusic:a1 d-edication services fit the Friends nig ht_ afternoon, I --- ---~--survived by his widow, his mother, comedy, Bies Blu e Bonn'et , was Church in Spring Valley S unday Office rs of Lebanon Grange fillCHORUS MET Mrl!. Ralph Miller, Miss Mary Mrs. Jane Miltenberger, and one well prese nted by a loca1 cast aftflrnO on , ed the cl:lah~s lind members of t he The Progreslive Women's Club Jo ,Miller and Mr, Edgar Smit h son and two brothers, one of Thursday and Friday nights of visiting grange presented an excelThe 'community c,horus met for met at The Little Inn Tuesday motored to Cincinnati Sunday and whom is Frank Miltenberger, of Mts. T. B. Brannock, Miss lent pt'ogram as follows: la st week at the gym. their first practi ce at the gym evenin!\, October 8, with sixteen called On Mr'8. Emma , Bal'nett. route 2, Waynesville. Juanita Branno ck and Mr. Ern Un der the direction of Miss TJ'urnpet s olo-=-Fra nces Olark. ~un()ra l l;el'vice wet'C held , at W ednesday night, members present, . The), found ner very much imKather in e HarTeH, of Atlanta, WObllal'd wete among tho s~ who RiJ y)s poems- 'Ml's. RavenAbout twenty were present and Reports ot ali committees were proved in healt.h . the residence in Middl town W~­ in ba\lgh. Geotgia, t he l)edol'lllanCe wa a attend ed the homecoming given. ,which included: ProgJ'aql nesday afternoon. mucl1 interest is shown. decided SUCCe1!S and netted the Oregonia, Sunday; Vocal 8016-MI1 y , Perry. committee--L~ella Brown, Ola Mr. and Mrs. JOliab Davis enorganization satisfactory proceeds Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lacricl, with , SaKI'\~)hol1e aOlo-Wil1iam SherKer&ey, Bernyce Polinsky; Mem: tertained ,on Sunday, Mr . and In ,the boby con test Mal'y Mr. ' ond Mrs. Cbarles Solsma!), of wood. bership committee . Eve1yn Mr8. WiIIlam Rideno ur, of Dayto n ~atherin e , little da ughter of Mr. T alk- George Young. L Ockland, wilrl~ guests of Mr. and Kersey, Mrs. Jelllie Hyman, Macey Mr. and Mrs. HQward Hutley and and Mrs. Clurence Mendenhall; Mr .• Raym ond Geesman, of near l'Iluljical comedy - Member" .)f '. Carter; Sqnwine committee children, of Kingman, M~. an d reoeived the largest number of Oregonia, Saturday evening. , th e 0 l'chestl'u. . Helen Hawke, Mrs. Lina Madden, )Ir8. Lloyd Davia and Bons. votes nnd wa award,e d a ' large At tim berli ne along a mountain slope, ---~Eva Reecler; ~~ice committeephotograph of herself from the Mrs. Edi.t h Harri s accompaniDEATH fhe\'e sta nds a Jn8l'led and wind di t orted pine Dr. Mary Cook. Grace Hockett, 1\Ir. and Mrs. E. L. Thomas and O. M. Ridge studio. ed Ml'. and Mr . C. F. Mosher, of Betty Henkle. lIl'. and Mrs. Frank Het18 left Whoe twlsted trunk and branches bear the sign --.- -~ --Cincinnllti, to Morrow county, FUll.tlral Sd'ViCCS fo~ Eiller Ms. Grace Davie, Mias Eathe, Wednesday on a motor ,rip to f trials, and of hardships ; yet its scope leav ing this morning, for a two Wllartll , 6(}, Lebanon, wh') "n MRS. JENNIE MURRAY Smith and Mias Virgelle Roe ~i1I Iowa. Mr. and Mre. Thomas will Has led tenacioul1 roots to fiercely grope DIES AT LEBANON days visit with l·clatives. killed lutltnnt1:' in an automc dl be initiated into the club at the vi. it the latter's siatel'll In Marshall Thro ugh narrow crevices. o'r to entwiue November meetillC. tOwn and Mr. and Mrs. Has w\11 MI'9, Fra nk Huffman and Mr$. accidcnt on rO llte 48 n orth of ' Le-banon, Sunday morning, 11\")0 a T he jagged bouldem, where the bleak winds whine After ,the meetinar a locial hoar go on to Dea Moinea. J . P. Larric k spent Tuesday held Tue day afternoon at tb. A mut.ed anthem of triumphant hope. !'Irs. Huffman's brother· E . plaDll8d by the proara'm commit.. Mm, S, W. Kious of Mt. Ster, , Oswald Funera l Home in Lebane.. Clutter, at Milford. Mr. Clutter tee enJored· llnc and her Iistar Mlu Fay Druey confined to hia bed with a broken " 'ith burial in Lebanon e-emah The Nonmber lMetincr win t,. called 011 relativea. J. B. Crabbe The lealS that rob it of ita outward grace, He is Burvived by hI........... hlp. a poWuc:k 111".- at, the home of and falllU,. Jut Sunde:y. Mt II Cannot conceal the vital force within, and Mr... Kansaa ' Wh18l1oD, lin, Lin llladd.... Krt. Kar, Drul'J II a former t ..... tn the .bom he Jived• RelJpondillC to an urae to rise above RIa of WUlDIl'P' wD1 ba Us_ Alroll ICtboola and tor past ••I~ l'an. , •.~ The menaces of earth it IwI to face:..-_.,..;:.-_ .___ . ~~. emdJIc· been Restricted :vet ~tel1nIMtI, it. mllat ~in,

GRANT Of $51750

A [ eeption will be giv n Tul'~day evening, ctob r 15, at lhe , M. EI chuI'ch for the rctuI'ned

OISPAl flHES STAl,E, r:,~\~;. ~e:o;·I'ed dis~i~inr;~I' ~V~l~








Thtdmn ,altl'rthwlliLt.! and 11'. Al'lhul' 'umnel' IV I'e united in marriage Saturci(ly rnOI' ni~11l' ut 1 0 :~O o'clo'k in a c. remony PCI'form ed by th R(v. L. ll. Vesey uL the paJ'!;ona!l' (If Lhe M .thodi.~t ' P~ Jli HC<l IH\1 church in Lehanon. The aU ndnnl~ W (? I' , Mi ss {aJ'Y ' atte r lhwai ll~, , isle l' of the bl ido, and Mr. H ow ard Irolls Iiof Lebanon The hride, who i~ an attractive yl 'ung w011111n, wa s bec omingly atliJ"'ri 'n a tni lored i:lU it o£ cocoa hrown cloth .• he i ' a daugh ler of lIh. and Mrs. H em'y Salterthwaite and is p<lpuloJ' in u lal'~:e circle of fri< nds. 'rhe bridegroom, a grllduate of Leban on H ig h scho I, it! \?l1lploy d by the harles Me is hoe Company in Lebanon. MI'. ' and M1' ·. umn er will re oide for th pres nt at th _ hom of 1111'. anll Mrs. David Lillie on Mound street, Lebanon. ' ___ _ '___





MRS. t ,l. THOMAS ~~







.- ...

- '----

--- -----

----... - ..----







-- - - - -


TimberliTie Pine





And.. • ita baa


o.d CJf 10

chool , High Spots "a11 •••"m



•• work nil d ploy.

lehth cratlt- boys ut thE' highIIchoo1 buUdini. The boy!' do",n lIere are out to win. So with Mr. Turner's enachinl( and the boy~' pe look out! There miltht he ~om boys at the hi,h-~chool build inK Who may be surpt15 d II.l'ld at thE' sam time dillaPpointed. The boy down here say that th be!<t team i going to win, and they have confidenCe in themselves. Luck to them! 0 with a good start for a mo t promi ing chool year, the pupils and th teachera of this gra.d ex· t.end to lhe pah'ons of the ;school a cordial welcome at all tiDIes. J"n.ior N e~. The second meeting of junior class was held Friday, Oc~ober 4. Fifteen 'mt;mbers en wered to the roll-acD. 'Plans weI' made for the talking picture "Wild H or.c," which is beJng spon • ored by the cla.~. It W111 b-e p-rented on Friday, October 11 . Th junior elas!! ha~ ordered their rings and pins, Tbe 'agent (01' the company selling the rin$;:s informs th clas that the ring! will be in by Npvemper 4. Foul·te n members of the clalls have orclered ring and two have ord~red plns.

mllttl'rM into thi i. \\hut "nd of a IIi lilY \\igf('ly end lo the

IlIId gl1ttE'n . e\'"ral morE' piE'cE' of two mlll·blell. tV.1I chicken 1'111): .• t \\ 0 applell, lIn.1 be., i or all, th, \I~'nl1il'8 from my wurllhipping ",uliil'nl'l'. Nuw 1 waH itl the height ,of illY glory, and tor two day.ll I 'Wa~ the hel'oint· until my downfall ()c(,llrred, I)MeOne else had ~t(ll('n lilY glol'Y fOI' he had IO,L two leelh-and, 0 I was the 'for~ gott~n DIan.' "In 1111 of lh tim inee, I llave Il"V~1' experi ncell such impill'LanCE', not even when I attended my first cit·cu , or ,the first time drove cat', or f;hc first time I ever went ice·skating." ~'lIncl)'.



Da.d ~ltmlTlH'd the he could, but in a

door as hard minute'!! time 1 {cit helt r. On my wily to school (with my tooth Cllrt· fully laid aWll)' in r st) 1 encolln~er d two of my ~cl1ool mall'S. BlIt b fore I alJow~ld ~h('m ~I in!lpl'c t th place where the toolh bad been. 1 c llecttJd two nIl-day lilt kers. By th , lime the morning bell had TunA', r W8l\ b It<)r ofr IJ Ilnother piece of candy. ~ hcn school wa~ out. In the afternoon I


Ohio torll1'I'/< btl" vcry rea~Qn xpcc~ the pending spccifl\ ~el;sion of lhe Ohio I gi lature io ~ yne "'Ill<, i. ~1I11 K '1II~: stro / Th h nI (' onomics girl' have vitally Ilt\'l'<;t th h· jnt rest, Hllili II, h \V 1 ,fa county ao! hall b('('n . tudying about th ditrerent .Tohn M, ' Ilud ~on, cbail'man -or the II a Ill'. LUbl W l'k two vlcton;; food.cla~"e and how ach aft'ectJ the b(1liy, also the)' h ,'e lE'nrned legislative committ 'e of the Ohio \\ ~ 8 lnk"'l " "I' unl un TlIe~d8~' ",hnt fooo. coniAin th",e elements "'arm Bureau, in Il st.ulemcnt reJ.L~ __ jll ",g'boro ,by a ~1'.ol'· or Dml ho\\ much food 1\ perl\OD re. viewing the i sues taken up aL the four to thr I!. and on on Frida).' quires daily lind what factors de· first short ses ion of th ~ ~~ mbly from Mason by a. score of ('Ieven t('rminC! this. The Citizen hip club 9f the made at the farm bureau ofli ces in to lh r ...~. B(lth of th' de r 8 ted olumbus today. t a.1'\1I !lgur d in thl' thre -way ti eighth grad was organized on • l!ptemb r tenth. The m~tln.t Hodson, of Pion (ll'r, stated that fur the counly chnlllPjOrll'hip In. t Wli.~ held in room one at oneindications point to th onside!' Ask for a Y 'Ill'. thldy, at which lime th pre iden. tion of several pel'Un nt. farm aod "icl'-pr id n t were e-Ie ll'd. Miamisburc Permanent lju COles ; measul'l! by the genel'al assl!lllhly At the econd me ling, the pl'csi· anll t/lat conditione ore sueh thaL SPR INGB RO Concrete d nt, Billy pitll'r, t· signed and every rural citizen of th e l!tat AB H E ttl cia v te d on a n 'If pr aident Ccr.mmon Ple... Proeeedin.. t)'at r to rockett, renl should be keenly al rt to the itun Air Seal Burial Vault <£ 1 Mastet·s, tIC, o Howard Thonu\ wa lect d rire~i. lion, in order that. the fal'm v iew__ estate in Cle81'creek town, hip. oait' . • ~Il .. o For ale ' ?nly by o dent. In the fllturt!, th dun will The ea of .Jo'l1n O. Bal,let, 1'., The Junior; Order United A. point l1lay be h IIrd when the Oc1 H. hl'JOT, 111 , .o me\lt in room one at one-thirty callion demand. 1'Since ther e ' is vel' us Jac ob r. Kindl and CII)l'a Mt'chanic Lodge No. 265 to The o L Imull. C 3 o each 'l'u sd y. s uell a det l'min a demand fOl', Your Funeral Director M. KinetI c is dismi ed. . . o~ thel'l1 O. ,Bank and Trust 0 o ·'tl kl!, :lb :1 o Both l'ctions of, th eightn additionol l'evenue ih all branches In the ca e .of J. Kal'! Gilchrist illlo\. No, 18 in Plea ant Plain. o C. IJvllll If ,3 o gJ'lIde have b &,,un to fill out th~ R. Wlldl s Gilchrist et aI, Jllmc Re~ce to Fred Can real of governmcnt, it is only by (It rversus McClure Funeral Homes o 8 8wlrwy, cf o science di overy books and find it nal vigilance that we will be able he motiun of plaintiff to modify estate in Franklin township . o ~' ' )A vall, S .. 3 Q very iQter atil'lg. Waynen'iI!e, O. S8nior Balt.d Man' Wells to Carr in lot to prot ct agl'iculture from bear- Phon8 7 the injunction and ' restraiJling o 2 ~ . lIb8, rf o On Wednesday, eptember 25, All Another ing more , than it of these order h I' tofol'c allowed herein ill Nos. 226 and 226 In Franklin was announced last w~k, increa ed demands," said Hodson. r.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..:: , 3 PtJ.(, c o o the .seventh Bnd eighth grad! the seniors in the literature elliS- So f/lr a said injunction and re·. Ralph M. Stutz to Virgil Robin. 1 l'ry . 1 ~_=.:..=:"':_'_ ::::~===::_ o l>layed a game of softball agahRt ses are trying their hand at writ- !ltl'3ining order affects ce,rwin ,on Rnd Corrie RobinSOn inlots No "Ohio agric I~ure has alr... ady ~_:"':__:--=::::_-_ gr atly 'benefitttkJ by th action of th fifth and sixth grades at the 52 in Frllnklin. ballad . Following is ano\,lrcor real.e tate, is allowed. , 33 8 Tot I~ o grade building. The score wa 'ing first !!peclul SI), !lion , which In the case of The Mason Elden P_ Kerby to Este1 WIl- th production that deserve pecial four tp ' two in Iavor ot tbl! mention (at:' originality i" rhythm Building and LOOl' tIDd Savings llama and ue Williams, 48 ncr s block d a pl'Oposal to ubmit to WAYNESVILLE ev nth and ighth grad e. th voters in November un iss'Ue Company vers llJS Jam S J. Knott in Washington Town hip. lind thpugbt. AD R ction one 01 the ighth' grade The Mut.ual Building and Loon to set sid th 10 mill limitatio n lind Mary ' T. Knott judgment In All nj .. ........ 3 0 h Id a: ~pelling match on Frilfay, T,h.. Pet. of A 'Mai" the 8um of $1810.18 wa allowed ompll llY V' r UII Louis Bishop in. on real Cllt to in th case at relief oulk~. If ..... 8 0 September 117. Betty Berna r,1 unu bonds. Tid Is ue would have the plaintiff. lut - 0, 1024 in Fr81lkLin. Griffy, JlS 3 0 e l,abled he county commissioners Carol LudingtOn were th e leaders. She was iO very fair and ;Pl'etty In thecase of Thelma Pond er Ella tumpf to incinnati Gas , \oung, 3b .... 3 0 But nothing could she c(.ok, The lat tel" sid won with five to iSSUe l;elie! bond without a . James. se .. 3 1 'TWIll ' many lad s who looked on versus Fred H. Ponder a divorce· and Electlic 0., the UIl! of real locol vote, thel' by the stan"lng. was granted the pI intiff. e tatc for line. 1 onner, lb ." 2 herIn the case <If Mal'tha V/ln N 8 aTolinc Bog l' to Marion Bog commis loners a gl'eatel' authority Awke, 2b ..... 3 1 they took. One look was all Fourth New. ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN ver&us Jo eph Seigle the i sues is cr and C l'a Hutt, inlots Nos. 7 than the p ople them elves. The ~ tr.:rke, cl ...... 3 0 passing of t h mea~ure would r Cattle, hoge, sheep and calve. P rl ct sp II rs for Ja t w( lIEr mother tried for malty days th ca e were fopnd in favor oC and 14 in Ridg ville. '('ger, rf , .. S 1 Norris-Brock Co., live wire and w re: Mary J ne- cott, EYe yn To ftnd her child - ma.n, the delenuant. Mal'lo n B g t· to ora Hutt, hav meant a gr ater burdon on pr.>grll811lve finn I'll:' the hlghellt ])1I :i.-I, p .... 2 0 ____ inlots Nos. 7 and 14 in Ridgeville agl'icultu re through higher tax market prices and good semce, Thomp on, Glenna Wade, Donald They would not. have tu~r t!aughter .. 1 0 Ha nes, rf levi s ()n real e tate. III effect, the Watldns; Irma Fires, Wilma Dibthough, New SlI.ih Union Stock Y.rd.· CinclDllAtl, O. defeated propo al 'Would have Tune 2 80rt and Erwin Lewl.s . 'Tlll she eould use het haeds, on Radio StatIon WCKY W. W. Whi1teker, admini trator Bm. Allowed meant the amending of a petman- 12 :211 in to 12 :80 p. m. fo r our daU, ol the e tate e,f Ella Adamll, deOJ'. Kennon Dunham; examina· ent pravi ion of the Ohio ConThe daughter wept for many doys, Market reports. MASON Ne~. From Third Crade She'd llved in vain, U'lougllt she. ceased, versus Edward E. Kn()ck. tion of L, Cabbard and Helen Pow '8t/tution for a temporary situlition AB R H E The boys and girl. in tll(i third She never thought to change het enhauel' and ltlIa L. KnockenhaueJ', ell, $35: Mrs. Ira Eltzroth, board which could be m t most eCluitably H. Grishan, d 4 0 o o grad are V ry proud of the for money and Coreclo ure. and car Alic larkey, $5; Helen. by taxation. ways, 0 E. Grishan, 8 4 o o histoTY notebooks they are making Amount c1aimf!d I $4000. Doughmlll" board and cafe Clif"The farm bureau ha approv. Shethought that coltld not be. FR. i, I! .. .. 4 0 2 o They had lot of fun making a Dovie hap man vertills Dewey ford Doughman, $7; Mr. James ed a tax program ,which would, }i\urbe, p .• ,3 0 o o bMktet caned "Pleasant Things One day a fair lad came to town, hapman, for divoJ'ce. Charge -is Moo , board and care I.ucY in a large measure, finance t.he 0 1 Ulmer, lb ..... 3 o To Do," for: other bOYII and girls She was the one he ~ OOlld, gross neglect. of duty. Moore, ,5; Mt·. Oma 0 borne, em rgchey need ror revenu " said 0 o Gilbert, e ..... .. 3 o to .read. when he found she could not Lois Geyer "er8U Mary M'un~r , board and care- Frank Ballinger, Hodso n. "In If n ral, it invo lv , 1 o o Mr. Turner had five perfect But cook B rr, 2b ........!I for money. Amount claimed i Walter Barlow and Vi.rgil I aacs, inCl'ea ing the llr ent a pru- cent 0 S'Dith; IIC •, ..... 3 1 o pellers laat week. They were: He left the town for good. $20,000. $30; Mrs. Elmer Lacy, board a nd sales tax on luxuries and amuse( lark, of ....... ,3 1 1 o Helen Hisey, Jean HurtS6ck and care Frank Lacy, $5; Mrs. Lule men\", to the old I vel of 10 pe1' 'ithan, Bb .. 3 1 1 o Lansing Hardin in the fifth grade When at lut I!Ihe changed her Probate Cour, Gabbard, board and care Lincoln cent, tog t h r with a broadening and Mary Lou Hackman and Doro walll Frank Wils\m, executor of the Gabbard, $5; Mrs. Julja Hollan d, of t hb form of taxation and th e 33 S 6 o ,t hy Graham in the third STade. SheShewaswastoofull three.;score year1!. I I board and care Vernon Holland, enactment of a nei income tax. old for su itors now, estate f Eliulbeth S. Hal' an, (e- itS u .... A J D k b _. d If hi . '!' : ..... ". • • ra e, oaru an t s waR don, It would financ ceased, filed 111 Inventory. WAYNESVILLE l: New. FrOID the Sheth She needs must dry her teal'S. In the case of Chester D. CrocK care Louis Drake, UO; Good the schools and old a~ pensions R AB H o (Delayed) Young girl, take heed of these ett, admln istr,~tor of the estllte of Samaritan Hospital, hOllpitaIizaI and lit lhe snme time leave a lluh2 2 A' en, c . . " Phone 78J o September 3, mu t. have been few Iines j Charle A. Crockett, decea ed, ver tion of Mr . Virgil Gardner, $240 stantial balance that might be op1 1 , ~er, rf , .. " .. 4 8 '';' !lly,88 ....... 4 O ·t f I d h If you'll be mOre than wise, sus Clara J. : heeban, et aI, con- olumbu!l Blank Bo ok Mfg Co., 2 plied to reduce the sales tax which 3 2 ClU I e an u ay d for t't e A man must have a ukl who eookii tirmation, d ted and di tribution t ranscripts for Pros. Atty, •~3', expirell D cember 31, nnd "'hl'ch f:l4wke, 2b .... 4 1 o nup'ls of event the sixth t· I ....._-u . 'takalta Ifg. Co., pencils for Pro • . will probably be Te-enaAted I'n Conner, Ib ....4 1 3 o ooe of th gra e,d see I . it o If hen takes . ma.rriag. ties. was ordered. ~ """" se e goo splr In th matter of th estate of bllte Judge, 60c: Barrett Brothers om form. Young, 3b ..... 4 o o oland, enthusia m which was so pteblanks for ProLate our. <l1 0.8 0·, "The farm bUl'Cau 'i' al 0 a.-tvo_ FQulk; 11 ...... 3 o o o valent· then t b ~ th R " Ray Starry, d.ecea ed, the inh erit... '" u "OT ARY PUBLIC • ,00, ecause.o... e ... uauciDa F. J. He r Printin'" 0., judgme:nt eating that the car of unenlployDaVis, p ....... .. 8 1 o o enthusiastic manner in which it anee tax was determined. .. The literature elasses, In the case 'of Louiso F. Pard~, dockett ior OIel'k of Qurts, $41i abies upon r lief should be tUftlo taTke, of , , .... 3 o o N.Uollal 8a... ~as continu d. It promises to be a Lion to their work in F. J. Heer Printing Co. forms for ed back to the local political suhC. Jall)cs, JIC •• 3 o o o \l!!10s admin! tratru: of the e tatc of t interesting and successful B. James, c! .. 0 o o o , year. - ~ -~~~~~:fU~~~~~~~~~~'i'W1tI1lmt-Y:-S~rJrimi:K,-m~liSi~"'Virr1~~::::~~~T~~i;-'~~asurlea:-1~~~~8-..-t-~~ earli lit p05 ibl tim. DraWJl • • Ed.t •• Settl.d WAYNESVILLE. OHIO , t aI, of State, date, since the federal govet-llllainel'l, 11 .,...... 0 o 0 1 Twenty.sUe pupils answered t.he ward, and are recording their im- 8U S Margaret E. o Dayton State Hospital, ,a59.90; ment for all of tho~e mployable, ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.'!!"!!!!!!!~~~~!! fir troll-calI. S venteen OU\; of pr:essions of events in the past as petition of the poo,ntiit' prayi o t hey are colored by the present. for an orde!:' to determine heir- Tb e -Shartle Ki Bevis Machine Co. by November l. Onl y by doing 'l'otals ....... .86 12 11 the twenty· ix have ' answered T hese little sketchea are called labor, $75c; East End Wrecking this "Will it be possible to reduce FOR SALE DATES CALL L' it't.full throu h" t th th IIhip is set for hearing on Novem.LU ,n y g vU e mon " R miniscing." The one that fol- ber 25, 1935 ,lit 10 o'clock. Service Co" 1 ga!! tank valve, °50', Sea~!I and bring the demands back to of Se~tIa C . . . Ne..,. 4 ., normal," of ept-ember. lows is representative 01 tile wotk & Bolanger, g8!!oline, $30.9 said the far"'l bureau . ta b by publication is to be- made Cor v .. Several c1.."118 proJec The followinl students had ave d' being don.e, ..And comes from the six consecutive weeks. Rob l-t Reichel, ga oline, $4 ,50', legislator. .\\ b I d -perfect speJ1inc igrades for Illst p anne an d W) soon e un er hfIhd of 8 senior girl: incinanti Oil Works Co., gaso,J \' . ek; C I" Miller, Martha Mar- way and on display in this room "All 1 !iik back to my early U. G. Conover, gual'dian of S. line, $23.76; J. D, Adams Co., e Conover, incompetEnt, filed Windrow l lU, !.all' d\l~I!, Ruth Shects and and all throughout 'the ach yearsr 1n SChOOl~ this incident Hett . Eliminatot's, $"'~2.Q7,' his first acco,unt. vI> ... ' Tee", .Stansberry. :v e r. Th e pUp 'll 8 are respond'me sta nds first in importanee. Th,e J'cgonia 6ridge Co 2 ''''Uare ' " II; ~ In th calle of J ohn A. Blair, ..... The ~ ., ,,, . ~ ' ''.onomics class ball wl'th much interest JESSE STANLEY weekgrade of administrator of t he estate of irons, 1 piec for -dirt I.oader, -2._ 'c OIlSI'd era!l bl . bl'!t'. ..1.>101) Ulg abuut por onnl rep. Ieasure an d school was e, nd l.he wasseCOnd in the first 70; hal'tzer WreckIng & '" E-. .110118 JIO, N•• a.rUD,toa, Ollie. ~owledge ,'. ". d i d f Alice M. Bla. i f, d~eased, venus ~ k ,IIPol18ibilities in t he home and how u ~ ,.,emg OJ' ve , rom when this momentious occasio.n occavating Co., 2 bQiler ,she lls and . I b ... ~ d Minnie A. Mraratiller reannraise. ca~ do her share toward the new r ""'adl'na • clrc e OQ"". curre. ..... ' 3 "'as tanks, $160; Walter Luti, EARL KOOGLER mILking it happier, Also they hav.e Jeanne Baker is ahme in having "For almost three days my ment of real', estate was made by 8e';i-c~8 as rodman, $2.75: Eva ' Plans for the annual convenDa~toa PItOD. sludied the three kinds . of habits the distinction of having a perfect fran I; tooth had been loose. I 'h ad L. S. Shawh:an. Charles S. Irwin M:ay Wolbrd, blind relief, $12.60 t ion of the Ohio Farm Bureau are - mental, physical and social- grade in spelling for September. been wiggling it back and ,fortI) and II. E. Rudman. Hattie P. Ccott, blind relief, !lJ5', rapidly being formulated a~ 1'eKEDlllor. e9al and how each aft'ects family life. However, it was only here of late witll my tongue!, wanting the dis. fIelen S. Uoblnson Harvey was Hattie P. Scott, blind relief, $15; llortiS from aJl sections of the _~~~~~~~===~""":= They have !!tu~ied how to budget that several others wel'e disquali. tinction of losing jt, and yet know appointed gual'dian of Charles 41 Elvu'a Roberts, blind reliet, $16; 8tllt~ indicate a growing ilnthu. - -..- - - - tbe time /10 each will have the fled. ing that it would be fu nny to have fred Robinson, a minot', and fil~d Ellen M. Null, blind l'ellef, $25 j siasm among t he farm people who proper amoont fOT work, pbly, the playgrou.nd has been quite such a cavity. For three daY8 J bond of $101)0 with sureties. Isaac M. Richards, blind ~elief, are anticipating the two.d y • rest and family associations, be- a center of attraction, especially had been the envy of all my Leah Wagner Hines, executdx ,35 Mary Eliz McMullen, blind gllthering .at ' oIumbus on Novem -sjde~ having an appreciation of since the tifth and sixth graue friends, t hen came the morning of of the estate of Lena Wurster, de- ~~~!t~~~~~~~~:t::~:!cb~e~r;;:;~~~~t, said Perry ' L. the faet that time well-planned boys have started a lleries 01 soft- the fourth 'day, and my tooth was ceased, 1\ted h1!-r inventory. er f L ' M G in .an announce. h the "'I!eventh In ·>he caSEI of Loul'se "'. Pardee, lief re Ie ,<l25' ; ro __ OUIS c ee, h bl' d menl; mad& in Columbus tod.y. FOR SALE meanl! greater effici&ncy in both ba II games Wit so loose that Dad fl ' nallY t o o k l' Ii M " administratriv of t he estate of ' '" , .V<l<le II urp y, In .,.. relie'" ~20 Joh L bl' d Farm bureau members in every W. illiam , F. ' S'chenck, decellsed, . ~''I' ; , n ucas, 111 ret ) "oi I'In d ra- scc ion 01. the state ai-e showing F on SALE---Good ' Hea~ing Stove. versus MarD'lIret E., et aI, bet' $25 ; L' eI'la H orme, Inquh'e of Lester Surface. j lief, $20; Frank Hoft'man, blind an interelltln their annual county bll . " 010-17-2'pu catt.()11, uf not ee is t o be mail relief.$16;Leander. Rodge.blindmeetings thatpredictsthejarllr".ll~ 1 ed to ~he nOIl.reside~t defendants. relief $26; Cyrus Gray, blind re- state convention in the 17-year -F OR SALE-Clermont Heater in The wiU of Walter J. Baker, I'" $'20 ; E verett Monr oe GIthens . history of the cooperatl ve or,,8n)~.L , h deceased WIIS filed 'i n court. ' goo d con dit·Ion. E • L • H oug, lzation, aecordin .. to Green's an' Thil w'i1l o,f Sam Corneliu. was ~ar Grace L. Githens, blind relief nouncement. In ~rder that, ample Waynesville. 010· admitted to Probate. Cora S. , f.5; . FJoyd Raymon~ Gebhart, facilitle. l1'Iirht be provided f'o r FOR SALE-Sinlle barrel 11\0tCorneUul WIl. appointed execu. b md relief, ,87.50; James Gray, the meetllll, the Columbu. Memor ~n. Geora-e ,H enkle. 010 trbt no bond required. blind reUef, ~ Carrie Fox, l Henry Trltutman wal found to blind relief, $815: ()l.~ Dault. ta Hall hal I)een cholen to hou.e FOB SALE-2 hlah cl ... ' coon In ..nll ani! 11 to. be admitted to te):l, blind rel~f, $25; Bo.bert the annual farm forum · thia year. and p08lum' hound., age Ii and the Dayton State HOlpital, Ba~e.r; blind reUef, UO; M. L. In further preparation, a ' com· 8. Price realonllble. . Walter , Brown, blin4 relief, $28; l'tfaude mittee hal been plected from t-h e A~drews, Cedarville, O. 010.17 Adam., blind reUef, '10; Cectl farm buraau'e etatt offices to ne'M an-lea. Lice.... Claude, blind relief, &,otlate with bUI companlte In F9R SALE-Ensilage $1.25 p er ton. Dodds, Roxanna and Way. Chelter l\{, Womack truck driv. ,37.60; Minnie Veldt, blind 'r elief regard to .. apecial transportation nes\'ille Plante. oS·U er of Lebanon and Miss Lillian ,15; Martha E llen Traylor, bUnd rates to. and from the meetinr. CLASSIFIED ADS COST ONLY Carlene Davis, of J,.ebanon. relief, $25; Jack Sargent, blind Pllna for a rousing program FOR SALE-L . t ONE CENT PEB WORD. WHY ' are being completed at Columbu., arIa tO~ made Arthur Stlmner, shoe worker relief, $86. A number of new featurel are 1rom pure white Java twine; of Lebanon Ilnd Mias Thelma Sat. KEEP YOUR ATTIC FILLED being considered. According to /landmade, hard , laid, better tban terthwaite of Waynesville. Green, th~ meeting will culminate Manilla ·rope. Every boy should WITH USELESS ARTICLES Alphonse H. Schoeler, 8tov~ a year of prorress of the Ohio own and leam to throw one. On worker, of Hamilton, and Miss 1-IlAT CAN BE TURNli:D INTO ' J oe Chaplnan of Waynesville Farm Bureau. He believes that sale at J. d. Hawke's Waynesville Alice Louise DendeRon, of Waynesville. . was calling on his many friends cooperation is rapidly bringing or Clar~nce McCray's, Centerville. MONEY FOR SO SMALL A Martin Carl Berner, inspector, here Friday in the. interest of the true democracy to the farm ·peo. A. D. Hole. COST. TRY THIS ..MIlANS 0F pie of the stat~ and that they, as of Kings MillIs, and Miss Mary Dayton DaHl' News. Mr. Bnd Mr/!. Perry Welle and proqucet(l and consumers, are be- FOR SALE- A nice line of bOI: Lucile Ross, telephone operator, SELLING AND SEE WHAT A family, Mr. and M1;S, Rufu s g inning to realize more and more of Lebanori. stationery, 24 Ibeets and 24 enRoberts and family spent Su'nday the ,neeessity of' mutual effort. DIFFERENCE IT WILL MAKE velope. for 25c; Show-Pac, 18 in Hamilton, with relatives. Real E.t.te TrAII"8" sheets and Ie envelope. for 10 TO YOUR POOKETBOOK, AS K. E. Thompso n and family had cent.; waxec\. paper, white P. A. 'Kemper to Fred Carr infor their Sunday callera Orlando paper, paper napkins, .t Guette lot No. 82 in Franklin. WELL AS TO HA VE YOUR BELL COMPANIES OftlC8. Marie Slye and William Slye. to Br.annon. of Xenia, W. H. Terry, PAY HUGE TAX Jacobs and DOlla of this S'tUFFY OLD ATTIC CLEANED Harry L. Hastings and Grace C. Ohver place. PIPE, V ALVES and FITTINGS Hastings, 11.86 acres in TurtleTbe Bell System paid taxe. OUT. IT PAysr Clarenee Thompson transacte.d for Water, Gu Steam WelJa creel< township. SO cent. a equal to more than Spraylq. Old.rn band, Elec" Florence Hain .. to Edna Day, bUSiness in WlImington on last month for ea~ of ita 13,4$11,. trlc and Bpra, pampa. Plambln. . . inlot! Nos. 9 and 10 in Butlerville Tuesday. 000 telephone. 1•• t year. H.atlne SaPidi.. prleM aad Mr. and Mra. Ralei&,h Hobs of Sue Monfort to Frank Spencer 1934 tax bill of the BaD The It",.en QuaIlt7 at The BocJrlet. real 8atatil in Deerfield township. BirHIlI; K,., . pent leveral 'Weeles telephone companie. totaled Itlne 00•• Xeala. 011.0. Write us William Fink, Jr. to WUII. . with Mr. and Mn. C. H. l\r{orpn $89,485,000, of which torJl'letl. ~, a. Fink, Sr. inlo.~ No. 268 in Frank- and famU7. Ohio. Bell Teltphoae Camlin. pallY, III uaoclated eomp-., Lydia Beel to Bertha SelJ..... paid ".1.OIL The Ohio ...... toIIl ..... real e.tate ~Il ClIearcreek townSewral New Yorkel'l baft .hlp. alread7 JI1It 111 advaDce order!' fM! were IIQIlaI to """ .. at. Get Mary E. "1l~_lw1 boo&ha potatoee. Well, it I)tI4)ltI_1 l.,,,nll"

Le , .. 0



F. T. Martin




Centerville, Ohio






Stanley & Koogler CONVENTION PLANN [0 -----+- -,.


Auctionee'r s






----... ..--. Beech Grove


-_ ..--....... '0.......


n. ily pr 'p('rty. The deVe!I'llIlwnt, it i. clainlt'll. \\il! 1'1'0~'icll' jClh~ rol' r.\J·t nll'lI l'uc h day lSSUED EVERY Tll URSDA Y fo\' II )ll',·i .. tI "r ap!" nximalely _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . It\\ IVl' mont.h.. TIll' JlI'o l)osed dllm I will he "h!ht h'lI in heil!ht an d Ol&c. Pt.o . .............. ... ... .. "0. liZ / 1'.llllered at Po.torrle. at wa~pu. it "ill nlnke 11 11\'1'1' width of 3(1) '1 1 v ill e, Oh 10. a. "e(''',"' Cla u . ,Ill\ , . . Ma tter It'd. I lJcJlI<if'd In th~ plan~ will be S• .ICr pt o. Prlc., '1.10 a ~h(' ('oll-trudion (If a large I lathou.'c on lhl' UI ' ntangy ne ar th hi u tadium. TOB ER 10, 1936



in Wilmlntrton. . Th(' condition (J r "h,) j~ 'r riClU Iy ill I I!< d UUlorhlH, Mr,. \lot much improve Mi.'

l\lil dnu

ANTICAPATE 500,000 \\ho



i n Dayton is Almoat a Thou .and Fie-lei. Bi! in& el'ul cllIYII vacation , Th' conun iii glad to H.rve ~ t ed ; 50 Men-Crow ' welc(j1l\(l back f .'f unOlht'r year, Se ed It ''1. W. C. PtC't· and family, Jla~tol' of the M. F. hUt'ch. Wit hin thl l'!! 01' four yea r ll R('uuction in rutes IlUl'ing the th e re "ill be (' noul!h hyr.rid corn ]a~t thr c Il'lOnlhs by Obio utilities will. ul><10 tho basi o! business ' . ~e Ii produced in Ohio to pllln t a half lT1i11hlll R I' ., i r lhe ]11' ducThe Vllllt Itovernme n tul fll> n ding of the la Rt I w y<'an! WIIS started lor la st y~ar, I'e~'l lt in an add i. tlon plans of farnHH R curry i n t he belie f thut industry would limulalctl, purchasing pow c tiollal !lv-Ing of $ 140,80S to conthlough, in the opinion of R. D, wo ulrl b incl'ea~ d, lind uncmploym nt r d "ilhin n l'ellltively s um TIl thl'ou~hollt the state, ncL('wi~, cxle n ~ion agronomist for tlhot·t time. T hon government wus to I$l Jl back into lhe Job erf gl)vern (lo~dil1g to Edw ard J. ll op-p l e cha ir ----l n~, I IwingI ind uHl'y to al'l'y the load aR us ual, man of the ))u Llic utilities cornFal'lll Ill'e losse!:> i n Oh io can be Ohio Stalt' nivcrsity. mif'sion. J ductio ns nlade duri ng d Lp \\' i says that this month b !'lint ng that the theory WllS hone b lie" d in by t ho. e wh o lhe fir st half of 11135 res>u ltecl In ' 1'e. uccd ahnoat 10 the vm1 i: 1 1ing t\\een 7()O 'a nd \000 farmers arc adopted it, Lh y Cannot be IJ lamed fo\' tryinlt what they thought ri~ht' a sa ving of anrl'(, xima lely ,2 .400. pOlnt, althou gh thi$ i~ ll Ot g'ener· li nd ,r)l'opel', But, a R tim go S 00, it b co me increllf;ing ly obvious lhat 000, hairman Hopp le estimated, ally .1'1. ali;.; d hy fal In P oplr, ac- comparing ha l'vests of cOl'n hyth Idea of .. pending" OUl' way to prosp<'rity hllS been a failure. ____ conlinI!' to a :lat<'menL mod.· a brids with y ie- Ids :from their old l ' c. 11 B I'k ' f olumbu3 today by R. ) '. Young' vnri 'tie8, and thttt at least 50 m e n nlnltl billions have b en "pe nt. Th fedel'ul deb t, to say nothing of slatAl and h)cal ~ebt~, has renched th(' high e~t point in hl~l~l'Y. Public ~tOlae~~npuI'Chas:'l Il~d ~~ ::~'i~: ~[ of the I"arm Bureau .Mutual Fir a l'e proctucin g seed o f hybrid. PllyrollR have hkGwl~e I' ached 1.1 reco rd tllgh. Yet pubhsi1ed uncm- tb~ 1) partm nt of 1 iqU~r Conl' I 1IlRura nC(' Company, 11\ I'('fere nce All over Ohio farDIel'S hav been of I.ltis comtermed "hil:hly su~c~ss[ul" :~~ t~ , I hc o~scl'Vance of aliona l F'ire v i ~iting fields ploYIll nt liglll'I'!I l'emain as high II at nny li(ne in t he past. n ew type of cOI'n. In . n. wllu l.t} h . bad ' nough if th' spending p liey had fail ed only in new cenLml contl'ol ·yslcm of Lak. r I EcV nh oll W~ck, October El to paratively ,1 of t he 8 countie-s of the ~ts nUI~II . bJ~ct~v - lh, lIolvi~g of ~he une~ploYm lit p roble ,))' But, 'lug invllntol'ies (If Ktatc li qu o r l 2;, . . ' .,,' stat', ompa'I'iilons are being made In addIt ion, It IS tnll io ng i~ lucr ' ai\lngly d lflic\l lt 1.0 even bl'tng back t or.' an d agcnci (.s ancl supplying , I r\foln1.lbo ll 1('(.clved bY' th( bet\\' n standal'd COlin var i ies nO\'Tflnl cmploY\'1I nl- bccuullc of th inftu nc of 8 s tagge ring debt th nl wit h mI!J'ch'lndi~() ntiel' th III In b,u rcllu (lffi Cllll I·.twcals that 4 lind H ybr id s. In makil1g compal'in ntl VIl , tty incl'cn~cd taxcl:J un th on ly sQ urce fl'Om whi,')h ' normal n(lW l'ystcm :tor!:', and agoncy al)~l'o~)l11~~eIY <Ine-thlrd of t~e ~o n s fal'lllers have been 1.1 sisled by Between Toledo and Cincinnali '",ploym nt. cnn ct)m', indulitry. Many bu sin e s nte l'prls s a re ~Q- mlJ.nil~Ol · no lon gcl' ol'clcr li qu()1' ~a~lOn.\1 til I.OS8 llkl.'S p}uC7 111 tbe Ohi o Extension l'vic(! and ~IIJY doing .~or bu s illCl;S thn lit allY tim !ii.nce J929- y tare earn- stock Caleululinr.t nll'!chine at de. u.'dlll yllllc\ ag!','cultu I'~I, titstl'lcts," th Charted for the HeMat of Int r· tate experiment station, mg no uddltlonal proflts , I C(,'auflC of th tax bills til y must meet. The p~l'tmcnt h adqua rlers tabulate ' 1.11. o~ng. In addition lo t h e When state Motor Tourists as We ll " the corn is har'vested it In viWlble rcp ult is to fl'lghten inves tor!;, divert roon y frO m pl'oduc- s"lt~ by bland" and n eeMd mer- ' :~l g: p.loJl(?~ly lo~~, hU!1dl'eds f is evpected that acre yields will be Traffic Within the Borders of 11,0 't iv 1.0 non-product.iv ' chl\nnels, such us hlx·f1:ee gov') rnm nt bonds - chandi~e is ~hi"pcd fl'ol11 warc- vI~ ~I~ lo~t erel Y year as 1.1 re- laJ'ger from lh hybrid plot than and k el> u.n Illlil oymen t aL p 'ok figUl'es. . hOU t CR ('Il1 th~ ba.r~ of these tabula . u" 0 II'C 011 arm . , tc fl'om t he plots o( standnrd varie· To l' medy thi:! s itul\ ion govel'llnl entnl costs must be cut tel th e tion~. 1'he pls\n j mure eco n om- I th S:vern l f factorj contl'lbx tog tiC's. In previous years they have t o Cincinnati a s shown herewith 1!1 ()~ses. . 01 0 n b n ,and n a1)g'I' 'S ive budget-balon ing program adopted. That ili ieal and ('fficicllt lhan t he one used the eavy arm t h e shortest distl.l nee between the }lI'l vio ul'l' M Bk .I c, e nrc poor cons ructIOn, t h e yielded 15 or 20 p er cent mo rc ~. r. UI e sal~, lack of ft te protecl.iQn c:au. ed by corn. two cities. Official s of the State The h ybr ids a re usually more , . h;olali cIl, hazJlrds of ac tylene Highway Department gl\'c the E·"'t.n \\ I t!1 a n Up\UJ:I1 . in e mploy light!;, 'lectl'icity, ga oli 11 , and uniform , pI'od u ce feWEr banen mileage s aving as about 11 mile s. ~(mt ,n 01: 1.1 dUl'il.l~ A u g~s t.there stol'llge ot com bustible products s talks. a nd are less s.ubject to 'l aH a. ':lnl.k!'d d l!c[~asc I.n JIld us- : u~h as hay , traw, lind grain. The l()dging a nd to' smut. Likn ordinThere's 1c~~ trafflc congGsilC)I1 on rial. Jn J UllC S and fa talities, ac- pl.Illcipal call~es of farm fir es are Ilry varieties they cliffeJ: much tbe Toledo-Cincinnati Short L ine amo ng thems elves and, a L ewis th COUI' of renl IItatesma nMh ip- and it is th e only C()utJlC that can ~ordlng to data comp iled by Sup er li ghtning, defec li've chimneys, t h an' on any other highwo y couIIV Am rica from v nlua] finallcial I'uin. ' InLen~e,l\~ Thomas P. Kearns. of spark on roofs, matche and cl\.uti ons, a n y hybrid Is not b n theB e two cities. There' K:OO MUlLi tho dIVI. Ion (I f ~ar ty an ~ h~glen e _moking, pontan ou combustion I.han any vari~ty. are f a r fewer curve, ( no ha irpins ) Along with their advantages :06 Rufus Putnam nd th hio ompany H. E , E~wine of ,the ~'HluBtrlul . o mmlS81on of and defeetiv heating I.IpparatuE. and a ll railroad gl'ade er lsin . :16 Bul bs fo r }>'all P lanLing ' Al ex Lnurie OhIO. ~\ tJrkH ~urmg the monlh Mo t farm fl ees ocem f ro m preven there are two diaadvantages. Price are e:cceptionally well protected . :26 Music fil ed )~,88 .1 CIUlIll for lnJ.ux·y, table cau~e , and t,ven Jightniny, of s ed i one; seed costs are $7 ... d' f 1" II E f. ' Fel" 'us n lind c.lllIm \~'el'c ti l.ed for . lltty- fir S C'1ll1 lcl he practically elimi n- to 8 a bus hel f o r a good hybrid. : 4 ... 'C 109 Or 'a , . , ',' I tl h h By reaM n of : ~O T he Ban k Which th ggs Bori'owers Own ~ • M.... or-y fo U r II\d U~ t I'IU1ft a a I es, W IC re I.It d lhloup, h propl!!' instaHation And aeh year first g€mrati the s h 0 rt Q r 8 :00 Timely Nutrition Topics . Alma L, Garvi n pr s>ntcd 2,22!I injul'Y ea es Ilnd of app roved lightning I ods" sai d .eed 'mu st be purcha cd. Yi Ids mileag e, less congestion (b.oLh U ti f l om second genel'ation se ed usu9: 10 Music thirt een fatl1lilil's lei! than in Yount;. ' t he highways and in the commuJ uly. A COIllP:\!' d with t he cor-- - - . - - - - ally drop 10 to Z5 per cent, nities tbru which they pass), few r U:2G ESlientials in P roducing Good r am , . T . . Sutton rl'.PQneJing mouth Qi 1934 whe n ince a bush el of ' ae-e d corn curves. and adequate w idth 0:35 Killing I1l1ada Thistle an d O ther We'd s with hl ol'll Les industl'itl l acti\'itiy was at a lowplants si x ' or seven acre, the r oadbed a nd bridges, the . . ....... . .. .. .............. .. , J . ~ illard eb ebb than in July, 1935 the seed cost on a n ,acre base is nOL Roule h ere ou tlined is a tl :45 JOlln a'lId Je.\'ry WO U Pl aye~'s Augu, L 1!J35 recQrd sho,,·s 17 9 considel'e(1 exces ive, big time-saver for the fewur injulY and t hirty three "Don't buy 1.1 hybrid just bebusy motor ist-very prob; few!'I' fatality claims, Superinten cau~ it is a hybrid," Lewis warn s ably a s much as two hou rs. dtnt Ke RInS stated, "Get the best available one for Th !.' Rub-district offices ot t h e your locality, T ry a shock TOW AN. ALL PAVED A decided climb in values in ;Ii m e Own e,s' Corporation next year, or a fo ur-row block 1 bona and Xe nia across the field in comparison with recent mo nths of fa l'01 and city at L r. C:lst r, HIGHWAY property held by insurance com- in the Columbus niJltrict, and De- a good local corn, and study .theil' panIes, ot' agnin~t which they hold fiance, 'l\!>cleon la,n d Findlay in r lative performllnce~.' ' Choice of Knowing OLU MBU Both "wets" a nd t s and lees paili by dOll1e~tic and fhst mOl'tage , \Va' reported by th _ 'fol do Di st rict, wer... closed at iaLD The b 1\ C kMotorists th cxpir <l ion of busine. ·on Mon DO THE UNEMPLOYED ACREE _"rm" bone of the of" dry " ha ve rtlqllcsted th e stab- foreign cO.t:pornti ons wel'e $'16,- Ro bert L . Bowl?n, tnte uperinten da •• ept e mbel' 3 t~. Th is action Originated and Sponsored Ii. hm nt. of a COllI'S in t ly)P r- 61 7. 44 more than the total for , dent of the d ivh.ion o( in urance, ficial Rev oluUl'vcy. Wl!tS taken in the irn tel' ~l! t of econ- President Roose"elt declared the by the ance in Ohio pub li ilchools, it September 1 34. Last month's fonowing 1\ r aJlp rai~al t ional'Y Trails omy of op ration in view of the wa annou nced b y Director E. L. total' WD s 32,73 .&6, while the SUllel'intcndent, Bowl' n ol'deted Syst em of " rnergency peak" is past, in his Revolutionary fa ct that only a ve· I 'Y fcw loan op· reapPl'al ' I in conj unction Bo w ~he r of th e State- D 'partm nt totar for tbe same month Ii ' yea.r th Weste:'\L Ohio. order placing the ls t sev en reShort Trail $17, 121.12. ec:retnry i with th e cl'<ation of II real e tate pli IItion I' mained to be acted covery agenci es not 0 included of Ed uca tion, The creatio n of a a ll' wa Mar ked its dlvi ion w ithin t il d pllrtment to 1y I'M r epolted, Th(. larg st single bUleau within l h in. urance divis- u pon b th e offi(~es, t at e Man- undeT the director 01 the budget.. Association. entire length ng ; 1' Henry G, Bnllln er said. prepare a Pl'OPO ed t mp I'on(e f e wa in payment f a rticle of ion to make a complet.e check of It i nice t..o be optimi tic, but bY' historical T he remaining applications in co ur~ ·wn requested by proh ibi- incorpo1'l.ltion i ued to the Mid- th a, et listed by in urance eomthere are certainly qualific ati on markel'S ot: t he the tel"l itory Q ervlad by ' these 0 (Ohio and tion ists a few da ),s before a rep- americ,," orpol'ntion 01, pani s operati ng in to this optimism. Ohio Memorial f. J. bringing at>pI'oximat~ly $6,0 00,- oee \\ il1 be hSIJldled directly r e. ntlltiv of alII d liquor inter- organiz d by O. P. and Ten million men still al'e wi t hCommission. an Sw ringell to retain control 000 ann ually into th e tatc. tl'ea - th10ugh the € olu l1llbu s, pring jleld out wo rk . There he bee n no gain ests mad e a imila r r eque t. D ia nd Toleclo office re pectiv J'y, 1ll1lire for- UI'Y· ' For ' a ddition 1 , strip I' clor Bow h r sa id. N o d e tin i~e of tile ... a t "aih'o d and t he pet: onn I which ha been in employment during the last - - - -mapll or fttli h.forlllation action has b e n take n, but· tbe merly acquired by them. The fee yeaI'. employed in the dosed offic:e will r (! la i 8_ to S ta te Parks, uggestions ar~ be i ng cons idered. fol' the ol'le incor.p.( u:aLion. a.tll.t:ulnl· The prices far:mers r eeive still b(! transfe rr ed to Columbu s, P I II nre :Resorts, Scenic d to $3,350, ec relary Myers ar well below the p rices they .pay SPl ingfield and T oledo l or t h e Spo , IIiatoric Shrines "Incr easeU r eeipts in eptem - _!lid. Miss Radf rd, Hom !.' Demon tra compl tion of the work of cloBing Balan ce i lac kin g . or t he hu ndr ds of other ber by th division of corporations Income had gone dow n, but points of espccial interest ti n ag~nL for GI' en county gave the pending loans" T h closed ofof th Department of Stat , coupmany heavy charges till are at along this route, write ~ IC'd with a gl'adual incr a d uring Probability that Ohio tat nni- a Ie SOn on R efini hing F ul'niture fices were establi. hed about two , years ago ai the beginning o£ the the] 920 lev el, among them mortWILBUR M_ FAULKNER ~ the !Summer months wou ld SC' m to r ity will add water evepts !!ouch al th Annex on Friday. Mr. and }'lr '. T. . Haydctck, Hom Owners" L operation in gage co " transportation cha rges Secre tary' i ndicate that large cor\lorations a r acing (few to its b ig sports insuI'ance. interest rates to the inSPRINGFIELD,OUlO I e 1 t hat bu ine condi ions war- PI gram developed la!;t week. Marj orie and ltlyra Haydock spent Ohio in August, 1933. The s ub· dividual and taxes . ra nt incr ascd capital stock for when It WIIS announced that Pre i- Sunday \\ ith MI'. and :\lrs. C. A. dietr/ct offie,e at Wilmington, Ohio ThEli!e emerg nd es all exist ; improvement and other PUl'PO ee, dimt Roo eveJt hod approved an DickinliOn and family of ta on, O. was clo cd on SE,ptember 15 , and only the hard est and most dif~ , . ,~ ' Mi Mat'jo l'ie Haydock spent T his \Va t h comment of Secre- allotm~nt of $378700 i n WPA The gave-rllmen t 's dairy pro- ficult kind of work will overcome t ar>, of tate George . Myers fu nds fbr an Olen tangy rivet dam la t week a ' guest of her brother them. T he Uniled Slate. has the " he n he anno u nc d thtll: t h e Scp- dv .• id ning and bllnk b auti- '[homa's Haydock and wiJe of du cts purcha ing 'pl'ogratn fo r u e hard!! , t job of the depres ion still by relief C1i nu! has remove d Jam s \\n. t mb r 1935 mise Han eo us l'ece ip . BeaHon projects wh re the stream Ir. iind 1\Ir. Luther LumpkiD fl'om market 66 ;257,659 po und t o face in providing jobs for all W l' week-end guest o:f ·}tIr, a nd of butter s ince AlUgu t 1933. Th i. of it men and women without re, 1\11'8. Harry ll or mell, of P eoria, butter \\,as valued at 15,677,76. ortin g to inflation. - Syracu e Al 0 purcha. ed were 17,970,382 P ost- landa~'d. Ill. , ill'" G}'oce mith who has b e en pounds of chela e, 13,488,463 In about. 20 Ohio counties nu rse in the home of Mr. and pounds of d ry skirnmilk, and 37. Mrs. R, E. Jone for several 595 ,9 Ii pounds of evaporated bret:~ers of norse are arrangi ng c c lt how ~ fOl' October, m-onths ha ' g\)ne to make he.r hom mHk. ------~----~----------~---------~==============~=======-=-==--:~==== ,~================-


Real Statesmanship Needed







Irs SHORTER ~~~ ~l?o~e~:


: :; _-=-__

I, Farm 1'Iight 1 alks, October 14




Cl nSED SitPl. 30TH

Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capito]


New Burlington








"Heap Plenty Food, Little Talk," Says Observer of Relief Work By David S. lngall.

Quality Prlntlag

Cb.irma r:. 0 111 0 noll Call Commiu"

1'0 depteliion baltered Ohio fanner. in the fall of 1930 t\alure added another ,hortage. Rain, Iha: common blessiDg Cram \he ki ~s , held off from June to J anuary, From Delaware II' Texas- th e land was broWll with withered farlll . A mier. is the m()st indcpendcrll 01 fu men. He prides himself 0 11 pa r ing hi. own way. He has pride 111 h,· p-opl. And in 1 ~30 there we re: 11 crop. to be proud of. I n OhiO III. rainfall was haU of wha t It I' ulwl be' tbe drielt gro\~n g sea .orl lit I" bi~tOl'J of the Ohio Valley T" n, or- e tbe Bummer wa ~ <>~1. it W • hotte.t on record. An d H ~ ) ' rl;. \ I, temperature reached 100 I yield was reduced to 0, the acre.

The Red c..ou wenl I" From ODe count, in th e .....e the ir.t and II lI) c:aIL Some famUiu fllIill supply .0001d oqt la!;t . Otherl they e,.. Dloath.. AU Deeded el, Ia section. of ~, ~!...~~~i~, verged ('. ('ount) _rnH be.

t:n million dollars for Red Cro.1 reolief. W ill Rbgeu went on the u, ' and I hen ;n the air on a tour to raise ·mone y. A little girl in Webster, N. Y. wrO Ie, " Dear Mr. Hoovu. here is a big whi te penny from my bank. \\'111 you buy some and butter and milk a nd candy for the little :;oys .and girls who are hungry?" 10 lhe letter wa5 a shiny half dollar. The ten m illion dollar goal was excceded by half a million. One O hio tucher in a bare unp:lillt~d schoolhouse found pupils wilhuu,l IlI nchu. or with cold bOll~ " .~ t rot3locs or uebuUered br... I _.1' ~.:lC a iled tbe Red Cross' chap::. 1"111111. Next dl\Y when noon . b:g kettle of Iteaming , \ io r them. ADd bread. aacl ' . :titernoon a great chanp ,. at school. Sad &Il4 JUt. IS bep-I\ to laugb aD4 ~ s. peaked lace. beaaJt ··,d ~ye. to brisbten ; tbe7 I ,I, e Dro~e.. ia their ... ,' U \bl1 all Farmen • ted fOr their :~ O,:ltrwise there .. " t rop. that year. ParmI to raise oaJ1 oae cnJ9 ~ IIS, Red CrOll prdeDa. .1 ' I gave them back their '1'1 When it aD OYer


l~h~tl~b~==~J;:r.== ten of_I alan to , rnor Blla

The Miami





SERVICES AT THE CHURCHES SUNDAY ST. AUCUSTINE CHURCH 1 tbtr Newlon, Pastor M!1. I, t, Au!<,ustine's hur h i t'l'~' ~ '('(111<\ and .fou th 1 t~ Il1l)nth. VA JIlESVILLE CHURCH OF \.:HRIST rl Smit.h. IIni"ler (':.:0 .Bible . I~ ho(ll; 11):30 Lord' ~ : liP f'1 i f,: 16 p . . m. hristian En 't 1\ J ill; 7 "Il E\'ang lLtic "C1'"i('\! II"'~ f'1' · ill! nil! jcal numbers. 'j" I \ I'J",snay n i ht pl'oyer nnd rib ( -lOlly. :;10 h ir p]'/ictic . FRIEN OS MEET IJIlC Fil's -dar ~chool at 9 :8() a. m. iMevtlng for Worship at 10 :30

JU IOItS CONDUCT Mr. and Mr . Marcl'llu Thal.'k,·ra ME·MB£RSHIP CAMPAIGN of .'llrinll'boro IIrl! 'I'('n,lil\~ (hill \\c\'k witll their daughtl'T. Mr;. :. Wnrn n cunnty il' to ho\'!' an H. BW1'nE'tt AJld family lind Mr<. acti\'t' pRn III a m~'llIher"blp cam- Thack('ru ~i, t('l". Mr~. A Ike' 'hlrk pni/o!n launch d lhi~ W(ll k by tht' an(j othor re lative:!. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbu r Foulk~ .Jr. . U. A. 1. of Ohio, 20,0:00 ntertaincd Lo dinnl'l' 'unduy the 11(,\\ and 1,t'il1slnted ml.'qlbe1'8 be. ing the lgl'al Ntlt for tl1o.' ];lnt.. by follllwillg : Mr. and Mr}<, l!lIn~f(ll'd ,'tnt... lInc:ilor William H tOler, Tew 11 ~nd fumily, 11'. und l\11'~. of ill innali, and "lalE' ,(lCI tary WiIl lll'u Te\\ I'll nnd family of hurllR \'. A. Clink, oC , rbnna. The cam- }'ranklin, MI" IIn(1 MI'. paiau "ill close larch 31, 1036. Evon, Ilnd family of Uayloll nnd 'umel'ou council, county Ilnd Mr. and Mr1!. Elm('f GroVCi!. Mrll. Kelder Graham entertllined di"tri t nlc('tin~ . will b held. It th Lytle ~unduy chaol at her ha b n proJl(lsed that each cOUn~ home Thur 'day ~v ning ere her ('i1 ba divid d int(l four ularns lo retirement as up rint'mdenL for be Imown aR th UR slriction of the past two yeors. Mr. Vronk lmmi~l'ation T am", "Our Orph- Wright of the Fcl'1'Y School gave un' Home T om", "Stand by The an intet sting and helpful talk. Public chools Tt!lIln", Bnd the Light refr hments W re sel'\' d "0 P01't the Six Million A liens art l' a ,ocial hour. Teom" In thi- way th aim of the order ar set J rth, Four me tings will be h 1<1 in cach of th . state's sc 1'(' oi di tricts iri the course of the fall and winter,


be asp ctl'd to d~cline. Fifth. it i p. ible fvr the hI) I'''I'II\lIllo n ttl incr.'a . •• t(,U r pidh' '!UI itl\.: til' n. Xl two 01' three

Try Th

),' I' III 1)1 l)w hi!! tu t hl' tl "Ill "ull at pu en ... t l'U1lJUJ :.t .. n uuh' • o. 42 lit tion line of Wa 'illl', Ohitl, uri S.turd.y, 19, 1935 COll1l11l'ncing lit I 11· Ill. Il \1~chold GOlld mid I lllek· ;mit h l(l()I~. )\'1 rangl', 2 b d~, 2 ~i ll/o!'l!' IJl"li 1 dresse~. 2 WII!!!]' $tnnds. ~icl· board, bnok case, 10 It. cxtC'n.iu n tnlJle, davenport, ~('Lte(·.:~ 1'1I11·. carpets, victrola, ~I inin • 1'0(1111 chairs, l'o<!kcrs, >'ewing llIal'ilillu. ice bo~, Fairday d ctl'ic wa"hing machine, dishes and cool illg U[ 11\sils. ' Black Smith T (lIs-Forge, 'et di 5, drill, hamtn t'r~, l Vi1j:;s, clc. Terms cash. lIA . RYE_

W. N. ears, Au lCl. Everett and John ICl·k:;. _ ---

.1 '~~l' Pl('lIdl.'rKU>lt "lllidt~ ~'oUl' ~~~~~=~~=~~~=~

I<'urthcl'n1,'r(" {llrlll{'lS ;uJlpul'l at the t·lt'dilll1 1·ut. dllY. NOTiCE \"IIIl\d Ill' forced to l·e~()J·t ttl t his N(w(,llIb~l' 6., fol' UlIJ oflicu of 11I~;II1' uf [ht'ir f II !\UP Tru~tcc r Wnyn\) TQI\n.·llip. No bunting or tl'e, passing on pli~'. if production W'I'E' uncuntbl' funn k nuwn 8S the Burton tl'ult!.'l\. Mr. Burne!' ~tlid. nlimit'" , (." CQrn produl'iion in l!l36 would "11I~., t. Jllhn, cllnthdale f~r 1'~8rnhurt fal'ln, rillY 0,· ni ht. BOLIN & LOAN Ilad to fUl'l'llWinJA"'! in 1 37 of 50 llhe 0/11(;(' Wayne Town~hlp lo 70 pel' cent heavier than in Trustee 'oLlclb y ur ~UppOL·t nt _ _ IH:ln. ' the ('h·dilln ov('mbcr Ii. -- :i:\[h. in th!' 11a: t lOoit! the (leon Ilml~t, citing history. ruinously lo\\, iHl'm price have alway re~ulll' d frorll unl"mited incr es in 1'01'11 nd hog produotion follow ing pl'riod>l ill which .1i estock llumbl'r nud Coed su pplici'l have been Ollt of b'ulllnce. If no control pl'ogrllm Funeml rites may be i~ Ildopt d, I w I)ri e :1'Ot' hogs can Iw, \ pe('te(\. beginning iu 1937. 'made mere formal cereli e' nid, in making his 'eve.nth ...,~" ..." " " " '..., ... """,......,"',... 'nloni lI, insincere and hurpoint, it is likely that the gradllal OCTOBER 11.12 ~'conol11ic recovery which bas ried. Or th y may be bl'('n under \ ay si nee 1 HB3 will GEORGE O'BRIEN cont inue, but no . significant im· tribut s to th in pl'ovement in the (,X port demand rice as!'d, rich in meaning fOt, pork products can be exp,>!cted. ,ince the w r, American export~ nnd hnpl'e sive. It is in of pork and p(lrk 'products have tic 'Iined gradually by the oquivalIhiH latter tlpil'it that we ('n C (If 8 million hoau of liVe bogs. Mr. BlIl'ne!l, pointed out that a OCTOBER 13-14 conduct the services en(~ tJn~ idcrab le increa in hog proJ 1m BOLE, tl'U. ted to us. I ducli(ln above th pro cnt dr uthJEAN H1iR I reduced level is desirable from th<l yot>:lI'':.



T..vlns Theater

Sacred Tributes

Waynesville, O.

LOCAL MEN HEAR - -' - ,~ (Continued [ Irom Page 1) m. . A county corn husking conUist ve ' t d bout J06 % mi lli9n nct' S FrRRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Mi. 11ldred Graham of Dayton for residents of Wal're.n county in 1932 nnd H133', and II rl'\!t'n t spent la t week with ht'l' porents' l govel'l1m nt. I'C pOI't inllicutes II 1\11', and l\Ir$. For<! t Graham. will be h[lld Octobel' 28 on a farm 1935 har'vest of n arly !It million Carl Smith, Minister Rev. Jo,eph Vukel' , t>.e n~ sey- neal' Lebanon. The exact location a~e. Acreage thi ~' ear was l 'lWed services beginning with chu ;scbool at 9 :30 •. m. eral days 18 t we k, a.l'\lStlng In has not been sel cted as yet. A h.eld down to 9,1 milli fln on ly b~evangeli tia ervices n~al" incin- conte t will be held in both stand- caus corn-hog contract sign(w' e;:vic at 10:30 II, m. in nati. r ing and shack corn. The winners ' reti!' d about 11 'h million IIcres. I IIwndpoint (jf botll the Cnl'nt rand Several trom h re81att nd('d thO ! of ach contest \\,1'11 represent thOIS With avernge yields an uIIeon th con umer, n .the other hand • "')' B t ,. • . G 1 A \NESVILLE M.' E. CHURCH rango pay! ,,~. ue onne '. trolleu 0 l'eage O 'P corll n~'xt Yl'tll' hI' odd d, an l1nlmllted -1I1crea at Wilyn. vllle Thursday and Fn- county at the slate conte t to be would meal) a pr()(iuctiQn 0/ mOre ill hoga I n t. t the inler st. of CQmedy- nptllin Hit' the Rev, G. C. Dibert, Pastor day v Ill1lg~, held in Paulding counly in ov m than 2 ~ million busllels. either. eilin~. Sunday: Sunday school a t. 9 :30 lr. Ever~lt Early an,d mothc~. ber. . . Fear Too Ra pid Inc:r~ase inth, on Ilrlju tl'))ont progrum Fox News PLone '! a. m. Morn' ng worship at ]0:30. Mr . Belle Scott and MI ~8 Sa lhe ---- - - -' FOIlI·th. h sailil, with II larg-e ran allow for a h althy increl\se in supply of orn and too J \\' hog number and ~t the amI!' tim Two Show&-7 :00 & 8 :30 p. m. Tho sermon ubjee~ v. ill 00, mith of Wuyn ~lIle attended the arveys urg anim I to utiliZe' it, the tnmd of kecp c l'n acrenge at a mQre de. .ADM. IOc- 15c "Some Essentials fo~ Times Like Brown County fltJr at G orgetown Thur day. price of corn during the oming ~ir able level, be c01lcluded. u Tbese." MLs KaLe Smith spent th week The" hicken uppel' given by Epworth League at 7 p. m. with enn WiUl her fd nd, Mi.s Jeanette the Baptist church at th gym la t ~~~~~~..!!'!----~----....:~~-~~=-------""'!!!""!!!~!!!!!!!!!!"!!""!!!!!~~~===-~~~'"!""~~~=~=~~!""!!!====~ "' nifred Conner a lender. The Wilson, near ~ew Burlington, Thursday ev ning \Va weU attend- • • • • • • •I.IIIIIi. . .- -. . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .jllli. . . . . . . . .fI!II• • • • •_1IiII. . .... :jeet for ' tudy will be, up r- I Mr. and Ml·::l. .Ed. .Longacre ed and a niee sum was cleared. pent unday 'V(>l1l1lg WIth The W.· C. T. U. m t at the gym :' .. ~lity ~d. Frlen~sblp.. ti e in in innati. last Thursday afternoon and h Id , Lv;,ngel.. stJ~ s l"vtce at 7 .45 p. Re\·. W. H. Martin r turned to lheir regular meeting. Plans were )•. or ,Ie Dtstrlct W. F . . M. S. In l tht' thl'ee charges of Springboro made for a "Silver Tea" to btl> II G ace Church, Dayton, toda;v, I ned Lion and Lytle for .another given on Friday afternoon ~ ta several of our member JI1 yellr. 0 tober 11th from 2 to .. 'at the t.c ndanee. Mi{!!lBel'J;lice Graham has a home of l\11', H. S. Tucker. p rmonailt position with th~ H ome Everyone i cordi oily invited. ST. MARY'S CHURC'!I ,Mis Lucille Tucker and Mrs. Loan RealLy D., "Gilbert .and Wolfe" in Dayton. Loui e Fite were shopping in Wi] Rev. J. J. Scbaeffer, Rector l'tnlly Day waa ob.s erved at mington la t aturday. Seventeenth Sunday after TrinSunday schOOl la t Sunday. "1r, Harold Bogan 01 the Navy ity, October 13. Ohurcb !lchool at Lytle Mr. and ~[rs. Therle Jones and JJ ~:30; Morning Prayer and ermon son 1rtilton were unday dinner is vi iting his varents 11'. and at 10:30. guest Cl f ir. an'd Mrll. Edwin :Airs. Cha . Bogan. utt llear Centerville. Work has begun on the building I!lubserlbe fo r The Miami Mr .. Clem N al and .son Harmon of curbs on Main treet. of Hamersville, Ohio, entertained Mrs. ' Cecilia Crawford and to dinner Sunday at the home 01 , daughter, MT8_ Hugh Rardin, of frs. BeUe Scott and t amily. Lawrence county are vi iUng relMrs. Amos Cook and lion, atives bere. Warren, of nenr Waynesville Mr. and bin. Wm. Lukens enter spent Sunday with MI;'. and Mrs. tained the mail carriers' aSBociaDonald Hadley. tio last Friday evening. The Blackburn medical show Mr. John Tucker visited at the "THE HOME OF GIFTS" closed Satllrday evening with Miss home of Mr. and Mrs, Frank RudL uise Harris getting the di amond duck of ~pring Hill on Sunday Lebanon, Ohio ring. and found Mr. Ruddock much im· lr. and Mrs. Ivan Wertz and proved niter a seroius lllneslI EXPERT WATCH n Margaret Sims of Dayton Mr. and Mrs. J. 'W, Snell attend REPAIRING w re unday guests of Ur. and ed the Georgetown fair one day -1-!!l!J!uL.J;~~~~!P.!~M~..!!t~o~ri!.!.11l Ml ". harles Morgan and sons. last week. Some of our boys from , Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones and here assisted the Wilmington band Mr. and Mr . Ed Longacre atteml· in playing at · tbat fail'. Service ed the home.-eoming at Spring, Misses Evelyn, Vi rginia and ,Store open until 9 p. m. Valley church un day. Vivia n Tucker and Evalyn McCat:-

Cowboy Millionaire

Orchid To You





M'o dels To ~hoose From


AND MODELS Mostly One :Owner Cars


=--====::::::=========1 Cary's Jewelry S op


~ Lebanon, ' O~io r

Only the Best •••••••••••

Frank Miltenberger received word Monday of the death of his bl'othel', Roy Miltenberger at Franklin following an automobile accident Saturday evening. Mr. and ]!,Irs. Allen Emrick were entertained to dinner SIl11day at the bom& of Mr. and Mrs. ClaTence Snook near Lebanon.

The caskets and vaults f Ulllished i,n ' our service ro the best obtainable. y standard merchand i~e (If t>t :t.c!1 quality is pr(lvided. Clients can rely liPon .Uf! to conduct the finest funeral possible at a price within their means,

PHONE :2.9



. .. .


Repair your old one, 01' put on a n ew roof now. lor winter's rains an d storml'l. We hnve a complete stock of the best roofing materia ls made and you'll do best by . eing u about your '.vork. Prompt and effici nt.


Asphalt and Red Cedar Shingles A.bestos Shingles allo Building , Materials of All Kind.

a Co.



~=::::==:~:::~:~:::::~~=~=~~~~~==~=::=~==:=:==~~:::=:=:::==: _~_ ~~~~ - -- - - --~ -

ren were I! hopping in Dayton last : Satutday. . Mrs. LilHan Carr t Anna Mac- - - - -Donald; H. S. Tucker, Barr Nolder and ,Howal'd MacDonald attended the bregonia Home coming at Oregonia last Sunday and played with the Oregonia Band. They report ed a fine time. Mr. Dean Stanley of Lebanon was the speaker of the afte1'noon. Rev. Trublood of Wilmington will speak at the Friend's church here next Sllnday evenjng, A covered dish s upper will prec,ede the meeting.

Mrs. H.a rry Settlemyre, of Clarksville, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Frances Nickleson . Mr, and M ~s . Donald Calvert and three children, of Selma spent Thursday evening here; Mrs. Walter Williams and lit tle daugbter, of Kingman, were recent callers here, Mrs. Margaret Martin returned hom~ Saturday after a delightful fortnight viait with relatives . in Detroit. Mr, and Mrs. Raymond MOl'\tgomery and Mrs. Rilla Brown, of Centerville, and Mrs. Pearl UI,ml)- ' bell, of Bellaire, Ohlo, were Sunday afternoon callers of Missea Annie and Mame Brown. Mrs. Francell Backus, of Spring field, MI'. and Mrs. Ralph Howell, of Yellow Springs, and Mary Janney, of Ontl/.rio, ' California, called on Mrs. Emma Peirce, Tuesday afternOOn. Mrs. Lena Hartsock joined heT on A. Z. Hartsock and fami ly and spent the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Harvey and family nel1r Lebanon .


Ma den


Friend.' Home News

~L 'biJc.ecldr..

J.. '



J. E. McClure

Wayneaville, Ohio

. .. . I


Jlfaml aasette For A Year.

E. W. HOPKI'NS HIRED AS GRADE SCHOOL JANITOR At the regular m~ing of t he Wayne Township Board of Education Monday night, E. W. Hopkins wall employed as' janitor at the grade building to succeed M. L . Parshall, deceased. Mr. Hopkins haa served in that capacity since the !k1lth of Mr. Parshall several weeks ag~ . .

- ......- -----~ 01..... GU.llta

Mr. aDd Mrs. WllIlam Smith and children, of HamlltoD, MI. Xa. WlllOn, Boon.avtlle KJ. and II....

Fl'IUlc" Botn.r, of Vine.nt. . p • • ot ......d

r'OMAHA"- W;"ner~ one after the "ther, of'th~ "~tu,ky Derby,· the' Preakness, and the B~lmDn~ Omaha, is, an ' ouacan.ding ho~ . today. And ill,the clgaretteworld ~ ' erneld is O\Jtstan:diDS' Both woit their place strialy OD merit. , Apply arty test .you like-CheSterfields stand for the best there is in .cigarettes. They are milder • • . yet they let you kno"," you'te smoking. They taste better-give you real pleasure.

Ei,hty-Seventb Year





Whole Number 6191

TO PROBE- OUTLOOK HALL~~';.~~:A:;: CRANCE RECEPTION GlVE'N F:en~::.~~::nd~e:,: LODGED IN JAil. ON CORN AND HOGS gO~:e t~~mn~~:ee a~O~ O~la~ny:dng: OR 1ImUT FAMILY ~!~Chle~\)~~~cel.I~'I~\ ;~;e~~nd::d fOLLOWING GRASH OlC'atno1berfOI1190'\"'eAd, Hbay110, wgea'menes PaTnodAtr 41nd Mra Will - - -to-a charge of On Tue lluo~ "vening, October Richmond nnd daughter L~t'f,nces C) f Peirce oray ; Pleading guilty g AT LOCAL GATHERINGS stunts 16, at the invitntion of the 1\11'. and Robert tId rand opel'ating a cal' wbil e intoxicated, appropriate for the season FrlE'nd &hip Club, ab<lUt Olle hun- daughter Anna I!:thel and Raymond lark, 23, of Hazel T




Nllm,b er of Meetin,. -"re Sched. will be enjoyed by the members dred and tw nty-five member and Heoce alvert, of . ou th hurl ~- Green, Ry .. was fined $500 and and guests. f\'iendlj of the Waynesville Meth- ton; ?il'! . Emma Thorne and two COllts y Mayor J. T.. Ril ey at uled to G'ive Farmer.

Each family. is request~ to bl ing a poun(j of candy to t his me eting. Ti!n community meetings -- - - - where Warten county !armel's will be given t he f acts on the pres ent corn-hog situati on and out-

odlRt church gathered in the social little granddaught 1":1, of Ims; room of the church lo we lcome Mr. and IIfrs. Harlan, of nClll' Leb the ))o stor, Rev. G. C. Dibel·t and anon, U\!v. and M1 1'I . Leasure of ramily, at the b eginning of their Sabina. ' !eventh year of !;!ervice to lhe Mr,. Ida BoslE!r, of Dayton, church and community. IIpent , undny with her aunt., Jias A bounteous "pot-lllcl4;" supper Kate 011 ins. . was njoY ed, aucl' which was renMiRa Ruth Chslndlel' din~ d OJ~ del' d a sh61't program, consisting Sunday with her brother Lewi of lhe si n~ing of songs, esp daUy Chandler, at tIle 'ha ndler homeadapt d to the occal'iol1, by every- stead. one, a 'elca me to the Dibert Mt·. and M:rs. H. C. Harvey and family by IJ.1I. Ra ymond Conn 1', MI". and Mrs. Mar'l'ln R oll! ngshead . t R I to \\ hich Rev. alld l.h·5. Dibert re- f Lebanon, ailed on , Mrs. Lena prIce a ea pondI'll in w II chose n wOl·ds. Halt oek, Sunday_ They,,, ra en ~'Varr n Ibel·.t . LeMay recited I'oute ,to Xe11ia to see Mrs. Maty Mrs. S. D. Henkl e entllrtained When OUt' l\hmstel' Comes to· hidak cJ'. who is ill. the A "gunOt bridge club atul'dllY Tea," aft I' which lIll·. J. W. Lotz 1>r1'. Rnd 11'13. Hal'l'Y S,~ tlI myer aftel·noon. pr('l"cnted lo th l!- pal' on8$('e f amily and !iOn John, of Or gon in , ca lled a c II ction of canned fruits and on Mrs, Frances Nickleeon, who Miss Ru th ha ndler, of Cedar- veaetabl !l, bl'oull'nl o '" t"em l' y i ill. .. . .t , ville schools, IIflent tbe week-end lho.'e, in utl ndance. - - - - - ... - with relatives here. j A:(\er a short s cial time , and Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton, f playing of f.l'ames, the gu~ts de[ , Franklin, wel' recent gu IIts of parter!, happy in the tcturn of the '

CARPET.RAG SEWING AND QUILTING PARTY A pleasant socia l event of the week \\' 8S ~ho cUI'pet-rag sewing and quUting patty given by Ml'S T. B. Br8linock and h J' lIaught I Mi 's Juanita, at thci~ home on Tue day. An excellent dinn r featured th'e occasion and was njoyed by t.he fc Jl owing friends and rtt'ighbors: . ]\[rs. Mnggie Burnet, Mr '. Josiah Davis, lrs. Lloyd Davis, J\1r . Elvin Fires, Miss Flossie Fil'es, Mrs. J. D. Marlatt, .!\Ir. U . G . Wbet el, Mrs. Harry MaGinnis, Ml'~. B. V. Sm ith , Mrs. Wilbul lark, Mf!!. Amelia Williams and Mrs. B ell e Dinwiddie.


HOME tASlIHUR50AY Mr. Wilbaum of Sprinlboro Ga ... A Talk On Hi. Trip To

Flanklin Friday evening and is Mexico held, ill th county jail at Lebanon penaing payment of the fine Clark was the driver of II car that colThe Wayne Towr. .. hip Farmers' Iided with one occupied by fiv lub met at the \lome 01 Ernes.t Butler county officials Mar Blue " 1 BUlttel'w ~ rth Thursday, , Octo,Jer Ball Tuesday night. I:). The hUlltesiI was aSSisted by He suill'erl'!d II broken ankle in look as a , forerunner fOl' tbe Lhe accident · and was l'emoved to ~fl· s. L. V. BI·anllt.ratol', Mr. and nation-wide cOI'n-hog ref~l'endum the Mid~l\etown I:J,ospital. }irs. M. A. ornell and MI·s. on Saturday, October 26, have of Ule Sta.te Hil!'hway Patrol p~e3i\b(>I·~ Frye in lIerving the uSllnl beeJ'l scheduled starti ng Sat.urday, f t rred charges against Clark and ine (ljnll~r , Abo 't fifty memb(: ~,> October 1.9, and ending Friday, he was removed to Franklin at 6 lOti gucstR wcrc present. October '25, it i ann ounced by o'clock Friday evening fO I' arCounty Agent, Lester J. Millet·. raignment. 'The afternoon program was 28 Th chedule of places, dates, In addition to the $600 'ollows: time- and county coxn-hog comMayor Riley suspended Tn vocation !ltt·s. J. W. White; mittecmen in charge fo llows: driving right for a year. 'o J ~ call, !1nswetet! hy " My Washington Twp. House also faces cbarges at Lebanon, 'a\'ol'ite Appl e" ; special topic, October 19 at 2 , p. m., J ohn warrant if or his urr at ha ing b-een sworn out in, Justice of 'he See our specia l pI'ices nt ' R eal 'J.. ife in RusKia ," RoscQe Furnas. Settlemyer. " Maso n - x. of P. Hall, Octob er E. W. Hoyt's court here by Butler Ad Bcallty hop. fr1r. Welbaum. of Springboro,. 2] t 8 EI D II county i'nvestigatol'S ~a,ve Q n intel'esUng talk on Lis Mrs. Myel' Hyman entertained ~ayn:~v~~ ~rHi;~reS~hOol, The five Butler c~unty officials October 22 at 8 p. m., Charles who wer,e injured in the acc ident fricnds from incinnati nt dinner, Lrip to Mcxico. Sunday. - Town Hall, ct- DI·. and M • J. E. Witbam. 0 I _was reported Mrs, Laura, ot Dayton is 1Ipending a f~w dRYS in Way at 8 p. m., Joe Brandth E --' nesville. L ebanon- Memorial Hall, Oct- gue t of MillS Dorothy Harlsock. Michener, C. M. Robit' obel' 23 at 8 p. m., Miles Davis. [ I z r and Eve rett. Eatly, lQcal coal ' • Mr. and Mrs. 'Fl'e-ci Leonard , 01 Kings MilI ~, visited friends h I't' I .. l\fort'Ow- High School, un day. 28 at 8 p. m., Tom ;Hunter, he.rwood were in incinnati group of the Ob-Ilo oal Dealers' , "' , , Coon huntel'S mu st keep their Franklin- Legion Hall, October Salurday. Associ ation which was held at th Mrs, hal'lolte Kendall, 01 dO!;lI out of the field from G p. M 24 at 8 p. m., S. S. Burdge. L b n tiT d I J Butlel'ViIle---Scbool, October 2~ e anOn 0 e, III s ay even ng. ohn O. Cartwl'ight, eupervi or Oeor8etown, Ohi o, , pent Tuesda~ to 6 II. m. f"olTl (ll>+ob'lr 1" ~r Novembel' 14, the UilY before th{' a t 8 p. m., Harold Sharp. Mr. and Afr . A. H. I'hoeler, of 'I'hul'!ldny ight, Octob r ' 17 nt ~ut 'I de Cif the tegu~ar .routine of agency account at the head with Mrs. Mal'y . Cross. openingo of the corm s nson, whitl'. Harveysburg _ Higb School, Hamilton, were gue ls of Mr. and 10.4& WHK in Clevelan d will i bu.mnes!I of the ('I·gaD\2atl on. th e office of l'h We t I'n & Southern Boyd Hend rSOn is nt the inQctober 2{i at 8 p. m., Harold Mrs. J ohn B. Gons over the week- carry th fil'st I tho new Red thll.ty-fiv~ member pre - nt heal'd Indemnity Co., at" Cincinnati, has innati Embalming chool for II i . ovem/J el' 15, t.h State Conse:end. . 0 • a ell CUSoilQn of thl! recently passed become head of the cir~ulation de. vntit>n Divillion stated as an addiBeekett. C~os radiO }lrogl'al1l ~ ~ntltled, coal "ei ht in specti n act. PatitJ nal warning following a recen\. Sprlnaboro--High School, Oct;.. Mi II Velnl8. Armitage of Spring- "1 he R d l'ORS on the Alr _" . partment lor the insurance peri. two weeks' course of stu dy. order of the Conservation Counci; Listl'llc rs who lnst year enjoy d trolll'lI1l. ~ro on, (,f th ~ .state hlgb- odicals pubJjshed by The National ob l' 25 at 8 p. m., B. T. Black- fi eld, sp ent; the week-end with n~r Mr, and Mr , Ray lI1ainou s wel,{ Th ere must be no night hunting K d.... V M ll ' R ·1 C ' '11 .. d way, cfanfied the pollcmg of the Undel'write r 00. of Cincinna ti dinner guests of !lIr, and Mrs. Ro>, b urn. par II t , '.1'. an .,,[8. • • Ie u ro~s pr.ogl alU!. WI "n tate statute to the g roup. d from Tue dny, Octob&r 15, to 'nIe situation to be ·t!i cu sed at Armitage. the e.v n mUre Intel'e tl,n~ .. They 'f he new law which came into an Chicago. It issues two weekly Maupin in Lebanon, Sunday. TIl\lI'1'day, , Novel'l,bel' 14, both the Pleetings ill OM in which livedelll )vlth Red ross actlvltles at effect September 1 is said to be papers and three monthly jou rnals Mrs. ISI'ael Scott \\'as taken t( dotes inclusive. · Exc""'tion will lie sto ~ member are far out of line hal"les Jame and family were home nnd abroad Mr. Cartwright's brother, C. M. ,with feed supplies a a l'eault of guests of, }fl'.. aO.d Mr. Hal'ry , The first Rd' Cross program a pr~to?ctlve measure to in sure ~he CartwJ'i,rht is editorial director of McClellan hosp ital, XeJ'lia, Satur- made for . recognized field trials day mOl'ning wheTe s he underwenl hv'" ever, th e Divisio n of ConsenTa t~ ~routb, With plentiful sup-, pen.cel· In MIamIsb urg a t urday will . deal, with tile 'wi! efficio nt sP~~~;~w~~:I~e~~ey are not bemg the eOlltpaJlY. tio f1 stated. Dogs roily a!so be pliei ot cheap feed in prospect evenmg. servl(e 1enllered by nUl' es doct " Another former Waynesville reo a major operat ion. hown and demonstrated to prosand wlth. rapld .rebuilding of swine E. R. Bentl~y, al'l onner and \')J'S and laym en f tbe A~erica~ All t.ruck drhfiers ha uling coal s id ent 1';[1'5. Anne Sw et' Ridg!! is Mr. and Mrs. Ba~ i l Smith ant' pective pUl'ch a~ers within th L'se llumben pOSSIble, farmers and Ernellt Braddock called n friends Red ro!;S in the late World Wal", ~u~t can)" with them a statement one of the editorial Scct'etari el) at consumers tace the prospec.t that I'D Decatur, Port' land and West- At a tinl when all Europe ig g lvmg the n ame and address of th hicago office. J. O. Cart- family at~end c d a r union at the limits when in the presence of an .L b . I' . h . . th buyel' as well as the name and wrl'ght ~or some th t I t home of R. S. Bingham ' neal' agent of the DiviSion of Consen a th . e nell:t ~.ree years may. rmg an che. ter, Ind . Monday. brtst IIlg WIt arm ed camps It lS a dd f th t k Th b'll • mon s a ea , Spring Valley, unany. tion. Thi s I'egulation is lo cur,b Increase In hog prodUction t o o ' pIca. ant feeling to know that a l't' l! o. e man. ,e 1 will be located in Chicago but his out-of· ason hunting and prevent quiCkly to' be abso~'bed without reMrl\. Ada Courtney wa in .there is one organization that, no al COn"Ullns t . gross weIght of family will continue to reside in J obn eays, who dl'ove to Flor- ki'ling of fur -bearing animals curra1)ce of di astrous hog prices. Cleveland several tlays last week malleI' how black the war cloudH the lond, the w.Ilfht of the truck, ·ncinnali. ida with Mr. Ruth Janney an ' ..... hi le training dogs just ahC1ld of , Ten such ups and downs, or where s he ~ttended a ~onference may become, is ever in the field to an~l it~e ~~t swe~g~ of th~ b co~ l ... - - - - .Mi s Louella, retul'ned home the sea on. ThuTsday of last week. cycles, during th past 45 years of public Iibral"ians. relieve s uffering, wheth er it be in ~ak ' l' : d l~ bel II: mTu s r ethtn lt will al!lo be unlawiul to hunt .... i n d usb th I e ' pencl. a . urt er . d the aWIn" h ave' un derl1\lne VIal' or pace, weer I't b e f or .n fU!f AlY Ind e tb I bl' Mr. and Mrs. A. F . Melloh and COO/1 b fOI 6 p, . m. of the openDr. and Mrs. Baily Campbell, of friend or enemy. sa _.. u~1" e p J IC agams an t ry, brought violent u1,> wings and fami ly we(e gue(!ts of Mr. nnd ing day of the season, November doWnswings in pork prli::e~, de· D )lton, came do\vn :r'uesday and The p l'ogram fol' Thursday will alteratIOn of the figul'e~, t~e state Mrs. Millt Bail'd n ear 'Lewi svi'lle , 15, although t he ason on pheasstroyed tarm buying power, and gav Dr. and Mrs. ~l th.a1'l1 a good show the non-partis an activities ment must al~o Ib ear ~he Impl'tn~ Hungarian partridge, waterlfld., S-unday aitern-o'O n. wiped out marketa for industrial old time, all day V151t. of the Red Cro s. Without 0 of the dealers s,cal dlr ctly ovel and .ubblts op-ens at noon. odIl ctIi .. th g ht f t' oe l'f1e . SUCil, the figures. p.r th • . . f 'tt Mr. and Mr. I ra O. Brown ou C , A ch ck On thease details Illay be .J ames Van Meter, 83, a resi- ' Mr. and M1'8. Ivan Tuff . or na 10h I R d' lS P OSSUnl, ~kunk and foxes can not I "'" e opmlon 0 comml eemen spent ullday in Vel' ail s, Ohio, cree ds o~ rae s t ~. e ross made by any poli,ce officer Grogan d nt of South Lebanon who disap- family, of Moraine City, visited be legAlly tllken belore noon on home Tuesday Mr. Tuff's pal'ents, lit'. and Mr . the 15th ' of November, the openwho attended a l'eeent county where they wer th guest of Mr. tand.~ lcady to nHn!. tel' t? the stated at the Ineeting, however, ! pel1r d from hi I sutrellng and needy. Tune m. on that the etate hi~:hway patro.l has mOlning, has not been located ac- John Tuff Sunday afternoon. meeting. riot only the luture of and Mrs. L: F. Rhollde ,Jr. ing dar. . . WHK at 10 146. " Thullsday n~ght no authority over the actual 'ording to late reports. The aged - th hog industry ~ut also the --I M~ s. H. O. Robbins and gains that have been made duricg Dr., J. E: Wlt.ham who uffe) d l and .e very Thul tha~ time. weight of tIle coal. All that they mnn left the house te11ing memdith Fuller, of Frankfort, and E the pasl t~·o years are at stake in a bro.ken hip more th n en . weeks I ,tatlon WLW In lncmnatl will cheek on is the ' imilarity of the be\" of his family that he would ' the forthcoming referendum. a~o, 1 nbl to be out and. With the carry the R€ ~ Cros~ programs on weight or the tl'\lck on the state- ,'sp nd the morning cutting corn. lirs. Howard McCune, of Fairport T·hose two years have seen the aId ot a crutcb walks do" n town. Monday ~:.._.1 5_p. m. m"nt to the weigl,lt paid for by th e When he did not retum authori- spent aturday with Mr. and Mrs. e nd ol Tuinously lo.w prices for ~ L. H. Gordon. corn' and hop 'With consequent Mr. lind Mrs. Garroll Deatherage license 'plates. ties at Lebanon were notified and benetl t. both to fa t mel'& and in- of Oregonia, SP Oilt TucsdltY ni.ght - - _. • a . dll"CI·~ptio.n ~va8 fUI'ni shed MI'. a nd MI·s. Ralph Linn and dustrial ac,t ivities. In recent the home of th~iI' daug hter, G';Iltat. lIug hbol'mg counhes and was 11190 daughter attended the cel~bl'alion 'Miss Velma Ai'mitage- entertainmonthll, f~ the fir t time. in neal"ly Mrs. R. H. Hart. ock and famUf· MI.'s. Lelia Bur.nell, Mr .. B. H. ~~.~~:c:;t~~:in~\~n~tate highway ~~n~~: ::~~~ ::~~~~~ h:!e ~:s;. ed, at the home of her parents, II)" yeats, corn and hog prices have Mr. and 1.11- • W. N. Sears atBlair and MI' . Her chel Bunnell Saturday, Octobcr 12, with a · .. · · Lumberton, Su nday. b een a t or near th elr .. air ex- tended a meeting in Springfield were visitors at t.he home of MI' . Co.MMUN ITY CHORUS kilchen showel' in hon or of her change ?81ue. Despite the droutb, Thur day evening where they Mary Silver, Frida~ nft{'rnoon and The Fl'iendship club of th e :!lis ter, Mrs. Boyd Hendel'Son. ca h farm income .'from ' hogs in heard an interesting add ress on meeting of the members on Sunday M:rs. If. S. ilvel' and Meth odist church will s I've a Bl'idge was the chief entertain1-11id'tllg a d'JUS t men t pay- Jamai~a. "Awjoint Th e commu nity ChO I'U~, which is ~h ick "n supper In th" socl'al room ment of the evening and prizes • 193 ..A , mc ox', ayne T ow/lsh'II) F arm B ureau family and Mrs . •Ir. C. Anderso n of under ... L th 37 ... the direction of Mr. Russel " " v men", wa. more an per cent and Wanen County Farm Bureall \Vinton Place, " Cincinnati, were of th ChUl'ch W evening, were given for the higb scores. greater 'than in 1933 and nearly Mrs ..Bessie and their gue tB of Mrs. Silvljr. Frank. will have the next ,;.r)e~~~gijiu6ila~r~;}et~et--i-8,-£'I'OIrn-5-1:o-r.-_ _ _-t;~~":'~~~~~~7!a(l:-1~~~__ 60' pet' ,c et greater than in 1932. aldine and Mr. Horace - -- - -- meeting Wednesday night \. black, vas carried, out in ma t of - - -... - • Akron, were wee-k-end guests families was helll at the ..gym Ha"e Return,ed to florida 30 , jn tll,~ ~du.SiC l'(I~~ at thhe H ig~ , Ml's. Lou is 'Pohlman, of Deer the us ful and decorative gifts Mrs. White's sis ter, Dr. Mary Wednel'j day evening. se h 00 l uUI mg. e }'e earsa Park, and Mrs. Raymond Witham I ceivc d by the bride. ' , Cook. " ', The object of th,e m~~ting was Mr. and M~·. W. W. TibQal, will lItlil:t promptly at 8 o'clock and SOjl, ot' Silverton, were guest!! The c;ue ts were: Mrs. Kilpat, . . II ' t t h . 11 who have spent the pa t foul' ' and the dil'ector a nn ounces that of their ullcl e Dr. J , E. Witham rick of Le banon, Miss Mary Leah Mrs. Effie Smith. Mrs. Flossie pnnclpa.. y a ge - a-get t f , er t soc'll f months in Ohio and other points \ it is important for evel'y one to and ... J,irs. Witham, Sunday. Edwards, of Springfield; Misil Carey, Misa Lucy Emley, Mrs. and to " eax l'epor so ' lo.. e pro- in the North, made a farewell be the re a t that time. All wh o are , .. h " . Blair of Dayton, Ml·S. Roy Hannah Taylor a!'ld Mr. Chester gress 0.. t e variOUs projects villit to Mi:s. MSlry Silvel' be,fore interested and, can sing are earnMiss Emi ly Aldrich, of Spring- Jllwett C d FoI1i ' , entc l'ville, Miss Doris Carey visited relatives near Dod,ds un erway. leaving Monday for their home in e tly r eiluested to be present, fi eld, Miss Helen Carruthel's and Solisbul'Y and l\I is Mary Cl'8ne, ' A hearlD, on rti'ulatlon. per- SundaY'. A report trom the cooperative Miami, Florida. • -Miss J ones, of Cincinnati, were a ssociation" was given by the " ~ - .- ALL DAY M."ETIN'" het'e Thursday e ven ing in the in - of Ciucinllati; M1"8. Harold Smitb, taininc to the season on fox 'and Mrs. J. Wilson Edwards, .t P I V d V .... ' • .,. U Mrs. Erwin Elli , Mrs. Ed Ramb)", coon and .1'0 re ...nlationl -~rnsecre 81')", au an er oo.~. Buffalo Stock Yards announces tel-est of The Young Churchmen M LET M .-.Leah and Mr. Georce EdC P B k f Old dl ' 1 \. J f E h rs. . . bompson, "iss Mary fn&, ftshln, at GlllltQrd Lake, , of Springfield, spent Satur- . . • ec er, 0 x or, s- that its annual ~runior Livestock An all day meeting wi 1 l>e .... !u society, 0 the piscopal c urch. Jo Mill er, all of Waynesville. Members v t' the Methodist Epis- - - ... - ••- - Columbiana County, will , be beld day nl~hI; and SU,nday with rel- trlCt field man, was .the m~in , Show and Sale 'Willi be held Decllm- II' the Friends' church Octo bill' 2iJ. at ·lftaring Room No. 2 in the I 'tib Bpea~~r and gave an lnterestlllg ber 9 and 10. 011io ~-1I club mem 'l·I·m Kennedy, Secretary 'It ll,(\ New State Office Buildlna, Colam. at vel! " ere. account of his work. befll and students of .. 'Vocational Bernardi-Walton American Frlends copal chl1lcb gave a reception for , bus, Ohio, Wedne'aday, Noventbe,r Mrs, .t. W. Haynie, Mrs. S. S. EUis and Maurice Brown agriculture each year send many ' Advanc1ement Gomt,nittee, will lJe ht~e Pf8st?ll', RTev·dG. C. Di~l't aMnd " " , 6, It 115 announced by the . Dlviaion Della Gteti'or and Min Mabel furnished' good musie for the oc- steers and fat lambs to the show.• pre~ent at the sessIons. DI~b a!D" Yb ~el! .ay ~vh entn g..;: · Ion to day. All "Oil.... -- " Smith, 0,1 Columbus, were- visitors casion and during . the social 1 el·t ~s ' of Conlervat f h' &gll1mng ~ ,eh seven"", men, tarm~rs, trspper. . . ~ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J . H. period a commi t tee served ice year o· I , pastorate ' ere. setvltionlets interested til No Qmith, SUllday, cream and cake. Mr. and Mrs. C. 1. Satterthwaite elllation. on 'fox and COOIl I" .. _.- and little daughter left Monday F r iday evening, October 11, at wldi' and on ' fishing at GulDforcll lIiy Gladys MacRitchie and Mr ~ Wh ••t Adjustment S.fcqu a, -. $ for Washington, where they will their home, Mr . and Mrs . Charles Lake ,are Invited to attend tIda Gordon MacRitchie, of Day~on , Wheat Income be the g ueetll for a w~ek or more Zimmerman entertained the Idl ,,hearin~, after which the CoancU wen tha. guests of Mr. a.nd Mrs. of the former's brother-in-law and wYlde ' Birthday ·club. Most of tbe Yiill prCllCribe Buch l'E'gUlatiOll' Ira O. Brown, Saturday afternoon I sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. members were masked and a!t~r are mutually agreed upon, ad evell~. Tolle. find ing out wllo was who, an e~ort. bringing about cloaer cooperatloJl The Friendship club of the HIGHI~IGHTS ·OF WHfAT ADJUSTMeNT was mad e t o ed all thet. had l:o <'n Fort" of ,the fines t steerll yet to I AdJ"$ts Productiont'" Oem , and , Mrs. A. K. Day, Mrs J. W. cal'l'ied in. The evening was Sl' ' It with Ohto Sportsmen. 'Methodilt church wlll sel've a Th Conaervation ' Council I1n~er J '" . . . . Ml's. Ka rl Bod e,nbender, Mrs. in differen t. fo 'ms of am"u sem~l ,t. et th' rity .. a'rite'" b'y the ch~cken supper in the Bocial room be brought h 1'& fqr the Wll,r ren Z InCl'4tas.s Farm Purchasinq'power Russel Frank, Mrs. Wade Turner, At a reason bl.. h th I h e rec n au 0 .r \"" of the church Wednesday even ing, Cou nty Baby Beef, Club have arl' It , our e c ,1 Letfalature is now ' ~powered to October 23, from 6 to 7. rived at the fairgrounds and will 3 pro..rjdes Ad,a quate Suppli¢s Ml·S. G. C. Dibert, Ml"6. I. O. adjourned to m et at the bomu- of r-"late or adju~ · open and 4 Enco,uraqcs Sound f.rm Prac:tices Brown anti Mrs. Martha Hough Mr. and Mrs. Earl CraWford 8:>llle v.~ be given out on Saturday, October tt d d th D t ' D' trl t W closed seUODI in the manner of Robert Davia and family have ~6j according to .n announcement S Is eased onVolunfary Coope ll'ilfiOn a en e e ay on IS c . time in Ncvembol'. takln" pme, fur-bearina anlmale moved trom Dayton Into the F. M. convention at Grace church - -- -- -thi!! week by Ralph VanMeter who . Dri t Tb d • and fiah, irre.pectlve of eziltina of Mrs. Davis' parents, Mr. In ay on, urll ay. ENTERTAINE&> . WITH "500" has bad this baby beef buyinl In statutes. • M:rs. Ed Cook. The Cooks are oc- charge. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams Dr. and MI·s. H . E. Ha "he Dlvisloa of Couenatlon cupyinc one of the Richmond ftat.a Any boy or .girl in the county were called to Cynthiann&, Kr ., pointe out that tbil i. alt oppor· ' who is Interested in takinc one of ~aU!le of the death of Mrs. entertained with "500" T'~Id." tunity tor all .portamen to appear' Mr. and II.... H. H. WilliamlOn theee calves Ie aued to communlAdams father, Robert ' Beckett, even~na of last week. FoUo before the CouncU with "com- hacI .. their peate SundaY' after- cate with Mr. Van Meter. ". hose funeral waa held '.at hill the ganles refreshmenta . 'ere mendatlonl before ..." rqu!a- nOOD IIr••nd lin. J. B. C.«erty The averace wel,ht ot Paymenta late home Monday. Mr. Beckett !e~ved to the followiq .uea'.: tlo\t. an mad.. aIId t ...I17. IIr. aIId IIrs. J. 11'. '- I '00 d n all a forme , r resident ot Wavnea- Mr. and lin. Howvd Gnlaa.. .. - • Odert7, aU of Franklin, ancS Mr. canea 8 . poun I. TBlS chart ahoWi bow the ~eultural ~\dJUItment Admlnlltratlu ., JMr. alld Ml'II. A. ';. con... , Y. F . . . AT POII'&IlS-- aDd.n. Harold WUnamlO1l aad • .. J. "iteat PI'OC.fADa hu eafeJrlW'ded wheat ~armera' Income. POI' 18'1 vill e. and Mrs. I. B. CIl........ IIr. 10D of Datto... .ban there fta 110 P!'Ol'l'U4 cub income 14) tumen from wheat WI -I---W" ,. the p.ea.ure of their hou.. )4rt1. L. H. Gordo... Ill'. _ """_ y J' .. .-&n...,. a ..... v· . .d lin. fUII,OOO,flOO. For 1934IJlper prt- &lid acUaataat pa71Uldl ...,.... luests, MI'. and Mrt. , A. H. W. E. ConelI. Ib. ...t--w~~',., a CIlIa ineome 0,,,1,000,000. ft. . . 1 (1) to PI'OdaI SehoeliJ.r, of Hamilton, MI', and A. CorDell. Mr, ...,_~",-,: ' ~~r~ '...:.uuar for a..uaw. market.; (2) to farm JIO'NI Mrs. John B. Goal entertaJlMCl at .....,...,'... 111'. ~("~to=~d~=;1IIJIPII- at aD ti_ for cIomMtie _; (t, t dinn l' BunaJ. TIR'of lad IItl\ of Dayto. ~::~~~r;:la= Facta





EI~ineville ~~~:r22

~~~t~l~tl ~n~n~illle;~~~y :~t\ s;hr~ ~li!~~6n~~~:n gl!S:e~.'enl ':~~ anC~lhat t~~w!J'e wel~~me.


Oc~ober el't~~ii A~~rth;Viso:~da~~nH~O~~~



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ON THE AIR" ~:~~I~~ o~' ~:d~~:Ul~~~st ~~~tt~l~ LOP-AlrED IN CHICAGO'

















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to ._--


done aDd then abe bas to tut-en r-:tI" in 'IirfaC!o and harlc Orn- line ,42.-18; Gt'OSlI erviC!c Station .a I'd by Ilui('k thinking In plnehea the kid. II h... uta P. for any dol·t. gadolinl', '60.58; Sears It Bolao- A ~p(' eding car Ilppl'oachcd a raU· thing he'!Ii nev.r to be found. T_ ··c r. Jt'8II0Iine, f34.68: La Mar roa.j (', Cl,.~inr. Th~ driverllud«! 'nly J_ior Cia.. N ..... After all the kids are l"t'ody and I lI d~' Shop. galllllin, ,61.8U; n\ltk~.1 th approach 01 a fast pas lnH'nt of (tlrt~'. "'I'u m an A Illr/Cl' number of pupils trom !tIa hll1l everything in th,. old Ijt'nj..,"t'r train. Im,tcad of uKin" hie Bros. S rvice Garage, ......... ____ ____ tw nly·elght II" huve had p"r buth llUilding& came out Friday to machint>. they all ICt in but Pa line. ,2.70; The Cincinnati Oil brak(' ~ Hllll pl'oiJahly sliding on to feet att.endance fOI' the /lr~t ~i x thl' ~how "Wild 1101'8('," starring get it started. He gets out Works, Ita cline, 13.l.!4; Walter Ihe d'o.l'Iing he ~weTved 'ailid and W , ,Jluyillc Win." tWlI addl"s;:,,~. one by Mrl'. Mary we k ~ tt'rm. lI oot Gibson. which was sponsored And cranke for all he's worth and crashed his car into a telephono nl't\Hi"ht, and one b9 Dr. E. J. Perfect ~pclle r!l fOI' one week: ul' the junior class. In addilion to. Botts. gasolint'. $&0.5; CDrl hbaugh. A bu",ines . e. sion will then Ma hollers that. the switch Aligen tte Pence, Virginia 1'1'(.; ton tht' regular fe ture, the program Dakin. pay roJI. bridge, $165.60; vole. His quick thinking I;Wvcd hill '1\\ nl ,,"'" 'Winnin ll'ea~ i n't on and that make Pa O1f\d. life but how much belter it would ~o"th t \,\1 Id th a J 3 I 1 ietory follow. Mub 1 Ludi ngton. hU'l ott Rye. includ >d an Aesop's Fable. 8. t .. chuyl r. pay 1'0)\, bridge, hal.' ble l1 if he had done his 130.80: J . K. pcncer, sand and II l'l 'aTH 1:\ t Tut sdnr, The The theme for the day is When he flnaJly gets it started he Marc !ille Elizabeth "Jungle Jl\jlZ," Dnd a Jame$ Fitz. I I an' ~ rccvnl now !ltnnd s lit { OUI' "T a Mng; Pupils How to Study!' ha to count the kid s to !tee i r they Burnett, El11ogel1 Woolla l'd, Rich lJatrick Traveltnlk, "From Hono. gl'uvel, $13.60; The Oregonia lhinkil1~ Ii hundt'cd yards down Bridge 0., bridge steel. $68.60; thc road. It's always train Hille at The peakers nre all specialists we all there. When they are weU ard ampbell. Donald O. borM. lulu to Havlllla." "no lind none lost Wltl1 brilliant on th way they have a blowout. Ohio Cort'ugated Culvert 0., 2 a cros~ing and In case of a collis. lr fields. Dr. Streih is pTO. in th pikldng by "~l.nj\I'· Davis and colverls, $5 3. to j J . J . Vander- ion you can't win. guod uppotl in hoth infield and f or of ducBtion in the Univer. Pa fixes it. and they go again. bdJ1k ma on work nnel material at onl 1('lll t." ~ leu., ha;; be n able it)' ot Incinnati. She is w~l1. They ardve at the picnic JURt in jail, $6.15. Try The l\{iuDli Gazette For A to r.>lnain und fenled. \' nyne~· known among . educators 88 an ex· time to eat. Ma takes her eat!! out ..... .-.. Year. villt hus but two mure am 's, on pert 'n lhe problems rela ing to and they sit dow n to eat . . After \d t h Hat"Vel'l'hurg Wec1ne day. I('m nlary · schMI work. and is dinn r the kids are set fr e to do what they lik . Pa starts talking dnber 16 · rl Friday October 18 much ought for as a lec1lurer. Dr. Reavi is state high. chool politics ·and he is ju~ t in a good .... !t ll Kings Mills. Ask tor a inspector in the d partment or argument when Ma callll him and ' - - - - - - ; . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _.J The newly married groom. Louie Common Ple.. a Proc_dln•• Rosa Long, 11 aCl'es in Harlan SneJ.l. of Harveysb urg called on 11.L[ LE ducation of Ohio, having been in Lells him that one of the kids has Miamiaburg Permanent Township. K. E. Thompson Friday morning. AB R H thi work for a nurnber of years. fallen into tho river. Pa 'goe and Th ga me warden mad e his Ashe him out. Th n Johnny has Charle Reif, dec eased to How In the case of Jesse Kerby vel' Glli' .>1' 3 1 0 He was fOI'm rly profes~r 01 Concrete ee-hive- rIght on . us Frnn(\(!1l Kerlby, a divorce WIlS ard . Reii, et al. 4.73' acres in appearance in thi~ township on 1 In '~ .ol'nnd 3 0 education in the ape Girardeau, to knock down Air Seal Burial Vault Tul' Icercek Township and several aturday. All . ~ 3 0 0 Mi souri, T aehers' Normal Pa's head and it n arly se tt! Pa granted the plaintiff. Miss LilHall F'ah'cllild, of neaT ~ >,~ s ." 3 0 0 ollege, Bnd ha al 0 b en con. crazy. He grabs J ohnny Rnd uses Th e clIse of arroll D. , llIart lots in Lebanon. For Sale only by WeHman called o.n Kathleen MpI\tgomery .. 3 James and Sallie Stacy to J .' M ThompsQn 0 0 Dected with olumbia U niver ity. a tick and .put s him into the vl'r us Madge L. mart i dismiR"· Thursday evening. machine to stay. ed. nl'anol/nburg 3 Smith 6. 1 acres in Clearcreek 1 1 ' Ml. arlwright is with the Mr. Bud Vogel of this place Your Funeral Djreetot Around upp r time Ma worn, In the case o.f Will Hampton 'ruw nship. HoII' eger ., 3 0 2 IJtate health .d<.'partment and is Apna Hart ock to Charles S. pent Saturday evenjng in Cinein =--:.._~ ..::..~:=_======= 11Ul' r Id .. a 0 1. well·informed on qu stions reIat.- out from running aft er the kids, venus The Travelers' Insuronce brings out th e eats again but sh Company, the defendant is giv n StileR, real estate in Wayne town. nati. M. Gaiser .. 2 0 1 o ing to heal1h educB.tion and men· hilS McClure F"neral Home Mr. and Mra. Perry Wells .and no appetite. After s upper they leave to fil e answer. ship. o tal hygiene. 'I' Imadge ..... 2 0 children spent Sunday in Hamil. Phone 7 W.JDen'ille, O. In the case of William S. James Henry Thomas to Ga rland Ing. ton. Dr. A hb8ugh is p,ofessor of stllrtc home, after calling the roll see if e. v eryone i inand then to \' crsus larence S. Jam es, et ·aI, urn, real estate in Franklin . ,!, (ltal~ ... .. 28 1 2 edu(4tion and dean of the coIlege 6 Miss Lillian Fair'child was a ale of premises i . or.dered. Blanche W. Apple to John R. 'of education of Miami Uni ver ity. they call it a day. Friday overnight guest of her ~=.=.::..=-~:::: ~ ~:::::==:::::=:::::=== Harry Z. Gray , chairman, ~ar­ H81·ding and Mildred Harding in. He has taught ,both in high school WAYNESVILLE alld · Tuc.lw.r. Hold Second Meeti" f ter D. {aple and J. T. Ril y lots No. 449 and 460 in Fnmklin si tel', Mrs. Loul e Jacob E and in college. , AB It H o Mr. Lotz is pre ideJ'lt oC the The teachers of the Wayne were appointed :\ comm ittee for Zimti 0 .. Worley to De Witt W. family. • In . ..... , ... 4 :I 2 Mis e Edna Polson, Mayfrey Town hip Schools held . their th examination (If al\ applicant Bulch, 160.66 acres in alem tOWIl and Modena Powell pent Wedu 1 . ........ 4 1 o 1 county associatIon. ship. r"ry . ....... 4 1 3 o Newa From the Seventh I. Eichth second' meeting la st Wednesday fo r notarial comnli si on . J oseph G. Keys, by executor to nesday evening with Miss Kath. R" ke .......... 4 2 2 o evening. A number of bU$ine s Anna B . • ook inlot No. 14 in Way leen ThompsonJ 'here. New Suib ')· 1 1' ......... 4 '2 2 o The boy of Gradea Will Gustin the poultry man ~event h and matters was taken up in the first O Jt1J:: . . . . . .. 4 Nannii Lain \/ersus Dora Lain nesville. o 1 o eIghth grades willthebe-gill from Waynesvill , was he1'e Satur V ilIian'l R. Patterson to Joseph basket. ices·. .. .... 4 o o o ball JlTactic (Ill Monday, Octohel' part 01 the l}our,. under the chair- for divorc e. Ch;arge is extreme A. and Flo1'8. E. Kairn 62.97 acres day buying pOUltry. 1· manship 01 Mr. Lotz. Announce. ctuelty. tlVi ........ 4 2 1 Dennis Wells, of Oregonia 14, under the directJoTI 01 Mr. ,turke .......... 4 Bessie Todd VEIl' u J:lnniel Todd Wa ~hingto n Town hip. 1 1 o Jam~. called on K. E. Thompson Satur. ments were mad concerning Anna Robinson, et aI, to Henry Jam s .... , .. a for divorce. harge is gross ne>2 2 1 day morning. ROoT FOR AND CONSIGN Thomas reiU estate in .Franklin. Volley ball is bingo played by, reporting abBences, glect of duty. K. E. Th omp!\on and family en four Cattle, hop, sheep .nd calv,. Amos W. Cavolt to Elmer A. tertained c01llpany from DaytoR to Norril·Brock Co., live .nd 3 the girls of these two grade • with tc, and two general cbairm n T otals .. ....... 39 13 E. E. Miller versu Hattie Krebs 15 Mi oS Smith in cha rge. were n.amed, Mr. Garst to serve as and Mik e Krebs, for· money. and Goldie E. McMullen. real ea· Sunday pr.>greaaive firm f?r the h~eat A serie1' of bAli games ,vas play treasurer for the faculty and Mrs A mount claimed i $358.20. tnte in Hamilton townsblp. Mr. ~nd Mr . Lowell Early an~ hl8l'ket pricel and rood .erYlce. . Ullioa Stock Yarda' Cinel ....'I, O. Health A ••embly cd du ring the past three weeks be· Hattie E. C&volt, deceased to In the matter 0;£ the Transfer of Two assembUe ~re beld on tween the 8 venth·eighth gl'ades Kersey to erve all activities Funds of the Bo'a rd of Township Amos W. Cavolt, et aI, real t'S. ons entertamed company Sunda Tune In on Radio Station WClty ~r. and Mrs. William Taylor of 12:25 to 12:80 p. m. for our ciaO, . Monday, October i4, on for the lind the fi~tb-!!lxth grades. The chairman . Trustees of FrEmkJln Township tate in Hamilton township. Wllmington, Mrs. Ethel Beuon market rel)()rte. tudents of the grade bU'i1ding aJld older boys won thl' e ou t ()f the F. 'Conley, by ' executors. to E. The lattt'r part of the meeting Bessie BI'uce versus William t w· other for sLupents of the High four games pl.nyed. The SCQTeS was in charge of Mr. Turner, who Bruce, for divone. son Dwight of Mr. Port and Wl1Iiam, ====~===== Charge is John H. Conley, 10~.87 acres in and Florence Sullivan, Mrs. -' . cbool hulding. This wa for . tite were as follows: Franklin township. gro neglect. Herbert Hecht and ohildren of purpo of Ii ~enin g to a lecture Fir t gante: Seventh.eighth, 4; reviewed " Education and Social John H. Conley to Anna Con· Andr w TurnElr and T nnie Prog re~s, " by Charles Judd. Mr. pl'il)gfield, Ohio. Mi s Mary 1rl\'Cn by Mrs. Mary Cartwright, Fifth·sixth, 2. ley, et aI, real estate in Warren Tumer versus Vina Jackson, et Brown and nephew Eugene Brown • Second g am~: Se\'enth·eighth, 8 TUrner traced the development of aI, tor Coreclo Ul~e of mortgage. and Butler counties. o he Ohjo State Health Depar~ ducation in the United StaWs of Waynesville wer Sunday visi· II I ·l. t. I~ifth·!!ixth, O. Iva V. Mc;Moll~n to Elmer .,... tors lit the home of the Jordan 'l'hird game: Seventh·eighth, 2; from the early Latin grammer McMullen and Goldie E. McMul· family here. schools down to the present time, ProLate Court TIle Bo,.. Glee Club Fifth·sixth, 9. len, real e tate in Hamilton tOWll· Mr. and Mr8. A. B. Talmage. A I!'I,. " ' '' !l ;- l' b en organi1.ed The will of William H. Glo eT hip. Fo urth game: Seventh. ·eighth. nlaking intere ting comparisons in subjeets offered, ap· enrollment, ! , ' •. v e bvy" interes ted in It.aro· S; Fifth·sixth, 1. deceased, was ftle'd in Prollbte. ' Mias Jeeaie L. Garner, J. Lee . Talmage spent Ilnday with ing to sing th better music. At Citiaen.bip CI1Ih Dr~ Up COil. parent value as measured by re. Howal'd C. Reif', executor of the Bill. Allowed Arthur Ballard and f.mily near rults and other related topics. the last meeting the following ell~ate 01 Charle!1 'Reif, deceased. atillation JUlia Suemening. vendor's licen Miami burr. officers were elected: The Citizenship club of the Finally, be pointed out wherein filed his applicatiion for a certifl. President. Frank LeMay; Vice ~v"nth g ade has drawn u~ a con· weaknesses lie now and what cate of transfer. He also filed l)is se issued erroneously, $1: Dr. S. Sterling Stahl, prof, ervi~ President .and Secretary, Donald titution for us members. The ;might be done to correct certain fh:st Bnd fiinal a«!COunt. defects which hinder educational In the case of Alfred G. \vat- rendered Frank Ballinger, $6; Foulks. document foUow8: progress. kins executor of estate of Eula Stanley Earn~art, P. M., stamps Interest in music among the Phone 7U boys has been lacking and it is INTRODUCTION . Watkins, deceasEld, vet us Smith for Common Plea II Court, $6; A. Firat Crade Watkins, et aI, Smith Watkins is I). Harvey, M, D., medical services h prd that this organization will We, the stUdents. of the Wayne increa e enthusiasm for music. Township school. are tormiog the Miss Reeder's room , is decorated granted twenty days to file plead. at jail, during Sept., $20; Waites' l ing. Gnrage, repaira for Sheriff's ca.\', AI h Citizenship club tor the purpose for Hallowe'en·. <: 2 H I W B thoug Wilmington college i of learning to work together, to SeDiofi Co-Jlaider Picture. The first grade pupils enjoy read The will of Fr,lnkie A. Dunham ",4. 0; nr y • runk. expense primarily B Friends college, lao fOl' eptember $6.89 Mason Super miliarly known a a QualCer IIcbool On M.onday, October 14, tM become better Citizen , to have an ing from their first book, "Th~ decealled, was eldmitted to 'iOTARY PUBLIC . Dervicwe Station, ga and oil for and under the supervision of the Knoll Studio of Dayton, showoo interest in a good cause, to im· Pie·Primer." A new pupil has bate. N ••I.... B_II and come in, May Thompson, making Charles S. In~in, L. S. Shaw og arden for Sept, $21.92; WilmingtOIl yeaTly meeting ot the their Iinll of photographs to the prove the sportsman bip 44 in the class. han and H. E. Uudman were ap Fred O. Jame!\, food for impound- Friends church, it hn-. students Will. Dra_ . • E.ta... S.ttW enil r cia:;s There are other loyalty o! our lllembeJ;s. pointed appraiser's of the e-tate of ed Fdogs, ' • t'Ions, accordina I!',.tdios who have y-et to show their ,OFFICERS a J L August . &. Sand 2Sept., ts $'11.1f O. f "om 16 .d enomma WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Sam Cornelius.• d""eased. Secotad' Gr." New. Jlicllll'PS 0 no decision has been ... h . 'ff'. aWls <:52 on, E q. End01 C orI to a report made public by Presi... Method of election-pupils are The followi ng accounts were ap erl s car, 'I' ; ast oa dent Walter L. Collins. Honor Roll-Donald Brown. 1 ld I)d :IS t o who will take- senior voted on for office. . proved, allowed and confirmed by Co., 4830 Ibs, Poea coal for Court St d t tt d' h Metho. Perfect atlendance-22 out of the fl ,;ti:. ~ thi~ year. FOR SALE DATES CALL Length of term-pupils stay in court. House, $16.30; Barrett Brothers, is u en 8 a en mg t e 35,· ·including : Norma Adams, office six weeks. Harry Fry, administrator of tbe supplies for Probate Court, $2.95; d ~ church are most numerous at Tndt.era Will Meet ia Duties-the president bas charge Dorothy Bowers, Donald Brown, t Ohio Central Telephone Corp . the college, as the report shows T e autumn meeting of the of the meetings; he also has the Albert Bunnel, Edith Craig, Char- :~ ~~n~f fI~'::i~b L. Bell, dec841 ed. rents lor various' offices, $56.60; that 83 ~f that .denomi.Dation are les Dakin, Marg8J.'et Jean Dakin, Wal' en County Teachers' Associa right to appoint commitwes. Carl Seibel, execut n .. of the e8 Ohio Cent[al Telepho·n e Corp toUs enrolled In tlie institution. There ti n will be hel4 in the highfor vs;'io s offi,ces, $32.46'. Dr. ~'~':I o~IY 48 students attending ... Impeachment-r-ofllcers may be Charles Dibert. Ernestine Earn- t ate ~f Phillippina Seibel, d e c e a s . · YV 1 mlngton 11h ffil hart. Ivan Fields, Pauline Gibson. Lebanon, " on removed by impe.a chment. school building ed. First and final. Kennon Dunham 4 Pneumothorax . . co ~~e w 0 are a • Jhpmie Hardin, Seth Hoak, Rich- Me.Hssa E. Bowman, gu. ardl' an of treatments, Ml'S: Ollie Gardner, lated wlth the Friends ehurcb. Suturday of this week. ard Irons, Walter Johnson Jr., The morning ses:llon, which COJ\1MI'1;'TEES The churches represented on the JESSI STANLEY Ch rlstopher Bowman·, ineompe. $ 20'' Trustees of Public Afl'ai... . . ~, college rolls and th b f There wiII be a pl'ogrBm com· Virgil Longacre, Gladys Rye, teI1t. b gina nt ten o'clock, wiII open First and final. sewer service at Court House and III!. . ~ ~ num er 0 , •••• Slo, N_· a.rlla..... ow.. John Perry Sackett, Richard Stans with 'group ' singing. Reverend O. mittee and a law· committee. jail $18.'15 Columbus Blank Book students a,,~liatea ~Ith are berry, Ronald Clark. Stella Ul'sheJ, guardian of Rol· Mf' C O l " as follows: Methodl8t Eplscopal Frank Stol'ch will have charge of land M'. Gephart minOT. Fifth. g o., 1 0 . app Icabons for 83' Fr'e d 48' Ch h' f· Cb I ' EARL KOOGLER tne devotional exercises. Both the The Ann_I Picnic-an ()ri • .lll.•11 Eth I G M ., . Vendor's license $180' The ' 1 n s, , \U'c 0 r lit Fourth Crade N.w. Ide e club and th orchestra of Sketch e . iller and Mildre-d G. Office Outflters,' SUp~li~ for ' 83; Pre8byteri~n, 2~; Me~bodist D.,......... Lebanon High school wiIl appear Th~ morning of the picQie The pupils ot the fourth grade teddom, adminjstratrices of the Auditor's office, '2.86: W. H. ~rote8tan~, 12, Baptlst,. 7; • ;A"nn .•·, ICE....r••••1 0 . 1 this program. Ther will be kids are up before Ma pnd Pa. have been drawing maps of the :~~~~r~: ~~;tn~: Gu stin, deceas· Selgfried, Dentist, prof, serYices h c, 3; Epl~o~al, 2: ~mted Breth... t wo adrires es during the for~noon There'll be a couple of fights or United States locating on them the for Wa lter Barlow lit 23 • Re1'f'1I ren, 2; Ohrlstlan Unaon, 1; Latter ~====~===~=~~= W ! Oy Dr. Ruth treitz and the something broken and then MB hu principal rivers and cities, halter Franer, administrator of Electric Sbop 6UPpiie~ a~d labor ~ay Saints, 1; United Presbgte· her by Dr., G. H. Reavis. to get out of bed and quiet thinK! Perfect ,pellers tor the week !e:s:d~a~r~! :!~r:naa~.Franer, de- at Court Hou'se and jail f310' 1'lan, 1; Reformed, 1; Evangelical, • The afternoon session will be- down. None of them eat any are: Elizabeth Curlis, Benny The will of 'Walter J. Baker The Office Outfitters, 'sup!>lies: ~; Com~unity, I: those not ~ffil ..._ _ _ _ _ _ _............_ _~_ wlth any church ' organlza· " ....... " .... ...,." ........ " -=. :. g in nt one·fifteen. The program Qreaidast fOJ; they Bre all too ex· Hisey, .Erwin Lewis, Mary Jane NRS. 0 ffi ceo •IItA.,.. 80', K. L . H orn, lated tion, 16. will include musil! by the Way- cited. Pa justs sits around and Ccott, Elva Westerman, Donald d~ceased was admitted to Probat~ • _ ..._ __ FOR SALE n aville Higb school Qrchestra, alld grumb les. Ma gets all the cooking Watkins, Wilm~ Dibert a.n d Rob· Lily ~. Egbert. ,iI'as appOinted ~x- rent, NRS. o1ftc~, $10; Harry Z. ecutrlx, No bond required E Gray, rent NRS. olJ\ce, ,5; W. eon. Mason, Charles Rye a~d O:~: H. Wright; travel expense; $12.96 FOR SALE-Hamp8hire mare hog. ley -DlIll'lesby w~!re appointed David Carpenter mileage, Septem A. H. Earnhart ' 1 praisers. Lily M. Egbert was ap- ber, $9.60; Waite.. Hines, new FOR SALE-Good Heatina Stove. pointed trustee (;f the estate. ap.. b~ti~~ boiler, for Court House HI· In the matter of The T t and lall, $1,031.19; Helen Doui'h. Inquire of Letter Surface. Cr~ated by Item Fourth ot ~~I man, board and care . Clifford 010·17·U· of Cllal'les Reif deceased Howard Doughman, ,7; Mn. Ira Eltzroth, A driver had his car wrecked by FOR SALE-Sinale barrel shot.. Reif was named trustee of Fr board and ' care Alice Starkey. $6; an elderly motorist wbo drove his aun. Georee Henkle. 010 cell Edmon and lIIled b d an· James Moore, board .and care t 60(). . on of f8,- Lucy :Moore, f6; Mre. Oma 0 .. equal '7 elderly car throuah a 1Ul· Charlet! H, YCI,un . borne. board and Walter .Bar- m'Ntion t~ avoid a lIaht. FOR SALil-2 hlah elau eoon and pOllum hound., ~ 5 and the eat.te, of St,e a, executor of low, Virell Isaacs, and Frank BaJ The only excuae ,lven ' by the 8. Price , rea.onable. Walter filed hi, inventor:.~en A. Stilwell linger $30: Mra. Elmer Lacy, f6; 'octoaenerian WII tbat--He wa. a Andrews, Cedarville, O. 010.17 In th~ matter ot the estate of Mrs. Lule Gabbard board a~d care very nervoul ol,d man. Frank B. Stokes, deceased sale of Lincoln Gabbard '6; Mrs. Julia A horse wreckinc an automobile FOR SALE-Enailace U.26 per ton. Dodds, Roxanna and W.ycertain stock II ordered. ' Holland, ·b oard and care Louill' is a aood de.1 like a mart bitilll a In 1'& estate of :Florence Ii: Vernon Holland ,,: Griawold Ser· doe. It aeldom happen I. But down nesville Planta. CLASSIFIED ADS COST ONLY ser, deceased, tM! executor' vice Station gaa oU. labor and ChllUeotM a hone dashed by eranted further time to etc., for SherlfF'l car, $40.96; Mrs the road and jumped on the FOR SALE-Lariat rope made ONE CENT .PER WORD. WHY from pue wbite Jav. hine; the assets and set.tle said estate. Della Hufford, feedlna prisoners hood of a slowly moving car. KEEP YOUR ATTIC "ILLED The estate of Cynthia Jane Col montb of Sept. fH6.25: Wm Huf After kiekilll' out tbe windahield handmade, bard laid, better than liver was foundl to ~e exempt ford, washing for prlaonen month and bendina the front part of tbe Manilla rope. Every boy should WITH USELESS ARTICLES from. i~heritance tax. 01 Septemb~r, ,2 •• 22; CMord T. c~r he jump"d off 011 the other own ·and learn to throw on.. On Wtlilam Oberlin, guardian of Hayes, lIeI'V1c~e as draftsman ,60 BIde. The horse WII aninjured but sale at 1. C, Hawke'a Waynelville THAT CAN ~E TURNED INTO Clarence McCraY'B, Centerville. John Oberlin, itnsane, 1il.ed his Woodrow~,!ell co., ot· tbe car and pall8engen were or ,*-. D. Hole. . MONEY FOR SO SMALL A fourth account. flce 8upphes for Surve~or, $2.881; much the . wone for wear. The .wUI of 4rnanda SII-nds, de. John Barr, pay. roll, Dllit. ·No. 1 08~10·111· COST. TRY THIS MEANS GF ceased. was admilt ted to Probate. '!l6.60; Jo~naon My~n , pay roll ,Near Cleveland a 'lIm.n coupe FOR SALE--Keifl!r pears. Gilbert The inv.entory of Came B. Dist., No. 2'11$9 8.70;NM. C. FQre· ~aatrailtruckT:! a IPeedingt pUHh· Frye. . SELLING AND SEE WHAT A Spencer. adminis1tratrix of the es. man, pal' 1'0 " Dilit. o. 3, $306.· , ..1'. n. ..., car was ft only for DIFFERENCE IT WILL MAKE tate of William O. Monfort de. 40; Earl Basore pay 1'011 Dist. No. the JU~k. man but the driyer, aside PIPE, VALVES aDd FITTINGS ceased was approved. ' 4, ,99.20: V. M. Armitage, pay from Chlppllll' .. small piece from for W.ter, G.. Steam W.u. .,TO YOUR POCKETBOOK, AS The adjudicati(1D and determlna roll, Dist. No• .6, f183.50; John • claaeea and Iligbtly bruising .nd SpraJina. Ciltem hud tion of the inheritance tax on the Myers, pay roll, $160.80; J. L. h18 knees Was unijured. tric aDd Spra7 pumpa. Plamblna 6: WELL AS TO HAVE YOUR estate of Ada F. Nobl&, deceased Dunn, service••a mechanic, ,82.. ID __ I aeetin. SlIpplles loweR prie. UCI STUFFY OLD ATTIC "LEANED is to be given t() all persons in: 40~ Owen Gl'OJI, lamber, '1.72; co ....der.te actions sometiDl8l bl.h••ot Qualitr at The Boeldttterested. " Zam Armitqe, ..nd aDd er.vel, h.~ fatal coneeqllenC8l. In the Co" Xenia, 01llo. Write .. OUT. IT PAYSI ____ $682.89; Trullte81 of PubUc -A1 DO ena part of the atate a car for prlea. .. M.rri-. fain, Oct. l1aht bill for CouatJ stopped IQddeDly to retrieve a bat , ___________~_ .. G.rare. f8.eO; Waillel CuaP, 01 potato.. whloh 1Iad faUen ,P.UIJil• IUPPU" aDd Pan.. '18e.89; W. dfr~_ th ' l'1llllliqU boateL Th, anon and H. MoBelU7, IAIJlPU" aDd I... ....... ot th• to owm, ear was .11.... of ; J. C. Hawk., nppU.. aDd forcecl to IftlTe to ••old a co_ Paul gu, f8l.81; Frallk SMrwooci Co., tOll. ID 10 doiq bla car cratbed iDMorrow and .Warman, suppll,a alld ,.., ,'.18' BordeJu .. to one approaeblq I. other hOlllekeeper, Ttre 6: . ~ lie. A woman .... kWed, ....... Pen), L. of aDd .... a.' ......... btJand ~ Lebanon, of ..,pIte. ..neW. AU fer _ ..._ •• lIr"III.~.'"

chool High ·Spots ,~l









-_ ---....


Beech Grove


-====' F






Centerville, Ohio





Slan~ey &Koogler










wa. to be a unit oncanizaliu n.




Leon Holland vi it Uflder some AAA markell.llI', n' mal k lla. ·nt., Mr. and l\gre(lm('nt~ it hlili been found deof ~prinltftE'ld, ~irable to decl ure "fhipping holi- d Ir'''CI'li~l d I" II:e . Thirty·two gr3<ll' l'ro,,~in~ eliMr. Ihl llald (.'011 I SSUED EVERY TH URSDAY minali(/Il d 'vclopm('nts ill Ohio, in Kale HllIith both r nj)l'ing I\n expenditure of $7,0] 5, W('I'C' visit ort! here, OIic. Plio. ....... ............ .. " •• Ill/ En t.r~d at Poa,!> rtlce at Way n u- fi!J8, hav\! be!:'l) npproved by th T he church it; fl" ~'eIVII:11t: 11 n w S ~ o.. d Ch in ch or Chri.t, Scielld. l. Oayt o n, Oh' o S.IJlCrlpUoD Price, Y_r vil le. OhiO . • '~r;':, d CIIU~ )fall WOllkll Progrc,; Admini. tl'lltion coat of paint on the . ~xteriol' which Medinw He ld At Memorial Hall Annonnc('s A officiRI~ in Wa hlngt()n, according i~ inl]lroving the looks. In Lebanon Lalt Thur.d.y to Dil ctor John J(\ leT Jr. of the • MI'. and Mrs. Audr('Y Crew, \lho Evenin a OCTOBER 17, 1985 tale Highway Departmcnt. Bids weI' former I' sidenlJ! h 1'0 are _ _ __ Chri ~ tian Membership in the Warren on the flr8t of the contra.cts will announcing the bir~h of their 8th Entitledhristian cience; Th power of Enol sLife be receivC'd ctob er 18 and each daughter. County ~~i~ h and Gllmc A~ ociuby succ.essive ,,'(lek th 1·~8fter until .., - - -ti on reached one hundred and P ET E R V. ROSS, C. S. B . the (lntil'e program hll bcen let. O~ · st'v enty-fiv e wilh the addition of . In a recent editorial, the Gus Ag -Record b crved that there It ill hoped that it will be· possible n(>W ln l!mbers brought. in as n ['cor 'an P1'une h'!' '. alifornia could b no better comments l'Y On the worth 01 electl'ic "yal'd ticks" to start a tunl work n t latel' than . ult of a drive climaxin~ with ~h e detel'm incJ by govol'nment competit ion with pl'iVllte utility companies Januliry 1. WPA project in - - --. monthly meeting of the organiza,\I" mll<' l u l' n,,· 11,,:1 1'(1 .) r r." cll rt . 1, " .. r T h rrllhe r l'dlur h Lhan the following an dote: opel'atioo in Ohio totaled 1,048 . A cal'cful pe"\I!;I'lI. 'of th e edlt.o r. lion Thul' day evening at Memor·!'h ,· 1" i r K\ ,'hlll"'1\ u f ' -hr iftl , "ld",'ti .• ' . 111 J\uH l tt" lil a s . aid Peddler 11'1 week and gllve empl oyment \.0 lal page of the .BaltIm ore Ev nlng ial Hall, Lebanon. Two London broom peddlers met on the trcet. In Me mor ial Hall N umber 1 to his ompetitor, "Hi don't see ' ow you sells your brooms 32,202 person,;, U sut'Vcy indi- un OVCI' a P Tlod of !; veri'll J ays fol' siXpence; Hi steals the- sticks and Hi steals the traw, and Hi oated. Con. tl'ucti on WII started wa au quate lY I'cwu rded wh n Ed . ?t~urr II was named .of Fir!lt and t. Clair ll'ee ls don't. inake nothing llin' ' em for ninepence." during the' eek on 149 new pro- the f oll ol' ing viciou~ ' efisay 0 11 n co m ~llttee t o see abo.ut th e ~n"Thal's easy," aid Pedd l r Number 2. "Iii steals 'm j cL~ and completed on 101'ly- ix. thrift was in hr iHtoph r I staJJa ilon f ,tr.a p stootlllg ~qulpMond a y Even inf, Oc t o ber 21,. 1935 made." Only thre e coun tie , Ashland, B ilIoPll'~ co luOln. 'It i· \.) illg IC' mcnt a t th Fau·g rour.ds. It I ~ ~AT 8 : 16 0 ' LO K -Gov rnment yards tick eem to invariably st al tholr thunder lInlrl on and H oln\e~, had no pro- printl'u, wit hout com m nt. I pecl ·d t hol local spoltsmen '" III d y lila d" Th ey (0 I th'" tIle t l'me 0;1' 'hh · "T'hl'I'•J't" h . " 'l.·t .· II ,' • I be abl e to shoot at the n \\ rang~ ."rca c. IS III VI1POUS wayS. 0 ne way, we II ex- J'e~ls .. under ,yay nt ~ l ~. , . I l!_., IS saV Ing a in a s hort tim e. Other ll\ mb 1'8 . THE) P BLI I C ORDl LLY INVITED mplifled by the 1'VA, ill to fix. thc inv tmenl of a government...owncd SUl'VCY. The Ohio Stn.te E mpl oy- dim e by . hlm ng yo ur OWn shoes. ' of the committee are Eli Mcplant at 11 · ridiculou. ly low figure- and to wl'ite olf the rcst of it ment S l'v ic last w k anno(mC<lrl It i' se nliing a t elegl'luJI only when I'eary, Paul Turner, Wilbur wOI·th for war depnrtment, reclamation or orne other purpose. Iln incre O~e in job placements for I somebody il; dead. It i ~ ha\'ing the $win k, and J esse Thomas . All other is to USe strunge and wonderfUl accounting methods, which Septembc!·. T h I)locemcnts old dress dyed a diffcrent color A buff t luncheon foll owed th how part of the truth but not ail of it--a~ounting methods which · fo l' the mont It w I'e 12,96 1, com-' and bl'i ghtening it Ull wit h a g irdle I'egul ll r meeting. Fifty to sixty would not be pel'mitt~ .by any regulatory ngency ;~ the ca e of a pard t o 8, 2 1 ) placcment in ' of a cont rastin g shad(l. It is bu ying membe rs of the ' ol'ganization were private utility, Still another is to I'ecelve val'ious services--accpunt- Augufl t . s ho R that were th styl e last y a r pre ent. . . " It is rc~i$ ting th e- tempta ti on - -ing, tenogl'aphic, postage, etc.- fol' nothing and let other depar;tmenta of the gOY rnment, less in the public eye, foot th bill. And DII·eclo.· M . Ray Allii'l~ n of th.e to have somebody clean your perhap most important government entel'pri are tax-ir c, do not I l nte Depa rtm ent of F ina nce 18 m otor car and doing it yo ul'self. I need to show a pl'ofit a'nd are finllnced at the extremely low Int 'rest ' ex heme ly PI'OUel of the l' cord et It i usi ng only on'e matc h to rates made pos.~ible b~ the fact that the credit of the entire nation is hy ~h ~ e pal'tn1C' n t' a co untin g light fOUl' candle '. It is ha\'i ng the behind gove;rnm nt sccuriU II. ' 5ec~lo n III p.'eclicLing in advance old fel t clean ed and I'e bloc ked and F ew organization. have a finer As a r;esult, th so-c;alled yardsticks ex-lsting or potentia l tIl e . tIltlat('d ellsh bala nce In the g tting your wife to t.akc th e !lpot~ rl'cord of unselfish publi c e l'vicc govet'nment has undertaken Ilre in the vie ~ of mally unp!' judiced )C- g~n ~ral fu nd. Six nHI~th. ago the off your necktie 0 that t he y will than the Amel'iean Red l'OS8. s The~ 1I1'e mlsleading lind confusing They ~('ctlOn . I! X)I cta. (lcCldod. after do until hl'istmll!. It has been the fil'St in the field P erts , worse than usele • J • nntic lp"lC ·' state ...... v I "It I' "III'ti fig f !l.r mo .les to w he.' h . 8t too otten designed to• "prove'~ a point- whether the actual fac ts C O tnpp U tlll'~ .. . .. .u n -. er 'In WRr r In orne great point in 8 different (Ii eetion or lIot. They repre nt the ascende ncy t' n~ ~. . anti pendlturc9, tha ~ ~ ach !he second-l'un houses. ~t peacclime disa tel', to aid lhe of partisan politics over sound ccon mic! -a fact which the public i th~~~ \\..o"u l ~ h a caRll balanc e or I~ tUl'Olng out all the elec~rlc sick the wounded lind the disabl ed t l' 5,1:17" ·j1..37 at th elo e of light xcept lhos that are belllg Now, when the event. of the . . f or t una t e Iy begmmng 0 rea !Ze. b . A 3 I . • . . u ~ m es on . ugu ~ ~ Land th e used. It 18 haVing one kind of soap world are rife wilh war prop astlmnle \'a llCd onl y one-half of f or th e family and another kind ganda, dist.urbing·y claflh t't! one per c nt. The $.1, 2,498.73 of soap for guests. It i . buying and bristling IIrmed camps, we pl'ed icted cash ba lnnce at the tooth paste 'by the gl'O sand mak· hould surely turn to the Red clo~e of busine. On eptemb er ing one tooth brush la t a y:!.a r. It ross as our protector, Working 30 wa \\ ithin :l .63 per cent, but is writing one letter t o Aunt u ie between nations, with never a t hi. un u uo l Iloria nce of the ex- and having the othel~ members of thougbt of nationalities, races 01' :00 Music pel ts was due to unforseen 11nan- the h mil y add postcripts. creeds, the Red Cro s st.ands l'Etldy 8 :05 . ~rthur St. Clair, 'First Gov mol' of t.he Nbrthwe t Territo ry . .. cial tl'an ~a ctlo n ~, Director Allison "It Is skimming the cr eam for to serve human ity ; whether the .... .. ......... , .. .... ........... .. .... . .... ..... H. E. Eswine sa id. The experts pl' dicted a coffee and c ereal off 'Lhe top at the injury be inflicted On the battle8 :15 Fruit and V g table By.}'roducts . •.. ,........ .. H. O. Brown ca sh bala nc in t he getlecl'al fund milk hott! . H. is g'i!Lting. books field or the highway this great or8:25 Music of. I'oughl y, 10 ,000,000 at the from the publ ic IIbr'IU'Y and rus h- gnnization is conce.rned only with l :40 E ffect of Boycottin Meat ar) W. Gay 10.e of bu iness on December 8 1, lng ·th _m back before, two weeks is leli ving buman sulfedng. :60 Your Land Ban k ystem . ..... ...... .. Lloyd Ku rtz 1936. up .. It is waiting umtil you get. . 1n time of peace the Red Cross 9:00 Hall oween Parti 8 ... .. .. Mr. Katherine Cowgill int I) tow n fr m the uburbs and performs notable service in firstS :10 Music A total of 1,623Ohio a. king a fri end if you ean u se h r aid instruction, home hygi n lind '9 :25 QuaJity Cream Productlom Care 01 ULen ila and CoOling . ... • gel' wel'C convicted 8S the telephon e fell' a few calls. care of th sick, aid for disab led .. . .......... ... .... . L. H, Burgwald I the actil'iti ' of the enforce"Thrift is, in sh rt, watching veterans, life- aving, accident 9:35 F all and Winter Plow ing: Pros and COTl$ . ,. ' .. .... . Earl Jones ment divi ion of t.h Department th !lennies 0 eard·ully that YOIl prevention on the highway, in th 9:U J oan a nd J 'fry WOSU Pluy r of Liq uor ontl'ol ill the six ar enabled to live within your in- 'home and on the fal·m . At the month's period ~Jl ding Septem eom with .a Ii t ie to spare and same time it stand I ' ady to be of ===============--=================~ 30, I1cc(ll'ding to a I'eport made to thu en ' a fford such luxuries 'as sel'vi~ in time of -emergency. tate Liqu or Director James W. ta.· to, charities, mi c!ella n-eous COn On ArmistiCe day the American Millet' by Alfred Humphrey, state tl ibu tions and Invest)Uent. that do Red ros will once more ask UR liQuer enf~rcement hi ef. T hose not turn 'out so well."- Impcl'ial 'fol' our unnual membership. It. is convict ed pllid $24 ,000 in fines, Type !letal l\f agazir,le. so little they ask of us, and in rcit \\18 said . Dudog th e period 740 - -- - - - tU,'1I they gil'e s uch serVice as no


,1..0 •

Free Lecture on

Stolen Ready Made







Farm hight 7 alks, October 21

Best of the News 01' re'c t From the Oh]·o State Capl·to} I

'd C W " COLUMB US-D aVI . arn r dralOage proJ ct camps are now v t r an ex cutive secretary of th e , in op ration, and each covers a

~:~e w!~e~in~OD8~~~i~r !'::~~

radiu of twenty-fiVe miles.


:~l:~n ':~"~lleg:;z~~i:O: w:r~OdO~ t d Th h'" 8


e r eport sowed Ii"at ~~~: c:~

Caesars Creek


ollins, will be Mrs. illg tOl'

BLACK SNOW BRINGS RELlEF TO FARMERS SnowfaU Clears Air of Dust In Drought Ridden West BOld S I l l

• 4

of Wil mington college the speaker. Raymond Wilson is car~ he.r parents, Mr. an d Mrs. , Ernest Hu rley, dUl'ing t he win nlonths. . Mrs. Luthel' Haines ' attended t he f uneral of :Mr. Wm. Ewing, Sunday afternoon . . Mr. Wm. Compton is confined to his bed with illness. ~ r. and Mr!:l. Walter Wilson, Mrs. Ella Haines, Homer Haine. and f amily wer e SU(H!ay dinner g uests 01 Mr. and Mrs. Alhert Wil son of Tyro, Ohio.

It was only last sprina Ihat (arlll ,... of 't he 8reat westero grain belt were vi.ited with one of the worst dUlt .torm. of the decade. Black cloud. of dust rolled over the far lll.' . d d In d tow~. 0 f ' .K a.n~., Co I,ora 0, an MI ..our., obhteratlng the sun an-l _feakina dama,e to ·c rops. cattle and "uman. lIlike. Resources (or relit ' . ira the .tricken area were alnt051 im .Iediately exhausted and all appt' ~l went to Wa.hlngton, to tne Natio'na . [[eadqllatteta of the Red ero ~ • . . Thll, • dllaster call. was mel W It h ~~..&ter .met~od... DUlt aeepan, past wll1(lo\Ys :tn.' . ·)()r. canied with it milliolls 01 ,~rm. aRedin, throats and brOil rtlial tubu. Deaths mounted. AI,I " .. ruahed from Wllshlllstoll IIml the lurroundin, Itate. thousa nd s 0: I!dlt malkl provided' for l ufi ercl < , I~ed Crou worke" went afield sea . ,..,. homes and dUlt proofiua Ihell ~ialt tbi blAck menace. For two 1IJ0nth• • t01I11! r:lIF "ftltC*t ~ drop of rain to rel,t""c II Ml&erin• • Crop. withered anJ the',' Waaden4 off into til. 11to cUe. Reel Cro.1 IIUN'f ;.1' 1.":(01. . , hoIpita1 and I .'II'JI fteck the dra$lI( I.'

'UII"'I willi . . . to

..... oh. ~ 011 liIe oat .ad 10pro"c.1 til.... IaJ1d 1\




.. .

Wh en we are apPl:oached by the rosS volunteers let us give wholc-hearted1y of out' support. - - - - - ~For !Jtorin'g sDlall quantit ies of P ROG RAM ANNOUNCED· vegetable t h e ' so-claUed vel'!ical FOR JOURNALISM MEET barl' I 01' box storage i becoming popular, according t.o the departomplete program for the con'.. ment of horticultUrE! at the O. S. venUon of the Jool'llalism Associa U, ti on of Ohio chools to bc held in olumbu s Friday and Saturday Apple, root erops, and even cabbage may be stored has been ann ounced. in t hem, t he department. tates. li e dquarlel's Friday will ~ at T he box or barre l, filled with th c eil House, and the Saturday vegetables to be ato/'ed, is plugged pl'og ram will be at Ohio State and sunk into the g~ouod about niver ity. According to Prof. half it d ep th. Th exposed part L ster . Getzloe, of Ohio State':! i8 covered with . stril~w to a de.pth Achoo! of journalism, a large atof about six inebes. EBl'th a foot tendllnce of II igh school journal. deep is mo un ded over the stra 0 9 ist~ i xpected. F r Fl'iday afternoon the comsoon a s cold wea tht!r approaches. Vegetables tor d in such a mittee ha llnanged a tour of the way are usually not harvesl d olum bus Di£Pl?4tch, after which until th e temperature drops to 01 mbers of the Dispatch · staff 34 to 40 degree. Root crops are will tell about their work. A banleft in the gl'ou nd until there is qu et wi II occur at 6 :30 p. m. in dan ger of inju ry by evere. fall the Neil House, with "DUsty" f to ts. This is abo ut the first Miller, Wihllingto n humo/'ist, a8 follow. Wcek of Novembe):' ilo central Ohio ~ p ~llker. A dance Starting at9 :30 a. m. Sa tur. a week later for so,uthern Ohio, and a week . earlier in northel'U day in Ohio, State's com mer ce building, there will be two houl's Oh::' t he stor age is made t oo early of sectional meetings on va rious t he vegetables will heat and rot in school joul'llallsrn problems, and sr>it~ of all p recau tions to provide announcemeht of winners in va rious school paper contests. In t he ventilat ion. afternoon the- you ng joul'flaljst s There a re enough dahlia varie- will be guests at t he Northwestern ties for all gardene'~5. Since 1924 Ohio State football game, .... abou t 8,000 new va rieties ha ve Subscribe for The Mlarlli G.zettt been jntroduced. For Stor lna Small Q .....nhll e. Better Than Outdoo P it

Ie I Red


------.- --




Quality Printing

Tbe Miami Gazette


The New Oldsmobile 6 andS Hydra~lic Brak"l Knee Action Turret Top Fi.her No Draft Ventiiation •••Syncro Me.b Tranlmi ••ion---X.Type Frame

The Car That Has Everything


• atln Ih~ue COtImtI'W' 10

,~OQ"Clltrja. ~=r~i1:==~"' : lin. Bal.....


The "Wide Awakt',ll" t belr regular meeting at the held home of 11 . the territory. it lurned black be(on Donald Haines, Sunday niaht. It r eached th e ground. A bianket 01 Mrs. Nellie Bullnell and Miu u la~k. snow covered the area, de· M,onimia were guests of Miss Alice I)OSltln!J once l1I~rc the soil that be· Og lesbee in Spring Valley, Sunlonged there. ThiS , now(all was (01· day. lowed by huvy ra!u which cleared u _ and 'U ra Ralel'''h Bo-n lhe air. gave crops a fresh .start ant) l'''''. .... , • .brought welcome relief to the pl!oplc and Mr. and Mrs. William lit lI'bo I,ad b ~e n fi ghting the dust fOI 'Smith called oJ! Audrey Crew .nd <0 lortg. Red Cross worke rs wcl. family near l\lorrow and Mrs. A4-. ' 0 11' cd the brealhing spell wh ich die Compton of Mason, Sunday t::ave thelll time to tllrn -their atten · af ter noon. (;0,1. to the real job in al'\y disaster. Mr. and Ml's. Lawrence Mitchner As alway". w~en dangcr has becil entertained Mr. arid Mrs. Robert ~..verted ~I\d reltef ex·t erlded, rt habi· Sta I M Ed 'th d Ch I litalion was lI ndertakcin. A 10 11 terlTl n ey, aTV I an · at es prog ram W;\S macl!!d which lYifJ ke.ep Stanl~y of near Hillsboro. Sun~ Red ross workers in the field fo' day. , ov¢r a ycar. Not only drought relie; Friends of this neighborhood and sht ltc r will be provided, but ~ wiSh t o ext efld their sympathy to. prol\l'lllll for ch ild health, aid i.. I.Ilrs. J ohn Ob enowet.h and chllmothcr. food, clot hi", alld home, dren be(lauBe of the death of their for .the needy hal bee n arran,ed. hUl band and f.theT, John ChenCh~l rl~aa n broad Grayson ~( the Red Cros,. oweth. Funeral l epvicel were s, locllll welfare .,ro•• gralll. supple:mtlltin, the direct aid ducted at Caesa" Creek, Thanof the ffederal aleneie. i•• neCh- da,_ afternoon. , it),." ' The N.w Burlin,ton and C.... In such. t ime of di.aster publi( .l'I Creek W. C. T. U. met T . . . 'ontributionl arl! usu.lIy ·n~cIe. bUl d -b h ., II 1II00 ediat' reh"f and tehabl1itltlon in ' . , a .....mooll at t . ome n. h. we t II beia. made fro", R.~ W..... ·WilIcm. ros' fund s- fund. made OOllible l1l'i. 8Y1Ja.Bamer of \. Ihe earh' nwmberahip 11" ton taU" 08 lin. R,aJeicb 8018_ I" Mt:ln public. And Satar4a7 afterDoon,

, y Ohio av Roll. Call ngaCOlIJlJJ;tt~. I Chairman,

Ohio know the value of the Red

B~ CO MES POPULAR I':i~~~~~ ;~~~t~, t~:110;~~~ t~:i~

years d uring the farm ·drai nin g Indication that there may be a era h8J5 been <lOam the DitchQsl" new political party in Ohio was 18 enraged in a 5 ries 9f addr es- r ported by Secretary of tate Obill is football minded to a tiles on '/C<rntrolled Dra inag~' fat' George • Myers last week when high dcgl·ee. This is evidenced by Civilian Conservation orps he ree ived 9 lettelo froln Young _ the fact that four " reek before eamplI in the Toleclo CCC sectio.... 1town in ~I hich the writ. r asked for the Ohio State- Notre Dame Mr. Warner advocate dams and information on how a proposed gridiron battle, on November 2, g ates t o hold back the water, a nd ,"Christian Party" should proceed practically every seat in Ohio :numerOU8 "feed r" pond to up- , in order to get it candidate on tadium had b en purcha ed, it p ly w.ter in period of drouth. the ba llo~ in Nov mbel' under the was announced by Henry O. TayThe benefits to be derived from ' party emblem, which-wa desig- lor, director of ticket ales a t cont rolled drainage will be man y, nated as a torch lIuperimposed on Ohi o tate universiLy Every $3.30 h e lIaid, and include t\ood mitiga - an ' al\ Seereta ry Mye~8 inform- re rved at ti k t bad been tjon, adequate irrigation' whell ed the writer tha t the party 01'- sold, and there were ver y few needed, a better domestic wa t r ganlzers would have to 8eCUl'e bleacher tickets at $2.20 and a s upply underground, rec reational a80,OOO signat ures to petition Ii in few end b~x eats at $4 ava ila ble, waters and thl! p reventio n of e.x~ or der to qualify in th state with Taylor said,. olumbus h.otels reeess ive sil ti ng. Mr. Warner is be- its ca ndidatils on the- ballot unde.T potted capacity re ~l'vattons f OT i ng condueted on his to llr to the a n emblem a nd ciccle fo r I the game. vari ou~ CC cam p hy Captai n "traight" . voting. The letter t o Eldon A. Huchison, chaplain uf Secretary of State M.yers indica tthe Toll!do CCC sector. Nine farm ed that the pr oposed party in Ohio Rally Day will be observed bere next Sunday. Ever one invited. Sunday School at 10 :00 a. m. _ hureh at 11 a, m. P res. Walter


~~h rn~:~.a~!z~~~nn!~i~~.a ~~itl~~

. ~


Mo~ing ~~k

4·H DAIRY CATTLE JUDGINC Incinnatl, Mr. Jacob Gllbelman, nay ton. TEAM REPRESENTS OHIO Mrs. · illiam Haines and daugh. ! ""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!~""!!'!~~ Mildred and Illra or :; : "'VI' th4! r"urth time in six years - _ _ ~=~:-_"'"":'~==~~ H tellm uf .t~IJ dairy cattle judge (nlll1 Mu sk ingu nt county will repn'M'nt Ohio at lhe National hOlv til ~L Lou is. The con Lest is ~ ('Il Nlu l d fl) t Octobel' 14. Hnold • fRutz, Robert Zellur, John Stock Funeral l'ites may be tMlt', and HClrold Blackwood, alhr made mere !ormnl cere· lUlt4!, arc the t eam. Th y ,won at 11l0nie , in incet'e and l1urthe Ohio State Fair contest la st OCTOBER 18-19 ded. 01' they may be . .... ..... WARNER OLAND. tl'ib utes to ' the PUBLIC SALE PAT PATTERSQN I in deceased, rich in meaning Owing to the death of my wife, It is In anti impressiv e. I will s l i t public auctio n, on Route No. 42 st tb east corporaEgypt this latt er spirit that we tion line of Waynesvi IJ e, Ohio on Cartoon- "Po r .Little Me" COJlduct t.he servlcell enS.turday. Oetber 19, 1935 Comcdy- ,l Light Fantastic" CommenCing at 1 p. m. trusted t o us, OCTOBER 20-21 House h old Goods and blackCRACE MOORE, nlith t o la. LEO OARILLO One I'ange, 2 bed , 2 Ingle beds in 1 tIres es, 2 wash stand!!, sid e-boat'd, hook a e, 10 it. eJltension ta~le, davenport, sette, 3 rugs. Comedy, Littl e Big 'top" carpets, vi trqla, dining room Fox News Pbone 7 chairs, rockerll, sewing machine, ice box Faj rday electric wa hing- Two Shows-7 :00 &; 8 :30 p. m. machine, cH hes and cooking utenADM. 10 ,,-":'150 ihl. Blac\< Smith Tools-Forge, set ~--~----------.: ~~=:r;.=========- -' die , drill, hammers, tongs, etc, ~~=~~~~=~======~===::;::~=:===~


On Rubber Shoes

Sacred Tributes


Ladies' 0"' ..41., soC' Mell'.. Suits, 500 QIlI~k- foT


quality dry dHlllnc

Uss J -I e Clnrk& pent Thurs. day and Friday in incinnati.


" THE ..

Ii, s inn ti, end.

01'j W8,


Render on , of Cin. home 0\' l' the week-


U,tna Ont)' Genuine Materi.l.

Prompt Service

" new ellent milk delivery horae and wagon qu letlytpa"•• Iron·,hod, Iron·tlred outfit of the type It will replace on the at'reets 01 New Vork. RubberIzed Iho.8 and pneu' ""tie Ur.. reduce the aound of the new equlpme.nt by leventy percent frbm' the old. At rIght: John BrenIlan, veteran .mlthy who h •• been ahoelng Borden hor.ea for forty earl' comparea the old·faahlolled ron ~nd the new rubberIzed hoof· ear. Two thoulan d Borden horloa In New York CIty wIll don tho new atyle withIn a month.

~r, and Mr, Walter h-eehall r turned home Wednesday after '1\ delightful visit with relatives at Owatonna, Minn.

Store open until 9 p. m,



Mrs. Hl\.rtl~y Moss, ~l'. Ira RiCh, Mrs. Reba Braddock and 1r . Gilbert Frye . were Dayton visi ora, Wednesday.

Hilline to work hard fot' roM'! 1 uy position in El ectric R('f .. ~el';lltion 'and Air Conditivninl bu in Prefer men wl':h fair education", n, ech :ln \cRIl;V Inclined, now emplOYlJd. l\1\1!t Le 'Willing to devote ~o",e spare time at h ome to' preI ,ninary training to become installation and service experts. Write, giving age, phone, pr sent oceu\>a ion. UT ILITI ES ENGINEERIN'G INSTITYTE 404 N. W...II. St., Cilicaro, III.

The Friend ship club oC lhe 1\1 thodis church will serve a chicken supper in the soc-inl r oom of the church Wednesday evening, Octo bel' 23, from 6 to 7.

AWN w~1 cease to "como Ull like thunder" In New York City-II far as the claogor nnd clatter of milk delivery horses and wagons are concerned..,...1n the very ncar future, , As a contribution to I he antl·nolse campaIgn now under way In the Big Tow}), the Borden "'arm Products Company Is Ill1ttlng rubberlEed shoes on Its two thou· Hsnd horsea and pnenlDatic tired .,heels 011 Its wagoDs, Harry A. Cronk, presIdent of the company ~a8 announced. He r epo'r ts that

Waynesville, Ohio

TOI'ms ClIsh.



Mr. and MI'!!. A. C. Klette, of Latonia, Xenlucky, Mrs. Frank Bake-r and son, E Harrison, lndiana and Ir . Mary KauITung, of Hamillon W~l'e guest.$ of Mr.

.1. E. McClure

Love Me Forever



Will personally interview men



Ralph Branstrator, of Crescent itl', Florida, a'rrived home Ie. t Thursday, for Il three we ks VaCa.tion,



Charlie Chan

Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Davis aloe \'i sill ng their son James nnd f~mity at N IV L ondon, Con neoticut.

Lebanon, Ohio


Wayne••llle, o.

U. M. Whit.e, of Louisvill(> , called on i'liiend here Monuay.

Cary' Jewelry



ai Real


W. N. Sears, Auct. Ev I tt and John Sears, Clerks.

._..- - -



Hero Bre some other facts in con·; ",,,Itll tile [Iluming ot the sounda ot early mm'nlDg mIlk'" de-


Mid! Miriam Whart.on spent Saturday with her si8~er , MI s Tbe rubber shoes, wlUch contaln Evn and Mr. and Mrs, Herbert and frs. A. F. Melloh Wednesday a thin plate 01 malleable ateel, Fiff r ncar Lebanon. Mr. Roy William of Dayton weigh one pound eleven oonces, 88 ]f pll the- people in Russia are spent the week-end with his litUe compared with three pounds ' eight now equa] how do they distin- U1e reduction in Dols8 by the supdaughtel', Nancy, at the home of for the alHron IIhoes. ;. A guL b bet we en a top ergeant and planting, Of fron by ruhber a ounces trood has bcen perl'ected that pre- his mother, Mrs. A. C. Thompson, II buck private? necertafned throqh sclentUlc .testa Yents Blipping on wet or ley ll"ve: Mrs. Maty Carmony WIIS a din. " ~lU be leYeDtJ per cent. menti!, ner gUf.'st unday at the home of The rubb er slioell call be ham~ The silencing program will fntToauco many marked ' changes In mOTed, without beIng heated, fnto Mr. and irs. Everett " Clark in NOTICE fa clllUea. The traditional part· the s bape required and ·they f are Dayton. · ·;:·~4 Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Burnet ),i rcherons will be replaced be- attached "cold"-wJlbout the pun-; No hunting or trespassing on l ween the wagon shafts by n gont sllloko of a whilte·hot iron Ihoe, ntt nded the National meeting 01 the farm known a the Burton "'Daller horae weJA'lJtng three hun- being litted. , the oopc l'ativ-e It'ilk Producerts Enl'nhllrt farm, day or nigbt. ~red pounds lell - between 1,300 The silent sboes a:Dd wag()D8 wIU', Association at lndianapolis Thurs1 t. od 1,400 pounds Instead of 1,600 prolon8' the Ufe of ,tbe boreel by, day and Friday. BOLIN & SJ.OA:N I .ad 1.'100• . The rubberlzfng ot tho two or t1lree y~ara . ,At llre8ent, Mis Harriett Fordyce of near JlDder·c&rrtqel or .the _aeons 111'01 milk wagon hOI:a"B are good tor I'educe their weight from 1,900 to an avel'age "service of, ten yearl;' F 1'l'Y gave A recital of her music LEO.~I, :XOTI ' Ii) , ,600 poundl aDd ball·bearfng with the new eciulplnent the aTer-, pupils lit Lytle Hall Sunday even· wheell w ill al4 In providing IL aKe wJll be fDcl'eue,t\ to twelve or ing, The ea kcts and vaults Notice Ie he.r~by glvt'n ~f1a.t In {reater eaae of traction. thirteen year8" ' . ?ttl's. Magaet J ohns is spending nur \ll\nc Qt a r " ... I ullon of tllO furnished in our S Nice sev ral days this w ek with MT, 'oullel! or th e 'Illag ot Wayne.""===========;:========:==:;::===== \'Ill e )JnSIINl 0 n 8(>(:u nil day of Sept. --"" are the best obtainable. and Mrs , Kenneth Hough and '·lllber. \h r f will be 8ubmltted to the 193~. (lU!Lllfl~d l ~~ tor8 or Ilal d children neal' Wayneville. Only standard met'cbal1\'lIIag" t\t tb j:; nera l loelton Mrs. Meta Rogers was a Sunday di e of tested quality is, th~ 'Vtlyn\,svi un e guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clfth Vlllu daygeof orNQv('mlJ r. ll1e 31> provided. Clients can Will C. t. John, candidate for Pennewit nellr pring VaUGY ilU ptlon. of I pv)' Ing \."\;xea tor t J I' e rs 1935, 1938 llnd lll37 I\l lbo rat .' the office of Wayne Township Mr, and Mrs. J. B., in -corn r ly upon us to conduct Trustee solicits )'(Iur support at pany wttb Ml' . and Mrs, Richard ~~~I:~C~t Ybhs: l~~ o!'aIUn;a~nO~f t~~ tbe finest tune-ral posI " abl property ",ltl-!n the the elect ion Noveru,bel' 5. or W a~ '8vlll in I(Ce88 of tlle Mool'e of Dayton were entertain. sible at a 'price within ral ,\ulhorliled by RlC. 56%6 - \1 Of ed to Binner Sunday Ilt ·th~ home W. ,Grahanl, Township Trustheir Jt: cans. e the (len rat ode f ot lh purpos of WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF curre n t i",e n" />!8. \... tee, is a candidate for l'e·election of 11-11'. and Mrs. C. C. Boehner in Tho ~ho vot tn fa" o r o f the CHRIST and olicits your support at the Cincinnati. • 1)ropos l\lOJl \J: m:lltlng SUC h o.d<llD' . M,'. and Mrs. Ed Longacre ,.,. I I ~ llull'lll t. ~ I ' vy will hllv wrille n or Not A enommabOn electio n .l'/ovember 5, . 1935. ' 1,1 - - . , IlTlnt ed o n lh pir ballots "For lhe • pent the week-end with the ... ~' . II ...~~-Ul I ~v~'" a nd those wij,o vote Carl SmIth, Minister llK" ln t l!uc h n\l<lltlonal l llx l evy , J esse Prendergast solicits your latter 8 811nt, near Billn.chester. ~'---~"'" will hn.\' wrllt n or printed on 9 :30 Bible schoo), lesson text s upport at the elEtction Tuesday, Thursday evening dillll~r guests ~L ~b,'lr IJn lhlts "Ag,~lt\!ll tno tux IV Y." Th M of J . h J 7 !. \..Io't'= 2'9 K.. E • DAY, e essage eTemlS: er.· Novemb er 5, for the office of of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Kenrick were: Mrs. Myrtle Minning of Mayor. I 1-26. Golden text: "Hearken unto 'l'ru tee of Wayne Township. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Dall'd a pt Il1b r 3. 1936. 017 . :.l4.3t! my voic~, and l will be your God, !!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!'!!'!!!'!!'!!!!!~~!!!!!~!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!! and y~ shall be my people, Jer-7: 23. 10:30 choir special 11 :00 Lord's Supper. 6 :46 p. m. Christian Endeavor, Topic, "The Effect of Alcohol on Body and Mind; Provo 23·29-82. 7 :45 EvangeJjstic servic!!. Wednesday · night, Prayer Service and Bible fltudy of Christian action. S :30 Choir practice, Shampoo and Finger Waves- SOc or 60c Oome, enjoy the fellowship in these services ~nd study of God's Finger Wa""'. 7 30c or 48c word. Children'. Hair Cuh- 2Sc




livery :






-'-=--= -===:====

Tw ~ quut

capa cl t " . M.d. of h_a., ....l Good quality h••ting plate a.n 4 ••dutiv. fI •• ilIle .""atof " llIIi"at •••conhtng of co ~n.


!r~?:: 912.~ ~

R ip or 10 os. Rip . ........ Vana4Nra . .... with wlMt. hIcfloty . d ••r 1ec4w.-d httfldle. .... nce4

.. ,.me...

Specials fQr Thursday, Friday and Saturday Look for Specials ,on display in our show windows.



fairlt¥- Hardware Company


Phone 32

Waynelvi1le; Ohio


'Real Art Beauty Shop Special Prices

Ladies' Hair Cuta- 3Sc Permanen t Wavea- $3.00 and $4.50 (Inclu es Shampoo. 'Finger Wave and Hair Out)

14 End Curls ~ $1.S0 Get ready for the "Party Season" by 10Qking your best. CALL 61R3 FOR APP OI NTMENT GRACE, DAVIS, P rGp. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO

FRIENDS MEETING First-day School at 9 :30 a. m. Meeting f or " Worship at 10 ~30



Unified servicell chur ch jIIchool at beginnine 9 :30 a. with m. ~~;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;~ ser vice a t 10 :30 a. m.

WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHuRCH Rev. G. C. Dibert, Paltor Sun day : ~ally Day and H ome Coming will ~ observe d on next Sunda y. Th e "Sunday Bchool will meet at 9 :3 0 with sp e cial m usic a nd apeaking. Morning w orship at 10 :40 with Rev. V, F , Brown , a former past or of our chur ch as t he sp eaker. Dr. B rown is a speaker of splendid ability a nd ls Bure t o bring a gl'eat message. Do n' t fa il to hear bim. A basket dInner will b e served in t he dining .room of the church; and there will be an informal p r~ gram of m usic and llpeaklnr 1:30 p . m. There will be no. e9fr1ing service. W ednesday : Bible study prayer meeting a t 7 :80 p. m.

From 1900 up to 1934 the l~f tobacc;o used fo r cigarettes increased from 13,084,037 Ibs. to ~!6,093 , 357


ROOFINO Repair yOUl' old one, or put on a new roof ;now. Prepare for winter's rains and storm .. We have a comp lete stock of the best roofing materials made and you'll do be t by eeing us about your work. Prompt and efficient. '

Asphalt and Red Cedar Shingles ASbe.tos Shingles allo Building Materials of All Kinds


ST. MARY'S CHURClH J. 1. ~ch.etfer, Rector E iehteentb Sunda y after TrinIty, Ootober 20. Church school at 9:30 ; Mor nin, Prayer and lennon at 10:80. ~ev.

ST. AUCUSTINE CHURCH Father Ne wto.. P!' ..... at St. 411P1tiM'I Claucla ...,. MeODci

f til. _


ad foarGa l unda,


It to



increase of 2392% • • •

mild ripe tobacco maJ~e a good cigarette.

During the year ending Jun~ 30. 1900. the Government collected from cigarette taxes .




the year ending June 30. 1934, the same taxes were

$350,299.442 an increase of 8725"

-a lot of money.

• • • Cigarettes give a lot 0/ pkiaure to a lot of people.

More agarettes,are smoked today becallU morc people know about them they arc better advcniscd. But the main fCUOn Cor the increase is that they are made bcttct-made of bcttc1' tobaecos; tbCD . . . tile tobaecos are blcadecl a blclIKl of Dome.tic aad Tucldth tobaecos.

a",,,JfWtlII ... tif -'"

it- '" 111 . .

Eighty-$eventh Year


TEAM PLACES,fOURTH COUNTY RELIEF The fifth annual Warren CQunty ACALL TO MEN OF WAYNE TWP: husking cQntest will held HEAD RESIGNS atcom the Everett Runyan farm, Mon- IN NATIONAL JUDGING day, Octob er 28. The 'Runyan A Call all ivie-spirited Men Wayne Town!!hip. Re. ignation of E. Tyler hough far m is located a miles northeast An app is being mad to attend meeting at the WayCONTEST . lAST WEEK as Warren county djre.ctor of Lebanon just. oil' route ne viii Methodi st church friday evening at o'clock be

to al




Mrs. William ~mith, nN Doro'h B 'h'" f • y ogan, was • e guest a honor at a parcel shower held · at the home of the bride's crandparenta, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Compton, Neff Burlinaton, Saturday afternoon, Oc.tober 19, given by MiSA Edna Leamin" Jeannette Wilson and Ladonna Sinclair. . The eokir IICheme,' pJnk and white was carried ~ut in the The refreshments .conaiated of jello fruit salad, white and Jllnk cup eakes, and feed tee. Mrs. Smith re.lved many Uleful and lovely trlfta. The &'Ue • ta were:


7 :30


which time an effort will be made to {ol'm Il men' s organ'iza- ' ti on, whose purpose and aim wilI be to work in th interest and bettcrm nt of Wuynesville and Way ne township. Lendi~g

- ..- - -

bu.-iness men, farm rs, cle rk. and 'Dther. in 1111 wa~k . of .laf ha~ e \lxp l'e s d un int~r 'st in f orming such an orgamzatlon, whu:!h would be pat terned somewh,a t after th now r!efunci Men of Wayncsvill , which functione dl so efficient ly several years ago but which fell by the way~ide . It is the )lul'pose to int er. t not only bu other men of the community as well.

in 'e~s

men but .

. Th e aim of lhe new organization will be tQ work for the of the co mmun ity and deve lop a civic spirit, which IS ~o pl'evalent in othe)· communitic but i apparently lacking here. ~ ette l'menl


effective Novembe 1 ws s accepted by . . Stillman, dit'edor of I'eli f in Ohio, Friday, according to a statement made by Mr. Shough, The resignatiOn was tend red October 16. The desire to go into private business was the )'eason. for the l'esignation. Mr. Shough will operate a dry clellni~g establishment in Middletown. No indication liS to the future of r elief in Warren county could be gained from Mr, Shough. As his personal opinion, he believed that it would continue for a short time at least.


Lun ch will be servec.l by the Genntown communi!,y club. The standing c rn cont t wi11 start at 10 :00 ... m. with seven contcstants to dat, Shock corn contest will start at 1 :00 p. m. with two contestants to date. ntel' a Women desiring to women's contest notify thc COnJr mittee at onc(!o.

---- -----

All men ~f Wlly ne t~wn ship at'e invited Rnd Ul>ged Lo be t he Meth odist church thl Friday night; Where sEmtiment. will l lc ou~d~~1 out, and if a large enough cr08s·s'ectilon of the t own hlP IS 1 prese nted to attempt to take fil'S ~ stc~ps toward a permanent () I'gnnization.




Mr . !'Ifyer Hyman was in Cin· clnnati several days this wee.k.

PROGRAM ENJOYED BIRTHDAY SURPRISE m~~;~r:~~ a;~;:~~eed'camp , .H " F, SHUlTS ~:crt~~y!~~~of~~:u~.e~~~;I:~~~ BY LOC aAL GRA'NGE FOR MRS




- - - - ... ~ -

Mra. MOdred Bunnen of Cen- K08her.

terviUe; )(1'1. Ray Young, K.... The Ladie. of the Methodist New Burlington Howard FltsJerald, and MI. church will hive a douihnut lale B.e atrlce S.lbold, all of Kiddie· in the IOcIal room of the cburcb town; )(1'1. Donald ·Dabe and S Rally Day was observed by the Patricia Ann Dabe of HUlabo"o; aturda~, Octo}.er 26, beginning M. E. Sunday school on Sunday. Mila Alina ' Sohni Mill M~r)' at 10 0 clock. LeaVe your orders \ Miss Madorie Haydock Is the Antram of Wtlmin";oJl Mrs. Lelah with Mra. J. D. Marlatt, telephone guest of her brother, Thoma. Willon of Xenia; Ena Halnea 116H3. Haydock and wife of .Jamestown. Mr. and Mr•• George B. Beach, Mrs. Dorothy Bogan Smith waa MI'I. Homer Halne., Emily Hatne. MrL Luther Balnel alld Phyllli Mra. H. C. Coleman and grandson, honored with a parcel 8bower at Haine. o~ New Burlington R. H.; t of Norwood, and Mlaa Emm. the home of her grandmother, Mrl Mr•. ErvIn Blair, M.... Emma Heqrbway were luncheon' ruellt. of H. F. Oompton, on Saturday , BlaIr, Rhea Jeannette and Ruth ' lIIra. , Cli1rord S: Ridre at The Caesar's Creek Township baaeEleanor Blair, Mre. Horace Comp- Little Inn, Tuesday. ball team defeated our Grade team ton and Mr.. Addie Schamerlon, on Friday afternoon, 11 to 6. MiSA Ruth Reever, Mr8. F. D. Mr. and ·Mrs. C. I. Sa~rth- The remains of Mrs. Lettie BufCompton, all of New Burlincton; waite and daughter have ,returned· fman Elam, of Spring Valley wer.e Mrs. Evan Bocan and Marjorie after a visit 'atbthe hhome 01 Mr. b}'ought to our for d cemetery ft Boran of Da,ton; Mrs. Evere~t S a ttelih wa Itell rot and burial on Satur ay a ernoon. • t M d 'U' R ' J h N D I d>~" t ft'Halnee, E,s ther Jean . Halnea, Mrs. S18 eT, r , an· .... rs. a1pb D. 0 n. d h. un Z II'p "'". hba h lit Hoy Jones, Mary Loui.. Jonee, T 0 IIe i n Wash mgton, D. C. home In t e oar nell: or 00 Mrs, Ralph Leeming, llelen and Thursday a. m. Fune, servicel Marpret Leamlq, M.... Ethel Mias Martha Cook, Mrs. W: N. were held at ZoaT chureh on Mitchner, M1'I. · Walter Mitchner, Sears, Mrs. Will Bradley and O. S4turday afternoon. M1'I. Margaret Mitchner, Flout. W. Smith attended the RestoraMr. and Mrs, James Canard u_ W • E • Boran, Chureb tion Rail), The at. New Te.tam~nt '.~I tch ner,..... of for Ch..l. New Vlea"" apent t he wee k -en d WI·th re Iati~ lira. Amos Compton, II.... Ralelab Monday. • ... ., -- at Highland, Ohio. BOgaJl, lira. Carl Jon.., lira. Wal Robert and Ruby Smith were ter Wllaon, IIrL NeWe . B1lIlMU. Mrs. C. M. Robltzer with Mr. gunts of relatives in Columbul lIonbala BunaeU. lira. BIlodeI and 111.... Oeora. JohniOn of Lebo over the week-end. BUDnen, Jliu Loulle Blnolak, aD anon, left Satllrday mo~ing for lIiu Dena MeDilI of Jam.ltowll of w..ra...we, IL ILl The peet ClrHIaDd where tile, were rllelta ' was the week-eDd ,Ullt of her of hOllor 'aM the hoateael. of IIr. lira. ROJ .JObDlOD. lin I at.r M .... F. P. ae.v... _____ • Boblaer .....iD.. for. lIlore a.1 and Mra. P. A. La'W1lOn ad YOUIlG nil'" II&tTl1fG teadecl ~t with hll' uu,Iltel'. famU, have mOM to the .eCJar, farm near KiDpDan. The Y. P, .. lit. lin..... IICIftiIa Jk aDd .. - • 1ftm.1L 0et0IMr .'1.. .. tbe 1In...




.m ....


Men and young men of Waynesvill attend this meetMr . Grace Davi wa luncheon ing. ot Mrs. Janl es E. Mc lurE The Civilian Conservation Corps guest _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _;, Camp at Fort Ancient, will be Wedn day. TOoved to Fort Knox, Ky., Monday Mr. and ' Mrs. RUSllcl Sali!\bur~ Captain Edwin H. Mayfield, com- and family pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cornell. were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond onnel and daughter, Miss Ruth spenl ' of all listed projects was given Ii! atul'day in Dayton, _ _ ___ the' reason for removal. Mrs. Elizabeth Lewi and Mr , The following program in charge Mrs, Howard Shutts WIIS ple~j3The o~der for the removal was John Davis were 'd inner guests 01 .issued despite ilft'orts of Lebanon of Mr. and Mrs. Harold. WlIitakel' ant1y SUrprised Saturday evening business men to have the camp Mrs. Della V nable today, and Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence when a large gl'OUIP of friends and retained ther'e. Mos of the work Ernest Butterworth and M. A. Brown wae enjoyed October 19 relatives a sembled at her home on eompleted by the camp since De- Cornell were in' Cincinnati on . by a large number of Grangers. l'oute I, the occusion being her cembel', 1993, consisted in beau- Dusiness, Wednesday. Recitation _ Frances Whita~el" birthday anqiversary. tifying Fort Ancient, a stat~ Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGinn; park. The eamp was for Negroes, Recitation- Eileen Brown. The gue ts came masked and tbe 195 beiDg quartered there. All hove returned home after spend"The Haunt(1d whole aff'ilil' was Iluggestive ot tbe buildings will remain' in charge of ing a few days in Bellbrook. Patttomime House," by a number ot ladies. Hallowe'en season,. A pleasing fea· the (aretaker. Misg Rita and Mr. Ray Van Often, of Cincinnati, spent th ' Stunts in charge of Mrs. Berne ture wa the prolsram ' of music COMMUNITY CHORUS week-end in Waynesville. Jones and Mr!. Walter Kenrick'. rerrd cl'ed by member of the Tin· f 'l :l ·M Following this refreshments con y ami y an. rs. Robert The community chorus, which is Mrs. Emma Leeds of McComb, siating of apples and eandy were ;e urnas. under the direction of Mr. Russel Ohio, is a guest in the home 01 her served by the committee. The t following . ular ,n i ece, .., The next meeting, November 2, t . th per ons. wero M Fran,k, wil] have the next...... .-.. mrS. G. C. Dibert. presen 0 enJoy e evenlDg: r. meeting Wednesday nt'ght Octo"-'r ( lts, of Cincin. 30, in the music room at the HI'gh .,.; will be lection of officers and and Mr5. E rnest .lhu Mr. and Mrs. George Hat·tsock .... MT. an d'" no program wi! I bs given. m .tS. F rank Burnside , chool building. The rehearsal and Mr . and MTS. Herman Surface na,I, A large representation is ex~ an d son, M r. an d Mrs. L a re Burn. will start promptly .a t 8 O'clock spent Sunday with relatives in si~e, MI'. /lnd M.'>s. Roy Fox and and the director announces that Piqua. pecteo for thi n..!!e,!,i_n g_.__ MI3 . Eleanor HI,ghtman, ~f Leb- it is important for ev~ry on to NAMED DELEGATE TO an~n, Mr. and Mr . M rrts HU~' I be there at that time. All who are Mrs. L, B. Ha]J and family, of FRIENDS MEETING tel and son, Mr. Thoma Hardin interested are earnestly requested Columbus spent the week-end with and Bon, Mr.. and Mrs. Merle Tin. to be present. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry ' __ • McGinnis. Mrs. J. A. Hm·tman is one of ney and bmlly, Mr. and Mrs. A R_ord M M R H . the ten lielegates named to repre- Robel't Furnas and Bans, Mr. ' r, and ra. . H. artsock atsent Wilmington Yearly M~ting Frank Crew, Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Tinney an'd f·amily Mi $ 001'0 . A new world's ~ord in number tended the Eaatel'n Star · ball at of Friends at the Five·years M~t ing which is in session in Rich- thy Lee, Mr. and :Mr~. Clarence of eggs laid in total weight of the the Netherland Pla;L8, -Cinclnnati, Rye and family, Mr. lind Mrs. eggs for th!l breed was made by a Wednesday night, mond, Ind., this week. Mr. ·and Mrs. Emil Brown and Friends from all over the world Harold Beckett and family, Mr, pen of barred Plymouth Rocks in will be preaent at this conference. Charles Shutts, Mr. and Mrs. the New York state egg laying Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Retallick, Riley Herrington, Mr. and Mrs, test. Th~ 10 hens in the pen laid with friends from Lebanon, spent Howard hutts Marjorie lind Rob. 2848 eggs, an average of 246 each Su.nday at Lexipg~n, Ky. . STILES-DAKIN er~ Shutts. ' • - • I Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Crane and Miss Mabel Dakin, daughter of Lytle children were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Boorom at B 11Mr. and Mrs. L, C, St. John Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dakin, and spent the week-end with their son MI'. Charles Stiles, son of Mr. and Ben Hawke of Springfield, is brook, VVcdnesda~ evening. Kenneth and wife' at Hubbard, O. Mrs. Robert Stiles, of Middle ' spending a few , days with hom'e Mr. and M.'s. :Burnett ButterOn SUllda-y the four enjoyed a Run, were quie'tly mamed in folks. Covington, Ky" Saturday, October ', Th~re was an official boal'd and worth, Mrs. F'lorence Davis and motor tri]) into Penn ylvania, 19, ____ also a committee meeting Tuesday Mr, Ernest Butterworth motored Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kepperling Mr. and Mrs. Stiles went imW d evening at the home of Mr, and to Lerington, Kt'ntucky, Sunday of Akron, en route from Coving- mi!diately to their furnished 'holne ' ante -The owner of a black M C L D k t K h th h Jersey bull- which came to the rs. . . u e. Miss SlIlie McK im, of New York on, y., were ey ad jus,t on the farm recently purchased by Charles Elli fann at the intersecMr. Byron Ferris, of Lebanon, City, and Miss Ada Miller, of been married, called on Mr. and the bridegroom. tion. of Route 73 and Lytle road was' a dinner guest Wednesday, Franklin were guests of Miss Mrs. J. V. Hartsock, Monday. - MOTHERs'-CLUS last Friday and is making him- of hi niece, Mrs. AUce Miller and Kathryn Gibbons over the weekMrs. JuLia Bergan has received The Wayne Township Mothers' self very much at home. mother. end. announ~ment· of the arrival ' of a club will meet at the grade build· ACj!ording to Mr. Ellis the Miss LatUa Rosnagle of CindnMrs. Harry StoKes, SOli October 17, at the bome of ing Friday afternoon, November animal is POdseS!30r of an enorm- nati, was a week-end guest of r. Gibbons and Mrs. J. L. MendenMr: and Mrs. Edgar Bergan, in lat 2 o'clock. ous appetite and has absolutely no and Mrs. Harvey Burnet. De~roit. The young man has been The pt'ogl'am will conaist of regard for ,:fen~~s, having tllrn Rev. and Mr•• Jonah Vuker at- hall attended a lecture at the At't named Edgar Ernest, Jr, ~xercises by pupils of t·h e 5th down several on hi s farm. tended services at the Baptist Institute in Dayton, Friday evengrade, vocal music by , MrS. A. L. The bull is d.~scribed by Mr. church In Lebanon Sun4ay, whet'e ing. Miss Emma lIeighway enter- King, of near Springboro, and a Ellis as about two years old and Rev. Vuker .filled the pulpit. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Mills arriv. tained at the Little Inn on' Mon- tal1c by Mrs. Maria Elbon. This having no barns,. Miss Wanda Clark, of Dayton, ed home Wednesday evening after day, her h()u8e gue8t, Mrs. Cli!- prom·ises to be an interes~ing prois spending her vacation this a pleasant visit at the home of Mr. ford S. · Ridge, of Chieaao, Mrs. gram and a good attendance is AMATEUR NIGfiT month witb her parents Mr. and and Mrs. Lindley Mills in Midland, Edith M. Barris and Mr. Harria desired. Mrs. WaIter Clark. Michigan.




TO SETTLE AAA PLAN November 3-0bser'f Father's Day after the study of, Goq's IN DAY'S BALLOTING Word, by th\l young folks. ,. November 14-7 :80 p, m. Greene County Area mceting of the hurches of Christ. Wednesday November 27 Votilll' PIa.c:.. Located EI" ..... nigbt>. Thankllgiving service ,a nd Thl'OUlbolit Warren . musiclIl program. County Yo-u B1'e all welcome to these ervioes. Eleven polling places where Wrtrren county farme!'s may · cast theiL' votes jn the nation-wide com hog referendum on Saturday, October . 26, bave been set up In the county, it ia announced by Lester J. Miller, County Agricultural Agent. Only one qUestion will be on the ballot: Are you In favor of a corn hog adjustment prog1'8m to follow the 1935' program which expires Mrs. Oscar Smith spent Tu day on November 30, 19361 All opela- with friends in Lebanon. tors and O"'11ers, or their official representatives, . of farms which Mr. and Mre. J. D. produced corn or hogs in 1936 were in Columbus ThUrsday. may vote whether they . signed 1934 or 1935 corn-hog contracts Mislles Lola, and E)'rna Sears, and or not. Ea~h eligible person is en· Mr. John . Scars spent Friday evening in Cincinnati. titl .II only to one vote. The schedule' of the polling Mr. and Mr _ John lary, of places, which will be open from Cincinnati, pellt Sund~y with Mr. 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. together with and Mrs. J. D. Marlatt, the corn-hog committeemen who will bl! ill charge is as follows: Mis es Lulu lind Anna Vand erSpringboro, Gra~ school, B. T. voort, of Wilmington, were guests Blackburn. , of Miss LilJa Benham Sunday. Mason, mayor'a office, Elmer A. F. Melloh and family attendDurrell. Franklin, Legion hall, S. S. ed a Bible conference at the First Baptist church in Hamilton, Burdge. Maineville, Town hall, Joa unday. Brandhuber. . Mr. and ~1rs, A. O. Grift'y were Butlel1Ville, BuUervl1le Twp. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Bouse, Harold. Sharp. , l)J:eakfield Ha,abur8, Townlhlp hOUle, week·end. at Sabina, over the Harold Beckett. Morrow, Town }lall, T,~ HunMr. and Mrs. Sherman Tinney ter. are announcing the arrival of II Lebanon, County Agent's office, daughter at· their home Monday, Miles Davis. October 21. South Lebatlon, Township hOllse Mr. and Mr . Irving D. WeJch E. J. Beadle. Carey spent Washinrton townljhip, Township and Mrs. Viola Saturday evening .with Mr , Pearl house, John Settlemyre. Waynellvllle, Township bouse, McMaken in Lebanon, Charles ElJis. Mr, and Mrs. Geol'g Johns, nee County results of the releren. Edna Bergan, are announcing the dum will be wired to atate head· of a daughter, Patricia Ann quarters at Columbu8 by Monday birth unday, October 20. noon, and the state reau]t8, in turn will be sent to Wa htngton by The High School Boys' Sunday Tuesday. school class will sell Hallowe'en Officiall of the Agricultural Ad- doughnuts next Thursday, October justment Administration point 31. Call phone G2 and give your out that unless a 8ufficient number order. of farmers v~t!! favorably there Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Thomas and will be no program. The administration must be assured. that a M.r. and Mr . Frank Hess mived , suftlc.ient number of farmers will home Friday after a pleasant tTip pai"ticipate to make a program to Marshalltown and ·DesMoines, Iowa, where they visited relatives. operative and successful. Facts upon which farmcl's may Mrs. Clifford • Ridge, of Chiballe their judlJment hav.e been cago, who is visiting friends in presented at a series of commun· Norwood, came to Waynesville ity m,eetings. Sunday tor a riet visit and wa, the-guest of Mi s Emma Helghway

Whole Number



Amateur ~t at the "gym Fri-

Mrs. Herbe~ Edwards and ehB-

4." Jud,e. 5\H:ceed in Competi. tion at St. Louie Dairy

S'J.ow Obio's 4-H dait'y cattle judging tcam composed of winners at the 3tate fall' last September, plac- . l d ·fou rllt in a national contest of l -H judging teams at the National &iI'Y· Ilow at St. Louis last week rho thl'ee leading teams were ~ rO{ll [OW8, Maryland, and Indiana Thel' were 20 teams in the con· As a team, Ohio's 4·H judges 'anked second in placing Ayr-lhires, four!h in placing Guem!ey~, sevcnth in Jerseys and ~ ightcenth in Holateins. [ndividually, the boys pJaced well. John Stockdale placed filth, Harold Blackwood eighth, and lfarold Mautz t)1irty-fourth in judging all breeds. All of th boys are hom }.'[uskingum county. They made the trip with W. S. Barnhart, county agricultura' agent. INDIANA IS NEXT ON BUCK SCHEDULE . Ohio State University's squad will make it first foreign invasion of the season Sat\lrday, when the Bucks meet tndiana at Bloomin". ton. Bucks' Unimpressed by th ' ctorie populat'ity and by cal' C ach Francis A. SCI ,, " d ~ ie giVing hi charil'e a ha~d workout thl. week in preparatiun for the Hoosiers, Schmidt considers no game won until he sees the final tally on the sco~e-boar d. The Indiana game is scheduled for a p. m., Ohio time. The conteat may be heard over several radio stations, including WOSU which will start its broadcast at 2 :45 with Grant P. Ward givinr the play-by play report. He will be assisted by Wib Pettegrow. Hundreds of fans wlll foll~w the team to Bloomington by train and auto.

---.. ...--~

ANNOUNCEMENT OF SERVICES AT THE CHURCHES SUNDAY FRIENDS MEETINC First·day Scbool at 9 :30 a. m. Meeting for' Worship at lU:80 m. FERRY CHURCH OF CHIiUST Carl Smith, Mlnlster Unified .l!ervices beginniDC with church jschool at 9 :30 a. eervice at 10 :30 a. m.


WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH Rev. G. C, Dibert, Palto~ SUnday: Sun day sclwol at 9 :30 . a. m. l\1orning worship at· 10 :40. Next Sunday is being observed lUI School 4nday in the churches of Oh io, lind the theme tor the morn. ing sel'lnon will be, A CI'eed That Works, Epworth League at 6 :46 p, m. Evan~elistie services 7 :30 p. m. Monday: The Official Boald will meet at 7 :30 p. m. ' Wednesday: Bible study and prayer meeting at 7 :30 p. m.

M~. and Mrs. Ernest Earnhart day, N"ovember 81i promptly at 8 l dren of Dayton were Sunday o'clock. Attractin prizes. Anyone ,guests of he~ parenti, Mr. and Mrs and family, of Carlisle, were among the former residents who wisblng to comll,ete, communicate Rufus WatJhns. , . . with committee in charg'e. Mrs. I Mrs. Marg,aret Johna , was a dm- attended the home comlnr at the All ner guest Sunday at the home of Methodist church, Sunday. ce Welch, Mlrs. Nina St. John . and Mrs. Mary McClure. Martha Hougb, near Waynel- Mrs. James Lovely, in company ST. MART'S ' CHURCH me"":.tatch for announceJ. B. Jones returned home with .Mrs. Thomas Grubb, of Rev. J. J. Schaeffer, Rector " ••_ • Tuesday evening after spending a Middletown, is villitlng in Zanes- Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity, couple of ,aays with her sister, Mrs ville, Ohio, Bu1l'alo, New York October 27 Church school at 9 :30 I and other points of Interest. John Zimmerman in Dayton . . Moming Prayer and sermon at Miss Sarah B~rnet of Dayton is '10:30. MI811 Mary Carolyn Lukens of spending some time with her Miss Rebecca Dunham, of Cin lJarveysburg, was the w~k·end brother and wife, Mr. and · Mn. cinnati, and Mr. Raymond DunST. AUG.USTINE CNURCFI guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Harvey Burnet. Miss Burnet is ham, of Kings' Mills, visited Mr. .Father Newton, Pastor Lena Hartsock. slowly recovering from on acci- and Mrs. Walter Sheehan, Sunday Misses Arlnie smd Mame Browne dent four months ago. aftern oon and evening. Mass at St. Augustine's Church were all-day guests of Mrs.1 Rilla Mrs, William Gray of Dayton tor Mrs. Boyd E:enderson was the very aecond and four~h SUllllaJ Browne and her house-gues~, 1T~T8 . and Mr. and Mrs. I}eonard Gray of P I d guest of Mrs. Grace Davis Mon- f the montb. · eerl Campbe I, last Frl ay: Chlcinnati spent the week.end day evening h Ilnd both atte nded the . Mr,. Sloan alnd nep ew, Mr. with Mr~ and Mr!. George Gray Morton Sloan, />f Dayton, called and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gray and R.eedy Beauty Culture demonstra· WAYNESVILLE CHURCH or CHRIST on' their cousin, "Miss Katie Collins children. tion at the Biltmore hotel, Dayton. Not A Denomination on Sunday, . Miss Helen Early and Miss Mrs. E. F. Earnhart, Worthy Tbe members of the Home famity Wanda Clark were six o'clock Matron of Miami Chapter No. 107 Carl Smith, Minister . d t h e week-end VISIt ,. 0 fT om dinner · enJoye ·g uests of Mrs, Alice Clark, O. E. S., is attending the 46th Kennedy, secretary of Bernard Friday. annual session of 'th~ Grand Walton, (}f Philadelphia. Sunday afternoon callers at the IChapter of Ohio, in Cincinnati llra. Lena Hartsock attended a hom.e of Mr. and Mrs. Forest this week. banquet Monday ,nirht, of the Graham were: Mr. and Mrt!. Erne 1 . . . HarveysbuT, Eaatern Star, ot SmIth, Mr. and M1'I. Ra, Smith, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Sahsbu which Ihe il • charter member. lire. Lucy Dyke, Mr. and lin:' I!.ave moved into the Charlee Samuel L: Haworth, head of the Frank Critzer alld little dau.hter re.ndenee. Mr. and Mra. BIblical department of G~i1ford and Mr. and 111ft. Alvin Dyke of Moran will occupy t,he houu , on Colhp, Gldlford ~. C., and 1Irs. Dayton. ,Third Itreet vacated by the SalisHaworth called on IIrs. Ada B. In honor of her blrthda,. lira. bur,.. leDld... Sua. .,.. Ra1'Ye, Bumet enter1alned at Mr. and IIrs. Harve), PiIt~cJatll'd. lira. Emma Pelfte Jollled ber dinller, W IlIIe Edna Mr. anclllra. Ralph Truu, ftlaU.... IIr•••cl 111'1. Tom Cal- ·M cEwen. of IOee I ctnnatt, IIr. and II.... auN.1 Callftl~ of Sarah .Unlet. B. Flor. . . and famllJ .ad



Friend.' Home New.





Sl!; Tht! Columbu. Blank s cretarYi Charles Heckeuon. of lIiddl wwn. • nL "illl' dl'feated th~ Hanot')'~bllrg I, rt'~itl~nt aNsociation. wat< Eal·nhart. 0" 8upplil.'11 fOl' team j to 0, Esct'U lit pitchinlC by in Chllrjtl' Ilf llIt'cting. Thl' JUll\es. Jr .• r porter; James Shtets Seckll1'llOn di.~euliid the COQqu..t Book M Cg. nt-awl'llllo of f ..., fear of '4!11, fear of probate CuUl't $8.25; Tl'eallUrer uC .. ',Iud" IJ&vitl h Id tile Hllrvtys. morning opl'nud with a h<'1 Tbill orJ,?anilatloft meeta eve.., ot het' and ear ot faUur6. Tbt .... SUlt., clothin/( furnished inmnte bUrll' team \0 but two bit.. The ' roup of !It! by thc Ll'bf1r\h ond speak!!1' wa~ R vtH'end Carl for Stllt(· I1u~lIillll. PIU/8 i The Waynesville tt'am made 1\0 C\'\'\II'.. liMn High orchestra, under )<'I'iday afternoon at lh fO I' SeCQlld Office Outfitter, !iuPIlIi fte-r lOlling the ,ame with Kings the dirl\ction MiN EI'ie Thomp. pt!riod. MI'. rabbe J the inRtruc- ·u'lbllr., paltor 0 th office, ,6.2G; Th • Ii II. , Wllynt'~wllle is one murt' l "lin . and group inl/iing led by Mr. t(lr Bnd supervisor. With a' largc.· Lutheran hurch, in Springfield, auditor's Girla' and 80,..' T~ m. Be.ten BT 111'1'1' lI (\ t a~ pl~aSllnt liS the~~ight bUCK in the flgh anti high in thc GllOddch, of )ltcl'boin. Rcverend I'nrnllnH'nL than b forc the boys Ohio, Rm· ' r nu Sunburg tnlk~d on Columlll1K Blank Book' Mfg. o. Kin I Mi~l. \ Ilav(' be'>ll, U\C score being 38 to !! I('agul'. The glllll\l betll n. VdnK 0, F'rnnk Rto lreh, of I\[lI so n, COil· ar~ looking forward to a sueee!l~' the !lubjecl of bllildin~ for ,lime 100 vend 1". license · for auditor. - - ' Illlt 'l'rlnill talent am ong lhe girls boro nd Kings Mills lJIlly decide ducted the deve tion, ', using for his ful yenr, Ilnd eternity. interspersing his I'e· $2,50; Burl'oughs Adding Mach· n \\'Cdll~ - d )" (lctoh",' 16. till.' "IIi ~h,' \'n And hopc: for future wh thcr WlIynel>Yille take!' th.e th m . "Punctuating Your Rl'l C) •• me 'hanieal services, $6 .• marks with numerous storics in alltl I!h'l in tlw lt1 'h s hotll "am~ url' high. The bo,s also lost champion:<hip or n ot. II King;; glon." The firsl; addr s of the d 55: Woodrow,Weil ·mnag!.' 0." which l<erved H double pUl'pose o"f Schoolma.ter.' Ch,b Meet. iD ./' ~ 1'10 diS I'\tr il u ~ gallll'~ w,th till'il" fil'::;t game f t' this senson Mnniln env lopes for commis ionentertail}ll1ent lind instruction. Mill 10 'es, W uynesville ha it, 1£ "a jt'iven by IDoctol' Ruth 'trei l II ' Milk It \\a thl' til'~ t li llll' g,)i n ~ d(lwn b), n ore of 16 to 5~ thcy don't Waynllsville is ti ed with of th Carl .. l"! The Schoolmtlllter's club I a U~. $3.4 L; Parker ~eed IlddiLiolllll Iliv ·r.;iLy of incinnati. '\ ,ll Y . 'eal' t h t th e 11'1111' I n,11 them and will have to play the tie Doctor treitz stl' ed the topi Tb Wunen ounty School· new organization In this county atlinlsl c il)'\, $6J "elell Dough. ~. play.-" ny hlt el""cn()lu. l ic W.yneniUc DeE-fa Harvey_burr off. The game \vill probably bc which hatl beE n elcc:l<"d us th nla t rs' club held its second and wa begun as 1\ means 'M man. board and I;are IifrQrd r1! . Th e 1('~U lt. of t h gnme I Oil l~l'j"BY. Octo~r ] 9. Way. played at Morrow , with neutral ce ntr I idea fOJ: the In cting which mectlng In atllel last Thursday bl'inging toge! her the men in the Doughman, 7; Mrs. Ira Eltzrot.h, umpi re!! "umping" the gum if was "Teachinl: Pupils How To Dinner was served in the hieh teaching prole sion for nn eyening board and oare A ILee Starkey, $11; ,-- ' anothel' game Is nc cs ory, ' tudy." he cited a numbllr of chool buildil)g at six· thirty. and of recra tion and ndvancement. Jnmc !'l Moore, board 'and care poin t which t.eachers and I)aren ts th~ n the group adjourned to the Approximat Iy fifty w r in atten Lucy MoorE!, $6; Mrs, ElmoI' Lacy A"';'mbly must ob erve i:£ th y lire to arouse audito1'ium. Aft r a p riod of dunce at this meetinll. The gr UJ> board and ea~e Funk Lacy, '6; Our tiS emlJly last Friday. in studen ts th.e desire t.o study group·singing, led by Mr. Go d· wiJI meet in pringboro at a date Mr '. tul!' Gabbard board and care Lincoln GltbbaTd, $5 ; Mrs. Julia rich, or the Otterbein chool, Mr. which i yet to be announced, etolJ(!r 18, was primarily a well. , uperintendent of the Waynesville was. r presented at Holland, board and care. Vernon The mixed oetetL of the Leb· Stevens, organization meeting for '-1'Ortsman hip BrolLhe-rhood. Mr, anon Hig h school. directed by Miss adisle chool, introduced the the gath ring by ' Messrs. Lotz, Holland. $6; Mrs. Ona Osborne. Garst, who is sponsor of the o~gan Thompson, !!Blhg two n umbcl·s. s peal«!>rs of the everiing. The first rabbe, Gal' t, Braddock, Hatfield bOllt'd and care Wnlter Bfirlow, Vii gil Isaacs and Frnnk Balling r the body was C. H. and Brown. , izntion was in chnrge of the pro. This was follo>wed by the ~ond to addl'~ $3 0i Lewis & DI'ak e. Inc., cement grnm. Devotions lI' ere .:onducted address of the morning. The and whit sand for COUt·t House. by Ru th onner. Speeches were speakerwa Mrs. ¥ny Cat'twright $10.40; Lebanon·Citiz ns Nat'l. made by Vincent G1'ift'y, pr sident of ,the State n,epartment of H ealth Bank, coli ction of coupons and nnd Mr. Gal'st anti Mr. Bodenben. who emphasiz'ed the part that bond, 1.76i Tho Office Ou.tfttters, der, who is sp osor of the Junior health plays in. th d~velopmcnt of rubber bands for surveyor, 30e; Spurt man. hip Brotherhood g~v.e sturdy habits ,of boys and girl. Ray Mills, bridge plank $1 8i The U "pep" talk for that body • • Mr. The afternoon .ession was open Warrell ounty Lumb l' Co" Lotz ~ poke briefty and, incluled a e~ with music by th e Waynesville ontlnued on Page 3) r ecognition of Mr. Spencer, our ; H1gh school orche ba, dir clad n " m .. mherof the athletic staft'. Mr. Frank. This was followed by Common PIe•• Proceectin.. 1parents for eXpI1'nses. Mr. ' p c c r received a heart~ group, singing" dirccted by Mr. ovatio n. Assembly closed by sing. G.ut) cll'lch, , itlh Mr. Frank at ,lh ---The will of William H. Glosser plano. In. the case of Nina Kellis v T- deceased, was .admitted to PI:obate illg the High school song. Ask tor 11 t' r Th~ first addl'es of the after. sus 1'1'ebor Kcllis tl1e motion filed .Ralph J:!. John son ,filed hiS ap· Miam isburg Permanent Te.chen w111 At_a Setcti....l noon was given by Dr. E, J. charging that the defendant show plicatIOn f or the a ppol1ltment of a MMtiac.. AshbauJI'h, delln of the College of CB'use why he hould not be pUll' guardian of Relie Johnson, incom· Con~rete Educat 0 f U ' , U' 't I' hed for contenlp· of court was petent. 'ToWJIship teachers D n. 0 h",!laml y. allo\'·ed. The W ..""ne ~ AI l.b d' dOIverSI h ' ~ .Cha.r1 s L. K au f filed an ap· Air Seal Burial Vault ,··:11 oD I'n .att-'"danc. at .'eir sec. ean I!\cusse t fi ea t e 0 f lrnns· w 1f "'0.., .".. ~.o 1 >". s"b aUlt t d b 't e cor d In'. tL e ~ase of Tom 'Prickett vel" p1lta t lOn f or a cel'l tional conventions whl'cb ~'1'11 'be re Q,,10n hetwElen s .u t'y nbl t th an t sus Nannie " ~ Prickett a divorce was f e r tn . th e matter 0 f tees h ta te 0 f For Sale only by reading b't . " meeting on Frida"# .... "'~d Saturday many failures, a I I"~ inpOln Ing come ou n granted ~he plaintiff. 1\1 ax K au f man, decea e d• sch ool beat tills week. The Southwestern In Ute caSe of Nora Blackburn The eata.te of Rachel C, S, t+venll 'i our Funeral Director e students have not been d d IS exempt f r om In h er It. d.'.t'rl·ct Wl'II convene l'n Ct·ncm·. cau t ht h d versus Will iam Blackbul'n a ecease, nati, and the Central district will speaker aug ow to rea. The last t was Mr. B. H. Darrow. of divorce wa !/;ranted the plaintiff. ance ax. . McClure Funeral Home convene in Dayton, Teachers may the Ohio ,Schelol of Ule Air. Mr. In the c e of Haul Brook vcr. Harry L. Darmody, ~uardlan of attend the on~ the1 ch4)o8e. The Dano,", disf;:u, sed the "unlicensed sus Earl J, Coburn, et. ai, judg- Mary A. ~ol1oway. mcompetent Plio.. 7 W.,. ....... Ue. O. chief BCpeak~r8 in Cincinnati will teachers." del:laring that. the news m nt to the plaintiff in t.he sum of flied his third account. "-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ be Robert L. Hill. president ot p pera, the moving pictu~ and $I 000 France, T. Lewis filed her raRotary International ; G. Bromley th& raBio attract mOre uttention in the case of Harry Mc- signation. as iuardian of Relle Oxnam. president ot Depauw th ' h h d h h Clung versus "'E+hel lone Dudley, John8\m, InCOl1)pete nt • Universl·.... ,. . Allan A. Stockdale. , an 18 t oUir t. an t at t ese I 0 re-es ta"St ev"I, Cactors shO Uld be. used is educa- at a i, Charles J.• Waggoner, Trus. "" 0 f, R~ hIe ~ • pastoR: 'o f tile: Firat Con&Tegational ti tee. is to present certain bonds to ens. ,deceased, dIstrIbution of aschurch, Washincton, D.O.; Chari O~t the bU!lines's session which the United tates government for sets 18 ordered. Williams, fteld secretary of the f 11 d payment. . The adJu~lcation and det.ermina Natio ._... ..... 1 Ed"cation A.....v,,_ "" .. tl·on... and 0 owe, it 'was moved adopted tbat formally the present ofIn the matter of the transfer of ti on 0 f th e I~ heritanCe t a JC on th e a~d E. C. Hartwell, .uperinten- ficers continue in charge until funds 0:£ the Board of Township utate of ~ale Runyan, decea ed, tendent of the BWfa]o, N,ew 'York September first, 1936. Officers Trustees of Salem Township. $1, i, to be gIVen tq all persolUl ins(1)oo14. II 'U b " th' k t th t 200 is to be tran"ferred from the terested. . , The chl'ef ......... ' on time w 0 WI erunH. Druhot, ell' wor president a Q The. inventor y 0 f Le Lt e KIbby• ,...--ker·.... 1'n Dayt are: H. Road Fund to the.., General Fund. In the case of RieC! K. Evans deceased, was approved. . will be Florence Hale. director of Lebanon i R . F. Francis, vice-presi RboT FOR AND CONSIGN the National Council of Adminis- dent, Harve~'sburg; Miss Mary v I' us R. Pierce Evans, et aI, lIer. R~n~ R. Bercaw ,,'as apPoUlted t"rative Women, New ltork City; Vandet:Voort. Bec~'etary.treasurer vice by publication is ~o be made administrator of th estate crf fOllr OatU., bop, ,heep ud calv.. Norris-Brock Co., lIv. 'Wira a.d Will .Earnlaa..t, a lllItivl of Frank· Morrow;. members of the execu. on non.resident defendants, Lorenzo P. Bercaw. dec~ased and to pNgrelilve ftnn f l)r the htahut e lin, Ohio. and now directo'r ot tive committtae, J, W. Lotz, Way. In the case of the Waynesville fl]ed bond of $26,000 wlth sw: - market pricn .~d good ...nice, mUlic in the Pitbburg schools: ne&ville; J. A. Goodrich, Otterbein National Bank, of WaynElsville, a ties. C. H. B~yer, Fr.ank St,ltt UDion Stoek Yaru' CUllcla-J1 O. Edwin O. Broome, s uperintendent J W R l S i b corp .• vers"s Ray F. MI'II., et. al. and D. E., Hey'A ood wen appoln- Ttlne in on Radio Statloe W\lXY 4 th PhUad I b ' hI' . 0 t, pr ng oro: J. E. ... ~ t d 12:2& to 12:30 p. m. for our d~nr o~ ~ e p la IC 00 s; Rabbi Sprinkle, Kings Mills; and Miss Lily M. Egbert, executrix of the l! apprSlsel'8. Jam.. G. HeUer. of Isue K. Virginia Hnrdin, Twenty-Mile estate of Walter J. Bsker. deceas Charle J. Waggoner. L. . market rlport.: • H there is anyone thing that the average Wise )'emple, Cincinnati; Douglas Stand;' delegates to the Ohio ed, is made party d'e fendant. Shawbun nd Evan ~. Steddonl Malloch. allthor and poet; WilHam E'd ucation Assoc\ation Convention In the case of James Saul. ad. were apopmted a~pral8ers of the woman seeks in her home life it is to have J. Hutebins, president of Berea J. W, Lotz. Miss Bemeta Ber. min istrator of the estate of H. L. estate of FrankJe A. Dunham College, Berea. Kentucky; and his nard, of Carlisle; Alternates _ Saul, deceased. versus Tbe PI'U- decease~. . The IDventory ot N. A. Hamtl. • lion. Robert M. Hutchins, presi. Miss Elizabeth Fox, Kings Mills, dential Insurance Company of her work finished and extra time for leisure. dent of the University of Chicago. and Ray Hobson, Oak Grove, High Amerjca, the d&ien.dant is granted ton ex. cuto\' of the estate 01 There will alBo be numerous de- land Township. leave to file answer within two Catherme J. Updyke, deceased. partmental meetings and other in· Mr, Garst served on the necro. weeks was approyed. «At the new low ·cost of electric service to'· tereating, f-eature s. logy committee, and Mr, Brown In the case of the F!ld~ral UnA c~rt.ifle copy of t he entry wa chairmalD of the nominating ion tife Insurance Company ' vex- determlDIDg the inheritance ta1C committee. sus Thomas B. Sturdivent, ~t al on. tbe estate of Ada ~. No~le, the customer these things naturally bappen. \: Citi~D.w.p CIM)' Hoi'" Se •• iotl confirmation, deed and . d'istribu- deceased. is to be cel·ti1ied WIth· Tbe aeventh·grade Citizenship tion was allowed. out delay: Sei:oDd Gracie New. club met on Tu esday. October 16. In the case of Martha Nan NeslI A . c~r~lfi ed co'!y Of. the entry dQZ8n uses {or electricity come to mind Mrs. Kel'tsel"s second grade by Edward Van Ness versus Jo- determI nin g the mhe~ltance tax an dttt. foilo'Wing officers were elected: BiII1 Menoh, president; pupils have had' a one·hllndred seph Seigle jlldgment is hereby on the _t~te of Male . , in, a .moment. Each contributes to Comfort, Janette XUrfi88, vice'pr esident; pe( cent attendance record fO} the entered in verdict in favor of deoeased, 18 to be certIfied WIth· Phone 78J , Emellaon Miller. secretary; Lucille week ending October 18. the d efendant. out delay: , . . I Donald Blrown has a pe feet purid!. assistant secretary; Benton N ' Suit Tlte adJudlC!atlon and determlna Convenience and Economy in the home. Hoak, tr~asu r'l i Ro.xie Sackett, spelling rlile(~rd for the first six ( Mildl'ed H":dy ~er!lU 3 Max tion of the i,nh-eritance tax on the , . new~ reporter: Opal Fields, Milo weeks term. Stayton for bastardy. ertat& of . Eugene ,? Dunham, Wade, Donald Kerrick. prQlram Thi ...tI Grad.e New. Rice K. Evans versus R. Pierce deceased~ 18 to be gIven to all And, after all; what more could llnIone wm;tt. II " ..J ' I committee; Benton HOl\k, - Ruth Evnns, et ai, fOr ·pa rtition. persons. mterested. . , ,.OTARY rUBLIC Conner and Frieda Ellis. clean·up There are foul' students on the In the matter of the transfer of . The mv:n~ory of E. A. , Thll't committee for section one and honor roll illl Mis!! Carter's room. funds of the Board of Townsnip kield, .adm~m strator o~ t~eestate , N.ti.... • Robert Sheets. Earl Miller and They are: Janicc Burnett, Rut.h T f 'h T h' f Sal of Echth Henkle Thll'kleld de· - ceas,e d~ was approved. ' Wille Dr._ . • E.ta••• S.ttl." Dortha Thompson for section two. Anna Johns , Ruth Helen LeMay.rustees 0 t e owns IP 0 ::: These officera will be in charge and William Woollard. I' , emOnoille Ooleman verslls William Alfred G. Watkins, 8Xt!cutor of WAYNESVILLE. OHIO for the next s ix-Wee.ks, Etta Westerman .has a pedect C. Steinbeck, for money and dam- the estate of Eula Watkins. de· ""'!"!!!!"!!!!'!"!!!!!'!"!!!!!"!!!!'!"!!!!!.!!!'!"!!!!!'!"!!!!!"!!!!"!~~!!!"! record in spelling for' the first. Sl'~ ceas"'d filed hl'8 aale bl'll = PO. SALE DATES CALL w~ks term. . • ages. Amount claimed flO.OOO. '" , • T tJ4JId Fa" .... titute Ma1>&1 PhilUps yeraus Virgil Th~ fan institute' of the Warren R••I E.tate Tr_afer. Phillips, for divorce. Charle County Teac:hers' Association was Fourth Grade New. gross neglect of duty. Irene to' John H. Mee held In the Le b4t.Qn High school The bOYfl and girls of Miss and Allc~ M. Mae inlot No. 41 in building lt4st Saturli~y, Mr, Lotz,$ey's room have mllde some 1'tIarT'i:ap Lic••_ , Sni d~rcre!t subdivision. Harley Lucas, engineer of Leb Ralph B. Puckett and Harriet ~-~~~~~,_~-,=~_=-=-=-~~~======:=:l==~~~~~==~=========~=::==== ' very gpretty health books, illu1lsom.~ rules for health, with anon and Mrs. Martha Irene Lu· H. Puckett to Helen' Gibson pictul'es fre.m magazines. Perf~t cas of Lebanon. Campbell 9.40 acres in Hamilton JESSE STANLEY spellers for the week ending Edward French Herrick ac· Townahlp. • N. U October 18 are Elizabeth Curtis, countant, .of Lebanon, .nd Mias William H. and Edna Mich«:ner P ••• 319, u . .t ... 0 .... Wilma Faul, Wilda Franer, Erwin Janet Louiae Apkini', secretary of ,to Charles E. Michener, 169.66 EAIU.~ItOOGU. LeWis, Ethel Reno, Evelyn Tho~p Lebanon. , acree In Wayne TOWDship. son, Donald Watkins, Robert Fred Pen quite. merchant ot Emma H. Couden to EUi'ene D. D.7'" P ..... Woollard. a nd Shirley Wilson. Blanchester, and ~ra Hazel Hicke Oondon, iDIots NOl. 288 and 284 n ......... of Harrow. in ' Lebanon. Fif. ara~t N.w_'-tioa Two Th e S ou thvn Ohio Savill88 J,ame. H. Garrt.on, farmer " of Our spellln!/; con~.t for the Lebanon, and Mn. Mattie Grimm, Ba!\k and Tru.t Company to W. put week. wi~h Kenneth Daldn of Hopkll\.lville. H. McHenr" IDIot No. 18 in Pleu and Billy 'JrJnney f01l captains, George A •. Hancock, clerk of ant Plain. ended with a final .core of U to Lebanon and Miu LouiH Pre8Joe M. Goe.ller and Marsaret ." • Ill. 42 re8pecti'W·~1~. ton stenographer ot Lebanon. ' Goeuler to Helen Gibson ,CampFOIl.AU Perfect a,pellen for the week Marion Cook carpenter of bell, 10 acrea in Hamilton town· CLASSIFIED ADS COST . OliLY 'w ere: Eliza,beth Bllrnett, Ange.n. Franklin and Mise Grac. Baker, ahip. , , ette ,PenCi~, Marceline Petera, bookkeep~.r ' of Ftanklin. Georp WUI'l~r. Sr., d.c.... FOR' SALE-Hampehire male ho•• ONE CENT PER WORD. WHY Vlr/linia Sc:buler, Haskle 'Wilson, eel. to John F. Wurster, et aI, real A ~ H. EaTtthart Emogene Woollard. e......... .......... 1'n Hamllton T ownship. KEEP YOUR ATTIC FILLED Probate e...rt . FOR SALE-G.ood 'Beatine Stove. . The will of Marcul W. Bailey, Jose~ S. Thoma., decealed, , Inquire of Lester Surta,ee. WITH USELESS ARTIOLES 'Junior Hllrb School el.. CIA d • P b t to Elizabeth Ann Thomas, et al . On WEdn~lday of last week tile ece~~, .w as ~4mltted to , ro .a e inlots Nos. 122, 123 and 124 in 010-17·2'THAT CAN BE TU.RNED INTO first meeting of the Jllnior High MlnDle 'A. Su,lpson was appombo oSprinrboro FOR SALE-Slnr1e barrel shoted administratrix of the ~~ ot An C· E ' " MONEY FOR SO SMALL .A S() h 001 ~l ee club WOI$ held. Sixty Frank G Simpson deceased and , ~a. aston, et al to Ada 8Un. Geo~p Henkle. 010 pupils have enrolled. filed bond of $1,000 with su~etles M12c4E~ensin~~ta No~. 122, 123 and FO'" SALE-E~-;la~e -1.26 per COST. TRY THIS MEANS , OF Promotion of music in the 2T1L<leSI W m. E . Culb ertson, J 0 h n eTr In epnnrboro on Geor B W' ", ton. Doddl, Roxanna and War· SELLING AND SEE WHAT A will be th e goal of this organiza- and Wrn. W. Uunt were appointed g . urster and John F. ne- v.·lle Plan". 08_i. . ~ Wurster to Walter C. Wurster "..... u tion. The students are being tau. appralsera. I tat' H '1 DIFFERENCE IT WILL MAKE g ht to sing gro up songs. Later it Alton F. Brown wa. appointed :h~ ea e m aml ton TowDis hoped tha.t an operetta mieht be executor ot the estate of Frankie t;"d . FOR SALE-Keifer pean. Gilbert TO YOUR POCKETBOOK, AS Jiven. , A. Dunham, deceased, and flied ora S. Owenl to BelBle O. Frye. WELL AS TO HAVE YOUR The 10Uowini' ofllcera have been bond of $81,000 witb luretiea. Wendt 8.76 acrea in Lebanoll. PIPE, VALVES and FITTINGS . elected: Sarah Miller, preaident i Hazel Jameson, executrix 01 the Ada McEwen to Heber Tbroc:kSTUFFY OLD ATTIC CLEANED Mary Eva LeM.y, vice-president; estate of M&rJ E. Hoppln., de. !Dorton and Pearl Throckmorton for Water, Gu Stum' Wella Doris Davis, secretary.treuurer; ceued Is to pay ,211 to Clinton Inlota Noa. 122. 123 and 124 in anel S~. Cletem huel, 1:1eeOUT. IT PAYSI Benny Furna. and BlUy Xe11oh, W ' Sprln.boro. Ud SpraJ pampa. PI1amldq • libr.rlan.. The club ' will ' . RatlHr for .eme.. rendlred. II." Taylor and Dm.rd C. H..tina Sappli.. low. . prio. Del d Illl'hMt QulItr at ft. Boe...... every, W.dne."·v. d .. r\ .... tb. Emil., Kibbe" .dmlnlat.ratrbt ot Tau lor to Willi. D ...._ .r ..... .. -the alt&t of Leel1e Kibby, de.. ...-... ,an ...... C ........ 01.· W ...., tra ,cllrrlcular plriod. ce...d. ft1ed her 8ni aDeI ftnal ac. Louila H. Beam.r real .tate in --- 0., ..e _ ..0. count. SaIl. Towullip, pdeII. .. FloreDC!a AUlaon wu appointed W .......D pardlan of JlUcIHcIl18ll AWaoll, 1I"'1~".....~lminor, and lied 'ond of f1.100 Roim Stroa... np....11lC wltla l aretlte. 'fbe II to" -tnuaNl".


School High Spot _1_ . ____._-:. ~,~.






For T,his Customer








Centerville, Ohio

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Dayton Power & Light Co.

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claba ud .......




tion ~lIy. accordina to the WPA able top 81'Owth, :&dminist,.tol'. proved In to bt' the caKtl. Th· Ohio Civil :t'rvice om- olution uf llouiu ISSUED EVERY TlIURSDA Y mi· inn will conduct l'omllctitive tlie tops of lIlO:.<L l'xllnJination , for HI ~tate pu ili- but thi~ h8!l little t n du wilh Lhe PM-.... " ..._ ........ _"Ii.. 111/ ilntt.'oa at ,-0.",U11;& at W.~n .. - onr October 2", 30 and 31, a<'''orll- more impodant mn ler 'I f killing , p..l_ '1 10 Y • lit •• OhIo, a. a ... ·"ld CIa .. Mati " ... ............ ~. O Q me, . • .... Maller inl( to Chairman Ralph W. •:m- lhr ro nls, lh'. Will I'll .uy~. mons of the commi~ion . Th y inTo kill the roDI.8, n killing dud ... chief of Lhe clivi ion of acof the chpmical concenlration OCTOBER 24, ' 1935 cOlmting of th e Dep8l'tnicnt of Liquor Control, for 1!uperinten- mu st be stub lil'ht'ti in tht· soil dent.. of the Mansfldd reformatory where tbc roots 3I1X-, hr eX1I11l in;; ; will live, aocl denli tat state instltu ~io n , key otherwise th e roo Way Progre~1 punch machinl! operator, tabuln\-- pel petuate the patrh. Exp eriment~ unci ~xpel'ienc0< ill "With so me Signs of improvement in g neral cpn diti on!> in the in~ machine operator, gL'ad three Unltcd 'lntes- in ' pite of the retarding effects !If rac nt governm ent- ph)' -ieion, psychoclinician for the Ohio agrL4~ with lh(l~(> in New tal fall,aele - this llee ms ttl be a good time to abandon a let or air Ohio Hospital f Or Epileptics, York and Pen nsy lvania that apcastle Ideas and return to the sound policies of sp~adlng prosperity slcnogl'!lpher, as Istant highway plying the cbcmical:!, d ry, (lil'C'ct by incren ing producti on instead 9f continuing to talk about di. tl'ib llt- ng\ne [, two assis tant engin er!$ to the soil Ilt thi!! sea~oll of thl' yea)'. i ' t h t: simp le:;t way t.o obtain inlt the nle1' bagaL~Ile urplll wealth t~t haa been ~ umu1uted by for the highway te ting s ucc~s iv e generations of Amel'icans during the pae century and a tory, claim agent for the Depart- a killing concentrati on. half," says the Mansfi eld, Ohio, News J ournal. mcnt of Liquor Control, and To me t th~ oiffkulty of caking .. At the rate of goverrtment/ll profligacy now being practiced grade two uaminer fOr Willard sug!<li!:'ll< the u ~l' o[ a fa : with billi ons of dollars fritter d away each year, it would l'equir litt! bureau of motor vehicles. Oetail- tory made mix1.ul'e of !Oodium mare than a decade to wip out tbe t otal 'f all the tangible assets of d information mn)' be obtain ed chlorate !lnd gl'ound limestolle, from the Slate Civil S rvice om- Now commercially Ilvailabll'. thi ALL THE PEOPLE IN THE UNITEp STATESI" As many experts hav e pointed out, you can't make the poor rich mission, which i located in th mixture may Le di~ tl'ib ted by by making the rich poor. Th re8~lt of such a ~olicy is simply to n e.w tate office ' building, ChAir- hand q l' , (In j rger aCl'l'g, in Ilo J:~r­ lifiz(!l' distl'ib utol·. make everyone poorel'- lh6 tich man and the w 6r\t:et' allke_ Nbr can mlln Emmons sa id. YQu b~i ng recovet·y by damming UP thQ ptinG's 0 production- by .re -- -v ral ,warninl: ar\! in orcl r tllt'ding, disco uragi ng and destroying the , 0UI'ces of goods and· serv Ices Farm income in Ohio has in- wh n sodiulll chlol~Rle is u:ed, ac- which aN!- Iik('w ise the Mole so urc s of new wealth Ilnd real, neces- cre ad thirty- ne ~r cent (lver oording to Dr. Willard. It puck sary ~d permanent j obs. \\hat It wa 0 yeur ago , according w~ n dr i"e.n Over the road In a According to the Commercial and FinanciQl Chronicle, govel'J1- to data compil d b Director Earl drill or t er tilir,er distt'ibutor, and ment is at pt· sent taking 40 PCI' cent of lhe total net incom e of ur H_ Hanefeltl of the tate D part- although the chemical itself dl)e ma.j or indu stries J;or taxes. The rate is t nd ing to r ise. W have mont of Agriculture, who is a dirt not burn,. When 1\ comhu ~ti ble passed' most European countri in the silile of OUl' tax burden- we are flLl'mer him elf. He estimated that maberilll becom S impt'egna llf'd not Cor from that of England, most 'heav ily laxed of all nations. The the cash retul'ns of the with it, H burns , ith ulmoRt inevitabl result is industrial, comm rcial and agricultural lethal'~y- 255,000 farmers in 1935 will be pl osive rapid ity. -who will invest, wh ~ high taxe not onJy d? away with th chance approximately $72,000,000 in exDetailed dlreeti'Dits f Ol' the e of profit but imperil principal as "'e)); wh o WIll produce, when the co's of wha they were lhree years or sod ium chlorat may be ohtainearning's of the pt'odueel's go to thci tax collector? • ago, B e staLed that · farm cr~it ed in a 11lIblication from county Am r ica has the resources, ph'jtual and matetial, thnt are need- is mOI'C l' adily avaiTable and that agricultural agen t • ed for recovery and abiding pro perity. Only polici es that. ~ti ft.~ tho e 8 , large numbel' of farms hav e ~-- --- --rcsource$, and tend to make them Impotent and non-productive, iahd b en rellnanced during tlle flB t NEWS FROM THE COURT thre year. Taxe ' have been r in ~he way of progJ'ess now. duced to nearly half of what they ~ were in 1 29 and 1930. Crops of (Continued from p'lge 2) beLter than the average yield hav e y~lIow pine, $52 ,J3; The L eban()n lJ ~ n harve ted this year in all I~umber Co., lumber t Ol' fair, ,eclions except the flQod-stricken $00.;19; The L. G. Anderson's SO'l1S at'eas, Director Hanefeld stated. Co., lumber, $79.17; Lewis &. Drake, Inc., cement and tile, I Ij:oo Musi c $21.95; Th e Mortow Feed &. I H. E. E wine , 8 :05 Edward Tiffin, ohio's Fir t Governor Supply 0. , cem_~nt, $26; The E. G. Wie ehuegel 8:15 Th e Woodlot in Winter , Morrow Lumber 0. , cem~nt, 8:25 Mu ic ' ~18.20; L. P. CIlY tt Co., tar, $2,- : ' B. A, Walla, e 8:40 F~U'm r EI vator History in 1934 , 506.44; Blair & LeRoy, tile, ce.mL, L . Mill t' " 8:50 Operating Credit. for Farmers n t ~nd gravel, $13. 56; The InMinnie Price 9:00 Homemaker/! Slid their Winter Study Pl'ogram einnati Oil W orksl Co .• oil, $11.49; Shou ld be applied Before Ground 9:10 Music ~a~t End Wrec king Yard, ias line Free",.,. S.y. 9 :25 Avoiding Flsvor Defpets in Cream .. ' .. ,J. H. Erb fitting, 50c; Gull; Refining Co., 'l'he ixth Annual Cot:n Hl,lrV~II~ Field Day 9':35 , ." R. D. Lewis Allronom'.t gil oline, $17 ,8 2; W. L. l<irllly, .. ' 9:45 Joan and Jerry ,." ", ',', ..... ' '" WOSU Player/>. ga,soline, 1.44; hell Peh'oleum By far the best ti~ to ut e COl p., il, $22.99; Cincinnati ()jl sodium chlorate [ 0 1' weed control Works Co., ga o~ine $2 .70; F!> is in the fall, any time in October &. Simpson, bat~ !ry and gllsoli4e, or November, before the ground $8.85; Kilpatricl, Frmch Motor· freezes, according to . J . Will- car Co., gasoline, 12.60; GrisIard, agronomist at tbe 0 , S. U. wold Service Sta,t ion suppli es and Willard ays odjum chlorate is garoline. $189.44. Ute most effective chemical so fa r COLU,M BUS - Although Ohj(l ~ .f. A\ public speaking con st. He di ~ cov(!red for kill ing perenni"l ranks a8 the sixth state in the I won thc late conte t last Febru- weecls such as anada thi tie, field Uniqn in the value of agricultural ary . a1)d the North A~erican J,le- bind weed and quack grass which, 18 h cr('fiy glv n that In protluc i ( holds third pla.ce tn.- th· lional conte t in epternber. bec~use of their vigorou, long- PUINOtice !uanee or a r~80lutlon or th e nation jn the number ()f vocatiQl1l1cll or th e ' 1llo.I{e ot Way neslived, undergrou nd parts, live 1' lIl e \JUsst'1I on ~w co ",l lIay of Sep tonal agricultuN departments in T"e ga oline tax division of t~e from year to year_ f'IIJllJ r, t~ a", then will lJ gulJmln.a But sodium chlorate, Willard to tllC tluIll ltl ed " I ctur <)f l'[~l a high scbools, according 0 Ray. State Tax Commission reported Vmtl·. at t he ~ neral ('It-ttlon In Fife, state supervi Or for voca- an increase of 5,003,748 gallons adds, is too expen~v& to use on t he Vill age nf \1' aYlles\,1lI v n tlle h .<lay o~ "'·ovl" mlJ ~r. 1~36 Ih tional 8gricultur . Mr. Fife matle of taxed gasoline for motor vehi- large acres. Treatment co ts from li/t que s ti on or lev)' n g tax 8 Cor th th~ announcement in conjuncthn el foel in August as compared 26 to 50. cents a fllluare- rod, or on ~, anI In:;, 19'36 and 19 n nt t1~p rllt IIch Y ar or onll Ihl1l on "lh ' l\ witb ~ i,P of tw Iv OlH" with the nme' montli • yea" . an. acre basis, $40 to $80. H,Ol,ever drOl' ollar dt lI\le t iD, " ahln till" ot lhe tllat tAxabl boy to Kansas ity to partip.ipllt.e Th total certified for tax collec- for sman acres of weed e prolleftV withIn tile vlllUl(e "celis of \ll~ in the national convention of ~he tion in Augu t 1935 \ a - 96,331,- threaten to overrun whole fields if or "·n.~ ne.vlll e In ra.t n.u 11'01' It~d 11:.- ~ec , 5~25 - ~ or not contro\1ed, or for a patch e>f Future Far~e,rs of An:eril;a. which 9 (). allqAB,. as compared ~ 91, tho 0 heral 'ode for lh llUrtloS or IIOxl01l8 weed ' ju~t ~tting starturI' ht X1)CnS Ij, was s~ ed ~ connectJon with. tb. 328,~2 gallons in August 193 '1'hooe .... ho vot" In f,wor or lhe ed, so dium chlorate is by Amerl~8Il . RoJal Llv ck. !:l\)w. I I:h e ' Tnonths 0./ 1935 tb proposiL lon .:It m akhlg _uch IlthJIfill' the m eonv nleat, and m.y Uona1 tax lev)' }\\UJ hl" '" wl'iUe.n or ~or .wmun., ~ OhiO hv 'to ,Will 664,622,l6!) gal1o n~, pt' lnt~d 011 tll<,'" hallo(a "Por the eve n b th e most eeonomu.1 tax Judging, 'Ollte two tea.~ 01 cO\'l lpared to 629 ,40<\,363 in I ) (lvy" and th06 " " ,n o vfJt~ m th~ of control, according to nJ!'a'nH @11Ch a.dtllllontl.l tit I ~I' ~hrec .members ~ach ~ar~.itftlate.l year's like fJ~riod, an inc Of will hl\\'e wrlll n (II' I'rlJll ,,11 on. the agronomist . • In nationa l judgmg 'II contests. On'" 35217816 II Th tlh"'II' Il Hola "A&,I~l n.l Lh tll X l~vy.'· " ga ons. e gros6 , J>;. K. I lA\', tea'm, f rom Monro~vl e, was com- anlount earned by the tax in Aug- , It was once thought ¥ ayor. for sodium chlorate to be posed of Leo~ Stem, Ralph Ton,- u twas $2733 678.68. ive, t hat plants mu t have Con!3iCltr ,1 ,mas and MelVin Schafer The other ' , 1)11-24-.1 ---'from Walnut tow n hip, Picka ay county, was comp ~d ot nor all In 11 probability pio will Truex, James MOQay I nd Sa 'Jl:d eo ti e to rec r de til funds Reed. Six oth~r fa!'m boys--Vir- {or direct relief purposes ~ntil gil Wertz, Ashland ; Stanley Decembcr 1, according to word 'a'schantz of Dalton; Melvin Rings f1'om Washington. The governillards; Roy Metz, Jackson Cen- ment had said that it w'ould r etire ter; Dale Dargitz, Montpelier; and from direct He~ activities Pa ul Waddell of· Waldo- were November I, ut delay in the candidate. to receiv& the "Ameri- Works Progress Administration can farmcr , degree," the highest program necessitated the change award given members 'n-tili!ns;- Wh1m-the November 1 ~he Future F .. Glars' organiza~ion for date w~ -et it w Ut.~ugbi that outs't andblg cords in farming at least~' ,000 ot e SOO,OOO ability, d hip, ~holarllllip' ..rd ill ' m yabJ 'oh relief wOIIJd thrift in t ,h hi,h . • chool eoQ s ~ r~o. WPAl \lII , *h.t time, in vo~~ftal ag~tul~, r. rhus only 35, 00 ,er80" Fife iel. Jar. BJalney of. Jft. ~, _ ,!liot 0 ~ve bten doe~ SIIit ,0141 'Gilead lIompeted with 'hree o.t her put to work, but ad tUonal WPA reg,i onal winners in the national F projed!l are being put in opera-





In The






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From the Ohi,o State Capitol

Make your own CompariSQU

To underatand the real ecOIlODlY or the new GMAC pl_n, eOJllpare it with otber liqanee plt,na On J\ dollar and cents basis_ And be sure to inelude .i1l\na~ inllllra~e protection, Further c,letallll are now aVIlUabTe fr m dealel" in General Motors Ca


Phone 326

Lebanon, Ohio



Chevrolet Cars and Trucks •••- Oldsmobile


••• but, after all i $aid and done, it's , cigarette itself that counts • • • the fU8stion it





Repair your old one" or put on a new roof now. Prepare for , winter's rains and storms. We have a complete stock of the best rooftng materials made and you'll do best 'by seeing us about your work. Prompt and efficient.

Asphalt and 'R ed Cedar Shiagles Asbestoa Shingles also Building Material. of An Kinds '


Mow, when it comes to a cigarette that will suit you you want to think whether it's ",lld, you want to think about the taste 41


That Chesterfields are ,milder and taste better is no accident • •• • The farmer who grows the tobacco. the ~r"va,.ehousema" .,ho sells it at auction to the j.ighest blddtlf'. e~ ma" who InuJws ahoul tobacco .1/ lell,ON thot il tllies mild.


toIJMeos 10 a ,oetl .making Cleaterfielda we





for mildness • • Eor better ta's te

--. I

Cary'. Jewelry Shop "THE HOME OF GIFTS"

Lebanon, Ohio EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING U.ia. Only C.n"'na M.teri."

Prompt· Service tore open until 9 p. m_

Harvey.burg W. S. Graham, Township TrullMr. and Mr .. Rllyulond Richard tee. is a candidate for l' -electio n t\()n and son Raym und Jr. lind and ,olicits your support at the MI'. Lillian WIII'r 1\ . of Dayt n wer guel!ts of Mr. and Mt... A. . electiCl n November 5, 1 935. ollett re Je e Pl'end rgast solicits your The P. T. A. held its October support at the electiCln TUflday. meeting on la t Wednesday even November 5, for tbe offic of inl{ and had Mr . Blanche allon, Trustee of Wayne T01't\ship. of Lebanon, as the peaker of tne Will . . St. John, candidate for evening. Mrs. Calion, is a teacher the offic of W.yne TQwnship in the Lebanon school and pent. T~ustee solicit. your "Support at the past summ r In Paris studying and sight-seeing. She gave a t he lection November 5. desc};ption of her trip and WIIS Subscribe for The Miami Gazette 'much enjoyed by all pre nt. The program waa sponsored by the Woman's Civic League . Music was furni bed by Mre. Hurst. Mrs. Thornbury and Mis es Nellie and Kathl en Graham. Light Tefre bJnt'nts 'were served at the clo9(! of the meeting. Mr. and J\fr8. Fred Bogan have a n w so n added to th ir home. He ha been named Dean. FOR FALL Our community was shocked by .the tragic tI nth of M,·~ . 'P earl herod of Wi lmington last week. hI! hnd many {"iends here and wa s w II liked by 011 who knew



rlerA"H• • ~


Mr. and Mrs. Carl Moore ~nter­ last Sunday. irs. Ernest Mannon and daughter, Mi s Ruth, entertained . sev ral of the younger set with "500" in honor of Mrs. Virginia tained relative


.... hM4r twltch==== ,..... _the han. - - - - ... New .ttI8cHn llesl9n with ............ coni. QuIck heatlno ........... the heat. ;;


la,. It 01 r. ,latlng


china. with a ~auttful .,..n tria Top h of q",ality polish." . . . .

ftW'!_wltt! dIifIa IW. ,



Only the Best

Wa)'Deiville, Ohio

n- I

La Ie CIassified

Th. eukets and vault. turniahed in our Bervice are the best obtainable. Ollly atandard merchandise of teilted quality is provided. • Clients can rely upon ua to co.duct the finest I.unera. posalble at a price within their meaM. .

3iuuNd~ RH ON ~ 1.9 WAYNESVI u.., O H IO

Caesar. Creek

Here come some real prices on Qualit y Meats for Frid ay and Saturday ' specials. Come in, see our Quality Meats in our sanitary equipp~d refrigerators at anytime. Always open for inspection

Ballowe'en Carnival



Under aUlpice. of the Motherl 'Club, a t

Admi .. ioD I Adult. lOC I ChUclrea Sc.


Thursday Eve, October '31

rNDIAN- l 1I:al Anti Freeze, Routzahn Garage BRIDE & GHOOM 1.50 in Merchandise~ Ever('tt Early OLD FASHIONED GIRL-$1.00 Mdse, Hyman Co. CLOWN-Flalsh Light, John Hawke. HOB0-5 gall gas, Campbell BEST DISGUISED COUPLE-$1.00 in mdse., Graham Grolcery. AMOS and ANDY- $1.00 in Mdse., Wanace Grocery. TALLEST M,ASKED PERSON-5 Ibs. lard, Jeff Smith. JAPANESE--Japanese Crepe Tablecloth, A. K. Da)'. G}lOST-5 Ills. lard, Coylea. BO PEEP-l haircut, Truax Beauty Shop COW BOY-Flash light, F.irley Hardware Co. BEST DRESlSED CHARACTER-l Evergreen, C. L. Duke 41 Sonl. • . FAT WOMAN- l qt. Lusterall Enllmel, Jim Gibbons. DUTCH TWINS-2 haircut, Lee Hawke. WITCI{- 24 lb. sack flour, Krogers. LUM & ABNER-5 qt!. oil, Rogers & Simpson . . DOCTOR- l bottl e Hair Tonic, Gr ay's Barber Shop MAE WEST--$l.OO in mdse., D. R. Smith. JOE BROWN" COMEDI.AN- Bill fold, Waynesville Drug Co GYPSY-$l.OO repair ,work, Stan sberry FARMER- l bundle ehingles, Madden Co. LAUREL & HARDY- l gal oil, Morri" Fulkenon LITTLE RED RIDlNG HQOD-l qt. Ice Cream, Emma McClure. PIRATE-50,c, Hawk e-LeM ay CASH DONATION-Jim McClure.

Parade will Itart promptly at 8:00 o'clOck. Refre.hmentson sale. Free dancing. Mu.ic by Irwin Swindler . Miamian ..




W.)'D••~,m., "......~""""''''''''...' '''''''' ' ' '''''''''...,

BRIDE & GROOM-Cake ..................... ................... Emm. McClure. CHARLEY CHAPLlN..,....5 Qt. Mobil Oil ............ .. .. .. Erwin EUt.. OLDEST PERSOl'{-lO Ibs. Lard ........................... Coylell Me.t Market CLOWN- l gallon Oil' .. ........... ,.......... ... ... :.............. Gordons' FIlling Station POLICEMAN-Shaving · Lotion ...... ,......................... Grays BarberShop UNCLE SAM (AduLt) - l y~rs Ijubscription ....... Miami G~ette COWBOY (under 12 yrs.)";""Fountaitl Pen ......... ... Wayneavilk Drug Store. M.AGOm '" JIGGS-$2 in Trade ....................... .... Ralpb Smith Grocer)' GYPSY- $l.OO in Merchandl.s e ........... ................... .. Hy)n.n'. Store SWEET GIR L GRADUATE-Cake Server ............ Fafrle)' Hardware Company. ORGAN GRINDER-Sack Flour .............. , ............. Lytle L G. A. Store. QUAKER LADY-8ack Flour ................................ W.yne.vtll. I. G. A. Store BO P EEP-Tie· ................ , .................. ...... ....... ........ .. A. K. Day. TALLEST PE.RSOl'f-\S.c~ Supr .. :................... ,... K1oa.r GrOct17 COWBOY (adult)-Bundle Shtnalea .,.................. M'.dd.n Lumber Yard HOBO-6 qt•. Oil .. " ................ .... ... ....... ,................... Roren.nd Shnp.on. DOCTOR (adult) -Zerone AntifreeM .. .. ,......... .... B ••tlnp Garar. UNCLE TOM-,.50 in trade ..... ,.... .. . " ...... ,............ Sh...h. . Gan, . JAPANESE-,.50 in trade ... .. ..... ........... ,.............. Grace Smith WITCH-Repair of Shoes .... ......................... ... ...... .... Stan.b.117 Shoe Shop LA~GEST MASKED FAMILY-,S.OO Calb .......... Jame. McCiure MAE WEST-Finger Wave .. .... .. ...... :........ ........ ..... Truax B'.\Jt)' Parlor DUTCll TWINS-Two Hair Cuts .................. ,......... Lee Hawke TOPSY-'l.OO Box Candy ..... ...... ... .. " .................... .. Mr•. Artnur FA.TTJj:ST PERSON-Lady's or Gents Suit cleaned and pressed ..... Quick Cleaners .FAIRY-Child'a Bedroom Slippers ... ...... ... ,... ........ Walter Elzey. UNCLE SAM (under 12 years.)-Flasb Light ........ J. C. Hawke WASHl!:~ WOMAN-IO-Ibs. Lard . .. ........... .... .. ... .. Jeff Smith OLD FASHiONED GlRL-$l.OO Cash ........... .... .... A. F. !Ielloh A UNT JEMrMA-Cbick~n on foot ... .... .. .... ... ..... Will Gustin YOUNGEST MASKED-Chicken foot ...... ........ .Amee Poultry HOUSe KELETON~Sack of cour ....................... ... ......... WaynesyiHe ..F.rmers Exch~ge INDIAN-6 gallons Gas. ............ .. ... .. .. .... ............ Morris Fulkerson RED RIDING HOOI).;....,.50 cash ........... ,.. .. ...... .... Fraziers Tin Shop FARMER- '1.00 in trade ................ .... ........ Ever(ltt Early . GOLD DUST TWINS- ,1.00 cash ... ......... ...... ... :.Dr. Witham


.lUll.. Lovel,.-.1.00 To. San.b.fr7-fl.00

C.rtoon-C.tlnipi o( 1940.



Two Show_6 :!JO II: 8 :00 p. m. ADM. 1~)c-15c

Stokes Dairy-U.OO Ridge Studio-, .60 Letitia Kenrick-'1.00 Howard Burton-,l,OO Jam.. Gibbona--'l.OO P.cb Food Sbo~l.OO


Pimento Loaf, If) ....... .. ... J8e Corn Beet, Ib .... .. .. ........ 3Oc S11loke S.u8q;e, If) ....... 22c Many other Lunch Meata at Real Saving_

Cottage Chene, Cream Cheese, Pickles, Butter. . Oleo, beat quality, 2-lbll. ...zac j Oysters, pt. 26c: qt. 60c.


Coyle's Quality Me'a t Market -.

FREE SHQ,W Get Your Tickets at' "" -

Waynesville Service St. Erwin Ellis, Prop.

"Rip Roaring Riley"

Sacred Tributes Funilral



may be

made . mere f'ornial


monIes, insincere and hurried . Or








and impreulve.

Socony·Vacuum EducatioDaI Picture . I

"Testing Tells TlJ.e Tale"

It ta in

thia latter Ipirit tbat we

conduct the .ervlce. en.

tru.ted to u••

Dr. E. F. Dtpp__.l.OO Twin Theatel'-,1.00


Bologna, Ib ........ ...... ... .... ... 1 Bc Franks, tb ....... .. ......... 1ge Weinerll, tb .....................2Se Minced Ham, tb ............... 2Sc

SMOKE MEATS Cured Hams, Ib ....... ...... 27~c Whole or half Bacon, piece, Ib ............. .30e A teal value . ,Jowl Bacon, !b ... .. ......... Z5c Pickle Pork, Ib . . ........... 25c Boneless Cottage Hama, If) 35c

to lee

deeeaaed, rieh in meaninl

DONI\TIONS FOR EXPEN SES Real Art Beaut} Shop- Chance on Permanent. A. H. 8tubb_,1.00 lira. Ed Cook.-. _&0 W.J'Duvllle 'National Bank-fl.OO IAII.y-H.wke-fIOO .

The Farmer Take. a ,Wife

VEAL Stewing, Ib ..... .. ........ l'Tc Shoulder Roast, Ib ........... 19c Chops, .1b ........ .. .... ...... 2Zc Loin Veal, Ib ............. .... .27c V 81 Steak, Ib :. ... ......... 27c

Call us, save you r soles--·Free Delivery Phone 66

Rain Bo'w l End OCTOBER 2:7-28-29 JANET GAYNOR . HENRY FONDA in

PORK. Fresh IIams, w h~le or hal1 24e Fresh Callies, Ib ........... 21e Pork Steak, Ib .. .... . . ..... Z7e Pork ChopIJ, Ib . .. ,.. .... 3!5e Pu re Pork Sausage, Ib ... ... Z!5e Fresh Ham sliced, Ib . .. .. 30c Fresh Side, Ib ............. ...... 28c Spare Rib • Ib .................·19c Lard. 2 Ibs. ................. . ". 37e Pure open kettle


In. Cartoon-Modern Red Hoo,d. Comedy- Burried Loot.






LAMB Lam b Stew, 21b . ............. 3Sc Roasting Lamb, Ib .. ... .., .20e Lamb Chopa, Ib .... . .. .... ZZe Leg-of-Lamb Ib .... ~" ...... Zle


The Waynesville Gymnasium on


hart Ribs Beef Ib ... 12 ~h Chuck Roast, Ib ........... .. lSc Swiss Steak, .lb ......... 18c Shoulder cut Round 0 1' Loin Steak, Ib .. 23e Fres h Ground Beef, Ib ...... 15e Club Steaks, tb .................. zOe Beet Hearts, tb ...12~e Be&f Brains, tb . lZ~c Liver, Ib . t8c

Tuesc:la y Night, October 29 ~~t the· Lytle Hall

NOT ICE No hunting · or trespassing on the taml known. as the Burton Earnhart farm, day or night. BOLIN '" SLOAN






..••••• 1'. ,••

fairley Hardware [qmpany A..H.·STUBBS Phone 32

Mr. and MrI_ Raleleh Bogan .nd rday nieht. health for so man)' months. Bunnl'lI of Cpntt!r ilh! and Mr. to brinr ' MI~. Eva MacDonald spent lut and Mn. Benjamin al"1!)' of New Mr. and Mn. William E. Smith anti all ",l'ck ill Newark alt~ndin" the Vit'nn. we,~ R u ~ta hl're, Sunday. wer(, Sunday dinner a'ue ts of Mr. eState W. '. T . U. convention. ami MI·8. Horace Compton. ~ 11K tOf(etht!r.. Mr. ond MI'l5. W. P. McCarren - - T~~ Ea tern. . and . t~(,Jr lllnd daughter, Miss Rhea, were iamllt B \I 1(' ,n",tEltI t o 0 weIner gu t. of Mr. and Mrs. has. I'ua~t at th ~ home of :M1"8. ~o~e Gordon over t-be wcek-end. lIt"r lind family lII t) nday .eve-nlng, Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Witham, of but, on account of the 1'8lnY yen Waynesville ltlisses Nan and FOR ALE- Masquerade suit . Ing it wa~ held at th~ lodge room. Bertha oll~tt., of Wilmington, hine e, ite 10 years, Bo-p cp, 8 It , ~as a ~eleb rELtlOn 0 t the were unday afternoon guests of y ars. panish,!) ycars--Mrs. R. Ladi..' Dr...... sOe thirtieth anniversary of th local Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Tichenor. On H. Hartsoc k. Men'. Suiu, !SOc chapter. . Mrs. Lenn Hartsook of Tu sday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. WANTED- ~I IKitchen range. Wayn e Ville and . Mrs. Flol'E-oce Tichenor had as their 'guests, Mr. ~jck-for qualitr claanin. H. B. Earnhart. 'rel ephon e ____ _ _dry __ __ Kers )' of. Or goma we~ the only and !')1 rs. C. C. Eulass, Mrs. Wilds Ui2R3. chari r memb :. Other guests Gilchri t -and Miss Nancy Mc from Waynesville were Mr. and Burney, Q Lebanon. _ _ __ Mrs. Dan ' Col1~tt, .Mr. and Mrs. Irving Welch, Mrs. Ros Hart ock and Mrs. Leila Hal'tsock. Mrs. Joe Shamb,llugh and two daughter, Mi ses Rachel and The attendance was good SunDorothy and Paul Page left on day. Pre. Collins of Wilmington Tuesday morning fClr Arizona hopoUege, delivered the sermon. ing t hat the climllte and trip will Mr. and Mrs . Evan ' Bogan, improve the health 01 Mis Robert and Marjorie Bogan of Dorothy who has been in poor Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. George h~nging

J. E.1Jca.e


Twins Theater



Eighty-Seventh Year





What about that $51,750, whkh :lerlll'(lin,::o ii' . li ~ Pl\lc111'~ from Waflhington seveJ'ol days Hgot'l. wal< ~ U I ) f1 u : I'd t" LH' j.!'1il.lltCfl to llynesvill e und r t h f ~dlll' ul Jl:(I\' (I' nl1l e nl' ~ \\ " I'ks pro~re ss pI'o:.\'ram in Ollio? That. is th qU L'~ tion citi zLn s or W ayn c~ vil l ' hll l'e h I' n asking for sevel'lll d o y ~- anll n ot l('~llinJl: much .'111 i'l flll' li on, Mayol' A. K. Day h l1 ~ 1l1Elcl (' $1.'1' ")'1I1 a t l ~ I11Jll " 1.0 t:hllfcr with Ell~i l1('(l1' Bl irkcllll('rf 'I', L ~ b "n()n, in chl1l'~1.' of feill'l'nl 1l1'Oj«:ts in this eo,unly, bu t ha s bee n UIISUCC: :>I (tll thu H f a r. Arc th() fl ojl~ e of Wa ynesvil le goi ng to ~l an(1 by nlld I ~t au ·h. an opp ilr tllmt, to ~(> ur(J f und s for . s lre ,t 1'''1111ir a nil flo~IlJly a now lIt!wr l' gy lern slip f)'om th eir hand ~ if Ruc'h ' s I.Ivtulable ? I • orn e say the hu t'll!!n 01 added taxes t o nisc Wa'rne~v il le':\ s har e of this proj 'ct would be Loo g l'cal. ' ' , We will uIJ h Ip 1111Y fOr f d ,'a I e~pc-nditu r a be,inSl' mad e In aU pal t s uf Ih country in the futu re- . 0 why not. shal'e i a ' th e ? netl t , by bl'i!l~ing fun d ' til Waynesville, crell t ing' joh~ a nd Itll Jlrll vJng Ih e g ' n<:l'al we lfal'c of the community.

Ext nsion of Waynesville's watlJr system to include the village Corwin is being considered by the Tl:ustees of Public Affair!! as the result of a plea on the part of a group of citizens from the n ighboring municipnlity, The requ t that Corwin citi· zens be furnished water from Way nesville Wa!! made at a meeting of the water board Monday lIight, and as a r e ult the possibility of such II. move is being considered_ Afwr a Jlreliminary sUTvey is completed in wbich it is hoped to dote rmine the feasibility of such a proj ct, a meeting will be arrang" ed with Oorwin's council to ascer· tain the approximate number of customers who migbt su bscribe for the service should water linea be extended to the neighboring village. Local officials pointed out that a f our-inch main could be laid to Corwin, and customers served by direct connection with gravety pre sure, the same that exists in Waynesville. While the request was made uJlofticially. by a group of interested Corwin. citizens; it is believed the council of that village would cooperate ill luch a pllln. With such a propollal in view, the local watel' . board has communicated with bureau of inspectioll, public officeS, Colum· bus, t() obtain its advice in the matter.




Robert Lamb was in Middletown on business, Tuesday. Max Stcvens, of Duyton, spent the week-end with Harold Stroud. Meet your friends Aml:!teur night, Nov. 8 at 'ym. Adm. 15c. Miss harlotte Thomas wi shes pinno pupils. Rcasonobl~ ~ates . Inquire Peck's Restaurant. Mr. Lind MI's. L. II. GOl'don spont Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. EIlrI Wilk erson nt Morrow. Mr. and Mrs. M lvyn Banta, of Pleallant Plaill, visited relatives here over the week-end_

WhOI> Number 6193



The Waynesville GDrden lub will hold thG next meeting on TU ' sduy, December 3, at the home of MI'lI. Harvey Burnet in Lytl . The ' NClvombcr n10 ting. wns cancel d on account of election.

Trult ... of Public Aff.i... Study PropoMI For E'. pan,ion







.JIl L n ext meeting of t he ~l'OUp

Ml's. W, O. Rapel' vi 'iled r elathL] M th8"o,l i:a:< tt t ives in incinnati lust w ck. churcb, held i"riday,in November S'}ll1 cthing Hhuul d be done and done quickly ~· LIl u l t l' 7 :30 o'el"ck. Voto for yOU r !avorite at li S .., $ 5 L,715(). Wiele, pl'ead interest was man- ma te u1' Nig ht Nov. 8 a t gym. \ if steel at the initial galhetin(! MI', al1d 11's. W. E. Strou d - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_______,..;, which atLractcd apPI'oxima toly 35 =-=-- - -. m n. All expressed an interest in vi it II t ' lntivcs in IUchmond, Ind. unday. '







Th(' SpriJlg Vall y BlIOstcr, an up-t n-date shoppin g guiuL', will 1l111kc it , fir Rt ;JppearunCe early IH'X [' w ek. 'th Bo()Ptcl' i" ~ p (J n , ored 1, y <'llt(' rpl'iHill )4' me l'e hulltfl ,and pt'oh's~ i\I naJ ow n of Sp ring Vall ey T.,mporllt'y Orlfanizlllion Formed \I hI) 1\1'\' plBl1nin g t o Jlut the Voleri Will Decide On All Ni,ht At Initial Meeting pub lic,aLir'n f ree of' ('hnl'gc- inlo Service For Wayllvl'lry bl mQ wit hin thl' ir hop ping Of Group ne.ville orcl,l. Watuh f o r it. Rir,·t st p ~ lowll l'd f orm illJ:' an hen tbe vot'rs of WaynesviJI& organization of Wllyne tow nshi p go to th pnlls nellt Tuesday they l1ll'n W8 -; taken a~ a n1<' ting IUl!t will find on ttl ir ballots a fl'roposal Frill ay ni ~h t. in the \ oynet;villf! f Ol' a on e mill "ext{a levy which l\r tJihod l~t church. 'l'emporal'Y ()fI1cel's were c1~ct(!d whether street: ill Ilcle rmine l i~ ht s of th e municipality will be l\ nom inating c' mmitte na med m~~ : Am . nHlhc r~hiP committee, of reiurned to t hc all.night basis or ~~a:C se le~tcci. SLu i) bs is chairma n, op ra ted on the present limited

Friends' H~lTle New8 ~~~~~~e~ ba~lco/~~:~za~;nth~o ~~~~

senl .

Memb crs of council in discussing i h h~~\le, decided that tbe question would bl) put up to the people of Waynesville in the form of th is levy. In explanation of such a levy. it is point t1 out thRt this a$ScssMr. and tlll-s. Boy'l Hond r ~ on ment i. necessary af ervice is to s pent sevel'al, dUI's lhis wcck in be maintain d, Prese-nt revenue for operatinll olumbu s. expenses is inadequate tor 011tbe night service, alt.hough in pl'evious Wilbu r Clark attended iUI) ral of a r ('lntive in Winches- y al'S there was enough money reter, Indiana Monday. ceiv d by the mun icipnlity to conatre t light.'! throughout the rr. und Ml'S, J, p, Fromm and tinu night. sons spent Sunday wit h l'elatives Official!!, cite the fact that a few in Dayton. ' years ago Waynesville's tax dupliMr, ao(J Ml'S, Ray Mainou cate was $1,000,000 against ])Cont the we k-end wilh relatives $460,230 today due to the revalua n e ~r Lordsville. Kentucky, tion in which a great reduction lNas mad&. In addition to this much Plenty (If good laughs and good revenue was lost for operating excntel'lainm nt AmateUl" night !It pense when personal tax and tbe gym Nov. 8. Adm. ] 5c. tllX on automobiles were eliminatMr. Hc),'man Ott, or Dayton, is ed. Whether or not 'Waynesville !;pcnding the week at the home of shall have stI'eet lights after his si ter, )1I's. P. L. Reason. midnight r main s for the voters to 'Mi H hnl'J ott Thomas wishes decide at next Tuesday's election. pian O' , pupils. Reasonable rates. [n4uire Peck's Restaurant.

mUnity, and evel'al phases of Mr. and II'S. A, Z. IIartRock work which might bc accomplish· and liltl daugMer Uelen, of ncar o~1 by an organization of this Wihllhlgton call ed on the f orm er's kJOd w ra discussed. MI'II. Vern Sim~son, Mrs. Oharmother, Mrs. Lona HartRock Tu T~mpoIary , offic,:r are ,M. les Bradley and Mrs. Ed Rnmby OJ, Octobt'r 25th the New CenMr .• I! lh Furnas III near LyU~ RobltZ I', chalrmall nnd Ross H, were Cincinnati visitors, Monday. tul'Y dub \Va ente rtained at the was n g uest at the H ome unday. Hartsock, ~ccr~tary, M' S plcB~ Dnt homo of Mr8. John P. 1111'. and Mrs. John llulcl\ Mson I . The nomlllatmg commiltee cOn· ISS Ill'ah Smith i spe nding F'l'omm. '" ~o sl<ted of W It K . k W'll the w k at t he horne of Mr, and T,"cnt.y mAmbcr s an.D" 'ered io OL Oxford call ed on tbeir t· lalive ~ a el' elnle" I M A S C 11 t H ' " ~" Mrs. Margaret Mattin fonday. St. John and R, ElV. G. C. Dlbert. 'I'th I'. tell's of current Miii Iargarct Dil~ k 'on ot en. 1"•. b tS. _ . 0 e t near ul'vcys- roll c~11 .. "" :tub".'" s comm Itt ee on urg. ev ents, tel'vill and fro Daily, of Dayton I !110mb l'shlp Jrlcluded Lbo follow· Mr. and MI's, COUlllS YI)unce Bnd In tho ahs nce (jf the regular were ~ue ts of Mrs, ettic Dick- m.g: Fred GI:auman, Charles family were afternoon visitors of 'ccrotary MI's. ll. E. Hntha~vay son, unday. Zll1l~CI'm~n; WIlliam A. Stroud, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Clark on filled her place and read the minMr.. Jessie Robil1l1on and son A. 'I, Poilnsky, Wm. St_ John,. Dr. Sunday. ules of th In t meeting which J Ohn Robjli f\on and fl'iehd, of in- H, E. lIatttaway, Rn~ph Hasting, were approved. cinnllti called nt the HOI1 e 0 Hartley Mo's, IrVIn l\1ulfol'd, Mrs, J. O. Cartwirght and Mrs. Thi s \, a the se cond of our mys- Sunday. 1 n 'Phil Larrick, William 11:. omell, B. C. Poole, Of Cincinnati were l Iy program onel was arranged Ily Mrs. Etta 'Mc ray and daugh- Mr. McFarla~d, 1\lr. NeinnbCr, calling on Waynesville friends Mr s. Lindley 1endenhnll and Mrs tel' Vedu 01 ~fiddlctown callcd on Walter KonrlcK and Guy Rout' , ' Monday. Will ornell. It. Iras thoroughly MI'. France Ni klc.iitln Sunday. znhn, secu re Mr. and Mrs. Paul Booram, of enj oy d by all and consisted of Mr. John Gaither of Cincinnati E~ort IS belllg made lo the next B lib k S the follo\ iog: visited his aunt Mi ss Kate Ball a su~table speaker fOT WGre at~rday night Pl'a·no solo- "Cathcdrft.. l Bells," Tue day. meetIng Novcnlbe r 8. ed Sroo, " all Un d ay gues tS 0 f M r. tInd Mrs Ruth onner. - - -Mrs. Carrie B!1ill' . y of Easton, E. C MI'. Dnd Mrs. Sherman Roberts • Crane. Sketch of the lif<' of Seth H. Penn_ and Mrs. Edwin Brickctt, of C()ntervilJe, w re guests of MI' .. Mr , Paul Hauk, of Piqua, was Ellis by Ruth Salisbury. and an of Tol do were rccj!nt gu ~ts of and Mrs. Harold sborne FridElY the guest of her parents, Mr_ and intel'esting nnd humorous 'talk by MfS_ Emma Pierce. evening. 1\Irs. H. H. Williamson on Thurs- Mi$S Mary Mills of Wilmington Cecil Villa'rs and Mrs. day of last week. who took as hec subject "Noses," Ro, s Villars and littl e- son' Rich· Mrg. J sal Robitzcl' has return. , ' After a plea ant social session a ard, of Ol'ogonia, called at the FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST ~ home aiter a 11lea a~t vi .it Recently invitations were exl\1r, 8n(1 M~9. Henry Sheeley And d licious repast \\ as sel'Vsd by the Home Wedne (lay. Mio;8 Thelma t, John waS the Carl Smith, Minuter · - - --children, of Franklin, were Sun· host 55 MI's' Frum Ill. honot-ed guest at a bridal $how r "Ilh her IJaughtel' and sIster <In tended by Mr. J. A. Goebel of "Echo Hollow Lodge" to the fil'1!lt 'T he favol"ed guests were Mrs. G SONS OF LEGION Friday, ct,ob r 25 aL the home of level and. Unified aervices begin~ing with day guests of MI'. and Mrs, A. F. . Dibert, Miss HeleJi Hawkt', church ;scho01 at 9130 a. m. MeUoh and family. HOLD FIRST MEETING Mrs. Gilbcrt Fl·ye. A~tQr several Mrs. Maudo Crane and daughter annual reunion of neighbol'l. Our inVItations came printed on Lee, with Mr. contests. ~1i~ s t. John was asked Miss , Anna service at. 10 :80 a. m. Mrlj. Charles And rson. Mrs. Mrs. Bertl\l1 Mills and Mrs, to open hel' girts which were Ru , sel arr, of Lebanon, spent slices of birch wood and were Edna My rs and litre. J. V, Hart- Katherine Banta, The fir t m ting of th e reca ntly brought before her In II. large Sunday in Bethel, Ohio. unique and clever in their play ol'ganized squadron of Sons of the wagon prettily decorated in yellow WAyNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH sook were guests of Mrs. Orvill& up on words, using the nam6 of :1. Gray Saturday evening. American Legion was held in und white and driven by I!. toy MrB_ Mal'y Me lure, ' Mrs. Ida different kinds of wpod to convey Rev. G. C. Dibert, Putor Memorial Hall, Lebanon, last Fri- bl'id e bolding an umbr,ella. Kelsey, Mrs. L. H. Gordon nnd to us the good newe that we would Go early for a good seat Sunday: Sunday scbool at 9 :80 day nigbt. Officel's were elected Mrs, Emma H. McClure .njoyed .8 be welcome to "Echo Hollow Dainty r fr shll1e nts were Amateur Night Nov. 8 at gym. a, m. Morning worsbip at 10:30. and will be instaUcI~ at !1 meeting sel'v(."<i to the following invited motor trip to Marion, Ohio, Fri· Lodge," October 27. 1936 for one Epwo rth League at 6 :46 p. m. At Adm. l5c. ponQ()red by Ladies' Which will be held Il'rlday evening, gu al8: day. ' o'c.lock dinne.r, 7 :30 p. m. Mrs. C. M. Chri!!mau, A id of M_ E. Church, November 8. "Echo Hollow Lodge" is one of ]\'£1'5. Theodore M'acInti re, New Misses TdIJ('Aa and Margaret the most entrancing spots i~ h.. of Dayton, will speak lIrs. ChrisThe Sons of ·1 the Amel'jean Bu rlington; Mrs. Glen Bland and Miss Kathleen Ressler, MillS :Mr, and MrA~. Oh'apn;lan E<lward and Mi s Eva Allen left ever be,n our good fortune til man is a s~akel' of splendid Mildred Hartsock Ilnd Mr_ Jack and' Mr. Ilnd Mrs. John Preston Legion, s!, organization ~ pon or II elray Bach, visit. It is the property of Hr. J. ability and comell to us highly reo Gregory of Cincinnati were guesls we re hosts at an old-ta hioned throughout tbe United .laies by Bal'baru Lou Bland, Springboro; th is morning for comnlended. Don't fail to hear of Mn. Edith llarris on Monda y. Hallowe'en pal'ty Ilt the Preston the American Legi '~ II, wil! be af· Mrs. t. C. t, John, Mrs, 6- :R, FloJ'ida, where they will spond the A. Goebel of Springfield and dedMo~s , I.'III'S. P. L. Reason, Mrs, Will home on l\l o nd~y evening. The filiated with Ralph P. SnQ ok Po t wintel'. her. . icated to the "Boy Scouts of Mr, and Mrs. C, C_ Archdeacon following guc ts were invited to at Lebanon. All ons of American ll'oud, Mrs. Reba Braddock, Mrs Wednesday: The W.F.M.S. will Arnerica" and many troops of boy Ita D. Rich, Mrs. Emer50n Earn· twenty Bob Pres\.on entcrtllined : Legion members ur e eligible to me4)t with Mrs. W. F. Clark at and son Bobby, of Dayton, and gO masked: hart, }'lr~ . Charles Zimmerman, of his friends on Tuoday even· scollts are entertained there by Mr. nnd I\lr8, Ronal d Hawke, membership. 2 p. m. Bible study and praler Mrll. F. H. Miltenberger were Sun' Irs, Kenneth Hough, Mrs, Bertie inQ', at a jolly "ghost" party. Mr , Goeb~l. day guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. MI'. and Mrs. L. M. Henderson, meeting at 7 :30. Tbe following local boys are Mill s, Mrs. Mary Cross, Mrs. :the l o~e is located almost a Delicious l'e(reshments were en' Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Henderson, charter member!> a f the 0 rgani7.a. Thursday: On Thursday of Smith. mile from the public road. on what Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Cornell, Mr. tion :,..Se-th A" Hoak" Benton Keller R u , ell Wilson, Miss Virginin joy d by t he merry gro up. next week the Dayton District is familiarly known as the Old M W Hardin, Miss Eliznb th Henkle, D .0, R'd b rs. C Iydeh atkins, of ,ChiJli- an d Mrs . I gc. Mr. nn d Hoak and Owen Francis Hart ock. Miss atharine Conference will meet in the Bl'anstrator, Miss Mr. a.nd Mrs, Elmer PaW, Mr. :;;tump fa.~1,l1 but now owned by W. t spent t ~ week-end With ~er Mr~. Bert Hart ock, Mr. and Mrs co e, South Pa\'k church in Dayton at Helen Hawke, Mrs. Hlll'old Smith, aod Mrs. Charles Davis, Mr, and P. McCarren. The name of "Ectlo mother and brothe-r, Mrs. Mayme R. G. Mill r, Mr. ~nd Ml's, Ross to ,a. m. . [rs, B. V. mlth nil of Waynes. Mrs. ~ntter Brackney, of J)ayton HQllow" was given from the fact , Th.e Methodist Union will meet Hatfield and Mr, Raymon Hat- Hal'tsaok, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey viII; Miss Evelyn artwright, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cook we-re that' when located at a cel'tain spot field. Rye, Mr. ancl. Mrs. S. D, aenklc J at 6:30 p. m. in the SO\1th Park incin nllt.i; 1'f1'rs. A. R. Schoeler, callers at the horne 01 Mr. ~nd in the iield west 01 the house the church ""ith Orien W. Fifer, echo of th.e voice is heard from the Ml'. a nd Mr sL. .F. Rh o-..... .. ues, J_ r., . 1". and Mrs. Russel Salisbury, Hnll1i1ton; Mrs. Loren Jsmeso·--l,-Ml'4Or Robert Davjs, Sunday, editor of the Christian Advocate and daughter, 'B etty Jane, of Mr. nntl ~Irs. D. It. Smith, Mr. surrounding wood. Dayton; Miss Evelyn Ket'sey, Mis es Blanche and P rle :Riley as the speaker of tho evening. It Versailles, Ohib, were week-end and Mrs. ~orl'is Cornell, Mr, and After a most bountif.u l dinner Jesse , M,engle, Oregonia: Mrs: and MTS. N. L. Bunnell :retarned prepared and servoo to thl-rty-five is hoped that we may have large guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ira O. Mrs. Earl Hookett, Mr. ' and Mrs. .Morrow; Miss Sarah Madge horne :Xucsday ;from a motor trip Dan Collett, l\fr ~. Florenee Davis delegations from our church to Brown. Conwell, Piqua; Mi s Mildred to Lincoln, JIIinoi!!, where they neighbors and frie-uds, by Mr. Miss Olive fl.1I1,!J1, Miss 'Trillena these meetings. ' Toledo i and Miss we~'e guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Goebel, his sister and their unsiper _~--c=== Schlafer, Mr. and Mrs. Abram Cook and Edwards, 1\Ii s Margaret. EdwBrds able friends, Mr_ and Mrs_ Wylie ' Katharine Torner, Marietta. lit!'. and 1\1t"s. S. . Ellis en tc l'Mr. and Mt . Stanley Cook, of Mr, Clifford H. Brace and Mr. Stokes and family. Cummins lind Jack Drennen, the ST. MARY'S CHURCH ' tain.ed a party o:\: friends SlItur-' Springboro, were Sunday evening Ernest Butterworth. 'remainder 01 the after)1oon 'was. WINNER Mr. a.nd Mt's. Leon F lorence and HARRINGTON Rev. J. J. Scbae«er, 'Rector The house was beautifully ,de. day night. guests oJ. Mr. and Mrs. J. V_ ,HartOF HUSKING CONTEST family. M1'. and Mrs. Wallace spent enjoying the beautiful spot c(lJ'ated and lighted in keeping Sunday atter Trinity 8oCk. Traylor, of Paris, Kentucky, I\1r_ Goebel, his sist.llr and their insepel' with Hallowe'en , Bridge 'il1terL, M. Hen.ders?n and. . J. ~. November 3_ · Church school at Elmer Hal'.l'ingtqn, Waynesville and Mrs. Harold ' Osborn and which natQfe has so lavishly enMr. and Mrs. J. B. Rich, Mr. Jlersed with games and refresh. Haw,ke lVere busmess VI 'ltol'S In 9:3(); setmon and aoly Com- Maynard Rich, Mr. and Mrs. mente suitable for the season were Xenla Wednesd ay nftern oon. wps adjudged the willner of the iamily, Mr. gnd Mrs. Clare.nce and whidh has been artlmunion at 10 :80. county corn husking co'n- Tracy nnd Mrs. Cordia Tru.a x ficially beautified without destroyannua," HalTY McGinnis spent Sunday at enj oyed. ' Mrs. Ralph Vance 11l1(1 Mrs. the . home of Dr. ,and Mrs. L. B. test, held 'On the Evel-ett Runyan spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ing any o.f its natural grandeur. "Jakcantbebois" ' (Jam. and MI11vYn Banta, of Pleasant Plilin, farm Monday. ST.' AUGUSTINE CHURCH Ball and family in 06lumbus. " Howard F:lorence, visited rela~ives here Wedne$day, Harrington husked slightly over the boys) as our invitations welle ' ANKLE AND WRIST Fatber Newton, Paltor , BROKEN IN FALL Mr. and Mrs. Ray James, MiS5~ , bushels of sta.nding corn in ,0. J, Edwards and Mr_ and 1\Irs signed proved themselves to be Mr. an.d Mt's. Russel Frank en- 22.5 M4uatSt. Auplltine's Church Ethel and Edna James, of Miamis· --==,- the Illlot,ted time J WiL'Ion Edwal'ds a'nd famil y', of perfect hostR and, we enjoyed 80 minutes, very Becond and fourth Sunday burg, Mr_ and Mrs. W. (). Hutchi- ' Raymond 'WIlson. suffered a tertained mem b~rl' 0.( the Bercnn Harold Becket, Ol'egonia, was soc. Spd ngfl eld, Mrs. W. n. Ru ssum every mom~nt of the "First Anson and famHy,' ot Dayton, wet:e i bl'oken ankle and Wl'ISt, when be class of the Methodi$t Sunday ond in the ontest, with slightly and daughter, Mis. Mal'gal'et, Dr. mlal Reunion of Echo Hollow f the month. guests of Mr; and Mrs_ Charlos I f ell out of t he corncrib ~ . the school,Satur,day 'evening. over 22 bushels. and Mrs. Gale E. Russum and Lodge Neighbors" and we tarried \WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF Jl\mes and family Sunday. cement walk, Mo~day at hiS beme _ -,_ _ __ daughters of Dayton, were guests with our . good friends as long as J. B. hf.lpma~ Mr. and Mr . CHRIST ' east of Wayne Ville on Route I, of Misses Trillenn and Margal'et home dutielO wou'ld permit. sJ)cnt Thursday and Fl'iday in MRS. ERWIN ELLIS Not A Denomination Dr. Mabel E. Gardner and ~rs. ' -----' The ncighbol'S present were HONORED WITH SHOWER Edwatd!!, Sundny. Richmond attending the Fivo Eliubetb Schenck of Middletown HEALTH ASSOCIATION hU.makel'S, Easters, Shambaughs, ar of F'l'Iends. Y I Carl Smith, Minister and Mrs. H. F. Yetter of near TO .M EET IN LEBANON The home af Mrs. Frank }iess Migse Fanny and Minnie Sharp StU)1IPS, Taylors, Wards, Voiera, !l :80 Bible School. Centerville were Suliday dinner Mrs. :r. L. Mendenhall. Mrs, W. was the scene of a pleasant Imd Mr .. Ri ley Sharp, of Falmouth Elartle'ys, Shidakers and :ttiel1ds The Warran County Tubercu10:30 Lord's 'Supper, . guests of Dr. Mary L_ Cook and losis Health At-so. will,Mld a meet E. Corn -11 lind h's. J. B. hap- ocial affair Wednesdl1Y aItel'- K nillcky, Miss Vh'gini a Hardill, f l'ol11 Harveysburg the Grays" :Mcattended a Home Dcmonstrn nooti when Mrs, Roy Ellis, Mrs. 'of Twenty M:ile Stand, Miss Roma Oarrens a~d C. S. Lippincott. LeS!on Text: Judah Takcn family. ing in the. Presbyte-rian chureh, wonderful day ,l or all and uph o l stel'inj~ me!!ting in Louis Thompson and Miss r,fary Hardin, of Dayton and MI'. Ronald Captive-2 Kings 21)': 1-12. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Clark Lebanon, Wedne day, November Erwin Ellis, nee Grace Hess, with Ha.rdin, of incinnati, spent the o ne more example of Mr. Goebelll on, Wedne.sday. Golden 'l'ext. RighteousneS! entertained On Sunday Mr. and 6, at 2, o'clock. All who are' interalterthwaite entertained ,abQut week.end, with Mr, and Mrs. T. S desire to make this old world jUlt ex.alteth a lIaboD-Prov. U. 84 i Mrs. ElmDs Carmony of -Spring· ested are invite<l to be present. Mr. and f>11's. :Lloyd Davis and t enty gue ts Ilono!'ing Mrs. Hartin and fnmily, a little bappic~ place in whicb to • but sin II a reproach to ' an), fleld, l't1r8_ .' Etta Klepinger and lions and Mr. ond Mrs. Josiah people, '. ' Min Edith Klepinger of Dayton Davis enjoyed 8, pleasant trip a lin n 8howet'." . , I MI'. 'Rol)(lrt Courtney and Mt'. live. GIRLS ENTERTAIN BOYS D. W. 2 p. m, Special proaram from and Mrs. Mary Carmony. , The girls of the High aehool through Southern Ohio, Sunday. At the clo~e, of a delightful ylvcster Ashcratt, of Covington ... Ohurch of Chriat Bible Scbool Sunday school class with Misl En route they s1,oppcd at Bethel aftcrnoon dlllnty l'efreshm nb Kent.ucky, werG week-end guest Bowersville, Ohio. 'l'he Church of Cbrist 'Bible Helen Hawke, teacher, entertained where they caII€I:i on Rev. B, E. were scr.ved to the. guests seated o( Mr. and Mrs, E. T. Stroud, On. BARN DESTROYED BY FIRE 6 :45 Cbrllltian Endeavor. Lea- achool from Bowerllvil1e will be at the boys of the High school Sun- Wright, a fanner pastor of the at beuutlfuJlY.a~~tnted ,tables. Sunday Mr. nnd Mrs. Stroud with lIOn Text-What Chrlat Meana to the WayneavilJe C~u1'ch of Christ day school class with a Hallowe'en New Burlington Methodist church their guests, and Mr, Clf\ud A barll and other outbulldlnp me; Phil: 8: 7-11. ' with a epectal mUl!lical program theater party which was followed and Mrs. Wright. GRANGE NOTICE Stroud and Mr. Frank Crew visit- to~ether with farming imjlMmellta" '1 :80 Evall,ellatic ucl and Gospel meaaap at 2 p, m. by aames and refresbments at the All members are urged to' attend ed Mr. and MI'!!. George ' Stroud a tractor and Bome liv..tock ••N _ Sundar, November 8. Eve..,bodr home of lHllse. Phyma and Ruth muaieal numbers. Mr. and Mrs. J, C_ Hawke en· the re&'Ular meeting of Farmer's and, 80n in Dayton. destroyed in a ftre of unkBowa Collett, Monday evenina. tertained at dinller Sunday in Grange November 2. It is election origin at the home of Hen" On7 :80 WedDeIIcla7 aiPt - PH"" lavlted. •- • honor of th~ir J Charles of officer!! and to your own interMrs. Russell Wilson and' Mrs. dorf on route 1, last Frklar ..... ..m..... Blbl. 8tad~. CHURCH SOCIAL Hawke and Dayton. eat that you vote. Herman Surfaee entertained at lng. 8 :80 Choir practice. Members of the Church of Tbe other Mrs. J. H. ' - - the home of Mrs. Surface Tue.. The blale ,.,.. be7<mcl Come eDJor Qod'. word III:&- Christ enjoJeci a "cet-topt;ber Barringer and .leanlle, AMATEUR NIGHTI day afternoon. The occasion wall when dhcovered pel ell ChrJMIaD feJlowl1dt. Grange lIan Kondar Mta.. Ida and gd Mr. Sponsored by Ladies' Aid of)(. a kitchen shower for MIS! N.,llie were oa ......II1II. . z:;~~~;~~=;:,l;:=~.!s lar,e lira. C..rl of E. Charch at anmasium ovem- Graham, of Harveysburg, a pro8- , tIr• •pread of the .~MOiil., III • .pod ber 8 at 8 p. 1ft. Good ent.anai... bride. Cerd. fl1l'Dlshed ""lob .,.. and ,~ 'I'M •


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l illtcr~ 110(1:. The tudy of .$ tl.SK: Th incinnl&tI Oil Work. ure now I' Qulred to buy 100 1'0., j!'lls()lint· • • 1.62: Thl! Cinclll· intI jllll1t 1I1~(, wn, 1'l'\'I't.'''''11 pounllll of chlckt·n feed. Thi. ill It'd in tilt! ,kllHln Il'nlioH by ,how1':ltl Oil WUI'k!< Co., gasoline, '25 .• NI~WS about 1\\0 uzen II!~ than were !t l; SanHll'l Richard, gravel, $250; inJ.l th,' juillt Ilclllnll, 1/1 Ilcti 'n anti C. C. 01li/1!~, Clt'l'k, C(llIlH in case, rU(lu il'('d II ~'l'lIr ago. nil I h.· lHil\rip;l1 pUl'ls which tlduull;o milk, the joint nct. 11Il1\leI Rich:l1'dll v~ ounLy COnlW ;ltch lIli~ i'~'ction \\ t'ekly, :IS lI1is<illncr!<, $12.5 1: Walter Luti, No (lnu knuw8 wh n man first Honor Roll SII -gest ~01 [01' tht' day·by-day disdil l'" rovicw~ will be giv~n for "t.l l·vice:< a l'Odman, $6.50. cUMion : b glln 10 hUll and gruft {l'Uit. trees C mmon Plea~ P roce di-n .. jan uin'ctillK bel' to me h('t· 3 nco linch w('rk. N 'xt \ e k':; ,\ 01'1; will Th TIi~h . eho I honor )'0\1 for i')undny, 0<,,1,,1>\'1' !.!7 'lllWt on 0[" l)(!(ul'<' • T vl1nlber :!2, In onl ~' to propagate iruits true b hi ~ t ry. first !Ii -\, e ' I'm inc1udl::I: aud th Good Lif . In th(' n~ \If The ~h Hi' B. ~hilldt, );'Ill\l·ditln of to (juolity. FI'ushmcll- Elma Poins~ttMnntlay, 0 tobl'r 21l Th Ohio Loan ol11Jlany vel". us n- BIIlllCh :;;h I flett, ct ai, illed h r rs Meet For Book Review ~ ophomor harle. nderson :; h()ol :\lid tile itir..un. .Ir " ZOI)r, I' aI, i~. iK orJ rell that <'ighth account. A rran eJl1~Jlt arc being com. nnd !loy 'rockett. l'h ' Wayn' 1'ownship tcnch rs Th 1'uc~dny, lob'r 2(1 1l1ol'tgllgell from ,mlr' w nnd EmI ,EO I . UTl eR Tho adjudication and (lctcrminn- ptel, Ii now whercby th filets of Juniors-Glenna Woolard. h III their I' ('gull\l" .m eetlng last mil B/Illf to plain '~iff, lind 0'( n- li ntl of the inhelitan sl'hoo! Ilnd Country Life. the Sb nill ~ov rnm!' t Burv y tax on the S ni r!l--Ruth ll!isburY, ,l ane Wedne 'dll)', Oetob er 30 W rlnl':-\dIlY cv(ming. Following the dr~w lind Emmn Znpf Cr(,m Rob l't ,late uf .It;. P. on1 y, d cn.l'u, \ ill he 1)1'(' 'ntet! to !troup in Nntl ,J I,. "C"lIlly ~Ivcn 1Jhat In 1l1'!Ull1nc I ' n I'f\fh .;lut Ion .uf tho ~'" ook, eeil Hartlnan and Anllo .'chool and t hI.' ralion. . l'"uline unnflunc m nts by Mr. K Bell kcr lind froln ] [ lena Ril y t: lo be given t.o all p('~sons in- eve)'y county throughout th stat "'Hluil or tlln VIlln.j'rO ,WUYIH8L Tnur<ldny, ctobeF L - Th Il l" 11(1"~"<1 on IIl"Qonu dul' "r Sill. \ lo Robl'rt E. Ben 'leer h T leused. ter sted. 1l is P1"OP(l~cd to hove • p a b ,tz, an xccllent revi~\w of the (-II,IO('r. 103n. th"r' wlU LJu l\U ""'ltl",1 chool nnd ocisl Ch:tngc. In the clI.e 1)( E :llyn G. ShlJavailable to J)re 'cnt lhc {"eta and tu th e 'Ju"llft d ""clors or .... 111 Tenni. M~tche. Friday, No\'emb ' r 1 Th... ho k, "Mental lCygii'ne and Eduea mak er to ROll)ain , I". l::ihumnk r, a \' IIII\~" Ilt th !'fl'O ro.l '" "lion III Madia.e Licenae. Th e finol anw ()f th!' champion t1nding-s l*forc variou s 1\ mb)j-es. 111(1 Vllltll;.J of WuY'H'~VIII ull Ih o titlll," was wve n by Mr. Bodenben divol'ce W08 grllh IL('d the p,laintilf. Homer H inkle, farmer of l\1or- MallY conullunilies huve aIr ady tHtll "hip ma\.('h in boys' t ' II nl iR yet to RohllOl nnp the 'tate. \l :~y I)( 'O \ ' ....l1b~r. IV~1i lh" y, 'ov('lIlbc r 2 Thc Murd '111l'~"(JJ1 ?r luvylnl( IlLxeg rOr thu del'. This book, which was written uslody of minOl' child \\'u Kiv'n rnw, llnu li5s Goldie Mac Wat..~o'n I'ellucstcd Rpeakcl'S f or no on and ,I nn Hopkins nnd plnyl'c/, , ' I'urlS l!lar.. ta~d 1\1),1 19~1 III 1110 "uto 8choo l and Reel·cation. to plaintiff, h.)uscke per of Mon'ow. 1<'ore. t II kin Ilre the contenders ill t1 ight meetilll,"Il. fur t'lu.' h 'Y I'J.U· (,~r (Htt lullJ uU 4-'" ' Il , hl'n this wa being wrilten, no by lI-Hmdel Sh l'man, has at i.ts .lu llllr t till" IIlJ( VI\IUCllirlfl I)r IIlu us 'laCk was Ilpp'o intod 1\ • Frnncis ombs, rder c1crk of th match D ntl 80 lilT hl\\'<" onl! central thcsis the idea that. teuchI" Ub t.' 11I'OP I'ly wHhln lIw vtt lllg II 'cia] plans had. been d~finitely The R oks ounty Rec I'd's ,f- or gUllrd in Lranspol·tillg Bennie PlIS- Lo kland, and Miss Murtha Pi!'rgame ncb . The final a-ame will \\'1\)' II"l\v llI" III " "88 ur lIw fire at insi ~ ts t.hllt (,:lting bacon ,· ~t •• '1II lh"rlz,·tI h,.. R('c. &6~6 .2 .. r p " bnbly be '11layed off som('timc made for the ob el'van(!' of the ers in the schools mU$t de covel' "Iflume to the O!]jo State R form· son, factory worker of M8~on. th.' 11"'1O'r,,1 l'od" tOt· th~ VUrt' oC week in the loca l ~ 'hool, athough motional problems of !.heir nI'(1t'y at. MUll field. James Mc(il UW, Pl'CS' /1]Un of will not IllIlk YOllr hail' curl. No, "111 ' 1' l ut ~Xllt' n8t·lJ. this we 'k. it i j1xobable lllat. such plans may students and d vel op whlJli!Somc '1'Il" ~ O Wll0 VOl In ('Wtllot th .M orro w Brant wa ~ appointed lIS orwood and Miss G rtl'ud but paying for it wlll.- Bul'l· Ill' lJtlfl~lll,'n Ilr muklUI; IIIl'h Ild,lIBusin" .. Student. Drawing Map. he made at 1\ ]atet' dale. persoTlalitie~ through a sol ution of gu al'd in trun , pot't.lng Henry Hageml'yer, nur ~e of Clark- ·ville. Ouk, Kun as, IIeralt\. l i"IIIII In'l: • V)' will lmv wl'll1.m ')1" in junior busin The claK. Th schools are gratcful to R~v theSe problems. 11'. Bo<len- Moore tQ tho hio 'tute Reform til"llllI' " 1111 ll)clr balloll< "r,'QJ' til (JlX I" .. r" anll thO"" \VilIa v, t e tl'aining, tau~ht by Mr. Brown, G. C. Dii.Jel'l, o'f' the Methodi t bender pointed out that the in- lory aL lansfleld. Real E.tate Tran.fen Azorian l'ineappl s, which lK~I"l' t 1< 11<'11 UI]J]1tl nlll tl1.X I V'll l L II bt>en drawing rnaps of Way- Episcopal hurch, fOI' hi flu nces surl'ounhlng children in Th e Lebanon Lumber Co. to ar Thegrown wJll l!'Wt, wl'lHen or print <l 011 In the- malter of tran sf ' r of unller glass, art' ne$vill to how the comparative last Sunday, on . "A Creetl That their homea b fore they enter funds of th Boal'd of Townsllip Floy<l lind fyrtle F. Lemmons in· tl.l\'ll· 1'I1 I1 I'l~ " "Hllln. t tht, tnx 10 \ ' )1." N. IC DAY, ](Jcatilln of the bu 'incss ageneie Works," which WAS in ke4)ping . chool oftcm cause mnlndjustments Tru~lees of the' To\\ ns hip of lot No . 73 and 74 in 'Lebllnon. brought to bloom at tho sam l\11~YOI·. \\-bich supply food, communication, with the calendar til' Wn up tOI' in :;"I)lI'lllh r n, J 93G, Th Union cnn'al Li(e Insur- tim by a proc s of sm king. B}I' chool-lii becnu e childN'n Fmnklin, th J)ctiti nis dl missed thi$ method all of lhl: pineapples 017-U·31 t :mgpQrtation, etc., to the com- American EducatiOn , e k. IIncC! o. to H R. and Mary Trivett have been $0 ovel'proteeted t.hat in In the matt t' of th transfer of munity. adol c nee they become v ry fuuels of 'Board o[ 'L'o~n s hip 'l'rus- 17.5 acre in Hal'lall Township. in a house may be 111arkel.ed at '"!!'!~~~~~~~~~~~!!!'!!!!!!!!! - -Mr. Spencer III This ela s will sooll begin work , Mat'y E. nopping, decea ed, to the SOlt1 time nnd much artiel'.:;: e Ilsitiv(;, oft 1\ wavering between My. Sp nCCI' 01 th 'high-school p d('~ire to b(' at t he top in all their tee ' oC Fn:tnklin 'Township, $6,000 etti A. Bohl inlots Nos. 13 and The process wa discovill' d ucci01\ a d tJliJed tudy of the advanis to he trnnserr "d from the Road Ask for a dentally, ~h()n u carpenter t ~\geR antI disadvantages of cB-rte,in building, h l! bcen awny from hi. n 'tivitie to b admi d and a de- and Bring Fund to th Genom} 14 in Lebs'lon. werk for the past w~k bC(lnllse of o~cupation open to hi h scbool Mary F. ~I'ickler, deceased, to fire to a pile of Ilhavings. The ~ire to be at the bottom in ordol' Fund. Miamisburg Permanent a ,ev re iIlnE)S" Mr. hurl 1'aduates. to be pilied. To PI' vent uch a • EI~ Brandon and Frances I. plants nil burst into bloom. In thc ca ~e of The lIInssillonA ndorson ha been sub tit.uting ~tate of unbalance, Lhe sch oo l and Concrete Ohio turkey .growers hav~ he n tev<!hlOd- i8'n 0., a , corp., Rich inll)t No. 40 in Lwbanon. • Selloola Diami..ed for Con.·ention~ for him. th home must have one aim and vers~s Robert H. Jones, v rdiot in Pllter B. L~wj, to Etta Lowis in"iled to attend Turkey day at. Air Seal Burial Vault Tbe Wayn& Township scbools Griswold, real estate in Lebanon. Purdue UniVersity, one PUl'POSO, ina~ad of pulling in Lafayett.e, werc not in session last Friday, Senior Sponaor C ..lebrate. Birth. opposite dire lions. Wholesome f!W01' of plaintifl'. The amount of Jo, ph G. Ke;os, d ce81 ed to Indiana, Oeotber 4. For Sale only by ,24\).40 is duo (,h e plaintiff from ~ day the boliday being giv~n in order Oakley R. snd arrlo M . Unglesby La t Wcdne day lnorl)ing, dur- and balnnced pel' onalities COme, the defendant. t at: faculty member might attend Now if Haile elassie can just Your Funeral Director William Do'u gherty. pleaded 157.04 ncres In Wayne Township. Diors burst not ns a result 01 Hre control over t :le ~onventions being held on Fri· ing roll cnll, thc I!Jllotiol:l , but as a r su it of the guilty to the indictment filed William B. Fortage, 1\ truslee hire Popeye for 'his army, Mus· :fol"lh inti> a ' It went "HallPY d y and Saturday. The teachers plloper l' direction of Lhns to Eln,il Fr deri k Lane real e!!tat~ solini will have more than h Ctln divided their attention between Birthday to you, happy birthday to emotions. Pet'sonalities, accol'ding again t him, chat'ging utteJ'ing and in Deedleld Township. McClure Funeral Homo do to tay in Africa. forged ~beek and was publishing a you, happy birthday, dear teacher, the proceedings of the Sou.t hto the {Joint Qf view deyeloped, are sentenced to npt le$s than one Clarence lifton and Arkle ClifPhone 7 W",lle",'lUe, O. birthday to you." Yes, it happy ,. estern A sociation, which was West f(l Ohio poultry farmers )lot inherIt d, 'but conle from all ton to Richard A. Wertz real es. c n'Vening in Cincinnati, qnd the was Mr. Hatfield's birtbday and iuftu nces that ul'1'ound the child, ,year in the Ohi o State Pen.itt'n. tat in Clearch-eek Town hip. ar invited to attend p()ultTY field ~-----------.....; entnd, Association, which met in he c lebrated by not shav:ing. At " hether those InAu nces affect tiary. Walter . WUI' tel' lo re tentin day at tho Gasson Poultry Farm, a I=====:-====~======= any rote, be didn't shave, but it Dayton. Prominent. speakers from merely phy ical b jng, or whether Betner relll e tute in Hamilton quart r mil west of Ver!j/llllcs on New Suite "idely·scattered localities and r(1- might have been Ix'eause of that they touch the child's physique or .Route 47. The dut is October 11, hip. Town Joseph H. Fedders Supply 0., pr senting many different lines case of ivy poisoning he had con- intel1 ct, It was also noted that Lennie Smith to E. A. Hud on and the vent is spons r'd by the d . b'aeL versus Lambert N. Rhoad s nnd 01 work appeare4 on ih programs hio Agricultural Extension S()r~ th !Ie peraonalilie might be an John H. ' Rhoa,des f01' money. inlols Nos. 14 an<l 22 in Mas n. Friday aftel'no(ln, a always, was vice. Senior Picture. outgrowth of anyone of three J. • Riddell inLucy Moilre to mount claimed if$ $144_01. given over to departmental meetAft r di cuS$ing the werk ot the typds ef adjustment, Lhe com· Edna Robinson versus ,Joseph lot No. 287 in Franklin. ings. Fruit men say Grime. is an exphotograph r who have shown pensatory. the evasive, or the d Robinson AugUsta WiWingel' and William for divo.-ce. harge is lIent nppl variety for onsumtheif liM of pi tures, the Senior ftlnsi\r 6. Wittlinger to Emma O. Me-ars extram e cruelty. eu to buy in quantity during the America ... EdllCation Week in Ohio cia' decid d upon Cornwell aB At a late( date, Miss Smith will Jack Thomps~m, a minor by his IH>.G6 act·c in Franklin Town~~ip. frill months. It keeps well, and 'Altho)Jgh the ob ervance of the class photographer for tbJs contlmae 'with a further interprcta. n ~t friend, J. G.. Thomp on, Daniel ta/lefor to Clemie 'Lakes Ul:,\y be stored in covered bushel National Educati n Week "tend y ar. tion of this book ' VOl' us Julia Tihomp on for di. inlot No. 282 in Franklin. fronl November n, to November John Long to t'a ergent, real bask ts in the garage or on the FOR AND CONSICN orce. Charge i, gross neglect of back porch 01' basement, or ev n The Senior CIa.. Party 17, the state of Ohio, bas for the lstate in Wayne town -hip. sheep and calve. duty. the hom , satisfactorily while in past year br two, set a&ide the The higb school pupils and Mall' E, Conley, by executrix live l'1.-. and being used. week immediately pl'e~ding the teachers njoyed n fine evening of 1.0 Glenn Hawthorne, inlot No. 828 pNgres8ive firm t?r th. btpeat Probat .. COlll't November elections for this event. entertainment at the Hallowe'en market llriees and good lIeniee. in Franklin. decline in the bi.-tb raw of Union Stock Yarela' ellaela_tl. O. This is done because many times party on Thursday, October 24, Re) H. Hart flock, administrator Ella L. Fryer to Harry J. lCamm horThe es 1S expected to be checked Tune in on RadIo Station welty school levies a1'& being voted upon ' sponso red by the senIor clal!!\ . . A of the estate of JAS. C. Sale, de. and Augusta C. Kamm, 112.46 this year. High prices for work 12 :25 to 1.2 :30 p. m. tor our dally at the regular election and Educa- f.ew of the pupils and teachers ceas d, filed hi" .first and flnal acres in Deerfield town hip. animals have timulated breed- market reports. tion Week serves as a means of were masked. The evening's aotiv!- Will Be Da11y Feat"" On Homt>- Rccount. Rexford E. Bevis, deceased t~ directing attention to the schools tI s were staried playing a game Minnie A. impson, adlninistra· Louise ebold, real e tale in ing, and interest" on the decline maker'~ ProJrram Over since 192 1, is now on th upturn, and their need.. Ohio is DOW in in which the participants were to tl'ix of the estute of Frank G. Franklin township. slIys L. P. McCann, Ohio tat~ WOSU the midst of this annual obser- choose a partner and do a 'the inSimpson, deceased, filed her inven· harles C. Marlett to University horseman: tory. vance, the dates being October 27 structor directed. A variety of S bold, real stlj.te in Franklin to November 2. gam s followed this" which fUl'rJi$b How homemakers may get more The inventol'y of Wm. E. Hoffer township. Although 656,000,000 motc It is eJ!peciaUy true that in trou- ed Uvely entertainment :for the Te- for their e(}uipment monett take administrato r olf filc estate of ·An· Edith B. Beltz and Wilbur bushels ~f oats were produced this . bled times lik-e t hese intelligent ad nlainder oi the evening. Refrtl'sh- better cnre of their appliances na Hildebrand, deceased; 'Was ap- Beltz to Ril y Hillard and Lulu year than last in the United tat s jUlltmcnts are necessary in all ments, COil !sting of ging-erbread and use t.hem ~o bet.ter ndvantag c, proved. HilJal'd, real estate in Franklin. the Cl'OP of 1,182,000,000 bushels thOSe agencies that mold buman with whipped cream, llQd cidtlr, will be revealed to those who tune A certified copy of the entry is three p~r~t below average. Bill. Allowed Ideals and relatienships. Chief of were served at the claw of the in daily to radio statien WOSU's determining the inheritance U1.X On 1I-1e kcr & Meelcer, insurance on these agenciell is the schoo1. In ,party. ' Homemaker's Quarter ROUT pro· the estate of Eugene CJ. Dunham, Initiation . of a cigar l ea f program which will l'esumcd Novem- deceased is to be certified with- boiler at COUlt Houso, $28.40; grain by the AAA, to follow the ,selecting '''l'he School ana DemoSixth. Crade.Seetio. On.e ber 4. The program ovel,' the Ohio out de lay. J ohnston & Johnston, slate, paint, present one, 'has been approved by cracy" as the theme for Education The Hallowe'en Party in thi State Univer ity tatioll broad- The will of William E. O'Donne ll t in and labor at Court House, the ccretary of Agrioulture. The Week, the national committee em. phasizea the 'determination of the room was quite a success. A ca1iting on 570 kilocyclllS will be d eased, was admitted to Probate 53.42; W. C. Turton, coal for proposed program provides for from Martha S. B ~ til e;y was appointed Court House, $14.60; Wm. Shot- contracts cove rag of four-y~nr Amtrican people to retain nd i'm- lengthy program was given which featured each morning services Ii\S jani or at Memor- period, 19;JG through 1939. Marcus pre, e the principifs of self-rule included a typical Rallow'en~arty 10:16 to 10 :30, ex~ept on Friday executl'ix of the estute 78J I W. Bailey, deeeasc~, and filed ial Hall, $20; Lebanon Lqrnber Co ill e face of sod.1 disorc1Qr pIllS gam~ and rc£reshmentM· The and Saturdays. Several 01 t he neaTly 40 dis- bond oJ $4800 with sureties. C. H. glas and labor at lem o~ial Hall, which has checked indefinitely the room was d corated with leaf de-Most filr-ftung 01 all AAA proprogress of popular government in corations aud other pictures which cussiona will deal with the selee- Young, Ralph St. John and Thom- 2-.39; Ralph P. Snook Post No. grams is the one for sugar. It some of the older countries of the were characteristic of tbjs time of tion (if h w appliances .. All of as Corwill were appoil:lted apprais- l8S, 'oa p, stov polish, paint and affects acres ranging from Florid . broom, M morial Hall, $4; Reif's to the state of Washington, from . them will deal with making -equip- e r s . · .w odd. Th e theme suggests the the year. Frank Brandon -and Howard W. Electric Shop, labor and fi~turee Minnesota to Loui$ialla. from Ohio The peTfect spelleTs for the ment serve the family. Ranges, refundamqntal character of syst/lm"IOTARY PUBLIC ,a tic education in the pr paration week were: , Bett~ L ~ll.t Arthur, fr igerators, and laundry applian- Ivins, execui.OrlJ of th e estate Qf at lIf.emorial Hall, $1.60: Trustees to California. The program also " B..Ja oi a citiz enry capable of d~ting Jeanne 'Baker, Edith Bergan, Ruth ces fl S well as many other types of l\1ary F . Stt'icH,ler, deceased, filed of Public Affait· , ga , light and affect!! inlportant insular a.-ea their a{lplicatiCln for a certificate sewer ervice for l\iemorial Hall, which fly the America.n Bag-the Willa Ora.. • • Eatat.. S.ttl" its de&'tiny. It implies the Bdtian, Minnie C~awford, lIettie equipment will be discussed. $7.50; Miami Valley Hospital, Philippine bland, the Territory of tnff' membel's of the Sch ool of of transfh. need for improvement in the Davi , Lyle Fox and Helen Gons. WAYNESVILLE. OHIO Our class demon$tratio ll in Home Economics as well as of schoom which wllJ nable them to In the case <l'f Louise F. Pard~, laboratory, opr. room, gloves; Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. s ~ve the n~w vision and high pur- hygiene met with the immediate other departments at the Univer- admiriistratrix of the estate ' of drl1gs and. room for Edw. Hensey "Yes" Said the old man, "I sity will cooperate to share the William F. Schenck, de~ea ed, ver- indil;l'ent tubercular Ilatient, '64.pose to which the American people interest of the pupils. FOR SALE DATES CALL , have now committed tllemselves as , Microscopic views of ten dif· information they huve gathered sus Margaret E. Folk, -et al an 75; W. H. Seigtrted, extracting 28 had some terrible disappoin.tmfltR they ~pecd the tempo of progress' i"erent kinds of cells, four kinds of with th o~e who listen. ' Th~ course alill9 summons is to be issued to teeth for Virgil l Raaca, indigent but none stands out over the toward long-held democratic iissu~s, cellular oJ'ganization in will be un der the dit'ection of Miss the sheriff of :tucas county for tubercular paticnt, $28; Dr. John years like' the one that came to plants, molds, yeast, and several Daisy Davis of t he School of thl'Ele defendaliits. Zettel, glasses f()r Saqie Studer, me when I was a boy." ideals. "And what was it." Relie J ohnSOn was found to be 12; Mrs. Helen Doughman, board The following tcJpks bave heen different typcs of bacteria were ' Home EcoDQ mics. incompetent a llld a guardian is t o and cal'e CIift'ord Doughman, $7; "When I was a boy I ol'uwled be appointed. UC Mrs. Ira Eltzroth, board and care under a tent to See a circus ane! , A certified co~y determining tlhe Alice Starke):" $5; James Moore,' discovered it was a revival meet. JESSE .ITANUY, inh eritance ta:x on the estate of board and care Lucy Moore" $6; ing."-Exchange. P.o •• 320, " _ B.rU.,•••, 0 . . Mary E. Conley. deceased, is to Mrs Elmer Lacy, board and ' eare An Oklahoma girl advertised be eer.tified without delay. F,r ank Lacy, $6; Mrs. L'ulu Gab. The invetory of Leah Wagner bard, board and care Lincoln Gab- for a husband and got him. The EARL KOOOLER ... .run,"... executr.ix Of the esta~ of bard, $5; Mrs. Julia Holland, total e"Jlenso for advertising Day to. Pia... Len'a Wurster, deceased, was ap- board and care Vernon Holland, :<,redding, outll.t, etc., was $11. H~ KE~ ........ proved• . '6; Mrs. Oma Osborne, board and died ~tbln a year, leaving her an insurance policy of $10,000. And Martha S. ]~.i1ey; executtix of care Virgil Isaac, Walter Badow, the estate of r.![arcus W_ Baile<y, de Frank Ballinger, 'SO; John Law &: yet some people claim that it ceased, filed Jter inventory. Son, gal and oil for Sealer ot doesn't pay to advertise-Altoona Reno R. Be~caw, admInistrator Weights and measures car, $6.36; Kansas, Tribune. of the estate ot Lorenzo P. Ber- The Dayton Stencil Works, rubber caw, deceased" filed his ,inventory stamp for .recorder, 54c; Tbe West ' Total resources of fanners' The adtninistrlltor filed an applica- ern Star, Government envelopes elevators i!1 Obio are estimated to FOR.ALa tion for a tin ling of' this court for recorder, $18,a6; Tbe Western be approXImately ,8,000,000. CLASSIFIED ADS COST ONJ.Y relative to the correct name of the Star, Bar Dockets for Clerk of Yell . dd' i . FOR SALE-Frame '"araae, SiZ6 ONE CJENT PER WORD. WHY Courts" "60', The Office Outfitt'e rs . ow corn, In a It on to be· • .. said Lorenzo JP, Bercaw. '!' 109 a~ excellent source ot heat 9x16, tlTst ela88 condition. T he jnven~)ry of Charles H. r~pail's to dater. adding mch., and energy prodUCing nutrients in Cheap if sold at' once. Located at , KEEP YOUR ATTIC FIt-LED 'y oung executor of tho& estate of ribbons, :zoe.flills for Bates Stapler the ration, is also valuable a8 a Dodds. Roxanna Canning Co., Stephen ~. Stilwell, deceased, was for Clerk of Court, ,S·71 ;William ~ar-rier of vitamin A. This vitamin Phone 119R21. WITH USELESS ARTIClLES ' . approved. Sheriff,stamps for t f Hulford, THAT ~AN BE TURNED INTO The invento·ry. of Frank Wilson, Sheriff's office, $3; Wpodrow-Weil- ~~h~~ ce~~. in white corn 01' i11 OR &\LE-Hampshire male bog. executo}' of the estate of Eliz~­ Stana~ Co., pencils for Sheriff's A. H. I)ambart MONEY FOR SO SMALL A beth S. Harlan, deceased, was ap- office.. $2.66; Wm. Hulford, More than. 1300 farmers' coopFOR S· AL"" • Proved. .:.-Single ba""el ,hatSh er iff, quart er Iy expeJ)se, $62.- erative .association- I'n all parts of' • COST. TRY THIS MEANS (i)F G eorge c ~ gun. Henkle. -, 010 ' Karl D. Dd~in, administrator of 82! Joh n Law & toion, gas, oil for the Unated State" 'have' availed SELLING AND SEE WHAT A 'the estate of Harmon C. DakIn Sheriff's car, $49.49; J. W. Lingo themselves of ' the credit facilities FOR SALE-Ensilare $1.26 per deceased, filed 'his first and tlnai Hardware Co., nails, hingers, hook 0f!e~ed DIFFERENCE IT WILL MAKE the Farm Credit Ad. ton. Dodds, Roxanna and Wayaccount: for Dog Watden, 60c; Secretary, mll1Jstratlon. The FCA has been nesville Plants. 03-tl Karl D. Dakin. administrator of Warren -County ,TO YOUR POCKETBOOK, A'S Agricultural t bl" h d I h the estate of Angeline H. Dakin SOciety, junior club work, '600; es a ts e ess t an, two years. FOR SALE-Klllter pears 26c ' WELL A& TO HAVE YOUR deceased, filed, his first and ftnai Johllston & Johnston, lumber for For e8ch city dweller in the per bUlhel. GUbert Frye. account. STUFFY OLD ATTIC CLEANED fair, $136.06; E. W. Barklow, 2 U~ited Statell, tarmers annually PIPE, VALVES a"cI .m..TINGI William Al~red Shnpkinson was yds stone, '1.60; Carl Dakin ralBe about one·fourth acre of .. A'U OUT. IT PAYSI appointed eltel~utor of the estate pa}l'rolJ, $162.40; H. L. Schuyler' wheet, three-fourths acre of corn for Water, Gu, Steam " .... of Eliazbeth HiiaY, deceased, and payroll, $136,10; J. K. Spencer; which i8 consumed in. the form 01 and Spra)'iq. CIaten baacl, J:Iee. filed bond of :,8,200 with Buretles sand and, Kravel, '181.90; J. L. pork or beef, one-elahth acre ot trio and Spra7 pum,.. Plambbta & Wm. B. Fre-d Sears alld Dunn, services as mecnanie, $62.. cotton, and abput oDe-ftftleth ~ I ~~b~ Sappl... low. . . . . . . . .11 Ge~rge Cu were apPOinted ap- 40: john Barr, payroll, ,100:60: 0:1 tobacco, l:!!:T- ·'~·w~ pralBers. Johnlon Myers Payroll, ,102.801 p...._....: .. R. C. BoYs alLappllcatioD M. C. Foreman, payorll, '831; The .qar propam 01 th. A A . " l for the a~~~b!~t:~I~~ 01 • luardlan Earl Balore, payroll, '196,60; V. ~s'l1ltJthDe'BDmt01t lu-ftllQ of all ... of Relle Incompetent. M. Armitage, pa)'1'OlI, $101.06:'" PtoaralU. ....d" of tile etltate of John M,en, P&7l'01I, $178.80: W In tbe I'lorlcla the Walter I. dec....d ..Ie 01 H. l(eHenlT, kenone ... stock Is orcler>/id. '2G.75; J. W.

School High Spots

~dl 1110 h'llll'~





Shorts and Middlings







F. ·r. Martin Auctioneer


Centerville, Ohio





SfanIey &K00gler_ ' ' A tloneers



have l'eauJted. tllhorltj t' of th warnin g ot "never ulle a tr:at Red' CrolUl tllter! t hll t tlwy Wl'rCl hlllh'r or ,.toH~ unll'tlJ< thrre is a reaMonlJbly n·rtain I hat t h,' tll'rlt· Ilul' Hlt.a.cht.'II." Ill' wllrnet! agllinllt of "hock." in thltt :< .. ('\ ion of the ---loose cOlIl {uronct ' connectieJ/l~ country WCf(' fini~hcd for the· linw ISSUE D EVERY THtrnS D Y "hich may pet'mit monoxi ut' gas to being. i (1)l-cr the houH' allli a~nin1>t starlllc f olks The Reel Oros!! action ill (II ,n~ter nyn('~vi W lhtl 1',1 ""JI18, II()w r ill'" Oclobe 'AGO. garage' III n in polt~frlc . at Wayne .- ing II motor vehicle hiKh (.Id lh, 0Il_ P ......-.-.--............... No. 112 EnteredOhlat...... of l·. glalllwt all of .,.{'''fla Clau Mall \\lth till" doors clo-ed. Edito1 '-I have had 11 c(Jupl ville. JoIallcr S"blcrlptl' o• P; e jUHt reo, '1 _10 a .Y. . . intt·rest in/l expcl'i l'nce'" l'ecl'nlly ~ch()oL 1 hnc! the pl'asur 'I'Y machilll lh' lilll; ~11lI' IIr cl'nLly .... Ilj y lyncwll vacanc \Ve l('r Ihe thaL l' IOlc to forll 'rhc ('Ie 'lion to fill ntlrcw~ l ~ n_ t 10 141 hnvl' r;\i, 'lyn Flink y al late (\1 the app oC will dt!llth that the by plwpl cl cl'calc OCTOB ER Ul, 1935 aPlluint t' .] 10 -hl'nd our in~ ul'ancc harlcs V. those of un oluC'r dny, . on~I' ~sma n-llt-Lal'g lihl'IIl'y in th e ln ~ul'(lI1CC Exchan ge --tion ral =-~g-en conjunc -==== in th -= (I,' A f \Y "'(.leks O~ 'J'ruax will lJe held -========~~~ cum- I fer hu ~ hancl died la. t spring Hnd with th reg ulal' primary next ¥ay coun Re l elf an in "ul',mc • e4!l> em pl nyWelfar~ und thc election in Novem ber. tlC- pony rcqu(_ l<,u mc> to rCCOlllm r nd found it n f'C~~Hlry t l') id l'~ aL Hin!ldale, (ln o \,('t! e .'h lIt. nH' Stat ently the. rec of y, ion dici atturnc a col'ding tc;, sume youn' nnd ht'r The co lit of f oo d is the largest si ng le item in lh(l average family! upl'eme Couti;. Govera Qr Mat·tin gradua l d fl'<1I'l1 a law .chool to of OUI' .-,,It'ndicJ .- ubl.\rl"g is makbecome! budget. And, the lowe-r the loLal family income th e highCl" ~On is in h i ~h Hch ool. Eva y primar Al ial ent. sPec a departm call(;d cl~lIm Dave.y its L. ',· cnL ' . the proport ion needed .cor food. start in thi s el'at- and (!I~ction to elect a 'ueccsso r to that tim e J had no (111C in mind init' nn excell t'lIl Any Bound melln~ of reducin g retllil fooc! Ilrices, lhus lib "US l11ar!"i ~ d "'he ,fore B ilmlI'y_ I desigman anel hcnce askt'd a youn g th 'en- 'on.'l'cs!lman Truax and W ing mon y for othcr purpose s, is obvious ly in the inwrea t o! naic.d the l 03G primar y and el c- who i.. attendin g NOI lhw ('st<-r n . hI' wa. c1 0ing library wOlk. Ilnd tire e untry. 11" he \' pu/,enl s, It'mb I\ll' ' I' 11 a ' for t l'eques A who ancl time. I Lhe t'chu as nivcrsit y 'Law him lion It ill in the int re t of the consum er who, if his fooll costs J ohn A _ Funkey and th e (l lel thoU&and wl'it of mandam u!l to compel Ih.., iK II II ar neighbOI', 1.0 do ~o m e Mr .. less • .will have mOI'c 1,0 spent1 [Ol' c1othe~, amliS o.,.;'nl.lI, II g ov(,l'nor to . call the Kpecial pri . couling for me. Il e bru ught t o F Ullkey "tOI'C. luxurie s and necessit ies. 'o me years ag'o :motIH!I' \Va yforthwi th had my hom\' on(' 'unullY aClern oo n a d 111 to mary and lection ille girl. An nio Sw et Ridge, O Ol l',v II pre u It is in the int '1' st of t he produce r, who ]18S a ~rent State. o the wh VCl'y ~lttl'a c t i v(l oun g mon p rice be n flIed \vith litrord •. Ridge, gain [roln cuttIng the spread betwee n the wh lesal and retail h lcl that Gov ~ r­ ha d not y t fini -hed hIs COUI' l', w h o~c hU Rbancl court The 'OUl't. is o r f,uI' U1 produc ts. li foods III ch ap 1', th markettruck not' UtLv ey had act d \\ilhin hi ' \\' 1\0 calTied 8uil>ltan tia l I !'Com- who w M al ~o a Wayne_ville 11i ~ h bought. llome te. was b c r(!av~d in au~on1atically inl!rcns ed. Mol' qunli y f oods are discl'et ion in Jixing t.he date . . m 'udatio ns. He was introdu ced .'c hool gtllclua ' of supp ly, sourceS I'cial comm to urn t and I hud h i~ d ·a th. She had two chilrlr n Lo 'r garden ers produc I 58, Art e\\'_ r Mr. ~ a mel'ely receiVe its su pport. W e took hel' into OUr It is in the intel'e. t of every ind ush-y, wbich. nd e r th e directi on 1)[ Libl'lIrian pli ('d hjm with u me mber of ques- offic !.' \ hel' she touay is on or for ' budge11 food l hil' cuts who mon Tbe d. libol·ate ey of mon shllre of the Noon the stllte tions t o obta in KOl11 e kne)w l(!ugv shoes. I'/lu1 A. T. l secl·11ta rics. She- h H~ exampl e, may use a month' s s8v ings to purohas c a pair of 'a vailable his quaJifie ation s I ask ~(1 h im OUI' editoria I1l>ld(' hilS'llry sbusines piece oI' work, \IUS mol' fine a ~'eceive dune rnB sYllt l·t transpo hl' edme d employ tol afe He s Worker n spccial li st or pillrioti c play" wherE- he reside d. dvertis home lind duca t d lders--a a nt'd stockho by maintaj ed earn tJJ'e ds ividell Betwe en Toledo and Cincin nati tax paymen ts ri ts und othCJ r maLeria l s for lVa~ 'boardin g in Wilm ette. un ad- her hildren. Her son so me months pa,gean lin ial industr the along all l'C II'h ton F..va1l1H Lo in ing budgets are increas ed. And so it g oes, subu!'b Ohio· ut jacent o harted for the Benefit of Tnterred\1cing th e I;pr~ au us by l'\ ch o ol ~ throughtice Day on 1 resiue. He r em rke.d tha t be had ago r ec ived his doctol'·s rlegt· e at 0 Mu~h p1'ogl'e!ls has already be n made in stat Motor Tonrist as Well as celcbm ti on of Al'l11i makhicngo. dJess ne of with rsity Unive a'''ay th doing by prices load ... fr om Ohio of Borders the bel een whole8lil and ret/lil Within Traffic I' 11. A si mil ar list ap- gotten his acad emy tlegr Nov('rnb in chemic al and proand 'olthwe stern and hi peo ple lived ing a brillion t record gl'ndulltCld overhea d and middl man costs. Much remain s to be d one, er food plicable 1.0 Thallk~gi vin g Day daught oday, Her T . 'ology. g problem tbe on g workin s are wa s Ohio retailer that ed food ~ gl'e!lsjv hri!\tma s in Ohio_ I rcmurk R a thaL work onc ap plica ble t il the him in fr om the normlll school and is prices tending to ·r ise much faster than the. n erag income 0 11 will he compile d 0011 and my natilrc ta te aud flaked se/l with is . her r. shown aR Leache i at artcll Cincinn to kinderg faro. weI becon'les constan tly mOl' vital -to the public he ll1 ade /lvailablQ f e r di stl'ibuU on what sectI on hI born e was l ocat~ e between the the hall il'om our distanc t across shortes Almost the . Dayton in ' wus it He replied that it wa ' announ ced. Z two cities. Offici als of the State office is a v~ry attracti ve )'oung I immediaLely aid that Dayton e flvill Waync near a is who Highwa y Depnrtm nt give the girl, I where om fr mile~ 20 only at! , II. l' au nt, Mrs. W. An inv sLigatio n o f the social mileage saving as about 11 miles, He then inquire d from pl·oduct. n cffcct s of thl:' rClleal oi t.he Eigh- was r aised.location of my naliv~ All n, 1'e ides the l-e, her grand- me the There's les~ t raf, Mr. and Mrs. Elias Burl y teenth amendm ent to the United I ans wered it was a little parents heath. fic eong08tlOn on n e be sh and has ion folks onstitul esvill Wuyn , tatel! IV re lle. aynesvi " ati Short Line Cincinn village, Toledothe U. MLlNft OM her it"d ows vi B L. E. often r ~ Lllrl ed by Directo and hcl' mother haVe 8:00 Music e, respons the e cam ll," highwa y conswine E "W E. other R. .. any on ....... than sc ['urchu days old the .. _t.4IAM t1Wtel of Educat ion. in ent and Deparlm Allen Hi Mrs. of 8r05 John Olev 8 ymmes and lll s of my R. M. 'altei' __ _..... ...... . necting these two cities. Thore 1$". of pro- "that is the old Barley' s s isters, Misses Georit's. committ ~ compos d A 8 :15 BeUer rop Rotatio n _ .. __ you Did y. s) iami~ Zumbro his B. hairpin rot.h 1', und nre far f ewer curves (no ws . .. ,_ .. ______ .. _.. , .. .. _._ ._._ .... P. Hadd en. We all D\I~Kt"" Rachel nd a gia ll1iment educat o r~ in univers ities know th :25 Turkey Matk ting N " l'ew family? and all railroad grade crossin gs Newlan d and h~ is a and public lind parochi al school, 8 :30 Music So here \\ as Robert rew, a like Ruth a re excepti onally well protect ed. ' Judging tul:'c Agl'icul club nal 's giri. en women Vocatio l and compet Nationa very It'adcl's the to civic :40 Our Trip ng boy, son of Dr . .Eli IJrolnisi fine, BOwne T. F.· ..... , " ". -....... ....... _ make .... to . Cont st .. ___ .. .. __........... of1icials has be.e n named C. M, CARTW RIGHT . iJtmt of Miami Valley By reason of Pearl Reed the , . ._. represe ntative reIV, Ill' survey in the s h 0 rt e r of 8:50 Bulb That Bring Spring Flow 1'1; _",., citizen minent ro p a l, Hospita Illlaban M. Edna The . state. ......... th .. u(. _.:"".. .. _ ugll .. ro ., th __ ools Chat sch ion (bo h on congest () :00 lothing less , mileage Waynes of t produc a but. , I;>ayton commit tee '" ill delve into allege d v ille. !) :10 Music highwa ys and in the commuthe rtz drinkin g at high sclloo l and college () :25 Paying Ou~ on th Farm LOlln ._ .. " ...... .. ..... Lloyd Ku nitics thru which they pass), fewer years I hav Por the 1a -t thl' . L. Blackm an footbull gam~!I, th e !'ale of liquor thl'e . curves. and adequa te width () :35 What Shall W~ ffer Lhe ow? e CJ(ercI l physica and T. . 'C utton lind beel' at r Ond-hous es and con- taken roadbed Md bridges, the II week at PosO's In titute, days 8 r Play _. WOSU f etion riea freq uented by high Route ' here -outline d is a () :45 Joan and Jerry n health club. know best icugo's Ch ,chual student s, amI th con sllm- One of the in fltl'ucto ra who has time-r;a ver fQr the big in~ of liquor In !'notion picture often ut me through . the- polls Expert Fruit Proc .... or Duerib ... motoris t.-y ry proby bu. shows lind at IIchool- ponsore d and givl; m "resi telilce exel'ciBe-s" M,ethod of PreparA tion a~ly as much a s two hours. dunces, which were listed a s the i Allen Howell , II '" ery capable chief abuses. Both "wet" and It i applc butter time, and II. in hi line and on~' of the AN ALL PAV ED "dry" interest s asked Directo r man Brown, profess or of horticu lD. Postl's on men .t upper bracket Bowsbe r some time ago that a staff. HIGH WAY ity, compre hensive cour e in temper The olher. eveni ng my broth l' ture at the Ohio State Univers e a pa l' or the regular J ohn, who r cently j oined our hilS I)een induced to describ e his Choice of Knowi ng COLU MBUS -Provi ions of the closer and closer to the ~ople," ance be mad The b a e klaD m~thod of making but.tet'. BI'own ~rted, "It i 5choo l cUl"1' i~ ululll. fol' as. is und MyCl.'S ty ation Secl'eta ' organiz Motor ists inines ben. bu have laws n new 'electio of t he ofbone thodij m ely nece ry that our electh e t.ime bei ng aL 0111' hicago of- is an exp~l'itn ntalist in ted and Sponso red Revoluterpl'~ted and explain ed by Secre. absolut Origina . ficial ing. pl'oces lc vegetab and ruit of at. tion machin ery be efficien t and lStill liee a sked me if I were Trail. he t by tionary reand ng fOl' s deservi roby varietie th -t, irable e d hon ct at "01 tary of State George . Myers tending thi phy. ica! culture club. Syste m o f ~ug­ all of he of nce buttcr" confide apple y the quality tionar taining good t Revolu agJ precinc time for s sqme that meeting d e of a series K E. Thomps on, Albert Mou nt- He rernal'k Wester n Ohio. requil'e met Ben Howell of IJort gl' Sts. "Tart vori tie-s election official in various coun- our people. " Trail Short \ Otis Rich spe nt Wedne s- h and jo>' makc they but uglll' more. Marked ita ycarlj slightly ti s ot the' state. Secreta ry Mye.l's William , Ohio, who for ning in larksville . ation Associ sweet than ~ arning t ha.t the Cllrbon mono day ev . buttOl' length quality entire better who ~ha nt, to mercha ntion sville att Wayncpcelal wa a called e js hel'O was i · ·ued MIss Kathleen Thomps on rcby b lstorica l sorts. Harold son a had he new law providi ng for two stubs on oxide "season " r. Wolter 11. Uqrtthat him tQld by D tuwed to her home her Sunday Howell , who wa~ a phy~ical cuI"Wash the apples t horough ly, marker s of t he the bllnot~ designe d to preven t last. weel< "~LIV detlle stat tx.part- after spendin g a )"eek in Xenia., nil of r remove directo and ung, core, Ohio Memor ial and peel reJohn stub :hicago. "One in Ol" voting. nt fradule ture il'lstruct WAVNC SHe 'called atten- with .friends . Commi ssion. d whetbe r thCll'c was uch 'I cay d and in ectinfc. t.ed areas. mains on the ballot going to the ment of Health.that in the six 80Inquire "'I.Ll: We al'c g lad to r eport Mr. and man at; Post.!'s. I told him Allen Fail' quality butter il8n be mode ecretar y Myers said, tion to the fact elector " For addition al I trip if r" months ending hav e been leAllOft "while the oth r remain s on a pad caHed "winte an all time record MI'S. P. G. W ells, who lIow 11 was there but no l-l;1rold. withou t peeling and coring maps 0 1' any informat ion this quate. at 1935, ad ed '31, are imIlrov iti~ March facil much ill, j;ening sCl' quite H. . was officials son ' John said Ben Howell in the possession of boot.h relative to State Pa rks, hed fol' cnrbon mon- writing . We. all hope for a 8peed~ howeve r, Pleasur e Resorts , Scenic The elector aitel' markin g his was establis A. Howell. So on my next visit to The blossoms should. six the In i OhiO. halved. in Roberts ng apples Sllots, Historic Shrines Postl's I imm diately q uizzed my be remove d and th ballot should fold it in sucb a oxid poisoni were 206 victim jn Tecover y. Mrs. ~18l'y dethere caring lor her mother, Mrs. Wells teacher , Howe ll , and fou nd to my Sou~d pOl1:ions of otherwi or the hundred s of other maimer that the ballot judge can- months which was forty-o ne points of especial interes t not see how t be elector voted yet the- state, ill the corresp onding who is quito ill. surpris e and delight it wa IIarold f clive upp) s may be used. ill than this route, write apples d more along p~epal'_ and the. "Place it Bason t pIlle fl'om and ed Maryne b stu ~~raduat thc who remove ily Howell, ea Allen s season. previou the cook of and I' period cld WIth , cover Wmiam kettle, Port la of in ft:om helm, school apart Swis. WI LBUR M. FAULK NER Opal Wayne svill High in a box separat e and ng the ix 'winter ' Dl0ntbs were Sunday gue ts of hlary Kath the class of 1912. Hence w com- unlil a pulp is formed . Add apSecr etary t he one n which the ballot is in. ombini the Oct.ober 1. 1934, wHb .cid~l· for SPRINGFIEL D, ORIO pared many notes b ause we proxim utely 6 gallons of serted." 'Precin ct election officials belrinn ing "summ er" months of I n Th ompso n_ six arne ~ach bushel of apples, Preillou sly Mr _ Jessie ollins and four were both alunmj of the were enjoine d not only to be ef- the may w~s a total of 292 ficie nt and honest b ut also to be 1935, there de cases reporte d in daught ers Ona, Anna, Jan~, Flora, choot and althoug h 'we had been pl'epare d eo,:cen trated cider are monoxi ~pples. carbon afterU ' d prOVIded the ay be Satu1'd work t n l and spe' ctors physica el Claude the on tbe in toward ociated us as courteo with ninety- eight fatalili es, no.on \ ith Mr, and MI·s. K. E. With Cider. see that everyon e who is entitled Obio, for three yeurs we had just idenli- comple tely covered g said . The cas cau e.s Thomp on. , Hartun. Dr. Wh en the apples 11,'e cooked to a r. anoth Ol\e Bed to vo~ is permitt ed to do. so and . about equally distribu ted beth t pulp l'emOve and force the com"k tif It· p r event those who are not en.t itled wel'e automo biles and domest ic Mr. and Irs. Ef Smlth spent athed . ' a now ylng ~o IS gra Sams tween Clyde with d week-en he t g ed h.m ed Pl"oc:\uct th ro ugh .a. 22-ma h violatin wander to. cast a ballot from theSe people wbo . have )1 . '1 Hartf Dr. home. tbe in ces appHan ve. F OI' large quantit ies cyclI mainI from the nativc h aLh RI'e e lection laws of the state of Ohio. . re-emp hasized thQ repeate d amI Y .Hames h Id ones nnd finishin g machin es al'e .• d'd ta th tamo{lg a was "Since govern ment is coming ung Ruth Mrs. nnu up ? - u ed e S. . n III those from larksville who at-. Inlng . ' h "R-} Vllie. traditIO ns of Wnynesthere tend ed Cottage Prayer Mootin g at 109Inthe ep aCe t e screene d pulp tn Our own qffice building the cleaned cooke(l. If ste nlU coils , . the. hom!.' of Perry W~ll~ a nd are t he source of heat it is -eSHeng. evelmn ay Thursd ianllly here Linl that they be well cleaned . Boil 1\1.l·8 . . Ethel Beaso! !. and son the combin ed cider and apple pulp . DWlglIt of Pprt _Wilham , we~e until the hot produc t will round .. . . their er t af, lookmg here Sunday slightly when re moved with a up . . . ' . . .~ place. Some tnanufa.c turera stir poon. nge Ol'phan Home an Chnstl Tbe Cottage Prayer meetmg was to preve nt burning . butter the o~tered , held .lIt the h~me of M~. !fnd ·Mrs. ~oun~il BI~.tf8, Iowa, has tic stirrers are sometim es Automa us contmu of yearl rd Ifty-thi F Jb.1 iles T on a, I Bmnde nburg III Oregom . service in behalf of homeles ~ , us d. I day evening . of sugar pounds 12 to 6. "Add ent depend and I E lbert RIch and Tom Tho mpson qestitut e child'r en bu hel of apple!!_ This gives for . women aged homp T E. K. on of Wellma n called eon si5-1 DUring this more than half a the prodUc t a more fluid son, .we-dnes~ay. no until boil to e Oontinu tency. been never Will Gustm of W aynesvi lle, K. cent urYi it, doors have liquid separat es from the free been has It night. or day Wate rproo fing Amer ica Is closed, caIJed lace p this E . Thomps on 01. of little butter when it is allowed to stand On Raymo nd Ross near Oregon ia, a refuge fo r thousan ds of t}Je in the spoon or on the plate. At Big Red Cross Job parts all childre-n from I one day la t we ek. this point the source of hent , " nd HarrY Tllompson country , who have been tend erlY Fred should be remove d and spices d, educate and By David S. Ingalls Ualned for, ed r ca Red s~ent Saturda y evening in added accordi ng to individ ual , families ittee te a pdv. CO)Dm fine p laced in ClJairmla, ObJo Roll Call . Llon. useful, taste!$. Two ounces of ground cinEd AU and. Hannah J or dan · and w/l<5 have become training had saved another as namon and one ounce of ground ,~ork8 Such . eitizens le o.norab h nd a , A few yearl ago rescuer was Cross ' . spen,t Sunday WIth Rafe Foley , . lifecloves usually give a well spiced days In ~eeded greatly are ~!:rson iS g th laulrht to knock a dr!lwni~ ted to gIVe ' famIly ~ast of Harvey sburg. temp are escuers r Often butter. It is essentia l that the manto value th4~ir and Inconac iou.. drag him out o f tbe up w~en the case seemsb opeless. but It is reporte d that the Dea t ber- li\<.eo t he\le, spices be well mixed by thoroug h kin d cannot be e!!timated. _ water and roll him over a barrel to· ;he ~e d Cross ~n kb~~ o~ for age farm is sold. stirri ng. "ery say. to. Orphan .. Home Needle teviv~ hlni. The <:hristinn O) J acobs and f amily will ~ b~a~h ~~~~ - - - - - - '- - lew re1'Ned, Cbndre n were taught c~fd. r;:t\~~:!er~ at res ulted in a move m th~ near future fro m the age, d urLD.g all these ye.ars, has 10 lwim by throwing them. in deep C:levela nd tbis practice to up bUIlt .a)ld been carrIed on sb urg. . Three friend s were Beason p lace •to - Harvey its present '. great size, by the water and sayina, "Tbere. that'. how cU'rious incident • ter and bewa rough in ng swimmi are day., Those ntary contrib utions of good volu ( learned to Iwim." TS TICKE DAME NOTRE swimcame separated. ~11 were good . :from all i.ecLions of the DYer. _ people TS REPEA R TAYLO . coNE, butsomethmg happened to otle When a sedes of minor but . . 'country Due to Red Cross . tandard s of 'life mers . .tbem tbat bappen to a!lY earth tremol'S shook the .. (lcadly . --:. ...ina childrn are first taught to 'of blm SWImmer. A big wave swept .It has not bee n easy th past mounta inous western hali of Mon H undred s of Ofuoan s are lear n OftfCOlD C their fear of the water. against a rock and stunned him. His alt~ough the a1)this week .t here was !'hen they are t,ugM a few simple, f~iendl (jove for bim and dragged jng t,hese days to bel!eve what th ey severalforyears, help dtll'lng these trymg tana early prepare d to m et the p~a18 . read ilJ t he papers. ,uoke. uatil they become strong. 111m out to the beach. agency one us numerO ~ble .wimme rl. and finally they Some two weeks ago Ohio State tImes have been more emerge ncy whatev er might deFor three hours they took turns ity's footbal l ticket ofBce and mo urgen t than ever before. velop, Unjvers UIC pan rip tel t. to become to trying body ioul lInconsc his. over No~, with times and conrlitio~s unior and Sealor Red Cross life one ~f them said. announ ced that all tickets for the ned Cross Fjeld Repres entativ es better, the Home III "er.. They are taught how to ap- ~ev.lve him. Fin~lIy growmg had glme State hio Dame-O Notre lOme After I Bone. Montan a rushed to Helena , the in 'appealrily necessa and rnestly ,roach a drowain ll per. OIl. how to It . 1)0 use. heother Id ' Th a t an~oQne e m ent ea b ' perl uaded ~gu men. theon. Tenboy. of t he mOl;lt shocks, and how to re- ahun location . 80 een any bIm to ml1lutea later to letep to th e. peopl,~ for f~nds to in ol'der to prepare the ciUzimll by the prone the suppose blm dly dead man' .. eyelid brou~ht I new Bvalanc he of ordel'll ine the g n Url. d for any and hundred s of cbecka and c~rry On Its work .Iutt~red and opened_ Wben he wu lly f or and the local Ohap ter ordera are beln. returne d winter m~ n t.h8, and espeCiafor a 15 year mO!ley could he ncies. them emerge told be speak to ~ l ll l Blah School IIU aifta as li~J'a l tis pOSSible :1 him every day. con tinuatio n of shocks t o Cro•• aife . ave , _,Ialllb hear them talk of lavin,mu.. aMual Than ksgbin g a nd Christ- On the and tbe ..u.. tlcHt , Taylor D. Hellry a su r roundin g m~e not could Helena • c;oaI barge a n rt .or (lead bllt Home. the P dlrec:tor , wama that tb. llIlDou mu olferiul lOIaI· ke~ to Mon ~na dlspoll8 eued in them tel! itoiY 10 ~ terr l ' eh at need bnmedl great In 1iG The work Is ~.;i-:ii":-' " back mtD hil; At \VIII(lllg hby. Oblo, a 17 year PlDe Non mbe r 18 a1ao prom' you can do refugee s c:rowde d into the t emof lIelp a nd n t 01. "0 1" .I~ gi rl r«ently ""~ t1!o amaD t be 'ite,d. porary shelter aet up by tbe R ed -Plpnlci be' will • _ , -oU. lie a 0 pruaur ,· chIldren from drownl a. III Lake -~rltrlbultloI1. d -, CrOll and were f ed by a canteen PI comt, ·~rie. She WI' a ' ... " Ior Red Crou .., .... lin wiD operated by volunte ers. n.ctItI ~ Man1 life the; Christia n Ohio tkll Eitimatel of the ' damage done Cned &h.. by the _ri.. of qnk.,. In IIQntan a at. two mlUloD dollan. Two D

c. M. 'Ca

rtght Write of For mer W aynesvi ll People Now In Chicago




--- --- --

Vita l To The Publ ic





I Farm lvight 1 ai's , November 4






, Best of the New s Dire ct .Fro m the Ohi o Stat e Cap itql

..".... -

- ----


Beech Grov e







Qu ali ty Pr lD tlD I





T he M ia m i

me ~~~5:~i,reeently




III trlJil, Mich.. p nt Jo" 'i,lny ". i h th ir nil,C't', 1\11"11. L!lwdl Thol1l:1 • II'. lind . It • I, alii I [IIIUil)', '1I1d .\11'. an,1 MI' , , \ , \\ I .. til: Ilk ,'Ill' 1.(>i!:hIJ(lI'~ ;\11. 1\" }('r Graham Ulltl",,· IOni, 1\ 1I1Iltlll' lr'ill };II1 • 111.11 roth( \ ,11(1 U" i -ted :11 the , ' It fi rl ;11111 hy 11l1lt! \\J1rk al'cd \ll'nt tI 1111001' op'ration un her tot' and nl"njf th (JIll I at 111', Slu~l's otlic' ill enten i1le U limn f\'l III la'itlg 11l, ~ t I'OYl'l1. l'h\lI'~,Il\Y, {t .. alld )11'-. " 'II (.rah :1I1l (·n· fI1o~ ;-;j'Y ( TL ' J)01U'. 111'''', ~I()tn Rog rs HJ)t'nt the It'rl;lill('d t\lI' foll \,,\ iI'/,( I!; ran(l ,·hil. l \ l ' k'4!ll(l with h r ~isLer ,In' o of Ow latl,'r W uill o l'r !'lUll. Trilln FI\1''lu r n nt' Ridg villl' <lay: Mr. und 1ft " . .Jo hn /1'111 mp ... n lind \la ,' [\ dinner "'Ul)st Friday of o f n ('ut Wn y lll'\;vi llt', MI . and ~Ii s Jva U1'(.'),. ., Mr •. P a ul .'avllJ! > of ~lid"I"t()\"t, \fi 11 PDn'lh~ 1111h:IIII "]l l'n! the Mi,,~cs Ot'neva IlTHI B lty ItO\\tz- Kenneth Sa\ag of C(' lIl \ iJh' '\t ,"'1.:1).\ w ith h .,!, ~ i "ter. Mis hahn • p nt. atul'dllY nig ht a nd llnd E v l'dt alll l On'ill e ~:lVngc. Sunday with Mis~till Doris and {t•• a n d Lr. • Donatd Il adlt·y had ;\('ltll'l'll 'j nhnm in llnyl n. for tlll'it· R\llJ d l!~' dilll 11.: I' I!'U\.', h, MC' , I G uy Ho ntl!l.Ihn and Irma }'il'es neal' \ uyncsvill. ' ~lr an I 11' J B J' . , Mr. and 1\1 1'>', WlIlIUU) lIndll'Y lind \\,~II!l'l' Kl'I11' it); nltcnt1" t\ th III c t ". l " " . o nos pcn~ h'l J • BI h t i M Sunday aIlern oon with Mr, and C \ (r n Ih nn e cl' UnI , 11 f. il\~ uf the ]\\('n ".1' W yn e Tnwn · 1\l rs Alfl~ I J t S lh anti Mt·". )tl1~' mon d lJ ad ley ·Imd (ones a ou e rn 1child,l'l'n' ~£ Wil 1lli,n ~'l(ln , hip FI'idtly Lve ning' at. ' nync!,'\- Hiil~, U I a n (I III l'S. '17 ' 11' M oore 0 r MIst; Na ncy \V llli Ims spent R 1h \11/.,. ",,', n 1 111m ' " ton • 'd ~. WCl'k · nd WIt h h I' !ath ,· (" CI.y na 1\11', nnel ~l r~, Edgnr IcCray of " "v 1' 0 un ay a nel'noon W ' II' ' D l gu t. of 1\11'" a nd Mrs. Cliff I mms I~ ~'\o n: I' I rs . , . U e 15 Rpenl mg SC\''Burnett 1\1 'd [ . L S I ' b H il l UII YS in Dayton \d th h r ,r. an t t;, . On a IS ur~ and daughter Mr" H elel1 Gnlhlllll wlw ' , t'hlldl'en of Snblna, were dUln r . '11 g.u ts of 11, and , Mrs. Allen' Em· 15 k~tly Routznh aUentltll a rick unday v nmg . • n I \\ ill , II nt Public Au tien a t , , birl h d l\~' p arty f r Ruth Helen Mr. and tl'~. Harold Whlt~k r Lelllay, l\1onday eVI~ n ingJ a t tho my resid ence in LY'l'lJE, GIIIO on a~te~~d ed a \l ch r pn.l'ty Friday L l'l1 l.\y hO ltli~ n eal' W llyn \'ilIe. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2 C e lng l.\ t. the home 01 Mr, and Rev, J O:.l >I)h 1)in e, ~I former Comm encing at , 1 o'clock p, ro. 1'-11' " }al'encc Edward ncar Way· loe id 'nt uf t'h ill pJ.acc, l10W of ]fol.\sc!lold Goods, carp 'ntor ncsvI1le. Tacoll1ll, W Ol\hill~t O Il, villit J Monluo l~ , but hering tools , counters Mr: and Mrs,. Ralph Johns n- day lUlu Tu ilday WiLh fr, and h ow cases, g al'tlon too l ~, etc. etc. terta1l1ed to dmn?r unday, Mr, l\f l'.. Will Pine a nd! M ra, Alic\J Terms a sh ' and Mrs, Al be rt ::iLacy of Dayton llrock an d Irs, Mary Mal' hall MRS, FR NK R G ERS and lvII', and Ie. J . R. J ohns. an d a lso pJ'cached ut F crry ch urch 11-11-", Guy Hou tzu hn and d a ~g h. Tu esday I!verdng. He was cu. W. N, Sat'S, Auctioncer. t r s Gen&vll and BI)U y entel'tamed ro ute h om ~ 1\ £1;('1' a ttend ing 1\ con. the "Jus t Sew" 4,·H clu b lind 1I!!'s v(!nti on a t hi cago Ius w~ t.'k: Donald J.ladl cy L~ a Hallow cn l~riends he r are. orry to I a rll I. party l"l'Iday even mg. .r of the d a t h of J\hs. S t h F ur nas' WE WANT TO SELECT Mr. and i\[l': Walte r Kenric k molh 1', ~l l's. J ohn Hill, of Rich. and Jume 'Haltl es sp cnt Sunday montI, Jndinhll, Thlll'~ d!1 Y eveni ng, Reliable yO\lng men, no'.'? em· • , 11', C. R. BlIlegar, M~s, Mrs, Hill had spcnt . , (om1 MlDm Payn e find daughter hJr· win ter ' \\ith her da ugbtel' Il nd ploy d, with FORESIGHT, l~y, at Jam!' to wn. .family he r , nnd hll<l made ITIll ny fair duclltion and rn chanical ~Ir. and Mrs . Gle~n. John s unli I ri nds. . inclination , who are willing chlldr n, P~ul and Vlvran of Day· ~11'. E. B. L ongncroe was tend~r d ton, were dllln r guests Sunday, of n : urprise ,'unday br thirty rela . to train pal' time or evenings Mr , ~l!1rgal'et Johos, celebrntlllg tj,'es in hono!' of hi s bir thday: A at homc to qualifyn IN T Lthe b1rlhlla.y 0:£ ,the ~ormer, , umptu oui! ba!lkH dinner W illi serv L TION, Ilnd SERVICE exTh e L8(~1E'S Aid wlll have th\Jl r ed to the f ullowing : Ir!': Lucy perts in EI ctl'ic Hefrigeration next III bng, Wednesdl\Y, after· Flte MI', and {rs. Gro ver Whit e noon, November G at the country , nd Air onditioning. NIlW, profitable fleld. P or inwl'view home 'of and Mr. Mtatl. Puul Duke,Duke Mrs. are Ed Bunnell write , glvipg age and p-roscnt a ssistant ho!ltclIses. occupation. MI'. and Mrs. John Hayner, Mrs. E el n Colbel't, SOn' and daughtel', UTILITIES ENGINEERING of West-ville , Miss Sarah Burnet of INSTITUTE Dayton and Mr. and Mrs. Harold 404 N. Well. 51" Chic.II0, 111. Whitaker and children were enter· tained to dinner Sunduy at the hom(l of Mr, and Mrs, Harvey CARD OF TtiANKS

Ladi 'D~. ,50 Mell', Sui ta, SOc Qui k- for quality d ry d coan in ll

Cary's Jewelry Shop , "THE HOME O f' C I TS"

Lebanon, Ohio E P E RT WATCH RE PAIRING Olin g Only Genuin" M tcrillh

Prompt Service • tore open ullLil


p. m,

Only the Best casket tlnd vaults f lll'Di hed in our $erviee or the be t obtainable, Only ~taridard m rehanllise of Ii ted quality is provided. Clients can rely upon us to conduct the finest funeral possibl at a price within Th

their means.

fl.H.STU88S :JiuzeMJ. ~ PJotONE 2.9


buHiness men of Lytle

and waY']ll'am



The eom-

1l':<\'iJI .- Th~ mu~ic wall furnished mittE'e served doughnuts and colt'll'C by Von J.·ll ulk~ and, Iln DI'ches· fe~·. A large crowd thoroughly

trn fro m }'rankJin. · A short. pro. enjoyed





~~A.H• • FOR.


_____ -


mnde mer

~ 2,.a.U~Z5J.1"

1110n icl', rico.



slIcr It

~l ay


th<, y

tt'ibut 5


Cl'r e-

Ilnd hur· may


t o . the

dtec sed, r ich in m ea.ning

anti im pressive,

It is in

th is 11IUe(' spirit that we

eo.n J u ct Ul e sCl'vic()s entI us tcd


Soot Destroyer _~.

I?un r al' l'it s



Sacred 'frib utes

Public Sale



ConItnIcte. 01 .004 quellty materials. M8cI. II. _ of .... larife,t mak.n of plan... Length 7.... Inch ... A , _1 __



Tor ,


.hl, FI .. h Prl~'

In 1-1b. call.. A chemically ,~­ pound.d product which wh.n appll.d a. dlr.dod , attedel and d•• troy. ' 0 0 t . t4on-..plolh'~.



and _ , .. I ,a".r. 11111



Special at


MIXER OR Wtl1PPER Qua,·t Size



to us.



J. E. McClure Phone?

Waynesville, Ohio



Fairley Hardware Company Phone 32 '

W ayneiville, Ohio




No hunting or , trespassing on the farm known us the Burton


Earnhart {arm, day or night. BOLIN






Political Announcements

All Models

Jesse Prendergast solicit your support at t he ~Iection TUe$daYI November 6, for the office of Trustee of W ayn,e T ownship:

Tlh.e Most ·C omplete Low' :price New Car

E. L. Thomas solicits YOUI' sup· port for ree lection to the office of Tru tee of Wayne Township.


Girl Friefld

W. S, Grllha m, Township Trus· tee, is a candidate ;for re·election ;lIld olieits y our support at the election November 5. 1936.

Comcdy, "EII1' F or Ear" Fox News )l,


Will C. St. J ohn, c.andidate for the office of Wayne T ow nship Tr ustee solicits your support ot lhe ~Iec tion November 6.

a rtoon, "HapPY' Butterfly Comedy, "It Never Gains"

Two Shows--G :30 & 8 :00 ADM. 10c- 15e



On Display



,e w



Also the New 1936 Oldsrriobile Six and Eight


New: Cid'e r Press at

Waynesville Coal & Ice


Cider made on Tuesday and Friday, and ot~er day. by appointment. ".

ROOFINO R pair your old one or put on a new roof n() \\ . 1'1' pa re for winier's rains and ~ tol'm $. We have a complete stock of the })l:!:'i J'uofinll materials made and you'll do 1J\'l"t by Se Cilll.t UR ahout your work. Prompt and efficient. '


and Red Cedar Shingles Asbestos Shingles also J)uilding Materials of All Kind.

w. H. Madden & Co.

_ for Mildness _ for Better Taste


Eighty-Seventh Year







Whole Numb r Gl!l4

THURSDAY, NO E:\lBER 7, 1935 AMA TEUR NICHT SronMrl:d by LalliI'll Ait! of lhe ~1. Eo chul'cll N(lvell1lJ~r 8 uL R o'~I"ck in lhl' gym nasium. GI uti I'ntcrtnlnmelll lin d \\'Orth1.\ hile 1'1 iw!'t, Admis, ion 15 cent".


The fl' ~ common schnol is' to AmeJ'icn' gr('utcsL gift Clerk HJltfield AUllu)ri~ed to J . E. McCIIlre N ew Councilman, h\lmanity. It belongs to the hcrDi.trict Offico in SETTLEMYRE-ST. JOHN ita~ o( intelli ~e nt anll responW. C. St. JoI.n Townlhip 'ib l itiz(lnship I.'lItllbli~he(\ l.Iy Lunch Will Be Ser ... .,d find Step. Day tOll TN.tee our pionee ring fo 'r efuthers. lt Taken Toward Permanent MillS T helma St. John ancl MT. i neces or", to the Ruccell, of Group Juhn SctllemYl'c wcr uniled in l,'ir~L d finiL aeLion to deterour RepUblic. 'fhe ~cl1(lol i~ th(' _____ I1lUrtiage Octoh er :n at 7:4;; in VoteTS of Wllyn svill!! apjlJ;)ved min how fedcml WPA funds ~uref\t gual'lInt£!c ot lI ur per0 I ill'ina IIy ~chcdui e d for I~ricllfv th(' v<'ning' in their new hom could he sec ul'ed tIl benefit Waya one mill xtl'a I vy f(jt' ~h>! ull!!Onsl righls. It i the "ufe night, a m~('lilJ(! o{ Waynesville ~o uth-(lllR of L banon. The singol nC)lville was taken at Ii meeting of night op raUon or str ct lights Bud guard of 0\11' political Jib('dies, tit P: cPI'cmony was r ad by )lev. council last Monday night when 11IId ' Wayne town. hip men will ~ G D'b named on ne~ m ~JlIbe .. to ,he ('Ierk Hatfield was uuthorized Mr. and Mrs. P. L. neason spent It. is the btt!Wlll'k o f our r pJ'e- held Monday e"(,!ling at 7 o'el ck . . J ert. village council in I\n oll'-year WedncRday in Da,yton. s ntaUve institution, . Th e nt the Methpdist chul'ch. Mrs, GI n Bland, HisleI' of the to itdt tho otlh:e8 of William A. ~choor s ck~ to cnl'i<:h and ellbl'ille, plllY d an appropriate 1 rivan, enginee r in .charge of election whieh brought out a fuir nobl lif(l, It dcvl!lnps the sk ill " Local busin as men fal'hl'lng such lIumbel' ori the piano, and Mr!!, 1I11·s. W. J. Baker is vI iting 'l'elol'k Pl'ogl'e, ~ Adm inistn\tion,in nunlb r. of eiliz ns to tbe JlOlIs lIfl'. and Ml's. 11'. n, 11 ndel'lio'n W n eeded in agricullul" and In- an ol'guni~lltion will sp o n ~or a Gilbert Frye sa ng "I Lov e You Iltivcs in Fort Wayne, Ind . Dayton. were SUpp Cl' g;ues tij of Mr. and last. Tuesduy. du try. It h ·Jps to awaken IUllCh, and efforts will he made to '1'I'ul" aIter which the hride Mr. Hatfield wil! contact BeTivan Frank Cook is slowly improving Th levy, whic~ coundl pres 'ntambition and to estllblish (01'01 a ]lel'mnnent orgllnizatirn entered, calTying a Lnl'gc bouquet 1r '. J uhn Gonl', Tue day, 1"1 iday and make an attempt to character. It emphasizl's re- aud to se lect officer!;!. of bl'onze chl'ysanlhemums, and ed' to t h 'people pf t he COIllDluni ty ftcl' an ilIn s of sev ['al months 1I1t·. and 1I1rs. GilLJerL Frye I~al'n ju t , what W yne ville's sponsibility ' 10 thc common According t its. p<Jn or!l, thi attended by Miss Dorothy lark. w()r ' dinner ~U():;ts ut lhe home l'ihnr , D.' spollsor oj' !lny WPA proto d tCI'mine whather tile ligh t Week American Education proposed club will include luI Mr. larcnce Humph rey, a (!() usin Of MI'. and l\h , [I'a Hich, 'unday. jut would bc. Hood aMI II g~n ral welfare. ~ hould b continu cl from midnight November 11 to 17. The fre i:'chonl i ~ the e.xpl·CS- "ulllie pil'ited men in "Vayn tOWlI of the groom, acted as bCJ'lt man. Engine I' Blickend rf~r in until dawn, wo npprov d by ceil DllVi s is takin g an clccRion of a nli~hly faith, Bc-cause ship, and wOJ:k to the end t' C(;nllI-1.I'S. ttl myre is the daught r 1\1.1'. llnd Ml's. Glenn I,'rye, of charge o{ Wal'l' n county projects vote of 195 tQ..113, (dcnl COU{SC at th Y. M. w, believe in oU1's('lv~, in dc- nlunily development and impI·Ovl,.... <Jf MI'. and Mrs. L, ·C. St. J ohn Dayton, vi ited relutivul! hen \I'll cheduled to att nd the meet1110Cl'lIC~" nnll in the J:lItllre, we mont. and is a p pulaI' and su ceg fu l Su nday aitcmoon. ing of council Monday night, but With lhe aSSU1'anC of the Ivy's in Payton. ~e 1< tllr uj.lh the choola to imAll Elrc invlt d to att 'li.! tl,ls teache~' in the ~i(]dl e.own 8chooll". did not aniv until after adjournpaRsng , local ~rnci als lost no tim o Mr. and Mr~, A. H. Schuelt'I', of imtlorl nt nlCeting and have a pal't , he gt·lldl.l.ated irom Wnyn c;sville prove lbe quality of our liVClS. I\>h, and h's. J, E. llalhnway' ment. Clel'k HaUl ld WaS still in in resuming all-night t.rect-light- Hamilton, visitcd relatives here , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-'~ inth Ol'gnn izl1lion 1)110CO,:U1'0. High schOol in the cIa s of 1930 ami, of Ollllnbu ~ lhe olfice however, and larned ing s rvice, t.he lights being left Sunday, Don~or of the 1lI0v-eme,,'. havo and later a~tended W\l.l.enb rg a nd Mj·s. Addi Davi, of Lebanon rom BJick()nflcl'fe r that projects - - - - - . , - - -- _ _ _ _ d ' 11' college wh I' . he was 1\ mem b r were rece nt gu ts of DI". llud would be considered by the govern on W 'dnesdsy m01:l1ing. M.r~. Lydia B. Vandel'voort, f ~tt~)c~nsh~e:n(~na!r ag:I~" ~;~~<: ~~ of Beta Phi Alpha orority. menl after Dec mber 1 which date Mrs. H. E. Hathaway. In th e I'aco for township trus- Lebanon, was a Wll.yoeRvillc Vi :,ome b Ii ved was the d adUne ! a deflmte nced {or an olrguDlZiltlon MI'. SeW myre i th on itor, Friday. e, Jesse Prender ast and E. L. 1<1i Alma and Ma tCI' Jilllmi(' (or WPA jobs. qhat will promote enterpriH!S and MI'. and Mrs. liarJ'Y et1emyre Thomas were returned while W. Mrs. Cordia Truax lind Mrs. rhe engine r also xplained pcor'°mjm€CuL'lnifto.r. the b~t.term.~n~ )1 thi" and is a graduate of Lebllnon Pr nd rga t, of Winto n PIa e, C. St. John suppll1nted W. S. • High school. He is a young man Marjorie Lawson W l' in Dayton incinnati, spent the week-end that a federal 'grant of ,61,750 Graham as a membcr of the poal'd ,Monday. , A lal'g uelegatlon IS ('xpect4S11 of at rling character and a sue- with their aUi'll arid un Ie, 'Mis anllQunced recently as apprOVed All Waynesvill officers were re~ Kath erine and Mr. Jesse Prender- for s l.reet wOl'k in Waynesville did to altend the nreetln~: Monday ccssful farmer. taincd and James E. McClure MI's. W. S. canlan arrived homa gast, Many Items of interest were con night in the 1ethotlist ehul'eh The young couple, who left for not necessarily mean that this el cted 8S tbe new member of Monday aft r spending six weeks sid led at th Wayne Tow nship basem l~t. a trip into Kentucky and Virginia enUrc amount must be spent for council in the place of ltoward in DaUas. Texa$. J\!(othets' club last Fl'iday. _ _ _ ___ immediately follov.';ng 'the C I'eMr. and Mr$. Leonard Tinney this Jlurpo e. This figure, he stated AI~chdeacon Who withdrew his m ony, have thE) best wishes of I)tel·tained D largo company f wa et 8ufficient\y high to include Th e tr(!a~lIrcr repolted balance and MTs . . Tohn. Tuff Spi!n t Mr. nom e a a canclidote. friends Friday evenin/t, the /lccas- any work that the 1nunicipaJity forward 1934-1935, theil: ho is of :(riends. Following is tb Ilnofficial vote: Sllnday at the hom \ or thei1' son brought ion celeb1'8ting ~hc birthday an- might care to undertake in the 419,01; rect·ived from carnival. U ' The ~ue ts attending the wedncar Moraine City, niver. ary of MI'S, Tinney. W.,.oenill., future. $125.09; grade lunch receipts, ding wel'e a f Hows: Mr. and Mra. A. 0, Griffy spent $63.65. ' Mr. and 'Mrs. R. N. Settlemyre According to Blick nderfer, l\layor, A. K, Day, 289; clerk, Expcnditure~: service chnrges . and sOn John Boyle!;, Mr. acd Mrs ' M['s. Vern Simp~on and , Mrs. thore is a possibilIty that WayRllynton Hatfield, 2,7 8; treasurer, Sl\nday in 'D~ytol'l, the ~ue ts of grad buil(\ing, 19.60; balance c. W. Grice, Miss Alice Seltle- Edwin Ramby honored Mrs. Erwin n sville might secure i('deral aid Walt r Elz y, 285; mafijhllJ, C. 1'. 1\1 • and MI·s. Carl COllard, grad buildill~ IUlIcl! room , $40,' mYI'e, Mis Ruth SeLtiemyre, M:I\ Ellis with a kitchen shower fc>r a sewel' syste m and sewage dis Joy, 225 ; council (six to elect), Mr. and 1\fra, R'Us~cl FranK enAS b'll <'38 s H I ettl emy r Il, ... .....1', Saturday Il.ft~rn ()O ll at tho home posal plant should such a program .. ; curt'ent I 1'1,,> .16. a nd M1'..., Raymond Conner, 213; George Iativ s from Clevetel'taincd 1'e T}I bill" W<'r not all in for the John Nickolson, MI'. lind Mrs. L, of It,. Simpson. be approved. 11 rt ock, 262; James Kerrick, carniyal and there were other Wayne•• llIe Offici.l. Dil,,"uu Pro. C. St. John, 'Mr. and Mr. Gle n A survey the cost of which must 125; J . E .McClure, 280; Bon land ovel' the week-end. Mr. PaUl Ouhme, of CoJunlb\IS, be: borne by the municipality, Mr. and Mrs. A, JohlUl and , on, minor bills y t unp~i(1. The H igh po ••1 at "Moncl&y Bland alit! daughter Barbara Lou , mith, 263; Dr. Witham, 243 and was the' guest of 1\11', and Mrs, W, Meetillg flIl'. lind 1\11'8, B. V. Smith, Ml'. would be necessaJ'Y before the Bomer Carey 240. The vot~ for oi Middletow n, vi ited their so n . chool lunch C0111n11 handles S. Scanlnn, Wedne day, government would consider grantand l\'Ir!\. J. R. Mengle, Mr. and water board trUl!tee Watt Ridge G orgo J hns and fami ly, undaY'I1ts own n.c:eQunt unci reported a mall balance for the pa t month. W ill,ngne to Illeet with 001'. I\il's. GIlbert Frye, Mi s Dorothy 24 i Ungleab" 2'6 and Griffy, With the same minister officiat- ing funds for such a project. F. U. LeMay and son Charles Donntion Ilre IIlways acceptable win's council for lhe purpose of lark, and MI' . Clarence Humph. ing who unit d her parents in According to a rough e timate 228. presented by the engineer, such a att nded the iunel'al of a relative for both projects. High school discussing the propos d extension rey, _ ~ _ --murriag in 1892, Mi s Margaret Wa,.. 'l'owaaIJip system would cost approximately in Alabama the first of the week .. patrons ..... re a kad to donate of Wayne ville's wa I' l:Iyslelll to Alice Thompson of n !II' Bellbrook T~e vote for tru te: PI' nder, To dale s vellty four . . ) 'Ity, wa~ ~prell~\) d I b came the bride of John Homer 50,000, $15,000 of which wo uld Mr. and Mrs . . M. D. Bnlt'd anti jelly, have paid memberHhip dUllSpl!r to ons the t hat mUDlClpa gllst, 608; S1. John. 852; Tholnas, nively, of near Xenia, Tu esday, by turnished by Waynesville, the . . , Ind , spent' dub. Consid cri ll" the clientele 0 " t;y member ol WaynellvlJ1e Cuun440; GomeU, toO i and Orahll1l\, daughte~ of LeW1Rt0,wo at the home of 'Rev, T . H. Hall in nlOMY to be rai ed by issuing the weck end at th~ [ home herA ~ cil a t ~helr meeting MQndll" night. 2'76. F l' clerk ~ter GorcIon re. vl ~. the SC1I 1001 it seet11s that many .. bonds. A 'tcommunication from the Indianapolis, Ind. ceived 664 votes I'nd C. P. Joy Blicke'nderfer also indicated Mr. and l\bs. L. C, St. John and n1~re lnQtherlJ .should help ()ut In burea\! of in pection, public of552 for constabl-" Mr. and l\lrs. W. E . Stroud spent th l$ wo rlhwlllle ~l'oject. JJot h fir;e, Columbus, was read by Dt'. Mary L. Cook wa s elect~ that federal aid might be secured ~unday afternoon at 'For Ancient i lunchrooms are B rVlng' wholesome Cle k Raymon Hatfield in which Co".,l. 1)1' 0 Ident of the Warren county in the extensioll of Waynesville's sen. i?lc lu nche!l reasonably pdced it ;as s~ated lbat such' a proj c~ Yn honor 01 Fathers' Day, Med ical Soci ty at theil' anllual water system to jnclude the Village The vote in Corwin Willi as Mr~:, DanaI Brak field and on~ , and In the ca c of the grade Icould to underlaken, provided a Novemb er 10, the Junior Boys and meeting in Lebanon , Tuesday. of Corwin. follows: f,1llyor, La"Yson, 28; In an informal discussion durcj('rk, M. Law on, 31; treasurer, of Rulna, WCt· guests of Mr. anlo' \ lunch at half cost, In ord I' to suitabl contract was drawn up Girls of The Chur~ h of Christ will Dr, C, G, Randall, Qf Harvey sburg ing council meeting, members exM'1·es·kA, O. Griffy scv(l'al days la t serve lhose who need it mO!Jt. and fh:t not more than 50 per cent have charge of the .ervices with was named vice president. Pavi8, 29; manha\, WII~er 0 n, 221 pressed lh opinion that it would . Ten dollars wa ol'dered set of the volume of watEir u ed in cou ncil, B c:kett, 23; Evans, 25 i we • d){ J V II t k d aside ,for the use of the clothing Way esville be furnl b d the F...arl Mendenhall, superintendent; Mrs. L~ura Sidell suffered a be foolish to entertain the thought . M Tinney, 19; Arthur, 2&. r. an 1'5., • ar soc an commIttee who has the I' spo,nslIn, . al' Herbort Woollard, secretary; broken arm when she fell at her of spending in its entirety so }l endersoJl~ 19 ; J. TinDel, 20; N. daughter were gu.est of Mr. and bility of providing clothes .nd ne ghbormg m'Unlclp .Ity, Jam s Boume, assistant secretaru, large a sum a $5L.750 for repair Mr • 'rom Cllrl' In I Deer Park, hoe where necessary to keep Marshal C, p, J.oy, In harg~ of home in Dayton Tuesda y of last or improvement of streets in the Sunday. cbildrt'n 1n Il"hool where other- reo tn~ local w~ter wo~k, eXjllamed Following is the program week. village: i J . ,.. that a fotlr-m~h maIn w ou ld be charg<, of IRuth BU1'nett: . [t was pointed out. that WayD(lcesl;ary to con'v ay water to on greg~tio nal song, Faith of isit the chools nex.t week. Mrs. Em _ mltb, M18. Hllnnah lief agenCIC!l do not functio n. sufficient Tllylor, an<l I\irs, l'los~le Cal'ey The grade Illnch committee re- Corwin, and that add itional fou~ OUl' J1'llthers, ( R lativ 5 h I'e Teceived a wiL'c nesville alrendy has I:Irellt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ported u need of more cups and inch main would probably be Df.'lC- . Welcome Fathers-Little Be- from C. A. BUrnett, of Miami, source of revenue to properly spO«ln and the purchase was essary on both sid es of tba railroad gtnner~, Hotty and B~bby , amp- .Florida , informing them tha~ nono maintain the local streets, and to C11d e . Shutt!. ordered. made. tracks th re bell, B1Uy Stansberry and Ml'l dred of llis family was injured in tho ~dd to t he bonded , debt of the the simple The publtc Is cOl'dlal!' invIted t o Mr~l:n~n~r~r E'T~' ~~~~Ud w~:~ . Mr ". Kersey's room , :NOS ' the Advantag' to the citizens of B o u r n , . . hurricane which pasi:lcd OV~I' tho~ 11lunicipality for reason t}lat the money might be vlsititll sc:hools during ..\meclcan WIDner In the room pop ularity Corwin were cited .by such lin arDad s Day-Jumor Law30n. section this week. available would b~ utter folly. , Education Week. SpecIal. pro- gllests of Mr. a nd Mr. W.. E. contest there being !Ievente ~ rangement, er;timlltes being made ong, Daddy Loves Me-Mary Members 6greed thaI; little Mr. and Mr>!. 1. O. Brown nnd gram!! have /:Ie n planned In con- Stroud today. votes for that room. Miss Reeder s that hould the local system be Ann MilJ et·, Glenn a Wade- and Mr, and Mrs. Wym\!l' l'ake have could be done until a clearer nel!tJon with all grades of tho A. H. S~ubbs conducted tho [O~: stood second with twelve extended, nrc insuJ'8nce rales in Jo';dith Brittain. I$chool from tbe tint tQ the twelfth Itlnerel Qf Walter Altsta~tter, of vo 8. . Corw in would be redueed as much YOUI' Day, Dad-Elizabetn moved into theil' [eRpcctive apart. picture of lhe situation was obgrade • ~t Wayncsv11le the pupib Middletowll, at the Masonic temple 1\1r5. King of _ Spr lngb?ro de- 8S one-third. Burnet.t, Ruth Brittai n, T, sa ments in the hotel build ing on tained, and lor this reaso n Clerk and teachers of the nigh-scbool in Da)"ton today. lighted h~r audIcnc e wIth two Sentiment wa!! eX)lreS cd t hat tan berry, Beulah and Edith Muin str t recently remodeled by Hatfield was authorized to visit the district office in Dayton. building lll~ve ~11 In readlne~ to vo;;~ s010~' I ~ should Corwin's counell be Inter- Brittain, Glenn~ Wade and MiI- B. H. Williamson, ,,~ 5C 00 program was /S,ven ested in el'ltel'ing into such a con- dfcd Adams. ",elcome afld Telle\v6 the par~mts ' lIb-s. David Clemmer and Mise T he Woman's Auxi)iary 01 St. Ilnd frlenqs of tl1e !lclIools Oll ~h4\ Elizabeth Mart, of , Dayton, were by Graqe VI and III. Three group tract to s upply watu' to patrons Bible F.ather~, S~ripture readi ng ev nlng of Nove.mber 18, , gucsts ot Mr . lind Mrs. Lloyq ~lIm1>er, a plano" solo by R\ltb who care to s ubsc rib ll the local . - Enrl Mendenhall, H.~rbert W ool- Mary'" Church will meet with The ,ollqwlng schedule, provided Davl , 811nda¥. Conn r, a sextet, 1:Ialf a dozen councll would be mor,e' ~han wit!- I\l'd. Jam es Bourne, William Law. Mrs, Jobu Gon s on Friday a.ft.trnoon, November 8, at 2 o'clock. A fo't your 'convent.Jlce, ilhows th~ Mrs. L eRoy Chll ,with Mr. nnd la~s. ~nd la~:.~, Mr·.. iran~;c~on:- ins to arrange II meeting for di s- so n, Horace Burnetl aud IIarl')! full attendance is desired. activities of the entire day. COme panlS i ;,ec ~.on, c en" cuseion of th e project. Woulard. · " me! stay al1 or part of the day. Mrs. ClarenCe Oraddock. of Day- Mistak~, EI1~n Mbl!Si pla!,o S~~O j The possibility of und rtakinjt The SO,ng My Father Sang, In Mr. and Mrs. Georgl\ Woolat'd Compare tb_ achool of today with ton; spellt Sunday with relatives in 1\1onimla Hoak; recitatio n, A Ih . t 'th f d all tt I h v rse and song-Dorolhy Bourne and family, of Belmont, Mr. and Over 1100 were present at the ~h& "chool of the paat. Many im- Falmoutb, Kentucky. Bo~'s !,oc~~t," Lansin,g HarQ~n,: th: ~!~!:l ;~ver~~e~t u~de~ th~ and John Sea rs. l\f1'S, ,Roge r Brown were dinner WarrcD County 4-H Club achievepfovementa baye , been made, The Fdendship club will meet ~~~~atig~rd~hat became of a be Works frogl'e89 Administration Prayer-Ro e Mae Lawson,. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will ment meeting held at the To,!,n ",aP1 1lI0re lmprov~me.nt8 art at the home of Mrs. L. A. Garst Elbon 'entertained the. club was also discussed. The belief was I The h~r,ch of , Christ B~ble Bl'adicy unday and enjQyed the Hall in Lebanon Monday evening. nelle..,.ry te me,t the demands of Wednesday~ November 13, 1\ good .:;. d ' .' t W t expressed that the prl)grQm could I school inVItes yo u, Ii not in Bible program at the hurch of Chirst Tlie 800 boys and g irls who hali ' " .han~nr anq CPntplJc.ted attendance is desired, ~I a eacrIP~:i n ~ ~ L es tel'n I be 8ub),l1ltted as Ii federal project school elsewbel'e, to hnve fellow- in the. afternoo n. exhibits at the 1035 Warren W Alft.l~ lite, Q U~. ayMS,V1. e 0 ancas c:rj I with ~overnment funds aiding in ' ship with us Lord's Day, NovemMr. an(1 Mrs. 'Walter Larrick C01.!nty Fair shared in the $500 /.rrival ()f pupils a~d atudfi Mr. and Mrs. Merle Kerns an4 1Cahforn.a in nlDe. da~s. its com letion. bel' 10, a nd enj oy the program. prize money offered this Year by . and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Larrick 1 :80 to I i Period N()~ n olgses, da"gh~er, Joan, of OIeveland spent Boulder Dam hes m the Black I p - - - -the county co~miss ioners. were guests at a Hallowe'en paTty, ~ to Sl Period No. V c]asaes, 8 to Sunday with Mrs Kerns' parents Oanyon of the Colorado on th~ Prizes with values. from $2 dpwn Thursday night, at the home of Mr 41 Period No. III currie- Mr. anQ J., to 26c were awarded those taking and Mrs, Lawrence Wilds in places in the livestock, clothing, uler, ,to I); IUJlcb 1l0ur (for v Hamil ton. patron., .tudenta, and teache1'8), Mr. and Mrs. Earl KlmberlalD ' and twenty millions It IS expected a nd , canning exhibits h eld at tbe I) to 6; Period No. I, ela88ell 8 to and family and Mn . . Dora Wilson I to furnish hydro-elecbic P9wer to Mrs. J. J, Fritz and daughter, of eounty fait in connection with 4-1I G:4&; peJ,'lod No. tv cl~ules, 6 :45 of Franklin, were dinner gueste ~ cities of Southern, CaLlfOl' nia and ' , haTl eston, W ~8t Va., lind Mrs. club work. The rewards were to 7 :30; Period No. VI. Clasaea of Mr. a nd Mrs. Ray Mainous, Imperial V all ey, a rich farming : The IInnual meeting of the Ru ssel BellSOn and son of Cleve- given on a basis of A, .H, C, and D '1 :80 to 8 :15; program in the Sunday. tr ucking communit y where vegeta. The election of officers for the ' pIes are grown t he. year round. War'r~n County Farm Bureall will land, are spend ing the week at the classi fications. 8 I" t 10 dis '18&1 F ollowing th e music~1 selectio ns gymll-as Ium,: ~ 0 ; mI Mr, and MI's •.Roy. Irons, en Boul der Lake, when the proJ'ect is coming year was held Novembet: be held at the Grange Hall, Leb- hOllle of their pal'ents, Mr. and 2 at Farmers' Grango with the bus arrivals, 19 to 10 :30. route f on 01 n t to their by the Gen ntown 4-R club, C. J. Yo" wILl hllve an opportunity to .r \ nem .a I • completed, "" ill have a shore line following results : anon , Friday evening,' N'OV\llul!e Mrs. W. P. S.alisbury, . ' ,Waggonel', president of the Leb.. home In, Clyde, OhiO, last we!!k, of 550 , miles and the area will be }Ialtel', Ronald Hllwke; Over- 8 at 7:30. ' , . We have been i~jormed t~~t anon Chalnber of COinmnce, gave aee the .various types of school stopped In Waynesville to call on b f In torlst" an" ot"er An thony Ll}hner. (It IndIana 8n 1£1·~ . Flo Thorpe, ' wld ow of Vi 111 1a !<:w wordij of welcome to th,e a8work In actual progrels. Th~ friends !1 &ven or a .. .. "' . fl seer, Rareld WhitakE:r; Lecturer, Hlgh-aebool luneh c o m m i t t e e . ' r~c>reatlonal Ilctivltla., Mrs. Lewis Fires; Steward, Arthul' Iluthorjiy on C(1operl)tlon will be Thorpe, died recently at the bome i5cmbled 1100. ~e\ler ' Hoak ' <If aerving school children, teacben Mr. a'nd Mrs. HOWtLrd Wtlitell of , , forest Law1\. Mem orial Park Swartnl Sr.; Assist. Steward. the pellk 1', • of h er siste r in Piqua. Th.e th~ ccun ty board of commi;sionAn py~ter supper will besel'vcd Thorp es who wel'e former l'e~l- ers continued with a sbort talk 01\ and patrons betweCl,n tl}e hours of L.o vel.nd afld Mr. and Mr ~. Georg~ was described with its beautiful Herbert MacMillan ; Chap lai n, I) to II p. m. Dine at yOUl' achool T(lrwi11eger, of Caramgo, were chapet& one of which bas a marw,l- ~h8. Harvey Burnl!tt. ' Treuurel', at 7 :30 p. m. at 80 e per plate. d nts of WaynQsville, had for "4:a Cluus as We See Them." luneh tounter and ftnd out first- Saturday evening guests of Mr O.UB stained glass wlndo~, a replic!, B. V. Sml~h; Secretary, Gruce Everyone interel'oted in helping the many years ['esided in Al'canum. Another selection by the Gennband how thlnra are eonducted and Mrs. Phll Larrick. of DllVinc e"a painting o~ ThIS Hockett; Glltekeepler, Robert farmer:! to better their c onditio n~ - - --town 4-8 club concluded the first and the t\M wholesome fooda Last Supper in MUan, Wilson; Cerell, Eva MacM lIlan ; is lnvited to attend. If impO$sib1e RECENT BRIDE HONORED portio n of the program. and un. Charles Woods, Th t· t ( 0 an) marked Mr. supper come and to be to 18M/ed to your children. ... e ar 18 & w m " Pomona, Florence ~iv1s; Flora, Mrs. Al'lhur Summilr, nee Awards \I ere then givoen Ollt by BUI driver. will announce the Mrs. C. E. Peny and son!! Geol'l:e six years 'to complete the window. Mrl. L. V. Bran!tirator ; Lady the program. Thelma Satterthwaite, was ho nor Lestct· J. Miller. county arricul- - - - ~time ot anlva] at your bome. To and Ja(!lrle. of Oakwood, were At the social period refresh. .Assist. Steward, Reba :ijraddoek guest at a miscellan 01,l8 shower at t ura) agent, and by Miss Eliza.. avoid extl'a driving and unJleces- Sunda, vieitora at th~ home of menta were served by Mra. Pianist, Russell Frank ; Chorister, FRIENDS HUSK CORN the hom~ of Mrs. Lloy d Davl • Fri- beth Graddy, couJlty bome eary waiting 011 the part of chll~ ~. and Mn, J. H. Smith. Harry Lewis, Mrs. J . B, Chapmon, Virginia Hudin; Trustee , Ernest day afternoon. ' demonstration worker, to tbe 800 mengathere~ at the FortY' dren, all High IIClhool building M~ T. B. Bl'anllock and Miss Mn. J. K. Preaton, Mrs. lniD Mul- Bot~rworth; Legis]a1ilve Agent, J, The color Bcheme ot yellow and prize winners. home of Frank Cook on. Saturday Itudents will be brouaht in on tbe Juanita were called to Dayton ford and Mrs. Clarence Rye. L. Mendenhall, BUsin ss Age'ht, C. and by noon had all his corn stor- black whieh suggested th e Hallo~C. E. Lively, agricultural extenE. Michener Juvenile Matron, M1'II ed tor the winter. Among them e'en season, was carried out In Ilion a~nt trom O. S. U., followed eecond load. Grade buUdhll talt week 1)eeau18 of .tlle serious • ~ dren will all be brought to mneaa of their daughter and MASONIC NOTICE D. R. Sall.bury; A t. Juv~nile with his add:retlll on "Parent., w-ere Junio", nelgbbors and old the decorations. Matron, Mrs. Harold \Whitaker. Fifteen guests enjoyed a delight" Leadere, and ,,·H Club lIemllen." buDding on this date Oil the lillter, lira. WUllam Spra,. S •• te.. . "0 of friends and relatives, Mr. Cook is load The ..lIIe plan will ... \4 communJealoJ n sligbtly Improved after a lonr lui afternoon and the delicious Kuaic by the Ridcfti1le ~ fol1~wed in. taldn, pupil. 111'. aDd lin. Manley JaDJC!IOD ,Ileavilt. Loqe No: 188 P. Ii of iIInells but la IItlll conftned to bis salad coune which w .. lel'ved by l'ouded out tbe dabpede- buU4IiDe at the 1P11a1 tt.e and daachtel', of LekaOll, 111'•• 11. Tueeda7 evenIng, November the hoatesl. tbe Prop'UD. bed part of the time. At nooll all ud 011 tint load. HlP IClhool . . .1'II. Lorell of Dar- 11. EleeUoa of oilleen aDd • - Ray La enjoyed a gOOd cHllDer. ... elOM of to", ot d..... ViAl!:,. . . . . . owners CJ1 -...;;.-


. . . -.--=






















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.. - ..---


• I n En Ii h II. h d ur lIallowe'l'n .'ollowinlf lh clo or the I1arl y Brunk, s rvi~a as Doe Subeerlbe for The IltamJ GaR", Law. )<'r hn1 nand oJibomurl' werl' (,laYl'lI and mwting. II juillt conierenc was Wardl!D. $86.00: Lebanon Store ~l'iI'u1t\ll' • lIilth H hool Mil ic, (."Il'. plar • nnd h,·hl III thl' vocational, minAlre1, ~'\\~ . notice to dog ownt'rs, '2,40; .\I'\lIl·l·i"tiun, fo~nltli5b I, Sci nee l'njnycd by all. IIl'l·I'Ctlt\. and dl'1I111111ic committee Lcban()n~Citjzens National Bank, •• J. 1Iil'ltn'y 7-1, Latin 11, Arith. Wl' or prQud to to <IilSc::!!lli PI·obl<.'ms rdative to exp 'nsl's In collection of ,1,000 YOUNG MA.N TO TA.KE UP ' l111'til' ·11. rilhmetic 7-11. fOft nltcndanec for fotthcflming actlviUea of the Nilc~, 0 ., bond , ,1.50; Zain Arm- ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION P('riod VIII ' h \\ 11 k• s~h oll l . itage, gravel, $2111.26: L. P. Cavll\"; trni! (I, Rtatul. ,..I:.'10 11'1'" . .. , It , t hrflu"h ... ~chftol I'ithm 'li.. World ett Co., tur, $876B.99; Bay City '11ll' "pOn"'"' im itl' tilL' ·t)IlJlem, Hi'<tOI'Y, F.l\gli~b -I, BookkeepFre hman Ct• • 1 New. Senior Pic:hare Da)' Shovels, Inc., swing lock bracket, lind Ail' CO'nditl nin~. Prc!I'r TIll' lu,·nl. ('111>,,1 \\'ill 11:J1'ljl'i!'111(' li,H\ 'It ," p"l'~"ntl intel'l'!llu.l in . T' J ' .• . I ~ Tho !\onior cIUlla i, planning to $10.03; J . D. Adams Co., rellairs mg, riling. unlor nn" Sell10r Th J.'r shnmn 'IUl bdd II meet D F 'I t thO nldn now mployed and me· in tnC' II:lti\'11 wid, ('11· I' ti'lJ\ of t Ill' \, "Jf.'ll·'" of "hl' lll""n and th , ,'f' '\ AgriC\lllur', Ind iviclunl Iustrul'· in .. FI'i(I[\~', o\'!.'mu l' 1. Th pur- go to ayt<1ll on l'l( ay 0 IS $43.20; Frank herwood Co., kero~ tI\I' tirtl' n ;lIlOlJol 1\1 eril'11lI lHl'M' tvu IIII 11 " ill IIll :'It· g\,vcrntiou in Mu. ic, Junior and. nior eo we k t ret th ir 'Pictures iaken. : ne nd gaSOline. $9.90; ;Bercaws chanically inclined with fair I'~"ur.t! I\1rl \r ct:k, :o,r\ VI'11I b('t· Itnwnl l>1I~l'd upon the nbility of the pose of the m~ tin' '111 [\ to discu~s Gat'oge, gal. 01'1., 1133 ,00', Oregonia graphy c Ia. d UC. C·h,zen ..· •• h' p CI u b M-... ... dueat"Ion anu.1 WI'11 109 ' ' Hume Economic, 17. l'1'\' ~('nl plun.' (,'.11 for t\\'o S\K"- rwopl(' l'l gOVl'1'n them. 'Iv 'a. Bl'idg '0., bolt 'I' and reinforcing to t . rnm Th. r(sp n • to this invitati n 7·1. Hi tury -II, Latin I, I1isnnllunremcnt WII~ m 11(' of the 'rite sev('rlth Itrade Citize nship P bl ' h' 1111 \I, 110.' . UIIYI\, th t1r~l on tory 7.11, Junior and S nior (l!<!\ mbly lit. whit'h th r cshm n dub met last Tucsday, Following sto.:l' ~~~:;ddt~ay~~~o' Ch~~~::' Spj!rc time at home to b'ccC)nle W'lhwliay, NIIVcOlh ' l' 13, lind thc I11CI'l'a c: In llenrtin ~. nnd '.xtcnt. \ n h yell!', hout ix million l)eople Hom Economic., G ogrOI)hy will sing th h1"h (·t\oCJ! lIong. the l'eading of the minllte of th COlnmon PI as ourt, $10.00. experts in installation and Hl'on,l (In Friduy. No\'('mbl'r If). W('dn . day of Eciul'QliurJ W k in four thbu~and ol11tnuniti \~ took }list,ory 8-n, Lntin 1, ---n,!\\stnn -secretary, the ,t rea Ul'er servlc~ 'York. Writ~, giving IIi tory 7-11 , J unior and eni r Teachen Hold ",I Me tina coll~cted the dues. 'the progrllm will be 'lh.. ~ I'\t'd lib "i"itol~' day al pql.t in thCFC xcrt:is s III t y ar. Rtudy Hall. Ilynll Town fol' the day inc luded taking the age, . phone, Pl'. sent occupa· th~ high ~cb(\ol ol1ildi!lJ.t. ,pedAl 'I'he gO\'l' I'11UI'!; of rOl-t:l/ s\'al\lS alld the ma~'or or nInny citi tI('01nn ions will b giv('n m III i. ued 8: 11)- 10 : 00-Pro~ram, ship schoul~ hdd I ,,,cia l m t- word "Hallowe'en" amI making tion. ""Imill of lIl1)'. pro Illmations. W.yne."iUe Wiru Softball Chem. ing last TU(l~dny 4 vl'!llllg. Tho many words as possible out of it. Dr. and Mrs.. C. C. Randall . ENe NEERIN" FElIhl Y of the S~\I\le WI' k will b Th' 'ational Education As'o iapion.l.ip meeting \ a c 11·11 (,or the puri) . e Th greatest number of words ontcl'tnined 01'. and Mrs: CampUTILITIES I u nhSN (11.1 O ~ \ i~ilot' liay ilL th lion pulltl b s the litt'r tUl'O used A Grant took Richmond so did of compl ·ling planll fur th ' obs r- fm'med was sixty·fi'{e. After the bell of Dayton on la, t Thursday. INSTITUTE !(Iod!.' i1uiltljllg. p{ ns will be an· tl t' . . vance of Educnlion W 'k. progl'llm . the meting adjourned. h t h INug ou t na I n m pr par- Wayncs\'iIIe take Kings Mills in The Hallow ' en Carnival held 404 N. Well. St., Chlea,o. 111. n<1oncl!d lat j' for this ob. el'vance. ing Cor ill occasio n and giving it that o n important game , of th Am rica n Education We k be· pUblicity. Ilt lh gym on Hallow 'cn nigltt s ason, the championship, on Fri~111l in 19l!L wh l'n I' prest'n atives The National ongl'CS of day. November 1. Th team was was a success in every way. The of th ~' nc\ Iy·organiz d A l11eriCBn Parents and Teacher with a really on their toes, so'full of IJep, band furnished mti sic for the ., . - - - - - - - - - - - - " Lr.¢!on n. k d the ' lIitcd Stales million and a half members em- and ready for plenty of a ti{Jll. Up eveni ng anu was g l'eat1y enjoyed. ffi c~ of Edu IIHon lu1d lhe Nati· Ame~icl\n Educatioll until the la t inning they wer able phasizes onnl Education socia non t o W,*k in its own pl"ogratn. Hun- to bold th ir oppon4t}nts scorele s, Word. nos 'been ('Weived that the Jin \lith th('m 'n tl li'el\rly c I bra· dreds of newspapers pllblish school While all the time they were bu sy Shambllughs haVe reached their lion which would direct. the atten· neWs and featur articles durin~ piling up a cor for themscl ve. destination in Arizona and nre t Ion of lh Amcrican peopl to the this w ek and radio broadcasts In the Ie t inning, however, t~tl Common Pleas Proceedin.. dec as ,filed his second account. now located there . . i~niticanc(! or education ill a de- bring to millions th story of the I cal team wss a tdftc too anxiou s "THE HOME OF mfTS" Dl,". and Ml'B. W. E. Frost Bnd mocracy, and to ways of improving schools and lheir progres. There to make- th game (l s hut-out nnd --Marriage Licon.e. s-on, .l\faynard enJoYJ!d unday dinLebanon, Ohio the school.. Thes three ol'gnnizll- ar thirl.y million young ~ple in Kings Mills scored f our runs. The In the caSe of The ViI\ago of harles Ea~ter. farmer, of ner with his mo ther, Mrs. Seth lions ('/lch year sele t th gen ral th schools and a million teachers final scOre wn 13 to 4. Lebanon ver us Frank Loop, d. b. Waynesville, and. Miss Nellie Gra. Frost and family. EXPERT WATCH theme !lnu !Sponsor tbe ob rvance in the schools to ar\lU8e lh intere t The lin up: n. Loo p's Foou llop it is ordered hum, of Hal'Veysburg. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Reason spent REPAIRING ~~~~~~~!!!!!'!~!'!!!!~!'!!!!~~ of honl and community in what is WAYNESVILLE th;\t a sp\!cl ul mandnte i1\tlUe ut J ohn W. SeUe11lyre, farm t/ of unllay with Mrs .. Sadie Reason l'apidly becomin'~ one of t he foreAB R H E Ol'~onia, and Miss Thelma Leola and bl·oth er. U.ioC Only Genuine Materiah .. 0 I.f this court dil'cct;ing tho Ollrt M' H I R d II tt d d 1no t special occru;ione celebrated All n, C • ... 6 4 3 0 of DlmOI] PI as " 0 carl'y J' ud"'- t. John. chool tea c her, of tylSS t eCen S8n. 8 alyen e , a tl Prompt Service in the United State8, and indeed Hopkin. , ef, ." 5 2 2 " " Wayne ville. , par a 0 ld pnngs ~a ll owe en I in the world; for the idea of Gl'i:ffy t\s ... 4 1 3 0 m ni into execution. Lyl e Tinn ey, farmel' of Wayne.s. night. /3tore open until 9 p. m. memorializing th free public Hawke, 2nd ,, 4 1 0 In the ca of Cbester Abnoy ville, and Miss DOI'o't hy Lee, 0:[ Mrs. Mary ltadan and nephew ~ CLI:ANER5 sehools as II cbief instrulnent ,of onner, 1 t 4 0 1 0 versu Tbe tate of Ohio is is ord- Waynesville. of near New BUrlington Ladiel' Dre .. el, SOC \ popular g.ov mment has been Young, 3ru .. 4 0 1 0 orad th t th judg ment of the Thursday with G. M. MacDonald Men'. Suita, SOc adopted by other democratic coun- Foulks, It ,1 1 0 0 Court of Common Pleas is affirmR_I E . tate Tran.ferl and family. tries. Davis, p d 2 l I e d . A sp cial mandate is to be Laurence M. .Ii'ox Bnd Mabel A, Mr. Lee Boerstler of Cleveland ,- - Ask f or a Quick-lor quality dry de",aia. The theme sel cted by the fifo C. James, st 4 2 l O s nt to the Court of ommon Fox to D. Stewart Baal and Hazel visited here ove r t he week-end, teenth observanc of American Haines, rf ,. 4 1 1 0 Pleas to carry jud,~ment into ex- E. Baals real Mtate in Turtle_Mr. Charles Eaater and Miss Miamisburl Perman~nt =======~====== Ji;ducation Week, "The School and eeution. cr ek township. Nellie Graham were married Concrete Democracy," is closely related to Totals .. , ,, 42 13 14 1 In the case ot Flora Little verThe People's Bulldtng Loan & th~ Baptist panonage by Rev. the fundamental objective o! the sus J oh n Little, (I divOl'Q was avings Co. vel'SUS D. Stewart and Thornbury on last Saturday after Air Seal Burial Vault celebration. Self-government has KING 11 LLS E grant d the plaintl£f. The cus- Hazel E. Baals, 102.37 acres in noon. They will reside at the home been practicaJly l'Clinquished in a AB R H d J h L' tl e Turtlecr ek township . on the ,W. farm For Sale only by . ' McCarren Shm b augus. '" 0 0 0 tody of Carl Little IflO nUD1~r of important counties of Se h log h ec k ,c f 3 t be d0ef nen dIt NannI' t and. EIllIeSt"'wnr' to 1ately vacate the a Jr., was given to a n . " . C O ' " d M' the world. Others have nlodUied it. Inni ,p .., 8 1 l I TOh e uBtody of Fra'nk , .Flol'ine and Frances L. Masters, inlots Nos. 10, Mr. harles Buom an ISS Your Funeral Dire<:tor Not infrequently i raised the Hildcbrordt, 3 3 0 1 ' tiff 11 an"... 12 l' n Sprl'ngboro. Lucille Tucker and . mother Kathleen i given to t h e pi am. S d" D yt pent 2 1 1 The caskets and vaults quesUon: What kind of govern. Rolarger, ss . , 2 O . (n the CpSI' of William E. HofHarriet LeFever to Cnr! L. Mm- un ay a",ternoon 111 a on. 0 1 f -in-error versus 0 scar er, r "" .. nl estate l' n Lebanon. Mr. Bnd M.r Graham McClure Funeral Home , ment will America have tomorrow? Irwin, 1st ...... 3 furnislled in our service fer plainlif ')1 I h' . Howard k f ' . 0 S mit h . ".... . 3 0 In selecting a theme which !lug. 1 b t BI.ancbe .. It. Apple to John 'D. WI ave t IS wee or a V181t Pho ... 7 W aya ...ilIe, O. '" ~. Ith h' d ht Mr 8 White, the judgmelnt of t e CaUl' are the b8t!t obtainable. 0 1 00 is . oynoId s ,. . 3 affirmed. A spe cial mandate is Hal'ding and Mildred E. Harding, Ww II t edlr a~lg . er Itl • (fests the responsibility of the D. R Only ltaftdard merchanschools in Dlaintainlng the long. Weis ..... ..... 3 1 tate in Franklin. aU a~R .·fbami yS In·thB a ill mor~, . be !!ent to th e Cout't 0 f C ol,7lmon real ~. ~.,.., 0 to dise of tested quality is held ideal of self·government, t he V. R eyno1ds , 3 0 0 Pleas to cany judgement in t./.r efSarelda Ellen Tindall to William lUr. () ert ma st remams l =:::;:===:=:=::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:== 2 0 0 ~ feet. . Tindall, 46 acres in Clearcreek quite. Jilek; .. apons rs of Amerjcan Education Rowland provided. Cllient8 can Week hOp e to rekindle the loyalty Kehoe, P ., 1 1 1 0 The case of Haney L. Rye vel'- town hip FI lends Quarterly Meetmg ;\'111 rely upon us to conduct aDd faith of the entire cicizenTY in Bowman . 1 1 0 sus The Penns},I',ania Railroad Robert Howard Dodson, deceas- be held on S.aturday of this week the ftaeat funeral 1>08our ' well-proved form of govern· 2 Company, a corno, is dismiss~. ell, to Clsire Louis ,.MiJ1ar Dodson, \ at New Burlington. lIihle ' at a price within ment and the educational institu- Totals ..... , 30 4 9 , In the case of; The Lebanon- inlot No. 1 in Roachester. (D.layed) their means. tlons upon which it rests. De~ .... cy Cia.. Citizens NatiOnal Bank & Trust The Union Central Life Ins urMr. and Mrs, R. A. Francis t!n· Topics which will be discussed Th e p.atron.s of Waynesville Higb 0., versus Frank Coburn, et a1. ance Co. to Charles W. and Mabel tertained in a very charming througbout the seven-dayobser- schoolllre Ul'gw to visit the Demo- confirmation deed I~nd distribution ]\f. Sharp 100 acre.s in Hamllton manner on last Wednesday evenvance include the plans of the cracy class at night school on was allowed. township. ing all seven o'clock dinner scho ols for teaching good citizen- November 13. The class is preparIn the case of Francis Pierson Mary C. Werntz to Earl L. Hol- 1followin g : .M r. and Mrs. Herbert ship, the place of the scbool · in ing special reports upOn subjects versus George H. Pierson a divorc~ Innd lind Emogene Holland real eS- CaIr, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bu~t, l ocisl change, the school and rural closely related to the general was granted the plaintiff. tate in Corwin. RboT FOR AND CONSIGN I Mr. Earl Sanborn, Mr. and Mrs. PHOK~ 29 Walter ' . Cowan filed his appliClaude .Be.rnard to Lorenc Ber- Charles Voiers an4 t\le Misses rO\1r Cattle bop, sheep and ealv. life. the obligalions of ,state and theme of National Education week WAYNESVILLE. OHIO nation for the ' maintenance of "The Preservation of American cation 'for the appointment of a nard, inlot No. 106 in Lebanon. I Helen Steven~1 ' Winni!red Me- to No~Bioek Co .• live wire alld , opportunity, recrell- Democracy." 'l'hese reports are not gQardian of James Edward Cowan, John W. Little to Flora Jane Elwee and Frances Loer. The p"'lI'elllve firm f'lr the hlghut !!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!~!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!~!!!'!!! educational tion and the school, a,nd coopera- inte-nded for a "show" but rather et al. Little, inlot No. 215 in Franklin. house was beautifully decorated market price. and, go.od lerviee. tion between home, the school and to be l·nfot'ma~l·ve. Follo\Vl'ng are Catherine Du"an" administratrix Charles W. Sharp and Mabel M. with autumn leave~ and hallowe'en UDi.D Stock Yard. C.n.I ...... O. th h h ,. .. Sh 0 . H ' I G Tune in on Radio Station WCltY 1some Qf t he vital question to be dis of the estate of CbarlC1!. A. Dugan, .a~p 1 0' acres In amllton town- decorations. ames and s~unte ll!:!& to 12:80 p. m. for our dan, e ure. CUSS!! d :.:.:....:.!..:..=.:.=.:~:....::..::....~:;=..titieBCee;aaSlsIl'G..IttFclme!fr"IItl\V'e1fm'Vo...::.........;.tsllrlp, - - - - - - - -- - -twere Iayed ..dw:1ng th e evenmg. market reporta. Vi.itorl Da), Schedule at Hi&h 1 Wh . d b d 'I W. Chester Maple, administrator Harri t Roof and pearl Schwartz School was (llosed on Thal'liat .0 we mean y emocracy and Ada Schwartz, 12.6.50 ac\.oes day evenl"ng for the teachers to School Buildill&, .,.. . Novembey 13. ...: 2 Wbat IS meant by the tatement of the estate of Eliizabeth Kay, de• we sometimes h ar that "demo. cea ed filed his inventory. in Franklin township, attend Southwestern Teachers' 2 :00-3.:00, P~rlod 11-Ph~slcs, AmerIcan Literature, English. cracy is on hi ai" ? Frank C. And er~on, administraHarriet Roof to Pearl Schwartz Association at Cincinnati on FriStenog~aphy II, Shop, E.nghsh 3 Is democracy in danger in the tor of the estate of Emma Sever, and Adah Schwarlz real estate in day and Saturday of last week. 7-~, BIO~Ogy, World H!stol'y, Un~ted States? ' . deceased. filed his applicat ion for Franklin. The Senior class entertained Al'lthmetlc 8·1., Arothmetlc'. 7-1., 4, What is the place of education in a certificate of transfer. Harriet Roof to Pearl Scbwartz the faeuJty and high school witb a Geography 8-II. democracy? and Adah Scbwartz inlots Nos. party at tbe gym on last 'l'hursday ,, 3 :00.--4 :00, Pel'iod V. Plane I New Suit. 655 and 556 ill Franklin. night. The evening was spent in Allembl,. Stanley Watkins versus Mary C. Thomas Brown and Mary E. playing games and refreshments Geometry, ~mocracy, French I. French II, Junior Business, An assembly was called ThursBrown to Walt~r R, Thompson In- we re served at a late hour. Freshmen and Sophomore Agri- day, Oetobel' 31, to h ear Mr. Wit- Wlltkins, for div'o rce. Charge is lot No. 274 in Franklin. Miss Ella Scott of West Union culture. Music 8-1 and S- II, Iiams, the county coronel', give a gr~~enit~t~t P ogue Company James L. · Knott to The Mason spent the week-end at the home of Ji'reshme n and Sophomore Home talk on Tbe Red Cross. Sohgs were ;versus Stanley Duttenhoffer, for Building, Loan and Savings Co., hcr sister, Mrs. R. A. Francis and Economics, Boys' Physical Ed- led by· lb. Frank. Cheer leaders inlot No. 128 in Mason. family. ueation 7, High School Arith- Ru t h and Bob, led several yells b.e- money. The amount claimed is Charles H. Bateman to George The home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas metic, Girls' Physical Education fOl'e and a!wr MI'. Willjams speech $S~~.~~~ ~Iatter of the Otterb ein D. Murpby, real estate in Harlan Gordon was opened to a large Phone 78J 7, Writing 8·1 and 8.II, Study Mr. Williams distributed Red 'Cross Home to encumber real estate. townsbip. · number of guests on last Satur7.[ and 7-11. bulletins to the school pupils to inHelen GibBon Campbell and day afternoon. Meadames Gordon 4 :00-6 :00, Period III- Extra- sure more safety i n the homes. Chester Campbell to Henry Strah- Pauline Villars and Olaric MeProbate Court menger, real estate in HamiJton Carren,o all aunts of the prideCUll'iculal' period, no cla sses. I) :00-6 :00 - Lunch hour for Ba.ketball New. George Glosser Imd Roy Glos or township. elect, Miss Nellie Gt:aham, for patrons, students and teachers. Basketball practice is under were appointed executors o:f the Pauline N eyer to Clara Tbomp· whom the miscellaneou s shower MOT ARY PUBLIC 6 :00- 6 :4 5, Period I-Chemistry, way under the in struction of Coach estate of William H. Glollser, de- son, inlots Nos. 20,21,22 and 23 was given, were hostesses of the '<::. ~English , Liter~tuTll. Engli h 7.1, Bodenbender. Many boys turned ceased, and filed bond of $1000 in Monew. afternoon affair. The hllme ' was National B..II Stenography I, Ty])ing, High out :and are developing into fl.lIe with sureties. F . B. Wadsworth, decQrated in yellow and white. School Study, English. S-II, shape for t he first game which is Lee Reid and $lllith 'Gano were' . Jim. ADow.d The bride-elect received many Will. Drawa • , E.ta,•• S.ttl.d Fres.hmen Sciencel English II" not far off. Te n boys will :form t he appointed appraisl!rs. Johnson & Johnson, repamng beautiful and useful gilts. Bet' lVAYNESVILLE, OHIO . Algebra {, History B-1,' Geogra.- first teain. Th will be but two Alton .:I". Brown, executor of tbe door ,casing at jail, aoc; Penn Mor- wedding date has been announced phy 7-11. second tellm games. From tbe~ estate of Franki~ A. Dunham, d~ ton, services as janitor at Court as No'{ember 2nd to Mr. Charles FOR .AU DATES CALL 6:46-7:30, Period IV-United two games, boys for the first team ceased, filed his inventory. House, $70.00; James Follen. ser- Eas*r, a pro milling yo.unc fanner States History. FYeshmen will be chosen. In the matter' of the estate of vices as janitor 2nd floor Court near here. , Lovely refresbments The opening game tentively Catherine J. Updylte, deceased, the House, $15.00; The Book Shop, were served by the hOlteNee. se: for November 15, at Center- claim of ,84 is allowed to N. A. paper towels for Court HOUle, Mr. and Krs . .W. W. Welch, Mr. vi Ie. Hamilton for medical services. $7.00; J. W. Linso Hardware Clo., and Mra. E. B. Dakin and Mua Margaret Lee Cc)ok, guardian of keys for ianitor at Court HOUle, May Harlan left on Sunday mornSportlmanahip Brotb.rlu~od Benjamin F. Lee, Jrr., et al. minol'll 600; Bro~ " J3unnelJ, coal for ing lor a with Mn. CecU The first regular meeting of the filed her third ac(~ount. . Court HOUle, '11S.1~1 Til\! J;Joo~ Or~w1pr4 aplf t.a pln.. at ClMuSportsmanship Brotherhood was Sh .I R d J tf k I'I JESSE STANLEY held Friday morning, November 1. Thl! will of AI~.lZO W"aver, de· op, peJla ,.or eoor er I 0 ice. pea e, ~WJ'elll!" ~o ; an4 ~.~lJ~e4 There was a la1'le 'number of stud ceased, was flied 1111 Pr~bate. Addie U.25; Dr. Kenllon Dunhm, on . 'fU!!II!J,., ~1~1JlRo~ ",.,,'" lao.' , , - •• AftI. ents in at~endance. Mr. Garat, the I M. Weaver ma~e IIPphcatlon tor a and examination of W. C. Robertli, Mr, ~nA !IIr". ~. Tucker \ftd sponsor,' read the constitutioll and ! commission to ISSllIe to some suit. '17.50: . Miami Valley Hospital, famllr ellie".i~efl hi. Rrqt~erI ~ai ~K~fl by.lawa of the organization. The : able person to talte deposition of hospitalization of Juanita !Jaker, Robert TU(lkl!r Jnll wjfa of QQ um~ lJaft·fl ,..• .., Sportsman's pledge was taken by ~ugene Young, a witness to the $17~,~0. bus, over the w~~.\!na. . . ~., ~ all" new members. The following Villi. , . Helen Dpughmall, board · and Mr. and X1'I. JrlUton Jll.IPIl~ 8n4 committees were appointed: In the matter <If the estate of care Cll.ftord !>ougbman, '7.00, family Bpen~ severlll day. I~t Membership-Earl Conne', Ruth :Walter Shuff, deceased, the admin· Mrs. Ira Eltl1'oth, board and .care week with Mr. and &lr.. Cecil . Conner and Anna LouiSe Hoak. Istratrix is authori2led to make lIa14 Altcs Stark~y, '6·90; James Moore Eakins of Walbondlng, Visitors--Bernard MelJoh, Anna settlemel1t upon payme~t , to her. by board and care Lucy Moore, f5.00 Mr. Rllbel'tSmlth Is quite siok f Gay Treadway, Robert Hiatt.. sa id The Penns3,lv&nla Railroad Mn. Elmer Lacy~ board and cafe at this wrttlng, . """ .... p: • . , . . " " .:.I'.,.~~ ffl Sportsmanship _ Mildred Cook, Company of the sum of ,900, Frank Lacy, '6.00; Mrs. Lulu Gab. ' Mrs. Mary Syfe1"d entertained . P 5 Margie Tinney, Leo Conne:r. Cha~' le Stewart" James Foley bard, board and care LincoJn Gab. company on Sunday. FOR.AU Mr. Harry Tucker left Monday Publicity ~ Marj orie Earnhart, and Rob~rt Mooney were appoint- bard, ,6.00; Mrs. ,.Julia Holland, Rob el.t Young, Elsie Mae Wiea1. ed app'raJsel'S of the estate . of board and care Vernon Bolland for Walhondinlt ",bere, he hal FOll SALE~Poland China male Ways a nd Means- Phyllis Collette Charles A. Dugan, dect;lased. '5.00; Mrs. Oma Oshorne, board employment. Repair yotlr old one, or put on a new roof hoga. Evans B1'o". Telephono A certified copy Of the entry and care Walter · Barlow, Vhyll Mrs. Oletba Sibey of Lebanon 470R Lebanon. Bulah Bernard, Ann (;rane. now. Prepare for winter's rains, and . N7-l>5. Following the appointment, ad- determining the inheritance tax Isaacs, Frank Ballinger, UO.OO; C. and Mra. Everett Woodard (nee storms. We have a ~omplete stock of the v~ce and vario~s dtlties were given On the estate of E. F. Conley, de- I Donal'd Dilatuab, nnt of office for Helen Evanll) of Gj!rmantown FOR 'S ALE--Frame garage! .1,. best roofing materials made and you'll do were dinner guests of Mi.. Lucllle the committees by means of an in. ceased, is to be certified without Prosecuting Attorney, $20.00. hIe, &Tit clas. cOllditlon. be, t by se'eing us about your work. Prompt delay. Colombus Blank.Book Mfg. Co., Tacker on Saturday evening. Cheap It lold at once. Located at I S forma discussion on porlsman. In the matter OIf the estate of suppliet!l for clerk of courts office, Mr. alld Ml'II. Levi Lukens and Dodds. Ronllna Can niDI Co., and efficient. ship in Waynesllille High sC"bool. Catherine J. Updyb, deceased '15.0,0; H. M. \Villiams, corOller, family visited .t the home 01 Wm. Phone- 119R21. t b d f J b M The Brot herhood sponsored a I benefit p erformance of "Uncle $225 was allowed Dean E. S~nley nques over 0 y 0 0 n orran, Lukena and family on las," Sunday Tom's Cabin" Tuesda ni ht of for attorney feea f226 was ,al. $11.20; H. M. WiIllamll, coroner, Monthly meetine was held at FOR SALE--Sln,le barrel abotI t k P d IIf b e d t lowed N. A. a. executor. inquel!tover body of Okay Bevinl, the Frillllda Church bere Sunday pn. Georp Henkl.. 010 r~~u::ethe ~:!~ ~n~ebted:::' rhe executor hall hislChedule '7.70; H. M. Williamll, coroner, in. moruilll'. FOR SALE-EDIllaae ,1.15 per the Brothel'bood, 0 of debt.. vesUption of thedeatb of Laura lV. P. McCarnn and wife were 6A Dod.... 'D d W R. C. Boys Lonl, $4.'0; B. II. WilIiaJlll, cor· c1MatcJ at tit. Boy Scout Camp ne.r '1 AO~ all ay· 1 guardian of the oner. investlration of the death here on Sund.,. IIr. Goebel ".. 11_.1 • claD" oa·tf

School High Spots



Cary' a Jewelry Shop


Only the Beat





R.H.S. T UB8S 3iut.eJud 1JiNdm..


F ,






Centerville, Ohio


Stanley &Koogler




Auctioneers "U·f'.'" ...




A.phalt and Red Cedar Shinges A.bestoa Shingles alao B.uilding Material. of All Kind.

Madden & Co.

W -fDe.mle, o.


.=:.11 --'7

Honor roll - Jan'ice' Burnett, Ruth Anna Johns, William Woollard, Ruth Helen LeMay. Etta Lou Westerman made 100 each da)' in the- term In apeDktr.

Johntlon, bond of The mlnistratrix mond Allen,

W....n""... N.Bollen ,

Albert Burroughs, ".SO B. WiIIJaml, Coroner tbe death of Sldae!' ,'.80; J O. Bartlh01'll. ot wreck oD ·l'Oate


bolt of the oceuIon.. PIPII. VALVES tad PlTTINO. IIr. alld lin. Earl Bockett and ter Water. I t . . Weill Mr. alld .n. RhocI.. BUDJaell alld CJetena hand, ..... daqllter. Carol, wer. of . PIa• . . . , . lin. s.dIe ...... 011 SWadli'Y.




Ihath ot Mr. Andrews thecollecl'cI at tht' cottage prayer meetlnll proltnim i~ bing pr par ct. f:very":xperlm nUl Ilt t.h Ohio til'n tll'caml1 the propt'rty of Mr, on la t Thur~tlllY cvenil1l1' at the hody ilt invited. to «ttend thl. Ulli I'rsity comparing all .... ~nmlll:ru ". 11 clo~1! friend. "ho -~--1111111<' of ~II·. IIflll MI!', I't'ny Wt'IIt1 mc('ting. 11!I\'clcd \\ith MI'. Andl'l'Wlf in \\' nyll1nli :lurdlll1 ".041 family of "'()ml' let U q g il up tn n,' hvuOl! rat ions (.'d 41r)' lo poultry with .n ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY 'Ol·th Africa flnd who illustrated nUl, h I al ium. fml Wl't point to a i'i nc lnnllti "pe11 t 'lllU I·.hIY with hiS/Of the L'II'l.I." t\\" of hi~ uuuk!ol. The collection hUl1Il' r"lks h{ l'e. ' - - - d{· 'irll-d nc\vllntag ... tor wot f d. Ollie. Pbo •• . " ..... ... .. No. 11211~ntercu .t PO&l2ttl". at Wayne.- i tlt ludf'~ cllrN; Jlon<ience, certain J, Ll'~ Talmage, Il·S. da Oak leaves do not )la('k and il1~, ,],h" invl!, ligalors ny wet Auocl.tion to Pro • t' P . SIlO Y viII", Ohlu. a& C'''nd CI •• " Mall e Weekly 5111.. a.crlp Ion rice, . • .ar Ma.tter war dillpal hell, act'ial photographs Talmage unu Mi s~ J 'sMie L. f ol'lu an nlnH)~t a i/'-tilCht 111ft ~ . !\~ ma~h ill more pnlutab)l'. lind that R.dio Turkey of the front Ilnd [1)'ollllgl1nda pumtinl'nl'r ~pl!nl Thul'~d a>' in iTlcin- dll ll1o.·t other kindR of leaves , and I he 11I1'd~ cat m.p I·1! 01 it, lay mOl'~ ~======~====~~==~=====:= SUmmal'Y. J)hlclS i!\~ued d urinl!; the war by nati. . kill the gtas!'. . eggs. NOVI~MBEJt 7, 1(1:15 \)oth the alii s and Germany. ~ I rs. LUl'Y Fi~ huuuj.Ch lind Turkey gl'owurs will no sc ll tiuughL('l" BIIl!n IIf Midd l town • th iI' turk eys "in th dark" thi" ~p(' nt 011 c111 ~,' lu ~ t w -ek \\ith the fore than $5QO,OO'O has been A t k k t yl;'or. ur ey mlll' t new ~~I'- J OI'dan familv Iwt'c. cont.ributed by slate mploye$ to vice, spomwl'ed hy the Ohiu 'I'ul'k'1 ) 'I ' A B '" I th.() stat.e employ es' relirenlcnt A II r. anI " I·~. , . 1 a mage, ..J y '!lociation, wn~ b ):tU n t.his L ' 1'IIII11U"(', Mis!! J essie L. "From 1607 until 1\l3/i-a . pun f 32 yours - America fed h er- fun d, IIccordin" to f igures re leas" k ' fr' t k ,~el) l Ul' k'c y Gn l'n~r vi~iled ... Relt, "~u y ~ Ih ~ nil II ~tllle. News. <> w"e ' m ao Cl or. 0 MI'. and M l''', cd by Wilso n E. Hoge, secl'cLilry , ( I f k I' men In orm~( 0 mal' .at. SUPIl lell Almon Fen'is on ullliay after- I "l"rom Lh ' latc 1600's un til 1!l3G, A moric!l, a ftcr feed ing herself of the stat.e empl oyes' retirement anel dqnand, and price pI'cvailing noo n. hud um thing left. ovor for th~ resl of Lhe wOI·111. board. Sincc J a nuary 1 approxi- ()ver the stat during th 1l1Il1'kt'l_ __ "But in 1 !l:15, with hel' cup uoul'd getliri~ bnre, America ,turned mately 14,000 m mb l' of th ing seaMon of ovembel' nn<l Deto othcl' cOllnLl'ies of tho worlel .co r food stuffs needed t" f~ cd her YAtem all Of wh m rece ive a nnual cemb r: pel/pI,." . lilal'ies of less t han $2,000 annualMemhe!'s of tho association \\ ill Thi s chouJ-'I.' in the mutter of food imports a~ d l'XpOrts has be n Iy, have turned over four pel' cent send ' ench wCi!k to the p()ul try deon of th e mO!'it l' l1larkuh l an r! imp .tnnt. ,occurenc cs of t he last few of theil' wages to thc f und , which purtme.nt of the Ohio '\.elt ni. Y'AI·S. In t !l33, fIjI' example, we consumed 618 000,000 bu shels or is devot<>d to )'elirement pur(1ses' vl'r!lity a rep rt of their sule!', uids wh at nt homc and hod' 53,500,000 bu shels left over for expo l't. In on ly. h()u ld a member leavc tll I'('cciv d and pric !'o paid. ']'hcs 1\)35 (t ha is, the pel'iol! from AlIguIIL 3 1, 1!J34, to AUj.!ul'lt I, 1035), state Rc rvice his contributions, report's will be RUmmnriz(' ,1 by lhe t1l1ll1 ()HLic COnSU1)lpti on \ as 632,000,000 lYushels, of which 28,- with interest, are I' turri d. The ,. , uC'pal'lmcnt lind l' lease.) OV('r fiy WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH 110 0,00 0 bu hcls repr senled impCll-ts, and thel') were no export.s from law crenting the l't!tire ll1 [It ys'rnrlio t~lti/)11S cll1l'ingo the mUl'jcet thi:l cOl1l1try. In 193:1 we exported II ~ ul'plu l; 01 144,0 0,000 busheh of tell1 ptov idlls IOl' (lptiollal r tir'e- 111'\ s pel'iod. Rev. G. C. Dibert, Pastol' c t'n- in 11)85 we wcre fUl'c('tl to import 34,500,000 bushel$. In mon t at the ' a~e of 60 anu comWO,StJ al Columbu~ will hrond: uuday: SundllY schOOl lit !l :~iO 10 ;)3, 1,870,000 bu shels or s urplus I'YO left Americll!l ports for fo r pul~ol'Y I'e iI'ement lit the age of cast 11 r epol't On Mondays nt 8 :25 ign shol'cs- in 1935 Lho process waR r(lvel'se.l,. and 11,000,000 bU !:l h. e l ~ 70. [1. 111. Othlli' stations will broad- a. m. Morning worship at 10:4 O. . am · her from abroad, An expol·t sUl'plu s of 675 ,0 00,000 p unds of t ts on T .• On ntxt l3unday we will COlnlard was lurned inlo n lack of 1_,000,0,00 pound s t ..... o years lu ter. l:~:s: IJJO~ at kl':n a"tn~~4~ a.f~~ lnemorate Armistice Day in our And where, in 1933, we expOl·ted 300,000,000 pou nd s of pork, about WHB at anton at 4 :60 p, m., chu rch, theme of t.he sel'mon will 6,000,000 pound. were imported in 1935. Two r IlsO ns ar common ly givc n for this conditi6n. First, the ayat:n 6:45 1!l34 dro uth, worst in American hi!Ct.ory, wiped Ollt a large part or t ucky, at 12 :25 p. m'. Evange listic service at 7 :30 . . eveml majol' c rops. Grains w I' e!\peciull y affected-every bush) of , - - -- Wedn sday : Bible st.u·dy and wheat in some of ' OU1' dch 5t Iavming ur 'as wa. dCllho),cd by the I'ging W. ynesvill and Wayne ~VEEK prayer meeting at 7:::10 P. m. weather. Th e 11134 corn crop wall almost 1,000,000,000 bush Is town ship pl'op le- to vi~it. the I Tho Datton Dish'ict Conference I!'!~~~~~~~~~~ _~_~_~~~!!!!!~~....!!!~'!'_ ~~~~_~~~~~~....!!'!....!!'!..!!!~ __ IIlldcr normal. is being held in the Sout.h Park Secon d the Administru tion's prortuction control pr()gmm, as laid . cllOOI~ dUl'ing lh loca l ob -efYancc . hurch in Dayton today. '1'hc; t1 uwn by l.h~ AAA, has be n nn extl l~cly p~l nt in,lhi e nc. i~ chang- of AlI1el'ienn Education W eek, William McAndrew bu. shown Dayton Dilrtrict Methodi s Uni ot\. ing us fro m a food expol·tin g to a :food 1n11 Orb~lg natIo n. In 11)83, ~he l\tlu:yor A. K. D:IY has issued t he I' in his brittle, ' dh'cct writing the 111 'eta at 7:30 p, m. Dr, Ol'i n W. Govcrnm~nt paid $40,000,000 to farmers to kIll 6,OOO, ~00 !;mall pIgs. . , Teal I'eason why our fOl'efath rs l"f d 't f th Ch'" proclamotlOn: C!stabli!\hed pu blic s"110018. They ' I er, I or 0 l' In paill anothe r $100,000,000 to kill ho~s and cattle dUl'lng the drouth follOWing Advocate YJill be the speaker. , " ' The education of children is' vO d for schools to ilve d moof 1934. And, finally, it puicl farm , I'S :JOO,OOO,OOO more for agree, Between Toledo and Cincinnati thc most important service .per- cracy. With out' pradi.:al predeI11tmtll not to "ais 0 many hogs. Charted for the Benefit of InterST. MARY'S CHURCH ElY ct of nil t his \lpon the co nsumer is b t seen in lhe ca'e of formed by Lh government. It is Cl' 01' the welfare of the ,indivistate 1t1otor Touri sts as Well 98 was important; but it counted dunl pOf'k products, both fresh and cured. The bacon you paid 25 o~ 3() Rev. J. J. Schaeffer, Rector Traffic: Wi thin the Borders of Ohio Twenty-first Sunday alter cen ts n pound for two y ars ago costs 50 to 60 een now: ' Ham 15 at the debt that one genel'ation owes le1!S in th 'cale' t han welfare of Its highest p oint in mllQY years. ,.pork ch ~ps, ~:,c a~elutlvl' lr humble to t.he n xt. It cannot be discount- our ~or-m o [ government. Witho ut Trinity, November 10. Chufc!h memb er of the dl el :famil:y, al'c out 01 Sight. So . It goe$, '" every· ed or pos tponed th l'ough cUI,tail- ducati n-without an intellig nt . choo l at !) :(l0; Morning Prayer to Cincinnati as shown herewith is thing thnt has to do. with (I pig except its squ al-:-Prlc?s ar U,O ll1ent f)f pr per faciliLies; for the electorateabl to rna til l' its own and S I'm on at 10 :30. the shortest di stance between the per c nt I.Ibove the 1932-33 lo w~ . Upshot 9f thaI:, IS ohYlous : onsumef!l rnentul, physical and social equip- ,destiny, We wou ld they 'recognized two' cities. Officials of the State ment of the citit n8 of tomorrow slip into dictatorship by defaul"t. ST, AUGUSTINE CHURCH r fu.fl t() , buy pork, evcn though th \ ret~il bu~hors, profit is all but Highway Department give t he elilninatotl in an attempt to move the hig h l)l'le d pork product.. depondl:l u))on the manner in which So I suy to you who teac:h chil dt' n Father Newton, Pastor mileage saving a s about 11 miles. Pock r. and proces.;ol's al' in a similar predicament A few n\onlh~ we di charge our obligation today. young people, and adul ts, and to "Therefore, it is minently fit- you who support sch.~ols with Mass at St. Augustine's Church !lgo mov ment. or pigs lhrou h the great Chicngo to k y rds Wtl S III There's less trafling thut patriotic, educational, tax ,you are defendi ng a great very second and fourth Sunday the l owes~ I vu\ In histol')I. fic congestion on civiC, reli 'ious and frate-rllal cause, democracy. Will America again bl.'col1l Il food (lXP rting nation? A relaxation organizalions lihould join hands in ' During Am edcan Educat io n f the month . . the Toledo-Cincinnati Short Line of AAA !'estrleUve poll Y WQuid CIIU g(). a d j1nite chal'ge In t he out. ,than on any other highway conthe coming qbsel'Vu nce of Ameri- Week i.t is well for u s to loo k be- ~AYNESVILLE CHURCH OF look. 'ocr tIlry Wllllac bali vcs that the country will become su~, can Education Week, November yond the da ily sarvice of chool!! necting these two cities, There CHRIST taining again lUI ;oon n~ \ 0 have one good crop se a ~o n. 111 ~he mea n- II to 17, in ae ordnn cec with th\! to John and Jane to thi great are tal' fewer curves (no hairpins) , tim • tl()\ 'ev r, Amaden is lOlli ng mun y once valuabl e fore Ign food Buggestions of the and all railroad gradc crossings nited States !'iervice through whicl~ chool Carl Smith, Minister are exceptionally well protected. mal'k t, O:fllcc of Educatio n, warmly sup- salcgual'rl the nalion as a land Not A Denomination It also 11 ems certllin tll8t ndrlilional'strains will soon be lo id on POI ted by the National Education whel' John and Jane can grow up Jennie Bradley, upt. Bibl e th family P\JJSC. Bnke,'S 'ay n nllti on-w id~ rise in hI' ad prices is Associati On and Amcrican Legion. f ree men and WOmen in a fl'ee . chool. By reason of the s h 0 rt e l' imminent, A.nd II tlltoe and th I ' basic t od product.s a~' looldng "As mayor of Wayn sville it. is nation. That is n preciou s thing. Bible School, unday Morning mileage, less congestion (bolh on my pleasure to urge you to partici- Let UR, when we visit obr school !) :3 0. :kY~I~ the highways and in the commupate in t.h(' g n 1'0.1 Observance of consider that we are lllllking a ommunion 10 :30. nitics thru which they pass), fewer American Education Week and to pilgrimage- to the ~acrcd shri n of hristinn Enrleavor 6 :45 p . m. curves, and adequate width urg all our people to visit their American de mocracy. Endeavor s ubject;, "What Wars roadbed and bridges, the . chools dut'ing g h ob el'Vance. 1. W. STUDEBAKER, Do To The World." Prcaehing Route here outlined is a Espec ially at Gl'ode Building On Unit ed States ommissioner of 7 30 big time-saver for the T b 5' 2 : p. m. OVl'm e.r 1 , 'I'om 1 :3 0 to 4 p. iEd ucation. Subject, Can a man be , aved bu sy motorist--yery prob8: 0 Musil) m., and High chool Building • - outsi de the church? Baptismal ably as much as two hours. H. E. Eswin e 8:06 Naihllniel .1a.1'1 and I:Ils ett1emen~ SOl' ice to follow the sermon. Novemb r 13, trom 6 to 10 p. m ." 60 STEERS DISTRIBUTED L. H. Barnes 8 :15 ,\Ittoole fo r Ohio r.'armer~ in 1~36 _ _ _ MA YOR A. K. DAl . TO BEEF CLUB ""'E MBERS Prayer meeting Wc-dn esday AN ALL PAVED ,. IJ. B, Zumb ro 8 :26 Turk y M rket eW8 , ... ... ... . , 7 :30 p . Tn. 8 :30 1\1 u!;io HIGHWAY Sildy yearling steers were di -'1 The chu1'Ches of h'rist in the 8 :40 Marketing th I'O P on t he (looi .. Harold G. Olin tributed at· the Wane:n county Gl en o. Area will h t,)ld their 8 :50 Th e' Rural EI <:ctrl fic:a tiQn Adminislration's ['tog-rum , Choice of Knowing fairgrounds last Saturd,a y aItet·- regular meeting here Nove-mb r In Ohl . , ... ' . , ,. . I. P. Blauser pa' ..•• The b l\ c kTh W, F. M. S. md with Mrs. noon t o memb ers of th'e county's 14. IUD Motorists 0:00 ldy RODlC Library Mr . Frank Me lure Johll Wilson on Wedn esday of last 1936 Baby Beef lub, You a re invited ·to attend one bone of the ofOriginated and Sponsored IIltO MU 'I ficial Revoluw ok. The calves, purchased sevel'lll lind all of these ervice. by the , 9:26 Avoiding Winter Po-ultl'Y iscllses A. n. Wint rand Mis Mllrjori a Haydock was w eks ago, at Kansas CiLy, have tionary Trails • 111. F rguson hostess to her undny chool class bcen quartered at th e fa.irgrounds. System of Revolutionary FRIENDS MEETING on aturday nig ht. D' !l :36 'tol'll~e or '~ Intel' Vc~etabl 8 , .' , '.... . ... . . .. J. H. Boyd Western Ohio. Short Trail Mr. and Mr. B. H, Miller and lstribution of the steet's was First-day School at 9:30 a . m. ...... .. .............. WOSU Players 0:46 Joan and Jel'ry Marked ita daul.hter vi it" relatives ' . made by drawings undel' th e super Me& for Worship at 10 :80 Association 15 ... 10 vision of tbe fair board . entire length pl'ingfteld oh un day: ____ - - - _ = ,==== m. by historical Mr . C, J, Van eman and son of markers of the leveland, w~re guests Last week FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Ohio Memol'ial 0.( . {r. and Mrs. C. W. Stratton, , ft,,'rt Commission. ea st of lown.. Several attended the Hall owe'en Carl Smith, Minllltel' =~;W


- -----




. •

The Food Situation




C!~i~:~~~, PK:~~. beE;~~~l'r:a~~a::ke::.






I Farm hight 7alis, November 11

New Burlington

Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol

Caesars Cr4eek

Mrs. Chas. :Soga n Jr. and chil- social "t the home of Mrs, clli e Perry 'l'homlls, Supt, of Bible dron of Harveysburg ar~ pending Bunnell. . School. A Rev. Mary An.ram ~ tb ewe k' WI'll"1 I co r. an d'" ,lUrs.. anlu" ..'1 r . an d Bible SchOOl Su nday 9:30 a , m.\ W. Tumor. Mrs. Raleigh Boga n among M. G. 'Phillips is remodeli ng the those who w 1'e present J:or a day's ommunion 10 :46 a. m. p.r~pcrty he recently purchased of session of the ' five ~eal'S meeting • ~~~~~ l !~~~e~t, m'The ntlme the Lemar heirs. held last week a t Ihchlll1ond, Ind. " hristian." I Rob l·t and Ruby Smith atThe friends of Mr. Raymond Novembel' 15, th Bereon class tended the home coming game at j Wilson wish him a speedy recov- will hold their ala s meeting in Ohio W :' on Saturday. ery. everett McClure s,tal.ted Sun.. ?tlr. and MrEl. Lawrence Mitch- ~he bll~e me nt ot the church a good i day on a tl'jp to Florida where he , ner and Charles Stanley wc re

·67289' 0 • b ' 2 1(9"4, smoe e.o Cl , ~ . WIth ample. unused funds stoled In vau.lts, WIth bank reserves. on hand 111 ,x;ess of 1 gal re~ulrome.nt~,lC OhiO s br;lOks orc adllllfably .f Otti.f d and ar~ prepared to m~et f + al1 pt'oper credit de.mancls wh leh Oay boxes of food and con eCvlons ma.y c~me from . b~slTless. and ~he t:s~h!!~,S O~;rs, ~a;::na~~~ue~c~ bOI J;'owmg pubhc, Ml. Sgiure WMd~d. A w~omary~~~~mm~~d . • • ~ ~~~~ ~Wn ~p~~me~ fur l &ndQdinnHgU~h~M~and Than'ksgiving dinner will be servd bl 'h th~ winter , . Mr~. Wjlliam Compton. Newspap~I' an,f thpu , t is a - tMr has moved MI·s. Raleigh Bogan a.nd daugheil at the institution. The menu f U edi~ors t "•. Nettie Est"'rline .will include rOast pork and dre s- er.s rom a .sec Ions ~ , e 5 e 'irom Y Jlow Springs to Mrs. ter Dorothy were gu ests. Of ,Evan will gather 111 Columbus Novem- Je l~nic Reeves' ]lroperty, Bogan and family Friday, (0 I d) Some attended tb Juniol' class ing, sweet potat~, Cellel'YW'PUJndP- bel' 16 alld 16 for the annual , kin pie, coffee and app es, ar en "Newspaper ,Days" events sponsore .ye la u a+ ~ rin Vallee High cho I Woodard said, The reason for , ed by the school of journalism of Rev. and Mrs, Peters entertain.- l'." .. ~p g 'I degree banning Thanksgiving box- Ohi Stat U' 't n-. p at ed the Epworth League at theh' FrldllY night. Some attEmde<l the '1' ld t 0 deit OI ve r sl ~ l~doveBI d - home Saturday evening., Junior cl.ass play at Kingman. Ils 'is that many f amlles wou erjlon, e . or 0 f t h e .. o ,e 0 a e, C D M' , ~ . ..a Friday mght also ",ake sacrifices in orlier to rernem· Dr. Joseph S, Myers, former di-. h' , 'i+ h I&rs _!~ <;on\.ne... fUS 8+6nley A ~d~rl!~n and family of ber friends and relatives wbo are to f tit h I f' r ome w "1' ileur~~1,8, ~ . ~... . . h rec r o e sc 00 0 Journa Ism, ROO 'II tt R bt S " th Q Ca(nden Villted Luther Hamel t\nd :y!n~~~t~ d:r!!~t t",e w en and ~ootb~l1 Coaclt Fra~cI8. -1\, 1-.. ~hiliiP/ lI~d 'w,o c, S':::ith a~ family, Sunday afternoon, ,I~ ._-, Sch~lIit \VJll .b~ the prlnclPal t d' d M I ti ' Mr. and R~leil1rh Bogan Thank, 8pea~ers The names 91 ~\vo en e 11 ason \l recep QI\ \n d U u · " II' E will 'tare lb ' , dO" OeD outside ]\ t.,_ ,: -£lh' - I" ' D.."ton Saturday evenill"'. an "'4r. and ,,,reo WI lam J . to: aI} manJr p~.... s · we 1-~JOW'!l ..... . 10 jo~rn~ ISts, now '"M" .1 M ,. i,'"t ' of Sll1Uh . wer SUl)da" dinner gucsts re'nl~e~tiar~: I.n . a~dj~on to decea e~ WIll be added to the r. IIll\! rs, ...~{j ..~orr s f D Q · W~ . a,' nksg\v\ng d.mner. ol1 f'th Oh" J al' H II D!l~ton were we~k-elld guests of 0 4,ev. and Mrs. ,Eo Bogon of 'P "r,.. t~ Iw.~ "H::., scr , 8 0 , II . ~o ourn Ism a relatives ~ere tt~a.. Sprtng Valley, , ~'e!1 , qodal'lI h()pell ~h!lt of Fame. 'fhey are the l"te John' u lei. M O T ' f Homer Haines and family vi itwiil b~ sufficient to provide McLean, l,.785~1861, foullder of N ~,.r·Pha,!11 d I rhsj. rant urn:,: Of ed Dorothy Kinzer of Fa.rmers' and candy for the 'inntlltes. the J,.ebanon Western Star end ew 1 a epa spen a pan 0 S . '.. ., . ! '. • the martyre(i pon 1\. M~llett, last ,week with relatives here. tatton, Sund~y~ _ _'_ fA definjtl!ly improved ellonom- 1886-111~6, crllsading Canton edi. 1I11511e5 . Myra Haydock alld \<1 $itu~tion in Ohip is olearly :re- tor who Will! assa!;sinated by gang. Ruby Smith teachers In our school fleeted p, 'thll r~poftll 9f blln~8," st~r8 as ' a JlCl!ult of his drive a. atended teachers meeting In Day- . 'fbill 'W!iS the II-q.temellt Jllade b, gainst the undllrw:o rld. On. Satur- ton rrlda?". . Mrs. Mabel Tel'l'Y :spent the Superintendent Samuel H. SIJ\l1r.e $lay, November 16, the newspaperMISS Dlan~ Nickerson : the week-end with her home folk s here ot the state division of banks and men will be guests ot'the univers- guest of M,r, and Ml's. anen ' Mr, Frank Honeycu tt of Wi!banking In hIs monthly survey of ity'$ athletic department at the Kester of Glendale. , mington callec! on K, E. Thompsql\ ~Le ban" call of September 30. Ohio-llUnois football game. and Ml'S. Carl Taylor of one day last week, w " COVington, Ky., spent the weekMra. P . G, W e 11 s is m\l~~.. tm• "Th" eVI'dence nre"ented in the ca1 1 . • • .. " Indicates '" 'f relatives unquestionably that the An important co II ectlOn 0 man- end with __ ___ bere. • proved at this writinir. bankIng structure of the atat. unscripts and photovaphs pertain. Misses Ruth Pol on, Martha rests upon a firm and absolutely ing to the World War ball been .... 0 MEN START ~hley ~l1ld Kathleen Thompson Bound foundation," Superintend- presente4 to the Ohio State ArchLOCAL WPA JOBS called on ttle Misses Berneda and ant Sqllire Iluerted, .. and that tbe aeololdcal and Biltorlcal Society Opal Lewis of near Harveysb\lrg, confldenoe of ~he public in banks MusellJD ~ Davitl Snodgrass, CoThe removal of most of the men SUllday afternoon. of the state ha•. reached • new lumbus attln, It' Will anounced by , from direct relief rolls was acAlbert Mountjoy spent Sunday '"llIh', with recuperative Henry O. Sbetro", dlreetor of the ' compUshed Friday mornin, . . UO eve.ning in Hamilton, Ohio. lleceuary for ~ return of lodet)'. The ma~al wa. collect-: men. etarted to work 011 twemtyMr. and Mrs. H. C. Moore spent pro,pe rit1 illcreaainc ill od b, the lAw Clarellce E, And-I three WPA praJecta ift WalTen Thurada, afternoon. with Mr. and,' 11m." Total rlllOllrcee of «8, rewa, C91umhus profe..or of Enl- county. · liN. K. E. Thompaon here. reportlnc banka 011 September 80 Iish, writer, world traveler, a mem.1 About 119 01 thoBe unemployecl ...... Geneva Powell, Kathleen ere 'l B(3,851,78O, an Increase ber of the American Peace Com- . were placed on the seven projects I TIIo_lNIOn, Albert Mountjoy, J t21,1188.808 IiDce the of mluion to Ipeclal dutJ . ill LebuaOD. Anothfto 108 were, William Bumell, Otis Rich, Mr. , 29, ad . . ~ memher of U. giyen ork in Franklin, 8'l ta and n. Bird Powell, E. 1:• . . . .7 . '7.'.. .me. CoIlUlli.ioll ,_orrow. BamDton townlbip had, Thom'.... IIr. anel Mra. rrallk Total the war. at. ()tIaer.... ere Ba....n ad familJ, .~d &lie OIMUviJle edn~

OLUMBUS, OHIO- In fiCICU£U-. IInee with n pollcy e tablishcd tbe start of t.h~ depression friends and relatives of In Ohio penit ntiary 'will not be P rmittcd to 5enu




FOE additional strip maps or any information reluLive toR State Parka, PI S i easure esorts, cen c



!f.P.t!AL .......



~fMON _

~~o{~~ h~~S:~:~~ o~h!!~::



points of especial interest along this route, write WILBUR M_ FAULKNER Secretary ,





Beec;h Grove



the'" .:






















Friend.' Home New. ~I r.

~ I'h·rrl. of 1: I('h 111 ('>11 II, IlId,. d1n~'d lit lIll' 1101111' !"unt!HY. ~I i;;~ I~t hl'l ;llIlIdl'lIhl.1I wnll in 1):lyton ~ ullda~' \I I'll' I'll tlnn.




DEATH and Dickey Iro1l1 is company with Laura P. Cran~ 82 widoW of' Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mu llenix ot William W. Crane: died at t.he I Franklin were weekend Ituesb of hom of her daughter. Mrs. Mr. Thoma" Mullenix at Manchcp· I!:mcrson ,Sur~ace. in ~id8'evil1 e, ter, on the Ohio R i~er. Sunday morlll ng. SurvIving are her daughter and two grand Mrs. E. B. Longacre spent children. several days la. t. woek with her Funeral services were held at daughter, Mrs. Melvyn Swank who lhe McCIUl'e Funeral Home Tucs. was i1,1 nt her home in Dayton, but dllY afternoon and burial was in has ~1nce been removed tf. the 1" l ho~plta1. Mrs. Longacre is caring Hum come e:!__ for th children at. her home hel'e. Mrs. Alice Clark in company GRANGE NOTICE wit.h Mr. and Mr8. Milton heehan Massi Grange will come to of Centel'ville attended the 58th Farmers' Grange November 16 to wedding annh'erllary of their put On a progrom. A large crowd brother-in·law and sister, MI'. lind is expected at the m ~ ting and the Mr . Samu I Stephens. at th ir public i~ invited to enjo y the lec- country homo near Lebanon Ind. Friday evening. They also v'i3itcd ture hour with us. othcr relatives at rndiannpoli , returning home Friday. C.rd ~f T ha nk.

W llIillm A. Mluhli county, eli ho pitlll Friday, At. the regular meeting of 1"lI nl'ral ('fvice!l wE're hlld nl th Vote Seven to One For New Mi,.s Hut h Ch(ln,lI('l. of Cedar. A.ronomiat Li.u condition. Under Prolra m In Referendum. WH)'ne Town~hip Board of £du a· FI ank [-'uncI' I f'm'l(I I'S in St. villr, ~ll('nt th~ '"l'k·eno her. Which Land Should Not be 'I I'. 1~I'c d \\'il~on, of . ('Ima. tilln londny night routin bUlli· BrokN! Pari s, 'unday IIfternoo n. calh.'11 011 .lh,. P(·!. W<.'dnc~day lle!'>! was ran:la lcd anll hill Ohio farmcl's Invor d n producMr. , olcol t W8. well known aft moon. ' \~ere prill1ent d lind order d paio. I ' . Uon control pro"'I'!"n f01' corn and lIh()u~'h filII 1'1(1\\ ing ami Du, to othl.'1' urg nt maliers two 1 H' huvlng mAd fl'cquent yisll!l ... Q um tl'rly me tinr: of the Hom 1)1 inll.' ph'" i n~ yldtl <\11:11 r{'~u1t~, memb'rs of the board, Lyman Dl1Y I hl1l 0\1 III. Mrs. Annn E. hog" by a volt' of s en to OIlC. in liMn' II \\81'1 i ll )le. "il n h re Til day ",0 fur a~ ~ izL' ,,{ h In, ~,.1 il< con· 1\11'. and Ir!'. Ern,';;t fUrlin, and 1';arl IIockl'tt, wero \lIIable to Hain , and othClr I lativc. . ,The the national reCeren(ilml 11eld Oc· 'elued. n l'\lTding to l·xpl!l'iJlll! llt ~ be I)~e nt. fol1owin~ IQcal relativ f' attended tober 2 , it was unll,Ounced thi. !<lntlllll I ' t in . ('ight corn·b It ~lr. ohl' n nnr! Ml' . Wl'i~lcy, of h fU' Ios A nd rson, or DllytOIl the Cun enll s'tlrv icc!: 1.r. and Mrs W Ilk by J. W. Wuichct, stat ag· . Ink·, )11< \\ inlt in the fall d()l!s d ig. nll~·ton, nil d on 1\11'" MUl'ltIl1'et hat'le Rye, . TIurvey Ry • Mr. ('nt in chal'go of the ballotin". ll lhull' labOlr 111 l'C uniformly O\' Cl' ~ll\1·tin undny aft moon and lh e w~s present and exp lain ed his M A E ~lItit· pl1rty drov to incinnati. plan for weaUlel' stripping lho !'s. nna . Huine!!, Mr. hal'I~8 '" th e y'll l" building. MI'. Baker, r prese nting Satt > rthwaite an d Mr. Enr! Higner~ of AAA corn·hog Cnlherin Marsh, of Bu t IInd" 1 ~c;'l' t !lln circum.. lnl)ce~ om~ onn r i MI'. and Ml'S. Ed. Had ok tracts appl'oved t.he program by filII \.1 Wil1~ i~ hllllllful, in th, London, England, 1I'a3 a r cent the Jacobson Power MOLor (wing Valley. Mr. Dnd Mrs. almost 10 votes to one. Th~y OPllrilll) IIf l·;ml J l1 nes, ('xtl:!l\sion gu llt:. at tho H om. Mrf'l. Marsh pliny,' of Duyton. pre, ~nled a pro- of lawn mower for Paul Picken. of Dayton. vol cl 30, UI4 to 3030 to continue lo the Fiv ~t!ar po it10,", on a Al cill1i~t in ll~ron(Jniy for th O. was del gat M ling w hi h \Va h Id in Rich· schOOl grounds t o lh board. a [ll'ogram similar to th e 'present •. l . W e wish to thank th~ Junio l'l'l, , [n rC,gard to Iken e plates for EASTERN STA R NOTICE Slopi"~ land \I hit'h may gully or m nd, Ind., last week. . school buse8. Albol.t L eaver was one. FLlrmers who had not signed neighbors and friends. who due to Mr. Etta. tcCray and daugh· 1'11.11', .11Ou ld not he plow ·d in lh 'Miami hapter No. 107 O. E. S. a ]936 corn-hog contract approved the iIlnes8 (If Mr, Cook cam in Irs. in! rmed by the board thllt bu s fall, J OTICS .uys. ~\Ich land should ter, of r.1iddletown, and anie Belding, of B nd Hill, Cin. drivers now make application for will m eet in i'eguhlr s sion Mon· the program by a vote of 4738 to Saturday and husked our corn. be co cl'l:'d with v grtl.llion as Mr. and frs. Frank oo k. tnte day evening, Nov~'.mbG I· 11. Elec· 3061. cl)tlIplel ly a JlO ;ibl throughout cinnati, called on Mrs. Frances free lic ns plate to the ]) l t tion of I'lffic:e rs ",nu pnym()nt or · h Nickle on Sunday. H19 way th o win r. par lllen . Total voLe cast numb"red 41,Charles p n et, Junior High du es with .collered dish supper at "< And, 'hel' weet clove l'is Prof Taylor of Wilmington and mathamatic ll teuch l', () :::1 0 preceding th~! meeting. 02a, xp~sing the opi nion of a- . science bing plowed under Jor soil im- coll~e, with Mrs. Taylor and t nd()red hi " r esign ation, which Mary ·E IHnhart. W. 1., bout hal! the :farmers in the state pl'llV l1\el1t PUl'llOStlS, s pring plow· their daughter M\1urine, ancl Mi s was accept 1. Minnie Fromm, SeC'y. who produco corn ond hogs for Mrs. Mllrgal'et J ohns was a ing i& b ' ttl'l" Much of the fn1\· Dora Smith called on Mrs. .Ada The pro~l' SS of the grade buil,jmarket. ' dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. ..,:.." .:.....:.., ....:.,........,.., ' ,.., ......,........................" pl o.... ed fir5t-y~8r sweet clover will J nkins undlly. NOVE MBE R 8 -9 WP,/\ relief project was dis· In the referendum a year ago Calvin Longacre and chidlren g ro w again, especially 'in w t ~TS. Lewl handler an(l ing cu ~ d and plans mad for securthe vote. was Ie s favorab le 69 per Wednesday evening of last week. TIM McCOY . plio ,and it may become a weed dau~hter Mi$8 Gertrude called on • • ' . ' C nt or th votel' favored a pro· Mrs. Meta Rogers had a sal~ of in lh n 'xt crop, farmers find. t.heir aunt, Mis Ra hel Pettit, lng a firo scapc to be placed at in th outh \lnd of t.he building. The gram then. and 41 per cent oppos· tools etc and a f w house-hold li eovily fertilized 01' manured Tuesday. slls h arc being painted, . ed one. Also f wer farmers votarticles Saturday nftllr· n oon. 1 window l)i1s th t ~n cutivnted duro broken gla s and loose putty reo ___ d in the fil'lSt corn-hog refcrenQuite a numbel' of Lytle folks in ~ the year may lose much of IlI'loon - Chinas Nightingale placed. Th, cornice of the build~ dum. Less than 25,000 ca t bal· carried away prizes from the tlll' tr plant nuhi nt by leaching lug will be r(!con struct~d, and The W. F. M.•~. m et Wedn e5\· lot s last yeal', Hallowe'en carnival of the Mothers om dy- AI1 For. On 1nl ih subsoil if not protocted by fll'\llly porlions of the gables and I day afte rnoon at t~() hom e. of This yeur • ven times as .many club at Waynesville gym Thursday a growing ,c rop through the winter roof reploc d. A cinde l' play track. Mrs. W. F. ' lark With l\h·!I. H. E. nllll-- ig mil's of contracts 'voted as evening. NOVE MB E R 10-11 Nor i fall plowing recommend""ilh thorough ul'ainage is being l-Ia~haway and MT,~, ...Mal'y Mc lure last yea!'. Non~signe1'8. opposed Miss Sarah Burnet returned to ,d for sandy or muck Boil that are MAURI E CHEVALIER built for the children to play assIsta nt ho~Le~ e8'. the program last year by four her sisters in I)ayton Sunday, likcl y to blow. uch Boils also Remembering the rejo icing of during the winte r month. Play Mrs:, G. , . Dlber.t condu.cted the vot s to on . after spending a couple o:f weeks ANN SOUTHERN lIoed protection through the the first rmistice day in jlllS g round bllli diamonds and a bask et te \ ald.shlp ,program u smg for The I' ferendum was on the at the home of Mr a nd Mra. winter months. in . onte types of soils "run to» when the big gun. eeasell 15pcaking baB ourt at' being completed. An I he~ ubJect. 'Fr~C!I~, Ye have Re· ques ion, "Do you favor a corn- Harvey Burnet. Ralph P. Snook Post, No. 106, electric ian for circulating the cel~ed, Fre I~ GI~~, an? the De· hog 'P('ogra~ to fo}low the prellMr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones sJ)('nt g ther .. when plowea in t he fall. olliel 8 .e rgere Not 10 Word ent one which eXpIre November Sunday afternoon with relatives in ' Silt loams low in organic matter American Legion will celebrate in ait' through th building and fumi- votlo~~I~, tOPIC. Short titting tyl th annivel' ry of gat.or f or purifying the air have Only. . . 307" X e n i a . ' and acid in reaction have given ~lIat glad time. b n plAc d in fhe building as After the buslnoil6s seSSIon, Mrs. In 110t a s ingle ~hjo ~ounty did Mrs. Rose Pope of Ferry. ret· Fox News tho most troub le when fall plowed. 2 o'clock p. m. on NQvember safeguards to the children's W,lId . Turner .gave' a rl!Port of the farm-ers V(lt~ to d1scontlnue corn· urned home Monday after spendJones says Bod !leld!! are best 11 At the m emi) of the Legion aCi health. Dlstl'lct m etmg held' at DaytOn hog production control. Ing several d ays with Mrs. Meta adapted to f all plowing. They !Ire companied by the Son of the The High chool lunch room n~d Mrs; Ira Bro\~n. gave n ~vord Rogers. wo Shows-6 :30 &; 8 :o() p. m. lIOt likely to run together, and the Legi<U1 and Boy Scouts will ass em· stove ' was examined and the pl\!ture Of. her milsslotlary friend, RURAL E LECTRIF ICATION Mr. an d Mr!!. Stanl~y Bailey and ADM. 10c-15c :frcezing a nd thawing action of ble at Memorial Hall at Lebanon. superintendent inst1'uct d to have Esth r Latrd. Mrs. Therle J ones were received winter tends to break the sod, he form in order of lIa'r ad and the necessary repair made. The Mrs. R. A. Conner presented Mont L. Cooke, Administrator in fuJI membership into Lytle add, march to tbe High School building plAII to build an o~l:-door basket. the {olio wing pr~l!:ram: . . of .R EA, has announced finat ,ap- church at the morning service Sun ~~~=~=======~~ FalJ plowing h as proved helpful Song- The Xlnl~dom IS Commg. provel of seven rural electticiflca· day. " in controlUng certain insects. Web leq by the Drum C01'PS where ball CQurt for ' physical education Study Book ~(lvlew-The Word Ii n projec~ to Berve mON) than Mr.' and Mrs. Guy Routzahn and worm. a nd CQt worms are held in tbey Will be joined by the pupill! cIa, es on the Righ school grounds daughters, Geneva and Betty were cheek by faU plowing, and under of the high school ofter Wbich was approved. Other minor prob- In outh AmerIca. Mrs. Kenneth 4,000 farm homes wh,ich, with . few ~xceptions. have never know/} Sunday guests of relatives in limited circumstance • it is olfec~ they will march to the Town Hall lerns pertaining to basketball, Hough. It is a genuine thrill to u Let the Lo~er LIghts bl) the benefits of electridty. Seven Tippecanoe City. ive in combating grub worms. where a program of inspiring tran portntion, tuition, etc, were l . rs.- Earl to se how quickly our and addres s has been ar. diseusaed. BUl'nmg, M~s. Morns. Fulk r on contracts for REA loaas for these Mrs. Emma Lacy an l music There is no noticable effect on profce ion is adVancing, wire worms. ranged. Tb program at the TOWll ---_ - and Mrs. Chlford BUZJck. 'Projects, signed by Mr. Cooke. Young attended thl ' " ral of both in akill and in public - - -•• - . - - hall wilJ be in cbarge ' of Jess R. Preview-A FTiendly Cruise, 'provide for the construction of 1, the former's nepb v, ClarenCil prestige. Hardly Il . day Oakman, commander of the post, Mrs. Conner. 11!5 miles of new rural ~Iectric di Sheets in Dayton, Friday. goe by without some' new and will commence promptly at . , Studr Book Re'view-Why Mis· trib~tJon ' lin s in territory now Mr. a nd Mrs. Wilbert Swank of dlscovell', SIl~ new do2:80 o'clock and proceed with sion to South America?, Mrs. without service. Dayton, were Sunday dinner vic to make O\lf service military precision. Sleepily driving through the Kenneth Hough. . The loan contract with the guests of Mr. an<l Mrs. Calvi n even more peYfec~. Or. Rer/!chel M. Williams will , early morning stillness of SpringDuet.--Sing Ris Praises, Mrs. Miami Rural Electric CoopetQtive. Longacre an d chil dren , FOR RENT make an address on Armistice field one day la t week, a work· Fulkerson and Mil'S. Buzick. Inc ol'porated, of Miam i County, O. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robi nson It I ,,1\ b9nOl' to belong Day and Mrs. Blanche CaHon, man spotted one of the worst ac. Readi ng- On Good Ground, is for $264.000 to be used in con- spent the week·end with Mr. a nd ' to such a forw rd· )ooklng t~ucting 198 miles of rura l Mrs. Russel BergdalJ in Cincinnati F OR SALE-Remington pump who recentJy mnde a trip to cidents he had ever seen. Perched Mrs. Mary McClul'e. profession. And It Is ong -=- The 1I![orning Light is to setv~ G90 far s not now reachMr. Roy Williams of Dayton ill (Un. like new. Vern Armitage. France, will s peak on the Ameri- on the city square were the man. equally an honor to serve can cemeterie in France. The gJed wrecks of two cars and a Breaking. t>d by central tation electricity. sta.ying this wint. e r with Mr. and WaynesvWe, O. N7 so man y of our townl\ High school. orchestra will render bicycle. More horri ble sti11 were The De<:ember meeting will Announcoment ()f additional Mrs. C. A. Thompson and his people, knowing th.!; ",e FOR SALE-Gladiolus bulbs, 26c everal numbers and Will R Lewis the battered bodies lying Qn the held at the homn of Mrs. G. REA loan contracts is expected little daughter, Na ncy Williams, offer them all that selene. ' per hundred, Dahlia bulbs. 15c will have his quartet ready. Dr. square, Th~ poor workmltn MiI)s. within a few days. Behind those and will drive back and forth to a nd tho'\lghtfulnli$S eall a bunch. Mrs. Clifford Buzick. Robert M Blair will sing a 5010 and caught a glim.pse of . the blood lleuJy ready for signature are his work ill the city. prov,de to mpke sQl'roW Ethel Frsnces Wait~s and Gerald drenched forms of the youths who . . , many proposed projectll in :vario 'Mr. an d' Mrs.,- Thecle Jones and easier to bear. . A proposed AAA program for Cook wiIJ render a violin duet. had so hortly before, ' pl'esUmablyRaymond Geesne!r of <?re~oma stag()S of completion upon which son Milton,1"ere S unday dinner , the 1935 potato crop includes (l) Rev. Harry S. Mabie will give the been h\1PPY go lucky excursionists. Mr. an~ 'Mrs. Ra~ph .Ha$tlngs, Mr. the neca sary engineering and guests 'of Mrs. Jones' parents, Mr . a IlIan for diversion for , industrial invocation and Rev. L. D. Vesey Without Iltopping a moment to and Ml~. A. H . ..,tubbs. Mr. and legal eh ec1cing is being pushed to and Mrs. E"dwjn Nutt near Center · uees of potatoes which ~y waste the benediction . . investigate this catastrophe, he Mrs. W~11 Str~ud and Mr. and the utmost consistent with careful ville. because of low prices an'!l glutteo The arrangements are being swung around the comer and Mrs. Phd Larrick. scrutiny. Miss Cleo HaWke of Dayton markets. and (2 ) provides for made by Charles Shinkle. Robert drove peJl-m~1 as fast as he 1spen t S und ay afternOOn with home marke ting agreements for pota- W. Brown and H. H. DI'uhot, could push his cal' to the police fol ks beN). toea now being harvested. committee in charge. station. "A horrible accicl#!nt." he Miss Bernice Graha m and All ex-soldiers. sons of the Q'asped to the nir;ht Ilergeant. fri!: nd, called on Miss l ona Ti tlegion. boy ~couta and the public "down on the esplanade. Two cars IM1 nOn (ij)~8@I'ii\ (ij)Cii @g ~mIlilDC/tlDgj corl\b at North Ridge Sunday even ar~ urged to be present to enjoy and a bicycle. There isn't a cop lMJ lll52Jl!. llU 15i2J If LA\llUIJ ing. the occasion. in sight." Mr. and Mra. Charles lI ulI~nix \!-========;;;;;;;;;;;;;==~ After the program a~ the town . The desk sergeant wne beginn. haJJ the members of ,the legion and i,n g to smile. "Man, don't. sit there e)(-soldi~rs wiJ\ proceed tc Memor- like a ninny! [ tell you there are ial .Ball where they w\ll have re- at least half a dozen people lying , freshmentsserved and b e further down there unconscious ' or dead. entertained. The neW Drum Corps You've gotta' nelp 'eml" wil be on band to lead in the It took tho sergeant a good half iestivilies. 'hour ·to explain to the distraught Committee. man that the ~ccident he sup· - - -- -posed be had seEm, was a very rea· Fifty.eight first and second Iistic s~ne staged by the: AmeTi· plaCe winners in county colt shows can Red Cross in order to bring were shown at a district colt show to the !lttention of the p ub Uc the :at Ottawa, Friday, October 18. All new accident preve'n.t ion program ntries not place winners wel'C which is ,being launched this week All over Amer ica t he Red Gross barred. is bringing to the attention of the people the tremendous loss of life due to accidents in the home, on th e highway, a nd on th~ f arm ; acciden ts which last year took a total of 10 1,000 lives, injured 9,000,000 and cost $3,600,000 and attempting to rectify t his horror .b y home and f arm in ~peetion and highway fi rst a id stations to care for the injured of auto accidents. c


TW'I.s Theater

I Lyt e

W ayn••v IIIe, 0 •



Out Law Deputy








Forward Steps


Late Classified Ads.

.- ....

J. E. McClure

=::=============k==== =========..

P..... 1

Waynelville, Ohid

1Mf7i'@®rro n©@l1lll u




Qaallty PrlatlDI









In a beauflful color.d crinklo fin. hh . .Co mp l • • a with all-rubber cord. "'ot only Idn lfor hair drying IIut .... d. licate fabrics as well.

Furnace 'ookie

coops h et


. 1ge

M ••• u, .. 9 Inch •• oyor a II. Built for "rYle. II; ono of tho h u gel' maker. of planClI In t ho wcr-I ~. Sam. qua lit, and conl'ruclicII found in high.r p,:cod pl;trlo l . 4ge

Bu 'hel Galvanized Ba k-ets 69c

M tal Win !l()w R frigerators


. ririeY


Coal Buckets ....... .. ..

, .,




Hardware Company

Mr. and Mrs. Phil Larri ck ente r· tained in , t h eir usual h08 pita bl~ manner seven couples at a joll y masked B allowe'en party at their home on Ro ute' 42 on last Ss tur. day evening. A dark hou se with a jack. o'lantern on the porch as the sale light greeted t.h e g u est!! and created the proper-atmosphere f or the eveni ng wh ich fo llowed. ' Afw.r fi nding partners much hilarity was enjoyed in the visit to the Witches Woods. the Ghost Gallery and to the Home of the Crave Yard Owl. Altbough t hese seemed very spook y and f rightening in t he da'r k the light proved them to be noth· iftg mor e :formidable than ii t rip throu gh the upstairs, basement of the hou se and h a y mow with such obstacles as tables , boxes, fo dd er, ladders, ropes, etc In the pa t h. A s a climax to the wild trip J ohn Smith ghose appeared and the gJle/rtB were allowed to exam· ine .the part. of hil dead body.· Other Hall owe'en pmes were pla yed t hroughout the ' even ing a nd at a lat e hoar delicious r .. f rethmen bl were ..n ed to t he foUowlq ••._ ....

Mil.. 5 .....' ........ o.,eI .. ""....,.,.•••••

MILES STANDISH IFSTORY . ud poetry have combined to make Milea Standish immortal. It in poetry he figUres u the man who lost out in a battle for Priscilla's he~t, hIstory attests his victories in the stru,ggle against hard· ships in the ne'w land of America. Captain Miles Standish remains in our n;~tional ,memory as a symbol of the earnes t Pilgrims and their arduous ' lives, The qualities of courage, loyalty, pa."sioDllte love of liberty rooted In the earliest pioneer day. s eem woven Into thl! verv syllables of his name. Their e is inspiration in every tablet and statue to his memory, and there are many /luch throughout the country. Miles Stanjlish WA S born In Lancashire. lCngland. of good family, and vJ'as educated tor a While ftaJltine Besl in The the PiI~jlJUl at r.,.yden them,


ing settlement, uJldermlJled by sickness and death. to .urvlve. When diplomacy4aUed, however he waa amollA' thoa. at the h..d . of the coloniata in bloody .kIrm· ishes. Whether the doughty warrior reatly sought the und lovely Priscilla Mu1linsll fC)r,hlatorians to quarrel over. Is- true that blJ wife died in the firat' bleak win· ter of the lIettiement and if Prla. cllla captured hiB heart, abe did not break it beyond repair, because two yean· later he married another. It W88 after hla marrlap that Captain Standish built a perman. ent home not far from Pb'mGllth and called It Duxbury for 1Wi.· cestral eatatea .in bllaftd, Here hI! lived, abarinl the life of the colony,lerving u Jta mqlatrata and mmtary Jeader, !pIttl bIJ death in 1868. 111 1872 the monunient .hOWll In the .keteh abo. . . . . ereoted on the part of the ~ arty 1ai0Wll .. Captain.. lanel for memorial MJOeiattOll" . . EqIucl patriota. ftt . . . taet. Jtone to~1 . . .0IIIdtd wltIa &




... ... ......

~~J=:r:!=~~ ..~.,~



.tata. of -~



Tbe IIla.l


. Eighty-Seventh Year




Whole Number 61








Mf\ l<~ i<.' C:'Or'l ~ ~ will conIc to Tho Idlcwylde Birthday Clup II', and !\II'S. Rnl Jlh LClllmillg...E.~ F" I'nH'rR' (;1'111'111:<' ,tlturrlay v<'n- Woyn 'vi]] ' Uoute I, nrc (lllnounc met' at t he home of Mr. and Mrs. ing, 'O\'el11lJcr Ie, to put on n j .l~ the marriage of tbeil' eldc.!> Earl Craw,ord. Friday evening, III (1I!I'lIlll, A hugc' I.!l'owd i ~ ('xlw ,t.- dllugh'l c'r, ,l';l\na, t<t Mr. Frank November 8. ('t/ ut lhl' III ,ding anti thc public After a gen eral good time with Thc.i November m ling of the i.. invill'tl to njoy the lectur' houl' Olupton, ;;()n of Mr, nnll Mr~, F. plenty to Ilat the c1l1b adjourned II. nmpt, 11 , ('~' Burlington New. Group Favors 'Immediate Action to Secure to meet ' ITI Oecember at a place JJappy Hour club WI1~ helel ill U\C "ilh u ~ , \\' h icp lonk place in Richmonrl, Inc! home f Mrs. Warren Bra!lt!C) k. not yet designatell. etoller 16, \!J!l5. The CI)11111 will Coml11iU.,.,. Wert! AppOinted For WPA Fund. for Improvement. I c~irl~ \I ith the groom'" parents. This being he beginnin~ Il l' n The Year; Cood Program new yellr f or lhe cluh, lll l' newly Enjoyed lect< d o ~1cers pJ'e~j(I ("(1. With C. M, Robitzer as pres iMrs. Fr'oncN; , aU cl'thwailc lhe dent, (lfficel'S were selected (lnd The FJ'iend!!hip club met Wed'1 _ _ n('. rlay nIternQon lit the home of ol'gani:tntion of a Wayne township new presi'd ent clllled the m 'cl ing men's {(rOIlP took (\cfinite form at The WOnlnn's Auxili:;ll'y of ~t. Mrs, L, A. GIlTl\t, Who "' a~ a!'!.'\ist· to ol'der /lnd ufter tho bu.il1e~s a meeting h td la t ,Monday ni~ht Mal'y't! I-:l1i copal chul'Ch 1l1ct at 'd hy MI·~ . Oakley Unglesby, ~rg. sC5siclD, ulIl'ing which pluns for th in t he Wayne/Sv.ille Methodi8t The {olJlowlng figures show the of el ~on WlllkillS, Mr . . Frilnk the ))('uutiful cQuntl'y hom church. trend of money Of'del' business at coming year and thl (l dl'(l\vin' or M'r!;, .John Gons Jo'ri<IIlY aft'rnonn, Th omas and' M,'s. Maude Crane. Busi ness men of Waynesville the Wnyn ~' r;vill IJ(Js t office. The names for next jielll'S I1H'eling!< with Mrs, I,'red B. II 'nli f)I'soli as The mcE't ing wa~ open d with the sin!!in!\, of America, Mrs. Josie s rv d a dinner preceding the = Po tmaste,' J'Cf" rves comment, but took place, an intoCl' ' 1in~ pro- hQ.Les, Hev, J, J , ,chaofrcr cnnl1uc'eu meting, ' which was atten<led by MfS, John Tuft' is ' very sick. pres n Lhem in ,uch a way that grom in charge of Slt"!lh Rl"(lri (lock , 1\11', !Inti Mrs. I:l, V, l1]ilh al- Whitak r til n read the 100th' approx imately 50 persons. the r adel' may I1nderstand and the d votiona ls. A ftcr a busin ess tend d t.he now.: ,. show in Dayton. P aim , 'I'll' lIinging of America the A previously appointed nominat Mr , Sadie Conner spent Satur- !lI'aw hi!; wn conclusions. Josephine Gons and Eva navis se"do n a ~hort program was Saturday, ' BpllutiJ'ul and lhe I'epeating of the ing committee presented two sets day in Dayton. Recdpts, ')c" iJcr, ] 033-$1731.53 followed. g- ivell as follows: Piano solo-~1rs club 01' ttl) wall followed by theof officers from which Mr. RClbitReceipts, Uctober 1034- 1875.26 Ol'lgin of Thank sgiving- El iza- G OIIS ; l'elltUng, A tribule to Mr . .Magg'ie Burnl't i: spe nding \)uHinell" !i "sion at. which time Mr, and Mrs. Ballard Wallace Rec eipts, October 1935- 3171.4 2 beth I>~ urna . zer, as president; A. H. Stubbs', Hi 'hop Gail o r- MJ'~. D. L. rane' a few \\ ' k ~ with reln~ive in 1\'11'1:\, G. ,. Dib r eXll res~ed apail viee-presid nti and Charles ~pc nt Sunday in Dayton. Reduced to percentage the above Impressions oi M,·. Ve1'ntln ~xpJanati\ll\ of th ::)enmen'!\ B lIbrook, I'll' elation for the ruc~pt ion tendhULch InstitutA.." --MiRs Marne el'ed thu Oibert fltmily on their TeAnd.. r on, secretaryffiwere selected , Larry Wood was a visitor tn fthows lin increase in business of Betty O"l"~hee. .. ~~ Brown. Mrs. WaH r flakel' has r('lu l'n '<I tut'n l()l' tho 7th yenr. The followTllis group of 0 lcers, it was Cinclnnati Sunday. the 1935 figures of 82.870 over Piano music- EFltlh'er Gons, were appointed \>mfort bllgs f01' the seUITICn wer hom arteL' a pI 'Mont viRil wi th ing committee pointed out, ' will serve until such the year 1,033 and G9.1 % over Book Review _ IlUl't lIip of cut out nnd ~iv(!n to the m mb(!r r elal ives in S uth Bend, Ind. fOl' the coming year: Miss Alice Casey of Falmouth, that of 1934, Mil s Standish, El ·ie, Hockett. ' a time that ahother election will b held 1.\n,dl\r.a new.set of, by-laws Kentllcky, visited ;friends here In t .Postma ter F. B, PauJy, of Poem First Thankllgivlng, to finish and will be sont to the Mis: Gk'nna flll' sn, of Dayton, Social- Mrs. Ralph Hast.ings, and constitution bemg drawn up week. lhddletoWll reports postal receipts Roberta Cook. lnstilut , Fort Worih Tcxas for Epent the w :!~: k-end wi h h t'l' Mrs. Glib rt f.'rye, Mr., Nel. on by u ommilt e c'onsisting of Ross during Octob r reached a high A song fest of old lim 80n 11l'illtntllS. parents. Mr, anll h s, Frank Watkins. Hartsock" S. S. Ellis and Wymer O. J. and J. W. Edwa~ds pear there, '15,5 8.17, as C"ompar- I by club members with 1'.1I-s. Thco• Program- Mrs. Morris FulkerA duinty lunch was !S(!rv d to Mareh Dl'a~ e. o~ ,Sprmgfield, were WaynesvIlle ed to $9840.49 for October of dOfe lc1ntirc accompan Lt. the m tnbel's and ft-ll wing guost.s: . M 'M k R M 1r. nnd Mrs, Lawr nce Sh p_ ~a~m8n r!'l'rane~l' ogers, rs. Fl,rst speak~r on the program , VI$ltors, Saturday. The total, Pauly says, j .0nlY ,t Arter th, dre. sing ot clo hcs 1\1rs. lade, 01 Lebanon, Mrs. A,I wall Robt. Bhckensderfer, county I M ' Ph b F f M' 'b urg ,22 short of Dece)1lber bU8lDess pins as Puritan Maids Lbe I r. Schoeler, of Hamilton; Mrs. J. I herd, of Xenill, w re j?:UC ts of Vi. iting- Mrs. laren<:e Edengineer in charge of Works rs -T ood e ?tXh °h l?n11 M of last yeoI' which was the highest I hostess 'served most' d " Iici~~s ro- Q. Gons, Mr . Ethan Cr,mc and Mrs•. hephero's parents, 11'11', and litU dnughtel', Nanc), Lou. Mr. lin Ro ss, Mon day, wards, Mr~. has. Zimmermar.. Progress Administration projects sSpen tL Mues 11)/ WI er SIS t er rs month ot '1934 Much of the in- 'i reshments . Mrs, A, 11. tubb. , W ' coun t ~, ,wh0 exp ' I' . ' say, IS . due to bet" In ame d arall urray. crease, o(ficlals The December meetrng will be Finanee-Mrs. Maty McClute, Mr. nnd Mr!'! , .Jos iah Davis, Ml'. how UllS com~umty, could lienefit Mrs. Edith Harris and ltfrs, ter business locally. ' ~ld at the home o:f Reba Bradl\'nd Mr~. Ll oy I bUYi!! an dsons Mrs. Walter Sheehan, Mrs. Hanley from :tunds ~elng dIstributed by Ronald Hawke spent Tuesday in - - --dock and members will bring ten sTI(!nt SundllY at Xenia, the guest, Moss. the fe deral. government. Dayton. cent presents for exchange. . Repot:ter-MI·S. F, H. Farr. of 11', ad nMt,!;. Davis El~m and The engmeerpresented a thor_ Mrs. H. A. CornellJ, Mrs. Russ!}ll family, The following program wa~ enough ,picture of th set up of, WPA Mrs. Dai y Snyder was luncheon Salisbury, Mrs, Fired Braddock joyed: !IOW It fu nctioned Ilnd how It was guest of a frien(J in Richmond, and Mrs. Theodore McIntire were ,Mr, and Mrs. CharIc.s Fishel', Song, "Over th~ River lind intende ~ to entirely eliminate the Ind., Friday. gue te of the hoste>lS. Miami haptcr No. 107 0, E. S. MISS Kale ~es~l' nn,d Miss Carrie Through the Woods," pOdr relief dole. , - - .---.,.Hi:;torl of Thanksgiving DayIn di cussing the proposed ,Mr. and Mrs. J. 'C. Hawke were met in regular ses, ion l\Ionday PosLer, of ClDcmnatl, were Aupper ~L1eat.l! of Mr. lind Mrs. ~ H. ']\frs. C. Buzick. night following a ~" erage and ewag~ disposal d'inn-:r guests of MI'. and Mrs. Ray pot luck supper. Eleven of the 4-H Girls' Clubs All n, Sunday, Day Po m- Mrs. The unnual election was beld plant project for Waynesvi lle. b e Hawlce in Dayton, Sunday, in Warren County made 100% and the following officers wet The Moth!'r ' club will hold R Wa,lter heehan. estimated the probable cost at apl\lr. and Mr . Albert Bennett of completion records this past. year elect d to sel'V dUI'illg tbl? com- market W dholu!ay, N('IVeIIlbcI' r hope to be Q Turkey~from the proximately $50,000 with the California, were recent guests of according tl> the repor t of Miss ing yellr: 27. PleaSe leave y ur order ~' i tb Wilmington Dcmocl'at of 1009municipality furnishing $16,000 of Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Witham. ,Mary L, Earnhart, wortby Mrs. Russell Salishury or Mrs. Mrjl. Fulkerson. Elizabeth Graddy, Home Demonth is amount. He stressed the im ~ This was fonowed by several The regul~r meeting of th Pro· matron, E, F. Earnhart, worthy Clarence Rye. portan~ ot acting at once, i1 MI,'. and Mrs. J. W. Coleman stration Algent. hClmorOIl conte. ts after which palron; Thelma S tlcmycr, assogressive Women's club wa held Waynesville I to obtain federal entertained f riends from Dayton To be included in this honor M~, and !\frs. Oliver Davis have dainty rdre hments were served. aid In completing this important and Cincinnati, Sunday. Jist every gIrl who enrolled in Tu esda,y evening Nove mbel' ] 2, ciate matron; L. C. St. John, as- returned home afte)' a foul'-weeks project. these club, when they were when the memb ers were very gra· sociate patron; al's h Braddock, vi~it at tho home of their son He further stated that apptolli. Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Weaver and organized early in the summer, ciously welcomed ~lt lhe beau- conductl'ess; Ollie Routzllhn, assomnlely $60,000 was also available sons were dinner guests of Dr. must carry a 4-H project to com- tiful home of Mrs. Lina Madden, ciate conductress. Je sie Hyman, James and family in N w London Connecticut. lor street work. with Waynesville Mary L, Cook on SUllday. After a Mlicious Il t luck sup· t.l u.stce tor three years. pletion, mest keep a record on bing required to, furnish about , Mrs, Phoebe Fox, of Miamis- project work and make an exhibit per the group was entertained by Dr. and 1\I1's. J. E. Witham had Ohio'. Firat E ntry 2 . per cent of thiS ,amount. Be burg, is visiting at the hom e of her at the county f air. The fine work Miss Mary It[iIls, (If Wilmington, as , their guests on Tuesday, Mrs, chose as her subject, poanted out that thIS percentage nephew, Mr. Frank M. Fox. of the5e. 4-H Clubs was made poa who Ohio's fir t enlry for the 1\l35 Witham's brother, James Stoops, of cost would" be the rUle for a ny sible by 't he voluntarg local ad- "Laughter ... of Van Wert, and' Dr. Builey Mrs. 'Fred Braddock, nee Ado lnltiation servicels were h Id f r Intcmational ' Hay · and Grain ampbcll, of Dayton. jlLreet project the municipalit y Mrs, Ruth Murray, of Leesburg visors WI\,O assisted the girls and Grllee Underwood. wus the honor Show to be held at hicago Grace Davis, Mis as Esth-er lllight care to undertake, rerard- is the guest of her nieces, Mrs. J . their completion of club activiNovembqr 30 to Deeernbcr 7 was less o~ the COl>t involv a. E. Frruier a"d Ml'S. Sadie ConMr tie's. The Irecol'd Clubs and their Smith and Virgon Rowe, MI', and Mrs. ll'n Boring and guest at a surprise shower held at After a short busi ne, s scs!(ion ma(le by S. 'M. Romig . & on of sons, M1'. and Mrs. Louis Haines ,the home of Mrs. Warren BradIt is sa id that Wayn(l8ville eould . , borrow approxjmately $1,000 Mr. alld Mrs. D, R. SmIth were advisors are: the club ad journed \10 meet at the Wyandot county, The how is held and littlc daughter, of Wilming- dock on Saturday, Nov mber 9. Cozaddllle Food a nd C10thlng against the gaso line fund and se- guests of ,Mr. and, Mrs. A. H. home of .Mrs. Olla KCJ'sey in in conn ction with t he I nt rna- ton, WHe dinner gue ts of Mr. lind After a program of music, reaclings lind conte t8 little Mia cure about $12,000 in lederal aid choelcr In Mannlton, Sunday Club- Mr's. Helen Ross, Mrs. December for a Chri trnas party. tionlll Livest ck Expo iLion. Mr _ Wymer Drake, Sunday, Hazel Stroud. Jen nie Lee Braddock and Master for t he improvement of local afternoon. Eberhart Stylish ' Stitchers- ~, , Mrs, W, U. H If, of Pal'is, Ill., Howard Doster, dressed as bride sheeu. MT. and Mr , J ohn Stansberry \ Mr . McOlure Ralst on. Mr. an(l Mrs, Fred Hayner and oncL groom, entered the ro()m to This procedure it is pointed out and family were Sunday dinner Genntown ' Garbed-Well Girla Louie Hoff, oj' LebRnon. wel'e the strains of Il wedding march ~ would cost the taxpayers of t he g u~ts of Mr. and Mrs. Frank -Mrs, Ore Davidson, Mrs. Myrtle guests of ~ Mts, Mayme fllltfield pulling a wagon llecorated in ~ \'1unicipallty 'absolutely nothing, Stan berry. · I ' , " Clark. I and Mrl. Raymon Hat.flelcl on Tue ye'l/ow and white which was loadand many needed improvements Ha rveysburg Clothing and Room ed with gifts for the bride. clay. cou ld be accomplished in this Mrs. Charle Cook and son Carl Clu~Mi s Winifred ~cElwee, When the many lovely presents manner. of Lebanon, Mrs. Allie Servis aQd MI's. ,1. W. Haynie and her Student Hall S itche:rs-Mf8. , had been unwrappcd <Ielicious r&o Mnyor A. H1. Day spoke briefty, son .Robcl:t, were DaytoJlvisit ors, Earl ;Banrt house. daughter Mr . Ralph Grecgor, of freshment, were served to the Btatin~ t hat Waynesville. council Friday. olun'lbus, MI'II, S, . Gl'fl.Y and guest of honol' and the following Mainevi1le Clothing Club-Mrs. to cooperate in any was willing sOh • ammi e, of incinnllti. wer'() i)'lvi ~ed guast.q: movement of beneftt to this comRob'ert Chapman, of Columbus, Alice Pelle. Mrs. Mildred Silieida. , unday ' visitors nt the home of Maineville FO.od Club Mrl. Mrs. D. B. 'UnderWOod, Mrs. munity. spent the week-end with his Mr. and MI'8, J. H. mith. W!!1iam Dostol'. ~r:sl ,Catherine Otlle-r speakers included S. S. parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chap- Nell Weill, Roachester Clothing Club-Mrs. Ellis, representing the Wayne man. 1!'frs, D. C. Ridge was ho, tess to f[(>!llon, Mrs. Laura Reed, Mjss Nancy H. Kelly. Reed, Mra. Mary m milers of the W, }o'. M, F loramond township board of education, who Mr. and Mrs. J , P. Fromm and Butlerville Busy Bees - Mra. Do ter, Mrs. Charles DO!lter, ocicty of the M. E. church at a told , something 01 the work being 80ns were dinner gU~t9 of Mr. Agnes Whitacre" Mrs. Addie HerSilv I' tell, Tuesday afternoon. She .l\fi s Hal'ri t Cos 5 u man d carried on in the schools with fed- and Mrs. Melvyn Balltli in Pleas- man. was ll!\Siated by M.-s. Kenneth Mr . William Lukens, all of Hare ral funds, and Jes e Prendergast ent 'Plain, Sunday. veysburg; L\lr~ . J ohn (TllIam. Mrs representing the trustees• . Hough. D~n Gillam, Mre. Ernest n., Rev. Q. C, D.ibert was then intro Mrs. Edith M. .Harris will be Ml'. B, S, ~ ilver and childre~ Gillam, Mr~. Robert Gillam , Mrs. · duced and gave 'an entertaining 'hostess t o the members 01 the New and Mrs, J. C. Anriel's()n, of Win- Mar-y Gillam ' and Miss Ethel and inspiring emphasizing the (Jelltury club November '22, at ton Place, ' inclnnati, were guest Gj1lam, all oI Wilmington, Miss importance of cooperation in bring The Little Inn. ('If Mrs. Mary Silvel" Monday. .In VOQB FI 'minI; of Kingman, Mrs. ina .D~ wordawbn., _terpri.. ia ' ~ h e evening MrlO. i!ver and her Theodore MoIntire of New Bur.fl community to a successful clo,e' .Mrs. Hannah Rogers is visiting /l:u.ests ,vero guests of Mil!sc$ lington, Mrs. Raymond La Rue of Several other speakers we.r e at the bome 01 her sisber and A tar greater interest in 8c1enMason, Miss Muy Heston and Blanche and Pm'le Riley. heard during the 6venlng. brother, Mi$S Car rie and Mr. Ellis tifie agriculture and organized en. MIss Faith Tomlinson of , DaytOn. The date and place for the next Ivins,' near Lebanon. ' deavor ia being manifested by the Mrs. arr'oil EulasB, Mt'S. Wild. Mrs. Jennie Wilsoll, Mrs. Raymeeting of the organizatloll will Mr, and Mrs. ' William Doster . thouaands of Ohio farmers wllo .Gi1chri·t lind Miss Maney Mc- mond Wilson, Mrs, Eli Furnas. be announce? l::e~. of near Harveysburg, are announc are attending the annual ~tings Burney, of Leban on, Mr, and Mr;: Mi s Jellnnette. Wil son, Miss Ethel , ing the birth of a son Sunday, of their county farm bureaull this George Denny and Miss Thelrna Mend nhall, Miss Freda Barvey" month. oificialB of the state orCC)leman were recent g'ue 'ts of Ml' MI' S, A. C. Tomlinson, Mrs. Seth ganization announced toda, at the' and Mrs. W. C, Tich enor, of Furnas, Mni. Sheehan. Mrs. Charles ' M,ers, state helldquarte-rs of the cooperHal'veysb,urg. Raymond Braddock, Mrs. Frank and dauchter, of Cincinnati, were ative at 'Columbus. A large delegation from th \ Braddock, and ~rs. H. A. Cornell . , vilitora at the home of Mrs, Kizzi~ Meetlnca are being held in near___ Thompaon, Sunda~.. local ChuI'ch of Christ attended a1l of Waynes~I!2!' _ ' , ly every county of the state to ' lay' pIa lUll lor the ensuing year and M()re than eight)' women atMr. and M1'I, Frank Andrews to draw up l'e8olutio~ 'to be aubtended the flrst leSIon in the re- and 10DI, of Dayton, ,pent "veral noon and enJoy~'1i heal'lDg the FRANKLIN at the sta~e conv,ention of \' upholster), of furniture given thll daY' thl, week with Mrs. Andrews' mitted the Ohio Farm Bureau on NeWHEN Benja1mln Franklin, at B¥ the age of,Corty.two Frankpast week . by ~il8 Elisabeth mother, Mrs. Emma Hamilton. , vember 21 and 22. Mally local a . the ace of leventy, reached lin had won falTle ttrroufh his Graddy, Home Demonstration ld J 'L M d h 11 M Levitt of the Ch(istian Standard, farm bureaus . have pledged to Franee as '''mel'lea's first "good· "Poor Rlc.hard's Almanae' -still Agent and the local leaders in n. . . en en a, rs. bring 100 persons or more to this ·de1ivel'ed the address. wUJ ambuaado,"', the Old World ql10ted after two centuries I He each ' townsllip. "All types of I John Preston,. Mrs. J . B. (JhJ!.pman convention, which is to be held 'at law III hia eDl!I'geUl!{ ver8ll\ile retired to his aV()(\Iltion, scientific Mr, and Mrs. Rus~ell Salisbury J, L. Me-nd nhall was re-elec ted hairs couches and I$tools have and Mrs_ Ross H. Hartsock VIsited and ebarmlng peisona ity a 8ym- research, making fils memorable gave a famliy dinner Sll nd ay w\th pres ident ; and H.arold McKay, vice ~een given tile prellmillary altera- a flower show in Dayto~, Friday. Columbus. bol of the lIew 1118t10n. experiments w~h electricity,and The p:r esentation of 15-year ser· b4~Y fam., " "... prescn t IWesirlent of the Warren Coun ty It II 0 f th e ll I.. Be .tUI leell'l8 representative developIng the Iiglitning rod, the tions necessary ,to change them In honor of the fourth birthday vice aWlaTds i!l an interel\tlng . alll' II 'l'h L, M d ;Fanll Bureau for the coming year of 'aU Ulat la bes~ In American Franklin stove, bifocal glasses :from del!,pidated and Unattractive anniversary of her 80n :Virgil, Mrs pect of the county' au'!ual meete paven"", 1'. an, a.t the annunl m ting which was as LO OW$: character. Stat4esman. diplomat. and other inventions, ' discards mto comfortable and uS&Bunnell entertai'red a few ings this . yeal. A lIurvey of the Mrs, W:~, aliRbu.-y: ~,]" ant.! MI S h~ld in GJ'ang Hall L banon Fri~OOIl author, acielltult, Inventor and But his country's need Leo~ SalIsbury and Ch lldl'cn, of day cvening. e , , fu l piecel of furniture," says Mia of' bis little friends Tuesday number of farmers deserving of 1)bUOIOj)her. FriUlklin excelled In drew him into political life. HI.s Graddy. avenin«, Irs. RuescH, Anthon Lehner directot' of the SalJmB, Mr. llnd this a",.ud for their cooperative eaeh of th... hillb callings. Little place among tile fathers of our Benso n anrl sons, of Cleveland , . ' .. , On Tuesday, ,November 19th the wondll'~erefore. that bistmage Republic is clear from the fDet services to agriculture revealed 111 " J hn F ' it~ and dau"ht~r o{ ed q('atromll department In IndIa na leadeT8 In the reupholltery proMrs. Rowena Zartman, of Xenia that many merited the medal. The Ie 10 lr Impres.ed on our that he was the only sIgner at all r. (l t " '" ' . Farm Bur au Coope rative ASli\oject in each townlhip will meet at and 11th. and Mrs. Earl Murray. of Ohio Farm Bu~u was orpllised Charle~ton, "\ 41St. V1rg'1 01 3, Mr. : ti t' t lit: national memol'}'J and tanclble four of the great documents that mlftloriala to bls genius are launcbed the American Re~ublit,: 10 a. m. at Memorial Hall In I.eb- Daytoll, s~lIt Sunday with ¥1'. in 1919, and tIle .tate ia dotted and Mrs. Harve~ R:ye and ~hildr n ~~l c~~pe;:~on~n m rue IVe a tound In abn'oat eVeJ7 city 01 -the Declaration or Indepfmd· anoll for the lIeoolld reupholatel')' and Mrs. Oliver Davis and daulfh- witb men who have been active Reports wel'e made on t.he work and Mr. lark Salisbury. oar land. , ence, lbe Conatitoti!)II. the Treaty le88oll. clven b)' IIIIa Anne Bie- ter, Mias Rachel. in the ~:ooperative work of the orMI'. J oel Kirby and family, of being done in rUl'!ll electrification 801D ',uilbl, In BOltonJ of AUianee wIth France and the blieber. Home Fumlahlqs . SpeRed Lion, Mr. s nd Mrs, Harold und countY-1"ide telephone se rvic.e J'ruJd1ll reached the heights 01 Treaty of ' Peace wit.h Eneland. Mr. and MrtI. A. T. Gilpin, Mr. ganizatilon ainee it beean operacialist, 'of 't he Obio State Unlver.......lIMIDt and world· wide ..The memorial pictured above ~ePhel'son, of Ol'egonia Mrs. ,Jane On e hundred Fal,'m Bureau m m sity, Esten.ton Servlc.. and Mrs. Dwl,bt Gilpin and son, tlO1I1 ntarlY two deeadee a80. .... Ia ""bt7-foQl' ,.an of d.. II one of scorea tbroUlho~t th. __ • of SprlqborO, Sunda)' Thelle ~en wu} allo reeetft teeStephenson, Mrs. Floyd Moore, bers and their ~.!e!~~esent. ftW IIIbOr.. BJa e~t7, OOlmtl1'. It atancla in BOston. The I' at the .tate con"entiQn. Mr. Harley Stephenson and Mr. Ce~ Mr. and Mrs. Gaorwe olJlttlo P.... 11..,. ........ , . ...... et.raoter the city In wblch Franklin I'GIe from --,1 Ed Slephenson of Middletown, I~tloa" 10 that prlnter'. deYil to fa ..... JIhu.. An lnenaatnlr number of Ohio . ' G-IStaftW'" Mrs. Rachel Kirby and lion Harry, ...., of ldI. .... Ud . .Dl, delphia. ~ ~ 'pia.. of hie burial. lamen .... tumiq '0 the fara Jln. Karr B. TamaD, of New Mr. and Mrs. Hany EmlllY, Mr. , . . 011 101M pulillc A marble llab ma1'l11 IaIa ftul n."1 pwqrraDl of Radio 8tatioD V......... w.. cIroIen ....141111 e1erJc GoM wood from wltlte th ...... aDd &anaoII rwtiq place. whleb II a _rIDe Dave EI lacker. of near Dodds, • ~•• Jaeart..wua- revenid _ . . uUoa . _ lie WOSU each week c1Q uelP~ J'rI.. th. 1'.... of I oak. ..bMrt "l1li.11' lop, ancl tint Airs. Smith, IIrs. Hannah __ 11_ . . eIcI friead1 . . . . to , ...... 1 to 1 :11 .., to uh ...... ItGck ... FloRle Carel,







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School HIgh Spots . - . . - . . . ...


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• DAY At fbI' Grade Build.


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lntl'l'Il1i~!libn and


:l.. ~ell1bly


conW I'Itl ,,\("'''.(' th \ pIII'('lli s allli \\ Inch you wtll be uble to the Iii ' "ci~ or 11", I"I:hool5 on the lunch fiervecl ut your chool bI it " nOn ll or 'ovl'mb l' 15. 1\\ een th· hours of 1 J :3 and I ThC' 1"ullo winl;' ~d",t! ule. Pl'O' 12 :30 and find oul fl t hIInt! how vitI 'I f ill "('1Il l'O''''' nilll I!, shows ihing are contlucte-d and the fine th(-~\ctivjij l''' of th., l'utirc (Joy's w~olesome food s sen 'e d to your W(!l'k, onlf' n nd nil r nort of ebtldr 11. , _ lhl dllY. omplll'C th ~ hool of Bus dl"l"~rs WIll announce t.he tOelll\' ,jlh th" s l)fIol of the past. time of arrival at your home, To Many impt \'e ments ha\'e ,bN!n avoid e,:,t.ra driving and unnecc.• mild l!\nny m,)l nrt' n ce~sal'y ~y W81tlllli:, Oil the p rt of cbtl. in orol'r to pr 1)1IJ'C' the YO\lth ~o dren all grade building childrt'n ly\Let til dell10nds Of . 1\ ch~ngi ng wil,l ~o on s~cond lo~d. High school 'nnd cOl1pli rated Ant flcan hfe: b\llidm children \ III be taken on rrival of flU pil a nd study. fif~t load ~Tly enough So as not to interfere with hauling of Grade 10 to 1ll ::lQ 11, In, Ill~ ~l! • 10 :;10 to 11. building children. '\IB ~. e , 11 ;00 to 11 :30. Baali t B.1I Sehedul. Lunch hOUl' JOt' ehlldren and The basketball hedule for the ten h l'&, tl ,30 to 12:30p. tn. lint erne ter i a fallows: la ~, s, L2 :30 to 1. :00_ Nov mber 1I>-Cent fville, ther , lo s. e , t :00 lo 1 :30, ov mb t 22--Jetr laon Town hip







"Tht· l'nltl'd ~tntt'" lll"int",n!! th(> It1(l~t l'xlt'II.'iv. ~cho,i1 !O)-t, n1 in Ih ~ rid and yet I\)"k ~ I.,s"" u~ of i~ in th" "r1cc\inn of \luhlir III ial:< than cln nn.' of tht' \1thf'T at . cl(-u-o\,('rning lI:\ti. n~ in thl:' world," - L .. tll~ l)trmnn. pre, i 1-

Th, l'tlldi:'~) (lially itwit('d gym, 2 :00 to 2 :30. "i~i' tilt' -I hlll)l" "lll'inll: ml'ti- , Prt>g'rnll\ in th gym. ~::\O to 4. c~n l;cllll'Ulillt\. "'t' 'k. 1H'('inl fl 1'<'- , ni~nlL~~/l1 nllo bll ~ III'rlVnls. ~ ,0 n m hny(, \1 (, ' II pl nnn' d 111 nn- t ::10. . , ~ 'dilln \I ith _Ill gralle~ f the , You WIll have an opportunrty tQ • ,I 1101 l,lm th first tn till' 1::!th ,'Ct' the vllrious lYll ' of I~mcn­ .I '"d,'~ \t \\'Ilyn :i\1l1 til PUl'il" l lnry ~(,'h nnl "ork in actu I pro, 11 t ',' :h 't" or tit !fl'at! building gl'e, E, The Grude building lunc~ ~~ vr r. nIl In f('adim',.;: 10 \\('1- cOI~lmilt(l(! , ?a~ laill plan by


J!llIrnal ot the tu.n A .. dalion.

November 26-Morrow" bere, December 7-KiIlg'S Milts. hel()-, December la-Morrow, there. December I S-Leesburg, tbere, December 21-Alumni. bere, Janu ar~ l1-LebanQn, there. Janua1')l l '7.....:M~!on, here.

l'nt, ni\'(m,.it~, of l\1inn<,~olu. /'ThC' II Jlr ,~ion M 192\) ('t going a I'roc('f..~ of ,('Cilll sllicitl, i" whi h a UPPO!\ tlly ('nli6:hl ned p('(lpl(l 111\ "tood silently b~' whi! ihe V<!loy found tions of educlltion WN(l being sn, pp d/' I('nn Frnnk, prc.icl('n nlv I' ity f


"Public in , tI'u\' tbn c nnot rise above the 1~\'~1 tlf th publi' opin ion fonned in it b balf"- onuld M. Cr , w II. Penn ~yh'anin Dep rtment of Educelion.

I'"'--------l~-----------~------____: 1nllW R~cl'nt

OM 'fH I~ WARR .. N E. WS COURT FOR PAST WEEK 1 Cornmon PI ~Il' Plr~cerdinll'"

:tlltl IJOI'I' E. RllinB Inlcl!'" NOR. 3 1

nud :Il~ ih Snicil'l'(~ro~t S uhdivision In til.' eal;(' IIi The ~tal' (If II'L' llI" J1~rgel' to Ella Hnrtman hio "I.'rsu lI<1r,·y Folker, atiaRI in)"I,. NC'l<. lil :tncl 02 in nilll'r( I'r('nc~' lIcll·'t, th(l oer ndant ill l'Il's t Subdivi, ion. ttl b(· Nnflnecl tIl lhj~ Ohi o ·tu tC' ,r. c, 1111,1 Cmmie Bowman to Em110, pitlll f(lr he 114~l\ne for n mil OIl', rca) stale in Monow. porio(1 of ao day. for I) b~(ll'wlti,f'n ncll'l'\\ J, Y('IilZ I to Ina V orIn the cn. of the t nllln ,J!l1C1t ",le I, li nd nale Wnrwick, inlol No. • toc1< Land Dunk, c,,( DHt'Qlt! a 4 i in . valon }{('Ight ' . eorp, \'t' I 'IIU'< .10110 R. Waltc,n, Judg , . IJI fi t to the plaintiff in (he ~UI)1 of' , F, dwl,n . WI'UVC.,~ t John W. ~· lO. ..''''. 5. , ' I_. lltle , I.Inlol a N'ls. _21i ond 226 ill 'I' " fn Lb t • cn~(' or lnt'io Simkins Itt'unk ~I1, • _ v I' ·U. Pril'e W, A ~hht'oQk ti ll' d~OellJ umll1 F.llzl'olb t () Floss J(" fNIc.lnnt i;1 grunted havll to lite Ellzt'Oth l'l'1I 1 estate in Lehanon, a n"'w ~J' , Willillm H, Venobl Ilnil Gladys In the ('U ~( ' or Ei 9ise !!iimkin C. (-nn !)l > to J.J lsir II ' n relll os\'el ~ U!\ f'ricl' W. A "hLJrook, th e dl'- t atl' i'1 TUI'lI reek town:hip, f l' II Ll a nl i ~ !t'rnn tl'd lI'alie to fill' an Willium n, otw in Ilnd Celia D. f> Wt' l". COl' win 10 Zinni 0, W orley r 01 es-

Senior. Hold CIa.. Meetinc Tht sl'11iol's held 11 ('las meeting Illst Thur day l1l t)rning to tii _ cuss tbe mater of we ring cops add gowns a t c()mrnenc~m nt. Ml', Lee Arrow-wood. oC the Interco lI n lh e l' ~ e of Gt,l dic SnCldl!:t'M~ legiate Pre s, talked Ilbollt aJl!! \·(.· r~ ll ~ SUII'll')' ,' n ()dg'l'a s~ fI divClI'l:1.l bowed his line of COPS I\nq go'\\' n . wa ~ j:!l'fl l1 lc(1 tht' pln-inWT, A vote was taken os til wh lOth el' tap and gowns would pe worn Nl!w Suib thi year and if 80 , wh ther lhe Ida Wor rell V(,l:iLlS Tiff WOI'cia s f vor d renting tb m :from lell. fo l' divo t'ce. hllrgc IS ~I'O SS tbe Intercoll egio te Press, A :four- n('j:!lcct of duty, til h ma)ol'lty voted in favol' of RooHl Debollrd vell'sus Alice D wearing the Cl\pS and gO \vna ano /Jotm l, 'lol' divorce. harg also of renting th em from thc )l;r()::l neglect. company under con sideration . Thl.- P ('plel" Building, Loun and ;~t\\'ings o. VCI 'l:l U ~ Grant Len h, Teaehu. Cather (or f{el'ular ,t al. fo,' money. An1l>unl <!Iaim, Meelin.. eel is $7il.Uil. F'()t'~cloi'llre of

latf' in Sulem township, Zin1t'i, . W or-Icy to , _ D, 01'\\ in l'e. I 'stat in ulem township 1 1'l~ lle R "g!) \' to IInr1'ison J . W ood L'lIm nncl Dellla 'I(. W oodrum 1'1!1I1 I.' ~~att· in J)eorJletd township_ It' l1e BC1'g I' to James W. Schm id t untl tella chmilll inlot No.:1 in ni I rel' t 'ubdivi ion

Bm. Allowed MI'~ .

Lacy, C}ll'e I"t'Dllk Lacy. $6; E lm


bonrd and M'rs. Lulu

plantings arc lar/iCely of lh~ l'tIdnto!<h, Ddiciou~. Winl!!<I!Jl, ,'"nathan •• ta}'man Wint'~a)l, and Rnm~ B(!n~ly vade ties, [AW. chang in the level or l)/'oduct iOn of pMch!'s is cxpl'cted. 1\ ~lIl'Cht (ll'clinc' In numb r of tre~s I· anticipated. but better c'flre of or h:ll'ds nlay hotd prodllc. Lion to normal quantities. Present plantings Ill'e not execs ive, In the 'ol1t h many tre s Ilt'e paRt th rit' pl'illle, tallY n w orchnrds are bing 1)llInted in Now YOJ'k tnt(', but in the Middle West old plantioltA nre going about os fast as 'n ' w once come into beoJ'ing, In lht' Midcll, Atlantic tutes growe,'s arc- n'11IacinJ:; trees killed in I!;:IOil and '~ 0S4. Trend' in penr production , uplVol'ci fo,r neatly 30 years, is likely to rifle for IInothor 10 years' of Illl'~e rops thel'e is likely to b t.lifficulty in lisPOl1lng of the crop. The nit d l.ate, should conUntie to dominate tho oxport tt'ade. Supplies of chllrri Bare expeete!! to lie bUTd~nsome in years D£ good growing sea on, The pl'es ant number of tt'ces is sufllcjent ' at lea~t to maintain production lor five or six years at the I'ate t he Jast six. Production of canned Dnd cold pack sour cberri s this yellr is E- timatcd nearly to qual the record pack of 19:13, which Il'esulted in a large carryover of upplics fOl' the next three years.


Excess ive supplies


thl'uughollt Ohi.) and thp nntiun hp Jtnn 1111 nlli~ticl' \lny lind will cllnl inuc' lhnlUl.'h Thunk"llil'in'.


'ro n'a('h lilt. In!rl\1I1'o' !rOil I ;l\IU UOO m(,lllht'r~ lhc (,nt'ollment 11111 <t be incl'l'u. I'ct llY :30,000 111 'n\UI!I'~.

- - - ...

In more lhan 00


hin coun ti


1U1'Il'I I'fi are tBKin~ "llI I'S to nllt,HiT! electric ~cl'Vice , by coop l'ativu dfort, eilhrl' throtlp-h non-profit OJ' gunizntion~ or thl' ugh dealing a ~rollfl with power companiell•


It is th~ SCllson \Vh n fow I pox may bo ex"odN I to appear in omc poult ry flock ~ . Th, discllse may be r ecogl1ized from one of thl'c(' symptoms llc~crib d by llUuILI':ym('n as; scabs, stal'tin~ as a whitish bliste l'ed nl'i'-n on th comb 0)" wat-

tles. lat \' tUI'ning bl'own; y Ilow, chee~y cankcl'$ appearing in tho eyes, or 1\ similal' cUllk L' appeal'ins; ill, the lining o [ tho mouth OT throat.

~::::::::::::::::;::::::-~j ..

Cary's Jewelry


Lebanon, Ohio


(;ubb:u'd, bOllrd and care Lincoln nre indicated fOt' years o~ rOVOI',nblmni, 6; M sr. Julia Holland. nlJle gl'owing season, t.he l'OI)Ort The Wayn Township teach rs 1110 l-tK a~ , l'u l(l (l f l'Cllti estale and hO llrd and oar Vernon Hotland, cOllcludes. their regula)' meeting IBst held CLI:ANERS olhar loelicf. ~--" 5; LI·s. Ima Osborn , board and WEdn sday evening. After a fe'\' cu)'e '" alb!!' Barlow, Vb'gil routln matt r8 were cared for. Probale Court Ladiea' Dreaae., SOc: J"uucs, and Frank B lling r, $30; Miss Reed(l(' revi wed "Reading The inventory of Martha S, Bai l Jill' Branl. services as m mber Men'. Sllita. SOC C.nte~il" Will. ' and Literat ure in the Elementlll'y q l, exec lltrix of the oslaw 01 l ur 'olclicu' Buriul Committee, $1 j Quic:k- for qllality dry el. . .iar Centerville proved to be the School" by Paul McKeil. This M. William, s(lfvice as With nearty all reports in. the S \ • Baiil' Y, deceased, was np- H . best team in a recent J fTerson book str sse!; both the evolution of I:U proved. mOlllb r oldier" Burinl Commit- Cleveland hapter 0:( the n1erithe teaching of reading and the , rn the matter of the estate!' of t ec, 1;)1. H. Oswald. burial of can R d ro £ ~. onn ounc d this -::-==============~~ 'game, the core being 24 to 14. ·..' s ed • sa Ie Nelson Arm strong, 100; Every- week t hat' the first Red Cross Jefferson ahead at the half, value of scientific re earch in thc hal' I()S 'A • 0 ugan. c1 eco but failed to get but three points solution of in tructional problenll1. of motor v hid!'!! i' ordered. body's Office Outfitters. supplies Roll all in 17 y ors was nn ~hrough Centerville's defense. Mi ss Reeder emphaSIzed the fact Sales by Lily M.Ji;gbert, execu :(01' ,Auditor's oRk e. $1: Woodrow- unqunl ified success, John D. The game was exciting all t he way -that the thing/! taught in sehool trix of lhe e tate olr Walter J, W iI-Stanage Co., supplies for remer, Jr., Secretary of the througb but last half tho d'efence mtist be th things nceded in life Bak er, cleccllsed, were npproved. Trell U1'er'5 officc. $1.41; Co)um- l Chaptet', reported that ov l' 50000 of Centerville proved too much. and that, s ince- :;ltudents mu Tbe- will of Morris K. Snook I de bu Blank B ook Mfg Co., v ndot'S I menibers , and $60.000,00 were a s •••• ••• •• WaYllesville plays its fir t game at able to r ad andwl'ite in ordel' to , a,'('d. wa flll'd in PI'obate. receipts fOl' Trea urer's Office, sUI'cd. The ca lleu and vaults Cellterville Friday night. Novem- convey saLi!rl'actory thought to The adjudication ilnd detm'mina 1I0e; F. J. Herr:: Pl'inting Co.. David S. In ga\l ,Chaitmnn of arts arc , ih ber 15. WayneSVille has a good other, the languag furni hed in our 'service v ndors pUl'chase ord rs for Tl'ea Ohio ~oll aU COlllmittec. stated therefore included in the school t ion of the inh l·, tax on c team and a good game is exp cted. estat of W IlingtolO Wikoff', de- urer's offic , $6; The Book Shol>, "the o.... I1Tw helming success of th are the but obtainable. progl'ams. Ju at where and how ceased. is to be given lQ 1)01'-, supplies lor Trcasuret'S Office, Cleveland Chnv\cr'a first Boll Only I$wdard mereballSe~ Grade Citi...~uhip Club these !anguuge art afe to be Jlre- so ns intol'e ted, , l.aO; Butl'oughs Ad(ling ~tch. Co Call in so mallY years should il\dise of _ted qu.lity l. sented must be decid d by the In th guardianship matter of servi O!\ on adding mnchine Treas- spire the other chapters tbroughThe seventh grade Citizen hip teacher in charge, Reading, it wa!! Ott "Hartf( incompetent provided. Cliellta tan olumbus out Ohio. club met on Tuesday, November' 5 noted. has many values-en rich- hearing on motion 18 continued, ul'er's offioe. $7.75; rely uPQn ' us to conduct With this gain of 10,000 mem:' The presid nt called the meeting, ment 0:( cxpel'i nces througb what lurk BUrl'oughs waa appointed Blank Book Mfg. 0,. up plies for the ,f f1l1leral POIto order at whlch time the secre- is I'ead" pl'ovide, an acquaintance admin istl'Utor of the estate 01 AI- Pl'obate ourt, ~17.90; W, 1I. bel'S already mad. Ohio shol1ld lIible at • price "ithin tary 'l'esfgned and Lucille Purks with one'~ respomlibilit.y as ~ c.iti- b ert . Burroughs, deceased, and And ,'son Co" subsct ip~ion to A. pass the 300,000 level this year.' "It i apparent to all of us," their meaDII. was elected in ,his place. The as- zen\ pT~v lde n. means o£ enJoy,".A' filed bon d o~ $1,000 with sureties. & H. P{obate Practice, $15; Law Publi shing lngalls furthe r tated, "tb\lt Bonk ·Baldwin sistant secretary is Martha Martin l one s let -ure tllne! and as a ba IS eth E. Gt'eely. Iylile. Gt'eely anc,1 The program WIl$ as follows: Two for formal edu\;atlonal, process . J, Gilpin Trimble were appointed ~o . , s ubscription to Baldwln' s Red Cross ne ~ d s ~ore memb lllo Digest Service for Common than ever in out state. New propoerns-"Buying A Ticket" and Miss Reeder then d~scusse d the npprai ers. Pleu!'! Court. $10 j ,Miller grum have been' launched service "How Grandpa Proposed,'" bf pro&:l;am for the teac~lIlg of readWaJtt:r S. owan was appointed Furnitut'e, mattresses for increascd normal peacetim e activiRoxie Sackett a poem"Saiety" [lng In grades one to S IX, enumerat guardian of James Edward Cow~ by Martha M~rtin, a talk-"What illg the desired. ou~comes at each an, et at. and filed bond of $2.500 county jail, $27; Banks-Baldwin ties pronwted far beyond what La'w Publishing Co., 1030 Deibel they were n few -years ago, And r have learned from the Citizen- tage. and mentIOni ng orne of tho with uretie. PHONE- 29 Manual for Probat Court, $10;] t us not forget that the 'Red s/lip club, by David Furnas. Foltec~niques .ne~ded to aUai,n t~e Th.e will of Amanda Sands, deWAYNESVILLE. OHIO , ross is our only refuge in ease of lowing the program the meeting d~sl.r d obJectives. Of s pecIal Slg- ceased was admitted to Probate. Bnrtett Brothers, supplies for ler k of Courts. $2.16; Columbu over;wb edming di a ter." was adjourned. ~l1fican~e was the, state~e nt that Geor~e Bacon was ,~ppointcd exeBlank Book Mfg, Co., filfal record The annual Roll CalJ conducted speed ~n ~ea~ing IS of httle 0): no CUOOI'. No bond l'eCiluired, George book. ~33,5 0; Drs. Edw, & Robt. Perfect Spellinl value If It IS l'eoched at the ex , The followill g hl\d perfect penSe of comprehension. Th e :c, MilI~r. Willis BergE!r and George Blair, prOfessional sGrvicefl. $21; sp elling grades for the week of was much mater ial for though t in Luca weI appojn\:ed appt'ai ers, Cliffol'il'r: Hayes, , eIllllces as CHARTER No. 2210 ThE! :followingc acc:ounts wet'e ap drartsman and estimator $86.67; Nov,e mber fourth to eighth in- the poi nt made that, in connectiGn Relerve J)lltrlct No , cl\lsive. with leisure-time reading of pr 'ved, allowed and conurmod bS' Oregonin Bridge Co" r einforcing Report of the condition of the s teel , nngle iron . cylinder of Grade eight, Section 1I,- Wini- chool Children, the con,jc page';; the court. Waynesville National Bank, of lyti c Whitacre, gust'dian ' of oxygen. '$ 15,69; W. n, Madfield Scott, Billy Spitler, William of the newspapers w l'e very Waynesville, in t h e State of troDse, Wilma Thomus, Howard widely read and other sections of Woodrow Whitacre, incompetent, den & Co., supplies, cement and Ohio. at the c~ose of bualneaa. lumber, $29.01; A Hoppe & ,Co., Thomas, Vernon Thomas. Ma the paper omitt d entil'ely by Sevell th_ on November 1, 1935, 001'8 Carnaban. administratrix c ment. garet Vlnt, Anna 'Ma:, Watkins, many. 78; HarQI Martz, !!Bnd Published in respona\) to call of lh es ll\te of Laura M, Jones, and gl'llvel $4!'1.36; ational Color ,Grade Seven, Sectio n n,- Marmade by Comptroller of Curdeceased. Fitst anu final. tl1a Martill, Mary Moss, Evelyn type Co " Inc .• .red buttons: 30.37 rency, undel' SectiOn 5211, U_ Now CommIttee Annou" ~c d U. G, Conover, guard ian of Smith. Leona Tinney. Klingel'-Djlls Co., tarpaulin and S. Rovised Statutes, In order to care more adE:cluat- Hettie ConoveT, incompetent.Fir!!t carbide. $18.69; International ASS'&TS So TII.T Say ely for the duties al'isjng from Howar d C. Reif. exec utor of the Harveste,' Co.. , repail's, $3.a4; "American, Educa tio n Week IIP- the presentatio n o£ the 'mins'l:rels estate of hUI'les R ell', de,*ased. tnt'ernl1tiobal" Harvcllter Co" "re- and dlecounta, .• , U29, &Hz·~,~ OVerdtattl!l •• , ••••••• , .,.t ,-v 'peals because it celebrates the and t h e vocatio nal banquet. the Fil'st an.d final. pairs. $11,0'7; L. p , Cavett Co., UnIt d Slates Oovernme n.. obligations, cilr~ct (l nu founding ' of free. schools as a two committees that had oi'iginally , William Oberlin, guardian of l'oad oil ang tar, $5,721.70; M!lr(or) tl'lI. y guarA'nt ed " , 7.O S3, 71 significanl; acbievement in the planned to handle the actIviti es John Oberlin, insane. Foul'th. tin Burke, garage- J'ent, ~10; Earl Otber bonde, atocl.. and 8~curlUI!I!I . . , .. ,. .. .... 61.763.75 long struggle for the rights of tbe !.tl.puratety have been Ilomhin crl Wade S. Brown" adll1inistratOl' Dug an. 'gasoli ne, $12.17; Cincin. Banking Ihouae, ,~)OOO.OO , common people. Yet the st rength s. nd will be known as Ene lacu lty of tho stato of Emma J, amp. nati Oil Works, supplies alld l'utnlture and flxtu res, •. _•.... , '1 .99 ,57 9,9U.57 of American Education Week lies commi~tee on vocation activities. deceaa d . First and flnal. gasoli11 l", $37 .61; The Franklin serve with FE>cie rlll ne- L 2 S 91 in the fact that it look s forward. Members at prel!ent a rC! Mr. ' The will of Eli A, Ru ssell, de- hl'onicle. publisbill g "Notice to f{ aerv Bnnk ....... '" " Cas h In vault and balanc:ea [t is more than a memorial to past Crabbe, Mi 's H..nkle, Mr. Brown, ceased was fi led i n Probate. Banks," $7 ,60; The Lebanon Patw ith oth er >bank s •.. ,. , 140.r.2G ,R2 achievement. It is d edicated to the Mr. Frank nnd Mrs. Kersey, Bcn C. Kelly, administrator of riot, publishing "Notice to Banks" Ouher a ne ta ",., .... " . 576 ,n future, and enlists the cooperation the estate of W illiam J, Ayers, $0,60; Lewis & Drake, Inc" coal of every citizen in intelligcmt plan A .. embly . d ceased, filed his j:lrst. final and for Court Bouse, .$~8 . a6 ; Helen ning for tomorrow through the An assembly was called Thurs- distrib utive account" Doughman. board and Cllre Clitpowerflll i nstl'ul1lent of uriiversal. day, November 7, fol" the sdectBeulah Shuff NewDet'g, adminis- .ford Doughman, $7 j Mrs. Ira education, Th~ n eed for pl!1nning iog of che~l' leader'$.. Five ,mem- i tratrlx 6f the estalte 91 , Wal~cr Eltzroth, boal'\! and oare Alice,' for ed\lcation and QUr national bers of the bigh school ,tri c L out Sh uff, deCeased, fi led her sale btll. $tarkey. $5'; Jame., Moore, iifei~ continuous. Once a ye.a r is of which th ree were selected: ---bOllrd and care , Moore, $5. Marriace Lic:e"aea not to() 01ten to thi nk ab<{ut our. Bob HllillCS, Ruth Salisbury and schools nnd their relation fo the Esty Pringle. Eight members of Buford Parks, steet worker of futu re."the junior high tried out of Franklin and Mrs. Lorene Freewbieh three were selected ; JoJarl man, of Franklin. ' Mendenhall. Martba Martin, and Real Eatate Transferl 'B etty Bernard, Songs were lead by 10,00 May Coy, deceasc3d, to Charles Mr. Frank and cheers by t ile new Coy, 3S acres ih Hurlan township cheer leaders. Steph en W. Jon!,8 as trustee fol' Apple GIrO __ in MOlt F."ored iolll of 'AU, As assembly was called MondRY Frank A, Shumard, to The Wid. November 11, for the purpOSe 01 ows· and Old Men's Home ot CinExpansion in production showing ' the significance of Armis cinnati, real estate in Deerfield (II) Total ' fruits in the United States is extice I'>ay. Two 'interesting talks township. Depos its "U2 l. S69,79 Chester Archdeacon and Bessie pected to ' continue throughout the Oapltal account: were given by Attorney Stanl ~y CIIlM8 pre (erred stock to The Mutual BuildArchdeacon next few, years. Despite a conand Mr. Beok, Middletown Boy 400 .ha.res. par 162.60 JWI1' share, reUrable at Seout Executive, which were en. ing and Loan Co •• i:nlot No, 40 in tin u ing decline in acreage for 25 S62,1i 0 p e r year!!, production has advanced, joyed by all. Three selections Franklin. Common e t 0 C k, 1.000 Charles Coy to Arthur H. Fawshares, par ,71. 00 per primarily as the results of new wera played by thll high school ,. hue, 'rotal ,100,000.00 was ley. et aI, 88 acres in Harlan acreage coming into bearing t. Surplu. orchestra. The assembly .. . .. .. 15.000,00 closed by si ngi,ng the h lgb school township. replace home ol'chards and the in- Undivided •... " . . , '. 12,131 ,1i 0 C. p, Krohn to Harry and I da creased produotiv~ cap~city song, of K elsey, real estate i.n Monow. Total Capital younger b-e-es. .Account " " 127,1:31.60 Phoebe GU$ti n, d,e ceased, to These are statementa contained Third and Fifth , Grade Newa J essie Gustin, et aI, real estate in in the annual outlook report tor Totlll Llabllitios ,.," .44 U!,';Ol.29 W e have been busy making Clearcl'eek township. f ruit. released this week by the J''''hlo •• n4Ilnll LoBon. and --,- - ' flostOl'S a nd other nll;lterial in preGraCe L , My el'S and Laure Lee Inv es tm ents PI dged to Repair your old one, or put on a new roof d pUl"tment o.f rural eco-nomies at pamti on for visitation day Friday, Floks to Pearl R. Wern er. inlot the O. 'S. U. Sec ure Ltabllltles now. Prepare for winter's rains and United StaleR Government November 16. No. 137 in Mason. obllgtctlona, dl.eel , and The l'eport J;loints to a ahift In storms. We have a complete $tock of the Perfect spellers in the thit'd full y guarant cd • L3.Sn,7D It'cn e Bel'ger to llrent J . Rains fruit growing from less favored ()th(or) er bOnds, et()(!ka, and best roofing mateJ;ials made and you'l1 do gl'ade for the past week were: securities •... .. ". . .... U.987.50 al'eas to acres more 8uited to the best by seeing us about your work. Pr.ompt Beulah Britain, Do rothy Graham, --=,=--::::-===:::: ===-==- industry. Tlltal PI dged (excluding and efficient. Mary Lou Backman, Anna Lee 'riay, November 15, rcdl.count.) ., '... ,.. Uit,S81.26 The promotional and speculaSmith, In the fift h grade : Jean otive phase of the Indllstry is Pledged: Hartsock. Helen Hise y. Marie Si,.th Gra.Oe (e) Against public passing, the report continues. Lam b, Ellen lolos!, funds ot Stat~' 8, coun" Income from fruit dependl tie., IIchool dietrich. or other aubd tvlslon8 , largely upon the buying power, of or m u nlc l palltlea , ... 125,981,2u Fif . Grade SeetioD III. the publ-lc. Large crope of The. fifth grade ' pupils have '1'ot!,-1 P l ed&," • . ,., •• ' 1211.581.16 bring no mote to til, gro wer beell busy making postors for small crops. The report lltatea "American EdUcation Week." general improvemellt III "UIID'''''' They hope to have a large number income meanll better times for of interested parents and frktnds frllit grower. to visit them IIOmetime during Better returns to apple groweTII Friday afternoon, ill ' lIext few ,...... are utielIn the spelllnc contest for lIoderue emeeu III "k Olborn "4

~- ---

EI"ctric S r"ice

-- ..



U.l""e On'l y Genuine M.terials




p. m.

Ask tor a

Miami.bur, Permanent

Only the Be.t



Store oPcn until

Concrete Air Seal Burial Vault For Sale only by

Your Funeral Dir:ector McClure Funeral Horne W.ynea.tiIJe. O.

Phone 7



R '.H.STUBBS. , 3iuu!Juzi



. .. . •



Asphalt and Red Cedar Shinge. Asbestos Shingle. also Building Material. of All Kind. '

H. Madden" Co. w

FOR AND CONS ICN sheep and calve. , live wire .'IId pNgressive the hlghut market prices and go.od. Be~Ce,

Union S t .. e~ Yar d.' .....ta. 0 ,

Tune in on Radio Stal ion WCKY 12 :2ri to 12 :30 p. m, fot our d.n., market reporta.

F. T. Martin Auctioneer

SATISFACTION Or No Charge Centerville, Ohio Phone 78J

L. M.HENDERSON "OTARY PUBLlC Nationa l B .....


Drawa • •

E.ta,.. Seul"



Sianley &Koogler Auctioneers JESSE STANLEY PhoD. 320, N_ ••rll.i....



D.,..o. P....

ICE...oro I •••


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FOR SALE- Poland China 'male hogs. Evans BroB, Telepbone 47(1R Lebanoll, N7-D5'· FOR SALE-Frame garqe, size 9Jt 16, tint elaA condltlctn. Cheap if lold at once. Locate~ at Dodds. ROllanna Canning Co., Phone 119R 21.

FOR , 1.86 per toll. Dodd.. Roxanna and WaynemUe Plant-. 08-tf

PIPE. VALVB! . at! I'IT'l'INGS tor WaW. au St...




designed Ipeciftcall,. to proteet th. motorillt ullinI' public btch'll'ays f.'om the Intoxicated and earelet driver. The bill will provide that t.he judge of any court of record shall have th authority to 8uRpend or revoke the license of any person con victed of manslaug hter I'esulting fro m a traffic death, perjury in applying for a license, operating a m9tor vehicl~ while under the infllfence of alcohol or narcotic drug, any crime punishable as a felony in the commission of which an automobile ia used, and for failing to stop after an accident. All motori ts who have driven an .Ilutomobile for .at least one yeaT befQre the eft'ective date of the proposed act will be given a Iicen/je after a t.est of his knowledge of motor vehicle laws, a test ot eyesight and of his ability to understand hig1lway warning amI direction ~ign . No licenses may be i ued, however, . to persons 'previously adjudged insane, epi lepti c or feeble-mind ed, It is said. The fees wlll be twenty five cents for a license and fllt en cents . fQr l'egistration,

ot 8pe"la l lnwre~t to !arm ~om(.,". Band from Hi hi.... coaa tlevl'rul II(>~ Ion Ill'lng dt'vnted play during the ftrst entirt·ly to tht'ir 'H·(jl,I(·m~. A chorll ot /ill yoie II, t'Ompo d of WOm(On'A brcakfapt will bl' heltl vllcatillnal agricultural t.ucl.nta ISSUED EVERY THURSDA Y on the morning of the Mcconl! doy \~ill ar.. n hlnll their talent on he of lhe convt'ntion nnll it (.trllrt< rarm f(trum Ilt·Ol(ram. Recreation Olie. PM. . .................... No. liZ Entered at Po.toftlc. at W ..ynN many inte resting rCiltul'(>~, accllr/l- of nn nl ir 'Iy new and mOllt In. 11 October I. 25 Per C~' nt Better • t ' p' II 15 Y ville. Ohio, ala C:"C"nd CI .... lila p-lo·daw problem!! in child ing to Green. S a b Icr.p 100 rIce, . o. ear Malter l!'l·(Of.ltlnlC natur will b provided Than It W ... Lut Ye .... cm'e and. training al'e bing dis· Entertainment will be varied accul'fling' to Greents announce! The groe~ aflh incom or Ohio cu~. cd in a ~eries of letters which and recreationel. A 4·H Club ment. NOVEMBER 14, 1935 f!irmel's for Octolicr iSI estimeted nl'c h ing lIfnt to Wan'cn county at even per cent abovc that of -_9 - -:=,,==== the pl'evi(lUS month and 25 per mothel's of young children by cent above the income for Ill6t l\litl.~ Elizabeth Graddy, Home Lower F cOd Cost. Mean More Luxuries Ociober, in figures re~eu cd lhi~ I I! 111 011 . tration Agnt. PI'CA~ reports continu to ch~onicle new or immin nt riscs ' in the week by R. L. MoriHon ' of the II " Mi. GJ'addy says, "Th re was C~R~ of food, 11l1'J{c. t item in the Ilv('l'nl\'e family ' budget. Most relWnt partment of rUl'al eC')I'onlic nt Il time when m-othC'rhood was ellnlnj:t tHulE) es !lntials to show signs of a zoom upward are tile old the ~bio Agt'icultural I~.l(t>(lriment I'('liable urMtl and potfltoe.ij. SOllie 1'lIO d product~, notablY ' pork of tatlon. thought to ' automatically give all al l kinds, ll1Wc t' ached u('h mrif\I!i1 price leveh! that their cOllsuming Gros cash income f'Pt' 0 tober the neee. ROI'Y ,kn<>wled~e cone I'Drnal'k t is til' Piled Ilway loward tbe vanishing .p oint. . was estimated to be larl~er t.han in i ng thQ bringing-up or a child. Ulldcl' these circumstnnces . nlovem nta · design d to lower the any October in the last five y aI's That time i. past. Thc mouern relail price of food in relation to'the wholesale price, through IiminaTot.aJ income Cor th\? 12 month" rllQther knows that h cal'rie 1\ tion of wasteful, intermediary (losts, ar definitely in the public interending with lh fir~ t of NO\7embl!~ . .. ~ . If hat'd-canlcd dollars cnn bi! liberaLe-d from the food budget was plated a $25:1,()t~O,OOO as ./rl·eat reSpOnlllb lhty, nnd that she unt! uHcd for the PU)'pos of otber necessitiell or luxuries, the sta ndcom par t~ with $19:3,000,000 for has not 0 ly much to lenl'll, hut. al'u (If living wrJi \)(' aclvllnced, every industry will :feel the stimulation the 'prevIOus l~-n: ()nlbs . p riod. must keeJ) Icarning nil the tim!,!." 0'( boosted generlll purc'ha illg Tl0y/er and new employme nt will Tollo'·· Morl on says thl~ Incl'l!a!lc oC 3 L These letters on child' deve lopTh importance of thc cost oI food is indicated by a surv y m... Jt per c nt figures to be ~235 Ii farm. . , 11 few years ngo und l' the aU81lices of t.l1 Brookjnga Institution, which The la t census Ii tioosted ment. are prepared by irs. Mnry E sbowed that .families In lhe , 1 600 to $3,O()0' annual income brac~et-­ number of farm s in . Ohio G rlaugh of the Stale Home DeIllrg st of all income bra~kets.--:had total income of a 2615,140. .' n1 nst.l'lltion staff and \I ill· help $24,600,000,000 a year. M01'C than el v n this-45 per Ohioans have obtained mort. Gross agricultural income in very mother to be a bt1t;ter guide conl- was spent fill' food and clothin,!, alone, with lood. much the mOT" insurance ~or home ~ol1struc- Ohio In 1931 was e.sti.mated ut to her child who~e chle( bu!!incE's co tly o{ the two items. Since t he suney waa made, f ood costs bon and finanCing totalling $15, only $151,000,000; tha~ In 1930 in life is to grow and to leal'n. inCl' ased much faster t.han have incomes, so it is probable that t he ~64, 772 ~n.der the Federal at $281,000,000. The inc ome Cor Any molh r who .wishes to rl;!pel't:cntage of the bud et tnken for food and clothing bas now passed 109 .AdmlD)stratlon prog~am, aco , the current year will he well c. ive t.hese letters shOUld send her 50 per c nt. . cording. to data compiled by , above the av-erage income for the name and mailing lIddresl! to Miss As incomes drop th food-clothing percentage naturally rIses. State DIrector John E. Harper of y aI's of L910 through 1914, when Graddy al the County Extension In the und r $1 600 brack t for example, which includes m.ny mill· the FaA. Th<l Clevela nd district the average was $213 000 000. Office in Lebanon. ions of familie " the cost 01 'food IIoJld clothing was 67 per cent--and has had $9,534,252 in applications lncome from the sa'l ,e O'f meat - - -- - - - - - it js doubtless l1igh r at pre cnt. approved, the Columbus district animals i1\ October WIIS 43 per A len 11el' cent ~ut. in food casts would reI 41se many hundreds of $~,O~O,520, and the . Cincinnati cent greater than for the same million!! of dollar!> o'f purchasing-power, It would permit th purchase. d)strH:t .$2,680,000, Director monlh last year, in spiw of of tho4~ands of new automobile); ; it. would renovate und build homes; Harper saId, The money being .greatly r duced mark,etings of it would purchase furnitul:e; it would buy insurance. Elimination ~f made aVl;lilal:1le under 't he FHA hogs. Income from this source l1eedlcss middleman expense and wa teful overhead costs makes lt pllln for home construction, pur- however, is still belo\v by 24 pe~ fJo!iSib le to pay the farmer a fuir price for hi ware_an~ still sell cba~ and repair Is all private cent, the average for' the yellrs ' Early registration for the 17 til m lit retail for less. Th intere ts of all the people are mvolved. capItal. ·T he FljA does not lend 192~ througn 1928. regi, trations for the seventeeJ)th Between Toledo and Cincinnati the !unds but. does insure the Dairy products inc:omB, for annual convention of tho Ohio October only 4 per cent. improved Fal'm BUr au, to be h Id in Colum Charted for the Benefit of loterlendtng in titubon against loss. tate Motor Tourist as Well &II over ~hat tor'last October, has blls Novemb r 21 and 22, Iar exTraffic Within the Borders of Ohio Sales tax collections fOr the been falling since lut June. ceed those of any year in t11e week ending November 2 slum ped Volume .o'f production remain organization's history and foreto the summer level, it was r e- pl'Bctically unchanged, and the east thl! largest ttendance ever by State Treasurer Harry slight ris in income :from this ~ol'ded at the annual farm asto Cincinnati as shown herewith is 8:00 Music Day. The receipu, for ~be $ou rce is due to 4 per c[ent hi I!'hel' I cmbly, it was announced by the shortest di$tnnce petween the 8:06 The even Ra·nges ................................... ,....... , ... n. E. Eswine week amounted to $854,559. Perry L. Green , presidllnt of th tW() cities. Officl~1 of the State 8:15 .-ft 1-1om0 D cOi·a.lIons it'om Fields and WOQds .... Victor H, Ries Average collections for the previ- prices. Income 'from the SalE! of grains farm .(Irganb.ation Ilt Columbus, Highway DepllrtUlent give the ~ :25 Tur key MUJ'ket News .. .. ....... ....................... P. B. Zumbro ous thirty-nine weeks w1!re ,920,in October, although leEIl! than 1'01' today. mileage saving all about 11 miles. :3 Mu sic 379. Holiday buying will undoubt- the previOUS ~onth , \ as 18 per NumerQus new attractions nre 8:40 Winter Poultry Housing Prob l rna .. ,........ . .......... R. E. Oray edly boost the weekly average but '!'hore's les~ traf8:60 Home St.o l'age of Appl s ....... .... .. ............. Monr e McOown it is pl'edicted that the total cent higher than it was last scheduled on, the program, ond fic conlIestJon on evCl'¥ part o! the two-l1ay m~et O:()O 'hild 01'0 ,... .... ..... ......... .... .......... .... Mrs. Mary Gerlaugh revenue for the year will he October. the Toledo-Cinci nnati Shor~ Line Poultry .and eggs brought bot. Is planned in such a manner as to ~OIII !I:I0 :Music under $46,00'0;000. It was origin- tel' prices this October ~, nd income present the )ate,;t in ' agricultural than on any othor highway , con!I:25 The 'i'o ung Farm rand HL'l Farm .... .. .... .. ........... Llo)'d Kurtz ally e timated that the tax would necting these two cities. There J!A";.c='&4~ from tbese sources wa~1 22 development in the most interest:35 What the C C Drainng Camps Arc Doing ... ... V. Overho" bfing in approl(imately ,5',000, are far fewer curves (no hairpins) cent above in~~ !~~ ago. ing way 'Possible,' according to \):45 J an and Jerry ... .. ...... " .. .. .................... WOSU Play.,s 000, ;vith which to help iinance and an rllilroaJ:i grade crossings Gr*n. poor relief, schools, old age penare exceptionally well protect.ed. Out of state spenker8 jnclude sIon and pOlitieal subdivi ions. r. H. Hull, general manager, InIly reaso n of Mr. William Pirdeuu,x pf New diana }I'llrm Bureau Cooperative II the 8 h 0 r tel' EngIllnd, a con ~cienc.e ohjectQr, Asso iatlon, Incl., L. A. Williams, . ~i1eage. leBs congestion (both on win Jlpook here Sunda:r mornIng gon ral manager, Oounty ,Life Inthe highway a nnd in the commuMrt. Mllra Barbeau of B,tavl/l, at II 0' 10 k. Everyon~1 is c:or- SU1'an c Association of lIIinoi, nities thl'Il which they pass) j fewer Edward A. O'Neal, president of and daughter-in-law, Mrs, Robert dially Invited. curves. and adequate width Farm Bureau roadbed and bridges, the Friend wish to extend 'heir the American LUMBUS- Legalized horse declared thl'Oughout the tate. Th Barb au and two children Bpent Route here outlined is a majority of the farmers who Friday with Mr. and Mr., E, I). s)'mJlothy to Mrs. FraTlty Sheets FedeYlltion, and Lill ie D. Scott of I acing .and wagering contl'ibu~d big time-saver for the tended the beating termed the fox Dakin. because Qf the death of her the oeial and eduClltional comn arly $100,000 to the state dur- 11 pest. A number declared that bU!lY motorist-very probMrll. H~rbert Snell and friend of mother, )fr", L LaVan o{ noar mittee of the lndiana Farm Bureau. Ohio speakers will include jng \.he 1035 ell~on just closed, ac th~ fox 'was the greatc t /jingle Mon~rey B~enb I. t Wednesday Springfield. ably as much as two hours. . cording to Chairman ' Richard A. nj enace to small game in the state I afternoon WIth her parents Mt'. Some of our young people at- Murray D. Lincoln, exeeuti've FOl'cstr!r of the State Racinlf Com- Oounties in the "northern" zone ' and Mrs. Cha • Bogan. tendea t he Quarterly YOllng secretary o.f the Ohio Farm AN ALL PAVED lllJssion. The exact sum realized where nle red fox may be hunted t M.esd~mes Lida Hatton and Mary Friends Conference. at WilminK- Bureau, and other well known Ial'm leaders. from thQ "spor); .of 'kings" betting ~he year around . a~ Franklin, .Haines attendc:d .a n al1- day . miS8~On ton, Sunday afternoon. ' HIGHWAY PrepartlUons al'e' being made as !l8,081, approximately one- Bl,ltJer, Warren, Clinton, Fayett.e; ary sewi ng nt the /)haron ehul'cb Mr. Oharle tanle:v was a Ohoice of Knowing ftfth less than the state's shuo Madison, Greene, Montgomery, lallt We4nesday, . Sunday dinn~r gu est of hi.s grand- for a hul,l' drli.matic ~'eview of the 'Ill...• ....0 The b a c kin 1934, ·t hc first year of legalized Preble, Clark, Darke, Miami, Mrs, A. S. Collett e ntertained mother, Mrs. Amelia l'tanley in Ilotivjtie And accomplishments of Motorists th~ :t!\rm bl1rellU in its 17-ye'ar pari-mutuel operations. The de- Pickaway, Delaware, Union, Cbam at her hll/llll wit}). a miscellaneous New Burlington, -"'......." bone ot the ofOriginated and Sponsored ficial Revoluer a ,Ohairman ForMter said, paign, Shelby, Logan Knox, !8hOW er for her niece, Mrs, Ch.... Mr. Emerson inclair is spend- ljl"torll. It wilL be in t he nature of by tbe Il peetaoular broadcast depiCting, tionary Trails wa ~ due to a falling off . in tile Morrow, Marian, Hardin, Auglaile Easter, on last Weqnel\dll¥ Ilftu- ing a few days in Michigan, System of .Revolutionary total nurnber of race meets in the Mercer, Williams, Defiance, Pauld. noon. Several from hero atlended "The March of thc Farm Bureau" Western Ohio, Rwte and l to eurtai.led harness i ng, Van Wert, AI1~n, Putnam, The W. C. T. U, Ladllls Ind a QuaTterl~ Meeting at NEI\V nurl~nlf and will be put on by the staff of Short Trail ev "til ilt I county faIrs. Beulah Henry, Fulton, j Lucas, Wood, ~ew friends had an " Tal' IfW ton Sllturday, ?tIl'. WW!am PiJ·· RQdio Statton WA JU, Columbus. Marked its ASSOCiation Pork, near Columbus, and Coney Hancock, Wyandot, Crawford, IDg fo, tbe- boys at th~ Soldiers deaux gave an IJlspirin~r me .. alte. In connection 'i\Cith this portrayal, entire length Island, ncar" Cincinnati, were the Se neca, Ottawa, Erie, HurQn, Rich Home at Dayton, on last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. LnWl'encc Mitch- all fat'mers who have cooperaW(! by historical . two largest tracks op rated in th~ land" A hland, Lorain, Cuyahoga, ~ very Interesting Peace pro. ncr called on .Carl Jon es amt in the activities of the farm bu- I ~::t~~ markers of the for 10 years .Or' more will be slute. Bor~o ·r~cing in Obio liall Medina) Wayne, ~tark, Summit, 1n ch~rge of Mrs. Anl)~.· Stinson :family, . Sunday afternoon. , Ohio Memorial pecial recognition for t heil"11 lieen improved greatly due to the Portage, Geauga, Lake, Carroll, .was gIven In the. afternoon. Miss Audrey Comptorl of North ~~n'SCommiaslon. " cI'ention thrlW years 'ago ot the Jefferson; Columbiana, Mllhoning, ' Mr. and Mrs, A. S. Oollett wel'e ·C arolina ba bee n spend ing a few wQrk. I.,.... For additional strip Arrangements have been made tate Racing Commission, trainers Trumbull and ,Ashtabula. 'AU dinner guests of a frIend in Dayo days with her cousins in, this com· maps or e.ny information with Columbus cjvie organizations and owncrs say. mUfllty. ethel's are in the so-called "south- to n on Thursday. relative to State Parks, ern" zone where the red fox may The first basketball gam~ of the Mr. and Mr . Tasso 7'e1' ...ell snd that will enable all visitor!! in Pleasore Resorts, Scenic to pat'1< autom.obile's an olumbuR Followin,:: a meeting at which be taken only irom November 16 season for our· players was played Paul Terrell vll!ltw tbeir daughter Spots, Historic 'Shrines here last Friday with Spring and . sister Mrs. Homer Hain e and unUmited period o{ time on any 176 Ohio sportsmen and far mers to February 1. or the hundTeds of other street on which parking is .perValley teams. Tbe house was :family. points of especial interest stated their views on tho fox, the mitted, if the ears beat' farm along this route, Wl'ite The regular meeting of The No hardship will be worked up- padked and our boys and girls won State Divi ~ion of Conservation ' WIde-Awakes" was hdd Sunday bureau mblems issued fOJ! this divided the state into two zones, a on ' the average motorist by tbe all three games. WILBUR M. FAULKNER The Woman's Oivic Leaeue met night . at 'the home ot Willard purpose. '.' nQrthern" and "southErn", and proposed drivers' license law, Secretary Tile prQgram is desig ned to be docided to permit. u year around which ' is being considered for in- at the home of Miss Luollle Tucker. Haines. SPRINGFIELD. OHIO . The Bunnell ~uni on wa~ held open season on the red fox in the trod~ction at the current specil!.\ on last Saturday night. Quite a number from here ' at- at the home .at Mrs. N Ilie B u no,·thern zone and a season from se·ssi'on of the 91st General AINove1J1ber 15 to :&'~bruary 1 in sembly, according to its sponsot'll. tended Miami Quarterly Meeting n~1l and' Miss :MonimiSI. The inc th e sou·t hern :zone. The g ray fox II; wilt' be easyehougb to obtain a at New BUrlington On lalit Satur- vlted guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barnard an d .Mr. and Mr. ""as placed on th.e unprotected list license, but the difficult part will day, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hosier ~n • .John Bunnell of Hager:;town; MI" and an all year open season was be to keep it. ' ~e meaaure 11 tertained with a family dinner 0 and Mrs. Charles Bunnell, Ri Sunday. ' blond, Ind,: Mr. and Mrs. Orville Mrs.'}' Tucker and .famlly Weir, Sprin~ld; Mr. and Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. G. M. MacDonald Charles Shaw and son s, Jimmie and family attended a and P.eter, Mrs. Mal' Bunnell nlVetsary for' Mr. Torn and Miss Margaret Bunnell, all of near Spring VallE)Y on Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. ' Herschel day. Fifty relatives Bunnell, Lebanon; Mr. lind Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Qeorge Bunnell, Centerville and a.n d children spent With Mr: and Mrs_ Rhoades Bunnell Mrs. Brook's sister, Mh. Lida and daughter, Carol. Walker and famUy ' in Carilbrldge, Mr. and Mrs. Rale.ig·h Bogan CLASSIFIED ADS · COST ONLY were Sunday evening visitors of Ohio. ONE CENT PER WORD. WHY Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Carr at- Mr. and Mrs. J{orace Compton in tended a concert at Music Han in New Burlington. • KEEP YOUR ATTIC FILLED Cincmnati on Saturday ni.ght.' lk'. and Mrs. Ray . Bailey and Mr. ~lnd. Mrs. Oharies Gordon daughter, Louise and Esther WITH USELESS ARTICLES Amateur Operator' Gm.Fint and son Robert .and Ev~lyn Me .. Jean of Adena, Ohio, l!pc·nt Fri. THAT CAN BE TURNED INTO Carren spent the week-end with day night and Saturday wftb W~rd Through to Red Cro.. w,. P. McCarren of Walhondlnl. · Homer lIai.nes and famHy. MONEY . FOR: SO SMALL A Born to Mr. and Mrs. . Wm. • - -By David S, IngaUI Doster on last Sunday, a little IOn U too mucb, co.rn, ·especially n~w OOST. TRY THIS MEANS «>F . Th~ many friends ' of RQbert corn, is fed to turkeys on range ClWrmall, Obio ~oll Call CoIJUDiH •• SELLING AND SEE WHAT A Smith will be sorry to learn of 'bis before they are gradu8111y madc Sittilll In his tiny lending room, wae three daYI before telephODe aDd l!Itlll serious illness. '. accustomed to it, they may get DIFFERENCE IT WILL MAKE In amateur radio operator got word telegraph linel were repaired iUId MT.. L. A. Garst of Waynesville scours. 0]£1 corn,. thel'ocfore, is concarrying mealalt. to and &am the out to an anxious world of tbe fear· TO YOUR POCKETBOOK, AS schools was the spCtlkel' at the sldered better for turkeys than ful Texas hurricane when all other storm area. Union services at the Friend.' new corn unless the ne·w WELL AS TO HAVE YOUR But for Red Crou actioo before church here on Sunday evenine. well matund and dry. means of communication were broken. The mesialC, beaging for the storm bad atrack DIV .ore He pve a very intereltinlr addr.,.. STUFFY OW ATTIC CLEANED Red Croll aid in the devastated ICC· liYIII would have beea 10it. COD" and it was rendered in an pceneat wanlop da,s .. adftllcc 01 tIM tlon. wu picked up b, a Pan Amerl . OUT. IT PAYSI A broadcast prOgJ;am of part~hurricane hid been to all manneI'. Mrs. Maria Elbon aeeoincan Airlinei' whoae radio man flashed citlel cular interest to fanners is now and toW1l1 011 GaO panled Mr. Garst and Jill wit!. It 00 to Memeo Ot)'. From theft' coast. P'lmlliel . . , The W. C. T. U. ilspotls'orine an riven each .'II'eek day '.except Frithe meuap' WlS ·radioed. back to lh, mer.... ~._'dld amateur contelt on nllrbt day over Statton WOSU at the O. Red CrOI. ID Wailhinaton lOci "ired dOll their at ell'ht o'elock at the Ra:nna.... 1 S. U. The proeram, dialed i.n at to St. LouJa, the .udwutern diYl Tn pres,.,.. . . . bare om. Admllllion lOe and &'TO ldloeyel-. provides the latest lion. PriMa Of b" ,II,pOp_I_" aDd"0"., U will - a ltd mark et' repo~-. ..Ubaa ._.~.. _ . ....... -... ..., f 0 1...... • .......... -...-~. 10 eel b7 briet dlaeuaslona of tim· ODe ia to attud. e17 helps with Uvestoclt, crop., Ih. IIOIJa and farm manqement. The ia 1 to 1:11 p. m.





I FaTnI /'iight

lalks, NovembeT





IT'S SHORTER 'Ir~~ R;o~e~:




Caesars Crteek

Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol ,

H arvey.bur,






Friend.' Hom


Fashions Steel Like H....-". Hand, But Cannot

Mrs. P('ir('(>, Mi~s Mis Mame Drown we W('tln ... ~tln~ oJtN·nnon. :\lr8. Millie M~llcr, or Spriftlrft~ld vi~lted h r ('ou. tn. M . PeiTol', MondRY· Ii~!< ~ nnil! IT. nncl MAme T, BI'owne "'1'1'(' ~ue ts of Mrs, Georgi:' J, Smith 011 1\10nday. k A, Z, Elartsock and family of O<'at· Wilmington, called on lh ir mother, MI'S, Lena Ha rtsock unday evening , . h _ Mary JRnney of Ontario IIliforriill, wall dinner guea of Mrs, Peirce on Sunday, Mr, nd ~lrs. Howard McKay and . on Donald, Mr, Harold McKay and son All n, 01 Oregonia, visit d ~h . Ada H, Jenkins on aturday. n unday Mra. J enkins' call rs were 'Mr. and Mr, A. Ward Applegate and dsughter Esther, Mr. arid Mr . John Yarger Mrs, Bolser and h '8, Frank C)f Wilmington,

Try The Miami QueUe For A



,\ nU/nbcl' of folk from here attended IImat..-ur nlj;(ht at WayIlI!!WiI1t' gym Fl'iday evening. Aft·s. John 'coH and Mrs. John D. R. · ~mit h w elect d ma~ter Zimml\rman of Dllyton were ST. MARY'S CHURCH '"f \\'nYllc~ \ri lll! Lod ~{!" No. lIl3 F. Thursday dinnel' guests of Mr. R v. J. J, Sehallifer, Roctor ~ A. \1. at th alllluni ('luetion of nnd Mrs. J. B. Jones Qnd in th uJtl!1"noon Mrs. Jones accompanied T,,~nty-s co1ll1 ,'undl1Y aCter tltli('l'l'~ 'L'uf'kd~I Y "ight. them to all on Mrs. Adda Mill r 'I'dnlty, .1c1\embc'T 17. hUI'ch Ot h('t,~ ('II.' tcd wor Emerson F, at Springboro. (ll"roul nt tl :30; Morning rrayor [':l1rnhrt ·t, 8Nllor wRrdcl1i }lay- Mrs. 11 len Graham was bl'ought lind ~'Jrl)lnll nt 10:.'10. tnOl d Brlludock, ~unior warden; from Dayton Wednesday of last 1.. ', St. ,Juhn S ' I\[OT tlC(!RCOn; I week to th 110me of h r pareo 15, ST. AUCUSTINE CHURCH , llltl" thwui t , junior d 'n 'on, and Mr. and 'Mrs, Crll'l Duk. ?I1rH. . F lhl'r Newton, PU$tor ]0'. n, 1"IIJ't', tyler. Geol'gc J, ,l'aham has b en. very ill but la Mass at 'I. Augustintl's Churcb Watu'lwml' wils ro- ·Iecl d trus- I;llowly recovering, J\fl' . Margaret Johns spent last ty second and fourth unda)! t l'~ fol' lhl e yenr week with Mrs. Martha Hough t the Ill ont b. RAISE YOUD OWN POTATOES n ar Waynesville, OF ' Friend here are receivicg \WAYNE SVILLE CHURCH Th r i~ 11 . gl'Nlt rumpu, about cards from Everett Early who is ~~~~~~~~=~==~=CfiRIST whether thl! A is to nforcc on n motor trip to Texas lind CIITl Smith, l\1in i~ter the Potato Conlt'ol ct ' n' not, Mexico . 1\\ll r\ n()no~ination Just whaL discl'cLion haa thc ?Ill'. and Mrs. E. B. Lonljllcl'e AAA, lIr I1flY u f its ofliccr~, to do elllertained relatives from Cincino:)ll) n. m, Bible scho I. L sson uth l' than nforce th "law1 They nati Sun.d ay, t :,t, Th e Ret u't'n !.rom apiivity, 'hl\"o llO~ been given th powel' to 1\1t-. and Mrs. Leslio Gray and F,;\'. ra I : 1- t 1; Palm 126. Golden Ilullify l' chllngc lilly lu·\v. childNl~ nnd Mr. and Mrs, Goorge Tt'xt, " J e bo\'ab hath done It i ll Mt thl! function of any Gl'a~ visite d Mr. nnd Mrs. thin t\ f(ll' 1I ~, whereof we 81'0' glad. MRS. HANNAH SMITH boa.1'11 ('i: bureau chtlrg d with Leonal'd Gl,'ny at Miami sburg SunCALLED BY DEATH Psalm 126:3. cnfol'c mcnt duties to ay da.y. ~h la~ter is very poorly at 10 :30, Lord's Supper. ".....: ~'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' h r 'I t WI'II 01' WI' 11 not a d" S :415 1'. m" hri tian Endeavor Mrs. Hannah Smith, 87 NOVEMBER 15-16 \II h e l mlRlS thiSM tIme, El' b th S "h f D t tel; an act, rs. Iza e ml~ 0 ay cn Ie tier, Ellen Guy . lesson text, of age, died Saturday JAMES DUNN, he cou I't !\till havo th duty ~as 11 dinner, gu('st Monday evenInvestments in He.alth. Proverbs November 9, at the home of her ARLINE JU DGE of deciding on the legality of the Ing of hel' I ter Mrs. Margnr-!t; 4:~O-27, ' daughter, Mrs. Morris Cornell, in 7 :30, Go.sp I me age subject, ioUowlng an illness of ucts of ongr~s and this cOllstitu- Johns. lional provision of our govcrnMr, anll Mrs, Har~e:l , ~urnet Walking with God. Special musical duration. mont hUli not yet been abrogated. and . Mrs, Mabel, DtnW,lddlc ,of numbers, Mrs. Smith, wife of the la John aTtoon, H y-Diddl -Diddle The quickest way :for ollr citiz.. Dayton, acc~mpn.nled MISS 1\ 1 .~h W \In day night prayer se~ice Smith, w s a long-ti me re ident of Com dy, Love in a H Urry ens Lo break the legi 'Iative pro- Burnet to East Pales~ine OhiO Ilnd Bible . tudy at 7 :30; choir the Middl R.un neighborhood. Begrllm to ddvc IIp potato prices is ThOr day, where h e, WIll r esume prllcti e at 8 :30, Ides her d.a uglitn, one son, Je~se NOVEMBER 17- 18 fol' t!v 1'y citizen with 0. ba<;k or her duty as teacher In the ocbool "The pa, t is s ttled, the future is Smith, of Camden, Ohio, one ,JOHN BOLE front yard, lo raise potatoes for th reo She has improv d bu~ not granddaughter a nd one greatcome, D1XIE LEE hi~ t)wn liS • fully recovered from her . acclflent Therefore for tbe pre ent granddaughter urvive. . in That w ould also be lin expres- some five mon~hs, ago. ,The W lk lighter, look brigbter, Funeral Services in ' chilrge of ion of disapproval of the new Burnets returned FTlday 'venmg, GLd up ti.Rhter, the Rev. G. C. Dibert wel'e held at doctrine of [ ad seal'city that is Mr. and MI'Il. Ben Hawke ntFor the Father Himaelf loveth UII." the Cornell residence Monday advocated to rai e priee . "Every tend d the funeral of ~hc latter's You arC! welc(lme In the Lord's afternoon. Burial was in Middle AP ABLE ot exerling tons cv r Wore. Machinery of this type family rais its (lwn potatoes" uncle, l'th. Mart Fox 111 Dllytm hou e. Run cemetery. Short mny ~eome 8 national logan. Su nday afternoon. . more pressure than the gar- lotwith tanding, tile Fisher Body Church of Christ from the , -Mr. Emery Charl~ton moved division of General Motors s~m Fox New gantuan "turret top" presses conGreen ount, Area will be repre- MRS, LILLIAN JlAltRIS DIES placell strc s upon the 8 k i 1) e d last week from t he Kenrick propstructed a year ago, this new inCordwood ' sented ~t the Waynteyill.. Church AT MIAMI VALLEY HOSPITAL erty tq the homo of his ~on and Two Sh()ws--G :30 & 8 :00 p. ro_ dustrial giant for t.he first tim craftsman. In!::ct: A metal worker of Chrtst Thursday eveninr, ADM. 10c- 160 hand !inishlhg the seamless steel wife, Mr. and Mrs. ChlLr i " Chnrprovides individual control over the November 1.4, at 7:30. COl'dwood taken from tbinnings leton. Mr_ and Mrs. George GrllY ~---....;.-..,._ _ _ _ _ _..! Mra, Lillian Harris, 48, a sister massive slides, making it POllsible rQof of one of toe n,~W' "turrot top" ill oa.k, b ch and hickory Is now of Mrs. Mary J, Burt(ln, died at to draw and form sbeet stilel in bodies. His tools C~)O 1st of emery FR IE NDS MEETINC bl'ingln~ tiS much f1.S ei 'ht doUnt'! are moving this week to the place I ~~~~==~~====== vncoted by Mr. Charleton. 1Miami ' Vall ey hospital, Monday mueh more intricate designs than puper, tiles and a light hamm T. n COj'd i n $ome of the larger Ohio Flret-da,. School at 9:80 •• m. night. The tirst division of thll Ladi e$ lrr~~~~~:~~~~~~!!~ citi s, fol' fireplace uae, lIeMlna for Worship at 10:80 Aid invit S you to Lytle Hall, Funeral services were beld at 1L Thursday evening, November 21, the McClure. Funeral Home this a.t 8 o'clock, to an ev ni~g enteraltetnnoon, th,e Rev. O. C, Dioort. tainment of mU iJic and a one tid officiating. Interment WlaS in FERRY CHURCH OF CHR IST It is a genuine thrill to us play. Refreehm na served free. Miami eeme~ery, to see how ~uickJy our Carl Smitll, )floater Twenty one members of Lytle profession "j ' advancing, church attended a union meeting Sunday School 9 :30 a . m. SIXTEEN LOA NS both in sk ill and In public , and bask t dinner of the three Communion 1();45 a. m. prestige. Hardly fI day ARE RECOM MENDED qhurcbes of Rev. Walte r Martin'8 Sermon 11 a. m., subject, Amateur night, sp01l$ored uy goes by wi~hout some new charge, R ed Lion; Lytle and "People who Cc>mfort Us." discovery, som~ .new deSixteen applications J.o.r loans the La tHe Aid at the Methodl t pringboro, at Springboro Sunday Berean ClaslI meeting rriday vice to make our service totaling $3746 were recommended church was a d cided ucces '. Rev. C, M, Coulter, Mr. Ro alld nieht of this week Everybody .l'tb. Cot'dia T1'I:IU, and even ' more perfect. large audienc e thoroughly enjoyed 'Mr. Mercer of Dayton were the Invited. A Fathers' Day program by the Runl ReltCitlement .. , LealiaI'd Tinney 'Vi ited fri mittee of W.~ren county peakers. , It Is'an. honor to belong will be liven. ~iven to farmers of this the talent diS'played i n the contest incinnati Sunda~" , In honor of his 66tb birthday to such a forward-looking COm6and enjoy the line needing finallcial assistance, and the society nett d a sub tananniversary, Mr. Walter Clark and protes lon, And it is ship•. &c~me: a MESSENGER who were unable to obtain. loans tial sum, Hs- lara Li l.~, Mi's Marne Mrs. ,Clark entertained at dinner Brown anti Mis Emma H ighwny , ' cttually an honor to serve hr tough other channels at a r 11Rachel Ann Ro s. of Rltlgevill \ Sunday, November 10, the followso many of our towns"' aYNE- VILLE M E C U ReH bl a~telHl d a CDnvo I tion meting 01 5. Tore" aOO Beacon QU sona e rate of interest. grand of W, ,St. John h W ' A '1' h ' t ing guests: Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur p oplc, knowing that w e Four applications werc rejected t ~ omnn Ul(l lary at 1' 15 Fire was early :ldopted as a. means ,Clark, o( Wayne8vill~; Mrs . .Alic.e ofT T th m all that science Rev. G. C. Dibert, Pastol' by the comm]ttee, while the re- W.4J,S awa~de~ first priZe ~f $3.00 churc'h, Dllyt n, WedT\esday. of sending messages by night, A Olark of Lytle; Mr. and Mrs. and tboughtfulness can Sunday; Sunday School at 9 :30 maind~r o~ the list sllbmitte,J were for her snlglng, Bob aV1S, Jo+ Pennewit el1: Route :l hal! naming branch, waved about tbe EV'erett Clark, Mr. aJid Mrs. Earl provide to ma1\() $or ow a. m. ~orning worship at 10 :40. continued to a later date pending drummer, son of Mr, and (Jurcha (\d th l'~ idence occ.upiud head, became the forerunner of CO{tl· Clark and daughter,-Midred, Miss casier to bear. 3:~:er~:s~nt~:l~jeF~r ~iI1X:i be, further investigation. Raymond Davis, l'eccived Lhe by MI'. and fri!, nussel Frank, of plicated systenls of signaling with' Wanda Clark, 01 OilY ton. Aftill'. dom Building Program," The Warren eo tulty Rural Re-Set , s~Qnd prize of $200 and Thelma ' Le I) mmon, )1r. llnd M/'>o torches, n arrow, dipped in pitch, noon callers ' were Mr. and Mrs. tlernent committee consists of H. I ' . < I Frank ~ ill move" into the He " ignited tllld shot i)1to the air, was thc Milton. Sheehan, of Centerville, worth League at 6:46 p, m. D. Bailey, Franklin, chairman; C. LUea, of L ebanon, accordIon PI' pel'ty 011 Franklin road first stcp toward moc,lern rocket sig- 1I1r. and Mrs. James MeClure and At 7:30 p. m, Mr. Lawrence E. Condon, Lebanon; Paul Duke, player took third, $1.00 in cash. ' nals, The eanlpfire itse lf, used origiGat'ljlt will preach, Mr, Garst is a Waynesville; William Reynolds, Other eontestant who received Misses Lulu nnd Anna Vander- nally for warmth only, led the way Mrs.· Jessi<> Robiber, of Waynesville. splendid apeaker and is always Blanchester; and Mrs. Mary Mun- pEizCB were: l\Iilrlred Mn on, voort, of Wilmington, lolt Friday for the development of far-reaching P boa. 't welcom and well received in our ger, Harveysburg. reader, a cake; Mr . Russel Camp- mOl'ning for Flol'ida, \vhcl'c they systems of beacon, Peach ..... ' Cart C oa~ 1 Church. ::1:. bell, piani t, box of candy; xpect to snend the winlel' months The lantern hung in the tower of Be t time to eont.-ol peach Je.a! Wednesday: The Ladies Aid will T . Wanen I )\1ay, reader, box of Rnlph Bt'anH"rntOI', "ho ~l\lI b (;'n Old North Cburch, Boston, as a meet with Mrs. Dibert at 2 p. '1 p. m. we will hold the first of (:and Yi Richar.d and .lacguo Adall1 s viJliting hi p(lI'C nts, Mr, lind Ml's. warning to Paul Rev~rc, is on~ of curl is during tho fall months afour leries of tlFaith, Food and ad Paul Hough, saxophone, piano L, V, Bran tl'lltor, accompanied lhe classic, examples which American ter the leaves drop from the trees rn. On Wednesday of next week at 'Fun" ~tin g8 for this conference and (\l', a cake ; Weldon Ilellol' thert'l and will l' Sume his work at history affords of the use o( lights . year. Rev. Carroll Lewill, pastor' whistler,' box of candy; J ean reBCer'lt it;y. for sigl1aling a.t night. ' of the MiddletowJI M. E.I Church Mye.r s, tap dunecr, box of candy; - - - --Beacon fires arc said to have carwill be the apeahr. Rev. Lewis is Berle Meredith, reader, box of Although Ohio'. rllnk~ third fI- ried the i1cws of the fait of Troy to a young man of fine ability, and candy; FiI-es Fllmily Orchestra, among th' s.tates in number of Argos, Tbey helped to provide the we are fortunate to be able to Teo. cake. farms with e l ctric power from commul1ication that gave solidarity '. eeive his services for tbis meeting. high lines, she rank well down to the vast Roman Empire. They OO!11e out and eat and worship and Rural El ..c:irillCation Lhe li~t--dghteenth-in pel'cent- were used eXtensivcly tiy the Gauls. OIlC of the most dramatic records play with us. age of farms havin electric serill communication history tells how Thursday: Tb e Kings Heralds One of the til' t seven project\! vice. the news of the sig/ttiog of tbe Spanwill 'meet at the Paraonage im- to be announced as approved by ish Armad.a, in 1588, ~as flashed, mediately after school. the Rural Electri fication Adminisfrom hill to hill and tower to tower, ,"ou are cordially invited to at- tration is for a line !n Miami Of thtl 1, 111 ~ t;udent enroll ed (rom P lymouth to London and other tend 8t)y or aU .of these ·m ee.t illgs. county, ' Ohio. 'r~ e loan cont'r oct in lHc ' co,lege at · agriculture at ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!==!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is with the Mhu;tj ounty RUl'ul th e 0, S, '0" '403 'aTe former parts of England by means of ./laming bc~colls. -= .'E lectric 'Cooperative, Inc ., and is (To B, C~d) for $264,000 to be used for con- member!; of boys and girl$ 4.H ;. structing 193 miles of I'ul'al line clubs: to serve 690 forms not no reached by central slation electricity,




Waynesville, o.


W elcome f-!ome


Red .H eads On Parad e





Forward Steps

B€f/!ts ELECTRICrry




. .




- ..---

J. E. McClure

Wayneaville. Ohio




DISASTER AVERTED BY QUEER QUERIES Cr••, Maid'.lncoh er.nt Talk Arou ••• Phon. Girl'. S...picion ''What'. this telephone number and who'. the man I work for 1" : Accustomed ·as she is to 'receiving J:equests, Vivian Longmire, information operator ill The Ohio Bell Telephone ' Company's Ak~on ex. change, was puzzled by. this unusual questiori. Why on eartb wouldn't a person know her own telephone number and the name of her Clpployer? Seeking a' bit information on her own account, Miss Longmire learned from the caller's vague answers that she was a maid and was left alone to care for a baby. Sensing trouble, the operator, aided by her supervisor, traced the telephone from which t~ maid was talking and immediately notified the incoherent girl', emplOyer of 'Ihe' irregularity at hi, home. Meanwhile, operators at the informatico board atalled off attempts of the maid to I.el a taxL Finally the voice of the employer was heard on the wire, thanking the operator profuaely for JJer usi tance in a Brave emergenq. Wbea he arrived boa. he fovncl

PIt.tlna SIST' E ~


.ON RED CROSS American Red Cross Sends Ship to Europe in 1914



tIiat the .... lIa4 1IIddenI, . . . ,

By David S. Ingalls Chairman, Obio Roll Call Committt!e Long .before the Uoited States ha· entered the World' War the Allie cnn Red Cross WlIS in' action. VI was declared in August, and on 51 lember 12th the Red Cross had I 6rst consignmen t 1m the sea. A. sl specially equippe\I. ' pain ted wi and whose (lame lNas simply, "I Cross," left New York for [" mouth, England, It was truly a ~ of mercy, lent tol relieve nOl ' nalion, not one f=letion, but a 11 tions and all IU The trim

rovisions and hoapitlll equipment ross the Atlantic d uring the, next Ir ycars. Every available au~ ,; shipped to Eur09e. It was .. ~I e mca&ure, an em er gency wbich . "Greatest Mother on Earth" met ~ he

meets a ll other ~er.eDciea, ;l mercy and comp...iaD. Amer!I Red Croll Dursel in Eur~ ,p ted the European title of .... ".. What could be~on ~fOo , tl! than a name W ia beua, ,'an form meant "e: forter'· iratitude' w.s upreued b)' ap 'p ies for the work of the. Amer!I Red Crosa in the war, bat GIlt the most prized C~meDtl C8IIIC ' Ill an old Turldall bOcU.. aaaaed ,duk Eftendi who .up........ ..... If. "May the Lord 01 .... UaiYerIe. .,e Gad of all ama who ... 111 ;.IInilYt look ....ciollallwill ;IBve lnoWII tach loy_ The • God


lIIa.1 -



Eighty-Seventh Year


Whole Number 6196


_ C

Sewer Bond Issue To Be Vote Dec. 20 GOING TO MICHIGAN

45·CENT CORN ' LOAN Ohio State Univer ity's 120 piece marching band will travel to Arbor aturday for the game WILL BE OFFERED TO Ann with Michigan. Tbl! musicians, directed by Prof, Eugen41 J. Weigel, have a special program of fARMERS DECEM8ER 1stunts and fQrmationll tor their To Follow Plan U.eeI With SlIcce.. ,I F01' Two Co~"clltive Yean

invasion of the Wolverine lair. .


AN OPPORTUNITY? When voters of Waynesville to to ih! pollfl Deeember 20 will they accept or rej e ·t th Ifhollose 1 $12,000 bond issue nec ssa'l'Y for lh e $40,000 modern sewage system in, t his community? IF TURNED DOWN will it mean th~ll within very few years, the state board of health will d mand the corporation improve unsati factory conditions here at a much greater cost to the taxpayer. than the present plan, whereby the federal govemment furnis hes the lion's share of the cost?


MARSHALl'Sixty Five Percent Vote ADDRESSES CLUB AT Needed to Pass Measure T.


A Good Dinner and Program Wa. Enjoyed at the Meeti"i November 14



Waynesville Council Acts to Present Issue to Voters; Village Facing Lawsuit for $~O,OOO

The Wayne Township Fal'mers' Farmers who arc taking part in club met Thursilay, November 14, thQ AAA corn-hog program will at the home of Mr. and 1\11'3. S. S oniin~ n on f1.p}>roval of the state tax commission, be eligible on Dec mber 1 to reEllis. Miss Blanche lmey, l'rIl·S. which is . p 'et d within a fe w days, voters of Waynesc iVe loans of 45 cenls a busbel Will it mean'that more damage s uits will be CUb rt Pryc, Mrs. J. H. Sackett viiI will go to illC polls December 20, to decide on a $12,on corn st.ored un del' scal, accordinstituted against the munrcipality? ant.! ~Ir. ltoscot! FUI'nas a~lili~t d 0 bond issu) as Lh municipnlity's share in th proposed ing to information received from Mr . Phil Larrick has been quite th host SS in sel'ving an unusunlly $.1 0,000 sewerage :ysl m and sewag dispo at plant. Will it mean that this community will no1~ share Washington by the Ohio Agrieul- sick for sev.eral days. Action to }Jla' the iSHue to a ot of the p op le was good dinnet· to about shrty memin the vast expenditures made by t he govea:nment tu r 81 Se ~vice. b rs anel guests. tak'l1 at a Rp cial m etil1g of coun' il last Monday night, Administration of'the loan p1an Mothers' Club market in Grange for public works; the burden of 'which must IJ ~ borne After dinn er the pre sid nt. call- wh nit l'e olution aIling for the election was unanimously will be patterned Bfter the p1an Hall, Weclnesday" November 27. by future generations of Waynesville, wh thiel' the 'd the meeting to oruer a nd Lb' adopted by member~ of the board. followed in Ule past two years. community benefits, 01' not? -John Pence, who has been ill at Th new program is merely a coninvocation wns giv n by Mrs. J. At the sam' time memuers of coun il were informed ti nulitlon of the program be~un his home in Mt. Holly, is slowly IF PA~SED it wi11 mean money will be spent in W. White. Roll can was answered of a $10,0 law nit imlt itut d lo Warren cou nty commo n in 1938. Its pur pose is to assist improving. the community, directly or indirectly benefitting by "Thank 8~iving Th ughls'." pleas court by amu I J. 1'80n and Eldon F. Hoerner r rmers to market their corn in a n Mrs. Blimche Baker, of Cincin· every merchant, business man and individual. The progmm consisted of a selec- Dayton attorneys, ill b half of WllI O. Gustin. ' ol'dert'y manner. nati, is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. fro Gu ~tin a ks damages from Loans made in two years to 218 It will mean greatly improved sanitary condilion by Mrs. Gilbert; Fl')·. a the village of Wayne 'vill claim000 farm rs under previouB pro· H. Hartsock. tions and insure' a hea lthier town in which to live. Thank~giving rel;ldinl/i by Miss ing that h is property ha~ been . Mrs. Myer Hyman and Mrs. A. Itrams wer~ paid in full. . made- less habitnble ' by present frelen Hawke and th special topic It will mean t hat Waynesville will be marked LoallS W1)) be n;ade only 10 T. Polinsky spent Sunday ane! "Thanksgiving u~ loms," given In' s wage conditions. ~tates" such as OhlO, wbich have . Monday in Cincinnati. as a progres ive community along with se.ores of Mrs. Kenneth Hough. Morton Shepherd, DaYton uniform warehousing laws that other municipalities in Ohio taking advnntage of The guest speak r for the after' e ngin er, was l'etainecl by council cover storag& Of grain on larms·1 MfS. W. Ii. Allen attended the government funds to complete needed projects. nobn was ongres man L. T. to draw up plans, and if approvApplications for 10Bnll wl~ be ac., meting of the Centerville Garden Marsh all, oi Xenia. cd by the s~te tax ~om mi sion copted by county agncultural , Club, Monday afternoon. VOTE YES FOR THE BOND ISSUE DECEMIBER.20 Music by Mr '. Gilbert Fry e con· and voters of Waynesville, council ngents. , and Mrs. W. E. Stroud w • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _e ~---------------...".,. eluded th program~.__ = willthe proee d with the ' j!on truction To be eligible for a loan, a Mr. r e . of project. farmer must busk and store his guests of Mr. ahd Mrs. , Ralph Moth ers' Club mat'ket in Gl'ange If appt'oved, th e election will be corn in the ear in. suitable cribs Hastings, Sunday evening. Uall, Wedn sday, Novemb l' 27. advcrtis d and machinery set into to be s aled in accordance with th Ohio law. Gribs must be so C. B. Jones, of Little Rock, t) Notice- Ir ,Malltle l'nne will built that corn can be properly stored for two consecutive years. ' serve meals to r 8. Loans will be made only on Mr. ~nd Mrs. Russel Campbell M,iss lIelen Hawke and th Le· enabled officials to an election tha~ would grade No. S 01' better and family, of Lytle., spent Sunday The 1935 COI'n-Hog contract May children Sl nL Sunduy in date within 30 days after the ' if it were shelled. Ji'ormerly the with Mr. and Mrs. Roger Brown. . N ovember 30 with tina I We t rville. Miss Eva May Sherwood, 60 expIre adoption of the resolution. grade requirement Wall No. 4 check up on comp'l ianees b ginning MI'. and Mrs. P. L. Reason were Total co t of the project has William Thoma, of Maineville, years old, former Orego'Dia resibette,.. Monday, December 2. The corn- gue t. of Mr. R'l'!lson's m ther at been estimated at approximtely OfficialS state that thi change visited his patents, Mr. and Mrs. dent and widely known w.mpelhog l;Upel'Visot·s will call at the con narveysb Ul'g, un day. $40,000, between $10,000 and E. L. Thomas, Saturday evening. a:nce and church worker died from was mnde to encourage injuries received when she was tract igner's farm!) to record the 12,000 iw-ing fUl'ni hed by the the better grades and the Miss Glenna HaWke, of Spring- struck by an automobUe , Sunday number oi hog grown dUl'ing the Hev. G. . Dib l't and' family tnunicipolity for the purchaSe of 0.£ lower grade corn a8 promptly contract y.eOf nnd t.o s cure the pent Friday and Saturday with matcrials. The job would be comos possible to avoid IIpoilage 108- field, wa. th~ guest of Mr. and in Columbus. For the past 28 produc rs' and landlord' signa- rclativcs at McC omb, Ohio. pleted under the W~l'ks Progress scs, expected to be larger thi Mrs. J. P. Fromm over the week- years, Miss Sherwood has been &n d. eeretary to Dr. Howard B. RUllsell tUN on the final compl'iance forms Administration progl'l\m for Obio, year owing to the unusually Westerville, co-fQunder of the As a l'e"Sult of the Mid-summer lIfr. and Mrs. Ira Rich, Mrs, labor costs being paid by the condition of eorn being cribbed. Miss Sue Crane t:eturned home anti-saloon leajtue. check up which was. made in All- Reba Braddock and Mrs. Gilbert federal government, Sunday after 11 pleasant visit with gUlilt,' it. is believed lhat 8 high per- Frye spent Tue sd~y in Dayton . Should it be decided to go ahead Sbe is Burvived by four hl\.1trelatives in Cincin nati and Nor- sisters, Mrs. . Charles Bradbury, c 'ntage o( the Warren county with the project, it is expected wood. Miss Mary Sherwood, of O.r esib'1lCrS will be in full compliance ~.[l's. EUcn Good nnd son Robert work will tart shortly nfter the at the end of the contract year and of IJayto.n,- sp nt las week with fir t of the year. ' Mr. Walter Clark a nd daughter gonia, Mrs. Omar HolUngsworth, th-erefore be eligib l,e for full pay- Mrs. Flossie Carey and family. Bonds for Wayn sviJIe's share of Mi!\S Wanda, visited Miss Lucille Lebanon, and Mrs. Fred Gove, ment. ' the job would be issu d over a Clark at Dayton Kentucky, Mon- Middletown, and a hnlf brother, John Sherwood, Oregonia. A November 30 is the la t date Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson, of 25-y~al' period and cost taxpayers day. . I y 1.70 nllils . Miss Sherwood left Oregonia, ' .. ot •• t on W h·Ie h excess hogs may b e Cleveland, are spendin'· .. the week approXlmnte on th e - 1.. 0. Iy dl spose d o. f I't 'IS very lm. with relative here aTld in Lebanon d IIat, or $ 1.70 PCI' thousand on of Columbus, Miss Miriam Ellis, about thirty-seven yeats ago. 0.1 • • '" propel' ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH spent the weelvend at t he home of Funeral services were held in pOl'tant that those who ltave rai M 1'. and ~lII n. •. D. ,o L rne, 0 f every $1,000 of the ta:x valuation. h ed 1 Father Newton, Paatol' her parent!l, Mr. and Mrs, S. S. the U. B. church at Westerville, B U f' " ~I too many bogs this 'year s~ ten - ~1)I'iligtield Were SUllday afterA G5 pel'<;en~ vote will be necesMaS, at St. AurustiDe'. 'Church Ellis. ;. . . . . . . ' _ ~ AL. lol1l1cnt coltll~ittee and make or- noon aOlI evening guests of Mr, sary to approve the issuance of Wedne'sday afternOOn and burial very seco nd and fourth Sunday , was in Westerville I)'emetery. ran gcmenls to turn these excess ami Mrs, J, 11. Smith. bonds for the project. MT., and M~s. John B. Gons ho s over to the Wal"ren County A certified copy of the resoluf the month. were 'd inner guests of Mr. and Mrs This is the ' 1935, Christ mas ' Infi rmary befOl'e that date. A Mrs, Roy Earnha1't, MI'8. S. S. tio n has been ent to the county , eWI Seal. II)l nalty will ,Qc asses ed if this is Ellis, Mr . Clarence Rye and little auditor to seclll'e his estimate of 1W~ YNESVII.:U: CHURCH OF A, H. Scpoeler at Hamilton, day evening. t f H k' b k t h L860' 't not done. , son, Earl, spent W dnesday with the tax rnte nec~'ssary to meet CHRIST Mrs. Maria Elbon is staying at ar m~ aco t ~ 5, I Full cooperation on the part of Ml'~ . Reba Heitz of Carlisi. bonds and interest. Carl Smith, Minister M'i'. and Mrs. LewIs Coleman the Bome this week. commemor~tes th~ iV II Wur ~nd the contract signers in completing _ _ _ __ ••_ __ and daughter, of' p'a rk, were Mrs. Ross Vetters, of Spring the ye8~s lmn~edtately fo lloWIIl'1' and l'igning the. final records will H. A. Cornell, E. L. Th mas, L. . I D Not A enomtnat On guests of Dr. and Mis. J. E. Hill, called on fdends here Tues.l The I~ttle gtrl on ~he Sea l 18 u;; si~l the superviSal'S in their V, aranS~l'ilto)', hades HaRsock (I :80 a. m. Bible SC;hool; lesson Witham, Sunday. day afternoon. dr~sed In a .gown. t;YVlcal of that work nnd make it possible fOL' the and 1<'. H . Fan attended a cottillh text Haggai 1:2-8; ~bariah 4:1Mr, and Mrs. F. M. Barley and Miss Clara Lile is visiting her perIOd. She IS mal]mg a leUe.r- lu"L payments to be made at an Rite meeting in Day tun, Thul'sday lO. Golden te~t: I wll" glad w.ben d · ree sons of FQrt Wayne,' Ind., Mrs. N. P. Clyburn in perhaps i.t is a Ch~i ,tina gre~(ing e~.rly date. t f V W L they !laid unto me, Let u" go mto w. . c. H. FollOWing the IYlI War ~tamp_ No aefinite infMDlntion has yet M'l's. James oops, Q an or • I t1. .. f ancl'Mi!\S Ruth Denn is of James. the "ou·e of J ... \tovah 'Psalm 122:1 were Week-end guests of Mr. and ,, ~~ ~ M W H AU -----I--IIlUI.-.t~eI;tle Dickson spent SU'll- ",ere so d in some of " ClttCS, 0 b en rll ived concel,,,,·o-41\e-+Q.&4~~..!!!<!~!......!~~=~~..::..::...z.::.:.:rr=-"f!1"'-",,",,,"""'~ 10:30, LQrd's Supper and short f l . . . · . , en-. -, . day with her ,80n, Henry Dickson, the ~o~th to rai~e fund s for ~Ick 1!l37 corn-hog contract except town wcre guests of D~·. and Ml's. _ _ __ address by D. ~', ·H arril. ' John 'H. Smith, who sustained , a an<~ family iJl Centerville. ' a~d mdlgent so ldiers, b1.1!, the lIttle that it \8 expected til come out J. E. Witham, Sntul'day. Mrs. Mary B. McClure, ag,e 62, . 6:45, Chrishan ':ndeavor, 8ub·, ',broken bip in a ;fall sev~ral montns ,Mrs. Lena Hartsock, in corilpany g Irl herself knew n' about. abC)u~ Januory, and will contriin Miss Katherine Prendergast wido~ of Walter MeClure, funeral . J c~ What· Great Tbings God Hath Ii,o" is able; with the aid of with Ross Hartsock, was the g~est Christmas Seals. Tb-ey ul(l not ap· f eature ' which are mal'\! fllvorable spent a few days this weck at the dh-ector in Waynesville :fa l' many Done for usl l;~ke 8:26-~9. crutch 4l$, to walk uptown. of her son A. Z. Bartsock near pear in this count~y until 11107. both for the producer and the con home of her brothel' Bryan and years, died unexpectedly tit her 7 :45, evangebstic ' servlces. , Wilmington; Sunday. , This is the 29th year of thl' . umer. family in Winton Pl.ace, Cincinnati home about midnight, Saturday,' Wednesday night, 7 :30, Prayer Mr. and Mrs; W. E. Stroud ,enMrs. Peirce, Mrs. J. L. Menden- Christmas Seal Salc. The. s~le will ---- - ---following an a ute heart atLaek. nnd Bible study. tertained ab dinner, Friday, :Mr. hall Miss Clara Lile and Miss be held between ThanksglvlIlg anrl MUST APPLY BY DECEMBER Mr. and Mrs. Myro n Thomas, of The. news of her pa ssing came 8 :30, choir practice. and Mrti. Sherman Carter and Mr. Ma~e BrQwn attended the ,f unel'a! Cbristmas. ' Dayton, were vi itors at the home 35 a shock , to her l'elatives a-nd Wednesday night, November 2'7, and Mrs. George Stroud, ot Day- of Mrs. Ella Meredith in Dayton, .Let this litl~girJ of t,he 'GO', 1-(0 1 FOR WHEAT CONTRACTS of lb(" former's. pOl'ents, Mr. and fl'ic nds as appnrontly ~he hall beeTl Thanksglving ' servlce and special ton. . Friday. . WIth your Christmas letter , card Mrs. E. L. Th omas, unday even· in Jl;ood h alth. .. - and packages, to spt'ead good ch eel' ':(he deadline fOT mailing apptiea- ing. Ml's. McClure was prominent itl music. Mr. Herman Ott, wbo for the Oome and enjoj these servi~. past two week s h all b een t he ruest 'hFAlTH, FOOD AND FUN" and. incidentally, aid in the canlll'on for a 1936-"n wheat control church, !!ocial and civic affairs. . . . b I' ~ ,HI Rev, Ell Fal;syth~, wh o 22 yean th d contrac' for Wa lTen county has I . She was a memb er of the Me 0 of .....r. an.d 'U r' B. P. TReason. re- ,MEET1N" HELD AT CHURCH, ,p algn agill'/Ist tu erc'u om. FRI~NDS, ME'ETINC 01& .... , .... p. tY H f T b· a go c,ondue( d tabcrnno e servIce£; h h d d . t f turned to hil home in Dayton, Sun I rotec Our ome! rom u cr- bee n set for ~\lvel!Ober 30, accol'd- h r e ph sed th rough Waynesvill e i~t c urc t an eng~:,e ~n CnlhOS a Firat-day School at 9 :80 a. m. d The first ,bi a ·l!eriee of "Faith, cu osis. I'n ... to .. estcr J . !\liller, county , . FI its nctivi ies ; of , ..... 111.1'111 apter ' .;...--_.___... t.. 'tuesday, en roate to Miami, 01'- N 107 0 d E W lIeetin&, foi Worahtp at 10:80 ay. Food and Fun" meetings wa, beld ap;ricultural agent. Fal'merS who Q. r er . ustern. tar; ay·m. Mrs. Irene BenMnon and Mr. in the social room of the Method- l'" MEMORY OF MR:S. McCLURE have not as yet made an applica- ida. n sville Parmo/'s' Gra.nge and was Amos Fairchild wen dinner gu~t!I ist church Wednesday ,eveninlr tion ate request ed to go to the Mrs, n. . Ridge, with her secretary of the. New . Cent~ry Sooday, 01 Mr. and Mrl,. E. T . with a Irood attendance. , I hav~ known. her Isince the year county agent's office at Lebanon nepbew Earl Davis, of D!lyton, I Club. Her ple.!lsm~. personahty FERRY CHURCH OP .CHRIST Stl'oud and Mr. and ,Mra. B. T. Following the cov~red dish sup- 1917, a,n d follnd hel' a weet and any day from 8 a. m. to () p. m. visitcd friends in Columbus und !lnd che~l'ful dlSpOSlhon w~n her Car1 Smith, ItJlnlater Vice. ' per .a fine add.r ess was given , by lovable lady. She consecrated her befol'e December 1 and make ap., spw the Ohio State-Illinoill game, many frte~d a~d she wlll .be , the Rev. Carroll Lewis, of Middle. lite to the enioldment and el(~ ' plica.tion. Saturday. lP;eatlr missed ~n the commulllty Sunday SchOOl 9:30 a. m. The · Wayne Township Mothers pression of the divine Christ. His From the~e applications, con. ' .. ~f WhlCh s he had been a part for Communion 10 :46 a. m. Club will hold a market in Grange town. _ __ _ ••_ - _ light shone through her face. She ll'a ctS will be dfawn up and ' ofM~ss :MarLh~ CoOk,. Mrs. Alh~ many ~ear8. . Sermon 11 •. rD., " KalJ W.edneeday, Novem.b er 27. MARRIED IN LEBANON accepted God's teMhin gs in a f red the producer)! fol' signature ServIS anil l:lo n ~obel t and. ~h. She 1S surVIved ~Y two son~, ;Please leave your order with Mrs. child like manner, the sentiments and acceptance sometime after the and Mrs. Wm. Bl'adlcy VI Itot.! James E., WayneSVille funeTal dlWAYNESVJ&LE ... E. CHURCH ClarGJl«,le Rye or ' Mrs. Ruaaell The marriage ot Mrs: Florence ot her <lear heart w.ere <,leep and first ot the year Mr. Millct"sto.te<I. ' Frank Cook, • ul)day, aod found rector, and Carl S., of Dayton; ..1. het smile Was Uk;,~ la benediction" -- - , . , kiim very much ,b etter. one sister, 1\hs. H. dK. Qhldlaw, Rev. O. ,C. Dibert, Paltor , h If • tof Davis nnd Mr. Ernest, ButterworWl " Mr. and Mrs. ChaJ.:le~ 'F. iNiie, ·m other, SYERS TO , Duluth, Minn" an Il a SlS l'r fternoon She was a perfect 11 was solemnized Tuesday a h f SC HOOLMA · The Wp' y ne Township Mothers t'~1"'1'n'" in Call · fo '1l1·a. Sunday: Sunday achool at 9 :30' !\foilher · t Cincinnati, entertained 1 lind friend and wi ~Ve a nr ""RSDAY G ~'" u " · f Rev. t.. D. V e8ey MEET Tnv' Club will hold a mPI'kct inb l'nnge F"neral sel'vl'ce~," were beld at a . m. M'o rnlng worship at 10 :30; at 4inn er onSunda" at The Little . b per iormlnr Leb brighter Christmas t h an we. wh0 27 w - left behind perf: 01\ this eat;th, Hall W.f;!dne~day, Novel1l ellt M " the Me lUl'(,\ l"unel'al 1I0me WedDr. C. M: Coulter, our district Inn, Mr. and Mrll. Kercher and IIOD the ceremollY at hIS ome n . superintendent will be with U8 and Robert, of Cincinnati; Mra. Edith For God has given h'~r th grente5t The monthly mE'eti n~ of the PI lL~e leav your ()t:d~r WitR Tji nesday afternoon with Rev. G. C. preach, and alao conduct th~ bud- Harrill, Mr. HarriB Mosher and gift tha.t can be given, Eternal. Scho()lmostel's' Club will be held lal'ellc& Rye or l\lrs. USSI! Dibert officiating. BUl'ial was in COMMUNITY CHORUS ness of the First Quarterl, Con· and Mra. Ronald Hawke. Life, and a reuni On' with her be- a Spl'tngboro, ,..hUl':!day ellening. Salisbury. Mipmi cemetery. ference at the close of the moraln. Th program IS beillK arl'anged M~. and Mrs. Ernest Hartsock - - • loved husban d, who pas~ed on be!'Ierviee. Mr. and Ill's. On1.lle J. Gra, The Communjty chorus wiIJ a.. 10re she did. She- will be ~adly by the SpI'ingbo ro teacherB. and son and Mr. anll Mrs. Herman WRIST WAS FRACTURED Epworth Learu. at 6:U p. m. and daolhtu, Misa Barbara, lIemble at the gym Monday evm- miMed by those who had pleasure .:......:.........-:.- - - - - -Surface were dinner gue ts of Evenin, worship Hmee at 8 :00 tertained on Sunda, Mr. and lng, November 26, at 8 o'cloek. All of her lIoeiety. She did not profess DEATH MT. and 1\Irs. George Hartsoc.k on Th~ right wrist or Jack Preston Tuesda,: Th+ Ladles' Aid Elbert Rich and famll" IIr. who are interelted are uraed to be reJlg\\>n only, Iih4) exemplified it ·Sunday. M,r. and Mrs. Will Wutt, 6-yeal'-01d son of Mr. and lib. Societ, wUl meet at the ~nap 1Irs. Claude ara" I!Ir. an4 preunt. '. _ ...~_ _ , dally living an d I am one ' was fractured Wb61l In hor Dallas Down s, ' 2 5 yeal's 0 f age, o~ Franklin, were a:fternoon eal Iers John P"eston, ' • d' an d died at his home on Rou te 1 , at~ the Hartsock he fell out of a tree at hiB hom., at 2 p. m. Stant., a..." .nd clau~ter Althouah fU'm fallJilie. u.-d ap \Jf the, many who a dmire Wellanda,: Bibl. atud1 aDd Mr. J. T. Ora)", of Hane¥8burr. proximatel, t200 worth of fUll loved her and could see the beauty Sunday morning. Surviving are Sunday vening. The boy was his pareat!l, Mr. and Mrs. EllsMr. and Mrs. E. "C. Crane and taken to the DlIatush-WIl1I.... _ pram meetlq ~ 'I :80 .p;...m. Mr. aDd lin. O. O. IIbllll,IIlD,.1 ad food produced 011 the farm III IJI her loul. (Si8lle.d,...;>:....-_ Mrs. Jessie N. Tripp worth Down., and ODe slater, Mrs children and Mrs, D. L. Crane Clinic__a_t_la_ba ...~.f_ trea.....t. wen ..... of tlMir lIfl4. the food item - - - --Wilbur Bolle". motored to Hamilton Sunda" to &ad cia. . . ., 1Ir. and aiIota'll per cellt of .. d ...• A H S hoel Of lb. 941.408 f.,..... Funeral lIenleea .ere beld at called oa an mort!. C vo~ I. tb:~JUItio=~"'i:ii Cu-peatftta 1l1cl4. . . . . In• . IDa aeec'rdIl~ft_llt Anal,lis 01 pricel tot the last iaclieatee ttlere Is little I the Stubbl FUllfl'al Home, Tueeday er, aoing from tlttre to Cincin of com ud " '. . . . . . . . .t.. . . . prieee reeeived for . evening aDd tbe bod, w.. taken to Dati wbere the, were supper .0Ir,~. q! Sal · 1GdMna, . . . . ., of r. and ~ S.




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, ,, 1 a schoolR 1'h •• n\l\~, g 0 a if _ ._ 111h'Y flll l~d to ('1'1'1' S. to the l.'<Iitor Tfltuls ........ " ... 6 8 20 Th .. 1('<'ld "1'11II{\1 j~'i'1<'01 ,, 11 1 of lhi' Miami Ga1.\'lt their sin l'r nU"l ~(h .,(ll )( ,Il\' . !lath'lI I!I" 111'1'1".' IIltil,n fol' all th . SPI\ e WAYNE VILLE \I ~ •• " 1 1 (hI nn nunl • It-l'1\ unC'l' d !-tln'lI In thl' nc\\ pap l' to call to . B F III ri ~nn 1':.I\I('(\l lu n \\ I,,'k. ,\{nll' (il,. nth nti on of he public the Davis, f . .. ...... " 5 3 Ila) , rmi4i{,l J)llr. WA' Il1l\1"kl'd plnn f., r thl.'· ob~l.'rvll nc e of Ameri· by nn Il, !'lI1bly foJ' all ~tlH.I(·1l S II f CUll Bducation Week. Such a onn "1", f , .. . . ..... .., 1 0 th ... high'~('h(' I building. \\. "dnc<- ~ ·irit .. e coo{leration i very n- Griffy, c ,_. ............ 1 0 2 '() dny WII \ i~itors' dn~' lit th . aml cnu ra~inlt and , er es to cement Alle n, g .. ...... building wh"n (h ,chu III \\ ()r<1 itt tht' close relationship that mu t ex- Sat.tuthwaite, g ... ""','" 0 1 0 0 . ~~iun b~t IHIII the hl'UI'S of two i. t bet.ween the- public and ita Earnhart, g ".. p'cloC'k in t hI' ,f l l,I'IW '" nnd t 1\ ('hool sy t em. Totals . .. , ''', ,. ...... .. 9 III night. • ,,{'rial ..r'· '1)U\1. t ra ti l,'nfl \I 1'1" ~rjv~'n in milt'.' ,)1' th.· ('la!'s~~ Wa"neavill. Win. Fint Ga me Spol'bma"ahip Bro therhood 1l1ld an ' (! .t. n. Il'l' PI')",IIlJll Wll ~ prl.'Pro,Nm .·lnt£:li ill tilt ~ym lit the clu~ , of In n th.rillin g overtime period the La I. Friday, November 15, th tilt' IUQQ-Iwrit,(i . h<lm t am def ated a battling p ()rt~manFI'i./I\)' l\tlt' ohs \'l,d no visitors' C ntc.rville quintet la t Friday regular meting of t.b called to dl': at the grnde bnilding. chool night. The ~ame from the begin. Rhip Brotherhood wa order in the gymnasium in t.h!' OJ'" n('d lit ten o'eln k in the moru· in~ nlld <:.1 ... ('(1 ttt fl'ur ill lhe nfte r· ning to th end wa one continuous form of a genel'al ass mbly. Th e nnoll. Thl first ili A gra de united lhrill. The scor at the half wa s meeting was opened by a group In rl'l'~ ntillll a progr In at U1 13 to 8, and after that Centerville pep song lecl by t.he new cheer /ty m II. tIl\.' clusillJ; fuatur of the tart d to cl'Cep up. First they leaders. Edith Hoyle raaq the de,, ~ k. would lead, th n Waynesvi11e and votions. Th minutes of the previat the end of t.he game the two ous meet.i ng were read and tlln.l· '1.. Appreciation' teams w re knotted 18-18. In the ing committ~es for the y!'ar were three minute overtime period announced. ix members of the Wa.ynesviUe made the first ba 'ket portsmansbip Brotberhood. sen· and then Cent rville made on~ to son '34.'35, were awarded R prentative portsmnnship pins and tie it up again, Ju t before the final gun went off "Spud" Davis C l"tificnt . . Th 'I were: Vincent onner, ' Fl'8nces sunk anotber one and Wayn e vil1!' Gritfy, Earl EIIi~. Bar bara Gray, Beul ah Berwon the game 2G-22. Tbe reserves also had a good nard and Ruth ali bury. This wa,. Ladies' Drenea. flOe gallle, however their core was followed by 11 rou ing pep e s.~ ion Men'. S"iu, SOC not as clOse as the var ity game. and a talk and announcements by ,Quick-for qualit, dr, cl.aala, Tbey 10llt by tbe score of 36-18. Mf. Hatfield concerning the opening game of the basketball season. The line u ps for the varsity game: It ha been the custom for three years for the fr bman class of each yellr to sing "The Orange and the Black" at aSllembly to the Iltisfaciion of the uppe-r cla ~s.· men. This y ar's class wn no exception and a still greater display of ~chool spirit foll owed in a roof· raising p.ep session an.d the meeting was ndjourned. Senio r Girla Make Radio Appear.


c:hoob OburwC' ,



E d u~ation


The Wnyn<'


L ht' un):l':Jl {' ful. inc! ('II.

for buyln.

RED BRAND FENCE ... tbia cUmate, fence mUit have real ' ....tllll qualities. or nut ~U ·lIOOn

waken it and then d.troy it. Red Brand Fence II a two fisted filbter. It fi....ta rust, fint, wit~ a heavy Galvannealed outer ooa~~,; lCCond, with a real CQPPCt beann, inner section. Double protection I This two-w,.y rUl t protection adds yeara to ita liCe and saves fence dollara for you. Let'. talk it over.

Waynesville farmers h. Co. Phone 25

Waynesville, Ohio


-1 hl'art.l

rt i')n or thl' rrc.-\t "Making 11\.!1I10·1 I." B... itll'. tlli •• WRf' D. ill:n d 1I 1',,[". cuncernin~ \\'ol'ld pnrl'l wer held 01' r due to of timl'. Thl' r • POI"\. wer(> till' next day lind proved inte\'(lsting. TMrcl Grade N .. w • third grade is having nn Illlttlmobile Irace in spelli ng Th o h 'veol t is ahead. It has go ne 20 mile. \I hlle the nex t cur. the Plypl out h h~_ ~_~_o_ n:".~6 mil . Fourth Grade New. 'fh perl,~ c t :pt!llor in the fourth ~radl~ for th ' pas t week II'IlT!': lizabcth ' ul't i~, Wilma )i'a II I, It'ma Fil'{', Erwin L wis, Elva Mat; W !l~te nntln, ll clcn Vint J)o nliltl lind Robert Wool. lar I ,. Mra. Car~ght to Viait School. Th

Firt l- G-ra - d- e-New• \\'t- were glad to :-lee harlell Guill thi~ mu·r nlng. He bas been ah ~ n~ tOI' several we ks buenuse of iIlll . s. WI! had a new pupil lhi s morn. ing. We have 45 first graders.


16 Sa aUonal ,ave the fo\lo""in, for thl'lr parenti!: • onR-"America", third. fourth I,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!,!!!!,!!,,!!!!!!!!!!,,!,!!_ _ _ _,,!, fifth a nd ixth. P iecet! and tOI7' II ftr ~ and !lec<lIld. Son&1I - . fi r st grade. Rl'ading-ftrBt grade. H('cond read ing-second grade. Songs-second grade. Song"":' first anti second grades. Grandm a Day third and fourth grade . mel'ica!\. Education exercises-"THE HOME OF GIFTS" third and fOUfth. So'og'-"3R's" - thil'd antI fouTt h. "Let us Listen Lebanon, Ohio to Education"- fifth a nd sixth, poem- Frances John ; po ter8 EXPERT WATCH fifth and sixth: Po m--;-Tom Flor· REPAIRING ne; ongs--Fitth nnd sixth; and "Stand by the School" - Thi rd,, Only Gellui1le Mat.riala fourth, fifth and sixth. Prompt S.ervice Thi pr()g'ram was enjoyed very much by all the parents. Store Ollen until 9 p. m. .. Se.~ th Grade Citizen. hip Club .. Holda Meeti.. a The sev nth grado itizenship club met on Tuesday, November ] 2; after the business session t he Ask for a following program was given : Miamisburg Permanent Poempnl "F'ields; poem- "The Midnight Rid It by Roxie Sackett; Concrete poem- by Elsi Bogl\n : dialogue - 1'he A. B. C. Quartet, by thlf· Air Seal Burial Vault teen girls; story- by A Iton Earn· For Sale oJlly bllT hart. Aftet the program, they ad· journed.

Cary'l Jewelry Shop

H.,h Sch._1 A.aembly On We-line day, November 13, th pOI·tRmun hip Brotherhood ~Ilve the pl'ogra~ for nigbt, school r~~ play \Va Ba kgl'ound for . LIVlllg," The characters were th fulloll'inlt: Mr. Sh It n- Mr, Lotz cia unci Mervin hellon- MarAgain jOJ'ic Earnhal'l and harl s Ander 011 '\lV( mbcr 22 Mrs. Cnrt. 1'on; Abuu EI Babi- MI'. Bro\ n; I ight (If Uw 'latc Health Depart. ,'n'vu!lts-Rob rt lind ChInlea ment \\ill Vi lli the Wayl1 cs'vill Jumes; B 'n fin d J ohnllo n -Earl r;ehouls to contact the b y~ and 'oli n ran d Mr. Hatfi eld ; Smith 'I.Hld an t.--l\[r. Botlcnb ndef and girls ill groups. iifl-. al'st; Irwin and Conklin-!. W ayn avllle Inv'ilect to Elect Mil! ' R l' and Elsie Mae Wical; Citizc,nahip Delegate Pilil and B ob- f,~ranc !\ Watkin Your Funeral Director Throul!h (,he mediu m of the and L IlCl Conner; fro 'lark, Mr. J.ff. r.oA Game hie !!l.'h9a l!! end , th Daug-htet·s Howard and Mr. Andrews--·Mr. Friday. November 22, Wayne8of the III rican Revoluti()n, Way- l'ra n k, r.1r. Br add ock and Mr. McClure Funeral Home ncsvill i included in thut list Of James; lara and Di k Rankins- ville- play J ffer son, there. Wny. W a~Il ••"'iII .., 0 .' schoo l ~ whiC'h i invit d to · el ct Fl'8nce. Elli s and Rob rt oung. n ville showed playi ng Phone 7 a candidate rOl' th good iHz nD rnonstration!\ were shown by nbility in the Centerville game sh ip pilKrimage being planned by tho following cIa ses : ' Home tlnd is expected to give J eft'erson a th e O. A. Reconomil!S', cbell1 i tl'Y, physics, good game. Jefferso n, in playing One gil'! lfro m tile II niar cIa s ; t cnography II, nl1d th e eighth enterville, led 8t the half but will be chosen tQ compete for th grade nrilhm t ic. These were weak ned in the last quarter. It ho nor oC re J~re8el1tin g Ohio in th · giv n as (\ part of II pogcant to was their first game a nd since pilgrimag which will be mnde to c mpnr the new S hools with the lben they hav strengthened. They have a very stiff offense but' Washington D. C. in April of 1936 Old, The .m tbod of ledi ng th e I<)cal The music was played by the ql1ite as good a defen e. How ve.r, summing it all u p both team Br e girl include meeting certain reo orchestra. equal to cach other and a fine quir m nts e tabli hed by the D. game is exp cted, both having A • .R.. although detail are left to Grade School Au embly the dj, cretiCln of the local faculty, On Frid8y, November 15, the mad fine showings with Center. mar comple te announc ment tudents nt the Grade building ville. eonc rning t his event will be giv en FOR AND CONSIGN lateI'. sbeep and calve. Minalr.!1 Practice Start. live wire and are now going on f or pri>grelllive firma nd f ,>rgood the l ervlce. bi&ben muket p rieel h Rehearsalls . U •.lo .. Stock Yard&~ ClnchlDal!J 0. t e mill strel show which will be Two se nior girl , KathFyn Smith given by th'e tudents of the voca· Tune in on Radio Station W{;KY and J eanette Wilson, appeared on tiona I depattm ent$, The show wilt 12 :25 t o 12 :30 p, m. for our daU, the amateur hour of the Citiel be Pf13 e.nted ~arly in December. .._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~-------------'I Market reports. Service program over Station Students from the home econo.mlcs -=~~~~~~~~~~~~= Common PIe .. Proceedia.. proved, .;. WHIO Sunday afternoon. The agriculture and commercial deyoung ladl s were generously ap· partntents wiU take part. Mr. The will of M.ol'ris K , Frank is dirl'ctinl;r the music, Mr. [n th\! eJi e of' E. E. Miller vcr· deceased, was admitted to P r ., h A,t .. 1 . ' • plauded for their vocal duet. Brown tbe dramatic. lis8 H nkle sus Hattie Krebs an d Mike Kreb The will of Nannie Democracy Cia.. and Mrs. K,ersey the busine s af- t he plaintiff iii to receive from the deceased, was a dmitted to t" rrlhAt ... The Democracy class held their faiTS; rir, Crabbe is g neral chail" defendant t he sum of , 499.12. The estate of Charles E. Chap, recit~tio n in the gym last week mnn. The cliSe of Tbe Miami Valley ma n, decea sed, is relieved from Building anli Loan Association administration . durillg night school. The class was ' F ran k Kampf, executor of t h held in the gym to' accommodate Democracy Meana Solf.Di.cipline versus Ivy J • Mern'tt 8Tl d L OUlse ViSb~~8~entral theme for that reo DemOCra(lY is described as a MCl'ritt is di mi &ed. . estate of Mary E. Hoover, decea • "dee-p and I~ontin uou concern for In the caSe of Da VIe Ch ~pman ed, filed her first and final ac· citation was an article entitled individual welfare." Self.discip. versus Dewey Chap~a!l a dIvorce count. 'Preserving American Democracy' line is defined as the act of deCid-1 was g~'anted the pla l1'ltl ff. Lewis Shaner was found to be by Hughe . d"d . th e The cae of J a H ' Fedd ra Su p in ane and l'S to be adml't--d "Th P . I rene Peters f D reported. " tng u pon LD IVI ua1 ma tt erB In ..., to o~ to G ~offgre s o . ernodcrtactYh' . light of w,h at is real ly best for ply Co. versus Lambert R ~hoades t he Dayton State Hospital. V meen n y was as!llgne 0 e If Th' d t and John H Rhoades is dismissed Phone 78J subject "Democracy under a our own we are. IS oe no ' t h c 'e of T l' ... Bu nell Marr'·. " . L,·_....... " "I . mean doing what w~ wish in every ,n e as .....e la ...~. n ..... .. clou d' ,:. f not . Democracy I , . . Her h I N B 11 0 D '1 . ' elise bul; calls fOI' conSIderation, versus se e • uane mo· mer yas, steel ml I wor ker What; . was the quesbon aSSIgned I how it will afect u~, and also our tio ns one, two and three overruled and Miss Dorothy Moore" of t.o CeCI l Hartman. Mary Burton !l socIa ' t e8. Th'I S can b e appl'J(~ d'".O nnd four and fiv e s ustained . . . , Frankll'n •


F T Martin Auctioneer


Centerville, Ohio

~~=~~~~~~=~=~=~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~=~~ ' ~~I~ ~~OM

ANt> oott1 fORGET

that tbelr riDp nd pins hel'l' Dlld that they foultl 'I'('ar them .Iurinl night .... hull I. Thl' ring art' v rs attractive, bl'ing of yellow R'old with 11 sto ne setting. Some stonllR are .ruhy, nt hl'l'S ar whit .. , blllck lind blue. Fine·.' n (If tht' la~ I'ect'ivec,l l'ings and (wo pius. \H'I'\'


8R\N6 8ACt( ~ $UPPL'(

El ECTRI( \T'1' ~

If you paid for Electrieil)' as yo~ needed it ... ',. If electricity were supplied on a cash and carry basis, you ~d see how inexpensive it really is. ' So inexpensive, in fact, that you would need, coi~s smaller than a penny to pay for the electricity used Cor most everyday purposes. But, of course, electricity isn't paid for this way, and at the end of the month when the biD comes many' folks forget the .countless number of times when they have used electricity. Next time you get your bill, remember this fact. Chanee, are 1ou'1I be more than $atislied that you got your L_ , money'. wor:tJt.

The Dayton Power and light rD~



ei ther going' to .a party or staying at home and "catching up" on that delinquent literature. Democra,~y too is not ' only a concern fOIr ~ur ~wn welfare but for the welfare of all those whom we contact. Tbe one human ten· dency which We mu st cllrb in ord'lr to bring thi about is greed or llelfini 5bn{is~. We must make ourselv9!! ;follow a proceequre which includes the welfare of tbe "other man." ln busiMss we cannot 1QlIpw the old system l.Inder which a rl\an has a r ight to all th~ wealth which he can legitimately amass, 10T in o doing he is !!Ul'e to Cl'ush and cbeat hundreds of " little men." It is the natura" t hing to grab all that we can, but we must discipl. ine oUl'$elv,es to the point; where We can III e the results of our actions in tlileir entirety, wbere we can see the results of unreason· able wagec utting and ' continual strife betw~)e li ca'p ital 'and labor. In govel1l1lment' we must dlscipline ourselves t o w,ork fo r wh\Lt we believe Us t o· lwnefit the maj or. ity ~f the ,P eople in the nat.ion, turnmg a d l,af ~ar to al •.the. hrlb~s o~ered ae II prICe for speCIal pr!. vdeges of any sort whatsoever. Let us then be considera te, thoughtful, and intelligent in all our actionsl dillciplining ourselves t o fQl!ow a higher law than mere legality' rather. let us follo w the , golden rule" Such action, if consistent, will rl~sult in an Ideal demo. eracy ' Cecil Hartman , •

S...lor Literar~ PrO,NJII As !' special treat for night school visitors, the senior Lit erary society lleld tbeir third monthly meeting lailt W~n ell"day evening, NQvember .13. The meeting was opened by a ·Bible r eading by Marjorie Earn. hart. Albert Hawke r ead a paper , "Celebraties of tbe Spor t World." Th is was foll owed by it read ing on Th.anksgiving by Ann Cran e. Wi lma Sm ith rea d nn or iginal sketch on "T han ksgIving, N'ow nnd Then." After this Irene Peters lead an original ssay, "W hat Democracy Mean s to Me." The feat ure of the program was a de· bate. The' question was " Resolved: That Democracy is in Danger in the United States," tbe affirmatiVe sid e was taken by Cecil Har tman an d Jane Cook; the negative, by Phyllis Collett and Hary Burton. Due to la,ck of time, tile winDen could not be deeided b, the vW· tOrti, lIIho were actin, as ~deel. Rut h Saliabur)' acted a l critic of the program but held over the repor t uDtil t he followine Hter'ature ctau period.


h fu , ~~ ~~A . ~~

~~~e~~~~ ~


steen, plain ti~ - i n " ?r~or yer~us Franklin and Mi9tt-Dor~thy Nor· "OTA.RY PUBLIC J Qbn B. Mount , ~t aI, It \.S ordered venn of Franklin. Natlo_1 Baek tbat a mandate Issue t o ~he. Court '<. of Common PI as order mg court Real Estate Tr... fera Willa Ora... • • E.ta..s S.ttl.d to proceed with sale of p roperty. Clar a A. Brown, deceased, to WA.YNESVILLE •. OHIO I nU1e ca se of Union J oint Stock Anna May Bradford Young, real Land Bank vers us Mary McKinsey estate in Cars addition. et al confirmation, deed a nd dis- Cherla O'Donnell t o Olivef Schu FOR SALE DATES CALL tt:.ibution. ., .macher and Effie Stlumacher 89.37 The case of The Mlan)) Valley acres in Union township. Bu ilding and L~ an A sso ciati~n John H . Treon and Clara E . versus Ivy MerrItt and LOUIse Treon to John King and Grace Merrjtt is dismissed. King real estate in Clearereek . ' 't ownship. New SUlta The Federal Land Bank of Louis ~abeJle K" Burger versll s Paul ville to Charles and Katie Getz, JESSI STANLEY "' ' . Ho l~ho us for money, amount 196.66 acres in Clin.t onand War- ,Il••• Jlo, N.w a.,I1•••••• OWe. clalJl~ed IS $740: . I'en counties. . . . Wdl 0 : Gustin versus VlIlage of ,Frank and Isabel Coburn to Th e EARL KOOGLER Wpynesvllle f or money. The Leb~o.n, CitizeIUI National Bank. Daylo. Pllo_ amount claimed is $10,0,00. , inlot No. 230 in Lebanon. Anna Mae Mo rgan , a mIII,Or by Eugenia E. Beach, deceased, to KE_.oro .... her next " f~i end, Helen Gephar,t. Samuel Stubbs inlot N08.40 and . versus. WIllIam Lawren~e. Morgan 41 in Morrow. f or dIvorce. Cha~ge IS gross Edit h Pearl Hanlfen to Wilbert neglect. L. Little real estate .'in Deerfield Probat • . Court . township. The will of Catherin e Cody, de- Helen Gephart to I;awrence Gep.. ceased, was admi tted to Probate, hart real e's tate in Franklin. POR tAUt Mar y E O'Donnell was appointed Magdalene ' Marshall, del:e • .ae.~, A executrix of the estate of Wi!. to John O. Shupert 91.80 aerea in - - -- - - -- - - - - -Liam E. O'DonneJl, de'c ealed, no Franklin townlhip. ~OB SALE- Poland China male' ' bond ~quired Paulin W. ' Rlle), RoSl C. JAwll and Viola Lewl. hogl. Evans Brol. Telephone • e C ' to Thoma. R. Trlle r.n l "tate in 470R Lebanon. N7-D6· Howard Conovu and H. L. benes Hamilton townahip. were appointed apprailerl. In FOR . SALS-Child's 3 piece tan Addle M. Weaver was appo tluede cloth suit, Zipper lenings. ed ,execu·t rbt . of the estate of Bil.. AU~ 2. Mrs. Walter Sheehan. n21Alo n~o Weaver, decealed, no bond Ohio Central ' Telephone Corp., ' reqUIred Charles Stewart, Robert rentl for vario". o-ce., Novem. FOR SALE--.- Thoroughbred Per. . " ' . .. Ul Mooney.. and Clinton D. C.orwin ber 'II.~O Ohio Central Teleeian cata, real beauties. Allo were appointed apprataerl. . phone, Corp., toU" for varloue canarlea. Leora Ber&dall, Lytle, O. Anna May Youq, admlniltra· ome••, $S6.lSO; Wm.~ J. PhDI.r, N21-28·dotrix of ijle eltate of Clara A. luppllea, . repaira and, labor at FOR SA~S Spotted Poland Brown, deceased, Sled her app11ca- COllrt House, ,7.26; Wm. J. China maJe pigS, PUN bred. W. tion f or a certificate of tra1l8far. Pftanser, luppUea, repal~ and C. Berrd...l and Fred Starkey. The inventory of Reno R. Bel" labor at jail, '68.~15; Relf I Elec· N21-28.d6. caW, administrator ot the e.tate trlc Shop. lampi for Court Houae. ' of Lorenzo P. Bercaw. ' deceaaed, ,1.20; W. C. Turton, co" for FOR SALE 01' TRADE- Cheep, was approved. Court Houile, '16; East End Coal rabbit . hounds. Peck Woollard. Sales by Cathefine Dugan, ad. Co., coal for Conrt Rouse, $15; Waynesville 0 ., R. R. 1. mi nistratrix of the e!ltate of Char Trustees of Public Affai1'8, light ' N 21-28 • les . A. Dugan, deceased, were· ap· and gas furnished jail, ' U9.52; proved. . . Trustees 01 Public Affaics, light FOR SALE-S5 Shoats weighing .. In re estate of JosephiJIe Barnes furnillhed Court House, $49.21; 65 and 80 Ibs. l Brood sow. Mrs deceased, dlsbibution of I~euri. Dr. Kennoll ,Dunhamj treatments, O. E. -Strawn, R. . 2, Wayn~svi11e. t ies is order ed. ·El tella aatruis, ex· $20; Good Samaritan' Hospital, N 21. ecutr ix flIed her final account. / . hospitalization, '128, Warren C. FOR SALE-White shelf 'paper, Th e adjudication and detetlllina Breidenbacn, M. D., treatments, lOc per roll, at the Miami tion of the inberttance tax on the '60; Dr. Kennon Dunham, x·ray Gazette omee. estate of Lorenla P. Berea~, de· and lab. eum.. '17.150; Helen ceased, is to be given to all per. Doughman, board an'd care, Clif. FOR SALE--Frame garage, .ise sons intereated. ford Doupman, ,7; Mra. Ira 9:118, firat cIa. condition. The estate of Clara A. Brown, Eltzroth, board and care Ali~ Cheap if told at once. Located at deceased, ""al foand to be exempt Starke)', '15; Jamel Moore, board Dodda. ltOUDIIa CaDDlq· Co., from inheritance tax. and care Luc)' )(oore, 'II; Hra. PboDe 118&21. The inventor)' of Minnie ' A. Elmer Lac" b~d' and care Simplon, admlnJatratrtx. of the Frank lAc1,' 'IS; Hn. Llliu aab- FOB BA.LJ:.--EIUIU.,. , p. eatete of Ftank . G. Slmp.OD. bard, hoard and caN Llncob,' ton. Dodde, Bouua and W.,.. ceased. wu apprned. Gabbard, $5; Mn. JuUa Hollude n...we Pleat.. A certt6acl cop, of tile eJltry boaN a1Id care Vet'IlOn Holland, PJPm, VALvaI ITrl'ING8 determtnln. baherltallce to ba ,.: II.... Oma Oabom., board fer W. . oM _ the estate of WeJllqtoa Willotr, ad .... Boward Carle, Waitu CIIt8a deeell8d, II to be eertlled wltb- Bulow, Frualr BalJIllpr. '10.80; Ph..._ oat d. ,. TIM J'Iu <:0.,."7. trpewrlter

Stanley &Koogler Auctioneers '



• •'

' " .' . . . . . .






~;;;. .~t!;=~'.;




" .

MIAMI GAZETTE ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY 011.. ...... . .............. ..... . No. III, Entered at P o.totfl" at Wa"n.. Su.ecrlptlo. Prl.. , '1 .10 a Yoa.. v 1ll8. Oblo, a.lfattt ;;:~""d Cia.. .. all r

NOVEM. BE R 21, 1935

95 Out Of 100 Are Depend ent , d ~loU were to a k l he fi nancial status ()f the next hundred men ge or mo r'c, y U meet, YOIl would find, if they repres nt the avern~e, that ~n l y five have independent incomes lar~e enough to live

t.he Bllnd by '16,000 t!) '~f).OOO. Callinc attentiun to the fact tba.. the Ohio c:ommiaslon it rat~J as the st'coDd tronlrel!t in ItII tlt' ular field in the United 'Statell, t h Shl'rrill report said that t hf' commission is nOW unable to mee t its problems by rellllo n of very limited funds. Among other tll ings was t he suggestion that (roll~ two to four trained eye n urs 8 be lI.dded to t he c:ommi8llion 's field staff and four teachers to the t'"esent teaching force. The surv~:I commended the commission lor the manner in ..... hic:h it carried nn its work under reduced lIPpropr latio na. pointing out t hat in 193() t be commissio n received $76,000 and th at t he ann ual a pPJlopriatio'l had dropped ·to $66,OOQ in 1934. .

on decently WIthout wOl'ktng; thaC28 continue to work for a living; thabt • 67 al'~ d pendent for th if livelihood UpOn relatives, friends o-r pU l IC charIty. • • EverEveryl ()n~ .of thesc men sta;t~d out in life ~ith high hopes. .• y one envlslo~ d n s 11- usta mlng, selE'l'cspc.ctmg old age, in T hc state boa rd of liqupr conwh l ,h h coulJ. r til: on lh lIavings he had made during his productive trot hu adopted a ~esolulion reyeals, 'ond ~nJ.oy .hlmself, without worl'y and 'without d penda-nce on questing the federal government ony person or institution. to reduce its tax on liquor a s P'ive- of the hllndr d m n achieved that goal. Ninety-five failed anothe r step toward eliminating to reach i1. the bootlegger. Tbe reso lution unpleasant as they ar , they will be {aced by . was introduced by Wellington T. 'Th.lls arc facl every l)ersOn of fQl'csight and c uruge who is not yet too old to ' Leonard, a board member who is ~he most of the lesson they teach. There .is no royal road to old chairman of th e n ationlll alco\1ol Ind p ndenal! for most of us -it can be reached on ly by (l plan which tax committ e. He asse~ted that us('s some of Lhe dollars We earn with com arative ase now to care high ta xes and therefore h igh for our needs nnd amLiti ons when dollars eome hard. prices. for liquor mak e bootlegging profitabl e, The -en fo rc ement divisio n of the DpaL'tment of Liquor ontrol is waging an ever-increasing war again t the bootlegger WH E N 10% MEANS ~O o/P but has fnil ed to stamp out the A relatively smull cut in th cost of such an outstanding item in menac e because of the profits inthe hudget a!! tood, I'cally means more to the average family than the volved. . few d.)Il that may be say d. • Say, :for exampl , 1\ man has an income of $1,600 a year. About Superintend nt William 50 per cent of this mUll' b ]Jent ior food and clothing- $750. By Kroeger of the building and loan the tim 'l'cnt is paid, fu I is bought and oth r ex;pen ses are met , he is division of the State Department lucky if te n per c nt of hi income- $150- i 1eft ov~r for amuscmoot. of Commerce ann ou nced lost we k luxul'i s, investm nt and avings. that liquidat ing d vidends total If his food clothing budget . is cut 10 per cent, it will save in~ $6,763,745.20 have been dishim $75 a yeol" That $75 l' presents just half of his present surplus tribu ted t Q. depositors of puilding money. Added to t he $L60, it gives him just fifty p r cent more and loa n associations that aTe in dollar. than he had before to spend for it ms outside of th~ bare ne- th e procc of liquidation . The recessities of living. That fifty percent can mean the difference b tw~ port covered forty associations enjoying a vacation or staying home- between cauying life insurance closed since March, 1933. Deposi01' nQt bing ubI to corr y it--between building up a saving account tors' cloim were reduced f urther (or Johnnie' ducutlon, or not being abte to put any dollars away by the Ie of real estate a nd the cOIn promiSe of doubtful mortgages . towUI'd the f utUre. Looked at in thill light, th impOl;tance of th movement to re- to the extent -of $12,888,2~7 which duce t h olll:< of food, by reducing waste in thl! spread ~tween pro· in effect, represented a distrlbu duce~ and c\>nsumcr and less ning overheud, is seen in its proper per· ion in kind, Superintendent gel' said. ~ pcctlVe. . ~ ~-

Another good ll\\'~,mQ,n reap her reward Mary )lcClur ... Walte-r McClu denly oC heart d in WllynesviUc Sa~ul ' day eVl'nIng. Mr. Mc lure precedad h r in death several yeus ag . Mrs. Mary Roberts r et urn (1 to her home Friday after .~pendiilg several weeks he re ell ri ng for h r mother, Mr '. Peony \ ells who still remains quit.e ill. M I'. Etta Wells, of Hllmit<ln. is now hel'e caring f or Mrs. Well . Mr. J. T. Gr n)", Mr. and Mrs. Clnucle Gray, Mr . nnd Mrs. Stanley Gray a nd daught '1'. , Claudia and Jo. ephine ()f. W Ihl1u ll, Mr. and Mrs. Elb rt Rich ::11111 daughters Elbel·tlll, J an Mary J and Edith Mil e of near' W 'lIman ~pent SU nri ay \\ itih MI'. u~ d M 1'". Orvill e Gray and dau~htel' Barbara a t W nynesville. . Mrs. Ollie Jacohs, daught er Min nl , Mr. and 'Irs. liver Jacob!! and daughter, DO llla Rae pent the week-end with r laUv e and friends ill SpringfIeld. Mrs. V ra Rag!!!' and duughtel' Dorothy J ean of Wclllllan s p nt the week-e nd . with relatives in Clarksville. Ml'.. and Mrs. Thomas Rich anll family visited Oakley II gl e ~hJ' and family in Wayn csville SUnday 1\1rs. Ferry WE!lIs st ill remains guite pool'ly at this writin g. Albel't Mountj oy sp nt Sunday vening in Hamilton. Mr. Ilntl Mrs. lC. E. Thomp on, P. G. W lis, Alta Wells and Kathleen Thompson _pent Monday in Xenia. Friends here wer saddened on rtdfondds y ~ho bear oj/ the sad and sud en eat of Mis;s Eva Sherwood of We1Itervill , who was killed i~ an auto accident on Sunday while vi iting in lun1b us. It will be rememb r d by older 1'e ident that Eva was born. in Orcgonia and s~nt her childhood days there. Her fath er Frank Sherwood at one tim had charge ,()f the post office lind II store in Oregonia, many yea" ago. M rs. Lucy A . Moore vislied Mon day with Mr . PElrry Wells here. The Durant machine belonging to Mr. Charley l ,ynch of Miamis· burg was wrecked by a train three bridges on Saturday evening No one wa inju'r d. The car was completely wrec14:ed.

• undu)' w nina. !'tit·. an,1 MI'I<. Charle!! I.aird of CUII 'h .llllm.I Ohio . . pt'nt M"n,lay with • ('I/' , aut.:hlt 1'. Mrs. Lu the r Hai ne;! anJ fall1ily. M.r '. ulld .\\1'.'. Ro~p e Bl'al a nd flllnJly.' l\1r,. TloI1I'rt Furnas and family IIf Wl1ynt'!lvl\lc . Mr. and MI'.. I~dl!ar lIurley ancl so n of Xt'n ia; and ~h. and Mrs. Theodore Mcfntire nf nt'ar New Bu rling-ton ca ll d on Raymond WiI .on SunIlay of crnllon,


.. -_._--


~erca~ Garag, p ~ anrt ~1llW- c meD , '08 7: IHI .....___..... hn(·. 1.11.17; Th(· Cml'lnl1l1h 011 15 )'118 • .ton. ,3"&' W Ill" k I ' , 10 ~ (" .... 01 und 7."1'110(', i:.!.j4; ('nrrultlltt-,I ('ul rt..... c £8 Gtiswoll l Sen-il'l' ,'lation, uPl'lit', $286.70' Rhltr veLe R 0 •• OUlv t1't· d d• and R;aso I'n II W' II It.,,,, "cmcnt • $1) II 21)' Th oy, llan 1 1:'. , 17"oJ,; KII an Gal'age ~u"rJi II n i l ' 1K I IS r ' ll C' ., e nler. T ho Morro\\ ' . F('(',I e a &l ",ur . ~ . ../J )1 S O ., Ii flre~"f'd ~teel torehclI • Hupp~y Cu .• $G; The :'I1 l> l'rhw I umb r nllils, $.1.26; Znin .Armitagc; ~nnd (:('mcnt. $20; K :ar kal:'';', and grave l. $32.52. Tht I' a lrlt'y l ~t(J ne, $3; T,. O. Andel'son' ,; 31)nll Hardwal'(' Co., 5U],pJies and 0 ., lumLer, 18.30.


"'!!!~~~~~~!!!':~'!'!!"'~!!!':~~~"'!""~""!!!~~~~!!!':~~!!!!!!~~ "- - - -


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l '.

News From ",orren County Court House ( onti nued Fron Page 2) w (I !'k on . af c in Treas ul' ' 1" S Oft1 ce $30; Blank Hoo k HJI:': n ., 1 pad Trea. UI'el"S lnll I'itane\!

Tax 1i'arm J, '1.50 ; Bankil-Bnlrl'~in Law Publish illg . 0., ~ ub8crip· lion to Baldwln'g hill l)ig ~<;l :cl'vice, $10 1 Duvid L. Hirst, l\1. ]) prof. scrvic fl, $ 10; W(t~tcrll Star, I ~al advertising, $. ; We::;t(ll'n • tar, legal ~dvel'iis in g, $11 ,20; I Western Unton Telegraph C"., lh r('e t el~gl'am !l, $2.61; L oui ~ Jl'reu, sh ctjng, toweling ond thread for jail, $22.29; Milk,!' Hardwa re & Furniture, G maHresses for jail, 27 ; A. D. na l'vey, M.. D., prof. services at jail, $26.50; Wm.Hufford, hel'iff wa hing for pri oner , $4.3.65; Mrs. D lIa Hufford . feed ing pri "neTS, $4a 1.50 ; , Griswolll 'ervic Station ga, oil and gr a e, $30; Drs. Edw I !!!,!~~~!!!,:~~~~!!!!!!~~~~~~~!,!"!,~~~~~~..;,~~,,!!,,, and Robt.- Bllli~, ex am ., 4; E, \. '-- ---- - - H. Gloeckl 1'. gro<; rica, ~ 12; DIIl~ECT Oswald Faneral Home, CIISK't, n robe, mblliming, $60; Lewis & Drake, Inc., cement :for ourt HOUB Froject, $5; Harley W. • Brunk, exp nses Dog Wlll'den Between Toledo and Cincinnati 6.28; Stllkalta Mfg., 0., pound ke epers Record for Dog W Inden, Cbar t d for t he Benefit of l nter 0 $1.2 .50; Famou s Auto Supply o. s t ate Motor Tourists a WeI! u .owu... fla!>hlight for Dog Warden, 1.50; Traffic Within the Borders' of Ohio ~AU" HilT",. La Mar Body Shop, gas nnd oil I 'l'h R t for Dog Ward n The Book I [, from' ';oled: Shop, stam!?, pad, 2 typ writ er to Cincinnati a s shown hel' with is 0 ribbons and car bon paper, $2.65; I the shortest distance betwe n the The Office Outfit\. 'r s, SUP.11li s, N two cities. Officials of tll e State Z R Offic, 65c; McG etcb in's pharo , Highway Department give the lllllCY, lamp, NR ffic e, 20c : mileage saving as about 11 miles. FlMD4AV Han'y Z. GI'llY, O(:tober rent NR ffice, 5: K. L. Horn, October There's Ics~ t.r nfrent, NRS Office, $10; W. H. fic C ngest,on on. Mrs. Alice Clark was a week~nd Wright, Dist. Mgr., NR , mileage t he Toledo-Ci ncinnati Short Line UI . . . .$TOft 1 guest of h r broth r and wife, Mr. Ootol>er, $11.04; David al'[lcnter t han on any other hi~hway con" 8,.· mileage, October, $20.12 ; Ohio necting these two cHie/!. There and Mrs. Le Mason, at Mason. .,.,.. KUlK Qu ite a number from here visitCentral Telephone Corp., No.vemar e f ar fewer curves (nQ hairpins ) 8:00 Music ed the primary school at Wayn esber ren t, $12.30; Gum ity Blue and all railroad grade crossings . .......... H. E. E$wlne ville Friday afternoon. 8 :06 The French Settleme nt at Gallipolis .. Print & Supply Co., prints Warren are exceptionally well protected . S :16 4-H Girl ' Clubs Win ter Activities .. ' . . Mrs. Harry Waldron Mrs. Meta Roger ' was quite ill County. $6.05; The Offiee Out- . and Mulda Horst ]By reason of the s h a ~ t e r ____ flt,ters, ink, pens and tacks, $1.80 8:26 Turk y Market News ....... ..... ..... ... ....... ................P. B. Zumbro last week and 'Was taken to the mileage, less eongesLion (both ' on Mr. WiJilam Prideaux of New Burroughs Adding Machine Co., homB of her sister, Mn. Trilla 8:3 0 Music the highways nnd 111 the commu- . 8:40 Butchering Ti m in Nigh ...... .... " ....... ,....... ...... .' .L, E. Kunkle Farquar , ne!\r Ri'dgeville, Th urs- E ngland Yearly' Me ting was se rvice on a'ddi ng Mch., $4.66; nities thru which they pass), fewer guest speaker here Sunday morn. Walter Luti, sCTvice~ as rodman, 8:60 Vi iting Engl\ h Pastu re Fields .......................... .. D. R. Dodd day. curves, and adequate widtb Ali sea Eva and Miriam ing. $5.60; John Barr, payroll, $189; 9 :00 Home Furni hing Facts ......... .... ... ... Mra. .Doris Ufer Heinzelman roadbed and bridges, the wer Saturday guests of Mrs. Her- Mr. and Mrs. Rla.leigh Bogan and Johnson rtfiYcrs, pay roll, $109; 9:1 0 Music . Route here outlined is a bert Pheifter and son nea r Lebanon Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mitchner M. C. Foreman, pay roll, 3()3.46; \I :25 ProducMon Crcdit in Ohio Agriculture ................ R . E . Forsyth big time-saver for the Mr. and M..-s. Carleton Cook of attended t he funeral of Mr~. Lee Earl Basore, pay roll, $1l1.20; V. 9:35 Getting More for Your Veal Calves ,.. . ....... C. W. Hammane busy motorist-v ry prob· Harv ysburg were Sunday dinner Le Van of Sprin.gfield, la t Tues- M. Armitage, pay roll, $!J9; John \I: 5 J oa n and Jerry. ably as much as two bours. guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. day afternoon, November 12. 1\1ye)'s, pay roll, $151.45; H. L. Mrs. George Davis of near Neighbors and friends of fl'. Sch uyl er, pay roll, $140.20 i Carl AN ALL PAVED Batavia is vistting her bro~her-in- aJld Mrs. Frank Compton, nee Dakin, pay roll, $168.60; J. L. law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. E. B_ Edna Leami ng, wish them a long Dunn, sel'vices as mechanic, $62.HIGHWAY' Longacre. and prosperous man'ied life. 80; S. C. Alexander, cable and Ora Hardin now has employmen t Mr:. F red McKin ney and family clamps, $63.90; J. K. Spene r, Choice of Knowi:ng in Dayton , and r ooms wit h h and Miss Rachel Hartman of New sa nd and gravel, $108 .76; Willard .11'-0 The b a e k Motorists a unt t here. Burlingt on F riends hurch; Mr. Bogan, tone, $2.26; Lebanon ... 1·1""111........$ bone of the of:11 the northwest section 'IC theMr. and Mrs. W. C. Bergciall.l and Mra. W. E . Bogan of Sllri~g Lumb r Co., glass and lumber, Ori ginated and Sponsored flcial Re voluCOLUMBUS ~ With the open- Capitol building, where they have haVe bot h been quite poorly Valley F rien ds Cburch and Mr. $30. 3 ; Charles J. Schwartz Groby the tionary Trails ing of rab bit seaso n the State been located for a n umbp.:' ('f last few weeks. a nd Mrs. Harl ey' Smith who livCl cery, cans lye, 60c' Miller HardSyste m of Revolutionary Depa rtm nt ot Health issued its years, across th~ north f llyer, to 0 Mrs. C. A. east of New Burlington were ware & Furniture, 'h gal. Duco . W est.!rn Ohio. annual warn ing concerning tul r- neW location In the ,,0rtheliJ~ Roy Willia ms an d gran Short Trail g uests at our church Sunday. paint, $:1.20; R(>\f' s El ctric Shop, emia, or "rabbit fever ." Any section of t he Capitol adj{iccmt t o Nancy were Dayto n shoppers A Missionary Confer ence of 4 ~ ft. 100m, 2Scj H. S. COD OV r, Marked ita I Ass6Ciation p r on who handles a wild rabbit the offices 01 t ho 8uperint~nt1ent da y afternoon . Miami Quartel'l~' ~{eetil1g wa . f'u pplies and paint, $18.10; Thc sbould weor rubberghltcs a~ a of t he bu dget. r he boards t uncMrs. William Dyke and h eld Thursday night at New Bu r- Ohio il 0., kerosen e and gaso. entire length protective measure. It is insisted Honing di rec tly with <~:he De.,alt- chil dren of Midway . were Iing ton Friend Church. Mildred li ne, $313.92; Franklin Vulcanizing by historiclli Who markers of the that t he game be cooke(1 \.horOll- men t of F inance . will lIl~et i r. dinn~ g uests of Mrs. ltc , a returned mISSionar y Tire Co., gasoline, $13.14; BorOhio Memorial gbly, ~n.d hun,ters we~e ea\!t ionej Director Allison's new offico a s ' Graham.. , f rom RamaHah, wasgue t spea k- den's Tire & Battery Station, ft~'!L Commission. about taking '~ny rabbit '.¥hieh ap soon as th~ r emoval ta1t~~ Il t'. The Epwor th Leagu e of Lytle er. Mr. and Mrs .. Dougills Parker, $1.80; Gl'OSS Service Station, gaSQ b c pears to be sickly or unable t o The boards are t~e State a~l!l\'lJ of churcl\ held a social meeting Tues. missionar ies from Mexico, wer~ line, $18.18'; S. Gle)'l WQl'ley. For additional strip r un rapid,ly. Only nne ca~e ·tlf t ul- CO.n trol, the Emerg C:1 Boal''1 day eve~ing at t he home of Mil- there, . Iao. Several from her e at- gasoline, $5.94; WaynesviU(\ ' el'maps or ' any in!ormation en ar emia has been reported to t he and the Sundry ' Claims Board. dred and Robert Young. tended. vice Station, ga olinlj, $34.35; rlliativc to State P ark s• •D partment of Health ,,0 till' tnis Changing the Department Several f rom h ere a ttended t he Miss Jeannette'r Wilson of this Wa lt er Botts, g sollne, $40.14; PleasureHistoric Reso rts, Shrines Scenic . Spots, year, but it is estimated t hat at Fi~.nce executive office 10 a place funeral of Mrs. Mar y McClur~ at p I aee and Miss h.athryn mith of Kilpatrick-French Motor Co., pai nt or t he hundreds 01 other last o'ne per c nt of Ohio rabbIts adjacent to the super intendent /)f Waynesville, Wednesday after - Waynesville broa,dcasted over WH and ga aline, $29.10; Flora's points of especial i nterest are a ffl ict ed with the di!\(!ase. t he budget will tend to ere~to noon. 10 Sunda y aftel'noon. Motor ervlce, til'c, tube and along this route, w rite 'Il·!elve. deaths were caused by t he r:flieiency of operation, l>i~eC:I.'>r Mr. and Mrs. James Johns are Mr . a nd Mrs. Raleigb Boglin en- gasoline, ' $23.66; A. . Mul't'ell WILBUR M. FAULKNER malady in t he state in 1928. Allison said. . an extended visit with rel- tertained the fo llowig n Sunday Filling Statio n, gasoline, $31.32.; Secretary • . ' . Dayton. dinner guests: MIl'. William P.'id e- T. E. Barnbart, garage rent, $4 0 ;


IFa rm lIIillht 1aiks, November 25






---- .






Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol



• - ~ DI~~ ~ ~~I ~~~~tau"~ ~~M~b~I.~~~~ Nbb~~; M~ ~:=====~=======~==========~;;;;;;;~S=F=R~I~N=G~F~l=E=L=D=,=O=B=I=O~=~ T~o~~•• .~ .announced in its latest r eport .t hat of Cincinnati, spent the week-end Mrs. W . Jlj. ~og'm of 'n ear Sprjng -, - - - it " would be a good Inves;ment ' with Mr. and Mrs. F r ank Robinson Valley, and Mr. Cbat'les Stanley. I~---"""'~~'-~---~;,..~ to increase the annual a pproprill- and Mr. and Mrs. W. ·C. BergdaJI. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mitch' . c- tiOD of the State Commission fo r N t . and Mrs. Kesler Graham ner att~ ded a golden \~ edding , an d Miss Bernice were ' dinner annive rsary Slllnda y for Mr. guests' Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Mite.h ner's paren ts, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grabam. Samuel Mitchn e,. Mr. and Mrs. Lut her Haines and . Harvey Hole has returned to work at the Frigii1aire, after . a tamily had as their Sunday dinncr gueate the f ollowing: Mr. and Mrs week's IIlneSll. Mr. arid Mra. Donald BadIe), ~arle1 Smith of near New Bur- I visited relatives at Wilminiton Iinrtpn and Mr!l. Ella Haines. Sunday. . Several hom here a ttended a Mrs. Melvyn Swank who union, service .t New Burlington Friends Church Sunday n ight. Mr', been quite m .at h~r 'home in William Ptldeau'x 01 New England ton, WI.II able to .be b~o\lght to OLASSIFIED ADS COS,1r ONLY home ot her parents, Mr. and 141'8. told ot his eXlle'dences whUe in E. B. LonelcreTuesday to remain priSOn durine the war. ONE C ENT PER WORD. WHY . Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Bogan of ·the rest of the week. Mra. C. W, Albright and laalde near Spl'ing ' Valley, Mrs. WllIlam KEEP YOUR ATTIO FlLLED Hugbee of Waynelivllle .pent Fri. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Fint Charter Oblllation RemainA WITH USELESS ARTICLES day with h.r daughter, Mn, Bopn attended t he amateur con· Kesler Graham. teat at RarveJIsb urg, Saturday One of Chief Dutiea THAT CA~ BE TURmtD INT O Mr. Walter Clark and daarhte~. nir·h t. · Mia Wanda Glark o'f Dayton made Some of our members attend<,d MONEY J.;'OR SO SMALL A By David S. Ingalla a buslne. trip- to Cincinnati Mon- an entertainment by the Martin Cb.irmVJ. Obit) Roll Call COtIJIIJIttH COST. TRY TlUS MEANS 9 F children of .WiJlmington, Friday day. 'Mr. ·and , ~rs. Leon SaUsbury, ' I ilaht at New Elurli ngton Frie t\~\l SE LLING AND SE E . W'HAT A Red Cross Chapter. they told. tbela . story and the Red Croat olficiala bo- son and daughter, of Sabina, were Chul'Ch. Mrs. Marga rE!t An tram. Ralph DlFFERENCE IT WILL. MAKE ~ame their l ponlOrl from that da)t entertained to' dinner Sunday at 011. Never stoppinlr until compema. t.he home of Mr. and Mrs; Allen .ntram and Re\'. Ma ry A ntrllm of TO YOUR POCKET BO OK, AS Wilming to~ entertained the follow ::on hAd been allotted to the "etenD, Emric~. .he Red CrOll would c:aJ11. bls c:ue Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whitaker 'ing guCilts Sunday : Mr. and Mrs. WELL AS TO HAVE YO UR •0 W.l hinstoD and Ita7 With it llIItD and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burton Donald Dabe and daughter, ~ had a heNlnar. STUFFY OL D ATTiC CLEANE D wfte week-end ,uests of Mr. and Patricia Ann, of Hillsboro ; Mr. In DlaD7 caaea "eter.aIU .... cIeatI- Mo. Edward Burton at Elyria and Orville Antram of New York; Mrs .ute when tbey maIM thla lut ..... while there caUed on Mr. and Mrs. Orville Antram ana children who OUT. IT PAYSI to tile Red. CrolL Then the "Grat- Seth Tbomas in Cleveland. , baye been staying at the Ant ram est Wother" taku c:an Of them u Mrl. Allen Emrick, Mn. Alice home in Wilmington , Miss An na .she did to .,...... DIrect relid ill Clark, Mn. Mildred Surfaee aDel Sohlll of Dear Wilmingto n. Mrl'l. food. dot. . . . . . lIMit........ to ~. DIU aDd lila , . . , aatD alIc:h lin. Walter Xenrlek Ipent Tu ... QnJile Antram and /80n, Walter , returned home with Mr. Antram, • lillie u he caD . . . ., comp. . . .c laj 111 Dat\On. don &om tbe Got'enameat. Ill'. alld Kn. Barny Bamet alld • - - -nut. p-aIld-claqbt.r, 1'fD... Th. fann De,,;s prog ram br oadW..., a la4.anenadoo beblDcI .... ~ c100n Whitaker• .,.at TtMtday wNa 'tlte eacb week day except Friday enf ••, •• 1atteI'a brodaer allll wile, Dr. all. from 1 to t :1& p. m. over the ~ ,, ~.-....., BIMIt and Ohio State UniveTlit, station, WOSU. is abort but packed f ull And timel7 j

M. Ray Allison of the Dc1)1htmcnt of F inance will be movea th'ls " ek fr om their location in cori.' 1)ection with the governor's offices




...... ..






TrJ The Miami Galette For A


Tile onnllal Rt'.J TO" roll-can I~ n .. \\ undo r way. R. H. Hattt\o k, ChililllHl1l 'If t1Hl Waynt' Town. hip ..tW'I'\l·" nf lhl' Hcod ern.~. nnnoun. 'A gain of one vote WAS rccordtld C(.- lhnl lllcmlwr hill frt's (Jf $1.00 in the ballot cast fot C. Ernest caell mlly bl' len 1.\ ilh him or at Eamhart, candidate for the Carthe Wayne 'dUe Tational Bunk. lisle board of education, as the local election board t his week completed a recount of tht" ballots ca t. in West Franklin township. The correct relurns gave Earnhart 118 votes. With two t.o lie el cted, Walter R. SquireI' took first place with 133 vote and =-.::====~============~~======~==:I Naney W~iser carne in ccond wilh 120, two ah ead of Earnhart. J. A. White was fourth hi the closo race with 113 votes. Application for the r cou'nt, the only one requested in War en , county following the recent I~c· tion, wa flied with the \)011.1'11 Nov· ~ ~ ember 12.

" r, ."lu\I(>n


n•• \

----....--.. ..




Coyle's Quality Meat Market Phone 66


SILVER OF QUALITY .AND BEAUTY Un<J.uedioned durability ~d

esquisite design , -the highest ideals in plated ware-are UlUJ'ed in 'spoons. fork., and fq.ncy aervioa pieces bearina tho reaowned trade mark; .

CHRISTMAS SEALS For the 29th year Christmas eals will be placed on slIle between Thanksg1vi ng and hrist~ mas for the purpose of raising funds with which to carry on a <;ampaign fOI' the prevention 0 tuberculosis an~ the care of tholle already stricken with ·it. The sale of the Seals in Ohi) is under tbe direction of the Ohi,l Public Health A sociation, ot which Dr. E. R. Hiatt o:f Troy i. president a.nd Dr. R. O. Pat~rson of Columbus executive secretary. In every country in the state some organ i'i/:ation interested in publtc health will have cha.rge of the loca.l sales, a numb er of city committees also having been named in addition to tbe c:ounty organizatioDS. The Chl'istmas Seal this ye:.u harks back to the 1860's and do:pieta a you ng 'Woman dress(>c in a gown typical of that p erio d, 'mailing a letter. At that time the cauae of tuberculosis was not known and no plan fOl: ~ombattiug it had been devised. Even today

tion and pioneering has lighted scttJemeht. In that and other explorations! many genera1lions of American his endurance in the face or youth. The ideals for which his ha.rdships, his resourcefulness. memory stands - self-reliance. became the stuff of Which na· daring, pel'SEIVerance have tional myths are made. He was a guided of Americans in hero molded to the needs of a their own undlertaklngs. . youn~ and vigorous nation .lllnd Even In h:ls' 'lifetime Daniel remains the Idol C)! Amerlean Boone became an object of vener- boys. Boone lived to see the frontier ation at his home in wbat Is now La Charette, Missouri, and the which he had helped push westmonument over his final resting , ward advanced far beyond his place at Fratnldort, Kentucky, boldest dreams. In his old age nlll dMlwS tliousands of pilgrims Congress recognized bis pioneerannually. Rep'resenting 8S it does ing services by granting him a \he IntrepUI spirit of the Ameri- small property in La Charette, can westward movemen~, his where he pursued bis robust life elIaracter is a ' Living force In as a trapper and hunter until his death in 1820, at the age of 86, Amel'iean hielt ory. Boone was born near Rending', T.venty-five years latet, his reo Pa., probablll' on November 2, mains and· those of his wife were 1784. Little lsi ~nown of his boy· r(>moved to Frank1ort, Kentucky . bood, but thrilling legends The need to per.p etuate remem· cluster about bis trapping, hunt- brant.~e of those whom the nation lnr tond e~loIr8tion of virgin ter· loves and admires is taken for ritorlu. HIS .tJIowledgo of wood- granted by Amerieans, and it. has craft, hll cowrage and his under- encouraged tributes to Daniel .tt.nding of I!ndian W8Y~ led to Boone everywhere In the land. bIa engageml!nt by Judge Rich- He WIlS , ,great American eonard Henders l~n to explore the queror, who!!e weapons were wbole KentUCKY area and to ne· those of peace and skill.

up vistas of achievement for

t I








,1 saJcl

It Is noc"~' !lry to cn ll n !!p<,cl n.l ,·1,,('11'111 for 11 .... 1,\ I"II·)08 .. In necorltnnce with 1l.~u8 Bill U. ij ~ I, I"l"" d l'dnv ~3. .19:15. In r<l e rlO II:trtl<"i)1 l In fcd rnl n1<l: lhllt til 'Ill !!tlon ot IsalllLn e of "Aid \.)on,lg 11011 til .. \ I!V)' of slIr h t ax he !lu"mitt II to th e 1f" ' lo,"lI or 8111<1 vi lloge Ilt II 1I[l C1Al I cUon to b JI"It] }'rhluy. Opo ni h r 20 193. IIl1er ijl> f' In1 .. l llctl6 n lIubJ t 'to bh'c ap I \In,,·a.1 o( th o Tnx b llltrl18slon Llll' ~t.~t of Ohio: that Lhla COIIIICJ\ , lima.t cH thll t 8n.ld bonl111 w III be tluUlod~ot1 by r 'Ill lutl o n (}Sllllle d V"lor to Novctnb , I' '30 1916 n.nd tha.t the "pproximllte dot' of Si.Jd bon Is IV III hI' .J :ullIary 2, 193 i lhab tI.l~ COU 11 II e8 1lrnnte.1l tllat th~ bonels ,\' 111 \J .. (l!lld In fifty 8 1Il1-\l nllllal In. sln.llnH1llts lIlI.turlng ilL IIUbSlantlall:\,

dur1ng II- II rlod or tWl.'nL Y-'C\\,e y<,nrllll.fL r bh a.uthor lzatlo n lhupor ; thllt sulll i.londQ will , 11('11.. Inter 8t n.t tb e- I'alo 01 not ... _ (lIng ti l' (fi) PI'I' e.·ntum V r ., nnum. 1)I\YlLb l s ml.nnnual ly 13e It furlh I' r,'so lvt'!1 that' th 11 1~"k of t hts COli'1 II be alld h 9 h"reby <l1I-ol·t"d to CHUfy n. ~o py ~~ hrs t · \>Iutlon to tho CO UOljl ud I t"r ot \Vun' 0 'aunty tor his ~'\ I <'~ l ntiun Of Ih ~ n.\'~ruge IU1nuai I" ,·), rrllultl'Li ~hrollll'hout th l'


" qUIlI nmoull II


Qt th~ bOll\la. t o pR.Y tho lnle l'~ $ t n~la t t l'tl r (l 8ud1 IJ IHI ~ Il.sKuml n !! I I.U lh e\' IIrc all Issu d o n e ~e "1 9 and Ibnt til l' nUlount of Ull) tn ~ 1I @1


The.a ter Wayne.vllle, O. "-",. . ,''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''111 . NOVEMBER 22- 23 Ceor8e O'Brien, Irene Harvey in "HARDROCK HARRIGAN" Cal·toon- "Bird Land," Comedy-"Hail Brothers" NOVEMBER 24-25. Fre.,ic: March. CluU'l... talll'bton in "LES MISERABLES" hort Fox News NOVEMBER 26-27- 28 WILL ROCERS in

r this ,'l lIlIg I'Mt1uln!l the Sl1.m t1l1'u~gh()\lt Lh lite or sn.l£I bonds whl h .<' ~tlfl c"U t1 s hall b mna '

nOt lese lhlLn thirty (au) tillY. prior to Bueh Sll dnl l tctlo n . • Passp,l by til COli ne ll ot th ... III!\g 01 \\Tur n !IV IIIi' St'Lle ot (\.hlo thla 18IJh Ilny or' ov mIJor 1935. A . I. .A. K DAY.

Corn., has S (If . Pimple Street Two Shows-6:30 & 8:00 p. m. 15c_ _ _-1 n21- 28 ' -_ _ _ADM. _ _ _10c___


J\ttto8 t : U.

Steamboat Around The Bend

f(ATFIFlLD Vlllj\go I I' )c'



No hunting Or trespa sing on my 'farm day or ni~ht.

F orwa rd Steps


It is a genuine thrill to us to liee how quickly our profession i advancing, both in skill and in p ub~ic prestige. Hardly " day goes by without some new di. cove~, so~ new d vic~ to make our service (lven more perfect.

No hunting or tr spassing on ' the farm known 8S the Burton Earnhart farm, day 01 ni& BOLIN & SLOAN

TRl' there is no known medicine for the cure of tuberculo is; plenty oi sunshin e, wnole;s ome food, rest and proper care are the only acceptable methods of treatment.


It is an honor to belong to such a forward'-Iooki ng profession. And it is equally an honor to ~erve so many of our townspeopl • knowing that we otTer them all that cienee nnd thoughtful~s can provid to make sorrow easier to bear.


By test c.orn if. found to contain more moi tUfa as it goes into the crib than in any year in the III. t six. Farmers are ex~ting )\[rs. Maude Fetter is critically damage to seed corn when cold ill at. hel' hoole on Third street. weather arrives and many are placing seed eorl~ in ,raell!; in well Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Hawke enter ventilated and heated rooms in tained at di nn er Sonday, Mr. and order to speed up the rllte of dryMrs. James Ha, 'kc and Mi 8 Glening. na Hawke, of Springfield ; Mr. and Mrs. J esse ear and son Joe, and Mrs_ Ec.l Selll' , of abina; Mr. and Mrs. P. Fromm, Mr. and Mrs. C, Lee Hawke and little Mi 8 Anne Weltz.

Two Sisters Work 30 Years Together in Phone Exchange

J. ~ McClure PlIo•• 7


VI arne_ville, Ohi1>


Late' :Classified FOR SALE

FOR SALE.:-Bedroom suite, Fold.· ing bed and Electric waslting machine. Mrs. Maude Crane. n21

There are various makes of .averplated tableware 'which are daimed to be "just as good," but, like aU imitatioll$, they lac1t the beauty and weari!lR _quali7. ideali6ed with the original and genuine II tH1 R08ERS8ROS. • ~~pularly bo~a.~'.Si/"er Pla,iiIia, W,aT$~'· -, SOld · by leacling .dealers everywhere. Send fOI catalogue " ·C -L" showing all designs. GO.,

',,,,,l,.,.. it,..

T HE glamor of Daniel Boone's gotiate with the Cherokees fol' rOl'Jlantic c:areer of explora- the purchase. of a vast tract for

1841 ROGERS BROS.T~il£ . IERlDEN BRrrml.t CO.. CIIlT·...·r:..!!~..•

.ft " ........ 0' BOD"" ..


amounts $15 per - it acre and onto burley it contracted represents $20 per contracted acre. The payment will be made to 375 :farmers in Warren county.

of dressed pou]try for Thanksgiving. Special prices on all smoked and fresh meats.. Get your orders in early for prompt • serVIce.



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;:~~~ - --- ----ALL KINDS



Itrileil. Coo.

QilaUty Prlatlal

. F We can lupply you with the beat and high~at grade building material. and lumber of' all kind.,

Tile.... Brick ••• Rc;»ofing ••• Cement

W~ H. Madden" Co. 14

Wayne.ville, o.

EW women have attaincd continuous service rccords of 30 years in the business ~'?rld, but London. 0 " has two sIsters who each have s~rved ' more than that number of ycars in the telephone business. . In June of this year, Miss Besse Ballenger, long distance opcr;ltor at the London exchange, was awarded a gold emblem by The Ohio Bell Tclephone Company in recognition of 30 years as a telephone worker, Two yean ago her ,ilter, Miss Grace Jlallenger, received a limilar award. During their long' telephone careers the two sislerl have lived and worked tOletber, leadin, almost parallel lives. Grace aeeepted her fir.. telephone job II part·time operator for the old Blake Te1epbone Company, a predeceuor of the Ohlo Bell I!Ompany in Londoa. hi July, 1901. Within fin IIICIDllaI ... was nde chief operator GS die per-



II re"~"r>' to levy a til. Ul"l<l lJ t (h" ll' U mill limit to Iln,y til Inl r"'It on and to reHr 8Rld bonds: tllil.t

Payments amounting to apPl'ox.i mately $16,000 will be mnde in the n aT future to both cigar led and burley tobacco g"owers who signed 1935 tobacco control contracts in Warren county Lester J. Miller, (:ounty agricultu1'B1 agent, states that the checks Llave been written at Washington and will be ltOnt to Lebanon so metime this week. These' are the rental payments on the fi1'8t ,Payment on the 1935 contract. On cigal' leaf contracts



n".· .. ~

vl lll1g" In Un MTlOllnt v., hl\lh ll1ls VO lin. 11 <ls lllJIIlle8 11.1 Twclv Thou~ ­ nna IIl ~ .OUO . OO) \)oUnrs : 1I1n.t It J8

GEl $16,000.00

Mil brleg .






MIl~· or nil,,· ,. "l " I,n. • 11 I tfth.h' ot lh,' tl'n nlil l IInlllaU<>n 10 Pill' .h ,' 1"I"re"t un 111,1 t h·ll,· !jol') lJonlls." lind 1I1~ .. 1"I'I ;trln~ til , II N,N! Il)' of ('nlli n g 1\ fl' "Inl '1, , 'UOh. . U~ It r~"olvt',l hy ("011 nell ()! In,· \'IIIIIR~ or \VllYlI~e\' Il1, • tILt or (hi". thnt to,' tlte Illlrl108~ wt 'no tru U,\g 0. 5ltllILII1')' 'lewer O} 8t"," I\otl Me wa'fc d ISII08al 1}lun t. th.· 11111' hnsB or hu,,1 to be lls"d III ,'vnn ellon 'Lh r ...wlth. tOr the "ur· ",6" or 111l}'ln!,: th oet of ngln r· / UK s n ' l .,,~ th r on. una f or ol ll l'r ""\l"ns('" In ~rr (\ till' c Ll y III cunII otluu will. >I II h sewer If syelo'ln "nIl ~ ' wUIl; dls[\"So.\ plant, it . if


1JOtIr&te io thilN.-wa-

tI .."lnrln" Ihl'


I\hHnJ1lt. IHlrl1Utif' llll,l n"IHU toO ~1I~'lt~ tlll11" Int"l'f'8 t ,'a(t' nlHI JIlQI\lr.




II~. 11",1 ul"o I h



(1Ir '


A few years later Besse followed in her sister's foo·tsteps and became a relief operater. Gr~ce was Besse" "boss" on her first job and since then the two sisters ha~'e worked tOgether continuously in the same exchange, Besse has in the operating side of the business throughout her career, and probably no' one knowl more about tbe eJtciting event! that have happened in :London during the past 30 'Years. />ae her switchboard she has been const,antly at the crODroads of .the community's dally activities, connecting scpres of emergenCJ calls from frantic~ liubscribers as well a. thousanda of r ~tine busincs. and lOCial call., departmeot Grace Jeff tM in 1929 to Dec:omlellllSSlltant cia! manager of tion rarely held now lel'vice reDrl~entati1~1! COIII!IMY.


The '1 Ilaml ,


Eighty-Seventh Year



W hole Numb er 6197

VEl\II3ER 28, 1035




SURPRISE PARTY FOR T he Wl\yne Township Mothers' Club wlll meet at. ,t he grade bu ild- MRS. RALEIGH BOGAN

ing F r iday, December 6, at 2 p. m. R v. Carl Smith, of the local Church of Christ, will add r~s!! the Mr.. Stephen Cilm... Add....... oed club at t his time. A Christmas progl'tlm wjl\ also be presented by the Club on !I.e Cuatom. of pupils in Mrs. Ker ' oy's room. Spain .~

Mr s, Edith M. Rani was host. e!\s to the members of t he New ent ur y Club an d a few invited g Ul!1!ts F riday , afternoon a t The


BI: I' nL'1 in l. ytl". A, "'i~tn Jlt h U!it· i\lr8. .r () hn~ unci MI'. Lo JIg-acre. All nwmhen ar, IlFked to be f' mly to an swer tho 1'1111 c~ 1J \d!h ~ugll'l'slion s for hl'isllTlas J(,cnrolioil!! for window, room OJ' lllhil', The progl'lln\ will he s hort tl1lk~ on (,hlisllllas eu lu m ~ in othel' InnJs: Englt\nd - Mi ~s Bh'ncht! Ril~': ["way aod , S".eden- Mrs. El'ncs~ Buttel w rll1 ; Gcrmany- yl r~ RO RS lIurt ~ oc k; Fl'ance-l\hf'. J. B. ,halHl'lllnj nu s~ j u-Ml'~ . P ei, I'son , Jam H lla'Al.e and dllnghtet· Sp cinl a '~i/!:nm ntll have b('en MilOS Glenna, wore /(llcst of ~ mode Jor arliMtic a,'rang' lJlel1t~ of r_ , HIIWk ancl fnJl'Iily, Tu 'Rd ay. wint I' hCll1uets. 'I'he 'e will b di~· Mr. anti Ml'll. J . . Hawk were <.'u~!< d he ly, MI', 'r embC'l~' a1" t /:Jut'sled to bring Sunduy gu~~t. of Dr. a nd Ralph VUTlC() in J)!ea~ant P lai n. t h ir ~t ar'tc d bulbs I()I' .il.ld~illg.


.- ...

B efo r e, Say.

O ~ N ea ll

l'S"('~ I\Jt'

'Political lenders will do we ll to bellI' in mind the opinion of orgnnizcd !armel's in tlleit' appeals fo r the public support t hat have • j)J'oved to be so inglol'ious ly se l! center d in til{' past, according to a statement macl by Edward A. O'Neall , PI'e~i d e llt of the American Farm Burellu in addre sing the ]ar'gest group of {a.rmers that ever attended the Ohio Farm Bureau c(lnvcntion. MI'. O'N eal, who spoke i n Colum\:Jufl last week, laid emphasis upon tho necessity of Iarl~ folks getting together today as thOY lilTf'. Ida , I k 6 and Mrs. Ado huve never don~ b\!.{oI·c. The inouttne y will p nel Thl\nk ~g ivill g Day II ith rolntiv Il in Wilmington. cr a~e d spcciuli1.ati on of indu)jt1?Y un\l continua! nece 'sH~ f 01' greater il'. alld Mrs. Wulker Hatfi !d, learning In ' very pursuit of lif~ of OayLo n, sp nt Sunday ' IU . 111:1. Mayme HaUl Id and Mr. \ nece s)tatcs tha t W f!! farm folks 1tllym(lD HaUl Id. must work wiLh one another/ he said. "Farming is tho basic indusMr. (Inu Mrs. A. O. Gnfry will tTy of the nat ion, and plans f or spen d "hankl'giving ,w ith Hlei( son co nomic r ccQ very sbould start in-law and dallghtel', ~h. and Mrs ..... ith l>eople engaged th is oldest 0, D. Bl'akcfi Id, in Sabina . of all vocations." 'cEvery political candidate f or fr o and MrR. lat'cmce Netzley, H)36, on whatever s ide he may be o f Dayto n, were visitota nt ,t he mu st realize that it will be well f or home of ).\oJ 1'. and Mrs. F rank him to c()ns ul~ tM wishes 01 the Thomas, Sunday morning. of'ganized IIgl'llJ'lan groups whose ~l'o\Yth in (wganlz <.I power i daily M1·. and M1:s. R. 1[, Jlartso k were in Cohmlbus j }'l'idIlY/ in at- beeo)1llng more appal'ent," declared the national leader. " Farmers t 'nuance at a m eting of County of Ohi o and of the na tion must lay TI ~ sul' tl rs' A oeiation. their faith in education, and years Me sr& Donald Dnd DClln Jlawk<l gon by prove the so undest ap" ill be uinner guests in the home plication of It'al'n ing in ag ric ulture of Mr. and Mrs. David And erson is to wOl'k together in organized at l\illgm ll n, Thul'~day vtn ing. ' action."



----- ~






Wn rnn Olln ly P (\m ona Grongr, wiJI hI' h 1(1 on'mlte r!lO!lt fIUI·. ,'( y,·burg. Th(, a i'lel'oOO Il ll1eclih~, with FaJ'Illl!I'K' and Ma~l) n !=; uh (lJ'di . ,\ II1flsl il1tcrl:~ti ll ~ 1l" nl\'l'llll1 ill nate Gl'llnj!('s in Chlll'W' o r the bC' in/!: 1',lmHIPd fol' IhC' Chl'i ~tma~ l,rogrnl11 \liIl be h ,It! in the high n1<"Un/t clf j hI' Gtll'dl'n CILIb 10 b(' .cbool gY11lnaKiu m. Coope r a tion o f Farm Fo lke Ie hl>ltl, 1'tll',.;(\ a), . IIt'c('mhc.'l· :1, n't 2 MOl"e Important Tha D Ever p. Ill" lit th~, homc of 11', I l[ lU'\' C'y


Sunday, Novembcr 24, friend s an d neighbors of Mrs. 1tnlcigh Bogan, Waynesvill e, Ohio, R. n., gat hered at her hom e with ,,'('11 fi lled baskets and surprised h r. T hose wh o enjoy d th bounteou dinner were: ' Mr. lind Mrs. Ray Young a ntl daughter, S uzanne, Mr. and l\fl'~. J acob Seibold a nd .!\O n, Ju nior, all of Middletown; Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Robert tanley, nTa, Wayne ano Mar y Edith 1;nnl ey of neat'

Little I nn. Answer s to " Are You Tha nk f ul? Wh y?" were g iveh ,a t 1'0 )) call. During the opening session a Ilillsboro; R v. Ma l'Y Antram, b a utiful t ri bute to t he club secreAn na Sohns, Ma ry Lillian and t M J eann tte Antl'am of Wilmingtol1 ary, Mr,. a1'y B. McC lure, reRev. a~d Mrs. lIllI'l'y' Lei ure of cen tl y deOO8sed, W II8 rend by rtl rs. Mr. apd Mrs. Ot to Sebold, of Sabjna j MI'. and Mrs. Eva n Bogan F .U. LeMay • Cincinn ati, wnre guests of Mr. and and family; Rohert and Marjorie ~ Mrs, Ken neth Hough, who was Mrs. W . O. Raper on Sun day. of Dayton, 0; Mr. and Mr.. Welfirst on the waitint Ii t f or club Mrs. Ella Braddock and Mrs. don Wilson and so n, Gerald,. of member hip, automaticaOy took the place in t he cl\Jb made va cant Emma Gru bb, of Dayton, spent near X eniu i h. and h s. Horace. by the d ath of M rs. MpClure. Monday wi th relatives he re. ompton, Mi ~s Addi e Schamerloh Mrs. J. B. Cbapman who Is Gordon ot. New Ourlin ' tll n; Mrs: Elh I th ' 't' r t '11 ~l:. and Mrs. L. H. Haines, Mt·. and Mrs. Homer a SQ 0',1 e . wa l 108 15, W1 were di nner guests of Mr. and Mrs Haine. , Richard nnel E mily Haines a rv In the ~l a~e of ~h8, Mal'y E. B. }lurrell , of LebaO,on, unday Mrs. F . D. Compton Mr and Mr . '. ' . Cro!ls, who 18 In FlorIda fo r thel wint r. T be preKident, Mrs. J . W. 50,000 of tb 050,000 , active Lu~h er Hames, Phylhs and Donald Ward appointed Mrs. J . L. Men- cases o£ t ub erculo sis known in the Hame , Mr. and Mrs. Fran~ Com~ denhall as secretary 01 the club Un ited Sta tes today are c1lildren ton, all f near New Burhn~ton, tor the remainder of the year. unde r 15. M~, and Mrs. . Evel'ett Hames, I W illard, Mannn, Eethe.r J ean, The sUbj ect for t he program Wall Dr. Ma ry L. Cook and nieces left 'I Carey Leigh, Erral Dean Hai.n es, .. pain" and Mrs. W. Allen., W ed nesda y for Akro n where tbey l\(rs. Roy J ones. Donald, Mary cha ir man of the p~ogram commit. will spend Thanksgiving with Mrs Loui e and James Allen J ones , , announced t he opening, Bes,sie White and f amily, Rev. and Mra. W. E . Bog,an, Mr. number, a p ~n o lIelection of and Mrs. Amos ompton and son, S p ll n i~h music, played by ¥ rs. C. E. Michener, manager of the Walter Delln, 1\1r. and Mrs. Carl J ohn Gons. Mrs. Allen then in tro· W a ynesville Farmers' Exchange ,Tonl's and son, Cbarles William, d uced Mr s. St~ph en GlIman, of and Mrs. Michener a l'& an nouncing , harles Stanley, Mr. an d Mr . Route ~ , Waynesvill e, 83 gue t th\l birth of Ii son, November 20. William Smi th and rtfI'. an d Mrs. speaker . Mrs. Gilman, 'Who with Mrs; E. W. Hopkins and M~s. E. Raleigh Bogan all of Waynesville , her ' husband and s on an~ her R. Bentl ey ~pe nt W ednesda y in R. R. brother, sp nt a year in Spain, is a -~ -~-g uests of Mr. flu ent s peake r and gave a grallhic Dayton the description of the country, the BentleY'1! sister nb . Victor Burris p oplc and their c UBtoms. Mr. an(! Mrs. J . L. Mendenhall AnothClr ~Iection of music, att nded the state conve nt ion of "Spanish er fmade,''' by Mr . Gons th e Ohi o Fat:m Burea u In Columb rought th e instructive and enjoy. bus last week. a ble l)1'ogram to a close and aftAlr adjournment dainty and d electable Mrs. Sar ah Murray was in Le b~ Diac"uions Sc:hecluled On WOSU'. r efr eshm.entB were served. anon Sunday afternoon and called Farm Ni,ht Invited , guests of the hostess on MI s E mma Cartwright at the Proaram were Mrs. Gilma'n, Mrs: Rogers, Warren County Home. Mr!!. J ohn Gon , Mr. Kenn eth Improving the quality and value Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Lio n ao<1 ' Hough, MrB: J . B. Chapman, Miss An ~ie Brown, MiS!! Ma rne B rown, daughter Dale and Mr. -a nd Mrs. of cream pro duced by fanner ll and Miss Emma Heighway, Mrs. Ron- Chal'les Hay attended a party n ear dah'ymen in Ohio is the aim of a series of ni n.& radio disc ussjons ald Hawke, Mtss Olara Lile and Dayton Saturday evening. a nnounced by th Ohio State U niMrs. D. L. Crane. Mr$. Ama nda Maffitt Vo'ith Mr. versity stption, WOSU, 'hich ~-and Mrs. Lee Morris, of Dayt on, b roadca llts on 570 k i1oc:vcle~. visited Mr. lind Mrs. Lyle ,Alexa.nFe,at ured a s ' a part of the der in Spr\ny Valley, Sunday. stat ion's reg ul ar F a rm Nigh t



A p pro"im.a tely 5 0 Local ' Applications Ha'fe Been Paned B Y, Board

- ---

,-----~ ~--;:


- - - -. W ord 'i exp et ed moment rily from th e ."lale la x 'romll\i s~ion in olumbu~, authori7. i n~ Wayn e ville's $]2,000 bo nd I:Hue f r tha new sewel'ag and S<.WfigC dhpm,al plnnt lerk Rnynl otl Hatfi eld onnou necd Wc~n csda!v afternoon, M anwhiLe local ~)ffici Is we t·c pl'eparing fol' a p'Bcllll .!kc 10 ~entat l vely sch (l(l uled for Prhln y , Decemb r 20, at wbi~'" til11 'J P ople of Wayne ville "ill go to t h polls to decide \\h l'Lher the ISSUe be accepted or rej ecter!. A 66 percent vote of the peopl~ of Waynesvill wiJI be ne'c(,RSal'Y to furnish the Vil1f;lg(>'~ s],at'e of th e $60,000 pro j at , which would Ii comp1etec,i unde r WPA.

More than 50 hlea! opplications for loa ns ho ve been IlltSlle d l,y thl! Hu rnl Reseltlcment committ e of Warren coun ty it Wl\S annou nc<d fo ll owing a meeti ng of th bOnl'fl of dil'cdnrs of the organization Salul·uny. Loahs m.ade to farnlers l'u.IJrC I1'0m $]00 t o GOO, it WOl! said . The pUl'}lO, of t.he RR c.ommittee is to a id (a1'm rs tn e, tablLhing them e lves, and to tak e them off l' lid roll s. Pu'nds liJ'ovid d by the eo-mmitt' ar used for the purchas of live st ck, farming imp llHI1 nls, fced and the like. Loans are r epaid ov r a period Of four year!;, with interest at fiv e P l ' cent. Jamcs Bai ley is cbairman or the bard, wh ich iR mnde up of Fr d ontion, nod ad Duke and 1.e te l' 1. Miller, Lebanon and Edith Munger, llal'vey~buJ'g. Thoma Fo!!lct' is <lij·' for Worl'en co unty .



~-- -

Wayne TOWMhip !>ch(lol s will lJ cl sed rhu~'S<lay an,r 1~ f'id8Y for Thank giving vacation. lasses w ill be tOe . umed Monday, Deeem: ber 2.

...- - -



ba.d es hopman, of 'Cbicago, and Robert Ilapman of C lumbu " will spend Thanksg iving with their A com~lI in g need fot cultivation of forcsight a mong the men ,Patents, Mr. Ilnd Mrs. J. n .. d . ed'In agrrc . It Chapman. 'a n women engag u ure an d a strong impulse t owar ds conMi ses J osephine a nd Ayleen rt;s enr; Mainous, of Detroit, s pent the Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Josinh Davi , Mr. stt'uctive planning fo r t he future at 8 :15 p. m. uuring Decemb er cou ncil to draw up l11anR. week-end with their parents, Mr, and Janua r y. and M,·s. LIQyd Dav l a nd son s aBed on prudence gleaned in the Cou ncil this weelk was noti fi c ~! ' and M.r s. Ray Mainous. will attend a family reunion al th'(l past b ut not t' !iant upon previous of. a suit by Will i T he discus ions in t he or der home of relotiv s in Xenia, Th urs accompli hments for appor t, was Rev. John J. Schaeffer ia !1l at scheduled includ e: Th e Dollar O. Gu till, In whIch damage. ar ' I among issue stressed by Per ry IWA YNESVILLE CHURCH OF day. his home in Day ton. During bis Value of Ohio Butter-B. B .. c:l)im ed !Ol' what he all eges ,t !:.>c L. Gree n, in his annual presidenCHRIST Plan arc go in~ forward for the absence ser vices a t St, l\lary's St oltz uni versity dairy t echnolo- u n~a ti ~factol'Y ,ewegol.' COIHhtion. Mr. and Irs. J. C. Hawke and ttlll a!\(.\ r e before th e tate concarl Smitb, Minister' Episoopal church will be in ch!lJ e gis~ ; ' Cream LossC$ Caused by whic b have aff"ct~d1 Iti: [ll')i·~rl.\· . ally of Young Republican lulJs MJ'. lind MI'f'. J. P. }I~ronlm will be vention of Lho Ohi o .Farm Bu'r eau, W in ter F)avors---N. R. Bakel', Answer to lhe SUIt mu.~t be ma(h' r the Sevpnlh Congr sljional Dis- Thanksgiving dinner guests 01 at Colu mbus, Nove mber 21 and of clergymen t rom Cinc jnnati. Not A Denomination ma.nager Fairmon t Oreame ry at in common pl eas CCJ urt nn or be· It'id lo b\3 held in SpTin~fleld on MI', and 'Mrs. J. Wilso n Edw ards in 22. onday, . December 1, Bible Mu . Lillian Fife, of Wasbingt oJl SalurdllY hf this week, Heber pringfi lc;l. In de livering the opening adschool, 9 :30; Lesson text, Ezra' D. C" and her t wo children, Earl Columbus; Cooling Cream in Wi,n- forc December 14. -Hizar, Lebanon, is serving as dl'ess of the seventee nt h annual mission to Jer,usalem Erra 7 :10·8 ; and Miriam Fife of Wilmington, te r~oe Scblosser , stud ent of B1R,THDAY I)[N NER c111l.hntDo of this meeting whicb Dr, C. M. Qull t', s up rinten- convention of the state far m 21-23-31. 'Golden text, "The hand w~ re Thanksgjving Day 'guests of dai ry techn ology; Cow Content. ment Pays---C. L . ,Btackman and Mr. and Mrs. Frllink M, Fox en· will he. held at M mOl'inl Hnll in dent of th Dayton tlistl'ict of the Gre n evnluated t he c riteria by of God i ii QPon all t hem that. seek Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Gordon. ' T. S. Sutton, dairy specialist s; te rt ained at a turkey dlnn el', SUI'I- J1ringf\'frld commeneing at 7 :30 Methodi t church, was the d inn er wh ich progre R of farm ol'ganizahim for good." Etra 8 :22. Lord'. is ~ mea sur e d. No ~ue t of Rev. and Ml·S. G, C. ti\lfl Supper, 10:30. I MI. and Mrs. Walte r Sheehan More Profi t t rom Better Cows-- day, November 24th in honor of o'el ck. Former. enntol' James Wads- Dibert, Sunday. organization, he believes, can jus. Christian Endeavor, 6 :46 p. m., and 80ns visited Mr. Raymond Jva n MeKell ip, dai ry specialist; tbeir On Kenneth' EI bil'thd!lY· Those present were ~11: . and wortb, of New York, will addl' ss tify its exista nce except ,as it topic, Acts U; 1-7, Missionary Dunllam at Kings Mills and Miss F arm Val ue of Skimmilk- Perry Mrs. Kathryn Tur ner, of Dayton challengeI'> a ~r at cae e and pro. work in the cities. Gospel messa~e R-ebecca Dunham at Gener al Hos- Gree n, pTesi dcnt of th e Ohio Farm Mrs. Guy Thomp!'() n !lnel fnmily, the mc~ling andr publican state pital in Cincinnati, Sunday after- Bureau; Use of Dairy Product s' in Mr. anel Mrs. Eban Lenf, Mr. arl offi<!iats and purty Jead en; will be )fl'. and Mrs. A. H . Scho lel', of gr~sses with the vision backing its and special music 'at 7 :30. the Diet--J . F. Lyman, depart- Cran e and dllught(ll', ' Rl.1 th and in atten dance. This i the first liamilton, visited their ]laTent, program di rect towar d ' tlte Wedn'esday night, Novsmber noon , and evening. men t of a gricultural chemistry; l ona, all ot Lebatlon; nnd ~{,l'. dl~trict rally 01 You ng R publican Mr. and 1\'1.1'8 . F. B. Hen derson, fu tu re. • 27, Tbanksgiving and prayer Miss Cora Thomas and Mr. Better Cream ; Bettcr Pric es--F. ,Virgil Wysong of Dayto n. ·Iub. to be held in Ohio. In reviowing the history of the Su nday. service with message by the ~rthor Thomas entertained at secretary of t he --.~ It i expected that thc~' will be L. Schoenberger, Ohio ]i' arm Bureau, Green pointminist er, W. Cal'! Smitb at 7 :80. dinner SllDday, Mr. a.nd M~s. Ohio Dairy Produ cts Associat ion; BUY , CHRISTMIAS SEALS ;In ailenllallCe of 150 f rom WarMr. and MTS. E. R. Bentley; Mr , eo out the many accompli sh011 No~emb e t 28/ the hl'i~ tl11as J'l'11 cQunty at the ,tally. and Mt's. W. . t. Joh n a nd ¥ I R ments of t he cooperative oTganizQo FRIENDS ~EETINCl Myron Thomas; of Dayton, Mr. and Paying f or Cream on Gradeand Mr~. William Thomas and H. J. S)\' si n,1 in charge of cream H ca1tb $ea ls will Q~O on sale with ... - Rosenlar y Bentloy wi ll be T ba.nkS· tion and the ir beneficial effects' on First-day School at 9 :80 a. m. daughter , ot Mainevill e, and Mr. irnpr 6vement work f or the Ohio MI'. J. B. Sack tt as cbairman of 1\11'. and ~rs. W. II. Alien and givi ng dinner guests o{ l~clatives OhiQ farming. He how ever point. J4eIKinc for Worship at 10,:80 , and Mrs: F rank Thomas. Department of Agriculture. WaITen County. lIl iss ' Oliv e Alle n will spend at. Fort Anci ent. ' ed out also that the.'1e benefits m, are lo st to progressive use u nless , - Let us make this t he lal'S'est 1'hanksgiving Day with Mr. and ' A family dinner was given at TOBACCO CHECKS Seal sale we have ever had. MI'S. Charles Fi hOor il;l Cincinnati. Mr. and r.rl'S. Ira D, !iich, ,Mr. they :form stepping sloMs for the home of Henry Satterthwaite DISTRIBUTED HERE and Mrs. Gilbe rt Frye, and Mrs. :(uture advancemen t. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST and f.amily, Thursday evening, in Fl'ed Bradllock, were WedMsday Gl'een '!j address intl'oduced two bonor of 'Mr. and ~rs. Ralph evening dinner gu est's of Mr, and days of active farm forum and l'eCarl Smltb, IlhllitlT Tolle, of W,ashington, D. 0',', who Mrs. H. R. Mo a lind family. Checks amoun ti ng to about cl'eat io nal information, Sunday Scbool 9 :80 a. -m. have been visiting relatives in $16,000 were distr ibuted to to_I ..~----Communion 1.0 :46 .. m. Effie Smith, M,'s. F'l ossie Mrs. Obio. bacco growers in Warren ' county Sermon 11 ,a . m., Carey, ~~1'S . Hannah Ta.ylol·, Miss A good health policy for your 1:uesday and Wednesday. 'The ):"ucy Emley and M.r Chc)lter Carey WAYNES.VILLE ..... L CHURCH child is a ,sheet of Christmas seals distribution was mad,; from tbe will be dinner gue15ts , of Mrs. """ , offices of Lester J. Mdler, county Mary E. ltobin on 'in Dayton , Rev. O. d. Dibert. Putor " Mr. and Mrs. John Preston will agent. ' ~ Thank giving Day, Sunday: Sunday IIchoo1 at 9 :80 ,. have as their Thankll~ving hOli- \ .Th& paym ents, which were reFu nQs raised through th sale of a. m. Morning worship at 10:40. day guests, ReV'. Kearns Preston, I celved by over 300 farmers, repChal'les Sawyer , Cincinnati eh!'i tmos Seals are used to The sermon subject will be, "Rell- of Champaitn, Ill., Mr. J. B. resented ren tal payments of $15 f()rm er Lieutenant Govern or, has promote better health by educatgion, Seen and Believed." Epworth Prest:on. a.n d .Mr. H~rbert Preston, per acre for contracted . aCN!ag e. announced , h is in tent ion of seeking children and adults i:n the wn.ys League at 6:45 p. /tl. Eveninlr of, CInCInnatI, and Mr, Albert It was stated. of healthy living ahd by helping to ing the Democra tic n omination for worsJ(ip service at 7 :80 p. m. Mias Bell, of Milwaukee, WiJ, • - eo;- Gove rnor in the pdm.ary elections find early cases of tuberculosis. Fern Sinkey, on-e of our misslonar- ' Mrs. Frank Thomas was in Leb At the opening of this Cbristto be held next Ma.y. Th e anies to Cbina who recently. return- anonJ Monday, to Bee her daughter mas seas on thousands of bOYS and Mi ses Inez alTd R~by James nounce in ent, long await ed 'by ed home on furlough ill apeak at ter-in-law Mrs. Everett Thom'lUI gitls who have caught the germs ~ PC t1 t ' Saturday an d unday, with p olitical observers and party both, the Epworth Le~ue and who left , this morning for her of tuberculosis need your help. 'relatives i n Dayto n. Theil' pllrent!!, wO l'kers, came with the publication worship service. )lisa Sinkey ia a in Rochester, N. Y., having Buy Christmas Seal!!. MI'. nnd Mrs. , Charles J am ~ of an exchan ge of correspond ence ~-:-young woman of pleasing perSonal been.' called to Lebanon because joined tbem on S Ullduy , all retul'Tl- between a wyer and J\I[rs. ~ar­ ity a vast experience and splendid of the death of her )nother, Mrs. ing home Su nday ~venlng. glll'et O'N all, pl·e. IClent of tbe ability. We" al'e, indeed fortunate Luce. 'Ji'eder&,te(l Democratic Women's Mr. llnd Mrs. ernon I ni nous to have her with 1lII. 10 do not faU Club ot Girut'd . SLating that in At t~ir pleasant country home Mr. Rufus Kersey, of Oregonia, <nteriaincd with a. T hanksgiving hel" opin ion no one but Sawyer to attend theBe meetinl1l. Tuellday evening, Mr. aDd Mrs. J. dined ' here on Sunday. di nn er, Sunday, Mis es J osep hine "can sa vo t he party from di8a!lter Wednesday: Bible .tud, and B. Rich entertained the "dinner" Mrs. Howell Pie rce has gone to and Ayleen Mainou , of Detroit, in 1036," Mrs. O' Neall asked hiM prayer meetine at 7 :80 p. Ill. club wbich compri8el the follow- Toledo to spe-nd several days, in· Mr. and ,Mrs. Ray l'.l ainous and "lo answer the simple questionThe W. F. M. S. will meet Oil ins: Mr. aDd Mrs. Ernest Butter- eluding Thanksgiving ' wit.h ber James Dona ld Maino us. Little will you tun f Ol' Governor?" Wednesday of "ext week with Mn d M I children and their families, Lavernn Ma inou!! r et urned with worth, Mr. an Mrs. . A. Come I Prof. Barlow Lindley" curator Sawyer , who has been r eceiving _ George MUIs. her au nts t o Detroit, where she similar ph:as fro m members of hi~ Mr. a'Dd Kn.. Harr)' Smith, Mr. of hiatoric literature of tbe Ohio is attenQing Kindngarten. and lira. S. S. Ema, Mr. ed Mrs. Historical and Arebaelogieal, Sopatty in every part of Ohio, IT• .....'Y'S CHURCH V. Braaultrator I1ld Mr. and A family gather ing at t \ie home answered with cbaraeteriatic dlreet I. I. BefIad.r. RMtor Mra. Rfela. elety at Columbul, made a pl..... of Mr. and Mr!!., E, T, St roud and n eS8 when he said, "I wlU." whla Fint SUllday ill Ad,,-to Deeem, ant-call at the Home on Monda,. Mr. and )Irs. B. T. Vice for al'lked whether ' he had anytllins IIer 1. Chureb 1011001 ~ I :80. IIIIIr. ud lira. C. F. 1I0....r will lin. Nett~ Dicluon attended Thanksgiving comprise Mr. and further tQ . " Sa""er mad. oal~ moD aDd Bo., Co_aalOIl at ~D at 110.- 011 the weddiDc of her 81'and dauehter ...... 110l1li, Tb.DIi~ IlIarIant Dieklon and Flo,d '80 • Mrs. H. H. Wad sworth, Mr. and this comment, "I bave a. fwtl... 10 Da" lin. at We.tmhllater PrMh,wrMrs. Gl;!orge Stroud and l Oll, Mr. .tatement to lb. Baft'II Ia.. eIlarcb 111 Dayton and Mrs. Harry Alling and ehB- In the near the at 4:80. dren, of Dayton; Mrs. Il'ene Henand UI..... retuud to denon. Ilrll. Maude Crane and .q1att!r, Lea, Mr. W_ _ l


~~~!~~~~ t~e::h dl:~::d~;S e~!~i~: nc~



IBIG - -n-ALL-Y-



4 _ '





- -_0 - •.

Friend.' Home News

a.", -


, ,







. . . ..:.....*


chool High





-~ :!

FRO . , HLW ·RT OR Pi 'r


1 1

Cary'l Jewelry Shop







Of' CIFl'S"


nuln " M&terl.t.

Prompt Service S

loll' III)



II 0 p, m.

All k tM.

Mi mi. uri P rr:nanjant

Concrete Air

1 1


e l Burl 1 Vault ,,'Q f • nl Only by

Your fun ral Director



McC lure Phone 7 m


un.,ral Home W.yn",Y'ille, O.

t't" •

In th · 'c a'f1 t>C • ~. York Lite I n ranee o. ver. U~ Adam D. Car l J,l'ntl!r, ~ ai, Jack' C. ShArp and LIllian :,' hrp a nd f ort Adams ; "" .,. mil-tie< p aT let defend nt. Wm Hufford wa... appoin eO r eel t~. TIi(! C • of 'The r ed Tal I.and Bllll k, of Loui. 'ilJe. venti EI L. Fry"", (1 aI, i di m' ed. wn ill. Ir Ite ca e of Eva Irfone HartJ l'>wph DQnrtally. by l. mBn ·t-r R.a)'lJlond T. Hartma n to J ohn E. Hold n 'real II. Ilh'(/lce wal!, IfrlUlt d the plain11ft'. Plaintiff 'as re to~d ' to al m town hip. Loui e Caram lIa Arthur mai<ien name of Ev Irene Fox. Kleve 175.65 aere in alem ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN lour Cattle, bop, IIheep a~ eaJvel hip. d Rae'bel Kelly and , illiam Kelly to Norris-Brock C.... »va ""re Irt pr,.)gremve ftrm t'lr the hlghea1 , to (Mion Kelly, r al e tate in market prieu and ~ood service. alom own hip. u ..... Steck Yay-cl.' Ci-ncl ..... tl. 0, J obn A. RehoId. and fary r<,,'~nll. . Tune in on Radio Station WCKY 12 :25 to 12:90 p. m. for OQr daU, to Cliflord Strond and tl'ond t I e tate in market. "portll. to hip. II

In thi. ~mate. fence 01. Nve Teal 'nl qualitlCS. will eoon en it ~ t.he:n dCItlC1Y i BraDd cnce is a two ted fiahw. I fl&bU rwt. &rst. ,.nth a WV'I Oillvan:.neale<i outeT COIItillJ' 1eCIOnd, with /I rul coppet: burin, I.tvret aection. DollbllJ ptafection I Tbl. two-'II1tty nllt p,otee- ion addt year to itlll/e and aal/d iC1l¢e !1oUat. lor you. Let'. telk i~ ovet'·

__ Democrac7 Mean .


Waynesville, Ohio

~~~~~_~=~=~~~===~~=~~~=~:~~=~============= ~~~u~~~~~eareilie -; --- n aru YOII 'IIr to an ideal de~ mocracy. Peoplc' jf they are to ct)mc untler: til cla~l! intelJigell t ci lh " ' , mu!!t control them lve . In oth(.1' \/,ord, th }' mu t hav eU.di cipllnl.'. Thi m an to L> able to c()ntrol Lhe had raltl! and mold your. If 1'1 I) a. p :rfect lady or j{entlemen. If t,e weal ' r numu r I)f p opl!> if our " 41 , Ir~ did nut vrBctiCI' ,,,M.(lI,. IIlpli n e lo a certain eX~"II~. Oil \' rI moctoey would have aild III , ' ago. Let ull tak '9n , ' JUI InO:.! (1 1\, ircnornnt hoy wbo tet )Iimft.' f he Itl,lid ~d into ~ criminal lit'! y 1\ pcrsuuding typ of ' mon. T h lp man's only idea wr. I') gilin t': ,'In the ign<mmce of ,"I' + yll'\Jlh. '['11. Ylluth did not dl-cipJinc hilTl.!! " lf or h Vlould bllve had ~h •. WIll p o\1,( r , , 0 k ep nut, of this ;Jrt 01 Iif,,'. 0\8 an x.ample let U!J !lupp/)~e you wou ld tak a gTeal llll nJl,er .J f m"n womcn, nnd childre anJ I ut liJ~m (iT to them 'IveH. Ji H ') till- VI< o(:l in :gnvrllnce. Wbat ro rn ~ of AOV('rn " ~ nt do you thin ,~ lll'.j'Y ' \',llI i ltJ / I)rrn? Without a l' hl~. t i t would Tl'!' \j in tribul 01' III ' .' 1 ule. ~,)\V fit 1. lP y ou wouH sa, ' ' . .! Educa tors to tb:s 1I"~1l.J, d . fl tlt . "I. caLc the peo .. . •..\ ': 11; Ihu y r \ 1: '" t<J!t yean in II,,-h inl th ~se ~")llC tbe ide als Icn,.,rra.:y, the right way to live, and how to be able to gov.~rn th.emselves, hen what f9rm j}f , government .J.:> you lIu ppoae th~y would fOlm? With out a doubt it Would be a 11'overnment tor th~1 peop"e and hy the people. An id e~~1 dem'?cracy" By GEORGE W ASHlNGTON, 1789 This proves one thing: that 10. telligent pco,P) ar~! the r,niy olles \'ho can t(lrm '0 good rhmQcra::y.therefore, I d,? recommend and assign ThursTheretore you Clir'llnot be int elli. gen t unleSH you have contol ov(-r day, th 26th day of November next· to be d voted . ~ \Jurscl!. Summing the last tW l) ~U\temcntt! up yo u g t bu~ "r.e by th people of th . e states to the servic s of that great thought. "Democracy M a'il~l\ St'lf DiSciplin e.'" - by 'Vincent G !'l fTy. and ,loriO\J S Being, ' who is th b ncficent Author of all Citi&en.hip Club-.. Eithth Gracie, Secfion I &: II the good that walJ, that is, or that will be. That we may Th e Ci t lz ns hip· Club i~ hnv in ::f n p rogram Tuesday, ,November 213 ;,11 unite in th . rend ring .u oto Him our 'sincere and humbl e f ()I' '("hank g iving. r,rhe pr()g'rum ill

have 0' o'\'








thanks ror J-'f'i s kj~d car and prot ction of th

people of

this ollntry previous to their becoming a nation - for the singl(: and manifol<.J ' m rei ., and for the favorable interpretation of Hi~ provid nce, in the course and conclusion of the late war," )slf(


" Prob.te Court lar nee S. Smitb. exe~utor· ot the estate of Ann LoUi Smith, dec a. d, iii d b' first and final


Waynesville farmers h. Co. Phone2S

Self_Ducipl in.l!

Manf p opt . in opr own c/)U!)try when r adlng thi. lJ I might k, "ju what i d(!m04:ra<:y and 'i\'hat i the id Ii of i 1" :Dem ocra y i$ Ii guiding pr in ii'll. for intellig nt, living. 1 c n"o be preetic d in I c.puntry of barbllrous- people, un .ivl1ized vagE!1I or unruly trib s. it mu t be practiced v.ith P 'ople ot average intelJigenc Th~

ayton Power & 'Light Co.

Us ioIi 4) WS:

POl!Ol- Mnrgl\rct Vint. S "' ip Lurl!- SlIrnh Miller. Po m- B tty Bernard. Origin of Thanksgiving _ .Ionol'l. Stilly- Robert Prciston Poe m- Howard Th~)mas. JWllor CIa, The Junior

plctllre show Nov mber 22, .The show WN it is believed


N.". sponsored the In the Iym Best Friend.' sueeeaaful ond eve" one en-

joyed It.


account t,E:I!a R. was appoin~d a dmJllJstr tTlX o~ the . tate 0



Bill. Allowed nco Product Co., Inc., plie for j nitor a.t CoUT 15.14: Brown & Bunnell . coal Ou'rt Ho , $16; V anen C. Breidenbach 1. D., Prof. serviee $ 3. B elen Doughman, board and care, CliffoYd Doughman, $7; In.. Ira Eltzroth, board and Alice Stark y, .6: Jamea fo ore, poard luid care Lucy oar, $5; Mrs. Elmer Lacy, board and caN Frank Lac),. $1); lIr. Lulu Gab·




SATISFAC"'ION '. Or No Charge

Centerville, Ohio

Phone ,·78J H. 1i,Ied bon~ 10,000 with da SIl bard. $1); ?tiTS. Julia Holland board t e.. and care Vern o Holland. ~5; Irs 1n the .maUer of estat~ of OlXla 0 borne, board and ~re na.rlcs \i. Cham~erltn. decea ed, Walter Barlow, Howard Carle. ..ale of .lock j~ ord red. Frank Ballinger, $33; Woodtow~, Tbe lnvcntory of Alton F. Weil.Stanage Co" uppJi , for 'lOT ARY PUBLIC Bro .... o, exccu-wr of the tate of Auditor's Office, $18.34; J ohn Law 1'4 ••i •••1 Ban Frankie A. Donham, d ceased, was & Son. gas and oil for Deputy approved. Sealer of Wei~ht and ~[ea urefS . ... Th following ReCOU til wete ap. $9~68; John!lon·W at.~o n Co., chatilt. D... _ . • E,ta'., S.ulect prlJvecl, allowed and confirmed b:, tel mortguRc Bflcord No.2, ReWAYNESVILLE. OHIO th · court. cOldcr's office. $35.76.; The Book ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Harry L. Darmody, guard! n of hop, .uppliea for Pro&e-cuti ng FOR SALE DA1ES CALL M~ry . lJallaway, inco/Ylpetent Attor,n cy'/! Office, $3.05; MiUerThIrd. ' Bryant·Pi rCe Co., typewdter 'r ib· Emily 'Kibbey, adJll.initJt,atr~ of bOIl$ lor prosecuting attorney'~ th., e late of Lesl ie Kibbey ,dec~a - otllc~ $9 ; Banks-Baldwin Law cd. 'Fir t and final. ', Publishin-g Co., Dawslln Ohio .Aphe ster D. Crockett, ad minis:- peUate R eview and form $, Deibel trawr the e tafe of CharI!!! A. Probate Manual, 1936. for Pro ., I'ocke t, deceased. Firsb and AU'y.• $13.50 i The We. tern Star, JESSE STANLEY fi nal. marriage rlcen e blanks for ProRo II H. Hartsoc.k, administrator bate Court, $5.25; Bell Pres, up Pia ••• 320. NtIw B.,II •••••• 0 ..... or the e~tate of Jas. C. Sale, de- p)je for Clerk of Courts, $10.60; EARL KOOOLER eta. ed. F.lrst Bnd 'final. H . M. Williams. inquest, $30.20; 0171•• P".~ ~--:--­ Karl D. Dakin, lidmini tr$r of J. W. Lin:<o H8.rdware Co., spoons t he' estate of Harmon C. Dakin for j ail. $1.30; ' John Law &; Son KE••• N . . . . decclilfed. Fir 't and final • gas and oil for sheritr'a cars, $43.Karl D.Dakin, administrator ot 84; Harley W. ,Bru.nk Dog' Warden tll e estate of Angeline H. Dakin. eXJ)iOnse~, 'attending Dpg Warden'S deceased. Fint and final. ConventIon, $5.05,; John $, Jonea, ' Mattie B. Shi flett, guardian of Supt., b08J:d, room, and care, ,22.. , I Blanche Shifl~tt, et aI, minors. 50; Dr. O. L. Layman,prol ser- .... _.". •••••••• Eight h. vle!,s, $10; A. L. , Watldns Gtoeery '[he will of Magdalene Manhall kerJ~ne, g.",line, $18.'74; Ri4re poa SAL& deceased, was admitted to Probate St1;' dI 9, r;. print. $6.U; Gul! Re- - - - - - - - - - - - - - A certi1ied copy 01 the entry fihlng Co., ga!lOlin!! ,27.36; James FOR SALE-Round oak dining determining the in}!erlt.n~ tax on Service Stf,t\on gasoline" *9;, John room table sidebaRI'd 6 chaira. the estate ot L<!renzo P. Bercaw, Law 4 Son gaaolille. '14.94; The Dr. C. G. na'ndaH, Harv~Y8buJ;g deceased, is to , be certified without Standard Oil Co., kerosene, ,4.7 6 , . d1!lay. , ' Elmer Com., gasoline, ,U.04; FOR 'S ALE-Poland China male The sohedule o~ debts of N. A. Za.Jn Ar~itare, gravel, $54.40; bogs: Evan!! Bros. Telephone Hamilton, executor of the eltata S.m Smith, Junk Yard, pa.rts, (70R Lebanon; N7-D6· of Catherine J. Updyle, deceased, $8.80; Hugh W. Baugh, boiler and FOR SALE- Th waS' approved. smoke stack SS!); Walter Lull,. oroug bred Per' The adjudlcat.ion all,d, determina service" as chairman, $4.18. sian cats, real beauties. Allo tion of the irlheritance tax on the • - • canaries. Leora Bergdall, Lytle, O. cat ate of Lena Wurllter, deceased N21-28-d5· is to be given to all perlon. , inFOR SALE-3 Spotted Poland teres.ted. Chi!)a male pigs, pure ,bred. W. The inventory, of W, Chester C. BeJ'gdan and Fred Starkey. Maple, administrator ·o~ the elltate ' N21-28-d5· of Eliz~beth Kay, deeeaseQ, was FOR SALE or TRADE-Cheap, approve d. rab.bit hounds. Peck' Woollard. Sl.\lcs by Helen S. Evans and Waynesville 0 :, R. R; 1. Mabel S. Spen~r, decea.eil, exec,u N 21-28 • tric 8 of the estate 01 Frank B. Stokes, deceased, were apprOved. FOR SALE-White shelf paper, Thc~ also filed tlielr first, final and 10c per roll, at the Miami distributive account. Gazette oIBee. Martha S, Baile" widow ot FOR SALE-Frame garale, Ii.. Marcus W. Bailey. dece-ased, elect 9x16. 8rst clau eondltloD, cd to take under will. I Cheap i1 lO]cI at once. Louted at' The will of SUdn Brandenburr wll S ~led in Probate. Dodd.. ,Rounna CaamDI Co., Grace Spence wa. appointed Pbou 118"1. . It •••••• 1'••••••• ' • adm 1n.IBtratrix of tlMt a.tate of A.. SALB-EDlU..e t1.ll pO' •••• 7 ............ FOR toft. Doel"" ltoUlllla aud W.,. aUT 1Iemn. Pluta. oI-tf one pointe 4lnd Keuetb Da1dn, ••••7.1' · ; • •.,. PIP., VALVIII . . 1'I'1'TINQ8 the other captain, hal • leora of ninet'l-one polDtL I tor W. . Willi On WedMeclaJ. No.....r B'l, IDII...&>. 0IItiII!a 11M. Aort the filth grade period tor tis. of


Slanley &Koogler Auctioneers





n .......




,o.. __


although the nurritlt'r of ca II of \\ h r,. ~I ctl'd to work \\ ith Mr. Sit down HOnll time lInll t o( rl :'11 \\ ell II in LheUnlted r diphth< ria. typhuid tevt'r and c., ('n dudn.: hi" third y"ar a. Ihl' taXl\~, in.lill·et and dlll·I't. t,hnl .trieti .. n.. allaln.t Intern.tional P"" . iel"II! ,.1' th~ (ll"j{lInizlltion, 1I1'l': you mu~t pay in th • (''''11 • I.f uny tr;\lh· arc' ('Xppct d to hind.r the ~ll1allpox han' indicated a IIt4.'lldy allil ~'''u'll decline fol' ti4, past h'n y!'a.'.. >lcur .\. ", !'I\.IIm, C"nl\\"'l', vicl' 11n'~i· dll\,'~ norl1lal al'livit.i ISSUED EVERY TJlURSDAY nl'('I"~" ry I'l'fll'twn to .th~ bfneflt of t~ <I:lII!; ~Iuf'n,~· I), L ln"(,ln, ('ulunl- p(et. . (lnw 111"11 or 11"\\ Il,t fCYH CI1!;CK rev~lIled II Fteady A IIwrien n III·ollucer. hit , "'l' lt't aIY; W~ltrl' /<;, Rollnl's, rl'ol. tux l'ellu~1 ion i ... upwal'd 11' nd throughout the state Oliee Pbo. . ............ ... ,... No. 1121 lJ!ntered at Po.tortte. at Wayfte.· In ]fl3g and 103·] mot'l! thlln 25,WIl hingtIJI1 ('. II ., Ln'a~ut'l·r. L, .. L I tl P .. Ico. ' I' •so' • y .... Ville. Oblo, ••Malter ::"cI>nd Clau MII.II 000 CIl:!l\!S W I'e r('llorted, and Io..~t Favorable Pricl>. for W ,Lamb. A . Taylor nlld ,I. E. K"luwr ",{'rt' Alth ough ~'lln~unwr huyjn~ l'\()Vt'l1Ih'r li nd cal'iy ~ember ",UDle .. p Oil 9cnr 2:J3 ~Cllt'l(·t fav r fatalities and EW(,I are n~:till l·1 ·l·t",1 1l<~ixt:lJll ~~cn't ury pO\\,1'1' i s (! xfJ ·t'd III il)ll1l'( V(! in Illl.' i,ll'al monlh~ t(1 plant most :Inti lI ~si> t:1nl II'Cft, t)rl)!', I C!'lwncli\' fOlo{ ign clJuntl'i s next r nt· (as ~h (\de U'ce-, rcsultc{l. Physicians arc incljn d to Anlicipated NOVEMBER 28, 1935 ('Ir. ('w m(\mber~ of the board of belive that the dis elise Is becoming leI'S severe. Dr. Hartung said Oood tim " or ahead. nl IC':l;"t t1l1te(~ urI.' ~11:."- Frank Ru s!!, oi that scarlet fever, like many of fol' a whil , fol' lh e Ohio lIhccp Pmnklin Cl,unty, and I,'ted Slell1ef' "ARBITRARY-UNREASONABLE-CAPRICIOUS" the othel' communicR.ble diseases, [·ai: er. jUllhm 'nt fl'lIlIl th e outlonk o-{ Hn l'cl~n county. Mr. Gl'e"n Ilnd is highly infectious in the early informn tion 1'1'1'1\ "(''' !Iv thl' cll" ~II. Li lll'uln \\,I'r~ chos(' n tn f'Pprc' stages and before it eon be re~og­ partm 'nt o( I'ut'll l l' c~n o l11ic:\ !It 'l' lIt Ohin at lhe c" I)vention (If t.h~ A short lime ngo th Puhlic liJily A t of ] 935 (u ~ ually !\p()k ~J1 nized clinically. AI1H·riCan Form Bur!'au I, d ('l'lI· the of as th Wh ecler -Ruybut'n bill) cam to th e bal' of justice for the • • fion, 10 hI' h eld at hicag'o, Dl'Cl'lll I "' . ' " f Oh' Of . hH'P, lam b!'; un" won l th first tim . .Bmin nt counflel app ear cl f or boih !lid s, govet'nment at· Onc annua \\ ony or 10 c(\nomi. b tell a ~t()l'y tn the JlI'U - ht'l' !I, 10, 311,1 ] J. torneys entering th ca . e in th e 1'01 0 oJ ' 'fl·je nds of the court." . motorist!; can ,b e postpo ned .fl·om !.IlI(er. Rmaller >urr'!ce:s o f fe~dl'I' "Wl' ha\'E' evclY n ' n:<on to l' X' Th ~ rC!sult ntirely justifi ' d ~he pl' vi u. opinions of a. leb-lon oC Decembel' until March, Reg.lf' trar I latlth s. t11 {Y :ILV I1I'C like ]'y to n •.. IWI'L tl l\ ll1 ~ ndou ~ PI'II!!:I' HH in Ohill I('ga) nnd lilY obxe rvers who hu\' said thllt th e Act is . diametrically Frarlk W st of lhe late BUl' all .. .~ . ul ure dul'lnJ! thl' nex t Yl' lll' v h' Ies . t dot last " ulL 111 IlIlther fll 'ICI''' fill' fl_'I1 Imnb", .ng'rit opposed Lo th ~ piri t and It'tte r of th e onslitu liun. aiel Cl·r,' n. "OC all nl th"ll~ fO!' f M t O o k 0pr eh,c b p ~~ e f u th ' pel hup~ hil.(hd th n in .!Iny y ... ·u 111 th I) cision, !<'edcl'nl Dis lri l Judge Coleman in.structed lh we . ?f i C en " lvin ~ rarm prohlcms thot htlVl' o . ~se ; ine e HJ2(). :HI. . tru ste Qs ur th' holdi ng c mpany involv d in the a clion, t.o r gard th e nutomobll own ers who . nre In ch n· 'J'h e I umh .:t·op fnl' thl' \'\':11' IS . hC"n utrt' I'('u dUI'inll: the ,lc('uo!(,!1 Act a s "Invalid nnrl of no eff ect." He decla d that in passing Lhe Act cd to b e fo rg~tful, RegIstrar Wef't 'still111l l'll at 27,oaO.Ollo· hl'nd. IIf ~Ctll ('hinl.(. Ohi () !fll'mrl·;' hn vc . o n~~c had ' " flagnl n ~ly exceeded its luwIul power" under the on- called at.tentlon to I the fact that h abolI i t WO III'11'Ion hea d .. rna II (. 1' ["und that we n(l, tl ol1l~' t il fnl· Litution. As ailing. th Aet 1;1Il { U1' different legal grounds, he de- by reason of a n w aw enacted Y thnn in 1!1:J i\ lind 01 1111 ~l " , II'w til!' \'CI'Y human charudl'l i>lil' 1 t Gen eral Assllmbly motol' , . . () ' IVl "1' \\ orkill/!: Logeth('r." scr ibed it as " gross ly arbiLrary, unrC!llsonalJl 'ancl eapriciou ~," a11rl ot the . h' I ' 11 t b . million hcud I, S~ tha" t h' rcrlll d e 1:eq ull'- , Cl'O P f l!J:n. s uch tl natu re thai It \ a l:! impossible to put into effect parts of the ve 10 e owners. w~ "? Act, " if any, a s might otherwise be valid." d ~ol Ahav~1 t~elr ~6 Ultcense p,tt~ . I This d ' rcn~c is in Ihc \\'('~t"l n FROM THE CRADLE TO THE GRA V E- TAX ES An appeal ha. been tllken, und it is in vjto.ble that the upreme untlpl'l . ,an . ley won "e !;tate!l ; the Ohin CI'OP i~ " Ihrht ly larger thnn in U)~ .l, OUl't of the niled :'tul s will mak Lhe final decision. No one placed on sale un t il a mo"Lh. fO)'e the!! are need ed. In adtllhon . knows whaL the Supr'me ourt will d cide- but it is beli ev d certain to getting the three- month's extra I Becnu<'c r:l1'I11 Ct·~ lire ho)dlOg n li eI'(' Ilt'e two tamms 1't'O I11 n that too pre ent d cisi(l n will be upheld at lea t in its fundamentals. . f th II • 1 101'ger lhlln n~ual PI'OI>llI'ltnn of ,,(>I'M thai ha been nU1k ing lh · service rom e 0 ( num t'a 8, h ' l~ b f I ' It takes no j UI'i t Lo und rsiand tbllt a law which put in the hand of am S 01' Ircedll1l,: pur- fo unds rC'cently: Lh e 1936 p I0 t eR WI'1 1 I)e somew h a t t elr ew~ I l th b . ] a ointed 'ommission life and d' ath powe r over a vast reduced in price in Dccol'danc poses a 1' , ~ nUnl e t' 01 amll s 'th th I I now on fecd I S :further l'CdUl" 'O. " Wh n you light. the evening lamJl indu try, j alien to Am rican pl'incipl s of fait··dealing-or that a You pay a tax. e n w aw. Dema nd for ew s for I'~ 'lock ingongl'cas Which, und · 1' Lhe ~trongest pres ure, passed such a law, ex- Wt • .. .. PUl po es is au . illg la l· g.~ lllurkH \Vh 'n you buy a {JUfltage stamp ee'd d the powers d ' Iegat d t it by th e basic law of the land, You pay n tax. Ohio's high "~t tt'ibunal. th' movements. FUTmcl'S wbo W£>l'C Thor are good tbinf,:s in the Public Utility Ac things which Wh n you buy th e' baby cl oth s, State Ullrt'me ourt, B ounded the short of [el'cI u year ago, and wh o m t with th apprlJval oC a ll concel'neu, ' and which provide d s irable protection for inve$tors and consumers. But the vicious, unfair and death kn ell lIu;t week to the cus- ~o ld much Of the ir breeding Wh n you ),l'arl th e m rning news unrea onable provis ions of tht) Act ov ['shadow th em. If and when the tom of omc aLtol'n ~lfI uccepting 'stock n :i refill It, lIrc no IV in the \ h n you buy II pail' of ~ hoes, You pay a tax . . . . . Act is finally held inv/ll id. it will be the duty of CongrCl!8 to prepare workmen's eomp n. alion cases on market f.or brterling tl)~ k. Wol'ld clips of \\00) liN! r CI}Ort. leg iKlalion thni is sound, is constitutional, is tail' to all, and is really a contingent :( e ba. is. In an opin"Whon you buy an ic 'rC'am CUll i n the publiC i ntl.'r' t. The nalion has had enough of '·capriciousness.' ion writt.en 01) a Portsmouth case. cd d ccrca~ing, about fl ur pl'r You pa~' n tax. Judge Th oma A. Jones condem- cent in th e United tatesl and the med tbe practice a "against tlle leadi ng wool producing countri i!s For tbe wat r that you drink Between Toledo and Cincinnati (lU pay a tax . public policy declared in our State of Austrllliu . 'ew Z alnn.d, nion Charted for the n enefit of InterCQnstitution lind invalid in law" It of S l)uth Africa antl Ar~entina. When you buy a loaf of bread. Rtat Mot.or TouriRt 8 as Well AS was held that the trial court had Th elecl'case in the h OI\1I~ clip oc. W h n lh doctor 88y you'l'(' deml Traffie 'Vithln the Borders or Ohio When the final pl'ayer,ll are Raid, th sole author ity to fix the at- curl' d ill the we tCl'l\ arl,'8S. You pay n tax." torn y f ee in a wOl'kmen's comIt is e.tima cd that de~ lel'fI hl\ve ;I~~ R;ofe~: pe nsation case, and that attol'ney about 2 pel' clint mailer !ilock 8 8:00 Mu ~ic 1 is d ubtful if ddcl' or tru r • to Cincinnati as s hown h er with is :05 Manas. ah' uti r Buys Ohio Land ...... .................. H. E. E sw in e would not b permitted to make of woof on hand, but tpat . toek' in \Vonls w re v r penn · d. Taxes the shortest di atonee b t.wo!! n the 8: 16 Th Uollat' Valu of Ohio Butter ............. " ....... ,...... R. B. Stoltz outside agreements for a large the of rlll;l I1ufactulrers and be~[n with the cradle and nd only two cities . Qfficillls of the State Z 8:25 Turkey l'rInrk e t . New ......... " .. ..... ...................... P : B. Zumbro part .of th e award made to n bread tOll makel's ar lar~l!r hun t hey in he A nd today we a l'e Highway Department give thQ or to his widow. were a year a~o. . winner taxed n1 Ul'e heavi ly. and' in lllo're ·8 :30 Mu. ic . mileage saving a s about 11 miles. Ou t loo k fOI' !>a le (I f the 1 fhl6 way!!, han We ever were beror . 8 :40 hriHtmas Gift.~ 4·H Member Onn Make ." Edna M. allah an clip app ea rs favorab le, I wing to I 8 :60 Pre\' nling Poultry Bronchitis A. R. Winter and ,M . Fergu son There's iess traf~==~========~~-'~-~~ I the decreased ea rryover. :00 Honl maker Keeps Books .. " .............. , ..... , ....... Thelma Beall fic congestion on :10 MUlllc the Toledo-Cincinnati Short Line &II {) :~5 Winter CQver Crops f or 'Soil COnservation .... F. J. Suiter . than on nny other bighwny conp'.....:;.. W_IU"'~., 9 :3(i.... }t'ruiL e dg a nd Stocks .. .. .. ... ,... " ...... , ................. Ozell A:\cin!l necting these two cities. 'J1here 1$... 9 :45 J can and J erry ..' arc far f ewer eurves (no hairpins) DU,utlll~ and all railroad grade cl'Ossings Wben the Epworth League Con· are excepti onally well protected. ference meetS f or the 4 o'clock hour on Sunday, D co mber 1, at By reason of Minmisbu rg, theJ will be addressed Every farm fam ily in the s ~te ih !'! 8 h orter by Dr. Donald H. Tippett. Dr. of 01)]0 is expectt.(j to l'e'ceiv im· mileage, less congestion (both on TippeU's subj ct is " I Ple(jge meaaurllbljl benefit by actio n and the highway s nnd in the commuAllegiance To .... " ." Rev. Tip- . resolution that were aclopte d at nities thru whi ch they pass), fewer pett is very much in demand as a the largest and mos t ener'getic con I • curves, and adequate width OLUMBU Secretary of sity. The estimated fOl'eclosure for special lecturer over Lhll cOQntry. venti on that hll ever been held roadbed and bridges, the State Gllorge $. Myers last week the mon~h totaled 1,422 and ,n- I Dr. Tippett began preaching 'reg- by the Farm Bu reau, according Route here outlined is a called attention to the fact that ' volved elghty-tbree farms and 1. 1ularly in 1916. He was pastor of to a statemen t made by Petry L. big thnc-saver for the .lusti e of the Peace commissions 339 othe,r properties cia sifted a I hi toric o!kl hrist hmeh in Green, who wa s I'e-eleci.ed prc ~i. bURY matOTist- vcry prob9. The Semaphore mu t be obtained from tbe Depart· re identiaJ, busin ess or vacant Denver and of a great .tudent dent of the 'farm organization, at IIbly as much as two hours. m nt Qf State so that justices .ma), pln~ted land. The state. total wa church at Gunniso n, Colorado. For a board met'tin g folll)wing the In ]793, Claude Chappe, a. young take the oath of office ' on January derived from seventy· IX county four IVeat:s he was Sen ior Pastor closing sessio n of the ,tnnual F rench engineer, established be· AN ALL PAVED 1. In order to obtain the eommis- report~ covering ~,325 sales and of. the Chul:ches of All Nation and farm gathering in ColumbUS, 1o'ri· twcen Paris and Lille an experi. sion s th justices must send their an fttnnate of n.metr·seven a.le Head·worke r of one of the largest .d ay. . mental line of semaphore telegraph HIGHWAY Cil-rtificate!!l of election, obtainable based op populatIon 111 the twelve settlements .of New York's Lower The zealous ae eptan ,ce of all stations. The esseNtial features of from their county board of elec· unreported countie~. ;There were East Side. Since October, 1931, he nded fi 'Ids of wonat'lIlive his npparatus were an upright post Choice of Knowing tions and th e $2 filing fee to the 1,319 ~oreclosures 10 Augu~t and has served a s Pastor of Bexley action, a s developed by thl! l'Nolu- on thc top of which~ was pivoted a. laLD The bnckMotorists Depllrtmnt of State. The com· 1,008 In SepLember, 1934, It ~as Methodist hurch, Columbus, O. tions cOmmitt e of tlh ~ :farm movable beam or cross arm carry· bone of the ofBeginning with registration at bureau, by the ntir d Icgllte ing. at cach nd, another movable Originated and SpoRsor d mi sions will then be sent to the said. Farm foreclosure sale prtces ficial Revolucounty 1'1 rk of COUI·tII as provided ~veraged 74.73 per cent of the 1 o'clock, on aturday, at the body giv l ' &Son t.o belicv that arm. The apparatus was so arrangcd by tho tionary Trails by law from whom th justie Judgment and 78.61 per cent of Miamisb urg hurch, followed by farm leadel'. are desiri ng more ~hat the positions of thcse three movSystem of Revolutionary may s ~ure them. ecretary Myers the appraised v.!lluation. Urban the Welcome message by Maizie and mor action thN)ugh thoir- or· able units could be changed, as deWestern Ohio. Short Trail pointod out 'that alt.hough the com propertl~s averaged 73.28 per cent Hetting r, president of the gnnizlItion, Gl'ecn pointed out. sired, from within the tower on \ Marked its missions are igned by the gover· o( th Judgment an~ 77.32 per Miamisburg League, th~ Epworth "An iillPl' ssiv ea;gem~ s to put which the scmal>\torc was mounted. Assc;ciation entire length n or they are countersigned l>y cent of th v~luatlon. Of. th\! League Fall Di trict onlorence new action into principles oi CO('Il Various combinations Or sequences by historic:al th retary ot State and are urban pro'P~rtles s old, 81ngle will get well undel' way, Miss erative effort Lhat have been lung of thcso positions could be used, markers 01 the is u d directly by the Department family dwelhngs rep~e sented . 83 Irene Miller, of Lhe District stressed by the Carm bUl'oau wu s either for code phrase or alphabetic:ll Ohio Memorial . of State . . He urged that the jus- per cent; double famJly dw~l1mgs Cabinet will give the response to most actively demonstl'ated by tho commu nications. Commission. arlyle's "l'hc French Revolutices secure their commissio\1s at six per cent ~p.artment ho~se olle the Welcome, and at 2:30 the 4000 farm men and women who at tion" gives a dramatic account .ol the Ii' 0 r additional sttip th eat\ie t dat possible in order per cent, busmess properties four business ession will he held. At tended the ~o n venti o n," he snid . maps or any information tO' Rvoid a la t minute rush. per cent, and vacant platted land 2:45 p. m ., the Oepartment Con"'It will be the aim of the Ohio telegraphing to Paris, by mc:lns of a r elative to State Parks, + • • six per cent. ferences a~ seh duled under the Farm Bu reau to closely f olIo.", till' line of hal>pe somnphores. of Ihe Pleasure Re orts. Scenic nc\vs of the surrender of the town of FOl:eclosures of real estate in ' ",' ... various leadership of the Cabinet djctates of it. m emb rship in all Spote. Historic Shrines Conde. Twen ... ·-one thousand cases of officers. matter s that will dire ctly ·con ~1'11 · d or the hundreds of other b ha ppc·s system was widely used Ohio during Septem "3 Rl·chn.d Bauer, delegate to the t he we If are 0 £ Oh'10 f arm f 0 Iks dur . er Increase 'th th e !carlet fevf:r were recorded 'In ~ points of espe ial interest ill I ranee and similar systems were ~lighUy in compad~Isont ~ata c~~ Ollio trom January 1 until Novem- National Methodist Youth Council iog the ensuing year. A bl'uadem'd llliuptcd in practically all European along this route, Wl'ite In August, aecor mg 0 bel' 1, D" Walter R. Hartung, in Chicago last summer, will give pro~ram in orgunitation ancJ WILBUR M. FAULKNER ;l nd in the United States. countries piled by the governor'~i{ar~ a:od director of the State Department his ~port. Mrs. Maribelle Sim- pTomotional pro cedure will be in· . Secretary (To Be CPIIlilllwd) home prote~tiveO~~)1n~t tee ~vet- of Health, announce~ He said that· mons will be in charge of the Tec- stigated soon. memblal'ship cnSPRINGFIELD. OHIO 10 a e u l'eatjonal hour, between 4 :30 and rollment Pl'Ogl'nm, to be s tart.ed op ration w1th


ata .)

----- ... ---



Farm lvight 1 alks, December 2




on. TIPPETT Will



Best of the News .Direct From the Ohio State Capitol



I ....







PR1SON FIRE CALLS OUT DISASTER ,SQUAD Red Cross Comes 19 Aid of Wol'kers and Families in Ohio;! Drastic Burning By David S. Ingalls Chairman, Ohio Roll Call Committee In the 96-)'car· old 'Ohio Sla te Silry W~9 ready and the Red Crosi. /:lave Ihe canteen over to them. ano

~risoll in Columbus fire llrok~ 'out '(,rCl>ared to receive the 'hundredt shortly after five o'clock 011 l ~a~Icl II friends and relatives who wo'!ld ~{onday .fternoon. 1930. ' rhe lonl'


Towardl elM" JOG. wet

1I0udng inlo COlllmbu.1 to identif, • prisoners, Firat Aid Itation.,· in· ~lIatlo n aud bUI depotl were let .at the railroad etationa fo take :aved relatives to ttte prison and Irn Ihem to their train •. Inc mother, a••he boarded hel .1, lold the Red Cross nurse that had come to Columbu. hat Ins .1 and ever'Jone In it "But lOU e been so kind to me." lb ••dded, :,ing. "I will never .'think. of JOU with heartfeh lrabtu~e, lew wish to or dtseul. thaI un lire. but an .re unaniDlou. " praiae'of the Red CrOSI snd I t prompt. . action. Di~. en. aurh II tht.. "lit OIIr Amer.· II citict rear!)', and at each~· t • then ;. • Red Croat . . . ., •• Iliad reM, to .nsw. the all Oat, l'PIrecln.A can make thl. pouiltle, ,d Red CrOll pr.,edn......s


'''i:~:rt~apI=n~lt:.:.thtWe aDlcnown .. aIIotaMcU. aJI


5 :30 p. m. immediatel~; , is expectcd to double Te d Holliday will be the toast- the numbel' of farm people giving , ---------------~ master at the banquet beginning their support through Il\cl11b l's hip ~~~~~~.~~~~ ~ at 6 p. the address to' be given activity." hy Prof. Frank Slutz on "Critical Other ' fal'l1t bureau. Tempe.ratures." A presentation of the Methodist Union in the Dayton District will be made at this ban· quet, also. Those planning to enter in the Amat~ur Hour, should get in touch with MaribeUe Simmons, 1133 Vernon Drive, Dayton. The banquet cost is 8541, reservation" . to be made with Hildreth Henry, MiamisbUrg, by November . 27, overnight ' ~servlLtions to be made aho by .t hat time. CLASSIFIED ADS COST ONLY On Sunday morning, beginning at 9 O'clock, four discu8sion ONE CENT PER WORD. WHY groups will be conducted: " Pre 7 KEEP YOUR ATTIC FILLED paring for Marria8e," under hccmne a MESS leadership 01 Rev. Dibhle; "The WITH USELESS ARTICLES Value of Prayer," by Rev. Coultel:' 4. A Smoke T elograph "Christian use of leisure time," TI-IAT CAN BE TURNED INTO Among sight s\gn31$, some of the by Phil Brandon of the Y. M. C. MON~Y FOR SO SMALL . A A.; "Youth aDd a Warless World," earliest nnd most widely cmp loye,d by 'Rev. H. F. Kellogg, of 'Crace for communicatio n by day' were COST. TRY THIS MEAN'S QF Church. lte\<'. W. T. Blume, of b.sed on the ri'sing qf Iilllokc. Since of all animals, uses nrc, man, a lone Miamisburg First Church, will deSELLING AND SEE WHAT A liver the sermon, "Opportunities the appearance of smoke was' always DIFFERENCE IT ' WILL MAKE accepted by primitive man as evi· for 'Christian Service." , Mrs, Charlotte Watkins will dence of Ihe presence of another TO YOUR PO.CKETBOOK, AS lead the Prayer Circle for Officers human being. If not self-cxplana and leaders at 2 o'clock, followed tory. a column of 51110 1 c signified WELL AS TO HAVE YOUR by the business session, including the danger of a potentiall en my. H, STUFFY OLD ATTiC CLEANED reports, roll call, lection and the however, the smoke was. seen in installation 01 officers by Rev. some particular place, or appeared in OUT. IT PAYSI some particular manner. it was a C0111ter. aM, through symbol of friendship \ The Amateur Hour on Satllrdar evenlne is eausinr . much the use of a prearcangcd code, could enthu.iaam and interest. Mr. Jerry be used for communication, By alternately a smolderDunn. JUvetdale . Church, :payton, fire with a 'NUl be'.the master of ceremonies inc in, it. the North Ann"r·i,':.:t,n for th.t particular part of the pro• broke the ateady cr&IIl. _ _ _•• __ _ __ which ro.i fron1 it, up of puB. or clouds. tbe ~:~"Y~'""" southam Ohio cream is combinatlolU of which ~

t'ol1denlned bulldillQ took to Ihc fll . like ' tinder, 8oc)n ·the whole M' , wina I I Alarlllll wellt il to the 10<*1 /ire d 1I[\~t.I"(lIt : l'r' 0.1\ ",.rd. :and oflt~lal. . K, "ere rushed to the lllUlnl4 ' blotks. In nlany placcs It wa~ , posalblc to ~t at thctl\ be(:ru~' the heet end Inlo\(e ..TtItPI,cd I .. within Ih. burnin, pn n aerelll for relee.e or dealh . Horlors, 5~:' I, bell.ubl•• mark Ihat Ate III mlncla 01 S""I,. after mklnlaht th( I Reel Cr. . c. .t ... h,d CI 'III , ...oi III the Olilo State ..·.Iral'ol ... • DCI Fir..... Aid alationl .round I blaaln. bulldln., There the, til· Iced .... worker. u the, foua ht . dIetk •• In rete.. the unl<

.."'"ott .


...-elect .. it is pur-

bet... paid tor .ceo.... • • 10 eal'1'J th.

---------- .....

hi fath('r ( ~ar ~hambaugh. ItItV CHURCH OF CHRIST Mrs. HII rol,\ l'onanl and "on. MI SIONARY SOCIETY 11l'll l III l wt't·k with ;\11'. and 1r~. Ttl I.ndll· II . nnnl) SU'll l y, (' III (' .. Ilmd or 111I~' 1 Ill. l\1r~, F, n, umptu n l'nlcrlnin"ci Ihl' h'IT\ ChUll'h (I( rhl il. Jl1 'I At lh(, rn, (\1 ltV" 't \ l'11Il)(' " ~O, n ~rnup of [ti"nd~ and l'elation: in honnr of hl'r dll Uj:('htc l' in Inw, Mn; \\il h tlflt"'1) I1wmlo'lI- pn·.l·nt. 'I'll,' ne 1 l11(llil11C \\-iIl he held Frnnk '''''ljlt''n, nlll! Edna Ll'81nfll th ... h(ll" cd )It,., It t' Ill" [\[111'- in~. on Snllll'd3.Y nft ~r no o n. f i~~ t Ul'joril' Hunlock ha ... reo phy ill (·nt,·n'llIt'. Dl'c mb r 1 , xl nil d vi~,t Amo' lm' lolt'l" ltd in mi~~ionary lUl'ned from' u n \I iI h her broth r and family at '\ ,,;k < ( I d,ll Iy in\'it I. Jam stown . Tht, band ('njoyed an o y ~tl' r sup M RRIED f iFTY E ARS JI'1' nt t he schoo l building 011 Monllny evening, ~urt"ulldl',1 [, ,' nlc'!lI u ' 1S of th ir II', and Mrl<.. Forest {nith and iml1wcli/l t . fit "; I), . "II , !Inti Mrs. , Oil 01 olum\)lJ~ , pent th week; ' arnu!'1 ~1i I (' h " IH' r , ,'1 b"nt d th ir ('nd wi~h lh('ir parent, Mr. and flfli th \1 ,\tl i II! anni Cl'sal'Y at tll l' lr h .m • • m'o' 'e \\ Bm'lin"rton, Mrs. W. C. Smith anti family , Mr. and irs, Luth r Lunwkin 111 . t J~ I hlny Iwnt th~ week-end io olumbu,'. , Mr. und _lr-. Robert milh i confined to his 11l!l1'l'i l'lI in N \II Burlingt n No· v robCI' 15, 1 85, They wcre th home by illne s, J1 r nt. o~ t 11 hild!' n, nine of ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS whom ,'~ ,till living and join d , ith llwi r par nt in the tclcbra· The Federal dir ct r elief 1)1'0Uun. g l'nm will shortly be a thing of the past. R as on : Th e W0 rks Progress Levi hambaugh of the U. S. Administration, which provi d t'~ inrinel', stationed at the Phila.deljobs instead of ash handouts, is pending 14 phia Barrack i d· month' furlough with hi si ters, 01. last gettIng into mOlivn. Mrs. el'go Mitchn er, frs. F. H , ministrator Hopk in s belie-v s that Lundy anu MI' , Ray Tay1.or and it will not be lon g befc> r th(' WPA i p1'oviding 3,500, VU J 1M. the goal it was designed to re rtch Olll ANNOUNCEMENT time ago. \ hen that lim come", Bl'ginni ng December 7, Dr. E. all dir ect relief will be al once F. Deppe's offi ce will 00 .located abandon ,At this writing, it has in the William on apartment already been abandoned in more building on Main treet. than a third of the state, ffice houl'S 8 to 10 a. m.; 2. to Under the dil'ect "uolc" system! 4 and 6.30 to 8 p, m. )[cept the needy WON! provided with foou Friday afternoon and evening and clothing, lodging, fuel tlnd light unday_ p,'actically t.he entll'(~ loael has been carried by the Federal government. Few states haVe eve n adequ~te facilities for Aiding unfortu nates, No problem would exi&t if active employment of 3,500,000 worken meant j{)bs for all n edy, But an additionnl 1.500,000 or mOl'C n edy ~ ill not be given jobs-becau e they Bl'C unable to work. Th ere in is on of the most pitiflll, most difflcult and most burning of NOVEMBER 29- 30 prob le ms-.n problem which has received Iliuch )(lS$ publicity than LEW AYRElS, it def>erves. MAE CLARK Those 1,500,000 unemployables in fall into three 'btoa~ categories-the physically handicapped, dependent children, and the aged and inllrm. Work is out of the Cartoon- Bar nYard Babie.s qu estion for them. Apparently Comedy- Grooms in Bloom their only h ope f or the b rest of subsistence Ii s in direct l'elief DECEMBER 1-2 from one sourCe or anotber. Mr, Hopkins. says that if the PEN ER TRACY, Federal government is going to CLAIRE TREVOR , provide jobs for those. who are in able to work, the states s hould be willing to take C8l'e of those who are unable to work. Most states Fox News and Short reply that they can't pay the costs. While this futile argument c'o nTwo ShOws--6 :30 & 8 :00 p. m. tinues , the, un mployables can only ADM. 10c- 15c forward with fear to oncom' -____________ ....!. . look ing ' winter,

Hal"Ye,abura Barbara


----_ ..---New Burlington

Waya.a.llle, O.

Silk Hat Kid



ier haa been quite

8ubscrib. for The Miaml'Goette Mr. und MrR. Ernest Collier have moved to 'Tennessee. NOTICE Mil!8 Ev(!lYn McCarren spent I he week-end with hel' sister, Mi ~s ~h{·1.\ 'o r olumbu~. No hunting or tres pas ing un Th P. T. A. met in regular ses- my fum day or night. !tinn on last W dnesdllY night at CHAS. R. F'RAZIER. tit ,gym an(l after the ,c\os of the bu ~ ini:ss tlle Baptist Mis ionNo hunting or tresJ'l~8sillg on al y SOC I ty had charge of lhe pro-1 the fat'm kn<~wn as the BurLon gra~ , I\fi ss Nan Col,lett ' was EarJlhort fa)-m, day or night. chulrman and after 8 plRno duet BOLIN & L AN by the Misses' Unlen Rae nnd Barbara Thornbury, introduced Mr. Donnlcj Dilatush , of Lebanon. Everyone cnjoy(!d hi address and it was surely a vivid pictUre of the horro r s of wnr and d sire for pt!nc . Miss Loi s Oill am then It Is a genuine thrill to us fll v ot~ d t he audience with a piano to see how quickly OUT ~() Io, Refreshments were ervcd at pr 1 Bsion is adVancing, Lhe clo c of the meeling. both in I;!kill and in public Mesdames W. E. Oglesbee and prest.ige. Hardly a day Mat·y Tucket: atten ded a s upper goel\ by without Borne new given' by th~ P. T, A, at Blue discovery, SOmp new deBall on Friday evenin g. vice to make our service The Ea tern tat' Lodge met 'on ven m 1'e perfect. Thursday evening and elected ofIt is an honor to belong fiCHS ror the coming year. to s uch a forward-looking Mr. Robert Frank n oi olumprofession. And it is bus sp nt last Wednesda y with relequally an honor to serve ative here. o many of our townsfro R obet~ ll1ith i~ slowIy imp eopl • knowing that we delight of his provi ng to t he offer them all that science rriends, and thQu~htfulnef!s can King Mills' ba ketball team provide to make SGnow played O UI' teams here on la. t F'dNow' COME~ iH\~ ~ calliel' to bear. day night de! ated our girls Bnd first teanl . Our 8.GCond tenm won. Dr. !lod M"'$. W. E. g lesbco BP nt unday with R ev. and Mrs. Ellsley of Sedalia, I Th Methodi ts njoyed a bask t ~"l'ffRfIf'O -- I dinnel' at lhelr church at the dose • 1916 -.....0. . . . . of Sabbath school last Sunday . Phon. 7 R~v. Williams of pring Valley pl'each d in the evening to a large and nppreciative audience. is th e P\II'j) se of the hurch." Mr. Mr Chas, Oarner of Columbus . ~;;============~, R. E . Mel'cer, will r ep rc ent the Dayton Dis't, and Mr. Nelson B, Ross will 'p res nt t.h finnl remarks A basket dinner will be served at Lytl hall. Music, sp cches and soc ial time nt th'e hfill in t he aiternoon. You ure invit ed to come and sp' nd the day,

Forward Steps


T-wla. Tbeater


~[ck IIul i. bllt\t'r at thlll writing.



J. E. McClure

=================================-_.================ LytJe~

Caesars Creek Th "Wid e-Awakes" h Id th eir regula r meeting, SlJnday ni~h t, November 24 with Char-Ies Stanley lit t he home of Mt·. Carl J ones and f amily. Ru th Sheets led 'the di cus ion group. Mal'y Edith Stanley of ncar Hillsboro was a

Mi. La ura Rosnl3glc of Ineillna ti was a week-end gu ~ ~t lit th(! home of Mr. and ],11'. Harvey Burnet, Ml'S. Mal'garet Johns was a tiinner guest of Mr. ,a nd Ml'l1. Carl Pickering nnd l\J~:! , Ada h n(l-

g~~~'Ne\V 8urlington and Caesars ~ eth of Cen Lervilltk one dny last Greek W, F. M. S, held their meet- we: . '. ing a t the home of Mr. Raleig h r, and.M r8, Le$11 Gt'ay ,pent A l" 'BUlutl n 11 ¢l. ring th nec 8, unday With Mr Leonal'd GI'ay ~ It~ [or ~ Ilcnd I",sull anll nl<l"~ Bogan, W edne day aftern oon" .. " t1.e :HlI(JUnt, ,"urn 8(' li nd nJ)Of xl111 Miami sb urg, l1ull .. dILlt-. hlt .. r " t r!Ltc nna m lllrN ovem b or 27 . R ('vIva . I ervlcc ' ....,egl' n ,n t L y tl e It ". an II 11 IKO II '0 npu,'" It )I r a I P\'~' In honor of Mrs. Bogan'c birth. b church n ext Sunda~r ovenmg', c _ ..r n lax ()ut~l de or lh tt'n mill ,. If' d d ay, severa nen S and neigh or ducted by Re". , altc~ Martt-n and :J.Umltatl n , tl) 8paylet (h ~ ds,Interest on ,~ lld to reLlN' hon a nd also g~thered at her home Sunday a assisted b i\1r. Cl D dd ,lu lnrln". the n l' .~Ity or clllllng n dmn r guests. '!. I!Ir nc~ 0 S speola l «' I clion, Mr. Ralph Learning and family evungeli lIe Inger, of hddl ~t~wn lllB Jlll~~!lol ~!cl '~)I~~~IIVIl~~.n ~in~r spent Sunday' witb Mr, and Mrs. Mr., and Mrs. Hel'bert: Pi Ifft.' r of hh. tllat to r th Ilurpoll of 'ng and fan'l' ly east and htlle SOn of neat' Lebanon Ol\$(ructlng {\ 8anllary 8 w'r Howard Leaml '" e S d >. f M d )st nl (UHl #owago disposa l plant, of New Burlington. w re un ay g ueSlol1 0 r" no tile Ilurehnse or Lund to It ue d In Raymond Wilson l'S reftover- Mrs, Clyde Whal'to'n and f&.nuly , eonn 'Illl0n lb'·r .... wHh . tot- th 1lU r Mr. .. Ev rett E l t d Th [101'10 t flln-Ing- the osl of ngln e.ring very ' nicely. ' ar y rl~ urne Ul',B1111: s rvlc.:>!! (hN' on . nn(1 for other Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mitch. dtolly cxvenln g aflel: n fine uuto ~r,lp Xli n. , .~ hlCllt'r d dIrectly In oonner and Carl Jones and family Te as and Mexlc,o. H e also VISIt · ~~~tJ~n ww':;h ~r8c~~':itw~r{\~,. '1~l called on Raleiooh Bogan anli ed J ohn Stroop at. l\1l erc dcs Tex~s !l, 8Mr~' t() Issue ',onds of st\lrl \' lItag~ tn IH. '",,\I)U llt wlhleh t his ... Mrs L B Hall II d son Lv family, Sunday evening. . , . n , ram <louncH ('.8t1 tnat~s as Twelve '1'houlIf .Some of our folks attended a °H Col U,!1;b U , a~d JM: r. and ~l'II, , lid \'H.~()Q.Qlll Dollars: t hll.t tt 18 "belll'ng" for Mr. and M:rs. Frank arry mC Cmms of Wayne.svllle Ile('essl\ry I ,.y to 0. tax the t 1\ mt to ll llmlt pay ou thtatao Int or rCompton one night last week. 'were Cli1I~rs SundBlY aftel'l)OQD at ('st () n nlHl to ,. Ure 81\.1<1 bonds: thut · R " H b t he home of Mr . nnd Mrs. Walter It Ie n 0 j:~ary to (aU Q. _,Peclu.l MrR. S a d Ie ea ..on, arveys urg Kenrick 1(· tlon for 8ldd llurpo II'! accordhas been s pending 8 few days with ' . DC wlt.h House Dm , 0, GH. her grllnddaughwr, Mrs, Ithoades ~rs, .B~rvey B.urn t escaJ?ed .g::~fl~~(Ja~r;'fll f~~or219 ~id; Irho:f I~o Bunnell and family. serIOus mJu'rY W ednesd a~ evemng \luesll() n of luuauce of said bond .. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tolle of of la t.w~ek, ~hen she trIpped nod n~~t~~J1Q t~eV~h ot s~"c~oi:-'< ~} ~~.j Washingt on D, C., spent last week fell qUite a, dl lan,ce On the cel,lal' villag nt 0. "1l('(~11l 1 1 etlon to b wl'th Mrs. Tolle's paren,t a, Mr. steps. She IS slowly recover,mg II Id Fr ldl\Y. De"embl'r 20 19aG 8u"h fro a nu b of t db " I cln l .,1 cUo", 8ulJjcd 'to bh' o.pand Mrs. Henry Satte1'thwaite and m, m or ,eu 8 an rUlses I>roval o! tltl.' Tn", Comm lssJon or f 'I Mrs, S. H , BUlnet, 1\Irs. Earl tlh' ::Hnlc Of Oh io; ih t 1111~ cOtlrl'll anll y, ' Burnett Mrs A lic~ 01 k a d M l!"tltntJ tus thu.t sa id ')ond.8 wIll bl) Mrs. Rhoades Bunnell and " ' ~ ar n. r R '1uthoJ'lzed by r sol ution pf.\lSed lot ea 1 M NIl' B Calvln Longacre and chtldren prl()r lO Nov ml)or 30. J 935, and tha.t daugu er, · ro, " 0 f ".. tile ~DJlI'O~ IIII[ t dhl o· jilL Id b on .,....& M " r8, e Iet Wund we're F r id a'y d'Inn Ir gues.s lUI'. ~ n~II aneI M , IS8 Onl1,Illa spen e - and M"s. Mnt'cell'u ' Thackera of will 'H' .lflllIJIU'Y 2, 1!l3G; that tbls d th M d M W lk • ~ COUll U esLlmatcs t h.\.t [h Be bo,nds ' nes ay ~l r. an rS. 1.\ e'r Sprin g boro celebr,a ting the 90th will II »ald In f lCty scrnl-annuAI Inan,_on.._ bil.thday of Mr. Thackera. eto.llroellts <nntur lng 11\ su\)~tllntlalJy ;Kratzer In Leb.. _ ('(I lla t rI'110u n ts durIng, a. period ot M1·. and Mrs. 1'herle JOll es 'en- tw('nt>' ~rtve y~nr" arttlr IIh" author!. zaLlouInlerest lhoreut; that sllld b(l n ll s will terta1'n "~d sevel'a] gue ts to dl'nner b"nr Ilt the r .. te oC not e x· Sunday, 'rhey were: ]\oirs. Elizl.I- eOl'dlng l ive (5) per ct>ntum per beth Smith of , Da~ ton, Mr, and >l. nn\lIn, Pflynbl S' ml-annually. " 'Il Il flll'lher l'esol",,(J that tho Weare sorry to report our si ck Mrs. J. B. Jones nnd M1'8. Mar- cl I' k (If this oUllc ll <be WId )Ie lH no ootter at writing. aret Johns. irs. Edwin Nutt and hereuy dlr 'l ed to "crUty a copy oC t hl a I' ~ol u t lon to the OU\'Il)' Clyde Sams and fami.l y were g son, ' Herman of tCentel'Vil1e we're AuOltor or Warren County for hIs shopping in Lebanon Saturday afte.rnoon guest. calculation of th~ (\vl'mge annual tax I(!vy r qulr d ~hroug"o'ut til afternoon. Ther~ will be s.pecial all day lHe f'lh bonde. t o pal' the Inte'rcst Lena Mountjoy and Dorothy services of Lytle ,M. E. church nd t9 retIre /Inc h )jonas. I\8sumlng trIa l III y Il~ ,\\1 166U d In on /l6l'jes ' Wells called on Kathleen Thompson Saturda.y afternoon pr acticing next Sunday, December 1. Begin- M,d t)'lM tht) al)l(lunt of the tax li.8t ning with Sunday School at I) :30 t thIs vi li nge r mains the same music. roughout Ute or sa id wbkh C;~l'u tl~ho c(l,tlo n ~ hall b boncls mad" wI'tl1 mllsl'c of 10' cal 't al ent. Then ' til Mrs, Ethel Beason and family the preaching se rvice at 10 :30, not Ices than thlrt.y '(80) dnyl.! prJor have moved irom Port WiJliam to to ~uc h "[lecla l electio n, ' PIl~"c(l by th e ounell ot th their farm here vacated by Oliver with gospel s ing in g conducted by h1ge of wayn e~v llle, r WAD Pat'ks -who is general ()Vll State oJ M • • , , . '" ' 1110 ql'~~ 1 ~ th day of Novomber Jacob~ and family. business manager of the y, M. C, lv3ii. A, D. • Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wilkerson, Mr A. K. DAY. and Mrs. Albert Sess, and family A. of Dayton, and also leader of Mayor Mrs. Ruth Haines, K. E. Thomp- the Y. M. , C. A. :glee club. Mr, Attest : Otterbein Cxengelr of Dayton will n. F, HATFlmLD, son( Mrs. Robert Mountjoy, Otis VlIlo.gc Clel'k Rich, Albert l\lountjoy, Dennis be th~ speaker, hilS subject, "What Wella, Martin Moomaw, Lena Mountjoy, Kathleen , Thompson attended cottage prayer m~ting on Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ,Morgan Brandenburg and daughter, Olivene and son William in Oregonia, Mr. OIenn Snell of Harveysburg who is atwndin~ the University of Cincinnati called on K. E. Thompon Saturday morning. Mrs. Etta Wells, son Marvin, Marson Wells, Ina Mae and Marie Well!l and Charley Wel~J spent Sunday in ,H amilton, M" , Lucy, Moore so'ns Henry and Suttie called on K. E: Thompson and wife. Mal'Y ' Ethel Samsspent Sunday aft.el'noon with }:{athleen Thompson hel'e.

I '




Waynelville, Ohio




Qaallty Prladal


Beech Grove

........ .




IIlallll -'


Ma,ny M'odels To Choose From





We can lupply you with the belt and highelt grade building material. and lumber of all kindl.



Tile-•• Brick··· Roofing ••• Cement

W. H. MadClen & CO. Wa, eaviDe, O.

Estate Qf Mary B. McClure, deceased. Notice is hereby given that James E. McClure of Wayn esville, Ohio, and Carl S. McClure of Day~ ton, Ohio, have been duly appointed as Execut.ors ot the Estate of ' Mary B. McClure, late Warren County, Ohio; deeeased, Dated thi. 22nd day of November, 1985. J.mel E. BUTP, Att,. RALPH H. CAREY, Juqe of Uae Probata

urea Coa~,


AND · MODELS Mostly One Owner Cars, E'D K A H N MOT 0







Eightr-Seventb Year



Whole Number 6198

6, 1935


Bandits Rob Franklin National Bank; NEW SCHOOL BOARD Assistant The St-ewa.rd, Gatekeeper and SCHOOLS TO OBSERVE Three Sl.eward will have comchllrge of the program at the MEMBERS 10 TAKE plete regular meeting of Farmers , HEALTH· DAY DEC. 12 Marshal Graham -Killed Bandit One Shot, Grange December Superintendents of schools They bave a v ry pleasant bour POSTS JANUARY 1ST prepared; including an orchestra, throughout the state were urged ------------.--------------------------------~-----------------------readings, and a spelling bee. All SEIZED AS BANDITS Hour. .... members are urged to be present. ~:~::r ~~ t~:' S~t~'D!::r~~;~t~; FIRIStTh~::~e~:Q~c~:N o ~Uhe R Y a t_ ; MISSIONARY SOCIETY . FLEE AFTER GUN BATTLE Will ume Tbeir Education, to arrange for an ob, er I W WITH MARSHAL CASHIER Po.itlon. V~lnce of Health Day in the scho ol ~lfs~o~n~~~h~~aza;~~'I~i~~I~ \~~~~ MEl ITH MRS MILLS Thursday, The her 'residence the ounty I . • FARMERS' CRANCE




d Bert Harhock

A ••




Decem ~r

Two new me mbers of the Wayn e township board of education, Kenneth Bough and Bert Hartsock will be instalfed at an organization meeting of the Wayne towlUlhip bOl,lrd of education, Wednesday . even ing January 1. They Will succeed S. S. Ellis, Id t pres en o~I th e b oar d f or tb e 1ILl!t 14 years and Ronald Hawke, vicepresident, who will retire at the final meeting for the year, Decembra 1. Officers for the new year will be electe(l. at the January let meet ing. The boal'd met in regular ses1as t ... ,..on day . Af~Ar the 81'0 n "" minutel of the November meeting were read and approved, bills were presented and o'rdered paid, Routim mattert! were discu.sed and planned. Clerk F •• B. Hendert!on, was allowed payment for meuul'ing

:tSo~i~~:~. <tr:~~~ t~: ~:!teEd~:~ tion Foundation prell'l'am, bus driv


November 26 and a safety talk to chool children was reported by d d d· d t he Iluperinten Tb ent band UICU Sse b th b d ~et for the y e oar. e u. year cloling December 81 an4 available money, was discussed. The pu.-chase of a modern Cram Globe WlllI approved to'r the use of the va'rlQu hlgb .cbool and elemen tnry ' grade5 ,tn G.eograph),. - - -- - •


l uuonuC~.ENT · 1\1111 un [dft







and children. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Zep!, of ers, salaries, bUI sc:hectules, a:nd, College Hill, Cincinanti, were Sunbus routes a~e approved by the day guests of Mr. and Mrs. ~orge

state department of education. Plans were discussed fQr better ventllatinn i)'l ttw gym. The board voted to purchatle a number , ot d h primary chairs for t e secon, grade and an additional bundred metal foljling chairs for scbool atld auditoripm use, The superintendent reported several eandid a\e8 un d er COOl ld era t Ion · f or "he 1;


observance is to be a feature of l:I ome it left th 1L1'twright family th e sale of Ch~istmas Sea:s, which without representatio n in Wayne !tarted Thanksiiving Day and will Township f or the first ~ime in u continue until Chri$lma , c ntury, Miss Cartwrigllt's father ~~=~~==~;;~~~~! Since lhe educatio nal program , ~ptimus, th en a bach!!lor, with against. tubel'culosis comes each hls brother Seth and the latter's year from Thanksgiving to Christ- family came to Waynesvil le almo t Mrs. W. N. SeaTe bas been con- mas, as carried on in Ohio by the ] 00 years ago from Alexandria, fined to the houl!e several days be- Ohio Public Health Association V a. an d.aurs t se ttl e d on t he f arm .caoae of grip. and its vffillated local Christmas now owned by Mrs. Cllarl s M. Mr, and Mr8. Set.h Thomas and Sea] Committees, it seems appro- Hough. A few Yl<8r8 latet' cllch I Bons, of Cleveland, vi ited rela- prlate for the school system of brother pu r'chased 8 , farm abutting tives here last week. our grea.t state to set aside a part Middle Run. The Se1:h Cartof one Bchool day in which to dis- wright land is in ]>o~s ssion of hi Mrs. Myer Hyman and BO~, Rob- cuss health in its persona l and descendents. ert, . were guests of relatives in community a pect". Xema. Thank!!givlng !?ay. In his comnlunication to the SlOtliK~~EN I,D r. I , Rev. G. C. Dibert and family sUl'erintendent of se h 00 U. e.. that t hey cowere dinner guests of Mr. and ~ Bowe her s uggest" Mrs. G. · D. Mills, . Thanksgiving operate .with t.he, local Chl'~stmas ES Day. al III Commltt es to I~sure , the continuance oI, the educational Mr. and Mrs, Walter Cast had OSI campaign against the spread of t heir Thanksgiving dinner guests, tuberculosis. ' Prof. Plumb to Pre.ent Tallca 011 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zimmerman, • - • Fum Night P ro.raml' Over

J. Smith. Mr. and Mrs, Ira O. Brown spent last wee~-end in Versailles, where they were the guests of Mr. d M M J B an ra. . . rown: Mr. and Mrs. John OIary, of Cincinnati, were Thank~givinr Day rue ts at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Marlatt. Mr. and ' Mrs. E: H. G1oeckler, of Springboro, were dinner lrUests of Mr, and Mrs. A. H. Melloh and # . ~am il y, Tb Ul'! day. E. L. Thoma. and H. A. Cornell with C. X. Himes, of Oenterville attended • Shrine ceremonial in Cincinnati, Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. ,., Polinslqr nave retUl'ned home after a pleasant visit with relatives in New York City ·and Kingston, N. Y. Mr. and Mra, Georte J . Smith were in Cincin njltJ several days ineluding Thanksgiving, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Lange:

' Miss Dorothy . Hartsock spent Thanksgiving and the week..end FRIEIIIDS MEETINC Fi...t-day 80\1001 at 9:80 a. m, .,.dth ht,lr friend, Miss Viviall lIeatin. toa Wo"hlp at 10:80 Oglesbee, ot near Wilmington. ~ m. Mrs. Ota Hidy, of Sltfingtleld, is here Caring for her "aughter, FERRY eHUILCH OF CHRIST M~ John Preston, who has been C'arl S.lth, IIlnIIttT s ick severa' days. Sunday School 9:30 a. m. Mrs. F. D. Dakin left WednesCommunion 10:."; L m. , day morning for Oklahoma City, Sermon 11 a. Okla., where· she will be the. gueat of her. daughter, Mrs. M. W.


:WA:!!~~~I~n!;'~-:O~R~H ·Denney.


Station WOSU

,.. . The Women s ForeIgn MI, slon· al'y ociety met Wednesday afterno n al the home of Mrs. G. D. Mills with Mrs. Truman Wardlow and Mrs. G. C. Dibert assistan t hostesses. M1'8. D·b t d f or th e su b . I er use ject of her Stewardship program, liThe Greate t Stewardship" ILlld f th b. t f D ' t' or e su Jee 0 evo Ions, "The Lor d Gave the Word." After the busin ess session, Mrs, Oakley Unglesby p""sented the following progt::am: .~ Quartet -"rt Came upon a Mi d. h ' Mrs. M, A.,''" uIk ermg t i ear,' son, Mr. Cliiford BuzicK, Mrs, Gilbert Frye lind Mrs. J. H, Sackett, Study Book Revi w~"Wom en and the Homes", Mrs. Kenneth Hough.

A::r~~~~,~~;;:h~g':e~~~ . in South Reading- "ln the Regions of

The Ftanklin Nati onal Bank, of Frankin Ohio, was held I1P at l2!30 p. m. tOday by three banditll IV,ho ecured ,7,000. Cashjer




Mrs. Helen G.raham has return·:;! to her h om-: 10 Dayton ,litel' an Mere than 60 years int.imate ob· t he Mighty River, Venezuela and I extended viSIt at the borne of h ~r S ,}'Vatton of improvement in ial'm Brazel." Mrs, H. E. Hathaway. . parents, Mr, and Mrs. Oorl Duk e,

I .



fesso: be about!oh!1 Tw en'ty-two members answered Rarey and hiS horSE! Cruiser. roll call giving their ideas for ef- Professor P!umb Nlg:ards M~ . . ' f or Rarey the fectlve Chirstmas d eceratlons t f liS haV1ng h been dl nd world tral·ners th e hC)me. # mOll amous an r f\ f h Officers elected for ,the coming 0 ~r~f Protessor Plumb's discuJlyear. are, Mrs. James E. McClure, sions are cheduled 'on WOSU's preSident; Ms. J. B. Chapman, Monda Farln, Ni ht tograms. secretary-treasurer. B I ~ , D g b Ph ' ll A progrllm of Chri stmllll customs eg nntng ~n ecem t'r'F e WI in other lands was mo·t int rest- carry OVt r mto Januury, ebruary ing; Miss Blanche Riley, England; ~nd ~al.'~~ ot t~~ nfw I~~a~ otfe~t Mn. Ernest Butterworth, Norway Ing I~ IOgrap lca 9.e c es , alld Sweden; Mrs. R. H. Hartsock, 8:40 .0 clock on the 5 cond Monday Ger mantown; Mrs. J. B. Chapman. evenmg of each of the four Frlll1Ce; Mrl;l. George Peterson, month/! scheduled. . origin of Christmas tree, plum On Janua!'y 13, the .mo.1i mte:pudding and yule log. esti~g f~ture in the Me of Feh.x ' t f or st u d yt a theh RenIck WIll Th e 8U bJee t d'bet' presented. . h 'I ' He P was ler January meeting ",ill be the ~ctUB !n~ ~~:eder I~fmgh':::t;~rn lc~t~~ in A.& the c1o,s~ of the busllless h I y h' t of Ohi and consess)on dehcIQus refrel!heme~ts t ebeard IS :r~ith c r~ain animwere served !1 nd a pleasant 80clal trll ute hm~c t of. the time wa.s enjoyed. a a to t e Im~rO~emeJI h , Invited guest were Mrs,. H. E. bree.d. The brlngmg oJ t e first Hat haway', Mrs. Harold Whitaker ,MerIno, sheep w.tst of AhJ1Ae~nany and Mrs. Davis Furnas. m~)Ut1talJls to OhIO by .Jet , ams, The next meeting of the club wtll be d1scl!ssed on Feb.ruMY 10. will be held at the home of Ml'I. and on March 9. the 1m~olrta~: Harvey Rye Tuesday evening, teatl1res of, the ,lmprovJemhen H J 7 t '1 'clock Poland ChlDa hogs b)" a n a~anuary , a • ..:.. . krader will be Profes"or Plumb's



DEtORE VOTE TAKEN I r MeSo I Miss Mary EUen Edwards, of ON SEWER PROJECT Frye. Dayton, spent Thanksgiving with

al'limal~ sllppl,es the uml ual back Quartet-"Sile nt Nig~t", d Cl b ground fOl' a ser,es of t::adio 'dis· dames Fulkerson, BUZICk, The Waynesville Gar en u d h" d S k tt met TUEtiday Jlfternoon Decem- cu slOns to be PJ·e~enle t IS WII/- an ac e . ber" at th h.o.... e of Mr' .• Harvey ter over the Ohio -S tate University The next meeting will be beld ""'r I at the home of Mn. A. K. Day on Bu.r nett in Lytle, with Mrs. Mar- station-WOSU. 570 k~locycles- Thursday, J~nuary 2, 1936. ~ret Johns and Mrs. Ed Longacre bf ' Charles S. Plumb, professor - - ,aasi ting ho.stesse\!. emeritus ilL animal husllandry at POMONA GRANGE The meetmg was called to 9rder h . 't b y t he presl·d en t , Mr s. B , V. S ml'th t eTbUDiverSI De y.b 9 talk b Pro

:;\i~: ~~~i:;.ure,lesllon was read

Harold Stroud wa.a the weekend gUf1It ot relatives in ;Dayton. George Gates a nd Marshal Graham opened -"lire on the 1'0bb ers 11.'1\ d In Mrs. Grace McCune, of Lima, Lhe xchange of shots one bandit is visiting her mother, ,Mrs. EVil was 1Ol1od it is reported, and . Miller. Marshall Graham was wounded, Mr, and Mrs. Elvln Fires spent Thank .giying Dal! with their , Bon It is said $'700 was found on Lewis, and family. the pel'son of t~e dead bandit. It was reported that lwo of the ~eggs Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Mendenhall whose machine had been put out were Thanksgiving Day uests of relatives in Dartoli. of commissio n, kidn apped two 1>1 ' d M "[ I B ' - f women sitting in a car acr oss the r. an Plain" .I's. L'viSit e VYnd relaltves nnW1~ 0 , s,tre e t from t he bank in order to Pleasant heN over the week-end. ' make t heir get-away. . Up to t.he time of going to p;; ..s MI. a!,d Mrll, H rbort Edwards no d fini te re ort has been had of and famIly, of Dayton were guest!> p of ,Mr. and Mr . Rufus Watkins on the whereabou~s !! the other two. FrIday.


Mr. and Mrs. lind family.



A 'luartet frem WChialbere·Coroccr univElrsity will have services at the local Methodist church, Sunday even ing. R d

. WPA .nd State Health Depart. ment Mu.t Apprpye- Local ' 57.tean

.' Pla ns 0 f Wayn eSVl'11 e co Unc'l I to

MET AT HARVEYSBURG fa~i~~,ag: t!f~~~~ ,B~ereal~:e~_ ~~~e ~het~r~~~s:~t;~r~! ~~~~::; end guests of Mrs. Hall's parents, Administration project for a

_ Mr. and Mrs. Harl'}' McGinnjs, Pomona Grange met at HarMr. and MI'Ii, Frank Hess ente-r' ~.. O, tained at dinner last Thursday C. vey burg, SIltux d ay, Novem ber for the last meeti~ ot the year. T. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ellis Mastel' ~mar Hollingsworth ~all~ and Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Ellis. the meetmg to oT~er at 1,1 0 clock , . and the usual routme busmess .was Mr. and Mrs. Wilham Dl'ake taken up. and son, of Indianapolis, -visited Reports from the various relatives and friends here dllring Granges in the county sho wed the Thanksgiving holidays, quite a gain in new members this , year, ~ith good attendance and ~rs. Leila Bunnell, Mrs. B. F. keen interest. in grange work. B,lalr.. of Lebanon, and Mrs. r.:t ary Election of officers for the next SIlver -were guest. of Misses Farm~r8' Grange tb ree Blanche and Perle RIley on. Sun~~are-r~~ve . day. , c . t f or Iunc h After adJournmen Nr and 14rs Joseph Wolfe and all went to the local gym where an Mr. ~nd Mrs .. Earl Reede r, of unusually line dinner was I\erved Clarksville, sP'r nt Thanksgiving b~ Massie Grange. . Day with Mr, a'lld Mrs. Orville The afternoon prOiram was In Gray and daughter, Miss Barbara, charge of Lecturer, M1'8. oarl l Duke. Miss Sarah Miller of Way. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. WilliamnesviJle gave a piano 5 10 and the I on ha~ lUI thllir guests on Thanks. Misses Ethel Mendenball and giving Day, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Freida Harvey ' put On a skit ! Williamson and !\On, Robert, of "Beau Night." Mrs. Bishop of I Lakewood, Oh iO, and Mr. and Mrs Ma$on ~pened a round table diS-l Ira O. Brown. f f th . d ho g situ a cuss on? e corn a:n. Rev. L. D. Vesey, 01 Lebanon,


$40,000 Eewerage sYl;tem and sew• Decemb er 20 , age d'Jl!posa I p Ian~, ~ temporar'ly halted by the wer~ I state tax commi lon'this week, which ruled t hat permi~slo\} of WPA -and the state health depanment must be forthcoming before such a venture could be con.sidered In a communication to council, the commission indicated that before the project , could be given erious consideration by W1?A, preliminary plans must be drawn a-nd submitted for the study by official of the govel"!'lment division. Meeting in regular session last Monda.y night, council heard the situation discussed by a repret!entatlve of the WPA o1l\ce in Day toll , and as a result, authori2ed Morton Shephard, Dayton en~ineer, to proceed with a preliminary survey of such a project tor Waytlesville. Cost of this survey has been e~l;lmated· at approximately UOO~ It is believed that sufficient timel'emains ,to submit the Waynesville sewer ,Project within the time .limit" se for WPA jobs in

I~~;':a~s ~:~::d ~~hV:;y I~~:e~~: ~:;.~. 01g ~~~ee~'at:::~~~ aD;:~~ ?u~~lrsO:~~p~e:~e Wi~~~~~~

su.bject. _ __ Maynard Ric~ of · O. S'. U. and [I Crockett, Oo.),OS8, N~II, Clark, ferenc~ the Cincinnati Area of sonable time and submitted in 1)is friend. Wesley HuntIng,.. o~ nen I omle eWI Lukens, -Duke, and LeWIS. the Methodist church at Columbu$, proper fohn .to government ofCleveland, 8pen~ ThanksgIVlIIg Mr . .and Mrs. ·Ernest Butterworth ' --Mr. W, A. Swart.zel gave a fine Wednesday ticiale. with the :forme~ s parents, Mr. were, pleuantly surprised bt a Miss Clara Lile sulostituted in review of this y'ar.s cro~8 as t o ' These plans mu st also h.ave tbe and Mrs. J. B. RIch. S d the school room of Miss Betty amounts produced and pr.ces; also Mr. and }\frs. R. J. Williamson f h h &Ith d ..... • 'II group of friends, atu~ sy even- Henkle, Monday, ' as- :Miss Henkle the prospects ~or n?xt year. and son left Friday: mornin~ for approval 0 testate e eThe theme for the Bermon WI be, Dicky litti'e $On of Mr. and Mrs ing November 30. was ill Rural electnficatlon was then their home in Lak wood after parlrrne nt, it wa p<1inted out at tbe The Book for The Problema of Foreat Graham of near Lytle, has Cards furnished entertainn)ent Mrs' Ada Jenkins attended tne taken up anc1 freely discussed. · Mr~ .8~ending several days at the home meeting-of council. commemorate thil been very sick: wit}) dOUble pneu- and later ·refreshments were funer~1 of her niece MI 9 Louise Nina Comp~on of ~ason closed th e of their parents, . Mr. and Mrs. H . WPA representati;yefil had previ. Life. Let liS ent l'MPortant e:v rightly, by at. monia. At last aecount the child's served. The gue til were Mr. and . .' T ' meeting wLth musIc. H. Williamson, and fa~i l~.. ously indicated that all projecta ~endjhg some pI.ace ot pub)Ic W01'- cpndltion ,ill sligbtly better. Mrs. Ralph Mllle!i', Mr. and Ml'I. PrQbasco ~t Wll mmgton on , ue llThe next meeting will be at under the . present program must sh ip on next Sunday. . ' , W. E. Corne.II, Mr. and Mrs. Bert <1ay. _ . L ebanon, in February. Mrs. Cordelia Cross, of Leban on be completed by June 1, but it is Epworth Le.cue, .t 6:~6 p. m.lIessl's. Cbarles James, R. F. JlaJ'tsock, ' Mr. and Mrs. John Margaret MIl,rtlO, spe nt _ _ )fr. Luthel' Se.lle r s, .of Dsy.t,o n and und rstood that, later orders have ~witb Ines Jame' as leader. er Hatfield and Ro~l!rt Chapman at- Preston, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. l:)hap- Thanksgiving day in Dayton with .' ' Mr. and Mrs. Vi<;tor' Carpenter, oJ: extended the deadliQe until At 'l :30 p. m; the Negro sinc • tended t~ ~eetmg of the Yeung man, Mr. a,nd Mrs. Harvey Rye, her lion, Mr. Ernest Martin and Mfddletown, e njoyed Ii su-"ptuous July 1. trom Wilberforce University will 'Republlcana of the Seventb Con- &11' and Mrs. R. H. Hartsock, Mt. Mra. Martin. turkey dinner at the bome of ¥r, be with UI and have entire cbarge. greuional Dllt.r ict .in Springfield. and Mrs. Joel Stoku, ~~. and • Mr. and Mrs. R, n. Harts ock and Mrs. O. O. Missiidine, ·T.ha.n'k ·. of the 'llervice. The,. come to UI Saturday night. Mrs. M. A. Cornell, Mr. and Mrs. and Jenn and Jan weTe dinn~r Safety on the street and high. giving Da~. trlle of ,chart, and . it his a n : Ill'. and lin. Albert Prake, Mr. L. V, BranstratorRMrcandkM:. J. guests of Mrs. Lena Hartsock on way isn't an exclusive problem f or ldr. and Mr~. Wilbur· Olark standing privi .,e to ave . e and lira William Drake and Bon, B. Rich and Mr. oy roc e '. ThanKsgiVing. f the ·man at the wheel. T . he pedes- entertained thei.. children and great mllalclana in our comm~lll~. lIr and' Mr. ' F C Bubble and Arain on Wednesday evemn" Mr. 'and Mrs. Bert Spahr, 0 If 'W'edne.da)': Bible stud, and tam'll" _, erA ;"',..:.. 'ot 'U rs • ,... Mr. and. Mrs. Buttel(Worth were Xenia, called ' on Mrs. A~na Cad- trian should be just as much co,n- grandchildren and Mrs. Mary \ " .•1\ Th 80 • '. . .. "'nd family. of Day- the victIms of er ,group d8.1lader and Miss CIELfa L'l on ""aver meetiq at 7: p. m. e Sto'--'""1e , cerned in improving the accident Ca, rmony to a sumptuous dill. n. er Y' , d II t vited t tJAv .. _ _ • • ~ A G bb on Thanksgiving. Little, MIsses public is cor ia), n 0 a ton $atu~ay evenin,. comprising Mrl!l. nDle I on 11', Sun·d ay. prevention record !IS the driver. . Betty and Dorothy Yriunce' r~ )State and nat,lon-wide interest tend an)' or all of theae HrVic.. • Miss Kathryn Gibbons, Mr. James Mrs. C. N. Berryhill, Millses 1 d b th T ffi k d "t. in the opening session of the 11'_. Fe· ~ Slnke." mil.iona- to GI'bbons, Mrs. ,Harvey Burnett, Clara and Ida Ben""hill, of Bell. 'Recordll compi e . y e ra c mained for a wee -en VlSI .. ... ''# " d Ohi ..... h D Awerican Far m Bureau Federa~ ST. MARTS CHURCH China, wbo ia bODM OD furlough, Mr. and Mrs.·Harold Whitaker /Uld. brook, 'called on Misses Annie an Bureau of the . 0 rtlg way eMr. and Mrs: , Ernest Hartsock tio.n in Chicago, Monday, Demem. Rev. I. I. 8ebe«er, Beeter Ipoke at tlte Epwortb and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank HflI Marne Browne Satut;day. paTtment 8~OW that 1031 pedes- and son Milo entertained with a ber 9, Which will be addressed by Second Bunday in Advent, Bible evening senice at the Methodiat and family ana Misl! Dena DaViI. : Mrs • . Emma Pie-Irce returned trians were involved in acclde!'-ts family dinne: Thanksgiving · Day. Pl'C ident Roosevelt; has led to an S~nday. Church Ichool at 9 ;80, chureh, Sunday evening and was As on the o,t her oc~aslo~, cardl!l Sunday e~enin~ . from Toledo , on s~te .h!ghway~ alon , outsIde , Those present were Mr. and Mcp. l1nprecedented demand for tick- , Morning Pra,er and aermon at overniaht cuest of tbe Rev. and provided a pleasant dly.ulon and v.>hertl she had .VISlted her children' municlipaittles, durmg, the first ten H. E. St(\kes, Mr. and Mrs. Her- eta, offi ~lall!l of t h.e . Ohio F'arm 10 :30. Mrs. G. C. Dibert; refreshments :~ .:'nJoyed. since the pr~vlous '1luesd~y. months of 19.35. The number of ,I man SUI'face, of Wayne8vil1~; MI.". Burl/au announced at Columbus Mrs. Lena Hartsol~ k, tTl • c?m- pedestrians killed numbe~ed 139, and Mrs. Clarence Dunhanl lIn(\ today. IIr. alldJrfn. Seth Thom.. and MRS. PEARL SHULTZ CALLED pany with Mr. and Mrs, WIlham It is true tht many of t~e8e son of Lebanon; Mr. and l'4rs. The nationa\ farm organizaST, AUGUSTINE CHUflCH JlY DEATH THURSDAY L~kens and , Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. pedestrians either lost their hves J ohn Lemmon and children, of tiQD's committe' On arrll.n~ements. children, ot Cle'+'eland:, Mr. ~d Father Newtoia, Putor MPI. Wll1iain Thomas and dau Hartsock, attended the fune:a1 ·of or were injured be,ause of, t~e Dayton. Q.CCdrding to the officials, has deMa.. at at. Aapetbae'a Cbuleh ter, ot llaineville: Mr. and lira, __ a relative in Barnesville, OhiO, on carelessne/!8 of drivers, but It lS cI'ded t hat a"1"18810n tickets will be ·Bumett .ftd dauII'hten, of 'U rs , Pearl Shultz, 48 ., 0... th t d t rl'an- have M d M • A R Sch~~ler of ... II . very HOODd . . . fourtla SaDd., Ha""" '.J - ' . DO "'ft Tuesday. .. h . . • . V~, L""e, 1""'lIt · T"'-nkTvin~ Day ........ , wife of John Shultz, died t.v. ~ d M M a d Ra"lan also true a fpeI es d rudent a8 H r.' 1"an Mrs Kat'-r'Y Turner released only through the state f tbe 1Il0Dtb. n ~":r~ • -~ b nr. an ts. llyn r , not been lUI care u an P IIml.on,. " . farm bureau. orgllnizations, The with IIr. and Jrlra. E. Tho..... Tbursday morning, at her ome on and daughter, MalCl,ne, and M~s. they 1l1i"ht be. of Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. . B '11 }j OF Route 3 after an illness ot long Caroline H. Bl'oomhllll, of WII· In t.hese days of high speed He nderson, Ma$ter Matthew .'I'ur- 01lio Fal'm uI'eau ",1 ave "AYNESVILLK CHURCH At tbeir boate in duration. ,.. Ad H k 'h ' r es '-'_ d M J h B Gon charge of lhe. tickets allotted to CHIlIIT w S . B umin-on, ·visited "'IT.S. . traffic, pedestriansdta e I• elr th.... IV ner., ,.. ...w' .• an attention is bein" aD.,l i r. d an IIn. A Be.idee her hnsband she III r-· i d a S Cri!. 0 n . nts Ohl'O. SplcJAI a • _t .... _ .. _.1 ay. in the-ir own . han. II d un eBS WJ and mUS "A-l a_ ...... lllalater C.. _nowu th... e.... .~8 ' ·"ved by her father, James Sm itb, J enkinll on Thanksg L ' dl vmg ~reta'I'V e l·n re f il ue d' rane t were the"p(es me of gl'ven th~ <.I.'I'strl·bution of tickets VIII" ~IIU_ I b entertabd IIr T, d D rom Dr., Harlow 10 ey, s.,.. ., always exercIse pru enc - at a am y mner a ,,0 over the state in order that wpllNot A ~omlaatlO1l ··1l......,1 ... _'S" ""A._ "IYII~ ODe dater, 141'1. Howar B • alld librarian at the State Museu m gard to the danger to which they MH. D. L, Crane and family, hatl'ons may be filled in an equlta0 _ It... ClaIr, "'l1li&", 1Ir. a.r aDd Timoth., mond andand tbre6 a1'l7, at Columbu., called:l on,..Mrs. are expo.ed by tramc. Particularly b~ le manner. ' Bible Ichool at 8 :80. IAuoD and and lin. BmftlOll R01brothen, Smith. lk I g Thursday. ' tat, Nehemiah nbaUcUq til. lin'; Stu~ Cook, 1Ir. and lin. FuDeral trom the bome "atur- .-ret Martin recentl' _1'1. tbey Ibould .1;Iever wa a on M.r. and Ilrs. Alvin Earnhat::t The committe~ has dofinltely deciaI' aUemoon at 1 o'clock and .t .ave bim, for the II/rary, aid raral higbwaYI o~ left e ntertatned the :fmlowlJ)C at cided to hold the. opaill, HIt1oll, Wa/l of hrual..- N ....aIab ao~ Crew ... PIleneM Cook. ':1-8, ll-IL GGldea text, , ::~ u.. &lUI lin. I' Co Bubble . . the lIethodbt cburch in WaJ1ld- bible ~~}~ ..~ears o. side o~~ rc:~a:::lc ia b~ taf dinner saturday evening, Novem- which the Presi~ent will addNII. plOpl. ba4 a alDel.. WOI. -. __:.,..~ De rille at B o'clock. • E Wa1 .. d I thb aDIl8l' bel' ao Mr and Mra Carl 13abb in the Internatronal U".toeJlla NeIl....b Lord'. SliPper,~ . . .eel. :~ .. ~;::.':d Barlal wiD be made bJ lIldcUe MASONIC ,.000 the beat proce ure. ~lt':watch and IO~, X~nia: Mr. ' and Mrs'l lIew amphitheater at the UnJoa o-=~~.,~~G~A.~ au.. cemeteJ7. Stated of roadside ~alken . . . and 10 act Mad_n Earnhart and 80na, Day- Stockyardl. The bullclla. b.. III • 'JIlt - - • wacmDe traII~la ·~r::elT OWli u.fetJ. ton; Mr. and Mra. Earnest Earn- t INtiDI eQ8cit)' of a&:lJlJ1l1U .Ii,. ." " , III OIl. major rUpert the Tuada., December .. Abo ~ padutriaM abowel hart ad children; Ill'. and Mrs• • people. PlOP'aID of the AA.A 10. Work ID dqree. . matter EmeNoll Eat'llhart and ehildHn i -fttiNIlOill


Bund • ., echool at 9 :80 a. rn. Morning w01'8hip at 10:80 On neu Sunday ~ commemorate the fo ur hundredth annlvers&JY of the first prl ·"Ad ED"lish Bible.

F. d' H



' l












• ...... . .,

1IIIII!~1~1~~=;~~li~fIoai; ~







faR on. .." ....:

... JIr, alld II.... Harl Earnhart and , lbe ftl'lo .. ." -til. ddtcInD allel Ill'. aDeI .Gtlbert the ......;~.....IItIl!J~,'

School High Spots -. .-. .-. . .,.___ --___

- 10

ItiHn hip club att nd~d to and oftl N. ell'{" d as f"l1", : aty Mo!O. prl't<idpnt; .. '1'1':13 Lov 1)'0 "i~~·pre. id('nt; M.I. pi ~ :\18Y1l. . -er('tar~': Alton Eurnhrn·...

a si.lanl lI~cntar )'; n I ),h.l In. "iU(' (' la, h('. '\\ it h Ring ?tUTI 'S 'rh( ml)Sl'n. n w, reporter. W.,ceh. W ill Third Game Thl'n the m lin~ \'n" I urn', ! hne. W yn('·,ill(' ha!< D v ry fn~t WapI sviJIe W"n it. third gaIne t~flm nd l. doing "I'll. having O\'er to thc pr gram COOlI,I!·!Ct'. 1.11 th!' , ~on In. Tu do)' '\\ hen won h('ir fir t three tarts. The HODor Roll it Mf ntl'd torrow 42 to 17. The l boh. 111'<' phowing fine team work Waycl h l~ d in e\'ery p<,riod. ha"- and sportsm anship. King Mil~ £ichth Gract.-seetion in~ :I llll1t .p(lint nlianlal('e at the ,Iso ha n \' ry good team and IS Mary Eva LeM:n}' and ":\ 1'0 hId of tl,< fir. t quarl(l'. Dud 12 alfo pi ying g od basket·ball. A Ludington. point at! '~l1\t lilt" at t hl lnd of the fine l:'howing i ' Xllected from both Firet Grade Hon-or Roll third. Th(' CHre III h~ hnlf ~tood tram. A good gam bould be Ann \V!!ltz, Richard ~h ' I?h'ln, al 27 t.o I ii , ih result. Will Wll.yn vill k p Thi. yi<: ,)ry C ,) 1!l, " U~5 a h r record clear! W shall ee at and ' Naomi }:arnhart. . 1 te f(\t· the 10 a l hoyf'. aturdny night' game. Second CrAd~ W.yn ....lll!!: B F D v' 4 1 Honor RolI.,..-Hi.-b School The perf ct sp ,l Ier IG t.ll.:o emil r 1 The R igh l chool honor roll fOT second grade la~ t W (OK W I' : G~~ 3 0 th econd six-w ek t rm includes Norma Adam~, Donald Lro\\ n. lien .. 1 1 eniors--Jane Cook, Ann rane Shirley Buzick, Alb rt 'J ' llI'lI. 'nttert hwllit.3 1 ceil Hartman, John Kellner and Ro a Lee Bunn II, harll". D:o'> rl. Ruth &iIi bury. . Pauline Gibllon, e h H o,lk. 19 4 42 Totals Juniors--Marjorie Tinn Walter Johnson , Archie H ri ~, Sopbomo~ Roy Lr'OCK(H~t. Ricbard Stansberry and J" I' .l B It p . Vema Mae Hunter and Nllomll Perry aC,kelt. Monow .. 2 o 4 Ramby. Brant, f ... . 2 o 4 Kell ' y, f Freshmen-Elma Poi'nsett. Third Crade harlt on, c . .. ... ,... .... 1 o 2 The Third Grade b ns two PUllll " ......... .... 1 2 4. Hofer, g Thanluri.i". Aaaembly on the hon or r oll. Ruth Anna ' ....... .. ... 1 1 3 on,in, g An 8$sembly was called Novem- John s Rnd Janice Burn tt. ,.......... .... 0 o 0 Brown purpo e of a The hevrolet is ahead in the Ho\)!'on ........... .. .. .. ...... 0 o 0 ber 27, for Thanksgiving program given by auto race in spelling. The ..... .... ... .. .. 7 3 17 the senior cla_s. Cecil ' Hanman. rolet bas gone 14 mile, the Total Jane Cook and Phylli Colle mouth 12 miles. the Ford • were in charge of th program miles, the Studebaker 3 mil e, anr! Junior Hi,h School Willa ()peJoinl which included prayer by Mr. the Austin 5 miles. Th boys from the Junior high- Ga:rst. a reading, "Concord Hymn The Thitd grade has compos!!d chool WOn their opening game by by Mary Burum, a reading by a very little bookl",t, downin~ MorrOw last Tuesday in Marjorie J:;arnhart, a poem by Jack Frost Stories. a vel'Y close game. At the half, Mr Ruth Sali bury. a votnl duet, James' quintet was leading 8 t.o 6. "Whispering Hop!!," by Jeannette Honor Roll The visitprs gradually crept up Wil on and Kathryn Smith, read· Sill Grade-Section II . and tM game ended with a whirl- ing by Ellen Guy and Donald France Johns and Anna Mar· wind finish to give the Waynes. Foulks, and group singing. i1YIl Whitaker. v.ille team a 18 to 12 decision. Wa7.eaYilie B F P Teachers S_ Eclucatioa.1 FiIPl. Fourth Grade lary, f .......................... 1 1 a La Monday evening, through Thanksgiving was ob rved by FutnilS. f ......... ,.. ,. ." ..... 1 1 3 troud, c ........ .................. 0 0 0 the courte ~ of the Alan B. Twy· the Fourth grade with nppropl'iate l.{orlln, ....... .... ....... ........ 2 3 7 man Company ot Dayton. the songs and stori s. Anderson, g .. .. ......... ..... 0 0 0 WaYlle Township teacher had the Twenty-five pupils have a per· PUJ:k. ...".... ....... ............ 0 0 0 privilege of seeing three educa- feet attendance r cord for tbe Osborn, ......... ,............... .. 0 0 0 tional films. Subjects of the reels past term. Earnhart ....... ... .. ..... , .... .. 0 0 0 ~ere PlalJt RooUl, The TE1\ching Pupils on the honor roll in spel. j of Reading, and Guidance in the liog are: Eliza~th Cwiis, neony Totals .... .. ... .. ,. .... .. 6 5 13 Public Schools. 1I1r. Bohl, the Hi sey, Erwin Lewis. Elva Wester· COUJlty superintendent, was also man Rnd Donald Watkin s. Morrow B F p present at the showing. Crank, f ......... .... ............. 1 o 2 , Sillth Grad_Section One Ba.,k.tball Sc:fs.dule Houston, f ....... .... .. 0 o 0 Helen Gons and Lyle Fox had The complete ba ketball chedule Dakora, c .. ,...... .... .... 0 1 1 the dlstincti l) of being on the Volkering, g " , . .. ... ...... 2 o 4 for Wayne ville high school · for honor roll. Eleven had perfect at 1935-1936 is as follow : 1 6 Kautz; g .... .. ,................ 2 tendance for the last six weeks. Richard .... .... .... .. , .... ... .. ... 0 o 0 November 15, Centerville theN!. Six have had perfect grad '8 in November 22, Jefferson, there. spelling tor. the pailt week and November 26, Morrow, bere. 2 12 Totals .. ...... .. ..... .... ... .... ,. 6 four have for th~ last ix week . December 7, ICings Mills, bere. W.yc.... PI.,. K.ia,. Mills December 13, Morrow. there. On Saturday. December 7. Way December IS. Leesburg, there. December 21, Alumni. (homecoming game.) . . January 11. Lebanon, there. January 17,' MaBon, here. January 24, Harvey burg, here. January 25, Ross Township, Lhere January 31, Kings Mills, there. February 7, Springboro, here. Llulie.· Dre..... SOC February 14, Highland, here. Mea' . Suit., SOc Citia.Jl,Ibip Club Meet. Quick-fpr 'la..lily dr,. cl•••inc The business meeting of the ..-..~~~~_'_I_n_





Cary'a Jewelry


Common PI., ••


1n th!! ca. e of 'Th!' .1iomi \ ' alley Build il1K lind 1..0lln .·~ociation "'n:u~ TI'ovi Blll'n:, et aI, .'0. Ir,S:l:J confirmati on dC'cll Dnd eli • u·ihution. In the ca~e

or The Ilami Vol· Builtling llnd Lonn A;o;:ociatlon VI' T>lI~ T r'lI \ is T-I;~rn(';o;. ,·t al. No. Ifi531. cOl1firmatliun. de('d llnd Ji· l('~

tt Ibutiol1 'I' a.'! allow d. Tn the ells c of Fntnk Loop Dnd I"m('nt 'alterth \I aite, doinjl; lJu i· 11" .' ~ a " " &. L. Ice ream '0. V('r 'U~ The i1li11!!l' of Leban n, Ju tlitmcnt ill th sum of 1, 000 "a ~ allowcd the plaj ntiff. Th<, l'll< e "f t: ni('n ,}<lint • lock Land Rank, of De r it, a corp., V(,NU ', Arlllu l' N .wfarth, tal, i,: lIis~lIi ,s d. In the CB S of 'Be. i Todd \' r· ~u Hlln<,i1 TOlld, a divorr was gl'anted th plaintiff. Th plain· tiff was re ~ tor d to hel' m aid~n Ilame of B g~ i (' ?dyer. In th cust! of Lola M. an Del' \ eT ver. \l~ Ralph E. Gor uch, et ai, W. E. Hoffer. was npp inte-d

III'Jlvint<.'d "pprRi. er . In the matter of the ~ tat~ or George C. hield. d~ceas d, Ie of per onal property wa order d. C. J. Waggoner, L. S. hawhan and rthur .Hamilton wore ap· pllinted Rpprai. el's. 1n tbe m tter of the e,;t.t\te of J<~l'ank G, Simpson, d cCllsed, sa le of pl'opert)' i ord red. , In th ca e of LJuise F. Par· tiel', administratrix of the e lat of William F. ehn ck. deceased, vel'· gu,. Margaret E. Folk. et aI, henr· il1~ i. postponed until lhe 2nd !lilY or J)el't~lIIb r, 1986 . W. h ster Maple, executor or the e~tate of G orgs E. S}tielrl d('ce 'ed, lil(!d ~j - first account. Li ly 1\1. Eg I'l. administratrix of the ('slate of Walter J. Baker, de a . ed, jlled hel' inventory.

guardian ad Iit~'m lor minor de· fendanu. ale of re.a l estat is orl1 r d. , ID th case of Dewey .Iexanrler v rsus Goldia Alexander the lerk of ou rt hall a'GC pt, receivl,l and file anSWl'I' nnd cross Iletition of d .. fenrlant . In the (laSe of Lola M. Van Del' V 'cT versus Ralph E. Got"Such, t nl. confirmation, deed and di tribu tion. In th case of The ?1ason Build· ing L an and 'Saving.. o. v rsus JnnlC J. Knott, ct aI, action is dismi sed witho'lt record. Llcenae.

Ralph W i1Jiams, Jlllinter of (or row, and Mi. sElva onover, or !\Iot·row. Hurrell EItZl'oth, . hoe \, orker of Lebunon, and 1.1i ViTginia Laura Haureken, of Lebanon.


Vain. ODl,. GeDui"e Material.

Prompt Service Store, open until 9 p . m.

Ask f or a

Miami.burg Permanent

Concrete Air Seal Burial Vault For Sale only by

Your Funeral Director McClure Funeral Home Pholle 1

Wa7Den'i1i.. O.

R~al £.tate Tr&Il~f.,ra Anna May Bradford Young,. et al to Will iam H. irnp on r I es-

tate in pringboro. nmuel F. Gallaher to G. Tholl1pllon nnd Irma 40 acres in Turtlecreek am.u~1 F. Ga.llah r to G. 'Phomp on nnd II'ma 113 aer 5 in Turtlecre

Elizabeth G. Darby township. Elizab~th G. Darby k town-

~h ip.

The. Federal Land Bank of Louisville, t hester and B"rtha J. Jones 79.60 cr s in Harlan township. William E. O'Donn ell to lary New' Suit. E. O'Donnell, t aI, real estat~ in In the matter of the transfer at: Fronklhl. funds of Deerf\'eld townsltip. The Roxanna Canning Co. to Norma Lea Ga in versus Frank Louis F. and J. P. Lamb, 2 .S5 Hawn fUT bastal·ily. aCl'es in Wilyne to\"n hip. Edna Day to Alva K['uckemc'yer inlots !) and 10 in Harlan township

ROOT FOR AND CONSICN . rour Cattle, hoCt, she~p aD~ calve. to Norris-Brock C"., hve ~1r1l and pr')greBtllve ftrm f'lr the hlghut market prices and good lIernee. Union Stocll Yarel.' CiaclDwtl. O. Tune In 0\,\ Radio · Station WCKY 12 :215 'to 12 :80 p. m. for our daU, market reports.

Martin .A uctloneer

SATISFACTION Or No Charge Centerville, Ohio Phone 7U



Stanley &Koogler Auctioneers


.....ns for ...

EARL KOOGLER o&,to. Pia••• KE •••r ••••t


In thia climate; fence mUlt h~ve tiabtinc qualities, or rust ~ lOOn weaken It and then destroy It. Red Brand Fence is a two fisted ·S&hter. It tiabts r11a~ firat. wi~ 8

lleavy Galvannealed outer coat&~g; second, ·with a real copper beanng inner aection. Doubleprote!:tio~ I " : This two-way rust protection adds years to its Ufe and laves fence dollars (or you. Let's talk it over.

Waynesville farmers Ex.

POR l.u.a

FOR SALE-Late model Heatrola in good conditiorl. John B. Gons


, Wayne.ville, Ohio

Phone 25

Student. Hear Safety Talk There was an assembly called, November 26. to hear Mr. Cherryholmes, the state patrolman, talk about safety. Mr., Cherryholmes gave a very interesting bilk which everyone enjoyed. Students and teachers asked questions :for

him to answer. Mr. Oakman, the commander of the , Warren Count.y American Legion, gave a talk on t he contest 'Which the Wa.rren Coun American Legiqn is putting on. Full details will be announced later.

FOR SALE-Poland China male hogs. Evans Bros. Telephone 470R Lebanon. N7-DS.

USED CARS FOR SALE-Enailage ' ,1.25 per ton. Doddl, Roxanna and Waynesville Plantl. ' oS-if

Many Models To Choose From

PIPE, VALVES ' a,1ld FITTINGS for Water, Gu'" Steam Wella


and SpraJinl'. Cistern hand, Eleeand Spray pumpa, Plumbinl Reatfnl' Suppllel lowest prieM 8IId, higheat Quality The BoeJdet- ' King Co.. Xenia, Ohio. Write UI for ·pric!el, ' JIll



AND MODELS Mostly One 'O wner Cars F ,R E D K AH N MOT R CAR COM P A ·N Y 326






Earalap Statisticianll polDt oat that eamines worker _ployed In faetoriell fen narb 40 per a.lIt between 1918 all4 the ear~ pUt of 1988; that fOOll prte.. aJao feU 40 per eent. pray., fartller, that .....111.. JI81" ••plored worker II ....




FOR CASH RENT-175 aen farm ver, fatWa, weU located alld rood bulldiDIL Addr... Don II.


WltmlDaton, Ohio. ell-II LOST

THE MIAMI GAZ ........"...

OetGWr 8 ,ear qo, Supedntendent. Kearna I'6porwcl. UnUl&I Increues in public wOl'lu and other construction when a sHlonal deISSUED EVERY THURSDAY cline ordinarily ~ke!! place were largely accountable for the in. Olin Plio. . .................... H., 111/ Entered at POIItor" •• at WaYII .. ' erea ed accitlent severity, it was Su .... rlptio. Price II 10 Y vUle. Oblo. a. Qe,,"nd CI ... Mall , . • ... "aUer ' said.

ti_ of the year. So IOlll all 84!lftshne ahll tlll.itl recklell8ness, 110 long Il~ til'lAth an,\ destl'uction exist on ou r ,treets and hi~hw4Y!!, the i,I!!I,1 t)f )lOace on earth, good will LQwnrd me-n. will command little morc than lip service .


• • •


Only one Christmas gift package containing food, and not ex· ceeding fifteen pounds in weight, will be delivered to any inmate of Ohio penitentiary, it was an· nounced by Ward en James C. Woodard. In addilion, inmate-s wl11 be permitted to receive one box containing simple Christmas gifts such a s checkers, playing cards, books, pencils, pipes, bru shes belts glovEtl, ties, Bockll, underga rments, sweater wlth"V necks" blank~ s and the like. The order WI.lS issued so that relalives and friend s of inmate may join in preparing th~ on e package of food and th box of gifts. A list of bann ed articles which will not be deliver d to inmate included tobacco in any form, tooth paste, so~p or any otber toilet preparation, butter or peariut buttcl', Jellies, cocoa, jam. pickles, raw meat, sa lt, sugar, any liquid, nuis in shells pies, and food of any kind in glass or metal containers.

. As everyone knows, there is often a great difference betw n the prlpc a fal'mer gets for the food products he lIells, an(i the price the u l llmllte consumel' must pay. A long Ii l of charges is responsible for that Clifference. It costs mO,n ey to t. ran sport food, to proc 8S and pack it, t.o pr s rve it, to caary On th vast machinery that operates between producer and con Bumer, aral, finally to s 11 it at retail. . Many of these costs are unavoidable and necessary. Some are not. And the great problem of food distribution is to eliminate those which .are not, while .a t the same time effecting any r ductions in the essential costs. A lJou t fiftc n y ars ago, when the nation was appalled by high post.-war fOod co~ts, better dli'\tl'ibuting and s~\ling methods were ~tarted. Theile m thode managed to do away with a number of old ."·ddl ml eman " cOllts--ti]ey cut, others. In less than a generation, they made constant and remarkable progress. T~day a llimilar situatio n obtains--food prices arc rising, and th 18 danger that they will go beyond the point where the people clln comfortably pay. The solution, then, is the same at is was fineen ye~rrs ago: To adllance as rapidly as possible the work of cutting costs between producer and consumer. • F w under~ukings ar So lIaluable to the American pocketbook Director E. L. Bowsher of the - f ':" des,erve sllch wide·spread support from the great American State Department of Edueatio n publiC, whIch must pay the bill for wasldul and inefficient food di trio said last w k that the recently· buling methods. appointed educational committee which will mak a ptudy 01 the effecJo of the l-epeal of lhe EighTHE FARMEI{S OF TOMORROW teentn am ndl1'1cnt so far as it conc rns high school pupils will . One o( the. more interesting phases oi farm cooperative work lies send out a que tionna ire to three groups in an attempt to gather in the on ourugement and knowledge given young farm people. information on the ubject. One Contests are held tor livestock a.nd crops raised by 't hese budding type of questionnaire will b~ sent farmer!!. In struction is given them in scientific farming, marketing to the students tb mselves another and distributing. Theirs is an opportunity that few of their forebea rs to t he j udiciary of the state and had. the third set to chool officials. The The result 01 this is to b tter the outlook for the agriclllture of committee was namE'd by Director t~e '.utur nd to mak e It inevitable that thi> farmer of tomorrow Bowsher at the request of both ~I~I be better Cl I'OP Rci ntist, a better busines man, and more valuable "wet" and "dry" interests. clti1.en, than t.he farmer of y~terday.

• •

• • •

Commissioner Lawrence Wooddell of the state d ivlsion of con· L . .,• servati on urged at a meeting of r I ., JJl 'IC t he Save Ohio Outdoor council :....-___-:-______________....:.'____---..J lhe .co-ordination of e l1'oxts of all 8 :00 M . , conservation groups operatillg in u Ie . . Ohio. lie stated that . Ohio has a:()5 LucaJJ SullIvant, Founder of Frankhnton .. " ..... . .... R. E. Eswine more than 400 organizations in8:15 Cream Los os Caua;ed by Winter Flavors ., ........ , ................ " ......... Iterested in conservatloJl and that ..... _" ............. . ........ N. R. Baker, Mgr. Fairmont Creamery many of them are worki~g at cr08S a:21) Tur~ey Market N ws ................ .......................... P. B. Zumbro purpos s with little 01: no benefit a:30 MUSIC to the state. Mr. Wooddell also rea;40 Joh~ S. Rarey a.nd his Horse, Cruiser ... , ........ ........... C. S. Plumb commended that a comprehensive 8 :51) hrl tma GOOdlllS for 4·8 Members ,............. .. ... Alma Garvin j course in gam e management be !) :00 Clothing Chat ........... ,............................. , .. Edna M. Callahan t' offered at univer ities and co)Jeges 9 :10 Music . - - -- - - • !) :26 Fruita for the Chri tmas Table .. ......................... Vincent Enzi a e 9 :36 Storing Machinery f or the Winter .. ........ .. ........... C. O. Reed 9 :46 Joan and Jerry I" Wanda Clark o.f Dayton spent Thursday with home lolks. Mrs. Mary Carmony was a guest ~t. ·a family dinner Thursday at th home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Olark in Waynesville. Rev. and MIS. W. N. Martin were Thanksgiving guests ·()f the . COLUMBUS-Nine special ex-' the Summit county court of ap- latter's parents, at Bradford, Ohio aminer , of the state division of peals wbich held that a farmer Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fisher are silcurities have been sent to vari- selling hi s produce in the city of. al)nouncing the birth of a <laughous sections of Ohio in an attempt ~kron must obtain a vendor's ter, Sunday, December 1. to dis over whether there is any sales tax license and collect the Dickey Graham, tittle son of n w security "racket" in operation saJ..e.s tax fro~ hi~ customers, up. Mr: and ~rs. ~orest Graham, is which has not come to the atten- held t.he constitutIonality of the e~lou8ly III With double pneu· tion of the divi ion, it was an- sales tax law so far as it affects a monia. nounced by Edwin Judy, attorney- farmer who sellll . produce away Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johns and examiner for the division. The from ' his fann. I The Summit daughters, Evelyn, Frances aDd survey was orde red because of an county plailltiff contended that Ruthanna were Thanksgiving Unusual dearth of complaints con- the law is unconstitutional in re- dinner guest.'! of Mr. and Mrs. Roy c~rning alleged frauds in security Quiring the .fll.rmer to collect the McKirby and family i{l Dayton. tr~saetlon .. which led offieials to sales tax on sales made off the ' The Johns sisters ~mained over consider the pos ibiHty that a new farm while exempting farmers who the week-end. . .rac ket of somi> sort is being sell their prodUce at the farm. . Rev. Joseph Vuker is holding • • • revival services at Akron, Ohio worked. N.r. Judy believes, howver that 'better business condi. A decided increase. in accident this week. tions coupled with the fact that severity, but a decrease in total Mrs. E. B. Longacre an~ Mrs. previous unfortunate investments claims, was noted by the Indus- Margaret Johns spent Friday in havi> made the public more cautio trial Oommisaion Qf Ohio for the Dayton. ous regar!iing the type of invest· month of October, according to Mrs. Wa)t~r Kenrick, as Red menl; .i t makes have combined to <lata compiled by Superintendent Cross worker, received a number l'~ult in fraud reports droppi ng Thomas P. Kearns of t he division of memberships in this community to a new low. He said that never In of safety and hygiene. 'J),he .total last week. the history of the 'division have of claims filed in Oct.o ber was . jdrs. Alice Trickey, daughter there been as few fraud com· 15,449, or 1,160 lea8 than in the and grand·son, Mrs. Alice Miller, preceding mODth,' but the 91 fatal and Ray, were dinner guests J>laints as there now are. • • • ~~b~ , e~~up~~~anl.n-%ank~Mqd~e~~~ • . "'" 'and Mr· ' J W TTerch e . D The Ohio Supreme Court, by erease .o f 14 in comparison with ton ". . . Do n r III a1refusing to rtview a decisi~n of S eptember and 16 mOre than in Mrs. Wilbur Foulks ret1irned home Monday after Beveral days visit with relatives in KeDtucky. Ml'. and Mrs. J . C. Moler of Columbue w~rEt week·end gueats of Mrs. Joseph Vukel: and attended the all day meeting of Lytle church Sunday. . .Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Sides were Thanksgiving gUests · of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Ho~mell in. ' Dayton. Mrs. M;arllaret Johns in compan)' with Mn. Elizabeth Smlth of Dayton apent Thursday with MilS }fary and Parry Cook in Wa l 0 nvil~. .• . Mr. E. J. CarmODY 01 Sprin,field visited his mother, ,Mrs. Mary


,·ght 7a' a, December 9



Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol


·Carro.o n" last Wednesday ~nd in

the afternooQ took aheand Mra. AUce Clark to Dayton to see the piay ",In Old Kentucky." ,.' Charles and Meredith W.hitaker cam~ bome from eollege to spend ThanksgivIng and the week-end. Mr. aJld Mr8. Stanley Bailey attended the weddin, of the latter's coullin, Mr. Irvin B. McCray of Centerville to Milia ,lizahetb Scbeffer of Dayton at Corpus Christi Church, Thankaaivin. morhine at Dayton. . MI". &lid Mn. C~arle. I:(oreaa aad 10ft Bobby, '! pent Tbanbtlvinc with "latins 1D lad~ and SuDday, . " . .bled IIr. aDd lin. IIlltoll Sb..han of Ceawnme were dfnner . . . . . of lin. Allee Clark Sl1llda, and tM ..,.0011 atieDd.d the


.......ta of tile eblU'Cll 1MIDlMra

A cal' \\' Ilhlnr 260 poandll .. tuu heavy for v al aDd too 1.lIt, for beef and eontl qU~IIUy la lIold at 8 tliscount. A eatf welghllli 280 to 240 p'llln<\R moveR into conlump

liVe chann r fairly well durlnr Iwr lod of coo ler w 'ather, be aUSe th carea~1I then remains ftrm .nd lubscrlbe for The Miami Garette in \)f; tter salable condition.


',"'0 c.,.". B.',,l.rl. .

MG,..,,""" IP..A



5 .. t.. .2"r.aUU7 ....



4QEORGE WASHINGTON THE truest shrine to the Fother life as a farmer, eultivatillg the ot Our Country, George broad acres of Mt. Vernon, but Washington, is in the hearts of always alert to the growing dis· his countrymen. '¥et physical content of the colonies and acshrines ~Q his memory and trib· tive in the councils 01 their J utes to his great a:enius till the leaders, In 1776, whep war with Eng· world. There is no "town or ham· let in the Republiq which Wash· land' seemed unavoidable, the ington founded · that does not Continental Congress elected him I bo~t a memorial in marble or Commander-in-Chief 01 the Am granite; a street,- 8L square. or a eriean armed torcea. His servlces butlding dedicsted to our first and his military genius arr among the chief glories ot OUI Prtlsident. The two mom~ments most history. When independence had been often vi&ited in a spir;it of iener· ation not only by Americans bul won he resigned his commission, by visitors from all nations are hopin~ to devote hia life to hb the skyscraper shaft that risea personal affairs, The young nn' in our nat.ional ca,pital nnd the tion, however, had need for hi. statue shown in the sketch leadership and in 1787 made hin above, which stands in front of president ot the Constitutionn the Sub-Tr!:asury Bu ilding in the Convention, Two years later Wall Street sectiOn! 01 New York, despite pcrsonal relUctance, hI Washington wa!~ born In Vir· beca me the first Prellident ol ·th!! ginia, about fifty miles from the United States. Mt. VernOn estate which was in· Afte r two terms In that officl "nitely dear to hirl1 . His gift for he re ti red to Mt. VernoJl, but mathematics led biim into survey- lived only two years in ita enjoy· ing wor1c, but thEI war between ment. He was buried at Mt. Ver:France and Englund (ouod ,him non, where his home, his grave, In the military service of Vir· his many memorials have become sacred shrines for lIucceeding ginia. Soon thereafter he t c.ok up bis genera Hons. '


(())PII'l.hIOd br


E"""'lan COmmlUl.... ) I .

late reside~ce in Spring Monday afterlnoon and the at RerncJiff CE!metery. and Mr • J oseph Githens en~rtained to 1\ family dinner Thanksgiving. The guests ·were: Mr. and Mrs. ElywllI Stubbs nnd son Dickey, Mr. andl Mrs. Forest Githens, Mr. Frank Githens of Dayton and Everett Githens. The Ladies Aid h:eld their' De. eember meeting Wed nesday IIIter. noon of tbis week alt the home of Mrs. Leslie Gray, with Mrs. MiIdred Surface and Mrs. Wilbur Foulk.s as istant hc>stesses. This being the Christmas: meeting the members ~xchanged :small presents Mr. and Mrs. Cbarles ' Doster and da.ughter of nellr Willmington were entertained io Sunday dinner a the hQm~ of Mr. and M.l's. Donald Hadley. Mrs. Paul Anders and daughter, an~ Mrs. Geor ge FOlx ancl daughter of Miami!;burg srpen t Tue~dl\Y with their aunt, Mrs. Meta Rogers. Revival services al~e now in progress at Lytle chureh. Mr. Clarence Dodds of Middletown bas charge of· the mu sic. Ev ryone invited to attend these' services. MI'. and Mrs, J. B. Jones enter· tained on Thanksgiving day the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. ~red DicnsLback of Coldwell, 0., Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Dill, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dill and daughter of Clayton, MI'. '8nd MI'S, Richard Moore, Mr. and Mrs. W

at his field, burial . Mr.

MOST DIRECT CROSS-STATE ROUTE Between Toledo a"nd Cincinnati Charted for the Benefit of Inter· state Motor Touri ts o.s \ ell as Traffic Within the Borders of Ohio

IT'S SHORTER 'f!e.n R;ore~~ to Cincinnati as shqwn herewith is the shortest di stance between the two cities . Officials of the State Highway Department give the mileage saving as about 11 miles.



~ .

There's less traf· fic congestion on the Toledo·Cillcinnati Short Lino than on 'any other highway connecting these two ci t ies. There are far fewer curves (no hairpins) and aU railroad grade crossings are exceptionally wcll protected.



':e' ....

GO'00 WILL (1N '



The Holiday season is a peculiarly fitting time to e mphasize the obligations of V;!TY motorist. It is o fm'ore than passive interest that the Yuletide closes that quartet of the year when automobile accidenta, deathll and injuries are at all. anDual peak, aceordlng to the National Bureau 01 Ca8ualtl and Suret, .Underwriters. How horrible il tb e thought that .. we ap· pro.cb the ciaya "When ' the lentlmellt. "Good Will to All," fa ilorifled thrOurhOl1t tbe land, the ear.... of wncD &lid broken bodin .. Itrewn iliON tbaIl ever over the

Ieee of






By realon of t he S h 0 r t e l' mileage, less congestion (both on the highways and in the eommunities thrll whicb they pass) , fewer curves, and adequate width roadbed and bridges, the Route here outlined Is a big time·saver for the busy motorillt-:-very probably as much .a s two hours.

abl~ for conditions, sharing the road, passing properly, using correct hand signals; avoiding all those actions which make driv ing dangerous and uncomfortable for the other fellow, are the dictates of courtesy and manners. So, too are they dictates of the principl~ of the good neighbor. Good driving, with a r eal desire to safe· g uard the lives of · tho se exposed tg the consequenc~ of that driv· ing, is practical Christianity. It is a kind of praetical Christ.anity, that follpwers of all creeds can subscribe to as they join in the mon rejoicing at this Christ. mas seaso n. The fir·t concern 01 the churches of A1I1~rica is the saving of souls. By entering with whole-hearted activity into tlhe automobile safety mov ment, they can extEl"nd their activity to the saving of lives, without viol!lting their first pur~ pose. The blot upon a soul as a result of killing. or maiming anolher through careless or heed· 112 08 action, is one not easily erased. The cburches have the adyan: tage of being able to appeal to a great ection of file drivers of the country on occasions when they are most recejltlv~ to the idea of good will as a drivin~ ma.xim. The good neighbor on the· road could well serve as a theme for a S~~' mon in eve.r y church at this

AN ALL PAVED HIGHWAY Choice of Knowing Motorists

P.I... • IuD

Originated and Sponsored by the

Revolutionary SlIort Trail Association SMI".























The b a c k-

e bone of the ot·


Dayton, the Missel! Alice Jane and Wanda Lee Williams of Coronado, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Thel')e K. Jones and 8011" Miltc.n. The all day .services of Lytl l! church Sllnday wer'~ thoroughly enjoyed by all pref§ent. Stanley Bailey Supt. had ch:arge of the Sunday Sohool. Musk QY the Y. M. C., A • .Glee club o.f Dayton, under the direction of W. A. D. Parks, was very fine, and sp,e,'\Ches by Mr. Creaaer, Ml'. Mercer and Mr. Ross were very interesting. A bounteOilS basket dinner sE!l'ved at Lytle Han wa, a IiIpecialfl~atllre of the day, a social time there in the afternoon was enjoyed and spea· ches from fri~nds of neighboring churches were much appreciated.

. . .noM

ficial Revolu· tionary Trailll System of Western Ohio. Marked its en tire length by historical markers of the Ohio Memorial Commission.

For additional strip maps or any information r elat ive to State Parks, Pleasure Resorts, Scenic Spots, Historic Shrines or the hundreds of other points of e!lpeeial interest along this route, write WILBUR M. FAULKNER . Secretary SPRINGFIELD, OHIO


"elrinn n Ihl't'tnh('r 7, IIr. r., I". 1)('PIII" "Hi. (. "ill lit, \orllll,d !llr~. MtlUlh' Fett"r, \ 2, died al in th Williams,)n rip 11'tm 'I1t hl'r hom,· 01) Third ~tr ct, Thurshullditljt .• 11 ]\.fain ,'tr ct. day nft'l'noon, November 28, 'oflln' hnu~I' ::lU tn ~ :Il tl 1\, m.; followinrc nl\ illncs> of three 2 to '\ Imd Q::ln (0 1; p . m ., "xc~pl month duration. Frillay uCt rnoon nn\! eVl!ning and l\lrs. F I h lr wa II li.felong un nay. re'ill nt of 'W al' nelwille and wa a mem et of the Ml'thod i t chu rch. n brother, John lilley, of Dayton, survives. Funeral service conducted by Rl'v. G. . Dihert were held at the Me lure Fun 1'(11 Home Monday afternoon onlr burial wa in Mia.mi Ilk ull abou l onnu I payment cemetcl'Y· fill' 11 propel'ty in uronee, \ Wl' can a vc ou 20';~ Qn Subscribe for The Miami Gazette town pt'ollerty in uranc omp\etA.' automobile coverage at \. ry 1 I\' eo t. No obli •• tlon.

Insurance' Service

.. -..'- --

W. N. Sears Pho~e




Wayae.vUle, o. ~""""""""""""""'''"'''....


Between Fighting Men Cartoon-Foiled Again Comedy':'-'Thicker Than Water DECEMBER 8-9 VIRGINIA BRUCE TED HE~LEY


Here Comel The Band Fox News Two Shows--6:30 & 8100 p. m. ADM. lOc---16c


AT CORNELL HOME Nil huntinr or trellpasslnll on The home of Mr. anl1 Mrl'. m)' farm day OJ: night. Charlt'. ornell on Socialltow WII S ellA . R. FRAZlER the lIce'n e of a pleasant oc'":allion \ st Thur day cveni"lg. No hunting or trespa8l!lnt on MI'. Roge r ornell, who wiH. hla the farm known as the · Burion bride had recently r eturnl.'J from Earnhart farm, day or night. outh, a w dding trip through th BOLIN & SLOAN ~ ntertained 11 lllrg(> group 0 f :'ulr. tio.-es lind fril'nds Ivith pi<:t'Jr<!s .. i ~,'r.nes in Florida, North '\1I ulina a nd other points of mt~rest. 1.11 ',·,' t he guests enjoyed ice cl',!s m snu

OF EDUCAT ION The following It'tter h~s been sent by the Director or Education, E. L, Bowsher, to all c unty. ily and exempted village superinten· dents: On unday of this we k there appeared an nrLici in Lhe Colum· bu!! Dispatch " 'bich r f ned l the matter of teachinj:l t mperllllcc in tbc school of Ohio. The impression was left that in the future the school of Ohio will teach, not t mperanc, but dl'inklOg in nloderat amounts. It also taled tl1at the Sto e Liquor Boa~d in conjunction with the. tnte Department of Educntion, is I!etting up a program f or .'Temp ranc(lo Dny which will be held this year on J~nual'y 17. If any cbool mnn who has bad to battle with the problems or the use of alcohol among school youn!! sters could conceive the idea 01 teaching the Use of liqu or or having the tate Department ot ucstion join up with the Stat. Liquor Board in Belting up a program for t emperance· tion in the chool, that individual is most certainly not a I\chool mlln and is mo t certainly !l ot interested in the welfare of the youth. The State .Dc,portment of Educa tion haa set up a committee or people in the stat~ who have had a great deal Qf experience in dealing with the problems of youth to mllke a earful and objective tudy of some of the probl ms with which the yO\1ng people of high school age are faced. This committee at present is preparing 8 qu stionnaire which will be sent out to school people, to high school students themselves, and to j udges of the juvenile courts of the state to determine, not only the prahl ms among the youth resulting from the repeal of the 18th Amendment, but many other probl ms which are involved in our pres nt ocial setup. The findings of this COmmittee will be reported back to the Stat Department of Education and we in turn expect to make thi information avaiJabl to all school people in as isting them with their job in teaching temperIlnce in the schools.

--- ..




committeeman, Atto'rpey General of Ohio, announced his candi dacy for governor and was 'endorsed ~ was al 0 Repl'eBentative L. T. Manhall, of Xc-nia, for re-election to Congress, Joseph Tracy for state auditor and Harry S, Day for stat\! treasurer. I Local RepUblicans in attendance were J. C. Hawke, R. H. Hortsock, S. D. Henkle, Charles James and R. F .' Hatfi~ld. '


Mr. and Mra. M. D. Snir I lIn(! daughter, of Lewisville, · Ind., spent the week-end in Wlivne.:lvi1!e Mr. a.nd Mrs. J . W. Lotz and daughtel' spent the Thanksgiving .holidays with relatives at Forest, Ohio.

. . --

J. E. McClure Waynel ville, Ohio

We have th•• and moat complete lin. of ·C hriatmaa and Holiday glfta ever aa· aembled in our ato... . nd invite you to come in and make your gift aelection.

Mrs. B.V. Smith win entertain the Frie1ldship· Club at her home Wednesday on Fou rth street, afternoon, . Dec ember 11.

MI". and Mrs. ' Boyd Henderson entertained at dinn'e r Thursday, Miss Velma Al:mitage and Mr. W oo drow Owens, of Springfield; Mr. and Mu. L , M. Henderson and Mr . and Mrs, V. M. Armitage. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edwards ' and daughter, Mru:y Ellen, Of Day ton, Mr. and Mre. Clarence Edwards and daughter, Reba, spent Sunday with Mt. and Mrs. Ed. Edwards. MT., and Mrs. Ca rl San ker of Mason, were Sunday guests of IIr and }frs. J ohn B. Gone. Misa Nan Collftt was the guest of Mr. and Mra. W. C. Tichenor, at their hQme near Hal'Veysburg, Thanksgiving Day. Yl'. and Mrs. L. 8. Gordon had .. their (lInDer' W.dneld., Ke1ae),. .....

, Starting Dec. 17, our .tore will 'be open every evening until




Alao wiahing 'to thank you for ,your paat pabonar. and extend to you our beat wiahea for a -Meny Chriatmaa and a Proaper.o ua New Year.







g uests of Mr. and ~Irs. A. H. Eari' hart, Thanksgiving Day.



-------.. ..---


Mr. and M'I's. RU!lsei Fra,nk wore guests of relatives at Cl"vclatl d T hanksgiving Da)' and the. weeke1ld.

1li1lD"',JtL 1I~1:u~

The differonces in caskets are great. To the reputabl fun ra~ .d,l'ector, a casket is worthy of usC' only i1 it is as well made in every detail as its a pPCSl'DnCe leads clients to believCol We examine all caskets carefully before acceptance. On1y the best are provided with , our


---.. --

Mr. and Mrs. Qilbel't Frye and Mrs. Anna Sheehan w,e re . dlnnc' r

H. Madden" Co.

M any Differences



A group of fr iends gathered at the home' of Mr. a nd Mrs. Robert Baker, Sunday. as a surprisc celebration of the birthday of Mr. I n bonor of S. S, Ems; who is Baker, Margaret Mays and Artie retiring after serving fourteen Wilson. Those pre e-nt were Mr. years as president. of Wayne a.nd Mrs, L. T. Bumside, Mrs. Township Board of Education, R. Anna Graham, Carl Hiteman, M. Haw\<e, the other retirin.g Eleanor Hi,teman, Mr. and Mu. member and vice-prlesident of the Roy Fox, of Lebanon; Mr. and board entertained. lat The Little Mrs. James Beel'S, Mr. a.nd Mrs. Inn, Monday (l<vening, following Andrew Beers and daughter, Mrs. the regular meeting of the board. Hala Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Carl The guest list inc1lllded Mr. and Mitchel Ilndfamily of Covington, Mrs. S. S. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ky.; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mainous, Hockett, Mr, and MU'S . Lyman Day Mrs. Lina Madden, Mr. fied GrauMr. and Mrs. Hartley Moss, man, Mr. a.nd Mrs. Ro~rt Baker Superintendent J. W Lob and Mrs and family, Waynesville; Miss Lotz, Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. lIen- Anna Mays, Mr. Will Tuney. derson, Mr. and MI's. R. .H. Hart- Mason. Mr. A. H. Stubbs and lhs. Frank Miller and fl.UTlily joined the sock and Mrs. R. M. Hawke. company in the afternoon. EASTERN STA R NOT ICE COr.tMUNITY CHORUS Miami Chapter No. 107 O. E, S. will meet in r legular s~s ion The community chorus will meet Monday evening, December 9 at for practice Wednesday evening, 7 :30. Initiation, 1l11emorial and 'December 11 at 8 O'clock, in the installatio~. Mr!!. Ora . Wical, in- music room at the high school specting officer. building. Visiting memberl~ welcom~. A good attendance is requested. ... Mary Earnhart, W. M., Minnie Fromm, See'y. I!ubllcrib~ for The ~lami G••eUe

Mrs. Paul Duke is quite Sick at , her home on the Dayton-Lebanon pike. •

Brick.... Roofin'···Cement

TOWNSEND MEETING There w,n be a Townsend meeting at the Wayne ville hristian hurch, 8 p. m. Tuesday night, December 10th. The purpose of the meeting is to orgnniz 11 Townsend club. Rev, Lewis Hall, organ· izer for the seventh Ohio Congr setional district will conduct meeting and expla in the p urpose of the plan. Everyone invited. No admission.


~~~~~~~~=~~====~~~~~~~~===~=~I for state central _ John W. Bricker,

• We can aupply you with the beat alJd hiBhed r rade building materiala and lumber of all kinda.

cnke. Those present were Mr. and Mrlj . Roger Cornel l, of , We!!tche~:­ t r, Ohio, Mr. and Mr", Ghllr!,IS U . 'hogdon and Mr, amI }I rd. Frank Logan, of GreenSbOl'l, :oJ, 0,. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cornell, .i\,h', nnrl 1\1rs " W. Lamar and fCll'\\ilv and !\Ilss Eva Cornen, 'of MasJ n; ~II' J C', 'Jn ,e \\ irthlin, incinnatl; .)i1', ,.n d Mr8. Kenneth arne ll, fJu ·{t ".: :\11'. ond Mrs. Orville COl'MII, - Center ville; Mr. and Mrs. Erl. Hough, Mr pnd Mrs. W, B. Squ:~ e ~, !\11·. '\ n ~ Mr$. Robert Alderman' and dllugh~', Mr. and Mrs. W. G. ~(ll1 jr"s, Mr. nnd Mrs. Vern HUllgh und Paul, Mr. 'l:bomas ShIlWIi, 01 WU)Ilwsville.

(CoP,"",htfd I>J r;,(fIlSIOD Couunlul"",'

About 50 Warren county Republicans attended a meeting , of the seventh Ohio congressional district at Springfield. Wednes4,ay night. Charles J. Waggoner, County Republican chairman,. was endorsed



Within a year Ell Whitney TH E mechanical and engineer , ing g ni 8 whi~h hus . mnde produc('d the first model ot hie America the world's foretllost cotton gin, which accomplished industrial nation i~1 symbolized in an hour wbat it had taken by the figure of om! of our first many days to do by hand'. Overa nd most significant inventors, night almost the co~ton industry Eli Whitney. Not only his tech. became a leading source of nieal talents, but Ithe elements American wealth and power, of ambition and pertipacity in and King Cotton sat enthroned his charncter, pla~ia him in the on Eli Whitney's cotton gin. foetel' ot great Ame,ri~ans whoao Two years before the epochmemory iB a perpetual source of making Invention, American cotton exports were It 1!C'.ant 20,000 insoiTation. Eli Whitney was 24 year old pounds. Twenty-five years later before he succe ded in entering they had mount d to 270,OQD, Yale for the e(tucai~ ion which 'be OOO-and this growth was dIe craved as a basis f~or his inven- pril11arlly to the Yankee grit tive urge. Poverty and the op· and Amerlean daring of the self· position of his parlents had prc- made inventor• . The cott~n ~in brought ·ita in- . v\'nted him befote that. He had been born at We l~tboro, MilliS . ventor but little personAl financial return. I t was not until op December 8, 1765. and his some years later, when his immechanical inR'enu~ty wa evident from childhood. His p 1'- provements in firearms made severance Dl!'slntst immenne him more affluent, that he was odds enabled him 'to tum that oble to taste the comfortable exIngenuity to account. By saving istence that nis genius merited. Eli Whitney died on January fo r yeors out of small earnings from odd jobs he accumulated 8, 18115, at New Haven, Conn. the wherewithal Jror a belated The North, which was his home, and the South which he had 80 edUCAtion. Chance led him to Savannah vastly enriched, joined In mournafter completing the college ing the nation's loBS. The dlgnl . 8aroopharus memorial course. There he obs'erved the tied tedious manual m ~,thod of clean· which marks his last resting ing raw cotton. Efta heard of tlle place in a New Haven cemetery decillion 01 many pf the fore- -shown in the sketch abov6most Dlanters to abandon cotton expresses aptly the nob~llty of growing as unprofitable. The hls character and the sQUd worth of a pioneer industrial 'InveJ)tor. prQblem fired his limaglnatlon.





Surveys Show Long Dianee Rate. to B. Low.r Than Public'. E.timate. l


Surveys conducted in Chicago ancS Cleveland show that most telephone users think long distance rates are · higher than t hey actually are. 3. Talking Drums At the Century of Progress ExClapping the hanlds to attract the position in Chicago, visitors at the attenti.on of'others was probably on e Bcll telephone exhibit were asked t o of man',s earliest methods of audib\(, gucss rates to certain cities, Most signaling. The handclap may h o,\,f persoil\ guessed that the ra tes were suggested ,the tom-tom ' and, latc ~ much higher than they actuall}' a re. other' instruments of l> e rcl1~sio:' In a similar experiment at the such as drums, l~ongs , alld befl - Cleveland , Exppsition, seven out of which' produ~e soudd when stJud< ten guessers who did not know tbe W hen employed,. for comt,l1IIlli e;, rates made the mistake of placin g tion purposes, such inst.ruin cnts at : their estimates too high, in spite of a transmit messages, as far as th ~' large . sign that sllid "76 per cent sound can be heardl. Although u$ 1;11 gucssed too high at the Century of . Iy employed in sending me s ages h: Progress." , prearranged codes" drums are ap(\;): Kany Gue . . a Wroac ently used in some, in s t(1l1 c~S to ill " While no record was kept of the tate the actual sound of spoken I~I amounts guessen gave as their estiguage. T ravelers in Africa ha\'e h~ \' astounded at the remarkable "illll::; mates for call. from Clevet&nd, the wireless" or talking drum. COmllll1l1 ' guesses' were 1(ery aimilar throughout to those made at Chicago. There, cation systems found amoll3 mall about 30 per cent of the gues.e. were t ribes. Anlong the Ashantis. ior e. ample, two drUms, of d i IT erclI at least twice aa high u the actual pitchel, are , used in tran smittinl rate•. T he a,vtl'aac gueu wa. 74 per messaSCI. By (ombilling high ao< cent lUsher than the actual rate. Altho\1lh mQlt peraco. Itemed to low notee, " drummer produce~ 01 imitation of the spoken language " lmow that \be rate for atatioa-toatation calls wal lower at niaht tUa the tribe, wbich an expert lislCI1 ( during the day, the amount of the reo can interpret as rapidly and accllr:1t Iy a. he would speech. In this S~II~~ duction did not appear to be tenera1· the Ashantl drums are 501I1~11l\1e' 1)' appreciated. The PHI 08 Diabt aid not merely to . ignalbul Q~:.I·) rates WU, on an averqe, dlat _ to "talk" the trl1nsllIitted. were 35 per cent lower than ..,



ratel. TIl, actual reclDCtioll 011 IDOIt



Eighty-Seventb Year



THURSDAY, De EMBE R 12, 19 35

Whole Number 6199


MOTHER' 5 CLUB M[l LAD~~ .!~~U~~~!~~ CLUB POULTRY COURSE . Wives of the members of the TO HE BROADCAST Cou nty Agricultural Club FRIDAY AFTERNOON Al Warren were gu ests of the or ganization at the monthly meet ing at Memorial Ohio StaleUninnilv Will Ha ll in bano n, 'Tuesday evcning GRADE SCHOOL BLDG. when a Ch ristmas Pl'ogl'am was Repeat Diaeu u ion.

pea:IB ~:~I~.~:aUghter CHRISTMAS MEETING J ames B. nnd Annie R. Smilh was born Waynesville hio, February 16. lSS:6 and di d Of HAPPY HOUR CLU8 Mr .





SIMPLER CONTRACTS Dog tags may now he obtained fl'om lh county auditol"S officc in ARE OfFERED 10 cou!'t acco l'ding to ITarl ey Brunk, Warr n County arden. The n stated TOBACCO' GROWERS that all dOlt. must enrry he new the


December 6, 1 flll5 at thc age of M L " .j!) ycar~, !) months. 10 dllY8. ember. La , Pla n. For Banquet dog ~ WA1'd Poplliar Sh e wail. mtU'ri d to J ohn S. For Janua ry presented. Shultz, lovember 2., ]916. She Heens by Janunry 30, InG. Th New Contract to b e Rea d,. SomePIa,. Prelenled b,. 'Pu.pil. for Their " wwes An noun c ment of a radio course It'a yes t 0 mnu rn h('1' IO:R, h I' h usL oca I memb ers an d "•helr The weathel' forn'erl an I'dnn l tags m$y be obtain ell at the l' gtime ill De eember Ar ellt EII1e~tai"ment; Trea'urer·. .In a.' t en da nce were Mr. an d MrI. in t he fproduction a nd mana\(6band f th th I Ih • u, I ' a el', I'ee >ro. er" setling lor the hrlRtmas meeting ular prices of $1 for Il. male 6r h Ronald Hawke, Mr . nnd )I!'8. Earl me nt o · pou try to be off red by Harry, Timothy UIIl! Roy; one Rep«!rt Sa,. spaded female. 3 fO!' a femalE', t aff of t he poultl,y department sister "lr . I . al)nl DI-ummoncl all of t l' lInppy 11 our lub whi<.'h II oc ke t t , M r . an d Mra. K e II er the ~ Oh' U n . ~ \{ as L Id at the · h on'c of Rnb, a $10 for a kennel. and 10 St3t e niversity, is marl !! of n ar W aynesvi'I Ic. 11'.(11' mOlner, L 11 ~ · Fu rna . OJ The lIew burley tubacco contract . A p )ay b a e d on t h e Iegen d 0 f H oak , 'MJ'. an d Mn. DaVl~ BI aejdoc-k on the lark• vI'lle road p Iceo ' Ia w a ~ gi. ve n byth f II OW ID~ . • _ byh ' t he b th er an d one ~Ia . t el' pre- Tu 'llsv, December 10. for 1\130-1939 is much simpler eo h bunive . l'sity stalion, WOSU, one ro w . IC roadca ts on 670 kilocy. c d d hoI' in d ath. ' cast a t the Wayne T ownship tbnn th contrac~ .now in effect, I cles. The cours will begin Tuc!!he join d the Mr. Holly M thThe me eting was opened by re· Mother's Club reg ular meeting acc ol'ding to L stet· , J. Mil1er last Fr iday : day, JanUal"l/ 7 Ilnd ()Uti March odist hurch at the o,~c of 14 penting the cl'eed and roll call was county agricultul-IlJ agent. l<'ish r man, Charles Diber b; 12. y aI'S and has serv d Iher master responded to with n Christmas Th~ $implicity of the new con Th irty-five 30-minute periods, very faithfully through th se v er e-. A ahort business ses ion mother, Rosa Lee Bunnell ; Piccola tract is xpected to greatly reduce Ernestin e Ear nhart; Snow f air y, from 1 :30 to 2 o'clock each Mon- yeal's. HoI' membershi p was trans- emued in \V'hich plans for the th number af su penSio ns and the Norma Adams ; W inter f airy, day. Tuesday, Wednesday and fel'l'ed to the Waynesville M thod- JanUBl'Y banquet was discunsed. delay in making paymentS. It also J\I11ior Lawson. Th u rsd~y af~ernoon will be devot-Il st hurch in 1920. The committee reported having will I'educe the amount of work , Do nald Brow n in a clear strong eli to .dlscusslons and to ~nswerifllZ he was a membel' of Fa rmers secured the use 01 the Grange and the exp~nSe of propat'ing the VOiCe made t he necessary an. = questions. from, the radiO poultr y Grange No. 13 Waynes vill e, Ohio. Hull and Friday January third at - - - - = handling contracts. n ouncementq and Gladys Rye reMrs. Sarah Lippincott bas been class, whIch WIll b compo d of he graduated from the BelI- seven o'cloc~ was agreed as the J. P. Fromm and family spent Although the new contract cited a prayer for the Christmas ill for several days. both farm and town poultry nlis- brook High School in 19()5 and tinle, members to bring filled bas- Sunday with relatives in Dayton. covers \.h 4-)'ear .,peri9d, 193 6. IIpirit As a final e fo r tbe p lay the ers. . . her graduation title was "Our kets and own table service. t939, it is fie:xible, 60 that growers A h oliday special at Har tman A Similar poultry cours broad- Duty Lies at Our Door" whicb Th projp'sm in charge of EI ie l'emaining scholars of the second SpedaU on ail peTman~ts who sign up have tho opportu nity grad e ntered carrying simulated Beall ty Shop, Sp rin gboro, phone cast last spring was c;me of the I ~ho\\'ed the trend or h'er inter- Hockett, 1I1abel Wilson and Be~- 1.89 and $2.89. The one cent terminating theiL' c.ontl"ll.cts at lighted eandes and Joined in a 122Jl. Finger wave 26 cents. Best most popu lar of the radio j u nior mOl;t thought. nie Hartman followed. sble Is n $0.50 oil pl!\,[llanont, two the end of any contract yEcar by clr oru s of several num))el'll of fin ger wa've lotion used. . college course, acocrding t o R. C Music-Guitar a nd harmonica, for $6.51. Hartman Beauty Shop, notifyinJ the cou nty agent's office Christmas 80ngS. This p art of the Higgy, director of sta t ion W OSU. "There is no death Mrs. Rout. .Furnas. not lilt r than November 1 of s uch Springboro, phone 122J 1. Dean Hawke spent Sund ay in With enroll ment now open for The stars g dllw n Poem-Bernice Hartman prog ram was under the Bupervis, year. Th contract also provides ion of Mrs. Kersey. Sardinia, t he l{uest of Dick Weis- another poultry course duri ng To l'ise upon some othe.r shore Readi ng-The J ourney, Nellie Dickey, little son of Mr. ~ and that the Secr tal·Y . of Agriculture Mrs. Harry William son read a brodt. wintj!r instlad of spring , a n even And bright in H~aveDiI' jewcled Bunnell. Mrs. Forest Oraham, i . lowly ro- may spspend .opetation of the R S 'th larger enroll ment is a ntic ipat ed crown, Re ad!ng-Its J us~ Her Way, covering from n serl us illness, portion of scripture and offered program for any year or ma.y terMrs. Gilbert Frye. pray r at the openine ot the meet ' ~. a~t Ml'~ D. . ml were. hy the u niversity tation. Text and They shint' fol' evel'moY'e." , minate aU contracts at the end of Ing after slnging led by 141'11. Le- In. . ami. on" aturday aftkrnoon helpful reference material w ill be ' 1 Music- {rs. F urnas. Every year in the United States the yeaT. May, and Rev. Carl Smit h. pastol' and eve mng. · provided fl' e to those e nrollin g C rei f Tn Iita Then e were asked to write- alone 10, 00' The 1936-1939 contract is p ri n ~ lIppqo.xil1\iately of t he local Church of Christ Ray VanOften, of Cincinnati, The poultry COUrse lectures will , a 0 an . What w.e _ wanted ~nd . what we children die of tuberculOsilj de- ted on the iront and back of one addr s ed the club speaking on spent Satur. da~ nig ht and Su nda be presented by E. L. Dabn aw l We want to thank all o~r nel~h-I were gomg to do With It, a nd what spite the fact that it is curable sheet of paper. In additio n to the the r esponSi bility of njother- with t riends her e. y., A. R. Winter of the university bor and :1'lends f.or '~helr k ind we x pect for ChJ.:istmas. wh ich alld preventable. o~rntor's name and ihe descrip. poultry department a nd by C. M. I h lp nod SYI~lpathy, ~rt. Stubb s c ated somo amu mg results. hood from a spiritual st.andpoint. tion of the farm,' the cont ract God. c'h08e a woman to mother , Mrs. L. M. Hender son was tho Ferguson, poultry' spt!cialist of fO.r conductmg the fU.lneral, Bro. . Next we we nt to the d ining Mra. J essie Robitzer ill spending contains on ly tw() figures t he ba e h i' greatest \ gift to man. Tbe dInner gue t of Mr. and Mr$. L the state agl'icultural extension DIb ert for his consoling words, room where arou nd a gaily de- a feW' days in Dayton. screage, and the base prod uction. e f utu re life is Ilatterned after the H. Gordon Friday. cl'Viee, in cooperatio n with the Mrs. .yb!1 LeMay,. Helen Hawk. COtllt d tree numerOus gifts had The operator is req uired t o sign Wh J .• EmergenAv School Adml'nJ'stratl'on and Vlr.gJOla H.ard.1n (or t.helr been placed and everyone- did their • Mr . L. H. Gordon and Mr . only once. It Is not necessary f. amI'1 ~ I'f I e. ' ere e8US lS, l8 Mr. and Mrs. William Ridenour "~ f l th d th E mma H_ McClure W re Ds)'ton unde r th new contract to obtain Parad f Ii h d b They will discu 8 why cer tain c,o m or JOg mUsic lD e ea Christ mas h opp in~. I e or . ves are c ange 'I of Dayton, were Sunday guests of breed" of poult ry are mor" pop- aT.1 d loss of our wife a nd d aught~r. The h!)stes a slated by her visItors Wedn sday. th e ,signatures showing tile consent his presen~e 10 thetn. I Mr. and Vrs. Josish Davi . " " J h Shult In making the monthly report " ulal' tha n others; how t o app]y 0 n 7. sister, Mrs. Ollbert F~y e and of all persons who may hay an Mr. and Mrs . P hilip Larrick interest in the uand. The pel'son f or tbe grade lunch M1'8. Alma I Mrs. Anna Hartsock, ot Dayton poultry breedi ng to increall6 pro! .!mlth. _ her 111'O ther , Mrs. Ira RICh, t he n Peterson stated that whereas in spent a few days thIs week wit h fit from the poultry Hock; th e serv d ~ most d.elicious lunch w re gue ts of friends in Ma. on, who oP!!l'ates t he f arm sig ns as operator and payment will be the firs t week of serving meals ' Mr. and Mrs. J oe P ennewit. prin ciples of incuba tion and how ~fter WhlCh we adjourned thank- Sunday. t here were thi rty weekly paid to buy ba by chicks ; the brooding lUg Ole hostess for a very pleasant made only afte r the operator haB and R. H. HartJ. B. Crabbe custom rs. Lost week there were . ~I SS Mary Leah Edwards, of 'and rea ring of chicks ; hou sing afte r noon. comp i1 d 1011 the year. sock attended th Ohio tate ban- . Th e . cOll~act docs not contain Mrs. DaUas Boger, Mrs. Ro bt. sixty-five. This is aside :from the Spr ingfield, was tbe week-end and equipment problems ; p~acti~ F urnas, Mr. Cha s. Hagemeyer quet held Friday even ing at the any data or options f or caleulating eight gallons of f ood giVen away guest of hel' aunt Mrll. Emma H. Idees an.d pr'inci les of fe eding; . the base, si nce these calculations every day by means of the free MeOlure. manageme nt a nd marketing, and a~d M I'. OU bc(t Frye were in- E n$in eers' Club in Dayton. hot dish that is available to every Mrs. Anna Chenoweth, )frs. how t o av oid po ultry ,diseases. The Christmas m4!eting of vlted g uests. Marsha ll Hames, of Dayton, art' made On a separate s ummary child in the grade building. Barry Fox and Mr. Reber Fox, of To nroll f or t he course, simply Farmer s' Grang No. 18 will be --,---- - • call d on Mr. a nd Mrs. Wa lter prepar e(1 in acoordance wit h the -Pl'ocedure set forth in administraThe High school lunch service Dayton, were guests of Mrs. Sarab address a postca'rd to Radio held Thu rsday, December 19 at Eiz 'II Saturday afternoon. tive r uling, before t he new con· was used by 200 custome rs the Mur ray, Sunday. station WOSU Colu mbus, Ohio. 8 :00 instead f 'aturday bev ning of night school.. ~ - - --cause of tIl high f3chool ba k tDr. Mary L. Copk attended a tract Is signed by t he producer. The new contract provides that dinn er meeting of t he Warr n Bills totaling $96.96 were alHarty Lizer attended the ope nball 'game. lowed to the grade lunch. ing of t he Burley Tobacco market •[ A fin e program; with onta, a ' I co unty Med ical Society held the cont ract signer shall name a The treasurers report showed at Covington, Ky., Tue~day of I , ' bristm as tree, and a tt'eat for the T ue day evcning a t th e Hamilton substitute payee, when the con(Continued on Page 4) these items of interest: . $ 9123 last week. juve nil ,is beil1g plan ned lind Forest Ridge, 40, youngest son Inn in F ranklin. B rought f orwar d .......... .... .• all members ar .u rged to ·attend. . t s f rom carmva . 1 .•.. -126 Mr. and Mirs. E. C. Crane and Didge • local photograph er R ecelp "" . 09• Pass the- word of ~he enQnlre 01 of 0 •M. ~, .Mr. a nd Mrs. . W. Monison and insul'ance ma n, di ed unexpect- and daughter Cha rlecn, Mr. and Du es .................. .. .... ........ $ •00 children were guests of Mr. and the date on to "'our neighbor.'" Mrs. PalJl Boor am at Bellbrook A gr oup of Methodist laymen, _ - - - :_ _ __ cdly last Thursday, December 5, Mrs. J. ' M. Steffen, Mrs. Frank Receipts trom Thanks" giving Market ............ $ 66.76 Wednesday afternoon and evening representing the chu rches of the in a hotel a t Na hville, 'l:enn. DeNapoli, Mrs. Mary Curro and Receipts from . . dance ........ $ 20.29 Misses Frane""" Watkin . and county in. a me-eting at the LebBor n in Waynesville, h e was a ,son Joe, Miss Edna Von Del'harr , Th 1 th itt h ~".. anon church parlor s Monday even ____ salesma n for the Carborundum of Cinci nnali, were gu ests of M IS e c 0 mg comm e-e as . re- , lAluise ZimmETlTIan were dinner in-.. voted unanl'mou Iy t o proceed Mi s Freida Uarvey spent ' the corporat'10'lI 0f N'lagara F a II 8 , N• Kezia h Thompson, Sun day. q uests for second band e1othm.. . . . •. guests of Miss Ruth Conner at wl'th plans to form U e "hodl'St Un~~ Y H b ' f h' Those Wlsh]n'" t\> make a donation ..... v w~ek-en d with rel atives in lal'ks. e was on usmetJs or 18 Ilhould call Alvin Earnhart. her home on Fourth street Sunday ions in each of the churches and ville. company in Nashville when 10und M T P II k M F ·th th D to . d d' h' b d Th d . rs. A. . 0 ns y, 1'8 . E. . Through the kindneu Qt Mr. Every "far advanced" case of all 'II th emse Ive WI e ay n Miss E thel M end~nhll ll was a In LS e uts ay mormng. D ppe and Mrs. E. C. Cran e were FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Hopkins who made the box, Mrs. tuberculosis was an " early case" dish 'iet organization. i Chri :tmas shopping in Da1ton onl Death was attribute d to a heart IUllcheon g uests of . Mra. Paul Carl . Smitb, Mln!ste-r Mary Earnhart and Mrs. Lilly once. Early disco.very means early The purpose of the Union is to Tuesday. utlack. Bo or a m at Bellb rook , Wednesday. S d S b I'" 30 Egbert a flower box is <riven to recovery. Chrl'stmas Seal funds stimulate renewcd interest in the Miss Clara Lila supnJiec1 in the lIe we. a veteran o.f the World un ay C 00 ,,: a. m. ... . bl f tb h h .. h d th C parlY Communion. 10:46 a. m. 'Mrs. Kersey's roo~ for this month ' help find the early case. varIOUS pro ems 0 e cure second . grade on Monday in place war, aVI'!g. serve W,I . 0?J A miscellan eous shi)wer and Ser)nOn 11 m:, . Miss Reeder's room was second ill and provid a, worltin~ organiza. of Mrs. John Kersey, who wall ill E 37th dlYlslon, e.nhsttng m th e b ridge party fo r Miss J ane Chesa. , the popularity contest. ' ·Mrs. Ronald Hawke spent sev. tion through wh ich the ministers with grip. . Wlll'ren coun ty unJt shortly after e ldine, of Leba non, wh¢se mar- WA, NESV L The next meeting' of the club eral days in Milford, last week, and tbe district superintendent . Mr . and Mrs. Raymond Pierce, the ~ nited States ' enter ed t he r iaye to Mario n Whitaker will .Y IL E . M. E. CHURCH will be held the second Friday in the guest of her brother-in-law can work. . of Tol edo, Mr. a nd 1'1h'. Tom c~nfhct: . . . take place in the n ear f ut ure, Rev. G. C. Dlbe,r t, p •• tor Januar,. and . Ister Mr. and Mrs. F. C. The Rev. C. M. Coulter, super- .Calvert, Mr. Dopald Calvert a nd Su.rvlvmg ar~ hi S wife, ElSIe was g iven at the home of Mrs. Sunday: Sunda y Bchool at 9':80 Members of tbe Happy Hour Hartsock. intendent of the Dayton District son Dick, of Sel ma, call d on Mrs Gustm Rldge ;.hls parMts, Mr.~nd Charles Fraser, in L ebanon; Tues- a. m. 1\fornin jr ~ orship at 10:40. club pro'vided and .served "fresh· of tb& M. E. Chur ch, began the Howell Pl'erce 11 Tue day . Ml·S. O. M. Ridge, of Way.nesville day evenl· ng. T he CommuDion of the Lord's Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brnddock I~ormatlon • . .to severa I menta after formal adjournment. 0f" toe umona Mrs. Margaret il:tl1rti n spent two I.~ro lh ers, K. nneth RI d ge" 0 f Sllp~er will be ob cl'ved at. :this Those contributina were Mrs. and Mr. and D. B. Under- cburches of the area last year. Monday and 'Tuesday with Mrs. J . MunCie, Ind., and Hugh C. Ridg e, Mrs. ,D an Collett n tertained eel·Vlce. At '7 :30 p. m. a rel1g10us • wood were supper guests of Mr. )I d f th h h W t P I B h FI }) Hoe nakrY', !arstte.l'tHharWryaite'smMI.rath·, Ke~r. and Fred Braddock, S, unda'l memebnersahnjp wwoimll obneoaskeed ctourbc _ L. Mend enhall while Mr. Menden- attorlHIl:" es . am eac, a. with bridge Thu rsday afternoon , p~ay, " ays to Come" will be e hall was In Chicago in attendance Bl _ • ., evening. J,. ~ F une ral services were held air the following g uests ; Mrs. D. C. gIVen by the yo u ng people of the H Lloyd Davis, Mr•. Jennie Davia, come mem",,:,s._ _ at the National Fa rmers Congress. the McClure Funeral Home ~on- Rrage;--Mrs. W. Ii. Allen, Mrs • . J . Ch lll·ch. . • . Mrs. Adra Braddock, ' Mrs. Earl Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Achor and Miss es Annie U. and Mame T. da.y d~erno on, Rev. G. C: Dibert B. Chapman, Mrs. W . E . ornell, Wedn esday: Th e Ladles' Ald Hockett, Mrs. Eli Furnas and 'lira son,. GeorgeI'" ot tJaytQn, ' were T. Browne, jn compa n)'. with Mrs. offi ciating.. The. pallbearers were Mrs. D. It SJ?lith, Mrs, R. B. Society ~il1 meet witb 'Mrs. ,Xiola . RllodCII B·~nnell. callers at the home of Mr. and Ethan .Cran.e, little Nancy and Paul Bratten, Llle Vorbes, Albert Hal-tlSock, Mrs. Harvey Rye, Mrs. · Carey at 2 . p. m • Mrs. J. H. Smith, Saturday afterMiss Emma • Heighw ay drove to Ertle, J esse Prendergast, George Ralph Miller, Mr ~. D. R. SaJisOn Wedne «lay of n ext week at • _.. Ii'rD~EY noon. ' Hamilton Monday aftelrn oon a nd Waterhouse and Fte~ Braddoc~, bur y, Mrs. E . F. Deppe and ¥rs. 7 p. m. is the reguJartime for our ar.n.l ~. called on Mrs. Al Schoeler. of Company E. BUlal wa!! m S. D. Henkle. monthly, . Faith, F ood and Fun, L. Mendenhall, wltb four Helen Marga ret , infant dough- Miami cemetery. meeting. A good pl'ogram is being ftIn . other membera of tbe Warren .~r of Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. Hart- • . 1\lr . and Mrs. Er nest Hicks, of planped . Be sure to come. OO"nt, Farm' B ureau atten'de d·... ..... Wle ' Fred Humphreys, of Middle- sock of near Wilmington, spent Dayton, called on Mr. and Mrs. . National Farm Bureau meeting at boro, was fin~d ten dollet:s and Tuesday with her gr~lDd-mother. Walter Elzey la t Thursd ay afte rST. MARY'S CHURCH ~onda' .. costs in Squire Hoyt's court, Leb Chlca.o,.... ". • Mre. Dena Hartsock, and cheered ,noon. ReV'. J. J. Scbaeffer, Rector . I b 'U d 'U H h 1 Ma! anon, Tuesday morning. The man the entire house-hold with her Th' d S d . Ad t, D The Pro,reuive Women'. C u an .wn. .ns e nOU8 was charged by Harley , Brunk, lovely presertqe. In celebration of the birthday Ir un ay 10 . ven . . e. held Its felr'llar meetln~ Tue.y aRnd d~o cblNldl'.n, Bett~ Lou and Warren county dog warden, with Mrs. Howell Pierce is recover. anniVllrSal'Y of .M r". Ma);y Hop- I ceml>~r 16. Church schoQI at 9.30, evenln~, December 10 at tbe bome on a .. of orwood,t.were dinner harboring a dog without a licenae·. · I' I j j . kins, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke Mo'rlllng Ptayer and sermon at of Mn. Ola Kene., for a Chrlat. guaate of Vr. and ,,,,rl. Vernon The dOi had been killing Bheep. it ing nicely from 81 ght n ul', es teDo .th. e 1935 Christm"s seals all 'e ntertained "t dinne r, Sunday, ' 10:SO. . . .. SatUl'... .1-' eeived In lUI automobile accident k t Y~ll ? .. Mr. and Mrs. Ken- r mas ·p arty. . _a1 nous .,. was lai d. d I00 k a Ileo Mrs. Hopkins, - - --, ' Tbe club wu entertained by a - - - - - ...-----Sunday betwet'n Wilbftrforce an '?yell, there IS a difference, and neth Hopltins and daughter, and ST. AUGUSTlfoiE CHURCH group of chUdren who gave tbe N~r:e' ::.r:-d~etDbu~l1o,~ndClnMClni~ ENTERTAINED CLUB Cedar ville, while ' en r oute t o phlla.telista, the loUts wb-o coll~ct Mr. and MTs. Dale Hopkins and Father Newton, Paator . followlnc prol1'am: •• :I Selma in compan'l witb bel' stamps, and tbose person who hke dau M er all f Dayton . I J Recitation _ "Mottien' Ohrilt- uti, Kr. Elmer Bird, of, · Mr. FrE!d Wilson. to wQrk puzzle sare showing unu. g I 0 ' . Mass at st. AugustlnO! 8 Church toa, Ity.. ~ad Itenneth Pete... Mr. and Mn: A. S. Collett d~- - - -8ual Interest i«I them this year If I h b Ch . tm very secot}d and fourth Sunday mi.:~'n:~'{f:' f~;eSanta Clalll, were dinner of JI1. IDd , lightful)y entertained at . thelrLEQNARD PENCE RITES The aver~ge person who pur- Seals P:~I~ fo~l~w u~heir r:!on:; f the month. Shirk, BUSick, Lenora Love]y lin. Ray Mainoul, Sunday. . ~~:~n:~;he ~~:a:~: M~~~~ HELl) MONDAY .FTERNOON chases C.hrlst!"as . Se~ls:- and t!.1rough to see what it a ecom---Rosemar, MultoJ'd. Mi.. Betty Hartsock, who is Mrs. R. G. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. e,:eryo~e IS dOlDg It thl.!! wmter- plishes, they would regard it as an AYNESVIIfE CHURCH OF Recitation-CIA Chl'lstmas Tl'ft taking nurH'a training in clncln-l W; E. Cornell, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Leonard Pence, li1, highly wJlI stick them on tbetr le~t~rs, investmen t rather than a .gift. 'HRIST Lad, Donald Budck. , nati, and a frlen.d, Miss Elizabeth, Cornell, ·Mr. and Mrs. Ernest But.. esteemed farmer, died lat his home cards and packages without gWlDg Carl Smitb, Minister Story- "MollSe Santa Claul", Hill of Cincinnati, spent the week terworth Mr. and Mrs. J. B. near Genntown Friday af ternoon, a thought as to the difference in Mr. and Mr. Kenneth Evan~ Not A Denomination Jack Crane. . elld with Bett7" parents, Mr. and Cbapma~, Mr. an~ Mrs. Howa/:d following a str oke of' apoplexy the seals. But the. philatelist . is and daughter, Betty Jean, Mr. and Recitati~n _ "Little J_ck Mrs. Bert 'Harteoek. Oraham, Dr. and Ml'8. B : E. 8utrered earlier in the week. He aI~aY8 on watch for all the differ- Mrs. Kenn eth Elzey and daught er Bible school, \):30. Lesson text, ' Bomer", Jack Mulfor,d. M d M S D lladspent his entire lIife in and ent varieti~s and now that the Marjorie, . of Dayton, were Sun- Ezra. 7:10 ; Nehemiah 8 :1"3, 6:6...:-.. An-: ·"d -~a me BroHathaway, puzzle workers' attentl' on bas been day ~vening visltors • f M ..... lUe.... ...., H k1.... r. an d M n. .L . H . near Genntown. 0 r. an d 12. Ezra t eaching the law· of God. Son ..-Donald and Shirley B.u sick. • KiBHa Emma HeiahWII" lin. end e, "~Mr. an" d :;. E" Bi. widOW, two sons, Myles and directed to the several types ot Mrs. Walter E lzey. Lord's Supper, 10.45. Reeitatlon....:....Which Is Santa", Ethan Cr~. ud little daqhter, ~or on, dr'M:~~ N 1li rs h~er Maunce, ..nd two daughters, Seals they are trying to figure out Chril!tian Endeavor, 6:46. Topic Richard Sheehan. Nuq. motored ~ IlamiltoD, lion .. onger an _ e_ e_ ra am. Mylah and Rach ~ l, survive. He is the dift'erence among the 'Various . Several r esid ence changes bave Keeping Christ in Christmas. I ReeltatioD -"Chriatm.. TiD:leh , cIa,- afternoon and call.d OD lira ANNUAL MEETING allo survived ))y five sisters, Mrs. desips. taken place during the paat two Evangelistic services, 7 :30; epee-Roaemary Mulford. A. B. ,S choeler, 11. . 1.Quiae HaD· Dtuie Hormel, Dayton; Mr!!. There is but olle "diireren~" weeIta. Dr. E. F. and Mrl. DIIPpe \al Christmas music • . Recitation _ "Not P.oUte", dIllOn. Coale Carson, Leban,on; Mra. Seal on ever., sheet of 100. The haYe taken apartments in the Wednesday night, prayer Chari.. Dibert. TubercwOliIa ill atI11 the 8rtlahtatl The annual meetins of th. Carrie Hatfield, MI~s. Grace dill'erence U.. in tbe marb whleh Wtlllamaon buildln~; It. H. H.rt- and Bible study, 7:30. Oboll Sonar b, all--Stlat NllhL caue of death betw..n atockholden of the Wayn..nU. Snethen. Middletown, and Mrs. the fOllr printel'll bave placed Oil lOck and family ha'Ve moved into practice, 8 :30. Thll WU Vel'1 hateruttne IDd of 11 and 'I. \til- ' National Bank for tbe purpo.. of Eva Earnhart, Wa)'llu·vllie. euh sheet of ltalllPJ to Id••tif, the Hawke residen~ vaeated by Bible .readlngs Why Jesul Came th. CODmdtta. compOl8d of Ji:.,. Beall ,.. . . ' .1eotlq. dlreetora for the 'e DaUiq Funeral .. rvlces held at tlieir own output. But only two th. Deppes; the ,Clark famil, will Matthew 1 :21; 0 Holy NiPt; '10 __ ..1_,' Clara LOt ...." -tlOn ael c-~l J'UI'. will " held at their banktDa t"'- OllWald Fun«al in Leb- varietlel are on ..Ie .iD Ohio dale oecupy the Hartabek home; RuueU Luke 2 :12-18. The priuee of .awwu..... .. well .. tile ud .._.__ .......... T • ..1 1 1..... d --.--. ted b C k Peace-I... 9:8. Gifta muat be ean.r children an ........ rooml, l1e..oa" anuary ., all.On, Monday an year. _~In hal ren t e 00 prop- Ch-'." Ua~L.._ 1:11. to be ~ 19••• at I o'clock p. m. burial "'.. In the cerneEvery 8M1 deplete a beaatlful ert:v for~erly oWlled b., the Roc· .... .,........ "l.Il .. TweatJ4Ne __ben ad . TIle W....'. A1IldlJaI7 of L. II. BBHDI:1t80N, 0u1alft terr. winter lCeDe with a daiDt7 IUId.... heil'll; LeRoy MOraD and I. through . . . . .... to tajoJ .... Mary" CInueh will . . . wII:Il d 11-19-1.11-. in u oJd.r.Ploaad dnIe ..ubls fam", are oeeupylJlc the boOM Il. . . l-1Ia. fl14, . Amah • - ~ The a letter at a cone: mall bu vacated bf the Marti.. alMl Mr. 1:11. whleb stancill oat aPl- a alld of lIlGWo4I8fIIitd .... ael 4_~1l.







I .




Friends' Home News












=__ O




chool High Spots


On Odob r 1. 1935 the &moun

OhIo eeW at S • ..ary Ja.u 1. Jt35--JUIIP 30, it3S 'umh T clf ,it'ath, 3!J 1 or 1. per day. Numb r of injllrie"-3321i fir 1 .4. Iler dR\,.





of pork and lIud in ,tnrulrto' w re thl' .' lnolll:!'<l (11\ that dBlol' for 20 )'t'ar~.

230 10m" neciclen" than hI , ame p tioct for 1!l3 1. . Of 772 a cident ~ \n-re tlu Common Pleas P..o<~e dina' Relll E.tate T ~an.fer. rhl> " ,I i,hlt fi\(' f.'erlol ~1J\ to Junior CIa .. New. 8 Slarl lit W. ~ Rt'('ce, et al, to 'omla L. h,)I,l (In \ •• th'lt winnin!): Hr ak Thl' junior cln ' i. in charge or to 8Utl'l colli-ion with aut o. reatef't p ' re('nt G,t) 0 ~ur('cl \.) In lh C' en e o f nn~1 la(.' lor· Doc l1l'r fin .lO acres in nnrlan \ ·11 I tl'll" 11m nl'd Kmlls 1i1l11 the Chri~lmn!; a !';('mbly which tw en !l and 10 p. I'll. a ~nn, n l11ilH'" by tltt' n(>:~t (If !rt~nd I lnwMhir. :J -27. "ill be- givcn on n ccmber the Oth r liours of ac 'illeota wer : 11 '1 n Gl'pMrt "tlr)',\1~ William I Lidu [I . " a U Davis and Sam Meal Women! 18 to 4' "THE HOME OF GIFTS" TIll.' Kin .liIls t('am Ftal t d off .t u'enticth, Th cia s i!; plnnning 3-d. p. Ill.; 4,fi p. 1l1.~ ti-6 p. m.; t.n\.\I'~ncto' M()r~lIn, Ihr c](,ftndun navb to nlll Wolf r~a l ll~l:.ale in t6a0, 6irtt, pmuancnr JO,"crnmmc potitloca a\\ ilh n kl n bul th y qnl1 ll 10 t a vcry intore~ting llrO~l'am which lUM co be: ",ad. IDOII ~, , - I f 10 1_ 7- p. m,; HI-ll a nd 11 . 12 p. In, i< onl red to }Jay 3.5 I Pl'L w cit lIa1l1ilt"n tOWnship. Lebanon, Ohio their pl'P ancl the l\lCiol qumt l b · i. l'x}l Cct ed to Ile enj y d by r....d -ron lot FRl1n <DP1 cI receo. d.U TY]Je of m otl,ll' in gl' Bt~ ~t per . to IIlalntilf durhlg p ndlencr oC t hl' Ualt· ·\\' flU to Ruth Howell Wolf ~1111 to run up th ('or. (1\'(;l')'on('. TIt. lluit and 25 to J. T , Ril('y, f I' I' Al l'lItnt .. ill Hamillon t ownship. EXPERT WATCH tel' thQ hal£. III coach t90k REPAIRING <1!2.8) of nc:~iden ts \ 1\11 passen· attorn >~. f ('~, Th l'loplo:;' B. L. & s, Co., to WlShlnlton Tralnl"g BUfel" Inc. acl lintage of 1\ gold '11 pportunity Wbat the Gla .. of Water S .. id gel' car. In he cn~c ()f Mab I Phillips lila M. J11l ~Z I 131.8' aCres in '" nnd gaYe the ~\Ib til ut , (\ 'work (No : till short compo ilion Only GeBulne Mater'al .. P eo ple of 3().49 had great st vcrsu irgil Phillips u divorce Ilamilt on t ownship. Waihinstol) Blvd. BId.. Detroit. M1th. ,0 L W8 writte n by Ru t h Anna J ohns percent (41 .G) of accidl!n <.t. Wll~ grunLe,l th~ Jlluintifl'. Cu tody MlIl'y Anna Kenty, d ccased to Tb c r at th half 22- W and a a part of the work now being Prompt Service Approximate _peed at which of their minor children \Va gi,v crj FII~nk II . Kenty, t al, 1 0 a~r('s N.... . .. .. .. " , .......... ....... . .. . . . .. at third q ual'ter :l -15, done in the languag cIa s s of gr ate!;t peTeenL (27,5) of ac. til \ht, plui ntiff, in I~al'(!hce k township. ,Add..u ... .. ...... .. . ... ....... , ........ . Store open.l,1ntil 9 p. m. Waynenille B F P tll th ird grade.) ci d nl~ occu i'I',1 wa 30.:W mil ". In tht' O1alll' l' uf the OlteTbein Lue Lemmon to Jo~p h F. P n- 0<' .... ............ .... $to.. .... ..... ... . Davi ... 3 3 9 Dear me, some carel s person Of 66.<1 dri\'ers "fire ~o in g 1I 0lnl' _tile of 1000 acres was 01'- nll\il nncl Ste lla I'enn cwi t inlot nnnel' .. 4 o 8 bas leCt me out on the window straight lhru at the lim e of the del ('d. Aut hori ty was givel\ to No, Ii in Wayn('sville. GrifTy, 5 1 11 ill and here comes Jack FrQst. I accid ent. m()rtgagl' rlal estate, , . Luul'l.1 ddn Mill r, t 81 to ito - - - - - - - -- - All n 1 o 2 know what he will do, He will 92.1'lc dl\\'crs \II l'e apparently In the ca: of B tty Luclll n. Spencer 32 acres in I nrcrl'ek beautiful and use!ul gifts. A :lUcri hwa ite 2 2 a freeze me up, then I will b ice .. no r mal. Jam VefljU John W. J omes it township. color scheme of white 'wns emAsk f(lr a Bog r o 2 !! That makes me cold ~ think of it, The vi w obstruction in ~r a'tcst is ol'd red lh t :ervice of s~ m- Harry T. Lewis to fargnr t L. plfly d in the dec oI'ati ns, Miamiaburr Permanent Jack Frost should bite their cold number- oI ea es was rain 01' now roons upon (leC nallnt by JlUbllca - lfi Wis, et al real estnto in Ham'1'ho/ic I)r(' nt W J'e Mrs. deTotals .. 15 8 38 noses because they never put me Wh re Accident wal! cnus('d by li on shall be obtni ned by pln lnti/f illo n town ship. laide Compton, M;8!lon, Ohio; Mrs. Concrete in th bouse. When the ' enow con dition of Car it Wl\ dUI! to In the se of Ruth L. ThOnll\son Mal ga ret L. Lc\\'is lo Paradise J. F ', Seibold ancl dnught .', Miss K' 8. Mill. B F P comes down the ' chlldren will gQ punctlll' (If blow.ouL ill grl.'ottl t vcrsu Omar E. 'rh QI 113son .11. di· Rc. tallrl.\nt. Company 1 1.7 acres B(!atrice, Mrs. R. W, YOllng and Air Se~l Burial Vault Rime . __ .. 2 1 6 out then and Jack Frost will bite percentage of. easeB-. \'ol'ee wus gra nted the plamtlff. in Hamilton tov.' nship. t daughter, uza-nne, Middletowll ; For Sale only by 2 5 & their no es. Here the children arc R eynolds , .. .. Greate t perc(lnt (4) of The pluintijl' was re t()red to h(lr Ernest C, Rog r to Anna B. Mrs. Ira AuJtz, Mrs. Evan Bogun Inni \ .... : .......... . 4 1 :l coming to get me and then go out accid nts occ:uned on dlY 1'Oa\15. m iden name of Ruth L, oin. oak inlot. No, 11 in Wayn e ville. and daughter, Marjori e, Dn.yton; Your Funeral-Director BIl man, ,...... ,__ ., .. o 0 0 in the now but I am already Gr at r percent (36.3 ) of In the case of Iydl!. Greely ver Margar t Evelyn Rogm's Hakes Mrs. Clyde Gibbon, Bellbrook; Fitzgerold , , ..... ... .. .. .. 1 0 2 frozen, Boo·hoo! ~id nts oce ul'1'ad on 20 it. road~ . t i<U Eth I Greely a divorce wn!\ by guardian to Anna B. Cook, in- Mrl': Orvme B van and daughters, Scbla h ck ...... .. .... , 1 0 2 traight interstecUon ~rant(!d the plaintiff. Division of lot o. 11 in Wayhesv in e. Betty and Reba, Mrs. Dwight McClure Funeral Home What the Flower Said had greater percent (4 ,7 ) of propllrty Wa& mad e. Evelyn Shumaker t o nannali Winkle and daughter, Jean, Wil. W.yne.~lIe. 0, Phone 7 Totals . . .. .... , .. :... 10 7 27 (By Jaok rane) In t he case . of Nellie Matinnlls r e~wel1 inlot No. 4 in Harveys- mingtoll; Mr . W. E. Bogan, Mrs, accidents. " The junior high tenm al 0 'Won R. P. Leaming and daughters, 1 am v ry much afraid of J ack Where t.rain was involved the VC1SUII Roy l\ltchR Is, et III, Icav bUI'g, t eir gam 12-9. If low and close Frost. When he kisses me I I\hi ver. gl'cilbe-st pllrc;e'nt (60) occurred at i!\ grant ed to fll~ ll;rt1 cnd ed d e.BrUCe Marshall to J ohn O. Shu. H eleD and Margaret, Mrs. WRiter ores mean lInything, the junior mon r upon ap~hcatl cm of tit d,,- Pl'l't, e al, 01.80 acres in Franklin Wilson, Mrs. Ella ' Hines, ?IiI's, He scmt n I ·ttcer to the snoW Ilu lo matic slgnal.working. high bo}'s hay been bavlng 80m queen for snow. 61.4 (;~ of accid ents ocourretl in IlntianL, Roy Mlcha e l~l. to wnship. Roy Jonejl and dallghtel', Mary mighty good gam s. Watch trcir [ n the CMe of Howard . ShuII. ttie Rl' bs to Joseph K. Bur- Louise, M'l's. El'vill Blair a.nd It came dawn thick and fa l't clear w athcr. rogfe!! • These tali tics indict the carc- per~ vcr u_ John O. SlnupE'l't, et al 11 tt !J3.B2 acres in Dcerfield town da ughters RhM Jeann ette and and made m shiver more than s driver. action i dism i ed. ~hip. · Ru t h Eleanor, Mrs. E. J. Compton ver. "Ba.ketb..1J Dope" , The- 1\1a, on Building, Loan and Mr . Amos Compton and so n, WalSuddenly I thought. of a bright oving' O. to ali~ta Spencer tcr Denn, Mrs. CaTI Jon is, Mrs. Springboro wa ' defeatoo by idea. In a minute I went 1l0P and New Suib Citizenship Cluh Meet. Mont Compton, Mrs. Everett Bellbrook lkcember 7, by ceara 26 was under the ground. Ada Frost v~rsU s J'acob Frost real estate In outh Lebanon. The sev nth grade Citi2:ensMp lIaines, nnd daught r E sther Jean to 14. Harveysburg defeated CarSo af~r that 1 remembered elub held its weekly meeting on for allmony. Mrs. Luther Hain~ and dnughter, H· le in a clo e hPflme 22 to 21, that day and every winter I was Tue day, December 3. They apBill. Anow~d Bet t y L\lcill e .James versus J ohn 'Phyllis, Mrs. HaYmond Wi! on, and a1 0 on Friday. Frllnklin beat safe. W. James for divOrce. pointed a clean-up committee. East End Coal 0., crlal for daughter. J ' annette, Mrs.' La wMorrow 32 to 23 -with" :!puct in After th~ busine s meeting it Co u rt H (l l1 e, $18.&'7; Lebanon I e tellCe Mitchn r, M:s. Raleigh T-.cbera Hen Rook Rc~ew the last minute to play. RbOT FOR AND CONSIGN was turn d over to the program Probate Cotlrt & ~al 0. , coni fOI' Court HOllse Bogan, Miss Flol'cnCe Mitchn T, Jour Catt.1e, hors, sheep and calve. Waynesville has seven very At the regular meeting oC the co~mittee, which was as follows : hm Th e will of Susal'l J . Branden- $14, Helen 1?oug an, b081'd 1\11 s Louise Sinclair, MI'. Frank to Nards-Brock Ct.., Jive wire and tifT teams YE-t to play belore faculty la st W dnesdny, Mi s noe Poem" IIDIlfl'odils," E:velyn Smith i htrord Doughman, ompton. Mrs. William Smith and pr"gtes8lve firm f'lr th& 'hig1'l¢ county tournament. They first presented a revjew of "The Child- poem, "The Trees," Leonard Tin - burg, dec a d, was admittea to und care market prices and good service. , 7; Mrs. Ira EIt.7.roth, boud and Mi Ladollna Sinclai'r. meet Morrow and then the Lees- Centered cho I" by Rugg and ney; ong "Joy to th e World:' Pr obate. U.loB Sto~1r Vards' Cinclnoati, O. Alton F, Brown, eX(lcutor of the care Alice tarkey, $5; James burg team: the team with a repulli. humaker. Th is book traces' tbe Mal' 81'ct Mays and ROXie Sackilt.t; Tune in on Radi o Station WCKY tate of Frankie A. lDunham. de' Moo re boar(i ann care Lucy Moore tion a (wing very g ood. Other out ris and growth 01 the new type Poem, '''The Real 1'hlliJI," Clyde 12:26 to 12:8Q p. m. for our daUy $6; Mrs. Elm er Lacy, board and of-eounty gamc or with Martins· of inalitution known ae the child· 'Smith: stor~, flShil'ley . Temple' ceas d, til d his sale b:ill. market reports, The will nf Howard W. Null, are Frank Lacy, $5; I\lrs. Lulu ville . and a game with the fast c ntered school. The old school, Lj!e at Times," 'talk, What r Ge dcc: ased, was filed inl court. Gabbard, board and care Lincoln M[s. iary Leath and daughter Highland team and with Ross 1\Ii s Roc pointed out, w for Out of the Club, Mary 1\10 s ; and In the case of Louise F . .Pard • Gabbard, $5; Mrs. Julia HolEleanor, of , Dayton, Mr. Vernon twp 2. Hsbenin rather than for working. po m, "Paul Revere. ' Ruth Waynesville till is upholding Attempts at reform wel'e merely hats. Other songs were sung at administratrix of the esl:.ate of land, board and care Vernon Hol~ WiLsoll of Wilmington, spent SunWillia m F. Sch enck, d,~ ceased, vel'- land, $6; Mrs. Onte Osborne dllY with the Gray family ill Wellits record 1 00 ~. Will th y keep on tne surface antil John Dewey the close. ~llS Margaret ~. Folk, et aI, heir board and care Walter Barlow, man. founded the first true activity shill Was determined. Mrs. Vera Rager and daughter Frank Ballinger, $22; Marta ret cnool. Changing economic and New. from Sisth Grad_Section I Mary Elsie Snook, eXecutrix of JOMs, board nnd caro Ollie Gar- Dorothy Jean spen't th-e week-end lIocia1 systems have mnde these Five more 5cl1001 days have the e tate of Morris K. Snook, de- ellner, 5; olumbu Blank BOok in Clarksville. new schools of Increas1ngimpor~, Mfg., Co., . uppJies for Auditor's of ceased, filed her jnve.ntory. Mr. James Gray is quite ill at tance, and, while many defects been marked on the record The estate of Jose'Ph Miller, de- office, $3.60; The Book Shop, sup- his home near Wellman. most. 01 the children for last wC€'k nre now found, it is to be eJlpected CLtANERS ceased, was found to, be exempt plies for Treasarer'f;I office, $1.35; ~lr. Lindsey Volera Is in a crithat later years will tiC€' tQe tra- attendance. ITom inheritance tax, Laura Ad- StanleY Ea.rnllart, P. M., 5tam p~ tical condition at hIS home near Half of the school year is almost ditional type at school practically Ladi..' Ore••••• SOC da Miller, executrix, fliIed her first for lerk at O\lrt, $9; E. N. Harveysburg. eliminated and the child-centered compllolted and tile teac.her is glad and final account. Gloeckler, groceries fol' Mrs. BesM~·. S.ib. 6~ Mr. ' and Mrs. Lawrenco Jacob to compliment them for their school in itt! place. In the ca e of Wilbur F. Clark, !lie Wilson, non-re ident, $12 i have mov d :(r;om Harv ysburg to Quick-For qaaUl7 dry cl_nln. Mr. Lotz watl in charie of the marked JlfOgTilSS. gUllrdian of Margaret Evelyn Rog L wis & Drake, Inc., cement and prlngficld. Ohio. routine business l1t the meeting. Th re were nine perfect speller Phone 78J rs Hake, a minor, versus Mar· ewer tile, Court House, $108.06; Mr. and Mrs. ClarenCe Thompfor the week of December SEcond garct EvelYn Rogers Hakes, et al The Oregonia Bridge Co., reinforc son. Mr. E. Thompson, Jake I-==~~==~======~ to sixth sale of l'eal estate is oTdem. chlg steel, $37.56; Lewis & Drake, henoweth, Frances Ohenoweth, k Mae Slack, adminisltratrix of the Inc., cement for ' Fair Grounds Mary Kathle:en..;rhompson attendQuite a lew members of the Mother's Club visited the pupils of e tate' of Eva 1l0wud, deceased, WPA pro ject, $50; Sears & ed churcn at Fri~I)d'8 church in • • 1I0lnnger, gasoline. $4.14; S. K. Ogden Clinton <A>unty on last Sun this room III t Friday, Dece mber filed her Irnrcntory. 1iI0TAR,v -PUBLlC 6. They extend again to all paTents ~atie Kir\.)y, ;uimilnis.tratrlx of Pierce, gasoline; $20.58; J ones day evening to hear Rev, Robbins Garage, gasoline. of Wilmington ~nd fri\Jnd a cordial welcome at the staie of Harry Kirby. deceas- Bros. Serv ice preach, Mary National Baelr any time, $6.30; Cincinnati Oil Work. Co., Kathleen thompson presided as ed, filed her inventoJrY, Draw. • • E .... S.ll"" • The will of Samuel A. Ellis, de-gllsolin~, $4.32; Cincinnati Oil organist. In English the subj ct of a (\lass WAYNESVILLE. OHlO The many friends (If Mrs. Perry theme was, "What I Expect of ceased, was filed in i:ourt and re- Wk .. , gasoline, $12.60; Sam Smith Junk Yard, parts, $3; J. C. Hawke Wells and daughter Marie will be School and Wha~ School Expects lused admittance. Pearl Er£ert was I1ppointed ad- s upplies and gasoline, $25.05. glad to know that t hey are imof )te". It is the opinio n of ,the FOR SALE DATES .C ALL - - -- proving from their recent and seri cia! that their views toward minilltratrix of the elstate 01 Reu~ 'reasollts for buyin. ben F. Eifert, decea!!ed, and filed NOTICE OF, APPOINTMENT ilInesa to the delight of their many scbool are ljke the followi,ng theme friends. I ' which WIlS written by Helen Gons bon d of $500 with sureties. Stella R. Corwin, 81dmini tratrix C1anDce Thompson aild family "Wba.-t 1 Expect of School and Estate of Maud Fetter Deceased 01 tbe e tate of Clinrles ' H. Cor, In thie climate. fence m~ have real ,What School ExpectS of Me." Notice is here:J.>y given that will move in the Ilear future to fi&htinl qualities, or rust ~ IOOR I expect school to g'Uide and win, 'decease d, filed h er inventory. Gcol'ge McClure . who Post Office Harveysburg. Thomas Powell and Marietta Whitacre and Est\lor addreas ill Waynesville, Ohio, has family will mOVe to ,the Frank weaken it and then destroy tt. teach me that which they think Reel Brand Fen()C is a two fisted . I sb(luld leal'n: I also expect it to Hicks, exe'cutrices of the estate of baen duly appointed as Executor Wilson farm vacated by the JESSE STAHLEY fi&hter It fi&hts Tl:lIt, first. with a teach me to be klnd and hone t SCl Eugene C. Dunham, deceased, filed of the Estate of Maud Fetter lalie Thompson family. their schedule of deMs. Miss Ma.ry Nette Beason forP •••• 310. "_ B.'II.....; OWe. heavf 'Ga1vannealed outer coating; that ( can be able to go out into of Warren County, Ohio, deceased. In the ea e ot Wilbur F. Clark, second. with a real copper ' bearing the world alone and meet it sue· Dated this 6th day of December merly 01 Pon William is altend· guardian of M'argllret Eve\'yn 1935. ing High sohool at Harveysburg. inner aection. DQuble protection! EAJU. KOOGLER ' cessfully. , versus C. Dona ld DiJatllsh, Atty. Ma1:Y NeUe Beason and Mary This two-wAY rust protection I realize schoQI cannot teach me Rogers Hakes, a minor, D~toe P ..... '" adds yean to its life and saves fence these th~ng9 without my trying Margaret Evelyn Rogers Hakes, a RALPH H. CAREY, Ethel Sams called at the home of ICE...... UII \::dollars for you. Let's ta1li: it over. and bE\irig willing to learn'; to abide minor, et al; confir~natjon, deed Judge of the Probate Cou rt, )fr. and Mrs. K. E. Thompson' and dau ghter Monday ev~ning. ' and di~ dblltion WIIS. allQwed, 'by and tulfill all the requirements d12-19-26 Warren C(lunty, Ohio. Leah Wagner Him!! , executrix Miss Mary Netta a~d Dwight needed to hecome a good student, After all, e'Very,one should try of the estate of Le!la Wurster, d~­ Beason attended it show in Sabina Caesars last Sunday evening. Dwight is to make the echo()1 proud of them, cea$ed, filed her first,> nnlil and the manager of the shows, ........ _ ........ !". .. • ....,.,.. • • • _ .. distributive aqcount. . not on ly in th-e twelv.e years of Harley G. Brandenburg was apMr. Donald .Haines, Miss LadClarence Thom pson transacted study books and associations, but pointed executor of the estate of onna Sin clair aild Mr. and Mrs. business in Wilmi'ngton last Fri~ FOa SAL~ also in later life. Smith were dinner day. .Sllsan J. Brandenburg, deceased, William Waynesville, Ohio Phon~25 K, E. Thompson and E. Talmage FOR SALE - or t",de, fifty g uests of Charley Laird and NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT no bond required. The estat~ of ,Clara Mount, de- of Camden Saturday evening; . trans8C*d business between Wiltons of alfalfa hay for ghonts Lut~r Haines and family, m ington and Ogden, Clinton Co. weighing about 100 poutids. J. D. Estate of Mary B. McClure, ceased, was found to be ~xempt from inheritance' tax. The affi- Homer Haines and family and one day last week, Bolin, WaYnesville R. R. 2. deceased, Notic!;! is hereby given that davit in lieu of a1lpr~~isement' fil ed Everett Haines and family called NAVYENLlSTMENT QUOTA FOR SAtE-Late m~del Heatrola J amel! E. McClure of Waynesville, by Herman Mount, a,droinistrator, on Mrs. Etta Haines Sunday in gOl)d cond.i tion. John. B. Gon/l was accepted. The schedule of afternoon. FOR D.STRICT INCREASED 0l1i9, and Oarl S. McOlure of Daydebts was filed. Trallsfer of real Mrs. N ellie Bunnell and Misa ton, Ohio. have been duly apFOR SALE-Round Oak dlTlinlr is ordered. Monimia Bunnell were in Dayton pointed as Executors o'f the Estate estate table :and side)loard. Dr. C•., q. The inventol'Y of George Bacon on Sunday, Young men residing in ' Warren (jf Mary. B. McClure, late of executor of the esta te of Amanda ·d12 Nathan Hartman, youngest son county may make JPplication for Raindall, Harveysburg. , Warren County. Ohio; deceased. Sands, deceased, was approved. of Mr. and Mrs. ArthUr Hartman. enlistment ' in 'the Navy at the FOR SALE-White tlhelt paper, Dated this 22nd dl.lY of NovemThe will of Maud Fetter. deceas . was operated on for appendicitis Cincinnati Navy RecrUiting Sta10c per roll. at too Miami • ber, 11)35. ed, was adm'itted to Probate. at . McClellan't! hO!lpital Sunday tion located in t he Post Office Gazette office. James E. Burke, Atty. George McClure was appointed ex afternoon. We hope he will Building, 5th and Main St~.t~ RALPH H. CAREY, ecutor and filed bond of $1.000 be able to 'be home Blain. any day evcept Sunday or holiS~EllI!i1age ,1.26 per Judge of the Pl'obate Court, with su~eties. Charles Joy, A. K. Walter Wilson and wife days b.etween the houn of 9 a. m. ton. Doddl, Roxanna and ~• .,Warren County, Ohi?o Day and WlIJ St. JO:hn were ap- tained to dinner lJeCe1l0bE!r &nd 4 p. m., Lieutenant Carl!On 'R nesville Plantl, ' o8-tf . N2!3 D 5-12. pointed appraiser~, 1, their daughter, Mrs. ,Miller, the officer' fll charge, :m~ PIPE VALVEd FITTINGS The estate.. of Lucy' D. Smith de- son and family and Miss r.ounced today. _ . ; : J aft The Na.val Tnlin ing Station nt for Water. G~ Steam WeU. ceased, was found to be exempt WUson, Mr. and Mrs. from inheritance ta:K. Esther K. Bl'addock and daughters Great Lakes, Ill., has just com- lind Spraylq. Cistern haftll. Eleopleted a re modeling program a nd trio and S()ray pump•. PJumbln• • Sellers, adminjstJ:atTi:x. file-<! her the afterno()'n. nl'st account. . Mr, and Mrs, Lawrenc& ie now .ready to receive re~ruits Helltlns SuppUea lowest priceeand The schedule of debts of' Charles a nd Charles Stall.ley were for training. Men enlisting at the hig.heBt QualltJ at The BocldetH. Young, executor. of the estate of Mr. and Mrs. William Compton Na,v y Recruiting Station 10 Cin- King Co., Xenia. Oblo, Write as of Stephen A. Stilwell, deceased, on SundAY. cinnati will be sent to this statjOll for prien. ml was approved. The Young Peoples Group met for their tlrst 12 weeks of PI'(>JiOar! G. Jones, administrator 01 at the home of , Mr, and Mn. nlinary training befor& bemg as.. W. can Iupply you with the best and highel,t FOa UNT the estate of Herman F. Jones, Will iam Smith Sunday night. signed to a ship or a Navy J erviee gra~e building material. and School. deceased, filed hi, application for a certificalie of transfer. Part, Arpa•• " for RH_t Briel. Due to the opening of this station FOR CASH RENT-1715 aerelarm lumber of all kind •. vel'J fertile, weU located aDd Vera M. Harris Taylor, admioisMiss Ladonna Sinelair and Mrs. the enlistment quota. tor tbls dis- good buUdiDp. AddreM Don E, hiet will be· greatly Increased land tl;atrix of the estate of Ella A. William Smith weN hoeteBlles at DeVo . . WUmmaton, Ohio. dl-lll -Cem~nt Harris, deceased. filed her appli- miscellaneous "shower' 'In there will be manJ ' vaCUOles tor cation Jor a certificate of transfer of Mrs. Fr.nk Compton (Edna young men over 17 and under Mapha L Beltz. administratrix Leamiq) at the bome ot Mrs. yeartl of a.e w1l0 can pan the re1.OS7 of the estate of Sarab A, Beltz, de Smith's parenti. IIr. and lin. quired physical and mental teats. ceased. ftled her ftNt, ,ftnal and Ralei,h near New Bur• - ••- - diltrlbutive acCOIlllt. lington. Satarcla, afWDOOD, NOftDIber 80. W" ....".11 ,

Win. Fourth Stralaht it up?



$126010 $2100 Year

Cary' Jewelry



Beech Grove

F. 'f . Martin Auctioneer



Centerville, Ohio




Stanley &Koogler



- - __ _ _

Waynesville fx. Co.





Creek . '.



Brick.·. Roofing ••

• Madden Ie Co.


Ga.. ..


aDd ......."',.

MIAMI~G~A:Z:E:T:T~E!!II!!!!!!!!!!!~: :~=:~o~ ln=1~ iI ~ ~e~.~la~ kt'~ tt=:;~r~CO~H~N.~HO~G~C~O~~~O~U=TL~OO~K~8:R:~lfW'='=1~EN ~SBj-l~~SU8S~C~RI~.£;Foa~TH~E~MI:AM:1C:"Z::£TT:E~::I un


THE om.. P_....... " ..


SlIb.crlptloa Prlc. *1 10 Y . , . . •••

projerUl are bing put under way

;m:,~~n:~;~::t~0~~3C~~P~:J;~ FOR 1936-37 OFfE ED fOR OHIO DAIRYMEN

at Wayn ...

ville. Oblo. a. iilec"n4 Clu8 Kan

to provide wOl'k for all who physically able.




W,Il Be E"plajn d Meetinr. or Fa~mera During Jalluaty


• • After a lonlt si go

A.t By Rl!ducecl

Nllmber of Cow. Ab\{ndanct of Feed and More Milk U.ed

of illness, Alfred A. Benesch of Cleveland =:::. hilS assumed the cabinet post of The I!l3G-37 corn.horr ndJ'u~tun. .., ~ "lin t i~ nh('ad in ·the dniry d II· cc t ()I' 1. h e ate .D epllr t mont 0f ment contract. hM b . \1" approved THE PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT bURin ~;; t\iII have to b answered B~ncsch received ~nd contmcL aI11l11'cu"J'o n" " '1'11 b" L h 'ommcrce. Mr. J'" • n '" y t illtur, !lays ' . L. Bill 'kman . . 1liS aPPOIntment last anuary, I>u offered to 0111'0 }',·II·lll"I·.~ ' , I'n J 'l')- (l f t h (. dC'pllltlllent of animal hus· b f A great d. al.o! de-bate is still going on conc l'nlngthe possiblity ccause 0 illness wa unable to uary, John W. \'"uich(-t. ~tetl! loundl'Y of lhe Uhio) RtnLe Univer. of a n.ew co.nRtlt.utlonal alllcndmen'• •"". gl'V" Congl'c. anll the ""x cut'lve assume lhl- duties of office andnam. W. agent 't B' h @ays. t here- U/'(.' a Paul Wagner of Canton ' was d' t hl charge I,f th. cOI'n· hc)" ... 1:'1 y. U... po~e(s WIlie.: h the Supr mo COUl't, in the NRA and similur c seg, has a JUS ment prOl!ram in hio. h~u! few facts tha~ indicate definite cd to the position. Mr. Wagnel' been noLitl II un the A"I'iru ltu l'ul d decIded they do not now pOSSDS . • had been servinrc as the uperin· A Ij t A I" . . . . t n enc;es . A S h ort.time 6"'0 Walter Lippmnn, the well.known publl'cl'st, chall. ( us m nt (mlni:tralifln. "'h ' . "'" tendent of the dhlision of build· Th ' e sllmaleu numb r of dairy engcd an clltOi.' who has often wl'itten in favor of the amendment, to ing and loans. When MI'. Benescl1 I . t~)ew contl'!lell fo llows I~()W~ in th e Unit tI tate accord~ut it intI) wOl'ds--that is, to prepare the text oC such an amendment last week took over his duties he c aBC y C rCC Olllnl('I!( uli on!; made il)" to' the Agricultural 'OUtl lJok In the cleaT and legul form in which it must be submitted to the appl>intetl Mr. Wagner chief of by [lrOdllCcr-r~Jlrcsenll1tiV('K in II ior IH36 steadily inCl'eased ft'lIm p ople. It was MI'. Lillpnllln'~ ('xpres5ed belief that 'nO one could do it the division of ' liquidation of conf r nc(' enrly laRt monl,h ill Januury 1!12R unti l January 1034. - aod hi s beli f wru; PIll'tia lly proved when the editor replied that the banks and building and loan a!jso- Wa. hington, Mr. Wuichct sait!. Dc Then, in 1\)34 and 1935 the dnil'y of the ontract soo n w ill be cow popu Ia.lOn j' d ecr as d and th is J'ol> WIIS beyond hl· m. ciations. dtail. ' Th t I " Iseu s I'd at a meeting of f1tat p e ac uu )lreparation of such an amendment would se~m a talOk .. • • h ffi ' 1 drop i~ uxpe ted to continue until almost beyond humnn 110Wnr. How could we further centrall'z4 and A I f b t $57 000 corn- og 0 ICI8., Hno will h(! fully .1anuary 1936. t ~ ~ ~ nc~ease 0 .a ou " . ' lrplaincd nt loca l me~Lillg : whi h and at the same time 000 ID OhIo j'ar~ Incom e for 19~& , wiJI b held dUI'ing he np\llicatlon ~ potts indicate that the num. aug-men powers of t ho F ederal governmcn preset:ve ~he righ tl· of stato$, whleh are at pres nt guaranteed by tho a~ compared With 1034 wns pl~. sign.up Clll1pail1;n in Janua,'Y. bel' of heifer calves .aved for milk onstltu~lon? _How ~ou ld we giVe to the government at Wa hingtoll dlcted by exports o ~ the OhIO Tht' two-year contract effective CCpW. is now large enough to reab~olu~ and (hctll~orJal powers over' commercial and industrial life- Farm B ureau federutlon and me-m us of December 1, 1935: require" pluce the old cows going out of which ~s what the sPo~sors f the amendment wanted- and at the b 1'8 0 f • th depa.l'tment of . r: ural thnt the signer produce for mark ~t prolluction. Butter price~ arc low cl>rnpnr· slime tmw ke~I> opel'atJv tbe existing onstitutional guarantees that :i~o~ornlCl~;! thhlOt j~ltOeh.unflvel" in ]036 at least 5U per cent of hi ~ eo.... 10 arm market hog base and not more ed with other commodities prices, nl'otect th lawful !lctivi iOB of individual initiative and enterprise? . y How could w~ give into t.hc handa of politicians sweeping authority In~ome ',:as }203,OOO,OOO, and thpn 100 per cent or his bust, if h e but ~ ith bu in e S improvement, so over o.uI' bru IC Soc ial Ilnd economic inlltitutions- and at the same ~~IJ ~tar It ~~1I leach .$~GO,OOO,. is to r ceive the mal(imum hog ad. freely predicled, butter price-!! are tim mak IIUr that such fundamental principles of democratic gov-' ,I r~~ sal . naddltlOnal five justment payment. The co' pera- Iik I)' to rl e ml>re rapidly than ern'm nt as fre~dom of Pl'CSl!, speech and action wel'O not infringed? I ~er ~;~6 Increa sc wos predicted ling pr'odllcers als must plant to otller prices. Mr. Blackman !lIlYS The .on stltution hilS existed lor more than 150 years. It .. as or •. cam at It!ast 25 per cent tOf his the decline in city milk consump· made P08Slbl~ Our growth f.r om a ha.ndful of relatively unimportant ' • •. • " corn ba 'f) next year but not mOJ'c tio n is about ended and an incolonies to the greatest ind ustrial power in t he modern world. It has The unu u?1 carclly of rabbIts nl tha n a p rcentage wtlich i within cr ase in milk consumption in pr served, in the fact of a hundred on laught , the human rights and many. scctJon,s of the slate this the p ermitted opti01lal range of 70 citi s is generally pre·d ieted. libertie for whkh Jl1C n haVE! fou ' ht since the dawn of time- liberties ' year 15 attrIbuted uy farmers, to llO p r cent of his corn base, The relation of milk price!\ . which. have be n entil'ely d stroyed in other nations. It has given us I 8ports",!e~. and officials ~f the Co),'n ' lind ho.g bas s un.d(~r the feed prices looks more favorab the hlghcst standard of Jiving for the masses, in the world. Perhaps 1 tate dl~lslon of conservattO.n to new program" 111 be cs.tabllshed?y to thc dairyman than it did a year tho, who would mnculate and chang& thi document are less wise, t destructIon . by fo.xe!', accordmg to apPl'ail'ia! by comnlU111 ty. co mnnt· ago. Feed sUPlllies .ar larger. The less for sighted, less in tunc with thc forces that m8k~ fill' freedom Ja~es S~uber! chlet ~~ l~e conser· tc men In accordance With stand · pric s of factory by·products feeds vatlOn dlv rSlon dIVISIon 8 bureau ards pl'eHcribcd by the ecreLnry used in ,feeding daiTY cattle are nnd progress, than W re t.ho e gr at men who wrote it. of education. Rabbits, Stuber of Agriculture. This undert.aking considerably lower than they were said, constitute the principal food llew to COmmodi ty adjul>tm nt pr~ a year ago. There!ore, dairymen of the fox. Tile recent action of grams, is designed to pem~lit the . nre likely to feed a little more the division in pe~mitting a year as ignm ot of equ itable to liberally this winter t,han last. and around open season on gray fox all producer regard I S.I . oj b tter fe ding produces mlik more I throug.h out the stute and a year whet h r or not they have pZ'evious conomically. around open seasOn on the red fox ly participated in corn-hog pro. The best information at hand, in northern Ohio will decrease the grams or farmed pl'evious to 1936. Fays- fl'. Blackman, points to 1m· 8:00 Music An additional major change prov d condit..ions for Ohio dai r y-. 8:06 Thos. Worthington, Ohio's First Se:nator ....... .. _H. E. Eswine fox population, which has been 8:15 ooling I'cam in Winter " ............ .. ............ ......... Joe Schlosser gaining rapidly . in recent years, from the 1935 contract i s the pro- m n. - - -- - - - - 8:25 Turk y Mark l News .. .... .. ,........ ,: .... ................... _C. M. Ferguson, and therefore permit rllbbits to vi. ion that an acrellg eq ual to the multitply, Stu mer believes, Fewer land held out of corn production, Subscribe for The Miami Gazette 8:30 Mu ic 8:40 Plnnning n ew Vocational Agricult ural Department .......... .. .... rabbits have been taken in many known as the "adiu~d com j ==~:~==~===~~ A. H. Hocking and Stlldents of London H. S. ~clions ofu~riq~~~~N~'~U~H t~ uw ~n. I ====================~~~~=~-~~'=~8:60 Experiences of Motoring in Europe ..... , ...... ,.... .C. W. McCuen bgsea~nthan~manyyea~pa~ bact be devo~d ~ so"-impr~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. 0:00 llome Furnishing Facts , .................. ,.. , .............. Anne Biebrich~r hunter and farmers say. Fisher- tng or erosion-lr~Menting crops. t men will have to wait two weeks Th e area used for th e' cropl> 0;10 Music before the conllcrvation division must be in addition to the a.crenge 9:25 The AAA as a Livestock Culling Agency .......... ... ..... Car) Gay 0:36 Winter Top Ores ing for Wheat ·,·· .. ·.. ..... ", ... ,........... D. R. Dodd will rule on the question of pro- normally' devoted to such uses on po ed closed inland Ii hing from the farm. , 0:4(; Joan and J erry. Janllary 1 until July 1, which has For complying with the hog ..... been requested by many sports· adjustment provisions of the 1936 1934 Chevrolet Malter Coach men and outdoor or anizations. 1037 contract,. the partieipating 1932 Plymouth Sedan • • • pl'oducer will receive hi ' eotire 1934 Terraplane Sedan 1931 Franklin Sedan Director John Ja tar Jr. of the hog payment as soon as IlossibLc 1934 Ford V 8 Cabriolet 1928 Pontiac Coach State Highway Department rePort after tinal compliance has been 1933 Terraplane Sedan 1929 Buick Sedan I ed last week that statilitic's show checked after tbe close of each 1931 Chevrolet Coupe . 1933 Plymouth Sedan that seventY. ven persons were year. The 1936 rate will be- at ~1. 1931 Buick Sedan 1930 Studebaker . Coupe indicate that more than 160,000 killed in Ohio highways outside of 25 per head for each hog in the COLOMBUS-Of the approxi1930 Studebaker Sedan 1931 Dodge Sedan muni~ipaUties in 861 automobile base, Ie 8 the p.r o rata shar . of the . mate 60,000 Ohioans whO bave 01 the eligible e mployables utho a 1930 .. Che vrolet Roadster 1931 Chevrolet Coupe I" al d 'n'st t'''e exp nbe . .: crashes during October. The vC a ml I ra I. " ". 1931 Ford Roadster ' 1931 Ford Truck be n certified for- jobs under the have been . on rehef are working October fatalities were the highest Deductions will be made if the 1930 Oldsmobile Coach 1930 Durant Sedan WPA program but have failed to on the 4,000 'WPA projects in for any month of 1935. Approxi- producer fail!Ho rai 'e 50 per cont 1929 Durant Coach report for work, 25,000 have been Ohio's. eighty.eight counties, Dr. j mately 500 of the accid nts were of his ba e hog numbers or 11 he 1928 Oldsmobile Sedan ab1!orbed b}t private' industry in Watson. a serted. The 26,000 ecrU caused by motor vehicle colliding raises mOTe than his as ignm nt 1929 Roosevelt Coupe 1929 ·Buick Coupe th gene raJ. busi neSll-industrial fled employttblcs who have not with motor vehicle. Data on condi- ba e number. 1933 Chrysler' Sedan 1927 Chrysler Roadster Oorn adjustment paymc.nts in r ViVlII, IIccording to an e timatc been amp)oyed by priVAte industry tion of the drivers involved in the 1933 Chevrolet Coach 1935 Sedan by Dr. Carl Watson, WPA ad· have failed to take WPA jobs for ' clashes indicated that seventy-two 1936 will be made in two instal· 1929 Chevrolet Coach 1932 Chevrolet Roadat!l'r I ministratQr for Ohio. Latest figur various reasons, primarily tem- were intoxicate«, fiiteen were hpents, about August 1 and Decem 1933 Chevrolet 1 ~ Ton Chev. 1933 Chevrolet COach . asleep, nine were extremely fati- I ber 31, at t)1e. rat of 35 'c nls. a Chassi. and Cab 1933 Ford Cabriolet gued and seven had mllrked .phy- I bush~1 multipli ed by the r,ppu\ls· 1932 Chevrolet De Luxe Cabriolet 1933 Ford Coach sical defects. Records also show • ~d YIeld and the nu~nber '~.f lid· 1933 Chevrolet Road,ter 1934 Plymouth Coupe that 1,0 31 ~e tr.ians were in- Justed acres. DWuchon~ . ~III . be volved in accid,nts on state high- n\nd~ for local admIJll :~tratlve 1934 ..Chevrolet Std. Coach 1932 Ford Coupe II ways dur ng the first ten months eXIIe '''l'es as ~etetof~rc. of the current year. T he rates of adJustment . Ilnd rates of payments for 1937 WIll be announced by the secretary by ·A new gold me~al award for November 30, 1936. and will be the college of engineering at determined from the .outl ookfor . ' . Ohio State univ~rsity has been supplies. and prices at that tim ; established by H. A. Toulmin Jr., A contract signer, howev or, will an alumnus of the college of law no~ be required to plant more than and a member of the firm of Toul 25 per cent or his corn base nor min, patent atorneys with offilles male an IIdju stment bel'('w 75 In Dayton, Washington and Lon- per cent of his ba e in 19:37 • . To don . The medal will be presented lIecul'e the- maximum hog paym nt the .Ju~e e~mmencement each.year in 1937, the sign r wiJl not be DECEMBER 12,' 1935





-----_ -.......... ...........

~se 1jOUrSate in

.this Ne'WSpape-r. It


Farm hight 1a/~sJ December 19

witl brieg !Iou bugea




Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol

• • •


'per cent 'nor asked to produce ~~:~:~~~~=:~:~=~~~=~:~~~::~~~~~~::~~~=~:=: ~~~mgtnlh~to~mpne&"~~~toprodu~m~~an60 less than 75 per' cent of the as-

ing student whb ilO judged to hav~ made the best study of .~he influence of the manufactur~ng in~~~ u~n the ~~o~c ~d ~oeial .col1~ition of the com~unity In which It operates. Oftlcuds of the colleg~ of engin~ring praised the Toulml1'1 award and said that ~uch a 8t~dy . "will be . of ,vital unportancll and of practical '\Ialue ~o manufacturing, will enlist the tnte~est of mll~ufa~tllters anel ~he publlC~ and WIll dl~eet attention to' the fine work bem" done at Ohio State university." • - -

. &ign~ market base. The rate of

PQme~~cominln 37willn~ ~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~'~~'~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.

be Ie s than 30 cents per bu hel , and the rate on hogs wHl not. bll less than $1.25 per helld on the number in the base The . new corn~b~g contrnct ill to b e in full force from DClcember 1, 1935 through Nove,llber 30, 1987, 'Unless -the Secretary: (1) terminates a1l corn.hog c<ontract<; with respect. to 1987 by an announceme-nt not later than Novembel' so, 1936, Or (2) approves an application made by a I!Olltract si(pler not later thQn April 1, Mrs. A. Z. Hartsock, of Melvin, 1937, tor termination of his was · a visitor at the home of her original contract, or (3) Wl'111inparents, Mr. and Mrs. W . T. ates a contract ·b ecause of noncompliance: ,rordan, last Wi!dnesday. ...-----'- ~ The W. C. T . U. met at tbe TR~ hom& of Mrs. Chas. Bogan on last \ Thursday afternoon. SeveralG! OUR COl.UMNS .t~ members :were present and a very enjoyable m-eeting was held. ---Plana are being made to send a near Waynesville were Sunday Christmas ' box to the Soldiers' guests of Mrs. Sadie Reason. Rome at Dayton lIoon. Dr, and 1IIrs. Witham of Way· Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Collett enter nesviBe w re caHel'S at tine hom talned in a charming manner quite of Dr. C. G. Randall and famil), a number last W~dnesday night. on Sunday. HiSll May Harlan entertained Mr. ErMst Gillam has purchn several of her friends with. a tur- ed tlle (arm of MI'. and M;rs. Chns key dinner last Thursday eveninl Edwards and llr. and MI's. Wm. lin. Laura Shida)ter ha. re- GiJJam will move there. turned after an extended vult IIr. and Mrs. W. W. W,elch, Mt·. her daughter, Mrs. Clint Gray and KrtI. E. B. Dakin and Mrs. I family of Albuquerque, Sadie Reason were Wilmington lIexieo. Ihoppers Monda),. Pomona GraDle held. IDoat The Woman'l Civic Lellgue will btteiatiDg me.tina here ' lut meet at tbe borne of Hrl. H. S. Saturda,.. Tueker SatIJrday night 11 ecember The cbarebll of ~ 14, will have their IIlua) ell:bald anloa Sabbath acbe»ol at 0..... of slfta aDd an iat.erestilllt lIetIiIodtIIt clJanb Iut SadQ amwram whIeb Pre.idnt Comb ol 'hOt. A.


Ire..., ... 1_.,...c.,.., ...




JOHN MABSIIALL MARSHALL was JOHN fourth Chief Justiee of

the the Supreme COl1rt ' of the United Stat. but 111 the judicl.1 alin.1. of oar land he undoubtedly .taIU" lint. At a Ume when the. Republic was ,ounr and heal· tabt 1n Ita ~rly decade. of ••It.iovemment, hie elear-eut cIeclllona fortIfied tbe Constitution u the ball. of our national 11f.. . . H. . . . appointed to the hlghelt judicial 0IIce III 180t,wben the Sl1prelM Court seemed to be 011. of tile IOvernment .aeenclea wblch . . . faIl~ of Ita pu~ In of ...,..... • wltlell have ·work, hJa ....... aarpuHd for clarity,


~~~~~~: _tabllab, : : tile nJ

01 ......

conlequently Irrtplar, he managed to take. la. CQUI'1le8 at the CoUere of William and Mar)'. Endowed with an exceptionaRy fiDe lecal nilnd. he 800n achieved leaderIhiJi in the Bar of Vtrclnla. . He : '11", called to lID many public olricea, Ineluding that of . Secretary of"State under PreIli· dent Johll Aclaana, before he . . .. deal8'ft&ted to the Supr.... Court. He died at the a.. of etabty, Ia 1831. The clo..,. of lila eoatrillatiOli to American hilltol7 ... DOt dlmlHCl alaN. Within a few da,. after bla death, plana for a laltable memorial. In frolit of the Capitol In Wuhlnltoa wen beru, llut thy wert lICIt ~ oat . .til WaS


ItaIl . . .~ .... The 11l1li of


ta,oot 1q MeJIle»rIaI .....

.. f, 111-







=r.:=~eoD='" IPOle


. . . . . . . . 1 r 0 _.






















New Burlington 11 'R' nuln!!: Ul'ct'mh( r 7 f nl'. E. ~h'. and MI·~. Elmt'\· Curry Ji. lh I'P' o tilt· (. '\ ill I., hlcllh'd ~lwnt the! w\!('k-~nd with th Ir in thl' WiI\;lIlllt'on IlplIl·tml1nt dlluglllC!\" MI'!'. Roh()rt })ulf4!~' a'no t'\Iihlll1~ (ll\ MlIlll tr~('t. hu,:.h:lnd Qf t'olumhu.. . OOlre· hou. (> t! ::10 to !I :30 II. m.; 'nthan, t itt' you nl(l!. t SQ n of ,~ til <1 Inti 6 ::10 in p. m .• 'W r l't Mr. :lI1d Mr~. Artbur Hartman was lhidllY afll'l'no nand l'V nin~ unl!' operated 011 r(lt' apIX'ndicitis at • u ntlllY. 1eCIdian hO!'{lital Sunrlay. 11'. Wh ittinglon, th llg d unole of LeI.' al·t r, with whom hll lived, died Sunday v ning lie had been ill only a f days.

ItJUIDICJ~D. for The Klaml Guetto. Mr. and Mr. • W. Turn('T rcA"" cciv d a 1~ltt(!r Monrlay from thl'h gon Paul In JIHllolulu. whil'h hlld NOTlC~ .\ 1'1 (lqut'nl 'C.'IlU~~ of o.fT·ftavor in been nt!lil~~c.l on the (,hinn IiPPI'I' ertanl 1::1 t'ust in the call, Decenlb('r ti, when it unit'li it.. fil'~t muil,l'll.lwllnl. F't'rlilizcr »rieel'l ma.y he fH ct---No hunting or ' trespussing on b'l!. L. S. Holland is K}),,mtling 'il til f'lll som('wbut ill lU36, acThe WalTen ou nty Sell olmas- my farm day or night. 1\ lew du~'s with Mr. aud Mr .. A. eHA . R. FRAZIER ('1lI'thnlC Lo the annuttl out\()Ok. re- lens' lub will meet at Mf)rrow E. Chenow Ih of Xenin. Ilorl rtl~a eu by ftu'm cono/mats. TucsdRY ve1\ing, Dec(!mbol' 17: Mr. and Mrll. Frallci. Murphy '\It", U. V. 'mith wns htU ,~~ to No hunting or ir spassing on i\I)IIl()ximl\\.'ly (\ half million The Rev. A. H. Wilson, 01 \viIof olumbul' snc-nt. the IH'ek-cll u hi' 1,' I' j nt.lship cllllJ \\ 'dnQ~dllY culv~" , \ \ H mark ted in hio in mington, will b. ~he pl'jnc~pal the f!lrm known as the Durton With 1.1 r. III urtthy's un I ' _ D. -aftcrnoon. 1!l34 at un , appro;<im ute !llicuker OliO mil lC Will b furnu;h- Earnhart farm, day or night. !'tIian and family. 'I'hl' 111 '<'ting WIlS \Jplm~ I with BOLIN & SLOAN llIarkot valUe of $4,500,000. II b)/ he Warren cOun ty t IIchers' the l'l'ading of the Ini:tmll - .. tury ,double, quartet. us give n In t he bor.l~ pl Luke by Farm-own d e l evat()~" in Ohio Mrs. W u:lit,ll' ~lteebaJ'''- Aflel' the have bcen steadily slton,t:'lhening PASSED STATE TESTS minut 'M wl'rt rClll1 the club 1'1,'· their cn~ll poaili n. and in ov4tn Il ule;1 th('il' Illuito. 'f his was rol- lh~ WOJ' st d~f1rl.!s 1 n year~ they Bo,d H "dersoh Was notifiep luwell b)' a bu.-in ~~t se ion ~ln d have, h i< a gl'OUP, reduced Ih ir Saturday, that he had possed the nil lIingin "The Holy City.' ' debt~ outsttlnding. stat!! oxaminaUons held recently Tlu' pruAl',ltfl cOlIsi ~ted of readby lhe stat board of embnlmcrs A spidcl' known 1\. the blnck RUl'ol retail sal s for the nntion und funeral dit'!'ctors. Boyd now tub!)s, Rogel' widow wa.~ capturl!il Tue~llay ingll by Yvonne lclloh. 8ho" a 20 per cent gain for the a 1icc nsed mbnlmer ano funel'al The differences in 'c askets niternoon by Ev raft Harlan at Watkins and Mill')' Ann The song. "~ l n~ Night," was fir, t nin months of 1 3& as com director is l'ecciving conlO'atultlhis home on the LyU~ roau, ar gNat. To the r pulnpilI' d \\'ilh the slime period o( tiona from his many friends on hi Mr. Harlan wa \I orkiog on a Co II 0\\' d by a reading, "Night Be1'01" hl'i"tnl ~," by ? r . Gilbert 1934, The- incr('a c in sales wus ble fu'tlera~ director, a dose'!'vcd , ueces . cupboard irl ~he kit hl'n whon th Im·g st in lhe south, 26 per cent. 5\)ider dl'Op)led .from the ceiling. Frye. 'anta then 8,PP al'ed with The lid die West was next with a casket is worthy of use The . mall black body is shaped Ipfl for all. Dainty I' d l' • huwnt 1\'(11'(' 'c rv\!d gain 9f 21 pel' eenl-. while reonly if it iii! as well mnde Iike an hQUI'g IIlKS and hu~ a bl'ight maining l'ural arOas show ed a gain by 1\1'1':. . U. 'l ) ('nklie, Mrs" D. red !lot :u.nd cl'n 'nlh. in every <letllil as ita of abol1 t I!} per cent, Set:ul'c(1 in '11 gla s j r, th Ridge, Mrs. JUllICg Lovely, Mr!'l , appearance leads clients to Mary i1v r, hi!'. E. F. Deppe nod sp idel' WII ,being ~xhU> i tecl WedThe n umber of luyers in farm FOR SALE believe. We examine all nesday morning by Kenneth 11.. mith. flocks on October ], J 935, exceed Hough, who later PI'C ~nt d it to that of Lhe pr viou s year for the caskets co.refully befor J. B. rabb, hea.d f the Smith first lim :;ioee 1930. With larger FOR SALE- Kitchen cabinet. Inacceptance. Only the best quir at Gazette oflkc. tf Hughes dt>partment of W Ilync farm flocks in pro p t and with Townsh ip schools. average or better thun average FOR SALE- Pure br cI are provid ed with our ollio . production Pelf hen, a greater pups. C. E. Michener, phone service. CHRISTMAS SEALS total egg production during the 66R2L d12 fil'st half f 1936 than prevailed in ] 935 ClIn be expeeW. (Continued from Page. 1) Jnap ctio n and iTl tallation of LOST in th SElais oc.curs. IIInc ,rs Wok pl!IC~ 14t t be r egular ons umer bUY)I'g pow r during -One printer has placed two meet Ing o f MiamI Chl\j)te[ No. the coming yeat· will likely im- ~----------­ l brown lines on the blue frame of ,I 107 . E . S. ¥ond~y nigh~. prOVe about 10 per-cent and thi, LOST- Y 1I0w Persian cat.. Re. th right bottom corn r Sell!. It New officers are. incl'ea~d . buy ing power will return to DJ'. E. F. 0 ppe. R~ is No. 1()O on the sheet. Another Worthy Malron-Mary L. Earn- tleet in an increR e-d demand for wanl. p12 :farm products. Consumer buying' - - --. - . - - has placed a blue dot ju t \Jnder hart. the po t holding the little b()x Gn \Vol·thy Patron-E. F . Earnhart, power is al 0 likely to improve Try The Miami Gazette For A eal No. 65, the 6th row from the A . Matron- Thelrna ettlemcyer oonsid rqllb!y in .foreign countries Year. top and the 5th stamp from the As. Patron- L, C. t. John. next year, but with the many Te!ltri tti 0 ns aga i nst interna I.i ona I ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!"!"'!!"-~~~~!"!!"!!"!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!~ left. The third has introdUCed a ConducLress- Ilrah Braddock. small "c" in blue beneath the Ass. onductre s--()Ilie Routzohn trade t his improved buying power post on Seal No. 99. Th,e fo,urth eCI' tary- Minnie ·It' will probnbly not t' act t the has added an exb:a line of spading 'l'rea sur r- Mlldred SmIth. benefit of the American producer hllplllin- Bettha He to any great eKtent. (From the Marshal - Nina St. John Agricultural Outlook for 1036 by Warden- Edna $t. ,~ohn. the dep8l'tment of rural economSentina~ -Luoil1e Armitage. ic , tbe 0, S. U.) Organi Lucille Bland" Ada- Elsie troud. SI MPLER CONTRACTS Ruth-Lavonne Waterhouse, Morton's Smoke Sale-I....e can 10 lb.. : ..... 9Oc: Esther-Ola Kersey, (Continued 1'rol Page 1) Martha-Elizabeth Henkle. Small c.n, 34 oz. . .......... 23c tract is s.igned, to whom 'p4yrnent EJecta-Elizabeth Jon . SauR.e Seasoning, can ., . .. . ... .... .. ..... 25c Following the work refresh- will b made in case of the operator's death, l-egal incompetency, or ments of fruit cakl~ and 'colfee Also for thoae who u.e the old method. of disappearance after full perforweve enjoyed. , curing, the best flake ..It per 100 Ib.. , ..... ,. $1.00 Guest from Sabina, Wilming- manCe of the provisions of the contract witb respect to any veRT. ton, Lebanon, New nurlington and Have you .een the new improved Colonial True provi ion will eliminate the Dayton we~ present. block. ? Special price each, ... . 43c or 3 for $1.25 neeessit.y for the execution of court orders, letters of administraEglr Ma.h (20% Protein) per 100 lb.; ... $1.95 tion, and ~ imilar ' authorizations Dairy Feed (16% Protein) per 100 lb•• .. $1.40 which cau ed onsidel'able incon• We do not add one pound of .creenin,. to any venience in connection with pay,,> 1'.&•• & Y •• r • • • • men under 1he prese-nt contract. '1'." 1'........... ,.. of our feed. but u.e only the be.t ingredients. Come Another provision which greatly , BUT and our feed. made., simplifies the now contract is an Find Ohioan in San Francisco adminlstrllt"ve rulipg to the effect .,... Remember that :when you buy our feed. you not If there i~ any change in the A. M. I. Aitout Sail' that legal status of the operat.or under only secure the beat, feed it is possible to produce, in the' r4!d hem of the girl's skirt For the FaIr Ea.t the contract-aftllr the contract hilS bfolt YCKt-are .bo providin, .. home market for the" iJl. Seal No. 60, the last Seal in e beeo accepted by the secretary the 6th row. Only Scals with the extra A transcontinental tel e p h 9 n e contract will be terminated, and a 'g rain grown in .our own community, line on the hem of the girl's skirt search saved an Aleron man from new contract may be ex~u ted for and the t.wo brown lines on 'the making an unnecessary VOYllge to the the , new persons op'El~'ating the blue frame of the r ight bottom Orient. farm, or pArts of tbe farm. This corner Seal are being sold in Ohio A few hours before the Ohioan takes care of ea es where the Incidentally it might be stated was to sall for Japan, bis father, in operator die becomes incompet· t hat there are 3200 varieties of Akron, learned tbat tbc young man's ent, abandons the farm, s-ells or seals and stamps designed for company bad decided to send rl'nts all or part' of the farm, Any some philanthropic or chatjtllb.1 e him to the Far East, j b l t instead adds more land ~ th farm. Any purpose and no philatelist consid- wanted bim to return to A rOil. • of the e changes under the old The father knew his , son was in contrllct requir d sl1spension of era his coll ection complete until he hilS 1111 of them. l\1any Ohio San Francisco, but tbat was all, He tb-& contract. until a form was eXphilateJ\sts have c9iuplete sets of called The Ohio Bell Telephone ecuted to im'nish prooi ' of the the ' ChrIstmas Seals. These coHec- , Company in Akrol1 and the long dis- change in legal.status of tho contiona at:~ e,xtromely interesting tance search began. tract so that tbe contract might Discover Taxi Nun$er and, naturally, very valuable. be modified and continue~ by the In San Franci scoj telephone oper· new persons. Such cbanges under A short farm Pl'ogl'llm com- ators Galled hotels, Ihe Y. M. C. A., the new co ntract will be handled prising- weather and market news restaurants, barber shops, and had by terminating the contract and and the latest available 'tests i n- messages flashed on theatre screens executiltlt,a new one. formation about crops, soils, live- and announcements made from The contracts should be avail- · stock, poultry, and farm manage- cburch pulpIts ...• but to no avail, able in counties fox signing in As the time of saliling, drew near, December. ment, is broadcast each week except Friday over Statioh WOSU a dozen operators in Akron, San Francisco and intermediary points (570 ki~ocycl~B ) at the O. S. U. were held overtime keeping all lines between the two pO'ints clear for the message. Finally, when hope of reaching the · ~, Akronite wa. fadinll, tbe San Francisco operators lea:rned the liceuse number of a taxi, in which he wa. Ohio Development I. High riding, from a hotel checkroom clerk. A. Comp.r.d With Police cruisers, nCltifieci by radio, pur.ued and overtook , the taxi, and Oth.r Counttie. the young man Wal soon taUdqg b1 telephone with hi. father in Akron. Ohio haa more telephones than are in .ervlce i~ Mexico, South America, Central America, and the West Indie. combined and nearly as 0 .. many as all of Canada, a Gcording to THE MIAMI GAZETTE a compilation of world statistics just completed by the Bell SyStem. FOR RESIULrS This atate has more than 950,000 telephones" aa against 845,000 in thOle ttopieal areas, while the Canadia~ total is 1,200,000. U. S. Leaca Tbis nation continues to lead in the number of telephones in relation to populatioli, with 13 ,2~ teiepho~~s per 100 inbabitants, compared with , 1.54 telephones for the wodd as II whole. Tho first 20 countries ranked' according to the number of telephones 'per lOO popula don a re as fol(ow.: UDltecl Stata_ U.211 Ge,·lU&n,. .... ___ 4.48




k 1,1 about annnlli '(laym nt fnl'm pi OPIH'Ly in!'u ran e . We ('lIll 'S~v() y u 20': on town propel'ly in unulct'. 1)1ll1l! W autl, mobile covera c at VCl'y low cost. No obliRalion.

W. N. Sears

Many Dj fferences

Late Classified

T..vl•• Tbeater



W.~De.vllle, ..." ,""""""',....,""""""'" DECEMBER 13- 14 .....

Boria Karl", Marian Manit in



J. E. McClure

The Black Room Cartoon_Foot Ball Comedy-Magi<: Word

VI ayne,ville, Ohio

DECEMBER 15-16 Claudette Colbert, Dourla. i.

She Married Her BOI' Fox :News And Comedy DECEMBER 25- 26 hlnuu" W.iea"lIl1er and MaulI~ O'SUIli".D in

Butchering Time


Tarzan and Hi. Mate

- --,---




,••'..'W'M {.


=--. ,





Waynesville farmers Ex. Co.



tblaNnwspa~.' lt

---_.- ..---

will',brie, gou. ba;1i3 I


--------S.' TELEPHONES '



,Qaallty Prladall


The Miami Gazette to a friend

for Christmas

C,oada ____ 11.15 Ne .. ZeaIu..l _10.01

Denmark _ _' Swedm _ _ Switlerlancl _ AllltraUa _ _

11.99 11.51 8.11 '.35

Nonra, _ . _ '.00 Ha....1 _""'_ S.58 Grell' BritaID.- .".

Netb""luda _.._ 4,1!

lIela-11llII ____ Fin1...d ___ AtHtria _ _ Fra""" _ _ _

3.80 3.14 3.S5 3.19 Latavl. _""' _ 3.19 ,\rtentlua _ _ 2.64 UruK"" ___ 2.\4 Japall ........._ 1.50

W ..hinllon, D. C., with 35.31 telephODea per 100 population, or better tbu OIle telephone for each three peflODl, II the world', beat developed ~ from ,. t~lepbODe ltaudpoiDt. It '- c:loaely followed b,. SaD FnacilM:o, with 35 telephorla


... Stoclcho'm,


Th.,. .... 53 with

T.b e IIla.1

Eighty-Seventh Year










On of the la~~ 1ic>ld" (If Rtudy at Ohio Sliltl' lJ niv()l'"ily to be In\'(ull· d by WIl111"n is :vet l:innl'Y 1IIt'(}lldnr. Se"('11 j.(irl~ arc no\\ ltlking that cOllr" ' - el1ough to J11flk t, it dang(!I'o u!< fbI' anYOlle who ' aJl ~ Helpful Supplemen tal Mater; .. 1 them "hol'.·o clQc!urtl." The jt'irl. hav~ all or~llni '1I1[i o n IIr Available Free to Those th<'ir (1"'0, kllOWIl as lht' BI'ul11II'Y Who Enroll 'tub in hOlJo\' of th .tenD <If [h"il tilling!'. Ml:'mhtrs are catl('rl'd Hom('mak~I'!'! al'(' con ttlntly literally (1'0111 'Otl . t til ('ot\ ~t, ~t' ckin~ IHW an(l limulating sugTO you and. YOlll'. , cominl!: from !\luryan<l. [ontnna. ew J eri;cy, Ohiu anc.l ulifol'lIill. J.:'("~tilll1'; for (he planning, cookingmay this and ~crv illl! tho~e n cessar:,;' three mcal. Il clay. Duri ngthe winter bring' c el'Y happinc r-; Iluartc~ lit th~ . S. tI. beginning you could J)o;sibly wish .JtlnUUI y 6, UlaS, tht> Romenlllk!'r,,' QUlIl·tcl' Hour each weekfor .. a day you'd like day nWt"ning exc ·p t S tU1'd1lY from 10 :15 to 1(1:30 o'cloc k over to live vel' and oV'r slo'tion WO o I), 57() kc. will bt! us d as a clllss period to discuss againvarious asp ct. of the famil1's 1\1r .and 1\11'. Em'l'so n Earn- [0\1(1. hart allended initiation nnd in- N w lev('\ Jlme nt~ huve a way of Sincerely we stallaliOlI aL Ea1'l rn Fital' Lod~c hnpp(\nin~, von to comm(rn foodin N w But'lington \ eclne'sday , ufl'". Th\ rc: i l\\!~!1 to report trust so. vening. ' , nhQut "avi n~ food mO[lt'y. :for impi Dving family health by hettel' Mi s Ft nl'i l'tia MeRinl; y, or \ Ch(\iC , oi 1'0011. aLout ways th~ A. hlsbula sdt ol~. i. Rp()l1ding or 11I'\p8ri ng Iood anll COl' more hoJi<hlYS at her hOlll!! h rc. (ra.din! fuotl ~c rvice. tn these mi4, . m(lrnin~ rn~.o lass , enll avor Mr. Slanl y M. now, or 'in'in- 'II' ill b,' mati to PI' ~o nt · thllt news, --~~==========~F=====~-=-'--=====7=:============== nati, called on M~. \ ,. R. Allen, IIccol'diJlg Lo the annOllncemellt fll'e l!oitlel~t of th 1 Wayn .-vilI rroll1 lhe univeT~ily statitm. Nati nal Bank, l1i8 morning. The , p oken; will al.o aim Lo provide their listen'r with hint Mr. Pearl Stal'ry I';ulal'$, G5, Mr. nhd Mrs. Josiah Davi!! en- d sip;ne<l to make the fam ily meal died at Blair Broth l':~' h osp ital, I)nC of the idcal time in tne> home tertained aL dtnn r, Sunday, c'l Lebanon, $al,urday I'I.'IOlrriing after brating their forly-firth VI lirlinp; {or th" ~'timulation of apPl'eciation an illness of a lmost t wo yoars annive1'sary Rnrt th~ twenty-fir~L of :ocial values M they relate to Two definite recomml)ntiations wedding Tht' Wayne Township Farmers' duration . Sbe was a lifcllmg r efliannivrl'sllry of Mr. alld food. Thi ~ wint r quart r radio cour e club met at the home of Mr. au(\ d nt of Lebanon and was well ar made In the rcport of the War Mrs. Lloyd Davi s, Thol'c present Nin ounty i~ iting Board, apMrs. W. A. Swartzel, Thursday, known throu hout the county., w r MI'. and 1\11- • Howarl[ Hurley pt· Rent d in coop ration 1vith the December ]2. l\1 rs. L. E. Hockett Funel'al "vi os, cClnducted by l\ointed by Judge Ralph H. ,Carey and f:lIYrily. of [{ingman, an(l Ml", r~mergoncy School Admin istration . Mrs. . L. Duke, Mr. and Mr~. the R v. J. . McCOll, paMor of and jUlIt l'elcased. al)<I Mrs. Ll'oyd Davi and tht I' \\ ill b(' unci I' the dire tioll of 1\liss At the Wanen Coullty 'lnllrm'Howard Graham as 'isted the th Presbyt ..ian chul',ch of w.hicn 0 5(' Hughes nI' the food and sons. hoste s in serving dinner. she was a member, weI' held at ai'y lh~ board suggeKted that the nu trition "taff d! th~ Schoo I of Mr. and Mt'S. Snm Ju dd and Home Economics at the O. S. U. The ari rnoon se. Ion was call- the Oswald Funeral Home in Leb- windows be lowered so that resied to order by the pre ident and anon, 'Monday aft~rno nand dent will not hav!) to stand to e family, of ('cgonia, W 1'0 (Iinnel' Th t• COUfS will consiHt of talks, out ver the lawn. At lhe county gu est. of Mr. nnd Mrs. Basil interview and dialogs. the invocation wa given by the burial was in Leb'anon cem tery. jail the board r commends thllt lilith, Sundny. Rev. Mr. Fox, of Springboro. H elpful 8u' material - - -- pI'!)vi iOlls b made for Roll call respon ~es were Bible and bull lins will be provided illee John Harlan BOUDI, eighteen-, Yentililti n. Mr. and Mrs. Ilrnon Mllinou ~ to those wbo nroll for the course. verses and ~he pTogl'am consisted Aside from these two the board and Patty Jean ape/,t t h week-cnd blain lhhi malel'illl by simply of tlJ following: History of Chri t month old, only child of Mr. and Gladys Wf\ w II pleased with ot.her in- \ ilh friends in Spri n field. mas enrol. si nging, Mrs, F. U . Le- Mrs. John D. Bolill, III addl'cs 'Ing a postcal'd request to t. E1i~abcth sti tuti()ns in the county Which they May; Christmas rellding, Mrs. Hal'lan, died at Radio Station WOSU, olumbus, . MI s Josephin Bllnta attend d pecial topic, hospitalJ Dayton, Friduy afternoon visited. Gilbert Fry~; I hfo. Death was th l'eE!ult ,of an attack Five of the six m mbers of .t~e a Ladi s' Ajd hrist,mas patty in "Resume of 193&," C. L. Duke. , . boal'd mad the inspection VI It. Lebunon. Tuesday. "The principal 'peaker was Rev. of asthm~. Funeral rvice were held at 'they were Judg (Robert J. ShawG. C. Dibert, Who gave an excel~ McClul'e Funeral HOlne londay ' han, P " iuent, Mrs. Rolly Taylor, , Kenneth Kilbon, who recently lent talk. afternoon, . tbe Rev:. John 'J . 'ecl'e lary, Mrs. W. J. Curran, un(1 rent an op ration at Miami Schaeffer, rector of St. 1ary'S H r ehel Bunnell ancl Allen Thir- Valley h051)ital, i conval scing' at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. GeQrgo Episcopal ChUICh, offi iuling'. kield. Henderson. Burial wa s in Mi/lmi (~enle tery. I The rep.ol·t follows': ',i' he members of the Board first The lJeaembel' m ting of the Mr. and Mrs. l~' de Egbert and Woman;s Auxilial'Y was held at visit d t he Warren ounty. Jail, .Relatives bere hn'l'l! received and Mr . W. J. Bilkel' were Dayton visi found it in fair condition. The The Little Inn Friday afternoon word of th e death of JoslJua downstalr was i na crowded condi tors Saturday. with Misses Annje and Marne Collette, native of Warren ' c ou nty, Wsynesville High chool hasket tion and ,e med poorly ventilated. whiCh occun'ed at h: i home in Mr. Thomas Hard in was pleasan Brown.e hostes s'. . ball teams journeyed to Leesburg We r comm nd that the jail s hould tty: SUi'pl'isetl Saturday vening by: DurlOg tb bu. ~ne s ses Ion offila t Wednesday night to be Pitt burg, Tu ~. FunPral sel'vic be better vetl tiloted and t hat the g year , were downed by the fast Yellow and will lie h Id at the McClure Fun- illmatt be distribut d to dit!erent a large number or n ighbors and cers lor the COlYl 11: eral Rome at 2 Q'c·lock FI'iday frl'nda, the ocea iOn being hi elected as !o!lows . Mrs. E . . L. Black Quintet from that Highland parts of lhe jail. ' birthday anniversary. t TM~as, PI' sl~ent; l\~rs. Ed~th afternoon a nd b\ll'it11 will h' in county town by a score of 32 to ' Thc Bward th n vis ited the War t Ran'ls, fir't, vIce presldenl; M)SB ' Miami c.e-metery. ' Mrs. Clement Satterthwaite and 13. This marks the se!!ond de- , Mr. ollette wa ' bolO 0 11 a Ial'm I n ounly Home. We found both , 1\1r. and ],11'8. J ames Lovely ond lara Lil', second vice- pr~sident; lJuil<ling and grounds in excellent daughters w re 'unday guests of !\frs. R. M. Hawke, seCt'etaly-treas M; rs. Henry at.terthwaite were feat of the year of a very promi near Lebanon and sp nt t he cQndi\ion and good food being ing local team, the first defeat Dayton . visitors today. Ul r. being the game last week with greater 'pa.rt of his Iif,c in thai c m s(lrved to the inmates, .who were friends in M.iddletown, Following a reading, "The Call muni ty. Jle l' moved to Pittsl.JUrg Mr. and :Mrs. John Gons were Morrow. pt'OP(lrly clotbed and taken care of Grand and petit jurors for the business visitors in Middletown M I'. and Mrs, Robert Walton antI of hristma. Is FO~'wlll'd,'" by Mn about fifteen years a: g o. We al'e proud that Warren county The JlInior High team known as January term of common pleas TUESday. Surviving are his widrlw, Mrs. ha~ such an institution and that son, of Dayton, wel'e gu 'sts of Will clmln n, Mrs. Slade gave a as "James' Iron Men" came court in Warren county. were Mr. and Ml·!!. J. D. Marlatt, Sun- .mosl intel'ekt ing an~1 fascinating Lida Shidaker ollette; one drawn at the cO\lrt hout\e SaturMrs., Ralph Hastings and Mr . through for 't heir fourth win in a8 daughter Miss Elizabelh Oollette, it is so well kept. We observed day artemoon. talk on her childhood Iiie in tbe W e t rndi s whel'e her father was day, twenty-two being summoned Gilbert Frye were in Dayton Wed manY starts. They won easily by a teacher i~ the Poabody high school however, t.hat in the living rooms of buLh m en and women t h e winscore of 24 to 10 in a game which Ml'. and trs. Vernon MRinou ~ a mi~sional'y for many years. fol' petit jury duty and fifteen fOT nesday. was in no danger irom the early in Pittsburg and form I'ly a dow!:! wel'e so high from the flOOT entertained at dinn~·r Tu esday , Aft r adjo urnment Of the servl~ on tbe grand jury. The teacher in Waym!sville high that it I~ n cesBary 1'01' them to grand jury will report on Monday Mrs. Orville J . Gray and daugh- minutes t>f the game. school' two 80n8, Willlam, of sta nd in order to se.e even the evening, Mr. Kenneth KillJon, t)f Auxiliary a s hOTt I! ssion of t he January 6, the Arst day 01 the new ter, Miss Barbara, Mrs. C. E. Cleveland, and Dl1nie,1 of Waynes- lawn on the out id of t.he building Washingto n, D. C., MT. nnd Ml' . Guild Wll held and the following term of court, and petit . rors A.nderson and Mrs. Har old 0 born COMMUNITV CLUB TO otfic 1'9 were elected: Miss KatherGeOI·g. I1ender~o n and family. W, til refore., _ recomm e have been Rummoned for Tuesday ' sperilJfond&y In Daytull. MEET MONDAY NIGHT ville. in e Prendergast, president; Mrs. j:l)'oper ,lu,tho'rities that sQme action Miss Mae Treadway and fJ'icnda .R. Fl'IIZiEcl', vice president; January 21_ ", 'MaYnard Rich aod Charles A meeting of the Community iOLEWVa.DE CLUB HA.S b tult Il in having the windows from ' Springfield, were (linn r [rs. Lee Hawke, s cretaryGr,an!l jurors drawn wf!re: Her Whitaker, students at Ohio State. Club will be h-e,ld Monday ' n ight, ALL-DAY MEETING lO\l'cl'C!"<i. . guests of Mr. and Mrs . .John 'rrclld renSlll'Cl'. ert Hoppe, Foster; M. R. Johnston, will arrive Friday to spend the December 23, 7': 80 in the social A\. (J (1 n sajll, day, t he Board vis- way Sundny vening', . Ouests of the a:flernoon . were Lebanon; Helen 'Randall, Harveys- Christmas , vacation wiW their room of the M. E. Church. MatI Th e Idlewylde Eirt,hduy club ited the Warren County Orphan Mrs. , lade and Mr~. Chal)1b erlain, burg' Cailie Watkin!, Morrow~ H d' M. Wyles, Foster; Cyde Simpkins, parenti. tel'S of 'importanc e wm ber I- had an all-day meeting 1'hUfsday, Asylu,:, ~nd Children's and Miss s Blanch and Perle Riley of Lebanon. • h cut!Sed and a full attendance is D cember 12, at tbe homC' of t.h. found It III excellent condI tIOn. We wero Sunday gu st.s of their aunt d 1 During" lhe socia.l hont daintY' Lebanon; Freq S~ars, l-ove an; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hawke w·it a,nd Mrs. Philip Lan'ick. A fou nd tlra~ si nce out la t visit new MTs. Mary Silver. George Bacon, Franklin; WUllala Frank and Charlet! Hart$oek, nrged._ _ _ • __ ---.-'l'eir('shrncnts wel'e sel'v d. de1ic io~s covered dish dinl)cl' at bath tuba, toilets, wash rooms and The Advancement departm ent C()od, Franklin; Hel~n Couden, stud,e nts at the University of '0\11- . CARD OF THANKS . the noonhoul' was enjoy d by water softener hav~ boen installed d K r t CH~JSTMAS, ,PROGRAM Mono w ; Anderson , CurleRS, Blan- cinnatj, were week-end guests of· twenty members and threc ii",itcd I "hicb. w commend. The cl1ildren with Mrs. I a c vel', o. en erchester; Clitl 'Runyan, Lebanon; Mr. and MrlL .Charl~ F. M?sbel', We wish to eXlIfcss our tlpprecia ~ts\ I W 1'e I>rOP rly noud hed, clothed ville, as chairman. f\'ove an interest ,AT CHURCH OF CHRIST , , ing program nt the Friends' church Stephen DragoO, Kings Mills; Or- of Edward!! Road, Cmcinnatl. tion for the sympathy and kindness gu The next meetlni~ of the club and Vol 11 cared for. yUle GraYtWayneavillei 8l1d W. J. A ChriBtmas pantomime, "In tho See the pantimime, "In the shown us in our bereave me nt. . will be held at the h~me 0 '£ Mr. \ We visited the priSOIl.8 in the Sunday eveni ng. 'PftaDII;er, ebanon.. . M d M. J h B61 MI'. and I\1rs . . Charles Hinkl e Town III B thlchem," will be Petit jurors d.rawn wete: O. H. Town of Bethlehem;" with the inn r. an l·S. 0 n .In and Mr8. L. . t. J in January Village. of Mason, Harveysburg, .- - -- - ... Corwin anr] WaynesviJIe. , The~e nnd Mrs. Mary Wauft'lIng, of given al t he hUl'cll of Cbrist SunSpangler, Shatonvlll ; Marie .Ben- and stable and other decoratio,ns -,- • ROBERT DAVIS IS pri ons aTe u sed occasi01laHy more Hamilton wer tecent guests of day vening, December 22, at 7 :30 ham, Lebanon; Mrll. J. C. WllsOR. proclaiming the birth of Christ at Y. F. M. NOTICE . . WINNER IN CONTEST for a shelter to take care of the Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Melloh. Following is the progNlm: MallOn; William Fraser, Lebanon; the Church of Christ, next Sunday unfortunates ' overnight. Song- Congregation. The Y. F. 'M_ will meet at the Thomas lUch, Waynesville; Bury .,veJ11q. The pri so l1 at Lebanon and Mr. al\d Mrs. H. R .. Williamson hri tmas Cilrols. home of Mr. and Mts.· Eli Furnas Cline, Orelonla. C. A. Spencer, Ml'II. Flollsie Carey and family Rob ert Davis. of the Reidle- Franklin are in good condition and son, of Dayton, nnd. Mr.. alld Inn Keeper- Earl Woolla!d. Lebanon; nan ;lIurlley, Franklin entettafned on Sunday Mr. and on SUl;lday evening, December 22, berg Reformed ChUl'ch, won first and well kept and of these we Mrs. I. O. Brown W 1'(1 dm.ncr J\J ~e ph-Wiliiam Bradley. ,C. :R. Beckett, Ol'.e loniaj ,Mrs. MH. RUMel Kerrick and d,a\lghter at 8 O'clock. . All members are urg~ to be priZe with .il trap dtum solo at the have no l'ccon:mendations to make goue ·ts . of Mr. and MrR. H, 1.1. 1 MUl'y- Ml·S. Ji'red Luwson_ Ra)'lllond Du,ail, Springboro; Her M.a.rilyn Ann and J{rs. Dora Airs· annual Christmas pllrty' spon'o1'ed Th e BOllrd of County Vi it:.or.a Wmiam.son ancl daughter, ' Sunday Sh phertls ames Boume, Earl bert ~arr, Harv~Y8l;1urg i Aaron man of Miamisburg, and MT8. Han present. by the Dayton hUTCh Ushers C t Oh' . Mendenhall, Herbert 'Woollard, Brafman Lebanon; Waltel' Hlne!!, nah Taylor_ The occasion celebratftDtiocl'ation at th e Eo:p'worlh M. E. for Warren oun y, 0. Kelly of Los W m. L aws n. " ""'" B R b ,t J Shawhan 1.President .Mr. Barto n , , Franklin; Sam R. HJll1an, Leb· ed the birthday.s of )[r8. Kerrick OFFICERS ARE INSTALLED Ch~rch, Dayton, Tu.esday night. y- ~ e! T 16 'Se tary Angeles, alif. , with hi sistel'ii. Wi ' e M-en~Gcorge Woollard, anon; Mra: Perry Easton, .spriDI· and. 1Ii81 'Lucy .Emley. Bob is a son of Mr. ' anti Mrs. ane ~ r, cre . Mrs. A nn Kelly Korte a.nd. Mrs: R,usseJ ampbell. Roger Brown, Wayn~viile Lodge No. 168 F . .boro i W; E. ,JlcClung" Ma~n ; Raymond Davis, fo,rmer Waynci!.Alicia KeJly DUl'gue, Of CtnClnnat.1 Ch,·ist.mas atol- C!ll'J, Milryan Frank Beal, IAbanon; So.t h ' Long, Mr. ,8l1d Mra. Ira O. Brown will &. A. 'M. met in s pecial ~ellSion ville residents. NEW QUARTER PLANNED call ed o'n· Waynesv j) il'!endl', and Laura Miller. Tuesdayev"nillg for work in the Plea_nt Plain; Perey Reason, apelld a part of the Christmas -~ - - - - , FOR RADIO COURSE Wedne!day. Mr. Kelly, who IS the Duel-Lucy Emley, Sarah Elzey WayneSVille; LUlia" RoU, l(o",ow, vacation with MI'. Brown's parents M. M.. degree and to install the son of the late Levi Kelly, arid a Solo-EI'ma. eat·s. SURPRISE PARTY ___ A new quarter in t.ho juniqr 'nat-ive of WaynesviHe, mud the Dew ofttcen. An oyster supper Stella Dautherty,· Wa)1lelvllle; at 'V enailles. Angels--Rutb Burnett, Mary preceded the work. Mr. and M;r8. Ita O. Brown were radio college condl<cwd from trip from Los Angeles to NtW Jane lind Bonnie Woollard, Rose Jbll6ph Goua~!!~ --:. Ill'. and lira. Ge01'le Hartsock agreeably surpri sed Sun~a.y night 'WO 'U~ Ohio State Unive!'sity, wili York by plane. Mac Lawson, Anna Margaret DECEMBER U TO BI nd lira. Herman Sudaee w~Il LlBRARV REOPENED when. on arr'ivin~r home from open January 7. All OhIOans Il re ampbell, P41uline Woolla.rd, GlenThe A. &. P. -Groc ery Company na \'Vade . TH& SHORTEST DAY ~u:. Saturc1a:, with relathea m cburcb serviCe they found a party invited to enroll for the radio Dorothy Bourne, has opened a stol'e' in the Aman !rIn. Ada Courtney, ' librarian, of friend. assem~led in t.heir courses which ue free. Mildred Bourne, Betty Campbell • &DnOUneell that the.public library apartment 8I)d the dinIng table Amon&, the courses to be broad- building. Duet-Harvey Hole, Marie Pine PELTS STOLEN nOM room which haa been handsomely .pread wltb an ap~,etizinr dinne'l'. cut are lIociology, child welfare, Cbri$tmas--Carl WilHam Smith. M:t. Paul Leeds, of HamUton , GAIlMla MONDAY NIQII'{ redecorated, wID be ,open to the Thole prelent w&r~! Mr. and Mrs. family foods, Spanish, and poultry returned to Waynesville., Monday ~....- -. public tomorrow, Frlcla, and B. H. Williamlon, Dayton; Dr. husbandry. Enrol1menta should be t.o rellume bis work heN!'. hlIat_ Petta ftlaed at .'10 w.... atolen\bOOU will b. liVen out. . , and Kra. E. F. Dep) '1, Mr. and Mrll addressed to WOSU, Ohio State fro. Bet Oook'. ...... Moda, • - • Wymer Drake Mr. and Mrs. Jobn University. Mr. and Mra. A. H. Schoeler, of Consumers bllyill8 potatoes f1'01ll It woald be cIetrlmntal to Xen.,., 1IiA Henkle and • - • Hamilton, visited relatives here r,etailers need ba1'e no eoneara Coek Ud .&oIM 1M han, Jll'odueere ad to pon COlliSQIDe~'lllr. Charle AAA ollcialll estimate that .. of Saturday evening. the potatoes we Bot in lUl1I. . . . . . . .t... &lid . . It llee aambeft npodecl --September 30 a 'toUa of ,128,281,stamped containe,.. III .. .--~t Kathryn Turner, of Day~ Mrs. ......."U . ... '1'IaeNfore, the al. 00I'D0 2'fS in procetllltng tuea la due 11'1 ith the Pota&o , 11I4,.w... eoatiIan .... ..... deviled to a4Jua~lInent from proceuors but appaicl .. a toll, and Mr: alld Mrs. John B. GOIlI were din"er guests of Mr. bl .... reault of court actiOL If lUI

arl Fel'gu on, of CedaryiLle, lras b i1 employed by tho bOI\rd of education to tllke the position in the local schools made vacant' by the rc~ignatiori of Charles p ncer, who was compelled to 'M ust ApprOpriate Sales Tax gi,ve up his work because of ill health. Funcl. Before Rate. Ca. Be Mr. Ferguson assumed his duties E.thnat.ed Monda)'. Taxpay re, are now inqUiring as to the amount .o f their 1936 rea.l estate tax~. , according to Ross H. JIal'tsock, county treasul'er, this question can not be answered untll the rates for the various taxing districts call be made by the budget committee Th budget committee canno~ nct on the rates unt.1l the state Mrs. Ed. Cook was shopping in legislature enacts a law prescrib- Xenia, Monday. ing what per cent of the money rebeen Mrs. Hannah Taylor· ha c.elved from the sales tax shall be quite Ick. distributed to th schools and Mrs. W. S. Scanlan and son, Ferother taxing dis tl'icts and ahio the ree, were Dayto'n visiJ;ors Saturday rate for school purposes which Mr. and Mrs. Charles James and shall be le"ried withIn the ten mill family were Dayton visito(s, Satur limit. After the budget committee day. shall have made the tax rates, the MTs. C. E. 'Anderso'n and Mrs, auditor mllst figure the amount of tax due on each piece of property W. C. St. John were Dayton visiin the county and enter this tors Wedneilday. "mount on the duplicatil6 and deMrlL A. T. Polinsky was hostess liver the dupliClltea to the county to the members of her hridge club trea urer. The treallul'et's offiCe thereupon TUe$day night. wU\ immediately make out the tax Mr. Harry Jacobs, of Limll, is ~eipt8 of wbich there are sevel'lll visiting his aunt, Miss Emma thousand. It will, from the foregoing, be Heighway. refldily seen that th Treasurer Mrs. Viola Carey and Mrs. lIvwill not be in pdsHion to receive ing were hopping in Day.· taxC!! for: so~e time yet, probably ton, Welch Friday_ . , riot ~forc March first as was the case last year. Mis :KathrYn Gibbons wall in These delays bave complicated Dayton over thll w~k-end, the tho putting into effect th new law gllest of Miss Glenna Marsh. providing for the payment 01 Mr. and Mis. John Cronin, of current real estate tu in ten monthl.)' installments if a tax- Mr. Wa~hington, ,were dinner payer so elects_ Until the Attorney guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. 1I. General will have given some opin- Allen on Sunday. ions On the operation of this law', MI'tI. D. C. Ri dge, Mrs, O. M. no definite information. can be Ridge, Mrs. D. R. Smith and Mrs given as to just how the ten pay- E. W, Hopkins were Dayton !Visi ments will be made. tors, Thursday. Under Senate Bill No. 959 those who ow delinquent ~es ma.y 'M~_ and Mrs. Bedford Stricklin bave the ~na1ties, interest and of Middletown, weI dinner gu ets Ilharge8 remitted provided the of Mr. and Mrs. Robert . Baker, taxes and allSessments are paid in Sunday . . full together wit.h the current inMi ses Revs and Irma Stump, stallrn en t of taxes. The tax collection for the 'psst of Utica, were guest of Mr. and -year was 93% of the current 198t Mrs. W . .C. Tichenor, of. Hatveystaxes and t30/. of the delinquent burg, Tuesday. tax s. Mr . 'Maggie Burnet has returnThe delinquent taxes in Wanen ed home after spending se veral ,county are now only aboot 1-3 of w eks in Bellbrook. one per cent of th~ duplicate. .-. Mrs. Ethan Crane and little daughter, Nancy, spent WednesdaYi in Dayton.





The Miami Gazette



























lire. F c1


; ll"d~'t'~~lil

Henderson. eOl\taine. potawe.

uletide Greetings To Patrons

Waynesville Merchants· Extend CHRI S TMAS


A 1(1nd remem r anee a nd vc.ry best ",Isbes for a

!\fay Ui& gods of joy, bBppln 118, 8iuC!eess and suns hi ne cOJne to you with the dawn of this


Me rry

Day, and

hrl~tmll !'

lind n Happy No, Y ar

r mai n t.hrough out 10;3 6

Wallace's IGA Stores

D. R. Smith

Jeff Smith

" Aa I am r tiriog fl'om bu ~ine8 s the fir t o;f the y ar ,it is with g rnUtu de fOT pa. t patronage. thilt. I xlcnd Lo all my friends ~t wishes for a 1\1 n y hrist mas aod II HIIPPY alld P cosperous Nil\\'

, Wi hing yo u a Chri stmas 01

f;i nc('ce good \vi hes tor yo ur b app!nt'&3

Cht'er an d n New Year fil1ed


with happine


th ill

hri tmu ' caSQn and lhroug}lout; the Comiru: Year


Walter Underwood

Y t 8t',

LeMay--.Hawke Agency

Waynesville National Bank

J. C. Hawke


---~--------~--------~----.-.----------~~~-.---~" ~----------------...~ CHRISTMAS May Christmas bring you great Happiness and t"he N ew YE$r fulfill you r fondes t hope and g ood h ealth

Wishing you ihe good old wish A Keny Ohrjstmaa IIo1Id A s.ppy New Year






c. Lee Hawke

and n lIapvy New Year

. 0

hr iamns will be a happy one, and t hat Health, nd Wealth will b com in~

~rom's Service St~tion

et. . The spirit of the sea. on brin s t o us re naw

.wi hes

,apprC!ciolion of

t ings a nd Best

to you to r

a nd tb

hris t mas

Coming Year

A H appy New Year

W. H. Madden & Company



H art.iest Gr

Chr istmas Greetings

b e h appy Bnd suecess at.te.nd your New Yellr.

Quick Cleaners

yours thro ugh out Lhe

Jiin Lovely

old associates alld of the value of n w friend s. May yo ur Christmas

N ew ¥ ear of abundant Happiness


l:Jtlppine s, Pro perit y

The good will of out patro ns and friend s is a nI; of our rno t valuable


Chri.s tmaa and Best W isbes 10r a



Just a sprig of holly, A kindJy mes age penn~, To make your Christmas jolly" To re mind you we are frien ds

Waynesville Drug Store

Greetin jfs



Rogers It. Simpson

L. H . Gordon

Ford,Sale. and Serwice


, l' .

Ther e is no gr eeting So f ull ~ f Good Cheer

With Cordial Greetings for a

Wishing you a , Christmas of


enect and a New Year filled




-prosperoQs New Year

ns t he old Merry

hril!tmas and

Sappy New Year


To wish you a

mas Cheer I With Happiness

Christmas and a Bright and

throughout the year

with Happinefls

Peck's Food Shop

Christmas Greetings I Christ-


Men y

Happy New Year

Kroger , G~ocery & Baking Company

Coyle's Meat Market



~==============~·=========r====~==============~====================T==~e==~===========~=====r===. ========~==============~? ., -Beech ' Grove ,their aunt Alice who is vey and Christine Fa irchild, w~re Thompson, Frances . Ghehow~tb, ' . quite poorly at her hQJlle. in shopping in Xenia Monday after- Jallon Biddlecum, John WnHaWlI, Jake Chenoweth and K. E. Thoml' noon. Mr. and 1of-;;;.--st;;iey Gray and Clarksville. daughten C •. udia and Josephine, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Rich, Mr. and Mrs. (llarence Thomp- son attended church at Ogden, of W ellman& spent Sunday with c1aughter, Mary Jo, George Har- son, Beatrice TholTlPsof], Mary K. Sunday evening. Ed. and Alf Jor dan, :Mrl!. ~i1lie Vil,l ar8 and Miss ~nnlab Jord~n and Ross Villars were slhopping in L ebanon Sat ur day' a.ftel'noon. Ber tie Jordan Watson died · in Sprhlgfleld, Ohio. Funeral services were held Wednesday aftern,oon in ClarkSville. Mr. ~ind!ley' 'Volers ' remains about the I18m~. Mt'II. Perry vi ellll and daughter Marie are getting along 'aa weH a s eoul~ be expected. Mr!!. Mabel\ Terry of Columbu!! ,and Orlando , BranlllLll, of Xenia, "pent SUlIday wlth ' ttleir home folKII here. . Rufl18 Roberts III qu:lt eaick at his home near Klnpnatl . . C~~et)c8 Thompllon nnd family were in Wllrnington Saturday



. . ----_+--.---

Miami Gazette For ~ Year•

The ' Miami Gazette to



for .C hristmas



1111111 111n • i_ .... " . . . 1; ~--~ ..r~".i~~. ....... ....,_ a.

........... .., ............... ~




NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Carol 0tI.. ..... .. 1'.' Ent .... d at Po.tottle. at Wa,. .... · F.I' at(o nr MMI'JI.'l:tll~r lIeceaBed , ""................ ..... • ,,111 •. OhIo••• ,,('''04 CI ••• 11.11 (Nott>- . tutll'ntf' ill The H. A. 1. t1I1K~ for th l\h'U" ,I Saltlerl,"•• Prlc•• '1.10 • Year . MaUer What w. Hop. 8&11.1. CI.". .h ishn y ,mel 111 u~il' 111'1 • fltiC£' i.' h~I'I'IJ'y ItIVeH that lil n j,·t cnu reb met al the hllllr I'f ~Il'. Briec. Tbe Senior. clasac. hav been writin~ the hh· and if!'. L Ui8 Sn cl on la~1. Ttlc~, G('OI'~~ 'k 'jun' wt)o Po t Oftlca u~'n 'ville, Ohio, ba. John Kellner-a needle and tory of the carol. Th{!o Qne that day evening' and enjoyed a pleas· addr "81' i DECEMBER 19, 1985 thread. follows repre ents the type of Re.l E.tat. Traotfer, ant evening. Afte a short business been duly D,ppoinlcd aPi E (!CU~ol' CedI BaTtman eonleone to work being done. and was wri t· Oscal' Chilton an"<! ~iary E. Chil meeting and lection of o ffic Cl'S of the Bstat(' tit Maud Fet.ter lat.& answer to 'his "Yes, dear." ten by Marjorie Enl'nhart.) ton to The People' Building Lonn for the ensuing year, an interest- of Wutt' n oUllty. Ohio, dec &;ed. FACTS AND .THEOltIES OFTEN CLASH DaHd lhl th un of Decelnber Vincent Griffy-weather warm The carol i5 II !long of pralRe and aving Co.. 'eal e wte in ing proglam '" as J/i\'en and 1'· to lilt! L01'd at Chri:-lmn9 01' I arcl'(!I'1\: townFhip. rl'~,' llm ilL wet 111.'1' 1.0(1. TIll' J an· 1936. During the laat yoara we haVe heard much of the ~o.called enough to make his COl' go. Ellen Guy- a nice, n w town. East r time. The II ill' W UI ed n The P opl~s' Building Lonll and uary 1l1,'cting will be held at the • Donald Onntu h. l y. "n6w economiA! ". Thl/:! economic , which beal''' little j'csembla'nce to RALrn IT. REY, Earl Conner-a trial halancG arol a far hack 111-1 tWf) thou.lln<1 Saving o. to tount \' ern n and home of thl! Im~se!l laudill. antl that developed by great. thinkers of the pa t, baS ~ain?<\ a ljlrge m~!!­ Judge of. lw Prohnte om+, yCllr~ Ii roo }.f"lIt 1\11 'the enrol,; Roxie l'hi11ip!\ l' ' a1 estill.(!o in loal' JaM phinc GI·ay. ur~ of public attention-and perhaps a large pubhc f~lIowinlt, by that balanQes. Bnrbat'a Gray- a pl'omieo not were· Ilccompnni(.r] by f'ome Idnll en'cll: to\\'1I hip. Dr. lid 'I r. ,F;. gle hee tI12·1!!-26 \i Ol'r 11 Count)', Ohio. Pl'omisi ng evel'yor\e 1l1most ~verything tl1at they can pOSSIbly des ire. to have seven yoa~ Qt bad luck. of uancing. harle It lind t,!\ul'n Btmner and Rev. L. ,It'. Willialll~ nlul wHo til a rec nt address, Charlea R. Gay. President of the No.w YO,l'k Jane Couk- a f W mOTc snores. Some II lit!vc that lhl' first to Alic 1~. Bel'gholt 107.25 'lel·l'S ()f Spl'inl; Vaile" \' i 'it d Mrs, E. St.>ck Exchange. look d at economics with the ~yes, not of a VIsionary Ruth ' ali. bUI'y-n cap, alld car I. "GI'ria in Exc('Li$, in 'all!m township. Wiley a /I tuuercuhu' tlun il<,l'iunl ' theoretician, but' of a business man. And. in part. he said: ".A 11 of us sung by the ' nTlftl,1. 10 he Ji'raok '. 0 ·lrich and F.IIlma nea,' billi~oth(' n·Cl'Tltl~'. .It·. face OU'T daily routine in two capacities. We are both hoa~'der and gown. France~ Ellis-a nic e mirror. c nlury. It is rccoro(ld in Luk Ot'lricb to Slllnu,,1 S. Tn, ma~ roal Wiley will be rl.memb ~ r · 11 ao; thl' Rpe nd r; COnsunl~r and pr oducer; employ r and employe; 'buY' r a~d Mary Billion- many rides in a II. 13·14 that th ling 11> r ('st!llt. ill Wa"hingtol1 lm\ n. hip. widow of H(!v. Will'y who Wa~ n sell r; tax payer and ta.x beT\eftciory. None of Ull ~r(Jspe rs by ?lCercllI' the birth (If lh .. Sllvillr to the Bowanl fl. Sn~)) anti Luq' F. few yt'nr :lgo the milli~t"I' f.r th J ing just one of tlleIJe dual functions, but by balancmg pne IIoglllnBt the n w roadster. Ir ne Peters-:- Ollie beat, so she sh phel'd!! nelli' RC!th ld ,01. It i~ nell to R. Mllrcellll . Waltlll' r in· ~~elh otli~ ('hUl'l'h h'r . other. , "THE HOME OF GIFTS" will not loe so ·cold to p ople. probable lhat tho la t r \\' Il" .lh~ lot!! os. 2 II lind 300 in ~1nson. Th 1.nd ies· ill hl'ld un all <IllY " When the n ew economists approaA!bed tbe problem of the de· Je~n Furna -~o me new short b ginning of th a\'O\. '. V. S a 1'1<. deccnsed. to :Ella meeti ng at the nit! l '()O m nn lru t pression. and &Ought a solution •.. ;theJ' mllde t he mistak of believing hand L~banon~ Ohio ch.aracters. own throtlv; h Lho a~c,~ LhCl ~ QI'!1 and Harry ~C4\'S 2.50 aer~ W e "n ~'day "ith .\lr~. L. r . that stimuli which produce a given set of' results when one set of J ennette Wilson-a prize caml!! have withst()od aU attempts Itl Harlan lnwnshlp. William, or Spr inll; Illltcy as the . human charaet r isticq is in the . ascendancy, would produc ~ the Samo \\'1II.tlll<c her on a long tour. EXPERT WATCH to destroy' them. During the pN·. LoIQ. M: ,lin Veer. et a1, to {(ltest of hono r. J1 {' njo~/C'rI thl' rcsulh when the OPPIl$iLe set is in the Il!lc~ndal).cy. It requll'es onlY a REPA IRING Robel't Ail n- I,ln a larm clock s cution 0 fthe srist-ians in The !lotI 11'\1 ~ alley h~utauqun (lay very rnuch . moment'lil thovght: to realize t hat thi~ is not tpe When a. manu· to get him to chool on time. Rome. efforts to d :troy hYll1ns 6. 5 acl' m Franklin to, n hlp. Th~ tJlnmunity lub he ld thri ·· Using Only Genuine Malerial, facurer is working his plant :fuJI tlmEl and ~ar~m~ p~Ofit~, he. ~a ll ¥arjorie Enrnhartr-a week's and carol ably encouraged them. llany • ellIS t.> Ella ~ars 2.5 0 l' gulal" meeting on l(l ~ t W,.c!IlC .• ' l'(ladily advance his selling price, if such ndvance 1 Justified bl' 1' 1 mg lledect attendance at school In the ' early enturies, cnrols acre!; ill Harlan towDs.hlp. r\ay ni 'ht wilh th lion I.. T. Prompt Service costs and a vigorous demand for his product. Und<"r these conditions Ann rane--some wool socks were little l' corded, bo'v. Irene Berger to E~ lC L lIar- Ma.rflhall of X nia a~ th o t<p'lIk t the high r price is not likely to reduce his volume of $ales. But when to keep ber feet warm. Storo open until 0 p. m. ever boLh the cal'ol and folk~ dart inlot o. Gil in Snidercrest of the ev('ninjt. , that same manufa.cturer is running bal:t:-time. and at a los!!\, the re'llllt Phyllis 011 tt-a jumping jack l>ongs were kept alive by the ubdiviaion. 1\11'. L. Vain' st ill l'llIllain !4 quit. will be v r y differ nt if he is forced by some outside agency in raise to keep her company. various hribaR. E.'pecially In Eng. e\\l 'York Lifo Insurance '0 . Lo eick his prices. Hi.& volume of sal es will im~edi~t~l>: d~~lll1 e . his S!! In· Roth Lflrrick- II "rcl~on" for land the hri tmss carols ' wel'C Phillip M. Bratten 24 acres ill Ml's. Jo nuvi had tor llIi;f'lr. ereaao, and his ability to employ labor WIll dlmlmsh. evetything. . 1'1\0 ~ pl'omin pnt. al'ol !; in~(!I:S \Va. hin~lcllI toV\·nship. . tun of l.ol'enkin!t a l'i1, ri nd f1'/lc tu r There js the baaic JI,IIIIlCY of l he kind of econohlics w~ioh att-empts KlIt~l'yn Smit.h-enough luek to paradod th e stl'eet~. ~ lopp:jng at lata F .. nnd Ray L. He:rl~k to ing anuth I' at. tho htl:lwl bull As" f or a the diffel' nt houses to ing. Great. Ruth HCl'I1ck l'~al tate In L b- gnlllCo on In . t )o~riduy .' \, ning. I to " spend t he J\~lion int1) l'ecov I'y.:, and attempts to ~ e~l~v e bpsiness h e Jp ho r be another Kalil> Smith. Donald Foulks-a few more foasts !lllel gay parUes always had anon. Hul·.... eysbu)·g b.,ys .,lay!!,1 , Miamisbur g Permanent . t1Ibllity by tiat, l'estrl'Clive legislatton 01' 6th r a rtlfi<)Iahtles. It !lIay Q ski! La mov . thElil' buekgro\tTld or singing earo la Robert Hani. on to Alfred Kcn- JIla ~oTi on . Imn F!'iday C'v()ning ant! ou nd good- but it won'~ work. Concrete Charles James-a permanent Today. many of th old Clllstoms red lind F 1'ris Robin son inlot No. it WIIS ne Q r lh' he:<t g'lImos I) smile. of ciu'ol singjng and gay pal·ties on 24.3 in Franklin. th' eason. Th ~(I fl! 01' the firs~ Air Seal Burial Vault Edna Mae Staup-many more hrlstmas E'V and Chl'istn;lIis Day team was 37 to 23 Rnc! that (If III • F or Salo only by lOy OllDg" bours in h er l'~ b ~ ve d •' Ma.rriaae Lic.enaea h e, al'e 8t'II lose. juniol' high game l7 tu n' in ur Robel.t Thomas-some more The vlIrols' great at vll.IUle lies Ernc!'t Ward, laborer of Frank. . h' ·h ' lin ami Mr . Bes ie Myers, house . favor. ' figll res fo\: bookeeping. in t Ile outburst of JOy W lch t ey M sdamcs Edith Luken. an 1 Your Funeral Director . II t " a d old keeper of Pranklin. .!!:-.=====.=. daughte r, .1at' y al'olyn. Bl'rd Cl J ames. beets-that permnnen t b ring ann ua yo youn.. ,n 8 :05 :00 K Music . H E E . Herbert-Ho over expl·essi on. alike. J d d "f W'II' I McClure Funeral Home eeping hristmas in Ohio a Cent ury Ago ........ . .. . • swme Billa Allowed or an an "r,;. I I m ' n ant liang


Ca ry 'sJeweIry Shop


Farm lvight 7 a lit s, December 23



WaYIle,,,,me, O. Servjce theStation t were shopping In Day" sMaso a n" n oiluper furnIshed Dog daught ton on Satllrday. Phone 7 Po .. Warden. $30.42; Ohio PQ:niLen1.i. Th WOnl!).n' !! ivic Lcngu ' m t !-------------~ 88:.~00 ~~~Ic RepoTt on 1935 Crops ' ..... .. ,. .. ........._.. F'loyd DoLashmutt I U1'Y ~g; &. • al es Dept., 3.000 a t th ' home of Mrs. n. , . TUCK('f . h S b C J B P k Do'" Licen e tags $15.50'. takalia O Il atul'day evening with a1.lo t ea.n rop . • ar ,., t I 8 '.50 "" urrent Development in ,Utilizmg t e oy M M G I h Mfg. o. dog applicatiolls and twen y mem lel':I \lr ent. _-..,...,...,....,=="':;"'---,...,.,......,."...,.,.,..,.."" 9 :00 Ohild Care ............................ ·: ...... .. ........ rs. al'y llraug J ' eel'titicates f o\' Auditor, $67.40; After a. hol1; buineslIl'IleeUn g, !) ;10 Special Chl'istmas Music lIolthau Ttans})ortation 0., th plogrum eOn1mitl took 9:35 Natural Fol~ge for Christmas Decorations ..... ...... Don Busbey L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . . ; . - - - - - - - -- - - i'l'eight on Dog Tags. $76c; Hal" chlll·ge and a mo. t. intere ting pr • 9 :46 Joan and lerry Common Pleaa ProceediD.. Samu 1 FirJ)'lan G$llah r deceas. ley W. Drunk, xpe-n5.e month of gram con - i ling of game~ an<i ed, anel filed bond of $11,OOQ with NbvOmb 'r, 1935, $5.71; The IttuntR ,\as givOl'l and enjoyed by r.-.. In the mattcr of the transfer of sureti . Charles lL YQUnl~. Rob- Book Sh()p, carbQn, penholders ~\I1 • • ' mas ~ift~ IV reo (.I,·uwn un i funds of Deerfield to wnship, $1500 ert Moon~y and Harry l1tlurphy and ink, $1.36 i 'rhe Offiee auspd qui~(! a bit of excitement is to be tran ferred irom the Road were- appointed appraisers" Out'fitters. pencils for N . R. S. und fun. After this, l'cfrt.shmenL; Fund to the- General Fund. Thc fol1owin~ accounts wel'e 1111' om e, 55ci ReiS' , El ecll'ie hop. or candy. pop Cf)rn nel apple, In the ca of Sta nley Watkin$ proved, allowed and conlirmed by h Id r and shade. NRS office. $1. were' rv-ed. The .Tanuary moctin '~ versus Mary C. Wllt~ins the d~. th~ court. 7(); Ohio Ce-ntl'al Tel ,Ph ne Corp will hl)- held at the h ome of Mr~. 1 alJnT FOR AND CONSIGN fendll.nt Ijs granted 20 days to an· TenL and toll NRS o mc • ~16.50; W. W. Welch 00 the second aLur- four Ca~le, hoas. she ep and cal".. RO~Tt Haines, Murrel Thompson. awer or file other Mal'g~re t Le ook. guntdian of W. H. Wrigh~ Dist. Mgr., ltavel. dny v nil1g 0[ ' the mOlllh. to NOlTls-BJ;ock Ot. •• \l'ye wire aDd w.,-....m. Leae. Cl- Game and Harold Stroud i soft ball letIn the caSe of Gwelda Waites Benjamin F. L e, t: al. ThIrd. ing eX""'en e. $6.60,' David CarThe mnny fT\ nus of Robert pr"gressive firm f'lr' th& high ... At Morrow ... R b .. W B . tit' market pric II and good 8ernee. tets--Robert AlJ ell. Robert Haines veo us Vernie r... Wail:.(1s a divorce a er., . rown, execu or 0 penter, mileage of office Manager Sm!.th. will b~ glnd lo know that Union. Sto~" Yard,' Cinch...ati, O. The fi!tb game of the eason Charles Davis, Norman Meredith, wa granted the plaintiff'. th e estate of teph n C. JPhillips, ,15.60; lll\fl'Y Z. Gray, rent NRS he lS 1m rOVlng. Tune in on Radio Station WOKY proved to be too much for the Carl Cook, Vincent Grift'y. David 'I n the ca e of f1Ja rgilret Ander- decea9(;d. Second. . office during No~mber $5; K. L. Prof. L. A. Garst. of Waynes- 12 :25 too 12:30 p. m. for our aau,. local lads. Tbey couldn't seem to Bogel·. Charles B. Earnhart, son versu s Raymond Sperr, Inc.. B n C. Kelly, adminjstl'ator of Rorn, rent NRS office, $10; Zain "ille p ke at the Friends' hurcb market reports. get going agaiJUl~ the Morrow boys Albert Hawke, Robert Youn~. et al, jury was impaneled, swnn the estate of William J. Ayer , d· Armil4tgll. sand and gJ'av I, Fail' OJ) Sunday morning, ~~~=~=~===~~=~ their pas,ea wouldn't click and Earl Conner, J ohn Boger; cbeer· and affirmed 'a ccording to l ~w. . cea ed. Fit· t and final. Ground, $69.80; Lebanon FarThe ounty choruB und~r th In the caSe of Susan Brown E tell a Barnes. Ilxecutril( 01 the mers' COOPllrative, cement dil'ection ()f Mrs. Zane Mounts n· !.hey couldn't seem to hit the leader letter~Ruth Salisbury and I;lasket. However. even the best of Robert Haines. versus Wade S. Brown the defend· ,eslat of Josephine Bartl es. decea ' cOl,lrt house PTOj ct, lS.eO; W. t "tnlned a larg c~Qwd at lh _ • . teams have thetr off-days, Tbe ant is to pay $26 to James E. ed. Final. . Tu rton. cement--oourt. house Method; t chul'ch on last uJ:lday game was quite a thrilling one, the. Girl'. Athletic. Durke for attorney fees. Fred Kampf. executo1' o! the es project. 25; Zain ArmItage, sand evening with theil' music . It wa' , UC two teams were tledeeveral tirpe~ Th e gil'ls in the upper grades in t he matter of the appointment tate of MalOY E. Roover. ~Ieeensed and gral(~l-coul't hOlls project, greatly cnjoYI:l<l by all. At the hall the scor.e was 9 to 9 have started playing volley bali of Special Oounsel to assist the First a nd final. $ ... 3. 80; Blair & LeRoy, coal Mesars. Joe Davi and H. S. and In the fl.nal score tbe victors under the direction of MiQ Smith. Prosecuting Atlol'ney in eontest• Donald Dilatueh, ndn~ini tl'S- WPA sewing: project $3.25; Lewis Tucker transQct d busirt 'slI S.c.olld ende N... ing tbe con tituionality of House tor of the e wte of G (,rge W. Drake. In c., conL. WPA Sewing olum~uB on Saturday. led by only one point. }lill No. 40. commonly known as Nuss, d eas d, III d hiis fir t, pro)' ct, <:!6.5 fl ,' Lewi & Drake. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. McCarren Everyone is glad to see Mr . The Lawr nce-A1'mbrustet R oa d final and di t.ributivo accollnt. 'i' Wa,......i1.. B F P Int .• cement -v Fnir Grou llds. ~50 and M'lSB Rh ea spent l h c . back again . L ' to b 1... C 1' Davis ........... .. .............. " ..~ 0 8 Kersey '11 Tb d after d 'a brief b RefundIng . aw,,.~26 lS e pa id The Fidelity and CasuakJ' om The Ore ..onla Brid'"e Co.. blue weok-end , wi t'"" re]" swves. ness. e secon e ISCh' usyt to Honorah Ie C i1bert B ettman an d pany, . urety on uond of .,.."ma A • C~ . [Jdnt. sheet .. . John My rs, . Conner _" ............ " .. " .. 3 O 6' 1 'tt.. t' f grath' , . 0.50,' Mr. an d Mrs. CI y d c L eVlcy cnWill prepara IOt11l or eu rls bl H L C t i l d N IJ' M 1 3 Griffy, .... ,,, ............. ...... .. 1 I Honora e . . onn a a re a n- Ruft'ner. guardian is 1'0 ease paYI'on, $U .. 20; John Barr, pay· te~taincd I Mrs. e le o).'gan &t~rth'IYai'e .. ,,,\........... 1 2 I 4 · mas en erta nment. ing fee as special counsel to a$8ist from further lillhili y. Th gU;Il\'- 1'011, $96.00~ Jobnson M.yers, pay. and Mr. and Its. ho. P<wt r· Third Grade Newl the Prosecuting Attorne y in con· dian filet! new bond with bUI'ety r II. $177.90; M. C. Foreman. lollugb lo dinner Of! Wedn s dal' Allen .... ,............. " ......... . 0 0 ' 0 Phone 78J - - Tbe third grade is com~letihg an testing the con titutionaJihy of and it wa approved. She iiI d IJuYl·(l Il. 334.40; Earl Ba;sore, cvonil)g. C hel' first accounl. . paYJ·oll. 85.60; V. M. A~mitnge, Mr. Tom Tuc1~ I' of n I' pring Total ; .... ........ ,....... ' '' ...... 9 3 21 IndJan project t his week. It is House Bill No. 40. F P compose(! o~ an Indian tepee. In1n the case of William Bowjnan J amelj E. M lure and Gad payroll. $80.36; J. t. Du nn. Vall y spent sev ral days of In t Morrow B 1 6 dian dolls; cartoes-, pottery, lIloe· versus Velma , Bowma.n a <livQrce McClure, exe utors of the estate erviee~ as mechanic; $112.40; week h ra vi:{iting with l'ela1:ive6 Brant ., .. ,.... " ..... ..... , ...... ' 2 3 9 casins, a be:acled bag. blankets, a was gran,t ed. , . of Mary B. McClllre, <ll cca~t,!d. The Lebanon Lumber Co., lumber ,a nd ftl hds. . Charlton .. .............. ,........ . ,3 o 2 hammock and aug-. ·· 'iOTARY PUBLIC In t he ca e of Union Joint Stock filed th it inv nto\·y'. lind paint. ~G2 . 13; Clayton lark. MI'. and Mrs. J. W. n II and , Kelly .. .. ......... ,,, ........ ,, ... .,, 1 2 " The Chevrolet has only three Land Bank. of Thltrolt, a corp., , In the matter of the. t tate of ' 22 fence postll. $3.2.5; ~. K. Sp n- Mr. and Mrs. Loui nell !Opent N.tio~al Baok Hofer .. ,....... ................... 1 o 2 mUes more to go and th~ Ply- versus At'thnr Neufal'tb, et aI, ~x· Oliver .Maud Lel'ch, <l cea ed, sale c r. sand and grav I. .$212.36; SundaJ' in Monterey. Corwin ....... . .... ............ 1 mouth has five mol'e to go in 9rder tension of time is given fQr premo 01 stock is ol'dered. Blair & LeRoy. grav I I,lnd ceme nt Mr. and Mrs. h". Goru tm . Willa Drawn . • E ..., •• S.ule.t to wiil the race ill spelling. i!les to be sold in foreclosure. In the matte r f lark Kelly, B $7 .u5; Zain Al'milag satld and Mrs. Laurll hidnk('r !lnd lh<l WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Totals ........... ............. .... 8 8 .. 22 In the ease of Frances L. Urban mino.r, the parent al'e.w acc,;pt gl'avel, ~344.66~ J. K. pencer. Miss 1\ Ev'a lyn M arl'en anll F_rth Grade N_ versus R. J. Meinburg, et al. a $25 10 settlem nt of claIm fOI" 10· llridgo plank lumber • .$71.45; The Anna MacDonnld were Dayton JaaM Hip CaIlD. Tbe pupils on honor roll in service by jlubllcations ~ndered. ·juries r ec ived in accident. Estcll e Lebanon Farm fS Coop. () .• vI itors Tuesday. FOR SALE DATES CALL The lunior H~b team won theiJ' spelling are: .AO.I.~!o!.!i.!,!!:--¥.U~!.!e.l·~~ In th e- case of New York Lile Kamm a nd S-ydn y Kamm a re l ' • cement, $49; W . H. Madd n ~ choo1 will c1os'~"":;'::''';''';'':'::~+4~f--_ third game in a t hrilling ,ame Irma .Fires. Mary Insurance 00. versu!! ,Adam D. leased fron\ :i\n'thel' liability'. 0., cement, lumloer and suppllcl3 aft 1'1100n -beginning against Morrow' with, two , over- Evelyn ThompBOIt. CaT}lenter, et aI , Paul F. Graham Tll will o:f g ()wilf/l W. Null, de . (i1.29 j T he O~ego.nia Br i«ge Q ., tb gym. A. vacation of two w ks .• tinieperipda. Th.elr game ended Grad. V-S«tiOA UI N_. T~eresa A. Grah8n;1 and Mark T. ce~sed; was ' admi~t.~d to l?l'obut. rClIf. Ste I. oxygen. nails, weldi ng ' will b e njored \Jy the cnchor~ wit b the SCOTe being 1S-11. We are working har d this Brown w r~ made partles defend. Tn!! estate of GeOl·ge N\lsn ~t,c I. $22.54; Ll!-wis & prake, a nd }luplls . ,:Miss Win ifl'ed .Mc _ _-'._ week with Qur lessons aud in ant and the plaintiff is granted . deceased. is. exempt fronlr Inhe'l'lt" c~ nlent. and t iLe. $13.10; Wai~s Elyree one of the ('fficiont teach· ~ leave to file supplemental petition ance tax. Gal"'g ' n, par.~, "4.90', "'he Sha i:tle el's a~d n~l' fnther will >lP nd tile I ... _ Coa•• ,. Ba,k.abeD Seen. makin" . A . J arne· ,The inventory of Lily , " " Machine "" 'P Co., ~rep' airs for holidays • • FI 'd 0 •ua ~our "liristmae pl'epara· In the ca lie 0 f Ma)·tm ",1. Egbert, & Bevis wilh l' lativ II In • on n. JESSE ~TANLEY . "'er ...... 0"'1. in the county tloll .. .c.vel'fone is anxioualy look di W'Ui >1 ' 1 M ' S LI tt d Ot,I I ...... ... i f d to ti son; ruar an, etc., venus I am <executrix of th e ·tate o.r •• a tel" hovel. $5.58; Th e Famous Auto Mr. and l·S . f t . . 0 e an Phone 320. New BUrlialtoa, OW. had 10m.. veQ good gamea lMt JIg ONar vaca on. BIIUerwQrtb approval of account J. Baker. deca'ed, was , p(Jl'oved week...ncL HuveJiburg downed ' Perfect apeUere for the past .",d dietrlbution of f unds was od,· Freda Lac-kens, xeC\itri& of the EARL KOOGLER Mason 87-28. Lebanon won an w••k ~ere: Ellzabeth Burnett. estate of Mary E, onley, ol!eeas· Qajtoa Phofte e:1tcitllll oventme ~1r01ll Ml~ K~nEltb Dakin. Donald Osbom, Lena Layt;it1 versus Andrew edt iiled h r 1lrst anA tinal aC' dletoW'ft 16-15. Franklin won over Anlenette Pe1)ce r Betty Jean Zapf. et al the SQuthern Ohio Lewi s Jaton flIed hi$ applica. KEnmor. 89S8 Monroe,' Bu~er ~tln\J, til a Tbmey ,aDd Billt Tlnlley. Savings Bank II: T~ust Co. ill ma~e tion fol' the apI) intment liS guar 1 <louble overtime 81·80. Otterbel~ V_ts...t Dep.rtllleaU Sta•• party defendant and .is gran~d dian 0 ,[ B ula h H. ~ Iaton. . , . Hom. lo.t to r.Uamiaburr llll.18. Ml..,"1 Sb_ five days within which to, flIt it$ The estate of ~{ertllan F. J ones. FrankUn defeated Weatebeltes TIla' vocatIonal answer and cross petition. decea$ed, is exempt fl'OlTI illh~rit26-1'l" apicultaH; home anee . .... ". H . . . Coala. eommentai--joilled in N_ Suit. L. S. ~hawhan wall lIppointed Saturdar, December 21 wUl be a mlutrel show Wedll..dal' . Fitzaerald versus ' Edna adJ)'linilltJ:ator of the es.tale of Morton'. Smoke Salt-·-large can 10 lbs. . . .... 90c FOR SALE the Home combl/r .ame 111 Way· Tbultlda, nights ot. lnt week. In- Fitzgenld for divollce. Oharge is Annie Crosso n and tiled bond of Small can, 34 oz . . .. . .... . . 23c nesville.There ~iU be , two ~ll 'te~ocutoH were Leo Conner~ et"Q!$ l1ea1ect of duty. $2000 wi th ~ureties. FOR. ~ ALE-36-lnch a~omobile Sausage Sealoning, can .... . ... ... . , ....... 25c gamee,cl... of 82 ~ elalll of 8~ Viola Campbell, Edna Mae Staup, Union Joint Stock Land Bank The inventol'Y of Mary . E. tl1l.nk, almost new, Will sell and this )"tar'. ~ .. elau . 0 ChriIltine ~cCI.ln. Do]orea Clark, verlu, William Joseph Carroll, eli O'Donn ell', execu tl'ix of the . cliate ll':,np. Henrietta McK~n 'ey, p,holle Allo for those who . u.e the old methods of; '3' and '86. Come out and root ,and ' J~e. ,Sheftl-. money, personal juqinent of William E. 'Donn ell" deceasi1ilH3t: d19 curinlJ. the beat flake salt per 100 lbs.. ...... $t.~0 for ,.Ollr e1aIII or Jour fav()rite End-men. .ere E"elyn Fum.., and eq\litable r~lef. cd, was apPt'oved. ' teaM. Jean !'urna.. \ lobn Weaver, Earl Eme~on G.yer ver8Ull lIaQ Irma T Shawhan administratrix fOR SALE or trade. fifty Have you leen the new impro-ved C~lon1al • Jlb..W. Wilm• . Smith. Robert Klinger , fo... , money. of the estate of Samuelll F\l~man . ions of al£nlia hay f'or shoats ' block.? Special price each, . ... 43(: or 3 for $1!.~5 . weighing about l()'O pound • J. D. a ............. A.....ltlJo Y01aq, Ro~ert · Thomas, IlUdred Frank 1». Hawn versus .Marie OaJlahcr. deeeascd. filed her i'llven Friday mornll\C, December 181 YQunc. ElI.II Guy, Earl Moran, Hawn for d~yoJ;ee.. Oliarge is rro.s tory. . " Bolin, WaYllesville ;R. :R. 2. Egg M. .h · (20 % Protein) per 100 lb•. '.. . $1 .95 ,the Sportamaoahip BrotherhOOd Hal'Old Stroud, Paul H90gb, Trea~ neglect of ' duty. . T~ estate oi C. V. ,ears, de· li'OR SALE-.Kileh n' cnbinet. InDairy Feed .( 16% Protein) per' 100 lb." .. ,.l.40 beld lID open meetine in the um· .. er Bardin, AlbeJot BII,wlte, Cluu'· Edith Din verlus William D. ceased was found to be exempt quire at,. GI,lZ tte officI.'. tl The meeti. . was .pened'lb, KfOuP leI Davil. Rarold Alldenon, Henry B.&i1 for dam.,M. Amount elaill1- from inheritance tax. . We do not add one pound of, acreenintll' to any singlD, led 117 111'. Praak. Devotl• .Purka. ·and Charlo Rorie. ed ill U6,600. LewJs laton was ,~)Jpo;nted F n SAt,E-Latl' model Heatrola of our feed I bpt u.e only the beat ingredients. COIDe ' ODa ",er. ltd '11)' mkabetla HobHt. &pedal 1Iumbed illclllded a Frances L. Urban venue B. J. guardian of Beulah H. Slaton. a in ,::ood cOlldi~ion . John B. GODII An entllu.t.UC"laIk waa Ilftll b, voaal 8010 br Lelfu Eamhart, a Jleinburc and IUlkllowlI belts and minor Ilnd fil d bon d of $1,000 and aee our feeda made. F'OR SALE- White sholf paper, Ml1dNd CGoIl Oil "Ru'" for 1010 b, Clark, .a 1010 by ck-riaee. of R. J. Keiuburr, dece.. with sureties. 10c pel' 10\1, at the Miami Sportmla1ll1llp." JIr. Lots p-.. a iIoher' YOIIIIC, a 11010 by lid. to quiet title. P. W. Totl'ick, ' lidmin' traWl' of Remember that when you buy our feeds you not MoTt talk ~ to Chr\atlltela S.Ida, an tutzwneDtal 101~ KariOD PalDaft "enue S. W_ the estate- of 'Wl1llington Wikoff, Guzette office. only secure the be.t feed it ia pOI.ible to produce. ..... and .taw boo.u1l8 tbJI Chatl. 1'IreI, a weal duet LoiIb 10l" . . . . .a Amoullt Is $1151 deceased, ftled hi!! fl,nt and. ftnal FOR SA.LEnsila.e ,1.16 p~r but you are al.o providin. a home market for the ft. aheer",4en P~ ,WUaoD • .. Ckaham venu.· Thoma. account. . ton. Dodds, RoxaDna aad W. . ...-loa Ih Q_ cia" br ...... ~ Oharlel E. Beam wall appointed graiJ~ ' ilrown in our own community. neMU. J'lan ts. ...t;f ~, ':"'e' .. in . ' ..... - - ..... • ...,. administrator of the eltate of fJUldw . . .... Emma N. Beam, deceued, and ftlPIPE, VALVES .......0111.. ScI_ . . . ed bond of ,2,600 with IUrette•• for Water, GM .. " Co E. Fox, A. T. La1eoek and W. and 8tJl'&Yln.r. Cilter." B. Marra), are the attorn.,..

8 '.15 ow ContentmAnt ~ Pay!! ...... , C. L. Blackman and T. S. F Sutton 8 :26 TUl'key Market ~ews .......... .... ..................... ....... C. M. erg-uson


__ . _.-. _U_Il _c,-.U . U_4__ ,_,_1__=

.---..'. School High Spots u__ __ H _ a _

,, _ P

_ ( ~_ .


_ U


U _U_




_ II _ . _~





Mar t.-n,





Or No Charge

Centerville, Ohio


N Ier y&Kioog



Butchering Time


'In the matter . "81'1ODo

~f the

..tate I&le


Waynesville farmers Ex. Co•

• uctloneers

CLASSifiED· ........••ADS. ~






H dia,

uppr Ut-t. (Table Imp ri,d nndlo (ltlng and .11(111 "'uV~'. tnlll nlod I) AI;o ruJl Jin (If lubt' and


I\U Jlpli


Stansberry Radio Shop W aier Street

WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH Rev. G. C. Dlbert, I'asto~ Sunday: Sunday school aL 9 :30 a. m, A t 10 :40 n. nl . a pecinl

hd ·ttn program will be a. f !low;;:


r~ nder­

PI'l'lud , ll~·mn.

",Joy io· The World,' 'by congregation. Prnye'r. with r po n~c by cho ir. nthem t Sht'pberas Hail lhe Wondrous Stranger. . Announcements.

As 1:uletid i\.

th~lJl k

thl'ough th

wi h you

you for the confidence shown'

pa t year.

to serve thi


we again

h t'i tmn~ and a 'pro perous N .w Y ar.

1\1 rrr

And w

draw near

ST. MARY'S CHURCH Rev. J . J. Schaetl'er. Rector Fourth Sunday in Advent, December 22, hurch eh Qol al. 9 :30; Morning Prayer IIn(1 sermon by the Rev. I'Ilr. Covell, of incin,nati, at ' 10 :30.

In 1936 we will. continue

comm unity un!)elfi hly and with the

ta tful . ympathy.

J. E. HoClare .1108.7

W.~.....III ••

ST. AUCUSTINECHURCH Father Newton, Pastor Mass at 5t. Augustin e's Chur(ih very 8 cond and fourth Sundny f the month.



"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!!"I -


If you feel a .udden breeze Chri.tmas mom, don't be lurprjaed, Dad, That was your boy ruabiD. by to .et hi. hand. on that· Bicycle Santa left for him. E.pecially if it'. a .

Golden Eagle Bicycle

FRIENDS MEETING First-day School at 9 :30 a. m. He&tlng fQr Wonbip at 10 :80 PI.

A Bike

The Bike with the Patented Five Tumbler Lock i. every boy'. favorite. Black and White Enameled frame. Chl'omeplated handle bars aneJ R·m.; Balloon Tb·e. Coa.ter Brake, etc. .

FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Carl Smith, Min!aler Sunday School 9 :30 a. m. Communion 10:45 a. m• . Sermon 11 IIL.-in., -----.. ~.

and up


Fairley Hardware & Implement Stores

COLUMBUS - Articles of in· corporation of the Oliio Government Survey have been filed with the corporation divisi.on of the ·Department of State, .it was anState nounced by ·Secretary George S. My ers. The survey was iltarte.d early this year und er the direction of CoI.C. O. Sherrill,





ILLING. ~~~fu~







_ 1 _ ........

This N.ewsp ·aper . A t Reduc ed Pric e ' an offer .will appeal to all-American HER~iS' , Bor Magazi?e a~d tbis ~ew$pa~er at a special

rombmatton b'1rgam price. ,T he Amencan Boy is the ,favorite magaune Q..f more. than 500,000 boys and

young men. Its fictton ca~nes boys on the wings of adventure to a ll parts of the world. Its sports articles by famoUs coaches ;Iud athleies a~ studied by cham.

pions, Here you will find the fin~t./itories on sports,

aviation, busin~, school activities, bumor, and travel, Even at in regular price of $1.00,(a year, The. American Boy i. considered a bargam. But now you may

obtain it and this newspaper •• •••


Jane Thomas

Nearly GOO wOl'ke-l'S 81.'e -cmplpyed an th 25 WPA proje ts no under way in al'len county. act'ordlnA' to a report t(lduy by Or. Cal'! Wutson, Ohio WJ>A dil'ect r. Th .. figllres how 581 m cn At work On rw. projl'ei.s in this county.

Beginners Advanced Term Starlina- Jan. 3 & 4--10 le..on. $2.25 For Information Call' Mrs. P. Boorom. R. R. 3 Waynesville, Phone Bellbrook 6X2



The Following Stores Will doae all day Christmas and New Yeara Day. Theee store I will be open Monday and Tuesda:y nights before Christmas Day and Monday and Tueaday nights before New Year. Day.


Kroger Grocery IGA ' Grocery


Late ClasSified Ads'.

A & P


A total of 41,2GO lOlore new pas. FOR RENT- Four roo ms with electrie ligh, city water, senger cars we,!! license d in Ohio during thG fi rat six lrllonth s of the garage,' and !'lOW try hous. .Mrs. · di9 current y ar tban ~n the same Emma H milton. p eriod of 19 34, according to ==~====:-::=====:' Registrar Frank Wellt of the state NOTICE burQau of motor vehicles. The ix months' increa. & in l~ll !lllto~otive units which include billie. , truck. No hunting or trespLtSsing on • • • •_ . . .!IJI!III• • •IIiIliii. . . . . . . . .IIiI......... and tI'ai)oTS, totale~1 63,233 and my farm day or night. bool;;t d the bure/lU'S' l' ceipts CBAS • .R. FRAZIER $1 (163,951 to a t c,tal of $19, 322,355 for the p dod . ¥J'. West No hunting 0)' trespassing on ~ said that tho marked increase in n w automoti ve rel~istrati ons is the farm known a s the Burton indicative of improyed financial Earnhart farm, day or niltht. BOLIN & SLOAN conditions in Ohio. The November and Decem ber registt:ationll will be ex ceptio nally high QSI the result of I t he intro(luction of 1936 motor vehicles in Novemb r irutead of after th o firs t of thEI year as had I ~ been the custom in t he pa t, it i

. Smith's Grocery Myer Hyman Store


.S Theater

1----------' T I ---"11



on relief in Ohi o raisproduct"1 valued at '1, 00,000 in 98,000 relief gardens last su mmer, it was announced by W. L. Allen, sUpervisor of garden 'Projects ulnder Ohio's Federal Em ergency He Uef Administl·at ion. MOI'e than 400,000 men, Familie

ed garden

of produce was raIsed for. every dollar , pent f (ll: renta l of groun.d lind neceS8 y incid entals. An Illcomplete ! port . ~n the vegetable and frUIt ca~nmg p~o­ ~ra~ conducted for loe.bef famlhes mdlcates that approxlm~tely 15 OOO,QOO qual'ts have been canned.

- - --

- -



Hall'Vey Burnet, attended the Wayn,c Township Farmer' Club, . Thursday, at the hom e. of MI'. and Mrs. W. A. Swart zel ·n car Waynesville. Th e meeting at Lytle church closed Sunday eveninl~ after being in progress t wo wee~; . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whitaker and eon, Richard were Dayton shoppers Saturday. Mrs. Meta Rogers was a dinn er guest Sunday at the home of her Sister, . Mrs. Trilla Fa,rctuar n ear

Wayne.vIDe. o.



Cigar. 25 s lOc· ... . .. . ... ... .. -.. . . . ~ . . $2.26 '

Ju.tice of the Range

Bill Fold • . ........... ........ . . ...... $1.00


parents Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Leam Harry Grabam spent Tbursday in , Dayton. .MI". and Mrs. Rhoades Bunnell ~ev. C, M. Coullter, district. were Dayton sboppers on Wednes- nt, of DaYton preachds'Y 01 last week. ' ed at Lytle Church Sunday morn· Mrs. Ella Haines, Homer Haines ing and conduc~d thj~ Quarterly and :tllmily autoed to Conference afterwat"d. Several and visited Mr. and Mi'e. Charley members frOm Red Lion and Maddox on Sunday. Springboro churches attended. lir. and Mrs. ·Walte? WillOD Mrs. Allee Clark elljtertAlned to called On their daughter, BIn. Paal dinner Sunday her l.rotber and Peterson one ev~nillg lut week. ~e, Mr. and M~ Mason of Mr. and Mrs. Raleia'h MalOn and Mr. and Calvin were dinner lUaata of Lonpcre and Virro, ll.illll and famUy &aDda7. Norma and Mrs. Grace Fum.. and Some 01 the Robert visited On Wedn. . .,. from bere Monda 7 Raymond WUaon'L B. lin. Mr. Donald BalnN, lira. Ladonna Sinclair and Mr. and WiUiam Smith called on Doran in Dafton TueadaJ tmtllll.1 Some ol.olll' people ......u.

(ic . • ...•.•..• .. .....•..•. $1.16



CBrtoon-June Bride Comed y- Dam e Shy


Setl .. . .......... .... .. ..... ,$1.60

Cigarette., Carton ... , .. .. . ....... '.' ... $1.40 Shavi~m Seta .... .. ............. . 890 to $1.86


Candy, 'rIl-Ib. to5-lbs. . ...... , .... 250 to $1.'75 Plenty of Other Gift. Chri.tmas C.r~. Aplenty ,


Gay Deception

Waynesville Drug Store

Fox News and Comed}, Two Shows-6:30 & 8:00 p. m. ADM. 10c- 15c

Phone 120


Wayne.",iIIe. Ohio

..........~_ .


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . , --.:-#

AhOY,8Jl ' d'Me.... "una M...!..&-_;' U_ • - .• t .......,DU'.IDdMrs · · • IUD.enca. '


Ridgeville . . Mrs. S. H. B~rnett spent w.eek with Jler 'paren1ts, Mr. a.nd Mrs. MarcellUS Thaek4!ra in Spring Mr. and Mrs. Clemellt Brown ' boro, helping care fOl; h er father, af Wilmington were ente.rtained who bas been ' very ill, but is some to dinner in t he' Antram home what improved at thii3 time . Sund ay evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wharton Mr. and Mrs. William Smith anel their guest, Miss Rose Scball spent th e week-end at the home ot of Dayton, visited friends in Mr. a nd Mrs. Horace Compton in Hamilton, Sunday. New BurHngton. Mrs. Kesler Graham, MI'. and Mr. and ' Mrs. Frank Compton Mrs. Thede l ones and son, Mr!!. were Sunday dinner gues.t s of her Alice Clark, lira. J. B.. Jones, Mrs. ing.


DA N C I N·Q Tau,Jat by

aiVil :; I'vice comrl1i 'sion ' .!Iinee tht' nciministrlllion (If Senathr Yle I nnhey liS govcl'nm', Was r ·appOint II Il nlOmbcr of the commis~io n last week by GC;YC1'nOl' MAl'lin L. Onv y. :Mr. En'lmonH :>('1'1'('(1 untlel' the adlllin\stratHms oC Friends' Home New : overnor Myers 'I. ooper and !\Ir. F. . Wri~hl. of Miam Geor~1' Whit in a<ldition to that . hllitia, cull d on Mrs. Ada n. of cnalor Donahey. .J 'nk in ' Monday nitl'rnt>on. • • Mis. Illra Lilc was in Lebanon The state slIle tlllX in it Corty dne~day afternoon in oOlpan y five "ceks of opt'l'lIlion thr<'llgh o cembn 7 pl'oyided anct rev nlle with i\fhl J:[ ' nricltu MeKinsey. 1,'1\. Jrowell Pierce wns, shopof '41,53·J.a , acc ordin.g to Slate 'l'r 118Urel' Harry Day, ping in Dnyton on Tuesday. Mi ~s lara Lile atw.llded the The lVeek ending December 7 produced $90 t.l G9. Thl'ough th(\ fUllel'lll of her cl1u;;in, Mr. Alva St hl'i tma" ;hopping I es Oil th tal( John t i t Pnint el'!\villo, on Monday. Mr . Louie 'eltlemyel', of L bis c peCled \0 show . a mal ria.! gain, (lstil1lutoo at ,$1,000 .0 00 a 1111011, vi.ited her mother, Ml'!!. ickle~on, on 'l'u el<day. week O( mote. A heavy incI'ea se Fl'lmce MI'. and Ml'!:l. Robert ttlemyer in til(> lJCJ'C Mage of vendqrs who apt! "chiseling" in the collection of and son J ohn Baylis, clIlIed Iln the tax: has b Il r rJ()rteu to th o 'theil' g l'andmothel', irs. Frances icklo80n Sunday. Rp inl cnate lax cOlllmitt in i rs. Howell Pierce and Mrs. recent weeks. Ada J nkins we,e businea visi.. Dircctor Earl 11. Haneneld of tors in Wil mington touay. the State Department of Agricul. ture an nounced that an attempt is TRY binI( mude to stage the Ohio state fail' for l!13G 0 that it will not OUR CLASSIFIED CCl.UMN5 co nflict with any indepenq nt or ....~~~-'!"~---~ -.!~ ~ollnty fair in the stace. Se retal'I S oi mailer fairs have been reo que led tIJ arrange dates so that the), will not fall between Augu t 24 and 29. which w ill be the FOR RENT period of the state f ·a h·.

li~s~su;ernd~~~li6~lrorea~~~~~~~~~~~~ .

R. Niven -and Fowler M. Columbus, and Lyman L. Rill of Day~on, the, purpo,s es of !he new corporation were listed "to gate, examine and su)!vey govern· ment in Oh'io; to develop a high degree of government efficiency; to work for the elemination of any unnecessary or undesirable fee.tures of government involving public expen.d iture; to strive for efficient ahd economica l methods


Send Your Order To


R o('h(.' l er, chairman of the still

School Christmas will be at thG evening. Smith and brother state Herman were Lebanon visiton



Both One Year For




Cincinnati bu s inessexecutive, civic leader and former city The .Sunday manage~, with the objective of entertainme,n t • . f church Sunday promoting addltiQnal b~smess e Miss Velma

Wayneaville 1936 HilIaboro,Lynchburg. Sabiaa

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

gCJ1('tlll pur II ami in the' 581 EMPLOYED ON . people of LOCAL WPA WORK

• •



wn to Ill' held in till' '1'0\\ n. hin mllY hl}us ' F rillny evening, 1111S IiN'n tle. irabl(l in po- tl)(lncd. t'l'

n FADM .- THE NE lliS ·HID STAlE CAPITOL ~~~:e~ea;~rdee:~~~:~rlyb$~~~~~~ O I sef"



•• •

Not A Denomination

WAY CH OF CHRIST SundllY, Decemb er 22, Bible school 9 :30. Lesson text, Malaohi Foretells a New Day- Malachi 1 :1-4 :16. Leeso n thought, Joy to the World I the Lord is com ; L to earth receive hel' K lng:. " Lord's Supper ]0:30. Spetinl ~ristm~s music and program f01' t h childre n. Distribution of Christmas treat. Christian Endeavor, 6 :45 p. m. Christmas Pantom ime, "In the town of B ethlehem, ~ ' 7 :30. W edne day night, prayer ervice and bible. study, 7 :30; Choir practice, 8 :30.

"Oil" •••

TOWNSEND MEETINC POSTPONED HERE Tht· Tuwn. nil ml·l·tinl: which


Royd ll l'nd r. lin. Sell·I·t.ion - Mon'~ hOl·U . Jn ~1 1'l11l1t'ntnl Q~i\ltettc­ L(' In. .Jr., Vi"ian .('0 nn1.')' , onnt·r, Milo Harl. ck. 10- ". j1(ttlt the ight," Mrs. Morrill Fulk rbon. i\1I111.111 - " Wondt·ou t.a ," hair. 'cle titln- Ladies' Chorus. 801v--"And th r~ \I\' re h epb rds", Mr. Bu 8 II F'rank. "Bright StU! of Hope," Due MillsI'!. Vil'jtinia and Roma Hnrdin S lectlon- Instrull'\ ntal Quat'Lette. Anth m- " O Corne all ·Y FaithfUl," Cboir. F.pwprlh L ague at 6 :45 \'iith Virginia Hard in as 1 /loer. At 7 :30 p. m . the Childr e n'~ Christmas progl'am will be given. Monday: of official boal'd at 7 :30 p. m. The pl'ayer .~e ting for next week will be h eld Oil Tuesday at 7 :00 p. m. rather t han on Wednesday. Please notice thi chanj.,r-Q of time.

11 W

lind II' ("\ HII.}h .. 1'111" ~nl(· ill Rhlll., ;01 Utlswid; Itruliu. ~lIlwr lIt.t. ~lln nl 11I0,h,l; Hrllll",,\I('k


hl' th l • I·a~t"r. Anthtenl "Who tilvcl hoir, S"lll- ·'Th · Rudia nt Slllf," J\I



If rill•• .. 00.1 1'dlngll





I _


hty-Seventh Year , YOUNG-SEIBOLD

STRAW LOFT KEEPS Mise Beatrice Seibold, daughter NEW CENTURY CLUB of :M:r, and Mrs. J. F. Seibold, ot Mlltol) road 'and Ellleon Young, MET LAST fRIDAY HEN' HOUSE WARM son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Young. of Baltimore strei!t, MidThe New Century Club met !!xchanged the marriage ACCORDING TO REPORT' dletown F iday, December 20, at the home vows Saturday afternoon at ":30 L.

Bil Helj, in TIlrowinl Off ShI_p , In' E,l Production Durie. Cold SpeU. ' JmlUating poultry house with a straw loft is becoming quite C)ommon throughout Ohio, aecord ing to R. E. Cray. extcns\c)n poultry specialist at the O. '8. U. Cray reports that year after year he finds additional farmers witb poultry whQ tell him the .haw 10ft i nSlilation is a big aid in helpinlt' throw off slumps in egg produc tion during extremely cold spells. Tbes& farmers point out to him ' that the s traw 10ft eonstruction. is tlie least expensive of several sati$tactory ways of insulatml the hen house ceiling, peeaaae moat of the material used 18 generally available on the farm. Most of them construct a light frame o~ polee or of 1 by '2 OJ' • by 2 Inch lumber at head·room height in the poultry house, Co'ITtn: ing the frame work with wire ri tUng, then filling the 8paee between the false _c eiling and th~ 1'oof with straw. The more they get in the mote satisfactory the, find the Insulation. The straw Insulation does not add to the proQlem of poulti, mite and lice eonuol and- need not be changed each Y8l!1' unless e~ posed to an outbreak of a contlleious poultry di ease. Neither doel a straw lof,t control or aggravate damp'nes in the hen hou8c. The atraw lolt not only redue. the eubic air space but also reduces the amount of heat Ion through the roof, wbere tbe great. est amount of heat i8 otherwi.e lost. points out Cray. Settin, bundles of corn around the outside of the poultT}' house, male. for fUl;ther winter comfort of the hens, which means higber prodUCtion, h& adda. Regarding windows, the poultl'J specialist recommends that in cold weather they be kept closed as tightly as possible; opening tn milder weather, but not enou(l'b 80 th& drinking water will freeze. Re dispels any cause of :worry about the bens not getting enoagD 'air with the windows tightly dosed by stating tha~ tbe averag~ J,l0ultry house will have a complete change of ail' often enough, even with the windows cloae<l, to adequately take care of the birds.

o'clQck at the 'Broadway M. E. church. in Middletown. The Rev. Carroll H. Lewis was offiCiant. After the ceremony all. Informal reooption was held at the home of the bride's parents and a wedding dinner included 30 guests. After a bTtef honeymoon the couple will lie at bome at ~24 Ardmore drive. Middl&town.-Dayton Journa~. ,

.. ------


If-r. and ' Mrs. O. M. Ridge , we~e Ol\ristmas djnner guests of Mr. and ,Mr~ D. C. Ridge. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Frank are spending the holidays with reJa· tives in Cleve-land.



SEVERE BLIZZARD HilS TRANSIENT DIES In a ll1a'fket, supply anti A 900-pou nd nlf tol n ~~~n:it WAYNESVILLE; SEVERAL ftom the of Flnnk IN CO UNTY HOME . ~~l~~i~~~'~~\~:~~~~,P;~~:~ determine su pply. Many worth at Or Salu1!lny ni)!:ht who lesale mORt retail pTices cortli ng to the giving ·his name as rire administered rather than mat- ROADS ARE BLOCKlO umce. Dayton, dit'd lit ket prices. cov- ThoOlH Alth ugh t.he grllund ---- - --- Temperature el'ed with wert' no the Wall'en ounty Hom early

---_. - ...- - -




l'Ill'n 1Il1lIling~­ gOll ia to Il I·C P01·t




ARCHBISHOP Of YORK TO ADDRESS GiROlJP The Archbit;hop of lOl'k, P, imnte of England. amI Mrs. Tf'mple 1\i11 be the ~u ~fii of the Rt. R v. II my W. lI('I/.JIIO'Il, D. D., Bishop of Southel'n Oh iQ, ami Irs. Hob 'on, at th i1' home 1n ' iIlCillnali fut a hOl·t tim the arly part o~ January. A dinner in honol: of t il A r~h­ bishop and Mrs. Tempi \1 ill be glv n by Bi~ hop and MI'!;. Hob on at the Netherland Plaza Hot" l, Cin


A t l' an sj~n(

Dunn, of



Mrs. White's subjeet was "The Mi ~ion !;If Music" which ,proved very in8huctive~ Mrs, J,.cMay told in a most intereating way of "The Songs Wc Love to Sing." Mrs . . Martha Houg h ' varied the program with two readings which were enjoyed. During the social hour the hostess assisted by Mrs., L. 111. Henderson, Mrs. J. B. CbapDllln an.d Mrs. Peir~e sel'ved refreshments.



of Mrs. J. L. Mendenhall. n\)\~, there Twenty-two members responded trucks I adin~ to the barn II om to 1'011 eall with quotations from which I.ho culg vlln bh eI, it wa the Bible. stat d. The program committ;~, true to the better traditions of the club, themaelves gave the following discu~sions_

Whole Numb r 6201

DECEMflER 26, 1935

Plun ••• from 20 to 7 Dear.e. Within 30

:unday morn ing as the re sult of

xposur in the n(:ll l'-zt'l'O wealher of aturtI ~r. Dunn wa discover d Sulm'uny noon by Clar(IDce lIiI ~, Sr., ()f uth Ll'banon, at the dge or railrolld tracks Ilear Sout.h Lebanol'l. BOUI legs wel,-(> h·oxen. Dunn WIl. taken to t.h e Blair hospit nl in Leb~ nQn wher he ra lIi d lcn'lpornril y and W,IS then remo\rcd· to the Co unty Ho me. Th (mly information in addition t() his namt! thut the transient was able to give was that there hac! been two companions with him. No trace has been found of th em, howev r . It is believed that Dunn fell from a box car 0:0 the siding.



1\1I'S, R. Ii. Hal t~ocl; is cOllvaiescing from a severe attack of grip.

Mr, and Mrs. B. T. Vice spen t Christmas with relaliv(ls in Day· ton. Mr. and 1trrs. F. H. Fart hTistmas dinner guc ts of and Ml' . J. W. White.

w~ ..



Mrs. Cora Mney, of Xenia, is visiting Mr. and Mrs, Bert Hartso/:k.

harl es Buell, of X~nia, WilS calling, on (riends Itere Tuesday afternoon.

Winter, ~hieh tripped onto the holiday stage in a merry role earl, this weck to fulfi ll hopea lor a white Christmas, chahged character yestcl'day with a raging blizzard that blocked htgbw'Ws . , took a toll .l lif~ throlJa'hoo.t the nati on and plunged temperlltute$ to thil ze1'o mark. Thirty past the noon hour t he blIzzard came, hurling the tel\lpel'ature down to 7 de· gree-s by 1 o'clock. At 2 o'clock it \Va, 4 and at 3 o'clock an even zero was recorded. Botb the. and 5 o'clock readings wer~ 1 below but ' sho):tly afte-r dark the ' thermometer moderated. . 'hortly after the blitzard the lIun came out and shone bright. the · rest of the dny. 'rhe wll),d kep~ blowing, h owever, and blocked sev Tal Toads with BDO'" drifts in this vicinity. Throughout centra.l Obio, the new cold wave struck llUe the prea was enjoying tbe OOUl~ tive warmth of 26 degreee. WHlata an h ou ' the merCU1:Y drofjt4 to 10, fijl't d brieti.y w-th .ero .a th en continued downwal"d.

Today certain factions are subjecting the American Constitution E. V. Barnhart, of Cincinnati, to vigorious attack. They are sayMr. and ·Mr. L. H. Gordon was calling on Waynesville ing it ill outmoded and unable to 'Officials of tbe Franklin Na~ were hri stl)'laa dinn er guests ot friends, Tuesday. cope with m()dem conditions. And ional Bank and Warren county Mrs. Emma H. McClure. offi cials were unaW<: to identify 111'1. Myrtle Thomas and daugh- they are suggesting changes and Emmet Snyder, Saturday, at a Mr. and Mrs. Hartl 'J :Moss enter, Miss Charlottee. spent Christ- amendmen~ which, in some cases. wrtained relatives from Main ew0\61d amount t.o cqmplet!! elllascu Dayton Ky., hospital, as one of mas in Dayto~. lation of the rights and libertiers th e bandits who roboed th e i n~ ville on Cbri tmas. stitl,ltion Decembel' 5, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Thomas, of we now enjoy under, Const\tuMr, and Mrs. A. H. Stubbs arid The wounded man was found Dayton, were Sunday guests ot tional protectlon. lt is usually easier to criticize lying in a pool of "blood in the children w~re . Christmas guests Of Ill'. and Mrs. E. L. Thomas. , than tp defend. and the critics of corridor of the Dayton hospital, relatives in Dayton. Mrs. D. C. Ridge will be hoste 8 t~e Constitution have found many Saturday. H e ha d suffered a gunCharles W. Frye, spent Christto tbe membel'll of the "Argunot" listeners and not a f~w converts. shot wound in his chest. • bride club Friday afternoon. Lest we- ~orge~ th~ Virtues of the Snyder, how vel' was l ntativ Iy mas in Dayton', the gUCljt of MI;. e , Constitution, It might be well to identified as the bandit Who and Mrs. Glenn Frye. Kr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson, of recall these wordS, utered in 1878 held up two Schmidt drug COmMiss Velma Armitage of Spring- WAYNESVILLE M. E. cHuaCH Clnelan.d, wjll be holiday gu,ests by the &'1:eat English statesman, pany messengers in ayton Friof relatives ill Lebanon and Way- William Gladstone : "The Ameri· day morning and escaped with field; spent Christmas wit.h htc r Rev. G. C. Diberl, .,aat. ARCHBISHOP OF :YORK $5,000. Employes of the drug llarents, Mr. !lnd Mrs. V. M. nHville. can Conlltitution ill, So far a8 I Sunday: Sunday school at .:8 Armitage. can llee, the most wonderful work slore, who viewed th e wQunded a. m. ltlorniog worshiP at 10,.&" Mr. and M~8. William Thomas I eYer struck off at a given time by cinnati, at 7 p. nt " Janua.ry 2nd' l man, said they were "pr t ty sure" Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Henderson S rmon subject, A GOI!~1 tq . . and daughter, of Maineville, visit the braiD and purpose of man." The dlnn r i being given by I h e was th bandit, IIccording to and Miss BeUe O'Neall were din- New Year, Epwo\'th Leap. .~ ~ the former's parents, Mr. and Some thing are timeless. Bishop and Ml's. Hobson in order \ the Dayton Daily News. ervlc.1 . , . ner guests 01 Mr. and Mrs. L. M. 6 :45. Evangelistic Mn. E. L. Thomas, Saturday. Among those things are freedom tha the clergy and other members Sheriff William Hufford and Hend~rson, Christmas. at 17:30 p. m. freedom of action within the law, of the Diaces of Southern Ohio Frank)jn bank heads viewed the W ednesday: niblc stud,. .ad ~r. and Mrs. Orville J. Gray freedom of expres, ion. ,freedom may ha..v~ an opportuDiL!~ to hear s uspect atu ruay morning. Mr. and Mrs. J, D. Bolin and Mr prayer meeting at ":00 p. IDe and daugbter, Miss Barbara, \ of ' speech, The Constitution bas Ilis Grace, the Arch\> ishop .of I . ______ and Mrs. Robet·t Davis and daughwere ",eats of Urs. Gray's parerlts ' nothing to do with booms 9T de- York 'rh e cl rgy nnd thieir wiv ter w~re dinner guests of Mr. and ST. MARY" CHUaCH Mr. Carl F.cye. Wednesda),. in Franklin ClIrlstmas. I presslona.-notbing to do with Haroebt·ohne .gUe ts of Bishop and Mrs Rev. J. J. Scbaefrer,Reetor partisan politics. It simply guaralllira, May Cook and Mrs, Doro tees u. those e~niial .libertie Tb d' . . 001 f th Mrs. Edna Miars, sister of E. December 29. Sunday 8fter C. Coyle, will go to Miami VaJley Christmas, Chu.rcb school at ':*0 thy Hellllee, ot Dayton, were for ",b mer) have fought for melnber:~r~b~ ~~:~~~~18r C~~rch~ hos{lital, tomorrow, FridllY, where Christmas serviee- lIJId Holy CoIaChristmas petits In tbe home of thousan II of years. Look abroad, but p~ovmo n I S }leing made tor she will undergo an operation. Ill'll. 1>. L. Crane and !amily., at Germany, Russia, Italy, Polalld othe.r to attend who m~y be in. _ __ munion with Dr. Arthur SlMl'JIJUl, Mr . Anna L. Ault. 52.'Yea1'8· old , The Community Club will meet f()rmel' m,issiQl\ary to Mr. and Mn. Charles A. Fishe-r --do we want to follow their teres ted in heari ng th A.rc)lbishop and Mr. Al~rt Fillher, of Cincin- example and make , freed,om an The pric e ' per plate is $,1.50. wife Of Edward Ault. died Satur- in the social room at the Method- -preacher and celebrant. natl were Chriatmas guel/ta of impoteDt word, and liberty, a Those who are affiliatcd with the day afternoon a t her home south ist church the first Monday night ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH W. H. ADen and famil crime against th,e state? Then Episcopal hurch should mak;e I of Way nesville , following a1 in January. A good attendance i the Constitution trom being their r servations tbrol>lgh their lingering iJlnes8. desired. Father NewtoD, Putor lira. Viola Carey and Mr. and -weakened or restroy.-Indulrtrial re.ct rs. Olhers may make reSl!!rva She is survived by hel' husband; . MaS! at St. Augulltine'. Cbanla lira. L D. Welcb were Christmaa News. tiona through the Rev. lmythe H. seven children, Mrs. Lenora ~iss Be~ Har:s?Ck, wh.o . 1S peata 0.1 Mrs. Pearl McMaken in - _ ••- - Lindsay 223 Wesl Sevellth Street formerly of Springfield, Herbert taking nurse 5 tralDlDg il\ Cmcm- very aeeond and fourth 8 ...... IAbaIlon. ENTERTAINED CHRI~TMAS Clncinn;ti. Ault, of near Lebanon, Geneva nat.i is at home on a two weeki' ~ the month. The Archbishop, tlon ()f a grcntjand Emma Ault, both of S~ring- vacation. ~l .. Chapman. 01 Chicago, FRIENDS MEETlNe Members of the Cornell famil)' Al'c~bls hop of Canterbul:'l'y, is ex- field, T om, Eugensa, and,Junlor at Dr. and Mrl!. J. E. Witham and 81ld Robert Chapman of CQlumbu, Firat-day Sc~ool at 9': 80 ~ . . apent Chl'lstma. with their parents were entertained Cbristmas, at tl'emely activc in the ca.use of hom e; hell' mother, Mrs, Emma Mr. and Mrs. L\.oyd Davis and Meeting for Worship at lCh'" Fina. preparatlona were uhder • r. 8114 M"- J. B. Chapman. tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. RU8ae'll Church Unity. 1'Ie is ch~airman of Kersey, and one bl'ot~er. \VilllaO'l sona were dinner guests of Mr. ' m. way today for the annual "I~ner and Mrs. Josillb Davis, Christmas StocketiU. In ,Dayton. ThOse who the Wor ld Conference ,on Faith . Kersey, of Oreg9ma • of the Ohio Repu'Wean Editorial .JCn, Bertie )(ilia and Mr: altd enjoyed the occasion were MI'. and Order. Funeral servic es were held at FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST As~ociation, whicn will I>.e held a.t Mrs. L01It. 'tbompao.. were guests and Mn. William MicheMrand He is one of th~ foremost the Oswald Funeral Home in ~ay. Carl Smith, Minuter the DeIbler-WallIck hotill. in of IIr. ad Ill'll. Cheeter Cutler in children, of Pittsllul'g; Mr. and English thinkers of today. He is Llbanon, Tuesday and burial 'Vas M1'!!. Amelia William s and C. Columbus. Frl4ay evenin" l>ecem . .OCHI Christm.. Eve and MTIJ. M, A. Cornell. Mr. and. Mr1I. an authority on ~eligious philoso- in M ialni cemetery. M. Robitzer left today for Sunday School 9 :30 •• 111. ' ber 27, wbtl.n Col. Fra.nk ¥nox. amatmu W. E. Cornell, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. phy and Christian ociology. Springfied, Mo., having been calICommun~oll 10 :45 a. IlL, The Archbishop has ~,et'n quick ed there because of the death of Sermon 11 a. m., editor of the Chieqo DaUy N..... 1Ir. aacI lin. Ira Rich, "r. a~ Cornell, Mr. and M1'II. Ralph Ml11er .... will he tbe .peaker. 11ft. ' 1IrD..t Bu~",orth and aDd famUr. Mr. and Mrs. Russell to seize OPPQ1·tunities :fo [ insi t- lead recently in nrging the British their sister. Mrs. J. H. Smith, Although re.ervationa ha'ITe been . . . . Braddock ..... Sunday din- Salisbury aDd family, Mr. and ing that the impoveri hrnent ot the Chancellor of the Excbeq~er to Mr. For~Bt Crane and Mrs. Warren Braddock and ma88es is unchristian i r~ pnictice, I'C tore the "cuts" taken from the steadily cominlr in and it i. a f:Mr d M Marjorie, Miss Mary Crsne Ilnd certaiJIty that there will ~ a larae 0 • ~n rI. daughter. and bad busin s. He wok ttr unomployed-. attenda.nce, the, aftanpments com •• , •• Mr. Charles Duen, ot Cincinant.i, :====~======~=======c and MI'. lind Mrs. Loren Jameljon, mittee announted today that every lb. del )(n. A. B. Schoeler, of ===========p~=~=======~~ ';'i4 _ .... ........... -""- - - -- .... "i~ - -.- .... -'--- -...-......,..-....... - . . ~ -.. -~-- · -------:--t,-1 rh Dayton, Christmas guests effort. wtllbe made to accom~ XathrYJ) Turner, of Mr ~. Maude Crane. mOdate .la.te reservat1o'D8 and late ot J)QtoD.. lIr. and John B. 1 By Alber& T. Reid Forty-five inmates and a It Is hope4 .. hQwever, that ~P"" ~_t Ohrilltmas ' with Kr. 1 Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Walter WilUams dred guests enjoyed the annual all reservatlona Will be made be~ &lid .... Fred, B. He~.l'IOn. I ' and family, Kingman, and Mr. Christmas party held Sunday fore the d8¥ of the dinner. " .i~~;.:... , and Mrs. Loren Hlldl ey and, chil- afternoon at the- Warren Co'Unt7 The meetina t. expected to be Kill Slisabetb dhaneller, af .....,It uren, of near Newark, ate spehd- Home. An interesting prolrl'JD olle of the ollta~dlnr Republieall ~ Road Va. aad IIlu Ruth J ."" " ing the holidays with Mr. Ruth and the visit of Santa Clau8 were are events olf the ),e.r. Col. Knox baa ChaM1_, of :CedaA'lUe, Janney and Miss Louella in enjoyed. attracted ",Ide attention in his hollcla)' at their borne Deland; Fla. , The Rev. L. D. Vesey, ellaplaln, oppo.itloa to the New Deal, both b.,.. I opened th program with a pra,er. by hi.' edltOriala ~d hie public Mr. nad Mrs. Josiah Dav.r~ had Allen, lDStruetor in The entire group followed ~jth addreuH anel . Republican. aDd their family Chri~tmas Q\n¥r 8ehoot. %",I a. is others from aU. parts of 01tio have I~=I' Chr istmas Ev e. ' Th ~ re were pres- the singl~g ,of lWveral Cbmtm'as hro weeki vacation indicated that thel will take acfvan 1:C . ' ent, Mr. and M1:s. Howard HU,rley carols. Sid Elli{ then entertained lI.... , tare of' thla opportunity to hear and eh\ldrcIl, of Kingman, Mr. and the, group with setecti0$l8 ' on his him. ' lin. ltje had Mrs. Lloyd DaVis lind sons and c()mbina4ion guitar and harmonica Robe);\) B. Blair favored - the Granville Barrere, editor of the .. .Miss Winifred Oonner. Cllrlat1DM P .... group with several piano" MlecHillsboro, New..Herald, piealdent ste.. ...... .... daqhte1, "Ilia Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cook were tions., while Iiis :father, Dr. Ropof ,aaeociatioD, will preside at the lin. En. Kent, of business visitors in Lebanon, Tues ~rt M. Blair" foUowel;! with t~o ~roll'am. wblch wil Inelade Col. ~ • • aDd lin, J..,on SaUaday. vocal selectl<ins. The featuN ent8f Knox's addre.. aDd music which h1ll'J' ....~ 01 SU~~ tainment of the afternoon ... as IlUp will be furnlahed br the Youq Mr. . . . 1m. W, P. ~bul')'. Mrs. Charles Day and daug'ht~r, plied by John Holt, Sprmaboro. Republican Club of the 11th Con, Miss Dorothy are Jl;uests ot the with a half qout of magic and ICJI. Mth BanIa hd Mr. A. gressional_ di.trict. Jamee Carmacks in Cincinnati 'for two sleight ' of hand. Rhodes" Columbo. i.·president of Ham. . . . . . . .~ on weeks. ~ .,. -.4 lin. C. With the arrival ot Santa. Cifts the club. . ,_. s~ Illi11104N4 > ad IIr. The' annual Mrs. George Robinson is criU: were ' disttibuted. ANNUAL. C-..RISTMASPAJlTY Char"'IIertaoet. ·ot lintON. Mr. cally ill at her h()me on RO\lte 3. party. was beld in the ladie"" Bit'ad ....... II. and Mr. ting room ofth/l Home whicb . . . Mr. and Mrs. Charles CQo}( and beautifully d6(:Qrated in tbe Olarence' J. Brown. prnldent of Fr. . . . .. 80n ',CII]'l, of Lebanon, Mr_ 'a nd Christmas tradition • . Cedar ttee. the Brown PllbUshin, CompaDY, - Mr. Mrs. Wmiam Bradley alld Miss eanging the open llre pl~ added wea hoat to of tbe com- their ,~~=:: Martha Cook had din- mucb to the atmosphere. pan)' aDd tIIIIPloyea of the Brown .1I pn"~l ,--ner with Mrs. Allie ~rvis and plants at Blanch_V. Mlamlsbul'l HltWl.. 1l1Qt:on, son Bobby. Growers of nurle" ftre..cQJM a.d , Leball.. Prlcla~ nlaht at ~ and dark-eul'ed tobacco 'Will ....... unu&l CbriatmU put, helel at the Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sat.terth- larger adjutment .,.,..... If Soue. Nearl, elcht'J !'Je!tIIJI1! waite will be the week-elld gue~ta the- price of tobueo . . . . . were la attendaDee anel eDjopcl of their son L. J. Satt.rth",alte .maller p.,....t.1f tb. tile 4mIIIDI'a ad aDd wife in Dayton. . DDd~ • prOTlaloa In tM _"*,, ,,;'1' tubr clmur ~ trloaded tbt Milll Edna Mae Staup Is vlsitlnc 89 acija.tment 00. . . . her auntji Kr.. WaneD . " . ia , .. ....a C~t, ervl •• ~ Since 1896 hen tk Iftt,- OOW , .t .~~~ teatlll' uaoetatloa WM ill w.IllI".,IIrY-

--------.-- ..--------










--- _---


















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Beryl M,'ll'di!h.

rian) :<nlo, ~ T\\ ilij:tit( Rlltuh Alumni Win Ov r V .. il> 20·15 1:;011 , The Fi rlll; NOlII - Ro)(i. 'tilll'I'. f! -rnl:", ~llckl·tt, I fnrglll' t !I1uy~, I lIrl hll fap Dancill~B()tly Bernlll'Il, tn R d\,,~ly -fl'U·, ht hntth·. thl' B F • lartin,urt Mill l'r 'Illli H<>1l rL with ,al'nh 1I1ill T at Lhc piunQ. IUIUI i I 'Olll w.. n o\'er the \ur it)' CI ... of 1932 1 0 h hI. My Be.t Pat S/!!lfrt!:I" nilth ~l\ t <l 1 • 'In, . ' , ' 1\' ~:l\1 J.!'~, 1'( () 1 Duel,O om Alii Ye F'aithful- ( Theme for. Literature Clall) Wtl 'j(fi \!1 II lIunlh~l' ,( I ill\l--, EIIi·. If 1 0 HI)xie Sack It anti l\Jnrgal'c( Mny~ My b st pol-\ hot is 11 l)nl' t' ' tHin III nll:lI hC'. It Ir. K.. nll/lrd, t: l{C'l'ficlt . 0 0 0 II \l Tinn ':I. WIt Rl'citntionI.cOll In the> flu,hnlnnl: g:tn111. th~· ti I 11h"I):~I', l' h"islll1nS (,'xel'cb Marianna ,. " Cl' ~ay~. "I'n,I n., l~ rna Li! I Wade ...... , ' '" .. 0 .0 2 1 cll um I)r accomplice, !;11l nl-:', " J nave ~1"IIl"i ,If lIll' t:ll1"~ otf HI;l:! ~I ". TIlI'lWI', 1,1( . , 1 0 Th IllpRon. Iyd e ~mith, Ima n(' mut . l'bnt's ~l'lu,n.' l' I!<>n't ft'I ..1 Ih< I1ll1nll i (I! 1!'3:.! b~ n \\ lllln,·, Tol Is .. ....... 11 2 Ros~, ' Gl'neva RO~Itt.flhn, \ ynl' ,'em 10 have a chum 01' all intimat COI'~ M "I II' I:!. S "I'(lol th hal!' 6 2 12 Lee.bur. w , 1/, LH .1. "ilh Ill' h, . from Tot"): B F P Sco l and Ruth ·hect. ftoil ntl, - - bul w it a mOln~ntl ..... .... 1 2 4 I1al'k, the lier Idl Ang Ii' ingn iolil1lt1te idenll Yes, ':'\.1 hu]qinjf [lip lUI r' r 'Ol'~ lit il. 10l'gn", ! . o 0 by th cIa.. 11, lit've f. ha e (In intimat friend! V ui~ B F P WilllalD , r o 1 ~ .. .. • '!'o whom is it 1 go , h 11 I 8111 L. I':UrJ1hurt, 11 I) :.l ..l Tompkinl', e (' J: Ill!'., 11 1 2·J I'l Wc,ll1csday cv ning, Decem., ...... 1 Section I.wo. ()f thc eighth sad and blue? \ ho dl'i s all my K. Pri t, II: Griff)', c 1 0 :! hL'r 1 R, the Wnyaehs journeyed to JJitk , g o ~ ~ ,:t1'n (le , pI' s~nte<l the followin g It'l\r: in "y mpalhetic s ilenc? S(l1\l'rlhwllilc, fI! 1 () 2 L ·shlll'· t o lackle the strong Boatman 1 0 2 Pl'ogl'um: Whom do J 'cek wh en one el se LI I Y. I 1 U ~ hll"k tbull quintet thel'e, Th local n. Pri st o 0 ' hristmas cnrols~sullg b~ ilHl will listen to my woes? Who is it n) ",. u LI () boy wel'e unablc to OVtll'com the .lones .. . o 0 0 ('Ilos' that l.lollltel'S up my spirits ach I n 2 oppo_ ition ,th y encountered and o 0 Song, hd tmas at SN1-lrenfl day'! In ~ hose nresence do I Iunlit']' Guthrie ...... .. I 1 1 en!)l\! ho~n wilh the small end of e. U Vhil1ip~, Mildred alisbul'Y nnd \\ays foci wdcomc? Wllll helps Ilnkin _ _ _ tbh·t n to thirty-t\ () score. 10 Melvyn tnnsberry. me wh n I pull on my stocking~ Totals , .. 5 6 15 ' . .. " " 3 ~Iny. Th bristrnaa Spirit-.Mr. a h morning and when I take Tot-al B F I Wal'neaville ---Orouc h, Robert Pf'ek; Mrs. off my shoes at .nigbt? Who is it B F P Conner, f . . .., ............. 1 0 Alumni Sop1tomore. En.tertain C:rouch, William 8trou~; Bobby that never complains about my .. ,... ... .... .. . 2 2 2 o 4 Lc lay. f C~lUk, d The ~opbomor cIa. ,poll~oreri II (:I'ouch, n ~rbel't mlthj Bill Cal' lessness ' and m'ver finds fuult o 1 1 Grift'y. e . . " .......... Q 2 :",ith, If hri lmas part.y f I' the ~nti rc hi!l:h I'ouch, Gu hn ROI!s. . with my houec k eping di abilities ? 4 11 Rllan, g ....... ..... : ..... . " ... O . 0 Ht'rnmd, ~ .' 4 school /lnd all lhe faoulty mC:11'lbers \oi l .G1'ouCh, . MlIl'garct . VJ~l: ' 1 To whom do I co~fid my inner. 1 o 2 atl J'thwaite, ·g .. ....... 0 3 n oger, fK last Thur day evening. The a/l'air, Jun-e: GI ouch, Mildred Snh ~~IY . nlost thought at nIght when I ~f{). · .Iith, 19o .. 0 2 2 Bog~r, ' ............ ".... ...... 0 0 whic.h wa held in the gyTnnHsiulll, I ~lallC ?rouch, II'ene Phlhl)S~ I l'evi~w the tiny's ietode':! and de· .. ,. 0 o 0 Janles ... .......... ,........... , .. 0 () L{ .lay was attended by apPI'o xjnwtely I ~un.lIY GI ?uch, Erma hockey, fcat.s? To whom do I tell my dark...... . .. 0 o 0 €lIis ·ixty. The evening was . pent in Spr1te, WIlma Thomas. , st ~ecr(!t~ , my grimmest d tel'- ,- - Total . .. ....... ............... 3 J?laying game and contc!lts, nit r .Pocm, . ~he I ~h F lk lJ(ist· minnt~onl'~ and my vuine t hope? 7 6 20 Total which Santa Claus np"p()a~d an d rna , - Wlllfl()ld Scott ,Who IS )t that knows me as I Leeabar" B F P distributed g ifts which had been I Ollg Oh Merry, l\~(1ny Qmt- really am? , ho deal' my mind cr .... of 1933 B F P arman, f , .. ,... ........... .... 1 1 3 placed on Gild under n hri. tmas ~as - l\fllr,=ll~et tnt, VCI'non ntJd helps to settle all my troubles'! Duvill, rf . 4 o 8 H. Smith. 1. ................. 2 0 4 tree on the stagt'o Hcirc, hm e nt~ ' 1 honlu ., Wllhllm Strouse and Who hows me r Mons an(i light Watkin" If . .. ,.. 0 2 2 D. Smith, c .......... ,......... 0 2 2 W01'e thpn s(!rv{(1. ChullerQII 'S were \ lima Tb o~a8. llnd ven inspil'atioTls for c aY8? re/'\\ OIl, c ...."" . 1 1 3 Simmons, g , ,., ........ ..... .... 2 0 4 Mr. nnd MJ' . F. U. Le May. R"llOrt. LICe of l'adCl'<!wski Who even show!! me my faults if Hurnby, rg " .. .... ... 2 o 4 Perie, g ..... ... . .. ....... ... 7 1 15 I am willing? Who pillows my bend lIoIVurd Thoma. Treadway, Ig ... , ...... 0 2 2 \ Willis, ............................ 2 0 4 • • • with loving tenderne'1 Who Wbihlk r .. ••.. . . 1 o 2 ----' High School Hold. Chri stma s I n ~cc t'Ion one, 0 f th e er.. . "hth l't..tllmt . Iy '\(11't SOl' f me Ione da~· 14 4 32 McMillan ........ " ........... ". 0 o 0 Total. ................. , Auemblv ' f or me an d jl!rn d ,1\ COlllm l' t t ee con"IstlOg o·f after d. ay ~f Wh 0 liVe TIle Christma Il.Sscmply thi Mary Eva LeMay, Betty Bemal'd, me alone nnd j ulI, all mille own 'f y . Ill' was ponso rcd by the junior harlott~ Hart man, Ead M nJen h. mo t' trC!Jl.Slil·ed posse. sion ml)st class under the direction of (r. hall and BenJllminFurnas, p~ trea ul'ed pal of my heart - ' my Oust. 'l'hi s a elnbly was h Id last pared the followin lg program in bed I Claly. f 7 j FtII'nn . f l O 11lI~ I', (' 1 0 MOl'an, Jr 1 0 nd I·SOI1. II: 0 0 Enl'n hart 1 0 I'ul'k~ 0 1


- Ilr, Feqn '011.



- 4


Friday l1lornjng. ie Wae Wical had eharg of theEIdevotions, reading the stOl'y of the first Christmas as related in one- of the Gospel,\' Reverend C. C. Dibert, who was an invit d guest, led the group in P1'/,\y r. MT, Evans. in~tructor in biology at Miami Univ rsity, wall present with four young p ople from Mi~mi, who pre. ented I\n in· tel'c ting pl·ogrllm. Thi program included vocal numbers by 1\11'. Witham with Miss Lincoln at the pi an o, a viol in solo by Mis Edson, and a dranutic reading of Dickens' •• " hristmas Carol" by Miss ;lrroU Mr. Evans spoke briefly to the Ludents. Cl' up Singing was in c.harge of Mr. Fr nk; MI'. Lot,; made a few announcements and the n embly clo ed with the high l'lChool song.


S2t1 in Fr.. nklln.

~OO,OO(l JI(\un d ~ nunll~·.

(If buttl"rfa


Sluitr. Olfl'I'S 1\ "ur.:~C'~ tion to B.II. Allow_ . Lltu\\'n & 1 unnell, coal fOJ' cOllrt fllflllt'r~ \\ho \..l'l'P from only 01\(' IQ tl,,'Cl CH\V~. Ill' fa~'s (hilt "hIIUH.. $10; Wllnl'n '. UI·i<,dt:n· farm 'r .~,it h II" f('\\" CI)"'R iR han{HLn .... k, Ij('n'kes rt'tldl'!'ed .Juuni tn Hak,'l' and r~dw. 11 % cy, $57.50 ; eapllE'u in I1;CUillK cnlllll!h LutterTh l! 'hJ'i~t Ho pital, hospitali1.8- fill. {' I'oilt bccu Us" hi. fCII cows tioll of orn War. $3.00; 01'. Jno nrc 8~itntc alJout U~ much work a Zett I, gIn 'ses, $12; Ilel n Dough if he ha(1 at least five o~ six ('ow, . nllm, bOllnl \lnd enl'C lifford It requires only a \ittl longer to \)oughmul'l, $7; MI·l:!. Ira Eltzroth w8!1h the utensils for s ix cows boanl ane! cal', Alicc tal'key, t han for: two. The Investment in II. <:!5·. Jam!' M OOI'C, bard end care Cr m sepal'ator for ~ ilC cows ill j' Lucy foo I'C, . 5; l\!t'!I. l<~lmel' Lacy no greater thun for two. an\1 the ~ame nl1l11\lnt o~ board nnd care Frank !.ncy, 5; abo\lt rr.. Lulu Oab ,I'd. b al'd antI, tim I is requil'ed to deliver 10 !Ii I'S. pounds or butt rInt as 40 pounds. tnre Lincl)ln GabbaI' d <t6 ~,: Julia Holland, board, and cure Kt!ep enough cow , he ' uggc$ls. to V I'non IIollllnd, $6; Mt·s. ma make tll Lt· keeping and producOsbo1'n c, loard nnd care Walter tion profitable. BlIl'I OW, Fmnk Ballinger, $22; Mrs. Mnrgnrct Jones, L'uad nlld 'ul'e Ollie Gardin r, *5' Jobn Law & on, gas, olJ and PrestoQ(! for S aiel" truck, ,9.47; J ohl1~On·Wnl 80 n 0., I'ubbel' bands 10[' l1 eeordoe ffie, $1.20; Columbus Blank Book Mfg. 0. , mOLt"THE HOME OF GIFTS" gage r cord fOl; R corder's office $40; ~h Book Shop, cnvelop ~, Lebanon. Ohio paper and il)k fOI' Prosecutiog Attorney, $2.10j The Weslern tar, EXPERT WATCH pllbli'1ling notice, $ t.20; Tb' . REPAIRING Lebanon Patriot, publishing Il OtiC 1.20; The W stern SUIt', envel- , U.i"" Only Genuine Materials ope for Probate Court offi~, $6.{iO; Drs. Edw. & Robt. Blair, I Prompt Service eXnmination, $4j Fl'ed Procter, Store op!;!n until 9 p. m. stationeIY suppli s for ' herilf'jI offill, $10.22; London Prison :l<'llrm, soap for jail. $12. 40; Wm. Hufi'ord, herifl', repairs lo h riff' enr, $2.12; John Law on, ga~, oil, anti·freeze. tube Ask :for a labor and storage, $66.66; IvinsMiamisburg Permanent Jam on, crude aarbo lie acid for Dog Warden, 25e; John S. J ones, Concrete Supt., board, roonl, care, h"s. .. A"n'br 'v ., J ohn " • tel' 4 wks., III If Air Seal Burial Vault S. Jon s, Supt., b08l'd, room, care For Sal e only by Lucy Moehrin g, $71.40; L wis & Drake, Inc., supplies, WPA Pro· You r Funeral Director ject, $'7.20; The Oregonia' Bridge

Cary's Jewelry


;=======:~====:::::=::==::=======~I Jolm Co., suppl WPAgas Project, Law ies & Son, Bnd oil,$2.63 $2.-

McClure Funeral Horne

23: ~"js & Drake, Tnc., cement, fOI' Fairgrounds, $00; Morrow Phone 7 " 4 Feed & upply Co. , coal fOl' Sew· !-_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _~ ing Project. $'7.16; Geo B. John· ~OI1, certifying agent, ount~' Re· · r ' lic! Admini hntor ,$62. ; Hel"ll Randall, vi itor ouuty Relief '----------------------------. dministrntion, $27.60; Linnie CommOn' Pie ....aroeeedina. harle!! V. ha,mberlin, Ilcceased. William s, visit.or, COunty R lief sule of stock i ol·dered. Administrat ion. $2'7.50; JohnsonIn the ca. e of Will O . Gustin, ales or 1innie A . ilnpsoll, ' nd Waston 0., Fud ral Aid Pi'ome vHlfiIS the Village (If Waynesville mini 'tl'atrix: of the estat of Frtmk and ross ction loth, $16.27; Blue Print Co" trac t h e defen d ant. is grante dO 3 (lays G. Simpson, dec alled, wel'e ap· "'hn • v Dovton ~, proved, ing naper $1.80; The Miller Bryin \ hieh to plead. S,· d' In the ca c of Unil~n J ()int tock The e tote of Hannah A • . himp, ant Pierce Co., 25 sheets Itto Land Bank, of Itroit,' a corp., d c('used, is exempt !-rom inheritarbon paper, 1.30; The Oregnnce tax. • I ODia Brid{te 0., reinforcing steel ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN VeISUS Lydia Ross, E!I. a] judgment George Mc lure executor of the $10.70; W, C. ,Turton, cement your Cattle, hogs, sheep and calve. to the ' p laintiff from the defend- e tate of Ma.ud Fetter, deceased, $13; S. E. Gre Iy, lumber, $62; t o Norrie-Brock C,-,. live wire a1ld all t, Lydia Ro s RJld Ada Belle filed his invQnto:ry. Meeker & Me ker, Jteet insurance, pNgressive finn f 'lr tpe hill'heat The schedU le of debt of Alton county cars and trucks, 60.~Q ; market price" and good semce. Mast, in the sum of $2,3 11 .82 was allowed. t UniOIl Stoek Yard,' ClllclDnati, O. Grade New. In the case of The Miami Val. F. Brown, ex cutOl' 0 the estate of Z8in Armitage, gravel, $13.60; Tu ne in on Radio Station WCKY The fir:st grade hn.d a Cbristma ley Building & Loan A socjation Frankie~. Dunham. decea d, was Weiler Welding Co., oxygen'4C850r. 12 :25 to 12 :30 p , m. :for our dan, d . ~ bide and w~lding rods , $1· ; market reporta. program the Friday afternoon be- Vel'SUS Sallie Van Dl~ne, et al con. IIPpl'oved. The little folks d t · Eden Terry, a mmistrator o.J. The J . W. Lingo Hal' d ware C0., fore Chrl'!!tmas. firmation, eed and dis ributloo h I T -- M d d 8 85 M were made very happy by a vi H was ordered. t e estate 0 uqo oore, eeease upplies and parts ' $ 4. orrow from Santa Clau durin!?; their [n tbe CIISe ot The H. & S. Pogue tiled his first, tinal a nd distributive Feed & . Supply Co., lIup plies and ... Mrs. ,,-.... Y.l....."'ard-ll· - - - f- J b sewer, $13.39; -eincinnati I' . Oil • .• Ch I.·I·.stn'3"-""'"· ' ~ .. _ r".T u ompnny, a corp!. veL';;;US Stan I ey uccount. !\IIrs. Bqckett vis ited the first grade uttenhoffer judgmnnt in the sum L izzi Cavolt, gual'diq.n 0 0 n Works Co., keroseM and gaso ina , th c same aft rnoon . of $1,179.35 was all,owed the plain A. Cavoit a minor filed her second $12.36; Ohio Oil 00., gasoUne, (lccount. $60. 12; Mason Super Sel'Vice til KaJ'l Dakin, Charle J . Waggon t ion ga oline, $29.l'i4; S. Glen The .second grade enjoyed the tift'. In the case o:f Be sic Rruce vel' er and Carl Stiles were appointed WOI~ley, gasoline <t35.S4 Gulf Re. hr istrnas eason by making Christ sus William Br uce motion granted If mas booklets and greeting cal~ds. as to teml)01'81'>' alimony and attor appraisers of the ~sta te of Annie finin g Co., ga oline, $13.14; John ros on, deceased. . Law & Son, gil oline, $9.86; Earl Each pupil WI'Ote a letter to Santa nern f~. case of William E. Jame The inventory of Katie Kirby Duglln Oil & Gas Suppli S, gll£oClaus. ~o ver~us Clal'ilnea S. J·amu. -at a i, it administratrix of the estate , of line, $10.73; Logan-Long COl, The thin\ grade enj oyed a IS ord"red that l'eappraisement bo Harry Kirby, deceased, was ap- paint for jail, $14.60. proved. - - - -Christmas pal'ty and program on ~ade ...and J?rop rty Ibe sold. Ev~ McKay, guardian of Karl F'l'idaY. The chi ldren were enterIn the case of Malrjorie Lawso n, F. aod Helen V. McKay minors, tained by Mrs. We terman who a minor, by heT mother and ne;xt til d her secon d and final account Phone 78J told them of Chl'istl)laS in Den- frienq , Sadie 'Floren,ce, vers us Rex The estate of Lee Moo~e, • de. matk. The children san g Christmas Lawson, a minor. ~r. O. Christie cea-ed is exempt frolJl inheritance carols, was appei-tlted guardian ad Htem. carols, sp() ke Christina spokc Christmas poemij, and last, In the caSe of LQuis Fowler, ta.~~ the case of Robert Lamb, adbut not lenet, they were v i ~ited by who pleaded guilty t o the indict-- mini trator of the estate of John Not Fillin, Home Market Demand WOTARY PUBLIC Santa Claus. ment filed herein a~ainst him, im· Lamb. deceased,. venus L. H. . Get Mor. For Flr.t It It • position of sentencel is suspended Camp, et 11.1. sale of real estate is Grad. C....m d The fourth g1'ude gave a Christ up on condition that the defe ndant ordere • Willa DwaW1l • • E.ta••• S.ttled L Wh 1 mas program On Fr iday after- serv~ 90 days in jail. . In the case of . Odessa White, The inventory of eo a en Th e con sumers demand for but WAYNB8'1ILLB, 81118 c . noon, consisting of carols. stories who pleaded ~uinyl;o the affi- and John Whalen, execu tors of t-e r in Ohio is about 30,000,000 ~!!'!'!!!'!'!!!'!'!!!'!'!!!'!'!~!'!!'!'!!'!!'!'!~~~~ and poems. Each pupil had drawn a name davit filed 'Ilgalllst hr, t he defend- the e tate of J o~ n Whalen, deceEl$ po unds mOTe than the state'e dairy .' . ' :farmers ·supply. This means that FOR IA~ .. DATES CALL and had brought a gift to exchan~ ant was se ntenced 1\;0 30 days in ed, approved. jail and a fine of $lOO and costs Mm~le Oa.rnahan was llppomted with ·prices . eVen lower than at with someone else. In t he caSe o:f' Lawrellce Pettis, adm.irustratrlx of the estate of pl"ese nt they are surrendering an • • • who pleaded guilty to the affidavit DaVId P. Car nal\an,. d • and nually a possible additiQnal In. Section two of the fii th grade filed . against him, the'· defendar,t fll~ b ood of $10,0 00 With . . come of lipproxima~ly $9,000,000 and section t wo of the sixth grade wa sente nced . to 30 days in jail Arthur D. Blackburn, . Floyd to .dairymen and creamery men in presented t he following program and tined $200 and costs. Fost~r and Oeorge Perrine were western states who alle taking on Friday: ' ( In th'e case of Marjorie Lawson, appolIHed appralsers. 01 8upplying this shortA Little Boy's Letter to Santa a minor versus Rel' Lawson a age, reve~18 R. B. Stoltz, chairman JESIE STANLEY Claus--Joe James. minOT, a dh'orce was gr8n~ th,e ..R_I . E.tate Traa.fen of the depal'tment of dairy techno ..... no, N. . . . .rO...... OWe. The Radio Santa's. Night Be- plaintiff'. . Mary E, Ropping, decC8sed, logy at the O. S. U. fOTe Christma8--0rville Savage, The case of The Miami Valley executrix, . to March W. Bo]m~r In pointing out the availability £AIU. ' ItOOCl.ER A Gilt for Christmas Night.- Building and Loan A8Sociation inlots Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 6 and of this home which would Anna Marilyn Whitaker. Dqtoa Plo. . versus lSaBC Bentl ey, at al was 16 in Lebanon, Edgemont Sub- use enourh more Going' Home for Christmas d.ismissed. . kE. . . . . . . .. divis·ion. butter to yield more than 'R eba Surface. The case of B. 'D~ Johnson versus The Loveland Mutual Building a year to dairy farmen in each Why the Chimes Rang-Frances :John Swigert was ctismi8Sed. und Loan Co. to LOuis A. Hatte i'l). oounty in tile state-in addition Johns. lot Nos. 44 and 16 in Maineville. to their preSen t income of approxi Unto You is Born 8 Savior L ewi.s c. Urutn by trustee to lJIatety $200,000 per county New Suit:. , Mal'ie Hl)rdin. A. J. Scheurrer inlota Nos. 22 and' Stoltz says that dairy tarmel'll in __...._ ...........;.... _____......._._ ..... Chl'istmi\s Eve--Dorotby Mae John SchoonOver ve:rsus Marjorie 23 in Ft. Ancient. Ohio can rain thil hom~ • Schoonov41r for divol1ce. Obarp is Guy. . . The Peopl~'s Building Loan atl~ fTOm dairJmen in the Weat w;. PO. SALE Only a Star- Henrietta Pen- gross neglect, extreme cruelty and Savings Co. to Karl W. Minst re41 cause they are c10ler to ~elr con- ._ _-.-_______......._.....;,_ __ adultary, . nington. esta te in Tur tlecreek: township. Burners. ' .' Hany R. Myers veTSUS Ada My • • • .'J'-ohn S. :t'homson, by 'executa"' Improvipg the quality of cream FOR SALE086-mch 8~'P0blt. ers for divorce. Charge is gross . A committee made up of Norma to Alma J . and Avis M. Lamb they sell itt • further meana opeD , ~unk. almost new. Will sell Lovel y, LUUal1 Counts. and ' Mar- neglect. 108.28 · acres in Waflle township. to an increased in,come for dairy cheap. Henrietta. McICitisey, p~one d26. tha Biatt planned the p.rogram Amanda Sands, decealled, to farJllen in Ohio. accordillS to SR8. Matr~ Lic!lIII.e. for one section of the seventh George Bacon inlot No. 12 in Stqltz. CreauJerJel ill the. lIOutbena FOR 8ALE-Pqre bEW Collie Ralph f.. Baude~dhltel, machine program was . 88 grade. This . . third of the atate are. no,1\' paying pllpa. C.~. Michener, pbone repair\!r, of Dayton and Mi$s F~anklin. follow/!: The Peoples' BuUdlng Lou and a dilferential of 2 centa a pound 68R21. d2.j2 Alice R. 8 Iston. aalesllidy of Leba· How We Came to Hav~ OhristSavings Co. to James 0 and Alice between first and aecond crade , ' , non. ma8--~l#da ~11Is. , P. Layer'104.4.0 aerell in Turtle- cream. The, 'Would rather bU7 all FOR SALE - or trade, '~7 Waller R. Thompson , truck creek Township. RecitatiQn - Dorothy Franer ftnt erade cram, becau.. 0017 tolll at ~lfalfa b~7 for aboatl driver Q1 FrankUn a~. d Mise Mary and Opal Fields. Herman F. Jones, deceased, to ~ ~ cream .'Will make Ant welshUJlr about 100 pouada. ~. D. Instrumental Solo-Ruth Con- E. Sheets, of Franklilrl. R. E. · 'Jone8, et a1 61 acrel hi crade bUtter for wllJcb the, call BoU., Wa,nemlle It. R. I. , . ner . Wayne . Township. , ~t • hlshar jrlc., the dal17 I'OR sAi.E-WIdte M 1 f " Pro"" Co, rt Play, A Quarter Till Chriatmiul Ena A. Barril, deeeued, to Ipeclaliat polDta out. I the __ I -witb characteNl: Santa Claua, ContJaulq farther. hil 'e:q1aDa10e per roll, at IllaiD1 Florence E. Qibbs was appoint- Mary Emma Gtimea real _tate In Els ie Bogan; Dln,le. Betty Brad- ed administratrix of the estllte of Sprinlrboro. dOll a!»oat the 1-ceD.... . PGUJld otic.. dock; Elves, Willa Faye Lewis 'Mary C. Mount, and tiad John Law to Ella Law iDIot No more tor a ftnt ..... - - . h. Foa.MI,r-lullIIre $1.111 ,.. and Dorothy Franet'. bond of U400 Sa~ 164 ill Lebanon, dileloaea that tbia e.oqll to Dodda, ROM. . . ad Wa,.Fairiea-- Jeanette Kurfta lind Masterll. Fral'lk Fos- Trultees 01 "The W.,... Baptilt 1Uk.... • 011 l'IaatI.. oJ4f Gwendolyn Filer. ter Swlcert were all- MeetJnr' to lIaillon ~ rul.. eaoh ' 110 'f'~::I;;;; Old LadJ-Pearl Blna. tate ba ayae tcnnMhtp. of . 01' tc Il ra ieera. Gene-DoroUl7 Hunter. The ~atate of .Joha to ICDa aDd S.



w. can Iupply you with the be.t and highest grade building materials and lumber of all kind •.


F T Martin


Brick·.. Roofing···Cement

w. H. Madden & Co. "

Waynelville, O.


.. • •


• • .


Charge .

Centerville, Ohio




Stanley &Koogler Auctioneers

Prl·. t·IDII


Tbe Mla.I'


• • •

The other .MUon of









IIIIote Nu. lit.. 111


rilln Paul A. T. Noon ror bls ..f(orts in mllkinR thl' stlt.te IIbrary'1I iluJi'i'hluul r l!au\og service avail---~--ahlt! ~o young pllOple in /llOre or ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY less isolated IIreas of Ohio anll fur the CO-OIl l'aUon of th' ibrsl'Y Ollie. Plio............. ......... No. 112, Ente red at Po.tortle. at Wayne.- with the Ohio Em 'I'gency Radio ·uLacripll·oB P r Ice, :;eennQ Cia.. Mati JuniOr College. "The Commenda~ .10 • vUle. OhIo, ••Matter ble Ohio Stat Library program is pl'oof that Ohio realized the need DECE!wI BER 26, 1985 . for community action on behalf - -=-- of youth," it was said .



been the! all~'~ed p Ohioan. to \lUrchll l' and ulhl'l' motor vlhid jllininJ.r ~lat ... nnJ the tax.

Wben bill' hiv

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.. _-


The Public Pays 1t should be everlastingly emphasized that evel'y "class" 01' special tax Calla eventually fln the consuli1cl·. Th e business taxed simply acts as ih· ag nt of gover n III n it collect~ t.h' tux from its customers. who provide ils only ltleans of t v nuc, and 1)/lsseS it on to t.he Il ublic treasuries. A flr~t-clu!l's eXllm l)1 of t.hat .il'! the clas tax on gasoline. pe iul ta~e8 ugUiosL gasolin us 1'8, levied on top of all the regular taxe pa lt! by petrolcum ('Pfinel's ano distributors, foYce ga oline consumel'8 to (la.y (l)Cc(''SRive Hums into th public treasuries. TO~IIY. chain l ' -tail stores ol'e becoming the principal target fOI' clas: Watlon. [ II Lbe y 1Il'!! since 1027, more than half of the states have ena<:tcd clu511 !.axes of one kind or allother against chain organizlI tiona. Som af theSe hllve been , III>held by ,the courts-- others huve been (ount! uncOll,lllitutional. But this is ~t'ue of every one of the~-t.hcy arl' discrinl inatol'Y, in that they favor one type of merchondlser at lho oXRcnl$4! of lUlother, and they all !loak th cons umer. hain store~, fOf example, can pay the increased opel'ating cost by jncre~sing tb cost of what ·they sell. But such ta~ laws sim,ply add to the cost. of living-higher pl'iCC8 fo1' a ~a.n 0"1; beans, a ham, a gallon of gasoline, 'lj lIit Of cioUI s or a pair of shoes. And the public pays and pays and pay for class taxation. Tho .result of 'uch ~ trL)(ing policy is to negate a part of the bene fits accruing to the public J'Tom Ol~rchandi 'Ing methods which cut costs b tween pl'oduccl' and consumer. lass taxation am unts to a tax on /ficiency, on economy, on good ervice. It i~ unso u.nd and inequitabl e, Ilnd it con titute~ a high Iy dangerous pl'eced~nt. It is entirely contra~y to the tundalllltlltal principles of our government. ======~=======r~'==~================

• • •

"The day of cotnmon cold is here--hll' car fott" This was' tl)e warning is U 0 by Dr. Wulter H. Hartung, diL'ector of the Statc Departm nt of U ealLh, who called attention to Lhe fact that the lurge majority of common cold caees start in la D c('mber, January, Feb~l.Iary and MUI·ch. Dr. Hartung sai d the coM i8 regarded by its victims mostly as a nuisance; rather than a menace, and only the hardw ol' ked physician and the alert health officiEl.1 visualiz~8 ~ and thel' :CON- reallze -the penl, ' actual and potential. • ... ... MOI'O than 113,000 foro t troes were planted during the current year by vocational agticultural students . in Ohio in co-operation with ·the n ational ref ore tation program, according to Dr. Ray Fife, supervisor of vocational agriculture for tbe State Depart.ment of Education. He reported a recent increa e of twenty-one vocational agriculture departmen ta brought the state total to 24'6 schools which offllr systematic instruction in vocational agriculture t higb school students. The instruction in tbe 2<15 departments is handled by 226 agriculturallytrained teachers, Dr. Fif~ said. At the present time there are 215 chapters of the Future Farmers of America organization in t he schools where vocational agriculture is offered.

I Farm hight 1 alks, December 30 I 8:00 8:01) • 8:15 8:26 8 :30 8:40 8:50 ;00 0 :]0 0:20

Music How Ohi\) IJioll~~t8 Cel brat:ed New Years ... H. E. Eswine Mot Profi~ from Bett r Cows ..... _................ Ivan McKellip Turkey Market News ............. ... ,...... ... " ... C, M. P rgason Mu ~ic

teer Projects .............. ,Harry Click and L. P. McCann Midwinter Poultry P I'o blean s "........... ... .... .. ........ ... R. E. Cray N'\ltr"tion Notes ........ ..... ... ..... ..... ....... ..... ... .. ...... Alma Garvin Rec:ent Trend in Milk Marketi ng ...................... .. .. Paul Young J oan anll J errys' New Years Party 4--F[


Appointment of B rig a die r General Dudley J. Hard of Cleve-

land, commander of the Fiftyfourt h Cavalry Bl'Igad , a $ Maj or General of the line, Ohio National Guard, succeeding the Illte Major General Benson W. Hough, w'as made last week by Governor Martin L. Davey. The appointment i subject to approval by the war department at Wasnington. General Hard was born at Wooster; where he received his public school and college ~ucat ion. His COLUM.B - The Ohio Stale inspection was started a little more rnilitary career began with the llighway Patl'ol und r tbe direc- than a year ago ninety-two buses Eighth Ohio Infan tTy ~jth wbic? olonel Lynn Black, have been di carded as unsafe he serv d in th e Spanl h-Amerltion of superin tendent, was pl'alaed ,f or and hundreds have had old equip- can W!lr. He commant!ed a ~quad"meeting a n extraordinary child ca:he; safety problem in n eJ(traordin111'1. man ner" in the December condjtio~ of school bus fire extin- World Wat· commanded the One issue of Public aiety, nationally guisbers and ~aters ,~nd patrol Hundred and Thirty-fifth Field circulated monthly publication of recommen dations have ranged Artillery, Thirty-seventh Division, the National Saiety Council, from the adjustment of brakes 00 the western front. ... • • which is wllging an exten!!ive ac- and lights to tbe con truction of In an attempt to prevent. sales cident preve ntion campaign. The .m ergency exits a.nd the coneearticle pointed out that Ohio tlon of over-erowdmg. Nearly one 'tax dOdging on the purchase "of the Ninety-first ranks first in the United States tenth of all th e seh.ool children automobiles, boUt in the number of school buses trar,tsported . by b~B In the entire Ge-nel'a.l Assembly in special seesion has passed an emergency in service lind in the number of natton are Ih OhIO. measure which provides that any • • • pupils transported, and that the RecognitiOn of the Ohio State purchaser of a motor vehicle outstate highway patrol has virtuall1 "tak n the pupils under it wing" Librar.v for "its ou.'tstanding side of the state who is a resident aJld provided them witb exception service to ~ollng p eople" has been of Ohio pay a $26 fee for InaJly ate transportation. It was made by the United States Office st*ction serviCe before he may explaillt!d that a periodic inspec- of Educati on at Wasbin~on, D. secure his license tags a.nd bill of tion of 8chool buses was the keX 0., it became known last week. sale regi tration. .Since tp& sales of the patrol's program. Since the Special credit was given to Libra' tax law became effective it has


insuilited (I I' th~ "inl!'r, t ii~ Wt,lI to move lhull ttl II loc ali,ln that is \\l'1I plOtl' '\('11 rl'lIl11 Ih .... willd. II

Serve A He~rt-Shaped Dessert-. For Bi1rthday Or Anniversary

IH::J2, 1847, 1866, 188:!, 1893, l!W7, 1811S. lIHI'i, 1910. IInll IIIla A






--............. -

arijustmcl)t contract has been extended by the SecI' U1ry of Agricul tur to C0V:Cl' the 1986 crop year


For Butchering Time

blrtbdtl.}·s tlrrlv or" hen' .\chl salt. Cldll. Wlteu sll;;hl1y WHeN an rec'all,; tl'n LJ' Ihlck I1Nl, fold In nulls and nllls. 'll;ion Tum Into IM ld. \lnUI iil·lIl.

~nnlv Cl'sary m~m'lrl ~s . tb o LUi).'. r .. Is a gOM i ellson for 1\ IBr.ner 01' up[ ' f \lart)". · A nUio ~ climax' to all I ll!! ~O()c! 'hJpgs \\ (>lIl d he n Chl'I'I'Y' I' d

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wlllppcd er~. m. Serves S Ivory Russian Cream whit

I'It .1;! IIC "'I'd In IIlnl.1. if \.e oc·

11 r.asloll !•• p Ial:. (I.!I IY !IJO r·. II'U!l9.1 ne\Or. )'011



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Waynesville farmers Ex. Co. Phqne25

Wayneaville, Ohio

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qn'''r II ~.IAtl:\ ... r~ ~t"l ponn .. II "" cup 4!:"l;tp~4 .;t ~fI:"dth$ 1.\ h ille U dU-. 't chfl~. 1'1 • !!C.- 'Mp~ <rl : plGtai.

" 'lIdlln.

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P\Ic1 dl'1')

Remember that when you buy our feed. you not only secure the best feed it ill poaaible to produce; ' but you also . providing a. home market for thegrain grown in OUI' own community.

I t C~'POQn • .ADIlI ..

ll\!~sLl' ~ .

Sweet h~art Oes!)ert J p~~"'.• ~ " tfllf\'tl~'!J .. n \·or~J f·,MIn.


Morton's Smoke Salt-large can 10 Iba_ ...... 9& Small can, 34 oz. , ...... _ . _23c , Sausage Seasoning, can .. : ... ......... _ . " __ 2Sc. Also for those who use the old methods of curing, the best ffake salt per 100 Ibs .. ...... $1.00 Have you ' seen the new improved Colonia1 blocks? Special price each, .... 43c Or 3 for $1.25 Egg Mash (20% Protein) per 100 lb •. ... $1.95 Dairy Feed (16 % P rotein) per 100 Ibs. , . $1.40 We do n~t add one pound of screenings to an,. of our feeds but use 'only the best ingredients. Come and see our feeds. made.


1")11'01<1 , Garnish ~e~lIDllll. It doslI 11.




GIVES DRY AND BRINE' ~ible is ~~: :~S:ri~nc~~~~~lIo: dt:~~~; PORKGURING METHODS pe~~~;~;"s~~fonE~!in~~f~g s~~ I



'l'h' Il('.;t "ay to ('on) milk Ilurinl4' tilt' wintll' i3 In a well in su JutNI milk tank ju~t thO Hum as dill ing hoL weathcj'; not by IIc Lting the can of milk in Ii snow bank or on a cake of ice.

Estalt· Ilr 1a\l11 11' ttkr NHt ict' is Ii·t by ll'iv n Gl'OI' t' Mo Ill r \' whQ l'O~t. atldre.s ill Wilyn{' ~\'11 1 , Ohi!), L t!n duly 1II'1I)1)il1t(>t! II~ Ex/.'~utor of the };sLlll(' Ilf Maud l~ 'tter lat6 ot Warc('n 'uunly, Ohio, de ca edt Dated this 6th day of Dilcember 1935. C. Donald DlIat.ush, Atty. RALPH H. CAREY, J udge of the Probate Court. d't2-HI-26 Wa!']'en Coun~y, Ohio. --

Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol ~~n~h~:laf:dm:{~~a~:~· !

flo(,d fln the CU,Yu, riv ·l' o('c urrt.!d ill IRHa.

hio lind thel' fOle the' ise, senthing to do to ren ew and increase OUr faith in h r"

Preferellc-e Cor Su gar ()ver Plain S.II Curine SaYI Me&ts


. With butcheriJlg time t!efinitely here, sugg stiODS for curlng pork are in order on most f.nrms; and these suggestions hllve. n made 8\'aiJable by L. 1::. Kunikle of .the meats diviSion of the O. S. U. "Most folks prefel' the ugar care to the plain $l\lt cure," says Kunkle in explnining that the sugur CIlTe ~lay be applied cither d ry or the brine method. A good' sugur-cure mixture he recomtnends is eonlpo ed of 8 P9 Ul!ds of snlt, 2 pOGnda of sup:ar, ano 2 ounces of . 1l1~p,=ter. This mixture migh t also be dissolved in 4¥" to 6 gallons of water and used :for a brine cure, Five pou nd's of salt is generally s ufficient to cure 100 pOll nds of pork if all 9:1 the salt J: aosorbcd according to the meats B,Peeiali t. "Sometimes, in dry curing. it i advisabl to use up to 8 pounds o'f salt for each ] 00 p.oqpds of moat, to alrow for what salt falls off and is )0 t/' he .odds. , In dry curing, Kunkle points out, it ~s deait'lIble Wllpply pa'rt of the mixture, rubbing in 'the rernainder the Ih'd tQ tbl! 10th day foll?w:ing. Th~ time require.d for c:.urtng j governed b.-I.he Slze of

Univ€ .· ity, hlr. Alexander repeats his tatement, with the addition l~at thi year "Nature has corne back-lind with a veng nace in ~olne places." He points ollt'that lh~ storrn In t August in the Muskingum river watershe d was the wql.'st since 1913 in that Jocality. He a s erts that fl ood, like drouths, have been known sInce pioneer days in Ohio. "The earliest white settiel's in the tate made mention of fl oods, v n as e81'ly as 1774 when a g r{ at fl ood in the Ohio river was reporte d at Oincinnati," he says. Worst floods on record at Cincinnati occurred in 1884 and 1013 Rcdous floods in the Miami river d . 1805 1814 828 occurre m , • 1 , ---.------:------NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. , E state of al'l Rou8b deceased. otiee is hereby giv n that Oai y Roush nl'Mr, wh080 P~st Office Address is Wayn sville, Ohio, ha been duly appoi nted as Administratrix of th e Estate of Carl Roush Illte O.unty, Ohio, deceased. Dated t,his 20th day of D ecembur Itl35.' C. Dopold DiJatush, Atty. RALPH H. CAREY, Judge of the Probate Court, d26 j2-9 Warre n County, .O hio


BOY Plus Thl At

N e. ,"v ape ... Price


Eru;tiS an otTer th3t wid appeal to all-American Boy Magazine and this newspaper at a pecial coml:iination bargain price. The American Boy is the favorite magazine of more than 5()O,OOO boys and yoWlg men. Its fiction carries boys on the wings of ad\leotu~/! to all parts of the ,+"orld. [ts sports articles by famous coaches and atlt lete.s are studied by, chl1lJl. pion-so H ere you will find the finest stories n sports, aviation, business, school activities, humor, and travel. Even at its regular price of $1.00 Il }lear, The Ameri. can Boy is considered a 'bargain. But now you rna"


j 't

and this newspaper •••.•

80th One Year For Send Your .Order To

The Miam·i

I , cure. Two days fo), each pound in !~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~:~~~~:~~=~~~;~~~~:~:==~=~ ~p~~a~~e~~~offue the piece is the standllrd curing



Lima B~

Aad P0t8~ AttoJ'Dey Galenl'. Favorite. f', II




A motMr'. pride !'OM hi.b In . . ""~lM)1c1 heart of :Mrs Jaara BrioIr8 u the tat in the . . . . . I'OCD of ber Kt. SterliDa ..... •'raIMq .ftIrDooa. and . . . . . . . . . . . . to the em ......... the Bepablleu " . . . . . . . . . . . . . for ber lOB. . . . . . . . . . , . W. Brlebr. ,

,~ aucbD.f«:Stwin sl8ter, of the attorn(ly gen PleUed, with bel: .oni , accom- , eral. Vuill Frequently plllbmentl diu. ~.r and conftdent , .·"No, John is not a aU'anger' III iD, hla tutaTl', Mr.. Bricker was me," bill mother explained at ellIappoiated that becau8. of il~ e recalled hla weekly or b" n.. . . ".a uuble to bt' I' ~ekly visits, and h is telephor.. SprJ~elei when ,b. made /1 • ·Is received "everal tim... It no........t of hi. CAndleiacy , •eJc, wbleb .... bad IalOWll lor a "$.( wbo..· -\ IIfelon8 resident of Madlll(.It " ty, Ilrs. Bricker h.. lived I_ I a " eo.tortahle bome in Sterltq 20 rears, ever alne lO uaaI1 ..acllaoD eoIIatJ town, ' left the farm to whlc:.h the BrJoMr IocU fOl'WUd to &be , "or raDilIJ moved after the', , tloneel tbe 101 bous. In wblc~ ..... ...... Iloan With '.vlns .,.re beln 42 yean a,o ............... eoIDl _!!F 'S. ...,. bOIlJ ., bPr tJ_ ., rrlad ch York, .taJUft8 In die .1l......00r tsd ,.41.8 the .

t'; tbai.......... ,,,n:

;'I:=:.r:: .., ..

........... ""''''''.'1



.,.,.. . . . . do ..

time. The brin~ method, which 1'0quires 1'epaeking, 'usually n eed more time, tb~ daYi> for ea'c h pound in the. pieCe 'lbeing' the ,o rdinary brine-curi ng time, cording to Kunkle. , After curing, the proces of 8moking. preferab)y with green hickory or apple wood, completes the process and t he mont ill ready for storage. .. Since the flavor and palatability of smoked-salt-cured pork are comparable to the result:s obtained from ordinary curing a"d (smo/<ing, rn'a ny folks prefer the short cut of using smokOQ salt, eliminat ing for the additional ,M st of the job of $moking t he ir meat. Kunkle'8 one word o.t caution abollt smoked salt is thllt 'you buy smoked salt that has been preby being ' exposed to ~' eal smoke in preference tQ a smok salt that has· been allowed to \.ali e up an acid liquid smoke. -~.~~-


ItV ....




1934 Chevrolet "Jatter Coach 1934 Terraplane Sedan • 1934 Ford V 8 ' Cabriolet 1933 Terraplane Sedan 1933 .Plymouth Sedan 1931 Buick Sedan 1931 Dodge Sedan 1931 Chevrolet Coupe 1931 Ford Truck 1930 Durant Sedan 1928 Sedan 1929 Buick CouPe 1927 Chryder, Road.ter 1935 Sedan 1932 Chevrolet Road.ter 1933 Chevrolet Coach 1933 Ford Cabriolet 1933 Ford Coach . 1834 Plymouth Coupe 1932 Ford· Coupe


1932 1931 1928 1929 1931 1930 1930 1930 1931 1930 1929 1929 1933 1933 1929 1933

Plymouth Sed.n Franklin Sedan Pontiac Coach Buick Sedan Chevrolet Coupe Studebaker Coupe Studebaker Sedan Chevrolet Roadster Ford Road.ter Oldtmobil~ Coach Durant Coach Rootevelt Coupe Chrysler Sedan Chevrolet Coach Chevrolet Coach Chevrolet 1 ~ Ton Che•• Cha.ti. and Cab , 1932 Chevrolet D. LUKe Cabriolet 1933 Chevrolet Roadater 1834 Chenolet Std. Coach

la",nee Harv<')' nl'arlark~\'1lI1! and all (CnjuYI'd 1hl'ir annunl l-:Ibon . pt'nt Chri!lt

ramil~' H'UIlIllII.


--~ -

Homll fnlkll.

... - -

F erry

lI"rl~nck njoy<'tl wi\h hllr ~Ol\, . ·Z. Tht' LncliC!s' J b:ionllr)' Society, 11It.r 0 K an(1 flintily lit th home of FelTY ' ,hllfch of ~h ri Rt, mel of ML and Ml~. \ al\(~r Jordan li t th(, home of Mrs. Henry ;\tur· in llUt""Y burp;. Thl! 111)111 family UTI' d t' ply- up· ph~' in ~"ntcr\'ill , Wcdn(>Rdn}, )11 • 'inti of t he hri ~ tlll tl~ pro· !>c('c'm ber 18, \\ i til /ullr((I('1\ prl.' ~' Ilr m given th m Friuu)' uftern.lo n l'nt. [ri;'.. Lena Rigl.t~ \\Ill.!! in charge of the program II hieh follow : hy til pUllil 1< of th " tl rst cripture l't'ading, by Mrs. C olld grall II of ~chQ I, U lh dil' linn of t h ir t ... llch I" Mr. Juliu Smith; pruyel', 1iss Anna 'ult ; remling s by 1\11' , F I'ed Hub· Frs k I\nd Ii t' Bvn Hccdl'r. lr. lind Mr.. ' nlt~'l ound){>I' blr Dnd Mrs. oy Gillinn. Mrs. ancj n Jlh w nd ni()~I1, of ])a~ lo n, Higgs gaV(> a splen did talk on called at the U me 'ullday after· lwaYl'r, wbi(,'h ,,"u: grea tly enjoY d Thl;' social d~cid\.!(l to have Mrs noon. , Ir. and Mrs. Joseph Lile, o{ Wolf, of the l'hillippine Island ome cnla wore Chr i ~fntlls dlnn .. to , p<,ak in the church at gue.'ts of Ihl.'\r ~i~t(:r. Mil'S lara Jat l' date. The- n t meeting will Li l and lr~ , Anna :Hlwalladcr. be hel d January 22. MI'!'. Murphy served home made fT. a nd 1I1r!';, J. L. JlJenul'nhaJl W T U(' t of Mrs. Howell I'andy after adjournment, Picrc on ori~tmQs. f i~' Rulh Aons Har I1Y was Mi s G'I'aee Pminington, from the guet;t of her s istl' r , Frieda, on fondllY Illld 'j'u e,;(!a •. incinnati Bible seminary, is l\hs. Racb el Pet! It is spending visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. th U olidny. cason with her H my Pennington, for a few days n!"ce" Mh; s~; handler MI's . . Ed Murphy spent hri t· of Ham pton, Vi l'l('in iu and mas with her daughter and family Ru l" h:l.nuh:r , of darville in Pennsylvania. lh hnndl rr home in Wayn esville Mrs. J. S. Filer with Mr. and Mi~s Fri eda Harvey join d her Mrs. James Hartsock and two fll tber, hl'other nnd sisters Sun. so ns, Joe lind Jimmy, of Waynes· day at the home of ber brother, ville, attended a Christmas enter· tainment at the West End Church of Christ in Cincinnati, Sunday night. Miss Beltha Filer r eturned with them to spend the holdiays with her parents. Twenty·nine members of t.he Filer family were entertained Chrjstmas Day 111. the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Harlsock, of Way·nesville.


.. .

SATTE RTHWAITE REUNION The home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Satterthwaite was t he Beene of a joyous family reu nion and turkey dinner Chl'istmaB Eve. The guest list included Mr. and Mrs. Harr y Satterthwaite and family; Mr. lind Mrs. L. ,J. Satterthwaite, of Dayton, Mr. ' and Mrs. James Morris and family, of Sapina, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Es»y and Miss l\lary Satterthwaite, Cen tenrille, Mr. and Mr,. George Satterthwaite, F'fanklin,· Mr. a nd Mrs. Arthur Sumner, Mrs. Mabel Staup Mr. Howat:d Irons, Lebanon; Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Satterthwaite a nd daughter, Mr. J esse Thomas a nd Mr. Hugh Burnet. .




(:hrl lma

Mrs. Perry Well II milch 1m- in Sabin. Sunday evanine. prllvt'd at thig writing. Several have been atteonding the lolr. RufuM Robert !ltill remains re\'ival held at Green Briar the qu Itl' .sick at this writing. paRt wel.'k. DWight Bcallon and sister Mi s 1ary Nette attended a show


Many Differences



Waynesville, o. "~ :\.,"" " '~ ~"" """ "'-" " ~



Superapeed A $3,000,000 improvem

lit pro· eallln,g for an addition to the Miller'. Ford plant 1s annuunced by l'he Dayton Power nd Li ght Co. Among other' new eqllipmtmt con. trac:ted for 18 8 4.2J OOO horso.power turbo·generator or the \'cry latest deslgn and greatest tlffiei lIey and the first ot its kInd to be built and inatalled ill this country. The program will take sixteen mon t he La complete. The management has aD·


IILlunco:u thut the pruJect will be financed through the 81lle of the company's mWnlst·pnyillg mort· gage bonds. Besides the new turbo· g n rator. a sketch of Which is shown above! new boileFS and qddi. tional ele tncal equipment lire to b purchased to round (lut the whole pr<lgram. In a stllt.eme'nt bom the manngement it is poiDtecl out 'that Uli s und rtaking has been studied tor many months. wit.h a

====================-=-= -~~~-TOWSAN- BOWMAN TRY Miss Plluline Bo w ll1~n daughter of Mr. and ~11' • A. • Bowman, of Franklin, and , isle r of ·,Mrs. Ol'ville J. Gray, was 4ui tly married to Ehwood Tow on, of Lyti c, Wed· nesday, Dec mber 1 8, the eel' • mony being perform u in Libe rty, Ind.

Ca,r oon- Alladins Lamp Comedy- Tim Out

yiew to "being fully prepared and m order to completelv and ade. (lua Lely" protect customers. The llrogr~lm refleots the belief ot The Dayton Power and Light Co. in the tutu re of the territo~ that it se rvcs. The Ollll1a~ment s siat.eIOl'nt 83YS thllt present indicatiolls point in the direction of recovery m the country, slow at the mQ' men~ in the hope that it will contmue.

DECEMB E R 29-30



I! P~

Mr. and Mrs. J , P. Fromm and sons ~pent Christmas in Dayton with Ml:. Fromm's parents.

Mr. and 1\Irs. Arthur An on and grandson, ot Shalldon, Ohio, and For the pleasuJ'e of her little Mr. and Mrs. Sid POPe were ChI'ist daughter, Gladys, Mrs. Clarence mas dinner guests of Miss Lizzie Rye entertai ned a group ' of little Pratt and Mr. <ieorg Pratt, girls Saturday afternoon R. D. Collett and family, 01 New Qameg an d contests furnishea entertainment, after which the Burlington, will move to Waynes. little folks were seated at a beau· ville, soon and occupy the Robitze r tifully appoin,t ed tablea and served residence. Mr. Collett has purchas· with dainty refreshments. Those ed J. C. Hawke's hardware bu i· prsstlnt were Ruth H~len LeMay, ness and filling stati on and will Irma Fires, Dibert, Raylyn take pOSS Bsion the fir t of I the Crabbe, Ernestine Earnhart, year. Naomi Earnhart and Barbara Crane. Fall is ge nerally a good lime to make a soil t~t, the so il T he best .i ndex to a bull's value is usually in better condition to for breedi ng up a herd's produc- test than in the spring when it is ' tion is not his pedigree butlthe pTO wetter. duc tion records of his dadlghters. BIRTHDAY PARTY

PhollAt 7

Two Shows--G:SO & 8:00 p. m . ADM. 10c- 16c

MI', and

Claude . Gray,






Jane Thomas Beginners Advanced Term Starting Jan. 3 A 4--10 le••on. $2.25 For Information Call Mr•• P. Boorom, R. R. 3 Wayneaville, Phone Bellbropk 6X2 '

Puhlle Auction I

'Havinl' rented two of my farm. for the .c oming year, 1 will .ell at the Home Farm, located 4 Mile. North of Lebanon, on the Dayton and Lebanon Pike, State Route No. 48, in MerritU. town, Obio, on .

Saturday, December 28, 1935 Commencinl at 12:30 p. m. SharP 8

HORSES AND MULES 8 1 Span of Mule.; 2 Bay Geldin... weiahin. about 1350 lb.. each; 1 Blac;k Mare, weilrhina about 1150 lb •• ; 1 Bay Geldinlr. weilhin. about 1100 lb.. All are excellent worker. anywhere hitched. 2 estra "pod Draft Colt., cominl two yea... olel; 1 a t:ilIy and 1 Ge1dina.







Ladiu' Dre..... SOC Mea'. Suita, sOc Quick- for quality dry c1..alaa


HEAD OF CAT'J1.E to 10 good Milch Cow.. Several are cloae Springers. 10


EWES 8 Head of open wool brecJ..,Ewea.

No hunting or trespassing OD my farm day or n ight. CHAS. R. F RAZIER

Charted for the BeDeSt of Interstate Moto r Tourists al Wen .. Trame Within the Dorderl 01 'Ohio


The R ~ .ute from Toledo to Cincinnati as shown herewith is the shortest distl!nce between th~ two cities. Officials of t he State Bi~hway Department give the mileage saving a s about 11 miles.

No. hu nting or trellp88sing on the farm known a s the Burton Earnhart f arm, day or ni~ht. BOLIN & SLOAN

J. T. Deardoff KARL M. BROWN, Auctioneer. G. F. BROWN, ,Clerk.


There's le s~ traffic congestIon on t he ·T oledo·Cineinnati Sbort U ne t han on any otber bighway connecting'; these two cities. There are far f ewer earves ( no hairpins) a nd all railr oad grade crouinlrs are uceptionaU,. well protected.

B, reason of

the s h o I' t e r mil~age, conll'ellltion (both on the higbwaYllli a nd in the , communities thruwhich they pallls ), fewer

curves, and adequate width roadbed and bridgell, the Route bere outlined is a big time-Rver for the busy motorist-very probably as much as two hours.


Or iginated .nd Spouored by the '

Revolutionary . Sbort TraU Association


ROBERT FULTON HEN th e s tellmboat W"Clermont" saucily pufted

AN ALL PAVED HIGHWAY Choice of Knowing Motorists

... ber. , ;,.,••••

............. ",.. ... " .. r ...

iIIe- W . _

The bile k · bone of the official Revolu· tionar y Trails Sy s tem of Western Ohio. Marked its entire length by hlsborical marker. ,of the Ohio Memorial OolDJlUuion. For addJtlonal Itrip mapl 01' afty information relative to State p.u., P~ure

Reaorb. Scenic

_cIrede _pedal

&POta, Biatorie Shrines 01'


~late 01

aIoItc _


ef other IIltenat


her w.y up the Hudson River in 1807, ~e 'f lnt of the .....Ur.n· ait inventions which marked the p'rorresa of the Amerjcan natton turned from dr elm Into tact. Robert Fulton, ita inventorl thus . won himself a place of nonor amonc the men and women .re. membered fo r t heir cODtl'ibu· t iona to the nation. . Robert Fldton WaB bom in Lancaster Coun t y, P ennl;vlvania, in 1766. His road to Invention, curioull" lay through the d0main of art. .\.pprenticed to a jeweler .. a boy, he develoDid luoh marked taJ8IIt for clnwlnw that he decided to become a painter. This ambition took him to Enl'land. wbere he atuelled uWlder the renowned Benjamla Weal. and .ttablect'Wlme ltaDd. Inlr .. a pain.ter. iii JegIaDd a meetIntr with .I. . . tlte lav.tor of tile

".u., enwme. auc1den17

. ,....~


. . . . . . to · .... II.



inl'. Art lanaulahed while h.~ perlmented with thenewl, dis· covered prlncipleB of .• 1team. power. Submarine boats, It I:s in· tereaUn&, to note. were · allROnll' the flnt objec:ta of hia resetareh both In En&'land ' ~d ,FranCie. . On returning to the Ulnlted StatGl, he found financial flack· iDe and built the steamboat now forever linked with his nlame. Americans who view me:mor· ials celebratlnw the deeds of. our national heroes, or of their pri· vate family heroea rarely Teal· that Robert Fai ton haa con· tribu1tlld even In thia neld,. He In1'en'ted a maehble for polillbiin. marble. are .till York, la historic




Between Toledo and ClnetMatl

Il'TER IT'S FILl I lesl

Waynelville, Ohio

Beech Grove CIQudia nnd Jo ephine Gray, Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Stanl ey Gl'ay; J ohfl E. Gray of We llman attended the fun fal of their Cousin Harry Rudy at Miamisburg Fl'iday. MI', and r.lrs. Elbert Rich, r. anu Mrs. Thomas Rich were '1hop.ring in X n ia, Monday. Mr. Le Engle of ne!)r Wellman, It. t one of his best wotk horses Inst Monday. The horse fell through the flo or of the barn seriously injuring itself. Mr. and I\lrs. Glaude Gray and Mr. and 1\11', ' Charley Voiel'B were shoppi ng in Dayton Saturday Mr. Lindsey VoieTl; is getting along as well as could be expeat.ed Miss Made Wells is 90wly 1'&covedng from II severe attack of typhoid .fever at her borne bere. Mr, and Mrs Clarence Thompson Mi s Frances heoowetJl, Kathleen Thompson, K nt Thomp on, Jake Chenoweth ,ere In ' Wilmington Monday and Tuesday. J\IIss L na Mae Mountjoy sang a beautiful song' 'Joy To The World" last Sunday evening at the Friends Church in Ogden, aecom'Ponied by Miss Mary K. Thompson

ill. and !'tlrs. MelvYfl llant a, of Plea ant Plain, are spending the holidays with n~atives h reo

J. E. McClure

,to~ Romance

Fox News a'nd Comedy



Tho differences in caskets are g~at. To the reputable funeraL director, a casket is worthy of us& only jf it is as well made. in every detail 88 ita appurance leads clients to believe. We examine all caskets carefully before aaceptanc~. Only the best are provided with our service.









Eighty-Eighth Year



COASTING MISHAP Miss Edith Leonard, daughter of






IN SALES lAX LAW ;:~g:n~i~:,8. ;.::ive~eo:ardbad~~ BEGAN BUSINESS IN '02

Robl'rt D. Collct.t, fnrll1Crly of New Burlingto n, \\ Ill/) purchased the J. . Hawke ho.rilwIIl·e slor, a sumcd c.harge or the lJu ~ in ~ ~ Janual'y 1. MI', nlll.'lt is < 'p'l'i. enced in the hnrdwal',· and impl('. men!. bu.iness, having blOcn [llISf)ciatctl wit h WaynE' . mith in N w BUl'lington tw nty Yl'lll')\ Ul' more, We ~·xtencl a hMT'ly welcome to Ml'. 'oil tt. and hi.~ fn Inily who will occ upy the . 1\1. RolJitzcl' r ':oi. d nee on North sLreet.'

Whole Number 6202




Th marr iago o f Miss Jo.n e Chl'R ·ldine and Mr. Mlll'i on WhitIlcr IHIS lIolcmnized on hl'istmas (Iny at 5:45 o'clock at the home of lh(' bl'id,,' pHl'e nt in LcllHnoo. R(!v. \ -l'l1ey ,'('ud the Sill >1(' ring rnlll'l'ip~o !'ervice in the pre enc c ~r the immediate fami'i s arid [I Gun Accidently Di le.har,ed Wf\e.. few friend: . Youth Attempts To CI'i mb Fenee A wedding II inner immed iately fnllowed th marriugc c'remony. l\ftR. Whitacre if; th e dallghlcJ' Rogel' B owman Davis, 1'1, of of MI'. and Mrs. Jlnrold hel!el- ~uTal rou te o. 1 Wayne. ville, in. tantly kiJIcu at 2 p. m. cline .• he i~ a gl'Udua~c of Leb- ' w ~n tl High Scho oI. Friday whil hUnting. Th e bridGgtoorr iR the youhge: ( According to Dr. H. M. Wi1l~ ,"o n of Mrs. Josie Crl1hntn. 11 is a i 111 5 , Warren County coroner, graduate of Wayn e 'ville High ho was summ()ned, th accident school and iR em)lloyed at the occul'red when the boy who was Frigidaire jn Daylon. hunting wit.h Henry MtLrphy, a neighbor, on the Ro y Deutrcmont Cur'm near his home attempted to climb a fence and his foot slipped, causing the singl bar~e~ed shot gu n he wn ' carrying to discharge. The !<hot entered the left. side of the youth's hend, blasting away lhe prirti 1'1 of the Itkull . The youth attended hi~h scboo l Mr. and Mrs, Fronk Cook and at Harveysburg, and was a member of athletic teams there. Mrs. Will Bl'adley w rc Xenia Funcl'RJ s rvices were conductvisitors, Tuesday. ed Monday afternoon from the Mrs, Ota Hidy, of prin.g1ield, i , L~lat l~ork church, near Harveysvisiting h er daughter, 1\11', John burg, and bud I was made in Miami cem Lel'Y, Preston, and family.


sprained ankle While coasting neal' , Kings Mills, Monday evening. Miss J. C. Hawk e one of Wnynesvill 's M. E: Gu!<tin, COflll el' milyor of Leonard's foot became caught olde~t busin 55 men, hag l'ctirecl Lt,ltunull, alld one (If th(' old ~t having sold his hul'c1w re store to Voodar. Must File Rep6rU On under the runner of the sled. all,] mo~l hif:hly I" ';,., l:t tI <' · Robert D. Coli tt, formerly of Tr.d e Since April I, ~ ,r War ' I" 11 ounly e1ied at his hom New Burlington, who to()k charge 1935 ,January 1. in Lt·Il::111on Suntluy night folloll'Mr, Hawk e bl!gan his businells illg ~n attack of pneumon ia. Store w nor and others classed career in Waynesv ill e in 1902: He l~lInl'l'al S l'vices W"'1'e ~(lld nt as vendors under thc Ohio sales was b.orn in Wayne township but. tax law must submit a I'eport to the Oswald ji'uneral home W un safter bis marriugc he operat~d a the sales tax bureau showing total tlay Ilft~IIl()On and budal wu.s in Carm in CI Bl·c.reck township, dissale made between Allr il 1 and posing of the farm t o nter the Ll hanon. January l, M. S. Kaelor, manager hardware anu implement l.usin ess of the local sales tax division, A. F. Melloh and family spent with his father-in -law, t.he late A. MOTHERS' CLUB MEETING announced Monday. Special forms Christma& with relatives at Iiami l- B. Sides, who condllct<'d a hardon which t.he data must b supplied ton. ware stor in the building now ocThe Wayn e Tow nship Mothers' Keclor said, will be mailed the cU,!>ied by J. B. Gibbons. A.fter vendors within the next few days. club will me t at the "rade builuMr. and Mrs. M, A. Fulkerson Ml' Sides death in 1918 Mr. Hawke Organiation$ and private esta»':' spent Ohristmas with friend's in continued with the business and ing l~r idllY afternoon, January 10, --. -Iishments sponsoring dancel! and Columbus. removed to his pl' , nt location on , A machine ,wi th four pa engel'S at 2 u'clock. Th e program will be floor shows also will be required to harl es BeaUrl', of CI .."elatld, and pl'cs.enl.(!Q by the wives of .the Main st.reet. in 1922. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Crl\ne and Cumish z;eports to the sales tax MI'. Hawke is and ardent Re- MI'. .and Mt's. Willi!11l1 0, bOl'n and facu lty, divi ion aftaer January 1. The re- son spent Christmas with relatives publican and fOI' a number of LO U1 ~ :'>1cManus, of Oincinnuti --- --- -~ports must 'be- made between the in Lebanon. year has been central committee- illUded with one dl'i:\'('n by Mil'S first and 'tenth of each month as man. ' ., Edml hun r f Waym~sv i ll , arly Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Wcaver and provided in t'h e existing law. He is a memb~r of the Ma sonic, 1I1·ontlay evt njng ncar' Hastings' Mr. Keeler stated he will sons spent Christmas with the for- Odd F lI ow, K. of P. and J r. 0,. U. ~arag on South Main street. be at the Ford Garage in Waynes- mer's .mother in Xenia. Mr!;. 0 born ~uffel' d bruise A • M. I 0 dges. ville on Monday and Tuesday and cuts about the fa,c and neck Miss Henl'ietta McKinsey lett 13 and 14th and at S~art's otherwise w s unhurt in the accid· E. 8, 1\Iurrell, 61, formel' GaTage in Harveysburg, January Monday to resum her work in the ent. Ashtabula schools. Wart'en County Trea urer, died 15th to assist vendol'S in making The injured were tIlk n in their State Tax Reports eovering suuJ nly at his home in Lebanon lure',· ambulance to Blair Ie Mr. and M1's. Howard Archdeathe perio d May lat to Decemb r con spent Christmas with Mrs. hos pital Le~aOlln, wh(!}'c tho y ro- Wednesday afternoon, . He wa 31 t, 1935. found uncons cious sitting in his ceiv d t l'eatment, Archdeacon's brother and family Mr: and Mrs. J. B. Chapman will From January 2nd t.o January in Dayton . Miss Shan r wa5 shllken up but chail'. by members ot his family qnbertain the membcl'S of theit The Waynesville Garden club 1 Uh Mr. Keelor can be found at wlii me et at the hOnle of Mrs. otherwise unhu rt in t'hc uceid nt. and died shortly after. "500" club Friday night. the Commi ioners office at the . Mr. and Mrs. Dan Collett have Harvey Ry<: Tue day evening, Murrell liIerved two terms as BoLh machines were badly Lebanon Court House. as th ir gue t for two weeks, Mrs. January 7th at 7.30. irea.'ur r, holding oltlce until Sepdamaged, Dan Surfac ,who suffered a Collett's moth t , 1\Irs. B. F. Hill, tember, l' 36, when he l'etirell. slight stroke last week, is recovcl'Miss lara Lil 'and fl.'s. Ross Charit)' Or._iutioM Mutt of Ch,icago. lIe pn, lied 1)10 t of his life . on a i ng, according to a late r port. 1935 CLASS REUNION Hal·t ock will assi t the hostess. Oha.... . S .... T... farm at Spring Hill, Wal'l'ell A study of t.ho cactus will lie the Church 8 and other cha.ritable Mr. and Mrs. Phil Zapf, of CinMiss Lena Angle, of Middl town WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH Members of Lhe Clll!iS of 19H5 c unty, removing to Lebanon was the guest of Miss DorQth~' organizationlS sponsoring suppers ci~nati, and Miss Sarah Smith op ning numbel' on Lhe program, k NY ' Rev. G. C. Dibert, Pastor and similar functions must charge were Christmas guests of Mr. and each member bringing a specimen met in r(; union at tb(~ gym last when he a sumed rus office. He , H a rtsoc, ew ears, \\as n member of all the MaSOnIC Sund8~': unuay school at !) :30 and som information about its Fridsy night. The el~ening was sale8 tax on all me~1!1 and oth r Mr . George J. Smith. Dr. R. Mc lellan, of X nia, wa' a. m. Morning wOr hiJl at 10:40. growth and cultivatiQn. pent in reminiscing jlnd (lancing bodlu, Elks and Lhe Grange. urticles sold at Buch affairs pcA paper on "House Plants" by and .reil·eshmen ts' werl! served. He is su rvived by his wife, in Waynesville on protes i011al The sermon subject will be, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. St. John gi nning January 1 but will " be Getting a Right Start With God Those who enjoyed thE' affair w re Lucy, one daughter, Bernice, and business, Sunday. ' exempt from plying tax on pur- were Christmall guests of their Mr, B. V. Smith wilt toHow . . .• ~ - -.--for the New Year," Misses Winifred Conner, Mae two brotbers, A. C. . Murrell, Lebchases made for their, own 01' in Bon-in-law and daughter, . Mr. and I Mr. Morris Graham and Mis Epworth Leagu at 6 :45 p, m. . Treadway, Evelyn Pet..3rs, Dorothy anon and C. H, Murrell, Wilmingpreparation fo r social events, ac- Mrs. men. Bland, in Beuah Young, of Dayton, visited with Winifred Conner as leader. ton. Bourne, Juanita Brannock, Ruth cording to an announcement made Ml' . Alice McKinsey and M18s Funeral ervices will be held at relative and iri nds here Sunday Evangelistic services at 7 :30 p. Pennington, Betty H;ll't ock and Mpnday by M. H. Keelor, Lebanon Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Dav;is were m. Mary Kathryn Yourlg; Messrs. the 1'esidence Saturday aft rnoon sales tax examiner. Wednesday; Bible study and arl Oook, David Boger, Frank at 2 o'clock and burial will be in Ne~ Years' Day dinner guests of The new ruling, Keelor said, is Leban~n ~c:e!!,,_ !\fr . . and NI·s. Lloyd Davis. prayer meeting at · 7 :00 P. m. Hawk ,Noah Newmlln, Marvin directly opposite that given under • I Mr. and Mrs: Frank Thomas A speeial me tillg of council was Fox, John S ,ars, Robert leaver t h original law which expired at Mr. and Mrs R. Noggle, of Green Character is self·control. ST. MARY'S CHURC9 midnight Tuesday. Churchfll and spent Christmas with their son-in- held Monday night tOr the purpose and the enior advi or, R. F. Hut. ville, were Christmas guests of Rev. J. J. Senaeffer, Rector cbllritable organization& under law and dalghter, Mr, a nd Mrs. ot finishing up the business of fielt!. The only way to be rid of the MJ'. anI'1 MAO 1'S. . • G1'1'ff y. , the year. All bills for which funds S cond Sunday after Chris~mas, that law were not required to Madison Earnbart, in Dayton. worry about the things 'We have Imp rove U d M' M k R t were available were' ordered paltl. charge' tax but were forced to pay Ml'. and Mrs. Clifford Buzick JanusI'Y 5, ChuJ'ch schoo, at 9:30; not done is to do them. ~nr. an rs, aT ogers e n er A h If' h it ()n all purchases. The new law, til' ed Ch . t M R ' t t e coso 0 bUSiness t ere Ilnd ehildr n have returned horne sermon a nd Roly CommuniOn. at The fir t and lno. t important In 'on r~s mas, r. ogers was a defioit of approxfmately A wife never quits until sh e's after visitJng relatives in Sidney. 10 :30. Annual' pari h meeting, 2 also places an exemption on purlh made her husband ouy that he parents and SI t er,. Mr. and Mrs. v"130'111 th e G en ta I f un, d' a step toward impro\'ement i p, m., at wnicb time officers will chases of coal and other materials N Rogers and MISS Ann of near b a Iance 0 f $3"0' tb e Sttee t re- d ci ion to improve. Sltarted tile argument.' Miss Sune Crane has returned be elected, reports of the treasneeded by the in titution, but Te· F ate k'l .. In home after staying sevcral weeks urers of the ditl'erent organizapair funds and a balance o.f $499 quires each to obtain a regular ran I n. ~=====================~ - - - - - - at the hOllle of Mr. and Mrs, tions will be read and oth er matMr. and Mrs. Will Bradley, Mrs in the Firemen' Indemnity fund. v ndor'g licenlle at a, fee of in ters of importance wiJ] be taken A meeting of the Witter board _ - - - - - - - - . . . : . . - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - , Forest Graham near Lytle. ordel' to spon llol; suppers and sim- Carl Servis and son 'Robert, 'Miu Lucy Emley and Miss Martha was held on Tuesday night which ilar affairs. , MI': and Mrs. R. H. Ha~tsock care of. A,,1I members of the parish Cook were' guests of Mr. and Mrs. dis<;losed a balance. of $1192 in the and dQughters spent New Years aro urged to be present. .F arm E . . . ptl.". George Woollard in Day~on, New Watel' fund. , Oay with Mrs. Hartsock's parents, The law pe~lning to exem'p - Years' 'Day_ ' ST_ AVGUSTINE CHU~CR - - - . - ~--Mr. and M(s. C. U. Deatherage. t iona for farm'er s ' also wiJI be Father Newton, PastcJr ohanged starting January 1 and Mr. and Mrs.. Walter Underwood Mu. L. B. Hall and son, LOl'lline Mass at St. Augu!ltine's Church after that date, farmers must have moved into the B. V . . Smith of Columbus, were· New ' Year: ' very second and fourth Sund.y property 011 Third street r ecently charge tax oil. all comnloditiel reDny guests of Mrs. Hall's parents, f the montb. gardless as to whet~r or not the vacated by Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Mr. and Ail·S. Harry McCinnis, sales are made - on their own Day. The Days are occupying the FRIENDS MEETINC Wilton and Owen Hartsock arc on Main st. premi es. They will be exempt, McOlure residence First-day School at 9 :30 a'. m. .. The Wayne Township Board of l;pending a part of the holidays . ' however, from paying the tax on Meeting for Worship at 10:30 Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Anderson Edu~.ation met in. special session with thei!' uncle ilnd aunt, MI'. and m. articles purchased for diNCt use entertained Ohristmas, .Mr. and Monday night, Dec II1ber 30, for Mra. l:Jarl Harvey, near ~banon. i ~ ' cultivating theft' land. MTB. Clarence McOray, of Cen- the purpose 9f o I'gQO/1.lOg and Manufacturing concerns will be. t~vill'e, Mr. and Mrs. Allen EmMr, and Ml's. Abram Cook and FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST electing ot , OlUC«H·S. Carl Smith, MinIster entitled to exemption on tbe pUi'- rick., . of Lytle, and Mrs. Georg~ Mr. and :Mrs. StIlnley Cook, 01' Har.tle>, Mo s, was elected presichQses of all articles required in Hartsock. Sunday School 9 :3 0 a , m. Springboto, If!ft this morning fOl' dent, Kenneth Hough, viee presiCommunion 10:45 a. m. ' their plants but in the futUre must F lorida, where they will spend . a dent. F. B. Hend rson was made Sermon 11 a. .m., pay the tax on lIuch arlicle& u Mr. and Mrs. Ralp'h E. Homfew weeks. 8ll.cretary",treasurer by the board. wood 101" crating merchandise and mel, nee Edith Sides, of 2185 The regular meeting of . the A YNESVILLE CHURCH OP Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert Hes ton and scales \lted in ahippinlr ' depart- Ma.pleview Ave., DaytOn, are allboard will be }w!ld Monday night, CHRIST family, or Springporo, Mr. and m~nts. The exemptions will cover nouncing the arrival of a nine January 6. Walter Sheehan anll sons, Mrs. Carl Smith, Minister such at'ticlea as el~trte lilrht pound boy, Howard Ralph, DecemMr. anq Mrs. Alvin Eiarnhart and .. , glovel and all Ilmilar arti.ber 20, at St. Anne bOlpital. Tbe DEAD TRANSIENT ~ glob Not A Denomination eons wer Ohristmas dinner g u ests el_ The rullDg, Keelor aald, it youne man is a arrandlon of Mr. FINGERPRINTED Bible schOol at -'9 :30 a. m., of Mrs. Annli Sheehan. e:U~f the oppoiite of that made and Mrs. A. L. Siehl. Lord's SUPPer, 11 a. m, Christian uncleI' the provWon of the 1986 Fing ' erpl'ints of a tr,antlient, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Stubbs Endeavol', 6 :30 p. m., e vanr4\lIstio Mrs. Oharle. Dolter waa bOltesl clltertained Tuesday evening, Mi·. services, 7:30. Wednesday ' night, tax law. . at It one o'clock lqncheon, Friday, who, before he died recently at ............. A. " ' •••• r . / .u , Startltll with the. new ,ear, the the Warren Couney Home, said A_1HtJo "..,AI,,".'" • and Ml's. M. A. Fulkerson, Mr. prayer meeting and Bible study, state allo will Ilia. pre.paid eaMl December 27. Her Hat in- he was Thomas Dunn, of Dayton, and Mrs. Phil La.rrick, Mr. and 7 :30; choir practice, &:30. cluded, Mra. Irvinlr Welch. lin. ' entitlinl tM purcbal.e r to buy 0114 Herbert Can, Mn. W. W. Coutlm were taken this week by Deputy' Mr • Ralph Hastings and Mr. and JOHN PAUL JONES dollar'l worth of merthandile . at Sherif! Wmiam •Hufford in the WILLS-UNDERWOOD M:rs. W. E, Stroud. Mrs. William lin. J; P. hope of makin" positlve . I'd. ~n titi caLTHOUGR his exploits in the his elder brotber died and lafl the t h ree-cen t rate • Thornbul')'" Mri. WUUam Lukens, .. Miss Minnie Pric~ and Miss War of Independence "ere him plantatlonl In Virginia, Hv T.he card. will be so Id direet to tion of the deceased. Miss Dale Underwood, daoghter . M1'8. Berbe~ Doster; Miuea Ruth woven into the heroic legends of decided to make America his Alm a Garvi n of Columbus, Mr. the ' vendors who will be given a Dennl, Kathleen Graham and Although the man told 'officof Mr. and Mr . D. B. Underwood our country, the mOlrtal remalna home. With the outbreak ot the . and Mrs. Robt. Nesbitt (Alta 3 per cent disoount, b~t wIII N te- Mary Shidaker. , ials of the county home be lived of Admiral 10hn Paul Jonel, the Revolutionary war, ' John Paul and l\fJ:. Al'tbur Wills, son- of Mrs. Kiser) and little da Ilghtets of St. "father of the Ameliean navy", Jones, thoul'h stllJ under thlrty, quired to pay the cost of the on Gettysburg avo in Dayton, no Katherine Robinson, of New Burruted fo1' more than a century offered hili aerne" In building Parts, Ohio, ,vere New Year's Day printinc of the ca1!lJa. the amount ¥r. and Mra, A. S. Oollett· and one has arrived to c1aimt~e body lington, were unitt!d in. marriage In an obscure graveyard tn up a Continental navy, . guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. to be ebarred for the carda, liT. son RONrt enter~ined a hoUday which Nmains at the Osw~ld Chl'istmas DilY, the cere 11)01'11 Paril. ' Bia naval aehlevementl were Men(lenhal1. Keelor ltated, ,hu not as ', et dlnae" party Sunday evenl~. morgue Lebanon. Only in 1906, Prellident Theohll youth being pel'fo1'med bf. the Rev 141'. to hi8 deedl. dore Roollevelt eent a eOllvoy of l· m~!1'IIII.. beell de.t ermiDed. Dinner was lerved at 6 :80 to the The transient died after beJudge Risinger, of Eaton, Har- Peters, pastor of the New Bllding..a1'llhipa to bring Ithe body to hilll~oriie between hi. The cardl wiU be printed in 10UoWIag rneat.: Mr. 'Ind Mrs. in&, found along tbe Pennsylvania old Risinger, of Miami university, ton Methodist church, at the home American 'llit fot honorable tn- little Bon Homme Rkbard and Iheets of 40 each, but the venclo" George Wall, of Baltimore, Md~, railroad tracks in South Lebanon tennent at Annapolis. Concreta tbe pnt warship Serapie Miss Alice Oglesbee, of Spring- of the bride on ~oute 1, Waynes",W be permitted to buy any IIr. and ~. Robert Collett, of with both lep froze. He died of at the same time ordered the marked the climax of his .."ido· Vall ey, Misses Bettie, Lida and ville. 'Faction of II luItable rift. tor til. American eause, amovnt de*,". The caret. willl DaJ\On: Mr. aDd lin. Charles ·expolure. After COngratulations and reNettie Oglesbee, Mr. George Con.,..,.a ordered II mea-l ,truck bear the lmprlDt of a three-e8llt EMter, IIr. and Mra. Georp - - - - . - ••- - O(lesJ,ee, Mr, and Mrs. J, Q. freshments 111'. and Mrs. Wille III Ilia honor. Ji'nDee, allied with ..lea tu ICalnp aacI ..cb VlDelor Denny, IIr. and lin. OIIarl.. RELIEF BONDS ARE the ~lonJ.ta. Ihowered him with Gons alld Miss Alice Gons were left for Washington, D. C., where 'WW be nqaind to haft ilia DUIlI no.ter aael diqh.r laalt, lin. SOLD MONDAY marka of ftteem, a1Id CatbeTine ChriBtm8l! dinner guests of Mr. they wUl reaide. the G....t f1I R.aIa .neared Id, imprlDM4 OIl tile face of til. ~ Il. B. Doster. lIIII Ruth Dwny. Mrll. Fred Gonl and family. and hel, In lIahtlq til. Tarb. Card. DOW . . . . . . . . . . " the KID · Kathleen. Graham: IIr. WarreD .,OUDt,.. "l~t bond PARMERS IJifSTITU1'& SIR ucI ....Jt..broba cmr Mr. and 'Mrs. Elmer Sheehan dealln wiD be 1a00oncI aatll Georat PtclpoD ad Mr. 101m..... .mo~ to "0,000.00 eouri lD~ ....... a. .lnat I'eIn'au7 1 . . . . . . . held la, C1IIIo Delmy. AD u..... , ..tare ".. widell II to ~ tunda for repve a family dinner Sunday with Th. amnII1 Pum_ IJIttiRM him III St. ........... lie weat to Pula. . . . . . . &iJ OIl tomen will ...... atII . . tIIat th.... we,. tIane two p1UpOMI, ~_ 101d MODdlal' by all their cblldren and til_ falnill'l win be lInI til Bat'fl~ IIiio 18. 17iI.1ia tile ..ldat of tIae tin ___ ....... .........1 CUrl.. two ....ria, two .utha tUei...Woaelll to PraddllnDd JlftI8nt aa fonowl: Mr. and Mrs. daJ. MondaJ Mel THIdaIt ~ ~ Jato ItII AI ...... aM . . . law ...... . . ...... Ia the pattr. Co.. T . . . . wh I1IbDlltted the Dearth Sheeban and . .iii..... of 18 ... tortr·ft.,.~ 01 . . . . . IIad ....... acrWef .............. . . 4~.""'''' of .... .... 1'1" Potll~ IIr. "'-~r._~!O-""'~'~" Ie all ' " - Will IIcCtIal'e aDd ~1::;6::~-~;: ........ J_ ", ....... Crocll.tlt~ ; ......11..















;~e:s:?~~~d:~:~ J::i~~~~:I:;~i: CLOSE BOOKS fOR 1~35

--- ........ ---


'-=========:::-= "
















aroUPI in Japan ba OIl tb prillGarage, cll,11.' that CClop,rathln I. thE' pract\\ 0 tift' and tubes for sui r' ticDI application of the teachinll truck, $36.20; $takaltll Mfg. Co., l,r <'''list. delivered addreSBel in supplies, $12.20: Mi1I(!r-B~yant·· Indianapolis December 30 and 81 Piel'ce Co., . upplie", $7~ HArley W. ~cfore cooperative leaders :from' Brunk, sI'rvice8 as Dog Warden, all parts of the nation who have &; Z(I in Armita!1:C!, f\'ravel and gnth\'red to heul' hio, as a port of ~an d for I·'air!,'1'oun d WPA project the th \. Coday ]lrogram of the nn$83.85; Johnston &. John. tOil, nual me ,ling or th e 1<'ederal CounMat riul and labor, $9.30; J ohn. cil of Chu r hes oC Christ in . l n & John,t n, lumoor, $ .64.; America . Lel\i'l & Drak(>, Inc., ement. drain This Ullllounc m nt was made by tile, nnd st ruw, $372.75; The /lice officials of th Ollio Farm Bureau OutfittCI'R, p ncit, 65; The Ore- who are laking an active pl1rt in gonia Bl'idg 0., 10 blu(! prints, promoting D,·. 'Kaga wa's tour of nited St~te!l. Murray D. $2.50; J tlhn Bart', pay roll $71; th cretnry of J oh nson My rs, pay roll, 91. 0; Lincoln, executiv~ M. . FOl'emll.n, pay roll, $$253.00 th Ohio form organizatio n, will Earl Baso!'c, pay ro ll $93.20; ~. M apllear on th ,program with the Armitag pay roll, $76.80; John Japane e c\.Onng list to discuss "A MYErs, pay 1'011, $13 ; IIrI Dakin, State Program of Consl1m~l'S Coop pay roll, $231.70; H. L. Schuyler, eration. " I'BY r O]l,$142AO; J. L. Dunn, ser· just .us well to expect the vices, $57..60; Th e Oregonia 0., exygen, bolts, rcinforc Bridg bIg teel, $15.68; Waynesville unexpect~d. Farmers Exchange, cement, $119. 80; J. K. S~ncer , lumb 1', $32.66; Zain Al'l)litage, sand. nnd gravel, 133. 01; J. K. pencer, gravel, $ 8 l The Klinge r-DlIIs o. Ilupplil!s $24.40; Browo & Bunnell, coal, 6.10; J . D. Adums Co" repairs, "THE HOME OF GIFTS" $6.24; W. N. ox, supplies, $4.86; am Smith Junk Yard, I)/I.~ ·ts, $4 . Lebanon, Ohio 06; Shell Petrol eum Corp., oil, $24 .9 8; Jones Bros. Sel'vice StaEXPERT WATCH tion, supplies and gasol in e, $23.20; REPAIR.ING The Cincinna.ti Oil Works Co., ga oline, $l.26; HathawllY's Texa- U" nlt OnLy Genuine Male rial. COhl tation, gaso lin e, $7.74; THin Prompt Service hllwhan, belt .r furnished relief Store open until 9 p. m. ftlmilies, $tO; Ray Swigert, food furnished relief families, $12.36; Ruby Van Riper, food furni.shed in Te,aching," by Webster Rtlese. , . . - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ relicf families, $64.05; Mikesell's This book has f6r its central theme GrQce ry, food furnished -relict Ask f or a the idea that the strongest teachfamilies, $6. 40 ; W. L. Kirby, food ers bave the most pleasing perfurnished relief families, $4.85: Miamilburg Permanent sonalities, and t hat many teacherLebanon Farmers Coop Co., fue l Concrete failures are due directly to weakfurnished relief families. $4.26; L. nesses in personality. P erso nality S. Arthur, food furn ished relief Air Seal Burial Vault i hard to define people are labelell families, $1.60; H. D. BTant, fuel of South Lebanon. Common PIe.. Procoeclmc. For Sale only by by oci ty as having good, bad, or Albert Ld. Lyons, truok driver, furnished relief families, $19.60; In the ca e of The L,oveland indiR'ere'nt per ()n.alities. P rsona.l. Brown & Bunnell, fuel furnished of M\lrrow and .Miss Erma Leo Your Funeral Director ity may be ch anged by a caJ:', ful Mutual Building and Loan Com- RatHft', of Morrow. relief fa miles, $3.25 ; Warwick' pany versus Hattie Kreb and E . study of one's traits and the de· Marion Whitaker, factory work- Grocery, food fuml hed Irelief termination to eliminate onder. E . Miller, .1'0 eph H. BUft1ett is er, of Waynesville, ahd MI s Jane 'f am ili6l!, $14.85; James McClure Funeral Home Ray, made party defendant. sh:able points and to strengthen janitor servic:e , $l3.14. WaYD ..iille, O. Cheseldine, of Lebanon. Phob.7 In t he caSe of wlie M. lBunnell those which afre desirable and ~ Clarence GrushoD, paper maker good. Mr. MacDonald nam ed five ver u Her chel N. Bunnell it is of Franklin and Miss Thelma forces that create school spirit, ordered that this case proceed up- GraY', housekeeper, of Franklin. namely, the personality of the on the petition for partition alone. -Eldon Shutts, truck drivel' 01 In the CBse of Stanley A. Silteacher, the quulity of class-room Lebanon and Miss Viola Brown, instruction, the nature of sc hool voCnteen versus J ohn H. Mount, bookkeeper of Lebanon. BetiviLie , the aesthetic appearance et al. premises are ordered. re-adCharles J. Apking, wire chief of ' of the chool, and the community vertised and sold. Lebanon, and Miss Frances Aud- Arranl'mc Practical Pro ....1D for patl'iotism and civic pride found 24th AllI1.ual Gallhoeria. at rey Dunham, shOe worker, of therein; and, in the opinion of the New Suitl anon. Ohio State Uni",u.ity author of the book, by far the Walter S. Updyk,e versu :! J()hn greatest of t~se is the first one. LeRoy Updyke, et aI, for pl!l1'tition Real Ealate TraDlfer. Farmers' Week- the 24th anFrank Bran do ll to .Ad am an d Ef - nual gather ing of Ohio farm men Of real estate and other relief. R~T FOR AND CONSIGN Elvira Johllso n venus Sidney fie Campbell 1'n lot N 0 .1" Sch_lma.t.n Clu·b Meela . . an H ar- and wom en at the State University rout cattle, hoas, sheep Illd ealv.. to h ear and see what has been sr- to Norris-Brock C"., Jive wire a"et The Warren County Schoo lmas. J ohnson ~or dil(orce. Chl\1rge is veysburg. - -- --1- Nellie Leibert to HlI M. ranged by the Agricultural Exten- progrullive firm f?r the M,but ~ers Cluh held ita monthly meeting gro s neglect of duty. Lemu el Tarvin versus Glover M J ordan 14246 . Mass .u~ sion Service and t he College- of market pricel and gC)od lenice. . acres In at the Morrow high-scbool build· UaloD Stock Yarela' C.... I._tl, O. Tal'V in for divorce and otlner reo to nsh'p ing on Tuesday, December 17. Th e WI. Agricult ure to help t hem on their Tune in on Radio Station welty Wayland M_ JOTda]l. to Hannah farmers and in their homes, wiII be 12:25 to 12:30 p. m. fol' our daU, 811eaker was Reverend A. a. Wil- lief. M. Jordart 142.46 acres In Massie held January 27 to 81, inclus ive, market re~ortl. Bon , of Wilm ington, who discussed Pro....t. Court PI'OC~IIC' his recent trip abroad. A double announces George B. Crane, assist township. S.rab H. Van Mete r to Clare.nce ant director of the Agricutural Ex CJ.uartette sang a number of Christ Da,isy Roush Snyder Wll8 ap· mas carols. pointed administratrix of the es· F . Galbreath and Mary V. Gal- tension Service and general chairof the F"rmers' Week prj)The next meeting will 00 held tate of Carl Roush. deceased, and breath 76j70 acres in HamUton II committee. ' . ~n Waynesville early in January. filed bond of $12,000 witl~ sure- towl\shlp. Program details for the week Lida Beall Earnhart and Perry ties. My Pet Peen Ethel Faul was appointed admin- L. Earnhart to Milo M. Beall real are still being arr~nged, but there I assuranCe of theu \lal depart(Tlteme for a Literature Clan) istratrix of the .estate of H. L.. estate in Wayne township. Oive Mary Eberle, by e:xeClltorB mental programs including animal Do you 'enjoy family dinners ? Foul, dece~sed, and filed bond of W~II. I certainly do not. Ob, I don' $2,000 w it~ sUreties. Davlis Fur- to C. Louis Freezo inlot No.2 in husbandry, agricultural engineering •. poultry, tural economics farm mind el}ting the sumptuous meals naS, Amos E. Thomson and L. V. Franklin. Theodore Urton and Laura M. crops and soil, fruit growing, vege - far from it. It's their Thomson were appointed a:ppralsUrton to Luella M. TUrner inlota table gardening, floriculture and questions, their scrutinizing, their ers. plant dlaease and insect control. satirical remarks, to which I obFlorence E. Gibbs, admlnistra- ~OB. 27 and 28 in Ro.cbester. David H. Graham to Ra.rold L. ' For the women attending, thereject. trix of the estate of )la.r y C. Phone 78J Did you ever have an elderly Mount, deceased, filed her inven- Parlett real estate in Clearcreek will be thoughtfully planned pro. township. grams, displays and exhibits reaunt to corne to you, pat you tory. gently on the sboul~r, and say in Clark Ld. BUIToughs, adminia· Etta B. Larrick arid John P. Lar- vealing information and met hods her B,m ug way, "It's a sham e t bat tutor of t be estate of . Albert A. rick to Ensign A. Belden 85.68 they can use advantageously their farm homes. . the good looks couldn't have been Burr()ughs, deceased, filed his in- ,licr~s in Wayne township. WOTARY PUBLIC General aasembly programs at 4. more evenly divided In Jobn's ventory, Bill. Allowed Na,lo••1 B . .l! o'clock each afternoon will feat ure family?" Well, I have. I t isn't that The estate of Frank E. Harbach headline speakers, most of whom, Hathaway'S Texaco Station, I mind being homely so much, it's deceased, is exempt .from ilnheritW1Ua Ora... _ • E ...... S.u," gasoline, $2.62; J<fhnson & John· it ill planned, will be- men of na· WAYNESVILLE, OHIO just that I liate having the facts ance tax. that I am thrown in my face so Marietta Whitacr.e and Esther son, repairs at jail, $1"'.33.; Penn tional promin.ence i11 the field often. Some of my rela.tives at Hicks, executrices of the Cl!ltate of Morton. services as Janitor at agriculture, according to Crane. FOR SA.I.E DATES CALL times are even hateful enough t o Eugene C. Dunham, decea8E!d, fl.led Court House, $70; James Follen. Each evening. beginning at 8 semces as Janitor, $16;, J. ' K. to entero'clock, will be devoted say that they think that I resemble their schedule of debts. Aunt· Jane, when tbey.... know I'd The inventory o! Mary Elsie Spencer, load of woodifol' Court tainments and recreation, includrather die than look like her. Snook, executrix of the estDte of liouse, $8.26\ Lewis & Drake, Inc. ing mUlic;, 'dramatics and illustra. Did you ever have eo stand in Morris K. Snook, · deceased, wu 4,000 Ibs. Poc. coal for Court ted lectures. Tuesday of Farmers' Hou~, $16; Elda Powell, unload- Week will be Farm BureILu Day line and dutifully kiss everyone of approved. The inventory of Stella JR. Cor- ing coal for Court HoulC'. $2.10; and Thursdal' will be Gran,e Day. the uncles, aunts, and cousins in a There will be the usual Farmers' whole tl'OOP of relat ives? Well, I win, administratrix of the estate Brown & Bunnell, ~ar of coal for JESSE STANLEY have, and it fairly makes me s hud of 'Charles H. Corwin, deceased, Court House, ,288.63; Lewis & Week conferences, among which fto •• sao, N.., a.......... ow.. Drake, Inc., use d Tippl~ lor un- are the 4-H Club. leaders and the der t o tbink of jt--'all of the hal f- was approved. The inventory of James E. Me· loadi~g coal, ,6.64; C. Donald Fanners' Institute spealce~ conwitted, old men with t heir siijy EAIlL KOOQUa The corn and grain show mustaches and popping eyes. .Clure and Carl S. McChilre, ' ex- Dilatush, December Nnt for Prose D.,toII PIao.. Did you eve.r have some one et;utOfS of the estate of Mary M. cuting attorney's office, $20.00; to be put on by the department D •••,. .t.. tell you, not too lently, that they McClure, deceased, was approved. William Shotwell, jaliitor at Me- agronomy, promises 'to be as The adjudication and determina morial Ha.ll, $20 ~ Ttps~eeB of Pl1b- ed· as ever with practical and had been planning what you should do after you had graduated? Well tion of the inheritance tax on the lie Affairs, gas and light for ble information the way farm I have . l ive had relatives to ilIsist eltate of Charlel H. Corwin, de. Memorial Hall, '2.47; Lewis & like to get it. Sillce -ita inaugur.atiQn in 19 that I should become a physical ceaaed,ia to be given to all persons Drake, Inc., 6,790 Ibs. Poell Coal, • • attendance at Farmers' Week Krager, labor and $26.46; George educationteacher, when they know intereteed. I'm not fitted for such work, and The estate of Edgar T. Dj!chant, supplies, ,9.87; McGetehins Pbar- the Ohio Stat&' University has Helen erown consistently ftom 140 in that I've always had my heart set decealled, il exempt from inherit- macy, chamois; ,1.26; Doughman, board Slid care of 1913 the lint year to 6,690 in FOR SALE - or trade, tift, on being a home agent or a public anee tax. ·s peaker. I have ~ven heard Harrr C. Burnl was appointed Cli1lord Doul(hman, $7; Ml'It. Ira 1936. ThOle making linal prepal'atoilS of alfalfa har for aboata people in the family tell my :father executor of the estate of Cat:herine Eltzroth, board and care of Alice tiona for the university's gatbering weilrhlna about 100 POUllds. J. D. that it would be a wa8te of money Co dr, deeeaaed, no bond re\luired. Starkey, ,5; James Moore) board of farmers early in the new year Bolin, Wa,.eaville 8. R. I. to send me to college. I IIUppose C. C. Eulasa, Charles S. Irwin and and care of Lucy Moore, ,5; Mrs. believe that th~ coming Program FOR SALE-Whik abelf paper, they think 1m follow in their foot Charles H. Young were aPllointec! Elmer Lacy, board and care of will attract the usual large atten;10c per toll, at the IIIaad Frank L&cr, ,5; Mrs. LuJe Gab- daDce. Coplet! of the preliminal'J aantte oIIc.. steps and let married a8 soon Iifj appraiaers. Albert D. Bond WI8 appointed bard, board and care of Lincoln proeram will be available by JanP,m through school; I've heard m, FOR SALE-hallap ,1.00 per few merits and man, faults dlllcU. adminiatrator of Ibe utate of la&- Gabbard, t5; Mn. Julia Holland, uary 10, Cralle statel. ton. Dodd&, RoDDDa .... Warboard and care of Vernon BoUand lied in family clrclel 80 frequentl), belle Bond, deceased, hl.nOla. PIaata. oI.:et ,5; lin. 9ma Oaborne,.. board aDd that I could scream at the tholJlbt bond. of ,9,000 with lut-etll". of it. .. ~r Deardotr, WID. Be-i~bl~~ care of Walter Barlow, $11; ltIn. Oma Olhom.. boarcl ad eare of It ,is lucb Uiiqs .. the above Harot~ Baile, ware aDII)olntiitci I'rnk BaDiDP!', '11. Mn. liarthat have cauMd .e to be 80 pre- PQleen. .Joe.. board alld .... of judleed qalnst

I "Into the slniffl, orpn to pve t~ plan no seriolls th it Int ra t. :'Goo-Goo'll" swimming thOUttht and ent on about bi water, and then I conlinue regular dutie~. On Friday cvcnin jt M, a..t Pal bath throu,h the summer. Rc erend Brooks IIpproach~d Mr. (A theme for a lilllra'l_I'I, I am very much concern d Redner alain and a~ked him if h I know of no beU('r pal with his health, and 1 put him on had the mu ie ",riU('n, Rl'dn('r duel<. 1 have loved my Play, "An 0111 n ~nd on . Young an'W red that he did nul , but lo he mnny yeurl'l: in fact, CHi_.hlp Club Pr..... nh Pro.ram since I a diet ill t"e hottest summer Shoulders"-ElI cn Guy, as . Mrs. pati nL with hilH, nd h would lry can rell1em~r, I ha\'c lhOlllghl 01 a months 0 hC' willn t overeal. I Jo The itizl'n~hiJ) Inb PI' cnted GrimshaW: John Kelner, Ii not p rmiL him to l'un nnd play so Mr. an lIlt('re. tinS! projtJ 81n on F'ridny, rah~ ad 1 Cecil fIn rllllln , all .Toe j to have thl' mn!iTc {lor him b)7 Sun- duck :1,. :l. wondl'rfu l pal. I much in th ~e monlh ~ b c USe of id alized this animul 50 m Dch that ccC'mllcl' 20. The following nam- Ruth Larri k, a . J.<'ann ; Kathryn dny mOl·ning. Saturday night Ir. Uednl'f's I have buill up in my mind an Im- the donge-r of a heat streb. h L \I ert> io.l'Illtl d: Smith, liS Polly; mind was quitE' confu cd about the · aginary duck. ThL duck iSI so very "GIIO-GOO'8'\ lolcpin~ qunrtcrs Scriptur r ading - Charlnttl!' Ann ran. sel'vin/i as, critic, m lody. Th fa j~. he was t.hink- real to m tha I have III mental are lit the side of our house. J lIOI·tmall. l'Iave some constr\lc(.i\' crit.icisms ing more about his Sunday choo] picture o£ caring for it, h,e lping it hove built fot' him a. nic box with Poem-.Loi!i Jean Larrick. of the numb rs on the program. Il'sson thlln \\rilin$( mu. ic. During and loving it. This itllPH'8sion is windows in it, so it will b~ propPIny, 1\1 l'ry ('hti.tmn~. Jllk lh ni"'ht he was roused Bude) n", gO vivid in my mind th ... .... the cl erIY v n t'l 1 a l e d . I thOIn k h e sh ou Id PI! ' m- Annn rampt>cll. Ieep, Office Pnct;ce Cia .. Hold. Parly from his I ep, th tunc was in hi s tiptlon that follows' cenS:es to be Ilove Il cel·tain amount 0 f p ()~Ill-' Betty Bernard. and he hn tily ' arose all/I a de~cripLio n of nn imaginary du and therefor , he is not allowed to mind 1'0 m- Mn.ry Ev Iyn Isnacs. The offie practice ~lass held a jotted the liong do vn on pape,.. b\lt that of nn Ilc\.unl living dUCk. bout lote at. night!. Ai' Cl' th cOllclusiun f the little Chl'lstmas party in th high I h.ov named my duc~: 'Goo"Goo-Goo" is t.he sweelast al)(\v progralll, a prizl!' wa. award- school lunch. room on Friday Redu l' alwaYf! said that he ha·' an all gel slrain whispering Goo." It is the preUie~lt liHI animal; he is so grateful and sphl'ord ed ttl the pupils Who made the best afternoon, December 20. Refre h ments of sandwiches, cakes, candy, in his ear. I n the mornin~ before "hite duck witb yellow feet, you preciat.ive of the littl e things I do d1'llwin R of a hri!!tmas tre~ antQ Claus gave out the pre - and p()llCOrn were served. Mr . LoU' going to church, he arOSe eal'ly so have vex seen. I keep "aoo-Goo" -for him. The other dny when that h could write lhe harmony l<l as clean as J possibly can, lind Itave let him go to his pool for his nfter ont~. The refreshments wet serv- and ?lfr. Brown wer guests. llis melody. ll1ade II pool of watm- fOl7 him in noon swim, he c1il)ped one of thci " by Minn io Jones, Rosa lItae, The n xt Ili()l'ing the song wos our hackyal·(). I con idel~ it my liIie from his pon d and brought La\\ .on, nna Mile Walkins, Doris o Little T~ of Bethl"'''''rI . ung in the Sunday Schoo l. Little solenm duty to bring my cluck in- it to me. He dropped it from bis DII \' i and Dorothy lacFarland. INote : This article was writt n did Redner and' Broo ks realize to the kitchen and give him n bill and then he wellt "qullCk by ~uthbSaliSbUry for the class in that th it carol would become warni bath once a week. J not only (IUack, quack, quack." a s if to say. Senion Pn.enl Lite:rar, Pro cram famous The only other carol. which think it whitens his feath 1'8, but "nero is a present for YOu." Music A preciation.) Th e .cnior whQ arc in the It was quite by accident that Redo. r wtote .was HEv rywhere, I f e-e I t h e h ot soap-sud sy water is I would not kllow what on earth English Literature clas8 h Id their the famous Christmas Carol, "0 Everywhere, Christmas Tonigllt," a benefit to his health. n keeps to do without by duck_ He never third montbly meeting on Friday, Little Town of Bethl hem" WIli! and it was wriLten in much the him from getting any $kin disease. tells aU he kQow , and hc never Wh en thc weather gets a low talks back to me. I have never Dec mber 20. The following pl'O- written . Little did its composer same way, under the sam circumgram wa given under th leader- realize that his humble 1Y0rLs stone s. However it nev I' had the III tlliry degrecs, I dis(~ontinue hea~d "Goo-O"oo" sayan impertinsignificance of "0 Littl e Town of giving him his bath bccnu,s I am ent word in his ife. lie is so good hip of a committee consisting of would be 80 warmly accepted. At the Yuletide season in the Bethll'hl)m." Ruth Larrick and Kathryn 'Smith: r.C l'aid he will contract pntlUmonia and lovable. Christmas story, from the Bible year of 1868 Reverend Phillips "Goo-Goo" is subject to colds and I am Ul'e no one ever had a - H. Jane Cook. Brooks, of t he Trinjty Church, TeacMr. Hold Regular Meeting I feel as though I would be l'UIl- more iOlagina:ry duck that was so' Poem, "A Song for Christmas" I Philadelphia. mentioned to his The Wayne Township t('achcTs ning too much of a risk to give him real 8 I have. I will go on loving church organist that he had - Aial'jori Earnhart. held theil' regular bi-weekly on a bath and then let him go out.-Qi-1thi duck as I have b fore, in hopes Essay, uTb First Christmas written a very simple verse, a Wednesday, ecember 18. Aft j' doors. Lhat orne day my .pal, "The best That I Can Remember"- Frances carol, and would like to have him the business e sion bad boon conWhen the w~ather beg;ins to pal," will come to be a rcalit)' in Mr. Redner, compose a tune for it. Ellis. ducted, ~r. Mal!Donald gave a re W81 III up and the th ermometer my He .. Current Events-Ruth Salisbury Mr. Redner, who was the church view of " Personality lind S\lCCeS8

hool ....High Spots ..-.._._f1 _.____ -___

____ ...........




eeler of w iRbtl and meuuree, 6.1(1; Htr!'chel F. Jam"



----... - -----

Cary'l Jewelry







----- FARMERS' WEEK· TO ---_.

BE HELD JAN. 28-31

We can .upply you with the be.t and highe.t grade building material. and lumber of all kind ••

Brick••• Roofing••• ~ement

'w. H. Madden·.


W aynelv.ille, O.

Phone 14

F. 'J_ Martin Auctioneer



Or No Charge

Centerville, Ohio


Quality Pltntlal

Stanley &Koogler Auctioneers



.- ..---

I·t e

n., ..,1Ielat4l1"81-.





larn'leTA in Ohio lIold their pro- thl' farmer in Ohio In tli plm"'" duct~ lit priceR 3; percent belt)">' ing p(J\\er LlC his dollar III '8al. pre\\ar. while they paid prices 7 -===~=~=====::===~ percent above prewar. Til. p~t year they have received prices TRY ave"aging 10 per cent Itbove pre· OUR CLASSIFIED COLUM" • "al' find pafd prices 25 Jl l'cc:nt above prewar. The pdc of Ohio farm protiuct,. incl' ascd 2!l p el'cent in '1935 Over ' 1034 ' while prices paid by fal'O'It'Tg i ncl'(~a~cd onl)' 2 pel'cent oVl.'r 1!l3'1; resultin~ in 1\ net gAi n of 26 pet·cI. nt to


188um EVEBY THURSDA'Y - - . .--~at Po.tottle. Way.,.,..,... . - _........ ,.. ........... No. 11II Tille. Oblo. aa I:sc"nd at Cia,. M.. II S.It•• ripll. . Price. '1 .10 a Year



JANUARY 2. 1936 ==:a::


-= ,___ ==-=

THE FACTS WE FACE the United States haa com~ to the end of a year of epochal importanc in our history- again our 126,000,000 people enrer a new year with hope a.nd ambition nnd coUrage. DUring the year just closed industry and agriculture, the only sources of wealth and employment. recov~red 80me or lhe ground lost during the WOl'st of depression. Most. industries made pl'ogress--somc even c arne close to the production Neords attained during 1029. Near the end of 1936, business as a whole reached the highest point since early 1931. Busines8 commentators are almost unanimous in expecting 1936 to show improvement over 1936. Even so. business doea not feel the jubila.nce it would normally feel under such circumstances, nor does agriculture. The upturn in business is encouraging- yet there Is very little to give a feeling of confidence t hat we are approaching stability. While the financial and industrial barometer continues its climb, un,biased Bnd fllT-sighted observ~rs are gravely wondering wha.t the future holds. Why should this be so during a period that, measured by figures nlone. c:annot be called other t han a period of recovery? There are many answer_ but t his. to put forward a generality bllfore BPproaQhing the specific, is unquestionably true: Industry Is afraid I It is afraid of gov~rnmental policies. principally of fweral origin, that s ek to nOirate the spirit, and often th.e letter of the Constitution. It is afraid of a spending policy- in which the federal government had led. and has been followed by many local units of governmentthat hu caused our national debt to reach an all-time high, that has greaUy increased taxes. and that must inevitably make stiil higher taxes necessary. It is afraid of political programs which, carried to logical conclusions, make i t impossible for industry to earn profits. A number of industries have had a of this already- they bave sold more .goods employed more Inen, kept more factories in operation, yet have enjoyed no comparable increase in their earn in 8'll. It is afraid of peraecution crf industry. and of meal!lurea wh ich. in effect., tTander management from the owners and execlltivell of industrial propertie& to officeholders in Washington. and. to a lesser xtent, in state capitol. A nOtl\ble example of this is the ' Public Util,!.y Act of 1935, now i~ tlle courts. which marks a revolutionary departure from our time-honored concept of the proper relatlon between industry and government. Under the terms of this Act, electric companies can be forced Ollt of existence with lo~s of billions of dollal'S to their stockholders, at the whim of a commission. and can be federally regulated in every phase of operation. Leaders of other industries. seeing

Bu chering Time Morton's Smoke Salt-large can 10 Iba . .. .... ~Oc Small can, 34 oz . . , .. '... ... 23c Sausage Seasoning, can .. , .... ............. 25c Also for those who use the old methods of curing, the best flake salt Per 100 Ibs . ..... .. $1.00 Have YDU seen the new imprDved CDlonial blDoks? Special price ea ch, ... . 43c or 3 fDr $1.25 Egg Mash (20 % Protein) per 100 Ibs . .. . $1 .95 Dairy Feed (16% Protein) per 100 Ibs •.. $1.40 -We do not add one l)ound .of screenings to any of our feed. but use only the best ingredients. CDme and see .our feed s made, Remember that when you' buy our feeds YDU not only secure the best feed it is possible to prDduce, but VDU are also providing a home market fDr the

grain grown in our own community.

Waynesville farmers Ex. Co.


Phone 25

; f. . "Today tllere Is an irlvisible guest ",ho aitt at the bible of every fam ily in this country. He is the Invisible lax eatcr that collects the hidden laxes. When the housewife Jlur,~a!K111 three pork chops.' the butcher weighs them out rut only wraps up two. The third he gives to this inviaible guest." The foregoing paragraph is t~ke'l1 (rom a r.:cent speech delivered be-

rore Ul e Americ~n BankcTlI .11.610- mated by the National Industrial ciation, meeting in New Orit:ans, by Conference Board as being 15~ bULewis H . Brown, president of the lianG of dollata. Today the total Johna-Ma'nvlll Corp .• larget manu- cost or g(".vcrnm nt equal to onefac turers of building m.tterials. Other exccrpts hom his speech. third of the nlltional income. "Some peoplc think that all we pointing nced for red ucin ~r taxcs. need i~ a new rnayor, or a new govare: "In 1934 the national income was erncr. or a ncw Congrt!Il!. But what apr>roximnt Iy "18 billions of ilollnrs we r ~t'l1:v n«cd ;:0 a:l arou~cd pUblic and the total cost of all ROv~!rn.,.,",.,· It opinion d!nl<'nC\in ' that the cost of -local, state and national--is esti- go ernm Ilt must be reduced."


tion. and the college of pharmacy advanced from fifth to fourth place. Dr. Walters reveal d. • • • A reduction in the number of accIdents and in the number of fatalit~es in Ohio Indllstry 4urlng Novem ber was recorded by the Indu strial Commission of Dhl o. according to a Niport issued by Superintendent Thomas P. Kearns of the division of safety and hygiene. A total of 14,145 accjdent claima and eighty-three fatality claims were registere.d during the mO'nth, w~ich represented a reductiOn of 1.304 injuries and eight eight fatalities as compared wit h Cctober. The downward trend is signified in t hat thousands more were employed during November than during October, Superintendent Kearns said.




th~" s~rtedwiUnM~ ~ng~nfi~W -==~~==~=~==~~~:==~=~~===~~~-===~=~===~======~_

a single industry. but will be graduslly extended to others. Business Is afraid t hat private InitiatiVe and eJlterprise, foundation stones of the republic, are in danger; that our democratic theory is becoming tinged with alien theork!6 which have sounded the death knell of liberty and free dom in other lands i t hat even a dlclatorship looms on the horizon. It cannot be disputed that the old status o! State's Rights, for exampI.e, has been drastically changed- that the lederal power hascrept steadily into spheres ' that we used to believe were the sale province of state and local powers. This, wb~ther we rea.lize It or not and whether those responsible for the change realize it or not. rs the first IItep toward dictarorship. Under our Constitutional Bet-up of government, no dictator could seite abeo.l ute powe.r because the seats of power were purposely made many and wide pread-o ne ellch in the 48 states, lind one in Wuhington. As the powers of atates are abrogated or letIaened. and aa the central .power is augmented and 8trengthened. the opportunity for luccellafully eltablishi~g a dictatorIhlp"-wb~thel;' It bears t hat name or Ilnother-Lis . immeasurably imI proved. It must not be forgotten that a short time ago a number of men holding responsible positions in government adv,oeated. either directly or by intimation. Constitutional amendme~ts and changes which would hav& given the federal government unprecwented powers over individualll, over industries. over agriculture. over all the rirhta and liberties for which our forefathers fought. Less'· is heard 10m high so~rces of such changes now- but the kind of thinking thatiirst advocated them lemainl. Th& fean and uncertainties mentlQned bere, plus too much politics from all factions, are' the greatest bars to real recov~ry. and to per manent stability. America still haa bed fertile soil--ehe stil has her industries and her factories. She can still produce the things \bat create ,enuine ,tobs, and that raise the standard of, Jiving of all the people. She still has the American spirit that faces great obs~cles gladly. that a.pproaches the most difficult taSks with jubilation. Let the clouds of doubt be scattered. and we can go no way but forward i

Wayne8ville, Ohio


and local Red Cross Chapj;ers. it 1934 and $161.000.00 OIn the low was announced by Highway Direc- ~ar of 1932. tor J ohn Jaster Jr. So ;far the While Chio farmel'S have had location!; have been made princimore clollars to spend in the state's pally in the congested Cleveland lownfl and cities during 1935 than and Toledo areas, but all l'apld l ~ as posslb e other stations will be in IIny year sinCe 1!l32. each of lQcated tl)roughout the state until theil' dollar nas al so beeJi worth more In the retsil mark~t . In 1932 mo~e than 400 have been Elstabl! h cd along main highways at traffic accident c c nt~rs. Director Jaster t said. The stations Ilre being located in tllling stations. wayside sto res and at suburban police and ERJ1iS an offer that will a!>peal to all-American fire stations. The Red Cro'ss will Boy Magazine 'a nd this newspaper at II special train ownel'S and operatol'!j of t he combination bargain price. The American Boy is the places where the mergencv accidfavorite magazine of morc than 500,000 boys and ent treatment will be available and young men. Its fiction carries boys on the wings of supply emergency medical equipadventure to all parts of the world. Its sports articles m tit;. It i!! tbought that t1:le Red by famous coaches 3Jld athlctes are studied by cham· Cross emol'fgency service will re~ pions. Here you will find the finest stories on sporta, duce the highway traffic fatality aviation, business, school activities, humor, and travel toll because it is a wen known fact Even at its regular price of $1.00 a year, The Ameri· that many \.raffic ooaths' rel1ult becan Boy is considered a bargain. But now you may • • • cause of failure to obtai)l em erobtain it and tbis newspaper ••••• Dr. Francis Edgar Mahla. ot gency ctU'{l. Director Jaster assertMario n' haa been appointed n~w as- ed. sistant State djr~ctor of he~lth. --~ ~-succeeding J~mes E. Bauman, it was announced last week by Dr. Walter H. Hartung. dire~toJ" of the State Department of Health. Dr. Mabla. has be-en a practicing physician in Marion for twenty-two years. He is a graduate of Dhio More Mone, to Spend Hae Helped S~nd Your Order To State university college of mediI ncre••e 8u.i'ne.~ iml cine 'and for two terms was preSiTown. and ·Citic. dent of the Ma.rion Academy of Medicine and for one term was coroner of Marion county. .Mr. With crop yields 20. pl~ r cent Bauman served the state failh- higher in 1935 than in lhe lO-year ~~~==~==~~~~~~==~~========~====================~========~====~~=;~ fully and ably for more than ~orty period 1921-80. farm rs in Chio years. He first was employed in have harvested more abundant the 'department as a clerk. but in crops during the past yeal~ than his spare time atudied law in order farmers in any of the othEllO Corn to secure advancement. For many Belt states. according to V. R. ' 8:00 MUllc years he has handled all . legal Wertz, rural economist at t he D. 8:06 MOH8 .Cle.veland and the Western Reserve .......... ,.H. E. ERWine questions that came before the de- S. U. 8:16 Farm Value of Skimmiik .,.. Perry Green, President, Farm Buteau partmimt. He snyS further that the in1 &34 Chevrolet Master Coach 1932 Plymouth Sedan 8:26 HUilc creased prices a.nd r eceipts for 1934 Ten_plane Sedan 1931 Franklin Sedan • 8:40 Witl\ the '~H Clubs in 1935W. H. Palmer, State 4-8 Club leader Chioans paid $27,Q15,239 in marketing livestock over' the past 1928 Pontille Coach 1934 Ford V 8 CabriDlet 8 :50 A Look Ahead in Extension Work ... ,H. C. Ramsower, Dire.clior of taxes on iqaor in 1934. it was re- yea r. due lntgely to toe drouth of 1929 Buick Sedan 1933 Tenaplane Sedan • . Extension vealed in a re,port by State Audi- 1934, is mainly responsible for 1931 Chevrolet Coupe 1933 Plymouth Sedan 9 :00 Home Furnishing Facts .... Anne Biebticber. flome F. Specialist tor J.oseph T. Tracy. Of the total. increasjng the income from the 1931 Buick Sedan 1930 Stu.debaker Coupe 9:10 Kusic . $18,527.390 went to the federal sa)e of Dhio live tock and livestock 1930 Studebaker Sedall 1931 Dodl(e Sedan 1930 Chevrolet Roadster 1931 Chevrolet Coupe 9125 Preventing Poultry Bronchitis A. R. Winter and C. M. Ferguson government a·n d $8'.487.848 to p'roducts from $1a6.000.000 in 1984 to approximately $1.79,000. Poultry Specialist. state and local lIubdivision.s. 1931 FDrd Roadster 1931 FDrd Truck 000 in 1936. 1930 OldsmDbile Coach 1930 Durant Sedan 9:86 The Year in Farm Credit .... ................................ Mary V. Jones It is furth~r estimated t hat Secretary-Treuurer. HuskiDgum Co. Nat'l Fm. Loan Allsn. 1929 Durant C.oach 1928 Oldsmobile Sedan A ruling. of the attorney general farmers' taxes in O'hio will aver1929 Roosevelt CDupe 1929 Buick Coupe ' 9 :'6 Joan and Jerry. Attorney advised I Prosecuting 1933 Chryaler Sedan Lawrence F. Kellar. of Delaware age BO cents an acre for tIne state 1927 Chrysler RDad,s ter in 1935 8 8 compared to 94 cents 1933 Chevrolet Coach 1935 Oldsmobile Sedan county that the defendant in a il:\ 1934. and $1.22 an acre .in 1932 1929 Chevrolet Coach 1932 Chevrolet Road.ter o ctimiDal cue may requil'C the 1933 Chevrolet 1 ~ Ton Chev. t 933 Chevrolet Coach court ltenorrapber to fllrnisb him This lighter tax load has left the state' a farmers more mo !n~y to Chasaia and Cab 1933 Ford Cabriolet o a tranaeript of the evidence and spend for otber tllings a lnd has 1932 Chevrolet De Luxe Cabriolet 1933 Ford Coach 10 pI 0 the court'. cbarae without pt'epa.y- contributed much to the rill.e in the 1933 Chevrolet Road.ter 1934 Plymouth Coupe L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~Jjnr thetco~t. Th8 OPtra lnion hieltd ithat value of farm real estate'. which 1934 Chevrol.t Std_ Coach 1932 Ford Coupe COLUMBUS-Ohlo state uni- University of Kan.....The eollqe coa 0" SIlCh a nacr p s a . . '1 20 _1 . . . . . __ . . . . 'dlatinction of hav- of comDHtrce bad 2,21' studenta proper item of colt of the trial haa lDcre~!lf!d In value a )out ~., . . . . WI ' . t percent smce 1933. " . I... the IarpIt aoUep of oom- rePter.d for tile fall. quarter. Th~ and ~h!t ;n~ otbJlr :?CIU8:n I In general. Dhio JUree 111 the United Stat.., aecoTd Ualvenit., of DliDois ranked ••c- wou .. 0 ., lopa 1S8 e considerably better off iq to an umul earollmant 11I1'V• ., ond in this c.....lftcation. The Ohio ohanc.. of an iIldipnt pri.oner than 't bey wel'e at the 00fWi1l,l181 eoU.... &DCIulll.,."'" coil... of edacatioll and .plew- havin, bi8 couiet~~ revleMld by I 193.. They are milch tiel. j,. ..uletact br Dr. Ba7- tun each hold third place Ja -the appeUate coaM. I than In any year since mnd WaIt.tra of ab, Ulllftnlty of nation I• .aroIlOle.t, til, con.... • • • eetiOlated that the ~ OhIo State'. eollep of of ............ and duu.try eacb Approslmat.el:rlfteen Bad erou coma from tbe ..Ie of ........, . . . . . fa .... _ . . ruk 11th tile nnQ revealed hIP••, -trpIlOf atatiou ..". product. pI., rental .J IdD4 Ia .... OJdo . . . . . . . . . of law .... ~ i1l OIIto lIacler Deeter tile Api~lt1lr:.. 1.......1t.. lCII4i"'~ ,~""".


Plus Thls Newspaper 'A


.. -...


Both One Year For

The Miami Gazette '


Farm lIIight 7alka,

R educed' Price


Ja~uary 6


• •

• • •

8 est 0 f t he N ews Dlrect . F rom th e Oh 8tate Ca





to Ilk a IhAt


Fnend.' Home New.


1\11. anti M I~. ·A. L. ~iel .... re reo of 8 )It'll, Rnlph R. I\ oll1nlel DC SL An ne ho"pilal. Dn )·top, Det'l'mll4ir 20. lie ha, been IlIl IUOO Howard Ral ph , Mr. a lvin Longacre an d th r ee children have , b~n quite m the pa~t coupl.- ot wec ks b ut ar e lmII1'V\' d at this time. Mr, and Mrs. Ralp h J oh ns and daun-hlers and Mr. and Mrs. Jam<'s Jollnto nre spendin'" th h olidays on a motor trip to.. F lorida , Mr, and Mrs. Walter Ke nrick lILten.:! d tlle funeral ot lint R. ,Wt'l'



aubKribe for TIN

tam! GaseUe

No hunting or t rellpt& ~ ing on .'11. t\ , Z, IIlI l'l or k I\nd f a m ily . of )1 " 'In, called UII MI'.. L t'na my farm day or nig ht. 11 rt ,urI;. \\'l·l l n('~( l ny IIfll·r nlltln . c HAS. R. FRAZlER

ill~ aelv .. U 'ing \Till '''il.lllic', we 11I\\" mon' 1\1 ... Hti}'lnllod P iNC . of T(tlel lo ubt Ie .ltTt Much a~ llult ~in'n(,(l('t.!.tl NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT nnd 1\] 1'. II 0 \\I<\rrl r iel'cu of O LUl\IBlJ. UIlIU I.' i~ .'aid hy ,Jnek ,Il.'nny Ilfld lIu Il c~ n()lulu. I'. I ., Wl're Sunday ni~ht that in 1I nei nt Englund 'i t wn~ the Ill'n . . . I almo!'!t forgo*. I 1-:, tut 0 f e rl Rou$h <tlCPM d. custom to 1:1 an out the chinlneys making onll r<'solution. tlll'll is, to l-:'u('.I, of . l r • Howell Piercc. '"tic... ill h~r ·b. ivcn thAt Mr. Ru. ell Browne, of West t]);11 y R~HI!'h ~n~·.ier. who c P t. on New Y ar" Day 0 that luck never attempt iru skating again, at ville, Bnd Mi.!les .1 Ulill lind Virgin ia 1 ~ Adeln'~s ill Wayn SyiUc, cou ld de.c nd ncl, of cour , my nl/:(.' I 81"0\\ nc, of Centerville, cull d on OhIO, hn beta duly aJlp int~1 u remain aU yenr. ~ 0 with us It has • .. • lig ·es Annie and r..latlle nr~H\ DJ 'cimini hallix \If the E,tate (If k f ~come tl l~cl'hap nu tun~!I nmu~ng' dnne tl1'l I1l1U h lutt!, or Wan n I . cUflt(Jmlll'Y tl I 1 tu j, h Sptlll II 0 Sunday. "e IIearnagN It' i! n e y Ile., s - s('llcti()n~ hl\v\J endu I'c d so I ng '"unty, , hio. d cca" <l, l\Ii~ 'es nnic ant! Mamlj BrowlIe Y' D.atlld Ul!.· 20lh Il~Y of Dec DI· cn. ed I I cw. ' t('Rr ISt reROk a,lon. ny with ~uch clm~isl Jlt f.lIvor as had as til it dinner g'lle~tM on Tiles-b t' l(1;l/I. IIICC (un t Inr ('nc 0. llHl ~ . Il: "lIinah," ldfL," "l'rly Gal Sal," lillY, ~h-s. . N. Berryhll l lind Miss f , Donald llilll.tush, Hr. I can't refnlin f r()m ~ugg~!\ullg a of Th(.~(! l)ay~," .. hirla Boy" lura BI)I'l'yhill, of BclIbl'ook, Mrs lh I ne RL\I.1)1l H. CARb:Y, ~ f w :for SMile a c p 'op " and a few others in the' wOI'ld of Ju!ht~' r th Probate ourt, Binegar, at hi late TCsidence at nil know throu"h IlCWS and Nldio: syncopllti n. Mu si<:iuns tell me F:. L. Thomas and Miss . ora Thomas. d~6 j2·n \ 3rr n County, Ohio Jamestown, on Mondoy of last That Ethli antor eli;; ontinu that such m l(Jdi~.' lIr!! usually 1If1-, and Mrs. H enry Dkkllo)l, of week. pub1i iZlng lda anll thc tlv swingy wilh (\ plellsing und haunt- entervilJe, call d on their Ir . M ta Ro"'ers spent hri~ t- d ht I ,·I hi' nnoun b aug ers on( nu I y a - ing effl'ct. nU lllly Ihl\ crentions l1iothot' Mr-e. N(>ttie Dick on, Wed mn at t he home of her si ter Mrs. eer Jimm ie \\'ull inl\'wn to sllt-lpl'nd of Tin PHil Alley ar t8k, n lightly nesdny aiternoon, making th it: Trilla Fraquar near Rid~ville. th "here CQllIeS Eddie TlOW" stulf. by the burd of harmony until fnrow It visit before leaving today Mr. and Mrs . Elb rt Wallac Thnt sonll \uit~ll', when BLuck for thtw have. tablislled themselves for 1I month'a trip to wer~ Christmas din ner gu Is of slushy I ng, cons ult the l~~il'on mO!'e or I t! ]}erlllanontily jll th Thursdny, Mexico. Mr. and lifts. Ballard Wallace in for lUOl' agr eable tl!rrns than public til te, No\ I such plllinth'c Waynesville. "Hot ha," "Uey Nonie, Nonie," selections as "Val ncia," "DardMrs. AliCe Clark spent Chri t- "T ot" 31HI "Unby". , , . Thut anell,\" nnd "The PClllIul; cndor' mas wHh lr. and Mrs. Romo radio announcers quit changing Ill'e t.nking til ir 'Plac s aJong sj(le Riggs and ilaught!}l' at the home of the pronunciation of WOl'<ls so the immol'tnl of 'uucti'VQ sync 0Mr. and Msr. Perry Thomas near often '1'm getting 0 I can't. pation. ~llbrOok. keep up \\ith th~ timcs ) . . . That .. • • .. " '. ChristmD.3 guests of lifT. and each politician ke p one little Mr Guy Rout:r.ahn were Mrs, promise, just tor .:fun . • . . That l D{;~lgn III men, ho lely Mary Boitnott and on rll\t and ~~:'l I foot .... nr ~ ems to have stQod - I tkally 5UlI f elt th last fl~ w yeaN!. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Brown of -== hnpmlln, who accOmTippecanoe City. They remained . Mrs. ~al'y armony WitS a Th~ conventional check, IIrrow or panied hi brother harles to over until Thunday, hristma gue. t at t.hl) home or sl r in ~Im IlTedOl1linates as the tT. and Mr. W. L, Hard man ] Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Clark in Way. l deco\,allY nllu'k on ock~. with the hicago fo;' a few day' visit, reand -famil y of Da yton spen t Christ nesville. col r llch(;m 1'cl1lllining '(1uito un- tlll'ned to inei nllllti, Monday, b.y mas wilh Mrs. Alice Tr ickey and. Mi s V Imn Smith, 1\1 ' Sl'S lTer- itltel'el1ting. A few years ago ".Ilri- plane going on t() C~Jumbus by ' Mrll. Alice Miller and SO n Ray. man Smith, Loren Routzahn and ou~ mcmbelll of our , Icolleglate train. Frank Kurfis who has been Levi Greathouse wer dinner order threw a scare into the Mr. Raymond Dlln ham, of quite j)l .:for th~ p ast t wo weeks guests of Mr. and Mn;. Iyd htlhcrdashurs by wearing mismatetl Kings Wls Bnd Miss Rebecca with qui nsey is now slowly im- Wharton and family, hristmas hOll e Of blinding colors, but the Dunhom, of the General hospital proving. day, fad fnlled t.o take h old. Shoe~ Incinnati, were gue ts of Mr. a nd Mn. Samuel Mer edith of JohnsMr. and Irs . TIarvey sha pes have vuried little since the [ 1'11. Walter Sheehall Thursday ville came Tue day t o spend t he en tertained to Christmas dinner wal' when the narrow IPoint to-e night. Mi. Dunham, who is a rema inder t he winter with her Mis Laura Rosnllgl e of· Cincin- came in vogue, Jo Col.le~ at- student in n ur e's training in t he so n-in-law I\nd daugltter, Mr. lind na ti, Dr. and Mrs. H. E . Hatha.way tempted to change lhis a lso, fI hospital, hilS the h()nor of bei ng Mrs. Walter Whitaker. o.t W aynesville an ti Mt'. and Mrs. while bl\ckl but the r !;ult. was pledged ,to the Alpha Alphll Pi Mr. a nd Mrs. Donald Hadl ey Har old Wh itaker and childrcn. nbout as promising a t 'be move- soror!ty. spent Christmas wit h Mr. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Ed. B. Longacre III nt now on foot to l'epll1ce men's Ha dley and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence had a their Chri tmas dinner trousers with kn ee lengt h horis. Harvey near Clarksville. guests, Mr . 'and Mrs. Wi\bea:t _ • • TRY I scem to have develoPI~d a comMr. and Mrs. Kesl~r Grallam and SWank, Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn daug hter attended a !a.mi~ dinner Swank and f 8 111 ily 01 Dayton, ;Mra plex. about clocks t hat strike OUR CLASSIFIED COI.UMNS Ohr istmas at the home of Mr. and Margaret J ohn s, Messrs H()racc. hour, The one on our JTl:ant el has Mrs. C. W. 'Albright in Waynes- Erne t a n d Henry Foulk. become the obiect of my un~o\jth v ille. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whitaker d sign . When no one is .looking I MI'. and Mrs. Edwin Nutt and a tte.nde<l t be wedding of the intclJd La operate to the ,exten t of son. of Centerville, Miss Alma Nutt :lonner's b roth er, Mr. Marion removing its sLrlking n\~!chan i m. of Dayton and Mr. and Mr/!. J. B . Whitaker a nd Miss Jan Chese)- Usually it booms fortb in its basso Jones were Christmas dinner dine on Chl'istmas vening, Ilt th~ Big Ben likeness IlS [ am a bout to guests of Mr. and Mrs. Therle home oi the brid e' parents, :Jr. catch Lhe ignoture ()f a- h ere-to- '!!!!!!!!!i!~!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!~~!!!!'!!!!!!'!!~ !!!!~~~~~!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!~~~!!!I Jones and son. and Mrs. Harold Cheseldine in :for unheard station on our Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick IIpent L eba non, or wben I am on t hat Chris tmas day with friends at the A joint meeting of the Epworth yergo that :e paTllte droU'w'"sjl\n'''e''''' joidnJr



p;rll ndFon, born' Itl Mr. OliO

N() hun t ing or t r s pa sing 'on tho form k now n B the Burton Earnhlll't farm. duy or nirht. B OLIN & SLOAN

Ladl.,· Dre ••••• SOc Mell·. Suita, SOc

Quick-for. qualit, dry caeaniaa

- - --- -------

Un der

Constant Scrutiny

T~I... ~


W have a d 'Il s'll.e oC our reS(lon"ibilily . ttl tho~ who 'onle to us in thllir hOlll'i> of netd. We l'clllizc Ih~ suc!'ed nat U I'e of OUI: work a nel cnelcuvor to any it ou twit h th proper r · Yerl!ll () ~lId IUg-nily, W () con tnutly st riVE! to prove' Oll l'se-}Yes worthy of the conftd lice and tfUst plac~d in us by. keeping our profc.sionul standards, equipment Ilnd funeral home spotless.

Way• .• a..III., o. JANUARY 3-4


Pursuit n. "South rn Hospitality dy, "Kiss the Bride" JANUARY 5..,...6


Thunder In The Night

J. E. McClure


PlaoDe 7



Waynelville, Ohio



& 8 :0() p . m. ADM. lOc-16c

~-~~~~~~~= --. ~----------------~




home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ander on in Waynesville. , Mr. and Mra. Harvey Burnet attended a Christmas party of D irectOr! oi the Milk Association and tbeir faJ;l1i1ies in Dayton the tlrst of last week. . ~I', and Mrs. Walter Kenrick ' Cb' d'mner bad as th clr TISt mas guests, Mr. and Mrs. William Haines, Mr. Jacob Gabelman. Misses Mildred' and Cl..ra Haines and Robert Haines, 01 Dayton 'and Mis! Jeannette Knarr 01 Cincin.

L eagues of Wanen county wa, h eld a t Lytle Hall Friday evenjng. A wa tch pa rty \Va held at Lytle church New Year's eve. Mr. and Ml'S. CharI s Morga n attc nd.- d t he wedding of the f Ol'm e r 's cousin. Miss Florence Bates, and Mr. Bern ard Mu mma, b Dayt on, at G race M, E • Ch U TC, Sat ur day evening. Mrs. Mildred SU1'face and daug hter are spendin g the holidays with Mr, and Mrs. W arren Surfac e and Donald u rface.


=======r=====================_ _




r~ -------'---------

from ound "leep. Whicb reminds me of the lady who recently me she always places the alarm clock In the bath tub an d covers The Ma'r eb flood scare ;lIang the it with a r ug before reLi.dl1g. She Ohio river inundated T he Ohio Bell says the net has become as babi- 'felepholle Coml'any's Ironton c:xtua! 0 8 putting out the C~lt. chilOge-not with water, but With hun dreds of telephone t ails from . I n <'xtending credi t, bewal'e of anx ious citizens seeking informaexccslI ive ly OPtimistic, people. tio~~ , extra operator was rcquired fo r two days to handle the increase In fina nc ial m a tt ers, no deci ion in traffic, which averaged from I,ZOO is after better than a hasty' 'd eds- to 1.500 calls a day. ' ion . During the scare. the telephono


I• A Festive Coconut Party Cake





~se 1jOUrS.1e 10 thi'sNe-wspaJMT. It wiil briDg

company checked by 'telephone the l iver's stage at p'oiots as far, 35 Wh eelillg, W. Va., and issued bulletins that were posted at the exch:lnge and in prominently located store windows.

- - ----

&tween Toledo and Cincinnati

In 1883. the first telephone line between Cleyeiaud and Youngstown was fi nall ced by the sale of $2.500 worth of tickdS that were good

Charted for tile Denelt of Interstate Motor Touri til a. Well aa Tralle Within tbe Border. of Ohio

!JQU bagej~

for long distance: calls when the line was cOrhJ:ll eted. O ther early ttlcphone lilies, in Ohio wer e fi nanced by this me thod.

IT'S SHORTER i!~ RT~~~: to ClnQinnati a s IIhown 'h erewith is the s hortest distance .between t he two cHie!!. ' Ofllcial/f of the . State Rig hway pepa.r tment give . the mUea ge saving a s about 11 mlles.


"Irs ,SAFER . fieThere's lees trafeongestion on the T()ledo-Cineinnati Short Line t h8n on any other highway connecting tbese two cities. Tbere ate far fewer curves (no hairpins) and aU railroad grade crossings are exceptionally well protected.

' FASTER the By reaaon of Irs . s h r t. r mileage, less eOJlgestion (both 0


the h:lgbWIlYs ' and In the communities t hru which they pasa), fewer curves, and adequate width roadbed a nd bridge., the Route here out lined II a bili tj me-saver for the billY motorist-very prob. ably as mueh as two hours,

you prepare tor compa.ny. WHEN don't be .'rald to make your cake. You

moat econOmical can completel, bk'e Ita ~eon omy under .. lusctoua coconut coverIng or turn

It Into a cake delectable wIth a Add these r ecIpes to YOllr repertoire. Coconut Boiled FrostIng

c1eUclou8 tilling.

AN ALL PAVED HIGHWAY Choice of Knowing Motorists . Origi nated and Sponaored by the '

"Rc\'olutionary Short Trail Assc,clation

1'>2 .,," lu,ar · ~ te ___ llIh' corn .,rup 2/3 C1IP I»oUIII, ,rater 21 .. a ......... ism, beltea _ _ ~aoW&

1" '.... _tIC. ••eetelled

The bac kbone of the official Revolutionary Trails System of Weltern Ohio. Marked its entire lengtb by hlstorical mark8l'll of the Ohle Memorial



CombIne augar. corn lIyrup. .and water. BrIng QuIcklY to .a boll. IJUrrlng only ,untn sugar Is- d is· Mlved. Boll rapldty without, stir, ring. up-W .. amali amount of sy rup ·.oms a .on ball In cold wlltbr. or .qllna a 10111 thread whe a dropped fFom Up Of lpoon f 240· F ,) . Pour ~p 1D line stream over egg' ,hltel. beaUq constantly Add nnlllL Continue beating wIth ro~ry eel' beater 10 to If) mInutes. {lr uDtU (roetlq I, cool and of right • a&1CeDa7 &0 apread. Use wooden "1)00II wbeD too alur lor beater. .,....4 011 caire. BprlAkle thickly '!rttb OOCIOIIul wblte troltlllg I. lUll ~ ' Mu.. uou,b froaUn", to .ew. t.DIIII Uel aldlltl of two '-Lnch ..,.,., fir _ aDd aldea of 8x8x2, .... caIIe. .OI' ..bout I do.ell (lup All. . . . . . . COOOftut FronIng

Cream butter; add part or s~ gradually, blCJodlo. alter each adell-) tlon. Add remalDlng lagar. alternately with c01lee, unlll elf right consIstency to . lipread; ael4 ealt. Spread between layers odl on tOP 01 ca.lte, 8prlDkllng reD.rouSly Wltla,I coconut. Makea enouch fr~,aUng to, cover tops at two 1I·t!lcll 1a., 8n, or, top and sld.el of 8x8x2-tnch cake. or. ~bout 2 dozeD cup call:ea. , l.mon Coeongt "fllrl, t cup <;oJlfltcMooe..• aqu 'I. teupoon ai, '


Combine lugar, .alt, leO:loD Wod nnd jlJlce. and ell ID top o:f double' boUer. Place over ' boWIIlJ water and cook 6 [nlnlJtes. or ulltll mJ»: lure II thiCk, sUrrllIB conatanU,. R.emove frOID bolUoa watlllr: add (1oconut alld cool. Ka)we aDOue.' filllDg to 8pread between f. _ _ layera, COCOl1ut

"rult ,..........











, tealPooo crated IuDDD rillil

y. CUP Ierne", julc. Jell. eU,blly btatell' , lila CUPI altrcc\dlld coconut











Eighty-Eighth Year


Whole Number 6208




HOAK IS FIRST TO Miami Cha]>ter No.1 07 O. E. COMMITTEE NAMED State Health Department BIRTHS AHEA 0 0f will meet in regulRl' MonTil. regular meeting of the day evening, January IN WARREN COUNTY Urges Village Council To lAKE OUT PETITION DEATHS IN WAY NE W.yne Township Mothers' club Each. member is requested to be held Friday afternoon, few sandwich bring 10, at 2 o'clock. TO 'ASSIST fARMERS Push Local Sewer 'Project ' fO R MAY PRIMARY TWP. UU RI NG 1935 January VieiLlng members wcJc'omc. A special feature of the proSt~ ~sion

1l3, at 7 :30.




Mary Ellrnhart, W. M., Birth. Total 27 anel Deada. 22 gram, which is in charge of the W.. rren County Political Pot Will Efforh B jng Mad e to BrinK Minnie FI'omm, See'y, wives of the faculty, will be n La .. Year, R. F. Hat&eld Soon Start Boilinl In Credit.... , Deblor. addres!! on "Training the' ClJild Reporta &ame.t Together into Habits of Success," by Miss Friends' lIomE~ News Ruth Ann }'!sher, from Miami According to a repor~ Nceiv~d unlv raity. First gun in what promise to Mi a Rach I Pettit hilS I' turnJ. L. Mend~nhnll, Wa.ynesvill, lrom R. F. Hatfield, local registrar _ _ _____ _ ....,.....,.. of the most spirited pried to the Home ufter 8pentl ing R Lhi we k W:l A nanl ed a m mb<'t; of be one' of vital statistics for Waynesville, mary election. witnessed in WarL fortnight. with he j· ni()ces in the Warren county committee to Corwin and Wayne township there theil' home. was during the year of 1985 a ren counly i!l yeara, wel'-e squnded work with tlt e Ohio Fa)'m and Earne -t appea l fOl' ontinucd effort· to secure a sa.nit~ry greater number of births recorded tbis week when Kellal' :Hoak, Miss Laura [cRill cy is now Horn e Pl'o tectivc committee and sew l' ~y, t In a nd ~e wag d i ~ lJo .. al plant for W~ynesvl~le thlll} deaths. '1 his is the first time Wayne township's representative boarding at lhe Home during the the Farm Debt Adjustment divi. was voic d in a leHer to c uncil from F. H. Warmg~ chief ~chool \\'ec k. ince 1931 that such has' been the ion of the R~s ttlement adminis. engineer of the state department of health, and read by on the board of county com miscase when there were 22 deaths ~~~~~~~~~~C~; Mayor A. K. Day at the regu lar m e ting of the municipal Mrs. Ralph H owe ll. t)f Yellow sioners, took ou t a nominating recorded and 42 births. Deaths • Springs, spent Monday afternoon tration by Dr. John I. Falconer, board Monday night. p tition. and births we~ bQth less than in chairman oI lhe state committce Know1 dge that Wayn 'ville was endeavol'ing to acwi th irs. Howell P'iert~e, the year of 1934. Mr. and Ml·8. Lon Heckett en~e ... The prlmary, which is expected in olutnbus. ~ompli h this work by t~l king of WPA funds Mr. Harry etllcl11)1ol', , of Th 1035 births and deaths were tabled friends from Kentucky lit to indicate the trend in the all· Oth ers on th county gJ'OUp are tame to MI'. Wa)'ing '~ attention through a story in The 1..< banon, visited hel' molher, Mrs. divided as follows among the three !lupp r, Tuesday evening. tanl yellers, chairman, Leb- Mia mi Gazette, his communi 'ation stated. ' important gen.eral election of Frances icld esoD, Friday. divisions of the district: Births; anon; Z. 0, Worley. Morrow; At the tiltle Ml·. Waring's letter Mrs. v. M. Hoblit is ill at the November next, will be held May Waynesvilie 19, Corwin 4 and Mr. Ess ie Southga,le, Miss Howard Conove r Franklin; L Eear] - - - - - - - - - - - '.' - ; - - WUR written, h e believed the local 12. Wayne Twp. Outside of the two home of her Bon, Fore t. . ituation was advanced to such a Mattie W leh and MI'. 'I'om Welch Thomp on, Mason; H. Z. Gray, munieipaliti~ 22; Deaths: Way. !\Iage that it could be presented Mrs. Ralph Vance ond son, of Hoak, a Democrat, wjJ) he seek· of Mon'ow, called nn llome Lebanon i alld Lesler J. Mille-r, nesville IS, Corwin 1 and Wayne friends lo bid t.hem goodby before seer t.aI'Y, Lebanon. to lh VOlN'S in the :form of a Twp. 13. Of the deaths reported to Pleasant Plajn, spent Sunday With ing nomination for a . econd t.erm ·tal'ting FridllY to , t. 1 etcrsburg ,T he task of the committee will bond is ue. . on the county boal'd. Two posts on the State office \luring the past Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke. be to ' help the stat organization Fla. This however, is not the case, as the board will be filled next fall. year three were death!! which had preliminary plans must be apMiss Mabel Wil on and Mr. of the I'esettl ement atiministraUon Watren County Treasurer, R..R ' Special significance is aUached occurl'Cd in 1921, certiflcates :tor in the work it has been doing in prov ed by WPA aut.hol'ities before whicb were found by the present ~art ock and County _Commls- to th county primary inasmuch Walter Wilso n, of Selnia, called bringing together farm cl'edilors the state tax commission will give r gi trar among otl!.er papers when sioner Keller Hoak wer In Colum as more county oflicial s will be on th ir aunt MI·S. F.mnla Pi erc(.\ and d btors in an effort to save its permission to hold a special named than during sev-ei'al years on Fl'idl\Y. the record!! of the oftlce were bus Friday. farms for their owners from Mr. an(l Mrs. George Ie ti on lor t he purpose of organized in a more IYltematic Mr. and Mr. Orville Gray and past. Mrs. Howell Pierce and! Mr. Ray- threatened bnnkl'uplcies and fOl'C- vi sit d relatives in Franklin, Sun- hnllotillg n a bond issue. manner during the put year. !! Barhara were guests Sun- According to V. H. Rus ell, clerk mond Pierce vi~iled reiaLiv in closures. day. Waynesville council has , retainOl the 2~ deathe occurring with day of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Neal of thc board of elections, nominat- elma Wednestlay aftc~'noon. ---- - - --• . eel Morton Shepherd, Dayton ing petitions must b filed not in the district 20 were of persons , of Cincinnati. later than Friday, March 13. who luld passed the age, of 65. The This date is but Lwo months di~­ records ahow that the old t perMr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen a nd WP A nuthoritie :lor approval. Mr. son to die had naolaed the age of Mjs~ Olive entertained at din- tant, and the next few weeks is 97 yeors, 5 months and 1 day. 'ner Friday evening, Mr. a"d !I1''I. ,xpected to witness greatly inOf the 22 births registered CharI II K ble, J\.fr. and MI'S. Ehrl creased activity on the , political . IIelgbway, Saturday. to be d n betoTe the project can here, thi~ year exactly one-half Flora and Mr. Clifford Brace, of horizon. 'be submitted. The member of the Happy hav one or both parents who were Xenia. Chief Engin er Warinl!:'s letter Attend Farmera' W eek AnnuaUy Club with th ir families as guests Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Linn atten(l born outside of the state ·of Ohio ed the funel'al of nn aunt in to Mayw Day in part follows: At Oliio State Vn'i.,enit.,. cnjoyed a banquet at th Grange Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Fromm, None were recorded with foreign Hall Friday evening, January 3. Blanche tel', New Year's Day. Thi. Year J an. 27-;n Messrs. Clyde Fromm alid CharleJ "We are hopeful that the born parents. At the appointed time a feast of voters of your community 'Mr. anel MI·s. John Tuff and Mr. The Reglstrsr states that rec- Burton Earnhart were in Dayton Farm rs and fal'm \vom~n by the good things was served to eventy and Mrs. Orville Tuff visited l'elawill support this bond issue ords of births, deaths and burials Tuesday eveninl{' the gu is of are expected to attend members and guests. thousands Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hawke. sinCe We belillve it to be a tives in Clarksville, Sunday. from the time of tM enactment of Thirty-nine of the enrollment of Farmers' Week at the Ohio Stat~· The enwrtainment committee 'Vel'Y worthwhile project, not t.he pre nt registration law in Mr. and Mrs. Victor Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Abram Cook and the CCC camp at "o f Lebanon Univer ity on January 27 to at. had provided a number of stun ts only trom the standlt oint of 1909 are on 1IIe in that office and of Middletown, were guests of putting people to work but that they have been so organized Mr. and , Mrs. Stanley Cook, who are being transferred to a camp The expectation Is ba I.d on the such a the men "dressing pillows from the standpoint Q,f clearthat he is able to find such l:'eC'Ords had planned t() leave la t week for at Portsmouth this week camp number who bave attended this witb slips," the ladies gathering Mr. and Mrs. J. Bo' Gon s, Sunday. Florida, wer~ detaine.d bebalIse officials announced Mond~y. All series of meetings in former apples and the "paper walk" all ing up a.n unsatisfactory slmiwhen called J.lpon to do so. Raylyn Crabbe celebrated her tary condition in your comBirths or deaths occu rring out- various reasons but have about of those being transferred are years, says H. C. Ham ow r, of which proved very amusing. eighth birthday by ntcrtainil\g munity. side of the district are not re- compl~ted necessary arr8n~e~ent8 negro vetel'ans who have been director of th Ohio Agricultural -The Fire family orchestra fur- twelve girl friends at her home "Inv.estigation by reprecord d here even though the per- and hope to depart wlth)O a stationed at the camp since its Extan sioll ervi e, whi\:h is res- nished d lightful music through- SatUl'day afte-rnoon. location the~e several months ago ponsible for the mCE!tings. A out the evening and severa l tables sentatives of this department sons are N81dents of this tov."tI- short time.' The ~egular m~ting of the Y. EightY-CIne veterans from a glance thl'ough the register for of "500" were also in play. have been made and you bave ship. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. llartsock camp to be discontinued at Ripley last year hows people atwnded Th e F eb t'uary mee t'Ing 0 f , th e F. M. will be held at th~ home of been notified of the need for and daughten were guests of Mr. will be brought to the Lebanon Irom Minnesota to G o)'gia and club will be with .Mrs. Raymond Keller Hoak, Sunday evening, proper sanitary sewe rag>e. from New York to Oklaboma. Braddock with Mrs. Opal Reason, January 12. and Mrs. H. C. Harvey, of near Your attention is especially Lebanon, Sunday. Wilton and I camp:... - -__ ... A thl'ee-ring circus is outc1as- Mrs. Esther Gons and l\I~s. Jean called to OUI' letter of July Sunday dinner guests of Ml'. 0..,. n Hartsock, who apent last B 11 c ttee 6, 1935 (cal'ried in, The Farmers' Week when it , unne as program omml . ed at and Mrs. Tra D. Rich were Mr. and week at the Harvey home returned Miami Gazette in fu ll) Mls. H. R. Moss and family, and home with t heir pa~ nb a.nd • , • , tomes to the nllmber of events ocHAUE~STEIN f 0 I lowing a particu larly Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Frye. sister. cu~ring at the same timt~, From 8 aggravating peJ'iod of unsanio'clock on J\.1onday mOfl,ing until • ST. rs CHU tary conditions. As you prob, Mr. and Mts. Erne t Butter· , ,. 4 o'clock Friday afternoon, a visi- 1 Mr. Earl Robertson, ...·hl) was ll Rev. J. I. lIdIu«er, or ably know, complaints have worth with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest ,('ulled here because of the 8(>rl' . tor can select anyone of a halfq' First SQ.nday after Ilpipbany, GUll illness of his mothel'. Mrl'. • January ~, 1936, the Woman's dozen meetings to attend. been made to this d~partment Marsh, of L ebanon, spent Sunday • January U. Church school at Georgc Robertson, expects 'to r e· Foreign Missionary Soci ty me t at many times concerning the in Dayton, the guests of Mr. and Visitors from each county in 'th d Mrs. Henry Hauenstein, of Leb, I) :30, MorDin, Prayer and sermon t"rn to his nome poor conditions caused by theMrs. Hel'bert Johnson . 1 D A K M f in l'ortlanc.., the home 0 ra. • . ay w Ohio usually atten one· or more . ,· tOrB a Iso anon, ha been appoint.ed clel'k in lack of proper sewerage at 10:30. Or&"'on, this week. Mra. Rob er~ MrH. R• S • W eaver an d M'ISS days. Many 0 f th e VlSl Ml'S. Alma Hoff, of Mason, MI's .. condition iB thought to be SaTah Smlt . h aS81stan . t h 08t esses. take part in the disCUSSion . f the Warren county office of the- Sara h Bill, of Lebanon, and Mrs. ftlcilitiea. We ' urge ev ry ef0 aon'8 ST. AUGUST CHURCH fort be made to pas~ thi8 bpnd ' rovl·ng. Mrs. Dibert read a beautiful tho!le topics that are mo!st vital to Division of Ai4 for the Aged and imp · I tRay Connel' and daughter, Judith Father Newton, Putor issue. " poem for the Stewardship program the success of their farm operation entered upon hel' new d U t les as ' t f d ' tl d we k. She will serve as assi tant Ann, spent Tue day 'with )\Irs. Mast at St. Auguatlne'l Chureh The monthly dinner of the and had as t be aub Jec 0 evo- The discussions are not eon ne to Lon Beckett. At the 0 ening of last Monday ' · W d" ' to Walter Kenrick, administrator very aecond and fourth Sunda, School Masters' club will be held tions, co Til.e E nur d ing or. farm topics. night's session, the old council t the month. . - - ---I-tonili'hHIrl:tl',e t!Ioeial-t-oom at-the After the business session the The farm home comes in for a of the penSlon office. Mrs. John Davis and Mr. Char- met in regular order, approved f or M Mrs. Hau e n~tein is president of leB Satt rt h '" · M. E • • hur~h. following reso IutlOna rs. goodly shaH~ d of eonsi · eratlon. wUlte VISlte d Mr s. the ma'Uor's bond, heard the FRIENDS MEETING f F ' the women'· democratic (rrganiza. D ., . t . I · b h J d M Cl Mary Mcure an rs. 0 n About one-fourt 0 armel's· aVIs SIS er-m- aw, M1'8. I'd' uggl e minutes Jof the last meeting read Flnt-day School at 9 :30 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Thomas visit Shultz, were rea d b y MCB. H • E • Week attendants are women. Th ey tion in Warren coun, ty and has Bergan, at Me CI ellan ' h (lSP1·ta,I and "dJ'ou'rned s in e die. lIeetlns for Wonhip at 10:30 ed Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas ' 1' been active in local detnocratic T .. '11 S Hathaway. arc interested in all topics re atmg X~nia, ucsday. The mayol' then administered at. and daughter in MaineVl e, unh ' circles for the past year. Where as, God in. his mercy nnd to the home, and t el* IS a ape__ - - -Mrs. Margaret Thomns ' atld the oath of office t() mem~rB of day afternoon. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRln fi t cia! program throughout tbe week Mrs. G-dffith and two Chil- I council who ,will serVe for the Mr: RUlBel! Carr, of Lebanon, willdom has seen t 0 ,remove fot' women. However, many MANY PARTICIPATED IN b I Cart Smith, 1II111latel' from our midst our beloved sisters dl"en, of Piqua, W 1'e Sunday lllext two years. O~ly one ~em er, Mn. Mau~e Cnne and MIsi Anna Mra. Mary B. McClure and Mrs. women attend the lect~lres ~nd REUPHOLSTERONC PROJECT 'guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Jas. K McClure, IS new thiS yeaI', Sunday School 9 :80 a. IIJ. w'ere Sunda., after• Pearl Shul~z, we bow in humble demonstra tion on general fatm h th ers h aVlng ' b It Lee C -ne CommuDion lQ:~6 L m. ... Hartsock. j teo n re-e ec e d . Sennon 11 •• m., noon. ruest. of Mr. and Mn. Loren submlsaion to hiB will and trust we subjects. More than three hundred women ThOse sworn into office were H. Jameeonln Dayton. may follow their example in the - in Warren county atten~ed the Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Schooler, of M. Carey, 'R. A. , Conner, George T til. YOUNG WOMEN ENROLL reupholstery of furniture ' de- Hamilton, and ,Mrs. Kathryn C. Hartsoc.k Mr. McClure, B. V. lWAYNE$VILLlt CHURCH OP CHRIST Mr. and Mn:lC, J. OlterdaY cheerful hap~y dispOSI ~ons ey IN SHQRT COURSI~ WORK monatration ,g iven during Novem- Turn er, of Dayton, visited thei! Smith and j, E. Witham. Jas. E. and claulbter~ and IIIr. and Mra. always exerCised, proVIng they El .k d"f F B H Carl SmitL., . ':"" .6_'r Myron Thom .., of Deyton, were called on a higher power for help ber and December by Miss iza- parents, 1nr. an .. 1'8. • • en {cClure was elected as president Not A Denom a on guestl of Mr. and Mn. E " L.and strenrtb. ," Due to requests from s~ve~al beth Graddy, honle demonstration derson, Sunday. pro tem. 9:30 a. m., Bible Ichool. Leeson Thomas, Sundar eveniq. Be it resolved, ' that we follow of the'young women of Otlr dllrtnct agent. , Th Woman 's Auxiliary o.f St. C. Po Joy was reappointed as text--A Pro)hetle Vision, Luke , their example In many ways. ar rangem ents have beE!n mad-e Badly worn and in some cases M ye en 'ch will meet at the street commi 'sioner for one year 2 :25-'0; Golden text - ,Mine Mra! Harvey R:y& wlll entertain I Be it resolved that these for th m to enroll in short cOllrse discaTded chairs! couches and Li:le \nn u~n' Friday afternoon, while W. B. ~quir~s was again 'eyes have seen the salvation 'l'hich the "Arguno\" bridge club at her bright and Shining' lights have I work this yea.r. :foot~tools of various styles. were IJanuary 10th at 2 Q'clock, with fll'e ChIC!, hIS t~r~ conthou hast prepared before the home tonlpt. been called from earth to shine in J Tbe fir t meetIng was held last rebull.t and recovered ~C) make Mrs. Cadwallader and Miss Lile as tlnumg, for a two-y~ar pellod. face of all ' peopte, Luke ,2:30-81.. Id th an tiS. h· T ues d ay eV,emn . g .."'I·th a fl"l·r atlen- beautiful and useful pIeces of .h tesses • On recommendation 'of Ohief a Dr. and Mrs. J. E . Witham hav,'e a brighter wor 11>:30, dU,et--Ruth Burnett, Pauld ' f urnit ure. Chairs snd couches ot os . S ' quires, Mayor Day appointe,d the · ance. ceived word that Mr. ' J.m~ ine Woollard', 11 :00.• Lord's Sup- re Mrs. R. S'. Weaver read a reP ' t t ·~d in furni the overstuffed type were also reM'r. and 'Mrs. Earl MUl'ray, oC following firemen to s.erve for one ' Stoops and Mrs. Holmea Stoops, rOJ~c s were s ar"" port on Buenos Aires !lnd Argent 'g Til. k.·nd of shop stored to the-i, r original condition Day 'on, Ml's. Edith Demas and year', D. E. ' Standiford, Geo ........ P'er , • both of whom have been ill. the lIre canm. e .. • ... 6 :30 p. m •• election of Chriatlan latter with pn""monla, are now tina; Mra. LeMay gave a reading, projects to be taken up will be by repairing the sprin g units and family, of New Vienna, Mrs. Lydia Zell, Gilbert Frye, Charles Ander. Endeavor omcera; 6:45~ Chril tin able to lit up "I; their rooms. "Thanksgiving Ann." decided by the students themsel- redistributing the padding_ Women Pence and M'is Laura LQu Rogers son, Harold Osbol'D"William BradEndKvor- leader, Earl Woollard; The Society adjourned to meet ves. The group ta madEj up ' of who participated in this project of Lebanon, were guests of Mr. ley, Nelon Watkins, Howard 7 :8O--eerrnon, A Spoiled ,Dream. Mr. Walter Clark, has returned wit; Mrs. Ridge in February. you ng women who are interested report that they also have a1\ in- a nd Ml's. Oliver Davis and family Burton, Jesse Mendenhall and Weclnelda., nlCht, 7 :80, pra.,er home from Miami Valley hOlpltal '- - in various construction and repair creased appreciation for well Sunday. Chester Carey. Carey "U~ceOOl service and Bible itudy; 8:80, where he had be,n under ob.erY.... ,p roject8. " buil t f urniture and that tbey Elizabeth and Ruth Everett Sears who i8 ?O lon,er a choir practice. tlon for aeveral da),L The next meeting is nched uled be ~tter able to evaluate Misses resident of Waynesville. The for next Monday evenhng from furnit ure offered for their Chandler, who spent the bolidays membership ot the deProrl~nt "ABEIVILLE . . B.~~~RCH IIr. and Hrl. F. B •. Bendenon 7:30 to 9:00. chase. at tthhe~r home ht~re hahve tetu;;:d alao blcl.des C. P. Joy and H. 1I. ReT. O. C. DIbert. .--_. and lIIatthew Tu1'D6l' were lupper Any others who are interested - - --. - • to ell' re.pec Ive BC 00 8, I S Carey, wbo lerve without pay. SUDday: Sund., IChool at 9:80 guesta of IIr. &.lid lin. John Gonl, 'ma., 4>nroU at any tiline. See MASONIC NOTICE Elizabeth leaving New Year's Day are the committees L III. lIomilll worship at 10:40. Wednesday nlwht. ,~t the reauiar meetlna of Grace Hockett or [nn James or for Hampton Roada, Va., .ppolnt~d b., Kayor Day. Finane!!, Epworth Leape at 6:6& p. 111. At IIr. aDd 'l in. J. B. Orabbe .n- Fannen' Granae No. 18, Satllr- call J. B. Crabbe for par lculan. Stated communication 01 Wa.,. Mlu Ruth aoina-' to IIcC}.... a" Smith; IUNt. ud '7 :80 p. In. a apecial pro,ram of tertalnecl fr!elldl frOID Oxford, da, nlsht. the recentl)' elee~ nelville Lo.... No. 163 F. " A. III. Sunday. ..,., 01ln1. O~naer aad Hart. mllalc from til. Be. hf1DD8la win otecera were inltalled b., MrL GRAND JURY MEETS TlMeda), enama-, Januarr U at aock; tire aDd priaon, IIanIINk be readeMeL SUftdQ. EllUDor "IlJ~ UIIatecl br Mr. TUESDAY '7 o'clock. Work III the F. C. ](n. IDlcl CaH7; ... ......aa. WecI1l"a,: The WI_ Aid lin. A. IL Dar attended the BaIlr ..... IIr. and Hn. C. D. ar... Vllltlni and 100'" wID . . . at I p. lB. f ...... of a.ephew at CinaiDnati, II Crocutt. The pand JUI)' for .J.......... I brethren. are welcomL "" , p. .. II ~ NlDlal'tiIDe SatardaJ. After til. work aa IUPper term of Coiamoa D. It. Smltll. W. II.,

Need For Improved Facilities Cited By Chief Engineer; New Members Given Oath Of Office



- fR-OM-All HA,PPY HOUR CLUB Il~~:~~~:~ i:~~t~:;~~~u Ma~;:~~ :~:~:;e~hi~~ ~~:te b: ;:~~:~~;~ . FARMERS T COUNIIES IN OHIO HAS ANNUAL 8AN~UE .Vi9~~~ E::Y ~:~~~s, ~~ss c~~~c~ ~Ii:p:e~:~~ :~:h;:~;l:~::e si:m~O~!





---.. ------





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_V_,_Jl._~ _. • I



Thl' eClnl lit 1\ ill be ov· AI~Cl let UII end .vor to pl·aettee th" ulthl -in mind" utt II\pt 8 I ,'nl't1 by til" fCIlIo" inlt I'ul(' Ii t {If RI' ululion: (or Wllynl'''. s l"'rt~ man . hlP in our . chool thl!! un,tll-fol' ith. Ilth .. nil \Ith ~ lolt'fD1'lt, \'i \l e IIilfh School. " "lI linK ),('111'. Nut the shallow /Crad~" 1IJ11\I'('Iximah·l .. oIon wo1',]I'. ""pt'nllnhl', IOYlll, plaId,', anti l"ir ~t o f all I~t u~ ~lI' ive rUT n For 10th, 1 I th And 12th ~rach~'" syrnplltht'lil'. II t 'lunlltil!t' lunn' intimate relntion ht, t \\'('('11 ~(I"I t~m lln~hip .which only rc()uires \\ ill a~'h.t him in h i~ h, civic pupil and [('achH, The III1't ~'eIH liS to altend 'VCI'Y bn, kct-bnll Hl'proximnt (' Iy liOO \\ orcll'. hy in lilutions of higlwr J,:urnilllS .wlnl an ll IJ\I~ille~~ iticl'. hus ce n n vost :;lefl OWl I'd thiM gllnw, lo refrltin from booing, nnd C,.adinll - 110'· om imul')l fflt and by busilll's. Ill('n lhllL the Sc l'\'kL i~ th,. hlghl'~t l1im of rnd. and we hupt· thal durin${ t he to pl'ct nd that Wl' ca n lose hi~h-. chool gl'lldual~1' lack th cClnt4!nt oml to ': fllll inlmn fM y l\l't. '1'h(' Ill'lImnl if' 111'1 i:t en- ,'ominl(' yoar we 'lin f urlh er the honorably, but n highe1', 1hH'I' fllndllml'ntlll 11'lIinin~ f()I'm nnd slyll'. FI I' cont. nL 11th \1. '!c'm I)rt' to ~ TVl' throuj!'h in~h·lIc. 1)) oj·ct The init ial tell ta l; ~n !lportsmanshi r, a NportstnllllShip fur' ~ucce~:fu l businel' or coli ge on ,h(luld he IdvI'" (Q origin lity lion and t'n cl'tuinll1C-llt. 11 .. i~ try- (hi5 In , t y til' wa s made by (JIll which" ill require the most up· iiI' . This nlOVI'nwnt to flnd l:'lIch a VllJU~ (If lhuu).:h\. IIll d ch(,ic-c (If in!!, to poril'oy human Iif llnd t ac!ll1!'S whose intention'! \\O(!l'1) (It l'ight conduct both dUI'ing and rl!a~on nnd lin 1111 II r hll be .. n !1\lbj (" nllltl('r; r(\r form and ~tyJ" hllt\\I1n motions 1\. th,~~ rl'lIlly IHe th(> bt'Rt. W • t\ldl)nt~ must r . bell e n classes, which will com pic iVl'n mucli IIttenti(>n by lc.>a(ling ch(lice of hlnf!llll~e. clarity of c.whjc~ is thl' higlll>st IIrt of 1111 fine t.alil1tt. if the action is to con· lely bl\ni 'll Rnobbcl'Y Cl'om our t'lhll:utors of th ~tate nnd the \1re""iol1, wn ,'nCt' . tl'uctUl' nnd arls. - Frolll ue nd Elncl'r's. til end will cali for II hit of ullUud,c!l, and will at linue. This tests (hem ~el"t' n'Vl'\~sellt n l'on. }lul'ngrnphin,l! lIll'dloni<:S. make Us much better citiz lI S of thinking (m lhe part of the Atud· sidttrnblc- amount of the re~l'lU'ch Meeba.n ic:. - r~", ay l'h uld school. When l'nl~, fOl' the I'tudenl/l t(l consider Waynesville JJigh My Pet Peeve I. ' I t 0 b' \101'" rcqulr t rmg t Ile m to legibly, wrilt('n , 1 or typcwdtten ' , hOI\ cel'tuin of th ·it< /let$ will f· \I' t;' attain this degrc' oJ SIIortslhe poillt. wher they would on .Id\! of • iI ~ 11 Inch pOpCl (A Iheme for a Iit"ra~llt" dAII. by Ifeet the tenehers , and whether the manship, OIIL' sch 01 gpirit will u<'tuull~' tesl the S lIior' kilO\\,- ~nd boonu wIth .I>lns 0: fa~tcner' JAne Cool.: l'l'ank is I'eally wOI·th 1'1. king ih· "how natul'al reacti n and will P~P, r. Yuwnin~-o!!lll th e <liRgu,· ting. t'llch I"S displeas ure. 'l'hi$ las t no longel' need to be conslantly I clge and not 11Ierl!ly their aUllit y , l n COVei'll of plal~ whl \.0 1lI. olori% facb. Pap er of sa111 kUltJ u pon II hlch unhuppr"!'lIed, I wly thioj:::s; to ~tatem n has a widc npplication, (In Ii venec\. After the paper have b en I' ~8y i wriUen will do for COy r, 1Ill'. Lhi~ i the mo st na.u.l'llting. it covllrs "n lot C?I territory." Let's Th e are OU1' s ugg slillns {Ol' (,hecked ~nd cored I-has student I h nuld bt mllrgirl . (If 1 \i~" at top Tlwl'c afe ditrer lit :kinds of yawns try it anyhow befor we reject Wayn esville TIi's N w Y 'aI' Resolu "'ho are obviously ~'euk in one or l and 1 1·S" n. left. of each . h,e t. l l\hi h vary in ...'pugnuoce, c1l.pend- actions, and wc may b 6ul'J)ris d tion!!; may they b ndhncd to morc of the 6 Ids includ d will be IUlIe of writer In uppel' nght inlo? upon the und r1yi ng cau~e. lit the ftlvol'nb lc l·esull!.. through 1936. given remedinl in truction this ~~nd corner of each sheet. pper Th(. only yawn which has II l'i ,.ht next s mest r. The Depo'l'tlll nt of nght hnnd corn l' to h a~e name, 10 exist mu t be prac:ticed in the Edu ation has pr pared a tudent' gl-ad, ndtll'c58 of wl'lter, I,h ~()Jilllde or the :;!ubjl."Ct's b edroom. sentials in school. addl'cs , n~d county. ~s- 'I'hi' is th~. Genuin e Sleepy Yuwn handbook or the p·rcparution methods of work nd study. writ- ~YS must n t b.e Illu. lt'atell With which accompanie ten English. and mathematics, ' pIctures or drawlng~ lind mu st not I for nocturnal Rlumber. Th e Only : tudents completing this handbo ok have fnnc y, cover. l'eUSVl1 I could approvc~ this i that . atisfactorily will be i n a half r:>at Contest cl oses .. Janua:·y it i· l' al. Like the Yl lj, of 1\ cat credit. 24. 1996. All essay IIIU . t be In , 01' Ii dog-it is accompanied by ....- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--:

School High Spots CIIII ~"".,u"ced foor C"~.. PI y

\lllllllntic (·ommitlc. con1,1 } I r. Gat.;t, JlfIK~ R(1C' and ~f r. \Jnuhlol.'k, hilS picked the Il' t tu r tI,· jlllliol' chi'S plll)o'. Th i: nf1I1nUn,'ellll'nt· wns lllnd nfttl' In III b r~ of the cla.s hud tried \Iut Thl~


r I' th JIll rI " t h<,), lI'i~het! lo t~lkc, 'TIl' plar i ('Iltltll'd "WllI'n n \\ Ull1il J1 J)""icll'l'," and will be p T" · . (' nh'/! 0\0 In t of J :lOunl·Y. The •. :let t1.ltc \\ilI be gh' cn hIler. 1111', ;: r;.t will UgOill dircct, Tht' UI~t i; f\~ follow.: Dilly lld ... Robert YounA;; :\1:1 'belle ' Toney, Edilh lll..yle; . lin. l'(I\\. l'T, Leo onnl'r i lIildn Juri. Sucllll. Bl l'lIurd; !!l utilda P ~t· ('r. GI"nnll Woo lard ; Ro ;;tus Toll Chlll'lt'!I Ih",if j Ml1ndy ))\!lhwen , lJo l ()u~ lark. Senion Take Su, vey Te.t.

TIll) 01 Jllb<' T. of ' Ie !;cnjol' class ,\ cr, I,l'irell 0 seri s of t ts on Weclll('~day, ,Dcctmber 1. The t !Ote 'inch de .1 ~U l'V 'it' of li:ngli h p C II (l~d 11(1 , I 1. 1 rending, reading spee d a.nd clll1lpreh nsion snd Rule. For LeciOD E •• a)' CODl«:"t lu thclrlatics. 1I1r. J, R. Oakman, commandel' Th e e leilLs W l'e given tinder of the Rnlpb P. Snook Post of the thc dh <'ction of the tat D p rtmericnn Legion in Lebanon, has n.1t'nl of Etlucali on, and the direc- ent complete information concern tOl' of thi departmel\t. Mr. :Sow· l ing the e y contest being con"her, They were lispeci lIy d ign. duct d throughout the state of cd as a means of finding an an wer Ohio by the Legion. The subject of to the criticism fr Quently made the e.ssay i "Our Am rican H ri·


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ill , $1); oodrowCII., l'u\lpliel lor uditol"1 office. $1 !; Thl' BOClk SiloJl. s UI'pliflJ for R,' (,cll'dl·r· ~ oflll'l', 410t'; The Book Hhll)l. ~uJlJllll'A for C mmOR Pleas ('c)Ul't, (iDe; Slnkllita l\HjC, Cu" tiuppli eft (or Pl'o\Jlltr OUI-t, ~'a; II. ;\1. WillinD\ .• Corolll'r, in· \'e · ti~n lio n in the (){ 11th of Th mas J)UI\II, $4 .10 ; U.r. Roh('l't OIair, autoJl ~Y ' Posl- 10I'te1\; )Cuminat ion Tony nillno, uliaJI 'l' hollltls LI.' $:.!O H. 1:, \villiam~, or,o ner, inquest ov l' tlll.~ dead bod y of Tony Dillno, aliu..'! Thomlls Lee. $ l ·I.40; Warren .. Cou nty News, printing postal cllrds for dog ward 11, $0,25: Les· tel' 0 der, c ncr te blocks, $04.3 1l; Zllin I'Initngc, 'Inll nnd gtnv('l, 80.87; Jam S :cl'vice , Stalion, g.lsoline. $l.!IO; Ruby Van Riper, gasoline, $5.!l4: 0 .. go nia Bl'id~e tank o[ (Jxygen, $4 .50; Sub· Supply 0., nuk e chloridc,

,Cary's Jewelry




our hands not lat l' than the vert 1;1' nt ~tl'(tching nnd inten e eyeCommon Plea. Proceedinll'. Lebanon, Ohio from inheritance tax, ing of Januury 24, 103(1. . \ ruulJinj(' ther (OJ'e, it is genuin The first and finnl account of EXPERT WATCH Entrant 1\.11 pupil s of th(!o 7 11<1 turn I, and without preten sion. In the caS(l of Union J oint tock Fl'anccs T. Lewill, guardian of REPAIRING 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, ' and 12 I Arisi ng fl'om natural cause, it is Lancl Bank of D trait, 1\ corp. Relil! John ~o n , decea sed, was apgrades are elig ib l e . ' generous, nnd unr~a tl·ained. I V\lr.s u Lydia Ross, ct ai, !lolling f Ill'oved, allow~ nnd confirmed by Only Cenuine Materiab Ceneral- '1'hl! best ix cssay!! might add that if the hnnd is plac- premises xtend d until pril 1, th court. Prompt Service (3 b ys anti 3 girl s) from ~tch ' ed ove r the mouth, it will relievo harl s V. puyko wnB .apPQint· 1037. claSl:I room of each gradll liS select· t he tel'rifying appeat'anee of the Store open until 9 p. m. The cas e of John Schoono\' r d administrator of the estate of ed by the teacher h'lll be deliver- operation eon iderably. Th e:xer- v r u .M al'jorie S hoonover is dis l~irll\an E. Updyke, decea ed, alld ed by the chool supel'intend ent cise of thi gap in public is on. mL ed, filed bond of $2.00 OWilh sureti . to Us not Intar thnn January 2-1. pardonable. In the case of Rice K. Evans Cla rence eman, J. J. M!lloney The "Ennui Yawn" is fou nd v rsus R. Pi rce Evans, ct nl. and Harry Dnl'ffiody \Vere appoint1936. Tbe Legion P ost committee will most commonly in drawing rooms Hlirry Z. Gray wa Ask for a appointed ed apprai ers. s lect the Cour best s !IYS (2 boys flnd at club meetingsi. Contrll ted gua~'dian ad litem of Bergen Ras. harles E. ' Ben.m, administrator ,Miamisburg Permanent and 2 girls) from each grade and to the "Genuine SleelPY Yawn." it nik. Plutiti C)n was ordered. of th estate of Emma N. Beam, will turn these over to the di trict is quite a bit more than v oluntary; Concrete In the cnSe of Contral Finan e dec eased. filed his inventory. committee no later than Februar'Y indeed, som eti mes it is alm ost in- Company versu'S J oseph K. MllIer,· D. W. S urfaCE', W. S. Graham Air Seal Burial Vault 14. U136. vo}ulltat:y. I can sympath ize with Sr.. t ai, etc. judgment was allow lind Oakley Unglesby were apFor Sale only by The district jud,ges will select the man who commerlces to yawn ed the plaint.Hf in th e um of 1,- pointed apPl'ai 1'& of the estate the two best essays (one boy an d on hearing for the tenth t im e 228.40. Norman Slavin and J. T, of arl Rou eh, deceased . Your Funeral Director one girl) from each gra(le a nd the joke about the King of Eng- Riley were appointed co.receivers. The chedule of debt!! of Ella turn these over to the d partment land's blood transfusion. or the In the ease of Gern.ldine Long . Senrs, admini!!t.ratrix of th~ escommittee not later than March hou e·wife who is fOL'C d to Ii ten vcrRUS Paul H. Long, n divorce estate of C. V. Sears. deceased, McClure Funeral Home , 2nd, 1936. to an old maid's lectu['e on ' How to was granted the plninti1f, was approved. I'hoD. 7 Wa),De."iIle, O. The department judges -will Feed a Husband on Five Dol1l1~s a el~t the two beat essays ( one W<ek," but I cannot f rgive them Mania,. Lie..,.el New Suits boy and one girl) from each gl'ade for not b eing sympathetic, Bing Richard Thatcher. printer of and deliver the State winning es· bored ull lies within one's self. Hildegarde- E. Zeter v rSUB WiIand Mi s GiJ1etta Wilmington, to the Department com· BIas' Yawn." It i!9 nIwa~s a !iam A. Zett-r for di vorce. harge says mander not later than March 23, found in .churches on Sunday i gross neglect ond extl'eme mith, of Mo rro w. James A , Weavcr, student of 1936. • mornings, combined with the cruelty. AWARDS- The six boys and " Genuine Yawn." Belth art' most Pearl Eifert, ndmini tratrix of Leban on and Miss June E. Holt, ix girl\! writing the' best essays disgusting to me, Tb.ey nre not the e tale of Reuben F, Eifert, de· of Lebanon. Edwin Frazier, mill worker of in the conte t (one boys and one only di courteous to tile minister, cea cd, II rsus William olematl, girl) from each grade for the but reveal tbe letharigic condition et al for money. Amount claimed Lebanon and Miss Marian Cue, stenographer. of Lebanoll. State of Obio shall b e awarded of the s ubject'& mind. . is $10,281. an aU expen e tl'ip to the national The commonest, cbeapest, and Pellrl Eifert. administratrix of capital. Washington. D, C. mo t di tasteful yawn is t he the .e stat e of Reu~n F. Eifert, de. Real E.tal.e Transfer. RboT FOR AND CONSIGN The three boy~ and three girl~ "Blase' Yawn". It :is always a ceased. v ersus William Colemn:n, Adam N. Apgar. decea~. to ,our Cattle, holfS! aheep and ealv .. in each grade writing the best pretense, and such a shallow, et aI, for money. The 111ll0unt Edward W. Gerth, 24.:lU acres in to Norrla-Broelt C\.., Iiv~ wire a'Od pr()crellslve flrm ''lr the hleh. . essay as grad'ed by t'he teacher stupid one I I have found jt es eci. claimed ts $10,000. Hamilton township. market price. and good service. shall receive a "cel·ti ficate of nlly predominent in people of high en ra mance onipany verNettie Powell, decea ed to Law UDioD Stock Y.nIa' Clncla_tl, O. award" signed by the Department school age. Being a sister to the sus Jose ph K. Miller, Sr,. and renee Powell, real estate in Lej)- Tune in on Radio Station WCltY 12 :26 tp 12 :90 p, m. or O~ dan, Commander of th e American "Ennui Yawn" it suplposedly rep. Jos~ph Miller, Jr., for receivership anon. Legion. re ents the height of' boredom to Ed. L. Zellers versus Minnie A. Frank A. Dilatush t':t a.I to John market reports. Each teacher whose class parti· a worldly-wi e, sophisticated jun- Simpson, administratrix of the es· Paul real estate in Turtlecreek I==============~ cipates in t he essay contest sball lor or sellior. Perhaps it should be tale of Frank G, Simpson. deceas- township. receive a citation from the Ameri· termed ridiculous, but it r eprcs- ed, for money. Amount claimed Elizabeth Kay. deceased, to Clif_ " _ can Legion of Ohio. ents an attitude toward everyone is $200. ford L. Walker real estate in HamThe Ipea) ~ost of the Ameri1. and e~erythinlJ tha~ is unbearabl e II ilton township. cat LegIOn Will award to one boY! to my ideas of plea mg personality Probate Court Glenn Foster to Bertha M. nnd one gi1"1 from the Junior high good comradeship, and good sports Ethel M. Letl Giles. administra. Po rdy inlot No. ~ in Morrow. and to one hoy a~d olle girl from man ship. It is an attempt 'to ap· tl'ix of Lhe ~tate of Asa A; Lett, Carl Kamps and Jan~ Kamps to the sen ior high a S'uitaJyle medal pear supet'ior in knowledge and decea ed , filed he):' inventory. Lester Lee Oeder and Mary E. for the 4 best essays submitted talent to tbe wodd about him and The' inveritory of Florence E. Oeder real estate in Hamilton from each school contacted, which boN!d with the things- that nre Gibbs, adlninistratrix of the es- tOWnship. CharI s M. Zimmerman and in our cnSe are Lebanon, Mason, upposedly common knowledge to t ate of Mary C. Mount, deceased, Waynesville. Morrow, Kings Mills. t he wordly mind o:f the possessor. was approved. Mabel Zimmerman to Emma Lou and Harveysburg. It is the thinness of the disguise, The inventory of Clark Ld. Bur- Lewis real ~tate in Wayne townrather than the ugliness 'of the roughs, administrator of the es- ship. Phone 7U Samuel S. and Leah Thomas to act, that is repulsive to me. It tate o:f Albert A. Burroughs, deVah•• of Dramatiea marks th apex of conceit and ceased, was approved. Roy Comer 47.88 acres jn Clinton By J. Freel MeCau.l.y, Central ·s elf-esteeni, so noticeabl e in th e The estate of I sabelle An ll WArren c" .. ntie s Texal SchoOl of , Oratory period. cea~, was fQund to be exemp; , Jam;; C. Sal~ to Edward ~,vn Dramatic art bas made much There is all()th er ~tind of yawn from inheritance tax. . Edwards and Elizabeth A: Ed· 'IOTARY PUBLIC progreljs during' the last decade be- whieh I do not know to name. The The inventory of Irma T. Shaw wards,inlot No.2 in Corwin. cause . educators and civic leaders subject's ,mind is relllx~d; he is han, administratrix of the estate Lids. Apgar to Ella Riehai'd~' et recognized the many values to be trying to conct':ntr~lte - rather of Samuel Furman Gallaher. de- ai, 24.39 acres in Hamilton town- tillJ. Ora.. • • E.tat•• S.uIN derived therefrom. , f.e-ably and due eith ,er some ceased, was aplll'oved, ship. WAYNESVILLE, OKlO From the right SOIt of plays, bodily reason other than sleepinThe inventory of Addie M. Weav Oakley R. UngleBby and Carrie the audience receives instruction ess or due to a lack plf will pow-e r, I er, executrix of the estate of Alon M. Unglesby to Charl~ A. Taylor and clean, wholesome entertain· he . accompli~hes nothing but a zo Weaver. deceased, was apr>rov- and Laura B Taylor 3418 acres FOR SALE · DATES CALL 1 ment for leisure -bours which do .much toward raising the moral e*he schedule of debts of Herman in to .Mary E. standards of theentire community mental .stimulant or by some phy.. Mount, administ~ator of th es- Luce inlot No. 6111 in Franklin. The benefits to be received by sical exercise and fresh air. This tate of Clara Mount dece~ed Ella Richard and D. C. .Richard • the lndividual player may be particular type has been brought was approved. . ' • to Edward W. Geth 24.89 aCTes in jp'ouped into two classes as aeeth· to-or I'll · say forcEld upon-my The will of Pearl EulasB was HamUton townlhlp. ·etic values and practical values. obS(':rvat~ons by teachers ~nd stud· filed in court. Application will be Mattie F. Aprar to Edward W. JESSE STANLEY However, anything that tends to ents. It lS most Ilggruvatin, when for ,hearing On January 9. 1986. Gerth 24.89 acrel in Hamilton P•••• 110. New a.r........ OW" develop a more beautiful, attract· it attacks a teacher dlurlng a class C. C. EulaSll, administrator of township. iv~ body · or personality. or appre· discussion. . the estate of Ray Starry, deeeasMattie F. Apgar to Edward W. EARL KOOCUR ciation of lif'e is also practical. There are several serious dan· ed, died nis second account. Gerth 24·. 39 acre. in Hamilton Da~ ... Pia... Participation in dramatic wor.k gers attending yawnit1g. Generally In the' matter of the estate of township. KE . . . . . . . .. helps one to gain poise and grace speak,in g! .it is highlll ~ontagious. Mal'y C. Hough, deceased, disb-ibu Harriet C. Veidt to. Edwil.Td Wo. of bodily actions. It develops a One l~dlv)dual can e:aslly have a tion 'of assets is ordered. lWport Gerth 24.39 ~cres in Hamilton selfconfi.dence that will go far rQomfu.1 of people YSlwning in a of distribution was aPllroved. township, toward suc~1!I i~ &ocial or busi· sh ort tIme. Each yea:r doctors reo The following accounts were ness activity. ceive many five dollar bills for approved allowed an dconllrmed ' Bill. Alla...d _ _ _ .... • • •• • +. • Play-work is often. recognized as setti ng jaws in pla\!e which have by the c~urt. The Book Sbop, paper towels for a medium to train the mind and ~een dislocated by exc:es-sive yawnCharters D. Maplt':, trustee of court house; $7; J. I. Holcomb ' POR SALE co-ordinate t ne mind and body, mg. the estate of Eldridge Pope, . de. Mfg. Co,. soap and wax for court bu it also develops the imagination ceased. First and final. house. $17.89; Lebanon Ice & Coal FOR SALE-Nice water !let, Bet nnd individuality of the player. W. Chelter Maple, administrator Co•• , coal for court house. $13; of silver lmives and forks, old. Theso two Jatter qualities have of the estate of Frank M. Great.. The Christ Hospital. hospitallza. fashioned gold-plated watch and <lone much to advance civilization house, deceased. First and final tion of Cora Ware, $3.50; Helen large size overcoat.. John Beach, since almost all inv entions and pro j9 Clarence S. Smith, -executor of Doughman. board and care, Clif. on Keller Hoak Farm, gI'ess have been tbe result of indio the estate of Ann LOUise Smith, ford Doughman. '7; Mrl. Ira Eltz F viduality and imagination. '" d Fi rs t an d fi nB.I d ..cease. roth. board and care Alice ........ rKeYl OR0 SALE-White shelf pa-r. ..~ 1 c per roll, at the Miami We more often convey Helen S. Evans and Mabel S. ,5; James Moore, board and Gazette 01lce. thoLJghts to our :fellow man by Spencer. t':xecutriceB of the .state care; Lucy Moore, '6; Mn. BIspeaking than we do by writing. of Frank B. Stokes, deeeued. ~r Lacy. board and eare Frau FOR SALE-EDana.a ,1.00 per Therefore, the importaflee of a First and final. Lacy, $6; MI'II. Lulu Gabbard. n ton. Dodda, Rounna and War· rood apeakiDg voice cannot ,be W. Chester Maple. necator of board and care, Lincoln Gabbard, emu. Pluat.. overestimated. ·Play.,\\,ork e th4"estat. of Geor,e E. Sblelck, tI; Mn. lulla Holland. board, PIPE, VALVBI IS. 11TTDrG8 one to develop rood dec.ued. First. and care, Vemoll HoUand, til lor Water, Gu . . . . articulation, pronounciatiop, M&I'y Elizabeth Sluemer. uICa Mn. 0 .... Olbonae. board aad UN ~ color, "olume toD~ placement ,aDd trllt of lll. estate of GIO. Stu. Walt. Barlow, ttl; IJ(n. I'erluaaiveneea. mel', deceued. AI ber


F T Mart-In Auctioneer


Centerville, Ohio


M HENDER"l!n.u- .

T. . .


.Quality PriadDI


~~~l~:o~fe ~~::tt~~ c:i~he:s:~I!

~~:~ ~~~~:~s

~taDley It. K00gler a Auctioneer.



The aactellf





N.. Ill/

0Ii........ ..... .. .. ... .. ..... Entne4 at Po.totfle. at Wa,n .. • a.bserIJltJo. Price• 'I .10 • Y_r ville, Oblo. a.ilia~.c"n4 CIa... "aU tte r



One of the· most p ote nt political vote·getters is the "soak the r ich" sloga!). It scoms that II sur;,slantial pllrt of the publl\) has an idea that if we levy still high er Laxes against persons in the medium and high·income bl'llck ts, pel'sons in the low~r bl'ackets will receive . all th bounty of governm ent f or nothing. Unfortunately, appealing as this iR, the fi gures show that it s imply won't work. The current fed ral d fici t, f or exampl~, amountB to $3,282,000; that i lh e .a mount of mon y spent during the last fi tlcal year 00 in C)xcel:jS of r evenue. Today We ar h Bring rumors that a balanced budget is on the way- a budge t in whi~h outgo will be made to conform to estima.ted r eve nue. If In t year's budge t had be n balanced, it is ob~oua that some three billion dollars mo in taxes would have had to be received by Lhe government. ould the money have been raised by s onking the r ich'l Here is the answ er: If the fed eral government had ta.ken one· half of the income of persons earning $6,000 a year or more, the resulting increase in rev enue would amount d to barely $2,500,000 1000 - half a billion short of thc goal. . If all the income of perllons with nel:. incomes of $10,000 a year or more, had been taken, the increase in federal revenu e would have been $3,014,000,000- $200,000,000 hort of the goal. And 8 0 it goes. Close to GO per cent of the net income 6f the Am rican p opl e is received by p ersons with annual earning of le ss than $5,000. They must pay, directly or indirectly, the great bulk of the co t 01 government-tb y must, now or eventually, make up deficit.!l and finance the national debt. The I'we-althy" individual, alre dy stringelltly taxed, jbst ha sll't enough money to mak e a dent in today's cost of government.


Those adv~nturou!\ and romantic rumors that w~nt back to civiliza· tion concerning the fate of Paul Redfern whos flight . to South America in 1!127 res ulted in unknown disaster hav a s llililnl'i ty to t he stot'Y of Robinson Cr uso . As Alexnnder Selkirk became . the original Robinson Crusoe a s Beast away on 8 lonely South Pacific (!;Ie in 1703, so might Redfern become the dadng hero ot a twentieth century edition. }'requ enUy , of late, tales and h earsay find t hemselves in print t elling of the lost airman having been seen in a remote village- of the Brazil jungles. One wonders, If these stories be true, if his horl'ible experiences couid bave resulted In hiB b ecom ing the victim of amnesia. Some unconfirmed r eports have it that he has been seen in a bad ly crippled condition . Disfigured , he may possibly not want to return t o civilization. Whatev~r the t ru th of his where-abouts may be, the possi bility that he \\ ~\y still be alive wande rin g aimlessly amongst tribes of a littl e known world brings one to. t ingling with adve nturous t houghts. •


The sudden blizzard that bl \V down out of th e no rth w(!st on Christmas day was a n in novation to many adults and a t hrill supreme to children. Along wit h the s now came t.he grea test scarcity or s leds tbis city has ever known. Every sto re did an un precedented pos t Cbris tmas bu siness. Today, unless the stock has b.een replenish ~------~----~------------------ cd it is a difficult task to find a mart with a sled f or sal e. 'Tis 'r umor ed, too, that the storm created new s ubject matter :for 2 most grandmother s -th ey may 8 :00 Music w tell with marked association 8 :05 Judge Burnet, Ohio Pioneer Jurist ...... ... H. E. Eswine what winter was really like when 8:16 U e of Dairy Products in the Piel ............... .. ....... , J. · F. Lyman they were gh-ls. Agricultural Chemi!ltry Department • 8:26 MUSic ............... C. S. PJumb Were I the judge I would 8 :40 F elix Re nick, horthorn Breeder . Animal Husbandry Dept. choose the following all the b(\st 8:60 How Good is Your Seed orn? ......................... .. ~. D. Lewis pictures of 1035: Mutiny On The Corn S~eciali st Bounty, David Copperfield, The !l :00 ur Farmers' Week Program . .... .... ........... . .. AJele Goch Informer ' and The Scondrel. 1 As t. tate Home Demon stration Ldr. wo\!ld choose the following a the !l : 10 Mu ic con istently' better radio entertain 0 :25 Agricultural College Mirror .... ..... .. .. ............. Edr. Robert Clark erll thJ.'ough~ut the year: Waring's and Bus. Mgr. Kenneth Eby of the Agricultural Student I P nnsylvaman s, The Casa Lorna 9 :36 Organic Matter In Fruit Culture ............... ... Wendell Paddock 1 Ense~bl e, Amos 'n A.ndy, March Horticultu'le Dept. of Tl1IIe, Horace Heidt's tune. smiths, Ted Fiorita, Burns Bnd !l :45 Joan and Jerry. Allen a1ld Major Bowes. I would ,-choose the follow!ng among the best literary products: Ro~d to War, Asylum and North To The Orient. .


Farm l'Iight 7alks, January 13

Best 'of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol

COLUMBUS-Ohio's highways will be improved to th~ ex.tent of $25,000,000 or more during 1936 a(!cording to an estimate made by Director John Jaster Jr. of the State Department of HighwaYIl. The complet.e program embraces approximately 300 pr~jects ranging from $2,500 to 4~'70,000 and will improve about 560 mllea of road including gradin" draining and surfacing rigill pavements, bridges, viaducts and subwaYI, Director Jaster said. Funds available for highway improvementll in· clude a ,7,600,000 federal grant for work$ profl'am highway project!!,an federal grant for regular fede ral aid projeot.s and $4500,000 in state lunds to match th& t~­ er~l grant for regular federal aid projects. Director Jaster estimated t hat the complete program will absorb approxim.ately · 12,500,000 man-houn 01 empl~yment of direct labor. The improvements, he said, were designed wit~ the thought of safety uppermost in addition to constructing worthwhile, long·life and ~onomlcal projects, entaUing a luting to the people 'o f the state.

• • •

Urba.n Scene: Two blind beggars The disbursements fo r the 1985 discussing the generosity of the Ohio state tair were the low~t Christmas shoppers . , . A little girl lost in the crowd nonchalan. . . s ince 1919, according to a report tly hailing a taxi... A gent submitted by .Director Earl H. ~edecked in top hat and tails Hanefeld of th~ State Department munebing a sandwich in a five cent of Agriculture. They totaled ,169, hamburger shop, .. Tbat dog 437, Director Hanefeld aid. Total that knows the traffic light gate, receipts amounted to $68,030 s ignals. . • . A street radio an· on the reduced admission fee of nouncer coaxing a little boy Uj! twenty-five cents, whIch was in to the microphOne .•. The sup~ addition to stall fee receipts, re- prlsinglY' bappy expression 0 nthe cei!>ta from the re nt of space and faces of so'm e men standing in the conce88ione and other misceUane. cha.rity dinne:t: line .•. A middle ous income. The total receipts aged man, a iittle tip y, learning amounted to ,128,262, . The peak to skate .. . A drunk being in disbursements covering the ejected. from a night club for PQr. operation of the annuat-fxtr was s illten t ly attempting to dance Nilched in 11/29 when $258.106 with t he chorus girls. . . w~ expended, ' P)~ns are already \ • • • 1U6


remllnd r of the w be lit home tu friend in the Maud Mu m«mt.. Mr. G l ~' nn .Tohn. and l'alll and Vivian of Sllnclay nflt'rn oli n gue. 1. 1\la11\'81 t J ohns. Mr. lind Mrs . Walter K~nrick and J8m s Ibin l.!l4 were ~,nt e rt.ain . cd ' unday vc ni ng at th bome of l\b'. and Mr((. All n Emt·ic:k. Mrs. Samu el M e rc d i t~h spent prin g Sunday ' it h relatives in Valley. Mr!l. Geor,gc Gray p n·t Mondey afternoon wit h her so n, ' Leonard Gray a nd wi{ in Miamisburg. Mr Gray hn b en quile ill with pn u: moni a. Mr . J . B. Jones was called to Dayton • nturda y y the sc rio u iIln as of h cl' 11 p hew, Walter Moore. She relurn ti Sunday ven ing. Miss Na J1cy WilliamS pe nt . vcral days lllst w ek with hel' :rather, Roy Will iams in Dayton. Miss Kate milh was II T uesday night guest of Mifls J onnnet e WiI· son a t New Burling ton . Mr . K esl I' Graham, M r~ . Hm'ry Graha m, Mrs. Th ede Jones a nd son a nd 1\1 1;'5. E. B. Longacre were Dayto n shoppers Tuesday . . Irs . .Harry Graham $pent sev· era l days last week VI ith her i ter, 1.11'11. Vi rginia Nollsh and ~ccom ­ f amily at antield, Sh panied her mother 'and bl'other f r om Dayton. Mr. and Mr . E. B. lLongac(6 ~pent II few h our 1\1 0 n d:~y wit h t he latte r's step-grandmother, Mrs Wil on at Midlan d City. Mrs. Wilson who celebrated her 100th birthday recently is very ill at t his time. Mr. and Mr . Walter Whitaker accompani ed their son, Char les to Columbus Sunday, he reo s umed hi tudi es at . S. after a two we ks vocation at home. Mr. and Mrs, Donald Hlldley e n· t ertained the · Jatter 's pa r'enls and brothers, Mr. and M.I1I, Am08 Cook and Ern st and Warren Cook of near Way nef:lvillo~ at dintier on Sunday. Mr. and ?tIr . Floyd Routzahn and family of th e Miamisburg pike were Sunday dinner gues1ts of Mr. and Mrs. Guy . Routzslhn and daughter s. Miss Gen eva returned home with t bem after spending ing sevel'81 days with het· cousins. Mr. and Mra. Ben Hawke e-ntertained to dinner New Years day th e following relatives: Mr. and Mrs. Dan F ox lind family, Mr. and Mrs. Edward E agle and family and Mis!l Cleo Hawke ot Dayton; Mr. and Mr. E than Ba.bbington and Mrs. Clara Eagle of Miamisburg.

<.>d the GIllY fa l11ily in W ' lIman on la: t • undny. I i.. Mati W .1111; i" "crovcring f rom typh\l icl (c'ver at her home

modity di~trlbutor 417.60; ~arly fuel lultliphl'<l ,'elid (amilie ,IUjO; Mn.;. E. thel - C UlC, "hcltel, furni"lll'ri . relid JamUil''' , $; ~Ofl"()W {fC! ed & Supply (' II: , fuel , fllrni ~ hc d relicf {amll ic,'. '" :J. l!fi; W m. H('hrlcll , fo nd fur n i~h .. cJ J' el i" f (llmili e., $3 i Ruby V OIl I ilJl'1 fond

herl'. M,·. a nd Mrl'. Elbert Ri ch 8nrl


BeeCh Grove .


Mr. Rnd Ml"~ . Shel'man Wil~on' on Uf.ll' (,f Wilmillgton visit


dau ~h tc l'!\ sp nl Su nday wilh Mr. ' . and Mrs. harley Voi rs n a r . HurvCYRb urg. !ltr". Pel'r y Wells is a hle t o be up afte r !'It"veral wec k ~ of illness. Mrs. Nettie Gra y oC Wellman ~ penl tho we k·e nd in W ilmingt n t he g ue t of her b l'uth t', Sherman Wi! on nntl ramily. H uru~ Robel1s still r emai n!1 Cluit 111 lit his honle n r Ki ngman. It'. and Mrs. larence Thomp· l'I on, Mi!\ Mary K. ThOmpso n, Ll oyd Tho mp on, Beat l'i cc Tho mp>,on, [i'rances henoweth, K. ~. Thompso n ; J ~son Bidd.lecum and Jake Che n weth, attende d ch urch at Ogde n on last Sunday' evening. Lloyd l' ho mp on of Vill ars h l\~1 is visiting his un cle Inre nce Tho nl pson and f amily her e. Dr. J . E. Witham of Wayn esville made II bu in ess ca ll on K. E . T hompson Monday afternoon. The live Branch Ladies Aid met on last Thu r~day with Mra. Ella Ferris. Ed. and Al l J ordao att ended a f uneral on Sa t urday in Readin g. Mrl!. Anna Hammer sp ent Satur tlay in Wilmill$ton, Ohio.


News From ",arren Cou nty Court House (Continued from psge 2) $4 4.1 0 ; The West rn Star, print. ing notice of sale of poor relie f bond s, $34.2(); Kroger Gro. & Baking, food, $10.05; A. D. Grapevine, food, $11.65; Elmer ollis, foo~.. 7.35; Mason Milling & Sup. Co., fu e!. , $8.25; Franklin F ood Market, f ood , $80.55; Franklin Food Market, fool, $2.40; Leb. anon Ice & Coal Co., fuel, $3.25; Schwartz's Gro ery, food, $40.15; Stores, clothMorr i 6c & 10c ing, $4; Dr. Mary L. Cook, shelter, $3; R. B. Gilmore & Son, food, $22.85; Geo. B. J'ohnson ser· vice as certifying agent, $62.50; Linnie Williams, services as case worker, 427.50; Helen Randall, servkes as case worKer, $27.50; Merwin Coyne, services as com============~~

IIi h{·,t r ' lic! uft\r,·. "3; K I r G rllhn nl, rund, furnished l'e1l f fumili N!, $1.1)0; J. L. Bagforel, fo"d, furni qllllli 1('111 { famili'elll, .a .• fJ l/; 1. I I. Brown, rooll, $16; Ray KIlUl 7- , r oli, $14.10.


For Butchering T'i me Morton's Smoke Salt-large ean 10 lbs . .. .. .. 90c Small can, 34 0%. • •• . . • . • • . 23c Sausage Seasoning, can . .. . . ... .. .. ... .... . 25c Also for thoBe who use the old methods of curing, the best flake salt per 100 Ibs. . . .. ... $1.00 Have · you aeen the new improved Colonial block.? Special price each, .. . .43c or 3 for $1.25 ' Egg Mash (20 % Prote in) per 100 lbl • . . . $1.95 Dairy Feed (16 % Protein) per 100 lbl• . . $1.40 We do not add one pound of screeningl to any of oU,r feedl but use only the beat ingredients. Come and lee our feed. made. Remember that when you buy our feeds you not only .ecure the best feed i~ ia possible to produce, but you are alao providing a home market for the

grain grown in our own co mmunity.

Waynesville farmers h. Co. Waynesville, Ohio

Phone 25 . ~i •i




BOYS Plus This

ew sllaper

At R educed Price. ERE'iS an offer that will appeal. to all~American

.H .Bor Maga:ti~e a~d this newspaper at a special comblnation bargiUn prIce. Thc American Boy is the

- --

favorite magazine of ~ore than 500,000 boys and young men. Its fiction carries boys on the wings of adventure to all p'arts of the world. Its sports articles by famous coaches and athletes are studied by champions. Here you will find the finest stories on sporta, aviation, business, school activities, humor, and travel. Even at its regular price of $1.00 a year, 'The ~meri. can Boy is considered a bargain. But now y~1U may obtain it and ilthis newspaper, , •••

Harveyabur'g The many friends of Charley Bradbury are sorry t.o learn of the cablegram he rece ived recently telling of tbe deatll of his fath er in England. The Eastern Star and Masonic lodges held die it' installation jointly on ' N(!,w Years eve and ·enjoyed a pleasan t evenin g. Th~ Martinsville office rs of both Masonic and Ea tern Star chapters did the i.nst allin g. A pot luck supper was served late aDd all -enj oyed seeing the New Year .ushered ·in. The W. C. l'. U. m et; a t the bome of Mrs. E. B Dakin on Thurs day afternoon of last wc_ek and after the busin ess meeting, plans were made for the progr:l\ID to be furnished by the W. C. T. U. at

Both One Year For . Send Your Order

'The Miami




~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~A."W~~Q~~I=============~~==~~~~==~==~===~======~~~=~

Di.r ector Ban'efield said. • 'I tribes of Brazil haye th~ quaintest Januar y 16 and the erving of din· ner on Tuesday January 15 at the • • • sleeping custom in the world. Farmers' Institute. . Ohioans wagered an average of The oldest members of the tribe Mrs. Evalyn Shumnkel: of Port $25,000 a day during the 1936 ' sleep ill the ground, the middlehora.'" racillg sealO~ with l"-Used aged lie on top of them, and the William calJing on friends _.. Saturdaywas afternoon. pari mutual 'b.ttlng, it uti- young on top of the ' middle-aged, Mrs. A. L. Kennedy has been mated by Richard A. Fonter, cbalr forming a. human pyramid." quite sick. I man of the State Racing" Commis- And I swear at the . Alarm clockl Mr. and Mrs. W. P. McCarren Th e _tate ;receivea ,9.8 ,981 I SOli. of Walhonding are BI)endlng a few aa Ita abaM from the mone~ waife days nt their h ome herel. 1Ylr. an d Mra. G. M. M'.ac Dono.Id ered durin, tbe 278 da~ of racing .., at Obio tracks, Chairman Forster .Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Clark of ente rtained on Sunday :Mr. and Rllianatlona an.d W Mrs. W. C. Kersey nnd daughter, Fot the first time in five yean asserted. Iicensel for jocke"', nat'nen and 'U'_'" aynesvilLeCwere Friday guests of Miss Evelyn of Oregonia" Mr. and ,_ inmate. of Ohio peni~ntlary are owners jumped the ltate'. revellue ........ armony. Will' R . Mrs. Joe Kersey of Lebanon and ... _aryd M permitted to have small radiol, exclUlive of the .t ax 00 adm·l-. _r. an rs.t .S t lam ogers .... f 101 d ·th Mr. and Mrs. John Kerse:y of Way with headpbonea. in their cells. lions, to ,108.811 tor the ye... 0 880n speD a ur ay Wl t M M ta R nesviJIe. This privileie wu granted by Nine runnln .. races, two ....ADd cl-· r. tb' elr lun, rs.tb Se ·tb ogers. • __ yo EI ' b f D to Miss Grace Smart is lIe-eoverirlg Warden JameaC. Woodard III line cui~. three independent . harness, _no Iza e ml 0 IY n i te f-' visited New Year'a day with her nicely to the delight of her many with his established policy of making life In ~he penal illatitution nne en cOt.bty ..I.' and the Ohio aiater" Mr•. Margaret Johns, who friends. " Miss Rhea McCal'ren has resumeaaier fot thoile COD tiDed there state fab' race. meeting. were eonducted in 198&. A total of Dead" haa beaD ill with tb e gnp. who .re 011 their 100d beha1"ior. ,7,000.000 'Wa. wagered in .lIr. Walter Clark r~t~rned from ed be.r studies at Bliss college, Warden Woodard believel the en- state, which W88 .lightly leu than IIla1Jli Valtey boapltal Sunday Columbus. tertainment as Well .. the educa· the amollnt bet in 1934 'Nhen more 'Wd hereflle had been for sev~ral Don't for~et Farmers' Institu te tional value of the radio ",ill be meetinp wel'e held. a,. or. treatment. at the gym next week Jnnua.ry 14 extremely beneficial to the inmates . The Ladie. Aid he.ld their Jan- and 1&. Radios were banned ftve years aco • • • uary meeting Wednesday after- =============~ following the Easter Mondal' ftre Althoup the new automobile noon at the bome of Mrs. Ben and riot. No loud apeakera will be IiC8llH tall won't eo on sale until Hawke 'WIth Mra. Leil1a Wbarton Marcb 1. any onen wtll not be and II.ra. lela Wickel aaaiBtant p.rmitted. required to use them for a month bOlteaea. AD equal divllioll. between later, moat of th. lo-called trick IIr. Barve), Burnet .pent Mali. D••oaratjJ all4 BepublicaDa ba the platel haVe beeD applied for. lie· u4 TlIeada)' in Cob.mbal. Roue of ..,~tat1vea wID .cordina to ReIIatru FraDk W••t lin. lIeta RO.lara" attellded the prtHaW w.... die 80ue :ncloa·1 of tile Bareau of Jlotor Vehlel ... tUlleni of Aclam PeoDewit. Mon..... tIda week til apedal So.e of tIM trick tIIp alreaq dar afterDOOD at the home of Mr. The ............. from applied for Inclu" uIT" for ... aDd lira. Char... Peuwtt uar tto. ........... tit. dere 'l'opJU', UliataDt attorn.), II.nItrooIE. bell. TIle ...... wUa It .... fer Georp Mr. BaroW Whltaker.1Io .... , . . . . OIl IaatIur 'I, 1.... of OhftIuad, "NIP" for.... tD th put week wWt




• • •


• • •





tUl'lli ht'd r 1 f t mtU •• i ~ & Uruk(', Int'., fu I, hr-\\

























,"nual IJll' till' (If tht.> by Jobll J •• ter, Jr., Obio Hi,II •• ,. t.o(.'khulol, r' (\\' Ih,' "Il>'nc, ·tIll' Direct.r nlil nol 11n k 1'<11' tht! \lIltI'O~' uf (l't·tillA' .!ir '(!h1l : (<II' Ih~ l'n"ninlt IIn;;equent upOn thu inclem;y nt', ,\ ill bl' Iwlll at tht!it' hanking enl weather and poor vlsibillty f'"llIlS, Tu ~dl1Y, .1 nuary H. 11l;}6 hnt mal'k the winter month, all lIt 2 o'c:1ot'k p. 111. inercn.l' in pedestrian u aths along L. 1. 'lfENDERSO .. , rural highways clln be expected un Ie bolh drivers nnd pedestrians Kerei e more GIlution. CHARTER No. 2220 Ther clln be no question about n,:. rI Dlstrlct No • Report 'of th condition of the who has the right-oI-way when ihe Waynes\' jJle National Bank, of Iile ot a pedestrian is at take. entitled to W YJlcsville, in the State of The pede, trian i Ohio, at the close of bUlllnesa.. very con!!id ration by the motori t, n n IIlM r 31, 1\1 35. pubnl'b d in response- to But the pedestrian is noi withIIllld <- by omptroller of th out re ponsibility, especially so Ul'\' !lCY, under ecHon 6211, when walJrlng along rural highU. " Re\'i:!ed Statul :. way!!. For the driver, after all, is 'SET at a disadVantage at this time of LOonl and dl8counte . _ •. Sl n, G71-49 the year. ' Overdrarts . . . . ,...... . . . 0.11 l ' ll It f'a ta t"" GO\'erllm ent Fog, snow or drizzle may hamo1J1l lIo h", Il l r~ ct :l.l)d ) ~ Q ' ) t u ll >, HUaro.n t d ' 1.1 ()2 .1G6,V:' p 1' , his vi ion so that the drivcI' Other bond8. ,tocka a.lI<1. s ccu r l U'8 .. ...... .... ; 1 . ~7{. 2 U fails to sce the ped strian who Uank l ng Ibou. • 19.000.00. looms up sudden ly on the rood in Furnl~ur6 and flJlertainly he can't . tur . .. ... _ ... 11.99 .67 9,U8.67 front of him. It $ rv~ with l' 6dc ral Re " 8 t ' e 1'J Ilk . . . ......• 16. a at .lii hear the pede trian coming to\ ',Uih . hAla n ' s with .th r wards him. The pedestrian, on the I 'fl nk s, , . ch n g 8 fo r 1'l " '1/ 1111( ho"ce. l c 111 1,947.4.0 other hand, can hear ihe approach th e l' Q,U La .• ..• . • .... , 4G •• ~3 ing automobile and, if at night, Totol A~6 h I •... , • .• ••.. 411 . 63.29 see its headJights in time to s tep LIA:nlLlT1E8 off the highway. mand d po~It., eX'lopt U. Up to December 1 of 1935 there S, Goverom ol deposita, public tunde a.ntl depQ8lte of olller banke ..... .. ; $2 ·7,UT !l.S3 were 152 pede trians killed on Time d posits, capt sta'te highways outsid~ municipalipoatal savlnge" publiC' t i s, according to Agul' 8 reported tu nds a.nd d posits or Olh r banks . .... . .. . . 6 .:165.13 to the Traffic Division ot tjle High I'llbllc: funds of $llll i count! ., IJrClhool dlatr cU way Department. Th most t"l'agic or otb r Iubdlvllione or muni cipalities ..... . 16.H3AU patt of this is that most of these ,Ilep., ot other banke, Indeaths could .h ave been avoided. cluding cl'rtJfl d an!1 cashiers' cht:.'Cka outU you must walk on the bigh.. landlng ••..........•. 69.82 w~y, u the left side of the road TolAl ot ~4 to 1 : ( I Seoured by pledge o as to face approaching traffic. ot 10.ana and (or . Inv stmenta , ,5 S . ~(j Also step off the concrete when (Il) Not .~ured by you eee a car coming. Never take ,p i dgo ot loana /lnd (or) Inv atit for granted that tile driver see~ m nle .•.. ' .' 33',27. 2 you. (c) Total rrh('

'I'lll' fll·~t light ullt·tin~ of th W:lyne""illl' ardt.!n club \\llt-! lleM Ilt th~ hom~ of 1r. and lIun' ' Y fly\! o.n Tucllduy l\Vt'nin~. Each member wn. n, k('d tor : Om" in£ot'l11ution on th cactus which P"ovcu intertsting unll in~ tructive. Mrs. V, B. Smith . read ~n excull()nt PUll l' Ull "II ousc Plunls Q.nd Their al'. li ss Pod Riley, chairman of thc pl'ogrl\1n c\llllmitl ec, hnd chFll'!I'c of ~11i 8 pl'ogl·um. M i81 Elizau( til Cruddy, Warren


E1JEP . L R~ ERT L 1 ~i, ha.s be ~l d ~.!'lJ =d as t he finest Hower of the South. ut North. East and West honor him no le88. nol on ly for hi ~ soldierly quolities but lor the integrity and nobility of his personal life, Born In Virginia on January 19, )80'7. with a Bplendid f~mily heritage of patrioti(' ael'vicl' and genuine culture. Let' r('eelved 6n excellent education in the South and at We t Point, wherl' he majored in the engineeTing branches of mi1it~ry sclenct' and graduated with high honors Actlvt' military service came to him first In thl' Mexjcan War. when ht' was nearly forty years old. HI' was IUtslgned critical en· ginel'rinll' us,ks and carripd thl'm out brillialltly It was the completion of onl' of thesp hazar· dous tasks that was praised by Gent'ral Wlnlleld Scott as th ... greatest feal of phy ieal and moral courage an the t'ntirt' Mexican campaign. Pleuant years a 8 head of West Point followed. and later an army assig ment in Tell as. Then eamf th de('isivc year )861 and the secession of Yir. ginia from tht' Union. Gl'nl'ral


(Continued from Page 1)

an estimate of manies received by the corporation trom the general taxes will be received from the 1'otal CapItal count¥ budget commission. Account . •.. 1~9.0 1.01 E. R. Bentley was appointed Total LlablllUee , ..... 1471,863,29 deputy marsball at the se sion. M ......... _ , ~An. a.ndto lnv atfllent. Pleilgeil &! Ufe Llabllltlell United t t • Government o\)II g'atlo,)II, dlrecl and lor) fully gua.r/l.nteM , 13,893.15 ther bonde, slocks. and

,ecurfU I .,............


Tot.. } Pllldged ( xcludlng re~llIco un t.) .......• 1 .461.25

I'lol1~ed: . • (Ilt Agalnlt public funds of • tnt ell, coun-

tl.,other echool district.. or lIubdlvlelons

or nlunlclpalltloe .•.•

I .46'1 .20

Total P l oaged •. , .• .• · .1 .4Gl .25 State ot Ohio. County o f W a rr en . • 1:

1. I ... M. H ndorso ash ier of the a bove-named bank,n. do aolemnlp Iwea.r the aooTe etatement Ja

~nul1e i:II!~,· belt ot my Iruowledce

lIl. ond HJ~NlJF.l N. CRlJhl r, Swor"L. to subscribed befo~o this t.b dRy cit ,Janllory. nits. L. n. Gt rdon. No ry Put.lh: Correct- Atteet: Of

t : ~.


"\t~~ tl. WAt:~~~i'llI

'0 c""...~t RO"fII,., E. .'H,fId ., RI,.hMOh4". """,.,.

E. LES L~e -;)~

I}\I,' ;) h(' d ~ e,es t dictates oi his :.. 'Itr'i,;,tic cons ietnce, He resigned h S tOJr. . ...!..1llion and offered his service~ :,0 lJ{I ftlLtlve State. Ht' bccame Commander· in· hi el of tht' Conlederate forces . For him it wa not. ( I war to defend " Invery. but a dErfensc oj his concept at Statl' riilthts, his home, family and tM tlraditiol1Et or his nntlv(l Stat(l H4? proved himself a masterly commandcr and won thc respe('t and admi · ration ('ven of thos(l who fougl1l against him. General Lee's devoted wife was a great-granddaughter of Martha Washington Tht' last ycars of his life were !Spent as President of Washington Uni· versity. now known a8 tine Wash· ington and Le" University H" deliberately chose this vocation despitc flattering offers in other fields_ in order that he might. help rebuild th(l disrupted edu· cati9nol system of th4~ South HI' died on Ortober 12.. 1870. In ('very section of c)ur land the memory of. this Illader of genius is enshrined ' In granite and marble The m,elnument shown aboI'I' \IJ at Richmond,'Va., thp city bt' defended 80 ably.


In Cle rk Hatfield's debt l'eport ::============================== _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ a s ' of December 31, 1985, it was .t.: 1 . . lity wSC ose d' th a t th e munlclpa had a ",000 public u tility inde)jttld.ness (water and light bonds) 'and a total of $90 special assessment bonds, A resolution was introduced CI authorizing erk Hatfield to Th e Wayne To~ n ship Board. of advertise for bids for oopository Educatio n met in regula:r session for the village funds. Other officers to as ume their on January 6 and tra n acted rouduties for a two-yeaT term are: ti ne matters of .business. Hal·tley A. O. Grilt'y, O. R. Unglesby and I R. Moss, recently elected presld'ent O. M. Ridge, 'as trustees of public presided. Minutes of the recent affairs; G. P . Joy, marshal; R. F. I meetings, namely, December 2 and H a tft e Id, cIer k and W a Iter El zey, 0)°1 ,and J anuary l I d , were rea( an treasurer. ' approved. Transfers of funds were • - made for the necessary bill s and ~ulilington TRT a m tjon requesting bids for deMastel' Joe Larkin of Greenl OUR CLAsalFrED CeLUMNS pository 'was passed. Plans for replacing worn out window had es field pent the holidays with his


Thl' Friend. hip lull or lhe It·thodi:;t chulch met ut tlw hnllW uf ~tJ' , Jot' Tinn 'I W ~driescJay ftci noon. The meeting wa op<med by the I'n!l'ident, 1,'1'1. naruld Whitllk r who i'cad psalJl1' LOO. This WIIS rollow~« by th twenty-third pl'ulm, repeat d in unison by tb ml'mbcYI'. l'h program in charge frll Rich, consisted of numb 1'8. reading und cont sl , which wel'C very ent,ertaining. Irs. E. Andcrson, II1rs. V ·t'n Armitage, Mr . Walter Sh ehun lind 1'111'5. Joel Stoke .assiatccl in serving dainty refreshm,ents dUI'ing a. pi asunt Bocial houl', The n xt meting will be held February 12/ nt the home of' Mrs. H. E. Hathaway, with Mr . G. C. ilJert, M~s , llarold Whitak~r, Mrs. A. H. Stubbs and Mrs. Clarence Rye I1ssi tont hoste SIlS,

AI'l' YllUI' kit('hen knlvl's always htup': I to you know how to s\.(lr the maximum numbel' (If utl"'l i1s in lhe' kitchen cupboards which yo~ have. 111 the \Irltwcl' in Y0l.\r kitchen table balky? Th e problems und Ulnny othor. will be discuss d b~ Wunert coouty WOOlen in their home d 'mon tr lion project called "S mall Repair'S About the HOUli\e" NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT .

Estate of Carl Roush deceased. NoUc Is hereby given that Dni y Housh Snyder, whose Post Office ddl'e is Wuynesville, Ohio, 'ha be n duly appoint.ed a s Administratri'l of the E tate of nrl ROush late of Warren OU llty, Obio, d ceased, Dated this 20th day of December 1935. C. onald Dildusn, Atty. RALPH H, AREY, Judge of th& PI'obat Cour t, d26 j2-0 Warr n County, Ohio




. CLI:ANERS annual pm'lsh meeting WIIS in t, [ar y' Epi copal Ladie.' Dre, SOC hUI'eh unclay niternoon with thc Men', Suite, SOc 1('ctor, Rev. John J. Schn It'er, Quick- for quality dry d •• nina presiding, Reports of the trea urers of the different societies showed no =~=~::::::::========== deficits. Mr. W. H. Allen, who has ~.r:============~~~ sened as hea urer of th~ church fl'Om tbe time of its organization, t ndercd his r ignation becau of failing health and Mr. F. B. Hendel'son was elected secr tal'ytreasurer for the coming yeor. W hav n d ep sense of Wardens and vestrymen were Out· r sponllibility to those clectl!.d liS follows: W. H. Allen, who come to ull in their 'JliOl' warden, F, B. H nderson, h urB of need. We junior warden; E. L. Tho~a9. renlh:e t he slIcred nature Harris Mosher, L. H. GonIon, E. of our ork and endcavor . and Donald II wke to carry it. out with the ve l1·ymen. proper revel'ellce a nd D legates elected to rep)' 8 nt dignit.y. We constantly the cburch at ~he annual Diocestl'ive til IlrOVe our Ivca st:ln convention to b held at the worthy of the confidence Chul'ch of the Advent, incinnati, and tru t placed In us by January 21 and 22 al'e M1' . Edith keep ing OUl' prClfe ional Harris, MI sC Iara Lil e, E. L. stnnda(ds, equipment and Thomas, Fred D, Hender 01); alterfun 'ral , home spotless. nates, Mi s Emma Heighway, Mr. and Mr . L. 11. Gordon and Uarris Mosber_

---------------= Under Constant Scrutiny

grandpar nts, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Haydock. 1r. and Mrs. R. D. ollett and sonl! moved on New Y~ars Day to th~ir , new home in Wayncsvil . The funel'al of the late Wayne Thomas \\'0 held in the M. E . church hel'e, on Tuesday afternoon. Buriul was made in the cemetery east of town. The "losing e<:tion" of the r cent contest in the Friends' A id Sociely, entertained ' the "winning side" very pleasnnUy at the home of Mrs. J . E. Compton Frjdn~ afternoon. Mrs, Mary Mill who has spent &e-veral month ill Xenia hIlS ro- HOMEMAKERS PROBLEMS turned to the hom e of her daug-hWILL BE DISCUSSED tel', Mrs. O. W. Brickel. " Relatives of the late Wm. Does a door in your house e"or Hurley attended hi funera l near r(lttle and bang until you're almost Van Wert, Ohio, on Wedne day. driven to distraction? He had been ill for several years. Does a door or window ever

J. E.McClure Pholl. '1

W a ynesville, Ohio




ounty ll ome Dem onstration Ag nt, wa j)I'l'R nt and added to lit pIca Uf' of the occasion. Mi s Clara 'Lile and irs. Ross Hart ock a ssisted the hostesil in S fving t\ dainty lu nch to th follQwing members and gu t: Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McClure, 1\Ir and Mrs. J. B. hapman, Mr. and Mrs. B. V. Smith, Mr. and Ml'S. C. L. .Duke, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mendenhall, Mr. and Mrs. Erne t Butten" l'1h, M1:. und 11'. Edwin Longncl'e, MI'. nnd ~rs. Ross HoI' ock, Dr. Bnd h 5. 1I. E. Haehawa~, 1'I1iss Kathryn Qibbons,. Mis5 B1anchl1 Riley, Mi. Perle RiJllY, Miss Elizabl.'th Gmddy, !is 'I " Iara L Ie, nfl-S. ~Ilrgar t John. , 1\1t-" Harv y Bumd . frs. nna Gibbons, Mrs. W. P. ali bury, lift't,I'd Buzick, MI' • George Peterson, l\1 . Lena Hart ock.

Mu".., ..... , l fllt


tOO pa.r 162.60 Pot' ahare, r IJra.b1e II.t '61.50 per ,lrare Common • tOe k, 1,000 lIbar.a. PaT ,76.00 per ahare. Total *100.000.00 Stlrplu. ,.... . . 15,000.00 UndIvided "ro!lt_ net ...... .. ... 14,0 1.01





I epoills .•. f34!,7 2.28 Capital e.CCOUllt: Clan pr ( rred atoclc



OJ<' 'J' HF. "';: UI( 0." '.' .IJ ~ V II ,I"U~1il OF , "IV" "IM. E, , V 1I111'lN U 'lOY. ()UIO . -;;P tbe FIII"AI "'..up En,Unit Pe<!ember :n • .ll):m ",,[ndation, '11):10 OC'nllu_UII7'

,\1, IW . 'OIl'I·

Toledo and Caneinnatl

'Yayn •-

Charted for t he Benelt of I nlerstate Motor Tourists a8 Well aa Trallie: Within t he Bor ders of Ohio

T h I'eby ccrtlf~'

hiO . Jnnuary 1, l03r. lhe following r llort to 1111 corr ct.




It. 1.", ""'..·.,·II!:'.D, Vh l .a.,


'Irs SHORTER I!~ ;ofe~:


ND II lu\N C ]~S. IIJi:Cli: II'1:.~ AND g ('EXDITUlUilS llalnnc ""-c~1!l1l1 ElIt>en(ll- Bn.lan<'1l . ."",. 1 # tllr ee' D ec. 31 CunHa l Fund , .•... . , • . , .• ~ " .. : .$ 2.115 ,Z.393.Q8 '2,' '4 .110 , 12, S A'U t o 1.lcl'n8O Str at n !In.;r Fund . . . • 8.01 ' \)67.'2 41.(10 13 '1. 59 (,1aijo lln TI\lI Str Ilt R.· p ir l-'untl ' 274,81 _ ,9fi.1I0 926,'m 243,06 To\o Ie I n rat Villtltr /l'u II ds· .. 2 ij.:! <I,956':lIG 3.852,!t& 3R9.G~

Watel' Work. F und ,. , ...•. , ..... t .S15.4·G , l,tJ.?7 .22

2,120,115 1. 241.<'0



- 7,214.M

2,21 UI3 2 C•. 70


Hflllrem nt FlIn~... . . . , .. . . . 4-'1.11C Flrem n's Indemnity 1· lind . •. : ,. 436 .6 ,1 Ol'llod T o 01 A ll "'unds .... 2.08&, 33 Out8lanulp' lf Warrnnls . . . " . . ... Treasurer'iiI ~a.h JJalallcG .. .. , . . . Total Cash 13jllanc , Oec. 31 , l!i3p


There's lela traf. fie congestion on tbe Toledo-Cincinnati Short Line than on any other highway connecting these two cities. There are far fewer curvel (no hairpin.) and all railroad grade croning. are exceptionally well protected.

1,~23.0r. 162.47


2,4; 6.0 3

Avondale. . • •

Counuy Club_ ,eN,hed

No.2 can 17c

KRAUT Lo. Cabin

Other Funds l '\\'ater & 1~lr m n' Inttem,) Total Prop rt)' Tnl('s .,. , ., ." .. , .. ..... •. " . , ..

Cigarette Tal<

Irs FASTER ~:e :ta~~nt.O;

Gasoline Tll.x , ..... , . .... , ...... , .. ....... . _ ....... . • . Inheritance Tax-o e n ern( Fuod . .. " • • •........ , .. ,.. 1:1on (\ Jtetll'\lme n l nnd' Sinking Funda To t.s:l I n)1e rJt a.nce 'l'ax , .... ;". , ... , .. . . . , . .... • :. Sllle. TalC ... , .. , .. , . . . . . . . ,', . . ,." .. . , ..•....• , ... . . Sta.le Beer f"lcense l"eell .. . , ...... . . ... " . , ...... ,',.. Loca\ rJlc(!ne~1I nnd Pertnlt~ .. . . " .... , ', •. . .....• , .. , .

mUeage, le88 eonrestion ( both on the highways and in the communities thru which they paBs), fewer 'Curves, and adequate wldtb roadbed and bridges, the Route bere outlined Is a big time-saver lor the busy motorist-very probably as much as two hours.



249.17 249 .18


4,G4 .39

J"lrem n's Indell1l1ity }o"un(\ . .. " ... . 2.60 TOlal Renla anti In teH'81 .. ..................... .. Ch'LI',,~!J-Oen' l Vi llage n nd Olh r F un,18 , .... . .. _ ..... , .... . ... , Puhlic Spn' l ,e lCntcl'llrl ses-Wnt r Itentol s, etc . .. .. .. . 1. 27.28 Tolll) "u llic S r ylt· I~ nl .'prllles .........•... , . . ,. TOl>\1 H evenuc .. .....•... " ... ,." ." .. , ••. , •.. . . Tran8f •. ~ trom (J lh I' FU11ds .. , . . ,., ....... , .. ....... ' GI'o.O(\ To t ul Hecclpta , .... , . . , ............. ' .. " .. .


23.18 I

31.82 ,


7,209.0 0 130.00 $1,389.00

S JUI.\JlY OJr EXPI!lND I'l'tllU£lI '

Choice of Knowing Motorists

The b a ck· bone of t he official Revolutionary Trails Sys t e m o'f Western Ohio. Marked ita entire len&'th by historical marker. of tbe Ohio Memorial Oommi ..loD.

rilrinated and Spolllored by the


Short Trail AsIodaUon

additional atrip ma~ or &IlJ' Informatloa rel&tlve . to State Parka, Z'

Pleuure ".orta, aeenic

= -:='J:.tena 8pota,

01' . . .

R18tor1c Shrines h1lDllnd8 of other


. Oolumn 1 Column 2

. Geneml a,ovornm n t-lA!gls la.tlv

Or> I·a. &


Ol!n ral '\llxocuUv,e


.......... "

, ••.. , .. ',"

Bulldillge • . , •..••. ...• • • • ,...

• 11, 1. .

Heinz Soup. • • .




Icl n.

White Bread • • • • c.untry

Each 2Sc:


CI.. ~....,



Bar. • . • . '

Fruh 0911l baked IOOkl"

Lb. lOe

~ORK 6- BEANS~.:.."%?:!.4 -1ge D~I!Y Feed . $1.6~ Scratch Feed . 100'•• ha. 't ... 100 lb. ba.

..... ,. W uco

D~iry Feed


100 lb. ba. $1.49

.-6" Wesco



E'I Muh

100 Ih. .... $1.10


2 ~·19c



A d.~icioua economy"

NoW' Con.


44.00 475.(;6 j



Sinking P und Trus t ees ,.... .. 3.50 Total a n l.'l'lI l COVCl'lII'l1Cnt .. . .•. , .. .•.. , .. "., . .. , 709. 8 Protec tion t o I' nOli IIno prO\lerl'Y:"7'~f~ IO~ .•, •••••• '••. • •• •• .,.. ... 347 Total P "ot('ctlo n to Person 0 n d PrOllerll' ... , ... ,. Health- Tolal .,: .. ... ,,:, .. , . .. ... , . .. , . .. .. , .••.. . ,. Sanltatlon-.<J"".e .'al VlllaRP 1'un08 .... , .. . ' ....... .. . ltlgbw .. ys-Gen t' I·/l1 \,llhL!r\'f' Funds .. .. , •. , . .. ,...... . Public Servloe Jo:n t c rprl sps-" 'ute r Work • . . . . .. , ... ,. Mlllr l!lIon eoue--Ol.' n " l'nl Village Funds .. . ... . .. .. . ... . Interwl-Bond }:pllremellt ao,1 Sinking Fund•.... , .. . Total Ex4l. and OUlIIl.y ........ .. ............. .... Outlay .,. . "" " . •.. " .. "., •. ... • , .•.•..•. , •...•• Blinds 8< Loans l'nJcI- III)nd 1:f' t ;J'em cnt & SlnlJlll&' F'uno.L'ullo,.UIJ 'l'ralfor to O\h . ·u nlle , . . , .. , ... ., .. , ..•.•• .•• . •. .... Orand Tota Llxll~ndltur . . . . . . , ......... " ..... , 81.21


y . lIow



Misc. F'ec8 , Sales nnd


Layer Cak. • • •

301,0 0

al1« J n ter"sL--{leneral V lIIllg ['·unds ...•. , .... Will r Ill1d Light Funds .. , . , ' . • , . Bond ll('lIreml:nt and Sinking Funds FrClh, crllp

Lb. 17c

JeweL Hoc dated


tlon<1 P""mit~ ..... , .. , •. ,' • .. •. , • • • •

Fines al1/1'08ts .• . .• . , •.. , .. . . . " . , . •. , . . ...• .. , . .. .•

No. ZH

, can.

AMOrted . Rich, nourlabln.


'98.85 460.96


Cracker. _ •


A . pee..l low price

U,89S.U 88.64 887.96 870.00

..• , . . . , . . , .. , .,. , .. , ... . .•..•...... , •.


P.6- G. SOAP 'i.

1511.11 7

State Motor Vehicle 1'l1x • .• • •• . •. . " ••... , • . .• . . ... , ,'


Club. Pree from pit

Avondale. Buy nowa teal low price

2 lb._ 13c

A bl. value S ~I MA It , . 01' IIIl: lO Il~T8 Proper I)' 1'l\Xea-G 0 tnl FUnd , • • , ........• , ... ,., .. $1,324 ,1117 I ~ond It tlt'em nt nnll Sinking 1~un1l8 908.4,8


Rim a..or

Spiaach - • _ • No_2 CaD lOe CoUll try


Bulk Rice

2,' lG.03

• • TOlDato Puree

- 25 lb. b&g $ 1.29

Syrup ,



_ _

Pure Oranulated

8lJM lAin' OF F

R to Cincinnati as shown herewith is the shortest distance between the two cities. Officials of the State lIigbway ,D41partment giveihe mileage savin&, as about 11 miles.'




3'bots· 25 c

Standard. A big value. Stock up


81. 00

11.1'1 259.36 •


lb. 23c

BOLOGNA lite 20c SPICED LUNCH MEAT lit. 3& BACON, 8eu lit. 2Sc FISH,




Bel,......... 1"_

Eighty-Eighth Year




Whole Number 6204

JANUARY 16, 1936



UNPROfiTABLE William Frederick, 7 weeks ,o ld TIME IS 100 SHORT Anis Lavonne, youngest dough. QUICK WORK lAKES n at harlcB ichencl', tel' ll enTY and Beu lah Barlow FEATURES ARE MANY, soExchang Mgr. of Th c Waynesv\lJe FIlI'mol's' NEXI fARMERS WEEK Orndo)'f, was bOl'n o n the mOl'ning , STAIN fROM LINEN Company, died carly of Dece mber morning of heart trouble. Discove ..iea In All Lmea Farm· She wa a loving diRposition POltponing Spot RemonJ Until COMPANY CLAIMS I"l'i\lay Funeral sC1'vic:cs were held inll' O.erload Ilnd all who knew her loved her. Afler Launderintr Makes Task E.



14, 19:14.



FARMERS' GRANGE NOTICE Th e regula r mt'din~ ur Ji'!;I'Illl'1' Glnl1~ •. will ut! helt! HaLlIrdny evt'll Irll-:', ,Jal1mll'y IR , rU'" "hil'h tli rolluwing l)J'o~t'al11 hll Iii.' ' 11 :II'· lungl!ti:


Saturday morning with int.e-rmenl. Company A.. ert. Free in Miami cemetery. Toll Service I. Incoft.

Program But Gild loved her best and on tho'" More Difficult Sml~. Gran~ c . Faculty Wive. Sponaor Pro,ram; ___ mOt'ning f January H, 1!J36, lI e Tulk,.J L. Mf' ndl'Tlhl1ll. 'I Damage done by food lain s on Trf>aaurcr's Report Sh,o_ Five days is too littl e time arid Co'' II h I' to rest at the age 01 tuul linen can b I'educed to a Vocal ~o l(), 1"S. M, , , 1:\r1kl'l'. Balan.c e of $182.11 200 speaker are too f ew persons one year an d 28 d Ilys. 1.0 teJl all the lntest agricu ltm'al She leaves to mourn her d~pal'. minimum if immediate step are ~on. Th matter of the toll-ft'\)e telenews but that will be the space of lure. her pal' nts. one sister, one tRk~ n to prevent the 'pot from IJc R ading, Mrs. B 'I'/I C J ones , "Th e Genll ' men of th Shelter,' h . ·tt.· h I, 1 d co nring fixed in the fabric. p on~ Sllt'Vlce WI ,.In t e county is ~in1e and the personnel I1Se-d at urol l eI', &,"80 pur('nls, two g"I'eal Piano :lolo, Mrs. ,Iohn lions. IVa!; thi,' ~ lJ lojllct oC Miss Mary still befo re the committee of citithe 24th annual Farlller' Week grandfathers, uun~s, uncle and a St.ains ma9 by Cruit, cucoa. ,llln al'uthcl'b uf the Student. f t bib Stull, 1\{i5" Ethul l\'l 'lHh'nhal1. l.cns appointed to take the propat Columbus, January 27 to 31. . host 01 lh l' relat iv s mnd friend, 0 I ee, or ea, can e rcmove( y Sp' uk t's BUI'('l\U, Miami Univer· osition up with the telephone Nearly CV\ll'y agricultural lI e - , , ! J f ) U I'in g boiling water through the Mi s .I<' t'ieda narv,'Y. ~it:y, Oxfonl at the Wayne Town, omp .. nies serving Warren county, partment ha f II A prcclo us one from u, IS ~one, ~La in and this treatment is so melosing song, Grange. .11 ill l othe rs' lub last Fl·id"Y. ,. s a u program 1'h' I rl' 'II I t' If t' 'f th ~ ~ following a meeting of the com= -=c = starting Monday morning and e vOI~ e \"e ov~ IS sLI Of ; 1m s nfo1'e e ec lve I e water "The tiheltcr" was the name miUee and representatives of the Mrs. C. I Satterthwaite spent continuing t.hroug h the week. IThe p~nC(l IS vacanL In our bome, is poll'Cd (,'om some distance above given an I)ld brick building forOhio Telephone Corpora- Tuesday in Cincinnati. Features of g neral interest are Which never can be filled, the cloth so that fOl'ce assists the marly Jl, l11an ~iOI1 which was used ' ' Le b an n. water in cleaning. This use of t 'Ion F rl'daY '8~t . ernoon ln sc he did u e at 4 'p. m, and at 7:30. God in his wi dam has recalled, by a char itable organization to Mrs. Allie Hole has bMn con- A grea t d ea I a f ta Ient fl'om Ohi o boiling water must precede The telephon.e company repreTh boon his love halS given; make more bearable the lot of s ntatives pointed out that in- fined to her bed Buffering with commuDi't'H!S w,'II b e use d venings And low her body slumbers h Te, laundering, as ()ap sets' the stains many men who found circllmstan· grip. d . in the fabric. crensed cost of such service had an 111 one e,'ent, the old tim The so ul is safl' in Heaven. (les again ,t th In during the recent III 1111 tood pots on table cloth d ance, W~dn sday, everyone will to be met by the telephone subMrs. Waltet' Bnker financial crisis in our national . . . .~nd Mr". ~ h can be Bponged out without rc8cI'ibers whether or not they used Clyd Egbel't were X nin visitors ave a part. Expreuion of 'Tbanka moving the clo th Crom the table.' = ' history. Through the doors of this their telephone for toll service'. las~ Thursday. The faculty a the UniverSity, W . ' h t th k = h,ome paAR d many inter sting tel e~ 't . e WI~h h 0 1 , Ian ' OUl' many An old cl oth slipped under the ' Mr!'. JOSI'C Whl'tak r spent th~ · · i promm ' n men an(I women In f' d ' , ,,~ ~ haracte,r s whom Mi. s Carothers Th e cost 0 f mamtaln ng h • I d . Oh' , ' It I I'f 1 rlcn 5 woe )'ICu 10 V1ny WilY In stain will pet'mit sponging out the week-end with )'elatives in Dayton. )) one service a rea y IB greater 'Mrs. Paul Boorom, 0:[ llcllbrook 10 5 agrlcu ura I e, and nati· OU1' 'e nt b t AI R sta,'n 11'I'th cold "'ater. Thl's came to know and Rhe bt:ought her >~ b I ' . I II k I 'Jl I ce n th an th e raovu r ng In)n neome I was th 'gu~st of MI's E C Crane ona y nown peop e WI appear" 'lh { hercavemen ' J'" , 0 ev. d M heaters th ir li1e history which 'h ' . r ' h d . I ,-,ml or IS canso mg wor s method is usually effective for rs. Roy Johnson, of levelan d · h t Ions withm t e City, Tuesday. b ut testa on t e progrum urlDg the week.... L E I f h b 'f ' d . . " l' I t' I wore tied up with I.-he sociological liS in every case, keep the income ' . Checking the. practical xperienc e mISS ucy m y 01' er ea,utl 1,11 spots ma e by fruit Juices, IS VISI mg re a, lves lere and aL problems of our great cities. to a pal"it.y, it was said. Edward Rick and family, of gained in the busin sa of farming I song, all who sent flor.a l trtb,utf!1l Aft l' linen has b n launder d, Lebanon, this week. The eompany is waiting the re- Dayton, were rC<lent guests of MI'. I with the scie ntific studies made at and Mr McClore for h'ls services. the use of bleaching agent be. , The Mothel's Club is very,greatM d M n O d f come necessary to remove stains Mrs. Myer HYIT)an and Mr. and fu l Lo tho Faculty wives who spon suIt of a 8urvey being made by the lind Mrs. W. S. Scanlan. the Univct'sity is the most rapid r. an 1'" emy rn?r Mrs A T P r k "t d I sored the addre s of tbe afternoon committee through County School way of increasing the fund of and Fanllly. according to Eunice Teal, O. S. U. . . . 0 m , y V1S1 e re aSup rintendent C. H. Bohl, as to Mr. and Mrs. J. C, Hawke lind valuable information ' for farms - - --home conomics division. Either tives in Xenia, Sunday. . The speaker was Introduced by the ,p robable number of new in- M,rs.h J. JP', From. m spent Thursday ' and ru'r a l homes. There wl'll be ' AUXllIARY hydrogen d b peroxide l ' thof af ,solu th t ionf I Mrs. Harry Rosencrans, of Leb- Mrs. 'TheLotz. devotional part of the pro. stallations that might be added to Wit re ahves m Pleasant Plai\l. an opportunity to do th'is during I ' . mat. e Y Pfael·mfg rl~e. o~dr SO l anon, was the guest of Mrl!. L. H d' the circuits the Farmers' We e k " a a~poon u 0 oxa IC aCI cry- Gordon Wednesd ay. gram was lTecLed by Mrs. Ray• • - • Mr. and Mrs. Earl Holland were The u ual good ~orn and grain CHURI~H stals tn . a two.o unce bottl of' land Braddock who used the supper gue ts of Mr. and Mrs. lJ warm water may be used for the Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cornell will scriptural comment on the growth fd11 Lon Beckett, Tuesday evening. show will be held in Ives Hall, · bleaching. entertain the members of their 01 J 8US as a basis for remarks on with ntri s coming from all h t The Woman's Aux.ilimy of St. A few drops of t he bleach should "500" club, tonight. w' a a New Yellt ought to mean h S tu d ents In t h e Mi Abbie Graham, of Spring. over testate. l h i d h t " 1t ua II y an d I d wll, ' h a . It '11 Mary's Episcopal church met at be p accu on testa n an t a ~pU' c oae boro, is spending the wt*k with depar t men t 0 f I hortlcu ' ure Wl. arh I Mr. and Mrs. Rorulld Haw"e end' f H I h h' h '11 The Little Inn Friday afternoon portion of the cloth t en he d J) rea mg rom 0 mes. Mr. and lI1:8. L. H. Gordon. :~~!:I ~~ :~: :y: ~; a~ ICorch:;d with Mrs. 'l\nna Cadw8,llader and directly in the steam from a tea- tertained the dinner bridge club, The treasurer reported a ' balMjss Clara Lile as 'hostf!SSes. kettle. Th kettle should "be boll· 'atunlay night. Bnce {rom last month of ,221.06 i Mrs. Ella Braddock and Mrs. owners. Devotional exercises were con- ing rapidly enough to force steam Mr, and l\frs, Harry Patterson received, $85,86; Bills paid $125.ST. AUCUSTINE CHURCH A wood chopping and sawing Emma Grubb, of Dayton, visited and daughter, Betty Jan e, of 01; Total balance of $182.11 Father Newton, Pastor contest between entrants from ducted by the Rev. J. , J. Schaef- thl'ough the cloth. , relatives here Monday. ' The bleaching agent must be Blanche ter, spent the- week.end The higb school lunch committee CCC camps will provid plenty 'of fer, After roll call, reading of the Mas. at St. AUC\lstlne's Church asked permission to buy silver ~h's. Alice McKinsey is in Cen· fun very second and ~ourth Sunday for the spectators. Farm minutes and n short business thoroughly rinsed out of the wilh Ralph Linn and family. session, the foJlowing: progJ'am cloth or the acid may injure t~e for their lunch service. The grade f the month. terville for an extended vi it in tile equipment will be exhibited in MI'. and Mrs. Basil Smith and lunch committee asked for more fabric, A few. dr~ps of am~orua home 01 her daughter MI·s. I. N. rves Hall and orchard maohinery wa given: Hymn, "The Mornini~ Light added to the r~n slllg water Will as· family spent Sunday at the home plates and friends of the project FRIENDS MEETINC Harris. will be shown in the Horticulture Breaking" sist in removmg traces of the of Sam Judd and family, near are asked to shower the lunch Firat-day School at 9:80 •. m. Building. Oregonia, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Welch enMeetln.r for Worship at 10:30 Readin g, "Why MisSions?" Mr. bleaching agent. room with plates. It is a significant t rtained members 01 the m. fact that both lunch rooms are Mrs. T. B.Bl"annock and daugh. burg bridge club 'and a tew invited ' SenYI1 'Settle. ter Miss Juanita, wer dinner e njoying increased patronage. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST gue ta, Saturday night. m nt". MISS Mame Bt'clwn. • The rOom popularity contest guests of Mrs. Ray Main ous, Wed. Carl Smith, Minister was won by Mi ijs Reeder's room nesday. Mr, and Mrs. R. E. White, of Sunda) School 9 :30 a. m. and Miss Campbell's room had the Dallton, Were guests IIf Mr. aud a of Communion It :"6 a. m, Mrs. Ralph Linn and het· house second largest rluml:1er of votes. Mrs. Walter Elzey, SUI~day afterSermon 11 8. m" guest, Mrs. Hany Patterson, spent Th e rejt'ular meeting of the ProRea~Jng, D ~. ~u~~e' has Over- I .J ohn B. Pence, 73, well-known noon. Refreshments wereseT'ved after gres ive Women's club was held whelmmg AnXIeti es, Miss Kat'll. throughout the county, died at bis Friday with Mr, and Mra. Henry adjournment by Mn. Julia Smith IW It. YNESVILLE CtlURCH OF Hough in Lumberton. M,ra. E. R llentley and Mrs. Tuesday evening at the Lebanon ryn Prendergast. I home in Mt Holly, Friday evening Mrs. To iii an Lawson, Mrs. 'Geo. CHRIST Frank Thomas visited Mn. Houae in Lebanon. Missionary noies .by Mrs. Ethan January 10 following an illness The condition of Charles E. Gilliland, Mrs. Gl'ace Furnas and Carl Smith, Mtaister Bentley's 81 ter, Mrs. Vietor BurDin~er was served at 6 :30 aftel' rane, Miss Emma Heighwny. Mrs of several ' ~onths. And~r80 n, who has been ill and Mrs. Ralph Smith. liot A DenoJl!ination ris, in Dayton, Sunday afternoon. which Mrs Blanche Calion, French Lei! Hawke Mrs. George Hartsock I The SOn of Edward and usan confined to his bed several days, is 9:30, Bible school, lesson tex~, Hym~, From Green land's ICY j Pence, he was born and lived his said to be improved. Mr. and Mrs. Ira O. nro~ were· and Hom Economic teacher in Je us prepares for HiS Work. ntire life in the house in whic'll week·end guests of thl! former's the Lebanon high school, related Mountam. 3 :1·45 j Golden text, (/Thou During the social hout delicious he died. He had never married, He Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Mainous parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ill. J. Brown some of' her experiences during worship the Lord thy God, h r visit ~n EurQpe last ummer. I'eires hments were se!'ved to the I is survived. by one broth~r Frank, and da~ghter Reba and Imogene, in Versailles. 111m only shalt thou sorve." This wa both interesting and member$ and ,followmg guest!!! also unmarried, who has been an of ~amllt~n, Mr and Mrs. Vernon 4 :8. 10 :46, Lord'. SUJl~r. Miss Jessie Clarke Idt, Friday educational to the. club. Mts. Howell Pierce, Mrs. J. Q iJlvalid for several years. ' Mamous and daughterB Lavernn 6dWl p. m., Cb,ristian Endeavor for Delray Bea~h, Fto~ida, where Nineteen members and two Gons, Mrs. John Gons, Mrs. Mr. Pence was a director of the and Patricia, were dinner guests 7 :30, gospel message and special she will spend the remainder of visitors were present to enjoy the Et han Crane and little Nancy Lou Waynesville National Bank, a of Mr. and Mr. Ray , Mainous, Charles W. hidaker, 76 died at music. the winter. evening. Cl·ane. membe-r of Waynesvil1~ Lodge of Sunday. St. Elizl\beth hospital, Dayton, Wednosday lIight, 7 :30, pnyer After a short business session Masons, and of Antioch Shrine and M Ed ' h H ' M E L January \), 1936, of pneumonia, and Bible study j 8 :80, choir pracRUBllell Campbell and family, of 1'5. It arrls, l·S. • • the club adjourned. The next nen orne Scottish Rite, Dayton. Thomas, Miss Clara Lile and Mi$f\ following an illness of nine da.ys Lytle, Mr and Mrs. Will Bradley tice. Private fun e ral services were Emma Heighway attended a meet- durati on. We are havlnr enlistment day in and Miss Lucy Emley enjoyed the meeting will be held at the Little Mrs. Howell Pie1'ce and Miss held at the home, Monday after- ing for the officers of the Woman's He was the SOn of the late the Bible Icboo!. Come and enroll hospitality 01 Mr, and Mrs. Roger Inn, February 11, with a styl show as the main featuI;e of the Clm'a Lile attended the annual noon, after which public seTvices Auxiliarx. of the Dayton convoca. Robert and Uannah Dakin Shiin th Master's work and study Brown, Sunday. ' evening. banquet of Lhe Waynesville Busi. were held in the Mt. Holly Mi)thod tion of the Episcopal churcb, " dnkel' and was born in Marion God's Word. :Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Schatz· -ness and Profes~ional Women's ist church. Burial was in Miami which was /leld in St. Andrew's County. Ohio. The greater part of WAYNESVILLE M. E. "'''U/s"•• nl man, of Madisonville, and Miss Club Tues day evening at the L~b- cenletery. church, Dayton, Wednesday. his life wus spent in warr~~ ReT. G. C. Dibert, P.stor Lef,itia Scbatzman, of Clncinl111ti, . unon House, in Lebanun. - - county, but for the past sixteen Sund.Y: Sunday schooi at 9:80 were Sunday guests ' of Mr. fRIDAY Miss Clara Lile mad!! a busin s Mr. and Mrs. S. D. ·Henkle years he had lived in Da.yton and a. m. Morning worship at 1~:SO. Mrs. W. ,0. Raper untertained a.. group of friends lit Osborn. . Sermon subject, "What a Method.... d ' .... J iat D . trip to Dayton Tuesda,y morning, six o'clock dinner Saturday even· Mr. Shidaker was a member of .... r. an ..... r$. os I aVIS en• Mrs. Ada Jenkins was in WiJ· ing. Their gueswinclude-d Mr. and ist Ought to Be. tertained at dinner Sunday, Mrs. mington Monda-y afternoon M A S C II M M the Masonic and Knights of e .t 6:46 p. m. R h F lk Paul Hauk, 59, president nd . . rs. . . 0 ett, r. and rs. Phythias lodges. , Ep worth Le..... .ut tI ~nson, MiBsea Marie and d M N P CI b f d The subject of the study will be, general manager of the Piqua Mr. an re. , I Y urn, 0 . Howar Graham, Mr. and Mt's. J. Surviving are two sons, Bern, of Alberta Elam, of Xenia, and Mr. Washington C. H. called on their MISS Thelma Beall, hom. e man· B. hapman, Dr. and Mrs. H. E, "What Social Workens TeU - Lloyd Da vis 81nd Bans. Granite and Marble Oompanyf l ' latives, Mrs. Cadwalilader and agement specla , I'1St, 0 f Oh 10 Sta"", >an d .... au'II. Hathaway Mr. and Mrs lJ firvey Cit'cleville, and Karl, of HarveysAbout God." ended his lif~ by shooting 1Iimsel U ' 't 'II b ''II ' , . J... burg ; One brothe~, I'ran.k Sbidaker ... Will L k Miss Lila, on Sunday afternoon. Olver 1 y WI e In arren Burnet Evalleeli.tlc semee ,.t 7:80 p. ....r.. u . ens of Ha.rveys- Monday afternoon at his home, in ' Coul'lty next ,week for a group o f ' of, Hal'veysburg, and five grand, m. bUJ'lt, and Mrs. '11. PI, li~arnhart at- Piqua. He was a !ion·in·law of Mr. Mrs. Ida Bosler, of D~lyton, sp~nt meetings dealing with the care and Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Hastings children. , ~encted '. dJstrict meelUna of ~he . and Mrs, H. H Williamson of t.his Sunday with hEIr Bunt, Miss Katie use of. household tools and, othet entertained a sma)) group of I Fune1.'al services conducted by WedDellday: Bible study and prayer meatm, Order , ~tern Star, II!t tIUlsboro, place. \ Collins. 'home problems. Elizabeth Graddy friends Friday evening. "500" was ' Rev J. P. Thortlbury, were held at 7 p. m. MOi)day, and a tea given in honor It is said Mr. ' Hauk bad been Miss Freeda Harve-y spent Satur home demonstration agent has a1'- lhe, diversion aftet which the host. in the Harveysburg Friends' of the \'islti11&' wortily matrons. despondent because of extended day night and Sunday with rela.- ranged the following schedule of e~s served dainty refreshments, ~hurch, Saturd.a y ~fte~noon llnd ST. MARY"S CHURCH Hartman's .Beauty Shop, Sprillg- illness. I tive~ at Clarksville. meetings for this project: The g uests were Mr. and Mrs, Interment was tn Mlaml cemetery Rev. J. J. Sch••«er, Rector boro, phone 122Jl. Elttra He is survived by hiB wife. Mr. S. M. Sepers and daughte.r Tuesday, January 2t- Waynes· Charles Stephenson and Miss Be-at Secoftd Sunday after Epiphany, for January. Finger ;wave and Ethel, tllree daughters, Mrs. Mar- !',frs. Lina Weise, oi' Lebanon, . ville, Grange Hall. rice Dtagoo, of Kings Mills, Mr. CE,LEBRATED FIFTIETH January 19, Church school .t 9:30 neck all for 25 Mnt!. $3.60 iOn Lisk, of Piqua; Mrs. King werlt among the Sunday afternoon Wednesday, January '22 - Marlowe Rich, of Lebanon, and WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Morning Prayer a"nd' sermon at Oil Permanent only $[.95. Take Saunders and Mrs. Earl Mc· callers at the Home. Morrow Gymnasium. Mr. and Ml'S. M. A. Fulkerson. 10:30. _ _-.-,.... _ • Mr. ami Mrs, Fred Bown, of Thur~da:", January 23 - LebMr. and Mrs. Frank Taft, fora d van ta ge 0 f J anuary. IIIpec Ial8. . Lenithe~, of Los Angeles, Calif.,f J Mi s Hont'ietta McKin e of "-h f .,.:; b ei l o n e stepson, J. Byron Cooper, a South Chariest n, caUed on their IlnOIl, M~mor;al Hall. s S y mer residents of Wayne ville, celeW a"" --5. MARY HAR,IS DIES or l"e ruary spe a S. ' r d t 0 brated their fiftieth wedding an... " , MialY\i '" De~ch, F1a" one sister all.d , aunt, Mrs. Howell Piel~ceJ Sunday FTiday, January 24, - Franklin A!illtabula ' was he~' e M on ay AT HOME ,OF IYAUGHTER ' Mr. and ' II,.: Rolly Monger two ~rothens. altet'noon. , Legion Hall. a.ttend the funeral of J .B. Pence. niversary Tuesday, January 7, at and Bon Bobbie entertained oyer ... The body will lie in state at the Ml~. and Mrs. Roeskl.. n, Mr. and . ~ - ... - - . - - .... - their home in South Charleston. Mrs. Mary E Harrl., 77, died the week-end, lIIr. and lin. Ray home Thursday afternOon and IMrs, EI'nest Martin, of Dayton, DEATH DEATH OCCURS IN Amanda 'Whit.e, sister of J. Will at the home of Iter d.ughter, M:n Conner and daughter Judith, .nd n'i ghtand private servicel> will be made a brief call at t'lle , Home DAYTON HOSPITAL White, and Fl'ank Taft, a cousin Esther Brallstrator, near Clarka- RufulI, Conner; Bin. lIonter's held Friday afternoon at' 2 o'clock. unday, Lida Shidaker Collette, 77, died of Mrs. J, Will White, wore marvi1l., FrIda,. ennina. parenta, Mr. aDd M'ns W. C. Burial will be in t'he family tomb Mrs. H, C. Harvey, Mrs. A. L. Saturday, January ' 11, at her MI'!>, Anna Roser, 72, wife oi ried in Waynesville at the home Bin. Bam. it .unived by two Turner, Joinine the p.rty db Sun- in Forest' BUI cemetery, Piqua. Harvey and little daughter, Janet, home in Pittsburg, Pa. Deat~ was Cha1'le$ Roser of th Utica neigh· of the late Mr. and Mr:s. A. L, daughten, II,.. Esther Br.DJtra- d.y. of Lebanon" called on Mrs. Lena du to pneumonia. borhood, died Tilesday evening at' Farr, January 7, 1886. tor, ClartamUe and II,.. Lida Ifr .lId lin. P.ul B. Willis, of ' DEATH. Hartsock Tuesday, Lesa than a month ago he Miami Valley Hospital in Dayton • - - --BnnRl'ator, W.rnaviU.,· a~d one D.rton, are anDouneinr the birth Anls Lavonne, ofte year old Sunday eallera on Mrs. Ada H. came to Waynesv ille for 'the fun. following an extended illnes&. Tb .. lu:pply of hoe products for 10ft, HinT)' HarrIa, of LebanoD. of a aOIl Nellon. BarIlI,tt dlU1rhter of Mr. alld Jofn Henry Jenkin s were Mr. Mn. A. eral service and burial of her hus- Funeral services will be' held at the ",lnter of 1986-86 III e~eeted Funeral ,"",ces wire held in nesda,.. juulq 8 ....... WUUa 9mdort, died Saturday, trom the Ward Applegate daughter, band, JOBhua Oollette, who pallll8d the Oswald Funeral Home in Leb· to be 20 to .. percen.t leas than Clarbvtlle lIetbodilt chunh Mon- ~I former Kathryn temple, of .«ect ot b111'1111 .utrered when she I Esther, Prof. and Taylor .nd away December 17. anon at: 2 :30 o'clock Frid.y .fter the . . .e period Jut year but the cia, afteraOQ'Il aII4I lnarlal wu In WUmlqtoa, .nd we1ll-knoW1l In IIP18t • cup of colfee, the\. hot daughter Mauline, and Ilia. Snnlvinr are tWo'SOM, WIlliam Doon and burial .,..ill be made in IUPPlJ frOm lIarcll 1 to Jane 10 GreenlawD .....telTt Milford. W--enUI.. liquid ICaldlllC her neek .nd I Maynard Harlan, .11 WUmlac- Collett., of Cleveland. and Daniel MJamI Cemetery .t Waynesville.. probabJr 1ri11 be' tn. 80 to.1 PM' • • • -ahoulclen. TIle child bad been ill toll. CoUette, of W.ynetlYllle and one • _. eeat JUD lor til. eo..... ,,"til brotIeII~ ..... It ill said, ! Thunday of last IIr. d.ughter, Mils Ellubeth Collette, Nearl,. twice . . .ucb appaHlIII staf. e01iI4 not NIIIt the . . 01 lhe .... llaarici Starbaell. of Whit- of PtttabufJ. 01. . wool wu UJecl tM ftIIIl 10 1»aI_" CaL, 1I0"WUd Fanera1 unJeeII W...I held at motu of 1886 ...... u Pbofte








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!JOHN-B- -P-E-N-C-E -MRS. BLANCHE CALlON Ed:had~~~:i~;Nhnani 15 GUEST SPEAKER ~:~!:;:~~.:~i~:l~~~~t:,:. I RilES HELD MONDAY


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nwmbl'red t't!ch little J,:irl and boy Mar)' Elizabeth luemer real n- food, t105.!10; L bunon Farml'rI lXCl'lltiulJuIlY"l'lI. tnt<' in H£>erfield town hlp. , ('1101'. Co,. fuel, $l;i: Mason Mal'Jo'lol'ence M. Thompllon. dt,ceas- Ill't. (\In,I, 20.40; W. II. McHenry (' d, t o Mahdlc K. BUl'ger relll 'M- l'lolbing Rnd food. '71.74; RIIYFilth Cracle. Sectio. Three J II Tullll : tllte in Wayne nnd Turtlccl'cck I mond 'ray-Iur, food :p.!IO; Tracy's l'l'1fe'ct :;pdl crl' rOt· the _ Jla~l (vwn ~ hip. West Side Grocery. food, $12.10; ---\H' ' k \\ t! r\': n!(en ctt(> POIll't' . 1'1'B F P Teach .. r. H nr Inle.ealing Talk. W.ycehl Loae elate Conteal Lebanon G. D. B(ICII'II t o Jost!ph ano Em· Wl'!\L End Gmcrry, I ood. $1:1; E, Itillia Pl'e on , Churll's mdorf, mu Jon s 10 L3G acr 's in Harlan Whitenuck, lQA, food , $3; Geo. Nix on 2 0 4 T \\ll WI') illhq'('sling hil ks Wt'l Spor-tlman"hip Brotherhood rr Ul'llC() BUl'n tt. Has klc W ilHon, t ownship. Ii giw'l al thl' n1l't'lin~ of th,' Allembly In on t' of th ~ must t1irilling Ol'r R. Johnson. !luppli ' . $2.33; hria l':lizubl'lh Bu rn ett, F~ lll og ne WoolAIIIlll', ,,( tht, >;(,9MI) , \ Va ) ne. ville Bn ill'~' MarI es anu Eva Hiidebl'llnt t o Murphy , IGA Stol'C, ioou , $48; 60 U :! \r~ync 'l:"wn~hltl t(',lcher',' .I~~t I The ll~sellIb l y JIC.' t iotl on Ja n .. lal'd. R,ich8rcl Call1pbell, lot<t to L hn non b~ Cl nc pOi !)t. 1 Cook Fuul and Clifford Hildenbrunt in- A. D. Grap evin e, lOod . $II.r.5 , 1 0 ::l Fndar. 1 he fir~t talk \\[lS ' I!:l\ (o n uary 10 WII. givl' n VY l? r to t hl' ~/l t urd8Y ll ight. lTlt until t h In~t I Mill ' I' 4 0 , S l by Mi,.~ .\ tlll'Y .Inne 'arro\h r~, 1 .110rtlltl'!\n"lUp Brothcl'h o d. Th lob NOll. 60 a nd 52 in Main ville . - - -, 1,10 millUt ,,, Waynesville held lhe l S1'1l1?1 Wayceh. Meet Muon nlh ony Ttl · pl'incilllll , valu e f th Vel'a Lindenfeld to 1 () 2 , (,hica~o, \l' h~) di~t'\l,~~(>tI ." ,{'ntle- 'rOUjl ,allg "COIllU , Thou A ll hud. At the end of thll ilt'sl haIr lt1l'n of the ;.;h Iter. r 'latlrtg ;;o m ~liRhty l{ ing" a nd "Bl e~t B (! T he n ,I"ricl ay, J lln Utlt'y 17, Waynes Lower II fi,1 7 " CI' C8 in Warren nnd 1nl'm acco un t book which Lhou sth • c rEI ,,1\ 1,2- 1 j. H ow" I" Tntnls 1 1 1 2:1 of h(,1' I'Xpt'ril!lIC't>,. \Iilh p(>op l(l "he Tie," The DevotioDllls WC I'( l'call " lI l l , w ill )llay· t he , t ro ng Mallon ands of Ohi o farm er urc c::los ing Ict'mon t ounLi e . \\'I\('n Nixon miH\e that Iloillt in D. E. Bo dell to JORc ph and Ern- Lhi month is lh cha nc to coml1\er III ,rhe A,hluntl ,"trc~l IwlL r . \1~' Loui~l' Zimm(H'llllln . Rcm urk h,v\' hl' l·I·. iT t\tlon ha. a good re ol'd t Me I ~t two milrut 6. tho tealU T he Junior hiJl'h t('all1 aJ. (I had I I1 H n~l: tn, 'hl,cogou,. l\h~~ 1I1~I'Uth~'I'" \I' r~ Ilmde by :MI'. L (. 81'own b h I\U tll ' m. Wa yn svillc ha!! a ma J Oll es, 1!l1. 3G acres in Hnrlan pure th e Il et return. ' Ironl Lho \\' Il~ unable to I'cgnill thc.'ir· lead .. a goou gamc: wllh J.cuanon (''II 1I ! I>' tI )lll1ltlr In ?11:l1ll1 vll l'ious fa rlll Cl'O pS and to ilIon U~l1ver~~lY and II', ,J. W. Lotz, "A Mock Ul'y 1<01)(1 team nnd lTlad a fil\e to wnship. The t('1\1I1 i, on C IIgaln Rhow ing tho ugh th",), Ini"l by n fairly largo n~ ~1 ,i,g g!'.l'U,tl y lilt rc~ t('tI'lII 80Cl8l ' Tl'i I" I'a, giV~n hy t.he io lll)\\ in!( showinl:{ a ~ui n t Lebanon, boing Vil'ginia JI)int Stock Lund Ban k cha ng s whic h will incre" e Pl'O- ' tllllt "old figbt" 1\ hioh thc~' . ho\\~ "core', 23-7, j \11 Hll)()l's I the portsma n~hip oUlltct1 by onl y ooe pOin t. II Wa y- to J ohn lind Eth~ 1 Hall 122,7 7 fits. ll"tlVI e \lolk, " (. rlicr in t he senso 11 II nd their Wayn eovitl e B F P ,Thl' ot her talk \\U" givc~ \)y 13roltIlWhooil: Anna Gay TI' ad- no, ville p u t up as good a game acres in Turtlecreek t.ownship . Jlr(lpects in future ga m . lIre look , Clary 0 22M IS IIlllkl~ . as . h I'C \' I \\ d day .TlIn~ oo k Rut h on ncr. lI~ainsl Ma~on as against Lebanon Laure nce P owell to George H . illg bett r. Furnas 0 1 1 "Mi:lak(,,, in T('II hillg' hy Hugh .• onn I',' Robel't .ra m e~, a very g od gam can be exp ected Sims rea l estat e in Lebanon. T h lin -up: Miller 0 1 1 1 !l1i ~' lIenkle li~t('rl four comYoung, Leo onnef. J ohn A tllight cha nge ha s be n ma de in Effi e B. Bond to Lotti oglesb y Eamhart 0 0 mll n tYI)C, of mi:take!! a ~ CI)llow,,: Kelncr; '('cil Hartman and Mr, Franklin. in lot No, 379 in of WaYl1csville 's team, l he lin eup Woy esville B F P , CLI:ANERS 1 1 3 1 1. M i~{okc, in !lchonl mann!!,c- }!ntficld, T h llssembly was making it stronger. The L ebanon Aloran Lucy Plowman t o Mary mlth navis 3 3 !) gam \"88 the fi rst with t hat I{nl'- inlot No. 271 in Franklin . Illent. closed with yell and t he g r ou p Ladle.' Or'alea, SOc onn er ,.. I 0 2 1 5 7 2. Mi lakt's in di scipline, . ingin,!! t h High schoo l ilong. UI' , 'bu t lh e boys can be expected Oharles Fergu on and Melvie Totals Men.' I S,ulla, SOc Sattel'th wai\:.t> . , 2 1 I) 3. Mi~lakt:s In ml'lhod. ' to do be tte-1\' as th y will b e better Ferguson to F1'ank Huffman I'eal Griffy 3 0 6 Leb ..nol1 n f P 4.Mislllhs in nlornl trnilling. Q\lick- for quality dr, deanin. organized . estate ill W ashington township. St ..denta Take EXllm. All en 0 0 0 R u,,; ell o 2 ' Thl! meet ing III :<t wee\( IVa helt! Semester exam inati Ins are Speed Riddell and Ella Rid de ll ingl ton 2 0 4 Friday eyclling, in l(,lId of on Seventh Crade New. t o Walter R. Fit ts inlot No. 2 7 in b illg giv~n in all ell sel! on Totals . , .- 9 4 .,,) Brum-Shenklc \ .. .. 0 8 Wedn esday, i cu, tomary, The Thur day a nd Friday of tht week . T he fir t m(.'eting of th e seventh F ranklin. !'~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!'!'!!'!~~!!!!!!~~!!!'!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~ I ul\lInge was mad(' beclluse of a tudents having an aver nge of grade citiz n hip IUb this year Clara Mount, decca ed , to Her' suprrillt nden t.' m Cli ng on Wed· "A" in a su bject IIr excus !l trom W8 hel 'l on Tuesday, .January 7. man Mount, et al real est4l w in n SU llY. ' the tesl in that pllrticu \a r subject. ' .TeW offic ers were elected. They Franklin township. a l'e as f ?llOws: :I'e id nt- Rob rt ; ' Addi eon l\1ount, deceased, to Schoolmaatt'ra Meet in W.ayneaville Shuw; Vl ve P res ident, Owen. Hart- Blanche and Ornha Updyk , inlot Teacher. to Meet in L,eb&nlln .. sock i ecreta'r y, Robert Zimmer- No. 18 in Carlis le. " THE HOME OF GifT S" T l.fie regu 1or mon thl y . nwe t'J[\ g T ·h iI . t l' f •L I e 10 t -win e1' me ITI g 0 lIle m an j As ist-tl nt ecreta ry, Elm er W al'l'en of t h ounty c h 00 I- t w.. C t T h ' A ' • b I'l' n oun Y ae 6 1'S ,\lel a- Su l'face : and n ws r eport 1', Lebanon, Ohio Billa Allowed rna ler.: club ,was hl!ld In the local tion will b belt! in L b:E\non on Norma Lovel v • A iter the bu siness Method lsl Episcopa l chur'h last t ,1 Je 25 • r~ EXPERT WATCH 'r l . , h rilceting a game was p layed; n xt Dr. Kennon Dunham , pneumolurSII ay vemJ'lg, Wil men rrom u Dut'u t 'OlY, unua '1 1 b ry . . REPAIRINC , ' al J! WI e g1Ven I~ oo n .' Mr, an arit/'l m tic match was h ld . thorax treatmente. $15; Dr. KenT own h , th~ Wayne Ip lacully as L t ' th . I t f th ' 1• h t, Q Z I prC ~I( en 0 a 0- S etion on w as th e winn r , non Dunham, pneumothorax treat- Uling OnIy C en\l 1ne Materla osAfter ::i. the dinner, which as ei atio n. m n t s, $20 ; 0 r. S , Ster I'mg Prompt Service 8el'ved by the mLsionary oeiety Liqu,id Arr Demo.utratioD tahl, professional serviees, $6; of t he M . E . Ch Ul'ch, Mr. Lotz Sec:ond Crade N_a The Liqui d Air de mo n t r ation Dona Craud er, onaestheti te, 1$ rSlore open until 9 P" m. Perfect spe.l1el's , for the pa t which wa~ given \ edne !lay. Jan- vices, $10; Miami Valley Hospipresided as master of ce r em onies for the progra m which foll owed . week are a s fo ll ow: hirl ey uary 8, wa pon 0 1' cI by the t al, ~-ray, drugs, and hospitalizaBUZI'hk harLes Ol' be rt GI d .. S" t t d tion, $146.96', Helen Doughman . " , , a y s Jumors. mee 1 was no a vel'- board and eare Clifford Doughman MI' F rank le~ th e men in I\. nu mb er. of songs, a r tsi' which the fit'st Ry , Richard Stansberry and Roy tl sed· v ry we ll, many did not A k l or a speaker, MI'. John M, Erickson, a Peterson. know of the vent. But those who $7 j Mrs, Ira Eltzroth, board st.ud nt in t he Univ r~ity of CinTh er e ar 84 pupil in th e sec- attend ed th oug ht it to be well and are, Alice Starkey, $5; James Miamisburg Permanent cin nati. wa intro du c d. Mr. Erick ond gra de Bnd Santa Clau s r~ wort~ th e mone'y . Moore, board nnd c re Lucy Concrete son gave tl dramat ic version of the Moore, $6; Mrs. Elmer Lacy, life 01 braham Lincoln in his ..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~-----------------..... board and ' care, Frank Lacy, ,5'; Air Seal Burial Vault talk on "Immol·tal Granite ." Mrs. Lule Gabbard board and caTe For Sale only by can supply you with the belt and highest Lincoln Gabbard, $6; Mrs. JuBa After a number of songs by a double quartet te, a peo and con Holland, board and care, Vernon Your Funeral Director grade building material~ and discussion f ollowed conccl'ning t he Holland, $6 j Mrs, Oma Osborne, lumber of all kinds. board and eare. , Isabelle Kellis, limiting of the power of the Supreme C()urt. This discussion ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"1Walter Barlow, Ft'ank Ba1Iin~er. McClure Funeral Home was given by Mr. Paul Davis and. $83; Mrs. Margaret J ones, board PboGe 7 W.'D.....ilIe. O. Mr. William Kolb, both pre-law Common Pleaa Procoec!in,. Robert Lamb, administrator of and care, Ollie Gardiner, ,6; The In t he case of Rama Deboard the d estate of John Lamb, deceas- F r a nklin Chronicle, vouchers fol' students in Mianli Univers ity. vel'sus Alice Deboard a divorc e e , filed his schedule of debts. auditor's office, $20;\ Dayton Mr. Bo'hl, county supedntendent, we1'e pre ent and pok was granted the plaintifr. Albe rt D. Bond. administrator of Blank Book & Printing Co. , book I n th e ea e' of The P eople's the estate of babelle Bond. de" "Record of Bills Filed" auditor's briefly. ' g Company cased, filed his \·nventory. 114399 Two l'4~ ti rin g m embers of the B UI' Id'lng L oan &S aVln 0 ffi ce,.. . ; Tb e Oft! ce 0 u tfitWayne T ownship Board of Educa- versUs Grant Leach, et a i, iudgThe estat of William E. O'Don- ters, box files for prosecuting attion, Me!;srs . liawke and Ellis, one ment in the sum of $775.61 was ne]], decea sed, was found to be ex· torney, $2.40; Columbus Blank the allolV ed the pll\intiff. empt from inheritance tax. Book Co., supplie for probate ne wly ..d ected member of Ih the case of Centr'a l Finance The will of Annie L. Ault, de- court, $ 13,26; Stakalta Mfg. Co., Company venu Joseph X, Miller, ceased, was admitted to PrObate. document file section tor prol1ate SJ'., et aI, etc. Norman S lavin was In the case of Robert Lamb, ad- court, $89.50 j-Hubman Supply Co apP,ointed receive'r in p:lace of J. ministrator of the estate ' of John nlOps for jail, $4.37; Wm. Hufford '1'. Riley. Lamb. decea sed, versus L. H. Sheriff. washing for prlsonera, RboT FOR AND 'CONSIGN In t he ca e of Andre,w Turner Lamb, et ai, additional bond of ,25.68; Mrs. Della Hufford, feed- ,our Cattle. bop, sheep and calve. and Tennie Turner veri.US Vina $12,000 given by administrator ing prisoners, $Z60.60; Universal to Nome-Brock C"., Jive wire and Jack son. tal, confirmat,ion, 'deed, was approved and sale of rea l es- Laboratories, upplies for jail, pJ'i)grellive firm f<)r the hlcheld prices and "ood .. nie •. and di tribution was ordered. tate is ordered. ,SO.51; H. M. Williams, Coroner, market U.lo. Sloe. Y.rd.' Cla.lanatl, 0 .1 In ~he case of Everett Wesley In the case of William F. Investig ation , in the death of Tune in on Radio Station WCKY versus Roger C. Hill petition is dis chenck, dec ~ased, sale of stocks Roger Bogan Davis $7.60; Federal 12:21 to 12 :80 p. m. for dur daU, J missed. and bonds is ordered. Laboratories, Inc., riot gun equip- market Teporte. ]0 t he ca e of Union Joint Stock In the matter of th} estate of ment for sheriff. $146.20; GrtS- ~============::: Land Bank, of Detroit, a corp. ver Ray tal'rY, deceased, lale of bond wold Service Station, gas and on sus John ,R. Walton, eonllnnation, is ordered. for sheriff's car, $25.98; Harley " deed and 'di tributlon was ordered , William E. D echant executor of W. Brunk, expenses for Decem• . , In the calie of George E. Smith t he est/lte of Edgar T. Decbant, de ber , ,5.82 j La Mar Body Shop, versuit Gordon . Bonnell and ceased, Med, his 'first and final ac- gasoline and oil fot dog warden. Mayme Bonnell, The FIrs t-Mason COUllt. $31.62 j Ohio Ce-ntral Telepbone Bunk is ordered to appear on J a n.Lloyd Colliver and Leeman Coil- Corp, rent and tolls, $17.30; Chas. uary, 16, 1936 and answu all que iv 1', administrators of t he estate J. Waggoner, Agent, premium on lions concel'ning debts dIU, from it of Cynthia Jane Colliver, deceased bonds, $120; W. H. Madden & Co. filed t heir first and final account. lumber for Fairgrounds, $139.69; to the defendants. Harry Hartfelter, gua1'dian of Kaufman's paint, $17'. 69 ; Morrow ~~--~====--~----~ New Suite " Otto Hartfelter. incompetent, filed Feed & Supply Co" one half ton Ona PierCe versus GeOl'ge Pierce hi third accoun t;.. coal, $8.26; Margaret K. Kratzer, for divorce. Charge is ' extreme Anna Ma~ Young, administratrix supplies, 90c; L. G. Anderllon 'a cr uelty: of the esta te of Clara A. Brown, Co., lumber for fair'grounds, $108: Frank BUl'nslde, Emma Prater deceased, filed h er first and final 02; Dayton Blue Print Co. federal and Leslie S. Snook, Trustee 'of account. aid cloth. $17 .10; Oregonia Bridge the Church of Christ for authority The inventory of George Mc- Co., , I'C-inforcing stee l, $2.30; to sell real estate' . Clure, executor of the estate of Clayton Clark, guard r ail pOStll, WOTARY PUBLIC The Miami Valley BuiJding and Maud Fetter, deceased, was ap~ $2a; National Color Type Co., red Loan AssociatiO'D versus D. Clark proved. but tons for highways, '30.60; NatlClDal B .... Van' Camp and Ollie J. ' 7an Camp 'M ary Elizabeth Stu erneI', execu- Cinnati Oil Works, labor, supplies _i1~ DraW'll _ • E ..., •• Senl... for money and foreclosure. The trix of the estate of Geor~ Steum and gasoline, $48.62; Blail' Miller , WAYNESVILLE, OHIO amQunt ot m oney claimc~d is $6, er, deceased, filed her affidavit in gaso,line.UO.63; Famous Auto Sup J~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!,!,!!!!!!,!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 617.03, lieu of account. ply Co., tire, and top material, $151 ' lor 'rural cU3tomers On tbe farm, p;utlcuJar)y, the re wall The Miami Valley Building and Th . wlll of George K. MilleT 65; Trustees of Public Aft'airs" FOR SALE DATES CALL When a rural Clultomer conLoan Association versus D, Clark' was admitted to Probate. Annie garage light bill, ".70; J. L, a time w'hen woman's work was ' n ever Iracls with ue for electricity, Van Camp and Ollie J. Van Camp l\liller 'was appointed executrix, no DUlin, serviees a8 mechanic, $67.don e. Thanks to e le ctr1' ily, that ' he gets: for money and foreclosure. Tho bond required. Clinton Stanton, 20; John Barr, pay 1'011, $72.60; needn't be true lollay. Wllethe r il be • Electric serVice with no inamount of money claimed is $1,- Ansfield Shiflet and Pauline Riley Johnson Myers, pay 1.'011, $96; M. cooking the familr m eals., pumpi n g vel tment ell:Cepl for wiring 16,7.01. wel'e apPOinted apI>raisers. O. Forman, pay roll, $267.90; Earl wa ter, churning bulLer or , cl uujllg uf Iaie property and for The Miami Valley Building and The will of John Wall, deceased Basore, pay Toll, 'S8.85; Trustee. the house, electricity can do til work, appliances. Loan Association versus D. Clar k was admitted to Probate. Margar- of Puj)lic Affairs, quarterly rent, JESSE STANLEY once dpne by hand, more satil!fucVan Camp and Ollie J. Van Oamp et D. Wall was appointed , execu- sewer serVlce; ,1S.75; Ohio Cen. • COIivenient and liberal terms tori]y. more (Ituckly, more economifo r financhl.8 payment for for money and foreclosure. The tl'ix. No bond required. John Paul, tral Telephone Corp., rents, vari. ft.DO Slo, " - a.rUD.'•• ! 0Iak eaJly than before. \~ irin g and applianees, if he amount of mon ey claim,e d is $1,- Pau!' Holthaus and Oharres J. Wag OU 8 offices, $56.50 i Ohio Centl'al EAItL KOoaI.tR Ilesires, By furnishing 'a depcmlohle e lectric goner were appointed appraise1'l. Telephone Corp. ,tolls, various 315 .77. Da,a- . . .. . The will of Pearl Eulass. de- offices, ,2.8.30 ;, Truatees of Public T he Miami Vall~y BuHdingand 8upply, we are nOW h e lpin g the • Ile agrees to use a m.inimum KEIt ••N . . .. ~an Association verslls 'Charles I ,OE~celasea, was adm itted to probate Affairs. light and g&8 furnished 'In1QUnt 01 service per month women in over 6,000 rura l fnmi lies E, Moor.e imd Hazel Moore for The adjudication and determina- court houee and jail, $60.94; V. 'li r a period of four (4) year•• to have more time for doing things He kllOW! In advanCe exactly they have always wanted to ,Jo money and fOl'eclosu:re. The tion of the inheritance tax on the M. Al'I1Iitage, pay roll, $184.20; am ount of money c1aim,ed is $Z,- estate of William F. Schenck, de- John Myer." pay roll, ahove,l ,92. '. hat il will C Olt him, and reading, entertaining, sewin g, and 246.49. ceased, ill to be given to aU per- 20; Carl Dakin, pay roll, bridge, , now!! tJtat he wUl get aerviee listening to radio progrunu. Beca use ona interested. $131.10; H. L. SchuTler, pa., roU, .."-.~.~.-....- -.."...- -.."-............"-.~........... • enn d e pend on. electricity is cheap, reliable. arid P~),ate Court ProeeedUa.. Ralph Van Meter, executor of bridge, ,143.60; Brown" Bunnell ready (or use lit any honr o( Ih e IluYt POR SALK Tbe will of JeII8ie Le lii'evre, de- the estate ' of N'annie Van Meter, 11l.el furnished relief families, ,8.theae women , depend 011 it for m uuy was 1Ued in Probate. ceased, deceased, flIed his inventoTY. 60; J. R. Coirman, fo'Od, ,9.40; FOR SALE-White .helf paper, home laIu, Charles Knedler was .pPOint4!d Alva McLaugblln, ,executor of Cornett Coal" Feed Supply, fuel lOe per roll, at ~ Miami admlni~trator of the the estate of Rachel S. Steven., ,8.26; Lebanon Farmers Coop. Qa.ette oflle.. Bertba Knedler, Qec~ealleCll deceaaed, flIed bia fint, final and fuel, $e.60; Lewil II: Drake, tUIl, . Eleetl'icit, caD allo 'ave time, labor aDd bond of $3,000 wltb lurieti418, dil!ttibutive account. 487.60; A. N. Rapp, fuel, $9.71, FOR SALE-&DIlla,. ,1.00 per lhOoey in your home and 00 yow farm. Look bert Hoppe, Georce AIl,OJllael J. S. Rlchardsoll fuel $12 76' Ra., ' ton. Dod"" RoUlUla aDd W87· at the easy plan we ofter lor obtainbag this tep. ' " 1I81VlU. Pldt&. George Fleishman were lirl,p~liD1ted S~lrert, food, $7,80; llama.. u-e. If. E. War~ it you do Dot have iL Thea pi ia touch witl. au.. RW'aI DepU1lDent ahroqb 001' UNrett olice, Carl Elliott, dairy band at Cln- 'WICk, food, ,8.86, GnNlt A. II p, PIP•• V.u.v.a ad ITl'TINGS I at! d lin. Lena lIaC:o f Tea Co. fooel, $1 ••11, L. S. Ar. for Water, c nn an ,,0 thill', food. $1,10: Carroll', 8~ 0IItera LebaDOft. food, $19,40 I E. 01• . , . . Jlhtmi_ :3

School High Spots I

Hut. hill " .. lIol



:! U I




Jl l1 ugh.

I'k nf tI,.. hUllrd, Mr, .! li nd lilt' (,,!'nll'r ""'11.. ,~ c k. ~1l ~ 1I Iltcllllt'd th . :l 2:1 'rhl' F t hruRI~' m li"l tI ill Kill )!, :llill~.










Cary's Jewelry Shop



Brick.... Roofing· •• Cement

w. H. Madden & Co. Waynesville, O.

FT . ' Martin Auctioneer


0.,..0 Phone 78J





Stanley &Koogler I Auctioneers


a.. -


....~~". .I.j

Thomp on of thi)\ aUt-nded I'hurch at Ogdl!n Sunday l'Yening. It i ~ report d that fUI'Ill) fU),lllO!'ly kn el\o\ n ~hllnnon flll'm haR l' tly been Rold. It i ~ now occ111pied by Lowell Elu'ly and fnmil~· . K. B. 1'hompson and ,rason Bidcli ecuni nod M: K . Thomp son spent Sat urtiay afte rnoon in ITarv yslJul'g. Mt·. 'Dwight )3 eason al~d ~istc r, MIlI'Y NeLte wer e in Su'hina M.onelll Y evening.


traLivt' COli!!! Wl' \'l' $8J,1I06. which Il·ft II nell t 'lui of $5,-45!(.750. Thtl I'eel'illl" exceeded thuse IIf 10~4 hy $6&!l,!110. Thl' figUJ'l'~ do not in ISSUED EVERY TIIURSDA Y 'Iude $708 ,318 ill cignret filmJ(lrs' liet'nsc r(! ~fI paid dit'cct!y into OIIIce P -o. - . . ............ ..... .. No . 1111 Entered at Po.tortla. \II Ohl ;; tl at Cl Wayn M ... It cQunty tl ·usuries, MI'. Millei.' suid. Su ••crlptio. Price, '1.50 • Y_r v e. 0, aaM:.. ~~;,.n au a

~ Ar

G Hery will be made on Tuell f IIIIJlI·OV,. l'f the cflllkli makinl{ a pa ne I d Il<cu Ion. dcrnun.trntifUl Bnd Ino t W\llnt~'l Worn!'" vitlilor at }' rm will be uble tu get ideo,. from it W !'k \\ III I't ant to Illtencl oth r lhul will b~ '-lfl l!ful whl' n th,· I'hil - 1I1l...tin!e. !\Ul:h ll~ poultry, ftorlcul. d"NI ': lun('h pllil ~ a .. ~ In.i ng flil ~ d. hll E' , 1l,l1t! I'ulal (' CUII l'nicl-'. Early the lhinK" "hlch will 1lI1Ik(' futur e Prubl l'/)1 !< im'o lve,l ill l h,! Im p has" a niV llh on Monday will permittask nlU r plcUllant. and main lenan ',. of lI )l huIRlCl'l' d " lalmiJl g' for the wcek . 0 as Iittlo -- Foot.!, d olh lng a nd health ar fUI'niturc will Ill·ovid(· mule) ial f OI' II'" po ~~ i ble will be mi!lscd . th l! mnin tupics on Wl!dn c;;day J NUARY 16, 19 30 with <liff 'r ent J>ha se~ of each s ubj ect ('(,"sidered by tlw group uf > i ~ , ~pp ak eJ'lo'. A l alle on how to make I ADVERTISING REPRESENTS EMPLOYM,ENT AND WAGES tou ri ;;t ll h om'~ pay \, ill have n Rpccial a ppeal to thi. audience. By Th fk~l of t he two foot ' Iinies is No private enterptis has a groater interest in indu strial d velop.. held W edn l'~d Il Y. The di!\cussio n Ilf 'STEPHEN M. YOUNG n nt and busincsJ:; expansiOn than th newspapers. By th e slIme token clothe>! fUI' th ' sch ool go id will I1pCOlllrea.mam At Lar•• no pJ'ivate enterprise suffers greater 'hal'lll wht' n indll so 'y is taxed New Burlin~rton peu l to IllfJthe l's who lind th e I<UI)reg ulated qr r giment d to t he poin t fII f in ertia. 1'h invention nnd eX Jlan si on of th e. autom obile industry, fo r Th Soldiers' Bon us will probW. l'ni Lh an d 11 . H. milh ply of schooL \~ard ro he s 0. never- , Morton's Smoke Salt-lar ge can 10 lbs . . ..... 90c example, with its related bu. iness SUCh as tires, gnsoline, r epair shops , nbly Ilus!'i n th £' eurl y wecks of we n t. to oving-ton, Ky., Sunday lo n ling proh l m. . Small can, 34 oz . . .. . .. . . . . 23c etc. , created the gol'eatest singl udverti sing account of all time. the ongl·eSR. Jl rhaps ba.b y bonds vi sit l heir aunt M i s~ ~:i( 'mi lh ' Loo king yo ur be st,' a sub jec t for Sausage Seasoning, can . . .. ... . ....... . . ... 25c Thursday, ha. II unh' pl';al appeal , Newspaper r evenue is oft n imperiled by radical and destructive payabl e in 1 935 i n~tea d of the who haR a b roken hip , and t he self-improvenient theme i" p !itical a t tucks on industri 'S. The ruthl ess use of .th e weavon of pl'cse nt c rlificnl s d).l e in . 'J 045 : 1\1 iR5es Leona Mi ll er a nd L uis Also for those who use the old methods of Laxati on is pol ent in disco uraging futul'e 'sdvel:tising acc ounts. \\ iII be issued. The e bonds could Mc Kay attend ed thll Epwo l·th Clln ie d a long throug h ·an othel' talk I curing, the beat flake salt per 100 Ibs • .. . .. .. $1.00 In addition La s't aggering ge neral taxes, manY' inllu trj s are now be sold by n dy ex-service men L Qgu ~ in titu t in Wilmingt on Qn th e beau Wicut ion of the home Have you seen the new improved Colonial by the use of flowe rs. Iron ing peMli zed with additional class or special taxes Which cut deep into at a: small discount . Th e inflat ion 0 l' t he w ck- ml. blocks? Special price each, .. . . 43c or 3 for $1.25 th operating r evenue- for example, witness the purely cla88 taxation l ea tu l' will be elim inate d and : John H Dry Morri s who hni'! been equipm n t and chin llware are bu t t he of utility compani s, insurance compa nies, retail stores, etc. It otten some cash p<lY l11 <?nts meall llre i. vi ~iti n g his uncle in 'o h~ l1l bu s hl19 more prosaic matters Egg Mash (20 % Protein) per lba • . , . $1.95 ti l·St. of t.hese disc ussions may sa ve happens that it is impossibl e t o cut c lCpenses materially in any other lik Iy tQ b co me 1\ IIIW before Mal'. I , etuI'nctl to his hom e here. Dairy Feed (16 % Protein) per -l00 Ibs_ . . $1.40 1. Some satisfacto ry comproml e T he Dor cas Sncidy h(!ld its many f ut ut:e ' weary days an d t he ui r lion than adve rti sing. Adverti sing l'epreaents business t or everybody. Lack of advertis- seems probable. Tw o billion Two monthly me Ling at the pal'~ on age . econd may be' t he mea ns of savWe do not add one pound of screenings to any in g money 0 1' of incrcll ing th ing show lack of bus in ss 'with reS Ulting lost jobs nnd 10 t curning H undred Mill ion Do llars necessary on Thur day. ' of our feed. but use only the best ingredients. Come powe r by the nation. to pay t h bon us will be pa id out Mr ll. C. D. Mial'R is conlined to enj oyment of t he fam il y's mealand see our feeds made. Th e estimated volume 01 local newspaper adve rti ing, including of t axes Or bOl'Towed money her bed by injul'i s eu ~tRi ned in a tim e. Those who missed t he firs t tour of the Al'ts Gallary· will hav e tl assitled, i n 1929, reached a peak of $600,000,000. From this poin t ra ther than . ne.w cur rency, fr esh faJ!, rcc ntly. Remember that when you buy our feeda you not it drollP d to a low of P25,OOO,OOO in L933, and un empl oyment was from t.h p ~lnt:ng pl·ess~. . Th e run I'ul of (;{' or ge Hosie r a nolh e1' cha nce Thul' day, and a only .ecure the best feed it i. pOlSible to produce, lhe gl atest on record. Nothing could more graphjcall~ iIIu stl'a~e the .Th e oldler Bonus quest Ion re- wa. held at t h Frie nd~ hu rc h lea wil l be lIerved du ri ng the but yOU are also provid ing a home market for the n wspap er ' interest in ~utur economic, p olitical, laxatIOn aL1d mdus- mInd Co ngress of the sLory of a here on Su nday aft rn o.~ n . BlIl'inl uiternoon. grain grown in our own community. househ old ookel'y, book, t.r ial policies which encourage busin SlI. wid ow wh o had a lot of t r ouble was .made in the !!Jl1 l'tcll'y east o£ Ul'nii.u l' ,and entereqUip men t, f Newspapers a~'11 one of the first indu stries to suffel' f rom .cam- ov l' he l' hus ba nd's ostate. She was t own. Ilaigns which cripple or destroy a ny busln ss. Therefor e, th ey shoul..l a ked. "Ca ? 't you ~~,d a la w fi.rm Mr . A. E. McKay Emu Mrs, lainm nt ar e all provi ded for con b most zealous in guarding their own as we ll as the publl c intel' at t hat IS satisfactory. She I'eplled B. H. Miller attended !II di ,·tJ'ict sid l'ati on on Friday. The men will against demagogic, class or pun itiv e attacks on aIlY busin flS or "Don't tru k to m abo ut lawyers. 111 eli ng 'of tb e Eastern S tar lodge ==============~ industry. I ha ve had 0 much trouble over in lliJI suol'o, Mo nday. t hi property, I alm ost wish my P rof. C U I' t of the Wayn ville Phone 25 Waynesville, Ohio Schools addl'e. sed' t he congregapoor hu sband had not died ." • .• • lion of t h Fl'ienrl. ' Church o n Last Augu t, shortly b fOl'e Sunday. ongres adjou rned, a t emporar y N utra lit y Resolution wa passed. HarveY8bul~g :00 Music This Jlr ovid s for an em bargo on : '5 First Ohio Con titutional onvention ........ E. E. Eswin e arms and Illuni tions to warring MI'. Het·bel·t Ca rr nt t,ended a 8 :15 Farm Y IUe of Skimmilk . . . Perry Green, na tion s. This isn't eno ugh. Conmeeling of the t ru tees and comPresldcnt, Farm BUI'()·a u. olumbus g r'ess s hould br oaden tht' neutral:25 A View of 4-ll Club Work in Montgo mery ounty .. mi sioner. at t he co urt h ou e last . " ... ... .. . ...... ....... .. .. ..4-H lub Membe r ' ity r esolu t ion to include such basic Monday . DirectEd by II. . R noll t, o. lub Agt. cCl¥nm ocl iti s of USe to a waning MI'. and Mrs. Wilbu r' Hawke 8:QO a ah~ng in on Farmcr' 'Week ,. . ... ..... John F. unningham, nat ion as iron, coal and cotton. A wel'e irldnnatl vis itorll on TuesDean, Coli ge of Agriculture number of our manufac t urers anu day of Ilist week. Mi Lillian Brinkman dea ler s are as gre dy f ol' I)rofits II :00 Nutrition Notes fro and Mrs. Chas, Go rdon w.ere Extension Nutriiioni ~ t t hat th ey a re selling iron and in Le banon on bUsinl!Ss last Tu'e~ 9 :10 Music simillir products useful in war t o day after noon . . !J :26 Production Credit Assn. Annual ~ e eti ngs rtnly. In spi rit and in fact The Community club held a . . .. ': .... ,. .. ... .... .. .. Samu I "So Studeb~k e·;· such goods help a w art ing coun t ry Sec-TrellS. P. . A. at Dayton the same as arm s and munitions. very intel ting meeting' on last Wedncsday night with their mem() :35 Picturing Farm Machinery Use d in England '" G. W. Mc uen A and I. P. Blau e r, Agr. Eng. D pt. This \lrt of trading is the very hers and friends preslcnt. 9."5 Joan a.nd J rry . "'" .... ,......... , ........ , .. , Dramatic Sk it thing which might drag us i!lto thi s speaker from Wilmington was war if it should &pread ITom pI' ent a nd was greatly enjoyed Et hi opia to Europe. Small profits by aU. f or today may mean ter rific cOst Word Jora been r of the l =~~~~~==~==~== for the Am rican peopl e f or t o· death o~ Mrs. Howard Sears of v morro\\'. alilornia. How a,rd wa formerly * • • of here. During th e debate in t he House Th e Woman's ivic League met ERE'iS an offer that w ill appeal to all- American on the Neutrality bill, "Bill" Ash- on last Saturday night at the Boy Maga::ille and this newspaper 'lit a special COLUM BUS-.-David O. Warner 'follm ent as well as tho e who are brook, the old timer of the 17th home of Mr~ . · W. W. Welch . . combination bargain price. The Amcric:m Boy is the burly o!!-xecutive lIecretary of the attending school but who seek a District, arose like a ghost tJ'om Mrs. Sadie Reason hils re t urned favorite magazine of more than 500,000 boys and NOOn said. change, Mr. state water conservation board, the past and declared that his vote to her home afte r a visit with bel' young men. Its fiction carries boys on the wings of has a reputation for fighting for against the McLemore Resolution, children Tl eal' Wayn esvjJIe. * * adventure to all parts of the world. Its .ports articles What he wants though the trials, Communicable di eases as a which was a warn ing t o American Rev. Pet e rs of th e Methodist by famous coaches and athletes are studied by chamd lays and stalemates may be whole in Ohio showed a decline in citizens to keep off the high seall church of New Burl ingto n spoke pions. Here you will find the finest stories on sports, many. And after nine years 01 the first eleven monthll of 1935 nnd against .the issuance 01 pass- at the Methodist church on Sunaviation, business, school octivities, hwnor, and travel. waiting and a great amount 01. as compared to the same period in ports, way back in 1917 Vbad da y evening. Even at its regular price £ $1.00 a year, The Ameri.ffort another of his visions is to 1934, it was announced by Dr. burdened his ('onsdenee frdm t hllt The fun l'al of Mr. 'Charley Shican Boy is cJnsidered a bargain. But now you rna)' 00 at least putially realized, ae- Finley Van Oradall, chief of the day to this and he ,",anted the daker of Osborn, but fo r years a obtain it and this newspaper • • _•• cording ~o a development last division ot comm unicable diseases world to know that he waS bitt~rly r eside nt of her!!, was held at the week . When i ~ was announced that of the State Department of Re.lth opposed to the United States Fri e n~s' Church l\n() bUl'ial was in -the federa l government has ap- Mump and GeJ:'man measles, how- again drBWn into another World Miami cemetel' Y. The War. proved a Works Proje¢t Admlnls- evet, increased greatly: Several Indies f rom here attration survey of the Hocking former, 'of whIch there were lQ,"Old Bill" is courageou s enough t ended a lovely shower in bonor vall y watershed with the object- 897 cases fl'om January 1 to De- to declare hi. position on any of Mi s Ruth Denny, whOSe marive of flood control and the con- cember 1, nearly trip led t'he 1934 question. riage will occur at high noon at sorvation . of water for benefl~ial total and German mea!lles climbed • • • her home On F~bruary first. The us s. It was in 1927 that Mr. from 9,733 cases in the elevenCongressmen nre buring the shower was given by Mrs. Mary Send Your Order To War ner first advocated publicly month 1034 period to 14,686 in midnight oil studying the Supreme Doster and, Mrs. Ann Cossum at the Hocking watershed program. 1935, Dr_ Van Orsdal1 said. Old Court AAA d~ls ion. Doubtless t he hom of the latter. That was only four years after fashioned me.a sles decreased. remedial legisiation will be e nact Mrs. Edith Luke ns ha~, bllen at United States Army ~ngine ers ~llI(lnrl'''''''......"nl'tlPlI cases numbered ed. YOIl may depend upon it that the bed side of her grsilldfatber m8d ~ a survey foa: the War De- only half of the 1934 total, and agt;ic.ulture will not b~ pu shed Green ai 1)fal'tin. ville for partm nt and. illsued an adverse both scarlet . fever and ' chicken back to the condWon of 103~ and days but reports him a,omewhat report. Mr. Warner tbought tbat pox declined. Dipt heria aM in- March 1933- h ogs•. 3 cen - COl'n improved . . t he engineers' study was p~li min - ftuenza cases remained about the 12 cents, cotton 34 c.ents. The f uneral of Gco\'ge Hosier ar}' and based largely on aperusaJ same for bofu years_ Prospel'ous farmers mean busy I was held on Sunday afternoon .at of topographic maps. He wanted factorieil, !ncreased autol)lobile L~e fr iends' i~ Ne w Bura detailed Bu.rvey mad e in the beOhioans wh have bu.siness t o production and steady emp¥oy- , hngton. Mr. Ro. ieI:' died at the lief that "veral upper-valley transact at the Department of ment. home of his son, HaL'ry, on Friday reservoirs would be the solution to Liquor ContrOl, the Bureau Qf - - - --night. the problem, with a few low alack- Motor Vehicles and the sales tax Mrs. )ildith Lu kens attended water darry. The WJ>A survey divillion will find these branc.hes Eastern Stal' meeting · fo1' Worthy will entail an expenditure of $'0,- of state ' gove-rnment switched' 0 .' Matrons at Hillsboro on Monday OOO,and 6~ry phase of the Rock. ab ou t a 1ter th ~ Ia tter par t 0 f ~hi I ur Sick are all reported better afternoon. • . a at this writing. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ing watershed problems win be month, accordmg to Harry Mr. Clal'cmce Thompson and taken into consideration. , of Governo;r. . f ami' 1y h ave move d fr 0 m the Sliver, member Martin L_ Davey I achon commlt- F ran ' k W'l . 1a rm to th elr . new I son CLASSIFIED ADS COST ONLY Samuel H. tee (m the Sherrill government h . B J b S un..rintendent r" 1 ome m arveys urg. he Squire of the state division of ~ur~ey. rr: actton WI I be taken The Terry brothers sold one of ONE CENT PER WORD. WHY an th·.I!. banks •peported five changes af· III Irne Wlth the plan. to make . elr 'lIne war k h orses one d ay KEEP YOUR ATTIC FILLED . fecting Obio banking instit utions. annual saVing of approltlmateloy I t k The Firat "Meehant"f National ,32,000 being paid in rental on as,., wee 'd M Elbert Rich d Prolram Ready for The.m Farm4!Ta WITH USELESS ARTICLES d buildings housing ....r. an 1'5. an ftI daughters of near Welln1an, spent Week Worth Evelry Bank of Mid!;lletown was gr~n te TIlAT CAN BE TURNED INTO 'th th G f' l i Effort perm. issiori to transter its assets various state 0 ces. The Depart. S d e r ay ann 51 n and' ~iabllitle8 to the American ment of L'Iquor C on t 1'0I w111' b e WUltII ay WI MONEY FOR SO . SMALL A BI'nk, alao in moved either to 69 East Gay ~ ml.n. . . -~-Trust" P"avln'" eSt t 't th N tat ffi Miss. Mary Ethel Sarna vl s:\ted It j not expected that Ohio COST. TRY THIS M·EANS QF Middletown, 'Which challged its ree or 0 e ew II e 0 ce M' -- " K thl T'hompson ' 11 h to Ik t Col wom~n WI aye wa 0 umbuilding', vel''' likely the latter,Mr M""'d .lD.ary • a , een· SELLING AND SEE WBAT A name to the First-American Bank ' d T#h I ta dl i i on ay eV~nlng. .buB .t o attend Farmers' . Week and Tl'Ilst Co. The First State S~lver 11&1. e 11& es II v I on Mr. a nd Mr•. Thomas Hardin 01 Jtlnuary 27 to 3i but the program DlFFERENOE IT WILL MAKE Bank of South Charleston and the W1~1 be moved · tobt~~ .~te b office near Waynesville called on K. E. prepared by the home ~conomics TO YOUR POCKETBOOK, AS and pro a y e ureau Th d 1'1 I t F' d t t t th 0 "U l'S Union Bankill.r Co. of Weat Man.. budding, ompaon. an amI y o.n 88 n- cpar men a e . .l. • of Motor Vehicles. TLe Ohio-HartWELL AS TO HAVE YOUR field were llcensed to re-open. A man building, which" houses the day e~en1OJ_ Mrs. Ha~d1l1 who has worth walking a long ways to hear license wal luued to the Farmerll 11 uor . Department 'and the been 10 poor healt~ IS able to be and II.IlY hard hips encountered on STUFFY OLD ATTIC CLEANED State Bank of West Manafield for q d fi tr out and around agalD. t he trip perhaps can be ' orrected the lole purpo.e of transferring bureau, wal bran ed al a re ap Th R' h ' -II 'th th It after arrival by at OUT. IT PAYSI in the Sherrill government luney A. o~Ts IIC 11111 WI II' I e ue. Ita 'aaaets and Ilabilitlu to the lD. a rnal'e • mue mprov- foot clinics held two UitioD Banld... Co, • * • ed at Uats ",rltlal'. the week. • • • "There's money for the state In Wayland Jordan and family of Monday will be a ralll'n'lllUlBV Alar. . U8t of cata1op.. and pd. ot Imloke." mund rranlt BJIM Park .pent Frida)' with the with lime to make bullett•• lined by eon.... and Miller, .aperintencient of the JordaD famil7 here. for rooms aDd to .tudy U1llverat~ei tUoucbout • 1Jf11ted dpret tax division of the State . Roberta III mIlCh improv- pro&'l'&m bllt On all Sta_ are .,.... lIIade ...lIable at Ta CoJllJllu.lon, .hen he aub- eel at thia writiq. many events oceur alD~llli~nleOll18l:'1 the ltate UItarr. . .~ to IIdttH hlB unul report abowlac Ih. aDd lin. .Clarence Thoma, tliat a time blldet' ill L~_pa PnI A.. T, .Goa. TIle Olalo . . . . . aMOken putrt" ChIlo...... Llord made to avoicl IDIubac wlOlf'th" hU.1


... - ...

Straight from Washington

---........... -_

dill', Thi. i~ unly une uf th \H't'll'. OJJl'fHtunitic:I f"I' wompn to IU'l a\\ uy from huu"ehold task, for a ijhCJrt till;" ami lo enj(,y 1<\)/)1l' of


For Butchering Time



Waynesville farmers Ex. Co.

Farm higlat lalks, January 20



Pl08 Tills Newspaper-

Best of the News Direct .1 From- the OHio State Capitol

At Redu oed Pric e


Both One Year For

The Miami


• • •

Beech Grove


• • •

D·I .I
















ft-:<. Vunon BolandE'r, nt'~ lnel HII)' Up, "'11 honor Il'uest at a mi8. ~ " 1I11fll'Oli sho\\er ~iv n Ily Mis.

at Thl' '1\ nn\1' I III .,tl!\~ l f tho .·elli~ Wlltkins; Tut'sday night, T W '1\ h r h ome on route 73, w..-nty:<11"":holl1\.·r (If thl' ayn n I' four guest~ were ptetlcnt and Ml'R, • 'lI(innl\] bllnl.. \\ 8. hdd TnI' dalY Bolander was the recipient of Ilftl'tnOI1n. fol' the purpo. (' or 110\1 ly and pl'actical gifts. \' 1 cling dir dOn! tln,~ om en. , D~inLY ref r shments we~ Si!rvTIJ new board of tlirl'i'lon! In· cd by the lloste~. dude W. ll. lien. G(!Orge Wut I'hou e, L. E. noek tt, 1-1. A, The Oclob I' rep~rt of the. Natirornt'U und L. M. Hendarsol1. 01l1\.1 ity Bank of New York says, omell of th bank ore W. H. " It Is hardly deniable that t'he 1m. Alle n, pl' i<leoti G('prg~ J. Waler. p tus to the general bu iness imhilus ; lee pl'c!'id ent; L. ~1. H('n- provement or.ginaled on the II t 0'011 , CII . hi 1' ; R. . Riggs, farms." a ·!t t~tnnt. cashi er.



. _. .---

IfI(~~~~~~=~:i~~~, l\Ir~. Ida Lawson, of Covinglon, Ky., is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Leonard Tinney.

Alit'" Clark of Day tun \\ aa in Lytl(, awhile Monllny ld'll'r· hoon. b~en mi~sl ng from since I Mr. Ilncl Mr • Clal'cilc .EdwaJ'd ~ SUTHlay_ When las ~1Cen h wus anti dnughter of WJlynesvill" .... l'I~ walking nurth on route -42. To Tu $dllY vcning gu 'st~ of Mr. lind rlale nothing had b!~ cu I I\I'O~d r M1'8. Ha rold W.hitak er and chil. hi;o\ whcrl'abouta. l.lren. ROOF DAMAGEID BY FIRE

Th hom of wtu Gustin on Mr. nnd Mrs. Lee M Ol'ri~, of Dayton, visited their aunt, Mrs. Water str ct, was damaged by fire at noon Monday wilt n a spal.'k Aman da Mufflt, Saturday. from t he chimney set fire to tne Rev. Mr. Peters, of N~w But·- . hingl' roof. Iinglon, was the gue t speaker at Loss was not lea.rned but it was the F aith, Food and Fun meeting ~a id to be slight und consisted at Lhe Methodillt ChUl'ch, W dnes- on ly of damage to the roof. day ev~ning.


Try The Mlam~ Gazette For A t>-'

fARMERS CLU8 MET ===y~ea~r'==~l l Obs;r~t~~'-' LAST THURSDAY

Publisher 'Will Be Candidate


The Wa.yne To"nsbip Farmers' cl\lb met Thul'Sday, January 9, at OLUMBUS- "The Music Goe!! th(' hom of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. 'Round and Around", t.hat silly Duk . Th ho tess was assisted in nnu most contagious of ditties has . l'ving th dinner by Mr. and token the country with a storm of Mrs. Enl Hotkett, Mrs. A. S. spelld similar to that which accomollett aDd Mrs. J. T Deardoft'. Pllnied the late chain letters. rt appeal has caught in a manner The afternoon program was that would belittle the popu larity Ill)en d with music by Mra. Russell of !' Ye I We have No Banana .. amp bell. This W88 followed by and "Show Me The Way To Go tho annual address of the presiHome." This catchy tune has an dent, J . H. Sackett. The special indescribable something that is topic, "Stretchillg the DoUar," causing young and old alike to sit was ably handled by Morris up late in the hope of tuning in ornell, and Rev. Mr. Oheek, of on one more ver sion of th manCarlisle, gave a sp]endid talk on "Friendship. The program c\01Ied =:==~~~~~~~~~:::::= iacal melody. Various stories of with a &election of music by Mrs. the origin of the so ng are fioat· ing mildly about. One I have Campbell. Rev. and Mrs. G. C. Dibert and heard has it that the lunacy was born in a New York night club d ugbter Martha, and Mr. and where an inebriated mUi$ici'an was Mrs. J. B. Crabbe were among the invited gueats preaellt. attempting to teach an ini!briated patron how to play the comet. The situation became so comical the hilarious throng was soon IlL· tracted and "midst the crowd the idea was conceived by a member of the club orchestra. More authen FOR RENT tic )s the ptess story that three young men Share the 1'e ponsibility for the aria. ,Two of tbem overFOR R;ENT-2 or S roomll. Intheir trombone tooting quire at Fairmont Cream colleague explaining to a tipsy Statton. j1St but curious lady that"-you blow in it , bere and it comes out there." Thus the. sJ>ark wa ig-nited and the silly symphony created, and more than ' 100,000 cash customers have bought copies in the Last few weeks. The three young men are profiting handsomely with a guarantee of three cents for themsel· ves for every copy sold and ' are about to break out with a sequel entitled, "I'm Gonna Clap Hands,' which I hope, aft'ects me like their first one has.

Late Classied Ads.

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Mcintire lIear N~YI Bul'iinglon and Mrs. Robert ~' urlla ~ and children of WU)' Desvil)e wcre guests of Mr. an ci Mrto. Raymond Wilson and fumily Sunday., Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Bogan sung at th e fun eral of Mr. George Hosi r which _was held Sunday !lfl~I' llo o n at the New Burlington Friellds Church. So me- of our peopl attended the fUTI ral of 1\11'. Wayne TIl omas, Wednesda y afternoon Januury 8 " G!~=========~='YI


Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul Andel'S and daugbter oC Miami burg spen Sunday afternoon with their , Ilunt, Mrs: ' Meta Rogers. .Mr . Elijah Mille r of D.ay~n and MIS. Blanche and Peal'! Riley of RidA' ville were Sunday eve ning guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet. Mrs. Lettie Marsha.1l of B]]brook was calling on relative!! and friends here Tuesday Ute-rnoon. l\1r. and Ml·S. J. B. Jone , MI'. and Mrs. Therle Jones and sO n attended th fu n ' ral of Walter Moore at his late reaidence in Dayton WednclIday a.£ternoon. Mr. Moore i a neph ew of Mrs. J. B. J ones. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick cntCI-tained with an oy ter upper aturday evening, in honor of tne birthday of the latt t h following guest.l\: Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick, ir. a nd Mra. J. B. Jon a, Mr. and Mn. Harvey BUDret, Mr nod Mrs. Walter Cast, Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Graham, Mrs. Margarct J ohns, Mr und Mrs. Donald Hadley, Mr. and Ira. Guy Rout. zahn and daughters, Geneva and Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jones nnd SOD Milton, Mr. and Mr. Clyde Wharton. and daughters" EVil and Miriam and Mas ra LOl'Cn Rou tzahn and James Ilsinea.


COLUMBUS, OHIO (Special,) H. Earl Griffith, Mt. Gilead new!, paper publisher, has announced his candidacy lor the Republican nomination for Secretary of State, subject to the prinlluies to be held in May, 1036. Mr. Griffith's a n 'IOU n c e mODI marked bis first (:nndidaey for e lectlv~ office, althoUlth he has been active in Republican party a!!alrs f(lr It number of, year. He was a Republic:a n Stllte Cam· paign Chairman in 193<1. He has ' eel. scti vely identi:fied with Re;lUblican ~ampaign!l in the state Eighth congress ional district and in Morrow co unty. He served a5 postma!!ter at lilt. Cilend b)' ap, pointment of" Prcl\idlent Coolidge resigning to accent the Sta t! Chai rmanship. Mr. Griffith is the publisher ot the Mor:row County ' Sentinel, an ilut tanding farm commun ity pub· lication, devel oped by his grand· fathEr, the late John W. Gr;ffith l i l! father, t e ate Harry . Grif· • • <Ith, who was a moember of the Picture of Supreme Comfort: , tate Central Committee tor lev· Slouching snug in a restful chair l'al years. before th~ llre dunking gInger IIh. Griffith Is married and hat snaps in milk while absorbe~ in ~ hrce children. He ils a member 01 a tale of romatic adventure as ,he Episcopal Chuuh and num the plaintive oriental strains of erous service and fraternal organ ' an organ p~1,lr forth from the 'zlI t ions. He was born in Kn ox county and was edul;ated In thf radio. r.n. Gilead public s(:hoois 'and at I am always impressed yet de- Ohio WesleY/in Uni\'Cl'sity. pressed by the stories of hardlIfr. Griffith's candidacy has beet, ships and bad luck offered by endorsed by his ow,r- county 8nd so many h'omeleas wanderers. Of the· Eighth di strict Hepubllcan or late I have seen and met more of ganizationsand many outstandmlt t'hem roaming aimlessly than ever ata te . leaders. In making his ann e,un cement ~11 before. The majority strengthen Gtiffith declared ~hn~ Ohio citizens their courage and spiIit by resortregardless of p ~litjc l! , show a dp ing to the use of all:ohol or drugs, termination to put an end to lnem especially during the winter when cient, wllste and exl~ ra\' agance 9 ' their hardships double. Recently, eviden t during the past sen?ra one, a large man nearing old age, years of mis-rule in ()hi ,!In thn' burst into the office with a cry he belle\'('d there wa,s an opportu ' that :be was starving and would nity for :ons tr-uctive service in ~ do anytbinr for a cup of coft'ee. cooperative effort foil' better ~tat, Although almost saturated in govel'lm1Cnt. Mr. Gr:ffitb has been an out ' alcohol, he expressed sincerity and Jtanding commUnity ! i(or.der, b otr was sent off to buy a meal- which as a publisher and £I ~ an ir:\Iivi he proboblydidn't. The next morn !lol. His paper has al w ay ~ be ing, .the description in the papers on the side of good gO\'crrlm enof the unidentified old man killed and his personal lead ership I~ a ' in traftlc could not be mistaken. tested by the fact th at he h~ None of us went to the morgue we ~cr\'ed liS an offi: ct 0 r e\'( ry •, discusBed it with a 80rt of pity but and fraterna l orS.!lni z:. t i~n "" hieh be has been /I nWI'o\'J ~ r silently etifted our curio!lity.

Under Constant




We hav e a deep 8 nse of ibility to tho e who come to us in their hOUl'S of need. We relllize the slICI'ed nature of OUI' work and endeavor to em'ry it out with the prOJ)er rever nee and digni t.y. We constantly tl'ive to prove our~lvel! worthy of t he confidence and trust p laced in us by keeping our professional £ltand llrds, equipment nnd f uo (!ral hom spotless. O UI' r~ spo n

Wayne.yllle, '0 . """"""":"""""',:,...,:...,',••:....... JANUARY 17-18


Chas. Chan In Shanghai I Cartoon, "Ye Olde Toy Shop" Com!ldy, "Fr)endly Spiril" JANUARY 19-20


Call of The Wild

J. E. McClure

Fox News and Short

Phon. 7

Two Shows-6 :30 & 8 :00 p. m. ADM. 10c- 1Sc

Waynesville, Ohio


Caesars Creek


at N w BurllnJrton X. E. church. Mr. and )frs. Walwr Willlon had a' Sunday dinner' gUl'~t~ Puul Pckr>lon und family of Zoar nt·ighbol'hood. 'M... nn,l Mrs. William Smith and Mr. and MrR. Raleigh Bogun clln d on Audrey Crow lind family near lkbllnon and Mrs. lara Dunn and family in Lebanon, Saturday ni ght. Homor Haines and family were X nia shoppe r line livening this week.

chuol, January 8.


Mr. and Mrs. Emerson inclajl; are announcing the birth of a on January 9, 1936. The bab")' ba s not. • been named yet. ' The "Wide Aw akes'" hela their regulat meeting at th home of Anna Sohns and Rev. Mary J.Atram in Wilmington, Sunday even ing, January 6. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Haines and family were guests Saturday at the home of Mrs. Haines aunt in Muncie, Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Bogan and Mr. and ' Mrs. William Smith were Sunday dinner guestl! of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Compton. Mr. and Mrs. Walter WiI~on and Mrs. Ella Haines attended the, Farmers' Institute at Harveysb\lTg Tuesday. Everett Haines and family were SUllday dinner gUests of Mr and Mrs. Herbert Carey of near New Vienna, January 5. Some of our folks attended a Tem erenee la a.t Kingman high





+ Tile'




CHERRIES . of Flour • .


COIIIt"" Club, Hloh~llt qnollttJ

Oata • • . •

PIla·22c 24 lb.•ack 1ge

Sw.etmeat. of Wheat


Tomato Soup

c:*n' 19c


COIl,.",; Clllb, A ,'oh c,....' ..


.",1Huo AIt". Rielt IftlllOt

Gr~pefru,it I

La • . pk•. 19c

CDUllllp Club, A d.IICfouII ct»1 montlnll ceT,01

CLEANSER Crapefruit JUice

3 No.2 can. 25e

- I

• •

Ah1 an citftIIItlq

J==~!!.~"'=W:· Sa the ..........


'.'.110"'" Apple Butter


. COlI"" Clilb



F.I. N.ptJ..

, w_, """. • CIHA"tIp ctuIi,


Avondale. All purpote


3 taU caM 2!c


• • Caa t2"c

A iI.llo/ou. t,..t

SOA~ l w._,



Scratch 'e_ 100 'III .... 'tlC


A favorite _ ,p for diahes or laund".

I"tJI ' ''#o ' '1111.

t. ,

t)airy ,.... Its.,.



lIa•• $1 .'1 0

lb. 23c







.i. . . . . .


D.I Monte


Let.. hal." or elleq III dc;h , Iyrup. low price

."cla' 2N~;!~ , 3Ic

bat. $1.IS






'California 811ft-KIlt,


3 •."

lb. sack



100 111.





24 75c

t.I~.", lUI it'i_. Jl'0I /waul., ."" Drocluelloli

' E.a Matla • MicWIin ••

Lb.pka. tOe


ChUi Sauce • .

flout. Save at thb price

TUlia Stolldo,d.

Lb. loaf 7t


Soda Craek.r.


38 oz. jar

• 38c

cans CaD 19c

White ·Sr.d . .

21 oz. pita. 21c

• CtJuntrp Clull, Sprud"" II,."d



De"II.'OOtI 1111110 t:hD«JltIl. Ie'/IIII

Soap Chip.


No.2 C!.a D

Mock Turtle Soup

Each 2Sc

Layer Cake • • •


Llahthousc. An unulual v.lue. Stock up now

C."ntrp Club




A "'ONi•• H,.al /Or cool "",,"'nllll

On\l is always baffled by freakish happenings that usually , bob , Frank Kurfts haa been quite ill up in the form 01 accidents. This with rheumatism bu.t is sligbtly I one should win a prize. A press improved at this timl~. item relates that a driverless car ¥r. and ' Mn. J. R. Johns I~ft waa recently seen 'l'olIing down a Sunday for, an e::ctetllded .tay in Chicallo street with its owner Dayton, at the hom'~ of Mr. and perched on tho/! rear spare tire. Mrs. Harry Johnll. After the car had crashed into two Mr. and Mrs. Ther1e Jones and otbers the owner explained that son, Milton, were Sunday dinner his engine had 'stalled and he had guests of Mr. and .Mrs. Edwin cranked it while it was in gear. It Nutt, n~ Cen,terviIJ.e. . knocke~ him down and passed Betty Routzahn i& absent from over him but he got up and caught school on account o:f infiamatory hold of the spare tire. Police rheumatism. charged him with driving while in· Mrs. W. G. Hainee ind father, toxicated. "You can't do that,'· he Mr. Gabelman, and MilS <Jlara protested. "I will admit, maybe, and Rohert Haines of Dayton, I wu intoxicated, but nobody can were Sunday aftern,!on gunts 01 ever prove I was ·drlving." Mr. and Mrs. WaltH Kenrick. t Mn. Marp.ret Johnl wu a dinThe funniest one I haVe seen ner guest Sunday of Mr. and MrI this year-it should be a laugh Allen Emrick. provoker for the movies, I saw a Harv67 Burnet .~ent the flnt of drunk wobble out of an automo- this week in ColuD\bu . bile and dose the door on his coat Mr. alld Mn. En!i8lt Batter. tail. Immedjately his fists worth of near Wayn .. ille apent ftyinr baekward at an imagiD&17 Tuesday evenilll with Mr, and Uri adversary he evidently Walter Kenrick. bad grabbed him. The HeODd diviB: on of the


Avondale. R.ed SOUl' Pitted



H_ .....





....., lI'Iarw. 'l'riaJp1as

lIe lie Ito

Eighty-Eighth Year





THURSDAY, ,JAN ARY 23, 1f)36

Number 6205








11'11-. a nll MI·R. AllJe rt Shepher d , Dr. Ed. Blair, Lebanon, who suf rural I'ou le I, WUYI]f>svill l!. hav(l !er\!d a dislocated sh ouluor . un· day wlten, he slipp d a'nd f II (m b n ubse ri cr~ to thl' Minill i MI'. Local Quintet. Win Wit" £ .. ", the icc, L~ convalescing at thl' Fat Grow ThIn and Thin Grow Fat GU7.etle fu\' 4~ Y'Illrl! , Local School. Are C~ecI Tod.,. MI SS IONARY MEETING 33 to 8 anel 12 to 8 B"ing Blair Hospital. He will probauly g Right A.mount. of h pherd st atAd Sulll l'UIlY. when Due To SeY"ro Cold W _thw; ne rell ewllr! ' th"il' I'! Ub~ Cl I' irti o n ( o r The Fin.1 S"ore. Milk Rural E lec trification be confined fOI' sovel'al dllYs. The Lt\(li ~'!;' l\l i:\sion3 1'Y Rodely Many Road. Are ,Bloc:..... anolh r yt'nr. "When We w 'r of th • 10', 1' 1 Y C,hllrch or ( h d. t v.ill ..,e d by Tru.tee. at Magic that changes hUOlan manied," 11'. Sht'llhel'll conLinued At l n ~ t Wayn ~vjlle is once me t. at th (' h 111 ' f) f Mrs. Lena Monday Meetin. I'3gln blizzard struck here '''1'homll$ J, Bmwl'l. wh o lh n angl Ii to aLtraclivl! eu (ve. or own d and publi ~h ('d tl\(' l.u t l'ltt', a/(Ri n slarled on th~ I'ight tmck. Riggs on Wedn sday, J"nuary :J !J. e rly Wedn sday morning bringIhat. will redu n1.l npoinL to the sent u. n yt'ar'. ~ uh ~c j'iption f ol' 11 r. t '!; h pe th y can ketl)l it up. A full uU. ndllnce is cl !lil'ell; all jn~ 81'Ound ~ inches of snow and Assut'ance .of th ir cooperation vi sitors a r Wt' lcolne . 81 nd el' silhou ettc of Lhe cholll- , edding pre. n t a nd We have . 'cemingly, Mason showed very Rtarting the mere ry tumbling in carrying forward a local rural H(l.J e oPP(ls itio n for the local team down to a low ofCrom 16 to 2() ntained in t he bottle left s ubscribed for it very yelll' , in ce in the galne a tu rduy night. The electrification project was given d.egrees below zero Thursday by Lh that time." by tl~ Leban.on Board of trustees game was quite II ona-sided affail'. - -......--- --Ill uming. '1' he bUzza'l'd lastW until Th fina l SCO're was 33 to 8. ot public aft'ail'S Mon.d ay evening milkman, according to tho chem· noon Wednesday when the Bun .The Iin~up; following a c.onierenc'e with J. L. Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Ungl sby i t and the nutrition expert at cam out anti shon e most of the B F P Mendenhall, Wa-yn esvill e, presi. w fe Daytol) vis itOl'S, Saturday. Ohio tate Uniw-rl;lity. nft"rnoon, but the north·WIE!8t;erly .. 1 onn er 0 2 wind kept up a constant gale, dent of the Warren County Farm lIra. Winters, of Linden. Ind., This two-way chal'1I1 is simpl e ' Hawke ' .. ' .. 0 3 3 pi li ng Lhe lInow IIp In great drifts Bureau, and Paul Vandervoort, has been visiting her daughte'r, in op ration. To incr a~ body ashjn~~ton Sait rLltwllite ' .... .. . . 1 0 2 r nd blocking many of the roads in u E F Deppe wei"ht, an extra amount nf good M r Q. . . . .. v Lebanon, manager of t.h organilla o 1 1 ~ thi~ vicin jty. LeM ay milk ill udded to t he l'e~ulal' diet. By MI'. ,"nu Mrs. Je. l) 1\1 ngle, of tlon's local coope-rative association Mr. and Mn. J. L. Mendenhall To lose weight. milk is used as the . 4 19 Onot! of the local school busea Gdfl'y STEPHEN M. YOUNG Allen .. , ...... .. , .. ...... .. 4 0 8 Mon w, w te guests of Mrs. wae not abl e to make its run WedMendenhall and Vandervoort, were dinne r guests at th e Fri end8' basis or the di t, anl1 f()Ods conCongreuman At Large - - Mengle's pare ntR, Mr. nnd Mrs. D. nesday morning becaull of blockserving as a committe'e named to Home on Sunday. taining large amount · of starch' 14 5 33 . Smith. Sunday. cd roads and t.he schools h~re R_h plIym ellt rOI' I.h t' S(dd i rR' Total inv~8tigate the pos ibility of · a Mr. and Mrs. Marion Whitak,er and sugar are 'l't'lluced. This I) 1'mi ts a J'orson to Meome more F F P I Mrs. Rowena Zartman -of X nia were closed Wednesday . evenin g nU ll is th e fir ~l majur qU IlKtion Ma-.on Warren county olectriiication pro" are cozily settled in th' Whitak"r ~I nd er lUlU at lhe ame time to / t rill d I k ' h until the weather moderates. It is ject, appellred 'before the Lebanon reside nce on Fourth street, 10 come before th i ~e 'ion of Gilbert . 0 0 0 spen sevenys a t wee Wlt also Nlported that one bus had to consume 11 fo od which furni sll Os 001{1 '8 . The inlla t io.loa.ry Gr en- Bill'!' , board for th e purpose of learning , 0 0 0 :r. and Mrs. Olivet· Davis and be J,e.ft at Lytle all Wednesday Little Miss Naomi Earnhart, neoded minerals and also fOI'tlft (Js back PI' po sal is OUt. A salif;fac t- Ulmer their attitude in tha matter. . .. ,..... .. .... .. ...... 0 1 1 iss Rachel. night dUe to the conditions of the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. ' th .body against iJI health. Ol'y comp1'omi '(! will be enacted Pe rber Without irtvestigating the I gal Ear.nhart has been ver y ill. Dr. J. F. Lyma n, chemi t , says into Jaw either II ith 0 1' without T8I\khi 3 1 7 The WaTTen County TeachE-r~' roads. ' ospecta of the matter th boad as· .. , .. . . .. .. , ... 0 0 0 association will meet Saturday, Waynesville s.e-emed to be dethat milk ~hould not he considered Pre idential app ro"a l. As finally sured them of their interest and Mr. and Mrs. V. M. noulitt IlI'e rted this morning and up to willingness to cooperate in. any the guests of their daughter, Mrs. simply a8 a tood for ' children. pus d, the bill is likl! ly to prQvid ' Tota ls "''' ' '' .,.. ,....... a 2 8 January 26, at the high school building in Leba.non, the morning noon today there w as scarcely food value. and The mint:fnls, way pOssible. Superintendent W. leve Oonner, in Dayton. that the Treasury mny d dde the session to begin a.t 10 o'c1qck. a.ny traffic and very f ew cars or h alth protecting prope rt ie s are m th od of paym nt, lind the Jun ior High,. Win. Ov ertime C. Carson state.d that th ' Lebanon Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Melloh and nearly as l1 'ces ary for adults as l'rea ury will undoubtedly choose Th e Junior Rjgh team played plllnt was sufficiently largte to war Mr. and )\frs. Glenn frye, Qt people were w be seen on, the for youn liters, and Dr. Lyman family spe-nt aturday evening rant ~e added load and that he It , uond i RUf: di ~ tr i but ing "baby . on of th e best games 01 the Dayton, Mr. and MI·s. Carl Frye streets. At noon ,the mercury po in~s to the [}eopl e of the nati on would Tecommend to the board with relatives in Hamilton. bonds" t ex-sel'vice men. 8el\So n. It wal'J a fight from start nJld Mr. . W. Frye were dinner stood at 2 below. which consume g reat amounts of Not since tbe famous winter of more epecifjcaJly as to rates •. etc., • • '" to finish. When the final gun went gu c is of Mr. and 1I.[r. Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis and milk product in proof of hi con1017 ha ever close W Buch a low off at a. future date. the teams were tied up 8-8. Frye WI ~ullday. daughte r were guest!\ of Mr. Davis' l nlion. A Congre man hl\d ,iu t fittish ed ooen recorded here. During that Th.e Farm Bureau is interestA:d parentfl in Dayto n, SUllday. ljowever, in the overtime the vi iVitamins A. Band G and fOl'm s 1111 eloquent pI 0 {Ol' $400 pet tors I$eemed to let down and Mr. Mrs. W. 1'. aliabury, Mrs. D, much-talked-of season th6 merin 8Ccuring tederal aid in the of calcium ant.! ph osphorus which month for eaClh elderly couple illS James' tel\~ wll~ ,able to 'ring liP R. SaB burYI Ml'S. J hn Preston, cury bowled to the 22 below point Ed. Wo\>l lard and family, Qf ~uilding of nece8lllary lines itt Warl'eadily be used by the body old oftc pension and to bring four points. and Mr . R. n. Hartsock were in D camber of 1918. On Decemunday with h. t' n county and stated Monday Belmont, spent 81' only a part of the Tiches in about r covel·y and pl·osperity. A The box score: lunch eon gu ts of Mrs. Harvey ber 27, 1983 the mel'cery dropped night that over 700 Warrell and Mrs. emr Burn tt and family. whole milk. which al 0 supply pro- colleagu spoke up" "I[{ $4.00 per P Rye on .Tu sday. to 6 degrees below zero and on county farmel'l'l ' s ign.ed B F Mrs. H. C. Harvey, of Lebanon, tein and fats. A fh-st rate diet 1'6- mont.h to a n elderly couple will Wa"neaville January 29 j 1934 to 2 above; qu,_ tioDnaires indicating an interMr. and Mrs. Dean Emmerson, is spending a I w days with her quir s a quart of .miJk per poe on bring about recovery IIInd prosper· Clary , ....... ............ ,.... 2 4 8 January 30, 1934, to 1 above. In e t in se<luring electric service. nephew, R. H. HaTtsock and each day. This is for adljits as ity, I wand l' why you do not as k Furnas , .... , ..... .... , ........... 0 2 2 of etroit,.en l"O ute to Florida, February of 1984 on the 9 it loood They p1'OpO e to buy the current iamily. lO r $10 0 anti thu brln· ab \lut a Miller ." .... ,... ...... ' ..... " .. 0 0 o called on their aunt, Miss Kate at 8 below, the 20 at 2 below. the well as children. at a master meter and distribute Home, Anderson ..... ............ , .. 0 0 o Hall, at the Friends' Members of th home econ omics 1I00m." 27 ."nd 28 at 13 below zero. it farmers on a cooperative Mrs. H. H. WlIIiamson and Maran ......... . ... ..... 0 2 2 SaLurday . For the convenience 'Of thoee · Mrs. Irn 0 " Brown attended the divi ion at the nivereity say Umt basis. .it is not n cessary ' to drink thi Congtessman Gift',ol'd. (R) a wbo like to 'argue about th6 funeral services for Pnul Hauk in am-aunt of n~ilk in the £onn it is former school teacher. de nou.ncing Totals ., " ......... ,...... , 2 8 12 Harveysburg weatlwr we arC! publishing the Piqua. Friday. D the odal S curity Muon d livered by tJw. mi1kmlln. PaTt of t he N weal, B F P coldest readingB, which were lrept Misses Ethd MendenhaH and it can be used in cooking, and it Act and t hings in g(!JIH!ra l said, Farmer' In. titute was ll~ld at by the late. Samuel Butterworth, , h am .. ,........ ' " 3 1 7 ummmg Erma Harvey were in Dayton I also pos ible to prepare Hovol'S 'Ther e i an old motto that rang Roosa .. , ..... ........ , 0 l I t h e gym last Monday and Tues- from Decembe~ 1916 up to and 'Monday evening, and aw Shirley for milk which. blake it mOI:e in J'IlY ~ars when a boy, "Give me Smith .... ' ........... ,.. ..... 0 0 0 day, JanuaJ:Y 13 anrl14 .and was 'a including t he. winte.t: of 1917 and Temple in "The "Littlest Rebel." palatable to those who have de. liberty or giv~ me dea th I" It seems Fox ., .. , ' .. .. . ..... ... ,... I) 0 0 decided success in every detail. 1918. cided they do not like plaitt mi lk. t~ be now, "Give me liberty or Young .... ,.. ... .. ' .. .. ,.. ,.. 0 0 0 I Th e speakers were Mrs. Beryl December 15, 1916 ' .. , .. ,........ ' ... . 1 . FRIENDS MEETINC Rev. G. C. Dibert and family Wilen it ae<\ms impossible to glve me d ath- bu\; anyhow, _ _ _ . White, GJ'oonville, and Mr. Otho December 16, 1916 .. .. .. ' .. ........... 0 · t" I t 9 :30 a. m. visitedd relativES in McCpmb, stl: tch the mon y {or food far gimme. " F Irs "<lay •Sc b 00' a Totals ... " . .. " ...... ,.... ' .. . 3 2 8 ' H. Pollack, Delaware. Music and January 14.. 1917 ..... ,..... ' 8 below )feeting for Worship at 10;30 , Thura ay. • • •. enough to buy the !leeded amoun : More than 8,000 bIlls were inm. . . Max Stephens, of Dayton, wal> of whole milk, the thriny hOllSC.......'.. ..,:'.. .. wife. will (onsid er the possibiliUe traduced during lust yeaes e'I and vocal was much enjoyed by February 3. 1917 ... ....... .. ...... ,... 0 FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST the w ek~nd guest of llaj'old evaporated and powde-red milk. sion of ongress. ongl' '5S makEfl all. The speakel'll were flne and February 4, 1917 .... ,.. ,...... , ......... 2 . Stroud. Carl Smith, Min later Both of th $ 'can be used jn (ook- about -l 00 new laws n year. Th is SsePss°k.el·onb.efore a large crowd at eh It'ebruary 6, 1£117 .. ,.• ,.. ... , 7 below Miss Anna Lee Crane and MI'. ing and the family olten will not does not in clude "pri.vate blllll." Perry Thomas, Supt. of Bible '1 February 6. 1917 .. .. ...... ,.. .... ,.... 8 Ru sell Carr were supp r gu ts detect the ditfereJ\ce in !.heir Slate legi lat.ures enact about 16,Scbool orn, fancy work and cake ex· February 12, 1917 ......... . 2 bel!)w puires, favor it.e dis'hes if they a-re not told 000 n ew laws IInnually', Sunday School ~ in s proll'lptly of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. R. uuction in c1ectdc rates, d- hibitfl were shown and prizes December 9; 1917 .. ' ...... ,.. 8 below unday evening. Recipe for milk drink and for It se mg . that there i. one law f cLing both commerctal at 9;30 a. m. and I awa~ded on same, December 10, 1917 ,. ,.. .. , 9 below di hes using milk needed especial- for the- l'ich, another fol' the poor, domestic. Vl;ier, has been efFected Communion at 10:~6 a. m. MISS Elle.n McCarren, daughter December 11, 19;1.7 ..... .. . 22 below MIs, L. M. Hendel' on will be Sermon at 11. a. m. Subjecli- bostessto t he members of , the ly by childl'en and convalescents and about b\'o mill ion for the I' est by action of the Board of Trus- of MI;'. and Mrs. Fl'nnk ,MeCarren December 12, 1917 ..... ,.. 9 }:Ielow God is not mocked. Church board New Century club, Frid y after- are includ d in Bulletin No.. 67 of us. When one considers the t ofl'ub)ic A.ffail's, operatots of and "Chick" B~own of near King December 13, 1917 .... .. ,.... ......... 0 which call be 'O btain~ froU: multiplicity of law and the ever- Lebanon's municipal plant. The Te- m~n were. maTTled last, Monday in December 14, 19).7 ... , .. ,....... ,... 8 meetlllg Monday hight January 27 noon. county agents in Ohio. increasing gd. t of new legislation. ductiQn g-lve/l Lebanon on of the RI.chm .nct and will re~\Ide on th ' December 15, 1917 " .. .. 1(" belOW' .' Ladies MJssionary Society will - -- hc is reminded of thai old Spanish low st light and power rates in the MIlt D brow farm. Bolh Ill'e .fine December 16. 1917 ,.. .... , 6 below Mr. Frank Kellis, near Lytle, meet at the home. ' 01 Mrs. Ramo epitaph : "I Wa.· well: would be Riggs Weaneaday afternoon, Jan- who has been ill fo\' seve al w eks stat. it was announced by J. A. young peo!)le ancl Co~gr'll-tulatlOns December 17, 1917 ' .... ,.. 6 belaw better' ; hete 1 am." was rem~ved til Blair BI'Ps. ho uary 29. Kilpatrick, pr,esident of th~ board and best. WIshes are betng extended ~cembel;' 18, 1917 ...... .. ..... ...... , 0 --~. ---Come let U8 do God's will, be- pital. Lebanon, Wednesday, December 29, 1917 ....... ... , ......... , Average Baving to householders them. cause jt is a privilege and duty to wilt be 50 to 75 cents a month, Mr. and Mrs. George Beckett December 80, 1917 " .'. 14 below Mrs. A. H. Stubbs wus pleaattend church. er SI.-HH:'1- ..... ,... ... , ... ,... 9 w.hile larger USen! will find their al'tl the prolld pllPefttis of ~ antly surprised by a iltnlll1-gl'OUP bills from ~6 to $12 lo\,\,el:' as a nnd one·half pound son, born to January I, 1918 .... .. ,.. .. ,.. 5 belOW OF of friends, Monday night, the 01;~AYNESVILLE CHURCH result of the revised rates, Ki them on Tuesday of last week. January 2, 19t8' .. ,.. .. , ..... .. .... ... l' Mi s Brannock, whose .casion being beT birthday anniverCHRIST ma.n jage to Ernest · \V oollard has [ , patrid( said. The P. T. ~. was b~ld on last January 8, 1918 ........... ,.. 8 below sary. Those prfasent were Mr. and . Carl Smith, Kinllter A surp lus of $8~,O OO in the ~edne8day .1l1ght a.nd af~er t~e January 4. 1918 .......... ,.. ,.... ...... 0 Mrs. W. E. Stroud,M.r. and Mrs. b it announced to take place fr. · and Mrs. J . C. Bunn, boLh light fund made the reduction pos- regular busmess, the program In January 6, 1918 .. ........... ,.... ,..... 0 Jennie Bradley, Superintendent Philip Larrick, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. so me time in February, was John Searl, Aut. Superintendent. Fulkerson, Mr. and Mr. Ralph honored with a ·miscellaneous 47, l' sidentfl of Miamis burg, were' sible, it was explained. charge .of t he local W. C. T. U. JanuaT)' 12, 1918 .... ,..... 14 balow _ _ _ __ .... was g iven. Devotionals, Mrs, January 13, 1918 .......... ,..... ,..... 0 shower Saturday afternoon, at killed Monday evening when their Not ' A Denomination Hastinare· Anna Simpson; song by audience; January 16, 1918 .. .. '... , 12 below the hom e of , her sister, Mrs. cal' was struck by a Big Four 9 :80 a. m. special mUlle, scrip.... 18 piano solo, Mr. Hurst; music, January 17, 1918 .,.. Chal'1e8 ,Elzey. near Ol'egonia. pll en~er train at the Elm street ture readinc. prayer. 10:0.0, leuon ~ATIONAL PRESIDENT Nellie Easter and Kathleen Gra· January 18, 1918 ...... . ,.... .. ,...... ,.. 8 For th ~ benefit of' the · cl'os&ing in West Car[oUto.n. period-Luke ,: 16-U; J M UB deAT COUNTY MEETI~G be a book of advice was COIDham; reading, Mrs. A. S. Collett; January 1.9, 1918 .", ..... . 8 below The car and bodies we re dragclar-ee His purpOIH!. Golden texliMrs. David Holmes, of Rural music; and a tine address by Mr. January 20, 1918 .. ,.... ... 21 below piled, the prize for the be1lt eon- g d more than 100 feet before Luke 4 1 18; 19. 10 :'6; Lord's Supper. ' Dr. Kennon Dunha.m, pres tribution going to Mrs. Omar Holl- the train co~ld be bl'ought to a Route 2, Lebanon reports one of L. A. Gurst of Way.nesville wh:kh January 21. 1918 .. .... .. .. 20 lieIow 6:30 p. m., Christian Endeavor: of the National TUberculosis asso- ingsworth. She. in turn, presented stop. There were no witnesses to her hens laid an egg with three was much .enjoyed by all. The January 22, 1918 ... ,....... ,....... , 13 topic, Basic PrincipIa! of the I dation, addreased the members it to Miss Br.a nnock, whO' had al· th e uccident: yolks, and which measured six local grange will have thc program January 23. 1918 ,...1.. .. . ,.. . below February 1, 1918 .. ..... ,,, .. ,.. .. ,...... 7 Reltorative Movementt-Epheei- : tbE; Warren COUllty Tuberculosis ready received a fine array of Mr. Burin Wll a.n ' automobIle and. one-half inches in circumfer- ior February m~ting. MT. and Mt·s. Clyde Levicy have F.e bruary 2, 1918 .... ,: ...... 4. below dealer a.nd was en route to the ence. and eight inches the long a ns 2; 19-28; ' 7 :30, Gospel mes- and H%lth association this a,ftel'- gifts. • l'etumed from a month's stay in Febru~y 4. 1918 ..... ,... .. ,....... ..... 0 sage in eonC; 8 :00, evangelistic ' noon. The meeting was hel~ in the A de.Jicio lls Lunch was serv~ in home of a customel' to demon- way , around. The sub zel'O weath~r hampeMd services,aermon l ubject, "WaI'm- First Presbyterian cburch, Leb- the dining room at tastily. decol'a- ,stl'ate a cal' at the ' time the I Th e day before, another egg, t he soulh. Mrs. Laura Shidaker and Mrs. state ,a nd county road creWl in: ted tables. Those who enjoyed the accident OCCUITE,d. j Ilix and ' one-h alt by Eleven and ong ing .at the Devil'. Are." anon. - - - - . -~. half inches in dimensions was A. S, Collett spent the week-end their efforta to keep th. 1'O&da , Wednesday nl;ht, 7:80, prayer After the talk and dl'scu$8ion the very plea8l1nt occasion wel'a : Mrs: service and Bible .tudy on Holy annual election of ~fficeT8 was Lorraine Spray, of Dayton; Miss PACKING HOUSE A.-r POWDER found in a nest on the Holme-s with Mis Etta Arnold and Mrs. open to traffic. Emma Ellis of X~nia . J uanita Elliston, Middletown ; Mt·s PLAN.T DESTROYED TUESDAY farm. Spirit; 8 ;30, choir practice. held. Mts. Mal'y Tucker and family wm Kersey. Mrs. Luca FraZier, ~ Come and enjoy tbe etudy · of spent Saturday with her mot~l' office. MISDIRECTED KINDNESS Mre. Arthur Swartzel, Sr. Mrs. Fi1'e of undetermine,d origin de.. HYMAN'S CLEARANCE God's Word with \11. Scott McClure, of Turtleereek SALE STA.RTS TODAY in Leban on. Rear Admiral Cary T. Gray.eon Arthur Swarlzel, Jr., Mrs. Albert stroyed a packing house at the ; WAYNESVILLE II. E. CHURCH American Red Croas chai~, re~ BrallJlock. Mrs. Charli!s Shaw, Mrs plant of the King Powder ComOur basket ba.llboys went w town,hip; and Fred ·Haremeyer. of m en. We t Union last Saturday night Washington oownahiP. al"6 both Be•• G. C, Dtb~ turned to New York from Paril to Omar Hollingsworth; M1's. 1;[al'Old pany early Tues~ay with a 10~ ! Speci!ll bargains fQr and won in a game with West circulating petitions f'9r the ... Josiah Davis, Mrs. that ll\ay apprOximate $5,000. No I women and children are being Kellis, Mrs; Sunday; find "kind-hearted lOuIs bave been pubHcan nomination for coant7 Sunday school at 9 :80 a. tn. knittinc sweaters for the Ethiopi- Max Hollingsworth, Mrs. J. F. one was inju ted in the' fire which, oft'ered during the next t wo weeks Union. -..,.-'-commiMioll<6r, and Haye. )["""'1 Sherwood, Mrs. Harry MeO'innis, b e~a~e ot the eharae~r of the I by the Myel' Hyman's store in Mominr worship at 10 :'0. The ansI" Republican, and )[eller Soak, Mrs. Charles Bradbury. Mrs. buildmg's contents, l1'\lght have Waynesville. The January cleareermon 1Iubject will be, "Llfoe's .... Democrat, will be candldat.M _ James Brannock, Miss Mary proved extremely serious. ance sale, op~ninr today and QueltiOIlI and Answer. 811Cceed themHI... as m........ Sherwood, Mrs. Mamie Retalllek, The blaze was first discovered at t lnuing for fifteen days, is anThere will b. a abort meeting work in that rreat field. of the boat'd. Two posta are to be Mrs. Amelia Williams, Mrs. Harry 2 o'clock in the morning and raged naunced in an advertisement on 01 the Oftlcial Board at the clole filled on the board at the Noftm. ST, MARrS. CHURCH Shaw, Mill! Martha Shaw, MrS. for nearly two houn . Althourh ; page ' J of this i88u~. Read It care' of the mOrDma .ervtee • . ~reJeetio.. Lloyd Da~il and Mn. T. B. Bran- tilled with pow~er, DO iBxpJosion OC fully. . .•• J. 1. Sebaetrer. Rector Epworth Lucue at 8:41 p. m. 1 Alao drealattna petltlou aN Third Sulld&)' after Epiphany, nock and the honor cuett. curred. Take advantare of this opporE~ at '7:80 ....p. 1 Jadae Jlalpla II. wIIo will .. The building to the I tunity to stock up at a decided William Hulrol'd, Jr.. deputy • J&Il1W7 18. C~Urch ICbool at 9 :80 m. Straw ground de troying maehlneQ' saving of money. sheriff for the pallt two tenna, W~": Mol'lliq Pta, r and IIrmon at and contents. • - • announced his caDdldU7 for ~ Bible and plaJer .eeUlla 10:80. Republican noml.Datioa for at 7 p, m. Testa ped()~ed b, the Farmen of Ohlo, Indiana, omea of count» . heriir at tIwI On Pelmlaq '1 at ., :80 IT. AUGUITINIE CHuRCH aperim_t and TeftlKllltlM han 1II.,..t.. primary. Marshal W. E:•• p. m..... lob Pattenoa, Ute .atller Mdt. . 'P..-. ~ lIotIiliaa "111.00e.000 eula tD of I'raaldla aDd • Co G IDilllilolSlll" ~ ~ Ita • 1Ol1 _ _ _.,...



Straight from



• • •

----- ..---




- -n-AIES ARE' l ::!:~:~i:~s~: ~~t1:heinS~~~e::~ ~~~~:~/:: ::;~ :.,~ ,~ ~~~ ElECTRIC II REDUCED IN LE8ANO


e , a




---_. - ""----


















** .....

. .. , ... . . . , ...


...a __eu.r.,...of


·MAN'S .

La(lI 'K' Porto Ricon hand made o 0\\'11 S "'hiJ~

til 'Y In.-t. Ht

9C Boys, olf IIo. '. 2 c Value. For thi snle



Sale Starts Ihursday, January 23rd .


And C,o ntinues .:\fclI s All Wool fancy 1ip 0 er Sw nte)' \'3Iu(1 up to $2.50


Sweaters For The Family

For 15 Days

l Ien'. oat Sw aters. Extra heavy f~ee lined 8 9 C Sale prl e ..... .

Boy,' Blue Melton

1\1 n;' h eavy Melton <Joats, Zipper t Yle'$ 4 9 8 M ~RCHANDISI::, 4.50 value . ... ' AND E NDS AND




'$ " .& •

outs. 89




"Work Shoes

Fa hioned Ladies' Ho e. All shades, for'


97e One lot ot Corsets a nd Corsellets, values up to $2. To close out ·


Boy • Heavy Fleeced or Ribbed Wint er





STANDARD MAKES, GOOD QUALITY Men's Heavy Work Rubber s with heavy 801e8. Ball Band. Sizes 6 --9 to 11. Sale price. . . . . . • .;' . Ex. special. Men's 1 buckle Cloth Top Arctic





In all the new shades. Values to 98c


Meu's 4 buckle Ardic $2.67

Values to $5$ 4 9 7 . Worst e? s. sale price .. ' ... .. Sale prlce.. Men's Work Pants, Cottonades, · Coverts, full cut, separate , 980 waist ba nds

$1 • 9 8 '

59C and 87c

Lad ies' Slips, B ro adcloth. Satin tte, a ll styl s' and sizes, at


Sheet Blan kets, 70x8 0 size, h eavy nap, a ll .

Hope Muslin, 36-in. wide. Sale price, y..d .,

color Pla ids. 89c value w Ul go in this sale at Limit 10 yds

590 Heavy Double Bed Blankets. 5% Wool. Will go in t his sal e at


Double Bed Size H eavy Cott on Blankets. Sizes 70x' 80 . Will go in this sale at

Part Wool Blankets Beautiful Plaids, 3-in. Sateen Binding. Size 72x84. To go on sale at

400 yd. spools O.N.T. Thread. sal e price ..

3 for


Ladies' and Children's Shoes 'La dies' Straps. Oxfords and Pumps. All Leather. Values up to ,5.00 ·Will go in this Janu~ry Clearance Sale at

One lot of Ladies' Bloomers and Stepins Values up to 50c. '. Sale price .

Meil's Heavy · Moleskin Work Trousers. Full Cut.


.. .... $1.89

Misses and Children's Shoes One lot of Ladies' Felt H'Ouse Standard arands, Better SJippers. Values to U . Sale grades at price

Boys' School Shoes. All leather for school or dress. Sale price

La dies' silk and wool Hose.

~~z.e~. ~~ ~~.... .. .1 0 0 ~:l:e Men's Dress or Work Socks To go in this . 10C sale at. . . . . . . . .



Blankets At Sale Prices



Men' Ladies and Children's R aincoat, va lue to $5. While · they last at


Outstanding Specials for This Sate

19c La dies' Stockings.


Boy' ·P lny Suit Sizes 3 to 8, all st les and color. Sale l)ri 'e


IOc Wash Ragsio go in this Men's Brown Fleece double Jan . Cl earance , .4 0 pa lm Gloves. 41C Sa.le at .... . .. . . . " . . Sale ,price . . . . . "Z Ladies' Dresses. Fast colors. On sale at

Amoskeog Apron Gingham 9-4 Bleached or Unbleach'S:90 28-in wide. neW1 4 S a 'ed Pepperal fast colors, yd. Sbeeting, yd. . . , ~ 80 Squal'e Beautiful Fast Stevens All Linen Toweling 16-in. wide. 120 color P rints. Ne\v 1 9a dr ess pattel'ns yd _ yard . .. . . ..... . Feath~ r Quality Curtain Materials. Values Good 49C to 20c on sale 1 0 0 Ticking . Guar. feat h er proof yd. " . per yd .. . , , . . . . .


$Z.89 to $4.98

Men's Work and Dress Pants Good Sturdy Dress Pa nts. French Backs and


Yd. Wid e Cretonne, good quality , fa st 1Z.C colors, yd. . ... Z

Boy's \' \'0 \1s, 220 D nin! o All sizes. .. al pric'

Chi Id r e n ' Knee Len g t h Stockings, Bu tel' Brown ma k e. Extra long. All fa ll shades. 25c -\Lalue


Beautiful , Dress Pants in Worsteds and Cassimere.

1\£ n 's ~mv:t!'l " ol'k Gloves just 150 dozen to ell duriJl~ thill gal •

Men's and Boys' Hi-Cut Boots $4.00 to $6-.00 va lue. Sale prices from

,F or Our J an. Clearance Sal e. Val ues up to $5.00


8e 10 yds. to one ustom I'

Men's h eavy suspen· 9x12 Felt Base Ru gs 69c value, Heavy der ba.c k ' Ov'eralls good Pattems $7.00 Blue Work Shirts, values to go in this on sale at sale price sale at



Fast Color P ri nts, 36 in. wide. Sale 1 41 a price yard . .. .



36-in Bleached Muslin Very low in price a t , yat'd

Visit Our Dry Goods and Domestic De. . . partments During this Sale and You Will Save Plenty! '


Rubber Footwear for the Family

Men's Dress Oxfords I

Comfort s ize Cotton Batts, quilted and .stitched

Mis es and Child i'en's Union Suits. Long or short sleeves, winter 48c weight, a ll sizes at ......... . . Ladie ' Union Suits, cotto n a nd Rayon, no :;]eeve , knee length , wi nter 48c weight. Sizes 36 t o 46, at .....




Ut~~ llp~i~~s: ~~~~s. ~~ :~ .3.4., .. ... 6 g e


Men's Rubber Boots. 1st qua lity all sizes, $S.50 value at 27 -in. Heavy Wbite Outi ng Flannel. Sale priee, yard

Men s Part Wool Union Suits, f ull cut. Valu s up to $2.50 will S 1 - - 9 go on ale at .. , . . . . . . . . .~


Standard Brands, \ ~~~~~~ guaranteed solid leather. Shoes that wear and wear, at special p r ices, at

·36-in Unbl ached Sheeting. R al Vnlue per ynrd

~llth~ZCS~I~U~lt C~~'. ~i.l~ ~~ . ..... 8 g e


Values to $1.51.0. All sizes, Ladies' Outing Fla nnel a nd Knit Paja mas Heavy weight

Men's Heavy Wintel' Weight Union Suits.



1 lot of Umbrella.

$2 .00 and 2.50 val,ue, while they la t

Union Suits For The Family


Boy' and Girls' a11 Wool ~wea ters. Sale 97 pric

Zippel' styl wool, at .,.

F u I I

Lallil:!-\' Ril k HI'esseN V n lll t'~ to $5. all sha d '5 UJld ' RLY] S

.... ......


Turkish Towels, size l8x 36, to go 100 at .. . , .. . ..... .

9x12 Axminater Rug. Very Special at . .


"15% If WALL on all , 0 0 PAPER

Ladies' Silk Princess Slips. Flesh pink a.nd white, all sizes. Sale priee

49C One-lot of Ladies' and ChHdren's Shoes and SliPPers. Nearly all sizes, values to $3 while they last at the price

Washable Window Shades. Tan and Green. Sale price


ci'n,l.lin~ or M... I'IlInci~. (If Har\'l'y.bulg. MI". Y<lUIlK, uf !'Iln.nn, :\Ir. LI,lz, of '\·rtYIIl'~\"lIl,·. anI! MI'. w('d,. ~~V'·I.\' ISSUED EVERY TllURSDA Y 1I"hl, ('nunty SUl'l'l illtt'IHll'lIt, 'ha~ b lh l'lIJ"J'i~·J nut ll~ rl!~"IJn"IJII y unl . '1 'It I Ill' i: 1\ out U ....... pL_ N 112' at po.toWc. at Wa"n"· t I\(' lit'\\' t'llO"tl.( U I 11111 I, I<'llliu~ rOl' \\'I'ntlil·I'. • \ . I VIlle. _ . . .. , .. .. ""........ 0 . ,.... . Till' (:ultl<! tl'~t\!13 ,'1' J:'('lttn~ n vlll~, Oblu, a. ;"1'''011 C laSt! ,M ,.II JlH·~wnlati(Jn. Sub.criptio. Prlc., .1.50 • Y.a. Matter tlwh- Wlll'k in lh)' ~ (leighllllrhuud


,l'h.lllt· :\1 idw 11111' lit thl'ir hOlnl' n ur' \ ...·"yllt,.vill(·. Th e ,Iannt l,u\ I' "'It ~'IIlJllllh\' ilt lhi th(·" tI'llkl'~1 h('~r. . .. \V. , Wl>l"l' ..lac! til I'('('eiv" t he· nt'\\ fI{Ul Iilth' Mis:, Il 'lly flout:r.uhn j, 1"l'('UvI' I'jnj! fruln hC'I' l'eel'1I1 i"n('~H at her hU1l11' ill L,.t1 I'.

['(·tllt·nt $aU; .Juhn 11111 &. J .. hll·tufl IUIIII."r, t""filll-( UII<I nni!<, $1l~,Ull; L. H. 1;"1'11011, ~uJl"liv< . $,UH1; Illull' & L"IO), c,'Oll'n! ;Ind l!fUvcl _ " &' ('(1111 'II .• ,'.!.HII', LI L'lnr'n r"" ~ •'I I I(,,' ,"()lliity .,.... _ • ".J "nl'a"''', or"' I ~'.(;-I', .1, K, . [I"nC(' I' HAnd IIl1d IlI'm'el $:111.77



Al!k f or a

Miami.burl Permanent

Concrete Air Seal Burial


F'ar Sale only by


' J Zair Arll1itUl!"C, IlrHvd, $120.lfl; this 11~'ek. Jatlon Biddll!c:ul11 I'C 01' 'gonia ilt innati Oil Work ", oil and zeWI! \\,('I 'I! corry to l'C'CC'lVC the , and K. E. ThOnJp , lin of thi. p la ~c r OYIC', 62.37; WaiLe~' Garage. , up- Your funeral DireCtor n('W i( of the ~a(1 nn I lJuelden death 'Rpc-nt Wctine:duy ill Ogden anel I' d ., "68" J \" =-=-=--=I'lell pal·,"~. 'J. -; lie<; . and v. Wayn<,~\' iIIl' bas a \'CI'Y bllQy of th infullt child Ilf Mr. alld II1t , . li~l), Clillton counly . Lillg\) an llartlware Co .. ~l1PIJ McClure Funera I H ome NEW FARM PROGRAMS LIKELY ~Chl'tlul for Ih \\'I.'l·k (If JanUl\I'Y parl , " 1()6...1:J; Gri"wold '('I"vil'e Phone 7 20. 011 the 24, tht'Y play Hun'IYS-----== -=. ' ). I I, ,.Iju•• o. Tho Suprcm OUl't'« swcepin rr AAA d ci'i n iR or CXlrllOl'dinal'Y StatlOlI . 'upp Ie:, n ... (l1" and gn"l1~ .. burg al Way nesvil le. Harveysburg I' .. ..,." G -n-- J ,],. & l' poli Lica I impol'tance. Th two COrn j',tolles of New I III :;ll'U'tUl'Il (louhll'll lhe f\CO I'C on \Ol'l'O\\ nnd In", );1 J) (lIcl.'n Il'e' ,at WOfO the ·AAA and lhe NUA . No\v both al"C gonc.~. bl'ing uncuntitilu. ~ '-, lCl'Y ~tatlo n, )ntlur Yand 7. 11'one, _ _ _ _ __ WlLynel\vi li e wa beaten by ~1ol', J 7 ; Frunklin Vulcanizing iULiO;: I Iik wise- : ' extra' l'dinat·y economic importance. l'OW. '11 Till' 0., and f!: soHlle, night Wayne?svI ." \1.2(1: jrrank Shu'wood ('0" gnso On'''0Snt 'm aiol' pllI,tie al'e COhlll1itLeed to "fnrm I·elief." As a result, a ,doz n \\"111 lo\ll'day Rot'S T own ~hil) to play.0 new farm Telief progqlms-ineludin,!; on of Aumil1i~t l'aLion ol'i l!,inJ' a vel'li.· "'flod team and lin t'. I " l.ttR ; Frunklin Motor, 0., will be in. th limelight. soon. Th "rc is aKituUon for th l' cnactm 'tIl 0( \vl ' tll thn !O<lronr. WIl'-'Ill' villeteam, Common PIl!a. Proc"edin8's " U:~, (e('('n, I . ' I'st anI IlU. ' ~.. " I I 1' 1 I fi I e n"l in£' , ;~. :14; Ln!\lal' B\)(Iy 'hOII th 01 " McNill'y-llaug-"11 bI'II, veto d by oolidgc, which is beli~v '.I II I'e 1'. a hu"~tl'l)n nlurk ' as 10 J II r E I'th D' \1 '1 ~ " ~ F' I' I Ia Lac k tn ', c"U'culnx . of lh\. ~a~Oli !ll' lind bulb" , '. 12,J [I; Flom', , ., n I ' COl:e 0 I 1\'1' V I'S , .1 otll1' . (,1"Vic(', j!1l"l1line, !l; 'V . ' t'tU t' I h th '11 cnd \Vayn S l d l!. tale of ,M'li'Y E., . onley tI' C('fl'C tl con s I u lona. f ow gume W I . - William D. Reif, t w c" url J,('ran FI . .t d fi I ,\. ga. olinE' , . I :l.Il. ; Gro$ I~ an Inu: ", t'el'I" CI' Stnti on, ~a!'(llin[', $;l .Hi; Th deciHion has al~o caused agitation in c rtain ~ual't.~:·S, .01' a ville hope .. to C lOtjuc.r h?th tea~l .. , th·. d('fendant :10 day,; in whieh t o con stitutional amendment to bruachm the r.cdel'al PO\\ r. 1, 1 8\C~ nt Thel' will be a ,hlft III lh, 1111(' file> motil II, clC'muI'I' r 01' olhl!r r.~. T trick >a(~nllntstlat.or o f .J. . Huwke,. ull(lJil'~ Ilnd Jta~<1 l in I Green of lhll A, F. of L. hEll intimated h~ mIght blLl'k such un a~l.c nd- up bec[luse one or the me~lbcl'. of pl euding , I the e8tnle ~~l~~ W IlJng-t,,,, " ik(ltr, $27.U ; Ohio Oil 0., A"ul'oline. mont., as have heads of big farm groups. And some commentatols an' ! tho(!> team baA brok 11 l'uilllng t'ule:l In the case of farilJn Pa lmer i cI cTe~sed"II] II , tJanl~ finLa11. I ~27 '10' Il enry Ludin 'ol1 ga.~oli n(' . . h th . h ants t or not lllny . . 'tt '. • I ' lie WI Cl f e ~l .' vre ( ,_ . ", . "", rr " of lhe OPIn iOn. thal MI'. Roosevelt, w e e( w 0 • and Will not pilty In I WI OL t lese I verslis •. "Ii., LOl<h lhe (ie{enclant . c , I "1'1 Ht; . W:JIt~'l" BolLfI "'n~olin l" ' ''''',,,,,,,p'!RiI,p . III' t I I " , I eea 'ed waR udllllllcd to Probaj:e ,,~, , . ' . ," amendment ul1l ss h IS w 109 0 (It I)); lwo A"l'unte>d 30 days 3.dditional in w . eh ' 1\01 ' I . ' $3!1. 78; LeLanon LUl11bor tJ. . I U\ll . et prices and good sernee. !lal/e to campaign £01' Ilust po li licies go by t.he board. Oppos d Lo the iut-crests s ,e king j I, whidl io plead. . . . e~te-I' IlP e ,~\'al' apf1'JIJllcll ber tll1d gIll ~ ,18 GO' BO I'de n' , Union Stock Yard." CincID_~~J[~ constitutional amtmdm nts arc those citiz ns w'ho art! afraid of any Op reUa Chosen In thl' case Th odol'e 1\1. Ebel' a;l~~n~sli'.~~ol' a~(.1 flIGt! F b~nd of Tire & Batt~,:y ' 8t~till'n, !!aso1in~, IT2n2e6 iro l~'~O~o !t;~i:~u": daUy tamll'ring with th fundam 'ntal ch !'act l' of the con sW,ution,. ~at "Mis: h!!I"I'y BIc)sRom' '01' "The hart vel'S US EVtl [rone Slcwa\·t ~I "1 SUI"~ I~S. 'c" ~·()t'~ ' .;3.60; W. C. Turton. coal Ior ma~ket reports. ' . . might waken states' righls, individual liberties- and propel"ty rig ltl' IMaid of Tokyo" ha s b en ch riS n II ' partition of real eslate is ordcl' a~ l tan l an : ,. 0 n. s eQurt hClu~e, $6.50' Jll', S :::ltel'1in/-: h I I) f I'd D I' w rc ap po ll1 e( appral!; I' S" . " = ::: , the 01) I'ella to b prod uced by t e n t Ie ease· 0 I ." nn .,0 ~tn on In the mntt!!1' of lhc e~tatc of H i')l~hl. PI' I. S(>I"Vlce s l'elJ!lel' d V('rl high-school glC'e clUb. Tryouts fori "cr~u: Jo. ph Ru )ItH~()n a divorce L I I .• ttl l ' MIlicI', SU; Warl'en '. B1'l iden - l . ' . . , . au, (ecea~eu, ~c amen IS . A. • the VUTlOU' chaJ'aCWI"Il Will h e held \\ RS gl:anlC~ th p,latrl tiff. . u~tody nrd red. $200 is to be to J I;ach,. M. D.,. prof. elVIC: , Inl' _ • J Yf.a dudng this week. of thell' mmor chrlJ was gwen to '1' R'I r .. tlo' fe .. . Juanita Baker ,Hilt! Edw. o 't I' t'ff . ley 0 1 a In y c,. 18 ... B Th ' k ' 11 & " • Ie p am I . rn th matter of the gunrd illn. ',' ;. u. • • II', Ie ( ',~Oll, 0., 1l:00 Mu ic S cond Grade In the case of u sal~ BI'!)WIl er h' f A dt Lo' R If j t clothIng fIB" mdlg nt Tubercular h • • S IP 0 U 'cy IS u n£'r e . '" 8:05 Som Famous Ohio l:! unts ...... ," II. E, Eswine Honor ro1l fOl' t he third t i'l'l11 . Ui> Wade ,.,. 8 1'0" II a ulvol'ce was I ' th h ' th ~ t pallent, ~1 '1.() 5; (,nod • UlntU'ltan n. J. Swain, in charg of inc lu de,: Charles Dibert, Ro. e- gru n ted lhe d(!fenduHI . Th£' de- a,I111nOrS, :15 Payillg 'I<'or 'r 'am on Grade e t' enrtrlg '. . . . t . d' on'" be 'Il'~ HORr)ltal, ho~pllahzalton, 12.1; ream hnprov ment f or l:lt.ntc Dept. of Altf , , 0 ' t . II accoull IS con mue .o~· c rual'Y 0 ' I" tnury ~\llf ord, Gladys Rye . nioh- f ndan~ 18 to pay. 21j WIt lin ;'1, 1936. The, Office ultiLtel'~. sUPP Ie ' j ()I' :25 )iu ic IlI'd Slnn!"bcl'ry and Ro-y Peter~ on, day. to ih' plainllff a~ hel' dowry EI ' b th S h k N~ II audItor's omc, ':Hlc; 1V <'ilU I'll 8:40 Why' 0 Attend Farm rs' W eek . Intervi ew e C cnc u, ex: c u ' , I A d'l • B k e f or . ' Iza and $25 lo J ames E ,ur r th <nt f 11 d W ilion , telegram, 01' u t ,or ,; . nx 0 e es ... e a owar . , 8 :5 0 .4-11 (.eel' Prujects Hany lick, hm. lark o. 4-U Thini Grade 38c attorn'y fOO!!. " 1I11, d ceased, fil d her invento ry oRlc , i The W. stern lOll', lub oUl'lcil and L. P. McCa,,!n, Beef 'at.t1 Speciali. t The case of Janles Sau l. admlnlS BI nnc h e GrClsm£'I', . ' f nvelopes fot· audltol"~ offic, Those on the hon or roll. for lh", G ount)' Household Ac(!o unt . MI'!!. William Fergu son execu t rrx 0 , ~ :00, re ne. Gt 'e ne 'o unty third iel'lll a1' : Ruth Helcn Lt-Muy trator of the e laIc of H. L. Sllul, tl ... t... ' d e- $3 .65; , tanley Eat'nhal't. P. M" ' . Ie es,a e o~ ura h A . P ert'me, decca ed, v r. us The PJ'ucientJa} d til I h . nt stamps for omOlon Pleas OUt't, and Ruth Annu John s, Phone 78J 0:\ ~ru ic . ' . d cellse, ec el' mv , 01'Y. $ T Offi 0 tfit I' In UI'unCempnny IS dl mlsse . W t t M I d " t 6; he co u I ter!';, ~\lPP I " I ~~~~=~~=~~~===~ !:l :25 Co d Farm PJlacti Co and ,. oil Oonse rva.tion ., J . A, Iipher lc Adam A~hba\l gh is releasl"d on t 'f th !' e~ t a~ [!R ~ mll1l r~. for Common Pl eas Ul't, $3,20; I : Fourth Grade Extension Agronomist his own l'C!cognizanc . orb.o dee de:1 d ~. cc \ -. Lylt' Blunk Book 0., up plies fol' 0:35 MllJwinte.r Poulti·y ]>t'oblems R. Iil, Cmy, l'()U Itry l:;pcciali sl. 'I h ' £oul'lh g'rat!, honor roll in In th o cnse of Flllncis Ashbaugh ,.a Ill , eceaset.'fi 1 e flstapp fIca- Probate oU'J"t, $32.50; Ohio LllW I · • :45 .Toun and J rry ... Dramutic Skit . pelling includ es the follow ing: t IOn f 01' Il el"I co t e 0 rans eoI'. Reportel' o. llubscription. . , "OT "'RY PUBLIC v · rSUB Adam Ashbaugh forme l' Th t t f I F f r Pro I ..... t::lii'lllbeth ul·ti!l, Buddy Filer, COUI~ onlel' ni orlifl<>d. Th e dc- G II e e II e fO Il ll1 UC urman bate ourt, 5. 8; The Western During Farmers' W ek , WO U will prescnt oUlslnndlng flll'ln Virgil Gray, E\'\~ill Lewis, Gladys , . . a a her II'U oun d t 0 be exemp t S 1" f h ·tf" ffi National B ...k ' tal', supp les 'or el'l S () c, h'lll. Draw• • • E.--,•• S.uIN Rpcakc rs to bl'Oadcast hi.shligh't ft'om th ir l"arl1lsrs' Week talks. Lam h, I!Jthel Reno, Robert ' hutt~ fenuallt IS to pay the plaintiff ~2 1'1' m inhelitance tax a we k ~ th ' f W . h l M 1 $3.50; R if's E I ctl'ic Shop, 'Iamp~ " Beginning Monday, JanulLry 27, t.hese talks at' l!chrliuled ach duy EVelYn Tholll)JMn, GI<-n nn Wade, In ll~e CURe or Hel(m Maham n l e cnCsctho 't t esfer..... l\P e for Jail, $2.20; L bl\non Lumber WAYNESVILLE. OHIO Elva W lIlerm n. Robel·t Woollard . . . cxtcu 01' 0 e es a eo " orge '.. through Th.ursdny from 1 to 1 :30 p_ m, Addilionnl t.nlks lIy Farmers' V~I'SUS Ellwin Elli ott MahlUl1, Il IS E h' 'II d d Nil' 0., one bbl. saw dURt for JaIl 60c; W' k, speakers are ch dul d from 11 to 12 .o 'e!ock Tue dllY morning alld .. hil'I(·y Wi!. n. . , Ie (, eeea e , vel' u e 1e 1\. D f' 1 ordered the plllintiff proceed and B h' Id tIC DC' A. O. Harvey. ~. .• pro eSSlona January 28 . . FOR SALE DATES CALL ' F' J(!B ,c a.. . 'I $20 ; Th e W et . . ,is to b lIet'vice by publication e G d ' . P o rWIIl ' , sel'Vlces a t 'JUI, , . rown an eorge errtno . •G Fifth Gr.d -Section Three '==----. made Ori the def ndant. , t d t . el'n tar, odv., $2; Waites arage During the third R ix-week.~ term In the ca-se of Ada 1"1'0 tv rsus w~re appom e 0 uppralse Prop- repairs ior sheriff's car, 2.30; we had tw Ilty I.lIlYB antI gil'ls who Jacob Fro t lh-e def endl!lnl is grant I:r [;. C E I ' t d Herschel JamE1! Garage, repairs U were Il ~ith ('r ahqel\t not Un'dy. cd 10 day' , 'Ulin which to file h is t' 'f th aSS W 8S afPppololeE elxe- and I~lbor for hlll'iff's c rs, $68.30 cu or 0 e es t a t e 0 ea l' ua P " rfl'ct attendance pU'p'!I ' dll1" an wer. decea ed, no bond being I' quil'ed ing lhe til'st mest I' were: ElizaThe Fourth District hlll'le J. Waggoner, Charles S heth BU1'net, Howard Gilliland, · Nl!'w Suit. Boxing Elimination tournament. JESSE STANLEY 11'win and L .•. Sha\\>hAn were apMabd Ludington, Donuld Osborn, Flurence orman versu which will be a pa.J:t o[ the Ameri~ PhoDe 320, N~w Bllrll•• t •• , OW. The Rt. Rev. Henry W. Hobson, Ang net r nc ,Edwtll'd haw, D. Rei! for money. Thc William poin d appraiser. can L g i n's Annuul . Statewide D. D., Bishop of Southel'n amount The tate of Adam N. Apgar hio Junior herwood, Bill ie? Tinney. c laimed i $25,500, EARL KOOGLER , CLEANERS Boxing tournament, will be held at Diocese of t'he Epi COllol hurch, B lty Tinn y, J ohn lansbeJ'fy Helf n MahaOl "cr us Edwin EI- c1ecea d, wa found to be exempt D.,tCIII Plao... V ternns' Memorial Club house, planning to use sound movie Gene Tholl1p!<on, Hu skle Wilson. lio~t l\Iaham, for divorce. Charge from inbel'ilance tax. Ladiea' Dre ..ea, SOc KE._or. a••8 mules T, Ellis, admini trator of We did not have any honor Toll is gl'OSS n eglect or duty. 322 Broadway, Cincinnati . :Mon- in its Forward Movement. Men'. Suita. SOc There is 110 l' ason why th for ' this t I'm 'but many pupils ar lifford Ltoud a1ld Evelyn the e tate of Mazie E. Ellis, deda.y and Tu day night.s, F bruary c aseu, filed his fir t, filia l lind dis. Quick-for quality dry cleaninl' CllUrch sholild remnin in lh horljC doing exceptionally good work, · Stroud , vel' UlS the unknown tru s. 17th and 18th, 1936. The Fourth and buggy stage 01 using su ch N x L week We will give 11 s u mmury I tees , deacon s and membel'S of the tributive account. Th e will of John B, 1)enco, deistl'ici of the Legion comprises primilive m ethods a lantern slides of these. Bapli!;t hureh nt Muddy C)'e k, at Hamilto n, Clermont, Brown. But- when it has at its di po al such a III to quiet title to real e tate and ceased, was admitted to Probat . Th e will of Ann'ie L. Auit, de, Six Grad_Section Two olllel' reli f. ler. Warren and Clinton counties, great and effective force as the FOR SALE eased, was admitted to Probate. sound·on-film movie, Billhop HobR ba , udacc hM not 111is I'd a and any amaieur boxer Who is a ---Elwood A-ult \vas appointed execli. son said. sp lIing word during the first FOR SALE- White shelf paper, bonafide re ident of these counties Mauial'e License. l 1', no bond being I'equ ired. A . Plan for ound movies in the semesler. 10c per roll, at the Miami Wultel' 'Yarg(H', fllrmer oi Love- I B. Morris, an-oil Hathaway and b j elig ible to compete in the dis- Church ~nd olher progl'e sive Gazette office. I Seventh Grade-Section bne land, and Mise Hel n Brown, of Waltel' Davis were appointed aptJ'ict eliminat ion tournament. Tl'J o~ were discu. d by Bishktp ~'THE HOME OF GinS" Loveland. pt'a i. ers. FOR SALE-Ensilage $1.00 per Tile sev nth grade citizenship There is no entry fee to enter the H ob on in his addr ss to the dioton, Dodqs. Roxanna and WayWillurd LeRoy Slone, c(mstrucEdw. . {orey was appointed Lebanon. Ohio' nesville Plants, o3-tf tournament; however evel'y parti cesan convention which was held cl ub was openl!d by the minutes tion up erinten.c1ent of Cincinnati I admini~~ratOr of the estate of John Tuesday and Wedn esd/lY in the of the la t meeting being read. I EXPERT WATCH cJpalll be register ed in the ·PIPE. V ALVES alld FITTI~GS C)!ul'cb of the Advent. Walnut Then th pl'e~id nt turned the and Miss Jun e M. },IfaI'ch, steno- A. Lerch, dec ease-d, aod fil ed bon d REPAIRING ' II of 500.0 with 8m-elies, Howsl'd g l'aph"er, of Lebanon, A. A. U. The fee for latt er is 25c' Hills, Cincinnati. for Water. Gaa Steam WeU. meeting over to the Pl'Ogl'am compel' capita. L heney, S. S. Tibbal and U.in8' Only Genuine Materi.b and Spraying. Cistern hand. Elec.The work will he On an experi- mittee, Mal'gBl'et Maze Rnd Carl tric and Spray pumps. PlumJ)inc " Real Eat.te Tran.fen orge Hall wel'l! appointed ap· Iti additiOn to receiving a suit- mental spale thi year, the Bishop MilloI' ang a song: Martha MarBeating Supplies lowest pric~ and Prompt Service pi'ai er s. able prize th district winner George and Vina Jackson to announced . the intention being to tin read n poenl; Ruth Conner hig-hest Quality at The Boekletd EI In the case of Mae Slack, ad00 sent to Portsmouth, Ohio t'he broaden it to a nalional and posWilliam Johnso n renl e tate in Store open until 9 p, m . King Co •• Xenia, Ohio. Wri~ 118 played hel" alto horn; an mer mini trall'ix of the ~tate of Eva following week to compete in the sibly international cope next ud'ac reod a poem, AitOn Earn- Franklin township, for prices. mJ sectional finals. and the winners year. Dom Bernard to Lucy Plowman Howat'd, deceased, versus William , hart, Ruth Conn r, und Norma O. Howard, et ai, the lIum ini ",tra. of the latte r qualifying for the Films would b emade of promi- Lovely are on the program for the illiot No. 107 in Franklin. grand state tinal at Akron; Mon- ent speakers, and t hl"Ough portable ne-xt meeting. Gomes were played Meta I. R()gcrs to Wil\i~m ,M. trix is ' to fil e an additional bond day, March Znd .. Rog t' and H ster . Rogers, in· of $1.000 and sale of I'eal oslato sound movie projectors, the mem- until the poriod was over. is ordered, lol No. 8 in Lytle, Cham pions will be determined bel's of small parishes. who otherSales of PeTry M. Drake, exceuDavid P. ama!lan to Harold B. in eigli.t dift'el"ll-nt weight classes wise would be denied the OppOl" New Couue from fly to heavyweight. as tunity could hear the add res ee . arnahum, tal, 11 aei'es in lJar- tor of the ~tate of · Oliv e r.1aud Two new s ubjects are to be in- Ian township. Lerch. deceased, were approved follows, 112, 118. 126, 135, 147 troduced into the course of study Tellan" 160 175 and 175 and over. Entry has.H. alld Phoebe L. Camp- and confirmed. ' pla~ks and application for regis- Tenants operate app roximately dUring tho second seme tel'. bell to Cincinnati Gas & Electric The estate- of Mazie E. ElJis, de· exempt tration in th~ A. A. U. may be 8e- 40 per cent of all the crop land Economic geography will take lhe 0., Alma C. Dupper t~, Cincinnati ceased. was found to b cured by writing or calling at plant-ed in the U. S, but they p ro- place of eommeTcial law and pub- Gas & Electric Co., Wm. H. and from inheritance tax. Veterans' Memorial Clubhouse, duce almost 70 per cent of the lie speaking and debating in the Mildred Rohdenberg ,to Cincinnati 322 Broadway. Cincinnati. The cotton. 50 per cent of the tobacco , place of history and appreciation Gas & Electric Co., the use of real Bill. Allowed music. , estate for lines. ~. bouts will be conducted in. accord- and 46 per cent of the corn. This K. L. Horn, rent NRS office, Rebecca E. Sabin. deceased, t o $10; Harry Z, Gray, rent N RS anee 'with amateur boxing rules eomphll8izes the tenants' grea't inA CIa.. AnDu.1 Harold S. Sabin. inlot No. 23 in office. $5; W. H. Wright. Dist" contained In the A. A. U. Boxing terest in cash crops and- the lesser The senior class 'held a specla l Lebanon. , handbook. in.tere8t in grau 01' legume crops Mgr., mB eage, $8.'76; ' David Car· Lottie Timens t o Helen S. Har- penter, mileage $ 7.70; Lewis & class meeting Monday. january 13 :: Ml'. Arrowood of the Inter-Colle- low. 14.82 acres in Clearcreek Drake, Inc., sewer, fairgrounds _ _ 4 _ _ n_ a_ n _ _ 0 - ' : 0 __ giate Pr~8s was present to intro- tow nship. project. $28; Oregonia Bridge duce a plan whereby the senjors Lillian C, Anderson . to Lottie Co., re-inforcing steel, fairgrounds class of 1936 could put out an · 'l'imcns, 14.32 acre in OIearcr eek project, $10.67; Gross Service Sta· annual costing only ninety-nine lownship, tion , gasoline, fairgro\lnds WPA ____ ! _ cents. The annual would be mimeo Alvah Hal't!lock and Alice Hart- pl'oject. 90c; Lebanon Lum ~r Co, graphed by the student of the sock to Joseph F. ~ nnewit and Teacb.ra Will M ..t , III LabanoD the third and final address of the class and the pictures would be t "lIa Pennewit, inlot, No. 4 in paint, turpentine, o il , $22,70; Zaln ERFiS an offer that wiU appeal to all-American Armitage, ~an d fo r Courl House forenoon will be given by Ruth photographs taken and developed Wayne ville. Boy Magadne and this newspaper at a s~ $l.8!); Lebanop Cemetery ' AssociaAnne McCoy who gives her ' te- in large, numberlj at a cheap rate. combination bargain price. The American Boy IS the tion, b~l'ial of Thoma s Dunn, $20 favorite magazine of mQt e than 500,000 bo),s and The mid-winter meeting ' of the marks the r,athcl' 'curious title of Following the presentati on of the Probate Court Proc:ec:dinl'a Oswald Funeral Home. funeral, 0'£ "They Carry KnJves." This will idea to the C1MS, a hort Booste r's young men: Its fiction c;) rries boys Oll the wings of A. D. llaJ'vey administrator of Thomas Du:nn, $50; Kaufman'S, Warten county teachers' associa· concluoo the ' morning session. 'adventure to all parts of the world. Its sports anicla club meeting was held to find out the estatc of Hannah A, Shimp, paint, oil. turpentine, $24.72; tion will be held in the high-school The afternoon program will by famous coaches and at ~Ietes are studied by chamhow much help could be expected d!'ceased, filed hi firsi;; final anu Kaufman's :paint and oil for ourt buildinjr in Lebanon Saturday. open at one-ftfteen with ,roup pions. Here you wiII find the finest stories on .pons. fTOm that oreanization. The pre- distributiVe nccount. Hou e, $2.13; East End Coal 0., January 26. with Mr. Lou in sing-ing. The fi1'8t speaker will be al/iation. business. school activities, humor. and traveL position is a very good one but no The following accoun ts were ap- coal for WPA sew ing project, charge. David Wulf Anderson. whose decision has been made by either Even at its regular price ()f ~l.OO a year, The AmerIproved, allowed and Co,nfil'med $6 ,50: Blair & Leroy, coal for The morning seallion wUI' ~e topic haa not been anl1ouneed. faculty or clan. can Boy is considered a bargain. But now you may the court. WPA sewing project, $6.25; opened at ten o'cloC!k with Jrl'oup· This will be followed by ae~tions obtain it and this newspaper ••••• Laurl\ Adda Miller. executrix of Morrow Feed & Supply Co., coal sinclnc. Reverend G. C. Dibert. of from the bras! quartette of WitMeeti •• 01 S-uor CI... the estate of Joseph )fmer, for WPA sewing project, $3.25; the WaJll_vUle Methodillt Epillco- tenber, qQlleg,. Two addresBee On Monday. January 20. the eea~. First and final, Lebanon Lumber ' Co., lumber :for pal churcb, wiD conduct the devo· will tollow. tbe Brat. "The < MY8Senior Ola.. bad a second class Leah Wagner 'Hines. Court Houae. $23.28; Gri!lwold tiona) H"ices. Tbie will be \ery of the Totem Pole," by 'Allan meetine. The purpOSe,of the meet- the estate of Lena W Bros.'••tove pipe and elbow. 98c; followed by mulc fumlahed by Fuldauer. and the aeeond, " inc WAIl to make a deemoD on the ceased. First and Lingo Hardware Co .• materialll :for the MUOD lC1Iool band. ent M.ran eMUlation." by T unit-pI... olfel' from t he' inter· 1rfapba I. Beltz, faircrounds, '97~91; The Ollie. The 1m addre.. will be clven dore Fole,. conepte Pre.. company. lnelud- 01 the estate of Outfttters, 8upplies for surveyor'. b Arthur Bob11l8On, who wiD A bulill8lll ae.ion will be eel In the offer lit the reDt.1 of caplI deeeued. First and ofIlee, aOe; J. K. Spencer. lumber ., ta an EqUab att.r theM .ddre~ nd cowna for eomm, Enher X. Sellers, acIlPblliatiratlrbrl faO.OS; Ohio Corrupted Culvert no.\or G. , 1t1Iea tIae U'I'eJI Collnt~'1 the hl.ttatM . . . , bovad o~ the tate of Laq Co., camrte. ,176.80; F7I'-~~ ..Wayce h, Play Two Game. Thi.. W eek

JANUARY 23. 1936




'f l .'.~.















d'l ' .

===========.::==================. .

--------------------------"'"---11 . h 1 l'L' 27 F arm taRs, January


-============== ; F T M art-In Auctioneer




Or No Charge

Centerville, Ohio


• • •

Stanley &Koogler








Cary'l Jewelry



















School .n..,.,.High _____ Spots

Plus This

At Redu ce d Price

~~~ I '-+,


Both One Year For


~=,..~"I. " 'JT



I W.I184:I!"s

I!!rocery here,

nd 89.2 per tent of th apprai ed laonday conwrtalned to Sunday dinner at th,. hllllll' "f Mr. Ilnd Mr . (Jun Id \'uluathm, and urban properUes u "rnltt',1 711,25 pel' cl'nt uf tM .11. h·ta ROKl'T!:< ha.~ tran!'· Illldlt·y. H"\"IIII frvn! l,~tl,. ~hurch t· Mr. n"d Lytlt> .'unday Rchopl is ha\'intc a .iuu~nll'Jll llnel 76.94 per cent of f~I'~d her pl'vllt'rty hi .. I l,·tukd Ill(' n'vivllJ ~~ r"it-<- at It,·" ami Blu(' couU,·,t to 'Ill th,' ,1f1I'TDiR(;tl valuation. COllllull" . "Iilll.hol'o ehul'rh W('tim·. t1'IY of ;lh.<. \\' Illinnl R,'g,'r. 1M Ma~on, .July I!'l. J\[r~. Amy Railt.y and ~d with fOI'~closurc!! in recent ,. I ut \liI) <'ontinu,· to make hl'l' . . OJ! Lh' ground the !<rnall months, lh~ November Lolal was 11I ~1 wl·(·k. ' .11',0. Ina L ngtICl'l' arc caplams of t'unluint'l'l; wei' ca:ily l'oncealou larg.!'r than in August, ~ma ll l' r .\1 1'. an,l Mn<. I~. B. LO lgacl'l' lind l!I'nl. th~fl' . , . Ofl" sidt· und ,'tllnll'Y Bni! y Ilnd l'XlIlllillntillrl!< {Ill' '1\11'. IlIrll'uret Johns ' r~t\t Thur" ~l rl'. Emma ~a~ '~U ltl' III \ Thll'll' .Iull l! of the olht!l'. Almo t Stat,. Il partOl.'nt of lflighwa~ " :lnd 11ll1.ny II nlOn' cllrri~d them than in ::levt mbel' &Jill July Dnd Ill'! WIt h gnp but III 1Il1)))'UV · ('very on' In • th (' commum't Y }In,; ,1:1 \' in 1 lIyton. . wtl'k ,. will be C(lndurtl"d fl'OI11 F~ b rulIJ'y unlawfully inlo places !wlling well below the yenl"s PVaK of i r. an,1 r.h~. t;thul' Mc ullou\!h "II li t lh):;'/~ltl . ~, B I t hel'n ch""l' n Ily th e (,Ilptnin~. who II. t,o 14 in thil'Lc 'n Ohio Ikcy citl(' IllIiskil'H. wines and bel.!rs. 1,6!13 in June, it wa.q said. lI.nd rhil<lrt'll 11W\' "d IHl m Sp rin(t· ) tl'. Bnl • n>. •. . .oo gacre ~ dl':,.j r ~ your attendance to boost • • i wa annoull cd by hllirman W. " . h" h'nd,·.! th(' fUne rul of t h... IoU r ~. " J )'''10 lilst we"k to Cl ar{. u ~l' •.,mll " I M W' I . t t hl' lI' rl'. p<.' cll"l! Sl ('S. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT B. F1'3nei,. of the tlilte ivil Th e. Hnlated numb r of Ohio . I step I:'l'antlmo.t l!~ I· • • I : . 1 1\1 n , ,l MI'. 1lIid MI'<. ul vin h'l I~(· . f D t hN' la!~' r(,"ltl enct.' In MH\land , I . ' (,I'vic e Comnli AAion. The I)Ol!i tion~ I' Ell ' tate Corcclo8ul·<.'s in Nov m. \Iis~ l\!nl'Y ('Unl:'. 0 ay on" lllilla r )!t.s Wil!llln \la ;; 100 nH'l·tnllw(1 a t aru ' include bighway \lllel'intend nts, h(' r wO o pweet.! at 1,368, invo lvitlg Ellin tc of Jlllm B. P nce, de· . r nl Thul·"day wit h home f lk. ' . j" 'th \I ' ('v(,fling th CollO\ ing gut" ' : Inb orel's in charg or hi~~hW(ly r e- 100 i :mns II.lld 1,202 otht' l' tll'Op_ ceased . 1'" K l d n l" j ~ ith , y'ar" nt vne mo n 0(. l\I I M" II k d ' . I~SI·. a!.'!ln I ( I ~I ,11\. 1111', anu l\1 r~. !:;al'1 hU'k an ti ! I: . Iln< I S. Ii vyn wa n . an pnil' nntl con t.ruction g' tlPgs , as· l'l'ti s chl ~qed a r . idenLinl, . Noti ce i ~ her by given that 01(' nbHI'nt I h [('t', (tllu.1 1\1rl'. AI ICC ' CI ar k 0 f Ch lhlt· n, MI'. ....hway business o r v:lcan'< plntl ed l"nd . frll lll ,; hool "n III ' ,!lug D and Mrs, Wllbcl't I l;istant ngine 1.". , hi ., "" Dean E. tanlcy, Lebnnon, Ohio, (tHlnt. of Ill ness, 1 t d I' ~ Sw ank of ayl.() n,d Mr. and Mrs. I ~p etor a.nd brid"'~ inspee t.ors accordin"'. to clata (' ol\('cted by anti Mellie RYf~, Waynesvill , Ohio I :\1 . J 1 John 1'(')30)' Oil w('r e un ay , !Till ' I' co,," I B 11 ·1 ht M " to , .. l . r. ani. IS. ,tin . , . .l!'U(', t~ tlf Mt" and Mr. , Walter .,, \.dll y a ey an uau g er, t. haiL'man Fmncis ~a id. 'rhe citit's ,ecl'1,.tal'Y of state GOOl'g e S. ha e been duly apl)ointl.!(1 as tUIl\t'i1 [rt1tn Darton uIHlay and CI k d f '1 li nd Mr" Th rle Jon s and son I in ,~hi h til t ~ l ' will b h Id Myers and compiled by the (xeculors of thc state or John B. !\Jr. J !lhn" b gnn a. clerk in Eli}('l't ~ r. aan n d .~ll y'L I'e G ay nnd f llUd 1\11'. and Mrs . Paul Duke nnd 1 leveland inclnnati ~olumbus governor' s farm and hom e pro1'5. eS t I' h'l! , . r nee late of Warr n County, da ughter pent '.. aturduy with C It r eno .' Toled o, Ports nlO utll , Mansfield , t ctiv c committee in co.opcl·ation Ohio, deceased. fl'. nnd Mr!:i. Ru~el Burn t at I .M rs. Hnro l~ WhItaker enter. I hillic oth e, Dayton, Lima, am- ';vith th e Ohio StaL lIniversiL-yand Dated this 20th day of January hday party Satur- bridge, i1l e. tam d at a blrt: anton, Marietta and t he Ohio Agricultural Experiment ) 036. Rillgt'v Announcing Mrs. Mal'gll l'ct J ohn and 1I1r$. dny aI~ern o o~ III honor ?f h r Young. town. ompl~te inf orma- tat ion.· The state. total was de- Delln E . Stanley, Atty. THE OP'E'NING OF J('l;.ie Longacre llttend<.> d the son, ~1~hal:d is soventh b~rthday. tion may be obtained by writing to livcd from Seventy-two county RALPH H. ARElY, " ([ome Demon tl'lltion" mceting He rece ived a .number of glits and the St~te ivil l'rvi ce Commis· r eports covering 1,307 sal es and Judge of the Probate Court, at Gnmg..: Ha ll, Wayn 8ville, Tu s th:ose ~ho enJoyed the occasion s ion, oJumbti s, nn estimllte of sales j23·30.f6 Wa rren County, Ohio cl ay a fl.<'> l'nooll. Mrs. J.. ongacre is With hIm ~'ere : C~rlel! . Dibert, • • • besed on the population of the AND FILLINC STATION I G~enn nllth, EdWin MIchener, Claims . fil ed witb the lndustrl ul . ixte~ unrepol'tcd counties. Farm U•• the lea der f or thi · cOmmunity. Mr. and Ml'S. James Barton and Richard B~t1ley, Bobby Gray, Commission of Ohio fo t. falal a C- f OI'eclosure al e pri 'es averaged THE MIAMI GAZETTE Perry 61 .98 per cent of the Judgment FOR RESULTS son, Leonard , of near Xenia, were Hic h.a I'd Sheehan, J Ohl1 dinner gueSl:$ of Mr. and Mrs. Mulford. Milton Jon s, Virgil ed eIghteen In compar~on With _ _ _ _______ GENERAL REPAIRING _ _ _ _ ____ _~_ Georg e Gray On Thur day of last AND PAINTING Longacre, Dickie Irons. Donald ' t ho e fil ed ~n the preee<lIDg mon t h week. Brown Seth Hoak and Jackie and were nine Icss than the record JANUARY 20. 1936 Mr. and ~[rs. William Hadley Prest~. J fo r December . 19 34, nC(!o l'~ing to .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-', and family I n r eport compJled b~ upertn tend· were I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Radii! tuned to 67~ kc. from 1 { nt Thomas P. K alns oJ!' the .ta i c to 1 :30 p. m. January 27 to 30, divis ion of saiety and hygiene. will bring listeners ill highlights The 1935 December total \\It of Farmers' Week at O. S. U. sixty-five. tRims for i~ljurie inl"easCd s lightly in compari on with the November tlltal. The The first law suit f or in. month's record of Ohio industry was termed "exceeding'ly favor· fri ngement of a patent granted on able" by Supe'rintenden t Kearns a plant has be n Ill'ought by the who took into considet'ation the Cole Nursery Co., Painesville, begreatly increasing employment fore Federa] Judge Jones. throughout tb state. The record was marred only by an, unusual CHARGES FOR SELLING HOGS number of permanent total disabil REDUCED AT CINCINNATI, ity cases, he said. • BL RICHEY~ :SHAFFER, INC, Lieutenant Colonel J ohn A. RICHEY-SHAFFER . INC. newly Blount of Hillsboro last week was . Intereat and activity in buildiaa and organized bllt witb many years ex- name c mmander of the 147th Incon.truction work i. increa.ina with tke perience in the commis5ion bu i· fant~y, Ohio National Guard by ness at the Unjon tock Yards, Adjutant General Emil F. Marx" comina of Sprina. The demand for quality Cincinnati, Ohio, where they sell with the approval of Governo lumber. and material. i. already increa.ina hogs, cattle, veals, sheep and ~Martin L. Davey. Colonlel BloUI If you are coDtemplatina buildina lambs for thousands of sa tisfi ed ..... as elevate.d in rank from m8jl,r either now or in tbe Sprina-Iet u • . • tr... customers, have tak-en the coi ncident with the appointment. INITIATIVE as an INDEPEND- He W83 formerly comrllllnder of the advaDtaae. of orderina now. You will ENT Company by reducing charg. the Third Battalion, 14'.rth Infan· I'et choicer materiala--better aemce and es for selling HOG ONE·THIRD try. &ave money if y ,o u let us buy fol' you at thi. · • to ONE·HA'LF in general, to be· time. Pricea are bouDd to .i ncreaae alon, come effective this coming Friday, Undel' the mut1,lal nlorlgage system the estate loans in Ohio with a ahorta,e of labor aDd a conp.ted January twenty-fifth, as follow of the Federal Hou jng Adminis· Off the Road- One head 60c, T wo market-ORDER NOW! head 76c Three or Four head tro.tion amounted to $19.417.327


ew Direct e Ohio State Capitol


Under Constant IScrutiny We have a dee p 8 nse of our r sponllibi:ity to those who coni lo U~ in their bours of ne-ed. We rea lize th(\ sacred nature of our wOI'k lind en(]('ovor to ClllTY it out wilh tbe proper rev rence a nd dignity. We consta ntly stri v(\ to Jlrove ourse-lve worthy of th confit! nee and trust pluccd in \IS by keeping au t pr (csaional ~tand al'ds, equipment and funeral home pollees.

-------------·1 ,.



Lawsons' Garage

J. E. McClure


Corwin, Ohio

W aynesville, Oh~o

~~~ Ge~~ ~ndu on, Ja~ie , cidc~~ duri~g D cemb~dHro~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



Blanch ~ter.



We have 'a large stock of Good Used

. Cars which must be sold at once.



+ Quality



Popular models ~t prices you will ~ant to pay. Come in and look over ' our selection of Used Cars.



deck- 60 to 75 head to constitute ed $4,74.5,518 and loans for Te· a single deck. For numbers over 75 fin,ancing and tlte purchase of ex· head, an adcl.i tional charge o~ 20c i ting I>l'operty were $14,671,809, per head will be made, until the Director 'Ha'1ler said. 1rhe I ~ve­ maximum of $21.00 for Ii double land district led in apPlroved apd-eck is reached, 1~0 to' 135 head plieations, with $12,093,678, the to constitute a d auble deck is Columbus district was second with reached, 120 to 136 head to con. $3,815,299, and Cinci,nnati a close stit ute a douhle deck. t hird with $3,508,350. Off the Railroad Maximum charge for single deck car, $12.00 Th e sale of half-pints of liquor and for a double deck car, $21.00 in Obio will be ha}t~ as soon as regardless of numbcl' of head i.n the present stock isexbausted, elthel'. · cording to Director .JamEs W, This Company ha$ a TEN Miller of the Department TH01,JSAND DOLLAR working Liquor Control. It W'as claimed capital with the Second National that the small size WIlS too e"penBank Clifton Branch, The Central sive to handle from a merchandisTruct Co. Stock Yards Branch, ing stan.dpoint, 'and It was stated and is BONDED under GOVERN· that "di.scontinuance o~ the balfMENT REGULATIONS, for ship- pint bottle wou]d discourage pers' protection. ' y.oung peop le from buying liquor Direct y.our hogs to RICHEY- because frequently they would be SHAFFER, INC. and receive t he unwilling to pay the JPric:e for a advantagE£ of this reduction. full pint," Liquor perlmit nU'IIl~'"" Aqv. protested the sale of the limall size

• • •


IN TELEPHONE SERVICE Committee A.k. ~.. Who ' Are phone service in Wa.r:~ county Intere.ted to Si,. - . and would install a telephone Somd Coupon In (provided you do not now he;ve a telepbone) if the tol1-j~ree service If you Bre inte,r ested in the -ef· were granted, y<lu arle a.sked to forts now being made by a county sign the coupon given he).'e. Teal' oommittee to secure tell" it out and bring it 'or send it


Bul~ Black Pepper



Bulk PeaDut Butter


lIc .

Eatmore LB.




Wesco MiddliDa' 100 Ib bag




Extra Standards

Your order will be sought later.

FISH, WhitiDa. either to Waldron O. Gilmour, chairman of the committee or to The Wetltem Star ollce. For convenience and a .-ving 01 postage YOIl mleht pute this couPOD OD • POlt card and mail It for one eemt.

De-Luxe Plum. 2 No.2" Can. Kieffer Pear. . ' No. 2% Can In Syru'p P.u mpkin Z NO. 2" Can. Country Club

Dairy Feed 100 Ib bag $1.20 16 % Wesco Scratch Feed 100Ibbag $1.79 Wesco Eaa Ma.h · 100 lb. . $ 1.99 Wesco Starlin, and Growina $1.99 Wesco 100 lb. ba, Cbic~ Grain., 100 lb.

OL E 0 ./

This' iii not a n order blank.


.OSc ~


lSc 19c


stalled if I could use the telephone to talk any place within this county without having to pay extra toll charges,

Place . ....... :.......................................... .... ... ...... , .... ................ ..

Bulk Cocoanut

• • lb. Loaf Economy Twin Soda Cracker. • • lb. Pka. Wesco, FreJ!h, Crisp Sodas Chili Sauce. • .Bot. , Country Club Fla.vol'!I Meat8 White Bread

FLOU R:!~ :-:~ 241b ..... 99c

silrvice within Warren county and w.ould haVe a 'telephlOne in-

Give Btre~t or route number ................. ......... ......... ............... ..... .. ...... .. " ..............


3 lb. ba,43c

Oat. • • • • • Ll'e. Pk,. 19c Country Club, a delicious cool morning cereal Sweetmeat. of Wheat • Pka. t& Coun.try Club, a ricb creamy cereal BraD FI~ke. • • Llle. Pk,. tOe Country Club . '


S~ned' ., .. .... ............... ... .. .... ............. .............. " .. .,.............. .... ...... .. .



I am inte-rested in the plan to obtain telephone

The Miami te

Lebanon, Oh • o


w. H. Madden & Co. Wayne.ville,

$1.00 'pe; lot. Five bead alld over in 11135, it was annonnced ~y John 20c per head until the maximum E, Harpe'r, state FHA . dIrector.

See ' Us For W eather . Stripping

Phone 14







• • Dc





$ 1.31

lila.. peck POTATOES U. 8. No, 1 lIichlpD. 100 lb. bac





Dc ••.47


"FIDe, rl.,. fralt




110 tic

Eighty.Eighth Year






JOHN LA:~~EES ~: LEBANON ESTATE IS VALUED PLAN GROUP OF TALKS!WEND~~~~~~:~ ~ANAGER COUNTY FARM John CArl'lage AT OVER t300000 ABOUT COOPERATIVES ei ~~L ';~:I~ ~~~:!h~~OI' '~~l~l p:t BUREAUS TO MEET mal-el· and .. l1iOI' U' I' of the III , [SIDENTS Rec rc\ltion Equlpm~ml Co. Inc., in LUI\ and pion The county fa1'm uUI'eaus pi ingfi Ill, as mnhager of LIlLo ilulomnbif dl'ul irl Ll!lltll1 on, With lh,· tutul vulu.· oI'Ieal and FOR RURAL R[ holo diilLl'icL iing: !lied tennis as well as a Ohip iday hi" in Lf!h. P"I' 'onul PI'oPCl'ty, 80 years old, 111 t' 1Il


Whole Number 6206



fin\} of JI'hn


' I's


NEW CfNIURY CLUB Rl'v, I1ent'Y H ubsOIl, HAS GOOD PROGRAM n., Bisltnp l'\o ulhcril ohi" l )io(' 'sc the E:pisc(II)l11 AT ·JANUARY MEETING (·h ul'ch. will co'ncluct Re l:vic eK und Th e Rt.




lh· '


will 22 1l111 .... depaltmen~ Fl at hom. esli lllatc~1 III Point. To Conaider To Avoid ~al estnUl\, will become man'llgcr dUJ·ing th(' Ill" t two w cks of urHln foil wing Un l' Xt~lIclcd illnesR aOI1 ,ooo it i. "aid t hllt Ow .,,,ta l.· <ltllllini~1"'" tlw ritc of cUlll1l'matinn M.... Le.h&r, . of Gaw. nnd huyel' for the company, taking P('Lruary fol' lh PUI'PORC ( I f plan . 11. is sun;i v(,1 uy hi ,~ witllllv nnd (II th· lut l! .lohn B. j>pncl' ~ i.l1 lit.' at l'll. Mal'Y's EJli ~ coJ al In Formina Such Group. hutch Lrutructive Talk 011 ninll' augl'CS iva action in tuml l\\ u so nK••f. 1 uy LIl\1 lWei H Owal'd on of the IUl'l{cst " n ' l" afll11ll1lslt'l" Su nda y I'nomi n~, FC'ul'ulu' y l!. u p his duti es February 1. Dinuaaecl Everaire ... Wcnd·n is well-known in Way- ehd.r ificutioJl, bu~'in~ unci market· L<lw, of Leba non , I d ill lhe prubat. COlIl't of Wa l'l"n f\Ul v kc~ 1\ ill II l·gin uL J U:311 a0 11 Both the advantages and th nt:!lvi II e, having spent his early ing '00 I'aiiv t< , (arm l 'gi!;la tion, I"un 1'0 1 M: rvice'l W (! I' C helri nl , county. a conllal invitatio n is t xt.en<i c(1 L<> disadvantag ~ of cooperative days h el' ~~ith hi· pal'ent.s, Mr. and Coop('tative education fOI' I.h, the I'csidenc e f n.Lay :.tftemoon Th e cw cntul'Y Iub met at II i. will Jll'ol'id ed llw.L all of hi .. ol'ganizatlons for produc rs and and Mrs. Roy McBeth. who opel'. oming year, t1ccOl'lIing Lll P t11'VY L. unel Lul'ial \IUs in L ebanon ' holding$, lJoth in real ( .'tate and t.he- l)ul.ilic. the h me of Mrs. L. M. Hende.reon for con umerlj will be di cussed in ated a bakery. The McBeth's have 01'1' 'n, p('esident of the Ohio Fun!l c<-metel'Y. : pel'so llnl Pl' pH'ly !\hould go 0 his Friday, January 24. a series of talks to be broadcast b en r sidents of Springfield since BUl'eau 1" dCl'ation. -- - - - --brolhel', Fmnk A. Pence. Seventeen m embe rs responded over Station WOSU, Ohio State leav ing her~ sevel'UI 'leurs ago. FHl'tn B\I[('llu functiOn in 8 ,t of to roll call with current events. ' Univ rsity, ch M nday 'e ven ing - - - --the 88 countieH in t.his t\tat. R ~ an!: from Feb ruary a to MlI rch 30. presentaLives of the Ohio Farm The program was opened with a named x cutors by the will. Th y Mem bers of the rural economic!! Bureau F dera.tion will villit the so lo "0 H art of Mine," by Mrs. department at the University di Kkict me lings and hell' to anJ F. U. LeMay, accompanied by Mrs ____ I -sugg t lhllt lho~ (l jnLerested in ol·gaf!ize. local committecs to cany J. ['I. Sackett. coop ratives Lorm 'roups to listen out Il uniform program of actI on Mrs. Rlllph Ha tings gave two to the talks and then con.tinue th durjng 1!);36. Make : r. a nd J\.\rs. FI'ank Thomas \\ e r l' ' "dings which were much, enjoydiscu sion among themselves by fj(!~~~~~~~~~~~ "Tlti M1S a most critical period considering wheth r cooperativ II I in ou!:" ol'ganization nctivities," Feeding Game 1 d; , "Alicia" a lOVe stoTY of New Dayt.on vi: itol's today. would be successful ln the locality ·-==:",:======-_~·",_r said GI' n, "8nd We mu st plan for --Mexico, and a humorous s ketch, J. . Hawke was a lmsiness vi siwhere the Ii tcners live. The The sev a,nnual Oh!o I concerted ~cLion. W e are going 10 Four ~Cl1l";- In 01 sl' ~r teeding I Lor. in L l'oanon, thl ' Qfternoon. "Complete lVI ntal Control". onomikts point out t.ha~ coopera Pastor' conve)1t1on vnll be he.ld In do verythmg lo \le l)1 811 Lho gam With 11 go od avel'a~ profit Th c 19 36 plates will go on Bill Mr . Lesher of DaytOn gave a tiv succeed only where the right Columbu next loY ek, Fe.bruat,), 3-0 counli ~ of Ohio in e.V I!'r 'I WilY l over the p riud lind th e payme.nt 1\181'ch 1 and must be in u. e April 11". and !'lin. Robe rt Ha n.;ell, of group of people and the propel' I pOSllible." 'I of evel'y not ami intc'l'cs~ on the 1. Thc!y llJay be attached to ears Xenia, w re,gue~t.~ of Mr. and Mrs vOl'y inslrllctive talk on "The ~iss BeLty Harlsock, of ?incirl- I --- daL or maturity is LIlt; HC01'd of any time after .Iarch 10. conomie conditions are prcscnt in Walt r nd er\\ ood, Sunday. Indenii.fica~ion of ;:vergreens" one community. natl, spent the week-end Wlth her the calf club memb n l in linton It wa" an~~utlced la~t week that MI' . . E. R. Bentley was the dinshowing small specimens of pine, The economic factor!! whicb in- parent.s, , :Mr. and M f' • Bel'l Hmtcounty, according to Walt I' L. pel'so~s (~esll ing spec1al number ncr guest of J\{l • Frank Thomas, spruce, fi!:", yew, juniper, and t1uenc~ the formation Dnd success soclC. Black, county agl'icult.ul'al it enL. comblllutlons should not apply to Wedneaday. cypress and pointed out their of cooperatives will be considered Tho member did hOt. milk pl'O- the olultlbu office befora Febl'u- , Mast I' Dougic Hen d erson, son in the fir t two talks. The history each ;veil I', los, e were incur- ury 1. " Max McFarland and family, who various c'haracteristics, and development of the coope"a- of Mr. and Mrs. George Hendel'Son ____ red in ] (Ilia and I !Ja ~l but the DeliCious Tefres.hme-ots were Th new tags will have Mue 'h ave becn occupying Mr. Jo~ i e ~ hillS Pe-cn ill seve.t·al days I~ith tive movement occupies' the ne-xt tonsillitis. A few changes have been made youngsters made ~33 a head on leU(>rs a nd num rals on a while l Whitaker'. residen , are moving then served to tbe members and four pel10ds, then a discussion of in the bmsketualJ s hedule of Way. their st el's ill 1035 and ne~lI'ly $14 backgruund and will follow thG to Wilmington. ' following guest, Mrs. J . H, PN!stypes of cooperatives On March 16 MiJ,ss ~fary Richi and MI'. Paul nesviUc High School since th in 193~. Theil' experil!lIces ar S llIe style ·and . ystl.'m f numberDonald Buzick, on of Mr. anil ton, Mrs. Ralph Hastings end Mrlil. followed boy a discussion of exist.- Leed!!, of Hamilion, were gue:ts P iflted schedule canIs we,' given pr bably good evid ~ce that pl·O- ing as in 1 D35 . Ml"s. Clifford Buzick, had hL;;; Glenna Lesher. , ___ _ _ Ing cooperative associations 8TJd of Mr. and Mrs. Ray ruinous, out. fit in cattle foedi ng dep~ lld upcn collarbone broken while coasLing, • - ---As pre iou31y announc~u Wayne s taying in the busines.'1 year after by the final talk on building fOlln- Sunday evening. I."riday aftel·noon. dations lor coo;lera,tives. ville will Ineet the , powel'ful yuar and not li p n trying to gues Cooperatlv are not in all Mr. ahd Mrs. John Toft h ave Kings ~1illl; quintet on their floor VI'Qbable mark t future!" and putMr. and Mrs. Carl Hawke, of outstanding ling stC\!-I'S on fe d onliy in the cases n-ew agencies in the purchas- moved fr om Waynesvi lle to Clarks lhis Friday. One Dayton, Mr, and Mrs. Lee Hawke ing' or elling field8. Some grollps ville to resid Ivith Mr. Tu.f t's victory for Kings thi year was Sf allons when the feeder expects w re Sunday dinner gue ts of Mr. of people 'combine their common aged iather. their defeat of Lebanon oe-arly in hi Ii StIlling prices. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke. interests and then Use an e.xist· the season. Th you ngl! tel'~ showed 72 The Wayne Township Mot.hus' ing agoency to do their buying or Mr • Ead olye and Mrs. Ed. On Saturday night Wayne ville st I.'rs at t.heir county iair in 1935 club will meet Fd<lay afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. G. C, J.1iller and Tourists travel to Ame'riea'lI isselling for them. Th.i,s, often, is a ook, vi ited Mrs. Edna Miars at journeYlI to Mal'tin8ville :Cor a aod sold t.h"m {or ,a n average of To' bruary 7, at 2 o'clock, at tlle daughters, of idney , were guests land paradise, Hawaii, lla.s increas.. most 8uccess1ul methOd of eoop- Miami Valley hospital" 'Ilnda~;, gam with the varsity squad, in $ 11.67 n hundredll eight. Thi was Grade building. of Mr. and 1\11-8. Clifford Buzick, ed more than one hundr~d p~}" eratlon both fo!:" the group and for what is expec.t cI t.o be ~ hard a good tn'ice but LIle steer w rc T,he program will be furnis1J.eq unday. , C. L. Duke and 80n, Rob n, were cent in th past two years. This is the a"'ency which acts for them. in Columbus IlllIt week, a ltending Lonuht execll Ilt animals, all dry 'fed and by pupil of Mi .1I Laura McKin.. ..... baltIe, MI'. I/I l}d Mrs. Ben Smith and gratifying not on Iy ftom the. view The broadcasts Will oceur at The Wayncf;lville Springboro i,n gooD condition after an aver- ~ r' room and mothers from Lytle • the nursery chool at hio tate son, of Osborn, were dinner guests 8 :40 p. m. on February 8 and on Junior anu enior High games age gain of 648 pound ' in the 315 point that many Americans have ,I of Mr. and Mra. A. H. Earnha1'l will be played a ~ pl'ingbol'o in- uuy f euing pel'io d. ()8ch alternate Monday night. University. foresaken Europe to see the CAR WAS DESTROYED Sunday. Ilnd sons, The secon.d talk and thos ~ch Miss Jo ephinc Banta attended stead of at Wa)<tlesville a plel'iThe older m embers oi the United States and Its p08Sesaions, .alternate week will be given at the reglliar monthly social at the ouslyanncunced. linton groLlp won pl"ellilier }IQnors harles Bunn el, of the Dayton Mr. and Mrs. C. L . Duke will but also because of increasing 8 :50. Broadcasts bea-inning at Methodl~t. church in Lebanon , Fri- , The Ro 's Township Jr3me which at the Ohio Stat Fuir in 1932 by pike, had his car niirely destroyed cnt ltai/1 the m mbE-ttl ot, the 8 :40 will continue for 20 minut.e day eVATJI·ng. 'Wl I)Ostponed, last week on nc- howing lhe champion steer and aturday night, when it cal4:"h~ Gurden club and their hu bands curiosity on, the part of forei 8'll ~ Lhe others will last 10 minute, "ount of inclement weather will be th champion c rlond of fa.!. cattle. 6 f h h d h d' t ... . .. ro a ter e a el'a1l e In 0 a car Tue clay night, F brual")' 4.. Miss travelers to see America. Current The wave length of WOSU is 570. Col. Rob rt Rockwell, of Day- playoEOd on Tue. ~ay, Febru- Prtze wlOllIngs \It local show have ·u t l' hI. k d . t..h Blanche Riley Slid M'i Kathryn turmoil in EUI'ope has prllC;ticall:r . -- ton, wa guest of Rev. J. J. ary 11. be n numel'ous. W.l IOU Jg s, p~deb Jn e hrghway and occuple . y a d run- GIbbo ns will be assistant ho tesses banned that part of the globe 80 cha ffct at the Friend' , Rom e, One more home game remains Benefits (rom t~ . ' , litcier feedmg k en man , Sill' d 't 0 be f'rom Day t on. MI' . Paul Booram, of Bellbrook far as people b~nt on vaca.tioning utlda". to be play d, that with rtil7hhmd pl'oJect ate not llmlt.ed . . . . , to money II e wa.~ t uI'ne d over t 0 lb e ah [I'ff . Mrs. E. F. Deppe and Mrs. A. T. are concerned, so America ben'efita ' on February 14. profit. . BU !llnc~s tralnlnl~ for the Y B I " 'd '_.1 "I . • '1':C It Is acknowledged by all wbo I 1'r. an d· ... ,.. rs. n ar tl"" ey mO S an d Plnn s Ill' being calTi lout to j young . WI'S and the dlscnp me Ul'- ou . .ng . unne, It , I' SIU, earn"" Polinsky were lun hoon guests of · Mr . S,.I:' ~ d b Y l'E p-onSI'b'I'h 0 hild ren adn . 8n(1 M- 01·1 put the Boden bender squad into .TU I I...,' are bY no Insurance._ _ _ _ Mrs. E. C. I18n, today. have been there that Hawaii is one bert Fry& apen,t Sunday 'lit the final shl\l1e f or the cOllnty to \11'- products, and the development of ARMSTRONG-DENLINGER MI'. a d Md. Everett Rawlings of t~ few places on earth where j , home of Il·a Rich and family. naJ'n0nl at Ki;n~ Mills on I!'t;bru- coop'rntive effol't ill pe1'haps th and MI' . Ma.ude All n, of Dayton. Lh actuality more ,than justities FERRY CHURCH oP CHRIST ary 20, 21 and :12. most va lunbl return Irom the Carl Smith, Min.ter Ml·S. R. C' Harv y, ~f n eal' Mis Lavonne Virginia Denlinger were guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Vern the descriptions. It bas the subtle work. Perry Thomas, Supt. of Bible U J B ergan, ArmiLage, Sunday. Lebanon and Mrs. R. H. Hlu·tsock d aug hter 0f ",.rs. am es charm of a. foreign country. It has' CRANCE NOTICE School wer dinner gue ts 01 MI'8. Lena and ~b·. Lloyd Armstrong, o'r LebMrs. J. L., Mendetlhall, with Miss all the glamo ur and color of the Sunday School 9 :80 a. m. Rartsock at th Fl'ionds' Home on nnon, w re quietly nlanied Satur- Elizabeth Graddy, of Lebanon, South Seas. And with all this it Communion 18 :46 a. m. R egular meeUng of FOl'mer' '. Friday. day afternoon, the Rev. G. C. spent several days in Columbus is America with all American conSermon 11 a. m., Gran g.e No. 13 ~vi11 be held SaturDibert performing the ceremony attending "Farmers' Week" ses- veniences, customs and transporta hand s day evenjng, February I , at which V'emon Mainous, wbos \WAYNESVILLE CHURCH o~ A must ironie "etlitorial" on th a the parsonnge. sions. tion service. were sever Iy tro7...e when be wnl< tilt1e the following program will be CHRIST of speed appc /lll'S quite Th e young cou ple will I'eside in Mark Twain described Hawaii in sl1bject caugh.t. in the blizzard Wednesday given: Carl Smith, lIinister ina.dvertently in 'an engagement LebanOn \\bere MI·. AI'mstrong i~ Mrs. D, C. Ridge has been terms that were almost delirious. ot last week, is recov ying nic:ely Song- Grange. Jennie Bradley, Superintendent book i s ued by the New York T Ie mployed at the shoe factory. confined to her home for two Robert Louis StEWenson :wrote under medical treatment. Paper-,.-M. A. Cornell. weeks suffeTing ' with n e ul'algia . h I ,• pr'E'sen t S the .John' Sears, Asst. Superrn.te-ndent. pone ompany. about it. Jack London returned Reading-Ellen Moss. Not A Denomination Miss (llara Lile was one of a Dam of s~ed record holderlj in MCK.INLEY DAY DINNER ' . E . Anderson has resumed his again an-d again. A f.mou8 Pian o solQ- irginia Pl'eston. Bible ~ool at 9:~Jesus family gl'OOp, Sunday, at the hom lhl~ee tl Ids, as f ollows: work at the Cash Register Co1oAmerican world traveler of more Talk- Kathryn Gibbons . Enli ts Helpers, lesson ,text, Luke of Mr. and Mrs. La~ence Lile, Ail' --' Lieutenant Fl'aneescl' Fifty Warren county Republipany in Dayton, after an illness than twenty years'experience, nocal solo-Cathedne Flllkcl'5: 1-11-27.28. 1():30, Lord'~ Sup. near XeJlia, celellrating the birth.AgeJlo of Italy, 440.29ml1h. ca-ns are planning to attend th e ()f two weeks .ot more. c~ntly wrote : <t • • • For decad:etI Water-Garfield' A. Wood of , twenty-second annual McKin ley we practically inu'n dated Europe per. day ot Miss Llle's brother, Mr. Joe sonStunts_ Robert Crew. Day dinner at'\. Me~/)rial Hall in Mrs. Roy Johnson, nee Beatrice and its WOTn-out old countries with 6 :30 p. m, Christian Endeavor i Lile. Thi ~ promises to be a moo tin· the ni.t,ed Sta.t cs, 124.86 mph. Land- Sir Mal colm Cumpb Il of Dayton, Friday night. Robitzer, has returned to het' our thousands of tourista and their 7 :30, Bpecial music 'b y choir; Mr. and MilS. R. H. Hartsock .t resti ng program and a good atEngland, 301.337 mph. Col. Fl'a-nk Kn ox, of Chicago, home in Cl evehind aIter a three millions of freely spent dollara, 8 :00 evangeli1!tic, s~rvic~. and [.mlly and their guest, Miss t ndance is de ired. Visitors 'nrc What a blow this must be to thc and John W. Bl'ickcr, aftorney weeks visit with relatives in all of which earned U$ nothing but On Tuesday nirht, F'ebrlJl8rY 4, Mary Oarolyn Lukens, of Hal'veys welcome during the social .hour. thousands of amateur speeders general and candidate 'f or the Re- Waynesv ille li.nd Lebanon. the thinly veiled contempt of at 7 :80, a ,a pecial program will be --- .-- ~-burg, wer>& dinner guests of Mr. given by atl1de.nta from Ute Cincin throughout the country I The only pl.lblican nominat.ion t()l' governor Mrs. Maynard Weltz and Mr. 1 nationalities .who to? ~ften. and POT.LU.CK SUPPER and Mrs. Keller Boak and family, nati Blble- Seminary. places t.he~r nantcs may' IlPpell~ is ' of Ohio, will b the principal Don Hawke were Dayton vi~itor irequenUy w1th outrlghll frankneu Sunday. Everybody welcome. 01)' the pohce blotter or the obltupeakel;s. T d robbed us with every thin'" we . II . 1.. 1 A Ik ues ay. .. • purchased. Mt'. JOshua Foster and .bis · A JO Y crowd of yt ,,0 s en- ary pa~e.. ' . WAYN£SVILLE II. E. CHURCH daugh.~ Mrs. Irma Gebhllrt, of joyed a pot·luck supper at the Statll,.tic show, according to ANNUAL LINCOLN DAY , Mr. and I1irs. Frank E. Thomas "Americans are discovering tilat Rev. O. C. Dibert, Putor Xeni~' ar~ in Sharpes,. Florida, borne of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Duke t.he National Bureau of ClllIualty BANQUET FEBRUARY 6 we['e tendel·ed a pleasant s~llrlGe" AmeTica and its possessions .re Sunday: Sunday IIcbool at 9 :30 where they are the a-ueats of Mr. last Wednesday evenjng. ThQse and Surety Un~e-r':'Trters, that ~unday, by memb.ers of th eIr fam- actually worth sooing tirst. Where a. m. Morning wonbip at 10:40. Foster's brotheT ,Mr. Ellsworth present were, I1tr. and Mrs. Harvey 63'0806~ ~l"eodn~i were kll\eb~land 1~d4, 1_ UnitedcStates Senator Lester J . Ily <lind a few.IT lends. T_h\e event befo~ the American family exTJ:te sermon 8ubject will be, "Why Foster, who owns an 'orange grove Burnet, Mr. and Mr. Allen 'EMml'iCk mJu~e , nSau t omo 'Ide. aecl' Dickinson of lowa will be in Oolum >honol'ed the blrt hda.y ann versal'Y pensively traveled to France, ~ot Tr v God." , at that place. The Fosters are na· . and Mrs. Ed Longacre, r an d ents durlng 19 \\ as t h , uect re- b Oh' Th d v b of b. otlt Mr, and Mrs. Thomas, also England or Italy it is now ae , J Mr M It f • I B t th us, 10, on urs 8Y, ..' e l"uary . . , d th ' Wednesday: Bible stud), and tive. of .W l8,y' neaville and are the Mrs. Berne ones, . and 1'5. su () exceSSIve spee< . u o . 6 ·1936 ' .... _ d k f their weddmg ahnlV~l1'Sary, an e oft.en as not investigatin'" Alaak&, ·I"Ml's. tabs . t 'ICS canno t s h"vW h ow Impol . ·-t ,h ,. to at....:n ,as spea er 10 2nd • h . f e . h rayer , m eeting at 7 p. ~ 80nll of the late Clayton Foster. Palll Duk.e and J l! 1 ..,.'en, th A I L' bHt day annIversary 0 Panama Samoa and mOl'e lnlport. P r J h M' B ' t ~ t d . ·ly t e evenlag at e MUll IDeo n f M d M M d ' " Watch the church notice for Margaret 0 os, 188 ertllce nn a .ac or pee was tn neal. Da Ban u~t of the Buck e Re- Tommy, 80n 0 , r. an rs..a - an t that 'a ll from the viewpoint 01 nellt week for further announce- l .MT.8n.d Mn. C,. L. Duke ontler- Graham and 'the Me rs. Rnlph · very other cauS(; on the motol' j ~r bl b '"'Y ieon Earnhatt. Those who eDJoy- charm and rest end climate ' ts re-rdi.... the coming of tamed , With a famIly d. inner ast Ricard, Nathan Gray, Kesler ccidcnt calendar Driving cars pu lean It. d th d 'th Mr and Mrs ' men ..... th I f th II f f. d': ' 1 d I Attorney General Jolln W. e ,e ay WI . M. M d' Hawaii. our 'missionary to Sunday fOf e p ealllne 0 e Gra~ar1t and Robert Duke. too ast 01 con ltlons p aye a B . k RbI' d·d t f Thol11lls were Mr. and rs. a "The Islands are the moat beauJohn Patte -on, ... " f 1)' d. u . . th ' d f rIc er, epu lcan can I a e or . J k ' ' 0 OWlnll' Rues..,: _r. an J..~l"S. - --promJOcnt part In ousan sO l G d M M Bison Earnhart and two sons ac tiful jewel in, the casket of Ameri1 d' n la. Clinton Corwin, Mr. a nd Mrs. S. ENTERTAIN WITH "500" accidents charged to vi'CJlating the Governor a~ C yO; yron h d' and Tommy, Inez Thomtu!, John can treasurerll and I am not alto. ST. MARY'S CHURCH D. Henkle and family, Mrs. Alice right of way, cutting in, passing a lesdsatman Ok dO ~m tUhS ar~ s~ e - Rob)" of Daytoni Mr. and Mrs. """ther sure th~y are not ;the most , T . k ... Ali M'll '~nd .... d M d d' t . u e 0 spes urmg e evemng. . d h .,Rev. J. J. Schader, -!teetor ric I!'Y~ ...n. ee I er On »'.Lon ay ~ve njng, r. an. stan Ing' f!tt"ee Clat, pa~smg on a Th ·1 bl . 1 f t' k' t s Lowe)) Thomas , and aug ter, beautiful j&Welin. tbe world." Fourlft Sunday aftel! Epiphany, son, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Puke and Mrs. W. E. Cornell pleasantly c:uJ;ve 01' hill, dl'iving 0:1f the road 'Il ' e'd~va:,~. e :u~p y 0 d l~ :h Betty Lou, of Lytlei Mr. and Mrs. .._ g a .enban <8 , 'te J R Wade, son and daughter, ROOSEVELT.D "VEY children , J,Jn. Irma Sweetman and enteJ1;ained a smail group of way, and rl'ckless dl'iving. IS rapl 'Y. U"'m H G h present '._ft . . ... Febru..... ,2, Church school at 9:80 th er IS u t a 1Iml smort, twenti th-,eentury at- I b· u ......1 bel Th B t Milo and Glenna, Dena Davis and semum• ,and RolV Communion at daughter and Mrs. elen ra am frlt!'lld. with "600" as the diver- . The ' . th t ' t ' ed er aval a e. e anque BOTH ARE ENDORSED 10:80. Th. Rt. Rev. Henry ana dauehter. ilion. After the games a substantia). tltude on apced IS a ; 1 II; no . t b h Id' th S th rn Hotel Robert Thomas. lunch was lIerved by the llostess. longer a question of how ia1!t you 18 0 e e In e ou e -- - - ,- - d Tbe Warren county demoentic Hobson, D. D., will preaeh an ,111'1. W. E. Comen, Mn. Joon The cuesta were Mr. and Mrs. can go, but of how ialat you can ThU~day evening, February 6th, COLD TAKES LIFE OF admlniatet' the rite of conflnn.· PredoD, Mrs. Ruuell Salisbury, Ern B tte h .... d M t at 6.30 p. m. oentl'aJ committee, at a IDMUnl n - tn ....n. 'D H. H-....--ck ud Mra. eat u rwort, BU. an rB sop. _ _ _ .. _ WASHINCTON C. H. MAN Tbe pllbile L.. eo-I held in Lebanon 'hI. . .,...,~ ton. ........" • _......... ... A C 11 M d M J B Remember that exce' sive speed t.d S ......, B,ye were luncheon guHtI ....• • one, r. an n.., , Oat Crop pva theit' Ullanlmoaa .11. . . ._ . vi • of lin. W. P. SalI,bu1'7 OD Tuel- Chapman, Dr. and Mn. H. E. i. relatively 110 insignificant that Fr(lellng 'Weather bad taken I to both til. IItate ud 1IIMlou.l Hathaway, lin, RalPh Miller and out of the whole world onJT three The 1935 oat crop in Ohio was IT. AUGUaTIII& cauaCH day. . lin. D. L. Crane. names are given any lention for 15,600,000 bulb,l, below the ilye.. anotber life, it w.. learrIed Tuee- ad~tlcma, plMpd " . ........... Jtutor IITI. Paul Sauk returned to her --.;.. . ...Jr.,. - ••- - it. year ave~ annual production. day, "Ith the di8covery of the: poR to ~ • ....,.,.... troaen bod,. of C. L. lIcSC1ure, 'l5, rruJdbl D. Bo.... . . _ . --..... 1 .-. patUt'e1 .... at It. A. . . . .'. QucIa hOllle In Piqua. WedDeada)', after ia ht, Ilvtng quarWl'I In tile rear ' 801' L. . . . , . ......... 'vtIftbI8 ....... da,. at the hom. of a More "hieh lie m DaCtd in'''' D. 01 J&. aM Mn. S. ftlae . . ."




CLUB MEMBERS PAID ! ~nll~tn~~Ctn7 ~~~~~~~~o~;~~~ NOTES ON DUE DAIE : ;:~;ida~t~:~~~Uo~Y~ ~\,~~~:·t Clinto;r~tU';hi~o~:::;:~:ag NEW 1AGS GO ·ON SALE MARCH 1ST



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--- .. - .. ---














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---_.. .



Mblqtcm C. H.



-- -- -



School High Spots T .,.d...,r. Hold W int ,. MH'tinl


ill A n"'nu :d t1t!m nl "k\'dllnd. Tnl" ailt !'nt'!' t!'-<I,.n inclulll'd IfI'OUr-~II1j("IIH~ IIndt'I' I! (! (Ii 1'(' t ion "f 11'. 1' \; nle. and .. l'rLl~t'n11l oJ lIlu~ic Lw II h"'l~" II1Hlrt'll' fl·,'U! U:1e

tli l,t!. "I'" 11\t),' III ("'nlwl . \JlIt·Ijell Whln It·,· :1 Hndul'lj,.. bt'~RlI thl' ,'onqu, Ht of tlw N ' W \\'01'1,1. The clIllRtituUun Illllmitte(' pft·"('uted lh" I'l'\'i'l'd el n. titution of th

,\ ~ol'i!lli



muc h tli.-

ell.iun .\I1d pl·(\llIngc·t! fir unwnt. lht' do) umtnt WH~ nUl1l'tl'd with ct'llai n thnn~ ' .111111 thl' 111(' ling llltj I' U r Ill'tl.

, . T h'I. lJulIrl, l ! ( W yne TownsHip TeAchers Hold ,." 1~I-HI.l "f four y.,un!: HII'll :lnd R eg ular Mee ti nll ;"1' inh"l/cilH'.',j b~' )Tr. Bloll lXh, . TIl\' nyu\; t , tnC't'lin g (If Lh \\' II L·nb I'g C.. lIl'j;

, ' ,I I3U , rl"IU of \\ ayn. TnVlll-lllll l a h.."·I.· \,n~ It t ... I-I 1.1""" I I ! I1,!I'1 (l f' lh l P I \.,.lJ1 L • I . n,.. I r. tl., (" III U(' . Th l' I"" *'am indu.I,'" I lwld l:l~tl b \\ t'. eV(,ll t ,. ,.,. til ,.(. ' nHdllY h "'l lns,: WIth I. . • t· L ,-I"B 11 Of ~a i nt :\!an '!, "T·:\ F OJ' ;\11'. r ra) l' III C ;H'gC'. l> I'. CI;.\ub(' ". n~ l If;" r I ~ • , . I "E·.1 t' Ii \ T . • 1' ( l " "1 L II\ ' You Tr\lly" an.1 r YICW('l uuca h)n un ileaf . < I I-I'~lI>rnm" . ' . bET' .' I I . tl.. "Tr ~., lum" y .ulon. hlS honk ueal<

l· .

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.1 I . . Th\! tir"t of th ~ t\rll'rnovn ~p ak , ! t,.·w ,.p" kl r. \\!l ~I~ \I ~ )1 1'. Da\'id Wulf .\ ndel 011, r R,)blll~' n. ot . ri n11 thl' author of ~~\'~ral I'ollulor t· ':H \')'. \\ h" <llIt ...i a -numl,{ r lIQ \'els, an(l a pfOnllncnt I.('ct~re on Ili IlIt('rt~tifllS d tlli'" hOUL lif~ in lh Rl'dpnth chatn~qu.(I CllCUIt. Mr al' Engli~b IJultlic :chool. )11' • •.\ ?t.iel"So.n gav~ nn Intlmnte a.nd do I Linson wh ::OIwnt yeal.· in tht I t:uled plc:url!. of Ule hom.e hCe of Hl'iti~h chool .r"tl'111 a n tiltHl, , eor ge ." o,hlllgton, r lalmg some lilt, v(' an xcC'll"llt cll·... rip ion ralher I.Htle.known .fnct about ~e of the building:!, qu i l'IllCllt. couru hlp Illld mIlTl'lllge,. thE famIly cla~" ", ames, anJ food as he life, the slep-c hild nand t.he -


with th pl'Oblem of vllcntiol1ul e.lucntion (or b,l),s and girl" and at l'l1lpG to how wlull !<ouch edl\clltion m4'an!>, wh~ it i 0 nee eal~ and how it can be obtain~. The ~chooJ.· , Mr. rabb suid, IllU t d o J{uidancC' in terms of types wOl'k, but. tha t educlltion will Ill. ways face' cert.ain lh;nitnti.lns in filting l'tudcnts fo!' VUl'illul! tYJles 0 f work.

o 0 0 hav(I not been 000

the jUlli"r lUI.! "III)". 1'1ll' ""c",111 w

dny night at l\ln l'llunly, Whl')) tile ~\ ill plllY. Olhl'J' .c ho ol.. in the. co unly W'I' " NY Udl\'\! lhl. w Cl'k Il l>. ~pitl' !hl' ('old \\·('atht'r. l.dHlIlon i~ . till in t he ir l'unning ~!rl·nk. lill,ing t\'Q illlpur·L:.m l game. ln~[ \\~ek. une from OakW L\fIJ, 2(1 In 1:l. IInll another from . ,. , rlll\\ !!Ii hI lil. Tho~t) . game 11111(11' the ninth ~tra ight. victory fur Lehnnol1. Flnnldiu nl. 0 \\,\111 illl ill~l'l'I.linf:' cont st trom "yolll illg :ll to 1 .

--11 2 24 Wayn.n.ili. Conner, f . llll"i~.


altcrthwait.e, c edify. g Enrnhal·t, g

B 2 :1 L

0 2

F 1 0


P I) (l


3 0



--8 .3 1!J

Honor Roll-Gradea

Fi!' t ~rade- BRrblll'R ran e, Alln Welt? iind nuviu Jlarl.8ock. Sixth grad e : nnn hU'ilyn High School Honor Roll Th{' hi~h l'ch rl\l l honor 1'011 IOI' , hitnker anll Fl'lInces J ohos. the t.hird slx,wl.'l.'k,. lenn incJudl's: f I'l' hman: Ada Belle Frye, Firat Grade Auendanc. ~lnrgi c u~tin, Eli'I:ab lh lloblet, Mihll'[){\ BOUI'l1I1 , Ri chard Brad~ Elmn P i.n. t'tt. ley, V rnon GI'8Y, GI n Smith, ophomo1'l!: R eba F;dwn.n\s, ~oy ruck Lt. Jane Fllrnas, NlIomi [[0 Iller Sm ith, Enrl T,hompson Ramby, \' l'nD Mae llun ~1al'~i" Tinn y. • John Kelln 1', e II Janc COQk. Anna !he


or tardy.

Juaior On . tau Wednesday a new for orch()tjtra was orranized membe!'!! of senior and junior hi&'h ~ ehool. About twenty tuden1s 1\101'0 PI' sent and cleet d th following officers: Presi d nt nnn Guy Treadway; eCI'('oUtt'YBetty Peterson i Stage Managers - Willard FUI'nas and Ruth ncr. These pupils will be undel'stupresent ndvanced dit's for th o rch cstJ'{l , ~arning to pIny simplifled vel'l!lollS of mOI~e difficult orch!! tl·lItions. Very soon Mr. Fra.nk ,hop s to organize a school band i membetl·s will b e made up of repre~fUltative frolll botll orch ·tras. The uniform s ot tbe former Waynesville band will be used Ly the prospectivt> thirty OT thirty-five musicians. .

( ontinucd on Page 3)




Ian townsbip. L. E. apd Emma Baldwin tn Clem and Lucy Bald" in, 160.28 a.cre'l In Harlan township. Dorothy Mikesell to Union J oint Stock Land Bank, 110.62 acres in Turtlccrl!t'k township. Alfl d Sellers to Maude Sellers, real eHtaLe in alem township. Joseph 1". P nn wit and St Ua Pennewi\. to Alvah Hart!!ock anrl lie llB~·tgock, inlot No. 6 in WtiY11c!;ville, HlUlnah Chrlst.ian to Emilie Majpiwsky, 65 .06 acres in II amilLon township. Bessi Gl'OSs to Carolyn )Joker, 50.!)!) UCOO6 in, Union to\vnahip. Trustec!; 01' Hamilton town. hip




Ladle.' Dre ..... SOc Me n'. Suit., SOc Quick- for qu ality dry deaaina

adopt.ed gTand-chiJdren of our Inaid"lltal JIIew. iil'.l presid nt. Mr. Ander on is Third and Fiftb Grad". Mr. Gan;t's lit.el'atutll student', The s~cor,d uf the mOTning very well vel' 'd in thi particular along \~ith the (ll'mo rr.. y nnd fol' ur room ha' obtainWed plan charts. a health project. t o !.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...J was Do lor G. 1:1. . peakt>TS ,'ubj ct anti traced with can ider- world history studcntR, mho d his l~ .a,,~ • hi h ~ch 01 in~p'eclol', of <;Ontill\IC the proj ct for a m011th. \ Common Plea. P roce"din&" Howard, dece.aseil, versus William able doame i,h(, relation hip bepI' sQnee in the- cIa sroom lagt the Ohio Stnhl [)cpa rtnw n t of The spelling avt'fI~ge of this scc. . . Howard, et aI, confirmation, tween the Wnshinl:ton, the usti!>, Tue!;dny, January 21. 1I ~ W:\~ also £duclltion. Doel r Henvi!! chos the Lee and th F itzhugh Camilie nbs nt from chool Wednesday. lion ( the fiIth I~l'ade. for the Fmdl, y Brandenburg was rei as· deed and distribution was ordered. 11)r his su bject I he topic "ES,cnpo t six w~C!k~ tcrrl'l, W85 ninety- cd until further ord el' of court. James Saul, administratol' o·f "THE HOME OF GIFTS" Tl:u~ eeond!lJl aker was Mr. He was con fin ~d to his home be, nve P I' cent.. tit I of ~od T aching.' H named The C88C of H ele~ Mahan v.ersu s th e estate of Berta Saul, deceased, home of the qualities that. const.itu Allen Fuldau er, of Miami nivel'- CLI usc of iIln • s. The clo. ing 0 f Edwin Elliott Mahan is d ism lSSed. fil ed his tirst and final account. Lebanon, Ohio tc good teaching and explnin d !lity. ?tiT. Fuldau er u d lantern ehool Thul' day and Friday af- Wayee1:.. LO' e To Hal"veyaburlr In the case of Gladys ' Bernice The will of Murk Pal'dee was EXPERT WATCH nch. H believes that a good slides to iIIustra.te his topic, "The forded him th chance to I'ecup rWaynesville wo~ be ted by the Sawyer. a minor. v~rsus Cedric filed in Probate. REPAIRING t 8cher rilus t know the thing that fystery of the Totem Pole." Mr. at.e. Char les Clifford Spangler was HOlv ysburg quin\.()t 18 t Priday tonley a minol', jury impaneled, Fuldau r believes, and his theory h i.g going t tach, tbat a. ,ood • Our ba ketball gBnle with Ro:s night by the score of ] 0 to 24. trial in progr appointed administrator of the U. ina Only Genuin. Mat.rial. te:Jch r lakes in 0 account what is accepted by oth r, that the Township last aturday was po t- Wuyn :vill e leJ at- the half 10 to In the ea e of Ruby Nolte ve1'- e tat of Charles H. Spangler, dei. known in profll ional educati<1D lotem poles of c rtain of the poned becaUSe of tbe xtr me tl. HaTveysburg, h oweve r, came sus Fred H. Crosley, et a1. the ceased, and filed bond of $2,000 Prompt Service t.h H rbartian prin iple of lhe tribes of the North American cold. At pl'esent ~b~ game bas n.ot back "lith a : plurge the second estate of Fred H, ('osley is dis. with sUJ'etifi. Store open unW 9 p. m. . apperceptive ID8.S.!, that a good Indian were copied from rock been r !lch duLed. harles Knedler, administl:l1t.or ha.lf and rallled f()urtce npoints. solved. Iorf ited a.nd set aside . formation which found in and to(' cher practices the doctrine of lc Kay split the net \\ith tbil'tee n Ruby Nolte and Arthur 'G reene of the estate of Bertha Knedler, J ohn Dewey whleh d{'clar that along dvers and lakes of Canada Fifth Gnde--Se.etion Three point'" fOl' the wi nlllers. Davis WIIS wet'e placed in po ·eS$ion. TllJ(es, deceased, filed his inventory. Hear we leani to do by doing. that a and Alaska. Tlle$c rocks lie .a t the Boys and girl in this graue nre high-point man f01r 'aynesville intere t and penalties are to b e ing set for February 10, 1936. good teacher will u e the latest oo~e of bodies of water and are doing good work in theil' classes. I with six points. paid by plaintiff. In the mutter of the e tate of Ask f or a psychologieal 8 tems of 'diagnos- reflected clearly in the water so Thi >record sh ows the nllmber of I Th game was attended by a In the ca e of Ev r tt. Wesley L wis H. Martz. deceased, Lloyd ing nd correcting 'weakne8lles and that whatever is on. the rock is A's made py tho e ranking highest large crowd which gave the . boys v el" us Roger C. Hill, judgment is E . Keiser was appointed to ·t ake. Miamisburg Permanent that Il good teacher not only shows exaotly duplicated below, much as Charlotte, 12; harl s 12; Eliza· 11101'e oncourag mClnt and ' made vacated and the matter of the ap- deposition of Henry C. Hildaholt, . Concrete th-& tudents the target at whlch an arched bridge lorms a perfect b t.h, 11; l\f8l'ccline, 1t; BiJlic, 11 I th ga me tho mor~\ Int~r(l8ting. ])l'oval of an entry in said case is wltn 59 to will. Air Seal Burial Vault t.hey are aiming but $lso ~hows the circle when reflected in w.ater. Gene, 11; Angen ettc, 9; Vil'gillin. l Th Hnrveysbul'g junior high set for Monday, January 27, 1936. In the matter of the eslate of students whether they have . hit Strange and weird designs ' are 9 i Edwin 9; Donnld, 8; label , 8 i defeat d Waynesvi)le junior high The case of Gal'land Hill versus John B. P nee, deceased, Dean E. For Sale only by rocks, designs Horace, 8 i Iatthew. 8 i Rich ard, 7 by a SCOl'e of 28 that target and what to do if the)' found on the 3. Harveys- The Village of Lebanon, a corp., Stanley and Mellie Rye were apwhich seem to hay some symbol- Sarah 7; Kenneth, 7; Gnlc.r, 7 i burg led tht'oughout t.he game. was di miSSE-d. mis ed. pointed .executors and filed bond Your Funeral Director The final peaker of the fore.- ism to the Indians. Betty, 7. Thus Waynesville as the unde,rIn re: Harveysburg National of $580.000 with sureties. The concluding talk was given noon "'8$ Mi s Ruth Anne McOoy, • dog to Harvey burJ~ Friday night. Ba~k of Harveysburg, authority is The will of Edwin B. Murrell de McClure Funeral Home ' Two Game. T,h i. Week I Harveysbur&, B F P giv 1\ to se ll real est.ate. of Miami Univ l'8ity, who gave a by Mr. Theodore Fol y, ·also of ceased, was filed in Probate. Lucy Phone 7 W.YDeanU., O. The Wuyn sville basketbnll McKoy, f .... ......6 1 13 short ta lk on "They Oarry Knives' Miami Univ«sity. Mr. Foley disN. Murrell was appointed ex cu, N.w Suit. relating ome of her experiences cUllsed "Ancient Maya'n Civiliza- teams '/I,m play two games this Campbt"lI, f ................. 4 1 9 trix. No bond l'equired. William with th children of the Orange tion," giving a brief account of w~ k. The ii rst wil be on FridllY McKay, c .......... .......... 1 0 2 In the case of The King Brothers Villoa. Ed. J effery and Samu~l T. =========~======== Company, a corp" . versus Jacob Johnson were appointed appraisers' The will of Catherin e Elizabeth Brown for damages Amount claim Gibson was fillid in Probate. ed is 240.95. Franc6$ Weber and Florence Millie A. Pierce versus Delmer Cortelyou W6t: appointed admillisSpicer,· et ai, for partition. tratriccs of the e.state of Harry The Morrow National Bank versu Charlie. Obe.rlie for money, Sprong, deceased. and filed bond foreclosure, and other relief. The of $200 with sureties. Dr. N. A. amount of ,money claimed is $2,- Homilton Frank cron and. Charles Koh.r were .appointed appraisers. 011.66. William The inventory of Albe-rt D Bond Rbt)T FOR AND CO SIGN Myrtle Johnson versus administrator of t he estate of lsa- rour Cat.tle, hop, ahee'p and ealve. H. Johnson, for divorce . Charge belle Bond d eceased was approv. to Noma-Brock CI.., live wire ~ is grosS neglect of duty, , , pr~C1'e.. firm f?r the hlgbeat . market prices and rood semce. Hazel .Ridinger versus Herbert ed. The inventory of Chas. E. Beam Ualoa Stocll Var.' Ci... la .. tl, O. Ridinger, for divorce. Charge is administrator of the estate of Em- TUlle in on Radio Statton WCKY ,I m N. Beam de.t:eased was ap- 12 :25 to 12 :80 p. m, for our dap,)' BlUE CHROMI!- lrtreme cruelty. a ., , market reporta. . Pbihp C. Roettit:lger, a minor by FIN- Stanl y C. Roettinger, his father proved. Th~ estate of Carl Rous", de- :: EST SUR6lCAL STEEL SCU;MnlflCAllU and n ext fr iend versus Chester L. , ceased, was fo und to be exempt Evans for money and ,attachment. fro m inheritance tax. • - • C In t he matter of tbe estate of Probate Court Eula Watkins, decE;ased . ~le of Stella R. COrWin, admilnistra.trixl bonds is ordered. of the estate of Charles H. Blanche Baker, administratrix of win, d ceased. filed her sched \lle of the estate of William B. Braddebts. . 'bury, deceased, flied her inventory The inventory ~f Ethel M. Lett The estate was found . to be Giles, administratrix of the eatate exempt from inheritance tax. of Asa A. Lett. deceased, was apThe estate of Elizabeth Kay, de nEW 8TRERmunED ............... proved. ceased, was f-ound to be exempt Gel·trud.e J ones, executriJc of th e from inheritan.ce tax. . estate of George y. Scott, The ~judicatioIJ and determina Phone 78J ed, filed her fi'rst ,an d final ac- tion of the inheritance- tax. on the count. esta.te of Olive Maud Lerch, de- =~~==~~~~===~=~ In the matter of the e1l~te ceased. is to be g iven to all perOliv~ Maud Lerch, deceased, sale sons interested. of bond is ordered. $60 was alThe adjudicatiOn and determlna "OTARV PUBLIC lowed Perry M. Drake, -executa I', tion of the inheritance tax on the fGr extraordina ry serviees and estabe of O. W. Brown, deceased, B_II $355 to Shawhan & Brown for is to be given to all persons interOra,.... • • E ...." Senl... legal services. esOOd. ' WAYNESVILLE, OHIO In the case of P,e rry M. D.(ak\!, In the matter of the will of "'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! C.l(oCcutor of the estate of Ollve Stephe.n A. Stilwell, deceased, := FOR SALE DATES CALL Maud L~~ ch. deceaaed', versus Amanda E. Stilwell. widow,. is to Anna Robinson, et aI, final entry elect whether to ' take under the made in construction of will. wjll ~r under the statute of desIn the case of Alfred G. Wat.. cent and distribution. kins, executor of the last will of Blanche Bakel', . administratrix Euls. Watkins, deceased, wrsus of the eetat& ()f William B. Brad. -NO/fIIBSmith F. Watkins, et aI, George bury, deceased, filed her applica, .Watkins, Mary W.atkins and Ra- tion for a certificate of transfer. JESSE 'STANLBV chel Watkins, mInors, defendants , .... aao. New ....U•••••• OUt. are d.i s~i88ed f rom case. InstrucM&rria~ LieenlMa tions giv.en ~y court as to quesE~RL KOOGLER B-eCUPPfRCOLATOR .... S7t Willard ' BOWlDaJl, laborer of tions presented in petition. C·& QUART TEll KETTLE 54 ~ RlEG.60 t A oortified copy of the entry de- K'illgs' Mills, and Mrs. Edna ' Rob19j~ D.6Q~WlNDfORICE"LE l~ ~Jt.......... t ermining the inherita:nce tax on inson, factory worker, of Kings the estate of Oharles H. CorwiD, Milia. . ====~=====~~ 'OO%PUUEWN6CORN! ij:arold E. S:nider, dairyman of deeeased, is to be certified wit~ ..,0 GQASS-SMOOTH WITH COUPON;' ., BI2ILUANT lASTING LUSTRE, BeI.O\ll out delay, Lebanon, and Mrs. Louella Miller ~ATUI2Al FI.NISJ.4. ,NEEDS NO POliSHINEi, PfoIESfI<.VES Helen H. Eaton, executrix of the Dowler, of Lebanon. WOOD ~NDl£ ' .. OIV(;,tNAl, FINIS ... • • uuu"' ..... Melvin L. Thompson, factory '~"'.""""'." estate of Mary C. Hougb, deceas.lEN&TH. f~---CA.§filiiS(:OO-JOi--A ed, flIed her first and flnal ac- worker of Franklin and Miss I'OR .ALK . :'!' YOU _va 2.1. W' count of final distribution. Martha L. LaWSOll. factory work. ASBESTOS '1..)U1COc/tI(}N.6ItO;J9(I/Ifr!ftJ.j tOU /'t)Ott(cvrillJ./JO'I( PlHT COVE QED ,...,., """ <1Dr• .......,·NO_·' N/lADWIo). 'II'TNIti-'IIJ.''''''I~ . The invi!.Dtory . of Daisy Rouah er of Franklin. FOR SAL&-White shelf paper, Snyder, administ.ratrix of the esLloyd Annstronl, shoe worker . HE-ATE~ ~O .... 10e per ron, at u.. Miami ---~.~-tate of Carl RoUBb, deeeaeed, was Qf LebanoD Ahd Mill Lavonne Galette olllee. mwTIVEIUtI(....LWHITECOVm L.=.._ _~"";;-_ _"";:: . approved. Virginia Denlinrer, of W'A7MlViIl, Foa SALB-En.u.p tl.00 per Mary E. O'Donnell, executriz of ton. Bouua ad W.,· the estate of William E. O'Dollftell Real E.late True. . . deceued, Illed her aftIdavit in lieu 'Mattie M, Deeker &1141 W. R. Demue PIau. of account. Decker to Ethel S. D1lDllam ru1 I'l'ftJIfGa ADDie MUJ«o, executrix of the ·.tate tn Lehano.. estate of Georce MUleI', deceased CanaaUa ftled her inftlltol7. II J. . to . . . . . _~M1 tor tl.

Cary's Jewelry




Ha·r dware

. Sale Starts ~8&eBIADf5 I January 30 D ~EOGEIMAOEOF~E and continu~s • to February 10, 1936





F T Martin' Auctioneer


,.0 Charge

Centerville, Ohio





Stanley &KHgler


'1ttf~AlU[ NU".W4 FL





6 :~


Auctioneer• .

~Ib£n~Iifb llQIUIDWAX


D-7'_ ,....






... *"


St.llralt€', . hel'ift"/\ t'lIr~, $1'7.12; IIl1r old Gill. ,vl'lI<lfll' lit'l'n~l' i",ulli in ('nul', $1; Blnir & L~'I "Y, coal for. WPA ~I!\\ing IllO'~ct, $:l.25: ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY The Glawe Mfg. Cn .. tarpauli n cloth. SuO; Kaufman '!' po int , I)i\, OIic. P . . . ........ .......... .. No. 11Z at POltottlo. at Way ne •• uL.crlpU P I '180 Y Ville, Ohl!), •• _ecnnd ClI,h Mu tl lUI'pl"nlin e, P;l irgl'Ou nr.l s WPA l1I'nS _ OD r c., . • . .r Mauer Jed , $1. .!Io: Gul f Jtefi n i n~ ·("11 ., gll !lll lin l', ' 1O . tr~; A. C. Au rr('11 JANUARY 30, 1936 FiIli nll ~i·\ t i olT. I-:'<\~o l in(, $2:1.,,8; Say One Stone for Two B ird. T oo .J onl'!,; Ur""., ~l'l'"icQ Garngl', ~U)lWao leful for Modern pJi \1l:; I1nll g'a~,,1in(', $:12 .1I!1; ,Tv hn ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS Homemakert L aw & ' on, ~uP ll l il"O:\ ;\nd gaso lirH', .. I 7.4 R: \V . II. i\k lrc'nry, l< UJlplil'!I ILO d p;UlIljllnl', $!J.R I : j I. S. ul1()V 'I' Now Lhat stock Iuls finally b oen taken of industry' s xp ri ncl' in Kil ling two Lil·tls with on stone ~upp Ii to. , u17.a 1; L. C. nd 'r'lli n' K 1036, Lhe bu ~ inesB experls urc a\; work fOl'e-cast in g whn t will hU»lJe n has L(,I'I! J{cwli lc onomks ful' nJa n v~ ' om; (' Il., A'uurd I'nil , ,2. 1fj; K P. during 1936. (: 'Ilt ~1I ~~,. bUl till' home rU~'nishillg Schrader, acid lind rnelnl ')r)~· , On one point, most e-xperts agree. Th y forcca st that bUsincR ~PI'''Ull J '\ts [It Oh io SUltl' niv(>-l it<J~ •' 1IBI 'I ' · C o. r' netllln '. -. ' h .. (l B 10!<. ,... .. <Ie 1IIrl' will be bette-t' this yea!'. Fame<.! prognosticato r Rog r DII.b81m r 'cent1 j .ave been abl , Lo mllkl~ that look t (l l t~, $.1.15; T h Offi~C' u tfitt t! I'~ said .that. on the nverog , bu in ss will be 10 per cen t b elt r this Irk, II \\a~ tl' of 1lll\lllUilULion with, 1. ~ . Qu uil an(1 oth r bird s n well 118 u pla n whi h I thO I lIme v oks, $G.IG; T h' !'clrolliu yeaI' lhan in 1935. gr nU y re- f u{'nilu l' u~ I ~tvpcs co ,lhngh li ne Bridge 0., one platl'. $2..1 5; Cem small game may b A we ll-rounded forecast I'ec ntly appea roo in Business W ck, duced in num ber , in Lh stat.e if all in 0!1" )f m . r()V l-j!. • e Ol!se it~, Blue P r in t & u p. 0., which has hud a good r ecord in pee l'ing into t h Iutur e. llere ore . i I I'k Inan" (pel'a l Ion. f 'V ' r mers an d sport. me n do not pl'O'h' t' tl ' maps 0 a l t'en coun ty, $3.UG; some of its predictions, based upon exhausti sUI've ya and analyses fa• • ,~ 0 .. cr Illvon l Imp. liS BI · & I f If' I VId e f ood dUl'ln g the exl l'eme cold o ' . I 'I . nlr • Jeroy, ue u rnlshed re- .~~~~~~!"!'!!~~~~~-.:-~~~~~~~!!!"'!!'!!!~~!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!"'! by its expe ri enced atoff: n \ >1 so simI' e .lIlt ! ~ CoOlS as I' 'f f ' I' $ ItIJId heavy sn w, wllrned ommis- thuu"ll l i d" h' I a n1l les, 20; E ast E nd Coa l I . .. 'V ryon .. s IOU av b on C f I FARM IMPLEMENTS : Man uf~ cturers ill the jjeld expect the • Sl OneI' Lawrence W oo(ld('J\ of th ' famil ia w' th ' l 'rh I' .0., u , 60 .25 ; Evet'e tt E ar ly, best y .al' in their history. and income will 00 larger stnte div i!\ion of elllllwrvation .' 1)IU ' " rt I I I 1 'k I' P nn lt to fu I, $9,75 ; Bertha Hi n , fu el. . • ~ea an( lac ' pac ~ un woodi!n $1" ') t: 11 C I . AGRICULTURE: Both production AAA at the of t he G !l m ewl1 r'd en~ HI every coun ly 11' th t lh h . 'r ' J ... u ; - . . [ulllIlto n, "helt er, t.han in 1935, despite the death of the haVe be n i n~t!'ucl d to ~nt~:lrlsd til , e' 0\:. (llW I Ct' . all \\'ay~ I fUPI [(ITO rood, . $96.45; I{ t'l)g)· . ~ SOl 'p l ace uU IV lie I re& n k' Supreme Court. LlIoIIt year r esidential construction about f ood f OJ' t he bll'd~ atld s mall gam e main in the h aft I l'OCeI'Y !l Il1g 0 ., food, $5!1.CONSTRUCTION: but it is viJ'tuall y impossible f or 'l' lln d' DU, e yell I,'· elk' yeur ;)0; (.;. L. Kil'k, food, :1.50; doubled 193'4 Lota\. It is doubtful if 8uch improvement will occur this h . ~ pa sure rns y . 0 ma (! by I{ ee 'C f d year, thoug,h it seems inevitable that gains will be mad e. Th construc- t em to cove t· enu ugh LI' I'T1to r y to eu tling as many thi .kne';Bl'$ of M ~- . I'oc el'y. 00, $1 ; hri, liOn industry in general was hardest hit ot any industry dUTing de- 110 mu ch good, ommi"~ion:ll' culwn batting a n I I tl t I UI P Y IGA tor, f oo d, $ .25; Wooddell said. hape r th btl. cce ~' It lll! eKIlC Ir. ~~. Me V y, food, • t2. 60; ]\1 1'8 . pre sion, nnd practica1Iy r ached t.he vanishing point. It i s .recoveri ng ._ _ __ . II C 1Ill' S<l1l JUt one- M · Ri h 'd I I " slowly. . • ha.l r inch slIlaller on all id 1 a\y . C 8 ) son, R \e t(!I', ,); ELE TRIC POWER: Thi indu8t ry t:eached a new all~time r oc · Plac the l.mlling lll'tw~('n lay::' I ccb llhng'!\ Gl'OCCI·Y. food. $20.20j ord for power output lallt yea\·. 1'1 w I' cords will be etdub\ished th is of ch{."escclfJth 'nd hast tW ice l Wal'l':n ou;n t r ,Lumber 0. , i u I yea.r, and will be ~flectetl in wid spr d bu ilding and xpan sion . Th l: l V 0 S each way n nd aroulld lh" outHide I ~~. 60" \~ a~n;. vl~J e .Far:nel'~ ExindUlltry' building budget f01' t he year will involVe the srlending edge to keep ir.e cottl)IT f rom ~ ange, ue . 3!l, ~ n~hl MurkC't mol' than $300,000,000, and some think this figure mu st be l·nised . by JUDSON DEAN bunchin~ wh 1'1 lh pad~ [lrc la ll nd- ~)O!~', $1 5.115; Z~lge~' s G<> n t'al , BI OWll d& B un,1 Before 1929, the industry was sp nding around $1,000,000,000 lin · .... • ,_ ._ _ _ _ _ ,.,;!~ I' 'd. A slip cov r l11tl.d (. fur Lhe UPtollte: f, ue fOI°cl, 6$850' .5 0 E a tE nually, and 8pokesm n for t.he utilities say !'his figul'e would again be pa d is lll'ovided \.\ith snaps to r ':"S n oa . T fell victim to on of t h se clos th!.! baek and with tapes to 0. , .lIe l, $8. 25 ; Kroger Grocery reached or passed if it were free from "political attack." MOT RS ; This indu try was the bellwet her of th e r COy I')' unonym us pho n calls where in a ttach to th e chait· pos l.'l, ~Bakll1g G .0, food, $ 103.65; movmn nt during 1934.1935. It will continue to go places lhis yeur th voice asked if t he radi o WIlS T he back pad is fi lte d a nd measevepl' a rocery, f oo d, $2; Lebn ffi ~m at l'v~ d anon 'an11 I'S CO op 0 fu el . on. 1· an w r ed l' n lh "-makers al'e alrcady laying ambit ious plan fot· !.h e in troduction of u , ~ u re the sa me way a nd ma y be :Ii I 3 ' M'k II' G, y ., 1937 mod~1 CRrS. Ma hj ne tool makers will prosp l' as a con que nce and wa!> lh n aSKed what program held in place wit,h !.alPes at the '7 G O' ~ e. SM roce: , f od, - all cat· manufacturer s: will have to pl!'lld heavily for too ling pro. I was rece iving. AIle r a nsweri ng orn 1', I' th cov r of the pad : 1 '1' '. 1t6~' h~lrl~ Richardson , grams. a ll the inqu !1'i('s t he ~wect you ng clln be mad with two bou nd . 1(' ,e l , 'i' , e 1 mgs Grocery, I ST EEL: Will b ,heavy spender during year, as it m d rnize voic pUt f ort h It, !Suddenly dawn.e<l hoI ~ fo l' the toP!! u( th chail' foo d, $12.5 0; chwnrtz's Gro ce ry and xtends plant capaci~y. on me that the ClI lJ wa II means po~ to s li p t.hrougll, Wh n .made food , 26.2 0; Wan'e n Coun ty RAILROADS: Here is an other indu try which has stnrted an of completin g n rad io survey in an to . Iip ovel· lhe post!!, Ih pad L um ber 0., fu el, $1 3 ; Zeiger' s . important mod )'niz tion program, plans. to cont.inu~ it into 193 . a t l'mpt to deciue the populllrity of nee!1 1.0 be only two .. lhirds the , . neral, Wl'el f oo d, $4; Goo. B. var io us programs. I nglh o f th Chll l·t· bn"lc J ohnso n, sel'vices a ertifying · ·, AI .~. . fini sh on A ~e n t, to t'-eon dbItlO t nrng t ' I of. pusscng r (trains I isd a big Item, and will account ·· • Th '. pads save the 62.50 ; Li nni e Williams, . s .. vic a visitor, 27,60; H e le n r a au s an la percentage 0 rai roa expansion budg 'tII. And lh e trend toward streamli ning traioll, electric, diesel and steam, One program t hat has e nj oyed the chllil's, preven t cillthing from Randall, &el"Vices a s viRitor, $26.60 significant. incr asi ng popularit y and is now becomi ng hin y, a nd iJn pro ve the Mer win oyne, CTVices as comTEXTlLES: . Forecast is that tb re will b gr at l' cons umpli on II ually spon.or!'d by ac.J vel'tisc rs, a pfl arance of l he home. as th e n r 'b t $ 50 C ' of cotton, rayon and silk in 1!l36 than in 1935, with a decline in is t hat of the inquiring 'radio reo pll d cover may be mac e of mater mon y (I st n u or, 17. ; , • .. , 1£' t' h' ial o 'Vhl' nh hal·mOn l··rr• '''I'th other Hightman, brooms f or urt wool consumption, P O ll. r. IS que Ion w lch ra nge ~. ~ ~ ~ n ou se , $4.50; New York Casualty ' H f rom, " wh at would you do J'f "ou colot's in th roo m. Anot h r sa vAVIATION . as big plans for 1936. Planes will be bigger, " . WOn $100,000 on the Irl'sh \\. ~p_ ing which w n ot ml3nt ioned bn 0., premJum on b on d I $25 ; H Ien I aster, sa f er. International ail' services will be extended and Impr v. " takes ?" 1.0 "w hal do yo u thl'nk ~ ~ D h b t he inventors but wllic.h seems in1oug man, oar d &n d care, CI'! l ed. The industry to I!'~ a steadily incr a ing $II 'e f the .., f dOh $7 IU _ ] notion's passenger traffic. about chang ing th on titution pOI·t.-m!. Is t hat Lh e pads conform 01' oug mlln, ; .'U-". ra of the ni. d . nte 9." hTI'llgl' ng bl'tte)· to tb conto ur of the body E ltZl"oth, boar d and cnre, Alice F INANCE; Experts anticipate mote new securit"~ issues in 19 36 imp romptu vl ' .plies . . . . nlal'ked " 'l'th t han the hardwood lurn . ber which "n ....1·k ey, 5 ; J ames "U....· oore, boar d than in 1935, with refunding iss ues dominating the capital market. logic, humo r an d oftimes hilarious .. is used in IUl'nit.ure. ca re, ·L uey Moore, $5 . ; Mr s • ""I .,. m r In general, th.e ouUook for Industrial profits is said to ~ st dily hnI _ _ .. _ _ Laey board and care, Frank Lacy-, proving, .de pite new and higher taXef!. comedy affordin g an unus ual . -secreta}'" -'0 the n enry A. Wallace, of $5; f rs. Lulu Gabbard , buard and b rand of en'""h)"....n\'n mAllt PRICES: General wholesale Jev I for 1936 is forecast at about tun '" , ~ ' ] n Ga bb aT, d "'5 c li ner. A t t h e oth61' end agl'ieullut·c sa ys t he {'(ce nt s u- care, .L lnco ., i ... ""r. 10 pet c nt over 1935 , ~1ines will probably be Tegisteroo in f ood a Jul' a Holl nd b d d care, prices. dift' re nt pictur is pl'esentc!d. p r eml' cou rl deci 'ion on ('h AAA ! a , oar lUI People who could 0 viously dis- di d not affect the es,lll bli hment Vernon Holland , $5; Mrs. MarU There you 'have 1936 in a n ut-shell, as the best .."'ue sers see I·t. c~ most any subject with sound of sugar ..."'arel Jon es, board- ' and care, TJtey m,ake. m.any. errors.--b ut t hey are more oftell right than \ tong. Ollie Gardin-er, ;5: Mrs. Oma OsE very m d:ti often ,vhen iied with • - - --lea on IS th a"• the year w ill b e th.e be t since 1929, in spite logic mel'iugarcfright cont.r stamon ted · borne, board and care, Walter of lhe old bogey of a gene-Tal election. " Bal'low, care, of Frank with · the microphone, Some gl'al!p Bal1ing'eI',board $22; and Treas urer Stat BReti9 an offer that will appeal to all-American t invitation as a chance t o sbow Bay Magazine and this ncwspaper at a special off- their interview . is us~a\ly cut dental work, school supplies and combination bargain price. The American Boy ·is the short. Others take the qu ~ions PHONI.~ shoe l'epairs , $9.42; F . J. Heer P rin t ing ., rubber stamp for favorite mag:!zine of more than 500,000 boys and ~i,lat with great seriol! ne and ex-~ Auditor's Office, 76c; olu mbus young men, Its fiction ( rrics boys on the wings of pound lengthly orati~n s. OCCIlS- Receivers Rest:i n 19 on Ob, Blank Book !lUg. Co., s uppli s for adventure to all parts of the world. Its sports articles :00 M1l6ic ionally one 'ill boldly take a(\van I a udi tor's offic'" "'13.80 ,' John Law by famous coaches and athletes are ·studied by cham. ·o Lif' 0 t al Oh' H '" tage f th ' rt d' tt t itac es Cause M .... h Troul:ile -, 'i' e m en r , 10 . . . . .. .... ..,.. Eswine, Narrntor 0 1'OpO el' nn a emI' -& Son , ga!! ahd labor for d puty 8 ;05 P I ~r pions. Here you will find the 6ne:;t stories on .ports, 8 :1~ 4-R Club Work in Pike County .. ................. 4-H · Club MeDl~rs to a(\vertise the busines he For Ohioalns sealer's truck, $4 .'71; ommerce aviation, business, school activities, humor, and travel. directed by B/lmhow r, o. Farm Agt. · operates, Sometimes the r pOl'ler Clearing House, s ubscription . to Even at its regul;lf price o f $1.00 a year, The Ameri8 :40 Analyzing tlle PrMent Economic Situation .... Group Discu ion has difl'.culty p rs uading some one Books :lnd a~h trays often cause orporati on Tax Service $20; Th e can· Boy is considered a bargain. But hOW you may 9:00 Ar you Safe 'a t Horne? ... Miss Thelma. BeaU, Home Man. Spec;. to "step ,u p" as most of the cro\\d telephone trouble. Miami Ga2()'\;te, eitculars l o ,· trellS' obtain it and this newspaper. • • •• ' !I :10 Music ar casual onlookers n nd are ThiS' is du e to the fact that the t . desk or ta ble 0 11 which Ihe tcl eph on~ u1'er's office, ,1.50; The Franklin 9 :25 Winner State Future Farmer Public Speaking Conte t won to get Lfor trulls,_ moving whc.n he ca s i usually localed quite oftcn has on m onl'cle, ,-x . . . ,~ec~'rpts ~ ~ 9 :35 Borrowing One' Way Out of Debt ....John C. Volka, Pl'esident th em a gwnce. it some books or an ash tray, or Ul'or' s office, $24 j Th F. J. Heet' Nat!, Farm Loan As n., Columbus .. .. • both . After som~one has taken th Printing . 0., vendors purchase 9:45 Joan and J erry ..... ............ " ......... .... ,.:............ Dramatic Skit Storiet; Jasper ,lho town s i01- , telephone recaiv cr oII thc hook, th ~ o rd er-snap ou t, $30; The Office pIcton, had fOr many yeal's ,been a instrument is usuall y plushed to one Outfitters, two metal filing cabin~ target for most oE th e village side a lillIe bit, anrJ wlhen the con· ets fOI' I l'k of Courts, $83,30 i pI'anl< WI.. Som what demen ted versation is over, the pl!rson fails to H. M. W illiams, COI'{)ller, inve tiga d l " h h .1 b notice that the receiver is not put tion l'n 'h de ath of Wnl. Frederan eccen flC In manner e a\.l e back properly on th!~ hook. Its .. Send Your Order To co m~ th e living sYlnbol of. the. bam weight may rest on a nea.rby book j k Mitchner, $6.50; H. M. WlI. let and th e dependable choice of or ash tray and not pulll, thc receiver liam, Ooroner, investigation in I jpking dr ulllmel' fr'om t he eity. · hook all the way down. the death of William Mool'e, $6.1 0 COLUMBUS--In the future Ohio high sehool pupils who Almo t daily he became the butt The, effeci is the sam'~ as if the re Wm . Hufford, stamps for sheriff's houses of clay may mean e new have achieved outstanding success of some new trick. One j oke in pa r ceiver were left entjrely 611 the hoolt offi e, $3. . and ferti le market for one of in either curricular or extra-eur- ticular appal'ently had Jas per Under those circum tancES, no .on, 115 U result of I'mployment by pd \'ale bu!'inct< ' and WP~\ acti ·iti,·~, it wa>l Tl'\'('uh'u in 11 rl'plll't by Dr. Carl Wat: on , fed cl'lll WOlk ' Pltlgres Administrator f or Ohio. In t.h ha lf-month peri ou th e total ca. (>~ r<.'eeiving direct I'clil· f dropp~'d f r llm 9:'1 ,708 , rcpresDllling 11[1p l' o x imn~ely 32 7,9 7 indi vidual s, t o 7 . O!) :~ Cll.Se~ , t·<.'1) s('n ling upp r UXillHltl·ly 273,:125 individuah, 01'. 'Vnil 0 11 !<uid. Lust w-eck n tow l of 3,578 WP 1)l'lljects wer e in operati on thl'oullhout th e state II hen wO I'k w ns b(1gun on 18 1 n w ~ ,.. h t P I'oj .t.", re!'urncd 0 0 t Wl' nt\7..(:i" uld pl'Oj ct ', nnd s uspe nd d on 106 project.l\ bee us ... of w 11th r co nrJ iLi ons and oth er l' a. on ~. • • •


J'I opl


that 1lIl'>lnt fill' InO I \\ '-' n't II!' aill(' tto Kiv . IInJ~





Advettise -gourSo1e io

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se r atI n


pD.,.... It

witt briDg 1JOU bu;en










7aths, february 3

Tllis Ne,vsp ape..-

At R educe d Price



B0 th 0 ne Year F or


Best of the ·N ews Direct . From the Ohio State 'Capitol

ITh e


Miami Gazette

~~~~~ n~~~oo~~~uu~W~wm~i~"edhP=~~he ~hltu"~~ ~~~a all~ ~ ~m l~r ~~~~~~~~:~~~~;-~-~~~~~~~~~:~~~~-:-~.~~:~~:=~=:~:~:::::~~=

telephone. The line is report ('( ces, according to a prediction by appear before t.he microphone dlLl'- tent.1'II f 01' a period of several "ollt of order," and if it is a part ~ Professor G, A , Bole of ·Ohio ing the second semester, starting year. It was evidenily designed line, all telephones COllnected with i\ State university's engineering ex- Februar'y 3, of Ohio School of tho to g ive expet'imentul proo·f of the arc put out of cOfnllli sllioll until th. periment station. "Ceramic lum~ Air program, it developed last peer follows inferior int elligenc e. offending r eceiv er is properly reo bq," a clay product light in ~k, Director E. L. Bowsher of He was a ked to take just one of placed on tb e hook. Aboul 7,000 w~ht and made in strips perhaps th,e State .Department of Educa- two coins, a dime and a niekel, 1 <'I1SC! of rece ivers off the hook an fo ur feet. long by tWo feet. wide, tion and Director B. H. Darrow of held forth in the, palm of the re porled to The Ohi,:;) Bell Telt' wae the term. wed by Profeuor the School of the Air as~ed State jokl3's ters 1:!atld, Ja!lper always took ! I>honc Company mo nthly. This ty.p Bole in describing- the proposed High Sehool Superviso'r L. W. thO' l\1rgest, the nickel, much to the of .forgcHl1lne s or carelessness as th~ rase ma y be, accounts for nearly 3~ I little research 'Reese .to n"epare a program for gee of the onlooking wiseacres, Pc{ cent of all cases of telepllonc " Y '" Pl'oduct. Onlv. will be required to make 8 strong, the next semester. Mr. Reese de- One, a sympathetic traveling sales Iroublc in the .company··s IIrea. waterproof; cellular clay suitable cided .that an intere tillg as weh man ' confidentially advised Jasper for hornell, he said. T,1le Bo,called an an educational seriea could be that he should alwlIYS take toe "ceramic lumber" woOuld be fire- atran'ged · by pref!entinr outstahd- dime as It is worth twice as much proof" relatively high hi: strength ing high school pupils. He haa as the nickel. To which Jasper reC~ulrt a heat inaulator, an accoustic COl- written to all high sc.h.ool superin- torted: , 'I know it mi ter, but if I rective, resistant to water absorp- tend nts in Ohio requesting ·t hem .started takin' the dimes they (Continued frollt p'ge 2) tion, couid be tooled easily and to submit the names of. any !luch won't do it no more," t o .F t'ltz inlot No. 138 in would be inexpensive. p upils in their !!Cbools. 'rhe fields ,. • .. of creative literature, athletic!!, Surprising, the. numerous IIrti- Hopk in sville '·emetel~Y. · Eva Howard , by 8,dministrator, craftsmanship, music, art, com.- cles, fixtures, decorations, tc., Secretary of State George S. ·marce, eitizensbip, 8cholar&hip and that have been e1Jected by stream to Nelli e Colliver Mo·ore inJot No. Myers announced that the title science will be covered, Mr, ReeSe lining, I have JUBt see n a rad\o 22 in Morrow. Rebecca S. Cwsley. by CommOn "County Engineer" W111 ap- said, The programs will ·originate that at first arlance resembles a lind petU" on the ballot for the May in the studios of WOSU at Ohio toy submarine, I have also learned P lens Court to Ruby 'olte primarl" And at aU lubl~uent State university and will be pick- the advantage of Buch detligns fo r Arthur Gr en~ 83.60 acres in elections and prilllJllriel to desip- ed up and rebroadcast by station stationary objects. I ani told that Frllnklin t.oWll!lhip. Itobert J . Gillespie ven;us Mar. ate the ofllce w.bieh formerly ap· WLW of Cincinnati. They will be various manufacturers are taking peued .. " County Survey.or.' This pr8lented each Monday of the advantaare of the 8tream lining g$ret. M. Gillespie, Teal estate In is In. accordance with • DeW law Heond lemeeter of the Ohio complex InstiUed with the popul- Franklin. Harry L, Darmody to Johl&nna enacted by tile 9lat G..eral AI- School of the All' from -2.00 to ace by the automobUe Induatq. A Darmody, inlot No. 88 In Frankll'n Mmbly, Sec:retaZ)' K7en....meL 1:16 p. m. IalnmUl WI. 1M that with this The L eban<ln Lumber Company TIle new pyel'lliD8 Ute oflloe • • • waYe neep'" lb. 00llurJ it is of 000_ 4Qbl... prond. tUt euler to ..u otber product. pro- to Edna Knapp illiot No. 78 In .... penml Ihall be .llllble .. a Tbt!nam.. of more than 64,000 I vidblc tlIQ are ~ . . . .ned Leba1l01l, . . . . . .M for ....... at- penoaa ..... taka from dirac' "Tor . . . ,..... be ..,., "I



News From Mi a rren House Cou nty

• • •


bl ..... of


USED CARS . . . .


We have a large stock of Good Used Cars which must be sold at once. Popular models. at prices you will want ' . to pay. Come in and look over our selection of Used Cars. '





homl" of the ir brothl"r-in-luw a nd Brothel\! hoapltal Lebanon f or an , i>ltl'r, MI', a nd MrlS. Henry Nalh X·ray a nd t !'E'6tment WQS brll ul/:ht (nl'e Virginia Say1or , of un- It> ht'r hu me !:)unday a ft ernoon a llu fie ld. Oh io. i& now vC I'y com {o rtabl e on a t ra cMrs. Frll,nk Sm ~h and M ilj>l tUl'e hl,d. 11 1'1' (man y h 'j(lnds wish Bdn ice G\'I\.htlm who have c mllloy fm' h H a Ilpecd y r ecovliry. ment in Dayton, re mai n d " lith I ---~---------­ reIn t i VI's th '1' ~eve" l\l dny lust NOTICE OF APPOINT ME NT w ck . ' ,


Two 'hurt cour~',. in rlair y will be given at '0. ~. t. A rh.... "a~' confel''',1 l', F,,11ruai,)' 10 to 14, is planm'd for those interpl't('d in th~ nllll1ufaCllrl tli dairy producLH but dairymen are ! invited. A shor~ ['OUl'Sl' for' milk inte~t Ii in the manufacture of to 4, with lhe Ohio Butt(,I' l\1ilk E. J . Meinhardi, well known ,.ociation banqul't sel for J1ert of Cbicalro, will per.on[nrl'lI 3. aUy be .t the Miami Hot~l, " Oayton., Ohio, on Sat urday an d ~ubscribe for The Miami Gazette Sund.", Febru.ry l.t an d 2nd, f~om 1,00 p. m. to 5 :00 · p . m. • Jld 7:00 p. m. to 9 :00 p. m. daily. PI ue note date. alld tl\'hllutu~\



houn carefull " . ,\.1. th" Hotel Clerk for th!! number. of Mr. Mein}u,rdi', room •. O nly men are invited. The Meinh.r..!i Rupture Shield " th" rup t ure on the ay"r, act' c ••e rerardle •• of aize or location-n.o matter bow much you ""erciu, tift, or atrain. Tbe Meinhard i Rupture SMeid i. .lcillCully molcled to ~a~h ind io vidual ••• D.. nti.t makea £al.e teeth. (No I"C atrap. ana no cumberaome arra:nrem..n to). It 'i. waterproof, .. nit • ...;..

prac:tic.U y indeatru ctible, and may be 'WOrn whi le inc or .Jeepinr (~ntin u o u . l y da y an d night) u ntil n o lonrer de.ired. CAUTI ON- B" ware of imita. tor. who CoOp y th';a n otice. Remember th e name ME INHARDI He hal been co m in .. Le .... r e ,u- , I.rl" for 6ftee1l year.. 00 bot De,led to lee bim on the abo"e da t e, No char .... · for demon a tretion. Till. vhit i. for white peop le oDI,...

Chic.,o Office, Pure O il BId ••

Mr, lind Mr s. Donald Hadley and Mrs. Margaret Johns w 'l' dinner ~uests unday at the h ome of MI'. and Mrs, hlll'le8 Do t l' and dnught r ~nu Ml's. Mat·y Doster n ar Wilmington. ftCl' the blizzard h'1'1' on Wed • n !lduy the t.hermom tel'!; drOPI)ed 5 degrees in 24 h0l11'S to 23 below ZC1' O Thursday mOI·ning. The coldest hel'c since January 12, 1 () 1 • wben the temp ralul wa$ 2,0 bt'Jow, Then on January 20 , Lhe same year thermometer, in ome ommuniti read 24 to 30 below. Mr~. Adda Burnett sulf'erod 1\ f\'ac;tul'ed hip Friday evening, "hen he fell on tb iee a t her home hel'e. he was token' to Blair

Under Co nsta nt Scrutin y W e have a d~ep sense of: our re pon!lilrility to those who conte to us in their hOUI's of need. We realize t.he acred nature f our work and endeavor to cal'ry it Ollt with the proper rllverence and dignity. We constantly st.rive to prove ourselves worthy of the confidence and trust placed in us by keeping our professional standards, equipment and fun ral home spotless.


ill on Inle Fridny night, thclugh tu have bt.'Cn caus"d by . Illdwiche eaten curlier that night, Th Juniol' cloHfl , ill pre nt n lllay l'nLit! d "Page A Ha Bunker" II I I h(> gyn, on 'ruesday night 1-'1 bnl 'lI ll. AI 0 add 'd 1'eatul~. n TlIl! ~dIlY . Fcbt'uRl"Y 4, pupils of the li~hlh grllde wi,1I. PI' sent thl' play, " fy stt>l'ious Ro, Iyn," [I'. and Ml'f'. W. . l.ukens nrc al. cnding F'nllnel', ' '\V('ck, in

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ever tt Gordon, 0 011, on last Wednesday night, Janu81'Y twenly second. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lukcn ll attended lhe funeral of her g,'onclflathey Gl' en at _1al'lin vill la~ t week. Our school W/lg 10 ed from early afternoon of 18 ~t week until:\1 nday morning on a ccount oi t,he sever wcathel' and ol umbu~. drifts. P ho.e 7 ur basketball boys played at W~ne svi lle on III t }i'dday night and def ated both of their teams. Despite th weath. t· many from ~ ..============;;i:il here Ilttended th exciting gnme. Mrs. W. P. 1\1e arren and daughter, Miss EVelyn and Miss ~nna I MacbDonaJd spent Saturday Lieutenant or on R. Miller, In 0 um us. , ' I ffi er in charge of the U. • Navy Rev. Thor~bury condu t d the Recl'uiling Station locllted in the fu.ner~1 serVloes of h. J ohn ~ow I P'lst Office Building, Fifth and atoQLebanon on la t Monday at ter- Main t.r et , I n . cinn at',., nnnouncn n. . ed today that the met.hod of Mr. Lo~~ Rea on ViSit d 'lit the I'l.'l ct ive 'l'ecru.iting Ul)ploymed by home of hi grandmother, frs. the Nov sin ] 92 i ' 'd . Sadie Rea on on Sunday. Y ~e !;; PlO ucmg . .1' tll0 t benefi(l1nl results as shown Mr. W . P . M c an'cn IS penu.Lng I , th I't f 'ts L_' 'th h' r "I h uy c qua I y 0 reerUi IA'JI1g a f ew d ays WI 18 nnll Y Cle. bt' d k d A ' 0 aLOe, a mar ed (!crellse in · d t "'1 Th e ma ny f rICn so" 1'8. nme P tt"' win b t l f lussc from pl'cventable causes and 'h eo 1'" e sort'Y 0 earn () Ii substantial hlCI' ase in the per11 l' I nes . ' f I' t U UD pll a Id..J d cenLuge 0 I c:n I S mem.s. mr. Ch al' Ias udl,C a,ten~ the tea chers' meeting at Leb. lectiv recruiting iis ba cd on a non, last Saturday. t hre e es ential i'actOTS; fiTst on the T he Mi ses Evelyn, Virginia and type 'of pel'SQnnel ordured to l'CVivian Tuvker met with an accid- I uiting duty; ond, on making ent on Tuesday morning en route contaetl< only with prospects of to school. Theil' machin skidded de irable quality, and third, on a and hit a tree, doing quite a little thotough invcstig1lltion of all ap:dama~ to theil' car, but i9rtun- plicanLs. ately,the gi1'ls were unhurt. Sel tion of personnf~1 I,s a funMrs. Sadi Reason was called to damental because of t.hl~h· primary the 'bol1le 'o f her son, P. L. Reason duty as representatives of , 'the t o assist in caring for per daugh- Navy. ter-i n-law who 'was sevel'ely hurt Searching inVE5tigntioll of BPin a fall. plicants i . IICcessary in order ' to Dr. W. E. Frost and Mr. and in urc thal they are of good Mrs. R . A. Francis were taken charact 1', indu trious and of

J. E. McClure

W'a ynelville, Ohio




the appointment of



as manager of

The Great Atlantic


H130. Dean E. Stanley, Atty. RALPH H. CAREY, Judge of the Probate ourt. j23-30-f6 WalT!'n County, OhiQ



H'a rveysburg



Estate of J ohn B. P('nce, deceosed. Notice ill hereby givcn that Dean E. tanlcy, Lebanon, Ohio, lind Mellie Ryc, Waynesvi lle, hio huv~ been duly appoin.ted liS l x ecutors 'Of th' estate Joh n B. Pence laLe of Wanen Oounty, Ohio, d censed. Da.ted this 20th lillY of January


& Pacific'

Tea Company

Waynesville ,Store

propel' intcllig nce. Only tho c applicants re enIi~ted who are- vouched foJ' by at It'u t lhree reputable ciLiz n of the onlll1u nity. Th Ilue tionnau'e which they fill out .has special reference to the indusli-y, hon sty and g tl conduet of the aplili ant.



Lytle The cbild .. n r'tul'ned to school Jonday af ul' b jng absent on account of the extr m e (l Id weather <lnd dri fled roads. Doth of tbe Lytle garage men, )11-. Routzahn and Mr. ampbell were ~ept quite bu ' Y last week. Frank KUl'fi . had hiB ton il '1"C1I10\rod at Blair Brother's hospital Leba non , on Wednesday of lust week, return iog hom Thurs day, ITe is now improving nice ly. Ml'. and Mrs. HlIt! ford T e well and c;.hildl' n of Franklin wero Friday evening gu t of Mr. and MI's. Wilbur Foulk. ~h, and Mrs. W illiam 1101(01'13 lind II ughler o-f Mason !1p nt aturday evening with Ml'!!. Meta Roger. Ed Thomas, one of Township trust ,eulployed III number of men from here to shovel out t he T()w'l\ilbip road, to Ro ute 73, and it i now open to trafflc . I\Ien fro m hel'C who work at the Frigidn.ire were home several days on accou nt of . now drift . Miss Doris Warn~r of Middletown is making an extended visit \I ith ber grandfa.ther, Hen ry Foulks. 1\1r. and Mrs. Harr y Graham receiv d woyd 9f the arrival of a little daught~r, J anuary 23, at the

.nterest and activity in building a nd construction work i. increasin g with the coming of Sprin l' The demand fDr qua lity lumbers a nd materials is ah:eady in c!rea sina If you are contempla tinl buildinl either now or in the Sprinl-Iet us stre .. the advantales ol- orderinl now. You will let choicer ma te ria la--better service and save money if you let UI buy f or you a t thu time. Price. are bound to ,incr ea. alon, with a shortale of la bor and a conplted market-ORDER NOW I

See Us For Weather Stripping

w. H. Madden & Co. Waynelville,

Phone 14


Give Us a Call- Your patronage is respectfully solicited. r




Palmolive Soap


Super Suds


3 amall plcl

Chili Con Came

3 cans


Country Club 10 % oz,





70-80 sl:te


H einz Tomato Cataup 2 Imall bottle. ' • •

2Sc: ~




2. Ii Bottlee 37c

WHEN the r ough-hewn, out- tri ct of /It orth Carolina, wh lch , s poken Andrew Jackson be- is now T e nnessee. His fearless came the seventh President of championship of the common our coun~ry. he represented a ' folk and his natural talent. as new phase in A merican life. I t an orator and leader .enabled marked t he c!)ming ot age of him to rise politically. American democracy. His role in the War orl 1812, His six predecessors in the na' when he became the Hero of tion's h ighellt office had come New ()rlean!!, gave a ni acldlfr om homes of culture and com· tional impetus to his ITleteorle fort, Jackson's life, on the con- cat·eer. The whole Wed teted trary. '~ad been one of pover ty, and honOl'ed him and Tel1neSllee hardshi ps and self·education. loaded him with the political J ackson's Tise to the s uprenlC p J'('1e rm e nt that u ltimate ly executive pos t a lso mar ked made him President, in 1828. He recognition for t he, fronti er re mained at the poat tl~r two West. Althoug h born in th e terms. Carol.inas, in J ~67 .1ackson spent P resi dent Jackson IlMillt h is all . hi. adu lt hfo 11\ ' Tennessee. last yean at The Hertnitage, wh Ich was then all ('utpo~t ! the bUllutlfu l home he IJluilt in the lIew West . Nash ville. The mausoleum In And.'ew's l a ther had dic tile !lketeh a bove Is on e tiha t h e I hortly before the futur e Preal. ~I'ecte d h imRc)! for his He dent was born, and his mother J:)If\C'd her there alter death died when ha was fo urteen. Thu!\ fJn June 8, 1845. o!phaned , he proceeded lo 11~:':.C T 'e impr e ss ive h.s OWn way In lif e ::tll'l~ iA- the 'Deprived of the "'pp"r[l''',l" },,:rl<'l :It:'', for formal educat ion. ,I -e;., tun ~t1 "\'('r b y his nelrBl" M ne~rtbell!S. preparell h In I'll St C (It Temn" •• e aa njl'tiOl~al palnstaklql, for the (:u IU,': ,lonlle. III the story 01 Alliim'i4I!JI... at twentJ·on. he wa. PI': 'jc demo!: 'ae)' It repraeftta Proteclltor 01 the eatern Dill. slgail1eallt. mil



Pen Rad Motor Oil "


16 oz Econom7 Loaf 2 48-oz. Box

C. ,C. Q uick Cook C. C.No. 2 ~ can slioed or halves, in heavy Iyrup., in heavy syrup,




II lal. jar 2 lb••




Dill Pickle. Prune.

'Swanldown Cake Flour 2 box 43c Eatmore Oleo lb. l,Oc Del Monte, Peaches 2 no. 2 lI-can. 33c , Peaches






'T he


J iewel Brand, Hot Dated Ipeciallow price 3 lb baa 45c

Pinabury ,


16% Dairy Feed



Bran ,


100 lb. bal


Middling:1 100 lb. ba. $1.35


Coarse Salt. 100 lb. ~~a


Startinl and Crowin. Mash, W esco 100 lb. ,2.01 Baby Chick Graina W eeco

Ch ~ae






Laaeh M. t

.b. .b.





.. t.

2 Box••




4 .....


Xl'oIfU RtpUled




241'b 9ge

2 Cal. Can

Federa') Tax Paid



• •, • • ' ......

I.t for acJaoolluJleh. BuUt '1.1t

....... Let. . . .

80 111e --



• •



2h, 10


Eighty-Eighth Year




Whole ' Number 6207



REV JOHN PATTERSONI W. f. M. S. MET WITH \ '3,000 IS ~~O~~~~L RELIEF CANNING MEAlS NOW 'f ---TO BE GUEST SPEAKER JjI':~~ol;~ . ~~:n~:I" :I.~!I~:~ T:' ~~I~~~;~ MRS 0 G RIDGE thou~nnrl o(lIlUl ~ AIDS SUMMER M(AlS ttl SAY SPEG IAII STS



H~1l\'Y .wi~e


Th, .!tov. lIob· I 1'111 \'" hu \) t'(1I1 ,son, a~mmlst.cred the rile (con. , lal'd \.\tIS 5(llellll1ir.ed W 'dnc!'Idny I I . :lJIJiI'o lll'inll'd (,'II' l' ' lief in '\'al l'I'11 flrOiabon to Mrs., Chestel' uU~r, --('v(' n i nit, J," e )u4,lry 6, ut ::10 ('(,unly <iUI in~ j"\; !)rutily, Thl:! <lPn Ruth Earnhart, at. lh Ellis. Th e: H v. John Patt~ll~o n. one o'clock in II douule l'ing ccrllllOI1Y 1'h (l W, F', ~1. f-j. Illl'l .,n W CII· pl'I'pl'iati'm W3., IllUt!(' by c(,m eopal chul'ch lust Sunday mllrn. (f the out:tnnuing- young r mi!l- p£>rfor11led by Rev. W , Snlith . .. e~(ja' afl('l llufln nt Ih i hllm nf Ini~>it"i('l'; fl'HIll th ~ co unty's r!'lief ing, Following the serviCe sevornl ",innari('s of th e h ,thIJui st Elli~- mini5tel' of the hUI(;)11 of ChdRt, Mrs, n. . Hid g~ "ilh 1\1 l'~ . Mal'Y rUIlII t'l'l'llll,tI throu/!h tht' ~Il l t' (If Thi. Ia Easy Safe Method of All Pha.ea of Aaricultu ....l Life mombers f the pal'ish joined copnl hUI eh ill Tmlill will be thl! at the p:lI'tlon llge In j"e'J'ry. Hilv l'S and MI'~, .1. W. Lulz ;I ~,i~t-. P"O I' I'p !i'd hunds llnd i" thl' ~anl\' Keeping Home Grown Pro.!llch U........ Annual Spot Liaid ~lnll)UIl' ulllltl .. d fIJI' nlill'f 11<'1'~ i n Bishop Hobs n, R~v. J. J .• chaef- l gU\!,'t.s peaker lit lhe 'I ~Clll Met.hod'l'he iJride, a n aUI'active Yllun g ant ho, te s . F'or Future Ute At Columb ... fer and Mrs. cha ffer at Tit i ~t Epi cOIHll hUl'ch on Friday \\ om an, wo~ becominglly Il tLir e(1 in Th o ml ling \\a:- calle.1 to 01',11''' J an u:u-y. Little Inn, for luncheon. cv ning, Febl'ual'Y 7. a gown of I!' OJ'g tte amd Id ro s~ by the )1I'eRiclenL , I\1rs. Dibert HOlli e canned meats will add Mr. Pact I'so n is' s upcrinten- taffeta with matching ~c ces, ol'i s. I:\'nve a mOl1t1log ll e whil-h very Extr mely cold weather and h is th~ y oongest d:\ughtel' bNlutifully illusll'ated t.he Slew~ val'iety to the -family menus n~xt lippel'y roads kept the 24th ano,r 1I'f t.. T. B. Brunnoclt and gradu- unl hip them~. "Th 'f nth." She summel', and t.he nutrition special nual Farmers' Week audience at I al d from Wayn '!'< \' ill c, high school aiM conducted t he df'vo lillnal~ olumbus below the record figure ists nt O. S. U. say that this wo'r k in th cia. of 'as, II'u s in g as her subject, " A Light." set some yeats ago hut th thouscan be comfortably done in chese The u ridcgl'oom, an exe mplal'Y An announ cement Willi lllad L' (If anus 01 visitors who bt'aved wee ks which are the normal time young mall, it; lh t: ,00 of lVIr. Il nd the service t o b hl'ld in tht' chlll'('h weath r con.ditions found a prof 01' butchering. Mrs. Ed W oollurd, of Dayt.on. He Friflny eveni ng Febl'ual'~ 7th, con · g ram placed under the spotlight The meat should be thoroughly is a graduate of Fail:llIont high du cled by Hev. J ohn Palt('non, H = = = = = - -- for theil' instruction and enjoy'ooled out before canning is school, DayLon, clu!!£; ,o f ':32. : migs i(jnary froll1 rndin, :\II '~. Will Bl'adll'y \\as ment. stal·tcd , Ilnd t.he jars and canning Mr. and Mrs, Woollard, with Thc follo\\in g PI' gra.m prepor· ;ic k lu:t we k. Mr, Addie Smith "!embers of ma.ny breedcl's apparatull hould be made read y the best. wiJlhes of the il' many ed by 1';1 ra. r)1II1Cr WO!! lhen with grip, Qj.ganiz~tion$ held their annual ~I I', anc! M I'~, ,n. !\'l) uh !lnt! th" dny befol'e they are to be used fl' j nd!;, will go to housck 'cl>i ng in I endered, meetings aod llUld e plans for the Rescu e t he rutYIily \'i:il(lIl nlnlh·l.:1\ in 1lami l. Jat ~ nnd lids should be teste d for rt1rs. T. B. B,'nnno k and daughBel mont wh I'e i\[ t . Woollard is ong by oci ety arou8al of ' public intel'est in their ter spent la~ t week in Dayton. t.lln Soturday c~'~ni n g', lwks and i twill be necessary to employed as mallll!\, r of -the A. I' I'i~hillg. favorite kine] of livestock. The U l'e n w rubber rings on jars need & P. t ore, Reading-- 1'h Wor d in ' the J\ll', Bert . Ifllltsock and 1\1 ,', exhibits in tbe corn show w 1'e not Buy youI' Valentines at • outh Am rice, l\1t'~. W. F, lark, llick j\]j1Jt!r uttenuld the coppin" ing rings , q uite as high in qualit.y as during Elzey Homo Shoe StOt'c. Th e meat is cu t into sizes that D uet-The Id Rugged I'~s, ,'e J'\' i('e ~ al th~ Ge n('J'1l1 llospitnl in MRS. MARY DOSTEIt !S years of good corn crop but will flnck readily and should be PLEASANTLY SURPRISED Mi s' H lell Jlowko, Mr~, I1al'vey incinnuli, Monday nigh t. Mr . Sara}) Lippincott has been there was plenty of competition prehlilll 11 ~rore being placed in Snckelt. very sick the past week. for each award. . . Book re port on Daughtllr or 11'. am] MI'~ , Vernon Main o ~ the nns. Th pl' can be 'Talks by Ohio farmers on their One of the outstanding soclnl Druu'" . S tb A . nd M R .,.. Miss :lilY Tl'eadway wa events of the sen on was the ' ,''', ry 1n ou . mcrl~a a , " 1'5. ay "LlIlIlO\lS were r. tl ull e on tend r cuts by Irying' in successful use of 'le tricity for . . Bollv1a- Paraguay- Chll ) wnt- 110ml Villi y ho:pitn l, J\londay to deep fat for two minut s or it can . thd from Springfield over the light alld power got close atten· b1r ay ur1J1'lse pOl'ty gwe n on t b M K h H h d s J'tt1 0 \V 11 J[ d ' REV J OHN PATTERSON I Monda Februar 3 b M' A en Y, " rs. cnnet oug B,n , e I on a I)ce en er 011 be fri d in a little fat in a hot tion from their audiences. Most end. skillet. Th meat also can be J y, Y , Y I SO' nn I ea d by Ml's. Vernon Mainous, who, th ~ y rcpol·t is rcc vel' inp;, of. these tuen had paid more than Mr. and Mr. Vt'rnon Ml\in ous dt nt of the Vikul'abad (Decca n) I o~um and Mrs. ,Uuth DustCl', for i R-eadi ng- antia 0 College, Mrs .,. , I'oll!! in a wal'm oven' until the it would cost now to have eillc- and child I n visited relatives Di~trict of the Jfyderabad Annual Mr~. Mal'Y DostC l at th e spacIous Hany Williamson, The Wa~rn e Town s~lp lIbrary IS o n~ide is brown. Less tende!' cuts trica l service install d but th y Hamilton Saturday. 'onfer nee. home of Mrs. Ot's UIIl, neal' Duet.--r th G 'd 1"1 cln. ed b cause ot the Illn es of the , hould be simmered in water until I. ' .. 11 e al en, r8. J"b ' 1: Ad H b we~e enthusiastic about t he con' nder his dir'ection is th Slit'. arv ys Ul'g. , nllg.. noon, uckett and 1I1is Hawke. I ra11an , I·~. a olll'tn y. lh meat is heat d throughout. Mrs, Geo rge Robinson is said to venience of electl'icity and The jars should be l>ack-e-d with ' vice of about 75 lI1ethodist chura bounteou.e dtnner was 8e~'Y' 1 Th • oeiety will meet with Mrs, M1's, Ro Hartsock ntertuined stated that in llIany instances they be seriously ill at her home on ch s, chapels and preaching·places, c,d after wh!ch a pleasant Ro clal K nneth Hough in March. the preh ated meat but not too the nl mbel'll of bel' had been able to make savings in Route 3. and of 53 Sund'a y cho01l; The tIme wa enjoyed. Mrs, Doater was - - -- - - --.' ~ing g1'OUp tightly, Add a teaspoon of salt for , .. th " t f . 1. ' lhd at 1une h&On, T ues(Iay. time 01' labor that compensated ach qua1't of meat nnd two or 0 lI,le,~ ", n' ay GOOD PROGRAM WAS • Mjss Emmo. H ighi\'ay was thc district. has 3,000 square miles of . C reCiplen them at least partially for the in- supper guest of MI'. nnd Mrs. territ01'Y, and a Telug'u.speakin~ gIfts irom her 11'1 ntis. Thos~ PRESENTED AT GRANGE Ml·. and Mrs. arl Sherw od three tablespoons of gravy for stallation and service ch(lrges. were guests of relatives in nter. t~ tender cuts. U the meat George J , Smith, Sunday evening. population of 1)00, Op .• !ethodis m pres( nt were Mr~. Mary Denny, The homemakers had their day brot,h in which the n\eat ,was sim. ha.'l been seJ'vi ng in Vikarabad 1\1r" Hose Clan', Mrs, C. D. Cook, At the l'eguh~r meeting of \'ilIe Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur umner, , ' , M M 'y B' 1\11 A every day. OOe of too important I t~, an UupOl'tant cent,er {or lhe ,r l"~lIIeB'hid ~s. :;05 Farmel'S' Grange Saturday night The Ed ntl ' of MI·s. J. B. Chap. (Continued on Page 4) things they accom p li 8h~d was the of Lebanon, spe nt Sunday wit.h S I\1r. umner's parents Mr. and I agl'lcul:ural and indusu'lal village J oo! ~8. hOM (li)ber,W ll'h ' the fo lio-wing program was enjoy· man "ill b pleased to learn that /""============:;' coordination of tbe work done by . abounding thl'ough out Ryderabad nme r a am, r,. a e c, d during the leclure hour: ' she ha recov t'ed from hel' recant orga nized groups of women in Ml'\!. Henry Satt rUI\\jute. tat, ' 1111'S. BerniCe Dakin, I\'Irs. Thorn'ong-Gr an e. ill ness. Ohio in the beturment of home MI', Pattel'Son went to India in bU~TY, Mrs. ,Will Gl'Ill\m, MI'!', Pape l---M. A. Cornell, Mr. amI Mr • A. 11. 'choel r, of condition~. By apportioning the Hamilton, visited relatives here, l!}20, after hi - ordination as a nssie Olllltt, Mr. I ee nell, Reading- Ell n Moss. MI" and lItrs. .Tohn Thomson work .among the v8l'ious organiza- Sunday and were suppel' guest.s o( membc.f of th e KnnsllS Annunl Mrs. Dan Underwood, Mr1';, MlnMrs, Gertrude McDonald, 61, have geme to housekeeping neal' Plano olo-MI'. Frartk . tions duplic~lions OlIn be avoided. Mr. and Mrs. John Gons, wii~ of James McDonald, di~ , onfel1ene. Ris ,fil'lit serviCe \\'115 ni e gl bee and MI s 1\18Y Hul'Plallo sQlo-Catherine Fulker- Lebanon, Some departure from past teachThul'sday, January SO, at her home for !<lx years a principal ot the lan, . Qn. ' MI', and Mrs. Phil Larrick, Mr, in Springboro, of pneumonia. Mn. ings was heard in one talk when t\ln~-Robert 'Crew. Mrs. Wilbur . eAL'S w~ ta.k£>n I Hyd etabnd Boys' chool and Bjble th audience was adVised that sudd~nly ~ery 111 ,Tuesday mll'ht Institule. lIe ha s l'ved a1 0 li S DINNER CLUB MET Th . p1'ogl'OIll for the next mee~ nnd irs. lit. A. Fulkerson, MI'. MacDonald was a native of Ripley parents are human b ings an dare ond ~s 'bemg ,trellted at McClellll.n pa ~or in ecurabaDd nnd Hyderu.' Ing l Februllry 15, will be pub. and MI' " A. H. Stubbs lind family Ohio. nnd Mr. and :lilT , W. E. Stroud <tIn~itled to ,at leellt Q meaSUl'e of Funeral were ,h eld at hospital, Xenta. " bad; and ill the wOlk of Crawfol'u 1111'. and M1· . Ernel t Butte r- Ii !<hed in next we k's Gaz tte. \vere ent" rtalned at the hOlne of the 'Me lure Funeral Home Saturcon ideration instead of devoting Mr. and Mr . hester CuUer Boys' chool and th Q Kodlskannl \\orlh entertain d the r.nemb I'S of , -~-- - i • Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hastings, FI'i- day, Februa.ry I, R v. G. C. Dibe1:t all fa mily income and labor to the Ilnd son, of Norwood, were chool. ' the dinni! r club Frldu~r evening. the all--time official low \..em- day evening, the occnsion celebratbetterment of the ' children. pa.stoL" of the local Methodist of Mrs. Cutler's mQthel', Mrs, Mr. Patterso n was u(jl'n in Sco t- The gl'O UP include MI', B'n d M1'8 pC la tul e re~ol'd lQr the UnIted ing MI'. Hastings' birthday, The ente rtainment .teat.ures CIUI church, Officiati ng. Burial in B rtie Mills Oll Sunday, , land 'a nd ,c ame to Alllerlca Il!'\ a J, B. Rich, Mr, and Mrs. . ,States wa taken at Rlv rside not be adequately described> but llia'mi cemetery. , ¥(juth. He was e(\ucated at Bak,el' Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Hsu'ry' mith, Ranger Station, Yellowsto ne Pal-k, Mrs. harles Day and daughter the crowd gave every evidenCe bf Mrs. KathrY11 Turner, of Day· nilolcr ity, Dr w Theological Mr. !Ind MI'S, L. V .l3iranstl'ator , ]"ebruary 9, 1933, and was 66 M'i8S D rot.hy entertained friend e njoying the good mu ' ic, pla.ys, ton spent S uncJ.ay night and Mon· Seminary, and at Kangas James McDonald, 81 years old, tate 'Mr. and Mrs. M. A. ;ol'nell anti d grees below zero. Ala ka lias Ir<>m D yton Su nday afteru'oon. games, and dancing. IIIustl;'llted day with bel' parents Mr. and Mrs, died at hi home In Svringboro, ni v 1'8ity. M\', and Mrs. Buttelwolrth. had recOrus of 78 below. talks 'dreW' good crowds every day. Fr d B. Henderson. Sun41ay, February 2. His death, I ---- --;.-::.=====~,..-==~'=.:::===.======== The week concluded with the ftne due to pneumonia,' occurred the BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIQN Little Don Wallaco Hendelson, nlu.sic ,Presented Frida ulght by dllY fo llowi ng burial oi his I wife on o~ Mr. and MI'S. George II rIthe Jacks on CbO~8....... t _~_ G l'trude. TJ) celebrate the bh'lhday allderson i in Miami Valley hospital Mr. McDonald was born near suffering il'om bronchial pneu- niVC1' ary of Mrs., R. H. H6l'tsock Waynesville, a son of the late rellitive:s planned a surpxh;e party monia. A state il'lcome tax, ,a 10 pet Patrick and Honora McDonald. which 'wns uccessfuJIy canled cent luxutlY tax, and increased a e- SUl,'viving are one son James, a , T'he Uttle I!augh er of Mt. and out la t Wednesday night at helses ments On intangible l).J'operty, daughter, Mal'Y Frances, and a 1\Irs. Walte~ Gp y was brought home. Delectabl r fr shll1ents with a corre!lponding I'eduction of si ter, Ml'S, Julia Bergan. home Monday irom McCleU n enhallced the ",njoymont of th thc gen \'al sale talt wa ' r comFun eral service,S, conducted by ha.pital, Xenia. The child is re- occasion. Tho c p r s n t mended by J. M. Hodson, chair- Rev. G. C. Di ~rt, were held Wedcov ri ng aitel' an , appendicitis were Mr. and 1.l's. Stacy FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST man oi thQ legis latiVe committCil nesday afternoon at the McClure operation. ;.. Burn~t, rl·. and Mrs.· hester Carl StnJth, Mlnllter or th hio Farm Buteau Federa- Funeral Home and burial was in Mr. nnd Mrs, Louis Fires lind Burnet, of enterville; Mr, and Perry Thomas, Supt. of Bible Lion, in Columbus today, Miami cemetery. children and Miss F lossie Fir' A; Z. Ilnrtsnck, of Re evUle ; Mr. SchOol hewing gum, am'us 'ments, and ---we're dinner guests of Ml·. and Mrs and Mr . H. . lIal'Vey, Mr. and Sunday Scbool 9 :30 a. m. cosmetics were among the luxurMrs. Cora Macey, 66, widow of Elvin Fil s, Wednesday the oc- Mrs. {arvin Hollingshead, lIir. Communion 18:.5 a. m. ie ' which Hodso n said should be Ed~al'd Macey, diedea:rly TuesSermon 11 ... m., casion being the bh·thday anniver. Ivin lJa.rvey and fami ly, lIll Qf tax d. He declared that this ta~ day, Fcbruary 4, at'the home of , ary of Mrs. Elvin Fire$. Lebanon and lilt s. Lttla Hartsock. pl'ogl'am, if adopted by the h r brother- in-law rhomlls E • ,., AYNESVILLE CHURCH OF I gi.'lature, would "largely lSolve ummings, in Xenia. Mrs. Maeey CHRIST Mr. and, Mrs. B. V. Smitb have (fad Smith, ¥Infster trad~ their residence on Fourth On Sunday, February 2 MI'. and Ohio' ~ tax proble'm, \lod give con- had been in faili ng h ealth several " idora\)le l'et~ef C~ ~1l1 the sales ta;x:. 'yenrs but the imm.ediate caUSe of Jen'nie Bradley, Superintendent street to Lee Lemmon fOI' hiB 1\Irs. Earl Hollnnd enterta ined at Other proposals which Hodson her death was llneumonia. Jobnl Seara, AlilSt. Superintendent. bungalow find fiiUin g !ltation on t heir ~OnH) in o I.'\\'i II, with Mrs. Not A Denomination South Main stTset. Mr. and Mr. Holland' moth!'l', Mrs. Lon Beckpre~el1tc d ~s pm·t of t he Ohio She \ as born in Waynesville, a B'bl:' h I 10 01\ Smith are, plan~ing to. occupy the tt, 8S gue ~ of honol', At ' the .Fllnll Bureau's legislative pl'ogrom daUghtel' of the Jate Robert and '''0 9 :" a, m., I '" BC 00 i , :ov noon hollr Mrs. Holland served a'l\ includ ed gradual return of relif;i Mnl'y A. McDol1l)ld Wise and lived LQrd's Supper. bungalow March, 1. administration to tho local gov- her entire life bere until after the 6:30 p. m., Christian Endeavor; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Evans and rnments, broadening the powers death of her hus)Jand which oc7 :30 e~angeli8tic aervices, Wed- daughter, Betty Jean, Mr . and Mrs 1\11', an d Mrs. Rolly Mong rami o f the state highway }latrQI >,lInd cuned almost tJwenty ye-ars ago. 41 •• _,.,., Co Cr ••• l1esda.y night, '1 :30), pnt,er and Kenneth '" Elzey and da'u ghte r, son Bobbie, of orwin; Mr, llnt:! better road:! ill' rUl'al section s. ' Shs is survived by one son, £_""""",_ •• W.b.,L ',,,I, Bible study,' 8 :30 chol~ .. rac~jce. Marjorie of Dayton, visited Mr. Mrs. Rufus Connel', of ew BU1'~ " !-'or muny yeal's,'" said Rod. on, Te l'rell Macey, of Detroit; two W",YNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH and , Mrs. Walter Elzey Sunday lington; Mr. and Mrs,. Arthur "farmel's havc assi ted in tho daughters, Winifred, how lin. ABRAHAM lJNCOLN finan ing !\nd bl2l1ding (If II pri- Be,rt C. Hartsock, Waynesville. Rev. G. C. Dibert, Paltor af~l'noon. , Newton, Mrs. arah Ann 1Ii1l, of other American is so dceply and in a period of extreme scc· d.... W ' HAll .... • Lebanon, Mr. and MI', . B. G, ma l'y system oi highways without and Edytha, Mrs. P. W. Yates, of Friday: Rev. John Patterson, , of A ..... r. an . ' . en, Cooner ' an d d'aug h· t eL.. J U dlth ,01~ revel'ed as Abraham L1hcoln tional tensions, elected him C ,d_rs. II , =as. . any Illrgl;' percentage of the farm- Redwood City, Calif.; one sister, Vikarabad ' ,Ina!a' one of our I Hnlla. ~. a wa ader, Mrs. EdIth ' Ilnd thAI reverence finds sym- President of the United States . • W a y nesvi'II e. 0 n 1elWlng a tai t a ers b hlg' able to benefit directly Mrs. Winifl'ed Mason, Xenia. ' in 1861 , bol ic (;lC pression in scores of a.rns, ....158 Mame Brown, MISS h our Il II WlS ' he d M1'5. B ec k ett m any , Young and outstanding missionar" t,ht! elly. Ther are litill 50,00 0 Funeral services, ,b eld this atter , The perilous Civil War years monum e nt~ to his memory C ies" will show moving. pictures . and " lara Llle and Mr, Hartis Mosher I h appy l'e t urns 0 f th e d ay. ' 'CIlTmers in Ohio living on dirt noon at tbe McClure Funeral throu~hou' thl1 Ia.nd , The im· followed, lighted by Lincoll\'s s pea~ of hiB. work on Fnda.y we,~e dmn~r guests of ~lSS Emma l - - - - - - ~-press 01 hit; pel'sonal ity is deeply wisdom and kindliness while \he roads. The time has come when Home, were conducted by the 'Ve'\ltn&;a of thIS we,ek. at 7 :30 Helghway at The Llttle Inn, MIAMI QUARTERLY MEETING graven on th~ hearl: of the '.III, nation sought ". n ~,W bIrth of they shou ld receiVe first considera Rev. John J. chaeffer, rector of tion The sobl'1quets under whIch freedom," in tl\e. words of the Sunday: Sunday sc~ool at ' 9:30 Wedn~_ _ _ ___ WILL BE HELD FEBRUARY 9 tion in thc expenditure of f -ederal St ..Ma~Y'8 Epi~copal cburch, 'YUh immortal Gettysburg address, 110 ;1' s till known to all of Am1I. m. MOl'ni~g, worship at 10:~O. • and state funds upon the highway burIal In MiamI cemetery. erica-Honest Abe" Thl' Rail pe wa~ preparing for the t ask MONTHLY MEETING The senrtGli sub~ect will be, Duty Splitter. tlu,> Ol'cat gmoncipatol' of reconsttucUon when destiny system." Miami Quarterly MeetiJlg' ADd Tht Individual." -are a measure of the 10'le Intervened, Lincoln was ass as· The fal m bUt'eau has b~en fight Fl1nera1 services for John T. be held February 9 at 10:30 rJnat.ed on The regula.r monthly meeting April 14, 186ft! only which informs that 'reverel}ce Wednellda,f: Blble study and ing successf ully i n the legislature Liddy, who died at his home in tour daYR after lhe cessation 01 the Friends Meeting housl'!, _ ' Abl;' Lincoln ~a9 humbly bom of the Y. F. M. will be held at the, JlJ'a),el" meetilll .t 1 p. m. . to prevent div~rsion, of gl1$oiine Oakley, vincinlla.ti, at Hodgenville. l<j~ntucky, In hostilities. Thursday, J. Elli?t Jann \ty of W(lst~rn home' of Mr. and MIll. Rp.)'l1lond His martyrdom put an edge 18M-on February 12. which 18 and Illlto license tax funds from January 30, were held in Miami Collett, Oxford, will 8p~ ak at Braddock, Sunday evening, febru. IT. CHURCH now a hational holiday in rom , of patho~ to his fame Outstand. the building and maintenance or chapel Mo~day morning with Rev. l! :30 on the s ubject, "A Sense of arf 9. " . m~morat;on of that event In ing poets. lICulptora and archiI. I. ".efl'er, a.otor toads to other uses, <according to John J. Schaeffer, rector St. DI"ction In a World of Change." Leaden fol' the -evening are: , pi\(, of povert)' an ~ misfortune. tects hav(' given their finest ae~~-Ima B\lndN. ,.bruarJ ta\l;'ntS to enshrining his memo Hodson. Mary's Episcopal church, ofBeiat.he ed ucated h!ms4'lf for the' law. Evet;fone welcome. Rbodel SUMel!, leaaon; II, OlIurctl "~OOl, elIO'; "orn'~ . tudying avidly _hlat book.s he ory hi words and In s tone, ing .. DOIter, cievotlollali Paul Tomlin· The be.t known of these to· rraf'" Mld .tnlloa, 10:80. could borl-ow ),earlt of DISTRICT MEETING O. E. S. Mr. Liddy wu a native of Wa,.CAPPING SERVICE lOll, recreatlonal. klma at Springlleld, Illinois, gl'ubbing at ,iIl·paid all fIlor • ~ nesville, the e1dw son of th~ . . . whel'f' Llneoln I. burled, Illd at d~rk. rail $plltter handy· 'T., AUGUITINIl CHUaCH Michael LldclJ, aDd .... Wuhin~n. D q'l in the mas' man. M qualified bar MASONIC NOTICE III.. Bett, Hartsock was on~ H.wto.. PaM.. H. rema tOl< a nifl~nt Lin~ln Memorial. Thebon by ol4u eltlaeaa. ---_ ot twenq-lIIVen Duntlll' .tadents lonrtlme - Proml , recent mODlilfte'U erected at ..... at It. A.q\llUa.'. Churela 1Iep1ll' eommualeattcm was a pboto~ h4 .~... of tile Sohool of Nun~ and Wabash. Indiana. In It32. .,..., . .oDd ud t..n1a IadaJ WaJD88.tlle Lodp No. 188 P " . A H..atb, UIli.,.nlt1 of Clnelnnati, • studle 1D DiI10a for a (shown above) la proof that tht' t the lDOatia. " rHent ren~ratioD i. not II. 1'11....,. eft1IhII'. hbrual}' 11. who recelv~ theb- IlIIP8 111 a caDdie n doin, bollOr co the RUI ud lOjoornl... bHtbrft UP!; eapplM -ntce. 1(0nda7 SpUtter.





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:) I l\'ld imaa)illation. Instt>ad Begley :I 0 tl Yurk .,- - I hi· tl lght· uf hna~lnatinn. h" ~ :1 HI , h"ul" be dir eled int o s m.... attjvj Tutal :! I tr Ihal will Il't him \\o rk off tltl« I lm it. The !'anw i ~ true of t1ay· Se-vcnth Grade Citi/" n.t.ip Club n oe und ;\11'. Brudd o('k in l'oa('hing t!r"lullin ~. M i>l~ al't,' l' ~ ollc1ud (' d Mo ld. Re f u\ar IM .,r1inl. Junior. Pre."nl CI . .. Play I fluid pl' '~l'nLillfl' t he t luy. Ian l't vi", V by di ~c u "~ in g the Tlw III C(. tll1,.. WI~" (all l! ~ t o 'rill jllniur!" 1\1"'" 'Iltl'ti thl'il !In· f"~' IlIIl~itln o { cO l'r~c t llalJ ils in u rd U' lind the st.'I'l'I.'WI'Y ll'~l tl tho .,IHtI ('b,~~.pIHY in the SO'm un TlIt ~ TeAcber. Meet for Book· Re"'e'W hlld·h fl.'. . . minutl's of the l n~t 111' 'ti ng. Th{ u ,!,I\ ni).'ht "i a.~t IH' ' I.. Thl' cia ,·1 Th,' \Va)'!) " TlJwn~hip t.,,\('h r~ T Il l! r('mlllnd~r of· thl' meeting lit· nll:eti ng \IOR tUlrncu ovel' to \IllS ~i\' n. over to a rou nLl table thl' proj!rllnl tommilt d l' 'I' 8 h~"<'lld ('011\ dy, "\Vh 'n fI~sl.'mb. Il>" (or thl'iI' 1'<'!Cullll' fa I' l ho 11 " ""lIIn n rid ... .. fo r tllI,il' )1TO· . . '. <,ol\~lderutlon of t he probl III o C following progrclm: • ' ,. ' tng 18. 1 \\ l'cln~,.dllY Il\'enlll~ !lllll retting an hUlle t tl a y's work .from John 'Lanley a nd TOrl'cnc 'I .~"' " art I''r ,... ,..:,. a th l'ou"'h ,chon Lhl. )' .Clil. '1 . ri t II l ' U\· I , l'l ' .. hoy and gjrl ~ in £choo\' Kil'patl'ick read a dia lt>gue " Ba Ll Ill,· 11ny I. bu, I 1\1 ou n ~ Ie T,n'i<~\1 of th . book, "YoUl' Chi ld I . 1'1' 11 r ""lill" . . Evelyn ,llI ith Teud "Th , • I ,,~ " , ~ Bill"~ . n l?h~1.! t. un d, H i. PIII'cn ~, " br Alice BI'IIl ru tel th l' pl!WIHno, of tll~ fa th I'~ line1-1 \!' t Wa Yl'-e."i11 I..,.ose. Two Game. of thl! Light. Bd~[\de," II IlI'Y J oun 1.. II III \\ hkh Ill·'.'\ itl d I ht t the . on tansb l'l'y l'E!ad "The Old Mis:; 'urt l'1' o)ll·ned her rl'l)1a,l'k(" The home t am haLl a most dill· " IIu ld i1lhl!rit til 0 mlllh' n dollar,. Schoo l Duy ." FriE'dlll EIH · J'ead \\ it ill fI)' ttl' 1'1'0 ' \1 the elate of Ill!.' b)' ~ uLing th lll (no !\luch attcnlillli h(Jl'lI' teni ng week ,end when the-y "The Youth Tbat :an Not Lie." ,. th t' ~on II1 UlT~ "U III is- IllIi d to til"' 'II('O'ul ivl' ~hll' of !Ii . 10;.L t'\ 0 gall1e~, one to a ver y \1 ill. pl'OYldmg' '' ,Iyde ~ith reuu "Arnold Win. "Ill "ho .JI~~) h d 3 fortune of l\\n ,lH'diencl'. t hat plIl'tnt and IWt1Il1Ling K ings Mills leam on kleded," WaYI) ,cOllt read "Wm·. "lil IIln. l~iI1y nlt'~t.:l thl'C!! wh" tt>neh('I" arc morc inler€.'. ted in Friday and the olher to Mart ins. I'en 's Addl~~s at th Battle of umll to lI1al'n him. on is Jl l'rN<,n punishing 1I child for mi~b huvill,\\' villt' on aturday. In both games Bunker lIill," Leona Tinney read Ii r \\ho "co ll y hn s n ~t hin~. than in pl'cvcnt inA' ~ uch bl!hllvior ih' sore wel'e' fairly large, 44"The Height of the· Riuicul ous ." .110th(,T i:l n giJ'\ lilt I' . te d chi efly in th Ih~i place, or II repHi ion 34 in the King Mills game and arl J ill .. ,' and .Murgallc't MuYll ill u bl 'ach,oC'Pt'OlIl1Sl' uit.. and (If t hE" wTongrul ae . Agai n, ther' .2 5-20 in the co ntest with Martins. !>all.g "Th pani Ii I avalier," and til(> third, \\ hom Billy finuJly mar· limes when punishment is ville. The j unior high team lost ~o Wayne • j!ott played som e 11i ce~ /'il'!:, h ,, )1 money at all, but dO~ $ l'eally needed. uut it, should be ad· Kings Mil l 18 to 19 on hi comb. IIW 1\1\ ('ornest it.c to gl' t 3 mini 8lered "hell nc ·t! d, and not; In othe.r COU1jty g.ames Mor r ow ,j( C Ilt job. Of QU1'" I nn,other will a meons 0'£ relieveing tht' ftoel· d f eated Ma on 2 t o 26. liarveys iK [OQn". !lnd ('v r ylhing nd hap. ing!\ of an adult . ! 'e ith!!!' should bOrg d f eated Otterbein 42 to ] 7 Sew-nth Grade Citize.ns hip Club Meet. (D" \layed ) pilr. wo rk be u cd a a puni shment, for for it eleventh straigh t ~' in. Rllb t't You ng played the part the re ult of such an nct. is usualWa yn esville has a bu y wel'k Th e 8 venth !'ITad.!! e\.f iz n. hip or Billy; Edith Hoy) was the pre. Iy to make the child thoroughlr ahead of them With two games to I <'Iu b op neil at thc usual h!) ur hy u nd r; Gl enna Woolard was the ha~ that. pal·ticular tyPe of actl- be played. On Tue da y ni ght. the pre. id en!. takin,:( the fl OM·. one interested . chi fly in law·suit." vity which he was force d t o do. February 11 , Wayne ville will r,'h··t a short S)J ·h was made by lnrgi Tinney wa the luck~' gi ~'J Many adults try to frigh ten chiJ- play Springboro, t here. Thi will III!. I"<'rgullon. Th e n,' IV prug'mlll who found LIte n w will and mar. dl'en by telling them that the 1>6 a v ry e xciting game a commlttce wns aplltlinl d. Th ri d Billy. L 0 Conner as th e old policeman will "get them" if t hey Springboro has a strong teal11. mi nutes t>f the In t mO,cli ng were · " Lu ,'n l'" '" [I mil), hlwyer, nd uella Ber· mis b ahave. This, as a ru 1e, 1:'e- . Val~ity bo J: scores : l'l.' 1l d alliI th e mee t 111... wa s n rd 1\8 Billy's maid n au nt were results in an u"JI ju tifted fear 01 Wayne.Yill e B F P over to tht) progl'l\1m committee ast f o), the older parts. Oharle t hose who are charged with lnw Conner, ..... ...... ,..... 4 0 8 for a pl·o~I·llm as folllow6: D vi and Dolores lark f.u l'nished enforceme nt. The telling of 11n.- Davis '" .... .... ... 5 0 LO Bi lIy 1\I",l\oh TellO 11 poem, 3 1 7 ltob rt O. LJorn l'ead a poem, .Betty mu h of the evening's ell tertain· truths lies close t o diSObedienc e, . a~erthwaite ... . nwnt wit h thei r negrd role . but children say thing that to GrIffy ...... .. .. 1 0 2 Cl'Euluock J' ad a sto:,'Y, Mory 10sMr. Gal'St was a ist,ed by Miss t hem are ntirely po ible to one Allen ...... ...... 3 1 7 rend n stOl'Y. Marthu Mlll'tin l'ead LeMay ........ ...... .. ...... ...... 0 0 0 fl po m, Frieda Elli,. read a tory, - - Willa Faye Lewis read a po m. 16 2 34 Later a game was explained by Totals .................. .


School High .Spots

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Imni. hln" a child ~evprl.!ly fll"

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"Iaycil and· tht.'n




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and then It \\ D plu)' d

loy I hl du . . A (l'W ul.lwr

Honor Roll Th !' IHl llW I' f F r it'll u Ellis wa s II III il ll'lI

fTu m t he 110 nor rull JUl<t

II'l! l·k. Second Grade N ew. W e k. pCI·f<.'(L "!Jell illg: Shirl y Buzic k. ~hir d

Grade News The thirll gl'udl' has llta l'ted anothel' auto fllce . The 1 utoano· bi les comp ting ar t.hc Chevi·olet. 'I'enaplan • PI-Yll1uulh, Willys, lind (' hry~t1 l' r. Thus 'fUI' lh~ hcvrolet lind 'I'c Hoplon(' .arc I'von a 6 mile.~

Hallot'k. dll·"Ij.."l'd, \\0. fiI~d in court. EUIl'I fau l. udminj~tl·ator of the 'slatu u f n. L. Faul, dcceal'l cd, Iill'd hll r irw ento l·Y. The inv('ntol'Y Clf Ral)1h Van Mllll·I·. Cll.l'Cut or of the e La W' Nan ni' Va n Met r, dec eased, was UI1 Il I'()veti. In l'e·\l ,oo l o.f 11'1111,1 W, Beach, decen ell, sale of bOl\d s \\,Ij..<! ordered. The e tate of Eva Howard . dec a "ed, was found to be )tempt from inher ilan c Wlt. In the mu t.t r of the eslat or J <lim Gra mlic h. d<."Ceas ct . distributloll wn~ ol'dered. Th e esta te waR found to be exempt f ro m inhC I'itance ta..x. fn Te· stale of Chol'l s J<' . 'lurk, deceas tt, distl'ibu'tio n of a.s eta is ol.tlered. -. Marriaa'e . L icent.,. Ernest Woo llard. manager of grocery sto r , a nd l't1is!I J unrlita Bra nnock, of Wayn esville.


,6.60; R. B. Gllmor " an, fOllcl, '3; Ray Koutz. food, '4: ('britt MUI'phy I<l Stort', ',)od. $ 11: I· le-n Rapf'. fuel, $ HI.50: &y S" I~. ('tt, food. $5 .60; Raymond 1'aylul', food. $IUlO; Ruby Van Riper food $10 .7&; 11. g . Warwick, food, $13.90 ; W1\\'I'('n ounty Lu anb(,'L' 0 ., rud, $) ~I ; T . U. Wood!' y, food, 3 ; G ~o. Hawthorn, food , $12 ; Krogcl' ,roeery & Baking 0 f ood. $.1&.3'0; W . H. McH enry , food, $ <1; Vina r cE l fl'(~3h care of .John u ttle~ , $12.

.- ....._--

TRY OUR CLASSIFIED CC1.UMNS ~!!!!!~~~!!!!'!!~~!!!."!!!!!!'!!~_~~~~!"


Cary's Jewelry' .S hop

Fourth Gra d N ew. The pcrf·t s p Hllt·s in the " THE HOM E OF GIFTS" rOlll'llt graue nre; Elizabot.h CurLebanon , Ohio tis, fl\ry Jane cott an d E lva Mac W, terman . EXPE RT WATCH We 111'1" glad t o welcome back REPAIRING leona Wn:de and Detty R outzahn 1 [ as \\1ho \lav been n\)sent fol' some , t Ulina Only Cenuine M.terla l. lim e ()n account of sicknes . Real Eatate Tran.fer. . Prompt Service --Willa Will iam t o .fIenry Ross, Store open until 9 p. m. Fifth Grade - Section Three 6~i acres in Washington township. Our ~pelling conte t cllded last Georg'e K. Miller, d ecoosed. to . , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , )i'l'iday wilh t.he filia l score 61·53 An nie Miller and Albert K. Mill er poinL~, An~cnelte Pene bing tho inlot No. 644 in Fl·anklin. L. A. Zimm~rmnn to Wilbu r N, nptain of the winning team. Ask f or a ours, l'eal estat e in Wayne ville. Isidol'e Sevilla, d eceased, to Miamis burg Permanent Phan tom Expre•• Com inlr Di nno Sevi lla, r al e sta~ in Love An exciting time is promised to lund Par k. Con~rete a ll · who see the pictu re how, WilbUl' N. Sea rs and Mary L. A ir Se.l Burial Vault "The Phantom E.xpre ," which is eal's' to J o mes R. Gibbons, r eal For. Sale only by peingponsored by the jUflior e tale in Way nesville. cl . Your Funeral Director The show will be given on F riday, Bill. Allowed Febl'uary seventh, ~t ten o'el ck Wm. S hotw~lI, services a Ja nitin th e gym. Several hort f eat ure McClure Funeral Home or at Memorial HaJI, $20; J. W. will al a be shaW l). O. Lingo Hardware Co., shovel and PhOM 7 ~i .... Mm, . B F P broom for Memorial Hall, $1.70 j " ----- - - - - - - - - - - . ; Himea ................. " ... .... Ii 2 12 1, . . - - - - - - - · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' " 1 Brawn & Bunn ell, coal for MemoT~ .R eynolds ....... ............ .... 9 3 II ial Hall, $27.99 ; lIfcGetchin's Phar I nnis ........................ " ..... 4 0 8 miley, chamois I8nd thermometer Bowman .. ,.............. . .... .. () 0 0 for Memol'ial Hall $2; Truste,es. of Fitzgerald ............. ... .. .. 1 1 3 Public Affairs, light gas and sewer service for Memorial Hall, 1 9 6 44 Totals ........ $8. 67; chilling's Grocery, broom " filed hi inventory. and $alt for MemorIal Hall, SOc: Common Plea. I~roce.dina. Wa, ne." ilIe B F p The esta te of George K. Miller J~ff Thompson, tuning pianos at COlineI' ...... 3 0 6 I n the ca e of Albert Clark ve~. d ceased, was f ound to be exempt leroorial Hall, $5. Drs. Edw. '" Davis .... ....................... 2 1 5 ~u Susi Clark a divorce was ;from inh eritance tnx. Robt. Blair, Prof. services, 110 : Satterthwaite ..... ........ 1 2 4 ~r nted the pla.lntilfl', \ . J . T. Riley \Va, a ppointed admin Ohio State Sanatorium, X·Ray, ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN In the case of. 1rh e Mo iIlon- lstrn tol' Qf t be esta le of Th omas $5; H len Doughman, boar d and four Cattle. bop, sheep and cal VII LeMay .... ...... ... ......... .. 0 0 0 All~ .. ..... ...... ... .............. 1 3 5 I levela nd-t\.kron $ ign Company ( Lee, decea.sed, and .flled bond of care olifford Doughman $7 i James to Nonia-Brock Ct.., Uve wire and ftrm f?r tbe hleh .., Hawke ............................ 0 0 () I v r 11 Rob el.t H. J'~nes, judgment l $ 1,000 wIth , suret ies. Char~e8 Moore, board and care, ' Luc y procreuiv. market prieel and good lIervice. Earnh art ..................... 0 0 0 in tho sum of $2 4.9. 40 was allowed Moor~, War~en l\uxwcll ~nd Ohv- Moore, $5 ; Ml'lI. Ira Eltzroth, UDioa St9ck Yards' Cincl __tl, O. in on Radio Station WClty News~aper James .................. .:........ 0 0 0 t he pl aintiff. The ca e .was d is. e r ?hamberlm wer e a ppomted ap· board and Cllle, Alice Sta rkey, $5 Tun. . pra1ser . Mr . Elmer Lacy, board an d cate, 12 :26 to 12 :8 0 p. m. to,; our daO, Boger ............. ........ " ...... 0 0 0 I mi. j\d. - - In t he case of J. M. Shields verIn th e ma tter of the I' tate of F1'18nk Lacy, $5; M.n. Lule market I'eporta. Totals ............, ................ 7 6 20 s us edric wnley IB minor mot ion C. V. Sears, decenscd, distribu tion Gabbard, board a nd car e, Lincoln MartiD•• ille B F P is dis mi sed. is ordered. Gabba rd, $5; Mr . Julia HOilan d" • o 0 a I n th case of W. E . Graham Sarah L. Stitt was appointed ad- board and care-, Vernon Holland, ERE'is an offer'that will appeal to all- American King .............................. 4 2 10 I/eri;US Tho mas Lee, J. T Riley wa mini tratrlx of th esta~e of C. C. $5; Mrs. Margaret J one8, oard and • • Boy Magazine and this newspaper at a special Page ........ , .. ........ .... .... 0 a oppoin tea adminilitrator of the es- Miller, deceased, and filed bond of car'e, Ollie Gardiner, ,5; Mrs. combination bargain rrice. The American Boy is the Harvey .. ........... . ,... ...... , ... 0 2 ~ tute of Thomas Le~e a.n d was ap- $ 1,600 with sureti s . . L. Earl Oma Osborne, ~d and care, f avorite ' lIlag"Jine 0 mQre chan 500,000 boys and Thompson, Fl10nk Gorsucn a nd Walter Barlo w and Frank Bal lin· George ....... ................ ~ 2 4 poi nted pal'ty def~.ndant. youog men. Its 6ction carries bOys on the wings of adventure to all parts of the world. Its sports articles Elliot ........ , ..... ....... ........ 1 0 T he case of Cliarenee Arth ur J oh n Aun ker 'W ere appointed ap·. ger, $22: Th e Offi ce Outfit ters, Standford. ... ................ .. 2 praisers '1 'f A d't ' ffi 35 by famous coaches and athletes are studied by cham· Summers ... ".. ......... ....... 1 3 5 Brown, J r .• a minol', vers us C dric A c r~ified copy of t he entJ;'y de ~Ut a:e :-1 ~ ~0 1' ~ ~fce. C e pions. H ere y o u wat find the finest stories on llports, _ _ _ Stanl ey, a minor, 1was dismia.'1 ed. e . 0 urn U$ an 00 g. 0., The ca e of Gladys Bereni ce termining the inherit ance tax on vendor's lie nse faT Auditor aviation, buaness, school activities, hwnor, and travel. . 8 9 25 nwyel's. a min 01', vers us Oed~I '- te :Even at 'its regular price of _1.00 a year, 'IOe Totals . .... , ....... • ' c th 'estate of Ray Star-, '" deceased 0 ffi ce.,. "'4 v ; d Pcoctor rea 1 es_ can' Boy is considered a bargain.. But now you may - ---" transfer book for Au ditor's ofti.ce. Stanl y, a minor, was dismissed , i to be cet·tified wit hout; delay. In ~he case of F r'ances L. Urban The schedul e of debts of $80.81; ColumbUS Blan~ Book obtain it and thia new. paper .• ' 1' • Ii Jl.\niol' H igh Box score: receipts for F P versus R. J . M inburg <Bnd the un. Lamb~ administrator of t he estate Mfg. 00., vendor Phone 78J .... ...... . Bl 1 3 known bei rs and dlevisees of R. J . of John Lamb, deceased, was ap· treasurer's 0 jce, 90c ; Banks-BaldStroud ...... " .................. 0 2 2 Meinb brg, 'deceased, it.. is ordered proved. 'Win La"" Pub Co 8ubscriptlo n t o Clary ....... .. ...... .... ...... '2 o 4 th at title be qui~t,~ d . The resignation of Everet t E. Ba ldwin's Ohio Code, $9.50; The . Mora n .... , .......... ............. 1 2 4 In th e case of ~:relen L. Hizl\r, Miller , ,a s one of tll ¢ a dm inistTa- Office Outfitters, Jluppli~ fo r L~ . • Anderson .. " ............... .... 0 o 0 an inf ant by her father and next tors of t be estate of Etta M. Miller P roba te Court, 50c; lJarrett Broth "OTARY PUBLIC Earnhad " .. .. .... ......... . 0 o 0 fr iend, Welton, versus Wa l. deceased, wa:! accepted. ers, cost bill s f or' Probate Cour t . . . . . Chester B.. Sa.wyer was a ppoi nt- $S~55; Columbu s Blank Boolc. Mig - - - ter . Cowan, nloUon as to strik... Totals ...... .. ........ .. . ,.... 4 P 13 iog second defense f rom answer is ad guardian Qf Gladys Berenice Co., supplies f o r Probate Cour t, wnla D•• _ •• E ...... S.1t1H Send Your Order To F P su biDed. Sa wyer , and filed bon d of $ 9000 $24; Har ley· W. Brunk, services aa - WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Kin.~ MUI. B' 1 3 Harry Folker, .alias Clarence It was ordered th at t he guardian dog warden, $85 ; J ohnston & J ohn Holden ........ ............. ....... 1 o 4 Hot!!! was fou nd il:uilty of th e- in- accept $4,500 in full of 11111 claims ston, lumber f or Court House, Reynolds ........ ............ .... .. 2 1 3 dictmen t, fi led herlain against him against Cedric Stanley $1500 was $184.12 ; Kaufman's 10 gal, oU FOR SALE DATES CAU. Bowman ......................... 1 and was E lltence~l to from ' t hree allowed Ch.arles C. Ben edict and a nd 2 gal. tur pent ine, $11.08 j to twenty years in th~ ()hlo P enl. James B •. Benedict for attorney Zain Arm~!;age, sand and gravel, tentia ry; Jan. 29. .MorroVl Brant t ees. , fairgrounds WPA proJeCt, $62.81 was appointed as a' gual'd to trans. Herman Mount , administrator ~f Jobn B41'r, Jia'; r oll, $57.90; Jo1)n pbrt t he d efe ndant to Columbus. the estate of Clar a M?unt, deceae son Myel'1l, .pay roll, '97.20; M. I n th e. case of Walter S. Updyke ed, filed her affidavit m lieu of C. Foreman, pay roll, ,248.40; versus J ohn LeRoy Up dyke, et aI, ·account. Earl Basore, pay roll, U8a.60 ; V. JESSE STAJIIUY , Elizabeth Updyke, ellarle, Up. H. S. Conover, L. M. Hende~- M. A:rmltare, pay. ron, $915; John PIle•• lie. " _ s••n t. 'ow.. dyke and Richard: Updyk.e we~ SOn and H. A. Cornell were. ap- MreH, pay roll, 4121.80; Carl . . .. dyke' and Hlcliard Upd,k e were pointed apprail el'l of the eltate of Dakln, pay roll, '148; H. L. Soh,. EARL KOOGLER gra.nted 80 day s in which to file John B. Pence" deceaaed. lu. pay roll, '150.80; J. L. DUlin Da,t. . . . . . . a nswer. The will of Lizzie Drake, decea, servicN a. mtehanic, ,62,401 It.. In the case of A.da Froat venus ed, wall admitted to (lourt. Lewis," Drab, Inc., drain ttle and ......,. .... Jacob Frost the dilfendan t was F~re!l.t .Hathaway \VBI appoint- coal, ,1.80; Zain Armitage, gMvel granted 30 days within . which to .ed admmutr~tor of the estate of $86.88 ; JOJlII Broa. Service flJ anllwer or pletlding. Irene Hathaway, deceased, .a nd GiI~e, auppliee and galoltne, $26 H~w~J'd ~al!tbaJln p1ead~ guilt y ~led bond of $16,000 with Bure- (14; WayneSVille Service station, CLASSIFIED ADS COST O~LY to the indictment. tilell here-in ttes. Chester P. l!atfieli:i, Chester kerosene and &,asoline, '48; T'h e ONE CENT PER WORD. WHY against him and inapolttlo,n of sep. Jiamilton and' Rezin Meloy WC'l'e Oregonia Bridp Co.; OlrJlen and . FOR IAL& KEEP YOUR ATTIC FILLED tence is suspended for a pnlod of appointed aPPJai/le1'l 01 th~ elute reInforcing steel, $12.80; . The tw o years on good.· behavior. In the matter of t be eB~te ~f .Great 4. A f· Tea Cg., fqqd, LOST - LadiEs open. face "old WITH USELESS ARTICLES ___ David P. Grabam, de¢ease~ Mlu- $169.20 : . JOi. Jr. Fedden Spppll' wa~h. Jteward. Mn. L!fl1d TllAT CAN BE 'TURNED INTO nie Carnaham, ..dml nlstr a trix ot Co" fuel, '2~; R. B Gilmore " -New Sait. the estate of David .P. OarnalJen, Son, tood, '!l.PJ) I JIome ~tf)rel M()NEY FOR SO SMALL A Mil dl'ed Molden; a minor py deceased, is gran ted an extenston clothtns-, $of , How.f'r!f ' f,:. Ifins, "OR S~L~E~ll1el Home. flom~ E ~1 F a al, her mother and next 01 80 days to make. a nd return her fO~d, f9.l0, P. np- Morto l'l , ser~ fort r~nge! ~itclJan {:ab1net, ,jJ COST. TRY THIS M'EANS GF frwJl d ~l4lli a suit again st Harley inventory. chairs, rocl!eJ', 1>114 room s"Qh, vices as janitor, ' ,70; SELLING AND SEE WHAT A Molden f or diY Ol·C'~' The charge is Char les S. Ir win, ex ecut or of .Follen, services . s Janitor 2nd drelllef, Qlle ·9da rUI, . prln••, gr<?ss n egted of dl~ty. DIFFERENCE IT WILL MAKE the ' estate of Maie RUD'yim. filed fl oor ~ourt. HOUl e, ,15 j d. C. feather bed, da~nport table, ,h is applicatio n for a certific~te of Hightman, brooms f or jail, ,7.50; incubatol'l, 240 eQ', 100 TO YOUR ' POCKETlJOOK! AS Probete CoU:rt trpnsfer. East End Coal Co., coal fo r court porch swing, aw,n ings, 1 ell_ WELL AS TO HAVE YOUR .fames Saul, adn1nnistrator of the J. T. R iley, guardian of Mildred hOlU!e, , 7.02; C. Donald Dilatush, clothes wringer, quilting framel estate of H . L. S aul, deceased, Saul, a mln6r, filed his tint end rent for Proaecutinr Attorney's and other articles. B. V. Smith STUFFY OLD ATTIC CLEANED filed his ftnt and fi nal acco llnt. fi nal account. office, '20; Nettie A. Bobl, rent of ,th St. WaynellViUe, Ohio. f6-13. OUT. IT PAYSI Maf garet D. Wall, executr ix of Charters ·D. Maple, trul tee In office f01 Count y Supt. School, the estate of John Wall, deceased, the mat ter of the trust created ,46, Jia, ~u~, fpo~, ,6.60; F01~cS~.E-;lr.hl~t ~: filed her In~ntoTY. by the will of Mary Constable, Leade·p Store .lo~r 'D.M6; ~.... The adjudication and chtennina cea~d. flIed hit second aecount. Morrow Lumb~r Co .. fI6.86: t"!' I ~ tlOll of the inheritance tax on the The will of Mark Pardee-, de- Allen Rapp, fuel, fl'.00; aobe" rOB 84J.E-Jnlll., ,1.88 'eetlltt of Lillian ' F. Moon, dacus. , ceased, was admitted to Court. Reichel, fooel, ....0; Ba,.oDd ton. 1)0441. ao~ .ael War,. ed, t. to be given to all .R!.non'~alter A. POO8 was .ppointed exll- Taylor, food. ,'.801 Warm lIt1\'llle fIAt. tl4. in crested. I ~utor, no bo~d beinr required. County Lumber Co•• fuel, '8.11; PIPB, VALVIlI . ft'r'11IfQI Annie Miller, ~:ZKUtrill of the , PaulIne W. Riley, James W. Kropr Grocerr. Bald.,. 00., for , , _ . " .. ••tate of Georce K, Kmer, deceal and Charles E. Moore were food. $18.'0; W..a. "BIIftI7 food ... ed. 61ed her a pplicatloll for a eer· pointed appraJleft. f'Ui; Tb. B. II. • 80IIIt I.... . tlft",te of Barr)' Z. ~ ... I~ • of II fI4.










'T ORIES for ..


Plus This

.At .Ret/.uced Pric e

F ..






Both One Year For


'Or No Charge


Centerville, ~hlo



The Miami Gazette

StaDley &Koogfer Auctioneer.












according to



Bank SUjJerin .• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-;!_________________


Sr luel It. L'quire (0110\\' Ilf J' PUl'ts mad l • lly tlUtll' hankinS?: in,litutilll1,; in I·c·





tu It ('till II



Low I' and higt ", 1'111 "·"Itllt,., 1111 ,. ).p-,·n .1'('11"11 .' .1 lIn"tliclllll bul it' ')lIly Lb,' "llh·la! IlInl h f!'Ulll f(.~tl'd tliC'I'I))l1I11 i, ' I . 1 It II COUIll \lith tilt.' I r. 1". \\I'lIlh'l' II/lI'('uu .


'11. ~l1'l(,..iflt()nd\·I1!, Squil't' fiaid Lhut lhe dl'11l1. its of 1h 4G7 bllnk~ IIIHit·,> hi~ juri~diction incl'ea. eu I $14V,67~,192 dUl'ing 1035, " 'hilt· I'e!'ourc . tldvanclld $\47,436, 61. I

OIic. p . . . .... .... ...... , ... No. 112/ Entel' d at po.totrlCle at Waynu· S ••• cwlptioD Pric., fl.IO • ville. Ohl~, a·.Jrr~'rnd Cla.s Mull

FJ:BRUARY 6, 11/36

\Ie IIOinu,d out that gains made

A fine testimonial to th inel'casi ng value of Ile\ spape1' allvcl' ti~ II. produc I' of business and indu strial d'velopn\('nl was givcn in a recent 11Ublic stat ment by L. A. W~lTen, PrelSitl ent. of ::)nfeway Stores, In e., n chain groc ry sy t )'\I serving wasteln !\mel'i 8. lLing his own company a s a barom ter indicativ of the attitu41 e of busin 58 in g 'nero l t.oword :adv diaing Mr. Wan n declared lhai , ' h conSIdered the growth of Safeway Slores anQ lIiOlila1' s),slelO M but. a ret! tion on the power of newspal>crs to build and maint.ain publ ic r'spect and public pat.r01lagc. He added: "It is through adv rtising that people come to know and to under!!tand the scope of any bu sin e concern's public service, and the comm~diti~ it oft' l'S for public c n. sump tion. ' "It 1 t I th . seems on y na urn at tho e cancel'ns uSlIlg n wspapel' advertising, unintel'Fupte<l yeal' aft r year, do l'etain the highest con· fidencc of the public that {h y ser;ve. Thcit customers /lVe found out that they can truthfully rely upon the advertised pt'oduct, service Ilnd conomy which So often featur the disP(IlY advertising of the chain soores. "We have repeatedly endeavol'ed to help farm~H'S dispose of $urplus or di ires ed crops by conducting widespread advertising cam paigns -on cerlain products at various seasons of the year. Th e campaigns haVe been eminently succe ful. a nd the:1' beneflcial efJ'ects to agriculture arc both a tribute to 'n w pap r advert;. ing and the aclvantag II of chain-store Jistribut.ioo." Any kind of mel'chanrli. el', chllin or Indcpend nt, will doubtless r Bect Mr. Warren's vi wa. 1 Newspaper advertising is not only thi!best way t.o get busin 58 for l\ ~ood product or llervice- it i s also the best way . to hold It.

in~ as

Farm hight la/hs, feb ruary 10

the la st quartel' were "pllI·ticulul'ly cncoura~ing." The y ar's flgul'e~ W (ln' the b .[ since I !J:32, ,ith total deposits of $1, 1!l!J,516,7fJ2 and totill I'ffiOurccs $l,305:?2:3.327,. "It is cleo:ly ,sho\\n" up el'm~ndent SqUire 8ssert ed. "thai extremely sati ", 'facto!'y atlvunces fel'c made by the state' s· ban k'Illg ID . S·t·t t,' 1aet 1 U 10~ ye~' and that, unquestionably, bu In' S gellemlly has E! merg (\ fl' 01 the ~hado\\'~ and t.her~ i~ I gl:ound. f Or the be!lef that 103 w111 bl'IOK CUJ'iher Impl'ovement in I economic activiLie ."


I avt· "ro,rr


:t !(


11<111 II


(,/l ~ h el'llp

\I ilh market quotaIwillJ(' giwll I..'V('I'y da.y by



la "

'I'll/' IlItli .. PUliltl y . " hool OVl'r

\ ',st. :)70

• • • )o'or th first lime in yell I'!! central hio will h ve Groand i.rcuit racing, . it was announced by Chairman Richard A. Porster of the state I'acing commission. Stew I aTels of the Trotti ng Horse Club I of America, ,sponsor of the Grand I il'cui t, whkh is the BI)I!')( of I haln II racing, have asked to hold I n meeting Gt the Ohio sta te fair g l ound~ from Augus t a1 to S p!.ember 5, inclUs ive , Chairman Forster said.

• • *

, Ttl lethal gas chamber was termed Lh e most humane method of admi ni 'tering cal>ital pun ishm nt by Warden C. Woodard of Ohio pellitentiary. He sa id the lectric chair, which is the mean of execution in th state, is the ' second most ,hUn'lliDe meihod and he rated death by shooting a9 third, Warden Woodard on January 26 started hi.!! second year as 'admhli trative executive of ~h~ penal institution. He served as deputy warden until Janaury 26, 1935, when Preston 1:. Thomas resigned IIInd he was appointed watden by Governor Martin L. Davey.

,..,,., .,

Mh"II ....~1J.t r. Da.rtS,. SInh- 1t .. 1ttl.~ • • " C•• e.rll. Ii "

DANIEL \'VEBSTER TRE nRme of Daniel W b i.e I' stands In th e Amel'iean mind not merely lor Ol'/l,to:,'),! of t he highest order. but f!lr that power 01 8pe~ch dcvol~ed to t he service of th nation . No man in his time inspired oUr people to A love of country and II prp. ' Icund fai th in its immortnl d 15, tiny more eloquently thon did this patriot and political think er Webster was born at Salis. bury, just out ide of' Con<;ord, New Hampshire, on JI~nuary 18. J 782, and his seventy yelll'S of life coincided with the form otiv(! period of our 'Republic-from the dawn of the nation to t he ewe of the Civil War Ris memory Is preserved in impel'll'i hn blc stone throug hout ti,e land. but nohe of the memolri. Is I\'SU erected with greater. dvir r>l'id' _than the ope sLandIJ,g on ,the N, w Hampshire Slate.> lloll (. pounds in Concord. . AI' boy, Web~t(lr IVa!! dC'li· cau and "lckly The :uTlRzitlg mental and oratoricdl cnel't::y

which h di played in his busy li(o relWC!.1ents a conqu<!st ot mind over matter He attended l~xeter Ac demy lind was gradu. ated from r. -:.rtmouth ,allege , In later years he defen(!ed the charier rights of Dartmouth with magnificent passion . After ~mit.ted to the Bat he quick ly built up a lucrQ' tive pl·octice. His eloquence at· (aihed nationwide recognition Politicn l promincmce was not long in following, and he bltcam e a dominant' figure in national affair s, Although thwarted in his Presidential aspirations, Wcbh ~er Wli a gr at political power. H is IIlldt'e\Jses in CongreslI lind on palriC?tic; occasions have be· come classic$ which sChoolboys or s ucceeding genC!ro,tions de ('/olmc!1 along with the Oeelar . tion of lnd pendence and th(' P,'camblo to the Com.tituti(llI. fit! died at Ma/'shtidd, MI> ~K .. which had long been his hllOie. on October 24, Itc52.


Interest and activity in building and conetruction work is increaaing with the coming of Spring, The demand for qual it y lumber. and materia s i. already increasing If you are contemplating build in g either now or in the Spring-let u. str en the advantage. of ordering now. You will get choicer materials-better service a nd save money if you let us buy (or y ou at th is time. Prices are bound to in creaae a lone with a ahortage of labor and a conaelted market-ORDER NOW I

... -

Best of he N,ews Direct From the O hio Capitol



W. H. Madden & Co. ,Wayne.ville,

1Observa lon,S III t"


Quality ' Printing





'.'f ,......"lukaf.....

1Ei::, : _., , ..- .......

do. =.u."':!-: leelleu



See Us For Weather Stripping





• • •




8:00 Music 8:06 Lincoln in Ohio .. .. .. , . H . E. Es",ine, Narrator 8:16 What Will I Be?- R vi w of Vocational Book Elma Wtitn ~y As t. Libr.arian, Universit.y f~l,gh chool 8:26 Music I 8:40 eth Adame Brings First Merino S¥ep to Ohio ... . S. Plumb Professor. Emeritus, Animal Hu bondry Dept. 8 :50 Ecollomic Factors Back oC Producer and Con um r ooperation . '.... ...., ....... ". . .... J. I. Falconer, Head Rural Econ. Dept. 9:00 Nutrition Note .... . .. ,.. .. ... .Alma L. Garvin, Ext. Nutrlt.ionj, t 9:10 ~u 8ic 9 :25 Anawers to Farm Letters ... ,' . '.' , ...... ....... .. .... ,. Dialog 9 :85 Does Y()lU' Soil Plo",' Harder? ..... Richarfl, Bradfield ~ -----------------, SoH Specialist In the 193. report of tatc 0:46 Joan and J erry , .. ...... ,.... , .................... DI'amalic kit Auditor Joseph T. Tracy which .. ~ ance Co. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~::=~~~~~~~~~==::.. was i ued la t w ell t tat I quires ablhty of no me-llD level. The ' Ma onic Lodge held a ~-= coun Y' and municipal om:' ISle, IMany Jeetel's would fail to panic a 1 la s, 0 crowd 41S h doe t· I 1 public Iib1'8ries and ne~ spap~ it 1 .. " pal leu ar y pecial me-eting on Tuesday night or last we k. '.1 th t a legll1mate stage. He has S81.,. Wil a 10"4" ~ Whnes ed" a , frol)l h . "-end' Ohi 11 . • t e knack .aloof thoroughly InThe local Telephon e oOlpllny ~. In 0 nances umque In t'II' . h ' h' . ·. th a t 1't mal'k ed a I S. I mg Wit "In 1. audIence a fee l has employed Mr, Kelly Bane of tate hl~,ory St~te In ' decided tendency to lighten d-e- mg of tr~glc PI~y and Ol,'row-a Port. William as mallAger and Ii ne COLUMBUS-Plana are already tion co , highwa'" sa~et.y, , land' manda on r al t.ate taxes and range WblCh tYPlfiel5 the actuality man. He and his wife will move 'J of "Tobacco Road." 85 oon ' as possible to as ume thei~ UlIder way fo r the 1936 annual owner hip problems, forestry and tb d vclopment of new souues duties, convention of tbe Nati<1Jlal Grange COlt 'rvaf!)n, good citizenship of ineome, not.ably the 'r etail sale More , ~re~it hould b~ Igiveo the Mrs. C. P . Noggle returned which will be staged in' Columbus I and education. It will be ' the fil1!t tax. "These new Incomes were from November 11 to 19, ' it was naUonal convention of the grange bard preSS«i to meet new d,emands a.rti t who paint. mammoth advor- from an ~xtended visit with her " parents ID I Georgetow n, Hc!' announced by, Louis J. Taber, I ~er held in Columbus. uch as relief, aid for the aged .h seme.nts In tlu; form oj! attract-, fl\ther is in failing bealth. master of the organization. Prin• " .. and school aid," according to the IV scenell nnd p rtralu on the - - - --cipal speakers will include United . . . r port, "but. the atate did lllanage, States Secretary of Agriculture ' A n w check II t of OhlQ pu~lIc however, to l'emaln on a solvent wall. of bulldln ., I !:ta\' two af Bee ch Grove lIenry A. Wallace, William I. dQcumenta ~as been com'luled basis and closed the y at with a them workIng in the fa hion of Myers governor of the Fann under the dIrection of Seoretary ' larger cash bal8J\c~ than in 1933" pa t mastel'S daubing a pictuN Mrs. ,L utl Tichenor, the bird Credit Adminl~ration, and Albert i of . kMyel'S .... h'Ig' h anfl a h 0 I f block lov er, haa fed and cared for b S. tatedGeorg(} thj t and th I The general revenue receipts f~r th re o s""l'le . GOIII, f~dera land bank com- e] ue . 5 ~~e . 0 ~ ~o ~, 1934 totaled $32,573,744 oS com- long, They ~",uhg th~ lr IU'ms in teen to ,twenty difl'N'ent varieties ioner, Mr. Taber said. The colleges,. unlve. Rilles, hbr~les. aoo f pared to 28,412,288 in 1933. of birds all winter at her ham'" ,rana will sponaor • runal youth other lnteres~~ orgamzatlon.. _ _ _ __ .. great rc about the giant spncc e n ear Hal'veysburg, Wha .~ 1I at Ilongres,s an(j' a special gathel'ing Th pamphle~ in two pads, lists 00--' - _ _ - _ _ _ _ 0;' 11 t.housand tim I t'gilJ' than th c it? m of faJ;m women as a nal't ot the the. 8tate documents publis.lled II l!lI /!lIp of paper fl'Olll \\ hich ~ dunDg -the thl'e montha endln" they copied. Gradually th~ pi ture The T rn) ,brothers lost on1! o! convention. One Ql the features , . e • th"\',, \.~ \, "orges last we It . wUi be th initiation of • Cl888 of December 81 11.1 well a earlier took :Co1'nl ILnd eventually com~ • 4' " " from 5,OO~ to '1,000 candidates . in state d~cum~nt.s ~hi(lh are still by J.UD50 N' DEAN pi t d WIl S indeed a 0111\1>1111 en, ' Miss Marie Well hWi !l0 !Ill' the aeventh devee of the "range. avaUable for. dl tnbutlon. I~ ()8 ell tary necta I , l'ecovered from h t; long serious Jmpor~ant questions which will be wbere ~h r e IS ~ co t 01.' wben PQ8- - - - - - , - _ . _-.; • • .. iIln 5S as to be iIlble to spend discussed inc:lude a permanent tage 18. .requlred, the exad. COL MBU No city Oc umhs l'oss1bly no tUI' inee the late II.turdClY' wltb Mi ~athl een !6tm program to take the plaCe ot a mount IS mdieated. 1.0 hilarity in a mOl'e picturesque Rudolph Valentin? has af\'ected I Thompson" the on.e Inv.Udated by the United • • • III hion than No t'tolk, Virginia ueh II vI~OI'()US Plllpit~lUQn of Mr. HQ\\ I\fd Mc~ay and lvIrs. 8t.tea upreme Court , rural Ohio business and indusky is 'when tbe 'fleet com~ in. A sea top feminine hellrts us the latest mat. Jla McKay took adva nt.age of the e!' ulta, freight rates, transporta~ "\lmllrging .from th e shad ow8", ped with floatin iron is ,8 sight inee- idol, N I on Eddy. His cop- old weather and pent last Thu rs daring anyono to look UPOn Unele Celts In(\uee on audi nee reaction day in Willrtington. ==::;:::=====================+=r Sam l llavy wl~h n ekeptical e'ye. that, differs from the usuaL! cQncel't I Nt·. III nd Mrs. Lowell Early and Sailors with whom I talked told atmoaphel'e i h~ is accep1ted with fam~l~ el)tertain~d, a few of Q\U" me that Nodolk is e most desir- a "pet onal apposranee" fenror .mu 1~lllns at therr home h c able port, one where they a~ instead of the s~id reselt've that ' ev nmll' last week. Mr. an~ Ml'B, Uft' Trovillo C)f welcomed with blaring approval ! gl'eet~ most artists- the effect of By LLOVD F R... N·KLIN and assured a !food time. I visited : clamoring female admjrl~rs. 5500 , ~ear I:eba" Cln. ,pent Fl'iday even.there laat summer when 10,000 people, mo~t1y women, stormed lUg Wl\;~ K. E. Thompllon ."d Hamen in white had taken over the . portals to hear bim sing bu tl~itr. the city. I have nev~r mingled they protested mightily whet! ~))~ : Pel'ry G. Wells and others f1'om with a more coneenial and gentle- lamps within were dlmlih!d to a , here attenqed the Fr~eland sale man))' poup and in the whole twilight to alfor<~ Ll etter setting. near Harveysburg r ecently. ~rm I laW'. only one drunken • • .. , .Mlss Mar y Nette Beason spent 8.a. ilo.r. Their etay in Norfolk me-ans P I "A I Sunda'y afternoon with Miss Mary' re 8 tern: s gn' \n ~nded K thl . . an added busineSA surpassing a cen "'h ~- ompson. 000,000 a m~nth whll'h with th~ ~s .h umor , hung ~Ve,' t he 'b u-: Dr. W. E. Frost of Harveysburg lncrea$ed population an'd g~ity re- Llbel'$l ct;ed~t E-xtende<t to thQlle has recovered from hie , recent in. .. ' . o f 8Q year!! of age and olver when ne aa. seml!les a fa.Uve homeconll~a, ....... omnaniecl by I\. pare",t." Tw" .-p ~ "Of ,Oqr sick are Borne better ~t this • • ,. ~en oame in, drank, on 'the house writing. Within thQ IIlJrble ",a\la ot th, and w/llked «l\lt wlthout paying, Th~ Gray family, of Wellman, D~f!artment of SUlflee building in mucli to the chagrin ot t he bar- spent Sunday eVell\ng with Mr.J. Wfl sh ingt,GlI, p, 0, \talllS 1\ ll\rge ,tender. T irey wer Gundlllr Bjerke 'Fred. Nash. ph!.itonaph (It BrIJl\o Rlcliard 97, allet his son; Nels, .80." I know :aa\lptmtnll.. Seald. jt a $ketch, &0 one bartEnd r who would raise SQ UtHI!:ASTE RN OH IO slmll,t in ~~ry det.11 that one, the ag.e limit. HA S WE AT H ER l:XTREMES - -- - - - .....--'\I.nlcnowinr. would fancy it'. an ,,'rUst'a "production of HauptNew BJlrlington, Residents of so utheast 1'0 Ohio malin's · UkenCfls. ,This han<l-made experience the extremes in tem· porttlJt represeDtstbe earnest Mrs. Harold· !> 114\ rd and son peratul so far as , this st.lltc iii effort of a young newspaper artist spent last w~ek. with her parents concerned, accordincg to W. H. to tr&naform • verbal description in Wafllesville. Alexander, chief ot the U. of the kidnap-killer into $n aeMrs. J. L. Conard WBS hostess weather bureau at Columbus. cu.rate picture. Th~ ~t)i09';pt_on to the W. F. M. S, on WednesdaJ In a bulletin published by O~iG Wall ~urn\l~e!1 V pro Oondoa of lalt we~k, State Univel'lity's -engineering NOTHER esample of tbe fucl· medlelJl s. foods and colmett~.- .,. _"{I"I~ eem hal·" and beaulyl .,.. f.ft.r .... ~ ......1'V -,. eplaode Tbe 'body of Miss Laura · K. ofi·x periment station, Alexander Ilf Bat mr futa behlD!! common e...e.... " ~ . ill d I c~ _e......paId ofr' the erimtn~ !n.,.cI&J tlpnp II Ill'Ovidecl by Nl\Sl to wa~er, I~ It lIIe 11,"ld H Smith 6f Covlnaton, ICy., was says ·the highest and lowest oft! ~IIClerlDe. ~~,..~, qll'1J ' 1\ ~~. moi l e~.DI\\Ve\~ ,mplq)'~ In meel!- '!'II ODe u""b\'8 auttmplI W4S brought )Jere tor burial ~m Wed· ciai' ttmperature. reported fov and 1ftJ,~ Up, ~ IDIf8' CIBN. M~t 'f~PIl. lIavorlnp.nd eyer p~~n bJ tile pol'ea, ~eld.y. Funeral lervicell were Ohio haYe occurr~ in the southt Dpw eD~ 1Il~ tlt.~f d~o. of Qtber prepan " fooda tqe • • • held In the M. E. cltureb ....tern aeetIOD. uel...,. fIJI' ~Q'd aM ~aU8' a4v/W{ase of alycerlne tretlUleu aad '!'h. eomedlaD which Mis, Smith had lQne Available o~l recorda lIhow .,... ,........ ""' 1eIMl. ltplt to a purity. atld cooke are IDe..... 01 JtWumI Tlmbltn a member. the 10. . .10 temperature to have a'IIUtad• ., ....alai ...... Ilncftna It bel~ 111 Uie 1lltoMD. DO beta . . . . .t lalale lin. DIe Sel'OIgy of Wilming- been 89 below aero 011 February ..... ~ You can Ie=. po~ of Je tel' JAI~r.1 toa Ie tbe ....., of ,elattv.. b.... 10, 1899, at KUUpD. Pam eO\lllq.. The top oflaia1l'eeorci . . . cI08I Dot ba" ......... &0 tJae aootl- .. , ".4." , aIId ~ ~ 118 -' ~Ha eo '



/, fl 11'1'1' II" ,.1 rrop in Oblo to /I ltl/! ' j ' wlt,,/',· Ihl y ('sn bE' counted

lie'., every MondllY, The 1:,:15 Oh ill ',v" Cl'1'P Iva ' i " I' ') u "day, W(,lthl ~H(I IlY lind Thu:r.lurJ:: .. l .incC! I [ 1 ~ , 1 and \I II ' alnw!< 1 da v I'Hell weI k thrQugh March 12 I wiC(' II ~ llll'~e :t o. th' 5-s ' f.l' liv e I' . ).\IV · muny po inlc>rll on controlling I "li lt l.v dl'I'Il!'" whi h lire apt to IlIfC, '(' I ' lll' ill l'u lll weather.



',/ 1M

Oh ill.



The Miami Gazetl


at ulumhu I t ~l't>k: Kilt I I'n (ir. h8m "\, ~1Il! t at th I. nil' IIf hl'l' \11 , • MI', lin II )1 '. eh,~ , ":LI~' I' "n ITl.1 II ~ IIdt 11 \\' I h'h \If \\ "~'nt' - OilY, \ lit w,'r' I'u\lfl' l'n 1\1, - L, n. ,I!'.. Alln ell -U1\1 ;11111 II '\..1, 1., I 1\ 1,.ln.' lin)" afterlHl,ln, f (,htll'l~ 1l",It" II t'n' hO~\I'" t' 'II" mUITill!!,,' of ;Iii ' Huth 1\ lundH'.'n ttt thl' home of the 1"'1 ny Illt .1r_ (il'I)l'~., I'i~eon IOlllll't' Oil \1<11Hlny in hQnor lIe '-L·\,ll'l'll:l tll 111'ici ,'~ hl'me nil their Illulhtr, MI'~, I llry noster, I, t : Illlnlu~' nt hiJ:.h nl.on in the 0\' I'~ were laid fur the :1'01\1,,,111)1: 1'1'" I nr of lIb!)ut ,ixty rl'l;\tiv,'. ;l1~,danH' ,' Ella K<'ys 11 k v{ , nd fl it'lI'k Wn~' lll';willl" ,n, Cook, .T. 10 ,1 \'11 MacD l' l1 Id ~1I,,1 daull'h- 'I'hl1t'nuUl'r, \<:, H, Dul,!n, \\ Ill , ~;, til', .Ii', .'l1Ii :l "'I'lt' l'inC'linuti gil' b(>t", Rt)~c Carr, W , '\'e!ch 111\ .:,1.ttll'dll), ' Will, Gill Ill, D, B, ncl~!'woc.l. I I'~ _\[, I, nll~a ll "plnl ~ullduy A ,. " ('!lllt,Lt, Wilhur 8hi,lnIH,t:, ,liln 11 r tLI'ughh " ::-'fl'''. Herbert GH" Dl!,lln ~', Ih~\\ur~ GmhulI1, f!1,1 1111 (1 j':tmi:~' 1<1 . 11,nll'l'('" )lu1'Y 1I;11ll t:? ,OS,1e Soell, ;<'1I~~ 'I ' -I~ 'VIl fi t Ie •I I lIlav the gllLl~t {If _. r "' "I Il1111 "n 'II I ,,1111:< • 1tlll"IIIfI nnd . ,' .,', honul', l\ll ll, Mnry I ~t ..r, 1 , hl- 1",,1 :It t111~ \I lltlLl! , I , ' F I VI" tl 'II' 111111' Car l' ",1 , :11\ itn inti I "lt~~l'. , \' (, yn, lfDn,n nn , . "hian Tu 'ker ('ntet'tamed nuout 11"( at thl' }lIll\1l' cf )1 1. :mel !II !'-, , • ' -Ii \ ilfl" I (' ".~nl UII j fllll1l1 y l l1 thIrty o f t ~1' I ,SUI'Ortty al u nil r l\I()nduy It, ' , 11111 !t).\' l'\'lln mg, , ,\fr, '1I1Id ~Il' , . h \0.:. Go rdo n, :\Il', Rev, L{'a~ur of 11nngfield (1.,1 h ~, Il oI\:J.l'd lirolillm, and 111,' chur h PI hed at thl!. Friends , j I · G 'I I cD 11111 I - and church on Sunday evemng, • n, , I " ., , ' , • I I) f h J' 1 111'd s MI" Don'\, orget t e Funlor c aR t anll' I ~' wt!\'., gu" t of Mr" ' \1', R 1'~C " tIlld Cllmily of play at the Gym on ebruary t 1.




Caesa rs Creek,

twelvc )Jla emenls in the



,\Ir, unJ lIIr.;, W.n, Lukens, Mr, and ~ll'~, A , , oUctt and MI'. and 1\11., hu., no tel' wcre amopg tho C II ho att ntiod Furmer'

RA 11l'KS

etion ~nd tt,hut t1~hir f"II'd ntels l problem It ' Ii'll , IHl'onl I\Tint'l-I lu~t Fl'idtly 100 many iailul'cl!, Th Gettysburg I!lXIlIOI1. e e 1'1'1 gov ' l'nm n ddre!:ls, Lh Bixby L ette r and the NOTICE O F AP POINT ME NT wu-e IIwalded to Rurveysburgo" h as bcen ~pCJl\ I'Illg Ub a u t".WICc I", ,.,l llfhll-l1oon, .'ncond IJlaugul'lI·1 Addres ~ al'o , t ~ ThIS wa he greate l number :or rcceiptll fol' severnl )'<'m';;, and ha I l\1 .. Hobe,'t FU\'1l3S 3nlJ 'ons haming if Lincoln' traini ng and , E of J ohn n, P n ce, deany on sch(lol , L banon ha lug added bjl1ion ~ fto ih nlltional called o n h C: I' IlUl' 'nt!l, MI', and I)Xput'i nce tlTe ignol'ed, Even in C~Ms~,te fMour .P lac ement l\ls0, h tUld nts of debt, selling un all·tim!! rcconl. A lV1 rs. Erl~c~\,I~urI('Y '~t tdh hom o of the light of "all that h wa and Notice ia hereby given that h a~le T OWllS bl p SC 00 IV Gse Inr'''' 1111Ill1;el' of .. totes hove fol- Ruymo nu • n so n, un ny II f ter- hoped ,to b ," th Y ,SI'C no less' Dean E, h tIt t ...... ' tanl y, Lebanon, Ohio, easay!! \V,cre C 0 en 0 1e Hen 0 lowcd this suicidal xample. 'rhe nOOl1, Ilma zi ng, But here, at lea t, t he,y and M' lIie Rye.--Wayn esville, Ohio y the <I I trIct con~ t w re: "Dol'Uth 1'(~U1t ha, been 'f rightened capital M1', and M 1'.' , 110m r Haille>! \V 1'1.' lUI! on\e\ l~at understan dable, HI S have been duly appointed as , Helen Robert. on, Gl"lldc j; Ba r· (Ii~coul'aged invest or, indu -t '~al guests of Tn~l'o Tel'rel! anlt wite long ,xpel'l~nc() on t~c platform i ,x,ccutOl'S ()f th estate of John B, bam Thornbury, Gradll ; Mary '1' lrogression une mployment nnd o( ncar ew iennll l ondny, and hIS soh~ foundatIO n In law, l pence I t f W ' Co t M1'S, J, B, Jones pent c v ral 'olyn Luken and Will,ialTl S, rorec1o, u't'efl,' 1\1i , Lndol\na Sinc lair !;pent philos phy, logic, history, govern- Oh'o d .a e :d alren un y, Jay, Inst. we k with h er sister, M rs arr, Grude 9, E s ays wrlt(.()n by l t d I't l t I , ec a , Th e I'e I n'\: a p 1':\O n In thi~ part of la~t week , ith her fl'ientl n en un leN! Ur~ ~ u gges Doted this 20th day of January .Tohn Zimll1e rl),lan, nd family in Alice Boga n nnd Willillm lim p· I f h to h i d ". 'f I I h I c(luntry who wouldn't benefit fr om Mrs, tid Jonc , aV'llue 0 811pronc IS III n )1)36. Dayton. be1I W 'I'C til' It'ctC(J or ()C:I C 00 M I ' , " d ' ,:. ., ta I'cdu ,tion- and the P l'l:;on' ui 1', UJl( Mrs. Wtlllam tlllth, an Spll..... Dean E, Stan ley, A"y. Miss B ern ice Graham was lUI IlWllruS, '''M ' L'Inco I n h as to 0 t,oog rcs t, , s/11all and uvel;njl;C ))1(:1111 ' who tlrc 11'. ' Ell l1mo c, . and RalClgh ,1. RALPH "" H, CAREY,


()r~g o nia,





, H. ,Hul'lt tim , r mo\·\. tht jar DI\(I tightt!1I uncJl'f tht' caption 4'The Educat.ion with hla elckor .i ter, arah. he I l\l'nrid: a i~tant thr 1''''\ till' illll\\('uiat .. ly. s.,lf- uf I.lOculn," In. part, r, Gernun went to "chool under Za hal'lab dl'corlltlOl1 un,1 t'llIinl!: j " nn',! "II !~ h,. ,t ll~iJt, :a~' ; Rinl'Y and Call'b Hlltt'!. If he , hat! lUI. It in kl'l'11ing \\ ith ~ \11 ('I\UJ. II " II lit tl'Y t(l tiltbten th' "..\lJraham Linculn, ttl!' ~tltte!\- Iiny ambitionK al this earh ' a~OO(', ·al \·nlll1(' Day, 'l'lw Hume:: Ih'm"nII ~\uultl 1iC' II l'''Cl'lI~'llt idea if Itoill-llln mll",I" jan:aftn they h:I\" lllall, \\a~ tw t 1.11(' l'eKull of any .u d th,'y could not havl! included suc-tl:1II(11\ \\OIk, ' ,11~'1 in tun th ' ( Cln~n':~ .,r lh" t n Il"d t~t 'S (.uoled. If u~ing til!' Ph'''~UI'l' ('lOuk lIl'lI Ill' unusUitI gl'antl , pil'itual ceeding J me!'! helison, then 11,'c!illn .., itll th,' m. ('tin"", uncil'" Wl'I' t" IltiJOUJ for (I mtlnth "I' et' Jll'rmit. lht' .team prl!e<.'lIl'lJ lq I ,' I1l'l'iijnct', " Irerlll eXll nlina. PreKi dcnl, 'I' he next 14 years of "invl-'''tj ....l\- got) 10ll'n 1 ' ' , , I h If! ' c d"ueat lon were' ..I'ansp lon td lh, ltll!ler'hil' (I ( M , E, R, LWl' , ',. IIntl II 1111 l'l t Ik,' , 'Ul ', ,... to z~to bdol" opemng t lOlI, fnll' O ml} al' I ~O n, rCI\~o nnb c e L(ln~ac:]'(' , uf th(' h"l'lI l j)O\tl'lt'o; iJI thl' cO(lke!. The jal'" a1' the n inlerprelution and hOliest meas ure to southern lndiana, to which IOCR I ~()n Kan a:, Lightt'nt'd m; foJ' 1I\l' wnit'I' nlethod I menl will d monsh'ure that alth- rion hi Hamily had m OVM, Here , K o.n,SlIlI ha. no ~t atc d 'bt. It hll Wh n rcndy to usc Lhe m nt, in I ollgh h ultimately reached gl' at he assisted his father with the ! u fin(' 1'0:1 I l'y:;tl!nl dev ' loped on spect ('ach cnll t o _ that no IUlll;, mental a nd spiritu~1 heights, hi wOl'k 01 th e far m, ch opping wood, plan. hnve f'I I'lllittc d it t Rp il. Th I pl'('g'I'''~S WtlS faitly ct>l'tnin nnd clel'ked in II s or ,und rlln u I the "pay-u~-yotl-l!:O" I were all nth'\' I public improve- examination can I) mllue bt sm 11 ~"Nltly, if nt time' it' reguill r, iel"ry, But he wa s also pl'ivilt'gctl m 'nl.i1, It hilS II mllgmficent new und tn~t(' , Heat the meal I 0 mi~- I "Like ev ry 11 th t' human I lng, to go to s chool under three tellch-- -t'lwit()l building. I hus fir t-cln s utt'!' bcror~ tnsting it, 'I'h(. liquid he \\ 38 the result of his envil'on- erS', Andrew l'Uwford, Janies Ma~, ic 1'0\1 n!'hip chool nt Hnr- cho~l.. nJ it hus (ew uf n eanlH'(l 111 ",It t\<,c . noL I.llwa Y8 j m nt- the peol>le he touch d and Swaney anCi Azel W, rn nford, I'('Y~ '}\lrg ha, hl.ain oJ high hOn01'8 lOp cll~1 I' "flui!llncu" loxe j II, but if it hu~ jl'lI<>d antl thm1 ,\Iw, in tUI'IJ, ,touch d him ; his His ambition, Itt this period I)l'obdurn lion Rchoo, Is, teac hot'S, ably includ d ' becoming 18 boa\ill ,eVI ral field s in rc cpt :"cholll tic ami t mo 'j, othel' comlnon\l'eaJLh~, IiclUI,n'lI eli-card that J'!II, endellvors, Today merie{t11 peuple (If all newspapers, pr Ilchers, ciebaters, man, II farmet', or Il politician, occupationl! and 1111 income Icvels !,lfId politicians ; and hi' experi en- I ertaitlly he (la r d not hope to R ~l1lt!! of the \l oay contest J :PO ,,1"O l' d by the Anlerkan al' coming to realize thal theil' ce trave ls, employment, lega l occupy the ~eat of either ame s gr ate' t Ilcmy i high taxe ' , butUt's, politics, succes!;es Ilnd all Monl'oe 01' John Quincy Adams." LE'gion llho \' thal fOllt· or tl1 ' I ~11''', En', "tt rtIlJIl('. called on ___ _ __ Q

.. -----

Lytl e


ORDINANCE NO, 142 An Ordinance to provide for the tlepo~lt of all monie coming into Lhe bands of tho treasuret' of thll. ilIag", pf WoyMsvili , Ohio, Be It Ordained by th Council (,f th illag~ of Wayne ville, • late 01 Ohio: ection L That aU public monic_ eOlllinl!; into tb hands of d~~o~::d ui n l' ~!h ~~~kv~~a'f!n~~ ,itu at within the mQnicipality or county as oft'er at competftive bidding th highe t rate of interI.' t and give a good and s\lJftcient b nd or ecurity for said mOl)ey all provided in the General Code of Ohio. Section 2, Noti~ of 'the illten tion to I'eceive bid for the depo it o! id !llonie shal) be published in a weekly n ew paper of genel'al circulatio~ in said county jor n Qt It'ss than ten dap pri(ll' to the date fl ed for receivin said bids: the ids shall be ft.k\d itb the e lerk f said ViJlag and the lufficiency of the bond or security offered by the suce ful ' bidder shall be ' d b y ..... an'l d t el'mlDe . ue Co uncI'I f or .... tc Village, The period, for which the contract for the deposit ()f sa'd monie hall be made, shall be frQm as of February 1; 1936 t_ AUI:c~0!8'3.~~~1~ ordinance shall tnk - e~ect and be in fore from ,~ and~ ' after the arliest period a1Jowed by law. Pa ed, Februal'y ~ 1936. A, 11., DAY, Mayor Atte t: R. F, HATFIELD, C~6~3


over night g u est ' of ...Mrs, Alice ThiS (,l1l'lIlblc feeol'd SUppOI ts th most interest (l in cmpl<>Ylnent Bogan and \lire Wt!1' t.linnel' gue!lts , ed 10 the arms of eulogy, He has Judge of the Probnte Court, Clark in Dayton one night In t 11,if('h I'e~ul:s of the ft,l' t taLe and indtlsb 'ial expan~ion and horne oi Mr, nnd MI'." HOnlce Compton be n, ~hrouded in mys tery and j23-S0-fG Wllrr n County, Ohio week, Every I upll 'l'e .t 01 th IS ycar, 1n buildinl~ "ould benefit most or l at IV Bul'iillgton. 11llYlillclsm- t h unnatural and th Wilma Surface, little daughter this tc't all of t he high school aiL " , The Young P pI s 1 eUnll l phenomenal. Thu s it is ortenl ~============~ M I d th 261'l I h th 01 Mrs. ildted S urlace i quite c Ul<!'C: hllveragCt more , ' an I( Balanced buc1l~ets Rnd redu'Ced III t at th e hom e of Uunald Ih)ines \ POlO ( out t at. he \~'as n ~t _ d r sic k at this Urn with pneumo nia, abl uve t C lsta. e me, IBn scho_r h' taxation, : hou ld b conIc a house- Sunday ev'ninl;. I pl'odu~t of ath~Oll,ege ?d ~l11vetslttY Mr. E. J. Carmony of pringa s . b e ow th JUnior Ig 'I hold ~Io an Mk- 1I elen Crockett \1 as the om tIme IS IS sa l In s!, afield s nt Tuesday aft moori with schoo l W f generally abOVe the , g, _ _ gue t of June ~nd r~uth Sh ts tempt t demon "trate that formal his mother Mrs, Mary 81'mony, :tate m dian also, MRS, LEWIS S IERVICE '!;'u sday night. or advanced oducation is unneces~r. a.nd Ml' , Arthur Gr athous 1 In a(~dition ~o hi h rc~ords, in WAS HELD TODAY MI'. and Irs, William Bi, santz !!8ry to s uccess, Often it i reof Dayton spent Tsursday at th !;chola bc 't.andmg. Ma SIC litgh _____ and Son Chal'l(ls FI~ edl;\l'ick of pented to sh ow that omehow home of Mi', , and Mr. Clyde I School has s t l~ n IV pacc in Funeral. erviccs were held thii\ olumbus II.lla R v. nd 1I's, W, Lincoln wus of that ~culial' and, As we pass thrll the door t hat Wha.tton. uthl tic IIctivitics. Wi th a record E. B gan called on Raleigh Boto...a n ll.l1explainable specie_ known a8 Thu rsday aIternoo n at 2 o'clock I ad into II n w year, \V Frank Kurtis wa n't so well lai:lt of elcven victol'ies nnd thre de· at 0 , wald's Funeral Homc for Mrs, T esday night. enius, Fortun a tely for t he man Luk e stock of our accomplishwe k but is better at t.his time" feats the cnior high school bas- Will R. Lcwis who I?as~ed away ,Mrs, Ellu 1Iain and ~Lrs, Loi s und th,e n~tion, 'Ir, Li.nco ln W\l.S ments during the past year Ernest Foulks h 8 b n qU i te ketblfU quad i hbl'i,ng ,n ucc~ - at the iumily I' si el cnce in Lebanon Hain es called on Mrs, Helty M iars not thIS kind of a gentus;, U ,we and ren ew OUf re olve to live ick f or several days, lui ~eason. The Jumor hIgh sometime this we k. know all of t he f cts of hI life, ionday vening hortlyaft rnin up to the opportunities pr M.r. and Mrs. W,. F_ Clal'k ot ~choo l team has lwei e vict.ones ' l k 'I'h R , 11 Mabl f r. and Mrs, Luw]' Il~ e fitch. ~ e ould probably e xplain 1I0me- ' sented bY' our reaponsibiHtie1\, Wayn eSVille pent S unday after- and one d feat as its splendid 0 C;c , f t~ ;\, t t' ~ h e nol' were dinner gu sts of Willill'l1l what 1'8tionally ev r~' thing that he ur polley is and alway will noon with the tatters mother Mrs. record. The only W l'r.en county PII~oor : d t~c' II , ap I ~ ~rc amp ton ond wife Sunday said and did, be to · give the khld 01 service Mary Carmony. team ·w hich hns .co l'ed a victory ~ol uc e I :iervltches aLlll Ul'- - - - --~ "l~ifte n m no had occupied the b that 11'0 OUl' elves would exAI' CI k r D t ' K' I'll Th 18 waR mal I'll c canon h' 1 ffi f P 'd t f th Mrs. Ice aI' 0 ay on was over M, H. S, IS mgs I s, e t y Ig l 0 ce 0 r 81 en 0 e pect if we Wllre plac d in a calling on Lytle frie nd s Tuesday meeting of lhese tams will occur ce~1le er L- , ' th 'f r nited State before 52·year-old ,Our aim s imilar position. , 7 K ' 1J rs, ~W I S 1110." e WI e 0 Ab h L' I t k h' th f a:! t.ern oon. Friday II1ght, February ,nl m gs t A d'to Will R L . ra (1m mco Jl 00 IS oa 0 wiil be to onstantly improve ' , game M a I' expel.' ts B oun WIS The l'(lof at th e h ome 0...~ M rs, Mills In th ,s ' I Y thu hI rb ~ b ', . 0 fti ce, A I'k I e num bor h ave occuour prevl u b t eff'Qrts, ' f Th eSI( es (' us an... e IS SUI'VIVAlthough the fuct· i commonly - d ' , h \' d h d'd Meta Rogers wa' omewbat to nvenge her en l'h n- d at , e. I b d ht 1\1; 1\1' , ple It s IDe e ( te , 80 ow I damaged by fire Thursday about winnings oJ these strong team: ~~I1:el,a aug er, t' , lrIam po in ted out that Ab1'aham Lincoln he compaN! with both h'" Pl'cdecesnOon When it caught from spa rks make them serious contenders for had little education at sc hool, he sors Ilnd uccessor s in euucation

R enewal of Our R esolutions A






from a chimney, Wit~ heroic work of the men h.ere III to'\\ n, forming a. buc k et b' rIga d 1)0 thi rIie was soon extinguished, The February meeting of. the Lytle Ladies Aid was held Wedn s day afternoon at the home- of Mr




. . ..\.

----.;...--- ~-------

Perfection Oil Ranges (See New Model In Our Window)

Prima Electric Washers'

I' h !g t hi production of a cia sic like the "GettysbuTg Address" is understandable, accordi1lgto Blaine Brook GorneJO, Lincoln !ltud nt, writing in t he current is ue of the Natio nal Republican,

Lustro Finish Varnish (Made to walk on)

(four hour drying)

Maple SYruP Supplies, Cans, Sap Spo ~ts, F eltStrainer s


New Idea Manure Spreader..--Wagons and .farm Machiner.y-McCormick Deering Repairs for Farmall Tractors and I. H. C. Ma chmel.


Repair,S furnished for .11 makes of F.rm Machinery, Stoves or Tools of a~y k ind. Give u a a trial on that d~.olete repair you have had trouble in gettin ... Shell Gasoline, Oils and Greases. (Free Air ).


W e carry • complete line of H.rne••, Coll.rl Line. and Bridle.


Hardware and Implements

"Lincoln was fortunate in hi ch' te ae h ers, • Olcel 0 f sc h 00 Is an d although bpth were of short duration and hffluence. The tlrst seven years of his life we.r~ Bpent In centI-al Kentucky, in he then Hardin coun ty, Trudging ,aJoTlg

J. E. McClure Waynelville, Ohio


==========;;;;_ ,

( 1..


Friends' H()me New~ 1 of Fosters' rossing, and Mr, and Mr!:!, Henry Dickson, 01 entel'. ille, were- dinner gue~ts at · t he Home On Sunday, Mrs, Louie Zenilmycl', of Leba non, apen t Montday afternoon wit h her mothe.r, Mrs, F r ances Nickleson , ' Mr, and Mrs, J : L. Mendenhall dined at the Home on Tuesday. Tho(! reg ular ~tu arterly m of the boa rd of trust ees of the H ome was p ost.poned from last Tuesday until 80 Ie f uture owing to the enfo rced absence of moat of the m e mbers, Mr, and Mn, Set t lem yer, of Oregonia, on their grand mother Mu , Tuel!da y "'Y•••" ...... Mr. a n d Maraard Tl!IOJrIIll,'lel.lhld triOllda SlJ'Ilda, am:enlOOIl,

l\ev. J. I.


Sell"'" of l»a~~



Th e 1 eco.rd-bl'eaking co ld wave duting J a nuary, combined v. itb labor difficulties 'in seve/'ll I cities, caused sales in stores Qf the Kroger Gl'oc ery & Baking ' Company to slIg slightly during t he fhst fO ul'-w~ek p riod of 1936 e nding January l!6, compa,red t~ t he sarne perio,d a yeal' ago, Sa les for the filcst 1936 period to~a led $16,633,2110, as against $17.182, 877 l(ll' t ;he 'same 1935 , ll e riod, a decrease of $549,647, Or I thl ~ e per cent, Housewives made fewer trips to t he s tores during the s ub-zel'o weather anti, cons(~quently, bough t, less merchandise, an official of ' t he cOI~pany ~ta!rl;

l\1l', and Mr$, T om FostCl',


for the position?





~~g :n~ 1~~~~:~:~e:o;:an~1dt~~O:::i~

Th e jal's shouW be only partiany ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sealed when pla(:ed in the cook r - -and car;e hOlJld be useq to see that no fat oadber s to the rim of t he jar. Time should be count d o ~ly uftel' the PI'C sure has re~lch · ed the proper pc,int, H a 1>1'0 urI.' cooker i ~ not ~va ilaQl e. the Plq)Cessing Clln. be \lone by hating t he jars for three and one-half hours in a water batb. The , uter sh OUld cover the jUI'S a t least one inch, and the wllter must boil vigorously dur ing t he wh ole thl'ee ane one-hlll! ,h ours At the e nd of the proce$"ing


Hanna's House Chino Glo.. Enamel


the county championshi p. . CANN ED MEATS NOW Th school a a whole IS ~ ork- I h ' h I ' II Ii ld " ing i,oward a Ig goa 10 a Ie 8 I " ----of scholastic and extra -cul'1'iculal' ( ontlnued bam Page 1) w()l'k, me red for the I 1;8 tender cut, - - 'the cuns s hmIld be processed Subscribe for The Miami Ga2ette .for t-:v 0 hours at, 15 pou;n~8 pr e sU l'e If a pressure co oker 18 used,











Stock up at thil low price


Ilol D__ SmooeIL, tn",DC

B~_ ~


~ nomy





COOKIES . • • .


Lb. 17l

N.w lndt but. De1!douI, fr u h

Lb. I•• f Sc

2 ,.•• 2 caM ate

MILK • . . . • • LI., tan 6c Country Cl.b.. VIt•• ln 0 .cd.d


O.latiD 0.-..

Salad "'.1. Dressing ' • RI.II, ImOOCh




Peanut Butter • ,f"!' ISc _It...d

4 pkl" 17(



French CoEl•• Stock up IOC .., II Ibie real low prlc.. HOI-D.t,d 11111 bodIed .rtd I ••ory•

. ...,. O.h.loUi

2' lbe. 39c' ,

• (r~c~~ s..... . ' ,'c.".5 lb. bos 3(' ( Toll.. Tilsue 3 IOc ....r ••••• ' 12l4., ..... 115. ow.... Soft. 100 ...........,' w._ Mustard • • • Qt.IOc ' Scratch'''' I.,M... . ~,IOc



J.cIc ""'1, PIPe



lINt. . . . . ., .lAlOIIf., PIlI. fHIt• •

Iabue" R..llow pllce

W-. ".",6'" .. " , """'_~"


IOO ........1.9! .

Fre.-Shore Oysters, pt. . , . , . , . 23«:

BanaDa., golden ripe, Sib.. . . • IOc

Fish, Whit in ..., II,.


, • , , , , .' , , JOe

Frankfurter., lb. ,. " . . ,., . , ' 2Oc: Bolol'D&, Ib . , , , , , . , , ... . . . . ,2Oe


Breakf••t BacoD4 lb. . .. , . ,., ,2tc

S lb. piece or more.

Ch...., mild, Ib . . .. .. ..... , .1Ie


10 Iba. .... ,', ..•. , Sh Fresh froIR Florida.

New Potatoee, ....... . " . ..... 180 U. S, No.1 Flor!da'.

NeW , ..... P.... fall podJ ..... Ito


BIk."l.l9. 3 ......... 100


Eighty-Eighth Year













\\' hole Number 6208




OF ,

R llillt , ~~~.(,:~nbl(II~~\~n~l:r'~;:~~~~\L~~t;'~:~~" SBEOCKHHEOLLODE SMONnDAY




' SPEAK . 1I 1·ll l'ation, tnwnshi l) oud All ScllOOI buslll! in Ohi o, reg-Iu·d· less of ' OWll r ship, will r ec eiv e 'I' F01'm \. itiz n Writes of Hi:! R ro ll e ·tioml of P c pIe Hun at Ie CUUI·tHIUI'le In c b~nc>n 19a6 li CC llIiC plates fl'ee . Fr!lnk And Ev e nts in The Early Fal'mei'S' Grunge. o. 13 "ill Fliday uft I'OO()~, fo\ ' Il. f.t '!Hotal W est, stato reg.lstml' oJ: m oll/I: m eet, aLuI'day eve ning, I,"'hl'ua ry (·xl'lanulic.n uf the rat~ · lhnt have l vehicles , began a s urvey last. Eighties 1 5. I h 'iln tE'ntativcly c nl.>liRhed fOI' B . Mila Mame Browne Ha. , Good week to d terminc the numbel' of ' Tit following PI'Og't'al1l has b( ''' n the' vnl'iuu!-\ tUJ(ing suh.c1ivi. ions of Ualn"aa Se.. iqn Will Be Opene d buses. The buses, to receive Jree Pape)'; Fou)'th Grgo Preletlt. In compiling th' e I'CCOllccLions meat mark t. fill'lLOged for lhe leclul'(' h'luI': cOI)nty. Following DinnH At Grantre ' plates, mu st \;Ie USffl exclu ively Pl'ol'ram of peopll·, !lC nes nnd even of The large fral1ll! building two A nlel'ICII, ' GI·ung<>. 'I'h e rale . ('h(·d\l l~ waR sent t o Ha I I at Noon "O~g. lor t.ranspol·ting scbo I h iltll'en . from 50 t{l GO yam " ago no effort duors below at fil'st housed tha 1l1bu tes to Llllcoln -_ In . 1 lhC' Ohio Tnx (' n1tni~sin\1 SuLllr. --Out of a membership of ninetyhas lie-en mat.lo to altain litcl'ary unci ·rtaking and fUI·nit.m· :tab· Rus 1' 1 Frank . . un.y .an(,1 UI)On I'e '('ipt uf the comTbe annual stockholders meetmel·it. It ha "c~i~' en me 1)lea. llre lo IiRhrne nt Ql J ohn Key., lot" r th •" 'I' larae tCI'lSlJ " .. .- \'1 h nin , 68 ladies braved the ice and ~ • CR w as mgt.on , Jnh'vlfJO ~ IIPPI'llvnl the I'Oll' .sched· ing of th., Waynesville Farmers' r cot'd th.m and J hOPe tho.e of Wu"'" Novelty Works, II local MI's I[ Sb ( '11 b ., I ~ cold to attend the Wal\n e Town· ,.. " l! ~. U 'WI ' e mau<.' known thl·ough. E h '11 b h Id h Violin, olo- ll-mn F lrc~. out th county. ' ~xc ang o. WI e e at t e my own genm'ation aJld espccially cOln pany manlliao:turlng sunulY ship Mother's lubFt:iday alterthe nnes wllo aR ,Drew Sweet \ a s 'mall Ifl'ticles wa s lo~ated lh r e, Lc C!tur, -.:.. Mi s Mary Mills of Ct'ang Hall next Monday starting noon, Febl'unl'Y 7, 1936. wont to ay, "have wandered fl'om This company wal' manage(1 by Wilmington. with dinner at noon. The-se meet.,The meeting was called to ord r the so ncs of their ch ildh ood" will Rawdon Evans a nd pt'ovlld a finan. We ul'ge thai every gl'll11gc irlgs are coming more and more by Us president, Mra. Larl"1 find them of int re:t. railUI·e. A few VI ears uIter the member be prec'nt at this mel'tin~ to be looked forward to as imBrown and in the absence ot the "l!~~~~~~~~~~_ Having ha d n acccss to rec or<is cial failure. A fllW yeus after thc Bnd the lectul'e hou l' wiII he open .. pOI·tant community affai rs. A larg secretary MJ'S. Hartley Moss of any kind na turally I 'will have local company of the Ohi Nnti· to lhe public. For tlto~e \I ho huv(' number of new stockholders have acted in that capacity. Tho treas· Mrs. R obert Werntz was a Day. made some el'ror s which I hope anal Guard . In 1!J34 "hen the hea rd ~iss Mills we ( I sur~ that been add d dUl'i ng the past year. urer waa alao unable to be preseot some one b inf rmed will in cin nat.i pap!!rs dev()led so Illuch yo u will want to hem' h l' again. All patl'oDs who al'e in any way Comprehensive reports of the ton visitor, Monday. OUlt hou se riots of For t.ho ~e who have n vcr h 'a l'd connec I with farming operations major projects of the Club were Mrs. Hattie Smart, of Harveytl- corr b throllgh the columns of lIpac to th j 84 is regl' Hable that ~omll one h(lI', th ere is a t1'ent in !>t(J I'C r(JI' = a,re \!nco uraged to subscribe for liatened to and bill!} were pl'esent· hUl'g, was a gpe t a t Lhe Frlends' the OazCltte. Shollid .a ny reader po~se8 did not take un il1tere t in' t he you. Mrs. How II Pi erCe was ill Wil. stock. All sto ckbolders share d and ord red paid. The Clothing Home Sunday' eve ning. 1 icture' of. Main street laken Wuynesville comp;lny whlch acqu it Let's make this one of the big- nlington Satlll't.Iay IIflerllo on. dir ctly in th e s urplus earnings of ommittee requested mol' fund ~ Mrs. lda. Kellley spont the- week. about J G h \I ill find a sil'ik- t ed i 'c lf with ho ll or llntlel' .th c gest mce lings pf th yeaI' \\;th MI" th ompany in direct proportion . and were given permission to buy . Ilnt! l\In~. l{. 11. lI art ock to tlle amou nt of business trans· os they deemed necessllry. It i8 end wilh h I' si ~te r nnd family Ing tllI rence from the scent! of cOOlman d of apt. J . A. K al'114!Y· ev ry offi er PI' s\';nt and Lhe hall t.odny. P crhnpII lhe outstanding The last lenunt was hUl'tes U. filled to capa ity. ;~:~'n~~::.ton viKi lors, W ·(In 'suay Il ·ted _"_.i_lh_t._h....e~c...o...m_pa_n_y_._ impossib to find worthwhile near Dayton. ch nge v.'o uld be the Pl' valence 'R e d wiLh a Ol1i~ctiunary and - --second hand hoes and Lhe extreme Mr . Louie Settl my el', of Leb- f t blI 1I b' i . 'restaurant in the fr nt anu a weather has made inroads on funds mad available for ~urch8s­ :'n d broom fnctol'Y in the l·eUI·. MET ! tree. The highway th n wa' - It wa het·(! 011 thllt fawful confined t h t· be I ing shoes, Qv~rshoes, and hose for children who otherili e would b noon. .]1 of gravel mo. tty rough and fre· .Apl il day of l !H)() the holocaust EVENING 0 {. 1 uncared for and out of school. County T v usut'er R. H. Hart- qu enlly dusty. Morgan Taylor staJ'leu that \\ Ith l.wo excI'ptions __ ha~e~~~, J~~~ ~;:avAel,.to'~erEe arn. ln ~ lIlrs, Hartley Moss and Mrs. SOCk. and Co.u oty Auditor Will ~. opera d ,II Rp rinkling cal't n II ~es tl'oJ(ed evel'y bu lltllng on the The 'W ayn e township board of Dayton, aturday. The .r c nt extreme cold weather Raymond Conner were nppointed LewJS we r e m olumbus on bU~l- subs I'ip lion basis and when he ,.r S(IUare-. to represent this organizatio!, at n ss MOlldaY. rived at th .prop rty line of a Jllst a litUe '~f ay d own th e street Education me ~ in l'egular se sion Mr. and Mrs. J . K. Preston were hus mphasiz('d the vahle o:f the a coun ty mcii!'ting of similal' gro ups nOn )layer he promptly cut oil' t h wa' Mahlon RI.(lg '!'S bal'b ",!.' flho)l. ~[ondQy evening, February 3, with dinner guest$ of fri nds in in. ommunity of the le!litimate 'c oal Mr. and Mrs. LOl'e n Jameson, in Warr n county to be h Id soon fl ow of watel' th ' I'cby giving Lhe I think MI'. Rl(lgc ollce told .me f(lI l'tley Mo.s, presiding. 11 mem- cinnati Sat urday eveniJlg. deal I'. It pl'obably has not OCCllTt1 (\ Louise Crane, Ouyton, are Rub cribcrs Lhe full benefit of the that aitEl' sorvl ng' an app rentIce' bel'S except Belt C. Rna·tao k rcd to OlOst people, but it is a at Lebanon. MI'. and ~J's. Dan CoIl tt ~nte r, fact that even in an average In t h e- room popularity cont st announcing the an'ival of a non subscI·jbers dU!jt. Both ,Ides oI sh ip under CIa. t un Fost.m· he op en. aIJRwe\'ed to the roll call Bills wel'S daughter bOTn on undny, Febru the. t.. t w t'e bordcl'ed with fine ed his. hop In 1~68 which prob p)'esented and"o'rdered paid. ~ained Mr. and Mrs. John Preston winter t he mines cannot produce Miss R aders r()om was the winner ary 9, at St. Elizabeth hOsllital. trecs which. have boon acrific d ably mlld c h1m 1 0 nl~er continuously l\h-, 81·1 Fel'gu~on who hns ub· at dinner Sunday evening. enough coal during the winter with 13 votes. Miss JllcKins y WaS the march of nmgre ? Hitch - in bu Iness for. hinJ!f If than any ~titllted in <the· junior high and higb M D months to supply the co"nt.-v'8 second with 12. Mr. 'Ray J.':ife, slate advisor of \. th Wnynesvl II e c Iti zen.. N ' rs. . R. Snli. bury wa hostes '" - J eX school t departments of the chool neetls. The public is largely -deMrS. Eva Burnett condu cted the F. F. A. and tat director of ing posls and racks were in fl'ont () er "'sl'(lcn~ c and bll~.lne the P r int;'. grocer~ WIth the was cho~en as a teachel' to fill the Tue day, to the ewing group of d every 1 of devotional xerci es and the vocational education, visit d <" ., MiG ...,h d fl which she is a member. , pen nt on the stocks of coal carI.a m IIZ • .:c on i; e secon . oar. pos ition lef t vacant by the t'esigna ried in dealers yards to supply the schools contribution to the ])1'0- Wayt1e Town 8hip vocatit>nal agric. place and wilhal on bus y SlLtUI'Mr. and Mrs. Vernoll Croppen. needs of the winter months. gram wn in charge of Miu Mc· ultural departm ent last Thul·sday. day nighh tJ1 country f olk were W ith all due Ie ntd for the hving tl<m of Charles Spencer (luring comfl{-l1 ed to Beck nccolYlodati ns ml ml;!el'S oj' the Bl'owne family the first semester. bach\!!', of ]i'nil'l y Hal'dwal'(: During one w~ek of the recent Kinsey (Fourth grade) . The- Woma.n's · A\lxilill l-Y of t. for their hOl'Ses a . quare away. fo r \\'hom I haVe the highe t ,he board desided ' to again pay store, spent the week-end at th iT cold snap the W aynesv ille FarmR citation-Helen Vint. commence· old home in G~l'getown. ers' Exchange delivered 180 W l\.!lhington Exerci e Croup Mary's Epi:copal chllrch · will Cutlet's were oftimes deep u esteem, Mr '. Br~wne was to m~ a :C al' a portion of th meet at the home of 1>1 l·S. D. L. \\ itne!!s 0Tle at th 'Ide l he wonjall of 'U PCI'lOl' mental attalO' ment ill~itation8 and approved the orders of coal. This would ' have of girls. ranc Friday afbunoon, February Pl'cscnt bank building on North ments. . . diplomas. Names and stalldlngs oE MI'. Joseph McMillan i serio -been impossible without large supViolin Solo-ll'ma Fires. almost iI. sumed tne 1 beheve It 1'\'& elth r an editor· candidates for graduation. wel'e ously sick at his home on route 1. plies which are normally carried Recitation - Raymond Isaacs. 14 at 2 o'clock. A full attendance str et proportion s of n ravi ne and WaS lal she had wI'itt.., n 01' a. pape r pre· (el)Ol'ted and plaJls for more His daughtel', Miss Eva is aloin stock. Lincoln Exercise - Group of is de ired. There ha9 been and will be DO boys. ir. and Mr . E. F . Earnhart, blidged with heavy plunk.. The pal'ed for tho m(lOlO rtIII crv lce thorough prot etion agains t cQn- very sick with grill. Mrs. Pllul BOOJ'onl, of BellbrOOK increases in prices except in Song- Entire group. Mi s Marj ori E, mhart, Mr . Joh n bottoms of the gutters were of aIler th death o~ Presiden.t C al'~ tagiou di 'ease were discussed, The Bupcrint\';n~ent w author. Mrs. A. T. Polinsky nnd Ml's. E. C. cases where the cost at toe mine Clo iJig recitation Donald Fromm and Mr • V. M. ~1'mitage field sto ne bJ'oken Into convenient field that was con&Jdel'cd a blecra1'y ize. and driv n tnto the dirt. I Illa t rplece. ized to take under consideration rane were lunch eon gues\;& ' of has been raised to us. Watkins. represented Miami hapter No. III ill fl'ame building adjoining the a~ visabi1ity of publishing a Mrs. E. F. D ppe, Tuesday. ·We do not; expect norl)1al shipMi 10 Marne Browne read an in- 107 O. E. S. at the district meet- wond r how many men clln l'eeall ment$ and supplies ()f coal to be teresting and informative de crip- ing held in Wlhniogton Monday th ir ff'OI'ts as boys to kee p th ese' I. ~. Ke}'l! made :~oot$ and. shoes, school annual booklet. The senior .c lear or gra s and weeds during a hvely bu illes' tIl olden bOles. doss is intere ted in thj ~ tYPe of Miss Ruth Cll8Ddl~r. of Cedar· available for at least another two tion of the lDlltitutitms for the aftcmoon and evening. the ummer months. The ()llItlent Other shoem~kel's whom I re- project but to date nothing def. viii , was 1\ cek·end guest at the or three weeks. However by . &eFeeble Minded. - - -- -li ed a· preparation with b tte r call ~ ere, JameR Marshall. inite has b(!(!n announced. Friend~' lloma. cepting some subst.itutions we eft' cL The C'Urhs were likewIse EhvOOd ~Ie~k~, William oop r u ' hope to be able to supply ~l ~ds Th lnrs. Alvin H. Earnhart and d J h S·~ b .-. Mr . Lawrence Garst, Mrs. Charles f fi eld stone but much larger. an () n ..... ns rry. r a men o are always a ociated in my mind sons pent 'aturdllY evening in T~e .Id walks were to a gr at v. ilh the brick building on tl;le COI'entel'vill the gue~ts ()r Mr. a:nd Anderson and • exteal.t lIutpavcd. Whel'l! thcy wcre n er supplanted' by the bank buildMrs. Milton hCllbllJl. --:-,....-:: usu I)' brick and iield stone had ill g, Philip Hawk'" a BrltiF:h 1mb d A f <> Miss lC~tllryn Gibbons, county Announcement of Lhe approach. e n .use ' . ew were ~ f saw d I migrant and a splendid ge ntle... d f t ,. ---h~Dllb nUl$e, has been confined to t . marJ'lag'e . h B()01\ un m"~ n t·old , ""c "I'st labol' Tbe' February meetl'ng of tL.'I".. h~~' b(mle lhe post two :weeks be· lug o~~ M'18S H0 Ieli W e1c, te hInd ~ bvel'~ ewd 1nIJIII.ances i . ,th"t . . the .. of WaYIlQsville, to Mr. Earl Shol·t, de .~cre a I een u e w \ n. h e p r! rme<\ 111 . America was HaPpy Hour club Wl\,~ b 1 Ilt the Cause of iI1neSl!. Etb'a n J. Lewis. who has been Ill eren~ JlCSU h. Itlal' ry l n~ brick fOl: th erection of hom e of ."11I!I r • R"'YIllQnd' Buddock located at Annapoli8, writes that N. Detroit St., Greene County I lh' k i d D PI I " ... . J. :L. Mendenhall is in Hale In t \\>8 un fll' r. vg as- t hi s building. S. W. Rogers who oc· TUCl5dIlY a,(tern()on wlfh eleven h e has been transferreU to U. S. clerk of courts, 'Wa made at the bee' reg ime os mayol' thllt "con. cupied the \;Ius iness room with l\ mt mber 1111..) S veral gucsts pres- ho pital, Wilming ton where h e Waynesville down~d a very I ... .~ d ... ,~ Naval Hospital. Washingt()n D. C. sirong Ross T>own ship t~am Tues. lovely bridg~-luncheon at which c nlrate( e .. ort. Wl\ ~ s .... l'te to . queen wl\re t.ol·e, nt • . The nlceLiug was called to recently s ubmittell to an opera· for a COUl'S& of illstruction in · nd c-n hall, who visits day night by one point 28-27. the brlde·elect's sister, Mrs. have 10lfhthedwallk~ kPaved. Str t" Mr. ~e l' WO Ii man o·t llne rdel' by the vice.president, Mrs. tion. Mt·s. dental technique. The game was fairl:J[ sloW' in the WilblJr Th ornhill was hostess at ~e rll g tt :w t b el'ose~\! danCl mOI'!l1 fibre, I SU1'e that he Jo iah Davis, in the ubsenae of the him cvory day, reports that he is He says: half, with Waynesville hold. h er home on. Thornhi11 Ave. SatUl,'. ater gn 0 ine; jt etng 1 H e Uty nevI!!' knvwlngly uttered an un- pre ident, Mr. Henry Sattertn. gottlng aloo. very we ll . "The Course will be about four of the yillag mal'shall 1.0 oar fol' lJ'utb 01' in~ ntionLllly injure<! any- waite. The club Ct· d and mi.n~t It ing quite a lead 16 to 8• but ' n day afternoon. The date for th the lamps. I . ..) M I'S, Charies E. And el'Son hatl n10nths duratio n. From here, I the laat balf t he Greene county cllW, _-+~~e ust meebn g ","I' rea..... ,dinner guests Wedn esda.y bore to go to the Great Lakes; ' l~ nulllet'oltng th . Val'lous bllsi. the T UI1PCt' st,).·., DI'ew Sweet Aftel' th ..... ""stn"Qs boys sp eEded up ~d really played nuptials was not l' venJed. . In. . v "', meeting th"" vening, Mr . Howell Pie rce, Mi s (lon't Imow about. it ye.t, W~­ h roll·S. Thornhlll l\I!~eive<l eleven ness nt' l'pri~es of th e village lC1t published the News. Here wai$ a prOl'<ra"l ommitiec t.ook Cl1~-O some good basketb a 11 • .'\. "•.OOr tat, . ~ ,. .'" Mame Brow'n e-, Mis!! lara Lite, in gton is quite interesting, much , g interestln'" ftrst one t eam and then Ute other uest for a [OUl'-co urs IUQch on u begin!lt the cpI'ner of Main man who wus a \v dtel' born. 11!! and·esented a vel''' .~ ~ " Ml s Laul'a McKins y Ilnd Miss more so t han Annapolis. We are held ·the lead, and it' was not. u.ntil a.t 1 :30 o'clock. Guests were seated stre t nnd Franklin Road; here p osselS~ed a te'n or voIce fit, and entert_inIIliPl'ogl'll l1l. Oil-ri ng a.bout a block from ;Lincolll Emma RaphuJl . the last twenty seconds of play al; a large table, a ttractiv.e with where that llardy perennial Orange qualjty and' had 8 1 vuble .persqnnl· th e soc~l ho"I', the hG.¥tes a sistl\{eTllol'ial and about ten blocks that the determining 'bB8ket WB8 Valentine appointments. Rapel' an<\ hi wife reside was a Ity. Happy aTe our l'ecollectlnn cd by M.I'!!. Wa.rt n Braduock, Mrs. W. N. Sear 'Who \\'8$ Ul.k en from Washington's monument. I Red and '\II'bite ribbon stt'eamers , brewery operated by A rbogast who WSl'e privile ed to ba k In served retre,hments. st-riously ill 1'\1. ~day night of last Can see th Capitol dome on a m-;:~ ROilS Township 'team has strung with hearts, extended from Aman the :(a.thel' of Charles Aman thc sunshine of hi,s sroil e. The club adjourned to moot week, wa J.'lIshed to McClellan clelll" day. Now have a fifteen quite a record lor the season. each plaCe card to a bowl of white who fl'equents tho village. On the Let us retrace our steps to with Mr-s. Josiah Davis in March. h<! spi~l early W edne day morning inch snow on i he ground. Five They' had only one defeat for the blossoms. used as a centcrpiece. adjolnillg lot stood the broom shop upper stl'<!4It. The frame ~- - - • - - fot' ~n ' emerg-ency operotion. We above zero. I was to come here season, losin, to Selma by two CatdB, on which clever verses ap· of John A. Irvin once mayor of the bui~ing on the East side was th" a~ glad to report thl\t the opera· the twenty·eighth of January. but '~" I tio l) ~as s.ucce ful and she is reo , spent eight days ()n sick list w th B e11 'peared, Wer~ attached to the riQ. town, It WIIS to this shQP r th ink \\ agon shop or PGter Eb erly. Bc" pOints, and are now.•t I"" brook for the Greene county bans and concealed among the came from Cincinnati Joe LaIey- fore .the latg(J factories we nt on coverlDg. with intestinal f lu so was not enllmpionahlp. flowers. The announcem ent· ap. ; ette to work. He with John M. quantity .producti cfn many farm On Monday eve[ling at their ! tl'ans1'erred untU F'(\bruary the The ROBS Junior-)Iigh team de- peated on the card attached to tbe (Tuck) Taylor, Kinl .Rader and \\agon s bore h is ~tamp. His wood " . home }Ieul' HaTVl'ysbllrg, ¥l': and third" 1eated the Jamestown boys ill a place card of Mrs. R. S. Gaines, of WlII ( Ig) Rogers \V~'re the big workers were ' ]3 n Lippenc() t~ ~nd With tr(lnstef at tntl II WSA 1'8 Mrs. Howard Ol'8h m entertained Ethan sends lov~ and best Hartwell, Cincinnati. four around whom the caste for Tom Hay lit, P pjnters, Amos preliminary game. . Box score. Fo llo-win~ the . luncheon three the Geol'ge Hamilton benefit minis Harnish an~ B,u rdette George. In tr~sllJlttef trom Mason, 0 ., to l he "SOO!' cillb compo ed of Mr. wishes to his friBn<!s_-_ __ tables of bridge w-ere played. Mrs. trels WIIS built.. And I CI\D say it the blacksmith shop just b~lo w 1~c1nnatiauthorlzed by the F'ed- anti 1\1rs. A. S. Collett, MfS. Luura WA7I1 . . .ille B F P I Herbert Carr, of Harveysburg, re- was a. Tcal sh o\v ~b~t thes~ men Georg Shle,lds held forth, N()~ a erlll COlnmunic:ations Commis$ion, hida'k ef, of Harve.ysbur; Mr. a'll~ CINCI~NATI PHYSICIAN Conner " .. ..................... ... 2 1 6 ceived the prize of h~h score and pu t on. In passing may I say this i:nO(ty . hoer [i rhups no on cou ld construct ion of a new plant in Mrs. El'nest Buttel'worth, M1·. and . SPEAKS AT FARM ME~TING . Da.vis ................ ....... .. ...... ,. . 1 9 th-e consolation tr.o phy was award- of Tuck Taylor, in his latte}' y aI's 11''01\ a vehicle wJth !nore skU!. Il Cincinnati will be sta1·ted im me<l-1 MI''8. M. A. COI'nell, Mr. and Mrs. Forty-five D1emb~r9 of the WarGriffy .. " .. .,.:.................... 8 1 ed Mrs. O. 1{. Horen. of this city. be overcame a we',aknea of hi the C()1'nel' of l\t!1l treet Mark iately, the Cl'osley RadiQ Cl?l'tJ. W. E. Corne ll , ~Ir. and Mrs. J. B. Chapman, Dr. aml Mrfl . H. E' I r n ounty AgrIcultural Club Allen ......... ......... .............. 1. 0 2 MiRs Welch l'ecelv.ed a gu young ma.nhood by his Own will Dilyl llved and !tressed pou ltry has announced. The Ii'ew {l1\\ ~ "ne of the most Hathaway, Mr. and Mrs. S. ,D. wel'e in attendance at the regular Satterthwaite , ..... ,.... , ..... ~ 2 1 6 prize. power .. <I< spent hlp later years in fo r Philadel phia shillment.. At thi I me ting at Memorial Hall in Leb- - Mrs. Thornhill' s guests included peace. I im'; this business. was flourishin g niod~ 'll tlnd con~Pletcly equipped Henkle. st"ti01l'S nower clas1\\{ic8M W E S d d I The three Totals ................. .. .. · .... ,. 12 4 28 Mrs. R. S' . Gain es, of Cincinnati; Halt wa)' (law n the square was as Wal'l'C-ll Barnej;t was \!q"!lll~ in. , the "" T. • <. tl'Oll was ten er E!< I anon Monday evening. . f ' ' . b' h members of the board a county ReN_ . B fl · P MIllS Helen Welch, Mrs, MOfris th survey rs office of Jo el Evans aeUv e oncl send inlir hk pr(lduct lo non , wUl be ~l'eeted on the so uth a p I easllnt RI,II'p"lse 11. IS on1:! . . twee n M d' . . lb' f COnnm$SIOneTs were present lUI I . Db' Weealch, a~d later h~ s01\ David. Where N vr York. n t.ljf' OtJpo8lte orMI' side of Warll er stre<lt, Kavanagh ... .. ......... ..... ' .... 8 0 6 ~"uIWkerson, al1nld ~rs. ·H on ay von lng, In ce e rallon 0 f h . • . hd . A.' I guests 0 t e orgsOlzatlon. 1 11 ().4 avnes v e; .....I8 _ er ert rr th Harvey Ayes live wa a 11'an18 MI·s. Dud l ' Y had IJne of th~ nu- Chlckuaw and Wheeler ·t.reets ' h'I' blrt ay an l1lv ersnry. ~ Slx· D K nn D nha of Cin . St~orth ............ .. ...... .. 5 0 O ·and MillS MarY Shldaker, at Har- strutture that stood 'on the slll~· l11erous hnt shop I. ~ CIIfton Heights. olclock d,nner featured th~ oceas. l . r.. . on Q m,. h f 11 cmnah, dehvered the prlliclpal ad~~n~~~ ............ .:............:......:..:::~~ : 0 6 Y~:~r~; Mrs. :ilf~d K c~saum, .walk line. It had. been owned by l one . ot .th(l marked changcs in Plans aL'e. beitlg, nlade to trans·.tOn 11ftd was .en j oye d b y teO oW' j I' of ki th bj t commands .~_ . M d M M A t l ess, s pea . nJ on e su ee, Gordon .... ..... .'....... ... ........ . 0 1 1 ~ (Jm~r~; ldo~en. some of the- Terry family and mYoId and new WaVlle!!vill e ~s that form tb. e sIte ' whIch h' " b ' II "'8 guests . T. an ra. . . "~ow' to Fight TubeJ'culosi- " rv1 good vIew of t e Clty aSln, k M d M A H ' n' Talbot ............. ,...... .. ........ 0 l i p 1 ar )(l n to f t:~ recolleetlon is that the women I ther~ la.·but one 1I1i1liner w ile 50 into a landsqaped park. The 10. Ful (>1'50n, r. an rs, . The me tin, was preced ed by Talbot ............... 1 6 2 Ie t alld II ve en. 0 folk were either millinel'll or dress \ years ago there w'~re ix or more. _ _ _ c tV. makers. ~t onetime Amos . Har· 1 am at a loss to name any ca'tion of the new l>~nt is eaia to ~tubbs, Mr. ,a nd Mrs. Ralp~ Hast- a dinner and the propam wa. pte • 11 8 27 l\IialI Welch TI. . rraduated from IIlah lived In this house where his tenant in th e $tory of the be j)articular~ 'Well adapted for 1~:: and M.I:. and Mrs. Phil Lar.- se nted by tbe Wayne Towuh1l1 group with KeUer Hoak .. chair. Totall ........ .... ;,;.:.:,;.; ..... Wllmlqton Rich School and famill' had a lDIaU Jroeery or' frame bl,lililing the town8hlp radio ~(lYl!l'a.e of tbe entire city n • Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hockett and man. . . . ....... emplol'td .. bookkeeper in the confectionery. lIr. Harnisb wa. hous e, but there no doubt 8s til and adJl,cent areas. It is planned - - -.- - • painter and active In the vllh~ge the upper room. 'l'his w~ ~e to make WSAI • "community Mr. and lrrln. R. H. Hartsock WaJD..vtD. Natiou.l BulL 5t.1r ......... ,. 8tatlon" and to mcre.Se the uee entertained the other membel'll of WonteD illter.teci in makle, . Short .. we1l-lmo'WD bere. baad. r dental office of S, J , Way-;.the dinner brl. club vi.: Mr. 1111! at 110,... "oald uk coat)' u- He Is IM'VhtI hi. Ant term.. In ~ three .~l'J bric:k a,rosa I Dr. Waf'S was betGre of Clrtelnnati talent. The transmitter. to be 'built by and Mrs. R. M. Hawlle, MI'. and :.,,~ ~ 17t , COll1lty' flier) of e~.rts. after ae~ ~. ~~ lire. 11. B. Ktn.. the Dlodern 01 allevJatlq Jan pub1 .t 0. U. ~ 'iN ...hIeI depR, lor. aam ...u, kacnnt 'Prank, fer 'pain and molt have clear re- the We.tern Ellt(!tric Co. will have Mrs D. R. SalIsblll7l M... and 10004." power. but tb. station 1l»e aDd . . .~ dlJeetIou 1« _ _ &lie of • ill J. •• lI1ID.r itore; eoJJec loas 01 h1lJ't..



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w~:e:e~~~u~;m~::. ~!~:~m:;:~ , ANNOUNC·EMENT

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c1"c II C tI, i lu Le. l '" I tllh.d without Try The Miami Gazettc For Ie ,1l'lar· Year. Tht' will of Jv ('ph C. (,hamb('rli~. d l'C('lIse d, \\!tll admitted to ( Jllbll t~" Walter hamllcrlin TRY Wfl . appointed ~xccutOl', 110 bonll OUR CLASSIFIED COl.UMNS l·cquil·ed. Ce(lI'g Croll. Hownl'd ~~_'""'!!~~-"!!'!!!'!!!'!!'!~~~~_ l\tll ngcr £lnd G org(' P. C[\tcs ware uppoint d npproi:"c . In the of Aaron Brafman and Nllt han F"ed, executo rs of lhe state of Solomol'\ FI' d, dec ased, The itizGn. hip elu b met at 1 :30 1 ai, Sill of real state is ordered p. m., F~hl'uary 4. N('w omcers "THE HOME OF CIFTS" Ma.rri.lJe Licen ••• with DOl' thy wert' install tI Joe Robin on, IlIbol:e r, of Kjng$ Lebanon, Ohio llunter liS pl'f'sld ·n\.. We enjoyed a PI")g'I'l\tn of po m uOo stode!!, tills, lind ~iss Julia liorn by, f EXPERT WATCH Wllyn.. 'cott ployccl on hi comb, Kings Mills. REPAIRING W spent the r t of the tim~ in . Uiin. Onl, Genuine Materi." Rcal Ellat. T ...... afera lilaying game. The next program \liII ue Itcld Tue doy, Februul')1 11 lark Geeil to Elmer trobel and -Prompt Service And will be aboUt. br hum Lincoln Lillian trob I, 27.73 acres in llnr lUll town liip. Store open until 9 p. m. Maie Runyan, d cea ed, to Sec..,nd Grad New. The seco nd grail ha~ flnillh II nn Marie and .Mamie Ihrig, inlot No. 100 in Lebanon. nt(lI'(din~ Eskimo project. . The outhw stern Ohio Power :---~~--------:"--: PCl't ct 8peller. for the A !!k 101' a C . to The incinnati Gas and week were: 'Donald Brown Pauline Gillson, Electric Co., 1''Ia] est.a.te in lfarlan 1 Miamisburg Permanent ' WlIlter Johnson, Jr., Virgil La ng- township. Concrete Woodrow M. FyI and Cora E. acr ,Lonorn Lov~'ly and John Pyle to Ray Hodge!!, real e tate in Perry ackett. Air Seal Burial Vault Union township. For Sale only by .te si W. Applegat\l of Edi th Fifth Grad_Section Tbre Woodyuff inlots Nos. 7, 8 and 70 Y o.ur Funeral Director We at'e nil busy this . week in .Ma~evill . ou l' bOl( T IIdy for our Edith WoodrQff and Frank WoodValentiu e partY. FJ'icl~1. ruff' to Jess Appl gate, inlot No. McClure Funeral Home Our pclling cont st for] t O:} in Maineville. Phone '1 W.1D ...·iIIe. O. w k llnded y,ith Virginia S 'buler's team winning with th score B~ II. Allow.d 63-44. Th Olllc Outfitt ... , ' lIupplie for ommi 10/1 r, 2. 5; L I II Sympatby Note DrOKe, loc., coal t r Mr. and Mrs. Bodenb nd r hlwe Rou!! , $7.00; l. b lion th deepest sympnthy of students o-op. oMI lor u t and t achers in the loss 01 their $7: HI' n 11 /I II. infant son la t aturday. ourt 11 u ,.7. I I · Jame on, ExtrlC., r .t Junior ClaM N ew. ounty upt. t I , T he picture sbow that ,vas given Hel n Dou hman, b ahl by the Junior class proved tQ be IHrol'~ Dou hman, '1; AND CONSIGN very profitable. Jt is thOught that Eltzro!.h, bo8l' d an d car, ebeep and calve. the student enjoyed the pieture Starkey, $5; Jam loor , Itve wire and very much : 'The class is planning and car Lucy Mool'e, ,5; Mr. lIr')ln'eul... Ann the htabeat price. and food IImee. to giv another MOW in th~ near Elmer LRcy, board and, Frank Lacy, 116'. MTS. Lule Gabbard, SI.. k Yard.' CI•• I__II. O . f uture , " in on Radio StatioD WCKY board and CAre, Lincoln Gabbard, to 12 :30 p. m. tor our daU, $6 i Mrs. Julia Holland. board and repon..

a h 1.1 in lh h1xh- ·hulIl J .. hn Ut'nr Smith 1)IInllid Jo'l'Iulks. L'III(fln~ lit KinlitK , lilI .• ,n· WI <I- i fl!l!t, twu inc ItIl' u I,it lll, l\'" Jlrnry I"u It:r ,l(,t\c~ (Ha rry) · . n .• Io.y u f III ( wt!t'k. •\ftC'1' tb(' hllnqul't, l1r. J. W. P' "11 1('. })hy ically hunk LI! lay. Jr . :;plinkll', ~u~1l'rlnt l'nd (>nt nf (h,' ,n;u· \Jsinl:' thi H orae Wurthlngtl1n- Wilt on kl' my tl'lIch I'S 11111 t~Ql'k. - - -,- - .- . - - .- - - - - - - - - -.-..) Ki ~', Mill. ~chonl., Pl'l'"h.ll'll fI."1 li'l'ildly Uk<- 10 nnvi.. 0 2 14 mn 1,'1' l\f c\.'rcllIoni d fo,' th "",k IIJl nL t\)l', \I ~I'n thc) talk to I IIme ~ Young-Trl'~!II('l' lIard in. Wayn nille Win. F' t Can... ,tilry .. 6 0 10 gmm which follhl\' d. , nH'. Of nUl c, nl,i,,,t of lh('m onl~' .J(!'sil."ll VUJllll'f]Jool i\'iun ~!If 0 G I l ' . A Ifn'd Wlltkins led thl' hnv.· til tilt theil' .lellds back a bit Conner. In on ,f thl f"~tc~t J.!1ln1(1!' 0 r 'ntterth\\uilC! .. 2 2 (i ' group In • illging" IlWricll," afrer to IO(lk up nt my fll<.'l.'. but · " lie of Tol/. LIIMnr Earnhart. the sen. on Wllrnr . '>ill, do\\ n,'<1 l1('n ~ \I h i('h lIv ' boy!' pr ~cntcu n vuri u them uO's huv a tim of il, POOl' :p dJl~bol'o hy a ~('orl' of :1'i-2, 16 6 37 rl'!'~nlll\ of tJ III 11111 'ie, including Iplloll. If" i.~ very short, lind CitizellAlhip Club Met. l"dday lli ht. Tn h t1rsl quOru'l·. Total .' (Iut.

chool High Spots -

~rrin,,1)oro titart('d ofT "ilh !I bang Springboro ~n,r It look II "" if it \H 1'(' Il\\ill~ F. PUVlIJI to hI ju~t om' of' Iho'(' ddcllts i() r , l\lmlte)'t' " ."h syillE'. n il \ ~V r, in the- >'(1C' j Sturk 'IllIl elunrt r Ulc ~ Jl(\W~ jojot th e "0..1<,:\ . ~witlg elf the Unll' ano t'cllll~' ~w nt l wen r . to t()\ ' /I "Th _'~Ilrc ilL he half l I , . 1 - 12 ill ! ', 01' of tl1l.' loc I Totals t l lttll. The junior high leurn wn~ I \lth I t II II lu ly so vrtunll . ' oug \ I Junior High- gamE': th e~ ~t rted u w c:>lI. lh '~cmed W ' 1l 1.0 I" e heir IX'P a_ the gl\l11l) went Fu·r'nnll."s"v, e


"n.hi other county g:Ulle6 ,aT,.ISI ... bll<cketbol\ gllm b (111m J\1C),'J'o~ 20·1 . }Jllr 'q u~ d~.f "h·J 'Kings Mills by Ii onehi~,l :eM' :U-2:l l o ven up the tJ ('fcllt handed to t.hem by King~ 1111. by II one-.ided core 31-23 t n ven up the d(\l lit banded to tpl'm by Kings Mills in a previous Il:IUl e. L \)!J,non wa downed by l~r nklin 26-21. Wayn ."me ncara the end -of the Ilasketball 'e Ou for 'SO-'36 \Iith but on nlore I/:ame' to play. n Friday nigbt, Wa.ynesville playS it III t game wilJi Highland, a v ry good "eam. The game will be lllayed her , and a good crowd i c ' pected. BOll scores: B F I \I"1n II V"l'Y tl(l8<'

<Inner ....... _ ... ....... ....



hITY ·

s;rorOaUnd .... J • Anderson ..

B 1

4 4 1 0



1 .. .............. .. 1 •


• .. ...

0 born .. Totals

P i:! vt'rnl Soulh('l'n song. f I. WlIl- must noticl'ably look up at me, to .., kin_ then gav\, two nunlber on the tlteet 10)' gOZtl. Inciid '01811 y, I drnw fu11(' t hl'ight, :1 1; violi n, th fir taB'\' ncb Cavolt , IlIYl'lt? If up to b 2 lO I ntH.l lhe lICC 01\U, "Berc use," froln when 1 talk to h il m. That's a bit mean, yot\ 1:<8Y: it Pl'l bllbly i but 2 1\ Joce lyn. . 1 Th sp nk r of the evening wa 1 think it'; hllrml . 1 • uppo a Mr. Dean E. ta.n lcy, of Lebanon .. psychologist. :woultl ('~plain s uch -; 28 who gave an inter sUng disCll , !on an action by .' ying t.h, t it WtI on "The United States and T du' to nn inl ri O-rity compll'x if on. titution." Mr. Stanly traced ] coulu po sibly have s uch a thing lhe development. of he pdnciple He might hold 1 rellljze that F P F 0



1 3

3 0 0

1 1




,, 6 6 B F

o! constitutional


from 1-h

P instrument for the presen'aUon of 8 human liberties in tbe .history of 1 1 3 the , rId." Mt·. 'tnl11ey emp h .2 1 5 iz d the importance of IIdhering 1.0 3 1 7 the constitution Qnu pointed out 0 0 O. that dictator are nemies of free 3 1 7 governments and constitutional ~ _ _ protection and privileges. To~ls ,... ........ ....." ......... 10 5 25 The til'\al number was the showing' of B Yale Univer ity film, "The Making of the Constitution" which Schc.olm •• ten' Club M_~. At presented in dramatic fonD lhe Km•• Milia dt'awing up and th igning of the The regular meeting of tbe conslitution. Tbis film wns run Warren Co unty Schoolmasters' under the sup rvisio n of Mr. John Richardson, II teacher in the Kings Mill system. In addition to the club m embers tv\'i) men on the Kings Mills BOB1'd Education, and the vice-pre ident of th~ Warren County Board of Education attended !.he meeting. Messrs. Fxank, Lotz, FerglJson, and Brown were present from Waynesville. 'l'he next meeting will be held in Mason on Wedne day, MaTch 4th.


Fery ............. ,. ... H. Yocum ....... .. .... .. Parlett. .................. ... , .. ~utt ........... ..... .. .. . Zinck ,'.,..... .... ......... ..... Vondel1AJnitb .. : ........ " .. ".






Littl. ThiD •• Which I Enjoy







S ih ir ellrliest inception in the lind, by taking adifuntag 5 provinc 8 .., .... f southern ])enmm'\c ~upcrior height, I ll'}' 'get 7 and 'northern G rmany, th~ough v n" with them. Ma be sO maybe 1 the Anglo-Sa on ettlement/l i'n \h('y't'e ,.ight, but IIny "uy, r get 0 England, to the coloni s eslab- n "kick" out oj making th III look 2 lished in ~he Ne.w World. The up to me, r ul. 0 enjoy br usting a strong constitution of the nitcd tales 18 \'11 lize.d as "The gl'('alest wind. 1 Iik' to throw my h d ha k

and l'un inlo a l'lIshing wind. When I do this I re~1 lik e loosing II detillnt. yell. uch ,Iln impulse- i a l)limitive in tinct, I imagine. PtlllY mun dt'fying th l elements. At uther times, I ·njoy ju~l standing on a hilltop, withi the wind blowing i ll my face. 1 love Lhls peci 1ly in the sp ling of tbe y ar, wb~n th • wind h' su ch a sw t. mell and a iet'llng of fl IV life abuut it. O! course, low temp{!I'atures do dnmpen my IIrdol" 11 bit, but. even th n 1 {;njoy bucking a good strong wino. Ope,rett. C ... t Ao.nounced

The cast for the operetta, "M) s Cherrybiossom." ball been completed and rehears Is are going for ward now. The cast of l)l'inoipais is as follows: Cherryblossom·-K'Ilthtyn Smith Kllkemo-noblfrt Hiatt.

Cary's Jewelry



~;~~::~~~e!~~]::r~ !r:: =====M ==a=rt = ' =• =n= NEWS FROM THE WARR U~l c..l. "I Ollie Gardiner, $6; Mrs. Oma Os- F 'r CO ' UR'.r FOR AST WEEK I Barlow borne, board and care-, Walter • and Frank Balling..r , $22; Auctioneer

(A theme for a litenture class) p' Things I enjoy-Hmm - let's see--um- yes, I belieVe there are , W. E. Frost. veterillarian service l on tuberculo ill eradication, $101); some thjngs t hat I enjoy. In spit.e of my reputation a a pessimist, I Common Pie•• Preeeedia,. I lan, deceased, filed hls ninth ac- Wilson Harvey, helper services clln list at least three things whjc·h ---count. on tub&reulosis era.dication, $27; !... I enjoy. ~n .the ca~ (II The . People's I The fi l;'st account of Alma C. Staka.lta Mfg. Co.. s upplies for • I enjoy drivi'ng a car. I g t a BUlldlng, Loan and SaVIngs Co. Ruffner, gua.rdian 01 Audrey Lois Oommon P~ Court, $12; The t hrill every time I climb -under the versus OSCJu'etta Ream, et aI, serv- f Rufl'm;r, et aI, mino,l's, was ap- Oflic Outfitters, supplies t or ~ steering wheel. This sensation is icc by. publication is ordered. proved, allowed and confirmed by Sberiff, 46~; Sanco Products Co., not caused by lack of e-xperience, In the case e,f The People s the court. supplies for jail, '14.24; Ohio Pe.n ERE'iS. an offer that will appeal'to aU-Amerie:m f or I have been , driving nearly Building" Loan . m~nd avings Co.. The first and flnill account. of itentiary, Dog License TJgs. $2.64 'Soy Maguine .and this newspaper at a special Phone 78J three years now. Three years v raUs Celia Henderson, et al. serv- George Bacoli, executor of tbe .eS- Union Gas & Elec.tric Co., light at combination bargain [rice. The American Boy is the should certa.inll' have worn off all ice by publicatiop is ordered. tate of ,Amanda Sands, deCi!a ed, tesidence 01 Mra. Van Ho'r ne WPA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ favorite magazine 0 more than 500,000 boys and the novelty connected wibh driv- \ In the mat~r of ~he Otterbein was Q.pproved, allowed and con- ewing Project, $2.79; The Ore· HENDE~SON young men. Its fiction carries boys on th~ wings of ing. Tr\je, steildy dtivjng do s dull I R.ome the petlOller. IS ' to proceed . firmed b1 the court. gonia. Bridgoe Co., reinforeing steel J( adventure to aU parts of the world. Its sports articles the sensation, but still whe~ I pre s I vdth the consumrnatlon of loan and The court approved, allowed and and plate, ,5.16: Mokl'y & Teeby famoUs coaches and athletes are studied by chamdown on the accelerator, and f el execute the neCE!SSlIry note and confirmed the acond account of mer Machine Co., labor and materpions. Here you will find the finest stories on spotts, the car surge forward, a little mortg ge, securilng the ame by Lizzie Cavolt, guardian o~ John A. ial, .66.40:; The Van Camp Stone -aviationl business, school activities, hmnOl', and travel( t.remor of excitement runs over en upon real estate. Cavolt, minor. Co., sand and l(l'avel, '147.09: J. L .. 1 Even at its regular price of ~).OO a year, The Ameri. , I h f M'ld d tH d WUIe Dr._ . • E ...I •• S.tt_ me. I don't mean by this that. ,I n t e case G' 1 re an y The Court apprDved, all wed and K. Spencer, sand and I rravel, ' WAYNESVILLE, OHIO can Boy is considered a bargain. But now you rnay like to drive fal>t, forty to forty. v r us Max Stayton, cause i dig- confirmed the first lind final ae- $154.65 i Sam Smith J~nk Yard, obtain it and this newspaper ••• , • . five miles an hour is fast enough missed. count of Edell Teny, adminiBtra- parts.. 6.25; The Greal A & P Tel !"!!!!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!~!'!!'!!!'!!!!!!'!!'!~~~~!'!! for me. It I~Tather t h e thrill of Raymond Cli~rk who plead d tor 01: t he estate of Moore, de- CQ., food, Up.90: W. 1I. Berger, POll BALE DATES CALL being able W operat s uch a com- guilty to t he charge 01 mnn- ceased. food, $8.60; Wm. CoUins, load, pileated piece of l1)achinery, and la ughter was slentenced to four . '.[\h() second a.nd ·final account (If ' $18.70 ; Fred's Store, clothing, .8 knowing 01 the power that Ii months in jaiL . . Eva McKay, guardian of Karl F. ~rtha Hines; food, , $8; . under my control, l'e~dy to act a~ I n regard to the Harveysburg and Helen V. MoKny, minors, was' Grocery 4& Baking Co., the in stant that I need it. National Bank, motion a to set- appro v d, Howed and confirmed 40; A. Shiflett, f()od, Another thing I enjoy is being ling IIside entry anll ord~r is by th e COllrt. Lewis & Drake, lnc.,luel, ,35.'76; tall. Sounds a. bit absurd doesn't grllnted. Petition, authorizing sale The CDurt approv-ed, allowed and Mikesell's Grocery. rood, $7.60: .lESSE STANLEY Send Your Order To it--e njoyjng to be tall. Maybe it's of relll tate il; assigned to be confirmed t he second accoulIt ' of North End Grocery, food, ,4.76: . II I h d F b 17 1936 f d e07 25 A 3ao, .... Ii.rll•• lo., CHalCo tbe effects of bemg ta w ... t car e ruary,. C. C. Eulars, aelministrator. of the Robert Reicbel, 00.... . ; _ . " enjoy, bu t never ~ind, let me ~In t he matt~r of the Fra~k estate f Rl.Y Starry, de~eas d,' Shiflett, too~, $16.60; Ruby Van 'C:' _ _'_ . EARL KGOGLI!R plain. I s tand a good six feet Burnside, Em m~~ Prater and Leat1e . Aaron tUTtiS Hallock 'Was ap- Riper f ood $30.30; Ji;l!)ert Wallace D.7toa P.o.. · tall in my stock! g ~eet : with my ' . noOK, trustE,es of the Chu~ch po inte.d ,executo:! of the esta~. of IGA Store, food, f61.'10; The KE ••or• .•••• ~~~~~~H a Ha~k,~~~ no ~~A& P ~~~ ft~ :::===========~~~~~=~~~~~~~===~===~~========~~~Of~M~ - - - - - was given to selli relll estate. bonq beinsr I'eq uited.. C. C. Eula8s $116. 30 ; W. H. Berger, foodJ $12.....~.....,.~~~...., ......(IIIIII...___r#fA................__ ---~--,. (IIIIII.....'!"IlII."...."..........~.....,....... --Charles S. Irwin and C. H . ,Young 10; Conner-Bryant, transportation N....' $llit. were ap olnted appraisers. ,16; Esth~r Cox, shelter, $8; The PeopleB' :Building, Loan and Charles E. .Beam, administrator Dewey BrOB. Co., fuel, .16.60; J.' Savings Go. filed a. Buit agai!1st< of the es te of Emma N. Beam. T. Deardott, abelter, '10; Everett ..... '" '" '" '" ~ '" '" ...- '" '" '" '" ~ '". '" '" '" ..... Oscaretta Ream, et aI, for . money deceased, filed Id s applicati<>n for Early 1uel, '6.60; GIIS H. Emit, POll .AL& foreclosure, lalEI of real estate and a certificate of tranaler. housebold neee..i~. U.150j E. H. equitable relief'. 'l'he amount -of The. inventory of Elizabetb Gloeckler, ,food, '2; ~ertha Binea, LOST - Ladies open face eold money claimed wall '8$0.48. Schenck Null, executrUt ot tbe e8- food, ,18.60; F. A. BlldaoJi Food watel. Reward. Mn. Lloyd The Peoples' :B~Udiitgt Loan and . tate of H oward W. Null, deceased 00., fuel, $19; Krol'8r Groce17 • Da'flll•. Savings 00. 1Ued a. Buit '-,ainllt was approved, . Balf.lnr 00., food, ,3 j LebanoJ:l Th~ wilT of LeWis H. Martz, de- ! Farroerll Co-op. C<l., fuel, .2',21; FOR 'SALE-Enamel Home OomCelia Henderson, et aI, for money for.e·c losure, aalEt of real eatate and ceased was <lcim ltted to court. Lewis & Dra;ke, Inc., 'f uel, '9,76.:· fortranfl'e; kitchen cabinet, 8 equitabl& ·r eliet. The amount of In the .n ::ltter Of the estate of Geo: B. Johnson, aervi~ cer- cbaiI:t, Tocker, bed room Bult, mone y claimed is ,210.42. Rrinyan. d eceased, dfatribu- tifying ~gent, ,62.60; Linnie dreuel', one 9x12 rug, apringi, CLASSIFIED ADS COST ONLY · Williams, servicea as vialtor, '27.- feather bed, da~nport table, 2 ' Beulah H. SJltton, by her guard- tio n was o'l'del't~d. ONE CENT .PER WORD. WHY ian and next fl'iend, Lewis Slaton, :rite inventry of Annie MUler, 50, Helen Randall, aervieu aa ineuba~rs, 240 egg" 100 eu, t;iled a suit against -·Ber!.ha lIaw- ~xecutrix of the estate of George visitor, $27.50; Merwin Ooyne, porch "wins, a:w,nhlgl, 1 cheat" KEEP YOUR ATTIO FILLED and Mary Hull for partition, K. Millo!', d ~c~a.sed, was appro"ed, services as commodity distributo, clothes wringer, quilting framea .. WITH USELESS ARTICLEJ.S Maude Esta King filed a. suit The will of Elizabeth Gibson, $17.60; Geo. B. Johnson, olllC& sup and other articles. B. V. Smith 4th St. Waf11eavllle; Ohio. f6-13; agllinst Jean Sll()o~ et aI, to COD- deGeased , was admitted ·to court.. plies, ,8.76: TilAT CAN BE TURNED IN~O test validity of M'ill. Tbe adjudicatiC)n and determina.• - ; MONEY FOR · SO SMALL A . FOa SALE-White abelf . paper, The America·1t toal). and Realty tion '();C t :.c inheritance tax. on the Co. fil ed a suit against joh.n J . ~t&te of Alfaretta l\lut"ray, deU 10e ]Jer roll, at the Miami COST. TRY THIS . M.ElANS QF. . G...t~ oIBoe. Stagge a~'d (~larg Stagge fQr ceased, 1s given to all persons inSELL~NG AND SEE WHAT A judgment 1n t he sum of ,637.55, terested. . As lam leaving the farm on ac- FOR SALE-Ensilage ,1.00 per DIFFERENCE IT W'ILL MAKE foreclosure, and ' equitable relief. The adjudication and detennin ... count of ill he.Jth l will offer at ton, Dodd.. Roxanna and Wa,- '. Fred Kahn, doing business as tion of t he in",eritance tax on public sale at the fann, located 1 nemlle Plante. . os-tt, • TO YOUR POCKETBOOK, AS Fred Kahn Motor Car Co. filed a estate of N. Beam, mile West ot Harveyaburc joat 011 PIPE, VALWS dd FITTINGS WELL AS TO HAVE YOVR suit against H. Elmer Hasting'll ed, is to be giveu to all penon. . tor Water, G.. Steam WeDa tere8~d. State Route 78, oft and SPl'QiIl8. Cbtern '&Dd, El'" fol' cognovit. STUFFY OLD ATTIC CLEANED The inventory of Blanche Wetlll.... ~. F.......,. a.. tese trlc &nd lpn, pnmpa. Plambiq A OUT. IT PA YSI Probate Courl n'er, executrix of ~ estate R..tID, Sapplln low. prleee and Com';"ftelnr at 1 p. m. the 1dP- Qaallt7 at The B~"n.. The adjudication &rid determlna- .Sarah A. PerriJ1e, deceased, tion of the Inheritance tax on the approved. foUowtq: I KlDIJeO~ ItDla, Ohio. Wri.. al estate of Sarah A. PerrlDe, deAnnie Millu, e'JI:ecutrix of 1 .lena,. COllI', 8 ),um old, A No. for ' . JIll ceased, Us to be g1v'n to aU per.' estate of G8 0 rr. Ie. Miller, 1; 20 Read Bop, 1 brood lOW, .W.un'U 80ns intereated. ed, flIed her "davit ill lieu of auJ 19 Shoats, ahoat 100 0... laThe will of Eunice H. Hallock, account. mliDed: FAl'IIIlDa Implea....... - - - - - -.....- - - - - dece8led, admitted. to court. The mvento.., of Blanebe Boa.lleho14 Goo... W. Cheater Maple, executor er, admllllatr&tnJt of tile eat&te ot 400 Ina. (.... or 1. .), the estate of Ullam B. Bl'adbu l'1, deceutcl, hUlked eon, ...,.. 10 Jm."ht, .. appro,..a. T tmI .....

This .,. e w spa p e ... I,



Or.. No Charge .

At Red u c e d P r ." c e

Centerville, Ohio


L' • M.

Both One 'Year For


Stanley &Koo~er Auctibneers



The Miami 'Gazette J"' ___".....





Pu"'IJe S.I• .·



:~lIt~~d~~~o~~,~~: \\;,:I:I~ a;dh:1C~, WOMEN






~ , will he bt'llack"~t ellch ,1011-1 day f«JlIl ~:45 to 3 \1. m. O\,<!l' st.aliol\>I WCOI, llncl WORU olum otic. Plio. . ............ _...... Na. l''.t po.tottlo. at W.yne.· hu.: Wr.W. ('indnnatj: WIIK. • L i' P I '1. YMr ville, Ohio. a.Malter g.c-t)ncl \.:Ia .. It.dl Cle\c1u~d: W,]W, Akrlln; WALR, Perlil. Outside Hom .. I.e •• Numer. A 1"'('1>(' (\ 1\l(·t~"I' fi r nll'al ., pbaa r c., • .,. 7.ain{"Svll ll'; nnd WlIB, anton. ou. Than TI,O •• , I rnor"d In ~lh'lol tii ,tl jet. ill aCl'll l'cJalll'" II ilh thl' ~tulo' t,,:IH,ol Fuundali on Pl'," "Radio i" the fdend of good M Any Hou ... hc,ld • gram hil s IJl!(' n 1\ ill'keel (Jut \)~. t hI' . FEBRUARY la, H)3G IHJok~." :'.tr. Noor! commented, 'lIt W:1.I'1' 'n C"unly Bourd uf 1': duCI! ' "houl(l ue made th instrum nt of Wom n 111'(' apt to worry need- tion find ill nutty III be Pl'l :;e nll:'d . creating a desire ror tht'l best in DOINC E~CH OTHER'S WASHINC l' a(iing. The time which 1I person le s~ ly lIl>oul ua.ngel·s oulshl, lhe h ~Hti nli; on the proposal ., ill can ~J}end i '~O limilot-u and the house bu~ Lo n eglt!cl laking pr - h ... helel at Lebanon T own H~ll ;ll The opening of the Pan.Ameri [In Ail'wuys servic across the numbel' of bO(lkll so confu singly Cllulion~ in the hom e ,~hieh w uld 2 o'clock :'I1 arch fi a l which Lilli( Ppcific bas drawn vivid attention to thl! possibilities of incyen cd lal'g that the thoughtful inclivi· prevent many nc cide~L"', in thc It public ,lj);cu l!l'j(Jn will he ~'(111' mark t.s and recreational sort.s in the various countl'ie~ rimming th~ dual kn ows that some guidance is II llinion of home 1111lnagemlwL spc- du cle r!. Op[1ol'iull\1y will be> j.(iv. . \'l1quil' d, heJ\c6 lhe <,?iJjective of en, it Is s:l id f ot' fnll t'ollsiJt'rut I<ln w()rld 's lar,ges ocean. Am ricatl initiativc Ilnd enterprise i. pIt- hIng' cialists at. O. '. lllil< prQgCll.ll1." o'r the vari Ui:\ /llCl'l(l't·s ttl 1,(· into th. e 'EaRt. ;. lallY bat! fulis Te~ ultillg in Rt:! ri henl·d. Albert Richard W tjen, the sea story, who ha s be en • .. The plan of c(Il'l~(lliclation is L1I1' traveling for sev ral months in Au tralia., says Lhehe is n /rl' wing Th tux l~aye l'S of the Elevenlh ous in juri !J 0 'cur wh n a huil' Boal'll' ~ ~ k lch tlf nll!rgl' r.- ;lnd or . tool is u!;(!d u slep ludd I ' in d sir ·in the commonwealth for ir e lrade witb t he United Stateil, and ngl 'lIsiol)al Di I.t·ict o I'e to may be changed to ltlutu ul H Iti a cl at' desire for American methods of 'Production and distl'lbution. decide '\vheLhe r a . p cial electi n hunging IJictUfllll or i n cl ()aning fadi on or' scho{11 putron~ [Inu 1<'u rther, he !\8YS, fr0111 the toud't viewPQblt. ll'1l el hus been will be call e dto s(' lect a succ . . or walls or ceilings. ol11leliDle the nuthol itic ~, it. wus snid bv eh ,,'. inRu need to some extent; by lhe situat;ion in Eurup , but apart to Congl'cs man M" I G Underwood hom maker u c [\ rick.!lY box fen' ItS H. B I) hl county .·u[){'r inll'n.lC'llt from tllaL thel'li has been a teady increase in the lIumb I' 0.£ vif\it-ol's- recently appointed a 1:ederal judg n iIlddel' and 'c,nly rl'/\libe. hel' ncler fhe IIchool fOUtliJlIlinn I a much as 75 P I' cent and more to the South Sea I. lands a.nd up to to !!UC eed Lhe late nitcd 'tales danger when Ule box Icn llap. es. program school I'lIte in local taxnea rly 60 per cent to New Zealand Bnd Australia. In the r\WerSIl Dist rict. ,Judge Benso n W. H ough, PooHy Jighliid staib; Of those ing s ubdivi!:\o n. arc . 0 I w thal " I direction there i$ also n increase. Govel'nor Mllrtln L. Davey an- not. pt'ovi dcu with I'llil s al'e greal number of di. Lricts will not hm (l American hipping firms on the Pacific are ~ptlmi~tic ab.out the nounced. The governor sc nb letw r. btlill s to th~ bone Be lt!!r'!! prof ; . 8ufflcicnt fund' with w h icil tu future_ Liners have already be n launched 'cOQlparllble with anything to all n wspap r editors in rickn- sion . but.. lhey do not · help th.e I cuny on its individ ual s h oi. 1"01' way', Ross, Fairfi eld Hocking and afloat. In Australia and New Zealand h otels ' are b iug built or Pelry counti S l'equ esLing them to fll tmly ti11unccs wh('n t he r pOlr ins tance :\11'. Bohl sa id sevl)l'lti or mo dernized to appeal to American in particular. Americans travel determine the ,*ntinl nt in th ir hill · unive. TI'at11c tlig na s uc h [I ' the !:Irn~lI el' districts have a ttll( and d uplicate of 250000 whl(·It' perhaps more tha n any ot.ber people and the money our tourists spend communjties l'cgarding the PI'O- " aULion. Skidding Rug " abroad enables rOl' Ign nations to buy from us the model'n things Ute), R0!ied spe ia1 election, the co t of "Stop, Ge ens Spot on 'F loor" und r the three mill' rII ~ IHlulel av e more bum p~ and pl'ovidc onl)' 750 whic:h would I .d sire ~nd ofoo-r: desperately ne~d. . IV hieh . was tlmated to be ap- mig~t bl'UIS . than th e COllllll on highway have to cover teacher ~al, I'Y, I WIth conditions unsettled III Europe, new trade 1: latlOtlS al'e proximately $25 0 0 warnings. , ' henl opel'ation and poy high I going to be estal;llisbed around the Pacific, that will b pel'manelltly _ ~ .. -' - - Dangt!t rrom pOI 8~ln~ and from school tuition for their !'~ucJ l'/lL~ ~-~-.---:::-::-::~=--------:---:---:=::::::-:;::-=~~~~ rimming that oeejl.n. Economic Mndi~ions be. I •••~ _ _ ,_ _ o beneficial to countri poi so~ous f:lubstnn.cel~ . used sent to .the n arest high scbr)o l. I I ," tween these' countriea must be adjusted to encourare tlut.t trade. All ~ . ', • ~, ck>anmg 01' for ge t·mlclde.~ are Obviously, thai i all il11po , ibility. Mr.'W ljcn IIptly says: " We a tunlly do all Itve 1.0 a great extent by well. known but report.;; of chlltlren What additional fund s arc avail_ \ taking in each other's wash ing." findmg such co ~~pou nds are fl' '. able upon the pC I' pupil fUl1ds by JUDSON DEAN quent. mall chIldren can n tread provid d through the school pt'o...._ _ _ _ _ _ _-..) lab els and a skull and Cl·O . sbones gram fund s are insufficient to OLUMBUS, OHlO- The stigma msy m an intriguing in,-italion ar ry til l! burdett of conducting I . h to the youtlgstel' . P llison should th ~Il'all er schoolo. . ~ , q o f 8 ga h au e envll'onment in t e pool roomi vanishing. A move. be kept under Jock or where it j , 'rhe present 37 rUt'al school di s· 8:00 M,u ie ment to cast out the old atnlOS. impossible for the ch ilcJren to tricts of the , counl.y arc to be 8 :05 Wuhingion Offers Settlel'S Ohio Vallcy LLln,lI- H. E. Eswine, phere a.nd ['epl eo it with one in. reach them. into 12 cli. trict" wi t h nat·ra't.Qr. 'v ititlg pa~rons to indulge in a pasMore pel'S n Ill'e 81;;phyxiatllu in I"I's nkli'n and L ba.non ex m)lt<ld 4-R Club 't ime fav!lr~ble surroundings is homes than in factod SOl' sllops. . chools taking 8 v ral distric ts in 8 :16 A View of 4-R Club Work in Lick ing OU:lty .. . . ' r Iol·l. members airect,cd by Miss 'VIrginia Bear, home d monstra- gatnlllg momentum. "1 .. ny of t h e Ga$ fixtures s hould be ins pect,e.d Lo 'h • cl ~ u Hon agent, Newark. ' ball that lIav been knbwn to con- for I akes and th e val'Ves ShO ll ld b e Th merger plan s haVe ba pn 8 :40 Cooperatives: Their Origin and Principles . Group discus ion t.rjbute to rowdyi mare introdue- adjusted so they tul"n moolhly worked out with the l13$istanc 9:00 Rome Furnishing Facts .... ...... M,iss Norma Aschbaciler, home ing menu~ of sel ction and chang. but. no~ easily. Furnll(:es should be and under direction of the State Interest and a ctivity in building and ing the ~olor!\ ot the billiard tables mamtln~ ed so that [\limes ('an noL 0 parlm nt of Educat.ion and by demonstration aient, Aughlize county. Lo fa,'.,., pale grcl~ and sky blue. efiseape In~ tkhe)hrollse . w hcp" th~ th r commendation ! that de· 9:10 Music. con&tructlon work is increasing with the h f If re .are me"'t. 9:26 Credit That's Worth Its ost... . John K. Craig, Sec. Tl'Clas., T o para11 e I h e popu Ian' t' yoga . yan, et 01' IlIg t. roper ~:J1' " ,. coming of Spring. The demand for quality and bowling has become their aim ' v. ntllatlon In sleeping' rooms pro ndel' the plan there would l)c P roduction Credit Assn., Carnbridge. lumbers and materials ia already g L.1. tw Ive rural school di tl'ict 9:35 Meadow eedings ...... C. J . Wm/lrd, agronomy department - and th!' change has l'es~lted in a vldes an a~ldcU factor of safety. II In tallalion of electlical fixture :! boards of education. . d ' If you are con templating building 9 :(5 to 10 Entertainment and weathe;r foreca t. f I succe, sum ucement, especla y . I h '11 1 t.o offico wOI'kers who JTJay occupy m.l·ura ames WI , save 10l,l5eBlue Ball Rut'al school district. either now o~ in the Spring-let us stress \ their noon hour 1\111. Wives a lot o~ work but prOller would t'cmain in ita present limjt.~ the advantagell of ordering now. ,You w ill care should be takefl~ to avoid as would ' arlisl Rural chool and get choicer materials-better service a nd dan ref · of hock. Fixture 110\1ld Wayne 'ToW1lshl n district. Frt!'e education reveals a marked not b to llC h c d' Wl'thl one h an d " save money if you let us buy for you at t h is o Thi con olidation and merger " and varied de b'e in thl! fi eld of whil e '''e other'IS gr aspi ng f au· of smaller districts irrto Im'ger' WI time, Prices are bound to increaae a lone ,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _10 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _apl _ _ _ _ _.....:" learning. cv('ral .night courscs ce'...,~ or 0 th r p rls of t.h e plu mb'rng units i~ b eing done in 1l11 ..~ections with a shortage of labor and a conpsted t' k t th I' 'bl I' f offered by O. S. U. en\'oJope stud- sy t TJ1. No el hicsl fix" m ,' should of hio a" a 111ean of lIeducing market-ORDER NOW t , COLUMBUS A substantial o give wor 0 e e Igl e re Ie nts I'anging in agc from 18 to 0 b I d tb t . ~ ~ 'd 41Th e . e pace 0 a It (;11 1. t :-; reaCb- school costs ~nd "or the bnrfefi" of d " D r. W a ts on sal. on, ere are 1 vi ited class dot~ with many ...l ". fncrease in feel! paid by domestic Ivery few i ,b " ' PA v cd from the bath tub. Proper fus s the pupil . ... nc , dere t nh e gray heads tudying to become S h ou Id be prOVll . Ie d 811 d f 1'llYCu.• and for Ign corporations operating wo ke f ns I th t es th w MI\ Bohl fUl'ther "oint out. that r rs. eo 'I. e y , 0 n o ave commercial arlis~. Other old 'lers d h It! b d' d d .. in Ohio and in miscellaneous re- thO furntsh a ~81r day s wo.rk ro d were brushing up th l'r English , corEi' ou he I ar e • 'the plan does 110t nec e-ssarily • th · b tt v ry nlot er "itll small chil- m an the clo?ing of all tne one ceipts for Jan.uary 1936 in cOIn- t . th' I e comp e nsa:.10n ey receive, u Chemistry, EconorniCD and oeio· d ren can acqurrt!' e rta b'It of pReroom school .,house~.. The bo~, ' 'ds pa.ri on 'With ' th~ same 'month in ta i nsnc.1! so tTl e. 0 f thhese are 0 f s uc h 10O'V.-Another revelation that· k' b In 1 .• o to t If ·1 Co' Ing coo )ng or eat Ig ut.ensi s on ma'" finel it ' more ' advllntageou the preceding thr e years was corcern t a ee It nece!lsury to pro ves the axiolll: '''lou nre J'u st a th t h • h h .1 1 .' o n that th tat WPA '11 .. c s OV Il fl O t a. t e J\nu S lire condue' the -one room school hau e noted in a report of t he corpo nn u ce e s e wild as you {ool " t d f . fI ~ urne away ' rom gra pmg ngers rat.hel· than trail port the pupils. tio n division of th~ Department .of back the various WPA district o . State ju$t submitted to Secretary di'rectoI1l to the lilTlit in seeing to • • • Oiled cleaning rags should be S uch matt-era are ntil'ely up Lo Out of cul'iosity I stopped to at- kept in a. metal container and t.he board qf education and the '01 State George . Myers. "The it tltat the I-<>"emment receives actlvitkl. of th corporation divis- th& work to which i~ is entitled. In teJllpt a look-in at one of these sO- papcl's or other rubbif.h hould not "ohool patrons. - - - --ion," Secretary Myers asserted, the event cQunty or city authori. called ]lrivate clubs that get 00 allowed to accumuilate in base. ",erv" as a barometer of businesa ties fail to co-operat in this res- I1Tound th(' Inw agllinst selUng and j ments o r attics. Matches should be and industrial conditions in ' the peet and there are a considerable Serving aleoholk drinks after one k pt away from children and stat. Following the padual in- number of persons on a ' PI'oject o'clock by catering to members adults hould learn to trike th crease in eeiptS thro!Jghout 1935 who rciuse to wOl'k, th project only. Just a big family nffair mulch in a dil'ection8way from There to bc 110 cnd to the . where one unable to lIhow a melli- the body rather than to. pun it so the /lgUl'Cl$ for the first month of will be cll) ed." ingenuity in' an~6uncin~ cng;lgebership caTd i. s of course su spic,jthat a napped hcad fiies against the new year should be very enmCIl(s. " • • oned of being a tooge and I inflammable clothing. ' , , cou,raging 'ito buslnesa men and The ,lalest wrinkle. lIsed by Miss Appointment of Thomas J. politely tossed out. That's wha t Most of th e precautions that industrial' Leaders vlho are c~miem. Pauline K.enncdy of Akrol), relied save aeeid nts do not cost a cent IIpon thc lelcphollc 'for its clelllC!nt r piaUni new v ntutes." Tb cOr- Ryan as secretary of t he ~hlo they did to me. • " • but th bill in physical sufi'cring urprise. She had her ,fiance. , corge poration 1ee!5 and miscellaneous tate Racing commission was made la~ week by om mission r Abou t his eyes arc welt-like and money for repairing injuries C. eal, announce the forthcoming receipts for la$t 'nlonbb to tal ~d nuptials to her gllcsts in Akron via 433,807, compared to $24,727 in Chairman Richard A. Forster. Mr. scars, his nose appeal'S to have ! i normous each ~ear. It i ~asier long distance fronl Columbus, hi Ryan, who succeeds George E. been badly ma hed, cauliflower I to i~nch small chlldt'e n habits of January 1935. to $23,375 in Janhome. uary 1934 and! to $24,294 in Jan- Gates of Massillon, rcsigned, is a mar his countenance his caution than tQ CUl'e careless Columbus . dru' g gist, thirty·four slal.'8'cring 'walk is marked with an ' habit· after they arC. onoe formed . 1I1.\ry 193B: There were twenty. Soil speciaHsts at Ohi o S~to feint. '" - - - -- - --- - .foill~ mot'e new corporations organ- years ot age, an.d a graduate of intel'mittent j ump and \1\SI 1\ I. ,,' IS" X UJ . H.EI'~)"·J' University say that all nOl-thern iied last nlQnth,o;r a total of 3~2 Ohio ' State .university. lIle is past People smile as he wa.its on theil, resident of ' the Columbus Retail t It ble-sml' 1~ ()fPity ' t hat beget an i " '" )''''' ·1· .. " ... .. 11>. \\,,,, ... .. • ...... t )' and Jlol·theastern Ohio salls are Ub", "" , as compared to 328 ' In Jallu8ry P ' D ruggists' association, a past presi occasional tlP_ H e is the ex-cham. f'or tl. e 1"1 f,,1 '.r ... l~.~41hl!C U"""'" defident in pbosph orus and that 1936, and ~ere . were fourteen . f . _ . , l}~r ·fI, .11l'3,;. applications ,or this elemen t can be I the pion, a one tIme possessor of a "OIIllI"tI.. " " ,, ~:mlo( . ... III:lO more fpreian corporations I!pplica. dent an d now cb aIrman 0 used profitably on all crops excapt I bo&rd of directors of the Ohio larce fortune tarn~l'ed by his ex'ru lH l "" Inrl -s :lOlL Wng~lI tinn810r license, or a total of forty possibly thOSe gr own On very proone a. compl!ote4 t.~ twenty-seven ductive dark coLored soi l. jn January 1986.


,-;:--:-'" ---,,=--





Farm lvight 7alks, february 17 '

'Best of the News D ' irect Se h Qh tate F rom t e





See Us .For Wea ther Stripping


. ,W C

W. M. Madden'& Co~

Phone Bells Tell' Of We<lding Bells

sto:.:::~~:::lon:.l PI,:"~:':d::::::~~:I' m. i:~"~::~:':":~ '~:'. ~'

• • • WPA workers who reiule to render <adequate servjce fOr the waps they .receive will be dise~l'1Ied or otherwiaedisciplined, aceQnlinl' to a wa1'1ling ISlIued by Dr. Cad Wataon, Works Progress Adminilltratlon cblef. "Thel!e project. hav.e been provided in order


contemporary ! WTltere, sponsored by the Ohlo School of ·the Air wUl featul'e state t.ibrvian Pa~l A. T. Noon, Club~ and' sChool in Jl1qre th&n 800 Ohio citiel and villages have enlisted as relulal' group lIsteMrs to the proll'am, according to Director B. H. Darrow


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abo~t a younlr swain who continuaUy boarded his train sans ti~ket and money. By the t ime ' he approaciled the young fa.nner fol' his ticket the train was Itpproximately two miles from the station. The fellow ,lUw ay~ expressed his Borrow with the excuse he didn't have enouih to buy' a ticket but just had to get home. The can· ductor stopped the train and put him oft' as che ha.d 'o ften done betore-<>nly to ,learn lat!!r that all along be had been ejecting him witltln a few steps of the farm house where he Jived. Evidently the boy knew what he wantedthe se 'vice he getting for nothing was much ootter than any he could bave paiil 'for.

"'·l~l· ne_vll1\'.

h t'C'€'hy



H,bl'ull ry 3, 11138

r~rllt.Y COl'r(;ct.

GEl~I~IUI. '1'0\\ "~Ull' F't;.'/}!'C

An Ordinance to


f or

deposit of all monies, coming Ithe into the hands tl'easurer of tJ V'II W '11 Oh' , oj th~

.IIelu.... n~ .. IlltM "'lit )·8,.m..lIl. f .., II 1<' 1110(1 .. t;; ""I'. Uon.. lleU.. .,. I(L 1 age 0 ayne.s\ll c, 10. nlent .....1 ~ Inkh.¥, I,' u ..ct.. Be It Ordained by the Council HE: 't~lP1'S ()f the Village of Wayne ville, (; nCTal Prop l'\y Till( .•.• $8.762.4, State of Ohio' t}a~()llne ·ra.". : . , ..... ... 'jl,900 ,QO I Section 1.' That all public J nh"rltnn (' 1 a~ . .. ;...... B.23. . Igar He T(l~ . . .•. •.• .. ,.. 6.19 nlomes coming Into the handllof lJrposllOr)' LIILor st ... , ... J' 11.40 the treaSUNl<r of said Vi1Jage be " oln l nee ilil,; . . . , . . ..• . ,5,683.29 d.l'posited ,ill . such ban~ ?r ~an ks


ISltuate wlthm the mUDlclpahty or c? un.t y as o~el7 at competitive Income G&11 ral I!:x'clI[I"e ,ervl ces blddtng the hIghes t rate of inter· s .. ~•• '(1111)\ lfan Lion ol~ • est and give a good and suffici en t . TrUSltles . .. , ... " •. ' .... $ 7uO.OO bond 01' security 'for said mone" '1l1l1\1 .11\ lion or Gi<!rk ., $ 2&0.OD ,. , J llcalth-PnynHmla ot 1 1l~ pToVlded In the General Code of )[O IJllln.1 AffM \o.1I0tl!l .. $ 970.25 Ohio . Poor n~1I ·(- l-Ictll n:l t' f th e In . t e~• St'rI-le.'>! .. .... . "" .... , 2GUlO 1.Sec.t'IOn 2.' No,tce 0 HIII'inl 1';"1' ' "",'M , .... •.. . , 69.00 t lOn to receIVe blds for: the deposlt thpr 1'o"r ttet: l' ., •. ,., ' 1110,00 o( said monies shall be published _ T~)llli ]'.. Ol· It lI·r . ..•.... , ua.ijn in a weekly ]lawspape" of general 1I"':.h":' ~H - 1:ol\l1 M'Ullt, nI \ . • ' • • 011 t: IUbl Hqlalr- ~..,ncU'culatlon in said county for n ot C..O.... O f Bact eria Irn l • . . " .. ..... . ..... J~.j6 .In Jess than ten days prior to the dat(~ 'l'lltnl I1I ~h ' flY~ ...••... 2.10 .e l fixed for receivin'" said bids ' the T~e growth of bacteria in milk fI~ct'lIl1 n('oll. (I.I~l) "ids I ..... . . n, I tlllllPlif8 .. •.• •••.• , a24.J8 L' ahal be ~lled WIth the clerk ill kept. at a minimum if the milk 1I1l~"pr. Tax 1~'JJ!'n ~(' ... , . '. - •. I,~l , , ~l l of eaid Village and ~he sufficiency ia cool. Verr little increase in bacTolat 1\11 '1 tlan~ til! •..•• l,&U ..I9 of the bond or I!ecurtty offered by t.eria namben occur at 40 degrees Totlll Puyntl'nla , . . .. .... • G.i~ O. l . the Silcceseful bidder shall be dltermined bJ the Council for said li'Unnbelt, IIat the organisms F O,'F:ItA'I'lON8 BY VUlaae. The period, for which the lDalUpI7 rapidb when the , tem· lil'MMf. [tv alaaft . . . I 1 , ' . l l l.. t 11,,'e,"e'" II " '... ltl flU""'" tor FC'NO::! . contr.ct for the deposit of Baid 1jIIe'" ell _GOLba of ltll'U OOlUpared Will! tbe 'rit ...., of 1.111. pera. . of . . mllk la eo deJI~ee"l ruonles shall be made, shall be ftia IU til -...i.... !Ia. flIIilted hi a ll ',..-,....·111 .,...,. t T fJ'()m .. of February 1. 1938 to . . . . . . fa tile Lo1liaYi1le Fed· ........ fa ..., l.,,1MI1ea I. tIa. rarm ' 1II~••lt ID......,. tot enl 1.Ut. link diaWlct, iD wbleb Aliguat t~ 1937. Seetlon S. Thia ordlnaru:e shall .IMI~ 't~::~~~.~ I' m01l1Jaa ot I'.......... [ . , , ' Olaf. Iael ..... 1Iah1 more Intatake and be in force from iii • .,. • .,n dII•• 1"- "... .. ..Ia t . . ~_ _ tIIu feU due t. _ '" 811d 4Wli.t pt'rlod 1 \Ml CIt _ _

Bigger Alnn I. BoostinQ Sales .





-_ .---



Waynesville, O~

Quallt)' Prlntlnll

: .,; ; ;

til e t!JlI owlng r epon to be , I J" . H . ,OHOor;. T'(HVl1sh lp I l'k ' I

Phone ,14


.. ....'


Tbe Miami

PROCRES IV IrUI( lit I "'. ~~II nl t unl m r~hal \\a no in~ un', "l'l'~ ·r hold on. thl" rf8pCl~t alld af-· \heir floor on Friday flight. Quit LUB MET TUESDAY ,'llre!!1 II II IIwn'hllnl .... 01 •• ('itlZlll \\hll Wl'le nlil'l'ly f"l I iun" .. I' ib p~npll' than <li,t h~.1 a laTjtl' number fl'om hl'r€' .Ut-lId- _ . _- - - I etl the gum{'. allll PI'IIL'Nlhtt, \I b 'n ~ulH'r to elllll" t x. " " I'urt in ,III . . '<' Illl.puhlie ' 1y un!'u Iy 'I' h',n u n II1'1' U1<' 'n l\lr ~. Ih'rh rt UTI', MrA. Ann TIl\' I'r-ilgn·:,sl\',· '\\, "I1WI\• S (Illb I II t h1It()I'I'IIlL'lIt r Rell .1''1 1 I pml I • C()~!\ um ancl MillS fllary Sllillakel.' nld TIH~,lav I'\' 'oin,.., 1""lIruary 1\ dll' vI \'1 I)'o/In! flu'ncI' or whi~k(y llnt! 1 um ~U I'" 1111 11, lIt Thl' 1~lllil' Inti, I I' to 1 " ";1(' J lutn Ihut tCe Cummingll \\ho W(lre the MI'. unci Mr.. RakigR 1111gnn, MT wel'e Il ill ong those who allenu(.'(i R K [" )I'mol l'\'cIIg'nitinn (If Oil,' (,f In th :lh~"l1c( or ill\! pt'l'sid<'nt ' l ' l t II, on" :.I~u 11 insignia lIr IJtliCI fot ~lIml! yellrs HUtl Mn-. William 'mith \lnd lunch ellll fill SI\\, uI'IIIlY given b~ tht' I. r"l';;t ~"Il~Il'!.(tl\i"n in thl! Ill' l'il'e ,HI'F<itl 'IIt , \tr~, B1l111l11 'I,' I ;UlIP.O (' • ·tn. Y • C "hr !; Hill l(', lify that he h:1I1 Illany Luth I'\' Hoin '~ unci family wel'e Mrs. C rinne Thut'nhill of Xenia. ... I"~lel'e' ('II II c d e th l lIee t '\D i( to had hi~ fil·,t mllOfiud\on lu t l' 'l'vere III sl",,, lan'lin" . ti umi Qu al·t rly l\feeting was ' 1 I Itt , ... hi" nt('n. ulltlny tlintlcr guests of 11;. countl y h\l~ b (>n j.l'I\'I'n 'Y Illt:" D 1I urlll:r •llull t h I' u~ua I I)USml'!'~ . h,ITdwal \>u~in 8~ und lh'om which T11~ fi · I", t n1I1J'01' "ul'ldl' ng OpAI'O' ')'1 . daug"1..( r, hel d nt 'pring Valley On lost wa ~. ,. ~ v 'lomllS " ' IlIle un...1 I til , 1< \ . I 1,1 '10 I , 111 Int R v. II I1I'Y \\' . 1I0bl'0~I, ). :' discu~"erl. , .. I'l'l1ll'e11 Ill ·nth l' and , ~I(\ ~3: since nC!,~er been, but a few tiun about this tim wa" the el'cc- Wy.1nUI of nE!al' ,Jam stown. Saturday. 1'1' ,II 1'),' .tht'··(l«('lljIRnt« ,If tnl' Di~hop of :->outllL'l'n OhJn :lntl chnlr ,\Ill' ,bitur \\1'1" pr ('nt. 1\'11'51 . 11)(: C!1 r ' move(. f li()n r lh }o'm'r & Whi te Lui lJi ng. 11'. ho1'l\1:;. ttlnley SI)ent t.he 'I . Sad ie R ason has returned h , f ~ 1'> ~ ,\t, r.h'HlllC· Illlln (If lh(' lI~lllt.1J(1 , I J'' ,lI' I\lIl'' 1 ,I' Hel' • t . . ,tl" nUI'1· I't ml.'mbN· o( . t cre . n mon or wonwn 0 [t is to th cre ht uf ~V \ i II \VI' llle lall!.'I' n(u't of last week wit h his home 'alter a!\~i~tiug in UI(' care .U, I •. " • • ,.. . \\'aYII{'~~'IIIL' whos{' IlH 'n\OI'Y CllII I I b'ld' 'l"'R" ,. ull ' lh,Lwrt 1 it'1.lIt<i lind ('h:lrll'~ l l\lo\"llIl.'nt omllli,,~ion of Ih.: tht> <'Iuu talked on the I • ~r: 60 II I t thal hH Jl annN a til mgo III n "parents, Rtlhi;lt Stan I y and 01 Mrs. P. L. ·R o>lon who received .lind. •a. fril'n,1' U\:II·rt lLI" \;(. WI H Flli~cop'll church h, tlw SI>poillt- hnll' . Dnd gn\'!:) a ,emon I t' f I' V r. 0<1 0 1' ) yell\, IV 10 ( e~ nu h" t' I I t f the Ira Ion 0 I liT' ~, N th t a. 11'\ en Ire y III ('quu COl' I'amily wh o were movil\g from quite a foil a "hort tilll e II{:'O. ' . • , I. I b 0 t Il 'tn · J'I' cn crry .~ gr\lc~rr· c '. ' Ii I't I'" Th \Voman's Civic L 'ague mot 1111\ hUrl \l ,:-;utl. r lhl\Blt • t f, h H , • S "1h II I n hall' dl' :!<, \\ llC1 wa ' I I l lh t uUSJn('Sg I Y YNIl'S awr. 'I'he Lhl.'iI' .• ilome neal' Hillsbol'o to the1r titlin/ol' fT II I,lt ",'at, Ill pn " t t> 1'\;. • e 1· ' tl'I·I•. lIng ancl educationa l to the IJ! IOCE!IY lU . ';C · prt'i:lI.'Il!gr:tde building reJlIIl!!ing l ncw hollll'nen .l 'xellia. at the hOIll . of Ml'S. E. B. Oakin Ih .. ,,\\ l\ a..: il ~t Ihl' frorlt 01 the Lind~ay a s pa:<t ol" of (11 lICW Y' (·Iub. · . ulld tory WI I h 11\ zzanmc ell!'c l th"o ld tiChllOI buihiing wa~ lL fcu~~l"i(. ntls lind l~t:'ighbor of MrSl, with a large number pl·esellt. Miss AllIIn M.ucDonlllt! t!pen t 1':11'. f(ll'Ill~-U pari~h, "The G oel .~ her>- I - - -- - - - - \ Wh(>l' OUI' par~nl. boui(ht u ~ so iu r ' of 18!!1., ,. lIelll'Y uttel'lhwait wish to X. Sill \\il~ liken ltl Bl it· BI'I1Iht.t·s h~I'd'~ Church." NOTICE called ice Cl' am in the . 11l1lnll'r Th el'c WIlS d('CHl etl oppliSlll<lfl to Llllld to h (, I' thl'ir sympathy and all aturday night and Sunday with Itll'k of nellr MillS Elt'anor (it would the pI"scnl at' the time IlS thcrobut is illInter all ",',"h t.c ov ry. h4 ' ri',I, 1.l'h!lllC1n. fllr i.n;.lml'nl. Ml" Limb ~' mu~i find hi '0 11, dllY re<I'lJihUI'dly l" llll.'ntl;m(' ) t lind before it bl ' ~ b '\' a ;reedy 0.Oregonia. . I k I' . I \I h: ~h f I Th W I T be I)U Ie impI'ovl!m nt!' ! .M 1'. und Mrs. Theodore Mclntir ' I-II,y \\,·r' ,'Nt 'rll flY • KI"galion . which cOlllliAIS 0 aI I' Ill'l'{'n oun y u r· 'hl'i~tm;ls l oo k u~ to lWc tho toys. pI'o," d 1' 1s n l! SKit'., I pray, a well known e ,of a fl'W J of lIear New BUl'lington und MI'. MI'. Eorac 10 11'('( Il rlac'tur<'d .'kull . fl'ac . nlflllhcl'$ of Lhe pi~coval hlll'l'h ul sis and Health Rssociation 110\1' Illn llY ~" .. ln"'I'Jb _. I' Ben Bull~I' ~ Yl'lU'; With Lhc exc{,,)ti(l'1 'i. I Its t LOllI' and Crud-IIrc II will hav~ u meeting at t he PI' ·by· I ' unJ 1I11's. Ro coe B '1111 neal' Pain. linton counly farmer nenl' Wil· •. wh o. b ' caUSe o{ their residence UJl stl' O( e .ucro"s d nc !; thcl' not a .g\' at deal t I' vl'lle II'. A\'C nllllgton, Iii d at hi hom c early PIII"I\ l~ I 1.'.. h . E'in lerian churCh in L banon Tuesday \\ho \\ he'n~ wound I h rt d..l " ..ilu"~~ sts of Raunlond , . . ·· ' r I local it it's whcl'c t ere 11:1 n o pIS· lill' (\001' . <lye 0 r n won (l1'e" of. new const.l·uctlon unLit afte\' the \ iI~on and fnmily, unduy. Monday morning and will be \\ t copallturch, or b cau. e they > if B n wus eve l' sti lt!. Itl the middle fin.' ill HIOO; th 0 the real II Mr, Raleigh Bogan was chair- buded al Miami Cemotery on W ed . . I huL-in. have n unabLe o f ht' C'e iling I'''VI ~I bl;'gall. 111nn at th {l r 'l rlg Vull ey lllS'l \ .iIll<'n and is. populaJ'l Jtl ;O CII\ t rt·· bet · . h until • ' bers al'e urged- to be preRont. I was 1 a rnnl~y I' nl'l'allgetl fr "'tute ne day afternoon. Mr. and Mra. }lOWIlI'U Graham ill-I"lI. I'llI.' is olle (If lhe.- most now 't' 0 pa IClpa b eI ' In pm'l ac, l- I . .- - rtl !> tlt of co 01'1'( t pnpor .or Ie leg \ ith !III dul' rcgtw'tI for llny and Tu'os' (lay. l~cbrllar'y 11', ' I J' "omen VI Ie or m m ers IIp . DEATH to ,cnngrog~1 e on. ~Il \\ho fOr ~ watlll' and Mr. lind Mr. Walter Wilson had enterta in d a number including IlC Ijvl" nmong <'pu lenn The parish members· will keep , eXl wn, 1I1e une building Itght pllln!., III my th 1\ theil' guest«, unday, Paul Waynesv ille Iri.end ~ on Monday 1 l' Ihc· __ - _ in contact with the Church thJ:ough wh(·!'!.' Or. IWi be·gan his long IInti main credit hould go to Jum s and family of neur ZOIl\,. night. Iiterlltur from th ir pastor, who Kal'l Eugene , infant. ::on of Mr. SUl'cl'~~ ful career, In t he room ad. Mr, and Mrs. E. Mungel', Mr. Bnd 1Ts. Rnfl Bod enbentlcr, died , Z II ~ r II • toops. . . . uvel'al of our folks Iltrended and Mrs. Wm. Lukens, Mrs. RO BO has his office at 223 W est S vonth Saturday Ilnd l he !JOlly wus tl1ken joinil1g ·Gl.'o . "I, e ' . on 0 owJim wa ind fattgable JO hIS ef· Quar'-\'Iy me tl'ng aturdny, Ib b 1 ffit locate I "" u treet, Cincinnati. 01\ y Ant I'O~. U ,w ere . ( f(lrts 1.0 hring it to II ,meces Eul Febl'u8ry 8 at Spring Vall ey Carr, Mrs. Anna Randall, Mrs. J. The member of "The hepherd's ~o Defian ce untlay, fOI' burial. \\ ith Ii f luniturc nnd undertakIn g COTIC lllsion. W. S'nel1, MI' . .Evt\ MacDonald, - - - - ~-h Priends hUI·c h. oml!- WCI'O also vere hurch" will be enabled to unite MEMORI ES OF LONG AGO b u~in!!~~. Th e pl'l' dcce " 01' 0 f te l s ide- ·frolll t.h bUI'nt dis Lri t pre nl. at elect Me ting, Ft'iday, and Miss H len Rundall with thQ entire Chur h in daily pI (>~ nl A mnn building wall a , th udvcnt of mod ern improveamon those wno attended the district llw~ling of the p,-ayer and mt'ditation thTough use f ram e tit.t.ucture WhiC,'h ~or() 1 t lh (J m<.nts oncouruged the building of Fe::~:i::h ~ognn and fnmily call- IOI'g of the Forward Movement manual (C ontinued from Page I) app£'lhition Broad I ol' n.s a ne t~ n nUlllbel' of bet.ler re. idcnc('s nd Stars at: Wilmington on YNESV ILLE CHURCH ' OF d " cd on Ml'. and Mrs. Jllck Stamper InA of Bible l'eadings and meditations oI hL patie nts art' flOS of th ree rooms l'i 're occupie b&Y thl'c , lIb.lonlinl buildings of a [\11-. and MI'5. William Le-c and Monday nig1\ t. "FORWARD.da" by day." his filIinWJ todaY'. The to\vn hip r iSllin BrOil. jewelers, Elliott nature, The Friends C 1 SCHRIST 'th Minister J d ~ Evan B ogan and ramily, all of ar TIll , A free copy of this manual, hout!.e vividly 1 ('call s thc primary 'olc1l1 ah , & lillwat'e an Home If \'ell Building and the J SU""rl' ntendent "FOR.WARD-day by day", ' r. B ra dIn..'1,.... ennIe Is lect.ion~ of tholle yearf'. P1'iol' to I Fan (l nd Whit, grc1cel" E Be h ?oJ th odist hurch. And la t.el' we Dayton, Friday "fternoon. John ears, As t. operintendent. r h II h ' I . Mrs. Will. Olith vi ited Mrs. b ing sent by Mr. Lindsay to every lh Au slra Inn ot L e active IflrlTl wei' in bUllln ss lmany yen.r~. hmst nDt ov l' look the consol ida t· Arthur Freeman (nce Mi riam Not A Denomination requesting membership in " The worker fol' the G. . P. II d I'l'he d (.p fram e bUlltllin g ccuPied ' d school buiiding. ' ' ndel'son) and infanl claughler of :30 'B ible School, Lesson T .xt, Goo<1 h pherd's ChUl'ch:" theil' OhOl18, Iltalch ·d them to in recent y 01'!; as 1\ 1)00l jll'pcn ers whom I . recall IVCI I J .J eI p ' pring Valley Friday :fore('su ... II Dou bter, L u k e7: 19 "The Episcopal Church Evan- the poll \lith marked ballots aou. 1 1'0001 a~ on lim\' stOOd I eng't hWIlle Georg lind harl s M. Brown, nelll' . -:1 • ge1ist," a ",-eekly magazine pub· paid them 0 dollar a h end wben I with the . ~I' t and was known as Thomas lind Will , I~eacock, John noon. _ _ __ 10:46 Lor d's SuppeT. lished by Mr. Lindsa.y, i . being they came out. The upper story,\ "Long & Onery". In its present nnd David Fetter Reese Dllvis, (;:30 Chri tian Endeavor. sent to all nlember • Was long the home of th Mas()ns, f . ituation Funkey &..J\fil·sildine and apol on Anthony', Stacy Kendall. As we pass thru the door' t hat 7:30 Evangelistic service". Tbis work with "The Good The small 'brick buildillg down t.h e ' laWI' J ohn , A, Funk y for yeurs Perry E. K nric.k, William a nd leads into a new year, we W dnesday night, 7:30, pl'ayer Shepherd's Chu rch" is being street was u cd in various capo i. 1 carried on . an active.. dcygoods Thonla. Zell and Gorge W Hawke take stock of Ou r accompli hMr. and MI·s. E. B. Dakin and nn d Bible study ; 8~30 choir prac. undertaken through th e aid of the ti as an office Ilnd for II ShOlt bu~in SI!\. The Cut.l,\Valladcrs (1l0~\' These of the medical prof s ion III nt.s dul'ing t he past year Mrs. W. W . Welch called on Mrs. tice. Bishop and a part of the- work of limc Malcom Bi pham had a gro· Phi lli p building had three busI- whom I r call of th is pet'iod were and r new ou r l' oly t.o Jive You a~ welcome to all services. the Department of Missions. It ii'l c '.y there. The large bl'iek on the]l rO()I1:I~ and I can not r call the Doctors William on, J . B. and C. Allie Dakin f L banon las t . up to the pportunities fit' • Wedn slla.y. ae nted by our ~·esponJSibiJities. o Forward Movement project. Th e eorner once fncetiou.~' dubbed by first tenant in the smaller room A. H ough, Haines. LuI ens, Hoke WAYNESV ILLE M. E_ CH UR CH The W .C. T. U . mill at the IlOme Forwa-rd Movement Commission is Omar L wis al'l "the ilvel' Moon" whom 1 s hnul<'1 rcmem b \'. I do reo and EIII . Our policy is anel always will Rev. G. C. Dibert. Pastor of Mrs. harley Gordon on last Among ihe pl'omine-nt clel'gy of be to give the kind of servic e unday ; Sunday schoo l at n:30 working lor the reinvigoration of wus of tou~'se the Millmi Hotel. call that Robert had a ThuJ'sday afternoo n and held a that we ourselves would exn. m. Morning worshi\J at 10:40. the Church, seeking a n w dedien· The til',' ho. t r r calJ was Welling· 1"010 n in tbi room at, one- time the Methodi t Church w re Rev or . very inte Ling meeting. The lion of each mentbe-r to God, and lon orncll and for a numb r of with hi. son-in-law John Adair in end Van . le\'o, Du tin, Bail. pect if we were placed in a The sermon subject will b , "Tb<l Mal'ch meeting wi ll be a.t the Ilome ' emphasiZing the need for personal year Ab Peterson was the boni. charge. (It s em os though I am Bu h ong and Burdsel L ' slmila1' position. Our aim Way For Life." of Irs. Mary Haines. wiil be ·to con stantly improve religion. face. The small room at thll 1,l»pel' apt nC l'cll1embering s:~loon s ) In Probuhly ' tht' most sc ho'larly of ' Wednesday: The Ladies' . A. S. ollett sp nt a few our previous b est e fforts. ~ end of the building was the offi ce the rnidd le room one Ilf Waynestho rector jn charge at St. l\lo l.'Y's Aid • ociety will meet with days last week with relatives in Ml' . MIS,SIONARY SOCIETY of J os. G. K eys J. P. Rnd at the ville's quainte$t chara~!ter Jonah Wll the Rever'end harles A. HayWaver at· 2 p. m. Dllyton. corner the birthplace of the Way. ands, had a drug stOl::EI and in the d n. At 7 p. m . is the regular time The play given by the eighth The MissiO'nary societ.y.of the nesviJIe National Bank foJ] ow~M lower room adwallade.r & Everly While his mini try was of la.ter for tbe monthly Faith, Food Bnd grade was \Veil attended and all Fo1'l'Y Ohurch of Christ. met by Jame. A. K earney with a drug lind lu(,e.r Mis -ildine & Evcrly sold yeal's I do not feel like cl osing FUn ·meeting. ,The committees are January 29, at the home of Mrs. tore. On the op!}O~ite corner ~as nlen's clotbing. The hall upstah'!\ without a tribute to J ohn F . Cad- did t heir paTts '\, 11. all appointed and working and this fe . rs. A. T. Moler and' Clint Romo Riggs with fourteen .pre ent the lIanis bank. As a lad I was not was the o~ "opera house" of the wallader. While officiully the i ure to be a good meeting. louver of ncar Wilmington were in cluding two visitors. much impre ed with its impol" viliag . rector of n small rc h he be. Don't fail to attend. ' Harveysburg callers on last Phone 7 The ubject for . discussion was tance aa a financial in stituti on but U()I'e appeared road how and longed to the community and his Friduy. the Cincinnati Bible Seminary . it was a treat to be allowed to local talent; commence'ment -exer- influence therein wus great. Our three basket-bun teams were ST. MARY'S C HURC~ Mrs. Alma Gerhart conducted fast my eyes on tht' \\'ondel'ful clscs. dllllCt'fj and political m~t· No citizen of Wa.ypcsv iJIe had a vit:tol'io()s ove\' Kings Mills on ~ev. J. J. Schaeffer, Rector • the devotionals with prayer by the Rarris collectioD. I never left with· ings \\IeTe ht'ld here for many , February 16, Sexagesimo Sun- I minister's wife Mrs. Sntith. out for a few moments watching y ears. . , I ..___-_____~-------_---_-__- - - - - - - - - -- - -...- -__: : : :___.-_-_:-:~ The program' consisted of quota- the daY; Church schoo l at 9 :30. Mornancients as I then considered George Obe l: who WII to attRJn , ,. ing Prayer and SOl'mO? at 10 :30. 1 tions from t h e Bible and Mrs, them play bnckgammom 01' fame a s an act!)t' troll the boards George Smith ree,d a very interest checkers. In the room whel'e Frank ill CRt.lwuHadel· Hall p ortraying ST. AUGUSTINE CHU RCH ing paper -on t he Bible. tansberry m nds your sole there nip Van Winkl e. Father' Newton, Pastor The next meeting will be was us ually a barber shop. 1 beAcrQs Millmi sheet was a brick MIISS at St. Augustine's Church February 26 aDd the su bject will lie'll.' that Ki Davi s and Amo l)uilding the home and hakery of , very seco nd and fourth Sunday be "Mexico Our Next Door Haine were propl'ietors at dif- Bailey Hayes. H was destroyed by f the month.· . feumt times. In the next room 'was fir, one nig ht following the app nr ' NeigbQor." ...---~" harles Ed Hartsock's harness ance of 8 circu~ in town . t FRIENDS MEETING 30 D EGREES BELOW ZERO store. The Hartsock family trie4 to The old Ha mme]1 House lle~ds First-day School at 9 :30 a. m. usurp the names of Charles. Frank lltlle comment, with 'a numb el' of )teoting for Worship at 1/):30 ltbs. Alvin Earnhart received a John and William, hnce the spec· changeS in management it existed IJI. Illany years aometimes a the s ol ~ letter Saturday, from ' ,her aunt, ial designation. In th e- Leak bu ilding the sistel'S hotel in to'''n. Mrs. Eli Parker, of Marshalltown, FERRY CHURCH OF C HRIST Th I' ll' weI' Bome bllsines enterIowa, who says t hat the blizzards MI' . McKinzie and Mrs, Rayburn Carl Smith, Minll!ter pr ises oft of Main street On Miami and snows tbe~ have been the were milliners. P el' y Thomas, Supt. of Bibl e omewhere along nel'e Tom east of Main was the BlU e Goose worst they have experienced in .School Fetter manufactured cigars but I sa loon of the Ll'ok Brother wh ich more than fifty years and that at • unday School 9 :8 0 a. m. times gave considerable trouble the time of her writing the the!'· hllve forgotten in whlen roo m. Communion 10:46 8. m. Sermon 11 a, m01neter l'egisteNd 30 degree!; , In S UCI' sion wel'e the Doll to the village officers, AND On th alley wes t of Main were helow zero. The severe weather is drug store and th e Bonn evill e dry o r CrVII.1 White Jack Fro.t_ S ... .,~ Stock: up - IIv , 1 Dairy Jleport ltoclllD, up now general throughout Iowa a nd all goods stOl'e. Sp ine Qf us can recall the' smith shops of Aquilla nnd Tah a dvantage of tbll Lb, when Will Bonnevill e was t he nat· Thomas McComas. Located Oa the the schools are closed. low price. Buy Iltoday 3..pll,·· I'Oc I' ~:~. tiest d resse d man in to wn. In the Methodi t ehlll'ch lot was 11 feed R 'ports from too Ohio herd im+-T for mer' ~onn evl'll~ reSidenCe the store of SiclwC'U Tayloll' and whieh STAT E FAIR DATES Sr. _ provement associations shoW that aiore mentioned Kim Rader made was ' Iat ::r burned unde l' the owner . con Iderable new dairy equipm ent . . . and sold candy. At the next cbrner ' ship of Albert Chan dler. Toward j~ ueing purchased by members. The 86th annual OhIO Stnte Fall' I was William Raper's saloon a n Corwin on North stl'el~t was the Country C lub. Thick CouDtry Clllb E"al!drated will be held in Columbus! August object of th e Cl'usadcl's after- farm implement establishment of Avonda~e. Tender w,tb deh flavo ~ No. 1 VIt••in Dad 81 to Sepwmbel' 6, accordmg to an wards to bl' come Mrs. Rap 1"8 hat G. W. Sides & Co. and later kernel .. Stock up can I" oz. · announcement just made ' operated for ~l1aity years by A. B. call. ' by Earlf s h op. bot. H. Hanefeld, State D 1rector 0 On ~he opposite corner Michael Sirles. On the alley wer'C two black Agricultur e. ~h~ v.: eek sel~cted ~or Liddy held forth with a drink smith shops occupied by Milton ,. the .1936 Fall~ l S In keeping w.l th emporium. White the t em perence Thompson and Samulel Hayslit. the. ?8tablish~~ cu~;om of holding , people looked askance at Mike on Jeff Smith's mar ket w:as formerly A"a:ndale. Thl.l. an UIIUIBROWN_ Buy a bia OhiO s eXpOSitIOn the week b e- account of his business I always a saloon conducted f'or a Bh~rt 1 Choice ·b elld picked ual value for thlM quality su pply at thl. price Nlchl..a b _ fore Labor D8~-'~ .. regarded him a prett.y good Irish. time by Hiram (Do(:k) Daklll. pea. . man and enj oyed his , company, Near Water stl'eet on the south I lb. 11», Captain H enry L. Morey always sid e of North ' was the carriag~ .. . J)oke highly of Mike as a soldier. works of Daniel Whal'lton and the Not far below was the livery barn smith shop of the two J oe!, Richof William Rogers and later under ardson and McGinnis. This was All everyday neeci at a Lb. the pl'oprietorship of Frank Barn- afterwards the Iiv~ry stable of Ed Country C lub. real low price 70.&0 81_ ....., ! n tomato lIuee hart. In the heyday of its pros- Macy' the owner and trainer of Salle. Clara pnIIM8 The Friendship cl ub W/lS enter- perity this WRS one of the' busiest Broker. Across Water street Isaac C an taln ed Wednesday aftemoon at places in town; a busin ess almost WO Od had a ,paint shop. Directly he home of Mrs. H, E. Hathaway. forgotten. opposite was atld still s tands the le _ fie The mee-ting ~a.s opl'ned by sing. RetuL'1ling tQ the cor ne l' o.E North p14ining m;Jl built by Horace Keys Bread I• • f We.tln,hou.a Bulba. 60 Each ing America: after which Mrs, stl'eat w e locate Dr. Sellers' drug Hon1ce has heen in busi ness for f t.. ReelS • • • • • c.. liar Sc watt. Replace your old '-"i Ivory !oap Reba Braddock led the devotionals sLore. In th<l rOO'n! occ upi ed by many ye:.lrs an d app rollches it not one. toda, TMato Juic. c.. 5c.I A br'ief business session was Gordon' tire s hop T. T. Dodson equal the l'ecord of MI\.bIOn Ridge, , followed by the program which tai lored men's clothing. In t hose Waynesville never had a better BOLOGNA, Ib .. " was in charge of Mrs. M. A. days Nad-y to weal' g!irments m~ cha.nic than he. BANANAS, 3 lba. ,.......... ,.................. ,... 10. "'" .. .......... ISc Fulkerson. were v ery much lowe r thl1n the In the .rear of his 'b'uilding was Golden Ripe Song-The Battle Hymn of the st,andard of today and every well a sim ilar one operated under the F ISH, Whitin• • , lb . ..... ,...... 10. TEXA.S YA.IIS, I ..... ............. :.. .. .,,, .... j.lOO Republic, d~e sed man had his cJothing made name of Zell. Son, a n d Hawke. I Prominellt persons whose birth- to his individual meas u re henc" for Lastly the O. J. Wright" Son mill JEWEL SHORTENING, 2 Iba. ",,,,,,,,, J'c LEMONS. ,10. I daYfI occur in February-Mrs. years Mr. Dodson had a lucrative At high tide it W11!3 operated I Fulkerson. busi ness. The Gazette office wa~ twenty four h ours a dlay a nd a POTATOES. . .•• ,U, CHEESE, Mild, lb . ..... ........ ../" .. , .. , ...... J3e I SkeUlb, Life of Lincoln-Mrs. the home of t h e long standing and part of its output into hoops Kich1pa U. S. No.1 D. C. Ridge. , reliable dry goods houae of Ran. for ·export. . SHARP CHEESE, lb. ,....... '''' .... " .. CARROTS, ..... ,................ " ,.. ................ Vocal 801o-Mrs. M. D. Baird. dall, Ebl"ight " Co. To enUnK.r ate all the sue· St. Valentine- Mrs. E. F. Dr. Sellers associated with his ceeding changes in would SPICED LUNCH MEATS. It.. ICE... . O ~ ..... ...........-..... ~ brother Peter I believe built the add too much to the of my Deppe. Armo\r'8 After lWo interesting stuntll Mrs . Pence building, it being the paper 80 many who took HatbawlQ' and her usi tants, Mrs doctor's intention to move his d an active put in. the of O. Dlbert. Mra. Clyde Eg,*rt, store to the fir t room. Before the viII.... mua~





I 1'8




Caesars Creek






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al.~~~~~u~r~i:1 'b~tel:ct~~. ~il I~~;::'















I IPet~I'SOn

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _=============-'~

A Renewal of O ur R esolutions




J. E. McClure

Wayne.ville, Ohio

- ..---



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To Be Heard on Kroger Program


M f LK





5U.G A R 5c



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!!:.210 c "















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Harold eompletioll 01 tit


1.... ... ,. . .




Eighty-Eighth Year








BASKET 8ALl TOURNEY Th Wayn esvill e post-offic e will p,' m. Slltllrlluy . opon until HAVE OPPOSIlION Fbe bl'um'y 22, for distriuuli un of STARTS TODAY mail on ly. No money order husi. MAY



M.... Mary Chapman i. Expected to Oppoae Veteran Committeeman Political int rest this week not onlY'VI'as centered in the Ohio presid ential situation and inc roa.sed activity on the part, of county cand idates, but by rumol'S t hat J ohn C. Hawke, who for many years has r epr sented Wayn e town hip as a member of the Wal'ren counly Republiea.n central committee will have ~p. position in the primariEfl May 12. It is learned through reliable sources that Mrs. Mary Chapman has secured a petition fro m the coun ty board ot el ctions, and will file befor t he deadline on March 13. Only fiv namell mu at' be affix d t o suc h a pe tT I lon, a n d it i S unde r tood that Mrs. Chapman has secured these and will file within Il short time. I is believed that Warre n


MI s. F. rlIma Ali ce R o lJt'rt~ on, 74, wif \If G ('OI'g Robl'l'lHon, tl'lI1PCl'llt u re~ 1'!\1Ij!ing Lt'l()w 7. '1·0. died Thur. day ('venin!!;, FebruBI'y HELD thl' local " ho nl,; k "I a fin' at,· l a, at her homl' north of Wayn{! ness will be tJ'an ~uct d. Th sc h(! dul l' for thl' Warnn ville on thc Ferry road, follo ldn g I A ('olorful <lnd hig'hly in -tl'uct- ('·Ilflonce. Frank M. Fox, 1'. M. On Jo'thruul·.v 1 th(. Alic'ndan(ount.y Ba~ketball . tnul'na ment, an iIIn~ ~s of long duralion. --.,-ive Ilddrt'l<K (In thl! IIf.. 11IIrI "a>' : Tlil!h S. cho,,1 lJUildin j.(' I,; , "hich \\ ill be h",ld lit KinK. Mill. Besides her hu sbund she is eh:lrlH'l 'I' of GCllrj!l' Wu" hinj!((ln on Thursday, Jo'rida y and Satur- sUI:vivt'l.l by n son, Earl Rob!!r ~o n WB. deliver U to ,.ons lind fat he .. ~ L;rnolc :chonl building 791 ; . lIf P ortland, Or gon. wh o tire lTIl'mberl< of W tlYI\('~\'illp uay I his we(!k, is as follow!< : Fun 1'al S 'I'vices, co nducled by 1\1 a)<on ic Illdg' p hy ncan t·:. ,' lUll h.y R v. G. . Dih el't,~wer hel·'u at the L e banon a tt orney ,In! I f ('rml' l' Se.nior Hia'h School Stubbs li'une l'al Home MQn da y, t' tt . Pl'o .'~·cu 1Ilg' II IJI'Il t' y III Warl \'n aCt rnoon and bullial wal'! ill coun l ' th I I Th 'Urs d ay, F e b ruary 20 ya. e ONI lClllJl Ie WI'dne:, Lebano n cem i ry. I · hl ._ 2 :00 p. m. Mason v ~. Kings Mills. (ay nlg . J. V. HaJ'tsock was in Riple,y on 3;0 0 p. Ill. ttel·bein vs. arlisl. p Skit ., 76 'fhe m ling, which wa.' in th, I'l.y ,ae e , ageu yea r;" form of a , Ilshinglon's bil·thdll' busines8 last week. 4 :00 p. m. Waynesv ill e v. s. (I'led Ilt h' h B Ilb k J 18 orne near roo obse rvance, was prec '\len by a Ray VanOIl n, of Cincinnati. row. W ednesday morning. He ,leave sumptuou dinner ;erve() b~' waa the week-end gu est of 'friends 5:00 , p. m. Hafv ysbu rg his wife Mllud ; on~ c1auglitel· an d III mbel'8 of th Ea;;i~1'1I :tnl' al G 1\11'. and iI1r~ . Vernon Moin uu. here. Springboro. two ons, Mrs. Jam es E. Mc lu re , p. m. ~ JlC!l1 ~un'lay ."hh friends in 7 :00 p. m. , inner of the two J . }J arvey Sackett, both of WayTh a ssemblage con !.< i ling of L Y1I1: . M r. and ,Mrs. C. E . Anders n o'clock game vs. winner of the nesvill , and Richard Sackett, at .. were Dayton visitor. ,aturday thl' ec o'clock gam. hom e ; f oul' grandehildrCl1 and a approximate ly 5 persolls t.hc n I dr>!. ttl Ilirly, of Splij!l1cl!I, h. evening. , 8 :00 " .. m. Loser of the two sister, Mrs. Laura S"ars. or B 11- i"hl'ocC'd d t th e lod~l' room.. on I vi,ilin!? her daughter, .1 rf<. J. K. . . I o'clock gam' vs. los I' of th bro ok. seco nd floor, \\ !,er~ 11'. , PI' '~trm and family. Mr. and 'M~'!I., Ralph Hastmg5 h l p Lanley 'held the allent lon of lib .' . tree o'clock gam. rivaLe RC'rvice. l ' ill be held at. '. . ' . .', and son were Lebanon VISitors' 10:00 p. n1. Winn er of the f our ih' I'<'sid nee Sn tu rdjl Y aftcl'noon I h .. tenel . wltb on of . the In ""~ t 1n' 11'r 1' . an d 'I .,· I·!'. t lluCl'lvl)od today. o'clock ga me VB. winner of the at 2 'c lock. Bu rial in Bellul'ouk ;;llInnf,e talks ev I' h e~l'd .her . , l " nt t'l'tain ell I' ' Iatives from X('niu Mias Phylis La rdck l'ooI't'rtain d five o'clock game. cem tery. The spe.ak",r was Inb oduced b~ 011 Sundny. • · R.A . n1lth' llIa' o( th ~ lora l a group of ffl. ends Thul" day even. 10 :0 0 p. m. L0' r of the f our ..L'1'll n ds may en II at the resi· I11. f Mr. and ~h:. ing of last week. o'clock game s. los r of th d enc Fl'iday aftel'lloon or even ing 0,( Ii:. n orch~ tl·~ compo cd of RIl\ph Miller, of five o'clock game I _ _ ____ I \\ ay ne towllshlP hIgh 'chool st u- Dayton, w(,l'e untlay gll st~ of Mr. Emil Brown and fami ly Friday, Febr~al"Y 21 dent · furni hed music and WIJ..';' M,.. and Mr .. Howar d AI'chlleacor y _ c_eived. spent Sunday \\'ith ro latives in , nthu si~ licall_ II-1r . W. H. li en anr! ' J\1i:;, enterville. 1 :00 p. m. Lose r of Thursday'. 10


Whole Number 62 9








!:~?f:!s~:i~:~:!~:~I!\i~~:::~ ~~~~~, Kg~~S:tY'aOtf ?~'e/.r0F~I~al'e'nwd.~ ~~ve;h;:.c~oac:,s ~a~~h~s.





r shopping in Day.

fARMERS' E CHANGE HAS · LARGEST YEAR'S BUSINESS ON RECORD Erne.t Butterworth And C. E. M,chener Reelected to Board of DirectoT • . The annua l mccting of th e stoukhold 'I·~ f th' WayneSVille Parmels' Exchange '0., was held at Grange Hall Monday, February 17. A very excellent, dinni!1' was served by lh ladi es of the Gra.nge to abou t 120 people. B. A. Wallace of Ohi o State Unive rsity was pre cnl und ga ve a very interesting talk. DUring the busin' 8S session the c '~ I) Ort,' which weI' given showed (one of the lal'j~est years bUfliness on I·CCO I·lI . Eat' n t~t Bu Ue'fwo l'th Dnd . E. lichene l', who e t rm s on the h~ul'd of rl ir ctOI'S expiretl with ' thL mecting wcr r lected by acclamation. A ft!'r the distribution of divirI nd checks the meeting was ad· journ d.



and with many national and state Home Sunday. game. JamC$ GibL ons seve has ral beedays n awa~ 4 :00 p. m. Loser of Thursday' J h M G . fr olll his business ba . i su B at sta k e the coming primary 0 n . uat m, Ii felong l'esi~ . ' M H M nine o'clock game VB. winner d d cau e of iUne·5s, ·in May and the general election in r s. eory urph y, f Ferry of Thursd ay' s ten o'clock game. ent of Warren county. ied early t he fall, promises to be ot:le of t he i slowly J'ecovering fl'o m a se· G:00 p. m. Winner of Thursday' Tuesd ay morning al hi home in Th F b ' t' f W . E. GOl'm, Mrs. H. H. Shepliveliest in the history of t he vere attack of flu. the Dodd. nt: ighborhoc)d foil wing e 'e I'uary me mg 0 Byn hard, Mrs. Com We is and harte. s t ve n o'c lock game VB. winner an iJlne S of thl' n'eeks, MI' . T Clwn ship Farm tS' club wa h >Id The extr me low temperatures C ounty. M 1t". r Jo e MalnOUs ' .. Day t On, of Th UI'S day ' s nm . e 0 'I hicago, were of the pa t. few weeks have caus. _ _ __ __ 0... c oc k game G ,. " II n h b 8 Thu rsday of last week at the B. Chapman, of 11 d M d M 10 00 W' f F id' US.ln wo u ( aVe een 2 Year' . llupper guests of Mr. anll Mrs. J. ca e on r. an r. Ray : p. rn. lOner 0 r ay s f ' M I .' h I pent home of Ml' and Mr!! J Quinc.y ed considerable injury to apple Mainous, Monday. one o'clock game VS. \\'inn r of o. alfe. In . aJ.c 1 an.. :1{ • • • • B. hapman, Sunday. d 'd ' f 'I k I hiS enbre Ide 1n Wanen county Gon.. wing to the inc lement t.rees an p rhaps other fruit trees F rI ay s o ur 0 c oc game. lesiding fir t nt Red LiOn and in w ath l' stveral members were no t Miss Mariam and Master Earl as well. This injury is manifested Rev. G. . Dibert gave a talk Saturday, February 22 I later yeaI'. at Dodds. present. Fife, of Wilmington. spent Satul'- first by vertienl cracks in the at the Kingma'll Farmer' In titut 4 :00 p. m, Loser of Friday's ix 1 ince i he death of hi wife in Mrs. S. S. Ellis, Mr Erne t day and Sunday wit h Mr. and Mrs . tr unks extending up into the on Satu rday. o'clock g ame VB. \linner of Fd- Augu$t, 1. ~3 his g ranldson, Ever- Buttet'wol'th, Mr. a nd Mrs. W. A. L. H, Gordon. lower crotches of the tree. C, W. Miss Anna Guy Treadway "nt day's nin e o'clock game. l ett Gu tin and thn lattCl". family Swartz I a ssiste d the hostes in . Ellenwood, of the Department of " l\hs. li'orrest Ridge, of Cincin- H ortlcu . It u~'e, at th eOhl · xperl· , . WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH the week·end at the hom of Mi 9 :00 p. n~. (Finals) Winner of had mad Uicil' home .wlth Mr. sel'ving the u ual excellent din. o E Chri tine McLain near Loveland. F'd ' ' 'I k G ne' nati, wa the gu at. of Mr. and ment tallon, advi es that these rl ay lj SIX 0 C oc ' game VS. u tin al Dodds. He spent, all I. Mr . O. M. Ridg several days last Rev. G. C. Dibert, Pastor winner of aturda Y'!1 four of hi life on the fanll and was The af 1'Ooon program opened cracks be seal d with brush graftSunday: Sunday school at 9:30 Mi, rane, who has b en o'cl ck game. I " 11 known in all sectio n of the "ilh invo calio n by the Rev. G. C. w C ; k . ' ing wax. or some suitable wound 11. m. Morning worship a.t 10 :30, confin ed to thc hous becau e of I county. Dibe)< t who later gave a mo t in· Mr. and Mr . 'Will tanton, of dressing as soon as the work can The .s ermon s ubject will be, "The illness, i ' !'reovering. J",n', or High School I urviving 8t thre~~ ons Ora 'i ' I' sting talk on "'fhe 'Marks of a pringboro, were dinner g uests of be done to avoid further injury. Mastel' of the Storms." ' " ,. j Mr. and Mrs. Rob rt Alderm n Friday and Evan Gusti n, of thi~ nei, rhbor G r a t N atlOn. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chapman , 1 n so me cases' wtn""r In ury There will be a short combined are announcing th e arrival of 5 hood, and J oe Gu 'tin , of incinevcral vocal selection s reno Sunday. takell t he form of a cleavage of meetinr of the Sunday school and 2 :00 p. m. flal'vey borg v~ . nali. d r d by Mr. and Mr. Raleigh ' bark and wood. If this i\Ol't of in· official boards _at tbe clo e of the son ut their hom Friday, Febru· ary 14. arlial . Funeral servic s will be held at Bogan during the afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Luth r Pe'l'kin jury is discov red in time, the morning rvice. 3 :00 Jl. m. Mason vs. Waynesville. the 0 wald Punaral Hom e in al 0 greatly en joyed. . l and dnughterM, of Dayton, were bark an be I\ailed fast to Pl'li!W edne day: Bible study and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Schoeler, of 7: 0 p. m. Kings Mill s vs. , pringT- gues"s of rs Maud Cl'ane ven> furth separ t-on The . L ' banon, L't'I'day afterl"oon a t 2 '"'d . e ~ er a I '. prayer meeting at 7 p. m. Hamilton, visited Mr. . choelel" s boro. J : ' " 1 St a ur ay. -~hQt. ,o;v.ic 8ought leading tbis type'a nd of pa nts , Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. 8 :00 . p. m. Morrow vs . Ot tel·bein. o'clock andt burial \vill be tn LebIUinjury to beinto di sinfected ST. MARY'S CHURCH Henderson, Su nday. ! :00 p. m. Bluebali vs. winner of anon ceme ery. Mr. and M'rs. Ern at Buttercovered with so me sort of protecRev_ J. J. Scbaelfer, Redor February 23, Quinquagesima two AGAIN IS ofof Sunday, Churcll school at 9 :30; i tha t her condi tion .sho a 2 :00 p. m. Winner of Fl'iday's tion to detect an injury of this Morni ' i Prayer and s~rmon at light improvement. I ev n o'eloc' k j{ame vs. winner The . eed corn situation in Mr. Ilnd Mts. George lIf. Denny, nature immediately after the , 10 :3 0. A h Wedne day, Feb. 26, Friday's 19ht o'clock game Ohio may be th t! worst since that of near Harveysb urg, spent Mon. sepal'ation has occurred, but, if it service at 7:30 p, m. when the Mr. and lofT . E rnest Woollard, 3 :00 p. m. Winner of Friday's of 1918 states Leste1' J. Mill r, dllY with Mr. and Mrs. W. is not discovered soo n, it will reo ()fl'ering to be used for the Chil- of Belmpnt, s pent Su nday with th ree o'clock game vs. winner of At Lhe annual mt eting of the cQunly agricultural agent of Tichenor. s uit in th~ death of the bark and dren 's Hospital will be taken. 'Mrl\. Woollard's lnothel', Mrs. T. Friday's nin e o'clock gatue . 1 Warren ounty Healtb and Tu ber- Warren county. Mo t of the com freque ntly the adjacent woody Service ~very VI ednesday' E!-vening B. Brannock. " :0 0 p. 111. (Final) Winner of culo is A sociation held at the that had not bee.n artifjcially ch icd Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn Banta, tissu e. durIng Lent at 7 :30. The public i t t d f h Pleasant Plain , were week-end A h f" . Robel.t Chapman, of Columbus, aturday's two o'clock game Presbytel'ia'n church in Lebanon, or pro ec e rom t tl severe t f M not er typ 0 WlI1tel' l'llJury to cordially invited to a~tend all , t t h d'" gue so . r. Banta's parent., 1 k f t th' . pent la t w k.end with his vs. winner of aturday's three Tuesday afternoon, irs. J . H. empera ure S OWIl eo me .. mage 00 o.T a IS season I cro t c h services. parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. hapo'clock game. Sackett was reel cted prcsident of states Mr. lUl1er, Mr. and Irs. J. p, Fromm. splitting. Occa ionally, the spliting man. . the- orgaoization. Mrs. Lida Cowan Only a ' small amou n t of corn Th e sewing group comprl IIlg l\t a crotch will be serious e nough ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH l Ridgeville, was reelected ecretary hnll dried naturally to le~s than Ml's. W. P. alisbul'Y, Mrs. Harvey to wanant bolting or bracillg. The Father Newton, Putor Mrs. D. R. Salisbury e,? tertain e~ and Mr 8: Mills, of (Hingbo ro, 20'lo moisture. oro with l6 'lt Rye, Mrs. R. H. Har tsock, Mrs. extent of the damage to smaJl )lJu at St. AUfUstine's Church members of the A rgunof AUXILIARY was again named treas urer. to 20r,t. moistUl'e k~pt ,at zero D. R. SaJisbl\ry and Mrs. J. K . swigs may not b apparent now, very second.. and fourth Sunday Bridge club lind a few invited I On new officer, M1'8. Hurry and slig htly under for u pC)'iod of P}·eston. met at..the-Jtome of M1'S. and, in any cVt.'i1t, this sort of inf the month, gue ta, atu day afternoon. Hill, of Lebanon, was made v ice 24 hours will usually be $er iou 'Iy Pl'e tOtt Tuesda y. Mts. D. jury does not demand the prompt M' K th T ' pre id.ent. damaged. Ridge and Mrs. D. R Smith wer e attention required in tbe case of FRIENDS MEETING lB. n ryn urn er ,. of Day. Th e Woman's Auxiliary of St. ---- . _ . ---Farmers lU'e advised to tar t additional guests of 't he 'hostess. trunk 01' crotch i'lljury. Firat-day Sehool at 9:80 a. m. ton t s~nt Tuesday and Wednes· MU1'y'S Episcopal chu rch met Fl·i· DEPUTIES WILL ASSIST germ ination t'est~ of their eo'rn at The l>re~nt si,tuation demands a Me.tlnK for Worship at 10:80 day With her parents, Ml" and day aftel'l1oon , Februal'y 14, at nce. Mrs. Maud e Cra ne and daugh- careful survey of an orchard, .tree Ill. Mrs • F -B. H ende rs 0 n. . INCOME TAXPAYERS the hom e of Mrs. D. L. Ol·ane. -~ . - - - - tel'S Ma ry and Anna Lee and theil' by tree, to determine what injury Mrs. W . N. Sears, who was I The opening s(,l'Yice conducted by guests, Forrest Crane and dau gh- if any has been dO'll e by the low FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST t I n order to <rive t he tax.payers t e l ', 0 f C'rnClllna ' t'I, snu.l R usseII t emp eratuI,(,s . dw taken to McClellan hospital two Mrs. E . L. Thomas was f 0 11o e" . Carl Smith, Milliliter weeks ago for an ~mergency opera Iby a bus iness se 8ion after wh ich in the F'irst Di trlet of Ohio all an, of Lebanon, visited Mr. - • Perry Thomas. Supt. of Bible g . BRIDE I Loren Jamesoll and little daughter tion, has returned hame and is l the fol.lowin progl'am. was given : assistance pos ible in filing Lheir School .. th h. OSp .l tal , Day t on, getting along very well. Sessions 0 f t he Chllla Centen- 1935 income tax returns, Collec. at tEl' , lza ... e Sunday School 1180 a_ m. nialMrs, Emma H. ,McClure. tOr of .Internal Revenue T, J. Sund~Y' afte rnoon. _ __ Comlnunion 18:45 a. m. The Ladies' 'Missionary , society, How ih Lenten Oft'ering Began onD I' has arranged u schedule Mrs, .Ernest Woo))a r~, nee I Th d' i Litt le Miss Ann W e,ltz entel'Sermon 11 8 . m., ot the Ferry Church of Christ will - Mrs. W. S. Scanlan . for their conv'enience. Taxpayers Juan.i ta Bran nock, was honol' ,e con It on of J. L. Mendell- , . , ' . ' requ iri ng assi tllnce should call at _ hall, who unde t'we ll t an operatio,n tam ed a group of httle girls at a lJiAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF mee t at t he h orne 0 f M rs. H oward Why Missions -Mrs. Edith Harg uest at a lUi ce ll aneOl1!1 shower H I h ' I W' I . . Valentine pDJ·ty Saturday aftel" CHRIST ' Woods Wedne-sday, Febl'uary 26, I ria. the main offi ce Feel ral building, give by Miss Dorothy Bout'ne at a e osp lta, I nllngton, 1S . , I C' i f da t d . n . ,'eported good and he is expected noon, F bruary 15, at the hOWe of Carl Smith, Minister a~ 2 0 ~Iock s.harp. T"he su.bject for , Missionary notes by Mrs. Lester IDC nna I, any y up 0 an In - and M'lss Jnn~ ook Iltul'day h . h . M1' Le Hawke The afternoon . onte In a so rt hme . e in playing . J enn i e B ra dl ey, S uper i nten d en t d iSCUSSion Will ,be Mex I co , our .Gordon, M~. D. L. rane, M'ISS eluding March 113, or at the Tlear- a ft erlloon a t t h e h om e 0 f M·I ~S was . spent games and John Sears, Asst. Superln~ndent. next door neighbors." A good at. Mame Browne, Mr . W. ·H. Allen. cst bran ch on the da tes given. In B.ou rne_ After ~rs. Woolhll'u hud ir. and Mrs. Foster Heacock , hunting hearts, one little girl Nl-'Not A Denomination tendance is ,desired. All vii;itors Mr~. E. L. Thomas, Mrs. Edith Wanen coun t y deputhls will be at dls.played hel' gifts, games a. nd a of Bcdfol'll, Pa., arrived W ednes- ceivin'~ a prize for findin'" the ·1 day, at the Friend. ' Home, w h~re largest.. num!)el·. .. 9:30, Ohurch ICh001, lell8on welcome ' Harris, Mj Emma Heig,h way, the Lebanon Ci ir..l'n.s National d am t y . h were enJoyeu. text--People Before Property" • - Miss Marne Bl'ow ne and 'Miss Bank, Lebanon, FeLl'uary 2 7, and Those 1Dvlted . were Russell th y expect to spend several In vi ted "'uests were: Barbara Bunk, Camp,b e II , 0 f L;Y tlE , MI ~ses L 0 Ia weeks. .. Luke 8:36-37; lesson thought,. I . 10gl ' CIaI'll Lile who attend ed a meeting the Franklin · National rane, Marjorie Conner, Wilma tI Each must still answer, "Am I My , of the Auxiliary officers of lhe Franklin, March 3. and El'm~ ears, Be l~y ~aJ'tsock, Dibert, RayJin Crabbe, Phyllis Brother's Keeper? Golden textMaple syrup s'h ould weigh 11 Dayton convocation h eld in St. Under the Rev nU e .Act of 1934 Ruth Sah bu,I'Y, MarJorie . ~arn. Wnrren cou n ty's iOlll·teenth Martin , Naomi Earnhart, Mary to t he "al10n t May T rea d way, W Inl f l'e d anDual hig'h school basketball Ann Me\loh, Lillian Stansberry, No lIervant ean serve two masters Pounds . .. . Andrew's church, Dayton, gave an every si ngle person h:a ving a n.e t h 51', fol' either he will hate the one and ClotMs ' motlis can be kep,t interesting 'r eport of the meeting. income o! $1,000 or more, 01' a Conn ~, lhth and Grace Hoy\~. to urnament opened this af\iel'~ Mar ilYn Hartsock, Donna )lae .L. L . ' 11 h ld D' h . 1 h Ii h t mal'ried pet'son havin~: a ne t in . _- - . - - - -noon at Kings Mills. Wayne love he ~""'l'; or ,.., Wl 0 to from woolen larments bv , dunng t e so'cla our a g SI'm"son Gladys Rye and Jimmy . , -, come of $2,500 0 1' m ore mu st file WOODCHOPPING FOR Tow nship schoo ls were dismissed ..., one and despise the other. Ye cleaning the ' clothes and storing luneh wa.s served. + rn d h . at noon ' today but clas es w1'11 be W eltz. Hostesses were Mrs. l;ee ' cannot aerve God cd Mammom. them '['.. moth proof ba.... - -- • - a rew , a n cvery 'P~' rson avmg INJURED ' NEIGHBOR H k M M d W It d - Luke 16:18. Duet, Laura a n d " .~ TOLL ON CALLS IS ENDED a g ross income o f 5,000 or more l'esumcd Friday morning. There awe, rs. aynar e z an must fil e a retutn :rE~gardless of will be no afternoon s ss ion FriMiss Dorothy Anderson • S oy bean 0 il mea I use d as one of .... S ve t a I reSJ'd en"Dam'i ...,,, •• ...ary A~n . . .~iUer. . h i' the amount of his net income, "'" 0 f t he 0 I'e· d' re f res h men.... were 10:46, Lord's Supper. . t e ngredlenttl in protein mixture Sought by Clinton coun y f arm' l gonia neighbor hood engaged in a ny. .se rved at appropriate-Iy decorated 6:30 p_ m., Chriatian Endeavor, fed to coltli w .. quite satisfactory ers and merchants fot everal TOWNSHIP ,OFFICIALS woodchopping at thE! hom e of B. For th e pleasure of hel' little card table s. leader, Marie Pine; ,ubject, In • feeding trial on the Marsh years, county·\\ide diAl t elephone ' TO MEET IN LEBANON W. Smith week. so n Bobby, Mrs. Ralph Hastin gs 'l'hlnra for Whiell We Stand, Gal. Farm in Van Wert county. lIervice without toll cha.rges have ' _ Mr. Smith has been confined to entertain ed several little girls and BIRTHDAY SURPRISE 6:20·26. Late plO'WlnK is otten unsatis. become a reality with the hOOk.] Membe r 01 the n boards his home since meelin$ with a!l boys at a Valentine party, Friday 7:30, evanpUsUc service.; 1010, factory because the Irowth of up of tbe Clarksville exchange, of township trustees Warren I accident a few weeks ago in which afternoon. The Invited guests 'Herman Surface w .. tendered John Sean. plante baa aIread, removed .0 the last of the six to be installed ; county will mee t at the court : several Upmentl in his knee were were little Mi$Bes Martha Ward· a surprise Monday evenlDtr, FebWedaeaday nicht, 7:30, pra,ar macb water from the soil that the by the Clinton Telephone Com. , house in Ltbanon on after· torn. low, Mary Ann Mellab, Beverly ruuy 17, In eelebratloD of h' 1 .e"lee and bible stud,. 8:80 choir pluted crop does not have a pallY. PrevioulIly It was neceuary I noon at 1 :30 meet- I ThOBe participating in th~ work Jeane Lotz, Dale Lynn, Phym. birth annivenal'J."'_ practice. eutldeat luppl, • to call long distance for intra- ing has been called Sam D. were Valman and Oele ·Burton, Martin, Martha Dibert, Y onne were IIr. and 1(1'10 Bra_ Ban. Come, . .jo, tile stady of God's eouDty servi~. Other eschulee l Henkle. county or, and 10- ' John SettJemyer, Lewis Kiphart, Stubbs. Pate, Baird; Mae~rs lock aDd I0Il lillo, Ill'. .cml wltll·us. It is ftI'J important tbat laeat.d at Sabina, N.w Vimlla I cal road cOlllltil'Uetiolnll and repair Freeman Millard, Ed Warren Sheehan, Rorrer WatkllUl, Leeter 8111'face ........~ , ,,"erlll eon_to ratio... for Blucheater, Port linam, ad I probl.m wUl be d ,.be Freak DoulJbman, Mylia Pow II, Earl Rye Uld Donie ..dencm. Don..



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l!'.h'llIlKl', ( f . 11'. Gar. t'~ World hi~tttl r d a~, rU'('S\'ntcu a dchld 0 0 : LlIlh'.)', C\l'I'Y"IIO! f(1!' the njoYJIlI nl ..,f the clul\:. " njn Yl'.!. 1'ht:' lit' ·t m c!ting IliII b •~ :.!.. >'0 on T UP.,Itlr. 'r'l'hrUIlI'Y 1 • a nd ill The 'lUl'~t illn ,h'bull' u w:w H,'· ~ol\'l'd: T h t man call lin' [ll'll r B F P d. al " Ith the lif of W a><h in gton. U1uler th" machin" ag~, 1 0


Th~ otlirmatl\'" ~J1 eak el's w r Grades Have Valentine P~rty}, I 1\1 II h E I Rh • nnd fur \\'a. II ',\·ill< . 1Tlltlll, 23 u >\,1'n;11'( If u , _a I' , .~ , • \'(' urwin" , :\lierclli 1 :3 The: "t'nth and Eilllnth lrllld . Roy Cl'o ckctt; the negntivt·~ wer y ., ,'(' iell ri lh" half 12-1~ . Hirh1a.nd B F P I Bul. ngrr 2 hall :1 ",dentine purty 011 Monday, MHdl'l'd on k. Hnehe l 1Ial't1ll811, \\.'l nf 'I·llIt Cllml' b.lck \\tllI a ! Wright, l' 2 2 (i Rilkeway 1 1 3 !-'/:'l) ruary 17, dllrin' the extra- ~nd )labl.1 FrAft cr; l\lilti l'cll and phil'" In lhe thil'd I( UI'U:I' hl i llavid!'&on. f ., 0 ,1, 1l Uo,,"ard .. 0 0 0 CUl'l icular 111)1'iod . Both grad s Roy "r~,('nted lh e rtlbuttnl ):ail1 a In'. 11·:\11, :utlkicnt ~ nouJ!'~ I \\'alt~. c I 0 _ _ _ I ha(1 a very b~autirul Yalentin e !<pceches. Hil" to .put In >lIb>. The ,~b~. h \\- I :'hattcl'~, g O O tJ TlJtI\L 6 5 17 box ill which there were many 1 i~t;Onlil\ueli Il ncc unt oI ' " ,.I , It dt I' thall the Ilr,l e m (·"Mu. c: 1 2 4, ' \'0 1 nUIIl'~. R ir .hll1l!nts weI' n d fiJI' mor tillle (In Friday, th e h" ilia If g- :!:l . !'oint... Thi.. \1 • Burton. g 0 2 'Teat.h~r, Hold Reru 1ar Meetin, sen'cd in the ~ \' nlh grade. I debate \\a" lllded Mundo . After \\, \'nl·~vil1l.'·" la~t $!' me IIntil 1h t:.l'l fully li~ il1l{ the point r(> y tournament. · Wh t \\ ill Total 7 The Wayn . To" n hip teach I'li Senior ~r:;- ty gllined on .eol'h ,ie! > of the qucKtion II n h. l'r{'n~ - 'obot!y knows. held their regular meeting In. t TI L ' I' h I' I h E'l 11 1l\K1 r . r.o Y~ ..,..~"\, hl·~.., OPI'11I'o n alon'" ' . 11' I'~llg I~ ltCl'IltUl'(' ca. .. b I \" une. dny v nmg. tn other w"l' k-~nd ~nme" L e· M). mlth \ . . with other comments. I1 c though t "r ' 11 W • ,Ie!catl\!i h' tbe Wi lming Wayne, ville Junior Hi,h completed the l' view of Ma ndel ItShfiflth 111 raryfllprod~.,.anTl h of thhe n Tb -11 tha I he 3tf11'Il1ativ s were the fin' . .!"prit1gbl)('o , bent Hal'\'('Y. r. er Iwrm an's II l ental Hygi ene and ~c 0a y e ar n on a~·. 0 ." 0 ton l UI" 2; to 23 to givt' thl'm their Th e proSl)eC ror Wayne viII Education," which hnd been be- acted a the prugl'nm ~I)mn\lttee \'iclt~· ~Ii.'(':nll 10.. Tile IInn'!,y~hurg ' Junior Hi h team in t heir gun by Mr. BOd enbende r in an wer(' Anna L • 'rulle anil Harbaro Juniora' Show junior hiJ!h ~till rl'lllain ul'lbe. t!'n' l co~nty tourn3ll1e~t we:e. decid Ity ] cSI'li r meeting,. Gr'lEt.Y · II Th Junl' I' CI'l~~. 1'5 pon oring f n he pru"ram wad a ..; 0 OWS: Bl!lIhrook "'ll beaten by Ro ~ raJ ~ed after t_h!'lr b~llhl\nt per2Iliss mith dl 'CU , ed the prob~ - ~ ;{/3 to 17 fOT th Gr elle county form ant aga ~nst Hlghlanu last lems which sri.e from confiictll in Bible rellding- Ruth Lmrit:k. another vne of the EduClltional (hal11\H n hip. By a s('or of 24 to I Friday_ the life (,f th individunl, pointi n~ J>uem. "The Fouthfu! Gtl<lr~t! ,1'iCltlJ'!':; .f'1'i (I II y, F'cbruary 2 1 at Th t h d 't h t t h Wa; hm~t n~ \Vilma :-;l\1ith. th{· gym at 10. The· projl ram :W B lIbrook bc. ted elma the I , e home earn s owe a ey out that such con flic t are oft -n Current l'venl.;- Donald Foulks, con!;i. t . of a i'eatu !'e-Iluuots of hnly county team to beat. Ro . have the fight and p p it, take lo re ult ot having failed to rellch H • ~Jon ologu , "In t 1'1) <1 u c i 11 g HUIlI nily, ~tarring J o.n II,'). holt Ro.s W al 0 \.;' at by Wayne ville I win the ir tournament. ere S om establL hed gOIlI. lind that . hI op. y-Top~y-H, Jllne ook. a cbm edy~ - Frozen Froli'" lin,! a I~TOn kJin won frllOl Mt. Heallhy hoping they eome through. the ' e conftil;t.s may be a force for K say, "'\1y Fir t Valtlntin e" MUsic·, ln:tel' novelty- 'ong~ of 2 to Hi a.nd from Osborn Bath The Highland game la te d for good or bad, If th conflict al'btl~ !IV to 1. [orrow won asily 0 cr two 0 rtime periods; at the end from a feeling of inferiority. it ~(ary Burton. the Range. h 6Bo k I evie\l', ' T he lWild Earth's v I'y enjt1yab lu tl nt l'tll lnK ing~ Mill 36 to 12. f Ihe gam t ey wer ti ed up 1 may 'r e ult in a more intense dt:- '. I j't "1, L' k \V t III" llt 'I. prolili' d fAT all the sLudBox Seol 16. Th score muine<! the same termination to succeed in -ome v JI ,y, ... y d ' lI ll a r!! ~" v P bvertime. eil Hn t man. <,nt ::I ' w('ll n~ tilt! p"rent~ who Wayn ,,,iIIe B F at the end of the fir t particular line. The teacber, inrii~cu"~ioll, " I 1he Lxtra- ur- II illb LO attend. 4 0 8 Ho-wever, in the la t one t he ·tead of encouraging the indi j. Conner, 1 1 0 2 fellows pulled out lind 1 ft the dual to avoid conflict. mu -t h('lp Dllvi , r . 1 2 4 Highland boy in the dust. The him to face conflicts a th y ari . Gri ffy, .c , .. ..... 2 0 4 final seON was 20-17. In an effort to over('om . conflicts, Allen, g . .. people often indulge in s()me form of compensatory behavior which may either result in some extreme ofntirely conduct or it may uit· in IL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _•_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...; offsetting the . re difficulty.


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Gardin r. Ii. M Oms O.burn • all.ttr Harlow. nook. administrator LuaH! and (Oar "f tIll' c!4nl\' "I' Mllry E, LitU • d O!· "'rank Ballingt'f. $2 2; The W tI',·a-.,d. fiJ. d hi>l ftr:lt and flnal ac- I'n Slnr. bindintc trea~urer's re· CI,unt. port "hcet, ' I ; Karl I). Dllkin, Thl' will of Alb l't J. Kiphart pl·C'ntiul11 on bond. Itulph ,II. a l:('Y, del" a,;<,d \\ a:; admitted t o court, ('robat· Judgl', $2fi;' WoodrowPaul L . Kiphul't \\ A S appoi nted ex· W ('il-~tana~ • 0., supp lies fill' ·('l·utur, lind tll(!d bond of $4,500 'lurk of o url ~ , ,2.70; The W e~t­ \-ith 1'1In· ' ie~. \.Y, C, Manning, 'am ern . Ial', book g'l'a nu jur'y certi. II'I) )'e and J i<Se Rossell W<'re 0111" ficate of feel', 13,50; FI'od Proctor, bal' dock ' L'I r U I ' clerk or I'Uintl'd uPl'mi. CI'~. The" ill of }' Io renc Thorilpson, ourt.'i, $42 ,60; n. M. Wil1\ams, dl'N'nb -el, \la, Ildmitt d t.Q court. Coroner, in VI' ligation in the llu\\'u rJ W. Ivins W9.lI appointed d ath of . )l1r!'nc{" Harkrader, $>1; t'I""l'UtttY', nu b nd being reqllilX'tl. Wm. H ufford 'h J'itf, washing (Ot' C. C. 1 ~ll ln ,s, . S. ' hawhan and priso ner>!, $39.72 ; Mrs. Della l'hudl"~ .'. Irwin w r appointed Hufford f eding pl' isoners $406.76 Dr. Frank A. Uilatush. IJrofesapl'rais!'l'R. sional se rviceM. $3; Griswold Servic e tation, oil and t pllirs fOI' Rc.. 1 E,tat o TrLn. fera ( onUnu e\1 all Page 3) ad and aroline chaub to ~lartin Haubner, renl stat in Lo"ol nd Park. Bug ne . Dunhum, d ceased, to l\lari tLa Whi tael'e Ilnd .Esther Hicks ~32.25 aen's in WJL'Ihin~:ton township anu rC'81 estnt in Mor- l ro\\'. " THE HOME OF GIFTS" Tl'Ustec of Chul'eh of Ch rist to Jyde oIlin • inlol No. 35 i n Lebanon, Ohio L banon. Mllrtin Hllubn I' to David Baker EXPERT WATCH real estate in Loveland Park. REPAIRING tllriettn Whitacl'(\ to Esther lI iek8 inlot N .. 110, 120 and 121 u,ina Onl,. Genuine Malerial. in MOl'row. Prompt Service E>lther Hick to Mari tta WhitSlore open until 9 p. nt. acre in lot NOB. 121. 122 and 123 in 1orrow. lint Hines and Olive Hin es to Bes ie G, Gross inlots Nos 158 ana •_ _ _ _ _ _ _~------: 15. in L bllnon. A k ( 0 1' a Ida l\f~ Droke and . Frank M. Dl'8ke to The Peopl e's Building. Miamiaburr Permanent Loan and Sa.vings Co:, real estate Concrete in L6banon . Air Seal 8urial Vault Mary A. Johnson to Mary Margar t Cafferty. inlot o. 493 in For Sale only by Franklin. . Mary Margaret Cafferty to 'Mary Your Funeral Director A. Johnson. inlot No. 493 in Frank G~"lgl'


Cary's Jewelry


Thus compensation may be good Common ' PIe.. Pro,ceed in,. nglesby ndertaking Company lim bad. Daydream\ng and phanta!<y iiI d it application for the re.McClure Funeral Home olamon Fred by executors to ort n grow out of such erratic In the ca e of Th(! Villa e of mO\,111 of Lenora Gal'l'nrd, execa · John W. Bratten, inlots No . 5 and PbODe 7 W.,D....'ille. O. behavior MId should be di rected in- Franklin ve u s John . Richal'd· trix and Earl Ge phart, executor. 6 in Lebanon. The will or Florene Thompsl)n, to 80m productive channel, rather son, the defendant ba leave to file James C. Hill and Edith J. Hi1Il~~~~~====~~~~ than discouraged entirely. d d decca I'd, waa filed in court. t-o The People' BuUding Loan and I: 6 r • Ga1'St read "He Kn~w hill amen t! an wer. .. In the alan r of the tate of 8.vings Co., 195.08 acres in TurLincoln," by Ida 111. Tarbell. This • Tb '" d f en d an ts are gran t ed 30 days IIdditional time in which to Catb I'ine E. Fran r. decca ed, dis- tl creek town hip. relate'!! i~ dramatic fo~m personal plead, in the case of The fiami tribution i. ordel'ed. Loui Fre~ t.o John W. Bratten Buildi ng and Loan A oeiaIn the matter of the estal of inlot Nos. 5 and 6 in Lebanon. recollectIOn o~ ooe Billy Brown, I Vall . ver us D . C'--k V'an Camp, e t William McBlI.l'lloy decca. ed trans ho grew Rebecca Whitacre to Hany Cor• up )11 " In theh NewL ' alem I lion J.tU country In mOls were I,nc o n I fer of rea l estate i orde red. win ~O acres in lJarlan township. spent his young manhood. a 'In the matter of If rank Burn. Tb e fir t and final account of Bill. Allo~ed 'ide, Emma Prater Sin d Lestie S. Anna lay Young, admini tratrix Sec:olld Grad., New. nook, ..trustees of the hurch of of th estate of Clara A Brown deHoward W. lvin , premium on Pertect spellers -for tbe second )' hrist;., Lebanon contil'mation deed ceu d, w approved allowed and hond,' Hayes C. Keever, ComrnisROOT FQR AND CONSIGN Id and distribution 8S ol'dered. '? CatOe. hop,Ct.Iheep calva gt'8 d e are: N orma Adarns. D ona con IiIt'me d . lon-:r, $_5; Trustee- of .I.'u bl' . JC ,our to Norril-Brock •• liveand wire and Brown. Rosa Lee Bunnell, Shirley I In the case of Central Financ e The thil'd account of Harry Hart- AffaIrs, water, rent for sprlDkltng pr\)gre8llve flnn f?r the higbut Busick, Charles Dibert, Ernestine o. v ersu J O$i)ph K. diller, Sr,. et Ielter. guard ian of Otto Hartlel- and fountain, $9; Oruo Central market pricell and good aervice. EarnhaTt, Pauline Gib on, Rich· 111. form er entry 'WD amended. t('t'. ill competent. ~ as approved. Te lephone C()rp. rents, vario~s UDloD Stodc Yard,' Clnei ....ti.• O. Radio Station wcn ' . Tune ard Iroo s, Walter J ohnson J r., Harry Harding pleaded guilty to allowed and confirmed by the offices F ebruary. $66.60; OhIO 12 :2& in to on 12 :80 p . m. for our daU, Virgil Longacre, Alic e Pigg, J ohn the affidavit tiled h retn against court. entral Te!ephone Corp., tolls market reports. Perry Sackett, Richard Stansberry hjm and was fined $510 and c9stS. T.he court approved allowed and various offices, $34.60; Reif'. EI c ~~~=~~~=====:;== Ronald Clark and Gladys Rye. A. J. ForKn el' pleaded guilty to confirmed the first and final ac· trie Shop, eleekoie- suppli 8 and ::: the n.flldavit filed h el~ein again t count of Lloyd and Leiman Colliv- labor, $19.60; Lewis" Drake, Inc Third G.ade New. him and imposition of sentel1ce el' admini tl'atori) of the estate of three ton c{)al 1{) lr-C91l'1'I'r-hOl~&E~~~~1-.,- • • The Third grade is completi ng was suspended for a periOd of one ' Cynthia Jane Colliver, deceased. Lebanon Ice It Coal Co., two ton some Indian books on which t hey year. The court appro ed, allowed and coal for court house, $14; Dr. S. have 'be n working for a few In th~ case of Theodore M. Eb· onftrmed the first and final ac- Sterling taM, profeSsional serv~ months. erl!llrt ver Us Eva Irene Stewart cou nt of William E. ech.ant, ex- ices, $15.75; Dr. Ke nnon Dunham In t he peliing autg l'ace the tal. confirmation. deed .and di - ecutor of the estate of Edgar T. tht'ee pneumotborax treatments, Chevro let is ahead, h\iving gone 'tTibution was ordenld. , , Dechant, deceased. 15; Dr. Kennon D 'nham x.ray of 10 miles ; Terrapla ne is next at 6 A divorce 'Was granted the The fiyst and final account of chest and treatments, $20; . Dr: miles. plaintiff in the case of Betty Lu- AlvlI 'McLaughlen; executor of the Kennon Dunham, x-ray and exam cille J ames versus John W. James. estate of Rachel C. Stevens; de- $30; Jam~ C. Walker, M: D., ,P N)Fourtb Gracie N.,w. ceased, was approved, allowed and f 8 ional services, $100; Worst confirmed by the court. F uneral Home, ambulance service, Fourth grade perfect spellets New SUI" . Phone 78J Sanatorl~rn. for the past week were: Wilma bal'les G, rawford tiled a suit Tbe court approved; allowed and $7; . Stillwater Di bert, El'wi n ·Lewis. Ethel ~eno. against Lett an d ompany, Inc" confirm ~ t ~e first and final ac- hospitalization . $115.60; Helen ~~~==~~~===~~~ Clif EvelY,n Thompson and Elva Ma e for money and other relief. The cou nt of, . . D. Halvey, admini t ra- Do gh an board and care' u Doughman. 1)1 , • tor of the estate of Hannah A. f ord $7; Mrs. Ira_ Westerman. amount of mo ney c1ait:ned is $24,Shimp, deCi;ased. E ltzroth, board and care Alice 378. . tlOTARY PUBLIC In the rratter of the state of Starkey. ,5; James Moore, board Citi~,bip Club The Sparks-Withington damNetl • ••1 8_11 . I The meeting was called to order pany, til ed u suit flgainst· Ray Eula W tki ns. deceased , form er and care Lucy Moore, $5; Mn. on Tu esday. February 11, and Uli! Kau tz for money. The an10unt judgment of court, directing sale+!!l!m.l!LM~L.!!~!:!!.~~~~~~~ruIa!:.Jlt...ta---.L~II. . !Leu W of ,registered bonds is ·...acated ,,"d Lacy, $5; Mrs Lule WAYNESVILLE. OHIO claimed is $20.2 .66• . set aside.. RedemptiOn of bonds is and care Uncoln Gabbard, $5'; ord ered. Sale of bonds is ordezed Mrs. JuU~ Holland, board and care ' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!! Marriaa. Liel. . . . and Alfred G. Watkins executor is Vernon Holland, $5; ' Mrs, Mal'FOR SALE DATES CALL J. Alian J ohnson, :physician. of to fil e a supplemental inventory.. garet Jones board and care Ollie Bristol, Tenn., and' Mllss Cleo Speno ' William Oberlin, ,-uardian, of l eer of Lebanon. John Oberli n, in sane, tiled his 5th 0 . Robert Allen W~inlkauf, restau- and final account. Guardian's U • •• rant worker, of LEibanon, and W~I allowed. , Mrll. Betty Lucille James, of com~e~sation Wllham Oberbn was appointed As I am 181m, thafarm on aeWaynesville. administrator of the estate -of John count of .ill health I will olfer at JESSE S'I'ANUY Joseph Herres, farmer. of Way- Oberlin, deeeaeed, a~d filed bond PllbIic we at the farin, located 1 nesville, .and Miss 'Bel~trice Barker of ,500 with suretUla. Ona Oox, 'mile West of Harveyabul1f j Ult 01f of Waynesville. Clint Brown and Jamel Frq wete State Route 78 on EARL KOOCLER . appointed appraisers. . ' Da7toa PIao.. P~bat. Court Pr'~ceedU!.. Albert B. Mosteller was appointWedaeada~, F.eb.....,. 2e. 1138 KE ......... . Marietta Whitacre and Esth er ~ d administrator of the estate of Com~ndnlf at 1 p. m. the Hicks, e)tecutriees of 't he e~tate <If Lola Mosteller. deceased, and filed followinr: E UgE-ne C. Dunham. d,~£ eased, flIed bond of ,12.000 with sureties. their appUcation for an order di· Frank Watkins, Frank St itt and L 1 Jeney Cow, 8 years old, A No. reeting the transfer of real estate Earl Thompson were apPOinted 1; 20 Head Hogs, 1 brood &Ow, 19 Shoats. about 100 lbs., im- ...._._ _ _......................................._ _...._ ... William Oberlin, g'uardian of appraisers. muned; Farming Implements and - - - - - - -_ _ _........__ John Oberlin, insane, filed his apThe will of John Jt. Bean. deFOR SIJ.& Household Goods. vlieation for an alliowance f or ceased, was filed in court. 400 bu. (milre or less), hand 1 - - ----'--------..,..;guardian 's compensation for his Chall t." Clifford ' Spangler, adservic.e. mlnistrator of the estate of Char- husked corn. subject to prior sale. FOR SALE ~ Teem Sort!)! GeldTerms cash. inn. Real w<!rkera. 1 B}ack In ' the ease of Aarun Brafman les H .. Spangler, dece-ased, 'flled his L. T; VOIERS Mare in foa l. Joe Oithena, Lytl~, ond Nathan F r:ed, exe(:ut ors of the inventory. ' Ohio. . -'20-27 estate of Solomon FrE~d, deceased, In the ,matt&!' of the estate of Stanley & Koogler, Aucts. versus Amelia Fred, widow of Alonzo Weaver, deceased, transfer HatTy ShidaUr, Clerk. FOR ' SALE-Gray n.~1 ~anr., Solom on Fred, deceasE!d, et aI, con of real estate. is ordered. .prings, 2 dre.,. n, b d and Having decided to quit farming eprinp, 6 chall'lJ, Oxl2 rur, cheat. In regard to the guardianship of fil'mation, deed and distribution was ordeTed. Sal~ of real estate Beulah li. Slaton, a minor. L6wis I will offer at public auction at wringer, 6 Iro'.'e, pi c: d quilt WIIS also ordered. Slaton, guardian, i. authorized to my home on the Waynesville and tops. B. V. Smith; "Ill St. flO· In the matter of the eltate of expend certain funds for interest New Burlington road, 15 ~ mil•• from Wayn.esville, 2 ~ mU.e ~m FOR SALE-Whit. _helt paper, Mary E. Hoover, diairftbution Is or Ioj said ward. 100 per roll, at tM lOami dered. In the matter of the eltate of New Burll11&'ton, near the Caelate Galltt. oIR ... A cer~illed copy of entry de- , Eva C. Keevet, deceued, dlatribu- Creek Chureh, on termining the tax on tioD iJ ordeHd. F OR BALItl-EnJUa,. ,1.00 per Frida" F. . .. rp 1111 the estate of • Moo!), de· In the caee of W. Cheater Maple ton. Dodcta, Bounna ud Commenein.. at 1 o'clock p. m., mllYlU. Plaatl. oa-tt ceased, is to be to .U per- ~xeeutor of ~e estate of Georee the foUowinlr: sons Interested. I E. Shielde. deceued. versua Nellie 1 Hone, 2 bead of 1 Sow I'IT"l'INGI W. Cheater Maple, al~llJliEli.trator : B. Shields. et aI, L. S. Sbawhan with pica, Parmlnlr Implement., 1 W.... of the ..tate of E. Sabin, wu apr,c'nteJ :!ppralaer in the Brooder Do. ., blO teet. deceued, tiled his and tinal plaee of Geol'lre Perrine. TUIDI: c.b. account. Chu V. Updm, aclmtnlltra01,'



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I UIII II « 'lI ll':\1 1 ~I phon l' ('HI·p. rent <>1' 11101'1.' 'f L OSe. P _ . . No 112/ E lltetf' t1 aL pOltortlc. at "' a)' nn- , trati ' n , " u'o n, '/lnt! loll" I It!" , tli l'(" ,J 1I .. lf,; W. .... ,. : ....... ... .... . vill tl. 010 11), :;~r'\I'!1 laes ~I II G (J1'A'O II . \\, ri~'lll, lli~l, ~I gl'.. IlIjk"J.:~. Sub.crlptloD PrlC., $1.10 • Y •• r l a ller I • .. • I)' t ' I '1 ' Fmc or Miumi:lIU 1'1\' WCt' F r iduy I~. -' 11:1'., {~OflIl'C $;;.55; Stl'anRr a. it muy ~I'r m, men by gU~'l~ (If lh i,. uunt, . l "s. Mela 1) tl\'ll . I (' al'l'('1I I l'r, mll'(lg(I, '1 l\ .1.'1'. inl' outnumL t'the wo rn n who Ro!\,t'r!;. NI ~ Oftic ', ,.a.w; Unl'I'Y Z. Gray, F' EBRU ARF 20, 1936 .uiCel· with th mal(uly known as ()I",11'1: , 'P<:!5 ; L' L . rlorn }I I'll. Belle. cott. ill untll'r thQ I' nl (I f '1'0.> \., n. c ' • fll "hou~(,l1Iaid';; k1H!e," it. wa re- Docto ',:; care Ilt this lime. "'t I' Nlt $ h n.. 0 " d C", it): J~' 11 S, Vlal~d b"• Dr. Emery R; Ha. t WISE FARMERS STICK TO FARMING J\ft·. and l\IrH. l1u.,sell Campbell J lIlH'" 'up. , 1lOa nl, l' ,,'Ot\l tlnll hur t, chief of th divit'lon of and Mr. and l I I'''' Allen Hole WC'l'll cal' ('h II~ , .,,'1' I 111 'I' ~ W. \.1'1'. $~(j ; T RADE AT HOME ol' cupalion\ll di~('a~c of the tat i"1 Duy on TUl'~llay and nl so dl'OVll M tll ,.,a '" ( • ll'{ I,n, "l'i\ ZIT 111 1 ' (' ., . up. Th f eat' has bee n exprlisscd that th dev ·lopmQl1l of th' Ill!l'icul- t Oq)ill'lmt' nt of ll£'alt h, in datn to nia and vi:iled In l. Wilbur p li \- f or WI' .\ "cwing (ll'oje't l, i ur al mov ment will tem pt th fa 'n 1'\1 10 ~ into lht'l· 11111'. of "u ~ l · : ,ubmitted to Dr. WUllet' H. llllr't- ~l' anl at Me I Iland ho~pit.aJ. *:l.-I!!; l ' /Ii "1l Ga.' I\:. I·!l \lc' (' n., n eslI- lin es in whi ch t hey are cntirely ilH'xpel"ienccd, \lng, state health director. Of ~lr, and MIS. H !uI'Y Gmham gus anti !iv-hI ('lIl'11i"hcd Wi' ~c \\. omm enling on t his, the h ad of one of thc large!\t lind mo ~ t tw 'nl~'·five ca. ~ 1 pOl'tt'd, -twen~y entl!rl ain ed ttl dinne1' : nturday inA' )ll'!)j " tt , ., R. lI ; Hlai r & Ll' '''Y, '!!-"!'!"~~~~----~-~--------~~----'"'!'~~!!"o! succc 'sful dairy co-o ps in t he nation aid that th I' 1:-\ n I'cason nOl' \\' l" 'O men, 01'. Ilayhur~ t 'laid. The vening-, h,. 'Ul;l\n SuyloJ', Ril (' ~' thl'(' t lln ual, WPA ~ \\' i nl{ pro any econ omic jusli fl ~tio n for farmi:rs goin$! into ulien H ·Iels of data ~ ho\\la that ccuplltional dis- • aylor nn ll Mr. n nd 11-;;, lhnl'Y .i l·cl, ~ I .7 5; \ ' an '~lmp ~I " n t' Cu. endeavoJ' on a commercial basis. Anl l he added that, dut' to th!! hi/.:'h '!LJO'; in Ohio dl' clin d nine per "aylm' of Dayton lind !\Ii'. lind Mrs ' ' II\V(' I fIJ I' rui rg'l lJu ntl >! WI'A {l1'l" mOl·ta lit y in all b usine, 5, thol'e wou ld h> so many c'>stiy failures if ce nt in J 935 in comparison to William re ighton, in honol' of t,h j cc l, 8!J.(lH; Elb l End ('II al [ ..... caul fo J' WI' ~1! \\'i nA' Pl'ujl'ct, :farm er s attempted to e~wnd l h eir "co..()) " I;() different line ~, hilt. the 10:14, wht'll lhere wCI'e 1,566 cases bitthday of th ' latter. cooperative movement as a w hof would be harmed and endangcl'd. in til i ela !lification, The nlost Johu SChllft'E' l', who h:n 3.20 . II would be a unwise fol' a gl'oup f farm r to go into manu- prevulent occuplllionul ui ea e i~ card fol' th pll.! L YLU l', ' 01' Juniol·.J. Hun', pay l'h1l. ~ . Ill; : factu ri ng, as it woul d be'for a group of industrialists to go into farm- dermatitis, or innamation of th~ at th home of Rev. and J ohn tion Myc r~, pa y lil li, .;l'7.I; U; I f ' . •F or111an, pa ~' 1'0 11, ~:!(Hi.7 U; ing. The f a r m cooperative movemen t, ~oundl'Y con ceived 1'.nd ~dmini ~- sk in, fOr which 875 ' (;a ~ l'lI oul of .. J()~eph Vukcl', di ed FJ'idll Y afL 'r . 11, tered, p!l I'nlJ els, t he association uctiviU s of other lines of indulltry, tQtal M 1,400 in all cla~~ i/lclltiom; noon. I [i" body wa ' taken to the J';Ill'1 HORO)'C, I)ay 1'011, :10; Y. T o distort t his movement, a nd change i fun dame ntal purpose to \"C I ~ rel1 0 rt d. Tuyl or Funcl'l'li lI l1mc at lI13nlil , )1. A I'm itngf' , pay roll, ,7:!. r,:, ; embr ace fll l'me l'-oPtlration or bURine ses uilltinct II'om agriculture, • • • ton, ~wh '1'0 !'ervic l!s wer (' h ld 1\'1on John My ers, pay 1011 , ~ lll. ~ U ; wo uld 00 a da ngero us fo lly. In lh I' "Word, let the- farmer slick to hi hio motorists will be 'Permit- d y aft rnQon und burillJ al >\o ul 'a rl Dak in, pllY r oll , $ 1 lO.!' Il; 11. far ming and the· manufacturer to hi fnctQry. d to u 'e HI 5 licen se plntes until Hamilto n, MI'. S 'hurr tlr wa~ lh e I.. 'chuyl )', pay 1'011 , $ 1~ '1; J . L.: :L April I, but t.hey will not he fath ' r of MI'~ . R. Mol er of [u nn Ii()"~ic cs as mec ha ni(· . 1!1 .• allowed to use the 193() tags ulllil olumbu s, 20; J . L. unn, s ' l'vices a'l llwc.'h after March 10, R e~i ~ t.l'Ilr Frank t ~1i :l\ BN'nice Grah alll Wli :tb,' nl an ie, ., 18 ; I"aid ey IlUl'(I\"'n' ' .... We 't. of the but' uu of motor vehi- I fr om her work in Dayton Monclal' "u\J)lIi ~ ' and c('m nl., 24.1 'i ; Stu n. cl announced. Due to an errol' l and Tuesday on Dcc,uunt. of I",), ~: lIrnha, I., P. M., e nv ~ I !) Jl 'Ii anll th e env elopes bearing the 1936 iIIn s. t ,. UUl1P ~ fOl' : ul'voyor" otn c ' ~5 .5 0 ; 8 ;00 Music plates staLe that "these may be MI'. a nd Mri<. E. B. L,)Jlgacr ', Th e Ollictl uUitt'r: , p ellt' and 8 :0 5 An hio ~~nn (Ul el H'i8 Big Prairie FlIrm- H . E. E win , narr~tor ust'<l on and .u.Cter December 10." Ih1nt·y F uulk s, ~ v. Ilnd Mnj. Jot-l ' Rcrntch pads, $2.l!l ; TI'll~tC'C s of I 8: 15 4-H Clu b WOl'k i n Fll ir fi cltl ounty 4·11 Jub m(>mbt'r~ The mi ·take, Rlogistl'ar Wes t : a id, E. SOli h attended th e run llral of , Public R'ail'S electr ic b ill rUI·1 d ireot.ed by Mi ss Ed it h Berry an d Eug ne ' P Ill'rOW, exten: ion \\8!'l cau d by t~e fae: that the Allen Ha.I' dy til lht' hom e of hi:i ' co~nt,y garagl', 9,70; . Or~o nil1 l age nts , Lancaster. l' llvl!lope s Wl're prllltecj In advance niece, rths. Mary Green , sher - I Bndge 0 ., one c),hnd t' I' (o f ' 8 :4 0 PouJt.ry P oint ,·s- R. E. ray, p u ltl'Y I)(.'(!iali t. of ac· tio~1 by the. !It Ge nel'al AI'- man Ave.; Day~o n, ~[o nday and uJCyj1;en ~ ,, 4,50; Vu n "nml~ Klon e I -~~~-~~-----------~~'!-~~~~~~~~ 8 :6 0 P r oducer-Consum er Relationshi V. R. Wertz, fur conomics (It mbly In exte ndIng the tilUe Cor burial at Miami metel' y, \ a y- 0." and, 25.42; MIller Jial'd- " . ' .. ,., ~',' .: '; t ;..;.~ department. us C! or 1935 tag:;.. ne!lvill e:. ware & l' ul'niture, ~ coop lIhov l~, !) :00 lothing ha t -MisR Edna Ilaha n, clol.h ing specialist. • • • Mr. and 1I11:s . Ke la r Graham , :1.70; L. . Anderson's Sonl! 0., !l :1 0 Mu sic, Failur to collect the sales tax and lI1i!\s Bel'lIic entertained 1.0 lumbel' , $6. 7!l; Ivins Jume,,; n !) :2 6 Why We'r e ln tere ted in W eslern Fruit r wing- WendeIl 11'c:ult d e in th greatest number dinner SundHY, II'. and Mrs. C. Drug 0. , SUPI>li , 60c; Blair & Paddock, hol'l,ieul \<u l Dept. 10f arrests for sales tax ' violation . W , Ibl'i~ht, Mr. harleR Guitocl' Leroy, cement, G5c; H. S. Conov!'r I 9 :35 Picturing Farm Mach in ery Use<l i n Germ ny- G. W. Me uen i~ L935, uccording to R. P . Bal.tha . and Jackie IJughs of Wnyncsville g UNI" I rail 1ll(ltcrial and suppli p!;, Ilnu I. P. Blauser , ag ricult ura l enginec(ing Pept. ) 'ow, chief of t.he slIles tax eeti on alld 1\11' and l\hs J ohn MYel's and $ 7 .72: Bay i\.y hov I: , Inc., re0:4 6 Lo 10 En te rtainment and we ather forecllst. of the Stat.e Tall Commis~io n . 'l'hc daughter, hnrlotte of Dayton , pairs, $06.83; Waite;: Garllg'c, next. gl'eatlll:ll number of arrest h Iloring fro. Gl'aham's il>it'thday, plll·t lind upplit's" 3, 1; Frank•_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- :_ _ 1 werB made becau e vendor :Coiled MI'. and JI(l's. W, L. J1ardman lin Vulcinazing & Tire 0 .• rivctK to cancel the PI' paid ta~ receipt and family, 1111-. und , ~rr. Jesse and screws, $1.15; Griswold by taring them, IIfr. Rarthalow Rerc1l11 I' and f~\n)ily n~1I1 Mrs , ervice Station, supplies a n d . tated. During 1935 a t ota l of It'ma Sweetlilall and childrell and gasoline, 408.21; Gross "vice 1,()75! were convicted o( Duke Trickey of Dayl!)n lind Mrs. Stalion" gasoline, $04.17; James sales tax violaLions. T he ection Alice Mill I' and S OT!, wer dinner 'rvice tSaUon, supplies an d COLUMBUS, OHIO- Incr ea sed Ohio Guide wh ich will lie publi "h _d with the 1110st Il rt'ests was the ~u e t~ Tu sday evening of their gasoline, $1 .3 i Flot-a's Motor leve land urca whel'e 213 convic- 1l1pthu, lr~. Alice Trickey, ' ['vice, ga cline, ·$0.4 ; Walter int rest in state and local history in Washingto n a s oon ns it j tions were oblain d out of 244 c,e leb mUng her ' 75th birthday, Bott~, gasoline, " $12.0; Henry 'is being cr a ied by t he llctiv"ities wriLl n. "The write or a v ita l ., vendor' Ill'l' Examiners filed' MI". Trickey, a ,hut-in, highly Ludington, g'oMline, 14.'70 i Robof member s of the Federal Wl'it- P8 1't of tIl e whole WPA prograli1 charge, agaln,ll,36a persons duro enjoyed th . ho"cr of birthday I·e S. Gurdne r, ~asolinc, 11,47; I'S' Projects in Ohio, according to of l'e'liei a.n d r hab ilitation," Dr , ing lhe year , gl'l'ctings by moil fr om hel' many Jones Bros. ~rvice Garag, Dr. Carl Watson, state administra- W'at on a e)'t d. " This i t ru e not friends. 6.86 i 'Kilpatrick.French tor' f or the Works Progress only because employme nt b pro• Ml·. and Mrs. E. B. Longacre ro telr 01' 0 ., tires and tube, Administrat ion. Numerous histar- vidcd for the so-called 'white Annua.l savings to th state enterl.ained the foll owing friends $i20.:H; Berca \" Garage, sup. ians and·librarians throughout the collar ' victim of the depression totaling more than 2,000,000 undllY e ('ning in honor of Mrs. pli es und gasoli'lle, $60.16; A. C. state have nteereed to a.'1sist but because t he efforts of th h.a v e been put into .elf l by execu Longo re birthday, .11'. ~~nd 1Ih-~. MUITell, gasoline, 31.15; Cincint he FWP worker s in securing in- writers will result in t he pro due· bVe ord l' , accerdmg t.O n report lies! r Grah~lm, Mr. and Mrs. nnti Oil WOI'ks Co., kerosene and teresting odds and ends of Ohio tion of man y valuable additions to 1. ue d b y Go,'ernor Martin L " ' Hnrv y Burnet. 1\1 r. and Mrs. J . ~a oline, $29.25 ; Cincirmati Oil history, and many school officials our cultur al posse sions." W ork on Davey's action committee on the . Jone f<, Mr. :lnd 1\11' . Carl Duke, I WOI'ks Co., gaso line, $6; layton have a sked clas es in E'ngJish and the s tllte and locnl historical mater Sherrill state government survey. Mr. and MJ's. Allen Emrick, 11" , lark, guard rail posta , $SO; L. hi tory to co-opera~e, Dr. Watson ial for the Ohi o Guide has b een in Thl!' repol't, submitt d by Chair- l\{arglu'et Johns, Miss B mice H . BI'own, f.ood, $7.130; A. B. Kauf said, one FWP group a t present pr ogre inel!' ,Novemj)cr, and ma n T. V. Toy lor of the com- Graham and Rob rt Duke. A man ' 0., cloth ing, $7.9 ; LebIs earching t he r cords of the although sli btly more than 3 00 mittee, poin ted out that approxi- covered di, h dinneJ' was serlled . anon l c & oal Co" fu I, $G.60; office of Secretary of State George , workers have been employed more mately 150 recom mendat ions Ml'. and MI'. Guy Houtzahn Miller & Swink, fo od, $1. 50; Chri S. Myers for, data to be included in than th re e million words of copy made i a thc Sh errill u rvey wo uld and daughters Mr. and Mr . Ben Murphy IGA to re, foo d, $4.50; requil'(~ legislative actio n to make Hawkc, ' MI'. and Mrs. Frank J . S. R ichardson, fu el, $3.26 ; Way th em eff~ctivl;!. T he s urvey r~c om- Kurfis and daughtel's, Mr. and nesvill lee & oal Co., f u el, $6.mended nnnual state eeonomles iI' . Donald Hadley, Elbert W a l· SO; West End Grocery, fo od ~3 . 60 J n.lOre thllJ'l $15.. 000,000, In addl- ( la:ce 3nd Orville Phillips attended The Gr at A. & p , T ea 0. , /food, t lo n to. t~e savmgs alr~ady made, the baflketball game at ptingboro $15.65; Thu Great A. & p, Tea Co a n additIOnal state mCOlI\e of Friday v nlng bel-ween Waynes- lood, ,197 .60 ; T he Book S hop, $ 1 ~2,500 ha~ b een. secured .by thc ville and pringboio. office suppJie,s, $ 1.37 ; L. Brown !lct.Jon co n,hntteE!-, It was sllld. - - ~ ---f 00, d $6 • 60 ; H • D • B ran, t l ue I, , L • • • $32.5 0 ; Cha , Carro l1,food, $23,RaJph W. E m mons, member of 75; J , R. oft'man , food, $8; Evel'the state civil service commis ion, . They are now hId ' l'cvl'val tt Elll'ly, fuel, $3 .25 ; E ast Epd 0 Ing was electe d 11 m ember of th e E h h Co<\l 0., fue l, 374..75; R anda ll F. services at the M urc boa I'd of directol'lt of t he s tat e .' }i'ut'bee, food, $6.60 ; Kesler GI'ahere. EV('I'ybody welcolnn, employes' reti rement system last Mr, and Mrs. El'nest E arnhart ham, food , 4,50 ; A, D. Grape. week fo r a ",.,o·year term. C,hades and children spell t Sunday wHh v'ln~~, foo d , $11.20' ~ ... , Knufn'an'q .. • ., J. Manne y of the Depart ment of relatives at KlngR Mills. clothing, ~27.2 0; Lebanon Farm· I nd ustrial Relation s, secr etary of Mr. R u s~1l Robin son of New IS o·Op., 0., f uel, $1 5.76; Lcb t he tu~e em l>loyes' ~ne fi!lial as- Bl1I'iingf.on, call d on 1vl r . and !l non ICe & Coal Co., f u el, .$10.50; soci atio n, was elected a m em ber Mi's, Emerson Dil l and son Ralph G . McKi nney, shelter, $1); hris of th e board fo r a one·year t ern:l, d' Murph y' l GA Stores, foo d, $S2.llO; evelllng. , J Th b oar d Il II· eJI.d y h as mor e th a n unMr.ayCharles Craw£o['d of in. Mol'1:ow Lumber Co" fu el~ $13 ; . $600,000, of mem bl!<rs' f unds under cinnati spent the week-end with S, RIchardson, fuel, ~45. 5 0 ; G. 'M r. Clarence Crawlord a nd I ::_ _ _ _ _ __ _ its judisdietion, ___ _ _ -=~:--=-_:_=-===::--=:_:__::::!-~--_=:__:__:_:;-----:-"":'-:-:--:;--_-==:-:::=:::==:::=~



Farm fvight 1 al~s, f ebru,ary 24


Best' of the· News Direct 'From the Ohio State Capitol I

' \ '

,Quality 'P rinting

• •

o.f ,



'T he Miami Gazette

Mt. Holty


R. '

L yde (Delayed) Donald Hadley spent JThl1',""IiIAV wit h h er mother, Ml'1I. Amos Cook near Waynesville. Mrs. E, B. Longacre and Ml"8, J, B. Jones a.ttended the Home Deemonstration meeting at Gran~ Ha.Il, Waynesville, ' Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bililey a nd daughter attended a mls lonary lecture by Rev. John Pattersoh, 01 India, at Springboro M. E. church Thursday evening. ' Mr: and Mrs , Thel'le Jon~ a nd son attended' the funeral .of the latter's unele, Emel'y Manu el at Centerville Satur<lay afternoon. ' Mrs. Forest Graham 'has been quite ill with , grip the past week. Mr. lind Mrs. Harvey Burn~ t spent Tuesday in Dayton. MadllDlll Margaret Radley, Arline Jones and 80n and Mari garet Johns were Lebanon visitoI"S Thursday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick , Ipent Saturday afternoon in FrankllD. Mr. and Krs. Ru~ll' Campbell and Kra. Kealer Graham were Mrs.

. ,:¥




HJ:N Samuel L. Clemenll, WMinilslp'pi pilot, printer and

the Iluthor IlUrtounded by his best 10vetJ ehaI'acte~. The cenpub1ieher, died on April 21, 1910J . 'tral secti!)n of that statue, the he left Mark Twain, writer a.n a work of Walter Russell, of New humQriat, beltlnd him as .,.per- York, is shown above. petual legacy tv America and Mark Twain's early ed!lcation to ' world literature" His pen- was a most sketchy one. From na~ Ie 10 closely associated his 'teen!! he had to earn hi. own with beloved clsuic8 like living. It WIUI a hard Ii!e but "Huckleberry Finn" and "Tom 8 faScinating one-al can be Sawyer" that his original name judged from Huek Finn and 18 often forlrOtten even by those Tom Sawy_er, lads vel')' mueh to wbown his writlll,i are mos t like himsell. familiar aad clear. Ultimately he drifted lato "art Twain wa. born on newspaper work in Oallfornla Novemller 80, 1881, at Florida, and at 32 a San Franclleo paper lIillOlJrl, but !til family moved sent bhn on a to\U' of the Kedto RaaNbal in tile state Itemnean. Out of this and other wla..... wu foUl' yean old. It travela h. wove his "lnaGeeula .. the IatWr toJm that is best AbrOlad," Ris novell, atrl1dq If nlllellllieNll .. lata home ud It new note in humor, ~ the II then UIat the .......17 of of humani&7 with d8VMt-

..III ItIrUa ............. III Nov. . . . 1111. Pan ., die eelebratioaWMthe



JaUlhter~ ...... hlltaatly


him fortune


... of fI.


Mrs . Rolan d Weaver ,~nd son , f amily. Donnie have retu r ned to , their h ome after pendin g a few ",eeks i n Dayton, , Mr. a nd Mrs. E rvin Smith are annouJlc in g the birth ot I~n 8 Jb. b aby gi rl. Mt's. ' Smith r emains in a very seriou s condition, Mr, and Mrs. G. H. Kesinger spent the week. end with relatives in Kings Mills, . MTs, George Mar lat:t sp ent Sunday wit h her sisfl~t, Mrs. George Dak in, of WaynelSville, .. - .....- - KNOX CANDIDATE The en~ry (.)f F l'a nk K nox, i n to the Illin ois pl'imaries bl'i:!t wee k de nnit()ly P1! t him iniq t he race for t he Republic3;n pre i· den tial no'minat ion. Pu blisher of the Chicago Daily N ews, a. li f~. time liberal in po litics; amd a oldieI' of two wars, Co,l, Knox ha s come out strong ly against government extravagances and the of the New Deal. - - - - - -.... ~ n

New. From Htn,... .. County Court Jt'I~t)u,.e l

Daytoa vlalton Thunda,.


lin. Jamea Job81 spent

the sheriff's Cltr , prqe, oil pan p s ket t'1'I1··AIU!r111l"1 AU.. piola. . ear, SOc! I Grilwold ~81rT1jM In Uodba. Kart. w.. taken .... oU, and pai...

cIa7 Frlda:r wttIa her.uter, lin.

tw. laid MI',... 16; -&.7

~. .- - - -. .. .- -. . . .- -. .

USED CARS w .. :w ...... ' ... ."...


We have a large stock of Good ' Used Cars which must be sold

at once.

Popular models at prices you will want to pay. Come in and ,look over our ,s election of Used Cars.




-- .

p.. ,)



Bmia.! wa~ ill GI'ecn woot! ceme-


---... Yr III kilc-1\l'lI C \l lltllin~ eVl'I'vlhy ." 11 1l1\ ,'''llI! t Y f \ I \11 r< \ hI' . • l""'I"'IU!"11 lo y i,' in' tIlt Itlui<riui. l'ot,'n tllllly tls t1a ll'~crO{IS ,'onirad n" dYllamit e ! COURT BAli IFF ILL hl< ,,: ~ demlln trlLt I II --~1l1'~(1 of all bU~'k recen y ~1\IJ l 'f th· ill III IJI'UI'hlll'nl house. wh en a .1 ml'S E. 1 \ ht III llCCl I dilt~ (0 u • Irk I I' , 11J1 I h:tilifT. Itl Ilhi, i~ niMh. hy I,e:;I .. 1' J, t('n<llll deciue rl to btlke a cuke. In glllhl' ring tog'lh!'r t he inO'!'edi('nts, ~I !l OLi. I~. I'1 1 ut lII' ' IH'llIL'. I. II L I" . H~rh:uLt IlI'!I 1 agent. t"JH~. " ,1Il11l, ~Ufflllll:' with [I.e " 8-1 An nppIll[lliatlun bill hll:-l ilL' 't, ~t · ,lif l·"'" It'd that thl.' flllUl', which 1<ht· hnd [loured oul into u Iol" 11 t\b':Cll 11 0 m I" .1\1l1l'; lit J11l~~,tI h~' hllh hllll'l "r ('IW~I'<"~ 11 .< (", ul ( h"u~,· f ill' hi' pll~1 t·1l 1,~. II u" \\a.' ."1 " 1\",1 Ily lh,' l'r"-itl n t, tii:-<h, contaioed bug~. She st(!pped 0,.., , , h' 'I . "1 ,(I ) " ' , ,.1' •, I'11 "1' sin t I' ... l' ,lyme'III ' l IUI' 0\'<'\ to t e incmC!>talor, the s halt I lIf \\ hi~h !'lIn up po t all (If t he ; Warl ', II ounly IUl'nt cl>I a[l!' ~ 10 t t d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - , I CI1I'1l.lIo", "heal nUll' , 'ubtl(' cO .Ij)ut' .nlt'n:;, O!lell(1d the oo r and ,. 1 nonll. n, ctn. . 'l'h" Intal 'll10'lill . 1, ].. IIlpbl·d the uI~h. C RlSTIAN SCI ENCE tJ" t L'.'DI GROOM fUlnll'l'.· "r ihi~ 'o\lnty i, ~1)lpI·o~i • . As she cl'l, t!d the dool',.n volcano R l1JII l l'l y ,J ;~5,UOO. J\l , t uf th 1' 0 s~t'nic cl. to erupt. A t I'rt f\ C cxp I o· r Free To The Public: 'l1l~.'lU~ lIt,; II ill Ul mad in th' next ~Io n hunk the place und a heet of ' ! 't" 0 01' tht'el' mont.h~. 630 Mutu 1 H Bu; td Iflg !llllllO swept from the sha.ft into DAYTON - - - - - - ~-the kitchen, dlsfigul'ing thl' g i1'l for lift·. The door. of t he inc. inera.\ u t1l111'i1.l'd ant! ap}no\'cil lit- i 1tor shu f t we.r torn off I {l all ,'I U(llrl' 1)11 , h r i ~Liall 'cit·n ce I may be r ea d, borro\\l!d. l' I nla :l1ftd gre;t was pUlcbll~ed.

I' " ' '

Cl'edit xnlan!lil' on of credl'(' ,. syste ms or pnrticulllr inl re t to farm 1'1'; i. co ntain cd in Bulle t in o. 124, publish 'd bl' Ih xtcn. RiOn .{'rvlee, O. . U. All ' county extens ion ag e nts hnv(! opies of

filn oral of Boyd Miller in lIamll. has been mployed III the bome of tUll, Ohh" tin "'rid8~·. I\Ir. and Ml'>!. U. F. ampten tor HalTY Clin~' anti no~' n. uti;!!· ~I "cral months baR r&tul"lled to mont. ~'Ilch IOl't n hnl'tle I lSt "l'ek. hl'r homl' nelll' Wilmington. .Doruthy Well ~ \\ a R ill lu~l \\ ck Hu!'n to Mr. and Mrs. Homer \.\ ith t()n; ilili .:.. Kt'lil-oLlly Sunday, 0 son. Mrs. . Jy, f I) nne ..1y 1I e1 bam, Roy DI'ulUm olltlll 11I ~t 'Inl! <i f his K IIISI! enGra hol' Iii! la~ l wCl'k. i ~ :;(~l· h,u . ly ill in Miami Valley !lOMP illll. 1111'. Ilnd MI'f;. l' rl'Y W ells nnd 1\I1's. J<: mmD hanceJlol' has put'. \la ughter DOl',)lhy, Ina In ~ nn I chased i ll property f ormerly Al ul, .'o n Churlil' vb.itl!ll iheil' da\lgh~cr~, lr~ . .Mary R(Jbl'l'l s and ownl'tl by Mrs. Mattie ~{aoon, unci fnmily n nl' Kingma n on un d ny. is milking the nec essary improve. JIG k ., f ' 1 have m Cl\t~ bt' foH' mov ing to it. 01\1 (J(' er al1l1 y . L d S' I " J moved fr om itt llnu Bill Taylor fur m !\1lss a on na tnCll!!' IS Spe l\( ing a few wee ks in the hom e of back t.o DlIylun Ohio Funcrnl ~IH'v i, c,>s . wer h Id f(lr Mr. a nd MI'~. C. D. Mial's and Doyel l\1il1N son o~ lItr!!. B tty Inn1ily ._._ _ _ _ _ • Ann Millet' o! J-l IlDl il tlln on Fl'iday.


. ,

1'. , tIl 11I'un Jrrn in Feul'un ry , [It'llehes in al'('h, Il nd ra~ pbe\'T'il'R in lu.te Moreh 01' ('m'ly ') I f £11'1 )C O)'\! ' _Jrl' _ w'lh ~lIlrts. _ ___

A cl ar

bull t ill for dl 'tribution.

_ _ ____ . ____


h•• ben. qaite aiek tbe pan eek, number of folks from hera' saw th(! play, " I n Old K~'l1 tucky " at Waynl.'8ville thl'ater Sat.urday eveuing.

Mr. a nd ' Ml"14. Walte r Kenrick, Miss Mary Pl'Ilther and M r. Robert Fri nd att(>nded tbe K. of P. banquet at W nYnesvilI Monday yen.

in.~. ..

Mr. and Mrs. Leon S Iisbury ,Bnd son 'Vt'fldell, f Washington . H. w r dinn et' guest s Sundny ... vening at the hom e '(If MI'. and 1\11'8. Allen Emrick. 'Mrs. Ed. Hopkins of Waynesvill e spent MondllY with h r daughter, Mr , Stanley Bailey and daughte r, l'hylli .


Mr. a nd\ Mrs. Harvey Bur-net d ente-mine to Ix o'c lock dinn er aturday th e following "'uests: Harvey Bmnet "pent Friday in Misses Blanch" a n d Pe8~1 R~l l(ly of


tory, ,al)1I on, lr. O"ight Bellson and s iste-r. 1\[1 ftA It tl h olulnbu ". ' <>, Larger amount" 01' lim estonc .. ~>i saw I16 even s ow ~ Rid"'eville, Mr. E1 1'J'ah' Ml'll~r of Id '¥jflry 1\ \ ke "e Th '" ~ must be IlJ1Jlliefl on si lt an d o n l'lny on ue y, Oh ' Ul'S( ay • Mrs. Mary armony was a Sun- Da-yton, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wil. soil than On sandy so ns t.o cor rect il1/.\', in Sabina, 10 . .day guest of Mr. and MI·s. W. F, I sO'n of Centervill e, Mr. and Mrs . the eam 'degre of s c)il ucidity. e L. Gaw er was on lark in Waynesvil1 . , Carl DUke and son, Robert. Mr. th Miss s'ck J's:;i II' ~' lau'- ,,'''''k --- - - C .\ . .;.. ~. w . Phyllis Bai ley, lit tle daughter nnd Mt's. Ba.rold Whitaker and Beech G r 4)Ve 1\Irs. IInllllah Green of Wil· Mrs. Stanley Bailey, ' children, Richard and Frances, . '1, "'e:~ ~llnt~o th:o~·OSpei~:~·.a All~' yOent~ Ilnington i visiting h er isler Mrl!. S~cond Chul"c.h of Chl'iat, . I Frances Andl'ew~ Iier '. Scient; t, 1 only u smn ll quantity of f\Otlr was Mrs. COI'Il A. Tholllp~on of In MI'. and .MI'" Iyd e tlms and D ayton, Ohio. Many dairy [Ul'nlet' of '( Ilrl'cn emptied into that incin el'lllo l' cinnaLi and 1I1J'. II. A. PlllTnel', of I family visit~d Eph. Smith ' and \ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-', cQunty are taking IIdvanla:ge of pcthaps ,Il pound and a qUInter 1 Mason, wel'c Sunday afternoon I family of Olive Branch, Sunday. th ePilort-unit.y to . hav~ th il· 1 What haplH' nl'd to cause Uli ~. c~lIcI's of Mr. snrl Mrs. A. D. ! K. E . Thompson is quile sick at cattle tc ted for Bllng's. Dis as'. great and un e xpected explosio n7 lahnagc. . this \\riting. This test is conduct d it' e 0,£ ex· The National Board of Firf Under Mr. J. Lee T almage and J essie t John E. Gray, cu lled on K. E, peTIOle to the herd owner hy tt~, ~ ritA!I's oiT<!rs lhis exp lanation: L, arn I' wot'e SundllY afternoon Thon;pson Thursday morning. re,lel'al gov l'nmcnt. If any cow' At! lhe powdel'y so bstance Wil li colll!,l's aL t1~e .fo rdan home. I Mr. Rob rts llnd family will fe·act t.he owner will receiv{' $25 thlown into th~ incinerator, it 11~S Mane ~ ells was t he we k mov in the near f utl,l from the 0 S for gl'a de cow lind 60 for purt:. seJ),al'nLed an d muny minute pal'ti nd gue~t of l\llss Ka thleen Thomp , Swindl er farm to the Ree d farm bred cow plu$ the salvage price cles flout !!,1 ill the air, cau sing 0 son here. n ell}' fIB1'veysblll·g. of the C()WS . o rl the terminal dll :'!' clo u I that exploded a~ soon fro P~TI'y V !ills uttencled lhe Pri nd here were sorry to r eo As \ pass Un;u t he doo!' that market. as it came In contact with t.he fire J_ ._ = ceive the n Ws of 'the dea th of fead into a new year, we AllY farmers who dC$jl'e to have at Ihe buttom of the incinHator Pt, \ ,\1' 1 -\1 . 1I1-; I'IlIl'I' tW '1'11101 Irs. Alice Ic nbe R obertson. take stock of ou I: acconlpli b· th it' h<!rd tested shoul,l make , haft. ' 1IIUlIU 01,' BIII \( ' }\ 'I' IOV She was well known i n t his com· ,m cnts during t he past y ear O1'n slarch acts imilal'ly under Fur .... ,,~111 ' :".1I... a;: " .'I~· n ~ m.., ....."@r\ muni ty' in her younger years. .. f. 111.\.:,. nnd renew Our ,l'esolve to liv I application. a t the county ngent'!:' • _ ___. Alta Wells daught l' of 1\1r, and Intere.t and activity in build and up to the opportunitie pre. J offi~e in Lebanon. Funds available eel'Lain cOlldition s. Accumulations for t.his wo rk '\\i1I . be cX.\l!lU,.te(I ot dust, !tueh ,as are re moved from .Wn,-".. -r''''·n. ..i ll JIlI.,,1 !i .. " ....1 Mrs. Pel:'1'y W eUs is ill at her s()uted by (lur 1'(lS1)on ibilitjes. construction work i. increa.inlr with the about the fir t of July, stutes VIlCllUm clean er . 01' carpet sw ep· IIbt.I<'I, \\ ........ ., ( 'olln') ho me hel'~. . Our policy is and always will cominlr of Spring.' The de~and for quality L ester J. Miller, county a~ri ul· el':i, unle"1I compl'e.sed into a matI{I~ ·~ I P'l'.s MI'. aJld Mrs. Sherman Cole and be to give the kind of service lumbera and material. i. already incre.ainlr t-ur al a gEnt. All fnrol rs interest d t ed rna s, are a lso hazardo us. A Jt~r:~'.~l e~ I ~Q~ . n l Lr\'v (f~~. family visitttd h el' parents l\lr. and that we purselves would ex· In thi test, Ii uld m ake a pJ) lica· shov IEul of dry COllI d ust, if .'In. lv or ' ~ . Il;. 'nllls Ml'S. Morgan .Brande nburg an d If you are contemplatin, buildin, pect if 'W-& were ,placed in a li on imm ediate ly. thrown 100/lely ovel' a fiT I' , could ~'I~'ikJII)g' " i,ii 'liO;t:l' 'I:~: $" .r.~li.93 on and dau~hter in Ol'ego nia, similar po itio n. Our aim either now or in the Sp":nlf-Iet u •• tre.. -- - CUUSO n. devasta ting xplosion and tir~ ltl O nl It' lInci . . . • .. $ !! ,U6'7.J .. unc.lay. \,,; i1 be to constantly improve J',ooep(l or OISlrltlllllOh the advanta,e. of ~rde..inlr now. You will IDLEWYLDE BIRTHDAY CLUB will, in any event, call e 11 danger· CIt ~ . ,rc. mills len' , ... $ U<7Q,G5 W all wllnt to thank the our -previou s best etlort . get choicer material.........a.etter ."rvice and ous fllUlh·back. C I:,sald (j 1' r()I)c"b- '1'1\;($ ~,a5~.40 wl'iter of pa t hi story of the The Idlcwylde Birthday club .ave money if you ,l et ·u. buy for you at thi. Th WilY avoid dl\ st explosi· 'l ot 1 Tr.,,(·s ' ... . , . . '%.7~CI.Oij Way n ville l'e idt nt of yaal's ngo J n, ",.· .. t fI'P hl S~'\l{' lIll tl t met at the hOme of Mr. and U.l1'15. OTIS is to keep the mat rial ill n Irr oduclh l ~ I) bt • •••.. • ~ ~.l\1 The Beech Gr<lve cOl'respon en , time. Price. are bound to .i ncreaae alonK Uar.ry La cy Thursday, F bruary ('om]luct ma~j;. When di pos ing of ]{"ntul (ro m !lcll(JOI Lllnde K. E. Thompson knew each and with a ahortale of labor and a coup.ted and J>ro l' r' ll' . . ....... • 1 7.GtJ 13, with all mNnbers pre~ent. \lu .t, it sho ultl be l)ut 'in I\. bag oj' OI!I)uel~o')I J nt.' I·t'» t • •.. , J' ll.u;; evei'y one of the m. I Tult Ion rrom otb J' market-ORDER NOW! \ After dinn er ,the aftctn on wrappc-d up securely. Then there 1l!stJ'lcl8, ' " ..... " ... , I :) .UO - - \Vas SIlent with, gnmcs, exchange will I.'" no po. ibillt.y of its separat " Oc!ltlona l }';<luClltlo n !lnd H"haulllrlltion ,r ,. D nt Phoae 7 of val ntines etc, ing nnd fO.rOling n du t cl oud. Ulind n ne! ('rlplllPd 'hll.· eren from Stale anr1 U. The n ex~ club meeting WIill b (> I As t he majority of t h e th ousan d S S. Gover nm en t .... ... . . 1,002.0,) Mr. and Mr . LEon Mills are the aynesvi e, .0 l\flll'ch 19 at tho hom of Mr. a nd of deaths annually' ea.u ed by th'e 1.I<rutd 1·'u.> 1 'l'\l X .... ... , :,7'ilj.09 O l ll r ...•..• . , .... ,... $ ij,43U, ~ parents of a Bon Wm. FI·ankHn. I ~;;============""""," Mrs. W. Ft. troud. occur in homes, thi l'ecOmmen daEverett McClure wh o has spent







Renewal of OlJ r Reso 1uti n A




J. E. McClure





New Burl.-ngton

See Us For Weather Stripping


Tutu] U r\~c n u


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I T o t n l


Florida, re. turn ed 10 hj s hom e here on MonlIn la ll e .., J","!nr·, . 1." til:", I day, G, ' o "1,1 Fum[ .. . . .. ... $ i,777 .90 Bond Il·ctlrement 1"\lf)<I • 6,721.61 . J. W. Miller of Spring-field i . To(al Ualllnctl ..... . ; $1 ~,499.60 th guest of reJativell h re. MQrris Marlatt has b en em' Toll'll n ec~lpls .n nd Ou la ncc$52.•u35 . ~~ ployed as 'c1erk In Blair's Grocery. PTSllt'lt;; '. ~I E NTS Mrs. Addie Schamel'loh, who ."-- I"~rNn .. "1 : eW" ~ lt'et II

' 38,53&35 severa.l nlonths in

. .... . . ' "

w. H. Madden & Co. Waynesville, O.


Ad:ni n il,U'aUon_




'M:1-rn t.'I·6 fl1:mrUor

~Ion . ... ........ ... ' " $ !Irk ..... , .•• ••.•• . , .. $ ,All olhe,· Allrninl~lJ·D. lIon . So ]"r; l! lind " 'agel:! '" $ J IHltl'uctloll_

I ~~~~:'~...."""=::'::--::"::"::"'~_-:~~~~~~=~~==~~~~~~~~~~~==~~~=~=~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~_ _ _~~_~~~~_~~~~~_~~~~~~~~~~~.~~_~_ _~~.

14,00 400 O() . 20.00


P rlncITllll.·. '('~:l \l ·r8. PtC. $2J,44 :1.46 ' A U )(UI"~y Agctl<:il8-


Ell,,'IUYI!8 (or 1'rJ,n. II)()l' lrl, tllln ot 'hihlt'en , •.. . . • 6.999. 40

1,e"tlUOn uf Schoo l l·lnnl........ ,Ianltol·". J~ ngi n 8ers anu ()(h~r I<:rnlllll)'~ " .... " $ 1., 3 4.00 ' ('Il l


~ ~'$orH~1 Ser'r!t-e~~ '

ll-S UP IJII",.. <lmlr>lstratiIHl fflce . $ Un.l; 'FE-X ~ Boo k " .• .. .. .....• ~ ] 0 9 G7 Sohoo l r. illrl\r y Bo<;>k ,s lind . ' . MIlKll"i n eA . .. , ,. ' . ..... $ 220 n ther li:d u c(lUO ,UlI . ...• B~7:9


Fu 1 .. . .... , .. , ....... , J Ill>l's ... : ........... $ nan "'reatl()rl ilt .. .. .. .... ,

8 7.74

202'. 0 54.4£;

ll!Pl' ... ~ .....•.. ~ " .. •;pi(.,g ......

To ta l




3,14~ .SG

f l. u 0.18

{ '-III .. t"d" ... I'<lr MnJ" .""IlI Ce, J~\IlldlnK " u nd u-roul1c1~ 344 ./il

Equ!rlln<'nt I.\lld ~'Ill' nllur


Buy a blglupply at this low price

2 lb. call 12c



Our MOl h er.

laln t ' na nce . . ..... $

1. 4n4,69


D-l':q " tl~IJI(' .. t

n e l'h lcem.C!nt. , lIfoll r Ytlhlo l es se d In I'rll-II Sq)o rtll tl o n


PtlVJ l a ... • .•..... . . .. . ,

Other . . .... , .•• " ...... . ,




E <!c nom y

T o tal ' Jljl']tJJ\,m nl Itepla.c IT,I tmts ... ...



. PU!)iJ $ ;, ... .... . . ... . . . 165.70 H epah's Oth el' lilQU I!)menU " 246.18 . ~\'!\l I' . . • . . . • . . • . • • ". .. ' 99 .21 '1~lfc nl clty ..•..• . • . . •• 394.26 H A E'l/hone ....... ,..... '54. 75 o aliling ., . •. . . .. .. ..• , 55. 4 the r .. ... .• • . . • ..• " . . .. 76u. O~




1'0111 1 .F·lxeC\ 'IHll'gliB . unci Co ntl' lhu tl o n s .. $ 1.197. 05 . , ..... .. 6,000. 00

lnt r ~'ll t on Bonds, ..... ' 'I S er vl c

625 .00

.. &.62/i·.OO

T ot u.l Dlabur8l·menlll ... ,. $~ 5,6Q O , 96 '-'HJRlIe·e. D C(,f!fuh e r :'11. IU:l.Iil l; en"l'lIl )"und .. , . .. . , .... 4,371. 20 . l)lllking ll.Jl d Il ond It~:t l re ' . m I1t .... und •..•... . .•. $ 2,003,, 9 T ota l Balance ...... . . $ 6;434.99

'I' olal

Dlsll uts<>m~nts


A::;S I'~'rs

A'NDLi .\ lI3lf.ITTli:S A ...... _ -[m'on Lor\' SUllplles II<nll ill t e rill l .. . ........ ..

George Washington, whos~ guiding hand launched this nation, dedicated to individual liberty and personal freedom within the law. We join in paying tribute to his meITlOr.'.

ton Powe

- Company

.. 1,000.00

L"nds «'ost) .... . .. .... .. 2.jioo.t)(j OulldlrJlI'l! (C'ost .• • , , GO.IIOO.t1Q bJ'IUIMnCllt ( Ollt) .. . . . .. 7,000, 00 I.labIUtl, , _ So n ded D e bt .. .. ,..

.. 8.000.00

Tota l 1. l l\hl1l11~8 .

• 8.000.00


2lba. 13c

!iII/jell Sant o Claro

Qu alltobtlonsat a . sa 1luw



~· ...




JJ I I . "

M A.RROFAT . . .


, 31ba lee

8uIJ a b ill •• lJpplq (0110/1 ol lh(l.~· quo l,.u bean .•


CO :I?l Q Clllh. Tn I'Im (7 l q ,9t,"" e

3 .,. caD. 23e


"r'" ..",,,




Choice handpicked Michigan Siotidard. Solid "od



2 tbl. ~3e


W"...o 20 ~ DAIRY W.,.CO



4 No. 2 caM 2S¢ 100 lb. bal

. '1 .79



lb. ba.

16" DAIRY FEED 100 Ib_ ba, ••.•9 W,,~Ctt



FISH, Whiti.D••, lb. ' " ... ...... .... ........ ... .... 10e .

BA.N ANAS, 3 I.... .. .... ... ,............. ... ...... ,, 10. Kroger Ripened

OYSTERS, Frea-ahore, pt . .... .. . .. ....... 27e

APPLES, F_cy ~ 'o.Iiclo.., lb. : ... .. ,. Ic


FLORIDA ORANGES, 10 ...... ...........:.. ...

LUNCH MEAT, Arm_r, lb. ............... Sic

CAU.LIPLOWER, .... .. ...... ,.. ........ ....... 1.. SIIQIW'·White B ....

CHEESE, Mil., H._ ........... ,.... .. ....... ......13c

IC. . .G UftUC&' .... ........ ............ ..

CHEESE, Slaup, I" ,.... ,....... ,.......... .... .

CABOT,. I b..

BOLOGNA, lb. ........ ............. ... .:............

, Auelll . ... .. ... , •..

, "",tit., be (!orrect. .f'


Lb. 1ge

Ev.po~it~ d

El>o(llle nr l>~rI('l(-nr)' 0

n""'il l ~.


Pink. AlaSka. A real low price


i'of-ot ' bota'

. 2 lb•. 25C

Bu lk

To t al A Msot s . . . .• , .• 170,5~

kchl)ol DIM'rIN


t:. ••. tOe




Balance . . ...... . .. .•• ,. $52.036. 9(;


APPLE BUTTER Old ,.•• hloned


Standard. 'BUY a f big suppJy now

* J.761.G()'i

1 eachel'S Hetlre m ellt . . on t rlbuU on . . ... . .... , 720.20


or Spaghetti

11 lb• . 25c:

E. Z. Rlk e

F-Fb:ed C.' I"lP.e" a nd fDo nt..Jbutto,,;, i . I !,surn.n cn . . , . ....... .. .. $ .477. 15

'1'olnl I e bt

ot.loaf . Heed .


Open Order 8"r"tc,e .

"-1),,". SOI n '" ''' ' Bo nd s Ml\turin~

16 0 :'


r<J-.('o ll traet 1....1 f> .... o. l(J rd" r S .. rv·l ee H epa lrs Molor V "hlcl s atl In 'j'rClI18"o rtillg'

T <) Ull Co ntra ct and!

. PI'a in

4 can. 1ge

Barbar. Ann.

T'o ta l Ma.t erl a ls tor

10 ....

.... "....................... Ie

Eighty-Eighth Year .



Gen.... 1



TIIURSDA Y, FEI3R AR Y 27 , 1936

Wh Ie Number 6210



aths oUlnumber viI th5 ill Warl'vn county du rin g January. u ~ in g LhirtY -l!ix (l ou t h' thel' relllll'icd IlS comp81'ed with t.W( nt.y nin e bil·ths in th e ·'<' cou niy . On uiri h li nd lhr l' d~ut h ~ nccUI'red in WaYIl , l O\\,II ~hip.

OH1 ',

I lt~ ('hnl tl'l


.... ..... --


Amount to Only Few

frullI Kh'llHi . fntl'1 na-

It iVllal Tu(''' da~.' ni;.:-hL III a lI1l'l'lill)!' in th(' 1<: 11 h ' h id!. BU Ii.n


• Cenh Pe~ Thoulpd ~eal'ly three month!! late D S a result of the tax difficulti B in which Ohio found . h erself at the clqse of 1934,. County Tree urer Ross Hiutsock has announced that it will be late n4.'-xt month 'or possibly Ap1'il 1 before his. office is prepared to receive the December in st a llment of 1935 real estate

tax' for the various subdivielons of the coun ty, established by the budget commi ion and forwarded to t he tax commiSlJion at olumbus 8everal weeks ago, were finally npPJ'oved this week and retur'ned to the local office Tuesday. Delays are g4lne.ral i n ounties throughout Ohio many of which will not be in a position to commence the colJection before the fi rat of April. Th new rat4ls of taxation fol' WlU'ren county are slightly higher in a majority of the taxing districts although the increue ill many c es amount to only a. I w cents pCI' thousand dollar. Bolh th high and low for the county are lightly higher than la t y~r with minor increases being noted in the rates for 57 of tbe Wanen county1a 92 taxing s ubdivisions. The new rates for Wayn e and Massie Towns hips are list d below. The new rates appear under the 1935 column and last year's rates are listed ullder 1984.

Survey Start. In Warren County Thi,

Week A manufacturers' lind bu In ess HU I'Ve y. being cond ucted throughO ll ~ the United Stales by lhe Dl'pal'tment of Co m me rce, 18 undel' way in WAn'en county . All bU8i ness hou ~es and ma nuCactUI'(,'!'S will be in lude{j in th e sur\,l'Y lind in fol'lnlltio n obta ined will be held in strict confidence. Ii i. to he used fO I' sta tistical purpO ~ (}" only, offic iab announce. Census Lukers who will work in Wan'en county hav been named as follows: Geol'g Shimp and· 1I0ward Keever, of Lebanon, and JO i' ph n. Thompso n, oC Waynes. . ill . II'u H. Sharp, with offices in the cl'n~us

MI'. 41HI l\[l·~ . rail Treadway und J (,hn !'oce,lI. uf l\liddll.t."\~n II (!1f' ~lInd"y ~u.'~l~ or MI'. and ~lr ~. J,)hll 'J'n·l\lh,ay.

Mr. and MI's. Ev (l}'cU Scars have tak n up th ir I'e ide nee in pring V,alle y : Mrs. Frank tan s b ' try i ~ abl e t out after ooing confin ed La hel' h Ine b eeause of illn ess.

Mr. noel l\[r·s. Wnlk I' Hatfi Id uf /)uyU) II, wel'e (linnl'\' Kuests 0 1 :\11''', ;\Jaynl(> Ila lHeld, ,'unday. h tht, afternoon MI'''. Hatfield lin" hl'r ),uesl" \'i" iL(~d Earl Dill am fa l)lil y il1 Lcl)al1 on.


R~v. G. Dibert cond ucted ~ ervlc s at t.h M Lho(list ch urc h

Th e Wlly nl'~\'i ll(' r;ardcn clut ",ill me('1. 'J'tll,,.da~' ev('"in~, Marcl a, at. t hI' hom (If .11'~. Ho~~ II lIar sock.

Bellbrook, undlly night. . Miss Cail Nixon, of Lebanon, i~ spending a Ce ll.' weeks a t th home of her uncle Geo l'g e Robel't o n.


T he cha mpion Waycehs a rc hown ahove. T he y a re, fl'ont r ow, lef to r ighL, h I J Mr. and MI·~. Boyu Hendel' 011 r d J'ol bu ildi ng at Springfield, ar es am II , I had a~ theil' dinn"f 'UC"ts .~\l ndIIY .. lll"t!'ict . Rob l'l H ai rte , J ohn Boger, F Ol'l','t Dak in. ('con d r ow, Roberi All en, /<:arl onn I', Vince nt Gl'lffy, ,~i . upc l'visol' in charge of har! R Davis a nd Robe r t, attel'thwa ite. Th il'fl I'OW , COIl('h Bout- nb nd r, Stude nt Manager on n 1', MI'. Dnd MI'''' l.. M. H nden<olt the c('nsu~ in t he s ve nt h conFrank LeMay, A Ibert Hawke, LlIM ar Eal'nh ult, . B. Eal nha rt, S tud nt Mana ger Jame!! an d up I'. anti Miss Dori H{\nder~on. gl'~,,!<i'Jl1al di .. h·ict.

Mr. A. Z. Hartsock and fa mily of Melvin, w ere callers fit the FJ'iends' Bome unday af rn oon. Jsndor Bloch, of Spring Va lley, and L. N. Printz were at th0 styl e show in CinCinnati, W dnesday. M,.. and Mrs. AI'thu r

umn r, of Lebanon, sp nt Sunday \ ith Henry Satterthwaito and family. Mr. and MJ'B. ernon Mainou and Miss !\Iae Treadway mOtored to pringfield Sunday vening t o vi it friends,

inte nd nt Lolz.

Mrs. J. B. hap man, Mr .. L M I and ' tr. Boyd Uendel'~ so n wel'e 11\ Dayt On Tu Stlay. I


Waycens· Win Right to -1 nter Sectional Tournament at Cincinnati U. March 5, 6 and 7.

Tos hi , g Tota ls






3 13


~:~;::b~:i~e!r5~' i S~~I'S ~~ D~~~~ I

M mllers of the "Five Hundred P club \vcl'e cntel'tain ell Monday 7 evening lit the. home of Mr. and 8 Mrs. '. D. H el1kle. 4 Lost DUring I.he sn owy 4 4 weath er, 'on Main 01' High stl'eet.e. ladi e' dal'k r eddi 11 brown s ued 27 l ea ~h r g loves. Finder plea I fiVe a t Gazette offic e. P Miss Minni e Davis, ·of Dayt on, 2 Rpont Mo nd ay '" ith Mr. an'd Mrs. liff B\!rn ett.

TREES HEl-po CONTROL OHIO SPRING flOODS Unfrozen Cround in Fore.t Hold. W.ter But Frost.Bound Field. Permit Rapid Esc:&pe

Wa>: ne sviJIe ~ F on ner, f _ ". 2 3 Davi., f ... 4 o ham pions of W a rr-en unty . CI'iff y, c 2 o Ono mean$ of flood control in Thi is th title .th e Way"c ehs brou gh t Ohio recomme ndeu by agricultural li en, g 2 o Mr. and Mrs. Do nllld II nder- W a y.nesvill<l a t h j'es ult of winning f our it nti ,~ ht g am s ngineers at the O. S. U. is the attel'thw ui , g 2 o on and family, of Dayto n, spent in th annual 'oullty qas ket.bull tourn a m n t a t Kin gs Mills planting of tr On slope$ to hold • unday evening with Mr. and Ml'~ . 1985 193 snO'W which will keep the grou nd Total s .... ]2 Thur 'day, Frid ay a nd Sntul'd a y of lao t \ eek . 3 George nend~ rson lind family. Wayn Twp, School from fr ezing and permit rain to By V il·t UC of th \I' eoi .... isten play in Lhe cou nty meet, W!l yn C!~­ Malon -Dist, ........ , ,"" 14.90 13.80 B F Mr . Julia f{ nd el'soll i spene}into Lhe soil in of runsoak ' ville, tOJ!;cthal' \\ ith Meson the Illllnet·-u p, wins lhe l'iltht t(J l' pres Ilt Gil ber t , f . Massie Twp. Diat.... .16.4.0 12.80 Ing thi ... 1 o w k in Dayton, the n in g ot!' rapidly as it dlH!S on Oregonia ch. Dist. .. 13.90 10.30 gu t of her son Donald ami Warr n count y in the l a~~ B se tional t OUI'Dament to be held at Barr, f . . " 0 o hozen soil. the University of C'illcinn(lli. 1:1I'ci1 5, ,and 7. L bailon , which dia Im cl', c , . pring Valley Dist. 14,15 4 family. Tests· made lhi winter by J. A. no t take po r t in til county toul'oament, \\iII also be entered in t he F'urb e, g Sugar Creek iwp. 2 1 J. L. Mend enhall is J:a pidly r e- Gibb s, forester, . at Zanesville Mr. lind MT . Ray Mainous an d arn e .'cctionnl. T o hi e, Ii: . • Sch . .................... 19.05 o () gaining his health at his home proved that; even after t he rece nt and Mrs. Basil mith wer e Mr. Wa r nesv ill 's victl)l'ic~ at Kjng~ Milt · WCr<' dnub ly sweet, a Bl' o ~'11 i n~, g hest4lr Twp. Di t. 16.00 o o h<r llfter a recent op rn tion at zei·o t empel'atlll'Cll, soil in the CQrwin Corp. 14,90 14.60 guests of ~fr. and l'tlrs. Frllnk t h Y. inclull ed U \l-i II over Hm'vcy __ burg, which had previ .usly beate n Hal e hos pital, Wilmington . woodlots was not {rollen but in the local. on t hcil' 0\\'11 Jl OO I'. und on i he fll ce of theil' seMlollal I'<!cord Totals " .. .. 7 1 ] 5 Waynesville Corp. .. 19.60 17.3 0 QQk, Su nl,lny aft rnoo n. Ml's. De lla V enabl e and Ml'. the open fi elds a long the wopds the W I' . et up a iav()rit ' 9 to \\'in the co unty e v~ n l. T he Hal'vey bur~ Mrs. May ook anti Mrs. Dol'oM...i. Towa ••ip lind Mrs. How8l'd Burton and ground was fro st-bound to a depth ga me, on f the 111 ~ !'it xc it ing of th o tournament, WlIS won by SECOND GAME Massie Twp. Dia . .... 16.40 13.50 thy H en slee, of Dayton, lVere Waynesvill 24-22. W.ynesville (24) B F P dau ghter ti l) nt Sunday at the of 20 inches. During the hard rain g uests of MI'. and Ml's. E. Chester Twp . Di t. 16.00 The Wllyt;e h .\Vo n their third on n r f 0 1 1 home of MI'. Ilnd Mrs. Arthllr which occurred February 13 and Wayne Twp. Dist. .. 14.90 14.60 ~rane and lamily, ul\day. t 4 stream of water were pouring ba ketball hom pion hi p a Lurdl\ Y ro ute, a nd Haw ke sub titll t e<i fo r Davis, f .. " 3 3 D Atkin son ncar Or gonia. pring Hill Dist. ... .. 10.90 10,60 ' Mr, and Mrs. W rner Morri , of night by d rating Maso n, wpo in h im. I across t he open fields but there dffy, c 1 2 4 Adams Twp. Dist. .. 15.60 Th e Ladi es' Aid of the M tho- was no perceptible flow of water 1 2 4 New Burlington, and MI'. and ] !l35 n osed out the local in the Hal'v('Yllbll fg led the! 10calH only Allen , g _ Harveysburg Corp. 16.• 0 13.60 Mr . L home of in the adjoining woods. 2 1 Q t1is t 'ch"Urch met at th lorris, of Dayton, werO nnal gam . The score was 30 to 13 once dU ri ng th e OurSe of the Satter thwaite, g M1'5. R. S. W eaver, Wednesdl\Y The l~aves and debris on the 0 1 gue t s of Ml's. Amanda lMa.ffitt on Ma son and Wayn esvi lle had m t game . 1n the first f ew minu t elf LeMay , g a ~t l'n On of last 'w ek, for s t floor beneat'h the snow aid Sunday. one before in the tou r nament, they jumped ahead f OUl' point..q, in preventing t he g round from 7 16 tbe Wayne to wnship representa- bu t th e Wayceh's l'alli edand were .' T otal s .' A. F. Mclloh and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Ir a Rich, Mrs. fl'ee zing bllt the blanket of snow Mr. Melloh's mother in Iiamilton, nevel' h ad(' d, allbo ugh hard - Harvey.b~re (22) .B F Reba Braddock, M t'~ and !\fI'S , lives defeating ih.t m FriilllY is the be t protector. Watef re.. at urday even ing, 3 2 GUbel't Frye were entertained at in on e of the- Re mi-fi nal games by pJ'ellscd LO maintai n th eir scant I A, McKaYI f tained by for at soils not only rel' of 27 to 15. Imld duri ng .the re maind e1' of the ' Campb ell, f . a sea 3 2 t he home of Mr. and Mrs. Hartley MI'. lind Mrs. RO U-el'l Davis at - duces fl oods but also assists in Waynesville led I\t the quartC!r contest. D, McKay, c . .... " o 2 2 tend ed the wedding of Mr. Davi ' maintaining ummel levels of Mo s, Sunday. of the final game 6-3 \ ilh Conner Wayn vill e' s next two games Bogan, g 1 o 2 brother "in Dayton, Tu esday even- atl' ams by seeping gradually into ST. MARY'S CHURCH l D\)wne y, g Mr. and Mrs. Chalmer Grice, of and Davis pllcing l;he offense. were played .... ith Masonthe 1 o 2 ing. th e watercour!l€s afte r the imRev. 1. J. Seha.lref, Rector Dayton, and 1I1rs. Louie Settle- JI.1l\son s purted aheod at the start fil"~t was ' von by Wayne ' ville, mediate run-of!' from open ground First SundlY in L'ent, March I, myel', of Lebanon, called On Mrs. I of the second qu a rter, but th i1' 27-15 Fr iday ni ght- th e lIecond T otals .... lI{i::;s Sarah Smith and Mr. has di slIppe8l'ed aDd streams have 8 (; 22 Ch\lrc'h scbool at 9 :80 ; sermon Frances Nfckleson, who 'is seri- lead was only momental'Y as the the final ganl c on •'aturday night, G org J . Smith have l'eceived fallen . and Holy Communion at 10 :30. Fi RsT .GAM" Wayceh'. pas work • tarted to 1\ liS won by n sco re of 3 0-13. ousJy UI at t}Je Friends' Home. ' ~ ==~~~F-~~~' ~o;rd~o~f~t~h~e~d~e~'a~t~h;,o~f~th~e~ir~~~~-l~~~~~La~no~~~~~a~ Wednesday, Mirch 4, 8el'\l1(!~ W.ynesville (38) Miss R~becca Dunham nd ! C IC an e SCOl'e at the half The Wnycc h's g r at teamwork to reduce flood 7:30 p_ m. onner, f 2 () 4 friend of Cincinnati, and ~r, st ood 1a-B in favor of the- locals, \ as on e of the featuJres of the Davis, f il . Conservation So . ,............. ,. 1 2 4 Raymond Dunham, of Kil1gs Mills From then on it \ as n othing bu t !"""_ _ _ _ _ _ _•_ _ _ _-: I Griffy, c ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Mrs. D. C. Ridge has been ' sul- Service , w ith headquarters at 3 2 8 were Sunday afternoon and even- Wayn ville. . Father Newton, Pilltor Allan, g .. 3 o 6 fe ring willI a sev er e attack of Zanesvill e; the <lCC camps; forHERE IS ALL-COU NTY guests of Mr. and 'Ml'S. Walter .At ~he conclusion of the tOUl'naestry sections of the state and of Ing 'atte l'thwaite, g 2 o 4 la ryn giti . at' St. Auaustine's Church ment a . large gold tl'ophy' vas the Univetsity; and the Ohio BASKETBALL TEAM Hawke, g . . .... ' 2 o 4 aecond and fO)lrth Bud., Sheehan. 1 Mrs. Russel l Sali sbury i COD- Agricultu \'Ill Experiment Station . aw.a.rded Waynesville by the l"dl e month. James, g ... . ". 0 Mrs. Orville Gray and daughter county athletic association. An fin e.d to' her home wi th grip. l'ECognize this as a major problem Bmpbell, Harv ey~blll r g, F. Bo~ el' , f ..... . 0 1 Mi 8 . Barbara visited the former's additional honor was won by the but they must have the" cooperaFRIEliDS MEETING . Mrs. R UaBe I N e aI an d h et' Wayceh when they were awar'ded Davi s, Wayn e villt:, F. Dean Hawke, Clyde Fromm and - - tion of" land owners and 01 the Firat-da, School at 9 :8G •• m. sIster; Total s 16 6 38 Chules Burton Earnhart were gen~n'"1 public belore the proper JrleetJ,ne for Wonbip at 10 :80 new daughte.r , Shir.ley Kat~erin~, a ilver trophy presented by the ,Starke, Spr ingboro, C. Mor,ow (14) B F P guests of Richal'd . W isbrodt a t plantings can be made. at Christ hOlpital In Cincmnatl Western ta)' and which must be Allen, Waynesville, G. t Ill. I ). 1 3 I, his home in Sal·di~ia, Sunday. .... ~ Monday. won two times by anyone team to Satterthwaite, Wllyruesville, G. King, f I ,. t I F.lRRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Kelly, f ...... . .... ...... ... . 1 2 4 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rabe, Mr . Mr. and Mrs. Ellis 'M.cClure of secure permanen possess on .. Carl S;"Ub, ' .Mlnhtel' Charlton, c .... .... . 1 1 3 I and Mr . Louis Rose and son Spr\ngboro, are anno)lncing the The county athletic associat ion Perry. Thomu, Supt. of Bible Lournament. Placing three men on Hoffer, g ......... 1 0 2 I Dicky, anel Mrs. Sophia Baer, all arrival ot a daughter, Elvajean, a1l;0 galle indiv.idual awa rds to the School 0 () 0 of Madisonville, were dipnc l' at the Middletown hospital, Fri- ioliowing Wayceh's : Griffy, Davis, th e all-county t eam, membera of orwin, g . . ,.... Sunda)' Bebool 9 :80 a. m. the local squad all covo(!-l'ed themK retz(!T, g ... . ...... ,,, ... 1 0 2 guests of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Allen, diY, February 21. The littl~ lady ' Conner, . Sattel'thwaite, Communion 1I:U .. m. se lves with glory. - - - Lal'rick , undl\Y. the granddaughter 01 MI;. and Hawke, Le-¥ay, James, Earnhart is Sermon 11 I. m., . Totals ..; .... ".. ..... ... 5 4 14 ; . Each man Was an individual W.rre.n County In Fa'l'or.Lle Re. Mrs. E1lller Sheehan. . and Boger, . threat, whicb fact alone marked ==================~ lief Po.ition, Report .JUNIOR HIGH -AYNESVILLE CHURCH . OF ....d u_ M D B Capturing the Warren county the local teanl's superiol'ity. WINS SUIT I'"' '........ an ......... • • aird and . h '1 d 'th Shows CHRIST little daught4lr Patsy, Ilf'e prepar~ champion hip was al e WI Waynesville' s l'E presentatllleS Points Rcored by individulli by local suppol't el's of layet"s were a s follows'. onner , in th junior high schoo l toUl'lll.\,. Carl Smith, Miniltft ing to move to their farm at enthusiasm ' In the case of W. N. Seal' P W. Jennie Bradle)" Superintendent ~wi8town, Ind. Mr. and Ml:s. the team and brought dUe l'e~og ni- 18' Davis 35 ' Griffy 18' Allen mellt were eliminated in their' flrs t plaintiff versus H, W. Badgley, Jth 1,005 pers ons on r elief as , " " . ' , game against Mason b" a ~c o l'e of , . . John Sear., Alit. Superint.elldent. Vernon Mainous a nd children will tion to Coach Karl Bodenbcnder l G', Satterthwaite, 1·9; Hawke 1 1; 19 t. 3 1" b ' t d SprIng Vall y automob ile ' dealer, of Februll.I'Y 1, Warren 'co\:lnty un, . 0 L :J.a1'vey~ urg c.ap ure I . , Not A Denomination ' occupy the Baird residence on aDd t11e Wayceb squad. LeMay 1; Bage l' 1; and James 1. i th . . ' b' It · b d f at· defendant! which wa !l heard be- d~r thl! Carey act, had ,40,078 in Bible School Le880n for Karch Franklin road. F irst victory f ol' the locals Foll owing are the ~IOJ( scores:' Ki~~~n~~ISJ;5~~~.wn. y e e mg fKor\l Jukstic e 0l'! tThe Pe~ce wall ~)' issuable reli f bonds, according to I, 1936. 'came Thursday aft I'noon when \V '11" h' h b en rtC " v 1'( Ie was g IVen p am- a report made by the state relief - Morrow was ·buried und l' an 9 :80, organ and piano pre~ude, - - -a~n~lsvl e Junror Ig ox I t iff f or the full amou nt sued for commiSSIon. The cash relief Lola Sean and Mtldre4 Campbell. gregational songs. avalanche of baskets and WIIS deFINAL GAME score 0 ows : F P and defendant wa ordered to pay balance in this county was $12,Ten, Vilion and 8:00 Evangelistic services. ~eatcd by a lop-sided score of 38- Wa wneeville (30) - LeSion B F P M.1I01l B, the costs This case wl1s of much 148, the report indicated. , ullningham, f 1 1 3 . Solo--Lucy Emley. . 14. ' Service, Lute 8:28-48. "Faith apart from worka is dead"--Jame. . Come, . let U8 enjoy the church Waynesville was then idle until a nn eI', 1 .. ". 3 6 Roosa, f ........ 5 ~ 1~ :~~:;~:~ ~~e I~:~~ o~:~i~d:~ak~; b~:~~:n O!ou::;~~ea fba::~_ Golden Tftt.-.-Jl)bn 15:&-"8e and the Lord'. Day in service. 9 o'clock Thursday night when Davis, f 4 (I 14 Fox, e . "'''''' .' ..... ,. ~ () 4 car, of which the or iginal bill of able position among other counties tbat abldetb in me, and I in him, they met the lIupreme test of t.he Griffy e ,., .. 1 0 2 ~.:~~, gg ................................... .......... 0 0 0 I sale had be~_al!r!.d. of the state. with a laryer tile lame b_reth much fruit." WAYNESVILLE II. E. C;HURCH tournament - 1Ilrveyspurg. This Allan, g ... . ...... ,.. .. 1 0 2 reliet IOld are in . a much 1. . Special mule number-Mary and ~ G. C. Dibert, Pattor . game WI. by tar the best of the Satterth"aite, g ... 3 0 6' - -3 MOTHERS' CLU~ TO MEET favorable position. Totals ... ",.... . .. , . . 8 HI I Tbe.commlllloll report nvealed _ _ _ Laura SUlld,,: SundlY acbool at 9:30 meet. . 10 :45 Lord'i SIlPP"', &. Ill. Morninr worahip at 10 :40. A nip-alld-tuck affair from 12 6 30 W.p •• .I11. B F P The Wayne TowDsbip )(othet:s' that during the put two weeD It ToLals Choll' ...... The ..rmon subject will be, whiltle to whutle, tbe rame was Clare, t . . 0 2 2 club will meet FI'ida1 afternoon, diitriDllted ,,01,021UO to 1. 6180 ClarIadall BDd_vor. .Dd Fellowshlp." nqt decided 'ulltll the ftnal gOll8, B F P Furnas, 1 ...... """'" 2 0 4 March 6, at 2 o'clock in the grade Ohio ceuntiea for une~' SlIbject-BOW uoald Slladar Weclneada)': Blbl6 atudi ben W.melVille emerged the Gilbert, f 2 1 6 Moran, e .. .. ......... ... 2 1 5 building. A short pla,let ~m be MD. ' At tile Sene 1IaD' PraJ8r IIlHtinc at; '1 p. Ill. .yleton bJ • aeon of 2'-111. 6 Stroud, c .. . 1 0 2 presented by several loeal women mMed . . 1O...1IItl1q . 2 :I; . .«*. 11, 1... • • P'aNian llia1ionAndenon, g O O 0 and pro,raM" IU be liVeD il1 GllMIa,.. tit tbe of the A

t --------- --- ---,--








...--REPORT IS MADE ----









00 . .

In Lt-banon. Se:col1d Gr.... mwa Oro , lu~l, '6.50: Bertha Hln • J. E. Hitch and Laura B. Hitch loud, $9; H. C. Hamilton, !uel. 'I'nlll' III'rf t!ct ~pl'lIt'r~: ''v. ,~. millut,· "itll thlll "litchi tu unu' • "' 11111 .\dal1l, Chal'lt.~ Dih!>!'t, tu Thl' \Inioll Ravings BuUdinc $1211 .UIl; H. oppt'. food. $60.50: tlr" till,.h" pl' p. It \\ 11 n glent ~l'th Honk, \,ir~il I.lInJ,(a('rc, and Lllan Company, real estate in Paul & Cliffurd Hilt! brant, food, tllurnl1ll1cnt I KingH Mill:;, $28.60; Waltllr A, Keevcr, tOIHI, <2lll'l :11 inn ~ abuul \Va lli ll~ton- Rll'hard ~tun Rbe l~ry. :\luhel Francr. 3; Krog~r Groc..,l'Y & Baking CIl" Wayn Iville \'fino Count y tllU! nom{'nt upset. SprinKboro Win . Foul Sboot;n, thl' food, $24.75; L wis & Drake, In . Bill. Allowed Third Gr&d~ Newt Tournam('.. t In th(' lIlonn\\"-t'pl'IllI::!"n'" Cofttul ~ I·'ltlp . Till' thinl g'l':.ulu lm!1 compleled 'l'Ill' .[,'. J . Hen Pdnting o. AUp- fuel, $20; Lovt>lund Hrovery 0" --"l,!\('k nnor" ~am~ . ~PI:ingbol'o . plingu(1ro I 'on O\'~I' lInn' ys· ~onH' V('IY int~l'l'~tin~ book lNll on pli (>s (ot' t rl' u.'I urer'!; offico, $29.60; food, $10,:15; H. E. McV~y, food, I':\'('n "ilh til,' (),Id~ II :Jin~1 thllll \I'M dN'ull'dly f \·Ollli. Jhl~. hI 1\"- ' hUI" in tlw f.'ul "h l\ .~til1~ ~onll'st. P .. p Medin.g h1.li811" Th(' hevrolf'l i~ ~lil1 The me Outfitters, supplies for $17.GO; Cad Oeder, fu I, $G.60; I Ih" lueal t\'!lll1 cn"'" thl'(\u~h \\ ilh"\' r, wa~ 11 ll1uch elo: l'l' I:'RIlI£' :1'1 il,~!Jlll' " \I II~ 1'l'pI'Ps(mt c'd by the 1'hllJ'~ dIlY tlHJlninJ:, F,'hl' ullry !lhNL.1 in t hl' ,'pcllinll auto racc by I'I'OS cULing Attovn~y's office, $4.- It. Rlnith, f ood, $1:J.1i0; Hnymont! lIyin' color, Hl thl' (,\\lI'l.:lIlll'n1. than tht' fhllnR hnd attIC.II'lIlf'll~ 1 - , ;\111~t ' r \)t'oth"I's j\1I" ·I\af(·~ . T~o :,!tl, th(· ~h"lc tlts ulf \Vaync~vill(' II mile,.;. TIll' T('I' c!1plan \ lind 25; H. 1. Williams, OronlU', in- 'l'uy lol', food, $5.60; Gross crvice t!!. In t I! . ~Cc(), ,prln)! oro· \\ inllim~ tC1I111 W'L~ awII rd..,cl a hIgh f<('hl)ol 0: ~ml>I\' d in the gym- IJlymouth are tier! L,t mil e.. v(lstiga\ion in the death of Maggie Stati!)n, gas 'for trip to Colunlbul'l, In lh(' fir t }lla('.., W: ~ t\u~\'ill.· llul'\'C'ysburg game, Ihl, odd- 1\I're II'llphy . nasium. Thi s turn ,II out to b onc Wu1'1'('n, ,11 .60; Am rican Surety $1.80; Addis Sel'vic tntion, gas .1t·l'W II t0u!!'h brack, t. \11 { ou)' of I'm tit'LlIr Y<!n . but nobody Wfl~ of the p('ppi lst and mo~t cnthu ~ ills Fourth Grad, New.. . , of N. Y., premium on bond of and oil for ounty C01l1Illi~~ioner8 11w tt, Ill:; ill th'lt hrnrkl' \Hl . p:llti 111nrly . ulpri~l'll til the \,ut- Waynesville Bri nlla Home Two tic of all .slu"on's a, ~l'mblic'" Thr I'o\ll'th ~I'l.lll(' ('nj oyed a 11. M. WilIiullIS, Coronel', $10; 2.68 j J. W, Lingo llllrdw:lI'o 0" ,u IJr olYlllv duC' I,0 Ihe " 0 a eh Vlll,'ntinl\ 1}Rl'1~' in lheil' )'00111 on MuJ . I un d Groccl'Y C0., supp I'les for sponge and bolts f or ~a ni t{J J' , $1.c', n~hh, (',1 1'0", iblc II Inll" r , \I •It JI l' •lllll'• Th ' rcul \lJl~t,t of thl' Trophi, " ' CI, \ ~ all"l' . r t· tll Ul'llanll'nt 1'11 111' " ith tIll' 21-1:! . ' of tIl t I nal nt 'l'h 0 a j 1IIlnt'~'l<b rg I ell( Ill~ II ~ H"UTi~,. • _. , 'II IT TIll!' year fcw the chllmpion~ 011' ne. OJ p1' gr 111- Monuoy afternoon <If . last "cck. jlli l, It'!'2.a5; F r (I KtI.h n M'otor Co" 05; W. . Turton, poen coal :for . . . . , I \1 ' _ \'Ie 01''' ot King'. J,11 ~ over ar, . pi n I \,' [I S n~ f ll llo\"" ' . f Ol' sc h n'IF' ."llln~t (!, .r)lmt' ''lil)' c!l! "o y .r , I ' ll ' th C l'eIVCrc ll\lltro phle~to bl'lnJr ,·1 , ~,. ~. Thl'JlCl'fcrl ,;p llr~ I'::! for tho rCjJlllI'S 's ca l', $ .55; COUl't house, $14.50; Dr. Kennon \l"'" It W11!>tI t l"'(ln :J tlrl et' " ' fib/lln••. F'\ , ol,' cd Th-,' I L aw &' on, gas, 01, '1 'anti " Dunham, x-ray and exami nllt.ion nl'qll h In btUl I lilli'''' . 1'u I tll '\'..c"~b J ' ", d b 1 I hume ,]h~ I'(al tournament trl1phy IJ, <' Wa"n •.cs - w'ck we rc: E lizl\lwlh urlis, J 0111 . , . , · · ·1 I he ~1l1~"I(> bOI'~ sc el\1(> to (' 1 l'a' ' 'I I '11 t . th \'V ~ en f l " J h · ... ' Paul William Upton, $ 17.60 ; 111(11) It \\H~ n ,,!'trat "U1PII~C \I I' n . ' , . '" ,. . I ' i. ' Il pal'tlcularly beautiful Oll , It VI e , WI no Will e . ul'r Wilma Uiuel't, }~rwirt L~\' is, Ethel l'C ze, avOI' an sto l'ag, s en n S ~Olllll" EI va "ar "6. 0'" Trustees of P U bl \c ' WUl'l'e n . Breiu nbach i\t. D., I I·l" l tI"I llIe f ·]I"\. r . I llul'\'",''' t IIt· ~ {t' c - un th.' ,r frd. [hn . Ju"t coul( n t l . ', loul' n~nlellt u. I "11", 1,~,'u lY'1 '['llolllp ~ nn, v " 'f I't h -1 , . II· , 1 .. ,,[. ""ing'. '1'h ()utcoma of the IS th 0 p rc tt'le~t coun t y t 01ll'Jlam- c , . ~ 1'lI l'g 1(' 001; u te l t ILl 0\\ ~V~I. I l ' " .. " 'I ' nt tl'(Il)hu evcl' to be "iv n 1'hl' Negative ~p('uke l'll were-- W l's \'~rntlln, })ona)(J Wilt kins and , lTairs, light furnished at WPA professional services, $20; Dr, . t JVl ' l ~' JlIa on-KJIIj?s semi finn:! wa s The We 3'tel'n tal' trop hy ' F ou Ik" ' th t' Rllb rt \\' OIJlllll'll. . . 1f1221 ; G ross Serv(Continued on Page 3)' l' I'al t"'"11 IlUI I I·t compuJ'II too( ) o 118 II t .~ , d'pl'('~ejl t lng sewlllg proJect, ", I1neXIJected, t(lO, by ~ome, but a ' a . , . ,. ' . ' 'rae It,,''· .. J. 'I'e To' nhlll't . t t ' f . d WPA ~~~~~==~===~~~~ f o~ y. ',UI' ' FI' ft L Grade Ne"" -. Section Three ICC 1\ Ion, ga', alrgl'oun s th t 0 neez at . I t IS a I ' II J · , ""III' 0.. n In t hl' oU,,'!' bmckl't, Kin~~ 1'1101" , ", Mason had b~ picked to 'r 0 \fig l h 1"1' I ' I' ' pr(' s~ ntinJr \,II ,'public"; Rut h "('I' J' 'ct .spc.llurs.· fOI· th c week !lroject, U5c; Le banon Lumber Co. ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _~__ win aItc!' their upsetting Kings ~ I v r rop y. l owevel', t leres a , ~ JlI ill. wa!' H,p f:l\'nrCU team , ince , catch to it. We have 1.0 win it 'nlifib ury, r~pr ~ ntill./o( th(> W~ l'l':, Mabel Ludington, hu!'lotte Ii ot' truck and hangers, court t ht·y hau tile best season record. on' . two years in order to Keep it. " slud!!nt body." Ryc, Vil'!dnia PI'c~ ton, Marceli ne hous, $ 15. 40; J. W, Lingp Hard11 1", ('\'el', M1I!<Oll hus I\lwuyg been With the two really strong ' You'd b tter make it a point to Th e affirmlltive . p<!nk t·s w('rf' Pe l \''', Elizllbell, Bumclt, ,An- ' ware 0 " nails , wire and lock, a J,ro ocl t(IUI'llllm en t 18m, and tht:y l aOl,-, pringbol'o lind Harvey - se theSe beautiful tok ns of - n. Jan Cook- " fio ' lIezeklnh It ndte P('ncl', Vil'!~inin :chulol', court house, $2.05 ; John ston & cllme thr uugh n lilly in thei.- burg, out of Iht! running, Wuy- skil l oC which we are po very R!)on(>y of ROthlnk Ccnt cr"; C'Ci l ' Ilarl s Ol'llilorf, Donalll 0 bom, John ·ton, roofing, Iumbe-r, door, {jl,<t game with King. urlisle ne~ville had smooth sailing in the Hartl1lun- "1I11'. F'n lllz Schrcman Billi Tinn 'i, Edwin urfllce, hinges and nails, court house, "THE HOME OF GIFTS" W,l.,; aI, slated as having the finals. The tour nam ent spirit diu proud. of Dulchm an's Cl'N!k, r ·nn.'; ('ne Thompson, Ilortlcc Burnet t $ L02.10; Leban on. LUnlbcl' Co. , , Lebanon, Ohio \' r!g'c on Otterbein. The Ott rhein not die, ev~n with t he compal'ativ- Complete Tourna",ent S~ores Ka thyn Smith - " Mi s Doo p n tlnd Billy E rnal'd. The !!jlelling lumb r for fairgrounds WPA pro- I ,·ic toI'Y was just one more ely large lead which , WuynesI'm S · h'Ig h games, Th ur, ' day, J> uo c'ont":"t fot: this W l k nded \V,i tll Jec\, $113.'76; W .oodhill emetery EXPERT WATCH enJor " p a Doop." . ~~ REPAIRING 20 : 2 0 ' cIock-. 1\1 a~o n 2"j , I fhl" ~peclUlI'fealure k' ",us put1 on tIle ". 0 1'"_ "7.:10 with MIlJ'c ehne l gl'ave and bunal, Thpma., Lee ::-===~=~~~~~=~~====~~~~====~= F. e· b runry &M'll S 26' 3 0 'I k Ott . by the )Iuh Ie !<pclI ' lng C n, S t he calltain of the winn 1'5 . "Transient", $20; J,. K. Spencer, Kmgs .ul " C OC, Cl- , I" I I . t . f 1\' L ,Ullar Only Genuine Materia" k Uri< cl' Ie Ill ' ructIon 0 ,.r . I . • IUnlbel', $19.80; JohnstOn & John. · 14, or I'ISIe13 b em : 4 0 'I C oc -, II' Mo ITO \\, 14 . 5 ' Gtlr~. t. Levnnl'd FI'JII1 I' actt'( a 81. n. lumbel', "6.76,' L, I. Penc4!', .. nynesvi'11e 3 Picture Show '!' Prompt Service 'I Is H' ' b ' 'l:.! ' ! "chaIrman. dless to sa" th carbide, $7.50: J. W. Lingo Hardo c OC, at'v~y Ul g , , Pl'tn!!- judge!', MI'. Jan)es :llld [1'. BodenTIIll pictur how t hl~t th ware Co., guard rllil supplies and Store open until 9·p, m, bol'O 30.; 7 0 clock: Ma on .32, benner, gayc Ihe decision to the juninr class give [onday momiog pal'ta, $91.19; Lebanon Lumber O:terbeln 16; .8 0 clock, ,Km g nCg'ative. The pl'og-ram was fini Sh- ! pro ed to be very ii UCC sful. It ia 0., sign lumber ,nd aupplies, MIU 23,. 81'1Isl e 17; 9 o.dock: t' e! by a numbet' of songs Ilml tnougllt that all th~ studont en- $26. 32: Morrow Feed & SupplJ Way neSVille 24, Harveyabuig 22', h J'()"ed the pictul'e very much. 10 o'clock, Springboro 19, M orro~ c eers, , 0., cement, $2.90; George B. Ask t01' a Hamilton, Atty., rental of garage, 18. $12: Standard Oil Co., keroMiami.burg Permanent Friday, February 21: sene, $3.80; Cincinnati Oil Works '1 O'clock, King' Mills 35, OtterConcrete 0" Zerone and oil, $80.49; W. A. bein 9; 4 o'clock, Harveys burg 27, Hause, gasoline, $9.64; Ohio Oil Air Seal Burial Vault pringboro 24; 6 o'clock, Wayn s Co., gasoline, $2.16; Gulf Refining vill 27, Mason 16; 10 o'clock, For Sale only by Co. gasoline, $11.78; P & C. HilKing~ Mills 21, Ha.rveysburg 12; debrant, oil and 'g asoline, $7.19; Your Funeral Director S.turday, February 22: dec aced, and filed John Law & Son, gasoline, $4.60; tie lIupert, 4 o'clock, Mason 2G, Kin gs Mills Common Pleaa Proceedinr. , bond of $3000 with SUl'cties. Olin- Standard Oil Co" gasoline, $3.97; 11; 9 o'clock, Waynes.villo 30, McClure Funeral Home III the case of Emerson Geyer, to n Mitchell, Ray Mount and Wil- Hyman Service Station, gasoline, fa on 13. n'ille, O. et aI, versus Mary Munger, Hi lir1m Baaol' werc appointed ap- $21.60; The Great A. " P. Tea Co Junior Hill. Gam.. days ure granted the plllintifl' in prai&ers. food, $64.75; Bagtord's Friday, February 21: which to filc a motion, demurrer Cora . Cornelius, executrix & l\i(loat Market, food, ,4.75 j Blair =~~=~~=~~=~::::::::= 2 o'clock, Harveysbul'g 18, 0 1' an wer. the e~tate of :tm ' orneJius, de- & Leroy', fuel, $66.25; W. W. Cline, food, $20.50; 'F ranklin Carlisle 10; 3 o'clock, Ma on 19, The jUdgment in the case of Fl'eu ceased, filed h 'l' inventory. I..JERB'is an offer that will appeal to all-American Wuyn sville IS; 7 O'clock, Kin !('s Kahn, doing busine s as Fred estate \Vas found to ~e eXlemp~t & F'uel Co., fuel, $16,26: Owen £""I Boy Magazine and this newspaper at a special Mills 20; Jlrlngboro 9; 8 o'clock, Kahn Motor Car Co., versus H. from inh l'itance tax. combination bargain trice. The American Boy is the Otterbein 12, Mol'roW 10; 9 E lmcl' Hastings was s atisfied, re- Angeline Martz, 'widow of Lew favorite magazine 0 more tban 500,000 boys and young men. Its 6ction carries boys on the wings of H , Mnrtz, deceaseu, elected to o'clock, Harveysburg 25, BJlle Ball I ased and di s mi ss.~d. adventure to all parts of the world. Its sports articles 13. In t he case of Jo eph F. Hall take un der the wi ll. Angeline Saturda,y, February 22. sersus A. F. Crockett. el a] serv- Martz was appointed executl'ix, no by famous coaches and athletes are . studied by chamHaving' decided to quit [Berm.",n icl" by publication is ordered, bond being tequired, R. D. ham. 1 will offer at public auction at Tw o o'clock, Kings Mills pions. Here you will find the 6"est stories on sports, Otrerbe.i n 6. In the case of Philip C. Roetling berlin, Charl s E. Mears and my home on the WaynesviJ) and aviation, business, school activities, humor, and travel ROOT FOR AND CONSICN Three o'clock, Harveysburg 2 , el', a minor, by Sttanley C. Roet- Owen C. Gross were 'appointed ap- New Burlington road, 5% miles Even at its regular price of _1.00 a year, The Amerirour Cattle, hog., aheep and calve. 1'I1a80n 18; 8 O'clock, Han eysburg t ing t, his father and next friend, praisers, can Boy is considered a bargain. But now you may from Waynesville, 2'i1 miles from to Noma-Brock CI.., Uve wire and 25, Kings Mills 11. vel' us Cheste l· L. Eva.ns, ale of In the caSe of Sarah L. Stitt, New Burlington, near the Caesars prorrel.ive finn f?r the hlgheat obtain it and this newspaper, •••• market price. and good aenice. sole. administni.tri.x of the estate C~eek Church, on automobile is ol'dlered. UDloD Stock Y&rclt.' Ciucl_natl, O. In the case of Central Finance of Etta M. Mill er, deceased, verTeacher. Meet For Boot. Review Frida,., FebruarJ 28, 1938, Tune in on Radio Station 'WCKY J oseph sus Ever\!tt S. Mill er, et aI, the Company, a corp", versus The Wayn e Township t eachers 12:25 to 12 :30 p. m. tor our daU, Commencing at 1-v'clock p. m., market reporta. held their regular m -ting on K. Miller, Sr., et ai, confirmation apPl'aisenlent wa s approved: The the following: administratrix of the e tate filed ' Wednesday evening of last week. of sale was ordered. 1 Horse,2 head of Cows, 1 Sowr~~~~~~~~~~=::::~=~ In the case of the Villag e of bond of $1000 with sureties. Mr. Frank wat> in charge of the with pigs, Farming Implements, ' 1 Franklin versus Jrohn ,RichardIn t he case of W. Chester di cu sion period and gave 0. reijrooder House, .Bxl0 feet_ view of "~uman Values in son, the uefendallit has I to Maple, executQr of the estate of Tl!'1'ms: Ca h. George E. Sbields, deceased, ver, Music Educatjon" by James Me-r- file his second amlended un wer, Send Your Order To ERNEST SHEPHERD In the case of Ralph Fitzgeruld ' s us Nellie B. hlelds, et aI, sale, cel!. 'Mr, Frank prefaced his re'tanley & Ko gler. Auctioneers, ' view by sta tin~ that the pl'oblems vel' us Edna Fitzgerald , a d ivorce of real estate is ordered. Wayne Smith, Clerk. was granted the, plain jff. The Walter E, Chesney , gual'diaD of that p('rtain to musIc education th eil' mihor chil\lrer\ Edward Crist, incompetent, filed IIlso pertllin to other subjects custody On accQunt of the death of my his first account. was gtven to the plaintiff. in !!chool. wife I will eell all my household In the case of The Miami Val· Sarah L. Stitt, admin· tratrix :Music, Mr. Fnlnk pointed out, goods, farm chattels, etc. by public need not be created by an indivi- ley Building and Loan Asso cia- of ~he e 'tat.e of C. C. Miller, deauction. Located 1 Va mile N. of tion vers lJ~ 0, Clark Van Camp, eea, ed, fil ed her inventory. , dual before he can appreciate it; Wayne8~ne, Ohio, 3 miles East of et al, R. C. Boy!! was appointed Wilmot ,GlJstin was appointed that 'is, a child can haVe enjoyment Cent~rvllle, Lytle, Ohio, 1 mile South of the I'eceiver and flIed bond. admini~t(ato r of the estate of M. and appreciation of mu sic even Pho~e 7'J E. Gustin, deceased, and filed Ferry Church on the Waynesville though he has never WTitten or and Ferry church road on of ~1000 with sureties. W. bond New Suit. produced a single note of an origW .......l'. MarchI', 1'36 inal comp osi tion. Children may I Joseph F. Hall, filed a suit G. Rockhill, W. C. Gilmour and Myron Johnston were appolnted Commencing at 10 a. m, sharp. get as much actual value from , against A. F. Crclckett and Lillian appraisers. head of excellent farm Horses 2 playing a harmonica as from It M. Crockett to qui~t title. tlOTARY PUBLIC The )nv ntory of Howard S. 6 head of Cattle, 4 Shoats double violin if the same careful study _____ Natl•••l B_II Conover, executor of tbe estate of im.; 80 head poultry. farm imple. f technique be. give n to each Probab, Court Emma E . De cker, deceased, was ments, Carpenter tools, butchering Willa Dra_ • • 'E.tal.. S.ttlo. i~st~ument. The fact that the The will of Bel~jamin F. Burdge approved. tools, 2 sides of Harness, 'Z tons WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Violin seems to produce betterre- ' deceased, was admitted to court The will of Leander A. Clark, Alfalfa Hay, 600 bu. Corn, and ""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!"! sults mig~t be because ~o much , Samuel Burdge and Benjamin deceased, was filed in court. T. complete household goods for a = ~101'e mUS1C has been Wrltten for 1 Burdge were aPI?ointed executors E. Fouch WIIS appointed to take POll IALE DATES CALL 10 room house. It. ~s .to whether o~· .not ~l1odern I and filed bond o:f $100,000 with deposition of Henry A. Beebe lUId musIc IS harmful, cntlce Terms 'Cash. .1 d dlsagree. . SUI'e t·le8. H . S . C"-,onover, Go'" e r 6 e H. C. B eckner, witness of wil); · B ot I1 cIasslcal ~nu mo ern musIc Gates and Ed. Stoutenborough For Mrs. Alice Trout was appointed sho uld be combmed to form a w~1l 'd. d d d t' P bli h I were appomte Ilppralsers. administratrix of the estate of F. T. Martin, Auct. rou~ e e uea Jon. . u c .sc 00 The inventory of Margaret D. Mary Ida Yowler, deceased, and W. L. Smith, 'Clerk. musIc should not be gIven With the W 11 e t" .J> th . '. e ea<-t .... e' 0 f filed bond ot $2000 with sureties. , WaynesvUle M. E. t-adiea' Aid expectation of makmg virtuosos ' a ' xecu rlx OI b e John Wall, deceflsed, was approv· Alv. Channey, Herbert Roy and will serve lunch. .IEIIE ,ITANLEY ou t a f Ch1' ld ren, nor Sh ou ld't 1 d EVoC-rett Reeder were appointed apgiven with the idea of tl'Bining e • , . . , Uo. N_ a.rU•••••, ow. 'I . d L t th h ' 1._ Wtlham Oberlin, admlmstrator praisers. EXECUTOR'S PUBLIC SALE v Ie mm " e e emp aSls "" h i th b' t of t e estate of John Oberl n, de· In the matte'r of the estate of EAJU. KOOGLEIl dId" s hift ed t rom t eac h109 e su lec The undersigned as executOr of 't t h' th h'ld Tl cease • tfi H e thhiS Invelltory. Eula Watkins, d~eased, ~a1e of 'Da7toa PIa... 0 eac ,ne: eel reno len, F d . . t t the Estate of Maud Fetter deceas. I d I th '11 • b d' ol'es a away, a mmls ra or bonds is ordered. KE••on IH. ed, \\'iIl sell at public auction at , 'l.n on yen, WI musIc e . e- of the estate of Irene Hathaway ber late reildenclt on Third 'atreet, slfet! and needed by boys and glrls deceased, filed h~s application for Maniac. Lie_•• ~aY.llesville, Ohi?, on a certificate of tunsfer. Frida,.'. A .. embly Merwin Scofield, i~borer of MaSaturdal', Marcia 1" 1138 Russell BlakE~. guardian of A ,p ep assembly was called on George E. Blake, a minor, filed his son, and Mis8 Edith Irene Urton, Beginning at one o'clock p. m. Friday, February twenty-first, second, final and distributive ac- of Mason. tbe f'ollowing property: Clarence D. Neal, farmer of Ruth, Bob, and Estey led ' the count. One range, Nesco oil stove, FOR SALE .west Middlet()wn, and Miss Alegroup in songs lind yells. An. Dean E. StanJ~~y and Millie Rye, heating stove, extension table', 2 nOllcements 'A'ere given by , Mr, elCecutors of the .estate of John B. tliia E, Pfeiffer, of Lebanon. cupboards, 12 cane seai' chairs, 2 FOR SALE - Team Sorrel GeldGars t and Mr. Lotz. The assembly Pence, deceased, filed their inv~n­ hard bottom chain, 7 rockers~ in18. Real workers. 1 Black group tOI'Y' was I,ldjournei.1 by the R_I Eatet. Tt.nafera side board, sewing machil\e, oak Mare in foal. Joe Githens, L~, ~ iJlging the High Sehool Song_ The will of Emma E. Decker, de Solomon Fred, by executors to bed," d~sse-r, 2 stands, 2 clocks, 4 Ohio. -f20-27 ceased, was admitted to 'Court, Abraham E. Fred, real estate in feather beds, pillows, carpet8, Sophomores Pres ... t W.. hiartooD Howard S. Conover was appointed Lebanon. small rugs, lcitchen tabII!, 2 FOR SALE-White rotary aewiq ADd LiDcoln PrOl'1'am executor, no bo'n d being required. Dor~ McCurdy to Henry Luding- couches, 2 library tables, lar&,e machine, late model. Mrs. Etta The sopho mQl'e class presented Howard Cheney Carl J, Miller and ton and Lurene Ludington, real es mirror, small mirror, porch awing, Baker, lit. Holly. f2'l a program at the assembly Tues· N. A. 'Hamilton were appointed ap tate in Turtlecreek township. Jot diahes and cooking utenails, FOR SALE--Whlte Ihill Jlaper, day, February 18., The program praisers. ' Irene Hathaway, ' deceased, to 9x12 linoleum ruga, prden tool. Mtami 10e per roU, at, tile The will of M. E. Guatin, deceu Forest Hathaway and ,Amy Hath- etc. consisted of: \ O&.e* olin. Devotion_Rac~1 Hartman, ed, wu admit~~ to court. away, 76.64 acrea In Turtlecreek Antique article.: Walnut comer fl 00 In the matter of the e!!tate of town.hip. "Columbia, the Gem of the , cupboard, kitchen .afe, che1T7 FOtR SADoI~BDBo;"~ Pearl Eulus, the bear· Ocea.n"-group singing. Eueenie Sevilla to Dienna SeY- bureau, what-not, roud top 08. - .. ia cODt11Iued ilia, real eatate in Lonland P~. cherry table, . a drawer I1raDd, 1I....m. PJaII1II, "Battle Hymn of the Republic i1ll on the to March 9, 1 -gtoup singi'Dg. Alice I. Trickey to Allee Jlmer, walnut bed marble top ataad Vlvian Re!lponsive readinlr Ruth &.90 ac~. in WIiyn, towDlhJp. lamp., and ~e"eral oth.. anIo1-. ' Conner. tion for the Carri, VeGntb to LUllan Lo". Terma: Cull. Yarns aDd joke! of Lincom- pardian of Robe1'1lOD, inlot Nils. 92 and eo til GEOAGE IIDCLUIl& Udred Cook. I eom~n:ellt. ~~ ~ \'· l.r~

School High Spots





:-1t'l· .. nd




Cary's Jewelry Shop








Plus Tills Newspaper'


At Reduced Price


Both One Year For

200 I

F. T. Martin Auctioneer


The Mi~mi 'Gazette





rtanIey ,. K00gler

Quality PrlDtlal

par~~~r;,.,~eReOlaBrgEeli~TbiUSO'Nt d




CLASSIFIED 1-----_ . . ._. . ADS. . . . . __

The Miami azette






(ICl'uplltio}1al dilieasil claim filed Yo ilh thp Indus lriul COlllmia ion of IIhlll In JIIOUlll")', Iu'('uiding t'J n


manj' "1\1:' ('c)lllpil(·.1 by .' IIIH'rinl('nd t' nl be L! lad ttl kIlCI" I h ThUll WI 1', KI'H1 n .. of the did,;iun Tidlll11,r i. . till 11\I~ ! l' I' , ,t


$7.1 ; Thp om , Ilk· ~uJ'(lliI 1I1t'1' officI' . ';(k; \\"II,dl,mw. il-::-laIUl!(i' eu" (.Ili(· ~ullpli\'. fill' tI'('tl,urn'", ,,:!,7:\; Th' Ofl1 q· llut(jtt(·t~ , o\\'rhuulilJl!: t~ )It' \llill'I', tl'!'tISllt'('I'~ fll\iCl', $1 :I.:lr,; T hl' \\""4t"I'n :1~11'. fa('·<iniil,. f(H' tl'ltl~ \lI(·I' •. J,f.,,: RlIb} \ 'un Hipll, f ood, .:1\,';1\; W:t1luc(, lG ~tOI'''', (oud, '. li ,iJi; T. ('. \VIII,dl 'Y, fiHlLl

0\ dill


I.,vpr. ),11'", Lul !c fectl und



Ollila 8hlA\\8n, hf.ltn. ,JO; Rub, <:1) ddft. 1J'·ld.lllilli' ,,, .. I, Bahll ~

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an RlIIl'r, rnod. ,29.2&: Blall' L ,ruy. (littl, $a,21l; W. W. Clin, f.""I, $:'.:JIl; H. UUI'PI', ro()d, 'II!. ::"; J) . It I'mith. food, $7.RO: GI'tI· B. ,J(lhn fill. ,c rvi('('H, $02.[,0; ('hli till<' CleV('ngl'I', !1P1'vicl'~ ' .';!i':,u·, 11 .. 11'11 It:lnd:lil, 11l'1'yicE'1I, $:.!7.,~(l; '1 1''1'111 'oyn, service , $ r~,r;II: rr.I!'I'''lI n & Z('rmnn, pl'illtill~ I"' UI rl'Ii'r h nrl . , $44.50,

,If ~ong fu .. !. ,'(U:!!i; Ll!b"lllln Fltlllti'l' ('n· OBi•• PM. . ..... .............. No. 1l2/l:'.'I(114!el',elo l hlll"t.1 pa. o.tortle. at W.~ne.· IIf, ~.i.l f ~ I~' IIncl hYl'it· lI\' . Ttl<' li~lIl'l' (N,tling hl'r 1:11"(' \'a ;;p,r nnd "I ... ~ AlalJ 1l'llI'iH'nt s nil inrr":r~t> of 2,1 ti hilill< nt. hC'I' \>utllti e{)Untl~ liP, ell" fUI'I, $U.7:ii 1.,I'\,il\ & Suhlcrlptloa Pr,c., SI.IO • · Ml1ll ~ r (,Jtlims in ('lllnl'al'i.l)n with lIll' cur- h I lrakl',' TIll'" fUl'I , .'I:':,jr.; ;\/ ,"'11111' OUll! 1\ till' f,lIIt uf nv'n Ul' -' It!~pondinj( month of Unlli. ThC'n' 11 b Flt'ci . SUI1J1ly { 'II .. fut!. ~(j.iIO; . I ' I ' f a I,a 1't ('I,; lR . , !H,'lll' al'VVY" Ul'g'.' . FRBR ARY 27, l Oafi \\~I'(\ (,I~ llY"ll!'h • !It,J';tlll ;\Iillin' ell. rill' I, *'iJiO; Jnl1uury, compal'l·t1 to ninety in Thl' ,Gl ay rlln:lIl(,~ l.;"cllnlUn )11~, rUI'Y Rich 'lr.t -flll, I ('Iltr, $Ci -========~============= J Janua ry 1\136, :up r~~ndent ~nt rtaln ed on .unuay ~~ un. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= PLAYINf;> WI T H YOU R M ONEY K urn ~ .niu, Mr!;. 'hC1'I1I1l11 WilRun and Ro n - - - • • • nul, of Wilmington, ":Ib rta. Jeon Th(' s tate liqu01' control board ~md Mllry J u Rich, llf nea l' W 11In commenting On th gl'o,~th of gOV(lrnmcnt hur flU. li nd the ('n n sil.kl' itl~11('¢"lT11rd e by nU\lI and MI' ' . hllJ'le~ Voiers Of. lendency of ufli ct' holdCl's to a ~, ume !II rml rnlllistic atLitudl' tOWlll'U lh tho Ohio Litluol' P el'lllit Hulcl 'I'~' I n ' 11.1' lIal'v cyl\bur~ . tUXI>RY I', Frank I). ~'itZg el'l\ld GOY l'Il(n of Mlc hi~l\n, ';;ni", in 1'(l(:o urll· A!'lHllciulion, 11 tru.le ol'gllnizalion, MI'. II.llI Mill, PC!l'r:f W ells und ing his experie nce in secki l1 A' a s ha r of f"~der:ll I' li ·r f\lIHI ~ to aid in to s~(l lllhl' ~:1 1 e of !Jeel' in. Ohio on uaugh :I'I''' "P III SU~ ,, ~~y ~1'tlrn o" l1 l building Un addition to lh, 1I11'ges l s tat e h ospital in Michigan: Sunday', At tIll' pl'(,l'lcnl Lime onl y \ \\ lth MI'. anel Mr'l, K. h. '1 hOlllp,on "A young o ffic ial Cl'om WashingtO I1 recenlly sal i n my office and lho sale of :1,2 b('cl' is P l'mitlotl : and Mal'Y Kathleen. told m th e stale would }love Lo c nfol'nl to cf?l'lnin l'u l", nntl r '~ula. Th qUQ.'tion WII. raised ' a 5 to 1111', Ilnd M'rs, Arlt Powell ami tins 'ollcerllin g II puh li.c I roj ct,' I' el:<l',' he s nid, 'we won't llc whethci' the h art! ha~ jus L<;di tion so n K ' 'lin >lh, Mr!', Ellen , Puw(' ll able t() grllnt ynu nny of UR money.' 'Our man y' i ~ whal h f:uid, Lo ad conc riling the . undllY and UltUl(ht.l.'I', U 'n ' va of ne[l r W'II, I told that young llIan hI' better go !Jack to W(l ~b il1l5':tln an.1 cI .ing .·ince the c;oul1s have h Id O)'(J,:(oniu, ~pcnt ~'ri(hIY wi th MI'. find ()ut whose mon y he wa, ta lki ng: Rbout. In thlJl in stance. h e that il.2 bee.' is non- intoxicating, und MI''', RufuR Rolil.!l l and chilwas talking ub o ut money belonging Lo th e' peO I)I, of Miuhigun, m!-,II '~Y '1 he ails ciation ul'I;\,ed greater co- dren. n a1' Kin!,:rnnn. th p 'ople of Michigan wer e r ighlfully ~n till (' d to u, e for the b e nefit op rnlir' n b ·tw u locnl l)olice and Mr, harl ' lInll Ilnd friend, of their tatc. s tnt, e nforcement agents in Mrs. Elta I"mne ancl {l'icnd, {or. "That'!! tlJ (l attitud which I deplore-this te' nd ncy t o count the ch ckinF On permit hold"r ' and in vin ~uj{cne Fl'Ilnc~, :liiss D rothy taxpllY r out of th e gamc ill1mol!~illtely aler h haN tht'own his chillS ,' unning down b II ggesr. Hall of H amilton wcre "inner * • • . into th pot. gue ts of h'. and Mrs. P,<rry "[t's th e taxpayer's fau lt in a WilY. He hus p'rmiUcd gov 1'n· lIio ,farmers are much beUel' Well, anLl :family I'ccenlly, ment bureaus and gov rnmeut sel'vice~ to pit up 011 Oll anothc!' off II' m u li vestock stanupoint A little bird has whispe1'ed to until th el'e's n way of making head or !.ail out of the tllngle. When than t.h~y weI' a y ar ago. A SUT- your core ~ J>ond nL Ulat the w(.'<1lhe structure of government i slxipped down to its natura l size ugair., vey just completed by the fed ral· ding bells will be ringinK in the when ils fancy trimmi'n gs an d Ul1neCesSllry annexcs hav\! b een re- ·~tptc reporting serviCe shows tllut neal' fulure in thi ~ Ilcighbothootl , movllu, the taxpayer is goi ng lo !'cgain s ight of his dolllll'So--'not hio fal'1n I'S hav mOl'e cattle, Will CURtin of Waync"vill'l' until til n, Once be gels a glimp~e of them, hc' ~ likely to luke II <h p and hog!! than they did a SP'nt 'unday m I' ning \litb K. K greutel' in te l'c~t in the l11annel', in which they ai' handled," yea)' ag o, amI that th vt\lue of tho three c1al'ise of lives tock had in - Thompso n. L Don't for g t Lh~ opel' til to b<: c)'eased tifty-tJU'ee per cent by ~atluary 1. The numb r of horse!!' g iv 'n by lhe~lee clu i> at Harvey :!. and mul es remained statio nary, l;ul'g on Mar<!h 20, at the gym. Tbe IlV l'age valUe per head of corge Moore of near Or ' ' 11 nil caW and calves was placed at Briar, ca ll d on K. E, Th mp son .39.40, an incr ase· of $15.40 per Saturday afternoon, 8:00 Music and weather f r(>cu t. hend inee Januar)' 1, 1!l35, Milk 8: I) 'fh~ Bl enncrha!lset,s and t.heir ~slllnd Home- H. E, E wine, K. E. Thompso n utill rcmuil1~ 8: 15 V ocalional TI'ain ing' Availahle to Out-of-Sc110ol IraI'm Boy, _ cows increased in lIlue ft'om $31 ill at lhi: wl'iting. J ohn B. McClellunrl, agl'icultul'ul education D pt. to $61 ach. · Sh eep and lambs in· J, Le e Talmage 81,tI Mrs, Aduh crea. d in value from $ 'L.16 to- $6, Talmu e ~ p e nt Satu)l'dllY in Wny. 8:25 Music. oopcrativ 'Movement 'and the hur h- group tiL CUll. ion . 10 on the- avel'll e. Th e value ()£ 8,:411 Th n sville, hogs incl'eased 123 per cent during !l :00 Clolhiilg Chat-Mi ss tunic Teal, 'c1othing peciuli)O;l, Miss Mal' y N etle Ileason vi~itNd the year, to an ay fllge price of 9:10 Mus ic. Mi s la1'Y Kathleen Thol1lp ~ on $ 12 ,60 pel' head, the survey il1dilIestions-diali ue. 9:20 An wets to Poultry Monday evening. 9 :25 Alfalfa as n Soil {mproy'r-R. M. alter, head, Il~ronomy Dept. cated , The t.otal val ue of Ohio Mrs . Ella F I'l'i, visIted John livestock on January 1, elCclu. ivo Progress of Ohio's POI' sky P olicyE. G, Wlesehu gel, f orestry 9:35 of sheep a nd la mbs on feed , 'wa!' and Mal'y Wil ~o n near L banon Dept. recently. , e timat d at . 193,OOL,OOO. 9:45 to 10 Drllmatics and wea.ther forecast. Iyd Sums a nd fllJi:lily spimt HIS important annual ale at Rikc's brings you wanted, new Spring merchan· · 'unday \I ith Eph Smith and elise at the most exceptional savings of rhe season. No matter what your needs family a,l Olh·.e Branch. l


Farm hight lalks, March 2




Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol

• • • ~

a resul t



mod<:/ ro oms may b s 11 n Rike's FUI'nitll)'C Plo(n' , und offe rs many id eM J ilL' honlfl d c'orating. I, calm'ed in thc'se new mod 1 I'oom. are th t:! hroll1O Kitch The F deral muing Roorn- Th Eighteenth entury Living Room - A lIiodern B dl'oom - "Fore· castlo"- the bedl'oom fo r boys, inspired by a ship' esbin. , Another inlt'l'e_titlg exhi bit at. RiKe" d uring their AnnivOTtlal"y el <bralion will b il ~ ries of oil pa intings trAcing thl'! hi ~ tol'y oi m .n's ·hat!!!. T he cll.l'ly . 'lyl mal' be t]uit.~ al11u~in g to u till but they jIIustrate an intere.lting c1evdop. ment of men's hat fashions II'o nl the early d ays to , lll~; present. Th e Rik e-Kuml I' ompany, ~hich was rounded in ] 5:3, now cel~brat s th it' Eighty Third An· nivel'sDIY Ilnd invi('1' th ir ClISLOmers fl'om thoughout the Miami Va lley to j()in in their cel ebration. , olor ful arit,iYel'SII I'Y di Klllays alld to t h atll'activeno.!; of the sto re on thi: impo rtant ocea, ion.

are in the way of new apparel for yourself and family; furnishings and appliances for yOUl' home-you will be able to satis! y these needs at substantial savings. Plan to come to Dayton Tuesday and share m Rike's 83rd Anniversary Sale Values.

dcaths of H ugh Ad.d i on , f 'of ,Famaul Royal S pode Eihibit the Diyisio of S CUI ities the Come. From tRta Department of amm l'ce, and T. S. Brindle, Stat.e Director of Public WOl'k, thre shif1-s in 1110 t interesting exhibit of state emplOYe ~r onnel wel'e J ' ' I h' '11 b d' 1 ., k b £i .. • } I I ' I l lS orlca lila WI e on tSp I'IY ma(Ie Ia t \I ee y uvV In r ru:- at the Rike.Kumler Company ill tin L. Dav y. B, Frank Thomas . of 1) a yt on 5 ... t' M nrc. h 3 Thl's e"...... 1' m g' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ p~Tchll Illg hibit, 'Which i .. kn ow ll as t he 'Royal Yo ungst.ow n, state ag 'nt , was named new chll·f of the S I ' E -..1.·b '\. . as assel1lbled " d' i . I G W hI ,POC c "") 1, W y y ' urs by secul'ltles IV Sian,' ar .. h a , over Il 1) 1'1' 0d 0f a m \1 o~ D tianc , 'll!S~ tant hlg w~y the Sl)ode ompllny, fa mous dll~ ctor, beclllnG dl1'ector ot-pllbhc mu k' I' 0 f d'Inn rware . . E ng lan " In . u. works, and Glenn A, Horn of I th 11 t' " 11 b hown t.Il t· 11' i n t state n (\ co C lon \\1 e s e H oI n~c , . coun Y S I a dinne[ are e rvice of the Royal pure BalOg ag.en ~ • Family ()f England , as well a s the bl' h I n pattern$ used by other European · • A. d ec.1lIle ln pu IC SC 00 eto llm ent in Ohio during .1935 was notod in at~.ndance figures reo leased by Dr. E, L. Bowsher" State Dir ct.or of ~ducation. He repOlted that there was a (lecreas.e of 4,104 pupils, whieh was attri· buted to a declining birth Tate and to les immigt'ation. Since 1924 HORSE-STEALING Ohio's birth rate decreased frem 21.2 per 1,000 population to 14,4 REPORTE D GROWING Try The Miami Gazette For A in 1935, it was said . frol se·stealing is staging n come the . recent Ther~ ",' ere 14,065 injury back a a majol" crime, uccQI'diug Y ear, to r'c pol'ts l'cachi ng O. S. U.'s college of agriculture. Horses have incl"lea sed tl"i!men. dOll sly in value durilllg t he depre Royal Families. Some of the sion, and all over th' co un t l'Y, it • dc-sign arc over one hund red seems, farmers are lfinllin g it wil'lCl "ears 'old, spccial pieces of which to keep the ir barns locked. , ate valued at over two thou su~d dolla rs. Th e patte rn which ill DUl'ing the Ie n years many . fnrmerll have gone back to the u ,o creating a great deal of interesl of horses instead of traclors. The i that wlJiclJ was selected by greater demand for hOl"ses nl Pri ncess Marina iot, her wedding the price up, and illl the case of , to the Duke of York_, horses it takes about nve' years , A l'epresentative from the Spode , for 't h e upply to cntch up witll COmpany will be in attendance 'the demand. the exhibit which is to be held in CUl'l'ent reports say th re are Rike's China Ilnd Glassware DeTh' 478,000 horses on Oohio farms, with ' 11 h oor. CLASSIFIED ADS COST ONLY l~ pal'tment On the e'ou~t , a total estimated ' liorth of $05•• represelJl.t.ative will explain the 6!J1,OOO- a n avel'age of $137 11 ONE CENT PER WORD, WHY historical background of th.e e head. KEEP YOUR ATTIC FILLED ~ ari4ul! dinner services to those atten di ng th e exhibit. WITH USELESS ARTI€LES

COLUMBU The extreme ' cold weather hus affected the g rmin ation qualities of aeed corn in hio, according to a warning Lsued py Directol' Earl H, Hllne1eld of th e State Department of Agricultul:e. Te ts of se-ed corn from va rious sections of the state show that t he moisture w:hich was prevalent in a large percentage of corn last. fall has frozen anu thawed a lternately to the point where the kern Is in mllny Instances are u bject to mo uld and conequently germinate poorly or l10t at all, Director Hanefel d aid. He caution d all farmers to take the precaution this year of testing all ed corti for gerlllinaJ;.iQn, a process with which all f a rmers arc familiar. I n cases wher the seed corn was selected la t JaU and well stored ~ith adequate ventilu.. til1)l it w ill very Iik~ly test well up to standar d, but much of Ohio's seed corn will measure f ar from par in genniniltion properties, Director Hanef Id asserted. As



11- ,



• • •


Smiles Beam 'Round and 'Round When You Bake "Windmill Cake"



- - - -,... .. News From ",orren

1Ileu'ba~or of Di oRlle Qu in t uplet.


SN'T it beart·warmiq to. bear murmun 0' admlraUOIl wbell

0U brlq a laaDdlome, e~..ft111... cake to the table' DoD't ~eh tl1bates re,.,. ~01J 1'01&11, lor the tim.. 70U took to decorate 701lJ' eake' , ADd ~01J caa ...., tIlll decora\ton: YOll call froet thII ealte With lwhlte fI'oeU'" 'u ll t1at tile coconut pink betore FOIl appIJ- It; J'01I C&Il &lnt tile rro.U.. JlDk uul decorate eltllw Wiua Wlalte 01' ....ted ooco-




Among tlJe other unusual exhibits p lanned 'for Rike's Eighty Third Anniversll.l·y Sale will be the origirtal Inc ubator used by .01'. Daf oe for t h e f amous quintuplets. As you recall, Dr . Dafoo sent out tolretlaer three tim... Creall ~ thoroughly, add Iqar "T'UJltaI L "~ a l1 u rgen t message for an oldaDd cream toge~her fashioned wa wr h eated style inclIaulr,. Add Gour. alt.ArIllAt'Ai ... bator . This was nece, sa ry . du e to llqult!, .. lman .&mOUlt at .. the fact that there was no electribe&t.iD' after eaeh a4d1Uon smooth. Add Ilavorl... ; fold city in the r ural Can adia n f armwhn.. qutcld~ &Dd tIUIlr'O~IKh:I' hoiae where the "quints" were Bake In two peuecl ..IDola PI'" In moderate DYea (1'11" F.) 28 bor n. Thi4 top t her with a beaumlaut... Spread Chocolate rrol~ tiful oriiPD&l oil paintins of the betweell"'" ull 011 top aad 114 Dionne quintuplets will be I howtt of cake. 1ftI1e traaUq .. MOl muk air .. etpt HCtIDIIa. 1IDrI1lkl. in lUke'. Infants' Department 0\1 molat, Iweete_ 00CGa1lt. . . alter. the Seco1ld Floor. The paintinr "u and a • • cover l or a recent

. --..... ....



:::~~=~ . Te

.... of Pa&wta' ...... Ine.

Cou '! ty Cm'lrt House (Continued i ioln 2 ) H r~chel M, Wil1iatns, pl,'ofes ional s ervices, $5; HelEm Dough man, 'b1Jard and care, (mfl'ord. J)oughIl\an, $7 i Mrs. Ira Eltzroth, board and care, Alice tal'key $;); James' Moon', bqal'd and care, Lucy Moore, $&; Mrs. Elmer Lac y board Ilnd care Frnnk Lacy, $5 ; Mrs. Lule Gabbard, board and care. Lincoln Gabbard, $5 ; Mrs. Juli a Holland. board al1d eal"e Veillon HollaTld, $5; Mrs, Margaret J ones, boar d and ca re , Oli e Ga rdin er, $5; Mrs. Oma Oaboroe , board and care of Walter Bar low, Franlt Ba llinger, $22; Blair " Lero, coal furniehed Mrll Osbotlle '9.32; Columbul Blan k Book Mf". Co., vendor'. applications, ,1_80 i Til ea lopN for
















[tI HAVE [ft OHIO WDM m~'



). \\ i· ~11I1II"r, 119. I'a,,~ .. d R" 01)' nt, pital in IlII rtll 11 , ~undllv nHtrnill~. II,> "fie U



mington, W~tl' dinner guell 1\11'. lind M • nOli aid Hadl y, ThundBY ('v<'ning. Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl Pickel'lnB lind daugnt(>l' lind Mr~. Ada Chenuwt'th of nt.crviUe, called


I, and until ilt. I will hl' Ill<' • }'. Ml'Iloh in hi" "'fJurt h ~tnet. T(')('I,hl)II" l05R:!.

,It th{, :-;t:l!t,

and little daua-hter, of near


'. D. H_,," kit· , Hr. anll Mr , H. E. Hathaway. of Waym'~\liIIl', Milll< Laura Ro. lIll1tlt> or Ciut'innati; I\h~. Mal'gafet ,Johns, Mr. and M rR. HIII'old Whitaker and chilo "re'n. u }'rom 0 'celnber !lrd to Fekruary 17th, ill this community theJ'(~ \,. t.n~ 28 days tha.I- I't snow d sonlC . d' h d i h .. I tim urlng t c oy or n g t. ~n( il'om DccemLer 21 1.0 Febl'ullry 20 lh 1'0 were 20 days that lh' th rmOm tel' was zerq 01' b 1ow.


ItI'otnl'r ut' lh, IlIt<' • D. ::lhant'r. I' } I 11 t' 1 1I~ i~ , Ill'vin'u by nllc ~()1I, 1"rL'll ,:11" al< I , Mod rn Homemaker. Can Extract -- ~ :llllller, or Duylon. ~ Color From Raa B .... 10 B-au~u nduy nftt'I'noon at Lhc horne of r I . d I h tiCy Own Home. 1\11". Mela Rog'I':I, Mrs. Belle Y ,Jeff Th.ompsoll, of J,t'blll1vO, "u R 'Uller ~t1.l'\ICP8 Clln h uctel u , Scott. and 11-. nnd Mrs. J. B. G I) I, I ---,. calling 011 Wayn,<'''\'iJ]e Pdf-nd ev. . . lu(ol't were E'tl at the . . JOlle . '\1""1'1'11 earlier in Ihe dur· tod tubbs 1"UII(,1'31 Iltllnt' Mondu>! I Mr.. Tt'umnl'1 GIllam IS r cove r hio women who hu\'(' t . I I Ith ny. ~. I .Mr. nnd 1\1rs. Harold Whitaker IT(' hali IlI'n In !l'0n. pp • aft('rnoon. Rurlal was nt WiI· In~ s owly ft'om thE' ffeels of a in t.he hom ml1de rup: prfl j ct. s pan and childl'on moved in wilh Mrs. UI' t" lhnt till!. Thrt' ' 11-. Ilnd J, J . :lJunft(·l1. of .mington. . :£H1l rCCt'ivl)d \·cc(mtly. .on·t! by thc home Whitaker': [larent.s, Mr. and Mrs. i.t!ltben, Robl'rt, ,1~II'nh , n,1 'hUl" , n} umbus. !'llPllt S tUl'dar wilh The mUIIY 1'1'icnds c)( Harry di\'i~inn of . S. U. hn\' p'l'uved Hal'wy Burnet, until completion 1. '. lIf \\':\yn~$I·ill{'. 1111<1 Ol\t" }1~. and Mt' ,0. '. idgc. ':...- - - - - - - _ .. Tuckel' 'Will ~ lIurpri. ·ed til hem- that Ih y hay ru nlU h lalent. lind of lh<' ,'em'odcling of the tenant Decembel' 25, it WIIS 8 11 IQ~, ,j. kr. 1\11''". lillY Jin', 1·1 D, yton It I.f his. marriag!, to Dor t.hy in '('n uity as th<'il' pionN.!I' ::mce. _ house on the Burnet. fI\1'I11. January 22, 13 below, JllllUDl'y 2:1 ulyhL·. l\Ji~f< 1~li7.nh ·th Mull U \\ll: in . llalfll.ns or WalhclI\diilg on last tors nnd i.hnt mo<1 In hOl1.lcl1luk<,l's Mr ami Mrs Walte'r Kenrick in was 2a below f January 24, 17 I I. t \\'0 U1YS 1 tl liS ' we(' k In . le- '1" .• I11 t'IOns. ,an d I}CSt ('an ma'tlufllct.UI'l' n. mUch bl'auty C Illpnny "\th Mr!! Bell below' Fun ud ~ 1·"i~e, v UIl\"US ,'I .... ay. (~ onj!'U!.U OOn a n d ' January 27 , 15 , below'' thl' L'lllbh,., 'lin I'll I H Ollie 'aLul'- llitenJUllce .it the Hairdresser.' by JUDSON DEAN \Ii. h s to them.. I flom lh~ cuntl'nls of n s crap bag I daughters of Dllyion' wCl'e entel._ l ld~CbI'U!Il1'y 18, 14 bClObW' TheToh~h~l' th re 'lt l'otel •'J r. rtvYr . [1 , ,'1 ~ . I'n N~I' . dll U('r dId. ' I tlli ned to II lheutCl' port I · ay · 1'0111 zero to 6 1ow. IS IR ''1:1", .' oft"rn'lon .." n.'...- 0 'clock " , 'l't}1 con\'entl'Oll nt u. > • . c .. rren 11:1 ~'a ~ any Jog cullin 'I atu rday R v. ' .. Dibl'\'t "tIi('i Il Lin. - - - - .,- ) )"Mk (In 11 bu:;illl'BS Al1j('lnizc' cou nt y h s hCE'n one I"fternoon by Mrs. Alic. lurk in ' fwlonl1t a K r c~rkd kept by Mr". III Mr~. W. E. W. "iii .. Ic I1 'I. tJ'II'con- I. f thE' c.e nler!:' (If tl.le I"vlvol . a r nnc ' . IIII .. t'lllenl: w bt I\t T\' "e.· t Ot'It slu nd~ a tomb 01,' . ic(' and 1\.11'1:1. W. of ])ayton, lind a .dmner I1fterward at I R ali bur~' W Ye in Ii d I I I ~~~~~~~======~ J\,IOI1. " ,·to ne, n desolat.e specter \\1105(' ne to leI' Ie " mterC's t In t'llg llluklng, und 654 f hH apaTtment in the Maud Muller --- - - Tuesday, \\ her Mr. ornell, who '1 I 1I~ " L k broken und crumpled window 1', all! .r~, 111. U' ns \\'OIlUln ill the ounty have worked MI'. nnd Mrs. Thede Jone and "rr=~=======~===~i'I rut heen suffering with eye t.rou- pel' like hollo" evil eve, OVeJ' Were olulllbu>! vi~il '" I"~l 'utur- : on l'Uj:l~ ullder tho Icadei'ship of on, tilton were ntertained to ble for sev l'al monlhs, COn ulted 1 . .. un eye speciali t. After a thol'ougn Lhe onlooket'!; who .,"'np~~ with ,ny. I tl I I t.h Norma A ~chbach 1', hOnl!' demon- dinn 'I ' undny Ot the home of ~llla1. ment. The main cntron eo; i~ Many from H'I'~ a el1~ ( e stl'l\lion agent:;. Mis~ Aschbacb L' Mr. nnd Mrs. J, H. Jone . I x.amination IlI he wa informed festooned with a myriud of I(I'n g tOllrnnll1cllt (It MiU::I lind we thnt, in sonl o ho'm cs where , 1\h·. Alice MiliCI' and son, Ray, that the tl'ouble could be over., f b of ice app<'aring as the wicked we re vel'Y prouu 0 our oy~. th rn n WC1't! no 1 0 n~t'I ' bu!'.y r a.nd Hey, and II'S. JQS ph Vuker come and undt-r treutmcnt. thfl beWhisker d mouth of a mercil(, ~ Th P. T. A . hdd its l'e~Ulllr pt'liing lndiall rnids, the lords of ~pent i'u . day in Dayton. i 'birthday nlurduy l1\Pfovement is very ncollraging. grisled giant. 'Phe mc.'tillg lin In st W dneHdll.Y mght. the manOl' also dill a little und Mrs, End Young As we pas thru the door Lhut n'('ull d [(' O. . . fac.ulty memMr. O. R·. nglesby's birthday neurby hal'lI~. th~ cuJ'iou t!lt'o ns: TI)(' local GIIII)ge lind th o Fal'l'll llIakin~ lit times when .t hl' neigh. family moved Wednesday fl'om lead into a new year, we h~r; .11 number of Ohio "~nglesl/ in annivet'l:lary was appropriat Iy ith a broken chorus of "ke~p BurulU had charge of thl~ pro- bol's WeI' not. looking. t.he tCitant hOU 8 on th Burnet the liic. of the rolr t p~~ldent.. ! celebrated Friday evening with 0 movin', you", but th E' people 0111'1 gl!lm .a nll MI'. Roh l'd 11.11t e~ of Aft er the rug mal\cl'll fOlll1d fnl'm to Ralph Johns llroperty take Mock Of oui accompli. bments during the past year 11C IS the trlp WhlC~ \~a Inng- !amily dinner at which the s huffle 1\ prl'tenliou," . tel>, stop und \\,ih~mgton SP< ke OIl hl~ tl'JP to that \\'0 I n ~ood; wel'c t h.e most v cated by th e Whitak l'S. and r · new our resolve to live 1nn look along the OhIO r Iver ~ following were pre nt: rlr. an<1 gllJ!e 'kyward agllin. A rain~ IllU['- ~1 XI(·O. I t \l'a ' much nJo)'c d by satisfactory. for this work, theT 1\1\'. and Mrs. Walter KCl1I'ick up t the opportunities pretween Oc1ober 20 and 'ovember Mrs, Carl anker, of Mason; Ml'. mUJ' brenks t hrou hout tb~ crowd all. IVNO a few complaint, from the and lames Haines .called at the sented by our responsibilities. 2_, 1770., ~e travel d. by boat as and Mrs. M. D. Baird and daugh- as firemen bl'ing anoth,'" bOuy .1Ifr. Robert 'milh who has been men thnt th ir half-wOI'1I iraI'm nt hOnl es of lI1isses Ella lind lara Olll' polley if! lind always will ! I' .~ th~ Kanawh~ rlver . .on the tel', Patsy, Mr. 'a nd M:r . Nelson from Lhe blazing d~,·elict. s th ~o ~ i ck for I\lllny weeks , is .able to disappeared in a my~t()\'i ou8 K'nl'ick and Mr, and Mrs, Thomas be to give the kind or service I atum trq) the OhiO was In flood Watkins anq son Roger. (joors of th IInlbutllllce c l(l~e und b~ nbQl.It in his room. . fa 'hion, but tho b auty of' the in Dayton, Sunday ,nit r. that we ourselves would exs1.l)ge and the pa{t.y ab8ndon~ th ' search for dea.d conlinuc , th II', .and , !til's. Herbers C~r complet drug qnded all contra- noon. pect if W(I weI' placed in n the boats at the present site of The 5th birth annivel' ary of drone of subuucd voice augm nts ntcrtnmed JO ~ 1):0' I. chal'lllmg v rsy. All 80rts of materials flom The. econd divi ion of the imilar position. Our nim 'tc.ubenville. R mainder of the Mr. Keziah Thompson which will to a husky chottel' lik B. ymphony manne r, the )U11 10r b.n ke~bnll burlap bags to l'ilk stocking went Ladie Aid lvill give an evening's wiil he to constantly improve j urney to Fort Pitt wa made ~y OCcur on (arch 2, was ob erved on ly 1.0 be. brok n with a n oc- leam and coach on Tue day evcn- into ft Ot' covel·ings. olton goods e nterta inment at'Lytle Hall, Fri. our pr viou b t efforts. horseback, on Sllnday with the. following ·c a. iOllal interlude of "all right" ing for din~ r. , were ati faclory for bedl'oom day ",vening, March 6. Two ShO l.t ("'lll"1

Ed\\urd ~tl"lJ"',


IL l, .11l 1I 1'11 .~. I II)' 1\ f ,'1'11''''11 a I111(1 t <! "'('Iud; I' hi hOlll(o "'Il r. utl' :~. . (ollo\\il1" n ~trokl' of ol'apJe. Y



















Wa~it\gton til 0 owned at one time a large tract of land in what is now Ohio. nother point, of intere tithe part played by Ohioans last year when the Washington monument at Wasbington, D. C., had it.$ first g neral repnitls and bath. The work was done by an Ohjo contractor, Ohio cement was used for mortal', and the final scrub· bing 'was accompli hed with thq aid of abrasive sandstones :from • hio quarries.

Ohio farmers , pent more than 4,000,000 for fertilizer in 1935. The tonllage bought> approached t he amount purchased . in 1929, which wus ihe high point in Ohio fertilizer sales in recent y ars.


II Oh-


Stop Look _ead Big meat sale of Fancy Baby Beef, Pork, , Veal. All . home dressed. Pork l8e

Pure Open Kettle R enderE-d Lard, 2 Ibs . ... .......... ,..... 27c Home Rendered.


Short Ribs, 2 lbe. "... .. .... 27e Swiss Steak, lb . ... .... .... .. ..... lie Shoulder.

Pork Stenk, lb., ,................ 22c

Fresh Ground Beef, lb. .... lISe

Fresh Side, lb. ......... ....

Beef H earts, lb . ........... 12},c


PUle Pork Sausage, 2 lbs. 38c

aeef Liver, 2 lbs. .. .... ... .. 31Se

Fresh Hams, Ib, ...... .. .. ..... 21c Whole or Half.

Beef Tongues, 2 ]bs, ....... 27c

Spare . Ribs, 2 Ibs.



Back Bone, 2 Ibs.



P ork Liver, lb . ... ", .......... 15c

.Veal . - . • • ,i· . .•

'0 (ounder ./ a.1f



Special P rice on Quartera of Baby Beef. See theae Saturday.

Fine Line of Fi.h for Lent.

Coyle's Quality Meat Market liver Absolutely Fr••


Reduc.tion a Deductions made by bUYl'rs tor bl'ui ~s on lambs cost th e gTowel'S two c n[~ per lomb (01' (ver'Y animal scnt to market.

Lyt'e Ml'S. E. B. Longacre wa quite ill lnst week with rheumati m. Mj Laura Rosnagle of incinnati W1l a week-end guest at the home of Mr. and MI'. Ha1'vey Burnet. !'tIl'. Donald Badley and 1\Irs. Theria Jones and 80n spent Saturday af~rnoo n in Dayton. Mr. Bud Mrs, William Hardman and Mr. and Mrs. Alexander of Daytof1 were Sunday aft rnoon gue8t~ of Mrs. A lice T!lickey and daughter. • Mr, Glenn Johns and sqn. Paul and Mrs. Elizab th Smith of Dayton, were dinner guests of Mrs.' Margaret Johns, Sund~y evening. Ml·. and Mrs. Alle-n Emrick and Ray Miller spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon S nli • bury at Washington C. B. Mr. Salisbury came fot· them and brought them home Sunday evening. .Mr. and 'Ml's. Edwin Nu tt of Centerville werc · S unda-y after· nOOn gueots of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doster

annual roll cal1 Of the EVERY American Red Cross is a trio bute to the woman who, long before it was considered proper for women to have a career, c rvcd cne for herself in the service ot numa'l)ity. She was the fo under of the Am erican Red CroBS, Clara Barton, "America's F lorence Nightingale." . She was born on Christmas Dty, 1821, 'at Oxford. Mass., anil carefully reared and edaeated. She was past forty when she undertook the great initial work of her career of devotion. When the Oivil War bl'oke out, Clara Bal'ton from ber own in· come and the gifts of friends started a fund to supply com· forts to the soldiers. Later, distressed by the fact that wounded men were arlen receiving inadequate care, she begred permission to render atsi8tance. She fought .gunst prejudices and rebuffs and ftn· ally succeeded-the firs t time that civilian aid had been &e" cepted lor. 'military nursing, and the first time that a woman had any ahare In war-time care of the wounded. Quietly effieient, yet feminine and charmln~. Mias Barton JM. came the An,.1 of Merey to

thoUltanela 01 aoldiel'll. After the

war ahe exhausted her fUI.: a nd strength in the task I. ' identifying and marking a~r ' priately the bn1'ial olaees soldiers. ., Broken in healtih, she. went , Eur()pe for reeovory. There s1, became interested and active ,. the work of the Internationr . Red Cross, foundfed only a fe years 'p rlWiousJy t'h rough the efforts of 'her ilIusl:rious contell' porary, Florence NigMinga! She particulal'ly admired tl non-partisan and non-sectari" attitude of the Red Crose. . She returned .t o America wi ' the determination to bring c. country into thil!l internation, grollp by signin!!: the treaty c Geneva under whUh it operate. . After organi&ing the Americll" Red Cross Soelel~y, ahe cam pailtlled for offiella] recogniti< until President GarReld, in 1882, finally .iped the . For 20 years ehe as head ot f ' the

Intere.t and activity in buildin g and cooWuction work i. increasing with th e coming Qf Spr in8' The demand for quality . lumber. and material. i, a lrea,d y incre .tng If you are con templatinc building either now or in the Spring-let u ••tre .. the advantace. of orderinc n~w. You will 8et choicer mat eriala--be tter service and save money if y~~ let ua buy for you at this time. Price. are .boun d t o ,incr ease a lon8 wit h a , hortace of labo~ a nd a conp .ted market-ORDER NOWl


For Weather Stripping



W.·H. Madden & Go. Wayne,ville, O.

Phone 14


CLARA BARTON' Pork Chops, lb . .... ,..... . .. .. 25c

Pack t Roast, l b.


Fresh Callies, lb, .............. . 17c

Round or Loin Steak, lb... 21Se

Chops, lb.

110",. ,1.1• • , (/"/onl. ,(mft'""

Chuck Roast, lb, ............. ": 16c

W e,



Steak, lb.

J. E. McClure


Late Classified Ads.

~· thiaN~.






Our Resolutions

ke p movh\', you," Then the wail MJ·~. a~lle Reason. and Mr. rugs, but silk and rayon were play and other numbers are on of II ir n a hu h and the move· Clyde Levlcy <' nl~l:tB med . evers1 1l\01' ~ suitallle fOt' chair senLs 1.han the program. The Fires family m ent b()gi~l! over. again. Illdie.s on T~csdilY l'vening, fOl' rug. ol'chestrn of Waynesville will 1ur- - - - - -. M1SS LucII~ Tuck r sp\\n.t Lhe Fram needed for thc work od nish the music. Dil'ectors of the Craw!ol'd week· nd WIth her mother and hook ed ru 8 wel'e IabriClI-ted from Mr. an<1 M.r. Harvey Burnet county fed ral land bank 10lla a~- i family. ,. pictu~ frames, quilting frames, entertained at cnrds and a covered soc iation reported at their recent 1'.11', Plll,ll. ]0 l'~ncllI spent the 'Of by clamping four pieces or di h dinner aturday e vening, t h e PhOIl. 7 annunl m ting that out of 9G4,_ 1 we k-end wl~h hI brot?eJ', Prof. I wood togcther. Some of the following gue ts If. and Mrs. A. . 000 in It) loan s not one was de- I R, , FranCIS llnd fll1mly and at- w01l'<n made thch' own hook. by S. ollett, f ro lind Ml's. Howard , 10 Iinqutnt either for taxes 01' inter- .tended th coun y tournament. Ia hioning pie es of hardwood or Graham of HlltYe)'sburg; {r. and I ~;===========_' est. . Mr. ~nd Irs, W. T. Jord~n l by" bending and filing nails or I ~=~_",,:::===~_-=-============::::;-:::--:--=~ enl rtamcd ~ompa~y on Sunda}. piee s of wil'e, • ' AVENUE FLOODED Mrs .. Pauhn-t!· l!Jurs and 80n: The workers !onn(1 that hooked ()~ . Sprmg Valley \I Cl'e recen rugs required t1t mOllt time and old l' weath 'T following the VI ItOl'S here. . . that wovcn I'ugs n eded th most rain of Wednesday and WednesMr. nnd l\Ir~ . 1\1. Alkms werc skill day night may check any further Lebanon visitol'S 1a t Satut·day. . ---

l'i e of the Little Miami river PUBLIC HEAl.TH WORKERS t.cndiJy rising TO MEET AT WILM INCTON which has been since Tuesday. At prest' nt t he water covors Corwin aven ue to Th e Warre~1 County Tubel'the . depth of seven or eight culo is ond Health Associntion inches. will be l ' pre ented at an all·day di tl'ict mE'etin~.l' of public health workel' nnd hrisLmas n ulth Seal sale execu'tives to be held at the eourt House, in Wilmington, Wed!le day, Mnrcb 11. FOR SALE Mr. E. J. Hiatt, Wilmington, president of thle Clinton County PECIAL SALE- Ivory Enamel Pu \>1ic He<llth League, will pJ;CRoasters, Tea ·K tUes, Pereola- side at the meeting Which will beto I' , Di. h Pans and Kettles. R. D. gin at 9 :30 n. m. and continue Collett Hardware. Ph one 9fJR3, throughout the dny aftel' a lunchWaynesville, Ohio , eon meeting lit n oOn.


Boilillg Beef, lb . ............

A Renewal of

COJ1~ st~tioned

members of her falpily from incinnati present: Mr~. harle My r, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Henderson II1\d on, Mrs. Be S1 Henderson, Marie and Jack ie Henderson and Mr. El010re Bi nk. ley.











, . "


• •





We ~ave a large stock ()f Good Used 'Cars which 'must be .sold at once. Popular models at prices you ' will want to pay. Come in and look ov~r our selection of Used Cars.




Eighty-Eighth Year


TllUHSDAY, MAR HI':, 1936

Whole Number 6211.




According to a st.atcment. made ounty Tr~asureT Ross II, nart~ock ihe collection of December r al estlrte inxes will c m- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-;-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____________ _ __ _ _ _..".



Win First Game


m nce not soo ner than April 1,

GEORGE EDWARD STROUSE GEORGE HARTSOCK but that evcTY effort will 'be mad WUI Se-t''Ye Out Unexpired Term to hav the books natly by that GeOI'l&e Edward, son 01 Jonathan Of The Late Georae Gc()rge Tl8l'lsock, SO Il ()r Samuel dllte. and Rach ~ 1 . . house wa~ bOI'n Ha1'taock and Mm'y Well!!"r Hal'tsock WIl !>; at W 51. carrollton, Ohio. '.,pwm. born :ep~cmbel' I , 1863, It harl bel' 28. 1872, Dieu at. hi ~ honw 1:1, M, harwood Monday nigM been quit vident f or !leve l »1 nell I' Way nes ill • Ohio. I"ebruluy WIUl aPPointe<J as a member of 25, 1. 3(1 at the all' o( 63 ~ aI'S, yearR that hi s pas!;ing to lhe n :xt Wayn esvill COU11Cil to fill out the 4 months and 28 da~'s. wOI'ld would come Rudd nly, and \ Former Wa,yneeville Relident unexpired 'term of the late George He was a m mber f L banon so it did in ~he C1lriy ell ning or Hartsock. Win. PromotiOn , With L dge No. 15 Ind epend ent Ol'd r Thul sday, Febl'uluy 27. ]036. Mr, Sherwood was apPOinted' by of Odd Fellow. Leuanon,. lind Company MI'. Hal'tsock's first 11l1l.1·r ia Valley ouncil No. 103 J~. May oI' A. K. Day. his action being confirmed by memb 1'8 of council. Mrs. Grace L. Smith was in in. WIIS to Melli Thomas, January 8, ws of additi onal hanoI'S and Order United Amel'ican Mec'hanics 1885, promotion in the Natiunlll ash Wayn sville. T,lle new official's term will clnnati on bu siness, Friday, H'e leavell · to mourn hi s deparcontinue Dec mbt!r 31, 1937" Mr. and Mrs. Fred Everhart To t1li~ youthf ul couple cante .Register selling fi eld for ummins the date of the expiration of Mr, their son Ernest. \\ho has vocl' ·B. Jones, fOl'mer Wayn : ville boy tUle three brothers. Rob ert, Jacob have mov tI into tile C. 1). Joy und hal'les of WagncsviJIe. On e )lal'tIlock,'s eieclt.ion. pl'operty on Miami tJ'eet, been, a ource of joy :ond comft>ri and g l·aduat.e of the local high Wnyn c;vill e big], sc:ho~1 r main d in the , running in Announcement was made at the to his parents. Mellie' death oc. t;chool, was conl..ained in an art.icle ~ i s tej'. and brother-in-law Mil'. and hiD s 'cUn lal bask tball tournament at meeting of an adjourned session ' 'Mrs. harlcs Bat man, ,of currcd on May H;, 1900,' 21 in the Dayto'n f:ictOt'Y bulle!.i n un- MI S. Daniel line of Dayton. On e th 'outhw ' st I'D ni v'l'l-1ity of incinn ai thi~ ~lft moon by eliminat!!!JL nounein!!, his appointm enl .as sal s niece, three nephews and more the , to be .It Id Monday evening, March Lynchbut'g, is visiting Mr, and y aJ's of happy mar,r ied life. di tant relatives and friend s. Milford hi~h 'chool by a 2 Lo ~5 s 'ore in an overtime 16, when Morton Shepherd, Day· Mrs. Jame~ Davis and family. On January 21 st, 1!l09, Mr, agent for Dallas, Texus. , game. ton ngineer Inployed 1.0 draw Hartsock married Nina Antl'am, Th announcem nl. in th e . C. Sunset and evening alar Mi. s Phoebe Mirand a is able til l'hi!! mal'J'iag By virtu f lh 'il' vic·\. I'Y in the nl'Rt game of the up llinns for Wayn ijvi 11 c ' $ pro· or lnicJcJl~ Iile, It, publicatio n follow s: And one c\eal' cllll for m& be out after being confined \.0 her pos d sanitary silwer YII t em an d ' lhrougoh the 27 years was a ' "C. B. Jone ,agent at Lit.t1e, And ma¥ there be no moaning at. three· day me t thill we ·k· ond, thC' Waycehs will meet Aberd een at 4 p. m. Friday afl moon. sewage di posal plant, will be h r home about two w eka with grip. d vot d and swe t c mpanion ·hip. Rock, Ark., for the past three the ,bar SboulJ Lhey udellt th e Uh u, I'iV(!' 1'!' IH('~entatives, WaYlle ville to p)'esent' these plans. / Mr. and "M'rs. Dnn Brown pnd They worked t0ll'ether to beautify year, has been appointed tlB les Whep 1 put Qut to ae . will play again aturdu y nigh t. Mr. Shepherd wasl'etained some l family, of Dayton, wer gucst.s of t h II' home, to enter·tain their agent 101' Dalla,', Tex., ,ucceed ing But such a tIde as moving seems _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _--,. - Thl' ilr's l of t.his after. time ago to draw up preliminary Mr. and lIIra. Albert Cleaver, I family and t~()i1' fl'i nd ~ , always H. L. Kuykendall. noon';! game sta rted out very slow asl p, plans for the project, which must Sunday, fiuding time to en joy Ule neighIlQr'"Mr, Jon ~ IItarted with the \\ ith bolh t ams , eemingly studyToo !1,I! for sound and f oam, b 9u\imitted to Works Progreos!i hood chi ldre n who \\ 1TI sacJly miss ornpany €Ieven yellr ago when jng anrl Sizing up their opponents, Admin ' trlltion authorities before harl s Doster .and family ar their beloved fri~ nd . he Joined the all' nay om 'e tl 'a ln- When that which drew from out but at th start of the ... second the boundle deep, any con iderlltion will be given it. temporarily residing wit:h Mrs. Bis Judgment was often Ing elru;s at th fa () I'y. In July, (Illarler the game s pe ded up. Turns again home. It was brought out at ~oster~ p:r nis, Mr. and Mn a nd always v!\lu ed, 1!l25, he accepted a po, Ition , a ~ Wayntsville led all the way till of council that should the sewer mos qo. In early life he elevoted .bi offie man at F01't Smith, Ark . He T" ilig ht and vening bell ab()ut two minutes 1.0 play when project get under way here this Miss Emily. Aldrich Ilnd Mh,s time to farming, later he became a ,oon demonstrated his selling And after that the dark, &j1!~~l!~~~~~~~3 I Mjlford made a hard drive and spt'ing, it would 00 advisable to Helen Carothers, of incinnati. skillful carpenter, and even after ability and aft l' a fe w nl ollih ' And may there be no sadness of ==========t",':l===. = _ 1 tied the score ,a t 25-26. hold up any new stteet. work, called on f'rienda her Friday afl~r he r til' d from active farm work, was g iven a territory. farewell necessitated by the severe winter, nOQn. loved to vi it thl' farm, Ilnd wh~n .lln D cembel', 1 02~~, h e transMrs. J. W. Edwards and daugh(n the overtime pcriod Griffy Wh n I emburk. just paat. his health permiLted followed his f rred to Paducah, Ky .• where he tel' Mis Mary Leah. of Springfield made a ~cld goal and Charle ~ solution of respect for their Mr. and Mra. E. C: Crane 'l .j It ade of carpcnt 1'. con~illued , to roll up line selling Fot· though fro [11, (lilt tile bourne w re gue ts of I\frs . Edwards' B~l'ton Earnhart made a free- shot. late tellow.mem~r, Gorge children were dinner ' guests 0: lJ e was a public piriled man , l' cords. Three yeat'S Ilate r he wa. , of time p!aQ&, sister, 'M rs. Emma H, MocClul'e Milford was unable to sc()re in the Hartsock, was unanimouuy passed ?till', and Mrs. Paul Boorom at he had b n. r r 9 yenrs. a m m- pro'm oted to ales agent at arThe 1101,)11 ,"ay bear me faJ', Saturday llight and Sunday. period and ' the game- ended 28·25. by members of council. Dellbrook, Sunday. b r of the village coundl. hi ' bondale. 111. In 1932, J\h. Jon , hlwe t see my Pilot faee to ta Mr. lind Mrs. V. M. Hoblat ltave The rcsolution follows: F. U. L May was MnfiJled to hi~ d i ions ",el'e alway wi se and was appoint rI llgel'\t !l l-itl\o Nineteen cia s B. schoo ls, returned to th hom of their representing five counties, are When t hMe crossed the bar. "Wherea "through the mystel'l· home several day utfering wl~h for the betlerm nt of the villag-e. Rock. daughter in Day to after spend- taking part. \Vanen county is OUB workings crt Divine Providence gr ip. He wa u faithful III mbal' of "Mr. Jones has beeT\ 1\ the Death Angel ha removed lhe l. O. 0 , F. and u p llel'~1 it of the Hu ndl'ed Pojnlt ing a few day with their son sending teams from Waynesville, Card of Thank. from our midst a good citizen and Mrs. W. P. Salisbury and Mt·~ tea hings for helping hi fellow time inclpding the 19:1& P and Mason and Lebanon. Hamilton We desire to expre our heart Porre t itld tamily. fellow member in the person of Harvey Rye were s hoppIng j!1 men. is a ca nd '(late fpr siml l" r county has seven teams, Terraee f It thanks to Rev. Dibert for ihi Mrs. L. H . Gordon and Mrs, George Hartsock, and Dayton 'Tueaday. Mr. lIartso k lel\ves hi widow, ,in 1936," eonsoling words. FOl' the QelluilJul Emma H. McClur were Cincin- PIlI·k. Anderson. ColeTa in, Wyom. "Whereas, we deplore his passNina, a 80n Ernest and his v. lie, After gradUating from Way- floral ' offerings' 0 ing, Mt. Healthy, Lockla.nd and tribute and nllti lIisltors, Tue.sday. ' Ml'll. Fred Gon s, "ho has !'t'.: n ing hom the. walks of Iqen ~nd hi:! ill everal weeks ~'a!l ta~en to DIU hi grandchildren Mjll) and Inesvllle high school, Mr. Jones at- l'cs]>Ct;t an(l t\l our neighbors and Re~ding. Butler county Is repreabsenc& from the deliberation of Thelma , and a brothel' Perry who ~ ntled the Warren county Normsl :frieT\d sented by Oxford ·MeGuft'y. West Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Pt'end ergasl tOl' the kindne and hospital, Dayton, last week fo ~ togeth er with a host of fri~nds I school which at that time- wl\S our Official b04y, he ter, 'MoOnroe and Okeana. sympathy shown us tn the loe of of ,Cincinnati, visited r e lative~ treatment. "Therefore Be It Re olved: mourn the departur' ()f t>his I lllaintained here. and SJpen~ s~ ra l broth r , Brown coullty teams are from here We dnesday. "That we, the ViUage Officials Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Ramby good man. rears in the tea . hing profession. Decatur, Aberdeen and GeorgeStrouse Family. Dr. Reyuurn McClellan, of Xenia town, Clermont county sends Milof Waynesville extend to the sor· are announcing the bil'th of n He ihen joined the National • ______ calle1J 00 J. H. Smith, Monday. rowing family oUr h rtfelt dau .. bter, L'~da Loo, uoncJa" And the stately sbips go On ash regisi;er compan~' wher hi I ford and Williamsburg. TheBe t ~ympathy; and that We order a Ma;ch 2. ~ " . , T tbelr haven undel' the lilli, 1'i e to the present ' importaJ1t the Mr, and Mr. Gilb rt Frye nineteen quintets include copy of such retlolution to be But 0 for the \.ouch of a vani hed position ba !leen fapid. winner, the runner-up. consolation were gue t of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar sent to his family, ana to be Mr, and Mr . Ernest Earnhart, 'haDd, I In 19~6 he ,mlll'l'led Miss Anne Wad e near Miamisburg, Sunday, ~vinn ers and exempted villages in spread UPOn our records." of Carlisle, weI' here Monday to And l~e sound of a VOice tltll.t Is Ba nman. wllo ,at tllat lim '11' • . a . the ~ve counties. . . .1 ' attend the funeral Of George Hart stIli I \ tellchEW \n til I cal hllgh schoo}, Mr, Jam e Stubblefield, of I T~e tournament Will be plaY1fd A. K. D~, o~ , , Mayor. . Mr. JOM II is the son of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Rosa k. Akron, was a guest of Mr. Bnd Mrs on ThuT8rlay, Fri(lay and SatUl'- , • R. F. HATFIELD, Mrs. Montgomery Howard, •. f ard cF Thank. and MI'R, Frank' B. Jone . who a~sisied by Mrs, ClifllllQ Buziek J" V. RlIl'tsock, Tuesday even ing. day of ~hi . week and Friday and Clerk. arlisle, pent sev ral days th e We wi h to 'inc r Iy thank our formerly l'cRided on a farm on the and M.t', Erl1e~t Butterwo~th The Friendship club of the Saturday of the following w~k. past week with her uncle Horace neighbor!l and friends for thllir Lytle I'oad, now R. R. 3, entl\r~ifll!'lt th Waypesville Methodist church will ml:et Wed~ 'R. M. CAREY, The tourhament for Class A Keys. kindness arid expressions of Garden club on Tuesday evening, nesday, Mllrch 11. at the home of chools will . also be held the same 'R. A. CONNER, sympathy at the LiDle of our JAMES E. McCLURE" days. Mrs. MOlTi A. Fulkerson. Maroh , S~ Notice- Mrs. Yern!>n ' Malnous bereavemen~. Mt. t:d, Lonraet'e opened the . B. V, SMITH 'I1he complete schedule for. the will attend the Mothel'S' club Fri· Mrs. George lladsock. Ine til\$ with a Scripture lesson. ' Mr. and Mrs. James E. McClure J. E. WITHAM, ,. lass B division is: oll.y. March 6, to discuss plans for Ern at Hartsock a nd Famjly. MI'Il. Harvey BUI'n ett re"d all ent~rtained unday, Mrs. Jes ie Councilmen. statiing a spring Kindergarten l'huuda,y, March 5 Interesting paper on Amaryllis I Robltzel', of Dayton, MI'. and Mrs. <2. P. JOY, - . - -and stated that there are ovel' J . D. Mtlt'latt and L. N, Printz, Ma1'8hal. class. 12 o'clock noon - Waynesville On aturdfty evcning, 1\farch '1, I ' . J B C bb " h hi S 'th 400 varieties of this family. The occlltlion was the birthday an- vs. Milfol'lt. Mrs. Maggie Burnet is spending Mt. • . r/\ C. L . 0 u k e gave a ta Ik on mversary ' \or Mitt H h b " ,ill fWI.' I.' h S'th flU a f mrs. 'al: a . a f~w days at thc home of Mr. 1 p. m, - Ma. on Vfl Georget.own. and Mrs. 0 car Wade near gr:!1 e;or °i~e '\'CgU~~t~l~nee'ti::r~r ' "Tree~" whi~--wa. foll~ . Albert Shepha.rd is ill at his 2 p. m.- Okcllna vs Reading. lnlit.ructlve dlScus~lon about home on Route 1. Miamisburg. 3 p, m. - T naCe Park vs, F armers ' G range. W are 1Q 0k'~ng avet'y number of trees. Mr. Duke gave Andt:rson. forward to a good pr(lgram. th I b th b fit r h' k I N, P. Jordan, oi Christiansburg, ,Th e New entury club' met at 0 IS now· Gerald . Ron of Mr', and Mrs, E, . e c u e ene 4 p. m.- McGuffy VB. Monroe. Each family is I'tlqllested to , 'd h b' t b . who formerly operated a tin hip the home 01 Mrs. H. E. Uat.haway b.t ing popcorn 01' andy, C. Coyle, )1" been v ry ~iek with clille onl~ e su kJ edc y an wermg 5 p, rn. olerain vs. West bronchial pneumonia. Th ~ latest heste ... The tenth annual meeting of ' here, Wlls calling on old aequain- 'Fdday aftel'noon, FebrUAry 26, " h ·'11 b b a que Ion s as e . \In d IlY, 1\,.alC VII e 0 M' J Ii ts k f d th ISS eO n ar oc uvore e rellort Is that his condition shows . , the Miami Valley Coopuative milk tanclls Monday. I'lth almost a full Il~tendance of a p. m. - Williamsburg vs t ·th b t'f 1 I ' se \,ve(l 1\$ nl,lra.l Sl,IndllY. We Wish froducers ,A.ssociatio)'l will be held ,Mr, and MrB. E. R. Bentley and members and a lal'go n\lmber of thut evel'Y granger might attend gUles t~ WI a eau t U p ano a slight impl'overnent. Wyomirlg. t' Ch h II ec Ion. I in Dayton on March 10 at the Mrs. Irene , Thoma w~re calling invited guests. Patriotic rearlin,s h · Marshall Hain es, of DaytOil, IS 01' \er l'e ,pec IVe S urc on Ai..,er (e I 11 g b'f Friday, Marc.b 6 da ,u1 re f resh m n t s Eagle Auditorium, Dayton. M.l'. on relatives and friends in Wil- and' quotations wer e given in called on Mr, and l'I', Walter S~nda~ mormng. On , un. y eve- th meeti ng adjourned to meet in . 2 p. m.- Deoalur vs Lebanon. Fred H. exaner. Pr"ident of mington and Sabina, Tuesday r. pouse to roH call. ~12ey aturdtiy afternoon. ~lng at 7 :30 the G~ang:e III I),S 1st A 1'\1 with Mrs. J. ,13. hapman. the New Vork Dairymen's League, afternoon. The opening number of the m th e ~unda:y eveni nlr 3Cl'vjce e.t 3 p, m. Mt. Healthy vs. LockPs everal " t d ts mvr e g ues were The friend s of Frank Cook will land. will be the pest .peeker. The - - • progt'am, which was in charge of h M E h t e . • c urc h . t th e meetmg. ' ___ _ __ be plea.serJ ~() heal' that he is able " p. m.- Abelld%n Vs wi~ner of Dairymen's Leajfue ia the largest BIRTHDAY SURPRISE Mrs. ,Edith Harris and Mrs. Emma . W e urge th a t n II mem be"'s who procsent a to be Qut aft er b il\lJ connn d to Thursday' 12 o'clock game, cooperative milk ...oelation in I Pierce. wa a. plano solo, "At can will attend this s4~l'vice. ~NNOUNCE MARRIAGE his I\om c scveral months be<:auso I 7 p, m.- Winner of Thursday's the world. Mrs. F. C. Hartsock of M.iiford Dawll," by Mrs. John Gong. MI's. -..-- - OF THEIR DAUCHTER IeIf illness. I 1 o'clock game vs winner of Those in attendance will be tr1ven Mrs. Ronald Hawke Mr. Har- Ha~ris I'e ad ' Q ,eleclion whleb THE VILLAGE MINISTER a luncheon comprised mostly of ris Mo!lher .entertained at a beau. eulogized and compared Washing· . Mr , James E, McClure. Misses Thursday's 2 O'clock game-. dairy products, after visiting the tl'fully ..... A"p' ointed dr'nne .. ~t The ton al)d Lincoln in an inter ting Firlll is hi -tep -'U • ... as-on he wends .ur. an d M rs, T"'IQt1l~~ Shock e y , Blanche Riley and Mrs. Carl ' Satu.rd.ay" March 7 Office and creamery ~t 136·38 Little Inn on Sunday in honor of way. f W ' ll " his way, 0 aynesv\. a~e a nnouncio cono Duke attended the ' gard en school 1 p, ro, -Winner of Thursday's Maple Street. tbe eitrbty·tbird birthday of M'rs. 1 Mrs. Pierce the n introduced Mr. To comior~ those w1nose !hearts the mirr1{lte Qf their dauihter , at the Y. M. C. A..' in Dayton, 3 0 clock g ame vs winner ' of Thurman (Dusty ) Miller, Of. ~i1. are bruised and tOl'll. f.;thel, to Mr. Hllgh Lake, son of ' The afternoon meeting will be Edith Harria. _. Tuesday. Thursday's 4 o'clock game. devoted to reports by the officers; It - 8 a c'omple.~ ourprlse to . tnln.... ton. who gave one ~f hIS tn· With pain ./IJI~ strlfll' ' they long ;1IA' "'" . . •• 1'. an d U•..,1'8. J 0 h n L 1Ik.e-, o:f 3 p. m.~Winner of Thursday's th~ addressot Mr. SelC.auer; a her. When .ahe returned , frpm ' imitable talks. Mr. Miller believes have nohly bOI'n. Peebles, which occurred recently M,r. and Mrs. W. S. Scanlan wel'e report by Mrs. Garnet, Birch on church they were all gathered in I that we ave as much patriot! JII uch work is there fllr Juat such at Willll..lngton. 'Fhe single l'ing in Dayton on bsines , Wedllcsduy. 5 o'clock game Vs wjnner of Thursday's 6 o'clock game. the work <If the Miami Valle-y her hom& to wish her a happy now as In the d14Ys of W. hln'gton 'm n tad a"'. . ceremollY wa~ read by Rev. Hugh S p. tn.-Winner of Friday's 2 Dairy Council; and plenty of birlhd8.,. and Lineoln, He IItL'\lsse d the point 01 W I ht 'rhe Friends FOt'unl will meet Who help a bro'her man and with T g ' . h music t\nd entertalnmen'The KUelia were Mr. and Mrs. thllt we- have opportunities if we h' . Y The young couple WilL be borne this Thursday) evenitlg at to e o'clock game vs winner of Frid a.y's 3 o'clock ga~. 101 pra . . many f ne, . _.. , Two thousand milk and cream Charl~ P. Kosher. of Cincinnati, will tune in, meet the challenges A loving F IIthel' o.pens wide his to t h elr ... II t 26.CherrY Fl'icnds Horne. at eigot o'clock. hi ' 8 p. m. -Winner of Friday's" producers are expected to , atten d Mr. and lin. F. C. Hartsock, 80n and have the right attitude. ' street, Lebanon. S\lbject., "Method of At eVlng o'clock game vs winner of Frithe meeUne this year. Charles and daughtet Mildred of, Another piano seJection, "A a rms, • - - - - .Economic Justice." .day's 7 o'clock iame. - - --. - .Millord', 'IIl'. and Mrs. Ronald V~'Ilelian LOVe Son"'," by Nevin, To quiet. all his chiltlren's fierce EASTERN STAR , C ON .. alarms Regu1ar services at the FrielJds Hawke eel Ion Frank, Mr. Harrill wal played by Mrs. GOllS. And brings them pea~te, found ill Meeting house nex\; Sunday. SunFriday, 13 -- BIRTHDAY LUN HE Mosher and MhI. Edith Harrla. The president, Mrs. J. W. Ward Miami Chapter No. 107 O. E. day School at 9 :4 6 followed by Mrs. Kellah Thomplon wu honor Mn. -v. ..... was the recipient of expressed the Club'a hlah regard no other way. S. will meet in regulllr session Meeting for WOl'llhip at , 1():46. IS p. m.-Winner of Saturday'. ... ., II 1 o'clock game VI! winner of guelt at a luneheon triven at her man., b..utiful ftowel'l5 al well aa for the two charter lDembers No night could be too !dark, or day Monday evenintr, Mareh 9, at 7:30 There will also be a Children's Satul'day'a 3 o'clo~k game. home Sunda:p, the oeeulon eele- other,-ttL ' , present, Mrs. Edith Harria and too long " Visiting lIIeinbera ar:e welcome. Meeting for WQfship at the sam& 7 :30 p. m •..-Winner of Satu.... bratin, her 96th birth anniverurv • _.. Mrs. Anna Cadwallader and con. , To lift. lhe !.allen \,ne, bQwed Mary Earnhart, W. M.; hour. day'a 6 o'clock . . . . VI wiDJlII' of , Mn. ThomplQn u aa1d to be lIlae Y. P. M. NOTICE l1'atulatlollll to Mrs. HarriA on her down. Or stay IIbrn~ Fromm, Sec'y. oldest relidlnt of Warnn countJ. eirhty.tbird birthday IInniverll8l'Y. To sit beside a child lind slnl a .. - - - Mrs. Maude Crane and dautrtrters Satuid.," 8 o'cloek ",lI1e. Thoaa preeent Included Ill'. aDd The....,.lar meetiJI, of the Y. preaentiDl each with a boquet of song. ' MASONIC NOTIC~ 'Mary and Anna Lee were rueats lin. Charles 11,1", 111', and lin. F . . . YUlbe beld S"na.,. "enlne red rOlea. , In meekness I ha~e atched him Stated communication of' War· of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Jameson in Ute FrienD' M&etlltaal Durine the p1euant IIOtial hour I da:p b:P. day; nelVille Lodp No, 161 F•• A.. II. J)&yton, S.nda.,. Ch&l'lea Morrieo1l..... dau",_ ; M . Charleen. .... aael 'lira. Mra. Harvey Burnett, lin. F. U. So pntle, patient, to ,Oil TaMa, evenlnar, lIareh 10. Viltt Ba1nI _ ~ ...... . . . LeJIQ. lin. J. B. Cbapmaa .1Id me; ina alld eoJounlq bntbr.~ are )Ira. L. B. Hall and tamil" Gf I .... BaroW Idtaker " Qed 1001lle. eek-elld . . . . .





Waynesville , Team Stays In Running; Second Tilt Carded F~iday at 4 p. m.

Aberdeen High School Next For Local Quintet at Cincinnati District Tournament

















--- ...




Man. ·


Pull a....









hool HI h COl'O

Cola Com ....n)' Pr~.enlo M v i~

_ I



Sefl ior C lau Me.t illg -


,\ 11I'ctin· or. lhl' • nin!'. I'la"~ WI'" <':1111'01 on \\ I'\hll'~rI!lr, r,'hru· '1 't" (,<,('on ('nln "ml·nn~ I1f ~ Q ~:;, ttl rh,,\I<I' a I'i:l~~ motlO. t 11\ too ,hll\"~d pi lurl's of ;11;'~ " " \fl' r ... h"l't dl<l'u",illn the motto li1~1'(1 • unfl th,h Tlrt'T,:\!'·d h~ th. "ilL) WI' Li.,. In lI (lne~t T uil" \\as Ralm,"<1 L, J) 1111111.', Cu 91 r 1>( , <d~d,d. l"lI1nt nel'1m nt ~\1~ll k I'S :\\'" , rk :llu~C'11 n (I! :'\l1!lU I \''''1'. Ih('o di~c\l~:tell, hut so fur 111<1' rr, Fv('nonl' t i. dt,/Init" h'l' I.lL'l'n d~cidcd .,,,purl II III)' (If ~< 'no \ JlII·,em.,1 t,), Junior Clu. Meeting CO", ;"

On Wnlnt', lI y. Febru, ry 25, Jlm h 1', heltl Il l'lu~s m ting. Tht'\' dl:CUg~e" ditf r nt phu~es ! Ih(' junior :tnd ~eniol' banquet. "!liil ... J. finite aeti ns WHe luken, but \\ ill not be publis.hed until lat r. lh

.. ..... ~1


,a_ ~.i

h 1. I' r', II t rholltl n1(.l in ' .

ana "nrah Hi. ncr, !\f Ul'ic (Ircht'"t ra. m l nilln town hip. l'lllylt,t. "Wa, hington at Thl' . 1'1'1 d, rickn Jo'Ul'~t to SterhCfI 11.,1111 IIf Stl1!(''' HI)WRrd Sb ~'N.,1' Gillllnn and Murtha R. Gilm an, 76 In ..... S('" 1.'1' I il(', ,\ nnl' ('nlllphE'11. ,Jam('. Dourn l' . Lin~o I1 an!l'llw ('0.. ~upp1ith" a 1'1'. in Clcarcrl'ek, Hnlwl't PJ'I'~t"n, Earl 1\I ('nlll'nhull, $fj2.55; Dri-.wold ~cn·i~. :taUon, l o ~'~ B. Ilazeliin to J a1l1 l'~ T. ('h81'11'1I ('nJlt'ltt' nntl Donny ~as, $1:011; Warr!'n 'uun,ty I.UI11Htl'I'lIine, relll (' tnle il! 'lk('dil' ld F\1l'nn~. 111.'1' 0., 1ulllb'r, $85; Ul's. )O~ d w. lOI' nohip. R\!:itling - 'h(lrloltl' Hnl'lmen . & Rubt. Blnit·, examin.ltlon of two John 8. Good, ct ai, to 11<'1('n IJOYK for O. A. & C. H., $2; G... m f'nng," Amnic" Group. l'h o~e pl' !'I'nt were m mb 1'8 mig et ul, inl ols No. 89 anu ily Blue Prillt & SuP!} ly '0. ., 110 in 1\1 ul'l'OW. . and tench t'S (If th\J sev(,lllh and eras I'll. 71c; J. L. Uunn, se rvic es, bbie E. Ha zeltinc, deceased, to li2..l0; John J. BUfI', P<lY roll, eiJ!hth grade Itnd m mh " S 01' the JUIlI'S T. Haz Iline, real l':ltat c in junior arch ~ tru, I d by fro }<~rullk $154.20; .Tohnson Myel'., pay I~!l. )Jc'crTIcld township. $611.60; M, . . Porman, jJnYI'o ll , ra ney E. Canoll, by guardian, $161.80; Earl Ba or(\, pay 1'011 , F i fth Gr_de-S ..ction Three to JOK('ph nnd Emma Jonl.'H, 0!).25 P el'feet nltl.'nduncc for th is ( 'onlin\,l ed on Pago 3) acres in }[u rla n to~\ nship . fOUl'lh !<ix·wc ks term includ s: Flo},(\llcc Sau . <'1', deceased, lo =-':..':..':..-_------------~~­ Elizabeth Bur nett , Hornce BurJoy S \\':u'd, I'epl ~stl\ tc in Mason. on ner l K nncth nett, Sarah Al(lnzo W elwel', tlccensed, to I~ ROM Dakin, Ralph Dl'ummOTI(1. lI o\~llrd Addie 1. W l\V(W, et aI, 93.53 .i1\iland, Eugen e Grubol', Floyd acres in Tu rll l'eek township. Hoffer, Donald Osborn, Angeneitc William H. Closser, deceased to Pence, Edward Shnw, EVPI'elt A nnn . Gloss 1', et ai, I' ul cRtate mith, Ed~'in urf!\Cc \ John " THE HOME OF GI FTS" ' Common P I aa Proceeding. tor of thl' ('stale of Rel'la 'lIul, in Turt.lecl·eek town ·hip . Stan berry, Gene Thompson, ____ .deceased. Bill. Allowed Iatt hew TUI'n r nnd Haskle Lebanon, Ohio James nay, servic s, $5; The In the ca e of Til illage of .T he fifth Ill' ount of Fn.n ni e B. \ \lson. Hill, l\'ulll'dilln or Willillm . Skid- !fice Out1itter's supplies Jor Icrk E XPE RT WATCH Th e spelling contest for the FranKlin, a 'orp., 'Vl'r us John REPAIRING past week end d with the SC01' Rleharcison th jury Wl\~ conveyed more, contin d in the Lima tatl' of ourts, ,l0.40; Ponn Morlon, 7. 0;L ,Jame~ F 1"0, lien" U.i"" Oftly Genu,ne . M . I. 54-311 in favor of Edwin's' tealn. to view the prcmi~e in the case Ho~pital, "I'' RS aplll'Ovetl, ullo\\'etl. erv'.IC('S, atewla and cause ill continued. lind conlll'med by the court. el'Vlces, $15, cbanon I\ll11e r~ . In the case of F'a'nnle Highfill 'l'he inventory of hod es lif- I o.op. , COlli for Court. House, . Prompt Servic~ Se~o nd Grade Honor Roll lin infant by J. W. Johnson. hel: fOI'd pungler. ndl11ini tralol' of $}:J.G5; Br·own & Bunnell, conI, Store open until 9 p. m, Donald Brown, Ro;a Lee Bun. f th . d t f ' d . E ·' .the f'~tate of Char-Ie!:! H. panglel', for Court House, $13.84; . Don. nell, harles Di rt, W~~lt r a er nn nex 1'1 n , v ISUS uId D' I t h t f ffic $20' n I a us ,rl'n 0 ? e, : :~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Johnson Jr" Virgil Longacre, win B. Highfill, fonller decree as dece 8 d, W<l 8 approved. " • 0 fllllnor ' . mo d'1hat'les Dock was appointed L' Wm. hot\\'d 11, serVIces. f ther 20, ch'ld I l~ . • H Ro~e mary Mulfo1'~, Gladys Ry , l o Bu"por. · ar war . 0., fl ed . Th e cus t 0 dy Il f. nunor c b')l- administrator 01' th", estnte of lngo H II ea65' and Richard Stansberry. . d ' 1 'h I ' mos oak deceas d and filed duster for Memonal 1', I (ren IS COlhlDUe Vl'ltl" C 11 alll" , , ' I a, d Ask f Ol' a tiff. bond of $3,000 with surene . C. E Relf s Electnc ,hop, amps an Operetta Cboru.e. Levicy, \ p, l\[ Cal'ren a'nd T. F . Inbol' at Memol'lal Hall, $1.75; Miamisburg Permanent The following pupils are mem'l'he verdict was found in lovot' McGuinn were appointed ap. Tl'u stel'S of P ublic Affairs, light, Concrete bers' of t he choruses praeticlng for of t he' defomlnnt in th Case of praisers. gas and water serv ice at Memorial I'Mi s Cherry Blossom." The Villng of Franklin versus Helen I. Earnhart was Hall, 7, 16; East E nd Coa l Co" Air Seal Burial Vault Tapping Chorus--Beulllh Bel'. John . Richardso n. pointed xecutrix of the 0., coal for :Memorial Hall, $12. For Sale only by In the ca 'c of Everett Wesley J ohn H. Bean, decea ed. no bond 40 i Lewis & Drake, Inc., coal fo r na rd, Dolore!! CLark, Mabel Fran et' and EdDl~ Mae Staup. versus Rogel' . Hill, the petition llcing l' qu il' d. Inrence Duga n, Memoria1 Hall, $30; March Bros. Your Funeral Director G eish as--Eve~n Johns, Ellza· of lh e pluintitT i ed. arney Kenrick and Noah Powe~ Publishing Co., U. S. Flag, 6xB .for M morial Ha ll, $8,50; Good betll Hoblit. Mary Adams, Anna A divol'ce ' wa gl'aTlt.l'd th plain- were appointe<! aPPI'ai ers. McClure Funeral Home Hoak, Mildred Young, Ruth 01· liff in th e case of .Hildl'gaTde E. Lucy N. 1U1'rell, ~xec utl'ix of Ilm8ritan Ho t1ital, ho pitalthe estate of Edwin B. Murr 11 , de izalron of M(·s. Dessie Stell e, Phon. 7 lette, Miriam Scott, Ruth Burnett, Zeter Vel'SU8 Willillm A. Zet r. Wall'ue.wiille, O. In the cnse of Hmry R. Myers ccased. fil ed her Inventory. 124; He l e~ Doughmlln boa rd and Naomi Ramby, Mildred Cook. Dancing Chorus-Dolore~ Clll1'K vers u Ada fycrs, III divorc was Waltet. A. Poos, xecutor of tb care, litTord Doughman, $7; Mrs. -========~====::=:~ Edna Mae Staup, Beulah B I'nard, granted the lllaintitl'. :l tate of M8"'rk Pardee, deceased , Eltzl' t.h. boa.rd lind cat'e Alice -"-'- -----Mabel Fra ner, Marjol'i Earnhart, In regard to Th e Harvey, burg filed his inveneory, . tal' k y. 5 i J ames Moore, board Ruth SalisbuI'y, Jane Cook, Anna National Bank, of Harveysburg, The court apl>('oved, allowed and and care Lucy Moore $5 ; Mrs. confirmed the fil'st and final ac- Elmer Lllcy, board and care, Ga y Treadway, ll een LIU'J'ick, and 'ale of prot rty is ordered, Chri tine McClain. ll)tion Was fi led for a new trial COunt. or Jnmes aul, IIdministra- Frank Lacy, $6 ; Mrs. Lu le Gab· American Ghoru~ bal'le in th case of The Village 01 till' o.f the e tate of H. I.. 'Saul, bard, board and care, Lincoln Gab F ires, Robert Haines, ChrisLine Fmnklio versus Jobn S. Richard· decells d. bill , $5; Mrs. J ulia Hollan d, McClain, Robert Hyman, Harold n. The inventory of hades Kn d board and ca-re, ,V er non Holland, Stl'o ud, Anna GIlY Tread 110 In th-e ca e of William E. James leI', ad mini trator of the. estate of $5; Mrs . Margaret J ones, boa rd Harold An derson, John Wen ", v l' us lllrence . James, et aI, B('rtha Knedler, dec ased .. was ap- and clAre Ollie Gardiner. $5; Mrs. Rachf.>ol Hartman, Charles Hoyle, confil'mation, de d Md distribu- prQve d . Oma Osborne boat:d a nd care, , ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN Ruth Salisbury, Helen Crockett, tion, 'was ordered. The ' will of . 1\1 ira Bowyer, de- Walter Barlow, Fra nk Ballinger, fo ur Cattle. hop./.. aheep and calvel Ja mes Sheets, Marjol'ie Earnhart, Confirmation, decd nnd distp- ceas d, WIlS filed in court. $22; J, F . Cunningham. Dean of to Norris·Brock "".; Jiv. ~""lre and pr.>gresail7e firm f ?r the highest June heets, Earl Sheets, J ean bution WIIS order d in the casc Beltha Hni;\'t~orn was appOint- C. of A. Farmers In 'Ututes h eld in market pricel and good aervice . Furnas, Verna Mae Hunter, Ear] of the People's Building, Loan ad administratrix of the e tate of. county, $175; outhern Calendar Uuioft Stoe" Vard,' Clnci.. natl, O. Moran', Edna Mae Staup, Reba and Savings 0, v )'5U8 Gra nt am Hawthorne, deceased, and & Printing 0., supplies for Tune in on Radio Station WCKY Edwards, Willard Furnas, Fnnces L ach, et Ill. filed bond of $500 with sureties. Auditor's Office. $l3.8 0 ; J ohnsoll- 12 :21) to 12 :30 p. m. for our dan, Kirkpatrick, Ruth onner, J ohn In the case of The Board of William . Collins, AnsfleJd Shillet Watson Co., ~ord book for Coun maTket reports. Boger, Betty Peter on, Evelyn Education L banon Village Schoo l and Cbarles l' ighton werc ap. ty re ~ order, $49 .75; Haynes PubFurnas, Robe1·t Thomas,' Audrey District, versus Doug'las R ollings- pointed apprai er . lishlng Co., Weygandt's Ohio Crawford, Louise Zimmerman, wOI,th, (It ai, ale is set a.~ide and George Glosser and Roy Glo.... harges fr;Jr Prosecuting Attorney • . • Earl Earnhart, Ada Belle Frye, the plaintiff is ordered to return se l', executors of the estate of $12.50; W estern Unio n Te legraph l leen Larrick, Paul Hough, Wilma deposit to de1endant. ilHam ll. Glosser) deceased, fil- 0. , telegrams or Cor oner: in Wolfe, Dolol'es Clark, Lo-o Walter S. Up. ed their applicatiOn for n eertifi- " Thoma Lee" case, $7.67; A. D. H arvey, M. D., 'pro! ional ser- . c Wylodinc; K urfi ss. Frances Wat- dyke versus John Leroy Updyke, cate of trans!er. ki ns, Milo Hart ock, Mllrtha Sh a.w, ,et a I, harter D. Maple wa apales by Perry Mi. D);ake, ex- vices, $20; H UTley W. B run k, J an Cook, Bernard Melloh, 1I'1a1'- pointed guardian ad litem for (cutor of the estale of Olive Maud jorie Gustin, P a ul Webb. minor defendants. Let'ch, deceased, were approved. filE~d fOl' a new A A montion was Teacher. Hold Regulilr Meetin&' cer t'fi I ed copy 0 f th C en tr y U trial in the case of The Board of flctermining the inheritance tax i The Wayne Township teachers Education L banon "'il!age Sehool on the e tate is to be c rtifie<.l On accoun t of the d eath of my held the il' regulat meeting On District, v l'BUS DouQ;l as Holling. withouL delay. Perry 1\1. Drake Phone 18J was IIppoinLed tru tee in the mat- wife I wi ll sell all my household W ed nl!sd ay evening 01' last week. wol'lh, et al. Mi s Campb ell gave a review oI tel' of the trust created by Item goods, fal'm chattels, etc. by public "'!'!=====:=======~ a uction, Located 1 tA! mile N. of ;;: " T he Teacher-Parent Guide to New Suit:. Third of the Will. Charac te r BuUding." This book The Maso n Building, Loan and Florence Lemar was fo und to Waynesvill.e, Ohio , S m\l es East 01 represents a variety of opinions, Savi ngs ompany lfi led a suit b insllltc lind is to be admitted Lytle, Ohio, 1 mile South of the Ferry Church on t he Wayn esville 'fOTARY PUBLIC ga thered from widely-va rying agllin~t Gordon Bonnell, et ai, for to the Dayton State hospital. so urces. It ta~e8 up in consider- m on~y and foreclosur~. T he The estate of Mark Paxdee, de- and F~rry chur ch road on able detail numerious traits which amo unt of money claimed Was $4. ceased, was fo und to be exempt WedDe.da,.. M.rc::h II, 193" should be r evealed by child ren 532. 05. from inheritance tax. Commencing at 10 a. m, sharp, Will. Dra_ • • E.tat •• S.uW WAYNESVILLE, OHIO both at home and a t school. T he W . C. ' Shepherd, eXGCutor of 2 head 0:£ excellent farm Horses f act that th e saDIe traits shou ld Probate CO'urt the e talc of Florence E. Sa Ullsel' , 5 head of Cattle, 4 Shoats double !!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!~!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!l be f ound in and ou t of ,school deThe inve ntory of .Forest Hath- deceased, fl ied his fi rst accoun t. im.; 30 head poultry, fann FOR SAl. D"T&I CAl:JL cisively offsets the lo ng-estab. away, admi nist rato.· of the esta te Saler1Yy the exec utor wete- ap- men ts, Oarpenter tools, butchering lished idea that the school room of I rene Hathaway, deceased, was proved. ' tools, 2 sides of Harness, 7 toni ty pi1ies an artiflci~1 situation , one approved. In t he matter of the e tate of Alfalfa Hay, 500 bu. Corn,. and that is 'seldom, if e~er, found else. In the case of W. Cbeste-r Map le Mary E . Hoover. de'ceased, c1istr!- complete household goodl! for where. The authors compiled a list e xecutor of the esta te of George bution wa's apprtlved . 10 r oom house. of t hese traits and enum erated E . S h.ields~ deceased, versus Nellie In the m atter of the estate of T erms Gash. them thus : agreeableness, appLica· B. Shields, et nl confirmation deed Eva C. Keever, decea sed. distriFor particular s see JESSE STAN.L EY tion, aeli-control, loyalt y, t r uthful a nd distribu t ion was ordered. . butlon is ordered. GEO. W. nU'D""n .. ov~'1 ••••• 110. II.. Barll.,t... · Ollie. ness, good humor and kindn ess. In the matter of t he estat e 9f F. ' T. Martin, Auct. TheBe traits ought to be culti- O. W. Brown dec'e ased, Olinton W. L. Smith. Clerk. EARL ~OOGUR vate d and developed in children D. Corwin and W. Ch ester Maple, . Mlarrlag. l.Ice~... Wayn~vi11e M. E. LadleB' Aid D.~toa Pl.... by givlnl them ver y definite per- executors, were auth orlz~ to col. Charles Bailey, painter, of Leb. wiU lerve lunch. sonal examples to follow, Obara- lect, cash and withdr aw funds in anon, an d Miss Mildred MaUpin, I[£a_" ItH , ter comet al ' s, result of seein;r the Home Build ing and SavingS oUlWkeel'er, of Kings Mills. EXECUTOR'S PUBLIC SALE I someone else live the "good" Ilie, Co. oi Xenia. R.obert G. Hooker, city fireman ~ executor of I rat~r than by discu ssing the Mary Chapman, g uar dian of of Dayton, and Miss Grace Simp. The undsn1-ed .,. qualitJes of such a life, or by Sta nley R. Chapman, incompete nt son, n u!'Sc, 01 F.r.a nklin, the Estate 01 Maud Fetter deeea.• readlng about such thines in fi ~ed her eighth account. J ohn S. Tu~ner. st udent, of ed. " 'ill Bell a.t public auction at ........._ _ _ _ _...._ _."'."'.~......................................... . books. The appli cation for t he appoi nt- Springfield aad Miss'-\ Rosa Lee her late residence on Third street, FOR I~E Af~r a number of announce· ment of a g uardian CI:£ E mir a E. McClain, f actory work ~r, of L&b. Waynesville. Ohio, on m ents by Mr, Lotz concerning Bowyer , incom~tent, now deceas- anon. Sat.. Mlarch 14. 1936 ' f urther school activiti e~, t he meet· ed, is dism issed. Beginning at one o'clock p. m. FOR SALE White sewin, ing adjoutned. Daisy Roush Snyder, adminisReal E'late 1\ alufer. the following pro~rty: machine, exten$ion dining tab le. tratr ix of the estate' of Cad Roush George E, Shields, by -executor, Qne range, Nesco . oil stove, Mrs. Amelia Williams. m6 The Story of Mi•• Cberrll'blollom deceased , filed her application for to Lee A. Whited. 81 ' acres · in heating stove, extens iQn table, 2 FOR SALE-19'S6 Seed Corn, .The story of Miss Cherryblo$som a certificate of transj'er . Franklin and Turtlecreek towu· cupboards, 12 cane seat chairs, 2 • tested 100 percent. Charley The will of Hannah E lizab eth ships. hard bottom chairs, 7 rockers. Volers, Huveysburg. ,m5. begins about eighteen years be. f ore the .t im e r epresented in the St. Joh n, deceased, was admitted Ray Gleason and Elsie Gleuon side board, sewing machine, oak . oper e t t a . ' to co urt. 'to Charles Burget, ' inlot No. 946 bed, dresser. 2 stands, 2' cloeks, 4 FOR SALE- Compl",te line o~ Mr. and Mr. Edward Barn es, T he first an d final ~Lccount of IiI) )o~ ranklin. fea~her bedJ, pillows, carpets, McC<lrmick-Deerini p.roW' Shares wealtby American s livil)g in Cbal'l es T. E lU , administrator of William MasOIll Phillips to small. rugs, kitchen table, 2 in stock for tractor, Bulky and Ja~an, are stl'ick ~n wilh .a fever lbe esta te of Mazie E. Ellis, "de. ; Bransby Farms; I~c. , 70 acrell in couches, 2 library tables. large walking plows. R. D. Collett, H ...• . WhlCh cau ses t.h Ir dea th. A six_ Iceased, was approved, nllowed and I Clearcree k townshIp. mirror, small mirror, po~ch swing, ware. phone ~B3, Wayneav1lkt. George C. and Mamie E. lot dishes and cooking utensils. FOR SALB--White Bbelt paper months old duu gh tec, Evelyn, is co nfirm ed by the cotnt. left in the cal'e of Hon ce Wort h- I The first and final account of I Bauer to Catherine M. Biggs; real 9x12 linoleum rura, prden tools . 10c per roU, at JI~ in~on, B~rnes' f ri end and com- , Gertrude Jones, execuhix of the estate in Clearcreek township. etc. Guette ollc.. pamon, WIth the understanding estate of George V. Scott, de- Catherine M. Greaner to Wrl,bt Antlqu+ articles: Walnut comer that Worthiniton will inherit all ceased , was approved. allowed a.nd · Binkley and Pearl Binkley. real cup~oard, kitchen ..fe, che'lT1 FO:D.~Ifcll, ~~=a !~~OW~ of the young girl's property if sh e confirmed by the COUI1t. estate In Clearcreek township. bureau, what-not, round top n..nn. PJaDta. 01." di es in infancy. When bll sin~s3 The court approved. ~ lowed and Florence C. Hast!n, to Zain cherry table, 8 drawer atand, ,call Worthington back t o confitmed the firat and final ac- Armitare. inlots NOli. C7 and d waIn\lt bed/ marble top ataDd PIPE, America, he leaves the chi ld \\ ith count Helen H. Eato,n executor in Lebanon. . lamps, and Beverat other artlaIeL' tor Kokemo, a Japanese innkeeper, of the estate 01 Mar)' C. Hauch. Lulu Stephcrso n to CJay H edg Terms: Cub. 8p:~"-r.. ''''W~IM who is fiupposed to report to deceased. er. reel estate in Million. CEORGE IleCWllE ~"l'JI!III" I £ ....__ of . . . . . . . . . Worthington again; as the years Tbe court approved lo,,!ed and The HlU'\' ey~burJf NationaJ Bank paRa and nothing is heard Irom conftrmed the first a 8Da1 &C. by receiver, to Carroll D. aad ..... okemo, OrCGlqtOD auwa,eI . eouat of .1.... ... L. rt, r ), i...

own. ·tinn in t :igbttl'n y ar Ihl' ,t.'lt h IIf 1-:, 'Iyn'" Wurthm/Ctol1 hl~ pnlitit'al jlower !"I·turn,. 10 with 'lilt! \\' urthillvlun, j,1'L''''Hin~ ... m. f~ h'ntl~ f~I' II , i,il. 11 (, met'l' (.it,I1C'('.~tri<'J." n. I'dlll'n, 1\ ()k{,lIlo In a I n-ga l'dcn nnt! . Il'nl'n~ to his "Ul'Pri'l' lhat l~velyn llol\I~,(lIH'" pruI'l'rty IfI her, All the i~ ~ti ll li\'il1~ and it; kllOWIl 11-.; .. 10 l;t(·h·~ t nUll' I \~l1l;l",'<! urI' Illus ('hl, l'1·yhlo ~~u l11, Kn)Wl11O's dauj:h .•. 1Il!!\ t'd aotl Kukl'lllll c(lnsenl~ to leI', I' Iil'l' I1HII·.ial-('l' \\ ilh Smith. John HC1U'y 'mith, one or til!' The lcl\'c'-uffair' between JCJ'I> i('n vi:<iling A I1leliean!:, me I!I IIIltl l1nd Henry Jo'v:ter J OIl('S, th' r[\l1~ jll love with hel'Tyblossom I fill 'sts or Wol'lhington, is ·atTi.. d hu~ Kokemo in~il~t.~ that ~hel nil a~ 1\ PIlt'! of the opel' Uti. All marry Togo, a wealthy und in- I nl!: \\I'J} rot· Ihi~ coupl Ilnd tho l1uC!ntial polilican, The ('fforts pIny COll1CS to n hHPP~' conclu8ion.


J unior High A •.., mbl" The itizenship club of ~fnn:h 19 Inti 2v-High ct'h<J01 eighth gt'llde gav a ,\Vn hin gto n's ('1 H(t n, Birthday program Tuesday, Fcb~(lln' h 1!1, :!() Rnd ,21 t t~ ruaTy t5, at l :30. The program t.a~k(,tbnll \'oUTnem nt. wu .. II follows: _lur h 2 - Senjor cbolurship. Mus ic- Orchestra, • t", lnv Clltion- arah ·MilIer.

I'I't~ \11



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Harvey.bur, , , , . I have h ani that 1 hI' "HUlItll (;1\'1(' Lt'agul' h"ltl L C('I'IIIP ~o ~l'n"l1!< ' .. II ItR nnnuIII purty Ilist W.'dllll"clay dueing practice lhat rn night. F,'IHIIIII'y :!6. with alluut Ollie. PIIIo.. .... .. .......... N •• tUI Ent"r tl at POlloffl "• • t ;Way ne.. . ' . I to lunchton nev er ' ...."rlpU•• Pie fllO y viII. Ohi o , a. i:I'Cntld Cl ... Mall l n~('lIIh.\!~" and lI.ucsL~ Thl'Y fOl'tify llll'ms(,jve. r., . • ••• Malt r I ftfl~-h\ pn'scnt. [I~S 1,.ltzal.ll'th Gmddy at hom ' SlI U}\ tu KttWC - ,- -=-=- uml MI'. /l1ll) 1\1,.". Lc:l r MilicI' of tcmptation to inl lulg"l' il1l fattening Lebllnoll w... n' invited gue. t;.; lind rl'cd ~. Been thinking how sil ly MAR H 6. 1!)~j6 hut! hnq:t of the ~al11l'~ . Ev('ryone that w()ult! look if every wom"n hnd a I-:I'unt! t im and at elose aU 'ndillK would r II'nin fl' m eallh:li 'i o u~ refreshment s were MCl'ved ing at the ~m TAX PUBLIC BUSINESS time. Imaginl' by th ommittee. fifte n o,' lw('nty of them just lo ok ~ v I'al from II re atLend ed the ing at th ir' I,latc' ( 0 1' n half hour " Wh ·n Government goeri into I)rivate bu, in4!sR It i. subject t o linton county tOUl'nament at taxation," say,; t.he Sail FI'uncisco ill'oniclo. 01' so. Wlll11in~ tlln la:t Friday and Salul" • • "That i~ t he effect of the d ecisiOn o r th e niled 'tat S UPI' me (la", B't1 ck in Hie .Ia y: wh en 1'allio • oun ,holding thnt States have the POWCl' t. tllX Lank ,'wcb owned hy th ReeonstJ-uction Finance orpol'lltion. MI'. und Ml'R . Will. LukenR and Wal'! ho infC \\ idely eommere ializcd . family' s pent Saturday and Sund ay and ' adve1'tis<'<i as u :pe rman enL "The Mnr ylatld bank case befol" the ourt I'ais d the fJucsti()n \.\ith Lc vi Lukc n~ and family o r fi xture. wh n th e pl'ice wa s I'idiof the powel" of n. 'tat , to tax a Federal activi ty. That was all thaL neur Mal'illn, hi o. culo u ~l y hig h a nd t he profi tgrcnt , was expr ess ly d cided. But th · in escapabl e logic of the decision i.s The memwrs (If the Bnpt i: t. our home Lllwn dl'uggist b came that State business enterpriBes cannot escape Fedel'IlI taxation." I f church enj oyed II basket (inn er Ih "n lo"al ag ' n'• f or val·I· I) U n~. branels ] the hroniclc int.e rpl·ets th e I·t e nt d 'cLi on COlT clly, evcry· a t lhE'il' church last. unday. Il e lJ ecam KO e nt hu .·ed. the drug one intm'cRtcd in sound g ov I'nmont and s ound Rnane will have fl'. and Mrs. P, L. R eason weI' bu sin s: of th e !!stabli !<hme nt s ufa us for jubi lation. Tax fl·ecdom lor municipal and sUite busin : 8 Sunday gu esls of Mrs. Sadi e R a- fered severe noglect,- but he sold An excelle nt son. nlany a skepticul pro, 11 4~Ct by exn\'cl'pris II hlls . been made into a vi rtual racket. exam pI 0 f that IS proved by such v nlures liS municipal electric plants Mrs. Anna Randall and pl ninin!1; t hat th e cat-lik e howlin g, . In no sense are theae plants a ballic government function, ben fit. Helen were ]Jayton visito rs 011 which in those days was r a dio' ing nil th ' peopk Th cy serv only th us~rs of power; they ar an Sut unlay a ft ernoon. m ajo r 11 st, was JUR\' t he ether industrial, not a governm nutl sel'vice, lind they al'e in business to Mi ~s R~~11 1\-00 anen at' Colum. wav s striking t he a etia l which make 1\ profit, 11h y Ilre a commercial activity, pure and simple, and, bus spent the, week.e nd with her wa hanging a littl e too loose atop on logi al g rounds, have no more right to tax fro om t han' has a parents. the building. private Icc('t"\c company. But. ' very attempt. yet made to force T he man y f riend , of Rev. and .. • .. thcse plants to pay taxes on the basi of their pdvnt.. comp-eUon has 1\11', L, ' . William s of Spring, Th prolonged zCl'o w,eathe[' has been rqught to (.th and nail by municipal ownership advocates--who Valley will be sony to hear of lhe subdued much modesty, Ma ny have invariably claimed such taxation would be ill ega l. . i:lcl'ious illness of Lh ir Iilt le so n prO!-ld sou ls hav e du g in to the Taxation of government bu siness . n ~erpri s s would bring David, wh o is in th e ho pilal at family ch ~t and bro~ht out g rant! f athel'!; old fu r cap a nd ear ·muffs. millions into the public treasury. It would do away' ith 11 most unfair Dayton. and inequitable condiUon. And, at t.he am e lime, it would give the Mi s laudia Gray 8 ]) nt Mon · I saw thr e me n be d cked like· peopl a b tter idea of wh Lhel' or not a gO\'Cl'nme nt business can day evening 'W ith Mi s If le n wi e, bear ing i h cold \\ it h ap operate more chelPly and efficiently than a private business, if both Hartley of Wil,mington. I parent c~ ll1f ort, \\ hile hll oI must compete on the Same termJl. Mrs. W. W, Welch is much im' l th e d erbl ed , expre. sed dl . t or ted prov d in heallh to the delight of a ron y. DeCid ed, tha t ou t \I f lh{l~________...;;..___________________-; I h r many ·friends. I ?nlire throng, wise ~ en still come I\frs. J . P. Thornbury has been 10 th e sa me pl'Oportl n.




Farm hight 1 alks, Mar:ch 9



L-_ _ _ _ _- : - - - - - - - . . . . . , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 :00 Music and w th r forecast.

S :05 Aaron Bu rr lind the llienn rhassetts--H, E. E swine, na rrator. 8:15 Are Your Tile Drain Outlets. Op nY- Virgil 01' rh91t, agricul· tural ng in eering speciliUst. 8:25 lusic, . :40 J ohn Harkrader- Noted Ollio Poland hina Hog Dr ed r harle8 S, Plumb, profe or m l'iLu , animal husbandry Dept. S :60 lio'W th Cooperative System is Different-George F. Henning, rur I econom ics Dept. 9 :00 hUd Core-:Mrs. Mary E . Gel'laugh, extension sp cialist in child d velopment. !);10 ;Mus ic. 9:15 Answers to Farm 1'8' Qu e tions- dialogue. 9:26 OUI' Da.i1y BI'ead- sludcnt players .. !I :55 to 10 Music and weatber forecast.

COLU MBVS - The so-eull~ "squatters' paradi e" areaol Ross ()Ounty; a 1,7 00· 8cre ' tract of Ohio school land, lias pa led from the pos essfQn of the state to fed· eral own r bip for a con ideration of approx imately $10,000, it wa revealed by State- Auditor Joseph T • .Tracy, who i state supcrvisor of tate and Ministerial Lands. Tile tract will beflome a part \ of the federal government's Rosa· t H oc.king fore~t and recreational pro)eet, Auditor Tracy said. The area has lo ng been termed "squatters' paradise" because of the numerous squlI,tters who have lived there ior years. It was estimaW<! bY' Charles Gatwood of Kingllt~n , a ~ru8tee Of. ; R~ county s Colerain tOwnShiP, tn 'Which the tract is located, that the squatters have cost the county ~l,OOO,OOO in relie! and sick bene flts, The Ross county acreage wa.s a part of the ast land tracts, constituting e thirty..sixth of all the lands . the Nortllwest Terri· tory, wli wel'e Bet a.p ut by 'the Contin tal CODgre8ll, eighteen years before the admission of Ohio into the Union, £,or educati· onal purposes. Ohio, the first state form~ from the Northwest Territory, in 180S, was the 1lrst to test the experiment of usiolr income from school landl! for e ducation.


• • •



As istallce of the .St.atc Department of Health. in influenza reearch has been requested by the intel'tlatiGnal henl th divisio n of th Rockefeller Foundation Dr. W~l.ter H. HaTtung, state di~ector of health, reported. 'T h e Rock ef~ll er Foundati on Is sponsoring an attempt to isolate the. influenza germ. Dr. J. H. Ba.uer of the Foundation req uested clinical informatton on influenza eases in Ohio and said that In t~e event of an extensive outbreak a special in-vestigator would be !lent. fl'om NeW' York to study the disease first.hand and to collect matelial for researc:h. • • '. A net I?rofit of $5B7,836 in liquor sales for the :four-week periOd endini' Janua-ry Z5 was te· vealed in a report submitted t o Dire~tor ' Jame~ w. :lIlil.Ler of the State Department. of Liquor Con· trol by Comptroller Frank C. Hahn. Grolll proftt for the period ~as ,606.027 from State-operated hqUoOr IItores, ,149,628 from .,en· clcs, and ,15,3),1 from 'Ware· hGuses. Total operating expenses for the period amounted to '113,906, of which $69,666 "'lUi spent by tbe enforcement division ' in it. driVe against illegal liqcor. The report sbowed tbe total .earned surplus of the depart,ment since its inception to be $6,869.562. • • • • OhiG State unlversity was des· igna~ one ,()f the twelve educa~ tional iJlstit)ltions in the nation where fellowshiplI will be. estabIish~ by the E:. L duPont De Nemours &. Co. t().id ,etudentA in pUnNing &T8d uat e w.ork in chemistry. A shortele In Teleareh chemiste resulted in the declslGn to l'elU~ the fellGwships, wbich we~ eatabUahed rears"G but which were discontinued III 1982.

A Iroup of new books to'r the "International Mind Section" of the State Library ha. been donated by the Carne-sie Endowment, It was ann.ounced by State Libra. lian PaUl A. T. Noon. Tbrouab the library'. circulation aDd tr.avel ing . division, tbe volumes will be loaned to patronll In every 'section the state, lIr. Noon said. Some of the books featull6d in the ' Camegie IPft 11lclude "The Real AbY8llinia," by C. F. ReY; 'lMy Country and My ·Peo!1le," by Lin Yutang; and "Facing two Ways," by S. Ishimoto" "rhe 8eo~ of a penon'a 'reading Tmlst expand in proportion tG a growing interest , In international pllObl+ms, witb )Vhlch the gift publications are concerned," ~. NGon asserted: "The inftuence of other countries upon the United Statqls increaaiDar .t.dll,. W. mut read about tbeee cODntri.. aDd .tudr them In order to b. able to Interpret their upOll III. ft. Canetie ~- coUectloa wUl '- .f partlcqJar Three Cuyahoga county "·R . .111. In tbIa napecL" club b01l are partnera with their • • • local Anieriean LlliGn post ill TIle ........ aaaaat ....,"mll.ud Itti.. tllr4le beet ::,_I6I:t .• rWJ ....,.. for "'- CI.,......cI Jiv~


division of safety and hygiene of the Industrial Commi ion of Ohio sponsor of the v nt. Leading indu tries .of th.e state will be reo pI'esented by their ex!!ctltives, de: par tmental managers, superinte-n. dentlj, foremen, and in many ease!! by key employes, in ()rder taat they may promote a'd ditiona l safety in industJ:y, Superinten\lent Keal'~s said,

O:-:::.... .t





N ~icl' is h ~~ by given that th "illaKI:' of Way nesvi lle: Oh io, wilt l'(>ceiv(> se al ed bidil up t u 12

o'clock noon nn thc I (i t h day o( 1\1al'el1, 19:W :n th e olli ee of the ,·1 rk o f s aid HIRge fOI' tile d _ (lo: it of nit f und!; })( longing III 81lid Village' co,ming in to 'l ht' honds of i . t.reasur l' l' f"f' II P riotl f a pproximately III llIonths ll.q!,in ning liS (Feb r ullry J , 1!l!lG and ending Au~tI ~t 23 , 11l:J7 wlli h bid mu . t be a l e:l ~t at lh~ minimum r ate of inter 'It Oil dui ly balances a . pl'ovirl ed by Law fo r th e tim t.he fund s 0 1' tilly Plll'~ Lhel'eo f al'e de l10Bited. '(' he Bank 0 1' banks \\hi ch !'hnl l he a warded the contract shall fu rn i, h bond 0 1' secul'i t y in aecot·da ne!.' wi th U: e provi ions of t.he g 1leru] code of Ohio. A con lract wi th the ba nk Or ba nks 10caW withi n the county which off er th bil{hest ra te of inter 's t a ' abov "lip u, luted will be entCT d into upon the aco ptance of th e bi d or bi tiH which may be ree ive d on or be(prc the above date. By or der of Coundl. R. F. HATFIELD. Village Ic ,·k. Dated March 2, 1936. ~----~---

News From ",arren Cour:ty Court House


Toledo and Cincinnati

(,harted for the B('ndit 01' ·Tnt r· state 101M Tourh,t as \\, (·IJ Il R 'J'ruffic Within th Hord er s of Ohiu

IT'SCincinnaU SHORTER il~,~n R' F.'~:':I AhoWll 11('1' wil h t.o



th e sh ol·tc~t eli. tUIICC bctw{',J\1 the two citie:. OfficialH o{ tho Stnte Highwa y Dl'pal'tm 'nL give th mileage saving, as about 11 mile ,

. •

• •



alUMber".. l.




0 ... of -'DO __I

tnart.. ••

...o •



IT'S SAFER Th re'R le~~ l raf·on fie

l'o n ~e~ti(l n

th e Toledo·Cincinnati Shon Line t han on any other hi;rhwa. connectin~ th . e two citi!'il. Thero nr e fa r fewer curve~ (110 hnirpiru ) und all l'ailr"ud ~1'I,,1(' ('1'41 ' ~i n r~ are exce"tiuIIlllly well pn.tcct ( .





18.. ,


By r('n "o n of

111' s h ol·ter

mil ea g e, le5~ cClngc,;li')ll (bill h on the h ighwa ~'~ an.1 III the' Col l1mu · niiie); tl 'ru whkh they pa~~), t'l'II'O r cu rve , lind Ild~'1ua t width r oad bed and hl'i.l~ '~, ho R ute here outJinl'd i ~ a big tim -MVC'r IO I' the busy 111 o tol'i~t-vm'Y jJl'nhably I1S much as two houl's.

(Continued from p!/.ge 2) • • • AN ALL PAVED Ankling along the main stem $51.45; V. M. Armitage, pay roll, and cam e across Charli e the red $57 .25; J ohn Myers, pay 1'011 $20; HIGHWAY head d adv I'ti sing clown dresse d arl Dakin, pay roll, $ t12 .60; H. Choice of Knowing a. II oldi eI', head and face ban- L. chuyler, pay roll, . $94. 0; MotOl:i t daged and meal' d 'Wi t h mercuro· arl E. Ri chard, 3 yds. stone, $8; chrome. On his back wa' a sign W. . Turton, coal and cement, Originated and Sponsored announcing th coming lecture, $41. 70; Clayto n Clark, guard ra il by the "War I s A Racket," by m dley po ts , $27; Flack equipment Co., Revo)utionary Butler. Charlie advertises anything parts, $4.90; FI'ank Bowyer, Jr., Short Trail with effective J' suIts. Recently he gasoline, $11.13; Martin Burk, Association was scen KI'l\cefully waltzing on garage rent, $16; Mrs. Anna th . id ' walk s with an nttr clive Doug-hman, rent of garage,. blonde that onlookers fil' ~ t thought $84.00; am Smith Junk human until obse rved that flabby Ya~d, windGw glass, $3.25; Frank buoyancy of a dummy's feet. tied hel'wood, gaSOlin e, $7.73; Van to his hoes. On th is oc\!asion he 'amp Stone Co., sa nd and gravel, was proclaiming the comin.g of $206.68 ; J. K. Spene '1', sand and Wayne King. niil the llldvent of gl'llvel, $53. 17 ; Great A. & P. Tea . ub. zero weathe r he had a steady Co" food l $30.75 i Bush's StGre, job walking alJo ut rown garbed food, $4.75; S. B. Craig & Co., ~urlingto~ only in long undel weal' 811d a bar- fuel, $6.50; R. B. Gilm ore &. Son, Mrs. Wilson henowelh i seri- ,·e l. 011' the barrel were word food, $6.10;IF. A. Hudson Feed advQrlising a local pants pressel'. 0., fuel, $19.55; Ray Kautz, food ously ill at hcl' h6m he-re, having 2; Kroger Grocery & Baking Co. sulf roo a tl'oke of apaplexy last Those listless conniving' nomads f ood, $6.70; L, W. Smith, iood, Friday. whose po nt pat ter packu a 890 rt ~~~!IIiII!IIiII~~~~~~!IIiII!IIiII~ MI', and Mrs. Kelly Bone Itave move d to the MuLual Telephone lived entertainment while I atpropertSr and bave taken over the t empting to sell some usele s trin· ket are findi n g business decreased management. .I\.frs. Emma Chancellor and a nd curio ity greatly in reased. gu\ndson hav~ moved to the Th(' demon trating his property puroh ed from Walter ~are is usuaUy un·ound .d by an array of t he curious nonc:halanUy. Moor!!. Mrs. Netlie Esterlin e has mov- searchin g for brief entertainment. ed to her property recenUy 'pur- 'I he noon hour brings thf! largest chased of Ercle Wisecup and 1\11'. crowd; y sterday I stGod {n their and Mrs. am hanks J r. and nlidst and enjoyed , ight stice' sive fami ly have moved to their own demo1l trations of a static remov r pr()perty recently vacated by Mrs. but failed to see. tho bat'ker make a ingle sale. Somewhat in conEsterline. trast is the action p~oto business. 1\It". nnd Ma's. Henderson ' a nd family have moved to the Cay Its ap'parent success can \)ossibly farm and Mr. and Mr8. McCall be attrib uted to human vanity. have m oved to the property pur- Everyone likes to kn ow how be or she looks while gliding down the cba sed from H~nderso n . streeta curiosity that cosis. Most 'Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Robinson Try The Miami Gazette For A a re the par nts of a 80n, has. everyonc [know is proudl)r toteing a piature oI Itimself snapped In Preston : Year. 'Mrs. Harold Robi nson received aelion. With some, it has become a word Monday of the dcath of her hobby, imilar to stamp collecting. • father Lucien Wil son at Jackson· ville, Fla. George Clark's "Side. Glances" Mi ss Ruby Smith, primal'Y has bee n the object of attack teacher was confined to her hom e 1through n~merous letters to the , by Illness hfonda y and Tuesday. editor ever since the "numbers Mrs. J. W . Miller of Spring. gu me" becam~ America's leading ' fled spent th~ week-end with ! racket. Mr. Clark uses many curl·, relatives here . ing and curving lines in drawing The W. F. M. S. 'met with Mrs. his wide,l y syndicated cartoon. and R. W . Carr on Wednesday of last as a result, various readers find week. numbll'1's amonl~t the . Mlrs. Alice McMillan of Spring- myriad of curly·cues. I ltftn told field, 'is carini for ber gran d. about a business man who offered mother Mrs. Chen oweth wbo is to buy one hundred dollal's worth ill. ' of advertising daily in a local paper in exchange for the ,c artoon, CLASSIFIED A DS COST ONLY • a. day in advance. He, the ONE CENT PElt WORD. WHY other addicts who write letters, probably does not know that all KEEP YOUR ATTIC FILLgD cartoons are drawn and 8Yl~dicated WITH USELESS ARTICLES . by '.JUD~ON DEAN by mat service months in adva.nce of publication. TliAT CAN BE TUR~ED' INTO - - , _ . _ , - , - - - ,- - ~ , .... MONEY FOR 80 SMALL A Strance 'bow the world sca ns A young lady who evidently some beliefs with a scornful eye. still believes in the honesty of the COST. TRY THIS MEANS OF Such was especially true a f w chain letter rack t recently sent a SELldNG AND c'EE WHAT A years .alo when the word "social- Qllal'ter ' at the be-hest of an 1st': provoked immediate r esent· Oklahoma hospital. I ts officials DIFFERENCE IT W ILL MAKE ment. I am told of an outstanding were raising f nuds by the chain TO YOUR POCKETBOOK, AS history professor in a n earby letter route. Her letter was reo WELL AS TO HA VE YOUR Ilniv nity wbo, not so long ago, turned un epo netl but marked Imported Norman Thomas to "Fraudulent By Order !l,f Post STUFFY OLD ATTIC CLEANED leetUl'.e ill the college auditoriqm. master General." OUT. IT PAYSI The resentment crow from a whis· • • • per to a fOil amonpt older suppor Urban Scene: A little boy on ten of the inatitution. The lecture the front ,s tep crying bec_lulle the wa. nelltuaU, elven but the audi- IJIOW melts. . . A tramp IIltting torlum waa the front yard .of a on a back porcb actuallr ~lnJoyilll beloqiJll' tG a friend of the a hand.out.•• Man about. town, pndellOl'. ~ ft, Intire lItdent bod, spate, derby and all a teratteadeel tile Dat 4&7 tile rille IIpill on the ice. _ lmmla..t I"en & dreued but much piclde,lIJI Ren1~eof ...... of on. )'ear, meD In a hotel whhb to _ da~ haa extelldad 01 • profe-ional

quite ill. Mr. Virginia Williams enlcr· tain d the young rnal'rie<.i wome n . unday School c lass on Monday nig ht. MI'. MOrl'is Shidak r was a dinn er g uest of Mrs, Laura hidak l' and Miss Evalyn McCa.rren on M()nda~' evening. Mrs. Herbert Snell of Monterey bas ret.urn ed, to her home atte r a visit with her Pl1rcnts. l\!rs. El'nest Mannon of neal' , ilmington was calling on fr ie nd ' here Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. La Rue Carr and daugh ter have r lurned to their home in Kiln' s after a visit with MrR. Ro e Carr a nd family. - - - - - - ~-


.' Best of the NeW's Direct From the Ohio State Capitol

hOBe taxi had pia htd her. . • . ,7; Robert Rl'ichel. fo"d, 1<'\11' n1l' I ' ( _ p. C ., f1I I, ,9.'75; Sirn of Spring: A !troup uC bllY~ Hrhwllrtz'~ GruCf't). f ... d, II': \\' I. .. " i & Ilrukl.'. JIIl'., fuel, ,28; th'ing kit·. t>VI'I thl' ~ch"(I' yard. . Turton, IUI'I, ,~~.2'i : \\' .• II, :--,.,rHI En.1 (irnrt'ry. food, '4: • - v ill., I<'arml·r.- Ex. ('u., 1'114 I, j("h'rl I{PH·hpl. fOlld, $22.60: L. Jntl·!'I'. t ill nhtaini ng el.'ctriCal Grl.'f.lL A, liz 1', 1""1 ('I '" r..... I• . I . \\. ,' lIlith, 1''''011, $fi; ChaM. J . pOWCJ' lint' l«·l·\,irt· fOI' flllll1;; ill :Ui; J . It ('orTmall, r.. ,.t . ,'· I r,. x !'d1\\llliz, flu,d, $7; Ray l,';"igl'rt, very keE'n in Ohiu. In If ~nry !\fary L . (',"111, ·h!- lt"r •.,:1: 1'11 ' fowl .. H.IW; Ila)-'mond '('ayl or, 'IHld county, I ,l.!On ~l.IrVl·y card" havo hN" !' SturC'. 1'1), ,I, '. ll; I J I .. ~,. (4) ; Th it ml\n' ~ Sh ll e ~h()(' Re !.tl'cn filled \luI loy farmers anti Gl oPckl I'. fi",rI, $ 1 i Ha y I\ au'~. I,"il'. "I "t hin" $,1; TI'UCy'H Groc"ry sent. t o Ih.> l'!t unly agricultural foo.l, ,,!i .60; Krll :{l'l' (: '(.... \·1)' & (,,,.41 . ,:!; Wuno! lJry Goods 0., agent's "me l' '" ii, pn,Jjlllinul'Y ~ lt' p Bakin~ Cn., foo d ,. 7;,.0;' : L ., IJlIIi ' II .Itlthi ng, I. in tiet('l'llIin inl-: IIhl'I',I' lin,.,. shll ll ' _-:-_ _-=~~-_:_----------_:_-------be !.tuitt. -


The b a e k· bone of the of· ficial Revolu· tionary Trails V!LI.OVI y s tom 0 f '''''IN$& \ oster.n Ohio. Marked its entire length by hi torlcal markers of the .Ohio Me morial Commission.


For additional strip map or any information relative to State Parks, Pleasure Resorts, Scenio Spot~, lIistoric Shrines or the hundreds of other points of especial Interest along this rou te, write WILBUR M, FAULKNER Secretary SPRINGFIELD, OHIO

• linda dlDlJrel';;jrueft of lIaine and land. (o'(Iund r • [lay ot ••'. II r. !lnll llr~, {' I. Iluk< lind .,\uaintanl·(' bt·tw('l·n I a('('l'. ~r, C har l t,~ :tanlcy pent Sun· Mr. Robl'l'\ Wil n hall been " pMrl' . K. \IllY. i'lh·. unll 11-:-. J . B. Junt''; all IId"t! day" ith hi~ Ilan'n l" !\Ir . a nd '(,Ilrl)' t-:n~Ii h hi~tlTl~', th.· ~nlt Thl' Apli! m~'I'ling will lw at tilt' Mr... ll(l in h'd to 1111 the va cancy '" P omona (ll'an~t' at Muin viii,' Hull" l t Ht llnlt'y /l nd f a m ily near t l't'Il~ U ,'('r d uc to t he re hcna t ion ('ontain "" "n th,' tub!.' mal"kt'cI t hl' htill1t, Ole lt r~, It, }<:. f'r n nk. 81\tUl'I111Y, Tracn.. Hilto.., . of Fooch •• d Iml' 1\1.'1\1 I'n the 'Ilda l c1a<~c.. I Xl'nHI. If Mroo N 'lli e B u nnell. - - - 'I "I'S. S, II . IJUrtll' t i, ,,1(l\\ly C oker y R .. " tc>all A.c ionl Ori,ih Til hllt't I\nd ~lJ', I{onl(t" 110'"('11 is acco mpany. hI" falllily t" Ittlpn.\"lngo f ,"lln til, fl'llctllr('d hill, ing Wulle l' W i ll iam~ of ~ut "I""'l th, ~/II1: tho,,'andI III!'UI' of Many Hotma", Habi t. L'I" in Ki n""man 11111" 'lit lit thl' (not oj' thl' t.\bl,". w Il ' ;;h(' H'('l'i\' ,tt in a f:dl on the 10 F'luridu thL we 'k. " :\ll". ,J. W. Bilk r aud M r. ami i'L l ~h in Tanuary St'ln1(' fonds common to- I e Traditi on ,.n,y that on epid"m! r .Jny hnVl'uiCl,the Mr,.. IYIlo.' fo:gbcl't I)Cnt Sunday m" do"n Ihroul:11 the " l\fI'~. M!ll"lcurel Antl'am and "ith f!'it'lId " in X(' niu. l\tl'. and 1r~. Rtlll'h JO.hnA and rnmily, (If bUl'ninjr hom ~ ("lIl\\\ HI 1I11' "go;", hut. u.unlly. the method , or l Rev. !\fary A ntl'am a nd d~ulo:hl el' WCI'C!t1 to Ralph Antram have moved rrom F OR SALE G occiden tal di~ '0," ry in hinn that I'rM"'~ 11l1!' food" :lntl of cOllkin~ 1 II •. ') 1I1rs, Ola lIid~', who ha. ' ~cen Ollllle[' unlIay aL t1~l' h, me . I . II of 1\1". thL' I.. hOllle in WilminA'ton to theil" \11 f ,'lJl'jre mtsocr\ . 7~, relit'ed pork \\a~ "ay 1 sty uflci' bl'in~ tlWll1 htl\, (' ~hi\nll:l'\ gl £'8 y" I·i ... iting hl'l' tluu .... ht('l" Irs, 0 J f ., "'\1'111 at nll'all'l" ('orner . . . ' , K. and M ..". Alllhn . IIllth III Dayton. , .} I d I\In1l'1' fi ll(I I' 'sp t(' d cltlzen J'olltited, but lhu8e I'rilllitil-c cnok~ 1 htl ('tot·t'nJ.; ' \ l'l' l ' ut~Jl of 11'1'e"to n Rnd famik •• ~ fi'OR " AL l!: - R gi1;tc l'(>lL Puw nd I·,>turned to ,\ 10 e an '\' Mr. ano j\'l .. ~. Dcmald llatl~jl.y 1 < 'II u' d r , 110m I' lIa·ln"· a lld fanll'ly I tl' ' I thl'Y w(Ort' tht'n crack 4' aynesvi (I, I ~u d(ltmly rhur~- I hel' home in Spl'ing fl .. ld , Salunla /;<lOn fO\l1l I that the 4f l meal WtJ lll \\ a hinll ma le hog. ,;:.., TeI<,pho ne y at:l'I1c1. d :he I~. tou!'tll\m ent. at \\ I}· \'i"iletl her pUl"en t~ Mr. and Mr ' . , dny cvening , jll~ 1 :\l> good when cooketl nill1gton Saturda y 470R. (In a ed 1I11tl purl' lIed. :lnt! lhl' final ' tep l rending lhe I~e brunry 27 whil I . vellllJ~ and 'russo 'l'e rt"~11 of Ncw' 1115· 12· i nna. evening paper' in tbe I ~1roo J. F. David, of Cynthin ou, then .~Jl('nl th \I" tlpit Q"~r It mull firl', a $ wllo'n a , 'a~ til' . manufa cture ('k-end wllh JlIi-. ~rr. und l\fl·!\. William . o( I\&U1' and living r oom at lIb' home on ~rd Ky., was I ilk n" the A'u('st of Mrs. MorriS IIucli 'y and l\Ir-. n I Mrs. I holt hou~~ 1\ a ~ l>urtll'U ,1 ... "n to 1II' I I ... ' If hrt'ud ,nnd pll.try . mpt.ol1 ~=~~========~:'tJ Am lin W.' Iiam . , In t week. Cll hh, K" I~ 'Ill' oC lhe food street. Inrencc lla l'vcy ncar IUl'k. l'ille. hlld M their a nrlay dinner gu('~ls I" lUI Jli~h h~ut, ' whi h nu rit ion experts a s 0 , S, Mr. and Mr~ . Lnwren c Mitdm ·r. He was a mem~l' of the I. 0, O. Food h bit!' and cook,'r), cu,)Ir . ' Della Venable spent FriMr. Ilnd M~. R\lbel·t :luel' of ~Ir. ant! Mrs. Luther Haines and toms haVe in lluC'nced t hr de\'I,lop- LT. fi no m.:ntionl'rl as having an F. Lodge and for 9 y cars had bee n day with friends nenr R('d ak, Ogallu, b., lefL for ~h 'i r home fumily 'Phyllis and 1)onald and hi tory. a mambe!" of the viII. c courrdl . \ lnl'nL of natl ns and ha\'c ch:\lI\t~,l anri,lIt anti hunol'ab l atll lday, aft r visiting u couple llipPl,cr lll ~, honor d by physici . Surv iving are his wife, inclair spent Nina ~lr. nnd Mr. P~Lul Griffy lind of weeks with i\1I'. and Mrs. ML s Lucionna - - - - -'- - -- - - - -, :1n". ollirl that cal')bag lIoil d will! SUllll!\y, ~ebruary 23 with Mrs, AntTam Hartsoc k, one n Erne, ~ltlt \Ins a cure for colic; but and one broth r Perry Hartsoc t, so n, of Dayton , \Vl~I\C veek~t'ld Wilbul' \ hf1l'~on. lluin ,:;' par nl", i\h·. and Mrs, k, guests of Mr. GritTy's par nl~. l R membe r the nu>rtuinmont nl Chatle. LuiI'd of omd<!l1, 'ato, who i more noted as a Ohio. uneral rvice were heltl at, Mr. and Mr . Gl'lffy. Lytl Hall Friday vening of th1. c\'oral of our rolk phi lo>,ophe r than a cook, beHeved the residen ce Monday atten ded Each ca k t fUI'nished hy afterno on I ;-: - • week, It is given by the s eond the sale DC EmesL 'hepher that cabbag e should be cooked with Rev. G. C. Dibert, d liTius is perfect in even' pastor of 'I MR S. E UGE l'I E EVANS tiivi sion of lhe Ladi!'::; Aid Il1ld day, l~ebrual'Y 2B. ,~ithout salt and it was Lhen a th Method ist church and 'Rev . DIE S OF PN EU MONIA con ' i~ts of short play~, llnd ot hel' 1\11', and Mrs, Rill igl}, Bogan 1 detail. panacea {or all ills. .John J, Scha Iter, rec'tor of Tho int eri ors ar t, ---. foatUl·e s. 1\1u;; ic by Fi\'es FaooiJy aM tr. and II1rB. William Smith The Gre ks get historic al blame r.tary's Episocp al chlt-ch. officiati of th finest quality anu lhe ng Mrs. Mal'ia Jlln() Evans, 8&, Orenest l'a of Wayn esv illc. for maki"ng il custom ary for spent unday with Mr. Ilntl Mrs. , ' Burial wa in M'llltni cemete rr. I widow of Eug ncE,'a ns, died aL ·Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones, Mr, ilOl'ace Compto n \\om n folks to prepare three of New Burling hardwa re is per f e Cot I y - - - - -, h l' home on the Wayn e vill e and and MI';;. Ihuvey Burn et, Mrs. ton. Mrs. ompton who hn b en I l11eal 'l l day. Previou Iy, meals had match ed, TURNE R- McCLA IN We e<:lect such Lebano n pik , Thul'sdIlY, ~'ebru- I Therle Jon :s and I';on, and Mrs. ill for quite some timo I·.emain s I been prepare d when h un ger, food mercha ndise careful ly, that ary 27. D alh was the result of Margal 'et J oh ns , attend d , a~ about the sa me. supply, Or other circu mstance~ . oy tel' The marrIag e of MI, s Ro ,a I.e I JlIHlImOnlR. suppel' of the local MI' 1 1111 Two SOilS, El"Oe~t and, C We may giVe our clientit only . ,,[ 'Ik P ,J dictated the time to eat. • SOllie of our folks attende d th9 Mc lain, daught er of Mr. and Eal'l EVllns, lwo da.ught l'S, Mrs. .00!lCI'alIVf."e J • I ' l:ol"ullceWrs ' - - -'!"___ ' - so· WIlJ't' n county basketb all tau ..• Mrs. Lee Mc lain, 01 nonT I~eb- '~van:; Hatfield , Leh anon anll the best at I'easona bl cost. Mrs' c~allltonFa:d mnge ~ II, 111 1 ynes- nament . AI 0 some attende d the REGUL AR MEET ING OF k { ' k W h VI c, 'I'I Y v('mng. ano n, and John S. Tarner , SOn 0 r A sa "" ' h't arvey I n ' l ' Ii r, t 0 po ane, as - B , . . Icnt OJ.~ ' . n on county tournam ent. urn ('"I wa e Icct e'd pres\{ , I~TY lIt rs. J . Harvey ackett, of WIlYM IS SION AR Y snC M' ,ngton ~UTVJVe. ..... , ~h I l i . t ' , t lh' r t I . and Mrs. EVlln Bogan !lnd nl' Ville, Id was solemm zed I!'nday uc IS mee FlInl'l'al service s 'wore h in .' e oca as oc Il Ion a .. c h'l I (I .. en R a b~rt an d ..~1nrJorJ c .. 2 o'clock at the Methodi ~t pIH"on. thl! hl'istiaD chul'ch at G Dntown mg. On W edne day t he Women 's _ ' . Dayton w re aturday age evening in Lebano n, the R \'. L. 'D. atul' IllY afterno on anc] burial -Foreign Mission ary Society of the ' di nn I' guests of ' Raleigh Bogan f ethodi t ch urch met at the Vel! y using t.he singlo l'ing service II'ns in Miami cemete ry. and fam ily, ' home 01 Mrs. Ken neth H ough with in p rformin g the cer mony. - ']l.1:r. Walter Wilson has tapped J The bride [ormerl y livcd in Mrs. J. W . Ward and M rs. Martha Th "Wide· Awakes " met ~t,the l hi suga r trell and will open Wayne hiS / Townsh ip ,,;th her parent!! ____ _ Hough a sistan t host esses, home of Mr. ~~d ' Ml's. Wilham camp soon. and is a gradua te uf Wayne ville mith unday mgltt, March 1 t. For th e Stewat dship program , high schoo l M,'. Will ard Hni nes nnd sister !'11'~ and Mrs. Edwin 10 • :tiss Ladon na in c lair I~ I Ethel" Jean spent unda y with I , M rs. W. F . Clar k and Mn. G, C. I WJlnlln gton, l''!ned ()n Irs. l\.ary Located on lh I rm known Mr, T urner graduat ed I \! .:;=====~;;;;;;;===;;; _ , rom , L. Adllm~ Sunday a'f t l'nOon. Dibert g ave a dialogu e entitled __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ os th" Raymo nd Gut~ry farm, Ws?,ne __'--_ sville school !lnd IS a " The T en t h," The s ubject of the MI', and Mrs. halmer Grice, of 5 mileg East of Lebano n 2 devotio nals. con ttucted by Mrs. en~or In Wltten bel'g , college, Dayton , and Mrs. Louie ettl _ miles W. ,of Oregon ia ,on Way.....-_~, Dibert, was "Th~ W ord is Pu re." Sprmgfic.ld. myel', of J.ebano n, visited Mrs. ne ville and l\forrow pike, near 'M r..and Mrs. ~urner hav.c th Frances 'iekleso n, ,unday. Af ter the busin e13s session Mrs Turtlec reek IIchool, on best WI hes of theIr many ffl · nd . A. Z. Hartsoc k and :family, of F. U . LeMay p resente d l he followMelvin, were callers a.t the ' Home ing program : Book review, " Yesterd a y-To· unday afterno on. Beginn ing at 11 o'clock a. m. day in Per u, Equado r and ColumMis Mary Leah Edward s, of Pl'ingtle bia , ld, called and Import ant on Rome Women 01 7 h ead of H orses, 24 h ead of friend', Sunday . South Americ a"- Mrs, K. N. Ca ttl , 21 Brood Sows, 1500 Mr. and 1111'S. Daily, of Da'yton, Hough. bushels Y~Il ow Com and vi ited theil' grandm other, Mrs. Readin g, "We Cross th e Equaa lot of fann ing implem ents. etti~ Dick on, Tue day evening . t or':-M rs. LeMay. ST. AUGUS TIN E CHURC H Mrs. H. C. Harvey' and g ra nd. Father Newto n, Pastor SARAK EARNH ART, children an d Mrs, Marvin Holli ngsVI N NIE RHOAD E S Mass at :St. August ine's Church head, of Lebano n, were guests of TRY very second and f oucth Sunday Mr, Lena Hartso'c k, Tuesda Karl M. Brown, Auct. y f the month, afterno on. OUR CLASS IFIED COLUMNS Mn;. Est her Sout~hgate, Miss F RI E NDS MEET ING Mat.tie Welch and MI'. T om W~ l ch Firat-da y School at 9 130 a. m, of Morrow , called 010 Mrs. Mary He&tin g f or Worshi p at 10 :30 L , Adam , T uesday. m. Mrt-s. Howell" Pierce, Miss lame Browlle and Mrs. 'Edith Harris F E RRY CHURC H OF CHRIS T A re you u.inC the beat hou.inC and feedin c m ethod . for your w r~ in W ilmingt on, Th lll'suay of poultr y ? Carl Smith, Ministe r last week. T~ese Quest iona ancl Hund red. of -Olh~r . You May Have P erry Thomas . Supt. of Bible ' will be An. wered by Mr. and Mrs. Fost.ttr Heacock. Sch ool Mrs. Mary L. AdaJ11~~ a nd Miss Sunday School 9 :30 a . m. Marne Brow ne were lLeballon v isi· Commu nion 10 :46 a, m. Po thy and D airy Exper t tors Tue da y. ' Sermon 11 a. m" The q uartel'ly meeting of the WAYN ESVIL LE CHURC H OF Home board was held here TuesCHRIS T day. Carl fjmith, Minist u 1 Mrs. Howell Pi erc:e and Mr, J ennie Bra'tiley , Sup e~in~ndent Ray mond P ierce spen t Tu esday John Sears, Asst. 'Superi ntenden t. a Ctel'noO n and even inlg i n SpringMr. Roser, a widely known ,au thorit y on poul tr y a nd dair y p r oblem , will welcome t he chance Not A Denom ination fi eld. ' to discuss YOUR problem s with you, He will b e glad t o diagnos e th e trouble of an y p oultry 9 :3 0 Bible school. Mr. C. N. Berry hill and Mr. you lllay bring to th e store. And h will be o nly too w illing to discu8l!l Dairyp roblcms with J esus Teache s N eighbor li ness Howard Berl'yhill, olf Bellbr ook, you. BE. SURE T O. TAKE ADVA NTAGE OF THIS FREE OFFER - ONE DAY ONLY! -Luk~ 10:25·3 7. "To Love God called on Misses A nn ie and Marne is to love one 's neig hboT_ Brown e Saturda y afte rnoon . Golden t ext, Luke 20: 27. Solo- Pauline Woolar d, AVOr:DALB. Pot in 10 :46, Lord's Supper , l upply and .ave 6:30, Christ ian End eavor, T opicR v. fl nd Mrs. W , N , Martin are Why Be Religio us Anywa y ? Peat hel . . 2 No. Z~ can. 29c I an n ouoci ng the arriva l of a 8 0n , Crack er. • • . • 2111. box t5c . Countr y Club. Ha1v •• or .licel Acts 17-23-2 8. Welco. Frem, crlep aoda. Ronald E ugen e, Su nd ay, March 1, 7 :30, Male quartet , Corn Flake . . . 3 I• . pk" , 25c at the ir home in Springb oro, Jewel Coffe e • . . Ib t7c 8 :00 Gospe'] messag Countr y C lUb Mrs. Mildred Su tince has been Hot-dated . Smooth , fr.,rant 7 :30, W ednesd ay night: pra yi:r Oleo •• qu ite ill f t;)l" more tha)r1 a week. • 2 lb •. 25c Peanu ta . • service s a nd B ible study. lb. tOe Eatmon . M Ud aavo r Miss Irma F ires 01: nea r W ayS.lud. Bulk 8 :30 Cho ir practice . nesville was an overnig ht guoot Mal'ch 29 to April 12 in cl usive Thursd ay of Miss ' Betty R outzahn . Twin loat a series of sermon s each nigh t at A rt hu r McColl oug.h and f amily Plalil or .Ueed C• t ht' church . loaf moved Friday from Clar en ce Come and enj oy t he, bles ings Smith's proper t y to > Five Point l or yo u in God's W ords. \ Standa rd. A bil ".]ue with his f ather. at tbl. low price . Miss Sarah Smith of Wayne sWAYN ESVIL LE M . E. ,CHURC H vill e is helping care f or Mrs. Belle Rev. G. C, Dibert, Pastor Fud,e Cand y j Scott, who has been very ill t he • lb. tic Corn • • . . • _ 2 ,ean. t5c Sunday : 'Sunday school at 9 :30 past week. Ola fa.blone d Standar d. T.nder kernel .. An excellen t .. Iue a. m. Mor ning worshi p at 10:40. Toma to.. · • • 2 N•. 2 can. tic Mrs. 'Meta Rogel's 'sJ?ent Sunday Gree . Bea•• ' . 2 No.2 caD. t5c Th e sel'mon , subj ect ' will be, I with Mrs. Trilla Farqtl81 SoUd pack. Red ripe ' and son, StaDdar d. Pill YOllr pantry now - " La borers Wit h God." n ear Ridgevi lle . On next S unday we will resume I Mr. and Mrs. Allen I!:mrick we r e ~I ' Pink. Boy it OUI' regul ar Sunday eve ni ng 8el'- callers Sunday Tan aftel'n o(ln at t he • , I'IIIIIIIIIIII today • • ave vice a nd the program will 'b e as I h ome of Mr. and 1\11'9. can Charles follows : E pwo r th League a t 6 :45 Anders on in Wayne svi.1le and Mr, p. m. , and Mrs. A. S. Cornell near Ferry Anunu .oal"a lue At 7 :00 p. m, th e Gl'ange will ' Mrs, Alice Cl l),rk r,eturne d to I'IIIIIIIIIIII Can for lenten me~o. be wit h us und I'ender special her home he-re Monday 9.ft~r number s in t he program , and the spend ing a couple of months Corn Meal at ,2Ib•. Nay). B••nl . • _ • 31be .loe pasto l' will s peak on th!! subject the Mau d Muller ap81~tm Bulk e n ts in ,Choice h.nd...plckc d Mlchl.e n of ." Th e Para.ble of t he Soils." Dayton . Ric. 2 Piilto' I"I ~ tIc . ' Tue 'day: On Tuesday of next 2 lb•. 13c Mr. a nd Mrs. W illiam Colema n week thel'e will be a sp ecial county of W ellman, were <:alling . on Wear e ready to meet your buildi nc E va nge list ic confer ence held in Lytle frien ds T uesday. APPLE S. York IlIIp., 7Ib.. ...... ... ,......... 2Sc need.! Our yard. are doc:ke d with .... CHEES E. Mil" lit. ..............,,, .... ......... , J3c the Lebano n M. E. Church. There . 'Mr. and Mrs. Allen Nole, Buket $1 .4e. Mr. Boned - ,.hiahe .t crade lumbe r. bouCh t in will be an aftern oon a nd evening and Mrs. Russell Ca m pbell and CHEES E, 511..", I~. ..............: ............. I9c meeting a n d a goo d attenda n ce Is Mrs. J ames -Johns attende larae qll&Jltitie. when the mark. ,t w .. ORANG ES, Floride . 10 lb•. d t he del!ir ed. _ fu neral of George H(utsock at ricbt -to cut your buildiaCJ ~t.. You'll CHEES E, PI __to..... .. ............ ............ S3c W ednesda y: Bible study and Waynes ville Monda y alrtemo POTAT OES. Cobble, .., 100 lb. ba, ". '1.15 o n. alao do better if you buy your brick, roof. , , prayer meeting at 7 :30 p. m, Pk.; 27c. The Ladies Aid m~t at the BREAK FAST BACON. IIJ, ............... " He inc. cemen t and other mater ial. from u •. home of Mrs. Therle Jones Wed· , S...... . 110 NEW POTAT OES, Florida , 4 lb .. ........ Ie. ST. MARY··S CHURC H At your aervic e. ' nesday afterno on with Mrs. J. B. U. S. No. 1. Rev. J . J. Schaelr er , Rector Jon es and Mrs. Kesler Graham BEAN BACOJII..... ............. ...................... Seco'nd Sunday in Lent, March assistan t hostesse s. ,CAUL IFLOW ER, SDOW Whit. H••• lie 8, Church school at 9:30; MornIIOLOG NA, .... .. ...... " ....... .................... . MT, and Mra. Roy STRAW BERRI ES, f1i. Quall_, . plat .. lie ing Prayer and sermon at 10 :30. fSipily of Dayton SUCecl or ptec•• Wedne llday, March 11, service evening 1f1M8t8 of Mr. and sermon at 7 :30 p. m, Ralph lohn and " ......'~tA... The pubUc is cordtal l1 invited lin. Walter to attend tbHe ~ lIratIutr , " . ..


. .

Late CIassified Ads




Imp orta nt Deta ils




0' 1



C a esa r s Creek

J. E. McClure

Friend s' Hom e New s

Public Sale,


II Oh' ayne lvi e,



Saturday, March 14



Po ul try ' Clin,i c


Wro ng Wit h You r Pou ltry ? 'How Can You Cur e It?



At You r Kro ger Sto re Saturday, ~arch 7

- -.--

Lyt' e







.' .





H. M ad de n" Co. 14

W JBelville, o.



Eighty-Eighth Year





Whole N umber 621 ~

THURSDAY, 1\1 AR(' 1f 12, 1936


Fir, Monday at the llan]w:II'c u. ~1(l1'(! al J·lI11(· ~ town Fuil'! y npN'at d hy It. 1<. Fairley, ca used n I O Il~ cRlimated at i,OOO 1181'"Buy YOUI' from hio d 01- lially <;VVCl cd hy iMIII·IlIlCC. Cl'S" is lhe nll!l'ifinge l:l(>in~ bI'O<lI\caRt to Ohjo farmel's by Earl IT. Hane(e ld , stnttl directol' of a.g-l'iculture. DU e to the unuRal w nth I' co nditi ons of th past wint ". an unu sually thel'c ill likely to Inrge am ount of lo\\' grade agricultral Bt'l'ds on the mnrk t t.hifl RelaliYc R received word this spr ing'. morning o f lh e dQa \h of MI·~ . Th e laws of Ohio protcct lh,,"c fal'mi':l'. in the pUl'chas o[ s('cd Eli:r.uh th Wcrnt z \\hieh occurl'cd who wa f)~' t o be pl·olcctcu. All Wecln ll>day night, 1111'ch 11, at seed must be so ld with an analy- til ' h(jm e of her dau.g htcr, Mrs. sis tag. ~'his tag shows the pUI'ity harles lI e rrman, ill , t'illhcrford the ae d, noxi us weed cOf)lt' nt. T ger.m inatian test and thc. date the cxas. Th ., body \\ ill be bl'OUKbl liest was conduct d .• cl'd sold .by Friduy, t o lh' t\1CCIII i'e Fun eral reliable Ohio deniers will give th e f1 0me whel' f un . l·nl o'·vice. ~Ifl buyer this in fOl'ma tion. FiU'mel'l; he held ,' ulul'day aHl' I'n ooll at 2 take a chanCe \\, hen they buy PI'OIl1 o·clock. OUt-Oi-lltat distributors and mail Ol·der houses ' who adv I'lise low AWARD ED FIRST IN SHOW prices n <lir t. to consumeI' s al ~ . . AND JUDGIN(~ CONTEST Play HafC. Buy your seed h om the r Iiabl hom, deal J·R. Ead Dunham, son of Mr. IInu




There "'.ill be an en wrtainment fit Lytle Hall Wednesday eveni ng, Ma rch 1 , spon!!!>red by the m n of this co mmunity. Keyst.o ne, the magician of ,pringboro, will be lhel'c, ~ongs by the men and other numbers. 'T he pl'oc ee(is are for The Ne w Aericultur.lI 8i11 Ha. th Third group of th o Ladies Aid. P ... Both HOUle. of Admission lOco K e p th is date in Congl"e .. mind and come.



Mf\I·cl.'lIu s Thnckl'ru, agell !JO diell at. his hOIll in Sprill).(LCH'o .' atul'day night, 1ar 'h 7, of ~ hort pncu Ill oniu, follo\\ inK a illncsR. MI'. 1'hackf?1'11 wa ~ bOI'n in Wayn : vill e and Ii\'ed his cntire life in Wan n counly. Th new l"nrm Bill, known as H e Is s urvived by his widow, • enate Bill No. 3780, ha.~ p8!! ed Mn;. Emily Jan Thaekel'a j two both houses of ongress and no sons, A ustin and Harold, of near doubt will soon be signed by the When Wayncsvilie and Lebanon clash in the emi . pringbol'O; three daugh;, Mrs. Pre. ident. - This bill has been . final s Friday njght at 7 :30 o'clock in the University of Stephtl n Burn el, Mrs. Enrl Rumet passed to replaCe the outlawed incinnati gymnasium, the winner probab ly will be the I Lytl e, and Mrll. Ra ymond H al' ~h Triple A Control Programs. southwestern Ohio basketball repre'sentative in th e state barger, L banon. Th e contents of the new bill 88 ia:o)sic ~L week fo llowing. . . . 1"unol·a·1 set:vicE;S W I'e h III at This is the opinion of so uth el'n Ohio sports wJ'iters, who have a n nounced by Lest.e-r J. Miller lhe McClul'~ Fun eral l10me TuesDean Hawke was the IV ek- nd 10 al county agricu lturnl agent f oll owe d the fortunes of laBS B teams of the tournament held at day afternoon n nd burial was in guest. of fti nds in Sardinia. incinnati during t.h e last. week--end. are as follows: Miami cemetery. Lellan!)n, by virtue of two victories ov r Decatur and Lockland, Purpo.e of the Act. Evangelistic s~rvice s al th WOn the Tight to e'n ter t he sC'mi-flnal!l, while Waynesv'iIle had to de teat hU/'ch or 'hrj~t. from March 23, ]. Pr'eservation and improvethl'ee teams, two of which , Milford and Reading were touted as pl'eto April 12, Inc lu sive. m 'nt o( so il fertility. tournament favorites. 2. Promotion of eco nomic use hould the Waycehs hl,J1't1e Lebanon, th if chances ot winning Scour line of new pl'in!( of land. patternll in Wall Paper, Rugs and the di trict honors are consider d bright. The localrepr entative's :.I. Diminution of e"pLoit&tlon Lin ole um, at Hyman' s Slore. pponents would be the willn.e r 0 t he W(!St Chellter-Oxfol'd McGutfy and unprofltnble usc of national Farmer' Grange No. 13 at-. game which will be played at 1I p. m. tomorrow. te nd ed the meeting o f Leban on l\1r. and Mrs. Rog r Brown al'f so il resources. No gam e in recent- years has 4. Provision for and malntenannouncing the birth of a daughcreated so much interest in aoee of a continuous a.nd Btabl6 ter, unday morning, March 8. Warren county liS t~e Waynesville su pply of agricultul"al cOnimodiH . Eo lok s. oC Waynesvillc, a nd for the lecture hour. Lebunon encounter. Neither team Mrs. Carl Frye and Mrs. Robert ties adequate to meet domestic hall any r asan to consider the Davis and little daughter spent and fore ign consumer requireoth r a n a sy mark. The annual Tuesday in Dayton. ments at prices fair to both proFir s, lecturer, the following progl1m~ between t he ' two ' seh ols . I duc rs and consumers. . Mrs. M&rill Elbon and fro r 'how and Judging' conte't at ih gl'llm was per enl«l: (played on Lebanon's floor) have ~ayn:ud Rich, of Ohio Slat I. 5. ReeetabJi6h and maintain the Lewi Chandler att.end ed the univel'l'ily. He wa s ll\\'ul'ded II Vocal duet--Mr . M.A.. Fulkerfor lhe last several years been UDlver:llty,' pent the w~ek-end I ratio between the purchasing _·_r ==- funeral servic .' fOl' Lheil' couKin, lIilveJ' cup by lh~ club {or hi son, Mrs. Gilbert Frye. nip-and-tuck affairs from start to ~ith. hI S parent.~, Mr. and Mrs. J. power of the net income per Hi storic sketc h of Warren Mrs. C. M. Brown, of Dayton, All n B. handlel', Wh ich we I' .\'(!col'~in the :~i: ___ finish. B. Rich. . persOn on farms and t¥t of t he held at the Morris ons fuoeral county- So S. Ellis. The 1936, played at visitcd l'elaiiv(!S here Monday. Mi ses Anna and Ruth Nutt, income per pe'~o? not on fa.rms home In Dayton W dnesday with Homje 'l')'ombone aolo- Oharles Fires. Harmon 'hall, resulted in a win for Mrs. Myer Hyman and Mrs. A. Lurial in Mem orial Pllrk cemetery. ____ Reading, "U'll Just Her Way" MJ·s. J. S. Filer, 'Mzj;. Will Bradley tha~ prevailed durmg the five year the county· seat quintet by the T. Polinsky w ro in Cincinnat.i, ancl W. C. ' Smith spent 'ruesday at period, August 1909 t o July 1914 MI'. handl r wa a native . of l\il'l'. Lena J1:ut O C~t was sho p- - MI'. Frye. narrow margin of 23-22. Adm~DiatratioD of tJ,.e Act. Wayn sville, a so n of the lat.c- p ing in Dayton on Thu rsday. Playlet, "Uncle Hiram's Cold" tne Bible Seminary in Cincinnati. In 1935 Wa.ynesville took the W~nes d IlY. 1i~!; lam Lil called on rela- -Joh n chultz, Fl'eida Harv~y, 1. The Secretary of Agriclllture long en d of t he score by the count Mrs. Myel' Hyman and Mr. and I aac handl r. lie was a retil'cd Mr. and 'M'l's. Herman Surface or 23 to 21. Mrs. A. T. Polin ky were in in- carp nter and had been a resi.l nt 1tiv(!!\ in Xenia Thu1'sd.ay morning Berne Jones, Roscoe f'o rnas, Mrs. moved in with Mrs. George shall cooperate with states, in the of Daylon 35 years. He was 83 Mi. s M:une Brown was in Berne Jones, Grace Hockett, execution of State plans to et. Indications are that Warren cinnati over the week-end . H IIrtlloc k. y ar old. olu lllbus Thul'. duy. Ethel l endenall. tectutate one .or more of the purcounty will practically "take" the Mrs. George J. Smith spent H e is survived by hi. wiCe, MI'. 3nll Mr. . Fost J' lTeacock, Vocal duet--Mrs. Fulkerson, Mr. and Mrs. S. H . Gray, of East poses of the act by making grants niversity of Cincinnati gymna;\hs. MJs. Emma P ircc, Mrs. Maria Mrs. Fl-ye. sium for tbe game at 7 :3() o'clock several days last week in incin- tella; threc d ughter , Orange, N. J .• \'(-ere visitors at to enaf>le them to -carry out sucb • ITow8r)1 Fox, of \ limingto n; MI' Elbon and Mrs. Dudl ey Keever atAccompanist, 'MIss Flossie \!'ires the home of Ml:. and Mrs. J . H. plans. to morroW night . Hundreds of nati. 2. The administration of this A~chi Han es, of Arcanum, and tended QuaJ'terly meeting at PenWaynesville and Lebanon supFriday. mith, M'ts. Grace McCun e, of Lima, Is Aet will be carried out by county porters will be on hand 00 cheer visiting her mother, Mrs. Eva MISS Pearl hanulcr, of Dayton, dleton, Indiana, aturtilay. and a brothcl', Isaiah, of Kansas Mr. AlCred Dickson , of Gary, Mrs. Rice Snapp, of Arcola, Va. and community committees of their learns in the emi.flnals: Miller. ity. IIIinoi~ and Mrs. Mnrg'a l'ct Dailey and Mrs. William J. Schnabel, of agricultural producer.s and the • - - - -of Da>' ton, we dinner" gue. ts of Washington, D. . C. are guests in A.gricultu.ral Extension Service. See our line of new Spring W&,ceha R~ach Semifinal. I N ' D' k S d che home of Mrs. Geor,ge Har tsock 3. The Secretary may exercise patterns in Wall Paper, Rugs and In th~ first half of the tourna- Linoleum, at lIY!llan's Stor . • • . Th e Ladies' Missionary Society and Mr. and M1'8. Hel'man Surface the powers conferred in this Ad ment Waynesville. won bbree games unt il January 1, 1938 without f Victories were scored over Mrs. Blanche D. Baker, of Cinstate action. However, after Jant h: Millord, 28 1;0 26, on Tbu rsday, cinnati, was the g uest ot her sister uJlday afternoon. 1\11' • Howat'd Woods with ten day evening, March 12, at eight uary I, 1938 grants will 'be made over Abel'deen 32 to 28 on Frid~y Mrs. R. B. Hartsock, several days Misses Agn . and Alice Hall, of member and foul'" visitors prese nt. l o'clock. . Subject--HMethods of only to states that have taken . and, .as a climax, over the strong I last week. Members of ih Pl'oll'res. lvc Daylon, called on iheir aunt, Miss The president, Mrs. Jennie I Achi ving Racial and Internati- itate action and submitted a plan. 4. The Secretary shall not have dReadIng team, 16 to 14, on Satur- M r. an d M r5. CI'arence All en an d Worn n's club weI' delightfully Katc lJ all ntul'day morning. Thomas called the meeting to anal Justice." power to enter into any contracts ay · 11' th 0 ao son, Preston, spent Sunday with entertsincd W d nel'lln y evening, Mt·. and Mr~ . Foster H Reock order and Mrs. Julia Smith r ead F o oWlng are e sc r .... : cretarY's re1lort. Mr. and Mrs. Abram Cook nd binding upon any producer or to P MAIl' rs. C'n II mo t.h el', ".... " ...8. L. D • March 11, at the pleasant country and 1\11'11. Emma Pi J'Cll were sup- the ~ome of the pl'esident, Miss per ~uest .of M,r . and Mrs. M. Ome HathawIIY led th Mr. and Mrs. S~anley Cook,. of acquire any land or any rigiht 2 Chiles. Kathryn Gibbon s, who was ably l'lando ~ntton at elma, Wcdnes- singing, MI·s. J. S_ Filer conducted Springboro,. arrived home Frtday \herein. onner .. ... , .. .................. 0 0 0 MTS. Rowena Zartman, of Xenia assisted by Miss Laura McKins y, day evemng and attended a cot- I the devotional8 and Mrs. Roma. after spen41ng several weeks at S. The Secretary shall take into GI·iffy · ........ ... ... ........... .. ... 2 1 6 is the guests of Mr and Mrs Oliver Mis Grace Hockett. (lnd Mr . tage Ft iends meeting ·in l he even- Rigg wall program leader. The different points in Florida. consideration the contributton in Allen ......... .... ............... .... 1 0 2 Davis and daughter, Miss Raohel, harles E. Ande rson. ing at lhe home of l\fl'. and Mrs. ' special topic for discussion was Mr. and Mrs. George Miller, of services of tenants and croppers Satterthwaite .......... ;.: ... .. 2 2 6 this week • . "Mexico, our Next Door Neighbor, .Jamestown, are announcing j the and any loss of income sustained A 'delicious pot luck .'upp el' was Tom alvert. by tenants and croppers by reuon - - -- - - - - - and short talks were given. by the a rrival of a daug.hter, J oyce Messrs. O. J. Edwards and J. followed by t-he . bu. iness ses ion Totals .... .. ..... .... .._ .......... 6 3 16 of .changes in the farminir pracNO PARKING NOTICE minist er, C. W. mlth, Mrs. Jennie Lucille at their home Su nday, Wilson Edwards, of Springfield, when plans for the annual spring tices adopted during such yee,fll. I Thomas, Mrs. Heleq Murphy, Mrs. Mareh 8. Readill. 8 F P were here Tueada)l to attend the party, to be held in Ap)"i1, w re 6. In carrying out the provlll!. completed. PUl'king on th<- lawn al ttl Way Alma Gherhal't Illld MTS. Mary Hadle·r .......... .. ....... ... ... 0 1 1 fun eral ot Marcellus Thackera: ions of this Act the Secretary ahall Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hartsock The club was fortunate in hav- n sv ille wn er plan t is !ll·t>hlblted. GlI1lum . . J. WilIet.t .. ....... ..... .. ........ 0 o 0 in .every practicable manner, pro· Mrs. Elizabeth Smjth, of Day- ing for their gu~ t !:lPeaker, and family were dinner g14csts at fr. A man fr(Jm Daytnn who parked This was: fo llowed by a 8010, K. Willet ...... ...... ... ; ........ ~ o 6 ton, pent Saturday with her mm erso n Eal'Mhart, a man who his cal' on the law n a. few days 'JLet. Your Lower Lights be Burn~ the h ome of Mrs. Hartllock's teet the interests of small 'prDduc. .0 4 . Hank .... ........ , ......... ....... ... 2 sillter and brother, Mias Mary and knows much allout fl owers. He ago while he wellt ti flhlng, was ing," sung b:)t Mrs. GherhBrt. pal'ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. ers. Whitaker ........... .. ... ........ 0 1 1 Mr. Parry CoOk. near Oregonia, Su n- Payment. .to COGpllratia. Far~ Deatherage, The next meetirlg of the Society gpve a very inleT RUn g a well a s ordc red into COlll't and fined for 2 MUTphy .. , .......... ... ...... :.. ,. 1 1. Grants will be on Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Carr, or ed nal talk on "Our Nutive t-h offene . To uvold tl'o uule do will be h ld March 25, at the day. November 1 of each year to !tatel not dri ve over the lawn. home of. MI' . Riggs . . Totals .... ..... ...... ......... .... .. 6 2 14 Deer Park. former Wa.ynesvUle Wild Flowers." Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Woollard, who submit a plan acceptable to Mi.c;: Inv ited g uests were residents, were calling on friends ====~~=====-~~==~ . ================ of Dayton, and Mrs. T. B. Bran- the SecretlU:y of Agriculture if Esther Stibbs, of Lebanon; Mr. Wara••iU. 8 F P here, Wedneada)'.• nock, Were dinner guests of Mr. such plan eff·e ctuates one or and M~s. Earnhart. Davia ....... ..... .... ;... ..... ....... 1 1 8 and Mrs. Ray Mainous and family ; more of the purposes of this Act. Conner ............ .......... : ..... 6 ()o 10 Mrs. Edith Demas and family. Sunday. Afternoon caUers were 2. The am.ount of the ·granta to Gritry ............... ............... 6 1 11 of New Vie'"!a and 'Mr. and Mrs. ¥r. and Mrs. Charles Elzey and the states will be based on: Farm Allen .................. ......... ...... 0 1>. S E.rl Murray, of D.vton, were daughter, of Oregonia, Mrs. population-Value of agricultural S.tterthwaite .................. 8 0 8 euest. of Mr. .nd lira. Oliver Spray and Iittl~ daulbter, commoditiel produced .nd the LorAine _ _ _ D.vla .nd dau.btu, Sunday. of Davton, and Mi .. Jane Cook. acreqe and productivi~ of land Total. ... ...... ... ... ...... :...... 14 4 82 1 Mra. Georp H.rtsock, Mr. and Although thE) co-champions of Waynesville five )tas brqught . a Mrs. Ray Maupin, of Lebanon, devoted to arricultural produc::tioD in the re8pective lltatell durin, to Ab.rde_ 8 • P I Mr•. HermaD Sultac. .lId their eue.ta 11( S d M Mu. SII81e 'E vans was in Man s- the Catholic High League, Elder gang of about BOO people alonl and Mrs. Mollie Wilson, of Nor- reprelentatlve period. Sledd ............ .. .... ,............. 2 0 4 I h • I rL n.pp an 1'8. field Saturday where she attend ed and Purcell, meet Fridaly night on each time it haa appeared in the wood, . called on Mrs. Ray MalnB. Payments to fermen-ten· Harover .... ..... ,........ ..... ,.. 8 8 12 ~ ;:be ~er:deu_ta. of relatives the wedding ot Mjs~ Luanna the University of 'Cinc'innat! floor tournament. And 800 fans is a oUs last Fr!~ay. .mtll--and cropper! wlll be bued Smith ............ .. :....... ........ 0 4 4 n qu., u aY'. Yountz and Ell'gene Hall, both of in a Class A semifinals ' game in considerable number for a team to Mr. and Mrs. Merle Kerns and upon: Dierson .. .. ........... ...... ....... 1 0 I ... '" t the SouLhwe ter n OM,o District bt'in g more thim 30 mile. f rom a Richmond .:.... ,................. 2 2 6 Martinsville eUmln.ted Jaektlon ..,.anc ... es er.. . high basketb all toarnament, they town of less than 1800 people. daughter Joan, and Mr. A. Ander- : (a Their treatment or Ute of _ _ _ , Townablp, Darke county, while . The marrIage was solemnized .a t stand ci gOod chance of having two Waynesville is situ ated In the son, of Clevelllnd ,were week-end their land, or a part thereof. for ... 12 28 I Jetl'ersclD, of 'Montcomery count .. ! 6 :30 o'clock by Elder Silas ~ngle, of Warren guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. ' lIoil restoration, soil C01l8ervatlon, T ota II!I .. ......... . .. .... ....... , ... G was pui out by Brookville. Ce':' O! . Mlddleoow~, who used th e lass B te-ams steal the show from northeast corner or the prevention of er08ioll. them i n a pl·elimin.ary joust. The county up on State Route 42 to Marlatt. (b) Changes in the use of their . . Via n.nUI. . 8 F P terville defeated. lD a 81nllle rilllr l!IervIce. B sem ifinal s likely to · keep the Columbus and Clev-eland. Mrs. Bas~1 SmIth was pleasantly land or . DS~$ ......... ..... " ............... 3 0 6 1 clO&6 pme. . ~e ceremonYd:was iOIl.ohwed. b Y slan ds in a dithel' foJ' ,32 minutes Lost by Point su.rprised ~y • few ~ eighbora al,d I (:) A perce.n taee of ' their nor~ C' 2 () 4 ' In Spriqfteld . Ita. Towuhlp. ""ree-course mn~r . WI~ elg h and perhaps a couple (,f overtime The Wlzard ll have an old score ~rlends Fr.lday evem~g, celebrat- , mal production of .ny one or G~~;;r .. :::::::: :::::::::::::::::::: 5 2 1Z r.nka hltb, ba~llllr ' won teen l!I~ted at.the bride's table. At pE)riods are Lebano n ,and Wayto settle with Lebanon,. for one of 109 he-I' . bIrthday 'Yh~ch occurred I more agricultural comntacUtles 'Allen ........................... ... .. 1 0 I South Ch.rlelton (by forfeit), 9:39 a reception h~ld for the nesv ill e. S tte 'th 'w 0 1 1 Enon, and newly wedded pan: ",.a s atThe L banon five, (:oached by the few defeats they suffered dUI'- on Saturday. Sa.n~wlches, cakes designated by the S-eeretary which equals that peroentaee of the ' . E~rn~ar~~~ ...........:·.:·.·.·..... ·. ·. ·.·.·.~~ 1 1 8 (n Ohlllicothe, Richland W.. tended by about 100 r~latives and Ol en Grand le, former U. C. cage ing the regular season was hand ed and coffee were enJoyed. Ha. k 0 0 0 downed by Glenford' Leeaburr ftlenela. On this occaSIon refresh- !ItSI' of not so many y e8,1'5 ago, bas out by the Grandlemen. Se e our )ine of new Spring normal national . production of w e ,.. .... , .. , ................. _ _ _ then eliminated Glenf~d 'm enta of ice cream, cake and Since this game was a 23-22 patterns in Wall Paper, Rugs and such commodities required for had a highly successfu l season and Total. ................... ..... .... 11 4 28 ter, and Jelrel'1lonvUle, ...;, ~.olree were .e~~._ _ domestic c:on8umption. was regal'ded as a Class B favorite \llfair, Friday's rematch is certain Lin oleum, at Hyman'8 Store. to be plenty clole. 4. In dctermlnl", the amount In t" aemi-b.lL even befo,'C' the tournament startp Clue B leorea In the EVANGELISM DISCUSSED Whether WayDelville wins or Mrl!. Elta Robinson has returned ot any payment or IfI'UIt to llil"'" B ed. AdaDllJ " ................ .. ........ a 8 natl to1ll'Dament foUow: AT COUNTY CONFERENCE not, it h.! alre.dy done a jot to til her home In Da}'ton after 1era the Sec!retarJ 8bali take in~ T.ylor ......~..................... .. 8 The,'re Micht,. Mldceb k~ep the tou.rnament lCeDe pepped .~nding several weeu "ith Mn' conllicleratlon . . produetivtt7 of 9 WaynelVille 28, IIUford -~-l White ................ .............. t the land .treeted the farm I GeOl'ptown 18, .Muon 18; An lvaD&'8listic; conference in- . Wayn.esvi.lle, composled for the .up. The mob of Wiurd rootera H.nn.h Taylor. lira. Taylor St&1I1e ..... ............ ...... .... . 1 praet1e.. adoptH · du~ . .. 8 lq 81. Oke&lla 11; Anct.raon cludlnl • dlnlMlr aeuloll at 6 most part of email men, b.. alway. malte. ita p .....nce heard comp.nied ber home. ;' YeoDlAn ._ ...................... .. .. 0 o Terrace Park II; lIeGulry o'clock ,... beld at the Methodist shown about the smoothest plUlllng and the plaJen put on a polilhed Take your .....or'. papel'1l to rear ~tIl to wkicll III SlIeldel .. ......................... 0 o lIonroe 171 'Weat Ch..ter clauftila hi LebaDoa TuelJda1 atter- and Boor work of any ,earn In the perfo~e. J. O. H.wke "lto will be Moritar ................... ,........ 0 ColeraID 10; W,01Dlal DOOa .... ewalDe. Rev. G. C. tourn.ment cf ela... W.f1\ aad LebaDon CO on at tae Frasier. Campb.U tID , ....... W~b1l1'C 8a; I.e1aaa0ll ...... of til. loealliethod. So well-drilled . haye the at 7 :80, The Elder-PurceU _op_ I. C. aawke, AIMIIor. ~;;~!i;~ttll;~ Totala .............................. SI ., DIeatar l ' I Lockland at, ......... Wok put In both eNVille boys looked at IIWlJ starta.t 8 :80. FrIda,. afternoon'. B. . . . t.; Wa,.enW. II. aooa . . court addieta who have been 118ml-ftnala will pit Norwood aDd Abene. III ...d_11. 0..,.. ...~... aU4tadllllle1tl follcrtril1g Ole tourlWlleat belieVe WoHw.arcl at. • til CIMa A T~lp .~ I

Local Team Conceded Good Chance to Win Southwestern Championship Should They Defeat C~unty Seat Quintet.

------ ----


yetlJ' ~ .


- -- .. -----




AlTEND . FUNERAL Of I ~~;~~, ~::~~:on ~~n~~I;.\;~ ~~~~ ~::~g~n~h~~~~~:h~ig!~e :;Og::: AElAllVE AT DAYTON,~::~~~ly:e:~.i;:t.C~~:~:tnt~~~t ipn~UI~~y~ un:O;~~e ~[i~:c:~on ~~es::re8~ L:;~ Friends'





E f EARNHART WAS I~'r. ~~~e ~1~~: s~\~il~n~o~:I'RaY~nd GUEST SPEAKER.'~I;j :n~1l M~~ ~:~I 1~~nd~1~:~: ~~et; ~:r:;y 2~~r:~

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.- ...---


Wizards From W~ynesville

Enliven U. C. Tournament









II, KeGI..,

the, will



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chool High Hi ,h School HClllUlr Roll


' \\ ... 1;.

P rfe>ci . pl'lI('r : Normn Adam!!, Dona ltl Brown. . hurle~ nibert, n OnOI 1' •• 11 for th fllurth l'IixWalt ... l· J hn,on, .Jr" Virgil \I "1'1... It'flll' incl udl'S: . Frl·~hm 11 : Longacr(', LUll ra Lovely, Alice lalgi Gu ·tin, Eliz beth lIoblel, l'i g~; Rkh8rd Stans~rry. J~lms POll! ,tt, .·opltolllorl!~: Verna 1\1 (' lIunl r Fourth Grade nd{'r;ol1, Ru t h Rutnet!. (,h rl H nOr roll, Robert \\ oolInrd. HUlh nlll'r. Ylvin n ortner, Roy Perfe> t Spellcr~ 'limB !'uck't·tt. RI' l!a Ed\\' rdR. I Dihert: Ethel R ... no; Elva We ter.hllll"l' - • [,11 gle Ti nm r. rane, ll1on: Donald Wlltkins. "l'nirp-: Anna Lt· ... peil IIIH' r 'II~. Frt\l1 cc.~ EIIi •. Firth Grad_SeClti_ 1;hree il.lftnlal1, J, ', Kcllnrl', and I u,h p ' rI ... ct pel1~' r!l for the \\'(!l'k: Billy Bema I'd , EI Honor Roll Stvdel\ta , Burn"~t, Horace Burnett, , . Ludington; harles Orndorf, Char Thn.;(' on lh~ honor rnll III the' 1 tt Ry Edwin Surface and • il!'hth I;!'rn!lc ' lit. Mary EVil L L'}1uy ,~e , "V II d ~.m\1 g(>n(> • 00 ar . nil/I unl l Lllll1ngton. t


Hillh School Teaellter. &Dd StuI Si"tb l,1ulie dent, Cue.ta of Antioch 1'h., ixth groaP.e is I'omplt!ling l Students and teachers of the Illig-illnl Ollgs. high school were guests of Antioch ollege in Yellow Springs SecODd Crade a turday afternoon, when the The enrollment oC th~ $ cond Antioch Player united with the wad i Ilcrell. ed from 34 t.o 37 last glee club and the orche tra


BOYS Plus This Newspaper At Reduced Price

roll call Suppl)l A BoolII For The Pir•• W. Il r Bnl comtnitl~c will b appoint II rmitagt'. filing roll.' cut S ••eDtb Grade Cillii ••_bip Club Rl'xl \I,·~·ek. We hUd lIunk" /o:ivt n ~U\\, 7ac: R K, Ph'rct'. gasolin~. It (,,"k n \,Iiz.1.nn\ let COnVlIll' Th~ ca ll ed to us lIy ~Ir. Lutz on.1 '\t. cll'~cu~"e(1 $2r,.:lU; Cincinnati 01 1 Work~ n., mllny tll'l' con thnt lin enjllyuhlt' order On Tu('sciay. h thil'd by th... first thaJllur. 'I'hl mt'()tin~ I.'ta~ulinu and 'upplil':I. $lS.G3; Cinthe p,·('>sitienl. The inut!! for thl' tlt!'n ndjull rn,'d. The n('xl \lIt'dlhg cinnati Oil W<lI'kll 0., gtl~u1ill\! t'vr'nill~ (':In II t'JH'l1l ol'c3l<illllully II t IlIInH'. Indiullupoll· !4Lar. lallt meeting w('re I'ead. Also lhl' '" ill b~ lin 'I'ul·~duy •. March ninth. and suppliciI, $fl,07; incinnati Oil ., or~.· Co., gasolinl' nnd ~u\lplie8, Tomatoe. $0.75: incinlluU Oil Works Co., . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -... ga~oHne, 5.5(;; Flack F~<]uipment J_:lk~ El'it' kt'f'lll< '!roilt ll\VIIY 0., })urls, G.... 7; York upply o. Jlart~, $4..48·; J. II. Il entlrlcks, Cr,llll tl wa county tomato fIelds (0 d, $18.66; F'tank lin Food Mal'- so well that !froll rs \hel'Q uSllally keL rnoli, $!;: Esther ox, Mh Itel', IlllYe It 1.\ 0 week!' lonl(cr pickinlt 8;. 1-:_ II. Glv'ckl I', food, $1 0.80 ~cns n tluln ~r()w I'S in scctiOll~ ....-------,-----~------------_...! . D. Grop vin f(lod 11.50; OW('n away from th Lak. ou Illy Common Pie.. f·rocee din., I In the maUor of the tah' of Gros!!, fuel, G.50; BOI·thll lliMs, agricuHII!'111 ngent Carl '. BiLLn(!!' I W. 81'own, dec('us()(\. th e bond In the case of Lena Layritz , linton D, Corwin nnd W. he t r (ood 15; rley !Iud on, foot! 9 i ny that canning componies ur ' o-op. 0., fuel contracting more ac!'e go in v rsus Andrew Zapf, ct ai, judg- la»IE', l'xecutors "aR reduced Lrbanon Farm I 1S9; Le\\tis & Drake, tn c., fuel 20. Ottawa couhly. mont wa found in favor of tho from $06,500 to *34,000. plaintiff. In th. cas of LaWT cnc e- . haw- 25 ; :i Murphy IG Slur, food ~~_ _~~':""_~~~~~~ 27.85: Wn1. J, Pflnnzcl', repair =In the case of F. • White ver- hun, ttllstte of tho tl'\lst cl'coted and labor $119.91; The Book u Arl y HudSOn and Dorothy by th e will of Demo. .utt ry, de, hop, pap r t o\\' 111, 7; Lebanon B~itiab Teacher AddrJe .. _ Hudson, judgment in the sum ot ccns~d versus Fred rick V. Gut• lee & Coal ,Co., coal, . 13; Dr. Scboohn..ter. $200 'was allowed the plaintiff. lery, et al. . Don.ald DilaLush Kennon Dunham, examinati on, $2 The feature event on the proIn the case of The 1M.0rrow Na- w s aptJointed guardian ad litem Hoic n Doughman board and care gram for the Warren County tional Bank v~rsus Charles Ob r- for minor defendants. liffol"d , Doughman. $7; .I\II·S. lTn Schoolmasters' Club, which held lie, et. ai, judgmllnt in the sum of Sara Totten, ndmini trabix of EltzroLh, board and ·al·, A lice "THE HOME OF GIFTS" its regular montl1ly meeting in $2,011.66 was allow-ed the plain- the cst t~ of arab E. Toilen, dctnrkey, 5; Jam 1\10 re, boaI'll Lebanon, Ohio Mason last Wednesday, was an tift'. The defendant, Albert ceused. filed her affidllvit in lieu of and are, Lucy 100re, 5; Mrs, address given by ' M:t. Rendell, a Goocey, is to receive from the finnl account. EXPERT WATCH Elmer Lacy, board and core Frunk British teacher who is serving as defendants' Charli~ Obcrlie and The inventory of Charlo V. Up- Lucy, $5 i . irs. Lule Gabbard REPAIRING an exchange instructor in the Amelia ObeTlie, the .sum of $160. ,Iyk administrator of the e tate hoal'd and Cllre, LinCOln Gllbbard I U,iD, O'aly Genuine Mate~iala West Carrollton schools. Mr. Renof Firman E. Updyk , d ceased, $6; Mrs. Julin lioll,Rnd, bOUl'd dell delighted his audience by his N_ Su,i t. was npprov d .. Prompt Service and care, ernon Holland, $5; typically-EngJilfh accent and his Will G. Hegner flied a suit Harrie t . Veidt, executrix of All n N. Rapp, fuel, $16.26; Robt.. St.ore open until 9 , p. m. somewhat unullual expressions, as against The Kl'ogclr Grocery and the cstute of Adam N. Ap ar, de- neichcl, food, $37.3&; H. E. WIlI'he compared the American and Baking Co. for money only. The cea ed, til d he'r first and final ao wick food, $16.6Q; Franklin Food Britiah achool sYBtems; He pointed amount of money claimed IS $25,- cou~t. . Murket, food, $20.45; Randall F. out that he believes that the 000. hnton D. orwln lind W. BUl'bee, food, $5.60; KI'oger Groschools in his natlv06 land have not A suit was filed by Alma · Heg- tel' Maple, executors of the cery & Baking 0" food, 66.85; Ask f or a suft'end from the idea of compo 1- ner against The Kroger Grocery of O. W, Bt'ow n, dec a~ed, Yocum's Ston, food, $26. 10; Otto sory education which is foun.d in and Baking Co. a Corp., for their fil' t account. Miamisburg Permanent Barnes fuel 4; Joseph H. Fedders the United ·Statel. It is much money. The amOU!lt of mon y up. Co., fuel, $39; Arley Hudson Concrete more dUftClllt to enter the English claimed is ,15,000. Real E.tato T ......efera food, 6.80; Allen N. R pp, fu I Air Seal. Burial Vault high schools and ma88-education F. V. White tiled a suit against 6.50; H. E. Warwick, food, ,2; Grant and Jlattie bas .n ot yet become popular_ Mr. Arley Hudson and Dorothy Hud"~rank1in Food Market, food, $18. For nle only by Bliild ing Rendell ac:cuaed American stud- son for cognovit, for clusure of The People's 36; Yocum Store food, $18.20; Saving Co., inlots onts of being le88 polite than chattel mortgage anld other relief. Lew! & Drake. Inc., fuel, 20.71); Your Funeral Director 12 in pringboro. those' in Enrland, who always adGeo B. J ohn on services, $02.50; Ann lark, d eu d t o Nellie Marri... Liicen.ea dress their elders as "sir" and hri tine Cleveng r, services, $27. et a i, inlots Nos. 19 I\nu lark, McClure Funeral Home tip their hat.ll when meeting any William L. Bish,op, farmer of 20 in Corwin. 50 i Helen Randall , s tvic~, $27.PLon. e 7 W.yne..... lle. 0_ of their teachers in pUblic. Lebanon, and :Miss Josephine Ne-llie lark, et. ai, t-o Fred C. 50 ;Me I'win oyne, senic 5, $17.English teachers, he thinks, have Stone. nur e of 'Lebanon. . . and 1ary Lawson. inlots Nos. 19 &0; Geo. B. Johnson, office lIUPa stronger grip on the situations Oharles Sheets, dairyman, of and 20 'in Corwin. plies, $3.99. in which they find themselves. Germantown, and Miss , Jane William N. BI'agg to ' Mali' AthleticlI are Jeas emphasized and Brooks, ot Franklin. Francis Bragg', real estate 'in group-participation en.couraged. Deerfield township. Mr. Young, superintend~nt of Probato C:ourt Lorenzo p. Bercaw, deceased to the MuOn schools, 'Was ill char, The will 0:£ Obadiah Evans, de- RenQ R. Bercaw 254 acres in Dt!el' of the prolrram which ineluded, in ceased, was filed in court. field township nd inlots Nos. 87 addition to the main address, A certified copy of the enlry de and 79 in Mason -Dilley by & brass quartette, trum- termining the inhelritance tax on ion. Clal'ification of the order repet and trombone 8010 numbers, the estate of Albretta Murray, ct ai, to Charlell l ducing the 10lld limit of all trucks Osee Hada.n, and a few remarks by Mr. Shade, deceased, is to be cE,rtifi.ed without W. and Imajcan Voel's, in lots traveling over state highways jn I ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN s uperintendent of the West Car- delay. Harveysburg. ! Ohio at thi time of th year was ,our Cattle, bogs, Iheep and calvei Nos. 37 and 38 in rollton schools. Margaret Tice, executrix of the alvin Hall and Edna A. lIall mad by John Ja t r, Jr., State t o Nonia-Brock. CI.., live wife and Otterbein will entertain the . I0t N o. 11 U'Iguway "D'Irec t or, f 11 . progressive firm hr the highest estate of Elizabeth Gibson, de- t W 'II' I lam Cooper, III 0 owmg market ricell and good lIemee. club at the neltt meeting, which ceased, filed ber affidavit in lieu o in Lytle. numerous inquiries from trucking . Uilioft Srock Y.pd.' Cindftbt!r O. will be held early in April. of inventory. William J. Pflanzer to lint concerns. Tune in on Radio Station W\iKY The adjud ication Elnd determina- Hine and Oliv~ Hines, real estate Th . I d p' e ' -tt d 12 :215 to 12 :30 p. m. for our dally . e maXll11um 03 s rmJ. e market report.. StraD•• L... R.port.d by Mr. tio~ or the inheritamce tax on the In Lebanon. under the 25 per cent, gross Hati.leI estate of Irene Hathaway, deceas Irene Berger to Luther Cooper, weight reduction order for trucks =~=~=::::~=~~~::::== At the regular meeting of the ed, is to be given to all persons inlot No. 37' in nidercrest Sub- and combination-ti'ucks and trailWayne Township teachers on last interested. division. ers during the thawing weather . ' . Wedneaday evening, Mr. Hatfield In the matter ot the estl\te 01 . Madge Coopel"'to Mal olm Riggs fo llow : gave a brief discussion of certain J oseph C. Ch.ambelrlin, deceased, and Uva Riggs, iplot No. 26 in Four-whee'l and six-wheel trucks parta of ' tbe General Code' of the al e of property is ordered. State of Ohio, particularly those In the case of Fred A. Rickard, sn~::;:;s~h~~~!:i i~~. Ida N. - 9 tons for pneumotic tires abd 71h tons f01' solid tire1l. part.ll ot the Code which ' ~xplain admini trator of · the estate 0 Cooper, 86 act'e1l in learcreek Four-wheel tractor truck with and define activities for schools. Elizabeth Rickard, decea sed, ve1'town hip. semi-trai~er-14 3.4 tons for Some of the general 1awII which BUS Gladys R. Watkins, et aI, Ed. Ca:rl E- Hartsock to harles T. pneumatic tires and l3lk ton 01' . I Mr. Hatfield mentioned and which Wo C) dward, Edward s: Ke sling and Peirce, 32 acres in Clearereek solid tires. are unfamiliar to many 'are that, George Sellers were appointed to township. Marie T. Little to Robert A. Foul,'-wheel tl'uck with fourthe legislature of Ohio bas de-- reappraise p roperty. creed that the cardinal shall be W. Chester Maple, adminisb'a- Little, 26 acres in Hamilton town- wheel trail '('-9 tons for each Centerville~ vehicle with pneumatic tires and our "state bird," that :the scarlet tor of the estate of J essie Le- sh'ip. Phone 78J· earnation shall be Ollr state flower F evre, deceased, filed his inven- 'C harles Rye to Florence C. Haat.- 71;2 tons f or elich ' vehicle with ings, real ~tate in WayneSVille. solid tires. it having been the f ..vorite- of the tory. late William McKinley, that the Ella Sea1'8, admin.istrator of the Vernon Cox 'to James M. Sand- Six-wheel truck with semi-trailer - 15 3-4 tons for pn eumatic tires ~ • lun -which ill represented behind estate of C, V. Sears, deceased, fil· lin, 'inlot No. ~04 in Franklin. . J. M. Sandlin and Elizabeth. May and 131h tons for 80lid tjres. 'IOTARY PUBLIC the hills on the seal of this state ed her first and final kccount. is a risinr lIun, and not a setting Mae Slack, administratrix of the Sandlin to Vo-mon , ~ox and D_ A Si:x'-wh~l truck with NatloDal B_k sun. Definite details ' are alBa estate of 'Eva Howard, deceased, Hacrison, inlot No. 110 in Frank- wheel t1'ailer, six wh el truck prescribed for othe~ parts of the filed her first and :ftnal account. lin. six-whe.el tJ.IalleT, four-wheel truck Willa Dra_ ~ • E.tat•• S.ttled seal and for t~ state ftae. Wilbur F. Clark, gua.rdian of Frank LeMay a nd. Sybil Le'May with two four"wh I trailers and WAYNESVILLE, OHIOMr. Hatfield made a study of the Margaret Evelyn Rogers, a minor, to Cledus D. Lamb, rea l estat6 in six-w.heel truck willi two fou'r things wbicb the laws of Ohio flied his first account. .1 wheel trail~rs-9 tOllS for each CorWin. FOR SALE DATES CALL say shall 'b e tau,ht in the schools In ' the matter of the estate of vehicle . with pneumatic tires and Bill. Allowed and found maDY IItrange rules. William McBurney, deceased, 7 1;2 tons fot each vehicle with SchooJ. must include in their t.ranBf"'f of real elltate· was ordMrs. jl-fl,U"ga I'et Jones, board a nd solid tire1l. ,. cOUl'lle. of .~udy luch items aa &c. ered. $160 wall allowed ' Maple care, Ollie Gardiner, ,5; Mrs. cident prevention, arricu)ture, the and Maple for tepl services rend- Oma Osborne, board and care, U.. oeI!eota of alcohol, the value of ered. Walter Barl"w ~tnd Frank BalllngTHE MIAMI' GAZETTE' Arbor Dq. a... prevention, the The will of Obadliah Evane, de- er, ,22; Columbus , Blank Book . POR R2SULTS JESSE STANLEY state conltitution, pftJlical educa- cealed, admittetd to court. Mfg. Co., supplies, $4: Oolumbus tiot, and thrift. Baaed on the The inve1\tory of: Cora S, Cor- Blank Book Mfg. Co.. supplies, • • 0 • • 120, 'N _ B ••O.,tOD, 0.1c. avera.. Iwentb. ;nd ei,hth ,rades nelluI, executrix ~d' the estate or $28; Fred Procter, 881es tax re. Mr. Hatfteld discovered that the Sam C<lrnelluI, dec.e aeed, wal ap- cords, $21.31: F. J. Heer Printing E.\RL KOooLER ltate. would mOllopolile about 990 proved. Co., sales record for sales tax Da,to. Plo_ , mlnutel per, 'or about onePerry M. n,ake, nxecutor ot the mdse, cards, 48c: Columbus Blank KE ••.,. .... etrllth of the total IIchool time, e.tate of Olive Ma.ud Lerch, de- Book Mfg., Co., receipts for ven- EXECUTOR'S PUBLIC SALE The undersigned 88 executor of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~= Jeavinr leven.ela'hth. for what we ~.ed, filed 'h is first:, final and dis- dor's lic~nse, ·$1.80; Dayton Blank often term the fundamental!!. 'tributive. account. Book & Printing Co., suppliell. In the matter of the estate of $10.12; '\7. S. Darl ey & Co., lun _ _ _ __ _ Eunice H. Hallock, decHoSed, the cabinet, .$14.-5-3: York Supply Co., her tatll resldenee on Third street, _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ HeDOI' Roll Waynesville, Ohio, on time for tiling inve:ntory and aprepairs, ,5.02; GroB8 ServiCe StaFive-two: 'Marie Bardin, FOR SALE Saturday, ~h 14, 1136 . Silt-two: Frances John!!, ~nna praisement is extended to April tion, gas, 03c; Union Gas & Electric Co., light and gas, $11.42; 6, 1936. Marilyn Whitaker. Beginning at one o'clo~ p. m. FOR· SALE-Homo grown Ileed '; Reba ' Surface has a perfect re- Amos E. Thomson and Loudy V. J. R. Gibbons, lumber, $140.80; the follOWing property: oats, germination test 90 perT, h omson, executors .of the e!!tate John Gregg, ex,pe nse to t ru stees cord in IIpelling for all the paat One rante, Neeco oil stove, cent. O. A. Strawn. rrt12-19· of John S. Thompson, dec~ed. meet'i ng 90c; J ohn Kibbey, exfour terma. heating ~tove, extellsion table, 2 ftled their second smd final ' ac- pense to trustees meeting, $ 1.20; cupboards, 12 cane seat chairs, 2 FOB SALE- Poland China Male ' count. O. B Dumford expen e to trustees bard bottom chairs, 7 rockers, ~U .... Gracie Hog, Junior Yearling. C: S. The will .of Mira Bowyer, de- meeting, 90c; F. M. BOWyer, ex- side board, Bewing machine, oak Spring Valley, R. 1. Maxwell, (delayed) eeal~d, was admitted to court. pense to trusteetl meeting, 80c: bed, dresser, 2 stands, 2 clocks, " "'mt2-19 In apite of all the cold weather oS. H. Sbawhan, filed his applica Will C. St. John, expense t o trus- feather bede, pillow!, brpets, fourteen of the pupils of thiB tion for the apPOintment of a tees meeting, U; Clarence W. sll)all rura, kitehen table, 2 FOR SALE- Registered , Poland room have attended faithfully guardian of William F. Downey, Shultz, expense to trustees couches, 2 library tables, large China male hOI. Telepbone everyday for the palt aix weeks. incompetent. ing, 76c: Frank Kinder, expense mirrot, Imall muror, porch Iwinl, 470R. m6-12· Eleven milsed jUlt one word in Albert B. 'MJoelte'fier, adminis- to trustees meeting $1.40 Howard paper, sill weeks, makinr their aver.,.. trator of the eltate Lola MOil- Graham,expense to trulteel meet- lot dilhes IUId cookinr utenlil., FOB SALB-White 91'12 linoleum rarl, prden toola 10e per roll, at .the Mlaml 99%. . teller, deceased, tlle bla Inventory ing, ,1.76: O. W. Dourhman, uete. OallRte oillee, ' . Several ....b the title for In the matter of the ..tate of penle to trustees meeting, f1.20; Alltique articles: Walnut con... . a theme 'WU "Why I 'Would rather IFlnnan E. Updyke; ileeeaaed, sale Harry E. Schnell, expense to tru .. cupboard, kitchen eate, eberrr FOB 8ALE-BMUa.. U.OO per be a boy thlUl a rfrl," aDd "Wh7 I of penolla} prope 1 II ordered. teell meeting, ,1.20; Robert bureau, what-not, roue! top toll. Dodcll, RODrma an. Wa,. would rather be a ~rl than a boy.' H. O. McCluq Jfu aPGlJillted Relcbel, expen."e to trullte:ell meet- c b e"7 tabJ e, 8 draw · .....- ..&--d _ • _enOle Plat.. . It I.ema .. thou .... the be.t theme tru.tee in the matteir of the trUlt in.r, f1: CJyde S. Simpkin II. walnut bed. 1IlU»le top 1ta4V ALVBI ad I'ITTING8 . U wrltWJl by a aft!' wishlq created b, Item 4 olt the wlll of eXJUle to truStees meeting, SOc; E. lamps, and levual other aftIel... GIl _ _ "eIIa tbat ....... a 110,. Belea GOIII norene6 E. 8auuer, and L. Thoft!II~, 4.'x~n!le to trulrtees Tennl: CulL. ...... roa t ..... WOfth iD. wlatch all. I flJed. bOD~ of ,8000 enml.., meetlnr. ,1; O. A. Ikowil. will ....,... tIiIe nad..... of __.t Paal I. KiJlllan. of tile to ttuW-c



Cary' Jewelry Shop '

-_ ..---


'l...]liRl1is an offer that will ..,.,. to aU-Ameriam Magazine and this newspaper at • ~ com.binabOD bargain price. The American Boy u the f.YDrite magazine of more than ·500,000 and yoamg men. Its 64ion carries 00" on the WU1p of adventure to aU paru of the world. Its sports artida by famous coaches and athletes are atudiecl by c;hampions. Here)'Ou will 6nd the 6neat stories on lpora, aviation, buaiJ;leu, school activities, humor, and traveL Even at its ~ price of $1.00. year, 'The Amencan Boy is consickHd a bargain. Due now you ID8)' obtain it and this newspaper •••• ,

C"J. Boy


Both One YeatFor

th collf,. to pHMllt th light Ilpera, H. II. S. Pinafore," in the opera house. Thill comic opt'ra, which il! one of thi> most popular of thl' many written by Gilbert and ullivan, wa.' sung by a cast composed of I<tudcnts, with the audition at sev~ ('ral faculty m mbers. A chorus of thirty v(lice~ as.~isted. The stag- . ettings and costuming were plnnned by stud nts, m.. were the litrhting and properties. , hile the basketball tournament kept ma.ny away. those who ",'ere fortunate enough to attend t he performance felt yv ll-repaid and are gratefu l to the college fot: making the visit pos ible. . Iuch of the opera was repeated over tlt air Sunday afternoon a.t one- o'clock through the facilities of tIltion WHIO, Dayton.



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Dnmlll'n II loth ilh lhe I Farm Acco... Booke (']('alll i nl. ,1 III' u h ~(lil(',1 ~1' '' Ui on Mort' Ohio formeI'll are u Rlng lh.· f alll·it. T h,. hl'lI. hil1!.! Hhould fal'ln account books than in recent Reports of ~et'd corn WN from nl .... ny,.. in (In ' <I iI cl'li<l !l .Ir ling~ . y('ur ~ ,. and huok, closed for laH t nil ~(' ction . in Ohi(l ,II('nt to R. n, ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY i~ makin~ arrungl!ment s to ,' ur•• "d l.I)l· It t'l .,n till> ml\t~ l'in1. Fur yenr indicatt.- a g (' nnal ~"!n in L(I \\ iR, Ilgron(l Rli ~t, 0, H. lJ .• prove Lik thl' 'crmllmortl pun iC' , th ('(j ll ilr~ ell!] 1, \' <:1".111 1'.1 by m oisl('n , f Ill 01 income, t hat most corn RtoTerl in cribs Or ·OfIic. P .... ........... . , ..... .. No. Entareo! at Poatofflota at Way" .. , chase 5,000 Wt'stern rahhits whiell • IL • I P'_ • ville. OhIo. aa liIec"nd Cl.... Matt will L placed on lealled ~a mc oui ja bonrd, th · jig :j"" puy.zl, in· ':CJrn Ilwal (II' "11\\. l u~t ,\l th the Forty nations will fie nd mOl' h ft in fi e ld ~ is vel'Y low in g 1'o>uDacrlpt o. 1.10. y.... MaUer 111'(,8crves throughout lh state, tlnli uth!!r f a.d na t ing lii ll1} kil l1'", <:ICIlIll'\' 111111 I'uhhllll! it J:(l'll Iy illtn tha n 1,000 I'urnl wo men 0 1'1 d It.... minut ing puwe r, Unless t'V I'y pre· Thc movt' was d~ided UPOn after the monopoly gam hnl! swep. t he the [UJ·. 1'h , d,'un"I' i~ tlwn 1'(' - gutes 1.0 th e third trie nnia l ('on- clIu tion is taken to locate all IlOiloMARCH 12, 1936 nume rous Hp ol'tsme n's ol'ga niza- co untr y I1t ith 110IiUlut· IIIlPt'oval. nWI" 'cI (1"111 lhl' rill' h.' haldnJt or rCl'(,ll Cc o[ t h Allsociat ed Coun try I • ible g(}o d Ohio lit' ' d, man y fanntions had requ e~t e d, COll1ll1i s- Cr 'a ll·(J. a nu ueveloped by nn .0"" \\hil'pil\ ~ l' I'!llly "ith " "mouth W UIll n of the World to be held in er ll will have t o imporL una r1apted Wu:hingw n, D. ., May 3 1 to val ieti ('~ rrom other states nnd sionel' Wooddell ~Ilid details of the cure W. P. A. WIlI'ko1' who be~u'l stick. WALK-DON'T RUN IN CASE OF FIRE " Illt li n in~s will usually nl'C'cI ,June G, will pa y high pri ces for it. plan had not been wo rked ou ll bu ilding them by han I f'II' hi!! but that th e p rcserv s lea ad fro m f riend!>. thc game in th~ PII"· f,'w '''111(' milH)!, n' r'ail'~ , (,ith('r Imtch ~ l a nd owneJ'R, would b dcsig natou weeks ho. bt'coJl1e a nallon'll 11:I P- /'0 1' 1\ "I n 1, la('t"; 01' "l'" ing up 'llf Pallic again took a tenjble toll when lSix persons were kill d an d 8.~ rabbi t pr opaga tion area from ti m ', and I have heHr I th" :nVt'lI- 1 illll l'" : ·U I1 L. LOII : c huttons thirty seriously injur cl ill a ti're which attack d a restaul'anL in which tbe sur plus r ab bits wo uln tOl" , income ba~ inel·.'alie d \ II h ~ hnulrl he 1' , "1l0V d and 1' ('al ~tlch '<I New York I·ccently. be dist.t·ib\' tCd ov I' the state, The lh c llama mum~'ntum, Dultons ::Ihuulll n o l h(! ;;1 w e,d tigh L Fire prevention education hIlS done much to acquaint t he public co nsel'va tion di v i ~i on re ivl'S np.. .. .. 0 the coal hut !'h" uld bl' l'ovi,T('cI with the c1ange rs of .fire, and the wo rk of th city fire departm nt!! proxirnate ly eighty I) r cent of its At laRt I have heard n rie ti niliun I with u thn'tlr! .. hllnk \\hich pl' TBetween T()ledo and Cincinnati and th e fir in urance companies ,h01l mad e the matter safer. H ow- unnual license fces f rom ]'abb it f 01' the ·tu ff CI'ent.l!d l.y \ ,c ,tJ'ud ' mits thl'lll t l) , l;1l1d away (" {11l1 th ~ Charted for the Benefit of Interev I', the instinc t of self-preservation slill causes p ople to rush in hun te rs. and ApOl'tsmen's or ganiza "tt-in. university Ilr o f ~" O i HlY., fllhl·ic. Htnt e Motor Tourists 8S Well a8 panic to escape flames, in stead of walking calmly t o exits, In this tion s f elt .t.hat t he state should at- it iR futuri tic lit rlituTc cOllwal'll-1 J:.' eJt hat " (' n il be tlr l,lU l II and 'frame Within the Borders of Ohio fir e, as in many others, panic made th e crowd block and jam th e tempt to increase t he dwi ndling /.lIe tn futuristic art, You know -- I any holell all' he dUl' !\q! With cotex its, wi t h the usuaL tragic result. ra bbit s uppl'y. However 'W hen Tho , ~ pictul"l' yQU can IO(,lk at [ur ton that n1:\Lchc ~ tht' eol",' of thl:' On e of th e first considerations of ih'e preve ntion engine ers is t o rabbits IlI'e a nui a nce the ranl1- ycar5--lInd n vu'" Ilc stIr ~ h('Y a1'1' hnt. A cll'Y "ubl ll'l' hat h ~ pO I1~(l to Cincinnati as shown herewit h is B c that th er e are suffici nt exit facilitie s of approved type., Condif a may have so mething lo say not up-sid ·-00wn. i mnk s ag od ha cl 'ane l' and t he shortest distance between the tion s, however, do n ot always pe rmit of the ideal, and in many ca ~ about this plan. .. .. • !II ~nsy mal'k ~ or ~ I' o t: can h(' r ,two ciLies. Officials of the State diso l'derly and panicky cr owding results in disast el·. /Perhaps the fire ,I 'uni ng fl uid , ' A .. • " M any years ago a tl'nvcHng show n\Uvfld "ilh Highway Depart ment g ive the drills being held in the schools as part of fire prevention education f or mileago saving a s about 11 miles. Plnn s to mnkc Ohio r ivel' brid- stopped in OUI' own ~md delight- guily-colorer! quill or rilll.nn ill Uw childl'eTl will produc a new generation of adults who will be more ges toll-free r ec-eiv ed added i m- ed the naLives with div r iti I hatban d Cllll he U8 d to I lr l~htcll Thel'e's les6 traforderly in emergencies. , petus last week with th e p urchase entertainment. r bc(:ame (luite it:< al'\J e lil~::. __ ___ _ fic congesti on on Fire prevention education is required by law in 18 etates and, in by the state of th e Sandusky Bay ~ ell UC(IUainted, by \\IllY o f cudt he Toledo-Cincinna ti Short Line al,\dition, 'Lhe sl1bject is 110W being taught in pr~cticalJy every state in toll bridge. T oll f ees we r e i m- otlity, \\ ilh the contoll'lioni"t of than on any other hi ghway con· Beech Grove the Union. necting these two cities. There mediately slashed and as soon as th company who had mu te l'cd May this work bring wisdom in governing the actions of those the bridge has paid rov itself t here t h art of tying him ~,clf Into, a I EI.I and A If Jlll'tlan ant.! 'Mi~s are far fewer curves (no hah:pins) and all railroad grade crossings who at'e now being taught. to walk--'-l1ot n:,,:,- toward the exit in case will be no toll cha rg e at 011. T he val'i ty of ' Ioops and kn o t~ , There Hannah Jordan atlenl] II the a re excepti onally well protected. of tire. state bridge commission has sch d ant.! then my hi<lcl ~ n arnbiti(lll fun ural of lheir ou sln >It Sll'in~~ ~::::::~~~~~~~::::=~~=====~~::~~~~~, uled a series of meetings with dawned on m ·to be(lom a con- field Olll" day. lu~t \V ' k. I By r eason of t he s h 0 r t e r :. . bu siness and ei>1ic le-ader s of Ohio iorli (lnist. Thr-(,Il. \\' e e~( lu te~ it l cycml o f the lOlli es fl'om hel'e mileage, less congestion (both on river cit ies which have t oll brid- change~, A onC-lIng .~IfCU S ~ hlf~ed atte nded a shower given in honor ays nnd in the commut he highw g es as th e r enewal of an al t mpt my calhng to th~ 1I}lfIg l1ope7.e, f 1\1) S, Fr eman Millard ( nec) nities th r u which they pa ss ) , fewe r t o make .all ri ver hddges toll-free. Thus for my darIng ha~ b 'n con- li. s I.Ira Batey formet· graduate cu rves, l11d a.dequate width It was estimated by George C. fined to the hunt and IJUflch of IIIl.I'Vl''Y s burg high ~chool c la~s r oadbed and bridges, the Hill, commission m mb er, that it sy~tem Oll a ~econd-lland type- uf IH35, al the- home of Ml'f! , Route here out lined is a COLUMBUS- Careful surveys of t~e corn ear worm and the , may require t en years before the v.:rlter, La~t mgh~ r aU .nded t~e l\laly Hoffman ncar 'pring JI m big tim e-saver f or the are just indicating the true extent bean b~tle have b een Ohio river spans are owned by circ us and notcd In Pllttlcular Its on ThulSdfly aftel'ooon. . busy motorist--very probe of the damagES Ohio lIustained as thinne d ince they came from the the state with no cros ing cha rge. infiuence on the y ungster. It ably a s much as two hours. ' . • • ha n't chnnged a bit. Tots l'r m MI .. Anna )Iammer ~pent the a res ult of the unusually seveI'll south and are not acclimated to t ' lid in I!lJ'ksv ill e with re luwinter. Damage to Ohio's highway au b -zel'O weath er, t't .WII S IItat e.d I b' yt Th e pOpll 1'-u 1.'Ion 0 f Oh 10 " S S t a t. () two to ten wer(', WI they alwlIYR weekAN ALL PAVED lives . 'syatern will run into millions of T • H , P ar k s, extensIOn specta IS • t '. t ' . 1 d' h p'tal are, r emoved to the , world of 't M os t 0 th er ID. m s I.U Ions,, ID . e u 109 ' os hI 1S, imaginat ion 1r, anu.• M I' • B ernar d K y ne HIGHWAY , I dollars, ' it wa reported by Direc- f or th e UnlverSI y. s~rvived th cold Mr, Parks rero rmatort~s, I~dustrla se 0 0 S ' . • .. and dau hler of Xenia, visited th sects tor John Jaster Jr. of tbe State Choice of Knowing P,,'MQt'd e, and the ~ntlenhary num bel'S aG,J I f 'I h Department of Highways. In sal. I&\.D The b a c k••• 190, according to figu res released pring is swi nging iaigh in the . On an amI y ere u nd ny, Motorists ol'e \v-indo\"s. Loud 111aid tOll A Jllrge crowd IItte nd ed church bone of the oforder to protect the higbways durst by the State W elfare D epar tment, · Originated and Sponsored flcial Revoluthe Spring thaw Director Jaster Possible changel! in Ohio's mOl'Of the to ta l, 23,3 40 were m en coais, checked and deep fu ll hcre on undRY eve ning. '" the . tionary Trails lowered the maximum load limit riag laws were discussed in and 12, 856 were wOillen. Approxi- t one ~h &' la"s Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Eal'ley •.. t S g'Ive l'fCl I to 'I,h d l' ~" ~,.., Sy s tem of Revolutionary of trucks, . Vehicles with solid Columbus at the first rooeting in <: mblematic hl'own entertain ed severnl ThurRday mateIy 4,0 0 were i nma l es 0 f Til "~ Eut'op"un ~ Western Ohio. tires had their I" •.ds r~uced from months of the State Commission Ohio penitent iary, and 3,080 w t'(I and black -sh irt spr' c! has stretched cv ning tu a f arewell pa l·ty, Short Trail Marked its nine tona to seven and oDe-haU on Marriage, Divorces and Sepam- inmnt s of th e Ohio State reforms i fal' fl ung {,fT ct to Amel' ica, Mr, a nd MI's. Orla ndo Bl'annan, Association entire length tons, and vehicles with pn'e umatic tion. which was appointed. by Men at lust ca n bc on a par with of Xenia; ,pent Sa turduy with Mt'S the t wo largest of l he twenty K. E. TholllllSon hel'e. by historical , til'es from twelve tons to nine former Governor George Whi le tory, two instituti ons. wo men in color nludness, but th ey markers of the • t.ons, The state has the worst seed but which has been inactive bein much more dang l' 61 the M !'. PEltl Y W lis, Mrs. Patience arE: - - -- _-+--Ohio Memorial ....._____ . _", razz rt'Y, 'f invest d in onc of Th omp;son, Misses Marie W 1Is corn situation since 1918, accord- cause of lack of funds, The- twelve ......____......_____.. Commission. ing to R. D. Lewis of the depart- members of t"e cQmmi ion d e, I ma ny hues a nd. check ~ . I11 l1ch to a nd Mary K . T homp on pent SunFor additional IItrip menL of agronomy at O. S, U. An cided to hold Be sions at their maps or any information extremely high percentage of own expense. The commi sion will :: relative to State Parks, corQ from all sections of tbe eventually' reC<lm end, not an D.. I'ecipient of GODle ;O l't; o r cl'ack the 'week-end gue~ls o f fn.l'y ~. Pleasure Resorts. Scenic Spots, Historic Shrines state has been found to be unfit Ideal set of laws on mAl'Tiage, but about grandma'S tablecloth, T hol11p ·on. or the hundreds of other .. • .. 'V tal at.te ndcd chul'ch at (or seed, he said. There has been a set of laws which will stand points of especial interest SCluLh Lebanon on 1~I'i d ay veninI' a severe damage to Ohio's fruit some chance of being passed by Possibly no cross section of 1 ha":e j ust. learned lhat there along this rout·e. write I\:l i 8: 1.1 rYIlctte Bell 'o n spe nt crop but a moderate spring would the legislature. a spokesman .said. humanity is better revenled t ha n 'is an odd p ychological effect proWILBUR M_ help production, in the opinion of Advi ability of raising the age in and about a uniOn depot. The uuced by the designs in a tiLe Monday cvening wit h Mary K. ~cretar1 Frank Beach of the horticulture limit for gr.a.nting marriage licen- scene never cha'nges ; it has been floor. A barber tells m'e that a Thompson . SPRINGFmLD. OHIO extension service of the university ' ses, to what extent parents who the time worn setting fOl' a sm'c way. to lose buSi~l ess is by Inland orchards as 'usual Buffered eive their consent to minors to myriad of stori. Em otions .con t ructlOg a. flool' With numermore than those in the Lake J:rie wed should be responsibe tor the marked with joy ,and pathos dot ous black de Ig~s: It ~teems tha t section, he said. Damage to trunks minors economically. and the the eyer moving throng. I s!lW' a un der such conditIOns. a cuslo~e and limbs of fruit trees was not problem of medical examination sorrow faced foursome bidding often becom very dl:(zy wh il e extensive. TtHt ' only consolation before the issuance of a marriage farewell t . a sobbing old lI~dy. bavin g his neck shavedl. o ... • ... that Ohio gardeners can cet from Helnse wefe discussed by t he com- Altbough they conversed in a for e the cold winter is that the ranka mission bui no djlfinite actt-on was ign tongue, I took it that sh e wa'l A I cal mer ch ant off t' d to loon leaving ' America forever - an t he City $50,000.00 for two years &xtreme contrast to the vihrant without interest. Unlil thc offC:!' Jo vial greeting extended to an ex- was made he was generally con p ected visitor. Day after day the sid Qred /1' per~On of a vel'[lgc . mo dpage-an try continues with vel'Y est menns. Evidently hi. ex-\ iie little change in tbe ca st. The did 110t knOW of his prosperi ty' ermined lady with the Pekingese. e ithel' f or she has madel ~t kne> wn By V. C. IDEN. Secntawy Th man in the mended. thread- th at he is $21 in. 3neal'S with her A ••ricao I •• tll.t. of St'" bare suit and battered hat. whose 2,&0 weekl y nlinlony. Co.. t ....etto. shoes giVe glittering evidence of neat attention. The two young Stolen f rom Walt r Winchell : DOZENS 'of riven, .wollen to men so closely attached to each _" tudy in 0 101' at onn ie's . bW'ltina point. are menaeinc cast is cocoa'rich cit,jel al1d towns alon. our other, whose afllnity, the observ r In r1 : The ent il' 'Eastern leaboard. The breakina soon notes, i s brought about by colored. D(.lfl Il t'dman is th e of a dam 01' a ' protecting escarp!:IPBTkHng steel around their wl'ists lead r ; 'fed Blackman directs the ~ment on anyone of them might The news vendor in overalls and dllucin g; Ed Grec n is t.he come'well lead to appalllnr lOIS of life, derby. The lady atte mpting to dian ; Paul White ill th,~ j uvenile ; money T"" to the destrllction. of manage her three small children Juck Blue is .the dool'lll:!ln an d the .whol. rich and tbickly populated and her luggage at. the same t ime, chol'us cllpt!llns are lh<! B rown uctlona. s" I Thla 1I00d menace ia not new. The 's moothly dr-essed dl'ummeTII I'I.e S I ~ _ _ __ . _ _ _ _ IlY1ll'7 Winter, every Sprin~ impatiently pacing while wlliting V, 0.111." of bea\7 raIu b .. cauled loss of The rush, of dusky porter$. All .I1f. and property In PlallY partl of tight by the old proe_ of rlvetinc enact human pulsation- a show of 'tile . country. How ihaU Wei over- and calldug,or b, the application 'come \lila ,frequently recurrinr 01 the more modern methods of realism worth watching nnd often dangar1 ' fuaioll .Ildiq. Th... method. better than those that cha'rgo a~ , It JfU to 101.e tbIa probl.m that apply equally to steel bame dam. box oIBce . . a groqp of tile country'. mo.t fa- or .teel faced. dam.. Steel dam. moua eqillMn have just met in can readily be dulsaed to. provid. With the ;rst· of sprlnR BruaL and Cleanlna Fluid Cood Waahiqwn. Th. meetlq wa. tor explnaion ADd contraction dlle Capitol Square beeomes <the favor~ ,. Mbiicine for C ..rment. H avin ... .ponaored by the Wuhiqton Sec.- to chanaes In temperature and. lor Rural Electri/if!ation Tired Appearan'co Uon of The American Society of when properly de.~ed ••. pno- ite hunting gTound for that sect of Civil Enrtn..n; The Wuh lll8ton tieally all parts an a~ce..lble for rtl11lmlalll whose chief occupation is , • You pt elec.trlc aenlote wJab Winte r clothes and also their EqlllMrina Society; The Wash- inlpection. maintenance ADd · r .. relieving pedestrians of odd dimeb DO InveelJllen' except for wlria. inaton Chapter. JlUltar)' En· pain." and nickels. An area in which ownerl! get a new lease on life if ,our propert1 and " c;w appUaneee. A LOOK AT RECORD for ruralelectri· _llleen; United Stat.. Eneineen. ' There arll ·a number .t g"eat police are seldom seen it has be- t he garments are given the beneand the Reclamation Service En- ateel dam. in America, and all of 6cation during 1935 reveals ~me . lignificant a Convenient and 11"",1 _ _ come tbe panoandler's paradise. fi t of a spring t onic consisting of -'n,era. The rroup wu them · are remarkable for .,-eater TMir prey consists of persons who equal pa rt cl aning, minor refacts, We 222.57 milee of rural linea for &_nel"- payment feu' wlriq by Dr. Otia E, Hovey, consulting 8trel1cth~ dUrabillt1 and real.taIl'lle Ule the state house . yard as a puil's. and lIlight altetlltio.ns. ODd applJancee. II you deelreo enough to cove r tile distance betwe~ Dayton engineer of New York and l the to weather than any 'other tJ'pe 9f This pel'iod betwee n the blnsts world's greatest authority on ateel dam. ' The EI Vado dam 011 the short cut from one street to and Cleyeillrul. We added n~w runl customerl • Y_ epee to vee • IIlinimum . tam-. For.teel dam. were the Rio Grande Conservancy District, another. Witb t he absence of cops of mid Winte r and the WJlrm breel:. at Ul e rllJe of three 0 day - a total of 1134 amounl 01 ....tee per IIlODlh lor ",eam. proposed to minimize tlood Aniahed in 193~, impounds 198,000 tJley drop their pitiful and half zas of spring i 11 time (If djsccmduring' the year. a period 01 loar (") yean. danaera ill the United States. acre-feet of water, bIB a glpntic fri~htened penonalitics and be- t ent fo r monen who want to be Satet1 w.. the quality most ateel face five acres in art!a. whicb This extension of service was ~ade possible COrM more bold. Then too, as th c well drC1lscd. Winter outfits are ... You bow Ia .d~a~ee exaell, etre.ed at the meeting and. linee required the uae , of 2,.88.000 for two reaS0l18. Rural customers already 'l8~g weather becomes warmer and more or less o rn and soiled and wbat I, wiD c:oet 10U, aNI .... , Ibe presaure on II dam i, alway" pound. of steel. ' . our electricity liad fOUJld it dependable and ecopeople ehed c()ats or wear it is too e arly to sally fo rth in deflnitel, ascertainable. and ate.1 Although ateel frame dama have -.lee "III be depelld.We I them danglina open. thc bum be- lighter clothes. Cle:lfling fluids and .. manufactured under eomplete been totaU, neale(ted for mon Domical. · Naturally tlaese facti had a favorable control .. to ullorm Itren«th and than 80 yean. there are two In tht. comes quite ,,\ndepend nt. for his a little f eminine ingenu Ity ure the influence on prollpe tive Cll8toDl~I'II. The aecond THIS CAN BE 'arablUtr. then can never be all1 country older ~an that, and atlD victims are much more lenerou wonder wOlkel'!> recommend ed by rea80D lay in the simple plan this company has ·.oubt of the vaat lAIety advan- in exceUent condition, altho. when the, don't have to slip oIY a Edna M. allahan, clothing spccYOUR PLAN in effect for extending rural aervice-aa outlined ..... of the .wel dam. As DI'I one' of them baa Dot be6pa1nted alove or open an overcoat to reach ialist, O. S. 0., f Ol' improving the Bover ezpruaed It in 'hi, addro.s: for the lut II'...... Europe. in ilie adjo~iJlg column. into their jeans. morale of winter garments and "Staal Ia made ADd rolled at the JUia and other ccnmtri. .... also theirwcal'ers. • • .' aUJa &lid f.briCated at the shc." delia'nilla dama In aWL A local nltaul-anw111' oftered A good brushin, with II medium lUlder full GOIIROL TheN II 110 In oddltlon to ~ and de~lans for 1~36 call for an tmIII .mole rapid ateDaiOll 01 ' rural Ime.. PMl't:alaV GOIlc:enaiq the unl· pcndl1bilit1 vaatlr luperior to aD, hla eatablllhment for laIe. A pros•• lIff brush should pre celIe any dry Your fann or home CAn be "ObI ahOie wecei~ service from ..... form of tile materi:>.l or in ! "titer type of .... tile .teel frame pect. --.eel f1'Om a larIe car, d eaning opel'atiorls. pockets DeW lin.. To &ad oat how. . . pi ia ...... -.ith • Bani ....". ... applleaUoll III tile atruc\.ur~. A U:lm is app1' 80 per cent walked fa tG tit. pro2!!!tor with of coaiII !IIhould be inside _ .................. be do:!anod chc:lper to buDd thaD laea\')" eeDlative at ilie aeand oompan)' oIlae. to parobMe. TIl. conferenee out .and the prlUllt be:! pJaDa that . . . . . . . m.mucl'J I' , - r.::\:: ~ nry, It Ia IleDltaat &hat . . . . with an'ADp.UlDta for tbe btuahed, with. the the tIbe _ _ ........ 111 til: ~ : t ~dnr BOveN alld . . . . taO wltiala 1Wa . CIOUIlWI OWIMI' to mad •• pro8pect at hIa f.bric, both illiide ...,... ...., n. IIoI1f eeial attefttion witIl


the new proprietor, e cash r< fd~ tl'I' and Commi. sioner Lawrence Wnor!. illllln'"~ i\'l' t'xrwn~ i \'l' II 01 th() diviHilln o( con servalioll ~t)I(,1l a .. !rOI t t illl<' I...


Rh l' ,










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From the Ohio State Capitol





O_L_~Js4e~DrS:vNa~tEiOANns_ ..~. ;~:l'~~'~~~ ~nudbl~: o~~: ~e ~~; cl a~:::t;;o:~d i~~r~ ~t~, l?sh~~re



Our Rural Electric Lines built in 1935 would reach from Dayton to Cleveland

Famous Engineers Prescribe - Steel Dams to Avert Floods

.. ..







Our Plan






hu nt Mr. lUlU

Ir. Phil wHic k,

~un- ~yc(> ty will mt· .. l witll Clu rk li t 2 I). m, Il lbll pI'llYl'T ml!etillg lit '; p.

MI'. 111111 !'th • n.lll'll J"h" 1I11I1 Lt·Lllllun \'i itorR III t W dnel!day. mOl'llillR. and dau\.!hh'l ""nt Tlll' Jay I \\.'nl1ll( Ml ". Lidll H nUIln wa~ It Ilinnl'T M r~, La·ul·1l , h hJakt<I' Pl'nt U nl' rillY· . \1 ith :\lr. nn.1 :\tr·. Roy :I\r:Kil'hy gu ,t (If l\ll'. Mol'Y II n i lll.!~ on day III:l w('('k with hi' I' lli ~tel' Mril. 1\I rs. H" n n' Sa tt I,th waltl', 1\ ho ; . 1lind fam ily ill IIl1yllln. In~t 'V~dnl!~llu~' CYl'l\illg. 0111.. I'yl .... l<uffl!reu serious injuries in an ST. MARY'S CKU MI n nall\ IlIICII y tlnd l\11': , 1'111'''1. ,JOl' J)avi~ hils beon quit~ Ml'l'<. S,l,lil' nC:I ~on iH viSiting at (' 111< t"I). nulo1l1obile ac idc n t .1'V l'u l R ev. J . J . Scha ef1'er, W~lle:' K,'urick att IHINI th, 'ale :il'\; \lith lho grip. lht' hUlIli' o f MI'. an<l Ml'!<. Rhod s t' of ~w (Ik~ ago WIIS hroll~ht home Thit'u. undny in Lent, MOI'l'h r I' R' l I' 1 t . II'. IIIHI MI'R. fl OIl'Dl'd Graham B'l n n II tl nd <\nucrhtcl·. I , I ,\ , " " Ill. ' :l s n 1111 IV (' BI . h '1. I thO k (I • \ . Inl'g-III' 11 1I'l :I~' IN\l' .. \\ l ' t l I'm' 1\1 t 1\1 1'--1." III i . u ,· iwd by his frQJ11 Illl' OIlP I a IR wee, 11); hur('h s 'hool at !l ::10, Morn- dl'll C(' ' Ii JnlllN<t own 'l'lllll··II ay, undlMlr. and Mrl<. Will. hLuken,shut.1ri'l. MIlI'Y Tuck I' amI fam il y (' UH·tllIatl ". (II 1 .. i ng ?rarer and ~crmOll 'at lO ::}(1. ll'!l(\)C a l,allqoet at t ' e,l.'l'I d 't.h h tl 111 \\, ;II '. 1 1,\ Kah n, :lnrl two ,,\1, , 1't ,I l'I, lIn LdmlHHl uutnlllo. :\lrs. cor mith und rwent I) ' Vedl\(lsday, Morch t " ~c\'vic 1l'.'. Flol'lmc Ueon of L I.l)non , lund PlaZA. given by thl' 0011 1'0- spt.'11L a"t UII uy WI , or mo Il'r II, I II ~ ,. :l},II. ,~, \ h ., ,I,'u h , I' vj... itcu :lI'w l'nl t1UYII l(l~ t \I('('k \\ ith liv e Milk A s.. 'iatinn Itl L week. MI .' . Lolli Soulh and ~on. I lIl t eli "ld, Fl'id:' )' III I. ~,clll\l' \. 1., ,Il':lle-\' 3n,\ ]'u\1 1 KlIhn, of opel'ation at. Mc lellan hospital, und sermon at 7 :30 p, m. . cnia, Inst Fl'illay. 1\11'8. K D. Longacre, MI'l". 1:u'1111'. . lary IIuinc Wil. ho less ir". GI'QI'ge Beckett is in Dl~Y1'1 all hn. A bn.thel\ AliI' Kahn, gUl'n[ JO\ln". and "11'11. Em"la I.'lc". I . t t .. L tlli ,e III. in illdllll aU, J\I mbers of the H!..ppy Hour ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH " U • iT t o the"\J. . '1'. U, on In ·t Thurs- ton UIH ~l'gom~ rcn 111 !lv .a M club were ntcrtain.ed at the hom Father Newt n, Palltor M!'s. Ida Uny, QC Franklin nnd doy u£lcl'noon, lime, of Mrs. J osluh Davis, Tuesday Mass at t. Augu!tinl!"s Church . all, J oy Day of Cinl innati, call d l\[1'~. A. . ColleLt entertain d ~~~~~~~~~~~_~_~...!!~_!!"' aflernoon. very second and fourth Sundny 'on the !lick, M\'lI. B olle 'colt and the following ladies at dinnet· on f th e month. I\1rs. S. II. BUl'll l'tt, SaLurday la~t P'riclay: l\fl.!sdum !\ Clyd F OR SAL E Mrs. Lloyd Davis has been ill aftc rnoon. Levie )" Ll;lurfl hiuakel', Everet.t . evenl day ' . iI'. nnd Mrs, Guy R oulzalm, V i llar~, har ley Gordon, Howard "I'I'{ I. I. I' 1'1 1I.' .. n 1I,)uhh ~d MI'. an d 1\1 1'8. J . B. Jon es . 11', lind oJ'aholll, hI! . P wt rb ugh. Fl'ed Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke spent H, ','c llnjl lltll'l" llnl . Mr . . B en llawk (', MI'. and Mrs. Harlun, Lida liuttol'[. W. E. today with their daughter, Mrs.. Born I. Mr. a.nd Mri3. J. ,u ,'ulll".! Hi It 1 l-S i l1~h Iin .. ~, G t t.. l\[isl;c. Hell'lI E al'1 y und Og le"IJ.e.e, ha s. Eo 'ler, Located n lhe form known Ralph Vance, at Plea, ant Plain. Williams, March 8, 0 ~,o n, J . III II,' B1l1ld HrIJI('~. ;~I:!.r,O. R. leo Huwk attend d r. 1l~ t rn tar KathIe n Graham. as t.he Raymond Gutt.('ry farm, Kennelh . II. ' I l!" t, 11 m d \H'I'~. P h(·n ... ll(lR~ l ..o d~ 1 a l W uyn esvil\ c' I ondal' ~11'. has. Pcwt rbllllgh enter5 llIile!; )';a;\ of Lebanon, 2 [ I'll. A. F. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Fromm )JI. an d W, mith anu \ \' ilylH'<\It!e, ()hil . ·vening . t.nin crl quite a numbcl' of m ' l1 with miles W. of I ' gonia on Waywere guests of their !Ion-in-law. ane! ~11{e lt:line d Cd nds from 1\11' . anti Mrs. E;!lrl BUl'n e ~ and u "I1.h· fry" On Friday evening. _________=:--~=: ! b,)J'o and l\1icl d l<-t OWll nesville und MorrolV pike, noar daugbt~r, Mr. and 'M ·S. Melvyn spent the we k-cnd with r lat ive" on, Mr. S. ~I. BU1'n t, l\1t'.. and The dh th of MI's. Alvtl KenTurtlecl'cek school, on .Uan la, Sundoy, at Plea ant Plain: in olilmbu s. uHel'n oon. Jesse Stanley i lrecov ring Mrs. alvin Longacre and childr 1.1 n ' dy occurt'ed a,t h I' bome on Mrs. J. H. Sackett and Mrs. F. fl'om an atlnck. of pn eumonia. Miss Rutll handler, 01 CedarMI'''' Alic lark utt nd ed the atul'(lay aftel'nOOn after a hOI·t villc, wa!\ t he gue t of heT U. LeMay I\ttended an all-day Mrs. lara Barron of Boston, fun cl'lIl 01 ~I al'ccJl\\ Thuc kera aL illn 'g, _ Th e fune ral Wit s held at broth r L ewis Chandl rand di trict healtb meeting in Wil- waS call d h re last IV ek by lhe )! e l ul'~ f u m r ill Home W synes- th e .M. E, church on Mondu.y acteT ijeginning at 11 o'clock a, 01 . mington, Wednesday. Cumily over th e week-end. Tu , d ay aftcmoot'l and [lOon ill charge of R v. William s of illn 55 of hel' i l er, MI·s. A. W. ville 7 head of Hol's H, 24 hend of henowelh. • bu r illl at Miami emet ry . jll'ing Valley. The Ellstel'n Lars CaUl, 21 Bt'oocl Sow s, 1600 Ml·. and Mrs. Loren Jam on' Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Ungles by Mr. nnd [rs . Bel·t Scllman have Mrs. William Rag r: of i ason, h ld short service and burial was and 1m! da ugh r, and Miss I spent' the week-end in L xinglon, bllshe.\s Y lIow orn . and moved fl'Qm Jamesto wn to I.h e L. Mrll.' Pau l nde rs a nd Mrs. G eol'g~ in Miami c metel'Y. nrolyn Jam eson, ot 'Dayton, I Ohio, where they were th e gUI! t : 8 lot of farming ' implements. . tanfie ld farm. 1 1~OX of l\liami burg, S:P!lll t Tu esThe Eu~tel's arc ente rtuinin g \V Ol'1' guest. of 11' . Maude rane' of Mr. and Mr . N. P. Blatt. 'Mrs, . P. Noggle wa ll call ed to day with their tl ll[lt, MI·s. Meta I th('il' daughtcl' and litile gr'anu- I S ARAH J:,A.RNHART, unday. Mr. Glenn Barnes, of Nonvalk, Georgeto wn la st W edn esday by I Rag 1'1! and g ave hel' a liet at da ughter at this time. VINNIE RHOAD ES The Gt'Ilnge held a very inter tE. C. lh death of her fa~hE'r R. E. hou.e-cl eaning. 1\-1]': find Mrs. Russell Fran k had called on his niece, Mrs. Th e ntel·t~inll1Clnt s:ivell nt " ing mieting in the gym On Sattlr. Karl l\i. Brown, Auct. gucsts, Sunuay, Mr. Crane 'and family, Wedne.sday ampb ell. Mrs. A. W, h n'o '~'eth , who s u£ ! LY~le Hall F n day eve~\Ilg was day n~ght. About one hundred and ,,, _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~----, par nts, of Bowling ~vening. fer d a s tl'oke of pilraly sis t en I enJ oy ed by a large cro",d. It Ivas flf ly wer~ pre ent. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gr en. Mr. and Mrs. OSCIfT tanfi ld days ago , died on Friday morning. I given b y th e Second g roup of tho Members of the glee club under Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ross, of and family, of New Vienna, weTe Besides h I' hu sband, slle i sur'! id, uring th three monLhs all- the management of Mis8 H len of guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. vived by a broth r, J hn Patten l otted t o them th ey n tted the tevents, the Mason, W re dinner guest effiolent . music Collett on Sunday. of Chicago, a si ter, Mrs. CIat'a I UIl1 of 60 . The 'l'hil'~ Group, wUh director, is giving an operetta Ml'S. Hannah Rogers has re- Barron of Boston and three chil- Mr . J. B. Jones, chall' man, have "Ro e 'o f the Dallub ," on t.he even turned to ,ber home her& after dren: ~11·s. Ray Ca1'1', :E lmer and March, April a\ld May lo see ho, ing of March 20. Admission 10 and er- mu ch ma n y t hey clln make . 20 ~nts. spen di ng the w inte r months with Albert Ch noweth. Funeral vices were held in Friends Mr. aud Mr. Rorv y Burnet Mes dames ROSe Oal'l' and nnn rel ativ~ at Lebanon and RidgeChurch Monday afternoon. . 'MI', and ~h·s. t[al'olcl Whitaker nnd Stin on were Xenia visitors ,Tuesville . Each casket furnished hy Mr. and Mr. Harold Conru.·~ dao 'hMter, Mr · Il nd MTI's , J'I B. JJ onc day. very h Mr. and Mrs. Russell Benson, d M is P l'f c~ in us ' 0 tIl and . ,'. an rs. cr.e . . The funer I of Mr. Ed Young of Cleveland, were g u ests of Mrs. and son have moved • li nd ~on aHe ll dc d th e . ltOll11 MIlk n' 111ghl" respected color d - mu n, The interiors aT'e d t.ail, Haines farm, near CaE'sars J Benson's parents, Mr. alld Mrs. Produ c I S as oeiation moeting and of Qliv(\ Branch ~ a held at the church. or thetin st, quality and th e W. P. S al i bury, everal days last Mr. and Mrs. l\1oTri din ner in Dayton Tucgday. ZiO"D Ba ptil.t church on Tu day week. On S unday Ml·. a nd 'Mrs. per fee t.l y hllrdw81'c i Salisbu ry a nd Mr . a nd Mr s. Ben- h aVe moved to 1\11'. prope'r ty, west of town . 'matched. We " lect 3.llch son were di nner g uests of Mr, a nd Mr. and Mrs. J . C. l\1cKaight m rcho n disc carefully, tbat Mrs. Leon Sa lisbu ry a t Wa binghnve moved to Hn\·vey!;burg. The Masonic Lodge membl'rs ton C. H ., Mr. a n d Mra. Benson we may give our clients only entel·tained wilh a "FIlLh'r ond go ing f rom there to their home in on" banquet on last Tue ~day the b st at. reaaonable cost. Cleveland, Sunday even in g. . evening in theil' lodg room. The --- ~-. Ea I.ern Stars served a d~licious Come to Lytle Ha ll Wedne day dinner to about fi(ty five. The evening, March lB. speaker of the evening was M.r. Mr_ and Mn!. J. B. Jones atFl' d Pauly of Middletown and he tended Lebanon Grange T hursday was g~eatly enjoy('d by all. Mr . evening. Shel'man Buckl y 'of Kingman Mr. and 'Mrs. W.1i',. Clark of also entertained them with his Waynesville were Saturday guests Pia••• T mag ic tricks. Miss Jenkins furof Mrs. Mary Carmo ny. . FRIENDS MEETINC nished the music for the even ing Mr. and 1tfrs. Harvey Burnet atOn S unday, March 15, regula1' in a most pleasing manner. Fir st day school at 9 :3 0 a . m., tc nd e. d a Coopeoratlve !lUlk AsMr. and Mrs. E. B. Dak in were sociation meeting in Cincinnati f ollowed by Meetiftg for Worship. Th ursday. I n the eveni ng, · begi nning Mrs. Everett Ken:ri(:k and seven O'clock, a program by t he childre n and young people will be Robel't of Centel'ville ~i pent Thursgiven, including f our short p lays day with ber sister, 1\1rs. tan ley ~,~ --~ ~ - "The Ohildren 's Meeting i n Baile y and daughter, Phyllis. Mr . Cassie Hardy of Dayton England," "The Latch tring" . "Isaac Hopper's Hat" and " Alle n pent· last week at the home of l ay and t he. Fugitive Slav e". All Mr. a nd MrM. E. B. Longacre. I Come- see Keystone the magi, re cordially invited. cian, at Lyt,)e H all, " Wednesday vening, Ma rch 18 a t :S o'clock. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Mr. a nd Mrs. Ralph Johns and Carl Smith, Minlater da ug htel'S were S u ndtlY guests of Perry Thomas, Supt. of Bibl e 11'. and Mrs. L awI' en ce Hecathorn School Sunday School 9 :30 a. m. at Miamisburg. Communion 18:45 •• m. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith of Dayton Sermon 11 •. m., was an overnight guest Friday of Mrs. Margaret Johns and a din ner A IIP , clolloID p' Ic e /O~ thl. ~AYNESVILLE CHURCH OF g uest .Sat urday of M[. a nd ~rs. Pure Can. Gnnulated Do"ulo, . "",tll,,'n, CHRIST D on al d B a.dl ey. Carl Smith. Minister Mr. and Mr s. Fred Fisk and Not A Denomination two so ns, of Indepelldencej Ky" ..,P r ogram for March 16. spen t the week-en d \vith their' Stoc~ up at 00. low price Har vey Hole, superintendent. parents, Mr. a nd l\~ rs. , Geor ge E arl Woollard,. secretary. Gray a nd Mr, and Mr~l. Leslie Gr ay J ohn Sears, chorister, and children. T he fo r mer Mr. and Sta"da,d. All oalulJ. 9 :30 : Instrumental duet -Lola Mrs. Gr ay accompanied t he Fisk's Wllleo" . tn Peall S ears, Mrs. Russel Campbell. Bible home fo r a visit. Clifton. Safe. soft and .btorbent No.2 cane school lesson, JeBus teaches His 'M.l'. and Mrs. Howard Smith and Disc:iples to Pray, Luke 11 :1-13; children moved Monday fro~ near Golden te xt, 1 John 6 :14. Centerville in with his father , Mr. Gos~1 mesBa&,e in Bon&,-male Frank Smith and faDIU)', quartet. Mrs. Mary Cal'moJ)LY in cOm10 :00/ lellOn period. pany with Mr. and Mlrs. E. J .. Oar- . lJulA rd. odll'!II/O/l1J .'lhl..,~.'tN 10 :46, Lord's Supper, many and Mrs. Flo Bechtol of 6:45 p. m., Ohrlstian Endeavor; Springfield, saw "'llhe Country lb" s ubject, Puttine Christian Purpose Doctor" at Keiths in Dayton SunCollntry Club. Ityle into Life, Romana 12 :1-2, day afternoon and afterward dined 2 .... S. StU, . 4 .... 19, Cl.....r Jesus Firstat Grant and Salem Av~s. \ 80/ba,d Ann LI"htllou.. "The world all about me now Mo,ris Mi1l~r moved last w eek Match.. • 3 ~I. 10e Salmoa. Tall ... 23. has n o allure; ""aIOll 0., G (lood lIU"plp CHft/l11 Club Rell from \the Dr. Herman farm to his & 3\1ccota.h . lSe DUI Plckl.. . 2 II. jIr 21. l ts pleasures bring pain , its -wis- own farm near Zimrner man. Mr. Co/he Doltld for 1~t18h"e•• Se",. 1t'l'nlf/IIl, 116 tle/te/NII Onu/n. dm. If.ea7lrav01' dom is vain. ., Bogan of hear Wajrnesville haa Mackerel , 3 ••it 2ic .' Peuut B.tter 2 I., ~r 2&. I seek a foundation that's st ead- moved to the Herma'n fam!. Ib,. StnlldtJId ' I ~lftba ''''l1 .' fast and sur e, Mrs. Margaret J (,bns was a ' Peaa . . _•. 2 ca. 170 Cam.)' Soap 4 bart 19_ . I'll put J~U 8 first in my life." dinner guest Sunday at the home C"unt'Q C. ub. SlfI.d . ' Spec/III low ' ",," I ;; '1 :3 0, choir sp ecial. of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cook nea.l·· 8 :00, Gospel message in BongBREAKFAST BACON, 8 lb. Piece or mo:re ...... Z,l c Waynesville. Lucy E inley, 'M r. an'd Mrs . .Walter 'Mr. and Mrs . E. :B. . Long acre S lieed""":3l5c Elzey; evan gelistic services. " Thus were Sunday evening dinner CtJunttD Club . A reallo' lJ D,b· FISH, Whiting, 2 tbs. . " ..... " " .... .. ...... ,... ...... " .. " Z$e saith the Lord , set thin e house in guests of Mr. and ' Mrs. Joseph order, Isaiah 38 :1. J ones in Cincinnati. No.2 canl CHEESE, Mild, lb . ...... .... ..'... ...... .. .......... ...... ........ lie: We are planning to hav~ 100 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Day of in Bible school and to bear God 's Hamersville are visiting this week BOLOGNA, lb. .. .. ....... ................ ................... ZOe Word in the evening services. with their cousin IIlrs. BeUe Scott Weare ready to meet your buildinC Come and enjoy these services and family, . BONELESS ·KAM. lb. , .. ;" ... ....... .. ..................... 310 , n eeds! OUT yards are .tocked with .... with us. 141', and Mrs. Donald Hadley ana a~ned - hiche.t rrade Iu~bera boucht in ¥r. and Mn. Therle Jone. and son or S """h,tll. Bulk. A l C!a/oG/u. large quantitie. when the mark~t wa. WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCK attended the balket ball pme In richt-to cut your buildiDCI co.t.. You'll ORANGES 'Florida.--l'r to 18 count, 10 IH... .. It. Rev. G. C: Dibert. Puto~ Cincinnati Saturday evening. • I al.o do better if you buy )'our brick, roof. Sunday: SUDday school at 9 :30 F'rWIDd. hen extend their STIlAWBEUI", FIn. QulitJ. I pta. ............ ... a. m. Morninc wOTship at to :40. sympathy to Kr.. S. H. Bumett In inc, cement and other material. from ••• seJ'Dl.QJl lubJect will be, the death . of her fathflo r. "SWEET POTATOES. Lou.._ Yallll, lib.. .... , .. ,our aervice. DaL MONTE Road Before Us." Thackera of Sprinrboro, Sbe wal Epworth Leape at 6 :46 p. m. unable to a"elld the fODera}. Her .........!IIJ... Stalk . ,.... .. At 7:80 p. m. there wUl be. eondltloD remaiDI tbe ...... apeolal eervice 01 ucred The mIlD of tide wt1I tollo" ing




- -- -

Late Classified AdS.

Publ.·c Sale

New Burlington

Saturday, March 14










J. E. McClure

Waynelville, Ohio



... .. -

AcMrtlse ~Sa1elo



i ea~·lt


Mll hrl~ gou ba,en







LARD 2 :2SI:

r ..."

Chase Sanborn









'U bave

I() f:~l 3Sc


3~~~. 2·5c

Eiahty-Eighth Year,


,W aynesville


By Granville




Whole Number 6213


Something To Think )~bout


ongrntulnli n Wnyceh. In winning tjle SouthweRtel'n Deputy Sheriff, Hufford and Gil- , <iistrit:i champ10nshilP Wayn es· Children' • .parot of Porgram GiYen ville high s hool basketball By Th'ird' Grade; Ladi." more Fan to File for team ha s ' Dcht ved the goal Sb.cirifF PreMlnt Play other Wanen COunt.y (Iuintets have strived fell' but: never at· U nexpecte d withdrawal of tain d. Th e montbly meeting of the Deputy heriA' William HuA'ord Wayn 'l'ownship' Mothers' club Alter captu ing the Warren and former COroner Waldron counly c o b .. last Friday was chatacte rizcd by Gilmour from the R~publicl1n pri~ wn y wlnmng a n unu ual attend d b th .W aynesville won t he di trict title in the class B maries for the nomination for foul' games n lhe COUllty fllC nnc e an y c d'IVl..JOn b y d ef eati ~g W est Ch. es t eL... 27 t 0 25'tn t h e fi na I h el'I, 'ff tou t t1am cn at illgs Mills, th e lhat the roll of membership was one of the surprises I 1 has reach ed 10 l, the highest in last Saturda.~.J night. The game was a thriller from start to in Warren county political circles locp) OCa team l' pres(~\ltccJ t/le sector at t11e di st, iet i II several years. finish, and, the outcome was very much )'n doubt up to the when the deadlin for filing peti. · I d I incillnllti in oat creditaule Mis Ca:rter supervised the t Ion s was reac Ie Bst week. whl·stle. II A It Rbi' . 1 manner. children's part of the program tl'me of the £na) West Chester started acoring SOOn after the game began and led at s a l'ei!U , epu loans WII Four dif1icu gSlm, we,·c u~ing the entil'e Third grade. The haveinasmuch three con~ ts re to will decide th end of th~ first quarter 9-6. The Butler count:y boys 'beld on to thil 12, as th .be May two p1ay ed and won at t.he Univel'- pI'ogram carrying a decided Ravor margin and the half closed with the Bcore 14- to 9. A third quarter aiLy of CincinnaLi and Wuyncs- 01 HoUand originated in Station nl'na points .~ conlmOnd pleas • d rally, w:hl·ch addA-' ....... ..., t"~ ."" Wayceh's score and at the Bame candidates . d t ffor h·ff h VI'II e was acclalm las B HOH with Kenneth Bllldley, an· time held the oPP08Jne team to foul' points, tied the score at 18 all. for JU ge, wo or s erl t rae county commission annominatichampion. nounceer. Thill d s pit he fact that A Holland song- Ruth Helen The fourth quarter was up and down, urat' one team in the lead and then the other. At the very end, th Waycehs forged ahead and won ons. Waynesville ha on e or the LeMay, Dona'hl Buzick. In Wayne townsh ip voters will the title by the narrow margin Df two points. fi n d t he nam~ 0 f Mary B. Chap- small t and lJI'Ost inad Cluate Littl e Dutch dance by a group, , Ea!l Conner waB out of the game because of an injured knee. man and John C. Hawke on t he gymnosillms in tlle entire dis. Dulch song - Bonnie Dale Charle~ Burton. Ea~nhart was sub"tlt~te~ for :'JerJ'y" and made good ballot for representation on the trict. Peters, Jackie Crane. by rolhnlf u., 10 pOint. Charles DaYls tied With Earnhart for <honors t R bl' 'tt J Ha ll<iicap p4)'d as they are, Recitation -- Phyllis . Burnett. by al 0 maldn•... 10 points. y epu eomml ee.posts ' 'w ha t eo uId futo r Waynesville I,coun Contest fo\, lcan committee Windmill exercise-eight boys. In Friday night's game, the · - - - - - , . - - - - - - - - - - - - team' do with Ii gym. such a, A playlet-Customs of Holland. a slron .. ' are indicated below in the (IOm- Franklin, L bancn Illnd Kings .on. . I (;e I ' t 0 f can d'd ong by the entire group. Wa ,"ceh took reven"e p el I a t es: Mill enjoy? Another en~rtaining number Lebanon team for a defeat . u1 fered duri~ tbeo leaaon. The boys For County Office. ounty tournamcmts are on the aftemoon program was a For common pleas judge J)t'o fitabl th y b:ring hun- play, " They l\lade an Impt:ession" from the county Beat were set back 22 to 14, and 'Were thereby B. Dechl.Ult (D), George YouMg d\'eds of stud en t$ llnd team Character parts in this play were eliminated from the tournament. (R), William E, Hofer (R). SU)JpOI'Wl'S Lo communiti ill taken by local ladies, for the At the end of the first quarter, For pro bale jUdge-Ralph H. whi~h ·they are hdd-which most part members of t he Mothers Carey (R~. . means xlra dollars for club: Mrs. I rma Frye, Mrs. Ruesel Wayrt4!llville waa behind 8 to OJ at the end of tbe half, Lebanon. For repre$entative to the geneI'· mcrchan ls. Frunk, Mrs. Nina St. John, Mrs. was still up, 7 to 2. Charley Satterthwaite is work al allsembly--Arthur Hamilton Doc' Wayn elivi llc need s Flo nee Hastings, Mrs. Evelyn T'be third quarter saw Waynes- ing in New Burlington this week, (R), S. C. Alexander (D). b it, I' gytnnasium~ This is Watkins and iMJre. Edna Hartsock. ville take the lead to maintain a engaged in pl.a stering a. house. For prosecuting attorney - C. 'omethin~ fOT tnc fans who Mr . Vernon Mainou 8 introD to 7 advantaee at the end, The Donald Dilatu h (R). have follow cJ th lucal team . duced the subject of a local kinMrs. -C. E. Nards, of Bloo:mingF01' ,sh rlff-W. E. Graham R), during its success of the past dergarten. Sbe explained the fo urth quarter saw thlB drive canf ew \ ks, to think lIbout. scope and value of such an under· tinued, until, with about fo,ur ton, lllinois, is "he house gu~t of Chus. L. Baker (R). For recorder - Allen Huffman taking. mlhlltell to "Iay, Conn~r was Mr. and Mrs. Phil Larrick. forced out ot the pme when ~is (R) . In the room popularity contest . . . ... UII"iUlq 0 d M~t and Mrs. ~an Collett tn~ 1 For tteasu l'er- Ro R. , BartGrade Ill. received the most vows.

Local Hilh School Baaketball Team Downs West Cheater ,i n Finals; Lebanon Defeated by 22 to 14 Score



Wayceha Downed By Upstate learn In Firat Round of Class B Tournament At ·Columbus Wayn e ville high schoo1 was eliminated in the Class B tate championship baRketball tournament at the Ohio tate lIn~v e rsity gymnasium, Columbus, this afternoon after 10810g to the strong Granville team by a score of 26 to 34. ' The score at the half was 12 all. In the third quarter first one team would be ah ~td and' then the other but in the final period Granvill e forged ahead to win by ~n eight point margin. Granville, one of the pl·e-tour:nam nt favorites came to the toumament with t h e impres ive r ecord of 21 wins and one defeat.

The Granville team, T pres nting the cpl1cge town where Denison univer ity is located, is coached by Bob McConna-lI, a former .Stivers high school and Denison univcl'sity gJ'aduate. The Licking county aggregntiq n won th central district competition at We tervill , having defeated Millersport. ill the finaJs 28 to 26. As was the caSe in the district tOlll'nament at Cincinnati, a large delegation of Wayceh fan followed the team to the state ea.pital. Seven members of the team, Earn hart, Con neT, Allen, Davill, Griffy, Salt rthwuite and Hawke left for Columbus with Coach Bodenbender and Faculty Advi!lor Hatfield Wednesday evening while others followed this morning. 01 the sixteen team entered in the Class B division, Waynesville had met two duting the lut =.,============= seaSOll. Rfs TO'WD!lhip W~B Bchool operetta which The high downed by the local quintet, was sc~ule d for Thursday and although tbey were by Friday nights of ttti week, is bhe strong Leesburg team. postponed and will be presented In 'Winning the Class B chamTuesday and Wednesday nights, pionship a.t Cincinnati last week, March 24 and 26. the Wa}'Jle,Bville team has done what no other Warren county five Mrs. · Laura Sides, of Dayton, has ~n able to accomplishof courts-Clifford C, room tbe second D. C, advance to the state finals in Beckett (R). . 'l'he club heard reports from the Ridge, Mrs. D. R, Smith ..nd Mrs ColumbuB. in the aame. Lebanon falled to Saturday il ternoon. Sports writers '8l1 bave aileed The Ladies' Aid of the MethodFor county engineer--Sam D. fl~ l~ grade lunch. More meals were R. H. Hartsock were Dayton t be play of the local five has been k p the paCe previously let and the remarkable. Hailed a$ w &81'4hOldinS' th:'hJlttletehnd of a 22 ist chuTch 'Will have a market the HFellkle (R): I 'tw t e1 t) r&ut·l'Vareydthadunrinangythoet'Lmeronotfhth°ef yFeeabr -. visitor today. e eon t el t Saturday before E8IIter, April 11. ' ox commlS, oner, 0 0 ec II score .. e n to closed. . --Bayes C. Koover (R), Fred .J, J dd' h Mr. and. Mrs. Marshall Haines "Wizards" of Waynesville, the · , f M F d n a ltion to t OSe already re- 01 Dayton, were guesta of 1Mr. and Wayeehs kept the !ollowet'S' of the Tb e con dlhon 0 In the other l emifinal pme, on rs. re Hagemeyer ~R) Scott McClure · cei" d elg . hteen 1 tea h d mOl re p a Friday aftemoon. West Chester Gons, who ill very ill in Dill hos- ' (R) and Keller 'Hoak (D). I b 'd . ave Mn. Walter Elley, Sunday even- Cincinnati tournament at hiBh A r(!cent articl in The Gazette een onate. A I bills were, pitcit, and a8 a result Clus B dpwned Oxford IIc. Guff, 20 to H. pital, Dayton, ia said to be slightly For coroner- H. M. William s on t.he ()l d buslnc!lS places of Way- 0 rd r ed pal",. .d mg. games grabbed the spotlicht frorn Mr. and Mrs. D. B. BodenpenTrophies were awarded to the impro\"ed. (R) . M rs. H any W'II" n aville has brought to my lluind I lamson 1e d th e the la..rger Elchools at the . loutbwillner and \0 the runner-up in ~rl Ro\)ertson, of ~ugene, ; ~. Rep.Mican Committee r coli ctlons o! the very de"ght. devotionai period at the beginlljlng der, of Continental, Ohio, were western Ohio tournament.1 week·end gUqsts of Mr. and Mrs. eaeb divisloD; members of the 0 l'E'g'on, 18 ' .1 • • • Vl81ttng h'IS f a th er, Turtlecreek township- - Charles iul socilll life which existed \If tb e meet'mg. Class B. 'James Thursday were fo'u r t~ama receivini individual Geol.'ge Robertson. J. Waggoner. some fifty yea.\'s ago and of the I Retl'esbment service after ad- Karl Bodenbender. held in the Ohio State universiQ Mr. and Mrs. Vernon M:ainous Franklin townshi~ - R. E. Le~ many fln~ old borne; which we're jou.rnment was ' by the. following -award.. MiBS Mary Ellen I Edwards, 01 gymnasium, while all of Friday Fi.... R ol,vned a nd occupi~ by those Ilndle : Mrs. ~achel Earnbart, Mrs Dayton, was the guest of her and Saturday contests 'Will. be' , are moving, this 'Week, into the oy, B th H M M E h t Waya...ftI. B F P Baird reBidence on Franklin road. Union township ~ Ralph Van families who opened wide ' their r a .ess, .r. aryarn ~r cousin, Mles Ruth Conner on Sun- played at the stste fairgrounds s Davis, f ......... ........ ,...... " 2 10 Metet. doors with gracious hospitality M.r , LUCile Sahsbury, Mrs. Luelle da.y. coliseum, \ Earn~ f ...... " .......... " 0 10 Mr. and Mrs, Ray Mainous Harlan townshjp-W. R. . 'Row. and who brougtht to.g cther friends ' Fires, Mrs. Amanda Earnhut, The compl~te schedule of C)MS Mrs. T. B. Brannock spent last B games is as foHaws: Grifty, c ... ,.... " .. " .......... 2 0 • spent Sunday 'With :(riends in ard from Mar and far for the charm- Mrs. Blanche Graham. Clearcreek townabip- Walter N ing and somewhat fal'mal par\'ies In the absence of the secretary week at the home of her daughtu' Allen, g ........ ,........ " .. ." .. 1 1 3 FranlIin. THU~SDAY Satterthwaite, g ' .. t " . . . . . . . 0 0 '0 Allen. which were typical of the day and Mrs. HartleY' Moss served lor the Mrs. Charles Elzey at Oregonia. One o'clock: ' Canal Fulton va _ _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Walker, Salem townshlp--E rl J. l\1aag. which hav~ now faded and vanish- day. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Baird and Amsterdam. Totals .. ,.. ,...................... 12 8 27 of Bellevue, Kentucly, were Wayne township .- Jonn C. ed beyond recall. daughter bave moved to their Two o'clock: Rawson vs Eaton pests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hawke and Mary B. Chapman, ' Stal'ting at the south .end of Extension agents in Ashtabula farm home 'in Indiana. h • have helped needy f'amilies W •• , Ch.t_ B F P Linn, , S ullda." nieht. t h '11 'th coun Three o'clock: W~ynesville va U G or Massie . township- HIlT.ry M. Os. own pCI' . aps Y9 WJ come WI "¥ ravett, f .... .............. ,... , 1 9 d born, me in· and out of BOlllle 01 thea'! pool their buying soth'ey able . Mrl!. Charles Stansberry and Granville . M Ha~ilton township Ed -Knoch- stat Iy old homes within who e lo get needed f81'm produce that daughter, of Dayton, w~re calling Four O'clock: Lucasvilll! VI SanLawllon, f .......... ,....... : .. .. 5 2 .· 12 . dr. a~ ~ra. Phil Larrick at· Hendrix, c .. ............. ,...... 0 2 I ten ed t e une~ of Mrl. Lar- enhauer... . ' \vallll we may recapture glimpses eouId not hlive been obtained other on reiatives and fTiends here, dusky St. Mar ys. Six o'clock: South Amhehlt VI Koebel, g .......... ,., ... ... " 0 0 0 :~~:r:~n.;; ~ad ' W~utter, in Washington township-E. H. of tho e tal' away de'llf days. wise. Sunday. Dennison. Ball, g ............ .... ...~ ...... .. 1 0 2 ' , e ne ay moon. Hodgson. ?here is .3 tree ~h aded I.a ne ====:...:.:'====:.""===== Seven 0' clock: Millerilport v. Zerbryke, f '.. , .. ,... ~ . ...... . 0 0 0 !)(iss li!thel Congleton, of Har. t... t e tlll1 I at It iMrs. Rice Snapp, nee Charlotte '7' Deerfield township-J. W. King WI n ' on glan s n e Kate, Sophia and Mary, t he lat- - - r'_A", OLio, -ent 1-'" -e-1. at the I d h' hid £f th i Antram, and Mrs. W. J . Schrtabe1 Point Place • ..., a -r -~ .. D--ocr-tlc COIDIDI'tte'e ower en w Ie ell. s 0 e rna n ter the wife of brew SW4loEt. The who have' been the' IP"ests of Mrs Eight o'clocK: LoweHvUle VI Total . ................ ,......... ,. 10 5 25 hom. of her a1lnt, lin. John ' .... highway and provid~~B entrance family bel<m ....ed to the Irish nObili.Treadw..,. - Turtlec~k township -D. W. f or tbe three houses ran " e d " George Hartaock for the past two Lee.buqr. • ty and the little old mother de· Nine o'clock : Gellna Public VI along the hi1l8~de in a . row. Iirhted in sho.... ing the family W4loEKII, expected to leave today Bishop, Esther Stibbs. M_ Perle Wt Tueadal Wayne township-Keller Roak Up and down t~e 18l1~e th~H uBed silver with ita coat ot arms and for their home In Arcola, Va., ROllB Town8hw, , Wa:r:•••.el. ~ ~ ~ io~ New York' 0tt7 .....N abe will and F. H. Graham." to travel gay equlp8J~18, gll. teninr th .. tit I d 1 bl h i and Waahington D. C" respectiv· 0 er "eau U an va ua e e r· I " . ~:::~r,ff" ' ', ::',':,:',',::::::'.::',:: 1 0 I ~ttaa til. Intematloul Flower H amilton township - C, F . carrl~gl!1i wlth double team" h1Jh looms. The .Isters were cultured e y. FRIDAY steppmg on the 'Way to cburtb, r h d n\ 1 d h Mr. and 'Mr!, E. L. Hough were One o'clOCK: Winner ot ThuraKaah and Louil Keller. Grift" c :...........~ .......... , .. 0 1 1 Sho". Harlan, township-Edwin Soth .p ony phaetons with f,ringed tops I :~! acco~p 18 e in UB c an t e g uests of frienda Iq Centerville, day's one o'clock came va wlnn8l' Satterthwaite, If ............ , 1 9 1JI&r•• Allie SerTIe aDd IOn Roband Edw.a rd Simpson. awaying in the breez,e and the O··fted ith d it d Sunday. of Thu.r adaf's two o'cJock pme. Allen, If ,.. .............. ......... 2 1 6 ert; 'MiaI Martha Cook and W fl ueney I Yhter ,spar· ank Two o'clock: Winner ot Thu-LeMay, C .... " ....... :........ .. 0 l ' 1 Wm Bradl., were dbtner rueate De~rfleld township-So ~ Maag dashing red wheeled .buggies o.~ w 8peee hreal ; al1&' .and Franklin M. Bawyer, yo\)ng beaus with thEl lr fast trotII ·t d t b d . Mr. and Mrs. Howard Swank, day's three o'cloc" ....ame - - of IIr, and lin. Fruit Cook on F kU t h' C 1 B . h t' h . db' 1 nr WI an P1 repar ee a oun · f L i d " · ... ran n owns lP- ar elc mg orsei! .reme 19 l ., ed w,hen the ladies were ealUne or 0 ave an , were callers at the 'Winner of Thursday's four o'elock Total~ ..... .... ....... ... ..... " .. 8 6 22 Monday. The OCUldOD celebrated ler and Roy S. Burroughs. Today shc.k automobiles dub in t d th d y borne of Mr_ and MTB. Walter I game. e Leltaaoa B F P th6 birthda, of IIr. Cook. . Musie township- Howard E. and out and tbe lei slllre 01 those' cam Me 0 I!!:n t a · th f d Elzey, .ssturc!.ay eiternoon. Six, o'clock: Winner of Thu-..... .rI ' 1 " 1 mo" .. C1' re urne d 6 on ..... IIr. ud ,' ' . Vietor Carpeon- JUcuuinn.. Cooke, f ............. ... ...... .... 0 0 0 oihel' (aye I~ gone. . h i aifection 01 these friends who Celebrating the March birth an. day's six o'cltl.c k came vs winner Nixon, f ..... ,........... ....... 8 0 6 ter,o! MlddJetowD, IIr. and MIll Tile first hou$e on the sout s called' ber Caellie (Callie) in niversaries 01 members of . the t of Thursday's seven 'o'clock game. Salem towDBhlp-John E. HoldMiller, c .... . ,... .. ..... .. ..... :.. a 0 4S A. H. Schoeler, of Hamilton, Mrs en. · the old Allen home. . wMre Will th· · ft t' h' h wa, Hawke family, Mr. and MrB. Seven o'clock : Winner of TbUl'l U,nion township-Albert Ertel :Allen liv'ed witll hi mother and . el.r so . acceJl w IC Orr, Ir ......... .. ,." ..... .......... 0 1 ' 1 Kathryn Tamer, of Dayton, Mr. ' 'd t h • dj't d hke a carell8. Lee Hawke entertained at their da.y's ~Ight I)'clock game va win~atfteld, I ... :... " ........ ,,'" 0 1 1 and Mra. 'Freel B. Hendenon and an d T homaR A.. ' Scott. mal en aun 1\ \>me O .~ gm Y an ( La te r a mece . W · E gan home Sunday. The natal day of J. , ncr 0 f , Th UTad • , 0 ,clock ay's tune eeme Israel, g ... " ... ........ ,,, .. ,, ... 0 0 0 lIatthew Turner. were supper '. . ' . ' Clearere&k township _ Morris stability. ' The second was the KearJley came to hve \D theu home and C. Hawke, the head of the family, game. - - , - puta of Mr. and , Mra. John B. Lewis and Wilbur Hutt. Wubington township _ Am os home 1lOW owned and occu pied by with her be.~ty and accomplis.\-' being the same ' that of the p&tron Totala .......... " ....... ,,,...... 6 2 1. Gona, Sunday evenine. Wmlaml and D. M. Aadml . · Dr. Mary L. Cook. Tb e K~1'1I.YI mednts f h re~vel?t thd e 0 I d saint of lreland, the table apSATURDAY-SEMIFINALS SEWING MACHINE CLINIC IIIrs: Char... Jlaanuall ad , most delightful ..... oup or er 0 OSPltaJ Y an th e rooms pointments were in keeping with Ooe o'clock: Winner of Fri· _.. C_yea ,10• D••• were 11 . . k' s day., Th ole present d" dan-bter _ , of W-tII-.~ _ WOO'~. ...... &w_, there were <as I recall!) the••little'seam ~g Wl\lll mUIIC, 1aught er S t. P atnc ay II one 0 cIock game ~ 'Winner R. D. BardeD. apicultural broQI~t the body of lin. BerrFor deleeatea to the state re- old I1'i$h mothet and four daugh. a"d pIety. were Mr. and Mra. Carl Hawke, of of Friilay's two o'cloek .ame. enlla..rI. . of QUo maDn a mother, "n. DIabeth pubUcan convention the following ters a.lI rather' tall Third was the Heichway home Dayton, loire. Ralph Vance and Two o'tlock: Winner of Fri· st.. UniVenlt7, conducted a Wen", here Frida, fH fefta( WWe nolftinated: Albert D. Bonq, looking womell in wbich the!e wne youne lady Ion Balpb Jr., Mr. ' and Mra. day's six o'clock pme Va winn.r Int., ...... eUdt. at O~ "ldeh ••re Hid at tha L. Earl TbompaoD, R. 'J . Sa~ni&r, younan and dauchtera often bad a v1altinl lhlvyn 'Banta, of Pl. .nt Plain; of FrIday'. leY"" o'clock pme. ball W."..u,. 1Ir. Bard_ .... MeOlQft ""1I1h1 Rome Bator- Karl Kelta" !l8rold D. BrUIt, brother, Captain ~ut. Tbl. homa wu a nndes- '• . and Mrs. J. C. Hawke, 1&. BIGHT O'CLCJCI(;-.IPINALI lnatrDCtIon!l ID tIM ~ lUtbo4'" " " 0 0 8 anel b1lrial .. WiDlam C. Kane, aDd II H. Hat- n y afl'ectlonately fOUl for the }I0UDif CaUanta and and lira. J. P. Fromm, IllIi Doris of dea...... ~ lOamI . . . . .,. ..... Alt.naat.. an Charlea A. J~m~le maidl to mlet anel plaD for all BawD, IlIaa DoMth, AIldeftOll. WiDDer of OM ~ J&. aD4 lin. 1 . . . . 0.., of ftlrkleld, Robert ltIichel, J.' W. Tbeo foar picnics aDd trip. to dae 801dler&! II. L. Parahall• .JIIII AnD o'clock came ft ....... Of _ .. "ate ...... eM ', .,..... of twiaI. 8MU. ....,. .. Bun., W. A. ' Bom., to CHIton, to ft. ADeMDt W.ltI, Kenneth allel C1,.. JI'roIllDl "7'IWO ......tIII ta lid ad H7, . . . Keraode. lain Ann.... aael W. to Cedar Bl..... !'H porelMa ~ Donal. uel DeaD Ha. . . · TIte G1Iin, Jobn E. the hDlatde nil&' wHIa hODin' peate ... 1.. C. Bawte, date ....... ...... .. ~ Carl Ba IE.. lin. ....



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chool Hi h Spots rrA('~r. M~



~nll Intel' to condud

. Citia_.hip CI.b Thl' llleetin~ wa~ call1\d to oroler by the Ilr('lIiI\('nt. We hll\! rIll! cilii. Belly [JrlHJuock l'ead the millutNI of th~ hl. t meeting, Then "e hnd the! proj{ram, Iter the PI' ~rnm WQ~ ov r. w( 01 cLed lhr fo)lowing omens ; Elmp!, Surface. PI' ~ident. Normn l.ovely, vice pr~"i ll<11 • BcU-y Braddock, secretary, and. Owen HOI,tsoc k-. new repor-

thi~ h

findin}': 110 work


tor rc UI r. ,:10; The F. J . 811 r rillting (,,,.. tl'l'II"Urel"s ,urm fUI m" til', I inlltallml'llt rt'celpl.:!, $:15; :-Ha11Il'Y j.~l1l'1\hllrt. I' , M., ~lnmllcd 1'lIv\,lnp<" fell' trl'oslIrel'. $213.04; [$£'II I'I'{,~. cC'I'tiflcatcs fur l'ocol'dlJr's [./TiCl', $2 ,&0; Stakalt a In.ufllclurilll!: 0" su pplies [or I'ecol'\lcl" s uRi'r, $12,60; The Franklin Chronicl . lettcr.hl!ads fOI' 1In10l0n 1'1('1\.'1 OUI.t. $10,5(); Hnl'reLt Brother!', supplies fOI' pI'Obote COOI'l. 4-, G; Daylon Blank Book & Printing, n clop II for c1el'k of c ur • $2.01; The W () ij tel'n Star, auditor's ",'arl'allts fOI' lel'k of ourt. $7,50; Th Office Outlltt 'ra. rel><liring typewriter nnd s t.amp for lurk of COUI'la. $ 10.46; H. M. Williams. Ol'o ne1'. inv tigation in th death of Websil'l' E, \ ool~in~, $ .10; Tho E, orwln, i,x tubes and repair (Continuc.d llll Page 3) _ ,,-_ _ _ _ __ """!"""!_"!""'''''!''_ ~ ,

~he nol give the - - - -- - - - - -- -- - - -- - - - - - - -_ _ _..: rIog bon('" but the liull' 11.'11", who Common Plea. Proceedinr. The \\ ill of L nnclt'r A. lark. " 1 t , I - , , : - : ; - "It..r wn , n thrifty dOll". wenl \\ he --dec W:lK mlmitll'U 10 court. W I) I.' ~ n· III' ",., I t'l. ~11i('h Th" ChlHllhou'l' ~Olln hl'~llmc Il had hidd ... n the b<l le~, Then he Th" case of ErI, L. Zclkrl! \' rWill ,J. Ranker wn ll IIpp()int d \ ' I 1. I. ,t \\ olfll ,1-1 """ning,, llCkl l cellt"I' I' IH~l'U old nd young ~lll:! tinnie A, SimpsoTl. ndmini _ IlIlmilii. LrlllOI' of the estate' of )1:1\' t,t,' It '\<'IJ ":'l' (\li1l11l C In to \ ('tIl nand t n piny. A~ a look th In home S I he would flot lratri of the e tute of Frank G. 'ulht.·ri"e RankeI'. decenscd, nnd H. Ih. !: "thlll,," "d't; 1\ II' 1':11 ' uil1uh' lu hl'l' /forts al c l1~munlItarve, . iml)~OI1, uec~a~ 'd. was disrni. s d. , filed ' \,lond of ,7500 with surelie. )I n.J1I" in "lllalH.> Illi< It I\ith ily-bC'tterml'n t. t hl' e mountlllD!'er!! Don't you ~hink it WIIS nice to The case of Eloise Simkins ver- , ill R, Lew is, A. 1. Parker and , h In . ' HIIl'l, 'I, T) i hu •• k L r~~ g:w e hel' the hoi 'C'. \ut in th ir IeI'. save the bo nes ? I think we , houl el s us Pric W. A~hbl'ook is d1s- Lucy Lull Wl'l'e appoint d appt'aillvon- d I Ill' tilt· t lUI' , t 1 Y or t\ etm<'ll.'lT ~o thnt . ho might" 'We took up the eecond chapter tlo thh; in the sumt! wny wilh QUI' miss d, (,I'l>, The ea e of Mnd imkins vel" D, E. Heywood wa s ·"un.' W(lR,.ln Ill" II, nl , ' 1110 llh Ullli('u th('r~ and thus remai n !Il- in "Schooll. Home and You." lo(Ithlll· 01 "n(' 1) ( III!' ~tl1l1" jl) the WHY" wilh Ih 'l11 . But the gov 1'11IHmn ie , , us Price W , A hbrook is XCCUlO l' of Ule eetule of Mh'a 111!lt! • (l uth 0 \ a.:h ~clll",I, :)le ment :t, Jlpcd in und mo cd tbe P et> As.embl,. Fifth Gra~~Qn Three missed. Bowyer, dec n'*<l. nnd filed bond \In: hiT('d. (lu"ol'clln g til l lll' of the 'nlin l'(\llIl1lunil>' IIway to O1uke FridllY, Mllrch 13. a pep as emIn th .. ell e of P hilip C. Ro ttin. of $IB.OOO with suretie ,L, Earl di .tr,1' hoard 1ll'1tlh~I_, h,,'UU' luom !\ll' II dl\ll1; 1h ' IilU, sc hool- hly wa held in the gymnasium. It We nrc glad to hear U,n t orald g~r. 1\ minor. by ,Stanley Roettln- Thomp son. F. V. tilt and 11. D. th, 1,1:,t ti\', • ach.·r.. (1111 "II,plll),I'tI h l'U: (, II a, tOln down but the \\'u devoted largel¥ to prepar tion oyle is improvi n@!. and 'We shnll gel', hi lnth J' and next fl'iend, McVay were uppointcd apPl'ai!;el"8 Edgar Evnns and Bertha Hal..tming tbr. flU t. Yt'Ul') 1 d bt"~n· ~ 'I,rk that thi counL'Cou.' girl did of ch ring ection for tbe dis- all be glad when hi is able to be Vel'SUi'! hcstct' L, Evan, sale of Ilrc!!,1 t(1 re,ign d to their in- \\ill Ii".. Oll, tril;t ba ketball tournament. The in school again. Ilutomobil~ wa~ confirmed, tead .. ere appointed executors of Ill ,ilit~· til cunll'o! lhe "chaol. - Grade - -- New. f 0II owmg ' h deEii'hth program was in c arge Pel'fec _pellers for this week - The case of W. E . Graham ver~ the estate of Obadiah Evans. . Thnt lh., 11 \\ n:tch l' \\:lj; (I suc01 the Sportsmanship Brotherhood ' sus Thoma L pe Is di mie ed wilh- ceo cd, no bond I' quit, d. harlell (' ~ i' well inJicated 11)' the fflct , }<-;ig-hlh grade Section I has been Song-Assembly. were : Dena Luclls, harlotte· Rye. (juL ]'ecol'd, J . Waggoner. G. F, Brown and 111lll III €nrollmcnt lhl' lir;;t ) ' I'nr hnvin in~ resting debotes in EngD ' M Elizabeth Burnett, IrglllJU In the ca of W. W. Whit kel'. L. , . Shawhan wel:e appointed ap, e'vptions-- arjorif! Earnhnrt. "h' \\~\ in charg~ iIl('retl~ed fl'om, h~h clas~, A.nliouneeme nts--Mr, Ga.rst, Schuler, Charles Ormlod amJ administrator of th !'tate 01 Ella praisers. 35 til 110, nl11 the 'I.'cond ye/lr P I'ft'ct _P~lIel'S i.or the ~eek of ?review anel skit f~om 'Miss Angenette Pen(.~. danls. d 'ceas4!d, vers'us Edward The inventorY of William Obel'N~C to 1at}, . ~~~rch ;-13 In cctlon II tneludes Cherry Blossom" _ Kuthcl'iue -8, Kn ochenhauer nud Ida L. lin. admi:nistl'Q.t or of th e estat of Th\\sl! mOllnlnin p,;u ple l oukt.l~ \\ 1:1118. fhomas. , Smith, Donald Foulks. Lamar Coach and Tea.m Meml.en Broa..d . Knochenhauel". dpmurrer , a s sus. John Oberlin, deceased. wa ap"THE HOME OF GIFTS" tlllan the tca<'hcr a: 01\"~ w~1I fl uah I!etlo. n II has been, havmg very E arn har t • an d R 0 b ert H la. ' tt ea.t tained. proved. . lied tIl !'uL tilot!' for d minitcr.livcly uIScusslons on, buslnes let- I Some pep--by ~verybody. Last Sunday, a few of I n the cose of New York Life Elwood Ault. exe utaI' of Lebanon, Ohio nd . he \ as n. kl'd to I\'ad pm~'el' l r~ 1 tler of complumt., telegrams Feature: At the Game _ Miss t he Wayneaville Leam m mb ers lnsurn n e onlpllny ver us W. H, esto le of Annie I.... Ault. d ceased, EXP ERT WATCH • ~-:::::=============-_::==========:;=== . Roe and Miss Smith. and Coach Bod nbender w 1'e Whitakel', et a1. j udgment in, tbe . til d his applicali on for an ord r REl>A IRING More pep--. guelit· of WCPO, Cincinnati Pos t s um of $2241. 8 wus allowed til uil'ecting th transfer of real Advice-Mr. Lotz, ·tnUon on th ir sp, r broadcast. plaintiff frOll1 the defendant. e tate. U ~ i nc Only GenuiDe Mate,ial. The meeting was cloRed in high Jeny Connel', Spud Davis. and C. In the ~lie of a'r ah 0, TrimPrompt Service spirits by singing "The ' Orn:nge B; tarnhnrt wel'e ·the teaJn memo Real Eatate Tra n.ft..a ble, deceasl'd, transfer of stock is and the Black," the high school be~s who accompa'nied the coach Sarah E. Totten. d cen d. to ordered . Store open until 9 p. m. on this adventure. am Totten, et 01. 80 ocres in J . T. ~ley, 'admJnistt'ator of the song. Th e interviews were concerned Union town hip. estate of Thomas Lee, d cellsed, ::==:==:=~::::======~~ Luthl'r Spencer to Zeph Spon. filed hi affidavit in lieu of account . .. Miami Uni.euit y Kee,ps Open .. with val'iolls gam played thl'ough out the enson, what lhe fellow eel'. real estate in Union tOlVn. Tb~ inv ntory of Dean E. Stan. HOIl •• Ask f or a tbought our chance would be in s hip. ley and Mellie Rye l executors of Saturday. Marcn 14., Miami Uni, I Nnnnie Van Meter, deceased, to the estate of John B. Pence. de. versity had an open house fOr higb the state tourn&mellt, dis~l'ict tour Miamia bur.r Permanent sello01 Btu dents, encouraging them nament competition, and .rerry·s Ralph Van M ter and .Elizab.eth cea ed. wa approv d. Concrete ThEl inventory of C. . Eulass, injuries. Beck. 45.53 acres in Turtlecl'eek to a ttend college there, The broll,deast wn . quite an ex · town hlp. executor of th estate ~t P sri A ir Seal Burial By open house. we mean that . Vault , John C, Simpkins and Clyde Eulass. deceasl'd, wn appro~ed. doors· of the claslITooms and Pllrience for the fellows a8 well as For Sale only by Benjamin Burdge and amuel laboratories were open to every. the coach. bot nOM of thenl would Simpkin s to Qu 6'n Totten Mcone, demonstrating the work and admit that they fl~lt any "mi~e" Ourdy. et. nl. 80 ncres in UniQn Burdge. exeeutor of the state of Your Funeral Director Benjamin F. Burdg , deceased, fl l. activities of t he college students. fright in the least. We wish to l ownship. , -= J o.h n W, BUI'roughs and Ethel ed their application for an order Tbe guides were members 01 the thank "Spud" for givh'll tnat bit ' h f f I ' McCI ure Funeral Home · d of sentiment about "'1~nll1g a Burrough to Clara Johnson. inlreetmg t e lrnns er 0 rea es· T~ls upper-elaas honorary societies. tate. Wa,s•• YiII., O. Pltoae. 7 The program of tM day in clud- speedy recovery :for the W~t lot No.1 in Springborb. Samuel W. Keever and Myrtie 1Iinry E, Quayle, all guardian of ed: exh ibits in Geology, Art, Chester coach, wbe) was ill in the Library, and Indust rial Education hospital during the wbole tour. M. Keeve17 to B: ~, Markstein. Jr•• Thomas James Quayle and 'Mel'}' and W. G. Sinn. real e tate in Jane Quayle, minors. is to fil& an The main event of tile after noon nament. 'l..JBRE'is an offer that wUl ~ to alt-:-American This is just one more step to- Lebanon. additional bond 01 $5000. The was a play "U ~ Were King " pre~ Boy M agazine and this ncwl paper at a ~ ward putting our' lfajr vill ge ron Chauncey J, and Marguerite H. guardian filed her $econd account. sented by Ye Merrie Playe1'8, who ,combination bargain f rice. The American Boy is the Leora R. Corwin W88 a ppointed were members of the Department the map." a nd we really II.ppr~- Mardi!! to W, C, Turton. in lot no. favorite magazine 0 more than ,00,000 and 158 In Lebnnon. ' administratrix of the cstate of of Speech. The play. was written date- it. young men. Its fiction cames boys on the Wings of ---_ Ellis Smith to Leste r and Edith Firman D. Corwin. d cen cd, an{} by Justin McCartby and directed adventure to all parts of the world. Its sports articles Firat Glrade HaUSE! 148 ,10 acres in Horlan filed bo nd of $2000 with. ureties. bll Loren Gates. by famous c93Ches and athlete, are studied by Honor roll f or t:be last term: town hip. Charles Steward. W. H. Pohlmeyer pions. H ere you will find ~e fihest stories on aporta, Wh I WOIIld Ra Iwr B B Mildred Bourne, Ann Weltz; David Annie L, Ault. d c a-ed. to El· and Harry Van ?t{ete-r were apaviation, business, school a ctivities, bwnor, and traveL r be. ~i I e a. OT Hart ock and Rich.nrd Sheehan. wood Ault. 95.80 aCl'es In Turtle- pointed apprai ers. _\ Even at its r egular price o f $1.00 a year, The Ameri. t .. a r. The litt! folks are enjoying Cl'8ek township, Clara B. P ierson was appointed . ROOT FOR AJ'lfD CONSIGN can Boy is considered a bargain. But now you may Le Lemmon to BenJ'amln V administratrix of the estate of ,our Ca~tle. bOIS, .he~p and calved' Boys can be more independ ent . the,·,l. ne\" read ing work hoo"s, I' JIo e ' . to Nom s-Brock C"., bn wire aft obtain it and this n ewspaper ••••• Tiley .calll go where the»' wa nt to, _~ , Smith. reol tate in Waynesville., Mary A. Pters~n. d ceased. and fil- pNgresliv. firm f .,r the bilrbut wilen th.ey want to, Now agirl ha Setnior Cia.. Play Reno R. Berca.w et al to Lulu ~d bond of $1000 with sureties market prices ana good ..nic.. to depend on some boy to take her Stellhenson inldt No: 79 1n Dilley Fred Osborn J ohn Hoff and Walter UaioD Stcrck Yercla' Ciaci ••at!: O. ~ I. h ts t Last Thu rsday, March 12. the , .' ' C b II . ted Tune in on RadIo Statiol,l WuKY 0 go , seniors learned of t~ Cllllt for SubdiVISIon at Mllllon . amp ~ were2PPOID ap. ~t :25 to 12 :80 p. m. for our dan, wliere eve, s e wan Girls. unless t hey have expecial. their, class play. T'he cast; will be BenJ'amin F. Burdge, deceased, praiser. m81'ket rell 0rtI, Iy good complexions. have to use . to Sarah. Burd ....... et al, 252 aczes D. E. Heywood, executor of the ..announ eed in a. Ider pUblication. powder. lipstick. rouge. and in Franklin township, estate of Mira Bowyer, decea ed, numerous other thi ngs. 'rhe play .is schedu led to be given Walter H. Whitaker and WiDi- filed his inventory, Sale of bonds On e of t he worst things girls April 14 and 15. • fred Wbitaker t o Walter A. Clark i ordered. _ _ 1'h . The play, " Whispering Wnlls" C] k . d • d I h' k " 0, tID , IS to puck t ell' eyereal estate in Clearc reek t ownEthel Mae ar was appomte Send Your Order To brows. Now you would t hink that is a myster»' drama. It does have sh ip, execu trix 'ot t he eAlate of Leander anyone wjtb any sense a.t all, Its comedy-relief-parts, but it is Howard L. Dean and Sarahl E. A. Clark, no bond required. ,I ' l' bera h""Iy try ~9 tor- not a farce. The play col Is for Dean to faggie Steadm,lln, inlot 1 wo uldn' ~ .....81 ]n th e! case 0! R0 bert Lab m. a d • good acting and the C llst selected . . f ' h tat .JJ T h h I b h tllreb emse ves. ut yes. t ose No . '7 .in Fran.klin. mnustrator 0 ~ 0 ell e oJ. .,0 n girls will do it. I SUPPOSe girls will should be able to perform t hat Grace Hazelton, deceased. to Lamb. deceased, versus . L. H. start puttIng 'rings in their noses, acting. William S. H..azelton. 80 ac):es in Lamb. et aI, confi rmation, deed and filing t heir teeto t o p oints 'SecoDd Crade News Tu.rUecreek towntthip. an d distribu tion was Qrdered. like Cll ri ibals betore long. The State of Ohio to The Vii Th~ inventor y of Lucy N. 14urAnot her thing girls do that boys The stude nts that have rece ived lag4' of Lebanon, inlot No. 92 in rell, eJecutrix of the estate of Ed. don't do is t his. i n the morning one hundl'ed per cent in" spelling win B. Murrell, d eee-..sed, was an.. , Lebanon. . . ..E rnestine and afternoon in t he winwr they are: Dona Id Brown, Roy amp and Emma E ta proved. Phone 78J wear wool clothes. In the evening Earnhart. Walter Johnso.D, Lanora Camp to Charier! E. Cline and ' The inventory of Walter A. ~:===~===~===~ they put on t hin dresses with :prac~ Lovely and Richard Stansbe1'1'Y. Margaret OIine, 5 ncres in Massie Poos. execu tor of t he eata'te of t iesl1y notbing to them. and such The following origi.nal s tories township. Mark P/lrdee, deceased, wa8 aphigh-heeled shoe8, that they can wer e writ t en for a language class proved, ' 'IOTARY PUILIQ 'I;: ,par dly walk in them. They then in t he second gradle: pJ"C)bafe Court William S. 'H azelton exeCl.1tor of polish t heir ti~ger aud toe nails, if Th. E.ItiDlO., b" GJad!ys ,Rye In the mat.ter of too estate of the estate of Grace 8uel~on, , Natlosa! 8_11 uou please. ' L d Eskimo like '. . E ...... S.ttled iT just a s you children like ciuldy. 'theyblubber live i n Ray Starry. deceased. a ttorn ·), decea~ed, tiled his 'application for Wille D,a.,. _ Now boys haye WJ 0 none of tpis fees and ndmifli:strator ;feps wer e a c~rtiftcate of tran d et·. WAYN£SVILLJ:_ OHIO nOnsense. T~y wear sensible a bouse that is ealiled an igloo. al1owe~. Frank Stitt. n: E': He~ood and cl()thes, wit h poekets in them tab. The ehildten'JI narnes . ar e Anka Elwood Ault, execut or of the George Carnahan were appointed '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! use no cosmetics of any kind, and and ·MIltau. It 8\10'~ 1I In t he cold 'estate at. A1\nie L. Ault, deceas. apt>raise1'8 of t he eatat 80f Le. t POR SALE DATES CAJ.l, do, not have to make themselvfl n~rth where they lIVe. Anka and ed. t1led his inventor y. ander A. Clark, deceased. miser able by sittlna for bours in Mltsu do not h ..v'~ ball. and toy The account 01 flnal diltributloD The inventory of Sarah L. , beauty parlors with pluis standing diahes like we bay~. They have of Fred Kampf. executor of the administrat1'ix of " the eatate- . ot up all OVIT their heada. just to j bone toys. Anka and Mltau like to Pltate- of Mary E. Hoover, deceal- C. C. ,MUler, deceued, ' wal &PO get their hair curlecl, anel if they play in the anow, lind we do, t oo. ed, 'Was eonfirmed. pr oved. , happen t~ illav. any-natural wave j The E Skimo dOl'S loam. ia Nooky. Samuel 'Burdge and Benjamin In ,their b~rl It will lute tab It Ealdmol' 11k. ftsh lI'nd bear fat. Bur dge. execatorl .of th eeltate of ........... Llee.... JESSE STANLEY Ollt . They do put lome kind of roo They have a ka~~" .l3!&njamin F. Bur dg e, deeeu e 4, til. Ed. T\lmer, farmer, of BUniche. . . . . . no. N_ a.rll_.t_, ow.. all over their ,hair to make It lie Little Eskimo are ]~ou ed their inventory. I ter, and Mig }felialla Bella A~lanD,'1 aat, but I gueu it doesn't hurt Glad you live in yClur i'I100 Ralpn Van M-eter, necutor of of gl'tncbeater. EARL ~O()QLE. th em any. . I would , pend the snowy d ..1' the ~tate of Nancy van Keter, ] . , I hardl), need to mention the Thinkinll' thoulbtl "IO far away. tiled Ibis application for an order I Bill. AllowW D ......... hOllse-hold dutll!l such u ' doing -If I were )'ou dir ecting tranlfer of real Xa\l~man'., 1'emnanta for dust ==~=~=~~~~~~= dishes, dUltine, aweepinll', makinr 'In YOllr Irloo. Sauh Bu rdll'e, widow of Ben- , cloths for janitor. $4.03i W. C. b~ds. and dozen. of. oth er things. Here the houle. ar._ 110 tall jamin F:. Burdg e, deceased, I'le.cted Turton, ~oal t or Court House; for a~one that read s this will Im- You need not creel~ at aU. to take under will. $13.60: Trustees ot Putillo Affairs lJ mediately match girls and house. Do you think it pleasant 80 7 , Elizabeth. Schenck Null. exeeu· g~s & light ',turnished Court Hou~ -. """" ............... . keeping together . . In the sum- Little Eskimo. trill; of th o estate of Howard W. and jail. ,68.15; Dr. S. Sterling FOR SALE mer boys ean swim. fi shl and all ~Null. deceased. filed her affidavit Stahl, profe88ional services, '10; sort s of things like that. Eskimo Lif. (~u,1tIo1' oalitte4!) in lieu of acc\>unt. Stillwater Sanitorium, hospital, Eskimos live iJ;l t'he notth 'WIher~ Th suppl~1'I1ental in ventory of medical a nd nursing care,' Edw". FOR SALE-Home gt:own seed Otle of the ' hardest things a ~Dy h~8 to do is to propose. If he it is very t:old. We "at blubber lind Alf red G. Wat kins, executor of Hensey. '101.60; Helen Dough- . oats. genninatlon t.t 90 perhappen s t o bll eSpecially romantic bea.r meat. Blubbelr is wltal e f at. the Estate of Jllula Watkins, de- man, board and care Clifford cent. O. A. Strawn. mlS-l0he can go down on bis knees. and An E81dmO. house is 8 0 funny, it ceased, was approved. DoughmaJI, '7 j Mn. Ira Eltzroth, FOR SALE-Poland eMu Male tn the case of Fred A. Rickard. board and care Alice Starkey ,6 Hog. Junior Yearllr!c. O. S.~ tear ,bis hair and all of the "junk." I~ called an igloo. 'We build an In fact. I'll leave both boy. aud igloo out of snow blocka. We cut administrator of th4' eBtate of James Moore b~ard and rare Lucy Maxwell, Sprlna Vaney, B. I, girls to their own problems and the Inow blGett. with. bone knite E llzabetb Rickard, deceaSed. ver· Moore. '6; ·!!(ri. Elmer Lac¥ board ;..' ...11.19 trouble!. Helen GoIU and pile one on tpp of another BUS Oladys R. Watkins, et aI, and eare Frank Lacy $6' 1IIn. -.- uaW it Is done. It looks like FO William J. FOlt and Edward Ban- Lule Oabbard, board' care FOB SALa-WbJt. IIaeU A .....rilt)' Little DOl rouad bowla with in oua of ta were appointed appraiHft in Lincoln Gabb~, '6i lIrs. Jan.: ~ ..... roll, .. . . , br Rath Helen ~Ma, them. It I. dar~ i.\oo. the place of Edward S. Xalin, Holland board' and care Varnon lamp., Oueu and Ed Woodward, who ,w.r. un- H'Ql1and: ,5; lin. . .~...tlonM FOB IAt' ...... tLOO ,.. Onee upon a time a little do. Mother li.hta tile lind in a hOlllle. His mlstr... was who tlhe names of two little able to serve. Tb. report of the board and OlU. Gardinar,... ....,..... . .~.. . . ~ the cook In this bouse. It bappend ElklmGa are, An1Ia Mltau. eppralaen w.. appro\"8d. TIlle lin. Oma Oillorne, hoard ......... .,... till -be a "ery rich man who H...d tn Little E,ldmo, miniaVator is to eseaate a bond care, Walter Barlow . ." tlW hOUM and h. wanted Happy In r oar ib the ~r: of '1000. Balllnpr, '22i II." B. thllI8 .lult ~ a. did 1I.Ot lf~ the t I think It II a A c £ .... l •• td C.)Pl ~ the nt:r7 preJaigm OD bond of eo.. ".. . . IIWe dlllr blat the eook did &Dd Ihe In Ute far IIOJ'tll det.hnhllJlR the inhetltanee tor. I Fo1'" Book

R.. vi~ ... 111(' til1,.,


porkchop, alld J)elIl'd when U l e "

.t ne 'fulll'J'al of th' fOl'lllCl' Si\llit'llt who \\U!:' killed, ('l'\'lN



hom" ",hcre



-::============== Cary'l Jewelry Shop








At R e duce d Pric.e·




Both One Year For'







.The Miami Gazette


Centervill,e, Ohio


St80· Ieyr&Koog'l . e.r

Quality .rlDtlal

Auctioneers '

D.,_ PII...

estate. ,


The Miami





dOS bOMI. .'t.he W01IIcfa't



' 08


.. tile




MaUle Woolley to come to call on· J " I' "n"s. ~" yuung wumanhood, ~ohn seemed a" "5.41; J. W. Lingo fhlfdware $2.48; Morrow Feed A SupP., f" r tIle ""UII" .tarl ··l",, ~ .. ...... uick i h I' lonely little gut' t. ~hil 1\ bll,thl'l'. friend, confidt'nt lind Cn .• lIupplit'lI, guard rail material fUl'l, $!l.25; 11. I!:. D. • I Mattie wa:; a I \\ays t!l«IUI"~ lt l' I y (Inn ..~ wich lIn\""th ry c(Jlln~l' , lor, k and I Ito him lowe much . li nd parts, .81; Walte' s Gal'llJl:c. \'~y, fuod, ,27.65; Allen N. Rapp, ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY dressed, fragile as /.l piece of Drei:'- thl' diUlCl'I' obeying lIt my now 1111(1' Off t,h,C ;atluU~ ' 5upplies and part~, $50.70; Dllllr fu(.I, $22.76; • chwartz's Grocery, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I dell chJ' na, ...... ntl n "Ild 1"'fin'''1 " ·I·t.h of tht! call I' jon enll pl'I ~u n. and plac l1! 0 1III 1e (lve. & L I I J $';l" 80 fo od, $20; Ray Swigert, food, til . .. ,u < .. , . . i h WnynC':villc, emy, COil ant grnve, w". ; 0Ii .... N 113/ lDnteud at Po.tortlc. at Wa)'n .. - a wetllth of gllntinlt copper h lUi' ' I m al.ldr\D'' lhe indu l" oe, uf l'egonlll Il., plIr t", an! I GU; Ray mond Tay' or, fo od, '6.60; E o . B n'dgc - ll1 c nt I' e~ultin", dn t •• • . Pr.c., ... :....... '1.10 ...... .. •.. vill e . Ohle), a.Matter Cia .. M a ll heau t ·Ifll II y arJ'allgtl d. I I ' d and unconfu. e hdanCing ... l'c m ' mbe..r a little ox."" ,..""n, "O!}r.. lay t OIl IAI'k, Walln ce JG fo nd, '98 .60; S.ItHrlpll •• a'llIll'e fI t thos!' wh n may < 'l' ... . v, "her d ep Iy. 01' tell et t; un t I) oq, .. II unc~. "'uard lUi! ,posts, $15; Geo rge Way n !'\viJ1c oal & leeffi 0., fuel L·ttl . k or 'h; dc1iglltful r UI the l' Lltlek and by rea.on 0 r ... ' h th of that I c It; nown ~ ~ , R""nold~. , r pal'I' on sh ov~l, " I', $1 J.!iO; Gri sw old Bros. MAR n 10, 1!J36 f r I '0 clo,' r Il l'ox imily, mor ll ccl1\'l1tely ~J ~ ~ 'I' n r. S.a CeStel'sup.. It ort al c cornel' q uare wa s tho Is rael IInrris home orm 0 l un ClOg n \ . j Vcrnon ficha el, "'ravel, 1. 0', pli es, $2.UO ; ng ., I . $ J uld SO lll of Llw deta ils of my d 'cripI h ond bank. Mr. Harris was not ed At I'efre~lllll ent t me t ere wo t ions. I 11av(' fltal'ted wilh t11e I' CC- Gd wol d Servic e Station, suppli es Bla hl, m edi ca ' a t tentI on, ; as. Au a coli ctor of Indian relics anu b ,b ig oft b un snnd w'ichos, pic k. THE CONCEIT REMOVER • and"s oline, "G8.12', Gros.~ 1'1'.1 eph H. P'cdder S ur. Co" fu el, $91 • I' r 2 "mb e of., peatlR, of th latter he wa Ics, e 'co l1oped I'ys.c a, a. n d bl ac k 011 cli o ll S !l lId imp rclIt!io.n. 0 1 a vice " Station, 'i' vasoline, 1183.53 ; 25; A, B. Le y, foorI , $; d Vr. 1 y "mul! child a nd .·o me of the b " C f d $R2 h sClmewhat farn eJ ns n connoisse.u r, coffee bt'cll u c t · cream !In 1)lv' f\ a nll people a rc but dimly Lowson's Garage, suppli es anll Gl'eat A & P T ell ,0. , 00, "-._ e o nt'rnulDg . eve l' gut. y Otl , fo ll owed j' ecu ll ed. $10.9 1) ; Walt I' Botts, GO; Grocery, food, $4. It is now a.nnounced Union is planning . perlo arcthe h1' sugar by iCl:'ncream a n dtocak e" ('ecI'cation lodge On the thaL norththerim 01' tPacific he Grand anyona $2QO,OOO of th -elaborat~ g.esturon 10 I f1 • Sin cer-ely ..........., " $36.85' ., ].' ranklin Vulcan. 75; J . S. Richa l'(ho n, fu el, $6.50; II ' W Si"l ~ ·n .. olol'ad, It is im"ortant that such site" be made available so that t ec t u l'~ 'W hIC'h was F t.h e 1c Funke y Th ero wa ju:;t (Ine lilt e y In ... & T.' re 0., supplie ancl .E . B. Thirkield &. Sons Co., clothPeople can se more... of the wonders of nuture in their wn country. h OllI'" e. 1 frec hII Mr 8:.:(un .flYd os a Lhe oint ment, (jur I(/ng und rweal'. I th .,<rll!'ol ., illE, .,~ l5.88 ', ITenry Luding- mg, $22.75; BlaI r & L ro y, .fuel, .. .. __ _ .__. . l. I e'ted woman 0 g l'eat nC.I'\'1 y on ae- One uit hilt! to bc lIuocrificc(, C gasolinl"" $ 1.4 ; Franklin M. $3.25 ; H. D. Brant, fue l, $6.50 ; J . As human be ings, are aptWe to con becom e more 0 ' ess th e From orren ton, lic)wY"I', Jr.. gasoline. 14. 60 ,' H. ' Hendri ch, f oo ti , $19. 15; A. We think p~cttywcsmart. truct big b1Jildings, l' u~,. co m 111'1 hln nt. an"II I reFm mbe\' t l ' a I gs ut off al LIH.! ~ we aj'e 1 h ' liOn Pearl wh o wore 'aun CI y . I e CH at .1l)OWS, the m'ck cut ou, COU .:ty_ .Court House line, incinnati Oil Work 0 ., gaso- B. Kauf man & '0., clot hing, $1. great t t black velvet su-its. or LUI'n d '" and the uc('ol1lJla nY' 1 (;'01; Elmer st.a.ples 75; A. B Ka u fm an & , 0" clothing uams and. monster s h,ips and they But .s a good thmg to ge t a 100 at some an Iwor 0 na ure a On to the end of the str ect nntl il1g feaf of mother we wou ld . and $ l5, 70 ; S. Glen $5 ; ha .. J. Schwartz, foo d, $4.75 making a dent I'n at tL Israel W rl'gbt home, a takc cold. F UI' coa w r c no t (Continued from p'lge 2) ,,/ I , . I' . ot t , nl>. A Th e Grea t A & P Tell ·Co., food, realize how ins'gnificant we al'e when it cmes to rI , " '!T' ffi !J 4. nor e), gUHO m~ , ~U';}'" • • on th earth' s surface. . daughter about my own age was numerous in those on l)' ()f rud lo III sheri 0 ee , .. MU r pe ll, 'asclin, $4.77 ; Kl'oger $1 98.3 0; Bush's t. Tr , io od, $4.uch an object lesson preven t us from becoming too self sat.s- one of a n unusual fa mily gro up. ones to be. hall wcre [enUlne seal , '1 uhm an Sur)plr Co., soup [01 JIlII GroCl'ry & Baking Co. , foo d, $1 ;18. 75 ; C. D. Cook, fu I, :$6. 50; East fi d and tend to ke-ep our minds on the that there Hel"s was illdivid uul ity, graci ou .• skin at about . 1,000 Jpel', but we . $14 ,99 ; L, bano n LUl1l bel' Co" saw. U; Blair & Leroy, :fuel, $52 ; H.. Ene! Coal Co ., Fu el, $87. 76; E. H. f orces a t work t ban political parties, industrial organizallons, kings, ness with a diBtinct ion and the 'had Illng quilTel lined cap es und dust fo r J ~il, .M e; A. ~. Hal·v.~, n. 8 allt, iucl, $46.60; ol' nett Gloeckl el', f ood, $5 ; Hawthol'n r que ns, armies and navies. . maehinel'Y of ihis arti. ti cally a p,- big wolf robes and fooL M. D., pl'ot eSlIlonal s r aL Jail & 1"('('(1 & SUflrly Co. , fuel, Grocery, food, $17.25 ; IvinsYou could drop the Empil' State building, the biggest pointed hom e seeT'n ed always t o mutfR. Young b.lood l'a eed In oll r $20 ; Wm , Hufford, She 1'1 fi', wash. $6,50 ' Franklin Icc & Fuel Co. Jameson Drug Co., dr ugs, 89c; o the new San Francisco Bay bridge into t he Grand Canyon, and operate on oiled wheels. ve in and our spirits. rilln high nnd ing fa ., ]>lisoners, Mrs. fue l, $26; E, 11. Glo ckl I', foo d: Leban ol1 F ar mers o-op Co. , fuel, you would have Lo take a pair of binoculars to find them. As you Leah wh,o was g ifted in music muybe We had to Fit clIose to keep Della Hu ffo~·d, . Ceed m~ Pl'I oners, $12.40 ; .J, H. Hendrick~, (nod, $10 $9 .75; Morrow Feed & Srpply Co. $340.75; Llng1) Hard~Y~re. Co .. 67; H. . Hamilton, food, fltel f uel, $] 3; Mikesell's Grocery, stll nd on the rim of. the nnyon at one of its principa l scenic points, and ver se ~reated the f antas y of a "arnl, who know!!? it. is 13 miles across and a mile deep. The high est-powered rifle "wishing well" for one of their No~ t hat t.h dunce IS over \~>e axe, pudlocks fo r herllT K fti ce, and shelter, $101.35; Kaufman" foo d,. 15.20; Geo. McKinsey, sbelwouldn's even shoot far enough to drol> a bullet in the river. . ou tstaTJding parti e and th e guests wjJ) climb the hill to lho Dr. DakIn j $2:26; Fr ed Knh.n ,Mo te.. 0:. rc~ clothi ng, $21. 90 ; King Powder 0, ' tel', $5 ; N. Mo ey, clothing, $4 .65; Anyone who has not seen the Grand Canyon of the . Colorado tl'ekked down th slop e of t he home and fo llow on to th e top t o pall',. for sheriff 8 CIiI , ~4.~7, fuel, $G.50; Lewi & Drake, Inc., ' J . S. Richard. on, t u 1, $22.75; houhl plan to some day take a trip ere. hill to the. well in t he fie ld at th e the Gordon W\'ight hOnl e w~ich Gri swold Servi ce Station, gaso lme i u I, $13; Loveland Groce r y has. P. t ubbs, f ood, $25.10; north of the house. With a full ha, stood fo r mote tha.n ~ cent.ur~. oil and la bor, $3 5.4 3 ; Hurle y W. , food, $11. 20 ; Leban on Icc & oa l HOl'ace honer, shelte r, $5; J. W. moon drenching the landsc ape Ma y W l'igllt and ,.Ma1tn;n e DakIn .B run k, D g Wal'den, xpens.e, 0., fue-I, $1 6.26 ; Morrow Lumh r .'IIC)) , fu el $6.50 ; Ituby Van Riper IlAo with i ~ beaQ1 s and wiUI music a nd of t on entertain ed togllt her .an(l $7.8 0 ! LaMar Body Sh~p, gasohne Co., fue l, $1 6.25 ; G. E. Mill itz('l', food, $27.75 ; T. U. Woodrey, tho perfume of Rowers fl oating Sun da y a fternoon and ' venmgs a nd Oil for dog warden s ca r, 32. cl othing, $2 ; Lo ui!! Mann, cl othing f oo d, $3.50. • , n the ail', romance took iO\agina· would find t hem ul'1'o1iln ded by an 47; Li ngo liardwaJ'e Co., shell s, ~~~~~~~=:_:::_::====:_--_::__-_:::~~=~~~~







lI.a~olin ~.olinee,

We ?~


cObnci.~ a~o~~liS :e~ts.








fU I·.lin~d




da~". t~le

?1'~ gr~ater




Fa rm hight 1alks, l,.."a rch 23 .


8 :00 MUSIC and weather for~cast. . . 8':05 Some EII-rly Ohio Dralnag HIstory- H .. E. Eswme, .narrator., t Miss E lma WhItney, aS818 8:16 Your Place in th World ( -R ?lub).....J ant libr?-rian, Uni ratty hlg~ school. 8:25 Orchestra duected by Edwin StalJlbrook. 8 :40 PO Ultry Pointers--C. M. Ferguson, poultry specialill t. 8:60 Existing Produce.r Cooperatives--B. A. Wallace, r ural economics department. . . . . 9 :00 Clothing Chat- MI s Edna M. Callahan, clothing I:!peclailst. 9 :10 Orchestra directed by Edwin St ainbrook. 9 :25 Answers to ~armer~' .~4li!tions-:-Dialog. . 0:35 A Pace Sethng Ilelglan FutUrity Show- D. J. Kays, a.nimal husbandry departme~t, . . !J :45 Joan and Jerry- Dramatic skit. 0:65 to 10 Music and. weather forecast.

I tio n by th e hand and be n t to ma k e i n t e]' g l'oup of Y4) Ung peop] • nai ls and c loth f OL' dog ward en , :;: a w h h an d Ii. ten to the whisper ed Vandervoort, W'cen ie Egan, a.I O; The Book Shop, pap er clips

murmuring of the mysteriOUS Bessie Huel, Will Goodall, Bo b f Ol' NRS Office, 60c; Ohio Central wishing well. We hnve delayed a nd and hal'lie mart, Ed oll ett and Tele phone Corp ., March l'ent and wandered into th e realms of fa ncy Ed Dakin weI' a few of ille many Februa ry tolls f or NRS office, Let us I'etul'n on the west side of who were weloomed jn the 11()mes $0.60; Harry Z. Gray, rent of NRS tile street The eth Haines mansion was Offi ce/ $5; K. L. H orn, rent of We pa~- t he colo nial home of the ~how place , of t hE. t.OWIl wit.h NR office, $lO; W. H., S. Lev, Cllrtwright a.nd a lI t.t1e acre.ll«e in the lawl1s, fo un lains mileage, $10.70; David Carpenter (m.ther down, 1 believe, th e resi- and life iz statu ary or f a wn anti mil age, $10.50; Penn Morton, adence of Joel Evan s. antlered ll et-r. T he res.i dence with sen1bling filing cabinet for Probate In the n Itt square we come to its squa re to wer was irnpogin~ and Court, $1.50; Lingo Ha.rdware Janney's dr ug tore and enter. Mr. exempl ifi d th e pOSition occ upied Co., knife for dog warden , $1.60; Janney, valued friend of my by the c ultul'et! and public s pi tit.ed Van Camp Stone Co., gra1(el for parents ncver fajleu with "Honey ma n who nevel' c a cd in his a ctiv- fairground s, $4.78; Morrow Lum. wh~t you have?" and . th en itie fu r civic improve rnent. bel' Co., lumber for fairgrounds, would be offered a soda, or g um Th e J Olla J an ney 110m e with $60; L. R. Gordon, gasoline, tri p drop filled with n~ O'lasses, or some lhe tI\ U daughters Ann a and Eva, l tl> olumbus, County Commissio nother delightful confection. My was outstan ding, as was the, er8, $2.04; Lebanon-Citizens Natifathel' so violent·di apPI'oved of B ro \\ n fami ly with t w·o daughtc~s on~1 Bank, . rent of safety depQ it chowlng gunl even in its white in. An na and Ma me, the mother of box for commissioners, $6; Tr usnocence of that day th at thad a l- whom I kn IV to be a highly gifted iees of. Pub lic Afl'airs, water serways to d clinc its t empting s weet- woman or superior m ntal attain- vice at Court House, $27.52; ed counties. Farm loreclosure ne , me nU!, Th~ Emmo)' B:ailey home Re if's El ectric Shop, lamps, wire stUe prices averaged 66.42 per Th e Randall a nd Funkcy dry wa also am ong t hose of sqcial nnd .labor at court house and jail cent of' t he j udgment and 87 .06 go~ds stores were in t his. quare, acth' ities. 4.30; Lingo Hardware Co sponge per cent of the appraised valua· but we go to "Unci Kill" Cad . Wil soll Ed wor ds was a man wh o brush and dust down,' $5.75; tio'n; urban properties 80.18 per w.aJlader's clothing sto re on the ma intained a n attractive and Linl;:o H.ardware Co., door track cent of the judgment. and 74.93 corner where a " well, well, weU" hospitable hom and who was tire llinge , etc., $73.26; Lingo Hardper cent of the valuation. The with a bi.g hearty laugh and hand le.-~ in ecurin g end 8nranging for ware C\l ., nail for fairgrounds, 1,292 sales in January represented shake was our greeting' and it is I vents which we re held in 2'.50; Lebanon Lumber Co., luma decrease when compar-ed with here that I find above ~ Cadwa 1_ I Edwards' g 1'ove neal' his h ome ber, $ 11'8.08; L. G. Anderson's the sale!! in the previous month ' lader's hall are centered memori es south of t own. Comp ' me€tings, Sons 0., lumb er, $112.67; Lewis alld .an increllse when compared of my early young Indy day!!. Of army practices even ts of the Id & Drake, Ine., coal, stl'aw, cement with the Januar y 1985 sales. the parties "riven by the B. 0_ B. Guard under Co])tain Kearney, b'Y $200.10 ; Lewis &. Drake, Inc" club (Brotherhood of Bachelors) \lu ts f or horses, all day picnics Richmortar and drain tile, $10.95; SOCIAL LIFE OFcomposed of a group of men each and many thing hleh br ought Lingo Hard'w are Co" digging bars one. a pe-rfect ho t within himself, crowds irom miles around. The trowel, saw, $12.61 i Van Camp (Contilltled frOm Pace 1) who planned and carried through Ed~ ards sisters wel'e :girl£! I al., tone Co . sand and gravel '82.66; Jimmi~ Haines .Sanatorium set som e of the most delightIul ball~ ways hoped to see at every gath-el·· Kaufman's paterns for sew ing back amid the 'trees. An impos- and dances ever attended by the ing . I liked them, the one project 60c; H. D. Brant, coal for of the community with a n ~8Sy, pleallant hlllnn er, WPA sewing project at Morrow, ing place in its time but I know society C11'(:le8 r WPA within \.ouch. the oth er with a clear olive· $10; Blair & LeRoy, coal for , )ittle of it. I can remembel' only :1 t aw of plexion and flushing blac); ElYes. sewing project at Franklin, $13; At the n~ar edp of town stood thls group of men, but shall be Carrie Barley wo .poised and The Franklin Chronicle, letterthe 10vC!ly Near home ,high a8'ahrst glad for anyone to complete the qui... n reslftl ol'ng 'N(cman, heads and daily report carda for a background. of wooded hill the' list for m~ . There were Ed Janney Mar'lf Deem was gener ous, restless, sUJ'veyor's office, $25.50; Gem City hnsweeping sOuth to !the Levi Kelly, Frank Barnhart, dissatisfied and J ess Clar-ke, llres. Blue Print and Sup. Co., roll detail Frank Gallaher, Captain Jimmie ent at all gay and f estive. ocea- paper, $3.07; J. L. Dunn, services .gr-eat 'half embedded rock which K~arney, Bob Smart, Lester Orane sion , was always beaul ifu IIy gown as mechanic, ",,47. 40 ; J . L. D unn, arose on the edge of the ravine. A aDd a Mr. Jones. cd , r egal in cnrriage, vivaciou Rnd serv:ices as mechanic, $10.20; Jo}Jn small rosUc bridge aDd Bummer Peter Satalia with his harp Wl\S ent r taining. Bal'rr payroll, $54.80; M. C. house ~ere built on tbe rock II and usually brought lrom Dayton to .So many places and! p ersonali- I"o rman, pay roll, $202; John son provided a spot for romance with furnish the mu ic and Perry Pence ties stand out clearly in 'my Myers, pay 1'011, $64.(0; Earl Bamoonlight and 110ft summer was .engag.ed to do the calling. memury thut I might go 011 and on sore., pay ro ll, $80.60; V. ¥. breezes. YQung people, middle ' aged and and tel! yo u of them foll' I admired Armitage, pay roll, $76.60; H. L. Mytil, only daughter , of the ' older ones clime from Ci ncinnati, and loved them all. Schuyler, pay roll, $169.90; parI household was ~nucetic and full Leban on, Dayton, Xe'lia, SpringOf Goru nnd Clu.rk ]W'cKay .a nd Dakin, pay ro ll, $119.65; John of action. She loved horsea and field, Wilmington and Harveys- th ir attracUv~ coumtry home Myers, pay roll, $69.80; The Van pets an'd lived an ellchanted Iife"in burg. north ast of Waynesville wh ere ~D1P Slone Co., sand and gravel,


Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol

'----------------------------11 Columbus The eighth &ft-


nuall!hort study course for Grang~ lecturer will be conducted at O. S. U. 1rom March 23 to 27 under auspices of the Ohio State Grange alld the university's College of Ag rieuJLure, it was announced by Joseph W.. FichteI', fo rmer . 1I8iatant state director of education and now an offici&! Grange lect urer. All phate!! of rursl life will be discussed and the- Orange lecturets will prepare to retay the messages to the various Granges throughout the state. "Making the Mo t of Lwing" haa been selected Ill! the general short study courae theme, Mr. Fichter said. Speakers include L T. Taber, master of die National Grange; Walter F. Kirk, matter of the Ohio Sta~ Grange; Dcan J. F. Cunningham , bf the 'College Agriculture; and H. ·C. Ramsower, director of the Ohio Sta~ Agricultural Extension service. I • • • Announoement of a new and simplified sYBtem for recording cases filed and r heard by the state lIundry claims' board was made by Director M. Ral Allison of the Department of Finance, who president of the board. In s hott, the new claims' record hu simitathy to a court docket and will add both efficiency and econ·




____ _


Between To1edo arid Cincinnati Charted for the Benefit of Inters tat Motor Tourist as Well as Tramc Within the Borders of Ohio

irS SHORTER i:o~ n;ofe~: to Cincinnati a's Bhown herewith is the shortest dista nce between t he two cities. Officials of tho State Highway Department· give . the mileage saving as about 11 mIles.

...o o•


less traf;IT'S SI rER fieThere's con gestion on 11.[,

the Toledo-Cincinnati Short Line than on any other rughway connecting these two cities. There are far fewer ourves (no hairpins) and all railroad crade crossings are exceptionally well protected.







By reason of the 8 h 0 l' t e r mileage, 1ells congestion (both on the highways and in the communities thru which they pass), fewer curves, and adequate width rQadbed and bridges, the Route here outlined 18 & big time-aaver for the busy motorist--very probably as much all two hours.



Choice of Knowing

, ...D

The., a c kne of ~he of. 10rigioateci and SponlOred ' ficial Revolub1 the tionary Trails nLL.OW Sy s tem of Revo1utionary Westenl Ohio. Short Trail Marked its Association X_MIA. entire length by historical -~"""av markers of the Ohio Memorial ' 1.~11"Commission. For additional strip maps or any information ~ relative to State Parks, ~L ~. Pleasure Resorts, Scenic Spots, Historic Shrines or the hundreds of other points of especial interest along this route, write . WILBUR M. FAULKNER Secretary SPRINGFIELD, omo



.1. .(4


........ DR.'"

I..t;r. 'lfI.





o~lo~m~bd~ claims aaainst the ltatC', ~~&'thili~~~~~~ Director Another' Iquare ' and on the op- querade Th~~8 a year, at~~ outstanding one inmas.~~~d ele- things and Clal'k wcr~played ~ thed~ciall piano ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Allison alllerted. Tbe new system posite aide of th. st~ was the gance. The men usually sent away for u .

supplants a volumlnou and a.nUqua home and lpacioUI lawn. of aDd rented costumes of authentic I would take you east of Corwin ted procedure of minute recorda, Andrew J. Thorp, WIlIer. the viva- style and material and the women to the Captain Hoel El.s tate-J and . it was laid. dous and ellatinbl' bride(the late in beautiful replicas of up the railroa.d to the Kelly ADria Rick. Thorp) dllpenaed hOB- 'famolls and historic characters. place where a platform dance was , • • • Belllah ,Park . at Columbus hal , pitality and entertained cI.U,.ht- 1 Handsome materials . 'Were used given on the lawn 01\'2 summer been Jl'anted the fttlt permit of fully. . . l and fidelity to detail was observed. nig-ht, Returning, 1 woulld take yOU , the ~ to lta;e • running horae Oontinuing up tIM ...t lid, of · There was the pantomime of con- to the White Brick: M-eeting I race m".tiRl by the Ohio State the street we come to the ,bou.. jeetute, whisperiDg, nodding and House and tell YOUI of the Hacm,. eommiul-on, according to adjoinlnc the prelent IIcClu~ Fun' until the climax of the unsophi ticated sophistication of Commlulon Qtllrmtn Richard A. eral Hom'e. Thll " .. the reaidence grand march for unmasking, your "Cousin" Paulina Butte'rworth . Forater. Tbe meet will be hel" of Dr. Miriam WllliamsOD, 1\'lUch partner In the march to be your And we would go into St, from lIay 9 to June 8, Mr, Fonter wu ably operate1l and directed b)' eJeort for supper. Mary's church on a white Christ• tated. Other Ohio tracka which her dau,hter Ape. (later IIrll. On one occasion George Wash- mas Eve where 6 towering Christhave applied .for ' include John Wrigbt) wIIo with tbe aid of inrton danced witb Martna all the O\as t.J·ee was pre ideed over by Thistledown at . Cleveland. from a cook and 'boul&man kept open evening and blithely entered the Drew Sw t a.nd one siman child 'July' to August 16; Berea, a house to tiel' mothen boardinr grand marcb and When the ma sks received u tremendous SUl'pl'lse. I night trotting meet from July 6 pati'entJ and to ott via~ting J;ela- wen removed thunder and light- could , ten :you t hat I gazed into to Jul)' 25; Northa'm pton ' at tives and frie'nd.. nlng 'Were in the air; t hey hlldn't the angelic, t he sweet :tace of Akron from June 13 to July 4; Dr. WiUiamaon wal a remark- .poken for two weeks and both Drew Swe t's mot her a'nd thought and North Randall ,near Cleve- able · woman; "killed In n~ pro· bad been completel), 'deceived. that was why their Iname was . ' land, from June 29 to Jllly 11. feasion a" a general practitioner, The reru lar dances were bri!- Sweet. liant gatherlnp of the same groups I have fond of this • • • . she al80 pOlSeased UDU.a&l --" W blch Th ' • lllea -.. er. al ""a)'11 ID the con - lovely little tow n terraced into the Duri"" J-"uar" the estimated of ~qDe tiaul ... I -te foreclosure. with a pro! 01111 d un d era ta n cU ns of veil ti ~nal blae k _... w i"L am pat en t natural hill ide as i.t broadly k f number. .o. t --I .~""...... I _L piled In th, I tb d i Th WAil sweeps back from tl;le ban it 0 Io -u ' 1,"92, iD,volvinr ps,,,,,o on _e ap ea er ane nc pumps. ere .... Ii In Oh f" ,. nlnet.,.ftv. f&r1lll and 1,197 other form 0f 01te opa..... ...... .o......-tm.n· w_ ... a 011I~ OCCA8I.... n al f u 11 drelll worn b , the Little :Miami. I d;id not ve 1auIW .. relidential, branch of medlcal eei.Dc. lOme rueat from I diltance. The there but was tak~n there often. .,...nt plattld land. then dl\'e1oped. 80181 of hlr WOmen pmented a CaJaxy of C9!0I' I loved to /l0 as there DumerI aaco.,II_. to claw ooUected by WIN eoftaldered mlraculou. aDd beauty. DlUebtful people, OUI relatives and connecIt wu b.... whea WI wOald 1ne17 IrOWU and dlarmm. man- , tions and everyone a S -;.::::. of State 0.0.... S. v-':_-p'... __.da.I bJ the to .pead til, daJ that after DIl'I 1JM ·the order of the B. friend. ~;.tIy -.,.... II - h~_Ri"'1 cIerlq ID tlbe 'owlr . . . . B. .,.nI& There "" t ..' DOl". PIII'm •• Bom, of the parTor or ltandlac TIl, ~ tor tit, ....niq 0. . to m~ IOIQdttee ba IIOOptratlea ' WON f rollDd ad , lac of John Ca(I"a:l1acller >Oilo ............. pat. . . o'fW die fonHl' ...... void in -7




N" ...Win 'oaa. .....

IHIt at




. . ,...

III' .mer


. . . . . . . ...

We have a large stock of G.o od Used Cars which must be sold at· once. . Popular models at ·prices you' will 'want to pay. Come in an~ look over our selection of Used Cars.




Earl Woollard, II rretary. Jl,hn aMI, chorls~r. II ::10, Bibl" .C!bool. LeMon tl!xt- this community, \\'a.

Promi fOc' lanel," after "hit"h

a thl'


~l1brnok and Mr. and pclc,t"tiun of mu ic by Mre. Jo'u/'nll~ MI: Mda RogtlJ'8 sp nt SURday RIIrP lind dallghter ot 'oelal Rllw "D [)FL"PATE TO . ('luH,d the pro"rllm. \Iith l\tr Trilla Io'arquar anti 80n celebrating thl' birthday of Mrl'. I I II IIJ1P~' JI I ur ( I \I II 11 l Ut NAM T. · <..., ,1l'RUli teuchl.'t; true vulue~, Luke I~ llUrvivt'd by hc!r 'hanll, foul' .. IIt'III' Ridlfl.'Yille. v Riltll's. th., IH"" \' ut ~ll . ,11'0111 NATIONAL CONVENT ION 12: 22. 32-41. Goltleh text, Mat- dauJl'hlcr o Mr h dey All Mr. and MI's. On'i1Ie Youn~ and "I ' III' "I II ('h loH'<'lifl~, II 633 M M '0' W·· I' cn, Quill' a lIumber from here at,.. L Oll \. 1 " 1 ~1 '. or tT-J" Ohio, bn ' H!W :'. rs. I~ ge 00 nR. Mi s LOI'ews Lend th .. blill gume I'n C,'nc 'Innatl' family and )titi~' Mary Young \ \l', l \\l'h'l 11)l'IllI"'1 II/+d . • It T ·t. f D t . "u ~ lo""ro IlHllI l' oi n Ikll' I: :l t t' 1"'001 I he 10 :.15, Lord's SUPPfl.. l ea. I U., II e rOI~ und Mr,;. l'iatul'day ('vl'ninA'. Daytql1 were Sunday dinner j.!11 t. prl'l'lIt. Tili11" fll 1I lI hi li I Ji,lrict 10 Ih e ti ::3 p . m., hri tilln Endenvol'; dill' lJuw\'Y of SlIring Valley; lI-li 's Elhel lI-I<>ndenhull vLited V' ult"l' K('nl'I'''k ,,,,'11 be home In ~uest.'! of Mr. Rnd MI·II. Ead An~'r . 1111 1111 ' III""~ ml', t int( tl'" j'l'l l1 hli C' n llutilmnl (,IHlVcntion to suhj ect, onseq\l~nCe I 'l"t r J) r 'llll " D t . 'r . ~ ~ pf great onc son e.1I1 I u. 0: etroit. 11'(' In ay on, Saturday, -venl' n!'" to a "I'" l pel'son" " 'I'th Young and chil,ll'en. flt'eil' litterlt pH I lal1\ (, llI1l1l1 il "I' t ool, ~h;\l' L!:l\ Th serVlc !; were he II M 'IS } ' I' ida IItHv 'y att e nd d t h il' pC -~ ~ ~ . 11' I" 'h" ld cil Cl"wl:mll in .I U,I1l'. d e i.5 i oll~." JO!lhlUl. 24 :14-] 6. { at VilI'.-onul "[IX I·.. ·ul'nu. noon gllests ~' el'e: Mr. and Mr~. mill J1r" ' I'n tl'<l till' 1', O\\lIIj!' 1' 1,1 . 3 I In1'!l h I WI ·' f I ... r /11 : lift. 11 n~ I' u f(1I'111C I' resi d n t 7: O. Gos pe message in cOn,up I nesuuy n t ernoon t lU \Vllyn esvill -Ll' blln on ba 'ketWilbu~ Whnl'ton ,. nuw uhas m- Walt I' Lucy and family and Mr. '1[u ..i.: - 1111 .' . • 1'U It ' '" urn:!-. f \\ lly n, ~1'iUc, gl' l'galional son~. B~dn\ w made in Clu.l'ksville. ball Kame at the Univerl<il)l of ploym nt aL the Clarence Modor(1 Wilbur Lacy and lady friend of • 1 . :00, evang listie: services. in cinnntl gymnacium Friday g" I'II" C J'n Day·on. Dayton. 1 '- {pbu Ill' U1 Rl'nrii flg, ":qllli~' .. .. • dfll.k. ENTERTAINS Wodnesday nigllt, 7:30. pra~r l Mi s Emma ZcnlmcYN', ag d ni 'h.l. 1111'. lind Mrs. Peal'l ornell of IMr. and Mrs. DOllllid Hadley all(1 . Bible study. 8:30, choir 26 , daughter of Everl!tt and Mary MI'. Raymond r irc e and Mrs. near Spl'ingboJ'o spent Tuesday nte-r'taln d to family dinn'l !r unl\ p, di ng, "tiull'U (If i h(. I ()Ialo" _ - Elir.nhth Flll'OU . :"II i , KlltlH'l'inl> Prolldl'rgast Jltllc:l.ICe. Hawke Zenlmcy er , of Minneapolis Howe ll Peil'ce w re in SeI\1l1l otill afternoon n L th~ horn e of MI'. fUld day 1' ~ latlve s oi Mr. fladlay from . l u~i( - Gl 11('.' F\,I r n a~, 'ntl rl~ il)('ri n - ntl) l1 gro up of " Seek ye first His Idngdom and I and a g l'an (ldaugh l el' of the late Spri ngfIeld , Wednesday. Ml's. Iyd e Wharton. Clork sville and Willmingtotl. 1/('IHlinR'. "Th(' Bir lh of Rt. fri ends b.-t Fr idll :.' l've ning. A His r ighteousness, and nil these Jo eph and Elizabeth Zell Uawke, Mr. and l\1Ts. Fo~ ter Huceo ck Mr. and Mrs. E . B. Longacro l 'a rick " Bl'rnin' IbrtnulI1 . pl('lI"lln t ,ociu l time was fo ll owe d thing s snail be added unto you. died Sunday, March 15, at the we re dinn el' g uc ts of Mr. a nll vi ' Hed ,Mil'. and Ml'S. RaY' Bran- --~ ~ --~-~~ - "'-!!..!!..~~-!!'~!'!!"~!!!"!!~!!!! I,';. hj,m:< _ l pnl Rl' •• on t>y Juinty )'l,ft'eshm ·nt.. Invited Mlltthe\ 6:33. Glendale Sanat orium , linneapolis 1\1r:1. J. L. Mend enhall today. de nberg and 10 th er , ?ttl'. Mary <l nie I in ch I'g of da l!'u~ t. \\He It·... Ed W oollard , of WAYN E SVILLE M. E. CHURCH Funerlll services c onducted by I Miss Mal'y 1I1'0lyn Luk ens, of Brandenberg at Midland, un day. ~l1oith. Utl )' lon, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Pl'en. R ev. G. C. Dibert were held al the H arveysb urg, 8)X: llt Sa turday and 'Mnl . Joseph Vllkel' is ill nt this ~ It l>1' th ' pro!!1 am ' t h(O h.osto~~ ,I \r,,!,I\~l :llld cbildren, of, incin Rev. G. C. Dlbert, Pastor McClur Funeral Hom this I S unda y with her ra ndmothel', time. Your ne ighbors mid f J;iend s BTe t'l v '1.1 fI .tC'lkillll ,.nlall eOUJ st:'. nllli ; Mrs, H om er arey, Miss Sunday: Su nday school at 9 :30 aftel'n o<:)O . BUdul was in Miami MrS. Lenll Har tsock. MI'. and Mrs. Edwin Null; and u ing 'Th tlltb alljllur nt'd to lI1e~'t Luc ,' 8mit'Y, {iss P hoebe Miranda a. m. Morning worship at 10 :40. ~ll1eteTY· irs . Em ma Peirce, .M rs. Foster Herman Nutt of near Centenrill ECCSACT OR \\I. h F.J~i(. Hockett in )1 I'i 1. Mi. !'. Ma t tie oak, a nd Mr . J. H. The erm/;m subject will be, The Haecock and Miss 'Mama Brown wCI'e nte rtllin d to dinner a.t the Poultry tonic. ___ " _ _ _ ___ $mit h. Wa,y to the Heights. J . Albert mith, 73, son of th e wel'e in Dayton, T uesday. ho m of Mr, lind Mrs. Th el'l<l Egl!'Sll ctor is 'uncxcoll ed with DI OCES AN PRES IDE NT There will be a short meeting Jat yru s and Ph oebe Ann Smith 1\2 1'. Raym ond P eil'ce, of Toledo J ones and son. baby chick.~ snd Poults GU E ST OF AUXILIARY Try The Miami Gazette For A of the official Board immedia.tely died at a hospital in lin Diego, and Richm ond, came Tuesday Mrs. Margaret Johns attend d Year. following the morning se rvice. lit., unday, IMml:h 15. He is evening fo r a bd f vis il to his t he funeral of Mr. E. J. Smith of I EGG A TOR is al so a. worm _~_ _ _ At 6 :45 p. m. there will be a s urvived by one son" Harold, of mother, !lfl·S. E mma Peirc e. leveland at Wilmingto Wednes l exp ella nt and a ids in dis eBse Tb.> W '1111 n's A uxilisry of ' to bu ine s meeting of the young Omaha, Nebraska; Cln brother, I I 10.'. an d 1\o1r . F o t el' Haecock clay aft r;loon. n , I preventi on. M I'~'~ I'hUI'ch Ilut on T hursday One two dolla r bottl e will take of the church. It i imGeorge J . Smith, and on e sister, and Mr . Lena Harts oc~, with Mr. M1' and M E B L peonle aft ~noon, March 12, at The ~ . " d I' J L . l Q. . . ongllcre cal'e of a flock of 100 for 4 portant that as many as possible alah SmIth, of . Wa,y n esvll1~. A a~ IS. . . Mend enhall, were we re Dayton visitor s Tu ·day. Lil ll c Inn, "jth MI's. Edith Hun-i ' . of our young folks a ttend thi s S(ln, Wa~re~, of Los Angeles, pre- di nner g u ts of Mr . lind Mrs. Mr. William ooper of Dayton ' mon~he. end your ord r, we all hOFtClSS. The )IlCll;'t ing WI) opanpay po tuge and ship C. 0. D. ceded him In death nbout t hree R. H. H~ J't80ck nnd fa mily, Mon- ha pll rchased the Ann mith hl-eeting. l'd by the hymn " Fling Ou t the . At 7 :30 p. m. ttl e F' dayM 'evening. . n en d Sh'Ip wee ks ago. I L'I property of Ml'. and Mrs. CaIV1n Ba lln el'," M I' . G1 ndys Bolin, acelaa will render a special proFllneral services were h Id toISS ara 1 e was in Xenia Hall. comp nist; ht TIl/V. l\lr chaeff I' 91 4 Chellea A'n. gram. This will be a varied, but day \ ith bUTial in Los Ang.eles. Tu e dny n1tu noo n to a ttend the Mrs. Kesler Graham spent s evcvnducietl t he devotional FRIENDS MEETINC· DAYTON, OHIO f uneral of 1\Ir . Anna Raybunl eral day last week in Waynesstrictly religiolls prognim, concises. First-day School at 9 :30 a. m. sisting of musieal number sj ' r endFA RME RS' GIRANCE oll ct.t, who;;~ hIt rm ent was in ville, caring for her mother, Ml'S. T n ~t('.ad of the us ual program, . d dd B Mi a mi c~m et ry. W t he nitel'noon wa s given over to Meeting for Worship at 10:30 mg , an a resses. e sure to .." Mr. and Mr's. F o ter H • . Albright, wh o has been v~ry I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ m. Miss ElizaDeth DE'nkle and the k attend this meting. a ecoc · ill. Miss Eva Wharton is staying th(. dio cean pr sident, :&118 ' --=============i't Wedne day: Bible study and "pirie o f the Home 'E;conomics dc- an d 1\11"- . 110 we II P clI'ce were with her this week. .r:.E lizabeth Matthe ws of Cincinnati FER RY CHURCH OF CHRI ST paJ'tment of lhe local high schoOl a niong a gl'OUII of Fri c d b glle,t :speaker for th~ afternoon; prayer meeting at 7 p. m. n s w a Mr. Mildr d Surface underCarl Smith, Mlnteter will have chllrge of the progranl at uni ted in celebr ating til eightieth w ent a tonsil operation at Blair who tlli k d of the work of the Perry Thomas, Supt. of Bibl, the regular meeting of Farmers' ul'r'h,day ST. MARY' S CHURCH • , of Eugene F ost cr, a t Brothers' hospital, Leba/lon last Auxilial'y f or the coming year, School Grange Saturday nig·ht. t he hi storic Butterw orth home- we k. She remains qllite poorly. Rev. J . J. Schaeffer, Rector dL eu sed t he outlook for: peace in Sunday School 9 :30 a. m. Each fa.mily is Tequ esLe(! to s tead u'• B utte r wtho rSt ' , a t lOll' lr. and Mr • Leslie Gray and Fourth Sllnday in Lent, March Am erica, and told many interestCommunion 10:45 /a. m. take either popcorn, candy, fruit S un clllY Olhel ' I nv ·ted t • . 1 gue s were children spent. Sunday with Mr. , 22, Church school at 9:30; ' M orning th ing about her l'Ecent ~rip Sermon 11 a. :m" or cookies. DI·. and 1:'\1:r • Dudley Keever, of and MI'II. Fred Fisk and family at i ng Prayer and sermon at 10:30. t o th . South. Her talk wsa aD Each casket furnished by ~ .... nl~l'vi1le ; 1r. and Mrs. Curtis lndependance, Ky. Mr. a nd Mrs. WAYNESVI LLE CHURCH OF Wednesday, March 26, senrice ins pira.tion all her listeners. every F ARMERS' CLUB .!ME T us p rfect in TomhuHon, Me and Mrs. Seth Geol'ge Gray accompanied them CHRIST at 7 :30 p. m. During the social hour a dainty AT F URNA S HOME Furlla, M~. and Mr. J. L. Men- . home. detail. The interiors are Carl Smitb, Minlste~ lunch was served to the memdenhal1. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Wbitaku ST. AUCUSTINE ' CHURCH Not A Denomination bers and following guests: 'Mrs. of th finest Quality anc] the and children attended a party at ' F ather Newton. Paator Elban Crane and ~ughterj Nancy Han&), Hole, snperintendent. The Wayne Township Farmers' hal'c]war is per :f e e t I Y the home of Mr. ' and 'Mrs. Har ry Maas a t l!It. AlJlUltine'lI Church club mel at ' the ,home of the mith near Waynesville, Saturday • We sel et such matched. Thur~day, very second and f ourth Su nday Furnas fami ly 011 Mr!'o. Ru sell Campbell has bOOll ev ning. t t he month. Murch 12. Mr. and Mrs. Omal' merchandise carefully, tb t ~ Mrs. Alice Clark, Mr~ 'and' Mrs. Hollingsworth, MTs. J. Q. Gons quite ill the past week. We may give our clients on ly. Mrs. Harold Whitaker attended . alvin Longacre and children and Mrs. M. A. Cornell assisted the Mother' club at Waynesville were entertained to dinner Sunthe hostess in serving the dinn,er. the best at reasonable co t. 'day at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. The afternoon se sion was Friday nItel'lloon. Mrs. Rach~l An n Rayburn ColMrs. J. B. Jones spent the-week Lee 1\Iason in Mason, In honor of lett, 77 years old, died Sunday at opened with pl'ayelr by Foster end with h · r sister, Mr . Jo hn Mr. Ma on's birthday. her borne in Xenia alter a year's Haecock, and Toll call re ponses Zimmer-man and daughters, in Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ken:ick illness. She was tbe widow of were quotations from Whittier, Dayton. and James Haines called unday Music; furni h~d by Mrs. Furnas Horace W. Collett to whom she Samu el Charleton of Goes Sta- afternoon on Miss Sue Finkbone was followed by the special topic wa married in 1881. tion i pending a couple of weeks who is very ill at the home. of her "What is Success," pre ented , by Before moving to Xenia in 1926 ith Mr. and iMl'S, Charles Charle· brother George Finkbone. near she, with her f amily ha d lived on Omar Hollingsworth. PII••• 7 ' ton I/llld family . West Middletown. . Foster Baecock IIpoke interesa fa.Tm southeast of New Burling. Miss Laura llosnagle of Cincin iMln. Alice Clark entertained to tingly on "The lJesLrI:h for the ton for 60 years. Her husband natl was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. six o'clock dinner Tuesday. Mr. died seven yearij ago. = Harvey Burnet and family over and Mrs. Pury Thomas of near ~_============~ She is su rv ived by a da ughter, Subscribe fo r The Miami Gazettt Margaret M. Collett , at home; a son, Jame W., of New Burling< ton, and 8 sister, Mr$. Jdargaret CHARTER (010. 2220 Only has Reaerve D I .t l~le t '1(0 4 Luk n • Toledo. ........ speed~ deanlinlSs and precise regulation F unenl services were held at Report of th e cOI~ diti on of the Waynesville Nat!lon~ Bank, of W11Cm YOll buy a Dew It OVe. from the gentle~t simmer the residence Tuesday afternoon Way nesville, in the State of icJasta a tong time. Wby not to a sinling btoil. perfecd),. and burial was in Miami cemetery Ohio, at the close of business, have tbis loyell modelD Come iro and let u . d emoaon Ma~ch 4, 19a6. II High.Power P erIection oil IItr1IIiC the q~icku.pon.e ·?llra. Emma You n ~, 73, wife of range? It i5 th e very latest IUId steady conuol of ruShCyrus W. Younce, died Saturday. ' Published in response to call thil'llfin modern beauty: con· Power burners. We'd like to IMarch 14, at her home in West " made by Comptroller of the venlence aDd depet;acuble t U you more about this Cu rreney, under Section 5211, performance. ' beautiful Dew Pe r fe ctioll Milto n, Ohio. U. S. Revised Statu tes. There is DO faster, cleaner range too. You' n b e su rBesides her husband she is surSIO e than a High·Po er Perprhed at the reruopabJe ASSE'rs vived by s iJS children: L. J . fectiort, All H igh·Power burn- price when you se.e i f8 cre&DlLoan. an d d hICOUD ~..... ,117,691.10 en do every cookirtJ[ task, white porcelain finish. Younce, ' of San F rancisco, Over drafte ..... . . . .. . .•. 2 1.65 States GOve.l·nment Calif.; C. W. Younc e. Dayton ; R. United obligations. d lre(~t and N~. 2 (or) tully gua.ral1,teed . . 102.L65.02 FR ' ':'-H rRA D C. Yo unce, NeWaTk j F. L . Yo unce Othe r boftdl. .tOC~l' aDO cans aeeurltl. ... . ..•.... . . 87.370.0fi St. Louis, Mo. ; H rs. Milton SanBa nkl n . Ihouee. 1'. 000. 00. dusky, Middletown. aDd Mrs, F u rn iture a nd fl:lRed ~ur Pitted turea. . .. . ..... ' ,1.998.57 9.998.57 Herbert Getter, Dayton. Reserve wltll Ft.der'a l ReA. spec ial 10"," price for chi. 4B,619.03 F unenl services we r e beld Mon' serve Bo.nk . . ..• • ••.. Cash. balances wl lh other day after noon at the W est Milton bot. banke. MId cash llems , ..,.. .o...(! In P"OC"'8~ ot collectIo n 13G,749.14 Ch urch of the Brethren. eMil Items not In proc IlS 40.10 Th e 'Younce family f or merly ot colloctlon ... ,,' .. , .. . Other aS8ete .. , ...... . . . 332.35 resided in Waynesville. No.2 Total Al8eU . . .. , . . .. . .. f496.887,61 LUJSILlTJE S F uneral ser:vices were held cant , CRE,A.M STYLE de,poslta Olr ' W ednesday afternoon f or M'ts. .Demand -lntll vlduals, partnerab Ips Country Club Free from arit and eorpor f,lotlQ ns '" • . 297,096.36 (,:larrie Titus, wit. of Alonzo Tit u! depa. lt. o f ~ 1)dlVldu· who died Sunda7 at ber home Time , nill. partnershlpe. a nd cOIlPorli.t1on8 , . . •• • ... •. 58,408.59 Club. An fl(State. cO Urtty, a d munlcl" , cept~D.IJ value pal dep08lt. , . ......... 10,7 '0.62 Depos it. of other b,anlt. , Includlnlr cunCled ...nO Santa Clara, 70 ~ SO' abe ca. hlen ' outkla n d lng . , • . • •• " •• , • •• ' 13.56 Total of Item. 14 to 18: c it

d Innti.



friends' Home N


A ••







Poultry Raisers



-- -




Cra wford Mfg. Co.

Impor~a nt


--- ..


-- - -

----- ---Lyt'e

... ..- - -


J. E. McClure





D. Collett



P.llile S.l. w.

of ~. . .


IItreets Wa)'llemlle, Ohio, on

Satur....y. ManJa 21, 1138

W e are r eady to ' meet your buildiDI need, 1 Our yard. are atocked with ~. .oaed - hil best Irade lumber. boulbt iD la r le qua ntitiea when the market wu rilbt-loc:uI your "uildiDII coata. You'll " ..... do hett.. II ~ buy ,our "riclt, roof. C .. . .lt.aDd otJa. mat.iab f...,... ua.



(a) Secured ~, ipled.e of

'l oan.


( or)

lnvealmenl..t 3,tlU,16 (b) Not bl' pledge or .~urtiI4 10aDII &1111 (o r ) Inv..tmenta . . . ,. L 8112,654.87 (c)

T ota l

Beglnnlne at 1 p. m, the f ollow. Depoaltl . ..• U !IO,2'4.0a Oapltal accoun t: I'ng to-wit .' Preferred .toolt Kitche n cupboar d, klt~h e n c 'ab400 8111\<roll. par t52. 50 ... poe ahar e, reUrr.ble r.t i n~t, oil stove, two oven II, side ' 62.500 per .h.. ~· Common • toe 1I~ , 1,000 b oard, kitchen cba.irs, dining Toom _hr.r .. , pael' .$16,00 p e.r chairs, di ning r oom table, two ' Surplu. aha re. •.•... Total . t1(IO.OOO.OO U.OOO.OO kitchen tables, f oldin g bed, leather Undivided . ..... »ii.633.['8 nlll ... .profitedliven port, velour couch, rockers, ---Morris chair, se",in'" ' achine, Tolal .. m AccoCap unt ital ... . .( Singer) sew ing table, oak lltand, Total L lab IIIUes .. . .•. t96.887.Al Ice box, t hree p i ~ Walnut bed• ....era.C_, Loa.n . a.n cJ roo m suite, bed, throw rugs, box In veet>m ent a P le4 ge d to e cure Lla b illtl e~ couch, large mi rr or, f eather beds, UnSited Stat e. Gov e rnment oblication. . d lr e(,t and wash bowl and pitcher, lamps, (o r ) t ull y gUJl.r lt,nteed 9,981.25 carpet sw eeper lot dishes and cook Olh e r bond., . t OCk l., and lec urltle • . . . ... • ..• . .. 4,087.611 inlt utensils, a.n d many other T ota l Ple dged (e:lcludlng articles too num~rous to mention. r cdlllCo unte) ....... $14.498.75 , ADII._. Pl edced : Jenn), Lind dll)' bed, clock, (b) ~al a nd . mull walnut bur..u,' elll!TJ' bureau, chelT)' etand, lot old dish ... KllCellaneoua: Grind atone, lawn mower, eOPller wuh boller,

taba, fruit Jars, wrinpr, complete paperl.., cd palDtiq oat At. earpeI1W to01l, prien . . . , idld

...u ....-.

- ,1 ~:J 19c COUl>:TRY CLUB

140:9 ' C

utl:e r


Spinach Prunes

CORN Co,-,,,"

l' will sell at public auction at t h e cornel' of Third and Hioh •

t,.. .......


_:_:- .di-. .9; ~_r~ee.,. . ,.;~I



Cherries '/.



Phone 99R3

Waynesville, Ohio

'NaVyBeans 6 Jm,19c: Choice Michll'n. A real low. price


'~.£,!!~NI Tomal:o .SoUP 2":'9~ Bar~ra Ann. R.lch flavor'

Stock up tod • .,


Kuo Syrup 2-'* .: .... ,~ , Milk . . 3 Ip, '.. tIe: COUnll11 Cld .. TOIDato Juice .2 'I.••• ,tc S...,iaol.Tiaaue 3l111al9c 80't.tJ~' \Str, Flour • 5,lb. bal I : ~ Cou"trp Club ; , cl allolD orlc~. COllrl'"" Clu~ CIaiIi Sauce . ' iIu' Ie J ...I Coff.. . .It. 17c ' 110' Da,.d. SffJOf" It, ".",.., . COO""11 ChiIJ RbYe . 2Jp._p.39e: tinute Tapioca 2 plE.I, 1ge anpefruit ! A,.(I/ Dtllw C'' ' .", cw




81u. !A6ti1"

IL. ••

P. hi • IUD"I, of rht. pol'.. 'a,


lb. ···· ··· 1····"·,.. ····


ORANGES. ~orid.. 10 Ibs. Swee, aad ;Juiq.


LOUI.LUIA YAII, hoMt 4 I. . ... ..., ....................... , ..... I ..

FRANKPURTEIU. lb. .. .... .. ,:...... ......... "

a Ib, piece

or more, Ib .... ,... . .

......... ........


BOLOCNA.. lb. .. .............. ... , .. .. .. .... , .. ..... JOe



tour - •• v" .

MICIUQAII POTATo&I, 10 lbe. ........ 1.. ,


11. I f Mo.. 1.


CAJIIlO!rI. Bela. .......... ..


, 5

Eighty-Eighth Year







Mi ss J ennie Hardin, Lebanon left this week for Greenvllle where she bas accept.ed a post as matron of the Ella Van Dyke St. Clair Home for the Aged of that city. This home was recently establishEd Bnd Miss Hardin will become its fir t matron. It will probably be opened within the next f ew weeks. Ml 8 Hardin is a Carmer matron of the Mollie Harmon Home at Leuanon and is well known in this , community.




Number 6214


The annual inspection of Waynesvill e Lodge No. 163 F. & A. M . will be held Tu esday evening, March 31. D.inner will be served at 6 o'clock, 35 cents pel' plaw, Work in the M. M. degree will fo ll ow. Accident Occut'& Near Lebanoa D. R. SMITH, W. M., Lat. Sunday V. M. ARMITAGE, Sec'y E-.cninlf

addreRs the Leban(Jon Kiwanis lub at the HoLel Leb;l1non, ' Ta e day The local C C camp two olil s . ' Judge Robert J . Shawhan, or noon, March 3 1. I1 e will speak On Le b~no.n, wa~ found dead in bed "This StaL G/)verrlnl(' nt of OUl's." eost of Lebanon will SOon have been ,in this county a fu l1 year. at hiS home In Lebanon SundllY Celuul of All Do ... In The COUll.,. F w peop le except the farmers morning. Death is bel iev d to ti c Friend.' Home News Will b. Started on April wh o have had work done on their dlle t.o a cereb~al hemorrhage. Firat Judge Sllawhan was 67 years Mr. and Mrs. Lile Goode and rarms realizil the serviCe that this of age and had been a practicing mothel' of Y Bow Springs, nnd camp clln 00 to the county. Presumably stt'uck by an unattoJ"ney in Lebanon for more 1\11', and l\iJ·s. N. IP. lyburn, of A summary of the activities of Wanen county now ,has one dog t~an 40 years and a {ol'mer judge Washington C. H., called On MI'S. the camp the pI!.! t· year are as known motorist while walking I licensed to h seven persons In of the Warr,en county probate Anna Cadwallader and M! s Clbn fo llowB: t he county, which is an average of along 1;l oute 42 north or Lebanon court. Ie s than one dog to eacb two fam~ Lile Sunday afLernoon. Total acreage in farm s upon Sunday evening, an unid~ntified Surviving OL'e Ms wife and two ... iIies, according to a statement 1tfr. A. Z. I1arLsock and iamily which' work has bee n done, 3070 man, beli ved to be about 35 daugh ters, Mrs. Edwin Gowdy, of made by B. W. Brunk, county dog of M hin, called to see thei r acres. :; ====- years of age, suffered injuries t hat Dayton, and Miss MYI'a Robin warden. mother, MI'8. Lena Hartsock SunAcres upon which lime ha been Sha whan, of Cincinnati. New pring Hats at reasonabl e l'esulted in hiB death Monday morn Warden Brunk announces 'that d a y a f '.er noon. • ap plied, 382. Funera.l services were held fit prices at Grace Lincoln Smith's. ing at the Bl~ir Brothers Hospital Mrs. Ada J c"kins made a busihe wilJ start making a census of the Presbyterian church in Leb- n ss irl'p to W.· ln11·ngtnn Frl'day Ac res of woods improved, 152. Th e man d'Ie d WI'th ou t regatnlDg .. all dogs owned or harbored- in the 'Ml ' chenor ' b ' " E ",as a USlness Acr-e1l recommended to strip anon, Tuesda.y afternoon. Burial county on April 1, and as all have aftet'noon. cropping, 67. visitor in Cincinnati today. consciousness havin g Buffe,r ed a was in Lebanon cemetery. 'had ample time to 8ecure licenses, irs. Margaret I ailey, 01 Dayfractured skull and sever e body ton and Dr. Dudle y Keever a nd Acres recommended to ~e MI·8. Lydia Vandervort, or Lebanyone :found with an. unlicensed bruise'. Mrs. Keev er, of Imtervill1! ca lled p Ian~e d to h ay 78 9. 1_ anon, was a Wayn es.viJIe visitor dog in ' his possession will be cited t t" I He was found lying along the · A Buy your Ealiter Hat at Grace ded to b I and paid their resp ct.~ to Mrs. crcs recomm en e pan - u( ay. to court and assessed a fine ot ' highway near the Natha.n Monroe Ljncoln Smith's Hat Shop. Nettie Dick on on the occa ion of e d to cover crops, 1 5 4. from '10 to '25 and cots. Miss Mylah Pence, of Lebanon. flU'm on the Waynesville-Lebanon t Acres d evo ed to pasture imher 93rd birthday on Friday. . , The warden states that the re·, ' was the guest (If Mi. s Lola Sears road lIhortly before 11 o'clock Sun provement, 112. C. E. Anderson and Mrs. Mrs. moval of dead dogs, dogs killed M1'8, Edith H.arl'i , MI'., O. J . . . over th week-end day night by Sylvester Gordon or injured on the highways is not W. C. St. John were In Dayton . Several hundred women ore ex- • llli t h, Mr I D. L. Cra ne a.nd Mi s 25 Acreage Increase of legumes,. and Oliver Nixon, of Cincinnati Tuesday. includ-ed in his duties and for pected to attend t he annual Emma H eighway were dinner . Mr, Harry a nd daughter who removed him to the Lebanon convenience of the public he has Mr. and Mr/!, Ira O. Brown were achiev~e nt meeting for home guests of Misses Annie U. and h Farmer.s who ar~ intere ted in of Dayton, were guests of Mr. and hospital. submitted a list of the duties of the week-end gueets of Mr. and demonstrati on groups on Friday, Marn e • . Brown on Tue day. I t e servIces ren e~ed by this Mrs. Ed Cook on Sunday. The man was roughly dressed the dog warden as follows : Mrs. M. J. Brown in Versailes, O. March 27, at the Lebanon Town Mr. and Mrs. Foster Heacock camp slto uld call Leballon 671K Mr lind IU TS J ohn Tu' but nO mal'k of identification was 1. To patrol the higbwaYI!I of an d Mrs. Emma P h'ce were enter- for appoin.t ment or write- Harry . 'm . rner were dinner gues<- of Mr and Mrs found on the body the county and Be i~e and impound Mr. and M·rs. Harold ' WI'III'amBon Rail a.uditorium, according to tained at dinner Thul'sday eve ning ' KennaI' d , H. Day Wagner, or Wil- Wallace Tre""adn'ay, S·unday. ' He wa deocTI'bed'as bel'ng about were Miss Elizabeth Graddy, local . 1I dd CCC C n ~ all dogs not wearing a valid reg- and son, Richard, of Dayton, ~. H. H. home demonstration agent. at th e hom e of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Le1abm e nOer , . a ress amp, 35 years of age, 5 fee t , 10'lfl the guests of Mr. and Mr.. h10. istration tar. Furnas on ocial Row. anon, M N tt' K I h b ' 1 1 Williamson, Sunday. Mrs. Emil, a member • _ _ rs. e Ie ep er as een I inches in height and weighing 140 2. To make a census of all dagl!l of the Warren county home exten Mr. a nd ' Mrs. Foste-r Heacock, at th e hom e of her sister, Mrs. pound s. He had dad, hair and owned or ,harbored ·t n the county. Mr. and Mrs. Lee McLain, O'f sion council, will erve as cl1air- after l'pending a l\1onth in the Oliver Davis! in Corwin. b1l1e-gray eyes and carried a . 8. To inve tigate all elaimB at tattooed heart on his, right fore. near Lebanon, were guests of 'Mr. irian for the day' pro"'ram which in t he . intel'est at . the .. F d C tt I ft F d Mrs. Charl~s Herrmann, 01 injury to ~vestoc!t inflicted by nen s omml ee e rl ay ----arm with the initials "D. E. T." and Mrs. Harold Shutts, Sunday. will start at 10 o'clock. . t t' th' k . Weatherlord, Texas was the guest dogs. Stunts relating to th~ Y ar's #iOl'Rtng a .con IOU" (lIT wor In 1he folJowlng telegram was reHe also had wMt is recognized Ill! 4. To a'liat the health commlaMr. and Mrs. John B. Gons 'actiVities, music by the County Sillem, IndIana. cei~ed by Walter Kenrick, A t!- of Mrs. Oliver Davis and family a.n institutional haircut. sloner in enforcing a quarantine were dinner guests of Mr. and Homemaker's choru and a j " by Mrs. Etta M~Crs~ and .da ughters ministrator for the Warren on Wednesday. --order in event 01 rabies. Mrs. A. H. Schoeler in Hamilton, Miss Laura Judd Bryal li me Veda and Beulah, <Jof Mld~le to wn, Co unty Division of Aid for the Mrs. C. M. Brown, of Dayton, 6. To have the lame police Saturday evening, economist of Cincinnati 1e umong called Oil l\h's, Fra~lces Nlckleson Aged. spent Saturday at the home of her powers as the county sheri«. mother, Mrs. Mary Etta Surface. J. W. Edwards and daugh~ the outstanding events of the Sun day afternoon. Oolumbu s, Ohio, 'March 24 , 1936 Mrs. The warden haa ellpre88ed his ter, Mi88 Mary Leah, of Springprogram. This day of entertainWalter Kenrick, Warren Co. Div. wilLingne88 to call for stray dOli 'Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Al1en and · of Aid for the Aged, "Lebanon Mr. a nd 'MTS. Cummi ngs, of Daywhen notified.. and if the dop are field, ttended the funeral of tMir ment, instruction and sociability MOTHERS' CLUB WILL MEET FRIDAY, APRil. 3 Bank, Bldg. , 'Lebanon, Ohio. confined or tied. will respond as cousin, Miss Emma Zentmyer, is planned for all Warren county ton, were visitors at the bom'e of homemakers and ('vet'y inter ested Th W T w b' M th ' Governor D~vey has is ued ap. Mrs. L. D. Chiles, Sunday. soon as it Is po&.\ible for him to do. , Thursday of last Iw~k. The soil conservation-domestlc person is welcome to attend. . aY,ne 0 J) IP 0 .ers so. al10tment act which suppllUlts the 'Mrs. P. L. Reason hBtl returned Arrangements have ' been made I club WIll meet on F riday, ~p~11 a, peal to the public for food and Miss ErPla ears will visit AAA programs is being announced In event thet the owner of a doC home from Dayton where she as- to provid lunch for tl)e group so at 2 p. m., in th e Gr's de bULldmg. clothing for fl ood suft'erers. Gov. friends in Spr ingfield over the wishes the warden to dillpolI4! of sisted In the care of ber nephew, ~ women w~o naVe not already don e I. , J'lli Schweibol.d of Xenia: is requests don ations 1>e sent, left, thi s week according to Lester J. it he will do 0' with out cbarge if Wa.trous, whp has been so are urg~ t make l'ese rvation s I expected to be pI eSjlllt and gIve. a or held to Division of Aid Head- week-end. local county agricultural it is delivered at the pound. A large number of local persons agent. A tempo.rary county com. serloualy lIL with Miss Graddy at 'her office in short. talk ?~ Gt~ rmany. MISS quarter~ in each county. Hightogether 'With Mr. Miller I SChWetbolddVhl ltedd. Ge~anYh lalsdt way Department will take charge are planning to attend the annual mittee Mr. and Mrs. Abr:am Cook and Lebanon. I ---- I ummel' an er ISCUSSlon S ou of dOllatio'ns under direction' of Achievement meeting in Lebanon will attend a state conference at k f Mr. . anbd Mrs. S tan Iey C00, Red Cros.. You are urged to tomorrow. Columbus, Ohio on WednelJday S f Ma EMMA ELIZABETH ZENTMYER be 0 r'tn t ercst "~o everyone. The sc hool's paTt in the program cooperatoe with Governor's appeal pTlng oro, were guests 0 r' l and Tbursday, March 25th and 26. Dr. and 'Mrs. H. E. Hathaway The purpose of this conference and Mrs. J. V. Hartsock, Sunday I Emma Elizabeth Zentmyer, the will be furnisbed blr Fir t gl'8de by extending ev.ery allsistan~e entertained £he Fiv41 Hundred club is to explain in detail the operaevening. Iyoungest daughter . of Everett pupils, possible. tion of the new program at it 'Will All Sl'e cordially invited to at- ( igned ) I. M. Lamoreaux, Olflce Wednesday evening. BaKed goods of a1\ kinds, dough~ Zentmyer, and Mari' E. Hawke Manager. nuts and other aood things to eat Zentmyer, was born January 9, tend this meeting. Herbert Munger, of Lexington, reIBte to local farmers Edtlcational meetings will be held in eaeh town FRIENDS MEETINC. will be on aale at the Eaitel 1910 at Paris Crossing, Indiana. Kentucky, visited his parents, Mr. u Flnt~y School at 9:80 a_ .m.• market which will be 0 Satur~y, She was deprived of her mother and Mrs. Robert Munger, Thurs- ship in Warren county during the week of March 30 to April 4 .. At ~eeti died Au<pnst 30 , 1919 , lind day of la t ~eek. DI. K lor Worship at 10.80 .AprJ'1 11' , 'ln th e LeMay-H a 6 who , &" . these m%tings local farmers wl\1 I " ) office Or! Main street. Give' or te1e- also Joseph, her only brother wMo Mr. and Mrs. Howard Archdea- be told what they must do .thi!1 FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST phone your order to Mile Helen died November 22, 1922, and con visited relatives near Frank- year to be entitled to receive bene Hawke. Zelia an only sister who passed Carl Smith, Minllter lin , Sunday evening. fit payments that will be made. away April 13, 1924. Perry Thomas, Supt. ot Bible Men'S .suite, Ladies' plain of Emma, when ' sixteen . years After spending several weeks According to Mr. Milter local Scbool dre88ea cleaned and pressed, liOc; sge was sent to Oak Terrill, Glen with her mother. 1'drs. Eva Miller, farmers must increns& the percenSunday Scho'ol 9 :80 a. m. Ladies" Spring Coats, "'TOc; Ken'. Lake Sanitarium, Minn., where ... Communion 1.:"6 L m. Mrs, GraCe McCune has returned tage of their rotated acreage used Hats cleaned ' and blocked, . 60c. for grass crops. This means that she was an invalid, confined to her SermOn 11 •• m.. to her home in Lima. Quick CleaDel'll, Kathryn Menden- bed fOT ten years . She was always their 1936 acreage of alfalfa, ' Mrs. Rowena Zartman of Xenia, clover, timothy, etc. must show an of a cheerfuf nature, ever greet.. "A-YNESVILLE CHURCH OF hall, Manager. spent several dayS last week ot increase over that of 1936 on CHRIST . Mrs. C. M~ Brown, of Dayton and ing those about her with a smile. the home of Oliver Davis and their farm if they ~xpect to receCarl Smitb, IImisWr She will be missed bY .her attendMl'II . .losi-e Whitaker were Sunday family. ive payments. No res trictions wUl ants as one of their fa.mily. Not A DellommatioD guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marion be placed on the use 01 these .graa. She died March 15, 1986 at the Harwy H~le, luperlntendent. Whitaker. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carpenter, crops. Payments will be made on age of. 26 years, two months and 9 :30, Bible aebool; lellOlI .abof Dayton, were guests of Mr. and tbe number of acres of grass cropa and Mra. J. W. Coleman reMr. five days. ject: J csUa Explains tbe Kingdom. Mrs, Hownrd Archdeacon on Sun- increased o~~r 1935. after tlIrned home Tuesday She was a member of the. Luke 13 :18-30; Golden text, day. Warren cOllnty farmers should Ipendlng several days in Clncin- Minnihaha Queen Esthers Sundl/-y 13:29; l~on thought, ' one walt until after tbe local township in Spring Pleasing styles School cla811 of· the M. E. Church. a nati, havinK been called tberebe· qualify in order to become . Millinery at low prices. See them meetings before making de6nite uuse of the cMath of Mr. Cole- Sbe was loved by all .who kn ew citizens in Ohrilt" kinadom. plans for their farm · operations man's brother. at Grace Lincoln Smith's. her. Sbe leaves to moum' her 10 :60, Lord's 8upper. t his year. • gOln" her fatber and n host of 7 p. m., Chr18tian En.d••. VDI·:1 XrI. VernOn MalnouB deli8htMr. and Mrs. Ralpb Linn and _ ,_ _ ••- - relati"eB and triends. subjeet--BO'W J8II111 Gave full, entertained a p'oap of ehil. daughter spent Sunday with LIVESTOCK ASSOCIATION for UB, llaiah 58:81. 'Pfiel' 1111- dren FrlcW:r aftemoo,- of laat "She followed ber faith to t.he friends in Cincinnati. If....",,, ._ .,\. 4'-_ _/ It...,. "oJ. ...Je•.., HAS ANNUAL 'MEETINC , 26. .. week. Gam.. aDel ntNtlbmenta better land, .. ...",. .C._T. lI"_"",-- D. C. Mrs. Oscar Smith, who under'1 :3Q, Gospel KH", - DoiDC lultable tor &priq were When the voice of th\l 'MMter The annual meeting of the went an operation of a serious wbat we cu. called clear, Warren county Livestock A~ocia­ nature .at .McClellan hospitall was Wedneida, ntaht, rr.,u and J(ra. Edith II. Barria,' lin. ROBERT EDWIK PEARY She lovingly aerved wjth head brougbt home Friday and is said tion was held at the Lebanon. Bible' .tud,. Geo.... . J. Smtth, 11_ Emma and band, TN a gerleration when commer- the naion . .From .that ti~e onz Grange Hall, Wednesday nia:ht, to be gradually recovering. BealnnlllK SUllda" x.rch 19, Be.hwAY and lira. D. L. Crane And answered tbe call without I. cial and politica:I succeBS were until he achieved htl 1'0.1, he haa . March 11. DInner was served at and continain. to April 12 W. C. were deuptfuDy entertUned at ~oals ()f most; men, Robert but one purpose-to conquer the the" ' ,Mr. and Mrs. Fred Br-a.ddock 7 p. m. to' 86 of the liveBtock Smith. tVan. .Uat, ,on coaduct re- the Frlenu' BQ.e TueedaJ, .. Edwll'l Peary -devoted himself to ArctJe waatea and. arrive at the entertaine.d at . dinner Sunday, farmers prelent. the hazardous Ufe, of extelldlnc Pole. I viva! meetiDII aad Mnnoa I *ub- tM au ..tII of II. . . AnDie U. 'and Mr. and Mra. Frank Braddock, M.r man's knowledge Clf the world in Six trlJII'were made with riCThe program consisted of ahort Jectll wUl be elbcu. .d In. thl Kam. 'I.. Browa. c.N 01 TLaak. which he Jives. His discov.ery of c,roua hardshl~a and deep dlaand Mra. Warren Braddock and talks by Lester J. Miller, count, followiq orlhr: I am aineerely grateful to Mr. the North Pole m~lrked the apex couraarement: Between trlptl he daughter, Mr. and Ml'II. , Raymond agricultural agent;. R. Q. Smltll, March lUI, ' "Tbe'l J•••• E. MeClure and his assistof his career of IlXploratlon. It faced the even mor(! dlftlcult taak Braddock and daughter •• was touched, urilc)rtunately, by of raiaintr money for continuing The lermon. aubjeet will 'be, ';The .nts IO'r the effieient manner iii Brothel'. manager of the Cincinnati Pr0bittcrne~s because (If the alleged tbe exploratioDS, and seeuriq Lord'a IT., e"eiU.,., "Doing Hish Coet of Low Ltvilllr." which the)' conducted the fQneral Mr. and Mra. ' Kenneth Evans ducers ASloclation; R. C. Kimber, eSJ,'lier discovery M t11e Pole by government perml.,lon to leave What W. Can." Epworth Leape at 8:45 p. m, ot DI, daughter; to the Rev. G. Dr. Cook. . with another expedition. and daughter, Betty Jean, Mr. and field man for the asIIociation; anel Mareb 80, "Christ the on., A' ,. :80 p. ~ IJ)8cial prop''' C. DI~ for his kind and consolPeary 'was born on May 6, The lIeventh attempt . u Mrs. Kenneth' Elzey and daugnter C. W. Hammonl born the market 1866, at Cresson, Pa., but .pent bepn in .lulr,l908, a.d was allCHope" U. been plannec1 and the mill ot ina remarks and to relatives and Marjorie, of Dayton, visited Mr. ing department, O. S. U. mo.t of his youth near Portland, ceaafllUy completed, on Aprll~,,--8, March .81, "Th. Mao Behind tile cb1ll'Cb Will have .eha,... Be frien" for their help and aympa· Those present entered freel,. and 'Mrs. Walter Elzey Wednesday Maine. Even aa a boy he. sbowed 1909. P~ retllrned from we the Plow." lure to. attad tIlb ......... tbJ. ' > into the discu.llon of their liv.. the persi stence In reachillg the Pol~ to find tha~ Dr. Cook bad evening. top which u1timat~ly, after twen- Just announeed hl& own aupp,oaed April I, "Bow Sin Will FlDd Webnda,: Bible atulb alld EVERETT ZENT){YER. stock marketintr problems. The ty-live years of hardllhip, brought diaeovery of the Pole Wore 'Mr!!. '.lessie Anson Palmer, ot followllllf olleen of the Ilveltock You Oat." p.,.e.- • .-m. -a\ '110 p. . . • .... .. him literally to t e top of ·the ~eary. [t \\" . .. bitter blow. But · Dayton, with Mn. Charlea Herr- aaaociat!on for 198& 'Were elected: . Watch for till &IlDOueeaellt of T1uI WOIlWl', Ponlp 1I1BIdo..., V............ U,.., world ' before Peal'>, 8 death, Dr. Cook.. viaitina O. L Auppurter. W.. Turtlemann, spent Tueed&y He 'was educa elalma ..... proved without foanother lubject. ueb week. Socletr wID Dlelt with lin. RuLalt week'. flood. uJllet vaeapublic schools and to P-rr, went the friends In Warn.vllle and Corwin Twp., pre.ident; C. B. BrqwDlae DeleptlOIl fro. other oh1ll'CbM lei Frank at I p. .... ' tioD plul of 5a Ohio State Ulli.ColJ~ge., where honortoof Mrs. Herrmann retamea to lIer Deerfteld Twp., Vice pre.ldeM; are atteJl4 dae·lollowoo IT.......,.1 CIIUIlCH . .nit, alad,nt. from eutem neerlng course. ~OIIli". . h09lA! in W,uMrtord, Teus. Harold Beetett, TO'WL, iq ~0Jldar JliIIlt, . . . . DOt eoutlq thOI. HvtDtf ill he entered the "-' today. Mental)'. lIethodlRl ...... . . . . . . . . 1. r. ........ ...., alolllr the Ohio river. The corps 01 civil Ifln,rin,Nra. while urvinc pal' W......., ...... hft71 . . 81ulcIq IJl z..t, JIMIIa It . . . . . . . 1mI111ht JJlIiIIlori. 'Ii...." IIuoh 81, II .... . . . _....;---•• _ ••- - OIaanh IIObooI u t :80 I to ........ oa the . . . ,... of the he eame cia,. tor ~q propm,. I, TM eJae.tPNt eldeb aN M 0. Hawke at I'ruter • oa.p.. b a a . aoR ........ to DIPt. LehaOllliaWNat. 1.... W . : t llU-wlt.. the aD......, tAlwa 'WWI • .,..... ..., ChoIp UJ. • - - ..... IIatIn ,.. tM 0111, ..... ~, ~ ~. 1IiDa'. . . . . . . . U ,III. ................ 0Dl1IJD0


























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--A:u l·::....... ...,..,


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-- -- --

--- --- --

------ ......- --


-- Innatl Elder, ) nd, pupil al b at tbwalte , from hel r to Dr. . Uctlr" S' Il.m a bUI'!l, (lev land Hal and mill t001l; Dm arne, lAo \)a non, lind allda Parkl'r, frum itenark, hl!l ~r to In: a k r, H ou~l'huld I'ood . roll toll , tron Buchtel. Dayton th... Bellbruuk choul. *45; W. E. F rD t , Vl'terin ary. , Ruolll!vclt and Elyria. Those reoTerms Ca-h opiniOn mu,.t; f!lv lcl'S rendt-re d, ' 62.60; T, F. I mllir>.ing wer.. N(>wlIrk, Akron OLIVlm RMAI. LWOOD. guided int~ the EI •• tta Cnd. N_. Seetio . 1 a: Z 'Walke r, .... ---.-..-.;~.-- ..-,,~~-.-.:~ eterina rJ. aervire s ren- W, N. 8l'ar~, Aud , ~out h , BOil ling Green Bridge port, for progre ~; .f~ t. W"yc ...h r .. i.. hln'i ng I1Ulllt· h'n puiot, DIl"i Tnl('LIQ Wood\\ ard Section s I anll II have been Hlak. dptC"d. ,62.!) 5 ; T, F. Wal ker. , Mariett a. lin· II~moeracy m\lst be perfect ed s ~- . fnl\lIw{'d d('~l' url"t" him \I itl! nilH'. hIll hlt'Kinl inJr J ial.oltu s in mUllic. under the V(>tA rinlU'Y, sl'I'vice8 , tat" T Urname 'nt l'cndl!r ed, Slibscri be. f or The Miami Gasett . ey and Findlay . . thaI it will fl,nally become lin B l _ P Cran", l " in'ction or Mr, Frank. T he be~ $210.06 : Dri'l. Jo::dw. & Rob rt. 'I' 1n Friday' game, Akr(m outh, act\lul lind workah le ~y, t m "f • • ~1ol1 t ",<llllt'ry, f one' chosen will be giv II nt · Ule Bla h', exam" $2; John ~on· Wat Dn 4 5 13 Bowling Green, Toledo Woodw ard, .... \ ' )'1\('"\'111 .. '\ 1\ ('1I1111nl1tl'u flounl ] L' J "''"'''''''' ''ment ra.tber than a nomina l 'r 4. 2 10 0.. ciguret te allp lic'lliion!l, $2 ; /trail fe,tival , April 21. and Cun lon McKinley' went out., (ol'm (I'ule. ra 'y and I\t' hll husk!'t htl 11 t ~l rnt\1 wtll ~. r,. nnl'~, \~ ignor 1 5 The entire eighth gratle is King Motor Stiles, br-ake lever. l~" \ing JIl't l,hul'~d .. " n.!tcl'Ilo un, wh~n tilt! BUl'n ". C ewal'k, Bridg port, anCe cannot c it to the~ public 0 l 1 " tu,lying very hard for the ighth $1.02; The F. J. Heer Print ing o. l !llli (llln) t; rnn\,jll Ue{('l\t·< I thl' t' 'ny. g MlIl'il't ta, and Findlay : Bridge- ,-lI u ation must d. e to meet the :! 1 I) J, IInl'$. J! JIOlt \,.IY 'h ;J-I 10 26. and Ma l'i tta lost in the new iluation s. tb r import ant gl'ud state lest, ,\ hieh will J>Q trlerchn ndis ord rs, ~7.50; The ffice Outfitte rs, fi l truys, $5.40; semifinal Whrl1 th,' tll·,l ~IUlIl'ter ~nd 'II, Tntnls atul'day afternQ on. , chllnges must be made in politics given Apdl 24. 12 10 34 taknltn Ma nufactu ring Co., supGI Il.1l\ ill , 'II!' liOn,lnn! 8 0 Ii. 1'h and in indu tl'Y. III the end, a nel " THE HOME OF GIFTS " plie~, Ci tizen. hip Club 22.85; Colutnbus Blank ~ 'll nd qUa]'I,'!' cI(" d \\ ilh 1 be Wayn~.ville B F P S.Qdul lcy St. Mar,'. W in. CI••• so iological lIbilo,o phy will a1'i~ e Book MIg. 0., supplies, $32.50; .' (.['" 1ll'1 /It 1::1 Leba non, Ohio The me B ~ting nil . ;wl1vi I j,- )llIvi~. { Tour_ Wa, ment called thot will to solvo mony of the prob· .3 3 9 H, M. Williams, Corone r, investi· 1II:'IIin WII~ IIh(':\(1 ut thl! enti of til\' EnrnhfHI, f 0 0 0 st. Mary's Catholic High Sch 01 lellls now confron ting the world. ordCl' lind we had roll clIl l. The gaLiOn E XPE RT WATC H In the death of Edward Ihird,.! 2 1 ~ J . Th c In~t qum· Ie r minut , \vel' read by th secreI,nll I', f nndusk y' , won lh ' ,. 1 0 '2 of hampio n. REPAI RING Young, \I'll' n nil' find-tuc k u}fair lor t, t;rilf , c 6.90; Columb tary. us, We Blank had a progral n which, as 4 2 10 ~hip in the cla.s B dh·ision of the T hird C',r a d .. New. ' ' ' B f, \ millut l'~, With th W arc"h~ I Alk',;, It vel'Y good, then we l ook Ull the o k Mf g. C0., uPP 1Ie, 1 ",. 60 ; Only Ge nuin e M&te rial. 0 1 1 tate ba ketball tournam ent. Th ~ hcvI'ole t won in the ~11- til ird chapter Kaufma n's, paint bl'U hes, $3.28; 11I11'IHI twil','. In thc 1l1~t two min. ~al1\ rt hwnilc, 11: ' in " chool, Ho rne, 2, 0 4 Play began Thul' 'day afterno on ing lIutO I'llce. H hill! fini hed the Prom pt Servi ce 111" 01'. W. . Bowye r, one extra.ctioa t;"n m ill" nlllnn~~ d t., 01'['1\ and You." with sixteell teams taking part. At tw('nly mill' lrlll~k . Th Terl'apl anl) $1; York Supply Co., repah' parts 11]1 fln II . ce,,-iug >Pl' (' thnt gal th,' 1 T,.IIlls StOl'O open until 9 p. m. 10 6 26 the clo of th e day'!' s asion, was next baving gone fourtee n la ('ul bl)y~ II'f1ihng farther rind ,Llr' l $13.64 ; The F1'anklin Chronicle, Second Grade New. __ eight of ' these had been elimina ted mile. ' II r ), E'hind until th fintl\ whl~t1· . Perfect spell 'rs: hirley Buzick, PUb]j8h i ~ I'Notice to Banles", CI A Ch . Winner s in the til' t round were: ' 'l" • $7.60; The L ban on Patriot , 'pub. ~::::::::_~ l.un, f(l I ., ... Newark Win. ...,.a.. r,X\ .mplon- Arnst rdam. _ _ _ _ _ _ _--: hades Dibert, Ern stine Earh· Eaton, Granvil le, Earl ImnC I' cmll ~ intI' the g1l1l1l.' Iishing "notice to Banks" , $9.30; Fourt'h < :Or. de New. 'P hart, Walter Johnso Sandu n, Virg ky il St. Long Mary'S, South A mdurinl!' titt, Ilol IIlinut{' or thc The FYJ'-Fyter Co" recharg ing and A!!k fo r a The Fourth @;rad has tWQ n w I IIcre. E!'wark High Scbool won the h r t, l\lillcl's port, LCt"Sb urg and ;: ,lInri 11\1111 t~1 servicin g Fyr-F'yLers, 19; . W. 11)1<1 plnYNI thc" las "A" ch mpion hip, having Ross Township, Miam _L iBbur g Perm anent (Green e county ). Unglll by Undet,tuldng Co., Ca ket {ln tir Iupt utlf in "pit'c uC hi!'; in· II { at d Findlay in the finals o'n Losing tenms were Canal Fulton , _ - - - - - . . ; . . - - - - - - - - - - - - -....- - - - - - . , burial an d extra service s, ,195; Conc rete jury Ihlll hnrl kr pl him out 01 t hc Saturda y nig~t ,32 to ~3. Rawson, Waynesville, fill. I ~ the \ e k before. heste Hamilt on, gravel, , 16 i chool ellmmate~ m the fi~t ·De.nni ~on, poin~ Place. Lowell Ai r Seal Burial Vault · Or gonia Bridge Co., l'ei~for(llng Gl ifry \\'1\$ high·sco ring man, r und, on T·hursd ay mclude d, CID· and elina Pubilc. For Sale only by teel, $5.1 1 ; WarI~n County Lum ome of tbe games in the first. ber Co., lumbelr , $83.8 0 ; W. H. Your Fune ral Direc tQr round were upsets, althoug h f or Madden & Co., lumber , $89, 03 ; the most part predict ions were L-__ ___• ___ __ ~---------------.: Johnsto n & J ohnston , lu mber, followed ratber closel y, PT'O b.lle Court 152.74; H. S. Cono~er, Rupplies, oea ed, was filed in court. McClu re Funer al Home In th~ second round, on Friday. and guard rail materia l, $82.70; Phon. 7 Wayn •• TiIl., O. Am sterdam , Granville, tandard Oil Co., gasoline, $12.!HI ~'-"'"' South Edw. . MoreY', ndminl strator of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....; N.w S ll it ~ Amherst, and Ross Townsh ip were mber Co.. gasolin lumber , ~==:::'-========:::'==::': eliminated by Eaton, St. Mnry' ~, the c. tate of John A. Lerch, de· The Princeil. Garme nt Compan~' Lebano $18.42;n W.LuA. Hause, e,:: ceased, til d his invento ry, fil d n uiL IIgain t Sam dindlin , ]0.73; Frank Sherwood, suppl MilJ er sport and Leesbu rg, ies The estate 01~ Grac Hazelton, ct aI, to II1lu', hall liens and to peetively. sell and gasolin,e, $4.48; Blair ~il~r, The third r oun d, the semifinal decc8!le d, was found to be xcm11t l'eBAI (' t~t.te. fil d b R b • F ga oline, $1.30 ; J. K. Spence r, on Sat.urday afterno on, resulted fro SU I was e y 0 er. . gravel, $48.47; The Klinge r Dill m jnheritancE'. tax. , eipdel, doing busin 58 81! Weill- <;:0., supplie s and parts, ' 122,71; i in the defeat of Eaton and MillersGeor~e Wmiam Hime adminis · del Engrav ing port, leaving St. 'M ary's and Lees· ompany against j. D. Adams, Co., gradet blades, burg to battle for state honor. In tl'ator of tbe estate of Pauline 'the FibrewBI'e orporat ion, for ap· $46.20 ; Allan N. Rapp, f uel, $6.50 I the finals, St. Mary'S proved it. Himes. decease d. file! hi final ac. pen!, Enrle . Null and J. T. Zeiger' Genera.! tore. foo d, SS; Riley are the attorne ys. superiQrity. winning 25 to 22. The Great, A P Tea Co., food, count. '..,an t by $237,40 ; J. ora ~lae Tuc k , an In R. Coff man, food, '8; ROOT FOR Raymo nd Wel:sman, admini stra. Charles T. Bi hop, h r father CONSIGN and has. Carroll food, $39,20; H .. rour Cattle, horaAND SOIlt'h.weater .. Diatric t Fail. to tor of the estat.EI of Charles etLeep and calve. Wela· next fri nd fil d a suit againlt Hoppe food' fuel and clothin e, to Norri~Broeft k Cfl.·, litvbe wihrt'-ha!~ PI'OTitIe WiD"er . I L~ T k man, decea ed, lIlled his invento ry Chffor( . I an, t f or $67.60;" • uc, an 18 progrel Krogor Grocery " Bakmg ..Of the six teams repre~nti n g marketllllVe pricesrmand I)rr ood& lemee Annie Young was appoint ed ad divorce. . Co., food, $66.40 ; hris Murphy Unlo. Std' Y.r.h' CI_I __ t he Soutbw estern District , none ministt'a trix of t he estate tl, O. of Ed· A suit ~ as filed by the St. LOllis lGA tore, food, ,24.80; NOrth Tune In on Radio Station WCKY managed to remain in the atate word Young, dllceased, and filed Cas.ket Compllny and The Cham- E nd Groce" ", food, $4; Ghas P. 12:.25 to '12:30 p. m. for our dan, to urname nt until the end. bond of $1000 wit b sureties . Lewis ~ion Compll ny ·agl1in!lt C. W. • iI Ungtubb, foo d, ,3; Wilson Terry, market reporu. T'nne Class A act/ools, Dayton Brown, William Ecton pnd Dan )esby, I..JERE'it ;an oler that will appeal to all-Am erican for t he appo intmen t of a $8.50; W. C. TUrton, fuel, $46. 50; ~============= Roosevelt, Miamis burg, and Cin· Dawson were appoin ted apprai.s C""I Magazine and t.h is newspa per at Q special - r ceiver. Warren Count.y Lumbcl' Co., f uel, d nnaL i Elder failed to survive t he er8. axnbin ation bargain trice. The American Boy LS the 56.50; T. U. Woodrey, food, $2.50 first r ound. Roosev elt lost to Can- Angelin e Martz, executr ix _ • f'avprite magazine 0 mbre than 500,000 boys and of the R••l E.tat. Tra •• fen Waynes ville Fc-me.TII Exch. Co., ton McKinl er, Miami burg to young men. Ita 6dion carries boYs on the wings of e tate of Lewis H . Ma1'tz. dece1ls, ' Benjam in V. Smith and Ida f uel, $48.75 ; A. D. Graijevine, Bowlin g Gr~n, and Elder t o ed, fi led her invtmtol'Y. advent ure to aU pares of the world. Its aports articles Smith to Lee Lemmo n, inlots Nos. \ food, $10.36 ; G. R. Rossma n "Newark . ~y famotJS coaches and athletes are stud~ed by cham· KB1'l S. Cowa n , executo r ot th3 10 and 11 in Waynesville. Co., food $S5.50 ; Zeiger' IIGenTbe class B teams average d estate of Eva C:. Keever , deccas· piom. Here you will find the finest stones on spotU, E lwood Ault to H. C. Monson era l Stor e, · foo d, $\); Leban.o milch bet ter. Wayneeville lost to I ed, filed hi fir it, fin al , an n a~on, business, school activities, humor, and trIIve~ d dis· and Lulu M()nson, 95.80 acres in l F,,-r~l\era' Co.op .• Co" fuel. $6.50; . Granville in the first r oun d ; Ross tributiv e accoun t. • Even at its regular price of $1.00 a year, 'The Amen. ' Turtlec ree k township. Chrl Murphy , IGA Store, food, $4 10 t to Leesbu rg in th~ second can Boy is consick red a bargain . But now rou may The fift h and tinal account of Walter A. Clark and Mary Em. Dr. Frank Botsche , medical ser ound, leaving Eaton as the sole William Oberlin gua1'd ian 01 . Obtain it and this newspaper • . •• , J ohn ma Clark to Walter H. Whitak er vices, $25; Dr, J . M. Colema n, represe ntative of this part of the Oberlin. insane" was approve d, al- and Winifre d Whitak er real estaw medical set'V'i«:es, $20; Dr. Hl'n17 state. Eaton W88 r~ard ed by lowed a nd confirP ied by the court. in Clea.-ereek toWTlsh ip. M. Brown, medica l ·service s. $52 : many as being th~ favorit e, but in The first a nd final accoun t of Helen Craig, et al, to Shirley cDr. W. H Seigfri ed dental ~ervice t he third round, St. Mar y's proved George W. Snook, admini s Phone 78J trator a nd Charles R. Stayton , inlots $8 ; Geo. B. -...IohAson, services as t he stronger, and t he Southw est- of the estate olE Mary E. Little, No. 90 and 89 in Morrow. I certifyi ng agent, $62.5(); Cbristi ne ern Dist rict was out of the to u rna- decease<l, was a\pPtoved, a • ll owed Henry C. Hamilt on, at al t Q Cleveng er , service ~8 visi~()r, $27 ment. an d confir med b~7 tbe court. Frank and May Sch midt, real es- 50 ; Helen Randal J, service s as The court appr,oved, allowed and tate in Hamilto n tow nship. Comple te •Touma••Dt Score. vi itor, $27.60 ; Helen Ra ndall, IfOT AR.Y PUBLI C co nfirmed the nintb accoun t of W. P hilip C. Kent to Hlldeg arde E. services as visitor, $2'7.50 ; (U~8icia1) Send Your Order To Mer· Natl••a1 B.n CLASS B : First round : Amster - Harry L. DarmGld y, guardian of Z ter, real estate in Deerfield w:!n Coyne, services as commodi ty Wille Dra.. . • E • •••• S.ttle4 George Leposch Blk, incomp etent. township. dam 35. Canal Fulton 31; Eat on distribu t or, ' 17.50. WAYN ESVIL LE. OHIO The court appj'oved, allowed and tta Bercaw to Mary p1lrling , 39, Rawson 26; Granville 34, w;.y. • - -neeville 26; Sandll8ky St. Mary's confir med t he fi rst accoun t of inlot No. 114 in Mason. W. H . Long, decease d, to Anna 35, Lancas ter 29; Sout h Amhel'8 t Margue rite Hart~ze ll, g uardian of FOR SALE DATES CALL 27. Dennison 22; Millersport 33, William Hendrk k Hartze ll, min or. Long, real estate In HamUton . The first an'd fina l accoun t ot tow nship, P oint Place 26 ;.Leesburg 34, Lowof "-eIlo lcl Cood. Oakley M. Ridge and Edna ellville 23; Ross Township 30, J. T. Riley, g\lll\rdia~ of Mildr ed I will sell at public auction at Saul, minol', WIUI ,approved, allow· Ridge to Davi d Clifford Ridge. Celina Public 29. r eal the cor ner of Third and High ed and confirm ed by the cour t. 'estute in Wayne townsh ip. Second r ound: st'r eets Waynesville, Ohio, on Eaton 37, The second accoun of Charter s Amster dam 17; St . Mary's 28, D. Maple, tr ustee in tt he e8tate of Satard a,. Marcta 28, 193. Granville 25; Millersport M. rri ... Lice.. .. 32. Mary Constab le, decease d, was apB'egmmn . . g at 1 JESSE ITANU Y p. m. th e f 0 11owSouth Aml!erllt 30; Leesbu rg 48, proved, allowed and confir med by Zephein Spencel', farmer . of ing to-wit: , .... 120. Ross Townsh ip 25. N•• Bull. . .... Ollie th e court. . So uth Lebanon, and Miss Clar o Kitchen c!lpboa rd, kitchen Semifinals : St. Mary's 31, Eaton The court approv ed, allowed J ohnson, of South Lebanon. in-ot, 011 stove, two oven a, side 22; Leesbut'g 41, Millers port 22. and confirmed tl~ e elevent h acRal ph A. Bun-oughs f,armel ' of board, kitcben chairs, dinina room Finam: St. Mary's 25, Leesllu rg count of W. Cbellter Maple, execuBlanch ester, and Miss Ruth Dar- chairs, dining room table, 22. 0 . . . . . a.H two ' tor of th e estate of J eannett e by, c1el'k of Blanche ster. kitcheh tables, folding bed, leather ~==========:CLASS A, First ro~nd : Elder ~~ Frau enkn eeht, deceased. ' 24, Newa rk 26; Ashlan d 24, Akron davenp ort. velour couch, rockera, The court apPlroved allowed and Bill. Allowed Morris chair, sew)ng mach~e. 'South 86. Bownn g Greetl, 83, confirmed the ~ll1tb aecoun tof W. Griswol d Service Station , gaBo, (Singer ) sewin, table, oak BuDd, Miamisburg 24.; Bridge port 43, C.• Maple, .• admini strator of the lin e,$1.85 ; Sma rt's Gar age, gaso· 1ice 'box, three pieu Walnu t bedCleve18nd Holy Na.tne 85; Carrol- estate of Wilson : .~ HaJlan , deceas ed line $1 .48; Oh io Central Telepho ne room suite, bed, throw rll,,, ton 27, Toledo Woodw ard 49; FOR IAL& ' The ' first and final accoun t of Corp,. r ents, $66.50; Ohio Central couch, laNe mirror, featber becla, Mariett " 85, Akron Butche l 30; Cba J.e.s W. Pierson , admini strator Teleph one Corp., tolls. $S6.56; wash bowl and pitcher . lampl. SEED OORN- Reedll Yellow Dent. Canton iMeKin~ 40, Dayton of the eetate of Olara Pierson , de- Shartze r, brick, $52; Tropical carpet sweepe r lot dbhee and c:iook Roosev elt 2'4; Findlay 24, Elyt'ia LeamiDi'. Olaraae , Pride of the ceased, was aPPl!)ved. allowed and Paint & oii Co .• cleaner , $4.76; ing uten"U.. :and many other North, Woodb urn, 23. Blue Claraae . confirmed by the court. East End Coal Co .• coal, ,14.30 ; articles too nu~roul to mentio Second Round : Newark 80, The n. All thll corn baa beeD tipped and court appro,ved, allowed and J . K. Spence r, wood, ,3.26: Dr. ' Akron South 211: Bowlln a Green confirm btl... . butted ••helled and eraded , ready ed tbe firat and final ac· Kennon Dunham , profess ional Jenny Lind day bed. cloelt, for the lllanter . Has hqh re 33, Bridge port 89; Toledo Wood• count of W. Cheate r Maple, ad- service s, $65 : Dr. H. M. William s. walnut bureau , cDem hreau , tlon, 1lnd II all 1934 crop. nnina war d 35. Marlet t. · 45; Canton ministr Grown ator of be estate of Rebec prof . services, $12.60; Warren C. cherry .tand, lot old dlahea. McKinley 30, Findlay 82. clpae to UL ' ClIntou GralJ1 Co., . ca E. Sabi", decc-..ed. Breid nbach, M. D., pneum othorax. Miscell aneoul: Grind Semi·finals: Newark 82, BrldrCo atone, Phone 2176, WUmincton, Ohio. In tbe , matter of tbe guar dian- treatm nt, $10; Good • Samari tan lawn mower; copper walb boiler, m26. port 22; Mar ietta 23, Findlay 82. sbip of William F. Downey. in- Ros., H o pitalization, ,112; Helen tub., fruit fUI. wrinre r. comFinals: Newark 32, Findlay . compet ent, caUSel is continu ed Doughman, lfoard and care, Cllfplate paperin a and 'paintinlr out FOR SALE- -Lal',6 OU' Bumin. u,nt ll Friday, Ma1~ch 20, 1936. g ,f ord Dough man, ,7; i1Ms. ITa Eltz. ,fit, carpen ter toolll, luden M_ t for Book R.yj.w too". Broode r, 52.hl. canopy . 5 pilon Bertha Hawth~'l'ne, admlni stra- roth, ' bQard and care, Alice Starand many slIIall a,rUcles. suppl, tank, tbermo atat control . At t he regular meeting of the trix of the estate of Sam Hawkey, $6; James Moore, board and Terms,: Cuh. teacher s of the Wayne township tborne, deceased, filed her SpeeiAl price '18.00. R. D. Oollett, . inven. care, Lu cy MOOM $6; ~T• •, El. MRS. IDA PARSH ALL Hardwa re. Phone 991lS. chools, which 'W8I held on Wed- tory. mer La ~y, board and care, FraI1k W. N. Sears, Auct. FOB. SALE -19S4 Seed Corn, nesday of last week, Mr. Braddo ck In bhe gual'dia n!ship matter of LacY,$ 5 ; Mrs. Lule Gabbar d, Havl 80ld my farm 1 wUl ·..n ' variet y Le.min g, . germin ation reviewe d "A Sociological PhilosQ- Otto Hartfel tel', incomp 'phy of Educatiop" by , Ross L. cauSe is cont inued until nextetent board and car e, Lin~oln Gabb~, 't Pbbti' A ti t }I'ddl 90 9'0 or more. ,5 per bu. 'Marvin ac- $5 ; M1's. Julia Holland , board and a % '1 ,c S uc h n:ll~ k '~~ Finney . Mr. Finney was assistan t count of the legal guardia n 0 balt is ftl- eare Vernon Hollan.d, ,6; Mrs. 3 11 m~ th°litf ~ profes or of educati onal .ociolo gr ed ml~' I~ Hay :.'t!e:'Ti:::;anoeh~ity and , Margar et Jones board and eare. m ea or 0 ayae at th e ' Unive1'1lity of Minnes ota , in the case of Alton F. Brown, \ Ollie Gardin e;, $6: Mrs. Om. m~ell West of Mount BOU7 alld I West Milton, North 0« wh en he wrote the book, an d his administrator of the estate Route 71 of Osborn e, board ,.nd care ' Walter mdes E..t of Ferry 00 011 them e indicate s the tr"nd ·of hi' Andrew Jollnso n. ·deeeas ed, Road. .m28-a 2·9· versull Barlow , Frank Balling er. ,22; F rida)"" ....... 17, INa 011 Doll Road. , thinkin g, Society. he maintai na, m2k2 ·9· Ida Jarvis, et aI, R. . C. BOJ8, Chaa. Do. ter, Pres .• lnatitu te at B~anllllr at 1 'P. m. the follow- POI SALB- -Whlte passing t hrough a period of IMlf auardia n of Relil JohnllOn. in· Harvey llbur., '2&; J . C. Alpenl ... i!lC·cba ttala. to wit: sition, and the welfare of mauldn d compet ent, w.. . 14k! per roU, at de pnty de- Iter, Pres., Inatitut e at CaJ:"llale. Span Mul • ., 10 peart pld, Ga.... is at stake for a thoulan d ,.an fendan t. UI; State , Treuur er, countT . HUDd dd 100el worltlt lJ " Otrn. POll S 4I I! ZIl... . ' 1 00 ,er to come• •an1 problem a meet the ADna Lona. elullCubU of W. B. olcl, "" wltIl lOlL Doq.. BODIUla cltlzena of today, problem a In Lonlr, deceale d. ~Ied her appllca ahare matnta lnlne acrIcul tural a- one cow e War- terulon work In Warren Count" heifer calf 1t7 lIel.. 011• • . " 1Itn "...... . PIa.. interna tional affairs In economlets tlon for a certift ate of traalfe . . eI-tf r. ,1,lSO ; Scott I. ItIda'OIl. vetarlO - !fr.h two Dlonta , oil atid rn politics. Th" verJ aim. of Tne estate w.. f~tund to 1ii uW ary, aervlcetl rendere d, tliLIO ; 1)"eUI alcI to be frtI1I life Hem te be. eonlu.a d and in. empt from ,lnbuU &Dce tax. The Walter S. Cowan, helper te Dr. eoRIM Dt' IOOildow datel'ml~: What we neecf, Hr. executr ix ftled tnt aDd lInal Rilfdon, , 27; E, E. 7O'IN -.act T. ~~;'if.;"~i' FitlM, thereb, . eonelae lll, II ulper 110 Dr. 'II; Duoe lOW 1I of .oelolo~ . ....... A.UaJIer. delr. ~ t~__ ~~~~ ~~---.----

chool High Sp ots --...... ----





Car y'l Jewelry ' Shop ,









'T OR IE for


P lu s ' T h is Ne ws pa p er At Red'uce il Pri ce


F T Mart.-n Auc tion eer



e Ye at For

Cen terv ille, Ohio



Th e M iam i Ga ze tte

P ••ll. S.I••

Stanley &Koogler ~ Au ctio nee r.


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Qu ali ty Pr lD tlD 8


T be M la D iI ze tt e





Kapawu.on .,....


* r:C . 84


'State uDiveraltJ'. Complete detal'la eonelJ'lliDlr the examlnationll may be obtained from the State (~ivil Th PTA Service Comml!llliOn hcre. • • • ba. kdhall ll'ami',

hi hom on Saturday and the Murphy Theatl'l' late thai night. eraJ of his .reat.grandmoU! r, funHa l was h... ld on Wedne Pro! and MrH. R. A. I"rancis and Mr~. 'harlE'" linin" at (lent r. day aCtHnoon. si. teT. ·MiI!S EIlIi Scott "f West ville, TUI'~III\Y Ilft('rnoon. ISSUED E VERY THURSDAY Ml's. Lida K nntody Walkl'l' and Union were in f'illcinntlti III. t J\h~. Amo" r"Ilk or nnar Way. h 1 I ~ U ,BUr were eriouRly h urt in :oturday. neHviJle "pl'nt Wlldnt' day ' with OIisuLc.·crlftoptio-. ·P..r..ic·..,·..... ·)·.·I0 .. · "a"yl.. llr B!v~l~:.e'hb~!,·~::~ectftr.~orn·d ~1&:aL:'!a~' Ohio' . ~neral revenue fund day ('"c!Di ng \\Hh an automobile 'Heck In. t wCek - - - - -.. h'r dUlIA'hlel', MI'/!. Donald lTadk!-y • -gained $2,437,50 in reI'S pllid Lo n.e busine fl me<! I ng was omitted nroute fmlll CI<>vclan!.l. 1\1 r. ani I 1 I·~. W • F. CI nrk of ,. Secretary of State George S . ano! the ntlre vening wa de. Mi,. Bl'rtha Collett of WiIWnYll('~v illl' and 1\11-8. Alice Cllirk Myers by candidates in the May vofed to II. gl'nel'al .good time. lI1il1gton who recently r tumetl wel'o unllay <linn r guests of Mrs MARCH 26, 1980 . fro I'f' h Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hudley pr I maries. Thel'e were sixty·o ue After the supper, \vhich couhl not m a I ornla IV ere she spent Mary armony. call d I'd ate who fI Ied for office with haYe bt n better 01' more plentilul a m 0 st d eI'Ig htf u I winter with spent Saturday in Dayton. The l'emod ling of lhe home of • #'.' L 1111'. and Mr . . howell Thoma. Secretary Myers. The law requires talks gh'en by. S\lPl. Holt and .nellu. neat' os Angeles, was the Mr. and Ml' . HUl'ohl Whitaker ia WHEN "FARM RELIEF" HURTS lunch Th . 111'1.' driving a new Plymouth Cnl'. ., eac h can didate to pay a fee re- Coach Houck of Springboro were eon gue~t t>n ur~dllY of I'apidly prO'.I'{'s"in~ sine lh ' Mr~ \ '11 T' h I h MI'. and IMiI'l1. Ben [Jl\wke, so n " " presenting one·balf of one per njoy d. upt. Frllnci~ acted as .. l Ie enol' at t e Spring!! w('uthe r has warmed. 1\1iss Nun ol1etl has I'(lturn~ lind daught r al~nded the fllnMr. and Mrs. Walter Kcnr'ick Theoretical "farm rell~f" oiten inflicts injury on some it. is sup· eent of th~. annual salary of the toust mailleI'. MI'. Sanborn PI' sent office he seeks, but not to exceet.l II his Junior team wjth mall Rold to he~' honle ~a t or. to~n after eral of the flJ l'mel"R niee, Miss attended the Cuneral of Judge posed to help. An. excellent example of this is found in an article in th Dairy· $50. The maximum fee is required basket balls and in a plea,ing RPcndltl~ the wmter WIth her nieCe ~~ma Zenlmyel', at Waynesville Robert.J. ShalVhan, Ilt the Pre. byursday. t .rian 'hurch, at Lebanon, 'I'll smen's League Newe, which points out that dairy farmers of the country of candidates for governor, con· mnnner, told of his work here Mrf\. Shll'I ~)' cott of Milford, O. gressman at large and - the tate and f the plllllsur · it had been to _ Several from here frllended lI'It's. Alice Clark and Mrs. Romo day afternoon. nt· unfairly penalized under the new federal agricultural bill. ". bov.. . L WI' I funerll, of Mr~. Ann Rnyburn lliggs \ ere Lebnn!) n VI ltor" The bill, based on the Soil Consorvation Act of 1936, provides that suprerne court. The f ee fo.r all work wI'th the. ' 11 tt l . , It' SatUrday, and Mrs. Clark was al so Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Longn I'll o her state offices except Iieutenanll>bell, captain of the fir. t team 0 e a . ellla, On ,uesdny 01 8pent th wt!{,k. nd with MI-. ;lnd the Secretary ol Agl'iculture can pay farmers to withdraw land from 11 l~nnet" . guest at the Riggs Mrs. George D~vi'l at, and production· in the intere\!t of soil fertility. Dairy farming naturally ant governor, which is $16, is lind Billy an of the Junior t m I las t week. $32.60. In tile U)34 primary more responded in w 11 chol!len words. Mrs. Lida Hat~on I ft last week coun ry 10m. Sunday afternoon motored' to New prevents soil erosion and promotes soil conservation. As a resu lt, on 8 tl'lP to al ' fo' Th La.di Aid will be e nterfarmers raising o~her products will be paid to wit.hdraw Jand from its candidates fil ed and ns a result Mrs. H erbert 0.1'1'., coach of the IVia bus . . . I rnlU. luined by Mrs. Harold Whitak l' Richmond On the Ohio river to see lheflood waler thl'l·e. normal use- and will be permitte'd t.o plant it in grasses' or forage and the state l'eceived $3,037.60 in girl's team gave a v ry intere to j Her Itrnerliry lUcludc s stOI) Ove rR W lees, Secretary tM,yers said. ing account of th.~ gir l' I)rogre s at DoJla~ , the~ran d anyon and eunesday. April 1, at the home The children from here who are put cows into the acreage. The inevitable consequence will be an arti· • • ... and work. Talks' by dift'eT nt mem oth er POints Ilf Int el·cRt. She ex· of her mother, MI·S. Harvey Bur· att nding kind rgarten at the ficial increase in dairy production by "parttime dairy farmers," at rs of the bORI'd· and Horbert pects to return home about May net with Mrs. Margaret Johns and tile expense of the t hr e million far mers who maintain the dairy indusRegistrar Frank West of the b 115 Mrs. Burn et 1\ istant hostes es. home of Mrs. Mainous at Waynesstate bureau of moto; vehicles arl', president olf the P. T, Aft ', Mad M W '11 M C . alvin Longacre had employ. ville are: Betty Thomas, Phy1Jia t.ry of t he nation. 1', n rs. I c ar:en t M . Bailey, Phy1Ji ~ Burnett, Milton' Any farmet 'Who wants t~ is certainly entitled to go into dairying. warned that no extension of time were al 0 enjoyed. Prof Holt the-n . But many unprejudiced ob ervers doubt. the wi dom of using public for the Use of 1935 automobile cntel't.ained th CI'OWtJ with his motored down from Walhondmg ;:~~ W::k. unCle, Ind., ~veral days Joncs and Dickey Graham . A full house gTected the entAlrfunds to pay f armers in other fields to compete with their fellows and license tags will be granted afror magic t.ricks \\?hich were. enjoyed 101' ~he .operh~t~ ~i~end Fl'iday Mr. and Mr '. Wilbur Foulk and the deadline at midnight On March by all. Tflis clo 'ed the evening's evemng create useless over-production. E I to10 k W II: t . Clr t aughtcr, It e nry F. ou I ks were 'Sunday after- tainers a t Lytle Hall Wednesda" , 31. Six hundred and eighty deputy entel'tatnm nt. I va yn 0 a prommen part. nOOn guests of Mr. and 'l\IJ-s vening. The Magician, Clifford The operetta " 1rhe Ro e of t.he · 11\11.'. and Mrl!. E. L. M uHough LinMman in Dayton. " 'Yithrow ai1~ hi helper Charles regi strars throughout the state are aiding in t he dist{ributjon of the Danube," was gillen On l<' riday mot~N'd up fl'ont Walnut Hills ~n Mrs. Walter Kenrick and]' t'y, or Spl'lI\~boro, were exceptnew blue and white 1936 tags. Ilight at the gym by the Glee 'l'hUlsday to spend the day With brother were Wedn es. night. and ionally good and 'Were thoroughly Registrar West believes that t he Club under the ' direction of 'MJiss h l' llarents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thur~day guests at th e hom of enjoyed as weIJ as the remainder current motor vehicle registration Helen Stevens, OQr . musical in· Snell. . Mr. and Mrs. William Harnes and of the entertainment by the fol· may reach th .. 1929 peak of 1,836, Rtl'UctOI·. Althouo'h a terrible harles Doster has purchased f ' 1 . D t lowing p r sons : Donald FO\llk'i 8 :00 Mus!.! and weather forecast. . '" .. th t · rt db' amI Y In ay on. :06 Ohio's Search for New ]t'encing Material- H. E. Eswine, narrator 000 vehicles. lInowy evening thE) gym was sOOn (~J s ~e pr~re % a~1 IIlCSS I Ml'S. Margar t Johns was a Sun. songs, ~IrR. J. B. Jon es, reading; • • • filled with an appreciativ audio 0 . • ne an WI to e pos- d dl e • f M rs. Mal·tha MI'. Red Pooch of Dayton so lo'; :16 With Hocking County 4-H Club iMlembers--4-H CI\lb members '. se. sion within a fC'W days ny nil 1: gues.s 0 dir ct.ed by Harold Chamber ., county agricultural agent, Logan. .'. HOUgh near Waynesville. Mrs. A. L. King, Iri sh songs; Ohio's streams, with one f.lxcep. e[Tce. All did thell' parts well and :40 Building Cooperative Foundations..-group discussion. tion, arc ,'n no better condt't' on ho~ ed the re ults of th year's I Dr. W. E . Oglesbee IS shll conMr and M q ....[ • Wh t The Pummel Family in n black .• . .. . fini'd to -his bed bllt is some better . r. u orrl!! ar on 0:00 Nutrition Notes-Mis Lillian Brinkman extension nutrition to carry off flood waters tban they tranung gIven t.hem by Ml S t th' 't' H' f . of Lebanon villited their parenis fnce- comedy, Mr. King and daughwere in 1913 according to David C Stev(,Ds. A nov lty dane by a I :-"1'1 mg. IS ~any r le~ds Mr. and Mr~. Iyd e Wharton nnd t I' a plano duet, and Wi1specialist.) Warn"'r" executive secretary of Thomas children ot Dayton and and ~ahents are anxlOusly.hop1Og family Sunday. Iiams, who was beheaded (1) by .9 :10 Music. " . . b y tI ' . he WIll soon be around agaIn. 9 :25 The New Land Use Program-H. C. Ramsowet, director of the State Water Conservation dance glvt!n 1e pnmary chll. Mr. ' Ilnd !Mrs. J. B. Jones were Magiciall. The Third Division of agricultural ext nsion work in Ohio. • boar d. The sole exeeption, Mr. r1l'en who t ook part was very (Delayed) entertained to dinner SltDday at Ladies Aid wish to tha nk Mr. The Community club beld its reo the home of Mr. and Mr, . Carl Everett .Jt~arly, manag 1', the busi9 :35 Soil Types and Types of Farming- G. W. Conrey, agronomy Warner said, is the Miami basin much onjoy~ 'and appreciated. where the. 1913 flood took its heavi Mi Stevens was given a beautiful I gular meeting at too gym last. Wed Pickering at Centerville.' noss mBn who donated money and Department. est toll of Iile and property for ?OUqu.ct of . snapdrago ns and I n sday evening with about 40 of Mrs. Rose of Da:yton spent MI'. Mc IUl'e for loan of chairs. 9 :45 JOl1n and J e.rry-<iramatic skit. 0:56 to 10 Music and weatber forecast. whicb the Miami conservancy dis. Jouq~J1s by the glee club. its member present. After the I!ever~ . days thi8 week with her trict was created to establish flood • MIss. Rhea McC.arr·en and two bu_ines was taken caTe of Mr. daughter, Mrs. William Brooks . UI. control measures that now give gul friends of. Ct)lumbus, spent Heber Williams of Lebanon was who has been ill, THE MIAMI GAZETTE . ampJf;I protection to DaYton and th week·end here. inlrod u~ed and gave a most in·' . Ray . Miller attended the flinFOR RESULTS other M.iami valley cities. "There Mr. ana Mrs. Halt' y Osborn and tel'esting talk which was thorouwould have been' as dlsastrouB a fam ily w re recent dinner guests ghly enjoyed by all. Deliciou s reflOod in 1933 in the Miami valleY' Of. M . and Mrs. Clint Cleaver and freshme nts were served by thc ___________________________-'1 as in 1913 had it not been for the MI. Ruth. committee. conservancy dams," "r. Mrs. William Doster entertainThe Sunshine club gave a shower 'vil five COLUMBUS-State cl ser· ' of banks and banking,' photostat .IU d Warner asserted. liThe MI'am, ' ran e quite a number of little folks for Mesdames ElI'IMcCarren vi~e examinations for twenty pos! machine operator in the Depart~u . . I be con d acted A priJ 1, ment of Auditor of Statej nurse bank full for ~Ieven days i n 1033 at a birthday pa~t:y on last Fri- Brown and Evelyn Carr. Masters at ttons wl1 2 and -3 in four Ohio key citie&- for HlUllilton county, . office atten- and sy tomatically carried 0'" " the day aftel'noOn 1n no-n or of her son the Aid Room last Tuesday even* Cleveland and dant in the Department of L igreat of exces "'ater at HOward's birthday. ing. Quite a were pr~ent CoI umbu8, ToledO, qvolume uo r" ~D Cincinnati- it waa anllDunced by Control, sales clerk at the Ohio that time." A similar development Mr, and Mrs. Harry . McVey and each received beautiful and Chairman W. B. Francis of the S tate university book stOTe, lIecre. is being 'Worked out in the Mus. entertained relatives on Sunday. u&&ful gifts. Dainty refreshments State Civil Service Commiuion. tary at Kent State university, kingum watershed conservancy ?til'.. ·Mary Tack,er ond family were served. ' The testA will be given for farm sceretary at Wilberforce univer. district but it will be iwo or three and Mr. and Mrs. GL M. MacDonMr. and Mrs. Munger and Mrs. . . . . I worker at county~ years before it becom""" operatl·ve. aId enjoy d it turkey dinner at ttle Truman Gillam Wer& Wilminaton rea I e tate appraisers, a lstant ,ty, socIa .. superinten<Jent of the soap plant children's homes, special eye nurse Mr. .Warner js nationally reco"t> . home of Mr. and MIl'S. E. C. Clal'k visitor!! On la t ThuTSday after. noon. at the London prison farm, cbief for the Ohio Commission for the nized as an authority on . wate.r and family last Sunday. ir. and Mrs. Hel'bert Corr enter· nurse at the Ohio Soldier'lI and Blind, stat.istician for the divi ion conservation and flood control Mr. Elialj HutTmmn, a highly Sailors' Orphans' Home, legal of minimum 'Wage, statistician problems. re:pected colored citizen of our tained their b~idge club lost Satur clerk in the Department of Liquor grade four for the division of I • • • town and the laSlt Civil ' war day eveni ng. The Hilarity club met at the Control, dietitian at the Franklin minimum ware, departmentstenoWord that young fTuit . tre~s veteran of Qur township, died at home of Mr. and Mrs. G. M .Maccounty tuberculollis ' sanitarium, grepher, IItudent advisor at Ohio I should be protected this spring Donald lind famit.y on Sunday. stationary engineer for Hamilton State univeraity, and luperinten- I from tb~ seventeen.year locust, "'O'J"(,J'~~:."~I~G About .t hirty were present. Countyl examiner in the division dent of the power plant at Ohio which will make its appearance (I ,.~e ll Nil', ~ Ml's. Laura Shidaker 8pent the late in Mayor early in June, was 1••11',,1 ( ·Ott,. No. 1:141- week·end wit h her , frind Mrs. issued by J. S. Houser.. entomolo- • (' I.. rk or Ho i .... l\!!11 VI . o luillbu •• 01110, ' ' '''''c lt 11, lfI:w. Mayme Hat,flelf of aynes\'iIIe. gist at tl\e Ohio Agrieultur~l Ex_ . Carlton Cook met wjth an periment Station at Wooster. P r o· ~h J)lrt'(:lo r of 1I1gtnvaY8 or automobile accident near Morrow tection may 'be obtained by wrap- OhiO \\'111 hold a )1111)11 h~llrln!l' I t i t d 1,1 o ' <.' l o k A. M. l,;n~ tl' rn Standard as week a.n was treated at Blair pin.r t he trunks of the small trees lime. on MundllY. "'1\1'11 20 1936. In brothers Rospitsl. We .re re.dy to -:neet your building with paper and by placing }pos- t~ "ceno 'O Ullly Co In' t' UOU8t'\, l1"rpose of Missel! Mary Eleanor Hawke needs! Our y.rd. .re stocked ' with aea. quito netting over the f,oliage dur: Xenia. Vlllo. tur til h ring rorg\II1H ntll felr and agai n t and Katherine Baner were over ing the .Jocullt invasion Mr_ Rou ~r lh proposed addltloh lO lhe 8to.le soned hi.c hest lumbe... in 8Y08tcm ot th" I'UtlQl known night; guests of Mary Corolyn L , • said. The loeusts do little damage I).hIghtileliyWa)'nflsvllle-)d:ollbrook-J"alr_ Lukens On Monday. I.r.e qu.ntitiea when the m.rket w.s save to fruit trees, and th~ young field Honl!. loc led In Orcen and richt-to cut your buildingl costa. You'll Wan"" ·OUlltle. an,1 heinie more Wo rk is progressing nicely on trees aJle al".ys the C;hief victims, delflnltely des rlll~(I 0.8 tall oWs: lJeglnnlngIII th .11tI~rll,.eUon ot the new school building. .110 do better if you buy your brick, roofit is claim ' Fourth Hll'~ c t nnd P"anklln )((lMI Th e Civic League met at the ~ undl on .wlth Stllte HOUle 73 S. H. in., cement .nd other m.teri.l, from ZS I) II) tho vlllaSe ot W )' n ellv lll ' home 01 Mrs. Mary Haines Satur. in 'Va.or(On countl' j lhen (!(' In a At your .ervice•. norlhl'a~tol'IY (Hr~Ctlc)t\ OY"I' and day night. "long l' ourth Str l, UPllrolCtmntt! ly "'he bas'ketb II 0 'h ... \}.03 mll~s lO the IntercSf'CUUll "\..Jti\~· a c . a(: es, mrs. Mr. K. E. Thompson returned til north corpOratio n lIuo qr til Lillian Carr and Mr. Earl . Santo his home Thursday from 'the vll lu ~c of Wa yn;,>!!\ 111(11 thence 0 1, .t1nUlng In n '\odh eu.VI~ I· l y (HI' .etlon bo)'n, the .teams, the manager~, and St. Elizabeth ,h ospital in Dayton, over and ".long tbe 'V'\)rU('sv 1l1e- cheer 1~6d S . 0 ~ II Bpll.brook 11 t),J. apJ)r(lxlmately 0.72 ~- er were m s. roya 'i where he underwent a delicate mile" to CrOS8WIt.'lt Il'\t r8~e llon : entertained at the Hotel Denv&r d' M· i - . operatiOn for his eye under the tIl n e jD a nortH rill .0lrecLlon ov-or f , tllla Illoll!!, th Wa.S·n s,' llIe.H4)ll. or Inner (>nday ven ng and skillful knowledge of Dr. J. W. bl'OOk Hoad, IlP)lI·OX ltn.a.lely t.24 they attend-ed a show at t he Millett of Reibold Bldg and miles to the W,,-I'ren !Ina Or en I I . . line:directlou ~e~e' o,,'er ~nt~ul ~ jI . -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RIchard Miller of St. Elizabeth aCO~My norllllerly find ng alon!! ho Spl'tJ . II appro" t~ Wun"lll.n~lb~~ ~~~ ~~.~ ~.~~ ~.~~~ ~~ ~~ a • IIll(tl Iy ;l.Ul 1)\114)8 to 1~~ th.e I~ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moore and ~outl' COrtlO I'ntio n line or tbe 'village . • . , of (lellllroo\{.; t1\~nce conUnulng In a Bona entertained on Sunday Mr. north"r!y ·d"· ~otlol> OV'lr and along ·1.I R H d ' k d Main Street, approx Imu.tely 063 an d mrs. oscoe e~ ric s, .mr. mlles to the nort" (:o .porntlon lI'n e anel Mrs. Isaac Jones and son ot or the vllla"o of Uell'lrook: thene .. contlnutng in (\ nOI·th fly dlr ·etlon . ,..iddJewwn, -1t{r. and MTa Elmer over .anCi along til Upper Bell. Lamb and aons of near Waynes. brook -Xenia Hoad. a.p p roxlma~,,)y 1.27 mll 8; tbene In an eagt rly ville, Mr. and !Mrs. Henry Hop- dlrecllon over an(l alollg ~he UPPer . ..."..". " ULYSSES S. q&.AHr . ...: " .~...\... ~:'"-,, . . B nllrouk·X nla Roaa. IlI.pprox lma.1 . 1 ki nll.n d lion of 9regoma. \Y 0.12 miles t' tM Inter"ecllon of Oregon willy the Alllha·]3 lI brook nond : ' Mr. Robertson VER the door of th. 1m,... reeocnlseCl bla tact~ tat...w, .' . , th lice In D norN~erly dlrectlo1\ over In. monument which oon- advueed blm III eGBImand, and caJlecJ On K. E. Thompson. Dnd along the AI"ha.·Bellllrook I taiu the bod, of Prealclaat U tall.. ..... from ,the war aa ita S .v~ra1 a tte n ded churc h h ere th Hond.II\!approxll11a.tely mile. to rscction with ~.D2 8. tOlWn.hlll ane. In New York City, are hero, with til. nak of· on Sunday evening: . P rayer Ser road: lhf'"oe In Iln ly direction t words: "Let WI hav. pe&C8'." . over and 1.1.101111' the AlJlha.13eJ l brook ey dualbe thb foremoa. m. next eervlce to the nation vice Wedlleeda), evenmg at 7 :30 Rond. n.PPI'f)xlrnat 'Iy Q. 08 mllen. to Idler of the Union ' ArmJ' bet- w.. aa ita PrMIdeIlt, tor the o'clock . Preaching every .Sunda.y road; lhe Interllcctlfln north Iraly town(Jhl» direction thence In a with than bla military tltl. and two terml beabmlq III 1888, evenin, at 7 :80 o'cl.ock. 0\' r aliI) along the Alp ha·Bell brook aplolta, for b, a .1mpl, duriIllr the dUftealt raeout:rucRoad . approxll11at Iy 0.50 miles to P • G• Wella .nd Mary K. t h e Inter~ cllon wllh th Falrfleldmaa of peace at beart. tioil period. H, appl~ · to th. Th9mp.on were in Day· ton Thurs~ B~II11fo<>k ](o!l.d; t]l ence In a Vl7a... Simpeon Grant ,..eetiJD. /roblenij the weslt",lv dl ['cot lon over born at Point Pleuut, wiadom aD taDaeitJ wbleb bad day and broul'ht K. E. Thompson UH' 1-'a!.·nCld-HelllJrOOk · . J)rolClm:lt~I!' 0.:;6 mil on April 2'1, 1821. Ria DU_l~ ..ned bl. war eampaipa, ' borne f rolD St. E lizabeth hospItal ~ectloll ",'!til .lD the laat of bla Ilf., Weft fannen and Idao Rev. JUlIn Biddlecum of Ore. th " I1M in '1.\ after l.earing tile White HOUH, tannin, worb, and . and ul'n~ IrOnia called on K. E. Thompson !toad. aPI1 .windl.... Inyol.ed llina ill a IDearl, traini", waa more anela) undel'taklq that atripped Sunda), eveninlr. eI:l. l n3~~~ ea1 than academle. Bat ltlm of bb forhane and . prope~. eeedecI · fn enteriq Mr. alld Mrtt. Harold Beason of and at he .... oIiIlpd to , He wu not an DaJtoD ylalted at this place SuntMre, and inltrueton throw lWnaeIf feftliahl, lato wobablJ ..peel in wonder III the;uk of proYidlq far bla later ,..... aa the)' watdaed the famil,. Ria autoblornpll,. writ. IlrL Aile. E. Terry Ia of tllia lad _ durl... thiR .trauoUl ud aick 1Iat thla_ee week. - -_ _ ••_ _ __ pathetic perioCI. . .... . . ...... wlao had II..... . . . IRlCI!IIW _ f . . daJaWon~""_ III lookbw aoldJlrl7.








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w Burlington

FI il'nd, {,hurch. ·un.IRY nlllrninr, ' (( ,hut .JUI1"~ n ,tu.I('n t Ilf Wil-


l'lIll~I" I1l1l,,1 thl' pulpit th(, FI'I<'IIII, ('11111'('11 l'undllY I nUl\·I'~··h\ll'·. I ,'(,lIin).!, Thl 11(1)"(,11 lult III I with ~tr,,1 :\[1 , Raruh LyU e rt'tulO('d • un- . I tnk .. thi~ method of nnl1oun~• Th 1 II " frolll 1\ "i-it. with r('lutjve~ in Ing my cundlllucy for thl' Rilpubh'" " N, l\lcl\:nv (On ur • ny. - ' , ' ~ h" "'ihlli\1~h'n, ClIll nonllllatlon lor erlff of The (unnlll (,f 11:1" (Banty) , Mii<~(,~ lnl'jori(- Hnydock Hnd \V ancn County, Ohio, m:!;r \\a: h..lrl h II' on W edn('~- Ruth Re(>\'('~ have been enlployed I in~end to ee a many of. you ,III), III t \~ lk, Inh'1'l11 -nl W(l~ {II' opel'ntoT fOl' the Jutulli Tele- pel' ~nallY a ti~ will pCTmit, Ill/Hie 111 ["" I"cal (,C1ll~tCl'y. I}\'I Inc ('0. : but In the o\eal~t~me re pect~ullY lis, r.~tl la l'tllll!l i~ ,p nding Mr, and Mrs, u ' wis H !land ate ask you to con~ilder my quahtlcun ( l' I' J ,,~ lit ,hl'l' home hl' I'I'. n\llkil~g \heir hOI"!! with ir. Lillie tion!\ / 01' this Qffice. , Dr. l.iIJJI, 1\ 1Il1 ~~io \1nry 1'(, hel' hun and ~on, nenr Ro 'anna, I have been the Marshal f thc 'ntlil~, o (>li\'t'r (I lin f"IJn'~s nt Oil' Ml'~, 'he hnn i, ill P or health, Village of Franklin, Ohio, for twe nty-seven (27) yelU's. During l hat period I hav ndeavored to the be I. of my abiJiiy to perform and fulfill the duties of that office. In addition I have b en a special deputy sheriff of this cou nty for twelve (1 2 ) years and by rellSon thereof am tho roughly familiar with th office. In so doing I bave acquired much valuable experie nc e a nd informacle~ned. tion in t he enforcement of the laws of the State and in the dett-ction of crime, ' 1 nave , become p.ersonaUy acqUainted with law enforcement officers and polrce departments th1'oughoul a large part of this !,aU!. And they have co·ope1'llted and work d with me on many occasion in the detection , of crime. By rea on of my many con tinuous years of experience 'in polic~ w01'k, I leel that I am IIcquainted with conditions e.xi:tiJlg in this County. And that 1 am well pre" pared and qualified ~o meet th se conditio ns a8 they arrive. If nominated and elected We also earry a complete atock of pledge to the citizens of Warren High Grade Field Seed. Alao Emerald County, Ohio, a fair and ImpsrLawn Gra • • and Blue Cra. a. till.l Q(Lministration of my offiCeltnd will dedicate myself and my offiCi) to the enforcement of the laws of this state, the investigation and the detection of crim e. and the protection of the lives and The beat Bread Flour m ade. And propeorty of our citizen . the priee i. no higher. Fu1l24 2 lb. sack I hereby respectfully solicit your support at the eoming Primary. (Signed) Wi11iam E. (Beebe) Graham. P o.I Ad V.- - --- - I,f

Mr • A, " ', TIIlIl I' i tl1I' I<u.· .. l h 'I' (illuglH..'!' :lnd fUl1li ly 10









Seed Oats

We ha ve just received a car of choice Northern Ohio Seed Oats. RePer bushel


Seed Corn

We offer local grown, tested Seed Corn, shelled and graded. Per buehel


Gloria Flour


pys who e duty tremendQus probl ma of reHet th I\nal detail of approval of the among t.h • ~hoppetli (aeinR the loeal olllffals and tax- .luh P('ll ion 8)0' tern, as II prelude t ) 'l' on I h(' hantl l< of (8)'~rs of the stat~. Without. the lold further that J1('n . kIn sy~t(>m, ('very penllioner to a Fedt'Tal grant of fund~ l'Xmethod ulled in g'~'.' '''''1!\ todl.lY would bl' a Tt'lief client. We pectt'<i lo nggregate ,S,OOO,OO or tlifllcqlt to d etect. nTe caring for 640 prr!\on~, and more for t.he first year. her pock th()ok on counter apouring $7,142 a month into the tllP th chosen al'ticlle, look about county from the slate trea urery. lit variou display,., 'lift b el' pock t or about 86,000 1\ year, This is :Mi~ Martha D lIihcrage, or book and the loot Ilimultan<'ously 0.\1 a aving to the local trea ure},), Dayton, spent the week-end at tjJe lind mo" son, Onc would think and the I cal roxpayers. that thl'ir nerve would £nil but hom of her sister, Mt's. R. H . "Repl'esentutivCFI of the ocial they 11\' mo t br8.!~en and OIlM lIal't'sock, ecurity Board from Washington outsid there is no evid en ce to M\', and Mrs. Vel'll Gropp~n- ar n ow in olumbus pel'fectlng convict them for tht(.'il' first act i bucher visit d in Ripley Su nd ay. to dispose of all marks of ide ntifiTh II rgunot" bridge club met 1""_ _ ___________-: Each ca kilt furnished b1' cation. When corn red, th y rush for the ladie l o unl~e where th ey at the home of I\fl' ~ . R, Ii, lInl'tus is perfect in every aU mpt t.o diSPOSe oOf their prey', !lo ck, Tu csday afternoon... T-he intCl'iors are detail , The man ger of a larg departof th~ fin est quality and the NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT ment t01'e I'ccentl}. told m that hi ubordinates have on several hlll'd ware is per fee t 1 y occasions foun d arllicle and garEstat of Emma ,Robert 'on, w select su ch matched, ments ranging from typewriter to deceased. fur coats stuffed in wllste baskets Notice is hereby given. that Earl mercband i.ic carefull y, that in the loung and in various odd Robertso n whoso Post Office AdMARCH 29-30 We may give our clients only corners within the store. ell' s if! Wayn avi ll c, Ohio, R. R. SHIRL]~Y TEMPLE & the best at reasonable cost. .. • • o. 3. hn bC4ln duly ILpp inted as JOHN BOLES I I shall fIle away . amongst my Administrator of the E tate of ' tl'casul'~ of mental pictuTes a n un'u Emma A, Robertson late of Warin ual scene which cSlme within my ren. County, Ohio, dec ased. gaze. It l' called the apothem , "A I Dated , tbi 20th da'y of Murch, cnt clln look at a 'king," find the 1936, ' Fox New's title of Mark Twnin's. hi torieal .1'0- I J ames E. Burke, Atty. man~: "The Prince and The RALPH H. CA REY, Pa.uper." A lady, lapPllrentIy of Judge of lhe Probate Court PhDn.7 Ule social sect, trolled by in tJtc m2G-a2-9. Wart'Cn ou nty, Ohio One ShoW' S t art'in. a t 2 o' clock compnny of two rr.n:gy, Snow white Evening- 1~ how 6:45, 2nd wolfhounds; bellutiJtul blue blood show, 8 :30 specilnens of dog nobility. At the ~~~~------~--~=~, il'lt r , ction . h~ 't')ppetl shortl y to chllt with n friend, the hounds Ncw spring d]'es es which 8l'e poi ed grac Cully at the ends ,of most becoming to their wearers t.hei!." I ashes. From the ' shadows nr near ing co mpletion as the of a dusky doorway strolled a I'esu It o{ the- clothing construccul'iou and dirty little mongrel. tion project anonged for aTren aa urchin of dogdonl, lowly he county worn n by lis Elizabeth , I am a candidate for County Commi sioner of gJid d toward the sophisticnt <l Grllddy. local home demonstration .Warren County on the Republican t icket subject to aristocrats, Directl~1 in front of agent. the will of the voters at th Primary election to be them he seemed to sm il e, wagged hcty-five women under , th'e held on May 12th , 1986. , < hi tail and cocked his head in a up rvision of Miss Edna Callahan quizzioal fa hion fl'()m one side to lothing specialist of O. S. U, I have lived in Washington Township' since the other as if to say: 1901, and have er."ed as Town hip Trustee du ring selected their most b~o ming "iy fri ends, I hnve here , tbl'ee colors. de igns and materials f or the past 14 years. I believe my experience gained as cents, spar me seven more and I th Be new garments and altered !leh· Trustee qualifies me for the office 1 seek. I shall soothe my famished body commercia.l patterns to conform have nevel' been a candidate for county offjee. with a sandwich.'" to theil' individual measuTements Your ~port and ballot marked ~s below will Unimpressed, the h O'Qlld cooUy be sincere ~ appreciated turned away, The mongrels, atung A clothing l' view will b e 8tatby tlte denial, half 'turned, groum- d by these women at the ann ual achievement program on Friday. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER bled a low grow l and scooted back into the darktmed dooTWay. March 27th, showing suita/.lle dre s for the house, for hopping mh th er day 8, rl"rof es 01' 0 f 01' SpOTts, and_ for afternoon wear ~' e a _ _ •

Impor tant Details


The'a ter

, Wayne.viDe, O.

The Littlest Rebel



. . OhlO'-, POSSIbly

To The Voters of Warren County

or even having a deck around the house a cardinal sin. When h e and t~e \ his brothers becam~ old enough

puzzling Qf cnminal acts IS 'r . A d t hat 0 f sh op l ! tmg. n strange - - I . h J'f \ ..;.;;:;;;;;;;;,;;;;:;;;....;.~~;;;;-;.;;;;.;-;;._ ...;;-~-;.;;-_ _ _.,...;~_~_ _ _. . as It may seeAm'dmost S op I te,:, are ,vomen. n more ' . strange is I the fa dct thatt}the maJord~tYAofd them are a equa e y fi nance. . ~tective tells me that should the names ' of t hose caueht be bared, t hey would include tbose of some well 1m . 1't ' KI t . OWh~ socia I es, ep 0thmanlllc of t ts t~ more often an not take articles that are of no use to them, Ttlere are very' few mart$ that ,do not have a cre~ of female

lellsaiiolla'i Newspape:r-Magazine I ' Sabsc:rip,lioD Offer

........ '..

" a..~,.

rl •••• Mag·..• • ....................olp......










NOTleE' J . P. urrick, located on South Main atr-eet; h been appointed a.ent for the Dayton Power and Co. at Wayneaville a

• • _

. Three · Delicious 'Vwsions


an Old-F~hioned ' Dainty

The Dayton ' Po~er & Light Co.


Only SI.75 NowBalance 'of S1.00'Within 30 DIYs Goose Maguines From Thi.s Usl

( ) Amertean Boy, 1 yr. ( ) B~tter RODles 41 Gardens, 1 yr,

( ) ChrleUan Herald, 6 mo•. ( ) Flower ()rower, S moa. ( ) McCall's Magazitl'e, 1 yr, . ( ) Mldwl'st Golfer, 6 mos, ( ) 'IIlovle Classic, 1 yr. ( ) Pathfinder (Weekly), 1 yr, ( ) Pictorial Review. 1 yr. ( ) P ar nt's Magazkle. G mos, ( ) R omantic Stories, 1 yr, ( ) Sliver Screen. 1 yr. (,) Screen Piny. 1 yr.. ( ) Sports Afield, 1 yr, ( ) Household l\lagazine., 2 1rs, ( ) Trw Confessions, 1 yr, C ) Woman's World, 1I yrs.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

GBOW B 8eleet 1 maplllne American Fruit Grower. 1 yr, The Count!')' Home 1 yr. Cloverleat R evle.". i yr. American Poultry Journal. 1 yr. Farm Journal. 1 yr. Gentlewoman Miigaslne, 1 yr,

) ) ) ' GOOd Stories. 1 yr. ) Home CIrcle. 1 yr. ) Home Frlend,1 yr. ) Housebold Magazine. 1 yr. ) Needlecratt, 1 yt. ) D1ustl'llted Mechanlca, 1 yr. ) Mother's H ome Life, 1 yr; , ) Ohio Farmer, 1 yr. ' ) Successful F arming, 1 yr. ) P oultry Tribune, 1 yr, ) P lymouth Roek lI()Qtbly, 1 yr. ( ) Woman's World. 1 yr, ( ) Lec born World, 1 yr.

THE ENQUTRoER, CINCrNNATI. OIDO, GeIltl8lllen : ~~~ to t. . a4vantqe of your oubtandlng oomblnatlOD: _ ...... _ an4 "lecUve macUlne otter. IIM= pI,eue tJlI4 lUll .. f11'11t payment ud I ...... to ... .. ttoeal .,.,...t 01 11.00 Within tb. nut 10 __• I ....... tbe fonow1q mqut_ &lana wltb a • IDOlltbI' to "l'BB BlCQVDUCJt. ,


~e ~p

B ..•••• .•• ••••


Call telephone 58R2.

Corwin, effecti~e im-



GBOtrP A Select I maradna.



to be interest.ingly curious about Th' M h th d ' IS are, e secon anmverthe game they finally won their f h t t f th Oh' D" Sllry 0 t e s ar 0 e 10 IV18 father ,over and fro:m ,then on: held I ion of Aid for the Aged of the a hilal'lou/l game ot pmochle III the S tat e weuare ,.. V"par T\~ t men, t w hi c h h~y mo~ e~ch Sllll\day IIfteTnoon, adminis~rs the ' Ohio old age penHIS homely patw'l.· recalled to , 1 Ii d 540 i d .f Slon aw,C n St b rfiets inen .,. dO memory the shade of shame and w abashment that sl!ttled over ' our 3t'11'en ... ou~ y e~e t g un h;r f house years ago wh.en the preacher the .a w "Yh t ke rrecelPt °h montatt Y . pensIon c ec a rom t e s e, unexpectedly d~o:pped . m and Walter Kenrick, administrator in cau ght us bare hll~lded m a deadly f h W Id game of rummy. charge o. t e ar~en cou nty 0 _.. age pen lOn offic~ til ~he Bank ! ubscribe for The Miami Gazette Building said today. The total of monthly payments in this county is now approxj· = -..,-, mately $7,142, be said • ,..--------------------,-~~'"!"'--.. The local pensioilof!ice was opened May 81, 1934. and the tlrst pensio n checks were received in county September 14, 1934. Reviewi ng the history of old age pen' ions in Ohio, dministratOI' Kenrick said: "Ohio's old age pe ion system during the last two yeaTS has p rop ably b ren the il'eatest; single factor in l h clping to solve the •

Fred J. Hagemeyer

parents considered playing carda

~,;:=="?"=============;;;;;;;=========.p I most


Waynelville, Ohio


.-1 ··· Waylltsville . farmers' ·, Ex. ·-_Db.-.,_.--:---" . -'_ servatIons ~~gl!~~t~~~~ :i~:::t! ;:; t~:~, SECOND ANNIVERSARY Company 1-_._._._._.__ -._.-,0 CTARTS IN MARCH Wayneaville Phone 2S by JUDSON DEAN

J. E. McClure

Sunday M.tinee


HEN, . ptlnltlme fills you, with Jelly and roll. W anlbhloll plan surprises for coolon ract. the family mellu, ,Ive a thought to Rich to

wrup.ln clotJa ull



old·fashlon.ed dainty. lelly rollSi t cup I U'U e.nd ttl ma1lY dellclou8 v~rtatlou s. t tablespoonl cat. ilOur Did you ever try one with , iI. l'emon Dash of 1.1t or orange tilling? If you hnve 1/ 2 cup water thought J!!lIy roll too hard .' to make. i ~f:ie:~~~ab~~ter rouoll' thla recipe and you'll ~u l' ciy 1/ 4 cup lemon Into., s ucceed, Serve Jelly roll (or [ 1:::I /~ t~..poon , raIN lemon rlo4 4a.)' dinner wtth a serving or ire Combtne sugar, 40ur. ancf ..It 1a Cl'~am on toD of each slice-Po ~ l'. I top or double boller; add water aoll ' I r:/~;r" mixing tboroul'hly. ~ OTer feet denert! Old" .. hloned Jell 'I 11r :iHr.g wllter a nd coot 10 mlnutel, y ,< , ' Ul1m thickened. Itlrrlnc oon1/ . ClIP IlI\etI cake lIour I " lOy, Remove fro III boUlnc I,t -.0011 4oubl.-ac' .. '~ "'1- __nil ,r; add bu tt er. It !DO11 ........ l/t """11 nIt " r:ld cool, Mat.. eaoUCh Will loll


« ..........I ' t cup IIftM IUf"

1 ....... QIIIJJa .... IIUr CalIF IlafOr , 81ft lour 0008; m e:l.:tll'~, ... bble IIakIq powder. .11.1 L ~: ... _ .-

III 1IowI. P1ue over Bma. ,,' I at !lot _ _ aD4 bt&t wll" rr~ - J ......tIr. at41D1 l upr ~/' !l'hl~ , uUI beCom.. tu:t,,: ; .~.. .....t colored. RemOTe b<.\, l IIG& .....,. 1'014 In II ~ ~r ftldlJa, !'Ian bato 1II:I 0·I.Do.,\


........ . ....


: _-::l()'loch roll.


C:con ut Oran •• 'Illint

















Eighty-Eighth Year





Senator John A. Lloyd, of Ports mouth Monday, withdrew as a candidate fllr the Republ'iclln nomination for Lieut~nant Gov ernOli at the primal'y election, May



TIlURSDAY, APRIL 2,1 !:l36





Number, 6211)


Til re will be an ull-day meeting nt · th FI'iend' ('hurch SunM r8. Arlllia But'neit, 80 dfl~, with Mr. and Mrs. F oster h home old. di d at Heacock prQ. ent. In th afternoon tlaughl CJ', M I'H. 'car' ade. neat' l'ntury lub met Centcl'Villc, Wl!un ..,day evening at Th e faculty <i f th.. Wayn l! group 4· will sponsor a program The Ne w lEBANON ' 12, Jo' r iday after noon lit t.he homc of (l o'c lock . T ownllhip Schools. with m(' muers pertaini ng t o t he ady histol'Y of LIQyd stated that hjs decision Mrs. D. C. Rid~e, twent.y-two . he \\a~ Lh' widuw oI Frankl in of tho Board of 8!iucalion, ancl the ocie ty of Friends. W.Jnenille Squad Honored at More Than 300 WarM-II County , was reached because of his wide membe\'s res ponding to r 11 call. Burn U. who 'prcceded heor in othe r gu Rts Ill!'t last Thul'l\!Iay Hom... 01 Mr. and Mr.. Geo. Women Attend Anflual activities in the camllalgn against Th e fil' t number of the program uenth eil\' ht yell t·s a (\' 0. l'V ning in the gymnnllium fill' a Waterbauae Farm Pl'oi-ram proposed unemployment insurance wa a pape r on Irish Folk and 1l1'17iving hel' re two daugh- socia l gel-Ilcquainleu party flcl' I gislation. Personaliti es, by Mrll. Kenneth t I'''. Ml'1l, Wad , with whom . he- appelit\' ~ had been FlalislitJfI by As a prelude to the ann uBI Ho.ugh. Ml'8. Hough spoke of the marl!' hel· home, and Mrl<. Harry ~ upl>e)', which was in th~ nalure 101'~ than !l00 wo tmm from all baskctball banquet being held at· beauty of Killarney and mention, Bro\ n, of Day 11; two SOil !'!, Earl of a covered-dish a ffai r and wa!! sections of . Wlll!ren county atthe higb school gymnasium', hono'I'!J ed severnl oi the many beauty But'nett. of Lytle, and Raymon!l served buffet .style, brid g' and I.ended the !l.fInual Acllieve.ment were heaped upon Waynesville spots of Ireland. The island is B'u l'nelt. of Dllyton.. a th t' card game.· pl'ovid!'t1 umu acday program Friuay in the Leb· high school's 1936 southwestern Fun ' 1'111 sC I·vice will be held at ment and en ~ r ta illm ('nt for th<! eallel the I hind of th SlIints , St. Ohio championship team, Thurs· anon lawn hall. Patdck nnll hi s successo t·s having the t'eBirl enc Sutu lrday aft.ernoon remainder of 'the eveni ng. Jo ephine Banla attended day night, at the home of Mr. anll establi hed many' churches and a t 2 0 clock. Budlll will be made ThOSe pTe. en t w ere, Out~ tandillg on the morning pro Mrs. George J. Waterhouse, when monasteries there. Thomas Mo rc in Miami ee melet·y. l\h ·. and Mr~ . Lotz, MI'. and Mn. the 1'une r'al of a cou in in Lebano n Friday. gram WB.'! an iniormal stunt on . members of the team and faculty ""'n One of the well kno\vn \"ritet' - - .... - t' a bbe, M)',. and~lrs . Jam . • lvlr. "What W 've DOlle With Furniwere enl.ertained at dinner. of Irish songs, "The Last Rose f OR. and Mrs. Braddock, IT. and Ml'8, . John Roser, of Dayton, was in • Mr, Ilnd Mr s. Ralph Linn spent ture," 15 women displaying cha.irs Pre~n~ion of a beautitul Summer," being one of the mOl:lt Gantt, MI'. and Mt'. . Frank, Mr. Su nday with Mrs . Linn's parents trophy, the gift f the Ralph P. Waynesville, Tuesda'Y. popuI aT and best loved oj hi · and Mr. Boc.l enbender, Mr. nnd near Xenin. · ~hey had reconditioned. The finSnook Po.s t of the American ished antiqucs wel'fr of several Mrs, Montgomery Howard, of songs. . , ADDRESS UDENTS M rs. Brown, Mr. and Mr~, Ker. y legion, was one f the outstand. Carlisle is spending the week with Blll!a~t, M·l's. Hough sald, I II Mr. and !\tl'S. Tu rnel', Me,5 rs. MI'.. . J. Schwartz, of Lebanon , .Lypes, including ladder backs, duning feBtures of the affair. noted for its production uf lin n; I ----Hatfi ld. MacD ona.ld and Ferguson was the gUC$t of Mr. and h !!. Wm can phyf s, rockers, a. folding h r uo: le Horace Keys. Commander J esBe Oakman and and l ri h women, whil e not in Th e R ' el' 'nd I )octOl' T. A. t he Mi\>ses Smith" Roe,. Henkle, Bradley. Sunday, chair Ilnd lOVe seat. Many of them Dr. H. R. WilliBms, as official MesS1's. Elmer and Dearth Shec- any way n glccting their home Kantonen, III'of ~sll l' ~,{ syslomal- Reed 1', M;cKinsey, Day; artet· ' ttl E J S · h wei' more than. 100 L .years old and represcntativ s of the 10cBI legion han we re in C lumbus on business duties. a re finding time for ql!ite a ic t1H.llllngy in lla.m ma . Di vini ty : .nn~ Campbell; Mr. and Ml'S , S. S. , lemma eane mIt., of t S un d ay w ith ,. -f r. an d some were .family hClrlooms. F ~l'ry spen post, together with George J. ~iday. hit of public life. ~cho o l of Wittenberg 011 g ,will Elli s, Mr. and Mr,. Ronald Hawke Th e m?rn~ng sesdSi O nthopedn~d Wtiith Mrs . Russell Ben tl ey. Waterhouse, host, mad e the preMiss Clara Lile very pleasingly speak at the higb-i" chool bUildin g ., MI'. and Mrs. Keno th Hough, Mr. g roup Singing un r e Irec on j sentation of the trophy which was Gilbert Frye, of the Gazette .read the Irish story. of "Biddy's and MI' . Bert Hartsock, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Kirby, of or I\lr~. Zun I:! Mounts 01 Morrow, the offi ce, was off duty several days Tdals Among the Yankees." given in re.cognition of fl. Ro 8 Hartsock County Dayton · call d On their aunt Mrs. ' accomPllnied by Mrs. Julia Muennviabl record set up by the because of U1ness. Th e subject of ?tir. Wilbur Su perintendent and Mrs. Charles Sarah Murray, ·Sunday. nieh, of Kin~s Mill s. Mrs. J. L. local team duri ng ,t he past season, Clark's paper was, "Ireland, HisU. Bohl, Mr. Bnd Mrs. Charles fend nhall o-C Waynesville, presBranstrator, tor ic and Pict.ute que." She interMjss Catharine E. V. Bar nh at·t, of incinnati, ident of the county hom~ exunRaymon Ha field, 1aculty Anderst>n, Miss Clara Lile, Mr. managel' was toastma tel' and eoUv teacher in the Morrow. sqhools, estingly gave the history of the and MI' • Ed Hopkin , Mr~. Mayme coiled on W~yn esvi1l e friends ion council, welcomed th~ group. ened the occasion with hIs quips was home over the week-end. • Iri h peopl e. he gave a vivid word Hatfleld, Mi s Kathryn Gibbons Tuesday afternoon. MT$. Mounts also directed the at not only members of the team the beauties of Ireland and Mrs. Maria Elbon. Mjss Ruth Phillips, of Xenia, county hom mokcl's' chorus, which 'Ml,'s. Emma Dakin, of Xenia, pictul'e of but 'at members of the faculty and - --was the week-end guest of Mr. and said the shamrock with its pe·nt Saturday and Sunday with sang two selcctions at the morngu sts as well. three little leave!O on one stem i ing session lind three in the afterand Mrs. J. W. Wbite. her father, W. C. Phillips. Other speake1'1 were Dr. Williams to the Iri h folk a symbol of the noon. Th c;horull is a pioneer in Commander Oakman, Superinten, . 'The' Waynesville Garden Club the home d monstration field and Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Collett Trinity. dent J. W. Lotz and Coach entertained relatives from New After adjournment delightful has inspired other counties to form Bodenbender. reire hments were served to the similBr groups. Burlington, Sunday. •In recognition of hiLI most sucm mbers and two guests, Mrs, G. afternoon, April 7, at 2 o'clock . Entertainment on the morning ces ful .eason as coach of the B9 rn- T o Mr. and Mrs. Ora C. Dibert and Mrs. Ross Hartsock. The Missionary Society of the program included a rea.ding by All'. Frank Cook, who for several ..... -~ --:-Wayn eville team, Coach Boden- Sargent, Thur day, April 2, a Ferry Church of Christ met Mrs. ELizabEth Jones of Lytle and bender was 'presented with a daughter. ~arch 2(i, at the hom~ of Mrs. months was confined to his house a vocal liuet by Mee. Ethel Sackett because of iljness, was able to .. ' handsome pen- and pencil set, a Lena Riggs with 23 in a ttendance. and Mrs. Frank LeMay, both of Mr . and M . J. 1>. Fromm, Mr. dl'ive into town Friday. gift 01 the bu iness men and Mrs. J enni e Thomas presided W aynesv iIle. Clyde Fromm and Mr. J ohn Sears women of Waynesville. and the' meeting openpd with singLuncheon Wlla erved at noon in 9x12 Domelltic Rugs cleaned, spe.n t Saturday evening in Dayton. The Amel'ican legion trophy was ing by the society. The devotional shampooed and re·6ized, $2.60. the Grange hall. pre ented as a permanent posMr.' and Mrs. Morris Cornell - conducted by Mrs. Coy Gillium, Quick Cleaners, Ka thryn MenHBrlan township women preseBBio n of the local high school, entertained the members of their On last SaturdBY, MOl'ch 28, the wus followed by prByer by MM!. denhall, 'M anager; sented a stun t,. "Program Buildannual general S~te cholarship as an award for the ftrs~ Wal'ren dinner clU.b, Friday evening. o~ . I. A, Ic:'ANTONE.N Nellie Wri¥ht. ing." at t he afternoon &e6Sion, Mrs. L. H. GOI'don and Mrs. after selections by the h~memak­ M d M J P L -' k te t for high school s niors WIlS The program con lsted of several cou nty school to fight it s way- to t he state tournament in Columbus r. an ~. , . arnC I . Emma H. McOlure vi sited l' latlves spent . Sunday In Ma&Oll, the guests held ut lhe Lebanon llig h sch oo l on Good Friday, Apl'il 10. Several sf!.leetions or guita r and French and friends in Will'\'Iington, Mon- ers' chorus. __ __ • mu _icillns of the C(,l1 ge will pro- harp music played by ~lrB. Robert On the hom e extension council of Mr. and Mrs. Wa1.ter ROBB. building. vide in trumental lilelections. Furno; papers and talks on the day. for Warren cou nty are the followw. S. Scanlan WBS in Dayto n Jlme Cook and Cecil Hartman, Th progrll m which will be held P~i1ippines and the Orient, by Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Monis Sherwood, ing: Mrs. .J. L. Mendenhall, S~tur~ay, to attend the funeral of local foin yeBrs honor sen iors, in th gym . wiTI bc~~in at 10:40 a. l Cora Filer, Mrs. Julia Smith, Mrs. of Columbus, spent Sunday with Waynesville; president; Mrs. Mary • hiS fnend, Carson Pratt. . took two place out of the Jirst 5 m., and the general public is Cla udia Cornell and Mrs, Helen the former's parents, Mr: and Mrs. Munger, Harveysburg, Mrs. C. T. cl'dially invited to be present. Murphy; duet by Mrs. Alma Ger- Carl Sherwood. Woods of Turtlecreek townsnip; Mrs. Carl Croll and son Donald, aWBJ'ded Warren county stud ents. inc.e grBduation from the hardt Bnd Mr . Julia Smith. Mrs. Dorothy HeISinger of Frankof Franklin, llpent FridBY with Two were awarded to Kings Mill theological eminary of Suomi The socinl committee conducted Mr. Bnd Mrll. J . V. Hartsock and lin township, Mrs. Harold McKay her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer and one to ~bann, Other honor Colleg , Hancock, · Mich., Dr. a _pelling matA;h of Bible words, daughter, M.iss Dorothy, FRIENDS MEETINC were of Washington township, Mrs. Firat-day School at 9 :SG I. III. Sheehan. seniors fr{lm Wayne ville who Kantonen wa pastor three y~ars after which the' soci ety adjourned guest of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Carr George Perrine and Mrs. ' Henry ~ Meetinar for Worship a' 10:80 I Mrs. Alice IMcKinsey, who spent took ~he test were John Kellqer, in Bt'ainal'd, I Minn., and eight to meet April 22, at the home of at Deer Park, Sunday. Harris of Tur.J:lecrt.ek township, m. · Ml·S. Ed Murphy. The subject for the winter at the home o:C her Ruth Sali bury and Alma Lee. at Maynard. Mr_ and Mrs. :Vern Simpson are Mrs. Emma Whitenack of DeerFine ' cholal'$hip at the Univer- discussion will be Japan and FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST daughter Mrs. 1. N. Harris in CeT)- Crane. Bnnouncing the arrival of a daugh- field township, Mrs. Fra.nk Barsity of Minnesota won him mem- Korea, the Land of the Rising Sun. ~ ..... terv-ilJe, has returned to her home ·ter, Sandra Lee, at their home nett. of Hammon township, Mrs. Carl Smith, Mln18ter be l'~ hip in Phi Beta Kappa, and .Tohn Jack of Salem townshjp, Mrs in Corw1n. Perry Thomas, Supt. of Bible SaturdBY, Mareh 28. graduation in 1024 with distincLester Hljuse and Mrs.' Lucy WhitSchool ' Mr. and 'Mrs. J. C. Hawk spent tion. Q'h en f ollowed a period of Mr. Jack Fritz and little daughacre of Harlan township and Miss SuP day School 9 :80 a. m. Sllnday in Pleasant Plain, the two yenrs in study at Harvard ter, of Charleston, West Va., ar- Marie BenhBm of Union township. Communion 19 :'6 .. m. " guests of their lon-in-law and wher he received his master's rived Monday for a two-weeks' ----.~ . Sermon 11 a. m., daughter, Dr. and Mra. Ralph degree in 192(;. visit to Mrs. FJ:itz's pBrents, Mr. Fut'ther graduate studies have John Starr, of near Wayn esville and Mrs. W. P. Salisbury. IWAYNESVIUoE CHURCH OF Vance. brought him the degree of baehCHRIST The Soil Conservation-Domestic suffered the loss of three fingers Mrs. Myel' Hyman, 'Who has Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Ma:inous Oar1 Smith, lIinl.t.r been staying at Maple Lawn hotel, whEn his right hBnd was caught clot' of acred theology a t. Boston Allotment Program which replaces and children, of Hamilton, and Mr nf Th eology in University School the TripleA pJ'ogra ms is . n ow Not A Denomination Martinsville, Ind., the past week,. in a shredder. and Mrs. Henry P ennington , of The accident occurred at the 1928. and the degl'ee of doctor of ready to be presented to the Harvey Hole, superintendent. expects to return home Sunday. Ferry, were callers at the home of , fa rmers of Warren county. Harry Shaw farm near: Oregonia ph\lo "o ph~ in 1931. , !l ;a(), devotional service, 8CripMr. and Mrs. Ray iMainou8, Sun-' The Woman's F4)reign MissionL. B. Hall, of. Columbu a~ of mcetings al'e being A ' s eries Mrs. where Starr il! employed. He WII 'ture, prayers and Gospel ,hymns. day af~rnoon. · Society of the Methodist 'nry was the gUelt of ber parents, Mr. hold this week on the following taken to Blair Bros, hospital, Leb. 10 to 10 :30, Bible · meeaa,ge; and Mn. HarlJ McGinnis, over anon, where i t WBS found three dates. Mr. and ·Mrs. W. F. Clark are chu.rch met Wednesday aftersubje~t, The Pown of the Blood. fingers were so badly crushed that • 10 :30 to i 1, Bible Ichool, leI- the -week-end. Miss Ruth Cha!', ' of Cedar- Friday, April a-So uth Lebanon, receiving congratulations On the noon at . th1l home of Mn. amputation WB S necessary. SOn text, Jesus invites all people-ville spen t the w{lek-end at the Twp. House, 1 p. m.; Springboro, birth of a grBndson, born to Mr. ' Rllssel Frl/.n·k with Mrs. Karl Mrs. C. E. Norris haa returned High School Auditorium. 7 :80 p. apd Mrs. Everett J . .Clark at Day- Bodenbender and Miss Helen Luke a: 15-24. Golden text, to her home in Bloomin/rton, Ill., Home. ton, on March 27. Hawke assistant host esses. "Come I for all thin,. are now att.r a two-w.ek.' villt with Mr. Mrs. Howell Pierce and 'Miss m. The meeting was 'c&1led to Saturday, April 4 - Morrow, togeth(~r with 'Mrs. Cla-ra Lile, read,.' t;'uk. a:17. ud Mra. 1. P. Larrick. Miss Henrietta McKi-nsey, of order by the president and thi. 1 p. m.; HarveysSchool building, Curtis Tomlinson smd MI'S, L. M. 11, Lord'. Supper. . the Aehtabulll school", Is .expected's missi<}iary lOng was lunar. Mt. and ~ra. Phil Zept and Mr. H enderson were in Dayton Thurs- burg, High SchOol, 7 :30 P. m. 7 p. Chrlttt.n · Endeavor. hom~ SBturday to apend the spring Mrs Dibe rt d!i'nducted the steward. 6 Franklin, M"onday, . April subject, Jlow ,Give Ounelve. to and Kr•• Ra7 W • .Lanar, of . Cinday. vacation with her mother, Mrs, ship program, using 8.8 her subject, . I cinnatl. w..... SurlCt.~y p~te Ch)'ist, Actl I: 87-41. Mr. and Mrs, Mlllynard .Barlin ~merican Legion Halll 7 :30 p. m. ' !'The Sharing Life". The subject Township Comm.itteemen will Allee McKinsey. ~pril 2-Serving God With were Tuesday callers' of their , 7 :'6, evanrellatic'mHlare: Why Mr. and Mn. Georr. J. Smith. ~ be elected at thet!e meetings. aunt, Mrs. AdB Jenkins. M1'8. Walter Sheehan and !jon of t he devotionals, all!lo coducted Not a Mrs. Earl Thomu, of Socia) WJbat ~e Have. . April 3-T~e DIfference Christ Miss Clara Lila, accompa.nled Warren , Mrs. Elmer Sheehan, iMl'S by Mrs. Dibert, was, "The Word Th-e Master's invitation is to I Row, the runt of IIr. and of the Lord Came." SALlSBU R:Y:-McCLU RE Carl Croll Bnd !tOn and Mrs. Anna Mllade. I I W II W· h Th 'I by Mrs. W: H. AHEm, was in Dayeeeh of us, Upon the resPj)nee de- Mrs. Elmer Sheehan Tuesday even HIUt A pr 4- s t e After the business session tbe It ton Tuesday. . Sheehan visited Mrll. Lillie ' Sheependa our ete~nal destiny. inr. Relatives and friends of W . han, who has been ill, at ROxanna, fo llowing program prepared by Mrs. How(!l1 Pierce, Mrs. L. M. . April I)-Mo rhin~ : Th e Power We invite all people to these . Mrs. Conner was enjoyed: services. ' . Mrs. Cora Bakel' and Mr. and of the Blood; eve~lng: Why We Hender on, Mrs. J. L. 'Mendenh1l.1l. Clark Salisbury, youngest son of Friday afternoon. Song, What a Friend We l\frs. Curtis Tomlin,son s hopped in Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Sali sbury have lira. Kenneth Kerr. of Wilmington Are Not a Denommatlon.. . in Jesus. received anllouncement ot his F.' C. Hartsock and fa~ily of Apr~ 6-~ Duet at Mldmgh~ incin[lati Tue!\day. ~A YNESVIUS . . lL CHURCH w~re pesta of ~n. Ida Stokes and R.eading, Sisterhood of Service Th marriage to Miss lr ene Elizabeth Milford Bnd Mr. and Mrs. RonBld . R••• G. C. Dlbbto Pallor Aprd 7e Man Who SaId Mr: Nannie l~lorellee, Mrs. Mrs. "da .Courtn~y, Bundaf. . Sunday: Sunda; .&bool at 9:,30 Goodby to God. Rebecca Hughes Miss Kate Hun- McClure, daugh~r of Mr. and Mrs Hawke Bnd Bon Frank, were Sun- - Mrs. J. W. White. ' . Charles Wbttaket', 'Of Ohio StBte Duet. Passjon~Mrs , Ira Brown, a. 'Dl/o Momitlg 'Wo~hip at 10:40. April 8- According to the Bible tingto and Mt.' Bill 'Huntington E. O. McClure of ChBl'I~!lton, W. day guests of Mrs~ 'Edith Harris Mrs. J, W. Lotz. ~ext Sun~ay be PalIn Sunday University, and M.redith Whit- is Sprinkling Baptisn:? of CO~~bUS, were glJests of M~: Virginia, which took place in and Harris Musher. \ and the .ermon .ubject will be. Her, of Witten be...., Ipel)t the Charleston Saturday, February 29 1 M d M T Ii La Stories from a Lillia ~ote book Watch next ~eek s issue to r Howell Pierce Sunday. week...~d with their paNlLtl, Mr. other announc ements. r. ~n l'S. o. Bn . . wson -Mrs. Martha Hough, Miss Helen Mr. and Mrs. Salisbury will re"Palma tlf Victol'7." Mr, John GaithE!r of Cincinnati CharI es t on, w hel'e the i entertamed the . followmg 'd . Epworth Le.cue at 6145 wit.h and .Mra. Walt.r .Whitaker. d F 'd M ' d Mat Hawke. and Mis~ea Alice and Lila Hall of 81 e In . • ---. former is connected with the car s rl ay eventng~ l' Bn 1'1 Duet, We've A Story to Tell to Mary Eva LeMay .. leader. BOYS NOW DEMAND Dayton, called on 1 ;heir aunt, Miss l Kn. Loui. Fir.s, l.cturer for r . and 'MMn. I the Nation- Mrs. Br~n, MrS. Carbide & Carbon Chemical Henry HWach~makn, MM At 7 :30 P. m. we will hold a W.a7DeavUl. Farmera' Grauce, HOME ECONOMICS Kate Hall on Sunday. Harold Ita er, r. an d n. Lo'. Yel'7 spec!1al m~ar. The Fir.. w.. iD OolllJDba lut week attad, M d ' Wo. . Mr, and ]\frs. Spencer Morris of Company. -... He rbert MeredIth, r. an Mrs. The Society adjo\ll'lttd to meet family orchMtra wUI lumiah Remember when boys in home DaytQn and sons R~ymond, of inI a abort ooune lor Il'aQe CRANGE NOTICE Clarence Edwards, Mr. and Mrs' . with IM n. J. B. Crabbe in May. special mlJllc aDd th. _or lect1lren at Dblo State Univentt, .conomlc. cia.... were "sissleIl1 " Fetty and Howard, of Cincinnati, Lawrence Brown, and Mr. and Mrs • _ ••~_ _ apeak on the ohject. of, Times have chanled, it seems, called' on Mi ses ~lnnie U.. and Leonard ~inney. , DEATH ~I_1 G d at ter- F At tbe regular meeting of Corner Stone. of We... and -... Mal'7 A yce or 9n, 'Mame T. Brown SandllY ' G Sat d I-ht Nm waU Wq . ''PuaIoD ICI_I at g :80; MnDOIl ad Hoi, Fo.wrla hlab "hool teacher now noon. Mrs. Robert· Munrer ent.rtaiDed armers ranee ur a, noa W"k," 'We wiD hold two •.,.01&1 Comanaioa at 10 :80. Fun.ral Ier'IIoet IO.r iJn, Ba" . . . . olau of 41 junior and ~JliOl' Prof and Mrs. of the ftrst aDd .econd degrees will be a .roup of friend. at a . quDtbIa ..mce&, oa Weda""'" at Apt'll 10-G00d FrIday, Three- bo,. taldnr hom. economics. ·Wedn.lCIay. An cUl!- tie Welch, whole IIeath ..,1IIfttl mlnJrton College on Ada H: conferHcl. • _ ..._ - 7:U p. . . the other on hoar aervic. &om 11 o'c1oe1E. noon ner w.. "ned at noon to lin. , 8ano, &t her lao.. .. ··aIlinGII. &be fa aclM4uled to tell of her J enkins W"a til. . . . to I p. 111. Addie Smith, liN. ~I. . . . . . at the WOI'k with bo,. Saturay, in a talk - ~ :ie--npri AD .... weieeate. Aaclenon, lin. JuUa ........8tt. before the Ohio HO'" Beoaomica Oftr a period .. . . . .,tu. wU1 .. III tIM Omlle Qnr, lib. Bow ~oa at O. S. U. _altan.· beat price for ..... B. . . . . . will be Hid tIaat 1I &rut ....1J Sep:teJD~~r.



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MrSSIONARY SOCIETY MET WITH MRS. RIGGS ,;i~!.m~~t~. th~h~;:::f ~:~s::












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Friend,' Ho:me News







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county merlc.n tetrlon. pr.llnt pUet, ,7.19: Eut lid al CQ.. awards to Mary Ev Lto May and coal, ,9; Na"ow Oolortype Co .• Carol Ludingt.<>n from the Junior r d r ftector buttonl. taO.38; Th high and Ruth Salisbury and Roy Holtbaus Transportation Cu Crockett from the lIenior hiR'h 'for (rleight, ,1.92; York: Supply Co:: .-..-...-.~ -----~.~-, Wl'iting the best C eaYII on "Aml)-riparts, $29.6'; Klinger-Dills Co., Cle. Club. Pre.ent Operetta Otht'r melnbers or the glee clUb ·'THE HOME OF CIFTS" enn Redtag ." ,8.27; Cincinnati II Worlcs parta, , , - - - .- • fOlllWd the ch I' U groups of gei"Hearts or lIumallity" woo Common pie•• Proceediftl • $3.I5; Gulf R fining Co gasoline, ril" h,'~ nlHI J.rll'!~ gl\,t c1ub>l , :-hlt girls, mH!n Am rleans and apollsofl!d F'riduy by tho juniors Lebanon, Ohio ---...--gaMline, $6.67; John Law &: o~t •,r 111\' hj~h ~ ·h.It,1 pr('~l·ntl'll IIHil' l dan or" g , and Mr. Garst, which everyone Kenn th LnSelir, faml'er, of supplies and gUijolino, $11.63 ~ In the case of the tall' ot Ohio EXPERT WATCH nllll I .'p~rdta. "lIli' hen),. lu~ic in t.hl' operet1.a njoyed. MOJ,I'ow nnd Mary Wheeler, Frank herwood Co., upplie l111d RE PAIRING VCr. U G. W. Lee. hlan, the dcfenhloss\ln,:' in the l'ymnn ium . on dirl'cted by MI'. Frank, the dramathouilekeeper, 0 '( Morrow. gasoline, 120.13; Compton Garage Tue.dny lind \Vedne .10), "'('nlllA''' ic~ by Ir. Brown, and the dllnces April Calend.r dant wns 1'~I(!llsed ~pon his 0\\'11 aenlli K ~lIy, III 1:1(\ er of Mor- I~bor and g. oline, $31.41; Robt. l OD1, Ge,nuiDe Mat.ri." .. r I"~l \I,' k. by Mi~s Smith. }Ii, ROe and MLs Friday, April a- Athletic ban- recognizance. . I'OW IInri Ii s Rhoda Joh~son, 'of S. Gardner, &:,asoline, $18.8{); CinPrompt Service . l'oh..-t't Walt S(,Ol'\'-d n decided Campbell \I' 're assistant. coaches. quet; ei~ hth grade State teats. --Lebanon. cinnati Oil Work, gaaolin , $81.86 Itt"S I'll'. play~tl Iht' pal·t ,.If ! Adwrtil;-ing was in charge of Thursday, April 9- portsman . N~.. Suib Store open until !) p. m. Colline Grocery, toad, $28, 0; " .. kl'lt1fl. T Ill' uult'n,'1' 1I" .s kept IJI Emlyn Furnas, Ruth 'SaU !Jury ship. Brother'hood meeting. The Motual Building and Loall Myer Hyman, clothing, $1':98; R. l'111~t!\Ht 'hm·klt·· "VN hi ar.l~nt l and Harol!1 Alld<lrson. with Mr. Friday, April 10,- Good Frlday ompany filed III 8ui~ against Thel Rut E.tate Trall.fe... ~ It"lIIl'l' h. mastel' t~e English F('rguson se-rvillg as business man- a sembly. mil Gay, et ai, ( t money, for EIi~ab(!ib :lnd EdWard SCQtt to H. J~ne ~ , foo d, $4; Mason rGA 11l 11 !!1It11{~ •• htl l hr~ 11 , 1I11th deliCt' :I'S airel'. tage ~e lting~ w ra Illude by Tuesday and Wednesda , Al)ril closure of mortgage and equitabLe Ol'thn Bryant, 55.67 aores In' U'I- Market, food, 4i7.20; Bush's Ask for a tore, food, $4.76; W. II. 'B 'rger, lJlurh \l1'lh" for hl'T \\ urk as i\ll s~ L ('o ('anD r Bern rd Melloh Milo 14 nnd 15-Senior class play. relief. i n town hip. food, $12; Columbus lallk Book hI rr~·hlu. :\101. [)ollnhl . li'.lU l\..s 'l1:utsollk, ;nd Prances W~tkins. Miamisburl Permanent A suit was fiI d hy lara Wil,lil\ll ltlcBurney, decca ed ' to Wednesday, April 16--Warran carl kd llc pa rt· of John H 111I'Y Member of the office practi e /)un~y Schoolmasters' club. Jones against Tom J. Jones for William J. McBurney, 7 nere; In Ug. Co., ttanscriptaJ ~3; ' . 1. Ccmcrete Valld rbrink, services as brick ~ lI1it h, 11\)(1 i' to ,bl' highly compl!· cia. served 11 ' ush ' r~ and hau Turll reek town!!hip. }"riday, April 17- Wayne Town. (,ivorce. The chnl'ge is goros ma so n, $26; John Law &; Sond!,a!!, n."o I·d tnr .hi~ "('Il·trn~· al f the c!t arlte (1£ printing' tickets and ship trnck elimination. Air Seal Burial Vault Ieee of duty. ' Leander utton and Jo ephine Ihl'u. LII:'ITll r Eal'nlt, rt had fho pl'ogram s. Jean It Wil on occomaturday April 1 ~ S nior -----. utton . to George H. Sima, real grease and kerosene, 68c; ShaftFor Sale only by ztw, brick, $26; Van Camp StQne rli!!i<'ult 1' 0 1 o( T (lj::I' 'ivinll Cun. panied tb operetta at the piano p·rom. r Probate Court ~tate In L'Bbanon. 0., gl'avel and !:land $44.80; Acm ner, a~ .) ~.s i a V.lnd rpool anti hoth nights. Mr. A. B. Cleaver sup Your Funeral Director ~atul'day, April 18- ScholarMonis L. Nixon filed hi appli- Esther Starbuck, et a], to Edwin Plumbing . Supply Co., plunlbing Frank L Mny. n ~ H em'), Fo, tl!r ('rvised the lighting a:nd helped to bip te$ts. cation for the appointment of a P. tarbuck, teal cstate in Turtle supplles, $260.78; J'illno8 F ollen = r C IH'~, fur .. flW 1I1'1'ange the stage. ,. i 'h~d' mnteria l Tuesday, April 21 - Wayne guardian of Eva Irene tewart, cree,k to, nship. . McClure Funeral Home service as janitor, $15; Pen~ o.\(\ t1wr lov o atrni.r \ llich \'\ as To~ship musi.c festival. alleged insane. Mary B. Dawson to Frank 1\1. hrought to II happy ~n ding. Tre ':ol't~n. rvices as janitor, $tOO; PbOD.7 A .. embly FrJday, AprIJ 24-Junior il.nd . In the matter of the estate of Bolden and Davi J ean Bolden ~omment , Specialty Co.., SUll~I\'r Hardin, 11'> Jllmes Young, and ' Firman D. Corwin, deceased, solo ro~l estate in ,Franklin. ' plies, $11.27; C. Donald Dilntush L.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ senior banquet. An 3S embly was cnlled 0'0 Fri. Wi lton Hn d:utk, as Horacc Vinnie R. Rhoad!! and Sarah E , Of property is ordered. rent of office, $20; ' Lingo Ha.rd: :!:=============:;:::~== W.H·thin!?tol. . nrril!d the more day, larch 21, to have Mr. OakThe a..b,b ..11 B.lI Ballq\let The inventol'y of Walter C. Eal'nhnrt t Elwood Ault, 229.111 the W~n'en man, omma' n der of ware Co., smoke, for Memserious parts. This FrldllY evening the junior hamberlin, eXI!cutOl' of the estate acr s in Tunlccreek town hip. orial Hall, 81ic; The Book Sl\oll and senior high schOOl teams will of J oseph . Chamberlin, decea!!€<.l EI Ie G. Brit kney to Qj·nce. V. ledger and diary, 70c; SChiJling'~ be honored at a banquet by their was approved. Millet', l' a] e~tate in Clearcrce-k Grocery, merchandise, 60c; Trusfaculty, fellow stud nts, parents The inventory of E]wood All It, town hip. tees Df Public Affairs, gas and and fan. executor of the e tate of Aooie Lylub May Wells to Donald light, $6.78; Brawn & Bunnell, Th~re will b pI nty of good L. Ault, decca ~!d, was approved. plinkJe and Mabel prink Ie, real coal, $12.88; W. C. Turton, coal, foo'd and e~tertainm nt. If you Earl Robertson was appointed tate .in · },·runklin. $48.74; Lewi &; Drakej Inc., eoal are a friend of athletics you ,administrator 01: too estale of EmBertha Himes to , EarJ and Vivo. $32.04; Helen Doughman, board should attend the banquet. ~r. 'IN rnn A. Robertson, deceased, and ian Frost, real state in Union and cau, Olifford Doughman, $7. FOR AND COH.5IGN O. Neff, principal of Miamisburg filed bond of $1,000 with sureties. township. .he~p anel calv.. Mrs. Ira Eltzroth, board and ",""..,." ."ur high school and a member of the J. B. Rich, Robert Strouse and A]ex Ludlum to Geor~ ' and Alice Starkey, $lI; James Moore live wire aDd the blPSouth-We wrn District Athletic Roy Lucas wel'e apPOinted up- ~l'lte Amos Jackson 72.50 acre board and CIl1'e. Lucy '}[ooye, $6; Ift'·" ...,......I1,.. good Ierne•• Board of ContrOl will be the prin - praisers. in ulem town!!hip. . Mra. Elmer Lacy, board and care Ciacl. . . O. cipal speaker. He wi)) also award ERrl Robertson, admini:trator Emma R. Robel·tson. deceased, Frank Lacy, $5; Mrs. Lu'l e GabIn on Radio Station' WCKY the district c.hampionshil;l trophy. of the estate of Emma A. Robert-. George Robertson, 42.62 aCre\! bard. board and care, Lincoln Gab :25 to 12 :30 p. m. for oar daO, market r.porta. . Anot~er ' feature of the evening son , dece-aaed. filed her inventory. rn Wayne town hip. bard, ,5,- -___ 4._ __ WIll be the awarding of letters to The will of Charle L. Willi!!, Ada ~rost to Euel Frost, real both ball teams, cheer leaders decea ed, was admitted to COUl't. e tat in Union township. Edwin C. Hogreoo to Harriet F. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT r, managers, and the soft ball team.' The inventory of France Weber and Florence Clol'telyou, adminis- Hogreb , rea] e tate in Hamilton - : Thl .... Grad. N_. tratrices of the estate of Harry township. Estate 01 G. Frank Rogers, dece sed. ' NeW8p~pe 'r Perfect spellers in t he t hird Sprong, deceased, was aPPl·oved. grade; M8l'ga~et. Isaacs; fifth In the mattetl of the estate of Bill. Allow.e1 Notice is heftby given that grade, Helell ..Hiaey, Ellen Moss, Mary B. McClure, deceased, sale Collins Grocery, food $34.80:. Meta I. Rogers whose Post Oftlce J.ean Hartsock. lIarie Lamb, Lan- of bonds is ordelred. W. W. Cline, food, $87:75; East Addre s i. WaYl\eBvi!Je. Ohio, R. .. sing Rardin, Jane Hartsock. G. Frank Rogle rs, ad mini trator ~nd Coal Co., fuel, $19 .50; E. H. R. No.2, has been duly IlPpointed l:JBR~d an offer that will appeal to aU-American The second annual ma~ble with the will annexed of the es- Gloeckler. fOOd. $4; R. H. Jef- as Administratrix of the. E.ta,te of Boy Magazine and this newspaper at a ~ tournament gets under way at the tate of Annett Rogers, deceased, fede , f ood, $11; Ray Kautz, G. F.-ank Rogerl late of Warren combination bargain trice. The American Boy IS 11M: grad,e building this/ week. Approxi filed his first and final accoJlnt. food, $4; H. E. &; H. D. McVey, Co unty, Ohio, de~eated. favorite magazine 0 more than 500,000 ~ aad mately one hundftd forty boys • Meta I. Rogers was ' appointed iood, ' $7.65; Mason loA Market, Dated this 24th day 'of ,March young men. Its fiction boys on the ·w .... of have signed for the event. administratrix o:f the estate of G. food, $14.60; Robt. Reichel, food 1936. ' Phone 78J . . Mivmture to all par1I of ~e world. Itl aportI ariida Frank Rogers, deceased, and filed $29.26; Ray Swigert, !Dod, $9.60; J. P. Hapner, Atty. by famous coaches and athletes are ICuc(ied by cbml· Sea,ior C.... Jlllay bond of $600 with sureties. L. W. Smith, food, ,6; Yo- Dayton, Ohio. pion.. Here you witl find the &neat Itoriel on .porb, . _ The inventory of Albert 1t1. cum's lore, No.6, food, $33.20; RALPH H_ CARET, aviation, bUJiness, school actiyitieB, humor, and tr.veL "Whispering Walls," t b e seni or Mossteller, adm~inistrator of tbe Ruby Van Riper, food , $30.75; P. ' Judge of the 'Probate Co .. ·t Even at ita regular price of $1.00. yeat', The ~ drama in - /' the a~tiOn tak~8 of Lola MossteUer, decea ed • C. H'ld I eb rant, food, $20.2 0; a2-9-16 Warren County, Ohio tclass hree play. act!!. illAlla mystery ~ estate was approved. Kl'oger Grocery &; Bilking Co., WOTARY PUBLIC can Boy is considered a bargain. But DOW you DUly obtain it and this new,s p8p£r, •••• place in an old "witch bouse" ;.ut •_ E ar1 R obel·tson, administrator of f 00, d ., 1I!116. 60 ; 0 tilia Shawan, 'Njcotine or pyrethrum . sprays Na.I. . . . .... outside of SB~m, Massachusetts. th h It ~ 0 The House, dating fro m the sevene estate of Emma A. Robertson, sSheelteel'r'" $'I'3~ E; Ma:"Yd LC' Cook, will control plant lice. Each 'In ed I tlm* Dra_ • • E.ta••• Se.tI.. t deceased, filed his application for " as.l:4n oal Co. t b h' . WAYNESVILLE century, forms an ideal set..- a certificate of The es- fu.el, '48.75; Homer C. Geol'ge: mus e It Wlth the spray or • OHIO tmg for the> play. Dean Mattox, ~ate ,:"a found to be exempt from m~lk, $6.65; Garrison's Grocery, enough will 8u~tO injure the POR ,AU DATES CALL played by Cecil Hutman, has mherttance tax. The admini tra- mIlk, $1.95; E. H. Gloeckler, milk plants. chosen the queer old place for his tor filed his affidavit of final settle I $1.96; Home Store, clothing, '5.~ nefarious work. It is well-chosen ment. 94; R. H. J elferies, food, $4.50; NOTU: G OF UEAItrNo for the legends that bav~ sprung Charles D. C()Ok, admini trator Lewis &: Drake, Inc., .fuel. ,9.66; O~e .. 2 u~ concerning it cause the house of the estat~ o~' Amos. (look, de- Morrow .Feed &: Supply Co., fuel, ( , lerk of ale. Letral e •.,. .. NSend Your Order To ~o be .hunned by those of the im- ceased, filed hiB inventory. $6.50 ; Pm Crest Farm, milk, $16. Ola. .1Julf, 0 ..... 1T, 1 ..... m1!diate '" Mattoneighborhood_ lt.'. ",dgar EVans and Bertha Hal- 65 ; R 0 b t. Reichel, food , $9.60; JESSE STANLEY . I d ~B8soctate, Dr. Ros mer~ stead, executors of the estate of Mrs. Mar~ Richardson, shelter, $6' 'H •• no. N_ "rU•••••, ow. IRS P aye "¥ Earl Coftner. T>belma Obadiah Evans deceased filed L. W. Smith, food, $6" Sibcy'~ osmel' played . by Jl:ne Co a, k 18 . their inventory. .' 0 auy, . , ~aner the d ' ml'lk, $6.40; Horace EARL KOOGLER octo r's niece. S , e t8 an 1mIn tb~ matter of the estate of milk, $1.92; Ruby Van Riper, milk D.,to. PIa,.. por~nlt ~gUl'e In the plot, and is of IMalina Buffinger deceased sal~ and food, $14.36; E. L. Wilkersoo m'lk $3 16 K G specla lDterest to -Mr Hugbes " U . .'on .... pia ed b Vi .. • of personal property is ordered 1" • ; roger roeery & y ncent Griffy. . . In the case of Alton ' F. Brown Baking Co., food, $3; Mason MilI,-'ed bu ~ a:hd sB~r~nse Hatch, pla.y- administra.tor wilth the will annex- ing & Supply Co., fuel, $6.50; Ea':ha~ a 8 ury and M.arjorle ed to the estate o~ Andrew John- Wund Dl'Y -Goods Co., clothing 'd • ' are two ecoentrtc old son. dec.eaaed, v!rsus Ida Jat-vis ~3.96; Dr. James H. Arnold, medl• "' ...... _____• _ • w:-. ..... :~lrc.h mterested in ,PsychiC !e- et aI, R. C. B0178 Is hereby ap: cal services, $62.50 i Dr. S. L. eoce . Their ~a~owlOg .. expert- pointed guardian ad li tem of Relle Bu~kho;rt, mcdic~l services, $20; FOIt SALa Blau' Bros. Hospital. medical sers are at times, amusing. The Johnson, incompetent. 8e~v~ts ofB!he household, Mike The will of William Link de vicelil, $260; Dr. RoStl!!l M. Brewer !,ae.e-'=.!y u ....."uDn' FOR SALE-3 Brood Sows, to • ~ w anoy 19p, played by Albert ceJlsed, was edmitted to ~oU'rt: medical 8ervi,ces, $76; Dr. A.. D. farrow in June. Rhodes Bunnell . e!e ke and Ann Cran~, and Que- The widow, Elsil! Link, eiec~ to . Harv€y, ~edlcal .s~rvlces, '126 R. R. I, Waynesville. a~. , a very auperstitlOuS colored take under the will Elsie Link Dr. J ames V. 'Mulford, dental sel;oman, plared by Phyllis Collette, was appointed el(ec~trix, no . bond vice~, $33; Dr. Leonard Mounta, F.OR SALE--Fresh cow, J'erscy. S i:rm a rehef el~men~ from the b~ing required. Howard Monger, medical services, '20; Dr. J. D. , years old. J. H•. Sackett, R. R. 1 EI~~n8e:y dramatIc action. Frances IJessie aamlln and James E. Burke Spaid, medical servicCII, $10: Dr. a2 s JS p aya the part of JuUa. NeI- were appointed .Ilppraisers. Jll0 . Zettel! glasses, ,28; J. L. FOR SALE - Seed \lorn old BOo~ :~bfianceed OLaf. the truulnr Will J. Ranker" administrator of ~unn, serVices, $9.60; Blind .Penyellow, shelled, 95 % . or ' more mar Earnhart the estate 01 c.atherlne Ranker Slons, quarter ~ncH1IB March 81 . . y. an germination. ,S.OO~r bu. 'w. C. 18 cast 1~ the part 01 the strangoel' deceased, flied hi~ inventory • 1936, '56~.30; ~r8. Margaret Bergdall, Lytle. 112-9-16who clall.fys much of the my.tery , The will of Robert J Sh~whan Jones, beard and care, 01)1. Garthe play• ,. , d'lner, "6·..... J U1ia • surroundmg W deceased, wal wllitted .to probate 'I' , .,ul'l. SPECIAL SALE-Prima Electric be 0e are confident that thil will Stella M. Will" was appointed board and care, Vernon Holland. Washer. Cor.rurated' tub, larre n; of the malt thriUinr ana ell8cutrix of the le state of Chari.. $10; :Mrs. Oma Oeborl!e board and wl'ln,er ronl,' regula)' ,69.50 ramBtlc plays stared in the L. WillI, dectaseid. Glenn \ Haw- care: Walter Barlow . a1ld Frank 'Bel~r90'k-'Xelnla value. Special priCe '69.50. R. D. nbyne::iIl~l)'m. B. lure to keep thorne, Chris Dwinell and Judson Ballmger,' .$22: Columbql Blank Collett ,'Hardware, Phone 99R3 ;0 er. e or 16 of April ope~ Barger were nan;led appraisera. Book Mfg. Co., suppliea, '6.20; WaYbeavUle Ohio. .; tdh1s )llay. You certainly can t The estate of <latherine Ranker Stajtnlta Mfg. Co., supplies, all or to misa it• d eceased, wa. foulnd to be exempt '50' a. S on, gas aD d oil, " Jo) In L aw.. . ·SAtE-IIIU Seed Corn, from inheritance tax. $6.76; The Miami Gasette, tu variety Leam1nlr. gennlJlltion Cit'~. . . Club Helen I. Ea.Dbi.rt, executrix of notice.~ $5.26; EverybodY'1 Office 90 % or more. $5 per bd. Marvin . The meeting was caUed to' order the estate of JolW H. Bean, de. outfittel$, traDs~er binder and pen H..y R. R. a, Troy, Ohio, balf cils; $6.65.; Mlller-B,rya.nt--Pierce by the president. Afte~ roll call by ceased, filed her inventory. way 1>etween TIl!Peeanoe City ami Clifford Stitt,, 8'Uardian of Ruth Co., sUPpl~ee, '13; Stakalta )(1g. _,_....w.·.- Wat Milton, 'North off Route 71 Betty Braddock, the minutes were re&d: The program consisted of a Ann. Stitt. incompetent, flIed his Co., supphes, $48.&0; Co]umbul on Doll RO~d. . m26-aZ-9. Blank Book Mfg. Co., supplie. $62 play, Billy Xelloh and Dorothy second accQunt. Aaron Burti. Hallock, 'eX'ecutor 25; Cbss. Duke, CIl'epalr of tJP,e - ' Jll'()~hnat,ely FOR SALS-Whlte shelf paper, "" Hunter havi~ the leading paTta. lOe per roll, a~ the . Miami of the estate of E 'a nice B. HaUock writer, $10; Stanley Earnhart, P. We had three extra pupUa, JeanGazette oIBc •• 114., stamps, $9; The W.estem Star nette Kurfiss. Ruth Conner and deceased, tiled his inv~ntoi-y __ • Ilupplies, $39; John Law " SOD•• Alton Earnhart. rOR SAtE-blil... ,1:00 per ga. aud oil, antifreeZe and labor. !!1~,!I!~,r~a~~ ton. Doeldl, RoaDl1a anel WayPal'ker. The little. glrla came $64.16; Harley W. Brunk, lervices 1I...w. Pluta. ol-tf The entire elrbth, .'. &'l'!lde are from BellhroQk 8~!hooIB. We bave ,85; John S. Jone8, Supt•• board, PIPE, VALVBI &84 nTTlNG8 room care Chas. Armbrulter ,27 happy to announce that Mary Eva 46 pupils In tM ftl7llt grade now. for W....., a. .... Weill The Ohio Corrugated Culvert Co; leMay won first in tbe et,hth BprqIq. a.t.n baad ..... culverts, '136; John B.rr, .PAY. grade eStlay contett !riven by tbe ad SpraJ ,..,.. . . . . . . roll, $51.66; lobnlon Mlen, paJ' t~!~.!i ...t;b. Q SappJlea lowen' .. American Le!rion. Carol LudlnlSection one of ___ fttPIt......... roU, U.'; M. C. Foreman. )laJ ton receiv.d an aWlU'el .lIo. iii making cotton blb<Dk};ItI. Nonna roll, U20.95; Earl Suore, The perted lIIen. . In lectlon ~ Perfect C*o., Charte. roll, $96; V. II. Annltqe, II&Y were Anna M... Watkil1l and AdaII1I, Donald - , P.7 roll, ,10-4.20; Carl DaIdD, PaJ Wlhna Tho.... Dibert. reU, U89.80: H. 1.. SdlU71.., 8eetioa I baa be... ltud)'fnc pay roll, 0.0188 Boa_Ian, UJilvaftlljDe- hi Uta~t.aN. Par roll. It ,Kaapp, .....


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Cary'l Jewelry Shop













1,: -

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Centerville, Ohio



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----- - •.---



The Miami Gazette


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Quality ~ ..IDtiDI



.The MI_.I


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.1ItII .':



tion the .dlvlaion iI prepari nC to of thl'ir ('ommon Snell, of Cincinn ati, Id WIUI a week. nd a wace Beale for conserv ation of villitor at the 000 poundK dally, It aa - • women and minor worker s in re· 1 naturs,1 relourc es, hom(; of parents . Ahho\lg h th e pollu.tion problem was Aid. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY Mr -. Waller Clark arid Mrs. tail II l~1i8hment.s throuch out the I Thl' meeting . will Dr. C. G. Randall is confined '0 origina ted in Ohio a c,ntury lIponsored . by ago AliCe Clark were Dayton visitors , his room with grippe. Hi state for which a minimu m wage th Whento n club, an orgnniE many it was only two and a half yea ... atlOn ....... ---board N of nine 'meml,!ers will be of Columb us n~~uraJists 111 Entered at Po.torfl ae a t Way ... · 1 friends wish hint a and .~riday. ville. 01110, . . 8e<"n"d Cla .. lIaU speedy re- ago that an intensiv e effort to S.I..crlptioD Prlo_, , 1.10 a Y..r lected, three membe rs of which cicntisW. The Third group C)f the Ladies covery. MaUer combat it wall IItarted. It ia est!. will represe nt the employe1'S, three Aid will hold an .~8Ster market at Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Reason of • • will rep res ent employ e and three Lin~o's Hardwa re slore, L banon, Wayn esvlU were Sunday guests mated that a total of 2,700,0 00 pounds of acid from both aban • AP~IL 2, 1996 Slightly higher acciden t. fre· Saturda y mOI'Ring, April 11. will be citizens imparti al to either of Mrs. Sadie Reason . /.loned and nctive mines get Into ql,leney in Februa rr compar ed Mr. and side. Th dry clea.ning and laun· Mt·s. J. B. wore Mr, and Mrs. Walter Jordan the state's stream s each day, to the conesp ondillg month la~t cntertn in d at dinner Jone-!! Sunday , at enterta ined Mr. and Mrs •. A. Z. elry scalcs became operati ve July _ ••_ __ STABB ING T HE CON SUME R ycar but fourtec n lees fa.talities the home of Mr. and Mrs. Therle Hartsoc k and family of M ~lvin. 6, 1934, and since that time. the were reporte d last week in data Jones and sOn. NOTIC E OF APPOI NTMEN T division has cQllected $2,083 in Mr$. Malissa Curl 89 taken compile d by Supcl"intc\'ldcnt Mr. and MI' . Melvyn Swank nnd setil!usly back wages fot· ill e on lnilloy-e Satu~da s a.nd y has but is It'8 about time our legislat ors, who seem to be spendi n, a con. conduc ted twelve prosecu tions, Thoma s P. Kear". of the divigion childre n, of Dayton . spcnt Sunday somewh at improved at this timc. Estnt!\ of Emma A. Roberts on. slderab le part of their time in figuring new ways to increas e of safely and hygiene of tile Indur with their pal'cnts , MI'. and t>1 rs. the cost all ot which resulte d in favorab le decease d. • .. of living, did some thinkin g about the intere.s t of the consum ida I ommi sion o,f Ohio. There E. B. Longac re. er-of decision s. Nolicc is hereby given that Earl POLLU TION OF whom there are 125,000 ,000 in this country . were l2 ,92i injury and occupa . Mr. and Mrs. Ben Osborn moved Roberts .. on whose' Post Office Ad. .. • • OHIO STREA MS A numbe r of biJIs are now pendin g in COng'ress which, In sp1te dress is Wayn0E5ville, Ohio, R. R. ~f May 1 hus been designe d as the tiona1 disease claiti1ls and eighty· Monday t() llle Arthur Gre-en farm The battle against pollutio n in the disguises with which their propon ents attemp t to mask them, recI)rded with thc north of Lytle. No. S, has been duly n.ppointcd as WIll deadlin e for Ohio mercha nti to eight futalilie Ohio streams by sulphur ic acid hit the consum er right on the button -by indirec tly increas mmi iO(1 , Superin te n \d e n 1 Admini ~tl'alo r of the Estate 01 ing the submit invoice s On claims against Friends of Mrs. S. 11 . . BurllCt drainin g from abando ned coal cost of ' all the neceasi ties of life, ' as well a the luxurie s. KeArns ·aid. Emma A . Roberts on late of War· and hel' daught er, Mrs. Mil(h'ed mines i slowly making PJ;"OgN!! the F deral Emerge ncy Reliel lS, One thing the bills would do is to establi h and mainta in the p • • • ren, Count.y, Ohio, decease d. Surface , ure glud to know that aCCOrding to a state heaith lace Admini stration , which' is bing deof the middle· rnan in our comme rcial life, by legislat ive flat. Dir«:to r Jam es W. Miller Dated thi 20t-h day . of March, of the they are both much improved. Cer. disband ed, it was announ ced by partme nt report. An average of tainly the middlem an is entitled to exlsll, if he I!Ierves a useful and Dayton 1I. Fro t, Ohio FERA ~. State Depart ment IIlf Liquor Con . Mrs: Margar et Johns wus a Sun· 60 abando ned mines are being 1{)96. necessa ry functio n in the distribu Uon schem _but it's rather di1. ministr ator. There arc approx i· trol announ ced that the state' net day dmner guest of Mr. and Mrs. sealed each month, and . the sul. Jam es E. Burke, Atty. ,flcult to Bee just wha.t justific ation there is in p88sing a law that RALPH H CAREY , makes mately $100,00 0 in outstan ding profit in liqUor sales from.. Jan. Allen ·Emrick .' phul'ic acid drainin g into the Jud c of the bills held against the FERA in 1 through Febru81-Y ~9 totaled $1, UB pay for his work whethe r we need it ot- not. . Probate Cou"t Mr. and Mrs: .william Creighl n streams has b~n Teduced by 165, m26.a2 -9. . Ohio and less than tliree months 161,532 .50. "The .ligures show," we~ Dayton Warren County , Ohio VISItors Tuesda y. Pas-age at the bills would likewiso make illegal money- saving remain ing to comple te the Iiquida . Directo r Miller asserted "that the MISS Margar et ~bys of Waynes mercha ndising practic es that matte it pOBBible to distt:i~ute and e.l; ting activiti es, Admini strator departm ent was reaJizi~g a net vi 1.1 was an over night guest of goods cheape r to the public. Eyeryb ody wants n,tercba ndlsln lr to be d :al Frost asserte d. Althoug ll the profit from liquor !,ales in stores, M1SJ! G?neva Routza hn, . Tuesda y to nil-bu t is it necessa ry to plunge the knite of legislat e h III' FER A ba8 on numerOU$ occasions agencie!l and wareh,ouscs of $130, RelatlVcs here ~ecelved an· prices into the Jiloor consum-er to acbleve that? I d. d to h request~d Ohio mercha nts to pre-- 793 weekly during Februar y." He n~uncement of the birth of a son A" a matter ·of fact; billa of this ~lrI;d a~e al es~gne c li,ent claims many have fail-ed to do pointed out that since the elltab. Richard Thom$S, born t.he law of 8upplf and demand , . stra)lgl e 1,D1tiatlve and kIll :ree to Mr. Dnd p c<!m ; so and it was decided that an Lishment of the d~pll'l·tment profltc; 'Mr . Ev rett Clark, 01 Dayton , tition. That baa been tried many time8 tn the P;8t ~n~b t :.I~ons e um abaolut e deadlin e would have to of $5,S60,OO~ havla been trans. Frida~, March 27, at Miami -simp ly a word for all the people--;-ha always 00. e e l Vall y . be set. After .May 1 bills against ferred to the state tl'ea 'ury for Hospita l. ,. . the FERA will be sent through the paymen t of old ng pen ion ~ Mr. Kennet h Flte, Just home - - - ,- - - - - - .from t he Navy vi iting his parents Washin gton office, a proced ure Repol"t$ from co,unty agricul Mr. and Mrs. John Fite, at Blue which will require conside rable tural agenta in Ohio show tha.t a Ash, . Ohio, was an overllig ht time before settlem ent is made. ~----------- '-----: c:---- --' Ohio penitAmtiary Inmate s joined more g~neral uSe of treatme nts uest Monday at the ho~ ot Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Longae re. 8 :00 Music and weathe r forecas t. . d f Oh· . for the control of paraslte a of Mr. and Mrs. Raymo nd Harsh· , nar· with thousan s 0 8 :05 Maple Produc ts, an Early 011'10 Indb8tr y- H. E. Eswinc loans In sheep would increalle the income • giving relief to the Ohio River ba.rger 01 Lebano n were Sunday ~ f~om this class ot Ii~tock in thi rator, ' b section of the state. Wa.rde n alterno on guests of Mr .. and Mrs. 8:16 A Visit with Crawl'.0rd County 4-H C~l1bs--4.H Club mem era James C. Wooda rd reporte d that S. H. Burnet t and laPlily and Mrs d ·lrected by RUlls n 'Miller, county agent, Bucyru s. --. ~--Alice Clark. many of the inmate s denied them PI);! N('IAI, Rr~ I 'OIII'l' OF 8:40 Nutriti on Note_ Miss Alma Garvin, e1ttension nutriti onist.. selves the use of tobacco , contec. . f th nOAIIO ()J.' )OJOe 'A1'lON TIlE There was a meeting 8 :50 New t Varieti es ot Garden Vegeta bles-H . D. Brown, 0 e horticu l. tion8 and other "luxuri es" for a F .... .," .",,1 LytIe M. E. church board Tuestitre departm ent. ear F..,u .. "" U""e.t. .1' day and contrib uted the money day evening at the home of Mr. :11_" WIlli 9:00 Increall idg Paiture Yields by Contro lling Grazing- D. R. Dodd, they would nave otherw ise spent 1'1 .. ",,1 .. ')'''",n"b ll' IIt.... 1 , ~I.o.. 1 Illa- and Mrs. Stanley Bailey. 'rl~ •• " 'arre. eo ..... ,. extensi on acroDo mlat. to the Red Cross fund to aid lIood Mrs. Allen Emrick , Mrs. Harvey 9 :10 Music. Burnet sufferer , Mrs. Mal'gar et Johns, Mrs s. The peniten tiary dona. 9 ;25 Anllwe rs to Fatmer s' QUHtlo ns--dia log. ! e, tion amount ed to approxim~tely n""eno E. B. Longac re and M1'8. J. ,B. Tllxl}..-.l..ocnl J.e,,~' (~X lu. 9 :30 Court Trial of Scrub Dalr, Bull-t affl memberl!l anima] husban . $100, Ww4en Wooda rd said. IIlve of ~ . U5 mills Jones attende d Achiev ement Day dry departm ent. l~vy) .•• • .. . •.....•. • , • • • J'ruoc('d!l of /IIslr but Ion ~,7G7.3~ of the horne demons tration groups 9:65 to 10 MU8ic and weate r forecas t. ot 2.C~ II1ms I vy ... .. • ~82.02 of Warren county Edward S. Thoma s, at Lebano n Town han Friday. I I1ssl!1 cO Propel'l~~ writer and curator of Ta.x es .... ...... ..... 8 3.20 history for the Ohio State A Inll'r 8t tram Stale on Irr du Ihle Debl .. .. ,. 29.U a logical and Histori cal Society , Renta.l frC)m Scbool has been named general chairm an Gym • • , ...•• . • . .. ,. . . . . O~ .2 G Oep altory lnlere.t . ... , 38. 20' of a commit tee which will ar· • late Aid The many friends of Dr. W. E. tor Educatll)nnl 'EIjUn1l2utlon ..... .. .. ,O.9G .00 Oglesb ce will b~ plHsed to rlUl&e a state- ide meetin g of learn TUition !!her.... , ' 900. represe ntative s of natural ist organ Ol. lricts(rom ........ 0 that he is improv ing alter a COLUM BUS - Predict ion that the preB~nt time about 13000 Voeatlonll'l Edu('alloll fl l1<1 8uch izations ift Oolumb us late ill April Sf1riOU8 illness. Hehll.bllh.lltlon Cor D uf, more th~n 100,000 women and worker s are protect ed in G h Ijl1nd tlnd for the purpose 1'1111'11 d eMl · of formin g an the Mrs. Howard ra am . enter-. Choose Mqu inc8 FrJ)m This List dren from tilt .. "noil U. childre n will have the protect ion laundry alld dry cleanin g indus. Ohio fedcrat ion 01 tamed quite a na,tural ist numbe S. aov r of ladills rnrnent ........ , IOl.OQ of wage scales establl8hed bp the tries. A miJl1mum w~ of from groups. The action is being taken LIquid Fllel al\il <!nl <!s a card party last Friday Tn.x .. .. ........ ..... . $ 4,391. 62 with nl'ght. minimu m ware division of the ,6.26 to ,10.50 a week 10r a as the result of many request s O~her Ta.nglbl e- Tax . . . • 20 •. 34 GB01JP A. GROUP B State Depart ment Qt Inciustd al Ifl'oup of approx imately 35.!,000 from bird study societie s and Mrs. Laura Select I map.aI.IJM Tot.... 1 ~t venue .... .. 'I ,901.30 Shidak er W88 8eIeat 1 marasma . Relatio ns by August 1 W88 made employ es in hoteD and reataur anta various natllre groups to co·oper · ~o n - lt r'·@... u~1 ( ) AmerlC&ll Boy, 1 yr. ( ) American Bruit Grower, 1 yr. So.l or honda ... . .... ' 21.000.QQ hostess to the Women 's class of by Mis E laine W.Scl 1eftl er. of Ohio will be recomm ended nexj; ate their efforts. in matters of e ) Better Home• • Gardens, ( ) The Countl'lt Home, 1 yr. Ac Urt, ,1 hH " re~: In the M. E. church last Thursd ay l yr. ( .) Oloverleat Review, 1 yr. a nlla ~lol •. , . . . . . . . . . 254.33 1evening . supeti1 \tenden t 9f the division . At week, Miu Scheme r aaid. In .ddi· educa.tion and in the further ance ( ) American Poultry ,Journal, Ral .s at 'f"xt .Ilq"ks ..•. , . ]01.94 e ) ChrIatl u Herald, II moa. 'II H "tVE'~' 8l)U rg ·a t • .B .nk 1 yr. ",.rs. R ose Carr h b een qUI'te ( ) J'lower Grower, 8 mol. lOB d ........ ....... , 122. -;9 poorly for several asweeks e ) Farm Journal . 1 yr. . with ( ) McCall's Kagul~. 1 yr. ( ) GeDtiewomaD lIaguln e,l yr. . TOlal Non·lle.-"nu,e . . • 2 I.H9.06 lumbag o. -- - STATE ( ( ) ) Midwea Good Storlet!, t Goiter, 1 yr. limo OHIO .. ._ .- .( ) Home Clrde. 1 yr . Tota l nf'C~Jpt@ .. .. .... .. . • ~0.3io. 36 ( ) Movie ClaMlc, 1 yr. Severa l ladies from bere at· DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS HOlDe J'r\end. 1 yr. Oa l,. ...... h •• 1I~1li, ( ) Pathfln de~ (Weekly ). 1 yr. tended the Achiev ement ) Houaebold Magazine, 1 yr. meeting Geneml r,·und . . '. JOHN JAml, • .• OIII(TO I 4.72 ( )\ Pictoria l. Review ) Needlec . 1 yr. raft. 1 yr. a~ Lebano n last Friday and reo Totnl Balance ~ .. ,. . , ( , Parent'. Kagulfl e, II mOB. ( ) lllla-rtlated Mechanlc•• •l yr. 4.13 ported a fI ne time. . ( ) ( Kother ) RolDan ·. Home Ute, 1 yr. tle Btoriel, 1 yr. Total n C IiHa and ( ) Ohio Farmer . 1 yr. Mrs. Mary Tucker and family ( ) Sliver Screen, 1 yr. Balanc .. ..... . ... ",1 6,08 ( ) JilucceAful Fanning . 1 Yr. ( ) Screen Play, 1 yr. A-PEH l'i NAr. I;It;;HV1I I': : spent Friday night. and Saturda y , ( ) Poultry Tribune, 1 yr. " . ... 1.. 1111 ... 110 _ ( ) Sporu Afield, 1 yr. . OUTSIDE MUNICIPALITIES at Walhon ding. l'>lemherM . Bonrd r ( ) Plymoutb Rock Mont~1I1 ( ) ;Roult!l)old Maguln e, 2 yra. £J:du atlon ........ ... , . flO.OO 1 yr. JANUARY • TO DECEMBER ,. Mr. and ' M rs. Carroll ( ) True Smart Conte'lI lon •• t yr. Clerk .... ,....... ... . $ e ) Woman's World.. 1 yr. 18.8 I n . tl'lI4I·. ' ''n_ . 176,00 enterta ined compan y 0'0 Sunday . ( ). Womu' . World, 2 Yl'll. . ( ) Leghorn World, 1 yr. Prlnclplea, Teacbers. • Friends ' Monthl y meetin g was etc. . ........ ....... 'lO.79~.GO .=J~~'¥l~~~ , n _ _ .__ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O p.,.... tln .. ...,1 I'llan heM at t he Friend' s church last 9240 ACCID ENTS Jnnltore, ~ngln ers lIndt~ Other }~mJlloY\l8 .... . , . 727 0 Sunday . 720 'KILLE D Sperlal 8 ...... 1 _ .5 GenUemen: The Eastern stars held a card Lecture s ........ ..... . I".IUR ED 20.00 party at the gym Monda) ' night J wllh to tUft advanta ge ot your outstanl1lng combination: I. Ra J. •••••••• • •• •••• •. •I 350./10 B:NQUIRJIlR and .electlve mncnzlne ofrer. Other Speclll I S<'l'vl .". w ith about eighty present . AlJ At·cl\ttect.s ........ .. . E lu:Jo.e4 please flnll 'L75 118 £Ir"t payment and I alrree to , 1.710.76 enjoyed a pleasan t evening . . make one addltlonlll paymen t of $1.00 withIn the ne.xt 3() days. Tota l Perllon,,1 Rl'rvlc'll . H S,~3 ~ . 76 Mrs> Annie Pottorf f ¥las a Leb. I dedre the following magazines aloDII with a 6 month. ' fl- lI l~.PLJlr.S: '" .. , . . . . ,. .• .. . 't T AiI'mln lstl'utJon vttlCE• . lublcrlp tioD to THE mNQUIRE~ 5!1.62 anOn V1SI or on ues ay. . I T~Xl .•.•.•.• . ,. 556.C1 Born to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hellonlt~lIok8 J.lbrnn· Ilooks •. , lIaIuln e Group A... . . • •. . . . • . 14 2 . 9~ Ullin E(lu('lltlonnl . . ...• 171.00 Snell on Sunday , a daughte r, . I· \II'I ...•.•.. I lIoIaP,zlne Group A.•.•.••. . . •. . .•.• Magazine Group Doroth y· Joan. Janltars ..... .•... . . ....... , 377.50 lUG tll .r.. ....... . . . . .. .. • NAJ!oOil ..•..... ......•. •.. . ...•.... .. : ....... R . F. D .. ... . ..... . 205.7~ Mr. Robert Franke n is enjoyin g •. ' Toln I SU1,pll R " ...... l',fI2S.0 5 hi8 college vacatio n with r OWN . .••..•• , •.•• , ........ ........ ..... STATE ..... .... . .... relative s C - MAT1):IIIALS POrt AI INTIil'N . here. . Ar;: E: ' . -.-----~---~-------- - ------- -~ Total for ~1l,•.•• ther Mnterla ln· •.....•le.•.•••. , 2L09

Lytl e


UIa" .-- - ......... ,.......... ..


Se ns ati on al Ne ws pa pe r-M ag azi ne Su bs c:r i,p tio n Of Ie ..


Far m hig ht 7alks" Apr il 6

L ___ ___ __


• • •


..... ... 01 ....edca'. Mag adn es . . . . . . . . . . . Sala scdp llon ..




'2 ..75

.- ..---

Best of the.New s Direct From the Ohio State Capitol

Harv ey.b url

Pay Only S'·.75 Now -

Balence .of S1.00 Within 30 Days


".n......,· r..... .




fI' "...




Total Equlpml'nt fi<:. plll.cem nt. . ........ . . ,

\6 .48 ONTIU\ 'l' AND OI.>J2lN' 0RD11:R I E: n 'Palra Other Equip. ment lII.e 1 ,,' .. t~r ... ........ ....• 8.00 F.i eetrl Ity ' " ... .. ....• 188.71 , T ranspor ta tion 0:: l'upIl8- 4..lontra ct . .. ,. • 3,366.00 Slo~HV

............... . !

Al\vertielng ......•. . ' . ' . 162,.01 Total Contrae t and



rd (lr

Service .. ,.


F - FI'xhlO C fI.Al~ES .AND CON· Till ElUTIONS: '. ' ... . .. . ' . .. 1 I nSurunc . .. .. .. . . .. 'feachH S ItC'lIrUlt lent

• nlrlbotl l)n

. ,

.. ... . ,..


10.G4; n'0.8'



--- -

Fix fI harg..... ~!n4 f) 11trlh\l th)nJI. .•• • • . •. , r-o.\l'I TAL OUTJ;A'Y: Other ..... . ....... . ... ,


TOll11 Cu pltal O\ltlay .•••





lIa1anee . 0-., ....... lIt-t, :ID3II. Oen I'R.I )i'tlnd ........ . 120.351.80 nond J1<·U rement ~'und 264,88 t 'rotn I Ha labce .•. ... 20,611.93




ACCIDENTS INVOLVINGI htfte...... , v..............17.',.

AN ACaJfj ' ~~~=~ ....



EVIIY ftHC t.I . . . . . I •••• -



"Mtttttltttt "tttttle P......... ..............,.· Itt.1I ~~~1001"'" ...... ' ..... ........ c..r.1S

1 'l"Q~ul lJll<bllrl mentl a"d • Bll la.noe .... ........ . ; 6, Total Tran~o.<' tl one .... r ,19,173.1 ,.0.885. 0' ASSFlTS AND .J..1 Bl tTH~ A_t _ eaah .. .... .. ........ .. :30,ln .•• .A.cco\ln ttl J'!.ecI'lva ble .. 100.00 InYebtu ry supplle . anel Mat erial. . .. ....... : , l..ande ! ('ost) ..... . .. .

I a............. I



tenan"e .. . . ... . . . .... , 29.09 i~ 1 p~mNT RmPLA RMENT 8 ther . . ... , ........ .. . $ 16.48





1,, 1


V -S E D e A R S ........ .. t A· ·


..,. .....

We h~ve ' a lar ge sto ck of Goo~ Us ed 'Ca rs which mu st be sold at once.' Pop ula r m~dels at prices you will wa nt· to pay_ Come in and loo k ove r our selection of Us ed Ca rl. /

Jlullding ll (COaL) •••.• • «(~o.t) ... i'-~---I






\I i .01 tit

)11'. uurl Mr~, J.e~\.('1' ,ul'(ace l'ntHtiwwlf at .Iinn!'r SundlAY, Ray \'lInOllcll, of Cincinnati, Mr, unci • In', ((('rlllun ~u I fncl', l\h, nnd 1\11'1'. Ed RlIl1lby und duughtcr, Linda Lee.

Il,', 1halt i nl' "Ill~ ,lnulI'ht,,1' hI, (1).1. .1I1.! SIt:<UlI ~11. 'HltI 'II', 'II "'11, I hilI' ,I · "11);!.l Illtllt I " illdH'~It·I'. hid .. 11\11, It u1 ~"I ' . oulh \\ \'h~t"I' t . :lthl ~ra ldll"~'h (t 1 "I' iiI(' latl' Ilnlllllll <:1 tll, 1I111111i1g· (II' Ih. ir I.. tid anti Ly li,l \\'1 i~ ht, vlel Way. I/le II, MI " 1\1 il'.ie,l'ic IIi! tt, t, l Ih ,y 11<' \ ill" 1'''I,It'nt~. tli ,ul-. '1 ' ul .\t1'U(ll. (;a, .\1i <, Hill t. ~IK h:l~ i,1 "11 \I III h:111~ in f.I'acl IIII'm 'l'Ir \.! WiJldll".tl'l Ilnd 11 11\\ ~nd.; .. II rt i lilt' -t"l 111 ~I:W York "f .. ~ ,\ )",rk city, hl\>I Ill'\'n u City 1'", Ih ~, ilt. t two )l'nl'~, to b ·'"lulnt ano! l'''ll1i1m' ,i,itul' hC'n' , Ill' I !I "I' [.1"1,1,11 ,. ('II,let Wri'ht The Flirt "l.yn " llHII'I1 II , 11llll1. \I ho \\ III ~1'I111\latc fl'om W, t l'oillt n<,:\1 .JUIte' "ilh high -~~-----~ . --~~~--- I1dlil31~' hlllll l", Lietlh·nnnl Hiatt



drug t,lre.

LOCAL MASONS HAVE 1l1ail1~ on the, ick list, Clarence Thompllon pent MonANNUAL INSPECTION ~li", Ruth l~ol~un, Marie Well~ clay in LctlnlHm.

rt" I'nt('(1 l·unfc/'\!nc(·,

A n)' rllrmel'~ who nlll)' "]lply flll ' the 111)( for ilh'l' Qr

Mary K 'fhol11(l)<on, Dolo Williams fil v. JlI~on Biddlec:um oC OreJon!'" Mr: Murllnn WeHR, gonia, I'l'turncd home Satunlay tYfl \ (If 111\yment-. IlUUl'J't Wilkcrson, Clll'l Ju-dd, evening from 1I vi~it with his );un 01' ~r)il·buildlnl':'. Eldon Wilk l' l'~o n, EI'(,l'etl Jones Homer of Indiana. ncl' fo)' II purticuln' farm and JolIn William~ were among K. I~. Thom\l50 n is not. improved .Mr. and. [1',. J, B, hapinun, d 'P lIel on tli rdutiv ~'i('ld of at this writing, ;'lit·. lind j\[ ,. R. H. lIart~ock MI'. the principul CI'Op. Payments will those who attended the shower lor l\Iu )'Ircy Well" (n ee ) Mayfrey anci Mrs, K ,Crane, MI's. Lena he mU<lc aft ... !' the p~~rformllnce on Po" ell, at th home of h(ll' parcllta ,"~-------------., Hnt't:<lIck. J\Il"8, n. R. Smith and individual farms ha 'b en eh cked For the puqio, 01t cnrl'ying out herc. 'he r eeciy cl ml\1l:.' useful lIlt·s. D, . 'R idge attended 1\ cat'd Havina T-ko.n Up My girts. At a late hour 11 bountifu l pllrty ll)lon.OI'('(l by ihe Ord r the pl'ugram, CI'OllS are to be . d" d I Reaidence In Waynesvifle I Am :lIhl II dll~'lI1atl' Ita,'" aftl'r 1<; 11 tern Star at lllll'v ysbul'g, Mon divided into titreI." dasses: oilsup per was servo. ,ul'. Iln~rs. )( 1a.luatihll fnl' II I!:UI op ' an tour. Prepared To Do <lIiY night. conset'ving, solt.building and soilCcol'ge • Hartsock, Wells will make theil' home in dCI>letion. rop classification in Hamilton, Ohio. k and ,r. Howard McCune, Ohio differs from Ithnt in other olice is hl'l'cby given thut K, E. Thump on and ,amily had of 'airport 11arbol', Ohio, are an~ r gions \\ her suc:h Cl'OP Dinuh A. Hart oe l; and Ernest E. for their Sunday afte1'noon and nouncing the bil't.h or u cot.t.on, tobacco, u,:ai bC<'ls and 1I1ll't8ock wh08e' :root Office evening callcl's: Me. and Mrs, C. Work of All Kiock Marilyn Fran 5 , aturdny, .1:arch flax are prodUced. Addl'es' is Wayn(!svill • Ohio, have II, Morga~ and family of n eal' 2, it·. Mc une ~~ill be Te~~r'ltIn th nonh cent.ral region the been duly appointed as Adminis- i Green !3na.r. MI' . Rach el Laws of bered us Ii OIl~lIle Robbms, following CI'OP arc \.0 be cia' iftcd trator of the E " of George C Fratlkhn, Mr, and Mrs. Erbie Phone 58R2 formerly a teacher In the I enl l a. " , oll·depl till. orn IrIsh I HU1'Isock I I.e of Warrcn County . Pow II and. fa mily , M r. am1 •M1', . hIgh sc'l'tool. potatoes, weet potatoe~, small ' Ohio, cI ceased. ' Williams of Oregonia. Thl' annulll in~pl'c lj()l1 of WayI\(' "ville Lodg • No. Lna F. & /\. M, was held Tll ~dl\Y night. JJI'l'ceding th> work un ('xcellent dinner \'II~ S IVocl to about 100. Th e inspecting OffiCCl' wn~ DI'. L. T, !\1cl ' illn('y of J)nylcl\1, I ~cturer of the 2nd Ma on1c district. ---- NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT




Worri '0111

1)ct8ils hlll',I,'n ., r lind .t \\urli. ·"1111 til lalll,11 tl" eu ml,,!' ttt: 11 c1. l;dl, tl :, n I i~( 11\ II fllll 'nil >'(' t·, in', , 'u hav ,' ", 11(>1 fu't('u ('U)' 1l1'1l1l11 i7.utiOll 11m!. PVt·, ~ phase of t ht' CI'l't'Il1(lII)', fJ 11m c('h. t, ry Imlllt'r~ to cal'cI ~ M pllpn· UlI' I1J' lit J..\' II. en n' III' ,i i't iwut h,' h"l' to the dit'll t. 'l'h l , l'('~u lt i, II lin" I '~ !'l'n-ice OInt place n minilllum of train upon th ,Itt ief- tl'ickc n. , t 'ndl"





Plumbing & Electrical





J. P. Larrick



Mr. and lifT . Bert Hartsock and I gl'ain.~, ommercilli . truck and Dntc-d ~hi!1 30th day of Mareh ~~~~~~~~!!'!!!!~!!'!!!!~"'!:::s:!!'!!!!!!_~~~'!""'~~~~~!!!!!!"'~_~-~-~. Ml')I, A. T. PoWn ky WIlS in Cinson aod Mrs. ~alpn Mill I: motol'ed cnnnmg CI'Op, annual gra 868', 19 36. cill n:,'.~i, W tine dl1Y. to incinnati, Monday, Ml'. and ha!'vested lor hay 001' seed, sud an ,Dollald DiiatuRh, Atty. I millets, Ilnnulll legUmeS l RALPH N, AREY 1\[1" nnd l\ft" . A. F. M Hoh and MI' , Hartsock visiting their daugh I and tudent in the hal'Vc 'ted for gt'ain ot' hay ( 'oy- j Judg of the Probate ourt fan111y "leI' gues of l'elatives in tel', Miss Betty, urses's Training school of the heans and cowpeas), all itlle 112-9·16 Wal'l:f! n ounty, Ohio llllUliLtOll, lIturday ev ning. G neral Hos pital, who ' has been crop land. II', and Mn. GI nn Bordon and ill with grip. Thl'Y found her re. ' SOil-co,n cl·.ving crops are: AnIrs, Re ,o-f' FI'anklirt, wete covering nicely. Mrs. Mill rand nUIlI, bl nntal and perennial / I am a candidate for County Commissioner of recent guo l of Miss Lilla Bcn· lilHo David Hal' ock had a plea· legume.s (vetch, clover, alfalfa) i Warren ounty on the Republican ticket subject to Mr, al)d Mr. Ral eigh B()gan, ham. the will of the voters at the Primary el etion to b ant vi it with Mr . Emm8 Blll'- p.l'r I1ntnl g)'asses (blue grass, I Mr. Ella Haines, Mr. Luther hen , o~, !ll~Owabl CI'OP Haines anti Mrs. Evel'eU Haines held on May 12th, 1936. nett. timothy), Mernber of the ld,lewy ld e Birth land, anti crop aCleag!'l planted to IIttended the funl')'»1 of Mr I have lived in Washillgton Township !linee day club were entertained at the Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Hathawa.y :1;ol'e t trees since JartUal'y 1 1034 G Gor dOn at N ee 1u" F uner.... _; '_..I h ...... f h ' , . ~orgc 1901, and.have el'ved as Tpwnship Trustee during l'I 111e of Mr, nnd Mrs • . W. E. en t ertatn",. t e mem""rs 0 t ell' 1 When turned under II a yr n 1.T • X' T d t d ' b Tb .nome In Ortla, uc, ay at er' 1 the pa t 14 years. I believe my experience gained a tl'oud, 'l' hur day of last week. dmner cub atur ay I1Ig 1- , Olle crop, the legumes are <;Iassi fled as I1oon. 'uch Tru tee qualifies me fOI' the office I seek. I Phoae 7 Mr. and lrs, LOt.'cn Janl e on, ~r~~cnt M~ n~ Mr~ A, oil-building erops, while idle The "Wide- wak-es" held Lheir ha e never been a candidate for county office. O nee Louise ranI.', have moved · G r' r~.. 0 i crop land, cultivated fallow land, regular meeting at the hom of f Your stJpport and ballot marked as below will from Dayton to :Miamisburg, rn am, arveys urg. 1 vineyards woodland lIud waste· L ' d L d ' SI I j Laura Ro nagle, Cincinnati; Mr, land are 'not to be included in Soudlse ~n h 11 onna nc r, be sin e1'ely appreciated I.! ..======;;;;;;;==;-_=~. ' wh Te liT. Jameson ha It position . B L I ' un ay nlg t. and Mrs. Harvey urnet, yt e, (:ither but are cla silied as "neuTh W F M S Mr. and Mrs. J, B. Chapman, Mr. tral" e ' , ' . ,met with Mrs. . FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER and Mrs. S. D, Henkle. F'. , ked to Walter Wllso ll a week ago Wed· , armw: WIll not . ~e . nesday afternoon. Several of OUl' fol ks motoJ'e'd to Mem.bers of the dinner bridge ,s ign contracts but WIll furmsh club were guests of Mr. and Mrs, 1935, acr~age fig.ures in order that incinnati and Ripley Sunday, D. R. S~lisbury and Mr, and Mrs. a sOlI·consel'vatJon goal may be March 22 to see t h e high water. Mr, Mrs. Tas 0 Terrell and J. K. Preston Saturday night at set for each f~rm. Administration ..:.rol. Allv, the Salisbury home-. Tbos e present of the program in tlile north cen- Mr, and Mrs. Paul T errell of near were 1:1'. and :Mrs. Ronald Ha.wke, tral region will be in the hands of New Vienna 'Were SUnda,y dinner Mr. and frs. R. H. Hartsock, 1\11'. t-h farmer themselves and COIl- 'gu sts of th ir daughter and and Mrs. Harvey Rye, Mr. and Mrs duct~d by s~te, county and com- ister M'(s. Homer ;Haines and . Ea;1 Hockett, Mr. and Mrs. W. E, mumty cQmmlttees, federal rep- family, re$entative explain. Aftet.' JanMl', and Mrs. Lawrence Mitcb. Cornell and Mr. C. T, Ellis. .-.. uary 1, 1~38, federial grants will ncr were guest of Raymond Carr be made to the states conducting and :family near N w Burlington, an approved soil-conservation pro· Sunday. gram. The states will then distri· Mr, and Mrs, William Smitb at,. bute the grants ~mclDg co-operat- tended the wedding of Mi s Ruth iUg £armel'S. PI'am r daughter of Mr. and Mrs. --___ Oti Pram r, and Mr , Loren Harner, on of :[1'. and Mrs. Ohio farmers who pat'ticipate in SERVICES ARRAN IG ED FOR the 1936 soil conservation pro· MRS. ELEANOR ELLIS James Harner, both of near Xenia gram, now being launched by the at the Xenia Friends Church 'Sntur AAA, will be eligible for cash PIlY Mrs. Eleenor Elli s, 74 years old day evening, March 14, ments to 00 awarded bY ,the fed· I former resident of Dayton, died The W. C. T. U. met at the era1 government for their perfor- j . . . home of Ml'S. Irvin Blair and Mrs mane e in improving and conserv- I Fnday I1lght m ' Roche tel', N. Y. E mma Bl·· all' In N ew B ur l'lng t on,. ing the soil and aoil fertility, Ohio The body was l'eturn.ed to Dayton, Tuesday afternoon. countyag njs and farmers in COll- : where funeral servi,!es were held I Mr. imd Mrs.' John Wilson and We "are ready to meet your buildin8 fel;ence at 0, S. U. learned last Tuesday afternoon a,t 1 o'clock 'at Mr. Enos Wilson were Da.yton week. S, S. Burdge, Franklln; B. the home of her son, Arth W. Ellis slU)ppel's Mond·a y. needs lOur yards are stocked with seaT: Blackburn, Leba.non; Harold ' Mr. and Mrs. HoraCe Compton sone~ -higheet grade lumbers bougl)t in Sh I , H aro Id Beckett, 817 Wilmington /lv·enue. Burial of New Budington were Sunday . alp, P J. Pam; large quantities when the mark~t was Or gonia; Elmer S. Durrell, wa made in Miami cemetel·Y· dinner guests of Raleigh Bogan right-to cut your buildinar costa. You'll Ma.son and Lester J. Miller, A siste!', living in New York, and family. also .do better if y~u buy your brick, roofcounty Agrieultural Agent re!' , also survives. - - -- - - - - -

To The


J. E. McClure


W aynesvi'11 e, Oh io



-- -

of Warren


Caesars Creek










Fred J. Hagemeyer

. .



---- - .:.---

In this climate, you nted


ing. cement and other materials from 'u • 'f " , At your service.



B.eech'/ Grove Sixty-eight attended church bero Sunday evening. Perry We-lis and family Sunday in Hamilton. ' A little bright eyed girl· MSI'ie, has come to make her home with Mr. atfd Mrs. Rufus Roberts (nee) Mary Wells near Ki~man. Mabel Terry of Columbua spent the w~k·end here. Miss Josephine Burnell, of Fort Ancient, spent the week-end with ' Ma.ry ~. Thompson here. · Mrs. Alice E. T erry still re- ,Phone

Get felice that costllc.., beeaule It stubbornly fights ruat and lutl years lonlter. Red Brand Fence aive. you double rust protection I It fililh~ .ur/aCfJ ruat with a Galvannealed (heat treated) zinc C6atiI\C ' MUCH THICKER than on ordinary ,alvlUliftd fence wire. And itl ",.'1 copper bearina stee] fililht' dHP nltt. too. Come 10 ~d look over our .tock.


25 .

Wayne.ville, Ohio

We have just 'received a ca .. of choice Northern Ohio Seed Oats. 'Recleaned. Per b'uahel

48c We offer local grown, tested Seed Corn, shelled and graded. Per bushel

$3.2$ We also carry a complete stock of High Grade Field Seed. Also Emerald Lawn Grass and Blue Grass.

Gloria Flour The beat Bread Flour made. And the price is no higher. Fu1l24~ lb. lack


nesville farmers' Ex.


Waynesville F ar~ers' EXChange Company

Seed ,Oa.t s

Seed Corn


Be 0:3. 'i'. \7.:. greatest name in the bit;THE tory of the American N egoro

belonged to a man bor n ill slavery who never knew who his father was, nor even the exact date of his birth. His mother named him Booker Taliaferro when he was born', in. 1868 or 1859. He himself later added Washington as a surname. As Booker T. Washington he beclnne the leading force in the rehabilitation and educati(m of his race. Tuskogee Instituto, famed , throug~out the country for 'itli pioneer work in Negro education, is a monument to his liie's labors. It is fitting that Tuakogee should also be the site of the Imposing memorial shown above, >lymbolica1 of hi!! services in drawing off the cloak of i~nor­ ance from hill race. [t WDS erected" in 11}22 and Wru! sub· scribed entirely by Negroes. The Emancipation A,ct, 'which freed Booker T. Wa-shin~t.()n at the age of four or five, did little to make bis life easy. There'wcre no tjchooJa for Negroes ill the little VirIrbda ' town where be lived, aud lit a tender ag.., he \\'51:; put to work In the mines. S.,m~ ­ how he 1urnId to spell out 11 few -worda anel thia Irlimpse into the world of kDnrledre fired his .pP8ttte far edaeat:lon. . . . . . . . . . 01 NAInuJ 8ohooI.



hnyjng walked. severl~l hundred miles to get there. By senine as janitol' and waiter he ,eamed hia tuition. His tine ' l,cholarship eventually won him a place on the teaching staff, whiCh he kept until he was im>ited to take charge of Tuskogee Institlite, then al.most unknown. . Arriving at the Institute, in Alabama, he 'found that the school · had' ,little more than , a name. It was p'o or anell the Negroc ommu~ih'


p ;~ejudiced

against Washington's idea of combining manual and academic education. Finally hel succeeded in opening the ach09lln a shanty, with a handful of .tud.e ntl. Later he bought an abandoned planta.tion and gradually there arOlle on its broad acres the modern buildings and equipment which are the pride of its students. By 1915, when Book!/! T. Washington died, the W ltitute had 1,800 pupile. He recognized as a bla own race and the Dation as a whole. Ua famlljar figure on the {orrns of thl.e~~~~~I~E~=~ for l!' 0: permanent r,co,le. The qualities of arid


dariDtr. to




















1\ 11 a






Whole Number 6216




WAYNESVILLE HIGH The regular meeting of the Y. HAYMON f. HATFIELD EARLY CUSTOMS Of Stated co mmunication of Way. COUNCil SUBM ITS F. M. will be hllld Sunday evennesvi lle Lodge No. 163 F. A. ing, April 12, at the Tomlinson GET S NEW COUNTY SCh~d:~~1 ro:i~::cOf];,h:utS~; Wi~~ SOCIETY OF FRIENDS M. Tuesday evening, April SCHOOL BASKETBAll home. PLANS FOR REPAIR The be as Visiting and sojo urning brethren ~. mBrod':,iO o~ii:e. ~~~ SHOWN IN .PLAYLET' welcome. TEAM IS HONORED foIlQ\Vs: Univ I:sity, is a ml!lllber e>f a party P0SIT ION ~u~~c~ Of LOCAL SIR-EETS Sara lh'addock, lell on; Law· SCHOOL D. R. Smith, W. scientists going halI-way &





of rence Furnas, devotional ; Mary V. M. Armitage, See'y. _ _ _. W .yneoviHe Would Furni.h $4000 Principal of Miami.bur, School Heston, recreational. Local Teac:ih,eT lIIami:d A ••i.tant Braund the world Lo View the Orlainal R ecorda and Minut ... of Mee tjnll. Held in t 903-4 WPA $51 ,750 for eclipsc in ibel"ia. ome members ...- - Speak. At AnDu" Superint .... dent .. nd Attend. or the party wiJI Htudy the effects Were Outlined Project Dhmer ance Officer o~ t he eclipse on radio t l'an smis· . ion, while Dr . . BI'od will study Plans for improvement of ni ne A most inleresting program was Furth~r honors were paid the Raymon F. Ha~ficld, tencher of the gas s sut"rou nding the su n. presented at ,th White Brick of Waynesville's sire ts under e science and mathematics in Wa y. first Warren county basketball Brilliance of U~ e !lurl pTe" nts such Meeting House last Sunduy after. t am til enter the stat4 tourna. neBvillc high school, will offer hi ~ ,ol,750 grant previously made study at times ofhel' t ha n during noon by the young peopl e comment in Columbus when the annual resignation at the nd of the by WPA for such a purpose, were an ec I11)811. priSing group rOUl' , pertaining to banquet for members of the prellent school yellr to accept a the ea l'ly history of the Society or approved at a meeting 01 council position ali assistallt county superWaycehs squud was held in the Friends. Leave your order for Easter Monday night and ordered sent to high school gymnasium last Frj. • :::=:=010 intendent. Foster Heacock gave 8 short ex. fiowers with A. H. Stubbs. the eounty administrative office in Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Hartsock The appointment, . ht• doy DIg effective Enthusiasm ran high and praises spent llondey in Dilyton. August 1, will also include the planntion of the playlet which Mrs. Irvin D. Welch was in Lebanon, where in turn they will wer given Ir ely to the team that wa.~ to follow. I Dayton Wednesday nCtI!rnoon . be submitted to state headquarters Leave your oTder for Easter poat of county attendance officer. Eug-ene Fos\,.(lr gave som in- I • for apPToval. captured both the Warren county, flowers with A. H. Stubbs.' Mr. Hatfield will make his resitCI'csting reminiFcences in which Charles Satterthwaite is workand Southvl~stern Ohio basketball dence in Lebanon. _ __ Under Cerms of the grant , which he said that in the early days ing On a pia tering job near crown. • Born~to Mr. a.nd Mrs. Marion A po~ulaT teacher in the Wayne FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST was temptiral'ily allowed for June dinners were never 'served at the Dayton. . Mr. Lotz presIded as toastmas- I Franer, Monday, April 6, a daugh- townshiJl schools for the last 12 Carl Smith, Mifl:ater 1 release, Wayn sville would church but that visiting Friends te~ and iJ'!troduced the V8~OU8 ter, Sylvia Ann, years, IM:r. Hattie1d's pre eoce ' will Perry Thomas, SlIpt. of Bible fUI-nish approximate ly $4,000, to Mrs. WaIteI' Sheehan visited hel' .wel'e entertai ned in tile bomes; . be greatly missed. He has served School spe.akers. Rev~rend G. C. DIbert be appJlcd on part of the material and that at Yearly Meeting time so father in Kings Mills, Saturday delivered the Invocation and Mr. 1 Mrs. Ira Rleb, Mrs. Reba as fnculty advisor for local Sunday Sebool 9 :30 a. m. required, whilc the ,61,760 afternoon. many would be taken care of in Garst the address of welco~e. I Braddock and Mrs. Gilbert Frye athl tic teams for overal years. Communion 10 :<1.5 a. m. government grant would represent , one place that accommodations Mr. W. E. Stroud, speakIng on J were Dayton visitors .Tuesday. ~ and , was considered all WaynesSermon 11 a. m., Charles Brown has been con· the major part of the ma.terial behalf of the parente of the mem. '11' liN 1" t r --were crowded and (lot always com- fined to his home several weeks cost and WPA labor. bers of the junior-iligb team, said Miss Grace. Williamson !!pent VI e s su~por e . . . ~AYNESVILLE CHURCH O,," [oTta ble. because af illness. Under plans s ubmitted to Robert that the junior-high team had 'Won the week-end 10 Dayton, the gu.est I . In addItIon to h1.5 sc~ool actlVlCHRIST Th e playlet was presented in the .Bliekensd rieT, Warren county Carl .Smith, Mmillter sixty percent 01 its games, and of her brotber Harold and famdy. t~e8, he has served as VI llage cl rk Mr. and Mrs. Basil Smith wer administrator, streets costume of shawl and bonnet to be that th~ varsity boys .bad set a Mr. and Mrs. Maynard W~1tz slOce. J U IY,1929, when hhe was Not A Denomination called to [ndiana Wednesday, be. widened . and paved with tarvia worn by wome .. Friends, and wide t d record weU-woTth following He . . appolO e.o serve out t e unex9:30 - 10:30 a . m. Evangelistic brimmed beave r hats and white cause of the death of a relative. ' th . ' d ' are announcmg the arl'lval 01 a pi red term of the late Dr '" W are as follows: Main, Tbird, II d vl!led e boys to continue to 0 son at their home on .Tuesdey, . . • . messnge, "Tlle Rcs urrection." silk neckcloths worn by tbe men. Fourth, Firth, Miami, Soutb, Tyler their 'best so that when tbey were · Henderson. Harry Patterson and little Mrs. advanced to play with the varsIty April 7. A candidate for tbe office of 10 :30·11 :OO- Lesso n Text, "Jesus It portrayed t he manner of daughter of Blanchester, ar and Tyler·Chapman. The project, as submitted, boys they would make the older Mr. James Vance and Mr. Dick derk in the election of that year Triumph Over Dl!Ilt.h," Luke 24: conducting the business meetings guests of Mr. and Mrs. ~alph Linn of the men and women Friends at would continue for a 12·montb boys play harder in order to bold Weisbrodt. of Sardina, were w'ee.k- he ha.s served effici ently i~ t~at 1-12. the Tegulal' monthly meeting With Goluen. T x ohl1 14 :19v. Mise Dora Stiles returned bom period the municipality's share, tlw-ir places on the team. end guests of C. Lee Hawke and capacIty for four succeedmg the shutters closed between. 11 :00·11 : 16LOl'd's Supper. Sunday after spending the coming largely fram street funds MT. Frank LeM,,), reaponded for ~amily. terms. 7 p. m. Chl'isl;ian Endea"or. The original reCQTds and min- winter with her niece in Detroit, paid from the state as Waynesthe parents of tbe varsity ,boys. ~i9 present term ot office will vill 's share of gasollne tax reMr. LeMay Temarked that he was E. J. Burton, of the Elyria expire- December 31, 1987, and Leader Oorothy Hunter. Subject, lite of the meetings held in Mich. 1803·4 were r ad by tbe clerks ceipts. proud to repreJtt'nt the patents ot chool8, and Ml's. Burton are his resignation as clerk will be JmmoJ'tulity. 2nd Tim .• 1 :8-11. Mr. and Ml's. Joe Mainous of In th e meantime couneil is such a team and that it was a spending the 'spring vacation with subml·tted before he lea ve~u f or 7 :46 Evnngeli tic mes ag~The and approved by the elders facing Day t-on , were visitors at the bome b Harvest Is PIl t. , relatives here. h' 't" L t h meeting. A committee WIUI apawaiting word from Morto~ B. pleasure to sit down and enjoy a t IS new POSI Ion In e ~non. Apl'il 9th Sermon subject pointed to visit 8 young woman of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mainous, Shepherd, Dayton - engineer, remeal in comfort with the boys William, Frank and Mis! Rita Mr. Hatfield is a gr'aduate of "True Libel·l.y." Friend who had married out of Saturday afternoon. tained to draW' up planl for the again after a sellson in whicb 80 Luk.ens, of Pendleton, Ind., at- Waynesville high chool and the April 10lh"Wha t Shall I Do t he faith. They reported her Beginning Saturday, April 11, proposed sewage disposal proand many close games were played. He tended the .funeral of Mrs. Lillie Warren County NOl'mal attit ude as unbeeomin, and there Cook's Confectionery will carry 8 ject, to meet with them in special prai ed the boys for their cJean Sheehan on Monday. holds the degree of Bachelor of With J u~? '~ April llth-"Se,ven Sayings On was much concern as to tb~ complete line of Fairmont Ice session to discuss progress made S'cience in Educnti on f "om Wil· playing. and the fact thst they had '[he I·OSS." advisability 0'£ requiring ber to cTeam, including Bars and Pop- in that direction. Mrs. Flo DylCe and Mrs. Della mington college. never gloaY!d over the defeat of a • JE us i tendeds catUng thee withdraw from membership. A It was pointed "ut at Monday rival team. Davis, of S~ing · Valley, were - - - - --All flavors. home'" committee of two women Friends night's meeting, that sbould lIuch Mr. H. R. Mpas. president of the guests of lIn. Vio~ Carey and Culling for YOlll, boys, girl." carried 8' written request for the Mr. Oliver Davis, 'Mrs. Nettie a project be accepted by state Wayne Township Board of j!:duca- Mrs •.1. D. Wekh TueBda'y evening fathers ond mothe:rs, come home. consideration of the men's meet- KepI r, Mrs. Charlea Davia .and health authorities and WPA, and Ml'. and ' 14M • H. M. Sean, and tion, was th next speaker. He coning, and in due time a reply was daugh~r Betty were g~e8ts of I bonds be voted by the people of Kratulated the coacb on the ftn-e Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Seare, of ----brought in by one of the men Mrs. Lida Pence and MISS Lura Waynesville for this job, eon'd th t h d WAYNESVILLE M . E. CHURCH k d a e-"Wu prou Greenville, were gueste of Mr. and wor one, sal Lou Rogers in Lebanon Wednes. ' siderable ·e xpense would be inFriends. to be from a eommunity that eoul(l u_. W. N. Seara and "amlly, ---Rev. en C. ·Diblett, Pa,tor • .., • ., 'A A very interested crowd that vo~ve<l in the matter of street re-, day. produce such a team, and hoped Sunday. . Friday: A Good Friday ervic~ Much discus! ion was "';ven Blled the basement room of Ule ... that the boys would set even a will be held at 7 :415 p. m. The the subjECt of slavery, one Friend Mr. and Mrs. ClaTenc6 Edwards palr. better reeord next year tban they En route from Florida to their Grade building Friday afternoon communi on of t he Lor,d 's Slipper maintaining the Friends should and Mr. Allen .Kibler, accompahied I As the $51,760 grant. for street not take it upon themselves to in- by Mrs. Ralph Houston, of SpTing work did this year. home in CMeJand. Mr. and 'Mrs. April ;3, attested the popularity of will be obsel'ved at th is time. has tempora~dy bee~ Sunday: Next unday being terfere, another that it was the Valley, were guests ot Mr. and granted for Waynesville, cOllncil Harold Snoud, in bis N!f!ponse Hany BalUlten stopped for a a little tots program. !I'he first for tIH! members of the junior-bi,h I vilit to u. former'a motber, Mra. ,~~de, un~ th~ capable su~er. Ea ter we will beg;in our worship concern of the body individually Mrs. Charles Taylor in Fort me~bers felt that plans for. this ~a~n o~ ss va Reeder, ur· . with a sunrise meeting at G a. m. ' to consider the wrong of holding Wayne, Ind., TU8Bday and Wed- proJect should be 'team, said tbat the coach had tried Emma HamUton. submltted, neaday. whether the sewer project go to thp boys to be good play· , . I n1.5 ed t e school's contribution to Th e theme for tbis service will be, a human being in bondage. dod ' ~. Mr. lind Mrs. EllIS McClure and the afternoon's propam I • through or not. ers an go spor""men. d ht t S r1 b S· " A Vi sil to J esus' Tomb." I A young man and woman pl'eShepherd was expected to Mr. slld 'Mrs. Frank Rogers and Charles Davia responded for . aug ers 0 near . p ng or?, A recitation, Lillian tansberry At 6 :45 a. m. ari Easter Break- sented themselves before the guesta of lin. McClure s and Jackie Mulford, a song by six th e varal't y t eam, expr ......lng tb 0. were ts., M n4 II El I fast will be served in the dining Meeting witll the written ao- children, oI Lena. Ohio; spent notify members of the cquncil tbis wish and hope that Waynesville ~~re~ . r· ada ' n. mer I little boys and girls, "Umbrella room of t he church, This break- nouncement of their intention to Sunda, with Mr. and Mts. Charles week as ~ the date <he !Would eo. an on s Oil y. Built for Two" in a.ppropriate f t 'IS f ree an d you tire c?rd'18IIY marry and a committee • wl-n b".. able to go stl'll (urther in . aj. · was. ap. Satterthwaite. Mrs. ' Rogers is thtl meet with them. ... ... daughter of the late W. A Woleott the future than in the past. Miss Miriam ..nd Master Earl costume was enth~siastleally reo IOVlted to come and eat Wlth u. pointed to investigate. Tohe principal address of the Emerson Fif.e, of Wilmington, are ~ived ~y th,e "audlcnce. A play, Sunday ~chool at 9 :30 a. m. Meeting)! were adjourned by tbe who was well known bere. evening was delivered by Mr. W. taking adVlUltage. of the spring PUmpkIn PIe . by Mother Goo e There WIll be no break between haking of hands. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sheehan, C. Neff, prineipal of 'Miamilburg vacat.ion to villit their aunt Mrs. characters prOVIded a .number of the Sunday school and the morn-· . _ _ _ __ _ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sh~han , Ml'. High School, and secretary of the L. H. Gordon and Mr. Gordo·n. laughs and three s lectlons by the ing worship hour, Immediately end Mrs. Walter Sheeban, Mr. and Southwestern District Athletic toy orchestra and som~ ongs by following the Sunday school the Mrs. Alvin EaTnharl and Mr. Mias Alma and Maater Jimmie t~e entire group coml'letl'd the pastor will bapth~e infants and Board. Ml'. Neff opened his raLamar EaTnhart attended the The· Wayne Township Board of adults, I\,nd receive. members into marks by statina that he con'ider- Prendergast, 01 Cincinnati, are en- FIrst grade prOgl·am. funeral of Mrs. Lillie Sheehan at Education met on Monday evenMiss Kate Sehweibold, of Xenia the church. ed it a ple&llure to attend auch a joyinr: the spring vacation at tbe Ro)ta~na, Monday. ing in regular session, ~d billa . banquet, eapl!(!iaI1y since he could home of 'their aunt and unele, Miss told of her recent visit to the At . 7 :30 p. m. tlhe 'cho ir will Baked goods of all kinds, dough- were allowed , and' order~d . paid. The second original WarTeD console hlmaelf by recaIllna that, Katherine and Mr. Jesse Prendel'- birthplace ~f her mother i.n Ge~~ render a pro.gram of En tel' many. HavlOg many relatIves an music County Amateur Night will be nuts and other good things to ~at The minutes of tbe precedinc while Waynesville wae ,OiDI' down laat. to defeat· in their came • in the ~r and ,u _ D R Smith tbat countTy, she was able to in· ____ presented at the Leb.anon Town will be on ' sale at tbe Easter regular meeting, and of a apedal • • AU • .... g. •• te t tL.. ttit d f tb Itate tournament, Miamiabuqr Was entertained at dinner ·Sunday. rpre 'Ie a u e 0 e comST. MARY'S CHURC'l-t Hall on Tuesday evening, April 21 market which will be on Saturday, meeting were read and approvell. 1 doln; the same over. at the eoil- even I.... _.... F S G tch mon people differently from th~ Rev. J. J. SCbal!fter. Reetor according to plans revealed by April 11, in the Le?,fay-Hawke Th e board voted to pa, eaela ng, aa&>+ _rs. • . a , ted r th I d me e casua rea el' April 10, Good Friday, · three representativell of Lebanon office on Main street. Give or tele- teacher in the l;Iystem a small seum. He had only the ver, hirh- of Nllford, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. accep est wordl of pralae for the loyalty SchoeJer, of HamUton, aDd Mr. ,ains from the current press. The hour service from 1.2 o'clock, noon SquadTon 18'6, Sona of tbe AmeTi- phone your order to Miaa He~n bon'us for the sec\)IJd half of 1985. Hawke. B6 school year in o'r der to meet tb4t the community mow'e d both aad lin. John B. Gona. German people are not to be t 3 p . can LEgion, sponsors. the requirementJ of the found ... .' at CinCinnati and at · Columbus. jud,ed b, the~r politicians any 0 Easte~Day, April 12, . Chureh .All amateurs of Warren county Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Davill, Mr. tion law whicb statel that 76 per (Continued on p.,e ') Mr. and Mn. Ira ,0. ~~re dt~an we . W~~.I~ wan~hto r~e school at 9 :30, sex~mon and Holy are eligible to compEte in the and Mra. Paul Sowalb and family cent of the loundation pro&'1'8m entertalned Kn. Brown', paNllu U 'teh OJ our po Ibclans. e I.e Communion with .fE!stival music at contest except those who won eash of Mansfteld, Mr. and Mra. Earl must be paid ~ &alarift. f Mr. ADel 11ft. B. B. WDltamaon. at (I e erman ur an woman IS 10'30 . prizes at tHe flT!t program March Davis, of Dayton, were dl:nnel The 1)0al'd appropriated monle, dinner Satul,'da,; the oecaaion eel, but little different from U8, put •• braUna s.vettJ-aixtIl the country woman works much ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH 24 APP l!cations should be received peata of Mr. and M1'I. D. C. Ridge for the lacel year 1936, anni.enaT)' of IIr. ·WWlamaon. barder. doln, more rough work Father Newton; Pastor on or before April 14 to asaUTe it Sunday. Miss 'Mary Loll Sowash reqeived an official estimate from . . than 'Iil'e are acc·u~to1l'1ed to. A place on the .pro-am. It is urged remained for a more extended the bu..dret eommlsslon. Sinee the Hr. and Xft.. .Barv.,. Rye German woman' scrubs her pig pen Mass at St, Augustine's church &' viliit with Mr. and Mrs. Ridge. state treasurer haa been unable to entertained on SlJnda, Mr. and daily, walks to • market, carries every Sunday momlng. tbat all contestants secure their furnish the funds due under the Mr. and Mrs. 1'. C. Hawke 'at- new law, plana were considered )Jrs. J. B. Chapman, Jrfrl. Mra. LeOll S~iabu.,. and tamU" beavv loads on her baek and much I ----own. accompanists but provision , FRIENDS MIEETING will be made for those unable to tended confirmation services at St. by which the neccsSSTY mone, will Harve, Burnet and Mi,s ~erl, Waahln~on C. H., lira. John F. more often than not; works in 'the . Rile, wa,e joint. hoate.... to ~e Frib ud daqbter Nancy, of field. , . Fltst-day School at 9 :30 L m. do so by arranging with Joe . R. Loke'li Evangelical Reform Luth. be borrowed, uD,del' a Ipedal Bet earn churcb in Dayton last Sunday of the state lerialature. Waynesville Garden club Tlleada, Charlellton, Welt Va., Xr and Mra School bllildjngs and all public Mee!iing 101' WOllihip at 10:80 Gray or Charles Shinkle. Their &Tanddaughter, Bet t y A representatIve of the Jaeobaoa afternoon at the home of lira. W. P. Salisbul')' and Mr. and Mft. bulldiDgs are not swept but m. ENTRY BLANK Hawke, daughter of Ray Hawke, Power ~ower company. explained Cbapman. D. R. Salisbury and family. ' mopped daily. Miss Schweibold ===== wal one of a ciasil of fiVe g irls the te-mts of purchase- and quali. Mra. F . . H. Fan ope1*i · th, Eaater Ipee~Ladl..' luem- apok, particularly of the bea'uty is an excellent ~howini since a hot , Secen4 W..rreD COUGi7 presented for conflTmation. ties of the power lawD mower meeting with scripture readill', ble sulta eleaned and pre..ed Bee' of the Rhineland, the sparkling dish is served free to all comers A ••eewr Proar_ and )In. Kennetb St. John I'man'ufslctlued by the arm. Mr. RoU eall responses wer e quota· a.piece abort jacket sul~' and clarity of the water, the rocks and the chil!iren from five f&lililiea ToWID Hall, "'ban_-T'ueada~ of Hubbard, Obio, spent th~ Iprlng -•• - ...- - tationa I1Iltabl, to the Euter bioUN, '10c~ IIWD dnuea, IOc; form ita banks and the castles have hlld the entire lunch free the April 21 NOTICE season. . Ilea', 8-p~ IUita, IOc; . IIn'a and rblns of castles that are past month. Lunches will be con· AUllpices Sons of the American vacation with the former's parente 'Mr. and Mrs. L. C. St. John. They At this meatiq the club voted bats el....d and blocked lOe .taible to travelen on ita WIlten. tinued at the desc 'etion of ' tbe Lelion All degree oSell'll of Fanaen' were joined at the parental bome to joill the federatioD of a.rdeD Garment. taien .. late .. '~ told the storlet of ~he Mouse committee. Granp please ta_ no~ DOOD ,no be retanaecl iD. tba. for Tower qd The Lorelei and recited Tbe treasurer's l'eport sho",.ed a NSI1l/8 ,........ ......................... .... . for Sunday dinner by Mr. and clubs. A paper OD "Natural Be&ut7 Bader Quick Clu.en Kathrra HeiDe's faJnous poem in rolling balance of ,146. Addrep ............ , .................. . Glen Blan~ and daughter, Barbara will be 3rd ArId .th deane PftCI- . Spot. in Ohio," prepared aDd nad lIe"~ . ~r' , German aecent. During the devo :ional exerciles Lou, of 8prinaboro, and IIr. and tiee at the hall ClD SatuMa, by lIiII BlaDe... aUey, .~ • A nOmiDatinr eommlttee to name Rev. G. ·C. Dibert remweel tb. YOllr talent .................. ............. . Mrs. JoIID Settleme,er, of near Iiii', April 11, at 8 o'clock.. ...~ eD)ored..... IWq '111'8. Bditb Bania. Mr. Bania cael" to Nne the comin. rear ,vents of Passion eelt with the Aceompanilt ............................ .. Ore~nla. _ • •d . . . . . .t . . . . ·.... for ~~, Kr. Ud lin. ......ed by tlte pruldent: Mra. objective of the &Iter II....... Your AlII ....... Pbone No•., .... .. . . • oa' of ... . . . .... ad IODI'IaDII, . . . . . . . . Blla CoIUIv, ehalftuD; lin. Death it as much . . . .0 _at)' . . . ....... YO.. a......' of W.,.."m., •• ad XatIIrra Wltttaker and . . . Clara birth. The lut The above Mould be filled In den. ,~ I'nd IIartIoelr ... ...... LIl.. in the life ot and mailed to lOt .. Gray, IIiII Pule' __ .... • ....... W, .0", ... toil of BIDI ... tM pad. laDell were &hat not sipliftcantlll.f or Leballoa, before ApI'O U. Iq ~. ., . . ...OUI ..,.... .... tIIIIIle Mel 0J'ClerM 1'.tabm'" "-~~==:-:=~-.I













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larv E\,:1 Le)IR)' 5:1 point.- (,, ;Ind ·RuI·ah MiliCi' 52 point, illterl'"Ung ~CtiOll J, ~1'(HllJl1UI' - Mary Eva '\I t ~( n '1 dinlt L('1IIa), I'iH p\)int" 8rol Llldill~ton , ' h M ' II 50 Ilomt, m n1' \! cl c- I Ii '; pU 1l1t.~, n1'll I. r , .'

Ih,' . 'Ill' I r,' 1

/11. 11k



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. F . t'' . I 111-"11 G.r.. d, Mu,iC " .~COH"~: ~t'rlion I. hiHt, ot'y~ M I rjllTil' f1uki n (,~ Jlo!J1t.~, 'af(\! Ludinh'1un, harluttc ITnrtlltun und

g'; .

11., ". '");01 m",I,' Ill' of fl t'tty BCl'I1nrd 49 POI/ltR, lal'Joflc 111 I ,t' .;n 1 n11l1 1 !)nkin, ]\ifllQ!al'ct Bergan .ond I t I/' " I 1 " '1""11<. 'I1h' ,,' \, 1 unt CI hlh ' C'har\nt\ t' lI AJ'l mn n IHiC h r ce lvcd , u II' ill Pit' III llll' olle-nd.l ~l'vt'l' of 4<1 .




'U HIIl!' II nd j 'I'dion JI arnl~lmn lI.firiam I' Wharton II I pOInts. William ,'mor ordH' Ita. \\'1 II .IY· . .,' Thomas . r h., l'ro 'Will \ill I>q1'in II. 8 , ~~nlll ,f.! 45 PQlnt~. " Ih n (I'd ck in lh .. \\'uyneHilie ~)'n1. j-lli J\(\I~t~. I b k lory _ Allna Tb fe-liv 1 i~ of [!,pu·tnl inwt· .'edlOn 1 . . , I bl:'rau'" uIHll'l' tht' romll it-nI l Vntkins 50 pomu . Miriam Whar· ' I ~ r' h' -l)l- tl' 1' 1r . 1 " I'nnk mu ch .ton ·l\l poi nt-.~. )R b 46d l ,n, . ', k rt Preston 'ts k '·n mu ieal tnll'lIt i,; br(ll)ghl po inL:i H o -)·t 1 fC , 46, polO an UII li~ht no \\ tha m . ay brjn~ I ~c\lltllllJ()n .' 'V 'U' Strouse to r I lam . 46 pOlnt.~ . 1.1) !,O\11 e uf Ih e p U1l i ei(lllllt~. h 1& .. . T Wa-y'ne.ville Sc 0 UDJP eam L ht E'· lI · Grad New& The followIng Pllpil will try tor JI took a ll a p lace on the Warr.en county Tht' l'igh th groll uehiewnl~n t t est 0 11 Apli l 1, The di lric.l-state scholarshIp team, at t '''t incl uded 0 qu~~tion in Lebanon high school building on jl;l'(nnme r 11 11<1 r; que,tion ill pril 18, at I) a. Dl. hi lory. The tollowing obtained Engl~h l~Margie Gustin and

):l.e-';( I,. f Nh 111 <.' .~ 'II




E\,l'lyn Juhn . IRebrll I-Elma Poinsett and ~li1llbl!t h lIoblit. Latin 1 -~ll)la Poinsett anti J\lhinm cott. , nerol • ci~nce-- Wilton Hurt. . ock I) nd Ada Belle Frye . Latin II -eil/u'l es Anderson and Viviltn onner. Engli h Il- Rulh onner anw R ba Edward". I'lane Criometl'Y-Roy Crockett and Ruth onner. Eng'lisb Ill- Glenna Woollard and Suelln Bernard, French I- Margk>o Tinney and

Shlullkl'r, additional rll'ht 01 'Way lit bridll'l', $30; The Gem City Blue Print & Supply Co:, photoslats, $3.110; J. K. penc(>or, sand L______......1'-__________________---' and gl'avpl $70.36; The Van Camp 0 ., gravel, $25.48; Isadora Apl'iI 20. 193G at 10 o'clock. W. Squires, hog killed by county New SU~lta ~Whi(cker, next fri el1d of the ch ild truck, $40,2G; Tho Klin g\ll' Dills AIIk for a A co e \,a<; tiled in the matt r wtlS appoint d to investigate Lhe 0., parts. $l7.41 i The York Supof the l:l8L will anu testtlment of motter. ply Co., po)'ta, $14.20; R. D. Col. Miami,burg Permanent In the matter of the e !.ute ot lett, supplies and ga!loline. $52.64; Wcll tel' E. Wool""ine, decca, ell, Concrete for applicalion tel admit will to John B. Pence. deceased. the exe· The incinnati Oil Works Co. Pt· bale Court. cllt.or of the estute are ordered gu.soline, $43.60: A. Shiflett, food Air Seal Buri~1 Vault --to indol'se and transfer ctlrt ificate $2; ScldlHng's Food Morket, . For Sale only by Probate Court ot stock fol' purposc of r demp- tood, $4; J. R. Ooffman, food $ 10: Lotti. e Zimlll~rman. W. G. R ckhill, Charles S. Irwin t.ion. , J. T, "Deal'dotf, rent, $lQ; l<"l'ank. Your Funeral Director. United States History- Glenno Th e eslate of hurles A. Du· t f 00 d ,,.1I!27 . "...: A. and Robert 11. Jones ,vere appoirl t· FQod 11-f a1' k e, Woollard and Margie Tinney. d $"... ; -11' : : I .C. ed appraisers of tl~e estate. of Li.:- .."'an. deceased, was found to be T. H'U d son, f 00, English IV--Jane Cook and hl McClure Funeral Home I'lCempt from Inheritance tax. H 'Jt f I I f d . ,"'32 60 ; -c Drake, deceascld. anll on, ue un( 0 0 . , W '11 0 Ru th Salisbury, athedne Dugan, adminish:otJ-ix H h 'G f d $675 Phona 7 ayne.n e, • In the case of I! red A. Rickard, or tht estate filed ht'r application I\wt ol'n s rocery, 00, ' ; L.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Physic8-Ceci_1 Hartman and aclntini hotOI' of the estaw of f ot. R ce~tifl lite of trans..Ccl'. W. H. MF·cHednI'Y&. S foold, C$ 17 ,6 ]; Donald Foulk!l. Morrow ee uPll yo., f ue hemistry-Robert Thoma . Elizab th Rickard, deceased, verArthur H~milton, harles J. $9.75; North End Grocery, tood, u GladysR. Wat.kin, ta l. conW .... on er and C_ H. YOl.\ng were A h fl f d "21 60 L French II--Jane Cook and Ruth d ..... $4 ; • S i ett, 00 ~ 'I' • ; • d ali. bury. firmation and deed Wli S or cre. appointed aplll'lliSers of the e tate W. Smith. food, $2; Kroger Gr9. , The inventory ot Raymond Weis of Robert J, Shawhan. dec as d. cel'Y & Baking Co" foo?!, $24.65; F...bman Cia.. Meetin.. mall. admini traiCir of the estate Alb ert St, John, was 'appo inted G5; Schilling's Food Market, food. o! Ch.."'ries Wei mlln. d ceased was executor of the ogtate of Hannah 'P"'37 . .no. ; L . ' H • B1 'wn $9', T wo m eetings of the f"""hman 0 . food , .... ~ d Eli".llb lh t. John, no bond reclass were held last week, the flrst approve. ,. J. R. Coffman, food $14.60; Frank I Clore" quircd . Charle J, Wag.gOller, I'III F OOt1'" t ml' Ik an d Jood , on Wednesday and the ncxt on T h e I nven to ry 0 f E (w. . ;1. .nar k e, Frida At the tlrst meeting the ad mini trator of the estate of Frank. A. Dilatush and Karl M. 38.45; E. H. Gloeckler, food. $17 matte~' of collecting class due~ was JOhn A. Lerch. deceased, was BI'own wore appointed appraisers. Greenwood Dlliry, milk, $Il,10; A. discussed. approved . Forest Hathaway, administrat.or D. Gl'apevin • food. $11 i HawROOT FOR AND CONSICN At the last meeting, plan were' John A. Reese, was appointed of the estate of Irene Hathaway, ~horn's Grocel'y food $16.'7tI; A T. Cattle. hOlre, ebe~p and calv., outlined for the high.scbool party adrn!n! trator of the estate of d ceas~d. tlled hi fi t and final Hud on, food, $4; W. L. Kirby. Norris·Broek C" •• JIve wire and pragre 1I1ve ftrm hr th& bilrbeat which ' the olass is to sponsor late Mar~ie Encn Mlt,~heLl, decensed. account. food, $4,50; Lebanon Farmers market pric~lI!1 _Dd cood service. in April. Plans were also complet· and flied bond of with sure Coop. Co•• tu I, $9; W. A. Luk- Vnloa Sto~1r V.reIa· Cinclaaal!: O. Real E.tate Tlllanarer. 'Ik $5 ' 65 i L owi S & Tune in on Radio Statlon W\iKY cd for the Good Friday program ties. , ens Dairy. mt, 12 :25 to 12 :30 p. m, for our ail, to be given this week. Carl V. Dunham was lI11Pointed August O· . Harbaugh and Drake, Inc., fuel, $22.75; Mason market reporta. administrator of the estate· of Amanda Harbaugh to Verna I. Milling & Supp ly, f uel. $6.50; ===========~=~~ Fourth Grade John Benn e~t, delleased, and flied Harbaugh and Leonard A. Har- Morrow Feed & Supply Co" fuel, The Fourth grade has another bond of $10,000 with sUl'eti s. baugh, 66.35 acl'S5 in Clearcreek $6.50; J. . Me.ser Coal & Feed, fuel. $3.25; W. ll. McHenry, new pupil, Samuel Mitchell, 'from Charles Hoff, Harry Hutchins and town hip. Chal'les A. Dugan, deceased, to food, $13; A. Sbillet. food, $8.60 i Dr. Paul Tetrick were appointed t ho Lebanon school. 0 therine Dugan, et aI, 90 ncres L. W. Smitl\. food, $7.50; Trac~'& The perfect spellers for the past appraise rs. In the matter of th e estate of in Tortlecreek town hip. Grocery, milk, $7.05; Teny's week were: Elizabeth Curtis and Ruth Gates. ' Eugene C. DunhslIkl, deceased, disThe Citizens National Bank, of Grocery; food, $5; A. H. Turner, tribution was ordered. Wilmington to Roy Fife. 57 acre" shelter $0' ;Ruby Van Riper. food Dai y Roush .Jnyder, adminis· in Washington township. $48.50~ ~est. D. Wil son. milk, SecoD\I .Crad. tratrix of the , of Carl S'u e N. and Ray- 8Sc; Warren County ,Lumber Co., P~rEect spellers: Norma Adams, Rouch, deceased, filed her first. mond Harshbarger to Mattie Set- fuel. $6.60; Zehrjngburst:' Da,iry, R.ichard Iron s, . Virgil .L ongacre, final and distributive account. , ties Gray, real estate in Lebanon. milk, $3.60; N. D. Brewater, food Rosemary Mulford Ricllard Stane· The inventory of Angellne Emm lin, et. 1\1, to Charles $3; Dr. Herschel M. Williams berry and Gladys Rye. Martz. executrix. of the estate of M. and Kath erine itts. inlot No. medical services, $220; Kroger Section ()Oe of the second grade Lewis H ~ Martz, deceased, was 80 in Sprngbioro. . .Grocery & Baking 00., food and Phone 78J is completing a cotton project approved. Elizabeth Rickard. by admlnts- milk, .36.61; Schilling's Food which has llrovert verJ interesting Dinah A. and Erne t trator . to Paul E. and Anna J. Market, toad, $17.7G: Cale's Groto eacl) pupil. E. Hartsock wer,e appointed ad· Stevens. real estate in Clearcreek cery, food. $4: Herb Hoppe, fuel and food, $64.61: Wilson Terry. mini tratol'S of the estate of township,. 'iOTARY PU8LIC Toach.,. .. Dr. Warren C. Breiden. . Hea ... Inter.. tinc Boo•L George C. Hartso(,k and filed bond Fred A. Rickard, et al to Paul food. 1I!4', R.~ew oC $14,OO(} ,itb sureties. Lester E. Stevens and Anna J. Stevens, bach. medical services, $25; Cary's Nalleta.1 a ... Gordon, J. E. Frazier and Lee Jll'aJ este!\!' in Clearcreek town- Jewelry Shop. ('epllirs to glasses. Willa Drawa ••'a. SattW At the l'CgUlar meeting ot tbe He nderson were ' appointed ap- ship. 60c; Ivins-.Jameson Drug ComWAYNESVILLE, OHIO faculty or the Wayne Township praisers. J. W. Snell and 0 ie A. Sne11 pany supplies, $13; Dr. C. Haar- e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! schools, held on Wednesday even· Gertrude S. Mi.11er'"was appoint· to Charles Doster and Ruth Dos· lammert, medical eervices, .60:,\ DATES ing of lad tbe teachers had ed administratt'ix of t he estate ter, inlot No. 41 in Harveysburg. Dr. Frank A. Dilatush, medical FOR SALE the privilege of hea,ring an inter· of ' Obe 1(. Miller, deceased. and Mary F . Mikesell to Richard services $77; Hazel Brooks, l'Cnt, MUng review of ~ar!h'8 bOo~ filed bond of ~21iO with sureties, Vand erveer, real estate . in Frank· $25; H~ward Fielder. services as . "The Teacher OutSIde the Charles Coleman. RoJ>e..rt Taylor lin township. , s upt•• $116; Babe Conner. auto giYen by MiBs McKjnsey. ThiS book and Ida Hetplilr ' were named ap· Jeremiall G. Ertel to The Pea- axles $1.50; Lewis & Drake,.Io.e., • plaster" maintains that teachers must lind praisers. p]e'j! Building, Loan and Sayings richll;ortar and oelllAlP tcoal. $14.renewal of spirit and . life outside William wa , appointed Co" 180.45 acrell in Wasbington $61.60: LeWis & should administrator of the estate of township, 50; Bert Banta, seriiceSl, $28.39; JESSE STANLEY ' he school Binc.e be the goal of teacher, Adam Allmyer, and filThOl.nas J. and Sarah E . Stanley Wm. Shotwell, ' !m"¥ices, $11.61; P •••• SIO, Naw 8.r1lDlloD. 0111.. Teaqhing il! one of the fin est pro· ed bond of , $500 with sureties. a. to Bruce II. and Alma L. Pollitt, Chester E ltzroth, labor~ $14.4 0; -iessions i~ the world, but all teach L. Cheney, H. G. Fitzpatrick and 137.07 acres in Warre n and Mont- The Office Outfitters, paper clips. EARL KOOCLE ing should be directed to some Dr, N. A. Hamilt.on were namea gomery counties. GOc' Tb~ Columbus Blank Book Da,lo. Plao ... definite end. Sinc', york sho.uld appraisers. Jeremiah Parkhill to Albert B. Mf~. Co.• forms, $53.25; Helen KED_ar••••• be directed towards accompbshWalter A. POGS, executor of the Mossteller and Irene M08steller, Doughman. board and COTe Clit. =~=======~==-~= me nt, play sho.lJld be for 'pure estate of Marck Pardee, deceased inlot No. 87 in Mason. ford Doughman, $7; Mn. Ira Eltpleasure. A sense of humor Will do tiled his flrst and final account. Arlhur F. Armstrong to Herbert %rotb board and care, Alice muc!) to help a ,teache~; the best 'MJnnie Stewart, guardian ,Of W. iem 'ring, 115 acres in Frank· Starkey, ,6; James Moole, boardl ' • and care Lucy Moore, $5; Mrs ..... ..-................... •...... _ _ _ teach en laugh With theIr students. Marion Gard, J r., filed her t.hlrd lin township. Of course, the teacher must know account. , J ealln ette James to Chester Nee· ,Elmer Lacy. board and care Frank I when not to laugh; only a thorough T~ will of Robert March Pau- ly Jind Myrtle Neely. real eBtate Lacy. ,5; Mrs. Lule Gabbard, FOR SALE , knowled~ of human nature-and Iy, deceased, was filed in court. in South Lebanon. board and car~, Lincoln Gabbard, knowledge is . one. of, In tbe matter of the estate of Grace A . . to Joseph A. $5; Mrs. . Margaret Jones, board FOR SALE _ Fresh cow with g:reate$t of all assets-wlll deCIde Margie Ellen Mitchell, deceascu:l, Bahl', real estate In Mason. and care Ollie Gardner, $6; 'MTS. calf. H. R. Ford?oe. R. 3, whelhllr the teacher laughs. J. T. Rile y was appointed attor· Josep h A. Bahr to The People's Julia H:Uand, board and care, Waynesville, Ohio. Too many teachers, t he author ney to represent. John A. Reese. Building, Loan , and Savings Co .• Vernon Bolland. $10: Mn. Oma pointl out, regard themselves all administra·t or. real estate. in Mason. Osborne board and care, Walter FOR SALE- Polan d Chinn male e ntirely apart from the com· Morris L. Nixon filed his ap... Barlow.~nd Frank Ballinger, ,22; bO E Evans Phone 470R. munity in which tbey work. T~ey plication for 'the appointment of Birla AJlowed Blair 1& Le,Roy. eoal. $24.38; Dr. g.., a9-16should be interested in com~u~~ty a guardian of Eva Irene Stewart, W. ,H. Madden & Co., oement H. M. WiUiams. coronel' fees, ' events. take part in the actlVltles aUeged insane. . lumber and supplies $15.9 6; Frank $12.70; Miller, mettr ,"'. k'm~ ~AJ..E.. '1 room-house, w~ of the community, and make the!"The will of Webster ~. Wool- - - _ . $27; Warrefl CO,u nty News, letters and ~lcctric, barn, nice 101., . OP sel~ a del)nite- . constructlVe wine. deceased, 'Vras fil ed m court. and letterheads and envelopes, third treet; sel\jng to ~ettle elltate ' 'force. It Is only then that th.~ As th~ Judge o,f Probate: Court $i1.50:Van Comp Stone- Co., W. N. Sears, Phone 79. teacher will be able to f~I~Il ' hiS was a witness .t(J' the WI~!. . the gravel and sand, $64.82; The Daydestiny of having the abIlity to matter is to be . certified III the ton Slue Print Co., Van Dyke nega FOR SALE-- Fresh cow, Jersey, 3 lift bl8 students and the commun· Court of Cornmon Pleas, uponlfothe tiv~, blue printa, '49.68. years Old. J. B. Sackett~ B. R. 1 ity up and never to let them down application of Mlargaret L. Martin • _ ..._ __ a2 • - • The inventorY of D. E. Hey· NOTICI!l 011' IlIil&JUl'(O NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT wood, executor of the estate or FOR SALE-Garco Deluxe Min· Mirl! Bowyer, dee eased, was ap. Wa_ lIr.. • 'eral Cleaner for all paroted Estate of Emma A. Robertllon, proved. (Cler" . , 8a1.. r...aI 0 0" lifo. ' surface•• 2&c pq. Sponge free. ae.M8) , C The will of Gharles E. Lewis deceased. e el_b ... OJ•••, ...... aa, 1... ~f•. by Grabam Produeta 0., Notice Is hereby given that Earl was admitted to court. Frances Xenia, Ohio. R, D. CDllett, Hard· The Director O't Hlsbwa. -of RobeTtaoJl wbo~e Post Office Ad· T. Lewis was appointed eKecutrix Oblo witt bold a public bear1n.. at ware, W aJllesviii e, Ph on... 99R3 • dreBs is Wal'neeville, Ohio, R. R. I of the estate, D IG bond being reo 3 o' p, m. Ea.terll standar\! Time on Tueaday • .o\prll 2" US., I~ FOR SALE - Seed oorn. old • No.8, ha. been dull" ' appo'i nted as quir~d. O. W. llionis, Frank P. the Warren County C9urt H;ou.o~ l'ed 96'" LebanoD, Ob,lo, tor tho purpOIll 01 reII oW'. '''b II e., 7(> or more Administrator of. ,t he Estate of Todd and Obarl(!8 S. IrwIn were hearlna argument. for and a .. ahllt "'erm~nation. '8.00 per bu. W. C.• ; liJmma A. Ro~ert80n late of War- named apPl'Jilera. ' the propol.d addition to the · Btate .. 1I1ghWay .y.lem ot the Road knoiWD Bergdall, Lytle. a2-9-16 ren, County, Ohio, deceased. In the matter of the. estate f!;S tb e f!a.rve)'.burg·New Burl\n~ton . ' Dated this 20th day of March, W. Benjamin LeWia. deceased. ~';.~dco~:fl~~d ~~d ~:[~:n ~~~ dt~i'i: FOR SALE-19U SNd Com, tran.fer of stock is' ordered. 1986. nltely 4ucrlbed a. follow.: vari&ty Leam:lne, &erminatloD James E. Burke. Atty. Sylvan foinsett, administrator St:regl~~lunl~ ~~ ~~~ Irer~~won.. 90% or more~ per bu. Marvin RALPH H. CAREY, of the estate of lliary A. Poinsett, Warren County lload No. 25', ap· Hay R R 3 Troy, Ohio, halt /lroxlmately O,~2 mile. eaat ot tile . ., d Judge of the Probate Court decea&ed filed his first and final n8t corporat-Ion of the way he-tween Tippecanoe City an · accollnt. , m26-a2-9. , Warren County, 0 h10 of Harveysburg W-t thel\ce In a norbh .. ~Ilton Nottb ' off Jloute '7] • CarlO. Jones. OVIIT and along 'aunt}' ou Doll Road. m26-a2-9' al)p.rOlllmately ~,9~ mllell NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT of the estate of 'lflermau F. Jones, Warren·Cllnton county line: FOD SAL'" White eh"" In a northe&llLerly dlrectlou In AI ,_ . u,p&"er, ., deceased, filed Ilill Ar&t and 1\nal <"'1lnton Coll nty over and atone tbe lOe per roll. at the Xlaml Estate of G. Frank Rogers, de· account. • ' Ha.rV CY8 IJurg·~ew <Burlington Road. '(County noad No. 61) apprOl{lmat4)Jy ,GaieUte oalCe. ceased. Sylvan Poinset.t, administrator 2, 50 mil es to ~he intersection with Notice is he~y riven that of the estate of lW:~y A. Poinsett, thl' New .BurtlngLOn-$l1gD RoOd FOR SALII--Enula;e ,1.00 per Meta I. Rogeb whose Post Office deceased, flIed ,h is. application for ~~~;:fi'l:l~rlnt~~' c~un~;; c~e:~:~ ton. D~d.. lloUllJla aDd Waynortherly on County Road No. .. u...w. Plant.. ol-t.t Addreas is Wayne.ville. Obio, R. a certificate oj! tranBfer. The 8J'proxlmatelv 0,6 mil.. to the In. . . R. No.2. has been duly appointed estate found to be exempt t raeelton wi~ ounly Road No. I PIPJ: VALVJlI nTTJNQ8 as Administratrix of the Estate of from inberitance tIpc. i~e~~: ~11!8~ee.y~~ew Wa• • au . . . !.~ G. Frank Rogers late of Warren Thil estate of Obadiah Evan s, 'CoUnty RoOad No, I, SphIJlq. CIatena 1Iaad. _ ~.ll Olt1e. t(j JUaot . .4 _ ........ PI....., • County, Ohio, decea&ed. deceased, wal fOllnd to be exempt Jlau ot ."• .y 1..... pdeea .... Dated thiJI 24th day of March from ~ 1986. kom. wa. IIPpolnted '1'Iat OlIo. WIIM U I. P. Hapner. Atty. Idm.lDI.tratet' the ,Ita~ of arl.. Dllrel1e Alexander, (leMlUQ. . DaytOD, Ohio. Nane, and lied aUt)' .IDler "Itb radl Whitemau'l Brown band. II to be tbEl aU"t .lar on d .. RALPH H. CAREY, bOD 0.. , tb, Krocer radio prolr.m. "The Judp of Ute Probate' Court E. L. ThODI&I Charle. Wat- No.... 1\ Tbou.aad the a2-9-18 Warrai Countr, kin. wete appraiaera. . ...11 ot "arch U. Clara •• Plc.....llIl. admlJnia1tNt1'll1t1 lb. 'U flu <£Woltvllr of til_ . . . . of • • '''111 /thl. ~I





F. ·r. Martin








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p rHona1 propt'rty purchased (or Ruch conllumt'r might alMo be ~uL- proviMlonR 01 the (J j'Tax Law will must be approved by the Depart-' ment of Education in order to u-(>. ~torage or ()th~r con~umption ject to R lint·. all bl' crPditt.d to the State Public 'The monil'!< l'l'('I'iVI'd uncier th,. l:ichool Fund. within the !llat(· of Ohio dUl'inlC IIhare in the program, and ir tht' l thi" period. . ISSUED 'EVDY THURSDAY approval IR l'efused and the district Th(· U"e Tax. while based on lhl' !..!!.~~~~--~~~!!!!"~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bch 01 officiah! will not consolidate cbools, the. district nnl~t at Po.toftlee at Wayn..· the sarno ratl'~ a~ the Sa]es Tax, is a os•• ......--- -........ ... "......... N.. II-• Entered ville. Oblo. aa Qecnnd CI••• M.II finance the ~nlire cost of oper!~- Ohio Fo)k, Can Fi"d "Th. Fi.ld• distinct and ~epa rate taJl, the disSECOND CHURCH OF CHRIS T, SCIFNTIST. DAYTON. OHJO S....crlptlo. Prl••, fl.1O • Yea, MaU.,. . ~inction being that ih • ales Tax Bafketfull of Nutritiou. tion. Elimination or the 1,000 is collect d by nlcrchllnis doing schools will affect about 20,000 Cr_ F~~. ARRIL 9, 1936 bu iness in the stale of . Ohio, pupils, whose transportation will have to be arranged by the school The I)(~op le you 51! wandel'ing while the s Tax is collected EDtitl~--Chri.ti .. n Sde nee: The Law of Cod districts. Some of the schools about the fields and vacant lots frol11 the 11 rson buying tangible YOU'LL PAY AND PAY by which will be closed have fewe]' now IU'C not looking I(fr gold in per onal prope rty from merchants than ten pupils in attendanc e, and th hill ' but {H'C acarchi nE COl' iron or companie. outside the state of Paul Stark Seeley, C. S. B. the 8v~r8gc fOl' the 1,000 "chools in ·th ~ blood, sccol'ding to lhe Ohio. The cost of living is always one of the gravest problems tlle is twenty pupils, Mr. Dietrich nutrition experts at Ohio tate In general, til' se Tax applies of PortJalld. Ore ion Univct ity,who comme nd this upon the lJSI:', stoJ'age 01' consumppublic lac . During depretlsion the problem became magnified many asserted. 1\[, ·11111.·,. ·uf II,,· Bon ,·,1 (Jr L ,· tH'· '·~IIII> I'Ir n, p M<>lhl'r I hUI . It 'l· h ,· FI" sl Ch ,l,. It o r (!111"i~1. "('1\,"1 '~ 1. In 11",,1.111. Mtl~s , time/!. Today, in spite of the recovery that has bMr made, it is ~tlll • •• • . Llutdoor spod , f picking . pJ'ing ti n of any Pl·opcJ'ly. th e sale of gr ater than ordinary, for that recovery has been followed by rl~es Eillht t.housand persons from greens. which would hav been subject to In MEMORIAL HALL in ~e price level that have not yet ])een accompanied by illcrellsed m- every state in the union Qnd f course , the gl'C , n Clln . be the ale Tax had it h n purFirst and St. Claar' St~e"'to come so 101' as millions of citizens are concerned. from dozens of foreign ounirie s bought but there is cun~idel'ab l e ella ed \\ithin lhe illat" (I f Ohio. 1 Government should attempt to bold the cost of living to as low 9. have sig ned the visitors' register Bliti faclion in plucking your own, Convel'i;tly, il doe not apply upon level as is economically possi])le. But government, to the contrary, in the rotundn of the State Rou se and th excrci in lhtl sun and air the UlIe, . torage 0 1' consumption of I AT 8 :15 0' LO K has followed a diametrically diffeTent course. It has pas ed law after since th ledger was opened June is almost as ben fici nl as til difih any prop<'tty, thc al l' of wh ich law which made a high I' cost of living inevitable. And at the same 19, according: to John L. Kennedy, of g~eeh8. Everyon e is familiar has been ~ubject to lhe Sales Tax. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED exeoutivll with the dand elion hut thel'c are ThdH, the Lwo metho ds M taxlltion time, it has pellJllized distributing methods which milde is pO!\JIi~le to sllpervisor of state . sell th nee-etlsities f life to the consumer at a low cost, wlth01lt buildings, who has charge of tbe othcl' greens whi<:h are not so well stand as complotn nt.$ to ellc h dilmagoe to (he producer. State Rou e. Only one visit.o r ill known but which calli be oth r in Ohio's r8venu plan, 1.lOcI !!!!'!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The taxes passed by val'lous states agllinst large merchandising . ten affixed a signature, it WIi S in Ohio. PU1's lane, u sually call d takcn together, provide it uniform 1 organizations are indicative of the latter-taxes that must inC'Vitably estimoled. · In an introductOl')' to pusJ y by n¥ry gardeners, is II tax upon eithe~ th e sales or use or be passed On to the consumer. · And bills are now pending in Congress the volume Governor Martin L. good candidate ror the greens all tangible personal property, irwhich would again increas.e the of Living by outlawing certain Davey welcom s "all visitors to picker; and cowslipll, Jambsq uar- respective of where it mny have merchandi ing practices which cut costs and permit of greater eavings the historic balls or lhe State un's, corn salad, cress, and mus- been purchased. in the routin of bringing goods from producer to buye·r. House," ana comments: "Ohio is tard all hav e di tinctive flavol' F or in:!tance, John Jones rends The pubJlc should awaken, to the fact that it and it alone ' pays the proud of this fine old building and mBkoe good greeTIS. 1 in the newspapel' that. the ·X. .Y. Z. , cost of such, laws. It and it alone must bear the burden, and f~l the which housel its gove rnment; tbe I Those who like to have . t heir I, loc.ated In Chlcago, l III effect8. And, unless the 126,000,000 American consumers classic Iinel!J of Doris beauty eX.8 lt gr en s brought by the grocery boy III1nol8, IS elhn g radios for $15. their voic 8 heard, they are going to find that a steadily increasing the majesty 0:( good citi~enshlp I are reminded that Swiss cbal'd and He .sends his money to hieago and '-Part of their income will be required to purchase the bare necessities and public service." bl'occoli arc two of the neWel' in du~ time receives the . radio. # of life. • .• • llo ssibiliti ~. pinach, kale, call- Had he purchased the radio fl'om Reductions in electric and gas Bl'd, and th e tops of tU l'nips and his local dealer, 45 cents sales t ax rates to Ohio con amers during b ets a re familiar favorites on would have been added to the the first quartel' of 1936 wlJl m.o!lt tables. Garde~lers who like purch$se pl'ice. The Chicago dealer constitute an annual saving of to Irrow green probably \ ill be not being licensed in Ohio, nor $1,&99,000, it was announced by intere ted in the "seven-top being an Ohio merchant, does not Chairman E. J. Hopple of tbe turnip" which ha been recently charge the sales tax and, under 8 :00 Music and weather foreeRlit. State Public Utilities Commi!!sion. devi!loped furnish Iota of topa the. e circumstan,ces, Mr. Jones is 8 :05 Some Arbor Day Reftections--H. E. Elwine, narrator. The reduction, he pointed out, and very s mall root:;. Sprouting or r equired to report this purchase 8:15 Planning a Farm Shop-A. C. Kennedy, vocational agricultural were either voluntarily made by brun<:hing broccoli is ready for u.e and pay under the Use Tax Law, instructor, Reynoldsburg. the utilities or by agreement with in late spring and (~arly s ummer the lax of 45 cent~ to the state of 8 :25 Orch.estra directed by Edwin Stainbrook: the commission without formal and then CII., be trimmed back and Ohio. In this climate, you need 8 :40 Let's Get. Our Flower Garden Started-Mrs. B. R. N~], Dublin, heaTings; The domestic saving will kept growing to furnish greens in The fact that tangible personal . Franklin co~ty. amount to $1,025,089, with Ule th fall. property is purcbased in interstate 8 :50 What's New in Farm Credit--Morr-is E. Rice, Sec.-Treas., Com· balance divided between comm~rGreen cooked in lin uncover d or foreign commerce doe not exG•• vannealed munity Nat'l Farm Loan A en., Osborn. Copper a_rln. cial al1d lndustrial consumers. container will have better color cmpt from the tax the stora~e, I) :,00 Services of tlfe Columbus Milk Council-'MisB Betty Reid, • •• . and more fopd valu,a than those use or other consllmption of suoh Get fence that co.tsleSl, beeause it Itubbornly fi~hta council educational director. Announcement of a surgical pr pared in a. cover d dish. Pro- property in this state after the rult and l.ats years longer. Red Brand Fence Cive. \):10 Ol'chestra directed by Edwin Stainbrook. operation to relieve severe cases longed cooking I'llduces the tood shipment of the .,rop.rty interyou double rust protection I It IiChta lIurface nwt 0:26 Getting the Most From Your Farm Power-R. D. Barden. of diabetes WIUI reported to the value of the greens, but the right state or foreign com~erce has With a GalvanneaJed (heat oeated) ainc eoatiot Agricultural Engineering Department. Am erican Psychological ociety in kind oC sea oning makes the ended. At the time the Ohio pur'MUCH THI~KRR than on ordinary lIalvaniSed 9 :35 AnswenJ to Farmers' Questions--dialog. Wasbington by Dr. Fred A. family eaJl fOr anolh,er helpjng. chaser receives tbe property and fence wire. And it. rea' copper bearinr; ateet fichta Hitchcock and Dr. George M. !l :45 Joan and Jerry-dramatic s1rit. -,.. uses 01' consumes such property, deep nut, too. Come in and look over OW' .tack. 9 :55 to 10 Music and weather forecast. Curtis of the College of Medicine ! Reports from ovel' the state the property has come to rest of Ohio State universit.y. The indicate considerllbli! injury to within the state of Ohio and cano~ration, according to Drs. wood in hio apple tll·chards. F. not be considered as still being Hitchcock and Curtis, was devel oll- H. Beach, speciali st in horticulture interstate in nature. It, therefore, ed through the study Of animals al O. S. U. say that c6rrective follows that the .ta.x cannot h with the disea c. It does not cure pruning ~ hC?uld be done after considered as to be a burden on indiabetes, 'but doe!! improve the growth di closes which limbs t€:rstat.e commerce in any manner. ~ of the diabetic. The should be removed. The Obio Use Tax became ef- Phone 25 Wayn•••ille, Ohio fective on January I, 19-36, and COLUMBUS, OHIO- Additlon~ action was decided upon after a patient in the case was a youth who was required to Ohio lanners' are back in the all purchases mad between t hat a] consolidation of schools in state·wide survey conducted by the usc 100 units of insulin .a day, market or' limestone to be applied date and March 31, 19S7, are subOhio' will Iro into e:ffect nut fall State Department of Education, wllich is a large dose and expen- on acid $oil • A report mad& by ject to taxation, at the same rates when approximatel, 1,000 one- and is neces84ry in order to sive. After th operation it was the soiJ department lit O. S. U. as the lIales tax.. Each person room schoo). will be eliminated participate in the hnd8 under the fOllnd that only about fifty units shows the purchaSe oJ: 176168 tons making taxa'ble purchases within and the number of echool dlstl'icts school f01JJldatioll pro~m, MI'. were required, the surgeons said. 'of Ii.ming materials :in 1935; this the quarterly period from January ,"ut from 1,986 to 1,600, according Dietrich said. Tbe Traxler-Keifel.' Drs. Hitchcouk and Curtis are is more than a 73,000 ton increase 1,1936 to Marilh 31, 1936, are reo that planning a second operation, the in buying fro~ ~e_~932 figures. qui red to · make a return to the to Alllialant State Director ot foundation act provldea Education E. N. Dietrich. The schools with fewer thau 180 pupils patient for which is now . under Tax Commi.ssion of Ohio, on or observation. ,before April 16, 1936, setting ............. . ..... • • • forth the amount of said purchases Probable increase of old age Dr. Fan of Wilmil).gton gave and remitting the tax due. ·Blanks penllion payments in Ohio from the the second of dl series of Bible for th'& making of this Return may present average of $15.03 monthly stui:li sat the Friends' Church on be obtaihed from The Tax Comto a ~22.50 average loomed' as Ii W edne. day evening. mission <>:f Ohio, Use Tax Section, result of the granting of federal ReV'. Peter~ is conduoting pre- GB East Gay St., Columbus, Ohio. funds for payment of half of the Easle~ . ervices every night tbis or by inquiring at your nearest J ... I pension load that the state hl18 week at the M. E. Church. Sales Tax Office or local examine,r .. been carryiilg. Ira M. LaMo~aux Mr. and Mrs. Harold Robinson [nformation regarding the Use .' of the State Division of Aid for and daughter have moved to Tax and assi tance in filling out . . . . . 6-. . . . . . . . . . . . the Aged indicated that everything Russel Ferris' farm. the Returns may sl 0 be received possible will be done to grant Samuel Wilson "(as taken to Mc- from your local Sales Tax Office. Mr. Dargusch further pointed increases. "The present law," he Clellan bogpital, Xenia, Saturd ay, said, "calls for a maximum of ~25 where he ~nderwent a preliminary Qut that failure to file a return month, with other operation. would not only liabl~ the consumer lactors ~uch a s the pel'llonjs. inMrs. Mabel Mills of Xenia i~ fol' tlle amount ot tax due plus a come, hi~ dependents and Ilia the guest of her sistl!T-in-law Mrs. fifteen percent penalty, but .that ability ~o provide othE\r support. amue l Wilsonl Mrs. A. W. Turne'r is t.he guest We will make what. increases e \ call, if they do not conllict with of her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Bogan , the law's requ tremente. New cases 1Jr., in Harvey burg. will alllo be a determining factor." 1 Thc Epworth Leall;ue .enjo~e~ a Mr. LaMoreaux said ' no increase social at the bome of MISS 'M1rlam would be Irranted untiL a detailed Van l)erVoort Friday evening. reoooeheck of aU eases is made. • - ~-4-_ "THE HOME OF GIFTS"


r---------------------------. Free Lecture on Christian Science


Monday Evening, Apri113, 1936







7alhs, April 13 '



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-----_ ...--- USE TAl HETUHN DUE ,



. , . ,I /0 '

'A; .

~~ ..: i IIEHBY WADSWOlml LOKGFILLOW I I\P aU Amvlcua whon writ- at the ....ui eon.... Aa IOOD .. '

U ·ten wotdI. ha.. beeD d~ply h. foud economic en~'9ed OIl OlD' nati~


milld In writiqhe .... up ....... to cleYOt.laJmaelf on1~ to poetrt. holcl on Unlik. the poelaor traditioa, Henrr WidIworth Loqfeilow. Louftlloy . • ~ 1 _ The work. of the peat poet wu pop~tir IIId a oomfortaw. lDdl1Puaed with a rentl..... tbat IOm. ID 11k own IU.tim•• B, .... alwap ~ble to ....... helahtaa Ita bealltJ. U. "., In • profound IIJUMI JOunc Me1I and:bIa caner .... 01 American. It .... the folk atorJ a pi. . wlill hla wert ID ltallObl. of his. natlft )and that lneplred IlDes. him moet iR ImDlorWhen he died at the .... of tal aarratift Ilk. "'nIl -IDCam~"~"""'" had .,..... 1lIOII\ of IdlI ....... CoartIIUp of We-he had ..,.. ......., .. JIll'"lltawatlla* ud DlUIIlt plaee Ia Olll' ..~_ The 'W1I.......... Am..... Ball Of Pame . ..~

aD4 heart,

DOlle has 10 Itron. a , ~pular affection ..



Estate of George C. Hartaock, deceased. Notic~ i8 ·.hereby . given that Dinah A. Hart$ock and Ernest E. Hartsock whose Post Office Address is Waynecsville, Ohio, have been dul, appointed as Adminis-


Cary'. Jewelry . Shop Lebanon, Ohio EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING ·

Mr. Oarlton S. D~lrgusch, ViceChail·man of the Ta~x CommissioD I of Ohio, has announced that the I u.u.. o.ay C •• ui•• Met.rl.l. returns under the Ohio Use Tax . Prompt Service Law are due and payable on or ' before April 16, for the- first StOl'e open until 9 p. m" quarter 01 1936, on all tartgible, , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-'

traton of the Estate of George C. '!!~'!!!!~'!!!!'!!!!~!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!~~'!!!!~!!!!'!!!!~'!!!!! Hartsock latle of Warren County, ~ Ohio, dec~d . . Dated this 30th da,y of March 1986• . C. Donald jDlIatush, Atty. RALPH H. CAREY Judie of the Pro~ate Court &2-9-16 Wa~l1 County, Ohio


TIle !'Omatic Dov.l with all of Its color ad entertainment is staging • MviftJ, r .. u1t1 of a aarvey made bJ State Librarian Paul A. T: NooD iaclicate. H. said that hun~a of utn "quuta for publica tlellS of thla tla.d durinc the la.t ~..... JUde at . the State w..,. Altel . . ,......1 of aq taIaIIttoIIa· .. brlqlq It .... 41..... fol' the 1011_11 .... .....,. ad pIalel_1


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GenUemen: . r w1Q to ~ aelvantalre of JOur out8ta.DdlD« eomblDaUODl IINQtJIlUIlR an4 HleoU.1 maculno' of tel'. DaaJole4 pleaal flJlel $1.'111 u 11rwt IiVnwllt aa4 I IlfI'H to IIIIIJlt OD. ad4ttloDal paJDI'" of wlthrn tl,. Mat eo ~ I ..... &be tolJowtDl maguIDu aIoDt with a • .......ptIga to THIlI:NQVIRlllR.

" .00

........ GIoUp A •••••••••••••

too old to work. cUnner Saturday evening at th. did Ruth Salisbury. the Thl' program homl.' of Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Hath· • • sinl:ir;g ().. the h ong .'coops Frum Capitol quare: Tbp Ladil.' Aid will have & away in Wayneivilll.'. Conference, whi!<perll and buzxe~ MI'. and MrM, C. W. Younce and led by Mr. Frank. lunch at the 8uk' or Joel ~mith. Thr dinner, ~C' the Ki lie (Ovid lice thaL the big \lulitical TUl'~du}'. April 1-1. daughters, Mr. and Mr. laud. club, pllrotle il'! geUlng under way .. II'S. J. B. Jones was III elleral Riggs of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. W. directi on of the F. lal'k of Waynesville wer ~ un- cOII~istcd 4,f the Iol~owing: tomato nder the burd n of days lallt \\ eek. day aft rnOOn gue ts of Mrs. M~r1 juice cocktail, chicl(l~n, peas and jlurrow, clients find it Mi~ leo Hawke of Dayton Carmony. carrot!\( potatoes, hard I'olls, icc I wort'isomc to hanllle the Ic per Ear ~\l,ent the w k-cnd with her Mr. and Mr.. Earl Burn tt 'and cream cake and coffee. countless small d tails that Let us quot.e you rates, no parC?nts ' here. BOn, Hugh, Mr. and Mrs. 1{arvey ari e in a ,funen!.l sufllice. obligation. d.r.. Mnrgar t Johns returt~C)() Burnet, Mr. S. H. Burnett, Mr. Wa have so perfected our h"Ill 0 'u ntlay . ulter sp~n dmg nd Mrs. Harold Whitaker, Mr. ol'ganizaLion that ollery Wayne.ville, Ohio The Gilbert Bill, igned Tues· 5l'II(,I'al dar,! WIth M:-. and Mrs. and Mrs. Rufus Watkins and Mr. Mr ' . Harry S tth~lnyer of Lebphase of the ceremony, II Ea. rl Thomas on OClal Row !lnd and Mrs. Walt l' Kenrick attendc" day by Govel'nor Dav y (lnd from cemetel'Y m.atters It h h II anon, Mr. and Mrs. Robert ctUe, Phone 59R13 WIt t ~\ alLended t e operet.ta the fllneral of Mrs. Arilla sinn ett myel' o'f Oregonia, called unday providing four-year terms for cards 01 sympato ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- " " by the hlgh school gle club, at at tb~ home of her son·in-law and "'ho county officials, affects practi (Illy ~============ thy, are taken care of . '1 Frid on Mrs. Frances ickleso n, ~ (Ill candiJates for county office in eutel'V1 I , . ay ni~bt.. duught r, 'Mr. and Mrs. Oscar I'em~s very ill. withollt bother to the Mr. and Mn. Morns Wh~rton Wade on Yankee St. Saturday Mr ' , harles Smart, 01 Harvey ', Warren county. Under the new client. The result is l\ Havin .. Take D yp My law, those iected at t he NOllcmof Lebanon w re Sunday dmner afternoon. flawless service that plac es guo ts of Mr, Bnd Mrs. Iyde _ __ _ • bUI'g, WIIS dinner j~uest at ~he b l' ele tion this year to offic($ Reaidence In WaYDeaville 'l Am a minimulll of strain upon Wharton and family, ' Home Sunday. pI' viously on a two-year t rm the grief- ' tricken. Little Dickey Swank of Dayton W"VNESVILLE HICH01'1 and Mrs. FI'811k Gl'egg were Prepared To Do bll~is, will pC I've four years. is S}:l nding the Ea t l' vacation overnight gu sts at the home, \\ith his grand parents Mr. and (Continued from Page 1) Monday, en route :from an nllMrs. E. B. Longacre. Going into his central theme Mr. winter ojou!'n in 'to loud, Flor. Mr. and Mrs. William Brooks Neff point d out that athletes ida, to their home in Wellington. Work of All. Kinch Mr. and Mrs. GeQrge Denny and and daughter and Or ilIe Phillips a rather high price for the time Ohio. , t ,- FA ' t . 1'r8. Anna adwal1llder had the Mr, and Mrs. Gc,?rge Pidgeon, of I Pbon.7 pent Thursday in Cincinnati. Mr. gIven 0 spor"". vI' Ins ance, In misiortune to faml down the linton county were guests of Mr Brook: has been quite poorly , of many cases, gra des S 1.1 ifer, the (lnd Mrs. Will Tichenor, Sllnday PLone 58R2 cardull y stairs, Tuesd!lY mormng, and while alternoon. late and went there for a me-dical age limit must be examination. observed, their al1l4teur standing she is badly brui sed, on various Mr. Lawrence Ensley and son, "'-_ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _tI' ~ ===========~ Mr. and ¥.rs, Therle Jones and mu t be abolle reproach. certain parts of her body, she escaped of Sedalia, visited Dr. and ~rs. 1 ~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~'!!!"!!-'!'!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!~!'!!!" Son Milton" w ra dinner guests training ru les and regulations must erious injury. W. E. Oglesboo la t week. , ---;Sunday of the latter'! parents, Mr be followed. not to mention the Miss Kate Schw ililold, of Xenia, Dr. R. ,Weaver was ' in Har· • • • • • • • • • •_ . . . ._ • • • •_ . . . . . . .. . and Mrs. Edwin Nutt Dea{ en. time that must be spent in practice who gave a lIery intere ting tall< t . ill Athletics, Mr. Neff declsl'ed last Friday afternoon before the lIeysburg. Tuesday, and called VOTE FOR Dr. W. E. Oglesbee, who is slowly el;hee'ThirdgroUP of the Ladies should measure up to certain Wayne To,,:nship 1110ther' ~lub, recovering from his recent iIIne s. Aid is milking arrangen\~nts for standards, that they nlu t be con- called on frIends at the Home. on Ea ter 'Market at Lingos. Leb- holl~d ,and kept free from com- . Mrs. Lucy Dy~e, ()~ Dayton. w,a s anon, aturday morning April 11. mer(nahsm. Also, he said that dmner guest. FrIday of her COU81O, Republican Candidate for County CommisEarl Burnett wa called to the certain values come fro~ athletics. Mrs. Le~a Har~sock. , Mr. DIck, P Irce, of Toledo and aioner. ' HEAnLATORwiJI make your home of , his sister, Mrs. Lura Among, these are physl(:al fitness. of Richmond, came ~;und.ay afterJiHplace a real source ot comfort Wade, on Yankee Street, Wedne _ mental alertness, strength 1 take this method of annollnc· and enjoyment. Jc ellmi oates annoy· dllJ' night, by the death of his moral character, the ability to win noon and accompa11led Mrs. ing my candida y for the Republi. Farmer 01 Tu rtlecreek Town , hip, a tax payer in, smoke and cold draJ:t~UUI mother, Mrll. Arina Burnett. or lose without having the sellse Howell , ~eirce to :Selma for a can nomination for Sherin of 'CO ent)' corner 0 the room and War ren County, Ohio. Mr. Glenn Jobns and daughter" of direction destroyed. He then snort VISIt. to adjoioiDg rooms. Vivian and Mrs. Elizabeth Smith went on to show how the value ~r. and ' ~T. FClste~ Haecock, I intend to see as many of you -~ol. A(lv . The wOlk elln be qu.lckJy done of DaYton were Sunday evening benefit not only the members of after two weeks sp4~nt 1n Salem, persooally as time will permit . . . . . . . . ._ • • • •_ . . . . . . . . . ._ _. . .. . Margaret J obns. the team but that they also are Indiana, returned t~ Way~esville but in the meantime l'('spectfuUy ~~~~~'!!'!~~!!!!'!!~~!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!'!!!!!"''!!!!!!!! with little mOOD e-ojeDce. And YOll guests of Mrs.' Martha J. Mlltenberge1', reflected in some manner on the Sa~llrdaY', led mec-tmgs 10 the a k you to consider my qunliftca- - -will lind t.bat ,.be moderate COlt iI • • •_ _• • •_ • •!II• • • • • •_ . . . . . .. . more. tbaa oll"$Ct by tbe new comfOrt mother of Frank • Miltenberger, school, the community, and on the FrIends church, on iu~day and tions fOI' this office. and fad SUiD,' durinl cooi Iprins celebrated. her 90th birthday Wed. younger boys with who'll . these r~turned to theIr. home In CleorI have been the Mar hal of the aod fall weather. AU UJ for com neSdaY, April 8, at the home of older ones come in contact. vllle, Pennsylvama for the sum- VilIa'e of Franklin, Ohio, for plete iafotawioo. the latter. '. Mr. S. S. Ellis, president of the mer. twenty-seven (27) years. During that period I have endeallored to Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Kurfl88 Mrs Warren county board of education, ---- - the best of my ability to perfonn E. B. LOJigaere, Mn. Calvin departed from his \lsuai custom of and fulfill the duties of that office. Longacre and children were Le~. presenting & poetic ~a8t at the Funeral services for Mrs. Lillie In add' ion I hav~ b en a sp cia I anon vilitora Konday afternoon. annual ba~quet and dlscuased the Rev. and Mrs. JOleph Vaker ren~ons for the establishment and Sheehan who died F1riday ve,ning, deputy shHiff of this coupty for Pho.. 14 W a l'D. a"IIa., OJaio weJ\t to Springfield Sunday an Inuance of free public educa- April 3, at her home' neat' Roxanna twelve , (12) years and by reaSOl1 remained over 'Mon!!a)' to atten . Iull in the United S~tea, an,d .the were held at the res,ldence and the thereof am thoroughly familiar the funeral of the latter's sister need for more vocational tralmng. Spring Valley Methodist church with the office. Mrs . Fannie Har ril. Mr. Wymer Drake gave the 'Monday afternoon, with burial at In so doing [ have acquired much valuable experience and informaMr. and Mn. Harvey Eurnet, response for the fans and ,follow- Centerville. She leaves two sons, Ralph tion in the enforcement of the Mr. and Mn: C. 'L. Duke and Mr. ers of t he team. Mr. Hatfield, faculty manager and lIoward Sheeha,n, of Roxanna laws of the State and in the detecand Mrs. Walter Kenrick, with -Pol. Adv . other friends were intertained to was then introduced. He presented two daughters, Mri!. Een Smitb t.ion of crime. letters earned dt:-::g the soft-ball and Mrs. Alfred Ha:v, both of near [ have ith become personally ~ law enforcemen ~ scallon last fall to Charles Davis, Osborn, and one brother, llr. acquainted and police ________________________ __ ____ ____ honoraI')' c!lptain, ,Robert Allen, Emory Bradstreet, of Centerville. Donald F oulks, Cbades J ames, Her hu@band, W. A. S~elllran, pre- throughout a large part of this Vincent Grifty, Eul Conne, ceded her in death !everal years State. 'And they have eo·operated and worked with me 01\ many oc· ' Albert Hawke, Jobn Bo&"er, Robert ago. easions in the detection of crime, • Young, Vernon Starke, and Robert Ey reason of my many continHaines, Glen n Hopkins received a Mrs. Susan Ann. Arnold, 83 special recognition .certificate for years old, widow of W. W. Arnold uous' year!! of experience in police I am a candidate for County Commissioner of his 'Ane work during the two final died Saturday afternoon, April 4, work, [ feel that I am acquainted Warren County on the Republican t icket subject to game-s, t his at her home in Dayton following with conditions eXisting i the will of the voters at the Primary election t o be County. And that I aln well pre· Mr. James presented the letter a.n illness of long duration. held on May 1 ~h, 1936. to members of the junior-high She was 'a formt!r ' well known pared and qualified to meet t hese • team. A wards were made to E arl and r-eepected resident of this conditions as they arrive. , I have lived in W Bshington Township since Moran, captain, Harold Anderson, community. She wal, a member of 1f Rominated and elected I 1901, and have erved as Township Trustee during Haro ld Str0u;<l, ~ Robert;. Clary, the local ,Methodist church and of pledgeijto the citizens of Warren t he.past 14 years. I believe my experience gained as Willard F ur nas and Enl Earnhart Miami dlapter No. 107 Order County, Ohio, a fair and impar· • • • such Trustee qualifies me for t he office I seek. I tlsJ administration of myoCflceand Coach Eodenbender was in Eastern Star. have never been a candid ate for county office. charg~ of the distribution of t he S\lrViving are a daughter, Mrs: will dedicate .myself and my office H~nder.on, Your support a nd ballot marked as beloW will varsity boys. Gertrude Prugh, and a son J, O. to the enforcement of the laws of awards to t he be sincerely appreciated this state, the investigation and Numera ls were ~ven to Charles Arnold both of Da)rton. the detection ot" j!rime, and t he Albert Hawke, Frank J a.mes, F uneral services were held in Phone 61R3 FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER lives and May, J ohn , Eoger, Charles the MethOdist ch'urch Tuesday protection of ·the propel'ly of our citizens. hart, LaMar Earnhart, and afternoon with Rev. G. O. Dibel·t !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~ Dakin. and the local CbaJ:~ter O. E. S. . I her by respectfully solicit Lette"' were received by Vin- officiating. Eurial was in Miami your l!Upport at t he coming Primary. cent Grilfy, captain, Char~ Davis, cemetery. (Signed) Earl Conner, Robert Satter thwaite ----.~ -Pol. -:4dv. William E. ( Beebe) Graham Pol. Adv.-


lami Oalette

Seed Corn Ear Tested

w. N. Sears Insurance


Fire, Windstorm, Automobile

All OffiCERS NOW -------Friends' Home News ON 4·YEAR OASIS

Heated Tester

Worrisome l)ctails '

Richard Adams


Plumbing & Electrical


J. E. McClure

I J. P. Larrick

Wayneavill.e, Ohio


------- ---


To The V oters Of Warren County Ohio




our support will be appreciated _




H. Madden


Candidate for Representative to General Aesembly

and Company

Subject to Republican Primary May 12 Your Support Will Be Appreciated



deparlmen~ '

Real Art Beauty Shop




To The Voters of Warren .County

Special for High School Girls 00 . Appointments for Permftnents •. .




Drene Shampoo, Finger Wave, Neck Clip . .


Winifred Operator Grace DarJi., Mllr., Operator



We have just received a cat' of choice Northem Ohio Seed OatL 'R ecleaned. Per bUlhel


SeeCi Corn ,We offer local grown, te•.tec:l Seed Corn, &h~lIed and graded. Per bushel

$3.25 , . We allo carry a complete atock of H igh Grade Field Seed. AI.o Emerald La\Vn Gra . a and Blue Graai. ' --

==-=====;======= Gloria Flour


T h e belt Bread Flour made. And the price i. no higher, Full 24% Ib'. lack •


(X) Fred J. Hagemeyer


farmers' fx.

~~?¥~!§d.~MI.~1';1'~I'";1 --o-_.,.~-~.,--:. ..:-~..~..~..~..:;..;.I-~"--; . ",- :" --J



r eceived t he varsity COLUMBUS- POllllibly no group numeral. of people il 10 lc)wly compenFive troph* were pre. ented t o sa ted as t he . tate employeell. A the Ichool. 'Mt'. Garst awarded the vocation In ~hlch , talent, abilit y trophY' whloh came' to ua fa • , a.nd ' ambition are held on a comof winninl' the Wanen County mon level and unrt!cognll ed. The soft-ball championship la,t fall. The averace pay Is 'little over fI ,The county buket-baU trophy w.. 000 a year, so low, t he ltat e prelented by Mr. R. A. Young, employee il often given cOllald· I Up'erintendent of the M••on e1'8tlon by way of a r eduction in Schooll. Mr. G. H. Town. ley,· pre- various commodit y priceCI. The 8ld~t of the Lebanon board of compar ative r u pou ibility ot many education a rid editor of t he p osit ions with t hose of industry We. tern Star, presented a trophy indicates that the !!tate employee whicb wal or iginally to !>ecolIJe j;h~ receives f rom one half to two permanent possession of the Wa r- tbirds the amount )lis posit iop ren county team wlnninc ' the should be worth. I ,have hea rd that count y tou r name nt t wo successive vaiious p olitical entang lements in years, but whicb,' becaulle of the the Civil Service System often lin'! record set by the Wa),cehl was make it poasible f or s ubor dinates turned over to the Ichool all a to b e pai4 higher WllBes than .their perman ent possession at once. Mr. Buperior olllcera. I h ay. lear ne,d on Geor~ Waterhouse, a member of authority than an underhand t he llalph Sn~ok Post of the m ethod of compelling state emAmerican Legion, presented to the pl01"s to PIlY f or their jobl hall IIcbool • vel'f hea.utiful trophy recently been IMtitulted. .A ,method from the Legion as a tribute to wnere-by the empl oyee cont ribthe ftrst Warren eount7 team to utell a percentage hla yearly enter the ltate tournament. Mr. salary to the incumlbent compalen Neff t he chief Ipeaker of the even- fund, the percentaa. heine in iDI', pruented the dlltrict cham- proportion to hill . alary. The pionahlp nophy. employee u l ually hut onlJ Mention also made of a Inwardly, for he the pena1t7 miniatUre pIli basketball whlcb Is of b. lnl OUlted be rell .... bein, awarded to :Mr. JUMI in Such a nd other expearecoenlUO'I1 of hia coachln,. lei keep tlHa etate emA n um,*, of ota.r GUt.-of-towu ploS" ID • .tate bUld to .eeate attended til. IIlHtlq aDd . mouth HvUhood. A tllet few ef .... ,... ...... apoll ferr .... pGIIftaI7 ben III NlIIUb. .,


















Eighty-Eighth Year





Number 6217

Deatha WAYNE TO--WNSHIpI SHOWP~STPONE~ 43 BIRfHS AND 23 10NE· Mi'L l TAX REV. MR. STIMMEL B cause of the lack of sufficla~iet~:S~:ien~~: l is PRO PO SED De~~·~pm~oa:~pe~::;~~UI{;,o. hlld MUSIC ·FESTIVAl WILL ~!r:;:r~:8~n!~ 1~:~dur°I'~:;~! DEATHS IN MARCH Uie~r~~t:r~~::y Home whel' hud ioad for I will be present at mlll;!ling for WAS GUEST SPEAKER even yeol·s. Build On mothal's to be held in the music BE BIVEN APRil 21ST w~~~oKt~hoo~d ~~:1\~~J~~ the Monthly Report by County the, Thpa5ltfunera l sel'vic were beld at th' grac.le puilcling Wed- AT f A ·RMER S CLUB of the local Squadron of MEETING OF MOTHERS







Health Commillioner

Ilt ihe



$20,000 ColilCum W ar-.en ' C oun l y ' F alrrrOUD. . d


Oswald fun 1'01 Home nCRday afternoon, April 29, at. 2 ·the Sons of T,.be American Legion Mr. and Mra. W . R. l.6wi. Are MUlic' Studenb In Graci.. 0 ... to and was scheduled to be given at MondllY att 'moon in chllrge of ihe I The WllI'ren ounty A .' . 1_ .o·clock. All \\'ho are interested are HOlt. At AprII Births in Wal'l'en county during Rev. L. D. Vesey. und LUI·lul was tUla! S cieiy has I'c<lu esL dgl~ChUa.t invited to attend ihis meeting, Ei,hi Will B. Featured the Lebanon Town Hall, on April Meeting the month of March outnumbel'ed ma d t! 11.t Clal' k SVI11 e. 21. . .. the Board of Comml ionel'S place In Prolram deaLhs 4'3 to 211, accorlling to .the ....- , - -Mrs. Nickleiion wa s b or n at betol'e the vutC!r"" next Innnlh a "'h ~ , e Ap fl<I M (' 'mg 0 f W sync monthly report of vital statisU s Mid.1l lawn lh e dau"lllel' Enoch one-mill levy to prov ide CU lld. fnr To\vn hl' p I'arn 1' 0' 1 b h Id The Wayne Township music announced by Dr. Edward Blair, " ~ v ' • 1 ~ C U was e and Rebecca l-I~nt'y, being the construction of tI coliseum at the Thllrsc.lay of la· · w ek t th h eOul1Ly health comlrllS Ion r. ". a e. ome festival will. be given in the high In fair'FI'ounds, it was announcerl of 1\1 r , an d MJ\ . W'" LeWIS Youngest ot t en chi'ldren, Included in the death list were " , n. near school gynl , on Tuesday evening, ] 875 sf!' ,' a marded to the latc Tue day. K' three stillborn infan ts and two Ingman, April 21, beginning at Rased on ] 00 per cent tax coilec MI' and · '( t·u·J Hack tt Mrs WillIam Nickle!lon who pl'eceded " , .. ., . . ,. persons over 90 years of agc. Deerfield township accounted her in doath 32 year ago , tions, the levy would produce Howard Graham and MIl'S. Keller o'clock. There will be a small urvlvang are one daughter, $20,000. Cost of the pt'oposed Hoak a~sisted the · hostelSs in servadmission charge. "~~~f!~~~~~~~~ for twelve births as compared to two d aths .while 'in both Franklin Mrs. Louie Settlemeyrc', of Lebstructure was estimated by a ing the ~xc e llent dinn er at the Students of the music classes I an on" five g l' a. ndchildr~ J1 nncl on e member of t he Fa'II' BoIII'd a t 1120 \\fiss Erma Sears was the guest an. d 'l'urtlecreek town 8hJ'p~, tIl e 'I' , f f' .1 noon hour. from the first grade to the eighth Mrs. Frank Mi11er is recovering " 000 0 rJ nuS in . pl'inlWl'ld vel' lh county's two most populous dis\ great-grandchild. . week-end. The aft;ernoon program was have worked with Mr. Frank in from a ~vere attack of grip. ---According to present plan s, th~ opened by t hc group singing tric~s, oeaths outnumbered births, John Levi, aged 6li, died at hi~ proposed building will be COn"Amedea" nnd prayer by lbe Rev. the pr4l.J)lU'ation of the program Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Conner and BIrth and. deaths listed by town Ih orne 111 . "' i U 0 II y, m.. O il d ay morn- S t ruc t.... f t e an d brick, Mr. and Mrs. RU BS I Fra nk Ml'. Stimmel, of WI·lml· ngton. A "11 ,n. e.,. 0 eoncre Mrs. Sarah Murray ..... ere in Day- hi pS J a ow which will be as follows: . I d' • entertained ' relatives from Cleveh' " B' h D th ing, after an iIln es~ of hlOl'e than Wit I Imension$ of 100 by 150 land over the we k-end. c~lIo solo by Miss Wanda LaQe i. Selection by the Or~hcstra ton Friday. own •• p Irt. ea a two ars. ~ feet. County and school displays Cleat'creek 3 1 WIIS f ol\oweo by the special t9pic, II. Grad One ..... 5 8 1 Bes ides his wid"I' w, Mattie, he would be exhibited in the col'lseunl Miss Mary Leah Edwards ·of F ' Mrs. Lida Sawin, or IJnn ovnr , 1 " Mil odies of the' Gay Nineti " 1 Miss Muitet, 2 The Cobbler. 8 Springfield spent ' Sunday with fan kl In .. .... • .. 2 l\lav , s t.wo hildren, W ILinrrton, dul'ing fairs. M h -, ~ . t eres t'rng l td by M'lSI1 Deed\ Id 12 .. _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ aSSBC u eUs, spent Thursday rn y presen e Big, Black Dog, 4 A Poem. I 1 O· at hom e and M<I' . J", E. mith oi with Wayne viii ~IBlives. Blallch e Riley. relatives here. Har an .. ..... ...... lIt Grade Two--l The Clown, ARILLIA TAYLOR BURNETT H 'lto 3 3 Day ton. Rev. MI". fimmel was the guest 2 Let's nance, 3 The Piper. Mrs. Phil Larrick and three almi n .... ... Funeral ~ervices weril held this Dr. and Mrs, H. E. Hathaway ~pea ker and 1\11-, Dafter, 01 1OngS 22 WeI are gathered today to pay were d'Inne r· guest of Mr. ano Mr. I man rend red two vocal selections IV. Grade Three--l Playtime, daught.el·s were shopping in Cin- a .em ......... ,.... 00 Tl IUI''A.) 1Ua y a f'.crnoon a It 2 a ' CIock UnlOn ' .. ... ............ 2 Young Musician, S Sing a Song cinnati Tuesday. f rom th e Mt. H 0 II y M. E . ch urc h. I' our d ast I respects to one who has' Harvey Burnel in Lytle, Sunday. - - -- - - - - k 6 10 ng T tl of Sixpence. Uar Ssie e cree ...... .. . 0 2 Bu rial was in M. i _a_ mi cemetery. Ive . od among us; one whom Mrs. Laura Shrt1aker, of Har- M we love , and with whom we have My. and Mrs. Clifford Buzick V. Toy Mand-Special Duet. veysburg, wall the week-end guest Wayne . ................. 7 . 1. Mary Tibbals Wilson, 70 y ars !lpent manyhapPl hours, one who and children were Easter gue!lts of ' VI. Grade Four-l Sold Song, 2 Gypsy Song, 3 Gay, Little of Mrs. Mayme Hatfield. Washington ..... ,,,.. 2 1 old, wife of F rnnk . Wilson, dIed always gave us cordial and hearty Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Raper, at her hOhl e near White's Corner, welcome to her home; toda¥ she Ole. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Armstrong Totals ..: ...... . . . 43 28 Monday morning after . D. long does not greet us as we gaze upon 1 Mr. and Mrs. Martin Murphy VII, Grade Five--l The Book The Seniol' lass of the Wayne Deaths by age group",' follow: illn ess. her silent form. and Mr. !nd Mrs. Leroy Hooker, and I, 2 Hush Thee: My Little One were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs TOWn hip chools presented their Irvin Mulford, Sunday. infants, I); under one Besides her hu ba d he Is of Dayton spent Sunday with l\{I'. stillborn 3 Clock Song. "Twas at thy door, 0 Friend I and , ellIS play "W1lispering Wall ," a year, 2,' ono to five years, 1: five sur" Ivo db y 'IX CI1II C'1ron, th roe and Mrs. Jack Davis. VIII. Grad Six-l Sleepy not at mine Hear the Cincinnati Bible to ten years, none; 10- to 25 year 1 ht mystery play ' in three acts last , Tim , 2 My Native Land, 3 Home, • aug ers an cJ th ree 81)ns. The angel with the amaranthine Miss Mal'Y Lou Sowash, who was Se'minary students at the Church Tu day and Wednesilay evenin8'll I: 25 to 50 yeal's, .1: 60 to 76 S ' h ld W d d Sweet Home. 0 nes ay wreath, e1Vlces were e of Christ Sunday night. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. to a capaciLy house each night. years, 10; 75 to UO years, 8; and 1\ ft ~rnoon 11 t 2 0 'I k f th , IX. Original Son88 from the C oc rom e Pausing, descended, and with Ridge last week, returned to her The play, which had .its setting in _ ' sixth grade. c h urc h voice divine Mr. and Mrs. Howard Swank, of over 90 years, 2. The greatest , ugarcl'ec k P resb y t el'lan a haunted house, on a stormy night deat:bs occuned nenr Beaver.own, ' . I a t Whispered a word that had a home in !tiansfield, Saturda.y. X. Selection by Junior Orchestra Loveland, called on Mr. and Mrs. number of WI'tl t burla kept the audience on edge thro ugh nmong person over 50 y ars of en ten i l' l e. XI. Grade Seven-An operetta Walter Elzey Monday evening. sound like Death. . Mrs. Kate Hause, of Spring out the tilt'ee acts. ~---.~....--age. consisting of clae. songs, and Then fell upon the house a Budden Valley, Miss Emma Lou Lewis and The cast was well cho en and Mr!. Emma"Barnett and Mr. E. originated by members of the •• . g)oomMiss Hill, of Chicago, vi ited rela- each par t was well portrayed. V. Barnhart, of Cincinnati, spent seventh grade. U A hadow on those features fair .tivea here Saturday afternoon. Th wenther man lent a hand XU. Grade Eight,-An opel'etta Sunday with friends here. by sending a !!hong wind which in t he form of an Amateur hour Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Alexander, rattled the tin roof on the stage . and !!onsisting of class SOngl and and really made it a stormy. night. special numbers. Originated by of Dayton, were guests of Mr. and A I d' t f th 1 t T ..... o angels IB ued, where but one Braddock were dinner guests Mrs. D. C. Ridge Sunday afterMr. L. A. Garst. who coa.ched membe-rs of the eightb grade. n en arg plc .urE! Q e a e I went in" of Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Moss the play, was presented with a O}lio is rapidly going into the Matthias L. Par hall, for mpr ll · Sunday. XIII.- Selection by Senior nooJl. l historic novel by the class. And so she ill gone. About six Orchestra, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Linn and lelld IlS on of the foremost statcs than t hirll'-f\ve yeat'!I janitol' at Miss Cathe.rine Branstrator, XIV. S4I)ection ' by Combined dallghter spent Easter Day with in the Union In the developmeTlt the grade chool bulltUng, will, ' o'cloek on Woonesday . evening, Orchestra. MiT. and Mrs. Earl Huff and Bon of t he beekeepIng Industry. Earl H wi thin a f.ew day be hung in the ' April 1, after almost intolerable teacher in the Morrow scbool~, ~ , ----,,,., Hanefeld. state dlt'ector of agri- corrido r of the bulluing. sufTering, the angel of death came spent the week-end with her in Dayton. culture, revea 8 that l~ 1935 Oblo . The picture Is a IIpl ndld like- in mercy to Arillia TaylQr Burnett parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. MilJ8 J!!uie Clarke returned to ranked fifth hi the value of queen ness of 1\11'. Parshall imd Is the born June 14, 1866, died April 1, Bl'anstrator. The Little Inn last week, bavlng bees wId In the United States and gift of the t eachers of the graae 1936; of the eighty-one in spent the winter in Delray Beach, seventh In ' package beel!. All schools and Superintnn<ient J. W. betwee-Jl the young will say- Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Davis, Miss Morton B. Shepherd, Dayton · "How long to live" and the old Rachel Davi" and Ml·S. · Nettie engineer, met with vilJage council Florida. states which exceeded the Ohio Lotz. Kepler spent Sunday in New --- ~ - - . - - - will say-"How brief the time." ". . d M CI·.oro B I k reeord were those in the outhern at a special meeting Friday night wr. an rs. lu uz c t h t S'\lbscribe for The MIami Gazettt She was the sec.ond child, and Vienna, the guest of Mr . . and and submitted ' plans for the proThe Friendship club of the and children left Monday evening part of t e ,coun ry. Methodist church was entertained for Louisville, Kentucky, where ::::::=============-.;..:=======::::;;:===== onJy daughter, of Laban and Mary Mrs. Peter Demas. posed sewage disposal projeC:t. Brown Taylor, who themselves W ednelldal afternoon of la8t week After some , discussion, Mr. MI'. and Mrs. Ivan Smitb, of they will make their home: having great length of life , Niles, Ohio, and Hannah Shepherd as authorized to forat the horne of Mrl. Estella bequeathed to th eir four children Rogers, were guests of Mis! Carrie ward the plans to the state Shaner. Mrs. Zoe Alexander, ' of Dayton, trong constitutions. The older Ivans at her home near Ridgevme health authol'ities for their apMrs. L. V. IIrustrator prellded was a caller at the home of Mr. brothel'. Julius, passed away last Sunday. at ,the meetine in the absence of &rid MrI!. J. D. Marlatt, Sunda.y proval. fall at the age of eighty six, and the president, Mrs. Harold Whit- a:fternoon. the two younger brothers Allison The Woman's Auxiliary of St. aker. Mre. G. C. Dibert conducted Seth Thomas, of Cleveland, wall and Walter, are well past the Mary's Church will ml*t at The the devotional. and gave an excelin Waynesville, Wednesday, for allotted three scor~ and ten. Little tnn, on Friday afternoon, lent talk on the Life of Christ. She was a beautiful child. and April 17th, at 2 o'clock, with Mrs. Following tb" bUlln.a 18.10'0 brief visit to hil parenta Mr. and ·to the day of her death her brown Cbarles Frazier as hostess. an interesting 'Prorram, conslatin, Mrs. E. L. Thorn... eyes sparkled, her laugh was as of musIc, • readlne by Mrs_ Ralph M~I. J. H. Batkett and IIrs. F. joyous as ever, her disposjtion Mrs. Vernon 'Mainous and All attempts to identification Hastinp and several stunts, was U. LeMay attended a meeijng of cheerful and friendly. She wall family left Saturday noon for meeting with failure, the body of presented: the Warren CoUfttj Health Asmal'):ied on December 3, 18'74 to London, Ky., where on Sundny the man fo\rnd fatally inDudJlg the locial ho~r Mrs. sociation at Lebanon, Tuesday. . Franklin Burnett, and waB a I they attended t.he :funeral of an jured along Route 42 1I0rth of Shaner, 8AA~ated by Mrs. J. B. 'faithful and devo,ted wife, for more aunt. They r turned home Monday Lebanon three weeks ago, was Mrs. Merle Kernl and daughter Crsbbe, Mrs. R. D. Collett, Mrs. than fifty three years. His death Mr.- and Mrs. A. B. Schoelor, of bUl'i~d in the Lebanon cemeler), R. A Conner, Mrs. J. W. Lotz Joan motored dOwn from Clevein 1928 was a lasting grief to Hamilton, Mrs. Kathrgn Turner, Wednesday. and Mrs. , L. V. IIranltr.tor, land Friday and Were &'Ilests, until her. The man, about 35 years o:f age served dainty retreahmentll. Tuesday, of 111'8. ~ern'l parenta, of Dayton, and Mr. and Mrs. J . B. h d fi th t There were born 0 em . ve Gons were Sunday dinner guests a apparently been struck by a Mr. aDd lire. J. D, lIarlatt. children-Earl Burnett, of,-Lytle; f M d M F B H d passing motorist. Officers were d 0 r. an n . . . en erson. "lue8 Trillen. and · unsuccessful in all attiOmpts to ea" Mrs. Mary' Browne, a f 0 a"woo; Edward. atrived home Friday, Joseph, who liveo a brief nine Mrs. J. J . Fritz and daughter, tllblish his , identity. lire. France. Nlckl ..on, who from Delr&7 Beach, Florida, where months; ItaYllJond Burnett, of who hav6 been visiting - - -- -- - had been a member of the Home they spent the winter. Dayton, and Mrs. Lu~iaWade,who Mrs. Fritz's parents Mr. and Mrs. family for more than se.,ell , . ., . has given to her mother such W. P. Salisbury, and otb-er 1'elawas releued Friday niaht from an lire. a,lph Vance and Mre. devoted care, and with whom 'she Uves, left Tuesday for 't.heir home Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Collett tuui .....- W I• • mn. . of two ,ean duration. Ber lIelV7JI Banta, of Pleasant Plain, r .... _ ........ made h~r home. in Charleston, West Virginia. as their guests Thursday of last _ . . , ... , /II. C:, interment took place In Clarki- visited IIr. and Mrs, J . C. Hawke Many years ago ·Mrs. Burnett " ' ,week, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Lackey, ville cemetery ·IIODd., aftemoon and Mr. and Mr.. J_ B. Fromm, united with tbe M. E. Church at ~. and Mrs. J. D. Marlatt dnd ' Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Peterl, Mr. IIr. Tom Calvert; IIIIa BeMn Saturda,. WILBUR and ORVILLE WRIG.1IIT Lytle, and after moving to ~n- theIr guests, Mr~. Merle Kerns and and Mrs. Cha.rles Vandervoort, Calvert, Mn. Leland Calvert and terville, brought her membership daughter were.m Ds~ton Satur- . Mr. and Mrs." L. C. Stanfield i Mre. T!0 Middle W~tem boys, three children, of Selma, cilled Mr. and lire. E. C. Crane and to that 'cllUrch, beiTlg a faithful day: Mrs, JessIe Robltzer accom- Harry Nickerson, Mrs. E. E. W il bur Wright and his Mre. Howell Peirce Sundar after- chUdren, ]flu Bile Qrane and and conllistent member to her panled them home to spend the Vandervoort, Mrs. A. W: Dellaven 701JDIV brother, Orville, . got noon. lire. D, L. CraDe vlsiteC\ relativetJ their faa out of tinkering with death. She was also ,a member, and week-end. Mrs. Donald DeHaven, Mrs. W, N. Mrs. Mae . WilliamlOn, Krs. in Norwood and Cincinnati, BUJItoole, little dreaming that one regular attendant of. the SpringMr. and Mrs. R. H. Benson and McKay, Mrs. W. C. Smith, Mra. • and Mtu Katheriae EUlott, of day altemoon. cia,. tbeir umn would be linked until the infirmities sons, of G1eveland, Mrll< J. J. B. M. McKall Mrs. C. P. NonIe, boro Grange, wltb the . .test of the land Ferry, called on Miuea Annie all~ Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dea~race, of age confined her to her home. Fritz and daughter. of Chadeston Ml'. Theo, McIntire, 'Mrs. Jamell and tIaat their own country and · Ferry,' caUed on lIilaes Anne anll of near OreroMa, and K .... PraDee would dedicate to their Besides the children and West Va., Mr. and Mrs. Hs'l'vcy McIntire, Mrs. Frank McIntire IIame Browne Monday afternoon Blanche Baker of ' Cincinnati boaor ..... their memory shafts brothers previously mentioned, she Rye and children and Mr. and A. E. McKay and son Richard ' Ill'. ami II~ Edwin Hiatt of Ipent Sanda, ":Ith Kr. and II ...: fII. IamoItaI ~. four gr.al1dchildren, three Mrs. Russel Salisbury and family Mrs. Geol'ge Pblllips, Mrs. JelJ8e leaves ..,.. bora WIIN destined to be.Wilmlqtoa, ea1led on Kra. Mary Ro. H. Hartaoek an.d family. great grand ch'ildren, many nieces dinner guests of Mr. and Hill, Mrs. C. H. McKay anll Mias .... &he "fathers. ol aviation." Aclarna Bunda, aftemoon. the modern airplane and nephews, and a large circle of Mrs. W. P. Sa~isbury, Sunday-. Jennie. R~ves, aU o:f New BurIIr. aDd lin. B_l7 Dlclalon, of Kn. J9b Fox and lire. CharI.. 1Iu aatatripped their fondest friends. Iing:ton. The ladies of the ' group CentervUw, who reentlr retuned Beichlel', of lliamlabu1'lf, lire. principl.. on whicll She was a kind neighbor, a lovMrs. W. B. Russum~ MillS are members. of the Dorca. tboee discovered after a winter &pat la Mexico aad Ala•• Cheaoweth He.- two lODe, of 'WwoIl....t._ ing mother, a devoted friend, and Margaret Russum, Dr. and Mrs. society of the New Burlington Florida, caIJed OIl (their motber; DaJto~, were ~ of Jlra. .. we lay her in her last mortal Gale E. Ruasum and daughters, of Methodist church. · lin. Nettle DIebel. I'ridaV ..,... Sarah IIlIl'I'Q', SUllda,. reetinc place let UII whilper, Dayton; Mr. O. J. Edwards, Mr. • - ••- - - and Mrs. 1. W. Edwards and la1i.ra. lAna BartMek joiMd _ lllu Dale BU..1l Lbqa enterWITHDRAW REQUEST "Soft lummer wind, blow gently dauehtere, of Springfield, were famU, put:r SadQ ., 'tile . . . tailled the . . . . . . . . . claM. with here, ruesta of IIllIIn Trmeaa and Tbe' count,. collllllilalonen hav. of he.. _...... J:utw PU*J _ad ... laant Oil for a two Warm lummer sun, Ihine brightly lIal'RUet Ed.ardl Sunday after- withdrawn their •• aiuJ Mra. . . . . .....r.... ........ no. la .undue. mmrMdN~ ~ . . ~ hen, noon. ~01l0 weN ft;UIII ..u." DIcIde OraGreea IfMI above, lie Hcht, Ue PN"IiQtIlb-. . . . .ISIW toe lin. Co N. IhrrJUI ... ..... . . l ....t, . I--==-=====:;::::::rar;o::=Clara BerrrIalD. ' Go04l Diehl, . . . heart, pod Sweetl, her 11001 NIIl ',0041 all'"'' a.4l1 da ....... of ..,.Ie

---_. -






----OHIO RANKS 'HIGH ---...

· Pl nTURE TO DIE HUNG IN 8EEKE EPIN GIN SC"DOL CO RR100RA'::::::,/:::: that hu.h,' on' M!" O~::!,~';:",:a!:'~!.'OR:::







Friend.' .Home New.




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chool High Spots Fr ahm n CI... Sponaon Good Frid.y Se"iee

hil!h :<chooL . ]l u tOI' K\lllwn<n chose for hi t hl'ml' t he su\iject, " The !\leaning (>f lli$ciple!lhip." H I' point d out. that the true di 'ciplc must do fiv () thing,;, flr~t, be mu"t rnak a pe r~ nal decision ; second, he must rI.'lllt. mber to keep his feet on the ground; third, h m u t be ready to "ncrifice; fourth , h e must be willing to lenrn ; a ~d fi fth, he must have som thing to give. The program cl osed with a hymn 1 d by Mr .. Frank.

'fhl' fH' . hmnn cla.~s .'jIOMlll·cd n ;oCllI Friday ~,' rvicl, whkh "!l~ h III in th ll"ym durinA' the extra· cUI'ri('ulnr I)l·riod. The program . opened with' a hYll1n led by Mr. Frank. Evelyn Jnhn, condu ted till! Mvotion s, re ding the .t01' ot tht' l'ucifi)lit1n 1.1 it i reconl II in Saint Luk 's GO~'Jlel, find lending the grnup in pray!:'r. of Lhe WiltenTwo student h<r!t 'chool of Ausic, presentl'd JU.nloT . BU line.. ~tudenta 1\10 sclc lionE', both of them being S.ln T . lln Lois violin selec t ion~ by Mi The class in j unior business Winkl r. with Mr. ampbell a.t th. I,iano. training ha s just fini hed a series Mr. Bl'o"n . then introduced t he I of sales talk in which one student pl'llker for the occasion. The mes- I took the part of a salesman nnd • I\~(' '11, d l~vere<l by Doctor 1'. I another of a c u tomer. The sa lesA. Kantone~, vrolessoT of man then tried to soli his artiele tq ~y telnatic theology in the Ham- j t he c.ustomer. . m il Divinity cbool of Wittenberg. The sam system' was used lo Doctor Kantonen cam e very well illu trat e hoW a p r80n wou ld T commended He is a native of I a pply for a position in an office or Ohio, n graduate of Ashtabula I business house.

erath. FI... S do. nn. The followlnr pupilll Wl're nt'ither'ent nor tardy during the ttftb six-weeks tenn: Elizabeth Burnett, Horaee Burnett. Kenn eth Dakin, Roy Dakin, Ralph Drummond , 1I 0ward Gilliland, Den a Lucas, Mabel Ludington, Don ald borll, Ange.n et te P ence, Mor('elin e Peters, Edw lll'd . haw, Jun ior Sherwood, J ohn t Rn ber ry , Edwin SU l'face, Betl y T in· ney. Billie T inn ey, Gene Thompson, and Haskle Wil on. Of thi Ii. t, tho following have had perfect attendnnce since school bega n 'Iast fall: Elizabeth Burnett., nowa~!l Gilliln,nd, Donald born, A ngenctte Penc-e, 'E dward haw, G ne Thompson a nd Hask le Wilson.

Tne Inventory of AMI'tln Burll~ n~, Ru Petel SOli. I Lus y composlnJr a Rainy De, I.UH Iy, Gla 1',·l·r. ct , I"' \lt! Shirl y Buzick, hooklo·t ill which they 111'(' ~lIin. Hnlloc.-k. l'Xl'cutIJ r of the l'~tate of W .. II· furl'v l'I morL' I.lIn"l'o Lu\'(ly, Al ice J \ I I!~..! 111.0\1\ to make thinlt on rainY uaytl Eunic' H. lIallnck, deceased, WWI ~i v l' Uil \\ hat III T Ill' ~e('o nd grade i very !lOUy Amonp: the thingfl made are devil' l:! apl·roved. The will of :;. He ttie ( ,OIlO\il'I', man. W · f!.' li ' k. Ou t of bo und , 1! thu t Shit'lcy 11n Bu zi('k ha. I food cuke, fudge, airpla1\e" play· ( onlinll\!d on Page 3) W ho inll'lC{ptl d Ihat pa F'! Hell"'! m'~\'('cJ to Louhn'ilI<" Kl·nlu cky . We hou e, ptc. ('n ~ , l11i;. l'J 1I~"in, what IL t '11m, \\' i ~ h hN' happiness in h ~ r new Fourth dlln't wOTry upys. we'r!! fo/' you. \ hom('. P eri'ect spell ('rs in th e i ourth Look nl th ~ ! core. \ hat'~' \Hong . Awkwal'd felldlw~ SntterthwuiteP f t ~bilrld Gr·Ide th ,grail e f ot· t h Pllst wClek IlJ'Cl Elva 0 1' C ~ I X Mn Westcflll..n n, Donuhl Wlltk i n ~ , 1, ~ ( \\'e31'-o11 my gQoune"~! you ' ''pc . CI'G., ,I th' I 0 1 th' b k t ' I week ll.'l·m Includes: Rullt Anna Wilma Dib ert, an d Elizabeth Ul' ~avcu c (uy.. I, a~ C • J I I L d' .1 J . ti. 'h ' t? R" . <)In-, J 0111 II lIIj.,'·ton Iln" un lo!' l'r s our l<l~ ppor. n person F' I 1 Ke nneth Mold en is the ehahl" TH E HOM E OF GIFTS" , yl'lIing,-a nd that'll me - but, 11'~" t1 • d I h b Ilion ma rble 'plllY r in OUI' grad e. \\ hut call you xpect \\ hen l'very. C lIr gl'ae e us een very


Cary's Jewelry Shop Lebanon, Ohio

one faints. I'll never /:'0 to --------------------------~ another ~amc a long as I Ji ve. EXPERT WATC H Everyone hu tried to~ the basket REPAIRING - make it- can't you Eec hey nrc U.'n r O nl" Genuine Ma te rl. a. ahend? fitch me-SOlll(!oQno tied the score. Thl! hnlf-oh illY con· Prompt Service ,;titution! I need ail'. -0 d Store open un Ui 9 p. m. Ca.lendar Chanaea and Additiona everyone. Ne w Suita c(1a~ed, filed his in\1entory. Here they com back. The Lip. Harry Z. Gray, lldmini !ltratol' Th e schOOl calendar fo r the , M nis ])nvi ~ fllcd 1\ lIuit agai nst mninde!' ot April ha ' been off again. h, Lady, plcn se. h, hit with the \ViIl a nnexed of the es, dia PillS Davis 101' divorce. . changed in ~evcra l cases, and a 'ome oth er sp,t. .My good car. No tnlo of Lizzie Drak e, decellJled, A now ~ uit Willi filed by J oh n 1\1. fl ied his inventory. number of additiQns have been m (l rc . i ~ce Bill Stl'oud let out that ROSt, against J o~ cphill Ros for di Ask f or a mad e. war II hoop. Sorry, l\1i.stcr. I can't The seco nd and final acco \lnb of Russell Bla ke, gua l'di oll of Oeor "'e The me t ing of the por mlln· move. Somedne jumped 011 my VOl' ('. M lallli aburg Per~ anent ~uit was fil d in the matter of .. I'h ip Brotherhood, I!ch~duled f or corn. Eck! W(~ missed the ba. ket E. Blake, minor, wos approved, al. Concrete 11 has b een ,I aguin. ThcI'e ! oll1cone untied til. lh application of the tru ·tees of lowed an d cl)nfil'med by tb e court. Thur. day of last wee, Th e first accoun t of Walter E. Ai r Seal Burial Vault postponed to Tuesday, April 21. . core. Why, 1 feel twenty years Lhe }<' irst Pr byt ry 01 Ohio , Inc. 'rhe meetillg will be for , you ng 1'. The en d of thc third to 8~1l. real es:ate. x parte, F or Sale only by t T' t f t 0 WIlham Ohffol'd Hell man, a Chesney, guardian of Ed wa rd embe rs only m . quor er. line ou 0'1' me, 0 . , h' f ' u N t~ rist, inco mpetent, was aPPl'oved, On Friday of this we k, the' Whntl' my voice and my fing~I'- lUI.n~1' by , 1. n x.t ne.n, e all owed and conflrnled by the court Your Funeral Director lIeventh grnde w ill W'esent ao ! nails'] WaynesviJle, 011. team ! Wwder, mee) a SUIt ag>ltnat Al ber t Arbor Day pro'"'nm in the gym I , ,, 're ah c...1- . ... UB!.d th m boys- 11 ..Johnke fOt' mon y. The amount The COUl't aPPl'oved allowed an rl -=-=--U ... I d $20 4948 confirmed the first account of W. McClure Funeral Hom~ during t he assembly period. Oh! uo n't let them g t uowo C DIme ,was , . • C. h pherd executor of th e cstate W.Jnen'iIIe, O. Th e monthly meeting of the ' un der their basket--guard til. m. Probate Court of F lorence E . Sausser, deceased. Phone T WaTN-n Count y Schoolmaster' top on thllm-kill them ii The will of lary Amanda Gus- The CO Ul't upproved, allowed and ,1...- - - - - -- -- -- -...: dub will be held On Tue 'doy, n ce . al·y, 1 dCln't care l lin, lleceased, was admiUed to eon fil1n ed the first an d final ac~ ~~~~~::::~======= April 21, at Otterbein. Three minutcs to play! How ",ill C(lUrt. count of E lla Sears, nd mi niatratri.ll Wednesday, April 22 has been we make it? I h my heavens. A Morri s Bourne, ndminisll'utor of of the estate of C. V. SCll rs, d • tenta tively pick ed as t h e riato! buRet ! We're four points ahead- the c!ltllte of Nancy Bourne, de- ceased. when cer tain of the high·scr ool corne On boys guard th m, tan for ce ed, filed hi s inventory. The first acco unt of classes will make a trip t hrough time. 0 11. don't let them C. . .E ula s administrator of lnrk, guardian of Margaret the plant of the American Rolling What happened? Who t he estate of Ray Starry, deceas- Ev lyn Rogers, min or, was approvd, iiI d his th ird, fin~l and dill- ed, allowed a nd co nfirmed by the Mills in Middl etown. trip whom and why? Davis, I will be made a t n' ht. spank )'ou- shades of great lribuliv.e account. . court. In the case of Sarah L. Stitt , The fil'st and final account ot The eighth gr ade state tests will relief! they missed. A min ute and be ' given Friday, April 24. a half to go a nd we hllve posses· administratrix of the estate of Mae Sla ck, adminisb'atrix of the ROOT FOR AND CONSIG" Th e county elementary sp elling ion of the ball. Keep it Wayncs- Etta M. Miller, d'ece~ed , v TSUS e tate of Eva Howa r d, deceased, our C.ttle, bop./.. s h e~p and calve. elimination \vill probably be held vi ll e. A baskclr-a nother - then Everett E. Miller, et al con fir ma· was approved, allowed and con- [ o Norrill-Brock UI.., live wh'e .'IId on Tuesday, April 28. M~b ere of the g un . It's O. K. sh oot anyway tion, d ed and di trib ution wa fi r med by the court. pr.>greBlive fi rm f'll' the hlCheat Th e court approved all owed and mark et pri cel and , gl>.od l8~ce. the seventh and eighth gra des are Albert. We won ! but, look at my ordered. Stock V.rd. Clnei O. gray hair . Throw your 'h at's in In he matter of the estate of confirmed the sCeC'ond and fina l ac Union eligible to take part. T une In on Rd lo StatIon WCKY 8 On Thursday, April 30, the th air fol ks, Wayne ville is the Emmn . Decker, decea ed, How- count of Amos E. all d Lal'ldy V. 12 :25 to 12:30 p. m. f or our dan, ' ard S. Cp nover, executor, filed his Thomson, executor of the estate of marke t re ports. junior class win sponsor a movie. victor. "Savage Gold." The freshman 1 n eed omethin g t o eat. You ' petit ion praying fo r allowance of J ohp S. Thompson, dec ased. class will entertain t h e three up- can't im agine I~o w much energy 1 hi claim against t hll estate. The court approved allowed and p l' classes and t he faculty at 0 use up at a ga me. I'm empty fr om In the mat ter of the estate 'of confir med the fi rst and final ac. "LYERet'JS an ofer that will appeal to all- American party on the same date. head to foot. n~njami'n F . Burdge, deceased dis- count. of Harriet C. Veidt, execu. C"I Boy Maguine and this newspaper at a special combination bargain price. The American Boy i. the Six,tlt Cr.cIe Congratulatj,ons team- now I tl'ibution is ordered. trix of the estate of Adam N , Ap. favorite lMiazine Q{ more than 500,000 boys and . , Pearl Russell, execu'trix of the gar, deceaaed. • Reba Surface h as not missed a ca n sleep at nights. JOUIII mea. 6ction carrie. boy. on the wings of word In spelling this year as yet . ---,estate of Fred L. Russell, filed her 'l'he first accoun t of C. D. Coradventure to all parts of the world. Ita .ports article. Fretlom. ll Cla .. New. applica tion f or a certificate of win and W . C. Maple, executors of Pla•• For Tr .ek The arrangements f or high tran!;f er. Lhe estate of O. W. Brown, deceas. by fllmOU8 coaches and athletes are studied by chamThe invent ory of Earl Robert- ed, was approved, allQwed ,and Plans a re being made this week school party tQ be held April SO , pions. Here you will find the finest stories on . porta, for elimination to see ~ho will reo have been cI)mpleted and the 80 n, admini trator of the estate of confirmed by the court. aviation, hueineu., school ac:tiviti~ humor, a.I1d trave~ present WOYllesville in the county fo llow ing committees ap pointcd: Em mo A. Robertson dece ased, wa In the nlatter of t he estate of Even at ita regular price of $1.00 a year, The Amencan Boy is consqred a bargain. BIlt now you lI1IIy track meet May 1. It possible all Invitations -- Elizabeth Hoblit approved. Myer :Hyman transf er of real elimina.tions will be made thi s ' and Anna L. Hoek. In the case of Alton F . Brown, estate was ordered. obtain it and this ne~.paper ••.•• week. On Thursday, April 23 tne I Refreshments-Mildred Young, admini trator of the es tat e of AnTh e estate of Frank E. Harbach Phone 78J students wbo will represent wa y Evelyn J ohns :Ilnd Audrey Craw- dre w Johnson, deceased, versus cJece aaed, was fo und to be exempt nesville will .meet Morrow in dt; ford. Ida Jarvis, et ai, sale of real estate f rom hili rit~ tax. Compenila. , '" in dividual meet at Morrow. Ente rtainm e'n~Harold And er· is ordered_ t' 11 d R A S tt Several boys are now in train- SOn, Charl e Hoyle and Ru t h ColThe wil l of George: C. Barnhart, t~o:a~:sf:r ::r:icesa~Yad~ln~st~:: I ~ _ iog and will do their best to make letie. . decea ed, was fiJed in court. ' tor and attorney fees, were allow- I MOTARY PUBLIC Serving-Ada Bell,e Frye, Betty Josie F isher was a ppointed ad- ed C. Dona ld Dilatush. The ad- I H.tlo. . . . . . . WaynesvllJe come ou t on top. Plans are also being made for P eterson, Mildred Bergan, ministr at or of the estate of Jos- ministratorfiled his first a nd fi nal I train ing after scho ol hou r s. Wylodi ne Kurfills, Mary Adams eph Fi sh~r, deceased, and filed accoun t. ' Willa Drawa • • E ...... .... Send Your Order To and Velma KO~lster. bo nd of $1,000 wit h su reties. Dinah A. a nd Ernes t J:. HartWAYNESVILLE. O~IO Sulora Plan Pl'om Anangemcnb - Paul Hough, In the matter of the will of Ro- sock, administrators of the estate ! Members of the senior cl. " 8 are Robert Hyman" John Weave-r and bevto. Marc h Pauly, deceased, it is Of George C. Hartsock, deceased, FOR IAJ,.2 DATE. ' CALL now completing t heir plans for th Eui Earnhart. ordered t hat ommission issue to fil d th " to • ann ual prom which will be hald in Reception -- Tressl j!r HardIn, ,G. F. Hoff, Son Di ego, California ~arl 'f,r ;ve~an:-Y'ad ml'nl trator !!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!'!!!!'!!'!!!!!'~'!!!!!''!!!!!''!!!!!'~!!!!'!!'!!!!!''!!!!!''!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!'!'!!!!!''!!!!!''!!!!!''!!!!!'!!!!'!''!. t he, gym Saturday evening. Martha Shaw and Elma Poinsett. to be duly executed an d t(lgether of th e a tat: ~f john B: nnett, EUen Guy, Frances Ellis a nd 'w it b t he d position of William L. deceased, ' filed his inventory. Ann Crane have been l1amed to Secolld Sue mening, a witness, be ret urned Howard W. Ivins, execu tor of se rve on t he reception committee. Honor Roll- Donald ' Brown, t o this court. the estate of F lorence Thompson , Refreshments are in eha1'ge of Rosa Lee Bu'nn ell, Charles Dibet:t, W. C. Maple, administrator of d d 111 d h" to J ell n Furnas, J eanette Wilson, and Wal tcl' Johnson, Jr., Limoro th e e tate of W. Scott Clark, de- e~:::i~e F:le/~~:v;;un~rto be JESSE STAHLEV Kathryn Smith. insane a nd is to be admitted to t he 1'•••• 110. " _ B.rll•• t ••• .,.... The committee on decorations Dayton State Hospital. URL KOOGUR inclu des Jobn Kellner, Cecil Hart- '~ Will J. Ranker, admin istrator of D.,t. Plto. . ' t he estate of Catherine Ranker deman, Bar bara Gray, Ru th Salisbury, and Marjorie Ea.rnhatt. , 0 ceased, fil ed his application for a KE•• o....... ">1', Mary Burton , Phyllis Collette, KnOlV8 certificate of t ransfer . and Robert Allen "rc arranging I n the matter of t he estate 01 foy the orchestra. J ohn B. Pence, deceased, sal~ 01 bonds is ordered. M7 S..... tlo.. A. A iI..ketL.1I .,..... ,. ~ " , 'C. C. Eulass, administrator 01 F.D, '. theme for. iiteratare el... the estate of William McBurney, I ' 1,7 Ph7m. ColI.t.. FOR SALE deceased, filed his second and 6nal The last game of the sea80n What an ev&n~ul ' lIeason it . has account. FOR SALE _ Buckeye 'Brooder In the case of Alton F. Brown, ' I d diti beenl We bave won our last eleven of the estate of A'D. Stove, lare e s ze, roo con on. administrator game~ i can we win thia decisive Bums 80ft or hard coal. J. W. drew Johnson, deceased venus Ida Morga., Wa)'t1esville" R. 8" n .... ,arne? _ ·r Jarvis, at ' aI, conflrm&tion, deed F . a16It is almolt leven-ten , Our opand distribution was ordered. I erry. . ., ponents ar e down at their end ot Elsie L\nk, executrix of the aa- FOR SALE-Poland China. male the tloor practilling. Where are our tate (If William Link, dec.aeed, ho•• E. Evan. , Phone .nOR. boys? Will they never come? filed her Inventory. . a9-16Goodness ! that team iooka big, , The net value of the assets of t he look at that center! Ten: minutes estate of Benjamin F. BurdJr'1!, de- FOR SALE - Seed e,oI'D, old unt il the game starts. Where is yell ow, sh elled, 95 % or more ceaaed, subject t o Inbirltanc. tax, Wa.ynesville? Lost in the fog, ;wae deter mined at ,67,476.46 and germinat ion. ,8.00 per bu. W. C. playing marbles, or just sle eping ? a2-9-16 · the ~tnoun t of tax t o be paid by Bergdall, . Lytle. Look I ca.n I believe it? I see something "orangy" coming this each of the six successorll was fix· FOR SALE-:-WlIlte shelt paper, ' way. False alarm, just a fan. ~ Miami ed. 10c per roll, I Alton F. Brown, admlni.etrator Gazette oftlce. Here. I see Charles Jame! lead· ing the procession. Hurray, bOY8, wit h t.he will annexed of the estate FOB SALE-EnsUage ,1.00 per five minutes t o practice. Oh I my of Andrew Johnson, deeqsed, was to~. Dodda, RODua ud Waysoul what's the mat ter? You a uthorized to pay George Hall & nesvlDe Plant.. o*-cf can't hit the side of a barll. Get I. commission of ,66 for ,servicee in sel\hig certain real eatate PIP., VALVI:! ••d I'ITTINQi:S ,,some pep-oh me J tbere's the . • for W. Gal Steam Wen. whistle. Can our guards hold their T~e. Inventory of Will J. Ranker and sp~,mi. CIItena huld, I:leebig forwards ! Can our center ., a mlnt8trator of the estate of trIc 8pn, pamp.. Plamblq control the tlp·ofi'? Can our forCatherine Ranker, deceased, Beattlll ~lIeI )ow. pd•• ad wards conn ect the ball and the approved. ...... at Tbe Boekletbasket? The Inventory of Edpr Co., O~. WrhI . . There', the Up·oft. Hurrayl Vln and l;lertba of Balltead, of _ _ prie& . _. the estate Obadiahaeeaton . . . . . de_ _ _,_ _ _ _ _ _ r.eally jumped lIhat time. Now, wbat happened' Why I. everyone wu applOftd. ceased, Th. ettate CII Bowud L ' 110- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ piling on Spud! I'm in &gOny. II the ball oun' No, It'. theu.. Now Clure, dec......... loud to 'be W.urrJlD-Work _ fatom. IDwhat? Their rnaI'd fouled lerry. exempt fl'Oll& . . . . . . . tu. qllin CIt'k. al.· I can't look; onl, a miDute gone lfalld. . . -.a.., ~~~=I,....:..-a nd we're in a rrand positiOD to tue4 h... lew e. Two Ihotll Belpl 'We Blade ~ ~ theftloOh boy I The ttP-OlrI Tb~ 1M the baJI.-..tUoe . . . bopppe , Bolt










This Newspaper

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Centerville, Ohio

80th One Year For







T.he 'Miami Gazette

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$1 O()O

F or S. omeone Wh W , hat To Do With It

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The NI• •I Gasette







-:::==~~:, 'ta,,..


. waa au th orlze • d 14111, $6.65,' Helen DouIPhman, $2.56; Horace Shaner, milk $2.66~ econom), meuure • by the Itat,(> conservation council board and care, Clift'ord Vough- Ray Swigert, food, $0: Raymund a the rhult of reported increaseu.• nlt'lI,. man, ,7; Mrs. 1ra F:ltzrot h,b'Jard T ay I01', f 00, I /I I~o 111(' d $",,; RU)y I V an Ri per, and care, Alice Starkey, $6; James milk, $1.28; H. E. Warwick. foot.! illegal hunting anti fishhlg. The ' III~II i); ,,/ten council also authorizcd the pur- ! the mel\~" !\() leslI Moore uoard and care Lucy Moore ,7; Wa.ynesville Mill. fUIlI, $0.50; $5 : Mrs. Lulu Gabbard. board Zeiger's G<!n ral Store, food, chuse of a 120-acre addition to the fot· ('uukm~ lhl'm. Urbana game prese l've, and p.1'0- - - -- and care, Lincoln Gabbard, $5; $3.75; Geo. B. John flon, offi ce suphibited the taking or clams and Mrs. Margaret. JOIlt', board 'and pliea, clothing and food, $7.07 mussels from the Sandusky I'ivel' C C U lire, Ollie Gardiner, $5; Mrs. ' Allen Rapp, fuel, $2; Dr. S. t. ounty Olurt nOUse Juiia Hlllland, board and care, Burkhardt, ni.cdicnl lIel'viC{'-'\, $6; this ~ ummel', according to Conmissio nel' Lawrence Wooddell. - - -Vel"llon H(llland, $ 10; Mrs. Oma B. C. Hutchin s, medical 5 rvices, - - -- (Continued (rom page 2) Osblll'ne, board and carl', FI"a.nk $1.75; Bedie King, llur ing, sl'rvBeech Grove Me used, was filet! in court. Ballilllter and Walter Barlow, $22 ice., $32; Dr. O. L. Laymon, -- -The W I'ste rn tar, envelopes, $5; medical sel'viceH, $57; Dr. EUw. Mr. Irvin Tayl or of T.ol'onto Marriaae ILieenle. Station, gaso line , II U • Morcy, medical ~ervices, $97; 1 of Gross 9 8 ervic!! n R JAN k d' I ' Canada, was call eel to Dayton W~lIiam Murr'flir, armor $4 . 4: \ ,arl E. ichard, stone, r . ean . oe , me lea. sel'Vlces I ' .K· , Cl1ecri'ul $1 50 'J'h W t St . t' $101 D P W T t . k I' I Saturday on account 0 '£ the death Fl'Unklin, lHlC " .. ISS . j e ~K ern ar, pr tn 109 : r. . . ~ riC , mec Ica of hl' s mother, Mrs. Sue (Thomp- DllvidRon, mill wor:ker of FI·ankli n. tax rate cards, I'eceipts and notices ,I s.ervices, $45; Dr. H .. L. Iff G & P T C d tal . "'65 J T ~on) Tayl or of Day to n. It will be Eug no Shin k 19, armer, 0 $226; reat A. . ea 0., I crans, en SO I'VIC s, 'P ; • • I'emembered that MI' TlIylol. was lind Miss Kathet'i ne Jane food, $147,80 i W. H. Berger, food Deardoff, sh Iter, $10; A. D. W J' K f de" f d $6 Pi t born and rellred at this place and P erry, of Foster. ; a oer (lever, 00, 3; rapevlne, 00, i nc res was an only Ai tel' of K. E. Robert Reece, ilirmer, of MiTaylor', food, $6.60; n. Dail'Y, milk, $22. 4; J . . . Richami!;bu l'g, and tis:s Grac Gill, of E. Warwick , -food, $6.80; We t urdson, Cu 1, 4.50~ W. Thompson. F kl' E d G f d "2 J S Mr. and Mrs. hellie BO.n durant 'nm m. ~n rocery, 00, 'i' i . ,. _____ R' h d f I '"13 \V C I ar son, ue, . . ; . . of thi place spent Sund ay witb Mr. and Mrs. Mongold lit Real E.tale Trantrer. Turton , -fuel, $6.50; Th e Greut The Miami VallE!y Buildlnl,t nhd A. & P. Tea Co., milk and (ood, Washington, C. H. I W MI'. John Slyder and family of Loan As oeiation t.o A bert " 1'101.60; W. n. Berg r, food, $10 New Lebanon spe nt Su nday after- lind Ru t.h M. Kolb, Inlot No. 1. III 25; Franklin Food Mark t, . milk noon with K. E. Thompson and Franklin. . $3.84; H. C. George, milk, $5.12; lamily. J . 111. RoblA~n to Alb ert S. W , t I R. B. Gilmore & Son, food, $4.60; P. G. Well , Oti Rich, Marie over, et aI, 1n10t No. 060 in Walter Keever, fo od, $3; Kroger Wells and Mary Kathleen Thomp- Franklin. . Gr ocery & Ba king Co., food, son attended church a.t Clal'ksville . J. Q. Fun~ to Ethe~ M. Byrd, $148 .76; L eb an on Farmers Co-op Sa t u rd ' mlot. No. 47 In Franklm. Morrow Feed & ay eveDlng. d K h ' , 0., fuel, $650' • , Our church h ere has .been treatFrank Gruber :a~ at {'nne Supply Co., fuel, $9.70; Murphy d t I k w h'lC h I't h D Gruber to Joseph I . Gruber, r al lGA Store food $750' N Mosey e 0 a new oc ' . , . , . , . , . • been in n eed of for quite a while. e tate III Hamilton township. 1 clothing, $3.60: North En d Groh k CI arence Th ompson th e Berna rd J. Oel' lrlnn n and T an s to . Bertha cery , food , $450' . , Mrs . Mary janitor. Gel'mann to JOilCP~1 B. Ri ttenhouse Pow 11, milk, $3.84; Robt. Reichel ( Miss Mary Ethel Snms, Mary and LaVe~'ne B. R!ltten house, 15! .- food, $21; Stokes Dairy Co., milk to a 're!; In WaShll'\glon town hip. Kathleen Thompso n of this -p lace Frnnk Dewe-ese an d May DeI' i and Lloyd Thomp80n S d d' of Harv yst ~ e to Ray E. Zech and Edith NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT burgMiss were Anna un ayBonduran lOner tgu and es S M. Zech. 34 acres in learcl'eek of



N 111 Eat.rell at Po.totrle. at Wayn.. P L_ - . . ................. ".. o. ville Oblo. aa 8ec"114 Cia.. Ifall 5.bacrlptl•• Prlco, 11.10 • Year . Ii4atteT

News From ""orren

. APRIL 16, 1936




CQmmentin'" on the drive to take corporate reserves through • niB ipating savings laid aside fot a rainy day, th e taxation, thereby lal'ksburg, W. Va., Exponent . .. "Was it written in th old copy books by mistake where IS said:




'Save a little for a l'Iliny day.' I d "] 8 there somethi n'" newfangled in. the air that ought to ea us ... to erase the old maxims? "We ju t sort of wonder in a homely ""ay, as we contemplate' th su .....estion that 33 1-3 per cent oC undi tributed corpo.rnte income. be .... tak n for Federal taxes, whether tbe- idea drummed mto us since chiltlhood about Baving doesn't work nowadays. .. 'Undistributed corporate income' Bounds heavy, like somethin~ · that ought to be carried off, but so far ns our limited un ders,t an dmg f\'oes it means in plain language the money that American industriel!, o~r fa~tories, plants, mills and' minell have laid up for that proverbull 'rainY day.' . , . "We have just come through one of those p.eraods, and the ral~y day' mon ey has stimulated' employment when It was needed, paId dividends, provided tnployment. "It s"ems quite al\ sound common senBe for corporations as for ,. ' . . individuals . to lay up so mething tor nn.t, to say nothmg of wages to workers and divid ndH tOl!kholdel's In CBSO next year 01' the next happens to be unprofttabl '. . . . "That is merelv# prud nt management. There 18 nothlng un 800181 • about it that needs, combing down or p na1izmg. . " "Who is, going to BOY, in our va t and div~rg nt Indust.rlal set-up, what is a 'reaso nable' nmount to layaway agrunst th commg of lean a1'9? y "Americans own Am riean industrlcs. "We do not aim to set ourselves up a financial experts, economillts, or claim to be in tune with th newest philosophical theorietl of taxation, but we just kind of wonder, in a. good old-fashioned way, whether the lesllon, 'Save something for a rainy day,' doe n't apply any more. "And whether Baving som thing out of what it spends isn't still a pl'etty good idea to let American business keep. "The last 'rainy day' would have been Jots worse if bus iness hadn't saved up something for it. "There may be. a 'next depression.' Maybe, 'after all, it might be plain common sense not to dig too fal' into the business purse just now."




brother, Ru ssell. Miss Bondurant tow nship. ERtate 01 George C. Hartsock, returned hom e with Miss ThompLena Johnson ttl) J ohn Bowm an deceased . son and attended church here Sun- inlot ~o. 5 i~ Fred ericksburg. Notice is hereby ·given. that Et ta M. MIHer, deceased, to EvDinah A. Hartsock and Ernest E. day evening. L M' ll I Rev. Jason Biddlecum \'ett E. and Laurll . I el', r ea Hartsock whose Post Office . " Address Is Waynetlville, Ohio, have Oregonia, and Clnrenc Tucker of estate in Mason. Emma' Ro. s to Jack Sargent, been duly appointed as AdminisOgden are holding a revival at Ogden (Clinton county) Church. real estate in UniC>n township. . trato\'! of the Estate of George C, Wayland Jordan and fam ily Myer Hyman ,dec:eased, to JeSSie , Hartsock late, of Warren Count.y, Cincinnati spent Sunday with Hyman, inlots No s. 5 and 7 in Ohio, decca ed. the Jordan family here. • Wayne sville. Dated this 30th day of March Clarence E. Nelson and Lena E. 1036. AI!. Jordan is visiting in Cincinnati this week. ' Nelson to Alex Ludllum, real estate Donald DiJatush, Atty. in TuttI creek township, RALPH H. CAREY Charlie Beason formerly of ~his Ju11'a IIal'gh to Mary Haigh, . . th h 't-" Judge of the Probate Court plaee IS bl.\ck In e OSpl W In inlots Nos. 58 and 59 in Franklin. a2-9-16 Warren County, Ohio Dayton. Paul Gaynor to iEulaJia M. Gay_ _- - _ K. E. Thompson is stUI can- nor, in lots Nos. 4.:l3 and 4..'4 jn . Music and weather forecast. hi,s home here s ince re- Franklin. NOTI E OF }UUnING tined to from The Travels of Birdf.-H. E. Eswine, naturalist. turning the hospital in DayPicturing Franklin County ' 4-H Club Work- Club members Andrew J ohnsom , decea sed, to w ..... No. It directed by N. C. Arnold ,Asst. County agricultural agent, tonC'lyde Sams ond family enter- David and Angelilne Patrick, In- (Clerk .t sal~~."'al CO" Columbus. . . . tained relatives.. ,from Tippecanoe lot Nop. " 804 and 807 in FranklinJ C.IUJllb.... ..rc. 23, 1838 Home Furnishing FaetB--Hiss Ann~ Blebrlcher, extension home I E. H. Kennedy to Harry BrunCity Sunday . C k The Dlrecior 0It Highways of furnishings specialist. • . otte, real estate in learcree hlo wilt' hOld a 'public hearing a.t • I'1St. Elbert Rich 3 o'dock f' m. Eastern Standard Poultry Pointers-R. E. Cray, poultry speCla .Mr. and Mrs. W II' M and d I t own . h'lp. .. I r a.n d to Time on ' ue8da)'. April 2 ,1036. 11 , Fads and Fables About Food- Miss Betty Reid, Director, chddren of near e man, . Cl1.t herine Ranke:!", d ecease, til Warren County Co urt HOU&e, ~Irs. Charli e Voiers and Maly 61 I, banon. OhIo, tor tho purpo.e of Columbua Milk Council. d H d' Lulu Cbri ty, et aI, inlot No.2 h 'al'lng ar urn nt8 for and against Ella and Chlll'les Donal ar mg, in Leban on. I th e propOlled a(hllllon to til Slnle Music. Fr'ed L. Ru sell" deceased, Ito JlHlghWlly 8)' stem or til Road knolWn ,' Methods of ' Soil Conservation--J. S. Cutler, Regional Director, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Wilson and 8 the llnrveysburg-N w Burlington Dale Kayhule of Wilmington were Pearl M. Russell, 126.24 acres in I Ilad. I coted In Warren II.nd IIn- . Soil Conservation Service. 'E t t f th Gra Ia 'Iy 'tv n ountl " ILnd Ibelng more d flFertilizer Movement in the Soil in Relation to Fertilizer 1nasWellman. er gues S 0 e y mJ Turtlecreek township. nl lcly B dCllcrlbed a.. follOWS: , Pearl M. Russell to The People's 8~llte eglllning of Practice-G. M, McClure, agronomy department. M V R d D oth Houte at 78 t.I1e S. Intersection H.. 251) and Co., WarrI n County Hoad No. 151 II.P- , Joan and Jerry--dramatic skit. J . rs. era d'ager than . kot' 'thy BUI'ldin g, Loan and Savinf> U 1 o. II can are , spen DIng e we.e WI 12".24 acres I'n Turtlecreek townprolt mate y .• 2 lin IJI1 ea \!au or tbe to 10 Music and weather forecast. V a l corpora.tlon Of the village her cousin in ayton. I' ot liarv y,b urg In Waflren ountY; 1 Velva Van MeteI' and Mrs. !CO lip. thcllc e In a nor~beollterly direction ol'er and along 2.96 Qunty 25, Ethel Sbank and family of Xenia Bill. Allowed DlIroxlmately mnlload a toNo. tho were Sunday g uests of Mrs. W Hufford, Sheriff, stamps, Warr n-Cllnton county lin e; thence m. In a north a_terly direction In Snell at Wellman. $3; Th Ambitious Studio, pic- 'linton Count~ over and alon~ the



'2.75 •

Pay Only $1.75 NowBllance of S1.00 Within 30 Days

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:...----------------------------;, COLUMBUS - An optismistic ' agen~ for 200,000,000 decalcom, stamps. The type of stamp . dania note regarding business an d In usconditions in Ohio was now used by the state may etll!ily trial be rubbed off, but the decaJe.omb SuperIn teadent ania is a pennanent fixture, it is Women Often Can Find Spare sounded y Samuel H. Squire of tbek . sta~e claimed. It has been chareed that H.un If Ho_woaok I. Plan. divilliont of bank. and ban 109 11'1 some whoaesalers of cigar.ets have th b nkl 'n<l call as of ned to Saye Step. a rep or on e a . . ulled the pl'ellent stamp more than Women who want to find time MarCh 4. There continues to be a once and have in other cases sub ' stantl·al increalle in the resour, 11 nerlected to attach stamps to a to read a good book, work in thc ces and deposits of the state-super- packagea. When app,rehended in ,' flOWer garden; or attend a mee-ting

. o.008e Magazines From This Li8t



e ) American Boy, 1 yr. ( ) Better Home• .to Gardens. lyr. ' e ) Cbrl'tlan Herald, 6 moa. ( ) Flower Grower, 6 mOil. ( ) McCaU'. Magazine, 1 yr. e ) llidweilt GoIter, 6 mos. ( ) Movie Claulc, 1 yr:. ( ) Patbfinder (Weekly), 1 yr. ( ) Pictorial Revlll.w, 1 1r. t ) Parent's Magazlnc, 6 mos. ( ) Romantic Stories, 1 yr. e ) SIlver Screen. 1 yr. ( ) Screen Play, 1 yr. ( ) Sporta Afield. 1 yr. ( ) Houaebold Mn.~lne, 2 yrs. ( ) True Confeulons, 1 yr. ( ) Woman', World, 2 yrs.

I st~e~~II~!~t~,r 7~C~a!~~~O~~r;eO;: ~~~~rf~~fr~~ ~!{:~~~!~~~ma!i:t '

... he NewRoad 'Burllnt\'ton-811go ,l.-toad M. D., pl"Ofessiol1al se.rvices, $25; l<Collnty No, 4) In Cheater Wm. Rufford, sheri ff, wn hing for ~g;:'~:~"II:, onllnJg:::n&OUR~~~ ~~n~~ .pricaoners, 31.29; Mrs. Della Huf- nl'prol<lmll.t I)' 0.6 ounty mil s 'Rond ld tllNo.In-5 " l T8 'lion wllth ford, fee ding prisoners, $313.26; In th e Village or New Burllngtoni P M Neff Freight A"'ent freight thence ,In a wealerly tIlr etlon on . .Harley , ..' ounty No.6, npproltlmo.t Iy $1.13; W. Brunk, Dog 0.1.1 mil Ilond 8 to the juncllon With the Warden, expenses, $7.21; OhiO ,' :~oltt~. r~. \~~)II';.lI~h~tun~~~~~plr~~:~ Penitential'Y dog licen se tags, vllll1ffe 01 New l~U~.lngton and til ra ' terhllnnt e. In all a. (!18~ance of ap$2.64; Fl'ed O. James, meat for l ,woXlmatel), 6,lL miles In Warren impounded dogs, $2.60; David Car ~~~d nlJ\~I~ ~~~~:leg8'n~:.t1 n~~e~~~~ f I I b I $62 p n l,&- boo"k 0 dec a e 5 , ; muy be considered al thl~ hearing. Ohio Central Tel lephone Corp., Dlrec;t~~ of JI~~~~~ ~r'O!J'o

GROUP " Select I ...... ne.


8 '. 50 9 .'00

Estate of G.. l"rll.nk Rogerll, dcceased. . Notice is he~by given that Meta I. Rogel'l! whose Post Office AddreAs is Waynesville, Ohio, R. R. No.2, has been duly appointed as Administratrix of the Estate of G. Frank0 Rogers late..., of Warron • ounty, hlO, dec D d thO "4th as"". d f.... h ate l8.. ay 0 ... arc 1936. P H A J. . apner, tty. Dayton, Ohio. RATPfT H CAREY .. , • Judge of the Probate Court 82-9-16 Warl'Cn ounty, Ohio



8 :40


Tlll'ee 01 Alnedca'. n e • t Magazlaes . . . . . 6-monlh Sabsc:dptlon to

Farm Aiglat lalks, April 20

8:00 8 :06 8:16

.. _ _ _ __




Sensational Newspap,r-Magazine Subscription Offer



Turton, fuel "2.25; WIIJOD T rr, Ilk food $4.60; Tracy's Grocery, m $2.66; Lewif! 1& Drake, lne., fuel,




( ) ( )


( )

.( ( ( ( ( ( (

) ) ,) ) ) ) )


( ) ( ) ()

( ) ( )

Seleet 1 mapslne American Fl'Ult Grower,lyr. Tha Countl'l' Home. 1 yr. Cloverleaf Review. 1 yr. American Poultry Journal, 1 yr. Farm Journal, 1 yr. Gentlewoman Maga&lne,1 y~. Good Stories_ 1 yr. ,, Home CIrcle. 1 yr. Home Fflend, 1 yr. Household Magazine, 1. yr. Needlecraft. 1 yr. Illulltrated Mechanlca, 1 yr. Molber's Home Ufe. 1 yr. Ohio Farmer, .1 yr. Succeuful Farming. 1 yr. Poullry Tribune. 1 yr. Plymouth Rock MODth~. 1 yr. Woman's World. 1 yr. Le,borll World, 1 yr.



CINCINNATI. OHIO. . GenUemen: , I Wl8h to ·ta:i<.oe advantage of your outstanding combInation; IIlNQUIRER and selective magazine oftel'. Enclosed please tlnd $1.75 1\.8 tlr15t liaymcnt al1d [ agree to I make one a!ldltionD.1 payment ot $1.00 withIn tho next Sf} days. ' I desll'tl the following magazine. along with n. 6 month.' I IUblIcrlpUon to THE


MagazIne Group A.. . ... .. .. .. . Magaalne Grollp B . ••.•..• ••... I Kagazlne GrollP A . ....• ...•... I

NAME.............................. """"


I . •

R . F . D ..... _.... ..

rOWN ....... , ........ .... . ... .. .... , .... STATE . ............ ..


--.-------------~~----------------~- ~

~------------~--------------------~I, ~~~~~~re~ci~·~~~up~~~ ~ ~.oR~~findD~I.uN~~Nd~~I~$O.U; a ~~====~~~~?~=~~~==~=~=~±~===~~===~~=~==~=~~== and indUlltria1 ;mprovement genI 1 .m.ed tb tam G t $5 K 'L H ~~ nt ~ sa ers .c al at s . ps were by making a: time table of theil' ray; reh " ; . . . orn, re , I I

era11y as well as an unusually Ulled but that they r~bbed oft'. work for a ~eek and 1;hen adopt.. strong bankinr situation, Supann. Annual gro.. revenae to the Itate iug time-saving devices suggested tendent Squirf!S aslerted. ~'This from the cll1lret taJt is approzi- by Thelma Beall, home manageincrease waa regiBtered throulh- matel, .6,000,000. It ill thought ment specialist, O. S_ U. out 1985 and cO,?tinued fr~m ~~ that the U8e ot the new deealcolnOne of the first things to discard firllt of the year,. he stUd, ~d 111 ania stamp will- Nault in abClut ,1,- Is traditional methods of performparticularly signJ1lcant in in ca~500,000 additional annaal nvenUe inl tuu and the second thing to inr prorre. on the part of t ~. • • abandon'i8 the performance of banks IUld a mOTe prOl~:ro~,. outThe traftlc divillon of tile State taaka whicb are done because tbe look for the people of 10-. DepartmeDt ,of Hichwaya il l neiehbors seem to ex~t that it • . • • marldnc all rh,.,a and 'atreams / ia th.s right thing to do. Baking WahiDe that the appearaDce cro....d by state 'h la'bwa, in bread is an example of such work of unullual taltes, odor .or eolor in Ohio,. it waa annouDced by Hla'h- many women bake bread when it water from private well. indicatea wa)' . Director lohD luter Jr. could be purchased mo~e cheaply. that the well ia contaminated was }laintenance of the aipa beariDI Of course, if baker's bread is illlued b, Dr. Walter H. HartuDl', the name of the river or atream goin, to cauae a domestic revolu-director of the State ' Department was dlacoDtinUed a tew )'18l'II aco. tion 1I0me other 'time saver should of' Health. "FarQlen and . othan ·The instaDatloD of theDew ~ ~hosen. who obtaJn water 8uppUee from markel'1l wu decided apon Iftel' Moat ~ers spend a good share private welle d ot have the .IS· peniateDt demancla from motOr. of their day pertorming tasks for Buranee of pu t,r whicb is lsta throughout tbe atate who their children. which ' should be provided fOl'the coalume~, b)' a gard the lIipl &II a source 'Of .. in· d~e b)' the ~hi1dr,en . for . thempublic water work. a~lD, Dr. formation .lUld eOpveDiffnce, 118Jw.. Hanginr up, clothes, dressHartuq . illMl'ted, Too ofteD Director laster ..Id. ing youngllters and boul'S spent these w611a are lIlallow dul'. poorly • • • I!crabbinr off dirt all fall in the located· and constructed. Unulual Increaaed production of toma- clauiftcation of things the child taltel, odor Ind color caa indicate toea in Ohio wiD Jle attempted b)' should learn to do for himself. only one tblrll'-tbat the well it co-operative 81'1'aDpmeDte be- Sometime it ia nece!S8ry to have contamlnated. Such oeelllTeDeee twee.n Ohie state uniwnity, the low boob placed 80 children can are Ukely at·thll tim. but State Alriedllral Ezpem.ent baq up their old clothes or low it it II abaolatel)' Me~ to aM Station at Wooatar anel ....ral atools wUl be needed 10 the child _ter from auch weill the water 1.l'Ire caanlnl' eompaDiee. Lut ean reach ' the water and soap con. .lIould be boDed. The onl, . ..u.. rear there wu • lD8l\ed deelin venlentlr. faetor, 101uUOD to laoll • Jlfobl... In the productioD of to.ato... A dllb draiD.r aDd a kettle full lI ' to ._dOll the well aDd iDItall aoare. of '1Ne1t1a to IIIU7 of 10""". wa'-' will un the a pro~ looaW aDd ........ ..-reh tIme · . .o, IPUt in wtpfnr wWaIa wU1 ~. JI1Ift uder tile eo-operat1Ye dIIIhet. It ... Ia poIIIble to teach - - at all ......" meat lDeIud......... eOlltrol claDUee to wIpe",_ udto per. • • • ......... ....., tMtt .... f _ .... taab lOch 'AIl . . . to I e _ ....... - . , ~ Mel ••d' k ....








....... ,wi, "WMIdL e



$10; W. H. W"ight, Dist; Mgr., mileage, $13.46; DllVid Carpen~r, I mileage, $18.20; Wund Dry Goods Co., pins 60c; Gro Bs Sel"vioe Sta- I tilln, gllsoline, 93; I. G. Anderson's Sons Co., lumber for fairground, I $176.29; J. B. Gibbons, lumber for fairgrounds, ,80.81; Warren County Lumber CQ., lumber for fairgrounds, $80.81; Uniol1 Cas & Electrio Co., light lind gas, $10.87 The Office Outtlttl~rs, tape and pencils, 90c; John Barr, pay roll, $74.56; E. W. ]{napp, grader operator, $20; J. L. Dunn, services tlS mecha.nic, $67.20; Vernon Michael, gravel, $86; Brown 1& BU'nnell, coal, $9.2:6; H. S. Conover, suppliea, $23.96; Kilpatrick Franch Motor Car Co., clIBtings, $83.78; Waites Ga.rage, tires, oil and parts, $127,.81; Johnson Myers, pay roll, $:l16.'O; , M. C. Forman, pay roll" '281; Earl Basore, pay roll, ~H24.80; 1I. M; Armitage, PQY . rollli $220; ~o. Routzahn, pay rolli. ,186.76; Carl Dakin, pay roll, $:221.20; H. L. Schuyler, pay roll, $16'; Shell Petroleum Corp., kerosene and oU $27.10; Oregonia Bridge Co., tank oxygen, $4.50; York Supply Co., part., $60.99; C, M. Cullman, condensers and point, $6 •• 30. Cincinnati Worka, ClIOliDe, ,10.87; Motor Service, paoliM, ; A. L. Tollhle, I'UOllDe, Citlea Semce OU Co.. "-17; BordeDa Tire. StatIoD. tine • tubel uad .1...•

Ohio ~I






















. . .tnK for




--------.~~- ~AYNESVILLE CHURCH OF CHRIST Carl Smith. Minister No~ A Dl'nomination [I ::lll, ihlc chool: Ie. ~ on le ·t FOR SALE - God, the fOTgh'ing Father, Luke

Late Classified AdS. FPn R,\ Ll:·


c. ..

- ~c,)l



h (,(,IIiI.'

PU1) ~·

W II~I)CS\'i1Ie,

11 :00. Lord's

Auction Sale SATURDAY, APRIL 25 At 1:30 p. m. lharp n the, H. H . Williamson lot

lip\) itc

!asonic Hall.

Ladics' Aiel, M. E. Church

\JPI] r.

7 :00 p. m., hl'i.tilln Endeavor 7 :45, incinnati Bibl en)i-






nary stud nt ill huv~ charge of . el' \'ic(!~. Wedn day a:3.0 p. m., junior choir pra ticl'. 7 :30, prayer and Bible study.



good i'\1l1n, who has come ac . . home for a VISIt. Epworth lA.!ague Ilt. 6:45 p. m. with \\ inifr d Onne l' a leader. EVllngelisHc services at 7: 3 0 p. m.

Wedne day: Bible


ST. MARY'! CHURCH Rav. J. J. SeltaeBer, Rector April 19, First Su nday . aiter E ter-Low Sunday, Church chool at 9:30; Morning Prayer and ermOn at 10 :30.


ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Father Newton, Pa.tGr Mass at St. Augustine's church every Sunday morning.

fireplace a reallOUt'ce ot comfort I and eoiormeot. It eJimlDates atlDOy· FRIENDS MEETING iD, smoke aDd cold draJtt-CIn'Nloftfl First-day School at 9:30 a . m. hut to "etJ coroer 01 the room and to adjoiDiAg room,. The work an ~ quickly dODe with little iOCOllnrueoce. Aod you will liad that tbe moderate cost is more thall oll'set by the new comfort ALLEN HUFFMAN and Cuel sniDls duriog cool .priog R epubliean Candidate tOT and la1I weather. Ask us fur com Warren County Recorder.'J' (IIcte iafoaDatioo. 'election May 12, 1936.


Po6ticaJ Announcements


H. Madden and Company

Pboae 14

ARTHUR HAMILTON Candidate tor Representative to General ASll.embly, subject to Republican primary Mal' 12, 1936. WaJ1learille, Ohio Your support • will be appreciated. . HAYES C. KEEVER Candidate for second term fOT Commissioner of Warren coonty. Repu blican Primary Election, Tuesday;1May 12, 1936.

Free Sample Can Hanna's Chino Gloss EnaDlel This Week R~

D. Collett, Hardware

. , W.yael.ille, Ohio


. ,

Pt._ IIR!


Worrisome Details .



pl'ayer m ting at 7 :30 p. m. The Di trict Conference will be held in th Brad[ord Church on Thursday of next week.

HEATILATOlt will make JOUt'



WAYNESVILLE M . E. CHURCH Rev. G: C. Dibert, Paetor unday: Sunday chool at !) :30 a., m. MOrtin'" .. wor. hip at 10 :40. ll.ev. J. R. lin of D troit. Mich. , wI'11 b the ])enkel' u· t this 1\ I'yiee. Rev. Kline was I' ared in our COllimunity and i Dlle of t h e ma".y JI. from our neighb()rhood who has • gone out nnd made good. J-I IS nOw pastor of a large church in Detroit. Don't · to hear this

Mr~. artln. Mrs. Ed Barb..ra. Tbornbul'7 E . . . l ot near ONtrOnia eall d on friends Bunn II Wil receivt"d to memo Mr. and ftlrs. Wm Lukt"ns and Monday afternoon . fllmilv. enwrtalnt!d Mr~. Luken s' Th~ Womnn' I ic L aoue mt!l Mr. llnrt \, r.hip by letter. .. .. FEUY CHURCH OF CHRIST 1'III'(' ntl', Mr. anI! Mrs. lIorry lit lht· home of MI'H. Wlllt('r Carl Smitb, Minillter of {>nylrlll, }1r. til' 'l'n of Martins\ ille IHlIt SundllY. Jrmlnn, Halunlay tJ\Tl' ning. Perry 'rhoma , Supt. of Bibl n '" t t r 1\1 Ur. . G. Rnnda ll is able to lie l\[i~s I rma ]<~aster has been 111'0"" n \ 1 ell(' r~ u ~ e gu,,!\ II r. "r I L'h' I k d School . 1 ,.. H . ''''11' d d 'J'l'l'. Alura" Hiler an about u pmt of the tim since his employed at t.hl' Miami Valloy allu mrs. JI. "yl laOl~on nn I t 'I " , I) 1\1 unday cbool 9 :30 a. m. f ' nUl{ \ H. ,. I'.. . . . . c orren recent iIIne s. hospital. Communion Ul :~6 a. m. 1\ ISS Grace. I . pClnt I,st. Wednesday with l\II·. I K hi Th :funeral of Mr. harles Th Mi;;s B A ite and at e n Sermon 11 a. m., h. and l\trll, ' C hester uU l' an,t 1\11-. has. P~'l e of nenr Leb"Ieavt\t'. u life-long rl'.!\iuent at Gray vi ~i ted l'elatives and frienuR ----~ -...:....!lnd ·"n, nI Nvrw ,ad, spent. .' un " nnon. this comm unity was h 1tl In the her on Sunday. dllY with ~I ,. utler's ll10th I', Th Olllmil nity lub held their chapel al Millmi c('metery Tuesday Word has been received of th e ~h·s. Derti e Mills. ' rl'l!:ular me ting on Wednesday aiternoon. Mr, Cleaver would hove death of Mr . Mary Blllckfoj'd at _ _ __ a •• ni"ht of last week. h h f I 1 1 ..Ml·. 'and .h·il. E. B. Dakin ca11ed b l y yeal'!! 0 ld h a d' h e t e ollle 0 lei' 2011 , al' ant, een t I'v d u jt'l 1 fa mily, of Ridgeville. N~w 1 lay. .. d M on M .. llie Dakin of Lebano n I Chlll'les Dou.-\, ·lUl'. an , ,·S. W'lli I amson --onC' day ·In t ·week. . I\'r 4.. 0"" no .. as t a k cn Mil'S Mildl'c d lirr won first upt. lind Mr.. R. A. Francis VIOlentl y .111 last atul'~ay (ter- entertained relotives on Sundny. The LQdy qJ HOl'llce , KeYIl Plan nre being made for Jacobs, who di d, \ ednesday prize, Ilnd Mi 's Edna Wonl second spe nt th e wC<lk-end with r laUv 8 noon a t h~ s siore b~t. is able to be • F ri nus " ' W l U . ba Ck at h Is war k th I wee. k Masonic inspection On the evennight, April 8, in lhe Cook ounty pl'iT. in a cont('st at .he III Mr:.b H. m~nTUCkel' and daughl'tlr. anu !\fra. Wilf.rell CORsum ilng of April 1 th and EaKtel'1'II H08pital in hicago, fl'om injUl'i !I hurch 'unday evening. i 0 a kwoo d ~n t er t alOe d severa ) StilI' inspection on tht! evening of Ea tel' se rvice W l'e held at the tel' wer Dayton vi ito I' on a t ceived in a Call, was intel'red in I from here with a cllrd party on Apl'il 22nd. Miami cemetery, Monday after- f . E. hUI'e h Sunday evenillg. ·Il~urday. Two pageants werE! renci<lred in The Women's lass of the M. atur<!lly night. ~~~~~~-~~~~~~~ no on. . f WaYnes a very 1)1 ·:\ Ing mllnner. E. Chu l'ch held un En' ster market I Dr. Wm, E.' Oglesbee is ' still ir.•Jacobs, a native 0 fi d t h E. F. M"K~y Ilan's Ilturday ,afternoon. coi nl 0 fIS ville, is lIurviv'ed by 8 siste r, Mr . " •• I'S J'n 1~Cl " d to t he regret Lucy Jacobs Howard of Drlisl, hospital for treatment anti MI' . Ll\Ura Shidaker spen t Q liS many .1 utn s. Saturday cveniJlg and ' S"nday OhiO, a 1111 lin uncle H!)racc Keys) ob.'el'v~tl .. ·on. .. P E. nster d' servIces 1 h S were I held i h at the ... tlle with h er it'jend, Mrs. Mllymo Hat- .1nen J s Pc lure Un( ay . n hg t wi-...f oE Wayne ·ville. Miss RUby mitb spent Th b ' l S h ' ' • .. ot'n ury In c arge 0 - - -- - ••-----, week.· nd with rei tivcl'l in Colum- fi ""I(I, I'n Waynesville. [I' . and Mrs. \Vales Smal·t nnd t. e. program. Under , tho burden of bus. I 7 1 t h SOilS o.t mcmna • • t'I spen t Eas t e I' The Pioneer club of the sorro lY, clients find it , Pupil of the 6tl, t I, and with Mr. and Mrs. Chns. 'mart Jonah 's Run Baptist ChUl' h will worrisome to handle the grades with give a candlelight 8 1'vice next countle"s small d tall that Ja s Beom andtheir Mil! teacher, Myra HaydMl'. ck and MI·s. Mary Haine". Sunday evenl'ng F liss Ey Iyn Mc arren spent. the . arise in a funcrnJ sel'~ice. njoyed a trip to ~h tate at'm I w ek-end in Columbus and WalMrs: adia R ason ntertained W have 80 perfected our at London, on Tue,sday. her children, 1\h. and Mr. L. E. Eat e r was appropriately M' E ,uh' t I ' te honding. 1.T , organizati n that every I SS mma Hi e a~{ S IS l' Mr8. Rose Curr entertained reI- Clockett and Mr. lind MrM. P. L. ' phase of the eel' many, observed at the local churches and lllwe returned her4~, haVing spent . Reason b)st Sunday. lrom c met ry malters the s rvice were w 11 atUlnded the winter wit.h 1:ell~tive in Xenia' l afttlYes fl'om Dayton last Sunday Mr. nut! Mrs. Carol Dellthel'~ge At the M thodi t ehul'Ch the 0 h l' I h b di a ornoon. 1 to cards of sympano home pf t e of Itt el~l'.oyeandoar l\tr. ng 1\'"" ISS K a' th l e~n 1nwoo(L was th e :~=~=~==~====~= observance began with a su nri e in the thy, llro tak n care of without bother to the ervice at 6 o'clock with about lJO Ral('igh Bogan, suffered a broken t.tu t of the MI sas Helen Rne a~d ~t1-----------eli nt, . The re ult i a l.._ pre ent aite1' which breakfast was arm in a fall, one day lost week. = Huinlf Tak.-n Up My flawle s service that places 'eTved in th ocial rOom of the Members o:f the Dorcas Societ Rellelence In Wa,nenille I Am 11 minimum of strain up on church. were pleal!antly tmtertained by the gTii&- tricken. The Sunday school hour was im- Mr. R. D. Collett at Waynesville PreparH To Do mediately followed by the service on Thur day. I take thi method of announc- - - - -for worship at whiCh time 12 ing my candidacy tor the Republipersons were baptized and 16 can nomination for heriff of othen were admitted to the __ Work of All Kina membe-rship of the church. Mrs. Madhn J, Milt nberger has Warren County, Ohio. I intend to see as many of }IOU A large congregation was b n quite ill lor' the pa!\t two ., per onnlly as time wiJ) permit present at the evening ervice weeks. PLolle, 58R2 when the choir pn.' ented a fine Elbert Wallace made a b~jne s but in the meantime respectfuUy ask you to considel' my qualificaprogram of Ea ter mu ic. trip to Detroit, Mkh, last week. tions fol" this office. C. W. Smith, minisUlr a t the Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Rigg moved I hare been the Marshal of tl)6 Church at Christ, gave an 06v~n' Thursday from t he But~rfly Inn Y illagd of . Franklin, Ohio, for !I-J!liIllliIliIlil_"~_lIIIiiIi"_.ii1___" ___ gelistic message, taking as his on Dayton Pike to the property of twenty-seven (27) years. Duriog theme," "The Resurrection." VOTE FOR Clarence mith. that period I have ondeavore(1 to Spe,cial music featul'ed the W 'I . \ . . the best of my ability to perform morning and evening ervices I ham Brooks went to CmclIl 'nab Friday for a medical exam- and luHl1I the duties of that office. which were all well attended I At the Friends church an ination by a goverl~m ent physician In addiljon I hav~ been a special Republican Candidate for County Com~ilEaster program was given at tile Lee .l\las~n Of. Mason spent S~n' deputy sheriff of thi county for First-day school. day With Ius slstE:r, Mr8. Altce twelve (12) yeal'S and bY ,l'eason lioner. thereof am thoroughly familiar Th ere was a good attendance Clark. with t.he office. at St. Mary's Episcopal church. ' Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hadley of Turtlecreek TOwn'sh.ip, a fax payer In 0 doing I h ave acquired much GilbeTt's festival service was used spent East er SundllY with Mr. and valuable experience and inform ain the celebration of the Holy ' Mrs. A mas Cook alld sons, and Mr. tio n in the e nfOl'cem nt of the Communion and the rectol' de- and hIrs. Charles Doster and - PoA Adv. III. s of the State and in the deteclivered a fine address. daughter neal' WllY1lesvilLe. tion 01 crime. In the afternoon Rev. J. J . Air. and Mr . Fi:ank Kudls and 1 become personally Schaeffer a.dmini!ltered the l'ite of daughters and M,iss Geneva Rout- acquainted with law enfor cemen --=: Ba.ptism to L~ E;dwal'd, littl e son ",ahn, were ' EasteJ: din'ne:r guests offic r8 and police departm nts of Mr. and Mrs . P. B. Snyd r, and of MI'. and Mr. William Tullis throughout a tnrge part of thie Harold Edward, little son of Mr. near pringboro. State. And t.hey lIav~ co-operated and Mrs. Harold Miller all of Tb e Third gl'OUll of Ladies Aid and worked with me on many ocwere well plea ed with the result casions in t he detection of crime. Dayton. • - of their Easter ma'rket at Leba non By reason of my many contin...- .......- - - - - Saturday. uou years of experience in pollee Mr. and Mrs . William Rogers of wOl'k, I fee l that am acquainted I am a candidate for County COOlmissioner .of Mason I were S\lllday c-ve ning with con ditio ns existing in this ~ Warr n Count;¥ on the Republ~can ticket subjeot to guests of their aunt Mrs. Meta ounty. Pond that I afll well prethe will Qf the voters at the Primqr,Y election to be pm'ed and qualified to . meet these Rogel'S. held on May 12th, 1936_ Mrs. Mal'gllr t Jobns was a din- conditions as tbey arrive. I have · lived in Washington Township since . If nominated and elected I ner guest Sunday pf Mr. and Mrs 1901, and nave serveq as Township Tru tee during the citizens of Warren pledge to Allen Emriclc. .the past 14 years. I believe my experience gained a C,o unty, .ohio, a fair and implU'MTS. Mary Carmony spe nt Mrs. J. B. Chapman &J1d Mr. such Tru$tee qUl1lifies me for the office I seek. I tial adlrl iojstration of myofficeand Robert Chapman were Cincinnati Easter with her so n-in. law and have nevel' been a candidate for connty office. "ill dedlcate myself and my office daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. visitors Saturday. to the enforcement of the laws of Your support and ballot marked 88 below will lark at Waynesville, Ire sincerely appreciatecL, Mrs. 'D on ald Hadley attended this state, the investigation and Mrs. Nettie. Kepler spent Monday in Xenia, the guest of her the funeral of Mrs. F r ances Nick- the detection of crime, and the lives and FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER uncle, Charles Phillips, and family leBo n, late of tbe Frieds Heme, protection of the ,.. , Wayne ville, held at Lebanon property of our citizens. I hereby' resjlectf",l1y solicit Mr. and Mrs. Vic~r Carpenter, Monday altel·noon . Mrs. A, L. Side!1 spent Tue$da.y your support at the coming of Middletowu, were Easter guests of Mrs. Carpenter's parents, Mr . witli her· son·in-Iaw and daughter, Pl·imary. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hommel (Signed) and Mrs. O. O. Missildine. ' WilJiam E. (Beebe) Graham and little son, in Dayton, -Pol. Adv. Mr. and M~8. If. E. Stokes, Mrs. Mrs. Alice Clar'k accompanied Pol. Adv.Sarah Hathaway, Mrs. Geor~ Hartsock and Mr: and Mrs. Her- Centerville to Dayt.on Tuesday. • . man Sur!ace we.r e entertained at 'Several pl)rsol'ls .f rom nere atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest tended the class pl!ay at Wayne~­ Harts'ock,- Sl,Inday. viUe gym Tuesday and evenings. Mr. and Mrs • .Frank BraddocJc Mre. Casaie Hal~dy of Dayton entertained at dinner Sunday, Mr. , was calling on LytJe friends and Mrll. Walter Wilson, Mr. and Monday. Phyllis BaUey,Detty Thomas, Mrs. Fred Braddock, Mr. and Mrs Warren Braddock and daughte-r, ! Phyllis Burn~tt, Mnton Jonee and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Braddock . Dickey Graham we,re ruests of. and daughters. ' Dale Linn. at ' an Easter party, Saturday afternQotl, at the home D. R. Smith, G. J. Waterhouse of hel' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph and E. C. Crane attended ·inspec. Linn near Waynesville. tion of LeDanon Lodge of Masons Mr, and Mrs. ' W. G. Haines, Wednesday nigbt. Jacob Gabelman anld Miss Mildred Maynard Rich, who will graduate Haines 9f Dayton ia nd Miss Jeanfrom the engineering dC'partme1lt, nette K4naar of {lincinne.ti were O. S. U. in June hl!s aCc!&pted a Sunday afternoon guests at the ,. position with t?te Carnegie Steel home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick. Company at Pittsburg, Pa. Miss Cleo Hawlte of Dayton Mr. . and Mrs. Robert Baker celebrated her birthday Tuesday entertained Easter, Miss Ann at tha home of hEir parents, Mr. Mays and Mr. William Tun~ of and Mrs. Ben Ha",'ke. Mallon, MisB Marjorie Jones and Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Longacre Lyle Hiteman, of Lebanon. \ entertained to dinn'rr Sunday even in&" Mrs. Wjlbert Siwank, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Karl Mrs. B. Welt Richard, 'Marand Mrs. Maria Elbon jorle and Jimmie of Dayend guests 01 Mr. Bodel~bEmder'81 ton. parents at Deftan~e. The Su~day Eaater prolTam achool hour liI.,....1f., .. followed by EalIteJ~l~cl'ur'ch at whleh the fnl'lol!alill. eb.11dro1lll Were pnl8lded


To The Voters · Of Warren County Ohio



Plumbing & Electrical

J. E. McClure

J. P. Larrick

Waynelville, Ohio




Your support will be appreciated .

--.- ,

To The Voterl of Warren County

(X) Fred' J,e






-C A.RS. ..........

We have a large stock "of Good Used Cars at low prices.

Coine in and see the greatest

In this climate, you need

RED BRAND FENCE Galvann..led '

Copper Burin,

Get fence that coat. leas, becaUle it Itllbbomly fiChb ruat and laata years LOlller. Red Brand Feoc:e &iva you double ruat protection I It fi&hta .ur(ace rult

witb • Galvanne&led (beat treated) ai,nc coatlai ~CH THICKER tbaa OIl Ordiaary aalv..u..s reace wire. And Ita real c:pppel' beariJaa ateet ft&htt tI.." Nit, too. Come iD and look over



ever offered in used cars.

Several Goo'd nepe·~dable Trucks.


m.1I,..... I0Il

....noQl. .


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